Job n'était cependant pas au bout de ses peines. But that was not the full extent of Job's trials. However, Job did not end his suffering. Bien sûr, il faudra qu'ils reconnaissent que "les voies de Jéhovah sont droites " et il faudra qu'ils y marchent. - Hoshéa 14: 1 - 6, 9. Of course, they would have to acknowledge that "the ways of Jehovah are upright " and walk in them. - Hosea 14: 1 - 6, 9. Of course, they must recognize that "Jehovah's ways are upright " and must walk in it. - Hosea 14: 1 - 6, 9. Le même état d'esprit règne aujourd'hui dans de nombreuses régions du monde. That same spirit prevails in many parts of the world today. The same spirit is now in many parts of the world. 4: 11 - Que symbolisent les " lèvres dégouttant de miel en rayon ' de la Shoulammite et le " miel et le lait sous sa langue '? 4: 11 - What is significant about the Shulammite's " lips dripping with comb honey ' and " honey and milk being under her tongue '? 4: 11 - What is symbolized by the " lips of honey by the Shulammite woman and honey " and under her tongue '? Dans les premiers temps de son règne, Salomon a fait le nécessaire pour bâtir un temple grandiose qui remplacerait le tabernacle, en fonction depuis l'époque de Moïse. Early in his reign, Solomon took steps to replace the tabernacle, in use since Moses ' day, with a magnificent temple. In the early time of his reign, Solomon needed to build a grand temple that would replace the tabernacle since Moses ' day. Juges chapitre 6 relate qu'à Ophra un ange de Jéhovah lui a rendu visite. Judges chapter 6 relates that Jehovah's angel visited Gideon at Ophrah. Judges chapter 6 relates that in Ophrah an angel of Jehovah visited him. Arrêtons - nous sur deux de ces conditions: ne pas calomnier, et se comporter honnêtement en toutes choses. Let us focus on two of these requirements - avoiding slander and acting honestly in all our dealings. Consider two of these requirements: Do not slander, and act honestly in all things. Dans son livre Combler les fossés familiaux (angl.), Mark Sichel a écrit: " Il est fort possible que le membre de votre famille qui est l'objet de votre ressentiment aille très bien, prenne du bon temps et ne soit pas du tout perturbé par [ce qui se passe dans votre tête]. " The family member who is the focus of your resentment may be feeling just fine, enjoying life, and perhaps not at all troubled by any of this, " writes Mark Sichel in his book Healing From Family Rifts. In his book The B.C.E., Mark wrote: "It is safe that the family member of your family is able to take a lot of resentment, take good time, and be troubled by everything that is taking place in your head. 5, 6. a) Pour quelle raison Paul a - t - il félicité les chrétiens de Jérusalem? 5, 6. (a) For what did Paul commend his fellow believers in Jerusalem, and against what did he warn them? 5, 6. (a) Why did Paul commend Christians in Jerusalem? 25: 3, 14 - 19, 23 - 25, 38 - 42. 25: 3, 14 - 19, 23 - 25, 38 - 42. 25: 3, 14 - 19, 23 - 25, 38 - 42. ." Penser constamment à ce que l'on a abandonné n'est vraiment pas la chose à faire quand on travaille comme un esclave pour Dieu. Dwelling on what we have left behind is definitely not the right thing to do when slaving for God. A constant view of what we have left is not really the thing to do when we are working as a slave for God. Un chrétien mûr respecte la conscience des autres (voir les paragraphes 11, 12). A mature Christian is sensitive to the conscience of others (See paragraphs 11, 12) A mature Christian respects the conscience of others (See paragraphs 11, 12) Si c'est le cas, le problème viendrait - il en partie de mes habitudes d'étude? If so, might my study habits be part of the problem? ' If so, would the problem be part of my study habits? En Éden, Jéhovah a prédit qu'il y aurait une inimitié entre sa "femme " symbolique et le" serpent ," ainsi qu'entre leurs " semences ' respectives. In Eden, Jehovah foretold that there would be enmity between his symbolic "woman " and the" serpent " and between their respective " seeds. ' In Eden, Jehovah foretold that there would be enmity between his figurative "woman and the serpent, " along with their" offspring. " Que devrions - nous faire avant de prendre des décisions? In making decisions, what measures should we take? What should we do before making decisions? b) Pourquoi les vrais chrétiens ont - ils besoin de la protection divine? (b) Why do true Christians need divine protection? (b) Why do true Christians need divine protection? Au lieu de s'aigrir du fait que ses frères hébreux ne l'avaient apparemment pas reconnu à sa juste valeur, il accepta cette situation permise par Dieu. Instead of letting himself be consumed with bitterness because his Hebrew brothers apparently did not appreciate him, Moses submitted to what God permitted. Instead of becoming bitter as his Hebrew brothers apparently failed to recognize his rightful value, he accepted that situation from God. Nous y lisons que Jésus Christ, qui vient d'être intronisé, mène avec ses saints anges une guerre contre Satan et ses démons. There we read that the newly enthroned Jesus Christ, along with his holy angels, wages war against Satan and his demons. There we read that Jesus Christ, who is enthroned as King, leads his holy angels into war against Satan and his demons. L'échec, ce n'est pas de rechuter, mais de renoncer. Falling down does not spell failure. There is no failure, but it is not a failure. Découvre des outils et des méthodes innovantes employés dans notre œuvre d'enseignement. Learn about some tools and innovative methods used in our disciple - making work. See tools and methods that are used in our teaching work. Dès lors qu'elle devient réelle pour nous, l'espérance de la résurrection modèle le regard que nous portons sur la vie. If the resurrection hope is real to us, it can shape our attitude about life. As she becomes real to us, the resurrection hope affects our lives. a) Quel vœu Hanna a - t - elle fait, et pourquoi? (a) What did Hannah vow, and why, and how did it turn out for her? (a) What vow did Hannah make, and why? • Que nous permet d'entrevoir le Psaume 72? • Psalm 72 prophetically provided a preview of what? • What does Psalm 72 enable us to do? • Quelle application Paul a - t - il faite de Psaume 19: 4? • What application did Paul make of Psalm 19: 4? • How did Paul apply Psalm 19: 4? Certains hésitent à se faire baptiser par peur d'être excommuniés plus tard. Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Some may hesitate to get baptized by fear of being disfellowshipped later. b) Qu'est - ce qui montre que les agents n'ont pas été les seuls à être impressionnés par l'enseignement de Jésus? (b) What shows that the officers were not the only ones who were impressed with Jesus ' teaching? (b) What shows that the officers were not the only ones who were impressed with Jesus ' teaching? Il a dit: "Rassemble le peuple [...] afin qu'ils écoutent et afin qu'ils apprennent, car ils devront craindre Jéhovah votre Dieu et avoir soin d'appliquer toutes les paroles de cette loi. He said: "Congregate the people... in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah your God and take care to carry out all the words of this law. He said: "Let the people listen and teach them, for they must fear Jehovah your God and take care of all the words of that law. " PAGE 8 • CANTIQUES: 81, 132 ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 81, 132 ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 81, 132 Tu as peut - être perdu un conjoint, une mère, un père, un grand - parent ou un enfant. Maybe it is your deceased mate, your mother, your father, or a beloved grandparent. Perhaps you have lost a marriage mate, a mother, a parent, a parent, or a child. 7: 14.) 7: 14) For now, though, may awareness of the critical days in which we live influence how we think about marriage and parenthood in this time of the end. 7: 14. Jéhovah avait cependant pitié d'eux, il éprouvait de la compassion, et il s'est à de nombreuses reprises porté à leur secours. Yet, Jehovah felt compassion for them and repeatedly came to their rescue. Yet, Jehovah felt compassion for them, and he repeatedly supported their efforts. Il aimait la vie et appréciait de passer de bons moments avec ses amis. He enjoyed life, taking pleasure in happy times with his friends. He loved life and appreciated having good association with his friends. [...] Il n'y a pas si longtemps on pensait que notre ère était "L'âge de la lumière ." Not too long ago, it was fondly thought that ours was " The Age of Enlightenment. ' It was not so long that our kingdom was "the age of light. " Chose incroyable, il dit: " À quoi me sert un droit d'aînesse? Incredibly, he said: "Of what benefit to me is a birthright? " Could it be that he said: "What is one right to me? " Certains se trouvent au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment, il y a des accidents, des gens agissent imprudemment ou font des erreurs... That is, people are simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, accidents occur, or people are careless or make mistakes. Some may find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the wrong place, in England, are popular, or have made mistakes... Que pouvons - nous apprendre des fidèles qui ont enduré? What can we learn from those who have endured? What can we learn from faithful ones who endured? Quel exemple Paul nous a - t - il laissé, et comment l'imiter? What example did Paul set, and how may we imitate him? What example did Paul set, and how can we imitate him? Ça me donne le sentiment qu'il ne m'aime plus autant qu'avant. That makes me feel that his love for me has cooled. It makes me feel that he does not love me as much as I did before. " Et sans aucun doute, dans les années à venir, on en apprendra toujours plus sur la Terre et le ciel. And we will undoubtedly learn much more about the earth and the heavens in the years ahead. No doubt, in the years to come, we will learn more about the earth and heaven. Qu'est - ce qui a aidé Katrin pendant ces heures d'angoisse? What helped Katrin during those hours of anxiety? What helped one sister during those anguish? Mais Salomon ne lui permet pas de s'en aller. But Solomon does not permit her to go. But Solomon did not allow Solomon to go. Notre relation continue de se renforcer jour après jour. Our marriage continues to grow stronger every day. Our relationship continues to grow day after day. Si vous avez quelques minutes, je serais heureux de vous montrer ce que j'ai appris. If you have a few minutes, I would be pleased to show you what I learned. Brad: Yes, I have a few minutes. If you have a few minutes, I could be happy to show you what I have learned. Quel mot grec est généralement traduit par "congrégation ," et que peut - il désigner? What Greek word is usually translated "congregation, " and how can this word be applied? What Greek word is usually translated "congregation, " and what can it refer? Quelle mine de renseignements que ces versets, répartis dans 11 strophes! What a wealth of information is contained in these verses, arranged in 11 stanzas! What a wealth of information such verses are organized in 1112 B.C.E.! D'ailleurs, certains s'étaient même mis à adorer des dieux égyptiens!. Indeed, some Israelites had even taken up the worship of Egyptian gods! - Ezek. In fact, some even began to worship Egyptian gods! À ce moment - là, la volonté de Dieu s'accomplira sur la terre comme au ciel, chose pour laquelle les chrétiens prient depuis longtemps. Then God's will is to be done on earth as in heaven, something for which Christians have long prayed. At that time, God's will will will will is being accomplished on earth as in heaven, something that Christians pray long ago. Jérémie était encore jeune quand il a été appelé à devenir prophète en Juda. At a young age, Jeremiah was called to serve as a prophet in Judah. Jeremiah was still a young man when he was called to become a prophet in Judah. " Continuez d'acquérir de la puissance dans le Seigneur et dans la puissance de sa force. " Go On Acquiring Power in the Lord " " Keep acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. " Sa chute sera brusque et violente. - Rév. Her tumble will be sudden and violent. - Rev. His fall will be momentary and violent. - Rev. La "puissance qui passe la normale [est] celle de Dieu et non pas celle qui vient de nous "; cela vaut pour les anciens comme pour chacun de nous. It is true of the elders - and of us all - that "the power beyond what is normal [is] God's and not that out of ourselves. " " The power beyond what is normal [God's] ability, not that which is from us "; it is for the elders as of each one of us. Elle progressait spirituellement et, grâce à son étude, elle a compris qu'en tant que mère, c'était à elle que revenait la responsabilité d'élever son fils. However, through her study the wife in particular realized that as a parent, it was her God - given responsibility to bring up her child. She continued to make spiritual progress, and she realized that as a mother, she had the responsibility to raise her son. Salomon, lui, a été chargé d'en assurer la construction, laquelle s'est achevée au bout de sept ans et demi. - 1 Rois 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. Solomon was assigned to build the building work, which ended after seven and a half years. - 1 Ki. 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. " Elle nous rappelle quel message il nous faut prêcher: la bonne nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu. Note, too, that this verse reveals the positive tenor of our message. It reminds us of the message we need to preach - the good news of God's Kingdom. Resteront - ils attachés au Dieu qu'ils adorent? Will they remain loyal to the God they worship? Will they cling to the God they worship? Car enfin, elles contiennent les pensées du Tout - Puissant, pensées qui y sont consignées pour notre profit. After all, they contain the very thoughts of the Almighty, recorded for our benefit. For at last, they contain the thoughts of the Almighty, who are recorded for our benefit. Certains se retiennent de se faire baptiser parce qu'ils ne sont pas disposés à assumer les responsabilités qui en découlent. Certain ones may hold back from baptism because they are reluctant to accept the responsibility it brings. Some hold back from getting baptized because they are not willing to shoulder responsibility. Dans cet article et dans le suivant, nous considérerons donc les circonstances dans lesquelles David a écrit ce psaume et les versets encourageants qu'il contient. Hence, in this article and the one following, we will review the circumstances under which David wrote the psalm and then consider the encouraging contents of the psalm itself. In this article and in the next, we will consider the circumstances in which David wrote this psalm and the encouraging scriptures he contains. Par conséquent, éprouvons de temps à autre les raisons pour lesquelles nous servons Jéhovah. So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. So from time to time, we find reasons why we serve Jehovah. Posons - nous donc la question: " Mes choix en matière de divertissements m'aident - ils à développer de belles qualités? We would do well to ask ourselves, " Does the entertainment I choose encourage positive qualities in me? ' So ask yourself: " Does my choice of entertainment help me to develop fine qualities? 3: 4, 5; Jean 8: 44. 3: 4, 5; John 8: 44. 3: 4, 5; John 8: 44. Laissons - nous guider par le Dieu vivant Showing the extent of Jehovah's kindness, Jesus said: "If you love those loving you, of what credit is it to you? Seek God's Living! Pour montrer toute l'étendue de la bonté de Jéhovah, il a dit: "Si vous aimez ceux qui vous aiment, quel mérite avez - vous? This term is generally thought to represent a pause for silent meditation, either in the singing alone or in the singing and instrumental music. To show the extent of Jehovah's goodness, he said: "If you love those loving you, what credit do you have? On s'accorde à penser que ce terme indique une pause destinée à la méditation. Il peut s'agir d'une interruption du chant uniquement, ou bien du chant et de la musique. His assignment? It is proper to think that the term suggests a pause for meditation, one of only song, singing, and music. Sa mission? The wicked are not "rich toward God. " His assignment? Les méchants ne sont pas " riches à l'égard de Dieu '. We can also be sure that Jehovah is pleased with us. The wicked are not " rich toward God. ' Jéhovah aussi se réjouit, soyons - en certains. He will even drive away the bad "air " of this world system, for the bad spirit of Satan and his demons will be gone at last. - Eph. 2: 2. Jehovah also rejoices. Il chassera même l ' " air " nocif de ce système, car l'esprit mauvais de Satan et de ses démons disparaîtra enfin!. Jehovah will help us to control our emotions and to take whatever steps may be possible to minimize the bad effects of calamitous events. He will even cut off "the air " of this system, for Satan's wicked spirit and his demons will finally be gone! Jéhovah nous aidera à maîtriser nos sentiments et à prendre toutes les mesures possibles pour limiter les dégâts. Délectons - nous des bonnes choses matérielles et spirituelles qu'il nous accorde. He loves the sheep so much that he willingly sacrificed his life for them. Jehovah will help us to control our feelings and take every measures to limit the damage we may have, avoiding good and spiritual things that he provides for us. Jésus aime tellement les brebis qu'il a bien voulu sacrifier sa vie pour elles. She was very impressed that we had done this using our new book. " Jesus loves the sheep so much that he wanted to sacrifice his life for them. Elle a été très impressionnée de savoir que nous l'avions fait en nous servant de notre nouveau livre. When they learned that Hurricane Katrina had destroyed hundreds of homes of fellow Witnesses, brotherly love moved them to quit their jobs, give up their apartment, buy a secondhand trailer, fix it up, and travel 900 miles [1,400 km] to Louisiana. It was very impressed to know that we knew it by using our new book. Ils ont appris que l'ouragan Katrina avait détruit les maisons de centaines de Témoins. Mus par l'amour fraternel, ils ont alors quitté leur emploi et leur appartement, acheté une caravane d'occasion qu'ils ont aménagée, et parcouru 1 400 kilomètres jusqu'en Louisiane. 14, 15. They learned that HAVE destroyed the houses of hundreds of Witnesses, and by brotherly love, they left their job and assigned them, for some opportunity they had purchased, and 1 miles [1,600 km] away. 14, 15. Back in 537 B.C.E., it was the acceptable time for the exiles in Babylon to return to their homeland. 14, 15. ." Les Juifs exilés à Babylone ont connu un "temps agréé " quand ils ont pu rentrer chez eux en 537 av. n. è. Such publications as the "Bible Teach " book help us to maintain unity in our teaching The Jews in Babylon experienced a " acceptable time " when they returned home in 537 B.C.E. Des publications telles que le livre "Qu'enseigne la Bible? " nous aident à préserver l'unité de notre enseignement. I did not turn in the opposite direction. " Such publications as the Bible Teach book help us to maintain the unity of our teaching. Je ne me suis pas tourné dans la direction opposée. To "flee from fornication " is to avoid not only acts of por·neiʹa but also pornography, moral uncleanness, sexual fantasizing, flirting - anything that can lead to fornication. - Matt. I did not turn in the opposite direction. " " Fuir la fornication ', ce n'est pas seulement s'abstenir de commettre des actes de pornéïa, c'est aussi s'abstenir de la pornographie, de l'impureté morale, des rêveries impures, du flirt - bref, de tout ce qui peut mener à la fornication. - Mat. Note who were instructed to attend gatherings for worship: men, women, and little ones. " Flee from fornication, " not only from committing immorality, but also abstaining from pornography, uncleanness, hurtful desire, and flirting, all that can lead to fornication. - Matt. Notez à qui s'adressait l'ordre de se rassembler pour adorer: aux hommes, aux femmes et aux petits. Why was it relatively convenient for the disciples to travel in the Roman Empire? Note how the order to gather together to worship - men, women, and young ones. Qu'est - ce qui facilitait les déplacements des disciples dans l'Empire romain? So the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot was treachery of the worst sort. What made the disciples traveling in the Roman Empire? Judas Iscariote s'est donc révélé un traître de la pire espèce. Today, one of the Devil's snares is to lead Christians into thinking that if they go as far as possible in trying to show that Jehovah's Witnesses are just like other people, they will succeed in drawing some to Christian truth. So Judas Iscariot proved to be a treacherous poison of the worst. Aujourd'hui, l'un des pièges du Diable consiste à faire croire aux chrétiens que s'ils vont le plus loin possible pour montrer que les Témoins de Jéhovah sont comme tout le monde ils attireront des gens vers la vérité chrétienne. Why, though, should we trust Jehovah's guidance above all other? Today, one of the snares of the Devil is to make Christians believe that if they go as far as possible to prove that Jehovah's Witnesses are just as the world will attract people to Christian truth. Pourquoi, au juste, devrions - nous nous fier à la direction de Jéhovah plus qu'à aucune autre? What responsibility do we as Jehovah's loyal worshippers have? Why should we trust Jehovah's guidance more than any other? Quelle responsabilité les adorateurs de Jéhovah ont - ils? We will also discuss how Jesus ' love moves Christians to take positive action in times of hardship, disaster, and illness. What responsibility do Jehovah's worshippers have? Nous verrons aussi comment, à l'exemple de Jésus, nous pouvons tous venir en aide à nos compagnons qui sont frappés par la crise économique, les catastrophes naturelles ou encore la maladie. We read: "He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: " This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. ' " We will also see how all of us can help fellow believers who are experiencing economic hardships, natural disasters, or sickness. On lit: " Il a fait de même à l'égard de la coupe aussi, après avoir pris le repas, en disant: "Cette coupe représente la nouvelle alliance grâce à mon sang " ." What exciting prospects! We read: "He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he took the meal, saying: " This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. ' " N'est - ce pas une perspective exaltante? I knew that this practice was wrong but told myself that my service to God was still acceptable. " What a thrilling prospect! Je savais que cette habitude était mauvaise, mais je me disais que Dieu acceptait toujours mon service. The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to nourish himself "with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching. " I knew that this practice was bad, but I felt that God always accepted my service. L'apôtre Paul a encouragé Timothée à se nourrir " des paroles de la foi et du bel enseignement ." Do you have faith that God will fill your needs for love and companionship in a satisfying way? The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to " feed themselves with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching. ' Es - tu persuadé que Dieu comblera ton besoin d'amour et de compagnie? For example, on the evening before Jesus was executed, there "arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest. " Do you believe that God will fulfill your need for love and association? Pourtant, Jésus était convaincu que ses disciples imparfaits pouvaient croître spirituellement et former une congrégation unie. The doctor quickly hid the book. * Yet, Jesus was convinced that his imperfect followers could grow spiritually and train a united congregation. " Le médecin a vite caché son livre *. How can God's Word bring comfort when others deride us? The doctor quickly hid his book. Comment la Parole de Dieu peut - elle nous consoler lorsqu'on se moque de nous? All day long it is my concern. " How can God's Word comfort us when we ridicule? Tout au long du jour elle occupe mes pensées. (b) How did Jesus emphasize the need for endurance? All day long it is my concern. " b) Comment Jésus a - t - il montré à ses disciples qu'ils auraient besoin d'endurer? The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible's standards employ self - control despite any temptations they might face. (b) How did Jesus show his disciples that they would need to endure? Le fait est que, face à la tentation, des millions d'hétérosexuels souhaitant se conformer aux normes bibliques exercent la maîtrise de soi. " The tongue, " warns the disciple James, "not one of mankind can get it tamed. " The fact is that millions in the face of temptation desire to live by Bible standards exercise self - control. " La langue, personne parmi les humains ne peut la dompter ," nous avertit le disciple Jacques. Interestingly, in ancient Greece, if a man struck his parents, he would lose all his civil rights; in Roman law, to strike a father was as serious as murder. " The tongue, no one among mankind can get it up, " warns the disciple James. Par exemple, dans la Grèce antique, si un homme frappait ses parents, il perdait ses droits de citoyen. Et selon la loi romaine, frapper son père était aussi grave que commettre un meurtre. Unlike Roman law, Christian teachings required a husband to honor his wife For example, in ancient Greece, he lost his rights as a citizen, and according to Roman law, his father was as serious as committing murder. Contrairement au droit romain, les enseignements chrétiens imposaient au mari d'assigner de l'honneur à sa femme. Thus, what Paul saw in vision was elevated or exalted. Unlike the Roman law, Christian teachings affect the husband for giving honor to his wife. Partant, ce que Paul a vu en vision était élevé. How did this come about? Clearly, what Paul saw in vision was exalted. Quelles étapes ont conduit à ce changement? What are five factors that can help us to avoid becoming enraged against God? What steps led to that change? Qu'est - ce qui nous empêchera d'entrer " en fureur contre Jéhovah "? Jehovah, however, intervened, preventing Pharaoh from violating Sarah. What will prevent us from becoming "enraged against Jehovah "? Jéhovah était alors intervenu pour empêcher celui - ci de la violer. That's one reason why a girl named Allison customized her settings so that only her close circle of friends could see her posts. Jehovah then intervened in order to prevent him from breaking him. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles Allison a personnalisé ses paramètres de façon à ce que seuls ses proches puissent voir son actualité. Because Aristarchus and Gaius walked in Jehovah's ways, they had God - given strength and courage to endure persecution. That is one reason why Jehovah has treated his friends in a way that alone can see his modern - day life. En conséquence, ils ont reçu de Dieu la force et le courage dont ils avaient besoin pour endurer la persécution. Like literal birth pangs, these "pangs of distress " will no doubt continue to intensify until Christ " completes his conquest ' by destroying every vestige of Satan's visible organization. As a result, they received God's strength and courage to endure persecution. Conformément à la prophétie de Jésus relative au "signe de [sa] présence et de l'achèvement du système de choses ," leur chevauchée s'est traduite par la guerre, la famine et la plaie meurtrière. [ Picture on page 32] In line with Jesus ' prophecy about "the presence and the conclusion of the system of things, " their ride has been translated by war, famine, and plague. [ Illustration, page 32] Note, for instance, these comforting words: "Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down. " [ Picture on page 32] Témoin ces paroles réconfortantes: "Jéhovah soutient tous ceux qui tombent, et il relève tous ceux qui sont courbés. Both groups must remain humble. Note these comforting words: "Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down. " Les deux groupes doivent rester humbles. The branches collectively represent "the full number " of those included in the secondary part of Abraham's seed. Both groups must remain humble. L'ensemble des branches représente le "nombre complet " de ceux qui sont inclus dans la partie secondaire de la semence d'Abraham. " We are members belonging to one another. " - EPH. The body of branches represents the complete number of those included in the secondary part of Abraham's seed. " Nous sommes des membres qui appartiennent les uns aux autres ." (Read Matthew 19: 29.) " We are members belonging to one another. " - 1 COR. (Lire Matthieu 19: 29.) Jesus highly praised him but stated that John would not be included in the heavenly Kingdom. (Read Matthew 19: 29.) Citons Jean le Baptiste. Jésus a parlé de lui en termes très élogieux, mais il a également indiqué que Jean ne ferait pas partie du Royaume des cieux. Jehovah instructed Noah to build an ark shaped like a huge chest. John the Baptist, for example, spoke highly of him, but John also indicated that John would be no part of the Kingdom of the heavens. Il lui a ordonné de construire une arche qui aurait la forme d'un coffre immense. The two meanings are complementary, and both are important. He ordered Moses to build an ark that would have the form of a huge offer. Les deux versions sont complémentaires, chacune a son importance. The apostle Paul showed that working hard for Jehovah leads to our having "the full assurance of the hope down to the end. " Both translations are added, each of which is of its importance. L'apôtre Paul a montré que travailler dur pour Jéhovah procure " la pleine certitude de l'espérance jusqu'à la fin ." Rather, Jehovah provided information that we need in order to understand his purposes and to live our lives in harmony with them. The apostle Paul showed that working hard to Jehovah brings "the full assurance of hope to the end. " Par contre, il nous a fourni les informations nécessaires pour comprendre ses desseins et nous y conformer. The apostle Paul wrote: "Who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him? " On the other hand, he provided the information needed to understand his purposes and to live in harmony with it. L'apôtre Paul a écrit: "Qui est parvenu à connaître la pensée de Jéhovah, pour l'instruire? Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up as head over all. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11. The apostle Paul wrote: "Who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, to instruct him? À toi est le royaume, ô Jéhovah, Celui qui t'élève aussi en chef au - dessus de tout. " - 1 Chroniques 29: 11. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "By your faith... you are standing "? You are the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One who also lifts you up as head over everything. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11. a) Que voulait dire Paul quand il a écrit: " C'est par votre foi que vous êtes debout "? Servants of Jehovah no longer need to tithe. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "It is by your faith that you are standing "? Les serviteurs de Jéhovah ne sont plus tenus de donner la dîme. Telling the Jews to surrender no doubt tested Jeremiah's obedience as well. Jehovah's people are no longer under obligation to provide tithing. La mission d'inviter les Juifs à se rendre a sans nul doute aussi mis à l'épreuve l'obéissance de Jérémie. The Bible foretold a time when people of diverse languages would hear its life - giving message. Jeremiah's commission to invite the Jews may also have tested Jeremiah's obedience. La Bible a annoncé également une époque où des humains de toutes langues entendraient son message de vie. True, Jehovah does not perform such miracles in behalf of his people today, but he does bless their acts of faith. The Bible also foretold a time when people of all tongues would hear his message of life. Auras - tu la même confiance que les serviteurs de Jéhovah de l'époque de Josué? (voir paragraphes 17, 18). [ Picture on page 25] Will you feel the same confidence as Jehovah's servants in Joshua's day? (See paragraphs 17, 18) [ Illustration, page 25] • What development enabled Jewish Christians to escape the destruction of Jerusalem? [ Picture on page 25] • Quel revirement a permis aux chrétiens d'origine juive d'échapper à la destruction de Jérusalem? (Read Nehemiah 9: 38; 10: 29) To this end, a written document is signed with the seals of 84 Jewish leaders. - Neh. • What dramatic change enabled Jewish Christians to escape Jerusalem's destruction? Un document signifiant son engagement a été rédigé et 84 chefs juifs y ont apposé leur sceau. Read Romans 12: 13. A document for its commitment was written and 84 Jewish leaders. Par la suite, les Israélites se sont réjouis de la destruction de Pharaon et de ses forces militaires dans la mer Rouge. In Moses ' day, clear guidelines on proper conduct and manner of worship were needed. Later, the Israelites rejoiced at Pharaoh's destruction and his military force in the Red Sea. Lire Romains 12: 13. No, Esau had despised his birthright and had sold it to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Read Romans 12: 13. Aux jours de Moïse, des directives claires en matière de conduite et de culte étaient nécessaires. Cultivating Love for God In Moses ' day, clear instructions regarding conduct and worship were needed. La manière dont Jacob a traité Ésaü nous aide à voir jusqu'où nous devrions être prêts à aller pour préserver la paix avec nos frères. " The large shield " carried by a Roman legionnaire was rectangular and covered him from his shoulders to his knees. The way Jacob dealt with Esau helps us to see how much we should be willing to go to preserve peace with our brothers. Comment cultiver l'amour pour Dieu What an outcome of Peter's bearing thorough witness! - Acts 10: 22, 34 - 48. How to Cultivate Love for God Un soldat romain portait un grand bouclier rectangulaire qui le couvrait des épaules aux genoux. The other sheep feel blessed for what they have learned from anointed ones and are impelled to share their Scriptural education with still others who desire to serve Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 10. A Roman soldier was wearing a large shield that covered her down to the knees. Si quelqu'un aime le monde, l'amour du Père n'est pas en lui. 12 - 14. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. En rendant pleinement témoignage, Pierre a obtenu des résultats remarquables! - Actes 10: 22, 34 - 48. It was time to settle accounts. By bearing thorough witness, Peter obtained remarkable results! - Acts 10: 22, 34 - 48. Les autres brebis se réjouissent de ce que les oints leur ont appris et elles se sentent poussées à communiquer l'instruction biblique qu'elles ont reçue aux personnes qui désirent servir Jéhovah. - Révélation 7: 9, 10. This indicates that his role is much more than that of being the means of approach to the Father. The other sheep rejoice because the anointed have learned and are moved to share the Scriptural education they have received to those who desire to serve Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 10. 12 - 14. Table of Contents 12 - 14. Le moment était venu de régler les comptes. In this article, we will consider what congregation elders can learn from Jesus about showing love toward those who commit errors, even grave errors. The time had come to settle accounts. Qu'est - ce à dire? Que par son intermédiaire, nous pouvons nous approcher du Père. The sufferings of those struck by disasters move many to manifest compassion. What, then, through him we can draw close to the Father? Sommaire If we maintain our sanctified relationship with Jehovah, he will remember us "for good. " [ Picture on page 3] [ Picture on page 5] Table of Contents Dans cet article, nous verrons comment les anciens peuvent imiter Jésus et traiter avec amour ceux qui commettent des fautes, même des fautes graves. Above all, we should take care of our spiritual health and strengthen our precious relationship with our heavenly Father, the Source of our "life now and that which is to come " in his promised new world. In this article, we will consider how elders can imitate Jesus and lovingly deal with those who make mistakes, even serious errors. En voyant souffrir des victimes de catastrophes, beaucoup de gens veulent leur manifester de la compassion. On three notable occasions, however, David's fear of God lapsed, which led to serious consequences. Many people want to show compassion when they see victims of disasters. Nous avons néanmoins une certaine puissance. But then, just before the giant thrust his weapon into David, "at once, Abishai the son of Zeruiah came to his [David's] help and struck the Philistine down and put him to death. " Yet, we have some power. Mettons - nous " sans cesse à l'épreuve pour voir si [nous sommes] dans la foi ." According to another lexicon, loose conduct is a form of behavior that "violates all bounds of what is socially acceptable. " We "keep testing whether [we] are in the faith. " Mais, pour nous, le plus important est de prendre soin de notre santé spirituelle et de resserrer les précieux liens qui nous unissent à notre Père céleste, la Source de notre "vie présente et de celle qui est à venir " dans le monde nouveau qu'il promet d'instaurer. ● Engage in moderate exercise. For us, though, the most important thing is to take care of our spiritual health and strengthen our precious relationship with our heavenly Father, the Source of our "faithful now " and the future" in the new world that he promises. " La première fois, c'est quand il a décidé de faire transporter l'arche de l'alliance à Jérusalem sur un chariot, et non sur les épaules des Lévites comme le prescrivait la Loi. How, then, can we show that we value that deliverance? The first time, he decided to have the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem on a chariot, not on the shoulders of the Levites as the Law was. Mais avant que le géant n'ait eu le temps de transpercer le roi, " Abishaï le fils de Tserouïa vint à son secours, il abattit le Philistin et le mit à mort ." This will help you to draw close to God, and then he will draw close to you. - Jas. Before the giant came to the king's time, however, "the son of Abishai came down to his aid, he struck the Philistine and put him to death. " D'après un autre lexique, le dérèglement est un type de conduite qui "enfreint toutes les limites de ce qui est socialement acceptable ." Have You Found the Messiah? Another example of loose conduct states that loose conduct is a type of conduct that is "over all the limitations of what is acceptable. " ● Ayez une activité physique modérée. (b) How does Jehovah reward acts of service rendered in support of his Kingdom? ● Maintain a healthy physical activity. Dès lors, comment montrer que nous attachons du prix à cette délivrance? Unlike Adam, Jesus remained perfect. How, then, can we show that we value that deliverance? Cela t'aidera à t'approcher de lui, et lui en retour s'approchera de toi. • How can we recognize the voice of strangers? This will help you to draw close to him, and he will draw close to you. Avez - vous "trouvé " le Messie? (b) Why should we "keep on asking "? Have you been "the Messiah "? b) Comment Jéhovah récompense - t - il les actions accomplies pour servir son Royaume? In regard to higher education and employment, see The Watchtower, October 1, 2005, pages 26 - 31. (b) How did Jehovah reward for serving his Kingdom? Contrairement à Adam, Jésus est demeuré parfait. Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign for yet another reason. He exercises his authority with perfect justice. Unlike Adam, Jesus remained perfect. • Comment reconnaît - on la voix des étrangers? Even giving the appearance of flirting with someone to whom one is not married is unloving and should be avoided. • How can we recognize the voice of strangers? b) Pourquoi devrions - nous " continuer à demander '? 2: 2. (b) Why should we "keep on asking "? En ce qui concerne les longues études et le travail, voir notre numéro du 1octobre 2005, pages 26 - 31. Jehovah God told our common ancestor Noah that blood must be treated as something special. As regards higher education and secular work, see The Watchtower, October 1, 2005, pages 26 - 31. Deuxièmement, Jéhovah est le Souverain légitime parce qu'il exerce son autorité avec une justice parfaite. " Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " - HEB. Second, Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign because he exercises his headship with perfect justice. Donner ne serait - ce que l'impression d'avoir un comportement séducteur envers quelqu'un d'autre est un manque d'amour; il faut s'en abstenir. Because Jehovah is like a wide - awake shepherd guarding his sheep. Giving in to someone's behavior is a lack of love, and it should be kept abstaining from doing so. 2: 2. They were doubly culpable and thus certainly were sinners, falling short of God's standards and will. 2: 2. Jéhovah Dieu prescrivit à Noé, notre ancêtre commun, de réserver un traitement particulier au sang. We cannot say for certain that Timothy never married. Jehovah God joined Noah, our common forefather, to hold on special treatment to blood. " La foi est l'attente assurée de choses qu'on espère ." Consider What Kind of Person You Ought to Be " Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. " - HEB. Parce que Jéhovah est comme un berger en alerte qui garde ses brebis. This unrighteous world hates us because we keep separate from it and are " preachers of righteousness. ' Because Jehovah is like a shepherd who is guarding his sheep. Ils étaient donc doublement coupables, et incontestablement pécheurs pour n'avoir pas respecté les normes et la volonté de Dieu. After much lively discussion, they arrived at a decision. Thus, they were guilty, and undoubtedly sinners did not live up to God's standards and will. Nous ne pouvons affirmer que Timothée ne s'est jamais marié. I felt that I was being punished or ignored because I wasn't important. We cannot say that Timothy never married. Réfléchis au genre de personne qu'il te faut être Imagine what it must have taken for her to be at the temple daily from the time of the morning service to the time of the evening service! Think about the Kind of Person You Must Be Le présent monde injuste nous hait parce que nous nous tenons séparés de lui et que nous sommes des " prédicateurs de justice '. Read Romans 12: 17. The unrighteous world hates us because we keep separate from him and are " preachers of righteousness. " Puis, après une discussion animée, tous sont tombés d'accord. Yet, the time would come for true worship to be elevated again. Then, after a lively conversation, all fell into agreement. Je pensais que Jéhovah me punissait ou qu'il m'ignorait parce que je n'avais pas d'importance. To be "happy " and to" succeed, " we must regularly read God's Word, daily if possible. I thought that Jehovah was punishing me or aware of me because I had no value. Songez aux efforts qu'elle devait faire pour être au temple chaque jour, depuis le service du matin jusqu'à celui du soir! How will we feel about Jehovah as we get to know his qualities better? Think of the efforts it must have made to be at the temple each day, from the morning to evening! Lire Romains 12: 17. That nation constitutes the secondary part of Abraham's offspring. Read Romans 12: 17. Pourtant, le moment viendrait où le vrai culte serait de nouveau élevé. We refuse to join the ungodly and say: "Good is bad and bad is good. " Yet, the time would come when true worship would again be exalted. Nous serons " heureux " et " réussir [ons] " si nous la lisons régulièrement, chaque jour si possible. In some cultures, when getting to know another person, one of the first questions asked is, "What kind of work do you do? " We will be " happy " and" successful " if we regularly read it each day. Quelle conviction acquerrons - nous concernant Jéhovah au fur et à mesure que nous connaîtrons mieux ses qualités? In any case, Jesus did call the individual in the parable a rich man, meaning someone who already had in his possession an abundance of material goods. What confidence do we gain regarding Jehovah as we become better acquainted with his qualities? Cette nation constitue la partie secondaire de la semence d'Abraham. " The Ways of Jehovah Are Upright " That nation constitutes the secondary part of Abraham's seed. Nous refusons de ressembler aux impies, " qui disent que le bien est mal et que le mal est bien ." ARTICLE 5 We refuse to be like the ungodly ones, "who say that good is bad and bad is good. " Dans certaines cultures, lorsqu'on fait la connaissance de quelqu'un, une des premières questions qu'on lui pose est: " Que faites - vous comme travail? The husband says: "There have been difficulties. In some cultures, when you get to know someone, one of the first questions you might ask, " What are you doing? ' N'hésitons pas à les noter, afin de les approfondir ultérieurement. Or do research on that subject with the use of the Watch Tower Publications Index or the computer program Watchtower Library (CD - ROM). We should not hesitate to notice them again and again. Quoi qu'il en soit, Jésus présente cet homme comme étant "riche ," c'est - à - dire comme étant déjà en possession de biens matériels en abondance. In another letter, Paul stated: "When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat. " - 1 Cor. Whatever the case, Jesus portrays this man as "rich, " as already as having an abundance of material things. " Les voies de Jéhovah sont droites " Taking our discussion of cooperation a step further, let us see how we can promote cooperation in our family. " The Ways of Jehovah Are upright " PAGE 25 What Do You Think? ARTICLE 5 Le mari explique: "Nous avons connu des difficultés. Its message should prove to be " a lamp to our foot, and a light to our roadway. ' The husband explains: "We have faced challenges. Ou bien faites des recherches à ce sujet à l'aide de l'Index des publications Watchtower ou du logiciel Watchtower Library (CD - ROM) *. Among Jehovah's people today, we see the wisdom of pursuing the surpassing way of love. Or do research on this subject with the help of the Watch Tower Publications Index or Watchtower Library on the Watchtower Study. - ROM. " Quand on nous insulte, nous bénissons, a - t - il écrit dans une autre de ses lettres; quand on nous persécute, nous supportons; quand on nous diffame, nous supplions. " - 1 Cor. In the illustration, both slaves doubled what the master gave them, so both were equally diligent. " When being reviled, we bless, " wrote Paul, "in another of his letters; when being persecuted, we endure; when we are persecuted, we entreat. " - 1 Cor. Voyons à présent comment nous pouvons favoriser la coopération dans notre famille. We need to follow what pattern, and why? Let us now consider how we can cooperate in our family. Qu'en pensez - vous? How did Paul show that he was determined to endure, and how have some in modern times shown similar determination? What Do You Think? La Bible est " une lampe pour son pied, et une lumière pour sa route '. What disadvantage did Job suffer? The Bible is "a lamp to his foot, and a light to his roadway. " Il suffit d'observer le peuple de Jéhovah aujourd'hui pour comprendre que l'amour est une voie extraordinaire. Maintain a Complete Heart We need to observe Jehovah's people today so that we can understand that love is a wonderful way. Les deux ont doublé la valeur de ce que le maître leur avait donné; ils ont donc fait preuve d'une ardeur égale. (Rom. Thus, both have taken the value of what the master had given them, so they showed great zeal. Quel modèle nous faut - il suivre, et pourquoi? Only "God, the Almighty, " has the power to create life. What pattern do we need to follow, and why? Comment Paul a - t - il montré qu'il était déterminé à endurer, et de quelle détermination semblable certains chrétiens d'aujourd'hui font - ils preuve? Jesus demonstrated such love when he did what was foretold in Isaiah's prophecy. How did Paul show that he was determined to endure, and what determination do some Christians today display? En quoi Job était - il désavantagé? " Keep On Asking, Seeking, Knocking ' How was Job affected? Gardons un cœur complet He healed the sick and disabled, raised the dead, fed multitudes, and even controlled the elements. Maintain a Complete Heart (Rom. As Jesus said, love for God involves our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. ( God's Word. Seul "Dieu, le Tout - Puissant " a le pouvoir de créer la vie. What a wonderful future awaits all worshippers of Jehovah who keep striving to let their Yes mean Yes! Only "God, the Almighty, " has the power to create life. Jésus s'est lui - même révélé un consolateur, conformément à ce qui était annoncé dans le livre d'Isaïe. Nevertheless, we are fully aware of the benefits of cooperating with Jehovah in any adjustments that he sees fit to make. Jesus himself proved to be a comforter, as foretold in the book of Isaiah. " Continuez à demander, à chercher, à frapper ' No wonder that after writing to the Hebrews, Paul urged his spiritual protégé Timothy to " do his utmost to handle the word of the truth aright. ' " Keep On Seeking, Keep On knocking ' Il a guéri des malades et des infirmes, relevé des morts, nourri des foules et même maîtrisé les éléments. 6, 7. (a) What considerations guided the Israelites in their selection of sacrificial offerings, and what did this foreshadow? He healed sick and infirm, raised the dead, feeding crowds, even exercising the elements. Comme l'a dit Jésus, l'amour pour Dieu implique totalement notre cœur, notre pensée, notre âme et notre force. Nothing illustrates this better than the life of Jesus. As Jesus said, love for God involves our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Quel avenir extraordinaire est réservé à tous les adorateurs de Jéhovah qui font de leur mieux pour que leur oui signifie oui! Do You Remember? What a wonderful future awaits all of Jehovah's worshippers who do their best to fulfill their Yes! Néanmoins, nous sommes fermement convaincus qu'il est bénéfique de coopérer avec Jéhovah, quel que soit le changement qu'il juge bon d'apporter. He cannot speed up the time. Nevertheless, we are firmly convinced that it is beneficial to cooperate with Jehovah regard to the positive change he has given. Il n'est pas étonnant qu'après avoir écrit aux Hébreux, Paul ait encouragé Timothée, son fils spirituel, à " fai [re] tout [s] on possible pour [...] expose [r] correctement la parole de la vérité ." If we are to encourage others, what counsel of the apostle Paul must we take to heart? It is no wonder that after Paul wrote to the Hebrews, his spiritual son Timothy encouraged Timothy to "do all [we] can to " handle the word of the truth aright. " 6, 7. a) Quelle exigence devait guider les Israélites dans le choix de leurs sacrifices, et que préfigurait - elle? What sort of persons indeed! 6, 7. (a) What requirement was required to guide the Israelites in making sacrifices, and what was foreshadowed? Rien n'illustre mieux cette idée que la vie de Jésus. Those obedient women did what Jehovah commanded. There is no better record of Jesus ' life. Vous en souvenez - vous? Thus, what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah. - Isa. Do You Recall? Il ne peut pas faire que le temps passe plus vite. The Bible likens our clear identification as Christians to outer garments, worn for all to see. He cannot cause time to pass quickly. Si nous voulons être encourageants, de quels conseils de l'apôtre Paul devons - nous tenir compte? Later, Jehovah brought the descendants of Jacob (Israel) into a covenant relationship with Him. To be encouraging, what counsel should we heed in the apostle Paul's counsel? Quel genre d'hommes, en effet! What will help us to follow the Christ continually? How kind of men are! Ces femmes obéissantes ont fait ce que Jéhovah avait ordonné. 3, 4. These obedient women did what Jehovah commanded. Ce qui est enseigné vient donc de Jéhovah, et non des hommes. - Is. Jehovah's Awesome Power What is taught from Jehovah, not men. - Isa. La Bible compare notre identité de chrétiens à des vêtements, que tout le monde doit remarquer. The shepherds can find this infant lying in a manger in a nearby town. The Bible likens our identity to clothing, that everyone should observe. Plus tard, Jéhovah a fait entrer les descendants de Jacob (Israël) dans une relation d'alliance avec Lui. Could anyone? * - Rom. 7: 24. Later, Jehovah brought Jacob's descendants into a covenant relationship with Him. Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à suivre le Christ continuellement? The following article will consider how Romans chapter 5 develops this aspect of the good news. What will help us to keep following the Christ continually? 3, 4. He later stated: "This is not man's work. " 3, 4. La puissance extraordinaire de Jéhovah Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that "the message of truth of the good news " had reached Jews and Gentiles" in all creation under heaven. " - Col. Jehovah's superlative Power L'ange explique aux bergers qu'ils trouveront le nouveau - né couché dans une mangeoire, dans une ville voisine. Jesus fully experienced the happiness of giving during his earthly ministry. The angel tells the shepherds that they will find the newborn baby in a nearby town. " Quelqu'un en était - il capable *?. What twofold lesson regarding authority can we learn from Biblical examples? He was able to ask, "Can anyone? " - Gen. Dans l'article suivant, nous verrons comment le chapitre 5 de la lettre aux Romains aborde cet aspect de la bonne nouvelle. Consider his reaction to the request that Israel be allowed to go into the wilderness to "celebrate a festival " to Jehovah. In the next article, we will consider how chapter 5 of the book of Romans involved this aspect of the good news. Je portais un jean et un blouson de cuir avec des slogans imprimés dessus. How have you benefited from Micah's prophecy? I became a year, and a favorite sound was wrapped up with printed literature. " Il a dit plus tard: " L'œuvre que nous effectuons n'est pas celle d'un homme. " If we heed Jesus ' warning, " we will hold fast what we have, ' and sin will not hold sway among us. He later said: "The work we do not do is that of a man. " Quelque 27 ans après la Pentecôte 33, on pouvait dire que " la vérité de cette bonne nouvelle " était parvenue aux Juifs et aux Gentils " dans toute la création qui est sous le ciel ." 15, 16. Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., "the truth of this good news " came to Jews and Gentiles" in all creation that is under heaven. " Durant son ministère, Jésus a pleinement ressenti le bonheur de donner. Instead, we " always pursue what is good toward others. ' - 1 Thess. During his ministry, Jesus sensed the happiness of giving. Quelles leçons concernant l'autorité pouvons - nous dégager des exemples bibliques? How do we know that changing one's decisions might be appropriate? What lessons about authority can we learn from Biblical examples? Notons sa réaction lorsque Moïse et Aaron lui ont demandé d'autoriser Israël à aller dans le désert pour " célébrer une fête ' pour Jéhovah. On rare occasions, for example, a mate may develop serious emotional problems. Notice how Moses and Aaron wanted Israel to go into the wilderness for "the festival " to Jehovah. Qu'avez - vous retiré de la prophétie de Mika? Why do older fellow believers and their caregivers need the help of others? What have you learned from Micah's prophecy? Si nous écoutons l'avertissement de Jésus, " nous tiendrons ferme ce que nous avons ' et le péché ne s'insinuera pas parmi nous. They will surely be recipients of Jehovah's fiery judgment symbolized by "burning coals of the broom trees. " If we heed Jesus ' warning, we will " stand firm against what we have ' and sin will not enter into us. 15, 16. Parents must not merely turn their children over to others for spiritual training. They must monitor the help given by companions and continue to teach their children themselves. 15, 16. Au contraire, nous " poursuivons toujours ce qui est bon envers les autres '. - 1 Thess. In 1998 he sold over 18,000 pounds [8,000 kg] of tobacco and was awarded a certificate that named him the Best Tobacco Farmer. Instead, we " keep on doing what is good toward others. ' - 1 Thess. Comment savons - nous qu'il convient parfois de revenir sur une décision? What a victory for Jehovah and what a blow for Satan! How do we know that it is appropriate to return to a decision? Ou parfois, après le mariage, le mari ou la femme devient inactif. But what is the relationship between these sons of the Kingdom and the ever - expanding great crowd of those who hope to live forever on earth as subjects of the Kingdom? At times, after marriage, a husband or a wife becomes inactive. Pourquoi nos compagnons âgés et ceux qui s'en occupent ont - ils besoin du soutien des autres? Summer fruit is picked toward the end of the harvest season, that is, toward the end of the agricultural year. Why do elderly fellow believers and those in need of support from others? Ils subiront à coup sûr le jugement ardent de Jéhovah, jugement représenté par "des braises de genêts ." We need to gain and retain accurate knowledge of Jehovah and his purpose. They will certainly experience Jehovah's burning judgment, represented by "good - for - nothing bottle. " Les parents ne doivent pas abandonner à d'autres la formation spirituelle de leurs enfants; ils doivent suivre de près l'aide que les frères et sœurs apportent et continuer à enseigner eux - mêmes leurs enfants. So let us consider these questions: Why is encouragement vital? Parents should not give up on others the spiritual training of their children; they need to follow closely the help that the brothers and sisters provide and continue to teach themselves. En 1998, il a vendu plus de huit tonnes de tabac, ce qui lui a valu le prix du meilleur planteur. Hence, rather than describing what the neighborly Samaritan looked like, Jesus related something far more significant - how the Samaritan compassionately came to the aid of an injured Jew lying on the road. In 1998, he sold more than eight percent of tobacco, which cost him the best plant. Quelle victoire pour Jéhovah et quel coup pour Satan! (b) How have the anointed responded to the shout: "Here is the bridegroom "? What a victory for Jehovah, and what a victory for Satan! Quel lien existe - t - il entre "les fils du royaume " et la foule toujours plus nombreuse des futurs sujets terrestres du Royaume? Yes, love of Jehovah God motivates us to observe his commandments. That is one reason we bear witness about his name and Kingdom, which benefits others. What connection is there between "the sons of the kingdom " and the greatest crowd of future earthly subjects of the Kingdom? On cueille les fruits d'été vers la fin des récoltes, c'est - à - dire vers la fin de l'année agricole. • How can we avoid letting money become like a god? summer fruit is seen at the end of the harvest, that is, at the end of the year's year. Il nous faut pour cela acquérir et conserver la connaissance exacte de Jéhovah et de son dessein. Is fear of man - concern about what others will think - holding me back somewhat? ' - Revelation 2: 2 - 4. We need to acquire and maintain accurate knowledge of Jehovah and his purpose. Aussi examinons ces questions: Pourquoi les encouragements sont - ils indispensables? Later, Solomon was inspired to write: "Whenever you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it, for he finds no pleasure in the stupid ones. So let us consider these questions: Why are encouragement vital? Ainsi, plutôt que de préciser à quoi ressemblait le bon Samaritain, Jésus a donné une indication bien plus importante: il a parlé de l'aide que le Samaritain a apportée avec compassion à un Juif blessé étendu sur la route. In a selfish and nationalistic world, it is refreshing to find individuals who can and do look beyond national borders. Thus, rather than telling what was represented by the neighborly Samaritan, Jesus gave a far more important indication of the help that the Samaritan gave to a Jew on the road. b) Comment les oints ont - ils réagi au cri " Voici l'époux! "? However, when King Jehoiakim ordered that Urijah be put to death, the prophet fled in fear to Egypt. (b) How did the anointed respond to the cry "Here is the bridegroom "? C'est notre amour pour Jéhovah qui nous pousse à observer ses commandements, par exemple à rendre témoignage à son nom et à son Royaume. Why is the world the way it is? Our love for Jehovah moves us to observe his commandments, such as bearing witness to his name and his Kingdom. • Comment empêcher que l'argent ne devienne un dieu pour nous? He arranged for the extermination of all the Jews who lived in the vast Persian Empire and set a specific date on which the genocide was to happen. • How can we prevent money from becoming a god for us? La peur de l'homme (la crainte du qu'en - dira - t - on) me retient - elle d'une façon ou d'une autre? ' - Révélation 2: 2 - 4. A brother who is not serving as a ministerial servant or an elder will also find it beneficial to consider the fact that there is a great need for mature men to accept privileges of service in God's organization. Will fear of man restrain me from somehow? ' - Revelation 2: 2 - 4. Plus tard, Salomon a écrit sous inspiration: " Quand tu fais un vœu à Dieu, n'hésite pas à t'en acquitter, car il n'y a aucun plaisir dans les stupides. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Later, Solomon was inspired to write: "When you make a vow to God, do not hesitate to fulfill it, for there is no pleasure in the stupid ones. " Dans une société égoïste et nationaliste, il est réconfortant de trouver des individus qui ont appris à voir au - delà des frontières. He immediately went forth to complete the conquest of Satan's wicked system. (Read Revelation 6: 1, 2.) In a selfish and religious society, it is comforting to find individuals who have learned to see beyond physical boundaries. Le roi Yehoïaqim a ordonné qu'on mette Ouriya à mort. 4 Who Is Leading God's People Today? The Persian king ordered Uriah to take Uriah back to death. Pourquoi le monde est - il tel qu'il est? Noah's contemporaries failed to appreciate that Noah had divine backing and was acting at God's direction. Why is the world like that? Le livre biblique d'Esther rapporte qu'un dénommé Hamân, alors premier ministre, a tramé un complot visant à exterminer tous les Juifs vivant dans le vaste Empire perse et a fixé une date pour le génocide. In this illustration, Jesus did not directly say what that fruitage is, but he did mention a significant detail that helps us to determine the answer. The Bible book of Esther tells us that a prime minister named Haman had a plot to annihilate all the Jews living in the vast Persian Empire and set a date for them. Autre élément à prendre en considération: l'organisation divine a grand besoin que des hommes mûrs acceptent des attributions de service. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: " Abba, Father! ' " - Romans 8: 14, 15. Another factor is that God's organization is a great need for mature men to accept privileges in Jehovah's service. Il se fera un plaisir d'en discuter avec vous. When Paul visited Athens, he noted that "all Athenians and the foreigners sojourning there would spend their leisure time at nothing but telling something or listening to something new. " Today, many similarly waste their time. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Il est immédiatement sorti pour mener à terme sa victoire sur le système mauvais de Satan (lire Révélation 6: 1, 2). These words have also been rendered: "Do this in memory of me " (Today's English Version) and" Do this as a memorial of me. " (Read Revelation 6: 1, 2.) 23 Qui dirige le peuple de Dieu aujourd'hui? It helped to protect the Israelites spiritually by prohibiting marriage to false worshippers. (Read Deuteronomy 7: 3, 4.) 23 Who is directing God's people today? Les contemporains de Noé n'ont pas su discerner que celui - ci bénéficiait du soutien de Dieu et qu'il suivait sa direction. What, though, about the billions of others who have died throughout human history? Noah's contemporaries failed to discern that he received God's support and guidance. Jésus ne le précise pas, mais il donne un indice permettant de le savoir. How did Jesus live up to the meaning of his name? Jesus does not say it, but he gives a clue to the point. ' " - Romains 8: 14, 15. Death: That Jehovah has the power to undo death is clearly shown by the three resurrections Jesus is recorded to have performed. * - Romans 8: 14, 15. Lors de son passage à Athènes, Paul a remarqué que "tous les Athéniens [...] et les étrangers qui séjournaient là n'employaient leurs loisirs à rien d'autre qu'à dire ou à écouter quelque chose de nouveau ." Most nations today have "watchmen " in the form of border patrols and high - tech surveillance systems. In his visit to Athens, Paul noticed that "all the Syrians... and the foreigners who were outside there would devote their leisure recreation to nothing other than to say or listen to something new. " ." Ces paroles ont été également rendues ainsi: "Faites cela en ma mémoire " (Bible Bayard) et:" Faites cela en mémoire de moi. " If you can make the Bible live - make it meaningful - and if you can fit what you are learning into " the pattern of healthful words, ' then you don't just have isolated pieces of information. Those words were also rendered: "Do this in my memory. " Celle - ci offrait une protection spirituelle aux Israélites en interdisant le mariage avec de faux adorateurs (lire Deutéronome 7: 3, 4). What did the Israelites have to do to continue receiving Jehovah's blessings? (Read Deuteronomy 7: 3, 4.) Et les milliards d'autres humains morts au cours de l'Histoire? The way in which youths interact with older ones in the congregation and the way they take care of simple chores at home will indicate that they can likely care well for greater responsibilities later on in life. - Luke 16: 10. And what of the billions of humans who died in history? Comment Jésus a - t - il vécu en accord avec la signification de son nom? It also discusses some adjustments that have been made to this magazine. How did Jesus live up to the meaning of his name? La mort: Jéhovah a le pouvoir d'annuler les effets de la mort: cela ressort clairement des trois récits de résurrections opérées par Jésus. How are our days similar to those of Noah? The death - Jehovah has the power to undo the effects of death - is clear from the three resurrections that Jesus performed. De nos jours, la plupart des pays ont pour " veilleurs " des patrouilles frontalières et des systèmes de surveillance sophistiqués. This implies availing ourselves of Jehovah's provisions on a daily basis. In today's world, most countries have been used to "keep on the watch, " as well as mountainal systems of oversight. Quand on arrive à faire vivre la Bible - à en comprendre le sens - et quand on arrive à mettre en relation ce que l'on apprend avec " le modèle des paroles salutaires ', alors on n'a pas seulement des informations isolées. She thought deeply about what she read and got "the sense of it. " When you arrive to live the Bible - understanding the meaning of it - and when you come into a relationship with "the pattern of healthful words " - then more than just new information. Que devaient faire les Israélites pour que Jéhovah continue de les bénir? What does history reveal regarding Smyrna and religious practices there? What did the Israelites need to do to bless Jehovah's blessing? Leurs relations avec les adultes dans la congrégation et la manière dont ils s'acquittent de tâches simples à la maison laissent supposer qu'ils seront aptes à assumer des responsabilités plus grandes dans leur vie. - Luc 16: 10. To the common people, Jesus extended this warm invitation: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Their relationship with adults in the congregation and the way they carry out simple duties at home may suggest that they are qualified to take on greater responsibility in their life. - Luke 16: 10. Sont également mentionnés certains des changements qui ont été apportés à la présente revue. From 1513 - 1473 B.C.E., God used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and direct them in the wilderness. Also, there are some changes that have been published in this magazine. Quelle similitude existe - t - il entre notre époque et celle de Noé? What is the basis of the strongest friendships, and why? What similarity is there between our time and Noah's day? Elle suppose que l'on profite des dispositions de Jéhovah quotidiennement. (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to enjoy your youth? It requires that we benefit from Jehovah's provisions daily. Parce qu'elle a réfléchi profondément à ce qu'elle a lu et en a saisi " le sens ." So persistence and constancy are vital! Because she deeply thought about what she read and understood "the meaning. " Que révèle l'Histoire à propos de Smyrne et des pratiques religieuses qui y avaient cours? He said: "It is the spirit that is life - giving; the flesh is of no use at all. What does the historical record reveal about Smyrna and religious practices that prevailed there? Il a lancé cette invitation chaleureuse aux gens de condition modeste: "Venez à moi, vous tous qui peinez et qui êtes chargés, et moi je vous réconforterai. Despite the world's hatred, Jehovah's people have prospered. He said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. " De 1513 à 1473 av. n. è., Dieu l'a utilisé pour faire sortir les Israélites d'Égypte et les conduire à travers le désert. Next, the other sons of Jacob attacked Shechem's city, plundered it, and took the women and children captive. From 1513 B.C.E. to 1473 B.C.E., God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and lead them into the wilderness. Quel est le fondement des amitiés les plus solides, et pourquoi? Incompetence in performing even a simple task can have bad consequences. What is the basis for enduring friendships, and why? a) Comment savons - nous que Jéhovah veut que les humains profitent de leur jeunesse? So pour your heart into every assignment. (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants people to benefit from their youth? La constance et la persévérance sont donc essentielles! Note David's reply to King Saul, who offered David his daughter in marriage. So perseverance and perseverance are vital! Il a précisé: "C'est l'esprit qui donne la vie; la chair ne sert à rien. 15, 16. He added: "The spirit that gives life; the flesh does not serve at all. " En dépit de la haine du monde, nous avons continué de prospérer. After illustrating the need "always to pray and not to give up, " Jesus asked:" When the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth? " Despite the hatred of the world, we continued to prosper. Ils se rendirent à Shekèm, massacrèrent tous les hommes, et leurs frères pillèrent la ville et emmenèrent captifs femmes et enfants. The same is true for Christians in these "last days. " - 2 Tim. They went to city and all the men, and their brothers went through the city and took their wives and children into the city. Même quand on accomplit une tâche simple, l'incompétence peut avoir des conséquences dommageables. 2: 4. Genuine love is not easily provoked and "does not keep account of the injury, " as though we were making entries in a ledger when others do something unloving. Even when working a simple task, there may be devastating consequences. Prenons donc à cœur les tâches qui nous sont confiées. Have you not come to know about the holy spirit through studying the Bible? Let us, then, take to heart the assignments entrusted to us. Une seule de ces caractéristiques suffirait à rendre quelqu'un arrogant, mais pas David. (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) One of these features would be sufficient to make someone arrogant, but not David. 15, 16. The apostle Paul explained: "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " 15, 16. Les gouvernements humains ne sont pas parvenus à endiguer la criminalité - le terrorisme par exemple. Freeing a slave requires a payment, and Jehovah has made the payment that can save us from those dreadful consequences. Human governments have failed to eliminate crime - terrorism, such as terrorism. Après avoir donné un exemple sur la nécessité "de prier toujours et de ne pas renoncer ," Jésus a posé cette question:" Lorsque le Fils de l'homme arrivera, trouvera - t - il vraiment la foi sur la terre? ." Anyone who really wants to quit and who applies practical principles, such as those mentioned in this magazine, can succeed. After giving an illustration about the need "to pray and not give up, " Jesus asked:" When the Son of man arrives, will he really find faith on the earth? " C'est la même chose pour nous qui vivons les " derniers jours ." One writer who had spoken with many children said that what they "wanted most from their parents was more time, " along with" undivided attention. " That is the same thing for us living in "the last days. " L'amour authentique " ne s'irrite pas " facilement. Il " ne tient pas compte du mal subi ," ou ne tient pas, en quelque sorte, un registre des méchancetés subies. In this wave offering of the two leavened loaves, often the priest held the loaves in the palms of his hands, raised his arms, and moved the loaves from side to side. True love "does not become easily provoked, " or does he" keep account of the injury, " as it were, a record of wickedness. Grâce à votre étude de la Bible, vous avez compris ce qu'est l'esprit saint. David requested that this not happen. Through your study of the Bible, you came to understand what the holy spirit is. (Lire Proverbes 4: 23; Jacques 1: 14, 15.) Perhaps you are learning sign language and attend a sign - language congregation. (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) L'apôtre Paul a expliqué: " Le salaire payé par le péché, c'est la mort, mais le don fait par Dieu, c'est la vie éternelle par Christ Jésus notre Seigneur ." Explain why it is not always wrong to make sworn oaths. The apostle Paul explained: "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift made by God is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " De même que, moyennant paiement, on peut affranchir un esclave, Jéhovah a procédé au paiement qui peut nous soustraire à notre pénible condition. 27: 11. Just as using a slave, Jehovah has done so much to remove our painful condition. Celui qui veut vraiment arrêter et applique des suggestions pratiques, telles que celles mentionnées dans cette revue, peut réussir. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul wrote: "Tell Archippus: " Keep watching the ministry which you accepted in the Lord, that you fulfill it. ' " Those who truly want to stop and apply practical suggestions, such as those mentioned in this magazine, can succeed. Un spécialiste qui s'est entretenu avec de nombreux enfants a rapporté que ce qu'ils "attendaient surtout de leurs parents, c'était plus de temps ," ainsi qu'une" disponibilité totale ." Therefore, the Bible urges married couples: "Do not deprive each other [of the marriage due] except by mutual consent for an appointed time. " One expert who cooperated with many children reported that what they expected "all time was more time " and" complete. " Lorsqu'il présentait l'offrande balancée des deux pains à pâte levée, le prêtre procédait souvent ainsi: il tenait les pains dans les paumes de ses mains, levait les bras et faisait osciller les pains de part et d'autre. As you begin caregiving, take time to learn as much as you can about your parent's condition. When confronted with the offering of two loaves made by the priest, the priest often made the loaves in his hands, he raised the arms and put the loaves on both sides of his hands. David demandait que cela n'arrive pas. [ Picture on page 10] David asked that this would not happen. Appartenez - vous à une congrégation en langue des signes et apprenez - vous cette langue? Earth wide, Jehovah's faithful servants are increasing their share in the ministry, learning new languages, and moving to areas where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. Their actions reveal that they, like the psalmist, have but one thing to ask of Jehovah. Do you share in a sign - language congregation and learn sign language? Expliquez pourquoi il n'est pas toujours inapproprié de jurer. Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God. " Explain why it is not always bad. 27: 11. Therefore, all of us, whether longtime Bible students or not, need to heed Paul's counsel to Timothy, who was by then a mature, responsible overseer: "Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. 27: 11. Dans sa lettre aux Colossiens, Paul a écrit: "Dites à Archippe: " Prends toujours garde au ministère que tu as accepté dans le Seigneur, pour que tu l'accomplisses. ' ." 7, 8. (a) What Bible examples show that Jehovah considers it important to give encouragement? In his letter to the Colossians, Paul wrote: "Keep watching the ministry that you accepted in the Lord, that you may do it. " La Bible dit donc aux couples: " Ne vous privez pas l'un l'autre de ce dû, si ce n'est d'un commun accord, pour un temps fixé. Israel's opponents refused to acknowledge that God was fighting for Israel, and that led to their defeat. Thus, the Bible tells married couples: "Do not overlook each other until it is due for an appointed time. " Quand tu commenceras à apporter de l'aide à ton parent, prends le temps de t'informer le mieux possible sur son état. She described Jesus, his life on earth, and his teachings. When you begin to help your parents, take time to meditate on their circumstances as much as possible. [ Illustration, page 10] Why should we pray for God's name to be sanctified? [ Picture on page 10] Sur la terre entière, les fidèles serviteurs de Jéhovah augmentent leur participation au ministère, apprennent des langues étrangères et partent s'installer dans des régions où l'on a besoin de davantage de proclamateurs du Royaume. This is critically important to our welfare. Jehovah's loyal servants throughout the earth increase their share in the ministry, learn foreign languages, and move to areas where the need is greater. Celui donc qui veut être ami du monde se constitue ennemi de Dieu. ." Your goal is to serve Jehovah forever. Therefore, the one who wants to be friends of the world is an enemy of God. " Par conséquent, que nous soyons ou non des étudiants de la Bible de longue date, nous avons tous besoin de suivre les conseils de Paul à Timothée, qui était pourtant un surveillant mûr et responsable: "Fais constamment attention à toi et à ton enseignement. Not knowing that Jesus had been resurrected, they were heavyhearted because of recent events. Therefore, whether we are a long - term student or not, all of us need to heed Paul's counsel to Timothy, who was a mature and responsible overseer: "Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. 7, 8. a) Quels exemples bibliques montrent que donner des encouragements est important pour Jéhovah? The prophet Joel likened the preaching activity of anointed Christians to a devastating plague of insects, including locusts. 7, 8. (a) What Bible examples show that giving encouragement is important to Jehovah? Ils ont refusé de reconnaître que Dieu combattait pour Israël, ce qui a entraîné leur défaite. Why were the Scriptures not more thoroughly considered? They refused to recognize that God was fighting for Israel, and this led their defeat. " Puis elle a dépeint Jésus, a parlé de sa vie sur la terre et de ses enseignements. We cannot afford to become nonchalant about our faith and lose our zeal for serving God and for Bible truth. Then she identified Jesus, spoke about his life on earth, and his teachings. Pourquoi devrions - nous prier pour que le nom de Dieu soit sanctifié? Of the more than 600 laws that made up the Mosaic Law, which was the most important? Why should we pray for God's name to be sanctified? C'est une vérité essentielle à notre bonheur. How can you imitate Jesus in showing humility? It is a vital truth to our happiness. Nous devons nous comporter comme si nous étions à la barre d'un voilier. STUDY ARTICLE 2 We ought to behave as though we were at the burden of a certain tree. Ne sachant pas que Jésus a été ressuscité, ils ont le cœur lourd. By his day, living to that age was evidently considered unusual, for he wrote: "In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and... because of special mightiness they are eighty years. " Do not know that Jesus was resurrected, they made a heavy heart. Le prophète Yoël a comparé l'activité de prédication des chrétiens oints à une plaie d'insectes dévastatrice, comprenant des sauterelles. Another popular teaching is that God is not interested in us; thus, we do not need to be interested in him. The prophet Joel compared the preaching work of anointed Christians to a plague of insects, including locusts. Pourquoi ne s'est - on pas davantage référé aux Écritures? What was the most important step that Hezekiah took to prepare the people for the coming attack? Why was the Scriptures not limited to the Scriptures? Nous ne pouvons nous permettre de devenir indifférents à l'égard de notre foi ni de perdre notre zèle pour le service de Dieu et pour la vérité biblique. For Life and Peace, Walk in Accord With the Spirit We cannot allow ourselves to become apathetic toward our faith or losing our zeal for God's service and Bible truth. Sur les plus de 600 lois qui formaient la Loi mosaïque, laquelle était la plus importante? Why should we avoid overindulgence in food and drink? In addition to over 600 laws, which was the most important form of the Mosaic Law? Comment peux - tu imiter l'humilité de Jésus? Then one day she opened a new Bible that her daughter had left on a table. How can you imitate Jesus ' humility? ARTICLE D'ÉTUDE 2 PAGES 11 - 15 We need to be guided by God's thinking, always striving to please him with our every thought and action. STUDY ARTICLE 2 À l'époque, apparemment, rares étaient ceux qui atteignaient cet âge. En effet, Moïse a écrit: "En eux les jours de nos années sont de soixante - dix ans; et [...] en raison d'une force peu commune ils sont de quatre - vingts ans. ." The Passover of the year 32 C.E. has come and gone. At that time, relatively few were the ones in that age, for Moses wrote: "In them the days of our years are seventy years; and... because of a little unusual force they are. " Autre idée en vogue: Dieu ne s'intéresse pas à nous; alors pourquoi s'intéresser à lui? While couples try to forgive and to work out their difficulties, the Bible allows an innocent mate the right to decide whether to forgive or to divorce an adulterous spouse. To illustrate: God is not interested in us; why should we be interested in him? Quelle a été l'action la plus importante de Hizqiya pour préparer le peuple à l'attaque qui s'annonçait? Therefore, the psalmist is stating that Jehovah is deserving of all praise. What was Hezekiah's most important role in preparing the people for the coming attack? Marchons selon l'esprit pour obtenir vie et paix 2: 15. Why should we report our field service activity? Walk according to the Spirit for Life and Peace Pourquoi devons - nous nous garder des excès de table ou de boisson? Yes, make it your aim to resist the world's spirit of independence and to accept Jehovah's authority. Why should we avoid overeating or drinking? Puis, un jour, elle a ouvert un nouvel exemplaire qui était resté sur une table. By all means, glorify God. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 6: 20. Then, one day, she opened a new copy of a table that remained on a table. Rien ne nous permet de savoir si Hénok était le seul de son temps à servir Jéhovah. If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible. There is no indication that Enoch was the only time to serve Jehovah. La Pâque de l'an 32 est passée. Happy indeed will be the 144,000 members of the bride class. The Passover of 32 C.E. was past. Bien que les couples s'efforcent de se pardonner et de résoudre leurs difficultés, la Bible permet au conjoint victime d'un adultère de décider s'il pardonnera au conjoint coupable ou s'il divorcera. Give your child background education While married couples strive to forgive and deal with problems, the Bible allows a person to decide whether he will forgive the marriage mate or divorce. Le psalmiste déclare donc que Jéhovah est digne de recevoir toutes les louanges. Anointed Christians are also "baptized into [Christ's] death " in that they live a life of sacrifice and renounce any hope of everlasting life on earth. The psalmist thus declares that Jehovah is worthy of receiving all praise. Pourquoi devrions - nous rapporter notre activité de prédication? How do the demons deceive people? Why should we report our preaching activity? Ainsi donc, fixez - vous l'objectif de résister à l'esprit d'indépendance propre au monde et d'accepter l'autorité de Jéhovah. A YOUNG man wanted to be more useful in his congregation. Therefore, make it your goal to resist the spirit of independence from the world and to accept Jehovah's authority. Oui, glorifiez Dieu. " - 1 CORINTHIENS 6: 20. " Toward All Men " Yes, glorify God. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 6: 20. Si tu sers Jéhovah depuis des décennies, tu as peut - être observé une évolution dans la manière dont nos publications expliquent certains récits bibliques. The image is that of a dwelling, or place of habitation. If you have served Jehovah for decades, you may have observed a development in how our publications explain Bible accounts. Oui, heureux seront les 144 000 formant l'épouse. That event will open the way for true worship to be brought to its perfected state earth wide. Yes, happy will be the 144,000 forming the bride class. Les chrétiens oints sont aussi "baptisés dans [l] a mort " de Christ en ce sens que leur vie constitue un sacrifice et qu'ils renoncent à tout espoir de vie éternelle sur la terre. Despite obstacles, he kept his eye on the goal of becoming a regular pioneer and eventually reached it. Anointed Christians are also "made up in [Christ's] death " in that their life is a sacrifice and give up on every hope of everlasting life on earth. Comment les démons trompent - ils les humains? In Ephesus, the city recorder referred to the Roman legal system after he had calmed an angry mob. How do the demons corrupt humans? UN JEUNE homme désirait se dépenser davantage pour sa congrégation. In a letter to the Lincolnshire Boston Target, United Kingdom, a non - Witness reader said: "People are losing their faith in religions... A man who wished to expend himself more in behalf of his congregation. " Envers tous les hommes " Second Timothy 3: 4 refers to a pursuit of pleasures that excludes God. " For All Men " Le sujet est Jéhovah; l'image est une demeure, un logis. How can we show hatred for lawlessness when it comes to our choice of music? The matter is Jehovah; the image is a dwelling home. Cet événement permettra que le vrai culte soit amené à la perfection sur la terre entière. ARTICLE 3 This event will allow true worship to be brought to perfection on earth. Malgré les obstacles, il est resté concentré sur son objectif et il a fini par devenir pionnier permanent. [ Picture on page 26] Despite obstacles, he focused on his goal and eventually became a regular pioneer. À Éphèse, après avoir calmé une foule en colère, le greffier municipal a fait référence au système judiciaire romain. Those Bible Students were zealous! In Ephesus, after calming a crowd in anger, the branches were made up of the Roman system. Voici ce qu'un lecteur non Témoin a écrit au Boston Target du comté du Lincolnshire (Royaume - Uni): " Les gens perdent foi en la religion [...]. An obvious way to prove ourselves faithful with our material things is by contributing financially to the worldwide preaching work that Jesus foretold would take place. " People lose faith in religion... Deux Timothée 3: 4 parle des personnes qui recherchent tellement les plaisirs qu'elles en délaissent Dieu. The year is 617 B.C.E. Two Timothy 3: 4 speaks of those who pursue so much pleasure that they leave God. Comment manifester notre haine du mal dans le choix des musiques que nous écoutons? [ Picture on page 24] How can we show our hatred for what is bad in the choice of music we listen? PAGE 12 113: 4 - 9. ARTICLE 3 [ Illustration, page 26] [ Picture on page 15] [ Picture on page 26] Les Étudiants de la Bible étaient vraiment zélés! Individuals wanting to become part of the Christian congregation must meet certain requirements. The Bible Students were zealous! Une façon évidente de nous montrer fidèles dans l'utilisation de nos biens, c'est de soutenir financièrement l'œuvre mondiale de prédication prédite par Jésus. Can You Answer? A clear way that we show faithfulness in our use of material things is by supporting the worldwide preaching work that Jesus foretold. Babylone, 617 avant notre ère. Since God does not change, we can find comfort in knowing that he never asks more than we can give; rather, he is pleased to accept what is within our reach. Babylon, 637 B.C.E. [ Illustration, page 24] Paul did just that. [ Picture on page 24] 113: 4 - 9. What counts is not only what we do but also why we do it. 111: 4 - 9. [ Illustration, page 15] When Paul was a prisoner in Rome in about 65 C.E., he told Timothy: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " [ Picture on page 15] Aujourd'hui, celui qui veut faire partie de la congrégation chrétienne doit remplir certaines conditions. Indeed, when the time came to part, Paul and his traveling companions had to " tear themselves away, ' so reluctant were the local elders to let them go. - Acts 20: 36 - 21: 1. Today, someone who wants to be part of the Christian congregation must meet certain requirements. Que répondriez - vous? Really, woe is me if I did not declare the good news! " - 1 Cor. How Would You Answer? Puisqu'il n'a pas changé, soyons rassurés de savoir qu'il ne demande jamais plus que ce que nous pouvons donner; il accepte avec plaisir ce que nous sommes à même d'accomplir. A Jewish proselyte named Lydia listened to the good news and became a Christian. Since he has not changed, we can be sure that he never asks more of us than we can give; he accepts what we are able to do. ' ." Strive to gain an "accurate knowledge " or" a real knowledge " of his standards. What is it? ' " Job était accablé de chagrin et avait enduré bien des difficultés. How did Jesus ' attitude toward the common people of his day differ from that of the Pharisees? Job was overwhelmed by grief and endured many challenges. Plus tard, vers l'an 65, alors qu'il était de nouveau emprisonné à Rome, Paul a écrit à Timothée: "Prends Marc et amène - le avec toi, car il m'est utile pour le service. Decide in advance where to draw the line Later, in about 65 C.E. when he was once imprisoned in Rome, Paul wrote to Timothy: "Be Mark and bring him along with you, for it is beneficial for me to serve him. " C'est si vrai qu'au moment du départ Paul et ses compagnons de voyage durent " s'arracher à eux ', tant les anciens de cette congrégation avaient du mal à les laisser partir. - Actes 20: 36 - 21: 1. (Leviticus 11: 1 - 15: 33) True, at the time of Paul and his traveling companions "went away from them, " so the older men in the congregation had difficulty leaving them. - Acts 20: 36 - 21: 1. Oui, malheur à moi si je n'annonçais pas la bonne nouvelle! " - 1 Cor. What, though, if your problems are not quickly resolved? Really, woe is me if I did not declare the good news! " - 1 Cor. Une prosélyte du judaïsme, Lydie, a été attentive à la bonne nouvelle et est devenue chrétienne. 32: 9, 10. About Judaism, Lydia listened carefully to the good news and became a Christian. Efforçons - nous d'acquérir une "connaissance exacte ," ou une" pleine connaissance " de ses normes. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. As we strive to gain "an accurate knowledge, " or" full knowledge " of God's standards. En quoi l'attitude de Jésus envers le peuple différait - elle de celle des Pharisiens? Genesis 7: 3 says that they took animals into the ark "to preserve their offspring alive over all the earth. " How did Jesus ' attitude toward the people differ from that of the Pharisees? Fixez à l'avance la limite à ne pas franchir. Quitting that job and forfeiting nearly a year's salary, Thomas found other work, repairing radios and mobile phones. Set advance limits. (Lévitique 11: 1 - 15: 33) They will continue to find strength and protection in association with the more than 94,600 congregations around the world. (Read 11: 1 - 15: 33) Mais que faire si vos difficultés ne se résolvent pas vite? How can we demonstrate our love for Jehovah? But what if your problems do not change quickly? 32: 9, 10. He got baptized without delay. - Read Acts 22: 12 - 16. 32: 9, 10. Pourtant, aucun d'eux ne tombe à terre sans que votre Père le remarque. Far from being intimidated, however, the apostles were determined to obey the angelic command to preach. Yet, none of them falls to the ground without your Father notice. Genèse 7: 3 dit qu'ils ont fait entrer les animaux dans l'arche " pour conserver en vie une descendance à la surface de toute la terre ." EVENTS LEADING UP TO A TIME OF PEACE 17, 18. (a) What events that are yet unseen have we considered so far? Genesis 7: 3 says that they brought the animals into the ark "to sustain a offspring to the surface of all the earth. " Thomas a démissionné, renoncé à l'année de salaire qui lui était due et opté pour un autre emploi, celui de réparateur de radios et de téléphones portables. In addition, our Christian publications may shed light on a problem with which we may have been struggling and show us how we can overcome it. Thomas neglected, gave up the wages she had received and chose for another job, one that of the radio and the cell phone. Ils continueront de trouver force et protection dans leurs plus de 94 600 congrégations. It is hoped that the suggestions in this article and the preceding one will move more elders to set aside time for training others. They will continue to find strength and protection in their over 600 congregations. Comment manifester notre amour pour Jéhovah? 10: 8 - 11. How can we show our love for Jehovah? Il n'a pas retardé sa décision (lire Actes 22: 12 - 16). Furthermore, since Jesus charged all his followers to teach others and make disciples, any new ones becoming his sheep would need to be trained in how to carry out that divine commission. - Matthew 28: 19, 20. (Read Acts 22: 12 - 16.) Les apôtres ne se sont toutefois pas laissé intimider, loin de là; ils étaient déterminés à prêcher comme l'ange le leur avait ordonné. How did Jehovah's people in Bible times set an example in contributing (a) for specific projects? However, the apostles refused to be intimidated, far from there, and they were determined to preach as the angel had commanded them. 17, 18. a) À quels évènements encore à venir nous sommes - nous intéressés dans cet article? Even though the seed does not bear fruit, if we have done our best to help the student, we realize that this outcome is not a sign of unfaithfulness on our part. 17, 18. (a) What future events are we interested in this article? De plus, nos publications chrétiennes traitent parfois d'une difficulté contre laquelle nous luttons et nous montrent comment la surmonter. According to Amos 4: 4, 5, what had most Israelites come to love? Moreover, our Christian publications sometimes deal with a problem that is struggling with us and show us how to cope with it. Nous espérons que les suggestions de cet article et du précédent inciteront davantage d'anciens à réserver du temps à la formation. We can help new ones by setting a fine example through regular participation in Christian meetings. We hope that the suggestions in this article and the preceding article will move more elders to set aside time for training. 10: 8 - 11. We all know that making the right decision is one thing, but sticking to it and following through on it is quite another. 10: 8 - 11. En outre, Jésus ayant ordonné à tous les chrétiens d'enseigner et de faire des disciples, toute nouvelle brebis devrait être formée à s'acquitter à son tour de cette mission divine. - Matthieu 28: 19, 20. We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact. Moreover, Jesus commanded all Christians to teach and make disciples, all new sheep should be formed in carrying out this divine commission. - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Comment les serviteurs de Jéhovah du passé ont - ils soutenu a) certains projets? Elders appreciate that each sheep is unique. How have Jehovah's servants in the past supported (a) some plans? Même si la semence ne porte pas de fruit, dans la mesure où nous avons fait de notre mieux pour enseigner l'étudiant, n'en déduisons pas que nous avons mal rempli notre mission. How did the apostles resolve this delicate issue? Even though the seed does not bear fruit, as we have done our best to teach the student, we do not conclude that we have been able to carry out our commission. Selon Amos 4: 4, 5, qu'en étaient venus à aimer la plupart des Israélites? 16: 31 - 35. According to Amos 4: 4, 5, what had come to love most of the Israelites? Nous aidons les nouveaux en leur donnant l'exemple par notre participation régulière aux réunions chrétiennes. A third way we can promote unity is by freely forgiving others. We help new ones by setting the example by regular participation in Christian meetings. Bien sûr, prendre une bonne décision est une chose, l'appliquer et s'y tenir en est une autre. That attack was totally unexpected, and the trainer was not prepared. Of course, making a good decision is a matter, apply it, and apply it in another way. Il convient d'aider nos étudiants à en prendre conscience. Who are these two witnesses? It is proper to help our students to realize. Un ancien bienveillant reconnaît que chaque brebis est différente. 5, 6. A loving elder recognizes that each sheep is different. Comment les apôtres ont - ils réglé cette affaire délicate? Instead of taking the lead in worship, elders are trading on the Sabbath. How did the apostles handle this challenging matter? 16: 31 - 35. It could even lead to a husband's prayers being blocked, as happened to some neglectful servants of God in the past. 16: 31 - 35. Une troisième façon de contribuer à l'unité est de pardonner volontiers aux autres. This is illustrated by an incident that took place in the life of David. A third way to promote unity is to forgive others freely. Cette attaque était totalement inattendue et le dompteur ne s'y était pas préparé. Yes, honoring the older ones in the congregation was a serious responsibility when those words were written, and it is down to this day. That attack was totally unexpected and was not prepared. Qui sont ces deux témoins? In time, she examined the Bible. Who are these two witnesses? 5, 6. Again, the apostle does not merely say what we should not do; he tells us what we should be doing. 5, 6. Au lieu de prendre la tête dans le domaine du culte, les anciens font du commerce le jour du sabbat. (b) How should fathers imitate Jehovah in expressing love for their children? Instead of taking the lead in worship, the elders work business on the Sabbath. Les prières d'un homme pourraient s'en trouver bloquées, comme celles de certains Israélites peu scrupuleux d'autrefois. By age 15, he had taken up some of the lifestyle of his bad companions. A man's prayers might well come to mind, such as those of some ancient Israelites. Témoin ce qui est arrivé un jour à David. The ransom arrangement opens the door for all those of Adam's children who love righteousness eventually to become part of God's family. Consider what happened to David. Quand ces paroles ont été rédigées, honorer les personnes âgées dans la congrégation était en effet une responsabilité importante, et c'est toujours le cas aujourd'hui. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "I am confident that you will comply,... knowing that you will do even more than what I say. " - Philemon 21. When those words were written, honoring older ones in the congregation was an important responsibility, and the same is true today. Puis elle a examiné la Bible. " I have a very dear friend who is in her 50 ' s, " says Vanessa, who is in her early 20 ' s. Then she considered the Bible. ." Nous ne devons permettre à aucune "parole pourrie " de sortir de notre bouche. Why should we view it as an honor to walk in Jehovah's name? We must not allow any "new saying " to come out of our mouth. b) Sous quel rapport les pères devraient - ils imiter Jéhovah lorsqu'ils expriment leur amour à leurs enfants? 19, 20. (b) How should fathers imitate Jehovah when they express their love for their children? À 15 ans, il avait adopté le mode de vie d'amis peu recommandables. 6: 10. When he was 15 years old, he adopted the way of bad associations. La rançon ouvre à tous les enfants d'Adam qui aiment la justice la perspective d'appartenir un jour à la famille de Dieu. • What promises help us to endure? The ransom opens up to all of Adam's children who love righteousness the prospect of belonging to God's family. PRINCIPE BIBLIQUE: " Je suis persuadé que tu feras ce que je t'ai demandé, [...] sachant que tu feras même davantage que ce que je dis " (Philémon 21). In some areas, householders may expect more formalities before we get to the point of our visit. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "I am convinced that you will do what I have asked you... that you will do even more than I say. " - 21. " J'ai une amie qui a plus de cinquante ans ," dit Vanessa, qui elle - même n'a qu'une vingtaine d'années. The only religion that seems to care are the Jehovah's Witnesses, who go out and meet people and are genuinely involved in preaching the truth. " " I have a friend who has more than 50 years, " says Sheila, "who has just been in her late 20 ' s. Pourquoi marcher au nom de Jéhovah devrait - il être pour nous un honneur? What was foretold at Psalm 71: 18, and how has this come true? Why should we be privileged to walk in Jehovah's name? 19, 20. Jesus told his apostles that they would be among those who would rule as kings and judge "the twelve tribes of Israel, " that is, the world of mankind outside that heavenly ruling class. 19, 20. 6: 10. Finally, in the illustration, the owner sent his beloved son and heir. 6: 10. • Quelles promesses nous aident à endurer? Unemployment and other economic hardships affect millions. • What promises help us to endure? Dans certaines régions, les gens s'attendent à des salutations plus longues avant que nous en venions au but de notre visite. However, a person who knows how to make decisions that honor God will not permit fear or a desire for acceptance to cause him to behave in a way that conflicts with his Bible - trained conscience. - Rom. In some areas, people expect extra greetings before we arrived in order to visit our visit. La seule religion qui semble s'en préoccuper, ce sont les Témoins de Jéhovah, qui vont à la rencontre des gens et s'emploient vraiment à prêcher la vérité. They point out why it is important that we learn to love righteousness and cultivate a hatred for lawlessness. The only religion that seems to be concerned is Jehovah's Witnesses, who go to meet people and really use it to preach the truth. Qu'était - il annoncé en Psaume 71: 18, et comment cela s'est - il réalisé? For example, a Christian sister named Lynn admits, "Learning to put my complete confidence in Jehovah has been an ongoing struggle for me. " What was foretold at Psalm 71: 18, and how was this fulfilled? C'est alors que Jésus a annoncé à ses apôtres qu'ils feraient partie des rois qui jugeraient "les douze tribus d'Israël " - lesquelles représentent le monde des humains à l'exception, évidemment, des rois qui, eux, se trouveraient au ciel. 7 - 9. (a) What happened to the Israelites in Egypt? Then Jesus told his apostles that they would be among the kings who would judge "the twelve tribes of Israel " - which is, the world of mankind except of kings, who would find themselves in heaven. Les cultivateurs ont maltraité les messagers. What real danger exists, and why? The Judeans mistreated the messengers. Des millions de gens sont frappés par le chômage ou d'autres difficultés économiques. If you feel this may be the case, make an effort to be more outgoing. Millions of people are plagued by economic employment or other economic pressures. À l'inverse, si nous savons prendre des décisions qui honorent Dieu, nous ne laisserons ni la peur ni le désir d'être acceptés nous faire adopter un comportement qui heurterait notre conscience éduquée par la Bible. - Rom. Therefore, this article will answer three questions: How do the cities of refuge reveal Jehovah's mercy? On the other hand, if we know to make decisions that honor God, we will not allow fear or desire to accept a course that offends our Bible - trained conscience. - Rom. Ils expliquent pourquoi il est important d'apprendre à aimer la justice et de cultiver la haine de l'illégalité. À LIRE AUSSI: In the secular realm, some individuals serve in positions of authority. They explain why it is important to learn to love righteousness and to cultivate hatred for lawlessness. Une chrétienne nommée Lynn reconnaît: "Il m'a fallu batailler dur pour apprendre à me confier totalement en Jéhovah. He was also curing the blind and lame who approached him there. " I had to battle hard to teach myself completely in Jehovah. " 7 - 9. a) Qu'est - il arrivé aux Israélites en Égypte? [ Picture on page 4] 7 - 9. (a) What happened to the Israelites in Egypt? En quel sens l'amour endure - t - il tout et ne disparaît - il jamais? Says Hebrews 13: 17: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. " How does love endures all things and never fails? Quel risque est bien réel, et pourquoi? " Ought you not... to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you? " What is real, and why? ' Si c'est le cas, efforcez - vous d'être plus sociable. Matthew continued: "[Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you. ' " If that is the case, strive to be more responsive. Nous répondrons à trois questions: Que nous apprennent les villes de refuge sur la miséricorde de Jéhovah? Each of us should be alert to observe "the need " that others have. We will consider three questions: What do we learn about Jehovah's mercy? Dans le monde profane, certaines personnes occupent une position d'autorité. This scenario illustrates the situation of Jehovah's servants, who boldly testify for Jehovah and fearlessly expose his vicious archenemy, Satan! In the secular world, some people occupy positions of authority. Son zèle l'a aussi poussé à guérir des aveugles et des boiteux qui sont venus vers lui. 12: 25. His zeal also moved him to heal the blind and the lame who came to him. [ Illustration, page 4] Jehovah God was so certain of a positive outcome that he foretold it when the rebellion took place in Eden. - Gen. [ Picture on page 4] Nous lisons en Hébreux 13: 17: "Obéissez à ceux qui vous dirigent et soyez soumis, car ils veillent constamment sur vos âmes, en hommes qui rendront compte; pour qu'ils le fassent avec joie et non en soupirant, car cela vous serait préjudiciable. What was the experience of Jews who trusted in Jehovah? We read at Hebrews 13: 17: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do so with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. " " Ne devais - tu pas [...] avoir pitié de ton coesclave, comme moi - même j'ai eu pitié de toi? However, in order to touch the heart of our listeners, it is often better to use their mother tongue - the language that speaks to their deepest aspirations, motives, and hopes. - Luke 24: 32. " Do you not need to have pity... for your fellow slave, just as I felt pity for you? " Matthieu poursuit: " [Jésus] prit aussi une coupe et, ayant rendu grâces, il la leur donna, en disant: "Buvez - en tous " ." Similarly, some of our brothers in Nazi concentration camps were executed, whereas Jehovah saw to it that most of them survived. Matthew continued: "Jesus [Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of all of them. ' " Chacun d'entre nous devrait réfléchir à ce qu'il peut faire pour aider les autres. What illustrates the importance of using God's name? Each of us should think about what he can do to help others. Cet exemple illustre la situation des vrais chrétiens, qui témoignent avec courage pour Jéhovah et qui dénoncent sans crainte son pire ennemi, Satan! • The gift of being declared righteous brought what prospect to you? This illustrates the situation of true Christians who courageously testify to Jehovah and with fear of his worst enemy, Satan! 12: 25. However, we do not have to be corrupted by it. 12: 25. Jéhovah était tellement sûr que le drame aurait un heureux dénouement qu'il l'a annoncé aussitôt après la rébellion en Éden. - Gen. Whether they are employed or they have their own business, they often do well, even excel in what they do. Jehovah was so sure that the tragedy would have a happy outcome after the rebellion in Eden. - Gen. Qu'est - il arrivé aux Juifs qui ont mis leur confiance en Jéhovah? How can we respond to Paul's exhortation to "stay awake "? What happened to the Jews who trusted in Jehovah? Mais, pour toucher son cœur, il est généralement préférable d'utiliser sa langue maternelle, celle qui parlera à ses aspirations, à ses mobiles et à ses espoirs les plus profonds. - Luc 24: 32. He is blind. To reach his heart, though, it is usually best to use its mother tongue, the one referring to his desires, motives, and hopes. - Luke 24: 32. De même, dans les camps de concentration nazis, certains de nos frères ont été mis à mort alors que Jéhovah a veillé à ce que la majorité survivent. How sure is she that Jehovah will resurrect her daughter? Similarly, in the concentration camps, some of our brothers were put to death while Jehovah saw to it that most survive. Qu'est - ce qui montre l'importance d'employer le nom de Dieu? Each day, we are confronted with choices and decisions that test our loyalty. What shows the importance of using God's name? • Qu'est - il offert à ceux qui sont déclarés justes? Then when they are in a position to do so, they will be able to make a personal decision about worshipping God. • What was offered to those who are declared righteous? Pour autant, nous ne sommes pas obligés de le laisser nous corrompre. They were precious truths from his heavenly Father! Still, we do not need to let it corrupt us. Qu'ils soient salariés ou qu'ils possèdent leur propre entreprise, souvent ils réussissent, et même ils excellent, dans leurs activités. After all, how can one know what is in another person's heart? Whether they are at home or they have their own business, they often succeed, and they are fine in their activities. Comment suivrons - nous le conseil de Paul de " rester éveillés '? We do that when we come to love him and dedicate our life to him. - Read 1 Corinthians 8: 3. How can we follow Paul's counsel to "stay awake "? Il est aveugle. 20, 21. He is blind. " Est - elle convaincue que Jéhovah va ressusciter sa fille? Avoid time - consuming distractions, and focus on helping others. Did she believe that Jehovah will resurrect her daughter? Chaque jour, nous sommes placés devant des choix et des décisions qui mettent à l'épreuve notre fidélité. Today, almost seven million Kingdom publishers are preaching the good news worldwide. Every day, we face decisions and decisions that test our loyalty. Le moment venu, ils seront en mesure de décider personnellement s'ils adoreront Dieu. Not all can do the same in the ministry. Jehovah understands that. At the time, they will be able to make personal decisions if they worship God. Elles constituaient des vérités précieuses qui provenaient de son Père céleste. In prayer to God, Jesus clearly stated: "Your word is truth. " They were precious truths from his heavenly Father. Et, à dire vrai, qui pourrait lire dans le cœur d'une personne? 3 Attack on Jehovah's people What, though, about the reading of a person's heart? Nous devons l'aimer et lui offrir notre vie (lire 1 Corinthiens 8: 3). But if the blood that represented the lives of animals could not completely cover human sins, could any lifeblood do so? (Read 1 Corinthians 8: 3.) 20, 21. wrote the disciple James. 20, 21. Écartez les distractions prenantes, et appliquez - vous à aider autrui. • How can one deal with the problem of alcohol abuse? Avoid distractions, and apply yourself to helping others. Aujourd'hui, à l'échelle mondiale, près de sept millions de proclamateurs prêchent la bonne nouvelle du Royaume. (b) What does "the mountain of the olive trees " represent? Today, nearly seven million Kingdom publishers are preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Nous ne pouvons pas tous en faire autant dans le ministère, et Jéhovah le comprend. You will also want to learn to use the Bible in the ministry. Not all of us can do the same in the ministry, and Jehovah understands it. S'adressant à Dieu dans une prière, Jésus a clairement affirmé: "Ta parole est vérité. (Read 1 Peter 5: 4.) Speaking to God in prayer, Jesus clearly stated: "Your word is truth. Mais si le sang qui représentait la vie des animaux ne pouvait pas couvrir complètement les péchés des hommes, un autre sang le pouvait - il? What provision did Jehovah make for those with limited means? But if blood that represented the life of animals could not cover completely the sins of men, could there be another blood? Celui donc qui veut être ami du monde se constitue ennemi de Dieu. But was the brain designed to gain knowledge and skills and then die? Therefore, the one who wants to be friends of the world is an enemy of God. • Que faire si l'on a un problème avec l'alcool? Once the trials began, that was no longer possible. • What should be done if there is a problem with alcohol? b) Que représente " la montagne des oliviers "? In response, the people made an oath to serve God. - Josh. (b) What does "the mountain of the olive trees " represent? Vous voudrez aussi apprendre à utiliser la Bible dans votre ministère. No. You also want to learn to use the Bible in your ministry. (Lire 1 Pierre 5: 4.) No doubt, the righteous will experience increased opposition as the end draws closer. (Read 1 Peter 5: 4.) Qu'avait prévu Jéhovah pour ceux qui avaient peu de moyens? Many other examples could be cited to show that Bible reading and study can enrich your prayers. What did Jehovah require of those who had little means? Mais a - t - il été conçu seulement pour acquérir des connaissances et des compétences, puis mourir? He also sang: "My own foot will certainly stand on a level place; among the congregated throngs I shall bless Jehovah. " But was he designed only to acquire knowledge and skills and then die? Quand les épreuves ont commencé, cela n'a plus été possible. A Christian caught up in badness should wake up and face his need for spiritual help When trials began, this was no longer possible. En réponse, le peuple s'est engagé à servir Jéhovah. - Jos. I was too embarrassed and scared to seek help. " In response, the people urged themselves to serve Jehovah. - Josh. Non. Those are aspects of life for the average servant of God. No. Les justes se heurteront sans doute à une opposition accrue à mesure que la fin approchera. Continuing to have a regular share in Jehovah's work can help us to stay focused on the big issue. The righteous will likely experience greater opposition as the end draws near. Bien d'autres exemples pourraient être utilisés pour montrer que la lecture et l'étude de la Bible aident à enrichir les prières. God declares: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " Many examples could be used to show that Bible reading and Bible study can help us to enrich prayers. " Oui, mon pied se tiendra en un endroit plat; parmi les foules rassemblées [dans les congrégations, Darby] je bénirai Jéhovah. ." The first part relates events that happened at Mount Sinai. The second covers what took place during Israel's wandering in the wilderness. And the final section considers events on the Plains of Moab. " My foot will certainly stand on a ground; among the crowds [in the congregations] I shall bless Jehovah. " Un chrétien pris au piège de la pornographie doit se ressaisir et reconnaître qu'il a besoin d'être aidé spirituellement. Happily, love is also his dominant quality. A Christian caught up in the snare of pornography needs to deal with his need for spiritual help. J'étais trop gêné et effrayé pour chercher de l'aide. If the repentant man became "swallowed up by his being overly sad " and gave up entirely, especially would the elders bear some responsibility for this before the merciful God, Jehovah. I was embarrassed and embarrassed to seek help. Ce sont des aspects de la vie de tout serviteur de Dieu. " The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " - 1 Timothy 6: 10. These are aspects of every servant of God. Participer régulièrement à l'œuvre de Jéhovah peut aider à rester concentré sur la question la plus importante. Why should you get baptized? Building regularly in Jehovah's work can help us to keep our focus on the most important issue. Il déclare: "Moi, j'ai installé mon roi sur Sion, ma montagne sainte. ." Deft use of God's written Word, the Bible, helps us to teach the truth and safeguards us from succumbing to the Devil's wiles. He says: "I, I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " La première relate les événements qui se produisirent au mont Sinaï; la deuxième, ceux qui se déroulèrent durant les pérégrinations des Israélites dans le désert; et la troisième, ce qui arriva tandis qu'ils campaient dans les plaines de Moab. " Beloved ones, " wrote the apostle John, "let us continue loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born from God and gains the knowledge of God. The first account tells us what happened on Mount Sinai; the second, those following during the wilderness in the wilderness; and the third, as they marched on the Plains of Moab. Comment le savons - nous? ARTICLE 4 How do we know? Si l'homme repentant se trouvait "englouti par sa tristesse excessive " et abandonnait le culte de Dieu, les anciens en particulier porteraient une part de responsabilité devant Jéhovah, le Dieu miséricordieux. Yes, Jehovah blesses acts of faith and courage. - Ruth 2: 12; 4: 17 - 22; Matt. If the repentant man was "by his being overly sad " and would abandon God's worship, he was particularly entrusted with responsibility before Jehovah, the merciful God. " L'amour de l'argent est une racine de toutes sortes de choses mauvaises. " - 1 Timothée 6: 10. Why is a " lover of self ' endangering his or her marriage, and what is the Bible's counsel in this regard? " The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " - 1 Timothy 6: 10. Pour quelles raisons devriez - vous vous faire baptiser? 9: 16. For what reasons should you get baptized? Un bon usage de la Parole écrite de Dieu, la Bible, nous aide à enseigner la vérité et à ne pas succomber aux ruses du Diable. Remain in union with me, and I in union with you. Good use of God's written Word, the Bible, helps us to teach the truth and not to succumb to the crafty acts of the Devil. " Bien - aimés, a écrit l'apôtre Jean, continuons à nous aimer les uns les autres, parce que l'amour vient de Dieu, et tout homme qui aime est né de Dieu et parvient à connaître Dieu. We also need to remember that Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " " Beloved ones, " wrote the apostle John, "continue loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone loving is born from God and becoming acquainted with God. " PAGE 27 Of course, for a ruler to exercise his sovereignty, there need to be subjects. ARTICLE 4 Vraiment, Jéhovah bénit les actes de foi et de courage. Paul reminded them of the method he had used: "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. " Yes, Jehovah blesses acts of faith and courage. Pourquoi les individus "amis d'eux - mêmes " compromettent - ils leur mariage, et quel conseil la Bible donne - t - elle à cet égard? Prayer, personal study, and association with spiritually - minded fellow believers can also help to remove doubts and can deepen our appreciation for the faith - strengthening Bible truths we have learned through Jehovah's channel of communication. Why do "lovers of themselves " give birth to their marriage, and what counsel does the Bible give in this regard? 9: 16. Of course, we cannot possibly list all the reasons why we should love God. 9: 16. Demeurez en union avec moi, et moi en union avec vous. SONGS TO BE USED: 127, 213 Continue in union with me, and I in union with you. " Souvenons - nous également que Jésus a dit: " Tu dois aimer ton prochain comme toi - même ." " The offer was tempting, " says Cherie, "and coaches and fellow students put a lot of pressure on me to accept it. " Recall, too, that Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Naturellement, pour qu'il y ait un souverain, il faut qu'il y ait des sujets. For Jehovah to bless your efforts to serve him more fully, you first have to make those efforts. Of course, if there is a ruler, there must be subjects. Paul leur a rappelé la méthode qu'il avait employée: "Je ne me retenais pas de vous annoncer toutes les choses qui étaient profitables et de vous enseigner en public et de maison en maison. One thing is certain: The composer was conscious of his spiritual need. - Matthew 5: 3. Paul reminded them of the method he used: "I did not hold back from telling you all the things that were beneficial and teaching you publicly and from house to house. " La prière, l'étude individuelle et la fréquentation de compagnons chrétiens spirituels pourront également nous aider à nous affranchir de nos doutes et à renforcer notre reconnaissance pour les vérités bibliques qui fortifient notre foi et que nous avons apprises grâce au canal de communication de Jéhovah. What has especially distressed Jehovah? Prayer, personal study, and association can also help us to overcome doubts and strengthen our appreciation for Bible truths that strengthens our faith and that we have learned through Jehovah's channel of communication. Évidemment, il est impossible d'énumérer toutes les raisons que nous avons de l'aimer. Highlights From the Song of Solomon Of course, we cannot have every reason to love him. CANTIQUES: 127, 213 The more we pour out our heart to Jehovah, the closer we will be to him and the more we will trust in him. SONGS TO BE USED: 61, 37 " L'offre était alléchante, raconte - t - elle. En plus, des entraîneurs et mes camarades faisaient vraiment pression sur moi. Some of those attracted to the truth will take their stand for Jehovah (See paragraphs 9 - 12) Does this mean that those who have left the truth will never be allowed to return to the congregation? " The offer was tempting, " she relates, "and the money and my peers made very difficult for me. " Pour que Jéhovah bénisse vos efforts visant à le servir plus pleinement, vous devez commencer par faire ces efforts. Consider young Mihoko from Japan. For Jehovah's blessing on your efforts to serve him more fully, you must start by doing these efforts. Une chose est sûre, le rédacteur était conscient de sa pauvreté spirituelle. - Matthieu 5: 3. overcoming barriers to extending hospitality? One thing is certain, the writer was conscious of his spiritual need. - Matthew 5: 3. Dans quelles circonstances particulières Jéhovah a - t - il été peiné? Jesus also offered a brief prayer when he requested that Jehovah give him the power to resurrect Lazarus. Under what special circumstances did Jehovah feel hurt? Points marquants du Chant de Salomon SONGS: 54, 125 Highlights From the Song of Solomon Plus nous nous épancherons auprès de lui, plus nous serons proches de lui et lui ferons confiance. Of course, our primary work is to preach the good news of God's established Kingdom and help deserving ones become disciples of Jesus Christ. The more we pour out with him, the closer we will be to him and will trust him. Pour appuyer ses déclarations, il citait souvent les Écritures. From antiquity, pearls have been valued as ornamental objects. Using his statements, he often quoted the Scriptures. Cela signifie - t - il que ceux qui ont quitté la vérité n'auront plus jamais le droit de revenir dans la congrégation? Our personal appearance says much about us. Does this mean that those who have left the truth will never have the right to return to the congregation? Arrêtons - nous sur le cas de Mihoko. What Jesus did was neither a mere ritual nor just an act of kindness. Consider the case of righteousness. comment surmonter les obstacles qui pourraient nous retenir de manifester l'hospitalité? 13, 14. (a) What encouragement do you get from Solomon's prayer at the inauguration of the temple? How can we overcome obstacles that might hinder us from showing hospitality? C'est aussi par une prière brève que Jésus a demandé à Jéhovah le pouvoir de ressusciter Lazare. By submitting to our overseers, what, in fact, are we doing? It is also a brief prayer that Jesus prayed for Jehovah's power to resurrect Lazarus. CANTIQUES: 54, 125 Why should we reflect the tenderness that the shepherd showed toward the strayed sheep? SONGS TO BE USED: 54, 125 En ce qui nous concerne, notre mission première est de prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume établi par Dieu et d'aider les personnes qui en sont dignes à devenir des disciples de Jésus Christ. But to Jimmy, it felt as if his mother had abandoned him. Our primary mission is to preach the good news of God's established Kingdom and to help those who are worthy to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Depuis les temps les plus reculés, les perles sont considérées comme de précieux objets d'ornement. • Why is the Bible Teach book effective in our ministry? In recent times, pearls have been viewed as precious objects of gold. Notre apparence en dit long sur nous. Perhaps the next person you approach has been praying for someone like you to come and help him! Our appearance may reveal much about us. Il ne l'avait fait ni par respect des coutumes ni par simple bonté. It has happened to some in our time. He did not do so or by respect of customs or kindness. 13, 14. a) Quel encouragement retirez - vous de la prière de Salomon lors de l'inauguration du temple? Interestingly, ten centuries after David's death, a host of angels announced the birth of the Messiah to shepherds who were keeping watch over their flocks in the fields near Bethlehem. - Luke 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. 13, 14. (a) What encouragement do you find in Solomon's prayer at the inauguration of the temple? En nous soumettant aux anciens de nos congrégations, que faisons - nous en réalité? 1 - 3. By submitting to the elders in our congregations, what are we actually doing? Pourquoi devons - nous être aussi tendres que le berger envers la brebis égarée? 2: 5 - 8. Why should we be as tender as the shepherd has to strayed from the sheep? Mais aux yeux de Jimmy, c'était comme si elle l'avait abandonné. However, in their case, water baptism is a public demonstration that they have made a personal dedication to God in prayer. But in the eyes of Jimmy, she was like if she had left her. • Pourquoi le livre Qu'enseigne la Bible? King David saw this connection. • Why is the Bible Teach book? Qui sait si votre prochain interlocuteur n'aura pas prié pour recevoir l'aide de quelqu'un comme vous? If you apply the wise counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, you can keep such problems to a minimum. Who knows whether your neighbor will not pray for help as you do? C'est aussi ce qui est arrivé à certains d'entre nous. Jehovah is always willing to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, but he does expect us to do what we can. That is also true of some of us. On notera que, dix siècles après la mort de David, une multitude d'anges ont annoncé la naissance du Messie à des bergers qui surveillaient leurs troupeaux dans les champs près de Bethléhem. - Luc 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. How did Dorcas fill the needs of fellow Christians? It is noteworthy that ten centuries after David's death, a multitude of angels announced the birth of the Messiah to shepherds who poured out their flocks in the fields of Bethlehem. - Luke 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. 1 - 3. The instructions he received this time were different. 1 - 3. 2: 5 - 8. They lived in various cities, and all were a long distance from the governing body in Jerusalem. 2: 5 - 8. Cependant, dans leur cas, le baptême est la manifestation publique d'un vœu personnel qu'ils ont fait à Dieu dans la prière. We appreciate those efforts, and we can assure them that Jehovah does too. However, baptism is a public expression of a personal vow that they made to God in prayer. Le roi David en avait fait le constat. [ Picture on page 12] King David was aware of this fact. Si vous suivez les sages recommandations contenues dans le chapitre 7 de 1 Corinthiens, vous vous épargnerez bien des déboires. We need to remember, though, that if we question the fairness or rightness of Jehovah's decisions, we are, in effect, starting to put our standard of righteousness above Jehovah's standard. If you follow the wise counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, you will avoid much frustration. Jéhovah est toujours disposé à faire pour nous ce qui nous est impossible; mais il veut que nous fassions notre maximum. Similarly, at Exodus 14: 21, we read: "Jehovah drove the sea back with a strong east wind. " Jehovah is always willing to do what is impossible for us, but he wants us to do our utmost. Comment Dorcas comblait - elle les besoins de ses compagnons chrétiens? They were also risking their lives to follow David. How did Dorcas fill the needs of fellow believers? Cette fois - ci, il a reçu des directives différentes. During his prehuman existence, Jesus discerned God's attitude toward humans by observing Jehovah's dealings with them. This time, he received different direction. Ils vivaient dans plusieurs villes, toutes éloignées de Jérusalem, et donc du collège central. For instance, we "return evil for evil to no one. " - Rom. They lived in several cities, all away from Jerusalem, and thus from the governing body. Nous pouvons leur assurer que, tout comme nous, Jéhovah attache du prix aux efforts qu'ils ont consentis. The Blessed "Way of Righteous Ones " We can make sure that just as we do, Jehovah values their efforts. [ Illustration, page 12] A Warning for Whom? [ Picture on page 12] Soyons conscients que, si nous remettons en question l'équité ou le bien - fondé des décisions de Jéhovah, nous estimons que nos normes de justice sont supérieures aux siennes. This helped the young man to become a mature servant of Jehovah. We realize that if we entrust ourselves with Jehovah's exercise of justice, we feel that our standards of justice are superior to him. De même, nous lisons en Exode 14: 21: " Jéhovah se mit à faire reculer la mer par un fort vent d'est. In contrast, genuine love moves us to find joy in serving our brothers without fanfare or recognition. Similarly, we read at Exodus 14: 21: "Jehovah proceeded to turn back the sea through a strong wind. " De plus, ils risquaient leur vie en suivant David. will discuss 12 secrets of successful families. Moreover, they could risk their lives by following David. Au cours de son existence préhumaine, Jésus a pu discerner les sentiments que Jéhovah Dieu éprouvait à l'égard des humains en observant comment Il agissait envers eux. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 101 During his prehuman existence, Jesus could discern how Jehovah God felt toward humans by observing how he dealt with them. Par exemple, nous "ne rend [ons] à personne le mal pour le mal ." - Rom. But books and movies have often featured it in made - up love stories, and a glut of such material floods the marketplace. For example, we "return evil for evil to no one. " - Rom. Bénie est la "voie des justes " Of Buddhism's Tipitaka (Three Collections), one volume is mainly about rules and regulations of community living for monks and nuns. Blessed Is "the Send Out of the Righteous " Un avertissement pour qui? During this final part of the last days, it is to be expected that Satan will continue to launch an avalanche of lies and deceptions. a warning for whom? Visiblement, Barnabas, regardant au - delà de l'inconstance de Marc, a par la suite entrepris de terminer sa formation. Nothing like this has ever been seen in all human history! Clearly, Barnabas, looked beyond Mark's adopt, later began to complete his training. À l'opposé, par amour véritable, nous serons heureux de servir nos frères sans attirer l'attention ni espérer de félicitations. (b) What results from adopting Jehovah's view of others? In contrast, by genuine love, we will be happy to serve our brothers without undue attention or expecting commendation. examine 12 clés du bonheur familial. Learning that was a very emotional experience for her. Let us consider 12 key to family happiness. PAGE 12 • CANTIQUES: 97, 101 Clearly, Jehovah was leading them. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 101 Mais la littérature et le cinéma nous servent le plus souvent des histoires d'amour chimériques, et le marché est inondé de mièvreries. Have you ever found yourself asking why certain problems arise in the Christian congregation? But as we use the information and movies, we often use the most short stories of love in the country's school, and the market is filled with food. Pour sa part, le canon bouddhique, appelé Tripitaka ("Triple corbeille "), se compose de trois recueils. (b) According to Matthew 13: 28, what question was raised, and by whom? On the other hand, there is a collection of three collection. En cette période finale des derniers jours, nous devons nous attendre à ce que Satan continue de répandre un flot de mensonges et de tromperies. • How can we show love to those who do not serve Jehovah? In this final part of the last days, we need to expect that Satan continues to spread a flood of lies and deception. C'est du jamais vu dans toute l'Histoire! According to "the custom of former times in Israel concerning the right of repurchase..., a man had to draw his sandal off and give it to his fellow. " That has never been seen in all history! b) Si nous adoptons le point de vue de Dieu sur nos frères, qu'en résultera - t - il? (b) What was of greatest importance to Jephthah? (b) What will result if we adopt God's view of our brothers? Cela a été un moment intense pour elle. " Imaginez! " Calamity will put the wicked one himself to death; and the very ones hating the righteous one will be held guilty. " It was a intense time for her. " De toute évidence, c'est Jéhovah qui les dirigeait. What sort of disposition did Jesus have? Clearly, Jehovah directed them. Vous êtes - vous déjà demandé pourquoi certains problèmes surgissent dans la congrégation chrétienne? How faith - strengthening it will be for the small number of anointed ones and their millions of other sheep companions to gather on April 12, 2006! Have you ever wondered why problems arise in the Christian congregation? b) Selon Matthieu 13: 28, quelle question a été posée, et par qui? Hence, the ability to make good decisions can help us to live a relatively smooth, peaceful life rather than one that is full of chaos, controversy, and disappointment. - Prov. 14: 8. (b) According to Matthew 13: 28, what question was raised, and by whom? • Comment manifester de l'amour à ceux qui ne servent pas Jéhovah? However, they did not recognize the seriousness of what was coming. • How can we show love for those who do not serve Jehovah? Selon ce qui "était autrefois la coutume en Israël, à propos du droit de rachat [...], l'homme devait ôter sa sandale et la donner à son compagnon ." Abraham According to "the custom in Israel, concerning the right of the redemption..., the man had to remove his spear and give it to his companion. " b) Qu'est - ce qui était le plus important pour Yiphtah? May we be diligent in partaking of all the spiritual food we receive through Jehovah's organization. - Ps. 119: 27. (b) What was the most important to Jephthah? " Le malheur fera mourir le méchant; et ceux qui haïssent le juste seront tenus pour coupables. ." That does not mean, however, that the labors of our dear Christian brothers and sisters who faithfully preach in such unresponsive territories are in vain. Why not? " The calamity will cause the wicked one to die; and those hating the righteous will be bound to guilty. " Quel état d'esprit Jésus manifestait - il? Bible prophecy showed that the Messiah would experience what? What attitude did Jesus display? Quel encouragement ce sera, pour la foi du petit nombre de chrétiens oints et pour leurs millions de compagnons faisant partie des autres brebis, que de se réunir le 12 avril 2006! Since then, there has been a gathering of the remaining ones who will rule with Jesus in heaven as well as of "a great crowd " of people who will survive this system's end and be ushered into the new world. What encouragement that will be for the faith of the small number of anointed Christians and for their millions of other sheep companions throughout the April 12, 2006! C'est pourquoi la capacité à bien décider peut nous valoir une existence relativement calme et paisible, plutôt qu'une vie chaotique, pleine de controverses et de déceptions. What he did in the past gives us basis for confidence. Therefore, the ability to make good decisions can lead to a relatively peaceful and peaceful life rather than a free, full of controversy, frustration, and disappointments. Mais ces derniers ne saisissaient pas la gravité de ce qui allait arriver. Reading the Bible daily has sustained me through some of the darkest moments of my life. " But they did not understand the seriousness of what would happen. Abraham This joyful activity benefits us and those whom we teach. Abraham Alors mangeons avec appétit la nourriture spirituelle que nous fournit son organisation!. Peter helps his readers to cultivate patience by reminding them why God often does not act immediately. So eat of the spiritual food provided by Jehovah's organization! - 1 Cor. Mais attention: cela ne veut pas dire que nos chers frères et sœurs qui prêchent fidèlement dans ces territoires peu productifs travaillent pour rien! We rejoice in the advancement of the Kingdom - preaching work. But this does not mean that our dear brothers and sisters who faithfully preach in these small territories are working for nothing! D'après les prophètes, qu'allait subir le Messie? How can we make the most of the Bible as a source of divine guidance? What would the prophets say would happen to the Messiah? Depuis a commencé le rassemblement du reste de ceux qui régneront avec Jésus et, par la suite, celui de " la grande foule " d'humains qui survivra à la fin de ce système et entrera dans le monde nouveau. Later, I moved back to Saskatoon. Since then the gathering of those who will rule with Jesus and later become "the great crowd " of people who will survive this system's end and enter into the new world. Ses actes du passé constituent un solide fondement pour notre confiance. No matter what our hope is, why is it important to be present at the Memorial? His actions of the past form a solid foundation for our confidence. La lecture quotidienne de la Bible m'a été d'un grand secours dans les moments les plus sombres de ma vie. " Later, Paul speaks of Sosthenes as "our brother. " - 1 Cor. My daily reading of the Bible was a great help in the darkest times. " Cette activité joyeuse est salutaire, tant pour nous que pour les personnes que nous enseignons. How did the holy spirit serve as a teacher to early Christians? This joyful work is healthful, both for us and for those we teach. Pierre aide ses lecteurs à cultiver la patience en leur rappelant pourquoi, souvent, Dieu n'intervient pas sur - le - champ. Be modest in dress and grooming Peter helps his readers to cultivate patience by reminding them why God does not intervene in the field. Nous nous réjouissons des progrès de la prédication du Royaume. When your children fail to respond to your counsel, do you parents appreciate how Jesus must have felt? We rejoice in making progress in the Kingdom - preaching work. La Bible étant le moyen principal que Jéhovah utilise pour nous guider, comment en tirer le meilleur parti? After we have reached perfection and have passed the final test, Jehovah will be delighted to sign the certificate, as it were, and adopt us as his beloved earthly children. Since the Bible is Jehovah's principal way to guide us, how can we make the best use of it? Par la suite, je suis revenu à Saskatoon. The wisdom contained in God's Word is "first of all pure. " Later, I returned to there. Quelle que soit notre espérance, pourquoi est - il important d'être présent au Mémorial? As evidence of their humility, they refuse to let themselves be treated as celebrities. Whatever our hope, why is it important to be present at the Memorial? En effet, plus tard, Paul parle de Sosthène comme de "notre frère ." - 1 Cor. Those associated with Jesus in heaven will have experienced what it means to be imperfect. Paul later spoke of "our brother. " - 1 Cor. Comment l'esprit saint a - t - il enseigné les premiers chrétiens? Why did Jehovah emphasize the need to listen to his Son? How did holy spirit teach the early Christians? Soyez modeste dans le domaine de l'habillement et de la coiffure. 3: 12; 4: 1 - 6. Be modest in dress and grooming. Quand vos enfants ne répondent pas à vos sollicitations, vous comprenez sans doute ce que Jésus a dû ressentir. Today, too, many consult spirit mediums in an effort to speak with dead loved ones. When your children do not respond to your concerns, you likely understand what Jesus must have felt. Une fois que nous aurons atteint la perfection et passé avec succès l'épreuve finale, Jéhovah sera heureux de signer le certificat, pour ainsi dire, faisant de nous ses enfants terrestres bien - aimés. 1: 5. As long as we reach perfection and pass through the final test, Jehovah will be pleased to mark it, as it were, making us his beloved children. La sagesse qu'elle renferme est " tout d'abord pure ." Nothing escapes his attention. The wisdom found in it is " principally clean. " Preuve de leur humilité, ils refusent de se laisser traiter comme des célébrités. While cultural norms and circumstances may dictate how we address people today, Jehovah's servants cultivate warmth toward others. Since they are humble, they refuse to be treated as celebrities. Ceux qui rejoignent Jésus au ciel auront su ce qu'être imparfait veut dire. Do not imagine that Satan thought that this infant was beautiful, cuddly, or precious. Those who return to Jesus in heaven will have known what to be imperfect. Pourquoi Jéhovah a - t - il souligné la nécessité d'écouter son Fils? Christians seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Why did Jehovah emphasize the need to listen to his Son? 3: 12; 4: 1 - 6. Take the initiative and speak with them. 3: 12; 4: 1 - 6. De même aujourd'hui, beaucoup consultent un médium pour communiquer avec leurs chers disparus. Peter had "not God's mind, but that of men. " - Matthew 16: 22, 23; footnote. In a similar way, many today look to a spirit in order to communicate with their dead loved ones. 1: 5. On the other hand, a person who makes an unwise decision when choosing a husband or a wife may experience dissatisfaction and grief. 1: 5. Rien n'échappe à son attention. There are, however, other ways to show Jehovah that we love him. Nothing escapes his attention. Même si les codes culturels * et les circonstances leur dictent parfois la manière de s'adresser à autrui, les serviteurs de Jéhovah veillent à se montrer toujours chaleureux envers les autres. A clear mental image of the new world will move us to seek that Kingdom first. Even though different code * and circumstances may refer to how to speak, Jehovah's servants should always be warm toward others. N'imagine pas que Satan a trouvé le nouveau - né beau ou attendrissant. As descendants of Adam, all of us are subject to the law of sin and of death. Do not imagine that Satan found the newborn baby or her newborn child. Les chrétiens se concentrent sur le Royaume et sur les normes de justice de Dieu. The main thing is that the couple are married in a way that is honorable before God and man. - Luke 20: 25; 1 Peter 2: 13, 14. Christians focus on God's Kingdom and his righteous standards. Prenez l'initiative de leur parler. In the seventh year, he was to "go out as one set free without charge. " Take the initiative to speak to them. Pierre a, "non pas les pensées de Dieu, mais celles des hommes ." - Matthieu 16: 22, 23; note. Indeed, Amos ' bold response to the corrupt priest Amaziah confirmed that Jehovah had chosen the right person and could use his abilities that might not at first seem obvious. - Amos 7: 12, 13, 16, 17. Peter, "not God's thoughts, but those of men. " - Matthew 16: 22, 23; footnote. Par contre, celui qui ne fait pas preuve de sagesse dans le choix de son conjoint s'expose à l'insatisfaction et à la souffrance. Is this not a form of prejudice? On the other hand, a person who does not exercise wisdom in choosing his mate begins to laugh and suffering. Mais il existe d'autres façons de montrer à Jéhovah que nous l'aimons. Each group contributes in its own way to caring for the colony's needs. There are other ways to show Jehovah that we love him. Une image mentale claire du monde nouveau nous poussera à chercher d'abord ce Royaume. In making their decision, they must not fail to consider how Jehovah feels about what they are doing. A clear picture of the new world will move us to seek first the Kingdom. Ayant Adam pour père, nous sommes tous soumis à la loi du péché et de la mort. (a) Describe the behavior of people in general. (b) Throughout history, to whom has God shown favor? With Adam for father, all of us are subject to the law of sin and of death. L'important est que le couple soit marié d'une façon qui soit honorable aux yeux de Dieu et des hommes. - Luc 20: 25; 1 Pierre 2: 13, 14. (Read Ephesians 4: 20 - 24.) A key is that marriage is honorable in God's eyes and men. - Luke 20: 25; 1 Peter 2: 13, 14. La septième année, il devait " sortir libre, sans rien payer '. Satan's rule has never benefited mankind On the seventh year, he was to " go out free, not giving anything. ' Et sa réponse hardie au prêtre corrompu Amatsia a confirmé que Jéhovah avait choisi la bonne personne, qu'il pouvait utiliser chez cet homme des capacités qui n'étaient pas forcément visibles de prime abord. First, he made an announcement: "All authority has been given me. " And Asa's bold reply to the corrupt priest confirmed that Jehovah had chosen the right person, which he could use to do with the man of the abilities that were not necessarily visible. N'est - ce pas une forme de préjugé? (Read Acts 20: 29, 30; 2 Peter 2: 1 - 3.) Is that not a form of kindness? Chacun à sa manière, ces trois groupes coopèrent pour répondre aux besoins de la colonie. What can we learn from the way Jehovah communicated with his people in the past? Each of these two groups cooperates to care for the needs of the man's needs. Il est essentiel qu'ils se demandent comment Jéhovah considère leur façon d'agir. Upon arriving in a more prosperous country without her mate and children, one sister told the elders: "We had to make great sacrifices for me to come here. It is vital that they ask how Jehovah views their actions. a) Décris le comportement des gens en général. b) À qui Jéhovah a - t - il accordé sa faveur tout au long de l'Histoire? Like the 3rd Psalm, the 4th is an earnest prayer of David that gives evidence of his complete trust in Jehovah. (a) Describe the actions of people in general. (b) Who has Jehovah blessed his favor throughout history? (Lire Éphésiens 4: 20 - 24.) 12: 1 - Why did Miriam and Aaron complain against Moses? (Read Ephesians 4: 20 - 24.) La domination de Satan n'a pas procuré de bienfaits à l'humanité. Judas Iscariot was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus. Satan's rule has not benefited mankind. Premièrement, il leur a donné une information: "Tout pouvoir m'a été donné. Timothy grew up in Lystra, a small town in the Roman province of Galatia. First, he gave them a point: "All authority has been given me. " (Lire Actes 20: 29, 30; 2 Pierre 2: 1 - 3.) Yet, these are normal aspects of life that give a Christian opportunity to demonstrate his faith. (Read Acts 20: 29, 30; 2 Peter 2: 1 - 3.) Que pouvons - nous apprendre de la façon dont Jéhovah communiquait jadis avec son peuple? One purpose of these meetings is to "consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works. " What can we learn from the way Jehovah communicated with his people in ancient times? Alors qu'elle venait d'arriver dans un pays plus prospère sans son mari ni ses enfants, une sœur a dit aux anciens: " Nous avons dû faire de gros sacrifices pour que je puisse venir ici. One way they do this is by making encouraging shepherding visits. When she came to a prosperous country without her husband or children, one sister told the elders: "We had to make great sacrifices so that I might come here. Le Psaume 4, comme le précédent, est une prière fervente de David dans laquelle transparaît sa confiance totale en Jéhovah. I am coming as a thief, " says the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 4, is a heartfelt prayer of David that shows his complete trust in Jehovah. 12: 1 - Pourquoi Miriam et Aaron se sont - ils plaints de Moïse? The precious gift of holy spirit, coupled with our earnest efforts to keep "a tight grip on the word of life, " will allow us to" keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling. " - Phil. 12: 1 - Why did Miriam and Aaron complain about Moses? Judas Iscariote était un des 12 apôtres de Jésus. When there has been a death in a family, what might you say or do to bring comfort? Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus ' 12 apostles. Timothée a grandi à Lystres, une petite ville de la province romaine de Galatie. Jennifer spent three days at an airport waiting for a flight home. Timothy grew up in Lystra, a small city of the Roman province of Galatia. Il n'en demeure pas moins que ces festivités font partie de la vie, et qu'elles offrent au chrétien l'occasion de montrer sa foi. Among those " who through faith and patience will inherit the promises ' is the God - fearing patriarch Abraham. But they are part of life, and they give Christians an opportunity to demonstrate their faith. Un des objectifs de ces réunions est que nous nous " considér [ions] [...] les uns les autres pour nous inciter à l'amour et aux belles œuvres ." Understandably, she has sometimes found it difficult to attend congregation meetings. One of those goals is that we "consider one another to incite to love and fine works. " Les visites pastorales encourageantes sont pour eux un excellent moyen de s'acquitter de cette responsabilité. Husbands should imitate Jesus in showing affection for those under their care. The encouraging shepherding visits are a fine way for them to carry out this responsibility. Je viens comme un voleur, dit le Seigneur Jésus Christ. The New Covenant I am coming as a thief, says the Lord Jesus Christ. PAGE 23 La Parole de Jéhovah est vivante: Points marquants des lettres de Jean et de Jude PAGE 27 In Japan, for example, Taro had from childhood centered his life on being loyal and obedient to his parents. ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Letters of John and of Jude " Si vous vous efforcez de " tenir fermement la parole de vie ', l'esprit saint vous aidera à "mene [r] à bien votre propre salut avec crainte et tremblement ." - Phil. What sort of protection does the 91st Psalm promise? If you strive to "get a firm hold on the word of life, " holy spirit will help you to" keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. " - Phil. Quand les membres d'une famille ont perdu l'un des leurs, que pouvez - vous dire ou faire pour les consoler? No. When family members lost one of their relatives, what can you say or do to comfort them? Une autre sœur, Jennifer, a attendu trois jours dans un aéroport l'avion qui devait la ramener chez elle. A wife of 26 years wrote: "My husband and I take Jehovah's view of marriage seriously, so we do not even consider separation. Another sister, Jennifer, waited three days in an airplane that was to bring her back home. Parmi ceux " qui, grâce à la foi et à la patience, hériteront des promesses ', citons le patriarche Abraham, un homme qui craignait Dieu. Kadesh was about ten miles [16 km] from Beer - lahai - roi, where Isaac and Rebekah had resided. [gl 7] It was under 60 miles [95 km] to Beer - sheba, cited as a southern edge of the Promised Land. Among "those who through faith and patience will inherit promises, " such as the patriarch Abraham, a God - fearing man. C'est parfois très difficile pour elle d'assister aux réunions. Finally, consider the context of our theme scripture: "Wives be in subjection to [your] husbands. " At times, it is very difficult for her to attend meetings. Tout comme Jésus, un mari manifestera de l'affection aux siens. 2: 7. Like Jesus, a husband will show affection for his family. La nouvelle alliance Jehovah did this solely for our benefit, not for personal gain. The New covenant Citons l'exemple de Taro, qui vit au Japon. Depuis son enfance, il s'efforçait d'être fidèle à ses parents et de leur obéir. It was the same with James and John. " At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. " For example, in Japan, he endeavored to be loyal to his parents and to obey them. Quel genre de protection le Psaume 91 évoque - t - il? (a) What qualities of Jehovah might a Christian consider? What kind of protection does Psalm 91 convey? Non. He used the amazing growth of a mustard grain to illustrate the power of God's Kingdom arrangement to expand, protect, and conquer all obstacles. No. Une femme mariée depuis 26 ans a écrit: " Mon mari et moi prenons au sérieux le point de vue de Jéhovah sur le mariage, c'est pourquoi il ne nous viendrait jamais à l'esprit de nous séparer. However, our freedom could become "a cover for doing wrong " if we chose to become slaves of our own fleshly desires or if we adopted the disgraceful fads and trends of the world. One married woman for 26 years wrote: "My husband and I take seriously Jehovah's view of marriage because he would never come to separate us from the spirit of God. Qadesh était à peu près à 16 kilomètres de Béer - Lahaï - Roï, où Isaac et Rébecca avaient résidé [gl 7]. C'était à moins de 100 kilomètres de Béer - Shéba, considérée comme une limite sud de la Terre promise. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Kadesh was nearly 16 miles [100 km] from Beer - sheba - C.E., where Isaac and Rebekah lived in the Promised Land. Pour finir, revenons sur le contexte du verset thème de cet article: "Que les femmes soient soumises à leurs maris. ." My quality of life has plummeted. " Finally, let us return to the context of this article: "Let wives be in subjection to their husbands. " 2: 7. How has God's love been expressed toward us, and how has it affected you? 2: 7. Il n'a pas fait cela pour lui, mais uniquement pour nous. But now in union with Christ Jesus you who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. " - Ephesians 2: 12, 13. He did not do this for himself but for us. " Même chose pour Jacques et Jean: "Laissant aussitôt le bateau et leur père, ils le suivirent. ." We do well to guard against it. Even something for James and John: "At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. " a) À quelles qualités de Jéhovah un chrétien pourrait - il s'intéresser? Ruth hopes that he will see the difference between true worship and false. - Acts 24: 16. (a) What qualities of Jehovah might a Christian consider? Jésus s'est servi de la croissance impressionnante du grain de moutarde pour illustrer la capacité du Royaume de Dieu de faire prospérer ses activités, d'apporter une protection et de vaincre tout obstacle. " Each one will carry his own load. " Jesus used the amazing growth of the mustard grain to illustrate the potential of God's Kingdom to prosper his activities, to bring protection, and to conquer any obstacles. Nous sommes tous libres de nos choix en matière de fréquentations, d'habillement, d'aspect général et de loisirs. On a day - to - day basis, people think about their appearance, their health, the challenges of making a living, the ups and downs of their friendships, perhaps even romance. All of us are free from our choice of associates, dress, grooming, recreation, and recreation. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania For years, God's prophets had warned the Jews that if they continued to disregard God's Law, they would be delivered into the hands of the Babylonians. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ma vie est devenue très dure. Thus, when you are anxious, he can mercifully " come to your aid ' and " help you at the right time. ' My life became very hard. a) Comment Dieu a - t - il manifesté son amour pour les humains? ● Threats to children In Papua New Guinea, a mother may refuse to go outside with her newborn at night. (a) How has God shown love for mankind? Mais maintenant, en union avec Christ Jésus, vous qui autrefois étiez loin, vous êtes devenus proches par le sang du Christ. " - Éphésiens 2: 12, 13. Should you not also have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I showed mercy to you? " But now in union with Christ Jesus you who were once far off became close to the blood of the Christ. " - Ephesians 2: 12, 13. Veillons à ne pas rire inconsidérément. Hundreds of years before the Flood, Enoch prophesied the destruction that must come in our day. We should be careful not to laugh at criticism. Sandrine espère qu'il s'apercevra de la différence entre le vrai et le faux culte. - Actes 24: 16. What is this coming "day of Jehovah, " and how will its arrival affect mankind? Ruth hopes that he will find the difference between true worship and false worship. - Acts 24: 16. " Chacun portera sa propre charge. ." What effect did faith have on Rahab's life? " Each one will carry his own load. " Jour après jour, les humains se préoccupent de leur apparence, de leur santé, de la difficulté à s'en sortir financièrement, de la fragilité de leurs amitiés ainsi que de questions sentimentales. Teaching others to " observe all things ' includes teaching them what commands? Day after day, humans are concerned about their appearance, health, financial problems, and financial matters. Pendant des années, les prophètes de Dieu avaient averti les Juifs que s'ils continuaient à mépriser sa Loi, ils seraient livrés aux Babyloniens. They will not bring lasting security. For years, God's prophets had warned the Jews that if they continued to look down on God's Law, they would be brought to the Babylonians. Aussi, quand tu es inquiet, il peut, avec miséricorde, " venir [à ton] secours " " au bon moment ." A widow named Dalene explains: "Bereaved ones need to express their thoughts and feelings. So when you are anxious, he can mercifully "come to your aid " at the right time. ● Protection des enfants En Papouasie - Nouvelle - Guinée, des mères ne sortent pas le soir avec leur nourrisson. Imitate Jehovah by showing love (See paragraph 7) ● Could not mothers arrive at night with their birth? Ne devais - tu pas à ton tour avoir pitié de ton coesclave, comme moi - même j'ai eu pitié de toi? Christ's record of perfect integrity also upheld the rightfulness and righteousness of Jehovah's universal sovereignty. Should you not, in turn, have mercy on your fellow slave, just as I felt pity for you? Des siècles avant le déluge, Hénok a prophétisé la destruction qui doit survenir à notre époque. And as Jehovah observes our divided world, it must warm his heart to see the unity that exists among his people. - Read Zephaniah 3: 17. Centuries before the Flood, Enoch prophesied the destruction that will occur in our day. Qu'est - ce que ce "jour de Jéhovah " qui approche, et quelles répercussions aura - t - il sur l'humanité? What will help us not only to understand the pure language but also to speak it fluently? What is that "day of Jehovah, " and how will it affect mankind? Quel effet la foi a - t - elle produit sur la vie de Rahab? 109: 23 - What did David mean when he said: "Like a shadow when it declines, I am obliged to go away "? What effect does faith have on Rahab's life? Si on apprend à quelqu'un à "observer tout " ce que Jésus a commandé, quels commandements doit - on lui enseigner? The last verse of Hosea's prophecy reads: "Who is wise, that he may understand these things? If someone is taught to "observe all " Jesus commanded, what commandments must be taught? Elles ne leur procureront pas une sécurité durable. Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" you must love your neighbor as yourself. " They will not give them permanent security. Dalene, qui est veuve, explique: " Un endeuillé a besoin d'exprimer ses pensées et ses sentiments. For years, he expressed annoyance at her for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Those who are a widow need to express their thoughts and feelings, " says a widow. Imite l'amour de Jéhovah (voir paragraphe 7). Yes, he turned away from the mirror without acting on what he saw. Imitate Jehovah's Love (See paragraph 7) Enfin, en étant d'une intégrité sans faille, Christ a défendu le caractère légitime et juste de la souveraineté universelle de Jéhovah. When we share the Kingdom message with others, we have a fine opportunity to do "good toward all. " Moreover, as integrity keepers, Christ upheld the rightful and righteous standards of Jehovah's universal sovereignty. Quand Jéhovah voit à quel point ce monde est divisé, il doit être très heureux de constater que ses adorateurs, eux, sont unis (lire Sophonie 3: 17). As we endure, we experience in our heart a lasting feeling of peace that results from knowing that we have Jehovah's and Jesus ' approval. When Jehovah sees how divided this world is, he must be very happy that his worshippers are united. (Read Zephaniah 3: 17.) Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera non seulement à comprendre la langue pure, mais encore à la parler couramment? Jehovah urged Cain to "turn to doing good. " What will help us not only to understand the pure language but also to speak it best? 109: 23 - Qu'entendait David par ces mots: "Comme une ombre à son déclin, je dois m'en aller. By putting forth such effort, Louise developed " firmness of heart, ' and it proved to be vital when she faced a distressing health problem. 109: 23 - What did David mean when he said: "As a shadow in its decline I must go away? Le dernier verset de la prophétie d'Hoshéa est ainsi libellé: "Qui est sage, pour comprendre ces choses? Though Jehovah is unsearchably great, he dignifies his human servants by treating them graciously. The final verse of Hosea's prophecy is this: "Who is wise, that is, to understand these things? " " Tu dois aimer Jéhovah ton Dieu de tout ton cœur, et de toute ton âme, et de toute ta pensée ," a dit Jésus. " Tu dois aimer ton prochain comme toi - même ," a - t - il ajouté. What are they? - Read Colossians 1: 19, 20. " You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind, " said Jesus, "you must love your neighbor as yourself. " Il était très mécontent qu'elle soit Témoin de Jéhovah. THE first - century Christians in Philippi were materially poor. However, they were generous and showed exemplary love for their fellow believers. He was greatly displeased that she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Le problème, c'est donc qu'il se détourne du miroir sans corriger ce qu'il a vu. Are you a congregation elder or a circuit overseer who feels the weight of your heavy responsibilities? The problem is, then, that he turns away from the mirror without correcting what he saw. Donne des exemples. En prêchant le message du Royaume, nous avons une excellente occasion de faire du bien à tous. " I saw that those who resort to violence often end up dead. Give examples. By preaching the Kingdom message, we have a fine opportunity to do good to all. Quand nous prêchons, nous ressentons une paix durable parce que nous savons que nous faisons plaisir à Jéhovah et à Jésus, et cette paix nous aide à faire preuve d'endurance dans la prédication. Find out what community resources are available to make your task easier and the care better. As we preach, we experience lasting peace because we know that we are pleased with Jehovah and Jesus, and this peace helps us to endure in the preaching work. Jéhovah lui a vivement conseillé de " [se mettre] à bien agir ." The Bible says of Abraham: "He was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is God. " Jehovah gave him strong counsel to "keep doing good. " Qu'a voulu dire Jésus en employant le mot "géhenne "? (Read Matthew 6: 30 - 34.) What did Jesus mean by using the word " Jesus ' words "? " Grâce à ses efforts, Louise a " affermi son cœur ' symbolique; cette stabilité spirituelle lui a été très utile quand elle a eu de graves ennuis de santé. Instead, he praised and encouraged his disciples. " As a result of her efforts, " she " strengthened her figurative heart, ' and that spiritual stability helped him when she faced serious health problems. " Bien que sa grandeur soit inscrutable, Jéhovah accorde de la dignité à ses serviteurs humains en les traitant avec compassion. What if we have lost our zeal for the ministry or our fervor for it is not what it used to be? Although his greatness is unsearchable, Jehovah extends dignity to his human servants by treating them with compassion. Voyons ce que désignent ces deux expressions. - Lire Colossiens 1: 19, 20. Consider alcohol abuse. Let us consider these two expressions. - Read Colossians 1: 19, 20. LES chrétiens de Philippes avaient beau être pauvres, ils ne s'en montraient pas moins généreux et témoignaient à leurs frères et sœurs un amour exemplaire. Aaron, mentioned at the outset, recalls: "In Africa, I often met young people who were drifting across the country in search of a purpose in life. THE Christians in Philippi had good health, yet they did not manifest generosity and give loving attention to their brothers and sisters. Ou si tu es ancien dans ta congrégation ou bien surveillant de circonscription, peines - tu sous le poids des responsabilités? They may find it hard to reconcile such suffering with the existence of a loving Creator. Or if you are an elder in your congregation or circuit overseer, are you experiencing the weight of responsibility? Ceux qui utilisent la violence finissent souvent par se faire tuer. How powerful is the sun, and to what important truth does it testify? Those who use violence often end up being killed. Cherche à savoir quelles aides sont disponibles localement, pour rendre ta tâche plus facile et obtenir des soins de meilleure qualité. How did Jesus ' courage affect the apostles? Try to find out what help is available, to make your work easier and to improve the quality of your work. La Bible dit au sujet d'Abraham: " Il attendait la ville ayant des fondements véritables, ville dont Dieu est le bâtisseur et l'auteur ." Even many of those who have known little or nothing about Jehovah God and his wonderful gift of marriage have shown at least a measure of gratitude for the marital bond. Concerning Abraham, the Bible says: "He was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and maker is God. " Mais le pionnier se rend compte que, s'il peut rester dans le service à plein temps, c'est uniquement grâce à Jéhovah (lire Matthieu 6: 30 - 34). Peter learned the lesson. - 1 Pet. (Read Matthew 6: 30 - 34.) Bien au contraire, il les félicitait et les encourageait. With a view to imitating him, let us carefully examine his example of humility. Rather, he commended them and encouraged them. Que faire si nous avons perdu notre zèle pour le ministère ou s'il n'est plus ce qu'il était? If so, you may find the example of Hannah helpful. What if we have lost our zeal for the ministry or for being unable to do so? Parlons de l'alcool. Their method of study? Consider alcohol. Aaron, mentionné dans l'introduction, se rappelle: "En Afrique, j'ai souvent rencontré des jeunes qui erraient à travers le pays, à la recherche d'un but dans la vie. When and on what basis did Jehovah's new dedicated nation come into being? Aaron, mentioned at the outset, recalls: "In Africa, I often met young people who live through the land, seeking a purpose in life. Ils ont du mal à concilier cela avec l'existence d'un Créateur plein d'amour. When we meditate on what Jehovah does for us each day, we come to realize that he is a true Friend. They struggle with the existence of a loving Creator. Quelle est la puissance du soleil, et de quelle vérité importante témoigne - t - il? When elders work along with us in sacred service and offer perceptive observations based on God's Word, they assist us to make progress in putting on the new personality. What is the sun's power, and what important truth does it testify? Très tôt, il avait fréquenté les apôtres, ce qui lui avait apparemment insufflé le désir de devenir missionnaire. 1 Peter 5: 5 Early in his dealings with the apostles, he apparently had the desire to serve as a missionary. Quelle influence le courage de Jésus a - t - il eue sur les apôtres? " What son is he that a father does not discipline? " How did Jesus ' courage affect the apostles? Quantité de gens qui ne connaissent rien ou presque rien du mariage tel qu'il a été institué par Dieu accordent du prix aux liens conjugaux. Just as the Roman armies of the first century were designed to maintain the Pax Romana (Roman Peace), the United Nations of today is intended to be a peacekeeping instrument. Many people who know nothing or nothing about it have been instituted by God value the marital bond. Puis il a montré le sort qui attend celui qui cherche à se ménager et les bienfaits que procure un esprit de sacrifice. Or perhaps you ponder the satisfaction you will feel as you work with others to tend to the earth and help transform it into a global park. Then he showed the end that awaited those who seek to offer themselves and the benefits of a self - sacrificing spirit. Examinons attentivement son exemple à cet égard, avec pour objectif de l'imiter. Cultivate Loyalty Let us carefully examine his example in this regard, with the goal of imitating him. Souvenez - vous alors de l'exemple de Hanna. What does the Bible tell us about angels? Consider the example of Hannah. Quelle méthode ont - ils adoptée? Brad: "I, for my part, baptize you with water because of your repentance; but the one coming after me is stronger than I am, whose sandals I am not fit to take off. What method did they use? Quand et sur quel fondement la nouvelle nation vouée à Jéhovah est - elle venue à l'existence? Jesus Christ demonstrated his submission to his heavenly Father in a superlative way. When and on what basis did the new nation dedicated to Jehovah come into existence? À méditer sur ce que Jéhovah fait pour nous chaque jour, nous nous rendons compte qu'il est un véritable Ami. Many of us have courageously stood firm against pressure from family members, workmates, or secular authorities in order to prove ourselves loyal to God. Meditating on what Jehovah has done for us every day makes us aware that he is a real Friend. Quand un ancien qui prend part à nos côtés à une facette du service sacré nous adresse des remarques judicieuses et fondées sur la Parole de Dieu, il nous aide à mieux revêtir la personnalité nouvelle. He is full of mercy, willing to forgive repentant sinners on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. When elders share with us in a aspect of sacred service carefully and based on God's Word, they help us to put on the new personality. 1 Pierre 5: 5 Also comforting to repentant wrongdoers are the psalmist's words: "The sacrifices to God are a broken spirit; a heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise. " - Psalm 51: 17. 1 Peter 5: 5 " Quel est le fils que son père ne discipline pas? 25: 11. How does displaying insight improve communication in marriage? " Who is the son that his father does not discipline? " De même qu'au Isiècle les armées romaines avaient pour but d'assurer le maintien de la pax romana (la paix romaine), de même aujourd'hui les Nations unies sont un instrument chargé du maintien de la paix. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 63, 32 As was true in the first century C.E., Roman armies were designed to ensure the preserving of Roman Peace (the Roman Peace), even as the United Nations are a instrument of preserving peace. Ou peut - être songez - vous au plaisir que vous éprouverez à travailler avec d'autres à l'entretien de la terre et à sa transformation en un immense parc. Because the two Sabbaths fell together, it was "a great " Sabbath. - Read John 19: 31, 42. Or imagine how pleasant it would be for you to work with others in the maintenance of the earth and to make his transformation in a vast bank. Soyez fidèles l'un à l'autre In a 1797 book on the worship of God, Hopton Haynes began chapter 7: "JEHOVAH the proper name of GOD among the Jews; whom alone they worshipped; as also did Christ and his Apostles. " Be Faithful to One Another Mais qu'enseigne la Bible à propos des anges? We should pray, study God's Word and meditate on it, and share the Kingdom message with others. But what does the Bible teach about angels? Benjamin: "Pour moi, je vous baptise avec de l'eau à cause de votre repentance; mais celui qui vient après moi est plus fort que moi, celui dont je ne suis pas digne d'enlever les sandales. Jehovah deals rewardingly with his people. Brad: "For me, I will drink you with water on account of your repentance; but the one coming after me is stronger than I, the one whom I am not worthy to remove them. Jésus Christ a donné, de la plus belle manière qui soit, la preuve de sa soumission envers son Père céleste. 19: 11, 13, 16. Jesus Christ gave his best way of showing submission to his heavenly Father. Par fidélité à Dieu, beaucoup parmi nous restent fermes face aux pressions de membres de leur famille, de collègues de travail ou des autorités. James 1: 27 shows that it is our duty "to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation. " Out of loyalty to God, many remain firm in the pressures of unbelieving relatives, workmates, or authorities. Il est plein de miséricorde, prêt à pardonner aux pécheurs repentants sur la base du sacrifice rédempteur de Jésus. Then he tried to convince Eve that she need not listen to God, saying: "God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened. " He is full of mercy, ready to forgive repentant sinners on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Tout aussi réconfortants pour les transgresseurs repentants sont ces mots du psalmiste: "Les sacrifices à Dieu, c'est un esprit brisé; un cœur brisé et broyé, ô Dieu, tu ne le mépriseras pas. " - Psaume 51: 17. Early Christians received much support by encouraging one another and building one another up in love. Also comforting to repentant ones are the words of the psalmist: "The sacrifices to God are a broken spirit; a heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise him. " - Psalm 51: 17. Comment la perspicacité améliore - t - elle la communication entre conjoints? Why may what we do be even more important than what we say? How can insight improve a marriage bond? PAGE 8 • CANTIQUES: 63, 32 (b) What should we be determined to do? ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 63, 32 Lorsque deux sabbats tombaient le même jour, on appelait ce jour un " grand " sabbat (lire Jean 19: 31, 42). Only a third part underwent refinement as through fire. That day was called "a great sabbath. " (Read John 19: 31, 42.) En 1797, Hopton Haynes a introduit ainsi le chapitre 7 d'un livre sur le culte de Dieu: " JÉHOVAH le nom propre de DIEU chez les Juifs; qu'ils adoraient lui seul; ce qu'ont fait aussi Christ et ses Apôtres. Toward the end of his life, he said to his fellow Israelites: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. In the 17th century, Nisan 7 throughout the book of God's worship said: " JEHOVAH the own name of GOD in the Jews; that they worship him alone; also did Christ and his associates. " Il nous faut pour cela prier, étudier la Parole de Dieu et la méditer, et annoncer le message du Royaume. Why, that person is moved to exclude such practices from his life! We need to pray, study God's Word, and meditate on it, and preach the Kingdom message. ." Jéhovah se comporte avec ses serviteurs en Dieu qui récompense. Perhaps you "see " yourself living on earth forever. Jehovah has been with his servants as a reward. 19: 11, 13, 16. Evidence of holy spirit. 19: 11, 13, 16. Jacques 1: 27 indique qu'il est de notre devoir de "prendre soin des orphelins et des veuves dans leur tribulation ." Moreover, baptism is a requirement for Christians, and it is a vital step toward gaining salvation. James 1: 27 indicates that it is our responsibility to " look after orphans and widows in their tribulation. ' " Ensuite, il a essayé de convaincre Ève qu'elle n'avait pas besoin d'écouter Dieu: " Dieu sait que, le jour même où vous en mangerez, vos yeux ne manqueront pas de s'ouvrir. We also need to maintain a good conscience - one that will bring pleasure to us and cause the heart of our God to rejoice. - Prov. Then he tried to convince Eve that she did not need to listen to God: "God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will not be opened. " Dans la congrégation, les premiers chrétiens bénéficiaient d'un soutien précieux: ils s'encourageaient les uns les autres et " se bâtissaient dans l'amour '. Justice is not a prevailing quality today. In the congregation, the early Christians received valuable support - encouraging one another and " built up in love. ' Pourquoi nos actes ont - ils plus d'importance que nos paroles? What blessings will obedient mankind experience during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ? Why is our actions more important than our speech? b) Quelle devrait être notre détermination? Ivan adds: "We studied Bible - based articles on the subject of weddings, such as those published in The Watchtower of April 15, 1984. (b) What should be our resolve? Seule une troisième partie a été affinée, comme par le feu. What about those who accept the invitation, become disciples of Jesus Christ, and extend the invitation to still others? Only one third part was clarified, as was fire by fire. Vers la fin de sa vie, il a dit à la nation d'Israël: "Vous savez bien de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme que pas une parole n'a failli de toutes les bonnes paroles que vous a dites Jéhovah votre Dieu. How can we follow his example? Toward the end of his life, he told the nation of Israel: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. " Elle se sent poussée à s'en affranchir. Another challenge for Noah was that of providing materially for his wife and children. Before the Flood, people had to work extra hard to grow food, and Noah was surely no exception. She feels that she was under pressure. Tu te " vois " peut - être vivant éternellement sur terre. 2: 12 - When was the prophecy about " collecting the remaining ones of Israel ' fulfilled? You may "see " yourself living forever on earth. L'action de l'esprit saint. Paul wrote: "Do not be grieving God's holy spirit. " Holy spirit's operation. Quand nous accordons la priorité au Royaume et ressentons le soutien de Jéhovah, quel effet cela a - t - il sur notre confiance en lui? You can use the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking to give a convincing answer to those who want to know "a reason for the hope you have. " When we put Kingdom interests first and feel Jehovah's support, how does that affect our trust in him? De plus, le baptême est une exigence pour le chrétien, et c'est une étape essentielle pour obtenir le salut. Yes, it is God's spirit that has sent us! Furthermore, baptism is a requirement for Christians, and it is a vital step to gain salvation. Gardons également une bonne conscience, une conscience qui nous rend heureux et réjouit le cœur de notre Dieu. - Prov. Have as full a share as possible in supporting true worship. We also maintain a good conscience, a conscience that makes us happy and makes Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Prov. La justice est loin d'être la qualité dominante aujourd'hui. We briefly considered three aspects of entertainment - quality, quantity, and company. Justice is far from being the dominant quality today. Quelles bénédictions seront déversées sur les humains obéissants durant le Règne millénaire de Christ? A man should always speak gently to his wife What blessings will come to obedient mankind during Christ's Millennial Reign? Ivan ajoute: "Nous avons étudié des articles bibliques sur le sujet, comme ceux parus dans La Tour de Garde du 15 juillet 1984 *. (a) Jesus instructed his apostles to do what if people rejected the message? " We studied Bible articles on the subject, such as those published in The Watchtower of July 15, 2009, " adds The Watchtower. Que dire de ceux qui acceptent l'invitation, deviennent disciples de Christ et invitent à leur tour d'autres humains? According to the book of Revelation, "the incense means the prayers of the holy ones. " What about those who accept the invitation, become disciples of Christ, and invite others to join them? Comment suivre son exemple? A principle is a fundamental truth or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or action. How can we follow Jesus ' example? En plus de cela, Noé devait aussi nourrir sa femme et ses enfants, ce qui lui demandait de gros efforts, car avant le Déluge, le sol était très difficile à cultiver. Pray for Jehovah's help to rid your heart of hurtful feelings. In addition, Noah also had to feed his wife and children, and he asked him to put forth great effort before the Flood, for before the Flood was very difficult to cultivate. 2: 12 - À quel moment la prophétie relative au " rassemblement de ceux qui restent d'Israël ' s'est - elle accomplie? Even his enemies acknowledged: "Teacher, we know you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth. " 2: 12 - When was the prophecy about the gathering of those remaining of Israel fulfilled? L'unité est un trésor qui mérite d'être protégé. (b) What questions related to Christ's commission to make disciples will we consider? Unity is a treasure that deserves protection. La brochure Cinq questions à se poser sur l'origine de la vie t'aidera à présenter des arguments convaincants à ceux qui veulent connaître " la raison de [ton] espérance ." Jesus compared "the anxieties of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches and the desires for the rest of the things " to thorns that" make inroads and choke " the seed of God's word in our hearts. The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking will help you to make effective statements to those who want to know "the reason of your hope. " En effet, c'est bien l'esprit de Dieu qui nous envoie! Our loyalty to Christ is founded on appreciation for what he did as well as for his outstanding qualities. Yes, it is God's spirit that sends us! Fais tout ce que tu peux pour soutenir le vrai culte. Do I give Jehovah my best even if my health or personal circumstances might limit what I can do? ' Do all you can to support true worship Dans cet article, nous nous sommes interrogés sur la nature de nos divertissements, sur le temps que nous leur consacrons et sur le genre de personnes auquel nous nous associons. (a) Why did David want Jehovah to examine his heart? In this article, we are affected by the nature of our entertainment, our time, and the kind of person we associate. Un homme devrait toujours s'adresser à sa femme avec douceur. (a) What reason for confidence do Jehovah's people have? A man should always address his wife with mildness. a) Quelle instruction Jésus a - t - il donnée à ses apôtres dans le cas où les gens rejetteraient le message? Although Jehovah lovingly assured David that He would continue to bless him, God directed that David's son Solomon build the temple. (a) What instruction did Jesus give to his apostles when people would reject the message? Selon le livre de la Révélation, "l'encens représente les prières des saints ." Their respective vows resulted in Jephthah's daughter and Hannah's son being devoted to special, sacred service at the tabernacle. According to the book of Revelation, "the incense represents the prayers of the holy ones. " Un principe est une vérité fondamentale qui peut guider notre raisonnement et nous aider à prendre de bonnes décisions. 92: 7; Prov. A fundamental truth that can guide our thinking and help us to make wise decisions is a fundamental truth that can guide us. Demandez à Jéhovah la capacité de vous débarrasser des sentiments destructeurs. What does that mean? Ask Jehovah for the ability to rid you of destructive feelings. D'ailleurs ses détracteurs l'ont eux - mêmes reconnu, en ces termes: "Enseignant, nous savons que tu es véridique et que tu enseignes la voie de Dieu avec vérité. • Acts 10: 42? In fact, his opposers acknowledged him, saying: "Teacher, we know that you are truthful and that you are teaching the way of God with truth. " b) Quelles questions, se rapportant à l'ordre du Christ de faire des disciples, allons - nous examiner? When people enter marriage already thinking about the possibility of divorce, their commitment is lacking right from the start. " - Jean. (b) What questions regarding Christ's command to make disciples will we consider? Jésus a comparé "les inquiétudes de ce système de choses, et le pouvoir trompeur de la richesse, et les désirs pour les autres choses " à des épines qui" s'introduisent et étouffent " la semence de la parole de Dieu dans notre cœur. So dig deeply into God's Word, as if you were looking for hidden treasures. Jesus likened "the anxieties of this system of things, and the deceptive power of riches and the desires for the other things " to thorns that" make up and choke " the seed of God in our heart. Notre fidélité à Christ repose sur la reconnaissance: reconnaissance pour ce qu'il a fait et reconnaissance pour ses qualités remarquables. But it was not death that made the way out for them; it was Jehovah's help that made it possible for them to endure to the end without yielding to temptation. Our loyalty to Christ is based on appreciation - appreciation for what he did and appreciation for his wonderful qualities. Est - ce que je donne à Jéhovah le meilleur de moi - même en dépit des limites que m'imposent ma santé ou ma situation? ' • How can we show concern for the foreigners among us? Do I give Jehovah my best despite the limitations I need or circumstances? ' a) Pourquoi David voulait - il que Jéhovah examine son cœur? The loaf which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ? (a) Why did David want Jehovah to examine his heart? a) Quelle raison les serviteurs de Jéhovah ont - ils d'être confiants? In some places, hosts honor guests with the finest they have to offer, letting family take second place; in others, everyone shares alike. (a) What reason do Jehovah's servants have for confidence? " Bien qu'il ait assuré avec bonté à David qu'il continuerait de le bénir, Jéhovah a ordonné que ce soit son fils Salomon qui bâtisse le temple. Could it, then, be reasoned that since Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, the resurrection of his faithful anointed followers began three and a half years later, in the spring of 1918? Although he kindly assured David that he would continue to bless him, Jehovah commanded Solomon to take the temple for granted. Leurs vœux ont amené leur enfant respectif à se consacrer au service spécial au tabernacle - mode de vie très satisfaisant. Like David they may feel isolated from God and cry out: "Why, O Jehovah, do you keep standing afar off? Their vows led their child's respect for the special service at the tabernacle - a very satisfying life. 92: 7; Prov. Their Bible - based talks help feed and protect the flock, and their hard work in this regard is visible to all. 92: 7; Prov. Que signifie cette expression? It is understood that this psalm was written when his son Absalom schemed to steal the kingship from him. What does that mean? •... d'Actes 10: 42? Jesus ' zeal was thus significantly evident in his public ministry. • Acts 10: 42? Si des personnes se marient en pensant déjà à la possibilité de divorcer, c'est que, dès le départ, leur engagement est faible " (Jean). Read Matthew 6: 31, 32. If some people have already married to divorce, that is, from the start, their commitment is weak. " C'est pourquoi creuse en profondeur la Parole de Dieu, comme pour chercher des trésors cachés. Some choose not to make full use of those opportunities so that they can pursue spiritual goals. Therefore, deep appreciation for God's Word, as for seeking hidden treasures. Mais ce n'est pas la mort qui a été pour eux l'issue; c'est l'aide que Jéhovah leur a fournie et qui leur a permis d'endurer jusqu'au bout sans céder à la tentation. He had great responsibility, yet he is described as "by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground. " But death was not death for them; it was the help Jehovah gave them, and it enabled them to endure successfully in resisting temptation. • Comment pouvons - nous montrer que nous nous soucions des étrangers qui vivent parmi nous? " By their fruits you will recognize those men. " • How can we show that we are concerned about strangers who live among us? Le pain que nous rompons, n'est - il pas une participation au corps du Christ? Why is there a need for a visible part of Jehovah's organization? After all, the bread we broke, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ? Dans certains endroits, la famille qui reçoit réserve à ses invités ce qu'elle a de meilleur; dans d'autres, tout le monde mange la même chose. And the increase is continuing. In some places, the family receive the best of her guests; in others, everyone will eat the same thing. Pourrait - on dès lors avancer que, puisque Jésus a été intronisé à l'automne 1914, la résurrection de ses fidèles disciples oints a commencé trois ans et demi plus tard, au printemps 1918? In it, he identified the "scarlet - colored wild beast " of Revelation 17 and indicated that there would still be much preaching to do after the war. Could it be that since Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, the resurrection of his faithful anointed followers began three and a half years later in the spring of 1918? À l'exemple de David, peut - être se sentent - ils loin de Dieu et crient - ils: "Pourquoi, ô Jéhovah, te tiens - tu au loin? 14, 15. Like David, may they feel away from God and cry out: "Why, O Jehovah, do you not take away? Leurs discours fondés sur la Bible contribuent à le nourrir et à le protéger. Cette partie de leur travail est visible. However, they could not resume "their original position " with God. Rather, they were consigned to "dense [spiritual] darkness, " known as Tartarus. - Jude 6; 2 Peter 2: 4. This part of their work is visible. On admet généralement que ce psaume date de l'époque où son fils Absalom complotait pour lui ravir la royauté. Indeed, David urged fellow Israelites to " boast in Jehovah's holy name. ' - Read 1 Chronicles 16: 8 - 10. It is usually recognized that the date of the time when David's son Absalom wasnt on his kingship. Le zèle de Jésus transparaissait donc clairement dans son ministère public. Obedience to those who today are taking the lead among us is vital. Thus, Jesus ' zeal was clearly reflected in his public ministry. (Lire Matthieu 6: 31, 32.) At the same time, we recognize that our knowledge of God's purpose is not perfect; our understanding has undergone adjustments over the years. (Read Matthew 6: 31, 32.) Certains décident de ne pas en user pleinement pour poursuivre des objectifs spirituels. What assurance does the Edenic promise give us about the serpent and its offspring? Some decide not to use it fully to pursue spiritual goals. Il assumait de grandes responsabilités, et pourtant, on dit de lui qu'il était "de beaucoup le plus humble de tous les hommes qui étaient sur la surface du sol ." " Who is vigorous like you, O Jah? " He cared for great responsibilities, yet he said that he was "by far the meekest of all the men on the surface of the ground. " " "C'est à leurs fruits que vous reconnaîtrez ces hommes. In what way does a woman procure praise for herself? " To their fruits you will recognize these men. " Pourquoi faut - il une partie visible à l'organisation de Jéhovah? Each one in the congregation can be a source of encouragement to others (See paragraph 14) Why is there a visible part of Jehovah's organization? Et l'accroissement se poursuit. (b) What question do we do well to ask ourselves? And the increase continues. ," dans lequel il a identifié la "bête sauvage de couleur écarlate " de Révélation 17. De plus, il a expliqué qu'après la guerre il resterait encore beaucoup à faire dans la prédication. A resourceful Kingdom proclaimer uses one of our tracts to witness to fellow students. In which he identified "the scarlet - colored wild beast " of Revelation, he explained that the war would still continue in the preaching work. 14, 15. (Acts 11: 19 - 28: 31) 14, 15. Toutefois, ils ne purent reprendre "leur position originelle " auprès de Dieu: ils furent confinés dans une" obscurité [spirituelle] profonde ," appelée Tartare. - Jude 6; 2 Pierre 2: 4. All 12 saw the same strong cities and established nations. However, they were confined to "their original position " with God. They were confined to" deep spiritual darkness, " called obscene Pharaoh. - Jude 6; 2 Peter 2: 4. Il a d'ailleurs exhorté les Israélites à " se glorifier dans le saint nom de Jéhovah '. - Lire 1 Chroniques 16: 8 - 10. Meeting these requirements does not demand perfection, for then no human would qualify. He urged the Israelites to " boast in the holy name of Jehovah. " - Read 1 Chronicles 16: 8 - 10. L'obéissance à ceux qui nous dirigent est capitale. " The only way you can relieve your pain is by returning to Jehovah, " Anne wrote. - Jas. Obedience to those taking the lead is vital. En même temps, nous sommes conscients que notre connaissance du dessein divin n'est pas parfaite; nous en avons d'ailleurs affiné notre compréhension au fil des ans. JESUS CHRIST gave his followers no small commission. At the same time, we realize that our knowledge of God's purpose is not perfect; we have refined our understanding over the years. Que révèle la promesse édénique à propos du serpent et de sa semence? Jehovah unfailingly carries out his purposes. What does the Edenic promise reveal about the serpent and his seed? " Qui est vigoureux comme toi, ô Yah? In what sense might a Christian's heart be harming him? " Who is strong like you, O Jah? " En quoi faisant une femme s'attire - t - elle des louanges? What would "abstaining " have meant back then? How does one woman gain praise? Dans la congrégation, chacun peut être une source d'encouragement pour les autres (voir paragraphe 14). So, then, when it comes to spending time on recreation, we do well to count the cost in advance. In the congregation, each one can be a source of encouragement to others (See paragraph 14) b) Quelle question devrions - nous nous poser? Jesus perfectly imitated his Father in everything he said and did. (b) What question should we ask ourselves? Une proclamatrice du Royaume pleine d'initiative utilise un de nos tracts pour donner un témoignage à ses camarades de classe. In the first century, some of these had the privilege of ministering to Jesus and his apostles. A full Kingdom proclaimer uses a tracts to witness to her schoolmates. (Actes 11: 19 - 28: 31) The Christian wife does well, then, to continue to behave "with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long - suffering, " putting up with the situation in love. (Compare Acts 11: 19 - 28: 31) Les 12 avaient vu les mêmes villes fortes et les mêmes peuples autochtones. Which aspects of our ministry will we consider in this and the following article? The 12 had seen the same strong cities and the same peoples. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être parfait pour satisfaire à ces exigences, autrement aucun humain ne serait qualifié. She was deeply depressed when she was contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses. There is no need to be perfect in order to meet these requirements, no human would be qualified. Elle a ajouté: " La seule façon de soulager ta souffrance, c'est de revenir à Jéhovah ." (b) Illustrate why we dare not try to find our own way through this wicked system of things. She added: "The only way to relieve your suffering is to return to Jehovah. " JÉSUS CHRIST a confié à ses disciples une mission qui n'était pas des plus simples. What defect did some in the congregations have, and how did this affect them? JESUS CHRIST gave his disciples a commission that was not merely simple. Jéhovah réalise immanquablement ses desseins. Some may ask: " Why did Jehovah react so strongly? Jehovah always fulfills his purposes. En quel sens ce qu'un chrétien a dans le cœur peut - il lui nuire? " Father,... glorify your son, that your son may glorify you. " - JOHN 17: 1. How can a Christian's heart harm him? À l'époque, que signifiait " s'abstenir ' du sang? As a result, millions of people have dedicated their life to God. What was meant by " abstaining ' from blood at that time? Il importe par conséquent que nous calculions au préalable "la dépense ." Consider how Moses reacted to the fear shown by the Israelites. It is vital, therefore, that we first count on "the hour. " Jésus a imité son Père à la perfection. How would you define our spiritual inheritance? Jesus imitated his Father perfectly. Au Isiècle, certaines ont eu l'honneur d'être au service de Jésus et des apôtres. " His anger flares up easily, " or blazes quickly and irresistibly. In the first century, some had the privilege of serving Jesus and the apostles. " C'est cet amour qui incite les chrétiennes à endurer la situation et à continuer de se conduire "avec humilité et douceur complètes, avec patience ." In view of the danger to the fetus, a pregnant woman may choose not to drink at all. Such love moves Christian women to endure the situation and to continue conducting themselves "with lowliness of mind and mildness, with patience. " Quels aspects de notre ministère allons - nous considérer dans cet article et le suivant? Jesus, the Greater Solomon, has sympathy for us because he understands our imperfect condition. What aspects of our ministry will we consider in this article and the next? Ce qu'elle a appris sur le dessein de Dieu a redonné un sens à sa vie. Thus, we can be absolutely confident that when Armageddon is over, divine justice will have prevailed. What she learned about God's purpose gave her real meaning. b) Au moyen d'un exemple, expliquez pourquoi il est dangereux de s'aventurer seul dans ce système de choses mauvais. They also remained neutral during the bloodbaths that more recently occurred in the Balkans conflict during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. (b) Illustrate why it is dangerous to cut alone into this wicked system of things. Quel tort certains membres des congrégations avaient - ils, et à quoi cela les conduisait - il? 5: 23 - What did Paul mean when he prayed that "the spirit and soul and body of [the] brothers be preserved "? What harm did some in the congregations have, and how did that affect them? " Pourquoi Jéhovah a - t - il réagi aussi sévèrement? (a) What can we learn from Robert's experience? Why did Jehovah act as strongly as he did? " Père, [...] glorifie ton fils, pour que ton fils te glorifie ." " My life is now filled with peace, happiness, and contentment. " " Father,... glorify your son, that your son may glorify you. " - MATT. En conséquence, des millions de personnes ont voué leur vie à Dieu. Why must we resist the Devil's attempts to exploit our natural physical desires? As a result, millions have dedicated their lives to God. Considérez ce que Moïse a fait à cause de la crainte des Israélites. He accepts that view. Consider what Moses did because of the fear of the Israelites. Comment définirais - tu notre héritage spirituel? His example can help us understand how we can continue to have the help of God's spirit as we face changes in our life. How would you define our spiritual heritage? " Sa colère s'enflamme facilement ," c'est - à - dire rapidement et irrésistiblement. Try to keep in mind that Jesus did not become upset with his disciples, even when they showed a measure of spiritual weakness. " His anger blazes easily, " that is, quickly and urgent. Compte tenu du danger présenté pour le fœtus, une femme enceinte choisira peut - être de ne pas boire du tout. Where but in the family do children form their first impressions of love and authority? In view of the danger presented to the Romans, a pregnant woman may choose not to drink at all. Jésus, le Grand Salomon, éprouve de la compassion pour nous, car il sait bien que nous sommes imparfaits. He never forsakes me. " Jesus, the Greater Solomon, shows compassion for us because he well knows that we are imperfect. Nous pouvons donc être sûrs qu'au terme d'Har - Maguédôn, la justice divine l'aura emporté. Then Elihu assured Job that serving God faithfully is always worthwhile. So we can be confident that by the end of Armageddon, God's righteousness will have taken him away. Ils sont aussi restés neutres quand, dans les Balkans, le démembrement de la Yougoslavie a donné lieu à un bain de sang. He later came to be a fugitive, hunted like an animal by a jealous king. They also remained neutral when the November 1, 2. 5: 23 - Que voulait dire Paul quand il a exprimé le souhait que "l'esprit et l'âme et le corps [des frères] soient conservés "? Philadelphia 5: 23 - What did Paul mean when he expressed his desire that "the spirit and the soul and the body of [the brothers] be preserved "? a) Qu'apprenons - nous de l'exemple de Robert? Hezekiah was understandably upset, but instead of turning to a foreign power for help, he sent for Isaiah the prophet. (a) What can we learn from Robert's example? Maintenant, ma vie est remplie de paix, de bonheur et de contentement. Four years later, about Passover time, Roman troops returned under General Titus, who was determined to stamp out the Jewish rebellion. Now my life is filled with peace, happiness, and contentment. Pourquoi ne devons - nous pas laisser le Diable jouer sur nos désirs physiques naturels? (Read Romans 15: 7.) Why should we not allow the Devil to play in our natural desires? Il accepte l'idée. Also on, the study guides "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " can help you to build your conviction about your beliefs. He accepts the point. En étudiant son exemple, nous apprendrons comment continuer de recevoir l'aide de l'esprit de Dieu quand des changements surviennent dans notre vie. What else do our publications help young people to do? By studying his example, we will learn how we can continue to receive the help of God's spirit when adjustments arise in our life. En nous efforçant de refléter au mieux "la pensée de Christ ." Since Jerusalem - "the city " - is symbolic of heavenly Jerusalem," the mountain of the olive trees, which is in front of Jerusalem, " must also be taken symbolically. By striving to reflect the best way of "the mind of Christ. " Où ailleurs que dans le cadre familial un enfant découvre - t - il ce que sont l'amour et l'autorité? Give examples. Where is love and authority involved within a child's family? Il ne m'a jamais abandonnée. No matter what the motive or how excusable the theft might seem under the circumstances, a thief puts greedy desire above God, placing too much value on material possessions. He never abandoned me. " Enfin, Élihou a affirmé que servir Dieu fidèlement est bien la meilleure des voies. After all, he had enjoyed intimate association with Jehovah for unknown aeons and had been God's "master worker " during creation. And Elihu said that serving God faithfully is the best way of life. Peu après, la jalousie du roi fait de lui un fugitif traqué comme une bête. For example, one religious minister was moved to say, "I am not a Witness, but I will say that you have an outstandingly organized preaching work, and you have racial unity. " Soon, King Saul's jealousy made him like a beast. Philadelphie The maturity we are speaking of is not physical but spiritual. Philadelphia Hizqiya était bien évidemment inquiet, mais au lieu de demander de l'aide à une puissance étrangère, il a envoyé chercher Isaïe le prophète. Scriptural Questions Answered: Hezekiah, of course, was anxious, but rather than asking for help in a foreign power, he sent to Isaiah the prophet. Quatre ans plus tard, à l'époque de la Pâque, les Romains sont revenus, commandés cette fois par le général Titus, qui était déterminé à mater la rébellion juive. First, Satan did not use Jehovah's personal name. He simply spoke of "God. " Four years later, in the days of the Passover, the Romans returned, ordering Titus, who was determined to break the Jewish rebellion. (Lire Romains 15: 7.) On the other hand, when you do what is right, Jehovah's heart rejoices. (Read Romans 15: 7.) Toujours sur, les fiches d'étude de la rubrique " Qu'enseigne réellement la Bible? He was not fooled by Satan's promises, nor did he have to take time to weigh the pros and cons. In my, the articles entitled "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Nous pouvons tous tirer profit de ces dispositions spirituelles. 28: 19, 20. All of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions. Puisque Jérusalem, " la ville ," est un symbole (représentant la Jérusalem céleste), " la montagne des oliviers, qui est en face de Jérusalem ," est aussi à prendre au sens symbolique. Let us consider why this is a fitting statement. Since Jerusalem is "the city, " a symbolic symbol of heavenly Jerusalem," the mountain of the olive trees, " which is also in the face of Jerusalem. Cite des exemples. We likewise need not feel discouraged or disheartened if growth is slow or lacking. Give examples. Peu importe la raison et peu importe si le vol semble excusable dans certaines situations. These articles examine the two aspects of faith that are described at Hebrews 11: 1. No matter what reason and no matter what it may seem to be in certain situations. Après tout, il avait côtoyé Jéhovah de près durant un temps incommensurable et avait été son "habile ouvrier " lors de la création. Our Active Leader Today After all, he had known about Jehovah for aeons and had been his "master worker " at creation. Par exemple, un ministre religieux a écrit: " Je ne suis pas Témoin, mais j'ai envie de dire que votre œuvre de prédication est incroyablement bien organisée, et que chez vous, il y a l'unité raciale. Read Psalm 45: 3. For example, a religious minister wrote: "I am not a Witness, but I am moved to say that your preaching work is well - organized, and there is racial unity among you. Ainsi, même après avoir progressé au point de se vouer à Jéhovah et de se faire baptiser, il continue de croître. Rituals involve drinking potions and "holy water. " Thus, even after making progress in making a dedication to Jehovah and baptism, he continues to grow. Questions bibliques: Yet, there is an important lesson that we can learn from this event. Scriptural Questions Answered: Premièrement, il n'a pas employé le nom Jéhovah mais le terme "Dieu ." Impressed by seeing so many people working unitedly, he had changed his attitude toward the Witnesses. First, he did not use the name Jehovah but the term "God. " En revanche, quand tu fais ce qui est juste, tu réjouis son cœur. Some translators render this expression "surpasses all our dreams " or" excels all human planning. " On the other hand, when you do what is right, you make his heart rejoice. Il n'a pas été berné par les promesses de Satan et n'a pas eu besoin d'y réfléchir. But what is involved in having this godly quality? He was not moved by Satan's promises and did not need to think about it. 28: 19, 20. That river is seen as "flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. " 28: 19, 20. " Cette comparaison divinement inspirée était tout à fait appropriée. Voyons pourquoi. " Therefore, " says Jehovah, "you men will have night, so that there will be no vision; and darkness you will have, so as not to practice divination. This divinely inspired comparison was fitting. Par ailleurs, nous ne devrions pas nous laisser décourager si cette croissance est lente, voire nulle. James was thankful that nothing further happened and that he maintained a good conscience. - 1 Tim. Moreover, we should not be discouraged if the growth is slow or no one. Ces articles examinent les deux aspects de la foi mentionnés en Hébreux 11: 1. Also, pray with them and for them. These articles discuss the two aspects of faith mentioned at Hebrews 11: 1. Un Conducteur bien actif à notre époque Take, for example, the physical laws that govern energy and matter. A Strong Leader Today (Lire Psaume 45: 3.) By living according to Bible principles and by teaching others to do the same, thus inviting them to share the rich blessings of that paradise. - Matthew 28: 19, 20; John 15: 8. (Read Psalm 45: 3.) Durant les rituels, on boit des breuvages magiques et de "l'eau bénite ." ARTICLE 2 During the war, there is a drinking of magical power and "the water blessing. " Je regardais mon cher papa et j'ai éprouvé une immense reconnaissance envers Jéhovah pour la rançon. [...] Thus it can be said that this is evidence of Jehovah's loving personal care for you. I watched my dear loved one and felt great gratitude to Jehovah for the ransom.... Nous pouvons tirer de cet événement une leçon précieuse. The apostle Paul tells you that you are wrong! We can learn valuable lessons from this important event. Harold avait été impressionné de voir tant de gens travailler dans l'unité, ce qui avait modifié son opinion sur les Témoins. Rather, making a disciple involves at least a three - way partnership. Harold was impressed to see so many people working together in unity, and this changed her view of the Witnesses. D'autres traducteurs de la Bible écrivent ici: " dépasse tout ce que l'on peut imaginer " (Bible en français courant), ou: " dépasse tout ce que l'on peut comprendre " (Segond 21). Ezra takes corrective measures, and the people respond favorably. Other translators of the Bible thus wrote: "All the things we can imagine " (The New English Bible) or" surpasses all that the Bible can understand. " - LUKE 21. Mais en quoi consiste cette qualité? Excessive flattery or praise can test our modesty as well. But what does that quality involve? Ce fleuve sort "du trône de Dieu et de l'Agneau ." Why is it unwise to wait until something worthless confronts us before we decide what to do? This river will come to "the throne of God and of the Lamb. " " C'est pourquoi vous aurez la nuit, déclare Jéhovah, si bien qu'il n'y aura pas de vision; et vous aurez les ténèbres, pour ne pas pratiquer la divination. When praying, Jesus ' disciples were not to imitate such "hypocrites " as the self - righteous Pharisees, whose public display of piety was nothing more than a pretense. " Therefore you will have night, " declares Jehovah, "so that there will be no vision; and you will have darkness, that you may not practice divination. " ." Jacques est heureux que cela ne soit pas allé plus loin et qu'ainsi il ait pu garder une bonne conscience. - 1 Tim. Naomi and Ruth enjoyed pleasant conversation during the evening hours, the older one taking an interest in the activities of the younger, both freely expressing their thoughts and feelings. It is happy that it did not go unnoticed and could have kept a good conscience. - 1 Tim. Priez avec eux. Priez pour eux. The Christian can protect his figurative heart - the person he is on the inside - by cultivating love for God's righteousness and by adhering to Jehovah's righteous standards. Pray with them. Prenez, par exemple, les lois physiques auxquelles obéissent l'énergie et la matière. A husband in Nigeria who accepted the truth 13 years after his wife did states: "While I was traveling with a Witness, his vehicle broke down. Take, for example, the physical laws that obey energy and matter. En appliquant les principes bibliques et en apprenant à leurs semblables à les imiter, en les invitant en somme à goûter eux aussi aux bénédictions qui abondent dans leur paradis. - Matthieu 28: 19, 20; Jean 15: 8. The rights of non - Israelites were somewhat limited, yet the Israelites were required to treat them respectfully and fairly. By applying Bible principles and teaching others to imitate them, by inviting them to enjoy the blessings that abound in their paradise. - Matthew 28: 19, 20; John 15: 8. PAGE 7 Holy spirit also helps us to endure temptations and trials. ARTICLE 2 Ainsi, on peut dire que toutes ces dispositions sont la preuve que Jéhovah te surveille personnellement et avec amour. Included among "the works of [Jehovah's] hands " were two tablets of stone on which were engraved ten important laws for Israel. Thus, we can say that all these provisions are evidence of Jehovah's loving care and loving care. Mais l'apôtre Paul te répond que tu te trompes. Illustrate how time and spiritual development might affect a Christian's conscience and decisions. But the apostle Paul answers that you deceive yourself. Pour faire un disciple, il faut au moins trois intervenants. The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. To make a disciple, we must at least three agreement. Il prend les mesures qui s'imposent, et le peuple s'y conforme. (a) What is needed besides spending time with children? He takes steps that are needed, and the people act in harmony with it. Notre modestie peut aussi être mise à l'épreuve quand nous sommes l'objet de flatteries ou d'éloges. However, having a prepared heart is far more important than any particular concentration technique. Modesty may also be tested when we are known or appreciated. Pourquoi n'est - il pas sage d'attendre qu'une chose sans valeur se présente à nous pour décider quoi faire? For more information, go to the Web site and read the online article "Young People Ask - What Should I Know About Sexting? " - Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS. Why is it unwise to wait for something worthless to present ourselves in order to decide what to do? Quand ils priaient, les disciples de Jésus ne devaient pas imiter les "hypocrites ," au nombre desquels figuraient les Pharisiens imbus de leur justice et dont les manifestations publiques de piété n'étaient qu'une façade. By doing so, we contribute to the difference between true Christians and those in the churches of Christendom. When Jesus ' disciples prayed, they were not to imitate "the lowly ones, " including the self - righteous Pharisees and the public expressions of godly devotion. Le soir, Naomi et Ruth avaient des conversations agréables, l'aînée s'intéressant aux activités de la cadette, et les deux exprimant librement leurs pensées et leurs sentiments. In their shepherding work, Christian elders can use questions to help a " depressed soul ' to draw comfort from Jehovah's Word. On the evening, Naomi and Ruth enjoyed pleasant conversations, the older man is interested in the activities of the elders, and both expressing their thoughts and feelings freely. Le chrétien peut protéger son cœur symbolique - ce qu'il est intérieurement - en cultivant de l'amour pour la justice de Dieu et en adhérant à ses normes justes. Also available at A Christian can protect his figurative heart - by building love for God's righteousness and adhering to his righteous standards. Un Nigérian qui a accepté la vérité 13 ans après sa femme raconte: "Je voyageais avec un Témoin quand sa voiture est tombée en panne. Why? A woman who accepted the truth 13 years after his wife said: "I traveled with a Witness when his car has fallen down. Si cette alliance restreignait les droits des étrangers, les Israélites devaient néanmoins traiter ces derniers de façon respectueuse et équitable. Studying about God's Kingdom, the ransom, the disciple - making work, and such qualities as love and faith is a regular part of our spiritual diet. If that covenant would restrict the rights of strangers, however, the Israelites were to treat these elders in a respectful and fair manner. L'esprit saint nous aide aussi à endurer les tentations et les épreuves. As a man who exercised faith, Enoch could have formed a mental picture of a world free of ungodliness. - Read Hebrews 11: 5, 6. Holy spirit also helps us to endure temptations and trials. Au nombre des " œuvres des mains de Jéhovah ' figurent deux tablettes de pierre sur lesquelles étaient gravées dix lois fondamentales pour Israël. Bath - sheba evidently had a repentant attitude, for she was privileged to become the mother of King Solomon and an ancestress of Jesus Christ. Among " the works of Jehovah "the hands of Jehovah ' are the two stone tablets on which they were bowed down with ten basic laws to Israel. Montrez par un exemple comment la conscience d'un chrétien peut évoluer avec le temps et les progrès spirituels. The result? Illustrate how a Christian's conscience can change with time and spiritual progress. Le Créateur révèle progressivement la vérité à ses serviteurs. He urged them to be transformed and to "quit being fashioned after this system of things. " The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his servants. a) Qu'est - ce qui est important en plus de passer du temps avec ses enfants? 9 - 11. (a) What can help us to endure sorrow when a loved one dies? (a) What is important if we are to spend time with our children? Cependant, la préparation du cœur est plus importante que n'importe quelle technique de concentration. Read Isaiah 53: 4b. However, preparing for the heart is more important than any kind of concentration site. Pour plus d'informations, rendez - vous sur le site et découvrez dans la rubrique " Les jeunes s'interrogent " l'article " Le sexting: que faut - il savoir? Jehovah's prophets, however, always spoke the truth. For more information, please visit the website and learn from the series "Young People Ask " article - What Should You Know? Ce faisant, nous nous différencierons encore plus des fidèles des Églises de la chrétienté. However, we perform our ministry not only out of a sense of duty but also out of compassion. By doing so, we will be even more different from the faithful churches of Christendom. Dans leur œuvre de berger, les chrétiens qui sont anciens peuvent poser des questions pour aider une " âme déprimée ' à trouver du réconfort dans la Parole de Dieu. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " In their shepherding work, Christian elders can ask questions to help "a soul depressed " to find refreshment in God's Word. Aussi disponible sur All lives are precious in God's eyes, and we want to view things in the same way. - Col. Also available at Il a néanmoins démissionné parce que son travail avait un lien avec la guerre. While contemplating their decision to dedicate themselves to Jehovah, some may have wondered about the danger of sinning, becoming unworthy, and being rejected by Jehovah. Nevertheless, he quit his work because his work had a link with war. Citons le Royaume de Dieu, la rançon, l'œuvre consistant à faire des disciples ou des qualités comme l'amour et la foi. " If you are committed to your marriage, you allow yourself to be wronged. Among these are God's Kingdom, the ransom, disciple - making work, or qualities like love and faith. Ayant la foi, ce fidèle du passé a pu s'imaginer le monde débarrassé de toute impiété (lire Hébreux 11: 5, 6). Thus, Jesus warned his disciples: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life. " - Luke 21: 34. (Read Hebrews 11: 5, 6.) Bath - Shéba s'est sans doute montrée repentante, car elle a eu l'honneur de donner naissance au roi Salomon et de figurer parmi les ancêtres de Jésus Christ. Some of these are content with simply having some form of religion. Bath - sheba proved repentant, for she had the privilege of giving birth to the king Solomon and of being among the forefathers of Jesus Christ. Avec quel résultat? The intimate moments we spend with Jehovah in Bible reading, meditation, and prayer nourish our hearts and nurture our love for our heavenly Father. The result? Il les exhorte à se transformer et à " cesse [r] de [se] conformer à ce système de choses - ci ." Let us, therefore, put forth earnest effort to wield "the sword of the spirit " skillfully in our God - given work of Kingdom proclamation. He urges them to be transformed and to "go on being molded by this system of things. " 9 - 11. a) Qu'est - ce qui peut nous aider à endurer le chagrin quand on perd un être cher? (b) What questions will this article discuss? 9 - 11. (a) What can help us to endure grief when a loved one dies? Lire Isaïe 53: 4b. Their efforts to proclaim the Kingdom resulted in intense persecution. Read Isaiah 53: 4bb. Les prophètes de Jéhovah, quant à eux, disaient toujours la vérité. 11, 12. Jehovah's prophets, on the other hand, were still speaking the truth. Cependant, nous ne prêchons pas simplement par devoir, mais aussi par compassion. Of course, Jehovah was not about to abandon the composer of that psalm, and He will not abandon you. However, we do not preach merely to the point of showing compassion. Il broiera tous ces royaumes et y mettra fin, et lui - même subsistera pour des temps indéfinis. What can you say about the spirituality of Priscilla and Aquila? It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " Toutes les vies sont précieuses aux yeux de Dieu, et c'est ainsi que nous voulons raisonner. - Col. What pressures do we have? All lives are precious in God's eyes, and we want to reason. - Col. Certains hésitent à se vouer à Dieu par peur de pécher, de se rendre indignes de lui et d'être rejetés. Where would the royal priesthood serve? Some might hesitate to dedicate themselves to God by fear of sin, to make themselves unworthy of him, and to be rejected. " Si notre mariage compte pour nous, on accepte de se laisser faire du tort. The wise must have a proper fear of God and a respect for his standards. If our marriage matters for us, we accept that we are wrong. C'est pourquoi Jésus a donné cet avertissement à ses disciples: " Faites attention à vous - mêmes, de peur que vos cœurs ne s'alourdissent dans les excès de table et les excès de boisson et les inquiétudes de la vie ." 12: 23 - How does one " cover knowledge '? Hence, Jesus warned his disciples: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life. " Certains d'entre eux se satisfont d'une certaine forme de religion. Consider and Encourage One Another Some of them enter into a certain form of religion. Les moments que nous passons dans l'intimité avec Jéhovah par la lecture de la Bible, la méditation et la prière nourrissent notre cœur et font croître notre amour pour notre Père céleste. Jehovah's loving - kindness as expressed in the Davidic covenant is emphasized in Psalm 89, composed by Ethan, perhaps one of four wise men in the days of Solomon. - 1 Kings 4: 31. Our time for personal intimacy with Jehovah by reading the Bible, meditation, and prayer can grow in our hearts and grow in our love for our heavenly Father. Alors quand, comme Dieu nous le demande, nous proclamons le Royaume, faisons de sérieux efforts pour manier "l'épée de l'esprit " avec habileté. How happy parents feel when their child thanks them from the heart for something they have done for him! So when God requires that we proclaim the Kingdom, we put forth earnest effort to use "the sword of the spirit " skillfully. b) À quelles questions allons - nous répondre dans cet article? Paul wrote: "Let a man so appraise us as being subordinates of Christ and stewards of sacred secrets of God. " (b) What questions will we consider in this article? En retour, ces chrétiens ont subi une persécution violente dans de nombreux pays. Do not take even the first step toward sin. In return, they suffered violent persecution in many lands. 11, 12. In other words, God has given us the freedom to choose to obey him or to disobey. 11, 12. ." Il va sans dire que Jéhovah n'allait pas abandonner l'auteur de ce psaume, pas plus qu'Il ne vous abandonnera. When we deal with health problems or other challenges beyond our control, we throw our anxiety on Jehovah, trusting that he cares for us. No wonder Jehovah would not abandon the writer of that psalm, nor will he abandon you! Que pouvez - vous dire de la spiritualité de Priscille et d'Aquila? He stated: "They did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but [in faith] they saw them afar off and welcomed [" embraced, " ftn.] them. " What can you say about the spirituality of Priscilla and Aquila? Quelles pressions subissons - nous? What will we consider in the following article? What pressures do we face? Où la prêtrise royale exerce - t - elle ses fonctions? What Role Do Angels Play? Where does the royal priesthood serve? " Être sage, c'est déjà éprouver envers Dieu la crainte qui convient, et avoir du respect pour ses normes. Today, many young ones are blessed with God - fearing parents and grandparents who, like Lois and Eunice, recognize the importance of spiritual goals. Being wise involves having a proper view of godly fear and respect for his standards. 12: 23 - Comment " couvre - t - on la connaissance '? The father was horrified, but how many children have come across such sites without telling their parents? 12: 23 - How do we " cover knowledge '? Considérez - vous et encouragez - vous mutuellement 18, 19. (a) Contrast a "simple " eye with one that is" wicked. " (b) Why is it important to keep on considering what is valuable, and what advice does Philippians 4: 8 give in this regard? Consider and Encourage One Another Sa bonté de cœur, qui transparaît dans l'alliance davidique, fait l'objet du Psaume 89, composé par Éthân, peut - être l'un des quatre hommes sages du temps de Salomon. - 1 Rois 4: 31. Jesus warned some in his day in no uncertain terms, but never once did he say anything that was hateful or was intended to cause pain. His loving - kindness, reflected in the Davidic covenant, composed by Psalm 89, may have been one of the four wise men of Solomon's day. - 1 Kings 4: 31. Quel parent n'apprécie pas que son enfant le remercie sincèrement de quelque chose qu'il a fait pour lui? So the prophet unequivocally replies: "If you gave me half of your house I would not come with you and eat bread or drink water in this place. " What can parents do to appreciate that their child truly appreciates something he has done for him? Paul a dit: "Que l'homme nous estime donc comme des subordonnés de Christ et des intendants de saints secrets de Dieu. ." Doing so will result in rich blessings for you, now and in the future. Paul said: "Let man consider us as gods of Christ and of the sacred stewards of God. " Abstenez - vous de faire ne serait - ce qu'un pas vers le péché. 5: 1; Gal. Strive to do so - one not to sin. En d'autres termes, Dieu nous accorde la liberté d'obéir ou, au contraire, de désobéir. God has tender love for us and does not place unreasonable demands on us. In other words, God has given us the freedom to obey or to disobey. Face à des ennuis de santé ou à d'autres problèmes contre lesquels nous ne pouvons rien faire, nous rejetons notre inquiétude sur Jéhovah, confiants qu'il se soucie de nous. We can gain comfort from meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness. When we face health problems or other problems against which we cannot do, we throw our anxiety on Jehovah, confident that he cares for us. Il a déclaré qu'ils n'ont pas "obtenu l'accomplissement des promesses, mais [qu '] ils les ont vues de loin et les ont saluées ." How would he counsel a brother pursuing friendships with total strangers on the Internet? He said that they did not "taste the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them from a distance and welcomed them. " Qu'examinerons - nous dans l'article suivant? How do you know? What will we consider in the next article? Quel est le rôle des anges? They see a universe that is governed by precise, elegant, mathematical laws. What is the role of angels? Aujourd'hui, bon nombre de jeunes ont le bonheur d'avoir des parents et des grands - parents qui craignent Dieu et qui, comme Eunice et Loïs, reconnaissent l'importance d'avoir des objectifs spirituels. The principles that we glean from God's Word should move us to avoid wearing clothing that is tight - fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative. Many young people today enjoy the privilege of having parents and grandparents who fear God and who, such as Eunice and adults, recognize the importance of having spiritual goals. En effet, pour que les humains vivent indéfiniment, il faut nécessairement que les années passent. Similarly, true Christians today are being watched by the people of this world. For humans to live indefinitely, it must be necessary for years to pass. Ce père était horrifié, mais à combien d'enfants est - ce arrivé sans qu'ils en parlent à leurs parents? Look! That father was crushed, but how many children did their children experience without speaking to their parents about their parents? 18, 19. a) Comparez l'œil "simple " et l'œil" méchant ." b) Pourquoi est - il important de continuer à considérer ce qui a de la valeur, et quel conseil Philippiens 4: 8 nous donne - t - il à ce propos? What is a balanced view in this regard? 18, 19. (a) Contrast the eye "simple " and" wicked one, " (b) Why is it important to keep considering what is valuable, and what counsel does Philippians 4: 8 give us? Jésus a repris certains de ses contemporains et leur a parlé avec une grande franchise. Cependant, il n'avait jamais de propos haineux ou acerbes. 3: 5, 6. In what ways do you want to endeavor to show love for Jehovah? Jesus reproved some of his contemporaries and spoke to them with great freeness of speech, yet he never had abusive speech. " La réponse du prophète est donc catégorique: "Si tu me donnais la moitié de ta maison, je ne viendrais pas avec toi, je ne mangerais pas de pain et je ne boirais pas d'eau dans ce lieu. Hence, Ezra focuses only on the events that pertain to this purpose. The prophet asked: "If you give me half of your house, I shall not come down with you, I will not eat bread and drink water in this place. " Voilà qui vous vaudra d'abondants bienfaits, à présent et dans l'avenir. Thus, in order to continue as a pioneer, each one must rely on Jehovah. Doing so will bring you blessings now and in the future. 5: 1; Gal. I have my own religion " or, "I am not interested " merely because it seems the easiest way to end the conversation. 5: 1; Gal. Dieu nous aime tendrement, et il n'exige de nous rien de déraisonnable. The wisest of men once said: "Wisdom is vindicated by its results. " God loves us dearly, and he does not expect us to be unreasonable. Il est réconfortant de méditer sur le pardon de Jéhovah. Yes, a Christian should be alert to keep haughtiness out of his heart. Meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness is comforting. Quels conseils donnerait - il à un frère qui recherche l'amitié de parfaits inconnus sur l'Internet? The disastrous effects felt by all of us today stem from that unrighteous act of disobedience. What counsel would he give a brother who looks for the friendship of strangers on the Internet? Pourquoi dites - vous cela? Imitating Jehovah in Our Ministry Why do you say that? Ils constatent que l'univers est régi par des lois mathématiques aussi précises qu'élégantes. But will faith in God's promises move you to store up for a temporary future or an everlasting one? They see that the universe is governed by laws that are as specific as restrictive. Les principes que nous dégageons de la Parole de Dieu devraient nous inciter à bannir les habits moulants, suggestifs ou sexy. Yes, Saul's associates may have influenced the voice he heard from within, his conscience. The principles we learn from God's Word should move us to avoid areas of dress or grooming. De même, les vrais chrétiens aujourd'hui sont observés par les gens de ce monde. (Luke 10: 1 - 24: 53) Similarly, true Christians today are observed by people of this world. Voyez! " HAVING no natural affection. " Look! Quel est le point de vue équilibré dans ce domaine? • How should reflecting upon the similarities between Noah's day and our day affect our sense of urgency? What is a balanced view of this area? De quelles manières veux - tu t'efforcer de montrer ton amour pour Jéhovah? " A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income, " he concluded. - Eccl. In what ways do you want to show your love for Jehovah? Ezra ne s'arrête donc que sur les événements qui lui permettent d'atteindre cet objectif. On the contrary, Jesus said: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. " Hence, Ezra focuses on events that enable him to reach that goal. Pour persévérer dans le service de pionnier, il faut donc se reposer sur Jéhovah. What experience did one young person have, proving what? To persevere in pioneer service, therefore, we need to rely on Jehovah. J'ai ma religion ," ou bien: "Ça ne m'intéresse pas ," juste pour couper court à la conversation? We can readily understand his reason for not wanting to be extremely poor. I have my religion, or well - meaning, "I'm not interested, " just to cut off the conversation. L'homme le plus sage de tous les temps a déclaré: " La sagesse se reconnaît à ses œuvres ." He even tried that approach when tempting Jesus. The wise man of all time said: " Wisdom is acknowledged by its works. " Les chrétiens doivent donc veiller à protéger leur cœur de l'orgueil. First, it reveals how we feel about Jehovah's sovereignty. Christians, therefore, need to guard their heart against haughtiness. Les terribles conditions dont nous souffrons tous aujourd'hui sont imputables à cet acte injuste de désobéissance. By 1919, those approved by Jehovah and serving at his spiritual temple were clearly identified. The terrible conditions that befall us today are caused by this unjust act of disobedience. Comment imiter Jéhovah dans notre ministère " Look both ways before you cross the street. " How We Can Imitate Jehovah in Our Ministry Mais la foi dans les promesses de Dieu t'incite - t - elle à amasser pour un avenir immédiat ou éternel? PRIVACY. But does faith in God's promises move you to build up for a immediate or everlasting future? Ces mauvaises compagnies ont bel et bien pu altérer la voix qui se faisait entendre en son for intérieur, sa conscience. Why do Jehovah's people get baptized, and how many have been immersed in the past ten years? Yes, bad associations could draw back from the voice that was heard by its inner conscience. (Luc 10: 1 - 24: 53) That is certainly sad news, but are such developments surprising? (Rev 10: 1 - 24: 53) " SANS affection naturelle. There are so many reasons to do so! " Because of natural affection. " • Quel effet les similitudes qui existent entre l'époque de Noé et la nôtre devraient - elles avoir sur notre vigilance? What will happen then? • How should the similarities between Noah's day and our day affect our watchfulness? " - Eccl. Bad associations can involve anything or anyone - even within the congregation - reflecting the spirit of the world. * - Eccl. Au contraire, il a déclaré: "Prenez sur vous mon joug et apprenez de moi, car je suis doux de caractère et humble de cœur, et vous trouverez du réconfort pour vos âmes. If you let the principles of God's Word help you to set your personal limits rather than allow your associates or "this system of things " to do so, you will enjoy a way of life that will be acceptable to God. Rather, he said: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. " a) Qu'a vécu une chrétienne quand elle était adolescente? This he did by sending his beloved Son from heaven to be born as a perfect human, who could give his life as a ransom for us. (a) What did one Christian woman experience when she was a teenager? " On comprend facilement pourquoi il ne voulait pas être pauvre. • How have Jehovah and Jesus Christ proved themselves to be loving Shepherds? It is easy to understand why he did not want to be poor. Il a même essayé avec Jésus. Sadly, on occasion negative peer influence can also come from within the Christian congregation. He even tried with Jesus. Premièrement, nous révélons ainsi ce que la souveraineté de Jéhovah représente pour nous. As we show greater concern for the people we meet, and as we endeavor to improve our effectiveness in reaching the hearts of our listeners, our enthusiasm for the ministry increases. First, we thereby reveal what Jehovah's sovereignty represents for us. En 1919, ceux qui avaient l'approbation de Jéhovah et qui le servaient dans son temple spirituel étaient clairement identifiés. SONGS TO BE USED: 110, 112 In 1919, those who had Jehovah's approval and who served him in his spiritual temple were clearly identified. " "Regarde de chaque côté avant de traverser la rue. Because of a past failing on Moses ' part, Jehovah determined that Moses would not lead Israel across the Jordan. " Let's go by every side before crossing the street. VIE PRIVÉE. Consider: Suppose you were offered a job to distribute nutritious bread to people in your community. LIFE. a) Qu'est - ce qui pousse une personne à se faire baptiser? b) Combien de personnes se sont fait baptiser ces dix dernières années? The religious leaders ' hatred for Jesus eventually became so great that anyone who confessed faith in him was expelled from the synagogue. - John 9: 22. (a) What motivates a person to get baptized, and how many people were baptized in recent years? C'est en effet une triste découverte, mais faut - il être surpris? What helped these men take up the full - time ministry? What a sad outcome, but what should we be surprised? Nous avons tant de raisons de le faire! Greek - speaking Jews complained that their widows were not being treated fairly. We have so many reasons to do so! Qu'arrivera - t - il alors? Many have chosen to remain single rather than disregard this divine counsel. What will happen then? ." Que ce soit à l'extérieur ou même à l'intérieur de la congrégation, tout ce qui reflète l'esprit du monde est une mauvaise compagnie. 10, 11. (a) How can we avoid being presumptuous within the family? Whether inside or inside the congregation, anything that reflects the spirit of the world is bad. ." Si vous laissez les principes bibliques, plutôt que vos amis ou le "système de choses ," vous aider à fixer votre limite, votre mode de vie sera agréable à Dieu. Will you go ahead and watch that movie anyway? If you let Bible principles, rather than your friends or "work of things, " you will help you to set your limit, your lifestyle will be pleasant to God. Il a envoyé son Fils bien - aimé sur la terre pour que ce dernier y naisse en tant qu'humain parfait et puisse donner sa vie en rançon pour nous. Of course, it could also be related that after ten plagues devastated the land and after the Israelites escaped from Egypt's army at the Red Sea, the answer to Pharaoh's question became clear for all to see. He sent his beloved Son to earth to be born as a perfect human and could give his life as a ransom for us. • Comment Jéhovah et Jésus Christ se sont - ils révélés être des Bergers bienveillants? Godly principles that were embedded in the Mosaic Law molded Jephthah's thinking as well as his heart. • How did Jehovah and Jesus Christ prove to be loving Shepherds? " Avez - vous vous aussi du mal à résister à l'influence de votre entourage? We should heed the mandate to love one another and to cultivate strong faith. Do you find it difficult to resist peer pressure? Quand nous nous intéressons davantage aux personnes que nous rencontrons et que nous cherchons à toucher plus efficacement leur cœur, notre enthousiasme pour le ministère s'accroît. " If you are a son of God, " said Satan, "tell these stones to become loaves of bread. " When we deepen our interest in those whom we meet and seek to reach their heart more effectively, our enthusiasm for the ministry is increased. CANTIQUES: 110, 112 " "I am with you people, " is the utterance of Jehovah. ' " - HAGGAI 1: 13. SONGS TO BE USED: 5, 112 À cause d'une faute que Moïse avait commise, Jéhovah a décidé que cet homme ne ferait pas traverser le Jourdain au peuple. In view of how serious baptism is, three questions deserve our attention. What does the Bible say about baptism? Because of Moses ' error, Jehovah determined that this man would not go through the Jordan River to the people. Imagine qu'on te propose un travail consistant à distribuer un pain de bonne qualité aux habitants de ta localité. Be about settling matters quickly. " Suppose you are offered a work to distribute a good bread to the people in your local country. Les chefs religieux ont fini par nourrir une telle haine pour Jésus qu'ils ont décidé d'expulser de la synagogue quiconque déclarait avoir foi en lui. - Jean 9: 22. In what sense have we who hope to live forever in Paradise "died with reference to sin "? The religious leaders eventually fed such hatred for Jesus that they decided to expel the synagogue who said that they had faith in him. - John 9: 22. Pourquoi se sont - ils engagés à plein temps dans le ministère? Babylon never released its captives. Why did they enter full - time service? Des Juifs de langue grecque se sont plaints que leurs veuves étaient traitées injustement. Members of the congregation are urged to "be obedient to those who are taking the lead " among them. Some Greek - speaking Jews complained that their widows were treated unjustly. Nombre d'entre eux choisissent de rester célibataires plutôt que de passer outre à cette recommandation biblique. Because in a sense, it tells people: "Feel free to approach me. Many of them choose to remain single rather than to overlook the Bible's counsel. 10, 11. a) Au sein de la famille, comment montrer que nous ne sommes pas présomptueux? He said: "Mark well that the ravens neither sow seed nor reap, and they have neither barn nor storehouse, and yet God feeds them. 10, 11. (a) How can we show that we are not presumptuous? ' À présent, quelle décision allez - vous prendre? All the days of my compulsory service I shall wait, until my relief comes. Now, what decision will you make? Bien sûr, ils rapportaient sans doute également que, quand les dix plaies ont dévasté le pays et que les Israélites ont échappé aux armées égyptiennes à la mer Rouge, la réponse à la question de Pharaon fut évidente pour tous. Of course, Jesus was not advocating self - mutilation. Of course, they were also reminded that when the Ten Plagues devastated the land and escaped the armies at the Red Sea, the answer to Pharaoh's question was clear to all. Les principes divins contenus dans la Loi mosaïque avaient façonné tant sa pensée que son cœur. We see indication of this in what happened in 66 C.E. after a Roman army under Cestius Gallus attacked Jerusalem. God's principles found in the Mosaic Law had molded both his mind and his heart. Ces dernières années, les réseaux sociaux ont gagné en popularité. In order to walk with God, we must display love "out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. In recent years, social networking networks have become popular. Il nous faut également respecter l'exhortation d'aimer nos frères et sœurs, mais aussi d'affermir notre foi. 2: 13; 4: 13. We also need to respect the admonition to love our brothers and sisters and to strengthen our faith. " Si tu es un fils de Dieu, dis à ces pierres qu'elles deviennent des pains ," lui a suggéré Satan. In that way, you may draw him out and create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. " If you are a son of God, say to these stones that they become loaves, " Satan said. ' " - HAGGAÏ 1: 13. The Bible says: "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " " Mt. " - Mt. 1: 13. Puisque le baptême est une question sérieuse, nous examinerons ces trois points: Que dit la Bible à propos du baptême? Consequently, many Bible Students prepared letters of withdrawal from their churches. Since baptism is a serious matter, we will consider these three aspects: What does the Bible say about baptism? Arrange - toi vite avec celui qui porte plainte contre toi. During her pregnancy, Mary kept busy studying the Bible and caring for her family. Work quickly with someone who carries a complaint against you. En quel sens les chrétiens d'aujourd'hui sont - ils " morts par rapport au péché "? The two midweek meetings were combined, and all were encouraged to use the free evening for family worship or personal study. How are Christians today " dead with reference to sin '? Babylone ne relâchait jamais ses captifs. Rather, he may prefer to seduce children gradually. Babylon would never allow his captive ones to be taken captive. Les membres de la congrégation sont exhortés à " obéi [r] à ceux qui [les] dirigent ." According to one Bible scholar, Potiphar's wife was, in effect, saying: "" Let's just be on our own together for a little, ' in the hope of making [Joseph] take the first step. " Members of the congregation are exhorted to "be obedient to those who are taking the lead. " Parce qu'il dit en quelque sorte: " N'hésitez pas à m'aborder. Karen: If Jesus truly is God, wouldn't you expect that Jesus ' disciples would have plainly said so? In effect, he says: "Do not hesitate to approach me. Il a déclaré: "Remarquez que les corbeaux ne sèment ni ne moissonnent et qu'ils n'ont ni grange ni magasin, et pourtant Dieu les nourrit. The world we live in is ruled by the wicked one. He said: "Let us not repeat the seed or plant it, neither will they sow, neither have [God] a angel nor an angel nor a store nor a store angel, and yet God feeds them. " Tous les jours de ma corvée, j'attendrai, jusqu'à ce que vienne ma relève. The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians: "We ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the hardships that you are suffering. " Every day of my energy I shall wait until my coming comes. " Bien sûr, Jésus ne prônait pas l'automutilation. Discussing future Kingdom blessings with others draws us closer to Jehovah. Of course, Jesus was not self - sacrificing. C'est ce qu'attestent les événements de 66 de n. è., après l'attaque de Jérusalem par l'armée romaine sous les ordres de Cestius Gallus. This is not simply a plan of action, as though God had to map out the way he would work. This is demonstrated by the events of 66 C.E., after the attack by Roman army under Cestius Gallus. " Pour marcher avec Dieu, nous devons manifester un amour "qui vient d'un cœur pur, d'une bonne conscience et d'une foi sans hypocrisie ." - 1 Timothée 1: 5. Left on their own, however, imperfect humans are completely lost. To " walk with God, we must show love "by a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. 2: 13; 4: 13. Yes, God's "invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " - Rom. 2: 13; 4: 13. Sans doute l'amènerez - vous ainsi à s'exprimer, ce qui créera une atmosphère détendue. Is this scripture implying that Jehovah takes note of every act of kindness performed in behalf of lowly ones? You may thus help him to express himself, which creates a relaxed atmosphere. La Bible déclare: " La création elle aussi sera libérée de l'esclavage de la corruption et aura la liberté glorieuse des enfants de Dieu ." Only red wine is a suitable symbol of what the cup's contents represent, that is, Jesus ' shed blood. The Bible states: "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " De nombreux Étudiants de la Bible ont donc rédigé des lettres de retrait. (b) What have been the results of such struggles? Many Bible Students, then, wrote letters that were provided by a number of Bible Students. Pendant sa grossesse, elle a continué d'étudier les Écritures et de s'occuper de ses enfants. Recall that Jesus provided a meal for a sizable group that came to him - he multiplied bread and fish. During her pregnancy, she continued to study the Scriptures and to care for her children. Elle explique: " Le jour où j'ai arrêté de vouloir changer le passé, je me suis sentie beaucoup mieux. How he must have rejoiced to know that he faithfully carried out God's will in building an ark, which led to the preservation of him and his family! She says: "The day when I stopped trying to change the past, I felt very better. Les deux réunions de la semaine ont été combinées, et tous les Témoins de Jéhovah ont été encouragés à profiter de la soirée ainsi libérée pour bâtir leur spiritualité et celle de leur famille. At Nahum 1: 7, he reads in an undertone that Jehovah "is cognizant of those seeking refuge in him " and protects them like" a stronghold in the day of distress. " The two meetings of the week were built, and all of Jehovah's Witnesses were encouraged to take advantage of the evening and to build their spirituality and that of their families. Il préfère séduire ses victimes peu à peu. But it can also be delightful, and understanding "the deep things of God " is not too difficult. He wanted to seduce his victims gradually. Selon un bibliste, elle disait en quelque sorte: " "Passons un petit moment seuls tous les deux ," dans l'espoir d'inciter [Joseph] à faire le premier pas. (a) How were Hannah, Elijah, and Paul rewarded? According to one Bible scholar, she said: "Not once we are alone, " in hope to incite the first step. Delphine: Si Jésus était vraiment Dieu, ne pensez - vous pas que ses disciples l'auraient dit clairement? Bethel service Karen: If Jesus truly was God, would you not think that his disciples would say so clearly? Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est dirigé par le méchant. [ Blurb on page 18] The world in which we live is directed by the wicked one. L'apôtre Paul a dit aux Thessaloniciens: " Nous sommes fiers de vous parmi les congrégations de Dieu à cause de votre endurance et de votre foi dans toutes vos persécutions et les tribulations que vous supportez ." • What evidence is there that God's spirit is upon us? The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians: "We are proud of you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and of your faith in all your persecution and tribulations. " Parler des futurs bienfaits du Royaume nous rapproche de Jéhovah. Have you expressed similar sentiments after attending a meeting at the Kingdom Hall? Speaking about future Kingdom blessings will draw us closer to Jehovah. Il n'est pas question ici d'un plan d'action, comme si Jéhovah avait eu besoin d'organiser en détail ce qu'il allait faire. That would reflect the thinking of Jesus, who while on earth stated: "I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. " - John 6: 38. This does not refer to action, as though Jehovah needed to do in detail what he would do. Cependant, sans aide, les humains imparfaits sont complètement perdus. This time, he corrects an erroneous viewpoint held by some and exhorts the brothers to stand firm in the faith. Without help, however, imperfect humans are completely lost. Toutes ces œuvres témoignent de la divinité de Jéhovah et de ses qualités, telles que la puissance, la sagesse et l'amour. Jesus, our Leader, who has " all authority in heaven and on earth, ' is with us to support us! All these works testify to Jehovah's Godship and his qualities, such as power, wisdom, and love. Ce verset signifie - t - il que Jéhovah remarque le moindre de nos actes de bonté envers les petits? What Jehovah's Day Will Reveal Does that verse mean that Jehovah notices every act of kindness to lowly ones? Seul du vin rouge symbolise correctement ce que représente le contenu de la coupe, c'est - à - dire le sang versé de Jésus. Are we individually putting forth constant effort to gain a deeper knowledge? - Prov. Only red wine fittingly symbolizes what is represented by the cup's cup, or shed blood. b) Qu'entraînent souvent les tentatives pour obtenir plus de liberté? Individuals may be stronger in some qualifications than in others. (b) What is often involved in obtaining more freedom? Rappelez - vous que, pour restaurer une foule qui était venue vers lui, Jésus a multiplié des pains et des poissons. Ida's experience highlights an important truth: The literal shield given to a soldier had fixed dimensions, but the size of our shield of faith can either shrink or grow. Recall that Jesus used loaves and fish to restore a crowd that had come to him. Il a dû être profondément heureux de savoir qu'il obéissait fidèlement à la volonté divine en construisant une arche, grâce à laquelle il a été sauvé, lui ainsi que sa famille. Before the Flood, people took no note of the warning Noah gave. He must have been deeply grateful that he faithfully obeyed God's will by building an ark through which he was saved and his family. En Nahoum 1: 7, il lit à voix basse que Jéhovah " connaît ceux qui cherchent refuge en lui " et les protège comme " une forteresse au jour de la détresse ." The apostle Paul wrote of Moses that "he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " At Nahum 1: 7, he reads: "He knows those seeking refuge in him " and protects them as" a stronghold in the day of distress. " Mais elle peut aussi être très agréable. And for decades, they endured persecution in the former Soviet Union and its satellite nations. But she can also be very pleasant. a) Comment Hanna, Éliya et Paul ont - ils été récompensés? There is another reason why the knowledge of God can be compared to "hid treasures. " (a) How were Hannah, Elijah, and Paul rewarded? Le service au Béthel; If they did not adjust their thinking, disaster was certain. Bethel service [ Entrefilet, page 18] The apostle Paul answered that question when he wrote: "By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well. " [ Blurb on page 18] • Qu'est - ce qui prouve que l'esprit de Dieu est sur nous? During his earthly ministry, Jesus too showed tender concern for his disciples and for people in general. • What proves that God's spirit is upon us? ' Sans doute vous êtes - vous déjà fait cette réflexion en sortant de la Salle du Royaume. " Widen Out " You may already have expressed this thought by going out at the Kingdom Hall. " Cet état d'esprit reflète la pensée de Jésus, qui a déclaré lorsqu'il était sur terre: " Je suis descendu du ciel pour faire, non pas ma volonté, mais la volonté de celui qui m'a envoyé ." Did not the One making me in the belly make him, and did not just One proceed to prepare us in the womb? " - Job 31: 13 - 15. This attitude reflects Jesus ' thinking when he was on earth: "I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me. " Cette fois, il corrigera un point de vue erroné adopté par certains et exhortera les frères à rester fermement attachés à la foi. How did the apostles encourage their brothers? This time, he adjusted his thinking with some and exhorted the brothers to hold firm to the faith. Parce que Jésus, notre Chef, qui a " tout pouvoir dans le ciel et sur la terre ', est avec nous pour nous soutenir! But, frankly, is there any real need to ponder those issues now? Because Jesus, our Ruler, who has "all authority in heaven and on the earth, " is with us to support us! Ce que le jour de Jéhovah révélera Whatever we can do in Jehovah's service, all of us can offer acceptable spiritual sacrifices to him. What Jehovah's Day Will Reveal Nous efforçons - nous d'étoffer constamment notre connaissance? - Prov. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Do we strive to build up our knowledge constantly? - Prov. Il en est qui sont peut - être plus capables dans certains domaines que dans d'autres. • What will help us to resist spiritual drowsiness? Some may be more qualified in certain areas than in other areas. Un bouclier littéral a des dimensions fixes. Mais comme le montre le témoignage d'Ida, ce n'est pas le cas de notre foi: elle peut soit grandir, soit diminuer. For example, we benefit from having a binding written agreement, or written contract, before we begin a business venture or start working as an employee in a company. Having a literal shield, however, is not the case of our faith. Avant le déluge, personne n'a tenu compte de l'avertissement transmis par Noé. Thankfully, Jehovah gives us all the help we need to maintain a close relationship with him. Before the Flood, no one took heed of Noah's warning. L'apôtre Paul a écrit au sujet de Moïse qu ' "il est resté ferme comme s'il voyait Celui qui est invisible ." 11: 9 - 11. The apostle Paul wrote concerning Moses that "he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " Et durant des décennies, les Témoins ont supporté la persécution dans ce qu'était alors l'Union soviétique et dans ses pays satellites. How did Jesus demonstrate trust in Jehovah, and why is it important to trust in Jehovah today? During the decades, Witnesses have endured persecution in what was the Sovieth century and in her country. Il existe une autre raison de comparer la connaissance de Dieu à "des trésors cachés ." We are living in an age of rampant dishonesty, so it may be difficult to resist the temptation to be less than honest with an employer. There is another reason to compare the knowledge of God to "the hidden treasures. " S'ils ne corrigeaient pas leurs pensées, ils couraient au désastre. For example, a Christian woman may once have belonged to a religion that emphasized plainness of dress and appearance. If they did not correct their thinking, they were in disaster. L'apôtre Paul répond: "Par la foi, Hénok a été transféré pour ne pas voir la mort, et on ne le trouvait nulle part, parce que Dieu l'avait transféré; car, avant son transfert, il avait le témoignage qu'il avait plu à Dieu. ." Think of the thousands who have graduated from Gilead School and taken up the missionary service. The apostle Paul answers: "By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and there was no part of it, because God had transferred it; for before his offering, he had the witness that he had approved God. " Au cours de son ministère terrestre, Jésus aussi a fait preuve d'une tendre sollicitude envers ses disciples et envers les gens en général. Whose wrath? Jehovah's wrath. During his earthly ministry, Jesus also showed tender concern for his disciples and people in general. " Élargissez - vous " Moreover, in this setting, those of us who grew up in loveless, dysfunctional families finally experience real love. " Keep Yourselves in " " - Job 31: 13 - 15. In the current moral climate, remaining chaste can be a challenge. The prophet Job said: "I set the pattern for you. " - Job 31: 13 - 15. Comment les apôtres ont - ils encouragé leurs frères? Expressing gratitude to God in prayer promotes contentment and prevents us from becoming " murmurers and complainers about our lot in life. ' How did the apostles encourage their brothers? Mais avons - nous vraiment besoin de nous soucier de ces choses maintenant? Those moments were painful, but they resulted in feelings of peace and approval. " - James 5: 16. But do we really need to be concerned about these things now? Mais quelles que soient nos possibilités, nous pouvons tous lui offrir des sacrifices qui lui plaisent. It also safeguarded them from the temptation to commit theft or immorality. But regardless of our opportunities, all of us can offer sacrifices that please God. La Parole de Jéhovah est vivante Instead of delaying, they need to take decisive action now and zealously work toward the goal of becoming dedicated, baptized worshippers of Jehovah. Jehovah's Word Is Alive • Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à ne pas sombrer dans la somnolence spirituelle? 6: 33. • What will help us not to drift into spiritual drowsiness? Par exemple, avant de lancer une entreprise ou de se mettre au service de quelqu'un, il est préférable d'établir un accord ou un contrat écrit. In harmony with God's direction, Moses later commissioned Joshua to be his successor. For example, before traveling a business or going to serve in behalf of someone, it is best to establish a agreement or a contract. Fort heureusement, Jéhovah nous apporte toute l'aide dont nous avons besoin pour conserver d'étroites relations avec lui. And listening to God means willingly submitting oneself to the arrangement he has set in place, the Christian congregation with appointed elders, "gifts in men. " - Eph. Happily, Jehovah provides us with the help we need to maintain a close relationship with him. " - 1 Rois 11: 9 - 11. Still, loyal Christians refuse to believe just any statement made about their brothers, and they certainly do not allow bad publicity to cause them to miss Christian meetings, to slow down in the field ministry, or to waver in their faith. 11: 9 - 11. Comment Jésus a - t - il montré qu'il mettait sa confiance en Jéhovah, et pourquoi est - il important d'avoir confiance en Jéhovah aujourd'hui? We know that an individual living in David's day who showed consideration to a lowly one did not keep living without end. How did Jesus show that he trusted in Jehovah, and why is trusting in Jehovah today? Dans un monde où le manque de loyauté est courant, il est difficile de ne pas céder aux pratiques malhonnêtes dans le cadre professionnel. We are on a course through this dying system of things, heading toward the promised new world. In a world where a lack of faithfulness is common, it is difficult to avoid succumbing to immoral practices. Citons le cas d'une chrétienne qui a appartenu à une religion qui prônait le dépouillement dans le vêtement et l'apparence. (Psalm 120: 1 - 145: 21) Consider the case of a Christian woman who belonged to a religion that contributed to the garment and appearance. Citons les milliers de diplômés de l'École de Guiléad devenus missionnaires. And just as surely as his ancient people inherited the Promised Land, so all Christians who endure as faithful worshippers of Jehovah will inherit life in God's righteous new world. For example, thousands of miles from Gilead School have become missionaries. Savons - nous garder notre calme?. Jesus fully lived up to those words. Have we kept calm? - Matt. Dans ce cadre, ceux qui ont grandi dans une famille sans amour se sentent enfin aimés. Encourage your children to talk to you about their feelings, even if this seems to produce "wild talk. " - Job 6: 2, 3. Those who grow up in a loving family feel loved at last. Dans le climat moral actuel, il peut être difficile de rester chaste. Draw Close to God In today's moral climate, it can be difficult to remain chaste. Quand nous exprimons notre gratitude à Dieu, notre contentement se renforce et nous ne devenons pas " des gens qui murmurent " ou " qui se plaignent de leur sort dans la vie ." The foundation of the temple was laid in 536 B.C.E. - "in the second year of their coming. " When we express our gratitude to God, our contentment is strengthened and we do not become "people who are complaining " or" about their lot in life. " Tous ces moments ont été très durs, mais au final, j'ai ressenti une paix intérieure et le sentiment d'avoir à nouveau bonne conscience ." " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " All those times were hard, but in the end, I felt inner peace and sense of having a good conscience. " Elle les préservait également de la tentation de se livrer au vol ou à l'immoralité. Granted, on later occasions, Asa acted unwisely. It also protected them from getting involved in stealing or immorality. Revenons à l'exemple de Jésus. People in the world have to deal with seemingly insurmountable problems. Consider again Jesus ' example. Au lieu de remettre les choses au lendemain, elles doivent se décider maintenant et agir, c'est - à - dire tout faire pour devenir des adorateurs de Jéhovah voués et baptisés. After a three - year Assyrian siege, her capital city, Samaria, fell in 740 B.C.E., and the ten - tribe kingdom was never reestablished. Instead of finding things ahead, they must decide now and act, doing all they can to become dedicated and baptized worshippers of Jehovah. 6: 33. Noah walked with the true God. " 6: 33. En accord avec la direction divine, Moïse a plus tard fait de Josué son successeur. They do the sort of work I would be doing had I studied law. In harmony with God's direction, Moses later did Joshua's successor. Enfin, écouter Dieu signifie reconnaître volontiers la structure qu'il a mise en place: la congrégation chrétienne dirigée par des "dons en hommes ," les anciens. - Éph. This involves teaching people to observe all the things that Christ, the Head of the congregation, commands to be done during this time of the end. Finally, listen to God means being willing to recognize his arrangements - the Christian congregation directed by "gifts in men. " - Eph. Les chrétiens fidèles, pour leur part, refusent de croire tout ce qu'on raconte sur leurs frères, et ce ne sont pas des médisances qui leur feront manquer les réunions, prêcher moins ou douter. Always Accept Jehovah's Discipline Faithful Christians, however, refuse to believe everything they tell about their brothers, and they are not bad things that will cause them to miss meetings, unless they do so. Évidemment, celui qui, au temps de David, s'intéressait au petit ne vivait pas éternellement. Until the end of their life of sacrifice on earth, the anointed are spiritually strengthened by partaking of the Memorial emblems. Of course, the one who in David's day was interested in the little did not live forever. Nous nous frayons un chemin à travers ce système de choses à l'agonie pour entrer dans le monde nouveau promis. Romantic love (eʹros) brings delight, and love for family (stor·geʹ) is vital when children enter the picture. We had to travel through this dying system of things to survive into the promised new world. (Psaume 120: 1 - 145: 21) What can you learn about Jehovah from the way Jesus treated his disciples? (Psalm 120: 1 - 145: 21) Et, aussi sûrement que son peuple a autrefois hérité de la Terre promise, tous les chrétiens qui l'adorent avec endurance hériteront de la vie dans le monde nouveau. Because of our background, some of us may not be inclined to be mild. And no doubt, as long as his people inherited the Promised Land, all Christians who worship him with endurance will inherit life in God's new world. Sa vie a été à la hauteur de ces paroles. Consequently, Judas is not worthy of a resurrection. His life was up to the height of those words. Encouragez vos enfants à vous confier leurs sentiments, même si leurs " paroles vont jusqu'à la folie ." It is absolutely vital that we do so if we are to enjoy a close relationship with him now and in the future. Encourage your children to give you their feelings, even if their words "keep on the watch. " Approchez - vous de Dieu 15, 16. Draw Close to God Les Juifs ont posé les fondations du temple en 536, "dans la deuxième année de leur arrivée ." To the same place that Joshua and Caleb looked in Moses ' day. The Jews laid the foundation of the temple in 515 B.C.E. "in the second year of their arrival. " " C'est avec le cœur qu'on exerce la foi pour la justice, mais c'est avec la bouche qu'on fait la déclaration publique pour le salut. Such a person takes seriously the words of 1 John 2: 17: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. " " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " C'est vrai que, plus tard, Asa a parfois manqué de sagesse. God's spirit overcame what strong influence? True, Asa at times lacked wisdom. Partout, les humains se débattent avec des problèmes qui semblent insurmontables. Jehovah has given us a gift that can help us greatly in this matter of obedience. It is the conscience. All humans are struggling with problems that seem overwhelming. Après trois ans de siège, Samarie, la capitale, est tombée aux mains des Assyriens en 740 avant notre ère, et le royaume des dix tribus n'a jamais été rétabli. The early Christians had the support of Jehovah's holy spirit, and they had a sense of urgency. After three years of siege, Samaria, the capital, fell to the hands of the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E., and the ten - tribe kingdom of the ten - tribe kingdom was never restored. Noé marchait avec le vrai Dieu. That prophet would prove to be not just a messiah, an anointed one of God like Moses, but the Messiah, "the Christ of God, the Chosen One " of Jehovah. - Luke 23: 35; Heb. Noah walked with the true God. Ils font le genre de travail que j'aurais fait si j'avais étudié le droit. (Read Matthew 6: 22, 23.) They do the kind of work I had done if I had studied the right. Il s'agit d'enseigner aux gens à observer tout ce que Christ, le Chef de la congrégation, commande d'accomplir en ce temps de la fin. Such love and unity are foregleams of the marvelous time to come in God's new world, which will be governed in righteousness and justice. - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4; John 13: 34, 35; Colossians 3: 14. It is to teach people to observe all that Christ, the Head of the congregation, commanded to do in this time of the end. " Ne rejette pas [...] la discipline de Jéhovah. Have you ever wondered what the future will be for you and your family? " Do not reject the discipline of Jehovah... Jusqu'à la fin de leur vie sur terre, vie qui revêt un aspect sacrificiel, les oints sont affermis spirituellement en prenant les emblèmes du Mémorial. As the Messianic King, Jesus Christ has "the spirit of wisdom. " - Isa. Until the end of their lives on earth, anointed ones are strengthened spiritually by partaking of the Memorial emblems. L'amour romantique (érôs) est source de joie, et l'amour entre membres de la famille (storgê) est essentiel lorsque des enfants arrivent. Let us now consider each of them. Her romantic love is a source of joy - and love among family members - - is essential when children arrive. Que nous apprend au sujet de Jéhovah la façon dont Jésus a traité ses disciples? His aim will be nothing less than extermination of true worshippers. What can we learn about Jehovah from the way Jesus treated his disciples? En raison du milieu dans lequel nous avons grandi, peut - être ne sommes - nous pas portés à la douceur. (a) How can we frustrate Satan's goal to weaken us? Because of the environment in which we grew up, we may not be moved to mildness. Il n'est donc pas digne d'être ressuscité. What prospects did Jehovah lay before Adam in the garden of Eden? Therefore, it is not worthy of being resurrected. C'est indispensable si nous voulons tisser avec lui une relation étroite, dès maintenant et dans l'avenir. Although he grew up in a Christian family, he admitted, "I found the meetings and field service boring. " It is vital if we want to develop a close relationship with him now and in the future. 15, 16. 3: 2; 5: 9 - Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman? 15, 16. Vers la même personne sur qui Josué et Caleb se sont appuyés au temps de Moïse. This is not always a matter of punishing one's partner, as it may result from frustration or discouragement. To the same person upon Joshua and Caleb kept themselves busy in Moses ' day. Il prend au sérieux ces paroles de 1 Jean 2: 17: " Le monde est en train de passer, et son désir aussi, mais celui qui fait la volonté de Dieu demeure pour toujours. To do so effectively requires that they prepare for each study and perhaps do research to answer questions. He takes seriously the words found at 1 John 2: 17: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " Quelle force d'opposition puissante l'esprit de Dieu a - t - il contrecarrée? You have solidly fixed the earth, that it may keep standing. " What powerful force for opposition did God's spirit threaten? Jéhovah nous a accordé un don qui est d'une grande aide en matière d'obéissance: la conscience. Experience the peace of mind, unity, and divine blessings that come to those who have a forgiving disposition. - Rom. 14: 19. Jehovah has given us a gift that is of great help in obedience - our conscience. Les premiers chrétiens avaient le soutien de l'esprit saint de Jéhovah, et un zèle débordant les animait. Hence, we have no reason to dwell on mistakes that God has forgiven. The early Christians had the backing of Jehovah's holy spirit and a zealous zeal for it. Non, il serait le Messie, "le Christ de Dieu, Celui qui a été choisi " par Jéhovah. - Luc 23: 35; Héb. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. " - John 15: 19. No, he would be the Messiah, "the Christ of God, " the one chosen by Jehovah. - Luke 23: 35; Heb. (Lire Matthieu 6: 22, 23.) Did Jehovah insist that his people use only Hebrew? (Read Matthew 6: 22, 23.) Cet amour et cette unité nous donnent un aperçu de ce que sera l'époque merveilleuse à venir, dans le monde nouveau qui sera gouverné avec justice. - Isaïe 2: 2 - 4; Jean 13: 34, 35; Colossiens 3: 14. Christian shepherds today imitate Paul by cherishing the flock. This love and unity give us a glimpse of the marvelous time to come in the new world that will be ruled with righteousness. - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4; John 13: 34, 35; Colossians 3: 14. Vous êtes - vous déjà demandé ce que l'avenir vous réserve, à vous et à votre famille? How Happy the Merciful! Have you ever wondered what the future will hold for you and your family? Jésus Christ, le Roi messianique, possède "l'esprit de sagesse ." - Is. (b) Christian widows and other faithful sisters who do not have a husband may be assured of what? Jesus Christ, the Messianic King, has "the spirit of wisdom. " - Isa. Examinons - les une par une. And he will conceal his face from them in that time, according as they committed badness in their dealings. " Let us consider them one by one. Son but sera ni plus ni moins l'extermination des adorateurs du vrai Dieu. Amen and Amen. " His purpose will be neither less nor less than the threat of true worshippers. a) Comment empêcher Satan de nous affaiblir? In addition, you will likely make good use of the gift, not taking it for granted. (a) How can we prevent Satan from weaken? Devant quel choix Jéhovah a - t - il placé Adam dans le jardin d'Éden? (b) Why is faith essential? What choice did Jehovah put Adam in the garden of Eden? " Les réunions et la prédication m'ennuyaient ," admet - il. The couple had followed what is often called the Golden Rule. " The meetings and the preaching work made me feel free, " he admits. 3: 2; 5: 9 - Pourquoi Mordekaï refusait - il de s'incliner devant Hamân? However, their father, Zelophehad of the tribe of Manasseh, had died. 3: 2; 5: 9 - Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman? Ce comportement ne découle pas toujours de la volonté de punir son conjoint; il est parfois simplement le fruit du découragement. Godly parents are not unduly influenced by local cultural views about child - rearing. Such behavior is not always based on the will of a mate; it is simply the fruit of discouragement. Pour enseigner efficacement, ils doivent se préparer avant chaque étude et faire parfois des recherches pour répondre à des questions. Paul wrote: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long - suffering. To teach effectively, they need to prepare before each study and perhaps do research to answer questions. Tu as solidement fixé la terre, pour qu'elle tienne. ." Individual Israelites also had a special relationship with Jehovah. You have firmly established the earth, that your owns may be. " Vous connaîtrez alors la paix intérieure, l'unité et les bénédictions divines que la disposition à pardonner procure. As we consider events that led up to that special day, ask yourself: " What good habit contributed to the success of the occasion? Then you will experience inner peace, unity, and blessings that God's willingness to forgive. Nous n'avons donc aucune raison de ressasser des fautes que Dieu a pardonnées. 4: 15. Therefore, we have no reason to dwell on God's errors. Or, parce que vous ne faites pas partie du monde, mais que je vous ai choisis du milieu du monde, voilà pourquoi le monde a de la haine pour vous. " - Jean 15: 19. Examples of God's Greatness Because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. " - John 15: 19. Jéhovah a - t - il exigé que ses serviteurs ne parlent qu'hébreu? Still, because of his background, he prefers to abstain entirely from alcoholic beverages, but he does not criticize those who make moderate use of them. Did Jehovah require that his servants speak only Hebrew? De nos jours, les bergers chrétiens imitent Paul en entourant de soins le troupeau. At that time, he granted Jesus authority to go forth "conquering and to complete his conquest. " Christian shepherds today imitate Paul by taking care of the flock. Heureux les miséricordieux! Rather than focusing on our brothers ' surface defects, can we discern their good qualities and their potential for further spiritual growth? Happy Are the merciful! " b) De quoi peuvent être assurées les chrétiennes veuves et les autres sœurs fidèles sans mari? The tree initially represented Nebuchadnezzar as the ruler of a world power. (b) Of what can the widows and others without a husband be assured of? Et il leur cachera sa face en ce temps - là, dans la mesure où ils ont commis le mal dans leurs manières d'agir. We need to pay attention to all three of these elements to become effective teachers of the good news. And he will conceal them from his face at that time to the extent that they have done bad in their dealings. Amen et amen. ." What lesson do we learn from Abishai's mistake? Amen and Amen. " Tu n'en sous - estimes pas la valeur. Can you imagine that your brothers in Thessalonica would have been content to preach and teach in a perfunctory manner, as if it were a mere duty to be performed listlessly? Do not underestimate the value of it. b) Pourquoi la foi est - elle essentielle? That was true of many in Corinth to whom Paul wrote. (b) Why is faith vital? Le fait que le couple ait appliqué ce qu'on appelle souvent la Règle d'or. is helping many young ones strengthen their convictions. The fact that marriage has applied what is often called the Golden Rule. Toutefois, Tselophehad est mort. How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive? Yet, Zelophehad died. Ils ne se laissent pas influencer par les opinions répandues dans leur culture à propos de l'éducation des enfants. How can we with full confidence retain "the peace of God "? They are not influenced by popular views in their culture about child rearing. Paul a écrit: "Revêtez - vous des tendres affections de la compassion, ainsi que de bonté, d'humilité, de douceur et de patience. Employment may become harder to find, and employees may come under increased pressure to work longer hours. Paul wrote: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long - suffering. Individuellement aussi les Israélites jouissaient d'une relation particulière avec Jéhovah. Sophia: Is this about religion? In addition, the Israelites enjoyed a special relationship with Jehovah. Tandis que nous analyserons les évènements qui ont mené à ce jour particulier, demande - toi: " Quelle bonne habitude a contribué à sa réussite? 15, 16. As we examine events that led up to that special day, ask yourself: " What good routine has contributed to its success? 4: 15. Jehovah's Witnesses hold that accepting whole blood or any of those four primary components violates God's law. 4: 15. Preuves de la grandeur de Dieu Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom Seeing God's grandeur Néanmoins, en raison de son éducation, il préfère s'abstenir complètement de boissons alcooliques. Mais il ne critique pas ceux qui boivent modérément. What will help us meet today's adversities with courage? However, because of his upbringing, he prefer to abstain completely from alcoholic beverages, but he does not criticize those who drink alcoholic beverages. Il a alors donné à Jésus l'autorité pour sortir "en vainqueur et pour mener à terme sa victoire ." No loving shepherd beats a docile, bleating lamb for hurting itself. He then gave Jesus authority to go forth "to conquer and complete his conquest. " Au lieu de nous concentrer sur les défauts apparents de nos frères, ne pouvons - nous pas discerner leurs belles qualités et le potentiel qu'ils ont de grandir spirituellement? How happy we are that we have access to Bible literature in some 600 languages. Rather than focusing on the obvious traits of our brothers, can we not discern their fine qualities and potential potential for growing spiritually? Dans un premier temps, l'arbre représentait Neboukadnetsar en sa qualité de dirigeant d'une puissance mondiale. I thought about a brother I had studied with and helped to come to a knowledge of the truth. At first, the tree represented Nebuchadnezzar as a ruler of a world power. Il nous faut prêter attention à ces trois éléments pour devenir des enseignants efficaces de la bonne nouvelle. The true God resurrected his beloved Son, who afterward presented to the Father the value of his shed blood, which would be a ransom to save repentant sinners from eternal death. - Read Hebrews 9: 14, 24. We need to pay attention to these three things so as to become effective teachers of the good news. Quelle leçon tirons - nous de l'erreur d'Abishaï? If you were a Christian back then, you would daily face the possibility of being arrested and tortured. What lesson do we learn from the mistake of Jehovah's people? Penses - tu que tes frères de Thessalonique se sont contentés de prêcher et d'enseigner superficiellement, comme s'ils accomplissaient mollement un simple devoir? God Deals With Haughty Ones Do you think that your brothers in Thessalonica simply went off to preach and to teach with a simple duty? Ce fut le cas de nombreux chrétiens de Corinthe. Paul wrote: "When insulted, we bless; when persecuted, we patiently endure; when slandered, we answer mildly. " - 1 Cor. 4: 12, 13. That was true of many Christians in Corinth. ," de nombreux jeunes renforcent leurs convictions. In order to give Jehovah his best, the apostle Paul abandoned a promising career and used his time and energy to preach the good news. Many young ones strengthen their convictions. Comment l'esprit prôné par Satan s'est - il autant répandu? So, having food and clothing, we will be content with these things. " How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so widespread? Que faut - il faire pour conserver " la paix de Dieu "? Notice what the book Organized to Do Jehovah's Will says: "Early followers of Jesus Christ took an interest in reports of progress in the preaching work. What must we do to maintain "the peace of God "? Il est possible qu'il devienne de plus en plus difficile de trouver un travail et que les employés soient soumis à une pression grandissante pour travailler davantage. They prove to be very helpful, especially because there are so many new ones to care for. It is possible that it becomes more difficult to find work and that the employees are under pressure to work more fully. Sophie: Ça parle de la religion? 16 Questions From Readers Sophia: That is a matter of religion. 15, 16. a) Pourquoi avons - nous besoin de sagesse pour faire des choix dans le domaine de la santé? 15, 16. 15, 16. (a) Why do we need wisdom in making decisions about health? Les Témoins de Jéhovah estiment qu'il serait contraire à la loi de Dieu d'accepter du sang total ou l'un quelconque de ces composants majeurs. Is there a language as widely spoken today? Jehovah's Witnesses feel that it would be contrary to God's law to accept whole blood or any of these primary components. Jugés dignes de recevoir un royaume Why is it fitting that the faithful slave be made up of anointed Christians? Counted Worthy to Give a Kingdom Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à les surmonter avec courage? Jesus awakened them and said: "Men, keep on the watch and praying, in order that you do not come into temptation. " What will help us to overcome them with courage? Quel berger aimant, attiré par les bêlements d'un agneau docile, le battrait parce qu'il s'est blessé? How comforting it is to know that Jehovah finds pleasure in the meditation of our heart! - 1 Chronicles 28: 9; Psalm 19: 14. What loving shepherd drew the matter from a lofty lamb, the attraction because he was injured? Ne sommes - nous pas heureux de disposer de publications bibliques en plus de 600 langues? On the other hand, he condemned the Pharisees, who would "say " but" not perform. " Are we not glad to have Bible - based literature in over 600 languages? J'ai pensé à un frère à qui j'avais fait connaître la vérité. It had its start on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. I thought of a brother whom I had come to know the truth. Jéhovah a ressuscité son Fils, lequel lui a ensuite présenté la valeur de son sang versé, qui servirait de rançon pour sauver de la mort éternelle les pécheurs repentants. - Lire Hébreux 9: 14, 24. Love moves them to "rejoice with people who rejoice " and to" weep with people who weep. " Jehovah resurrected his Son, who later presented the value of his shed blood, would serve as a ransom to save repentant sinners from everlasting death. - Read Hebrews 9: 14, 24. Si tu avais été chrétien à l'époque, tu aurais couru chaque jour le risque de te faire arrêter et torturer. 18, 19. If you had been a Christian at that time, you would have run the risk of putting you off and torture. Des orgueilleux ont affaire à Dieu Gone will be the need for hospitals and medications. Older Ones - A Godly Concerned God Paul a écrit: " Quand on nous insulte, nous bénissons; quand on nous persécute, nous supportons; quand on dit du mal de nous, nous répondons avec bienveillance ." Relate an experience that demonstrates what an immigrant may decide to do upon learning Bible truth. Paul wrote: "When we are reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we endure; when we speak abusively of ourselves, we respond kindly. " Afin de donner à Jéhovah ce qu'il avait de meilleur, l'apôtre Paul a abandonné une carrière prometteuse, et a employé son temps et ses forces à prêcher la bonne nouvelle. These would " render Jehovah sacred service day and night. ' In order to give Jehovah his best, the apostle Paul abandoned a promising career, and he used his time and energy to preach the good news. Si donc nous avons nourriture et vêtement, nous nous contenterons de ces choses ." What else could explain how the good news has been preached earth wide? Think about it. If, then, we have sustenance and covering, we will be content with these things. " Voyez ce que déclare le livre Organisés pour faire la volonté de Jéhovah: "Les premiers disciples de Jésus Christ attachaient de l'importance aux rapports sur les progrès de la prédication. Commenting on Acts 20: 20, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament says: "It is worth noting that this greatest of preachers preached from house to house. " Consider what the Bible says about doing Jehovah's will: "The early disciples of Jesus Christ appreciated the need for advancement in the preaching work. " Ils sont très précieux notamment en raison du nombre de nouveaux disciples dont il faut s'occuper. What excellent example of courage did Jesus provide, and how did he encourage his followers? They are especially valuable because of the number of new disciples needed to care for. 16 Questions des lecteurs We will no longer react to perceived injustices with outbursts of "malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech. " 16 Questions From Readers 15, 16. Never underestimate the beneficial effects of visiting an elderly spiritual brother or sister. 15, 16. Existe - t - il aujourd'hui une langue aussi largement parlée? It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Is there any language that is so widely spoken today? Pourquoi l'esclave fidèle est - il forcément constitué de chrétiens oints? Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch. Why may the faithful slave have made up of anointed Christians? Jésus les a réveillés et leur a dit: "Veillez et priez sans cesse pour ne pas venir en tentation. ." Are they not at times hotbeds of political and social unrest? Jesus suffered and said to them: "Keep on the watch and pray continually that they may not come into temptation. " Qu'il est réconfortant de savoir que Jéhovah prend plaisir à la méditation de notre cœur! - 1 Chroniques 28: 9; Psaume 19: 14. By regular meeting attendance, Bible reading, study of Bible - based publications, prayer, and fellowship with mature Christians, we get the guidance and support we need. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah takes pleasure in meditating on our heart! - 1 Chronicles 28: 9; Psalm 19: 14. Il a d'ailleurs condamné les Pharisiens qui, pour leur part, " disaient ' mais " n'accomplissaient pas '. In their quest for wealth, many spouses ignore the needs of their mates, including the basic need for emotional support and regular, warm companionship. He condemned the Pharisees, who for their part, " said ' but did not" give up. " Cette organisation a pris naissance à la Pentecôte 33 de n. è. JEHOVAH is worthy of praise from all his creation. That organization was born at Pentecost 33 C.E. L'amour les pousse à " se réjouir avec ceux qui se réjouissent ' et à " pleurer avec ceux qui pleurent '. How can we show mildness and patience? Love moves them to "rejoice with those who rejoice " and" weep with those who weep. " 18, 19. Granted, God's Word also contains things that may seem "hard to understand, " including some parts of Paul's writings. 18, 19. Finis les hôpitaux et les médicaments. In Jesus, Christian wives have a perfect model of submission to authority. In some cases, there is a need for material food and medical treatments. Racontez un fait qui montre ce que parfois un expatrié décide de faire après avoir appris la vérité biblique. How does creation declare Jehovah's glory? Relate an experience that shows how a person may choose to do so after learning Bible truth. Ces croyants dont l'espérance était terrestre offriraient à Jéhovah "un service sacré jour et nuit ." We do not need extensive formal education in order to comprehend deep spiritual truths that have been published. Those with an earthly hope would render to Jehovah "sacred service day and night. " Sans cela, comment la prédication pourrait - elle être effectuée sur toute la terre? 7: 1, 20, 21, 25; Prov. Without that, how could the preaching work be done worldwide? Commentant Actes 20: 20, un bibliste a déclaré: "Il est intéressant de remarquer que ce prédicateur, le plus grand de tous, prêchait de maison en maison. How do we demonstrate that we trust in Jehovah? Regarding Acts 20: 20, one Bible scholar said: "It is interesting to notice that this preacher, the greatest witness of all, preaching from house to house. Quel exemple de courage Jésus a - t - il donné, et qu'a - t - il dit pour encourager ses disciples? Idolatry is a sign of corruption of the heart. What example of courage did Jesus set, and what did he tell his disciples to encourage them? Face à ce qui nous semble être une injustice, nous ne céderons plus à l ' " amertume malveillante, à la fureur, à la colère, aux cris ou aux injures '. What topics will most likely stimulate continued interest in those visited? When we are faced with injustice, we will not give in to " malicious bitterness, anger, anger, screaming, and abusive speech. " Ne sous - estimez jamais le bien qu'une visite peut faire à une de nos sœurs ou à un de nos frères âgés. (a) Why is being true to our word so important? Never underestimate the good that a visit can do to a fellow believer or to an older brother. Il n'appartient pas à l'homme qui marche de diriger son pas. Now, if you had to choose a single word to characterize Jesus ' ministry, you would likely select the word "love, " would you not? It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Ne laisse pas l'indifférence ambiante te décourager ou te dissuader de veiller. In 1896, he wrote: "We want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi. Do not let apathy discourage you or prevent you from keeping on the watch. Que dire du crédit accordé à la théorie de l'évolution?. Why should we not conclude that seemingly unanswered prayers are evidence of God's disapproval? What about the theory of evolution? Nous obtiendrons la direction et le soutien dont nous avons besoin en assistant régulièrement aux réunions, en lisant la Bible, en étudiant les publications bibliques, en priant et en fréquentant des chrétiens mûrs. Rather, "there were many of them who were following [Jesus]. " We will receive the guidance and support we need by regularly attending Christian meetings, by reading the Bible, by studying Bible - based publications, by praying, and by associating with mature Christians. Dans leur quête de la richesse, beaucoup ignorent les besoins de leur conjoint, ne serait - ce que son besoin fondamental de se sentir soutenu, de bénéficier d'une présence régulière et chaleureuse. However, the prophecy foretold that "ten horns " would grow from this empire and one in particular would gain prominence. As they look for riches, many ignore the needs of their mate, their basic need to feel supported, to enjoy regular and warm association. JÉHOVAH est digne d'être loué par toute sa création. (a) When Jesus cleansed the temple, what did he reveal about his Father? JEHOVAH is worthy of being praised by all his creation. Comment nous montrer doux et patients? Then let us " buy eyesalve from Jesus ' so that we can see the importance of zealously seeking first the Kingdom. - Matthew 6: 33. How can we show mildness and patience? Bien sûr, la Parole de Dieu contient également des passages, notamment certaines parties des écrits de Paul, qui peuvent sembler " difficiles à comprendre ." For more information, see "Young People Ask... Am I Addicted to Electronic Media? " Of course, God's Word also contains scriptures, including some portions of Paul's writings, which may seem " hard to understand. ' Jésus a aussi manifesté une soumission parfaite à l'autorité, laissant ainsi un modèle aux femmes. What a thrilling moment! Jesus also showed perfect submission to headship, thus setting a model for wives. Comment la création proclame - t - elle la gloire de Jéhovah? ARTICLE 5 "I Saw, but I Could Not Understand " How does creation proclaim Jehovah's glory? Nul besoin d'une instruction poussée pour saisir les vérités profondes qui ont été publiées. Sadly, in this greedy world, there are those who seize on people's illness as an opportunity to make money. No need for advanced education to grasp the deep truths that have been published. 7: 1, 20, 21, 25; Prov. " But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, that your gifts of mercy may be in secret; then your Father who is looking on in secret will repay you. " 7: 1, 20, 21, 25; Prov. Comment montrons - nous que nous mettons notre confiance en Jéhovah? 4: 3, 11. How do we show that we trust in Jehovah? L'idolâtrie est le signe d'un cœur corrompu. Basically it is love based on principle. idolatry is the sign of a corrupt heart. Quels thèmes ont le plus de chances d'entretenir cet intérêt? As a result, Jehovah passed judgment on him in these words: "As surely as I am alive,... What will be the most likely to cultivate such interest? a) Pourquoi est - il si important de tenir ses engagements? We do not know the day and the hour. (a) Why is it so important to keep our Yes? Ne seriez - vous pas par hasard Témoin de Jéhovah? Jesus promised: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Would you not be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Ceci posé, si vous deviez dépeindre en un mot le ministère de Jésus, ne choisiriez - vous pas le mot "amour "? • What kind of teaching imparts wisdom? However, if you had a short picture of Jesus ' ministry, would you not choose the word "love "? En 1896, il a écrit: " Nous ne voulons aucun hommage, aucune révérence, ni pour nous - même ni pour nos écrits; nous ne désirons pas non plus être appelé Révérend ou Rabbi. What inventions have aided us in preaching earth wide? In 18 wisdom, he wrote: "We do not want to do anything to do, neither for ourselves nor for our writings; nor for our writings we do not want to be called Daniel's name or for us. " Pourquoi ne devrions - nous pas penser que des prières apparemment sans réponse sont le signe de la désapprobation divine? (b) What warning did Jesus give to the faithful and discreet slave? Why should we not assume that seemingly prayers are not the sign of God's disapproval? Malheureusement, la plupart des Pharisiens ne voyaient pas en ces personnes ce que Jésus voyait. " A great crowd " who come out of "the great tribulation " will also have new and personal reasons to glorify Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Sadly, most Pharisees did not see what Jesus saw. Toutefois, la prophétie annonçait que de cet empire sortiraient "dix cornes ," et qu'une autre, une petite, s'élèverait au - dessus d'elles. As the collecting work progressed, the distinction between the two groups became ever clearer. However, the prophecy foretold that this empire would come out of "ten horns, " and another small one would be exalted above them. a) En purifiant le temple, qu'a révélé Jésus au sujet de son Père? Henri, a young brother, was greatly distressed when his close relatives, including his father, who had been a respected elder, left the truth. (a) What did Jesus reveal about his Father by cleansing the temple? Dans ce cas, qu'ils " achètent un collyre à Jésus ' afin de discerner l'importance de chercher avec zèle d'abord le Royaume. - Matthieu 6: 33. By doing so, we "repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires... while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of the Savior of us, Christ Jesus. " If so, let them " buy a grain to Jesus ' so that they can discern the importance of zealously seeking first the Kingdom. - Matthew 6: 33. Pour de plus amples renseignements, lisez l'article "Les jeunes s'interrogent - Suis - je accro aux médias électroniques? Medical researchers and scientists say that positive emotions such as joy, hope, gratitude, and a willingness to forgive have some beneficial effects on health. For more information, read the article "Young People Ask - Am I addicted to the media? " Ce fut un grand moment pour Valentina! But the Devil will fail to eradicate the good manners of true Christians. It was a great time for Valentina! 29 Anciens, réconforterez - vous " l'âme fatiguée "? Do we find that many are not at home when we call? 5 Highlights From the Book of Proverbs Malheureusement, dans ce monde cupide, certains cherchent à profiter de la maladie des autres pour s'enrichir. They aim for balance, finding enjoyment both in hard work and in periods of rest. Sadly, some in this greedy world seek to enjoy the disease of others in order to obtain wealth. " Mais toi, quand tu fais des dons de miséricorde, que ta main gauche ne sache pas ce que fait ta droite, afin que tes dons de miséricorde se fassent en secret; alors ton Père qui regarde dans le secret te le rendra. ." Even though we are patient, the word does not bear fruit in most people with whom we start to study the Bible. " But when you make gifts of mercy, let your left hand not know what your right may do, so that your gifts may be in secret; then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. " 4: 3, 11. What joy there will be as one generation is reunited with another and when long - separated loved ones hug one another in a warm, heartfelt embrace! 4: 3, 11. Fondamentalement, il s'agit de l'amour régi par les principes bibliques. After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples and from among them chose 12 apostles. Basically, it is love governed by Bible principles. c) Pourquoi le Collège central n'est - il pas tenu de consulter tous ceux qui se disent oints? Instead, we need to take control of the situation by making time for study. (c) Why is the Governing Body not obligated to consult all who claim to be anointed? En conséquence, Jéhovah l'a condamné à mourir à Babylone, en disant: " Aussi vrai que je suis vivant, [...] dans le lieu même du roi qui a installé comme roi celui qui a méprisé son serment et qui a rompu son alliance, [...] [il] mourra ." Satan is anything but humble. As a result, Jehovah condemned him to die in Babylon, saying: "As soon as I am alive,... in the very place of the king who despised his oath and broke his covenant,... he will die. " Nous en ignorons le jour et l'heure. It is simply too frail to overcome in its own strength the hurdles it will encounter on the way back to the fold. We do not know the day and hour. C'est ce qu'a rappelé Jésus: "Celui qui aura enduré jusqu'à la fin, celui - là sera sauvé. ." WORLDLY WISDOM VERSUS GODLY WISDOM Jesus reminded his listeners: "He that has endured to the end will be saved. " • Quel genre d'enseignement permet de communiquer la sagesse? If encouraged and nurtured by spiritually - minded companions, these young people can reach out for and accept greater responsibilities among Jehovah's people. Look around in your congregation! • What kind of teaching can help us to impart wisdom? Quelles inventions nous ont aidés à prêcher sur la terre entière? Do Not Follow "Your Hearts and Your Eyes " What inventions have helped us to preach throughout the earth? b) Quelle mise en garde Jésus a - t - il faite à l'esclave fidèle et avisé? However, giving expression to wrath by speaking a word of contempt is more serious, making one accountable to a court higher than the local court of justice. (b) What warning did Jesus give to the faithful and discreet slave? " Une grande foule " qui viendra de "la grande tribulation " aura elle aussi des raisons nouvelles et personnelles de glorifier Jéhovah. - Révélation 7: 9, 14. Does that warning not remind you of what befell the Israelites in the wilderness? " A great crowd " who will come out of "the great tribulation " will also have new reasons and personal reasons for glorifying Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Le ramassage progressant, la différence entre les deux groupes est devenue de plus en plus nette. Most of all, we will have Jehovah's blessing and the prospect of everlasting life! - Proverbs 10: 22; 1 Timothy 6: 6. The gathering gathered together, the difference between the two groups became ever more alert. Son père, qui avait été ancien, était l'un d'eux. Un surveillant de circonscription a remarqué qu'Henri était triste. The apostle Paul's counsel to the Galatians was recorded for a purpose: to prevent true Christians in any period from turning their backs on the riches of Bible truth and returning to the things behind. His father, who served as an elder, was one of them, and a circuit overseer noticed that he was sad. Cela nous aidera à "rejeter l'impiété et les désirs de ce monde, [...] tandis que nous attendons l'heureuse espérance et la manifestation glorieuse du grand Dieu et du Sauveur de nos personnes, Christ Jésus ." Tell the person that marital problems are best discussed with his mate, with a mature Christian of the same sex who wants his union to succeed, or with the elders. This will help us to "speak ungodliness and worldly desires... as we await the happy hope and the glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Christ Jesus. " Les chercheurs dans le domaine médical disent que les sentiments positifs comme la joie, l'espoir, la gratitude et la disposition à pardonner favorisent une bonne santé. How can it be said that " God is Jesus ' throne, ' and why can we be sure that his kingdom is righteous? researchers in medical treatment say that positive feelings reflect joy, hope, gratitude, and willingness to forgive good health. Mais il ne parviendra pas à faire disparaître les bonnes manières chez les vrais chrétiens. In the Bible, walking with Jehovah conveys the idea of trusting in him, supporting his sovereignty, and following his lead. But he does not succeed in making good manners in true Christians. Beaucoup sont - ils absents quand nous passons chez eux? Or has our heart been poisoned by the unloving spirit so prevalent during these last days? - 2 Tim. Were many not at home when we are not at home? Elle vise l'équilibre et trouve de la joie tant dans un dur travail que dans des moments de repos. His very first miracle was that of turning water into wine at a wedding feast. It prepares balance and finds joy both in hard work and in rest. En dépit de notre patience, la parole ne portera pas de fruit chez la plupart de ceux qui commencent à étudier la Bible avec nous. To share in this communion meal properly, they must be in a healthy spiritual condition. Despite our patient patience, the word will not bear fruit in most of those who begin to study the Bible with us. Quelle joie ce sera de voir les générations réunies et ceux que la mort avait séparés s'étreindre avec émotion! Explain what it means to " sow with a view to the spirit. ' What a joy it will be to see the generations gathered together and those that death had separated them! Après avoir prié toute une nuit, Jésus a réuni ses disciples et a choisi 12 apôtres parmi eux. SONGS TO BE USED: 62, 99 After praying all a night, Jesus gathered his disciples and selected 12 apostles from among them. Prenons plutôt le contrôle de la situation en nous réservant du temps pour l'étude. Also, ask the learner to think of the elderly ones in the congregation and how carrying out his assignment will benefit them. Instead, let us take control of the situation by making time for personal study. Satan est tout sauf humble. Husbands need to appreciate that Jehovah does not look at a man who worships Him as in any way superior to a woman who does so. Satan is all humble. Elle est trop faible pour surmonter par ses propres forces les obstacles qui se dressent sur le chemin du retour vers l'enclos. He failed to recognize what was inappropriate conduct for a married man. It is too weak to overcome the obstacles that rise up on the path to the fold. SAGESSE DU MONDE CONTRE SAGESSE DE DIEU Why did Israel and Judah deserve punishment? HELPING THE WORLD OF GOD Stimulés par les encouragements et l'exemple de compagnons zélés pour le vrai culte, ils peuvent très bien se qualifier pour assumer des responsabilités au sein du peuple de Jéhovah. • How can you "take exquisite delight in Jehovah "? Encouraged by encouragement and example of zealous fellow believers for true worship, they may well qualify for congregation responsibilities among Jehovah's people. Ne suivez pas " votre cœur et vos yeux ' While he is still praying, Jehovah sends the angel Gabriel to make Daniel "have insight with understanding " about the coming of the Messiah. Do Not Follow " Your Heart and Your Eyes ' Cependant, celui qui exprime sa colère en utilisant un terme de mépris commet un péché plus grave encore qui le rend passible d'une juridiction supérieure à un simple tribunal local. The second year of his reign would thus have begun in 623 B.C.E. - years before he invaded Judah. However, a person who expresses his anger by using a term of contempt commits a more serious sin that caused him to a mere court court. Cet avertissement te fait peut - être penser à l'attitude des Israélites dans le désert. Jehovah will himself fight for you, and you yourselves will be silent. " - Exodus 14: 5 - 14. This warning may remind you of the Israelites ' attitude in the wilderness. Surtout, nous aurons la bénédiction de Jéhovah et la perspective de vivre éternellement. - Proverbes 10: 22; 1 Timothée 6: 6. So I visited their home, and we had a lengthy discussion using written notes. Above all, we will have Jehovah's blessing and the prospect of living forever. - Proverbs 10: 22; 1 Timothy 6: 6. L'avertissement de l'apôtre Paul aux Galates a été consigné dans un but précis: empêcher les vrais chrétiens de toutes les époques de tourner le dos au trésor qu'est la vérité biblique pour revenir aux choses qui sont derrière. However, you can make it more likely that others will ask you about your faith. The apostle Paul's warning to the Galatians was recorded in a specific objective - to prevent true Christians from turning their backs on the treasure of Bible truth to return to the things behind. Dites - lui qu'elle obtiendra de meilleurs résultats si elle discute du problème avec son conjoint, avec un chrétien mûr du même sexe qu'elle et qui souhaite son bonheur conjugal, ou avec les anciens. At a fitting time and place, discipline your child lovingly and mildly through patient guidance, training, and correction. Tell him that she will have better results if she discuss the problem with her mate, a mature Christian with the same sex that she wants to be happy, or with the elders. En quel sens Dieu est - il le trône de Jésus, et pourquoi sommes - nous sûrs que sa royauté est juste? When do we need Jehovah's guidance? In what sense is God the throne of Jesus, and why are we confident that his kingship is righteous? Dans la Bible, marcher avec Jéhovah emporte l'idée de lui faire confiance, de soutenir sa souveraineté et de suivre sa direction. Granted, it usually calls for taking time from our personal pursuits and devoting that time to helping others. In the Bible, walking with Jehovah carries the idea of trusting him, supporting his sovereignty, and following his guidance. Notre cœur n'aurait - il pas été gagné par le manque d'amour caractéristique des derniers jours? - 2 Tim. If it is to be kind, the punishment and the way it is administered need to be tailored to the child. Would not our heart have been won by the lack of love in the last days? - 2 Tim. Ainsi, son tout premier miracle a été de changer de l'eau en vin lors d'un festin de mariage. In the long run, God's Kingdom will cause his will to be done. Thus, his first miracle was to change water into wine at a wedding feast. Pour participer comme il convient à ce repas de communion, ils doivent être en bonne santé spirituelle. The expression "support the weak " has been rendered" to hold fast " or "to cleave to " the weak. To share in such a communion meal, they must be healthy spiritually. Que signifie " semer pour l'esprit '? For what are you particularly grateful to Jehovah? What does it mean to " sow with a view to the spirit '? CANTIQUES: 62, 99 What reality does experience teach us? SONGS TO BE USED: 62, 99 Demande - lui également de penser aux bienfaits que les personnes âgées de la congrégation tireront de son travail. However, Jehovah's patience does not mean that he will never act. You might also ask him to think about the benefits that older ones in the congregation will benefit from his work. Les maris doivent bien comprendre une chose: aux yeux de Jéhovah, un homme qui l'adore n'est en rien supérieur à une femme qui l'adore. " The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous. " - 1 PET. Husbands need to understand something that is in Jehovah's eyes - a man who worships him is superior to a woman who worships him. Il n'avait pas voulu admettre que sa conduite ne convenait pas à un homme marié. Despite our imperfect human nature, why can we be of good courage? He did not want to admit that his conduct was not acceptable to a married man. Pourquoi Israël et Juda méritent - ils d'être punis? IN THE preceding article, we learned how faithful Christians found themselves in a form of Babylonian captivity. Why did Israel and Judah deserve to be punished? • Comment pouvez - vous " vous délecter en Jéhovah '? Under inspiration, he encouraged his brothers in Corinth not to wait until the end of the week to see what was left over but, rather, to set aside funds at the start of the week in harmony with what they could do. • How can you "take exquisite delight in Jehovah "? Il est encore en prière quand Jéhovah lui envoie l'ange Gabriel pour lui donner "de la perspicacité avec de l'intelligence " à propos de la venue du Messie. 21, 22. He is also in prayer when Jehovah sends the angel Gabriel to give him "the insight with understanding " concerning the coming of the Messiah. La deuxième année de son règne a donc commencé en 623, autrement dit des années avant qu'il n'envahisse Juda. A properly trained conscience exercises a powerful influence for good in the Christian congregation. So the second year of his reign began in 6 percent of years before it spread Judah. Jéhovah lui - même combattra pour vous, et vous, vous vous tairez. " - Exode 14: 5 - 14. Would personal preferences or prejudices rule the day? Jehovah himself will fight for you, and you yourselves will be silent. " - Exodus 14: 5 - 14. Je me suis donc rendu chez eux et nous avons eu une longue discussion en échangeant des mots par écrit. We need to imitate Jesus by revealing the Father by our words and deeds. So I went home to them, and we had a long discussion in exchange for words written in exchange. " Toutefois, vous pouvez susciter des questions. I began to see that my feelings are not the main thing. However, you can raise questions. À un moment et à un endroit appropriés, discipline ton enfant avec amour et douceur en le conseillant, en le formant et en le corrigeant patiemment. Work in harmony with your prayers by searching out the counsel found in God's written Word, the Bible - a product of holy spirit. At a suitable time and in a proper place, your children lovingly and mildness may vary, forming it, and patiently correct it. Quand avons - nous besoin de la direction de Jéhovah? In this article we will learn from the sacrifices made in ancient Israel. When do we need Jehovah's guidance? Certes, cela exige de renoncer à certaines activités personnelles pour accorder du temps à autrui. " How long will they not put faith in me for all the signs that I performed in among them? " Granted, it requires to forgo personal pursuits in order to give time to others. C'est aussi faire preuve de bonté que d'adapter à chaque enfant la punition et la façon de l'administrer. 8: 17 - In what way were " many of the peoples of the land declaring themselves Jews '? Kindness is also shown by adapting to each child's punishment and how it is done. C'est finalement la volonté divine qui sera faite, grâce au Royaume de Dieu. In fact, doing what we can to improve our relationships with others can improve our communication with them. Eventually, God's will will will will will will will be done through God's Kingdom. L'expression "soutenez les faibles " a aussi été rendue par" attachez - vous " aux faibles. At Revelation 12: 10, Satan is called "the accuser of our brothers " - anointed Christians. The expression "keep the weak " has also been translated" cling to the weak. " Qu'est - ce qui te rend particulièrement reconnaissant envers Jéhovah? What benefit is there in noting and pursuing questions that come to mind? What makes you particularly grateful to Jehovah? Quelle réalité l'expérience nous enseigne - t - elle? (b) What do the seed and the soil in Jesus ' illustration represent? What reality does experience teach us? Cependant, ce n'est pas parce que Jéhovah est patient qu'il n'agira jamais. Why, they even abandon Jesus and flee! - Matt. However, Jehovah is not patient because he will never do so. " Les yeux de Jéhovah sont sur les justes ." (b) How can the apostle Peter's example and counsel help us? " The eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones. " - PS. Pourquoi pouvons - nous avoir bon courage malgré notre imperfection? What details about the future has Jehovah revealed to us? Why can we be of good courage despite our imperfection? b) À quelles questions allons - nous répondre? In fact, a lack of support is now reflected in the news media, where religion and religious leaders are increasingly coming under attack. (b) What questions will we consider? Sous inspiration, il a encouragé ses frères de Corinthe non pas à décider du montant de leurs offrandes en fonction de l'argent qui leur reste à la fin de la semaine, mais plutôt à mettre de l'argent de côté dès le début de la semaine, selon leurs moyens. As long as the branches are attached to it, they receive water and nourishment that flows from the vine. Under inspiration, he encouraged his brothers in Corinth not to make their offerings available according to money that remains at the end of the week, but instead to put money aside from the week according to their means. 21, 22. Let us, therefore, make full use of God's Word and Bible - based publications that can comfort us and benefit us in many ways. 21, 22. Si notre conscience est bien éduquée, nous aurons une excellente influence dans la congrégation. Notice Ps 51 verse 5: "Look! If our conscience is properly trained, we will have a powerful influence in the congregation. Les préférences de certains, les préjugés allaient - ils avoir le dessus? (b) What has caused some to lose their faith? Would the preferences of some, or prejudice, have what effect on others? Imitons Jésus: " révélons le Père ' par nos paroles. This publication is not for sale. We can imitate Jesus by saying: "Let us reveal the Father by our words. " L'amour des frères a été déterminant. " When Jehovah's Witnesses called on me, " he recalls, "I would just turn away and ignore them as if they did not exist. The love of the brothers was very important. Soyez conséquent avec vos prières en recherchant les conseils contenus dans la Bible, qui a été rédigée sous l'action de l'esprit saint. " The scene of this world is changing, " states the Bible. Therefore, be with your prayers by seeking the counsel found in the Bible, which was written under the operation of holy spirit. Dans cet article, nous tirerons des enseignements des sacrifices qu'offraient les Israélites. Influenced by commercial propaganda, many newlyweds or their families incur for that one day a burdensome debt that they carry for years. In this article, we will learn from the sacrifices that the Israelites offered. Jéhovah exprima d'ailleurs sa profonde déception: "Jusqu'à quand n'auront - ils pas foi en moi, malgré tous les signes que j'ai accomplis au milieu d'eux? This is better than to " hurry and go out from before him, ' that is, to resign hastily. In fact, Jehovah said: "Until will they not put faith in me, despite all the signs I have performed in the midst of them? " 8: 17 - En quel sens " beaucoup parmi les peuples du pays se faisaient - ils passer pour Juifs '? However, suppose she plans to go out in the field service on a certain day, but her unbelieving husband wants her to stay home. 8: 17 - In what way were "many among the peoples of the land to go for Jews '? Parallèlement, tout faire pour améliorer nos relations avec les autres favorisera la communication. Jehovah has also provided abundant spiritual food through "the faithful and discreet slave. " At the same time, we do everything we can to improve our relationships with others. En Révélation 12: 10, Satan est appelé "l'accusateur de nos frères ," les chrétiens oints. Soon, the wicked will be destroyed. At Revelation 12: 10, Satan is called "the accuser of our brothers, " anointed Christians. Quel intérêt y a - t - il à noter les questions qui nous viennent à l'esprit et à les creuser? Yes, indeed, because we bear witness to Jesus ' kingship. What are some of the questions that come to mind and dig them? b) Que représentent la semence et la terre dans l'exemple de Jésus? So if you want to conquer the smoking habit, you may be wise to look to your family and friends for help - or to anyone who will be genuinely supportive and patient. (b) What do Jesus ' seed and the earth represent? Tous vont abandonner Jésus et s'enfuir! - Mat. Instead of being motivated by "the spirit of the world, " we are led by God's spirit, which produces in us such qualities as love and self - control. All of them leave Jesus and fled! - Matt. b) Comment l'exemple de l'apôtre Pierre et le conseil qu'il a donné peuvent - ils nous aider? A watchman at Jezreel recognized the driving of Jehu and reported to King Jehoram, whereupon Jehoram got into his chariot and went out to meet his army chief. (b) How can the apostle Peter and his counsel help us? Paul savait que l'unité chrétienne est capitale. Do You Recall? Paul knew that Christian unity is vital. Quels détails Jéhovah nous a - t - il révélés concernant l'avenir? " What is this that you are seeking to secure? " What details has Jehovah revealed to us regarding the future? En effet, on observe déjà un manque de soutien dans les médias, qui de plus en plus durcissent le ton contre la religion et les chefs religieux. He must yet "complete his conquest. " We have already seen a lack of support in the media, which increasingly leave your stand against religion and religious leaders. Tant que les branches sont reliées au pied de vigne, elles reçoivent de l'eau et des nutriments. the Law covenant. While branches are on the foot of a vine, they receive water and water. N'hésitons donc pas à nous plonger dans la Parole de Dieu et les publications bibliques. In 1970 he was 19 years old and had recently begun serving at Bethel in Britain. Therefore, we should not hesitate to peer into God's Word and Bible - based publications. " Notez également le verset 5: "Vois! 3, 4. (a) Illustrate the benefits that result when we yield. (b) What will we consider? Note, too, verse 5: "Look! b) En raison de quoi certains ont - ils perdu la foi? Know the laws. (b) Why did some lose faith? Ce document ne peut être vendu. There will be "new heavens and a new earth..., and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Pet. This publication is not for sale. " Quand les Témoins de Jéhovah frappaient chez moi, raconte - t - il, je leur fermais la porte au nez. When we maintain a mild temper even under provocation, dissenters are often moved to reassess their criticisms. " When Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on me, " he says. " La scène de ce monde est en train de changer ," déclare la Bible. Similarly, Christians who are not anointed with holy spirit derive immeasurable benefits from studying and living according to the counsel found in the Christian Greek Scriptures. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 15 - 17. " The scene of this world is changing, " states the Bible. Influencés par la publicité, beaucoup de jeunes mariés, ou leurs familles, contractent pour un seul jour des dettes qu'ils mettront des années à rembourser. When a Christian's marriage succeeds, it is a joy and brings honor to Jehovah. Sadly, many married couples, whether married or married, entering for one day of debt they will reap years to repay. Cela vaut mieux que de " se hâter de s'en aller de devant lui ', c'est - à - dire de démissionner précipitamment. See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 9 - 12. That is better than " getting ready to go before him. ' Elle prévoit d'aller prêcher un certain jour, mais son mari non Témoin veut qu'elle reste à la maison. Such ones question the Bible's relevance and authenticity, becoming wise in their own eyes. She plan to share in the preaching work on a certain day, but her unbelieving husband wants her to stay at home. Jéhovah nous accorde également une nourriture spirituelle abondante par l'intermédiaire de "l'esclave fidèle et avisé ." What if the one accused - though denying the wrongdoing - is really guilty? Jehovah also provides abundant spiritual food through "the faithful and discreet slave. " Les méchants seront bientôt détruits. And in sending greetings to fellow workers, Paul mentioned a number of faithful women, including "Tryphaena and Tryphosa, women who are working hard in the Lord. " The wicked will soon be destroyed. Oui, car nous rendons témoignage à la royauté de Jésus. Learn From " the Framework of Truth ' Yes, for we bear witness to Jesus ' kingship. Par conséquent, si vous voulez vaincre le tabagisme, ayez la sagesse de demander l'aide de votre famille et de vos amis - ou de toute personne réellement prête à vous soutenir et à se montrer patiente. Whether you are discussing a subject with your child or anyone else, good listening is vital. Therefore, if you want to conquer law, be wise to ask for the help of your family and friends - or to give support and support. Loin d'être motivés par "l'esprit du monde ," nous sommes guidés par l'esprit de Dieu, qui produit en nous des qualités telles que l'amour et la maîtrise de soi. He mentions that merciful quality of God some 90 times in his 14 letters - more than any other Bible writer. (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 10.) Rather than being influenced by "the spirit of the world, " we are guided by God's spirit, which produces such qualities as love and self - control. Yehoram monte alors sur son char et sort à la rencontre du chef de son armée. Moses asked to see God's glory in the mountain, and he did see the afterglow of Jehovah's glory. King Jehoram traveled on his chariot and went out to meet the army of his army. Vous en souvenez - vous? He had much work to do, and he faced a humiliating trial and a cruel death. Do You Recall? " Que cherches - tu donc à obtenir? We understand that "pangs of distress " are part of the foretold sign of Jesus ' presence. So, what are you looking for? " Sa victoire " doit être " men [ée] à terme ." BENEFIT FROM PROVISIONS TO MAINTAIN COURAGE Why is the study of God's Word important for us? " His conquest " must be "in the complete sense. " .. l'alliance de la Loi. How would God react to the prayers of these distressed individuals? the Law covenant. Il raconte: " En 1970, j'avais 19 ans et je venais d'entrer au Béthel de Grande - Bretagne. He likely will if he does not allow excessive secular work and recreation to sap his strength and rob him of the time he needs to take care of his ministry. " In 56 C.E., " he relates, "I had been 19 years old and had just moved to serve at the branch office of Britain. 3, 4. a) Montrez par un exemple quels avantages il y a à céder. b) Quelles questions allons - nous considérer? For more information, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 3, 4. (a) Illustrate the benefits of yielding. (b) What questions will we consider? Connaître les lois. (a) With regard to training, what challenge faces some elders in affluent lands? Know the laws. Il y aura "de nouveaux cieux et une nouvelle terre, et dans ceux - ci habitera la justice ." - 2 Pierre 3: 13. How should younger ones cooperate with older ones? There will be "new heavens and a new earth, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. " Si nous demeurons doux de caractère même lorsqu'on nous provoque, nos contradicteurs reconsidèrent souvent leurs critiques. Among such ones are Hannah, Elijah, Hezekiah, and Daniel. " If we remain mild - tempered even when we are taunting us, our mourning ones often violate their critical criticism. " De la même manière, les chrétiens qui ne sont pas oints d'esprit saint retirent des bienfaits inestimables de l'étude des Écritures grecques chrétiennes et de l'application, au quotidien, des conseils qui s'y trouvent. - Lire 2 Timothée 3: 15 - 17. One of his goals is to deceive mankind into thinking that his way of governing can bring them true peace. Similarly, Christians who are not anointed by holy spirit benefit from the study of the Christian Greek Scriptures and by applying it in daily life, counsel that is found. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 15 - 17. Un mariage réussi est source de joie et honore Jéhovah. When we express sympathy, what will provide real comfort? A successful marriage is a source of joy and honoring Jehovah. Voir La Tour de Garde du 15 juillet 2013, pages 9 - 12. And if we are listening to Jehovah's voice, we will not entertain any apostate ideas. - Prov. See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 9 - 12. Ils contestent son utilité et son authenticité, devenant sages à leurs propres yeux. When his Father taught him those truths, did he shrink back or rebel? They use Paul's use and self - sacrificing writings, becoming wise in their own eyes. Que faire si l'accusé, même s'il nie son méfait, est réellement coupable? Jehovah lovingly provides the Life and Ministry Meeting so that we can become more effective in the field ministry. What if the one accused, even though he is hurtful, is really guilty? Parmi les chrétiens avec qui il a eu l'occasion de collaborer, Paul fait mention de femmes fidèles; il adresse ses salutations entre autres à "Tryphène et Tryphose, femmes qui travaillent dur dans le Seigneur ." " The wild beast and its image " are symbols of human rulership, which does not acknowledge Jehovah's sovereignty. Among Christians with whom Paul had an opportunity to work together, he speaks of faithful women; he gives his greetings to "the Those who are working hard in the Lord. " Que nous enseigne " l'armature de la vérité '? What kind of example am I setting for others? ' What can we learn from "the framework of truth "? Que vous discutiez avec votre enfant ou avec qui que ce soit d'autre, il est essentiel que vous sachiez bien écouter. As servants of Jehovah, we are not among those who are misled. Whether you talk with your child or with anyone else, it is vital that you listen well. Il la mentionne plus de 90 fois dans ses 14 lettres, plus que tout autre écrivain biblique (lire 1 Corinthiens 15: 10). Paul also says: "A man is declared righteous by faith apart from works of law. " (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 10.) Moïse a voulu voir la gloire de Dieu dans la montagne, et il en a vu la rémanence. Displaying self - sacrificing love is not the easiest course to follow. Moses wanted to see God's glory in the mountain, and he saw it again. Il avait beaucoup à faire, et il allait subir un procès humiliant et une mort cruelle. Of what promise was the Law covenant a further development? He had plenty to do, and he would face a cruel trial and a cruel death. Nous savons que les "douleurs " font partie du signe annoncé attestant la présence de Jésus. Why? We know that the "pangs of distress " is part of the foretold sign of Jesus ' presence. Pourquoi est - il important d'étudier la Parole de Dieu? Well, under the Mosaic Law, pork was not an acceptable food. Why is it important to study God's Word? Comment Dieu réagirait - il à la prière de l'homme ou de la femme en proie à la détresse? Indeed, if David had listened to the advice of his men, the king would have been killed. How does God react to the prayer of man or woman in the face of distress? Très certainement, pourvu qu'il veille à ce que son activité professionnelle et ses loisirs n'accaparent pas l'énergie et le temps dont il a besoin pour accomplir son ministère. That commandment, however, elevated the Law to a plane higher than that of human justice. Very likely, while he is watching over his work and leisure pursuits, he does not exploit the energy and time he needs to carry out his ministry. Pour plus de renseignements, voir le chapitre 11 du livre Qu'enseigne réellement la Bible?, publié par les Témoins de Jéhovah. My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom my soul approved! For more information, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. a) Dans les pays riches, à quelle difficulté les anciens souhaitant former leurs frères se heurtent - ils? This means that the first resurrection must have begun early in Christ's presence, and it continues "during his presence. " (a) In affluent lands, what challenge do elders want to train their brothers? Avec quel état d'esprit les plus jeunes devraient - ils coopérer avec les plus âgés? (b) Give an example of what could happen when watchmen fell asleep on the job. With what attitude should younger ones cooperate with older ones? Hanna, Éliya, Hizqiya et Daniel étaient de ceux - là. 12, 13. Hannah, Elijah, Hezekiah, and Daniel were such ones. Il voudrait notamment faire croire aux hommes que sa domination peut leur apporter la paix véritable. The work to which Paul referred is the disciple - making work. Among other things, he would have to believe that his rulership can bring true peace to humans. Outre la compassion, qu'est - ce qui apporte une réelle consolation? Because their positions are so precise, the stars are "helpful guides in navigation, to astronauts in spacecraft orientation, and for star identification. " Besides compassion, what makes real comfort? Par ailleurs, si nous écoutons la voix de Jéhovah, nous n'arrêterons pas notre esprit sur des idées apostates. " Not so much as one among them was let remain. " Jehovah thus showed that he has the power to deliver his people from any situation. Moreover, if we listen to Jehovah's voice, we will not stop our mind on apostate ideas. Quand son Père lui a révélé les souffrances qui l'attendaient, s'est - il rétracté ou s'est - il rebellé? Their encouragement makes me feel so much better! " When his Father revealed suffering that lay ahead of him, did he adjust or rebelled? Jéhovah nous donne exactement ce qu'il nous faut pour être efficaces en prédication. They are "the Israel of God. " Jehovah gives us just what we need to be effective in our preaching work. Parce que "la bête sauvage et son image " symbolisent la domination humaine qui rejette la souveraineté de Jéhovah. Are you keeping pace with it? Because "the wild beast and its image " symbolizes human rulership that reject Jehovah's sovereignty. Quel genre d'exemple est - ce que je donne aux autres? You too can profit more from Bible reading by getting help to understand what you read. What kind of example do I set for others? ' Mais il ne trompe pas les serviteurs de Jéhovah. How are those of the great crowd highly privileged? But he does not deceive Jehovah's servants. " Il dit également: "Un homme est déclaré juste par la foi en dehors des œuvres de la loi. * In the preceding article, we discussed how we can imitate Jesus ' example in being humble and tender. He also says: "A man is declared righteous by faith outside the works of the law. " Manifester un amour empreint d'abnégation n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus facile. " Having [wisdom] as gain is better than having silver as gain and having it as produce than gold itself. " - Prov. Showing self - sacrificing love is not what makes it easier. À quelle promesse l'alliance de la Loi était - elle associée? I have valuable guidance given me through the congregation that helps me to combat Satan's awful pressure. The Law covenant was associated with what promise? Pourquoi? 2: 6, 7. Why? Sous la Loi mosaïque, le porc n'était pas un aliment acceptable. Linda responded: "May I assure you of something? " Under the Mosaic Law, there was no suitable food. Si David avait écouté ses hommes, le roi aurait été tué. By your example, let your relatives see that Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy happy marriages, look after their children, and live a clean, moral, and fulfilling life. If David listened to his men, King Saul would have been killed. Toutefois, ce commandement élevait la Loi à un niveau supérieur à celui de la justice humaine. After directing that Solomon be made king, elderly David gave him specific instructions that Solomon faithfully carried out. However, this command brought the Law to a higher standard of righteousness. Mon serviteur que j'ai choisi, mon bien - aimé que mon âme a agréé! Jesus ' illustration surely teaches us to show compassion and love for our neighbor. My servant whom I have chosen, my beloved soul that my soul has approved! " Cela signifie que la première résurrection a dû commencer au début de la présence du Christ, et qu'elle continue "durant sa présence ." Rather than taking the Holy Scriptures for granted, though, we need to keep in mind what a powerful source of help they are. This means that the first resurrection had to begin early in Christ's presence, and it "keep his presence. " b) Que pouvait - il se passer si un veilleur s'endormait pendant sa garde? On the other hand, fundamentalists of Christendom teach that the universe, including our earth and all life on it, is only a few thousand years old. (b) What could happen if a watchman fell asleep for his guard? 12, 13. [ Picture on page 11] 12, 13. Le travail que Paul a mentionné est celui qui consiste à faire des disciples. In this article, find out what we can learn from the patience of the prophet Micah. The work Paul mentioned is that of making disciples. Leur position est si précise qu'elles sont "des guides utiles pour la navigation, pour l'orientation des astronautes dans l'espace et pour leur identification ." Learn to be interested in people by tactfully asking their opinion and listening to their response. Their position is so clear that they are "a useful guides for the use of the roads, for the use of the banks in space and for their enjoyment. " ." Jéhovah a ainsi montré qu'il dispose de la puissance nécessaire pour délivrer son peuple de n'importe quelle situation. In each case, we will examine (1) how these features of life affect us now, (2) what Jehovah will do about them, and (3) how he will replace them with what is truly good. Jehovah thus showed that he has the power to deliver his people from any situation. Après leurs encouragements, je me sens tellement mieux! Six years later found him studying psychology at a university in Lisbon. After their encouragement, I feel so better! " Ils constituent "l'Israël de Dieu ." In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the glorified Jesus Christ inspects the seven congregations of Asia Minor. They constitute "the Israel of God. " Marches - tu à son rythme? The sword of the spirit (See paragraphs 19 - 20) Are you walking in the face? Vous aussi, vous pouvez retirer davantage de la lecture de la Bible en recevant de l'aide pour la comprendre. Satan suggested that if Jesus would do one act of worship, he could have it all and have it right then. You too can benefit more from reading the Bible by receiving help to understand it. Mentionnez les privilèges immenses qu'ont les membres de la grande foule. 10, 11. What are the wonderful privileges that the members of the great crowd have? L'article précédent nous a montré comment imiter l'humilité et la tendresse de Jésus. E. Van Amburgh that the U.S. Department of Justice had tried to introduce a bill in Congress that would allow the death sentence to be imposed on individuals who refused to take up arms in the war. The preceding article discussed how we can imitate Jesus ' humility and tenderness. " Mieux vaut [...] avoir [la sagesse] comme gain que d'avoir comme gain de l'argent, et mieux vaut l'avoir comme produit que d'avoir de l'or. " - Prov. What is to take place "in the re - creation "? " It is better than... to have wisdom as a gain of money, and it is better for him to have as gold. " - Prov. Les précieux conseils que je reçois dans la congrégation m'aident à résister aux tentations terribles que Satan suscite. Of what significance is it to us that Jehovah considered ancient sacrifices to be holy? The precious counsel I receive in the congregation helps me to resist the terrible temptations that Satan brings. 2: 6, 7. To fight Satan, we must maintain a balanced view of material things. - Read 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10. 2: 6, 7. " Linda lui a alors répondu: "Il y a une chose dont vous pouvez être certaine. He did so well in school that his teachers invited him to a meeting to discuss his prospects of going to a university. Linda answered: "There is something you can be certain. " Par ton exemple, donne l'occasion à tes proches de constater que les Témoins de Jéhovah ont des mariages heureux, s'occupent bien de leurs enfants, et ont une vie pure, droite et épanouie. By willingly completing tasks that seem lowly, we show humility and thus follow in the footsteps of Christ. For example, you can help your relatives to see that Jehovah's Witnesses have happy, caring for their children, and have a clean, right, and happy life. Après avoir ordonné que Salomon soit intronisé, David a fourni au nouveau roi des instructions que ce dernier a suivies scrupuleusement. Having a simple figurative eye means that we are single - minded in purpose. After ordering Solomon to be enthroned as King, David provided instructions that the last man carefully followed. Nul doute que l'exemple de Jésus nous apprend à témoigner de la compassion et de l'amour à notre prochain. The people "deal treacherously with one another. " Surely Jesus ' example teaches us to show compassion and love for our neighbor. Loin de considérer les Saintes Écritures comme un livre quelconque, nous devons nous souvenir qu'elles peuvent nous offrir un soutien puissant. What will help us to keep on the watch and to cope with trials? Instead of considering the Holy Scriptures as a book, we need to remember that they can give us powerful support. Les défenseurs de ce dogme, qu'on appelle le créationnisme, ont sûrement un grand respect pour la Bible. I still have all my notes. The false stories of this doctrine, which are called Catholic, no doubt have deep respect for the Bible. [ Illustration, page 11] As evidence of this, Jehovah used many prophets in the days of Ahab and Jezebel to warn His people of the consequences of Baal worship. [ Picture on page 11] Découvre ce que nous pouvons apprendre de l'exemple de patience du prophète Mika. But the lesson goes further. Find out what we can learn from the example of the prophet Micah. Apprends à t'intéresser sincèrement aux autres, en leur posant des questions avec tact et en écoutant leurs réponses. In what way did Uzziah ruin his good record? Learn to show genuine interest in others, asking them questions tactfully, and listen to their answers. Pour chaque élément, nous verrons 1) quel effet il a sur nous, 2) comment Jéhovah agira contre lui et 3) par quoi il le remplacera. • The modern - day generation mentioned at Matthew 24: 34 is made up of whom? In each case, we will consider (1) how Jehovah will deal with us, (2) how he will deal with us, and (3) how he will fare. Six ans plus tard, il a entamé des études de psychologie à Lisbonne. By clinging to Jehovah, we will be imitating Jesus, of whom it was said: "You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. " - Heb. When he was years old, he started to engage in good research. Dans la vision rapportée aux chapitres 2 et 3 de la Révélation, Jésus Christ glorifié inspecte les sept congrégations d'Asie mineure. What has Satan tried to do to God's people, and what can help us to stand firm against his machinations? In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, Jesus Christ glorified the seven congregations in Asia Minor. L'épée de l'esprit (voir les paragraphes 19 - 20) " All ages are present, as well as single parents, " he relates. The sword of the spirit (See paragraphs 19 - 20) Il lui a promis que, s'il faisait un seul acte d'adoration devant lui, il pourrait régner immédiatement. However, much more is involved in the uniqueness of Jesus. He promised him that if he did one act of worship before him, he could immediately rule as king. 10, 11. The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children. " 10, 11. James Bell, général de division de l'armée américaine, a révélé dans une conversation avec frères Rutherford et Van Amburgh que le ministère de la Justice avait présenté au Congrès un projet de loi autorisant à condamner à mort quiconque refuserait de prendre les armes pendant la guerre. In the near future, godly men and women will transform the earth into a paradise and help millions of resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah's purposes. James, generally a division in the U.S.A., revealed that the ministry of the U.S.A. had presented a law designed to condemn anyone who would refuse to take up arms during war. Que se passera - t - il "lors de la recréation "? Humans are like mere grasshoppers in a field. What will happen to "the re - creation "? Puisque les sacrifices offerts sous la Loi étaient saints aux yeux de Jéhovah, quel principe pouvons - nous dégager? The Sower Who Sleeps Since sacrifices offered under the Law were holy in Jehovah's eyes, what principle can we learn from this? Pour combattre Satan, nous devons garder un point de vue équilibré sur les biens matériels (lire 1 Timothée 6: 6 - 10). Throughout the ages, all who have truly loved Jehovah have felt like strangers, or aliens, in this system of things. To fight Satan, we must maintain a balanced view of material things. (Read 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10.) Ses professeurs ont donc organisé un entretien avec lui pour examiner ses possibilités d'entrer à l'université. He will give us the strength required to continue on faithfully. - 2 Cor. Thus, his teachers arranged for him to examine his opportunities to enter college. En nous acquittant de bon cœur de tâches qui paraissent ingrates, nous faisons preuve d'humilité, et nous marchons ainsi sur les traces du Christ. If deep down in his heart a Christian continues to love "the things behind " - that is, certain aspects of the world's way of life - he is in danger of losing his good standing with God. As we carry out the right heart of those who seem to be modest, we demonstrate humility, and thus we are walking in Christ's footsteps. Avoir l'œil "simple ," c'est viser un objectif unique. Afterward, many letters of appreciation were published in this journal. Having a "simple " eye involves a unique goal. Les Israélites " se trahissent l'un l'autre '. Let Your Yes Mean Yes The Israelites " prove themselves false to each other. ' Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à veiller et à affronter les épreuves? More of his sayings in the Sermon on the Mount will be considered in the final article of this series. What will help us to keep on the watch and face trials? J'ai encore toutes mes notes. The Bible teaches that family heads have a measure of authority, so they may choose not to allow certain entertainment in their household. * - 1 Cor. 11: 3; Eph. I still have all my notes. " La preuve en est que, aux jours d'Ahab et de Jézabel, il a envoyé de nombreux prophètes pour avertir son peuple des conséquences du culte de Baal. • What Scriptural proof is there that faith can make us courageous? The evidence is that in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, he sent many prophets to warn his people about the consequences of Baal worship. Les changements ne s'arrêtent pas là. Thus, we must tell the truth even if it may be embarrassing or inconvenient. - Prov. The changes do not stop there. Comment Ouzziya a - t - il réduit à néant ses bonnes actions? This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. How did Uzziah rob his good deeds? • De qui se compose la génération moderne dont il est question en Matthieu 24: 34? Jehovah Congregates His Joyful People • Who make up the modern generation mentioned at Matthew 24: 34? ." En nous attachant à Jéhovah, nous imiterons Jésus, à propos de qui il est écrit: "Tu as aimé la justice, et tu as haï l'illégalité. " - Héb. " God is a God not of disorder but of peace. " - 1 COR. By sticking to Jehovah, we imitate Jesus, who wrote: "You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. " - Heb. N'avons - nous pas d'excellentes raisons de tenir à notre héritage? I won't hire that person. After all, we have good reason to keep our inheritance in mind. " Des personnes de tous âges sont présentes, ainsi que des parents isolés, explique - t - il. As Jesus explained, though, a great deal of knowledge would be revealed upon the arrival of "the helper, " the holy spirit, that would guide them" into all the truth. " " People of all age are present and isolated parents, " he says. Le caractère unique de Jésus va cependant bien au - delà de ce qui vient d'être mentionné. Those helping such groups have found their fields ready for harvesting. - Matthew 9: 37, 38. However, Jesus ' unique disposition goes beyond what is mentioned. L'esprit lui - même témoigne avec notre esprit que nous sommes enfants de Dieu ." Jehoshaphat should have borne in mind that Jehovah's eyes look for those whose heart is complete toward him. The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children. " Dans un avenir proche, les hommes et les femmes qui craignent Dieu transformeront la terre en paradis et aideront des millions de ressuscités à connaître les desseins divins. Or we might explain things in such a way that only we get the credit for ideas or accomplishments that others also contributed to. In the near future, God - fearing men and women will transform the earth into a paradise and will help millions to learn about God's purposes. Aussi, la femme comme le mari doivent sincèrement vouloir que leur union soit une réussite. So even if we are suffering because of some distressing situation, let us not isolate ourselves, for doing so will not improve matters. Hence, a wife should earnestly want their marriage to be successful. Les humains ressemblent à de simples sauterelles dans un champ. magazine has helped millions to appreciate what creation reveals about our living God. Humans are like mere locusts in a field. Le semeur qui dort Give some examples of faithful servants of Jehovah who endured distressing situations. The sower Who sleeps Depuis toujours, tous ceux qui aiment vraiment Jéhovah se sentent étrangers dans le monde. God purposed that honorable marriage and sexual relations should be the means of propagating life. Since then, all who truly love Jehovah feel strangers in the world. C'est lui qui nous donnera la force de continuer à le servir fidèlement. - 2 Cor. But if the driver does not control the car, constantly guiding the steering wheel, that same car may easily become a deadly weapon. He will give us the strength to continue serving him faithfully. - 2 Cor. Si, dans le secret de notre cœur, nous continuons d'aimer "les choses qui sont derrière ," c'est - à - dire des choses que propose le monde, nous risquons de perdre nos bonnes relations avec Jéhovah. With complete confidence in God's spirit, then, pour your heart into every assignment, become skilled at what you are given to do, and look to Jehovah for assistance. If we continue to love "the things behind " in the secret of our heart, we could lose our good relationship with Jehovah. Par la suite, la présente revue a publié de nombreuses lettres venant de chrétiens enthousiastes. In fulfillment of that prophecy, Jesus Christ, the promised Seed, now rules from heaven. Later, the magazine published many inspired letters from bold Christians. " Que votre mot Oui signifie simplement Oui, votre Non, Non. • What circumstances contribute to effective personal study? " Let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No. Le dernier article de cette série examinera d'autres paroles du Sermon sur la montagne. Why are "the peaceable " happy? The final article in this series will consider further words of the Sermon on the Mount. La Bible enseigne que les chefs de famille ont une autorité importante; ils peuvent donc décider de ne pas autoriser certains divertissements sous leur toit *. Jehovah does not take that promise lightly, and it should not be taken lightly by anyone who has made it. The Bible teaches that family heads have an important authority, so they can decide not to tolerate certain entertainment under their roof. • Quelle preuve biblique atteste que la foi peut nous rendre courageux? We may not need that same discipline, but what type of clay will we prove to be in the hands of the Great Potter? • What Scriptural proof is there that faith can make us courageous? Nous devons donc dire la vérité, même si cela nous embarrasse ou ne nous arrange pas. To make correct choices, we should partake of "solid food [that] belongs to mature people. " Hence, we need to speak the truth, even if that makes us uncomfortable or not easy. Cette revue paraît depuis 1879. Because doing so prevents differences from festering like an untreated, infected wound. This magazine has been published since 1879. " Rassemble le peuple, les hommes, les femmes et les petits, ainsi que ton résident étranger. Visualize the scene: Jesus made a whip of ropes, and he drove out those selling cattle and sheep. " They are the people, men, women, and young ones and your alien resident. " " Dieu est un Dieu, non pas de désordre, mais de paix ." Like the prophet of old, the Jeremiah class has been given an assignment from the Sovereign of the universe. " God is a God, not of disorder, but of peace. " - 2 COR. Je ne l'embauche pas. The prophet Jeremiah saw the fulfillment of his judgment message I don't have the job. Mais comme il le leur a expliqué, une somme de connaissances leur serait révélée quand arriverait "l'assistant ," l'esprit saint, qui les guiderait" dans toute la vérité ." But Jehovah enables us to cope with such stress. But as Jesus explained, a amount of knowledge would be revealed when "the helper, " or holy spirit, would guide them" into all the truth. " Ceux qui s'intéressent à de tels groupes constatent que leurs champs sont mûrs pour la moisson. - Matthieu 9: 37, 38. Putting their trust in the temple, viewing it as some kind of protective charm, did not save the Jews. Those who show interest in such groups find that their fields are mature for harvesting. - Matthew 9: 37, 38. Il aurait dû se rappeler que les yeux de Dieu recherchent ceux dont le cœur est complet à son égard. The Shulammite and a certain shepherd did have special feelings for each other. He should have reminded us that God's eyes are complete toward those whose heart is complete toward him. Ou nous pourrions expliquer les choses de façon à nous attirer tout le mérite d'idées ou de réalisations auxquelles d'autres ont contribué. Even many who think that they are worshipping God properly are shackled to false beliefs and useless rituals. Or we might explain things in ways that are worthy of all the things or of personal accomplishments that others have contributed to. Les Témoins m'ont appris que Dieu a un projet pour les humains. We are wise if we act on the basis of what we see in God's "perfect law, " becoming" doers " of it. The Witnesses taught me that God has a purpose for mankind. Dès lors, même si des situations pénibles nous affligent, ne nous isolons pas; cela n'arrangerait pas les choses. We also have the joy of serving alongside millions of spiritual brothers and sisters, who pursue the same purpose in life. Hence, even if distressing situations cause us pain, we would not be offended; nor would that affect our attitude. aide des millions de gens à discerner ce que la création nous révèle sur le Dieu vivant. Considering all that Noah had to do - building the ark, gathering the animals, stocking the ark with food for humans and animals, preaching a warning message, and keeping his family spiritually strong - it was no small task to do "just so. " Millions of people are helped to discern what creation reveals about the living God. Citez de fidèles serviteurs de Jéhovah qui ont enduré des situations pénibles. Surely we do not want to go in the murderous "path of Cain, " rush into" the erroneous course of Balaam, " or perish in "the rebellious talk of Korah. " What faithful servants of Jehovah who endured distressing circumstances? Dieu a prévu que la vie se transmette par les relations sexuelles dans le cadre d'un mariage honorable. How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? God purposed that life is marked by sexual relations in an honorable marriage. Mais si le conducteur ne la dirige pas constamment à l'aide du volant, elle risque fort de devenir un engin de mort. Jesus Christ set his followers an excellent example as an evangelizer. On the other hand, if the driver does not direct the car to the car, he may be able to become dead. Pour résumer, donnez - vous corps et âme à toute tâche qui vous est confiée, apprenez à l'accomplir de mieux en mieux, et comptez sur le soutien de Jéhovah, pleinement convaincu qu'il vous accordera son esprit. His sayings later became part of the Bible. But in the end, he failed to stay faithful to Jehovah as a spiritual man. In conclusion, offer your body and soul to work at all that is given you, learn to do more fully, and rely on Jehovah's support, fully confident that he will give you his spirit. Cette prophétie s'est accomplie: Jésus Christ, la Semence promise, règne aujourd'hui au ciel. " On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. " This prophecy has been fulfilled: Jesus Christ, the promised Seed, is now ruling in heaven. • Quelles conditions contribuent à l'efficacité de l'étude individuelle? Ask Jehovah to help you too - perhaps to help you speak to your employer about getting time off for a convention, to give you courage to witness to your neighbor, or to help you in other ways. • What conditions contribute to the effectiveness of personal study? Pourquoi "les pacifiques " sont - ils heureux? In the month of Nisan 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah told Moses and Aaron to convey these unusual instructions to the Israelites: Select a healthy male sheep or goat, slaughter it, and splash its blood on your doorways. Why are "the peaceable " happy? Jéhovah prend une telle promesse au sérieux, et tous ceux qui l'ont faite le devraient aussi. Why were Paul's words to Agrippa so effective? Jehovah takes such a promise seriously, and all those who have done so should likewise. " Quel type d'argile devrions - nous être entre les mains du Grand Potier? His adoring crowd shouted: "A god's voice, and not a man's! " What type of clay should we be in the hands of the Great Potter? Pour être en mesure de faire de bons choix, nous devons absorber "la nourriture solide [qui] est pour les hommes mûrs ." Reasonable concern about our health is natural. To be able to make wise choices, we must absorb "the solid food [who] is for mature men. " Ainsi, la situation ne s'envenime pas, telle une plaie non soignée. When we remember that on one occasion it took just one angel only a single night to "strike down a hundred and eighty - five thousand " of God's enemies, we can be confident that the heavenly army will easily destroy every vestige of Satan's system on earth as the great tribulation culminates in Armageddon. Thus, there is no need for such a plague. Il se fait un fouet avec des cordes et chasse les vendeurs de bovins et de moutons. First, they were willing to ask questions and to search for the real meaning behind Jesus ' words. He does so with the cords and throw them away from cattle and sheep. Comme à Jérémie, le Souverain de l'univers leur a attribué une mission. In his letter to the Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem and Judea, Paul again made reference to features of athletic games or races. Like Jeremiah, the Sovereign of the universe has given them a commission. Le prophète Jérémie a vu se réaliser le message de jugement qu'il avait annoncé. Satan wants you to be so terrified of death that you would willingly barter your integrity for some hollow promise of safety. The prophet Jeremiah saw the fulfillment of the judgment message he had foretold. Jéhovah nous donne cependant les moyens d'apaiser ces tensions; n'en doutons pas. Both of these compositions express the conviction that God hears and answers prayers. Yet, Jehovah provides us with the means to cope with such stress; he does not doubt. Leur confiance dans le temple, auquel ils accordaient quasiment un pouvoir protecteur, n'a pas sauvé les Juifs. Major - General James Franklin Bell of the U.S. Their confidence in the temple, which seemed to be filled with a protective power, did not salvation the Jews. ." Elle était éprise d'un berger des environs. To please Jehovah, we surely " must not sit in the seat of ridiculers. ' She was a shepherd in the area. Même parmi ceux qui pensent adorer Dieu de la bonne façon, beaucoup sont enchaînés par des croyances fausses et des rites inutiles. Some may not be available to all Christians, but all of us can participate in the work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Even some who think that they do not worship God in the right way, many turn away from false religious beliefs and religious practices. Nous faisons preuve de sagesse si nous agissons en fonction de ce que nous voyons dans la "loi parfaite " de Dieu, si nous devenons des" pratiquants " de cette loi. God's spirit can do the same for us. We are wise if we act in harmony with what we see in God's "perfect law, " if we become" doers " of that law. Nous avons également la joie de servir Jéhovah aux côtés de millions de frères et sœurs spirituels, qui poursuivent le même but. It is the gift of God. " We also have the joy of serving Jehovah alongside millions of spiritual brothers and sisters, who pursue the same goal. Ce n'était pas rien, étant donné toutes les responsabilités qui lui avaient été confiées: construire l'arche, rassembler les animaux, stocker de la nourriture pour lui et sa famille ainsi que pour les bêtes, prêcher un message d'avertissement et veiller à la spiritualité des siens. I shall make myself resemble the Most High. ' " This was not all the responsibilities given to him - building the ark, building the animals, preparing food for him, and his family, preaching a warning message, and keeping the spirituality of his family. Nous ne voulons certainement pas aller dans le "chemin de Caïn " l'assassin, ni nous jeter dans" l'égarement de Balaam ," ni périr dans "les propos séditieux de Qorah ." Noah's sons evidently appreciated the need to do Jehovah's will. Surely we do not want to go to "the wicked one of Cain, " or throw us off" the misleading of Balaam, " or perish in "the words of Korah. " Jusqu'à quand t'appellerai - je à l'aide contre la violence sans que tu sauves? What support is assured for us? How long will I call for help against violence without you? " Jésus Christ a laissé à ses disciples l'exemple d'un évangélisateur de premier ordre. King David humbly looked to Jehovah for guidance, and Jehovah blessed him. Jesus Christ set the example of an early evangelizer. Pourtant, à la fin de sa vie, il a laissé sa relation avec Jéhovah s'affaiblir et il n'est pas resté fidèle. Then we must make certain that our request is in harmony with Jehovah's will and is offered in Jesus ' name. Yet, at the end of his life, he allowed his relationship with Jehovah to weaken and remain faithful. En général, il n'y a pas de cultures sur le sommet des montagnes. If so, you have been richly blessed. In general, there is no cultures on the top of the mountains. De t'aider peut - être à demander à ton employeur un congé pour une assemblée, de te donner le courage de prêcher à un voisin ou de te soutenir d'une autre manière. Today she endeavors to help others who initially oppose. You might ask an employer to leave you for a convention, to give you the courage to preach to a neighbor, or to help you in some other way. Au mois de Nisan 1513 av. n. è., Jéhovah a demandé à Moïse et à Aaron de transmettre aux Israélites ces instructions étonnantes: Choisissez un bélier ou un bouc sans défaut, tuez - le et appliquez son sang autour de votre porte. In fact, all Christians must be on guard against idolatry and the infiltration of sexual immorality into the congregation. - Jude 3, 4. On Nisan 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah instructed Moses and Aaron to convey these shocking instructions: Choose a ram or a goat without blemish, you should apply it and apply his blood all around your door. Pourquoi les propos de Paul ont - ils eu de l'effet sur Agrippa? However, as time went on and the Christian congregation was about to be established, the role of an apostle became an "office of oversight. " - Acts 1: 20 - 26. Why did Paul's words affect Agrippa? La foule en adoration s'est écriée: " Voix d'un dieu, et non d'un homme! Another account that might seem puzzling to some involves David's attempt to bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. The crowd in worship cried out: "Your Ten Commandments of a god, not of a man! Il est normal de nous soucier dans une mesure raisonnable de notre santé. * Clearly, false teachings, including predestination, do not glorify God. It is normal for us to be concerned about a reasonable degree of health. Songez plutôt: il n'a fallu à un seul ange qu'une seule nuit pour " abattre cent quatre - vingt - cinq mille ' ennemis de Dieu. Comme il sera facile à l'armée céleste d'éliminer toute trace du système de Satan sur la terre lorsque la grande tribulation aboutira à Har - Maguédôn! Do you heed Bible - based warnings about the Internet? Think, though, of just one night when the great tribulation will flow "a hundred thousand - five thousand " of God's enemies, just as it would be easy to eliminate Satan's entire wicked army on earth when the great tribulation will flow at Armageddon! Premièrement, parce qu'ils étaient disposés à poser des questions et à chercher la signification réelle des paroles de Jésus. What does that mean? First, because they were willing to ask questions and seek the real meaning of Jesus ' words. Dans sa lettre aux chrétiens de Jérusalem et de Judée, Paul a de nouveau évoqué certaines caractéristiques des jeux athlétiques ou des courses. Some Israelites were on their way to bury a man. In his letter to Christians in Jerusalem and Judea, Paul again referred to certain features of creation or shopping. Satan souhaite que vous soyez si terrifié par la mort que vous préfériez troquer votre intégrité contre une vaine promesse de sécurité. Because Jehovah examines the heart, he has shown consideration even toward unbelievers. Satan wants you to be so struck by death that you like to compromise your integrity on an empty promise of security. Ces deux chants appuient l'idée que Dieu entend les prières et y répond. It would be fitting for each of us to ask: " Frankly, how much emphasis do I put on my home and its decoration? These two songs help the idea that God hears prayers and answers them. Pour plaire à Jéhovah, nous ne devons pas non plus " nous asseoir sur le siège des moqueurs '. As holy people, we prove by the way we live our lives that Jehovah's laws are good and that Satan's accusations are false. To please Jehovah, we must not " sit on the seat of ridiculers. ' Certaines formes du service sacré ne sont peut - être pas accessibles à chacun de nous, mais nous pouvons tous participer à la prédication de la bonne nouvelle du Royaume. He spent time with them, took them into his confidence, and " made known to them all the things he had heard from his Father. ' Some forms of sacred service may not be available to each one of us, but all of us can share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom. L'esprit de Dieu peut en faire autant pour nous. What three questions will we consider, and why? God's spirit can do the same for us. C'est le don de Dieu. 16, 17. (a) What will be accomplished before "the great tribulation " is finished? It is God's gift. ' ." The world is alienated from Jehovah and ruled by a cruel god who enslaves people. What is it? ' " Ses fils comprenaient manifestement l'importance de faire la volonté divine. Another reward was on the way, though. His sons evidently understood the importance of doing God's will. Quel soutien pouvons - nous être certains de recevoir? How did the courage shown by Paul and Barnabas reflect their deep love for people? What help may we be able to receive? Le roi David a recherché humblement la direction divine, ce qui lui a valu d'être béni. All servants in the congregation were to be appointed theocratically under the oversight of "the faithful and discreet slave. " King David humbly sought Jehovah's guidance, and that resulted in his blessing. Vérifions d'abord qu'elle soit conforme à la volonté de Jéhovah et présentée au nom de Jésus. 17, 18. First, let us make sure that it is in harmony with Jehovah's will and presented in Jesus ' name. Si oui, vous avez un privilège précieux. Why They Are Sure If so, you have a precious privilege. Aujourd'hui, elle s'efforce d'aider ceux qui commencent par s'opposer à la foi de leurs proches. We become Jehovah's legal property when we dedicate our lives to him and get baptized. Today, she strives to help those who begin to oppose the faith of their relatives. En réalité, tous les chrétiens doivent se méfier de l'idolâtrie et veiller à ce que l'immoralité sexuelle ne pénètre pas dans la congrégation. - Jude 3, 4. Parents may find that when they consider their children's thoughts about house rules, the children are more inclined to understand the rules and to obey them. In fact, all Christians need to guard against idolatry and make sure that sexual immorality does not enter into the congregation. - Jude 3, 4. Cependant, avec le temps, la fonction des apôtres a évolué. Elle était qualifiée de "fonction de surveillance " peu avant la fondation de la congrégation chrétienne. - Actes 1: 20 - 26. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1, 2.) In time, though, the appointment of the apostles was changed, but it was called "like oversight " shortly before the founding of the Christian congregation. - Acts 1: 20 - 26. Au nombre des récits qui en déconcertent quelques - uns figure également celui dans lequel David cherche à faire apporter l'arche de l'alliance à Jérusalem. Explain. The many accounts that reveal are also the one David sought to make the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem. Manifestement, les faux enseignements, y compris la prédestination, ne glorifient pas Dieu. Before he gave a final witness, all those in the Sanhedrin "saw that his face was as an angel's face. " Clearly, false teachings, including hyperbole, do not glorify God. Tenez - vous compte des avertissements relatifs à Internet? And we avoid passing on gossip or relating dubious experiences that cannot be verified. Do you heed warnings about the Internet? Qu'est - ce que cela signifie? [ Picture on page 26] What does that mean? C'est parce que Jéhovah examine le cœur qu'il a fait montre de considération même à l'égard de non - croyants. On the other hand, David's life course and his intimate relationship with Jehovah identify him as a truly God - fearing man. This is because Jehovah examines his heart because he has shown consideration even to unbelievers. Il serait bien que chacun de nous se demande: " Franchement, quelle importance est - ce que j'attache à ma maison et à sa décoration? Whether the crown was literal or was symbolic of added glory because of David's many victories is not stated. It would be good for all of us to ask ourselves: " Really, what important is it that I place in my house and in its house? En tant que peuple saint, nous montrons par notre mode de vie que les lois de Jéhovah sont bonnes et les accusations de Satan, mensongères. How was true freedom lost? As God's holy people, we show by our lifestyle that Jehovah's laws are good and false. Il a passé du temps avec eux, s'est confié à eux et " leur a fait connaître toutes les choses qu'il avait entendues de son Père '. Why, new clothes need constant care to keep them looking clean and presentable. He spent time with them and " made known to them all the things he had heard from his Father. ' " À quelles questions allons - nous répondre, et pourquoi? 12: 4; Matt. What questions will we consider, and why? 16, 17. a) Qu'est - ce qui s'accomplira avant la fin de "la grande tribulation "? 2: 9 - 11. 16, 17. (a) What will be accomplished before the end of "the great tribulation "? En effet, le monde est éloigné de Jéhovah et il est dominé par Satan, un dieu cruel qui asservit les humains. 19: 12. Yes, the world is alienated from Jehovah and is ruled by Satan, a cruel god who misuses humans. Mais une autre joie nous attendait. (b) Who are "the priests of Jehovah " and" the foreigners " mentioned by Isaiah? But another joy awaits us. Pourquoi peut - on dire que le courage de Paul et de Barnabas venait de leur amour sincère pour les gens? And the more we love divine truths, the easier it is to carry our "breastplate, " that is, to live by God's righteous standards. Why can it be said that Paul's courage and Barnabas had love for people? Tous les serviteurs des congrégations devaient à présent être nommés de manière théocratique sous la direction de "l'esclave fidèle et avisé ." Those who are now dominated by the spirit of the world can break free from its influence and allow holy spirit to guide their lives. All in the congregations needed to be appointed theocraticly under the direction of "the faithful and discreet slave. " 17, 18. Jesus also recommended singleness for those who "can make room for it. " 17, 18. Pourquoi ils sont sûrs Your next goal could be to participate by offering a brief but heartfelt comment. Why can they be sure of this? Nous devenons la propriété légale de Jéhovah lorsque nous lui vouons notre vie et que nous nous faisons baptiser. Nobody will take a firm stand before you all the days of your life. We become Jehovah's legal property when we dedicate ourselves to him and get baptized. Ils constateront alors sans doute que, quand leur avis a été pris en considération, les enfants comprennent mieux les règles de la maison et les suivent plus facilement. As king, David led a very public life. They will likely see that when their opinions were taken into consideration, children are more likely to understand the rules of the house and follow them more readily. (Lire 1 Thessaloniciens 5: 1, 2.) ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ my e - mail address (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1, 2.) Explique. Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God! " - Micah 6: 8. Explain. Avant qu'il ne donne le témoignage pour la dernière fois, tous les membres du Sanhédrin "virent que son visage était comme un visage d'ange ." He told Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. Before he gives a witness for the last time, all members of the Sanhedrin "saw that his face was like an angel's face. " Nous ne répétons pas non plus les commérages ni ne racontons d'anecdotes douteuses invérifiables. God had her actions and words recorded in the Bible. Moreover, we do not give up on those who are not known to others or who have been able to share with them in other ways. [ Illustration, page 26] If we try to see others ' point of view, we can contribute to the unity of the congregation. - Phil. [ Picture on page 26] David, lui, était un homme qui craignait vraiment Dieu; sa vie et son intimité avec Jéhovah en témoignent. In a spiritual sense, you too can say that you have "found the Messiah " today. David proved to be a God - fearing man, his life, and intimacy with Jehovah. Il n'est pas précisé s'il s'agit d'une couronne au sens littéral ou, symboliquement, d'une couronne de gloire obtenue par David en raison de ses nombreuses victoires. It was Jehovah's purpose that the descendants of Adam and Eve fill the earth. It is not said that it is a literal crown, a crown of glory, with its many victories. Comment la vraie liberté a - t - elle été perdue? The sons of Israel are reminded of an important lesson they learned in the wilderness: "Not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah's mouth does man live. " How was true freedom lost? Des vêtements neufs n'ont - ils pas besoin d'être constamment entretenus pour rester propres et présentables? Those who were unloving engaged in backbiting and bickering. - Gal. Do nineer garments not need to be kept clean in order to remain clean and helpful? 12: 4; Mat. Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead. " - Acts 17: 30, 31. 12: 4; Matt. 2: 9 - 11. Authorities report hundreds of instances of nuclear material being "lost. " 2: 9 - 11. 19: 12. Jehovah's own priceless Book is very clear about this. 19: 12. b) Qui sont les "prêtres de Jéhovah " et les" étrangers " mentionnés par Isaïe? The Bible has been a source of help to Jehovah's faithful servants for many centuries. (b) Who are "the foreigners of Jehovah " and" foreigners " mentioned by Isaiah? Et plus nous apprenons à aimer ces vérités, plus il devient facile pour nous de porter notre " cuirasse ," c'est - à - dire d'obéir aux normes de justice de Dieu. And when he was five years old, he gave his first talk in the Theocratic Ministry School. And the more we learn to love these truths, the easier it becomes to wear our " breastplate " - to obey God's standards of righteousness. Ceux qui sont actuellement sous l'emprise de l'esprit du monde peuvent s'en défaire et se laisser guider par l'esprit saint. Behind the scenes, these sex perverts derive pleasure from the evil and debased actions of those whom they can corrupt on the earth. - Eph. Those who are now under the control of the world's spirit can rid themselves of bitterness and let themselves be guided by holy spirit. " Jésus a lui aussi recommandé le célibat à ceux qui " peuvent accepter cela '. And how can we benefit from Jesus ' words? Jesus also recommended singleness to those who "are able to accept this. " Ton objectif suivant pourrait consister à donner un commentaire bref, mais sincère. " That is why I get some comfort when friends cry with me. Your goal could include a brief comment, but it is sincere. Comme j'ai été avec Moïse, je serai avec toi. Jehovah raises up the prophet Haggai and two months later the prophet Zechariah to speak His word. As I was with Moses, I shall prove to be with you. " Du fait de sa fonction royale, David avait une vie publique. [ Credit Line] Because of his kingly position, David had a public life. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ votre adresse e - mail. Perhaps someone in the congregation hurt you and as a result you stopped associating with Jehovah's organization. . . . . . my appeal. Rien d'autre que de pratiquer la justice, d'aimer la fidélité et de marcher modestement avec ton Dieu! How do we know that Jesus understands human feelings and "will deliver the poor one crying for help "? There is nothing more than practicing righteousness, to love loyalty, and to be modest in walking with your God! Il a dit à Moïse: "Vraiment, j'ai vu l'affliction de mon peuple qui est en Égypte et j'ai entendu leur clameur à cause de ceux qui les poussent au travail, car je connais bien les douleurs qu'ils subissent. In the illustration of the olive tree, the natural Jews who rejected Jesus are likened to olive branches that were "broken off. " He told Moses: "Truly I saw the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and I heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work, because I well know the pains they suffer. Or, la crainte de Dieu, la vraie, est bien autre chose que de la peur et, comme nous allons le voir, elle ne se résume pas à un sentiment. And because it is patient, kind, and forgiving, it is "a perfect bond of union. " However, the fear of God is something more important than fear and, as we shall see, it is not surprising. Il a veillé à ce que certaines de ses paroles et de ses actions soient rapportées dans la Bible. He generously gave Adam and Eve a variety of precious gifts that enabled them to enjoy life. (Read James 1: 17.) He saw some of his words and actions recorded in the Bible. Si nous tâchons de comprendre le point de vue des autres, nous contribuerons à l'unité de la congrégation. - Phil. He "started to teach them many things. " If we resolve to understand the viewpoint of others, we will contribute to the unity of the congregation. - Phil. En un sens spirituel, vous pouvez vous aussi dire que vous avez "trouvé le Messie ." THE pyramids of Egypt bear testimony to men who once ruled that land. In a spiritual sense, you can also say that you have "the Messiah. " Lorsque Satan a dupé Ève et qu'Adam a désobéi, Dieu n'a pas renoncé à son projet. Roman Catholics feel duty - bound to bring up their children in the Catholic faith, and they are rarely criticized for endeavoring to do so. When Satan deceived Eve and Adam disobeyed, God did not give up on His purpose. Les fils d'Israël réentendent une leçon importante qu'ils ont apprise dans le désert: "L'homme ne vit pas de pain seul, mais [...] l'homme vit de toute déclaration de la bouche de Jéhovah. Cristina, who was mentioned at the beginning of this article, says: "What I like most about the meetings is the love and encouragement I receive there. The sons of Israel hear an important lesson that they learned in the wilderness: "Man did not see bread alone, but the man lives on every declaration of Jehovah's mouth. " Ceux qui manquaient d'amour médisaient et se chamaillaient. - Gal. Though materially poor, those who are like Christians in Smyrna are spiritually rich, and that is what really matters! - Proverbs 10: 22; 3 John 2. Those in a lack of love were self - assuming, and they would be swallowed up by it. - Gal. " - Actes 17: 30, 31. Suppose Euodia invited some brothers and sisters to her home for a meal and pleasant association. The apostle Peter said: "For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ I am with you. " - Acts 17: 30, 31. Des sources officielles signalent des centaines de "disparitions " de substances nucléaires. Was it their passion, what they " constantly talked ' about? Significant sources are noted by hundreds of people "out of nuclear destruction. " La Parole de Jéhovah est très claire sur ce sujet. Table of Contents Jehovah's Word is very clear on this subject. Les serviteurs fidèles de Jéhovah puisent depuis des siècles du soutien dans la Bible. Still, he is ignoring her warning not to go near the puddle, and trouble is almost sure to ensue. Faithful servants of Jehovah have endured centuries of support from the Bible. À cinq ans, il présentait son premier exposé à l'École du ministère théocratique. * Has Jehovah blessed her efforts? When he was five years old, he presented his first talk to the Theocratic Ministry School. En coulisse, ils se délectent du mal et des actions dégradantes que commettent ceux qu'ils parviennent à corrompre. - Éph. How glad she was that she had attended that meeting! They actually delight in wrong practices and actions that result from corrupting ones. - Eph. Et que signifie - t - elle pour nous aujourd'hui? Regarding Christian meetings, the apostle Paul was inspired to write: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " And what does it mean for us today? C'est pourquoi ça me console quand des amis pleurent avec moi. 6: 11. SONGS: 139, 55 That is why I find comfort when friends weep with me. " Jéhovah suscite le prophète Haggaï puis, deux mois plus tard, le prophète Zekaria. 1, 2. (a) How does the cherished hope of true Christians differ from the hope of people in Satan's world? Jehovah raises the prophet Haggai and two months later, the prophet Zechariah. [ Indication d'origine] The Bible, however, is our primary tool. [ Credit Line] Tu as peut - être cessé de fréquenter l'organisation de Jéhovah parce que quelqu'un dans la congrégation t'a blessé. Their emotions run deep and yet are very different. You may have stopped associating with Jehovah's organization because someone in the congregation hurt you. Comment savons - nous que Jésus comprend les sentiments des humains et qu ' "il délivrera le pauvre qui crie au secours "? (b) What have you learned from the examples of Simeon and Anna? How do we know that Jesus understands the feelings of humans and that "he will deliver the poor one crying for help "? Dans l'exemple de l'olivier, les Juifs qui ont rejeté Jésus sont comparés à des branches qui ont été "arrachées ." Peter urges us to do our utmost to be found "spotless. " In the illustration of the olive tree, the Jews who rejected Jesus are likened to branches that have been "filled with. " Et comme il est patient, bon et disposé à pardonner, c'est un " lien d'union parfait ." This "invisible forest " cleans our air by drawing out billions of tons of carbon dioxide. And as he is patient, kind, and forgiving, it is "a perfect bond of union. " Il a généreusement offert à Adam et Ève une grande variété de dons précieux qui leur permettaient de profiter de la vie (lire Jacques 1: 17). Or would you resist the temptation and flee from it, as did Jacob's son Joseph, who was tempted by Potiphar's wife? - Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12. He generously gave Adam and Eve a wide variety of precious gifts that enabled them to enjoy life. (Read James 1: 17.) Il "commença à leur enseigner beaucoup de choses ." In doing so, they fulfilled Jeremiah's prophetic command that in their case involved fleeing in one sense, getting away to another location. He "went teaching them many things. " LES pyramides d'Égypte perpétuent le souvenir d'hommes qui ont régné autrefois sur le pays. In chapter 3, the Knowledge book points out that the word "Trinity " does not appear in the Bible. THE land of Egypt is the memory of men who once ruled over the land. Entend - on souvent les gens critiquer les catholiques qui se sentent tenus d'éduquer leurs enfants selon leurs croyances? How can you plan a budget? Do people often criticize those who have an obligation to train their children according to their beliefs? Cristina, mentionnée au début, confie: " Ce que j'aime le plus dans les réunions, ce sont l'amour et les encouragements que j'y reçois. He also spoke with Matthew Levi, a tax collector. He says: "What I like most in the meetings, it is love and encouragement I receive. Quand bien même ils seraient pauvres sur le plan matériel, ceux qui ressemblent aux chrétiens de Smyrne sont riches spirituellement. N'est - ce pas ce qui compte le plus? - Proverbes 10: 22; 3 Jean 2. And they go each one in his own ways, and they do not alter their paths. When even those who resemble Christians in Smyrna are spiritually rich, do they not? - Proverbs 10: 22; 3 John 2. Imagine qu'Évodie ait invité des frères et sœurs pour partager un repas et profiter d'une compagnie agréable. What if one uses alcohol but is careful not to drink to the point of being visibly drunk? Imagine that hospitality invited brothers and sisters to share a meal and enjoy pleasant association. Le vin était - il leur passion, leur principal sujet de conversation? The congregation as a whole grows in warmth and love. Was the wine their passion, their main conversation? Sommaire • What does dedication to God involve? Table of Contents Enfin, pas encore! Reste qu'il ne tient pas compte de l'avertissement de sa mère de ne pas s'approcher de la flaque, et qu'il va très probablement s'attirer des ennuis. In the Scriptures, leaven at times denotes corruption or sin. And yet, he takes note of his mother's warning not to approach him, and he will likely get trouble. " Jéhovah l'a - t - il bénie? 18, 19. (a) Why may Christians find it difficult to exhibit mildness in dealing with secular authorities? Did Jehovah bless her? Quelle joie a - t - elle retirée d'avoir assisté à cette réunion! Today, the Governing Body represents the faithful and discreet slave class. How happy she was that she attended that meeting! ." À propos des réunions chrétiennes, l'apôtre Paul a écrit sous l'inspiration divine: "Considérons - nous les uns les autres pour nous inciter à l'amour et aux belles œuvres, n'abandonnant pas notre assemblée, comme c'est l'habitude de quelques - uns, mais nous encourageant mutuellement, et cela d'autant plus que vous voyez approcher le jour. ." He would have to suffer terribly and then be put to death. Regarding Christian meetings, the apostle Paul wrote under inspiration: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " CANTIQUES: 79, 140 6, 7. SONGS TO BE USED: 79, 52 1, 2. a) Quelle différence y a - t - il entre l'espérance des vrais chrétiens et celle de beaucoup de gens? Clearly, Jehovah is pleased with those who put their complete trust in him. 1, 2. (a) How does the hope of true Christians differ from that of many people? C'est parce que vous vous êtes présentés à ma porte avec la Bible, et vous me l'avez lue. On the other hand, we may be stern and unbending in our evaluation of sincere individuals whose personality traits annoy us. That is because you came to my door with the Bible, and you have read it. " Bien que différentes, les émotions qui les habitent sont d'une grande intensité. As upholders of Jehovah's sovereignty, how do our activities compare with those of earlier integrity keepers? Although we are different, the emotions that dwell upon them are great. Jéhovah bénit et protège ceux qui lui obéissent He was hot - tempered. Jehovah Blessed and protects Those Who Obey Him b) Qu'avez - vous retenu des exemples de Siméon et d'Anne? Such symptoms should not be taken as definite proof of abuse. (b) What have you learned from the examples of Simeon and Anna? Pierre nous presse de faire tout notre possible pour être trouvés "sans tache ." In helping weak ones, we take the initiative and are gentle and earnest Peter urges us to do all we can to be found "without blemish. " " Cette " forêt invisible ' nettoie l'air dont nous avons besoin en le déchargeant de milliards de tonnes de gaz carbonique. The most widely taught foreign language is English, which is used to communicate internationally for commercial, political, scientific, and technological purposes. " This " invisible forest ' will not be likened to the air we need by delivering up of billions of poisonous refreshment. ," ou Joseph, le fils de Jacob, qui a résisté aux avances de la femme de Potiphar et s'est enfui? (lire Genèse 39: 10 - 12). Can you recall how you felt when you first learned these and other precious truths? (Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12.) Ce faisant, ils ont accompli l'ordre prophétique de Jérémie, où il s'agissait en quelque sorte de fuir, de quitter un endroit pour se rendre dans un autre. What made Jesus happy? By doing so, they fulfilled Jeremiah's prophetic command, where it was like to flee from a place to go into another place. Le chapitre 3 du livre Connaissance signale que le mot "Trinité " ne figure pas dans la Bible. The apostles return from a preaching campaign and relate to Jesus all that they have done and taught. Chapter 3 of the book notes that the word "generation " is not found in the Bible. Comment établir un budget? 43: 10 - 12. How can you establish a budget? Il a également parlé avec Matthieu Lévi, un collecteur d'impôts. Love of God motivates us to bear witness He also spoke with Matthew, a tax collector. Ils vont chacun par ses chemins, ils ne changent pas leurs sentiers. Also, if your right hand is making you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. They will not change their own paths. Que dire de quelqu'un qui aurait un penchant pour l'alcool, mais qui veillerait à ne pas boire au point d'être visiblement ivre? Attempting to sell a car to a prospective buyer, he described all its good points as well as its faults, including those that could not be seen. What about someone who has a tendency toward alcohol but who was careful not to drink the point of being previously drunk? Il règne dans l'ensemble de la congrégation davantage de chaleur et d'amour. However, in time a question arose about one key obligation - male circumcision. He will rule as a whole with greater warmth and love. • Qu'implique le fait de se vouer à Dieu? (a) How did the gift of free will distinguish Adam from other forms of life in Eden? • What is involved in dedication to God? Ainsi, Jésus ne s'est pas servi de pain sans levain par hasard. Moses himself had asked Jehovah: "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? " Thus, Jesus did not use unleavened bread. 18, 19. a) Pourquoi des chrétiens peuvent - ils trouver difficile de faire preuve de douceur envers les autorités? He later made his thoughts known to Hebrew - speaking Bible writers, such as Moses, Samuel, and David, and they expressed these thoughts in their own words and style. 18, 19. (a) Why can it be difficult for Christians to exhibit mildness toward secular authorities? Aujourd'hui, le Collège central représente l'esclave fidèle et avisé. He blamed her religion for any unreasonable conduct on his part. Today, the Governing Body represents the faithful and discreet slave. Il allait souffrir horriblement, puis il serait mis à mort. Modern aviation equipment allows a pilot to use onboard navigation instruments and to keep in touch with air traffic controllers along the way so as to reach his planned destination. He would suffer emotional pain and then be put to death. 6, 7. He spoke to his psychology professor about indecisiveness. 6, 7. Nul doute que Jéhovah est content de ceux qui placent leur entière confiance en lui. In fact, his obedience to God's Word went as far as submitting to death on a torture stake. No doubt Jehovah is pleased with those who trust fully in him. D'autre part, nous portons facilement un jugement dur et inflexible sur des gens sincères dont la personnalité nous dérange. Are You "Rich Toward God "? On the other hand, it is easy for us to have a hard and debilitating judgment on honesthearted ones whose personality is affected. Quelles similitudes y a - t - il entre les activités des défenseurs de la souveraineté de Dieu aujourd'hui et celles des hommes intègres du passé? Another example is that of a woman who grew up in a family in which education was highly valued. What parallels are there between the activities of supporting God's sovereignty today and those of integrity keepers? Il s'emportait facilement. Paragraph 18: As noted, the Greek word rendered "on arriving " at Matthew 24: 46 is a form of the same Greek verb that is rendered" coming " at Matthew 24: 30, 42, 44. [ Picture on page 3] [ Chart on pages 4, 5] THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND BEYOND MODERN FULFILLMENT THE LAST DAYS CORRESPONDING EVENTS IN THE FIRST CENTURY He was easily offended. De tels symptômes ne sont pas des preuves formelles de maltraitance. Thus we display unselfish love for God and for our neighbor. THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING FAITHFUL Such symptoms are not convincing evidence of abuse. Pour aider les faibles, il faut prendre l'initiative, agir avec douceur et être tenace. Can you increase your joy in this exciting activity? To help those who are weak, we need to take the initiative, work with mildness, and be earnest. " La langue étrangère la plus enseignée est l'anglais, qui est utilisé mondialement pour communiquer dans les milieux commercial, politique, scientifique et technique. What must be true of our prayers if we are to receive spiritual sustenance from Jehovah? " The foreign - language language language is English, which is used to communicate in business, political, scientific, and technology. Vous souvenez - vous de ce que vous avez ressenti quand vous avez découvert ces vérités et bien d'autres? The Bible is, of course, our primary tool in the ministry. Do you recall how you felt when you first learned those truths and others about them? Qu'est - ce qui rendait Jésus heureux? JESUS warned his followers that they would meet up with opposition from the nations of the world, and on the evening preceding his death, he explained why. What made Jesus happy? De retour d'une tournée de prédication, les apôtres racontent à Jésus ce qu'ils ont fait et enseigné. One reason is that mankind in general has rejected God as Ruler, not wanting to submit to his righteous laws and principles. Upon returning from a preaching tour, the apostles told Jesus what they did and taught. 43: 10 - 12. What do we learn from these events? 43: 10 - 12. L'amour pour Dieu nous pousse à rendre témoignage. Hebrew words closely related to the one here translated "pity " are used in connection with mercy at Psalm 145: 8, 9, quoted above. Love for God moves us to bear witness. De plus, si ta main droite te fait trébucher, coupe - la et jette - la loin de toi. For over half of his life, he and his family wandered from place to place. Also, if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. " Un acheteur s'est présenté et le frère a détaillé tous les points forts de son véhicule, mais aussi ses défauts, même ceux qui n'étaient pas apparents. They deliver more tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide than do regular cigarettes. One brother presented himself and explained every detail of his car's strengths and imperfections, even those who were unable to do so. Mais, avec le temps, une question a été soulevée à propos d'une obligation importante, la circoncision. What is more, Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word, spirit, and organization so that one day we will be able to stand before him as perfect "children of God. " - Rom. 8: 21. In time, though, a question was raised regarding an important requirement, circumcision. a) Comment le don du libre arbitre distinguait - il Adam des autres formes de vie en Éden? Property may be lost. Standards of living may drop. Personal freedoms may be curtailed. (a) How did the gift of free will differ from other forms of life in Eden? Lui - même avait demandé à Jéhovah: " Qui suis - je pour que j'aille vers Pharaon et pour que je fasse sortir d'Égypte les fils d'Israël? 4: 9. Did Moses ask Jehovah: "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt? " Non seulement ils ont consigné des déclarations de Dieu, mais ils ont aussi décrit ses relations avec son peuple. Figuratively speaking, they have come to see "the face of Jehovah. " Not only are they recorded in God's utterances but they also described his relationship with his people. Il tentait de justifier la moindre de ses extravagances en accusant la religion de sa femme. An improper romantic relationship could develop within the congregation. He tried to justify any of his car's offer by exposing his wife's religion. Il utilise pour cela les instruments de navigation de l'appareil et reste en contact avec les contrôleurs aériens. Why should we not abandon efforts to help our relatives? For this reason, he uses the instruments with the computer and has stuck with the money. Un jour, il s'est trouvé à parler de l'indécision avec son professeur de psychologie. The second proclamation, "Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness, " has long intrigued Bible scholars. On one occasion, he found himself reluctant to speak with his teacher about the matter. En fait, pour obéir à la Parole de Dieu, il est allé jusqu'à accepter de mourir sur un poteau de supplice. Being rude does not increase the value of the truth or its impact. In fact, to obey God's Word, he went so far as to accept death on a torture stake. Êtes - vous "riche à l'égard de Dieu "? APRIL 9 - 15, 2012 Are you "rich toward God "? La Bible me parle davantage. The time for "the end " will have come! The Bible speaks to me more. Citons aussi l'exemple de cette femme qui a été élevée dans une famille qui attachait une grande importance à l'instruction. [ Blurb on page 8] Consider, too, the example of a woman who was raised in a family that was of great importance to education. Paragraphe 18: Comme signalé, le terme grec traduit par " en arrivant " en Matthieu 24: 46 est une forme du verbe grec traduit par " venir " ou " vient " en Matthieu 24: 30, 42, 44. Of course, that is his decision to make. Paragraph 18: Since the Greek word translated " arriving " at Matthew 24: 46 is a form of the Greek verb translated" come " or "come " at Matthew 24: 30, 42, 44. " Alors, où est la vérité? The more insight we gain into God's personality, the more inclined we are to love and fear him. This, in turn, contributes to our happiness. So where is the truth? Nous témoignons ainsi un amour désintéressé à Dieu et à nos semblables. (a) How is the Bible like a mirror? We thereby show unselfish love for God and for our fellow humans. Mais pourriez - vous trouver davantage de joie dans cette œuvre exaltante? In his statement found at Romans 12: 18, Paul goes beyond the need to be peaceable within the family circle and in the congregation. But could you find greater joy in this exciting work? Comment devons - nous prier pour que Jéhovah nous accorde un soutien spirituel? Paul also mentioned false worship in another context. How should we pray for spiritual help? Bien sûr, la Bible est notre principal outil dans le ministère. Prevented from preaching in Asia, Paul and his companions turned northward, intending to preach in the cities of Bithynia. Of course, the Bible is our principal tool in the ministry. JÉSUS a prévenu ses disciples qu'ils rencontreraient de l'opposition de la part des nations. Jehovah, the ultimate Parent, is eager to teach us how to walk. JESUS warned his disciples that they would meet opposition from the nations. Une première raison est que l'humanité en général a rejeté la domination de Dieu, refusant de se soumettre à ses lois et à ses principes justes. We see an indication of that in what Paul wrote earlier in his letter. For one reason, mankind in general rejected God's rulership, refusing to submit to his laws and righteous principles. Quelle leçon tirer de cette histoire? How so? What lesson can we learn from this account? " Des mots hébreux proches de celui traduit dans ce verset par "avoir pitié " sont aussi employés en rapport avec la miséricorde en Psaume 145: 8, 9 cité plus haut. The first of such tracts offered "further reading matter to assist in Bible study, with a view to getting rid of all false traditions of men and to the full recovery of the old theology of our Lord and the apostles. " - The Old Theology, No. 1, April 1889, p. The Hebrew words translated "felt pity " are also used in connection with mercy at Psalm 145: 8, quoted above. Accompagné de sa famille, il a passé plus de la moitié de son existence à mener une vie de nomade. Rather than paraphrasing key scriptures, show them directly from the Bible. As a family, he spent more than half of his life in order to live a priest's life. Ils libèrent plus de goudron, de nicotine et de monoxyde de carbone que les cigarettes ordinaires. June 14 - 20, 2010 They set more ice, nicotine, and mine than ordinary cigarettes. De plus, Jéhovah continuera de nous façonner par sa Parole, son esprit et son organisation pour qu'un jour nous puissions être des " enfants [parfaits] de Dieu ." Actually, the support of our spiritual brothers and sisters is crucial to our standing firm when the Devil attacks like a roaring lion. Furthermore, Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word, his spirit, and his organization so that we can be "God's children. " Il se peut que la nourriture vienne à manquer, que des biens soient perdus, que le niveau de vie chute ou que les libertés individuelles soient restreintes. Who Are the Demons? It may be that food comes from missing, material possessions may be lost, that a higher standard of living, or personal freedom may be limited. 4: 9. Quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, the apostle Peter states God's express will for his earthly servants, saying: "In accord with the Holy One who called you, do you also become holy yourselves in all your conduct, because it is written: " You must be holy, because I am holy. ' " 4: 9. Figurément parlant, ils ont vu "la face de Jéhovah ." That "seed " was primarily Jesus Christ. In a figurative sense, they saw "the face of Jehovah. " Une relation sentimentale illégitime pourrait également naître au sein de la congrégation. Rather, Jesus kindly answered: "Stop being afraid. " A romantic relationship could also develop within the congregation. Pourquoi ne pas renoncer à parler de la vérité aux membres de notre famille? A young man reported to Moses that Eldad and Medad were acting as prophets in the camp - even though they were not present when Jehovah poured out his spirit upon the 70 older men who were to serve as Moses ' helpers. Why not give up on family members? La seconde, " Que tout homme qui nomme le nom de Jéhovah renonce à l'injustice ," intrigue les biblistes depuis longtemps. Picture the Israelites in Bible times praising Jehovah during a festival at his temple in Jerusalem. The second, "that everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness, " intrigued Bible scholars long ago. Des remarques blessantes ne donnent pas plus de poids à la vérité et ne nous rendent pas plus persuasifs. By supporting these efforts, we show our zeal for Jehovah's place of pure worship, as Jesus did. - John 2: 17. A cutting remarks does not give us more weight to the truth and make us more persuasive. 9 - 15 AVRIL 2012 7, 8. APRIL 9 - 15, 2012 L'époque de " la fin " sera arrivée!. Today, we are in the race for life, and we face opponents who want to distract us, trip us up, beat us down, and snatch away our joy and future rewards. The time of "the end " will come! Naturellement, la décision lui appartient. But, as Jesus implied in his prayer, by living in this world, we are exposed to "the wicked one. " Of course, the decision belongs to him. Plus nous connaissons la personnalité de Dieu, plus nous sommes portés à l'aimer et à le craindre - ce qui nous rend heureux. As a servant gains experience, he can also be trained in the shepherding work. The more we know God's personality, the closer we are to love him and to fear him - bringing us happiness. a) Pourquoi peut - on comparer la Bible à un miroir? 3: 17; 17: 5. (a) Why can we compare the Bible to a mirror? En Romains 12: 18, Paul élargit le champ d'application de son conseil au - delà du cercle familial et de la congrégation. All of those are possibilities as we "bear thorough witness to the good news. " At Romans 12: 18, Paul will expand the field of applying his counsel beyond the family circle and congregation. Paul a évoqué un autre aspect du faux culte. Table of Contents Paul mentioned another aspect of false worship. " Empêchés de prêcher en Asie, Paul et ses compagnons se sont dirigés vers le nord avec l'intention d'annoncer la bonne nouvelle dans les villes de Bithynie. (b) What should be our attitude toward study, and what benefits can we derive from this important activity? Paul and his companions traveled to the north to proclaim the good news in the cities of Bithynia. Jéhovah est le meilleur des pères; il est heureux de nous apprendre à marcher. This is, of course, only a tradition. Jehovah is the best of fathers, and he is pleased to teach us to walk. C'est ce qu'indiquent les paroles de Paul figurant plus haut dans sa lettre. Keeping integrity means that in our day - to - day life, we will seek above all to please Jehovah God. That is what Paul's words recorded above in his letter. Comment cela? Today, we face similar influences from Satan and his wicked system. How so? Le premier de ces tracts proposait de découvrir "d'autres publications destinées à faciliter l'étude de la Bible, dans le but de balayer toutes les traditions humaines et de rétablir la théologie ancienne de notre Seigneur et des apôtres ." - La théologie ancienne (angl.), n1, avril 1889, p. Eager to see the fulfillment of all the wonderful events that were foretold, the aged apostle John exclaimed: "Amen! The first of these tracts was to learn " other publications designed to help Bible study, to wipe out all human traditions, and to restore the former state of our Lord and apostles. ' Au lieu de paraphraser les versets - clés, ou de les lire sur une page imprimée ou un écran, ouvre la bible, et encourage les assistants à en faire autant. (See the box "Rendering an Account at Death. ") (c) What reward will those judged as sheep receive? Instead of praising the key scriptures or reading them on a printed page or a Bible, opening the Bible, and encouraging them to do so. 14 - 20 juin 2010 They were on their way to a convention at which Milan's parents intended to get baptized. June 14 - 20, 2010 Il est vrai que nous avons absolument besoin du soutien de nos frères et sœurs spirituels pour tenir ferme quand le Diable attaque, tel un lion rugissant. Careful readers of the Bible, however, view the Arch of Titus as having even greater significance. True, we need the support of our spiritual brothers and sisters to stand firm when the Devil attacks such a roaring lion. Qui sont les démons? Those without spiritual understanding today have felt that there has been no "striking observableness " with regard to the sign of Jesus ' presence. Who are the demons? L'apôtre Pierre cite les Écritures hébraïques pour montrer ce que Dieu attend de ceux qui le servent sur la terre: "En accord avec le Saint qui vous a appelés, vous aussi devenez saints dans toute votre conduite, parce qu'il est écrit: " Vous devez être saints, car je suis saint. ' ." See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 220 - 221. The apostle Peter quotes the Hebrew Scriptures to show what God requires of those who serve him on earth: "In accord with the Holy One who called you, you also become holy yourselves in all your conduct, because it is written: " You must be holy, for I am holy. ' " Cette "semence " désigne avant tout Jésus Christ. Whatever our economic situation, let us rely on God's spirit and pursue a course of life that will make us "rich toward God. " That "seed " refers primarily to Jesus Christ. Au lieu de tout cela, il a répondu gentiment: "Cesse d'avoir peur. Third, when trials occur and we are tested in some way, God supports us just as he did Job. Instead, he kindly replied: "Stop being afraid. Un jour, un jeune homme l'a informé qu'Eldad et Médad se conduisaient en prophètes dans le camp alors qu'ils n'étaient pas présents au moment où Jéhovah avait répandu son esprit sur les 70 anciens qui devaient le seconder. A Christian wrote to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in France: "Satan is truly cunning. On one occasion, a young man informed the young man that he was engaged in prophets in the camp while they had not been present at the time when Jehovah had poured out his spirit on 70 elders. Imagine les Israélites des temps bibliques qui se rendaient au temple de Jérusalem pour louer Jéhovah lors des fêtes. How can you cultivate tender feelings for others? Imagine the Israelites in Bible times who visited Jerusalem's temple in praising Jehovah at festivals. Nous nous montrerons ainsi, à l'exemple de Jésus, zélés pour les lieux destinés au culte pur. How did Jesus show love to individuals, and with what motive did he do so? We thereby show that we, like Jesus, zeal for the places that are used for pure worship. 7, 8. That is certainly so if we are living a double life, concealing our wrongdoing while pretending to serve God faithfully. 7, 8. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes dans la course pour la vie, et nos adversaires veulent nous distraire, nous faire trébucher, nous mettre à terre et nous enlever notre joie et nos futures récompenses. Does this mean that we cannot express love through our speech? Today, we are in the race for life, and our opposers want to distract us, to put ourselves to the earth, and to remove our joy and future rewards. L'inconvénient, comme Jésus l'a laissé entendre dans sa prière, c'est qu'en vivant dans le monde, nous sommes exposés au "méchant ." 1: 18 - 20; Luke 2: 41, 51. As Jesus indicated in his prayer, we are exposed to "the wicked one. " " Avec le temps, un assistant ministériel pourra être formé dans l'activité pastorale. In this article, we will consider the greatest of these two commandments. In time, a ministerial servant can be trained in shepherding. ." To illustrate: Imagine that a man who is walking on a road suddenly finds that it becomes two diverging paths. 11: 33. Ce sont là autant de situations qui peuvent se présenter lorsque nous "rend [ons] pleinement témoignage à la bonne nouvelle ." Let us consider three ways: He strengthens us when we seek his help to resist temptation, he supports us when we have to deal with apathy or outright opposition, and he buoys us up when anxieties weigh us down. These situations can present themselves when we "bear thorough witness to the good news. " Sommaire In harmony with Jesus ' prayer, Jehovah is indeed watching over us. Table of Contents b) Quel devrait être notre état d'esprit à l'égard de l'étude, et quels bienfaits cette activité importante procure - t - elle? The second article explains how we can avoid grieving God's holy spirit. (b) What should be our attitude toward study, and how does this important work benefit us? " Bien entendu, ce n'est qu'une tradition. We therefore render to Jehovah God submission without reservation. - Read Psalm 86: 11, 12. Of course, that is only a tradition. Être intègre, cela signifie dans sa vie quotidienne s'efforcer en premier lieu de plaire à Jéhovah Dieu. What God wants for you Being faultless means striving first to please Jehovah God. Aujourd'hui, Satan et son système corrompu nous soumettent à ce même genre d'influences. We become too self - centered. Today, Satan and his corrupt system submits to such influences. Impatient de voir s'accomplir tous les événements extraordinaires qui lui avaient été annoncés, le vieil apôtre Jean s'est exclamé: "Amen! Doing good things for others can indeed help prevent us from tiring out in our service to Jehovah. The aged apostle John exclaimed: "Amen! (voir l'encadré " Ils rendent des comptes à leur mort "). c) Quelle récompense les humains déclarés brebis recevront - ils? While some humans knowingly and deliberately persecute us, many of those who oppose God's people do so out of ignorance or are manipulated by others. (See the box "They hold an accounting with their death. ") (b) What reward will the sheep receive? Ils allaient à une assemblée régionale où les parents de Milan devaient se faire baptiser. However, the Amorite Kings Sihon and Og had no such claims to the land under their control. They were about to attend a convention where their parents were to get baptized. Mais pour les lecteurs attentifs de la Bible, l'arc de Titus représente quelque chose d'encore plus grand. What, though, if the unbelieving husband does not respond favorably? To pay attention to the Bible, however, Titus's bow represents something far greater. Ceux à qui manque la compréhension spirituelle estiment que rien n'atteste "ostensiblement " la présence de Jésus aujourd'hui. What, though, awaits people who have been misled by Christendom's clergy and by clerics of other forms of false religion? Those who lack spiritual insight believe that nothing "will happen " to Jesus ' presence today. Voir "Gardez - vous dans l'amour de Dieu ," pages 220, 221. We have always been early risers, and that habit certainly helps at Bethel. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love. " Quelle que soit notre situation financière, comptons sur l'esprit de Dieu et menons une vie qui nous rendra " riches à l'égard de Dieu '. (b) What did Paul recommend in Epaphroditus ' case? Regardless of our financial situation, let us rely on God's spirit and live a life that will make us " rich toward God. ' La troisième: quand des difficultés surgissent et que nous sommes éprouvés d'une certaine façon, Dieu nous soutient comme il l'a fait pour Job. Clearly, Jehovah's patience does not mean that he is simply waiting for time to pass. The third: When difficulties arise and we are tested in a certain way, God supports us as he did in the case of Job. ." Un chrétien a écrit au siège des Témoins de Jéhovah de France: "Satan est vraiment rusé. They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused. " - Romans 2: 14, 15. One Christian wrote to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in France: "Satan is truly clever. Comment peux - tu cultiver la tendresse? God's Word promises: "Evil men will be done away with, but those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. How can you cultivate tenderness? Comment Jésus a - t - il manifesté de l'amour à des personnes en particulier, et qu'est - ce qui le poussait à faire cela? " Gathered to Their Forefathers ' How did Jesus show love for individuals, and what moved him to do so? Il ne nous répondra pas si nous menons une double vie, si nous cachons de mauvaises actions en faisant semblant de le servir fidèlement. Meanwhile, they treasure their personal friendship with God and sincerely strive to strengthen that relationship. He will not answer us if we are pursuing a double life, if we hide wrongdoing by pretending to serve him faithfully. Cela signifie - t - il qu'il ne faut pas exprimer son amour par des paroles? As Jehovah's slave, the house of Israel was neither faithful nor discreet. Does this mean that we should not express our love by words? 1: 18 - 20; Luc 2: 41, 51. It is challenging, instructive, and fulfilling. 1: 18 - 20; Luke 2: 41, 51. Nous examinerons dans cet article le plus grand de ces deux commandements. However, for some time before that, Peter had known that as a disciple of Jesus, he would have to talk to others about his faith in Jesus. This article will consider the greatest of these two commandments. Imaginons qu'un homme marche sur une route et parvienne soudain à un embranchement. Thus, it is clear that Jephthah did not intend to sacrifice anyone literally. For example, imagine that a man walking on a road and suddenly arrives at a foolish e - mail. Nous en examinerons trois: il nous fortifie quand nous recherchons son aide pour résister à la tentation; il nous soutient quand nous devons faire face à l'indifférence ou à l'opposition; il nous maintient la tête hors de l'eau lorsque les inquiétudes nous submergent. How does God do this? We will consider three ways in which he strengthens us when we seek his help to resist temptation; he supports us when we face apathy or opposition; he preserves us from the head of water when anxieties weighing us down. Selon la prière de Jésus, Jéhovah veille sur nous. Nevertheless, all Christians face obstacles. According to Jesus ' prayer, Jehovah watches over us. Le quatrième article explique comment ne pas attrister l'esprit saint de Dieu. À LIRE AUSSI: " A vicious wild beast must have devoured him! The fourth article discusses how we can avoid grieving God's holy spirit. C'est donc à Jéhovah seul que nous acceptons de nous soumettre sans réserve. - Lire Psaume 86: 11, 12. Consider also the health benefits that result from moderation in eating and drinking. It is to Jehovah alone that we accept that we willingly submit to him. - Read Psalm 86: 11, 12. Ce que Dieu veut pour vous 14: 14, 15. What God Requires for You Un excès d'amour - propre. We can do so if we keep on fighting against it. A measure of love - its own. Faisons du bien aux autres: cela nous empêchera de nous laisser gagner par la fatigue dans le service de Jéhovah. God will "show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him, " and he " will never allow the righteous one to totter. ' - 2 Chronicles 16: 9; Psalm 55: 22. Let us do good to others: It will prevent us from tire out in Jehovah's service. S'il est vrai que quelques humains nous persécutent en toute connaissance de cause, la majorité de ceux qui s'opposent au peuple de Dieu le font par ignorance ou parce qu'ils sont manipulés. (Read Luke 2: 52.) What role do you as a parent play during those crucial years? While it is true that some individuals persecute us with all knowledge, the majority of those who oppose God's people do so because of ignorance or because of ignorance. En revanche, les rois amorites Sihôn et Og n'avaient aucun droit de cette nature sur le pays qu'ils dominaient. There is another lie that Satan has effectively used - the lie that Jehovah neither loves us nor values us. On the other hand, the kings conquered and had no right from this nature over the land they ruled. Et si le mari n'a pas la réaction espérée? The phrase "bemoaning himself " can mean" a shaking or rocking motion, " says one scholar. What if the husband did not have the response? Mais qu'est - ce qui attend les gens qui ont été trompés par le clergé de la chrétienté ou par des ministres d'autres confessions appartenant à la fausse religion? 7 Seek Out Help But what awaits people who have been deceived by Christendom's clergy or by ministers of other religions who are part of false religion? Nous avons toujours été des lève - tôt, ce qui est bien utile quand on est béthélite. Jehovah's promise has proved true: "Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success. " - Isa. We have always been raised up - and what is good when we are at Bethel. b) D'après Paul, comment les Philippiens pouvaient - ils soutenir Épaphrodite? Why should you reject the very thought of practicing sin? (b) How could the Philippians help Epaphroditus? Que Jéhovah soit patient ne signifie donc nullement qu'il se contente d'attendre que le temps passe. Who are the "many peoples " and the" mighty nations " mentioned here? Whether Jehovah is patient, then, he certainly does not mean that he simply expects time to pass. Ce sont ceux - là mêmes qui montrent que le contenu de la loi est écrit dans leur cœur, tandis que leur conscience témoigne avec eux et que, entre leurs pensées, ils sont accusés ou même excusés. " - Romains 2: 14, 15. VENECIA, a sister in Venezuela, said: "I could never imagine myself witnessing by phone. " These are those who show that the content of the law is written in their heart, while their conscience bears witness with them and their thoughts they are falsely accused or even jealous. " - Romans 2: 14, 15. C'est pourquoi lorsqu'il estimera que la question concernant sa souveraineté est tranchée, il ôtera le mal de la terre et du reste de l'univers. If you do, they may conclude, " Since Dad and Mom don't care, it must be all right. ' Thus, when the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty is settled, he will remove the harm of the earth and the rest of the universe. " Réunis à leurs ancêtres ' One of the greatest causes of grief is the loss of a loved one in death, especially a beloved marriage mate or a child. " Go to Their forefathers ' Dans l'intervalle, ils chérissent leur amitié avec Dieu et s'efforcent sincèrement de la renforcer. Jesus Christ, the preeminent Witness of Jehovah, affirmed the truth by the things he taught and by the way he lived and died. In the meantime, they cherish their friendship with God and earnestly endeavor to strengthen it. ." L'esclave de Jéhovah qu'était la maison d'Israël ne s'est montré ni fidèle ni avisé. The happiness and spiritual prosperity of these modern - day Christians furnishes powerful evidence of the rightness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Jehovah's slave that Israel's house was neither faithful nor discreet. C'est stimulant, instructif et épanouissant. [ Picture on page 29] It strengthens our heart, and it can make it easier, and it can be done. Ceci dit, Pierre savait déjà depuis un certain temps qu'en tant que disciple de Jésus il serait amené à parler de sa foi en son Maître. And he is blessing the local congregations, where we praise our Creator by our actions and upbuilding spiritual comments. However, Peter already knew from a time that as a disciple of Jesus, he would be able to speak about his faith in his Master. Il est donc clair que Yiphtah n'avait pas l'intention de sacrifier quelqu'un littéralement. All of this is the result of the destructive influence of " the spirit of the world. ' Clearly, Jephthah did not want to sacrifice someone literally. Comment Dieu s'y prend - il? This leads to mutual respect. How does God do so? Cependant, nous rencontrons tous des obstacles. They are to love as Jesus did, and he willingly laid down his life in behalf of his friends. However, all of us meet obstacles. " Une bête sauvage malfaisante l'aura dévoré! The holy spirit is the same force that God used to create the universe. " A wicked wild beast has eaten him up! " Réfléchissons aussi aux bienfaits de la modération dans le domaine de la nourriture et de la boisson. That is his job. Think, too, of the benefits of moderation in the field of food and drink. 14: 14, 15. When opposed by the Sadducees, the apostles would not stop teaching on the basis of Jesus ' name. - Acts 5: 17, 18, 27 - 29. 14: 14, 15. Nous y parviendrons si nous continuons de le combattre. Consider an incident that occurred in Abraham's household. We can do so if we continue to fight it. Jéhovah "montrer [a] sa force en faveur de ceux dont le cœur est complet à son égard " et il" ne permettra jamais que le juste chancelle ." - 2 Chroniques 16: 9; Psaume 55: 22. 7: 2 - What was used as a basis for making a distinction between clean and unclean animals? Jehovah "will show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him " and" he will never allow the righteous one to totter. " - 2 Chronicles 16: 9; Psalm 55: 22. Comme Jésus quand il était jeune, il peut faire de son adolescence une agréable période de croissance spirituelle (lire Luc 2: 52). It can imply having a positive and hopeful view of the future. (Read Luke 2: 52.) Satan utilise avec efficacité cet autre mensonge: Jéhovah ne nous aime pas, nous n'avons aucune valeur à ses yeux. Jehovah's abandonment of renegade Israel was made painfully evident in 70 C.E. Satan uses this further lie: Jehovah does not love us, and we are worthless in his eyes. Selon un bibliste, l'expression "pleure sur lui - même " peut désigner" un mouvement de tremblement ou de secousse ." Although the material is presented in a way that appeals to youths, the information is based on timeless Scriptural principles, and all of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions. According to one scholar, the expression "their own upon himself " can refer to" an earthquake or an earthquake. " 29 Pourquoi une édition simplifiée? It refers to anything that makes a person seem weighty or important to others. 5 Highlights From the Book of Revelation - Why? Or, Jéhovah a toujours protégé sa congrégation. Il a tenu sa promesse: "Toute arme qui sera formée contre toi n'aura pas de succès. " - Is. First, do not be quick to assume you know what others believe. Yet, Jehovah has always protected his congregation, and he has kept his promise: "Every weapon that will be formed against you will have no success. " - Isa. Pourquoi devriez - vous rejeter l'idée même de pratiquer le péché? Ask yourself, " What is my track record of adhering to God's standards? ' Why should you reject the very idea of practicing sin? Qui sont les "peuples nombreux " et les" nations fortes " dont on parle ici? We strive to remain without spot from this world. Who are the "many peoples " and" mighty nations " mentioned here? VENECIA, une sœur du Vénézuéla, a dit: " Je ne me voyais pas du tout prêcher par téléphone. He offered sacrifices to Jehovah to provide for the atonement of sins - first those of the priestly class, then those of the nonpriestly tribes. " I did not see myself from the whole witnessing work by telephone, " said a sister in the United States. Sinon, ils risquent d'en conclure que, puisque vous ne dites rien, c'est qu'il n'y a aucun problème. 16, 17. Otherwise, they may conclude that since you say nothing, that there is no problem. Parmi les pires qui soient figure la perte d'un être cher, particulièrement celle d'un conjoint ou d'un enfant. These false friends abandoned Jesus when they misunderstood something he said. Among the worst things is the loss of a loved one, especially that of a mate or a child. Jésus Christ, le plus grand d'entre eux, a manifesté son attachement à la vérité par son enseignement, par sa vie et par sa mort. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah foretold: "Instead of the copper I shall bring in gold, and instead of the iron I shall bring in silver, and instead of the wood, copper, and instead of the stones, iron. " Jesus Christ, the greatest of them, showed his devotion to the truth through his teaching, his life, and his death. La prospérité spirituelle et le bonheur des chrétiens de notre époque sont une preuve indéniable de la légitimité de la souveraineté de Jéhovah. Love that results in extraordinary unity marks Jehovah's Witnesses as Christ's true followers, the ones whom God is using to serve his purpose to have the good news of the Kingdom preached in all the inhabited earth. - Matt. 24: 14. The spiritual prosperity and happiness of present - day Christians is a sure evidence of the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. [ Illustration, page 29] 1, 2. [ Picture on page 29] Il bénit enfin les congrégations locales, dans lesquelles nous louons notre Créateur par nos actions et par nos commentaires spirituellement encourageants. You can also show your appreciation by making meaningful comments at meetings. He blesses local congregations, in which we praise our Creator by our actions, and by our spiritually encouraging comments. Tout cela résulte de l'influence destructrice de " l'esprit du monde '. [ Picture on page 15] All of this results from the destructive influence of "the spirit of the world. " L'amour favorise le respect mutuel. Should he not have been welcomed and honored, at least by the Jews, who were awaiting the promised Messiah? Love promotes mutual respect. Ils doivent s'aimer comme Jésus a aimé ses disciples. Or, il a donné volontairement sa vie pour ses amis. Nevertheless, we should remember that the final judgment of who are sheep and who are goats is during the great tribulation. They must love themselves as Jesus loved his disciples, and he willingly gave up his life for his friends. L'esprit saint est la force dont Dieu s'est servi pour créer l'univers. Let us keep that comforting thought in our heart as we maintain our confidence in God's Word and continue to have faith in the good news. Holy spirit is the strength that God used in creating the universe. Ainsi le veut son travail. 16, 17. Doing so means his work. Par exemple, quand les Sadducéens se sont opposés à eux, ils n'ont pas voulu arrêter de prêcher en son nom. Accordingly, "God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him, " reports Genesis 1: 26, 27. For example, when the Sadducees opposed them, they refused to stop preaching in his name. Arrêtons - nous sur un incident survenu au sein de la maisonnée d'Abraham. Following the death of the apostles, foretold apostasy from genuine Christianity developed and spread like fire. Consider an incident involving Abraham's household. 7: 2 - Sur quoi reposait la distinction entre animaux purs et impurs? He has provided direction for the anointed "domestics " and their" other sheep " companions by means of a Governing Body. - John 10: 16. 7: 2 - On what was the distinction between clean and unclean animals based? Cela peut emporter l'idée d'être optimiste et plein d'espoir. We will likely be more empathetic if we remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters have been weakened by adverse circumstances - suffering from poor health, living in a divided household, or coping with depression. This can carry out the thought of being positive and full of hope. En 70 de notre ère, il devint douloureusement manifeste que Jéhovah avait abandonné la nation renégate d'Israël. Bible accounts reveal that there were tensions between people of these different areas. In 70 C.E., Jehovah had abandoned Israel's wayward nation. Bien qu'elles soient présentées de façon à intéresser les adolescents, leur contenu se fonde sur les principes intemporels de la Bible. This article has highlighted one way to make that possible. Although it is presented in a way that shows concern for teenagers, what they read is based on Bible principles. Il désigne ce qui fait qu'une personne semble avoir du poids ou être importante. Although it took many years to build the ark, Noah did just what God had commanded. It refers to the fact that a person seems to have a weight or an important one. Tout d'abord, n'estime pas trop rapidement connaître l'opinion de ton interlocuteur. This article explains why the best decisions are made when we allow Jehovah God's thinking to be the determining factor. First, do not feel quick to get to know the householder's opinion. Demande - toi: " Ai - je fait mes preuves pour ce qui est d'obéir aux normes divines? God's spirit can make us as mighty spiritually as Samson was physically Ask yourself: " Do I have evidence of obeying God's standards? Nous nous efforçons de nous garder sans tache du côté du monde. • What legacy can older ones pass on? We strive to keep ourselves without spot from the world. Il offrait à Jéhovah des sacrifices destinés à faire propitiation, d'abord pour les péchés de la classe sacerdotale, puis pour ceux du peuple. Make Good Choices He offered sacrifices to make atonement, first for the sins of the priest class, and for those of the people. 16, 17. What does walking in integrity involve? 16, 17. Mais ces pseudo - amis l'ont abandonné lorsqu'ils ont mal compris une de ses déclarations. " The Scriptures... are the very ones that bear witness about me, " he says, adding: "If you believed Moses you would believe me, for that one wrote about me. " But those false friends abandoned him when they did not understand one of his pronouncements. Par l'entremise du prophète Isaïe, Jéhovah avait annoncé: "Au lieu du cuivre je ferai venir de l'or, au lieu du fer je ferai venir de l'argent, au lieu du bois, du cuivre, et au lieu des pierres, du fer. (b) How did Jehovah reward the two midwives for their courage and godly fear? Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah foretold: "In place of the copper I shall bring from gold, instead of the iron place to make silver, instead of the gold, the copper, and instead of the stones, of iron. " L'amour, qui produit une unité extraordinaire, identifie les Témoins de Jéhovah aux véritables disciples de Christ. Dieu les utilise pour prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume dans toute la terre habitée. Did they not trust her? Love, which produces extraordinary unity, identifies Jehovah's true Witnesses, and God uses them to preach the good news of the Kingdom throughout the inhabited earth. 1, 2. We came into the spiritual paradise, which is filled with peace and unity. - Isa. 1, 2. Ou encore en donnant des réponses pertinentes lors des réunions. Of course, we should not pressure anyone to read and study the Bible. Or by giving meaningful comments at meetings. [ Illustration, page 15] 2: 14 - 17; 1 John 3: 8. [ Picture on page 15] Le Fils de Dieu n'aurait - il pas dû être accueilli chaleureusement et honoré - du moins par les Juifs, qui attendaient le Messie promis? And elders who love God's sheep will treat them with tenderness. - Acts 20: 28, 29. Would not God's Son have been warmly welcomed and honored by the Jews who awaited the promised Messiah? Mais souvenons - nous que les humains ne seront définitivement rangés parmi les brebis ou les chèvres que durant la grande tribulation. What does Jehovah want for mankind? Remember, though, that humans will not be permanently associated with the sheep or the goats during the great tribulation. Ancrons cette pensée réconfortante dans notre cœur tout en gardant notre confiance dans la Parole de Dieu et notre foi dans la bonne nouvelle. Molesters are quick to notice when children are overly compliant. And we will be comforted in our heart by keeping our confidence in God's Word and our faith in the good news. 16, 17. What should guide our personal choice as to our dress? 16, 17. Conformément à son intention, "Dieu se mit à créer l'homme à son image, à l'image de Dieu il le créa ." But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. In harmony with his intention, "God proceeded to create man in his image, in God's image he created him. " Après la mort des apôtres, comme annoncé, le véritable christianisme a été corrompu et l'apostasie s'est propagée rapidement. Plasma also carries such proteins as albumin, clotting factors, and antibodies to fight diseases. After the death of the apostles, as foretold, true Christianity was corrupt and apostasy quickly spread. Par l'intermédiaire d'un Collège central, il donne des directives aux "domestiques " oints de l'esprit et aux" autres brebis ." - Jean 10: 16. Why is that? Through a Governing Body, Jehovah provides direction to "the anointed " of the spirit and the" other sheep. " - John 10: 16. Pour faire preuve de plus d'empathie, rappelons - nous que certains de nos chers frères et sœurs sont affaiblis par des circonstances difficiles: mauvaise santé, dépression, foyer partagé sur le plan religieux, etc. What accounts for these remarkable changes? To show empathy, we do well to remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters are weakened by difficult circumstances: poor health, depression, depression, and religion. Selon des récits bibliques, il existait des tensions entre ces populations. 12, 13. According to Bible accounts, there were tensions between those people and their neighbors. Plus tôt tu agiras ainsi, plus tôt tu sentiras qu'il te guide, te protège et te bénit. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave. The earlier you act, the more likely you will feel that Jehovah guides you, protects you, and blesses you. Bien que la construction de l'arche ait pris des années, Noé a fait exactement ce que Dieu avait ordonné. 1, 2. (a) Shortly before his death, what information did Jesus share with his disciples? Although Noah's building of the ark took years, he did exactly what God had commanded. Cet article explique pourquoi la meilleure façon de prendre une décision est de se laisser guider par la pensée de Jéhovah. 22: 39. SONGS: 73, 36 This article explains why the best way to make a decision is to be guided by Jehovah's thinking. L'esprit de Dieu peut nous rendre aussi forts spirituellement que Samson l'était physiquement. But we will certainly benefit from now considering examples of Jehovah's unsearchable greatness. God's spirit can make us as strong as Samson was physically. • Que peuvent nous transmettre les chrétiens âgés? To find out, let us return to the conversation that evening. • What can older Christians pass on? Fais de bons choix A mother's feelings for her baby can teach us about Jehovah's compassion Making Wise Decisions Que suppose le fait de marcher dans l'intégrité? Endurance is "the spirit which can bear things, not simply with resignation, but with blazing hope, " says one reference work. What is involved in walking in integrity? " Les Écritures, dit - il, [...] ce sont elles justement qui témoignent à mon sujet ," avant d'ajouter: "Si vous croyiez Moïse, vous me croiriez, car celui - là a écrit à mon sujet. ." God revealed not only the circumstances surrounding Babylon's overthrow but also the name of the conquering leader. " The Scriptures... testify to my subject, " he said, "if you believe Moses, you will believe me, for this one wrote about me. " b) Comment ces deux accoucheuses ont - elles été récompensées pour leur courage et leur crainte de Dieu? And how can we successfully fulfill our role as evangelizers? (b) How were these two rebels rewarded for their courage and godly fear? Manquaient - ils de confiance en elle? 22: 20 - 22 - Why did Jehovah's anger blaze against Balaam? What would it have been like to trust in it? Nous sommes entrés dans le paradis spirituel où règnent la paix et l'unité. - Is. The same is true when we prepare our heart to go out in the field service. We entered the spiritual paradise where peace and unity were united. - Isa. Bien sûr, nous ne devrions forcer personne à lire ou à étudier les Écritures. or, " What are we to put on? ' Of course, we should not force anyone to read or study the Scriptures. 2: 14 - 17; 1 Jean 3: 8. 2: 19. 2: 14 - 17; 1 John 3: 8. Enfin, les anciens qui aiment les brebis de Dieu les traitent avec tendresse. - Actes 20: 28, 29. How do they respond to their view of God's glory? And the elders who love God's sheep treat them with tenderness. - Acts 20: 28, 29. Que veut Jéhovah pour les humains? By means of holy spirit, Jesus would eventually extend the witnessing work to the ends of the earth. What does Jehovah want for mankind? Les agresseurs repèrent vite les enfants trop dociles. Note how the apostle Paul emphasized that truth. First, he pointed out that gifts of the spirit would pass away and that the Christian congregation would grow out of its infancy stage and reach maturity. Those molesters quickly discern children too busy. Qu'est - ce qui devrait guider nos choix en matière d'habillement? Above all, we have the deep joy that comes from knowing that we have Jehovah's approval, for he loves all those who "bear fruit with endurance "! What should guide our choice of dress? Mais les cheveux mêmes de votre tête sont tous comptés. Christian elders are not to be dictatorial, domineering, arbitrary, or harsh. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Maintenant, j'ai le sentiment de l'avoir examiné en pleine lumière. " Consider also Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. Now I felt that I considered it in full light. " Le plasma transporte en outre des protéines comme l'albumine, des facteurs de coagulation et des anticorps qui luttent contre les maladies. After describing conditions of the last days under human rule, the prophecy states: "Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " The blood plasma also extracts from plasma, such as drunkenness, disease, and an animal that battles against diseases. " Pourquoi le fait - il? Knowing that the Devil brings persecution upon us because he desperately wants to break our integrity to God can actually help us to be courageous and strong. Why does he do so? Comment expliquer ces changements remarquables? ▪ Train Your Child to Serve Jehovah How can these remarkable changes be made? 12, 13. FEAR of God impelled two women to defy a Pharaoh. 12, 13. En réalité, sa mise en garde s'adresse à l'esclave fidèle et avisé. " It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " - Jeremiah 10: 23. In fact, his warning applies to the faithful and discreet slave. 1, 2. a) Peu avant sa mort, de quoi Jésus a - t - il parlé à ses apôtres? 8, 9. 1, 2. (a) Shortly before his death, what did Jesus tell his apostles? CANTIQUES: 73, 36 5, 6. SONGS TO BE USED: 73, 36 En revanche, il nous sera bénéfique de réfléchir à quelques preuves de cette grandeur inscrutable. What do the examples of Jehovah God and his Son teach us about mercy? On the other hand, it will benefit us to reflect on some evidence of this unsearchable greatness. Pour le savoir, revenons à la conversation qui a eu lieu ce soir - là. She was no longer sad or downcast. - 1 Sam. To find out, let us return to the conversation that took place there. Les sentiments d'une mère envers son bébé nous donnent une idée de la compassion de Jéhovah. Doing this involves a regular study of the Bible and Bible study aids provided through "the faithful and discreet slave. " The feelings of a mother to her baby give us an idea of Jehovah's compassion. D'après un ouvrage de référence, l'endurance est " l'état d'esprit qui permet de supporter les choses, non pas simplement avec résignation, mais avec un espoir fervent [...]. He justified his behavior. According to one reference work, endurance is "the attitude that enables us to endure things, not just with respect, but with a bold hope... Sous inspiration, il lui avait révélé non seulement les circonstances dans lesquelles Babylone tomberait, mais également le nom de son conquérant *. How can "the sword of the spirit " help us in our spiritual fight? He was inspired to reveal not only the circumstances in which Babylon would fall but also the name of his cupbearer. Et comment remplir au mieux notre rôle d'évangélisateur? At Christian meetings, for example, it is easy to allow our mind to wander or to dwell on what we might do later. And how can we best fulfill our role as evangelizers? 22: 20 - 22 - Pourquoi la colère de Jéhovah s'enflamma - t - elle contre Balaam? 9 - 12. 22: 20 - 22 - Why does Jehovah's anger become hot against Balaam? Cependant, Dieu lui a infusé de la puissance pour qu'il accomplisse une mission plus importante encore: prêcher la bonne nouvelle. Jehovah comforted Abraham by assuring him that if only 50 righteous people could be found, He would not destroy Sodom. However, God used power to accomplish an even more important work - preaching the good news. En effet, en réfléchissant à ces choses, nous renforçons notre propre foi et devenons des enseignants encore plus efficaces et enthousiastes. What attitude did first - century Christians need to have in order to survive that time of distress? As we reflect on these things, we strengthen our own faith and improve our effectiveness as teachers more effective and enthusiastic teachers. ' ou: " Qu'allons - nous mettre? How have we benefited physically from our adherence to Bible principles? or, " What are we to put on? ' 2: 19. • How can we display trust in God when we are distressed by health problems? 2: 19. Quelle est leur réaction quand ils voient la gloire de Dieu? Jehovah's Word Is Alive How do they respond when they see God's glory? Au moyen de l'esprit saint, Jésus allait permettre que l'œuvre de témoignage atteigne les extrémités de la terre. And what do the Scriptures indicate about how Jehovah provides spiritual food for us today? By means of holy spirit, Jesus would allow the witnessing work to ends the ends of the earth. Au début, nous ne comprenons peut - être pas très bien leur façon de penser ou de réagir. Fittingly, then, David refers to having his prayer answered from Jehovah's holy mountain. At first, we may not fully understand their thinking or reaction. Notez comment Paul a mis en relief cette idée; après avoir annoncé que les dons de l'esprit cesseraient et que la congrégation parviendrait à l'état adulte, il a affirmé: "Maintenant, cependant, demeurent la foi, l'espérance, l'amour, ces trois - là; mais le plus grand de ces trois, c'est l'amour. These spirit sons faithfully carry out his will. Note how Paul highlighted this point. After stating that the gifts of the spirit would stop and that the congregation would be raised to adulthood, he said: "Now, though, faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. " Par - dessus tout, nous sommes profondément heureux de savoir que nous plaisons à Jéhovah. En effet, il aime tous ceux qui " portent du fruit avec endurance "! Eduardo made up his mind not even to consider job offers that would keep him away from his family for months or years at a time. Above all, we are deeply grateful that we please Jehovah, and he loves all those who "bear fruit with endurance "! ." Les anciens n'ont pas le droit d'être despotiques ou durs. The mild - tempered ones are happy because "they will inherit the earth. " The elders do not have the right to be harsh or harsh. Songez également à l'avertissement donné par Jésus: "Faites attention à vous - mêmes, de peur que vos cœurs ne s'alourdissent dans les excès de table et les excès de boisson et les inquiétudes de la vie, et que soudain ce jour - là ne soit sur vous à l'instant même, comme un piège. Think again of the way that Jehovah dealt with Lot. Think, too, of Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. " Après avoir décrit les conditions qui régneraient alors sous la domination humaine, la prophétie précise: "Les hommes méchants et les imposteurs avanceront vers le pire, gens qui égarent et qui s'égarent. Moreover, Shimei, who belongs to a family in King Saul's house, is throwing stones and dust at David while cursing him. - 2 Sam. After describing conditions that would then rule under human rule, the prophecy says: " Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. En réalité, cela nous rend courageux et forts de savoir que c'est parce qu'il veut à tout prix briser notre intégrité que le Diable suscite des persécutions contre nous. Why, her story is recorded in the Bible! In fact, this makes us courageous and strong because he wants to break our integrity that the Devil raises up persecution against us. ▪ Apprends à ton enfant à servir Jéhovah Now please consider the prophetic words of Micah 4: 6 - 13. ▪ Train Your Children to Serve Jehovah DEUX femmes: animées par la crainte de Dieu, elles bravent l'autorité d'un pharaon. For example, will he be able to take on more work or responsibility without neglecting other important things? TWO women: With the fear of God, they ignore the authority of a Pharaoh. " Il n'appartient pas à l'homme qui marche de diriger son pas. " - Jérémie 10: 23. How did Jehovah show that he is a lover of justice, and why would this have been of comfort to Naboth's relatives and friends? " It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " - Jeremiah 10: 23. 8, 9. Wives show loyalty to Christ by chaste conduct and by displaying "the quiet and mild spirit. " 8, 9. 5, 6. " There is no fear in love, " wrote the apostle John, "but perfect love throws fear outside. " 5, 6. Que nous apprennent sur la miséricorde les exemples que Jéhovah Dieu et Jésus Christ nous donnent? One time, he had me read an article in The Watchtower about the importance of not giving up. What do we learn about mercy from the examples of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ? La tristesse de Hanna s'était dissipée. - 1 Sam. Jacob left the security of his immediate family, who were living in Canaan, to travel, evidently alone, hundreds of miles to the area of Haran. Hannah's sadness had ended. - 1 Sam. Cela demande une étude régulière de la Bible et des ouvrages d'étude fournis par "l'esclave fidèle et avisé ." For example, we no longer speak of "the new order " but of" the new world. " This calls for regular Bible study and Bible study aids provided by "the faithful and discreet slave. " Il s'est justifié, prétextant qu'il avait agi à bon droit parce que les bêtes seraient offertes en sacrifice. As a helmet protects a soldier's head in battle, hope protects our mind from the negative, pessimistic thinking Satan promotes in this dying old world. He did so because the animals were offered as a sacrifice. Quelle est l'utilité de "l'épée de l'esprit " dans notre combat spirituel? All rights reserved. How can "the sword of the spirit " help us in our spiritual fight? Lors des réunions chrétiennes, par exemple, il est facile de laisser son esprit vagabonder ou s'attarder sur ce que l'on va faire plus tard. Paul describes its results with a single word: futility. For example, at Christian meetings, it is easy to let our mind wander or focus on what is going later. 9 - 12. As to the "hundred and twenty years " mentioned at Genesis 6: 3, see The Watchtower, December 15, 2010, page 30. 9 - 12. " Jéhovah l'a réconforté en lui promettant que, s'il trouvait à Sodome ne serait - ce que 50 justes, il ne la dévasterait pas. For example, a young Ecuadoran couple decided to simplify their life after they heard the 2006 special assembly day program "Keep Your Eye Simple. " Jehovah comforted him by assureing him that if he was in Sodom, he would not die. Quel état d'esprit devaient manifester les chrétiens du Isiècle s'ils voulaient survivre? Sanballat may have intended to make public the false charges brought forth by sending them in an open letter. What attitude did first - century Christians have to display if they wanted to survive? Quels bienfaits le respect des principes bibliques nous apporte - t - il dans le domaine de la santé? Satan is doing all he can to corrupt us and make us lose Jehovah's approval. How does respect for Bible principles benefit us regarding health? • Comment manifester notre confiance en Dieu si nous sommes gravement malades? For example, he inspired the apostle Paul to include in some of the letters that he sent to the congregations instructions specifically directed to young people. • How can we show trust in God if we are severely sick? La Parole de Jéhovah est vivante All rights reserved. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Voilà pourquoi il affirme que Jéhovah lui répondra de sa montagne sainte. What helped Job to endure his trials? Hence, he assures us that Jehovah will answer him with his holy mountain. Ces fils spirituels accomplissent fidèlement sa volonté. After I was released from prison, I avoided my old associates, went to Christian meetings, and was eventually reinstated. These spiritual sons faithfully accomplish his will. " Eduardo a pris la résolution de ne pas même prêter attention à des offres d'emploi qui l'éloigneraient de sa famille pendant des mois ou des années. Although he was afraid, what did the king do? Eduardo resolved not even to pay attention to employment options that would distance him from his family for months or years. Ceux qui sont doux de caractère sont heureux parce qu ' "ils hériteront de la terre ." When we deal with others on the basis of love and faith, we act impartially, knowing that this is the way Jehovah approves. Those mild - tempered are happy because "they will inherit the earth. " Réfléchis de nouveau à la façon dont il a traité Lot. Jesus likened the preaching of the Kingdom message to all mankind to the lowering of a large dragnet into the sea. Consider again how God dealt with Lot. Plus tard, Shiméï, qui appartient à une famille de la maison de Saül, lui lancera des pierres et de la poussière en le maudissant. - 2 Sam. Since Paul had been appointed to take the lead in preaching to the uncircumcised Gentiles, he might have thought of himself as an expert in dealing with non - Jews and therefore well - qualified to resolve the problem. Later, Shiphrah, who belongs to a family of Saul, started stones and dust. - 2 Sam. D'une part, son histoire est relatée dans la Bible. Yes, the Bible can continue to change our life. From one point, the story is recorded in the Bible. Examinons maintenant les paroles prophétiques de Mika 4: 6 - 13. In time, however, he discovered that the sport was violent, even dangerous. Let us now examine the prophetic words of Micah 4: 6 - 13. Par exemple, pourra - t - il assumer davantage de travail ou de responsabilités sans négliger d'autres choses importantes? (See paragraph 10) For example, might he be able to take on more work or responsibilities without neglecting other important things? b) Pourquoi cela a - t - il dû consoler la famille et les amis de Naboth? Even though their suffering was often a result of their own stubbornness, Isaiah wrote concerning Jehovah: "During all their distress it was distressing to him. " (b) Why did this bring comfort to Naboth's family and friends? À une conduite pure, les femmes associent "l'esprit doux et paisible ." Thus, their words were "a valueless thing. " In conduct chaste conduct, women associate with "the quiet and mild spirit. " " Il n'y a pas de crainte dans l'amour, a écrit en effet l'apôtre Jean, mais l'amour parfait jette dehors la crainte. ." As the end of that Jewish day approached, Jesus was buried - before the start of Nisan 15. * - Lev. 23: 5 - 7; Luke 23: 54. " There is no fear in love, " wrote the apostle John, "but the perfect love throws apart from fear. " " J'ai été impressionné de penser que de simples humains mortels pouvaient réjouir le Créateur de l'univers. Our commission to preach the good news, which includes judgment messages, can be fulfilled only if we are strengthened by Jehovah's holy spirit. " I was impressed to think that simple humans could rejoice the Creator of the universe. Quittant son foyer protecteur en Canaan, il est parti, sans doute seul, pour Harân, ville située à des centaines de kilomètres au nord. If we are not to be caught off guard by this declaration, we need to "stay awake and keep our senses. " As a result of his protective home in Canaan, he traveled alone to the city of Galilee with hundreds of miles away from the north. Par exemple, nous ne parlons plus du "nouvel ordre " mais du" monde nouveau ." For example, consider Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For example, we do not speak of "the order " but" the new world. " De même que le casque protège la tête du soldat lors des batailles, de même l'espérance protège nos pensées des raisonnements critiques et pessimistes que Satan encourage dans ce monde agonisant. " If somebody could overpower one alone, two together could make a stand against him. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 12. Just as the helmet protects the soldier's soldier's soldier's head in battle, so our hope protects our thinking with critical reasoning, and Satan encourages us in this troubled world. All rights reserved. David of old, who looked to the same Source of strength, wrote: "To my sayings do give ear, O Jehovah; do understand my sighing. All rights reserved. Paul les résume en un mot: futilité *. 10, 11. Paul sums up one word: futility. Concernant les "cent vingt ans " mentionnés en Genèse 6: 3, voir La Tour de Garde du 15 décembre 2010, page 30. STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 Regarding "the hundred years " mentioned at Genesis 6: 3, see The Watchtower of December 15, 2010, page 30. En 2006, après l'assemblée spéciale d'un jour "Gardez l'œil simple ," un jeune couple équatorien a décidé de simplifier sa vie. Hence, our words and deeds reveal our heart condition. In 2006, after the special assembly of a day "Keep the simple eye, " a young couple decided to simplify their life. En envoyant une lettre ouverte, Sânballat souhaitait sans doute que les accusations mensongères qui y étaient proférées soient connues publiquement. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania By sending a open letter, Belshazzar no doubt wanted the false accusations spoken there publicly. a) Quelles difficultés Jérémie a - t - il rencontrées? In the congregation, are we known as peacemakers or as peacebreakers? (a) What challenges did Jeremiah face? Satan cherche par tous les moyens à nous corrompre et à nous faire perdre l'approbation de Jéhovah. In each example, we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision. Satan tries to corrupt us and cause us to lose Jehovah's approval. Par exemple, c'est sous son inspiration que l'apôtre Paul, dans certaines lettres aux congrégations, a inclus des conseils spécialement destinés aux jeunes. For godly women, however, submission to their loving head is not distasteful. For example, the apostle Paul was inspired to write letters to the congregations, which included special counsel for young people. All rights reserved. However, they passed him by without doing anything for him. All rights reserved. Qu'est - ce qui a permis à Job d'endurer ses épreuves? He remained calm even when he was treated unjustly. - 1 Pet. What enabled Job to endure his trials? Après avoir été libéré de prison, j'ai rompu avec mes anciennes fréquentations, je suis retourné aux réunions, et j'ai finalement été réintégré. We want our decisions to honor God and the congregation. - 2 Cor. 6: 3. After being released from prison, I broke away with my former associates, returned to meetings, and finally I was reinstated. Bien que gagné par la peur, qu'a fait ce roi? What does Jehovah accomplish as illustrated by the symbolic olive tree? Although fear is won by fear, what did the king do? Si nous nous laissons guider par l'amour et la foi dans nos relations avec les autres, nous agissons impartialement, car nous savons que Jéhovah trouve bon d'agir ainsi. Whether a person has a good relationship with Jehovah or not depends on his exercising faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. If we allow love and faith in our dealings with others, we are acting impartially because we know that Jehovah finds good in us. Jésus a établi un parallèle entre la prédication du message du Royaume à tous les humains et le lancer dans la mer d'une grande senne, ou filet. In part, the resolution stated: "We are servants of Jehovah God commissioned to do a work in his name, and, in obedience to his commandment, to deliver the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to make known to the people that Jehovah is the true and Almighty God; therefore we joyfully embrace and take the name which the mouth of the Lord God has named, and we desire to be known as and called by the name, to wit, Jehovah's witnesses. " Jesus drew a parallel between the Kingdom - preaching work to all mankind and to run it into the sea of a great dragnet, or a net. Puisqu'il avait été désigné pour être le fer de lance de la prédication aux Gentils incirconcis, Paul aurait pu estimer que, sachant s'y prendre avec les non - Juifs, il était tout à fait qualifié pour résoudre ce problème. At one point in time, he was no longer enjoying Jehovah's service. Since he had been appointed to be the iron rulers of the uncircumcised Gentiles, Paul could have felt that he was qualified to resolve that problem. Oui, la Bible peut continuer à transformer notre vie. " Do not come to be among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh, " states the Bible. Yes, the Bible can keep changing our life. Mais au bout d'un moment, il s'est rendu compte que le sport pratiqué était violent et même dangereux. Does God Care? But after a while, he realized that sports was violent and even dangerous. (voir le paragraphe 10). Although the disciples experienced difficulties, within 30 years the good news was being "preached in all creation under heaven " and was" bearing fruit and increasing in all the world. " (See paragraph 10) " Durant toute leur détresse, cela a été pour lui une détresse ," a rapporté Isaïe. Et pourtant, une grande partie de ces souffrances était due à leur obstination. Yes! " During all their distress it was distressing to him, " said Isaiah, "but a large part of these suffering was in their native state. " En conséquence, leurs paroles étaient une "chose sans valeur ." In many cases, householders who initially were upset have responded favorably when Jehovah's people treated them with mildness and respect. - Prov. 15: 1; 1 Pet. As a result, their words were "good - for - nothing thing. " Alors que ce jour juif arrivait à son terme, soit avant le début du 15 Nisan *, Jésus a été déposé dans la tombe. Although this cannot be directly confirmed in the Bible, it is not out of harmony with other scriptures that indicate that the first resurrection got under way soon after Christ's presence began. While that Jewish day came to its end, before the start of Nisan 15, Jesus was laid in the grave. Notre mission consistant à prêcher la bonne nouvelle inclut la proclamation de messages de condamnation. Pour l'accomplir, nous avons impérativement besoin que l'esprit saint de Jéhovah nous fortifie. The Pharisees, though, were hardly the first to try to convince Jehovah's beloved sheep that they were worthless. Our commission to preach the good news included the proclamation of condemnation, and it is vital that Jehovah's holy spirit strengthen us. " Afin que cette déclaration ne nous surprenne pas, nous devons " demeur [er] éveillés et rest [er] dans notre bon sens ." In essence, we ought to love Jehovah fully, without reservation. In order to keep our senses, we must "keep awake and keep our senses. " Parlons d'Abraham, d'Isaac et de Jacob. Your treasured home has become a disaster zone. Consider Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. " Si quelqu'un pouvait maîtriser un seul, deux ensemble sauraient lui résister. " - Ecclésiaste 4: 12. How did people react to Jesus ' generosity? " If anyone could control one another, two would be able to resist him. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 12. David, qui puisait de la force à la même source, a écrit: "À mes paroles prête l'oreille, ô Jéhovah! Comprends mes soupirs. How important is the Kingdom message? David, who gave strength to the same source, wrote: "To my words is lending to ear, O Jehovah, to understand my displeasure. 10, 11. He states: "In my heart [the word of God] proved to be like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I got tired of holding in. " 10, 11. ARTICLES D'ÉTUDE 4 ET 5 PAGES 21 - 30 But the Scriptures acknowledge that we do have to form a longing for God's word. STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 Par conséquent, nos paroles et nos actions révèlent la condition de notre cœur. And what will help us to maintain a complete heart? Hence, our words and actions reveal the condition of our heart. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Satan and his evil world are keenly desirous of luring us away from the Christian congregation. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Dans la congrégation, sommes - nous connus pour favoriser la paix ou pour la troubler? THAILAND Are we known for promoting peace or disrupting it in the congregation? À chaque fois, nous verrons un principe biblique qui peut nous être utile. He assured his followers that God had tender concern for each of His worshippers, including the "little ones " - those who may seem unimportant from the standpoint of the world. - Matt. 18: 12 - 14; Luke 12: 6, 7. Each time, we will consider a Scriptural principle that can help us. Pour les femmes qui craignent Dieu, il n'y a cependant rien d'humiliant à se soumettre à un mari qui fait preuve d'amour. And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 20, 21, 26. For God - fearing women, however, there is nothing obligation to be in subjection to a loving husband. Pourtant, ils ont poursuivi leur chemin, indifférents. Does this mean that he made the wrong decision in the first place? Yet, they continued their way, apathetic. Il restait calme même quand il était victime d'injustices. Do not lose heart, even if the road you travel gets bumpy at times. He remained calm even when he was the victim of injustice. Nous voulons que nos décisions honorent Dieu et la congrégation. Jehovah will swallow it up forever! We want our decisions to honor God and the congregation. Comme l'illustre l'exemple de l'olivier symbolique, qu'est - ce que Jéhovah accomplit de manière remarquable? She explains: "I would go out in the field service in the morning, and I would spend every afternoon looking for work. As illustrated in the illustration of the symbolic olive tree, what does Jehovah perform in a remarkable way? Pour avoir de bonnes relations avec Jéhovah, une personne doit exercer la foi dans le sacrifice rédempteur de Jésus. As for putting the interests of others ahead of one's own, we have an excellent example in Esther, who became queen of the Persian Empire in the fifth century B.C.E. To have a good relationship with Jehovah, a person must exercise faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Cette résolution stipulait entre autres: "[Qu'il soit résolu] que nous sommes des serviteurs de Jéhovah Dieu, chargés d'accomplir une œuvre en son nom et que c'est par obéissance à son commandement que nous rendons le témoignage de Jésus Christ et que nous faisons connaître aux hommes que Jéhovah est le Dieu Tout - Puissant et véritable. But they did not. This resolve states: "[Let] be determined that we are servants of Jehovah God, who are assigned to do a work in his name and is by obeying his command that we bear witness about Jesus Christ and make known to men that Jehovah is the almighty God and true God. " À un moment de sa vie, il n'a plus éprouvé de plaisir à servir Jéhovah. A study published by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration points to a greater potential for "more intense storms, deadly heat waves, and more extreme flood - drought cycles. " At one point in his life, he found no pleasure in serving Jehovah. " Ne te trouve pas parmi les buveurs de vin ni parmi les gloutons de viande ," dit la Bible. They react to situations on the basis of pride or selfishness, they manifest a rebellious attitude toward authority, and they give free rein to "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes. " - Read 1 John 2: 15 - 17. The Bible says: "Do not be found among the heavy drunkards of wine or among the gluttonals of meat. " Dieu se soucie - t - il de nous? Then Rabshakeh asserted that just as the gods of the nations had been unable to protect their worshippers, so Jehovah would be unable to deliver the Jews out of the Assyrians ' clutches. Does God care about us? Même s'ils ont rencontré des difficultés, en 30 ans, la bonne nouvelle était déjà " prêchée dans toute la création qui est sous le ciel ," si bien que Paul a pu dire: " Elle porte du fruit et croît dans le monde entier ." Joy That Lasts Beyond the Wedding Day Although they have faced difficulties in 30 years, the good news was already "bear in all creation that is under heaven, " although Paul could say:" It bears fruit and increase in the whole world. " Oui! Do You Recall? Yes! Dans bien des cas, des personnes d'abord contrariées ont réagi positivement quand des serviteurs de Jéhovah leur ont témoigné douceur et respect. Jehovah loves his faithful worshippers, including those who are deaf. In many cases, people at first responded positively when Jehovah's servants showed mildness and respect. Bien qu'elle ne puisse pas être confirmée directement dans la Bible, elle s'harmonise avec d'autres passages qui laissent entendre que la première résurrection a commencé peu après le début de la présence du Christ. No, for many young Christians do so. Although it cannot be confirmed directly in the Bible, it is in harmony with other passages that suggest that the first resurrection began shortly after the start of Christ's presence. Les Pharisiens n'étaient pourtant pas les premiers à vouloir persuader les brebis que Jéhovah aimait qu'elles ne valaient rien. Jesus told his disciples: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Yet, the Pharisees were not the first to persuade the sheep that Jehovah loved them. En résumé, nous devons aimer Jéhovah pleinement, sans réserve. However, since they were overgrown by weedlike Christians, we do not know for certain who belonged to the wheat class during that long period of time. In short, we must love Jehovah fully and wholeheartedly. Votre foyer n'est plus qu'un champ de ruines. We know this from the name given to the altar that Gideon erected at that place - "Jehovah - shalom. " That name means "Jehovah Is Peace. " Your home is now more than a field of ruins. Comment les gens ont - ils répondu à la générosité de Jésus? " He was so nervous that when he started his talk, he began to sob. How did people respond to Jesus ' generosity? À quel point le message relatif au Royaume est - il important? If the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple was not important, they would not have made the difficult journey of some 1,000 miles (1,600 km) through a harsh land. How important is the Kingdom message? Il a déclaré: "[La parole de Dieu] était dans mon cœur comme un feu brûlant, enfermé dans mes os; et je me fatiguais de le contenir. Referring to other sinful conduct, Jehovah said: "On garments seized as a pledge they stretch themselves out beside every altar; and the wine of those who have been fined they drink at the house of their gods. " He said: "The word of God [was] like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I got tired of holding it. " En ce qui nous concerne, nous devons cultiver un ardent désir pour la parole de Dieu. What became of "the true knowledge " following the death of the apostles? In our case, we need to cultivate a longing for God's word. Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à continuer de servir Dieu d'un cœur complet? There was no hesitation or procrastination. What will help us to continue serving God with a complete heart? Satan et son monde mauvais désirent ardemment nous éloigner de la congrégation chrétienne. David extolled Jehovah's loving - kindness Satan and his wicked world are eager to distance us from the Christian congregation. THAÏLANDE Appropriately, David concludes his inspired composition with the words: "Salvation belongs to Jehovah. AREA FROM THE SPIRIT Il a donné à ses disciples l'assurance que Dieu se soucie tendrement de chacun de Ses adorateurs, y compris des " petits ," c'est - à - dire ceux que le monde considère comme sans valeur. Could you arrange your circumstances to do so? He gave his disciples the assurance that God tenderly cares for each one of his worshippers, including "little ones, " - those whom the world views as worthless. Et je leur ai fait connaître ton nom et je le ferai connaître, afin que l'amour dont tu m'as aimé soit en eux et moi en union avec eux. " - Jean 17: 20, 21, 26. Am I adhering to the body of Christian beliefs? ' And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 20, 21, 26. L'action de Dieu étant parfaite, le regret qu'il éprouve n'est jamais dû à une erreur de sa part. Indeed, as long as we "do not let [our] hand rest " from sowing Kingdom seed, we have a valuable share in giving" a witness to all the nations. " God's activity is perfect, the feeling that he has never had to make a mistake on his part. Quand tu rencontres des difficultés, ne te décourage pas. Before the outbreak of the war of Armageddon, therefore, all members of the "bride " will be in heaven. When difficulties arise, do not be discouraged. Jéhovah l'engloutira pour toujours!. That kind of faith enabled Enoch to walk with God even though the world around him did not. Jehovah will reproach him forever! - Ps. " J'allais prêcher le matin, et je consacrais tous mes après - midi à chercher du travail, relate - t - elle. The "Caesar " whom the chief priests publicly embraced on that occasion was the despised Roman Emperor Tiberius, a hypocrite and a murderer. She relates: "I went out to preach in the morning, and I would all call for work, " she relates. Pour ce qui est de mettre les intérêts des autres avant les nôtres, nous avons un excellent exemple en la personne d'Esther, qui est devenue reine de l'Empire perse au Vsiècle avant notre ère. Jehovah says: "I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more. " In putting the interests of others ahead of our own, we have a fine example in the case of Esther, who became queen of the Persian Empire in the fifth century B.C.E. Mais ils ne l'ont pas fait. What does it mean to " walk with God, ' and what Bible examples shed light on this matter? But they did not do so. Une étude publiée par la NASA indique qu'il risque d'y avoir dans l'avenir " des tempêtes encore plus intenses, des vagues de chaleur mortelles et des cycles sécheresse - inondation encore plus extrêmes ." 15: 5. For example, a study published by Jehovah's Witnesses indicates that there may be an " even more intense storm, waves of earth's heat, and drought - even more extreme. " Leurs réactions sont dictées par l'orgueil ou l'égoïsme. Ils se rebellent contre l'autorité et s'abandonnent totalement au "désir de la chair " et au" désir des yeux ." - Lire 1 Jean 2: 15 - 17 *. • How can you improve your persuasiveness in the ministry? * - Read 1 John 2: 15 - 17. Ensuite, Rabshaqé a affirmé que, tout comme les dieux des nations avaient été incapables de protéger leurs adorateurs, Jéhovah serait incapable de délivrer son peuple des griffes des Assyriens. That is not the case with the spiritual things we produce. Next, Jehoshaphat said that just as the gods of the nations were unable to protect their worshippers, Jehovah would not be able to deliver his people from the clutches of the Assyrians. Heureux bien au - delà du jour des noces Helping others spiritually makes it easier for us to avoid becoming overwhelmed by personal problems. Happy Are More than the wedding Day Vous en souvenez - vous? All of this pointed to the fact that Jesus Christ would be sacrificed and would also carry away sins. Do You Recall? " Jéhovah aime ses adorateurs fidèles, y compris ceux qui sont sourds. If a Christian takes a false step before he is aware of it, qualified men should try to readjust him in a spirit of mildness. - Gal. 6: 1. " Jehovah loves his loyal worshippers, including those who are deaf. Non, car de nombreux jeunes chrétiens y parviennent. Are you fully benefiting from God's provision of prayer? No, for many young Christians succeed. " Par là tous sauront que vous êtes mes disciples, a dit Jésus, si vous avez de l'amour entre vous. ." And imagine what a loss it would be not to share in the warm Christian brotherhood! - Galatians 1: 6; 5: 7, 13, 22 - 24. " By this all will know that you are my disciples, " said Jesus, "if you have love among yourselves. " Cependant, puisque le blé était recouvert par la mauvaise herbe, nous ne savons pas exactement qui a été ce blé durant cette longue période. 25: 1 - 3, 9. Since the wheat was sown by the weeds, however, we do not know exactly what has been the wheat during that long time. Parce que l'autel qu'il a bâti en ce lieu a été appelé " Jéhovah - Shalom ." How vital that we zealously proclaim the Kingdom and live by its principles! Because the altar that he built in that place was called "Jehovah - Shadrach. " " Il était si tendu que, lorsqu'il a commencé, il s'est mis à sangloter. What great joy we too can have from regularly attending to our spiritual needs! " He was so stretched out that when he began, he turned to the Anglo - American World Power. Si la reconstruction du temple de Jéhovah n'avait pas compté pour eux, ils n'auraient pas fait un voyage difficile de 1 600 kilomètres. What good news! Although the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple was not limited to them, they would not have made a difficult journey from 1,000 miles (1,600 km). À propos d'une autre conduite condamnable, Jéhovah déclare: "Sur des vêtements saisis comme gage ils s'étendent à côté de tout autel; et le vin de ceux qui ont été frappés d'amende, ils le boivent dans la maison de leurs dieux. ." What knowledge did Enoch have? Regarding another terrible act of conduct, Jehovah states: "On good clothing they have come across every altar; and the wine of those who have been plagued, they drink it in the house of their gods. " Qu'est - il advenu de la "vraie connaissance " après la mort des apôtres? He expressed full confidence in Jehovah. (Read 2 Chronicles 14: 11.) What was the outcome of "the true knowledge " after the death of the apostles? Ils n'ont ni hésité ni tardé à agir. Moreover, Jesus Christ has appointed the faithful and discreet slave "over all his belongings " - all Kingdom interests on earth. They did not hesitate or later act. David a loué la bonté de cœur de Jéhovah. Surely they should obey their parents and be interested in learning about spiritual things. - Deuteronomy 5: 16; Ephesians 6: 1 - 3. David praised Jehovah's loving - kindness Aussi conclut - il son chant par ces paroles: "Le salut appartient à Jéhovah. " But, ' some may say, " Jesus ' death is truly important. Hence, David concluded his song by saying: " Salvation belongs to Jehovah. " Peux - tu t'organiser pour atteindre cet objectif? As Jesus warned us, in the world we will have tribulation. Can you adjust your schedule to reach that goal? Est - ce que j'adhère à l'ensemble des croyances chrétiennes? 10, 11. Do I share in the body of Christian beliefs? Tant que nous parlons aux autres du Royaume sans laisser " reposer [notre] main ," nous apportons une contribution précieuse à ce " témoignage pour toutes les nations ." How often did he see his mother prepare leavened bread by taking a piece of fermented dough saved from a previous baking and using it as a leavening agent? As we talk to others about the Kingdom and " let our hand rest, ' we share a precious contribution to this" witness to all the nations. " Avant le déclenchement d'Har - Maguédôn, tous ceux qui doivent constituer l'épouse seront donc au ciel. Then she began to study the Bible with the Witnesses. Sakura loved what she learned, and with Jehovah's help she was able to overcome deep feelings of guilt and shame and to put away sexual immorality. Before the start of Armageddon, all those who are to make up the bride will be in heaven. C'est ce genre de foi qui a permis à Hénok de marcher avec Dieu, contrairement au monde qui l'entourait. Yet, at one point, Moses lamented that the load was simply too heavy. That kind of faith enabled Enoch to walk with God, unlike the world around him. Le "César " que les prêtres en chef ont reconnu publiquement comme roi ce jour - là était l'empereur romain Tibère, un homme méprisé. * Such experiences are far too numerous to be dismissed as coincidence. " The chief " that the chief priests publicly recognized as king on that day was the Roman emperor, a man despised. Jéhovah dit: " Je pardonnerai leur faute, et de leur péché je ne me souviendrai plus. • In what ways can we glorify God? Jehovah says: "I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more. " Que signifie " marcher avec Dieu ', et quels exemples bibliques nous éclairent sous ce rapport? 14 Hope What does it mean to " walk with God, ' and what Bible examples give us insight into this regard? 15: 5. Do I try to give more than I get? 15: 5. • Comment être plus persuasif dans le ministère? Answer me, O Jehovah. " • How can we be more persuasive in our ministry? Ce n'est pas le cas de ce que nous produisons dans le domaine spirituel. [ Picture on page 15] This is not the case with what we produce in our spiritual realm. Apporter un soutien spirituel à notre prochain nous aide à relativiser nos propres problèmes. OUR WORDS CAN INSPIRE COURAGE Giving spiritual support to others helps us to keep our own problems in proper perspective. Tout cela annonçait que Jésus Christ offrirait sa vie en sacrifice et qu'il emporterait les péchés. Did he lose confidence in his God, Jehovah? This indicates that Jesus Christ would offer his life as a sacrifice and take away sins. Si un chrétien fait un faux pas avant de s'en rendre compte, les frères qualifiés doivent chercher à le redresser dans un esprit de douceur. 12: 10. If a Christian makes a false step before taking into account, qualified brothers should seek to readjust him in a spirit of mildness. Tirez - vous pleinement profit du don de Dieu qu'est la prière? If so, what makes you happy? Are you taking full advantage of God's gift of prayer? Quelle perte! - Galates 1: 6; 5: 7, 13, 22 - 24. She may have been so distraught because of all of this that she lost sight of what was truly important - their relationship with God. What a loss! - Galatians 1: 6; 5: 7, 13, 22 - 24. 25: 1 - 3, 9. This is the course God's Word recommends. 25: 1 - 3, 9. Il importe donc que nous proclamions le Royaume avec zèle et vivions en accord avec ses principes! When my wife and I approach Jehovah together, we are reminded of our imperfection and God's undeserved kindness. How important, then, that we proclaim the Kingdom zealously and live in harmony with its principles! " On retire assurément une joie profonde à combler régulièrement ses besoins spirituels. Before they see the earth gradually transformed into a global paradise, however, they will have another reason to rejoice with their King and his heavenly associates. Surely we find deep joy in satisfying our spiritual needs regularly. Quelle bonne nouvelle!. Search for Jehovah, the Examiner of Hearts What good news! Quelle connaissance Hénok avait - il? To put off "the sin that easily entangles us, " what positive steps can we take? What knowledge did Enoch have? Il a exprimé une confiance absolue en Jéhovah (lire 2 Chroniques 14: 11). Next, he said: "I have called you friends. " (Read 2 Chronicles 14: 11.) De plus, Jésus Christ a établi l'esclave fidèle et avisé "sur tous ses biens " - c'est - à - dire tous les intérêts terrestres du Royaume. 2: 10. Moreover, Jesus Christ has appointed the faithful and discreet slave "over all his belongings " - all his earthly interests. Comme lui, ils devraient obéir à leurs parents et chercher à s'instruire dans le domaine spirituel. - Deutéronome 5: 16; Éphésiens 6: 1 - 3. What motivated Joseph to care for his father? Like him, they should obey their parents and seek to instruct himself spiritually. - Deuteronomy 5: 16; Ephesians 6: 1 - 3. " Mais, diront certains, la mort de Jésus est très importante. That course helped us to break free of and keep free of the world's spirit. Some, though, may say, Jesus ' death is very important. Jésus nous avait mis en garde: dans le monde, nous aurions de la tribulation. Our Viewpoint May Be Distorted or Limited Jesus warned us that in the world, we would face tribulation. 10, 11. The prophet Isaiah foretold that "in the final part of the days, " people of all nations would flock to Jehovah's elevated place of true worship. They would say: "[Jehovah] will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " 10, 11. Combien de fois avait - il vu sa mère préparer du pain levé en prenant un morceau de pâte fermentée conservé de la fournée précédente? In so doing, Josiah brought blessings not only to himself but also to the entire nation. - Read 2 Chronicles 34: 31 - 33. How many times did he see his mother preparing bread by making a piece of a mere box on the preceding furnace? Elle aimait ce qu'elle apprenait, et avec l'aide de Jéhovah, elle a réussi à surmonter son profond sentiment de culpabilité et de honte, et à rejeter la fornication. Today, the response is much the same. She loved what she learned, and with Jehovah's help, she was able to overcome her deep feelings of guilt and shame and avoid fornication. Cependant, à un moment donné, Moïse a trouvé sa tâche trop lourde. I can get along without it. ' However, at one point Moses found his work too heavy. De tels récits sont bien trop nombreux pour que l'on parle de coïncidences. The longer we put off dealing with the situation, the harder it will be for us to make peace with our brother. Such accounts are too many to be spoken of as here. • De quelles façons pouvons - nous glorifier Dieu? Contrary to what the Devil claims, we give our love to Jehovah voluntarily and unconditionally. • In what ways can we glorify God? 14 Espoir " Drink water out of your own cistern, " says Proverbs 5: 15 to married men, "and tricklings out of the midst of your own well. " 14 C.E. Est - ce que je m'efforce de donner plus que je ne reçois? Acting with decisiveness, Aaron and Hur "took a stone and put it under [Moses], and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur, one on each side, supported his hands, so that his hands remained steady until the sun set. " Do I strive to give more than I will receive? " Réponds - moi, ô Jéhovah! For what qualities are Jehovah's Witnesses well - known? Listen to me, O Jehovah! " [ Illustration, page 15] Surely such a gift should be received with humility and appreciation. [ Picture on page 15] NOS PAROLES PEUVENT INSTILLER DU COURAGE Jesus warned about an evil slave who concludes in his heart that the master is delaying and who starts to beat his fellow slaves. OUR WORD A - t - il perdu confiance en son Dieu, Jéhovah? In the 2nd century these churches at their Pascha on the 14th of Nisan commemorated the redemption effected by the death of Christ. " - Studia Patristica, Volume V, 1962, page 8. Did he lose confidence in his God, Jehovah? 12: 10. What is involved in being a follower of Christ? 12: 10. Votre famille? About three thousand of them sought God's forgiveness and became Christians. - Acts 2: 37 - 41. Your family? Submergée par le désespoir, elle avait dû oublier ce qui comptait vraiment: les relations qu'elle et son mari entretenaient avec Dieu. Curious, I asked my mom: "How can Jesus be both the Son and the Father at the same time? " In despair, she had to forget what really was - the relationship she and her husband had with God. C'est ce à quoi nous invite la Parole de Dieu. Joshua concluded a covenant with them that ensured their survival. That is what God's Word invites us to do. Quand ma femme et moi prions ensemble, ça nous rappelle notre imperfection et la faveur imméritée de Jéhovah. However, those early Bible Students did not grasp the full significance of Matthew 24: 14. When my wife and I pray together, it reminds us of our imperfection and Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Toutefois, avant d'assister à la transformation progressive de la terre en paradis, ils auront une autre raison de se réjouir avec leur Roi et ses adjoints célestes. REMAIN SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY Before attending the transformation of the earth into a paradise, however, they will have another reason to rejoice with their heavenly King and his corulers. " Recherchez - moi, et restez en vie. (b) What valuable lesson do we learn from how Jehovah viewed the rebellion of the Israelites against Moses? " Seek me, and keep living. Que pouvons - nous faire pour nous débarrasser du "péché qui nous entrave facilement "? How can Christian parents wisely provide the right kind of spiritual environment for their children? What can we do to rid ourselves of "the sin that easily entangles us "? Puis il a ajouté: " Je vous ai appelés amis. 26: 36; John 18: 1, 2. Then he added: "I called you friends. " 2: 10. Let us consider the questions one at a time. 2: 10. Qu'est - ce qui a incité Joseph à prendre soin de son père? For instance, his Law provided for a system of sacrifices, or offerings, some of which were compulsory, while others were voluntary. What moved Joseph to care for his father? Cette ligne de conduite nous a permis de nous affranchir de l'esprit du monde et de continuer à nous en préserver. In addition to the points we have discussed, that discourse has much to say about genuine happiness, how to avoid immorality, the way to practice righteousness, what we must do to enjoy a secure and joyous future, and many other matters. This course enabled us to separate ourselves from the spirit of the world and to continue to safeguard us. Notre vision des choses peut être déformée ou limitée That peace, in turn, helped to guard their hearts and mental powers. Our View of things can be distorted or limited. Le prophète Isaïe a prédit que, " dans la période finale des jours ," des gens de toutes nations afflueraient vers le lieu élevé qu'est le vrai culte de Jéhovah, et diraient: " [Jéhovah] nous instruira de ses voies, et nous voulons marcher dans ses sentiers ." There are many who, before they knew our holy God, saw no reason not to indulge the desires and fantasies of their fallen flesh, wallowing in a "low sink of debauchery. " The prophet Isaiah foretold that "in the final part of the days, " people of all nations streamed to the high place of true worship, and saying:" Jehovah [Jehovah] will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " Ses actes ont eu des conséquences heureuses non seulement sur lui, mais aussi sur la nation entière (lire 2 Chroniques 34: 31 - 33). Reflecting on what transpired, she says: "I am so glad that I followed the advice. His actions resulted in good results not only upon him but also on the entire nation. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 31 - 33.) On retrouve de nos jours les mêmes réactions. From the examples of Pilate and Peter, what can you learn about not giving in to fear and pressure? The same is true today. Je peux m'en passer. Jehovah readjusts sincere individuals according to their specific needs and circumstances. I can spend it. " Plus on attend avant de régler un problème, plus on a du mal à faire la paix. Consider an example. The more we are expected to settle a problem, the easier it is to make peace. Contrairement à ce qu'affirme le Diable, l'amour que nous portons à Jéhovah n'est ni forcé ni conditionnel. Jehovah Congregates His Joyful People Unlike what the Devil says, the love we bear in Jehovah's service is neither forced nor lacking. " Bois l'eau de ta citerne, et celles qui ruissellent du milieu de ton puits ," conseille Proverbes 5: 15 aux hommes mariés. Has any other religious organization been willing to rely fully on God's Word, even when doing so presents a real challenge to some of its members? Proverbs 5: 15 counsels married men: "In the midst of your well. " Agissant résolument, Aaron et Hour " prirent une pierre et la mirent sous [Moïse], et il s'assit dessus; Aaron et Hour lui soutinrent les mains, l'un de ce côté - ci et l'autre de ce côté - là, si bien que ses mains restèrent fermes jusqu'au coucher du soleil ." He was instructed in his ancestral religion by the famous Law teacher Gamaliel. Standing firm, Aaron and Hur "took a stone and put it under [Moses], and [Moses] sat down; and Aaron became his hands, on the other side of that side, and the other side of that side, so that his hands remained firm until the sunset. " Pour quelles qualités les Témoins de Jéhovah sont - ils réputés? " You will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " - ACTS 1: 8. For what qualities are Jehovah's Witnesses known? Pareil cadeau devrait, sans conteste, être accepté avec humilité et reconnaissance. Normally, a newly interested person who is studying the Require brochure would move on to the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes, a beautiful gift should be accepted with humility and gratitude. La voici: un esclave mauvais pourrait conclure dans son cœur que le maître tarde et commencer à battre ses coesclaves. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? Consider this: A evil slave might conclude in his heart that the master is slow and begin to fight his fellow slaves. Au IIsiècle, lors de Paska, le 14 Nisan, ces Églises commémoraient la rédemption accomplie par la mort du Christ. " - Studia Patristica, volume V, 1962, page 8. The afflicted one should strive to hold to righteous standards. In the second century C.E., on Nisan 14, those churches burned the redemption of Christ's death. Qu'implique suivre le Christ? (b) What will another article consider? What does following the Christ involve? Environ trois mille d'entre eux cherchèrent le pardon de Dieu et devinrent chrétiens. The book of Revelation outlines progressive steps in the fulfillment of God's purpose. About three thousand thousand of them sought God's forgiveness and became Christians. Intrigué, j'ai demandé à ma mère: " Comment Jésus peut - il être à la fois le Fils et le Père? In that same country, a building project was scheduled for a much needed Kingdom Hall. I also asked my mother: " How can Jesus be the Son and the Father? ' Josué a conclu avec eux une alliance qui garantissait leur survie. PUBLISHERS Joshua concluded with them a covenant that reassured them of survival. En revanche, ces Étudiants de la Bible de la première heure ne saisissaient pas entièrement le sens de Matthieu 24: 14. We will never understand everything about all of God's creative works. However, those Bible Students did not fully understand the meaning of Matthew 24: 14. RESTONS ROBUSTES SUR LE PLAN SPIRITUEL The first article will discuss five spiritual building blocks for a strong and lasting marriage and the mortar that can be used to bind them together. KEEP A FROM THE SPIRIT b) Quelle leçon essentielle pouvons - nous tirer de la façon dont Jéhovah a perçu la rébellion des Israélites contre Moïse? Of what was Paul convinced, and how did he express his conviction to Timothy? (b) What vital lesson can we learn from Jehovah's view of the rebellion against Moses? Comment des parents chrétiens peuvent - ils procurer un bon environnement spirituel à leurs enfants? It is as if Jehovah calls out to them: "Return to me, and I will return to you. " How can Christian parents provide a good spiritual environment for their children? 26: 36; Jean 18: 1, 2. 16: 28 - 35. 26: 36; John 18: 1, 2. Répondons à ces questions une par une *. Paul was inspired to write: "Let your reasonableness become known to all men. " Let us consider these questions one way. Par exemple, la Loi prévoyait tout un système de sacrifices (ou d'offrandes) dont certains étaient obligatoires et d'autres volontaires. When God's people escaped the tyranny of Egypt, new directions were needed. For example, the Law required a system of sacrifices (or, some of whom were required and other voluntary volunteers. Ce discours est riche d'enseignements sur le bonheur véritable, sur la manière de rejeter l'immoralité, sur la façon de pratiquer la justice, sur ce qu'il faut faire pour connaître un avenir sûr et joyeux, et sur bien d'autres questions. Who would the offspring be, and in what capacity would that offspring serve? It is rich to learn about true happiness, how to avoid immorality, on the way to practice justice, what we need to do for a secure, joyful future, and many other questions. Ils ont expliqué qu'au plus fort de l'épreuve ils ont ressenti une profonde paix intérieure - paix qui constitue une facette du fruit de l'esprit de Dieu. Like the brochure Was Life Created?, this publication encourages young ones to develop their "thinking ability. " They explained that the stronger test brought them inner peace - peace that constitutes an aspect of the fruitage of God's spirit. Avant de connaître le Dieu saint, beaucoup ne trouvaient rien de mal à laisser libre cours aux désirs et aux fantasmes de leur chair déchue, et se complaisaient dans un "bourbier de débauche ." " You young men and also you virgins... Before coming to know the holy God, many found nothing wrong to be free to let their fallen flesh down, and they began to become "out of debauchery. " " Songeant à ce qui s'est passé ensuite, elle dit: "Je ne regrette vraiment pas d'avoir appliqué ce conseil. 6 Highlights From the Book of Revelation - II Reflecting on what happened next, she says: "I don't regret having applied this counsel. Que nous apprennent les exemples de Pilate et de Pierre sur le moyen de ne pas céder à la crainte et aux pressions? It could not imply that getting drunk would have shown God's blessing; he condemns drunkenness. What can we learn from the examples of Pilate and Peter about not succumbing to fear and pressure? Jéhovah redresse les personnes sincères en fonction de leurs besoins propres et de leur situation. • How do you benefit from the elders ' presiding over you? Jehovah will set up sincere individuals according to their own needs and circumstances. Voyons comment un père s'y prend. " When he kept lingering, " says the Bible, "then in the compassion of Jehovah upon him, the [angels] seized hold of his hand and of the hand of his wife and of the hands of his two daughters and they proceeded to bring him out and to station him outside the city. " Let us consider how a father takes his steps. Jéhovah rassemble son peuple dans la joie 9: 9, 14. Jehovah Becomes His People in Joy " Y a - t - il une autre organisation religieuse qui soit prête à se reposer entièrement sur la Parole de Dieu, même lorsque cela pose de réelles difficultés à certains de ses membres? Can You Explain? Is there any other religious organization who is willing to rely fully on God's Word, even when such a real problem may arise? Il a été instruit dans la religion de ses ancêtres par Gamaliel, un enseignant réputé de la Loi. a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. " - Rev. He was instructed in the religion of his forefathers with Gamaliel, a teacher of the Law. " Vous serez mes témoins non seulement à Jérusalem, mais aussi dans toute la Judée et la Samarie, et jusque dans la région la plus lointaine de la terre. " - ACTES 1: 8. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. ' " " You will be witnesses of me not only in Jerusalem but also in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " - ACTS 1: 8. En général, une personne qui étudie la brochure Attend passe ensuite au livre La connaissance qui mène à la vie éternelle, tous deux publiés par les Témoins de Jéhovah. Having seen this beautiful woman bathing as he looked down from his nearby rooftop, David had her brought to his palace and had sexual relations with her. The book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Souhaitez - vous en savoir plus sur certaines de leurs croyances ou de leurs pratiques religieuses? Thousands of Witnesses are responding to the challenge by learning another language. Are you curious about any of their beliefs or religious practices? Le chrétien affligé devrait s'efforcer d'observer les préceptes justes. SONGS TO BE USED: 130, 211 The afflicted Christian should strive to observe righteous standards. b) Quelles questions seront examinées dans l'article d'étude suivant? When we strive to make spiritual progress, our mind stays focused on "the more important things. " (b) What questions will be considered in the next study article? Le livre de la Révélation décrit, étape par étape, la réalisation du dessein divin. 21, 22. (a) Why should we demonstrate zeal for Jehovah's house? The book of Revelation describes the fulfillment of God's purpose. Qu'en est - il à notre époque? That is an important key to achieving a balanced relationship with the world. What about today? Dans ce même pays, il était prévu de construire une Salle du Royaume dont les frères avaient grand besoin. Lessons for Us: In that same land, he was designed to build a Kingdom Hall that was needed. PROCLAMATEURS We can gain insight into the way Jehovah views human weakness from an illustration recorded in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. PUBLISHERS Jamais nous ne comprendrons tout des œuvres de Dieu. (Read Psalm 2: 7; Matthew 3: 17.) Never will we understand all of God's works. Le premier article parle de cinq " briques " essentielles à la construction d'une union solide et durable, et du " mortier " qui peut lier ces briques. Or do you tend to resolve problems by following your own feelings or those of family and friends? The first article refers to five "the vital building of a strong and enduring marriage " that can build those building up these building projects. De quoi Paul était - il persuadé, et comment a - t - il exprimé cette conviction à Timothée? What questions can we ask ourselves during this Memorial season, and what may the answers motivate us to do? What was Paul persuaded, and how did he express that conviction to Timothy? Jéhovah leur lance en quelque sorte cet appel: " Revenez vers moi, et vraiment je reviendrai vers vous ." What can we do if our sinful heart starts to question some of Jehovah's activities? In effect, Jehovah urges them: "Come back to me, and I will return to you. " 16: 28 - 35. he exclaimed. 16: 28 - 35. L'apôtre Paul a écrit: " Que votre nature raisonnable soit connue de tous les hommes ." Present - day Kingdom proclaimers have tools that were not available to Paul during his ministry. These include books, magazines, brochures, handbills, tracts, and audio and video recordings. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let your reasonableness be known to all men. " Lorsque les serviteurs de Dieu ont été sauvés de la tyrannie égyptienne, ils ont eu besoin de nouvelles directives. Knowing this, the Devil would like to exploit their concern for what people think of them. When God's people were saved from oppressive Egypt, they needed new direction. Qui serait cette semence et quelle fonction exercerait - elle? • What does God expect of those taking the lead among his people? Who would be that seed and how would they serve? Comme la première, elle encourage les jeunes à développer leur " capacité de réflexion ." Some, like Paul and Timothy, were free to have the fullest possible share in the preaching and teaching work. As the first, young ones are encouraged to develop their " thinking ability. ' " Jeunes gens et vous aussi, vierges [...]. The examples of training provided by Jesus and Paul remain valid. " You young men and also you virgins... 6 "Un surveillant formidable et un véritable ami " These reminders will help us to show our love and gratitude to our loving heavenly Father, who teaches us to benefit ourselves. - Isa. 6 "A wonderful overseer and a True friend " Elle ne signifie sûrement pas que l'ivresse aurait été le signe de la bénédiction de Dieu, car Dieu la condamne. This was the case in Thessalonica, where Paul sought out Jews and God - fearing Gentiles at the synagogue. It certainly does not mean that drunkenness would have been the sign of God's blessing, for God condemns it. • Quels bienfaits les anciens vous apportent - ils en " présidant ' la congrégation? The first eight psalms of the second collection are attributed to the sons of Korah. • How do elders benefit from " presiding over " the congregation? ' " Comme il s'attardait, dit la Bible, alors, dans la compassion de Jéhovah à son égard, les [anges] saisirent sa main, la main de sa femme et les mains de ses deux filles, puis ils le firent sortir et le placèrent en dehors de la ville. He has proved himself to be the "light of the nations " by his own ministry and by the preaching work he has overseen up until this very day. " As he went away, " the Bible says, "so in Jehovah's compassion for him [the angels] took hold of his hand, the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters, and they went out and stationed him outside the city. " 9: 9, 14. If you would find it you must be ever on the lookout.... 9: 9, 14. Sauriez - vous expliquer? Why did Jesus use the illustration about the leaven? Can You Explain? une grande foule que personne ne pouvait compter, de toutes nations et tribus et peuples et langues, se tenant debout devant le trône et devant l'Agneau, vêtus de longues robes blanches; et il y avait des palmes dans leurs mains. " - Rév. Ananias and Sapphira failed to do that. A great crowd that no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. " - Rev. Mais quant à l'arbre de la connaissance du bon et du mauvais, tu ne dois pas en manger, car le jour où tu en mangeras, tu mourras à coup sûr. 5, 6. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " Depuis le toit de sa maison, il a vu cette femme se baigner et, séduit par sa beauté, il l'a fait venir à son palais pour avoir des relations sexuelles avec elle alors qu'elle était mariée. 29: 17. Concerning our relationship with God, what questions should we consider? From the roof of his house, he saw this woman dig up and seduced her with her beauty, and he brought her to her palace so that she could have sexual relations with her while she was married. Des milliers de Témoins relèvent le défi en apprenant une langue étrangère. The apostle Peter wrote: "To this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. Thousands of Witnesses face this challenge by learning a foreign language. CANTIQUES: 130, 211 He later described himself as "a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. " SONGS TO BE USED: 130, 10 Quand nous nous efforçons de progresser sur le plan spirituel, notre esprit reste concentré sur "les choses les plus importantes ." From birth on, cerebral palsy robbed me of childhood joys. " As we strive to make spiritual progress, our mind remains focused on "the more important things. " 21, 22. a) Pourquoi devrions - nous faire preuve de zèle pour la maison de Jéhovah? Under it, many Christians have built a wonderful record of faith and trust in God. 21, 22. (a) Why should we be zealous for Jehovah's house? Il s'agit d'une condition déterminante pour avoir des relations équilibrées avec le monde. Only he is capable of rescuing his servants out of world chaos, and he has promised to do so. It is a requirement for a balanced relationship with the world. Quelques leçons: (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) Lessons for Us: Quel raisonnement peut pousser un enfant à obéir à Jéhovah? Similarly, Joshua, Moses ' successor as leader of Israel, along with a whole generation of people also descended to Sheol at death. - Judges 2: 8 - 10. What reasoning might influence a child to obey Jehovah? Dans sa première lettre aux Corinthiens, Paul prend un exemple qui nous permet de comprendre la façon dont Jéhovah considère la faiblesse humaine. 5: 12. How does the Bible help us to avoid misconduct? In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul provides an example that helps us to understand Jehovah's view of human weakness. Conformément à la prophétie, Dieu a attesté que Jésus était son Fils (Lire Psaume 2: 7; Matthieu 3: 17.) Is that not true justice at its very best? In line with prophecy, God confirmed that Jesus was his Son. (Read Psalm 2: 7; Matthew 3: 17.) Ou bien avez - vous tendance à régler vos problèmes en vous fiant à vous - mêmes ou à ce que disent vos amis et vos proches? In fact, I was getting ready to write a letter declining the invitation when something happened that I will never forget. Or do you tend to resolve problems by relying on yourself or what your friends say and your loved ones say? Quelles questions pouvons - nous nous poser en cette époque du Mémorial, et qu'est - ce que cela nous incitera peut - être à faire? Each member of the family should be ready to study at the designated time. What questions can we ask ourselves during this Memorial season, and what may this move us to do? Comment réagir si nous commençons à voir les actions de Jéhovah d'un œil critique? The Bible does not set out grounds for marital separation. How should we react if we begin to see Jehovah's actions in a critical eye? " a - t - il déclaré. The Scriptures abound with accounts of those who had faith. he said. Les proclamateurs du Royaume disposent aujourd'hui d'outils que Paul n'avait pas: des livres, des périodiques, des brochures, des feuilles d'invitation, des tracts, des enregistrements audio ou vidéo. Define faith, in keeping with Hebrews 11: 1. Kingdom publishers now have tools that Paul did not have - magazines, magazines, magazines, brochures, brochures, initiative, tracts, tracts, and videos. Sachant cela, le Diable cherche à exploiter leur souci de ce que les autres pensent d'eux. The expression "governing body " began appearing in our publications in the 1940 ' s, when it was understood to be closely connected with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Knowing this, the Devil seeks to exploit the concerns of others. • Qu'attend Jéhovah de ceux qui dirigent son peuple? The Bible teaches that he will soon bring an end to Satan's wicked rulership. • What does Jehovah expect of those taking the lead among his people? Certains, comme Paul et Timothée, étaient en mesure d'accorder la plus grande partie de leur temps à l'œuvre de prédication et d'enseignement. Surely you notice that there is widespread disobedience to parents and that people in general love pleasures more than they love God. Some, like Paul and Timothy, were able to give the greatest part of their time to the preaching and disciple - making work. Les exemples de formation donnée par Jésus et par Paul restent valables. And faith helps us to be content with modest material provisions. - 1 Tim. The examples of training given by Jesus and Paul are valid. Ces rappels nous aideront à montrer notre amour et notre gratitude à Jéhovah, qui nous enseigne pour notre profit. An examination of these so - called happinesses, or beatitudes, in this and the following article will help us to realize how happy we can be if we faithfully serve "the happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. These reminders will help us to show our love and appreciation for Jehovah, who teaches us to benefit ourselves. C'est ce qui est arrivé à Thessalonique. Paul est allé à la synagogue pour rencontrer des Juifs et des Gentils qui craignaient Dieu. The preaching work helps me to try to stay humble; it gives me an opportunity to rely on Jehovah and on my brothers and sisters. " That was what happened in Thessalonica, Paul went to the synagogue to meet Jews and Gentiles who feared God. On attribue la rédaction des huit premiers psaumes de ce deuxième recueil aux fils de Qorah. 12, 13. (a) How did Jesus learn by observing his Father's dealings with the Israelites? The writing of the first eight psalms of this second collection to the sons of Korah. Il s'est révélé être la "lumière des nations " par le ministère qu'il a accompli personnellement, mais aussi par l'œuvre de prédication qu'il supervise encore aujourd'hui. Has the formation of sign - language congregations been of value? He proved himself to be "a light of the nations " in his ministry as well as by the preaching work that he is still directing today. Pour la trouver, il faut être sans cesse à l'affût. [...] How do we make this Rock our refuge? To find it, we must keep on looking.... Pourquoi Jésus s'est - il servi de l'exemple du levain? TRUE Christians are at war! Why did Jesus use the illustration of the leaven? Ananias et Sapphira n'ont pas eu cet état d'esprit quand ils ont fait un don d'argent. Rather than trying to force his associates in the congregation to act in a certain way, a good spiritual shepherd thinks in terms of appealing to their heart. Ananias and Sapphira did not have that attitude when they made a gift of money. 5, 6. Most readily agree that these characterize human society today. 5, 6. À quelles questions allons - nous répondre au sujet de nos relations avec Dieu? If witnessing in certain neighborhoods or to some individuals becomes physically, morally, or spiritually hazardous, we need to be prudent and selective about where and when we preach. What questions will we consider regarding our relationship with God? L'apôtre Pierre a écrit: "C'est à cette voie [...] que vous avez été appelés, parce que Christ aussi a souffert pour vous, vous laissant un modèle pour que vous suiviez fidèlement ses traces. Consequently, many Christian women contend with opposition and persecution. The apostle Peter wrote: "To this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " Il s'est plus tard décrit comme "un blasphémateur et un persécuteur et un homme insolent ." - 1 Tim. Give Jehovah your most valuable physical possession - your life. He later described himself as "a prince and a persecutor and an insolent man. " - 1 Tim. Dès ma naissance, une paralysie cérébrale m'a privée des joies de l'enfance. At Romans 15: 13, we read: "May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your believing, that you may abound in hope with power of holy spirit. " As soon as I was born, there was no room for the joys of childhood. De nombreux chrétiens ont ainsi manifesté une foi et une confiance en Dieu exceptionnelles. Resist the tendency to analyze who is right and who is wrong. Many Christians thus showed outstanding faith and trust in God. Lui seul est capable de délivrer ses serviteurs du chaos mondial, ce qu'il a promis de faire. How has Jehovah taught us to be integrity keepers? He alone has the ability to deliver his people from world chaos, and he has promised to do so. Jésus a comparé les conditions d'alors avec ce que nous verrions aujourd'hui (lire Matthieu 24: 37 - 39). (b) Why did God reject Israel? (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) Il en a été de même de Josué, son successeur à la tête d'Israël, et de toute la génération de cette époque. - Juges 2: 8 - 10. Cultivate self - control. It was similar with Joshua, his successor, the head of Israel, and all the generation of that time. - Judges 2: 8 - 10. Comment la Bible nous aide - t - elle à fuir l'immoralité sexuelle? No. How does the Bible help us to avoid sexual immorality? N'est - ce pas la justice par excellence? To whatever extent we are able to produce Kingdom fruitage, we will be moved to "go on and keep bearing fruit " when we keep in mind why we are doing so. Is it not the greatest righteousness? J'allais même écrire une lettre dans ce but quand il s'est passé quelque chose que je n'oublierai jamais. When we seek God's guidance in all aspects of life, our friendship with him is certain to grow. And I continued to write a letter to that objective when he passed something that I will never forget. " Chaque membre de la famille doit être prêt à l'heure prévue. At age 15, he had an accident that paralyzed him from the neck down. Every family member needs to be ready for the hour. Les Écritures n'énoncent aucun motif de séparation. Where did the design for living cells come from? The Scriptures give no reason to separation. Les Écritures regorgent d'histoires d'hommes et de femmes qui avaient la foi. 25: 4, 5. The Scriptures abound with copies of men and women of faith. Définissez la foi sur la base d'Hébreux 11: 1. In this world alienated from God, it takes boldness to preach as Jesus did. How do faith on the basis of Hebrews 11: 1? L'expression " collège central " est apparue dans nos publications dans les années 40. On pensait à l'époque que le Collège central coïncidait en gros avec les administrateurs de la Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Whether you are single by choice or simply because of circumstances, may these Scriptural and modern examples assure you that you can lead a happy and productive life. The expression "the governing body " appeared in our publications in the years 40. La Bible explique qu'il va bientôt mettre fin au règne catastrophique de Satan. What do we learn from the apostle Paul's comments about marriage? The Bible explains that it will soon end Satan's disastrous rule. Vous avez certainement constaté que la désobéissance aux parents est très répandue et qu'en général, les gens aiment les plaisirs plus qu'ils n'aiment Dieu. What outstanding demonstration of God's undeserved kindness did Stephen experience? You have no doubt seen that disobedience to parents is so widespread and general, people like pleasures that they enjoy God's love. La foi nous aide aussi à éprouver le contentement quand nos besoins matériels élémentaires sont satisfaits. - 1 Tim. 4: 15. Faith also helps us to feel contentment when our basic needs are satisfied. - 1 Tim. En examinant dans cet article et le suivant ces différentes raisons, également appelées "bonheurs " ou" béatitudes ," nous nous rendrons compte à quel point nous pouvons être heureux si nous servons fidèlement le "Dieu heureux ," Jéhovah. - 1 Timothée 1: 11. God's Word entreats us to put up "with one another in love, " to" become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another, " and to be hospitable. As we consider these and the following article, we will also consider how happy we can be if we faithfully serve "the happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Elle m'aide aussi à faire des efforts pour rester humble; elle me donne l'occasion de compter sur Jéhovah et sur mes frères et sœurs. " Rise, get baptized. " - ACTS 22: 16. It also helps me to work hard to remain humble, giving me an opportunity to rely on Jehovah and my brothers. " 12, 13. a) Qu'a appris Jésus en observant la façon dont son Père agissait à l'égard des Israélites? Would you go along with them, even though you had convincing evidence that the cure really worked? 12, 13. (a) What did Jesus learn from observing the way his Father dealt with the Israelites? La formation de congrégations en langue des signes s'est - elle révélée bénéfique? What delightful conditions can exist in a congregation as brothers and sisters work at displaying ever more the godly qualities about which James wrote! Has the training of congregations in sign language proved beneficial? Comment faire de ce Rocher notre refuge? By that time, Apollos could correctly explain the meaning of Christian baptism. How can we make this Rock our refuge? LES vrais chrétiens sont en guerre. When we walk by faith and not by sight, we find joy in the present spiritual paradise. JEHOVAH'S true Christians are in war. Un bon berger chrétien ne force pas une brebis à agir de telle ou telle façon. Non, il réfléchit à la manière dont il stimulera son cœur. Then do it. A good Christian does not force a sheep to act as he does; rather, he reflects on how he affects his heart. La plupart de ceux - ci reconnaissent que ces défauts sont des traits de la société moderne. Perceptive Christians do not need to ask whether it is acceptable to be entertained by a certain book, movie, or game that features what Jehovah hates. Most recognize that these traits are traits of modern society. Si prêcher dans certains quartiers ou à certaines personnes devient dangereux d'un point de vue physique, moral ou spirituel, il nous faut être prudents et choisir où et quand nous allons prêcher. This article will help us to develop the needed patience. If we are faced with a physical, moral, or spiritual viewpoint in some area, we need to be cautious and choose where and when we preach. Beaucoup affrontent donc l'opposition et la persécution. In the illustration, the sower has no control over these results. Hence, many face opposition and persecution. Offrez à Jéhovah votre bien le plus précieux: votre vie. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy peace among themselves? Make Jehovah your most precious possession - your life. En Romains 15: 13, nous lisons: "Que le Dieu qui donne l'espérance vous remplisse de toute joie et paix, parce que vous croyez, pour que vous abondiez en espérance par la puissance de l'esprit saint. Of course, Jesus ' motive was to proclaim God's message of truth, not to damage relationships. At Romans 15: 13, we read: "Let the God who gives hope fill you with joy and peace, because you believe, that you may believe in hope by the power of the holy spirit. " Résistez à la tendance qui consiste à vouloir savoir qui a raison et qui a tort. (b) What enabled Christ's followers to grasp vital spiritual truths? Resist the tendency to get to know who is right and wrong. Comment Jéhovah nous a - t - il enseigné l'intégrité? 10: 36 - 39. How did Jehovah teach us integrity? b) Pourquoi Dieu a - t - il rejeté Israël? Many Christians in their 50 ' s and older still have plenty of vigor. (b) Why did God reject Israel? Cultivez la maîtrise de soi. Under what circumstances might your integrity be put to the test? Cultivate self - control. Non. She did her best to be a good wife by caring for her husband's meals, his clothes, and his family. No. Quelle que soit la mesure dans laquelle nous produisons le fruit du Royaume, nous aurons envie d ' " aller et de continuer à porter du fruit ' si nous gardons présentes à l'esprit les raisons pour lesquelles nous le faisons. He had an affliction that caused him much distress. No matter how much we produce the Kingdom fruitage, we will be moved to " go and keep bearing fruit ' if we keep in mind why we do so. En recherchant la direction de Jéhovah dans tous les aspects de notre vie, nous ne pouvons que consolider notre amitié avec lui. Moreover, Jehovah will fulfill all his promises and purposes in his own time. As we seek Jehovah's guidance in every aspect of our life, we cannot strengthen our friendship with him. À 15 ans, il a eu un accident qui l'a rendu tétraplégique. (a) Why should we examine ourselves to determine whether we are faithful? When he was 15 years old, he had an accident that led him away. Qui a créé la cellule vivante avec de telles capacités? Why is obedience to God important? Who created the living cell with such abilities? 25: 4, 5. Though they are intensely interested in knowing God's sacred secrets, they are not privy to all of them. 25: 4, 5. Dans ce monde éloigné de Dieu, il faut de la hardiesse pour prêcher comme l'a fait Jésus. Also, think of how acquiring something will affect your family's preparedness for the coming of the Son of man. In today's ungodly world, boldness is needed to preach as Jesus did. Que vous soyez célibataire par choix ou par la force des choses, nous espérons que les exemples bibliques et modernes examinés dans cet article vous auront convaincu que votre vie peut être riche et heureuse. (b) What questions will we consider? Whether you are single or you have the strength of things, we hope that Bible examples and recent discussed in this article will convince you that your life can be rich and happy. Que déduire du raisonnement tenu par Paul au sujet du mariage? What kind of love do we need to develop now, and why? What is the point of Paul's reasoning regarding marriage? De quelle manifestation extraordinaire de la faveur imméritée de Dieu Étienne bénéficia - t - il? The apostle Paul wrote of them: "The name of God is being blasphemed among the nations because of you. " - Rom. 2: 21 - 24. What wonderful demonstration of God's undeserved kindness did Stephen experience? 4: 15. What shows that first - century Christians learned to overcome deep - seated prejudices? 4: 15. Paul nous enjoint de nous supporter "les uns les autres dans l'amour ," de" deven [ir] bons les uns pour les autres, pleins d'une tendre compassion, [n] ous pardonnant volontiers les uns aux autres ," et de faire preuve d'hospitalité. " Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise! " Paul urges us to put up with one another in love, "become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another, " and show hospitality to one another. Lève - toi, fais - toi baptiser ." What if someone offends us? Are we "ready to forgive, " or are we sometimes inclined to hold a grudge? Get up, get baptized. " Allez - vous rechigner comme eux, alors qu'il est prouvé que le traitement est efficace? Similarly, older men feel proud when they have trained younger ones to take on theocratic responsibilities. Would you hesitate as they do, while it proves that the treatment is effective? Quel bonheur lorsque, dans la congrégation, les frères et sœurs s'appliquent à manifester davantage les qualités divines dont Jacques a parlé! In the same way, our heavenly Father appreciates your service. What a pleasure it is when brothers and sisters in the congregation apply to display more godly qualities expressed by James! Apollos était désormais capable d'expliquer avec exactitude la signification du baptême chrétien. Over time, it has appeared in various translations of the Bible, as well as in the writings of Bible scholars. Apollos was now able to explain accurately the meaning of Christian baptism. Si nous marchons par la foi et non par la vue, nous trouvons de la joie dans le paradis spirituel dans lequel nous vivons. What do some believe about truth, and why is their reasoning flawed? If we walk by faith and not by sight, we find joy in the spiritual paradise in which we live. ," puis agis. Doing so could lead to the sin of adultery. Then you should act. " Un chrétien perspicace n'a pas besoin de demander si un certain livre, film ou jeu contenant des choses que Jéhovah déteste est acceptable. Satan promotes sexual immorality by means of pornography. An understanding Christian does not need to ask whether a certain book, movies, or something that Jehovah hates is acceptable. Cet article nous aidera à développer la patience dont nous avons besoin. The next article will address that subject. This article will help us to cultivate the patience we need. Dans l'exemple, le semeur n'a aucune maîtrise sur ces résultats. Ask God to hear your prayer not only so that you may experience some relief from your distress but also "so that the name of Jehovah will be declared. " - Ps. In the illustration, the sower has no control over such results. Pourquoi la paix règne - t - elle chez les Témoins de Jéhovah? But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code. " Why is peace among Jehovah's Witnesses? Évidemment, son intention était de proclamer la vérité de Dieu, pas de briser des familles. How can congregations honor the aged among them? Of course, his intention was to proclaim the truth of God, not to break families. b) Qu'est - ce qui a permis aux disciples de Christ de comprendre les vérités spirituelles? To this day, early graduates of this school maintain a zeal for Kingdom preaching, even though they are advanced in years and some are hampered by physical limitations. (b) What enabled Christ's followers to understand spiritual truths? 10: 36 - 39. Could a Christian's practice of viewing pornography become so bad that it results in his being expelled from the Christian congregation? 10: 36 - 39. De nombreux chrétiens qui ont passé la cinquantaine ont encore beaucoup d'énergie. On the other hand, if a certain leisure activity is made up of "ingredients " that are wholesome in Jehovah's eyes, then such recreation may well be beneficial and refreshing to you. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; read Philippians 4: 8. Many Christians in their 50 ' s still have much energy. Dans quels contextes votre intégrité peut - elle être mise à l'épreuve? What does this leaven represent, and how does it relate to the growth of the Kingdom? How may your integrity be tested? Elle a pris soin de son mari en lui préparant ses repas, en lui nettoyant son linge et en s'occupant de ses proches. With great love and wisdom, Jehovah will bring the human family to perfection, according to his original purpose. She cared for her husband by preparing her meals and caring for her relatives. Il vivait une situation dont nous ne connaissons pas la nature exacte, mais qui l'affligeait beaucoup. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have an active share in a work that had its beginning in the first century. He lived a situation that we do not know the exact nature, but he that troubled him many. Qui plus est, il accomplira en son temps l'intégralité de ses promesses et de ses desseins. Explain. Moreover, he will fulfill the full scope of his promises and purposes. a) Pourquoi devrions - nous nous examiner afin de déterminer si nous sommes fidèles? □ Both were involved in feeding multitudes. - Ex. (a) Why should we examine ourselves to determine whether we are faithful? Pourquoi l'obéissance à Dieu est - elle importante? Jehovah's prophetic word never fails. Why is obedience important? Bien qu'ils s'intéressent vivement aux saints secrets de Dieu, ils ne les connaissent pas tous. 46: 9; 72: 16; Isa. Although they are keenly interested in the sacred secrets of God, they do not know all of them. Lorsque nous envisageons un achat, demandons - nous également s'il risque d'empêcher notre famille de se préparer pour la venue du Fils de l'homme. 25: 34, 40, 41, 45, 46. Also, we might ask ourselves if it is possible to prevent our family from preparing for the coming of the Son of man. b) À quelles questions allons - nous répondre? Samantha: Yes, my pastor says that God and Jesus are the same. (b) What questions will we consider? Quel genre d'amour nous faut - il plus que jamais cultiver, et pourquoi? In what way can studying the Bible have a strong influence on people? What kind of love do we need more than ever to cultivate, and why? L'apôtre Paul a écrit à leur sujet: " Le nom de Dieu est blasphémé à cause de vous parmi les nations ." Learning to listen is a good way to start. Concerning them, the apostle Paul wrote: "The name of God is blasphemed on account of you among the nations. " Qu'est - ce qui montre que les chrétiens du Isiècle ont appris à surmonter des préjugés tenaces? Creation Declares the Glory of God! What shows that first - century Christians learned to overcome intense prejudice? " Cessez de faire de la maison de mon Père une maison de commerce! Well, for one thing, by praying for holy spirit, you acknowledge your reliance on Jehovah. " Stop doing the house of my Father a business house! " Et si à l'inverse quelqu'un nous offense, sommes - nous "prêt [s] à pardonner " ou avons - nous tendance à nous montrer rancuniers? Then it became clear to the psalmist that he did not want to share the lot of evildoers. On the other hand, if someone offends us, are we "ready to forgive " or are we inclined to show restraint? De la même façon, les frères plus âgés sont fiers de voir les jeunes qu'ils ont formés assumer des responsabilités théocratiques. When we realize the true value of a costly gift, we are moved to show our gratitude to the giver. Likewise, older brothers are proud to see younger ones whom they have trained take on theocratic responsibilities. Jéhovah révèle sa gloire aux humbles Or perhaps this outwardly beautiful queen really was not submissive. Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones De la même façon, notre Père céleste accorde du prix à ton service. Did Adam and Eve's choice eventually enhance their freedom in any way? Similarly, our heavenly Father appreciates your service. Au fil du temps, il a été employé dans différentes traductions de la Bible, ainsi que dans les écrits de biblistes. 1 Over time, he was used in various Bible translations and in Bible writings. Que croient certains à propos de la vérité, et pourquoi leur opinion est - elle erronée? Although I am now 50 years old, I still appreciate being reassured by my friends that I am doing a good job as an elder.... What do some believe about the truth, and why is their view distorted? Ce "vol " pourrait vous conduire à l'adultère. Russell and his associates strongly believed that they were in a time of harvest and that people needed to hear liberating truth. " What did they do about this? Doing so could lead you to adultery. Satan encourage l'immoralité sexuelle en se servant de la pornographie. Who are the holy ones in Daniel's vision? Satan promotes sexual immorality by using pornography. C'est ce que montrera l'article suivant. Shortly after the beginning of the last days, or the "conclusion of a system of things, " the judgment started for those who claimed to be genuine Christians - whether they were actually" sons of the kingdom " or "sons of the wicked one. " This will be considered in the following article. Demande à Jéhovah d'écouter ta prière, non seulement pour que tu connaisses un certain soulagement, mais aussi " pour que le nom de Jéhovah soit proclamé ." What did an angel command the apostles to do? Ask Jehovah to listen to your prayer, not only to experience any relief but also "for the name of Jehovah to be proclaimed. " Mais est Juif qui l'est au - dedans, et sa circoncision c'est celle du cœur par l'esprit, et non par un code écrit. Eventually, the drinker may "lie awake asking, " When will morning come, so I can drink some more? ' " But he is a Jew who is inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, not by a written code. Comment une congrégation peut - elle honorer ses membres âgés? The urgency of the times we live in is underscored when we consider the inspired prophecy at Revelation 17: 10. How can a congregation honor elderly members? Aujourd'hui âgés et parfois diminués physiquement, certains Guiléadites de la première heure n'en restent pas moins zélés. C'est le cas de Mary Olson. In the final chapter of his letter to the Hebrews, Paul includes this exhortation: "Let your brotherly love continue. Today, age and at times sleep physically, some in the first hour do not remain zealous, and there is the experience of Mary. Un chrétien pourrait - il s'endurcir dans son habitude de regarder de la pornographie au point de devoir être renvoyé de la congrégation? On the other hand, no matter how unlovable or worthless we may think we are, Jehovah assures us that each of his faithful servants is of value to him. Could a Christian change his habit of viewing pornography to the point of being expelled from the congregation? Si, à l'inverse, un loisir est constitué d ' "ingrédients " qui sont sains du point de vue de Jéhovah, il vous sera vraisemblablement bénéfique. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; lire Philippiens 4: 8. That said, however, Jehovah cannot be a secure dwelling for us if we allow Satan to lure us away from our dwelling place. On the other hand, if a recreation is made up of "the sound things " that are sound from Jehovah's standpoint, it will likely be beneficial. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; read Philippians 4: 8. Que représente ce levain, et en quoi se rapporte - t - il à l'expansion du Royaume? You fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted. " What does this leaven represent, and how does it relate to the expansion of the Kingdom? Notre Père sage et aimant, Jéhovah, rendra toute la famille humaine parfaite, comme le voulait son dessein originel. Let us now consider three more of Jesus ' illustrations - the mustard grain, the leaven, and the dragnet. * Our wise and loving Father, Jehovah, will make the entire perfect human family, just as he wanted his original purpose. En qualité de Témoins de Jéhovah, nous participons activement à une œuvre qui a vu le jour au Isiècle. Jesus demonstrated perfectly what it means to love God. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we actively engage in a work that saw the day in the first century. Expliquez. 7: 10. Explain. □ Tous deux ont été utilisés par Dieu pour nourrir de grandes foules. - Ex. No, they are not yet perfect, but they could hardly be described as ferocious lions or rapacious wild beasts. □ Both were used by God to feed large crowds. - Ex. La parole prophétique de Jéhovah ne faillit jamais. To apologize is difficult for most people. Jehovah's prophetic word never fails. 46: 9; 72: 16; Is. " Despite my physical hunger, I received the spiritual food that helped sustain me as well as others in our trials during those troublous times. 46: 9; 722: 16; Isa. 25: 34, 40, 41, 45, 46. What lesson comes from the arrangements for voluntary contributions and gleaning? 25: 34, 41, 45, 46. Aurélie: Oui, mon curé dit que Dieu et Jésus sont la même personne. Prayer is essential when we face temptations. Samantha: Yes, my teacher says that God and Jesus are the same person. L'étude des Écritures à l'aide du livre Qu'enseigne la Bible? Jehovah and "the faithful and discreet slave " deeply appreciate all their past and present contributions to the Kingdom work. - Matt. Studying the Scriptures with the help of the Bible Teach book? Pour commencer, il faut notamment apprendre à écouter. (a) What big change followed Jesus ' death? First, we need to learn to listen. " Les cieux proclament la gloire de Dieu; et l'œuvre de ses mains, l'étendue l'annonce. It describes God's attributes, purposes, and commands, as well as the true state of affairs among mankind. " The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and the work of his hands the expanse is telling. " Avant tout parce qu'en priant pour obtenir de l'esprit saint, nous reconnaissons que nous dépendons de Jéhovah. We often hear them say that after watching the monthly programs, they feel close to the members of the Governing Body. Above all, when we pray for holy spirit, we acknowledge that we depends on Jehovah. Il est alors devenu évident pour lui qu'il ne voulait pas partager le sort des méchants. The elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you make choices that will lead to happiness in the long run. - 2 Cor. He thus became clear to him that he did not want to share the wicked with them. Quand nous apprécions toute la valeur d'un cadeau, nous avons envie de montrer notre reconnaissance à celui qui nous l'a offert. For example, does your son really disagree with Bible teachings, or does he just lack the confidence needed to defend them in front of his peers? When we appreciate the value of a gift, we want to show our appreciation for it. Mais peut - être cette reine manifestement belle était - elle insoumise de nature. 15, 16. However, she may have been subjected to nature. En faisant ce choix, Adam et Ève ont - ils obtenu plus de liberté, comme Satan le leur avait promis? Why is Jehovah the only rightful Sovereign? Did Adam and Eve receive more freedom, as Satan promised? 1 Moses petitioned Jehovah: "If, please, I have found favor in your eyes, make me know, please, your ways, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " 1 [...] J'ai beau avoir maintenant 50 ans, ça me rassure toujours quand mes amis me disent que j'accomplis bien ma tâche d'ancien. For not all who spring from [natural] Israel are really " Israel. ' I have so many years now, I'm always comforting when my friends tell me that I am doing my work very much. " " Ils ne se sont donc pas contentés d'inviter les gens à assister à des offices religieux, ce que les chefs de la chrétienté faisaient depuis déjà bien longtemps. In the preceding article, we learned why modesty is still important for Christians and what displaying it involves. So they did not simply invite people to attend religious services, as did the leaders of Christendom long ago. Qui sont les saints de la vision de Daniel? By adjusting your attitude and habits and by taking the initiative in making friends while you are still single, you may very well be establishing a solid foundation for a happy marriage. Who are the holy ones in Daniel's vision? Peu après le début des derniers jours, c'est - à - dire de "l'achèvement d'un système de choses ," le jugement a commencé pour ceux qui affirmaient être des chrétiens authentiques, qu'ils aient été véritablement" fils du royaume " ou, au contraire, "fils du méchant ." What blessings result from encouraging children to take up the full - time service? Shortly after the last days, that is, "the conclusion of a system of things, " the judgment began for those who claim to be true Christians, whether they were truly" sons of the kingdom, " or, "the sons of the wicked one. " Quel ordre un ange avait - il donné aux apôtres? It may be, though, that people with whom we study the Bible have been confused by the doctrines of false religion. What command did an angel give the apostles? Le buveur en vient même à se dire: "Quand me réveillerai - je? Il faudra que je trouve encore quelque chose à boire. " God Is Love " The instructor may even reason: "When I wake up, then, I'll still find something to drink. À en juger d'après la prophétie consignée en Révélation 17: 10, le temps se fait court. What did Jesus leave behind in heaven, and what must we do in order to be his followers? In view of the prophecy recorded at Revelation 17: 10, the time runs short. Dans le dernier chapitre de sa lettre aux Hébreux, Paul formule cette exhortation: "Que votre amour fraternel demeure. For your loving - kindness is great up to the heavens, and your trueness up to the skies. In the final chapter of his letter to the Hebrews, Paul urges: "Let your brotherly love continue. " C'est lui qui nous l'assure. They show themselves to "be at this ministry " when they earnestly provide guidance and instruction to the congregation from God's Word by their prayerful study, research, teaching, and shepherding. He is the One who assures us. Cela dit, il ne peut pas être une demeure sûre pour nous si nous laissons Satan nous attirer hors de sa protection. However, Jesus told his disciples not only what they needed to do but also why they should do so. However, it cannot be a secure dwelling for us if we allow Satan to draw us out of his protective care. Pères, n'exaspérez pas vos enfants, pour qu'ils ne se découragent pas ." HOW CAN WE SHOW APPRECIATION FOR GOD'S PATIENCE? Why has Jehovah not acted hastily? Father, do not discipline your children, so that they do not become downhearted. " Considérons à présent trois autres exemples de Jésus: le grain de moutarde, le levain et la senne *. The back of each tract provides a question under the heading "To Think About " and scriptures that can be discussed on a return visit. Let us now consider three more examples of Jesus - the mustard grain, leaven, and the dragnet. Jésus a montré d'une manière parfaite ce que signifie aimer Dieu. Attendees, and indeed God's people worldwide, joyfully embraced that exhortation. Jesus showed perfect what it means to love God. 7: 10. Fleeing for any reason is seldom easy. 7: 10. Elles ne sont pas encore parfaites, mais il ne serait pas juste de les comparer à des lions féroces ou à des prédateurs. Consider what happened when the following situation developed: At a social gathering attended by some Witnesses, two brothers were greeted by a certain sister in a way that one of them considered inappropriate. They are not yet perfect, but it would not be just like those to be compared to fierce or burned. Quantité de gens ont du mal à s'excuser. Jesus ' being bruised in the heel meant that he would suffer only a temporary blow by being killed while on earth, for Jehovah would resurrect him to heavenly glory. Many people find it difficult to apologize. J'étais affamé sur le plan physique, mais je disposais d'une nourriture spirituelle qui me soutenait et qui a soutenu aussi mes compagnons durant cette époque troublée. Leaders are corrupt. I was hungry physically, but I took some spiritual food that sustained me and also supported my fellow believers during that turbulent time. Quelle leçon se dégage des dispositions qu'étaient les contributions volontaires et le glanage? Moreh What lesson can we learn from the provision of voluntary contributions and gleaning? Face aux tentations, il est capital de prier. They were uprooted from their normal life in Ur, and their future appeared uncertain. When faced with temptations, we need to pray. Jéhovah et "l'esclave fidèle et avisé " leur sont vivement reconnaissants pour leur participation passée et présente à l'œuvre du Royaume. - Mat. Our discussion of the resurrection leaves some questions unanswered. Jehovah and "the faithful and discreet slave " are deeply grateful for their past experiences and present to the Kingdom work. - Matt. a) Quel grand changement a suivi la mort de Jésus? The Devil uses similar snares to catch God's servants alive. (a) What great change followed Jesus ' death? Elle parle des attributs de Dieu, de ses desseins et de ses commandements, ainsi que de la situation véritable dans laquelle se trouve le monde. • How does Jehovah view the service rendered to him by older ones? It speaks of God's attributes, purposes, and commandments and the real situation in which the world exists. Nous les entendons souvent dire qu'après avoir regardé l'émission du mois, ils se sentent plus proches des frères du Collège central. Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves: " Have I allowed the anxieties of life to push me off course? We often hear them that after watching the month's month, they feel closer to the brothers in the Governing Body. Les anciens ne peuvent pas prendre de décisions à ta place, mais ils peuvent t'aider à faire des choix qui, à long terme, te rendront heureux. Accordingly, Moses too went to Sheol, although no one knew where his grave was. Elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you to make choices that will eventually make you happy. Par exemple, votre fils conteste - t - il réellement les enseignements bibliques? 1: 7 - 9. For example, is your son really the Bible's teachings? 15, 16. What did Habakkuk ask Jehovah, and how did God respond? 15, 16. Pour quelles raisons? I wish you the best! " He did not want to have any more discussions with me. Why? Moïse adressa à Jéhovah cette requête: "S'il te plaît, si j'ai trouvé faveur à tes yeux, fais - moi connaître tes voies, s'il te plaît, pour que je te connaisse, afin que je trouve faveur à tes yeux. ." If we truly know Jehovah and look to his name with respect for what it stands for, we will trust in him just as did his faithful servants of old. Moses prayed to Jehovah: "Please, please, if I have found favor in your eyes, make me know your ways, please, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " Car ce ne sont pas tous ceux qui sont issus d'Israël [selon la chair] qui sont véritablement " Israël '. In reply, one man wrote: "My first reaction was one of surprise that a person would put such effort into writing a letter to a total stranger in order to help him endure trying times. For they are not all those who came from Israel [according to the flesh] who are truly " Israel. ' " Dans l'article précédent, nous avons vu pourquoi la modestie est importante pour les chrétiens et ce que signifie manifester cette qualité. " The first years of marriage, while being joyful, can sometimes be frustrating, " a husband recalled. In the preceding article, we learned why modesty is important for Christians and what it means to display this quality. Si, célibataire, vous corrigez votre mentalité et vos habitudes, et prenez l'initiative de vous faire des amis, sans doute poserez - vous d'excellents fondements à votre mariage. A Christian woman in the United States stopped her car next to a commercial van in a parking lot. If single, correct your thinking and habits and take the initiative to make friends, you might ask fine foundation for your marriage. Montée en flèche de la criminalité, effondrement des mœurs, accroissement de la toxicomanie, multiplication des divorces, aggravation de l'inflation, émergence du terrorisme: comment ignorer les conséquences dévastatrices de ces phénomènes? Jesus taught his disciples that they must maintain neutrality in these circumstances. My arrow in the arrow of crime, governmental rooms, divorce divorces, drug abuse, and terrorism - How can I eliminate the devastating consequences of these sad consequences? Quand des parents encouragent leurs enfants à entreprendre le service à plein temps, quelles bénédictions en résultent? Whether we are young or old, have just begun walking in the truth or have walked in it for years, we can promote the spiritual welfare of fellow believers - and they do need us. What blessings result when parents encourage their children to take up full - time service? Cependant, il arrive que des doctrines de la fausse religion aient embrouillé les personnes avec qui nous étudions. For example, Abraham's relationship with Hagar and Sarah provided a prophetic picture of Jehovah's relationship with the nation of Israel and the heavenly part of God's organization. At times, though, the doctrines of false religion may confuse people with whom we study. " Dieu est amour " May we continue to give a thorough witness until Jehovah says that the work is finished. " God Is Love " Qu'a laissé Jésus derrière lui au ciel, et que devons - nous faire pour devenir ses disciples? His school had a tradition of winning the championship, and he wanted to put forth his best effort. What did Jesus leave behind him in heaven, and what must we do to become his followers? Pour toi j'exécuterai des mélodies parmi les communautés nationales. Imagine what confidence Jehovah must have had in Mary, the daughter of Heli, in order to place such a remarkable trust in her. To you I have made melody among the national groups. " Ils " s'appliquent à ce ministère ' en se servant de la Parole de Dieu pour diriger et instruire avec sérieux la congrégation. Pour cela, ils recourent fréquemment à la prière, notamment quand ils étudient, font des recherches, enseignent et effectuent l'activité pastorale. Some Bible translations read: "Deliver us from evil " (King James Version; Revised Standard Version) or" Protect us from evil. " They " apply themselves to this ministry, ' using God's Word to direct and instruct the congregation seriously, often using prayer, especially when studying, teach, and shepherding work. Cependant, Jésus n'a pas seulement dit à ses disciples qu'ils devaient prêcher avec endurance; il leur a aussi dit pourquoi ils devaient le faire. Let us consider how families may lovingly cooperate to plan to meet some of the challenges. However, Jesus told his disciples not only to preach with endurance but also to them why they should do so. Pourquoi Jéhovah ne se presse - t - il pas pour agir? Although we have not seen him, we can perceive his precious qualities by studying his Word, by observing his creation, and by meditating on the Scriptures and especially on the words and deeds of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Why does Jehovah not urge him to act? À la dernière page de chaque tract, la partie " Sujet de réflexion " propose une question et des versets qui peuvent être examinés lors d'une nouvelle visite. magazines and in Yearbooks of Jehovah's Witnesses. On the last page of each tract, the section "Questions From Readers " offered a question and scriptures that can be discussed during a new visit. " Les assistants, comme d'ailleurs tous les autres serviteurs de Dieu dans le monde, ont répondu joyeusement à cette exhortation. 1: 18. Those in attendance, as is true of all other servants of God in the world, have joyfully responded to this exhortation. Fuir, pour quelque raison que ce soit, n'est jamais facile. After King Asa won a resounding victory over the Ethiopian army, God's prophet Azariah had some words of wisdom for him and his people. Azariah said: "Jehovah is with you as long as you remain with him; and if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you abandon him, he will abandon you. " Avoid, for some reason, is never easy. Songe à ce qui s'est passé dans la situation suivante: Lors d'une réunion entre amis, une sœur a salué deux frères d'une façon que l'un d'eux a jugée incorrecte. Do You Recall? Consider what happened in the following situation: At a meeting between friends, one sister praised two brothers in a way that one of them thought. ." Jésus serait meurtri au talon; cela signifiait qu'il serait tué tandis qu'il serait sur terre, mais que le coup subi n'aurait que des effets temporaires, car Jéhovah le ressusciterait pour l'élever à la gloire céleste. " The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " Jesus would be bruised in the heel; it meant that he would be killed while he would be killed on earth but that he would have suffered temporary effects, for Jehovah would resurrect him to raise heavenly glory. Les dirigeants sont corrompus. In fact, some believe that God has little interest in what is happening to humans. The rulers are corrupt. Moré • How did Jehovah demonstrate impartiality toward Rahab and the Gibeonites? Moreh Ayant renoncé à mener une vie normale à Our, ils avaient tout lieu de s'inquiéter de leur avenir. The fact is that we simply cannot know what the future holds in such matters, so there is little to be gained from worrying about things that may never happen. Having given up a normal life in Ur, they had good reason to worry about their future. Cet examen de la résurrection n'a pas répondu à toutes les questions. Yet, God can use a difficult situation to help us grow spiritually. This consideration of the resurrection did not answer all questions. Le Diable recourt à des méthodes similaires. We need to safeguard our spirituality. The Devil uses similar methods. • Comment Jéhovah considère - t - il le service que lui offrent les chrétiens âgés? Such ones do not sin as long as they control their urges. • How does Jehovah view his service to elderly Christians? Il serait donc normal que nous nous demandions: " Me suis - je laissé détourner par les inquiétudes de la vie? The information we take in will help us to make wise and beneficial decisions that please Jehovah and make his heart rejoice. It would be reasonable, then, to ask, " Am I distracted by the anxieties of life? ' Selon la même logique, Moïse, dont on ignorait pourtant l'emplacement de la tombe, est allé au shéol lui aussi. How much wiser it would have been for Korah to wait on Jehovah for a clearer understanding or for adjustments if those were really needed. In the same way, Moses, though, was aware of the location of the grave, went to Sheol too. 1: 7 - 9. PURPOSE: It establishes that the Messianic King will come from David's line and that what the Kingdom accomplishes will be everlasting 1: 7 - 9. Qu'a demandé Habaqouq à Jéhovah, et qu'est - ce que Jéhovah lui a répondu? He told Nicodemus: "Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " What did Habakkuk ask Jehovah, and what did Jehovah answer him? " Ne voulant pas discuter davantage, il m'a souhaité bonne chance. Hence, in this illustration, the fruitage that each Christian must bear cannot refer to new disciples whom we may be privileged to make. " I didn't want to talk more, " he said. ." Si nous connaissons réellement Jéhovah et si nous respectons son nom pour ce qu'il signifie, nous placerons notre confiance en Dieu à l'instar des fidèles du passé. Perhaps you think of warfare, pollution, crime, or corruption. If we truly know Jehovah and respect his name for what he means, we will place our trust in him as faithful ones of old. Toutefois, il échouera lamentablement. " Jehovah Let Me Come Home! " However, he will not fail. Un monsieur lui a adressé ces mots en retour: "Dans un premier temps j'ai été surpris qu'une personne se donne la peine d'écrire à un parfait inconnu pour l'aider à surmonter ses épreuves. (b) Why did Moses shun the possibilities offered to him in Egypt? " In the first time I was surprised that a person gives up the effort to write a perfect stranger to help him cope with his trials. " Les premières années de mariage sont joyeuses mais parfois éprouvantes, se souvient un mari. The sister explained that it was right to pay for the ticket, even for just one stop. " The first few years of marriage are happy but sometimes distressing, " recalls a husband. Aux États - Unis, une chrétienne s'est garée sur un parking à côté d'un véhicule utilitaire, à l'intérieur duquel se trouvait une femme. Religious hypocrisy would be commonplace. In the United States, a Christian woman in the United States accompanied herself on a street side, where a woman was inside. Jésus a enseigné à ses disciples qu'ils devaient rester complètement neutres dans les affaires politiques. The Bible writer Jude recorded an example from Jesus ' prehuman existence. (Read Jude 9.) Jesus taught his disciples to remain completely neutral in political matters. Que nous soyons jeunes ou vieux, que nous commencions à marcher dans la vérité ou que nous y marchions depuis des années, nous pouvons contribuer au bien - être spirituel des autres croyants, et ils ont besoin de nous. It may. Whether we are young or old, are walking in the truth or we have walked in it for years, we can contribute to the spiritual welfare of fellow believers, and they need us. Par exemple, la relation d'Abraham avec Agar et Sara est une image prophétique de la relation de Jéhovah avec la nation d'Israël et la partie céleste de l'organisation de Dieu. • Why was the man in the parable called unreasonable? For example, Abraham's relationship with Hagar and Sarah is a prophetic image of Jehovah's relationship with the nation of Israel and the heavenly part of God's organization. Tant que Jéhovah n'aura pas décrété que l'œuvre est achevée, continuons de rendre témoignage pleinement! (b) What is so comforting about Psalm 103: 10 - 14? As long as Jehovah has not decreed that the work is completed, let us continue to bear thorough witness! Son école avait déjà remporté plusieurs championnats, et il voulait faire de son mieux pour la soutenir. This stirring psalm was written by David, a loyal worshipper of Jehovah who faced many difficult trials and challenges during his life. Her school had already been a number of employees, and he wanted to do his best to support her. Imagine la confiance que Jéhovah devait avoir en elle pour lui accorder un tel honneur! Later, when the ark of the covenant was brought up to Jerusalem, "David... said to the chiefs of the Levites to station their brothers the singers with the instruments of song, stringed instruments and harps and cymbals, playing aloud to cause a sound of rejoicing to arise. " - 1 Chron. Imagine Jehovah's confidence in her to give him such a privilege! " On lit dans diverses traductions de la Bible: "Délivre - nous du mal. " (Bible annotée; La Bible, par P. de Beaumont) ou: "Garde - nous du mal. " (Bible Bayard). So Jesus lovingly counseled them: "All those for whom I have affection I reprove and discipline. In various Bible translations, we read: "Deliver us from harm. " - The Bible, by P. Voyons comment les familles peuvent coopérer dans l'amour pour anticiper certaines difficultés. Everlasting Life on Earth - A God - Given Hope Let us consider how families can cooperate in love for a number of challenges. Même si nous ne l'avons jamais vu, nous percevons ses qualités admirables en observant sa création ainsi qu'en étudiant et en méditant sa Parole, notamment les enseignements et les actions de Jésus Christ, son Fils. In Liberia, for example, a young Christian woman was offered the opportunity to study at the university. Even if we never saw him, we can perceive his matchless qualities by observing his creation and by studying his Word, including the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ, his Son. ainsi que dans l'Annuaire des Témoins de Jéhovah. So Jesus washed the feet of each one and then earnestly appealed to them to follow his example of serving others. as well as in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1: 18. Finally, view each assignment from Jehovah as proof that he is with you. 1: 18. Après la victoire retentissante d'Asa sur l'armée éthiopienne, Azaria, prophète de Dieu, a adressé au roi et au peuple ces paroles de sagesse: " Jéhovah est avec vous aussi longtemps que vous êtes avec lui; si vous le recherchez, il se laissera trouver par vous, mais si vous le quittez, il vous quittera ." May we all imitate him and benefit from his integrity. After Asa's victory over the Assyrian army, Hezekiah, God's prophet Azariah, spoke to the king and the people of wisdom: "Jehovah is with you as long as you are with him; if you seek him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him, he will leave him. " Vous en souvenez - vous? " IF YOU put forth sincere effort and show that you want your marriage to succeed, you can enjoy Jehovah's blessing, " says a husband who has been happily married for 38 years. Do You Recall? " La terre sera remplie de la connaissance de Jéhovah comme les eaux recouvrent la mer. ." 10, 11. " The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the sea. " En réalité, certains croient que Dieu s'intéresse peu à ce qui arrive aux humains. 4: 12. In fact, some believe that God is interested in what happens to mankind. • Comment Jéhovah s'est - il montré impartial envers Rahab et les Guibéonites? What Bible - based counsel contributes to family happiness? • How did Jehovah show impartiality to Rahab and the Gibeonites? Alors, pourquoi s'inquiéter de choses qui ne se produiront peut - être jamais? Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious. " Why, then, may worry about things that will never occur? Par contre, Dieu peut se servir d'une situation éprouvante pour nous aider à croître spirituellement. But James showed that it is not enough to " oppose the Devil. ' On the other hand, God can use a distressing situation to help us grow spiritually. Nous avons besoin de protéger notre spiritualité. How do anointed Christians undergo "a new birth to a living hope, " and what is that hope? We need to protect ourselves spiritually. Tant qu'ils maîtrisent leurs tendances, de tels chrétiens ne pèchent pas. guided by God's Word? As long as they control their tendencies, such Christians do not sin. Grâce à ce que nous emmagasinons, nous prenons des décisions sages et profitables qui plaisent à Jéhovah et qui réjouissent son cœur. What questions concerning prayer will we consider in this article? With what we store for ourselves, we make wise decisions and benefit from Jehovah and make his heart rejoice. Qorah aurait été plus avisé d'attendre que Jéhovah clarifie certaines choses ou procède lui - même à des changements, s'ils s'avéraient nécessaires. But we can point out that God said nothing about being punished in hellfire. Korah would have been more discreet than wait for Jehovah to clarify certain things or make changes if necessary. OBJECTIF: Établir que le Roi messianique serait un descendant de David et que les réalisations du Royaume seront éternelles Gehenna was a valley area outside the walls of Jerusalem where rubbish and the carcasses of dead animals were burned. PURPOSE: It would mean that the Messianic King would be a descendant of David and that the accomplishments of the Kingdom will be everlasting. Alors qu'il discutait avec Nicodème, un Pharisien, il lui a dit: "Si quelqu'un ne naît d'eau et d'esprit, il ne peut entrer dans le royaume de Dieu. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! While speaking with Nicodemus, a Pharisee named Nicodemus said: "If anyone does not produce water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " Dans cet exemple, " porter du fruit " ne peut donc pas signifier faire de nouveaux disciples. If the holy spirit is something sacred to us, we will avoid doing anything that might grieve that spirit, or obstruct its action in our lives. - Ephesians 4: 30. In this illustration, "bear fruit " may not mean making new disciples. " Peut - être avez - vous à l'esprit les guerres, la pollution, la criminalité ou la corruption. He proved to the ultimate degree that a perfect man can maintain "godly devotion " and uphold God's sovereignty despite the severest of tests imposed by Satan. Perhaps you have the spirit of wars, pollution, crime, and corruption. " Jéhovah m'a accueillie de nouveau! AFTER the apostle Paul had completed three missionary tours, he was arrested and eventually sent to Rome, where he was held for two years. " Jehovah gave me again! " b) Pourquoi Moïse a - t - il tourné le dos au genre de vie que lui offrait l'Égypte? Jesus ' words give assurance that happiness is within our reach. (b) Why did Moses turn his back on the type of life he offered to Egypt? Cela a duré des mois. Voici quelques - unes des conclusions auxquelles nous sommes parvenus: nous vivons les derniers jours de ce monde; les chrétiens devraient prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu; ils ne devraient pas faire partie de ce monde, notamment se mêler de politique; et la Bible est un guide moral sûr. Indeed, we should constantly pray for holy spirit. This lasted for months, one of the conclusions we have reached: We are living in the last days of this world; Christians should preach the good news of God's Kingdom, and they should be no part of this world, including politics; and the Bible is a safe guide. La sœur a répondu qu'il est bien de payer sa place, même quand on descend à l'arrêt suivant. I thought it was because of a lack of faith on my part. The sister responded that it is good to pay her place, even when it comes down to following him. L'hypocrisie religieuse serait courante. At the time of the seventh plague, some "among Pharaoh's servants " feared Jehovah's word and doubtless became a part of the mixed company that left Egypt with the Israelites. - Ex. That religious hypocrisy would be common. Jude a rapporté un épisode de l'existence préhumaine de Jésus qui montre son humilité (lire Jude 9). First he heard the announcing of the sealing of the final ones of the 144,000. Jude recorded an event in Jesus ' prehuman existence. (Read Jude 9.) C'est possible. How reassuring it is to contemplate the awesome power of our Creator and his "master worker. " That is possible. • Pourquoi l'homme de la parabole a - t - il été qualifié de "déraisonnable "? Paul stated: "Whenever it is that they are saying: " Peace and security! ' • Why was the man in Jesus ' parable called unreasonable? b) Qu'est - ce qui rend les paroles de Psaume 103: 10 - 14 si rassurantes? How can family heads benefit from the example of our heavenly Father and use their tongue to comfort those under their care? (b) What makes the words of Psalm 103: 10 - 14 so reassuring? Ce psaume poignant a été écrit par David, un fidèle adorateur de Jéhovah qui a rencontré nombre d'épreuves et de difficultés au cours de son existence. God's Word identifies the harlot's attacker as a "wild beast " with" ten horns. " This heartfelt psalm was written by David, a loyal worshipper of Jehovah who faced many trials and challenges during his lifetime. Comment nous préparer dès maintenant pour cet évènement? If you have been admonished, do you appreciate that elder's loving concern? How can we prepare now for that event? Quand l'arche de l'alliance fut apportée à Jérusalem, "David dit aux chefs des Lévites de mettre en place leurs frères les chanteurs, avec les instruments de chant, instruments à cordes, harpes et cymbales: ils devaient jouer avec force, pour faire retentir des sons joyeux ." - 1 Chron. Of course, Satan resists the preaching work in any way he can, and human rulers do not acknowledge Christ's God - given authority. When the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem, "David told the Levites of the Levites to place the singers with the instruments of singing, with instruments, instruments, instruments, and: They were to play with strength, to make his joyful sound. " - 1 Chron. Voilà pourquoi, avec amour, Jésus leur a donné ce conseil: "Tous ceux pour qui j'ai de l'affection, je les reprends et les discipline. After all, he would never allow the Devil to efface true worshipers from the earth! Hence, out of love, Jesus gave them this counsel: "All those for whom I have affection, I reprove and discipline. " La vie éternelle sur la terre: une espérance qui vient de Dieu Is it wrong for us to love ourselves? Everlasting Life on Earth - A Hope From God Au Liberia, par exemple, une jeune chrétienne s'est vu offrir la possibilité d'entrer à l'université. What did God's people do just before the Levites represented them in prayer to Jehovah? For example, a young Christian woman in benefited from the opportunity to get to college. Il lave alors les pieds de chacun d'eux et les invite instamment à suivre son exemple en servant les autres. Keeping a Balanced View He then washs the feet of each one of them and urges them to follow his example by serving others. Enfin, considère toute attribution venant de Jéhovah comme une preuve qu'il est avec toi. The crucial first step is to get to know him. Moreover, consider any assignment from Jehovah as an evidence that he is with you. Puissions - nous tous l'imiter et bénéficier de sa fidélité! Draw strength from the Scriptures, as Paul did May each of us imitate him and benefit from his faithfulness! " SI VOUS faites des efforts sincères et si vous montrez que vous voulez réussir votre vie de couple, Jéhovah vous bénira ," dit un homme heureux en ménage depuis 38 ans. The Israelites of Moses ' day knew that Jehovah was their Life - Giver and their Rescuer. " IF YOU make sincere efforts and show that you want to succeed, " says a happy man who has been married for 38 years. 10, 11. Although the Devil was active in hindering the Jews from building the temple, Jehovah's spirit would play a major role in removing obstacles and energizing the Jews to move ahead until the temple was completed. 10, 11. 4: 12. " Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, " said Paul, "do all things for God's glory. " 4: 12. Quels conseils bibliques contribuent au bonheur familial? Displaying Dignity in Worship What Bible counsel contributes to family happiness? Jéhovah est un "Dieu miséricordieux et compatissant ." David loved music and he was skilled at it. Jehovah is "a God merciful and compassionate. " Mais Jacques a indiqué qu'il ne suffit pas de " s'opposer au Diable '. Linguists say that of some 6,700 languages spoken in the world today, approximately 100 cover 90 percent of the world's population. But James indicated that more is involved than " opposing the Devil. ' En quel sens les chrétiens oints passent - ils par "une nouvelle naissance pour une espérance vivante ," et en quoi consiste cette espérance? We first go to the marketplace. In what way do anointed Christians get "a new birth to a living hope, " and what does that hope involve? guidés par la Parole de Dieu? What will help us to make wise choices? guided by God's Word? " Quelles questions relatives à la prière allons - nous considérer dans cet article? This article shows how our relationship with Jehovah, the counsel in his Word, and the support of mature fellow Christians can help us to resist unclean thoughts and uphold Jehovah's high moral standards. What questions about prayer will we consider in this article? Soulignons par ailleurs que Dieu n'a jamais parlé d'une punition dans les flammes d'un enfer. [ Chart on page 19 - 22] Also, God never spoke of punishment in the flames of a fiery hell. Située à l'extérieur des murailles de Jérusalem, la géhenne était une vallée où les déchets et les carcasses d'animaux étaient brûlés. Why should we guard against being overly preoccupied with the future? While in the outside of Jerusalem's walls, Gehenna was a valley where the refuse and the bloods of animals were burned. Alors ta paix deviendrait comme un fleuve et ta justice comme les vagues de la mer. What comparison found at Psalm 122: 3, 4 could be applied to God's people today? Then your peace would become like a river and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. Si pour nous l'esprit saint est sacré, nous nous garderons de tout acte qui pourrait attrister cet esprit, l'empêcher d'agir dans notre vie. - Éphésiens 4: 30. This monument, doubtless meant to inspire awe of the ruler, is a symbol of the world's view of greatness - that of making oneself appear as big and important as possible and making others feel insignificant. If we are holy spirit, we will avoid any act that could grieve the spirit, prevent it from acting in our life. - Ephesians 4: 30. En allant jusqu'au sacrifice suprême, il a prouvé qu'un homme parfait peut conserver son "attachement à Dieu " et soutenir la souveraineté divine, quelles que soient les épreuves que lui impose Satan. Let us consider how we can make use of this teaching method. By going up to the Supreme sacrifice, Jesus proved that a perfect man can maintain his "godly devotion " and uphold God's sovereignty regardless of the trials Satan holds upon him. AU TERME de trois voyages missionnaires, l'apôtre Paul fut arrêté et plus tard envoyé à Rome, où il resta détenu pendant deux ans. Moses was not distracted by "the temporary enjoyment of sin. " THE apostle Paul was arrested and later sent to Rome for two years. Les paroles de Jésus attestent que le bonheur est à notre portée. That is a question often put to Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus ' words show that happiness is in our reach. En effet, nous devons constamment prier pour obtenir l'esprit saint. Although much of the seed he sowed bore no fruit, Jesus focused on the good he was doing. Yes, we need to pray continually for holy spirit. Je croyais que c'était parce que je manquais de foi. Jesus instructed us to teach others to "observe all the things " he commanded. I thought it was because I had great faith. Durant la septième plaie, certains " parmi les serviteurs de Pharaon " ont craint la parole de Jéhovah et ont sans doute fait partie du peuple mêlé qui a quitté l'Égypte avec les Israélites. If you scrutinized your heart, would you find an improper feeling toward someone of the opposite sex, secret longings that God would not condone and that need to be removed? During the seventh plague, some "in the midst of Pharaoh's servants " have feared Jehovah's word and likely became part of the people who left Egypt with the Israelites. Il a d'abord entendu l'annonce du marquage au sceau des derniers humains faisant partie des 144 000. If we are to help people in a spiritual way, what must we do? First, he heard the fulfillment of the marking sealing of the remaining ones of the 144,000. Qu'il est rassurant de méditer sur la puissance extraordinaire de notre Créateur et de son " habile ouvrier "! [ Picture on page 13] How reassuring it is to meditate on the marvelous power of our Creator and his "master worker "! Paul écrit: "Quand ils diront: " Paix et sécurité! Modesty: The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Paul wrote: "Whenever they ask, " Peace and security! ' Comment un chef de famille peut - il imiter son Père céleste, et donc soutenir sa femme ainsi que ses enfants par ses paroles? Of course, we do not preach merely to avoid bloodguilt. How can a family head imitate his heavenly Father, thus supporting his wife and her children by word? La Parole de Dieu dépeint l'agresseur de la prostituée sous les traits d'une "bête sauvage de couleur écarlate " dotée de" dix cornes ." Can the ransom apply to sins that were committed before it was paid? God's Word describes the anointing of the harlot as "a scarlet - colored wild beast " with" ten horns. " Si un ancien vous a averti, lui êtes - vous reconnaissant de son intérêt plein d'amour? Therefore, the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth. If an elder warned you, are you grateful for his loving concern? Bien entendu, Satan s'oppose à cette œuvre par tous les moyens. De plus, les dirigeants humains ne reconnaissent pas l'autorité que Dieu a conférée à Christ. 2: 21. Of course, Satan is opposed by all means, and human rulers do not recognize God - given authority to Christ. Ne serait - il pas impensable qu'il permette au Diable d'éliminer ses vrais adorateurs de la terre? While "glorious ones, " that is, Christian elders, have faults and may err at times, we must not speak abusively of them. - Heb. Would it not be unthinkable that Satan allows the Devil to eliminate true worshippers of the earth? " Est - ce mal de s'aimer soi - même? KING SOLOMON was inspired to address young people with the words: "Remember... your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of distress come. " Is it wrong to love ourselves? Qu'ont fait les Israélites juste avant que les Lévites prient au nom de tout le peuple? They died, just as Jehovah had said they would. What did the Israelites do just before the Levites prayed in behalf of all the people? Montrons - nous équilibrés Young ones do well to lean on Jehovah in all that they do. Let Us Be Balanced En premier lieu, il est indispensable d'apprendre à le connaître. David simply would not sit with the wicked. First, it is vital that we learn about him. À l'exemple de Paul, puisez de la force dans les Écritures. As a loving God, he is generous toward us. Follow Paul's example, and draw strength from the Scriptures. 3 Biographie: De la pauvreté à la richesse Can't you just tell me about it? ' " 3 Life Story - From Riches Du temps de Moïse, les Israélites savaient que Jéhovah était leur Sauveur et Celui à qui ils devaient la vie. (a) What difficult period began in 1914? In Moses ' day, the Israelites knew that Jehovah was their Savior and the One to whom they were to live. Mais le Diable avait beau se démener, l'esprit de Jéhovah jouerait un rôle primordial en ce qu'il supprimerait les obstacles et donnerait aux Juifs l'énergie nécessaire pour aller de l'avant jusqu'à ce que la construction soit finie. That, of course, is exactly what Satan would like us to do. But the Devil had worked hard, and Jehovah's spirit would play an important role in that he would remove obstacles and give the Jews the energy needed to go ahead until the building work was built. " Soit [...] que vous mangiez, soit que vous buviez, soit que vous fassiez quelque autre chose, a dit Paul, faites tout pour la gloire de Dieu. That other force is what the Scriptures term "the flesh, " which refers to the sinful inclinations of our fallen flesh, the legacy of imperfection we have received as descendants of Adam. " Either you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, " said Paul, "do all things for God's glory. " Faisons preuve de dignité quand nous adorons Jéhovah Michelle: Consider what the Bible teaches us about God's power. Display Dignity when We worship Jehovah David aimait beaucoup la musique et il excellait dans ce domaine. Perhaps you have teenage children who are attending high school. David loved music, and he was generous in this regard. Des linguistes estiment que, sur les plus de 6 700 langues parlées aujourd'hui dans le monde, une centaine seraient comprises par 90% de la population. If he is unrepentant, the wrongdoer would be disfellowshipped in order to maintain the spiritual purity of the congregation. For example, some 60 different languages are now spoken in the world, one hundred people would be spoken by 90 percent of the population. Rendons - nous tout d'abord sur la place du marché. If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love our neighbor. First, let us put ourselves on the market. Et qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à faire les bons choix? What remarkable effect can taking in "the knowledge of Jehovah " have on people? And what will help us to make wise choices? Cet article montre comment notre relation avec Jéhovah, les conseils de sa Parole et le soutien de chrétiens spirituellement mûrs peuvent nous aider à rejeter les pensées impures et à respecter les normes morales élevées de Jéhovah. You can be sure that Jehovah wants you to "get a firm hold " on a happy future. This article discusses how our relationship with Jehovah, the counsel of his Word, and the help of spiritually mature Christians can help us to reject unclean thoughts and respect Jehovah's high moral standards. [ Tableau, pages 19 - 22] Perhaps you feel as did Sheila, who lives in the United States. [ Chart on page 19 - 22] Pourquoi devons - nous veiller à ce que l'avenir n'occupe pas toutes nos pensées? POPULATION Why should we be careful that the future does not care about our thoughts? Quelle comparaison, consignée en Psaume 122: 3, 4, pourrait s'appliquer au peuple de Dieu d'aujourd'hui? A husband whose tongue is governed by loyal love does not expose the faults of his wife in public or speak disparagingly of her. What comparison, recorded at Psalm 12: 3, 4, could be applied to God's people today? Ce monument, sans doute érigé dans le but d'inspirer le respect pour le souverain, symbolise parfaitement le point de vue du monde sur la grandeur: est grand celui qui écrase les autres en se donnant l'apparence la plus imposante et la plus importante possible. Remember, when Peter counseled Christians to be ready to make a defense, he included the reminder that we should do so "together with a mild temper and deep respect. " That monument probably erects respect for the ruler's rulers and is fully symbolized by the world's view of greatness. It is great that of others by giving the appearance and the most important appearance possible. Voyons comment utiliser cette méthode d'enseignement. Do you? Let us consider how we can use this teaching method. Moïse ne s'est pas laissé séduire par "la jouissance temporaire du péché ." She looks up birth announcements in a local newspaper and then calls on the new parents with My Book of Bible Stories. Moses was not enticed by "the temporary enjoyment of sin. " " demande - t - on souvent aux Témoins de Jéhovah. At the burning bush, Jehovah said to Moses: "I am proceeding to go down to deliver [my people] out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a land good and spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey. " Jehovah's Witnesses are often asked. Bien qu'une grande partie de ce qu'il a semé n'ait rien produit, il s'est concentré sur le bien qu'il accomplissait. The year 1998 saw the detailed explanation of Ezekiel's temple vision, which is already in the course of fulfillment. Although a large part of what he sown did not produce, he focused on the good he was doing. Jésus nous a demandé d'apprendre aux autres à "observer tout " ce qu'il avait commandé. Onesimus was an unwilling slave who escaped from the household of Philemon in Colossae and fled to Rome. Jesus taught us to learn to "observe all the things " he had commanded. Si tu analysais ton cœur, y trouverais - tu un sentiment inconvenant envers quelqu'un de l'autre sexe, un désir secret que Dieu ne tolérerait pas et qu'il faudrait éliminer? Why is God's love for us no excuse for self - importance or egotism on our part? If you were to examine your heart, would you feel unkind toward someone of the opposite sex, a secret desire that God would not tolerate and remove? Que devons - nous faire pour être en mesure d'apporter une aide spirituelle à notre prochain? August 31, 2009 - September 6, 2009 What must we do to help others spiritually? [ Illustration, page 13] Jehovah kindly warns us that if we allow our heart or our eyes to lead us toward what is harmful, we must expect to suffer the consequences. - Gal. [ Picture on page 13] Modestie. La Bible dit: "Mets ta confiance en Jéhovah de tout ton cœur et ne t'appuie pas sur ton intelligence. How did Aquila and Priscilla cooperate (a) at home, (b) in their secular work, and (c) in the Christian ministry? The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Bien sûr, nous ne prêchons pas seulement pour ne pas être coupables de meurtre. You will benefit from viewing the DVD presentations Jehovah's Witnesses - Faith in Action, Part 1: Out of Darkness and Jehovah's Witnesses - Faith in Action, Part 2: Let the Light Shine. Of course, we do not preach not only to be guilty of murder. La rançon peut - elle couvrir les péchés commis avant qu'elle ait été payée? (b) What can move us to avoid becoming a source of temptation to others? Can the ransom cover sins before it has been paid? C'est pourquoi le nombre des participants n'indique pas avec exactitude combien d'oints sont encore sur terre. Even though our kids know what is right, doing the right thing becomes their way of life through our constant encouragement. " Thus, the number of partakers does not indicate exactly how different anointed ones are still on earth. " - 1 PIERRE 2: 21. Would the householder have written that if the publishers had shown even a hint of anger? 2: 21. Même si les "glorieux ," c'est - à - dire les anciens, ont des défauts et se trompent parfois, nous ne devons pas parler en mal d'eux. - Héb. Moved by the feelings of compassion or sympathy that this stirs in her, the mother attends to her infant's need. Even though "the men, " or elders, have personality flaws and sometimes do not need to speak abusively of them. - Heb. INSPIRÉ par Dieu, le roi Salomon a adressé ces paroles aux jeunes: " Souviens - toi [...] de ton Grand Créateur aux jours de ton adolescence, avant que commencent à venir les jours funestes. In his third regnal year (493 B.C.E.), King Ahasuerus holds a royal banquet. God inspired King Solomon to say: "Remember... your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days begin to come. " Ils sont morts, comme Jéhovah les en avait avertis. But he neglected to search adequately to ascertain Jehovah's will on the matter. They died, as Jehovah had warned. Les jeunes ont tout lieu de s'appuyer sur Jéhovah dans tout ce qu'ils font. In Jesus ' parable of the wheat and the weeds, he illustrated the future developments with regard to "the sons of the kingdom. " Young people do well to rely on Jehovah in everything they do. David refusait purement et simplement de s'asseoir avec les méchants. When a violent storm threatened the mariners, what qualities did Jonah display? David simply refused to sit down with the wicked. Dieu aimant, il est généreux envers nous. You may recall being told: "Don't touch the stove. It's hot. " God is generous toward us. Est - ce que vous ne pouvez pas le dire vous - même? " Why did Saul consult a spirit medium? Are you not able to say that? ' a) Quelle période pénible a débuté en 1914? Many anointed Christians have endured in their fleshly bodies "the death - dealing treatment given to Jesus. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 10. (a) What difficult period began in 1914? C'est, bien entendu, ce que Satan aimerait nous voir faire. A group of about 120 Christians were gathered together, "persisting in prayer. " Of course, what Satan would like to see us do. La Bible l'appelle "la chair ," terme qui désigne la tendance au péché due à notre nature imparfaite, autrement dit l'imperfection qu'Adam nous a léguée. For instance, the Internet has become a useful way to provide communication, education, and entertainment. The Bible calls it "the flesh, " which refers to the tendency to sin of our imperfect nature, or imperfection inherited from Adam. Michèle: C'est au sujet du pouvoir que Dieu a. Jehovah thus fulfilled his promise that David's kingship would be firmly established to time indefinite. - 2 Samuel 7: 12, 13; Luke 1: 32, 33. Michelle: It's about God's power. Avez - vous des enfants au lycée? COVER IMAGE: Are you young children in school? S'il n'est pas repentant, le pécheur sera excommunié afin de préserver la pureté spirituelle de la congrégation. • What does the Memorial wine represent? If he is unrepentant, the sinner will be disfellowshipped so that he will preserve the congregation's spiritual cleanness. Si on ne s'aime pas soi - même, on ne peut pas aimer les autres. According to the Gospel writer Luke, Jesus said: "I say to you who are listening, Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you. " If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love others. Quelle influence remarquable "la connaissance de Jéhovah " a - t - elle sur ceux qui l'acquièrent? This is Jehovah's work, for just as soon as new Kingdom Halls are completed, they are very often filled with honesthearted people who desire to know more about our loving Creator. - Ps. What remarkable influence does "the very knowledge of Jehovah " have on those who acquire it? Pourquoi peut - on dire que le service à plein temps durant ta jeunesse te prépare à d'autres responsabilités? Jesus is taking the lead in directing the earthly part of Jehovah's organization to focus on preaching the good news, to care spiritually for those carrying out this work, and to promote the true worship of Jehovah. Why can you say that full - time service will prepare you for other responsibilities? Partagez - vous les sentiments qu'a éprouvés Sheila, une Américaine élevée dans une famille très croyante? What is involved in being sound in mind? Do you feel as did Sheila, who was raised in a very religiously divided family? HABITANTS In addition, Paul did not restrict his friendships to those of his own age group. POPULATION Bien entendu, même ces dernières peuvent avoir besoin d'une aide supplémentaire pour modifier leurs opinions, leurs comportements et leurs priorités dans la vie. Today, marriage is facing greater challenges than ever before. Of course, even these last ones may need further help to adjust their views, attitudes, and priorities in life. Un mari dont les propos sont régis par la loi de la bonté de cœur ne dévoile pas publiquement les erreurs de sa femme ni ne parle d'elle en termes désobligeants. Accordingly, in these last days, Jehovah has used elderly members of the anointed class and of the "other sheep " to declare his purposes. A husband whose speech is governed by the law of loving - kindness does not publicly expose his wife's mistakes or speak abusively of her. Lorsque Pierre a conseillé aux chrétiens d'être prêts à présenter une défense, ne leur a - t - il pas rappelé de le faire "avec douceur et profond respect "? • What Scriptural reasons are there for loyally supporting the faithful slave? When Peter counseled Christians to be ready to make a defense, did he not remind them to do so "with mildness and deep respect "? Est - ce ce que vous faites? • Give two reasons why we should serve God. Are you doing that? Elle lit les faire - part de naissance dans un journal local, puis rend visite aux parents avec le Recueil d'histoires bibliques *. Let us consider three questions regarding the resurrection. She reads them from birth to a local newspaper and then visiting the parents with the My Book of Bible Stories. Au buisson ardent, Jéhovah a dit à Moïse: "Je descends pour [...] délivrer [mon peuple] de la main des Égyptiens et pour les faire monter de ce pays vers un pays bon et vaste, vers un pays ruisselant de lait et de miel. ." This shield originates deep inside the earth. (b) Jehovah told Moses: "I am going down to deliver [my people] out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good land and vast land flowing with milk and honey. " L'année 1998 a été marquée par une explication détaillée de la vision du temple reçue par Ézékiel, vision qui est déjà en cours d'accomplissement. Those whom God views as righteous cannot escape the effects of this bad news, but it does not paralyze them with fear. The year 1998 was marked by a detailed explanation of the temple vision received by Ezekiel, a vision that is already being fulfilled. Onésime, esclave malgré lui, s'est échappé de la maisonnée de Philémon, à Colosses, pour fuir à Rome. (Read John 13: 34, 35; Gal. Onesimus, despite his own, fled from the household of Philemon, in Colossae to flee from Rome. Pourquoi l'amour de Dieu n'est - il pas une raison de s'estimer plus que de droit? 76 Why is God's love not a reason to consider more than just right? 31 août 2009 - 6 septembre 2009 What did Paul write to Timothy about riches? August 31, 2009 - September 6, 2009 Dans sa bonté, Jéhovah nous avertit que, si nous laissons notre cœur ou nos yeux nous pousser vers ce qui est nocif, nous devons nous attendre à en subir les conséquences. - Gal. How is trusting Jehovah's promise related to our love for him? In his goodness, Jehovah warns us that if we let our hearts or eyes move us to do what is harmful, we must expect to suffer the consequences. - Gal. Comment Aquila et Priscille coopéraient - ils a) à la maison, b) au travail, et c) dans le ministère? " Let your brotherly love continue. " - HEB. How did Aquila and Priscilla cooperate (a) at home, (b) at work, and (c) in the ministry? Pour vous en convaincre, nous vous suggérons de regarder les DVD Les Témoins de Jéhovah - La foi en action, 1partie: La sortie des ténèbres et Les Témoins de Jéhovah - La foi en action, 2partie: Que brille la lumière! He wrote: "To me,... this undeserved kindness was given, that I should declare to the nations the good news about the unfathomable riches of the Christ. " To help you reason on the DVD of Jehovah's Witnesses - Genesis 1: 1 - 3: From the darkness and Jehovah's Witnesses - Our Faith in action, let light shine! b) Qu'est - ce qui nous retiendra de devenir pour les autres une "chose ne valant rien "? After considering this for a moment, the first brother responded, "You are right. " (b) What will prevent us from becoming a "good - for - nothing thing "? Même si nos enfants savent ce qui est bien, ce sont nos encouragements constants qui les aident à prendre l'habitude de faire le bien. Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " is never too busy to listen to us. Even if our children know what is good, they are our persistent encouragement that helps them to make the practice of doing what is right. " Cette femme aurait - elle écrit ces mots si les proclamateurs avaient montré ne serait - ce qu'une pointe d'irritation? 40: 5 - 13. 12, 13. (a) How did Joseph's words to the cupbearer show that he did not passively accept the injustices he suffered? Would this woman have written those words if the Kingdom publishers had shown nothing to do? Si le bébé a faim ou a besoin d'autre chose, sa maman, émue de compassion, va s'occuper de lui. Appreciating the Greater Moses If the baby is hungry or needs something else, her mother, is moved to care for him. Dans sa troisième année de règne (493 av. n. è.), le roi Assuérus donne un banquet royal. The similarities between our worship and that of the first - century Christians are remarkable. In his third year of reign (12 B.C.E.), King Ahasuerus gives a royal banquet. Seulement, il ne procéda pas à des recherches approfondies pour s'assurer de la volonté de Jéhovah en la circonstance. It should move us to godly action. However, he did not do research in order to make Jehovah's will sure on this occasion. Dans "la parabole du bon grain et de l'ivraie ," Jésus a évoqué des événements dont" les fils du royaume " seraient des acteurs. Thereby, they take the best care of their families. In "the parable of the good grain and the weeds, " Jesus referred to events that" the sons of the kingdom " would be covered. Quelles qualités Yona a - t - il manifestées quand une violente tempête a mis les marins en péril? (a) What may affect our view of others? What qualities did Jonah display when a violent storm threatened the sea? Vous vous souvenez peut - être d'avoir entendu: "Ne touche pas au four. She touched Jesus and immediately got well. Jesus knew that she should not have touched his garment. You may recall hearing: "Do not touch the furnace. Pourquoi Saül a - t - il consulté un médium? And our faith keeps us in eager expectation of Jehovah's day, certain that "[the prophetic vision] will without fail come true. Why did Saul consult a Spirit? De nombreux chrétiens oints ont enduré dans leur corps de chair "le traitement mortel qu'on a infligé à Jésus ." - 2 Corinthiens 4: 10. Many such institutions offer short courses in office skills, auto repair, computer repair, plumbing, hairdressing, and a host of other trades. Many anointed Christians endured in their body of flesh "the mortal treatment of Jesus. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 10. Environ 120 disciples de Jésus y sont réunis, " persist [ant] dans la prière ." In the real life yet to come, he will reward you with blessings far better than any you can now imagine! - Ps. Some 120 disciples of Jesus are gathered there, "keeping busy in prayer. " Prenons l'exemple d'Internet. He has been slow to anger and has been just in dealing with Satan's revolt. Why? Consider the Internet. Il a ainsi accompli la promesse qu'il avait faite d'établir solidement la royauté de David pour des temps indéfinis. - 2 Samuel 7: 12, 13; Luc 1: 32, 33. Paul reminds us that "God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " He thus fulfilled his promise to establish David's kingship to time indefinite. - 2 Samuel 7: 12, 13; Luke 1: 32, 33. EN COUVERTURE: His faith, in turn, brightened and strengthened his hope. COVER IMAGE: • Que représente le vin du Mémorial? (a) Why is it still important to pray for God's Kingdom to come? • What is represented by the Memorial wine? L'évangéliste Luc a rapporté ainsi les paroles de Jésus: "Je vous le dis, à vous qui écoutez: Continuez d'aimer vos ennemis, de faire du bien à ceux qui vous haïssent, de bénir ceux qui vous maudissent, de prier pour ceux qui vous insultent. ." Long before Jesus ' birth on earth, the prophet Isaiah foretold: "The people that were walking in the darkness have seen a great light. The Gospel writer Luke quotes Jesus ' words: "I tell you, to listen to you, to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those who hate you, to pray for those who insult you. " En effet, très souvent, dès qu'une Salle du Royaume est achevée, elle se remplit de gens sincères qui cherchent à mieux connaître ce Dieu plein d'amour. Because of our imperfect flesh and the efforts of Satan and this wicked world, we are constantly battling negative influences in our lives. As soon as a Kingdom Hall is completed, it is filled with sincere people who seek to become better acquainted with that loving God. Sous la direction de Jésus, la partie terrestre de l'organisation divine se concentre sur la prédication de la bonne nouvelle, veille au bien - être spirituel des prédicateurs et favorise l'extension du vrai culte. We need, then, to ask ourselves: " What do my conversations reveal about my heart condition? Under Jesus ' direction, the earthly part of God's organization focuses on the preaching of the good news, watching the spiritual welfare of publishers, and promotes true worship. Qu'implique être plein de bon sens? Churchgoers have even gone to war against fellow believers of another nation. What does being sound in mind involve? Par ailleurs, Paul ne choisissait pas ses amis uniquement parmi les gens de sa génération. 1, 2. Furthermore, Paul was not choosing friends just among people of his generation. De nos jours plus que jamais, le mariage connaît de grandes difficultés. God's loyal anointed servants along with their faithful "other sheep " companions will come off victorious. Now more than ever before, marriage knows great challenges. Voilà pourquoi, au cours des derniers jours que nous vivons, Jéhovah se sert des membres âgés de la classe ointe et des "autres brebis " pour proclamer ses desseins. THE anxious wait is over. Thus, during these last days, Jehovah uses older members of the anointed class and the "other sheep " to proclaim his purposes. • Quelles raisons bibliques avons - nous de soutenir fidèlement l'esclave? Esther and Mordecai before Ahasuerus • What Scriptural reasons do we have for loyally supporting the slave? • Donnez deux raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions servir Dieu. 2, 3. • Give two reasons why we should serve God. ." Examinons trois questions à propos de la résurrection. What was the result of such appreciative contemplation? Let us consider three questions about the resurrection. Il prend naissance dans les profondeurs de la Terre. However, the baptized mate ought to give this matter prayerful and honest consideration. He takes into the depths of the earth. Les humains que Dieu tient pour justes n'échappent pas aux conséquences de ces mauvaises nouvelles, mais ils ne sont pas tétanisés par la peur. And how can you be yielding in your marriage? Humans who are righteous do not experience the consequences of such bad news, but they are not immune to fear. (Lire Jean 13: 34, 35; Gal. Many shared helpful insights based on their own experience of coping with serious illness. (Read John 13: 34, 35; Gal. 76 God's example of compassion should have what effect on us? 76 Qu'a écrit Paul à propos de la richesse? " By means of [Jesus] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses. " - Eph. What did Paul write about riches? Quel est le lien entre notre confiance en la promesse de Jéhovah et notre amour pour lui? In 536 B.C.E., the foundation of the temple was laid. How is trusting in Jehovah's promise related to our love for him? " Que votre amour fraternel demeure ." Perhaps we are busy in the work of the Lord, but we are discouraged because we do not see results. " Let your brotherly love continue. " - MATT. Il a encore écrit: "C'est à moi [...] qu'a été donnée cette faveur imméritée, pour que j'annonce aux nations la bonne nouvelle concernant l'insondable richesse du Christ. ." At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. He wrote: "To me... that this undeserved kindness was given, that I should declare to the nations the good news about the riches of the Christ. " Le premier frère a réfléchi un instant, puis a répondu: " Tu as raison. We can and should appeal to governmental authorities and judicial courts for protection from enemies. The first brother thought a moment and then replied: "You're right. Jéhovah, " qui entend la prière ', n'est jamais trop occupé pour nous écouter. They will be remembered and loved by Jehovah forever and ever. - Ps. Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " is never too busy to listen to us. 12, 13. a) Dans sa conversation avec l'échanson, qu'est - ce qui montre que Joseph n'acceptait pas passivement les injustices qu'il subissait? (b) What hope has Jehovah lovingly provided for faithful people? 12, 13. (a) In his conversation with the cupbearer, what shows that Joseph did not object to the injustices he suffered? Reconnaissons Jésus comme le Grand Moïse ARTICLE 2 Appreciating Jesus as the Greater Moses La ressemblance entre notre culte et celui des chrétiens du Isiècle est évidente. The couple gladly gave the woman a copy of the book. The likeness between our worship and that of first - century Christians is clear. Cela devrait nous pousser à accomplir des actions conformes à la volonté de Dieu. We can be decisive despite past mistakes if, like David, we remember that Jehovah will overlook our errors and forgive our sins. He will continue to support those who love and obey him. - Ps. This should move us to do things in harmony with God's will. C'est ainsi qu'ils prennent le mieux soin de leur famille. That problem is hardly one - sided. In this way, they best care for their families. a) Qu'est - ce qui peut nuire à la manière dont nous voyons nos compagnons? He fervently called out: "Help us, O Jehovah our God, for we are relying on you, and in your name we have come against this crowd. (a) What can damage our view of fellow believers? " Elle s'est donc mêlée à la foule et a touché Jésus; immédiatement, elle s'est sentie mieux. In the Revelation, Jesus says: "To the one that conquers I will grant to sit down with me on my throne, even as I conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. " So she came to the crowd and touched Jesus immediately, and immediately she felt better. Quel contraste avec les vrais chrétiens, qui prient Dieu avec ferveur, lui obéissent volontairement et lui offrent un service sacré de toute leur âme! ARTICLE 1 What a contrast to true Christians, who sincerely pray to God, willingly obey him, and render sacred service whole - souled! Par ailleurs, notre foi nous garde dans l'attente impatiente du jour de Jéhovah, certains que "[la vision prophétique] se réalisera à coup sûr. In our next article, we will review the resurrection hope in further detail so as to identify who will be resurrected. Moreover, our faith keeps us in expectation of Jehovah's day, confident that "the prophetic vision will certainly come true. " Il existe de nombreux établissements qui proposent des formations courtes dans des secteurs comme le travail de bureau, la mécanique automobile, la maintenance informatique, la plomberie, la coiffure et une foule d'autres métiers. JEHOVAH'S only - begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is called "the great shepherd of the sheep. " There are countless schools that offer short training in such a job as work, electronicm, high school, and a crowd of other jobs. La vie véritable est encore à venir. Such behavior may well win you more freedom in certain areas of life. True life is yet to come. S'il a laissé passer du temps, c'est entre autres parce qu'il ne veut pas que même un seul humain soit détruit. The sword of the spirit. If he has left time, it is among other people because he does not want anyone to be destroyed. Comme Paul nous le rappelle, "Dieu nous recommande son propre amour en ce que - alors que nous étions encore pécheurs - Christ est mort pour nous ." He included this advice in the Sermon on the Mount. Paul reminds us: "God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Sa foi, à son tour, a affermi son espérance et l'a rendue plus certaine. For a brief period, Hezekiah's "heart became haughty. " His faith, in turn, strengthened his hope and made him more certain. a) Pourquoi est - il important de continuer à prier pour la venue du Royaume de Dieu? Focus on Jehovah's marvelous qualities. (a) Why is it important to keep praying for the coming of God's Kingdom? Longtemps avant la naissance de Jésus sur la terre, le prophète Isaïe a déclaré: "Le peuple qui marchait dans les ténèbres a vu une grande lumière. Toward the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus could say in prayer to Jehovah: "I have made your name known to them [the apostles] and will make it known. " Long before Jesus ' birth on earth, the prophet Isaiah declared: "The people who walked in darkness saw a great light. Nous combattons en permanence des influences négatives dues à notre imperfection ainsi qu'aux assauts de Satan et de l'actuel monde méchant. You would not have satisfying answers to questions about God, life, and the future. We continue to fight negative influences from our imperfection as well as against Satan and the present wicked world. Aussi demandons - nous: " Que révèlent mes conversations sur ma condition de cœur? Make a list of people whom you look forward to meeting when they are resurrected and what you would like to discuss with them. Hence, we do well to ask ourselves: " What do my conversations reveal about my heart? Des pratiquants sont même allés combattre leurs coreligionnaires. Romans 8: 6 shows the advantage of being spiritually - minded, saying: "Setting the mind on the flesh means death, but setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " The Israelites even struggled with their fellow believers. 1, 2. [ Pictures on page 18] 1, 2. Les fidèles serviteurs oints de Dieu ainsi que leurs compagnons, les "autres brebis ," remporteront l'épreuve de l'intégrité. Some Christians suffer considerable stress because of past experiences in life. Faithful anointed servants of God along with their companions, the "other sheep, " will gain the test of integrity. L'ATTENTE anxieuse est terminée. Using 607 B.C.E. as the starting point and 2,520 years as the length, we can conclude that the appointed times were to end in 1914. It has been completed. Esther et Mordekaï devant Assuérus. How did Jesus honor his earthly parents and his heavenly Father? Esther and Mordecai stood before Ahasuerus. 2, 3. " By no means, " "nor by any means " - these emphatic expressions leave no doubt that God will care for us. 2, 3. " Quel effet a produit cette méditation? The benefits of the ransom last forever. What effect did this meditation have? Toutefois, le chrétien dont le conjoint ne partage pas ses croyances doit examiner honnêtement la question dans la prière. The 93 - year - old woman mentioned earlier needed to know why the teaching of an immortal soul (or spirit) is so prevalent. However, Christians who do not share their beliefs must make an honest self - examination in prayer. Et comment se montrer conciliant dans le cadre du mariage? Lessons for Us: And how can we be yielding in the headship of marriage? Beaucoup d'entre eux, qui étaient passés par une maladie grave, m'ont fait profiter de leur expérience. What was to occur after the 70 - year desolation? Many of them have had a serious illness, and I benefited from their experience. Quel effet l'exemple de compassion donné par Dieu devrait - il avoir sur nous? In the hearing of the entire congregation of Israel, he recited a song containing these words: "They are a nation devoid of sense, and there is no understanding among them. How should the example of God's compassionate example affect us? " Par son moyen [celui de Jésus] nous avons la libération par rançon grâce au sang de celui - là, oui le pardon de nos fautes, selon la richesse de sa faveur imméritée. " - Éph. In turn, we are able to comfort fellow believers "in any sort of tribulation. " " By means of him [Jesus] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his undeserved kindness. " - Eph. En 536, quand les ouvriers ont posé les fondations du temple de Jéhovah, le peuple, très ému, " pouss [ait] de grands cris, et le bruit s'entendait de très loin ." It exults triumphantly over judgment in that when the time comes for a person to "render an account for himself to God, " Jehovah takes into consideration his merciful dealings and forgives him on the basis of the ransom sacrifice of His Son. When the workers laid the foundation of Jehovah's temple, the people were greatly moved, " moved with great outcries, and the sound meant very far away. ' Peut - être que nous nous activons dans l'œuvre du Seigneur, mais que nous sommes découragés de ne pas voir de résultats. Consider our conduct within the family. We may be busy in the work of the Lord, but we are discouraged not seeing results. Mais comme chacun de nous, elle n'était pas parfaite. (b) From Jesus ' illustration about a thief, what do we learn about staying awake? But like each of us, she was not perfect. Non seulement nous pouvons, mais nous devons faire appel aux autorités et aux tribunaux pour nous protéger de nos ennemis. In the Middle Ages, God's personal name was rather widely known in Europe. Not only can we use governmental authorities and courts to protect us from our enemies. Il se souviendra d'eux et les aimera à tout jamais. - Ps. Table of Contents He will remember them and love them forever. - Ps. b) Quelle espérance Jéhovah donne - t - il à ses fidèles? Eventually, Jehovah extended his rulership by bringing into existence the vast and intricate physical universe, including the earth. (b) What hope does Jehovah give his loyal ones? PAGE 11 How different it is for Christ's disciples! ARTICLE 2 Le couple s'est fait une joie de lui laisser un exemplaire du livre. Hospitable. The couple were thrilled to let a copy of the book. Nos erreurs passées ne nous empêcheront pas de prendre des décisions si, comme David, nous nous souvenons que Jéhovah pardonnera nos fautes et qu'il soutiendra toujours ceux qui l'aiment et lui obéissent. - Ps. Interestingly, it seems that under the Mosaic Law, marriages and births were officially recorded. - Matthew 1: 1 - 16. Our past mistakes will not prevent us from making decisions as did David, reminding us that Jehovah will forgive our errors and always sustain those who love him and obey him. - Ps. " Mais l'inverse est vrai! He also had to bear witness to the fact that the Kingdom of God is the instrument empowered by Jehovah to subdue the rebel Satan and to restore peace and order to all creation. But the opposite is true! Il l'a supplié: " Secours - nous, ô Jéhovah notre Dieu, car sur toi nous nous appuyons et c'est en ton nom que nous sommes venus contre cette foule. I was reminded that the meetings are where I need to be. " He begged him: "O Jehovah our God, for rely on you and is in your name that we have come against this crowd. " Dans la Révélation, Jésus déclare: "Au vainqueur j'accorderai de s'asseoir avec moi sur mon trône, tout comme j'ai été vainqueur et me suis assis avec mon Père sur son trône. 1, 2. In Revelation, Jesus states: "To the conquering I will call to sit down with me on my throne, just as I have been conquered and sat with my Father on his throne. " PAGE 10 • What momentous events lie ahead? ARTICLE 2 Dans l'article suivant, nous allons examiner d'autres éléments permettant de savoir qui sera ressuscité. Paul urged fellow believers: "Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. " In the following article, we will consider further evidence of who will be resurrected. JÉSUS CHRIST, le fils unique - engendré de Jéhovah, est appelé "le grand berger des brebis ." 16, 17. (a) How did freedom of choice become an issue in Corinth? JESUS CHRIST, Jehovah's only - begotten son, is called "the great shepherd of the sheep. " Un tel comportement pourrait bien te valoir plus de liberté. What tender emotions did Jesus reveal when Lazarus died? Such conduct could lead to greater freedom. L'épée de l'esprit. Key ways are by regularly and prayerfully studying the Bible, meditating on what we read, and then putting into practice what we have learned. The sword of the spirit. Ces conseils se trouvent dans le Sermon sur la montagne. Centuries later, Jesus Christ gave his followers this commission: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Such counsel is found in the Sermon on the Mount. Quant à Hizqiya, pendant un temps, " son cœur s'enorgueillit ." In recent years, a number of branch offices have been merged with others. King Hezekiah, for a time, "his heart became haughty. " Médite sur les qualités admirables de Jéhovah. Like Jehovah, we find pleasure, or delight, in showing loving - kindness to those in need. Meditate on Jehovah's wonderful qualities. Vers la fin de son ministère terrestre, parlant de ses apôtres il a prié Jéhovah en ces termes: "Je leur ai fait connaître ton nom et je le ferai connaître. ." But he has also provided us with guidelines on how to make wise decisions. Toward the end of his earthly ministry, he prayed to Jehovah: "I have made your name known to them and will make it known. " Tu n'aurais pas de réponses valables à tes questions sur Dieu, sur la vie et sur l'avenir. Earnest effort is required to rescue lost sheep of God's pasturage. You would have no reliable answers to your questions about God, life, and the future. Dresse une liste des ressuscités que tu as hâte de rencontrer et des sujets dont tu aimerais parler avec eux. How can young people use their strength in Kingdom service? Take a list of resurrected ones whom you look forward to contact and subjects you would like to talk with them. " Et Romains 8: 6 explique: " Penser à la chair, en effet, signifie la mort, mais penser à l'esprit signifie vie et paix. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness and kindness? And Romans 8: 6 explains: "Setting the mind on the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life and peace. " [ Illustrations, page 18] [ Credit Line] [ Pictures on page 18] À la suite d'événements douloureux, certains chrétiens doivent lutter contre le stress post - traumatique. Before the Flood, Jehovah stated: "In just seven days, I will make it rain on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. " In time of painful events, some Christians have to contend with the stress of distraction. En prenant 607 avant notre ère comme point de départ et en ajoutant 2 520 ans, on arrive à l'année où les temps fixés devaient prendre fin: 1914. Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? In 607 B.C.E. and in 520 B.C.E., at the time when the appointed times were to end. Comment Jésus a - t - il honoré ses parents terrestres et son Père céleste? 1, 2. How did Jesus honor his earthly parents and his heavenly Father? " En aucune façon "; cette expression marquante appuie bien l'idée que Dieu prendra soin de nous. What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? In no way, this marked the idea that God will care for us. Tout cela réclame un budget. Note how the references to "the Son of man " at Luke 17: 22, 24, 30 bear on the question raised at Luke 18: 8. All of this calls for a budget. Les bienfaits de la rançon le seront également. Indeed, the Israelites ' faith in Jehovah was strengthened because they trusted in his directions. The benefits of the ransom will also be beneficial. La dame indienne avait besoin de savoir pourquoi la croyance en une âme immortelle (ou un esprit) est si répandue. This persecution brought them joy and renewed their zeal in the preaching work. The mother needed to know why belief in an immortal soul (or, a spirit) is so rampant. Quelques leçons: Daniel also saw "someone like a son of man, " Jesus, being given oversight of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. Lessons for Us: Que devait - il se passer après les 70 ans de désolation? Paul handled God's Word skillfully and effectively. What would happen after the 70 years of desolation? Devant toute la congrégation d'Israël, il a prononcé un chant dont voici un extrait: " Ils sont une nation sur laquelle périt le conseil, et chez eux il n'y a pas d'intelligence. Ah! 9 - 11. (a) What symbolic footwear do Christians put on? When speaking to the entire congregation of Israel, he said: "They are a nation coming upon which the counsel is dying, and in them there is no understanding! " Et grâce à quoi sommes - nous en mesure de consoler nos compagnons chrétiens qui subissent "toutes sortes de tribulations "? This suggests that like birth pangs, the world's problems will increase in frequency, intensity, and duration, climaxing in the great tribulation. And how can we comfort fellow believers who suffer "all sorts of tribulation "? Triomphante, elle se glorifie aux dépens du jugement en ce sens que le jour où une personne doit " rendre compte à Dieu pour elle - même ', Jéhovah prend en considération ses attitudes miséricordieuses et lui pardonne en vertu du sacrifice rédempteur de son Fils. Perhaps those "depressed souls " find that their courage is giving out and that they cannot surmount the obstacles facing them without a helping hand. As a result, it glorifies judgment in that the day when someone "will render an account for himself to God, " Jehovah takes into consideration his merciful ways and forgives him on the basis of the ransom sacrifice of his Son. Arrêtons - nous sur notre conduite au sein de la famille. 8 A Sure Source of Guidance and Hope Let us focus on our conduct within the family. b) Que nous enseigne l'exemple pris par Jésus sur l'idée de demeurer éveillé? How can you convince your children that you love them? (b) What can we learn from Jesus ' example about staying awake? Au Moyen Âge, le nom personnel de Dieu était relativement bien connu en Europe. This poisonous air is breathed by Satan's entire wicked system of things. - Eph. At the Mosaic Law, God's personal name was well - known in Europe. Sommaire • What valuable thing should we strive to possess? Table of Contents Après un certain temps, Jéhovah a étendu sa domination en créant l'univers physique, immense et complexe, dont la terre fait partie. To understand better why Jehovah is fittingly called a Shepherd, it is helpful for us to know two things: first, the disposition of sheep and second, the duties and qualities of a good shepherd. After some time, Jehovah has expanded his rulership by creating the physical, vast, and complex universe, including the earth. Les disciples de Christ ne partagent absolument pas ces conceptions. It must not have been easy for anyone living in Israel in those days to remain faithful to Jehovah. Christ's followers do not share such views completely. Lorsqu'il a énoncé aux Israélites les termes de l'alliance de la Loi, quelle perspective Jéhovah leur a - t - il offerte? A Treasure to Be Cherished When giving the Israelites the terms of the Law covenant, what prospect did Jehovah give them? Hospitalier. We read: "It came about in the time of Solomon's growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah. " B.C.E. On notera d'ailleurs que, sous la Loi mosaïque, les mariages et les naissances étaient selon toute vraisemblance enregistrés officiellement. - Matthieu 1: 1 - 16. 32: 10 - 15 - What was the purpose of making two deeds of the same transaction? It is noteworthy that under the Mosaic Law, marriages, and birth were previously legal. - Matthew 1: 1 - 16. Il lui fallait aussi témoigner que le Royaume de Dieu serait l'instrument par lequel Jéhovah écraserait le rebelle Satan et rétablirait la paix et l'ordre dans toute la création. The main point of the parable is the need to demonstrate wholehearted devotion to God and zeal for the Kingdom. He also had to show that God's Kingdom would be the instrument by which Jehovah would crush the rebellious Satan and restore peace and order in all creation. Ça m'a rappelé que j'ai vraiment besoin d'aller aux réunions. Listen to them often; in that way you will soon learn the lyrics of at least some of our new songs. It reminded me that I really need to go to meetings. " 1, 2. Anointed Christians are spirit - begotten and are adopted by Jehovah as "sons " while still on earth. 1, 2. • Quels événements décisifs nous attendent? (b) What strategy is Satan using today? • What momentous events await us? Paul a recommandé à ses compagnons chrétiens: "N'oubliez pas de faire le bien et de partager avec d'autres, car c'est à de tels sacrifices que Dieu prend plaisir. ." In addition, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a sacrifice of great value. Paul urged fellow believers: "Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God takes pleasure. " 16, 17. a) Comment la liberté de choix en est - elle venue à poser problème à Corinthe? Just as Jehoshaphat and his people gathered together to seek Jehovah's guidance, let us not neglect regular attendance at congregation meetings along with our brothers and sisters. 16, 17. (a) How did the freedom of choice in Corinth make a problem? Quels sentiments des plus tendres Jésus a - t - il manifestés à la mort de Lazare? Jesus ' words recorded at Mark 13: 34 make this plain. He said: "It is like a man traveling abroad that left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch. " How did Jesus feel about the death of Lazarus? Principalement en étudiant régulièrement la Bible tout en y associant la prière, en méditant sur ce que nous lisons et apprenons et en le mettant en pratique. However, are there instances when Jehovah uses the nation of Israel as a picture, or illustration, that includes Christians other than the anointed? By regularly studying the Bible in prayer, meditating on what we read and learn and apply it. Des siècles plus tard, Jésus Christ a chargé ses disciples de cette mission: "Allez [...] et faites des disciples de gens d'entre toutes les nations, [...] leur enseignant à observer tout ce que je vous ai commandé. ." What idea is appealing to many people, and why? Centuries later, Jesus Christ commissioned his followers: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Ces dernières années, plusieurs filiales ont fusionné. As we have discussed, the elders should keep in mind that the flock they are shepherding is God's, not their own. In recent years, several branch offices attended. À l'image de Jéhovah, nous prenons plaisir à nous montrer bons envers ceux qui en ont besoin. Do we find ourselves always quickly underlining the answer to a study question and moving on to the next paragraph? Like Jehovah, we delight to show kindness to those in need. Mais il nous a aussi donné des directives pour prendre de bonnes décisions. What should you do if you feel that you have a weak voice or perhaps a voice that is too high - pitched? But he also gave us direction to make wise decisions. Secourir les brebis perdues du pâturage de Dieu réclame des efforts sérieux. Another way the Bible helps us is by giving counsel on how to treat those of the opposite sex. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 2.) His lost sheep from God's sheep takes earnest effort. Comment les jeunes peuvent - ils utiliser leur force au service de Jéhovah? Let us examine just a few of the prophecies that earmark "the last days. " How can young ones use their strength in Jehovah's service? b) Comment Dorcas a - t - elle été récompensée de sa bonté? " Trust in Jehovah and do good, " the psalmist urges us. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness? [ Indication d'origine] Jehovah promises that "he will pay attention to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their prayer. " [ Credit Line] Avant le Déluge, Jéhovah avait annoncé: " Encore sept jours seulement, et je fais pleuvoir sur la terre pendant quarante jours et quarante nuits ." Why are you encouraged to know how God's spirit operated upon... Before the Flood, Jehovah foretold: "Just seven days alone, and I rain down to the earth forty days and for 40 nights. " Les chrétiens oints font - ils partie d'un réseau planétaire dont chaque membre contribue d'une façon ou d'une autre à la révélation de nouvelles explications bibliques? Then a voice called to him from the thornbush. " I am the God of your father, " the voice declared, "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. " Are anointed Christians part of a global system that each member contributes in some way to the revealing of Bible explanation? 1, 2. Is its fruitage evident in my life? ' 1, 2. Qu'a laissé entendre Jésus lorsqu'il a déclaré: "Cette coupe représente la nouvelle alliance grâce à mon sang. " At the same time, we modestly acknowledge that we likely do not have all the facts. What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? Notez comment les versets 22, 24 et 30, qui mentionnent le "Fils de l'homme ," apportent des éléments de réponse à la question soulevée en Luc 18: 8. That sign would be composed of various features foretold in the Scriptures. Note how the verses 22, 24, 24 and 30, who refer to "the Son of man, " provide elements of answers to the question raised at Luke 18: 8. Parce qu'ils ont eu confiance dans les directives de Jéhovah, leur foi s'est renforcée. [ Picture on page 24] Because they trusted in Jehovah's guidance, their faith strengthened. Cette persécution leur a procuré de la joie et a stimulé leur zèle dans l'œuvre de prédication. Of course, Job is by no means the only servant of God to have suffered a personal catastrophe. This persecution brought them joy and encouraged their zeal in the preaching work. Le prophète a également vu " quelqu'un de semblable à un fils d'homme ," Jésus, recevant la direction de la partie terrestre de l'organisation de Jéhovah. Jehovah has also rescued us from the terrible consequences of sin. The prophet also saw "a man like a son of man, " Jesus, receiving direction from the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. Il exposait la Parole de Dieu avec habileté et efficacité. As the elder guides the discussion, the husband and wife may discern what counsel each should apply more fully. He made use of God's Word skillfully and effective. 9 - 11. a) Quelles chaussures symboliques les chrétiens portent - ils? What purpose was served by the law found at Genesis 2: 16, 17? 9 - 11. (a) What figurative elements do Christians wear? On en déduit que, comme les douleurs de l'enfantement, les problèmes mondiaux augmenteront en fréquence, en intensité et en durée, pour aboutir à la grande tribulation. 15, 16. Little wonder, then, that the world's pains will grow often, out of time, and throughout the great tribulation. Il se peut que les "âmes déprimées " perdent courage et ne soient pas en mesure de surmonter les obstacles qui se dressent devant elles sans une main secourable. First, have your teen talk about what others are doing. They may be able to overcome obstacles that are raised in front of them without a helping hand. 8 Leur superflu a compensé un manque If your parents encourage you to focus on spiritual goals, give careful consideration to their advice. ARTICLE 6 Highlights From the Book of Luke Comment peux - tu convaincre ton enfant que tu l'aimes? This means that we worship only Jehovah and that we obey him with our whole heart. How can you convince your children that you love them? C'est cet air empoisonné que respire tout le système de choses mauvais de Satan. - Éph. In this case I have become in his eyes like her that is finding peace. " - Song of Solomon 8: 5, 9, 10. It is an atmosphere of Satan's entire wicked system of things. - Eph. • Quelle chose vraiment précieuse devrions - nous chercher à posséder? Lessons for Us: • What valuable thing should we seek to possess? Pour comprendre en quoi ce mot qualifie bien notre Dieu, il est utile de savoir, d'une part, quel genre d'animal est la brebis et, d'autre part, quelles sont les tâches et les qualités d'un bon berger. 19, 20. To understand how this word applies to our God, it is helpful to know about what type of sheep is the sheep and the qualities of a good shepherd. À l'époque, il n'a pas dû être facile à quiconque vivait en Israël de rester fidèle à Jéhovah. 17: 9; Mal. At that time, he did not need to be easy for anyone living in Israel to remain loyal to Jehovah. Un trésor What shows that the apostle Paul walked by faith, not by sight? A Gift From the Book of Psalms " Il arriva, lit - on, au temps de la vieillesse de Salomon, que ses femmes avaient incliné son cœur à la suite d'autres dieux; et son cœur ne fut pas complet à l'égard de Jéhovah. ." 6: 17 - 19. " It came about in Solomon's old age that his wives inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart was not complete with Jehovah. " 32: 10 - 15 - Pourquoi procédait - on à la rédaction de deux actes pour un même contrat? (b) Why should we take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish? 32: 10 - 15 - Why were two acts for a contracting contract? L'idée fondamentale de la parabole, c'est qu'il faut servir Dieu de tout cœur et avoir du zèle pour le Royaume. How was Jesus ' prayer answered in the first century C.E.? The basic point of Jesus ' parable is that we must serve God with all hearts and zeal for the Kingdom. Écoutez souvent ces enregistrements, et vous ne tarderez pas à connaître le texte de certains cantiques. Compared with the sick condition that we once were in, we have been healed spiritually. Listen often, and you do not quickly get to know the text of some songs. Les chrétiens oints sont engendrés de l'esprit et adoptés comme "fils " par Jéhovah alors qu'ils sont encore sur la terre. You can benefit from this account as you carry out your weekly Bible reading assignment for the Theocratic Ministry School. Anointed Christians aregotten by the spirit and adopted as "sons " of Jehovah while still on earth. b) Lequel utilise - t - il aujourd'hui? 5, 6. (b) What methods does he use today? De plus, Jésus était sans péché; sa mort a donc été un sacrifice de grande valeur. In what situations will selecting the right time to speak make our speech more effective? Furthermore, Jesus was without sin, and his death was a sacrifice of great value. Yehoshaphat et son peuple se sont rassemblés pour rechercher le soutien de Jéhovah. Imitons - les en ne négligeant pas les réunions de la congrégation avec nos frères et sœurs. Paul described such Christlike love this way: "Love is long - suffering and kind. Jehoshaphat and his people gathered to seek Jehovah's support, imitating them, not neglecting congregation meetings with our brothers and sisters. C'est ce qu'indiquent clairement ces paroles de Jésus consignées en Marc 13: 34: "C'est comme un homme partant en voyage à l'étranger, qui a quitté sa maison et a donné le pouvoir à ses esclaves, à chacun son ouvrage, et a ordonné au portier de veiller. And we know that Daniel maintained regular communication with God in prayer. This is clear from Jesus ' words recorded at Mark 13: 34: "It is like a man traveling abroad who left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch. " Y a - t - il cependant dans la Bible des passages où la nation d'Israël préfigure aussi d'autres chrétiens qui ne sont pas oints? Thus, wise Christian newlyweds will refrain from publicly announcing the names of gift givers. Announcing the names of the givers might embarrass others who were perhaps unable to afford to give a gift. Is there, though, something in the Bible that the nation of Israel included other Christians who are not anointed? Quelle idée beaucoup aiment - ils, et pourquoi? It could be said that we "were slaves of sin. " What idea do many enjoy, and why? Répétons - le, les anciens ne doivent pas oublier que le troupeau qu'ils font paître est celui de Dieu et non le leur. Is it not likely, then, that this part of the parable focuses on what happens just prior to that climactic judgment? Of course, elders need to bear in mind that the flock they shepherd is the one of God and not of them. Avons - nous pour habitude de souligner rapidement la réponse à la question d'étude et de passer aussitôt au paragraphe suivant? When telling husbands to honor their wives, Peter adds a warning: "In order for your prayers not to be hindered. " Do we regularly emphasize the answer to the question of study and immediately pass away to the paragraph? Mais que faire si tu trouves que tu as une voix faible ou trop aiguë? Jehovah helped him to conquer the Philistine giant Goliath and supported David as he came to be celebrated in Israel for his military prowess. But what if you find yourself in a weak voice or too strong? La Bible nous guide également en nous disant comment nous conduire avec les personnes de l'autre sexe (lire 1 Timothée 5: 2). To what role did Jehovah assign Haggai and Zechariah? (Read 1 Timothy 5: 2.) Voyons quelques prophéties qui caractérisent " les derniers jours ." PURPOSE IN LIFE Let us consider some prophecies that characterize "the last days. " " Mets ta confiance en Jéhovah et fais le bien ," nous dit le psalmiste. Next, the Devil challenged Jesus to leap off the temple wall and test God's ability to protect him by means of His angels. " Trust in Jehovah and do good, " says the psalmist. Jéhovah promet qu'il " se tournera vers la prière de ceux qui se trouvent dépouillés de tout " et qu ' " il ne méprisera pas leur prière ." Then he told his audience: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Jehovah promises that "he will turn to the prayer of those stripped of everything " and that" he will not despise their prayer. " Pourquoi avez - vous trouvé encourageant de voir comment l'esprit de Dieu a agi sur: " Godly devotion, " not the amassing of possessions, is the key to the greatest gain possible. - 1 Timothy 6: 6. Why have you been encouraging to see how God's spirit operated on you? " Puis une voix provenant du buisson l'a appelé et lui a dit: "Je suis le Dieu de ton père, le Dieu d'Abraham, le Dieu d'Isaac et le Dieu de Jacob. 6: 19, 20. Then a voice from the thornbush called him and said to him: "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. " Son fruit est - il manifeste dans ma vie? (b) How does Romans 13: 1, 2 rule out participation in violent activities against governments? Is its fruit manifest in my life? De plus, nous reconnaissons modestement que nous n'avons sans doute pas tous les éléments. Paul needed that kind of strengthening, and those five men provided it. Moreover, we modestly admit that we do not have all the facts. Ce signe se composerait de divers éléments annoncés dans les Écritures. For example, five days before surrendering his life, Jesus and some of his disciples were guests in the home of Simon of Bethany. That sign would refer to various features in the Scriptures. [ Illustration, page 24] He feels your pain. [ Picture on page 24] Bien entendu, Job n'est en aucun cas le seul serviteur de Dieu à avoir vécu une tragédie. The disciple James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " Of course, Job was not the only servant of God to experience a tragedy. De plus, Jéhovah ne nous a pas abandonnés aux terribles conséquences du péché. Some Christians may have questioned why such individuals were allowed to remain in the congregation. Furthermore, Jehovah did not abandon us to the terrible consequences of sin. Chaque conjoint discernera alors peut - être les conseils qu'il devrait mieux mettre en pratique. Whether reading God's Word in printed or electronic form, our goal should be to get it off the page and into our heart. At the same time, each mate may be able to apply the counsel he or she needs to apply. Que révélerait la loi énoncée en Genèse 2: 16, 17? 11: 6. What did the law stated at Genesis 2: 16, 17 point? 15, 16. Michelle: I'm not here to force my beliefs on you, Sophia. 15, 16. Tout d'abord, discutez avec lui des habitudes des autres jeunes. There Jehovah blessed Isaac with bumper crops and increased his livestock. First, discuss with him some other young people. Si vos parents vous encouragent à vous concentrer sur des objectifs spirituels, réfléchissez - y sérieusement. In what ways does Jehovah warn us about unwholesome inclinations that we might have? If your parents encourage you to focus on spiritual goals, think seriously about it. Cela signifie que nous adorons uniquement Jéhovah et que nous lui obéissons de tout notre cœur. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2014) This means that we worship Jehovah only and obey him with all our heart. Alors je suis devenue à ses yeux comme celle qui trouve la paix. " - Chant de Salomon 8: 5, 9, 10. A program of medical therapy is more likely to succeed if there is good communication between doctor and patient. So I became like the one who finds peace. " - Song of Solomon 8: 5, 9, 10. Quelques leçons: QUENCH THE FIRE OF UNCONTROLLED SPEECH Lessons for Us: 19, 20. The apostle Paul wrote that "a large door that leads to activity " had been opened to him. 19, 20. 17: 9; Mal. The Bible states: "There also arose a heated dispute among them [the disciples] over which one of them seemed to be greatest. 17: 9; Mal. Qu'est - ce qui montre que l'apôtre Paul marchait par la foi, non par la vue? 9: 1; 11: 9. What shows that the apostle Paul walked by faith, not by sight? 6: 17 - 19. Bible prophecies guarantee better times ahead. 6: 17 - 19. b) Pourquoi ne devrions - nous pas minimiser le risque que notre foi se relâche? Why, they rejoiced with her and told her how proud they were of her! (b) Why should we not minimize the danger of our faith? Comment la prière de Jésus a - t - elle été exaucée au Isiècle? This war is foretold, not in a science fiction novel, but in God's inspired Word, the Bible. How was Jesus ' prayer answered in the first century? Alors que nous étions malades spirituellement, nous sommes guéris. How Would You Answer? While we were spiritually sick, we are healed. Vous pouvez en tirer profit quand vous lisez la portion de la Bible prévue pour la semaine dans le cadre de l'École du ministère théocratique. However, I feel that this verse applies right now; after all, good people live on earth today. You can benefit from reading the Bible reading as part of the Theocratic Ministry School. 5, 6. Periodically, we can all benefit from taking inventory of our habits and possessions, putting off every unnecessary weight so that we may not get tired and give out in our souls. 5, 6. Nous devons donc user de discernement pour savoir quand parler. Another important way in which Christians show an unselfish attitude is by using their time and energy to speak about God's purposes. Therefore, we need to use insight to know when speaking. Paul le décrit en ces termes: "L'amour est patient et bon. 6: 6 - In what sense can it be said that Jehovah "felt regrets " that he had made man? Paul describes it this way: "Love is patient and kind. " Et nous savons que Daniel a entretenu une communication régulière avec Dieu par la prière. God's Word counsels us: "Put away all filthiness and that superfluous thing, badness, and accept with mildness the implanting of the word which is able to save your souls. " And we know that Daniel enjoyed regular communication with God in prayer. C'est pourquoi, avec sagesse, les chrétiens ne révéleront pas les noms de ceux qui ont offert des cadeaux, ce qui évitera de gêner ceux qui peut - être n'avaient pas les moyens d'en offrir. Indo - Europeans are descendants of Japheth. Therefore, with wisdom, Christians do not reveal the names of those who have given gifts, thus avoiding those who may not have the means to offer it. En un sens, nous étions " esclaves du péché ." More important than the number of those who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ is the quality of those disciples. In a sense, we were "slaves to sin. " N'est - il donc pas plausible que cette partie de la parabole concerne ce qui précédera immédiatement ce jugement décisif? To receive the blessings set before them, Adam and Eve would have to obey Jehovah and acknowledge his rulership. Is it not fitting, then, that this part of Jesus ' parable has to take immediate action? Chacun doit décider comment agir dans certaines situations, par exemple quand un enseignant ou un élève pose une question. It will mean lifting faithful humans to perfection, completely reconciling them to God. Each person must decide how to act in some situations, such as when a teacher or a teacher asks a question. Après avoir demandé aux maris d'assigner de l'honneur à leurs femmes, Pierre ajoute: "Afin que vos prières ne soient pas entravées. ." They will reign with Christ in heaven, sitting on thrones to judge humankind. After asking husbands for honoring their wives, Peter adds: "In order that your prayers may not be hindered. " Il l'a aidé à terrasser le géant philistin Goliath et l'a approuvé quand le peuple a célébré ses hauts faits militaires. From the beginning of his preaching career, Jesus ' enemies, including Satan himself, tried to convince, force, or trick Jesus into abandoning his course of faithfulness. He helped the Philistine giant Goliath and approved him when the people took his high military step. Quelle mission Jéhovah a - t - il confiée à Haggaï et à Zekaria? • In times of distress, how can we find delight in doing God's will? What commission did Jehovah give Haggai and Zechariah? BUT DANS LA VIE Jehovah caused his prophets to use vivid contrasts between him as the true and living God and idols, which could help neither themselves nor their worshipers. PURPOSE OF LIFE Ensuite, le Diable a lancé à Jésus le défi de sauter du mur du temple et de mettre à l'épreuve la capacité de Dieu de le protéger par le moyen de ses anges. Consider what can happen in a religiously divided household. The apostle Peter wrote: "You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " Next, the Devil challenged Jesus to remove the temple wall and test God's ability to protect him by means of his angels. Puis, il leur dit: " Repentez - vous, et que chacun de vous soit baptisé au nom de Jésus Christ pour le pardon de vos péchés, et vous recevrez le don gratuit de l'esprit saint. We too live at a time when darkness envelops the earth and the nations are in thick gloom. Then he told them: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Le plus grand gain qui soit, c'est l ' "attachement à Dieu " qui nous le procurera, et non l'accumulation de biens. - 1 Timothée 6: 6. With his favor, you will continue progressing toward life in his new world. There, relationships between men and women will be free of the pressures so common today. The greatest gain, "godly devotion, " which will bring us, not material possessions. - 1 Timothy 6: 6. 6: 19, 20. We should follow his example because helping others build up their faith also strengthens our own. 6: 19, 20. b) En quels termes le passage de Romains 13: 1, 2 exclut - il la participation aux activités violentes contre les gouvernements? In imitation of the angel who came to Daniel, we should encourage and strengthen one another with helping hands and consoling words. (b) How does Romans 13: 1, 2 put the participation of violence against governments? Paul avait besoin qu'on le fortifie, ce que ces cinq hommes ont fait. [ Pictures on page 13] Paul needed strengthening, and these five men did. Ainsi, cinq jours avant de livrer sa vie, Jésus fut invité avec quelques - uns de ses disciples chez Simon de Béthanie. How can prayer empower us? Thus, five days before he gave his life, Jesus was invited to some of his disciples at Simon Simon. Il ressent votre souffrance. Why are you convinced that Christ will soon use his power earth wide, and what are you thus moved to do? He feels your suffering. Le disciple Jacques a écrit: "Tout beau don et tout présent parfait vient d'en haut, car il descend du Père des lumières célestes. ." It encourages them to judge for themselves whether such reports really prove that man evolved from lower creatures. The disciple James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " Certains ne comprenaient peut - être pas pourquoi on les tolérait dans la congrégation. Some Kept Following the "Tutor " Some may not understand why they were tolerated in the congregation. Que tu lises la Bible en version papier ou en version électronique, ton but devrait être de faire passer son message de la page à ton cœur. Either way, we are helped. Whether you read the Bible in a translation or in version, your goal should be to bring up its message on your heart. 11: 6. (a) On two occasions, how did Jesus stress the importance of humility? 11: 6. Je vous rassure, je ne suis pas là pour imposer mes convictions. This appealed to me. I assure you, I am not there to impress my convictions. " Jéhovah y a béni Isaac en lui accordant des récoltes exceptionnelles et en faisant croître ses troupeaux. In what ways is the book of Job an encouragement to Jehovah's servants in modern times? There Jehovah blessed Isaac with remarkable harvest and making his flocks grow. De quelles façons Jéhovah nous met - il en garde contre d'éventuelles inclinations malsaines? First, the "when " question. In what ways does Jehovah warn us against unwholesome inclinations? ASSISTANTS AU MÉMORIAL (2014) What makes Kingdom preaching more urgent now than ever? MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE ( congregations) Une thérapie a plus de chances d'être efficace s'il existe une bonne communication entre le praticien et le patient. They spent the dark, cold night in a room on the second floor of their battered home. An effective approach is more likely to be effective if there is a good communication between the patient and patient. ÉTEIGNEZ LE FEU D'UNE LANGUE NON MAÎTRISÉE If a person loses his spirituality, he creates a moral vacuum and the polluted "air " of this world will rush in. THE SPIRIT OF THE FROM THE MINISTRY L'apôtre Paul a écrit qu ' "une grande porte qui donne accès à l'activité " lui avait été ouverte. He said that "gossipers and meddlers in other people's affairs " are" talking of things they ought not. " The apostle Paul wrote that "a large door that leads to activity " was opened to him. La Bible déclare: "Il s'éleva [...] parmi [les disciples] une vive contestation pour savoir lequel d'entre eux semblait être le plus grand. In 1914, for example, some 50,000 copies of this journal were published. The Bible says: "He arose a heated dispute among [the disciples] over which one of them seemed to be the greatest. 9: 1; 11: 9. Since Satan's ouster from heaven, God's people have sometimes been protected from Satan's attacks by the efforts of certain political elements, described in symbolic language at Revelation 12: 15, 16. 9: 1; 11: 9. Les prophéties bibliques nous garantissent des jours meilleurs. (b) What will make time pass more quickly? Bible prophecies assure us of the best days. D'ailleurs, très contents de son choix, ils lui ont dit qu'ils étaient fiers d'elle. What gave Ruth the reputation of being "an excellent woman "? In fact, they were very pleased with his choice, and they said that they were proud of her. Cette guerre a été annoncée, non pas dans un roman de science - fiction, mais dans la Parole inspirée de Dieu, la Bible. All the new tracts follow the same format. That war was foretold, not in science, but in God's inspired Word, the Bible. Que répondriez - vous? Rather, they identified themselves with the "other sheep, " who have the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. How Would You Answer? Mais pour moi, ce verset concerne notre époque; il y a quand même des bons sur la terre aujourd'hui! David's Flight From Saul But this verse applies to me today, and there are good people on earth today! Il nous serait profitable à tous, périodiquement, de réfléchir à nos habitudes, d'inventorier nos biens, et de nous débarrasser de tout poids inutile, afin de ne pas nous fatiguer et de ne pas défaillir dans nos âmes. Consider what happened when the chief priests and older men in Jerusalem told Peter and John to stop preaching in Jesus ' name. It would be beneficial for all of us to consider our habits, gold, and put off every unnecessary weight so that we do not tire out and give out in our souls. Pour le chrétien, un autre moyen important de se montrer altruiste consiste à employer son temps et ses forces à parler des desseins de Dieu. To have his baby is worth everything to me! ' For Christians, another important way to be self - righteous is by using their time and energy to speak about God's purposes. 6: 6 - En quel sens peut - on dire que Jéhovah "regretta " d'avoir fait l'homme? Gregory and his associates would have done well to listen to them! 6: 6 - In what way can it be said that Jehovah "felt regret " about having made man feel regret? " Rejetez toute saleté et ce qui surabonde: la méchanceté, et acceptez avec douceur l'implantation de la parole qui peut sauver vos âmes. ." To win the battle, we must take our stand against Satan and remain firm in the faith. " Put away every tear and what is happening: wickedness, and accept mildness of the word that can save your souls. " De Japhet viennent les Indo - Européens. It is unwise to believe everything presented as truth in the media. In't have to come up with my wife - in - law. Ce qui importe n'est pas tant le nombre de ceux qui se prétendent disciples de Jésus Christ que le genre d'individus qu'ils sont. • Why must we guard against covetousness, and how can we do so? The number of those who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ is the kind of people they are. Pour recevoir les bénédictions qui étaient placées devant eux, Adam et Ève devaient obéir à Jéhovah et accepter son autorité. It will also show us why God's people can face the great tribulation with full confidence. To receive the blessings held before them, Adam and Eve needed to obey Jehovah and accept his authority. Les humains fidèles seront amenés progressivement à la perfection et seront au final entièrement réconciliés avec Dieu. Furthermore, all in the congregation can benefit from associating with older Christians. Faithful humans will gradually be brought to perfection and will be fully reconciled to God. Ils régneront avec Christ au ciel, assis sur des trônes pour juger l'humanité. But in the meantime, there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah's cause with courage and zeal. They will rule with Christ in heaven, seated on thrones to judge mankind. Dès le début, ses ennemis, dont Satan lui - même, ont cherché à mettre sa fidélité en défaut par la persuasion, la force ou la ruse. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely. " - Colossians 3: 13. Early in the beginning of his enemies, including Satan himself, tried to put his loyalty in vain, power, or cunning. • En période difficile, qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à prendre plaisir à faire la volonté de Dieu? For more information about marriage and family life, go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > MARRIAGE & FAMILY. • In times of distress, what will help us to find delight in doing God's will? Jéhovah a fait établir par ses prophètes des contrastes frappants entre lui, le vrai Dieu vivant, et les idoles, incapables de s'aider elles - mêmes ni d'aider leurs adorateurs. Back in the first century when true Christians were anointed by holy spirit to become sons of God and thus Christ's brothers, some received an additional, special operation of the spirit. Jehovah inspired his prophets to establish between him, the true God, and idols to help themselves or to help their worshippers. Voyez ce qui, selon l'apôtre Pierre, peut se passer dans un foyer mixte sur le plan religieux: "Vous les femmes, soyez soumises à vos propres maris, afin que, si quelques - uns n'obéissent pas à la parole, ils soient gagnés sans parole grâce à la conduite de leurs femmes, parce qu'ils auront été témoins oculaires de votre conduite pure ainsi que d'un profond respect. ." How do we show our submission to Christ? Note what the apostle Peter says: "You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because they have been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " Nous aussi nous vivons à une époque où les ténèbres enveloppent la terre et où les nations se trouvent dans une obscurité épaisse. Explain to him that the meetings are where you receive your training as a teacher of God's Word. We too live in a time when the darkness are fixed on the earth and when the nations are in bright darkness. Grâce à elle, vous pourrez entrer dans le monde nouveau, où rien ne viendra plus compliquer les relations hommes - femmes. In answer to his prayer for his Father's name to be glorified, a voice out of heaven says: "I both glorified it and will glorify it again. " - John 12: 28. With it, you will be able to enter into God's new world, where there will be no limit for men - women. Suivons son exemple parce que, lorsque nous aidons notre prochain à affermir sa foi, nous renforçons la nôtre. What can help parents to be long - suffering and patient with their children? Following his example because when we help others strengthen their faith, we strengthen our faith. À l'instar de l'ange qui vint à Daniel, nous devrions nous encourager et nous fortifier les uns les autres en nous apportant une aide pratique et en nous adressant des paroles consolantes. That could reflect the mistaken view that it is something like a ghost and not man himself. Like the angel who came to Daniel, we should encourage and strengthen one another by providing practical assistance and giving us comforting words. [ Illustrations, page 13] At the same time, we must live in harmony with such prayers by sharing in the fulfillment of a most amazing feature of "the sign. " [ Pictures on page 13] Quelles prières peuvent nous rendre puissants? Contemplating this, we can echo the words of the psalmist who said: "Jehovah is on my side; I shall not fear. What prayers can powerfully empower us? Pourquoi es - tu convaincu que Christ utilisera prochainement sa puissance sur toute la terre? May we never, because of stubbornness or self - indulgence, reject Jehovah's guidance and walk in our own counsels and thus become "backward in direction and not forward "! Why are you convinced that Christ will soon use his power on earth? Elle les encourage à évaluer par eux - mêmes si de tels reportages prouvent réellement que l'homme est le produit de l'évolution d'espèces inférieures. When Claudio, who has been a zealous Witness since 1974, was asked why he continues to preach even though few in his territory respond, he quoted John 4: 34, where we read Jesus ' words: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " They encourage them to evaluate themselves whether such lies truly prove that man is the product of evolution. Certains ont continué de suivre le "précepteur " Why, Jesus built his life around spreading the good news! - Luke 4: 16 - 21. Some have continued to follow the "tutor " Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, il nous secourra. In the 11th century, Archdeacon Berengarius of Tours, France, was excommunicated for rejecting the Catholic teaching of transubstantiation. In one way, he will help us. a) Comment, en deux occasions, Jésus a - t - il souligné l'importance de l'humilité? Many parents simply tell their children that the parts of their body that a bathing suit covers are private and special. (a) How did Jesus emphasize the importance of humility at two occasions? " Cette mentalité me plaisait. Therefore, Jesus was in a unique position to reveal the Father to others. " That attitude was pleasing to me. Qu'est - ce qui, dans le livre de Job, peut encourager les serviteurs de Jéhovah de notre époque? Thus, he perfectly reflected the love of his Father. What can encourage Jehovah's servants in the book of Job today? Le premier est la réponse à la question quand?. In the Bible, enduring means more than simply putting up with trials or adversity. The first is the answer to the question when? Pourquoi la prédication du Royaume est - elle plus urgente que jamais? " Seasons of refreshing " come from Jehovah when sinners sincerely repent. - Read Acts 3: 19. MANASSEH SINS GRAVELY BUT REPENTS Why is Kingdom preaching more urgent than ever? Ils ont passé toute la nuit au froid dans une chambre à l'étage de leur maison très abîmée. He commended faithful Christians, saying: "You are strong and the word of God remains in you and you have conquered the wicked one. " They spent all night in an upper room in an upper room with their very broken home. Si nous ne remplissons pas notre esprit avec les pensées de Jéhovah, le monde le remplira avec ses raisonnements charnels. That was no empty threat. If we do not fill our mind with Jehovah's thoughts, the world will receive it with his fleshly reasoning. C'est le cas de ces personnes " bavardes et qui se mêlent des affaires des autres, qui parlent de choses dont elles ne devraient pas parler '. Like Paul, many who once opposed God's truth are now serving Him. This is true of such individuals who "will not speak and share in the affairs of others, who speak things they should not speak. " Par exemple, en 1914, La Tour de Garde était tirée à 50 000 exemplaires. Yes, those who rid their heart of hypocrisy are happier, and they put themselves in line to enjoy perfect happiness in the future. For example, in 1914, The Watchtower was set aside for some 2,000 copies. Depuis que Satan a été chassé du ciel, il est arrivé que les serviteurs de Dieu soient protégés de ses attaques par des éléments politiques, décrits dans un langage symbolique en Révélation 12: 15, 16. In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " Since Satan has been cast out of heaven, God's people have been protected from his attacks by political elements, described in a figurative language described at Revelation 12: 15, 16. b) Qu'est - ce qui nous donnera l'impression que le temps passe plus vite? Although spending much time in leisure activities may seem appealing, taking that path could distance you from Jehovah. (b) What will help us to feel that time will soon pass more quickly? Qu'est - ce qui a valu à Ruth sa réputation d ' "excellente femme "? Rather, may you feel ever closer to the caring God who is truly concerned about you! What resulted from Ruth's reputation as "a fine wife "? Tous les nouveaux tracts suivent le même modèle. In one of the cities there, Jesus encountered a pitiful sight. All the new tracts follow the same pattern. En fait, ils se sont révélés être du nombre des "autres brebis ," qui ont l'espérance de vivre éternellement sur la terre, dans le Paradis. " Be Loving One Another " In fact, they have proved to be the number of the "other sheep, " who have the hope of living forever on earth in Paradise. La fuite de David devant Saül On what did Abraham and his family members focus their hope, and how did they maintain strong faith? David's Flee before Saul Revoyons ce qui est arrivé lorsque les prêtres en chef et les anciens de Jérusalem ont ordonné à Pierre et à Jean de ne plus prêcher au nom de Jésus. By showing love to our neighbor, we demonstrate our love of God. Consider what happened when the chief priests and older men in Jerusalem commanded Peter and John to stop preaching in Jesus ' name. La seule chose qui compte pour moi, c'est d'avoir un enfant de lui. Most of them are not mentioned anywhere else in the Scriptures, and few had special privileges. The only thing that matters for me is that of having a child from him. " Grégoire et ses pairs auraient été bien inspirés de suivre leur exemple! Why did Joshua and Caleb give a good report, while the ten spies gave a bad one? How powerful it would have been to follow their example! Pour gagner le combat, nous devons nous opposer à lui et rester solides dans la foi. In some lands, it is not uncommon to hear complete strangers say this when a person sneezes. To win the fight, we must oppose him and remain solid in the faith. " Il n'est pas sage de croire tout ce que les médias présentent comme vrai. In this article, we will consider the following questions: How did Jesus deal with prejudice? " It is not wise to believe everything the media are like true. • Pourquoi devons - nous nous garder de la convoitise et comment y parvenir? 8, 9. (a) How did David describe another blessing for those who are close to Jehovah? • Why should we guard against covetousness and how can we do so? Il montre également pourquoi les serviteurs de Dieu pourront affronter la grande tribulation en toute confiance. Another proverb says: "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. " It also shows why God's people can face the great tribulation completely. En outre, tous dans la congrégation peuvent tirer profit de la fréquentation des chrétiens âgés. The apostle Paul explains: "We all at one time conducted ourselves in harmony with the desires of our flesh. " Furthermore, all in the congregation can benefit from association with elderly Christians. Mais en attendant, nous avons de nombreuses possibilités de soutenir sa cause avec zèle et courage. David wrote: "The maned young lions themselves have had little on hand and gone hungry; but as for those seeking Jehovah, they will not lack anything good. " In the meantime, though, we have many opportunities to support his cause for zeal and courage. " Continuez à vous supporter les uns les autres et à vous pardonner volontiers les uns aux autres " (Colossiens 3: 13). What, though, about Jehovah? " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely. " - Colossians 3: 13. Pour en savoir plus sur la vie de couple et la vie de famille, allez sur, sous LA BIBLE ET VOUS > COUPLES & FAMILLES. 10, 11. To find out more about marriage and family life, go to under BIBLEorg. Au Isiècle, lorsque les vrais chrétiens furent oints d'esprit saint pour devenir fils de Dieu et, par la même occasion, frères du Christ, l'esprit se mit en outre à agir sur certains d'entre eux d'une façon spéciale. Though perfect, Jesus was human, subject to fatigue and hunger. In the first century, when true Christians were anointed with holy spirit to become sons of God and through the same opportunity, Christ's spirit began to act on some of them in a special way. Comment démontrons - nous notre soumission à Christ? He usually looked to God for direction. How do we demonstrate our submission to Christ? Expliquez - lui que c'est à ces réunions que vous avez appris à enseigner la Parole de Dieu. " What if they laugh at me? ' you may ask. Explain that it is at these meetings that you have learned to teach God's Word. Alors qu'il vient de prier pour que le nom de son Père soit glorifié, une voix se fait entendre des cieux: "Et je l'ai glorifié, et je le glorifierai de nouveau. " - Jean 12: 28. Does this suggest that we should not have strong love for our relatives? When he comes to pray for his Father's name to be glorified, a voice is heard from the heavens: "I felt glorified him, and I will glorify him again. " - John 12: 28. Qu'est - ce qui peut aider les parents à être patients avec leurs enfants? He was evidently a highly regarded counselor who befriended the needy. What can help parents to be patient with their children? Il n'en bénit pas moins leurs actes de foi. Rather than fight back and repossess his well, Abraham chose to remain silent about the matter. He did not bless them at least their acts of faith. Cela soutiendrait la croyance erronée selon laquelle l ' " âme " est quelque chose de comparable à un esprit, et non l'homme lui - même. Jesus did not give this illustration to show that Jehovah does not appreciate what we do in his service. This would help the mistaken belief that the "soul " is something similar to a spirit, not man himself. Dans le même temps, nous devons vivre en accord avec cette requête en participant à l'accomplissement d'un remarquable aspect du " signe ." For example, breathing, walking, riding a bicycle, or touch - typing are automatic processes that you may be able to do without even thinking. At the same time, we need to live in harmony with this request by sharing in the fulfillment of a remarkable aspect of "the sign. " Au vu de tout cela, nous pouvons faire écho aux paroles du psalmiste: "Jéhovah est avec moi; je ne craindrai pas. One scholar wrote: "This [verse] definitely does not mean that they also love God to some extent. In view of all of this, we can echo the words of the psalmist: "Jehovah is with me; I shall not fear. Plutôt triste, n'est - ce pas? Puissions - nous ne jamais laisser l'obstination ou la poursuite de notre plaisir nous conduire à rejeter la direction de Jéhovah et à marcher dans nos propres conseils, allant ainsi "en arrière et non en avant "! Like Abner, Absalom sought to kill David, even though he knew that Jehovah had appointed David as Israel's king. - 2 Sam. On the contrary, may we never allow fear or pursuit of pleasure to lead us to reject Jehovah's guidance and walk in our own counsel, thus going "in great and not going ahead "! " Quand on a demandé à Claudio, Témoin depuis 1974, pourquoi il continue de prêcher avec zèle alors que peu de gens sont réceptifs, il a cité Jean 4: 34, où on lit ces paroles de Jésus: "Ma nourriture, c'est de faire la volonté de celui qui m'a envoyé et d'achever son œuvre. 7, 8. (a) According to Psalm 27: 4, what did David ask from Jehovah? He said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Or la propagation de la bonne nouvelle était au centre de sa vie!. Our enemies include Satan, his world, and our own imperfections. Yet, the spread of the good news was the center of his life! Au XIsiècle, l'archidiacre Bérenger de Tours fut excommunié pour avoir rejeté l'enseignement catholique de la transsubstantiation. In what ways has the simplified edition of The Watchtower proved to be a loving gift? In the 11th century, C.E., the U.S. Beaucoup de parents disent simplement à leurs enfants que les parties du corps que couvre un maillot de bain sont intimes et particulières. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Many parents merely say to their children that the body parts cover a bath is private and special. Dès lors, Jésus, "la Parole de Dieu ," était le mieux à même de révéler aux autres la personnalité du Père. When Jehovah first spoke to him, Jeremiah tried to beg off. Hence, Jesus, "the Word of God, " was in a unique position to reveal the Father's personality. Il a donc reflété l'amour de son Père de manière parfaite. " Go about in the land through its length and through its breadth. " - Genesis 13: 17. Thus, Jesus reflected his Father's love perfectly. Dans la Bible, endurer n'est pas simplement supporter l'épreuve ou l'adversité. Such scenes highlight a feature of the peace enjoyed by God's people today - our global unity. In the Bible, we need to endure more than mere trials or adversity. Ceux qui se repentent sincèrement connaissent des "époques de rafraîchissement " de la part de Jéhovah. - Lire Actes 3: 19. Because they seek righteousness, true Christians are "filled with righteous fruit, which is through Jesus Christ, to God's glory and praise. " Those who genuinely repent are aware of "the days of Jehovah. " - Read Acts 3: 19. Il a félicité des chrétiens fidèles en ces termes: "Vous êtes forts et [...] la parole de Dieu demeure en vous et [...] vous avez vaincu le méchant. Consider the experience of Kathy. * She did not enjoy the field ministry, although she regularly participated in it. He commended faithful Christians: "You are strong and... the word of God remains in you and have conquered the wicked one. " Ce n'était pas une menace en l'air. Female genital mutilation used to be called female circumcision. This was not a threat to air. Comme Paul, beaucoup d'anciens adversaires de la vérité divine servent Dieu à présent. The next day, "with much pompous show, " they" entered into the audience chamber together with military commanders as well as men of eminence in the city. " Like Paul, many former opposers of God's truth now serve God. En effet, celui qui élimine de son cœur l'hypocrisie est plus heureux, et il peut nourrir l'espoir de connaître un jour un bonheur parfait. But why was this observance instituted? Yes, a person who removes hypocrisy is happier, and he can have the hope of knowing a perfect day. Dans les splendeurs de la sainteté, venant de la matrice de l'aurore, tu as ta troupe de jeunes gens comme des gouttes de rosée. " I knew the basics of my parents ' language, but the language spoken at the meetings was over my head, " recalls Kristina. In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like drops of dew. Bien qu'il puisse être attirant de se livrer à de nombreuses activités de détente, c'est là un chemin qui risque de t'éloigner de Jéhovah. Please note some of the suggestions and scriptures listed in the box "What Will Help You to Keep Following the Christ? " Although it may be appealing to engage in many activities of recreation, it is a path that could distance you from Jehovah. Au contraire, sens - toi encore plus proche du Dieu bienveillant qui se soucie réellement de toi! Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " On the contrary, do you draw even closer to the loving God who genuinely cares for you? Dans une ville de cette région, il a rencontré un homme qui faisait peine à voir. And on the night before he died, Jesus prayed so intensely that "his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground. " The result? In one city in that area, he met a man who was just going to see. " Aimez - vous les uns les autres ' For another discussion of Jesus ' parable, see Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace, " published by Jehovah's Witnesses, chapters 5 and 6. " Love One Another " b) Comment Abraham et sa famille ont - ils gardé une foi forte? Be determined to "hold fast to what is fine. " (b) How did Abraham and his family maintain strong faith? En témoignant de l'amour à notre prochain, nous montrons notre amour pour Dieu. Instead, he arranged for humans to be delivered from condemnation to sin and death. By showing love for our neighbor, we show our love for God. À quelques exceptions près, elles ne sont mentionnées nulle part ailleurs dans les Écritures et n'assumaient pas de grandes responsabilités. We need to be like Jesus and resist such enticements, regardless of how appealing and attractive they are made to appear. In some exception, they are not mentioned in the Scriptures and did not take large responsibilities. Pourquoi Josué et Caleb ont - ils présenté un rapport favorable et pas les dix autres espions? The next article will explain. Why did Joshua and Caleb give a favorable report and not the ten spies? " Dans certains pays, quelqu'un qui vient d'éternuer entendra même de parfaits inconnus lui adresser ces mots. As peacemakers, we will enjoy a good relationship with our fellow believers and will promote the unity of the congregation. In some lands, a person who comes to hear even strangers hear those words. Dans cet article, nous répondrons à ces questions: Comment Jésus a - t - il réagi face aux préjugés de son époque? Why may we be sure that Abraham never regretted his loyal obedience to Jehovah? In this article, we will consider these questions: How did Jesus deal with the prejudice of his day? 8, 9. a) En quels termes David a - t - il décrit une autre bénédiction que reçoivent ceux qui sont proches de Jéhovah? As that "time " approached, Jehovah took steps to reveal the answer to a group of humble Bible students. 8, 9. (a) How did David describe another blessing that those who are close to Jehovah? Un autre proverbe déclare: "Les menteurs ne sont pas crus, même lorsqu'ils disent vrai. " All inhabitants of the earth are dependent upon "the profit of the earth " - what the land produces. Another proverb states: "The churches are not stumbled, even when they say true. " L'apôtre Paul l'explique: " Nous nous conduisions tous jadis selon les désirs de notre chair, faisant les choses que voulait la chair. Centuries later, four young Hebrew men showed that they had learned what was really important. The apostle Paul explains: "We all at one time conducted ourselves according to the desires of our flesh, doing the things that the flesh wanted. Il a ainsi écrit: "Les jeunes lions à crinière se sont trouvés dépourvus et ont eu faim; mais ceux qui cherchent Jéhovah, ceux - là ne manqueront d'aucun bien. ." How can we protect ourselves? He wrote: "The young ones in the congregation found themselves tired and hungry; but those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good. " Que dire de Jéhovah? Christian and Daniela are the parents of two teenagers. What about Jehovah? 10, 11. Opposers also spread false accusations against us. 10, 11. Bien que parfait, Jésus n'en était pas moins humain, sujet à la fatigue et à la faim. Every living creature in heaven and on earth is subject to someone. Although Jesus was perfect, he was not at least human, subjected to tiredness and hunger. De façon générale, ce roi a recherché la direction de Jéhovah. HOW WOULD YOU EXPLAIN? In a general sense, that king sought Jehovah's guidance. Tu te dis peut - être: " Et s'ils se moquent de moi? 2: 20, 21. You may say, " Will they hold back me? ' Cela sous - entend - il que nous ne devrions pas aimer notre famille de tout cœur? So he resumed his Bible study and eventually qualified to become a publisher of the good news. Does that imply that we should not love our entire family? Selon toute apparence, c'était un conseiller hautement respecté qui secourait les nécessiteux. Paul described such Christian love, saying: "Love is long - suffering and kind.... Evidently, it was a highly respected counselor who was needy. Au lieu de riposter et de reprendre son puits, il a décidé de ne rien dire. You will be happier if you succeed. - Read 1 Peter 4: 8. Rather than retaliate and correcting his well, he decided not to say anything. Jésus n'a pas donné cette illustration pour montrer que Jéhovah banalise ce que nous faisons à son service. How was he occupied during all those ages? Jesus did not give this illustration to show that Jehovah values what we do in his service. Par exemple, respirer, marcher, faire du vélo ou taper sur un clavier sont des actions que tu es peut - être capable d'accomplir de manière automatique, sans même y penser. 13 For example, walking, walking, or on a course that you may be able to do in an unexpected way, without even thinking about it. Un bibliste a écrit: " Ce [verset] ne signifie absolument pas qu'ils aiment Dieu dans une certaine mesure. When the loving - kindness of the sons of Israel became "like the dew that early goes away, " Jehovah was displeased. One Bible scholar wrote: "This [It] does not mean that they love God in a certain way. Comme Abner, Absalom a cherché à tuer David, même s'il savait que Jéhovah lui - même l'avait établi roi sur Israël. Some brothers have enjoyed the blessing of international service, working on branch construction in foreign lands. Like Abner, Absalom tried to kill David, even though he knew that Jehovah himself had appointed king over Israel. 7, 8. a) D'après Psaume 27: 4, qu'a demandé David à Jéhovah? 4, 5. 7, 8. (a) According to Psalm 27: 4, what did David ask Jehovah? Nos ennemis sont Satan, son monde et nos propres imperfections. Since the cities of refuge were available, an unintentional manslayer was not forced to flee to a foreign land, where he might be tempted to take up false worship. Our enemies are Satan, his world, and our own imperfections. Sous quels rapports la version facile de La Tour de Garde se révèle - t - elle un don plein d'amour? Rodolfo, who has performed many weddings, notes: "At times, the groom comes under tremendous pressure from relatives, especially if they are helping to pay for the wedding reception. In what ways has the Watchtower edition of The Watchtower proved to be a loving gift? Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. They have entrusted us with precious privileges of service in these last days. Published ( Eastern History) Est. Quand Jéhovah l'a désigné pour être prophète, Jérémie a cherché à se dérober. When we are generous with our time, we show that we have learned from Jesus ' generosity (See paragraph 6) When Jehovah appointed him to be a prophet, Jeremiah sought to steal. " Parcours le pays dans sa longueur et dans sa largeur. " - Genèse 13: 17. 1: 10. What confidence do the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel give us? " Throughout the land in its length and through its breadth. " - Genesis 13: 17. De telles scènes mettent en relief l'unité mondiale du peuple de Dieu, unité qui découle de la paix qui règne en son sein. And how important these changes are! Such events highlight the worldwide unity of God's people, which promotes peace in its midst. Comme ils cherchent la justice, les vrais chrétiens sont "remplis du fruit de justice, qui vient par Jésus Christ, à la gloire et à la louange de Dieu ." The compassionate father in this illustration pictures our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah. Because they seek righteousness, true Christians are "filled with the fruitage of righteousness, which is from Jesus Christ, to glory and praise of God. " Parlons de Kathy, qui prêchait régulièrement, mais n'y prenait aucun plaisir *. 13, 14. (a) How can we discern what interests a person? Consider one of Jehovah's Witnesses who regularly participated in the field ministry but took no delight in it. Ces mutilations sexuelles ont également été appelées circoncision féminine. The answer is simple: Humans are hardwired to interact with humans. Such sexually transmitted sex have also been viewed as a feminine circumcision. Dieu, par son esprit saint, pouvait le fortifier quand il se sentait faible. They are stirring evidence of God's confidence in the anointed, who "keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. " God's holy spirit could strengthen him when he felt weak. Ils se présentent " avec beaucoup d'apparat et entrent dans la salle d'audience avec les commandants ainsi que les hommes éminents de la ville '. What are some ways in which we can show love? They have "plenty to think about themselves and between men of the city and the large men of the city. " Mais pourquoi le Mémorial a - t - il été institué? How did fearing God help David fight Goliath? Why, though, was the Memorial instituted? " La langue de mes parents, j'en connaissais les bases. Mais aux réunions, elle était trop compliquée pour moi, se souvient Kristina. Listen to Those Who Love You " The language of my parents, I knew the foundation, " she recalls, "but at the meetings was too difficult for me. À ce propos, voyez les suggestions et les références bibliques qui figurent dans l'encadré ci - contre. Being able to help others, especially youths, has been a source of joy for me that offsets the real hardships of serving in a foreign field. In this regard, consider the suggestions and scriptures found in the box on the box. Que ta volonté se fasse, comme dans le ciel, aussi sur la terre. Jehovah, who gave that perfect law, knows best the things humans need in order to be completely happy and satisfied. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " La nuit qui a précédé sa mort il a prié également, et avec une telle intensité que "sa sueur devint comme des gouttes de sang qui tombaient à terre ." Who can say that he has totally freed himself from walking in accord with the flesh? On the night before his death, Jesus also prayed, and with such a fear - inspiringness "has become as drops of blood that fell to the ground. " Pour un autre examen de cette parabole de Jésus, voir Sécurité universelle sous le Règne du "Prince de paix ," publié par les Témoins de Jéhovah, chapitres 5 et 6. Or a Christian may feel pressure from unbelieving relatives to get married " before it is too late. ' For another consideration of Jesus ' parable, see universal society under the Millennial Reign of Peace, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, chapters 5, and 6. Sois déterminé à " ten [ir] ferme ce qui est excellent ." Hence, with bold persistence we ask God for his holy spirit. Be determined to "stand firm what is fine. " En fait, Jéhovah a pris des dispositions pour que les humains soient délivrés du péché et de la mort. We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns. In fact, Jehovah has made provisions for humans to be delivered from sin and death. Cela reviendrait à reconnaître Satan pour dieu. [ Pictures on page 10] This would be like recognizing Satan as a god. L'article qui suit l'explique. Actually, no human has lived for even "one day " from Jehovah's point of view. The next article explains. En étant pacifiques, nous serons en bons termes avec nos compagnons chrétiens et favoriserons l'unité de la congrégation. The lesson? While Jehovah's discipline can reflect his hatred of sin, it can also show his concern for the person who sinned. As peaceable, we will be peaceable with fellow believers and promote the unity of the congregation. Pourquoi pouvons - nous être sûrs qu'Abraham n'a jamais regretté d'avoir obéi fidèlement à Jéhovah? What do we now see in Cuba? Why can we be sure that Abraham never regretted his loyal obedience to Jehovah? À l'approche de ce "temps ," Jéhovah a permis qu'un groupe d'étudiants de la Bible trouve cette réponse. 25: 8 - 12. As we approach that "time, " Jehovah allowed a group of Bible students to find this answer. Tous les habitants de la terre ont impérativement besoin du "profit de la terre ," de ce que le sol produit. Yes, Jehovah views false religion as evil. - Ezekiel 13: 3. All inhabitants of the earth are vitally needed from "the state of the earth, " as it were. Des siècles plus tard, Hanania, Mishaël, Azaria et Daniel, quatre jeunes hommes hébreux, ont montré qu'ils avaient appris ce qui est réellement important. Thus, they labor incessantly to amass wealth and possessions, mistakenly equating such things with security and happiness. - Psalm 49: 6, 11, 12. Centuries later, Hanani, Azariah, and Daniel, four Hebrew youths, showed that they had learned what is truly important. Comment nous protéger? 37: 27 - 29. How can we protect ourselves? Christian et Daniela sont les parents de deux adolescentes. What promises have you seen fulfilled, and what conclusion have you come to? Both of them are the parents of two young people. Par ailleurs, ceux qui s'opposent à nous répandent des accusations mensongères sur notre compte. When Satan targets us in this way, it becomes a formidable challenge to maintain our integrity. Furthermore, those who oppose us spread false accusations about us. Chaque créature, au ciel ou sur la terre, est soumise à quelqu'un. According to Jewish tradition, long before Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders discouraged people from using God's name. Every creature, in heaven, or on earth, is subject to someone. SAURIEZ - VOUS EXPLIQUER? How can we do this? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Pierre a compris la leçon. He did not look for an easy way out of their marriage, nor did his wife. Peter understood the lesson. Il s'est remis à étudier la Bible et a fini par remplir les conditions requises pour être proclamateur de la bonne nouvelle. Rahab accepted that Jehovah is the true God, and she trusted that somehow he would give the land to the Israelites. He began to study the Bible and eventually qualified to be a proclaimer of the good news. pas l'amour romanesque, mais l'amour chrétien. 3: 3. Not love of each other, but Christian love. Si vous y parvenez, vous serez plus heureux. - Lire 1 Pierre 4: 8. Let us see how meditation and prayer help us to do just that. If you do that, you will be happier. - Read 1 Peter 4: 8. Qu'a - t - il fait durant tout ce temps? (b) Why do wives deserve to receive honor? What did he do during all that time? 13 Doing so offers us the prospect of redemption and life eternal in the new world now so near. - Psalm 130: 3 - 8. 13 Lorsque la bonté de cœur est devenue chez les Israélites "comme la rosée qui s'en va de bonne heure ," Jéhovah en a été peiné. Love of neighbor, like love of God, is not merely a feeling; it involves action. When loving - kindness became part of the Israelites "like the dew that goes on the right hour, " Jehovah was hurt. Certains frères ont le bonheur d'être serviteurs internationaux, de participer à la construction de bâtiments pour des filiales à l'étranger. Yet, she voluntarily contributed those "two small coins, " which were" all the means of living she had. " Some brothers have the privilege of serving as international servants, sharing in branch offices for branch offices. 4, 5. As Christians, what responsibility do we have, and what Bible study aid is especially designed for our use in our ministry? 4, 5. Réfléchissons: C'est Jéhovah qui a ordonné que les meurtriers volontaires soient exécutés. Jehovah can bring about a reversal of circumstances for those who fear him. Consider: Jehovah commanded the unintentional volunteers to be executed. Rodolfo, qui a déjà célébré de nombreux mariages, fait cette remarque: "Parfois, le futur marié est soumis à une pression considérable de la part de ses proches, surtout s'ils participent financièrement au projet. (b) What effect did persecution have on the early Christians? " Sometimes the groom is subjected to great pressure from his relatives, especially if he has already observed many marriages. " Ils nous ont attribué une mission de la plus haute importance en ces derniers jours. You may at present be suffering the physical consequences of Adam's rebellion, perhaps in the form of ill health. They gave us an assignment of utmost importance in these last days. Quand nous sommes généreux de notre temps, nous suivons l'exemple de Jésus (voir paragraphe 6). It reflects heartfelt confidence that Jehovah knows what is good for us. When we are generous with our time, we follow Jesus ' example (See paragraph 6) Quelle assurance les visions reçues par Isaïe, Ézékiel et Daniel nous donnent - elles? The resurrected Abraham will find great comfort in experiencing the reality of life under the rule of that "city " to which he looked forward. What assurance do the visions given by Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel give us? De tels changements sont indispensables! Though we rarely had extra funds, we learned to economize, and we always had what we needed. Such changes are vital! Le père compatissant représente Jéhovah, notre Père céleste plein d'amour. Like the sons of Korah, do you find delight in pure worship and its history? The compassionate father represents Jehovah as our loving heavenly Father. 13, 14. a) Comment déterminer ce qui intéressera notre interlocuteur? Jesus explains: "These are the ones that have heard, but, by being carried away by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, they are completely choked and bring nothing to perfection. " 13, 14. (a) How can we determine what is interested in the householder? Tout simplement parce que l'être humain est naturellement enclin à communiquer. The root of the problem may have been "the love of money, " which can have a bad effect on anyone, rich or poor. - 1 Tim. Simply because humans are naturally prone to communicate. Ils sont une preuve convaincante de la confiance que Dieu a dans les oints, qui "continuent à suivre l'Agneau où qu'il aille ." In addition to offering bait, Satan tries to bully us into compromising our loyalty to Jehovah. They are a convincing evidence of the confidence that God has in anointed ones, who "keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. " Quelles sont quelques façons de manifester l'amour? " Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil.... Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " What are some ways in which we can show love? Comment sa crainte de Dieu a - t - elle permis à David de vaincre Goliath? Similarly, though she felt broken, she learned that she could still help others. How did the fear of God help David to conquer Goliath? Écoutez ceux qui vous aiment The more you understand and apply what you read, the more you will find delight in God's written Word. Listen to Those Who Love You La joie d'aider les autres - les jeunes en particulier - compense largement les difficultés, réelles, que représente le service à l'étranger. According to one scholar, the Greek verb rendered "continued devoting themselves " can mean having" a steadfast and singleminded fidelity to a certain course of action. " The joy of helping others - particularly difficult problems - that is, serving abroad. C'est Jéhovah qui nous a donné cette loi parfaite, et il sait mieux que personne de quoi les humains ont besoin pour être pleinement heureux et satisfaits. Why might parents consider their children's concerns when making house rules? Jehovah has given us this perfect law, and he knows better than anyone needs to be fully happy and satisfied. Dès lors, qui peut affirmer qu'il a définitivement cessé de marcher selon la chair? For example, in the United States - the location of our world headquarters - the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. Who, then, can say that he has kept walking in accord with the flesh? Ou des proches non Témoins pourraient faire pression sur lui pour qu'il se marie " avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ." Along with proper action, integrity requires right heart motivation. Or relatives might pressure him to get married "if he is too late. " Voilà pourquoi nous demandons à Dieu de l'esprit saint avec une persistance audacieuse. Yes, we can imitate Jehovah's holiness; we can be clean before him, maintaining our chastity. Therefore, we pray for holy spirit with bold persistence. Efforçons - nous de les comprendre, en nous mettant à leur place et en les écoutant attentivement pour savoir ce qui les inquiète vraiment. 35: 9 - 29. By striving to understand them, by putting them into their proper place and by listening carefully to them in order to find out what is truly concerned. [ Illustrations, page 10] Would you be happier if you had absolute independence and everlasting life? [ Pictures on page 10] Et pourtant, du point de vue de Dieu, aucun homme n'a vécu ne serait - ce qu ' "un jour ." Integrity is proved by our being " tested to the limit ' in some way. Yet, no man lived by God's viewpoint only "a day. " Même si, en disciplinant, Jéhovah montre qu'il déteste le péché, il prouve aussi qu'il se soucie du pécheur. Yes, hope can be likened, not to a candle in the darkness, but to the brilliant rays of the morning sun, filling one's life with peace, happiness, purpose, and courage. Even though Jehovah shows that he hates sin, he also shows that he cares for the sinner. Mais qu'en est - il aujourd'hui? This discussion highlights the yeartext for 2011. What about today? 25: 8 - 12. While the girls ' Bible was still open, two of Jehovah's Witnesses came to their door, read the exact verse the girls had prayed about, and explained that it describes that man - made governments would be replaced by God's Kingdom. 25: 8 - 12. Oui, Jéhovah considère la fausse religion comme malfaisante. - Ézékiel 13: 3. Thus, the Scriptures indicate that world conditions during the last days would not become so extreme that people would be forced to believe that the end is near. - Luke 17: 20; 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. Yes, Jehovah views false religion as evil. - Ezekiel 13: 3. Ils travaillent donc sans relâche à l'acquisition de richesses et de biens, qu'ils confondent à tort avec sécurité et bonheur. - Psaume 49: 6, 11, 12. Most people who enroll in a university look forward to earning a degree that will open doors for them to well - paying and secure jobs. So they keep busy in the pursuit of riches and possessions that they may criticize wrong with security and happiness. - Psalm 49: 6, 11, 12. 37: 27 - 29. " Adoption was essentially a Roman usage, and was closely connected with the Roman ideas of family, " says the book St. 37: 27 - 29. Quelles promesses avez - vous vues se réaliser, et qu'en concluez - vous? Some Israelites viewed the temple as a talisman that would protect them from enemies. What promises have you seen fulfilled, and what do you conclude? Quand il nous prend pour cibles de cette façon, rester intègres peut relever de l'exploit. Jesus said: "Out of the heart's abundance [the] mouth speaks. " When we take advantage of this approach, we can maintain our integrity to Jehovah by taking advantage of it. Selon la tradition juive, longtemps avant que Jésus ne vienne sur terre, les chefs religieux décourageaient l'usage du nom de Dieu. The sword used by Roman infantrymen at the time Paul wrote his letter was about 20 inches (50 cm) long and was designed for hand - to - hand combat. Jewish tradition long before Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders discouraged the use of God's name. Comment y parvenir? What experiences can you relate to show the way of life that makes one rich in God's eyes? How can we do that? Il n'a pas cherché de prétexte pour rompre son engagement, et elle non plus. As a child, I loved to look at the beautiful pictures in our Bible publications, comparing the characters and examining every detail in order to impress the stories on my mind. He did not try to break her commitment, nor did he try to destroy her. Elle était convaincue que Jéhovah était le vrai Dieu et que, d'une façon ou d'une autre, il donnerait son pays aux Israélites. (See box on page 16.) She trusted that Jehovah was the true God and that in some other way he would give her land to the Israelites. 3: 3. This should strengthen our faith in God. 3: 3. Voyons quel rôle la méditation et la prière jouent dans ce domaine. We may think of a courageous person as one who is strong, valiant, even bold. Let us consider what role meditation and prayer play in this regard. b) Pourquoi les femmes méritent - elles d'être honorées? (b) What did Ezekiel see in vision? (b) Why do women deserve to be honored? Nous aurons la perspective de bénéficier de la rédemption et de vivre éternellement dans le monde nouveau maintenant très proche. - Psaume 130: 3 - 8. What can help us to complete the race successfully? Like Noah and his family, we have much to do every day. We will have the prospect of enjoying redemption and eternal life in God's new world just ahead. - Psalm 130: 3 - 8. L'amour du prochain, tout comme l'amour de Dieu, ne se réduit pas à un sentiment; il implique des actes. 11, 12. Love of neighbor, just as God's love is, not a feeling of feeling; it involves actions. Pourtant, elle a volontairement donné " deux petites pièces de monnaie ," " tout ce qu'elle avait pour vivre ." A period of relative inactivity, like sleep, set in. Yet, she willingly gave " two small coins of money, "" all that she had to live. " Quelle responsabilité avons - nous en tant que chrétiens, et quel manuel biblique a été spécialement conçu pour la prédication? He also noted that "when a show is given in the arena, [some] with greedy thirst have caught the fresh blood of the guilty... as a cure for their epilepsy. " What responsibility do we have as Christians, and what Bible publication has been especially designed for the preaching work? Jéhovah peut renverser une situation en faveur de ceux qui le craignent. There still is on earth today a remnant of anointed Christians, who are heirs of the Messianic Kingdom with Jesus. Jehovah can overturn a situation in behalf of those fearing him. b) Quel effet la persécution a - t - elle eu sur les premiers chrétiens? Why was that? (b) What effect did persecution have on the early Christians? Souffrez - vous dans votre chair des conséquences de la rébellion d'Adam, sous la forme d'une mauvaise santé? So can we! Could you ever think of the consequences of Adam's rebellion in the form of poor health? Nous croyons sincèrement que Jéhovah sait ce qui est bon pour nous. In time, they helped him build the ark, and then they went into it. We sincerely believe that Jehovah knows what is good for us. Abraham savourera la vie véritable sous la domination de la "ville " qu'il attendait. He also did not see his seed become "like the grains of sand that are on the seashore. " Abraham will enjoy real life under the rule of "the earth " that he would expect. Comme il nous restait rarement de l'argent, nous avons appris à économiser, et nous avons toujours eu ce dont nous avions besoin. It was said that both sexes met together at night... and that promiscuous intercourse followed.... Because we have not been left with money, we have learned to save, and we have always had what we needed. À l'exemple des fils de Qorah, prenez - vous plaisir au culte pur et à son histoire? Apart from Judas Iscariot of Jesus ' day, have others gone to Gehenna rather than to Sheol, or Hades, at their death? Like the sons of Korah, do you delight in pure worship and its history? Jésus explique: "Ce sont ceux qui ont entendu, mais, en se laissant entraîner par les inquiétudes, la richesse et les plaisirs de cette vie, ils sont complètement étouffés et ne portent rien à la perfection. ." What blessings do we enjoy as we continue to strive to follow the Christ zealously and fully? Jesus explains: "Those hearing are those who have heard, but by being led astray by anxieties, riches, and pleasures of this life they are completely choked and bear nothing to perfection. " Il se peut que la racine du problème ait été "l'amour de l'argent ," qui peut nuire à tous, riches ou pauvres. - 1 Tim. Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? The root of the problem may have been "the love of money, " which can harm all, rich, or poor. - 1 Tim. En plus de nous tendre des pièges, Satan essaie de faire pression sur nous pour que nous ne restions pas fidèles à Jéhovah. At the same time, though, we are aware of our wonderful privilege to be counted as fellow workers with God. In addition to being tender in traps, Satan tries to pressure us so that we do not remain loyal to Jehovah. [...] devenez bons les uns pour les autres, pleins d'une tendre compassion, vous pardonnant volontiers les uns aux autres tout comme Dieu aussi, par Christ, vous a pardonné volontiers. ." 16, 17. Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Pareillement, même si elle se sentait brisée, elle a appris qu'elle pouvait encore aider les autres. No doubt your school counselors know something about the local job market. Similarly, she learned that she could still help others. Plus vous comprendrez et appliquerez ce que vous lisez, plus vous vous régalerez de la Parole de Dieu. " We want to tell everyone about the truth, " said Virginia. The more you understand and apply what you read, the more you will enjoy God's Word. D'après un spécialiste, le verbe grec traduit par " être assidu à " peut signifier " rester fidèlement attaché à quelqu'un ou [...] s'appliquer exclusivement à quelque chose, [...] s'y consacrer inlassablement ." When under stress, even one who has built up a fine record in Jehovah's service may fall short. According to one scholar, the Greek verb translated "be diligent in mind " can " mean" to stick loyally to someone or to something,... to devote themselves to it. " Pourquoi les parents peuvent - ils parfois tenir compte de l'avis de leurs enfants quand ils fixent les règles de la maison? The earth has again become filled with violence. Why might parents at times take into consideration the opinions of their children when making rules of the house? Par exemple, aux États - Unis, où se trouve notre siège mondial, la Constitution garantit la liberté de religion, d'expression et de rassemblement. If we humble ourselves and seek God's direction during such trials, our faith will be refined, or purified, as though through fire. For example, in the United States, where our world headquarters is located, there guarantees the freedom of religion, expression, and gathering. Au - delà des actes, l'intégrité suppose donc d'avoir de bons mobiles. [ Box] Yes, integrity involves good motives. ." Nous pouvons donc imiter la sainteté de Jéhovah, être purs à ses yeux. While witnessing in Corinth, a center of Greek philosophy and learning, Paul may have been concerned about whether he would be able to persuade his listeners. Thus, we can imitate Jehovah's holiness, being clean in his eyes. 35: 9 - 29. Keep Asking for Holy Spirit 35: 9 - 29. Et toi, serais - tu plus heureux si tu avais l'indépendance absolue et la vie éternelle? Let us consider some key factors to keep in mind. Would you be happier if you had absolute independence and everlasting life? Notre intégrité n'est établie que si nous sommes, d'une façon ou d'une autre, " éprouvés jusqu'au bout '. These received the outpouring of the holy spirit, which made them spirit - begotten sons of God. Our integrity is provided only if we are, in some way, " tested to the end. ' " L'espérance ne peut pas être comparée à une simple bougie dans l'obscurité; elle est comme la clarté vive d'un soleil matinal, qui remplit notre vie de paix, de bonheur, de détermination, de courage. What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? " Hope cannot be compared to a mere moon in darkness; it is like a bright sun that fills our life with peace, happiness, determination, and courage. Il présente le texte de l'année 2011. We too have the privilege of announcing Jehovah's name and purpose. It presents the yeartext for 2011. Elles ont donc prié Dieu de leur envoyer quelqu'un pour les y aider. Elles avaient encore leur bible ouverte, lorsque deux Témoins de Jéhovah sont venus à leur porte et leur ont lu précisément le verset au sujet duquel elles avaient prié. Left unchecked, such thinking can lead us to put fleshly pursuits ahead of Jehovah's will. Thus, they prayed to God to send someone to help them, and they had yet their open Bible, when two of Jehovah's Witnesses came to their door, and they read the verse specifically on which they had prayed. Ainsi, les Écritures n'indiquent pas que, durant les derniers jours, les conditions mondiales deviendraient graves au point que les gens seraient obligés de croire que la fin est proche. Why? Thus, the Scriptures do not indicate that during the last days, world conditions would become very serious to the point that people would have to believe that the end is near. La plupart des jeunes qui entrent à l'université le font avec l'objectif de décrocher un diplôme qui leur permettra de trouver un travail sûr et bien payé. As disciples of Jesus, we are well - acquainted with our God - given commission. Most young ones who go to college make it a goal to stop a degree that will enable them to find a certain job and well - paying job. " L'adoption était un usage foncièrement romain, lit - on dans l'ouvrage Saint Paul à Rome (angl.); elle était étroitement associée aux conceptions romaines de la famille. Likely, some of them were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon and served at the rebuilt temple. " The army was a large Roman use, " states Paul in Rome, "and it was closely associated with the Roman views of the family. " Certains Israélites ont considéré le temple comme un fétiche, pensant qu'il les protégerait de leurs ennemis. In 1924, it was discovered that the closest such nebula, Andromeda, was actually a galaxy itself - some two million light years away! Some Israelites viewed the temple as a temple, thinking that he would protect them from their enemies. Jésus a déclaré: "C'est de l'abondance du cœur que [la] bouche parle. ." Considering what questions could help us to demonstrate "soundness of mind " regarding health recommendations? Jesus said: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " L'épée utilisée par les soldats romains mesurait environ 50 centimètres de long. Succumbing to discouragement can also weaken our faith and cause our love for God to grow cold. The sword used by Roman soldiers was about 50 long ago. Quels faits mettent en évidence le mode de vie qui rend riche aux yeux de Dieu? 2, 3. What evidence is highlighted in the way of life that makes rich in God's eyes? Enfant, j'adorais regarder les belles images des publications bibliques. (b) How do you feel about the ransom? As a child, I began to look at the fine images of Bible - based publications. (Voir l'encadré, page 16.) Is Jehovah using you to help others see him? (See box on page 16.) " Cela devrait affermir notre foi en Dieu. Tragedies, illness, or persecution may seem so unfair. Other people appear to escape many of such problems. This should strengthen our faith in God. Dans l'esprit de beaucoup, une personne courageuse est forte, vaillante, voire intrépide. • Why do some prayers for divine direction go unanswered? In many cases, a courageous person is strong, bold, or even bold. b) Quelle vision Ézékiel a - t - il reçue? " And the people were strengthened by [his] words. " - Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8. (b) What vision did Ezekiel receive? Si nous voulons terminer la course, à quoi devons - nous veiller? He taught principles that when applied would help family members to avoid attitudes and conduct that threatened their marriage or the happiness of their family. To finish the race, what must we keep on the watch? 11, 12. a) Qu'est - ce que Jéhovah a fait comprendre à Job? In one vision, Daniel saw Greece depicted as a leopard with four wings, indicating that this empire would conquer swiftly. 11, 12. (a) What did Jehovah do to Job? Ils ont sombré dans une période de quasi - inactivité, comparable à un sommeil. Why is effort needed to develop and maintain spirituality? They came into a period of countless inactivity, like a sleep. Il rappelle également que "lors d'un combat de gladiateurs, [certains] ont sucé avec une soif avide, pour guérir la maladie comitiale [l'épilepsie], le sang tout chaud [...] des criminels égorgés dans l'arène ." Try them. He also reminds us that "a battle with greedy thirst " has come to heal the disease's disease, the whole blood... Or, il existe aujourd'hui encore sur terre un reste des chrétiens oints, qui hériteront du Royaume messianique aux côtés de Jésus. In what sense did Eli fail to discipline his sons? But there is still a remnant of anointed Christians, who will inherit the Messianic Kingdom alongside Jesus. " Pour quelle raison? " Get out of her, my people. " - REV. Why? Nous le pouvons aussi! Thus, we can all benefit from the support of fellow Christians. We can do the same! Le moment venu, ils l'ont aidé à construire l'arche et ils y sont entrés. SONGS TO BE USED: 31, 118 At the time, they helped him build the ark and entered it. Il n'a pas vu non plus sa semence se multiplier "comme les grains de sable qui sont sur le bord de la mer ." 5: 28; Jas. He did not see his seed becoming "like the grains of sand that are on the seashore. " On prétendait que des chrétiens des deux sexes se retrouvaient la nuit [...] et qu'ils se livraient à la débauche. 7, 8. (a) When someone sins against you, how can you imitate Jehovah? For example, some Jewish Christians may have thought about the night... and were engaging in debauchery. D'autres que Judas Iscariote sont - ils allés dans la géhenne au lieu du shéol (ou hadès)? (Read Romans 13: 11 - 14.) What more did Judas Iscariot go to Gehenna instead of Sheol, or Hades,? Quelles bénédictions ceux qui s'efforcent de suivre le Christ continuellement, avec zèle et sans réserve, s'attirent - ils? Compare the storage capacity of one gram of DNA with that of a compact disc (CD). What blessings come to those who strive to follow the Christ continually, zealously zealously, and in store for themselves? Est - ce que j'assiste aux réunions chrétiennes régulièrement? One way is to compare your thinking with that of the faithful ones of old, such as King David, who wrote: "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is within my inward parts. " Do I regularly attend Christian meetings? En même temps, nous sommes conscients du privilège extraordinaire que nous avons d'être comptés parmi les compagnons de travail de Dieu. Overdrinking can damage physical health. At the same time, we recognize the wonderful privilege of being counted among God's fellow workers. 16, 17. Why does discussing our hope benefit us? 16, 17. Bien sûr, un conseiller d'orientation est bien placé pour te dire dans quelle branche tu trouveras facilement du travail dans ta région. So true Christians do not accept jobs that may involve idolatry, stealing, misuse of blood, or other unscriptural practices. Of course, a counselor's advice is good for you to tell you how easy work is available in your area. " Nous voulons faire connaître la vérité à tout le monde ," dit Virginia. David? " We want to make known the truth known to everyone, " says righteousness. Dans l'épreuve, même quelqu'un qui a servi fidèlement Jéhovah pendant des années peut commettre des erreurs. 13: 7, 8. In times of trial, even one who faithfully served Jehovah for years may make mistakes. De nouveau, la terre s'est remplie de violence. Jehovah therefore abandoned them to their enemies. Again, the earth filled with violence. Si nous demeurons humbles et demandons à Dieu sa direction lorsque nous rencontrons des difficultés, notre foi en ressortira affinée, purifiée comme du métal passé par le feu. Rather than enlighten, he deceives. If we remain humble and pray for God's guidance when we face hardships, our faith will be refined, like metal used by fire. [ Note] In any case, remember that you cannot force others to accept the truth. [ Footnote] Alors qu'il donnait le témoignage à Corinthe, un haut lieu de la philosophie et de l'érudition grecques, Paul s'est peut - être demandé s'il parviendrait à persuader ses auditeurs. • How can we show that we share Jehovah's view of people who have not yet heard the good news? While giving a witness to Corinth, a large place of the philosophy and message of the Christian Greek Scriptures may have been asked if he could persuade his listeners. Continuez à demander l'esprit saint In such ways, the sheep receive clear direction. Keep On Praying for Holy Spirit Voyons pourquoi. Joseph could have used his authority to exact vengeance for the very bad way that his brothers had treated him. Let us see why. L'esprit saint a été répandu sur eux, ce qui en a fait des fils de Dieu engendrés de l'esprit. As Satan's world nears its end, we are being bombarded all the more with images of things that can harm our relationship with God. Holy spirit was poured out upon them, and it made God's spirit - begotten sons. Quel appel a été lancé dans notre numéro d'avril 1881? * This was what the Kenites showed to "all the sons of Israel at the time of their coming up out of Egypt. " - 1 Sam. What call has been published in the April 1813 B.C.E.? Nous avons nous aussi l'honneur de faire connaître le nom et le dessein de Jéhovah. Through his organization, Jehovah gives us timely counsel about many areas of life - our conduct with the opposite sex, our associations, and our recreation. We too have the privilege of making known Jehovah's name and purpose known. Et si nous ne chassions pas de telles pensées, nous risquerions de faire passer nos désirs personnels avant la volonté de Jéhovah. God's enemy wants all who dedicate their lives to Jehovah to fail in their devotion and loyalty. And if we do not give up on such thoughts, we could put our own desires ahead of Jehovah's will. Pourquoi cela? Moreover, in countries where alcohol consumption is prohibited or is permitted only for those over a certain age, due regard should be given to the laws of the land. - Romans 13: 1. Why? Quelle œuvre Jéhovah nous demande - t - il d'accomplir aujourd'hui? Prior to his becoming a Christian, the apostle Paul was being groomed for success in the Jewish system of things. What work does Jehovah expect us to accomplish today? Certains furent probablement au nombre des Nethinim qui revinrent de Babylone et qui servirent au temple rebâti. Another evidence that Jehovah appreciates and values our expressions of godly devotion can be seen in what the Bible says about prayer. Some were likely among the apostles who returned from Babylon and served at the rebuilt temple. En 1924, on a découvert que la plus proche de ces nébuleuses, Andromède, était en réalité elle - même une galaxie, distante de quelque deux millions d'années - lumière. By sitting upon "the deluge, " or" heavenly ocean, " Jehovah indicates that he is in full control of his power. In 1940 B.C.E., we discovered that the closer to such ones was, in fact, just one mass of only two million years - light. Quelles questions le " bon sens " nous incitera - t - il à nous poser face à un conseil médical? Hence, all of us need to show concern for our brothers and truly care for one another. What questions will "soundness of mind " move us to ask ourselves when we are faced with medical counsel? Un autre facteur qui peut affaiblir notre foi et refroidir notre amour pour Dieu est le découragement. If we devote all our efforts merely to feed and cover ourselves, with nothing substantial left for serving Jehovah, we miss the very purpose of living. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Another factor that can weaken our faith and weaken our love for God is discouragement. 2, 3. For instance, José, a successful artist, says, "When you are able to paint on the canvas the picture you have in mind, you feel as if you had conquered a high mountain. " 2, 3. b) Quels sentiments la rançon éveille - t - elle en toi? Another reason why Jehovah has waited patiently is so that more people can have everlasting life. (b) How does the ransom affect you? Jéhovah se sert - il de toi pour aider des personnes à le voir? 4: 18. Does Jehovah use you to help others to see him? Tragédies, maladies, persécutions peuvent nous paraître terriblement injustes, d'autant plus que les gens autour de nous semblent souvent y échapper. Jesus indicated the answer when he repeatedly asked Peter: "Do you love me?... As many people around us seem to be free from depression, diseases, persecution, and persecution, especially as many people around us seem to be unable to escape it. • Pourquoi Dieu n'a - t - il pas répondu à certaines prières qui demandaient sa direction? Perhaps another factor in Jehovah's forgiveness is the way David himself had shown mercy to Saul. • Why did God not answer some prayers who asked for direction? Ses paroles les ont fortifiés (lire 2 Chroniques 32: 6 - 8). How would you answer, though, if someone inquired, "Why should I continue to ask if God already knows " what things I am needing before ever I ask him '? " (Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8.) Il a aussi mis en évidence des mentalités et des comportements qu'il faut rejeter pour préserver l'unité des couples et le bonheur des familles. But even the hairs of your heads are all numbered. He also pointed to attitudes and attitudes needed to preserve the unity of married couples and happiness. Dans la première, il a vu la Grèce dépeinte sous les traits d'un léopard doté de quatre ailes, signe que cette puissance volerait de conquête en conquête. With his blessing, we use the greater freedom, not to improve our personal life - styles, but to serve Jehovah openly and fully. In the first century, he saw Greece depicted as a wave of four wings, a sign that this power would steal in conquest. Pourquoi peut - il être difficile de devenir et de rester quelqu'un de spirituel? " A sharp burst of anger " occurred, and this dispute caused a separation. Why can it be difficult to become and remain a spiritual person? Essaie - les. Then, like Job, we can say: "My ears have heard about you, but now I do see you with my eyes. " Try to do so. Comment Éli aurait - il dû agir envers ses fils, et pourquoi? January 18 - 24, 2010 How would Eli have dealt with his sons, and why? " Sortez d'elle, mon peuple ." the prophet responded. " Get out of her, my people. " - ISA. Ainsi, nous pourrons tous nous entraider. God has both strong and tender feelings. Thus, all of us will be able to help one another. CANTIQUES: 31, 118 Instead, he said of the bread: "This means my body. " Regarding the wine, he stated: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " SONGS TO BE USED: 31, 118 5: 28; Jacq. Then likely you want to instill that moral value in your children. 5: 28; Jas. 7, 8. a) Quand quelqu'un pèche contre toi, comment peux - tu imiter Jéhovah? Thus, it is still "the day of salvation " and" the especially acceptable time. " 7, 8. (a) When someone sins against you, how can you imitate Jehovah? (Lire Romains 13: 11 - 14.) Why can we be sure that God can provide the courage and strength that we need in order to cope with depressing problems? (Read Romans 13: 11 - 14.) Comparons la capacité de stockage d'un gramme d'ADN avec celle d'un disque compact (CD). Jesus went on to explain it, as recorded at Mark 4: 14 - 20: "The sower sows the word. Let us compare the ability to tangible DNA with that of a man - in - law - to - date. Comparez votre attitude avec celle de fidèles du passé, tel David, qui a écrit: "À faire ta volonté, ô mon Dieu, j'ai pris plaisir, et ta loi est tout au fond de moi. ." He used those who were God - fearing, trustworthy, and reliable. Contrast your attitude with that of faithful man of old, such as David, who wrote: "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is deep within me. " Détérioration de la santé. The apostle Peter wrote: "Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect. " It's a golden goldous of health. Pourquoi nous est - il bénéfique de parler de notre espérance? Today, the way of approach to God has been opened up to millions! Why can we benefit from talking about our hope? C'est pour cela que les vrais chrétiens n'acceptent pas d'emplois qui peuvent avoir un lien avec l'idolâtrie, le vol, un mauvais usage du sang ou d'autres pratiques contraires aux Écritures. God's way of doing things is the standard of justice. For that reason, true Christians do not accept employment that can have a connection with idolatry, stealing, misuse of blood, or other unscriptural practices. de David? Certainly, we do not demean them by making them the object of foolish and thoughtless jokes. David? 13: 7, 8. • Why does the faithful steward deserve our trust? 13: 7, 8. Aussi Jéhovah a - t - il livré le peuple à ses ennemis. She would do anything for them, including getting up in the middle of the night to feed them. As a result, Jehovah delivered the people to his enemies. Loin d'éclairer, il trompe. And he rejoices over them down to this day. Rather than light up, he deceives himself. Quoi qu'il en soit, dis - toi que tu ne peux pas forcer les autres à accepter la vérité. 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. Whatever the case, say that you cannot force others to accept the truth. • Comment pouvons - nous montrer que nous portons le même regard que Jéhovah sur ceux qui n'ont pas encore entendu la bonne nouvelle? 12 • How can we show that we share Jehovah's view of those who have not yet heard the good news? Ainsi, les brebis reçoivent une direction claire. " He that says he remains in union with [God] is under obligation himself also to go on walking just as that one [Jesus] walked. " - 1 JOHN 2: 6. Thus, the sheep receive clear direction. Joseph aurait pu utiliser son pouvoir pour se venger du traitement qu'ils lui avaient infligé. First of all, as we have seen, the tithing arrangement was not optional; each Israelite had an obligation in this regard. Joseph could have used his power to retaliate against the treatment they had made to him. Tandis que le monde de Satan touche à sa fin, nous sommes de plus en plus bombardés d'images montrant des choses qui pourraient nuire à nos relations avec Dieu. We live in exciting times. As Satan's world nears its end, we are increasingly attracted to images that could damage our relationship with God. C'est cette bonté - là que les Qénites ont manifestée à "tous les fils d'Israël à l'époque où ils montaient d'Égypte ." - 1 Sam. By regular Bible study, meeting attendance, prayer, and meditation. It was this kindness that the obediences gave to "all the sons of Israel at the time of Egypt. " - 1 Sam. Par son organisation, Jéhovah nous donne en temps voulu des conseils sur de nombreux aspects de la vie: la conduite envers les personnes de l'autre sexe, les fréquentations, les divertissements, etc. Thinking about the ransom and what it means for you will motivate you to respond appreciatively. Through his organization, Jehovah provides counsel on many aspects of life - conduct toward those of the opposite sex, recreation, entertainment, and so forth. L'ennemi de Jéhovah veut que tous ceux qui se vouent à leur Maître céleste renoncent à leur attachement et à leur fidélité. " Take my yoke upon you..., and you will find refreshment for your souls. " - MATT. Jehovah's enemy wants all who dedicate themselves to their heavenly Master to their devotion and loyalty. Enfin, dans les pays où la consommation d'alcool est strictement interdite ou autorisée seulement à partir d'un certain âge, il convient de respecter les lois en vigueur. - Romains 13: 1. The inspired answer is significant: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Finally, in lands where the use of alcohol is banned or allowed only from a certain age, it is appropriate to respect the laws in force. - Romans 13: 1. Avant d'être chrétien, l'apôtre Paul recevait une formation pour réussir dans le système de choses juif. They can be stolen or consumed by decay. Before being a Christian, the apostle Paul received training for success in the Jewish system of things. Ce que dit la Bible sur la prière est une preuve supplémentaire que Jéhovah remarque et estime les manifestations de notre attachement à sa personne. What attitude toward the Christian ministry do we need to maintain in order to cooperate fully with this ingathering work? What the Bible says about prayer is further proof of Jehovah's notice and appreciation for the manifestation of our devotion to him. Le fait que Jéhovah soit assis sur "le déluge " ou" océan céleste " indique qu'il maîtrise son pouvoir de façon absolue. To illustrate that God never purposed such an unduly rigid application of his Sabbath law, Jesus referred to an incident recorded at 1 Samuel 21: 3 - 6. The fact that Jehovah is seated on "the flood " or" heavenly " indicates that he has full control. En conséquence, il nous appartient à tous de porter de l'intérêt à nos frères et de nous soucier sincèrement les uns des autres. Since then, he has helped other brothers to overcome similar trials and to recover spiritually. As a result, all of us have a keen interest in our brothers and are sincerely concerned about one another. Si nous consacrons le meilleur de nos forces à obtenir de quoi nous nourrir et nous vêtir, en ne laissant que des miettes pour le service de Jéhovah, nous manquons le but même de notre existence. - Ecclésiaste 12: 13. Fifth, shining brightly. If we give the best of our strength to obtain food and drink, we do not let it go only for Jehovah's service to the very purpose of our life. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Par exemple, José, un peintre talentueux, déclare: "Quand on parvient à mettre sur la toile l'image qu'on a en tête, on a l'impression d'avoir atteint le sommet d'une montagne. Satan does not mind if part of our heart is loving what is right as long as part of it loves what is bad, what he promotes. - Ps. For example, José wrote: "When you come to put the image of a mountain, you feel that you have reached the top of a mountain. Jéhovah se montre également patient afin que davantage d'humains puissent recevoir la vie éternelle. Can we apply this principle so as to have more time to assist with work in behalf of the Kingdom? Jehovah is also patient so that more people can receive everlasting life. 4: 18. Still, as Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, just as fruits reveal the condition of a tree, so our activities demonstrate the true condition of our heart. 4: 18. Jésus le lui a fait comprendre par cette triple question: "M'aimes - tu [...]? 1 - 3. (a) How do many feel about the opportunity to conduct Bible studies? Jesus indicated this by saying: "Do you love me?... Une des raisons pour lesquelles Jéhovah a pardonné à David tient peut - être au fait que David lui - même a pardonné à Saül. Yet, this is no contradiction of God's promise to safeguard the Messiah. One reason why Jehovah forgave David may have been that David himself forgave Saul. " Mais pourquoi continuer à demander, si Dieu sait déjà " de quoi nous avons besoin avant même que nous le lui demandions ' ," objecteront certains. Perhaps we could read one more scripture that drives home this point. " But why keep asking, ' some may wonder, " If God already knows what we need before we ask him. ' " N'ayez pas peur; vous valez plus que beaucoup de moineaux. " I already knew what my goals were, " he noted, "but writing them down made me work harder to reach them. " Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows. " Avec sa bénédiction, nous profitons de notre liberté, non pour augmenter notre train de vie, mais pour servir Dieu ouvertement et de notre mieux. There are many opportunities to serve Jehovah. With his blessing, we will benefit from our freedom, not to increase our lives, but to serve God openly and to do our best. Il y a eu alors "une violente explosion de colère " qui a provoqué leur séparation. The true God felt regret in the case of the Ninevites; that is, he changed his intention regarding them. Then there was "a sharp burst of anger " that caused their separation. Comme Job, nous pouvons alors dire: " Par ouï - dire j'ai entendu parler de toi, mais maintenant mon œil te voit, oui. " There was no escape. Like Job, we can say: "In Aramaic I have heard about you, but now my own eye sees you, yes. " 18 - 24 janvier 2010 ARTICLE 1 • SONGS: 3, 65 January 18 - 24, 2010 David s'est jugé lui - même. Does Jehovah arbitrarily mold people or nations, making some good and others bad? David saw himself. Dieu éprouve des sentiments forts et des sentiments tendres. [ Picture on page 19] God has strong feelings and tender feelings. Il a plutôt dit du pain: " Ceci représente mon corps ," et du vin: " Ceci représente mon "sang de l'alliance ," qui va être répandu en faveur de beaucoup ." When it comes to conveying the lifesaving message in the Scriptures, we do not want to "go beyond the things that are written. " - 1 Cor. Rather, he said: "This means my body, " and wine," This means my " blood of the covenant, " which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " Vous voulez alors sûrement inculquer cette valeur morale à vos enfants. What a dangerous path to begin walking down! You surely want to inculcate such moral value in your children. Ainsi, c'est encore "le jour du salut " et" le temps particulièrement agréé ." Unlike Jehovah and Jesus, elders cannot read hearts. Thus, "the day of salvation " and" the especially acceptable time. " Qu'est - ce qui nous assure que Dieu peut nous donner la force et le courage dont nous avons besoin pour faire face à des situations qui nous dépriment? Parents, can you ask yourselves such questions and then incorporate some of the answers into the prayers you say with your children? What assures us that God can give us the strength and courage we need in dealing with distressing situations? Jésus en a donné la signification en Marc 4: 14 - 20: "Le semeur sème la parole. (b) How can those who are unable to pioneer manifest a pioneer spirit? Jesus gave the meaning at Mark 4: 14 - 20: "The sower sows the word. " Des hommes craignant Dieu, dignes de confiance et fidèles. Can You Recall? God - fearing men are trustworthy, trustworthy, and faithful. 3 Biographie: J'ai retiré des bienfaits à marcher avec des sages If we diligently study the Scriptures and apply their counsel in life, we can live a more satisfying life even now in this troubled world. 3 Life Story - I Benefit From Walking With Wise Ones ." L'apôtre Pierre, quant à lui, a déclaré: "Sanctifiez le Christ comme Seigneur dans vos cœurs, toujours prêts à présenter une défense devant tout homme qui vous demande la raison de l'espérance qui est en vous, mais faites - le avec douceur et profond respect. ." • How might we guard against pride? Similarly, the apostle Peter said: "Consider the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect. " Aujourd'hui, cette possibilité extraordinaire est offerte à des millions d'humains. But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. " Today, that wonderful opportunity is open to millions of people. Les manières d'agir de Dieu constituent la norme en matière de justice. (a) What will the wild beast do, and with what outcome? God's ways are the standard for righteousness. Il est certainement hors de propos de le rabaisser en se permettant, à son sujet, des plaisanteries stupides et maladroites. Of course, all lying is wrong, but not every case of untruthfulness requires judicial action. Clearly, it is not surprising that he awakens it by allowing it to be swallowed up, by him on his subject, the stupid and offended. • Pourquoi l'intendant fidèle mérite - t - il notre confiance? One day, Jehovah commanded Jonah to leave Israel and travel to Nineveh, the capital of the mighty Assyrian Empire. • Why is the faithful steward worthy of our confidence? Elle ne s'épargne aucune peine, se levant même en pleine nuit pour leur donner à manger. So, what do they do? It takes away no pain, lift themselves up even in night to eat. Et jusqu'à ce jour, il se réjouit au sujet de ces fidèles. Roman citizens in Philippi and throughout the Roman Empire were proud of their status and enjoyed special protection under Roman law. And until that day, he rejoices about these faithful ones. 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. Because Saul was determined to kill David, Jonathan faced a conflict of loyalties. 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. 12 We can have similar confidence if we practice righteousness. 12 " Celui qui dit qu'il demeure en union avec [Dieu] est tenu, lui aussi, de continuer à marcher tout comme celui - là [Jésus] a marché. " - 1 JEAN 2: 6. Yes, having faith gave Enoch the courage to walk with Jehovah and to proclaim His judgment message to a godless world. " He that says he remains in union with [God] is obligated to go on walking just as that one [Jesus] walked. " - 1 JOHN 2: 6. En premier lieu, comme nous l'avons vu, la dîme n'était pas facultative; tout Israélite était tenu de s'y soumettre. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 First, as we saw, tithing was not optional; any Israelite was obligated to submit to it. Nous vivons une époque passionnante. God "has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever. " - Psalm 104: 5. We live in exciting times. Par la régularité dans les domaines de l'étude de la Bible, de la présence aux réunions, de la prière et de la méditation. What led to God's taking the Levites for his service? Regular study of God's Word, meeting attendance, prayer, and meditation. En réfléchissant à la rançon et à ce qu'elle signifie pour toi, tu seras poussé à manifester de la reconnaissance en retour. Additionally, remembering that we are all members of Jehovah's household and that he has obligated himself to watch over us will help us to maintain our balance. Reflecting on the ransom and what it means for you will move you to show appreciation in return. " Prenez sur vous mon joug [...], et vous trouverez du réconfort pour vos âmes. " - MAT. During the hours we were there, surrounded by our Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were able to place our burden on Jehovah, and we experienced a measure of inner calm. " " Take my yoke upon you..., and you will find refreshment for your souls. " - MATT. La Bible répond sans équivoque: "Voici ce que signifie l'amour de Dieu: que nous observions ses commandements; et pourtant ses commandements ne sont pas pesants. ." David was so aroused by observing Bath - sheba that he had her brought to his palace, where he committed adultery with her. - 2 Sam. The Bible clearly answers: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Ils peuvent s'abîmer; on peut les voler. 14: 6, 7. They can hurt themselves; they can steal them. Quel regard devons - nous continuer de porter sur le ministère chrétien si nous voulons coopérer pleinement à cette œuvre de rassemblement? To the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul wrote: "After we had first suffered and been insolently treated (just as you know) in Philippi, we mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great deal of struggling. " What view of the Christian ministry should we keep in mind if we want to cooperate fully with this gathering work? Pour montrer que Dieu n'avait jamais souhaité qu'on applique avec autant de rigidité sa loi sur le sabbat, Jésus a remémoré l'épisode relaté en 1 Samuel 21: 3 - 6. How? To show that God had never wanted to apply his law on the Sabbath, Jesus recalled what happened at 1 Samuel 21: 3 - 6. Depuis, il a aidé d'autres frères à surmonter des épreuves semblables à la sienne et à se rétablir spirituellement. The woman listened, got out of the van, and stepped over to the sister's car. Since then, he has helped other brothers to cope with trials similar to his and to recover spiritually. Cinquièmement, le resplendissement des justes. A teacher needs to create the right conditions for training. " The sound of the righteous ones, " says one, "and the sound of the righteous ones. " Peu importe à Satan qu'une partie de nous - mêmes aime le bien, tant qu'une autre partie aime le mal, dont il se fait le promoteur. - Ps. It is closely related to faith and love. No matter how much Satan loves us, both a portion of us love what is bad, and some of us are doing so. - Ps. PAGE 32 Before Peter's conduct could sour the brotherhood, Paul acted by counseling Peter directly, face - to - face. ARTICLE 5 Nous verrons aussi comment acquérir la joie et comment la préserver dans les difficultés. He loves us and wants to protect us from harm. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. We will also see how we can acquire joy and maintain it in times of need. Pouvons - nous mettre ce principe en pratique afin d'avoir davantage de temps pour participer à des tâches liées au Royaume? What fields of full - time service in modern times do you appreciate? Can we apply this principle in order to have more time to share in Kingdom activities? Toutefois, dans son Sermon sur la montagne, Jésus a fait remarquer que, de même que les fruits d'un arbre révèlent son état, nos activités révèlent le véritable état de notre cœur. - Mat. How Are You Affected by God's Dignity and Splendor? In his Sermon on the Mount, however, Jesus pointed out that like the fruits of a tree, our activities reveal the true state of our heart. - Matt. 1 - 3. a) Que ressentent beaucoup à l'idée de conduire une étude biblique? Meanwhile, what a privilege it is to carry lifesaving truths to earth's inhabitants! - Ezekiel 9: 4 - 6, 11. 1 - 3. (a) How do many feel about conducting a Bible study? Mais cela ne voulait pas dire que Dieu avait manqué à sa promesse de préserver le Messie. To what extent did Jesus reflect his Father's attitude toward mankind? But this did not mean that God had failed to preserve the Messiah. D'ailleurs, j'aimerais vous montrer un verset qui appuie bien cette idée. (b) How did she keep contending and eventually get blessed? In fact, I would like to show you a scripture that would support you. " Je savais déjà quels étaient mes objectifs, fait - il remarquer, mais les écrire m'a incité à faire plus d'efforts pour les atteindre. " It is truly a precious gem! " I knew what my goals were, " he says, "but the letters moved me to do more work at reaching them. " On peut servir Jéhovah de nombreuses façons. Much as electricity powers a light bulb, breathing energizes your voice when you speak or sing. There are many ways in which we can serve Jehovah. Le vrai Dieu a éprouvé du regret dans le cas des Ninivites: son intention à leur égard a changé. There were no immigration and customs checks. The true God felt regret in the case of the Ninevites. " Il n'en resta pas même un seul. This distressed Jesus, for he knew that it reflected unjustly on his Father. He did not even continue to do so. PAGE 12 • CANTIQUES: 3, 65 Why did God choose her to become the mother of Jesus? ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 3, 65 Mais Jéhovah façonne - t - il arbitrairement les personnes, ou les nations, faisant les unes bonnes et les autres mauvaises? He contacted the Witnesses, admitted his mistake, and was reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. But does Jehovah discipline people, or nations, to do good and bad? [ Illustration, page 19] Is it Bible study and fellowship at Christian meetings, or is it weekends away from Christian responsibilities? [ Picture on page 19] Nous ne voulons pas " aller au - delà de ce qui est écrit ' quand nous communiquons le message de salut contenu dans la Bible. - 1 Cor. About one billion people do not have enough to eat, while others have an abundance. We do not want to " go beyond what is written ' when we share the message of salvation found in the Bible. - 1 Cor. Il serait assurément sur une pente dangereuse. (b) What issue must we always bear in mind? It would certainly be dangerous. Contrairement à Jéhovah et à Jésus, les anciens ne peuvent pas lire dans les cœurs. " THE WOLF AND THE LAMB... Unlike Jehovah and Jesus, Christian elders cannot read hearts ' " Parents, pourquoi ne pas vous poser ce genre de questions et inclure certaines des réponses dans les prières que vous prononcez avec vos enfants? Maintaining Christian integrity is far more important than becoming popular with people who do not live by Jehovah's laws. Parents, why not ask such questions and include some answers that you ask with your children? b) Comment ceux qui ne peuvent être pionniers peuvent - ils en revanche manifester l'esprit pionnier? Clearly, the Romans were exemplary in many ways. (b) How can those who cannot pioneer share the pioneer spirit? Vous en souvenez - vous? But how vital that you keep on doing so! Do You Recall? Si nous étudions assidûment les Écritures et appliquons ce que nous apprenons, nous connaîtrons une vie plus satisfaisante dès à présent, même dans ce monde troublé. Why can we be pleased that Christians acted urgently some 100 years ago? If we diligently study the Scriptures and apply what we learn, we will experience a more satisfying life now - even in this troubled world. • Comment nous garder de l'orgueil? How did the climate of peace benefit the early Christians? • How can we guard against haughtiness? Mais sachez ceci: si le maître de maison avait su à quelle veille venait le voleur, il se serait tenu éveillé et n'aurait pas laissé forcer sa maison. ." Later, when Hezekiah needed correction for showing a haughty attitude, he humbled himself and repented. But if the householder's master had known the night before the thief, he would be kept awake and would not have allowed his house to be forced. " a) Que va faire la bête sauvage, et sur quoi cela va - t - il déboucher? How can you introduce Matthew 5: 3 in a conversation? (a) What will the wild beast do, and how will this happen? Dans tous les cas, il est mal de mentir; cependant, toute déformation de la réalité ne nécessite pas obligatoirement la constitution d'un comité de discipline religieuse. Sonja was ready for the study when I came, and we have studied every week since that time. " In any case, it is wrong to lie; yet, any failure of reality does not require judicial action. Un jour, Jéhovah lui a ordonné de se rendre à Ninive, la capitale du puissant Empire assyrien. This calls to mind Peter's words: "What sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion! " On one occasion, Jehovah commanded Moses to go to Nineveh, the capital of the powerful Roman Empire. Alors que font - ils? When necessary, he went without rest, food, and comfort so that he could help others to find the road to life. What, then, are they doing? Tout citoyen romain, à Philippes comme dans le reste de l'Empire, était fier de son statut et bénéficiait d'une protection garantie par la loi romaine. When an elderly parent is in constant need, there is a risk of caregiver burnout. Any Roman citizen, such as the rest of the Roman Empire, was proud of his status, and had protection from Roman law. Comment Yonathân a - t - il su à qui il devait être fidèle? Some of the names in this series of articles have been changed. How did Jonathan know to be loyal? ." Une confiance similaire nous habitera également dans la mesure où nous pratiquons la justice. However, we live in a dangerous environment. In a similar way, we too need to be in a position to the extent that we practice righteousness. C'est donc bien la foi qui a procuré à Hénok le courage de marcher avec Jéhovah et d'annoncer le message divin de jugement à un monde impie. Rejoicing in Our Hope How faith - strengthening it was to walk with Jehovah and to declare the divine message of judgment to an ungodly world! ARTICLES D'ÉTUDE 1 ET 2 PAGES 7 - 16 Indeed, he was likely in his late 90 ' s when God's angel warmly said to him: "O Daniel, you very precious man. " - Dan. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 Dieu " a fondé la terre sur ses lieux fixes; elle ne chancellera pas pour des temps indéfinis, oui pour toujours ." The psalmist said: "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones,... but his delight is in the law of Jehovah. " - Psalm 1: 1, 2. God "has founded the earth upon its places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, even forever. " C'est dans ces circonstances qu'un jour Hanna a fait un vœu: si elle mettait au monde un fils, elle le donnerait à Jéhovah. What, then, is the position of those who hope to live forever in a global paradise under Kingdom rule? At such times, Hannah made a vow to a son, and she would give her to Jehovah. Quelles étapes ont précédé l'entrée des Lévites au service de Dieu? Really, he has always done good toward us. What steps led up to the Levites ' entry into God's service? Un autre moyen de garder notre équilibre est de nous souvenir que nous faisons tous partie de la maisonnée de Jéhovah et qu'il se fait un devoir de veiller sur nous. Many problems and misunderstandings can be reduced or eliminated by being open, honest, and kind in our communication. Another way to keep our balance is to remember that all of Jehovah's household are part of Jehovah's household and that it is a responsibility to keep on the watch. Durant ces heures passées au milieu de nos frères et sœurs, nous pouvions vraiment jeter notre fardeau sur Jéhovah, ce qui nous procurait un certain apaisement. ." [ Picture on page 19] During those hours in the midst of our brothers and sisters, we could actually throw our burden on Jehovah, which brought us a measure of refreshment. " La contemplation de cette femme éveille chez le roi un tel désir qu'il la fait venir dans son palais et commet l'adultère avec elle. - 2 Sam. Get sufficient sleep. Reflecting on this woman arouses such a longing for him to come into his palace and commit adultery with her. - 2 Sam. 14: 6, 7. They should always point to what the Bible says. 14: 6, 7. Il a écrit aux chrétiens de Thessalonique: "Après avoir d'abord souffert et avoir été traités avec insolence à Philippes (comme vous le savez), nous avons pris de la hardiesse par le moyen de notre Dieu pour vous dire la bonne nouvelle de Dieu au milieu de bien des combats. How do we know that what we look at can affect our heart? He wrote to the Thessalonian Christians: "After having first suffered and been treated in Philippi, as you know, we mustered up boldness by means of our God to tell you the good news of God in the midst of many conflicts. " Restait à savoir comment. When that happened, he exercised restraint and even used his God - given power to bring relief. We would never know how to do so. La femme a écouté, puis elle est sortie de la camionnette et s'est approchée de la voiture. Learn who really are Kingdom citizens. The woman listened, and she came out of the pit and drawn close to the car. Un enseignant doit créer des conditions favorables à la formation. " TO WILL AND TO ACT " A teacher must create favorable conditions for training. Elle est étroitement liée à la foi et à l'amour. By applying the Bible's counsel, we can continue to show love for our neighbor. It is closely related to faith and love. Avant que sa conduite n'empoisonne les relations fraternelles, Paul est intervenu en le conseillant directement, " en face ." 1, 2. (a) What trait of the Devil is reflected in a declaration recorded in Isaiah chapter 14? Before his conduct did not disrupt brotherly dealings, Paul acted in harmony with the counsel to get involved directly, "in the face of matters. " Il nous aime et veut nous protéger de tout ce qui peut nous faire du mal. He then proceeded to explain the meaning of the material to me. He loves us and wants to protect us from anything that can harm us. Quelles formes de service à plein temps actuelles apprécies - tu? That man was grateful to Jesus for the answer. What avenues of full - time service do you appreciate? Que produisent en vous la dignité et la splendeur de Dieu? I also find it wise to go shopping only with those of my friends who are careful with their money and who will encourage me to shop around and not buy the first thing I see. " What does it produce in you God's dignity and splendor? En attendant, quel privilège nous avons de communiquer des vérités salvatrices aux habitants de la terre! - Ézékiel 9: 4 - 6, 11. Jesus ' departure was observed only by his loyal followers. What a privilege we have to impart lifesaving truths to the inhabitants of the earth! - Ezekiel 9: 4 - 6, 11. Dans quelle mesure Jésus a - t - il reflété la manière dont son Père traitait les humains? The Hebrew word translated "vanity " refers to something empty, futile, meaningless, of no substance, or of no lasting value. How did Jesus reflect his Father's view of humans? b) Comment Rachel a - t - elle continué de lutter, et quelle bénédiction a - t - elle obtenue? He would hold an accounting against both idolatrous Israel and the wayward kingdom of Judah. (b) How did Rachel continue to fight, and what blessing did she receive? Un joyau très précieux s'il en est! Why not share with others your impressions once you have read these faith - strengthening articles? What a precious gem it is! Tout comme l'électricité donne de l'énergie à une ampoule, la respiration donne de l'énergie à la voix quand on parle ou qu'on chante. At Romans 10: 15, we read: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things! " Just as the assures us of energy in a new room, the lack of energy is given to the voice when we speak or sing. Pas non plus de formalités d'immigration et de douane. " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, " wrote Solomon, "but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want. " For example, are you considering a business proposal? Not one of the highest sacrifices, nor was it possible for them to be in high - law or in other ways. Ces propos ont affligé Jésus, car ils entachaient injustement le nom de son Père. (b) What are you determined to do, and why? Those words afflicted Jesus, for they kept his Father's name unjustly. Pourquoi Dieu l'a - t - il choisie pour être la mère de Jésus? Today, there are hundreds of conflicting religions in the realm of Christendom. Why did God choose him to be Jesus ' mother? Il a repris contact avec les Témoins, a reconnu son erreur, et a de nouveau été admis comme Témoin de Jéhovah. In the year 1473 B.C.E., a prostitute named Rahab lived in the Canaanite city of Jericho. He contacted the Witnesses, recognized his error, and came to be recognized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Qu'est - ce qui me procure le plus de satisfaction: étudier la Bible et rencontrer les frères et sœurs lors des réunions de la congrégation, ou bien passer des week - ends sans assumer de responsabilités chrétiennes? It is not pleasant to receive help from one who makes you feel inferior or who makes you feel that you are a nuisance or a burden. What benefits do I enjoy when studying the Bible and attending Christian meetings, or engaging in smaller responsibilities? Près d'un milliard de personnes ne mangent pas à leur faim, alors que d'autres ont plus de nourriture qu'il n'en faut. Anna, mentioned in Luke's Gospel, likely was deeply saddened when her husband died unexpectedly after just seven years of marriage. Nearly one billion people do not eat their hungry, while others have more food than they need. La souveraineté, c'est la suprématie quant au règne ou au pouvoir. Do such qualities of Christ not move you to continue serving him loyally? Jehovah's sovereignty is the too far - reaching rule or power. b) Quelle question devons - nous toujours garder présente à l'esprit? If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. (b) What question must we keep in mind? Il est bien plus important de préserver son intégrité chrétienne que d'être bien vu par ceux qui ne se conforment pas aux lois de Jéhovah. In what ways is Jehovah our God "one Jehovah "? It is far more important to maintain our Christian integrity than to be seen by those who do not conform to Jehovah's laws. " Manifestement, les Romains étaient exemplaires sous bien des rapports. Euodia and Syntyche, wrote Paul, had "striven side by side with [him] in the good news. " Clearly, Romans was exemplary in many ways. Mais il est capital que vous poursuiviez vos efforts! Jehovah is "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " How vital, though, that you continue your efforts! Pourquoi sommes - nous heureux que des chrétiens aient prêché avec un sentiment d'urgence il y a un siècle? Those "430 years " began when Jehovah's covenant with Abraham went into effect in 1943 B.C.E. Why are we grateful that some Christians were preaching with a sense of urgency over a century ago? Pourquoi peut - on dire que la paix qui régnait dans le monde romain était profitable aux premiers chrétiens? He stated: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Why can it be said that peace in the Roman world benefited first - century Christians? Plus tard, quand il a été discipliné pour s'être comporté avec orgueil, il s'est humilié et s'est repenti. Many parents set a good example in this regard. Later, when he was disciplined to be proud, he humbled himself and repented. Comment peut - on introduire Matthieu 5: 3 dans une conversation? JEHOVAH is "the God of truth. " How can Matthew 5: 3 be brought into a conversation? Quand je suis arrivée chez elle, elle était prête et, à partir de ce jour, nous avons étudié chaque semaine. PHYSICAL HEALTH AND RESILIENCE When I arrived home, she was willing and from that day we studied every week. La proclamation de la bonne nouvelle est l'une des plus importantes "actions marquées par l'attachement à Dieu ." Even a fleeting or accidental brush with pornography can have a negative impact. The preaching of the good news is one of the more important "deeds of godly devotion. " Quand c'était nécessaire, il était prêt à se priver de repos et de nourriture et à renoncer à son confort pour aider autrui à trouver le chemin de la vie. 4: 10. When necessary, he was willing to rob himself of rest and food and give up his comfort so that he could help others find the way of life. Quand un parent âgé a besoin d'une aide permanente, celui qui en prend soin peut risquer une dépression d'épuisement, ou burn - out. MY PAST: I was one of seven children, brought up in Hermosillo, in Sonora, Mexico, an area afflicted with much poverty. When an elderly parent is in need of permanent help, the one who takes care may become depressed, or (b) Why? Dans cette revue, certains prénoms ont été changés. What will we consider in the next article? In this magazine, some names have been changed. Cependant, nous vivons dans un monde dangereux. How we long for a world free of violence, terrorism, and corruption! However, we live in a dangerous world. Celui qui est de Dieu écoute les paroles de Dieu. Why do we have "abundant peace "? The One who is God listens to God's sayings. Réjouissons - nous dans notre espérance Festus explained that the accusers disputed Paul's assertion that "a certain Jesus who was dead... was alive. " Rejoice in Our Hope Il avait presque 100 ans quand un ange l'a qualifié d ' " homme très désirable ." What is the difference? It was almost 100 years old when an angel described him as "a very desirable man. " Mais son plaisir est dans la loi de Jéhovah. " - Psaume 1: 1, 2. Since "the heavens are higher than the earth, " the abasement of exalted things is at times represented by their being" thrown down from heaven to earth. " But his delight is in the law of Jehovah. " - Psalm 1: 1, 2. Quelle est dans ce cas la position de ceux qui espèrent vivre éternellement dans un paradis sous la domination du Royaume? When the mother of James and John approached Jesus on their behalf to ask that they be granted favored positions in the Kingdom, Jesus addressed the brothers directly, saying: "This sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father. " What is the position of those who hope to live forever in a paradise under Kingdom rule? " Reconnaissons - le, Jéhovah nous fait toujours du bien. But as for Judah, it came to the watchtower of the wilderness. True, Jehovah always makes us good. On peut souvent venir à bout de difficultés ou dissiper des malentendus en communiquant avec franchise, honnêteté et bonté. Such factors do not excuse outbursts. In time, problems or misunderstandings can be met by opening speech, honesty, and kindness. [ Illustration, page 19] Abraham sent him to Mesopotamia to obtain a God - fearing wife for Isaac. [ Picture on page 19] Dors suffisamment. Intrigued by the gecko's ability, researchers say that synthetic materials made to imitate the gecko's feet could be used as a powerful adhesive. * Do not do anything enough. Ils doivent se référer constamment à ce que dit la Bible. The prophet presented to the king a situation in which a rich man with many sheep of his own took and slaughtered the sole, beloved sheep belonging to a man of little means. They must constantly adhere to what the Bible says. Comment savons - nous que ce que nous regardons peut influencer notre cœur? How do you think you would have felt toward Manasseh if his innocent victims had included one of your relatives? How do we know that what we look at can affect our heart? Il se contenait alors et recourait même au pouvoir que Dieu lui avait donné pour soulager ces personnes. For an answer, consider Micah's earlier words. He presented himself and even used his God - given power to relieve those people. Qui sont les citoyens du Royaume, et qu'est - il exigé de leur part? 23: 6, 7. Genuine Christian shepherds humbly obey Jesus ' words: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers. Who are Kingdom citizens, and what is required of them? " AFIN QUE TOUT À LA FOIS VOUS VOULIEZ ET AGISSIEZ " I tend to imitate those traits. " THE WAYS OF FAITH AND MUST " Nous continuerons de manifester l'amour du prochain si nous appliquons les conseils bibliques. Moses went to Egypt, proclaimed God's message, and incurred Pharaoh's wrath. We will continue to show neighbor love if we apply the Bible's counsel. 1, 2. a) Quel défaut du Diable transparaît dans la déclaration rapportée en Isaïe chapitre 14? Few stop to think that such media images are no more than a reflection of "the spirit of the world " - the dominant pattern of thinking that influences the majority of earth's billions and moves them to act in opposition to God's purpose for us. 1, 2. (a) What unblemished of the Devil's words recorded in Isaiah chapter 14? 31 Trésors d'archives In 1919, why were some Christians "discreet " and some" foolish "? 5 Highlights From the Book of Exodus ' et il m'a expliqué ce qu'il avait compris. Walking as Jesus walked calls for imitating his loyalty. and he explained what he understood. Cet homme a été reconnaissant à Jésus pour sa réponse. A Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. That man was grateful for Jesus ' answer. [...] Je trouve aussi judicieux de ne faire les magasins qu'avec ceux qui surveillent leurs dépenses et qui m'encouragent à comparer les prix avant d'acheter quoi que ce soit. No. I also find it wise to do business only with those who pay attention to their expenses and encourage me to compare the prize before buying anyone. " Seuls les fidèles disciples de Jésus ont observé son départ. The law of your mouth is good for me, more so than thousands of pieces of gold and silver. " Only Jesus ' loyal disciples observed his start. Le terme hébreu rendu par "vanité " évoque une chose vide, futile, dénuée de sens, sans substance ou sans valeur durable. Of course, the door to Kingdom privileges has been shut to those of "the synagogue of Satan, " for they are not spiritual Israelites. The Hebrew word rendered "vanity " conveys something empty, futile, worthless, worthless, or worthless. Il allait faire rendre des comptes à la nation idolâtre d'Israël ainsi qu'au royaume rebelle de Juda. What will we do if we delight in Jehovah's law? He would hold an accounting with the idolatrous nation of Israel as well as the rebellious kingdom of Judah. Pourquoi ne pas partager vos impressions avec d'autres après la lecture de tels articles? You will feel as does one young Christian sister, who states: "When I take a stand, all I'm doing is letting others know who I am. Why not share your thinking with others after reading these articles? On lit en Romains 10: 15: "Qu'ils sont jolis les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles de bonnes choses! " By letting God's Word guide us and by staying active with his visible organization, we can be sure that he will always be there to support us. - Isaiah 41: 8 - 13. Romans 10: 15 states: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things! " " Les plans de l'homme diligent conduisent à un avantage, a dit Salomon, mais tout homme qui agit avec précipitation va à l'indigence, à coup sûr. 16: 1 - 13; Acts 10: 30 - 35, 44 - 48. How can we develop and strengthen our impartiality? " The plans of a diligent man lead to benefit, " said Solomon, "but everyone acting decisively in want will certainly want. " b) Qu'êtes - vous déterminé à faire, et pourquoi? Hence, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures known as the Septuagint was produced there. (b) What are you determined to do, and why? La chrétienté compte à présent des centaines de mouvements religieux dont les enseignements sont contradictoires. His words were, in effect, a call to action. Christendom now consider hundreds of religious movements that are conflicted with. En 1473 avant notre ère, une prostituée nommée Rahab habite la ville cananéenne de Jéricho. More people are dying from an array of noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes. In 1473 B.C.E., a prostitute named Rahab lives the city of Jericho. Il n'est pas agréable de recevoir une aide de quelqu'un qui vous prend de haut ou qui vous fait sentir que vous l'importunez. • What does it mean to repent? It is not pleasant to receive help from someone who takes on a high or that makes you feel that you are being a parent. Anne, mentionnée dans l'Évangile de Luc, a sans aucun doute éprouvé un immense chagrin quand son mari est mort, seulement sept ans après son mariage. Paul was an exemplary Christian who had a clean conscience. She, mentioned in Luke's Gospel, no doubt experienced great grief when her husband died, only seven years after her marriage. Toutes ces qualités ne sont - elles pas une puissante incitation à lui rester fidèle? 5: 8; 12: 2) Let us consider some aspects of full - time service that could make you very happy. Are not all these qualities powerfully designed to help him remain faithful? Si quelqu'un aime le monde, l'amour du Père n'est pas en lui; parce que tout ce qui est dans le monde - le désir de la chair et le désir des yeux et l'orgueilleux étalage de ses moyens d'existence - ne vient pas du Père, mais vient du monde. ARTICLE 2 If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. En quoi Jéhovah est - il " un seul Jéhovah "? When imprisoned, he was courteous even to his fellow prisoners. How is Jehovah "one Jehovah "? Évodie et Syntyche, écrivit Paul, avaient "lutté côte à côte avec [lui] dans la bonne nouvelle ." " You Will Be Witnesses of Me " Euodia and Syntyche, wrote: "With him they had come into the good news. " Jéhovah est "le Père des tendres miséricordes et le Dieu de toute consolation ." 11: 29. Jehovah is "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " Ces 430 ans ont débuté en 1943 av. n. è., quand l'alliance de Jéhovah avec Abraham a pris effet. • How has Jehovah shown that he does not leave his loyal ones when they experience oppression? These 430 years began in 1943 B.C.E. when Jehovah's covenant with Abraham. Il a déclaré: "Ma nourriture, c'est de faire la volonté de celui qui m'a envoyé et d'achever son œuvre. ." (a) What purpose have organizational adjustments served? He said: "My food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " À cet égard, bien des parents sont exemplaires. We have come to know Jehovah, the Supreme One. In this regard, many parents set a good example. Ce qu'il projette de faire pour les humains, il le réalise toujours. That culminated in devastation in 607 B.C.E., according to Bible chronology. He always deserves to do what he wants to do for mankind. SANTÉ PHYSIQUE ET RÉSILIENCE * If your children see you carefully choosing clean entertainment, they will probably be moved to make similar choices. - Rom. A AND AND AND ... " How did Timothy benefit from upbuilding Christian companionship? * 4: 10. Some have great chunks missing. 4: 10. PARCOURS: J'ai grandi dans une famille de sept enfants à Hermosillo, dans l'État très pauvre du Sonora, au Mexique. Jehovah calls these older men "a refuge from the rainstorm. " MY PAST: I grew up in a seven - year - old family of about seven children at work in the very poor State of his gold in Mexico. Que verrons - nous dans l'article suivant? (Read Psalm 142: 2.) What will we consider in the next article? N'aspirons - nous pas à un monde débarrassé de la violence, du terrorisme et de la corruption? During his second Roman imprisonment, Paul sent Tychicus to Ephesus. Are we not immune to a world free from violence, terrorism, and corruption? Pourquoi avons - nous "une paix abondante "? As he told Pilate, he came to "bear witness to the truth. " Why do we have "a abundant peace "? Il explique que Paul et ses accusateurs ont des discussions "au sujet d'un certain Jésus qui est mort, mais que Paul [affirme] être en vie ." However, once each one expressed his thought and a spirit - directed decision was made, the brothers did not continue to bring up their individual opinions. He explains that Paul and his former accusers "have discussions about a certain Jesus who died but that Paul [was] alive. " Quelle est la différence entre les deux? Pharaoh was humiliated and executed. What difference is there between both sides? Étant donné que "les cieux sont plus hauts que la terre ," l'expression" précipité du ciel sur la terre " représente l'abaissement de ce qui est élevé. Some other similarities between Moses and the Greater Moses, Jesus, can be seen in the box on page 26. Since "the heavens are higher than the earth, " the expression" hurled down from heaven " represents the word of what is elevated. Quand ces mêmes apôtres ont envoyé leur mère demander à Jésus de leur accorder des positions de faveur dans le Royaume, il s'est adressé directement à eux: "De s'asseoir à ma droite et à ma gauche, cela n'est pas mien pour le donner, mais cela appartient à ceux pour qui cela a été préparé par mon Père. ." He refused to be influenced by the wicked ridiculers around him. When the apostles sent their mother to ask Jesus for favor in the Kingdom, he addressed himself directly to them: "Out of dwelling at my right hand and at my left, this is not easy to give it, but belongs to those prepared by my Father. " Quant à Juda, il arriva à la tour de garde du désert. Sometimes I wonder how much longer she will have to suffer. And Judah came to the tower of the wilderness. Ces raisons ne justifient pas les emportements. 44: 19 - What was "the place of jackals "? Such reasons do not excuse them. Un jour, Abraham l'a envoyé en Mésopotamie afin de trouver pour Isaac une femme qui craignait Dieu. As a result, they enjoyed an inner peace unknown to others. One day Abraham sent Abraham to Mesopotamia to find Isaac a God - fearing wife. Stupéfiés par cette faculté du gecko, les chercheurs estiment que des matériaux de synthèse imitant les doigts de cet animal constitueraient des adhésifs très performants *. How can we do so? Based on this gecko's ability, researchers feel that fire materials of this animal would reflect the fingers of this animal to be high - ups. * Le prophète présente au roi la situation suivante: un homme riche qui possède des moutons en très grand nombre prend et tue la seule et unique brebis d'un homme sans ressources, une agnelle à laquelle il tenait beaucoup. The furthest they go in this direction is to lash their rulers with spirited censure or to baffle them by flight. The prophet now portrays the king as a rich man who has sheep in many large numbers and kills the only one and only sheep of a man's material resources. Qu'auriez - vous éprouvé envers Manassé si parmi ses victimes innocentes avaient figuré des membres de votre famille? (Include comments on the box "Stand on Jehovah's Side. ") How would you feel if Manasseh had been affected by his victims? Pour le savoir, revenons à ce que Mika a dit un peu plus tôt. In the same way, if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself; how, then, will his kingdom stand? " To find out, let us return to what Micah said a little earlier earlier. Les vrais bergers chrétiens obéissent humblement à cette recommandation de Jésus: " Ne vous faites pas appeler Rabbi, car un seul est votre enseignant, tandis que vous êtes tous frères. Plains West of Jordan True Christian shepherds humbly obey Jesus ' counsel: "Do not call yourself ready, for one is your teacher, while you are all brothers. " J'ai tendance à reproduire ces traits de caractère. Evidently, the environment that surrounded Christians in Ephesus, their own imperfection and, in some cases, their former way of life influenced them. I tend to imitate these traits. Moïse est allé en Égypte proclamer le message de Dieu, s'attirant les foudres de Pharaon. [ Picture on page 14] Moses went to Egypt to proclaim God's message, appealing to Pharaoh's remains. Mais peu se rendent compte que ces clichés médiatiques ne sont rien de plus que le reflet de "l'esprit du monde " - la mentalité dominante qui influence la majorité des humains et qui incite ces milliards d'individus à agir à l'opposé du dessein de Dieu relatif à l'humanité. She said, "Go to school and learn as much as you can, and come back and teach us! " However, little is aware of the impact of "the spirit of the world " - the dominant attitude that affects most people and that motivates them to act in harmony with God's purpose toward mankind. Pourquoi, en 1919, certains chrétiens étaient - ils " avisés ' et d'autres " sots '? (b) In what way does Jehovah, as well as Manasseh, set an example for us to follow in showing humility? Why were some Christians in 1919 "wise, " and others were" discreet "? Pour marcher comme Jésus a marché, nous devons imiter sa fidélité. (5) Around its edges, a map may have letters / numbers so that you can visualize a grid, which you can use to locate cities or names [gl 23]. To walk as Jesus walked, we need to imitate his loyalty. A Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Have we made adjustments in order to follow these instructions? The New International Version in New York C.E., and New York, U.S.A. Pas du tout. How do good friends speak to each other? Not at all. Prenons l'exemple d'Abraham, homme de foi du passé. Mediterranean Sea Consider Abraham, a man of faith in the past. La loi de ta bouche est bonne pour moi, plus que des milliers de pièces d'or et d'argent. POPULATION The law of your mouth is good for me, more than thousands of gold and silver. " Bien entendu, la porte qui ouvre sur des responsabilités liées au Royaume a été fermée aux membres de "la synagogue de Satan ," car ils ne sont pas des Israélites spirituels. How did Abraham acquire experience that strengthened his faith in Jehovah? Of course, the door opening up for privileges related to the Kingdom is to the members of "the synagogue of Satan, " for they are not spiritual Israelites. Que ferons - nous si nous prenons plaisir à la loi de Jéhovah? * Recently, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses - men, women, and children - had to flee conflict and persecution in eastern Ukraine. What will we do if we take delight in Jehovah's law? Vous partagerez l'avis de cette jeune chrétienne, qui déclare: "Quand je fais connaître ma position, je montre tout simplement qui je suis. But the Most High will change David's condition to one of glory. You might share this young Christian who says: "When I make known my position, I'm merely showing that I am. Si nous nous laissons guider par la Parole de Dieu et si nous restons actifs avec son organisation visible, soyons certains qu'il sera toujours là pour nous soutenir. - Isaïe 41: 8 - 13. No. If we allow God's Word to guide us and stay active with his visible organization, we can be confident that he will always be there to support us. - Isaiah 41: 8 - 13. Comment refléter de plus près l'impartialité de Jéhovah? How can we use questions to " draw up ' the thoughts and feelings of a Bible student's heart, but what should we keep in mind? How can we reflect more closely Jehovah's impartiality? C'est d'ailleurs à Alexandrie qu'avait été réalisée la traduction grecque des Écritures hébraïques connue sous le nom de Septante. These demon angels materialized in the days of Noah. In fact, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures was known as the Septuagint. Implicitement, ses paroles constituaient un appel à l'action. Explain what Jesus did for his faithful apostles after they celebrated the Passover in 33 C.E. Jesus ' words were a appeal for action. De plus en plus de personnes meurent à cause de maladies non transmissibles, comme le cancer, les troubles cardiovasculaires et le diabète, ou sont handicapées à cause de maladies, comme les maladies mentales. God gives us laws because he loves us. Moreover, many people die because of various diseases, such as cancer, cancer, and loss of disease, such as mental diseases, such as mental diseases. • Que signifie se repentir? Her love for him remained strong despite the amorous attentions of a wealthy potentate. • What does it mean to repent? Paul était un chrétien exemplaire qui avait une conscience pure. With the Israelites poised to enter the Promised Land, Moses was told: "From a distance you will see the land, but you will not go there into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel. " Paul was a exemplary Christian who had a clean conscience. 5: 8; 12: 2). Voyons maintenant quelques aspects du service à plein temps qui pourraient te rendre très heureux. Of course not! 5: 8; 12: 2. Let us now consider some aspects of the full - time service that could make you very happy. PAGE 7 We also need to acknowledge that the other person's feelings have been hurt. ARTICLE 2 Lorsqu'il s'est trouvé en prison, il s'est montré courtois même à l'égard des autres prisonniers. The record says: "The people started to have immoral relations with the daughters of Moab. " - Numbers 25: 1. When he found himself in prison, he was kind even to other prisoners. " Vous serez mes témoins " Thanks to God's undeserved kindness, what hope do we have? Having the prospect of everlasting life. " You Will Be Witnesses of Me " 11: 29. How does speaking the truth promote unity, and why is it difficult for some to be truthful? 11: 29. • Comment Jéhovah a - t - il démontré qu'il ne quitte pas ses fidèles quand ils sont opprimés? " I have so many things to thank Jehovah for, " she wrote, "but I am most thankful that he led us out of spiritual darkness. " • How did Jehovah demonstrate that he did not leave his loyal ones when they were oppressed? a) Dans quel but ont été opérés les changements organisationnels? Acknowledging the Role of Holy Spirit (a) For what purpose have the organizational adjustments been made? Nous avons appris à connaître Jéhovah, le Suprême, sa personnalité attachante, ainsi que ce que nous devons faire pour qu'il nous bénisse. God's provision of the ransom sacrifice? We have come to know Jehovah, the Supreme One, his endearing personality, and what we must do in order to bless us. Ils ont fini par les dévaster, en 607 avant notre ère d'après la chronologie biblique. Also consider an example of how impressively the Kingdom arrangement has expanded. In 607 B.C.E., they ended in 607 B.C.E. " Si ton enfant te voit choisir soigneusement des divertissements sains, il se sentira probablement poussé à faire de même. (a) Why can we believe that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur? If your child sees you carefully choose entertainment, he may feel impelled to do the same. Comment Timothée a - t - il tiré profit de la compagnie stimulante d'autres chrétiens? Are you resolved to be courageous in all aspects of your life? How did Timothy benefit from the strengthening association of fellow Christians? Il manque même des morceaux à certains d'entre eux. When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, sheep again played a significant role, this time as part of "Jehovah's passover. " He even pieces some of them. Jéhovah compare les anciens à " une retraite [ou: un refuge] contre la tempête de pluie ." It is not that we blindly do whatever we are told. Jehovah likens the elders to "a nursing place " - a refuge against the windstorm of rain. De manière comparable, tu parles à Jéhovah en lui adressant des prières fréquentes (lire Psaume 142: 2). * This is the time in which we are now living - the days leading up to the great tribulation. In a similar way, you speak to Jehovah in prayer. (Read Psalm 142: 2.) Lors de sa seconde détention à Rome, c'est encore Tychique que Paul a envoyé à Éphèse. February 13 - 19, 2012 In his second imprisonment in Rome, Paul sent to Ephesus. Lors de son entretien avec Pilate, il a " rendu témoignage à la vérité '. Peter could therefore quote what the prophet Joel had foretold and apply it to men and women alike. When addressing Pilate, Jesus " bore witness to the truth. ' Cependant, une fois qu'ils eurent exprimé leur opinion et qu'une décision eut été prise sous la direction de l'esprit saint, ils ne continuèrent pas à faire valoir leur avis. No wonder he felt unfit to become the liberator of God's enslaved people! However, after they expressed their opinion and decisions under the direction of holy spirit, they did not continue to make their opinion. Et par qui? Par les Israélites!. Rather than focus on "the things on the earth, " Abraham" put faith in Jehovah. " And by means of the Israelites! - 2 Chron. Vous trouverez d'autres points communs entre Moïse et Jésus, dans l'encadré de la page 26. For example, he made generous contributions toward the construction of Jehovah's temple. There are other similarities between Moses and Jesus, in the box on page 26. Il a refusé de se laisser influencer par les moqueurs qui l'entouraient. 3: 21 - 26, 28 - 33. He refused to be influenced by ridiculers around him. Parfois, je me demande combien de temps encore elle va devoir souffrir. " Come Be My Follower " Sometimes I have to wait for how long she will continue to suffer. 44: 19 - Qu'était "le lieu des chacals "? True, parents can exert a strong influence on their children for good or for bad. 44: 19 - What was "the place of Armageddon "? Et cette confiance leur donnait une paix intérieure que les autres n'avaient pas. Now is the time to avoid rash acts that can rob us of our joy and spiritual security. And that confidence gave them inner peace that others did not have. Comment y parvenir? At the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus watched a needy widow. How can we do that? Le plus loin qu'ils soient allés dans ce domaine est d'adresser à leurs dirigeants des critiques acerbes ou de les défier en prenant la fuite. Paul made it clear that the required sacrifices did not turn the Israelites into perfect, sinless humans. As far as they went into that area, it is appropriate to address their leaders with criticism or challenging them to flee. (Incluez des idées tirées de l'encadré "Prenez parti pour Jéhovah .") Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book. " (Include ideas found in the box "Take your stand for Jehovah). " Pareillement, si Satan expulse Satan, il s'est divisé contre lui - même; comment donc son royaume subsistera - t - il? Notice that Satan expanded his accusations. Similarly, if Satan swept away Satan, he divided himself; thus, how will his kingdom stand? Plaines à l'ouest du Jourdain However, what a blessing it is for all in the congregation when love motivates us to settle any differences in a loving manner! Plains of Jordan River Apparemment, le contexte dans lequel vivaient les chrétiens d'Éphèse, leur imperfection et, pour certains, leur ancien mode de vie avaient sur eux une influence. • What are some things that can cause us distress? Apparently, the context in which Christians lived in Ephesus, their imperfection, and some, their former way of life had influenced them. [ Illustration, page 14] In a spectacular way, they had witnessed Jehovah's power when he brought the Ten Plagues upon haughty Pharaoh and his people. [ Picture on page 14] Elle m'a dit: " Va à ta formation et apprends autant que tu peux. À ton retour, tu nous enseigneras! Since prayer is a vital means of drawing close to God, it is worthwhile to pause and consider the quality of our prayers. She said: "Go to your training and learn as much as you can in return, you will teach us! " b) Quel exemple Jéhovah, ainsi que Manassé, constituent - ils pour ce qui est de faire preuve d'humilité? As we have seen, Satan is powerful, vicious, and deceptive. (b) What example did Jehovah, as well as Manasseh, set in displaying humility? 5) Sur certaines cartes, des coordonnées alphanumériques facilitent le repérage des villes ou des noms [gl 23]. Once illicit desires take root in their treacherous hearts, two people who are attracted to each other may find themselves discussing matters that they should be sharing only with their spouse. (5) During some form of maps, races can make the room for the cities or the names [gl 23]. Avons - nous fait les changements nécessaires afin de suivre ces instructions? Nations in Tumult Have we made needed changes in order to follow these instructions? Comment de vrais amis se parlent - ils? Despite the factors just mentioned, all of us have certain things in common. How do true friends speak? Mer Méditerranée I have a wonderful spiritual family now. " Mediterranean Sea POPULATION Wouldn't that One be greater than Jesus? POPULATION Comment, par l'expérience, Abraham a - t - il fortifié sa foi en Jéhovah? Thankfully, we do not need to suffer the consequences of breaking God's laws to learn valuable lessons. How did Abraham's experience strengthen his faith in Jehovah? Récemment, des milliers de Témoins de Jéhovah, hommes, femmes et enfants, ont dû fuir la guerre et la persécution sévissant dans l'est de l'Ukraine. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7; Proverbs 16: 9; Acts 2: 26.) In recent times, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, women, and children, had to flee from war and persecution. Mais le Très - Haut lui fera de nouveau connaître la gloire. What responsibility do Christians have toward mankind? But the Most High will again bring him glory. Non. By now that "short while " must be near its completion. No. À l'aide de quelles questions " puiserons - nous ' les pensées et les sentiments dans le cœur d'un étudiant, mais que respecterons - nous? But is flatly denying any need for direction the answer? What questions can we ask ourselves " to draw back ' the thoughts and feelings of a student's heart, but what do we show respect for them? Aux jours de Noé, ces anges rebelles ont pris forme humaine. Do not leave it, and it will keep you. In Noah's day, these rebels took human form. Après avoir célébré la Pâque 33, qu'a inauguré Jésus avec ses apôtres fidèles? What is especially effective when coping with emotional difficulties? After the Passover of 33 C.E., what did Jesus start with his faithful apostles? Il nous donne ses lois parce qu'il nous aime. What caused Joseph to resist all her advances? He gives us his laws because he loves us. Son amour pour lui demeura fort, malgré les assiduités dont la poursuivait un riche monarque. • How did David show that he had made Jehovah his confidence? His love for him remained strong despite the diligent efforts of a rich ruler. Alors que les Israélites s'apprêtaient à entrer en Terre promise, Jéhovah lui a dit: "C'est à distance que tu verras le pays, mais tu n'y entreras pas, dans le pays que je donne aux fils d'Israël. " Pourquoi? [ Picture on page 21] While the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, Jehovah told him: "At a distance you see the land, but you will not enter into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel. " Évidemment non! DNA Of course not! Nous devons aussi reconnaître que les sentiments de notre compagnon ont été blessés. No matter how talented the doctor may be, he needs to ask questions and listen to what your symptoms are before he can give any meaningful help. We must also recognize that the feelings of our fellow believer have been hurt. Le récit déclare: "Le peuple commença à avoir des relations immorales avec les filles de Moab. " - Nombres 25: 1. After almost giving up in his service to God but then having his thinking readjusted by Jehovah, the psalmist Asaph humbly acknowledged: "With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory. " The account states: "The people began to have immoral relations with the daughters of Moab. " - Numbers 25: 1. Grâce à la faveur imméritée de Dieu, quelle espérance avons - nous? We could begin to take our friendship with him for granted. With God's undeserved kindness, what hope do we have? Pourquoi contribue - t - on à l'unité en disant la vérité, et pourquoi est - il difficile à certains de ne pas mentir? In some marriages, though, there may be more severe challenges that threaten the foundation of the relationship. Why is unity a key to speaking the truth, and why is it difficult for some not to lie? " Je dois tant à Jéhovah, écrit - elle. Par - dessus tout, je lui suis reconnaissante de nous avoir guidés hors des ténèbres spirituelles. " [ Encadré / Illustration, page 8] Yes, Jehovah proved to be just what he needed to be for you. " I must have so much to Jehovah, " she writes, "and I am grateful to him that we are led out of spiritual darkness. " Reconnaissons le rôle de l'esprit saint For instance, consider the matter of medical treatment. Appreciating the Role of Holy Spirit Jéhovah a fourni un sacrifice rédempteur pour les humains. The resurrection hope meant much to both Christopher and Franz. Jehovah provided a ransom sacrifice for mankind. Le pays compte aujourd'hui plus de 37 000 Témoins et, l'an dernier, plus de 108 000 personnes ont assisté au Mémorial. What questions about the Memorial remain for our consideration? Worldwide, over 5,000 Witnesses worldwide attended the Memorial. a) Pourquoi pouvons - nous penser que maintenant Jésus sait quand Har - Maguédôn va arriver? FROM an early age, Robert excelled in school. (a) Why can we conclude that Jesus now knows when Armageddon comes? Es - tu déterminé à faire preuve de courage dans tous les aspects de ta vie? David saw the role that his maintaining integrity would play if he was to see the fulfillment of that hope. Are you determined to show courage in every aspect of your life? Quand les Israélites ont célébré la "Pâque de Jéhovah " juste avant d'être délivrés d'Égypte, une fois de plus la valeur symbolique du mouton a été mise en évidence. 16: 13, 14. When the Israelites observed "the Israel of Jehovah " just before being delivered from Egypt, once again the symbolic value of the sheep was highlighted. Non que nous obéissions aveuglément! This zealous couple then went to Rome, where they again opened their home for congregation meetings. No, we should obey God's command! Nous vivons cette période - l'époque qui mène à la grande tribulation. We should not, therefore, be surprised that our thinking is far different from that of Jehovah. We are living in that time - the time that leads to the great tribulation. 13 - 19 février 2012 In that way, they can be effective in privately instructing "the young women " in the congregation. February 13 - 19, 2012 Pierre pouvait donc reprendre la prophétie de Yoël et l'appliquer aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes qui étaient dans la pièce. It is called the Sermon on the Mount because Jesus gave it on a mountainside overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Thus, Peter could declare the prophecy of Joel and apply it both to men and to women in the coin. On ne s'étonnera donc pas qu'il se soit jugé inapte à devenir le libérateur du peuple de Dieu. We need to take whatever time is necessary to help the interested student to grasp clearly what he is learning. No wonder he was judged to become the Deliverer of God's people! Au lieu de se concentrer sur les " choses [...] qui sont sur la terre ," Abraham " eut foi en Jéhovah ." ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 66, 56 Instead of focusing on "the things on the earth, " Abraham" put faith in Jehovah. " Il a par exemple fait des dons généreux pour la construction du temple de Jéhovah. Their work of preaching and making disciples opened the way for honesthearted individuals to come to be at peace with God, enjoy his friendship, and eventually become his spiritual children. For example, he made generous donations for the construction of Jehovah's temple. 3: 21 - 26, 28 - 33. God's servants should strive to grow spiritually, with the goal of reaching spiritual maturity. 3: 21 - 26, 28 - 33. " Si quelqu'un veut venir à ma suite, qu'il se renie lui - même et prenne son poteau de supplice jour après jour et me suive. " All of you are brothers, " he said. (Read Matthew 23: 8, 9.) " If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me. " Il est vrai que les parents peuvent exercer une forte influence sur leurs enfants, en bien ou en mal. Every day we are faced with many of them. True, parents can exert a powerful influence on their children, for good or for bad. C'est maintenant que nous devons nous interdire de commettre des actions inconsidérées qui nous priveraient de notre joie et de notre sécurité spirituelle. God's Word says: "Hate what is bad, and love what is good. " Now we must refrain from doing wrong things that would rob us of joy and spiritual security. Au temple de Jérusalem, Jésus a observé une veuve pauvre. Meditate on it At the temple in Jerusalem, Jesus observed a poor widow. Paul a précisé que les sacrifices requis ne rendaient pas les Israélites parfaits et sans péché. • Explain the prayer "forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. " Paul pointed out that sacrifices did not make the Israelites perfect and without sin. Tes yeux m'ont vu alors que je n'étais qu'un embryon; toutes ses parties étaient inscrites dans ton livre ." A few did not repent. Your eyes saw me, while I was just one of them; all its parts were enrolled in your book. " " Remarquez au passage que Satan a élargi le champ de ses accusations. Because these are not unique feelings experienced only by those who have the heavenly calling. Note that Satan has removed the field of his accusations. Mais quelle joie pour tous dans la congrégation quand, par amour et avec amour, nous réglons les différends!. 16, 17. But what a joy it is to all in the congregation when we lovingly and lovingly resolve differences in our home! - 1 Cor. • Qu'est - ce qui peut nous plonger dans la détresse? David was sure that Jehovah would provide escape for him. • What can help us to cope with distress? Ils ont été témoins de la puissance spectaculaire de Jéhovah, qui a fait s'abattre dix plaies sur l'orgueilleux Pharaon et son peuple. Do we stay away from those who hide what they are? They witnessed the spectacular power of Jehovah, who brought about ten plagues upon Pharaoh and his people. Étant donné que les prières sont un moyen essentiel de s'approcher de Dieu, il vaut la peine de prendre le temps de réfléchir à la qualité des nôtres. The whole city turned out to celebrate one of the greatest triumphal processions ever staged in the capital. Since prayer is a vital way to draw close to God, it is worth considering the quality of our prayers. Ainsi, Satan est puissant, cruel et trompeur. As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized. Thus, Satan is powerful, vicious, and deceptive. Une fois que des désirs immoraux ont pris racine dans leur cœur traître, deux êtres attirés l'un par l'autre peuvent en venir à aborder des sujets dont ils ne devraient parler qu'avec leur conjoint. And how can we help those from a foreign background to feel at home in our congregation? Once immoral desires have rooted in their treacherous heart, two people may be drawn to each other when they need to discuss matters with their mate. Les nations en tumulte More to the point, the people acknowledged that Psalm 16: 10 was fulfilled when Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The nations in an Face of Malgré les particularités que nous venons de mentionner, nous avons des points communs. Because they were not sure that their understanding of a particular matter was correct. Despite the features that we have considered, we have something common. J'ai maintenant une merveilleuse famille spirituelle. So when asked a Bible question that you cannot answer, you can always reply to this effect: "Thank you for raising such an interesting question. I now have a wonderful spiritual family. C'est forcément une personne qui est au - dessus de Jésus. How may Jehovah provide help at the right time? It may be a person who is above Jesus. Pour haïr le mal, nous n'avons pas besoin de faire nous - mêmes la triste expérience de ce qui arrive quand on désobéit aux lois de Dieu. * God said that on the tenth day of that month, the Israelites were to start getting ready to follow certain steps on Nisan 14. To hate evil, we do not need to make ourselves the sad experience of what happens when we disobey God's laws. (Lire Deutéronome 15: 7; Proverbes 16: 9; Actes 2: 26.) Why can we be glad that Christ and his associate rulers once lived as humans? (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7; Proverbs 16: 9; Acts 2: 26.) Quelle responsabilité les chrétiens ont - ils envers leurs semblables? Learn why Jesus gave these illustrations and how we are involved. What responsibility do Christians have toward others? " Ce "peu de temps " doit aujourd'hui être proche de son terme. Was this temple to be the same as "the true tent " that he later described in his letter to the Hebrews? This "time of time " now must be close to its word. Mais doit - on pour autant nier que les humains ont besoin d'une direction? Adultery, homosexual acts, incestuous relationships, and bestiality were all identified as unholy spiritual pollutants. Should we deny, though, that humans need guidance? Aime - la, et elle te préservera. Such a loss can weaken one's relationship with God and must be urgently addressed. Love it, and it will safeguard you. Qu'est - ce qui peut se révéler particulièrement efficace en cas de problèmes affectifs? I would grab his Bible and show him various scriptures that revealed the truth about Jehovah God, Jesus, and the last days. What can be especially effective when problems arise? Pourquoi Joseph résistait - il à ses avances? 49: 6 - How is the Messiah "a light of the nations, " even though his earthly ministry was limited to the sons of Israel? Why did Joseph resist his advances? • Comment David a - t - il montré qu'il avait fait de Jéhovah sa confiance? Several Spanish and Catalonian translations are notable exceptions in their rendering of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, using "Yavé, "" Yahveh, " "Jahvè, " and" Jehová. " • How did David show that he had trusted in Jehovah? [ Illustration, page 21] • How does the way an embryo develops show that we are "wonderfully made "? [ Picture on page 21] ADN The 144,000 will serve as heavenly kings, priests, and judges during the Thousand Year Reign. [ Footnotes] Quelles que soient ses compétences, il lui faut te poser des questions et t'entendre décrire tes symptômes pour pouvoir t'apporter des soins dignes de ce nom. Now more than ever, we need to keep on the watch. Regardless of his skills, he needs to ask you questions and hear your symptoms so that you can benefit from that name. Le psalmiste Asaph a failli arrêter de servir Dieu, mais après avoir été redressé par Jéhovah, il a reconnu humblement: "Par ton conseil tu me conduiras, et ensuite tu me mèneras à la gloire. ." What "the Deep Things of God " Include The psalmist Asaph failed to stop serving God, but after being corrected by Jehovah, he humbly acknowledged: "By your counsel you will lead me, and then you will take me to glory. " Nous pourrions banaliser notre amitié avec lui. When His Parents Needed Help We could take our friendship with Jehovah seriously. Dans certains mariages, toutefois, de graves problèmes peuvent menacer le fondement de l'union. Later, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned. In some marriages, however, serious problems can threaten the foundation of marriage. En effet, Jéhovah est devenu ce qu'il devait devenir pour vous. And many honesthearted people can see the difference between true Christians, who are reverently "thinking upon his name " and serving as his Witnesses, and those of mankind who are not serving him. Yes, Jehovah became whatever he needed to become for you. Évoquons par exemple le choix d'un traitement médical. Clearly, pride can disrupt the peace of a congregation. Consider, for example, the choice of medical treatment. L'espérance en la résurrection avait une grande signification pour Christopher et pour Franz. It is especially in times of anguish and distress that we need to turn confidently to our heavenly Father as our fortress. The resurrection hope had great meaning for Christopher and Syntyche. Quelles questions relatives au Mémorial restent à examiner? She was clearly interested in God's purpose in connection with the Messiah. What questions regarding the Memorial remains to examine? TRÈS tôt, Robert a été un élève brillant. She said: "I'm so glad you stopped to talk with me. FROM the beginning of the early 20th century, Robert was a fear - inspiring Pharaoh. David était conscient qu'il devait être intègre s'il voulait que son espérance se concrétise. " He told me that he operated the same type of machine when he was a young man serving at Bethel, and he recalled how difficult it was to get just the right settings. David recognized that he must be faultless if he wanted his hope to be realized. 16: 13, 14. How can we personally apply Psalm 119: 36, 37? 16: 13, 14. Ces deux chrétiens zélés sont ensuite allés à Rome, où leur foyer a une fois de plus servi de lieu de réunion. Family affection is sorely lacking in many households. Both zealous Christians went to Rome, where their home once served as a part of a meeting. Nous ne devrions pas être surpris que Jéhovah ne pense pas comme nous. After reading the article " Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? ' We should not be surprised that Jehovah does not think as we do. Ainsi elles pourront efficacement instruire en privé "les jeunes femmes " de la congrégation. One faithful Christian who suffered from a chronic illness for many years once said: "I know that whatever Jehovah permits, it will be all right. Thus they can effectively instruct in private "the young women " of the congregation. On l'a appelé le Sermon sur la montagne parce que Jésus l'a donné sur le versant d'une hauteur qui domine la mer de Galilée. Jesus ' illustrations, then, revealed truth to those whose hearts hungered for it; at the same time, his illustrations concealed truth from those with proud hearts. He referred to Jesus as the Sermon on the Mount because he gave it to him on a height that controls the Sea of Galilee. Laissons - lui le temps qui lui est nécessaire pour assimiler pleinement ce qu'il apprend. This " gathering of chosen ones ' refers to the time when all anointed Christians who still remain on earth will receive their heavenly reward. Let him leave the time he needs to absorb fully what he learns. PAGE 21 • CANTIQUES: 66, 56 Paul counseled fathers: "Do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 66, 56 Leur œuvre consistant à prêcher et à faire des disciples offrait aux humains sincères la possibilité de se réconcilier avec Dieu, de jouir de son amitié, puis de devenir ses enfants spirituels. " Consequently I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, " says Paul, "to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God. " Their preaching and disciple - making work opened the way for sincere humans to become reconciled to God, to enjoy his friendship, and to become his spiritual children. Nous laisserions le péché " continuer à régner " si nous cédions à la moindre incitation de notre corps imparfait. Whether married or single, we must strenuously resist all forms of sexual immorality. We would allow sin to "keep on ruling " if we allow any of our imperfect bodies to interfere with our imperfect bodies. Les serviteurs de Dieu doivent s'efforcer de croître spirituellement, avec l'objectif d'atteindre la maturité chrétienne. The children learned that he is not some vague, abstract deity. God's people must strive to grow spiritually, with the goal of reaching Christian maturity. Il a dit à ses disciples: " Vous êtes tous frères " (lire Matthieu 23: 8, 9). (b) How can prayerful reflection on the Red Sea account benefit us today? (Read Matthew 23: 8, 9.) Chaque jour, nous devons prendre un grand nombre de décisions. " They, even of their own accord, " relates Joshua 9: 4, "acted with shrewdness. " Every day, we need to make many decisions each day. La Bible nous dit: " Haïssez ce qui est mauvais et aimez ce qui est bon ." How does this happen? The Bible tells us: " Hate what is bad, and love what is good. " Médite sur ce que tu lis Indeed, this inner voice reflects what sort of person we truly are. Meditate on what you read • Expliquez ce que signifie "remets - nous nos dettes, comme nous aussi avons remis à nos débiteurs "? When they died, they had no prospect of benefiting from Christ's ransom sacrifice. Rather, they went to Gehenna. • Explain what it means "to forgive our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. " Mais quelques - uns ne se sont pas repentis. " Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb's marriage, " states Revelation 19: 9. But some did not repent. Parce que ceux qui ont reçu l'appel céleste ne sont pas les seuls à éprouver de tels sentiments. Rich Blessings Now Because those who have received the heavenly calling are not the only ones to feel such feelings. 16, 17. 9: 24. 16, 17. Il était sûr que Jéhovah le ferait échapper. 23: 19; 34: 26 - What was the significance of the command not to boil a kid in its mother's milk? He was confident that Jehovah would provide escape for him. Nous tenons - nous à distance de ceux qui cachent ce qu'ils sont? Do You Recall? Do we keep away from those who hide what they are? Toute la ville est venue acclamer l'un des plus grands cortèges triomphaux jamais organisés dans la capitale. * To all intents and purposes, he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to God. The entire city came to the one of the greatest horns ever in the capital. Comme nous l'avons vu dans l'article précédent, la Bible ne fixe pas d'âge pour le baptême. Which scriptures do you find particularly comforting? As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not set age for baptism. Comment aider ceux qui viennent d'un autre pays à se sentir les bienvenus dans notre congrégation? (See paragraph 15) How can we help those from another country to feel at ease in our congregation? Et pour en revenir au Psaume 16: 10, elles ont admis que ce texte s'était accompli quand Jésus avait été ressuscité. Jesus Christ "cured all who were suffering. " And to return to Psalm 16: 10, they recognized that the text had been fulfilled when Jesus had been resurrected. Parce qu'ils n'étaient pas sûrs que leur compréhension d'un sujet en particulier était exacte. However, with respect to the seventh day, the Bible states: "God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created. " - Gen. Because they were not sure that their understanding of a particular subject was accurate. Par conséquent, lorsqu'on vous pose une question biblique à laquelle vous ne savez pas répondre, rien ne vous empêche de dire: "Merci de soulever une question aussi intéressante. The uncertainty of where his next meal would come from or where he would live apparently did not sit well with the scribe, for there is no indication that he became a follower of Christ. - Matt. So when you ask a Bible question that you do not know, nothing will prevent you from saying, " Could anyone raise a interesting question too interesting? ' Comment Jéhovah peut - il nous soutenir au bon moment? But Olga did not return evil for evil. How can Jehovah sustain us at the right time? Dieu avait ordonné que, le dixième jour de ce mois - là, les Israélites se préparent en vue de la célébration qui aurait lieu le quatorzième jour. Gideon captured and slew two Midianite kings; then he returned to his city, Ophrah, near the place where the fighting started. God commanded that on the tenth day of that month, the Israelites prepare for the Passover that would take place. Pourquoi est - il réconfortant de savoir que Christ et ses rois adjoints ont par le passé connu la vie humaine? That might call for self - scrutiny on your part. Why is it comforting to know that Christ and his associate kings experienced human life? Découvrons pourquoi Jésus les a donnés et en quoi ils nous concernent. Only toward the end of his life did he say with a measure of confidence: "I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. " - 2 Tim. We can learn why Jesus gave them and how they affect us. Ce temple était - il le même que celui dont il parlerait plus tard dans sa lettre aux Hébreux? Not by giving long explanations that turn the study into a series of lectures, but by encouraging the student to express himself. Was that temple the same as the one he later spoke in his letter to the Hebrews? L'adultère, l'homosexualité, l'inceste et la bestialité étaient considérés comme des facteurs de contamination spirituelle qui attentaient à la sainteté. The end of verse 12 gives us a clue to the answer. " And for the transgressors he [the Servant] proceeded to interpose. " adultery, homosexuality, and the Chief Agent were viewed as a spiritual contamination that engaged in holiness. La perte de cet amour affaiblissant les liens qui nous unissent à Dieu, il nous faut y remédier sans tarder. Sometimes an additional question or even a series of questions might be needed to help your student arrive at the right understanding. The loss of such love strengthens our relationship with God, we must take immediate action without delay. Mais j'ai aussi fréquenté des musiciens de talent qui m'ont donné goût à la musique classique. Nineveh was deemed fit for destruction. - Jonah 1: 1, 2; 3: 1 - 4. But I also worked with man's talent that gave me beautiful music. 49: 6 - En quoi le Messie est - il une "lumière des nations ," alors que son ministère terrestre s'est limité aux fils d'Israël? in Awake! 49: 6 - How is the Messiah "a light of the nations, " whereas his earthly ministry limited to the sons of Israel? Plusieurs traductions rendent cependant le Tétragramme hébreu par "Yahvé ." And what assurance do we have that Jehovah approves of those who pursue a course of truthfulness? Nevertheless, a number of Bible translations render the Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew language by "David. " • Comment la façon dont un embryon se développe montre - t - elle que nous sommes " faits merveilleusement '? 43: 14. In line with that prophecy, a world - shaking event happened one night early in October 539 B.C.E. • How does the way an advance process show that we are " wonderfully made '? Durant le Règne de mille ans, les 144 000 occuperont au ciel les fonctions de rois, de prêtres et de juges. (a) Illustrate why it is urgent to strip off the old personality. (See opening picture.) (b) According to Colossians 3: 5 - 9, what practices belong to the old personality? During the Thousand Year Reign, the 144,000 will share in heaven as kings, priests, and judges. Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, nous devons veiller. This was because the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. was an expression of Jehovah's judgment on the entire nation of Israel, not on Judah alone. Today, we need to keep on the watch. Ce qu'incluent "les choses profondes de Dieu " You may face pressure to accept evolution as a fact. What "the Deep Things of God " Means Quand ses parents ont eu besoin d'aide In Psalm 87, a melody about Zion and those born there is followed by a prayer to Jehovah in Psalm 88. When Parents Needed Help Plus tard, on l'a accusé mensongèrement de tentative de viol et jeté en prison. The Law also incited the Jews to love one another. Later, he was falsely accused of flirting and thrown into prison. Beaucoup de gens sincères voient la différence entre les vrais chrétiens - qui " pensent au nom de Dieu ' avec révérence et qui le servent en qualité de Témoins - et les humains qui ne le servent pas. In the same way that it did the apostle Paul. Many sincere people view the difference between true Christians - who " think in the name of God ' with reverence and who serve him as Jehovah's Witnesses - and those who do not serve him. Manifestement, l'orgueil peut nuire à la paix de la congrégation. They may have strong opinions as to what should happen during the wedding ceremony and at the reception. Clearly, pride can disrupt the peace of the congregation. C'est surtout dans les moments d'angoisse et de détresse que nous avons besoin de nous tourner avec confiance vers notre Père céleste, comme vers une forteresse. The outcome hinges on how they have treated the remaining ones of Christ's spirit - anointed brothers on earth. This is especially in times of anguish and distress that we need to turn to our heavenly Father, like a stronghold. De toute évidence, elle s'intéressait aux prophéties concernant le Messie. What comfort did God give to early Christians who were severely persecuted? Clearly, she was interested in the prophecies regarding the Messiah. " Comme je suis contente que vous vous soyez arrêtée pour me parler! His expulsion removed an evil fleshly element from the congregation and preserved its godly "spirit, " or dominant attitude. - 2 Timothy 4: 22; 1 Corinthians 5: 11 - 13. " How happy I am that you have been arrested to talk to me! Il m'a dit qu'il avait travaillé sur le même genre de machine à ses débuts au Béthel, et qu'il se rappelait les difficultés qu'il avait à la régler. How can you maintain your loyalty to Jehovah if your relatives oppose true worship? He told me that he had worked on the same machine at Bethel, and he remembered the challenges he had faced. Comment pouvons - nous personnellement mettre en pratique Psaume 119: 36, 37? It was a new experience for me. How can we personally apply Psalm 119: 36, 37? L'affection familiale manque cruellement dans de nombreux foyers. So to eliminate the enemy, "they kept up the pursuit " and subdued Midian. - Judg. The family's lack of affection in many homes. [...] Après avoir lu l'article "As - tu " un cœur pour connaître Jéhovah '? " Christian elders likewise have the benefit of being guided by God's holy spirit. After reading the article "Have You " a Heart to Know Jehovah '? Un chrétien fidèle qui a souffert pendant de nombreuses années d'une maladie chronique a dit un jour: "Je sais que, quoi que Jéhovah permette, ça ira. * However, Appendix A4 of the revised edition of 2013 explains: "While the name Jehovah may include this idea, it is not limited to what he himself chooses to become. A faithful Christian who suffered for many years said: "I know that what Jehovah permits, it will go. Les exemples de Jésus révélaient donc la vérité à ceux dont le cœur en avait faim; dans le même temps, ses exemples la cachaient à ceux dont le cœur était orgueilleux. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Thus, Jesus ' illustrations revealed the truth to those whose hearts were hungry; in the same time, his illustrations hidden from those whose heart was haughty. Le rassemblement de " ceux qu'il a choisis " se fera quand les chrétiens oints encore sur terre recevront leur récompense au ciel. " Most colleges are seriously out of step with the real world in getting students ready to become workers in the postcollege world. The ingathering of "the chosen ones " will occur when anointed Christians on earth receive their reward in heaven. Paul a conseillé aux pères: "N'irritez pas vos enfants, mais continuez à les élever dans la discipline et les avertissements de Jéhovah. ." What was accomplished by Jesus ' death? Paul counseled fathers: "Do not be wrathful with your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " " Je vous supplie donc, frères, par les compassions de Dieu, de présenter vos corps comme un sacrifice vivant, saint, agréable à Dieu ," dit Paul en Romains 12: 1. In time, she remarried. " So I entreat you, brothers of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, " says Romans 12: 1. Que nous soyons mariés ou célibataires, nous devons résister vigoureusement à toute forme d'immoralité sexuelle. ▪ " Listen and Understand the Meaning ' Whether we are married or single, we must firmly resist all forms of sexual immorality. Par exemple, que Jéhovah est capable de protéger ses serviteurs. Yet, his ministry would be effective only if he would "pay constant attention " to his teaching. For example, Jehovah can protect his people. b) Pourquoi peut - il nous être bénéfique aujourd'hui de réfléchir dans la prière à l'épisode de la mer Rouge? Still others, while unable to pioneer, exert themselves in the ministry. (b) Why can we benefit from pondering prayerfully on the occasion of the Red Sea today? " Eux [...], de leur propre initiative, raconte Josué 9: 4, agirent avec astuce. When we discuss such serious matters, we reinforce our determination to keep awake spiritually, maintain our integrity, and continue preaching the good news. " They... of their own initiative, " says Joshua 9: 4, "and act decisively. " Comment cela se produit - il? What can we learn from this? How does that happen? Ce que nous dicte notre voix intérieure reflète le genre de personnes que nous sommes réellement. Hence, from a human point of view, their chances of being victorious would seem remote. Our inner voice reflects the kind of person we really are. Comme il était hors de question qu'ils puissent bénéficier du sacrifice rédempteur du Christ, à leur mort ils sont allés dans la géhenne. He was not fooled by the materialized demons, who surely impressed faithless, gullible humans with their superhuman abilities - perhaps even to the point of becoming objects of idolatry. Without question, they could benefit from Christ's ransom sacrifice, their death in Gehenna. " Heureux ceux qui sont invités au repas du mariage de l'Agneau ," commente Révélation 19: 9. What warning does God's Word give to husbands in regard to honoring wives? " Happy are those invited to the meal of the Lamb, " says Revelation 19: 9. De nombreux bienfaits dès maintenant How can we benefit from Elihu's words to Job? Many Blessings Now 9: 24. It is not the way you have to act, but the way you want to act. " 9: 24. 23: 19; 34: 26 - Que signifiait le commandement interdisant de faire cuire un chevreau dans le lait de sa mère? Do you like making decisions, and how do you feel about some decisions that you have made? 23: 19; 34: 26 - What did the command to use a goat in its mother's milk mean? Vous en souvenez - vous? He gave both men and women a very good start! Do You Recall? Dans les faits, il s'est présenté comme étant totalement voué à Jéhovah. A foreigner and an alien resident who did not become proselytes were not under the Law and could use unbled dead animals in various ways. In fact, he described himself as being completely dedicated to Jehovah. Quels versets trouves - tu particulièrement consolants? Should not our sacrifices of praise to Jehovah be wholehearted and accompanied by a proper attitude and right conduct? What scriptures do you find especially comforting? (voir paragraphe 15). " O Jehovah, remember, please, how I have walked before you faithfully and with a complete heart. " - 2 KI. (See paragraph 15) Jésus Christ a " guér [i] tous ceux qui étaient malades ." Those heeding Jesus ' warning would be ready, conducting themselves properly, whenever he would come as Jehovah's Executional Agent. Jesus Christ "set away all those who were sick. " Mais voici ce qu'il est dit au sujet du septième: "Dieu s'est mis à bénir le septième jour et à le rendre sacré, parce qu'en lui il se repose effectivement de toute son œuvre que Dieu a créée. " - Gen. How did Jehovah reply to Moses ' question? But this is what he said about the seventh day: "God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because in him he actually is resting over all his work that God created. " - Gen. Où logerait - il? Il semble que ce scribe ne s'imaginait pas vivre dans l'incertitude, car rien n'indique qu'il soit devenu disciple de Christ. - Mat. How did an angel of God become Satan the Devil? Where would he find himself safe, it seems that this scribe did not expect to live in despair, for there is no indication that he became a follower of Christ? - Matt. Plutôt que de rendre le mal pour le mal, Olga a fait de son mieux pour être une bonne épouse. Commenting on a talk or other effort, older ones may say: "That was all right, but you can do better! " Rather than returning evil for evil, Jeremiah did his best to be a good wife. Guidéôn captura et tua deux rois madianites, puis il retourna dans sa ville, Ophra, proche de l'endroit où l'affrontement s'était engagé. Missed Opportunities Gideon invaded two Judean kings, and then he went to his city, Ophrah, close to the place that confronted him. Ce n'est qu'à la fin de sa vie qu'il a pu dire avec quelque assurance: "J'ai combattu le beau combat, j'ai achevé la course, j'ai observé la foi. " - 2 Tim. It also impressed on them the need for a ransom, a perfect sacrifice that would fully cover sin. It was only at the end of his life that he could confidently say: "I fought the fine fight, I have finished the race, I have observed the faith. " - 2 Tim. Pas en nous lançant dans de longues explications qui transformeraient l'étude en une succession de sermons, mais en encourageant l'étudiant à s'exprimer. Many of my classmates were also single. Not using long explanation to transform the study by a series of transportation but by encouraging the student to express himself. La fin du verset 12 nous livre un indice: "Et [le Serviteur] s'est mis à intervenir pour les transgresseurs. Most young children are eager to learn, and they tend to be humble. The end of verse 12 gives us an indication: "The Servant began to take action to wrongdoers. " Parfois, une question supplémentaire, voire une série de questions, sera nécessaire pour l'amener à la bonne compréhension. Was I serving Jehovah for the right reasons? " At times, a further question or even a series of questions may help him to get the right understanding. " Ninive était vouée à la destruction. They are striving to be kind and helpful. Nineveh was dedicated to destruction. " dans Réveillez - vous! " Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? " in Awake! Et quelle assurance avons - nous que Jéhovah agrée ceux qui suivent la voie de la vérité? We live in a world that is geared toward appealing to fleshly inclinations. And what assurance do we have that Jehovah accepts those who follow the course of truth? Conformément à cette prophétie, un évènement survenu une nuit de début octobre 539 av. n. è. a ébranlé le monde de l'époque. We view the Bible, not as a collection of human ideas, but "just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " - 1 Thess. In fulfillment of this prophecy, one event that took place early in October 539 B.C.E. was shaken by the world of that day. a) Donne un exemple montrant pourquoi c'est urgent de se dépouiller de la vieille personnalité (voir l'illustration du titre). b) Selon Colossiens 3: 5 - 9, quelles pratiques font partie de la vieille personnalité? The word "scarlet " denotes a bright - red color. (a) Illustrate why it is urgent to strip off the old personality. (See Colossians 3: 5 - 9, what practices are of the old personality? Parce que la destruction de Jérusalem en 607 avant notre ère fut une expression du jugement de Jéhovah contre la nation d'Israël tout entière, et pas seulement contre Juda. God "May Exalt You in Due Time " Because Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E. was an expression of Jehovah's judgment against the entire nation of Israel, not just against Judah. De plus, certains essaient peut - être de faire pression sur toi pour que tu acceptes l'évolution comme un fait établi. Give an example to show how spiritual achievements bring rewards. Also, some may try to pressure you so that you accept evolution as an appointed reality. Le Psaume 87 est une mélodie au sujet de Sion et de ceux qui y sont nés. On trouve dans le Psaume 88 une prière à Jéhovah. • How can Bible accounts help us to be courageous? Psalm 119 is a beautiful record of Zion and of those born in it, recorded in Psalm 88 to Jehovah. Il encourageait également les Juifs à s'aimer les uns les autres. • Why did Jesus listen to those whom he taught? Paul also encouraged the Jews to love one another. Le même effet qu'il avait sur Paul. We need to act in harmony with our prayers. Paul had a similar effect on Paul. Ils peuvent avoir des idées bien arrêtées quant à la façon dont la cérémonie et la fête doivent se dérouler. After visiting Derbe, Paul and Barnabas "returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. There they strengthened the disciples, encouraging them to remain in the faith and saying: " We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations. ' " They may have clear ideas about how the ceremony and the festival should unfold. Son sort dépendra de la façon dont elle aura agi envers les frères oints de Christ encore sur terre. When Jehovah appointed him as a prophet to the nations, Jeremiah replied: "Here I actually do not know how to speak, for I am but a boy. " His coming will depend on how she has dealt with Christ's anointed brothers still on earth. Quelle consolation Dieu a - t - il procurée aux premiers chrétiens qui étaient cruellement persécutés? Unlike Scott and Heather, you may not have come face - to - face with abuse and its effects, but you have no doubt heard shocking reports about the prevalence of this disgusting practice. What comfort did God provide for the early Christians who were so persecuted? En renvoyant cet homme, la congrégation a ôté du milieu d'elle un élément mauvais et charnel, et a gardé son "esprit ," ou disposition d'esprit dominante, conforme à la volonté de Dieu. - 2 Timothée 4: 22; 1 Corinthiens 5: 11 - 13. And it gives divine counsel about how we should conduct ourselves during these difficult times so as to make our hope firm. By sending the man away from the midst of a bad and fleshly element, the congregation kept his "spirit, " or dominant disposition, in harmony with God's will. - 2 Timothy 4: 22; 1 Corinthians 5: 11 - 13. Si ta famille s'oppose au vrai culte, comment peux - tu limiter les conflits tout en restant fidèle à Jéhovah? (b) How can we muster the courage to withstand peer pressure? If your family opposes true worship, how can you limit personal conflicts while remaining loyal to Jehovah? C'était tout nouveau pour moi. (b) What two qualities will we consider in this article? It was new to me. " Aussi, pour supprimer l'adversaire, ils " continu [ent] leur poursuite ," et finalement ils soumettent Madiân. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania As a result, they "keep pursuing their pursuit, " and eventually they submit to Midian. Les anciens doivent eux aussi se laisser guider par cet esprit. Thus, 1 Timothy 3: 4 says that if you are the head of a family and are reaching out for extra privileges in the congregation, you must be a man who is "presiding over his own household in a fine manner, having children in subjection with all seriousness. " Elders too need to be guided by holy spirit. Mais l'appendice A4 de l'édition révisée de 2013 et la partie 1 du Guide d'étude de la Parole de Dieu expliquent: " Bien que le nom Jéhovah inclue cette idée, il ne se limite pas à ce que Jéhovah choisit de se faire lui - même devenir. After her sister was baptized, Adele began to take the truth more seriously. However, the appendix of the 2013 revision and the Assembly Study of God's Word explained: "Although the name Jehovah permits it, it does not limit what Jehovah chooses to make himself. " [ Illustrations, pages 16, 17] They influenced many to look down on Jesus as a mere carpenter and on his disciples as "uneducated and ordinary men. " [ Pictures on page 16, 17] " La plupart des universités [américaines] sont sérieusement déphasées pour ce qui est de préparer les étudiants au monde du travail. Have you come to know Jehovah personally through your own study of his Word? " Most of the university schools are serious enough to prepare students for the world's work. Qu'a accompli la mort de Jésus? Are your prayers like sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? What did Jesus ' death accomplish? Plus tard, elle s'est remariée. According to one count, there were 331 episodes of armed conflict between 1946 and 2013. Later, she returned. ▪ " Écoute et saisis le sens " 11: 25. The Bible Students ' diligent study of the Scriptures yielded rich results. ▪ "Listen and understand the Meaning " Pourtant, son ministère ne serait efficace que s'il " fais [ait] constamment attention " à son enseignement. [ Picture on page 20] Yet, his ministry would not be effective if he "took constant attention " to his teaching. D'autres encore, dont la situation ne leur permet pas d'être pionniers, prêchent au maximum de leurs possibilités. 5, 6. Still others, whose circumstances do not allow them to pioneer, preach as much as possible. En ayant ce genre de sujets de conversation, nous renforçons notre détermination à rester vigilants, à demeurer fidèles et à continuer de prêcher la bonne nouvelle. How does this work out in practice? Having such topics will strengthen our resolve to remain vigilant, to remain faithful, and to keep on preaching the good news. Quelle leçon pouvons - nous tirer de cet épisode? How large is the great crowd now? What can we learn from this experience? D'un point de vue humain, ses chances de l'emporter sur les Cananéens étaient donc bien minces. A young sister in France said: "Teachers in my school are quite astonished that there are students who still believe in the Bible. " From a human point of view, its chance to win over the Canaanites were well - fed. Ceux - ci étaient impressionnés par les capacités surhumaines des démons venus sur terre et ils ont peut - être même voulu les adorer. In so doing, we will experience the truth of Jesus ' words: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " They were impressed with the superhuman abilities of demons who came to earth and may even wanted to worship them. Quelle précision Pierre ajoute - t - il? Unless we adhere to his righteous standards, we will not remain sanctified before him. What detail did Peter add? Pourquoi est - il utile de réfléchir à la remarque qu'Élihou a faite à Job? We need to employ the preaching tools provided by God's organization. Why is it helpful to consider Elihu's experience to Job? Où recherchons - nous de l'aide pour endurer? When Jehovah arranged for him to come to the earth, Jesus willingly complied. Where do we seek help to endure? On ne le fait pas par obligation, mais tout simplement parce qu'on en a envie. " See, " he pleaded, "you [Jehovah] are saying to me, " Lead this people up [from Egypt] '... We are not under obligation but simply because we want to do so. Aimes - tu prendre des décisions, et que penses - tu de certaines de tes décisions? This scripture may help a person to realize that the Bible is a source of comfort to which he ought to give more consideration. Do you like to make decisions, and how do you feel about certain decisions? Il avait donné un très bon départ tant à l'homme qu'à la femme! But what about us humans? He had given a very good start both to man and to woman! L'étranger et le résident étranger qui n'étaient pas devenus prosélytes n'étaient pas sous la Loi et pouvaient donc utiliser de diverses manières des animaux morts non saignés. (For fully formatted text, see publication) The stranger and the alien resident who had not become proselytes were not under the Law and thus could use various forms of the dead. Nos sacrifices de louange à Jéhovah ne devraient - ils pas être offerts de tout cœur, avec un bon état d'esprit et mis en valeur par une conduite convenable? 5, 6. (a) Why did Jesus say: "You will be witnesses of me "? Should not our sacrifices of praise to Jehovah be offered with our whole heart, with a proper attitude, and value in proper conduct? " Ô Jéhovah, souviens - toi, s'il te plaît, que j'ai marché devant toi avec véracité et d'un cœur complet ." Breaking one's marriage vow is equivalent to lying to God, and God hates liars! " O Jehovah, remember, please, that I have walked before you with truthfulness and with a complete heart. " - PS. Quel que soit le moment où Jésus viendrait pour exécuter le jugement de Jéhovah, ceux qui tiendraient compte de son avertissement seraient prêts; leur conduite en témoignerait. Such desires really do "carry on a conflict against [our] soul. " Whatever time Jesus would come to execute Jehovah's judgment, those who heed his warning would be ready; their conduct would be manifest. Qu'a répondu Jéhovah à Moïse? The Bible gives these instructions: "A wife should not separate from her husband. How did Jehovah respond to Moses ' response? Comment un ange de Dieu est - il devenu Satan le Diable? What can help us to overcome this tendency? How did an angel of God become Satan the Devil? À propos d'une participation ou d'un autre effort fourni par un jeune, les adultes pourraient dire: "C'était bien, mais tu peux mieux faire. (b) What can we learn from what happened to the three apostles when Jesus asked them to keep on the watch? Regarding a job or some other effort provided by a young person, adults could say: "It was good, but you can do better. Une possibilité négligée asked Jesus. Feelings of Those Without the Mosaic Law Elle leur faisait aussi comprendre la nécessité d'une rançon, d'un sacrifice parfait qui couvrirait entièrement le péché. Would you improve the situation by arguing about his behavior? It also helped them to understand the need for a ransom, a perfect sacrifice that would cover fully sin. Comme beaucoup d'autres élèves, j'étais célibataire. Terrifying natural disasters will be a thing of the past. Like many other students, I was single. En général, les jeunes enfants sont humbles et avides d'apprendre. When Jesus was on earth, he demonstrated the importance of having strong faith during critical times. Young children are generally humble and greedy to learn. Pourquoi est - ce que je servais Jéhovah, en définitive? Now some were saying that he had been raised from the dead. Why did I serve Jehovah ultimately? Ils s'efforcent d'être bons et serviables. Rather than striving to obtain at any cost some of the "better " things in life that are presently beyond our reach, can we do without them? They strive to be good and helpful. Nous vivons en effet dans un monde où tout concourt à attiser de mauvais désirs. He recognized that Jehovah had dealt well with him. We live in a world that helps us to develop wrong desires. Nous la considérons non pas comme un recueil de pensées humaines, mais, " ainsi qu'elle l'est véritablement, comme la parole de Dieu ." In 33 C.E., Jehovah switched his favor from the congregation of natural Israel to the Christian congregation. We view it, not as a collection of human thoughts, but as "it truthfully is, just as the word of God. " L ' "écarlate " correspond à un rouge éclatant *. In most parts of the world, communities are close - knit. The " imperfection " corresponds to a light. Que Dieu "vous élève au moment voulu " What is the world that is lying in the Devil's power, and why should we not love it? Let God " Take up in the Right Time " Montrez par un exemple comment les activités spirituelles enrichissent une vie. Jehovah's dominant quality is love - not anger. Illustrate how spiritual activities improve a life of life. • Comment les récits de la Bible peuvent - ils nous aider à être courageux? Gener often came home late, after playing billiards and violent computer games with his friends. However, as time passed, he began to realize that the attractions of this world were not truly satisfying. • How can Bible accounts help us to be courageous? • Pourquoi Jésus écoutait - il ceux qu'il enseignait? It moves us to avoid loving the world and its ungodly ways. • Why did Jesus listen to those whom he taught? Agis en accord avec tes prières. Some copies of it contain the name Jehovah in its Hebrew form. Act in harmony with your prayers. Après leur passage à Derbé, Paul et Barnabas " retournèrent à Lystres et à Iconium et à Antioche, fortifiant les âmes des disciples, les encourageant à demeurer dans la foi et disant: "Nous devons entrer dans le royaume de Dieu à travers beaucoup de tribulations " ." This article will help us see how to do this and how to guard against the independent spirit that Satan encourages. After their passage in Lystra, Paul and Barnabas " returned to Lystra and Iconium, strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to remain in the faith and saying: "We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. " Quand Jéhovah l'a nommé prophète pour les nations, il a répondu: "Voici que je ne sais vraiment pas parler, car je ne suis qu'un garçon. ." Most people still do not understand or appreciate our form of worship. When Jehovah appointed him as a prophet to the nations, he said: "Here I do not know how to speak, for I am but a boy. " À la différence de Samuel et d'Hélène, peut - être n'avez - vous pas eu à faire face à ce fléau ou à ses effets. Mais vous avez certainement entendu des faits bouleversants révélant à quel point cette pratique répugnante est répandue. Jehovah purposed that David would be king over Israel. Unlike Samuel and Daniel, you may not have had to deal with this scourge or its effects, but you may have heard experiences that show how sad that practice is rampant. Et il nous indique comment Dieu souhaite que nous nous conduisions en ces temps difficiles, de façon à affermir notre espérance. 3: 5. And he tells us how God wants us to act in these difficult times so that we can have a sure hope for the future. b) Où pouvons - nous trouver le courage de résister à l'influence de notre entourage? Draw close to one another. (b) Where can we find courage to resist the influence of others? b) Quelles sont les deux qualités dont nous parlerons dans cet article? Alejandro: It's good to see you too. (b) What two qualities will we discuss in this article? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Without question, Satan the Devil is properly called "the ruler of the world " and" the god of this system of things. " © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania C'est pourquoi on lit en 1 Timothée 3: 4 que le chef de famille qui aspire à des responsabilités supplémentaires dans la congrégation doit être un homme "qui préside de belle façon sa propre maisonnée, qui tienne ses enfants dans la soumission en toute dignité ." To survive the tenth plague, the Israelites had to obey the instructions to have a special meal and to splash some of the blood of a slaughtered sheep on the doorposts and lintels of their houses. Hence, at 1 Timothy 3: 4 indicates that the head of a family who is reaching out for extra responsibility in the congregation should be a "man who treats his own household in subjection. " " Du jour où sa sœur s'est fait baptiser, Adele a commencé à prendre la vérité plus au sérieux. Explain Jesus ' statement: "I came to cause division. " When her sister was baptized, she began to take the truth seriously. Ils avaient incité quantité de leurs contemporains à considérer Jésus comme un vulgaire charpentier, et ses disciples comme " des hommes sans instruction et des gens ordinaires ." We might well ask ourselves: " Do I contribute to the spirituality of those around me? They had moved many to view Jesus as a carpenter and his disciples as "unlettered and ordinary people. " Avez - vous appris à connaître Jéhovah personnellement, en étudiant sa Parole? The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will come even as a strong one, and his arm will be ruling for him.... Have you come to know Jehovah personally, by studying his Word? Vos prières sont - elles, pour Jéhovah, comme un encens d'odeur agréable? Because we wholeheartedly serve Jehovah, he is " our place of concealment ' and will sustain us. Are your prayers to Jehovah, as a sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? Entre 1946 et 2013, on a recensé 331 conflits armés... et des millions de morts. Why is that? From 1946 and 2013, there were armed conflict... and millions who died. Humbles et sans a priori, ces Étudiants de la Bible, selon le nom qu'ils se donnaient, priaient et creusaient les Écritures. In what order will Christ complete his conquest? Thousands and undoubtedly these Bible Students, according to the name they went, prayed, and sought the Scriptures. [ Illustration, page 20] This article shows how Psalm 83 provides powerful encouragement for Christians today. [ Picture on page 20] 5, 6. So it is easy to see who proved to be the real neighbor of the wounded man. 5, 6. ." Comment cela se vérifie - t - il dans notre vie? When applied to him, the term "integrity " also involves perfection. - Ps. How is that true in our life? Quelle est la taille de cette grande foule aujourd'hui? What a beautiful model Abraham provides in handling differences! What is the size of this great crowd today? " Une jeune sœur de France a dit: " Dans mon école, les professeurs n'en reviennent pas qu'il y ait encore des élèves qui croient en la Bible. But you people did not want it. " A young sister in France said: "In my school school, teachers do not return when there are students who believe in the Bible. Ce faisant, nous constaterons la véracité de ces paroles de Jésus: "Il y a plus de bonheur à donner qu'à recevoir. ." Jehovah reminded the contemporaries of Amos that He had brought their ancestors into the Promised Land and had helped them to clear it of all their enemies. By doing so, we will experience the truthfulness of Jesus ' words: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " Nous resterons sanctifiés seulement à condition de suivre ses principes justes. [ Pictures on page 16] We will remain sanctified only if we follow his righteous principles. Nous devons nous servir des outils de prédication fournis par l'organisation de Dieu. We can be sure that Jesus is well - qualified in every way to serve as High Priest for his spiritual brothers as well as for others of believing mankind. - Hebrews 4: 15; 1 John 2: 1, 2. We must use tools that are provided by God's organization. Quand Jéhovah se prépara à l'envoyer sur la terre, Jésus obéit de bon gré. Abigaïl, a 15 - year - old from Ghana, admits: "Sometimes I had negative thoughts that made me feel lonely. When Jehovah starts to send him to the earth, Jesus willingly complied. ' [...] Consider another Scriptural account that illustrates the extent of Jehovah's willingness to forgive. [ Footnotes] Ce passage peut aider une personne à comprendre que la Bible est une source de consolation à laquelle elle devrait s'intéresser de près. 8, 9. This passage can help a person to understand that the Bible is a source of comfort to him that should be interested in it. Mais qu'en est - il de nous, les humains? Without speech, without words, without voice, Jehovah's awesome created heavens declare his glory, day after day, night after night. What about us? (Voir la publication) In those places, Jehovah's Witnesses point out the Bible prophecies, and they comfort people with the Bible's assurance that the Kingdom of God will bring true security to mankind. - Proverbs 1: 33; Micah 4: 4. (For fully formatted text, see publication) 5, 6. a) Pourquoi Jésus a - t - il dit: " Vous serez mes témoins "? Psalm 72 reflects that and gives us insight into the blessings we will enjoy under the rule of the Greater Solomon, Jesus Christ. - Ps. 5, 6. (a) Why did Jesus say: "You will be witnesses of me "? Rompre le vœu du mariage revient à mentir à Dieu, et Dieu hait les menteurs!. Jesus was very kind to women. What a vow of marriage is to lie to God, and God hates them! - Rom. Ce genre de désirs "combattent contre l'âme ." May we zealously share that truth with others! - Matt. 24: 14. Such desires "will go against the soul. " La Bible donne ces instructions: " Qu'une femme ne se sépare pas de son mari; mais si vraiment elle se sépare, qu'elle reste sans se marier ou bien qu'elle se réconcilie avec son mari; et un mari ne doit pas quitter sa femme ." It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. The Bible tells us: "Let a wife not separate himself from her husband; but if she truly separates himself, let her remain without marriage or well become reconciled to her husband; and a husband should not leave his wife. " Comment vaincre cette tendance? The evidence for each has grown substantially year after year, strengthening my faith and deepening my conviction that we do, indeed, have the truth. " How can we overcome such a tendency? b) Qu'apprenons - nous de ce qui est arrivé aux trois apôtres à qui Jésus avait demandé de veiller? 8, 9. (b) What can we learn from what happened to the three apostles who asked Jesus to keep on the watch? " a un jour demandé Jésus. He multiplies his altars... Jesus asked. Amélioreras - tu la situation en te mettant en colère et en te disputant avec lui? Jesus was eager to bring relief to people who suffered from grievous sicknesses. Will you stop the situation by angering yourself and looking to him with him? Les catastrophes naturelles appartiendront au passé. Likewise today, in order to " endure to the end, ' we need to make sure that the word of God remains in us. natural disasters will be in the past. Quand il était sur la terre, Jésus a montré l'importance d'avoir une foi solide dans les passes difficiles. To help us get into the spirit of singing, each of the convention and assembly program sessions opens with a ten - minute music presentation. When on earth, Jesus emphasized the need for strong faith through difficult times. Maintenant, certains disaient qu'il avait été relevé d'entre les morts. " They Were Borne Along by Holy Spirit " However, some said that he had been raised from the dead. Si nos moyens ne nous permettent pas actuellement de nous payer certains extras, ne pouvons - nous pas nous en passer plutôt que de vouloir à tout prix les acquérir? With reference to the inhabitants of surrounding nations - people who did not serve Jehovah - the Israelites were instructed: "You must not form any marriage alliances with them. If our means do not allow us to pay some credit now, can we not miss them instead of wanting to acquire all the prize? Il estimait que Jéhovah avait été bienveillant à son égard. That was God's Kingdom, which would be the real solution. He believed that Jehovah was kind to him. En 33 de n. è., Jéhovah a retiré sa faveur à la congrégation de l'Israël selon la chair pour l'accorder à la congrégation chrétienne. What will help us to put "the law of loving - kindness " upon our tongue? In 33 C.E., Jehovah transferred his favor to the congregation of natural Israel to give the Christian congregation. Dans la plupart des régions du monde, les membres d'une même communauté sont très soudés. I felt as if the verses were written just for me! In most parts of the world, members of a similar community are very close. Qu'est - ce que le monde qui se trouve au pouvoir du Diable, et pourquoi ne devons - nous pas l'aimer? Likewise, being hospitable involves taking a series of small, regular actions. What is the world lying in the power of the Devil, and why should we not love him? Cette année - là, le roi perse Artaxerxès a donné à Nehémia l'autorisation de rétablir et de rebâtir Jérusalem. Eating at Jehovah's table signifies that the partakers are at peace with him. That year, Persian King Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah the permission to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. La qualité dominante de Jéhovah est l'amour, et non la colère. These will have the opportunity to become permanent earthly subjects of the Messianic King, Christ Jesus. Jehovah's dominant quality is love, not anger. Mais il a fini par se rendre compte que les choses qui l'attiraient dans ce monde n'apportent pas vraiment de satisfaction. Psalms 138 to 145 are of David. Eventually, though, he realized that the things in this world are not truly satisfying. Il nous pousse à ne pas aimer le monde et ses pratiques contraires à la volonté de Dieu. (See the box "Fields of Full - Time Service. ") It moves us not to love the world and its practices that are contrary to God's will. Certaines copies de cette version contiennent le nom Jéhovah sous sa forme hébraïque. It is the way we are designed to live, the way that yields the greatest joy. Some copies of this version contain Jehovah's name in his Hebrew form. Cet article nous aidera à voir comment y parvenir et comment nous garder de l'esprit d'indépendance que Satan en courage. Why was Jesus ' death important? This article will help us to see how we can do so and how we can maintain a spirit of independence from Satan. La plupart des gens ne comprennent pas ou n'aiment pas notre religion. Israel and Judah owe their very existence to Jehovah. Most people do not understand or love our religion. Jéhovah avait prévu que David règne sur Israël. What can we learn from exemplary spiritual people? Jehovah purposed that David reign over Israel. 3: 5. A civil marriage is usually carried out before a government agent, and it may include both taking marriage vows and signing a registry. 3: 5. Rapprochons - nous les uns des autres. The exciting account of Esther is of particular encouragement to us living in "the time of the end. " Cultivate one another. Adrien: Moi aussi. Parents, ask yourselves, " How well do my children speak the "pure language " of Scriptural truth? Alejandro: I too. Satan le Diable est à juste titre appelé "le chef du monde " et" le dieu de ce système de choses ." Some scholars suggest that the " prophetesses ' of Thyatira tried to entice Christians to worship trade - guild gods and goddesses and to participate in festivals involving food sacrificed to idols. Satan the Devil is rightly called "the ruler of the world " and" the god of this system of things. " Pour survivre à la dixième plaie, ils ont dû obéir à cette instruction: prendre un repas spécifique et appliquer une partie du sang d'un mouton égorgé sur les montants et le haut de la porte de leur maison. For I have such peace, such tranquillity, that you can't possibly imagine! " To survive the tenth plague, they had to obey the instruction: take a special meal and apply some of the blood of a sheep wearing on the doorposts and the upper side of their house. Expliquez cette déclaration de Jésus: "Je suis venu mettre la division. Yes, Peter needed firm correction, as we all do at times. Explain Jesus ' statement: "I came to cause division. Il est bien de se demander: " Est - ce que je contribue à la spiritualité de mon entourage? 2 We do well to ask ourselves: " Do I contribute to the spirituality of others? Le Souverain Seigneur Jéhovah lui - même viendra comme un fort, et son bras dominera pour lui. [...] Referring to God's many productions on earth, the psalmist exclaims: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will come as a strong, and his arm will rule for him.... Puisque nous servons Jéhovah d'un cœur complet, il est " notre cachette ' et il sera notre appui. What promises of support did Jehovah make to Jeremiah? Since we serve Jehovah with a complete heart, he is " our hiding place, ' and he will sustain us. Pourquoi? The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, as the Scriptures tell us to do. Why? Dans quel ordre Christ mènera - t - il à terme sa victoire? Furthermore, "his mother carefully kept all these sayings in her heart. " - Luke 2: 48 - 51. In what order will Christ complete his conquest? Cet article montre que le Psaume 83 offre aux chrétiens de puissants encouragements appropriés à notre époque. What a wonderful lesson a spiritual shepherd can learn from our heavenly Father! This article shows that Psalm 83 offers powerful encouragement to Christians today. Il est donc facile de comprendre qui s'est montré le véritable prochain de l'homme agressé. What type of people made up that congregation? So it is easy to understand who showed neighboring man's neighbor. Lorsque les mots "intégrité " ou" intègre " s'appliquent à lui, ils impliquent aussi l'idée de perfection. - Ps. Our friendship with God is the most precious possession we have. When the words "right " or" integrity " apply to him, they too involve perfection. - Ps. Abraham nous fournit un magnifique exemple pour ce qui est de régler les différends. By studying the context of those words, we will better understand what fight Paul had to wage to control his sinful nature. - Read Romans 7: 21 - 25. Abraham provides a fine example for us in settling differences. Mais vous ne l'avez pas voulu. Jesus will then fulfill God's promise: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Ps. But you people did not want it. Jéhovah a rappelé aux contemporains d'Amos qu'il avait amené leurs ancêtres en Terre promise et qu'il les avait aidés à la débarrasser de tous leurs ennemis. But maintaining that friendship and working out your own salvation will require effort. Jehovah reminded the people of Amos that he had brought their forefathers into the Promised Land and helped them to rid them of all their enemies. [ Illustrations, page 16] The student now understood the Bible's requirement and got baptized soon thereafter. [ Pictures on page 16] Nous pouvons être sûrs qu'il a toutes les qualités pour servir de Grand Prêtre autant à ses frères spirituels qu'au reste des humains qui ont foi. - Hébreux 4: 15; 1 Jean 2: 1, 2. Why can we look to Moses as a good example of mildness? We can be sure that he has all qualities to serve as High Priest to his spiritual brothers as well as to the rest of those having faith. - Hebrews 4: 15; 1 John 2: 1, 2. ' Abigaïl, une Ghanéenne de 15 ans, admet: "Quelquefois, mes pensées négatives me plongeaient dans la solitude. [ Footnote] Abigail, a 15 - year - old woman in France, admits: "My negative thoughts were common in loneliness. Examinons un autre récit biblique qui montre à quel point Jéhovah est disposé à pardonner. All of us gain life by exercising faith in Christ, by exerting ourselves to deaden improper desires, and by living in accord with the spirit's direction. Let us consider another Bible account that shows how willing Jehovah is to forgive. 8, 9. We should worship God with a heart that is not hypocritical. 8, 9. Sans paroles et sans voix, les cieux proclament la gloire de Jéhovah jour après jour, nuit après nuit. WHAT WILL HAPPEN JUST BEFORE THE END? Without words and voice, the heavens are declaring the glory of Jehovah day after night. À ces endroits, les Témoins de Jéhovah attirent l'attention des gens sur ces prophéties et les consolent en leur apprenant que le Royaume de Dieu instaurera la sécurité véritable sur toute la terre. - Proverbes 1: 33; Mika 4: 4. 5, 6. In those places, Jehovah's Witnesses draw attention to those prophecies and comfort them by learning that God's Kingdom will bring true security on all the earth. - Proverbs 1: 33; Micah 4: 4. C'est ce qui ressort du Psaume 72, qui nous donne également une idée des bénédictions que nous goûterons sous la domination du Grand Salomon, Jésus Christ. - Ps. So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them. This is reflected in the 72th Psalm, which also reveals the blessings we enjoy under the rule of the Greater Solomon, Jesus Christ. - Ps. Jésus était très bon envers les femmes. What can help us to remain "healthy in faith "? Jesus was very kind to women. Alors proclamons cette vérité avec zèle!. Name some undesirable ways in which we might react when we are given counsel, and explain why Christian shepherds must persist in their efforts to help us. So proclaim that truth with zeal! - Matt. Sa diffusion s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une œuvre mondiale d'enseignement biblique rendue possible par des offrandes volontaires. Yet, of all the people who have lived, who is the most outstanding example of a spiritual person? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Année après année, je n'ai cessé d'accumuler des preuves de leur solidité, ce qui a affermi ma foi et ma conviction que nous possédons bel et bien la vérité. " 6: 24. What sort of financial snares are common today, and how can we avoid them? Years later, I stopped storing evidence of their strong faith and conviction that we truly possess the truth. " 8, 9. May each of us likewise " give in proportion to the blessing that Jehovah has given us. ' - Read Deuteronomy 16: 17. 8, 9. [...] il a multiplié ses autels. 26: 29. He constructed his altars. " Il souhaitait vivement soulager ceux qui souffraient d'affections pénibles. 63: 5 - How does God's rage support him? He was eager to bring relief to those who suffered emotional affection. Pareillement aujourd'hui, si nous voulons " endurer jusqu'à la fin ', nous devons veiller à ce que la parole de Dieu demeure en nous. How can Romans 8: 11 be of encouragement to those facing temptation? Similarly today, if we want to " endure to the end, ' we must be careful that God's word remains in us. À chaque assemblée, les sessions du matin et de l'après - midi commencent par un programme musical de dix minutes. However, these are not qualities exhibited by all people. At each convention, the morning and the afternoon begin with a ten - month program. " Ils étaient portés par l'esprit saint " " The discipline of Jehovah... do not reject. " - PROVERBS 3: 11. " They Were Living by Holy Spirit " Il avait dit au sujet des nations voisines, qui ne le servaient pas: " Tu ne devras pas t'allier par mariage avec elles. Jesus ' enemies tried to trap Jesus by getting him to take sides on a taxation issue. Regarding surrounding nations, he said: "You must not enter into marriage with them. " Il s'est plutôt concentré sur l'unique solution aux problèmes de l'humanité: le Royaume de Dieu. That fact is accepted as a fundamental law of nature. * Rather, he focused on the only solution to mankind's problems - God's Kingdom. Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à avoir " la loi de la bonté de cœur sur notre langue '? 30: 21. What will help us to have "the law of loving - kindness upon our tongue "? C'était comme si ces versets avaient été écrits pour moi! © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania It was as if those verses were written for me! " C'est comme marcher sur un sentier, où l'on avance pas à pas. " To respect my wife means that I appreciate her value and I don't want to do anything that would damage her or our marriage. " - Micah. It is like walking on a path, where it is not slow. L'acte de manger à la table de Jéhovah signifie que les participants sont en paix avec lui. Jesus also put his pity and compassion into action. The act of eating from Jehovah's table means that those who are at peace with him are at peace. L'occasion sera offerte à ces ressuscités de devenir des sujets terrestres permanents du Roi messianique, Christ Jésus. 12, 13. The opportunity for resurrected ones to become permanent subjects of the Messianic King, Christ Jesus. Les Psaumes 138 à 145 ont été rédigés par David. Alejandro: I would say so. Psalms 138 to 145 were written by David. Que pensent - ils de la carrière qu'ils ont choisie? Still, we can benefit from his training by reading in the Bible how he preached and what instructions he gave his followers. What do they think about the career they have chosen? Pourquoi la mort de Jésus était - elle importante? What should we not allow to interfere with our decision - making process? Why was Jesus ' death important? " Israël et Juda doivent leur existence à Jéhovah. • Jehovah pronounced what sentence upon humankind, and why was it a just sentence? Israel and Judah were to live in harmony with Jehovah. Que pouvons - nous apprendre de personnes spirituelles? After false religion has been destroyed, God's servants will still be found "dwelling in security " and" without wall. " What can we learn from spiritual people? Ce mariage civil se déroule généralement devant un représentant de l'État, qui peut exiger que les mariés prononcent des vœux et signent un registre. During his stay in that land, he could have heard of the trials of Job, who was living nearby in the land of Uz. The civil wedding is usually used before a representative of the State, which may demand that the couple make vows and a record of a Bible account. Le récit passionnant d'Esther est des plus encourageants pour nous qui vivons le "temps de la fin ." 22 - 24. (a) What encouragement do you find in the concluding words of Psalm 26? The thrilling account of Esther is of encouragement to us living in "the time of the end. " Demande - toi: " Mes enfants parlent - ils correctement la "langue pure " qu'est la vérité biblique?. M. Ask yourself: " Do my children speak properly of the "pure language " that is Bible truth? - Matt. D'après certains biblistes, les " prophétesses ' de Thyatire poussaient les chrétiens à adorer les dieux et déesses de corporations et à participer à des fêtes lors desquelles de la nourriture était offerte en sacrifice à des idoles. A WINEGROWER went to the marketplace early one morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. According to some scholars, the " prophetess " in Thyatira moved Christians to worship gods and horns and to participate in holidays at which food was offered in sacrifice of idols. Vous ne pouvez pas imaginer la paix et la tranquillité que je ressens. When the master arrives, said Jesus, he will punish that evil slave "with the greatest severity. " - Read Matthew 24: 48 - 51. You cannot imagine peace and peace that I feel. Il avait réellement besoin d'une correction ferme, comme nous en avons tous besoin de temps à autre. [ Pictures on page 21] He really needed strong correction, as we all need from time to time. 2 When Called Upon to Help 2 Songeant aux nombreuses créations terrestres de Dieu, le psalmiste s'exclame: "Que tes œuvres sont nombreuses, ô Jéhovah! 11: 16 - 24, 33. Think of the many earthly creation of God, the psalmist sang: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! Quelles promesses Jéhovah a - t - il faites à Jérémie? In Toronto, Canada, the number is 125; and in London, England, more than 300 foreign languages are spoken! What promises did Jehovah make to Jeremiah? La jeune femme a épanché son cœur devant lui, comme la Bible nous y encourage. What were Israelite parents told to do to instruct their children, and what did that mean? The young woman poured out her heart to him, as the Bible encourages us to do. De son côté, "sa mère gardait soigneusement toutes ces paroles dans son cœur ." - Luc 2: 48 - 51. It would certainly be wise to avoid making decisions that endanger your relationship with God. - Prov. 22: 3. In turn, "his mother kept carefully doing all these words in his heart. " - Luke 2: 48 - 51. Quel exemple admirable pour un berger chrétien! It quickly gained popularity among followers of Wycliffe. What a wonderful example for a Christian shepherd! Mais de quel genre de personnes était - elle composée? Ultimately, only one man, Jesus Christ, whose genealogy from Abraham is documented in the Bible, is the primary part of that foretold seed. What kind of individuals, though, was made up of? Notre amitié avec lui est ce que nous avons de plus précieux dans la vie. Their examples can help you as they did Barış, from Turkey, who said: "Franz Reiter was a young brother who was executed because he refused to join Hitler's army. Our friendship with him is what we have most valuable in life. " En étudiant le contexte de ces paroles, nous comprendrons mieux le genre de combat qu'il devait mener pour maîtriser sa nature pécheresse (lire Romains 7: 21 - 25). If we are experiencing inner conflict on account of our imperfection, may love move us to pray as did the psalmist: "Unify my heart to fear your name. " By studying the context of those words, we can better understand the type of fight he needed to control his sinful nature. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 25.) Alors se réalisera cette promesse: "Les justes posséderont la terre, et sur elle ils résideront pour toujours. " - Ps. The word "tender " is defined as" marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions. " Then we will be fulfilled: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Ps. Mais tu dois faire des efforts pour garder cette amitié forte et pouvoir ainsi être sauvé. If the elders invite you to study with a fellow believer needing some spiritual assistance, pray that Jehovah direct and bless your efforts. But you must work hard to maintain that strong friendship and thus be saved. Son enseignante lui a montré des versets bibliques qui répondaient à sa question. Be careful that your comments about those living in your territory are not discouraging. Her teacher showed Bible verses that answered her question. Pourquoi Moïse est - il un bel exemple de douceur? Are mildness and long - suffering really needed in the congregation? Why is Moses a fine example of mildness? [ Note] 14, 15. [ Footnote] Et nous obtiendrons tous la vie si nous exerçons la foi en Christ, si nous nous évertuons à faire mourir nos désirs inconvenants et si nous vivons conformément à la direction de l'esprit saint. A full - time Kingdom proclaimer held a Bible study with her in the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. And all of us will enjoy life if we exercise faith in Christ, strive to have our improper desires, and live in harmony with the direction of God's holy spirit. Nous ne pouvons pas adorer Dieu avec un cœur hypocrite. [ Picture on page 6] We cannot worship God with a hypocritical heart. 5, 6. A key to avoiding the dangers of alcohol abuse is knowing where to draw the line, not between overindulgence and drunkenness, but between moderation and overindulgence. 5, 6. Il s'est donc approché de lui et a bandé ses blessures, versant sur elles de l'huile et du vin. To advance is "to progress, to change for the better. " So he approached him and cut his wounds down to them with oil and wine. Qu'est - ce qui peut nous aider à rester "robustes dans la foi "? JEHOVAH, the Creator of the universe, does things in an organized manner. What can help us to remain "healthy in the faith "? b) Pourquoi les anciens de la congrégation doivent - ils persévérer dans leurs efforts pour aider leurs frères? This requires that we help our Bible student to develop spirituality. (b) Why should elders in the congregation continue in their efforts to help their brothers? Quelles arnaques sont courantes aujourd'hui, et comment ne pas en être victime? It allows us to have a balanced view of material possessions. What contrast is common today, and how can we avoid being the victim? Pareillement, que chacun de nous donne " en proportion de la bénédiction " que Jéhovah lui a donnée (lire Deutéronome 16: 17). Similarly, what should Jehovah's love and mercy compel us to do? (Read Deuteronomy 16: 17.) 26: 29. 4: 1, 16. We can be absolutely confident that Jehovah will help us endure to the end. 26: 29. 63: 5 - En quoi la fureur de Dieu le soutient - elle? On April 16, 1922, Joseph F. 63: 5 - How does God's fury support him? Quelle force ceux qui luttent contre la tentation peuvent - ils puiser dans les paroles de Paul? Godly fear is noble and uplifting, not depressing or terrifying. What strength can those who fight against temptation draw from Paul's words? Mais ce n'est pas le cas de tous. Why is it important to prepare now for tribulation? But that is not true of all. " - PROVERBES 3: 11. That is not to say that it was easy for all who remained loyal to the organization to preach publicly. " Be wise, and make my heart rejoice. " - PROVERBS 3: 11. C'est là un fait reconnu, une loi élémentaire de la nature *. He said to David: "You yourself will be king over Israel, and I myself shall become second to you. " That is a fact, a fundamental law of nature. 30: 21. And that's one of the greatest challenges when it comes to any use of the Internet, including social networking. * 30: 21. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Besides, Jehovah is all - wise. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " Je respecte ma femme en lui accordant de la valeur, et je ne veux rien faire qui pourrait lui causer du tort ou qui pourrait nuire à notre couple " (Micah). Genuine love grows as a loyal couple experience life together, with its joys and challenges. " I respect my wife by giving him appreciation, and I do not want to do anything that could harm her or that could damage our marriage. " - Daniel 1: 11. b) Quelle leçon tirez - vous de cet épisode? On the other hand, there are those who believe that God's love is unconditional and that he loves them regardless of what they do or fail to do. (b) What lesson do you learn from this experience? 12, 13. The Bible says that knowledge and wisdom can deliver us "from the man speaking perverse things. " 12, 13. Adrien: J'imagine que oui. He understands the circumstances and needs of all his loyal servants. Alejandro: I suppose so. En revanche, nous pouvons bénéficier de sa formation en lisant dans la Bible comment il prêchait et quelles instructions il a données à ses compagnons. How can "Riches " become like a god? On the other hand, we can benefit from his training by reading the Bible about how he preached and what instructions he gave to fellow believers. Quels sentiments ne devraient pas influencer nos décisions? The Bible Teach book uses simple, direct language to explain God's Word, just as Jesus conveyed complex ideas in simple terms. How should we not feel about making decisions? • Quelle condamnation Jéhovah a - t - il prononcée contre les humains, et pourquoi était - elle juste? What do you learn from David's plea that Jehovah examine his kidneys and his heart? • What judgment did Jehovah pronounce against humans, and why was it righteous? Lorsque la fausse religion aura été détruite, on s'apercevra que les serviteurs de Dieu "habitent en sécurité " et" sans muraille ." The change was readily accepted by practically all the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the work of witnessing continued to bear fruit. When false religion is destroyed, we will see that God's people "will reside in security " and" without wall. " b) Pourquoi le ministère nous fait - il du bien? The Bible says: "If the unbelieving one chooses to depart, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not bound under such circumstances, but God has called you to peace. " (b) Why does our ministry do good? Durant son séjour en ce lieu, on peut supposer qu'il a eu connaissance des épreuves de Job, qui vivait dans un pays voisin: Outs. That is why I have drawn you with loving - kindness. " - Jeremiah 31: 3. During that time, he may have known about Job's trials, living in a neighbor territory: Or he may have known about Job's trials. " 22 - 24. a) Quel encouragement trouvons - nous dans les paroles de conclusion du Psaume 26? How has Jehovah progressively revealed his name? 22 - 24. (a) What encouragement do we find in the words of Psalm 26? [...] Show yourself to be a good shepherd by patiently guiding your child or children in proving that Jehovah's way is the best way of life. * - Rom. I am with you.... TÔT un matin, le propriétaire d'une vigne se rend sur la place du marché pour engager des ouvriers. Within 112 days, Haggai delivers four motivating messages. In a morning, the owner of a vine visited the market to send workers away. À son arrivée, le maître punirait alors ce mauvais esclave " avec la plus grande sévérité " (lire Matthieu 24: 48 - 51). Recalling that experience must have strengthened Paul, helping him to trust that Jehovah would fortify him to endure his present trials and any future difficulties that might arise. When the master arrived, the master would punish this evil slave "with the greatest severity. " (Read Matthew 24: 48 - 51.) [ Illustrations, page 21] 8: 27 - 30. [ Pictures on page 21] Quand un ancien est sollicité For instance, though hated by those having power and influence, Jesus did not water down what God wanted people to know. When an elder Is Needed 11: 16 - 24, 33. I shall walk in your truth. 11: 16 - 24, 33. À titre d'exemple, une centaine de langues sont parlées à Paris, 125 à Toronto, plus de 300 à Londres. Following Naomi's direction, Ruth asks Boaz to act as a repurchaser. For example, a hundred languages are spoken in the city of England, over 300 languages. Quelle consigne les parents israélites avaient - ils reçue pour instruire leurs enfants, et que fallait - il comprendre par là? How did Ahab respond to Jehovah's judgment message, and with what result? What were the Israelites given to instruct their children, and what did they need to realize? Ce serait assurément sage de ne pas prendre de décisions qui mettent en danger tes relations avec Dieu. First - century Jewish religious leaders who maliciously opposed Jesus Christ were sinning against the holy spirit. Surely it would be wise to avoid making decisions that could endanger your relationship with God. La Bible de Wycliffe est rapidement devenue populaire parmi ses disciples, les lollards. Yet, like all of us, Paul had to lean on Jehovah in order to speak the good news with boldness. The Wycliffe Bible quickly became popular among his disciples. En fin de compte, un seul homme, Jésus Christ, dont la généalogie à partir d'Abraham est consignée dans la Bible, constitue la partie principale de la semence annoncée *. Walking by spirit includes responding to the invitation we read at Revelation 22: 17: "The spirit and the bride keep on saying: " Come! ' In the end, one man, Jesus Christ, whose obedience from Abraham is recorded in the Bible, is the primary part of the foretold seed. Il a déclaré: " Franz Reiter est un jeune frère qui a été exécuté parce qu'il refusait d'entrer dans l'armée de Hitler. Jesus knew that his followers would be victimized by those who would "tell all kinds of evil lies against " them. He said: "I was a young brother who was executed because he refused to enter the army of Hitler. Si nous sommes en proie à une lutte intérieure à cause de notre imperfection, l'amour devrait nous inciter à prier comme l'a fait le psalmiste: "Unifie mon cœur pour craindre ton nom. ." As a result of such teachings, many people have concluded that they are better off living life to the full while they can because only death awaits them. If we are faced with an inner struggle because of our imperfection, love should move us to pray as did the psalmist: "Unify my heart to fear your name. " On la définit comme un état affectif empreint de douceur et de délicatesse. [ Picture on page 7] It is defined as "a mild - tempered, mild - tempered state. " Si les anciens vous sollicitent afin de conduire l'étude d'un compagnon spirituellement affaibli, priez Jéhovah d'orienter et de bénir vos efforts. Imperfect humans have what desperate need, and why do we do well to turn to Jehovah to fill that need? If the elders call you to conduct a spiritual brother's study, pray for Jehovah to restore and bless your efforts. Veillez à ne pas tenir de propos négatifs et décourageants sur les gens du territoire. Sincere commendation promotes tender affection within the family and the congregation, thus encouraging younger ones to seek out experienced brothers and sisters for advice. Be careful not to ignore negative speech and disturb people in the territory. Avons - nous vraiment besoin de douceur et de patience au sein de la congrégation? How Firm Is Your Trust in God? Do we really need mildness and patience within the congregation? 14, 15. a) Quelles situations peuvent amener un chrétien à envisager la séparation? How much better to take advantage of your youth to prepare for the future! 14, 15. (a) What situations might a Christian consider to separation? Une évangélisatrice à plein temps étudiait la Bible avec elle à l'aide du livre La connaissance qui mène à la vie éternelle *. The earth itself will let even those impotent in death drop in birth. " A full - time evangelizer was studying the Bible with her with the aid of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. * [ Illustration, page 6] Before engaging in a form of entertainment, the first question to ask yourself is, What? - that is, " What is the nature of the leisure activity to which I feel attracted? ' [ Picture on page 6] Un bon moyen de se préserver des dangers liés à l'abus d'alcool consiste à savoir où se trouve la limite, non pas la limite entre l'excès et l'ébriété, mais la limite entre la modération et l'excès. Amos did not begin his work by pronouncing Jehovah's judgment against the wayward northern kingdom of Israel. A good way to avoid dangers related to alcohol is to know where the limit is limited, not the limit between anxiety and summer, but the limit between moderation and too much. Faire des progrès, c'est s'améliorer, devenir meilleur. 21: 15, 19. Making progress involves making better, improve. JÉHOVAH, le Créateur de l'univers, fait les choses de façon organisée. WHEN DOES JESUS COME? JEHOVAH, the Creator of the universe, has done things in an organized way. ." Pour cela, il faut qu'il devienne un homme spirituel. For example, Satan's system of things uses economic pressure to rob people of their freedom. To that end, we need to become a spiritual man. Il nous permet d'avoir un point de vue équilibré sur les biens matériels. The law on gleaning did not stipulate how much produce farmers were to leave for the needy. He allows us to have a balanced view of material things. À quoi son amour et sa miséricorde devraient - ils nous pousser? After considering this evidence in the light of indications in the Hebrew Scriptures and with the help of holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. What should his love and mercy move us to do? Nous sommes absolument sûrs que Jéhovah nous aidera à endurer jusqu'à la fin. This was a privilege that the nation of Israel under the Law could have had. We are absolutely confident that Jehovah will help us to endure until the end comes. Le 16 avril 1922, Joseph Rutherford a présenté une de ses premières émissions de radio. One time, when his wife was at a convention, he took all his clothes and moved out. On April 16, 1922, Brother Rutherford presented one of his first radio programs. La crainte de Dieu est noble, elle élève l'individu; elle n'est pas déprimante ni terrifiante. The result? Fear of God is noble, and it is not immune to fear of God. Pourquoi est - il important de se préparer aux tribulations dès à présent? How did angels assist Moses? Why is it important to prepare for tribulations now? Est - ce à dire que, pour tous ceux qui sont restés fidèles à l'organisation de Jéhovah, il a été facile de prêcher de maison en maison? Non. What if a young person resists parental training because of peer pressure, the desire to go along with the crowd? Does this mean that for all who remained loyal to Jehovah's organization, it was easy to preach from house to house? " Toi, tu seras roi sur Israël, lui a - t - il dit, et moi, je deviendrai le second après toi. What a difficult thing it is to endure the ridicule and opposition of family members who do not share our faith! " You yourself will be king over Israel, " he told him, "and I will become second to you. " Or c'est une des choses les plus difficiles à faire quand on se connecte à Internet, y compris à un réseau social *. A young sister in Japan wrote: "When my family applied Bible teachings, we were truly happy. That is one of the most difficult things to do when people come across the Internet, including on a social network. Qui plus est, il est infiniment sage. Looking at verse 11, where will "the meek ones, " or good people, live? Moreover, he is wise. L'amour authentique qui unit des conjoints fidèles grandit à mesure qu'ils traversent côte à côte les joies et les peines de l'existence. The key is to enhance those strengths and put them to use in protecting your child. Genuine love strengthens a marriage to the extent that they pass through the joys and sorrow of life. Par contre, d'autres croient que l'amour de Dieu est inconditionnel, qu'il les aime peu importe ce qu'ils font ou ne font pas. (b) How does the account of Jacob's approach to Esau illustrate the value of humility? On the other hand, others believe that God's love is restrictive, that they love little or do not. La Bible déclare que la connaissance et la sagesse peuvent délivrer "de l'homme qui exprime des choses perverses ." The Edomites descended from Abraham through Jacob's twin brother, Esau. The Bible states that knowledge and wisdom can deliver "from man who expresses twisted things. " Il connaît la situation et les besoins de tous ses serviteurs fidèles. In what way do those who partake of the Memorial wine " share in the blood of the Christ '? He knows the situation and needs of all his faithful servants. Comment la "Richesse " peut - elle devenir une sorte de dieu? How should receiving such an extraordinary gift affect us? How can "the word " become like a god? Comme Jésus qui exprimait des idées complexes en termes simples, le livre Qu'enseigne la Bible? emploie un langage simple et direct pour expliquer la Parole de Dieu. As parents, we realized that we needed to present a united front to our children, and I had to learn to take the lead in a Christian way. " As Jesus said complex ideas in simple terms, the Bible Teach book uses simple and direct language to explain God's Word. Qu'apprenons - nous de la supplication que David a faite à Jéhovah d'examiner ses reins et son cœur? It is a pledge to a person rather than merely a promise to do something. What can we learn from David's plea to Jehovah to examine his kidneys and heart? À quelques exceptions près, les congrégations ont tout de suite accepté ce changement, et l'œuvre de témoignage a continué de porter du fruit. This love, combined with their love for God and their brothers, compels elders to serve the flock, devoting their efforts, resources, and time to doing so. A few exception, the congregations immediately accepted that change, and the witnessing work continued to bear fruit. La Bible dit: " Si le non - croyant entreprend de se séparer, qu'il se sépare; un frère ou une sœur ne sont pas asservis en pareil cas, mais Dieu vous a appelés à la paix ." The modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses provides proof that Jehovah will never allow the extermination of his people as a group. The Bible says: "If the unbelieving one chooses to depart, let him depart; a brother or sister not enter into such a situation, but God called you to peace. " C'est pourquoi je t'ai attiré avec bonté de cœur. ' - Jérémie 31: 3. We read: "When the man touched the bones of Elisha, he came to life and stood on his feet. " That is why I have drawn you with loving - kindness. ' " - Jeremiah 31: 3. Qu'a fait Jéhovah pour révéler progressivement son nom? By exercising faith in that sacrifice, we are no longer "slaves to sin, " but we are in a position to reflect Jehovah's glory. What did Jehovah do to reveal his name gradually? " Montrez - vous de bons bergers en amenant patiemment vos enfants à comprendre que le mode de vie proposé par Jéhovah est le meilleur *. The apostle Paul encouraged us to " become imitators of him, even as he was of Christ. ' Show good shepherds by patiently raising your children to realize that Jehovah's way of life is the best way. * Sur une période de 112 jours, Haggaï a proclamé quatre messages stimulants. Would adjusting your focus or goals allow you to acquire more wisdom? At a time of 112, Haggai proclaimed four encouraging messages. Il l'a sûrement convaincu que Jéhovah le fortifierait pour endurer les épreuves du moment et toute éventuelle difficulté à venir. (Deuteronomy 1: 1 - 4: 49) He must have convinced him that Jehovah would strengthen him to endure trials of time and any challenge to come. ." (b) What stand did the three Hebrews take when a conflict in the matter of obedience could not be avoided? 11: 33. Par exemple, malgré la haine de ceux qui détenaient pouvoir et influence, il n'a pas adouci le message que Dieu voulait transmettre aux humains. David was poetically saying that he felt that his death was very near. - Psalm 102: 11. For example, despite the hatred of those having authority and influence, he did not confess God's message to humans. Je marcherai dans ta vérité. In the new world, God's sovereignty will be fully upheld. I shall walk in your truth. " Sur les conseils de Naomi, Ruth demande à Boaz de remplir le rôle de racheteur. And that would only be "a beginning of pangs of distress. " On Naomi's counsel, Ruth instructs Boaz to fulfill the role of the jailer. Comment Ahab a - t - il réagi au message de jugement de Jéhovah, et quel en a été le résultat? Whatever the outcome, you can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased with your sincere efforts to gain your brother - God's friend. How did Ahab react to Jehovah's judgment message, and with what result? Les chefs religieux juifs du Isiècle qui s'opposaient avec méchanceté à Jésus Christ péchaient contre l'esprit saint. There it was prophesied that "the maiden [ha·ʽal·mahʹ] " would give birth to a son. The word ʽal·mahʹ is applied to the maiden Rebekah before her marriage. First - century Jewish religious leaders who opposed wickedness with Jesus Christ sinned against the holy spirit. Pourtant, comme chacun de nous, il a dû s'appuyer sur Jéhovah pour annoncer la bonne nouvelle avec hardiesse. We can give God our obedience. Yet, like each of us, he had to rely on Jehovah in order to declare the good news with boldness. Marcher par l'esprit, c'est aussi accepter l'invitation consignée en Révélation 22: 17: "L'esprit et l'épouse continuent à dire: " Viens! 13, 14. Walking by spirit involves accepting the invitation recorded at Revelation 22: 17: "The spirit and the bride keep on saying: " Come! ' " Jésus savait que ses disciples seraient la cible d'individus qui " répandraient toutes sortes de calomnies sur leur compte '. (Read.) Jesus knew that his followers would be the target of individuals who would " carry out every sort of slander on their account. ' De ce fait, de nombreuses personnes en concluent que le mieux est de profiter à fond de la vie avant que la mort ne vienne. Let us daily keep in mind this inspired assurance: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Hence, many people conclude that the best way to benefit from life before death comes. ." (b) What situation in first - century Corinth may have caused some to be unsure of the way in which to walk? 11: 33. De quoi les humains imparfaits ont - ils impérativement besoin, et pourquoi devons - nous nous tourner vers Jéhovah pour combler ce besoin? Another of Satan's snares is disguised occultism. What is essential for imperfect humans, and why should we turn to Jehovah to fill this need? Des félicitations sincères engendrent une tendre affection dans la famille et dans la congrégation, ce qui encourage les jeunes à chercher conseil auprès des frères et sœurs expérimentés. However, we must not allow him to sap our joy in this way. Heartfelt commendation causes tender affection in the family and in the congregation, which encourages youths to seek counsel from experienced brothers and sisters. Dans quelle mesure avez - vous confiance en Dieu? We can learn much from the example of Abraham. To what extent do you have confidence in God? Il vaut bien mieux profiter de ta jeunesse pour préparer ton avenir. In what ways do we need to remain clean? How much better it is to enjoy your youth in order to prepare your future! Ta conscience est - elle un guide sûr? PAGE 8 Concerning the wine that anointed Christians partake of at the Memorial, Paul wrote: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? " Is your conscience a safe guide? [...] la terre fera tomber, c'est - à - dire enfantera, même ceux qui sont sans force dans la mort. Why? The earth will fall, or child, even those without power in death. " Avant de choisir un divertissement, il faut commencer par se poser la question avec quoi?, c'est - à - dire: " Avec quoi suis - je tenté de me divertir? 5, 6. (a) Whom has Jesus appointed to care for his sheep, and what does benefiting from this arrangement require of the sheep? Before choosing entertainment, we need to ask ourselves, " What am I tempted to do with entertainment? ' Donnez une raison pour laquelle elles méritaient la condamnation divine. The prophet Isaiah was inspired to write about the kind of life that God's people will enjoy on earth. Give one reason why they deserved adverse divine judgment. 21: 15, 19. Shortly after that, Paul had a part in dispensing spiritual food. He wrote his first inspired letter. 21: 15, 19. QUAND JÉSUS VIENT - IL? As a result of the war in heaven, Jesus hurled the Devil and the demons down to the vicinity of the earth. (Read Revelation 12: 7 - 9.) WHEN JESUS ' Standard LIFE? Par exemple, aujourd'hui, les pressions économiques sont si fortes que beaucoup de personnes deviennent esclaves du système. Some women refuse to accept the headship of their husbands. For example, economic pressures today are so strong that many become slaves of this system. La loi relative au glanage ne précisait pas quelle quantité les cultivateurs devaient laisser aux pauvres. Emotions: In one study almost two thirds of those who relapsed felt stressed or angry just prior to their relapse. The law on gleaning did not provide what amount to the poor. Après avoir analysé les faits à la lumière des Écritures hébraïques et recherché l'aide de l'esprit saint, le collège central a pris une décision. For various reasons, the circumstances of some faithful servants of Jehovah do not allow them to devote themselves to the preaching work an average of 70 hours per month. After considering the facts in the light of the Hebrew Scriptures and seeking the help of the holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. Un honneur que la nation d'Israël sous la Loi aurait pu avoir. How can it be said that anointed ones are " seated in the heavenly places ' even while on earth? What a privilege the nation of Israel under the Law could have been! Un jour, tandis que sa femme assistait à une assemblée, il a fait sa valise et a quitté la maison. By taking time to study Bible accounts and to meditate on them, we can begin to understand Jehovah's qualities and his way of thinking. On one occasion, while his wife was attending a convention, he left his house and left home. Résultat? Worldwide we endeavor to teach people from the Bible, since it is the Word of God. The result? Comment des anges ont - ils aidé Moïse? Perhaps the most puzzling part of the parable comes near the end, in the verbal exchange between the foolish and the discreet virgins. (Read Matthew 25: 8, 9.) How did angels assist Moses? Il arrive qu'un adolescent résiste à l'éducation de ses parents sous l'influence des jeunes de son âge, dont il ne veut pas se démarquer. He may also learn to admit his own errors. At times, a teenager may be training his parents under the influence of young ones in his age, and he may not want to stand out as different. Qu'il est difficile de supporter les moqueries et l'opposition de proches qui ne partagent pas notre foi! To help us along the path to life, God's Word provides us with many fine role models. How difficult it is to endure ridicule and opposition from unbelieving relatives! Une jeune sœur japonaise a écrit: " Ma famille appliquait les enseignements de la Bible, et grâce à cela nous étions vraiment heureux. Looking back on those times, we see the wisdom of Noah's course. One young sister in Australia wrote: "My family applied the Bible's teachings, and this made us truly happy. D'après le verset 11, où vivront "les humbles ," c'est - à - dire les bons? But it seems that I am reading things I never saw before. According to verse 11, where will "the meek ones " live? Il est primordial que vous augmentiez ces ressources et que vous les employiez à protéger votre enfant. Jehovah took note of this sincere man, and by means of an angel, He directed the disciple Philip to preach to him. - Acts 8: 26 - 28. How important it is that you increase these resources and use them to protect your child! b) Comment la façon dont Jacob s'y est pris avec Ésaü illustre - t - elle la valeur de l'humilité? They would tell the householder everything they knew in just a few minutes, but their presentation was not always tactful! (b) How does the way Jacob dealt with Esau illustrate the value of humility? Les Édomites descendaient d'Abraham par Ésaü, le frère jumeau de Jacob. What is crucial in avoiding alcohol abuse? The apostles descended from Abraham by Esau, Jacob's army. En quel sens ceux qui boivent le vin du Mémorial " participent - ils au sang du Christ '? (b) What is implied by Jesus ' use of the word "steward "? How do those who drink the Memorial wine " share in the blood of the Christ '? Quel effet devrait - il avoir sur nous? In time, Solomon reaped sad fruitage from ignoring God's direction. How should we affect ourselves? Nous avons compris qu'aux yeux de nos enfants, nous devions être des parents solidaires. J'ai aussi dû apprendre à diriger ma famille d'une manière conforme au christianisme. " 6, 7. We realized that in our children's eyes, we had to be married, so I also had to learn how to direct my family in a way that was in harmony with Christianity. " Il ne lui promet pas simplement de s'acquitter de telle ou telle obligation; il lui fait aussi le serment de la chérir. Jogbehah He did not merely promise him to carry out such an obligation; he also made an oath to cherish it. Cet amour, combiné à leur amour pour Dieu et pour leurs frères, les "oblige " à se mettre au service de la congrégation, à lui consacrer temps, efforts et ressources. Jesus indicated that he might come later - "at dawn or early in the morning. " This love, coupled with their love for God and for their brothers, has to "put forth " in the congregation's service, devote time, effort, and resources. " L'histoire moderne des Témoins de Jéhovah prouve que Dieu ne permettra jamais l'anéantissement de ses adorateurs en tant que groupe. (b) What does it mean to honor our parents, and what fine example did Joseph set in this regard? The modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses gives evidence that God will never allow the destruction of his people as a group. Pour leur échapper, ils ont vite jeté le corps dans la tombe d'Élisha. However, when they turned to Jehovah for help, he supplied "the power beyond what is normal, " and they finally conquered their weakness. - 2 Cor. 4: 7; Ps. To escape them, they quickly threw the body into Elisha's grave. Dans la mesure où nous exerçons la foi dans ce sacrifice, nous ne sommes plus "esclaves du péché " et nous pouvons refléter la gloire de Dieu. Would that be loving and respectful? To the extent that we exercise faith in that sacrifice, we are no longer "slaves of sin " and can reflect God's glory. L'apôtre Paul nous a encouragés à " devenir ses imitateurs, tout comme lui - même l'était de Christ '. 3: 20. As in the case of Paul and Silas in Philippi, we may be surprised by what Jehovah does for us personally. The apostle Paul urged us to "become imitators of him, even as he was of Christ. " Auriez - vous intérêt à modifier vos priorités ou vos objectifs pour gagner en sagesse? Paul took time to meditate on spiritual things. Would you be interested in making your priorities or goals in making wise decisions? (Deutéronome 1: 1 - 4: 49) He wrote: "Like powerful men they run. (Read 1: 1 - 4: 49) b) Quelle position les trois Hébreux ont - ils adoptée quand un conflit dans le domaine de l'obéissance est devenu inévitable? My parents spent many hours patiently reasoning with me. (b) What position did the three Hebrews face when a conflict of obedience became inevitable? " David disait de manière poétique qu'il sentait sa mort très proche. - Psaume 102: 11. Bad associations destroy faith, but good associations build it. David often said that he felt very close to his death. - Psalm 102: 11. Dans le monde nouveau, tous les humains soutiendront la souveraineté de Dieu. As fascinating as the Bible account about God's intervention at Babel may be, something even more interesting and important has occurred in our time. In the new world, all will support God's sovereignty. Il ne s'agirait toutefois que d ' "un commencement de douleurs ." To reach a certain destination safely, he usually must follow a preapproved flight path. However, he was merely "a beginning of distress. " Tu peux être sûr que Jéhovah appréciera tes efforts sincères pour faire la paix avec ton frère. N'oublie pas: c'est un ami de Jéhovah! " The problem of what we should pray for as we need to we do not know, " wrote Paul, "but the [holy] spirit itself pleads for us with groanings unuttered. You can be sure that Jehovah appreciates your sincere efforts to make peace with your brother. On sait néanmoins que ce terme peut aussi s'employer pour parler d'une vierge, comme en témoigne Genèse 24: 16, 43, où il est appliqué à Rébecca avant son mariage. Sadly, many people think that the answer is no. But it can also be said that it can also be used to speak about a virgin, such as Genesis 24: 16, 43, where it is applied to Rebekah before his marriage. Nous pouvons offrir à Dieu notre obéissance. Are we tempted in the area of questionable entertainment? We can offer our obedience to God. 13, 14. " Make sure of the more important things. " - PHIL. 13, 14. (Lire.) So if a man desires to serve as a ministerial servant or an elder but has not yet been appointed to be one, he should give attention to areas where he needs to make spiritual advancement. (Read.) Aussi, gardons constamment à l'esprit cette certitude: "Le nom de Jéhovah est une tour forte. Why? Let us therefore keep in mind this assurance: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. " Une armée de sauterelles à l'époque moderne You were bought with a price. " An army of locusts in Modern Times b) Au Isiècle, quelle situation a peut - être amené certains chrétiens de Corinthe à ne plus savoir quelle voie suivre? When Jehovah through his Son created man and woman, his intent was that they fill the whole earth. (b) In the first century, what situation may have caused some Christians in Corinth to no longer know which way to walk? Un autre piège de Satan est l'occultisme déguisé. Because he had created Jesus in heaven ages earlier, had observed him, and knew that this "master worker " and" firstborn of all creation " was obedient and faithful. Another trap of Satan is the occult. Ne lui facilitons pas la tâche. Jesus was keenly aware that imperfect humans often have a tendency to be judgmental. Do not give him the task. L'exemple d'Abraham a beaucoup à nous apprendre sous ce rapport. KING DAVID has ruled Israel for some time, but he now faces a perilous situation. Abraham's example has much to teach us in this regard. Dans quels domaines devons - nous veiller à notre pureté? Just imagine how he felt when he was asked to visit the home of the uncircumcised Gentile Cornelius! In what areas must we keep our chastity clean? À propos du vin que les chrétiens oints boivent lors du Mémorial, Paul a écrit: "La coupe de bénédiction que nous bénissons, n'est - elle pas une participation au sang du Christ? ." This song of Hezekiah teaches us that nothing is more important in life than to be able to praise Jehovah. Regarding the wine anointed Christians drink at the Memorial, Paul wrote: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? " Pourquoi? We can choose whether to be close to him or not. Why? 5, 6. a) À qui Jésus a - t - il confié la garde de ses brebis et à quelle condition bénéficient - elles de cette disposition? Let us consider five reasons why we should accept Jehovah's judgments. 5, 6. (a) To whom did Jesus warn about his sheep and how do they benefit from that arrangement? Le prophète Isaïe a décrit dans quelles conditions vivront les adorateurs de Jéhovah sur la terre. At other times, Jesus simply did not answer when it was evident that no good would be accomplished by doing so. - Mark 15: 2 - 5; Luke 22: 67 - 70. The prophet Isaiah described conditions in which Jehovah's people will live on earth. Peu après, Paul a commencé à participer à la préparation de la nourriture spirituelle: il a écrit sa première lettre inspirée. In taking many wives, what was Solomon ignoring? Shortly thereafter, Paul began to participate in preparing spiritual food. He wrote his first inspired letter. En conséquence de la guerre qui a eu lieu dans le ciel, Jésus a jeté le Diable et les démons au voisinage de la terre (lire Révélation 12: 7 - 9). Consider how Jehovah's mighty hand can give us the strength and courage to endure. As a result of the war in heaven, Jesus cast the Devil and the demons into the vicinity of the earth. (Read Revelation 12: 7 - 9.) Des femmes dénient l'autorité à leur mari. Through prayer, we can stay in close communication with Jehovah and successfully follow a course in life that brings honor to him. Women undermine the headship of their husbands. Les émotions: D'après une étude, presque deux tiers des sujets ayant rechuté étaient stressés ou irrités juste avant. How important is it for Christians to " abstain from blood '? The emotions: According to one study, almost two third topics that were under stress or even offended. La situation de certains serviteurs fidèles de Jéhovah ne leur permet pas de consacrer en moyenne 70 heures par mois à la prédication. And while he respects national emblems, he does not worship them, either by actions or in spirit. The situation of some faithful servants of Jehovah does not allow them to devote an average of 70 hours each month to the preaching work. Pourquoi peut - on dire que les oints sont " assis dans les lieux célestes ' pendant qu'ils sont encore sur la terre? How different Aklilu's experience was when he attended a Christian meeting at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses! Why can it be said that the anointed are " sitting in the heavenly places ' while still on earth? Si nous prenons le temps d'étudier les récits bibliques et de les méditer, nous découvrirons peu à peu les qualités et la manière de penser de Jéhovah. What lessons can we draw from this account? If we take time to study Bible accounts and meditate on them, we will learn little about Jehovah's qualities and attitude. L'enseignement que nous dispensons partout sur la terre est lui aussi basé sur la Bible, qui est la Parole de Dieu. Learn and respect refugees ' religious and cultural sensitivities. The teaching that we offer is also based on the Bible, which is God's Word. La partie la plus énigmatique de la parabole se situe probablement vers la fin, dans l'échange verbal qui a lieu entre les vierges sottes et les vierges avisées (lire Matthieu 25: 8, 9). For example, Paul wrote: "We the living who survive to the presence of the Lord [not, to the end of his presence] shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death; because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. The most recent part of Jesus ' parable is likely to be related to the end, in the exchange between the foolish virgins and the discreet virgins. (Read Matthew 25: 8, 9.) Il apprend peut - être aussi à admettre ses propres erreurs. 2: 1, 5 - 8; Dan. He may also learn to admit his own mistakes. Pour nous aider à marcher sur le chemin de la vie, la Parole de Dieu nous fournit de nombreux modèles. Students may have to deal with peers who try to pressure them to cheat on exams, to view pornography, to smoke, to use drugs, to abuse alcohol, or to engage in sexual misconduct. To help us walk in the way of life, God's Word provides many examples. Avec le recul, nous constatons à quel point la ligne de conduite adoptée par Noé était sage. In fact, the expression "Praise Jah, you people! " Looking back, we see how wise the course of Noah was. Pour utiliser au mieux ce recueil, tu voudras certainement te familiariser avec ses mélodies, ses rythmes et ses paroles. How did God's firstborn Son describe how he felt about working beside his Father? To use this collection to the best outcome, you would no doubt want to make you familiar with its melody, pace, and words. J'en suis à ma deuxième lecture, pourtant j'ai l'impression de découvrir des choses. 4: 18. 6, 7. (a) How does "the love of God " move Christians to act toward brothers in need? But I found it difficult to learn something about myself. " Ayant remarqué cet homme sincère, Jéhovah, par l'intermédiaire d'un ange, envoie le disciple Philippe lui communiquer la bonne nouvelle. - Actes 8: 26 - 28. Each of us has the opportunity to benefit from the weekly Theocratic Ministry School. After observing this sincere man, Jehovah, through an angel sends the disciple Philip to share the good news with him. - Acts 8: 26 - 28. En quelques minutes, ils disaient tout ce qu'ils savaient. Mais ils manquaient parfois de tact! What are some of the things we accomplish through dedication and baptism? In just a few minutes, they were saying everything they knew, but they sometimes lacked tact! Qu'est - ce qui est indispensable pour éviter l'abus d'alcool? The biggest change was to throw my whole heart into his worship. " What is essential if we are to avoid alcohol abuse? b) Qu'a voulu montrer Jésus en utilisant le terme "intendant "? In reality, this text applies to all of Jehovah's servants, for to some extent all have received the gift of accurate knowledge and all enjoy the privilege of sharing in the Christian ministry. (b) What did Jesus want to do by using the term " steward "? ." Finalement, Salomon n'a pas échappé aux conséquences de sa conduite. AFTER many cloudy and gray days, sunshine brings a welcome change. Finally, Solomon did not escape the consequences of his conduct. 6, 7. (a) What truths are fundamental to our understanding of the Bible's message? 6, 7. Yogbeha On the contrary, such an attitude can only aggravate the situation. Those in the United States are members of the Bethel family Mais Jésus a indiqué qu'il pourrait venir plus tard, c'est - à - dire " au chant du coq, ou tôt le matin ." Indeed, all our efforts to proclaim the good news are beautiful in Jehovah's eyes. - Rom. But Jesus indicated that he could later come, that is, "in the song of the lowly one, or early in the morning. " b) Que signifie honorer ses parents, et quel exemple Joseph a - t - il laissé à cet égard? We will trust in Jehovah at all times and with our whole heart. (b) What does it mean to honor one's parents, and how did Joseph set a fine example in this regard? Par contre, quand ils ont prié pour recevoir de l'aide, Jéhovah leur a fourni la " puissance qui passe la normale " et ils ont vaincu leur faiblesse. Do restore to me the exultation of salvation by you, and may you support me even with a willing spirit. " On the other hand, when they prayed for help, Jehovah provided them with "power beyond what is normal " and conquered their weakness. Est - ce faire preuve d'amour et de respect? If he wins, we will serve you. ' Do we show love and respect? Comme dans le cas de Paul et de Silas, il peut arriver qu'une action de Jéhovah en ta faveur te surprenne. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ my privacy As in Paul's case and Silas, a deed of Jehovah may develop in your behalf. Paul se réservait du temps pour méditer sur des choses spirituelles. So more than ever before, those Christians needed to strengthen their affection for one another. - Rom. Paul set aside time to meditate on spiritual things. Il a écrit: "Comme des hommes puissants ils courent. The Bible says that Jehovah's people, including young ones, "will offer themselves willingly " for his service. He wrote: "As mighty men themselves run. Mes parents ont passé des heures et des heures, patiemment, à me faire raisonner. Ask others how they have benefited from belonging to Jehovah My parents spent hours and hours patiently, patiently, to reason with me. C'est d'autant plus vrai quand nous fréquentons des chrétiens qui ont déjà montré " la valeur éprouvée " de leur foi. Obadiah cared for and protected God's prophets This is especially true when we associate with Christians who have already shown "the value " of their faith. Aussi fascinant que puisse être le récit biblique de l'intervention de Dieu à Babel, quelque chose d'un intérêt et d'une importance supérieurs se déroule à notre époque. The only way that people can fully grasp the good news about God and his purpose is by studying the Bible. As exciting as the Bible account of God's intervention at Babel, something of interest and of importance is involved in our day. Pour arriver à destination en toute sécurité, il doit généralement suivre une trajectoire de vol établie à l'avance. Abraham made sure that his son Isaac married a worshipper of Jehovah. To reach his destination in any security, he usually needs to follow a favorite school that is set up in advance. " Le problème, explique Paul, le voici: ce pour quoi nous devons prier comme nous en avons besoin, nous ne le savons pas, mais l'esprit [saint] lui - même sollicite pour nous avec des gémissements qui n'ont pas été exprimés. Being realistic, however, we must not forget that our heart is treacherous. Paul explains: "The problem is that we should pray for as we need it, we do not know, but the spirit itself calls for us with information that has not been expressed. Malheureusement, beaucoup pensent que la réponse est non. 2: 13. No doubt all of us have our favorite portions of the Bible. Sadly, many people think that the answer is not. Sommes - nous tentés par des divertissements discutables? The Greek prefix translated "garden " at Romans 11: 24 comes from a word meaning" good, excellent " or "well adapted to its ends. " Are we tempted by questionable entertainment? " Vérifi [e] les choses les plus importantes ." In rebelling against Jehovah's sovereignty, he and the first human couple acted arrogantly. " Make sure of the more important things. " - MATT. Par conséquent, si un frère souhaite être assistant ministériel ou ancien, mais qu'il n'ait pas encore été nommé, il devrait identifier les domaines dans lesquels il lui faut progresser. Qu'est - ce qui favorisera ses progrès? " This is what love means, " writes Jesus ' beloved apostle John, "that we go on walking according to his commandments. " Therefore, if a brother wants to be a ministerial servant or an elder, he should identify matters in which he needs to make progress. Pourquoi? Nevertheless, imperfections have at times caused some to manifest a stubbornness for their own views. Why? Vous avez été achetés à un prix. What, though, about those who have been associated with the Christian congregation for many years? You were bought with a price. Quand, par l'intermédiaire de son Fils, Jéhovah a créé l'homme et la femme, son but était qu'ils remplissent la terre entière. [ Picture on page 15] By means of his Son, Jehovah created man and woman, his purpose was to fill the entire earth. Parce qu'il avait créé Jésus longtemps auparavant au ciel et avait eu l'occasion de l'observer; il savait que son "habile ouvrier ,"" le premier - né de toute création ," était obéissant et fidèle. Being merciful requires both elements. Because he had created Jesus long in heaven and had an opportunity to observe him, he knew that his "master worker, "" the firstborn of all creation, " was obedient and loyal. Jésus était tout à fait conscient que les humains imparfaits ont souvent tendance à porter des jugements catégoriques. Not just their love for the brotherhood but, above all, their genuine love for Jehovah and his Son. - 1 Pet. 1: 22; 1 John 4: 21. Jesus was well - aware that imperfect humans often tend to be judgmental. LE ROI David gouverne Israël depuis des années lorsqu'il doit faire face à une situation périlleuse. Do You Recall? THE Persian king David had been ruling for years when he faced a perilous situation. Imaginez alors ce qu'il a dû ressentir quand il lui a fallu se rendre chez Corneille, un Gentil incirconcis! Still, the matter of who says what can be determined by what is being said by them or to them. * Imagine how he must have felt when he entered the home of Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile! Ce chant de Hizqiya nous fait comprendre que rien n'est plus important dans la vie que d'être en mesure de louer Jéhovah. Give an example to show that we should have confidence in God - given hope. This song of Hezekiah helps us to realize that nothing is more important than being able to praise Jehovah. Nous pouvons choisir d'être proches de lui ou non. He humbly submits to his Father in all things and supports His headship. - Matt. We can choose to be close to him or not. Passons en revue cinq raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions approuver les jugements de Jéhovah. We may have to endure some difficulties by relying solely on Jehovah. Consider five reasons why we should accept Jehovah's judgments. En revanche, lorsqu'il était évident qu'il ne servirait à rien de répondre, Jésus préférait se taire. - Marc 15: 2 - 5; Luc 22: 67 - 70. Yes, prayer is part of our worship. On the other hand, when Jesus was clear that he would not use anything to answer, he was willing to be silent. - Mark 15: 2 - 5; Luke 22: 67 - 70. En se mariant avec beaucoup de femmes, de quoi Salomon a - t - il fait peu de cas? [ Blurb on page 7] On the other hand, by marrying many women, what did Solomon fail to do? Vois comment la main puissante de Jéhovah peut nous donner la force et le courage d'endurer, et comment tu peux lutter pour recevoir la bénédiction de Jéhovah. We should try to imitate Jehovah by not fixing our attention on human imperfections, which will eventually disappear. See how Jehovah's mighty hand can give us the strength and courage to endure, and how you can fight for Jehovah's blessing. Par la prière, nous pouvons rester en étroite communication avec Jéhovah et parvenir à garder une conduite qui l'honore. Obviously, Abraham did not terrorize Sarah into silence. By prayer, we can remain close communication with Jehovah and strive to maintain conduct that honors him. Pourquoi est - il important que les chrétiens " s'abstiennent du sang '? When baptized marriage mates are planning to separate or to divorce each other on unscriptural grounds, something surely is spiritually wrong in their life. Why is it important that Christians " abstain from blood '? Et bien qu'il respecte les emblèmes nationaux, il ne les adore pas, ni en acte, ni en esprit. Faith Helps Us to Endure Grief And although he respects national emblems, he does not worship them or act in spirit. Mais il n'a pas du tout ressenti la même chose le jour où il a assisté à une réunion chrétienne dans une Salle du Royaume des Témoins de Jéhovah. Artwork in the Draw Close to Jehovah book was carefully researched and prepared in order to teach and to motivate. But he did not feel the same day when he attended a Christian meeting at a Kingdom Hall. Quels enseignements tirons - nous de ce récit? Rather than dwelling on a seeming injustice, what can young ones do? What lessons do we learn from this account? Apprends à connaître et respecte les sensibilités religieuses et culturelles des réfugiés. Mark was neither one of the 12 apostles nor a close companion of Jesus. Learn to know and respect the religious and cultural practices of refugees. Par exemple, l'apôtre Paul a écrit: "Nous les vivants qui survivons jusqu'à la présence du Seigneur [et non: jusqu'à la fin de sa présence], nous ne précéderons en rien ceux qui se sont endormis dans la mort; parce que le Seigneur lui - même descendra du ciel avec un cri de commandement, avec une voix d'archange et avec la trompette de Dieu, et ceux qui sont morts en union avec Christ ressusciteront d'abord. Why do we engage in these Christian activities? For example, the apostle Paul wrote: "We the living who are surviving even to the presence of the Lord [and] not to the end of his presence, we will not precede those who have fallen asleep in death; because the Lord himself will come down out of heaven with a commandment with a voice and those who are dead in union with Christ. " 2: 1, 5 - 8; Dan. " O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! 2: 1, 5 - 8; Dan. Les jeunes scolarisés doivent résister à l'influence de leurs camarades de classe, qui les encouragent à tricher, à regarder de la pornographie, à fumer, à se droguer, à boire ou à avoir des relations sexuelles. (b) How have you responded to Jesus ' invitation? Young people in school need to resist the influence of schoolmates, who encourage them to view pornography, smoking, drinking, or engage in sexual relations. À vrai dire, l'expression "Louez Yah! Bearing in mind what the Scriptures say can help us perceive Jehovah's thinking on this matter and can guide us in making decisions that please him. In fact, the expression "Praise Jah Jah, you people! " Comment le Fils premier - né de Dieu a - t - il exprimé ce qu'il ressentait à travailler aux côtés de son Père? draws us closer to God and to others? How did God's firstborn Son express his feelings to work alongside his Father? 6, 7. a) Qu'est - ce que " l'amour de Dieu " pousse les chrétiens à faire pour leurs frères? It is not always easy to obey God's laws. 6, 7. (a) What does "the love of God " motivate Christians to do to their brothers? Chaque semaine, nous avons tous la possibilité de tirer profit de l'École du ministère théocratique. Nothing can stop the spread of Jehovah's work! Each week, all of us have the opportunity to benefit from the Theocratic Ministry School. Que montrons - nous quand nous nous vouons à Jéhovah et que nous nous faisons baptiser? We may spend more time studying God's written Word and may make greater effort to apply it. What do we show when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah and get baptized? À un moment donné, j'ai pris conscience que je devais opérer un certain nombre de changements, notamment m'investir davantage dans les activités chrétiennes. Foul play is suspected. At once they pack up and head for home, all the while beseeching Jehovah to help them. At one point, I realized that I needed to make some changes, including getting more involved in Christian activities. Ce verset vaut en fait pour tous les serviteurs de Jéhovah, car, dans une certaine mesure, tous ont reçu le don de la connaissance exacte, et tous ont le privilège de participer au ministère chrétien. Nevertheless, we can imitate Jesus. That verse is made up of all of Jehovah's servants, for in some way, all have received the gift of accurate knowledge, and all have the privilege of sharing in the Christian ministry. QUAND le ciel est resté gris pendant des jours et des jours, un rayon de soleil est le bienvenu. If we are to make wise decisions, as Jesus did, we must rely on Jehovah for guidance. WHEN the heavens remained gray for days and days, a sun's sun is appropriate. " LA MÊME QUESTION REVIENT TOUJOURS: OÙ ÉTAIT DIEU? 9: 3 - 6, 14, 15. " GOD IS WOULD YOU ANSWER? " a) Quelles vérités sont essentielles pour comprendre le message de la Bible? Therefore, considering that the first - century Christian congregation was composed of people as diverse as Ephesian slaves, prominent Greek women, educated Jewish men, and former idol worshippers, their unity must have seemed miraculous. - Acts 13: 1; 17: 4; 1 Thess. (a) What fundamental truths are essential to understanding the Bible's message? Cela risque plutôt d'envenimer la situation. Speaking principally for the benefit of his disciples who had gathered close to him on that mountainside, Jesus told them to address Jehovah as "our Father in the heavens. " Such a course may be able to disrupt the situation. N'en doutons pas, tous nos efforts pour annoncer la bonne nouvelle sont agréables aux yeux de Jéhovah. - Rom. This work was to continue from the time the slave first began its work until the end of this system of things. Yes, all our efforts to declare the good news are pleasing to Jehovah. - Rom. Nous mettrons notre confiance en lui en toutes circonstances et de tout notre cœur. IT IS the final night of Jesus ' life on earth, and he spends it with his apostles in the upper room of a house in Jerusalem. We will trust in him at all times and with all our heart. Rends - moi l'allégresse de ton salut, et puisses - tu me soutenir par un esprit bien disposé. ." According to Proverbs 23: 20, 21, what can result from alcohol abuse? Prove me the exultation of your salvation, and you may help me with a willing spirit. " les narguait - il. 2: 7, 8. He threw them away. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ votre vie privée Yes, Jehovah saw his potential and worked with him. . . . . . . . . . my privacy C'est pourquoi ces chrétiens avaient plus que jamais besoin de renforcer leur affection les uns pour les autres. What facts shed light on Jehovah's reasons for afflicting Azariah with leprosy? Hence, they needed more than ever to strengthen their affection for one another. La Bible dit que le peuple de Jéhovah, y compris les jeunes, " s'offrira volontairement " à son service. Or was the plague simply caused by a bacterial infection, as medical researchers have since determined? The Bible says that Jehovah's people, including young ones, will " offer themselves willingly " in his service. Demandez à des chrétiens de longue date quels bienfaits leur décision d'appartenir à Jéhovah leur a apportés. 1, 2. Ask longtime servants of Jehovah how their decision to belong to Jehovah has benefited them. Obadia a nourri et protégé les prophètes de Dieu. What hope is highlighted at Isaiah 26: 19 and Daniel 12: 13? Obadiah fed and protected God's prophets L'unique façon de comprendre pleinement la bonne nouvelle sur Dieu et sur son dessein est d'étudier la Bible. I gained so much encouragement seeing the strong faith of my brothers and sisters who had suffered severe material losses. " The only way to understand the good news about God and his purpose is to study the Bible. Abraham a veillé à ce que son fils Isaac épouse une adoratrice de Jéhovah. Does my way of life show that I expect the end to come soon? Abraham made sure that Isaac's son Isaac was a worshipper of Jehovah. Soyons réalistes, cependant: notre cœur est traître. In view of the foregoing, if we have doubts about some diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, we would be wise to reject it. Realistically, though, our heart is treacherous. Tous, nous avons sûrement nos passages bibliques préférés. How did Jehovah bless his servants in the past? No doubt, all of us have our favorite Scriptural passages. En se rebellant contre la souveraineté de Jéhovah, lui et le premier couple humain ont agi avec mépris et orgueil. And while we have not all suffered direct persecution, all true Christians have to struggle against Satan the Devil and the spirit that he engenders among mankind. By rebelling against Jehovah's sovereignty, he and the first human couple acted with contempt and pride. 22 Questions des lecteurs For example, think about how he views human suffering. 22 Questions From Readers Jean, l'apôtre bien - aimé de Jésus, a écrit: "Voici ce que signifie l'amour: que nous continuions à marcher selon ses commandements. ." We Are Not Qualified to Guide Ourselves John, the beloved apostle John, wrote: "This is what love means, that we go on walking according to his commandments. " Cependant, l'imperfection amène parfois certains à faire valoir obstinément leur opinion. What more is needed to be among those who see God? However, imperfection may at times cause some to mistakenly manifest their thinking. Mais qu'en est - il de ceux qui fréquentent la congrégation chrétienne depuis des années? As Christians, we need to be alert to misleading ideas that could turn us away from the truth. But what about those who have been associated with the Christian congregation for years? [ Illustration, page 15] Just as a carpenter needs a hammer, Paul needed the proper tool to inculcate God's truth into the hearts of his listeners. [ Picture on page 15] Être miséricordieux, c'est avoir ces deux réactions. So let us develop and maintain a balanced view of ourselves and those with whom we seek to share the good news of the Kingdom. To be merciful means to have both reactions. Leur amour pour leurs frères et sœurs y a contribué, mais c'est surtout leur amour indéfectible pour Jéhovah et son Fils qui leur en a donné la force. - 1 Pierre 1: 22; 1 Jean 4: 21. Let us distance ourselves from the proud by acting humbly. Their love for their brothers contributed to them, but it is especially their unfailing love for Jehovah and his Son who gave them the strength. - 1 Peter 1: 22; 1 John 4: 21. Vous en souvenez - vous? When Jesus began his ministry on earth, he announced: "I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent. " Do You Recall? Mais en général, le contenu d'une déclaration et son destinataire permettent d'en discerner l'auteur *. What role do women now play in preaching the good news? However, the content of a statement usually enables us to discern the source of it. Qu'est - ce qui montre que nous devrions nourrir avec confiance l'espoir que Jéhovah nous donne? LANDMARK CONVENTIONS, ANCIENT AND MODERN (a) What characterized the first convention of Jehovah's people that we have on record? What shows that we should trust in Jehovah's hope? Il se soumet humblement à son Père dans tous les domaines et soutient son autorité. - Mat. Therefore, let us, young and old, apply ourselves diligently in studying God's Word, meditating on what we learn, and drawing close to Jehovah in regular and heartfelt prayers. He humbly submits to his Father in all respects and supports his authority. - Matt. Il nous faudra parfois endurer certaines difficultés en ayant pour seul appui Jéhovah. certain ones later ask. At times, we may need to endure difficulties with only Jehovah's backing. Oui, la prière fait partie de notre culte. What can help us to maintain our spiritual balance when we face severe reproach? Yes, prayer is part of our worship. Nous devrions nous efforcer d'imiter Jéhovah en ne concentrant pas notre attention sur les imperfections humaines, qui finiront par disparaître. Yes, like Jesus, his disciples are hated and persecuted. We should strive to imitate Jehovah by focusing our attention on human imperfections, which will eventually end. On peut en déduire qu'Abraham ne terrorisait pas Sara. HELP FOR THE FAMILY | MARRIAGE We can imagine that Abraham was not immune to Sarah. Quand des conjoints baptisés songent à se séparer ou à divorcer alors qu'ils n'ont aucun motif biblique de le faire, il y a lieu de penser que leur spiritualité est défaillante. How do some parents " buy out ' more time to spend with their children? When baptized couples consider themselves to separate or divorce when there is no Scriptural basis for doing so, they feel that their spirituality is spiritual. La foi aide à supporter le chagrin 1,031 since 1998 Faith Helps to Endure Le livre Approchez - vous de Jéhovah possède également des illustrations qui ont été pensées et préparées avec soin pour enseigner et stimuler. How so? They tried Jesus on the false charge of sedition and had him executed. The book Draw Close to Jehovah also has pictures that have been thought and prepared to teach and strengthen you. Au lieu de ressasser une remarque qui vous semble injustifiée, que pouvez - vous faire? Ever since their rebellion, Satan and his demons have exerted a powerful and cruel influence over this world's affairs. Rather than dwelling on a note that seems unjustified, what can you do? Marc n'était ni l'un des 12 apôtres ni un proche compagnon de Jésus. Pursuing the "Pearl of High Value " Today Mark was neither one of the 12 apostles nor a close companion of Jesus. Pourquoi participons - nous à ces facettes du culte? The Israelites were permitted to give or sell such animals to them. Why do we share in these aspects of worship? ' " Ô profondeur de la richesse et de la sagesse et de la connaissance de Dieu! For them to do so would belie their claim of being servants of "the God of love and of peace. " O " the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! ' b) Quelle a été votre réaction à l'invitation de Jésus? How was the foretold rulership of the Messiah fulfilled? (b) How did you react to Jesus ' invitation? Garder présent à l'esprit ce que disent les Écritures nous aide à discerner la pensée de Jéhovah sur la question et à faire des choix qui lui plaisent. When Jesus uttered those words, the discussion centered on taxes. Keeping in mind what the Scriptures say helps us to discern Jehovah's view of matters and to make choices that please him. .. nous rapproche - t - elle de Dieu et de nos frères? Does worrying solve any problems? Are we drawn closer to God and to our brothers? En raison de notre imperfection, nous ne sommes pas toujours portés à obéir. Some modern Catholic publications in English, including The Jerusalem Bible, render the tetragrammaton "Yahweh. " Because of our imperfection, we are not always subject to obedience. Rien ne peut empêcher l'extension de l'œuvre de Jéhovah! In my school, the people you were with in first grade were the same ones you finished school with; in fact, you knew the names of most people in town, and they knew yours. Nothing can stop Jehovah's work! Il se peut aussi que nous passions davantage de temps à étudier la Parole écrite de Dieu et que nous fassions plus d'efforts pour la mettre en pratique. Perseverance in speaking the word of God requires boldness. It may also be that we spend more time studying God's written Word and put forth extra effort to apply it. Ils font aussitôt leurs bagages et, pendant tout le voyage de retour, ils supplient Jéhovah de les aider. Like Jesus, elders must uphold Jehovah's righteous standards at all times. Instead, they immediately pushed back and laid their way to return, asking Jehovah to help them. Il n'empêche que nous pouvons l'imiter. • Why is being granted free access to Jehovah in prayer a remarkable privilege? Still, we can imitate him. Si nous voulons prendre de bonnes décisions à l'exemple de Jésus, nous devons nous laisser guider par Jéhovah. How should we speak with unbelieving relatives? To make good decisions in imitation of Jesus, we need to be guided by Jehovah. 9: 3 - 6, 14, 15. [ Pictures on page 10, 11] 9: 3 - 6, 14, 15. Dès lors, l'unité de la congrégation chrétienne du Isiècle, composée aussi bien d'esclaves éphésiens, que de femmes grecques de haut rang, de Juifs instruits et d'anciens idolâtres, devait sembler miraculeuse. - Actes 13: 1; 17: 4; 1 Thess. Jehovah leaves no room for any ambiguity between true worship and false. Hence, the unity of the first - century Christian congregation, as well as many slaves of the first - century Christian congregation, of high office, of educated Jews and Pharisees, must have seemed miraculous. - Acts 13: 1; 17: 4; 1 Thess. Enseignant principalement ses disciples réunis près de lui, à flanc de montagne, il les invite à s'adresser à Jéhovah en l'appelant "notre Père dans les cieux ." In the Hebrew Scriptures, for example, we read that when Samuel was a boy, he "had not yet come to know Jehovah. " Teacher primarily his disciples gathered near him, and he invites them to address Jehovah as "our Father in the heavens. " Cette œuvre devait se poursuivre depuis le moment où l'esclave l'avait commencée jusqu'à la fin de ce système de choses. Even when kings were not faithful to him, Jehovah could give them victory over the enemy for the sake of his own name. That work had to continue since the slave had begun until the end of this system of things. NOUS sommes à Jérusalem, dans la chambre haute d'une maison. It is noteworthy that when writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, they usually did so from the Septuagint. IT IS in Jerusalem, in the upper room of a house. Selon Proverbes 23: 20, 21, à quoi risque de mener l'abus d'alcool? To please God, a person must " become holy in all his conduct. ' - 1 Pet. 1: 14 - 16. According to Proverbs 23: 20, 21, what can lead to alcohol abuse? 2: 7, 8. The very word strikes fear into the heart, evoking feelings of insecurity and helplessness. 2: 7, 8. Jéhovah a vu son potentiel et a décidé de l'utiliser. Brotherly love will also help us to avoid a spirit of suspicion toward one another. Jehovah saw his potential and decided to use it. Quels faits nous aident à comprendre pourquoi Azaria a été frappé de la lèpre? For well over a century, only one group has faithfully been teaching such precious truths - Jehovah's Witnesses! What facts help us to understand why Azariah was struck with leprosy? Ou était - elle simplement due à une infection bactérienne, comme les chercheurs l'ont depuis démontré? The book of Genesis tells us about the world before the Flood, what happened as the post - Flood era began, and how Jehovah God dealt with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Or was she merely able to contribute to a parental education, such as researchers have proved to be? 1, 2. When did Christ strap on his sword, how did he first use it, and when will he use it again? 1, 2. Quelle espérance est annoncée en Isaïe 26: 19 et en Daniel 12: 13? (See the box "Are You Keeping Up With Increased Light? ") What hope is foretold at Isaiah 26: 19 and Daniel 12: 13? Et puis, c'était vraiment encourageant de constater que, même s'ils avaient presque tout perdu sur le plan matériel, nos frères et sœurs gardaient une foi solide. 4: 8, 11 - 15. And how encouraging it must have been to see that even though they had almost lost everything materially, our brothers and sisters maintained strong faith! Qu'à mes yeux le temps se fait court, que la fin est pour très bientôt? In June of 2001, a tropical storm caused massive flooding in Texas, U.S.A., damaging thousands of homes, including hundreds of homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. What is the time for my eyes to run, and what is the end soon to? En considération de ce qui précède, si l'on a des doutes à propos d'une méthode de diagnostic ou d'un traitement, il serait sage d'y renoncer. • The book of Romans highlights what aspect of the good news? In view of the foregoing, if we have doubts about a diagnostic method or medical treatment, it would be wise to give up. Comment Jéhovah a - t - il béni ses serviteurs du passé? Jehovah went right to the heart of the problem - the cowardly attitude of the people betrayed their lack of faith. How has Jehovah blessed his servants in the past? Et même si nous n'avons pas tous subi des persécutions directes, nous avons tous, en tant que vrais chrétiens, à lutter contre Satan le Diable et contre l'esprit qu'il insuffle à la société humaine. Cruelly, they sold Joseph into slavery and tricked their father into believing that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast. - Gen. Even if we have not endured outright persecution, all of us have as true Christians, to fight against Satan the Devil, and to the spirit that he gives to human society. Comment considère - t - il la souffrance humaine? It involves a married couple, Nabal and his wife, Abigail. How does he view human suffering? Nous ne sommes pas aptes à nous diriger nous - mêmes What a beautiful reward for her faithful service! We Are Not qualified to direct ourselves Que nous faut - il faire d'autre pour être parmi ceux qui voient Dieu? The unsuitable are thrown away, eventually to be cast into a symbolic fiery furnace, denoting future destruction. What else do we need to do to be among those who see God? Cet article aborde cinq raisons qui devraient nous pousser à suivre "le Christ " et à l'imiter" plus pleinement ." À LIRE AUSSI: Satan, or Gog, will turn his forces against God's people. This article discusses five reasons why we should follow "the Christ " and imitate him" more fully. " Nous qui sommes chrétiens, nous devons donc nous méfier des idées trompeuses qui risquent de nous détourner de la vérité. While the Bible does not state her motive, the wise men of the day thought that obedience to the husband was definitely an issue and that Vashti's bad example would influence all the wives in the provinces of Persia. As Christians, therefore, we need to guard against misleading ideas that could distract us from the truth. Comme le charpentier a besoin de son marteau, Paul avait besoin de l'outil adéquat pour faire pénétrer la vérité divine dans le cœur de ses auditeurs. Still, no matter how others try to pressure us, it is our responsibility to follow our Bible - trained conscience. Like the carpenter, Paul needed the best opportunity to impress God's truth into the hearts of his listeners. Alors adoptons et gardons un point de vue positif sur nous - mêmes et sur les gens à qui nous cherchons à transmettre cette bonne nouvelle. " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " BECOMES KNOWN So let us adopt and maintain a positive view of ourselves and others who seek to share the good news with us. Rejetons cet état d'esprit, montrons - nous humbles. [ Footnotes] We need to shun such a spirit, display humility. Au début de son ministère terrestre, Jésus a déclaré: " Aux autres villes aussi il me faut annoncer la bonne nouvelle du royaume de Dieu, car c'est pour cela que j'ai été envoyé ." From the Law that God gave to Israel, we learn about the sort of slavery that Jehovah requires of us. Early in his earthly ministry, Jesus said: "To other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, for this I was sent. " Quelle part les femmes prennent - elles aujourd'hui à la prédication de la bonne nouvelle? In contrast with the people who show the widespread lack of love today, those who worship Jehovah have genuine love for their fellow man. How do women today share in preaching the good news? a) Que s'est - il passé lors de la première assemblée du peuple de Jéhovah rapportée dans la Bible? Convenience. (a) What happened at the first assembly of Jehovah's people recorded in the Bible? Aussi, quel que soit notre âge, appliquons - nous à étudier la Parole de Dieu, à méditer ce que nous apprenons et à nous approcher régulièrement de Jéhovah par des prières sincères. Because the Devil and his demons have been cast down to the vicinity of the earth. So regardless of our age, let us work to study God's Word, meditate on what we learn, and regularly draw close to Jehovah through heartfelt prayers. " diront - ils ultérieurement. Next, consider one who did his best to imitate Jesus. They say, "Come after me. " Qu'est - ce qui peut nous aider à garder notre équilibre spirituel quand nous sommes gravement outragés? She also encourages them to do the "basics, " such as reading the Bible and the daily text and then meditating on what they read. What can help us to maintain our spiritual balance when we are severely reproached? En effet, comme Jésus, nous sommes haïs et persécutés. Marriage is also a sacred union. Yes, like Jesus, we are hated and persecuted. DE L'AIDE POUR LES FAMILLES | LA VIE DE COUPLE God strengthened and blessed them because they kept on showing deep appreciation for spiritual things. HELP FOR THE WAY OF LIFE Comment certains parents " rachètent - ils " du temps pour le passer avec leurs enfants? Jehovah's mercy is not limited to one nation or race or to a special group of people. How do some parents " buy out time to spend with their children? ' 1 031 depuis 1998 A pioneer said: "I pray that I can speak with confidence, pray that I can reach the hearts of people, and pray that I can find joy in the ministry. 1, yourself have been able to do this since 1998. Les Romains ont condamné Jésus sur de fausses accusations de sédition et l'ont exécuté. Even if no one else notices the effort you put forth to do what is right, he does. The Romans condemned Jesus regarding false accusations and executed him. Depuis leur rébellion, Satan et ses démons exercent une influence puissante et cruelle sur les affaires du monde. in Awake! Since their rebellion, Satan and his demons have exerted powerful and cruel influence on the affairs of the world. Ils ont recherché la "perle de grande valeur " à notre époque Fumiko, a typhoon victim in Japan, says: "The end is very close. They searched for "the Great Value " in Our Day Les Israélites étaient autorisés à leur donner ou à leur vendre de tels animaux. Try not to worry unduly. The Israelites were allowed to give them or sell them such animals. Ce serait incompatible avec leur revendication d'être des serviteurs du "Dieu d'amour et de paix ." To show where he stood on that issue, Paul declared: "Men, brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. This would be in conflict with their failure to be servants of "the God of love and peace. " Dieu n'a pas permis que le corps de son Fils bien - aimé se décompose. Since Jesus did not say how long that period of time would go on before the end arrived, we need to be especially vigilant, watchful. God did not allow the body of his beloved Son to grow. Au moment où Jésus a fait cette déclaration, la discussion portait sur l'impôt. However, we know that when human teachings contradict what God has revealed, it is always the human teachings that are wrong. When Jesus made that statement, the discussion was about the tax. Or l'inquiétude permet - elle de résoudre quelque problème que ce soit? (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) But does it allow anxiety to solve some problem? 116. Certains ouvrages catholiques publiés récemment en français, dont La Bible de Jérusalem, traduisent le tétragramme par "Yahvé ." The Bible foretold that during our time people would be "lovers of themselves. " Less than Catholic literature has recently been published in French, including the Bible in Jerusalem. Ceux avec qui on commençait sa scolarité étaient généralement ceux avec qui on la terminait. En fait, presque tous les habitants de la ville se connaissaient. One person who was quoted in a survey about television news in the United States no doubt echoed the feelings of millions when he said: " After I watch the news, I'm thoroughly depressed. Those who started school were usually those with whom they concluded, almost all residents of the city were familiar with. La persévérance dans la prédication demande donc de la hardiesse. Even Peter, an apostle, gave way to fear and doubt. Therefore, perseverance in the preaching work requires boldness. Comme Jésus, les anciens doivent en tout temps défendre les principes de la justice divine. 7, 8. (a) Describe an unborn baby's early growth. (b) In what way is a developing baby "woven in the lowest parts of the earth "? Like Jesus, elders today need to defend divine principles. • Pourquoi est - ce un privilège remarquable que d'avoir librement accès auprès de Jéhovah au moyen de la prière? A man is struggling to support his family. • Why is it a remarkable privilege to freely approach Jehovah in prayer? Comment devrions - nous parler à nos proches? Today, too, those who live by God's standards are considered peculiar by the world. How should we speak to our loved ones? [ Illustrations, pages 10, 11] What attitude or spirit do these words communicate to us? [ Pictures on page 10, 11] Par l'intermédiaire de son prophète Malaki, il a déclaré: "À coup sûr vous verrez de nouveau la distinction entre un juste et un méchant, entre qui sert Dieu et qui ne l'a pas servi. 8: 38, 39. In what other ways does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty, and with what benefit to his worshippers? Through his prophet Malachi, Jehovah stated: "You will again see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. Dans les Écritures hébraïques, on lit par exemple que, lorsqu'il était jeune, Samuel "n'avait pas encore appris à connaître Jéhovah ." Some years ago, Eduardo and Noemi took note of Paul's words: "The scene of this world is changing. " For example, in the Hebrew Scriptures, Samuel was told that when he was young, Samuel "did not yet come to know Jehovah. " Même quand des rois lui étaient infidèles, Jéhovah leur a parfois accordé la victoire sur l'ennemi à cause de son nom. Or, " Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him? ' Even when kings were unfaithful, Jehovah at times gave them victory over the enemy because of his name. Notons que, lorsque les rédacteurs des Écritures grecques chrétiennes citaient les Écritures hébraïques, ils le faisaient généralement à partir de la Septante. If you are approaching the end of the schooling required of you, you may find yourself in good health and with few responsibilities. Note that when the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted the Hebrew Scriptures, they usually used the Greek Septuagint. Pour plaire à Dieu, il faut être " saint dans toute sa conduite '. - 1 Pierre 1: 14 - 16. 91: 14. Why can we say that Jehovah is the Grand Provider? To please God, we must be "holy in all conduct. " - 1 Pet. 1: 14 - 16. Rien qu'à l'entendre, ce mot fait peur. What trust can a faithful Christian whose relative is disfellowshipped have? Nothing but to hear it, this word is afraid. L'amour fraternel éloigne aussi la suspicion. As we struggle to deal with such weaknesses, it is easy to lose confidence, becoming convinced that we can never succeed. Brotherly love also separates people. Depuis plus d'un siècle, un seul groupe enseigne fidèlement ces vérités précieuses: les Témoins de Jéhovah. [ Picture on page 11] For over a century, just one group has faithfully taught these precious truths - Jehovah's Witnesses. Le livre de la Genèse nous parle du monde antédiluvien, de ce qui s'est produit au début de l'ère suivante, et des rapports que Jéhovah Dieu a entretenus avec Abraham, Isaac, Jacob et Joseph. [ Picture on page 32] The book of Genesis tells us about the pre - Christian world, from what occurred at the beginning of the next century, and in the dealings that Jehovah God spoke with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Quand Christ a - t - il ceint son épée, quel premier usage en a - t - il fait et quel autre usage en fera - t - il? Genesis 2: 18 tells us that God made the woman to be a complement to the man, not a copy of him. When did Christ put on his sword, how did he put it first, and what else will he use? (Voir l'encadré ci - dessus.) Paul made a powerful statement about the help his loyal friends rendered to him. (See the box above.) 4: 8, 11 - 15. Jesus ' confidence in Jehovah and his people was well - founded and still is. 4: 8, 11 - 15. Citons juste un exemple: en juin 2001, aux États - Unis, une tempête tropicale a provoqué une inondation massive au Texas; elle a endommagé des milliers de foyers, dont des centaines de foyers de Témoins de Jéhovah. Some abusive acts - such as the fondling of breasts, explicitly immoral proposals, showing pornography to a child, voyeurism, and indecent exposure - may amount to what the Bible condemns as "loose conduct " or" uncleanness... with greediness. " - Galatians 5: 19 - 21; Ephesians 4: 19. For example, in June 2001, a storm in the United States caused a mass all thousands of homes, including hundreds of Witnesses in the United States. • Quel aspect de la bonne nouvelle la lettre aux Romains met - elle en valeur? He will make you firm, he will make you strong, he will firmly ground you. " - 1 Pet. 5: 10. • What aspect of the good news does the book of Romans highlight? Jéhovah avait bien identifié le problème: l'attitude craintive du peuple trahissait un manque de foi. What you can do. Jehovah had well identified the problem - the fear of the people of a lack of faith. Ils ont eu la cruauté de le vendre en esclavage et de faire croire à Jacob qu'il avait été tué par une bête sauvage. - Gen. ARTICLE 5 They were capable of selling him into slavery and thinking to Jacob that he had been killed by a wild beast. - Gen. Il concerne un couple, Nabal et Abigaïl. The kingdom of Israel did not escape divine judgment It involves a marriage, Nabal, and Abigail. Quelle belle récompense pour son service fidèle! Some youths have been raised by Christian parents and yet have not developed a love for Jehovah's standards. What a wonderful reward for his faithful service! Ceux qui ne conviennent pas sont rejetés, pour être finalement lancés dans un four de feu symbolique, qui représente la destruction à venir. In effect, Jehovah was telling his people, "If you prove to be on my side, I will prove to be on your side. " Those who do not have to be cast out of a figurative fiery furnace, which represent destruction to come. Satan, ou Gog, dirigera ses forces contre le peuple de Dieu. How did wrong thinking evidently contribute to Achan's bad conduct? Satan, or Gog, will use his forces against God's people. Bien que la Bible ne donne pas de détails sur ses motivations, les sages de l'époque ont considéré que l'obéissance d'une femme à son mari était une question sérieuse et que l'exemple donné par Vashti aurait une mauvaise influence sur toutes les femmes des provinces de Perse. Those are not the words of an envious man of little means. Although the Bible does not give details about his motives, the wise men of the day viewed a woman's obedience to her husband as a serious matter and an example would have a negative influence on all the wives of Persia. Toutefois, quelle que soit la pression, nous avons la responsabilité de suivre notre conscience éduquée par la Bible. under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. Nevertheless, no matter what pressure may be, we have the responsibility to follow our Bible - trained conscience. LA "VRAIE CONNAISSANCE " SORT DE L'OBSCURITÉ However, that does not concern those greedy individuals. " THE TRUE SPIRIT " [ Notes] " No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, " said Jesus. [ Footnotes] La loi que Jéhovah avait donnée aux Israélites révèle à quel genre d'esclavage il veut que nous nous soumettions. The Law preserves many valuable lessons for us, and vivid reminders of their worth are presented by the lives and experiences of Bible characters. Jehovah's law to the Israelites reveals what kind of slavery he wants us to submit to. Contrairement à beaucoup d'humains, les serviteurs de Jéhovah aiment sincèrement les autres. At the Memorial, we commemorate Jesus ' death, a death that upheld Jehovah's sovereignty. Unlike many, Jehovah's servants truly love others. Il aidera chacun de nous à analyser son point de vue sur le ministère confié aux chrétiens, et sur les vérités qu'il a apprises. And it helps us to build an unbreakable bond of trust with our Creator. - Rom. He will help each of us to analyze his view of the ministry entrusted to Christians and to the truths he learned. Leur côté pratique. Those clothed with the new personality treat fellow believers and outsiders with dignity, regardless of their social or racial background. They do so. Parce que le Diable et ses démons ont été jetés au voisinage de la terre. (2) Jehovah will not answer our prayers if we willfully practice sin. Because the Devil and his demons were hurled down to the vicinity of the earth. Intéressons - nous à présent à quelqu'un qui a tout fait pour imiter Jésus. Miserable man that I am! " - Rom. Let us now consider an example of someone who did all he could to imitate Jesus. Elle les encourage également à faire au moins ce qui est "élémentaire ," par exemple à lire la Bible et le texte du jour, puis à méditer sur ce qu'ils ont lu. Today, Elihu's words continue to have meaning for millions of Christians who hope to survive the destruction of the present system of things. She also encourages them to do what is "the best thing " - for example, to read the Bible and the text of the day and to meditate on what they read. " Le mariage est une union sacrée. The great crowd work alongside anointed Christians in preaching the good news that soon God will rock the nations at Armageddon. Marriage is a sacred marriage. Dieu les a fortifiés et bénis parce qu'ils n'ont pas cessé d'accorder une grande valeur aux choses spirituelles. Soon Mary and her husband's coworker were romantically involved. God strengthened and blessed them because they did not lose appreciation for spiritual things. Jéhovah ne fait pas preuve de miséricorde envers une seule nation, une seule race ou un seul groupe en particulier. First, let us compare Jesus with Moses and see how such a comparison helps us to appreciate more fully Jesus ' role in God's purpose. Jehovah does not show mercy to one nation, one race, or one group. Une pionnière a dit: "Je prie pour pouvoir parler avec conviction, je prie pour arriver à toucher les cœurs, et je prie pour trouver de la joie dans le ministère. Note how that knowledge affected her. A pioneer sister said: "I pray to speak with conviction, I pray that I may reach hearts, and I pray for joy in the ministry. Même si personne ne remarque vos efforts, lui les remarque. What Jesus taught and did was in harmony with God's Word, thus the expression "healthful words " can also by extension refer to all Bible teachings. Even if no one notices your efforts, he notices them. " paru dans Réveillez - vous! In words recorded in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus compared Christians to slaves waiting for their master to return from a wedding. appeared in Awake! Fumiko, une sœur qui a été victime d'un typhon au Japon, déclare: " La fin est très proche. Remember that God draws those whom he loves. For example, a sister in Japan said: "The end is very near. Ne vous inquiétez pas inutilement. Although mild speech is helpful in dealing with opposing relatives, our good conduct can speak even louder. (Read 1 Peter 3: 1, 2, 16.) Do not be unduly anxious. Exprimant clairement sa position sur le sujet, Paul s'exclame: "Hommes, frères, je suis un Pharisien, fils de Pharisiens. Rather, as the end of this system draws ever nearer, we need to draw closer to Jehovah and to one another, cultivating genuine friendships within the congregation. Expressing his position clearly, Paul exclaimed: "A man, brothers, I am a Pharisee, son of Pharisees. " Mais Jésus n'a pas révélé combien de temps durerait cette période avant que la fin n'arrive. Il nous faut donc être particulièrement vigilants. Why? However, Jesus did not reveal how long that time would be before the end comes, so we need to be watchful. Seulement, nous savons que, lorsque les enseignements des hommes sont en contradiction avec ce que Dieu a révélé, ce sont toujours les enseignements des hommes qui sont erronés. Why should we " continue in the things we have learned '? However, we know that when men's teachings are in contradiction with what God has revealed, they are always the teachings of men who are false. (Lire Luc 11: 9 - 13.) Maintain friendships with those who will support you. (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) La Bible avait prédit qu'à notre époque les gens seraient "amis d'eux - mêmes ." In what ways are God's servants today subject to trials similar to those of Job? The Bible foretold that people would be "lovers of themselves. " Interrogé dans le cadre d'une enquête sur les journaux télévisés aux États - Unis, un homme a sûrement exprimé le sentiment de millions de personnes quand il a dit: " Après avoir regardé les informations, je suis complètement déprimé. Our gracious words can lighten the load of our brothers and sisters. For example, a man in the United States may have expressed the feelings of millions when he said: "After looking at the information, I am totally depressed. Même Pierre, un apôtre, a cédé à la peur et au doute. It stated: "The work appears stupendous, but it is the Lord's, and in his strength we will perform it. Even the apostle Peter, a apostle Peter, gave in to fear and doubt. 7, 8. a) Décrivez les premières étapes du développement d'un fœtus. b) En quel sens un fœtus est - il "tissé dans les parties les plus basses de la terre "? Jesus escaped death in that unimaginable slaughter, but what does this tell us about our enemy Satan? 7, 8. (a) Describe the first steps of a man's development. (b) How is a meaning "in the lowest parts of the earth "? Un mari se démène pour subvenir aux besoins des siens. To what extent should husbands love their wives? A husband supports himself for the needs of his family. Aujourd'hui également, le monde trouve bizarres les personnes qui se conforment aux normes divines. Until God's appointed time, therefore, we need to "endure under tribulation " and" persevere in prayer, " confident that Jehovah cares for us. Today, the world also finds normal people living in harmony with God's standards. Quel état d'esprit ces paroles traduisent - elles? In some ways it is similar to a wedding vow. What is the attitude of those words? De quelles autres manières Jéhovah se montre - t - il fidèle, et quels bienfaits en retirent ses adorateurs? Still, Jehovah is capable of maneuvering matters at the right moment, just as he did back there for the sons of Israel. - Proverbs 3: 5. In what other ways does Jehovah prove faithful, and how does his worshippers benefit? Il y a quelques années, Eduardo et Noemi ont réfléchi aux paroles suivantes de Paul: "La scène de ce monde est en train de changer. Most of the time, they sat us down and just talked to us, Mom sometimes with tears in her eyes, trying to reach our heart. Some years ago, Eduardo and Eduardo thought about Paul's next words: "The scene of this world is changing. Ou: " Qui lui a donné le premier, pour devoir être payé de retour? It has been an invincible enemy, the inescapable end for sinful humans, the source of immeasurable sorrow and grief. Or, "Who gave him first, in order to pay back? " Si vous êtes sur le point d'achever votre scolarité, sans doute êtes - vous en bonne santé et avez - vous peu de responsabilités à assumer. Of what significance are the "white pebble " and the" new name "? If you are about to finish school, you may be healthy and have few responsibilities. Pourquoi peut - on dire que Jéhovah pourvoit amplement à nos besoins? Paul also gave a witness before Governor Festus and King Agrippa. Why can it be said that Jehovah lovingly provides for our needs? De quoi peut être convaincu un chrétien fidèle dont un membre de la famille est excommunié? Yes, while we are in our house, our integrity might be tested. What confidence can a faithful Christian have as a member of the family disfellowshipped? Il serait facile de perdre confiance, de nous convaincre que nous ne nous en débarrasserons jamais. It is also an exciting account of the birth of a nation. It would be easy to lose trust, believing that we will never be able to rid ourselves of it. [ Illustration, page 11] That is a lie that Jesus vigorously contested; God considers each one of us precious. [ Picture on page 11] [ Illustration, page 32] Consider what Jehovah promised King David of ancient Israel by means of the Davidic covenant. [ Picture on page 32] Or, Genèse 2: 18 dit que la femme a été créée par Dieu pour correspondre à l'homme et non en être la réplique. It was Saul's intent to go to Damascus, tear Jesus ' disciples from their homes, and drag them to Jerusalem to face the wrath of the Sanhedrin. However, Genesis 2: 18 says that the woman was created by God to live the man and not to be it. Paul a parlé en termes forts de l'aide que lui ont offerte ses amis fidèles. Yet, they kept free from being entangled in the desires and pursuits of the people around them. Paul described this strong expression of the help he gave his loyal friends. La confiance de Jésus en Jéhovah et en son peuple était bien placée, et c'est aussi le cas pour nous aujourd'hui. Yet, even brothers with limited resources value the privilege of giving. Jesus ' confidence in Jehovah and his people was misplaced, and that is also true of us today. Certaines formes d'atteinte, telles que les caresses sur les seins, les propositions immorales explicites, le fait de montrer de la pornographie à un enfant, le voyeurisme et l'exhibitionnisme peuvent être assimilées à ce que la Bible condamne comme du "dérèglement " ou de l '" impureté " pratiquée "avec avidité ." - Galates 5: 19 - 21; Éphésiens 4: 19. (See opening image.) (b) What is it about Jehovah's kingship that draws us to him? Some forms, such as the leaders in the midst, immoral sexual advances, show pornography to a child, see the Encyclopedia of a child, and the forgets can be choked by what the Bible condemns "uncleanness or uncleanness. " - Galatians 4: 19 - 19; Ephesians 4: 19. Ce qu'ils ont vécu nous fait penser à ces paroles de l'apôtre Pierre: " Après que vous aurez souffert un peu de temps, le Dieu de toute faveur imméritée [...] achèvera lui - même votre formation, il vous rendra fermes, il vous rendra forts ." The invitation to "take life's water " by hearing and responding to the Kingdom good news is open to all. Their experiences remind us of these words of the apostle Peter: "After you have suffered a little while, the God of all undeserved kindness... will make your training firm, he will make you strong. " De bons réflexes. And I shall certainly take you as my people, and I shall indeed prove to be your God. ' " - Exodus 6: 6, 7, footnotes; 15: 1 - 7, 11. What you can do. PAGE 26 ARTICLE 5 ARTICLE 5 Le royaume d'Israël n'a pas échappé au jugement divin. In Jehovah's strength, we will withstand trials, not allowing troubling situations to be stumbling blocks. The kingdom of Israel did not escape divine judgment. Certains ont été élevés par des parents chrétiens, mais n'ont pas cultivé d'amour pour les normes de Jéhovah. Should this not encourage us to move ahead in our ministry, not getting sidetracked by everyday concerns? Some have been raised by Christian parents, but they did not develop love for Jehovah's standards. C'est comme s'il leur avait dit: " Si vous êtes de mon côté, je serai avec vous. Does the way we treat people in the ministry make a difference? It is as if he said to them: " If you are on my side, I shall prove to be with you. ' Comment de mauvaises pensées ont - elles manifestement favorisé la mauvaise conduite d'Akân? Because the Bible commands that both ministerial servants and elders attain a high moral and spiritual standard before they are appointed to serve. How did wrong thoughts have led to Achan's wrong course? ," sous QUI SOMMES - NOUS? > QUESTIONS FRÉQUENTES. " We need to assure our children that their feelings are important to us. under THAT ARE THAT B.C.E.? Mais peu importe à ces individus avides. Why? But no matter what these greedy ones are. " Personne ne peut venir vers moi, si le Père, qui m'a envoyé, ne l'attire ," a dit Jésus. Christians under trial are " a theatrical spectacle to angels. ' " No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, " said Jesus. La Loi renferme de nombreuses leçons d'une grande valeur, que la vie de certains personnages bibliques rappelle de manière frappante. Why? The Law contains many lessons that can help us to appreciate - the lives of some Bible characters in a striking way. " Lors du Mémorial, nous commémorons la mort de Jésus, une mort qui a défendu la souveraineté de Jéhovah. She stopped pressuring me. " At the Memorial, we observe Jesus ' death, a death that upheld Jehovah's sovereignty. Et nous tissons avec lui un lien de confiance indestructible. Their resurrected Lord was about to ascend into heaven, but first he had something important to tell them. And we allow ourselves to be trusted with him. Quelqu'un qui a revêtu la personnalité nouvelle respecte et honore les autres, même s'ils n'ont pas la même religion que lui, et peu importe leurs origines sociales ou raciales. Instead, they are absorbed and deflected. A person who has taken on the new personality respects and honors others, even if they do not have the same religion as he does, regardless of their social or ethnic background. 2) Jéhovah ne répondra pas à nos prières si nous pratiquons le péché volontairement. " I am your share and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel. " - NUM. (2) Jehovah will not answer our prayers if we practice sin willfully. Homme misérable que je suis! " - Rom. Job was just and merciful in dealing with his servants. Miserable man that I am! " - Rom. Les paroles d'Élihou concernent les millions de chrétiens qui entretiennent l'espérance de survivre à la destruction du système actuel. Out of our heart's abundance and out of appreciation for all that Jehovah has done for us, let us continue to make whole - souled sacrifices for Jehovah. Elihu's words tell millions of Christians who have the hope of surviving the destruction of this system. De concert avec les chrétiens oints, cette grande foule diffuse la bonne nouvelle selon laquelle Dieu ébranlera bientôt les nations à Har - Maguédôn. • Romans 13: 1, 2? Together with anointed Christians, this great crowd spread the good news that God will soon shine out of the nations at Armageddon. Il ne leur a pas fallu longtemps pour tomber amoureux l'un de l'autre. Not at all. It was not long enough for them to fall in love for each other. En premier lieu, voyons comment, en comparant Jésus et Moïse, nous pouvons améliorer notre compréhension du rôle que Dieu a attribué à Jésus. If we learn about the homeland and culture of those from a foreign background, we may find it easier to interact with them. First, let us see how Jesus and Moses can enhance our understanding of God's role in giving Jesus. Ces informations ne la laissent pas indifférente. " When you come together,... let all things take place for upbuilding. " - 1 COR. Such information does not leave her indifferent. Les enseignements et les actions de Jésus étaient en harmonie avec la Parole de Dieu; ainsi, l'expression "paroles salutaires " se rapporte aussi, par extension, à tous les enseignements de la Bible. Then we might memorize such texts as Proverbs 14: 17 and Ephesians 4: 31. Jesus ' teachings and actions were in harmony with God's Word, as well as the expression " healthful words " refers also by extension, by extension, to all the teachings of the Bible. D'après l'Évangile de Luc, Jésus a comparé les chrétiens à des esclaves qui attendent que leur maître rentre d'un mariage. JEHOVAH, "the living and enduring God, " has preserved his life - giving message for mankind. According to Luke's Gospel, Jesus likened Christians to slaves waiting for their master to return from a wedding. N'oubliez pas que Jéhovah attire à lui ceux qu'il aime. In a world that lacks restraint and that thrives on every sort of immorality, it is all too easy for a deceitful and desperate heart to spawn romantic feelings for someone other than a marriage mate. Remember that Jehovah draws those whom he loves. La douceur est utile pour apaiser des proches opposés à nos croyances, mais notre bonne conduite peut être encore plus efficace (lire 1 Pierre 3: 1, 2, 16). Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? Mildness is helpful to relieve family members who are opposed by our beliefs, but our good conduct can be even more effective. (Read 1 Peter 3: 1, 2, 16.) Au contraire, à mesure que nous approchons de la fin, resserrons nos liens avec Dieu et avec nos frères et sœurs; devenons de véritables amis les uns pour les autres. If you follow that advice, you will soon want to dedicate your life to Jehovah and get baptized. Instead, as we draw close to the end, let us strengthen our relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters, making good friends for one another. Pourquoi? Consider some of Paul's wise counsel. Why? Pourquoi devrions - nous demeurer dans les choses que nous avons apprises? Actors portraying news announcers described the landing of an invasion force from Mars that would cause widespread destruction on Earth. Why should we remain in the things that we have learned? Cultivez l'amitié de chrétiens qui pourront vous soutenir. He told his followers: "Continue becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " Develop the friendship of Christians who can help you. Quel genre d'épreuves semblables à celles de Job les serviteurs de Dieu connaissent - ils aujourd'hui? Concerning it, see Volume 2, pages 693 - 4, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. What kind of trials do God's servants face today? C'est pourquoi, en accompagnant notre parole de charme, nous allégerons la charge de nos compagnons. On the second day, the atmosphere began to be formed. Therefore, by accompanying our tongue with graciousness, we can lift the load of our fellow believers. Elle déclarait: " L'œuvre paraît immense, mais c'est celle du Seigneur et nous l'accomplirons grâce à sa puissance. What regrettable past did the apostle Paul have? She said: "The work seems great, but it is that of the Lord and will carry it out through his power. " Bien que Jésus ait échappé à cet abominable massacre, qu'est - ce que cette histoire révèle sur notre ennemi Satan? Joseph's knowing all of that likely reinforced the proddings of his inherited conscience, moving him to reject sexual immorality. - Genesis 2: 24; 12: 17 - 19; 20: 1 - 18; 26: 7 - 14. Although Jesus escaped this terrible death, what does this account tell us about our enemy Satan? D'après Paul, jusqu'où doit aller l'amour d'un mari pour sa femme? * "For example, " Eduardo says," I took my children out of private schools and found good public schools for them. " According to Paul, why should a husband show love for his wife? Il nous faudra donc " endurer dans la tribulation ' et " persévérer dans la prière ' jusqu'au moment fixé par Dieu, en ne doutant pas qu'il se soucie de nous. He is none other than Jesus Christ. So we will need to " endure in tribulation ' and "persevere in prayer " until God's appointed time, not doubting that he cares for us. Cela ressemble à certains égards à la cérémonie du mariage. How have millions today kept Jesus ' word, and despite what circumstances? This is similar in some respects. Toujours est - il que Jéhovah est capable de prendre les choses en main au moment opportun, tout comme il l'a fait à l'époque des fils d'Israël. - Proverbes 3: 5. 1, 2. Still, Jehovah can take matters at the right time, just as he did in the days of the sons of Israel. - Proverbs 3: 5. Le plus souvent, ils se contentaient de nous faire asseoir et ils nous parlaient en essayant de toucher notre cœur; parfois, maman était au bord des larmes. There are many things in life we cannot choose, including our parents, our siblings, and our place of birth. More often, they were content to sit down and to try to touch our heart, sometimes Mom was at the seashore. Aucun humain pécheur ne peut échapper à cette ennemie invincible, qui provoque des chagrins indescriptibles. We do not expect Jehovah to perform miracles for us. No sinful human can escape this overwhelming enemy, causing overwhelming sorrow. Que figurent le "caillou blanc " et le" nom nouveau "? 11, 12. What is the "new one " and" new name "? Comment savoir quand le Repas du Seigneur doit être commémoré? * Among these are thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses. How can we know when the Lord's Evening Meal is to be received? Il a en outre rendu témoignage devant le gouverneur Festus et le roi Agrippa. All in the congregation, including young ones, can do something to strengthen others. He also bore witness before Governor Festus and King Agrippa. En effet, notre intégrité peut être mise à l'épreuve même chez nous. Some years ago, a pioneer in Ireland spoke to a man about God. Yes, our integrity may be tested even in us. C'est aussi le récit passionnant de la naissance d'une nation. Of course not! It is also a thrilling account of the birth of a nation. C'est là un mensonge que Jésus a vigoureusement contesté; Jéhovah considère chacun de nous comme précieux. Consider what happened to two teenage sisters in Uruguay. That is a lie that Jesus challenged; Jehovah views each one of us as precious. Une autre alliance garantit que cela n'arrivera jamais. 53: 1 - How is the person who denies God's existence "senseless "? Another covenant guarantees that this will never happen. Saul avait l'intention de se rendre à Damas, d'arracher les disciples de Jésus à leurs foyers et de les traîner à Jérusalem pour les exposer à la colère du Sanhédrin. But Paul could speak of them while they were still alive and serving God on earth as having "died with reference to sin. " Saul wanted to go to Damascus, remove Jesus ' disciples from their homes, and clear them to Jerusalem to expose them to the wrath of the Sanhedrin. Pourtant, ils ne se sont pas laissé entraîner par les désirs et les objectifs des gens qui les entouraient. But God has " made manifest ' enough knowledge through the Scriptures and in nature to enable truth - seekers living in any era to acquire faith that is based on evidence. - Romans 1: 19, 20; Hebrews 11: 1, 3. Yet, they did not succumb to the desires and goals of those around them. Pourtant, même ceux qui ont peu de moyens considèrent comme un honneur de donner. The time comes when most elderly people are no longer able to care for themselves fully; they need some assistance. (Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1 - 7.) Yet, even those who have little means to view themselves as a privilege to give. (voir illustration du titre). b) Pourquoi la façon dont Jéhovah exerce sa royauté nous attire - t - elle à lui? Why can "the very knowledge of God " be compared to" hid treasures "? (See opening image.) (b) Why does Jehovah's way of ruling draw us to him? L'invitation à "pren [dre] l'eau de la vie ," en entendant la bonne nouvelle du Royaume et en y étant réceptif, s'adresse à chacun. Jehovah accepted such sacrifices, but they could not fully compensate for the sins of the offerers. The invitation to "take life's water take life's water, " listening to the good news of the Kingdom, and respond favorably to it. Oui, je vous prendrai pour mon peuple et je serai votre Dieu. ' " - Exode 6: 6, 7, notes; 15: 1 - 7, 11. Can we find room in our heart to forgive? And I will take you to my people and prove to be your God. ' " - Exodus 6: 6, 7, 8; 15: 1 - 7, 11. PAGE 32 We must choose our associates wisely. ARTICLE 5 Grâce à la force de Jéhovah, nous résisterons aux épreuves: nous ne permettrons pas aux situations perturbantes de nous faire trébucher. How? With Jehovah's strength, we can resist trials: We will not allow ourselves to be stumbled. Cela ne devrait - il pas nous inciter à aller de l'avant dans le ministère, sans nous laisser distraire par des préoccupations secondaires? Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. Should this not move us to move forward in the ministry without being distracted by secondary concerns? Dans le ministère, la façon dont nous traitons les gens a - t - elle de l'importance? Eventually, he invented a synthetic equivalent - Velcro. How did the way we treat people in our ministry affect them? Parce que les Écritures exigent que les frères établis à l'une ou l'autre de ces fonctions aient un haut niveau moral et spirituel avant leur nomination. Jesus told his disciples: "By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " Because the Scriptures require that those appointed men be appointed to each other be a high moral and spiritual level before their appointment. " On doit rassurer nos enfants sur le fait que leurs sentiments comptent pour nous. Self - restraint in such situations is not automatic, yet it is easier if we realize that our actions are in line with God's example and in harmony with his counsel. We need to reassure our children about the fact that their feelings do for us. Pourquoi? (Read Matthew 11: 27.) Why? Les chrétiens sous le feu de l'épreuve sont "un spectacle [...] pour les anges ." Referring to this superlative expression of God's love, the apostle Paul wrote: "Christ died for ungodly men at the appointed time. Christians under trial are "a hour... for the angels. " Pourquoi? Here are a few suggestions. Why? Elle a donc cessé de faire pression sur moi. A father of twin sons held pioneer service before them as a goal from their early childhood. So she stopped pressureing me. " Les disciples de Jésus étaient rassemblés sur une montagne, en Galilée. Lessons for Us: Jesus ' disciples were gathered on a mountain in Galilee. Mais cette énergie est absorbée ou déviée. Like dawn, his going forth is firmly established. But that energy is deviated from time to time. " C'est moi qui suis ta part et ton héritage au milieu des fils d'Israël. " - NOMB. 14, 15. " I am your share and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel. " - PS. Job traitait ses serviteurs avec justice et miséricorde. He exhorted them "not to be quickly shaken from [their] reason. " Job dealt with his servants in justice and mercy. Continuons donc à nourrir de la reconnaissance pour tout ce que Jéhovah a fait en notre faveur et à lui offrir des sacrifices de toute notre âme. Habakkuk asked sincere questions, and Jehovah answered him. May we continue to cherish all that Jehovah has done in our behalf and offer sacrifices of our whole soul. • Romains 13: 1, 2? The jailer feared that the prisoners had fled and was about to kill himself. • Romans 13: 1, 2? Pas du tout. However, we can be assured that when we pray in harmony with God's will, Jehovah will never tell us: "Quit making me trouble. " - Luke 11: 5 - 9. Not at all. Si nous nous informons sur le pays et la culture des personnes étrangères, il nous sera sans doute plus facile de communiquer avec elles. What sacrifices do we make in our worship of God? If we are corrected on the country and culture of foreign people, we may find it easier to communicate with them. " Lorsque vous vous réunissez, [...] que tout se fasse pour bâtir. " - 1 COR. " I CALL to you, O God, but you never answer; and when I pray, you pay no attention. " When you gather together... let all things take place for building up. " - 1 COR. Retenons des textes comme Proverbes 14: 17 et Éphésiens 4: 31. They ignore the words of Leviticus 19: 18, which says: "You must love your fellow as yourself. " Remember, such texts as Proverbs 14: 17 and Ephesians 4: 31. JÉHOVAH, le " Dieu vivant et qui subsiste ," a préservé le message de vie qu'il adresse aux humains. Minor gambling was also done illicitly in the back rooms of inns and taverns. JEHOVAH, the "living God and enduring, " preserved his message to humans. Nous vivons dans un monde sans retenue, qui se complaît dans toutes sortes d'actes immoraux. • How can we repudiate valueless words? We live in a world without self - control, which is being carried out in all kinds of immoral acts. Les collecteurs d'impôts aussi n'en font - ils pas autant? 66,967 Do not tax collectors also do such things? Si tu suis ce conseil, tu ne tarderas pas à vouloir vouer ta vie à Jéhovah et te faire baptiser. This involved recognizing that they could not establish their righteousness through the Mosaic Law arrangement. If you are that counsel, you soon want to dedicate your life to Jehovah and get baptized. Revoyons quelques sages recommandations de Paul. John said: "The reason why I came baptizing in water was that [the Messiah] might be made manifest to Israel.... Let us review some of Paul's wise counsel. Des acteurs jouent le rôle de journalistes et décrivent l'atterrissage de forces d'invasion venues de Mars dans le but de semer la destruction sur la Terre. Yes, the Law was "a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things. " For example, information has been used as a journal, and it has been full of strength from Mary to sow destruction on the earth. Il a dit à ses disciples: "Continuez à devenir miséricordieux, comme votre Père est miséricordieux. (b) Relate an example. He told his disciples: "Keep on becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " À ce propos, voir Étude perspicace des Écritures, volume 2, pages 677 - 8 (publié par les Témoins de Jéhovah). But they appropriately use the Bible to show that present harsh conditions will not go on forever. In this regard, see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, pages 6 - 8, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. La formation de l'atmosphère a débuté lors du deuxième jour. When faced with opposition, we too can overcome fear by keeping in our mind "the great and the fear - inspiring One. " The training of the atmosphere began during the second day. Quels actes regrettables Paul a - t - il commis? Let us remember that Jehovah's organization is made up of two parts, one in heaven and the other on earth. What kind of actions did Paul do? La connaissance que Joseph avait de ces choses a probablement rendu plus sensible la conscience dont il avait hérité, ce qui l'a poussé à refuser l'immoralité sexuelle. - Genèse 2: 24; 12: 17 - 19; 20: 1 - 18; 26: 7 - 14. Anna's example teaches us that we should worship Jehovah with constancy, "persevere in prayer, " and not forsake" the gathering of ourselves together " at Christian meetings. - Rom. Joseph's knowledge of these things likely made him more sensitive to the conscience he had inherited and moved him to reject sexual immorality. - Genesis 2: 24; 12: 17 - 19; 20: 1 - 18; 26: 7 - 14. " Par exemple, dit Eduardo, j'ai retiré mes filles de leurs écoles privées et je les ai inscrites dans de bonnes écoles publiques. This means that relief is near and that the wicked world system is soon to be replaced by the rule of the perfect Kingdom of God, for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. " For example, " Eduardo says, "I took my daughters away from their private schools and enrolled them in public schools. Ce Fils angélique fut la toute première création quand, il y a fort longtemps, Jéhovah décida de se mettre à créer. • Cultivate it even in little things That angelic Son was the first creation when there was long before Jehovah decided to create. Comment des millions de chrétiens ont - ils gardé la parole de Jésus à notre époque, et cela malgré quelles situations? Will the account about Asa move us to examine our own course of action? How have millions of Christians kept Jesus ' word in our day, and with what circumstances? 1, 2. 1: 5 - 8. 1, 2. Il y a dans la vie de nombreuses choses que l'on ne choisit pas: sa famille, son lieu de naissance, etc. Very likely you can remember many other Bible characters who produced "the fruit of lips " in their later years. - 1 Samuel 8: 1, 10; 12: 2; 1 Kings 14: 4, 5; Luke 1: 7, 67 - 79; 2: 22 - 32. There are many things we choose - his family, her place of birth, and so forth. Nous n'attendons pas de Jéhovah qu'il fasse des miracles pour nous. In recent decades, discipline has all but disappeared from some households, as parents fear that correction might lower a child's self - esteem. We do not expect Jehovah to perform miracles for us. 11, 12. Paul looked to God for help and could say: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him [Jehovah] who imparts power to me. " 11, 12. Il y a parmi eux des milliers de Témoins de Jéhovah. That spiritual nation, "the Israel of God, " became Jehovah's new slave. There are thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses. Tous les membres de la congrégation, y compris les jeunes, peuvent faire quelque chose pour fortifier les autres. These aids include the video The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory, the brochures Was Life Created? All in the congregation, including young ones, can do something to strengthen others. Il y a quelques années en Irlande, un pionnier a parlé de Dieu à un homme. " The pillar of cloud " that was leading the Israelites moved to their rear, blocking the approach of Pharaoh's army and throwing them into darkness. Some years ago, a pioneer spoke of God to a man. Non, bien sûr! Jesus explained: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Of course not! Voyez ce qui est arrivé à deux sœurs adolescentes en Uruguay. This is because of our love for Jehovah and our regular communication with each other. " Consider what happened to two sisters in benefiting from this experience. 53: 1 - En quoi celui qui nie l'existence de Dieu est - il "insensé "? To instruct your child effectively, what is it important for you to know? 53: 1 - How is the one who is neither God's existence "filled "? Mais, tandis qu'ils étaient toujours en vie et servaient Dieu sur terre, Paul a pu dire d'eux qu'ils étaient " morts par rapport au péché ." How did the view and attitude of those in Sardis and Laodicea compare with Jesus ' view of their spiritual condition? But while they were still alive and served God on earth, Paul could say of them that they were " dead in connection with sin. ' Mais Dieu a rendu "manifeste " suffisamment de connaissance dans les Écritures et dans la nature pour qu'à n'importe quelle époque ceux qui cherchent la vérité puissent acquérir la foi, une foi fondée sur du concret. - Romains 1: 19, 20; Hébreux 11: 1, 3. Those words are a comforting assurance that God uses these heavenly creatures to help humans. But God sent "the word of knowledge " into the Scriptures and in nature so that at any time those seeking the truth can gain faith, based on a solid foundation of faith. - Romans 1: 19, 20; Hebrews 11: 1, 3. Tôt ou tard, la plupart des personnes âgées ne sont plus complètement autonomes; elles ont besoin d'une certaine assistance (lire Ecclésiaste 12: 1 - 7). He therefore rewarded them with their own families. - Ex. (Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1 - 7.) Pourquoi peut - on comparer "la connaissance de Dieu " à" des trésors cachés "? Also, I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to you. Why can we compare "the very knowledge of God " to" hidden treasures "? Jéhovah agréait les sacrifices d'animaux, mais ces sacrifices ne pouvaient pas couvrir entièrement les péchés de ceux qui les offraient. Consider also the matter of sexual immorality. Jehovah accepted animal sacrifices, but those sacrifices were not able to cover completely the sins of those who offered them. Pouvons - nous ménager une place au pardon dans notre cœur? We do well to remember that Satan wants to use the tribulations we suffer to undermine our faith. Can we make room for forgiveness in our heart? Faisons donc preuve de sagesse dans le choix de nos fréquentations. 2: 24. By all means, then, make wise choices in choosing our associates. Comment s'y prenait - il? Those entering the Kingdom of the heavens must be "born again. " How did he do so? Jéhovah est raisonnable dans ce qu'il attend de nous. Of course, if their parents need care, full - time servants will do all they can and will come to help them as often as possible. Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. Finalement, il a inventé un équivalent synthétique, le velcro. True, Jehovah repurchased Israel from slavery in Egypt and consequently declared: "You people only have I known out of all the families of the ground. " Finally, he introduced a equivalent process, the Adamic K.S. Jésus a dit à ses disciples: " Par là tous sauront que vous êtes mes disciples, si vous avez de l'amour entre vous ." Yet, Jehovah viewed those kings as having a complete heart. Jesus told his disciples: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Ce n'est sans doute pas facile, mais tu y arriveras si tu comprends qu'en te maîtrisant, tu imites Jéhovah et tu suis ses conseils. A number have even left the way of the truth. You may not find it easy, but you will do it if you recognize that by exercising self - control, you imitate Jehovah and you are his counsel. (Lire Matthieu 11: 27.) 3: 7. (Read Matthew 11: 27.) Concernant cette preuve extraordinaire de l'amour de Dieu, l'apôtre Paul a écrit: " Christ [...] est mort pour des impies, au temps fixé. You see, that is when I thought: These are the true Christians. " Regarding this amazing proof of God's love, the apostle Paul wrote: "Christ... died for ungodly people at the appointed time. Voici quelques suggestions: A good shepherd carefully examines each sheep to make sure that it is healthy. Consider some suggestions: Un père avait encouragé dès leur tendre enfance ses deux jumeaux à se fixer l'objectif du service de pionnier. That plan apparently gave him such a sense of security and satisfaction that he thought to himself: "I will say to my soul: " Soul, you have many good things laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, enjoy yourself. ' " - Luke 12: 19. A father had encouraged his father from infancy to set the goal of pioneering. Quelques leçons: In some instances, the parents may choose to make some adjustment in the set time as long as Bible principles are not being jeopardized. Lessons for Us: Comme l'aurore, sa sortie est solidement établie. Daniel, a brother in Mexico, needed to choose between being loyal to God and seeking his own selfish interests. Like the dawn, her going out would be firmly established. 14, 15. Paul also stressed unity in his letter to the Ephesians. - Ephesians 4: 1 - 6, 16. 14, 15. Il les a donc exhortés à " ne pas [se] laisser rapidement ébranler dans [leur] bon sens ." How can we benefit from dedicating time to spiritual matters? He urged them: "Do not quickly be shaken from their reason. " Comme Habaqouq était sincère, Jéhovah a répondu à ses questions. What can we do to build such godly patience? HOW DO I CULTIVATE GODLY PATIENCE? As Habakkuk was sincere, Jehovah answered his questions. Comme le gardien pensait que les prisonniers s'étaient échappés, il voulait se suicider. In a figurative sense, the message emanating from the Bible is sharper than any man - made sword, for it figuratively pierces to the dividing of bones and their marrow. As the jailer thought that the prisoners escaped, he wanted to commit fornication. Soyons certains, toutefois, que si nos prières sont conformes à sa volonté Jéhovah ne nous dira jamais: "Cesse de me causer des ennuis. " - Luc 11: 5 - 9. These thoughts go through the mind of an elder who has just officiated at the couple's wedding. However, if our prayers are in harmony with his will, Jehovah will never say to us: "Stop making me trouble. " - Luke 11: 5 - 9. Quels sacrifices peut - on faire dans le cadre du culte? 6: 12; Jude 3. What sacrifices can be made in connection with worship? " MON Dieu, je t'appelle, mais tu ne réponds pas; je me tiens devant toi, mais ton regard me perce. If you are serving as an elder or a ministerial servant, are you not humbly grateful to Jehovah for entrusting you with such a privilege of service? " MY God, I call you, but you do not answer me; but your eyes do break me up. Ils ne tiennent aucun compte des paroles de Lévitique 19: 18: "Tu dois aimer ton compagnon comme toi - même. Let your relatives see in you an example of Christian living. They ignore the words of Leviticus 19: 18: "You must love your fellow as yourself. " On s'adonnait aussi à des jeux d'argent illégaux portant sur de petites sommes dans les arrière - boutiques des auberges et des cabarets. Through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah tells us clearly: "This is the way. In other cases, he was also involved in gambling games that were largely in the wilderness - in the race toes and toes. • Comment rejeter les paroles sans valeur? Why can human governments not bring about the changes mankind needs most? • How can we avoid valueless words? 66 967 • What effect might the resurrection hope have on the way you live? 66 C.E. Cela supposait admettre qu'ils ne pouvaient pas établir leur justice par la Loi mosaïque. My intestines are in a ferment. This suggests that they could not establish their righteousness by the Mosaic Law. Jean avait dit: "Voilà pourquoi je suis venu baptiser dans l'eau: pour qu'il [le Messie] soit manifesté à Israël. [...] Jehovah asks: "Why should you be afraid of a mortal man who will die and of a son of man who will wither like green grass? " - Isa. John said: "That is why I came to be baptized in water, that he [the Messiah] might be shown to Israel.... En effet, la Loi était " une ombre des bonnes choses à venir, mais non la substance même des choses ." Peter was one of those who had been "filled with holy spirit and [who had] started to speak with different tongues. " After all, the Law was "a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things. " b) Cite un exemple. 11: 2 - 6 - If because of having heard God's voice of approval John already knew that Jesus was the Messiah, why did he ask if Jesus was "the Coming One "? (b) Illustrate. En revanche, en se servant de la Bible, ils montrent que les conditions difficiles qui règnent aujourd'hui ne dureront pas indéfiniment. In the face of challenges today, what are husbands urged to remember and to do? On the other hand, by using the Bible, they show that the difficult conditions that now exist will not continue indefinitely. Quand nous nous heurtons à l'opposition, nous aussi nous pouvons surmonter notre peur en nous souvenant de Jéhovah, "le Grand et le Redoutable ." (b) Why should we allow Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 5: 47 to affect the way we treat people? When faced with opposition, we too can overcome our fear by remembering Jehovah, "the Greater and the fear - inspiring one. " L'organisation de Jéhovah se compose de deux parties, l'une céleste et l'autre terrestre. Hence, Jews in Jeremiah's day needed figurative heart surgery - " circumcision of the heart ' - even as those in Moses ' time did. Jehovah's organization is made up of two parts, one heavenly and the other. L'exemple d'Anne nous enseigne que nous devrions adorer Jéhovah avec constance, "persévére [r] dans la prière " et ne pas abandonner" notre assemblée ," c'est - à - dire nos réunions chrétiennes. - Rom. How might we do that? Anna's example teaches us that we should worship Jehovah with constancy, "persevere in prayer, " not" abandon our congregation meetings, " that is, our Christian meetings. - Rom. Cela signifie que le soulagement est proche et que le monde méchant sera bientôt remplacé par le Royaume de Dieu, royaume parfait pour lequel Jésus a appris à ses disciples à prier. Doing so calls for examining ourselves to see what we have set our hearts on. This means that relief is near and that the wicked world will soon be replaced by God's Kingdom, which Jesus taught his followers to pray. • Cultivez - la même dans les petites choses. 11: 26, 27; 28: 1 - 14. What shows that the first - century Christian congregation was organized? • Develop the same outlook in small matters. Le récit concernant Asa nous incitera - t - il à examiner nos propres actions? We give proof of maturity by training our perceptive powers. Will the account about Asa move us to examine our own actions? " - 2 Pierre 1: 5 - 8. 1: 3. ARTICLE 6 Pornography - Harmless or Toxic? 1: 5 - 8. Vous vous souvenez très certainement d'autres personnages de la Bible qui ont produit " le fruit des lèvres ' dans leur vieillesse. - 1 Samuel 8: 1, 10; 12: 2; 1 Rois 14: 4, 5; Luc 1: 7, 67 - 79; 2: 22 - 32. This happened to a Christian sister named Mary. You likely recall other Bible characters who produced "the fruit of lips " in old age. - 1 Samuel 8: 1, 10; 12: 2; 1 Kings 14: 4, 5; Luke 1: 7, 67 - 79; 2: 22 - 32. Jéhovah désire que ses serviteurs soient généreux, notamment envers les pauvres. For example, they neglected taking in solid spiritual food. Jehovah wants his servants to be generous, especially toward the poor. Ces dernières décennies, la discipline a presque disparu de certains foyers, parce que des parents craignent que réprimander leur enfant nuise à son estime de soi. All of that can distract us, causing our spiritual vision to get out of focus. In recent decades, discipline has almost gone out of certain homes because parents fear that their children would rebuke their child for self - respect. Paul avait l'habitude de rechercher l'aide de Dieu; il pouvait donc dire à bon droit: "Pour toutes choses j'ai cette force grâce à celui [Jéhovah] qui me donne de la puissance. ." We will also examine some forms of full - time service in modern times and see how we can remember the dear ones who have offered themselves to serve in special ways. Paul had the custom of seeking God's help, so he could say: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him [Jehovah] who imparts power to me. " Cette nation spirituelle, "l'Israël de Dieu ," est devenue le nouvel esclave de Jéhovah. That is, assurance that our God and Life - Giver has the ability to bring a dead person back to life. That spiritual nation, "the Israel of God, " became Jehovah's new slave. Citons la vidéo Les merveilles de la création révèlent la gloire de Dieu, les brochures La vie a - t - elle été créée? And what will help us to remain positive even when we are undergoing severe trials? What are some of the wonders of creation that reveal God's glory, the brochures Was Life created? " La colonne de nuage " qui conduisait les Israélites est passée sur leurs arrières, empêchant l'armée égyptienne de s'approcher et la plongeant dans l'obscurité. Because they failed to keep exercising faith in Jehovah's promises. The pillar of cloud that led the Israelites back on their left, preventing the Egyptian army from drawing near and concealing it in darkness. Jésus a expliqué: "Personne ne peut travailler comme un esclave pour deux maîtres; car ou il haïra l'un et aimera l'autre, ou il s'attachera à l'un et méprisera l'autre. He explains: "My wife and I have a personal study with both girls in French, their mother tongue. Jesus explained: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Nous le devons à notre amour pour Jéhovah et à une communication régulière. " (b) What will we now consider? We need to love Jehovah and to have regular communication. " Pour instruire efficacement votre enfant, que vous est - il important de connaître? In his prayer recorded in Psalm 40, David asked to be safeguarded by Jehovah's loving - kindness and trueness. What is important if you are to teach your child effectively? Dans quelle mesure le regard que Jésus portait sur les chrétiens de Sardes et de Laodicée différait - il de leur point de vue et de leur état d'esprit? [ Picture on page 26] How did Jesus view Christians in Sardis and Laodicea differ from their viewpoint and attitude? Ces versets sont réconfortants: ils attestent que Dieu utilise ses créatures célestes pour aider les humains. In the past, we have stated in our publications that these last four references apply to Jesus ' arriving, or coming, in 1918. These verses are comforting: They testify that God is using his heavenly creatures to help mankind. En outre, je ne suis plus dans le monde, mais eux sont dans le monde et moi je viens vers toi. Jesus ' attitude harmonized with his words found at John 3: 17: "God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. " And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to you. " Parlons aussi de l'immoralité sexuelle. " That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - PS. Consider, too, sexual immorality. Rappelons - nous que Satan exploite nos épreuves pour saper notre foi ainsi que notre joie. 1: 17, 26. Remember, Satan tries to exploit our trials to undermine our faith and our joy. 2: 24. It is disrespectful to consider those of another nation to be inferior to people in one's own country. 2: 24. " Ainsi, ceux qui allaient entrer dans le Royaume des cieux devaient "naît [re] de nouveau ." Would you not count that as true success? Thus, those who would enter into the Kingdom of the heavens were to "become drunk again. " Bien sûr, si leurs parents ont besoin d'assistance, les serviteurs à plein temps feront tout ce qu'ils peuvent et iront les aider le plus souvent possible. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. Of course, if parents need assistance, full - time servants do all they can and will help them as often as possible. Certes, Jéhovah a racheté Israël de l'esclavage en Égypte, et a déclaré: "Je n'ai connu que vous de toutes les familles du sol. That remnant would reject Baal worship and seek a renewed covenant relationship with Jehovah. True, Jehovah delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, and he said: "I have known you all the families of the ground. " Pourtant, Jéhovah a estimé que ces rois avaient un cœur complet. September 1 - 7, 2008 Yet, Jehovah saw that those kings had a complete heart. Certains ont même quitté la vérité. They are coming from behind us, as it were, in the stream of time. Some even left the truth. 3: 7. [ Footnotes] 3: 7. Vous voyez, à ce moment - là, je me suis fait la réflexion: c'est eux les vrais chrétiens. " Nazirites were to abstain from the product of the vine and all intoxicating beverages, requiring self - denial. Imagine that at that point, I began to think about myself - they are true Christians. " Un bon berger veille sur la santé de chaque mouton en l'inspectant soigneusement. What would Jehovah do? A good shepherd is watching over the health of each sheep by listening carefully. Ce projet lui a apparemment procuré un tel sentiment de sécurité et de satisfaction qu'il a pensé: "Je dirai à mon âme: " Mon âme, tu as quantité de bonnes choses en réserve pour de nombreuses années; tiens - toi tranquille, mange, bois, donne - toi du bon temps. ' " - Luc 12: 19. [ Picture on page 15] Will you show trust similar to that of Jehovah's people in Joshua's day? (See paragraphs 17, 18) That plan apparently gave him such a sense of security and satisfaction, saying: "I will say to my soul, " My soul, you have plenty of good things in store for many years; eat, eat, drink, drink, good time. ' " - Luke 12: 19. Ils décideront alors peut - être de modifier l'heure fixée dans la mesure où aucun principe biblique n'est enfreint. Respect Marriage as a Gift From God They may then decide to adjust the hour to which no Scriptural principle is forbidden. Daniel, qui vit au Mexique, a dû choisir entre la fidélité à Dieu et la poursuite de ses intérêts égoïstes. * Jesus, of course, was not encouraging his disciples to act in an unrighteous way in order to survive in this world. Daniel, who lives in Mexico, had to choose between loyalty to God and pursuing selfish interests. Paul a également souligné l'importance de l'unité dans sa lettre aux Éphésiens. - Éphésiens 4: 1 - 6, 16. What is a powerful feature of the sign of Jesus ' presence? Paul also emphasized the importance of unity in his letter to the Ephesians. - Ephesians 4: 1 - 6, 16. Que nous apporte le fait de consacrer du temps aux questions spirituelles? What is one area in which Satan has sought to undermine God's authority? How can we benefit from spending time to spiritual matters? Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à acquérir une telle patience? And by preaching the good news, we appeal to the conscience of those to whom we speak. What will help us to develop such patience? Figurément, elle est plus acérée qu'aucune épée forgée par l'homme, car elle pénètre jusqu'à la division des os et de leur moelle. Doing our best to start and conduct Bible studies will help us to keep focused on serving God now and will strengthen our hope of surviving into the new world. In a figurative sense, it is sharper than any human - made sword, for it pierces even to the division of the bones and their marrow. " C'est la réflexion que se fait un ancien en observant un couple pour lequel il vient de prononcer le discours de mariage. One of the most effective defenses a woman has when she is threatened with rape is to scream. One elder is thinking about the fact that an elder observed a married couple for whom he is coming from giving the wedding talk. 6: 12; Jude 3. [ Footnotes] 6: 12; Jude 3. Si vous êtes ancien ou assistant ministériel, éprouvez - vous une humble reconnaissance envers Jéhovah, qui vous a confié une telle responsabilité? What can we do to overcome feelings of inadequacy? If you are an elder or a ministerial servant, do you feel a humble appreciation for Jehovah, who has given you such a responsibility? En nous observant, ils devraient saisir ce que signifie être chrétien. 8, 9. (a) How does loyalty strengthen a marriage? By observing us, they should recognize what it means to be a Christian. Cette perspective enthousiasmante devrait inciter chacun de nous à continuer de louer et d'honorer le Créateur de son mieux. Throughout his ministry, he had expressed his willingness to offer his life as a sacrifice. This thrilling prospect should move each of us to continue praising and honor the Creator of his best. ." Au fil des pages de la Bible, Jéhovah nous dit clairement: "Voici le chemin. What would they do now? Through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah clearly tells us: "This is the way. Pourquoi les gouvernements humains ne sont - ils pas capables d'apporter les changements dont nous avons le plus besoin? Esther urged Mordecai to gather the Jews in Shushan and fast in her behalf. Why are human governments unable to make the changes we need most? • Quel changement l'espérance de la résurrection peut - elle produire sur la façon dont vous envisagez la vie? Highlights From the Book of Nehemiah • How can the resurrection hope affect your view of life? Mes intestins sont en effervescence. When Nehemiah heard about the plight of the people in Jerusalem, he fervently prayed to Jehovah. My hair is in love. Jéhovah demande: " Qui es - tu pour avoir peur d'un mortel qui mourra, d'un fils des humains qui deviendra comme de l'herbe verte? At the place where I work (or go to school), do I let those around me know that I am a Witness of Jehovah, or do I try to hide the fact? Jehovah asks: "Who are you to be afraid of a mortal man who will die, a son of those who will become like green grass? " Pierre faisait partie de ceux qui avaient été " remplis d'esprit saint et qui s'étaient mis à parler en d'autres langues '. And what are the benefits of having a strong faith in what you hope for? Peter was one of those who had been " filled with holy spirit and began speaking in other tongues. ' 11: 2 - 6 - Si, pour avoir entendu Dieu approuver son Fils à haute voix, Jean savait que Jésus était le Messie, pourquoi a - t - il demandé à Jésus s'il était "Celui qui vient "? How did the leaders of God's ancient people and Jesus Christ give evidence that they were... 11: 2 - 6 - If John knew that Jesus was the Messiah, why did he ask Jesus if he was "the One coming "? Compte tenu des difficultés qui existent aujourd'hui, qu'est - ce que les maris ne doivent pas oublier, et que sont - ils vivement invités à faire? " Sin must not be master over you, seeing that you are... under undeserved kindness. " - ROM. In view of the challenges that exist today, what should husbands not forget, and what are they urged to do? b) Dans nos rapports avec les autres, pourquoi devrions - nous nous souvenir des paroles de Jésus rapportées en Matthieu 5: 47? Sadly, Adam and Eve were not content to have Jehovah as their Sovereign. (b) In our dealings with others, why should we remember Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 5: 47? Par conséquent, comme les contemporains de Moïse, ceux de Jérémie avaient besoin d'une " opération ," une " circoncision ," du cœur. And what meaning should the occasion and the items used have for me? ' Hence, like the people in Moses ' day, those in Jeremiah's day needed "an operation, " or" circumcision, " of the heart. Comment pourrions - nous en arriver là? • How is God's spirit a helper? How could we do that? Il nous faut donc nous analyser: qu'est - ce qui occupe la première place dans notre vie? How can material possessions be used to strengthen our friendship with God? So we need to analyze ourselves: What is the first place in our life? Qu'est - ce qui montre que la congrégation chrétienne du Isiècle était organisée? (b) What blessings do we enjoy because of doing Jehovah's will with all our heart and strength? What shows that the first - century Christian congregation was organized? C'est un signe de maturité que d'exercer nos facultés de perception. We should keep in mind what counsel of Jesus? It is a proof of maturity that we can train our perceptive powers. 3 " Aspires - tu à une fonction de surveillant "? Please read Ephesians 5: 22 - 6: 4, and note the fine counsel that God's Word gives to husbands, wives, and children. ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Book of Acts C'est ce qui est arrivé à une sœur nommée Mary. The Devil falsely accuses God's servants. Consider the experience of a sister named Mary. En effet, ils se nourrissaient mal sur le plan spirituel. 14, 15. They were spiritually fed. Elles pourraient nous perturber, troubler notre vision spirituelle. Benefits of Acquiring Boldness They could disrupt our spiritual vision. Nous examinerons aussi quelques formes de service à plein temps de notre époque et verrons comment nous pouvons nous souvenir de nos chers compagnons qui s'offrent pour servir Dieu de ces différentes manières. There is no doubt that we can make adjustments in our attitude with the help of Jehovah's spirit. We will also consider some forms of full - time service and see how we can remember our dear fellow believers who are open to serve God in these ways. Tu peux être sûr que notre Dieu, celui qui donne la vie, peut la redonner aussi. Many have a Bible - based hope similar to that of God's pre - Christian servants. They hope to live forever on a paradise earth. You can be confident that our God, the one who gives life, can also resurrect us. Et qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à rester positifs malgré de graves épreuves? What, though, if there is a personal difference between you and your brother or sister? And what will help us to maintain a positive outlook despite severe trials? Parce qu'elle a cessé d'avoir foi en ses promesses. The sower carried the seed in a fold of his garment or in a container and scattered it with a long sweeping motion. Because she continued to put faith in her promises. Nous nous sommes aussi fixé l'objectif d'assister une fois par mois à une réunion en langue française. We must remain in union with God by observing Jesus ' commandments as he observed those of his Father. - John 15: 10. We also sought the goal of attending a month at a Kingdom Hall in French - language meeting. b) Qu'allons - nous considérer dans cet article? Such thinking can even affect Christian families and the congregation. (b) What will we consider in this article? Dans la prière que l'on retrouve au Psaume 40, David demandait que la bonté de cœur et la fidélité de Jéhovah le préservent. What event signals the start of the great tribulation? In the prayer recorded at Psalm 40, David asked that Jehovah's loving - kindness and faithfulness safeguard him. [ Illustration, page 26] He is training us to fit into his eternal purpose. [ Picture on page 26] Autrefois, nous affirmions dans nos publications que ces quatre dernières mentions s'appliquaient à l'arrivée, ou venue, de Jésus en 1918. Moreover, a desire for acquiring riches can lead to unrighteous acts. In our Bible - based publications, we claimed that these four references applied to the arrival, or coming, of Jesus in 1918. L'attitude de Jésus cadrait entièrement avec ce qu'il a déclaré selon Jean 3: 17: "Dieu a envoyé son Fils dans le monde, non pas pour qu'il juge le monde, mais pour que le monde soit sauvé par son intermédiaire. Why do parents need to be long - suffering? Jesus ' attitude ends completely with what he said as recorded at John 3: 17: "God sent his Son into the world, not to judge the world, but to be saved through him. " " Pour qu'on sache que toi, dont le nom est Jéhovah, tu es, toi seul, le Très - Haut sur toute la terre! " - PS. As we examine the depth of our appreciation for our Father, Jehovah, what will it be helpful to consider? " To people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - PS. 1: 17, 26. That was similar to what the wayward Israelites tried to do. 1: 17, 26. Considérer que les étrangers sont inférieurs est un manque de respect. The Governing Body appoints experienced servants of Jehovah to serve at branch offices that supervise the activities of over 98,000 congregations earth wide. Considering that foreigners are inferior is a lack of respect. Ne s'agit - il pas là d'une véritable réussite? Jehovah provides us with help to resolve conflicts and restore friendships. Is that not true? Il peut être le fait de voisins désagréables, d'inconnus malveillants, quand ce ne sont pas des amis ou des membres de la famille qui nous traitent sans ménagement. In the next issue of The Watchtower, a series of articles will discuss some of the specific teaching methods that Jesus used. Some who are unkind neighbors may be unkind, unkind neighbors, and family members who are not friends or family members who treat us unkindly. Ce reste rejetterait le culte de Baal et chercherait à nouer de nouveau des relations d'alliance avec Jéhovah. After some time, they had what Jodi terms "an Adam to Armageddon " discussion. The rest would reject Baal worship and seek to form a new relationship with Jehovah. 1 - 7 septembre 2008 • How do people " walk in Jehovah's name '? September 1 - 7, 2008 C'est comme si, sur l'échelle du temps, elles venaient de derrière nous. After the meeting, two publishers discuss this announcement. It is as if, on a global scale, they came behind us. [ Notes] Although her husband has not responded to the Kingdom message after 21 years of effort on her part, one sister says: "I am able to maintain my joy by striving to please Jehovah, by maintaining my loyalty to him, and by working to strengthen my spirituality. [ Footnotes] Les naziréens devaient s'abstenir de tout produit de la vigne et de toute boisson enivrante, ce qui exigeait de l'abnégation. Even before he commenced prophesying, Enoch likely knew that his faith and courage would be put to the test. The Romans had to abstain from every product of the vine and drink, which required self - sacrifice. Qu'allait faire Jéhovah? " I no longer perform any useful function in the congregation. " What would Jehovah do? Ne l'oublie pas: les rappels divins demeureront à jamais, et si tu en tiens compte, tu vivras à jamais! [ Box / Picture on page 16] Remember, God's reminders will never fail, and if you take notice of it, you will live forever! Respectez le mariage, un don de Dieu As a result, 24,000 perished at Jehovah's hand. Respect Marriage, a Gift From God Mais avant de perdre son travail, l'intendant a agi avec " sagesse pratique " pour se faire des amis qui pourraient l'aider plus tard *. 15: 6. Before losing his work, however, the steward acted with "practical wisdom " in order to make friends that could later help him. Mentionne une caractéristique remarquable du signe de la présence de Christ. When I met my former workmates, they would laugh at me and ask why I thought selling ice cream was better than working with computers in an air - conditioned environment. What is one outstanding characteristic of the sign of Christ's presence? Citez un domaine dans lequel Satan cherche à saper l'autorité de Dieu. (Read Matthew 5: 21 - 25.) What is one area in which Satan tries to undermine God's authority? Par ailleurs, quand nous prêchons la bonne nouvelle, nous cherchons à sensibiliser la conscience de ceux à qui nous parlons. We will consider these: (1) Jehovah requires unhypocritical worship, (2) God shows his people loyal love, (3) we need to hope in Jehovah constantly, (4) Jehovah's ways are always upright, and (5) sinners can return to Jehovah. Moreover, as we preach the good news, we seek to discern the consciences of those to whom we speak. En faisant de notre mieux pour commencer et diriger des études bibliques, nous gardons l'esprit fixé sur le culte que nous rendons à Dieu aujourd'hui et nous affermissons notre espérance d'entrer dans le monde nouveau. 1: 17. By doing our best to start and conduct Bible studies, we keep our minds fixed on our worship of God now and strengthen our hope to enter into the new world. Les cris sont la meilleure défense pour une femme menacée de viol. The foremost reason why we share in the preaching work is to glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name before mankind. (Read John 15: 1, 8.) The cry is the best defense for a woman's attack. [ Notes] It is vital to survival. [ Footnotes] Que faire pour venir à bout d'un sentiment d'incompétence? SPAIN What can we do to cope with a feeling of self - respect? 8, 9. a) Pourquoi la fidélité renforce - t - elle les liens conjugaux? In part, because they have trained members of the "other sheep " to assist them in the preaching and teaching work. 8, 9. (a) Why does loyalty strengthen a marriage? Tout au long de son ministère, il s'était déclaré prêt à donner sa vie en sacrifice. Baptized young ones and those who are contemplating baptism, how can you strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? Throughout his ministry, he declared himself ready to give his life as a sacrifice. Mais qu'allaient - ils faire à présent? Then sing the phrase, using the same vibrant voice. But what would they do now? ' Esther a alors supplié son cousin de rassembler les Juifs de Suse et demandé qu'ils jeûnent pour elle. How can undeserved kindness "help us at the right time "? Esther begged her cousins to gather the Jews in general and asked that they fast for her. Points marquants du livre de Nehémia By being "vigilant with a view to prayers " and by cultivating faith, hope, and love, we will prove ourselves ready at the hour of test. Highlights From the Book of Nehemiah Quand Nehémia a su que le peuple à Jérusalem était dans une situation critique, il a supplié Jéhovah. Rather than looking to any human ruler or agency for freedom, Paul and his fellow Christians worked hard to help others learn the good news of God's Kingdom and the incomparable value of the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus. When Nehemiah knew that the people in Jerusalem were in a crisis, he begged Jehovah. Au travail (ou à l'école), est - ce que je dis que je suis Témoin de Jéhovah ou est - ce que je le cache? For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one that is great. " At work (or at school), do I say that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses or am I concealing it? Et quels sont les bienfaits d'une foi forte dans les choses que tu espères? How did the resurrection become an issue before the Sanhedrin? And what are the benefits of strong faith in the things you expect? Qu'est - ce qui montre que les conducteurs du peuple de Dieu dans l'Antiquité et Jésus Christ ont été... To stress the urgency of such works, Jesus explained: "We must do the works of the One who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no man can work. " - John 9: 4. What shows that the leaders of God's people in ancient times and Jesus Christ were... " Le péché ne doit pas dominer sur vous, puisque vous [...] êtes [...] sous la faveur imméritée ." Hence, Jehovah warned that he would take action against them. " Sin should not rule over you, for... you are... under undeserved kindness. " - PROV. Adam et Ève n'ont pas été satisfaits d'avoir Jéhovah pour Souverain. To make a donation, please visit Adam and Eve were not content with having Jehovah as Sovereign. Et qu'est - ce que tout cela devrait représenter pour moi? " Obedience That Stems From Love And what should all of this represent for me? ' " ● En quel sens l'esprit de Dieu est - il un assistant? • Imitating Jesus ' faithful anointed brothers, in what way can we keep " doing business '? • How is God's spirit a helper? Comment utiliser nos biens matériels pour renforcer notre amitié avec Dieu? Scientific research is limited - restricted to what humans can actually observe or study. How can we use material things to strengthen our friendship with God? Bien au contraire, tous ces chrétiens sont précieux à ses yeux, et il ne les quittera jamais. Still, I knew that great changes were possible, for the Bible's words at 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 had reached my heart: "What! On the contrary, all Christians are precious in his eyes, and he will never leave them. b) Quelles bénédictions ceux qui font la volonté de Jéhovah sans réserve s'attirent - ils? Because Jehovah had stated in Eden that enmity, or hatred, would exist between those who serve God and those who serve Satan the Devil. (b) What blessings come from doing Jehovah's will? De quelles paroles de Jésus devrions - nous nous souvenir? She also learned that "there can be no answers if your Bible is closed. " What words of Jesus should we remember? Veuillez lire Éphésiens 5: 22 - 6: 4, et voyez les bons conseils que la Parole de Dieu donne aux maris, aux femmes et aux enfants. So God has allowed Satan to rule this world for a time. Please read Ephesians 5: 22 - 6: 4, and see the sound of God's Word gives husbands, wives, and children. Le Diable répand de fausses accusations contre les serviteurs de Dieu. Phillips. What counsel provided by Jesus will we consider now? The Devil promotes false accusations against God's people. 14, 15. The two kinds of fruits have become clearly manifest during this time of the end. 14, 15. Les bienfaits de la hardiesse How does the field ministry serve as a defense against Satan's attacks? Blessings From Boldness Il ne fait aucun doute qu'avec l'aide de l'esprit de Jéhovah nous pouvons corriger notre façon de penser. Does it give you more confidence in the fulfillment of inspired prophecies that have to do with our immediate future? There is no doubt that with Jehovah's spirit, we can adjust our thinking. Rassemblement des oints et de la "grande foule " For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods; then Jehovah's anger will blaze against you, and he will swiftly annihilate you. " - Deut. 7: 3, 4. Those of the anointed and of the "great crowd " Nombre d'entre eux entretiennent une espérance semblable à celle des serviteurs de Dieu des temps préchrétiens, celle de vivre éternellement sur une terre paradisiaque, conformément à la promesse contenue dans les Écritures. Since his purposes always succeed and we delight in his commandments, we prosper spiritually. Many have had a hope similar to that of God's servants in pre - Christian times, that of living forever on a paradise earth, in line with the promise found in the Scriptures. Toutefois, qu'en est - il si vous avez un différend avec un compagnon chrétien? The fifth head of the wild beast of Revelation represents Greece. What, though, if you have a difference with a fellow believer? Le semeur portait les graines dans un pli de son vêtement ou dans un sac, et il les dispersait devant lui d'un long geste circulaire. Many act this way because they live and work in an environment where rough speech is common. The sower took the seeds in a fold of his garment or in a putting them upon a long - term act. Nous devons demeurer en union avec Dieu en observant les commandements de Jésus, tout comme lui - même a observé ceux de son Père. - Jean 15: 10. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also. " We must remain in union with God by observing Jesus ' commandments, just as he observed those of his Father. - John 15: 10. Cette mentalité pourrait s'infiltrer même dans des familles chrétiennes et dans la congrégation. 15: 27, 28. That spirit could even change in Christian families and in the congregation. Quel événement marquera le début de la grande tribulation? How can you convince a person that what you proclaim from God's Word is the truth? What event will mark the start of the great tribulation? Il nous forme pour que nous ayons notre place dans son dessein éternel. Loving Christian shepherds endeavor to show personal interest in each sheep in the congregation. He sets us apart so that we have our place in his eternal purpose. Qui plus est, le désir d'acquérir des richesses risque de mener à des actions injustes. Still, reading the Bible and Scriptural publications only when it may be convenient is not enough. Moreover, a desire to acquire riches can lead to unjust actions. Pourquoi les parents doivent - ils se montrer patients? What do those who are rich toward God enjoy? Why do parents need to be long - suffering? Leur étude assidue des Écritures a été très fructueuse. " Stand firm in the faith,... grow mighty. " - 1 COR. Their diligent study of the Scriptures was very rewarding. Quel examen augmentera notre reconnaissance envers notre Père, Jéhovah? What do we need to keep in mind while conducting home Bible studies? What will deepen our appreciation for our Father, Jehovah? " C'est en somme ce que les Israélites rebelles ont essayé de faire. 11: 3a. Yes, the rebellious Israelites tried to do so. Le Collège central désigne des serviteurs de Jéhovah expérimentés pour assumer des fonctions au sein des sièges nationaux qui supervisent l'activité des plus de 98 000 congrégations du monde entier. Christians are to avoid becoming unevenly yoked with unbelievers. The Governing Body refers to experienced servants of Jehovah to position in branch offices that shepherd the worldwide congregations. Jéhovah nous donne ce qu'il faut pour résoudre ces difficultés et nous réconcilier avec nos amis. What encouragement did Joshua receive? Jehovah gives us what we need to resolve these problems and to become reconciled to our friends. Dans le prochain numéro du présent périodique, plusieurs articles traiteront des méthodes d'enseignement que Jésus employait. • What have you learned from the examples of the peacemakers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? In the next issue of this magazine, several articles will discuss teaching methods that Jesus used. Au bout de quelque temps, elles ont eu ce que Jodi a appelé une discussion "depuis Adam jusqu'à Har - Maguédôn ." Hannah After some time, they had been called a discussion "from Adam to Armageddon. " • Comment peut - on " marcher au nom de Jéhovah '? Not only do we make a "public declaration " at the time of our baptism but we also make it when we speak about Jehovah at every opportunity, including when we engage in the ministry. • How can we "walk in the name of Jehovah "? Une fois la réunion terminée, deux proclamatrices commentent la nouvelle. Make Spiritual Progress by Following Paul's Example After the meeting is completed, two publishers witness the new language. Voici ce que dit une chrétienne qui, depuis 21 ans, tente sans succès d'amener son mari à accepter le message du Royaume: "Je parviens à conserver ma joie parce que je m'efforce d'être agréable à Jéhovah, de lui rester fidèle et de consolider ma spiritualité. Just as the gecko clings to surfaces, Christians cling to what is good A 21 - year - old Christian who has tried to make her husband accept the Kingdom message: "I am going to maintain my joy because I try to be acceptable to Jehovah, to remain loyal to him, and to strengthen my spirituality. Avant même qu'il ne se mette à prophétiser, Hénok savait sans doute que sa foi et son courage seraient mis à l'épreuve. To the Jews who sang those words, mention of Jehovah's holy mountain doubtless brought to mind Mount Zion, where King David brought the ark of the covenant to the tent he had erected there. Even before he began to prophesy, Enoch no doubt knew that his faith and courage would be put to the test. " Je n'assume plus aucune fonction dans la congrégation. Sometimes the inspired prophets and writers did not even know the meaning of what they foretold or were writing. " I am no longer serving in the congregation. [ Encadré / Illustration, page 16] Like Abraham, they look forward to living as subjects under the Kingdom arrangement. [ Box / Picture on page 16] Résultat, Jéhovah a fait mourir 24 000 Israélites. 17, 18. As a result, Jehovah brought about 24,000 Israelites to death. 15: 6. For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh and see whether he will not curse you to your very face. " 15: 6. Quand je revoyais mes anciens collègues, ils se moquaient de moi et me demandaient pourquoi je préférais vendre des glaces plutôt que travailler dans l'informatique, dans un endroit climatisé. To them, Jesus said: "Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, " For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh '? When I approach my former workmates, they made fun of me and wondered why I would sell ice - instead of working in computers, in a cold area. (Lire Matthieu 5: 21 - 25.) 14, 15. (Read Matthew 5: 21 - 25.) Examinons - en quelques - uns: 1) Jéhovah exige un culte sans hypocrisie; 2) Dieu témoigne à son peuple un amour fidèle; 3) nous devons espérer en Jéhovah constamment; 4) les voies de Jéhovah sont toujours droites; et 5) les pécheurs peuvent revenir à Jéhovah. God's spirit ensured that human imperfection did not taint his message. Let us consider some of these: (1) Jehovah requires exclusive worship; (2) he requires loyal love to his people; (3) we should hope in Jehovah constantly; (4) Jehovah's ways are always upright; and (5) sinners can return to him. ." • Why should we recognize Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord? 11: 33. La raison la plus importante pour laquelle nous prêchons est que nous voulons glorifier Jéhovah et sanctifier son nom (lire Jean 15: 1, 8). When the apostle Paul visited his brothers in Rome, they surely appreciated the "interchange of encouragement, " and so do we in these troubled times. - Rom. 1: 11, 12. The most important reason we preach is that we want to glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name. (Read John 15: 1, 8.) C'est une question de survie. Note how the attitudes recommended in Paul's next words would help them. Then reflect on how we can promote unity by cultivating those attitudes. It is a question of survival. ESPAGNE Would they have been able to relate to our needs, our weaknesses, and our aspirations? • What does it mean to be on guard? Je me souviens encore du soir où un ancien est venu chez nous et a commencé à étudier la Bible avec moi. The Messiah would seem forsaken by God. I still remember the night when an elder came home and began studying the Bible with me. Notamment en formant les "autres brebis " pour qu'elles l'épaulent dans l'œuvre de prédication et d'enseignement. ARTICLE 1 One way is by forming the "other sheep " to carry it out in the preaching and teaching work. Jeunes qui êtes baptisés ou qui pensez au baptême, comment pouvez - vous renforcer votre relation avec Jéhovah? Do I hide from others the amount of wine or liquor I consume? ' How can you strengthen your relationship with Jehovah if you are baptized or are considering baptism? Enfin, chante ce vers en gardant la même énergie dans la voix. Blessings Await Those Who Preach "Without Letup " Finally, make that point by keeping up with the same energy in the voice. Comment la faveur imméritée peut - elle nous fournir " du secours au bon moment "? They are like the Jews to whom Jesus said: "You have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his figure; and you do not have his word remaining in you. " How can undeserved kindness provide "food at the right time "? En étant "vigilants en vue des prières " et en cultivant la foi, l'espérance et l'amour, nous prouverons que nous sommes prêts pour l'heure de l'épreuve. When Jehovah said that he would not destroy Sodom if there were "fifty righteous men in the midst of the city, " Abraham progressively reduced the number until it reached only ten. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. By being vigilant with a view to prayers and by building faith, hope, and love, we prove that we are ready for the hour of test. Il a plutôt tout fait pour aider les autres à connaître la bonne nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu et à comprendre toute la valeur du sacrifice de Jésus. Rather, it takes advantage of its keen eyesight to see predators from afar, and it stays close to holes and crevices that can provide lifesaving shelter. Instead, he did everything to help others come to know the good news of God's Kingdom and to appreciate the value of Jesus ' sacrifice. Car celui qui se conduit comme un petit parmi vous tous, c'est lui qui est grand. ." Your doctor prescribes a program involving diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one that is great. " En quelle circonstance la question de la résurrection a - t - elle été soulevée devant le Sanhédrin? Perhaps such birds were worthless in the eyes of men, but how did the Creator view them? How was the issue of the resurrection raised before the Sanhedrin? Il a par ailleurs mis l'accent sur l'urgence des œuvres en question en disant: " Il nous faut accomplir les œuvres de celui qui m'a envoyé pendant qu'il fait jour; la nuit vient où personne ne peut travailler ." However much he loved Jehovah, he loved his possessions more. He also emphasized the urgency of works by saying: "We must do the works of him that sent me for a day; the night is where no one can work. " Il en résultait l'effondrement des mœurs, l'apostasie et le matérialisme. At long last, the promised "seed " had appeared! As a result, the apostasy and materialism resulted. Si vous souhaitez faire un don, rendez - vous sur In fact, it was David who first proposed building a temple, whereupon God gave David detailed plans for the temple and its furnishings. To make a donation, please visit Une obéissance motivée par l'amour What must we do to receive God's holy spirit? Obedience Motivated by Love • De quelle façon pouvons - nous, à l'exemple des fidèles frères oints de Jésus, continuer à "faire des affaires "? They sanctify it by using it in a dignified way. • In what ways can we imitate Jesus ' faithful anointed brothers, keep on " doing business "? " La recherche scientifique a ses limites: elle s'arrête à ce que les humains sont en mesure d'observer ou d'étudier. But time and again after praying to Jehovah, I have felt my strength renewed and my spirits uplifted. " scientific research has its limitations: It focuses on what humans are able to observe or study. Je savais néanmoins que des changements importants étaient possibles, car les paroles de la Bible en 1 Corinthiens 6: 9 - 11 avaient touché mon cœur: "Comment! 1, 2. But I knew that significant changes were possible because the Bible's words found at 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 touched my heart. Il éprouvait de la pitié pour ces malades et en guérissait beaucoup. In what way? He felt pity for those sick and healed. Parce que Jéhovah avait déclaré en Éden qu'il existerait une inimitié, ou haine, entre ceux qui le serviraient et ceux qui serviraient Satan le Diable. In 1140, Peter paid for his beliefs with his life. Because Jehovah had stated in Eden that there would exist enmity, or hatred, between those who serve him and those who serve Satan the Devil. Et d'ajouter: " Vous n'aurez aucune réponse, si votre Bible reste fermée. 1: 7; 4: 12, 13. He added: "You will have no answer, if your Bible remains. Dieu a donc décidé de permettre à Satan de diriger le monde pendant un certain temps. They look forward to gaining the prize of everlasting life on earth - and what a happy prospect that is! - 2 Pet. So God determined to allow Satan to rule the world for some time. Quels conseils donnés par Jésus allons - nous examiner? 5 - 7. What counsel given by Jesus will we consider? La distinction entre ces deux sortes de fruits est devenue manifeste à notre époque, le temps de la fin. How did Jesus make clear that he did not seek political power on earth? The distinction between these two types of fruits has become manifest in our day, the time of the end. Sous quels rapports le ministère est - il une protection contre les attaques de Satan? * To this day, nearly 2,000 years after they were spoken by Jesus, such powerful sayings are easily called to mind. In what ways is the ministry a protection against Satan's attacks? Ne sommes - nous pas d'autant plus persuadés de l'accomplissement des prophéties inspirées qui concernent notre avenir immédiat? In that sense we are slaves of sin, and the outcome is frustration, pain, suffering, and finally death. Are we not particularly convinced of the fulfillment of inspired prophecies that affect our immediate future? Car il détournera ton fils de ma suite, et vraiment ils serviront d'autres dieux; et la colère de Jéhovah s'enflammera bel et bien contre vous, et, à coup sûr, il t'anéantira bien vite ." Furthermore, when an elder has a balanced view of himself, he will have a warm and refreshing manner. For he will turn your son from following me, and they will certainly serve other gods; and Jehovah's anger will indeed blaze against you, and he will certainly annihilate you well. " Comme ses desseins n'échouent jamais et que nous prenons plaisir à ses commandements, nous prospérons spirituellement. Rather than pursuing a materialistic way of life, it is better to seek God's approval - that is the way of true wisdom and happiness. As his purposes never picture and delight in his commandments, we build ourselves spiritually. La cinquième tête de la bête sauvage représente la Grèce. No doubt, using God's Word to help others to improve their lives is a source of satisfaction and joy. The fifth head of the wild beast represents Greece. Beaucoup agissent ainsi parce qu'ils vivent et travaillent dans un contexte où il est habituel de parler durement. Why may we find it a challenge to do so? Many do this because they live and work in a context where it is common to speak harshly. S'ils m'ont persécuté, ils vous persécuteront aussi. 5: 1 - 7: 29. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also. " 15: 27, 28. You can draw comfort from God's Word. 15: 27, 28. Comment convaincre quelqu'un de la véracité du message biblique? One way Satan does this is by making his world seem attractive, alluring. How can we convince someone of the truthfulness of the Bible's message? C'est aussi par amour qu'ils s'efforcent de s'intéresser à chacune des brebis de la congrégation. Just as vines that produce good grapes bring honor to a cultivator, so we bring honor, or glory, to Jehovah when we proclaim the Kingdom message to the best of our abilities. - Matt. They also show love by endeavoring to show an interest in each of the sheep in the congregation. Mais il est insuffisant de lire la Bible et les publications seulement à nos moments perdus. We must be careful that our lips are guided by Scriptural principles and that they do not deviate from what is righteous, chaste, and virtuous. However, reading the Bible and our publications can be read only at any time we may have lost. De quoi jouissent ceux qui sont riches à l'égard de Dieu? While the Bible does not reveal Rachel's motive for the exchange, she may have thought that the mandrakes would help her conceive and end her reproach of being barren. What do those who are rich toward God enjoy? " Tenez ferme dans la foi, [...] devenez forts ." As a result, he could say: "I am clean from the blood of all men. " (Read Acts 20: 26, 27.) " Stand firm in the faith,... become strong. " - HEB. Que faut - il garder à l'esprit quand nous enseignons la Bible à une personne? When those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " become believers and get baptized, we have sound reasons to say to them," Welcome to the best way of life! " What should we bear in mind when conducting a Bible study? 11: 3a. Why did Abraham need to show patience? 11: 3a. Les chrétiens doivent se garder de former un attelage disparate avec un non - croyant. Still, salvation is foretold for individuals who exercise faith in Jehovah. Christians must avoid training with an unbeliever. Quels encouragements Josué a - t - il reçus? A shrewd person realizes that contemplation can be like a fire. What encouragement did Joshua receive? • Qu'avez - vous appris des exemples d'Abraham, d'Isaac, de Jacob et de Joseph? How so? • What have you learned from the examples of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? Hanna Yet, making a wise choice may be the hardest thing a woman ever does, since her desire for the closeness and love possible in marriage can be very strong. Hannah ." Nous faisons une "déclaration publique " non seulement à notre baptême, mais aussi lorsque nous parlons de Jéhovah en toute occasion, par exemple quand nous prenons part au ministère. Do You Recall? We make "a public declaration " not only to our baptism but also when we talk about Jehovah at every opportunity, such as when we share in the ministry. Faites des progrès spirituels en suivant l'exemple de Paul If we respond to the spirit's direction, we will display "the greatest freeness of speech " in our ministry. Make Spiritual Advancement by Following Paul's Example Tout comme le gecko s'attache à des surfaces lisses, les chrétiens s'attachent à ce qui est bon. (Read Psalm 90: 4.) Just as the gecko puts his surface down, Christians are fond of what is good. ." Pour les Juifs qui chantaient ces paroles, la mention de la montagne sainte de Jéhovah évoquait sans aucun doute le mont Sion, où le roi David avait apporté l'arche de l'alliance dans la tente qu'il avait dressée. But the results include immeasurable happiness. For the Jews who singing those words, the mention of Jehovah's holy mountain was likely referring to Mount Zion, where King David had brought the ark of the covenant in his tent. Parfois même ils ignoraient la signification de ce qu'ils annonçaient ou écrivaient. The apostle Peter wrote of Jesus: "He is at God's right hand, for he went his way to heaven; and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him. " At times, they did not know the meaning of what they said or were down. Comme Abraham, ils se réjouissent à la perspective de vivre sous la domination du Royaume. In what way are Christians different from the world? Like Abraham, they rejoice at the prospect of living under Kingdom rule. 17, 18. How do we personally benefit from the panoramic view that this parable provides? 17, 18. Pour changer, avance ta main, s'il te plaît, et touche jusqu'à son os et à sa chair, et vois s'il ne te maudit pas à ta face. I don't check it for days at a time. To change, stretch out your hand, please, and touch to his bones and flesh, and see whether he will curse you to your very face. Jésus leur a répondu: "N'avez - vous pas lu que celui qui les a créés, dès le commencement les a faits mâle et femelle, et qu'il a dit: " C'est pourquoi l'homme quittera son père et sa mère et s'attachera à sa femme, et les deux seront une seule chair '? After considering them, are we not moved to bless, or praise, Jehovah? Jesus replied: "Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and he said: " That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh '? 14, 15. • Why should we fear God, and what does fearing him mean? 14, 15. L'esprit saint a veillé à ce que l'imperfection humaine n'entache pas le message divin. In the meantime, Jehovah's purpose unfailingly advanced through the chosen genealogical line down to Jesus ' appearing as the promised Messiah. - Luke 3: 15, 23 - 38; Galatians 4: 4. Holy spirit has seen to it that human imperfection do not break God's message. • Pourquoi devons - nous reconnaître en Jéhovah notre Souverain Seigneur? True friends of God must be honest of heart and must give evidence of "faith without hypocrisy, " for acts of truthfulness come from the heart. • Why should we recognize Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord? Quand les frères de Rome ont reçu la visite de l'apôtre Paul, ils ont sûrement apprécié l ' " échange d'encouragements " qui a eu lieu et, durant l'époque troublée actuelle, nous apprécions également de tels échanges. The best decisions are seldom the easiest to implement. When the brothers in Rome received the visit of the apostle Paul, they no doubt appreciated "an interchange of encouragement " that took place and, during these turbulent times, we also appreciate such gatherings. Notons, dans les propos de Paul, les qualités qui pourraient leur être utiles, puis réfléchissons à la manière dont nous favoriserons nous - mêmes l'unité en cultivant ces qualités. Who in the Christian congregation should reach out to those who are weak? Notice, too, how we can promote unity by cultivating these qualities. Instruis - moi de ta voie, ô Jéhovah! What instructions for survival are given to the Israelites, and with what result? I will lift me up from your way, O Jehovah. " Auraient - ils été capables de comprendre nos besoins, nos faiblesses ou nos aspirations? In imitation of both Christ and the great "cloud of witnesses " who preceded him, true Christians proudly use God's name. Would they be able to understand our needs, weaknesses, or desires? Ces vérités inestimables révèlent pourquoi Dieu permet le mal, pourquoi nous mourons, comment prier et comment être vraiment heureux. How extensive will Kingdom rule be, and why will its peace never be disrupted? These priceless truths reveal why God permits evil, why we die, how we can pray, and how we can be truly happy. Le Messie semblerait abandonné par Dieu. Others are also anointed to serve as kings and priests. The Messiah would seem to be abandoned by God. PAGE 3 18: 1 - 4; 20: 20 - 28. ARTICLE 1 Est - ce que je cache aux autres la quantité de vin ou d'alcool que je consomme? Consider, for instance, his dealings with faithful patriarchs, beginning with Abraham. Do I hide the amount of wine or drink I consume? Des bénédictions attendent ceux qui prêchent "sans arrêt " Jehovah's laws are for our own protection. Blessings await those who preach "without letup " Ils ressemblent aux Juifs à qui Jésus a dit: "Vous n'avez jamais entendu sa voix et vous n'avez pas non plus vu sa forme; et sa parole, vous ne l'avez pas qui demeure en vous. If the offering was a living animal, it was to be left "in front of the altar " of burnt offering in the priests ' courtyard of the temple. They are like the Jews whom Jesus said: "You have never heard his voice and have not seen his form; and his word you have not yet seen it in you. Jéhovah l'ayant assuré qu'il ne détruirait pas Sodome s'il y avait "cinquante justes au milieu de la ville ," Abraham a abaissé progressivement ce nombre jusqu'à dix. - Genèse 18: 22 - 33. In his letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Jehovah assured Abraham that he would not destroy Sodom if there had been "by righteous in the midst of the city, " Abraham gradually developed that number until ten. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. Il tire au contraire profit de sa bonne vue pour les remarquer de loin, et il ne s'éloigne pas des trous et des crevasses où il pourra trouver refuge. Meditate on Jesus ' wonderful counsel recorded there. Rather, he takes advantage of his good view so that he notices them from far away, and he does not drift away from the eye and loses where he can find refuge. Ton médecin te conseille de manger plus sainement, de faire plus d'exercice et d'effectuer d'autres changements dans ton mode de vie. No doubt each of those brothers had an opinion on the subject and an idea of how the matter might be handled. Your doctor counsels you to eat more wholesome food, to make more exercise, and to make further changes in your lifestyle. Peut - être ces oiseaux n'avaient - ils aucune valeur pour les hommes. Mais pour le Créateur? Whether we are brothers or sisters, we need to do our best to care for any theocratic assignment we receive. Perhaps these birds had no value for men, but for the Creator? Il aimait Jéhovah, mais il aimait ses biens encore plus. This is the case even though adopting such traits may seem advantageous. He loved Jehovah, but he loved his belongings even more. La "semence " promise était enfin là! " Valuable things and riches are in his house; and his righteousness is standing forever. The promised "seed " was at last! Il n'a pas non plus vu dans celui - ci un moyen de se faire une réputation d'architecte ou de généreux bienfaiteur. Years later, he moved to Europe, where he resumed his Bible study and came to this conclusion: "The fulfillment of Bible prophecies, the internal harmony of the Holy Scriptures, the absence of contradiction in the Bible, and the love among Jehovah's worshippers convinced me that the Bible is God's Word. " He has not seen a way to make a reputation for himself or a generous reward. Que devons - nous faire pour recevoir l'esprit saint de Dieu? But she called an acquaintance and made a brief presentation. What must we do to receive God's holy spirit? Ils le sanctifient en l'employant d'une manière digne. " Keep Holding the Pattern of Healthful Words " They sanctify it by means of it in a dignified way. Mais systématiquement, après avoir prié, mes forces se renouvellent et j'ai de nouveau le moral. " (See paragraph 14) But always, after praying, my strength were renewed and I again grew up. " 1, 2. Why do people lie, and with what negative results? 1, 2. Que faut - il entendre par là? At a meeting that was convened, some apparently argued in favor of circumcision, while others presented the opposing view. What does that imply? En 1140, ses croyances lui valurent d'être brûlé vif. If we mix with people whose main interest is in improving their life - style or cultivating business opportunities, those things can become of chief importance to us too. - Matthew 6: 24; 1 Corinthians 15: 33. As a result of his 11 - year - old beliefs, he was greatly burned. 1: 7; 4: 12, 13. Rather, we heed James ' admonition: "Let endurance have its work complete, that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. " - James 1: 2 - 4. 1: 7; 4: 12, 13. Le prix qu'elles attendent est la vie éternelle sur la terre. Sharing Good News Despite Facing Evil The prize awaits them is everlasting life on earth. 5 - 7. Besides the elders, each faithful Christian wants to apply the inspired command to keep "an eye, not in personal interest upon just [his] own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others. " 5 - 7. Comment Jésus a - t - il indiqué qu'il ne cherchait pas à exercer de pouvoir politique sur terre? History records a severe famine in Judea. How did Jesus indicate that he was not trying to exercise political power on earth? Aujourd'hui encore, près de 2 000 ans après être sorties de la bouche de Jésus, ces déclarations puissantes sont faciles à retenir. By the mid - 1930 ' s, that task was evidently well along and many of those responding to the preaching work did not have the desire to go to heaven. Today, nearly 2,000 years after coming out of Jesus ' mouth, these powerful statements are easy to hold back. En ce sens qu'elle nous pousse à pratiquer le mal et peut nous retenir de faire ce que nous savons être bien, ou de donner le meilleur de nous - mêmes. Even though Jehovah ultimately supported the agreement, he made sure that this failure to seek his direction was recorded in the Scriptures for our benefit. - Josh. In that sense, it moves us to practice evil and may hold us back from doing what we know is right or to give the best of ourselves. Par ailleurs, si un ancien s'estime à sa juste valeur, il sera chaleureux et abordable. • 1 Timothy 5: 11 - 15 Moreover, if an elder considers himself to be proper, he will be warm and approachable. Au lieu d'axer notre vie sur ce qui est matériel, recherchons l'approbation de Dieu, ce qui est la voie de la vraie sagesse et du bonheur. Did those people think that a human king would somehow be more real, more dependable, than Jehovah? Rather than focusing on material things, we must seek God's approval, which is the way of true wisdom and happiness. Assurément, quand on utilise la Parole de Dieu pour aider les autres à améliorer leur vie, on en retire joie et satisfaction *. Inasmuch as improper use of our hands can result in serious violations of Jehovah's moral standards, we must be firmly determined to remain morally clean. Yes, when we use God's Word to help others improve their life, it brings joy and satisfaction. Et pourquoi n'est - ce pas toujours facile? 10: 12, 13. And why is that not always easy? 5: 1 - 7: 29. The man of the true God that you just sent, let him, please, come again to us and instruct us as to what we ought to do to the child that will be born. " 5: 1 - 7: 29. Dans ces moments, puisez de la consolation dans la Parole de Dieu. Choosing the third option will help you build up, or strengthen, your marriage. At such times, draw comfort from God's Word. Ne pas me contenter de leur dire que j'aimais Jéhovah, mais le leur montrer ." Keep assisting these women who have striven side by side with me in the good news. " Not only do I tell them that I loved Jehovah but they are showing it to them. " Une de ses manœuvres consiste à rendre son monde attrayant, séduisant. However, some people have lost faith in God because of the intense suffering they have personally seen or experienced. One of Satan's crafty acts is to make his world appear appealing. " Quand une vigne produit un bon raisin, cela honore le cultivateur. Pareillement, quand nous faisons le maximum pour prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume, nous honorons, ou glorifions, Jéhovah. Death march: KZ - Gedenkstätte Dachau, courtesy of the USHMM Photo Archives Likewise, when a vine produces a fine fire, we honor the farmer, even when we do all we can to preach the good news of the Kingdom, we honor, or glorify Jehovah. Nous devons veiller à ce que nos paroles restent conformes aux principes bibliques et à ce qu'elles ne s'écartent pas de ce qui est juste, pur et vertueux. " Welcome Home, Son! " We need to make sure that our speech adheres to Bible principles and that they do not separate from what is right, clean, and virtue. Bien que la Bible ne dise pas quels étaient ses mobiles, peut - être Rachel a - t - elle pensé que ces mandragores l'aideraient à concevoir et à mettre ainsi fin à l'opprobre que lui causait sa stérilité. What challenge faced the shepherd boy David? Although the Bible does not say what his motives were, Rachel may have felt that they would help her to appreciate and thus bring reproach on him. Ainsi, il a pu dire: " Je suis pur du sang de tous les hommes " (lire Actes 20: 26, 27). AN ENTRANCE INTO THE KINGDOM (Read Acts 20: 26, 27.) Quand ceux qui sont "dans la disposition qu'il faut pour la vie éternelle " deviennent croyants et se font baptiser, nous avons toutes les raisons de leur dire:" Bienvenue sur la meilleure des voies! ." It merits repeating that James tied wisdom to fine conduct. When those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " become believers and get baptized, we have every reason to say to them:" Follow the best ways of life! " Pourquoi Abraham a - t - il eu besoin de patienter? [ Picture on page 21] Why did Abraham need to wait patiently? Néanmoins, le salut est annoncé pour quiconque exerce la foi en Jéhovah. Moreover, Christendom does not "let justice roll forth just like waters, and righteousness like a constantly flowing torrent. " However, salvation is foretold for those who exercise faith in Jehovah. Une personne astucieuse, ou sage, est consciente que l'imagination peut être comme le feu. Does that not give evidence that God's spirit is at work in us? A shrewd person is aware that the imagination can be like fire. Comment? Who is behind such opposition? How? Mais il peut être des plus difficile pour elle de faire un choix judicieux, surtout si son désir d'intimité et d'amour, dont le mariage lui promet la satisfaction, est très fort. How, though, did Zechariah's message affect the Jews in his day? But it can be difficult to make a wise choice, especially if a desire for intimacy and love, which promises satisfaction, is very strong. Vous en souvenez - vous? As a result, the earth was "full of violence. " Do You Recall? Si nous suivons cette direction, nous manifesterons "la plus grande franchise " qui soit dans le ministère. Although "Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground, " on one occasion he became provoked and spoke rashly. If we follow that direction, we will display "the greatest freeness " that is in our ministry. (Lire Psaume 90: 4.) A slave is not greater than his master. (Read Psalm 90: 4.) Mais l'immense bonheur qui en résulte n'en vaut - il pas la peine? That results in understanding. But is the great happiness that results from it? L'apôtre Pierre a écrit à propos de Jésus: "Il est à la droite de Dieu, car il est allé au ciel; et anges et autorités et puissances lui ont été soumis. If that occurs, ask Jehovah for help in maintaining self - control. Concerning Jesus, the apostle Peter wrote: "He is at God's right hand, for he went to heaven; and angels and authorities were subject to him. En quoi les chrétiens sont - ils différents du monde? So can we if we adhere to "the ways of Jehovah " and never depart from him. - Read 2 Samuel 22: 21, 22. How do Christians differ from the world? Quels bienfaits retirons - nous individuellement de la vue panoramique que nous offre cette parabole? 60,166 How do we benefit personally from the fleeting view of this parable? Ça m'arrive de ne pas y aller pendant des jours. It teaches us how we can help others become reconciled to God. I'mn't going for days. Au terme de cet examen, ne nous sentons - nous pas poussés à bénir, à louer Jéhovah? " I like my sleep, but some of the best conversations I've had with my teenagers have been after midnight. " - Herbert. In the end of such examination, are we not moved to bless, to praise Jehovah? • Pourquoi devons - nous craindre Dieu, et qu'est - ce que cela signifie? Jehovah's face has shone brightly upon the deaf field • Why should we fear God, and what does that mean? Entre - temps, son dessein se déroulerait infailliblement autour de la ligne généalogique qu'il avait choisie et qui devait mener à l'apparition du Messie promis, Jésus. - Luc 3: 15, 23 - 38; Galates 4: 4. However, Jehovah knows what he is doing. From time to time, his purpose would be infallible around his chosen line and would lead to the appearance of the promised Messiah, Jesus. - Luke 3: 15, 23 - 38; Galatians 4: 4. Les vrais amis de Dieu doivent avoir le cœur sincère et faire preuve d'une "foi sans hypocrisie ," car les actes de véracité viennent du cœur. The rest of the brothers were waiting at Three Taverns, a rest stop about 36 miles [58 km] outside the city. True friends of God need to have a sincere heart and demonstrate "out of hypocrisy, " for the actions of truthfulness of the heart are coming from the heart. Les meilleures décisions sont rarement les plus faciles à mettre en œuvre. Might there also be another reason? The best decisions are usually the most easy to do. Qui, dans la congrégation chrétienne, devrait s'intéresser aux faibles? 16, 17. Who in the Christian congregation should be interested in the weak? Quelles instructions les Israélites reçoivent - ils pour assurer leur survie, et qu'en résulte - t - il? To be God's friends, we must be "humble in mind. " What instructions did the Israelites receive for their survival, and with what result? À l'imitation de Christ et de la grande "nuée de témoins " qui l'ont précédé, les vrais chrétiens sont fiers d'employer le nom divin. In this time of the end, however, with the number of anointed overseers still on earth ever dwindling, the vast majority of Christian elders in the congregations are of the other sheep. Like Christ and the great "cloud of witnesses, " true Christians are proud to use God's name. Quelle sera l'étendue de la domination du Royaume, et pourquoi la paix ne sera - t - elle plus jamais troublée? [ Picture on page 25] What will be the extent of Kingdom rule, and why will peace never be troubled? D'autres seraient oints pour être rois et prêtres. In his service, Paul endured hardships that few today will face. Others would be anointed to be kings and priests. 18: 1 - 4; 20: 20 - 28. If a person has doubts that Jehovah will fulfill His promise to care for His servants, then Satan simply needs to keep up the pressure and such a person might stop attending meetings altogether. 18: 1 - 4; 20: 20 - 28. Témoin la façon dont il a traité les patriarches, à commencer par Abraham. Your children may know more about the online world than you do. For example, consider how Jehovah dealt with the patriarchs, begin by means of Abraham. Les lois de Jéhovah sont destinées à nous protéger. Today, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in many lands, as Jesus prophesied it would be. Jehovah's laws are designed to protect us. Si l'offrande était un animal vivant, il devait être laissé "devant l'autel " de l'holocauste, dans la cour des prêtres. [ Picture on page 15] If offering was a living animal, he had to be left "from the altar " with the burnt offering in the court of the priests. Dans sa lettre aux Hébreux, Paul a écrit: "La parole de Dieu est vivante et puissante; elle est plus acérée qu'aucune épée à double tranchant et elle pénètre jusqu'à la division de l'âme et de l'esprit, des jointures et de leur moelle, et elle est à même de discerner les pensées et les intentions du cœur. ." As for this also, it will certainly become no one's until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him. " In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power; it is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Méditez sur les extraordinaires recommandations de Jésus qui y figurent. Time and again, they met frightening or challenging tests of faith, confident that God would eventually do what he had promised. Meditate on Jesus ' wonderful counsel. Nul doute que chacun de ces frères avait un avis sur la question et sur la manière dont elle devait être réglée. • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? No doubt all of these brothers had a opinion on the matter and how it should be settled. Que nous soyons un frère ou une sœur, nous devons nous acquitter de notre mieux de toute tâche théocratique qu'on nous confie. He stands before his people, as it were, pointing them toward everlasting life, away from dangers. Whether we are a Christian brother or a sister, we need to fulfill our best theocratic assignment. Cela s'impose, même si ces comportements semblent procurer un avantage. Revelation 21: 4: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. This is vital even if such attitudes seem to be a blessing. " Choses de valeur et richesse sont dans sa maison; et sa justice tient pour toujours. ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 57, 56 " It is of value and riches in his house; and his righteousness stands forever. " Des années plus tard, il s'est installé en Europe, et il s'est remis à étudier la Bible. " L'accomplissement des prophéties bibliques, l'harmonie interne des Saintes Écritures et l'absence de contradictions dans la Bible, ainsi que l'amour que se manifestent les serviteurs de Jéhovah, tout cela m'a convaincu que ce livre est la Parole de Dieu. Along with their companions, the "other sheep, " they urge people to turn to God's Kingdom while there is yet time. Years later, he was conducting himself in Europe, and he began to study the Bible with Jehovah's people. " Elle a néanmoins appelé une de ses connaissances et lui a fait une brève présentation. Micah asks: "What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " But she called a brief presentation and made a brief presentation. " Retenons toujours le modèle des paroles salutaires ' What can Christian wives learn from the examples of Sarah and Rebekah? " Keeping the Pattern of Healthful Words ' (voir paragraphe 14). Having considered the very important role of Christian elders as spiritual undershepherds, we do well to ask, How can these appointed men make sure that they treat Jesus ' sheep in an appropriate manner? (See paragraph 14) Pourquoi ment - on, et quelles en sont les conséquences? How will displaying love help us in our ministry? Why are they, and with what result? Lors d'une réunion organisée pour traiter la question, certains ont apparemment défendu la circoncision tandis que d'autres ont argumenté contre. Yet, Jesus also spoke of "wicked reasonings. " These are views or attitudes that can taint many aspects of life. During a meeting to handle the matter, some apparently defended circumcision while others spoke against them. À fréquenter des gens qui ne pensent qu'à améliorer leur confort ou à faire des affaires, nous risquons à notre tour de donner la priorité à ces choses. - Matthieu 6: 24; 1 Corinthiens 15: 33. Less than two months after the Israelites left Egypt, a serious problem arose - even before they arrived at Mount Sinai. When we associate with people who think that improving their comfort or doing business, we could put first things first. - Matthew 6: 24; 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Au contraire, nous tenons compte de cette exhortation de Jacques: "Que l'endurance fasse œuvre complète, pour que vous soyez complets et sans défaut à tous égards, ne manquant de rien. " - Jacques 1: 2 - 4. When applied, these words can help us to solve or to avoid marital discord. Instead, we heed James 1: 2 - 4. Prêchons malgré les assauts du Diable They gave evidence that Jehovah was dealing with a specific people, a chosen people. Preaching Despite the Devil's attacks Tout comme les anciens, chaque chrétien fidèle veut mettre en pratique l'injonction inspirée d ' " avoir l'œil non pas uniquement sur ses propres affaires, par intérêt personnel, mais aussi, par intérêt personnel, sur celles des autres '. We follow a wise path in regard to diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle. Just as the elders do, each faithful Christian wants to apply the inspired counsel to "look out not only in his own matters but also in personal interest upon those of others. " L'Histoire atteste qu'une famine épouvantable a ravagé la Judée. What challenge do some Bible students face, and how can we assist them? History shows that a debilitating famine devastated Judea. Vers le milieu des années 1930, cette tâche était à l'évidence presque achevée, et parmi les personnes qui réagissaient favorablement à la prédication, beaucoup ne nourrissaient pas l'espérance de vivre au ciel. As Jews under the Mosaic Law, Jesus and his apostles shared in the annual Passover. Near the mid - 1930 ' s, that task was clearly completed, and many who responded favorably to the preaching work did not have the hope of living in heaven. Même si au final Jéhovah a béni l'accord, il a fait en sorte que cet épisode, où ses serviteurs n'ont pas recherché sa direction, soit consigné dans la Bible pour notre profit. - Jos. • How may you draw comfort from the resurrection hope? Although Jehovah blessed this event, he made it clear that his servants did not seek his guidance, either recorded in the Bible for our benefit. - Josh. • 1 Timothée 5: 11 - 15 David did not view his rescue by Jehovah as something that could happen only to him. • 1 Timothy 5: 11 - 15 Les Israélites avaient - ils le sentiment qu'un roi humain serait plus réel, plus fiable, que Jéhovah? Christ embodies "the wisdom of God. " Did the Israelites feel that a human king would be more real, more reliable, than Jehovah? Étant donné qu'un mauvais usage de nos mains pourrait déboucher sur de graves violations des normes morales de Jéhovah, nous devons être fermement résolus à rester moralement purs. On Nisan 11, he teaches in the temple, denounces the scribes and the Pharisees, and thereafter gives his disciples "the sign of [his] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things. " Since the misuse of our hands could result in serious debt of Jehovah's moral standards, we must be firmly resolved to remain morally clean. 10: 12, 13. Remember that we do not always have all the facts and that our viewpoint may be distorted or limited. 10: 12, 13. L'homme du vrai Dieu que tu viens d'envoyer, que cet homme, s'il te plaît, vienne encore vers nous et qu'il nous instruise quant à ce que nous devons faire pour l'enfant qui va naître. ." He wrote: "So that I do not become satisfied and deny you and say, " Who is Jehovah? ' " The man of the true God whom you came to send, let this man come still to us and listen to what we need to do to the child who is born. " En choisissant la troisième, vous bâtirez, ou consoliderez, votre couple. For you were once not a people, but are now God's people. " By choosing the third, you build up, or strengthen, your marriage. Continue d'aider ces femmes qui ont lutté côte à côte avec moi dans la bonne nouvelle. If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, even the spirit of God, is resting upon you. " Continue to help these women who battled with me in the good news. Cependant, certains n'ont plus foi en Dieu parce qu'ils ont été témoins ou victimes de grandes souffrances. We owe Jehovah far more than we owe any human. However, some have no faith in God because they have witnessed or suffered great suffering. Marche de la mort: KZ - Gedenkstätte Dachau, avec l'aimable autorisation des USHMM Photo Archives Let us consider a few examples. Walking of death: K's O's O's wife, with regard to the United States's mildness, with the United Statesal Encyclopedia. " Bienvenue, mon garçon! 3: 8. " Please, my boy! " Dans quelle situation difficile David s'est - il trouvé alors qu'il n'était qu'un jeune berger? Jim remained spiritually inactive for ten years. What difficult situation did David face when he was just a young shepherd? L'ENTRÉE DANS LE ROYAUME Yet, with Jehovah's help, you can win the fight. THE practice OF THE KINGDOM Il convient de souligner que Jacques a associé la sagesse à une belle conduite. However, the teaching of reincarnation was so embedded in her mind that she protested when her son wrote her about the condition of the dead. She said: "I just cannot understand the truth of your Scriptures. It is fitting to stress that James used wisdom to conduct fine conduct. [ Illustration, page 21] God's promises act like spiritual balm that soothes our anxious heart. [ Picture on page 21] De plus, la chrétienté ne fait pas " couler le droit comme les eaux, et la justice comme un torrent constant '. You can also incite fellow worshipers "to love and fine works. " Moreover, Christendom does not " break the right as the waters, and righteousness like a constant torrent. ' Cela ne prouve - t - il pas que l'esprit de Dieu est à l'œuvre en nous? PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Is that not evidence that God's spirit is at work in us? Qui est à l'origine de cette opposition? No doubt you have seen the truth of that statement. Who is the source of such opposition? Quel effet le message de Zekaria a - t - il eu sur les Juifs de son époque? • by means of the angels? What effect did Zechariah's message have on the Jews in his day? Sous leur influence, la terre était devenue "pleine de violence ." How can pressing on to maturity strengthen our figurative heart? Under their influence, the earth had become "full of violence. " Bien qu'il fût "de beaucoup le plus humble de tous les hommes qui étaient sur la surface du sol ," Moïse a un jour cédé à la colère et parlé à la légère. (Read Psalm 103: 8, 9.) Although Moses was "by far the meekest of all the men on the face of the ground, " Moses gave in to anger and spoke to the light of the earth. Un esclave n'est pas plus grand que son maître. King Asa searched for God and rooted out apostasy in Judah. A slave is not greater than his master. C'est ce qui produit l'intelligence. The wise decisions they make about good associations, wholesome entertainment, moral cleanness, and baptism all call for courage. That is what produces understanding. Si cela arrive, demandez à Jéhovah de vous aider à rester maître de vous - même. In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " If that happens, ask Jehovah to help you to remain self - master. Nous pouvons avoir la même conviction si nous restons attachés aux "voies de Jéhovah " et si nous ne nous éloignons jamais de lui. - Lire 2 Samuel 22: 21, 22. The book of creation teaches us much about Jehovah's "invisible qualities, " but it leaves unanswered such important questions as, What does the future hold for mankind? We can have similar confidence if we remain loyal to Jehovah and never turn aside from him. - Read 2 Samuel 22: 21, 22. 60 166 (b) How have some benefited from meditating on what they study? 60 Elle nous enseigne comment aider nos semblables à se réconcilier avec Dieu. [ Picture on page 18] It teaches us how to help others become reconciled to God. " J'aime me coucher tôt, mais quelques - unes des meilleures conversations que j'ai eues avec mes enfants ont eu lieu après minuit " (Herbert). More and more people are joining with us in the worldwide congregation. " I love bed early, but a few of the best conversations I had with my children after midnight. " - JOHN 21: 29. La face de Jéhovah a brillé avec éclat sur la communauté sourde. They include inordinate pride, the practice of sin, and a lack of faith. Jehovah's face has shone on the deaf. Mais Jéhovah sait ce qu'il fait. Examples of God - Given Comfort But Jehovah knows what he does. Les autres attendaient aux Trois - Tavernes, une halte à environ 58 kilomètres de la ville. Likewise, we need to make sure that we get sufficient amounts of wholesome spiritual food through regular personal study, meditation, and meeting attendance. - Ps. The other men were waiting for the Threes - one about 58 miles [100 km] from the city. Y a - t - il autre chose qui vous freine? (b) How have you found the need for similar patience? Is there something else that you can do? 16, 17. An examination of what the apostle Paul told Ephesian elders, as recorded in Acts chapter 20, can help us to see how he was able to bear thorough witness. 16, 17. Si nous voulons être les amis de Dieu, nous devons être humbles. That knowledge guards us from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety or discouragement. To be God's friends, we must be humble. Toutefois, en ce temps de la fin où le nombre des surveillants oints encore sur la terre est en constante diminution, la grande majorité des anciens dans les congrégations font partie des autres brebis. However, consequences of errors can linger on and be experienced by later generations. However, in this time of the end when the number of anointed overseers still on earth is ongoing, the vast majority of elders in the congregations are part of the other sheep. [ Illustration, page 25] © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania [ Picture on page 25] Au cours de son ministère, l'apôtre a enduré des épreuves que peu d'entre nous connaîtront. 22, 23. (a) What does our spiritual armor include? During his ministry, the apostle endured hardships that few of us will experience. Si un chrétien doute que Jéhovah tiendra sa promesse de prendre soin de ses serviteurs, alors Satan n'a qu'à accentuer sa pression, et qui sait si ce chrétien ne finira pas par renoncer à toutes les réunions? The Scriptures repeatedly show that those who hope and trust in Jehovah never lose out. If a Christian doubts that Jehovah will fulfill his promise to care for his servants, then Satan has only given up his pressure, and who knows whether that Christian would not eventually abandon all the meetings? Vos enfants connaissent peut - être mieux que vous tout ce qui a trait à Internet. (b) In what way do we pick up our torture stake? Your children may know better than you know about the Internet. La bonne nouvelle du Royaume est aujourd'hui prêchée dans de nombreux pays, comme Jésus l'avait prédit. How does Jehovah teach his people to manifest compassion? The good news of the Kingdom is being preached in many lands, just as Jesus foretold. [ Illustration, page 15] KINDNESS AND SKILL [ Picture on page 15] Quant à cela aussi, oui ce ne sera à personne jusqu'à ce que vienne celui qui a le droit légal, et vraiment je le lui donnerai. ." (b) Why do Jehovah's words found at Ezekiel 3: 18, 19 and 18: 23 motivate us to keep on preaching? And this itself will certainly be no one until the one comes to the legal right, and I will give him him. " Ils ont vécu des situations pénibles ou tragiques qui ont mis leur foi à l'épreuve, sans jamais douter que Dieu finirait par faire ce qu'il avait promis. SONGS TO BE USED: 133, 211 They experienced distressing and tragic situations that put their faith to the test without doubt that God would end up doing what he had promised. • Comment devons - nous considérer les préceptes divins en matière de moralité? 4: 12. • How should we view God's moral standards? Il se tient en quelque sorte devant ses serviteurs et leur indique le chemin de la vie éternelle, leur évitant les dangers. The 148th Psalm helps us to focus on this truth. In effect, he stands before his servants and teaches them the way of everlasting life, avoiding dangers. Révélation 21: 4: " [Dieu] essuiera toute larme de leurs yeux, et la mort n'existera plus; il n'y aura plus ni deuil, ni cri, ni douleur. Nevertheless, he did not allow anxiety to destroy his confidence in Jehovah. Revelation 21: 4: "God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " PAGE 26 • CANTIQUES: 57, 56 The important thing is to keep cultivating godly qualities in the best way we can. ARTICLE 5 • SONGS: 57, 56 Épaulés par leurs compagnons, les "autres brebis ," ces membres du reste exhortent leurs contemporains à se tourner vers le Royaume de Dieu pendant qu'il en est encore temps. One way is by means of our preaching activity. In contrast with their companions, the "other sheep, " the remnant urged others to turn to God's Kingdom while still on earth. Mika demande: "Qu'est - ce que Jéhovah réclame de toi, sinon de pratiquer la justice, d'aimer la bonté et de marcher modestement avec ton Dieu? This article will help us to recognize these and prepare for Satan's attack. Micah asks: "What is Jehovah asking of you but to exercise justice, to love kindness, and to be modest in walking with your God? " Que peuvent apprendre les femmes chrétiennes de l'exemple de Sara et de Rébecca? For example, the Theocratic Ministry School has for over six decades helped students to be effective teachers of God's Word. What can Christian women learn from the example of Sarah and Rebekah? Maintenant que nous avons parlé du rôle essentiel de sous - bergers que jouent les surveillants chrétiens, chacun d'eux devrait se demander: " Comment être sûr que je traite les brebis de Jésus de la bonne façon? 7, 8. (a) How might we lose sight of the importance of engaging in "holy acts of conduct "? Now that we have discussed the vital role of Christian overseers, each of them should ask himself, " How can I be sure that I treat Jesus ' sheep in the right way? ' Comment l'amour peut - il nous aider dans notre ministère? " According to their wish, " such ridiculers ignore the fact that the world of Noah's day was deluged with water, setting a pattern for a future day of judgment. How can love help us in our ministry? Mais Jésus a aussi mentionné les " raisonnements mauvais ": des opinions ou des mentalités risquant d'affecter de nombreux aspects de la vie. A spirit son of God rebelled and set out to thwart Jehovah's purpose, abusing the divine gift of free will. But Jesus also mentioned "wicked reasonings " - opinions or attitudes that might lead to many aspects of life. Moins de deux mois après que les Israélites sont sortis d'Égypte, et avant même qu'ils n'arrivent au mont Sinaï, un problème grave est apparu. Allen, whose Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses gave him the strength to conquer alcohol abuse, says, "I'm convinced that if it were not for the Bible and Bible principles that helped me stop drinking, I'd be dead. " Less than two months after the Israelites left Egypt, and before they arrived at Mount Sinai, a serious problem arose. Mises en application, ces paroles peuvent nous aider à régler ou à éviter les dissensions conjugales. In the 8th chapter, he commented on the power of holy spirit. Such words can help us to resolve or avoid marital differences. Elles prouvaient que Jéhovah traitait avec un peuple en particulier, un peuple choisi. [ Picture on page 21] They proved that Jehovah dealt with a special people, a chosen people. En ayant tout au long de sa vie une alimentation équilibrée, une activité physique régulière et de bonnes habitudes de vie. Over the next three years, he moved his parents to a more suitable home and with the help of local fellow Christians adapted the dwelling to accommodate his father's special needs. By throughout his life a balanced supply of foods, regular activity, and good habits. Face à quel dilemme ceux qui étudient la Bible se retrouvent - ils parfois, et comment les aider? Leading scientists once felt strongly that the answer was no. What problem do Bible students sometimes face, and how can they help them? Étant juifs et sous la Loi mosaïque, Jésus et ses apôtres célébraient la Pâque. This contributes to Christian unity. As Jewish and under the Mosaic Law, Jesus and his apostles celebrated the Passover. • Comment puiser du réconfort dans l'espérance de la résurrection? What may help counteract any reluctance to apply counsel? • How can we draw comfort from the resurrection hope? David ne considérait pas qu'il était le seul à pouvoir être délivré par Jéhovah. He Delights in Jehovah's Law David did not consider himself to be delivered by Jehovah. Christ incarne "la sagesse de Dieu ." This wicked world has long since been condemned, and its execution is now close at hand. Christ declares "the wisdom of God. " Le 11 Nisan, il enseigne dans le temple, reprend sévèrement les scribes et les Pharisiens, et donne ensuite à ses disciples "le signe de [s] a présence et de l'achèvement du système de choses ." How can you prepare for that day? On Nisan 11, he was teaching the scribes and Pharisees, and then giving his followers "the sign of [his] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things. " Souvenons - nous que nous n'avons pas forcément connaissance de tous les faits et que notre vision des choses peut être déformée ou limitée. 11: 35. Why can we trust that the coming resurrection will be orderly? Remember, we may not necessarily have known all the facts and that our viewpoint could be distorted or limited. Il a précisé: " De peur que je ne me rassasie et que vraiment je ne te renie et ne dise: "Qui est Jéhovah? " ." Anyone promoting untrue teachings and the worship of false gods was to be " put to death for speaking of revolt against Jehovah. ' He said: "Who is Jehovah? " Car autrefois vous n'étiez pas un peuple, mais vous êtes maintenant le peuple de Dieu. ." Acceptable worship of Jehovah includes proper treatment of our neighbor. For you were once not a people, but now you are God's people. " Si vous êtes outragés pour le nom de Christ, vous êtes heureux, parce que l'esprit de gloire, oui l'esprit de Dieu, repose sur vous. ." How They Dealt With Persecution If you are reproached for Christ's name, you are happy because the spirit of glory, even God's spirit, is resting upon you. " " Nous devons à Jéhovah bien plus qu'à n'importe quel humain. No wonder there are so many unhappy people today! - Proverbs 18: 11; 23: 4, 5. " We owe Jehovah far more than any human. " Examinons quelques - unes d'entre elles. But what about when we are under pressure? Let us consider some of them. 3: 8. And we delighted to attend congregation meetings, viewing each one as a source of spiritual refreshment, like an oasis for a thirsty man. 3: 8. " Jim est resté inactif pendant dix ans. It gave farmers the opportunity to show their appreciation to the Provider of the harvest, since "the one showing favor to the poor one is glorifying [his Maker]. " Jim stayed inactive for ten years. Avec l'aide de Jéhovah, vous pouvez l'emporter. Paul learned to control his temper, yet he at times must have struggled to control his feelings and his words. With Jehovah's help, you can win it. Cependant, la doctrine de la réincarnation était si enracinée en elle que, lorsque son fils lui a expliqué la condition des morts, elle a protesté: "Je ne comprends absolument pas la vérité de tes Écritures. Indeed, by these means, Jehovah makes even his young servants wiser than all those who ignore his counsel, even the so - called "wise and intellectual ones " of this world. - Luke 10: 21; read Psalm 119: 98 - 100. However, when her son explained the condition of the dead, she said: "I do not fully understand the truth of your Scriptures. Les promesses de Dieu agissent comme un baume spirituel qui apaise notre cœur inquiet. In our ministry, can we draw attention to the Cause of this impressive order? - Rev. 4: 11. God's promises act like a spiritual refreshment that soothes our heart. Vous inciterez également vos compagnons "à l'amour et aux belles œuvres ." (c) What did Elijah do? You will also incite fellow believers "to love and fine works. " BUT DES ARTICLES D'ÉTUDE He told Noah that humans should not consume blood. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES N'êtes - vous pas d'accord avec lui? 4, 5. Do you not agree with him? • en se servant des anges? Or is it because you feel that the other person deliberately attempted to hurt you? • by means of the angels? Comment la maturité peut - elle affermir notre cœur symbolique? Did this come as a surprise to Jephthah? How can maturity strengthen our figurative heart? (Lire Psaume 103: 8, 9.) 118: 6, 7. (Read Psalm 103: 8, 9.) Le roi Asa a recherché Dieu et a déraciné l'apostasie de Juda. • In what way are we "under the mighty hand of God "? King Asa search for God and set aside the apostasy of Judah. Par exemple, ce sont eux qui choisissent des amis et des divertissements convenables, qui décident de rester moralement purs, et qui décident de se faire baptiser. Tout cela leur demande du courage. It was then that Jehovah changed his name to Abraham, meaning "father of a crowd. " For example, those who choose to choose wholesome friends and entertainment choose to remain morally clean and who choose to get baptized takes courage. Dans les splendeurs de la sainteté, venant de la matrice de l'aurore, tu as ta troupe de jeunes gens comme des gouttes de rosée. ." What command regarding marriage did God give the Israelites? In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like drops of dew. " Le livre de la création est riche d'enseignements au sujet des "qualités invisibles " de Jéhovah. Mais il ne répond pas à certaines questions importantes, du genre: Que réserve l'avenir aux humains? And whom did Paul thank for this helpful support? The book of creation is rich about Jehovah's invisible qualities, but he does not answer certain important issues, such as the future for mankind. b) Quels bienfaits certains ont - ils retirés à méditer sur ce qu'ils étudient? 1: 12. 17, 18. (a) Illustrate the importance of enduring to the end. (b) As we get closer to the end, what confidence can we have? (b) How have some benefited from meditating on what they study? [ Illustration, page 18] Groups of brothers from Guatemala, the United States, and Canada came to give us a hand.... [ Picture on page 18] De plus en plus de personnes rejoignent notre congrégation internationale. To highlight the superiority of choosing such a life course, the tract Youths - What Will You Do With Your Life? was released at the 2002 district conventions. Moreover, more and more people return to our international congregation. Il peut s'agir de l'orgueil, de la pratique du péché ou d'un manque de foi. (b) Some of our sisters are coping with what feelings? Such pride may involve a practice of sin or a lack of faith. Ils ont été consolés par Dieu The apostle Paul wrote of the need for Christians in Ephesus to grow spiritually. They were comforted by God Nous devons veiller à absorber en quantité suffisante une nourriture spirituelle saine en étudiant régulièrement, en méditant et en assistant aux réunions chrétiennes. - Ps. Could you serve in a foreign - language field? We need to be careful to absorb sufficient spiritual food by regularly studying, meditating, and attending Christian meetings. - Ps. b) Dans quelle situation as - tu eu besoin d'être patient avec ton enfant? Each time, Jehovah very patiently and kindly assured Abraham that Sodom would be spared. (b) What situation did you need to be patient with your children? Un examen des paroles que l'apôtre Paul a adressées aux anciens d'Éphèse, rapportées en Actes au chapitre 20, nous rappellera comment il s'est employé à rendre pleinement témoignage. The willing slave desired to continue giving obedient service to his master. A consideration of the words that the apostle Paul gave to the older men in Ephesus, recorded in Acts chapter 20, will remind us of how he used to bear thorough witness. Cette certitude nous " garde " en empêchant l'inquiétude ou le découragement de nous envahir. * Hopefully, Paul's admonition provided a wake - up call to spiritually slumbering Christians in Jerusalem. That confidence enables us to "keep on the watch " by preventing anxiety or discouragement from happening. Cependant, les conséquences de fautes passées peuvent subsister et peser sur les générations à venir. How much greater the pain is if it is caused by a fellow Christian! Yet, the consequences of past errors can continue and weigh the generations ahead. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Our actions will show that we have real faith. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 22, 23. a) De quoi se compose notre armure spirituelle? Even where higher education is free, there may be strings attached. 22, 23. (a) What is included in our spiritual armor? Les Écritures indiquent à de nombreuses reprises que ceux qui espèrent en Jéhovah et mettent leur confiance en lui ne sont jamais perdants. He is making what must be the hardest journey of his life. The Scriptures repeatedly indicate that those who hope in Jehovah and trust in him never tire out. Il ne le faisait pas simplement par sens du devoir. Remember, Satan is eager to lull you into spiritual sleep - a state of weak faith, lackadaisical worship, and compromised integrity. He did more than just merely have the duty. b) Que signifie prendre notre poteau de supplice? 18, 19. (b) What does it mean to pick up our torture stake? Comment Jéhovah nous apprend - il à avoir de la compassion? Why does Jehovah expect us to make our own decisions? How does Jehovah teach us to be compassionate? SOYONS DOUX ET HABILES What satisfaction results from their ministry? - Prov. LOVE AND THE MINISTRY b) Pourquoi les paroles d'Ézéchiel 3: 18, 19 et 18: 23 nous encouragent - elles à continuer de prêcher? Multitudes of sincere individuals are still being held captive by false religion. (b) Why do Ezekiel 3: 18, 19, and 18: 23 encourage us to keep on preaching? CANTIQUES: 133, 211 No. SONGS TO BE USED: 133, 24 4: 12. (b) Illustrate how the sword of the spirit can help us resist temptation. 4: 12. Le 148Psaume met l'accent sur cette vérité. Knowing that we can be instrumental in helping people to benefit from Jesus ' saving acts impels us to share in the preaching and teaching work. The 148th Psalm highlights this truth. Néanmoins, il n'a pas laissé l'inquiétude briser sa confiance en Jéhovah. How different life is today! Nevertheless, he did not allow anxiety to break his trust in Jehovah. Le principal est de continuer à cultiver les qualités divines du mieux qu'on peut. MARCH 26, 2012 - APRIL 1, 2012 The principal step is to continue cultivating godly qualities as far as possible. Parlons tout d'abord de l'activité de prédication. How do we do that? First, consider the preaching work. Cet article nous aide à distinguer ces attaques de Satan et à nous y préparer. He will blossom like the lily, and will strike his roots like Lebanon. This article helps us to distinguish these attacks from Satan and prepare us for it. Par exemple, cela fait presque 70 ans que l'École du ministère théocratique aide ses élèves à être des enseignants de la Bible plus efficaces. Abraham could not know when his son would be raised to life again. For example, almost 70 years the Theocratic Ministry School helps students to be effective teachers of the Bible. 7, 8. a) Qu'est - ce qui pourrait nous faire perdre de vue l'importance d'accomplir des "actes de sainte conduite "? Others share meals with local full - time ministers, help the needy, or in some other way give of themselves and of their resources to support the Kingdom work. 7, 8. (a) What could cause us to lose sight of the importance of doing "holy acts of conduct "? " Selon leur désir ," ces moqueurs ne tiennent nul compte du fait que le monde du temps de Noé a été submergé par l'eau, ce qui a donné un exemple d'un jour de jugement à venir. Says Scientific American: "Every drop of water in the top 100 meters of the ocean contains thousands of free - floating, microscopic flora called phytoplankton. " According to their desire, these ridiculers take no note of the fact that the world in Noah's day was overwhelmed by water water, which set an example of judgment to come. Un fils angélique de Dieu s'est rebellé et a cherché à faire échec au dessein de Jéhovah; il a en cela abusé du don divin qu'est le libre arbitre. (b) Why is it no wonder that we at times feel discouraged? God's angelic son rebelled and tried to stop Jehovah's purpose, causing him to abuse God's gift of free will. Son étude de la Bible avec les Témoins de Jéhovah a donné à Allen la force de vaincre sa dépendance à l'alcool. Il déclare: "Je suis convaincu que, sans l'aide que la Bible et ses principes m'ont apportée pour arrêter de boire, je serais déjà mort. " Read Romans 8: 6. His study of the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses helped us to overcome alcohol addiction, saying: "I am convinced that without the help the Bible and its principles brought me to quit, I would already die. " Dans le chapitre suivant, il a mis l'accent sur la puissance de l'esprit saint. Even though 20 years have passed since Esau sold his right as firstborn to his brother, Jacob fears that his brother may still harbor a murderous grudge against him. In the next chapter, Jesus focused on the power of God's holy spirit. [ Illustration, page 21] What would be the course of integrity? [ Picture on page 21] " Au cours des trois années qui ont suivi, il a fait déménager ses parents dans un logement plus pratique, qu'il a adapté aux besoins particuliers de son père avec l'aide d'autres chrétiens. Wherever the survivors were deported, whether to "the region of light [Babylon in the East] " or to" the islands of the [Mediterranean] sea, " they would glorify Jehovah. During the three years that followed, he invited his parents to move to a more practical home, providing special need for his father's help with the help of fellow Christians. Autrefois, de grands scientifiques étaient persuadés que non. As the Bible foretold, Jehovah is gathering "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " In ancient times, scientists were convinced that they were not. a) Qu'est - ce qui rend notre unité possible? And we make Jehovah's heart rejoice. (a) What makes our unity possible? Comment aider quelqu'un à appliquer un conseil? What sacrifices did the apostle Paul make for the good news? How can we help others to apply counsel? Son plaisir est dans la loi de Jéhovah Among Jehovah's Witnesses are many young people who practice what they have learned through personal study of the Bible and Christian publications as well as by regular presence at congregation meetings. His delight Is in Jehovah's Law Ce monde méchant est condamné depuis longtemps et son exécution est toute proche. The passing of 430 years did not diminish Jehovah's determination to do so. - Gen. 12: 1, 2, 7; Ex. That wicked world has long been condemned and its execution is all near. Comment vous préparer pour ce jour? What can we learn from Joshua and Caleb? How can you prepare for that day? Pourquoi pouvons - nous être sûrs que la résurrection terrestre se fera de manière ordonnée? 17 - 26. Why can we be sure that the earthly resurrection will be orderly? Tout individu qui répandait des enseignements mensongers et encourageait le culte de faux dieux devait être " mis à mort, car il avait parlé de révolte contre Jéhovah '. Sarcasm is often meant to be humorous, but it can quickly deteriorate into disrespectful, insulting speech. Everyone who spread false teachings and encouraged the false worship of false gods was to be " put to death, for he spoke of revolt against Jehovah. ' Le culte que nous rendons à Jéhovah n'est acceptable que si nous traitons notre prochain comme il convient. She says, "Once I gave up trying to change the past, I felt much better. " Our worship to Jehovah is acceptable only if we treat others in a proper way. Ce qu'ils ont fait face à la persécution How faith - strengthening this must have been for Nehemiah! What they Have Doed in the face of persecution On comprend pourquoi tant de gens sont malheureux à notre époque! - Proverbes 18: 11; 23: 4, 5. Looking back, he says: "Sure, I was scared to approach them. No wonder many people today are unhappy! - Proverbs 18: 11; 23: 4, 5. Mais comment rester modestes sous la pression? They did not believe that Jehovah was aware of what they were doing. But how can we remain modest under pressure? Nous aimions assister à toutes les réunions de la congrégation, qui nous désaltéraient sur le plan spirituel, comme une oasis pour qui est assoiffé. " Provide Fine Things " We love to attend all the meetings of the congregation, which would remove us spiritually, like an oy - one that is hungry. Cette loi leur offrait l'occasion de manifester leur reconnaissance au Garant de la moisson, car " celui qui témoigne de la faveur au pauvre glorifie son Auteur '. We must be truthful. This law gave them an opportunity to show their appreciation for the harvest, for "the one showing favor to the poor glorifies his Maker. " Il avait donc appris à dominer son tempérament coléreux, mais il a parfois dû lutter pour maîtriser ses émotions et ses paroles. Because of our dedication to Jehovah, we also enjoy "peace with God, " a good relationship with him. - Rom. Hence, he had learned to dominate his quick temper, but at times he had to struggle to control his emotions and words. Par ces moyens, Jéhovah rend même ses jeunes serviteurs plus sages que tous ceux qui font peu de cas de ses recommandations, voire plus sages que ceux qui passent pour "des sages et des intellectuels " dans ce monde. - Luc 10: 21; lire Psaume 119: 98 - 100. We should remember that we represent Jehovah, who is always kind. - Exodus 34: 6. By means of these ways, Jehovah even makes his young servants more wise than any who make themselves available to "wise and intellectual ones " in this world. - Luke 10: 21; read Psalm 119: 98 - 100. Dans notre ministère, pouvons - nous attirer l'attention sur la Cause de cet ordre impressionnant?. When at Christian meetings, do we find ourselves concentrating on what is being explained, or are we distracted? Can we direct attention to this awe - inspiring command in our ministry? c) Que fait Éliya? Did Noah keep quiet or tell them to mind their own business? (c) What does Elijah do? Jéhovah a dit à Noé que les humains ne devaient pas consommer de sang. What do the Scriptures teach about rest and relaxation? Jehovah told Noah that humans should not consume blood. 4, 5. " Bless Jehovah, O my soul, " he sang, "and do not forget all his doings. " 4, 5. Parce que, vous semble - t - il, on a délibérément tenté de vous nuire? I also made friends in a nearby Vietnamese - language congregation. What if you seemed to be tempted to harm you? Était - ce une surprise? Why might we be surprised that Moses lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land? Was that an surprise? 118: 6, 7, Parole de Vie. So it was solidly based on "the sayings of God. " 118: 6, 7, New International Version. • En quel sens sommes - nous "sous la main puissante de Dieu "? Why should you cause desolation to yourself? " • How are we "under the mighty hand of God "? C'est à cette époque que Jéhovah avait changé son nom en Abraham, qui signifie " père d'une foule ." Let us see how we can intensify such feelings and act on them. It was at that time that Jehovah had changed his name in Abraham's day, which means "a father of a crowd. " Quel ordre Dieu a - t - il donné aux Israélites à propos du mariage? Jehovah is also slow to anger, for he grants his servants opportunity to overcome weaknesses that could bar them from his new world of righteousness. - 2 Peter 3: 9, 13, 14. What command did God give the Israelites regarding marriage? Or qui Paul a - t - il remercié de ce soutien? In what ways was David a good shepherd? Who, though, thanked Paul for such support? 17, 18. a) Pourquoi est - ce important d'endurer jusqu'à la fin? Donne un exemple. b) Alors que nous nous approchons de la fin, de quoi pouvons - nous être sûrs? [ Picture on page 20] 17, 18. (a) Why is it important to endure to the end? (b) Why can we draw close to the end? Des groupes de frères du Guatemala, des États - Unis et du Canada sont venus nous prêter main - forte. [...] 45: 14b, 15 - Whom do "the virgins " represent? Some groups of brothers in the U.S.A., and Canada came to give us a strong hand.... Aux assemblées de district 2002 a paru le tract Jeunes gens - Qu'allez - vous faire de votre vie? qui met en valeur la supériorité de ce mode de vie. Justice. At district conventions, see the tract Young People - What Will You Do With Your Life? b) Quels sentiments certaines de nos sœurs combattent - elles? In Bible times, Christians suffered from similar problems. (b) How are some of our sisters fighting? L'apôtre Paul a écrit aux chrétiens d'Éphèse qu'ils devaient croître spirituellement. Yes, the Lord Jesus provided the power Paul needed. The apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Ephesus that they needed to grow spiritually. Pourriez - vous prêcher dans une langue étrangère? Such teaching ability involves much more than helping someone to memorize facts. Could you preach in a foreign language? Avec patience et bonté, Jéhovah lui a chaque fois promis que, dans ce cas, il ne détruirait pas la ville. True, an unintentional manslayer was shown mercy. Jehovah patiently and kindly assured him that every time he would not destroy the city. Ainsi, l'esclave volontaire désirait continuer à servir son maître avec obéissance. Do I encourage others by giving comments during the meetings? ' Thus, the willing slave was willing to continue serving his master obediently. Heureusement, l'avertissement de Paul a eu l'effet d'un coup de klaxon sur les chrétiens de Jérusalem endormis spirituellement. the need for hospitality within the congregation? Happily, Paul's warning had a sudden effect on Christians in Jerusalem spiritually. La peine est d'autant plus grande quand cela vient d'un compagnon chrétien! Spending time together discussing spiritual matters every week has a marked effect on how family members feel toward one another. How much more so when this comes from a fellow believer! L'authenticité de notre foi se révèle par nos actes. For example, picture him coming home after a long day in the ministry. The fear of our faith is demonstrated by our actions. Des études gratuites ne sont pas forcément des études sans condition. For instance, his undeserved kindness comes to our rescue. Personal education is not necessarily a matter of higher education. Ce voyage est certainement le plus difficile de toute sa vie. Neither a branch office nor the local congregation elders are authorized to make health - care decisions for a Witness, even if he asks what to do. That journey certainly is the most difficult way of life. N'oubliez pas que Satan cherche par tous les moyens à vous plonger dans un sommeil spirituel, où la foi s'affaiblit, le culte devient routinier et l'intégrité est mise à mal. What type of situation can help one come to know God, and why is it good to recall such experiences? Remember that Satan is seeking all the means to get you into a spiritual sleep, where faith grows, and integrity is wrong. 18, 19. The words of our yeartext for 2003 give this heartwarming answer: "He will draw close to you. " 18, 19. " Pourquoi Jéhovah veut - il que nous prenions nos propres décisions? We recognize our responsibility to declare the good news, since it is God's will that "all sorts of men should be saved. " Why does Jehovah want us to make our own decisions? Quelle satisfaction retirent - ils de leur ministère?. The cruel dictatorships that persecuted Jehovah's people are the ones that have been stamped out of existence! What satisfaction do they enjoy from their ministry? - 1 Cor. De nombreuses personnes sincères sont toujours captives de la fausse religion. For example, if a person has had a drinking problem in the past, he may decide not to have alcoholic beverages on hand in his home. Many sincere people are still destroyed by false religion. Non. What protective efforts have Jehovah's Witnesses enjoyed in the past, and will this always be so? No. b) Indiquez par un exemple comment l'épée de l'esprit peut nous aider à résister à la tentation. How will you use them? (b) Illustrate how the sword of the spirit can help us resist temptation. Si nous sommes conscients que nous pouvons aider nos contemporains à profiter des actes sauveurs du Christ, alors nous nous sentirons poussés à prendre part à l'œuvre de prédication et d'enseignement. Providing materially and spiritually can be an expression of parental love, especially when parents do so in a way that conveys that love is the primary motivation. If we realize that we can help people to benefit from the saving acts of Christ, then we will be moved to share in the preaching and teaching work. La vie moderne est bien différente! Then he mentioned the wonderful hope that Jehovah holds out to the unlimited number of other sheep: "The eager expectation of the [human] creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God [the anointed]. In modern times, life is very different! 26 MARS 2012 - 1AVRIL 2012 NO MORE SICKNESS MARCH 26, 2012 - APRIL 1, 2012 Comment? • How do elders show appreciation for older members of the flock? How? Il fleurira comme le lis, il enfoncera ses racines comme le Liban. How did faithful anointed Christians " enter into the joy of their master '? He will blossom forth like the reading of the Bible, destroying his roots like Lebanon. Il ne pouvait pas savoir quand son fils serait ressuscité. But even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately. He could not know when his son would be resurrected. D'autres aident les nécessiteux, invitent à leur table des ministres à plein temps de la congrégation, donnent de leur temps et de leurs ressources pour soutenir l'œuvre du Royaume. * Just as a person who throws away garbage, or trash, does not later bemoan his loss, Paul did not regret any of the secular opportunities that he had left behind. Others help the needy, invite their table to the full - time ministers of the congregation, give of their time and resources to support the Kingdom work. On lit dans Pour la science: "Chaque goutte d'eau des 100 premiers mètres de l'océan contient des milliers de représentants d'une flore microscopique qui flotte au gré des courants, le phytoplancton. [ Picture on page 25] Using science, science says: "Every drops of water of the first 100 feet are thousands of representatives of a mass that are willing to flood with common people. b) Pourquoi est - ce normal de nous sentir parfois découragés? However, during times of discouragement, she persevered in prayer, turning to Jehovah for his help. (b) Why is it reasonable to feel discouraged at times? Lire Romains 8: 6. " If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself. " - MATT. Read Romans 8: 6. Quelles réactions permettraient à ces chrétiens de rester intègres? The shepherd finds his way into the camp, and beautiful expressions of endearment are exchanged. - Song of Sol. 1: 15 - 17. How did true Christians benefit from keeping their integrity? Où que soient déportés les survivants, dans "la région de la lumière [Babylone, à l'est] " ou dans les" îles de la mer [Méditerranée] ," ils glorifieraient Jéhovah. As we await the day of Jehovah, we prepare for survival by learning to speak the "pure language " and by " calling upon God's name ' by making a personal dedication to him. No matter where survivors are, in "the region of the light [Babylon], " or" the twelvest of the sea, " they would glorify Jehovah. Comme la Bible l'a prédit, Jéhovah est en train de rassembler " une grande foule [...] de toutes nations et tribus et peuples et langues ." Gossip is idle talk about people and their affairs. As foretold in the Bible, Jehovah is being gathered "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Enfin, nous réjouissons le cœur de Jéhovah. The reality that languages change over time also applies to the languages into which the Bible has been translated. A Bible translation that was easily understood when first produced may later become less effective. And we make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Quels sacrifices l'apôtre Paul a - t - il faits pour la bonne nouvelle? She searched for answers to her spiritual questions in Catholicism, the religion in which she was raised, and in Asian philosophy. What sacrifices did the apostle Paul make for the good news? Les Témoins de Jéhovah comptent parmi eux de nombreux jeunes qui pratiquent ce qu'ils ont appris en étudiant individuellement la Bible et les publications chrétiennes ainsi qu'en étant régulièrement présents aux réunions de leur congrégation. " Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. " - 1 PET. Jehovah's Witnesses are among many young ones who practice what they have learned through personal Bible study and Christian publications as well as by regular attendance at congregation meetings. Les 430 années qui se sont écoulées entre - temps n'ont pas affaibli sa détermination à réaliser son dessein. How generous God's repayment is! The 430 years that have passed since the time has not weakened his determination to fulfill his purpose. Que nous enseigne l'exemple de Josué et Caleb? However, we reject apostates because we know that our lives are saved, not by breaking God's laws, but by keeping them! What can we learn from the example of Joshua and Caleb? 17 - 26. He will not fail to recognize your whole - souled efforts to serve him and reward you accordingly. - Mark 14: 3 - 9; read Luke 21: 1 - 4. 17 - 26. Celui qui recourt aux sarcasmes a souvent pour but de faire rire, mais il peut vite en arriver à manquer de respect à quelqu'un ou à l'humilier. Indeed, the Bible recommends just such constant and loving communication. A person who uses comments often intended to laugh, but he may quickly have deep respect for someone or humble him. Chapman, L'amour dans l'impasse, trad. A. Because of human imperfection, some of God's sheep may be slow to understand what Jehovah expects of them. It can be said that love will be taken away from time to time. Comme la foi de Nehémia a dû en sortir fortifiée! Another brother might have feelings of inadequacy about fulfilling an assignment. How the faith of Nehemiah must have strengthened! Avec le recul, il dit: " C'est sûr, j'avais peur de parler aux anciens. " Relax, " Joe replied. Looking back, he says: "I sure I was afraid to speak to the elders. Ils s'imaginaient que Jéhovah n'était pas au courant de leurs agissements. Those dwellings were built so close together that the psalmist described Jerusalem as "a city that is joined together as one. " That enabled the inhabitants to help and protect one another. They thought that Jehovah was not aware of their actions. " Proposez - vous ce qui est beau " Jesus did not come to the earth to be waited on but to serve others, curing "various sicknesses " and freeing people from demon control. " Offer What Is Fine " Nous devons dire la vérité. Being made in God's image means that Jehovah created us with the ability to display love, to exercise free will, and even to establish a personal relationship with our Creator. We must speak the truth. Étant voués à Jéhovah, nous bénéficions aussi de la " paix avec Dieu ," c'est - à - dire d'une bonne relation avec lui. Second, Jehovah knows that other people need to hear us praising him. As dedicated servants of Jehovah, we too enjoy "peace with God, " that is, a good relationship with him. Souvenons - nous que nous représentons Jéhovah, qui se montre toujours plein de bonté. - Exode 34: 6. The apostle Paul wrote: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous: " Honor your father and your mother '; which is the first command with a promise: " That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth. ' Remember, we represent Jehovah, who always shows kindness. - Exodus 34: 6. Aux réunions chrétiennes, sommes - nous concentrés sur ce qui est exposé, ou sommes - nous distraits? The term "men " should be understood to mean" people, " since both men and women display such qualities. At Christian meetings, are we focused on what is being taught, or are we distracted? Noé a - t - il gardé le silence, ou leur a - t - il dit de s'occuper de leurs affaires? Why were the Laodiceans reproved? Did Noah keep silent, or did he tell them to care for their business? Qu'enseignent les Écritures sur le repos et la détente? (b) How might the obedience of Zelophehad's daughters affect a single Christian's view of marriage? What do the Scriptures teach about rest and recreation? " Bénis Jéhovah, ô mon âme, a - t - il chanté, et n'oublie pas tous ses actes. Hence, some Christians reject such products, just as they reject transfusions of whole blood or of its four primary components. " Jehovah, O my soul, " sang David, "and do not forget all his actions. " Je me suis aussi fait des amis dans la congrégation de langue vietnamienne. (a) What shows that the reference to a heavenly hope was difficult for the apostles to understand? I also made friends in the local - language congregation. Pourquoi peut - il paraître surprenant que Moïse ait perdu le privilège d'entrer en Terre promise? " Among the Romans, " says one reference work, "an owner could free a slave outright, or the slave could purchase his freedom by paying his owner. Why might it be surprising that Moses lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land? Il était donc solidement fondé sur "les paroles de Dieu ." He did not change his spiritual routine - his habit of praying to God "three times in a day,... as he had been regularly doing " - even for one month, although that meant being thrown into the lions ' pit. Hence, he was solidly founded on "the sayings of God. " Pourquoi amènerais - tu sur toi la désolation? (b) How did Jesus use the training he received? Why do you fear desolation? Comment l'intensifier afin qu'elle vous éloigne de "tout sentier mensonger "? 5, 6. (a) How has Jehovah become your Friend? How can you make sure that it will separate you from "every false path "? Il est également lent à la colère: il laisse à ses serviteurs la possibilité de surmonter les faiblesses qui pourraient leur fermer la porte de son monde nouveau de justice. - 2 Pierre 3: 9, 13, 14. No matter what I do, whether it's working, attending a Christian meeting, or enjoying some form of recreation, I am much happier. He is also slow to anger. He allows his servants to overcome the weaknesses that could break the door of his new world of righteousness. - 2 Peter 3: 9, 13, 14. Qu'est - ce qui permet de dire que David était un bon berger? • How does Jehovah use his angels to help us? Why can it be said that David was a good shepherd? [ Illustration, page 20] What a wonderful example for us to imitate! [ Picture on page 20] 45: 14b, 15 - Qui les "vierges " représentent - elles? Consider the example of a Christian named Orchid. 45: 14b, 15 - Whom do "the ones " represent? La justice. Additionally, we might think about people we know who are in particular need of Jehovah's help. Righteousness. Au Isiècle, les chrétiens étaient confrontés aux mêmes défis. Marriage partners need to have realistic expectations. In the first century, Christians faced similar challenges. " Oui, par l'intermédiaire du Seigneur Jésus, Jéhovah lui a donné la puissance dont il avait besoin. Instead of naming themselves after a prominent apostle, "the disciples were by divine providence called Christians. " Yes, through the Lord Jesus, Jehovah gave him the power he needed. L'exercice de cet art ne se limite pas à aider quelqu'un à mémoriser des informations. Wickedness and injustice will be replaced by righteousness and justice, for then the prayer will be answered in the fullest sense: "Let your kingdom come. The exercise of this art is not limited to helping someone to learn information. Mais il devait d'abord expliquer sa situation aux anciens. Now with the prospect of everlasting life brighter than ever before, what an opportune time for God's servants to demonstrate their devotion to Jehovah and to renew their determination to serve him as their everlasting King! - 1 Chronicles 29: 11 - 13. First, though, he had to explain his situation to the elders. Et lors de celles - ci, est - ce que j'encourage les autres en donnant des commentaires? 1, 2. (a) What has Jehovah revealed to us? And do I encourage others by giving comments? ' pourquoi est - ce important de manifester l'hospitalité dans la congrégation? [ Picture on page 23] Why is it important to show hospitality in the congregation? Une famille qui se réunit chaque semaine pour discuter de sujets spirituels sent ses liens se renforcer. Later, Paul and Silas were jailed at Philippi, but as the result of an earthquake, it was possible for them to give a witness and see the jailer and his household become believers. A family that meets each week to discuss spiritual matters is a bond of bond. Imagine un pionnier rentrant chez lui après une longue journée de prédication. Similarly, the Mosaic Law was designed to lead God - fearing Jews to Christ. Imagine a pioneer returning home after a long day in the preaching work. Par exemple, sa faveur imméritée vient à notre secours. Make Time for Others For example, his undeserved kindness comes to our aid. Ni un bureau de filiale ni les anciens d'une congrégation ne sont habilités à dicter à un Témoin quelle décision prendre en matière de soins médicaux, même si ce dernier demande ce qu'il doit faire. The natural way to express that love is by praising him. Neither a branch office nor elders in a congregation are authorized to make a decision regarding medical care, even if the brother asks what he should do. Quelles situations peuvent aider quelqu'un à connaître Dieu, et pourquoi est - il bon de se souvenir de telles expériences? 2: 3, 4. What will we consider in this article? What situations can help a person to come to know God, and why is it good to remember such experiences? Le texte pour l'année 2003 donne cette réponse réconfortante: "Il s'approchera de vous. But, no. The yeartext for 2003 gives this heartwarming answer: "He will draw close to you. " Nous sommes conscients d'y être tenus parce que Dieu veut que "toutes sortes d'hommes soient sauvés ." Satan himself has no good news to contemplate, no bright hope on the horizon. We recognize that God's will is that "all sorts of men should be saved. " Par contre, les dictatures cruelles qui ont persécuté le peuple de Jéhovah ont, elles, disparu du paysage! " WHEN I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " On the other hand, the vicious acts that persecuted Jehovah's people have gone out! ." Par exemple, un chrétien qui a eu des problèmes avec l'alcool décidera peut - être de ne plus avoir de boissons alcoolisées chez lui. Why are Christians interested in the significance of the bread and the wine? For example, a Christian who has had problems with alcohol might refrain from being alcoholic beverages. De quelle protection les Témoins de Jéhovah ont - ils bénéficié dans le passé, mais en sera - t - il toujours ainsi? 9, 10. (a) We can copy Abraham's example in what ways? What protection have Jehovah's Witnesses experienced in the past, but how will that be? Car c'est ce qu'elles sont: un don de Dieu. 3: 17. For this is what they are - a gift from God. " Ils le manifestent en pourvoyant aux besoins matériels et spirituels de leurs enfants, surtout s'ils s'y prennent d'une manière qui atteste que l'amour est leur motivation principale. Michelle: That is so sad. They show it by providing material and spiritual needs, especially if they have in a way that shows that love is their primary motivation. Puis il a mentionné la magnifique espérance que Jéhovah offre à un nombre illimité d'autres brebis: "L'attente impatiente de la création [l'humanité] attend la révélation des fils de Dieu [les oints]. 5, 6. (a) After Pentecost 33 C.E., what important questions regarding the new covenant needed to be answered? Then he mentioned the wonderful hope that Jehovah offers to many other sheep: "The eager expectation of creation [ Mankind] is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God [the anointed]. " PLUS DE MALADIE 17, 18. (a) What Scriptural precedents exist for the maintenance of places of pure worship? NO MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE • Comment les anciens montrent - ils qu'ils apprécient les membres âgés du troupeau? Eventually, he succumbed to his desire and did what he knew was wrong. • How do elders show that they appreciate the elderly in the flock? En quel sens les fidèles chrétiens oints " entrent - ils dans la joie de leur maître '? Archaeologists have found exquisitely carved ivories in Samaria, the capital city of the kingdom of Israel. Very likely, many of these had been attached to furniture and inlaid in wall paneling. How do faithful anointed Christians "with the joy of their master "? Mais même ceux qui ont les aspirations les plus nobles ne connaissent pas intimement ceux qu'ils dirigent. When Adam and Eve ate of that fruit, they put themselves in a position where they could no longer be accepted as members of God's universal family. Even those who have the highest desires do not know those whom they are taking the lead. ." De même qu'une personne qui se débarrasse de détritus ne va pas déplorer leur perte, de même Paul ne regrettait aucune des perspectives de carrière profane qu'il avait repoussées. Please open your Bible and read these verses. Just as a person who loses his loss, so Paul did not regret any secular career that he had rejected. [ Illustration, page 25] Guarding Against Covetousness [ Picture on page 25] Mais quand elle était découragée, elle priait avec persévérance Jéhovah de l'aider. • How did the Bible Students come to understand the need to bear witness to all the nations? But when she was discouraged, she prayed with perseverance to Jehovah for help. " Si quelqu'un veut venir à ma suite, qu'il se renie lui - même ." Thus, the rendering "undeserved kindness " in the New World Translation is fitting. " If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself. " - MATT. Le berger parvient à pénétrer dans le camp. Les amoureux échangent alors de belles expressions de tendresse. She was especially moved by this thought: "When Jehovah forgives our sins, we need not feel that we bear the stain of such sins for the rest of our life. " The shepherd becomes able to enter into the camp, and thereby show tender expressions of affection. En attendant le jour de Jéhovah, nous rendons possible notre survie en apprenant à parler la "langue pure " et en " invoquant le nom de Dieu ', c'est - à - dire en nous vouant personnellement à lui. Humans were created with the need to love and be loved. As we await Jehovah's day, we can make our survival available by learning to speak the "pure language " and by" calling on the name of God, " that is, by dedicating ourselves to him. Le bavardage consiste en paroles futiles sur les gens et sur leurs affaires. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that Jehovah's discipline teaches us how to live together forever in peace and harmony as a family under his fatherly care. Sexual gossip is in loose speech about people and their affairs. Les langues dans lesquelles la Bible a été écrite ont évolué, et les langues dans lesquelles elle a été traduite évoluent aussi. Are you using the Bible and tracts effectively in your ministry? The languages in which the Bible was written have been changed, and the languages in which it has also been translated. Elle a cherché des réponses à ses questions dans le catholicisme, la religion dans laquelle elle avait été élevée, puis dans des philosophies asiatiques. Other Israelites behaved treacherously. She sought answers to her questions in the community, religion in which she had been raised, and then in traditional philosophies. " Soyez hospitaliers les uns envers les autres, sans grogner ." May we be determined to benefit ourselves by attending the Memorial on March 31, 2018. " Be hospitable to one another, without grumble. " - COL. Et avec quelle générosité Dieu nous rend! Jesus had selected him as one of the apostles; still, Peter at times said or did things that he later regretted. And with what generous God makes us! Cependant, nous rejetons les apostats, car nous savons que ce n'est pas en désobéissant aux lois divines que nous sauverons notre vie, mais au contraire en les observant. [ Picture on page 11] However, we reject apostates because we know that it is not by disobeying God's laws that we save our lives but by observing them. Il ne manquera pas de voir vos efforts soutenus et il vous récompensera en conséquence. - Marc 14: 3 - 9; lire Luc 21: 1 - 4. What, though, about watchfulness? Did Jesus actually need this quality? He will surely see your earnest efforts and reward you accordingly. - Mark 14: 3 - 9; read Luke 21: 1 - 4. " La Bible recommande d'ailleurs une telle communication, constante et pleine de tendresse. Recall that Peter did not sink because of a gust of wind or a big wave. In fact, the Bible admonishes us to have such knowledge, constant, and tender communication. En raison de l'imperfection humaine, certaines brebis peuvent être lentes à comprendre ce que le Berger suprême attend d'elles. Second, all of us, including appointed men, should honor those who have authority over us. Because of human imperfection, some sheep may be able to understand what the Supreme Shepherd expects of them. Un autre frère ne se sent peut - être pas capable d'assumer une responsabilité dans la congrégation. 37: 29. Why did Jesus use illustrations? Another brother may not feel qualified to shoulder responsibility in the congregation. " Ne t'inquiète pas, lui a - t - il répondu. The effect of the preaching work is often seen years after the initial work has been done. " Do not be anxious, " he replied. Ces habitations étaient construites si près les unes des autres qu'un psalmiste a qualifié Jérusalem de " ville qui a été liée ensemble dans l'unité ." An " Open Door ' of Service Such homes were built so close to one another that the psalmist called Jerusalem "the city that was together in unity. " Jésus n'est pas venu sur la terre pour être servi, mais pour servir les autres. Il a guéri "diverses maladies " et a libéré des gens du pouvoir des démons. The Law covenant was validated by means of animal blood; the new covenant was validated by the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus did not come to earth to serve, but he healed others and delivered people from the authority of demons. " En quel sens avons - nous été créés à l'image de Dieu? En ce sens qu'il nous a dotés de la capacité de manifester de l'amour, d'exercer le libre arbitre et même de nouer avec lui des relations personnelles. And we know that he was resurrected from the dead. In what sense were we created in God's image, in that he gave us the ability to show love, to exercise free will, and even to build a personal relationship with him. Deuxièmement, Jéhovah sait que nos semblables ont besoin de nous entendre le louer. As the world's end draws near, it is urgent that we "hope in Jehovah and follow his way. " - Ps. 37: 34. Second, Jehovah knows that people need to hear praise him. L'apôtre Paul a écrit: "Enfants, obéissez à vos parents en union avec le Seigneur, car cela est juste: " Honore ton père et ta mère '; ce qui est le premier commandement avec une promesse: " Pour que tout aille bien pour toi et que tu demeures longtemps sur la terre. After all, these "gifts in men " are a provision from Jehovah through Christ to protect and care for his sheep. The apostle Paul wrote: "In obedience to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous, for it is righteous: " Honor your father and your mother '; what is the first commandment with a promise: " That you may go well for yourself and that you may remain on the earth. ' Ici, " hommes " désigne les gens en général, car tant des hommes que des femmes manifestent ces défauts. " The Spirit Searches Into... the Deep Things of God " Here, "men " refers to people in general, for both men and women display these qualities. Pourquoi les Laodicéens ont - ils été repris? How is the word "congregation " most often used in the Hebrew Scriptures? Why were the Laodiceans reproved? b) À quoi l'obéissance des filles de Tselophehad devrait - elle pousser un chrétien qui envisage le mariage? Jehovah thereby gives us an opportunity to show that we trust him. (b) How should the obedience of the daughters of Zelophehad move a Christian who is considering marriage? Certains chrétiens refusent par conséquent tous ces médicaments, comme ils refusent les transfusions de sang total et des quatre composants majeurs du sang. Today, Jehovah's house is no stone edifice in Jerusalem or anywhere else. Hence, some Christians refuse all such treatments, as they refuse transfusions of whole blood and four primary components of blood. a) Qu'est - ce qui prouve qu'au départ les disciples avaient du mal à comprendre les allusions à l'espérance céleste? Our Meetings Are Sacred Gatherings (a) What proves that the disciples at first had difficulty grasping those words to the heavenly hope? " Chez les Romains, explique un ouvrage de référence, l'esclave pouvait être affranchi purement et simplement par son propriétaire, ou bien il pouvait lui acheter sa liberté. Some days of the week can be set aside to read and meditate on the weekly Bible reading for the Theocratic Ministry School. " With the Romans, " says one reference work, "the slave could be clean and simply free by his owner, or he could buy his freedom. " Il n'a pas changé ses habitudes spirituelles, notamment celle de prier Dieu "trois fois par jour, [...] comme il l'avait fait auparavant, régulièrement ," pas même pendant un mois, au risque d'être jeté dans la fosse aux lions. If they joined in the revolt, they would be violating Jehovah's counsel found at Romans 13: 1. He did not change his spiritual routine, including the one praying "in the lions ' day, just as he had done, " not even during a month, to be thrown into the pit. b) Comment Jésus a - t - il mis en pratique ce qu'il avait appris? On Friday morning, October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who took the lead at that time among the Bible Students, strode into the dining room at Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. " Good morning, all, " he said cheerily. (b) How did Jesus apply what he had learned? 5, 6. a) Comment Jéhovah est - il devenu ton Ami? Jehovah had a legal case against Israel because there was no truth, loving - kindness, or knowledge of God in the land. 5, 6. (a) How did Jehovah become your Friend? Quand j'ai dit à Sussan que je voulais me faire couper les cheveux, cela a suscité sa curiosité: "Je viens avec toi pour voir ce que c'est, cette Salle du Royaume! After I told the sister what had happened and how I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. When I said that I wanted to cut off the hair, this aroused her curiosity: " I am coming with you to see what this Kingdom Hall is! ' • Comment Jéhovah utilise - t - il ses anges pour nous aider? [ Box on page 25] • How does Jehovah use his angels to help us? N'est - ce pas là un magnifique exemple à imiter? Prophesying more than 40 years before the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., he proclaims a message of both doom and hope for Judah. What a fine example for us to imitate! À ce propos, considérons l'exemple de cette chrétienne, que nous appellerons Sophie *. One sister whose home was destroyed had moved into a tiny trailer with a leaky roof and a broken stove. In this regard, consider the example of that Christian woman, whom we will call Sophia. * De plus, nous pouvons penser aux personnes que nous connaissons et qui ont particulièrement besoin du soutien de Jéhovah. To those offering such sacrifices of praise, Jehovah granted his forgiveness, approval, and friendship. Moreover, we can think of those whom we know and who especially need Jehovah's support. Une personne mariée doit avoir des attentes réalistes. What have many world rulers had in common? A married person should have realistic expectations. Plutôt que de prendre pour nom celui d'un apôtre en vue, " les disciples furent par une providence divine appelés chrétiens ," mot qui signifie " disciples de Christ ." Whether rich or poor, all humans are imperfect and have but one eventuality. Rather than taking one of a apostle's name, "the disciples were by divine inspiration called Christians, " meaning" disciples of Christ. " La méchanceté et l'injustice seront remplacées par la droiture et la justice; à ce moment - là, la prière: "Que ton royaume vienne. (Read Isaiah 61: 1, 2.) The prayer: "Let your kingdom come. " Aujourd'hui, la perspective de vivre éternellement est plus évidente que jamais. C'est le moment pour les serviteurs de Dieu de montrer qu'ils lui sont attachés et de renforcer leur détermination à servir leur Roi éternel. - 1 Chroniques 29: 11 - 13. The same is true of Jehovah's organization. Today, the prospect of living forever is more evident than ever; it is the time for God's people to show their devotion and strengthen their determination to serve their everlasting King. - 1 Chronicles 29: 11 - 13. 1, 2. a) Que nous a révélé Jéhovah? Would it not be a fine goal to be like him in this regard? 1, 2. (a) What has Jehovah revealed to us? [ Illustration, page 23] 1: 8. [ Picture on page 23] Plus tard, à Philippes, Paul et Silas ont été jetés en prison. Mais, à la suite d'un tremblement de terre, ils ont pu donner le témoignage au geôlier, ainsi qu'à sa famille, et ils les ont vus devenir croyants. They were blessed for this reason, but Canaan was cursed, and Ham suffered as a result of the shame brought upon his offspring. Later, in Philippi, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, but after a earthquake, they could bear witness to the jailer and his family, and they saw them become believers. Pareillement, la Loi mosaïque était destinée à amener au Christ les Juifs qui craignaient Dieu. It was presented to God in its entirety, even as Jesus Christ willingly and wholly gave his life as a ransom sacrifice. Similarly, the Mosaic Law was designed to lead the God - fearing Jews. Accordez du temps aux autres Zeus was the ruler of the gods in Greek mythology, and his son Hermes was known for his eloquence. Providing Time for Others Tout naturellement, il exprime cet amour par des louanges. 7 "He Gives Power to the Tired One " Yes, he expresses that love with praise. Qu'étudierons - nous dans cet article? For not the way man sees is the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is. " What will we consider in this article? Mais cela ne tient pas. Some questions we do well to ask ourselves are: " What place do material things occupy in my life? But that does not mean that. Il n'a lui - même aucune perspective réjouissante, aucun espoir à l'horizon. Surely, then, we can forgive the occasional offense others commit against us. He has no wonderful prospect, no hope on the horizon. " QUAND je veux faire ce qui est juste, ce qui est mauvais est présent chez moi. [ Picture on page 23] " WHEN I want to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " Pourquoi les chrétiens s'intéressent - ils à la signification du pain et du vin? The basis of distinction evidently pertained to the use of sacrifices in worship and not to what could and could not be eaten. Why are Christians interested in the meaning of bread and wine? 9, 10. a) Comment imiter Abraham? This turned out to be a blessing for our spiritually imperiled brother. 9, 10. (a) How can we imitate Abraham? 3: 17. He welcomed them into the group accompanying him in his ministry, and he treated them with kindness and respect. 3: 17. Michèle: C'est terrible. Like David, Jonathan, Nathan, and Hushai, may we experience the deep satisfaction of proving ourselves loyal to Jehovah. Michelle: That's a hard time. 5, 6. a) Après la Pentecôte 33, quelles questions importantes se sont posées concernant la nouvelle alliance? What if we become victims of persecution? 5, 6. (a) After Pentecost 33 C.E., what important questions arose regarding the new covenant? 17, 18. a) Quels précédents bibliques illustrent la nécessité de garder nos lieux de culte en bon état? No other leader provided such convincing evidence. Jesus was Jehovah's choice. 17, 18. (a) What Scriptural points illustrate the need to keep our places of worship in good condition? Finalement, elle a cédé à son désir et a fait ce qu'elle savait être mal. Some faithful worshippers have made great sacrifices, enduring poverty, oppression, prejudice, even severe persecution. Finally, she gave her desire and did what she knew to be wrong. Des archéologues ont découvert à Samarie, la capitale du royaume d'Israël, des ivoires finement sculptés, dont beaucoup avaient très probablement été appliqués sur des meubles ou incrustés dans des lambris. - 1 Rois 10: 22. The common, or Koine, Greek language helped to promote good communication and unity among the Christian congregations. In Samaria, the capital of the kingdom of Israel was completed, many of which likely had been applied to fine newss or led up to assuress. - 1 Kings 10: 22. En mangeant du fruit interdit, Adam et Ève se sont mis dans une situation où ils ne pouvaient plus être admis comme membres de la famille universelle de Dieu. Illustrate. (b) Why is it good for those who view pornography to seek help promptly? By eating of the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve began in a situation where they could no longer be accepted as members of God's universal family. Veuillez ouvrir votre bible et y lire ces versets. (Leviticus 16: 1 - 27: 34) Please open your Bible and read those verses. Gardons - nous de la convoitise How can we imitate Jesus in his unique role as "the Amen "? Guard Against Covetousness • Comment les Étudiants de la Bible en sont - ils venus à comprendre la nécessité de donner un témoignage à toutes les nations? Do I really need to make an issue of it? ' • How did the Bible Students come to understand the need to bear witness to all the nations? " Ainsi, la Traduction du monde nouveau rend ce mot avec justesse par " faveur imméritée ." [ Picture on page 21] Thus, the New World Translation makes this word correctly rendered " undeserved kindness. ' Elle a été particulièrement touchée par cette pensée: " Quand [Jéhovah] pardonne nos péchés, nous n'avons pas à craindre d'en porter la tache pour le restant de nos jours *. That is vital if we are to say that we have accepted God's undeserved kindness and that " sin is not master over us. ' She was especially moved by this thought: "When [Jehovah] forgives our sins, we must not be afraid to bear the blemish for the rest of our day. " L'être humain a été créé avec le besoin d'aimer et d'être aimé. Why should you constantly put into practice the things you are learning from God's Word? Humans were created with the need to love and be loved. Et ce n'est qu'un avant - goût de la vie que nous aurons dans l'avenir!. Am I inclined to have deep emotions that I could misjudge? ' And only a foretaste of life will we enjoy in the future! - Isa. Te sers - tu efficacement de la Bible et des tracts dans le ministère? Moses experienced such a blessing. Are you using the Bible and tracts in your ministry effectively? D'autres Israélites ont agi avec traîtrise. Jesus conveyed a similar message when he said: "If your eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. " Other Israelites acted with treachery. Soyons déterminés à être présents au Mémorial, le 31 mars 2018. She provided a religious front for their oppressive deeds. Be Determined to Be present at the Memorial, March 31, 2018 Il avait été choisi par Jésus pour être l'un des apôtres; pourtant, il a parfois dit ou fait des choses qu'il a ensuite regrettées. Faith Strengthens the Depressed He had been selected by Jesus to be one of the apostles, yet he sometimes said or did things he later regretted. [ Illustration, page 11] In ancient times, the Promised Land was referred to as God's holy abiding place. [ Picture on page 11] Passons maintenant à la deuxième question: Jésus avait - il vraiment besoin d'être vigilant? What caused Paul to rejoice over the Christians in Corinth? Now consider the second question: Did Jesus really need to be watchful? Souviens - toi que ce n'est pas une bourrasque ou une grosse vague qui a fait couler Pierre. Israel defeats Amorite Kings Sihon and Og and takes possession of their lands. Bear in mind, though, that it is not a cold or a large storm that caused Peter to sink. Deuxièmement, tous, y compris les frères nommés, nous devrions honorer ceux sous l'autorité desquels nous nous trouvons. Nonetheless, the faithful and discreet slave went through the same tests as "that evil slave. " Second, all appointed men, including appointed men, should honor those under the authority of us. Pourquoi Jésus se servait - il d'exemples? Satan's aim is to silence the voice of our faith - to get us to stop preaching the good news. Why did Jesus use illustrations? Souvent, l'effet de la prédication ne se voit qu'au bout de plusieurs années. * Perhaps the best - known statement in that sermon is the one that is often called the Golden Rule. Often, the effect of preaching is seen only after a number of years. Une " porte ouverte ' sur le service We proclaim him as the enthroned heavenly King of the Messianic Kingdom. A " opening door ' on Service L'alliance de la Loi a été validée par du sang animal; la nouvelle alliance, par le sang versé de Jésus. He loved the principles that Jehovah taught by means of that passage. The Law covenant was established by animal blood; the new covenant, through Jesus ' shed blood. Et nous savons qu'il a été ressuscité d'entre les morts. Consider, too, our devoted missionaries " who pour themselves out like a drink offering ' to serve people in foreign lands. And we know that he was resurrected from the dead. " Alors que la fin de ce monde approche, il est urgent d ' " esp [érer] en Jéhovah " et de " gard [er] sa voie ." This gave proof that the new covenant had gone into operation, mediated by Christ and validated by his blood. " As the end of this world nears, it is urgent to "become new in Jehovah " and to" keep his way. " Ces "dons en hommes " ne sont - ils pas des instruments que Jéhovah utilise par l'intermédiaire du Christ pour protéger et prendre soin de ses brebis? The apostle Paul answers: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. Are these "gifts in men " not the instruments that Jehovah uses through Christ to protect and care for his sheep? " L'esprit scrute les choses profondes de Dieu ' 5: 4 - 6. " The Spirit Searchs Into the Deep Things of God " La plupart du temps, à quoi se rapporte le mot "congrégation " dans les Écritures hébraïques? Or a Christian might reflect on what was considered rebellious behavior on the part of young people in the 1950 ' s in contrast with what is taking place today. In most cases, what is the word "congregation " used in the Hebrew Scriptures? Il nous offre ainsi l'occasion de montrer que nous avons confiance en lui. Although there are millions of spirit creatures in heaven, the Bible reveals the names of only Michael and Gabriel. This may serve as a safeguard against our giving angels undue honor. He thus gives us an opportunity to show that we trust in him. Aujourd'hui, la maison de Jéhovah n'est plus un édifice situé à Jérusalem, ou même ailleurs. " FOR everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens. " Today, Jehovah's house is no longer a building in Jerusalem or elsewhere. Nos réunions sont de saints rassemblements These are vital decisions, but you are wise to choose first whether you want to serve Jehovah as fully as possible. Our meetings Are sacred gatherings Certains jours de la semaine peuvent être réservés à la lecture et à la méditation de la portion de la Bible au programme de l'École du ministère théocratique. The sacrifice of his Son was an expression of God's deep love for mankind. Some days of the week can be set aside for Bible reading and meditation on the Theocratic Ministry School. S'ils se joignaient à la révolte, ils violeraient l'exhortation divine consignée en Romains 13: 1. The Drama Unfolds If they joined in revolt, they would violate the inspired counsel recorded at Romans 13: 1. Le matin du vendredi 2 octobre 1914, à Brooklyn, Charles Russell, qui était alors à la tête des Étudiants de la Bible, est entré dans la salle à manger du Béthel en lançant un chaleureux "Bonjour à tous! Did his decision to get baptized at age 12 prove to be well - founded? In the morning of October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who was then to the head of the Bible Students, entered the hall by eating a warm "day! " Jéhovah était en procès avec Israël parce qu'il n'y avait ni vérité, ni bonté de cœur, ni connaissance de Dieu dans le pays. " They continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles, to associating together. " Jehovah was in a legal case with Israel because there was neither truth nor loving - kindness nor knowledge of God in the land. Elle m'a alors fait lire 1 Corinthiens 13: 4 - 7. And read each issue of The Watchtower and Awake! She then read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. [ Encadré, page 25] What, then, would they do? [ Box on page 25] Il prophétise plus de 40 ans avant la destruction de Jérusalem en 607 avant notre ère, et c'est un message à la fois de désolation et d'espoir qu'il annonce pour Juda. And the danger is still with us, perhaps even more so. He prophesy over 40 years before Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E., and he is a message of desolation and hope for Judah. Les frères lui ont fait une maison toute simple, mais bien équipée. These experienced brothers can assist married couples to apply the counsel of God's Word. The brothers gave him a simple house but well - being. Jéhovah leur accordait son pardon, son approbation et son amitié. In what two basic ways did Jesus reveal the Father to his disciples and others? Jehovah provided forgiveness, approval, and friendship. Quel était le point commun de beaucoup de dirigeants du monde? (Read 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19.) What was the common viewpoint of many of the world's rulers? Qu'ils soient riches ou pauvres, tous les humains sont imparfaits et connaissent une même fin. Why does Christendom deserve God's adverse judgment? Whether rich or poor, all humans are imperfect and have an end. (Lire Isaïe 61: 1, 2.) Very likely, such a man will find himself in need. (Read Isaiah 61: 1, 2.) L'organisation de Jéhovah agit de même. " Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them, " said Jesus, "will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock - mass. " Jehovah's organization is doing the same. Ne trouvez - vous pas qu'agir comme lui, à cet égard, est un bon objectif à se fixer? Peter was asked if he loved Jesus more than "these, " that is, the fish that were before them. Do you not agree that doing so in this regard is a good goal to set goals? 1: 8. He carries out this task according to his own ability and opportunities. - Matthew 25: 14, 15. 1: 8. Canaan, lui, a été maudit, et Cham a dû supporter les conséquences de la honte que s'était attirée sa progéniture. But Rudolf's trials had still not ended. Canaan, however, was cursed, and Ananias had to deal with the consequences of the shame that drew her young. Il était présenté à Dieu dans son intégralité, de même que Jésus a volontairement offert sa vie en sacrifice rédempteur. Why should the privilege of prayer convince us of Jehovah's personal love for us? He was presented to God in his own eyes, just as Jesus willingly offered his life as a ransom sacrifice. Dans la mythologie grecque, Zeus était le maître des dieux, et son fils Hermès était connu pour son éloquence. This involves your obeying your parents in all things that are in harmony with God's laws. - Acts 5: 29. In the Greek Greek language, Paul was the master of gods, and his son was known for his State. 7 " Il donne de la force à celui qui est épuisé " That had profound meaning in the first century, and it still does. 7 "He Gives Power to the tired One " Car Dieu voit non pas comme voit l'homme; c'est que l'homme voit ce qui paraît aux yeux, mais Jéhovah, lui, voit ce que vaut le cœur. ." Then personal study is a must. For God sees not as the man sees; it is that man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah himself sees what the heart is. " Voici quelques questions qu'il conviendrait de se poser: " Quelle importance les choses matérielles tiennent - elles dans mon existence? We can also prove our brotherly love by remaining morally chaste. Here are some questions that it would be appropriate to ask ourselves: " How important is material things in my life? Dès lors, comment pourrions - nous ne pas pardonner aux autres les offenses qu'ils commettent occasionnellement à notre égard? Just as prospective citizens of a country abide by the laws of their new land, Christ's subjects submit themselves to "the law of the Christ " by harmonizing their lives with all that Jesus taught and commanded. How, then, could we not forgive others whose sins they do not have to do for us? [ Illustration, page 23] Recall Paul's "thorn in the flesh. " [ Picture on page 23] La distinction se faisait apparemment sur des critères sacrificiels, et non alimentaires. 16, 17. The distinction was apparently on certain standards, not food shortages. Cela s'est révélé un bienfait pour ce chrétien, qui était en danger spirituel. Additionally, they often care for regular cleaning and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall, and they welcome visitors who attend our meetings. This proved to be a blessing to a Christian, who was in spiritual danger. Il en a accueilli dans le groupe qui l'a accompagné dans le ministère, et il faisait preuve de douceur et de respect envers elles. Some members of the congregation there may have had a form of Roman citizenship, which would have afforded them certain privileges above those of their brothers. He welcomed him into the field ministry and showed mildness and respect for them. Comme David, Yonathân, Nathân et Houshaï, restons fidèles à Jéhovah. Nous en éprouverons une profonde satisfaction. Today as well, "what is expected of stewards is that they be found faithful. " Like David, Jonathan, Nathan, and Hushai, let us remain loyal to Jehovah, and we will have deep satisfaction. Qu'en est - il maintenant si nous sommes victimes de persécutions? How blessed we are that Jehovah desires to have such a personal relationship with imperfect humans! What about us now if we have been victims of persecution? Aucun autre conducteur n'a donné de preuves aussi convaincantes: c'est Jéhovah qui l'avait choisi. This "everlasting covenant " provides for all spiritual Israelites to be resurrected to immortal life in heaven. - Hebrews 13: 20. No other driver has given such convincing evidence of Jehovah's choice. Parce qu'ils avaient la foi, certains chrétiens ont consenti des sacrifices considérables, ont supporté la pauvreté, les préjugés, l'oppression, voire la persécution. How were both Daniel and King Josiah helped by the portions of the Scriptures that were available to them? Because of having faith, some Christians have made great sacrifices, put up poverty, prejudice, oppression, or persecution. La koinè, ou grec commun, a contribué à une bonne communication et à l'unité au sein des congrégations chrétiennes. 14: 8. The Greek, or Greek, has contributed to good communication and unity among Christian congregations. Cite un fait. b) Pourquoi est - il important que ceux qui regardent de la pornographie cherchent de l'aide sans tarder? How did Jesus reveal his Father through his own conduct? Illustrate. (b) Why is it important for those who watch pornography to seek help quickly? (Lévitique 16: 1 - 27: 34) That might be said about keeping our integrity when under pressure at school or on our job, upholding God's standard on blood, maintaining Christian neutrality, and applying Bible principles regarding dress and grooming. ( 16: 1 - 27: 34.) Comment pouvons - nous imiter Jésus dans son rôle unique d ' "Amen "? The ones that are whole, intact. How can we imitate Jesus in his unique role as "the Amen "? Faut - il vraiment que j'en fasse toute une affaire? Yes, they help cultivate spiritual fruitage to God's glory, nurturing and harvesting people. Does this really mean that I have to do all things? ' [ Illustration, page 21] Who is Christ using today to direct his congregation, and how should we view this group of anointed Christians? [ Picture on page 21] C'est indispensable pour pouvoir affirmer que nous avons accepté la faveur imméritée de Dieu et que le péché ne domine pas sur nous. The happiness, the satisfaction, comes from knowing that we are suffering because we are doing Jehovah's will and following the pattern of Jesus. It is vital to conclude that we have accepted God's undeserved kindness and that sin does not control us. Pourquoi devriez - vous mettre constamment en pratique ce que vous apprenez dans la Parole de Dieu? Why should Christians not court someone who does not serve Jehovah? Why should you constantly apply what you learn from God's Word? Est - ce que je ressens facilement des émotions intenses qui risquent de me tromper? ' 7, 8. (a) When Jehovah saves his people from their trials, what does he take into consideration? How easily do I feel about intense emotions that could deceive me? ' Moïse était un ami de Jéhovah. Not to be overlooked in strengthening the marriage bond is the value of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. Moses was a friend of Jehovah. Jésus a exprimé une idée semblable: " Si ton œil te fait trébucher, arrache - le et jette - le loin de toi ." Examining portions of Paul's letter to the Ephesians will help us to understand the purpose of this administration and to work in harmony with it. Jesus made a similar point: "If your eye is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. " Elle servait de paravent religieux pour légitimer leurs actes d'oppression. Just imagine their excitement when Brother Rutherford delivered the talk entitled "The Kingdom " and declared:" Behold, the King reigns! It used religious agents to right their actions of oppression. La foi fortifie les déprimés IS THERE something that you value so highly that you would give everything you own or sacrifice all that you have in order to gain possession of it? Faith Strengthens the Test Dans les temps anciens, on parlait de la Terre promise comme de la sainte demeure de Dieu. * They will thus avoid the outrageous displays that mark many worldly weddings. - 1 John 2: 15, 16. In ancient times, the Promised Land was spoken of as God's holy dwelling. Pourquoi Paul s'est - il réjoui à propos des chrétiens de Corinthe? Think, too, about the days of Lot. Why did Paul rejoice over the Christians in Corinth? Israël l'emporte sur Sihôn et Og, les rois des Amorites, et prend possession de leur pays. How might Jehovah deliver us from persecution today? Israel was superior to Kings and Spanish, the kings of Israel, and take possession of their land. Il n'empêche que l'esclave fidèle et avisé est passé par les mêmes épreuves que "ce mauvais esclave ." Jesus taught that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Yet, the faithful and discreet slave has passed through the same trials that "that evil slave. " Satan cherche à réduire au silence notre foi, à nous faire cesser de prêcher la bonne nouvelle. With her husband's permission, she traveled about 19 miles (30 km) to Elisha at Mount Carmel. Satan tries to silence our faith, prevent us from preaching the good news. L'extrait le plus connu de ce sermon est sans doute ce qu'on appelle communément la Règle d'or. Reflect on one of the closest relationships humans can have - that of identical twins. The most known part of that sermon is likely what is described in the Golden Rule. Nous proclamons qu'il a été intronisé Roi céleste du Royaume messianique. In modern times, Jehovah has lovingly provided mankind with a group of anointed Christians who act as figurative watchmen to warn about his judgment of this world. We proclaim that he was enthroned as King of the Messianic Kingdom. Il aimait les principes que Jéhovah y inculquait. If so, our words and deeds will show that we are walking and living by spirit. - Read Galatians 5: 16, 25. He loved the principles that Jehovah had learned. Ou encore à nos missionnaires dévoués qui se " répand [ent] comme une libation " pour servir leur prochain à l'étranger. The role that Jesus plays in Jehovah's purpose is also compared to a foundation. At the same time, our hardworking missionaries who " pour themselves out like a drink ' to serve others in foreign lands. Les disciples en question sont ainsi devenus membres de la nouvelle nation de Jéhovah, son nouveau peuple. In one country in the Far East, most people are concerned with health, child training, and education. The disciples thus became part of Jehovah's new nation, his new people. L'apôtre Paul répond: "Que votre manière de vivre soit exempte d'amour de l'argent, tandis que vous vous contentez des choses présentes. To visualize what that will mean, consider what happened when Jesus went to the home of a certain man named Jairus, whose 12 - year - old daughter had died. The apostle Paul answers: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. 5: 4 - 6. We find the greatest happiness when we give without expecting anything in return. 5: 4 - 6. Compare à présent ce qu'on considérait comme de la rébellion de la part d'un jeune dans les années 1950 et ce que l'on constate aujourd'hui. Yes, the "other sheep " heard the members of the anointed bride class say" Come! " Compare what was considered like the rebellion of a young person in the 1950 ' s and what we see today. Tandis qu'ils se comptent par millions, la Bible ne cite que le nom de Mikaël et de Gabriel, sans doute pour éviter que nous rendions aux créatures célestes un honneur excessif. While drinking "a little wine " may be agreeable, the abuse of alcohol is a serious problem. As millions of people come into account, the Bible only mention Michael and Gabriel's name to prevent us from succumbing to the heavenly creatures. " POUR tout il y a un temps fixé, oui un temps pour toute affaire sous les cieux. ." What is the "treasure store " that Jesus referred to at Matthew 13: 52, and how do we fill it? " FOR all there is an appointed time, even a time for everyone under the heavens. " Ce sont des décisions essentielles, mais celle de servir Jéhovah le plus pleinement possible devrait être prise avant toutes les autres. Though the Bible is not a medical textbook, its Author, Jehovah God, is our Creator. These are vital decisions, but serving Jehovah as fully as possible should be taken before all others. Le sacrifice de son Fils était une expression du profond amour que Dieu porte aux humains. For a different, analytical approach, you can refer to Insight, Volume 2, under the heading "Jesus Christ. " The sacrifice of his Son was an expression of God's deep love for mankind. L'intrigue se déroule A husband named Miguel puts it this way: "If you are a husband, be willing to listen. The Dangers of Its Sa décision de se faire baptiser alors qu'il avait 12 ans s'est - elle avérée judicieuse? Like Daniel, we should give full credit to Jehovah for whatever knowledge, qualities, and abilities we may have acquired as a result of taking advantage of his spiritual provisions. Was his decision to get baptized when he was 12 years old? " Ils étaient assidus à l'enseignement des apôtres, et à avoir part les uns avec les autres ." We too can prove ourselves faithful. " They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to sharing with one another. " - ACTS 15: 42. Par ailleurs, lis tous les numéros de La Tour de Garde et de Réveillez - vous! Jehovah's Witnesses have a healthy fear of displeasing God, and this provides them with added motivation to do his will. And read all the issues of The Watchtower and Awake! En tiendraient - ils compte? But the Hebrews knew that this would be against God's law. Would they expect that? Mais il nous concerne aussi aujourd'hui, peut - être même encore plus. Do you take to heart the meaning of that? But it is similar with us today, perhaps even more. Ces frères expérimentés peuvent l'aider à appliquer les conseils de la Parole de Dieu. He corresponded exactly to all that Adam should have been - a perfect man, absolutely loyal and obedient to God. Such experienced brothers can help them to apply the counsel found in God's Word. De quelles manières Jésus a - t - il " révélé le Père ' à ses premiers disciples et à ceux qui viendraient après eux? Prayer plays an important part in our maintaining a close relationship with Jehovah. In what ways did Jesus reveal the Father to his early disciples and to those who would come after them? (Lire 1 Timothée 6: 17 - 19.) What will help us to endure? (Read 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19.) Pourquoi la chrétienté mérite - t - elle la condamnation divine? This symbolic body has many members of both genders, all of whom contribute to the body's functioning effectively. Why does Christendom deserve adverse judgment? Il finira sûrement par être dans le besoin. 11, 12. (a) Why do many feel discouraged today? No doubt, he will be in need. " Tout homme donc qui entend mes paroles [...] et les met en pratique, a dit Jésus, sera comparé à un homme avisé qui a bâti sa maison sur le roc. ." What did the rebellion in Eden do to mankind? " Everyone hearing my words... and put them apply them, " said Jesus, "will be compared to a faithful man who built his house on the rock. " Jésus a demandé à Pierre s'il l'aimait plus que "ceux - ci ," c'est - à - dire plus que les poissons qu'ils avaient devant eux. How do we decide what to do in matters that some say are a gray area? Jesus asked Peter if he loved him more than "those who are, " that is, the fish they had before them. Il s'en acquitte selon ses capacités et ses possibilités. - Matthieu 25: 14, 15. (b) How will Christ yet use his sword? He pay attention to his abilities and abilities. - Matthew 25: 14, 15. Mais d'autres épreuves l'attendaient. Hence, they fell asleep while he stayed awake praying. Still, there were other trials that lay ahead of him. Pourquoi le privilège de la prière devrait - il nous convaincre que Jéhovah nous aime personnellement? Having grown up knowing about the hope of a resurrection, I soon found myself telling him about Jesus - that he raised the dead and that he promises to do so again in the future. Why should prayer assure us that Jehovah loves us personally? " Cela suppose que vous obéissiez à vos parents en toutes choses, dans la mesure où ce qu'ils vous demandent est en harmonie avec les lois de Dieu. - Actes 5: 29. Ephesus Doing so requires that you obey your parents in all things, to the extent that they ask you is in harmony with God's laws. - Acts 5: 29. Voilà qui avait une signification profonde au Isiècle et qui conserve toute sa signification aujourd'hui. Why are we not in the dark regarding Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should be our determination? Those words had deep meaning in the first century and that maintained all its meaning today. Dans ce cas, l'étude individuelle est indispensable. " Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, " wrote Paul, "a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " - 2 Tim. If so, personal study is essential. Rester moralement pur est une autre façon de manifester l'amour fraternel. In this article, we will learn how to treasure God's gift of free will by using it in a way that pleases the Giver of that gift. Maintaining morally clean is another way to show brotherly love. De même que des candidats à la naturalisation se soumettent aux lois de leur nouveau pays, de même les sujets du Christ se soumettent à "la loi du Christ " en vivant en harmonie avec tout ce qu'il a enseigné et commandé. 10, 11. (a) What vision was Ezekiel given, as recorded in Ezekiel chapter 9? Just as the baptismal candidates submit to the laws of their new country, so Christ's subjects submit themselves to "the law of the Christ " in harmony with all that he taught and commanded. Pensez à Paul et à son "épine dans la chair ." Jehovah Tenderly Cares for His Elderly Servants Think of Paul and his "thorn in the flesh. " 16, 17. For what purpose did Jesus come into the world, and how did he keep his focus? 16, 17. Souvent, ils s'occupent du nettoyage et de la maintenance de la Salle du Royaume. De plus, ils accueillent les personnes qui viennent à nos réunions. Elders are motivated by love to serve the congregation Often, they care for the cleaning and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall, the more they receive those who come to our meetings. Des membres de la congrégation de Philippes avaient peut - être une forme de citoyenneté romaine, qui leur valait certains privilèges. 17: 24. Some members of the congregation in Philippi may have been a form of Roman citizenship, which were worth certain privileges. Aujourd'hui aussi, " ce qu'on cherche chez les intendants, c'est qu'un homme soit trouvé fidèle ." If you succeed in resolving the issue with their help, you will have "gained your brother. " Today, "what is looked for in stewards is for a man to be found faithful. " Quelle bénédiction que Jéhovah désire entretenir des relations personnelles avec des humains imparfaits! And surely he can give us his holy spirit so that we can "be courageous and very strong "! What a blessing it is to have a personal relationship with imperfect humans! Cette "alliance éternelle " permet à tous les Israélites spirituels d'être ressuscités pour la vie immortelle au ciel. - Hébreux 13: 20. She replies: "My dear one is dazzling and ruddy, the most conspicuous of ten thousand. " This "everlasting covenant " enables all the spiritual Israelites to be resurrected to immortal life in heaven. - Hebrews 13: 20. Comment Daniel et le roi Yoshiya ont - ils reçu de l'aide grâce aux parties des Écritures dont ils disposaient? Perhaps you have learned how to oversee congregation activities, assembly departments, or Kingdom Hall construction. How did Daniel and King Josiah receive help from the parts of the Scriptures they had? 14: 8. The throne was on wheels. 14: 8. Pourquoi peut - on dire que, par sa conduite, Jésus a " révélé le Père '? Even small expressions of love from our brothers and sisters show me how much Jehovah loves us. " Why can it be said that Jesus ' conduct revealed the Father by means of his conduct? Citons les avertissements concernant l'intégrité face aux pressions à l'école ou au travail, le respect de la norme divine sur le sang, la neutralité chrétienne et l'application des principes bibliques relatifs à l'habillement et à l'apparence. Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. For example, consider the warnings about integrity in school or at work, the respect of God's standard of blood, Christian neutrality, and applying Bible principles regarding dress and appearance. Traduction du monde nouveau (avec notes et références). No wonder Jesus was so pleased! Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Ceux qui sont intacts, autrement dit entiers. Thus, they do not partake, though they do attend the Memorial as respectful observers. Those who are unable to do this work. Ils sont heureux de soutenir les "prêtres de Jéhovah " comme s'ils étaient leurs" cultivateurs " et leurs "vignerons ." Shepherds such as the apostles Peter, John, and Paul were all members of the group Jesus described as "the faithful and discreet slave. " They are happy to support Jehovah's "like ones " as if they were their" satisfied " and their" will be satisfied. " Qui Christ utilise - t - il aujourd'hui pour diriger sa congrégation, et comment devons - nous considérer ce groupe de chrétiens oints? Sophia: That sounds good. Whom does Christ use today to direct his congregation, and how should we view that group of anointed Christians? Le bonheur, la satisfaction, viennent du fait qu'on sait pourquoi on souffre: parce qu'on fait la volonté de Jéhovah et qu'on suit le modèle laissé par Jésus. Reap Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King! Happiness comes from knowing why we suffer because we do Jehovah's will and follow Jesus ' example. Pourquoi un chrétien ne devrait - il pas fréquenter une personne qui ne sert pas Jéhovah? Furthermore, it encourages the entire congregation to reflect Christ's mental attitude. Why should Christians not associate with someone who does not serve Jehovah? 7, 8. a) Lorsque Jéhovah secourt ses serviteurs, de quoi tient - il compte? You see that his faith was active along with his works and his faith was perfected by his works. " 7, 8. (a) When Jehovah helps his people, what does he consider? La connaissance, la sagesse et le discernement jouent un rôle non négligeable dans l'affermissement des liens conjugaux. It enables us to avoid bloodguilt. Knowledge, wisdom, and discernment play a small role in strengthening the marriage bond. L'examen de certains versets nous aidera à comprendre le but de cette administration et à coopérer avec elle. Rather, we disown ourselves and freely make use of our time, energy, and other assets to share the good news of God's Kingdom with others. Studying certain scriptures will help us to understand the purpose of that administration and cooperate with it. Imagine leur réaction lorsque frère Rutherford a prononcé le discours intitulé " Le Royaume " et qu'il a déclaré: " Voici, le Roi règne! My wife committed adultery with one of my former students. Imagine the reaction of Brother Rutherford when he delivered the discourse entitled "The Kingdom " and said:" This is, the King! " EST - IL une chose qui, pour vous, a tant d'importance que vous seriez prêt à donner tout ce que vous possédez, à sacrifier tous vos biens, pour l'acquérir? How to seek intimacy with Jehovah is discussed in chapter 3. IS it any thing that you have so important that you are willing to give everything you have, to sacrifice all your belongings, to acquire it? Ils rejetteront ainsi l'extravagance qui caractérise bon nombre de mariages dans le monde. - 1 Jean 2: 15, 16. King David observed: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " In this way, they reject the entertainment industry that promotes many marriages in the world. - 1 John 2: 15, 16. Voyez également ce qui s'est passé aux jours de Lot. Soon, "the number of the men became about five thousand. " Consider also what happened in Lot's day. ." De quelle façon Jéhovah peut - il nous délivrer de la persécution aujourd'hui? 1, 2. (a) What did some religious leaders want to know, and how did Peter respond? How can Jehovah deliver us from persecution today? Jésus a déclaré: " C'est de l'abondance du cœur que la bouche parle ." It tells us not only that all disciples are required to bear fruit but also that all are capable of doing so, no matter what their circumstances or limitations may be. Jesus said: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Elle avait tellement de peine qu'elle a fait un trajet de 30 kilomètres pour aller trouver Élisha au mont Carmel. What shows that Jehovah was still in full control in spite of the overthrow of the Davidic kingdom? She had so devastated that she had traveled some 30 miles [100 km] to go to Mount Carmel. Arrêtons - nous sur l'une des relations les plus étroites que des humains puissent avoir: celle qui existe entre de vrais jumeaux. What a priceless gift! Consider one of the most intimate relations that humans might have - that exists between true twins. À notre époque, par amour, Jéhovah a suscité un groupe de chrétiens oints qui, tels des guetteurs, avertissent les humains de son jugement contre le monde. He fell into wrongdoing because of poor judgment regarding business matters, and he was privately reproved. In our time, Jehovah has caused a group of anointed Christians who, such as Jeremiah and his judgment against the world. Si c'est le cas, nos paroles et nos actes attesteront que nous marchons et vivons par l'esprit. - Lire Galates 5: 16, 25. Did Abraham question that command or look for some way out of complying with it? If so, our words and actions will confirm that we are walking and living by spirit. - Read Galatians 5: 16, 25. Article d'étude 4 PAGES 24 - 28 Jesus ' rule will surpass Solomon's and David's rule in ways we cannot yet imagine! Study Article 4 Le rôle de Jésus dans le dessein de Jéhovah est, lui aussi, comparé à un fondement. • What record have missionaries and others serving in foreign lands compiled? Jesus ' role in Jehovah's purpose is also like a foundation. Dans un pays d'Extrême - Orient, la santé, l'éducation des enfants et l'instruction sont les principaux sujets de préoccupation de la population. Serving God with "a complete heart " involves full devotion that does not end. In a country in the United States, health, parents, and education are the main subjects of the population. Pour nous représenter mentalement ce que cela signifiera, réfléchissons à ce qui s'est passé quand Jésus est entré dans la maison de Jaïrus, un homme dont la fille de 12 ans venait de mourir. ▪ Be of Good Courage - Jehovah Is Your Helper! To illustrate what this will mean, consider what happened when Jesus entered the home of a man whose 12 - year - old daughter had died. Le plus grand bonheur, c'est de donner sans rien attendre en retour. 4, 5. (a) What do Trinitarians wrongly think that the holy spirit is? The greatest happiness that comes from giving without waiting for anything in return. Oui, les " autres brebis " ont entendu les oints dire " Viens! Realizing that you do not understand them, they write those same words on a piece of paper and show you through the glass what they have written. Yes, the "other sheep " have heard the anointed say" Come! " De même, boire "un peu de vin " est un plaisir pour certains, mais il est grave de boire à l'excès. They buckled under stress and shied away from challenges. " Similarly, drinking "a little wine " is a pleasure for some, but it is serious drinking. Ce n'est pas la première fois que Pierre revoit Jésus depuis sa résurrection et il est évidemment très heureux de le savoir en vie. We can clearly see that we have a work to do - sowing. That is not the first time Peter observed Jesus from his resurrection, and it is certainly very happy to know him in life. Qu'est - ce que la " réserve ," ou le " trésor ," dont Jésus a parlé en Matthieu 13: 52, et comment l'enrichir? Then he urged them: "With every form of prayer and supplication..., carry on prayer on every occasion. " - Eph. What is "the store place, " or" treasure, " mentioned at Matthew 13: 52, and how can we enrich it? Bien que la Bible ne soit pas un manuel de médecine, elle a pour auteur Jéhovah Dieu, qui est notre Créateur. Indicating how we can prove ourselves ready for that day, Peter exclaims: "Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah! " - 2 Peter 3: 10 - 12. Although the Bible is not a medical textbook, she has called Jehovah God, who is our Creator. Si vous préférez une approche analytique, lisez l'entrée "Jésus Christ " dans Étude perspicace, volume 2. But we live in critical times. People are selfish, there is little natural affection, and encouragement is scarce. If you like to get up a year, read "Jesus Christ " in Insight, Volume 2. C'est l'avis de Miguel, qui dit: " Si vous êtes un homme, soyez disposé à écouter. Immersing ourselves in Christian activities can enhance our Christian identity He says: "If you are a man, be willing to listen. Quelles que soient les connaissances, les qualités et les compétences que nous ayons acquises grâce aux dispositions spirituelles prévues par Jéhovah, nous devrions lui en attribuer tout le mérite, comme Daniel. A roving eye can awaken or intensify wrong sexual desires. Whatever knowledge, qualities, and skills we have gained through Jehovah's spiritual provisions, we should trust in him in all credit, just as Daniel did. Nous aussi, nous pouvons faire la démonstration de notre fidélité. By so doing, they set themselves up as judges. We too can demonstrate our loyalty. C'est notamment la crainte de déplaire à Jéhovah qui incite ses Témoins à vouloir faire sa volonté. They do not expect special treatment; nor do they claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation. This includes the fear of displeasing Jehovah that moves his Witnesses to want to do his will. Mais les Hébreux savaient qu'un tel acte était contraire à la loi de Dieu. How forcefully the above - mentioned parable points out that mercy includes a readiness to forgive! But the Hebrews knew that such action was contrary to God's law. Comprends - tu ce que cela signifie? By being specific in our requests to Jehovah in behalf of our brothers, we are reminded of our concern for one another. Do you understand what this means? Il a été exactement tout ce qu'Adam aurait dû être: un homme parfait, entièrement fidèle et obéissant à Dieu. Instead, should one not keep on serving God, confident that "the Judge of all the earth " knows what took place and will handle matters in the right way? It was precisely all that Adam had to be - a perfect man, completely loyal and obedient to God. La prière est importante pour garder des liens intimes avec Jéhovah. Not as a personal estimate, but under the influence of God's holy spirit, he later wrote: "The man Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground. " Prayer is important to maintain close relationship with Jehovah. Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à endurer? The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Matthew 26: 41. What will help us to endure? Ce corps symbolique est constitué de nombreux membres des deux sexes, qui contribuent tous à son bon fonctionnement. ARTICLE 16 This figurative body is composed of many women, each part of whom contributes to the right work. 11, 12. a) Pourquoi beaucoup sont - ils découragés aujourd'hui? " Press " and "pressing forward " - what do these terms imply? 11, 12. (a) Why are many discouraged today? Quelles conséquences la rébellion en Éden a - t - elle eues pour l'humanité? Jehovah sustains us through all manner of opposition and persecution. How did rebellion in Eden affect mankind? En l'absence d'instructions précises, comment décider de la conduite à adopter? Therefore, wives are urged: "As the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, so let wives also be to their husbands in everything. " - Ephesians 5: 23, 24, 33. In the absence of obeyed, how can we decide how to act in harmony with the behavior of others? b) Comment doit - il encore s'en servir? That is so much better than conveying the impression that we have given up on them, whereupon they may give up on themselves. (b) How is it yet to use it? C'est pourquoi ils se sont endormis pendant que lui restait éveillé et priait. The Earth and Its Creatures Glorify Jehovah Hence, they fell asleep while he was staying awake and praying. Quoi que je fasse, au travail, aux réunions chrétiennes ou dans les moments de détente, je suis beaucoup plus heureux. Je vois la vie avec optimisme. Je remercie Jéhovah de m'avoir donné des parents qui ne m'ont jamais laissé tomber. How we yearn for that Paradise! - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Revelation 21: 4, 5. Regardless of what I do, at work, at Christian meetings, or in leisure activities, I am happier, and I feel more happy about life, and I am grateful that Jehovah has given me parents who never allowed me to fall. " Éphèse Many Christians experienced happiness in their youth by serving as pioneers. Ephesus Pourquoi n'ignorons - nous pas les manœuvres trompeuses de Satan, et à quoi devrions - nous être résolus? Examining the root meaning provides further enlightenment. Why are we not ignorant of Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should be our resolve? " Fais tout ton possible pour te présenter à Dieu comme un homme approuvé, a écrit Paul, un ouvrier qui n'a à rougir de rien, qui expose correctement la parole de la vérité. " - 2 Tim. When the Christian husband deals with his wife tenderly, considerately, attentively, unselfishly, it is easier for his wife to submit to his headship. " Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, " wrote Paul, "a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " - 2 Tim. Dans cet article, nous verrons comment utiliser le don divin du libre arbitre d'une manière qui plaît à son Auteur et montrer ainsi que nous l'apprécions. Following the guidance of God's word gives us the courage needed to cope with life's trials. In this article, we will consider how we can use God's gift of free will in a way that pleases his Maker and thereby show appreciation for it. 10, 11. a) Quelle vision Ézékiel a - t - il reçue, comme l'indique Ézékiel chapitre 9? The prophet Jeremiah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem that occurred in 607 B.C.E. 10, 11. (a) What vision did Ezekiel receive, as recorded in Ezekiel chapter 9? Jéhovah prend tendrement soin de ses serviteurs âgés ▪ Are You Convinced That You Have the Truth? Jehovah tenderly Cares for His Elderly Servants Dans quel but Jésus est - il venu dans le monde, et comment a - t - il montré qu'il restait concentré sur cet objectif? God's people on earth will not literally "tread down the wicked, " that is, share in executing his judgment upon them. For what purpose did Jesus come into the world, and how did he show that he kept his focus on this goal? C'est par amour que les anciens servent la congrégation. A Christian wife who willingly cooperates with that arrangement is truly "a crown " to her husband. - Prov. It is love because elders serve the congregation. 17: 24. An intriguing question therefore arises: Were the Bible Students in the years that led up to 1914 the appointed channel through which Christ would feed his sheep? 17: 24. Si tu réussis à résoudre le problème avec leur aide, tu auras " gagné ton frère ." Many missionaries dedicate 130 hours a month to the field ministry. If you are able to solve the problem with their help, you will have " gained your brother. " Il ne manquera pas d'utiliser l'esprit saint pour rendre chacun de nous "courageux et très fort "! In the Ten Commandments, Jehovah made clear that his people must have no other gods besides him and that they must not practice any form of idolatry. Surely he will use the holy spirit to make each one of us " sit down and very strong "! " Ce à quoi elle répond: "Celui qui m'est cher est éblouissant et a le teint vermeil; c'est le plus remarquable entre dix mille. ." 25: 21. She says: "He that is dear to me is a dear one and puts it down; it is the most outstanding thing between ten thousand. " Tu as peut - être appris à diriger les activités d'une congrégation, un service d'assemblée ou la construction d'une Salle du Royaume. Nothing would be the same. " Perhaps you learned to direct the activities of a congregation, a convention, or the construction of a Kingdom Hall. Ce trône possédait des roues. " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " That throne consisted of upper hands. Même de petites expressions d'amour de la part de nos frères et sœurs me montrent combien Jéhovah nous aime. " The Hebrew word rendered "blameless, " notes Bible translator Robert Alter," suggests integrity or even innocence. " Even small expressions of love from our brothers and sisters show me how much Jehovah loves us. " Certains pensent pouvoir interpréter la Bible par eux - mêmes. (b) With what kind of body will they be resurrected? Some believe that they can interpret the Bible for themselves. On comprend donc la joie de Jésus! Therefore, let us never give up in allowing God's Word to keep transforming us and bringing us into a closer relationship with Jehovah. No wonder Jesus ' joy! C'est pourquoi ils ne prennent pas les emblèmes, bien qu'ils assistent au Mémorial en qualité d'observateurs respectueux. Illustrate. Hence, they do not partake of the emblems, although they attend the Memorial as respectful observers. Des bergers comme Pierre, Jean et Paul faisaient tous partie du groupe que Jésus a appelé "l'esclave fidèle et avisé ." Psalms 52 to 57 show that Jehovah will deliver those who throw their burden upon him and wait on him for salvation. Like Peter, John, and Paul were all part of the group that Jesus called "the faithful and discreet slave. " Sophie: Pourquoi pas? How can we use it effectively in our personal study? - 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. Sophia: Why not? Des bénédictions grâce au Roi guidé par l'esprit de Dieu How did true knowledge become plentiful? Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King De plus, grâce à leur saine influence, toute la congrégation est encouragée à refléter l'attitude mentale de Christ. But enduring friendships are a product of hard work and self - sacrifice. Moreover, by means of their wholesome influence, the congregation is encouraged to reflect Christ's mental attitude. Tu vois que sa foi travaillait avec ses œuvres et que par ses œuvres sa foi a été rendue parfaite. To this end, Jesus has appointed a "faithful and discreet slave " to provide" food at the proper time " for the household of faith. You see that his faith was done with his works and that by his works was made perfect. Il nous évite d'être responsables de la mort de qui que ce soit. Moreover, "death is to be brought to nothing. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 26. It helps us to avoid being responsible for the death of anyone. Au contraire, nous nous renions nous - mêmes et employons généreusement notre temps, notre énergie et nos autres ressources pour prêcher la bonne nouvelle du Royaume. How did one body of elders show appreciation for an older fellow overseer? Instead, we disown ourselves and use our time, energy, and other resources to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Sarah a commis un adultère avec l'un des frères que j'avais enseignés. In these two articles, we will see how Jehovah fulfills his role as "our Potter " and what we must do in order to be like soft clay in his hands. Sarah committed adultery with one of the brothers I taught. Le chapitre 3 explique comment trouver l'intimité avec Jéhovah. • What can elders do to accomplish their ministry fully? Chapter 3 explains how we can find intimacy with Jehovah. Le roi David a constaté: " J'étais un jeune homme, j'ai même vieilli, et pourtant je n'ai pas vu le juste complètement abandonné, ni sa descendance cherchant du pain ." • How does Jehovah strengthen us to stand firm in the face of satanic hatred? King David observed: "I was a young man, I have grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring seeking bread. " Bientôt, "le nombre des hommes s'éleva à environ cinq mille ." (Read James 1: 14, 15.) Soon, "the number of men arose over five thousand. " 1, 2. a) Qu'ont voulu savoir certains chefs religieux, et que leur a répondu Pierre? In his old age, Solomon became unfaithful to Jehovah and began to engage in false worship. 1, 2. (a) What did some religious leaders want to know, and how did Peter respond? Non seulement que tous les disciples sont tenus de porter du fruit, mais encore que tous en sont capables, quelles que soient leur situation ou leurs limites. Telling God what you would like to do about it will invite his blessing on your efforts to find relief and to avoid more serious problems. Not only do all disciples need to bear fruit but they are able to bear fruit, regardless of their circumstances or limitations. Qu'est - ce qui montre que, malgré la chute du royaume davidique, Jéhovah maîtrisait toujours la situation? The Bible reports that the man did so. What shows that despite the fall of the Davidic kingdom, Jehovah would still exercise control over matters? Quel don inestimable! How Do We Love Our Neighbor as Ourselves? What a priceless gift that is! Il a été repris en privé pour avoir, par manque de bon sens, commis une faute en affaires. 55: 1 - 3; Matt. He was reproved in private so that he could lack good judgment. Abraham a - t - il contesté cet ordre ou cherché un moyen de ne pas s'y soumettre? Consider, for example, King David. Did Abraham challenge that command or seek a way not to submit to it? Le règne de Jésus surpassera celui de David et celui de Salomon de bien des façons. Eventually, the king of Assyria took Manasseh captive. Jesus ' rule surpasses the rule of David and that of Solomon in many ways. • Quel bilan peut - on tirer de l'activité des missionnaires et d'autres frères qui ont servi à l'étranger? What were some changes Jesus faced upon being sent to earth? • How can missionaries and others in foreign lands benefit from the activity of missionaries and other brothers who have served in foreign lands? Servir Dieu d'un " cœur complet " implique un attachement entier et éternel. After 70 years, God's people were restored to their homeland and had the privilege of serving him there. - 2 Chron. Serving God with "a complete heart " involves wholehearted devotion and eternal devotion. ▪ Sois courageux: Jéhovah est ton aide! The Bible assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18. ▪ Be Courageous - Jehovah Is Your Helper! 4, 5. a) Que disent les partisans de la Trinité au sujet de l'esprit saint? Today, holy spirit is available to aid Christians, whatever their hope 4, 5. (a) What do supporters of the Trinity say about the holy spirit? Se rendant compte que vous ne les comprenez pas, ils écrivent des mots sur un bout de papier et vous les montrent. In time, Bible languages fell into disuse by the masses, and the church opposed efforts to translate God's Word into the common tongues. When they realize that you do not understand them, they write words about a chain of paper and show them. Ils s'effondraient sous la pression et fuyaient les difficultés ." How unwise it would be to think that of God! They were under pressure and were fleeing from difficulties. " Nous comprenons clairement que nous avons un travail à effectuer: semer. • How can we reflect Christ's mental attitude toward the sick? We clearly understand that we have work to do - sow. Puis il les a exhortés en ces termes: "Par toutes sortes de prières et de supplications [...] priez en toutes circonstances. But at the same time, we need to realize that Jehovah is not limited by our requests, plans, and expectations. Then he urged them: "In every form of prayer and supplication... on every occasion. " Expliquant comment nous pouvons nous montrer prêts pour ce jour, Pierre s'exclame: "Puisque toutes ces choses doivent être ainsi dissoutes, quel genre d'hommes il vous faut être en actes de sainte conduite et en actions marquées par l'attachement à Dieu, attendant et gardant constamment à l'esprit la présence du jour de Jéhovah [...]! " - 2 Pierre 3: 10 - 12. It is no wonder that Moses was moved to love the God who felt compassion for the Hebrews and for all mankind. Explaining how we can prove ourselves ready for that day, Peter says: "Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah... - 2 Peter 3: 10 - 12. " Mais nous vivons des temps critiques: les gens sont égoïstes, l'affection naturelle se fait rare et les encouragements aussi. Starting in 1978, the Austria branch phototypeset magazines and printed them in six languages on a small offset press. But we live in these critical times: People are selfish, natural affection often and encouragement. En nous absorbant dans les activités chrétiennes, nous prenons davantage conscience de notre identité chrétienne. Likewise, the Bible counsels us: "An answer, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " By taking in Christian activities, we become more aware of our Christian identity. Un regard non maîtrisé peut éveiller ou intensifier des désirs sexuels déplacés. Whatever a person did earlier in life, he changes when the glorious good news about the Christ has an effect on his heart. An attitude toward self - control can arouse or increase illicit sexual desires. En agissant ainsi, ils s'érigeaient en juges. (b) Why is balance so important in marriage? By doing so, they fell into judges. Il ne s'attend pas non plus à recevoir un traitement de faveur. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il consomme les emblèmes qu'il s'estime supérieur aux anciens de la congrégation. Moreover, we do well to examine our history, learn from it, and plan for the future. He does not expect to receive special treatment, but he would not partake of the emblems he considers to be superior to the elders in the congregation. Il ressort avec force de cette parabole qu'être miséricordieux, en l'occurrence avoir pitié de quelqu'un, c'est aussi être disposé à pardonner. (b) What invitation can we extend to others? It is evident in this parable that if a person is merciful, he is also willing to forgive others. En étant précis dans nos prières en faveur de nos frères, nous entretenons l'intérêt que nous leur portons. Just seeing their zeal and joy really moved me to want to serve this way. " By being specific in our prayers for our brothers, we have the interest we bear. Ne serait - il pas plus logique de continuer à servir Jéhovah, assuré que "le Juge de toute la terre " est au courant de ce qui s'est passé et qu'il réglera le problème comme il se doit? In Bible times, conventioners had to make sacrifices to attend. Would it not be reasonable to continue serving Jehovah, confident that "the Judge of all the earth " is aware of what has happened and that he will correct the problem as he has to do? Plus tard Moïse écrirait, non de son propre chef, mais sous l'influence de l'esprit saint de Dieu: "L'homme Moïse était de beaucoup le plus humble de tous les hommes qui étaient sur la surface du sol. ." Like young Timothy, you will be "persuaded to believe " what you learn from the Scriptures, and you will be moved to worship Jehovah with a willing heart. - 2 Tim. Later, Moses said, not of his own head, but under the influence of God's holy spirit: "The man Moses was of much the meekest of all the men who were on the surface of the ground. " L'esprit, en effet, est ardent, mais la chair est faible. " - Matthieu 26: 41. The required purification regulations would help the Israelites to appreciate the need for a ransom sacrifice to cover mankind's sinfulness and restore human perfection. Yes, the spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Matthew 26: 41. PAGE 16 Jesus set what fine example for us, and how do we benefit by imitating him? ARTICLE 3 " Se presser "; en quel sens faut - il comprendre ce terme? 5 - 7. (a) Who was "that woman Jezebel, " and what was to be done about her influence? In what sense is this term an expression? Jéhovah est à nos côtés quand nous subissons n'importe quelle forme d'opposition et de persécution. The visions recorded in Ezekiel chapter 1 and Daniel chapter 7 vividly portray Jehovah maneuvering matters to a grand climax. Jehovah is with us when we experience any form of opposition and persecution. " C'est pourquoi cette exhortation est adressée aux femmes: "Comme la congrégation est soumise au Christ, de même que les femmes aussi le soient en tout à leurs maris. " - Éphésiens 5: 23, 24, 33. How did Jesus act in harmony with his illustration of the fig tree? Therefore, this exhortation is to wives: "As the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, so let wives also be to their husbands. " - Ephesians 5: 23, 24, 24, 33. C'est tellement mieux que lui donner l'impression qu'on estime son cas désespéré, point de vue qu'il pourrait bien adopter à son tour. * When Jerusalem finally fell, about one seventh of all Jews in the Roman Empire perished. It is so much better to give him the sense that we appreciate his desperate situation, thinking that he could do the same. La terre et les créatures qui y vivent glorifient Jéhovah In a loud, clear voice, she answered two questions that the speaker posed. The Earth and Life - Identifying Jehovah Que nous sommes impatients de connaître ce Paradis! - Isaïe 9: 6, 7; Révélation 21: 4, 5. Why must we be extremely careful about our associates? How we long for that Paradise! - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Revelation 21: 4, 5. Quantité de chrétiens expérimentés ont eu beaucoup de bonheur dans leur jeunesse en étant pionniers. We are urged to "pray for one another, " even though we do not always get immediate proof that such prayers are being answered. Many experienced Christians have had great happiness in their youth as pioneers. (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words de Vine.) To sharpen your mental image of God's Kingdom, look "intently " toward your life in Paradise. (The New Testament, according to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.) Si un mari manifeste à sa femme tendresse, considération et prévenance, il sera plus facile pour elle de se soumettre à son autorité. Over the course of a few years, Kevin made significant improvement. A husband who shows tender affection, consideration, and caring for his wife will make it easier for him to submit to his headship. Si nous nous laissons guider par la parole de Dieu, nous trouverons le courage nécessaire pour affronter les épreuves de la vie. Jehovah sustains us by means of his holy spirit. If we allow God's word to guide us, we will find the courage needed to cope with life's trials. Le prophète Jérémie a prédit la destruction de Jérusalem, qui est survenue en 607 av. n. è. Fear of man can affect people of all ages, but young people may find it especially difficult to go against the flow, so to speak. The prophet Jeremiah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. ▪ Es - tu convaincu de posséder la vérité? I was shocked and deeply hurt because I really loved my family. ▪ Do You Have the Truth? Le peuple de Dieu sur la terre ne va pas littéralement " fouler aux pieds les méchants ', c'est - à - dire prendre part à l'exécution du jugement divin. What Scriptural principles can help us to make wise decisions when it comes to medical treatment? God's people on earth will not literally " come to the feet of the wicked, ' that is, take part in the execution of divine judgment. Une chrétienne qui se soumet de bon gré à cette disposition est vraiment "une couronne " pour son mari. - Prov. 6: 24; 2 Cor. A Christian who submits willingly to that arrangement is indeed "a crown " for her husband. - Prov. Une question captivante se pose donc: En ces années précédant 1914, les Étudiants de la Bible constituaient - ils le canal par lequel Jésus nourrirait ses brebis? In addition to helping us stay awake spiritually, the directions that we have received help us with matters of everyday life. So a detailed question arises: In those years leading up to 1914, did the Bible Students appoint the channel by which Jesus fed his sheep? Beaucoup de missionnaires consacrent 130 heures par mois à la prédication. 5, 6. (a) What first - century parallel was there to the Israelites of Moses ' day? Many missionaries devote 130 hours each month to the field ministry. Dans les Dix Commandements, Jéhovah a souligné que ses serviteurs ne doivent avoir aucun autre dieu que lui et ne pratiquer aucune forme d'idolâtrie. Jesus told an illustration about a merchant who was seeking pearls. In the Ten Commandments, Jehovah emphasized that his people must have no other god or no form of idolatry. 25: 21. Consider some other reasons why we might be critical of others. 25: 21. Rien ne serait plus comme avant. Parents can give their children no greater gift than that of helping them to develop a warm, close relationship with Jehovah. Nothing would be like before. " Faites paître le troupeau de Dieu qui vous est confié " (b) What will we consider in the next article? " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " Jacob est qualifié d ' " homme intègre " parce qu'il était irréprochable. He also outlines the steps anyone spiritually sick should take in order to recover. - Jas. Jacob is called "a blameless man " because he was blameless. b) Avec des corps de quelle nature seront - ils ressuscités? If so, why? (b) With what body will they be resurrected? J'ai aussi cessé de fréquenter mes amis, et j'ai commencé à étudier la Bible avec un ancien de la congrégation. Moses built an altar there, calling it "Jehovah - nissi, " which means" Jehovah Is My Signal Pole. " - Read Exodus 17: 14, 15; ftn. I also stopped associating with my friends, and I began studying the Bible with an elder in the congregation. Par conséquent, ne cessons jamais de la laisser nous transformer et nous rapprocher de Jéhovah. Describe how Jesus fed a large crowd in the vicinity of Bethsaida. (See opening image.) By all means, then, let us continue to be transformed and draw closer to Jehovah. b) Citez des exemples concrets. But they never disciplined me in anger or without explaining why I was being disciplined. (b) What are some practical examples? Les Psaumes 52 à 57 montrent que Jéhovah délivrera ceux qui jettent leur fardeau sur lui et qui s'en remettent à lui pour être sauvés. When their full attention is directed toward the earth for the 1,000 years, all people will dwell in security. Psalms 52 to 57 show that Jehovah will deliver those who throw their burden upon him and leave him to be saved. Peut - être bien; toujours est - il que les Israélites "ont refusé de devenir obéissants ." To say that all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge are "concealed in " Christ does not mean that they are locked away, out of the reach of anyone. It may always be that the Israelites " refused to become obedient. ' Comment l'utiliser efficacement dans notre étude individuelle? - 2 Timothée 3: 14 - 17. That question was answered after he and his Father came and inspected the temple, or spiritual arrangement for worship, from 1914 to the early part of 1919. How can we use it effectively in our personal study? - 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. Comment la "vraie connaissance " est - elle devenue" abondante "? The issue involved "Moses ' body. " How has "the true knowledge " become" abundant "? Mais elles sont aussi le fruit d'un dur travail et d'un esprit d'abnégation. What a privilege it is for us not only to know God's personal name but also to bear it as "a people for his name. " But they too are the fruitage of hard work and of a self - sacrificing spirit. À cette fin, Jésus a établi un "esclave fidèle et avisé " pour donner la" nourriture en temps voulu " à la maisonnée de la foi. May you be among those who make it their firm resolve to give God glory - now and forever! To that end, Jesus appointed a "faithful and discreet slave " to provide" food at the proper time " for the household of faith. Du reste, un jour, "la mort sera réduite à rien ." - 1 Corinthiens 15: 26. Still, Jehovah chose to focus on the good because he knew that David's heart was upright. - 1 Chron. Moreover, "the death will be brought to nothing. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 26. Comment un collège d'anciens a - t - il montré qu'il appréciait un surveillant âgé? How, though, were Christ's disciples to act? How did one body of elders show that he appreciated an elderly overseer? Ces deux articles expliquent comment Jéhovah se révèle " notre Potier " et comment être de l'argile souple dans ses mains. 16 Questions des lecteurs Most of all, it's as if you can see Jehovah God being proud of you and smiling at you! These two articles discuss how Jehovah proves to be "our Potter " and how we can be like soft clay in his hands. • Que peuvent faire les anciens pour accomplir pleinement leur ministère? How should husbands deal with their wives? • What can elders do to accomplish their ministry fully? ● Comment Jéhovah nous donne - t - il la force de résister à la haine de Satan? Seek Jehovah's direction before you make decisions and commitments, not after making them. • How does Jehovah strengthen us to withstand Satan's hatred? (Lire Jacques 1: 14, 15.) Indeed, Jesus was the primary part of Abraham's offspring, the one who would later "break up the works of the Devil. " (Read James 1: 14, 15.) En vieillissant, Salomon est devenu infidèle envers Jéhovah et s'est mis à pratiquer le faux culte. How will learning to submit to theocratic arrangements help to train us for life in the new world? In old age, Solomon became disloyal to Jehovah and began to practice false worship. Dites à Dieu ce que vous voudriez faire pour cela, et il bénira les efforts que vous fournirez afin de trouver du soulagement et d'éviter des problèmes plus graves encore. * The younger the children and the longer the separation, the deeper the harm. Tell God what you want to do for this, and he will bless your efforts to find relief and avoid even more serious problems. Et l'homme s'est mis à marcher! Keeping mentally, morally, and spiritually clean is the only way to escape the everlasting destruction symbolized by Gehenna. And the man began to walk! Comment aimer notre prochain comme nous - mêmes? And they will talk about the strength of your own fear - inspiring things; and as for your greatness, I will declare it. " How can we love our neighbor as ourselves? 55: 1 - 3; Mat. These articles are especially designed for youths. 55: 1 - 3; Matt. Voyez le roi David. Why Follow Jesus? Consider King David. Alors qu'il était prisonnier, Manassé s'est repenti et n'a cessé de prier Dieu humblement. They were openly disrespectful to Moses and rejected his God - given authority. When he was a prisoner, Manasseh repented and kept praying to God humbly. Qu'est - ce qui a radicalement changé pour Jésus quand il a été envoyé sur la terre? 65: 2. What made it a change for Jesus when he was sent to earth? Au bout des 70 ans, les Israélites sont rentrés dans leur pays et ont eu le privilège d'y servir Dieu. - 2 Chron. How do you respond? After 70 years, the Israelites returned to their homeland and had the privilege of serving God. - 2 Chron. La Bible affirme: "Jéhovah est près de ceux qui ont le cœur brisé; et il sauve ceux qui ont l'esprit écrasé. " - Psaume 34: 18. Minor interruptions - a phone call or a noise may cause us to lose focus. The Bible states: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18. L'esprit saint aide tous les chrétiens, quelle que soit leur espérance. Jehovah Is a God of Organization Holy spirit helps all Christians, regardless of their hope. Avec le temps, les langues bibliques sont tombées en désuétude, et l'Église s'est opposée à la traduction de la Parole de Dieu dans les langues communes. The long, miserable rulership of humans under Satan's control has also demonstrated that they lack the ability to rule in righteousness. In time, Bible languages have grown over time, and the church itself has become part of the translation of God's Word in languages. Qu'il serait insensé de penser cela de Dieu! 1, 2. How foolish it would be to think that God is! • Comment refléter l'attitude de Christ à l'égard des malades? But we should also seek God's continued help, for the Devil will return to tempt us at another time convenient for him - and not necessarily when we may be expecting a temptation. • How can we reflect Christ's attitude toward the sick? D'un autre côté, il faut savoir que Jéhovah ne se limite pas à nos demandes, à nos projets et à nos attentes. To them, Satan and the demons are fictional characters of novels, horror movies, and video games. On the other hand, we need to know that Jehovah does not limit our requests, plans, and expectations. 29 Questions des lecteurs " Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire, " writes the disciple James. 5 Questions From Readers Par la suite, grâce à son aide, j'ai rompu avec la cigarette. Do You Recall? Later, with his help, I broke off smoking. " On comprend qu'il ait aimé le Dieu qui avait de la compassion pour les Hébreux et l'ensemble des humains. Many of God's servants can identify with these feelings, but what can help to give them the strength needed in order to endure? No wonder he loved the God who felt compassion for the Hebrews and for all of mankind! À partir de 1978, la filiale d'Autriche s'est occupée de la photocomposition de nos périodiques en six langues et de leur impression sur une petite presse offset. He declared a fast for all Judah and collected the people together "to inquire of Jehovah. " Using the Austria branch office was busy with the computer photo of our magazines in six languages and their impression on a small press. De la même façon, la Bible nous adresse cette recommandation: "Une réponse, lorsqu'elle est douce, détourne la fureur, mais une parole qui cause de la douleur fait monter la colère. Jesus and his companions have enjoyed celebrating the Passover, which reminds them of how God delivered their forefathers from slavery in Egypt. Similarly, the Bible urges us: "A reply, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " Quoi qu'un humain ait fait dans le passé, un changement s'opère en lui lorsque la glorieuse bonne nouvelle concernant le Christ agit sur son cœur. Perhaps you are as well. Whatever a human has done in the past, a change takes place when the glorious good news about Christ acts in his heart. b) Pourquoi est - il important de faire preuve d'équilibre? Are we doing all we can, perhaps even seeking ways to expand our share in the work? (b) Why is balance important? Par ailleurs, nous tirons des leçons de notre histoire et nous nous en servons pour faire des projets d'avenir. 1, 2. (a) What gifts did God give Adam? Moreover, we learn lessons from our history and use ourselves to plan ahead for the future. b) De quelle invitation nous faisons - nous l'écho? While on his second missionary tour, about 50 C.E., Paul visited Philippi. (b) What invitation do we make? Leur zèle et leur joie m'ont vraiment donné envie de servir de cette manière. " Timing of circumcision. Their zeal and joy really moved me to serve in this way. " Aux temps bibliques, il fallait faire des sacrifices pour y assister. The original - language verb used here denotes continuous action. In Bible times, sacrifices were to be made to attend. Comme Timothée, vous serez "persuadé [s] de croire " ce que vous révèlent les Écritures, et vous aurez envie d'adorer Dieu. - 2 Tim. By thus refusing to accept this flattering title, Jesus directed glory to Jehovah and indicated that the true God is the source of all good things. Like Timothy, you will be "ready to believe " what you reveal about the Scriptures, and you will want to worship God. - 2 Tim. Ces prescriptions de purification aideraient les Israélites à comprendre la nécessité d'un sacrifice rédempteur propre à couvrir les péchés des humains et à les ramener à la perfection. This was disgraceful. These regulations were able to help the Israelites understand the need for a literal ransom sacrifice to cover the sins of humans and bring them to perfection. Quel excellent exemple Jésus nous a - t - il laissé, et quels bienfaits retire - t - on à l'imiter? What blessings do we receive because of freely forgiving one another? What fine example did Jesus set, and how can we benefit from following him? 5 - 7. a) Qui était "la femme Jézabel ," et qu'adviendrait - il de son influence? Well, he was not - he was gone for three days. 5 - 7. (a) Who was "that woman Jezebel, " and what would happen to her influence? Les visions d'Ézékiel chapitre 1 et de Daniel chapitre 7 représentent de façon frappante Jéhovah accomplissant magistralement son dessein. By doing so, we may reassure our hearts that Jehovah is not responsible for the troubles we face in life. - Philippians 1: 9, 10. The visions of Ezekiel chapter 1 and Daniel chapter 7 represent Jehovah's superlative purpose. Quel comportement de Jésus l'exemple du figuier illustre - t - il? Some who refused to kill were sent to the front lines, with the expectation that they would lose their life. How does Jesus ' illustration of the fig tree illustrate? Lors de la chute de la ville, près de 15% de tous les Juifs qui vivaient dans l'empire ont péri. Preparing for a Successful Marriage During the fall of the city, nearly 1 percent of all Jews living in the empire died. Elle répond à haute voix aux deux questions que l'orateur pose. Yet, Jesus urged them to give priority, not to the gaining of material wealth, but to the storing up of something far more valuable - spiritual treasure. She answers to the two questions that the speaker asked. Pourquoi devons - nous faire très attention à nos fréquentations? By the third century B.C.E., Alexandria, Egypt, had become the home of numerous Jews who needed a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, then an international language. Why do we need to be keenly concerned about our associations? Nous sommes exhortés à " prier les uns pour les autres ', même quand nous n'avons pas toujours la preuve immédiate que Jéhovah répond à ces prières. ◆ continuing to make progress. We are exhorted to " pray for one another, ' even when we do not always have Jehovah's immediate response. Pour que ton image mentale du Royaume de Dieu soit plus nette, fixe les yeux sur ta propre vie dans le Paradis. At the end of that time, on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told them: "He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these. " For your mental picture of God's Kingdom to be clearer, set your eyes on your own life in Paradise. En quelques années, il s'est beaucoup amélioré. In addition to our preaching, can we show concern for such people even without leaving home? In a few years, he made much progress. Jéhovah nous soutient au moyen de son esprit saint, qui nous rappelle les pensées bibliques dont nous avons besoin pour résister à la tentation. Joel prophesied that the nations surrounding Judah would be called to account for mistreating God's chosen people. Jehovah supports us by means of his holy spirit, which reminds us of the Scriptural thoughts we need in order to resist temptation. On peut avoir peur des hommes à n'importe quel âge. Mais les jeunes en particulier peuvent avoir du mal à " avancer à contre - courant ." God's Word cautions us: "Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. " You may be afraid of any age, but young people in particular may find it challenging to "turn away. " J'étais choquée et profondément blessée parce que j'aimais vraiment ma famille. Remind your friends and family of your quit date and how they can support you. I was shocked and deeply hurt because I truly loved my family. Quels principes bibliques peuvent nous aider à prendre de bonnes décisions en matière de traitement médical? In our own strength, we likely cannot cope with these tests of faith. What Bible principles can help us to make wise decisions regarding medical treatment? 6: 24; 2 Cor. Why is serving Jehovah the best way of life? 6: 24; 2 Cor. En plus de nous maintenir spirituellement éveillés, les instructions que nous recevons nous guident dans notre vie quotidienne. SONGS TO BE USED: 181, 130 In addition to keeping awake spiritually, the instructions we receive guide in our daily life. 5, 6. a) Quel parallèle y a - t - il eu au Isiècle avec les Israélites de l'époque de Moïse? In the Song of Solomon, a simple country girl called the Shulammite attracts the attention of the king. 5, 6. (a) What parallel existed in the first century with the Israelites in Moses ' day? Dans un exemple raconté par Jésus, un marchand recherche des perles. The Scriptures do not forbid carving sculptures or making paintings of objects for artistic purposes. - 1 Kings 7: 18, 25. In one of Jesus ' illustrations, a merchant search for pearls. Peut - être sommes - nous critiques pour d'autres raisons. How can we benefit from that guidance? We may be critical of other reasons. Aujourd'hui, elles sont heureuses en ménage et, aux côtés de leur mari, elles font la volonté de Dieu en le servant à plein temps. Do we personally endeavor to follow his example in our preaching work and try to use words that will touch people's heart? - Col. Today, they are happy, and along with their husband, they are doing God's will by serving him full - time. b) Qu'examinerons - nous dans l'article qui suit? They would have the reward of a resurrection to heavenly life - surpassing the "better resurrection " that ancient men of faith looked forward to. (b) What will we consider in the next article? En outre, il expose la démarche à suivre pour se rétablir sur le plan spirituel. - Jacq. Why is it fitting to recognize Jehovah as "the living God "? Furthermore, he highlights the steps needed to recover spiritually. - Jas. Si oui, pourquoi? It discusses God's view of dishonesty, fornication, and other matters. If so, why? Moïse a alors bâti un autel et l'a appelé " Jéhovah - Nissi ," ce qui signifie " Jéhovah est ma Perche - Signal " (lire Exode 17: 14, 15; note). [ Picture on page 13] (Read Exodus 17: 14, 15; footnote.) Raconte comment, près de Bethsaïda, Jésus a nourri une foule nombreuse (voir illustration du titre). 8, 9. (See opening image.) (See opening image.) Mais ils ne me disciplinaient jamais sous le coup de la colère ou sans m'expliquer pourquoi. So, then, while acknowledging Jonah's weaknesses, let us not overlook his qualities of faithfulness and endurance as he preached to the faithless Israelites. But they would never discipline me in the face of anger or without explaining why. Quand ils s'occuperont de la terre pendant les 1 000 ans, tous les humains vivront en sécurité. If you do, you will be teaching them not only to pray to Jehovah - the Hearer of prayer - but also to love him. - Psalm 65: 2. When they care for the earth for 1,000 years, all people will live in security. Quand Paul dit que tous les trésors de la sagesse et de la connaissance sont " cachés en Christ ', il ne sous - entend pas qu'ils sont renfermés à double tour, inaccessibles. Let us, then, keep on guard against the reasonings of apostates. When Paul says that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are " concealed in Christ, ' he does not imply that they are taught in double devotion. La réponse a été apportée après l'inspection du temple spirituel (les dispositions prises pour l'exercice du culte), que Jésus a menée aux côtés de son Père de 1914 aux premiers mois de 1919 *. * Some need to be hospitalized to cope with severe withdrawal symptoms or to receive medication to reduce the extreme craving for alcohol and to help maintain abstinence. The answer was given after the inspection of the spiritual temple - the arrangements for worship - that Jesus performed with his Father in the early 1919 C.E. Le débat tournait autour du " corps de Moïse ." And we want to serve Jehovah forever. The spear was about "the body of Moses. " Quel honneur de connaître le nom personnel de Dieu mais aussi de le porter, de constituer " un peuple pour son nom ." Did Hitler succeed in his campaign to eradicate the Witnesses? What a privilege it is to know God's personal name as well as to bear it "a people for his name. " Puissiez - vous faire partie de ceux qui sont fermement résolus à rendre gloire à Dieu, maintenant et pour toujours! Helped to Withstand Religious Persecution May you be among those who are firmly determined to give glory to God now and forever! Malgré tout, Jéhovah a choisi de se concentrer sur ce qui était bon, car il savait que le cœur de David était droit. - 1 Chron. Benefiting From the Ransom Still, Jehovah chose to focus on what was good, for David knew that David's heart was right. - 1 Chron. Comment les disciples de Christ devaient - ils donc agir? The highest education teaches us God's will and helps us slave for Jehovah. How, then, were Christ's followers to act? Par - dessus tout, c'est comme si on voyait Jéhovah nous sourire parce qu'il est fier de nous! In helping children, what should be borne in mind? Above all, it is as though we see Jehovah smile because he is proud of us! Comment un mari doit - il agir à l'égard de sa femme? FROM our birth on, we feel the need for comfort. A baby uses its vocal cords to let us know when it needs comfort. How should a husband deal with his wife? Cherche à te placer sous la direction de Jéhovah avant de prendre des décisions et des engagements, et non après. He commanded them: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Seek Jehovah's guidance before making decisions and making decisions, not afterward. En effet, Jésus était la partie principale de la descendance d'Abraham, celui qui à terme " détruir [ait] les œuvres du Diable ." Millions today firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done " Jesus was the primary part of Abraham's offspring, the one who would "put away the works of the Devil. " Pourquoi apprendre à nous soumettre à l'autorité théocratique nous prépare - t - il à la vie dans le monde nouveau? What will help us to open our hearts to our best Friend? Why can we learn to submit to theocratic authority prepare us for life in the new world? Plus les enfants sont jeunes, et la séparation, longue, plus les répercussions sont graves. 3: 15. The more young children are young, and separation are most serious. Le seul moyen d'échapper à la destruction éternelle, symbolisée par la Géhenne, est de nous garder purs sur les plans mental, moral et spirituel. " CAN a man be of use to God? Can anyone with insight be of benefit to him? The only way to escape eternal destruction is to maintain our moral, moral, and spiritual cleanness. Et ils diront la force de tes choses redoutables; quant à ta grandeur, je veux la proclamer. ." It is automatic; you do not have to think about it. And they will say the strength of your fear - inspiring things; as for your greatness I will declare it. " Ces articles s'adressent en particulier aux jeunes. Rather, Jehovah's abilities, moral qualities, and standards support his purpose. These articles will particularly address young people. Pourquoi suivons - nous Jésus? How important it is that we learn to " become obedient from the heart '! - Rom. Why do we follow Jesus? Ils manquaient ouvertement de respect envers Moïse et rejetaient l'autorité dont Dieu l'avait investi. But I do all things for the sake of the good news, that I may become a sharer of it with others. " They openly showed respect for Moses and rejected God's authority. 65: 2. Down through history, much of mankind has repeated that mistake. 65: 2. Que faire alors? But once we get into a good routine, wholesome habits become easier - especially when we taste the benefits. What, then, can we do? Une interruption mineure (un appel téléphonique, un bruit), et nous perdons le fil. [ Blurb on page 12] A Noahic call (a) a telephone call, a sound call), and we lose it over. Jéhovah est un Dieu d'organisation Jehovah's worshippers should continue to make spiritual progress. Jehovah Is a God of Organization La longue et pitoyable domination exercée par des humains sous l'influence de Satan a également révélé qu'ils ne possèdent pas la capacité de diriger avec justice. For my yoke is kindly, and my load is light. " The long and gross rulership experienced by humans under Satan's influence also revealed that they did not have the capacity to rule righteousness. 1, 2. 8, 9. 1, 2. En outre, nous devrions lui demander de continuer à nous aider, car le Diable reviendra nous tenter à un autre moment opportun pour lui - pas forcément au moment où nous nous y attendons! The Messiah would be silent before his accusers. Moreover, we should ask him to continue to help us, for the Devil will return to another timely time for us to do so. Ils pensent que le Diable et les démons sont des personnages imaginaires, tirés de romans, de films d'horreur ou de jeux vidéo. The worldwide Memorial attendance for the 2009 service year was 18,168,323. It exceeded the total number of Jehovah's Witnesses by over 10 million. They think that the Devil and the demons are characters, learned about movies, movies, and video games. " Chacun est éprouvé en se laissant entraîner et séduire par son propre désir, écrit le disciple Jacques. Rather, we can imitate the common Tekoites who willingly expended themselves. " Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire, " writes the disciple James. Vous en souvenez - vous? Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. Do You Recall? Nombre de serviteurs de Dieu éprouvent ce genre de sentiments. Qu'est - ce qui peut leur donner la force d'endurer? A Candid Look at Jonah Many of God's servants experience such feelings, and what can empower them to endure? Il a proclamé un jeûne pour tout Juda et a rassemblé le peuple afin d ' "interroger Jéhovah ." How do we benefit from making decisions that please Jehovah? He proclaimed a fast for all Judah and gathered the people in order "to ask Jehovah. " Jésus et ses compagnons viennent de célébrer la Pâque, qui leur a rappelé que Dieu a délivré leurs ancêtres de l'esclavage en Égypte. Think of what strong feelings of that kind led Dinah's brothers to do. Jesus and his companions came to observe the Passover, which reminded them that God delivered their forefathers from Egyptian bondage. Vous préoccupe - t - elle aussi? 1: 16. Does that concern you too? Faisons - nous tout ce que nous pouvons, peut - être même en cherchant des moyens d'élargir notre ministère?. Even a slight toleration of apostate thinking might start one down the road to full - fledged apostasy. - Proverbs 11: 9; Revelation 21: 8. Do we do all we can, perhaps by seeking ways to expand our ministry? - Matt. 1, 2. a) Quels dons Dieu a - t - il faits à Adam? How did bad associations affect the people of ancient Israel? 1, 2. (a) What gifts did God give Adam? Lors de son deuxième voyage missionnaire, en 50 de notre ère, Paul s'est rendu à Philippes. In what ways is Jesus a greater deliverer than Moses? On his second missionary journey in 50 C.E., Paul visited Philippi. La circoncision au bon moment. Illustrate how an honest way of life can attract others to the truth. circumcision at the right time. " Le verbe employé dans la langue originale exprime une action continue. This, then, is another benefit enjoyed by those who are close to Jehovah: He rewards his servants. - Hebrews 11: 6. The original - language word speaks for action. Mais nous ne devrions pas donner une signification symbolique à un récit si rien dans la Bible ne nous permet de le faire. Cherish Your Privilege of Working With Jehovah! But we should not give a symbolic meaning to a Bible account if nothing in the Bible does not permit us to do so. En repoussant de la sorte ce titre flatteur, Jésus a rendu gloire à Jéhovah et a indiqué que c'est le vrai Dieu la source de toute bonne chose. What may happen if we adapt our teaching methods to a Bible student's specific needs? As a result, Jesus gave glory to Jehovah and indicated that the true God is the Source of every good thing. Cela était honteux. (a) Adam's sin raised what question? This was ashamed. Quelles bénédictions recevons - nous à nous pardonner les uns les autres? What shows that Jehovah is a God of order? What blessings do we receive from forgiving one another? " En effet, il n'était plus là au retour de sa femme, et il n'a pas donné signe de vie pendant trois jours. It would be wise to walk with such a guide rather than heading off on our own. He was not there in his wife's return, and he gave no sign of life for three days. Nous rassurons ainsi notre cœur en vérifiant que Jéhovah n'est pas responsable de nos difficultés. - Philippiens 1: 9, 10. But Satan's wicked world promotes music that glorifies immorality. We thus strengthen our heart by making sure that Jehovah is not responsible for our difficulties. - Philippians 1: 9, 10. Certains d'entre eux ont été envoyés au front pour qu'ils y perdent la vie. 10: 34 - Why were the people required to supply wood? Some of them have been sent to the war to lose their lives. Un mariage réussi se prépare How much more so must the very idea of hellfire be repugnant to our loving heavenly Father! ' A Success in Marriage Et pourtant, Jésus les a exhortés à s'amasser en priorité, non pas des richesses matérielles, mais quelque chose de beaucoup plus précieux: un trésor spirituel. 21: 9; John 14: 2, 3. Why are the anointed referred to as "the king's daughter, " and why are they invited to " forget their people '? Yet, Jesus urged his followers to store up, not material riches, but something far more valuable - spiritual treasure. Au IIIsiècle av. n. è., beaucoup avaient élu domicile dans la ville égyptienne d'Alexandrie. Ils avaient besoin d'une traduction des Écritures hébraïques en grec, la langue internationale de l'époque. Psalm 37: 11 answers: "They will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " By the third century B.C.E., many had left home in the Egyptian city of benefiting from a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures in Greek, the international language of the day. ◆ en continuant à progresser. Why are lovers of money not truly happy? ◆ continuing to make progress. À la fin de cette période, le 14 Nisan 33, Jésus leur annonce: "Qui exerce la foi en moi, celui - là aussi fera les œuvres que je fais; et il fera des œuvres plus grandes que celles - ci. ." The manager of a facility in Zimbabwe used by Jehovah's Witnesses for their convention said: "I see some Witnesses picking up paper and cleaning toilets. At the end of that time, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told them: "He that exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these. " En dehors de la prédication, pouvons - nous montrer que nous nous intéressons à eux sans même sortir de chez nous? Early in the first century C.E., the Roman Empire stretched from Britain and Gaul (now France) to Egypt, and the region enjoyed unprecedented stability and prosperity. On the outside of the preaching work, can we show that we are interested in them without even going out of our home? Yoël a prophétisé que Dieu demanderait des comptes aux nations voisines de Juda qui avaient maltraité son peuple choisi. 1, 2. Joel prophesied that God would hold an accounting with the surrounding nations of Judah who had mistreated his chosen people. " Que votre manière de vivre soit exempte d'amour de l'argent, tandis que vous vous contentez des choses présentes ," nous recommande la Parole de Dieu. Sharing a message of real comfort in times of distress " Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things, " recommends God's Word. Rappelez à vos amis et à votre famille quand vous arrêterez et comment ils peuvent vous aider. Soon, they create more and more opportunities to be together, and seemingly innocent and ostensibly accidental encounters become more frequent. Remember your friends and your family when you stop and how they can help you. Lui aussi peut être bouleversé par diverses épreuves. Rather, we should accept hospitality with genuine appreciation for whatever our hosts have to offer. He may also be distressed by various trials. Pourquoi servir Jéhovah est - il le meilleur mode de vie qui soit? When you meet in the middle, both spouses benefit. " - Bible principle: 1 Peter 3: 8. Why is serving Jehovah the best way of life? CANTIQUES: 181, 130 How did Jason find comfort after the loss of his wife? SONGS TO BE USED: mercy, 130 Le Chant de Salomon raconte l'histoire de la Shoulammite, humble paysanne remarquée puis courtisée par son roi, bien qu'elle soit déjà amoureuse d'un jeune homme. The Bible tells husbands: "Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them. " The Song of Solomon tells us about the Shulammite girl's history, humble country, and so caught up by her king, although she is already in love with a young man. Les Écritures n'interdisent pas la sculpture ou la peinture représentant des objets à des fins artistiques. - 1 Rois 7: 18, 25. When they began the temple - building work, laying the foundation in 536 B.C.E., they were not saying that "the time has not come. " The Scriptures do not refuse the type or representative of objects to prevent them. - 1 Ki. 7: 18, 25. Comment bénéficier de sa direction? Was Elihu suggesting that our efforts in God's service are pointless? How can we benefit from Jehovah's guidance? Quand nous prêchons, nous efforçons - nous de l'imiter et d'avoir des paroles qui touchent les cœurs?. No human could enforce such a commandment, since no one can read hearts. As we preach, do we strive to imitate him and have words that touch hearts? - Matt. Ils auraient la récompense de la résurrection pour la vie céleste, qui surpasse la " meilleure résurrection " qu'attendaient les hommes de foi préchrétiens. Jehovah's spirit will be able to operate freely in the congregation, producing the spirit's good fruitage. They would have the reward of the resurrection for heavenly life, which surpasses "the better resurrection " for men of pre - Christian faith. Pourquoi est - il normal de reconnaître que Jéhovah est "le Dieu vivant "? We " make Jehovah's heart rejoice ' in that he is able to make a reply to the one who is taunting him. Why is it reasonable to recognize that Jehovah is "the living God "? Il expose la pensée de Dieu sur la malhonnêteté, la fornication et d'autres sujets. The Bible foretold that "a great crowd, which no man [would be] able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " would shout:" Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. " He outlines God's view of dishonest behavior, fornication, and other matters. [ Illustrations, page 13] All of that will be completely offset by the magnificent conditions in the new world. [ Pictures on page 13] 8, 9. 26: 26 - What is meant by " ten women baking bread in one oven '? 8, 9. Dans ce cas, sans nier les faiblesses de Yona, n'oublions pas qu'il a prêché avec fidélité et endurance à des Israélites sans foi. Would we really be "keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah "? If so, do not deny Jonah's weaknesses, let us remember that he faithfully preached with faithfulness and endurance of the faithless Israelites. Si vous le faites, vous leur apprendrez non seulement à prier Jéhovah, Celui qui entend la prière, mais encore à l'aimer. - Psaume 65: 2. What, though, if a negative emotion persists? If you do so, you will learn not only to pray to Jehovah but also to love him. - Psalm 65: 2. En résumé, veillons aux raisonnements des apostats. As already noted, it unfailingly came to pass in the year 539 B.C.E. By all means, then, let us make sure that apostates's thinking is wrong. Certains doivent être hospitalisés pour de graves symptômes de manque. D'autres doivent prendre des médicaments pour réduire leur envie compulsive de boire et prolonger l'abstinence. Then it will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years - and beyond! Some may have to be in need of severe withdrawal symptoms, while others need to take advantage of medical treatments to reduce their urge to drink and drink. Nous voulons d'ailleurs le servir éternellement. At the same time, when fellow believers show that they appreciate us, we are encouraged. Indeed, we want to serve him forever. Hitler a - t - il mené à bien sa campagne d'extermination contre les Témoins? Indeed, when tragedies or other difficult circumstances arise, the ensuing emotional turmoil can cause one to act irrationally. Did Hitler succeed in his witnessing campaign against the Witnesses? Pour tenir bon face à la persécution religieuse In God's new world, justice and righteousness will replace wickedness To stand firm in the face of religious persecution Comment bénéficier de la rançon Thus, we should be willing to postpone the pursuit of many of our personal interests, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy "the real life " - everlasting life in happy, peaceful conditions. - 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19. How to Benefit From the Ransom La plus élevée des instructions nous enseigne la volonté de Jéhovah et nous apprend à travailler pour lui comme des esclaves. Did he have to slit the animal's throat for drainage? The higher education teaches us Jehovah's will and teaches us to work for him as slaves. Que ne doit pas oublier un chrétien qui aide un enfant? " Be Training Yourself " What should a Christian not forget when helping a child? DÈS sa naissance, l'être humain éprouve le besoin d'être consolé. Jesus will judge people of all nations as sheep or goats FROM his birth, humans feel a need for comfort. J'ai reçu une proposition pour rentrer à l'université, mais j'ai décidé d'aller directement dans une école de cyclisme. Granted, some surviving ancient copies of the Bible contain minor mistakes and discrepancies. I received an offer to go to college, but I decided to go to a college school. Il leur a ordonné: " Allez [...] et faites des disciples de gens d'entre toutes les nations. Hope - Essential to Faith He commanded them: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Aujourd'hui, des millions de personnes croient que Dieu "fera [...] en sorte que justice soit rendue ." The Bible says: Today, millions of people believe that God will "cause justice to be done. " Qu'est - ce qui nous aidera à ouvrir notre cœur à notre meilleur Ami? Similarly, we keep on striving to improve as Christians by following Jesus ' instructions and imitating his perfect example. What will help us to open our heart to our best Friend? 3: 15. However, other people may praise them for their way of life. 3: 15. " UN HOMME robuste peut - il être utile à Dieu lui - même, pour que tout homme perspicace soit utile à son égard? Though Jesus was not a father, parents can benefit from his way of teaching because he taught and trained his disciples with love, humility, and insight. Can an able - bodied person benefit himself, so that any man may be helpful to him? C'est automatique; vous n'avez pas besoin d'y penser. 10: 22. You do not need to think it. Qu'il met au contraire ses capacités, ses qualités morales et ses normes au service de son dessein. Why should we examine our personal circumstances? Rather, he puts his abilities, qualities, and standards in harmony with his purpose. Ne pensez - vous pas qu'il est important de prendre l'habitude " d'obéir de cœur '? - Rom. Plain of Megiddo Do you not agree that it is important to be "obedient from the heart "? - Rom. Mais je fais toutes choses à cause de la bonne nouvelle, afin d'en devenir participant avec d'autres. (b) Illustrate how the experience gained in one assignment can be useful in others. But I do all things because of the good news, in order to share with others. " Tout au long de l'Histoire, la plupart des humains ont adopté ce point de vue erroné. That question will be answered in the following article. Throughout history, most humans have adopted this mistaken viewpoint. Mais une fois que le pli est pris, il est plus facile de conserver de saines habitudes - surtout quand on en constate les bienfaits. For centuries, explorers and travelers have used the compass to guide their way over land and sea. But once the fold is taken, it is easier to maintain wholesome habits - especially when we see benefits. [ Entrefilet, page 12] Highlights From the Book of Mark [ Blurb on page 12] Les adorateurs de Jéhovah devraient toujours continuer à faire des progrès spirituels. God said to Abraham: "Raise your eyes, please, and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward. " Jehovah's people should always continue to make spiritual progress. Car mon joug est doux et ma charge est légère ." You need to sit down with your spouse and discuss the matter. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " 8, 9. Rome 8, 9. Le Messie garderait le silence devant ses accusateurs. And if we continue to rely on God's spirit, we will be able to " present ourselves approved to God ' now and throughout eternity. - 2 Timothy 2: 15. The Messiah would keep silent before the accused. En 2009, l'assistance au Mémorial s'est élevée à 18 168 323, dépassant de plus de 10 millions le nombre de Témoins de Jéhovah. Keep Active in Jehovah's Service In 2009 the observance of the Memorial came to 18 percent of over 10,000,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nous pouvons imiter les autres Teqoïtes, qui ont été disposés à se dépenser dans ce genre d'activités. Stick to the Best Way of Life! We can imitate the others who were willing to expend themselves in such activities. Même si elle venait à tarder, continue à l'attendre; car elle se réalisera à coup sûr. What sort of issues divide those in Christendom? Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. " Un regard honnête sur Yona But Jehovah rescues him "from the paw of the lions. " - Daniel 6: 27. A honest View of Jonah Quand nous prenons des décisions qui plaisent à Jéhovah, quels bienfaits recevons - nous? 3 - 5. What blessings come from making decisions that please Jehovah? Songe à quoi ce sentiment excessif a mené les frères de Dina!. [ Footnote] Imagine how excessive that might have affected Dinah's brothers! - 2 Sam. 1: 16. 24: 3, 6 - 8, 12; 2 Tim. 1: 16. Il suffit même parfois de baisser quelque peu sa garde vis - à - vis des pensées apostates pour sombrer bel et bien dans l'apostasie. - Proverbes 11: 9; Révélation 21: 8. So some wonder if a hidden power is behind the occult. At times, it may even be enough to give up a few of his guard - apostate thoughts to fall into apostasy. - Proverbs 11: 9; Revelation 21: 8. Seul le Royaume apportera des solutions définitives. What does the order seen in the universe teach us about creation? Only the Kingdom will bring permanent solutions. Qu'est - il arrivé aux Israélites en raison de leurs mauvaises fréquentations? From 2 Chronicles 31: 1, we learn: "As soon as they finished all this,... they proceeded to break up the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred poles and pull down the high places and the altars. " What happened because the bad associations had been bad? Pour quelles raisons Jésus est - il un plus grand libérateur que Moïse? Yet, seeing his beloved Son suffer and die on a torture stake must have caused Jehovah the greatest possible pain. For what reasons is Jesus greater than Moses? Les humains qui sont proches de lui reçoivent donc un autre bienfait encore: ils sont récompensés. - Hébreux 11: 6. We should imitate the example of faithful Demetrius and not that of chattering Diotrephes, who was a slanderer. Hence, those who are close to him receive another blessing - they are rewarded. - Hebrews 11: 6. Attache du prix à l'honneur de travailler avec Jéhovah! * Among the numerous scriptures it uses to refute the Trinity doctrine are Mark 13: 32 and 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 28. Appreciate the privilege of working with Jehovah! À quels résultats parviendrons - nous sûrement si nous adaptons nos méthodes d'enseignement aux besoins de l'étudiant? (b) What should we cultivate, and why? What will help us if we adapt our teaching methods to the needs of the student? a) Quelle question le péché d'Adam a - t - il soulevée? On the contrary, Jehovah is deeply saddened when his servants suffer. - Isaiah 63: 8, 9; Zechariah 2: 8. (a) What question did Adam's sin raise? Qu'est - ce qui montre que Jéhovah est un Dieu d'ordre? He displayed tremendous courage when he confronted a battle - hardened giant. What shows that Jehovah is a God of order? Il est bien plus sage de se faire accompagner d'un tel guide que de partir seul à l'aventure. He lacks nothing and needs no one. It is wise to get along with such a guide only to walk away from it. Mais le monde mauvais de Satan fait la part belle à une musique qui glorifie l'immoralité. Jesus answered: "Rise, go your way into Damascus, and there you will be told about everything it is appointed for you to do. " But Satan's wicked world promotes beautiful music that glorifies immorality. 10: 34 - Pourquoi a - t - on demandé au peuple de fournir du bois? Are there women like Shiphrah and Puah today? 10: 34 - Why were the people asked for wood? Combien plus l'idée même d'un enfer de feu répugne à notre Père céleste qui nous aime! Although they accept hospitality from fellow believers, they do not "put an expensive burden " upon anyone. - 1 Thess. How much more so is the thought of a fiery hell to our heavenly Father who loves us! Pourquoi les oints sont - ils appelés " la fille du roi ," et pourquoi sont - ils invités à oublier leur peuple? You too can have such joy. Why are the anointed called "the daughter of the king, " and why are they invited to forget their people? Psaume 37: 11 répond: " Ils se délecteront de l'abondance de paix. • in our ministry? Psalm 37: 11 answers: "They will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " Pourquoi ceux qui aiment l'argent ne sont - ils pas vraiment heureux? Hence, he is empathetic toward those who because of their faith are opposed or mocked by their unbelieving family members. Why are those who love money not truly happy? " Le directeur d'un établissement du Zimbabwe où les Témoins de Jéhovah tiennent des assemblées a raconté: "Je vois quelques Témoins qui ramassent des papiers et qui nettoient les toilettes. However, the Person with whom we need to develop the closest relationship of all is our Grand Creator. - Eccl. When Jehovah's Witnesses are held at assemblies and conventions, they read: "I see some Witnesses gathering paper and staying with them. Au début du Isiècle de notre ère, l'Empire romain s'étendait depuis l'île de Bretagne et la Gaule (aujourd'hui la Grande - Bretagne et la France) jusqu'en Égypte, et il y régnait une stabilité et une prospérité sans précédent. When I saw how he had changed - now clean - cut and happy - I asked him, " What happened to you, and where have you been? ' At the beginning of the first century C.E., the Roman Empire reached out from Britain and C.E. to Britain and France, and there was an unprecedented stability and prosperity. 1, 2. When a Bible student learns that the dead are not conscious, what conclusions can he draw? 1, 2. Un message de vraie consolation est répandu en temps de détresse. A short while later, Jehovah's Witnesses visited her and gave her the comfort and knowledge she had sought. The message of true comfort is poured out in times of distress. Puis ils créent de plus en plus d'occasions d'être ensemble. Leurs rencontres, apparemment innocentes et prétendument accidentelles, sont de plus en plus fréquentes. For teachers of God's Word, that happiness is the joy of knowing that we are imparting something of genuine and lasting value - the truth about Jehovah. Then they create more opportunities for being together, apparently and claimed that they are more likely to live together. Nous devons plutôt être reconnaissants pour ce que notre frère ou notre sœur pourra nous offrir, quels que soient ses moyens. " This should not happen in God's organization! ' Rather, we should be grateful for what our brother or sister can offer us no matter what his means may be. Quand les deux conjoints sont prêts à faire des concessions, ils en retirent tous les deux des bienfaits. " (Principe biblique: 1 Pierre 3: 8.) Sharing the good news with others helps her to maintain a positive outlook. When both mates are ready to yield, they benefit both. " - Bible principle: 1 Peter 3: 8. Depuis la perte de sa femme, dans quoi Jason puise - t - il du réconfort? Today, we may not clearly see why some organizational matters are handled in a certain way, but we have every reason to trust in Jehovah's guidance through his faithful channel of communication. Since the loss of his wife, how will the loss of his wife find refreshment? ' La Bible dit aux maris: "Continuez à aimer vos femmes et ne vous aigrissez pas contre elles. How do the Scriptures highlight the uniqueness of Jesus? The Bible tells husbands: "Continue loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them. " ." Mais ce n'est pas ce qu'ils disaient en 536 avant notre ère, quand ils avaient commencé à reconstruire le temple et qu'ils en avaient posé les fondations. Similarly today, strangers try to persuade you youths that your Christian parents unduly restrict your freedom. But it was not what they said in 515 B.C.E. when they had begun to rebuild the temple and laid the foundation. Élihou laissait - il entendre que nos efforts pour servir Dieu sont vains? Joseph did not give in to discouragement; nor was he so filled with resentment that he sought revenge. Did Elihu suggest that our efforts to serve God are in vain? Aucun humain ne pourrait faire appliquer un tel commandement, car personne n'est capable de lire dans les cœurs. Perhaps you have used the words "stumble " and" fall " interchangeably to describe a spiritual condition. No human could do such a commandment, for no one can read hearts. L'esprit de Jéhovah agira librement au sein de notre congrégation et nous serons tous plus enclins à manifester le fruit de l'esprit. How can we find true purpose in life? Jehovah's spirit will freely act within our congregation, and all of us will be more inclined to display the fruitage of the spirit. Nous " réjouissons le cœur de Jéhovah ', car nous lui donnons la possibilité de répondre à celui qui le provoque. How did they get started pioneering, and how do they provide for themselves? We " rejoice in the heart of Jehovah, ' for we give him the opportunity to make a reply to him who is taunting him. La Bible avait prédit qu ' " une grande foule que personne ne [pourrait] compter, de toutes nations et tribus et peuples et langues " crierait d'une voix forte: " Le salut, nous le devons à notre Dieu, qui est assis sur le trône, et à l'Agneau ." Yet, we plainly see the results. The Bible foretold that "a great crowd that no man [would] number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and peoples and tongues" cried out with a loud voice: " Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. ' " Les conditions de vie qui existeront alors nous feront oublier tous nos malheurs passés. With regard to the word here translated "cling, " one Bible scholar states that" the language indicates a very close and intimate relationship. " Life's conditions will then make us forget all the bad things we have experienced. 26: 26 - Que signifie le fait que " dix femmes cuiraient du pain dans un seul four '? Before the Flood, disobedient angels forsook their heavenly position voluntarily; in modern times, however, they were forcibly evicted. 26: 26 - What is meant by the fact that " ten women were selling bread in one furnace '? Montrerions - nous vraiment que nous " gardons constamment à l'esprit la présence du jour de Jéhovah '? While on earth as a perfect human, Jesus joyfully performed the work Jehovah had given him to do. Do we really show that we are "keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah "? Et si une émotion négative persiste? Even here there may be differences. One Christian may accept a gamma globulin injection, but he may or may not agree to an injection containing something extracted from red or white cells. What if a negative feeling persists? Et comme nous l'avons vu, il s'est réalisé à la lettre en 539 avant notre ère. He spoke of the patriarch Abraham in that way. And as we have seen, he fulfilled the letter in 539 B.C.E. Vous aurez alors l'honneur de goûter à la paix et à la prospérité pendant mille ans, et bien au - delà! Furthermore, love of God requires our obedience. Then you will have the privilege of enjoying peace and prosperity for a thousand years - and far beyond that! Mais nous sommes également encouragés lorsque nos compagnons montrent qu'ils nous apprécient. Yes, for he will " hand over the kingdom to his God and Father. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. But we are also encouraged when our fellow believers show that they appreciate us. ." Lorsqu'un drame ou une autre situation pénible survient, le désarroi peut en effet entraîner des réactions inconsidérées. What do you do? When a tragedy or some other distressing situation arise, feelings may result from negative reactions. Dans le monde nouveau promis par Dieu, la justice remplacera la méchanceté. Victoria relates: In God's new world, justice will replace wickedness. C'est pourquoi, nous devrions volontiers remettre à plus tard la poursuite de nombreux intérêts personnels, sachant que, dans son monde nouveau, Jéhovah nous offrira " la vie véritable ," la vie éternelle dans le bonheur et dans la paix. " With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered [the unforgiving slave] to the jailers, until he should pay back all that was owing. " - Matt. Therefore, we should be willing to give up the pursuit of many personal interests, knowing that in God's new world, Jehovah will give us "the real life " - everlasting life in happiness and peace. Devait - il lui trancher la gorge? How tender those words are! What would he do? " Exerce - toi " The sheep have been "bought with a price " that Jesus paid with his own" precious blood. " " Exercise Yourself " Il est vrai que certaines copies anciennes de la Bible présentent de légères erreurs et différences. 1: 6 - 9. True, some ancient copies of the Bible make serious mistakes and differences. L'espérance: indispensable à la foi Please weigh all such advice prayerfully in the light of God's Word and the spiritual food provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. Hope - Essential to Faith La Bible déclare: But servants of God are admonished to "be rooted and established on the foundation " so that they may be able to grasp mentally" what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge. " - Eph. The Bible states: De manière similaire, c'est en suivant les instructions de Jésus et en imitant son exemple parfait que nous cherchons à devenir de meilleurs chrétiens. Humans are thus endowed with attributes like those of God, including a sense of justice and righteousness. Similarly, by following Jesus ' instructions and imitating his perfect example, we seek to become better Christians. Mais d'autres personnes font aussi l'éloge de leur manière de vivre. During his life on earth as a perfect man, Jesus was surrounded by imperfect humans. Others, though, also commend their manner of life. Bien que Jésus n'ait pas été père, les parents peuvent tirer profit de sa manière d'enseigner. (b) What does Job 14: 15 reveal about Jehovah, and how does this make you feel? Although Jesus was a father, parents can benefit from his way of teaching. 10: 22. I knew about Abraham, his "seed, " and the" great crowd, " but it was only when I saw these concepts explained in sign language that they took on real meaning. 10: 22. Dans quel but devrions - nous examiner notre situation personnelle? What about the moral climate of today? For what purpose should we examine our personal situation? Plaine de Meguiddo Megiddo b) Relatez un fait montrant que l'expérience acquise dans une forme de service peut être utile dans d'autres. (b) Relate an experience that shows that experience in some form of service can benefit others. Cette question fera l'objet de l'article suivant. This question will be considered in the following article. Sous l'action de la force invisible exercée par le magnétisme, l'aiguille s'oriente parallèlement au champ magnétique existant autour de la terre entre ses deux pôles. Elle indique ainsi le nord. Under the invisible force by the air's invisible strength, it is similar to the earth's magnetic field around the earth. Points marquants du livre de Marc Highlights From the Book of Mark Dieu dit à Abraham: "Lève les yeux, s'il te plaît, et regarde, de l'endroit où tu es, vers le nord et vers le sud, vers l'est et vers l'ouest. God tells Abraham: "Get up, please, and look at the place in which you are, to the north and south to the west and to the west. " Vous devez prendre le temps de vous asseoir avec votre conjoint et de discuter. You must take time to sit with your spouse and talk. Rome Rome Et si nous comptons sans cesse sur son esprit, nous pourrons " nous présenter à Dieu comme des hommes approuvés ', aujourd'hui et pour l'éternité. - 2 Timothée 2: 15. And if we keep relying on his spirit, we can " present ourselves approved to God ' now and forever. - 2 Timothy 2: 15. Continuons à servir activement Jéhovah Continue to Serve Jehovah actively Restez résolument sur la meilleure des voies! Maintain a firm stand on the best way of life! Quelles questions divisent la chrétienté? What questions divide Christendom? Mais Jéhovah sauve le prophète "de la patte des lions ." - Daniel 6: 27. But Jehovah rescues the prophet "out of the paw. " - Daniel 6: 27. 3 - 5. 3 - 5. [ Note] [ Footnote] 24: 3, 6 - 8, 12; 2 Tim. 24: 3, 6 - 8, 12; 2 Tim. Or, l'occultisme a une odeur de mystère. The occult, however, has a waste of the mystery. Que nous enseigne l'ordre existant dans l'univers? What does the order of the universe teach us? " Dès qu'on eut achevé tout cela [...], lit - on en 2 Chroniques 31: 1, ils se mirent à briser les colonnes sacrées, à abattre les poteaux sacrés, à démolir les hauts lieux et les autels. " As soon as it had finished all this..., " says 2 Chronicles 31: 1, "they began to break up the sacred pillars, cut down the sacred poles, cut down the sacred places and altars down. " Et pourtant, quelle douleur il a dû ressentir en voyant son Fils bien - aimé souffrir et mourir sur un poteau de supplice! Yet, how painful he must have felt when seeing his beloved Son suffer and die on a torture stake! Nous devons imiter l'exemple du fidèle Démétrius, et non celui du bavard Diotréphès, qui était un calomniateur. We need to imitate the example of the faithful man who was a slanderer. Parmi les nombreux versets qu'elle mentionne pour réfuter la doctrine de la Trinité figurent Marc 13: 32 et 1 Corinthiens 15: 24, 28. Among the many verses that Paul mentions in order to refute the doctrine of the Trinity are Mark 13: 32 and 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 28. b) Que nous faut - il cultiver, et pourquoi? (b) What must we cultivate, and why? Au contraire, Jéhovah est profondément attristé quand ses serviteurs souffrent. - Isaïe 63: 8, 9; Zekaria 2: 8. On the contrary, Jehovah is deeply grieved when his people suffer. - Isaiah 63: 8, 9; Zechariah 2: 8. Il avait aussi manifesté un courage extraordinaire face au géant Goliath, un soldat expérimenté. He also displayed extraordinary courage in dealing with the giant Goliath, an experienced soldier. Dieu se suffit à lui - même. God is simply enough. " Lève - toi, va à Damas, lui a répondu Jésus, et là on te parlera de tout ce qu'il t'est prescrit de faire. " Get up, go to Damascus, " replied Jesus, "and there is reference to all that he commanded you to do. " Existe - t - il aujourd'hui des femmes qui ressemblent à Shiphra et à Poua? Could there be women who are like Shiphrah and Puah today? Ils bénéficient de l'hospitalité de leurs frères et sœurs, mais ils n'imposent "de fardeau coûteux à personne ." - 1 Thess. They benefit from the hospitality of their brothers and sisters, but they do not make "a expensive burden to anyone. " - 1 Thess. Vous pouvez connaître la même joie. You can experience similar joy. • dans le ministère? • in our ministry? Par conséquent, Jésus comprend tout à fait ce que vivent les chrétiens qui, en raison de leur foi, sont exposés à l'opposition ou aux moqueries des membres de leur famille qui n'adhèrent pas à la vérité. Hence, Jesus fully understands what Christians live because of their faith, opposition, or ridicule from unbelieving relatives. Toutefois, la Personne avec laquelle il nous faut nouer la relation la plus étroite est notre Grand Créateur. However, the most close relationship we need is our Grand Creator. Quand j'ai vu à quel point il avait changé - il était maintenant bien mis et heureux - , je lui ai demandé où il était passé et ce qui lui était arrivé. When I saw how much changed he had now and happy, I asked him where he had happened and what had happened. Quand un étudiant de la Bible apprendra que les morts ne sont pas conscients, quelles conclusions pourra - t - il en tirer? When a Bible student learns that the dead are not aware, what conclusions can he draw? " Peu après, elle a reçu la visite de Témoins de Jéhovah, qui l'ont réconfortée et ont répondu à ses questions. Soon thereafter, she received the visit of Jehovah's Witnesses, who comforted her and responded to her questions. Pour nous qui sommes des enseignants de la Parole de Dieu, c'est une joie de savoir que nous transmettons quelque chose qui a une valeur authentique et durable: la vérité concernant Jéhovah. As teachers of God's Word, it is a joy to know that we convey something that is truly valuable and lasting - the truth about Jehovah. " Ça ne devrait pas se produire dans l'organisation de Dieu! This should not happen in God's organization! Annoncer la bonne nouvelle, ça m'aide à garder un point de vue optimiste. " Having a positive view of the good news helps me to maintain a positive view of the good news. " Aujourd'hui, peut - être ne comprenons - nous pas bien le pourquoi de certaines décisions en matière d'organisation, mais nous avons toutes les raisons d'avoir confiance en la manière dont Jéhovah dirige les choses par son fidèle canal de communication. Today, we may not fully understand why certain decisions are made in the organizational arrangement today, but we have every reason to trust in Jehovah's way of directing matters through his loyal channel of communication. Comment les Écritures soulignent - elles l'unicité de Jésus? How do the Scriptures highlight Jesus ' role? Pareillement aujourd'hui, des étrangers tentent de vous persuader, vous les jeunes, que vos parents chrétiens restreignent indûment votre liberté. Similarly today, foreigners try to persuade you, young ones, that your Christian parents limit your freedom. Joseph n'a pas cédé au découragement ni nourri un ressentiment qui l'aurait amené à se venger. Joseph did not give in to discouragement or harbor resentment that would lead him to retaliate. Pour parler d'une défaillance spirituelle, peut - être emploies - tu quelquefois " trébucher " et " tomber " de façon interchangeable. To discuss spiritual failings, you may at times use "to stumble " and" fall away " in a proper way. Comment trouver un but véritable dans la vie? How can we find true purpose in life? Comment sont - ils devenus pionniers et comment subviennent - ils à leurs besoins? How have they become pioneers, and how do they provide for their needs? Toutefois, nous en voyons nettement les résultats. However, we can see clearly the results. En rapport avec le terme traduit ici par " s'attacher ', un bibliste déclare que "ce langage évoque des relations très étroites et très intimes ." Regarding the word here translated "cling, " one Bible scholar says that" speech refers to a very close and intimate relationship. " Alors qu'avant le déluge les anges désobéissants avaient abandonné leur position céleste volontairement, à notre époque ils ont été chassés par la force. By the time the disobedient angels left their heavenly position willingly, they were cast out of the strength. Lorsqu'il était un homme parfait sur terre, Jésus s'est acquitté avec joie du travail que Jéhovah lui avait donné. When Jesus was a perfect man on earth, he gladly fulfilled the work Jehovah had given him. Parmi eux, les positions peuvent varier: un chrétien qui acceptera peut - être une injection de gammaglobulines acceptera ou n'acceptera pas une injection de substances extraites de globules rouges ou blancs. For example, positions may differ - a Christian who may accept a course of favor or do not accept a blood flow of red or white cells or white cells. C'est par ce terme qu'il a désigné le patriarche Abraham. He referred to the patriarch Abraham as the patriarch Abraham. La Bible dit en effet: "Voici ce que signifie l'amour de Dieu: que nous observions ses commandements. The Bible says: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments. " Oui, puisqu'il "remettra le royaume à son Dieu et Père ." - Lire 1 Corinthiens 15: 24 - 28. Yes, since he "will deliver the kingdom to his God and Father. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. Que faites - vous? What are you doing? Elle raconte: She says: [...] Là - dessus son maître, pris de colère, l'a livré aux geôliers, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait rendu tout ce qu'il devait. " - Mat. Above his master, he gave him up to the jailer until he had given all that he was to do. " - Matt. Quelle tendresse dans ces mots! How tender these words are! Les brebis ont été " acheté [e] s à un prix ," que Jésus a payé avec son propre " sang précieux ." The sheep were " bought with a price, ' whom Jesus paid with his own" precious blood. " 1: 6 - 9. 1: 6 - 9. Surtout, priez Dieu de vous aider à analyser ces conseils à la lumière de sa Parole et de la nourriture spirituelle fournie par la classe de l'esclave fidèle et avisé. Above all, pray for God's help to analyze these counsel in the light of his Word and the spiritual food provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. Pourtant, les serviteurs de Dieu sont exhortés à être "enracinés et établis sur le fondement " afin d'être capables de saisir" ce qu'est la largeur, et la longueur, et la hauteur, et la profondeur, et de connaître l'amour du Christ qui surpasse la connaissance ." - Éph. Nevertheless, God's people are exhorted to "be cut off and set on the foundation " so that they can grasp" the breadth and length and height and depth and depth of the love of the Christ that excels knowledge. " - Eph. Les humains sont donc dotés d'attributs semblables à ceux de Dieu, au nombre desquels figure le sens de la justice. Humans are, therefore, endowed with courtesy to those of God, include the sense of justice. Il a été élevé par des parents imparfaits et a vécu des années sous leur toit aux côtés de frères et sœurs imparfaits. He was raised by imperfect parents and lived years during their roof with imperfect brothers and sisters. b) Que révèle Job 14: 15 à propos de Jéhovah, et quels sentiments cela vous inspire - t - il? (b) What does Job 14: 15 reveal about Jehovah, and how does this affect you? Je comparais les personnages et j'examinais chaque détail pour retenir les histoires. Je connaissais Abraham, sa " semence " et la " grande foule ." I compared the characters and looked down every detail to hold back the stories, and I knew Abraham, his "offspring, " and the" great crowd. " Que dire du climat moral aujourd'hui? What about today's moral climate?