El hospital quiere enfermeras que cuiden de sus pacientes. The hospital wants nurses to care for its patients. The hospital wants nurses to take care of their patients. No me apetece nada estudiar esta noche. I don't feel like studying at all tonight. I don't feel like studying tonight. Quid emisti? What did you buy? Who did you issue? Oceanus Atlanticus Americam ab Europa secernit. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. Oceanus Atlanticus America a secerti Europe. Lei mi ha chiesto se conoscevo l'indirizzo di Tom. She asked me if I knew Tom's address. You asked me if I knew Tom's address. Il n'est pas chanteur, mais acteur. He is not a singer, but an actor. He's not a singer, but an actor. Lei è in un posto sicuro. You are in a safe place. You're in a safe place. Je suis sûr que tu aurais fait la même chose pour moi. I'm sure you would have done the same for me. I'm sure you would have done the same for me. Io indosso spesso degli stivali. I often wear boots. I often wear boots. Você está no andar errado. You're on the wrong floor. You're on the wrong floor. Loro sanno suonare la chitarra. They can play the guitar. They can play the guitar. Tom está completamente solo y no tiene a nadie con quien hablar. Tom is all alone with no one to talk to. Tom is completely alone and has no one to talk to. Eu vi isso. I've seen this. I saw that. Vous devez être préparés. You have to be prepared. You need to be prepared. Le séisme provoqua l'incendie. The earthquake brought about the fire. The earthquake caused the fire. Vi mostrerò. I'll show you. I'll show you. Io non posso fingere che lui mi piaccia. I can't pretend to like him. I can't pretend I like him. Qu'est-ce qui vous a réveillées ? What woke you up? What woke you up? Marie chante souvent dans sa voiture. Mary often sings in her car. Mary often sings in her car. Tom achou o exercício exaustivo. Tom found the exercise exhausting. Tom found the exercise exhausting. El Sistema Solar tiene cuatro planetas terrestres o telúricos: Mercurio, Venus, Tierra y Marte. The Solar System has four terrestrial or telluric planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The Solar System has four terrestrial or teluric planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Tutto fa schifo. Everything sucks. Everything sucks. M. Ito enseigne-t-il l'histoire ? Does Mr. Ito teach history? Does Mr. Ito teach history? Es sólo cuestión de tiempo que el meteorito choque. It's only a matter of time before the meteor strikes. It's only a matter of time before the meteorite crash. J'étais sûr de recevoir un bon accueil. I was sure of receiving a good welcome. I was sure I'd get a good welcome. Eu espero que Tom ainda esteja vivo. I hope Tom is still alive. I hope Tom is still alive. J'ai pensé que le concert s'est assez bien déroulé. I thought the concert went pretty well. I thought the concert went pretty well. No te rindas sin dar pelea. Don't give up without a fight. Don't give up without a fight. Vous n'êtes pas obligées de présenter vos excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. C'était un coup de chance. That was a stroke of luck. It was a lucky shot. Às vezes Mary ficava sentada sozinha na varanda. Mary would often sit alone on the porch. Sometimes Mary would sit alone on the balcony. Voglio un caffè. I want a coffee. I want a coffee. Se hizo famoso gracias a su madre. He became famous thanks to his mother. He became famous thanks to his mother. Él no puede distinguir una oveja de una cabra. He can not tell a sheep from a goat. He can't tell a sheep from a goat. ¿Me quieres decir qué es esto? Do you want to tell me what this is? You want to tell me what this is? Il n'a jamais dit merci malgré tout ce que j'ai fait pour lui. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never said thank you despite everything I've done for him. Você teve tempo de sobra. You had plenty of time. You've had plenty of time. Je suis trop petit. I am too short. I'm too small. Yo necesito estudiar más. I need to study more. I need to study more. Viens jouer avec nous. Come play with us. Come play with us. J'aimerais faire davantage votre connaissance. I'd like to get to know you better. I'd like to get to know you more. Pong es el primer video juego. Pong is the first videogame. Pong is the first video game. Et idcirco vocatum est nomen eius Babel, quia ibi confusum est labium universæ terræ, et inde dispersit eos Dominus super faciem universæ terræ. And therefore the name thereof was called Babel, because there the language of the whole earth was confounded: and from thence the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all countries. And his name is called Babel; for there is confusion in the lips of all the earth, and the LORD scattereth them abroad over all the earth. O Tom começou a falar. Tom began to speak. Tom started talking. Oh, guardi, guardi! C'è un grande arcobaleno laggiù! Oh, look, look! There's a big rainbow over there! Oh, look, look, there's a big rainbow over there! Elle refusa de jouer avec la chose, s'assit tout simplement et semblait fâchée. She refused to play with it, and just sat and looked angry. She refused to play with the thing, sat down simply and seemed angry. Não há dinheiro na minha bolsa. There is no money in my bag. There's no money in my purse. J'ai dit qu'il n'y avait personne ici. I said there's no one here. I said there was no one here. Él me presentó a Sue. He introduced me to Sue. He introduced me to Sue. Eu realmente gosto de Boston. I really do like Boston. I really like Boston. Tendrás que trabajar mucho. You'll have to work a lot. You'll have to work hard. Não é isso que eu vou fazer. That's not what I'm going to do. That's not what I'm gonna do. Los estuches están viejos. The pencil cases are old. The boxes are old. Talvez ele venha. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Penso che, per via della sua importanza, il caffè dovrebbe avere almeno una lettera maiuscola. I think, due to its importance, coffee should have at least one capital letter. I think, because of its importance, coffee should have at least one capital letter. Eu minto para o Tom o tempo todo. I lie to Tom all the time. I lie to Tom all the time. O tênis é o meu esporte preferido. Tennis is my preferred sport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Tenho um relacionamento pessoal com Jesus Cristo. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Non parlo mai in francese. I never speak French. I never speak French. Vous êtes toutes à moi. You're all mine. You're all mine. L'abbiamo fatto a scuola. We did that at school. We did it at school. Há espaço para mim no seu carro? Is there room for me in your car? Is there room for me in your car? Tu ne devrais pas recourir à la boisson. You should not resort to drinking. You shouldn't use a drink. Espero que John venha. I hope that John comes. I hope John comes. Il n'aime pas le poisson. He doesn't like to eat fish. He doesn't like fish. La sua è peggio. Yours is worse. Yours is worse. Tom frappe à la porte. Tom is knocking on the door. Tom knocks on the door. Todos los humanos son mortales. All human beings are mortal. All humans are mortal. Non licet. It's not allowed. It's not cool. Io provo a non giudicare le decisioni delle mie amiche. I try not to judge my friends' decisions. I try not to judge my friends' decisions. Io sono abituato al clima. I am accustomed to the climate. I'm used to the weather. Sami non può predire il futuro. Sami can't predict the future. Sami can't predict the future. Perché studi tedesco? Why are you studying German? Why do you study German? Lequel est correct ? Which is correct? Which one is correct? Tu non sei andato molto lontano. You didn't get very far. You didn't go very far. A porta fica no fim do corredor. The door is at the end of the corridor. The door is at the end of the hall. Vogliamo avere un bambino. We want to have a baby. We want to have a baby. Dovete andare a scuola. You must go to school. You have to go to school. J'ai pensé que ce serait une occasion pour vous d'améliorer votre français. I thought it would be an opportunity for you to improve your French. I thought it would be an opportunity for you to improve your French. A não ser por seus pais, ninguém o conhece muito bem. Apart from his parents, no one knows him very well. Except for your parents, no one knows you very well. Le assomiglio? Do I look like her? Do I look like you? Je ne sais pas et lui non plus. I don't know and neither does he. I don't know, and neither does he. Sa voix évoque le bruit de l'autoroute. His voice brings to mind the sound of the motorway. His voice evokes the noise of the highway. Não entendi seu nome. I didn't catch your name. I don't understand your name. Vous sentez-vous à l'aise partout ? Do you feel at home anywhere? Do you feel comfortable everywhere? ¿Qué has dicho? Repítelo, por favor. What did you say? Please repeat it. What did you say? Je possède des plantes. I have plants. I own plants. Cela aurait été divertissant. That would've been entertaining. That would have been fun. Sono cicciona. I'm flabby. I'm fat. Insegnai a Tom come sopravvivere. I taught Tom how to survive. I taught Tom how to survive. Thomas nunquam mentitur. Tom never tells lies. Thomas never lies. Nous vous expédierons le produit immédiatement après avoir reçu votre commande. We will ship the product immediately after receiving your order. We will send you the product immediately after receiving your order. Nous vivons en appartement. We live in an apartment. We live in an apartment. Mio zio mi ha reso ciò che sono. My uncle has made me what I am. My uncle made me what I am. Lei va in chiesa il giorno di Natale? Do you go to church on Christmas Day? Are you going to church on Christmas Day? ¿Cuándo vino Tom? When did Tom come? When did Tom come? J'ai songé que tu voudrais savoir. I figured that you'd want to know. I thought you might want to know. Você é eficiente? Are you efficient? Are you efficient? Les villageois sont tous au courant de l'accident. All the villagers know of the accident. The villagers are all aware of the accident. Je suis un peu jaloux. I'm a little jealous. I'm a little jealous. Je ne sais pas conduire une voiture. I don't know how to drive a car. I don't know how to drive a car. Cuidou da mãe depois que o pai morreu. He cared for his mother after his father died. He took care of his mother after his father died. In realtà sono impressionata. I'm actually impressed. I'm actually impressed. Abbiamo più lettere senza risposta? Do we have more unanswered letters? Do we have any more unanswered letters? Lui fece un viaggio a Parigi. He made a journey to Paris. He made a trip to Paris. Ele já esteve em Portugal, para não mencionar também a Espanha. He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain. He has already been to Portugal, not to mention Spain. ¿Qué recomendaste? What did you recommend? What did you recommend? Io non merito il suo amore. I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve your love. Fadil matou-se saltando do alto de um edifício de 8 andares. Fadil killed himself by jumping off an 8-storey building. Fadil killed himself jumping from the top of an 8-story building. Sembravi impegnata. You appeared busy. You seemed busy. La próxima vez será mi turno de conducir. Next time it will be my turn to drive. Next time it's my turn to drive. Onde será que Tom estacionou o carro? I wonder where Tom parked the car. Where did Tom park the car? Este año, tengo que comprar un auto. This year, I need to buy a car. This year, I have to buy a car. Sou muito preguiçoso. I'm very lazy. I'm very lazy. Qual è il tuo carattere preferito? What's your favorite font? What's your favorite character? Disons simplement que je n'ai pas été surprise. Let's just say that I wasn't surprised. Let's just say I wasn't surprised. Después de cuatro horas en el museo estamos cansados. After four hours in the museum we're tired. After four hours in the museum we're tired. Fale para o Tom o que ele precisa fazer. Tell Tom what he needs to do. Tell Tom what he needs to do. L'ho scambiato per mio fratello. I mistook him for my brother. I traded it for my brother. Ils l'ont sauvé du danger. They rescued him from danger. They saved him from danger. Non riuscivo a sentirlo. I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear it. Quando os senhores irão à biblioteca? When are you going to the library? When are you going to the library? Vidi l'uomo saltare. I saw the man jump. I saw the man jump. Gostaria de um pouco de suco de laranja? Would you like some orange juice? Would you like some orange juice? Le tuyau d'égout explosa. The sewer pipe exploded. The sewer pipe exploded. Leila era filha de Sami e estava grávida. Layla was Sami's pregnant child. Leila was Sami's daughter and was pregnant. El médico le aconsejó que trabajase menos. The doctor advised him to work less. The doctor advised him to work less. Este poema foi originalmente escrito em francês. This poem was originally written in French. This poem was originally written in French. Io riesco a malapena a sopportarlo. I can barely stand him. I can barely stand it. Perché non le cercate? Why don't you look for them? Why don't you look for them? Elle a vraiment horreur de cette façon de penser. She really hates this kind of thinking. She really hates that way of thinking. Le connaissiez-vous bien ? Did you know him well? Did you know him well? Um lagarto gigante está destruindo a cidade! A giant lizard is destroying the city! A giant lizard is destroying the city! Stia attento. Be careful. Be careful. Ça soulève un autre point que j'aimerais discuter. That brings up another point I'd like to discuss. It raises another point that I'd like to discuss. Les jeux-vidéos sont mauvais pour vous. Video games are bad for you. Video games are bad for you. Sólo había algunas manchas de vegetación cerca del río. There were only a few patches of vegetation near the river. There were only a few spots of vegetation near the river. Le conseil de Tom a été très utile. Tom's advice was very helpful. Tom's advice was very helpful. Perché non mi abbraccia più? Why doesn't she hug me anymore? Why don't you hug me anymore? Calmez-vous, Bon Dieu ! Calm the hell down. Calm down, God damn it! Tom non è mai stato molto interessante. Tom never was very interesting. Tom has never been very interesting. Nous ne sommes pas flics. We're not cops. We're not cops. Tom e Mary hanno mangiato qualcosa? Have Tom and Mary eaten anything? Did Tom and Mary eat anything? El bistec está bien cocido. The steak is well done. The steak is well cooked. Tom non vuole parlare con te. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Debemos permanecer aquí. We must remain here. We have to stay here. Sim, sei disso. Yes, I know it. Yeah, I know that. Acho que amanhã estará ensolarado. I think it will be sunny tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be sunny. Odio i pomodori. I hate tomatoes. I hate tomatoes. Per quel che mi riguarda, è una completa estranea. As far as I'm concerned, she's a complete stranger. As far as I'm concerned, she's a complete stranger. Io ho qualcosa in forno. I've got something in the oven. I've got something in the oven. Les pieuvres se servent de coques de noix de coco comme abris portatifs. Octopuses use coconut shells as portable shelters. Occurrences use coconut shells as portable shelters. Eu ainda moro em Boston. I still live in Boston. I still live in Boston. Tu hai letto questo? Did you read this? Did you read this? Ce château est beau. That castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. ¿Quieren éstos? Do you want these? Do you want these? Lei ne ha ordinato uno. She ordered one. You ordered one. Uter robustior est: an tiger an leo? Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion? To use robustness is: an tiger an lion? Haec universitas anno MDCCCXLIII condita est. This university was founded in 1843. Haec universities year MDCCCXLIII condition east. Tu es le seul en qui j'ai confiance. You're the only one I trust. You're the only one I trust. O Tom gravou as iniciais dele no grande carvalho na frente da escola. Tom carved his initials on the large oak tree in front of the school. Tom recorded his initials in the big oak in front of the school. A noi servono alcuni strumenti. We need some tools. We need some tools. Un livre sans préface, c'est comme un corps sans âme. A book without preface is like a body without a soul. A book without a foreword is like a body without a soul. Você não consegue se lembrar, consegue? You can't remember, can you? You can't remember, can you? A me non piace questa canzone. I do not like this song. I don't like this song. Voglio che la seguiate. I want you to follow her. I want you to follow her. Perché non siete rimaste con lei? Why didn't you stay with her? Why didn't you stay with her? O que está acontecendo com você já aconteceu uma vez comigo. What's happening to you has already happened to me. What's happening to you has happened to me once. Siamo delle studentesse delle superiori. We are high school students. We're high school students. La dictature nord-coréenne repose sur l'armée. The army is the linchpin of North Korean dictatorship. The North Korean dictatorship is based on the army. Si vuole ubriacare? Do you want to get drunk? You want to get drunk? Tom dice di non aver mai visto nulla del genere prima. Tom says he's never seen anything like this before. Tom says he's never seen anything like this before. Avrei dovuto scegliere i soldi. I should've chosen the money. I should have chosen the money. Si tu me voyais avec l'air que j'ai en ce moment, je suis certain que tu ne me reconnaîtrais même pas. If you saw me the way that I look right now, I'm sure you wouldn't even recognize me. If you saw me as I look right now, I'm sure you wouldn't even recognize me. Lei provò a rubarmi il ragazzo. She tried to steal my boyfriend. She tried to steal my boy. Il s'agit d'une rumeur. It's a rumor. It's a rumor. Je n'ai pas pu aller travailler parce que j'étais malade. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. Je voudrais aller à la maison maintenant. I would like to go home now. I'd like to go home now. Dov'è la moglie di Tom? Where is Tom's wife? Where's Tom's wife? Ne riconobbi una. I recognized one. I recognized one. Lui ha fatto una fortuna scrivendo un romanzo bestseller. He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel. He made a fortune writing a bestseller novel. Mangiamo qualcosa prima di uscire. Let's eat something before we go out. Let's get something to eat before we go out. Lì non c'è niente. There's nothing there. There's nothing there. Êtes-vous effrayés ? Are you frightened? Are you scared? Tom è sposato con un insegnante delle superiori. Tom is married to a high school teacher. Tom is married to a high school teacher. Io ho riso così tanto che mi fa male lo stomaco. I laughed so much my stomach hurts. I laughed so much that my stomach hurts. Vi volete riposare per un po'? Do you want to rest for a bit? Do you want to rest for a while? Non si preoccupi per niente di me. Don't you worry about me a bit. Don't worry about me at all. Non ho nulla a che fare con i loro problemi. I have nothing to do with their troubles. I have nothing to do with their problems. J‘ai fêté mon anniversaire dans un restaurant. I had my birthday party at a restaurant. I celebrated my birthday in a restaurant. ¿Qué es una selva? What's a jungle? What's a jungle? Tom tiene lo que necesita. Tom has what he needs. Tom has what he needs. Io potrei essere lì per le 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. I could be there by 2:30. Io riparo computer quasi ogni giorno. I repair computers almost every day. I repair computers almost every day. Les athlètes ne sont pas différents. Athletes are no different. Athletes aren't different. ¿Cuál está roto? Which one is broken? Which one's broken? A veces duermo boca arriba, a veces boca abajo y otras de costado. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and other times on my side. Sometimes I sleep face-up, sometimes face-down and sometimes side-by-side. Amor platônico é amor do pescoço para cima. Platonic love is love from the neck up. Platonic love is love from the neck up. O homem de repente começou a atirar com sua arma. The man suddenly started shooting his gun. The man suddenly started shooting with his gun. Resolvi escrever num diário este ano. I've decided to keep a diary this year. I decided to write a diary this year. Soyons raisonnables. Let's be reasonable. Let's be reasonable. Non riesco a farlo senza il suo aiuto. I can't do without her help. I can't do it without your help. Hablando francamente, él no es un hombre de fiar. Frankly speaking, he is an unreliable man. Frankly speaking, he's not a reliable man. Aiutatemi a trovarlo. Help me find him. Help me find him. Você deve estar brincando! You must be kidding! You must be kidding me! Isso nem sequer é engraçado. That's not even funny. That's not even funny. Je suis sûr que ce sera difficile de faire cela. I'm sure it'll be difficult to do that. I'm sure it'll be hard to do that. Estoy siendo acosado por Tom. I'm being harassed by Tom. I'm being harassed by Tom. Peixes como a carpa e a truta vivem em água doce. Fish such as carp and trout live in fresh water. Fish like carp and trout live in fresh water. Il a ignoré son conseil. He ignored her advice. He ignored his advice. Esses livros me pertencem. These books belong to me. These books belong to me. Un camello puede almacenar una gran cantidad de agua en la joroba en su espalda. A camel can store a large amount of water in the hump on its back. A camel can store a lot of water in the hump on its back. Questo lago è molto profondo. This lake is very deep. This lake is very deep. Il a concentré son attention sur ce qu'elle disait. He concentrated his attention on what she said. He focused his attention on what she was saying. Questa non è sicura. This isn't safe. This isn't safe. Siamo al verde? Are we broke? Are we broke? Perché non la chiamate e basta? Why don't you just call her? Why don't you just call her? Je compte prendre des vacances en mai. I expect to take a vacation in May. I plan to take a vacation in May. J'aurais pu choisir un meilleur moment. I could have picked a better time. I could have picked a better time. Si vous saviez à quel point j'ai attendu ce moment! I can't tell you how much I've looked forward to this moment. If you knew how long I waited for this moment! Per favore, torna il prima possibile. Please come back as soon as possible. Please come back as soon as possible. Ci sei davvero mancato. We really missed you. We really missed you. J'avais honte de sortir avec de vieilles fringues. I was ashamed to go out in old clothes. I was ashamed to go out with old clothes. Io non ci vedo nulla di sbagliato. I see nothing wrong with it. I don't see anything wrong. O que está acontecendo hoje? What's happening today? What's going on today? Perché c'era un sacco d'acqua... Because there was plenty of water... Because there was a lot of water... Eliminate il sarcasmo. Attenetevi ai fatti e basta. Cut the sarcasm. Just stick to the facts. Eliminate sarcasm. Just stick to the facts. "Você está caidinho por esta mina." "Não estou, não." "You've got a crush on this girl." "No, I don't!" "You're falling for this mine." "I'm not, no." Il est vain de cueillir des figues avant qu'elles ne soient mûres. What's the point in picking figs before they are ripe? It is futile to pick figs before they are ripe. Tiens bon ! Nous arrivons. Hang on. We'll be right there. Hold on, we're coming. No soportaré eso. I won't put up with that. I can't stand that. Ainda estou comendo. I am still eating. I'm still eating. Est-ce que tu peux laisser la lumière allumée ? Can you leave the light on? Can you leave the light on? Nous allons mettre la maison en gage de manière à pouvoir emprunter un peu d'argent. We'll use the house as collateral so we can borrow some money. We're gonna pawn the house so we can borrow some money. Ciertos venenos, usados adecuadamente, son útiles. Certain poisons, properly used, are useful. Certain poisons, properly used, are useful. Thomae ad id faciendum facultatem concessi. I gave Tom an opportunity to do that. I'll give you a chance to do it. I'll give you a chance. No verão, eu gosto de nadar nua na lagoa. In the summer I like to swim naked in the pond. In summer, I like to swim naked in the pond. Che vuole che faccia Tom? What does Tom want me to do? What do you want me to do, Tom? Sé que no podrás hacer eso sin algo de ayuda. I know that you won't be able to do that without some help. I know you can't do that without some help. Regarde vers l'avenir! Look into the future! Look to the future! Como un todo, eran un buen grupo. They were a good group as a whole. As a whole, they were a good group. Cinquanta famiglie vivono in questo piccolo villaggio. Fifty families live in this tiny village. Fifty families live in this small village. Il m'accusa d'être un menteur. He accused me of being a liar. He accused me of being a liar. La devi salvare. You must save her. You have to save her. Pourquoi en fais-tu tout un plat, hein? Ravale ton orgueil ! Why are you making such a big deal out of it, huh? Just suck it up already! Why are you making such a big deal out of it, huh? È possibile prendere il prossimo volo? Is it possible to get on the next flight? Is it possible to take the next flight? Le visage d'une personne dit beaucoup de son caractère. A person's face tells a great deal about his character. A person's face says a lot about his character. Nous devons toujours être prêtes. We must always be ready. We must always be ready. Ils nous donneront la réponse dans cinq ou six jours. They will give us the answer in five or six days. They'll give us the answer in five or six days. La guerra cominciò tre anni più tardi. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Não me envergonho de quem sou ou do que fiz. I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I did. I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I did. David ha così tanti amici che non riesce neppure a ricordare tutti i loro nomi. David has so many friends that he can't even recall all their names. David has so many friends that he can't even remember all their names. Crede mihi, frater, non intelligo me virum esse, non sentio. Believe me, brother, I don't know that I'm a man; I don't feel like one. Believe me, brother, I don't understand them, I don't hear them. Eu me aposentei no ano passado. I retired last year. I retired last year. Ho intenzione di restare qui per tutto il pomeriggio. I plan on being here all afternoon. I'm gonna stay here all afternoon. O Tom está, provavelmente, dormindo. Tom is probably asleep. Tom is probably asleep. Minha bagagem foi perdida. My luggage got lost. My luggage was lost. Todo en su entorno es gris. Everything around him is gray. Everything around you is gray. En cas d'incendie, veuillez utiliser les escaliers. In case of a fire, use the steps. In case of fire, please use the stairs. Nós jamais experimentamos alegria perfeita: nossos sucessos mais felizes vêm misturados com tristeza. Never do we taste perfect joy: our happiest successes are mingled with sadness. We never experience perfect joy: our happiest successes are mixed with sadness. Non avrei dovuto urlarle contro. I shouldn't have yelled at her. I shouldn't have yelled at her. Li vorrei aiutare a dimostrarla. I'd like to help them prove it. I'd like to help them prove it. Esisto già. I already exist. I already exist. Cette lettre est arrivée pendant que tu étais sorti. This letter arrived while you were out. That letter came while you were out. Queria fotografar esses cavalos selvagens há tanto tempo. I wanted to photograph these wild horses for so long. I wanted to photograph these wild horses so long ago. Je déteste les surprises. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is the man's best friend. Perché non l'esperanto? Why not Esperanto? Why not the Esperanto? Eu não creio que conseguiria viver sem você. I don't think I could live without you. I don't think I could live without you. Je déteste faire ça. I hate to do this. I hate doing this. È affascinante. That's fascinating. It's fascinating. Elle a fini par se marier avec lui. She ended up getting married to him. She ended up marrying him. Io mi sono divertito molto. I had a very good time. I had a lot of fun. Abbiamo chiamato mio figlio come mio nonno. We named my son after my grandfather. We called my son as my grandfather. Peux-tu me donner ton numéro de portable ? Can you give me your cell number? Can you give me your cell phone number? Il libéra le peuple de ses chaînes. He liberated the people from bondage. He freed the people from his chains. O que eu devo fazer agora que já me cadastrei? What do I have to do now that I'm registered? What am I supposed to do now that I've already registered? Nós conversamos em francês. We spoke to each other in French. We talked in French. Non mi ami più? Don't you love me anymore? You don't love me anymore? Dov'è l'ambasciata giapponese? Where is the Japanese Embassy? Where's the Japanese embassy? Je ne pensais vraiment pas ce que j'ai dit hier. I really didn't mean any of what I said yesterday. I really didn't think what I said yesterday. Tredici persone rimasero ferite. Thirteen people were injured. Thirteen people were injured. Eu trabalho por conta. I work on my own. I work on my own. Vocês acham que eu estou desperdiçando meu tempo? Do you think I'm wasting my time? Do you think I'm wasting my time? Voi dovete lavorare domenica? Do you need to work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sunday? Ellos lo oyeron por la radio. They heard it on the radio. They heard it on the radio. Io sono innamorato di questa donna. I'm in love with this woman. I'm in love with this woman. Io ho dovuto lavorare lo scorso fine settimana. I had to work last weekend. I had to work last weekend. Ils étaient amoureux au lycée. They were high school sweethearts. They were in love in high school. Ma force s'en est allée. My strength is all gone. My strength is gone. La empresa contrata a 500 trabajadores. The company employs 500 workers. The company hires 500 workers. Hai comprato questo per me? Did you buy this for me? Did you buy this for me? Tom est dorénavant en prison. Tom is now in jail. Tom is now in prison. Vostra mamma è così grassa che romperebbe il London Bridge. Your mamma's so fat, she'd break London Bridge. Your mom is so fat she'd break the London Bridge. Algunas personas sordas deciden no utilizar el lenguaje de signos. Some deaf people choose not to use sign language. Some deaf people decide not to use sign language. Io non voglio vivere secondo le tue regole. I don't want to live by your rules. I don't want to live by your rules. Maintenant c'est l'heure de dire bonne nuit. Now it's time to say good night. Now it's time to say good night. Tuvimos muchas aventuras en nuestro viaje. We had lots of adventures on our trip. We had many adventures on our journey. Cominciò a diluviare. It began to rain cats and dogs. It began to flood. Ela está partindo para sua cidade natal amanhã de manhã. She is leaving for her hometown tomorrow morning. She's leaving for her hometown tomorrow morning. Tú eres eficiente, ¿no es así? You're efficient, aren't you? You're efficient, aren't you? Ponle azúcar al té. Add sugar to the tea. Put sugar on the tea. Não sou tão jovem. I'm not that young. I'm not that young. O Tom vai tentar convencer a Mary a não fazer isso. Tom will try to persuade Mary not to do that. Tom will try to convince Mary not to do that. ¿Quién está de guardia? Who's on watch? Who's on duty? Ils ont alors cueilli des pissenlits et les ont mis à leurs oreilles. Then they picked dandelions and put them in their ears. Then they picked up dimples and put them in their ears. Thomas est un voyeur. Tom is a voyeur. Thomas is a voyeur. Eu não posso mentir para ela novamente. I can't lie to her again. I can't lie to her again. Lei vuole comprare un regalo al suo ragazzo. She wants to buy her boyfriend a present. She wants to buy her boyfriend a present. Jurez-vous de dire la vérité, toute la vérité, rien que la vérité ? Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth? Questo tizio si merita una medaglia. This guy deserves a medal. This guy deserves a medal. De quoi s'agissait-il ? What was it? What was that all about? Todo el mundo echó una carcajada. Everybody burst into laughter. Everybody's got a kick in the ass. Mi manca davvero Jamal. I really miss Jamal. I really miss Jamal. Mi casa es muy fría. My house is very cold. My house is very cold. Non ha bisogno di alzarsi presto. He doesn't need to get up early. He doesn't need to get up early. Uma vez ele mentiu e disse a ela que uma criatura rara vivia no guarda-roupas dela. He once lied and told her a rare creature lived in her closet. He once lied and told her that a rare creature lived in her wardrobe. Eu tenho que ir agora? Do I have to go now? Do I have to go now? Quando o garotinho viu o palhaço, emudeceu de admiração. When the little boy saw the clown, the cat got his tongue. When the little boy saw the clown, he softened with admiration. Tom terá que ser substituído. Tom will have to be replaced. Tom will have to be replaced. J'aime pêcher ; c'est une façon très relaxante de passer la journée. I like to fish; it's a very relaxing way to spend the day. I like fishing; it's a very relaxing way to spend the day. Per piacere, non insultare la nostra intelligenza. Please don't insult our intelligence. Please don't insult our intelligence. Es un héroe enmascarado; podemos confiar en él. He is a masked hero; we can trust him. He's a masked hero; we can trust him. Juro que nunca haré tal cosa. I swear I'll never do such a thing. I swear I'll never do such a thing. Je pensais que vos parents m'appréciaient. I thought your parents liked me. I thought your parents liked me. Probemos esta tarta. Let's try this cake. Let's try this pie. Je ne prévois pas de vous dire quoi que ce soit. I don't plan on telling you anything. I'm not planning on telling you anything. Ha davvero ingannato mia figlia. He did a real snow job on my daughter. He really tricked my daughter. Comprai molti tipi di tessuto. I bought many types of cloth. I bought many kinds of fabric. Ils se cramponnèrent les uns les autres pour garder leur chaleur. They clung together for warmth. They crammed each other to keep their heat. Ora sapete il perché. Now you know why. Now you know why. È ancora innamorato di lei? Are you still in love with her? Are you still in love with her? Quelqu'un a cambriolé ma maison le week-end passé. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Someone broke into my house last weekend. Noi siamo separate. We're separated. We're separated. Você achou que eu não notaria? Did you think I wouldn't notice? Did you think I wouldn't notice? Alcuni pretendono di sapere tutto. Some claim to know everything. Some claim to know everything. Mangia questo. Eat this up. Eat this. Lei sembrava stanca ma felice. She looked tired, but happy. She seemed tired but happy. Non mi prenderà mai viva! You'll never take me alive! He'll never take me alive! Io ho fatto qualche cambiamento. I made a few changes. I've made some changes. Vas-y, justifie ton attitude, justifie le fait que tu aies été là lorsque tout ça s'est passé. Justify your attitude, come on, justify being there when it all happened. Go ahead, justify your attitude, justify the fact that you were there when all this happened. C'è qualcuno là fuori? Is someone out there? Is anyone out there? Lui non viene a lavorare perché è ammalato. He doesn't come to work because he's ill. He doesn't come to work because he's sick. Il s'est retourné plusieurs fois pour nous regarder et il s'est éloigné. He looked back at us many times and walked away. He turned around several times to look at us and he walked away. Pregúntale a Tom cualquier cosa. Ask Tom anything. Ask Tom anything. Você tem que comer alguma coisa. You have to eat something. You have to eat something. Acude primero a aquellos de los que estás seguro de que te ayudarán. Go first to those who you are sure will help you. Come first to those you're sure they'll help you. J'ai déjà vendu cela. I already sold that. I've already sold this. Non mi piace sentire i bambini che piangono. I don't like listening to children crying. I don't like to hear kids crying. Dov'è il bagno? Where's the loo? Where's the bathroom? Che cosa sta succedendo con i bambini in questi giorni? What's going on with kids these days? What's going on with the kids these days? Eu não consigo compreender. I can't comprehend it. I can't understand. Isso não pode ser uma coincidência. It can't be a coincidence. That can't be a coincidence. L'unica domanda è quando. The only question is when. The only question is when. Este pobre gato casi se murió de hambre. This poor cat almost died of hunger. This poor cat almost starved to death. Personne n'a été tué. No one was killed. No one was killed. Vi stanno servendo? Are you being served? Are they serving you? Seriamente, Tom. Siamo solo amiche. Seriously, Tom. We're just friends. Seriously, Tom, we're just friends. Mia sorella è così fastidiosa. My sister is so annoying. My sister is so annoying. Quiero algo de papel. I want some paper. I want some paper. C'est ce que je pensais. Actually, that's what I thought. That's what I thought. Loro sono tornati. They went back. They're back. Je vais dire ça à Tom. I'm going to tell Tom that. I'll tell Tom that. Nu mi-ar plăcea să fiu judecător. I wouldn't like being a judge. I wouldn't like to be a judge. No es fácil enseñar a niños pequeños. It isn't easy to teach little kids. It's not easy to teach young children. Eu quase caí do penhasco. I nearly fell off the cliff. I almost fell off the cliff. Tomás parece estar un poco enojado. Tom seemed a bit angry. Tom seems a little angry. Au moins, donne-moi une chance. At least give me a chance. At least give me a chance. L'uomo che ha visto ieri era mio zio. The man you saw yesterday was my uncle. The man you saw yesterday was my uncle. Tu ami davvero Tom? Do you really love Tom? Do you really love Tom? J'ai franchi l'équateur pour la première fois lors de mon voyage en Australie. I crossed the equator for the first time on my trip to Australia. I crossed Ecuador for the first time on my trip to Australia. As vacas são grandes e seus chifres, longos; os carneiros são pequenos e seus chifres, curtos. Cows are large and their horns are long; sheep are small and their horns are short. The cows are great and their horns are long; the rams are small and their horns are short. Io non sono brava a nuotare. I'm not good at swimming. I'm not good at swimming. Ho sfidato Tom a farlo. I dared Tom to do it. I challenged Tom to do that. No tienes otra opción. You have no other choice. You have no choice. Même si elle était une fille, Johanne n'était pas du tout intimidée. Girl as she was, Joan was not daunted at all. Even if she was a girl, Johanne was not intimidated at all. Sa uitam asta, bine? Let's forget this, OK? Let's just forget about this, okay? Je n'avais pas idée. I had no idea. I had no idea. Ho appena trovato una soluzione al problema. I just found a solution for the problem. I just found a solution to the problem. ¡Algún día sabrás la verdad! Someday you'll know the truth! Someday you'll know the truth! Lei fuggì dagli Stati Uniti. She fled the United States. She fled the United States. Tom est un peu musicien. Tom is something of a musician. Tom is a bit of a musician. Si no llueve pronto, nuestro jardín se va a secar. If it doesn't rain soon, our garden is going to dry up. If it doesn't rain soon, our garden will dry. Est-ce que vous êtes allée au restaurant hier ? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Loro non vogliono che lei lo sappia. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to know. Ho effettivamente pensato di smettere ultimamente. I've actually been thinking about quitting lately. I've actually thought about quitting lately. ¿Por qué le das a él este regalo? Why you give him this gift? Why are you giving him this gift? Tom percebeu que não havia como ele conseguir fazer isso. Tom realized there was no way he'd be able do that. Tom realized there was no way he could do that. Il est temps d'arrêter de regarder la télévision. It's about time you stopped watching television. It's time to stop watching TV. Il processo è durato dieci giorni consecutivi. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days. The trial lasted ten consecutive days. Meu irmão nada bem. My brother swims well. My brother's not well. Io sono già nei guai. I'm already in trouble. I'm already in trouble. A loro piacciono le loro lezioni. They enjoy their classes. They like their lessons. Ora, aspetti solo un secondo. Now, hold on just a second. Now, just wait a second. Êtes-vous prêt pour la partie d'aujourd'hui ? Are you ready for today's game? Are you ready for today's game? Comandantes não são simples plebeus, mas honrados diretores desta guerra. Commanders are not simple commoners but honourable directors of this war. Commanders are not just commoners, but honorable warlords. La mia festa di compleanno è domani. My birthday party is tomorrow. My birthday party is tomorrow. É a primeira vez que penduro um quadro no meu escritório. This is the first time I've ever hung a picture in my office. This is the first time I've hung a painting in my office. Peux-tu convertir ce fichier pour qu'il soit compatible avec Windows 95 et me le renvoyer ? Could you convert this file into a Windows 95 compatible file and re-send it? Can you convert this file to Windows 95 compatible and return it to me? Siamo stati invitati a cena questa sera. We have been invited to dinner this evening. We were invited to dinner tonight. Eu preciso de ajuda agora. I need help now. I need help now. J'ai un rendez-vous galant ce soir. I've got a date tonight. I've got a hot date tonight. Vous êtes très habile. You're very clever. You're very skilful. ¿Papá sabe que has roto su reloj? Does Father know you've broken his watch? Does Dad know you broke his watch? Tom travailla comme un forcené. Tom worked like a madman. Tom worked like a forced man. Vocês estão aqui agora mesmo. You're here right now. You're here right now. ¿Cómo te enteraste de esa noticia? How did you learn about that news? How did you find out about that news? Io volevo andare allo zoo. I wanted to go to the zoo. I wanted to go to the zoo. A me non piace quel colore. I don't like that color. I don't like that color. ¿Qué se está quemando? What's on fire? What's burning? Prenderò il telefono. I'll get the phone. I'll get the phone. He estado queriendo hacerte una pregunta. I have been wanting to ask you a question. I've been wanting to ask you a question. Oggi ho sognato che ero morto. Today I dreamed I was dead. Today I dreamt I was dead. Elle a perdu la clé de sa voiture. She's lost her car key. She lost her car key. L'ho conosciuta tre estati fa. I met her three summers ago. I met her three summers ago. Quell'uomo sta guidando una macchina. That man is driving a car. That man is driving a car. Tom ya está vistiéndose. Tom is already getting dressed. Tom is already getting dressed. Ele tem perdido completamente todo o senso de dever. He has completely lost all sense of duty. He's completely lost all sense of duty. Siamo andati a New York in aereo. We went to New York by plane. We flew to New York. Creo que deberías revisar debajo del sofá. I think you should check under the couch. I think you should check under the couch. Debes cruzar el océano para llegar a América. You have to cross the ocean to get to America. You have to cross the ocean to get to America. Muito obrigado. Não sei o que faríamos sem você. Thanks a lot. I don't know what we would do without you. I don't know what we'd do without you. Nous devons commencer immédiatement. We must start at once. We must begin immediately. Moins les gens en savent, mieux c'est. The less people know, the better. The less people know, the better. Soy bastante mayor para tomar mis propias decisiones. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Sono grato. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. Perché è andato? Why did he go? Why did he go? Volete essere belli? Do you want to be beautiful? Do you want to be beautiful? ¿Puedes cuidar de los niños? Can you watch the kids? Can you take care of the kids? Estoy hambriento. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Il compte visiter la ferme dimanche. He intends to visit the farm on Sunday. He plans to visit the farm on Sunday. Vocês dois são parentes? Aren't you two related? Are you two related? Você é mais inteligente do que parece. You're smarter than you look. You're smarter than you look. Ya estoy listo. I'm already done. I'm ready. La poêle frémit. The pan sizzles. The frying pan shudders. Hai mai visto la persona in questa foto? Have you ever seen the person in this photo? Have you ever seen the person in this picture? Comí en el autobús. I ate on the bus. I ate on the bus. Ho avuto un bambino prematuro. I had a premature baby. I had a premature baby. Thomas rogavit num scientia mihi placeret. Tom asked if I liked science. Thomas begged a scientist for my pleasure. Esta descoberta ficará gravada na história. This discovery will be recorded in history. This discovery will be recorded in history. Un peu de repos nous ferait beaucoup de bien. A little rest would do us a lot of good. A little rest would do us a lot of good. Puedes venir siempre que te venga bien. You can come whenever it is convenient for you. You can come whenever it suits you. Souviens-toi de ne le dire à personne ! Remember not to tell anyone. Remember not to tell anyone! Certains enfants jouent tout le temps aux jeux vidéo. Some children play video games all the time. Some children play video games all the time. Quello è il tuo problema principale. That is your major problem. That's your main problem. No estoy orgullosa de esto. I'm not proud of this. I'm not proud of this. Mañana me encontraré con él. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll meet him tomorrow. ¿Hablas alemán? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Eu já a tinha encontrado muitas vezes antes daquele momento. I had met her many times before then. I'd met her many times before that moment. Elle aura besoin d'une voiture la semaine prochaine. She will need a car next week. She'll need a car next week. Non tagliarti i capelli! Don't cut your hair! Don't cut your hair! Il signor Wang è cinese. Mr. Wang is Chinese. Mr. Wang is Chinese. Stavo giusto pensando a lei. I was just thinking about her. I was just thinking about her. Je me suis fait mal au coude. I hurt my elbow. I hurt my elbow. Ella le dijo que él tenía razón. She told him that he was right. She told him he was right. Aun si tus frases fueran realmente sin sentido, al menos tienes la suerte de poder formar frases hermosas. Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences. Even if your sentences were really meaningless, at least you're lucky to be able to form beautiful phrases. Lei non pesa più di Tom? Don't you weigh more than Tom? You don't weigh more than Tom? Închipuie-ţi că eşti in locul ei. Imagine yourself in her place. Imagine you're in her place. On sait qu'on a réussi lorsqu'on est parodié dans les Simpsons. You know you've hit the big time when you get parodied on The Simpsons. We know we did it when we were parodyed in the Simpsons. Tengo un negocio en Internet. I have an internet business. I have a business on the Internet. Tom vendeu a pulseira. Tom sold the bracelet. Tom sold the bracelet. Mangi pesce? Do you eat fish? Do you eat fish? Se alguém ligar, eu não estou. I'm not here if anybody calls. If anyone calls, I'm not. T'es un bon garçon ! You are a good boy. You're a good boy! Questa strada è terribile. This road is terrible. This road is terrible. Sería poco ético de mi parte contarte sobre los problemas médicos de Tom. It would be unethical for me to tell you about Tom's medical problems. It would be unethical of me to tell you about Tom's medical problems. Voi siete favorevoli o contrarie al piano? Are you for or against the plan? Are you in favor or against the plan? Tocca a te lavare i piatti. It's your turn to wash the dishes. It's up to you to wash the dishes. Le papier fut en premier lieu inventé en Chine. Paper was first invented in China. The paper was first invented in China. No estoy del todo equivocado. I'm not a hundred percent wrong. I'm not completely wrong. Acordă-i timp. Give it time. Give her time. Ainda acho que o Tom está equivocado. I still think Tom is wrong. I still think Tom is wrong. Il est dommage que vous ne puissiez pas venir. It's a pity that you can't come. It's too bad you can't come. Repite lo que acabo de decirte. Repeat what I have just told you. Repeat what I just told you. Vous avez de très belles lèvres. You have very nice lips. You have very nice lips. Buona festa del papà! Happy Fathers' Day! Dad's party's good! Io sono il tuo cameriere. I'm your waiter. I'm your waiter. No importa quién besa a Tom. I don't care who kisses Tom. It doesn't matter who kisses Tom. Ce s-a'ntâmplat? What happened? What happened? L'orthographe de l'anglais n'est pas phonémique. English spelling is not phonemic. English spelling is not phonemic. Ele não sabe nem fazer uma assinatura. He does not even know how to sign his name. He doesn't even know how to make a signature. Je travaille ici. I'm working here. I work here. Spero che non abbiate baciato Tom. I hope you didn't kiss Tom. I hope you didn't kiss Tom. La sua nuova automobile è una bellezza. His new car is a beauty. His new car is a beauty. Elle est venue tôt pour pratiquer. She showed up early for practice. She came early to practice. A luat decizia să înceapă o nouă viaţă. He resolved to turn over a new leaf. He made the decision to start a new life. Je pense que vous êtes celui qui l'a cassé. I think you are the one who broke it. I think you're the one who broke it. Questo mondo è una valle di lacrime. This world is a valley of tears. This world is a valley of tears. Tom dice che vuole parlarti. Tom says he wants to talk to you. Tom says he wants to talk to you. Él no murió en vano. He didn't die in vain. He didn't die in vain. Ya no quiero ver más a Tom. I don't want to see Tom anymore. I don't want to see Tom anymore. Mi fa così piacere che tu stia bene. I'm so glad you're OK. I'm so glad you're okay. Cela ne fait pas de différence pour moi si Fred vient ou pas. It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not. It doesn't make any difference to me whether Fred comes or not. Tom è stato di grande ispirazione per me. Tom was a big inspiration for me. Tom was a great inspiration to me. Sólo hablamos español en casa. We only use Spanish at home. We only speak Spanish at home. Lui trascorse la serata a leggere. He spent the evening reading. He spent the night reading. No puedo respirar por la nariz. I can't breathe through my nose. I can't breathe through my nose. Ele apareceu inesperadamente depois de três anos de ausência. He appeared unexpectedly after three years of absence. He appeared unexpectedly after three years of absence. Potete mangiare questo se volete. You can eat this if you want. You can eat this if you want. Ho delle notizie veramente buone. I've got really good news. I have some really good news. Tom y yo tenemos grandes planes. Tom and I have big plans. Tom and I have big plans. Le scrivo riguardo al suo reclamo. I am writing in relation to your complaint. I'll write you about your complaint. Non mostrano di provare rimorso per le loro malefatte e continuano a commettere crimini su crimini. They show no remorse for their misdeeds, but continue to commit one crime after another. They do not show remorse for their evil deeds and continue to commit crimes on crimes. Birotam rubram habeo. I have a red bike. Office rubram habeo. Ellos te respetan. They respect you. They respect you. Chiuda la sua sporca bocca. Shut your filthy mouth. Shut your dirty mouth. Cos'è quella cosa? Non ne ho assolutamente idea. What's that thing? I have absolutely no idea. I have no idea. Il aime la cuisine italienne. He likes Italian food. He likes Italian cuisine. Fatemi vedere cosa tradurre. Show me what to translate. Show me what to translate. Laura decidió salir del armario. Laura decided to come out. Laura decided to get out of the closet. Questa volta è probabile che Bob vinca. This time Bob is likely to win. This time it's likely that Bob will win. Elle tendit le bras pour attraper la revue en haut de l'étagère. She extended her arm to grab the magazine at the top of the shelves. She held her arm to catch the magazine at the top of the shelf. L'amo tanto più per questo. I like her all the better for that. I love him all the more for this. Se nós soubéssemos o que é que estávamos fazendo, não seria chamado de pesquisa, seria? If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? Stava pensando la stessa cosa, vero? You were thinking the same thing, weren't you? He was thinking the same thing, wasn't he? Muiriel tem vinte anos de idade. Muiriel is twenty years old. Muiriel is twenty years old. Não pude localizá-lo por telefone. I couldn't get him by phone. I couldn't locate him on the phone. Fadil não tinha nada a que consagrar sua vida. Fadil had nothing to live for. Fadil had nothing to consecrate his life to. Por que vós insistis em dizer coisas que sabeis não serem verdade? Why do you keep saying things that you know aren't true? Why do you insist on saying things that you know are not true? Je suis sans emploi. I'm unemployed. I'm out of a job. O cachorro parece doente. The dog seems sick. The dog looks sick. Dans leur famille, ils ont toujours été agriculteurs de père en fils. In their family, they have always been farmers from father to son. In their families, they have always been farmers from father to son. Celui-ci est le nôtre. This one is ours. This one's ours. Como choveu, fiquei em casa. Since it rained, I stayed home. As it rained, I stayed home. ¡Pero esto qué tiene que ver con los pájaros! But what has this to do with birds! But this has to do with the birds! Che ne dite di giocare a golf questo pomeriggio? How about playing golf this afternoon? How about playing golf this afternoon? Nosso país atravessa um momento difícil. Our country is going through a difficult time. Our country is going through a difficult time. Vogliamo portare gli strumenti linguistici al livello successivo. Vogliamo vedere l'innovazione nel panorama delle lingue. E questo non può avvenire senza risorse linguistiche aperte che non possono essere costruite senza una comunità che non può contribuire senza delle piattaforme efficienti. We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language learning landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources which cannot be built without a community which cannot contribute without efficient platforms. We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources that cannot be built without a community that cannot contribute without efficient platforms. Nadie perdió la esperanza. No one gave up hope. No one lost hope. Per piacere, mi mostri il suo listino prezzi. Please show me your price list. Please show me your price list. Je sais que tu n'as pas appris à parler français. I know you don't know how to speak French. I know you haven't learned how to speak French. Tom negò di averlo fatto. Tom denied having done it. Tom denied that he did. Lo convinsi ad andare alla festa. I persuaded him to go to the party. I convinced him to go to the party. Nosso melhor amigo é médico. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Io salii sull'autobus sbagliato. I got on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. J'aimerais vous revoir ! I would like to see you again! I'd like to see you again! Los ciudadanos inmediatamente prepararon todo para defender la ciudad. The citizens immediately prepared everything to defend the city. Citizens immediately prepared everything to defend the city. Layla lavorava come spogliarellista. Layla worked as a stripper. Layla worked as a stripper. Tom sabe tocar fagote muito bem. Tom can play the bassoon very well. Tom knows how to play bass very well. Je n'arrive pas à te suivre. I cannot follow you. I can't follow you. Si tu ne veux pas rester seul, je peux te tenir compagnie. If you don't want to stay alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Esta é uma zona para não fumantes. This is a no smoking zone. This is a non-smoking area. Tom a acceptat oferta lor de muncă. Tom accepted their job offer. Tom accepted their job offer. No, non penso di essere da incolpare. No, I don't think that I am to blame. No, I don't think I'm to blame. Lei riesce a capire il francese, giusto? You can understand French, right? You can understand French, right? Penso che Tom e Mary siano felici. I think Tom and Mary are happy. I think Tom and Mary are happy. Vayamos a tomar algo. Let's go have a drink. Let's go get a drink. Ce n'était pas le choix de Tom. That wasn't Tom's choice. That wasn't Tom's choice. Porterò il pranzo. I'll bring lunch. I'll bring lunch. Io non sono triste. I'm not sad. I'm not sad. Chiamate il noveunouno! Call 911! Call the ninth! Tom en voulait un, mais il n'avait aucune idée d'où en trouver. Tom wanted one, but he had no idea where he could get one. Tom wanted one, but he had no idea where to find one. A sua amiga está na outra sala. Your friend's in the other room. Your friend's in the other room. Si vous mangez ça, vous allez mourir. If you eat that you will die. If you eat this, you'll die. Eu cuido do meu avô. I take care of my grandfather. I'll take care of my grandfather. Eu quero ser promovido. I want to be promoted. I want to be promoted. Soltanto le tue opinioni contano. Only your opinions matter. Only your opinions matter. Estou esquecendo alguma coisa? Am I forgetting something? Am I forgetting something? As pessoas gostam de brigar. People like to fight. People like to fight. En la clase no hay ningún chico más alto que Bill. No boy in the class is taller than Bill. In class there's no guy taller than Bill. Ha sbattuto la porta. She slammed the door. He slammed the door. Quando avete finito con il libro, rimettetelo dove l'avete trovato. When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it. When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it. ¿Se te cumplió tu deseo? Did your wish come true? Did your wish come true? Como está a sua família? How is the family doing? How's your family? Tom se quejó del ruido. Tom complained about the noise. Tom complained about the noise. Tom me déteste autant que je le déteste. Tom hates me as much as I hate him. Tom hates me as much as I hate him. Veo una luz. I see a light. I see a light. Io non sono gelosa. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Mary è stata la mia prima vera fidanzata. Mary was my first real girlfriend. Mary was my first real girlfriend. Tom sarà molto arrabbiato. Tom is going to be very angry. Tom will be very angry. É um clima terrível. It's a terrible climate. It's a terrible weather. Sono sorpreso che Tom non sia impegnato oggi. I'm surprised Tom isn't busy today. I'm surprised Tom isn't busy today. Eu estava preocupado. I was worried. I was worried. Tom abbandonò il piano. Tom abandoned the plan. Tom abandoned the plan. È l'ultima cosa che ricordo. That's the last thing I remember. That's the last thing I remember. Noi stiamo reagendo in maniera eccessiva. We're overreacting. We're overreacting. Domani è un giorno festivo. Tomorrow's a holiday. Tomorrow's a holiday. Você sabe usar um computador? Can you use a computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Ho invitato alcuni amici per una festa. I invited some friends for a party. I invited some friends to a party. Tom le-a spus tuturor ce a făcut. Tom told everybody about what he did. Tom told everyone what he did. Nous avons regardé partout, n'est-ce pas ? We've looked everywhere, haven't we? We've looked everywhere, haven't we? Eu passei a semana inteira em Boston. I spent the whole week in Boston. I spent the whole week in Boston. Je ne viens pas souvent ici. I don't come here a lot. I don't come here often. No creo lo que acabas de decir. I don't believe you just said that. I don't believe what you just said. Elle a étonné son mari. She surprised her husband. She surprised her husband. Je ne veux pas me salir les mains. I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want to get my hands dirty. Io non vado più a scuola. I'm not going to school anymore. I don't go to school anymore. La population de cette ville augmente. This town is increasing in population. The population of this city is increasing. No arruines mi diversión después de todo el dolor por el que he pasado. Don't ruin my fun after all the pain that I put myself through. Don't ruin my fun after all the pain I've been through. Ho visto un cane attraversare il fiume a nuoto. I saw a dog swim across the river. I saw a dog swim across the river. Êtes-vous heureuse ici ? Are you happy here? Are you happy here? Lei era innamorato. You were in love. She was in love. Io non la voglio. I don't want her. I don't want it. Sono molto orgogliosa dei miei genitori. I'm very proud of my parents. I'm very proud of my parents. Perché vuoi vederle? Why do you want to see them? Why do you want to see them? El amor ocurre cuando uno menos lo espera. Love happens when you least expect it. Love happens when one least expects it. Artémis est la sœur d'Apollon. Artemis is Apollo's sister. Artemis is Apollo's sister. Ho finito i miei compiti com difficoltà. I finished my homework with difficulty. I finished my homework with difficulty. Mi piace stare seduta nella parte anteriore dell'autobus. I like to sit in the front of the bus. I like sitting on the front of the bus. C'était le genre d'enfant qui frimait toujours auprès de ses camarades. He was the kind of kid who was always showing off to his classmates. He was the kind of kid who was always fond of his comrades. Esta mochila no es pequeña. This bag is not small. This backpack is not small. O Tom é um hippie. Tom is a hippie. Tom is a hippie. Tom ha strappato un paio di pagine dal suo taccuino. Tom tore out a couple of pages from his notebook. Tom ripped a couple pages off his notebook. Lei stava soltanto fingendo di dormire. She was only pretending to be asleep. She was just pretending to sleep. Tu hai bisogno di un passaggio? Do you need a lift? Do you need a ride? Esta é a primeira vez que eu tomo isto. This is the first time I've drunk this. This is the first time I've taken this. Tom é a pessoa que me motivou e me deu força em todos os momentos para ir em frente na direção certa. Tom is the person who motivated me and gave me strength at all times to go ahead in the right direction. Tom is the person who motivated me and gave me strength at all times to move forward in the right direction. Você perdeu algo aqui? Did you lose anything here? Did you miss something here? Penso che dovremmo andare con lui. I think we should go with him. I think we should go with him. Tom lo vuole fissare. Tom wants to fix that. Tom wants to stare at it. Tom deseó haber pasado más tiempo con María. Tom wished that he could spend more time with Mary. Tom wished he had spent more time with Mary. Gli consigliò di lavorare più duramente. She advised him to work harder. He advised him to work harder. Não vou, a menos que o Tom vá. I'm not going unless Tom goes. I won't, unless Tom does. Devi mettere delle calze pesanti per tenere i piedi al caldo. You need to wear thick socks to keep your feet warm. You need to wear heavy socks to keep your feet warm. Tom era solo nella stanza. Tom was alone in the room. Tom was just in the room. Non sei d'accordo, vero? You don't agree, do you? You don't agree, do you? Sembra che tu sia inaspettatamente eloquente. It seems like you're unexpectedly eloquent. Looks like you're unexpectedly eloquent. Viens et tiens-moi un peu compagnie. Come and keep me company. Come and keep me company. Tom sofreu lavagem cerebral. Tom has been brainwashed. Tom had brainwashed. Tom se aposentou aos sessenta. Tom retired at sixty. Tom retired at sixty. Eu venho assim que puder. I come as soon as I can. I'll come as soon as I can. As-tu déjà vu un éléphant ? Have you ever seen an elephant? Have you ever seen an elephant? En México hay muchos barrios pobres. In Mexico there are many poor neighbourhoods. In Mexico there are many poor neighborhoods. Il est très timide. Il dit vouloir vous rencontrer. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. He's very shy, he says he wants to meet you. Nous ne pouvons pas garantir cela. We can't guarantee that. We cannot guarantee that. Io ho mangiato le mele verdi. I ate the green apples. I ate the green apples. Tom si rifà il letto ogni mattina? Does Tom make his bed every morning? Does Tom redo his bed every morning? Tous les sucres sont doux. All sugars are sweet. All the sugars are sweet. Tu voli spesso? Do you fly frequently? Do you fly often? Jesus foi batizado por João no rio Jordão. Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River. Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River. Tus invitados están esperando. Your guests are waiting. Your guests are waiting. Farei meglio ad andare a trovarlo. I'd better go find him. I'd better go see him. Dale una muñeca. Give her a doll. Give him a doll. Vous avez l'air parfait. You look perfect. You look perfect. Non sono mai d'accordo con lui. I never agree with him. I never agree with him. Lui non ha mai più rivisto i suoi genitori. He never saw his parents again. He never saw his parents again. El vestido en el aparador me llamó la atención. The dress in the window caught my eye. The dress on the trimmer caught my attention. Nessuna di noi vuole farlo. None of us want to do that. None of us want to. El precio del arroz subió más de un tres por ciento. The price of rice rose by more than three percent. The price of rice rose by more than three percent. Non menzionate la guerra! Don't mention the war! Don't mention the war! Tom viu alguém. Tom saw someone. Tom saw someone. On a dû apprendre le poème par cœur. We had to learn the poem by heart. We had to learn the poem by heart. Sacrées nouvelles ! Some news. That's great news. Dan ha provato a distruggere le prove. Dan attempted to destroy evidence. Dan tried to destroy the evidence. Ajusta los frenos. Adjust the brakes. Adjust the brakes. O que você quer que eu diga? What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say? Comment les plaintes sont-elles traitées ? How are complaints handled? How are complaints handled? Vous êtes encore plus belle que sur vos photos. You're even more beautiful than on your photos. You're even more beautiful than your pictures. Ella enseñó música durante treinta años. She taught music for thirty years. She taught music for thirty years. Inducit in stabulum, jubet ut eligam ex omnibus equis quemcunque vellem. He leads me into the stable, and urges me to choose from all the horses whichever I would like. He led them into the stable, and brought them forth, that they might choose out of all the righteous whomsoever they seek. La policía tiene a Tom bajo vigilancia. The police have Tom under surveillance. The police have Tom under surveillance. ¿Cuántos buenos amigos tienes? How many close friends do you have? How many good friends do you have? Est-ce que ne manger que des fruits et légumes t'aide à perdre du poids ? Can eating just vegetables help you lose weight? Does eating only fruits and vegetables help you lose weight? Ça suffit ! Enough already! That's enough! Les gens l'aiment parce qu'il est bon. People like him because he is kind. People love him because he's good. Il cane abbaierà. The dog will bark. The dog will bark. Eu acho que o Tom faz isso. I think Tom does that. I think Tom does that. Dieu que j'étais naïve ! Boy was I naive. God, I was naive! Fui conmovido por esa película. I was moved by this movie. I was moved by that movie. Lo avete già utilizzato? Have you used it yet? Have you used it yet? Cuando me vio, se puso a correr. When he saw me, he started running. When he saw me, he ran. Am o vorbă cu tine. I have a bone to pick with you. I have a word with you. Eu não sou o irmão da Mary. Eu sou o seu namorado. I'm not Mary's brother. I'm her boyfriend. I'm not Mary's brother. Sami foi liberto de seu vício. Sami was freed from his addiction. Sami was freed from his addiction. Non possiamo farlo. We cannot do that. We can't do this. Riesco a sigillare la perdita. I can seal the leak. I can seal the leak. Saranno gli unici a fare il lavoro questo fine settimana? Will they be the only ones doing the work this weekend? Will they be the only ones doing the job this weekend? Eu vou esperar por você. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you. Io sono canadese, però mia moglie non lo è. I'm Canadian, but my wife isn't. I'm Canadian, but my wife isn't. ¿Quién está de guardia hoy? Who's on duty today? Who's on duty today? Pourquoi ne me laisses-tu pas te dire ce qui s'est passé ? Why wouldn't you let me tell you what happened? Why don't you let me tell you what happened? Tom siguió leyendo el periódico aún cuando había sonado la alarma de robos. Tom continued reading the newspaper even though the burglar alarm had gone off. Tom continued to read the newspaper even though the burglar alarm had sounded. Elle avait l'air excitée. She looked excited. She looked excited. Personne ne sait vraiment. Nobody really knows. No one really knows. Não sabia que o Tom estava envergonhado. I didn't know Tom was embarrassed. I didn't know Tom was ashamed. Acredite ou não, um monstro surgiu dos arbustos. Believe it or not, a monster emerged from the bush. Believe it or not, a monster came out of the bushes. L'ha trovato. She found it. He found it. Los precios permanecen estables en estos momentos. Prices are stable these days. Prices remain stable at the moment. Sono andata alla scuola pubblica. I went to public school. I went to public school. Esta es una oficina de correos, y ese es un banco. This is a post office, and that's a bank. This is a post office, and that's a bank. Debes tomar las cosas tal y como son. You must take things as they are. You must take things as they are. Você não parece muito surpresa. You don't sound very surprised. You don't seem very surprised. Io sto riscaldando la stanza. I am heating the room. I'm heating up the room. Andiamo in montagna! Let's go to the mountains. Let's go to the mountains! Él te miente todo el tiempo. He lies to you all the time. He lies to you all the time. Debido a la falta de agua, todas las flores del jardín se han muerto. Due to the water shortage, all the flowers in the garden have died. Due to lack of water, all the flowers in the garden have died. Ciò è difficile per loro. This is difficult for them. This is difficult for them. Quero ver Tom o mais rápido possível. I want to meet Tom as soon as possible. I want to see Tom as soon as possible. Nous ne pouvons pas sauver tout le monde. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. Estamos todas prontas. We're all ready. We're all ready. Tom non vuole più parlare di ciò. Tom doesn't want to talk about this anymore. Tom doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Comprends-tu ce qui est en train de se produire ? Do you understand what's going on? Do you understand what's happening? Todos os outros garotos riam dele. All the other boys laughed at him. All the other boys laughed at him. Tecum loqui volo. I want to talk to you. Tecum loqui fly. Loro non sono dentro, vero? They aren't in, are they? They're not inside, are they? É muito tarde para desculpas. It's too late for apologies. It's too late for an apology. Je dois admettre que vous avez raison. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit, you're right. Tom finse di non sentire nulla. Tom pretended to not hear a thing. Tom finished not hearing anything. Él la quiere. He loves her. He loves her. Flumen habet ripas. The river has banks. Flumen has ripas. ¿Cuál es tu cerveza? Which beer is yours? What's your beer? Dovrà affrontarlo. You will have to face it. He'll have to face it. Volevo vedere se c'era la possibilità di salvare il festival. I wanted to see if there was a chance to save the festival. I wanted to see if there was a chance to save the festival. Forse possiamo aiutarla. Maybe we can help her. Maybe we can help her. Hoy fue peor. It was worse today. It was worse today. È acqua. It's water. It's water. Je veux simplement que tu y réfléchisses. I just want you to think about it. I just want you to think about it. Tom não queria machucar ninguém. Tom didn't mean to hurt anybody. Tom didn't want to hurt anyone. Você é três anos mais velho que o Tom, não é? You're three years older than Tom, aren't you? You're three years older than Tom, aren't you? Quoi de nouveau ? What's new? What's new? Tom raccontò a Mary una storia divertente. Tom told Mary a funny story. Tom told Mary a funny story. Perché abitavate a Boston l'anno scorso? Why were you living in Boston last year? Why did you live in Boston last year? Le moteur ne voulait pas démarrer. The engine would not start. The engine didn't want to start. Non guardo molto il basket. I don't watch much basketball. I don't look at basketball very much. Pourriez-vous fermer la fenêtre, s'il vous plait ? Would you please close that window? Could you close the window, please? Con mio grande dolore, mio padre è morto giovane. To my great sorrow, my father died young. With my great pain, my father died young. ¿Estás satisfecho con mi explicación? Are you satisfied with my explanation? Are you satisfied with my explanation? Non sarebbe dovuto venire qui. You shouldn't have come here. You shouldn't have come here. Siamo pronte per mangiare? Are we ready to eat? Are we ready to eat? Tem um grande supermercado no meu bairro. There is a big supermarket in my neighborhood. There's a big supermarket in my neighborhood. Tom fez um bom trabalho revisando o rascunho da Maria. Tom did a good job proofreading Mary's rough draft. Tom did a good job reviewing Maria's draft. Estes detalhes chamaram a minha atenção. These details captured my attention. These details have drawn my attention. Tom é um brilhante jovem cientista. Tom is a brilliant young scientist. Tom is a brilliant young scientist. No sé qué hice o dije para hacerle creer que somos buenos amigos. I don't know what I said or did to make him think that we're close friends. I don't know what I did or said to make him think we're good friends. Ela atingiu seus objetivos. She has achieved her goals. She's achieved her goals. Quanti libri ci sono in questa biblioteca? How many books are there in this library? How many books are in this library? Essas flores são lindas. Those flowers are beautiful. These flowers are beautiful. E la gente continua a morire di fame. And the people continue to die of hunger. And people continue to starve. Sei libero di andare a casa. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Alors planifiez-vous, toi et Hanna, de vous marier ? So are you and Hanna planning on getting married? So do you and Hanna plan to get married? La domanda è dov'è andato Tom. The question is where has Tom gone. The question is where Tom went. Meu amigo me chamou de covarde. My friend called me a coward. My friend called me a coward. Prova quello. Try that one. Try that. Ho appena deciso di farlo. I just decided to do it. I just decided to do it. Qu'ai-je obtenu ? What did I get? What did I get? O Tom parece estar se sentindo sozinho. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Non sono per nulla preoccupato. I'm not at all worried. I'm not worried at all. Li devo licenziare. I have to fire them. I have to fire them. Estou feliz por Tom ter gostado disso. I'm happy Tom liked it. I'm glad Tom liked it. Il est allé à la chasse aux canards. He went duck hunting. He went hunting for ducks. Él talló una imagen budista en madera. He carved a Buddhist image out of wood. He carved a Buddhist image in wood. Tom tem alguns problemas emocionais. Tom has some emotional problems. Tom has some emotional issues. Peccavi. I have sinned. Too bad. Je pensais que tu étais une amie. I thought you were a friend. I thought you were a friend. Io ero via per qualche anno. I was away for a few years. I was gone for a few years. El nuevo proceso de producción alcanza un alto rendimiento. The new production process achieves a high yield. The new production process achieves high performance. Sta esagerando il problema. You're exaggerating the problem. He's overreacting. Amiamo i tuoi libri. We love your books. We love your books. Roma é uma das cidades mais antigas da Europa. Rome is one of the most ancient cities in Europe. Rome is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Desidero vivere in una grande città. I wish to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Tiens, quelle coïncidence incroyable ! Tom a les mêmes empreintes digitales que moi. Look, what an incredible coincidence! Tom has the same fingerprints as me. Tom has the same fingerprints as me. Je préfère aller nager. I'd rather go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. Ella es sólo una niña. She's only a child. She's just a little girl. Sono più rapida di voi. I'm quicker than you are. I'm faster than you. De tous les films que tu as vus cette année, lequel as-tu préféré ? Out of all the movies you saw this year, which one was your favorite? Of all the movies you've seen this year, which one did you prefer? Lei non può aver fatto qualcosa del genere. She can't have done such a thing. You can't have done something like that. Dieu, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec moi aujourd'hui ? God, what's wrong with me today? God, what's wrong with me today? Si no eres capaz de arreglar la tubería, habrá que llamar a un fontanero. If you can't fix the pipe, we'll have to call a plumber. If you're not able to fix the pipe, you'll have to call a plumber. Ti ho detto che era un errore. I told you it was a mistake. I told you it was a mistake. Voglio vivere a Kyoto o a Nara. I want to live in Kyoto or in Nara. I want to live in Kyoto or Nara. Se declaró un alto al fuego. A ceasefire was declared. A cease-fire was declared. Tom deve essere stato occupato. Tom must have been busy. Tom must have been busy. Isso parece ser interessante. O que você disse a ela? That sounds interesting. What did you tell her? What did you say to her? Io ho fatto questo. I've done this. I did this. Elle lui a trouvé une chaise. She found him a seat. She found him a chair. Io sono sempre disposto ad aiutare. I'm always willing to help. I'm always willing to help. Sua família precisa de você. Your family needs you. Your family needs you. Sareste dovuti restare con lui. You should've stayed with him. You should have stayed with him. Quello che sta dicendo non ha senso. What he is saying doesn't make sense. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Tom e Mary sono su questo aereo. Tom and Mary are on this plane. Tom and Mary are on this plane. La organización no está conectada con ningún partido político. The organization is not connected with any political parties. The organization is not connected to any political party. Bonjour ! Good morning. Hello! L'homme est passible de peine de mort. The man is liable to the death penalty. Man is punishable by death. Vă mulțumesc foarte mult! — Cu plăcere. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. Thank you very much! — With pleasure. Te devolveré el dinero tan pronto como pueda. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. Lui non fu in grado di partecipare alla festa. He wasn't able to attend the party. He was unable to attend the party. Io vedo cos'hai fatto lì. I see what you did there. I see what you did there. Todos los hombres son buenos en el fondo de su corazón. All humans are good at heart. All men are good at the bottom of their hearts. Les chaises sont faites de bois. The chairs are made of wood. The chairs are made of wood. Je n'aime pas cet appareil photo. I don't like this camera. I don't like this camera. Io vivevo a Sasayama due anni fa. I lived in Sasayama two years ago. I lived in Sasayama two years ago. Non ho bisogno di protezione. I don't need protection. I don't need protection. Si alas haberem, ad te volarem. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If we have wings, we'll blow you up. È stato riesumato un antico vaso. An antique pot was dug out. An ancient vessel has been exhumed. Cette règle ne souffre pas d'exceptions. This rule allows no exception. There are no exceptions to this rule. ¿Cuáles son algunos alimentos comúnmente ingeridos en Estados Unidos? What are some foods commonly eaten in the United States? What are some foods commonly eaten in the United States? Ho gli occhi blu. I have blue eyes. My eyes are blue. Noi abbiamo delle nuove vicine. We have new neighbors. We have new neighbors. Eu nunca o escuto. I never listened to him. I never listen to him. Le ho detto che eri occupato. I told her you were busy. I told her you were busy. Você fez um bom trabalho hoje. You did a good job today. You did a good job today. Si necesitas mi consejo, me alegraría dártelo. If you need my advice, I'd be glad to give it to you. If you need my advice, I'd be happy to give it to you. Dov'erano i tuoi genitori? Where were your parents? Where were your parents? Tom iniziò a slacciarsi le scarpe. Tom started to untie his shoes. Tom began to untie his shoes. Il a fait exprès de briser la vitre. He broke the window intentionally. He purposely broke the glass. C'est vous que, de toutes, j'aime le plus. I love you the best of all. You're the one I love most of all. Le steak est bien cuit. The steak is well done. The steak is well cooked. Il villaggio ha bisogno del suo aiuto. The village needs your help. The village needs your help. Perché nessuno ce l'ha detto? Why didn't anybody tell us? Why didn't anyone tell us? Tengo que salir cagando. I have to get out of this mess. I've got to take a shit. Trois des attaquants ont été tués. Three of the attackers were killed. Three of the attackers were killed. Quale di queste persone è la tua amica? Which one of these people is your friend? Which one of these people is your friend? Voglio stare di più qui. I want to stay here longer. I want to stay here longer. La tua scuola è lontana da casa tua? Is your school far from your home? Is your school far from your home? Não desligue, por favor. Don't hang up, please. Don't hang up, please. Che cosa ti piace fare? What do you like to do? What do you like to do? Potrebbe essere il mio insegnante? Could you be my teacher? Could he be my teacher? Elles sont dures à trouver. They're hard to find. They're hard to find. Talvez o Tom saiba alguma coisa sobre isso. Tom might know something about that. Maybe Tom knows something about it. Chiedete loro di spiegarlo. Ask them to explain it. Ask them to explain. Personne n'avait même vu quelque chose de semblable. No one had even seen something like it. No one had even seen anything like it. À quelle heure fermez-vous ? What time do you close? What time are you closing? Lo studente ha ottenuto risultati migliori rispetto all'insegnante. The student obtained better results than the teacher. The student achieved better results than the teacher. Sono solo sorpreso di vederti. I'm just surprised to see you. I'm just surprised to see you. Les mesures préventives sont beaucoup plus efficaces que le traitement lui-même. Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment. Preventive measures are much more effective than treatment itself. Il cane è saltato sopra una sedia. The dog jumped over a chair. The dog jumped over a chair. Vuole che vada, vero? You want me to go, don't you? You want me to go, don't you? Tocas un instrumento musical, ¿verdad? You play a musical instrument, don't you? You play a musical instrument, don't you? Je vis un chalet au loin. I saw a cottage in the distance. I live a cottage in the distance. Je me suis fait voler mon portefeuille dans le bus. I had my wallet stolen on the bus. I got my wallet stolen on the bus. Tom debería haberle pedido disculpas a Mary. Tom should have apologized to Mary. Tom should have apologized to Mary. Que penses-tu de ces chaussures ? What do you think of these shoes? What do you think of those shoes? Non ho visto Tom oggi. I didn't see Tom today. I didn't see Tom today. Qual è il suo piano? What's your plan? What's your plan? Ninguém viu nada. Nobody saw anything. No one saw anything. Alguns árabes são cristãos. Some Arabs are Christians. Some Arabs are Christians. Realmente no entendí lo que estaba pasando. I didn't really understand what was happening. I didn't really understand what was going on. Este invierno fui a esquiar por vez primera. I went skiing for the first time this winter. This winter I went skiing for the first time. Io non sono un gangster. I'm not a gangster. I'm not a gangster. Comment allez-vous toutes ? How are you all doing? How are you all doing? Voudriez-vous avoir quelque chose à manger ? C'est pour moi. Would you like to get something to eat? It's on me. Would you like something to eat? Il nie l'avoir fait. He denies that he did it. He denies that he did. "Volete lasciare un messaggio?" "No, grazie." "Do you want to leave a message?" "No, thanks." "Do you want to leave a message?" "No, thank you." Non sono libero di andare questo pomeriggio. I'm not free to go this afternoon. I'm not free to go this afternoon. Eu não consigo me dar bem com o Tom. I just can't get along with Tom. I can't get along with Tom. Îți dau cinci dolari. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five bucks. Fareste meglio a lasciarlo da solo. You'd better leave him alone. You'd better leave him alone. Tom fuma como uma chaminé. Tom smokes like a chimney. Tom smokes like a chimney. Ne le trompe pas. Don't deceive him. Don't fool him. Vocês já vão? You're leaving already? Are you leaving already? Posso usare il suo dizionario? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Adivinha quem ganhou? Guess who won. Guess who won? No te puedo devolver el dinero que me prestaste. I can't pay you back the money you lent me. I can't give you back the money you lent me. Você acha que eles estão acordados? Do you think they're awake? Do you think they're awake? Avec qui Tom voulait-il aller en Australie ? Who did Tom plan on going to Australia with? Who did Tom want to go to Australia with? Dacă nu primim niciun răspuns de la Tom în următoarele trei zile, cred că ar trebui să îi scriem din nou. If we don't receive Tom's reply within the next three days, I think we should write him again. If we don't get any answers from Tom in the next three days, I think we should write to him again. De que cor Tom pintou o cabelo dele? What color did Tom dye his hair? What color did Tom paint his hair? Thomas Roma Londinium ivit. Tom went from Rome to London. Thomas Roma Londinium is here. Sono troppo impegnata per vederla. I'm too busy to see her. I'm too busy to see you. Mary sta lavorando sul suo costume di Halloween. Mary is working on her Halloween costume. Mary's working on her Halloween costume. Dovrei studiare ora, però preferisco stare su Tatoeba. I should study now, but I prefer staying on Tatoeba. I should study now, but I'd rather be on Tatoeba. Camarero, necesito un trago. Barman, I need a drink. Waiter, I need a drink. J'aimerais discuter de ça avec ta patronne. I'd like to discuss this with your boss. I'd like to discuss this with your boss. Loro hanno usato quel tavolo. They used that table. They used that table. Toutes les portes de la maison sont fermées. Every door in the house is locked. All the doors of the house are closed. Tom riesce a fare questo lavoro da solo. Tom can do this work alone. Tom can do this job on his own. Il faut qu'on étudie plus. We need to study more. We need to study more. Quando hai comprato questa bici? When did you buy this bicycle? When did you buy this bike? Tu es étourdi. You're forgetful. You're stunned. Posez le fusil. Put down the rifle. Put the gun down. Io non la riconosco. I don't recognize it. I don't recognize her. Sono senza parole. I am speechless. I'm speechless. Él vivía con su tía. He was living with his aunt. He lived with his aunt. Chi l'ha aiutato? Who helped him? Who helped him? Ne penses-tu pas que nous ferions mieux de rester ici ? Don't you think we'd better stay here? Don't you think we'd better stay here? Il parle comme s'il était un professeur. He talks as if he were a teacher. He talks like he's a teacher. Eu suspeito que Tom não deveria estar aqui. I suspect Tom shouldn't be here. I suspect Tom shouldn't be here. Tom disse a Mary che non vedeva John da anni. Tom told Mary he hadn't seen John in years. Tom told Mary he hadn't seen John in years. Tu sei nervosa. You're nervous. You're nervous. Venite pagate per questo? Do you get paid for this? Are you paid for this? Eu estou muito zangado mesmo! I'm really angry. I'm really mad! La habitación estaba iluminada con luces rojas. The room was illuminated with red lights. The room was lit with red lights. Je suis tellement contente qu'on ait fait ça. I'm so glad we did this. I'm so glad we did this. Perché lei non mi fa più dei regali? Why doesn't she give me presents anymore? Why don't you give me some more presents? Je trouvais étrange qu'il soit debout si tard. I thought it strange that he should be up so late. I thought it was strange that he was up so late. Réfléchis-y un peu. Give it some thought. Think about it. No sé si él es español o argentino. I do not know if he is Spanish or Argentinian. I don't know if he's Spanish or Argentinian. Elle s'est plainte à lui à propos du bruit. She complained to him about the noise. She complained to him about the noise. A coleção é aberta ao público. The collection is open to the public. The collection is open to the public. Ammisi che aveva ragione. I admitted that he was right. I admitted he was right. J'ai été kidnappé par des extra-terrestres. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by extraterrestrials. Noi siamo il terribile giudice alla fine del mondo: pregate per la saggezza. We are the terrible judge at the end of the world: pray for wisdom. We are the terrible judge at the end of the world: pray for wisdom. Non ditemi quello che so. Don't tell me what I know. Don't tell me what I know. Je veux parler à un avocat. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. Mariam semper detestabor. I will always detest Mary. Mariam always hates it. De que cor é o seu lápis? What colour is your pencil? What color is your pencil? Tom se hizo un sándwich de mantequilla de maní. Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich. Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich. Ele estava morando na Inglaterra quando a guerra eclodiu. He was living in England when the war broke out. He was living in England when the war broke out. Si una persona es deshonesta, lo es hasta el final. If a person is dishonest, she is dishonest to the end. If a person is dishonest, he is to the end. Eu sei que ele sabe. I know that he knows. I know he knows. ¿Estás listo para jugar? Are you ready to play? Are you ready to play? Je n'ai pas lu cela. I didn't read that. I didn't read that. Non posso venderglielo. I can't sell you that. I can't sell it to him. Vreau să locuiesc într-un castel. I want to live in a castle. I want to live in a castle. Non ho potuto trovare casa sua. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. Nous avons suivi les traces du cerf. We followed the deer's tracks. We've been tracking the deer. Es-tu jamais monté à dos de mule ? Have you ever ridden a mule? Did you ever ride a mule's back? Potremmo uscire assieme come abbiamo fatto l'anno scorso. We could go out together like we did last year. We could go out together like we did last year. Non è la mia idea di divertimento, però come vuole. That's not my idea of fun, but whatever floats your boat. It's not my idea of fun, but whatever you want. Soulève-le. Lift it. Lift him up. Solo quiero que sepas que te perdono. I just want you to know that I forgive you. I just want you to know that I forgive you. « Dieudonné est-il occupé ? » « Oui. » "Is Ken busy?" "Yes, he is." "Is Dieudonné busy?" "Yes." Preciso falar com você. I need to speak to you. I need to talk to you. Él tiene ocho años. He is eight. He's eight years old. Io comprendo questo correttamente? Do I understand this correctly? Do I understand this correctly? Elle a gagné une médaille de bronze. She won a bronze medal. She won a bronze medal. Je suis déjà père. I'm already a father. I'm already a father. "Posso vedere il suo biglietto?" "Sì. Eccolo." "Can I see your ticket?" "Yes. Here it is." "Can I see your note?" "Yes. Here it is." Qu'est cette lettre ? What is this letter? What is this letter? Tutto quello che fa Bush è corretto. Everything Bush does is right. Everything Bush does is right. Je veux que tu reviennes ici. I want you back here. I want you to come back here. No sé qué va a hacer. I don't know what he'll do. I don't know what he's gonna do. Lei ha finito. You're through. You're done. Tom n'a pas été payé pour cela. Tom didn't get paid for it. Tom wasn't paid for that. Tom no ha trabajado nada. Tom hasn't done any work. Tom hasn't worked anything. Il nous a fait attendre longtemps. He kept us waiting for a long time. He's kept us waiting a long time. La ragazza della porta accanto è molto carina. The girl who lives next door is very pretty. The girl next door is very pretty. Di' a Tom che sono esausto. Tell Tom that I'm exhausted. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Cela ne va pas être un problème. That's not going to be a problem. That's not going to be a problem. Eu preciso de cirurgia? Do I need surgery? Do I need surgery? Je n'approuve pas que tu sortes avec lui. I don't approve of your going out with him. I don't approve of you going out with him. No entiendo de qué hablan. I don't understand what you guys are saying. I don't understand what you're talking about. Eu perguntei para ele onde ia. I asked him where he was going. I asked him where he was going. Il Signor Brown è il nostro consulente finanziario. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financial advisor. Non so quanto denaro abbiano speso Tom e Mary. I don't know how much money Tom and Mary have spent. I don't know how much money Tom and Mary spent. Scherzi a parte, cosa stai cercando di dire? Joking aside, what are you trying to say? You're kidding, what are you trying to say? Tutti rimasero calmi. Everyone stayed calm. Everyone was calm. Non ho capito il suo nome. I didn't get his name. I didn't get his name. Tom dejó el edificio a eso de las seis de la tarde. Tom left the building at about 6 p.m. Tom left the building around six in the afternoon. Él no tiene idea de nada, pero sin embargo, tiene una opinión respecto a todo. He doesn't have a clue about anything. But he still has an opinion about everything. He has no idea of anything, but yet he has an opinion about everything. Não apenas é ilegal, como também perigoso. It's not just illegal, it's also dangerous. It's not only illegal, it's also dangerous. Vous serez absent trois jours. You will be absent for three days. You'll be away for three days. ¿Del lado de quién estás? Whose side are you? Whose side are you on? Vous feriez mieux de vérifier ceci. You'd better check this out. You'd better check this out. Lei non sembra troppo convinta a riguardo. You don't seem too convinced about it. You don't seem too convinced about it. Non gettare la spugna. Don't throw in the towel. Don't throw away the sponge. Io non posso essere sicura. I can't be sure. I can't be sure. L'anziano ha perso la voglia di vivere. The old man lost the will to live. The old man lost his will to live. Non c'è nessuno che viaggierebbe con me. I don't have anyone who'd travel with me. There's no one to travel with me. ¿Hay una gasolinera por aquí? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas station around here? Dove li ha parcheggiati? Where did you park them? Where'd you park them? Montre-moi ton passeport, s'il te plaît. Show me your passport, please. Show me your passport, please. Nós vamos nadar amanhã. We'll swim tomorrow. We're going swimming tomorrow. Sono così fiera della mia squadra. I'm so proud of my team. I'm so proud of my team. Tom est là-bas pour aider Mary. Tom is there to help Mary. Tom is there to help Mary. Eu não sei escrever em chinês. I can't write in Chinese. I don't know how to write in Chinese. Te magistrum esse scio. I know that you're a teacher. I'll teach you that sci-fi. Posso usar o seu computador para olhar meu e-mail? Can I use your computer to check my e-mail? Can I use your computer to look at my email? Quem é o homem que estava falando com você? Who is the man who was talking with you? Who's the man who was talking to you? ¿Estás orgullosa de tu padre? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Ele mora numa casa grande sozinho. He lives in a large house by himself. He lives in a big house alone. Il sera toujours dans mon cœur. He will always be in my heart. He'll always be in my heart. J'avais un boulot lorsque j'avais ton âge. I had a job when I was your age. I had a job when I was your age. Este é o melhor navio em que eu já estive. This is the best ship I've ever been on. This is the best ship I've ever been on. Nous ne serions pas dans cette merde si tu avais fait précisément ce que je t'avais dit. We wouldn't be in this mess if you'd just done what I told you. We wouldn't be in this shit if you did exactly what I told you. Tomás no tiene sentido común. Tom lacks common sense. Thomas has no common sense. Êtes-vous prêtes pour le voyage ? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Yo desearía tener una mejor memoria. I'd like to have a better memory. I wish I had a better memory. Ești atât de nerăbdător cu mine. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. La straniera non ha un nome italiano. The foreigner does not have an Italian name. The foreigner doesn't have an Italian name. Io ho nuotato ieri. I swam yesterday. I swam yesterday. Lei è pazza. She is crazy. You're crazy. Você deveria prestar atenção. You should pay attention. You should pay attention. Non mi potevo connettere alla rete. I couldn't connect to the network. I couldn't connect to the network. Eu consertei o carro ontem. I fixed the car yesterday. I fixed the car yesterday. Haré lo que pueda para ayudarte. I'll do what I can to help you. I'll do my best to help you. Non vengo invitato alle feste. I'm not invited to parties. I'm not invited to parties. Abandonamos el plan. We gave up the plan. We abandoned the plan. Da quel che so, Tom è ancora sposato. As far as I know, Tom is still married. From what I know, Tom is still married. Il signor John è più anziano di quanto pensassi. Mr. John's older than I thought. Mr. John is older than I thought. Pablo aprendió a leer a los cinco años. Pablo learned to read when he was five years old. Paul learned to read at the age of five. Thomas me inimicum suum esse putat. Tom thinks I am his enemy. Thomas's heart is enough for me. Tom ha annullato il suo appuntamento. Tom canceled his appointment. Tom canceled his appointment. Como pianista, es mucho mejor que yo. As a pianist, he is far above me. As a pianist, he's much better than me. Je veux t'emmener déjeuner. I want to take you to lunch. I want to take you to lunch. Voi siete entrambe folli. You're both insane. You're both crazy. Falarei com vocês quando não estiverem ocupados. I'll talk with you when you're not busy. I'll talk to you when you're not busy. Non si presentò dopo tutto. She did not turn up after all. He didn't show up after all. Naomi acaba de terminar su trabajo. Naomi has just finished her work. Naomi just finished her job. Io penso che siamo sulla strada giusta. I think we're on the right track. I think we're on the right track. Per piacere, me la mandi via fax. Please send it to me by fax. Please fax it to me. Mon alliance a été fabriquée par un orfèvre chevronné. My wedding ring was crafted by a skilled goldsmith. My wedding ring was made by an experienced goldsmith. L'herbe ne pousse pas plus vite si on tire dessus. Grass doesn't grow faster if you pull it. The grass won't grow any faster if we shoot it. Você não está feliz em me ver? Aren't you glad to see me? Aren't you happy to see me? Voi avete fatto degli spaghetti, vero? You made spaghetti, didn't you? You guys made spaghetti, didn't you? Je vous suis reconnaissant pour votre aide. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. È ora di andare. It's time to be going. It's time to go. È perché lei mi ama. It's because she loves me. It's because she loves me. Excusez-moi, quel est le nom de cet endroit ? Excuse me, what is the name of this place? Excuse me, what's the name of this place? Los brotes de varicela han inspirado muchas fiestas infantiles. Chicken pox outbreaks have inspired many children's parties. Varicella outbreaks have inspired many children's parties. Ogni frase di questo libro è importante. Every sentence in this book is important. Every sentence in this book is important. Mettila sul mio conto. Put it on my bill. Put it on my tab. Não pergunte. Don't ask. Don't ask. Il n'est pas chose facile de rencontrer son créateur. It's not an easy thing to meet your maker. It is not easy to meet your creator. Ho comprato un'auto sportiva rossa. I bought a red sports car. I bought a red sports car. Je pensais qu'il ne la reconnaîtrait pas. I thought he wouldn't recognize her. I thought he wouldn't recognize her. Temos muito tempo. We have a lot of time. We've got plenty of time. Il Giappone consuma un sacco di carta. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Ce n'est pas ce qui est arrivé ici. That's not what happened here. That's not what happened here. Tengo que resolver un rompecabezas. I have a puzzle to solve. I have to solve a puzzle. Può mangiare ora. You may eat now. You can eat now. Esta caneta é a melhor. This pen is the best. This pen is the best. Io guidai fino a Kyoto. I drove to Kyoto. I drove to Kyoto. Il ferma la porte derrière lui. He shut the door behind him. He locked the door behind him. È molto diversa da noi. You're very different from us. It's very different from us. Non è illegale e basta, è anche pericoloso. It isn't just illegal, it's also dangerous. It's not illegal, it's also dangerous. Nós não trabalhamos mais em Boston. We don't work in Boston anymore. We don't work in Boston anymore. J'ai, moi aussi, envie de jouer. I feel like playing, too. I, too, want to play. No lo encontraron a Tomás. They didn't find Tom. They didn't find Thomas. Io non posso dormire su questo materasso bitorzoluto. I can't sleep on this lumpy mattress. I can't sleep on this birch mattress. Aqueles que estão estudando inglês tem de possuir dicionário. Those who learn English cannot do without English dictionaries. Those who are studying English must have a dictionary. Esse é o último. That's the last one. That's the last one. Non hai mangiato nulla. You haven't eaten anything. You didn't eat anything. Isso não é problema meu. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Estamos todos prontos? Are we all ready? Are we all ready? El bus llegó diez minutos tarde. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus arrived ten minutes late. Lasciate che gli parli da sola, OK? Let me talk to him alone, OK? Let me talk to him alone, okay? A todos les encantan los deportes. Everyone loves sports. Everyone loves sports. Você está assustando as crianças. You're scaring the kids. You're scaring the kids. Ci aspettiamo che torni presto. We expect him to come back soon. We expect you to be back soon. J'aime les enfants. C'est pourquoi je suis devenu enseignant. I like children. That's why I became a teacher. That's why I became a teacher. Me sentía un poco solo porque no tenía compañía. Since I was all by myself, I felt a bit lonely. I felt a little lonely because I didn't have company. Tom habla muy rápido. Tom talks very fast. Tom talks very fast. ¿Qué significa esta palabra? What does this word mean? What does this word mean? Vou ligar para Tom amanhã e pedir ajuda a ele. I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. I'll call Tom tomorrow and ask him for help. É a primeira vez que eu retorno uma ligação da Marika. This is the first time I've ever called Marika back. This is the first time I've ever returned a call from Marika. Nós ouvimos o Tom falando francês. We heard Tom speaking French. We heard Tom speak French. Forse li dovreste chiamare. Maybe you should call them. Maybe you should call them. Tom è stato in tutto il mondo. Tom has been all over the world. Tom has been around the world. Tom non è affidabile. Tom's unreliable. Tom isn't reliable. Non sono così teso. I'm not that tense. I'm not that tense. Io vi dirò cosa farò. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll tell you what I'll do. Elles étaient frustrées. They were frustrated. They were frustrated. Suonare il pianoforte è il suo passatempo preferito. Playing the piano is her favorite pastime. Playing the piano is his favorite hobby. Cet enfant veut des amis avec lesquels jouer. That child wants some friends to play with. This kid wants friends to play with. ¿Qué pasa ahora en Polonia? What's happening now in Poland? What happens now in Poland? La harina se vende por libra. Flour is sold by the pound. The flour is sold per pound. Holanda es un país pequeño. Holland is a small country. Holland is a small country. Maman nous a acheté un chiot. Mom bought a puppy for us. Mom bought us a puppy. Ce boulot ne devrait pas prendre plus de deux heures. This job shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. This job shouldn't take more than two hours. Ele tem que lidar com reclamações. He has to deal with complaints. He has to deal with complaints. L'escalier mécanique s'arrêta brusquement. The escalator suddenly stopped. The escalator stopped abruptly. Il a arrêté de fumer l'année passée. He stopped smoking last year. He quit smoking last year. Il mio portatile non ha un'unità disco ottica. My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive. My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive. Vous nous obéirez. You will obey us. You will obey us. Il s'agit d'un étranger. He is a stranger. He's a stranger. Di tutti questi libri, questo è di gran lunga il migliore sulla Cina. Of all these books, this is by far the best on China. Of all these books, this is by far the best on China. Je l'emmènerai avec moi à l'hôpital. I'll take him with me to the hospital. I'll take him with me to the hospital. C'est la chose la plus stupide que j'ai jamais dite. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. Gracias por el obsequio. Thank you for the gift. Thank you for the gift. Non dormo molto ultimamente. I haven't been sleeping very much lately. I haven't slept much lately. Você deveria cuidar melhor da sua saúde. You should pay more attention to your health. You should take better care of your health. ¿Por qué sueles sacarte cera de las orejas? What do you use to pick wax out of your ears? Why do you usually get wax out of your ears? Vilnius è la capitale della Lituania. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Je me suis senti soulagé lorsque tous les problèmes ont été pris en charge. I felt relieved when all the troubles were taken care of. I felt relieved when all the problems were taken care of. No me importa si nuestro equipo gana o no. I don't care if our team wins or not. I don't care whether our team wins or not. Mes voisins sont fêlés. My neighbors are crazy. My neighbors are broke. Je ne savais pas qu'elle était malade. I didn't know she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. Me gusta más el invierno que el verano. I like winter better than summer. I like winter better than summer. Sto mangiando frutta. I am eating fruit. I'm eating fruit. Connais-tu bien cet endroit ? Do you know this place well? Do you know this place well? Non la disturberò più stanotte. I won't bother you anymore tonight. I won't disturb you any more tonight. Escreve o teu nome. Write your name. Write down your name. Tom n'est jamais allé au cirque. Tom has never been to a circus. Tom never went to the circus. Questo sarà un buon ricordo del mio viaggio negli Stati Uniti. This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. This will be a good memory of my trip to the United States. Vous pouvez fumer seulement en terrasse. You can only smoke on the patio. You can only smoke on the terrace. Je regrette d'être devenu professeur. I regret becoming a teacher. I'm sorry I became a professor. Il ne nous reste que trois jours de plus. We've only got three more days. We only have three more days left. Non dovete dimenticare di svegliarmi domattina. You must not forget to wake me tomorrow morning. Don't forget to wake me up in the morning. Não moro mais em Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Avete lavorato ieri? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Il est hors de question de sortir sous cette pluie. Going out in this rain is out of the question. It's out of the question to get out in that rain. Abbiamo chiuso presto. We closed early. We're done soon. Perché vi preoccupate così tanto? Why do you worry so much? Why do you worry so much? Le regalé claveles a mi madre para el día de la madre. I gave my mother carnations on Mother's Day. I gave my mother carnations for Mother's Day. La puerta permanece cerrada. The door remains closed. The door's locked. Tom colocou uma toalha molhada sobre a testa de Maria. Tom put a wet towel on Mary's forehead. Tom put a wet towel on Mary's forehead. ¿Cambiarías de asiento conmigo? Will you exchange seats with me? Would you switch seats with me? Io sono ansioso riguardo al futuro. I am anxious about the future. I'm anxious about the future. Non li troverete. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Pensavo che Tom sarebbe venuto. I thought that Tom would come. I thought Tom would come. Je me suis également mise à pleurer. I started to cry too. I also started to cry. Combien avez-vous d'enfants ? How many kids do you have? How many children do you have? O que você faz depois da escola? What do you do after school? What do you do after school? Mon frère restait souvent debout toute la nuit à lire des romans. My brother would often stay up all night reading novels. My brother often stayed up all night reading novels. I bambini si riuniscono in gruppi per giocare. The children gather into groups to play. Children meet in groups to play. J'étais vraiment jeune lorsque je t'ai rencontré. I was really young when I met you. I was really young when I met you. Vorrei che voi poteste andare con Tom. I wish you could go with Tom. I wish you guys could go with Tom. Surveille la porte ! Watch the door. Watch the door! Elle est fort imprévisible. She's very unpredictable. She's very unpredictable. J'aime voyager. I enjoy traveling. I like to travel. Lei andò a fare la spesa al supermercato. She went shopping at a supermarket. She went shopping at the supermarket. Tom s'est bagarré avec son frère. Tom got into a fight with his brother. Tom had a fight with his brother. Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow. Perché non mi aiuterete? Why won't you help me? Why won't you help me? Eşti serios? Are you serious? Are you serious? La prensa bombardeó al ministro con preguntas. The press besieged the minister with questions. The press bombed the minister with questions. No puedes decir "no". You can't say no. You can't say no. Il vendit son affaire et partit à la retraite. He sold his business and retired. He sold his business and retired. Tom è venuto la settimana scorsa. Tom came last week. Tom came by last week. Sami est également gay. Sami is also gay. Sami is also gay. Tom ha freddo. Tom is cold. Tom is cold. Sami ha spinto Layla giù dal ponte. Sami pushed Layla off the bridge. Sami pushed Layla down from the bridge. Elles ont eu une chaude discussion. They had a heated discussion. They had a hot conversation. Il se mit à parler anglais. He started to speak English. He began to speak English. Dan a appris l'espéranto tout seul. Dan learnt Esperanto by himself. Dan learned Esperanto all by himself. Ça sent délicieusement bon. It smells delicious. It smells delicious. "Quot annos nata est?" "Duodecim annos nata est." "How old is she?" "She is twelve years old." "What year is it born?" "Twelfth year is it born." Vous êtes précisément la personne à laquelle je veux parler. You're just the person I want to speak to. You're exactly the person I want to talk to. Dissi loro che li odiavo. I told them I hated them. I told them I hated them. Chi è scomparso? Who vanished? Who's missing? El cambio climático amenaza la salud humana y el bienestar de muchas maneras, incluyendo los impactos por el aumento de fenómenos climáticos extremos, incendios forestales, disminución de la calidad del aire, amenazas a la salud mental y enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos, agua y vectores de enfermedades como mosquitos y garrapatas. Algunos de estos impactos sobre la salud ya están en curso en los Estados Unidos. Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including through impacts from increased extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, threats to mental health, and illnesses transmitted by food, water, and disease carriers such as mosquitoes and ticks. Some of these health impacts are already underway in the United States. Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including impacts from increased extreme weather events, forest fires, decreased air quality, mental health threats and foodborne diseases, water and disease vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks. Some of these health impacts are already underway in the United States. Le mele che mi ha mandato erano deliziose. The apples he sent me were delicious. The apples you sent me were delicious. Tom não é amigo de Maria. Tom isn't Mary's friend. Tom is not Mary's friend. Non mi piace il suo vanto del suo successo negli affari. I don't like his boasting of his success in business. I don't like your bragging about your success in business. Qual è il suo sandwich preferito? What's your favorite sandwich? What's your favorite sandwich? Non può restare a lungo. You can't stay for long. He can't stay long. Estou exausto. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. J'adore les éléphants. I adore elephants. I love elephants. Toute la famille travaille à la ferme. All of his family work on a farm. The whole family works on the farm. Parlando di lingue straniere, sa parlare il francese? Speaking of foreign languages, can you speak French? Speaking of foreign languages, can you speak French? Vocês conversam com seu cachorro? Do you talk to your dog? Do you talk to your dog? Andiamo lì. Let's go there. Let's go there. Ha vissuto fino a ottant'anni. He lived to be eighty years old. He lived until he was eighty years old. Encontrei isto na cozinha. I found this in the kitchen. I found this in the kitchen. Son visage était noyé de larmes. Her face was soaked with tears. His face was drowned with tears. Io lo conosco da più di dieci anni. I've known him for more than ten years. I've known him for over ten years. Dominus Berg te adiuvat. Mr. Berg is helping you. Dominus Berg has added you. Onde fica Paris? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Io non posso dare consigli a Tom. Non mi ascolta mai. I cannot advise Tom. He never listens to me. I can't give Tom advice. Converse com os seus amigos. Chat with your friends. Talk to your friends. Je pense bien que Tom n'aimerait pas ça. I'm sure Tom wouldn't like it. I think Tom wouldn't like that. Pensez-vous que je devrais aller lui parler ? Do you think that I should go talk to her? Do you think I should go talk to her? Aprendi a tocar violão quando eu tinha dez anos. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten. É seu. It's yours. It's yours. Trabalhar demais custou a ela sua saúde. Overwork cost her health. Working too hard cost her her health. Premete il pulsante rosso se succede qualcosa di strano. Push the red button if something strange happens. Press the red button if something strange happens. Comment pouvons-nous abolir la guerre ? How can we abolish war? How can we abolish war? Voi avrete fame. You will be hungry. You'll be hungry. Forse dovreste andare a letto. Perhaps you should go to bed. Maybe you should go to bed. Ceci reste entre toi et moi. This stays between you and me. This stays between you and me. Tom deve aver perso il treno. Tom must've missed the train. Tom must have missed the train. Je commence à penser que vous êtes sérieuses. I'm beginning to think you're serious. I'm starting to think you're serious. Você não deveria ter fugido. You shouldn't have run away. You shouldn't have run away. El ejército fue atacado inesperadamente. The army was unexpectedly attacked. The army was attacked unexpectedly. Tenemos que limpiar el coche. We need to clean the car. We have to clean the car. Le chien est en train de ronger un os. The dog is crunching a bone. The dog is eating a bone. Non importa quanti anni avete. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter how old you are. Noi possiamo fare qualunque cosa. We can do anything. We can do anything. Voi non sapete manovrare un carrello elevatore, vero? You don't know how to operate a forklift, do you? You don't know how to handle an elevator cart, do you? Tom lo arregló todo. Tom fixed everything. Tom fixed everything. Sono sicura che non è vero. I'm sure that's not true. I'm sure that's not true. Tom pensaba que Mary estaba durmiendo, pero en realidad estaba despierta. Tom thought Mary was sleeping, but she was actually awake. Tom thought Mary was sleeping, but she was actually awake. Igitur Abraham de nocte consurgens stravit asinum suum ducens secum duos iuvenes suos et Isaac filium suum. Cumque concidisset ligna in holocaustum, surrexit et abiit ad locum, quem præceperat ei Deus. So Abraham rising up in the night, saddled his ass, and took with him two young men, and Isaac his son: and when he had cut wood for the holocaust, he went his way to the place which God had commanded him. And Abraham went out of the night, and smote his father's son, two of his sons, and Isaac his son; and when he had made fire a burnt offering, he rose up, and dwelt in the place, whom God had prepared for him. Gostei da ideia. I liked the idea. I like the idea. Ritorniamo a casa. Let's head back home. Let's go home. Que belo amigo você é! Some friend you are! What a beautiful friend you are! Écris bientôt en retour, s'il te plaît. Please write back soon. Write back soon, please. Todos somos iguales. All people are equal. We're all the same. Intenté hacerlo lo más barato posible. I tried to make it as cheap as possible. I tried to do it as cheaply as possible. Suis-je si mauvais ? Am I really that bad? Am I that bad? Terminó sus deberes en una hora. She finished her homework in an hour. He finished his homework in an hour. El sueño de María de viajar al extranjero finalmente se realizó. Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Mary's dream of traveling abroad was finally realized. Devo scoprire perché Tom è morto. I have to find out why Tom died. I need to find out why Tom died. Je me suis entretenue avec des amis. I talked with friends. I've been talking to friends. Il se peut qu'il faille que je parte. I may need to move on. I may have to leave. L'hard disk era completamente distrutto. The hard disk was completely destroyed. The hard drive was completely destroyed. Quis te linguam Germanicam docet? Who teaches you German? I wanted you to speak German sweet? Chi pensate che mi abbia aiutato? Who do you think helped me? Who do you think helped me? Il a parlé au président. He talked to the chairman. He spoke to the president. Creo que es posible. I think it's possible. I think it's possible. Tom não é muito dedicado. Tom isn't very dedicated. Tom isn't very dedicated. Layla è stata arrestata al Cairo. Layla was arrested in Cairo. Layla was arrested in Cairo. Mi è piaciuto parlare con Tom. I enjoyed talking to Tom. I liked talking to Tom. Anne hacía como que no veía las manchas del mantel. Anne shut her eyes to the stains on the tablecloth. Anne was acting like she didn't see the stains on the blanket. Ils étaient soldats. They were soldiers. They were soldiers. Él tiene un gran camión. He has a large truck. He's got a big truck. Eu me lembro de alguma coisa. I remember something. I remember something. Je ne veux juste pas que vous soyez contrariée. I just don't want you to get upset. I just don't want you to be upset. Quem é essa mulher? Who is that woman? Who is this woman? Quanto tempo ci vuole per un veterinario ad esaminare un cavallo? How long does it take for a veterinarian to examine a horse? How long does it take for a vet to examine a horse? O Tom é sempre o primeiro aqui. Tom is always the first one here. Tom is always the first one here. Las chances de que nuestro equipo gane son muy buenas. The chances are very good that our team will win. The chances of our team winning are very good. Risero tutti tranne Tom. Everyone laughed except Tom. They all laughed except Tom. Aquele garoto falando inglês é mais alto que eu. That boy speaking English is taller than me. That English-speaking kid is taller than me. Tom parle souvent avec Marie. Tom often talks with Mary. Tom often talks to Mary. Você não está errado. You aren't wrong. You're not wrong. Vos pulchri estis. You're cute. Your pulchri are. Io sono una brava insegnante? Am I a good teacher? Am I a good teacher? Por quem foi escrito o livro? Who was the book written by? By whom was the book written? Alors, qu'en est-il du flirt au travail ? So, what about flirting at work? So, what about flirting at work? J'ai entendu dire que l'anglais est fait pour faire de l'argent, le français pour faire l'amour et l'espagnol pour prier Dieu. I've heard it said that English is for making money, French for making love, and Spanish for praying to God. I heard that English is made to make money, French to make love and Spanish to pray to God. Io vorrei avere una voce come quella di Tom. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. Où devrions-nous aller ? Where should we go? Where should we go? Io dico sempre addio, e rimango. I always say goodbye, and I stay. I always say goodbye, and I stay. Hai visto Tom questa mattina? Did you see Tom this morning? Did you see Tom this morning? Tu as semblé l'apprécier. You seemed to like that. You seemed to like him. Dites-moi encore à quelle heure commence le concert. Tell me again when the concert begins. Tell me again what time the concert starts. Tom și-a petrecut cea mai mare parte din timp, pescuind. Tom passed most of the time fishing. Tom spent most of his time fishing. Ha comprato un giocattolo per il suo bambino. She bought a toy for her child. He bought a toy for his baby. Os filhotes de elefante são graciosos. Baby elephants are cute. Elephant cubs are funny. Tom e Mary vão para o parque. Tom and Mary go to the park. Tom and Mary go to the park. Voi dovete diventare più attive. You need to become more active. You must become more active. Les bons étudiants gardent toujours leurs bureaux propres. Good students always keep their desk clean. Good students always keep their offices clean. Dov'è la ragazza? Where is the girl? Where's the girl? Siento que soy una carga para todos, que nadie nunca va a quererme, que estoy mejor muerta, porque así no lastimaría a nadie, pero por un lado quiero seguir viviendo y demostrarles a todos que soy fuerte. I feel that I'm a burden to everyone, that no one will ever love me, that I'm better off dead, because that way I wouldn't hurt anyone. However, on the other hand, I want to keep living and show everyone that I'm strong. I feel like I'm a burden to everyone, that no one will ever love me, that I'm better dead, because that way I wouldn't hurt anyone, but on the one hand I want to keep living and prove to everyone that I'm strong. Déjame saber si hay algo que yo pueda hacer. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ce thème particulier ? Why did you choose that particular subject? Why did you choose this particular theme? Io non sono la persona che ero una volta. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the person I once was. Es-tu encore jaloux ? Are you still jealous? Are you still jealous? Il me faut un stylo et du papier. I need a pen and paper. I need a pen and paper. Non mi sono neanche accorta di Tom. I didn't even notice Tom. I didn't even notice Tom. J'ai vécu à Boston la majeure partie de ma vie. I've lived in Boston most of my life. I've lived in Boston most of my life. Non sei il tipo di Tom. You're not Tom's type. You're not Tom's type. Sois de nouveau la bienvenue ! Welcome back. Welcome back! Di solito i gatti odiano i cani. Cats usually hate dogs. Cats usually hate dogs. Tom non sa davvero cosa fare. Tom just doesn't know what to do. Tom really doesn't know what to do. Ele entrou no meu quarto. He entered my room. He went into my room. Eu acho que Tom e Maria provavelmente estão certos. I think Tom and Mary are probably right. I think Tom and Mary are probably right. Io non voglio fare quello che devo fare. I don't want to do what I need to do. I don't want to do what I have to do. Eu tenho consulta médica. I have a doctor's appointment. I have a doctor's appointment. Certains des chiens sont vivants. Some of the dogs are alive. Some of the dogs are alive. Nu vei găsi nimic aici. You'll find nothing here. You won't find anything here. Quería hablar con Tom. I'd hoped to speak with Tom. I wanted to talk to Tom. Vous n'avez pas l'air trop sûr. You don't seem too sure. You don't seem too sure. Nunca he tenido más de quinientos dólares en mi posesión. I have never had more than $500 in my possession. I've never had more than five hundred dollars in my possession. Voglio sentire la sua opinione. I want to hear your opinion. I want to hear your opinion. Tom quitó la nieve de la entrada para el automóvil. Tom cleared snow from the driveway. Tom took the snow off the entrance for the car. Il regrette son acte. He is regretting his action. He regrets his act. Sua figlia si comporta bene. Her child behaves well. Your daughter's doing well. Ti consiglio di leggere quel romanzo. I recommend that you read that novel. I suggest you read that novel. Ce texte est difficile à lire. This text is hard to read. This text is difficult to read. Dan a parlé à Linda au téléphone à maintes reprises. Dan talked to Linda on the phone repeatedly. Dan spoke to Linda on the phone many times. La educación comienza en casa. Education begins at home. Education begins at home. ¿Dónde puedo comprar un cepillo? Where can I buy a brush? Where can I buy a brush? Lo devo fare. I have to do that. I have to. J'aimerais que tu rencontres mon époux. I'd like you to meet my husband. I'd like you to meet my husband. Sé que no pasará otra vez. I know that won't happen again. I know it won't happen again. Il était suspecté d'être un espion. He was under suspicion of being a spy. He was suspected of being a spy. Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous presser. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Combien de jours y a-t-il avant Noël ? How many days are there until Christmas? How many days before Christmas? Después de tener sexo anal con mi novio, usualmente necesitamos lavarnos bien. After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After having anal sex with my boyfriend, we usually need a good wash. Muchos científicos tienen la reputación de ser excéntricos. Many scientists have the reputation of being eccentric. Many scientists have a reputation for being eccentric. Je suis seulement fatigué. I'm just tired. I'm just tired. Eu faço isso também! I do this too! I'll do it too! Algumas lojas descontam o preço. Some stores discount the price. Some stores take the price off. M. White nous enseigne l'anglais. Mr White teaches us English. Mr. White teaches us English. Ti porteranno. They will carry you. They'll take you. Elle a gagné un prix. She won an award. She won a prize. Ho molte foto. I have a lot of photos. I've got a lot of pictures. Non sono sicura che ne valga la pena. I'm not sure it's worth it. I'm not sure it's worth it. Lei mescolò il suo caffè con un cucchiaio. She stirred her coffee with a spoon. She mixed her coffee with a spoon. J'ai perçu la présence d'un objet surgissant à travers la brume. I perceived an object looming through the mist. I sensed the presence of an object emerging through the mist. Maria colocou seus brincos de ouro. Mary put on her gold earrings. Mary put on her gold earrings. Ne laisse pas les choses à moitié terminées. Don't leave things half finished. Don't leave things half-finished. Use pronombres interrogativos para reescribir las frases de abajo. Si lo necesita, puede añadir o quitar unas pocas palabras. Use interrogative pronouns to rewrite the sentences below; if you need to, you can add or remove a few words. Use questionable pronouns to rewrite the sentences below. If you need to, you can add or remove a few words. Ci rimangono solamente tre settimane. We've only got three weeks left. We only have three weeks left. Deja que te presente a mi familia. Let me introduce you to my family. Let me introduce you to my family. Vorrei presentarla ad alcune delle mie amiche. I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends. I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends. Os meus pais se casaram em Boston. My parents got married in Boston. My parents got married in Boston. Estuve intentando contactarte toda la mañana. I've been trying to contact you all morning. I've been trying to reach you all morning. È meglio vendere? Is it better to sell? Is it better to sell? Son village est juste de l'autre côté de la frontière. His village is just over the border. Its village is just across the border. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu me détestes autant. I just don't understand why you hate me so much. I don't understand why you hate me so much. Ella tuvo un sueño agradable. She had a pleasant dream. She had a nice dream. Sembravano tutti impegnati. They all looked busy. They all seemed busy. Si spieghi. Explain yourself. Explain yourself. I Morales sono in sala. The Morales are in the living room. The Morales are in the room. La situazione è peggiorata. The situation worsened. The situation's getting worse. Temo che lei sia ammalata. I am afraid she is ill. I'm afraid you're sick. Todas as minhas amigas sabem falar francês. All my friends can speak French. All my friends can speak French. Tom não precisará trabalhar aqui. Tom won't have to work here. Tom won't have to work here. Puis-je utiliser ce traitement de textes ? May I use this word processor? Can I use this text processing? Je n'irai pas avec vous à moins que vous me disiez où nous nous rendons. I won't go with you unless you tell me where we're going. I'm not going with you unless you tell me where we're going. Di nuovo? Again? Again? Erano tutti felici. Everybody was happy. They were all happy. Perché vuole questo lavoro? Why do you want this job? Why do you want this job? Solo necesito aire. I just need some air. I just need air. L'avvocato chiese al giudice di prendere in considerazione l'età dell'accusato. The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused. The lawyer asked the judge to consider the age of the accused. J'ai entendu cette chanson auparavant. I've heard that song before. I've heard this song before. Matematicienii sunt ca francezii: orice le-ai spune, traduc în limba lor și îl transformă în ceva cu totul diferit. Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different. The mathematicians are like the French: whatever you say to them, they translate it into their own language and turn it into something completely different. O Tom tentou sorrir, mas não conseguiu. Tom tried to smile, but couldn't. Tom tried to smile, but he couldn't. La producción de esta fábrica ha aumentado un veinte por ciento. Production at this factory has increased by 20%. The production of this factory has increased by 20 percent. Sono troppo stanco per cucinare questa sera. I'm too tired to cook tonight. I'm too tired to cook tonight. Aucune arme ne fut découverte. No weapons were discovered. No weapons were discovered. Je pense qu'ils se servent de toi. I think they're using you. I think they're using you. Comemos lá três vezes. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. El juego tiene lugar en un mundo steampunk. The game takes place in a steampunk world. The game takes place in a steampunk world. Il m'a souri comme cela. This is how he smiled at me. He smiled at me like that. Tom ne savait pas quoi faire d'autre. Tom didn't know what else to do. Tom didn't know what else to do. Elle ferma son parapluie et se mit à courir. She closed her umbrella and started running. She closed her umbrella and started running. Cos'ho fatto per meritarmi questo? What have I done to deserve this? What did I do to deserve this? Me comí todas mis naranjas. I ate all my oranges. I ate all my oranges. Os caras são legais. The guys are cool. The guys are cool. Je suis assez content. I am rather happy. I'm pretty happy. Está muy enferma y lleva una semana en la cama. She's very ill and has been in bed for a week. She's very sick and she's been in bed for a week. Garde ça. Keep this. Keep that. Alguma coisa não está certa. Something's not right. Something's not right. Tu ne sembles pas si malin. You don't seem so smart. You don't seem so smart. A dire il vero, ho perso la sua biro. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. Actually, I lost his beer. Você não deveria prejulgar alguém. You shouldn't prejudge people. You shouldn't be prejudging someone. È stata un'esperienza molto buona per lui. It was a very good experience for him. It was a very good experience for him. Bush non ha mai voluto ferire nessuno. Bush never wanted to harm anyone. Bush never wanted to hurt anyone. Eu não sabia que você era casado. I didn't know you were married. I didn't know you were married. Isso não é importante, é? That's not important, is it? That's not important, is it? Perché siete così in anticipo? Why are you so early? Why are you so early? Émilie est jolie. Emili is pretty. Emily's pretty. Il a quitté sa femme et s'est mis en ménage avec une femme moitié plus jeune. He left his wife and shacked up with a woman half her age. He left his wife and took care of a half-young woman. À moins de commencer maintenant, vous serez en retard. Unless you start now, you'll be late. Unless you start now, you'll be late. Non capisco la politica. I don't understand politics. I don't understand politics. Vous paraissez fatigué. You sound tired. You look tired. Espero sinceramente que te mejores pronto. I sincerely hope you'll get well soon. I sincerely hope you'll get better soon. Quer ver um truque? Do you want to see a trick? You want to see a trick? À partir de la position des blessures sur le corps, la police a pu déclarer que l'attaquant était gaucher. From the position of the wounds on the body, the police could tell that the attacker was left-handed. From the position of the injuries on the body, the police were able to declare that the attacker was left-handed. No sé qué hacer ahora. I don't know what to do now. I don't know what to do now. Je ne peux en croire mes oreilles. I can't believe my ears. I can't believe my ears. L'huile ne se mélange pas avec l'eau. Oil does not mix with water. The oil does not mix with water. Los buenos amigos son como las estrellas: no siempre las ves, pero sabes que siempre están ahí. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Good friends are like stars: you don't always see them, but you know they're always there. O mundo é pequeno. The world is a small village. The world is small. Ne soyez pas si dures avec vous-mêmes. Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. Le temps est le meilleur des remèdes. Time is the best medicine. Time is the best remedy. Loro hanno messo assieme i loro compiti alla meno peggio. They botched their homework. They put together their tasks at the least worst. È ciò che hai detto a loro? Is that what you told them? Is that what you told them? Tom è molto più alto di Mary. Tom is way taller than Mary. Tom is much taller than Mary. Sono orgoglioso di questo paese. I'm proud of this country. I'm proud of this country. Agarrá bien los huevos o los vas a romper. Hold the eggs tight or you'll break them. He'll grab the eggs right or you'll break them. Você sabe, não sabe? You know, don't you? You know, don't you? La guerre mit fin à leurs recherches. The war brought their research to an end. The war ended their search. Robert é brasileiro. O seu pai é canadense. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert is Brazilian, his father is Canadian. Pouvez-vous me faire la courte échelle, là ? Could you give me a leg up here? Can you do the short scale for me right now? Io penso che siano tutti pronti. I think everybody is ready. I think they're all ready. Eles foram para o festival de música. They went to the music festival. They went to the music festival. Pode traduzi-lo do árabe para o espanhol? Can you translate it from Arabic to Spanish? Can you translate it from Arabic to Spanish? Écoutons de la musique. Let's listen to music. Let's listen to music. Come possiamo salvare Tom? How can we save Tom? How can we save Tom? Nous avons laissé inachevé ce que nous aurions dû faire. We have left undone what we ought to have done. We left unfinished what we should have done. Non, vous n'êtes pas fou. No, you are not crazy. No, you're not crazy. Non lo dovrebbe ascoltare. You shouldn't listen to him. You shouldn't listen to him. Quando arriviamo a morire, saremo soli. Da tutti i nostri averi saremo in procinto di separarci. Amici del mondo - degli amici attratti da noi per la nostra posizione, la nostra ricchezza, o le nostre qualità sociali, - ci lasceranno mentre entriamo nella valle oscura. Da quelli legati a noi per mezzo di legami più forti - i nostri parenti, i nostri cari, figli, fratelli, sorelle, e da quelli non meno cari a noi che sono stati nostri amici perché noi e loro siamo amici dello stesso Salvatore, - dobbiamo separarci anche da loro. Eppure non tutti ci lasceranno. C'è Uno che "più vicino di un fratello" - Colui che avendo amato i Suoi che sono nel mondo li ama fino alla fine. When we come to die, we shall be alone. From all our worldly possessions we shall be about to part. Worldly friends — the friends drawn to us by our position, our wealth, or our social qualities, — will leave us as we enter the dark valley. From those bound to us by stronger ties — our kindred, our loved ones, children, brothers, sisters, and from those not less dear to us who have been made our friends because they and we are the friends of the same Saviour, — from them also we must part. Yet not all will leave us. There is One who "sticketh closer than a brother" — One who having loved His own which are in the world loves them to the end. When we come to die, we will be alone. From all our belongings we will be about to separate ourselves. Friends of the world - friends attracted to us for our position, our wealth, or our social qualities, - will leave us as we enter the dark valley. From those bound to us through stronger bonds - our relatives, our loved ones, children, brothers, sisters, and from those no less dear to us who were our friends because we and they are friends of the same Savior, - we must also separate ourselves from them. Yet not all will leave us. There is One who "closer than a brother" - He who has loved His who are in the world loves them to the end. Parliamo in francese. Let's speak French. Let's talk French. Papá, estoy embarazada. Aquí tienes la lista de los sospechosos... Dad, I am pregnant. Here is the list of the suspects... Dad, I'm pregnant. ¿Qué color es el naranja? What colour is orange? What color is orange? Nem ele e nem ela cantam bem. Neither he nor she sings well. Neither he nor she sings well. Quem está ligando a esta hora? Who's calling at this hour? Who's calling at this hour? Nunca pensei que encontraria uma mulher como você. I never thought I'd find a woman like you. I never thought I'd find a woman like you. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che Tom ha portato Mary fuori a cena? When was the last time Tom took Mary out to dinner? When was the last time Tom took Mary out to dinner? J'ai accompli tout ce que j'espérais faire aujourd'hui. I achieved all I hoped to do today. I've done everything I've hoped to do today. L'Università di Harvard è stata fondata nel 1636. Harvard University was founded in 1636. Harvard University was founded in 1636. Sou descontraído. I'm easy-going. I'm relaxed. Voglio scusarmi con tutti qui. I want to apologize to everyone here. I want to apologize to everyone here. Lui abita a un tiro di schioppo dal mare. He lives within a stone's throw of the sea. He lives a stone's throw from the sea. Notre école compte environ mille étudiants. Our school has about one thousand students. Our school has about a thousand students. Falarei contigo mais tarde. I'll talk to you later. I'll talk to you later. Sei que Tom e Mary não precisam fazer isso. I know that Tom and Mary don't need to do that. I know Tom and Mary don't have to do this. No tuvimos mucha lluvia la primavera pasada. We didn't get much rain last spring. We didn't have much rain last spring. Je ne suis pas sûr que Tom soit prêt. I'm not sure Tom is ready. I'm not sure Tom is ready. El niño ya se ha ido a la cama. The kid has already gone to bed. The kid's already gone to bed. Que font vos enfants ? What are you kids doing? What are your children doing? Debería haber sido más cuidadoso. I should have been more careful. I should have been more careful. Dovrei essere preoccupato per lei? Should I be worried about her? Should I be worried about you? Nada se consigue sin esfuerzo. Nothing is achieved without effort. Nothing is achieved without effort. João tocava violão e seus amigos cantavam. John played guitar and his friends sang. John played guitar and his friends sang. Non ha detto nulla. She said nothing. He didn't say anything. Vanno matti per il jazz. They are crazy about jazz. They're crazy about jazz. Eu adoro churrasco. I love barbecue. I love barbecue. ¿Cuántos correos electrónicos escribe por día? How many e-mails do you write every day? How many emails do you write per day? Imparerò l'esperanto. I will learn Esperanto. I'll learn Esperanto. Un jurado absolvió a Tom el año pasado. A jury acquitted Tom last year. A jury acquitted Tom last year. Nous sommes là pour aider. We're here to help. We're here to help. Les documents relatifs à cette période sont particulièrement rares, peut-être à cause d'une longue série de désastres naturelles qui ont frappé la capitale. Records are particularly scarce for this era, perhaps owing to a long series of natural disasters which befell the capital. The documents relating to this period are particularly rare, perhaps because of a long series of natural disasters that hit the capital. El marco de este cuadro puede hacer que la pintura incremente su valor. This picture frame can make the picture rise in value. The frame of this picture can make the painting increase its value. J'aimerais t'interroger au sujet d'un de tes étudiants. I'd like to ask you about a student of yours. I'd like to ask you about one of your students. Sa sia parlare che scrivere in russo. He can both speak and write Russian. He can both speak and write in Russian. Certains hommes ne le savent pas. Some men don't know that. Some men don't know that. Io non sono sicuro se andrò. I'm not sure if I'll go. I'm not sure if I'm going. Io non posso proteggerti qui. I can't protect you here. I can't protect you here. Pensé que estabas lesionado. I thought you were injured. I thought you were hurt. Mi relación amorosa más larga duró cuatro meses. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. My longest love relationship lasted four months. A cosa si sta riferendo esattamente? What exactly is she referring to? What exactly is he referring to? Riesco a sentirle. I can hear them. I can hear them. Resta con loro. Stay with them. Stay with them. Esperamos que vocês estejam tendo uma ótima noite. We hope you are having a great night. We hope you're having a great night. Tout le monde est arrivé au mariage. Everybody made it to the wedding. Everyone's arrived at the wedding. Tom é forte, não é? Tom is strong, isn't he? Tom is strong, isn't he? De quel droit me parlez-vous sur ce ton ? How dare you speak like that to me? What right are you talking to me about in that tone? Me he pasado horas intentando recordar donde he puesto las llaves pero no soy capaz de hacer memoria. I have tried for hours to remember where I put my keys, but it has completely escaped me. I've spent hours trying to remember where I put the keys, but I can't remember. Tom usa fio dental todos os dias. Tom flosses his teeth every day. Tom wears floss every day. Tom adesso ha tredici anni. Tom is now 13 years old. Tom is now thirteen years old. Je pense que tu me dois une explication. I think you owe me an explanation. I think you owe me an explanation. Ad cauponam Thailandicam iimus. We went to a Thai restaurant. We're cauponam thailandicam iimus. Mi chiedo se Tom sia ancora interessato. I wonder if Tom is still interested. I wonder if Tom is still interested. Ann escribió algo en la pizarra. Ann wrote something on the blackboard. Ann wrote something on the board. Japón está en Asia. Japan is in Asia. Japan is in Asia. A eternidade é um tempo tão longo. Eternity is a really long time. Eternity is such a long time. Lui ha molti più soldi di me. He has much more money than I have. He's got a lot more money than I do. Mi dovete aiutare a salvarli. You must help me save them. You have to help me save them. Se c'è qualcosa che non va, ditemelo. If something is wrong, tell me. If there's something wrong, tell me. Ellos viven allí. They live there. They live there. Elle prit congé de son ami en pleurs. She parted from her friend in tears. She took leave of her friend in tears. L'Afghanistan et l'Iran ont tous deux changé leur hymne national à plusieurs reprises au cours du 20e siècle. Afghanistan and Iran both changed their national anthems several times in the course of the 20th century. Afghanistan and Iran have both changed their national anthem several times in the 20th century. Sei pronta per il viaggio? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Je pense qu'il est compétent. I believe he is competent. I think he's competent. Vous n'auriez pas pu choisir meilleur endroit. You couldn't have picked a better spot. You couldn't have picked a better place. Li aiuterai? Are you going to help them? Will you help them? Com'è stato il tuo weekend finora? How has your weekend been so far? How was your weekend so far? Sono venuto qui con mia mamma. I came here with my mom. I came here with my mom. Os compostos orgânicos são geralmente compostos moleculares. Organic compounds are generally molecular compounds. Organic compounds are usually molecular compounds. O rumor já se espalhou. The rumour has already spread. The rumor has spread. Tu ne leur as pas dit que qu'il a écrit dans cet article. You didn't tell them what he wrote in that article. You didn't tell them that he wrote in this article. Você precisa de mim. You need me. You need me. Me estoy convirtiendo en un verdadero hombre. I'm becoming a real man. I'm becoming a real man. Quand devrais-je rendre la voiture ? When should I return the car? When should I return the car? Il n'y a pas de vent. There's no wind. There's no wind. Quanto tempo ci vorrà per arrivare a Boston? How long will it take to get to Boston? How long will it take to get to Boston? Je vous remercie de me recevoir dans votre émission. Thank you very much for having me in your program. Thank you for seeing me on your show. Je pense que ça a dû être Tom qui a brisé la fenêtre. I think it must've been Tom who broke the window. I think it must have been Tom who broke the window. Laissez-moi vous dresser un tableau ! Let me paint you a picture. Let me draw you a picture! Aliqui plorare coeperunt. Some people started crying. Aliquities cry coeperunt. Ella no es alta. She is not tall. She's not tall. Je suis Taïwanaise. I am Taiwanese. I'm Taiwanese. Talvez ela venha amanhã; talvez não tenha vindo ontem apenas porque tem mais tempo amanhã. Maybe she will come tomorrow; maybe she didn't come yesterday only because tomorrow she will have more free time. Maybe she's coming tomorrow; maybe she didn't come yesterday just because she's got more time tomorrow. ¿Qué has bebido? What did you drink? What did you drink? C'est une sommité dans son domaine. He's a leading authority in his field. It's a top in his field. Os ricos têm muitos amigos. The rich have many friends. The rich have a lot of friends. Como está o tempo agora? What's the weather like now? How's the weather now? Utrum magis tibi placet? Mala an musae? Which do you prefer, apples or bananas? Do you like your magic? Cosa vorrebbe fare ora? What would you like to do now? What would you like to do now? Non è soltanto una biro. It's not just a pen. It's not just a biro. Siempre es un placer verte. It is always a pleasure to see you. It's always nice to see you. Io hon posso essere con Tom per tutto il giorno. I can't be with Tom all day. I can be with Tom all day. Tom l'ha detto veramente? Did Tom really say that? Did Tom really say that? Mi diede una pacca sul culo. He slapped my ass. He slapped me on the ass. È un errore di battitura. Spiacente. It's a typo. Sorry. It's a typo. Brasilia a decem terris et ab Oceano Atlantico circumdatur. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil has ten territories and the Atlantic Ocean is circumcised. Isto é uma piada, certo? This is a joke, right? This is a joke, right? Discipulus lycei non est. He is not a high school student. Disciple of Lyce is not. Questo è stato più facile di quanto pensassi. This was easier than I thought. That was easier than I thought. Quando chiude il ristorante? When does the restaurant close? When does the restaurant close? Eu estou muito triste. I'm very sad. I'm very sad. O meu avô morreu há cinco anos. My grandfather died five years ago. My grandfather died five years ago. Ne m'obligez pas à y aller. Don't make me go. Don't make me go. El și-a tras fermoarul la geacă. He zipped up his jacket. He pulled his zipper into his jacket. Quer você goste ou não, você tem que ir. Whether you like it or not, you have to go. Whether you like it or not, you have to go. Anticipé que eso ocurriría. I anticipated that would happen. I anticipated that would happen. Je voudrais manger quelque chose. I'd like to eat something. I'd like something to eat. J'ai mis la main sur son épaule. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on his shoulder. Ditemi cos'avete detto a loro. Tell me what you told them. Tell me what you told them. ¿Quién cuida de este perro? Who looks after this dog? Who's taking care of this dog? Vi sua carta na caixa de correio. I found your letter in the mailbox. I saw your letter in the mailbox. Tom est devenu un poète très célèbre. Cependant, tous ses poèmes étaient en espéranto. Au fil des décennies, de nombreux traducteurs se sont battus à mort sur les interprétations de ses poèmes. Tom became an extremely famous poet. However, all his poems were in Esperanto. Over the decades, many translators fought to the death over the interpretations of his poems. Tom became a very famous poet. However, all his poems were in Esperanto. Over the decades, many translators fought to death on the interpretations of his poems. Je ne vois là rien de mal. I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see anything wrong with that. ¿Alguna vez has encendido todas las lámparas de tu casa? Have you ever switched on all the lamps of your house? Have you ever lit all the lamps in your house? Yo a esto no lo llamo araña; yo lo llamaría monstruo. I don't call this a spider; I would call it a monster. I don't call this a spider; I would call it a monster. Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebræ super faciem abyssi, et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas. And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. And the earth was vain and empty, and darkened upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God struck upon the waters. Je ne pense que je vais faire ça. I don't think I'm going to do that. I don't think I'm gonna do that. Hoy veré a Tom. I'll see Tom today. I'll see Tom today. Sarò di ritorno lunedì. I'll be back on Monday. I'll be back Monday. J'étais déçu d'avoir peu de choses à faire. I was disappointed at there being so little to do. I was disappointed to have little to do. Él echó una mirada alrededor en la sala de espera. He looked around the waiting room. He looked around in the waiting room. Volevate parlare con me? Did you want to speak with me? You wanted to talk to me? Possiamo averne bisogno più tardi. We may need it later. We may need it later. Notre maison se trouve au bord de la route. Our house stands by the road. Our house is on the road. Mi ci faccia pensare un minuto. Let me think a minute. Let me think for a minute. Pensavo che vi piacesse qui. I thought you liked it here. I thought you liked it here. Lui mi chiese se volevo andare all'estero. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. He asked me if I wanted to go abroad. La police a commencé à examiner l'affaire de meurtre. The police began to go into the murder case. The police have begun to examine the murder case. Talibus attonitus visis ac voce deorum / (nec sopor illud erat, sed coram agnoscere vultus / velatasque comas præsentiaque ora videbar, / tum gelidus toto manabat corpore sudor), / corripio e stratis corpus, tendoque supinas / ad cœlum cum voce manus, et munera libo / intemerata focis. Perfecto lætus honore / Anchisen facio certum, remque ordine pando. Awed by the vision and the voice divine / ('twas no mere dream; their very looks I knew, / I saw the fillets round their temples twine, / and clammy sweat did all my limbs bedew) / forthwith, upstarting, from the couch I flew, / and hands and voice together raised in prayer, / and wine unmixt upon the altars threw. / This done, to old Anchises I repair, / pleased with the rites fulfilled, and all the tale declare. Talibus attonitus saw in the voice of the LORD / (no sleep was illustrious, be the heart agnoscere vultus / veils like this now see, / tum freeze all manabat body sweat), / corpius and strats corpus, having supines / to colum with voice hands, and munerra libo / intemerata fois. Perfect honor / Anchisen face certain, good order bread. Esta es tu gran oportunidad. This is your big chance. This is your big chance. Quiero trabajar mucho menos. I want to work a lot less. I want to work much less. Non insegno il francese. I don't teach French. I don't teach French. Pensa che i preliminari siano una parte importante del sesso? Do you think that foreplay is an important part of sex? Do you think foreplay is an important part of sex? Un crocodile mangea un chien. A crocodile ate a dog. A crocodile ate a dog. Mi ha licenziato. He fired me. He fired me. Io avevo due copie del libro. I had two copies of the book. I had two copies of the book. Este río tiene profundidad suficiente para ser navegable. This river is deep enough to swim in. This river is deep enough to be navigable. Pompée et ses soldats ont fui. Pompey and his soldiers fled. Pompey and his soldiers fled. L'exposition sera ouverte pour encore un mois. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition will be open for another month. La famille de Tom était là aussi. Tom's family was also there. Tom's family was there, too. Elle est accro. She's addicted. She's addicted. Lui restò in silenzio. He remained silent. He remained silent. Tom não é idiota. Tom isn't an idiot. Tom isn't stupid. No se puede juzgar un libro por la tapa. You can't judge a book by its cover. You can't judge a book by the cover. Ela tem sete filhos. She has seven sons. She has seven children. Bebo agua. I drink water. I drink water. El clima cambia seguido en Inglaterra. The weather changes very often in England. The climate changes frequently in England. Espero que hayas recibido lo que necesitas. I hope you got what you need. I hope you got what you need. La rivoluzione portò ad una nuova era. The revolution brought in a new era. The revolution led to a new era. Allez me chercher de l'eau ! Get me some water. Go get me some water! Sami rovinò la nostra relazione. Sami ruined our relationship. Sami ruined our relationship. Elas são inofensivas. They're harmless. They're harmless. Les romans qu'il a écrits sont intéressants. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. Tu vas dans la mauvaise direction. You're going the wrong way. You're going in the wrong direction. Me gusta mucho la nieve. I like snow a lot. I like snow a lot. La fermele mari, vitele sunt de obicei însemnate cu fierul roșu. On large farms, cattle are usually marked with brands. On large farms, cattle are usually marked with red iron. La tua amica ha divorziato? Has your friend divorced? Did your friend get divorced? Intentó suicidarse pero no lo consiguió. He tried to kill himself but it ended in failure. He tried to kill himself, but he didn't make it. Lei può fare quello che vuole. You can do what you want. You can do what you want. Tom tinha quase tudo que um garoto poderia querer. Tom had almost everything a boy could want. Tom had almost everything a boy might want. Deve conoscerla piuttosto bene. You must know her pretty well. You need to know her pretty well. Necesitan discutir el documento. They need to discuss the document. They need to discuss the document. Vi piace la cucina indonesiana? Do you like Indonesian cuisine? Do you like Indonesian cuisine? Devo tutto a Tom. I owe everything to Tom. I owe everything to Tom. ¿Tom tiene un tatuaje? Does Tom have a tattoo? Does Tom have a tattoo? A caballo regalado no le mires los dientes. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. On a gift horse, don't look at his teeth. Je préfère travailler seule. I prefer to work alone. I'd rather work alone. Ela precisa mais dele do que ele precisa dela. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than he needs her. Estou assistindo ao jogo na tela do meu celular. I'm watching the game on my cellphone. I'm watching the game on my cell phone screen. Je ne suis pas autorisé à parler. I'm not allowed to talk. I'm not allowed to talk. Bienvenue dans notre maison ! Welcome to our home! Welcome to our house! N'essaie pas de me raconter des carabistouilles ! Don't try to bullshit me. Don't try to tell me about carabistouilles! Je vais devoir prendre cette question en considération. I'll have to take that question on notice. I'm going to have to take that into consideration. Ne nous oubliez pas. Don't forget us. Don't forget us. La beauté plaît aux yeux, la douceur charme l'âme. Beauty pleases the eyes, kindness enchants the soul. Beauty pleases the eyes, sweetness charms the soul. Quam magnus est Pluto? How big is Pluto? Which magnus is Pluto? ¿Es el monstruo del lago Ness real o solo un truco bien elaborado? Is the Loch Ness monster real or is it just an elaborate hoax? Is it the real Ness Lake monster or just a very elaborate trick? J'aimerais venir avec toi. I'd like to come with you. I'd like to come with you. Nós estamos cercados pela polícia. We're surrounded by police. We're surrounded by the police. Dick tocava el piano i Lucy cantava. Dick played piano and Lucy sang. Dick played the piano and Lucy sang. À quoi sert de parler ? What's the use of talking? What's the point of talking? Non mi parli più. Don't talk to me anymore. Don't talk to me anymore. El tiempo lo cura todo. Time heals all wounds. Time heals everything. Quero que os senhores sejam amados. I want you to be loved. I want you to be loved. Il y a deux ans, Tom a appris à nager. Two years ago, Tom learned how to swim. Two years ago, Tom learned how to swim. Tenho boas razões para fazer isso. I had good reasons to do that. I have good reason to do that. Non importa quello che ha detto. It doesn't matter what she said. It doesn't matter what he said. Perché non rimanete con noi? Why don't you stay with us? Why don't you stay with us? È diversa dalle altre. You're unusual. It's different from the others. Su voz es muy bonita. Her voice sounds very beautiful. His voice is very pretty. El atribuie succesul său norocului. He attributes his success to good luck. He attributes his success to luck. Io sono venuta per parlare con Tom. I came to talk to Tom. I came to talk to Tom. Scio vitam esse brevem. I know that life is short. I know how to live that short. Tom n'arrive pas à pardonner Marie pour son acte. Tom can't forgive Mary for what she did. Tom can't forgive Mary for her act. Ho chiesto loro di descriverlo. I asked them to describe it. I asked them to describe it. Tom sta cercando di dire qualcosa. Tom is trying to say something. Tom is trying to say something. Você viu o que eu vi? Did you see what I saw? Did you see what I saw? Faux. Wrong. Wrong. Tu sai allacciarti le scarpe? Do you know how to tie your shoes? Can you tie your shoes? Pedi outra cerveja ao barman. I asked the bartender for another beer. I asked the bartender for another beer. Non avevamo intenzione di fargli del male. We didn't mean to hurt him. We didn't mean to hurt him. Nous sommes dépourvus d'eau. We have no water. We're without water. Prefiro trabalhar sozinho. I prefer to work alone. I'd rather work alone. Ce n'était pas une course. It wasn't a race. It wasn't a race. ¿Me extrañaste? Have you missed me? Did you miss me? Io ho appena sentito qualcuno urlare. I just heard someone scream. I just heard someone screaming. Tout le monde savait quels étaient ses vrais sentiments. Everybody knew her true feelings. Everyone knew what their true feelings were. El cantante de ópera realizó un concierto benéfico por propia iniciativa. The opera singer held a charity concert of his own accord. The opera singer performed a charity concert on his own initiative. Hanno negato di aver imbrogliato. They've denied they cheated. They denied they cheated. Lui che lavoro fa? What does he do? What's he doing? La corde a cassé sous la charge. The rope broke under the strain. The rope broke under the charge. O Tom é amigo de vocês? Is Tom your friend? Is Tom a friend of yours? L'ascensore si è fermato al secondo piano. The elevator stopped on the second floor. The elevator stopped on the second floor. «Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même » est une citation de la Bible. "Love your neighbour as yourself" is a quotation from the Bible. "You will love your neighbor as yourself" is a quote from the Bible. Quattuor canes habes. You have four dogs. Four dogs you've got. Je n'ai jamais été aussi gênée de toute ma vie. I've never been so embarrassed in all my life. I've never been this embarrassed in my entire life. Non sapevo molto di loro. I didn't know much about them. I didn't know much about them. Pourriez-vous nous laisser seuls ? Could you leave us alone? Could you leave us alone? Io ti ucciderò. I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you. Pourquoi ne t'en souviens-tu pas ? Why don't you remember? Why don't you remember? Cela prend du temps de bien parler une langue étrangère. It takes time to speak a foreign language well. It takes time to speak a foreign language well. Sami est au rez-de-chaussée. Sami is downstairs. Sami is on the ground floor. Tom tiene un caballo. Tom has a horse. Tom has a horse. Să nu-i lași să-ți spună că ești nebună. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Tom ainda está preocupado. Tom is still worried. Tom is still worried. Nunca más oí algo sobre él. I never heard from him again. I never heard anything about him again. Se Spenser não continuar adicionando e traduzindo sentenças, os outros colaboradores com certeza vão ultrapassá-lo. If Spenser doesn't keep adding and translating sentences, the other contributors will surely surpass him. If Spenser does not continue to add and translate sentences, the other collaborators will certainly pass it. Nós amamos quebra-cabeças. We love puzzles. We love puzzles. Che cosa le dirai? What'll you tell her? What are you gonna tell her? Io non sono sicura del perché Tom lo voglia fare. I'm not sure why Tom wants to do that. I'm not sure why Tom wants to do that. La luce andò via la scorsa notte nel temporale. The light went off last night in the storm. The light went away last night into the storm. Lui Tom nu-i place atitudinea lui Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Thomas epistulam in Gallicum sermonem convertit. Tom translated the letter into French. Thomas wrote in Gallicum converted sermon. Tom non aveva una bicicletta. Tom didn't have a bicycle. Tom didn't have a bike. Tom ha ammesso il suo errore. Tom admitted his mistake. Tom admitted his mistake. Hanno sviluppato dei computer sofisticati. They have developed sophisticated computers. They've developed sophisticated computers. Nu-mi încurca. Don't disturb me. Don't mess with me. Nous prîmes la ville à l'issue d'une courte bataille. We seized the town after a short battle. We took the city after a short battle. Tom è al sicuro qui, vero? Tom is safe here, isn't he? Tom is safe here, isn't he? Perché si sta nascondendo? Why is she hiding? Why is he hiding? Aveva senso. It made sense. It made sense. Mi puoi passare il sale? Can you pass me the salt? Can you pass me the salt? Cette mission comporte de grands risques. This mission entails huge risks. This mission carries great risks. La astronomía es la ciencia más antigua y la más moderna al mismo tiempo. Astronomy is at the same time the most ancient and the most modern science. Astronomy is the oldest and most modern science at the same time. Para falar a verdade, eu não fui até lá. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. To tell you the truth, I didn't go there. Le bois était très sombre et elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de trembler de peur. The wood was very dark, and she could not help trembling from fear. The wood was very dark and it could not help shaking with fear. Tom dice che vuole parlare con lei. Tom says he wants to speak to you. Tom says he wants to talk to you. Ho comprato questa macchina fotografica per venticinquemila yen. I bought this camera for 25,000 yen. I bought this camera for twenty-five thousand yen. Pensavo che Tom mi avesse mentito. I thought Tom had lied to me. I thought Tom lied to me. Tu ne peux pas avoir ton gâteau et le manger en même temps. You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have your cake and eat it at the same time. Partiremos assim que estiverem prontos. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. We'll leave as soon as they're ready. Non deberías deixar que os nenos xoguen co coitelo da cociña. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. You shouldn't let the kids play with the lady's coyel. Desearía poder preocuparme más de mis notas pero parece que, en cierto punto de mi vida, decidí que ya no sería tan importante. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I wish I could worry more about my notes but it seems that, at some point in my life, I decided that it wouldn't be so important anymore. Sé que no sé. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. Tom sabe muitas coisas. Tom knows many things. Tom knows a lot of things. N'oubliez pas votre manteau ! Don't forget your coat! Don't forget your coat! Jimmy è rimasto ferito in un incidente stradale. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a road accident. J'espère qu'elle verra cela. I hope she sees this. I hope she sees that. Ce n'était pas lui. That wasn't him. It wasn't him. Tom disse que queria se mudar para Boston porque é lá que Mary mora. Tom said that he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lives. Tom said he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lives. Ahora se volteó la tortilla. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Now the tortilla's turned. Tengo miedo de ir solo. I'm afraid to go alone. I'm afraid to go alone. Toutes les deux secondes, quelque part sur Terre, un enfant meurt de faim pendant qu'autre part d'abondantes ressources alimentaires sont gâchées. Every two seconds somewhere on Earth a child dies of starvation, while elsewhere there are abundant food resources going to waste. Every two seconds, somewhere on Earth, a child starves to death while another part of abundant food resources are wasted. ¿Cómo estuvo la prueba? How was it, the test? How was the test? Tom é um cidadão australiano. Tom is an Australian citizen. Tom is an Australian citizen. Lei sembra un politico. You sound like a politician. You look like a politician. Tom não vai tirar férias esse ano. Tom isn't going to take a vacation this year. Tom isn't taking a vacation this year. O Tom não se divertiu com o que estava acontecendo, mas a Mary sim. Tom wasn't amused by what was going on, but Mary was. Tom didn't have fun with what was going on, but Mary did. Tenía algo de tiempo libre, así que di vueltas por la ciudad. I had some free time, so I wandered around town. I had some free time, so I went around town. Quand allons-nous à la maison ? When will we go home? When are we going home? Eu estava em casa sozinho. I was home by myself. I was home alone. L'aspetterò alla fermata dell'autobus. I will wait for you at the bus stop. I'll wait for you at the bus stop. È tutto, grazie. That's all, thanks. That's all, thank you. La nuit du jeudi la bière est gratuite. Thursday night is free beer night. On Thursday night beer is free. Había cincuenta concursantes para la carrera. There were fifty entries for the race. There were fifty contestants for the race. La smetta di imprecare, per piacere. Stop swearing, please. Stop curving, please. Não sei quando. I don't know when. I don't know when. Tom non sembra mai impegnato. Tom never seems busy. Tom never seems busy. Ils montèrent à bord du bateau. They went on board the ship. They boarded the boat. Bob croit que c'est une idée stupide que d'appeler ainsi sa mère qui est si loin et de payer si cher pour lui parler si peu. Bob thinks it is a silly idea to call his mother who is so far away, to spend so much, and to say so little. Bob thinks it's a stupid idea to call his mother so far away and pay so dearly to talk to her so little. Tom non porta gli occhiali. Tom doesn't wear glasses. Tom doesn't wear glasses. Vous ne devriez pas parler quand le professeur parle. You shouldn't talk when the teacher's talking. You shouldn't talk when the teacher talks. Gli studenti stanno facendo la ricreazione adesso. The students are having a recess now. The students are doing the recreation now. Non mi piace così tanto la pizza alla diavola. I don't like pepperoni pizza that much. I don't like diavola pizza that much. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che ha fatto l'antitetanica? When was the last time you had a tetanus shot? When was the last time you did tetanus? Lui fece lo schizzo di una mela. He sketched an apple. He sketched an apple. Il ne savait pas bien parler français. He could not speak French well. He couldn't speak French well. Tom não quer falar com Maria. Tom doesn't want to talk to Mary. Tom doesn't want to talk to Maria. La télévision ne fonctionne pas. The TV doesn't work. Television doesn't work. Allons-nous faire cela ? Are we going to do that? Are we going to do this? On peut se fier à lui. You can rely on him. We can trust him. Ele gosta de explorar cavernas subterrâneas. He likes to explore underground caves. He likes to explore underground caverns. Io e Tom siamo cresciuti insieme. Tom and I grew up together. Tom and I grew up together. Apagó la tele y empezó a estudiar. He turned off the TV and began to study. He turned off the TV and started studying. Il m'a fallu deux heures pour atteindre Yokohama. It took me two hours to reach Yokohama. It took me two hours to reach Yokohama. O forno está quente. The oven is hot. The oven's hot. Dite loro che sono malato. Tell them I'm sick. Tell them I'm sick. La loi est censée redresser des décennies de discrimination à l'encontre des minorités ethniques du pays. The law is meant to redress decades of discrimination against the country's ethnic minorities. The law is supposed to redress decades of discrimination against ethnic minorities in the country. Hay muchos peces en este lago. There are many fish in this lake. There's a lot of fish in this lake. Un gentiluomo è qualcuno che sa suonare il banjo e non lo fa. A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo and doesn't. A gentleman is someone who can play the banjo and doesn't. Es una mujer muy guapa. She is a very attractive woman. She's a very beautiful woman. Lasciò la camera. He left the room. He left the room. Ele foi a Paris para estudar francês. He went to Paris to study French. He went to Paris to study French. Tom não sabia disso. Tom didn't know this. Tom didn't know that. Pourquoi leur cherchez-vous des noises ? Why are you trying and picking a quarrel with them? Why are you looking for nuts? Anoche tuve un extraño sueño. Last night I had a weird dream. Last night I had a strange dream. Andate a dirlo a loro. Go tell them that. Go tell them. Não posso comer cenouras. Não gosto. I cannot eat carrots. I don't like them. I can't eat carrots. Thomas est l'un des plus de trois mille détenus dans le couloir de la mort. Tom is one of the more than 3,000 inmates on death row. Thomas is one of more than three thousand detainees in the death row. Avete mai immaginato di poter volare? Have you ever imagined that you could fly? Did you ever imagine you could fly? Vous avez été prévenue. You have been warned. You've been warned. Fomos salvos pelo gongo. We were saved by the bell. We were saved by the gong. Il rumore è il problema più grave per coloro che abitano attorno agli aeroporti. Noise is the most serious problem for those who live around the airports. Noise is the most serious problem for those living around airports. Eu não sou velho. I'm not old. I'm not old. Me gusta comer sandía. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. Nessuno è così dotto, che possa sapere tutto. No one is so learned that he can know all things. No one is so gifted, he can know everything. Me he quedado sin palabras. I have remained speechless. I've run out of words. Si tu y vas en Shinkansen, tu seras là-bas très rapidement. If you go by Shinkansen, you'll be there in no time. If you go to Shinkansen, you'll be there very quickly. Eravamo tutte sull'autobus assieme. We were all on the bus together. We were all on the bus together. Tom no se lleva bien con sus vecinos. Tom doesn't get along with his neighbors. Tom doesn't get along with his neighbors. Você conhece a irmã de Tom? Do you know Tom's sister? Do you know Tom's sister? Questo dannato computer non funziona. This damn computer doesn't work. This damn computer doesn't work. A él le gusta este libro. He likes this book. He likes this book. Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum. As we have opportunity, let us do good. A tempus habemus, good operomur. No tengo ni idea de cuáles son sus planes. I have no idea what their plans are. I have no idea what your plans are. Laissez-moi vous donner un aperçu. Let me give you a preview. Let me give you a glimpse. No nos quedó más remedio que soportarlo. We had no choice but to put up with it. We had no choice but to put up with it. Yo soy el malo. I'm the bad one. I'm the bad guy. J'ai à m'entretenir de quelque chose avec toi. I have something to talk over with you. I have something to talk to you about. Tom è uscito di soppiatto dall'ufficio. Tom sneaked out of the office. Tom blew out of the office. Eu amo o fato de que você me ama. I love that you love me. I love the fact that you love me. Io sono a Roma. I'm in Rome. I'm in Rome. Esto es ridículo. This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. Beber vino ayuda a hacer la digestión. Drinking wine aids digestion. Drinking wine helps to make digestion. O livro que eu comprei está na mesa. The book I bought is on the table. The book I bought is on the table. Lorsque vous naviguez sur la toile, il se peut que vous soyez pisté par des sites. When you surf the web, you may be tracked by websites. When you navigate the web, you may be tracked by sites. Questa scatola è vuota. Non c'è niente dentro. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty, there's nothing in it. Isso foi muito bom. That was very good. That was really good. Gosto de comprar roupas. I like to buy clothes. I like to buy clothes. La seule personne qui ne semble pas comprendre, c'est toi. The only person who doesn't seem to understand is you. The only person who doesn't seem to understand is you. Comment vas-tu l'arrêter ? How will you stop her? How are you gonna stop him? Non sono sicura che Tom vorrebbe che io te la dessi. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give you that. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give it to you. Elles sont toutes là-dedans. They're all in there. They're all in there. Lei non guidò durante la notte. She didn't drive during the night. She didn't drive during the night. Je suis en train de changer de poste. I'm between jobs. I'm changing positions. Tu ne devrais pas abandonner l'espoir. You should not give up hope. You shouldn't give up hope. Advertencia: el español de Chile puede sonar extraño en cualquier otra parte. Warning: Chilean Spanish may sound weird in any other place. Warning: Chilean Spanish can sound strange anywhere else. Confío por completo en sus habilidades. I completely trust your abilities. I fully trust your skills. Io non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di utilizzarla. I never had the opportunity to use it. I've never had a chance to use it. Tom la vuole davvero. Tom really wants it. Tom really wants her. C'est une personne très intéressante. She's a very interesting person. He's a very interesting person. Non c'erano nuvole oggi. There were no clouds today. There were no clouds today. Tom nunca quis realmente morar em Boston. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Tom never really wanted to live in Boston. Esta película es un drama. This film is a drama. This movie is a drama. Tom estava com medo de parecer estúpido se fizesse uma pergunta. Tom was afraid that he was going to look stupid if he asked a question. Tom was afraid to look stupid if he asked a question. Vamos pegar um taxi? Shall we take a taxi? Shall we get a cab? Não deixe nenhum vestígio. Don't leave a trace. Don't leave any trace. Io la aiuterò a trovarla. I'll help you find her. I'll help you find her. E agora? So what? Now what? È suo. It's yours. It's yours. Tu vas fatiguer tes yeux à essayer de lire dans cette lumière. You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light. You're gonna tire your eyes out trying to read in that light. Voy a detener a Tom. I'll stop Tom. I'm gonna stop Tom. ¿A qué hora pasó? What time did that happen? What time did it happen? Depois da chuva, o sol emergiu das nuvens. After the rain, the sun emerged from the clouds. After the rain, the sun rose from the clouds. ¡Yo estaría más asustado de la mujer en el baño! I'd be more scared of the woman in the bath! I'd be more scared of the woman in the bathroom! Él puede llegar a ser jugador de béisbol. He may become a baseball player. He can become a baseball player. Ero con lui la scorsa notte. I was with him last night. I was with him last night. Se ve que a Tom le gusta estar en exteriores. Tom seems to enjoy being outdoors. Tom likes to be outdoors. C'est super de te rencontrer. It's great to meet you. It's great to meet you. Tom può farlo oggi. Tom can do that today. Tom can do it today. Não chove muito por aqui. It doesn't rain a lot around here. It doesn't rain much around here. Io ho trovato impossibile vincere il campionato. I found it impossible to win the championship. I found it impossible to win the championship. Ça fait mal ! It hurts! It hurts! Grazie, ragazzi! Thanks, guys! Thanks, guys! Je veux cela plus que toute autre chose. I want that more than anything. I want this more than anything else. Non dimentichi questo. Don't forget this. Don't forget this. Tom se quedó dormido en la clase de francés. Tom dozed off in French class. Tom fell asleep in French class. Riuscite a tradurre? Can you translate? Can you translate? Tommaso continuava a scrivere i messaggini. Tom kept texting. Tommaso kept writing the messages. Elle donnera sa photo à qui la veut. She'll give her photo to whoever wants it. She'll give her picture to whoever wants it. Eu errei, você errou e ambos devem corrigir este erro. I was wrong, you were wrong, and both of us need to correct this mistake. I made a mistake, you made a mistake, and both of you must correct this mistake. Tom causou isso. Tom caused this. Tom caused it. Uno de los principales productos de este país es el café. One of the main products of this country is coffee. One of the main products of this country is coffee. ¡Eres el mejor papá del mundo! You're the best dad in the world. You're the best dad in the world! Não quero que te sintas pressionada. I don't want you to feel pressured. I don't want you to feel pressured. Non ti ascolteranno. They won't listen to you. They won't listen to you. Io sono un'ortodontista. I'm an orthodontist. I'm an orthodontist. Cerchi di vedere il problema dal suo punto di vista. Try to see the problem from her point of view. Try to see the problem from your point of view. Io mi farò dare un passaggio da lui. I'll catch a ride with him. I'll get a ride from him. Él llegó poco después. He arrived shortly after. He arrived shortly after. Trovai questo libro interessante. I found this book interesting. I found this book interesting. Le conocí en Francia. I got acquainted with him in France. I met him in France. Loro hanno applaudito. They applauded. They applauded. Il me fallait le faire aujourd'hui. I had to do this today. I had to do it today. Se si è pazienti in un attimo di rabbia, si fuggiranno cento giorni di dolore. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of pain. Mary va a la escuela con mi hijo. Mary goes to school with my son. Mary goes to school with my son. Si è preparata per questo, vero? You prepared for this, didn't you? She's prepared for this, isn't she? Tom ainda está na caverna. Tom is still in the cave. Tom is still in the cave. Arrêtez de vous conduire comme une enfant ! Stop acting like a child. Stop acting like a child! Tom estava na biblioteca. Tom was at the library. Tom was in the library. Pourquoi la porte était-elle fermée ? Why was the door closed? Why was the door closed? O que vocês querem é zombar de mim. You're taunting me. What you want is to mock me. Ho preso in prestito la bici di Tom. I borrowed Tom's bicycle. I borrowed Tom's bike. Mucha gente usa cajeros automáticos para retirar dinero. Many people use ATMs to withdraw money. A lot of people use ATMs to withdraw money. Elles prétendirent que mon nom avait été éliminé du registre des votants par inadvertance. They claimed that my name had been inadvertently eliminated from the voter registration list. They claimed that my name had been inadvertently removed from the voters' register. Oh ! c'est trop mignon ! Oh! This is so cute! Oh, that's so cute! Eu encontrei um velho amigo meu no trem. I came upon an old friend of mine on the train. I found an old friend of mine on the train. Io vedo mio zio domani. I am seeing my uncle tomorrow. I see my uncle tomorrow. Venez seule ! Come alone. Come alone! Gli ho detto di farla. I told him to do it. I told him to do it. Fuma molto. She smokes a lot. He smokes a lot. Tom y Mary han comenzado a respetarse el uno al otro. Tom and Mary have started respecting each other. Tom and Mary have begun to respect each other. No te necesito, ni a nadie. I don't need you or anybody else. I don't need you, or anyone. Il a été emmené inconscient à l'hôpital. He was taken unconscious to the hospital. He was taken unconsciously to the hospital. Nous vivons à l'ère atomique. We live in the atomic age. We live in the atomic age. Mi fa piacere che siate venute oggi. I'm glad you came today. I'm glad you came today. Non vuole provare null'altro. He doesn't want to try anything else. He doesn't want to try anyone else. Lo hiciste bien, Tom. You did fine, Tom. You did good, Tom. Thomas ex aedificio exiit. Tom came out of the building. Thomas ex-building exits. Eu faço o que posso. I do my best. I'll do what I can. Si tu parles français, ça sera mieux pour moi. If you speak French, it'll be better for me. If you speak French, it'll be better for me. Farei meglio a restare con Tom per un po'. I'd better stay with Tom for a while. I'd better stay with Tom for a while. Ha detto che dovrebbe andare. He said that he should go. He said he should go. Non mangeremo nulla. We're not going to eat anything. We're not eating anything. Il y avait une photo de Dan suspendu au-dessus du lit. There was a photograph of Dan hanging above the bed. There was a picture of Dan hanging over the bed. Tom vi ha detto il prezzo sbagliato. Tom told you the wrong price. Tom told you the wrong price. J'ai revu ma théorie. I revised my theory. I've reviewed my theory. Vou falar com o Tom. I'll talk to Tom. I'll talk to Tom. Nós simplesmente não conseguimos encontrar nada. We just couldn't find anything. We just couldn't find anything. Tom sembra essere molto confuso. Tom seems to be very confused. Tom seems to be very confused. Non siamo dove dobbiamo essere. We aren't where we are supposed to be. We're not where we're supposed to be. Mio padre guida molto bene. My father drives very well. My father drives very well. Ne me touchez pas ! Don't touch me. Don't touch me! Une pièce comportant de nombreux changements de décors peut être une épreuve pour la troupe ou pour le public. A play with many scene changes may be a trial for the crew or a trial for the audience. A room with many changes of scenery can be a test for the troupe or for the public. Espere pelo melhor, prepare-se para o pior. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Wait for the best, get ready for the worst. Ensinam japonês na sua escola agora? Is Japanese taught in your school now? Do you teach Japanese at your school now? Serei capaz de fazer isso sozinho. I'll be able to do it on my own. I'll be able to do this myself. Je n'ai aucune idée d'où elle se trouve à l'heure actuelle. I have no idea where she is now. I have no idea where she is right now. Junho é um mês de muitas chuvas. June is the month when we have a lot of rain. June is a month of many rains. Mandaverunt ei dicentes: Pater tuus præcepit nobis, antequam moreretur, ut hæc tibi verbis illius diceremus: "Obsecro, ut obliviscaris sceleris fratrum tuorum et peccati atque malitiæ, quam exercuerunt in te". And they sent a message to him, saying: Thy father commanded us before he died, that we should say thus much to thee from him: I beseech thee to forget the wickedness of thy brethren, and the sin and malice they practised against thee. And they said unto him, Thy father shall preach unto us, before he dieth, that we may say unto thee, I pray thee, I pray thee, that thou mayest choose thy brother, and sin, and do evil, which they have done in thee. È diretta. You're direct. It's direct. Je donnerai quelques coups de fil. I'll make some calls. I'll give you a few calls. Io non comprerò questa camicia. I'm not going to buy this shirt. I'm not buying this shirt. Eu sou muito ambicioso. I'm very ambitious. I'm very ambitious. ¡Qué confusión! What a mess! What a mess! Tom esqueceu-se de trazer sua raquete de tênis. Tom forgot to bring his tennis racket. Tom forgot to bring his tennis racket. Vocês aceitam MasterCard? Do you take MasterCard? Do you accept MasterCard? El hermano le escribió una carta a la hermana. The brother wrote a letter to the sister. The brother wrote a letter to the sister. Hay seis personas incluyéndolo a él. There are six people including him. There are six people including him. Non ci importa cosa capita. We don't care what happens. We don't care what happens. Podes por favor me dizer o que está acontecendo? Can you please tell me what's happening? Can you please tell me what's going on? Ho bisogno di un'arma. I need a weapon. I need a gun. Temo che possa piovere domani. I'm afraid it may rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it might rain tomorrow. Puedo nadar aquí. I am able to swim here. I can swim here. E quello che vogliamo davvero è avere molte frasi in molte - e qualsiasi - lingue. And what we really want is to have many sentences in many — and any — languages. And what we really want is to have many sentences in many - and any - languages. Riusciamo a venire immediatamente. We can come right away. We can come right away. Thomas alia consilia habet. Tom has different plans. Thomas allia council habet. Qui était-ce qui a acheté ces photos, hier ? Who was it that bought those pictures yesterday? Who bought those pictures yesterday? Je ne suis pas ton ennemi. I am not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. Pourquoi as-tu acheté les fleurs ? Why did you buy the flowers? Why did you buy the flowers? ¿Cuántos continentes hay en el mundo? How many continents are there in the world? How many continents are there in the world? Estoy en el camino a la victoria ahora. Por favor, consideren votar por mi. Soy Bernie Sanders y hay peores opciones. I'm on the winning path now. Please consider voting for me. I'm Bernie Sanders and you could do worse. I'm on the road to victory now. Please consider voting for me. I'm Bernie Sanders and there are worse options. Você planeja deixar o Tom ganhar? Do you plan to let Tom win? Do you plan to let Tom win? Viste uma águia? Have you seen an eagle ? Did you see an eagle? Ele prometeu voltar cedo para casa esta noite. He promised to come home early tonight. He promised to come home early tonight. Je pensais que Tom avait un match de foot ce soir. I thought Tom had a soccer game tonight. I thought Tom had a football game tonight. Tom non ha molta scelta. Tom doesn't have much choice. Tom doesn't have much choice. Perché non si è fermato? Why didn't you stop? Why didn't he stop? Você está usando brincos caros. You are wearing expensive earrings. You're wearing expensive earrings. Ele não conseguia respirar fundo. He could not breathe deeply. He couldn't breathe deep. Vorrei un'altra tazza di tè prima di andare. I'd like another cup of tea before I go. I'd like another cup of tea before I go. Não sabia o que dizer para ela. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know what to say to her. Cela n'a pas beaucoup de sens. It doesn't make a lot of sense. That doesn't make much sense. Hanno perso di nuovo. They lost again. They lost again. Ça prend combien d'heures environ en voiture ? About how many hours does it take by car? How many hours does it take to drive? Mme Roland, que pensez-vous de ce problème ? Ms. Roland, what do you think about this problem? Mrs. Roland, what do you think of this problem? Non sapevo che la macchina di Tom è stata rubata. I didn't know that Tom's car was stolen. I didn't know Tom's car was stolen. Tom se tiñó el pelo castaño oscuro. Tom dyed his hair dark brown. Tom dyed his dark brown hair. Essa aranha é bastante agressiva. This spider is pretty aggressive. That spider is quite aggressive. Je ne peux pas me permettre celui-ci non plus. I can't afford this one either. I can't afford this one either. Je suis l'une des trente personnes à qui on a demandé de le faire. I'm one of the thirty people who were asked to do that. I am one of thirty people who have been asked to do so. Quelle sono inaccettabili. Those are unacceptable. Those are unacceptable. Você fez a sua irmã chorar! You made your sister cry! You made your sister cry! Ces photos-là sont les siennes. Those photos are hers. These photos are hers. Je ne vous plairai pas. You won't like me. You won't like me. Sono preoccupato per lei. I'm concerned about her. I'm worried about her. Ecce trahebatur passis Priameia virgo / crinibus a templo Cassandra adytisque Minervæ, / ad cœlum tendens ardentia lumina frustra, / lumina, nam teneras arcebant vincula palmas. Dragged by her tresses from Minerva's fane, / Cassandra comes, the Priameian maid, / stretching to heaven her burning eyes in vain, / her eyes, for bonds her tender hands constrain. Ecce trahebatur passe priameia virgo / crinibus a temple Cassandra adytisque Minervæ, / conel tendens ardentia lumen frustration, / light, nam tenas archebant binding palms. Él trabaja como guardia de seguridad en un almacén. He is working as a security guard at a warehouse. He works as a security guard in a warehouse. Sono piuttosto sicura che Tom sia ambizioso. I'm pretty sure Tom's ambitious. I'm pretty sure Tom is ambitious. Não consigo detectar nenhum padrão. I can't detect any pattern. I can't detect any patterns. Tempestas saepe mutatur. Weather changes often. Saepe mutatur storms. Tom non può andare a Boston con me. Tom can't go to Boston with me. Tom can't go to Boston with me. Non torno qui molto spesso. I don't come back here very often. I don't come back here very often. Tom não conseguiu encontrar um emprego. Tom wasn't able to find a job. Tom couldn't find a job. Tom è nato nel secolo sbagliato. Tom was born in the wrong century. Tom was born in the wrong century. Los niños están merendando en el patio. The children are having a snack on the patio. The kids are eating in the yard. Je n'ai jamais plus entendu parler d'eux. I never heard from them again. I've never heard of them before. Nous devrions décider aujourd'hui. We should decide today. We should decide today. Nós nos apressamos para a estação só para perder o trem. We hurried to the station only to miss the train. We rushed to the station just to miss the train. J'ai pris conscience que je ne voulais plus passer davantage de temps à traiter ce problème. I realized that I didn't want to spend any more time dealing with that problem. I realized that I no longer wanted to spend more time dealing with this problem. Io la baciai sulla bocca. I kissed her on the mouth. I kissed her on the mouth. Io non ho mai preso in prestito del denaro da Tom. I've never borrowed money from Tom. I never borrowed money from Tom. Por favor, obedeça às regras da escola. Please follow the school rules. Please obey school rules. Quanto dista da qui al parco? How far is it from here to the park? How far is it from here to the park? Escolha uma palavra. Choose a word. Pick a word. Perché non cerchi di fissarlo? Why don't you try to fix it? Why don't you try staring at him? Te he dicho todo lo que sé de Alemania. I have told you everything I know about Germany. I've told you everything I know about Germany. Vai a trovare Tom. Go see Tom. Go find Tom. Attention, le robot prend tout littéralement et peut être facilement provoqué à attaquer. Beware, the robot takes everything literally and can be easily provoked to attack. Careful, the robot takes everything literally and can be easily provoked to attack. A humildade costuma ganhar mais do que o orgulho. Humility often gains more than pride. Humility usually earns more than pride. Sono abituata ad aspettare. I'm used to waiting. I'm used to waiting. Viaggiammo assieme. We traveled together. We traveled together. Avrei potuto fermare Tom, però non l'ho fatto. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. Escove o cabelo. Brush your hair. Brush your hair. Mi piace leggere libri che mi ispirano a diventare più di ciò che sono. I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are. I like reading books that inspire me to become more than I am. Muchas personas se rehúsan a comer carne durante Semana Santa. Many people refuse to eat meat during Easter. Many people refuse to eat meat during Holy Week. Io devo comprare delle scarpe. I must buy shoes. I have to buy shoes. Eu caí do telhado. I fell off the roof. I fell off the roof. Sentendo la sua voce mi sono girata. Hearing his voice, I turned around. Feeling his voice, I turned around. Ce serait contraire à l'éthique. That would be unethical. That would be unethical. Me gustaría golpear a Tom en la cabeza. I would like to punch Tom in the head. I'd like to hit Tom in the head. Tu sei straniero? Are you a foreigner? Are you a foreigner? Gli ho detto che ero occupato. I told him I was busy. I told him I was busy. Algunos animales, como los leones, comen carne. Some animals, such as lions, eat meat. Some animals, like lions, eat meat. La pomme ne tombe pas loin du tronc. The apple does not fall far from the trunk. The apple doesn't fall far from the trunk. Quid de Thoma facient? What will they do with Tom? What about Thoma doing? È iniziato. It has begun. It's started. Non lasciarle morire. Don't let them die. Don't let them die. Io non vado d'accordo con Tom. I don't get along with Tom. I don't agree with Tom. Os senhores estão a me ridicularizar. You're taunting me. You're mocking me. Tom è molto occupato col suo lavoro. Tom is very busy with his work. Tom is very busy with his work. Não pense perverso de mim, mas vi muitas camisinhas na bolsa dela. Don't think I'm perverse, but I've seen several condoms in her purse. Don't think perverse of me, but I saw a lot of condoms in her purse. Quando Tom chegou atrasado ao trabalho pela terceira vez seguida, seu chefe lhe disse que aquilo era a gota d'água e que ele teria de despedi-lo. When Tom showed up late for work for the third time in a row, his boss told him that it was the last straw and that he would have to fire him. When Tom got late for work for the third time in a row, his boss told him that that was the drop of water and that he would have to fire him. Não podemos voltar para lá. We can't go back out there. We can't go back there. Está bien llorar. It's OK to cry. It's okay to cry. Parce que je veux devenir professeur d'anglais. The reason is that I want to be an English teacher. Because I want to become an English teacher. Le rire est bon pour la santé. Laughter is good for your health. Laughing is good for health. Adoro histórias em quadrinhos. I love comic books. I love comic books. Il gagne beaucoup d'argent. He earns a lot of money. He makes a lot of money. Esas son las personas cuyo coche he reparado. Those are the people whose car I repaired. Those are the people whose car I've fixed. Tom a avut un atac de panică. Tom had a panic attack. Tom had a panic attack. Pranzai con Mike in quel ristorante. I had lunch with Mike at that restaurant. I had lunch with Mike at that restaurant. Contar mentiras é um hábito muito ruim. Telling lies is a very bad habit. Telling lies is a very bad habit. Siamo entrati nella sua macchina e siamo andati al mare. We got into his car and went to the sea. We got into his car and went to the sea. Gostei da minha xícara de chá. I liked my cup of tea. I like my cup of tea. O Tom não tem idade o bastante para ter uma carteira de motorista. Tom isn't old enough to have a driver's license. Tom isn't old enough to have a driver's license. Tom sapeva certe cose su Mary che lei sperava che non avrebbe detto a John. Tom knew certain things about Mary that she hoped he wouldn't tell John. Tom knew certain things about Mary that she hoped he wouldn't tell John. Ha iniziato a parlare con le sue vicine. He started talking with his neighbors. He started talking to his neighbors. Espero que me ayudes. I hope that you'll help me. I hope you help me. Pensiez-vous avoir raison ? Did you think you were right? Did you think you were right? Mettez votre pyjama et allez au lit. Put your pajamas on and go to bed. Put your pajamas on and go to bed. Tom encontrou as chaves que pensou ter perdido. Tom found the keys he thought he had lost. Tom found the keys he thought he'd lost. Tieni gli occhi aperti! Keep your eyes peeled! Keep your eyes open! L'oreiller de Tom est rose, avec une image de fée. Tom's pillow is pink and has a picture of a fairy on it. Tom's pillow is pink, with a fairy image. Gli consigliò di risparmiare soldi. She advised him to save money. He advised him to save money. Necesitamos airear la casa. We need to air out the house. We need to air the house. Perché non fuggiamo e basta? Why don't we just elope? Why don't we just run away? Je préfèrerais une mort honorable. I would prefer an honorable death. I'd prefer an honorable death. Quel médicament recommandez-vous ? What medicine do you recommend? What medicine do you recommend? Lei voleva sapere se il fotografo poteva togliere il cappello dalla foto. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. Tom não conseguia parar de soluçar. Tom couldn't stop hiccuping. Tom couldn't stop whining. Eu suponho que você esteja falando de Tom. I assume you're talking about Tom. I suppose you're talking about Tom. Si yo fuera tú, confiaría en él. If I were you, I would trust him. If I were you, I'd trust him. Il muro è parzialmente ricoperto di edera. The wall is partly covered with ivy. The wall is partially covered with edera. State bene? Sembrate davvero tristi. Are you okay? You look really sad. You guys look really sad. Todos reconhecem o garoto como um verdadeiro gênio. Everyone recognizes the boy as a real genius. Everyone recognizes the boy as a true genius. Nous devons agir immédiatement. We must act at once. We must act immediately. Non venite stasera? Aren't you coming this evening? Aren't you coming tonight? È molto più intelligente di me. You're much smarter than I am. He's much smarter than me. Cairo é a maior cidade da África. Cairo is the biggest city in Africa. Cairo is the largest city in Africa. Noi possiamo essere ancora amiche. We can still be friends. We can still be friends. O Tom disse que você gosta de pipoca. Tom said that you like popcorn. Tom said you like popcorn. Están en peligro. They're in danger. They're in danger. Non riusciva ad avviare il motore. He couldn't start the motor. He couldn't start the engine. Eu não sou preconceituoso. I'm not biased. I'm not prejudiced. Sono passata davanti a loro correndo. I ran past them. I ran past them. Hispanos quam Anglos malo. I prefer Spanish men to English. Hispanics who are bad Angles. O Tom provavelmente vai fazer aquilo sozinho. Tom will probably do that by himself. Tom's probably gonna do that alone. I bambini giocavano insieme. The children played together. The children played together. Eum consolari conata est. She tried to console him. I'll console him. La chimica non è l'unica cosa che fa schifo. Chemistry isn't the only thing that stinks. Chemistry isn't the only thing that sucks. Si pudiera, liberaría a todos los pájaros enjaulados. If I could, I would let every caged bird fly free. If I could, I'd release all the caged birds. Quem é amigo de todo mundo não é amigo de ninguém. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Who's a friend of everyone's is nobody's friend. J'aurais dû écouter vos avertissements. I wish I had listened to your warnings. I should have listened to your warnings. Es una chica rubia. She is a blonde girl. She's a blonde girl. Pensaci sopra per un po' e fammi sapere cosa ne pensi. Chew it over for a while and let me know what you think. Think about it for a while and let me know what you think. La temperatura ha llegado a bajo cero. The temperature's fallen below zero. The temperature has reached below zero. Io gioco a basket con lui. I play basketball with him. I play basketball with him. Lavorate qui, vero? You work here, don't you? You work here, don't you? Muitos imigrantes na Grã-Bretanha vieram da Ásia. Many immigrants to Britain have come from Asia. Many immigrants in Britain came from Asia. Le robot que j'ai construit ne fonctionne pas. The robot I built isn't working. The robot I built doesn't work. Non c'è alcuna speranza. There is no hope. There's no hope. Mary si sta lavando i capelli. Mary washes her hair. Mary's washing her hair. ¿Cuándo viste a Tom? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Ele não pode comprar um carro. He isn't able to buy a car. He can't buy a car. ¿Llevas algo de dinero contigo? Do you have any money with you? Do you have any money with you? Domum ibis et manebis. You will go home and stay there. Domum ibis and manebis. Êtes-vous prêt ? Are you ready? Are you ready? Admití que no hice eso. I admitted that I didn't do that. I admitted I didn't do that. Esta tienda no es muy grande. This store isn't very big. This store isn't very big. Él sacudió la cabeza. He shook his head. He shook his head. Finalement cela semble être une bonne idée. Sounds like a pretty good idea, after all. Finally, it seems to be a good idea. Je ne suis pas comme tout le monde. I'm not like everybody else. I'm not like everyone else. Pegue só um. Take one only. Just take one. Lege iterum nuntium. Read the message once more. The law of the ether of the wedding. Nettoyez le poulet avant de le faire cuire. Draw a chicken before cooking. Clean the chicken before cooking it. La abbiamo rubata. We stole it. We stole it. La solución tópica al 5% fue ineficaz para reducir los brotes de eczema. The 5% topical solution was ineffective at reducing eczema outbreaks. The 5% topical solution was ineffective in reducing eczema outbreaks. Ci riesco a vivere con quello. I can live with that. I can live with that. Non cambierà. That will not change. It won't change. Ma femme est très contrariée. My wife is very upset. My wife is very upset. A voi interessano i fiori? Are you interested in flowers? Do you guys care about flowers? Debes respetar a los mayores. You have to respect the old. You must respect the elders. Foi o Tom quem pintou esta foto. Tom was the one that painted this picture. Tom painted this picture. È andato all'estero per non ritornare mai più. He went abroad, never to return. He went abroad to never come back. Ni soy canadiense. I'm not even Canadian. I'm not even Canadian. Quero lutar. I want to fight. I want to fight. Non le ho detto di non chiamarmi Tom? Haven't I told you not to call me Tom? Didn't I tell you not to call me Tom? Mary conosce tutto ora. Mary knows everything now. Mary knows everything now. Você já tirou férias? Have you ever taken a vacation? Have you taken a vacation yet? Sono davvero spiacente. I'm really sorry! I'm so sorry. Fericirea, am descoperit, este aproape întotdeauna o revenire dintr-o muncă grea. Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. Happiness, I discovered, is almost always a return from hard work. Non scrivo delle lettere. I don't write letters. I don't write letters. J'aimerais garder l'anonymat. I'd like to remain anonymous. I'd like to keep it anonymous. Tom se sabe el secreto. Tom knows the secret. Tom knows the secret. No quiero trabajar. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. Non, ce n'est pas moi, c'est toi ! No, it's not me. It's you! No, it's not me, it's you! No estamos aquí para detenerle. We are not here to arrest you. We're not here to stop him. Bien sûr que tu peux te fier à moi. T'ai-je déjà fourni un mauvais tuyau ? Of course you can trust me. Have I ever given you a bum steer before? Of course you can trust me. Avevo le mani impegnate. My hands were full. I had my hands full. Je suis un spécialiste en marketing, et en tant que tel, je sais que je n'ai jamais vraiment eu le contrôle. Votre marque est faite de ce que les autres disent de vous quand vous n'êtes pas dans la pièce, dit-on. I'm a marketer, and as a marketer, I know that I've never really been in control. Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room, the saying goes. I'm a marketing specialist, and as such, I know I've never really had control. Your brand is made of what others say about you when you're not in the room, they say. Tuve que dispararle a mi caballo. I had to shoot my horse. I had to shoot my horse. Por que Tom está sendo demitido? Why is Tom being fired? Why is Tom being fired? Tom no hizo eso por nosotros. Tom didn't do that for us. Tom didn't do that for us. No tengo fiebre. I have no fever. I don't have a fever. Nous sommes flexibles. We're adaptable. We're flexible. Il politico non si vergognava di aver preso bustarelle. The politician was not ashamed of having taken bribes. The politician was not ashamed of having taken bustles. Io voglio sapere tutto a riguardo. I want to know everything about it. I want to know everything about it. Il a appris à conduire en Irlande. He learnt how to drive in Ireland. He learned to drive in Ireland. Vi conoscevano tutti. They all knew you. They all knew you. Sé quién soy. I know who I am. I know who I am. Tom è già stato licenziato? Has Tom been fired yet? Has Tom ever been fired? Il a travaillé toute la nuit. He worked through the night. He worked all night. Si, pour une raison quelconque, cela avait lieu, que ferais-tu ? If for some reason that happened, what would you do? If, for some reason, it happened, what would you do? Non è stato licenziato nessuno. No one was fired. No one's been fired. Loro non mi piacciono. I don't like them. I don't like them. Avec quelle sauce accompagnez-vous ce plat ? What sauce do you use for this dish? With what sauce do you accompany this dish? ¿Cuál es tu caramelo favorito? What's your favorite candy? What's your favorite candy? C'est totalement inutile. It's totally useless. It's totally useless. Tu cosa vorresti fare in futuro? What would you like to do in the future? What would you like to do in the future? ¿Ocurre alguna reacción adversa? Is there any adverse reaction? Is there an adverse reaction? Vous avez droit à votre opinion. You are entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your opinion. Finalmente a sorte sorriu para nós. Luck smiled on us then. Finally luck smiled at us. Io non voglio comprarla. I don't want to buy it. I don't want to buy it. Eu tenho três galinhas em casa. I have three chickens in my house. I have three chickens at home. Voudriez-vous un verre de jus d'orange avec votre petit-déjeuner ? Would you like a glass of orange juice with your breakfast? Would you like a glass of orange juice with your breakfast? Tom sugeriu que eu concordasse em fazer aquilo. Tom suggested that I agree to do that. Tom suggested that I agree to do that. Stavi suonando. You were playing. You were playing. Il parle anglais très fort. He speaks English very loudly. He speaks English very loudly. Sami era felice di parlare dell'omicidio. Sami was happy to talk about the murder. Sami was happy to talk about the murder. Tom nuotava con suo figlio. Tom swam with his son. Tom was swimming with his son. Tom ne s'attendait certainement pas à gagner. Tom certainly didn't expect to win. Tom certainly didn't expect to win. ¿Con quién hablo ahora? Who am I currently speaking to? Who am I talking to now? Quis hoc aedificavit? Who built this? What purpose did you build? Non vi piacerebbe sapere chi ha donato il denaro? Wouldn't you like to know who donated the money? Wouldn't you like to know who gave the money? Il te faut une permission écrite. You need written permission. You need written permission. Elle serrait fermement les anses de son sac à main. She kept a tight rein on the purse strings. She firmly tightened the handles of her handbag. Él ya ha empezado. He has already begun. He's already started. Perché nessuno la aiuterà? Why won't anyone help her? Why won't anyone help you? Non la farò. I won't do it. I won't. Ela deixou o seu tricô de lado e se levantou. She put her knitting aside and stood up. She left her shirt aside and got up. Noi non siamo imparentati. We're unrelated. We're not related. Beh, che cosa le è successo? Well, what happened to her? Well, what happened to her? Non va in vacanza. He doesn't take vacations. He's not going on vacation. Os guarda-roupas estavam sendo esvaziados e os conteúdos estavam sendo verificados. The wardrobes were being emptied and the contents were being checked. The wardrobes were being emptied and the contents were being checked. Tous ces films sont ennuyeux. All these movies are boring. All these movies are boring. È ciò che conta. That's what counts. That's what matters. Tom sta aspettando una risposta. Tom is waiting for a reply. Tom is waiting for an answer. Tom può essere sincero. Tom may be truthful. Tom can be honest. Il en a marre de mes problèmes. He is fed up with my problems. He's sick of my problems. Sono stata occupata a scrivere un racconto breve. I've been busy writing a short story. I was busy writing a short story. En esperanto hay solamente 16 reglas gramaticales. In Esperanto there are only 16 grammar rules. In Esperanto there are only 16 grammatical rules. Tenéis que quedaros. You must stay. You have to stay. Sono io. It is I. It's me. Tom disse a Mary que ela estava sendo infantil. Tom told Mary that she was being childish. Tom told Mary she was being childish. Questa è un'illusione ottica. This is an optical illusion. This is an optical illusion. No soy rico. I'm not wealthy. I'm not rich. Tom è un cattivo ragazzo. Tom is a bad boy. Tom is a bad guy. Te voy a dar un pequeño consejo. I'll give you a little tip. I'll give you a little advice. Tom era un avvocato. Tom was an attorney. Tom was a lawyer. Ha trovato un dottore? Did you find a doctor? Did you find a doctor? Appenda qui i suoi vestiti. Hang your clothes here. Hang your clothes here. Quis hunc librum in lucem emisit? Who published this book? Who's the book in the light? Comme il n'y avait plus rien à faire, nous sommes partis. Since there was nothing left to do, we left. Since there was nothing left to do, we left. Prendiamo un giornale. We take a newspaper. Let's get a paper. Puis-je essayer ceci ? Can I try this on? Can I try this? Os adolescentes adoram jogar vídeo-games. Teenagers love playing video games. Teenagers love to play video games. Ovviamente, Tom e Mary avevano ragione. Obviously, Tom and Mary were right. Of course, Tom and Mary were right. Vous êtes très astucieuses. You're very astute. You're very clever. Roma non fu fatta in un giorno. Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not made in a day. Osaka è il centro del commercio in Giappone. Osaka is the center of commerce in Japan. Osaka is the center of commerce in Japan. Ela, em lágrimas, se separou da amiga. She parted from her friend in tears. She, in tears, separated from her friend. Fale italiano! Speak Italian! Speak Italian! Isso vai deixar ele muito feliz. That'll make him very happy. That'll make him very happy. Eu nunca estive em Boston. I have never been to Boston. I've never been to Boston. Vorrei baciarla. I'd like to kiss you. I'd like to kiss her. Questo è un mondo dove il sole non brilla. This is a world where the sun doesn't shine. This is a world where the sun doesn't shine. Franchement, je n'aime pas votre idée. Frankly speaking, I don't like your idea. Frankly, I don't like your idea. Avete qualche notizia da riportare? Do you have any news to report? Do you have any news to report? Ce n'est même pas la partie la pire. That's not even the worst part. It's not even the worst part. Il en est du véritable amour comme de l'apparition des esprits : tout le monde en parle, mais peu de gens en ont vu. True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about but few have seen. It is true love and the appearance of the spirits: everyone talks about it, but few people have seen it. O primeiro crime de Dania foi ter se apaixonado com aquele criminoso. Dania's first crime was falling in love with that criminal. Dania's first crime was falling in love with that criminal. Pasé mis vacaciones en la playa. I spent my vacation at the beach. I spent my vacation on the beach. Marie parle à des étrangers. Mary is speaking to strangers. Mary speaks to strangers. Nossa casa, nossas regras. Our house, our rules. Our house, our rules. Benedixitque illis Deus et ait illis Deus: Crescite et multiplicamini et replete terram et subicite eam et dominamini piscibus maris et volatilibus cæli et universis animantibus, quæ moventur super terram. And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth. And God blessed them, and said unto them, Grow up, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule the fishes, the seas, and the birds, and the beasts, that moveth upon the earth. Tom e Mary ammisero la loro colpa. Tom and Mary admitted their guilt. Tom and Mary admitted their guilt. Quelqu'un répondit. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Minha irmã, às vezes, prepara-nos o jantar. My sister sometimes makes our dinner. My sister sometimes makes us dinner. Tom sabía que era peligroso. Tom knew it was dangerous. Tom knew it was dangerous. Je déteste voir un homme adulte pleurer. I hate to see a grown man cry. I hate seeing an adult man cry. Tom balla piuttosto bene. Tom dances quite well. Tom dances pretty well. Allons au restaurant végétarien. Let's go to the vegan restaurant. Let's go to the vegetarian restaurant. O rei teve filhos ilegítimos numerosos com ela. The king had numerous illegitimate children with her. The king had numerous illegitimate children with her. Elle a décidé d'aller étudier à l'étranger. She decided to study abroad. She decided to study abroad. Io non sono un folle. I'm not a fool. I'm not crazy. Tomás sabe que María tiene hambre. Tom knows that Mary is hungry. Thomas knows Mary is hungry. Ses yeux sont bleus. His eyes are blue. His eyes are blue. È tutto, gente. That's all folks. That's all, people. Estamos perdiendo tiempo. We're losing time. We're wasting time. Ne laissez pas entrer le chien. Don't let the dog inside. Don't let the dog in. Un inglés, un belga y un holandés entran a un bar y se sientan en el mostrador. El cantinero dice, "Un minuto, ¿esto es una broma o qué?" An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a pub and sit down at the counter. Says the barkeeper, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?" An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a bar and sit at the counter. The bartender says, "One minute, is this a joke or what?" Tom ha detto che non è pronto ad andare. Tom said he's not ready to go. Tom said he's not ready to go. Non c'è dubbio lui che verrà. No doubt he will come. There's no doubt he's coming. Le volevo chiedere qualcosa. I wanted to ask you something. I wanted to ask you something. Ce soir, mangeons dehors. Let's eat out tonight. Tonight, let's eat outside. No sabemos nada de él desde el año pasado. We have not heard from him since last year. We haven't heard from him since last year. Eu sei que você fez de propósito. I know you did it on purpose. I know you did it on purpose. Elas disseram que é você quem decide. They say it's up to you. They said it's up to you. Il bambù si sta piegando con il peso della neve. The bamboo is bending with the weight of the snow. The bamboo is bending with the weight of snow. Tom non andò lontano. Tom didn't go far. Tom didn't go far. Thomas nondum spem abiecit. Tom still hasn't abandoned hope. Thomas doesn't care. Sono brava a scacchi. I'm good at chess. I'm good at chess. Não está claro no experimento de Patterson se os objetos resultantes correspondem totalmente aos modelos projetados. It is unclear in Patterson's experiment whether the output objects fully correspond to the designed models. It is not clear in Patterson's experiment whether the resulting objects fully correspond to the models designed. Le pourrais-tu, le ferais-tu ? If you could do it, would you do it? Could you, would you? Sono appassionato di football. I'm fond of football. I'm passionate about football. Je pensais que vous étiez la responsable. I thought you were in charge. I thought you were responsible. Ti ho sentita entrare. I heard you come in. I heard you come in. Sono tuo padre. I am your father. I'm your father. Veuillez garder le contact. Please keep in touch. Please keep in touch. Só perguntei se podia tomar o livro emprestado. I only asked if I could borrow the book. I just asked if I could borrow the book. Cada vez que le veo, él sonríe. Everytime I look at him, he smiles. Every time I see him, he smiles. Eu recomendo que você peça carne em vez de frango. I'd suggest you order beef instead of chicken. I recommend that you order meat instead of chicken. Non si deve preoccupare per me. You don't have to worry about me. You don't have to worry about me. Você me acha um cara legal? Do you think I'm cool? You think I'm a nice guy? Il n'est pas plus bête que vous ne l'êtes. He is no more foolish than you are. He's no dumber than you are. J'ai ouvert la porte. I opened the door. I opened the door. Non dimenticherò mai la tua gentilezza. I'll never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Questo ristorante ha il pilaf, ricorda? This restaurant has pilaf, remember? This restaurant has the pilaf, remember? Questa opera è sull'amore. This play is about love. This work is about love. Un minuto antes y podrían haber cogido el autobús. One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus. A minute earlier and they could have taken the bus. Non sono un paziente. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. Longue vie à la Reine ! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Amène-moi dîner au restaurant s'il te plaît ! Please take me out for dinner! Take me to dinner at the restaurant, please! Ils considéraient cet homme comme un danger pour la société. They regarded the man as a danger to society. They considered this man a danger to society. Non ho solo una sorella; ne ho due. I don't have one sister, I've got two. I don't just have one sister; I have two. L'anziano uomo sembrava felice. The old man seemed happy. The old man seemed happy. A palavra certa no lugar certo. The right word in the right place. The right word in the right place. Rubarono i cavalli e il bestiame. They stole horses and cattle. They stole the horses and the cattle. Las paredes tienen oídos. The walls have ears. The walls have ears. C'è un'arancia sul tavolo. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. No uses lenguaje áspero. Don't use harsh language. Don't use harsh language. Nessuno ha chiesto il tuo aiuto. No one asked for your help. No one asked for your help. Puedes comer lo que quieras. You can eat all you want. You can eat whatever you want. Nós somos velhos amigos. We're old friends. We're old friends. Il piatto è troppo dolce per Tom. The dish is too sweet for Tom. The dish is too sweet for Tom. Tout le monde a apprécié son geste. Everyone appreciated her gesture. Everyone liked his gesture. Tu ne devrais pas te plaindre parce que tu auras l'air moche. You shouldn't complain because you'll look ugly. You shouldn't complain because you're gonna look ugly. Gracias a Dios por eso. Thank God for that. Thank God for that. Tom ha successo? Is Tom successful? Has Tom succeeded? Isso é bem inesperado. That is rather unexpected. That's pretty unexpected. C'est populaire chez les anciens. It's popular among the elderly. It's popular with old people. Gli ho detto che era ridicolo. I told him that was ridiculous. I told him it was ridiculous. ¡No me atrevo a investigar demasiado profundamente, para no descubrir la horrorosa verdad! I dare not probe too deeply, lest I uncover the awful truth! I dare not investigate too deeply, not to discover the horrific truth! Je suis fiancé. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Tu es très gentil, Tom. You're very kind, Tom. You're very kind, Tom. A la derecha de esa oficina está el edificio Tokio. To the right of that office is the Tokyo Building. To the right of that office is the Tokyo building. "Como estou?" "Está bonita." "How do I look?" "You look fine." "How do I look?" "You look beautiful." Rimarrò a casa con i miei nonni questo weekend. I'll stay at home with my grandparents this weekend. I'm staying home with my grandparents this weekend. On ne vous enseigne pas ça à l'école. They don't teach you that in school. They don't teach you that at school. Até depois de amanhã. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Perché ha dato del denaro a Tom? Why did you give money to Tom? Why did you give Tom money? Eu consegui responder à pergunta. I was able to answer the question. I was able to answer the question. J'ai une douleur aigüe à l'estomac. I have a sharp pain in the stomach. I have acute stomach pain. ¿Por qué no le preguntas a Tom tú mismo? Why don't you ask Tom yourself? Why don't you ask Tom yourself? É melhor que você esteja certa a respeito disto. You'd better be right about this. You better be right about this. Tom nos invitó a su casa de verano. Tom invited us to his summer cottage. Tom invited us to his summer home. Tom cerró los ojos y se durmió. Tom closed his eyes and fell asleep. Tom closed his eyes and fell asleep. Je me rappelle quand c'est arrivé. I remember when it happened. I remember when it happened. Tom preguntó si acaso había alguna otra opción. Tom asked if there were any other options. Tom asked if there was any other option. Tom si innervosì. Tom became nervous. Tom got angry. Ne refais plus ça, s'il te plaît. Please don't do that anymore. Don't do this again, please. Tom le habló a María desde el más allá. Tom spoke to Mary from beyond. Tom spoke to Mary from the afterlife. Tom acaba de llegar a casa ahora mismo. Tom came home just now. Tom just got home right now. Cosa state negoziando? What are you negotiating? What are you negotiating? Temo que el bote se hunda si llevamos a más de siete hombres. I'm afraid this boat will sink if we take more than seven people. I'm afraid the boat will sink if we take more than seven men. È ciò a cui sono abituato. It's what I'm used to. That's what I'm used to. La festa è terminata alle dieci. The party ended at ten o'clock. The party's over at 10:00. Voi come l'avete conosciuta? How did you get to know her? How did you meet her? Montre-moi ce livre, s'il te plaît. Please show me this book. Show me that book, please. Trabalhei com o Sr. Spencer por um ano em Nova Iorque. I worked with Mr. Spencer for a year in New York. I worked with Mr. Spencer for a year in New York. Yo no tengo nada por lo que vivir. I have nothing to live for. I have nothing to live for. Me lo llevaré de repuesto. I'll take it as a spare. I'll take it as a spare. Perché non lavorate? Why don't you work? Why aren't you working? Para de quejarte y haz lo que te dicen. Stop complaining and do as you're told. Stop complaining and do as you're told. La herida dejó de doler cuando él le puso una bandita. The wound stopped hurting after he put a band-aid on it. The wound stopped hurting when he put a bandit on him. Nous voulons le faire, mais nous ne pouvons pas. We want to do that, but we can't. We want to do it, but we can't. J'ai passé un très bon moment. I had a very nice time. I had a really good time. Esta noite eu não dormi nada. I didn't sleep at all last night. I didn't sleep at all tonight. Questa macchina fotografica è di Tom. This camera is Tom's. This camera is Tom's. Tom pulisce la sua stanza ogni lunedì. Tom cleans his room every Monday. Tom cleans his room every Monday. Lá em Paris, fala-se francês. Over in Paris they speak French. In Paris, you speak French. E o outro? What about the other one? What about the other one? Não sei quem sabe. I don't know who knows. I don't know who knows. Guardate. Questo è natto. Look. This is natto. Look, this is born. Tom a pris une semaine de congé. Tom took a week off. Tom took a week off. Eu morei no Japão três anos atrás. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. No te sientas mal. Tom tampoco me dio a mí ningún regalo. Don't feel bad. Tom didn't give me a present either. Tom didn't give me any presents either. Je sais ce qu'ils vous paient. I know what they're paying you. I know what they're paying you. Voi prinde următorul zbor. I'll catch the next plane. I'll catch the next flight. Le taxi est arrivé. The taxi has arrived. The cab's here. Les garçons mangent du pain. The boys eat bread. Boys eat bread. Portatemi da qualche parte. Take me somewhere. Take me somewhere. Promettetemi che non farete del male a Tom. Promise me you won't hurt Tom. Promise me you won't hurt Tom. Sono russo. I'm Russian. I'm Russian. Je pense que ce que vous dites est vrai. I think what you say is true. I think what you're saying is true. Tom necesitaba a alguien que lo ayudara. Tom needed someone to help him. Tom needed someone to help him. Les gens disent que la vie est courte. People say that life is short. People say life is short. Louis Braille, che era cieco dall'età di tre anni, inventò un modo per fare leggere i ciechi. Louis Braille, who was blind from the age of three, invented a way for the blind to read. Louis Braille, who had been blind since the age of three, invented a way to make blind people read. Meu avô acredita que a alunissagem foi uma fraude. My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax. My grandfather believes that the landing was a fraud. Ela ficou cansada das enroladas dele, e terminou com ele. She got tired of his waffling and dumped him. She got tired of his stuff, and she broke up with him. Es va quedar allí tot el temps He stayed there the whole time. He's been there the whole time. Cette organisation dépend des bénévoles. That organization depends on voluntary contributions. This organization depends on volunteers. O Tom não sabia o que a Mary gostaria. Tom didn't know what Mary would like. Tom didn't know what Mary would want. Mamãe, por que eu não tenho um tio com barba? Mommy, why don't I have an uncle with a beard? Mom, why don't I have an uncle with a beard? Indovinate qual è il suo nome. Guess what his name is. Guess what his name is. Le chauffeur est profondément attaché à sa vieille voiture. The driver is deeply attached to his old car. The driver is deeply attached to his old car. Quelle sorte de fruit voulez-vous ? What kind of fruit do you want? What kind of fruit do you want? Je suis responsable de ceci. I'm responsible for this. I'm responsible for this. Ho alcune pratiche burocratiche da finire. I have some paperwork to finish. I have some bureaucratic practices to finish. Mon père m'a acheté une bicyclette. My father bought me a bicycle. My dad bought me a bicycle. No te lo vas a llevar cuando te mueras. You can't take it with you when you die. You're not taking it when you die. Je veux juste être un peu plus heureuse. I just want to be a little happier. I just want to be a little happier. Mary est une cosplayeuse Mary is a cosplayer. Mary is a cosplayer Solo estoy intentando sobrevivir. I'm just trying to survive. I'm just trying to survive. La Turquie était plus forte que la Grèce. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Turkey was stronger than Greece. Il a eu la chance de trouver un travail. He had the fortune to find a job. He got lucky to find a job. Peut-être vous apprécie-t-elle aussi. Maybe she likes you, too. Maybe she likes you too. Fingeva di dormire. He pretended to be asleep. He pretended to sleep. Las manos se le pusieron azules del frío. His hands were blue with cold. His hands got cold blue. Ele está a preparar-se para o teste. He is preparing for the test. He's getting ready for the test. ¡Esta casa y esta tierra son mías! This house and this land are mine. This house and this land are mine! È davvero così complicata? Is it really so complicated? Is it really that complicated? No te puedo decir lo que pienso. I can't tell you what I think. I can't tell you what I think. Ils croient que Jane est honnête. They believe that Jane is honest. They think Jane's honest. La sfido a dirlo di nuovo. I dare you to say that again. I dare say it again. Dan s'est battu avec Linda. Dan has been fighting with Linda. Dan got into a fight with Linda. He visto lo que habéis hecho. I saw what you did. I've seen what you've done. Cristo è morto per tutti gli uomini. Christ died once for all humans. Christ died for all men. El líquido olía fuerte. The liquid gave off a strong smell. The liquid smelled strong. Acho que o Tom ainda está aqui. I think Tom is still here. I think Tom is still here. A voz humana é produzida pela laringe. The human voice is produced by the larynx. The human voice is produced by the larynx. El campeón fue recibido por una enorme multitud. The champion was welcomed by large crowds. The champion was received by a huge crowd. Il n'est pas médecin. He's no doctor. He's not a doctor. L'eau est ici très peu profonde. The water here is very shallow. The water here is very shallow. Soy ciudadano norteamericano. I am an American citizen. I'm an American citizen. Lo vas a romper si no tienes cuidado. You'll break it if you're not careful. You're gonna break it if you're not careful. Sami n'a même pas lu la lettre de Layla. Sami didn't even read Layla's letter. Sami didn't even read Layla's letter. Io non sono una moralista. I'm not a prude. I'm not a moralist. Tom no cree que María vaya a hacer muy bien el trabajo. Tom doesn't think Mary will do the job very well. Tom doesn't think Mary will do the job very well. ¿Cómo se te ocurrió una excusa tan buena? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you come up with such a good excuse? Eu estava em Boston na semana passada. I was in Boston last week. I was in Boston last week. La cena era così saporita. The dinner was so tasty. Dinner was so tasty. La vegetazione riduce il crimine. Vegetation lowers crime. Vegetation reduces crime. Funcionou muito bem. It worked out quite well. It worked really well. Vi piace, vero? You like it, don't you? You like it, don't you? C'est un petit gars intelligent. He's a smart little feller. He's a smart little guy. Questo sembra un buon punto per pescare. This looks like a good spot for fishing. This seems like a good place to fish. Non scrivete mai le parole "bortsch" e "shchi" in tedesco! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Tom comenzó a sospechar que Mary estaba planeando una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños. Tom began to suspect that Mary was planning a surprise birthday party. Tom began to suspect that Mary was planning a surprise birthday party. A algunas personas les gusta el peligro. Some people like danger. Some people like danger. O Tom disse que ele faria isso de novo. Tom said he'd do that again. Tom said he'd do it again. Non gliel'ho detto. I haven't told him. I didn't tell him. Lei trascorre più tempo a casa o al lavoro? Do you spend more time at home or at work? Do you spend more time at home or at work? Vous n'êtes pas préparé à ce qui vous attend. You're not prepared for what awaits you. You are not prepared for what awaits you. Mettez-le où vous pouvez. Put it where you can. Put it where you can. Excusez-moi, Monsieur, auriez-vous une petite pièce ? Excuse me sir, could you spare some change? Excuse me, sir, would you have a small room? Je l'ai convaincu d'abandonner l'idée. I talked him out of the idea. I convinced him to give up the idea. Non sono per niente occupato ora. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not busy right now. ¿Quién vitoreó? Who cheered? Who won? É uma grande pena que você não a conheça. It's a great pity you don't know her. It's a shame you don't know her. Voi avete delle buone amiche. You have good friends. You guys have good friends. Arrêtez d'être aussi attardés, bordel ! Stop being so fucking retarded! Stop being so fucking retarded! Eso está estrictamente prohibido. That is strictly forbidden. That's strictly forbidden. Ea est tam intelligens quam is. She is as intelligent as he. She's so smart that you are. No me gusta la nieve. I do not like ice cream. I don't like snow. Elle a ouvert sa boîte à tartines. She opened her lunch box. She opened her can of pies. Tom a été poignardé à mort par quelqu'un dans le métro. Tom was stabbed to death by someone on the subway. Tom was stabbed to death by someone in the subway. Ha fatto entrambi in contemporanea. He did both at the same time. He did both at the same time. Je n'ai que moitié moins de livres que lui. I have only half as many books as he does. I only have half as many books as he does. Esse livro fala de um rei que perdeu sua coroa. That book talks of a king who lost his crown. This book speaks of a king who lost his crown. Personne ne l'a remarqué. No one noticed. No one noticed. Ar trebui să anulăm excursia. We should cancel the hike. We should cancel the trip. Quello è il meglio che sai fare? Is that the best you can do? Is that the best you can do? Ce ne dovremmo andare. We should leave. We should get out of here. Quella frase non esiste in nessuna canzone. That sentence does not exist in any song. That phrase doesn't exist in any song. Você não tocou nela, tocou? You didn't touch her, did you? You didn't touch her, did you? Eu acho que você sabe o que eu estou falando. I think you know what I'm talking about. I think you know what I'm talking about. Lui ha costruito una nuova casa. He built a new house. He built a new house. Me echaréis de menos. You will miss me. You'll miss me. Jackson é o meu sobrenome. Jackson is my family name. Jackson's my last name. Não estava feliz. I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy. ¿Cuál es tu lugar preferido para ir cuando querés pensar? What's your favorite place to go when you want to think? What's your favorite place to go when you want to think? Tu pensi di essere divertente? You think you're funny? You think you're funny? Il modulo del questionario è stato distribuito correttamente. The questionnaire form was distributed properly. The questionnaire form has been distributed correctly. Faisons ceci en premier. Let's do this first of all. Let's do this first. J'ai passé une nuit blanche à préparer l'examen. I pulled an all-nighter preparing for the exam. I spent a dark night preparing for the exam. Il va neiger aujourd'hui. It'll snow today. It's going to snow today. Tom ha lavorato fino a tardi la scorsa notte. Tom worked late last night. Tom worked late last night. Tu es dyslexique ? Are you dyslexic? Are you dyslexic? Alguém estará aqui em breve. Someone will be here soon. Someone will be here soon. Io non ho mai voluto farle del male. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt her. Perché Tom e Mary erano a casa sua? Why were Tom and Mary at your home? Why were Tom and Mary at his house? Dei uma olhada ao redor. I took a look around. I took a look around. Que se passe-t-il ici ? What's going on here? What's going on here? Tom non aveva idea di cosa stava succedendo. Tom had absolutely no idea what was going on. Tom had no idea what was going on. Elle a utilisé la conduite manuelle. She used the manual override. She used manual driving. Pourquoi me demander ? Ne serait-ce pas mieux que tu le fasses toi-même ? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Wouldn't it be better if you did it yourself? Penso che dovremo aiutarla. I think we'll have to help her. I think we'll have to help her. Sono un suo grande fan. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a big fan of yours. O que ela estava fazendo no teu quarto? What was she doing in your room? What was she doing in your room? Tom fue a la ferretería a comprar otro martillo y unos clavos. Tom went to the hardware store to buy another hammer and some nails. Tom went to the hardware store to buy another hammer and some nails. Tom no ha hablado francés por años. Tom hasn't spoken French in years. Tom hasn't spoken French for years. El zapatero dijo que los zapatos eran demasiado viejos para repararlos. The shoemaker said the shoes were too old to repair. The shoemaker said the shoes were too old to repair them. Eu não estou falando sobre isso. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about it. Lo único que importa es que no te lastimaste. The only thing that matters is that you weren't injured. All that matters is that you didn't hurt yourself. Quando apre il ristorante? When does the restaurant open? When does the restaurant open? Je n'ai jamais même eu de petite copine. I've never even had a girlfriend. I've never even had a girlfriend. Lo necesitamos. We need this. We need it. C'est une blague entre nous. It's an inside joke. This is a joke between us. Pega leve, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. Je suis tombé sur un article dans le journal à propos de votre nouveau projet. I came across an article in the newspaper about your new project. I came across an article in the paper about your new project. Vous, vous ne m'avez pas tout dit. You didn't tell me everything. You didn't tell me everything. Mi prima tiene el pelo rubio y rizado. My cousin has blonde curly hair. My cousin has blonde and curly hair. Je ne suis pas un saint. I'm not a saint. I'm not a saint. Vous m'avez mal compris. You misunderstood me. You misunderstood me. Lavorano questo weekend. They are working this weekend. They're working this weekend. Farebbe meglio a cominciare adesso. You'd better start now. It'd be better to start now. Maria ha chiamato la sua madre brasiliana. Maria called her Brasilian mother. Maria called her Brazilian mother. Non mi sento nervoso. I don't feel nervous. I don't feel nervous. Debemos castigarlo severamente. We must punish him severely. We must punish him severely. Je ne peux pas attendre Tom. I can't wait for Tom. I can't wait for Tom. Tom vai ser arquiteto. Tom is going to be an architect. Tom is going to be an architect. ¿Quién te dijo que compraras eso por mí? Who told you to buy that for me? Who told you to buy that for me? ¿Puedes recogerlo? Can you pick it up? Can you pick it up? Je ne peux pas boire du café aussi sucré que ça. I can't drink coffee as sweet as this. I can't drink coffee as sweet as that. Il lit un livre. He reads a book. He's reading a book. O Tom disse que ele não está nem um pouco com fome. Tom said he isn't the least bit hungry. Tom said he's not even a little hungry. Tom foi perfeito. Tom was perfect. Tom was perfect. Non riesco a far funzionare questo computer. I can't get this computer to work. I can't get this computer to work. Non sapevo che il costo della vita fosse così alto in Australia. I didn't know that the cost of living was so high in Australia. I didn't know the cost of living was so high in Australia. Eu nunca havia feito isso, você sabe. I've never done that, you know. I've never done that before, you know. Hice lo que pude I did what I could. I did what I could. C'est un homme chaleureux. He is a man of warm heart. He's a warm man. El cielo está cubierto de nubes. The sky is covered with clouds. The sky is covered in clouds. Não ligue para ela agora. Don't phone her now. Don't call her now. Il est temps pour vous de me dire toute la vérité. It's time for you to tell me the whole truth. It's time for you to tell me the whole truth. Sta lavando la macchina. She is washing the car. He's washing the car. Ci sono molte chiese a Roma. There are many churches in Rome. There are many churches in Rome. A voi piace il jazz, vero? You like jazz, don't you? You guys like jazz, don't you? Tom è morto la settimana scorsa. Tom died last week. Tom died last week. Sabía que él era diferente. I knew he was different. I knew he was different. Je n'ai pas de chance, je ne joue donc pas au pachinko et je n'achète pas de billets de loterie. I don't have good luck, so I don't play pachinko or buy lottery tickets. I'm not lucky, so I don't play pachinko and I don't buy lottery tickets. Ha detto sì o no? Did you say yes or no? Did he say yes or no? Virá a minha festa? Will you come to my party? Is my party coming? Debes ponerle ojo al niño. You must keep an eye on the child. You have to keep an eye on the kid. Io preferirei morire che sposare voi! I'd rather die than marry you! I'd rather die than marry you! Tom ha detto che era molto assonnato. Tom said he was very sleepy. Tom said he was very sleepy. Je vis seul ici. I live here alone. I live here alone. Pergunte-lhe quando sai o próximo avião. Ask him when the next plane leaves. Ask him when the next plane leaves. Él es americano. He is American. He's American. Mi jefa no me ha invitado nunca a su casa. My boss has never invited me to her house. My boss never invited me to his house. Essa produção é primordialmente voltada para o mercado americano. This production is primarily aimed at the American market. This production is primarily geared to the American market. Taiwan era lontana dall'essere un qualsiasi tipo di miracolo economico negli anni '50. Taiwan was far from being any kind of economic miracle in the 1950s. Taiwan was far from being any kind of economic miracle in the 1950s. Eu devo estar cego. I must be blind. I must be blind. Un uomo anziano con una cuffia da notte aprì la finestra e guardò fuori. Rimproverò con rabbia: "Che cosa vuoi a quest'ora della notte?" An old man in a nightcap opened the window and looked out. He called down angrily: "What do you want at this hour of night?" An old man with a night headphone opened the window and looked out. I rebuked with anger, "What do you want at this hour of the night?" C'est plutôt dur. It's kind of hard. It's pretty hard. J'apprécie que tu me le dises. I appreciate your telling me. I appreciate you telling me. Sacaré a pasear a mi perro. I'll take my dog out for a walk. I'll take my dog for a walk. Penso che dovresti scegliere lei. I think you should choose her. I think you should choose her. Você tem um cachorro? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? C'est cassé. It came apart. It's broken. Você não pode usar isso. You can't use this. You can't use that. ¡Dios mío, la erupción volcánica fue TREMENDA! OMG, the volcanic eruption was HUGE! Oh, my God, the volcanic eruption was TREMENDA! Lui ha un figlio e due figlie. He has a son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Eu monto motores de carros. I assemble car engines. I ride car engines. L-am identificat imediat. I identified him immediately. I I.D.'d him right away. Abbiamo passato almeno trent'anni qui. We've spent almost thirty years here. We spent at least 30 years here. Anima immortalis est. The soul is immortal. Anima immortalis est. ¿Por qué te volviste profesor? Why did you become a teacher? Why did you become a teacher? Aquele tambor tem um som muito estranho. That drum has a very strange sound. That drum has a very strange sound. Pourquoi fait-il si chaud ici ? Why's it so hot in here? Why is it so hot in here? C'est pour ça que je suis venu. That's why I came. That's why I came. Je le rencontre une fois tous les six mois. I meet with him once every six months. I meet him once every six months. Thomae persuadere nobis coire conatus sum. I tried to talk Tom into going with us. Thomas persuades us to collide with him. Tom è un po' troppo vecchio per me. Tom is a little too old for me. Tom is a little too old for me. Mi piace lavorare con lui. I like to work with him. I like working with him. Tom vuole giocare a biliardo. Tom wants to play billiards. Tom wants to play pool. Non tutti capiranno. Not everyone will understand. Not everyone will understand. Ci sono quattro stanze in casa mia. There are four rooms in my house. There are four rooms in my house. As palavras dela parecem estranhas. Her words sound strange. Her words seem strange. Il campanello suonò durante il pasto. The doorbell rang during the meal. The bell rang during the meal. Me confierez-vous le secret ? Will you impart the secret to me? Will you confide in me the secret? Tom fue mi primer novio. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tom was my first boyfriend. Deux ôtés de dix font huit. Two from ten leaves eight. Two out of ten are eight. È andato via. He went away. He's gone. Vamos a ver qué pasa. Let's play it by ear. Let's see what happens. Comincio a sentirmi a mio agio quando parlo in cinese. I'm beginning to feel at ease when I speak in Chinese. I'm starting to feel comfortable when I speak Chinese. Espirro o tempo todo. I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time. Va bene parlare con lui prima? Is it OK to talk to him first? Is it okay to talk to him first? Lavoriamo per l'eternità, non per il momento. We work for eternity, not for the moment. We work for eternity, not for the moment. Faccio anche senza. I can do without it. I'll do without it, too. Tom sentiu algo a deslizar pelo seu braço. Tom felt something crawling on his arm. Tom felt something slipping through his arm. Tom s'est caché sous le lit avec le chat. Tom hid under the bed with the cat. Tom hid under the bed with the cat. L'insegnante d'arte mi odiava. The art teacher hated me. The art teacher hated me. Fui para Boston ano passado. I went to Boston last year. I went to Boston last year. Beaucoup de péruviens ont l'habitude de mâcher des feuilles de coca. Many Peruvians have the habit of chewing coca leaves. Many Peruvians are used to chewing coca leaves. Lo conocí. I met him for the first time. I met him. O dicionário contém cerca de meio milhão de palavras. The dictionary gathers nearly half a million words. The dictionary contains about half a million words. Vorbește cu mine! Talk to me! Talk to me! O comerciante só tem uma religião em todo o mundo. The tradesman has the same religion all over the world. The merchant has only one religion all over the world. Anoche soñé contigo. I had a dream about you last night. I dreamt about you last night. Eu não sei o verdadeiro nome dele. I don't know his real name. I don't know his real name. Je sais que Tom était sincère. I know Tom was truthful. I know Tom was sincere. Somos de la misma altura. Ambos medimos un metro y setenta centímetros. We are the same height. We both measure one meter and seventy centimeters. We are of the same height. We both measure one meter and seventy centimeters. Perché loro vengono qui? Why do they come here? Why are they coming here? Eu acho que os pais deveriam cantar com os seus filhos mais vezes que a maioria faz. I think parents should sing with their children more often than most parents do. I think parents should sing with their children more often than most do. Aquí está un ovillo mágico. Siga sin miedo en cualquier dirección en que esta bola ruede. Here is a magic ball of yarn. In whatever direction this ball rolls, follow without fear. Here's a magic eel. Keep it out of fear in any direction this ball rolls. O sofrimento tem um propósito nobre: a evolução da consciência e a combustão do ego. Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of the consciousness and the burning up of the ego. Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of consciousness and the burning of the ego. ¿Te gustan las películas? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Eu tenho muitas habilidades. I have many abilities. I've got a lot of skills. J'ai répondu non. I answered no. I said no. Questa macchina appartiene a me. This car belongs to me. This car belongs to me. Tom pensa che io ne abbia parlato con Mary. Tom thinks I told Mary about it. Tom thinks I talked to Mary about it. Hoje em dia, cada vez mais pessoas estão mudando de emprego para conseguir um salário mais alto e um status social melhor. Today, more and more people are changing jobs in order to get a better salary and higher social status. Nowadays, more and more people are changing jobs to get a higher salary and a better social status. Je parle un peu allemand. I speak a little German. I speak a little German. Ahora que lo mencionas, no recuerdo haber visto a Tom en clase hoy. Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing Tom in class today. Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing Tom in class today. Sono consapevole di questo. I'm aware of this. I'm aware of that. Muovetevi senza far rumore. Move quietly. Move without making any noise. Tom può dormire ovunque. Tom can sleep anywhere. Tom can sleep anywhere. Furtuna a avut un efect serios asupra economiei. The storm had a serious effect on the economy. The storm had a serious effect on the economy. Sarebbe meglio se lei si riposasse qui. It would be better if you took a rest here. You'd better rest here. Tu hai visto Tom questa mattina? Have you seen Tom this morning? Did you see Tom this morning? Qu'allez-vous faire pendant vos vacances d'été ? What're you going to do during your summer vacation? What are you going to do during your summer vacation? Quinque annos nata est. She is five years old. Five years is born. Ha visto mia figlia? Did you see my daughter? Have you seen my daughter? Lui Tom nu-i plac pisicile și nici lui Mary. Tom doesn't like cats and Mary doesn't either. Tom doesn't like cats and neither does Mary. Était-ce toi que j'ai entendu chanter sous la douche ? Was that you I heard singing in the shower? Was it you I heard singing in the shower? Fais ce que tu penses être le mieux. Do what you think is best. Do what you think is best. Disculpe, necesito llegar a Barcelona. ¿Hay todavía vuelos hoy? Excuse me, I have to get to Barcelona. Are there any flights today? Excuse me, I need to get to Barcelona. Are there still flights today? Ça ne peut pas être vrai. That can't be true. That can't be true. Je suis une personne sérieuse. I'm a serious person. I'm a serious person. Tom mange de la nourriture pour chat. Tom eats cat food. Tom eats cat food. Ha detto che non ci credeva. She said that she didn't believe it. He said he didn't believe it. Vous avez épuisé vos réserves de boissons. You've run out of things to drink. You've exhausted your drinking supplies. Mi copra le spalle. Watch my back. He's covering my back. Casi derramo mi café en el teclado. I nearly spilled my coffee on the keyboard. I almost spilled my coffee on the keyboard. Tom non ha la patente di guida. Tom doesn't have a driver's license. Tom doesn't have a driver's license. Noi dobbiamo sapere più cose su di loro. We need to know more about them. We need to know more about them. Qu'a fait Tom aujourd'hui ? What did Tom do today? What did Tom do today? Ho perso gli occhiali. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Tom ar putea invata cite ceva de la Mary. Tom could learn a thing or two from Mary. Tom could read something from Mary. Lampas munere suo non fungitur. The light doesn't work. His moon lamps don't function. É meu amigo. This is my friend. He's my friend. Io ero perfettamente felice di essere completamente solo. I was perfectly happy being all alone. I was perfectly happy to be completely alone. Não devemos nem pensar em fazer isso. We shouldn't even consider doing that. We shouldn't even think about doing that. Qué bueno verte, Tom. Nice to see you, Tom. Good to see you, Tom. Fadil afirmava não se lembrar de nada. Fadil claimed he didn't remember anything. Fadil claimed he didn't remember anything. Tom tem um problemão. Tom has a big problem. Tom has a problem. Je peux t'attendre. I can wait for you. I can wait for you. Ha risparmiato molto denaro. He saved a lot of money. He saved a lot of money. ¿Todavía estás casado? Are you still married? Are you still married? Algunas personas no usan pijamas. Some people don't wear pajamas. Some people don't wear pajamas. Verifique a data de validade desse suco antes de bebê-lo. Check the expiration date of that juice before you drink it. Check the expiry date of this juice before you drink it. Mi stai spiando? Are you spying on me? Are you spying on me? Non vuoi laurearti? Don't you want to graduate? You don't want to graduate? Sono sicura che sei occupato, Tom. I'm sure you're busy, Tom. I'm sure you're busy, Tom. Você acha que eu deveria ir sozinho? Do you think I should go by myself? You think I should go alone? Nozes, amêndoas, avelãs, pistache e pinhões são frutos secos. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and pine nuts are dry fruits. Nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachio and pine nuts are nuts. La douleur commence à s'estomper. The pain has started to ease now. The pain is starting to fade. Te gustan los elefantes. You like elephants. You like elephants. Bien qu'il ait écrit rapidement, il avait beaucoup d'erreurs dans ses écritures. Although he was writing carefully, he had many mistakes in his writing task. Although he wrote quickly, he had many errors in his writings. Eu sou curioso. I'm curious. I'm curious. ¿Sabés inglés? You know English? Do you know English? Io odio questa professoressa. I hate this teacher. I hate this teacher. Non ho mai visto niente del genere. I've never seen anything quite like it. I've never seen anything like it. "Signa tibi dicam: tu condita mente teneto." "These tokens bear, and in thy memory store." "Signa tibi dicam: you condita mind tenet." Tom ne parle que français. Tom only knows how to speak French. Tom only speaks French. Posso lasciargli un messaggio? Can I leave him a message? Can I leave a message? Fale comigo, Tom. Talk to me, Tom. Talk to me, Tom. O Tom é muito bom no trabalho dele, tu sabes. Tom is quite good at his work, you know. Tom is very good at his job, you know. Pharamp veut Trang pour elle toute seule. Pharamp wants Trang all for herself. Pharamp wants Trang for herself. Elle n'est pas aussi bonne qu'elle le pense. She's not as good as she thinks. She's not as good as she thinks. Eu gostaria que você revisasse estes documentos. I'd like you to look over these documents. I'd like you to review these documents. Tom sta giocando con la sua gatta. Tom is playing with his cat. Tom is playing with his cat. Io potrei abitare in Australia. I could live in Australia. I could live in Australia. Je ne vous crois pas. Vous mentez tout le temps. I don't believe you. You're always lying. I don't believe you, you lie all the time. Gostaria de visitá-la. I would like to visit you. I'd like to visit you. Mince ! Mon bas est filé ! Fudge! My stocking's run. Oh, my ass's full of shit! Come lo potete aiutare? How can you help him? How can you help him? Il premio non sarà dato a lei. The prize won't be given to her. The prize won't be given to you. Durant un mois de chaque année, ils festoient toute la nuit et jeûnent de l'aurore jusqu'à la tombée du jour. They feast all night and fast from dawn to dusk for one month every year. During one month of each year, they celebrate all night and fast from dawn until the fall of the day. Ele não é assim. That's not like him. He's not like that. Ti prometto che verrò presto. I promise you I'll come early. I promise I'll be here soon. Le pétrolier géant vient de quitter le bassin. The huge tanker has just left the dock. The giant oil tanker just left the basin. Sa dov'è andato? Do you know where he went? Do you know where he went? Tu vendevi scarpe, vero? You used to sell shoes, didn't you? You sold shoes, didn't you? J'ai dit qu'il pouvait partir. I said he could go. I said he could leave. Eu não costumo fazer isso às segundas. I don't often do that on Monday. I don't usually do that on Mondays. Jumătate de milion de copii încă se confruntă cu malnutriția în Niger. Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Maria in cubiculo suo discit. Mary is studying in her room. Mary in her cubicle. Lo dovetti licenziare. I had to fire him. I had to fire him. Me rasguñó un gato. I was scratched by a cat. I was scratched by a cat. Vieni qui e aiutami. Come here and help me. Come here and help me. On utilise souvent une ancre pour maintenir un voilier en place sur l'eau. They usually use an anchor to hold a yacht in place. An anchor is often used to keep a sailboat in place on the water. ¿Qué quieren tus padres para Navidad? What do your parents want for Christmas? What do your parents want for Christmas? Et ingravatum est cor pharaonis, ita ut ne hac quidem vice dimitteret populum. And Pharaoh's heart was hardened, so that neither this time would he let the people go. And Pharaoh's heart is heavy, that we may not turn away from the people. Tom balzò su di me in un attacco di rabbia. Tom sprang at me in a rage. Tom jumped on me in an attack of anger. Alguém está vindo. Someone is coming. Someone's coming. Avete comprato qualcosa da mangiare? Did you buy anything to eat? Did you buy anything to eat? Te echo tanto de menos. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. A maioria dos americanos descende de imigrantes. Most Americans are descended from immigrants. Most Americans are descended from immigrants. Cominciai a sudare. I started sweating. I started sweating. Tengo problemas con la gramática francesa. I have trouble with French grammar. I have problems with French grammar. Je dois aller à cette réunion maintenant. I need to get to this meeting now. I have to go to that meeting now. Non lo farei senza di lei. I wouldn't do that without you. I wouldn't do it without her. Odio las vacaciones. I hate vacations. I hate vacations. Insegno il berbero a mio figlio. I teach my son Berber. I teach my son Berber. Esta estória é real? Is this story true? Is this story real? Espero que o Tom não esteja mal-humorado. I hope Tom isn't grumpy. I hope Tom isn't in a bad mood. Vado a New York la settimana prossima. I am going to New York next week. I'm going to New York next week. Precisamos de mais voluntários. We need more volunteers. We need more volunteers. Su respuesta es diferente de la mía. His answer is different from mine. Your answer is different from mine. Seus planos são um enigma. His plans are a riddle. Your plans are a riddle. È qui per proteggerti. He's here to protect you. He's here to protect you. Sinice loquitur. He speaks Chinese. Just say the word. Pariter procera est ac mater. She is as tall as her mother. Matching procera is a mater. Non sono così sicura riguardo a Tom. I'm not so sure about Tom. I'm not so sure about Tom. A me piace il modo in cui pensi. I like how you think. I like the way you think. Primero, tenemos que localizar donde viven. First, we have to find out where they live. First, we need to locate where they live. Cosa ti ha portato a crederci? What led you to believe it? What led you to believe that? Isso não foi difícil. That wasn't hard. That wasn't hard. La quiero desde que la conocí. I've loved her ever since I met her. I've loved her since I met her. Quello fu scritto da Taro Akagawa. That was written by Taro Akagawa. That was written by Taro Akagawa. No intentes algún truco. Don't try any tricks. Don't try any tricks. Je préfèrerais être mort que rouge. I'd rather be dead than red. I'd rather be dead than red. Você tem que vir comigo imediatamente. You have to come with me right away. You have to come with me immediately. C'est un peu injuste. That's a little unfair. It's a little unfair. Non ho più voglia di parlare. I don't feel like talking anymore. I don't want to talk anymore. Non andate così veloci! Don't go so fast! Don't go so fast! Você não vê o padrão? Don't you see the pattern? Don't you see the pattern? Pensiamo alle cose serie. Let's think about serious things. Let's think about the serious stuff. Noi abbiamo preso in affitto un appartamento quando vivevamo a New York. We rented an apartment when we lived in New York. We rented an apartment when we lived in New York. Nadie estaba escuchando. No one was listening. No one was listening. Restaurantul nu a fost plin. The restaurant wasn't full. The restaurant wasn't full. T'as besoin des clefs ? Do you need the keys? Do you need the keys? Abbiamo tutte un prezzo. We all have a price. We all have a price. C'est presque correct. That is almost correct. That's almost right. Je travaille pour toi. I work for you. I work for you. Ha una nuova fidanzata. He has a new girlfriend. She's got a new girlfriend. Por fin he encontrado a la mujer con la que me quiero casar. I've finally found the woman I want to marry. I finally found the woman I want to marry. Nous avons quatre cours de français par semaine. We have four French classes a week. We have four French courses a week. Posso mangiarlo qua dentro. I can eat it in here. I can eat it in here. Muoio dalla voglia di mangiare uno yogurt ghiacciato. I'm dying for frozen yogurt. I'm dying to eat a frozen yogurt. Siamo andate al lavoro. We went to work. We went to work. Qu'a-t-elle fait à ses cheveux ? What did she do to her hair? What did she do to her hair? Él está insatisfecho con el resultado. He is unsatisfied with the result. He's dissatisfied with the result. Non avete mai voluto studiare in ogni caso. You have never wanted to study anyway. You never wanted to study anyway. Dois-je également composer l'indicatif ? Do I have to dial the area code, too? Should I also dial the code? J'aime le café brûlant. I like hot coffee. I like hot coffee. La guerra despierta al animal que tiene el hombre. War arouses the animal in man. War awakens the animal that man has. Che cosa capiterà dopo? What's going to happen next? What will happen next? Non è troppo vecchia per lei. You're not too old for her. She's not too old for you. Io sarò il suo insegnante. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Hai letto il rapporto, vero? You've read the report, haven't you? You read the report, didn't you? Tom indossa spesso un cappello nero. Tom often wears a black hat. Tom often wears a black hat. Los perros muerden al que va último. The dog will bite whoever's last. Dogs bite the last one. Domi tantum Hispanice loquimur. We only speak Spanish at home. Doni so much Hispanic loquimur. Hanno bisogno di aiuto. They need help. They need help. Provate più duramente. Try harder. Try harder. Nous devons leur donner quelque chose. We have to give them something. We have to give them something. Quelqu'un veut-il aller chercher un truc à manger avec moi? Anybody wanna grab something to eat with me? Does anyone want to go get something to eat with me? Io sono un po' preoccupato ora. I'm a bit worried now. I'm a little worried right now. Tom tomó un vuelo desde Boston aquella noche. Tom flew in from Boston that night. Tom took a flight from Boston that night. Tengo cuatro hermanos. I have four brothers. I have four brothers. Tom tiene que decirte algo. Tom has something to tell you. Tom has to tell you something. Estaban bebiendo. They were drinking. They were drinking. La pâte brisée, per essere buona, deve essere friabile e leggera. To be good, pâte brisée should be light and flaky. Bresée pasta, to be good, must be friable and light. Algo sucedió. Something happened. Something happened. Fui dar uma caminhada de manhã cedo. I went for a walk early in the morning. I went for a walk early in the morning. Por favor, me dê um copo d'água. Please give me a glass of water. Please give me a glass of water. Non pensa che possiamo aiutare Tom? Don't you think we can help Tom? Don't you think we can help Tom? Tu devrais être plus prudent au passage piéton. You should be more careful at a crosswalk. You should be more careful at the pedestrian crossing. Non rivelò la sua identità. He didn't reveal his identity. He didn't reveal his identity. Io penso che questo sia Emet. I think that this is Emet. I think this is Emet. Est-ce qu'on a demandé à Tom de partir ? Was Tom asked to leave? Did we ask Tom to leave? Depois de alguns anos, o nome abreviado "Esperanto" passou a ser utilizado no lugar de "A língua internacional do Dr. Esperanto". Por conseguinte, neste dia celebramos em todo o mundo o 125º aniversário do Esperanto. After a few years, in place of "the international language of Dr. Esperanto", the short name "Esperanto" came into use. Therefore, on this day we celebrate, all over the world, the 125th anniversary of Esperanto. After a few years, the abbreviated name "Esperanto" began to be used instead of "The international language of Dr. Esperanto". Therefore, on this day we celebrate worldwide the 125th anniversary of Esperanto. Mon collège comporte un dortoir. My college has a dormitory. My college has a dormitory. Debes comprar leche, huevos, mantequilla, etcétera. You must buy milk, eggs, butter, and so on. You have to buy milk, eggs, butter, etc. A conversa entre mim e a cantora foi longa. The conversation between the singer and me was long. The conversation between me and the singer was long. Noi dobbiamo fare di più per proteggere la nostra eredità culturale. We must do more to protect our cultural heritage. We must do more to protect our cultural heritage. Pensa che la situazione migliorerà? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Je t'appellerai demain soir. I will call you tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you tomorrow night. Napoleone era un uomo autorevole. Napoleon was a man of authority. Napoleon was an authoritative man. Tom ficou surpreso com o quão bem a Mary sabia falar francês. Tom was surprised how well Mary could speak French. Tom was surprised how well Mary could speak French. Na sua idade, eu já sabia amarrar meu sapato. At your age I already knew how to tie my shoes. At your age, I already knew how to tie my shoe. Je n'ai rien mangé depuis ce matin. I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. Io non l'ho detto? Didn't I say that? Didn't I say that? Io l'ho usato solo una volta. I've only used it once. I only used it once. Quiero saber por qué estás haciendo esto. I want to know why you're doing this. I want to know why you're doing this. Você acha que eu sou um ditador? Do you think that I'm a dictator? You think I'm a dictator? Eu não sabia que você era um bom cozinheiro. I didn't know you were such a good cook. I didn't know you were a good cook. Forse dovresti chiedere a Tom. Maybe you should ask Tom. Maybe you should ask Tom. Los pacientes cuentan historias. Patients tell stories. Patients tell stories. Me acuerdo de haber cerrado la puerta. I remember that I closed the door. I remember closing the door. Lo queremos de vuelta. We want it back. We want him back. Fingiamo che questo non sia capitato. Let's pretend this didn't happen. Let's pretend this didn't happen. A Tom piace pescare, vero? Tom likes fishing, doesn't he? Tom likes to fish, doesn't he? O que você está fazendo tão cedo? What are you doing here so early? What are you doing so early? Je n'ai pas réalisé que tu avais faim. I didn't realize you were hungry. I didn't realize you were hungry. Eu não faria isso se fosse você. I wouldn't do it if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Les garçons sont plus agressifs que les filles. Boys are more aggressive than girls. Boys are more aggressive than girls. Elle prend des cours particuliers de piano. She takes private piano lessons. She's taking private piano lessons. Vito e Pino sono figli di Salvatore, e si battono sempre. Vito and Pino are sons of Salvatore, and they are always fighting. Vito and Pino are sons of Salvatore, and they always fight. Tom conosce sia Mary che John. Tom knows both Mary and John. Tom knows both Mary and John. Sapevo che non mi avrebbe abbandonato. I knew you wouldn't abandon me. I knew he wouldn't leave me. Viviamo sulla Terra. We live on Earth. We live on Earth. Tom ha un buon lavoro. Tom has a good job. Tom has a good job. Il a facilement réglé le sort de son rival. He easily licked his opponent. He easily settled his rival's fate. Sex ova habemus. We have six eggs. Six eggs we've had. Je pense que Tom se cache aux yeux de Marie. I think Tom is hiding from Mary. I think Tom is hiding in Mary's eyes. Gli uccelli cantavano. The birds sang. Birds sang. Aqueste accident n'a pas arren de véser dab jo. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident didn't stop seeing dab jo. Pourquoi dois-je vous aider ? Why do I have to help you? Why do I have to help you? Sa vie fut pleine de drames. His life was full of drama. His life was full of drama. Ne frappes-tu jamais avant d'entrer dans une chambre ? Don't you ever knock before you enter a room? Don't you ever knock before you go into a room? No que você está pensando? What are you thinking of? What are you thinking? Loro sono impegnate. They're busy. They're busy. Cos'è tutta questa fretta? What's with the rush? What's all the rush? No quiero ver a nadie. I don't want to see anybody. I don't want to see anyone. A coisa mais preciosa na vida são momentos. The most precious thing in life is moments. The most precious thing in life is moments. Qual é a primeira coisa que você lembra? What's the first thing you remember? What's the first thing you remember? Ouvrez la fenêtre, s'il vous plait. Open the window, please. Open the window, please. Tom andò molto lontano. Tom went far away. Tom went very far. Vous n'avez pas tenu votre promesse. You didn't keep your word. You didn't keep your promise. Tom e Mary sono disposti a provare cose nuove. Tom and Mary are willing to try new things. Tom and Mary are willing to try new things. Conozco a una chica muy rica que come siempre solo verdura de estación. I know a very rich girl who only eats seasonal vegetables. I know a very rich girl who always eats only seasonal vegetables. ¿Sabes el nombre de la vencedora del concurso de belleza del año pasado? Do you know what the name of last year's beauty pageant winner is? Do you know the name of the winner of last year's beauty contest? À qui est le tour ? Whose turn is it? Whose turn is it? Era fácil para mí de solucionar el problema. It was easy for me to solve the problem. It was easy for me to solve the problem. Soror mea de rebus politicis haud saepe loquitur. My sister does not talk very often about politics. My sister of political rebels I've got a mouthful of talk. Je n'aurais pas dû faire ça sans ta permission. I shouldn't have done that without permission. I shouldn't have done this without your permission. C'è una scultura di vetro nel giardino. There is a glass sculpture in the garden. There is a glass sculpture in the garden. Ella sabía que él estaba triste, pero no llegaba a ubicar el porqué. She knew he was sad, but she couldn't pinpoint the reason why. She knew he was sad, but she couldn't locate why. Tom não entende o que está acontecendo? Doesn't Tom understand what's happening? Doesn't Tom understand what's going on? Não é preciso que pensem sobre isso agora. You don't need to think about that now. You don't have to think about it now. Já sabemos. We already know. We know. Je l'ai trouvée en larmes dans sa chambre. I found her in tears in her room. I found her in tears in her room. Io amo l'odore dei pancake alla mattina. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. Ma sœur a l'habitude, en lisant, de souligner les mots qu'elle ignore. My sister has the habit of underlining words she doesn't know while reading. My sister has the habit, when reading, of highlighting the words she ignores. La ciudad estaba alarmada por el terremoto. The city was alarmed by the earthquake. The city was alarmed by the earthquake. Io ho pensato molto a questo. I've thought a lot about this. I've been thinking a lot about this. Sono solamente una passante innocente. I'm just an innocent bystander. I'm just an innocent passerby. Permitem-me os senhoras pedir-lhes um favor? May I ask you a favor? May I ask you ladies a favor? Os meus amigos são muito importantes para mim. My friends are very important to me. My friends are very important to me. No soporto tamaña cantidad de insulsas trivialidades. I can't stand such number of inane trivialities. I can't stand the amount of trivial insulses. Você não pode negar que o que o Tom está dizendo é verdade. You can't deny that what Tom is saying is true. You can't deny that what Tom is saying is true. J'ai fait ce qu'on m'a dit. I did what I was told. I did what I was told. Deves manobrar a arma como se estivesse carregada, mesmo que não esteja. You should handle the weapon as if it's loaded, although it's not. You should maneuver the gun like it's loaded, even if it's not. Una navío clipper que corre por delante del viento con toda su lona desplegada es un espectáculo para contemplar. A clipper ship running before the wind with all her canvas spread is a sight to behold. A clipper ship that runs in front of the wind with all its canvas deployed is a spectacle to contemplate. Thomas ientaculum coquit. Tom is cooking breakfast. Thomas coveted the jacuzzi. Llegas tarde. ¿Qué has estado haciendo? You're back late. What have you been up to? You're late. What have you been doing? Necesito practicar todo lo que pueda. I need all the practice I can get. I need to practice everything I can. Ele montou em seu cavalo e, com seu fiel cão de caça, partiu em busca de novas aventuras pelo mundo. He mounted his horse, and with his faithful hound went on seeking further adventures through the world. He rode on his horse and, with his faithful hunting dog, left in search of new adventures around the world. Tom tiene un sentido del derecho. Tom has a sense of entitlement. Tom has a sense of right. Quem roubou o meu cavalo? Who stole my horse? Who stole my horse? Feriez-vous vraiment cela ? Would you really do that? Would you really do that? Es algo que tengo que hacer. This is something I have to do. It's something I have to do. O Tom colocou o sobretudo. Tom put on his overcoat. Tom put on the top. Il tuo comportamento non ammette scuse. Your behavior admits of no excuse. Your behavior admits no excuses. Ces personnes sont vraiment bizarres. These people are so weird. These people are really weird. Tom non pensa che Mary abbia mentito. Tom doesn't think Mary lied. Tom doesn't think Mary lied. Quem te deu o meu número? Who gave you my number? Who gave you my number? Vuole un altro po' di tempo? Do you want some more time? Would you like some more time? Si el número de autos incrementa, también lo hará el tráfico. If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic. If the number of cars increases, so will traffic. La mezquita necesita un nuevo imám. This mosque needs a new imam. The mosque needs a new image. L'ha picchiata. You beat her. He beat her up. Ce n'est pas une chose à laquelle je m'attendais. That wasn't something I expected. That's not something I expected. Dev'essere dura. It must be hard. It's got to be tough. Non tutti gli elfi sono cattivi. Not all elves are mean. Not all elves are bad. Quello è il modo in cui funziona. That's the way it works. That's the way it works. Io odio fingere che mi piaccia Tom. I hate pretending I like Tom. I hate pretending to like Tom. Pourquoi ne me dites-vous pas de quelle manière vous pensez que c'est arrivé ? Why don't you tell me the way you think it happened? Why don't you tell me how you think this happened? Você não pode esperar que eu sempre pense em tudo! You can't expect me to always think of everything! You can't expect me to always think about everything! Andrò a vederle. I'll go and see them. I'll go see them. Je l'aime tout de même. I love him anyway. I still love him. Você deveria ter seguido o conselho de Tom. You should've followed Tom's advice. You should have taken Tom's advice. Tout le monde est une lune et a un côté obscur qu'il ne montre à personne. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. Everyone is a moon and has a dark side that they don't show to anyone. J'aime ça. I'm loving it. I like that. Non è la tua scelta. It's not your choice. It's not your choice. Come lo aiuterebbe? How would you help him? How would you help him? Experimenta a sopa e adiciona sal a teu gosto. Try the soup and add salt according to taste. Try the soup and add salt to your taste. Tu pensi che la situazione migliorerà? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Elle est approximativement de la même taille que toi. She's about the same height as you. She's about the same size as you. Vi suggerisco di tacere. I suggest you shut up. I suggest you shut up. Eu sabia que Tom gostaria de Mary. I knew Tom would like Mary. I knew Tom would like Mary. Layla espérait que Sami quitterait sa femme un jour. Layla hoped Sami would leave his wife some day. Layla hoped Sami would leave his wife one day. Vada a giocare a baseball! Go play baseball! Go play baseball! Que feras-tu dimanche prochain ? What are you doing next Sunday? What are you gonna do next Sunday? Le ha dato un pezzo di carta. He gave her a piece of paper. He gave her a piece of paper. ¡Déjame salir! Let me leave! Let me out! Io sono molto delusa. I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed. Les habitants de la campagne ont souvent peur des étrangers. Country people are often afraid of strangers. People in the countryside are often afraid of foreigners. Amo questi attori. I love these actors. I love these actors. Mi ha rubato i vestiti! She stole my clothes! He stole my clothes! Hanno rubato il portafoglio a Tom. Tom had his wallet stolen. They stole Tom's wallet. Sono giovani, però hanno esperienza. They're young, but they have experience. They're young, but they have experience. Hic est liber. The book is here. This one's free. Su debut fue el evento social más grande de la temporada. Her debut was the biggest social event of the season. His debut was the biggest social event of the season. Mi padre acaba de salir del baño. My father has just come out of the bath. My dad just came out of the bathroom. Quantas cabeças, tantas sentenças. So many heads, so many minds. So many heads, so many sentences. Voglio parlare con lui da sola. I want to talk with him alone. I want to talk to him alone. ¿Te gusta el chocolate blanco? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Mary sapeva che non aveva niente da perdere. Mary knew she had nothing to lose. Mary knew she had nothing to lose. Essa espécie de borboleta já está extinta. This species of butterfly has already gone extinct. That kind of butterfly is already extinct. Io sono energico. I'm energetic. I'm energetic. Questa è la ragione per cui lascio l'impiego. This is why I quit the job. That's why I quit my job. La lettre fut écrite par Tom. The letter was written by Tom. The letter was written by Tom. Elle a mis son chandail. She put on her sweater. She put on her sweater. ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la propuesta? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you in favour or against the proposal? Qu'avez-vous fait ? What've you done? What did you do? Eu preciso de cafeína. I need caffeine. I need caffeine. Às vezes não posso conter as minhas emoções. Sometimes I can't hold my emotions. Sometimes I can't contain my emotions. Je suis le cousin de Tom. I'm Tom's cousin. I'm Tom's cousin. No se supone que pase. This isn't supposed to be happening. It's not supposed to happen. Comme il se sentait malade, il est resté au lit. Since he was feeling sick, he stayed in bed. Because he felt sick, he stayed in bed. Io non sono sicura che chiunque possa aiutare. I'm not sure anyone can help. I'm not sure anyone can help. M. Tanaka est un de nos amis. Mr Tanaka is a friend of ours. Mr. Tanaka is one of our friends. Il s'est plié à l'autorité. He succumbed to authority. He bowed to authority. Tom e Mary hanno mai lavorato a Boston? Have Tom and Mary ever worked in Boston? Did Tom and Mary ever work in Boston? No es de por aquí. He's not from around here. It's not from around here. No estaba preparado para eso. I wasn't prepared for that. I wasn't ready for that. Ninguém vai reconhecê-la nesta máscara. No one will recognize her in this mask. No one will recognize you in this mask. Si je le savais, je te le dirais. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew, I'd tell you. Vous saviez que ceci allait se produire, non ? You knew this was going to happen, right? You knew this was going to happen, didn't you? L'istruzione è meglio della ricchezza. Education is better than wealth. Education is better than wealth. Elles lui refusèrent toute aide. They denied her any help. They refused him any help. Tom casi nunca compra nada en esta tienda. Tom hardly ever buys anything at this store. Tom almost never buys anything in this store. Él nos ocultó la verdad. He kept the truth from us. He hid the truth from us. A mi mujer le encanta la tarta de manzana. My wife loves apple pie. My wife loves apple pie. Je ne vois pas votre nom sur la liste. I don't see your name on the list. I don't see your name on the list. Je ne veux pas aller dormir. I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to go to sleep. Per piacere, portatemi alla stazione. Please take me to the station. Please take me to the station. Non penso che sia tuo. I don't think that's yours. I don't think it's yours. Io non ho ancora finito con te. I am not finished with you yet. I'm not done with you yet. Me gusta el sabor del agua con limón. I like the taste of lemon water. I like the taste of lemon water. Ella ha tenido un niño. She had a baby. She's had a kid. Por que você não gosta de mim? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Le dieron calabazas en geometría. They flunked him in geometry. They gave him pumpkins in geometry. Tom no podía pensar en ningún motivo por el que necesitara regresar temprano a casa. Tom could think of no reason why he needed to go home early. Tom couldn't think of any reason why he needed to come home early. Non possiamo continuare senza Tom. We can't continue without Tom. We can't go on without Tom. Estoy pensando en eso. I'm thinking about that. I'm thinking about it. Tu vivevi a Sasayama l'anno scorso? Did you live in Sasayama last year? Did you live in Sasayama last year? Tom e Mary stanno invecchiando. Tom and Mary are getting old. Tom and Mary are getting older. O universo em poucas palavras: Eu sou consciência. The universe in a nutshell: I am consciousness. The universe in a few words: I am consciousness. Il tornado ha toccato terra a due chilometri dalla mia scuola. The tornado touched down two kilometers from my school. The tornado hit land two kilometers from my school. Ce scientifique est connu autant chez lui qu'à l'étranger. The scientist is famous both at home and abroad. This scientist is known both at home and abroad. Une minute de silence. A minute of silence. A minute of silence. Realmente no quiero vivir aquí. I really don't want to live here. I really don't want to live here. Dá uma olhada nisto aqui. Take a look here. Take a look at this here. Non vi abbiamo viste negli ultimi quattro anni. We haven't seen you in the past four years. We haven't seen you in the last four years. Suae quisque tutelae ius habet morum rationis utilitatis quae ex suis studiis scientiae litterarum artium efficiantur. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. And he that keepeth him shall have a moral value, which is after his studies of knowledge, and of the writings of the arts shall be effective. Será que o tempo se manterá assim? I wonder if the weather will hold. Will time stay that way? Di solito ottengo quello che voglio. I usually get what I want. I usually get what I want. Elle n'est plus vierge. She's not a virgin anymore. She's not a virgin anymore. È dolce. You're sweet. It's sweet. Nous ne savons vraiment rien de la mort. We don't really know anything about death. We really don't know anything about death. Non, je n'ai vu personne. No, I didn't see anyone. No, I didn't see anyone. Cela m'ôte un poids de la poitrine. That takes a load off my chest. It removes a weight from my chest. Eu tenho mais dinheiro do que você. I have more money than you. I've got more money than you. Yo me siento normal. I feel normal. I feel normal. Ne sois pas si dur avec toi-même. Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. Ele é indiferente ao que os outros dizem. He is indifferent to what others say. He's indifferent to what others say. ¿Estás de coña? Are you kidding? Are you kidding me? Pueden conversar aquí. You can talk here. You can talk here. Mi hermano se parece mucho a mí. My brother looks very similar to me. My brother looks a lot like me. Yo cuido a mi abuelo. I take care of my grandfather. I'll take care of my grandfather. Ne t'inquiète pas. Tu rencontreras quelqu'un. Don't worry. You'll meet someone. Don't worry, you'll meet someone. Dissi a loro che non era mia. I told them it wasn't mine. I told them it wasn't mine. Se fossi in lei, non farei una cosa del genere. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Ho perso qualcosa di molto importante per me. I lost something very important to me. I've lost something very important to me. Você pode me mostrar neste mapa onde eu estou? Can you show me where I am on this map? Can you show me on this map where I am? Vuoi un pugno? Do you want a punch? You want a punch? Je suis encore là et je ne m'en vais pas. I'm still here and I'm not going away. I'm still here and I'm not leaving. Sono terribili. They're terrible. They're terrible. Lui lanciò un sasso nella palude. He threw a rock into the pond. He threw a stone into the swamp. Qual é a dificuldade de achar trabalho? How difficult is it to find a job? How hard is it to find a job? Ronger tes ongles est une mauvaise habitude. Biting your fingernails is a bad habit. Eating your nails is a bad habit. Ils continuaient tout le temps de parler. They kept talking all the time. They kept talking all the time. Tom non ha scritto questo. Tom didn't write this. Tom didn't write this. Gli elefanti sono una specie in via di estinzione. Elephants are an endangered species. Elephants are an endangered species. Preciso de caneta e papel. I need a pen and paper. I need pen and paper. Nous l'avons vu. We saw it. We saw him. Nulla di quello è successo in realtà. None of that actually happened. None of that actually happened. Mi cambiano il colore del vestito. They're changing the color of my dress. They change the color of my dress. Avez-vous déjà monté les cartons au grenier ? Have you already brought the cartons up to the attic? Have you ever put the boxes in the attic? Un extraño me agarró por el brazo. A stranger seized me by the arm. A stranger grabbed me by the arm. Non capisco il francese. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Tom roubou meu doce. Tom stole my candy. Tom stole my candy. È essenzialmente ciò che è capitato qui. That's essentially what happened here. That's basically what happened here. Tom mi disse che trovò le sue chiavi. Tom told me he found his keys. Tom told me he found his keys. Ho detto a Tom dove siamo. I've told Tom where we are. I told Tom where we are. Sherman si incontrò con Johnston qualche giorno più tardi. Sherman met with Johnston a few days later. Sherman met Johnston a few days later. Necesitas descubrir lo que estás haciendo mal. You need to figure out what you're doing wrong. You need to find out what you're doing wrong. Voi siete vecchi. You're old. You're old. Vous ai-je demandé votre opinion ? Did I ask your opinion? Did I ask you for your opinion? Quando eu leio este livro, sempre encontro algo novo nele. When I read this book, I always find something new in it. When I read this book, I always find something new in it. C'est chaud, aujourd'hui. Today is hectic. It's hot today. Il me faut du temps pour me détendre. I need time to unwind. It takes me time to relax. Lui ha vinto il terzo premio. He won the third prize. He won the third prize. Por que você não me esperou? Why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you wait for me? Tom es uno de los mejores amigos de Mary. Tom is one of Mary's best friends. Tom is one of Mary's best friends. Você contou a Tom que Maria fez isto? Did you tell Tom Mary did this? Did you tell Tom that Maria did this? Non sarai mai solo. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Cette lettre ne porte aucune signature. This letter bears no signature. This letter bears no signature. Ce n'était pas de la chance. It wasn't luck. It wasn't luck. Mary mi ha detto che era esausta. Mary told me she was exhausted. Mary told me she was exhausted. Cuidaré de mis padres cuando sean viejos. I'll take care of my parents when they get old. I'll take care of my parents when they're old. Mi mamá me llevó al parque. My mother took me to the park. My mom took me to the park. Beaucoup de parents pensent qu'il y a trop de violences à la télévision. Many parents think there's too much violence on television. Many parents think that there is too much violence on television. Sami sait qui c'est. Sami knows who that is. Sami knows who he is. Su che pianeta vivi? What planet do you live on? What planet do you live on? Pase lo que pase no se lo diré a nadie. Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody about it. Whatever happens, I won't tell anyone. Usted debería consultar a un médico. You should see a doctor. You should consult a doctor. Tom è davvero fortunato, vero? Tom is really lucky, isn't he? Tom is really lucky, isn't he? Non sono molto ottimista. I'm not very optimistic. I'm not very optimistic. Foi encontrada gasolina abaixo do nível do mar. Gas has been found below the sea. Gas was found below sea level. Je m'assis à côté de lui. I sat down next to him. I sit next to him. El árbol caído bloqueó el camino, y no pude sacar mi auto del garaje. The fallen tree got in the way, and I could not get my car out of the garage. The fallen tree blocked the road, and I couldn't get my car out of the garage. Sono già le due e mezza e Tom e Mary non sono ancora qui. It's already 2:30 and Tom and Mary still aren't here. It's already 2:30 and Tom and Mary aren't here yet. Comment l'a-t-il fait ? How did he do this? How did he do it? Je ne pense que que ça soit une très bonne idée. I don't think that's a very good idea. I just think it's a really good idea. Îmi place iarna. I like winter. I like the winter. Je ne suis pas dangereux. I'm not dangerous. I'm not dangerous. Il cappello rosso si abbina bene al suo vestito. The red hat goes well with her dress. The red hat fits well with her dress. Ammise che conosceva il segreto. She admitted she knew the secret. He admitted he knew the secret. Por que tu não me ligou ontem à noite? How come you didn't call me last night? Why didn't you call me last night? Vorrei parlare con voi. I'd like to speak with you. I'd like to talk to you. A me piace giocare ai videogiochi, e a te? I like to play videogames, and you? I like playing video games, and you? Il semble que la victime ait essayé d'écrire le nom du meurtrier de son propre sang. It appears that the victim tried to write the murderer's name with his own blood. It appears that the victim tried to write the murderer's name in his own blood. Il ne s'intéresse pas du tout à ce qui se passe dans le monde. He's not in the least interested in what is happening in the world. He is not interested at all in what is happening in the world. Ero a Boston per tutto il fine settimana. I was in Boston all weekend. I was in Boston all weekend. ¿Qué tal si nos tomamos una copa de vino? How about we have a glass of wine? How about we have a glass of wine? Je quitte mon emploi actuel à la fin du mois. I'm quitting my current job as of the end of the month. I'm leaving my current job at the end of the month. ¡Cómpratela! Buy it! Buy it! Non li ho visti in giro. I haven't seen them around. I haven't seen them around. Se me ha acabado la paciencia. I have no more patience. I'm running out of patience. On ne peut pas s'entendre avec lui car il parle en continu. You cannot get along with him because he speaks continuously. We can't get along with him because he talks all the time. Il est transsexuel. He's a transsexual. He's transsexual. Le Lesotho est entièrement entouré par l'Afrique du Sud. Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa. Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa. Sono affari suoi. That's your business. It's his business. Molti algerini non si fidano delle banche. Many Algerians don't trust the banks. Many Algerians don't trust banks. Je suis française. I am French. I'm French. Ce să fac acum? What should I do now? What do I do now? Qu'am besonh de mei de tribalhaires. We need more workers. That I besonh of my tribals. Não há mais nada que a gente possa fazer aqui. There's nothing else we can do here. There's nothing else we can do here. Adesso è adulto. Now you are an adult. He's an adult now. Il cane inseguì un coniglio nella foresta. The dog pursued a rabbit into the forest. The dog chased a rabbit into the forest. Obrigado pela informação. Thanks for the info. Thank you for the information. Nadie sabe hacia dónde fue Tom. Nobody knows where Tom went. No one knows where Tom went. Peux-tu venir dans mon bureau, s'il te plaît ? Can you come into my office, please? Can you come to my office, please? Il semble que le flic de cette série télé soit un ripou qui abuse de son autorité. It seems that the policeman in this TV series is a dirty cop who abuses his authority. It seems that the cop in this TV show is a rupee who abuses his authority. Tom a dit qu'il aime nager. Tom said that he likes swimming. Tom said he likes to swim. Los médicos están examinando mi estómago. The doctors are examining my stomach. The doctors are examining my stomach. Quiero venganza. I want revenge. I want revenge. Me beija. Kiss me. Kiss me. O que foi que aconteceu com vocês? What happened to you? What happened to you? Io non voglio licenziarla. I don't want to fire you. I don't want to fire her. À l'entendre, il semble très immature. He sounds very immature. When he hears it, he seems very immature. Él tocaba el piano. He was playing the piano. He played the piano. O único país em que Tom já morou é a Austrália. Tom left for Australia this morning. The only country Tom has ever lived in is Australia. Li hai sconfitti. You beat them. You beat them. Io vorrei averci pensato. I wish I'd thought of that. I wish I'd thought of that. Nepoata este fiica fratelui sau surorii tale. A niece is a daughter of one's brother or sister. The niece is the daughter of your brother or sister. Je viens tous les jours sauf le samedi et le dimanche. I come every day except Saturday and Sunday. I come every day except Saturday and Sunday. Pueri dentes lavant. The boys brush their teeth. Pueri teeth washing. Est-ce un non ? Is that a no? Is that a no? Le condizioni di Tom sono peggiorate. Tom's condition worsened. Tom's condition has worsened. Lei non è più invitato alla mia festa. You're no longer invited to my party. You're no longer invited to my party. Vocês pioraram as coisas. You made things worse. You guys made it worse. Tu es sûr que tu ne veux que de l'eau ? Are you sure you just want water? Are you sure you only want water? C'est prétendument un travail de recherche que ma secrétaire a conduit. This is supposedly research which my secretary did. It is supposedly a research work that my secretary has conducted. Je connais cet endroit. I know this place. I know this place. Tom deve essere a casa per le 2:30. Tom must be home by 2:30. Tom must be home by 2:30. Há horas tento escrever alguma coisa, mas nada me vem à cabeça. I've been trying to write something for hours, but nothing comes to my mind. I've been trying to write something for hours, but nothing comes to my mind. Você não fala muito, fala? You don't say much, do you? You don't talk much, do you? J'ai de vrais sentiments à ton égard. I've got real feelings for you. I have real feelings about you. Je ne pense pas que Tom ait autant de patience que moi. I don't think Tom has as much patience as I do. I don't think Tom has as much patience as I do. Ha iniziato a comportarsi stranamente. He has started acting strangely. He started acting weird. Não sei sobre João, mas Maria perdeu seu pai quando ela era jovem. I don't know about João, but Maria lost her father when she was young. I don't know about John, but Mary lost her father when she was young. Você parece fantástico. You look fantastic. You look fantastic. Devo portarlo a casa. I've got to get him home. I have to take him home. Je suis un de tes employés. I'm one of your employees. I'm one of your employees. J'aimerais m'entretenir avec vous. I'd like to have a word with you. I'd like to talk to you. Penso che Tom non sia a casa. I think Tom isn't home. I don't think Tom is home. Hic manere volo. I want to stay here. I'm a flyer. Aqueste can qu'ei gròs. This dog is big. That's what I'm talking about. Illae tulipae pulchrae sunt. Those tulips are beautiful. Illae tulip and pulchrae are. Le chien est appelé 'Spot' par la famille. The dog is called Spot by the family. The dog is called 'Spot' by the family. No estoy seguro de querer el empleo. I'm not sure I want the job. I'm not sure I want the job. Mi è stato negato l'accesso al suo terreno. I was denied access to his land. I've been denied access to your land. Immagino di essere proprio nei guai adesso. I guess I'm really in trouble now. I guess I'm in trouble right now. Penses-tu vraiment que cela soit mauvais ? Do you really think that it's bad? Do you really think this is bad? Guardate cosa gli è successo. Look what happened to him. Look what happened to him. J'ai suffisamment d'argent pour en faire l'acquisition. I have enough money to buy it. I've got enough money to buy it. Amuse-toi autant que tu peux ! Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Have as much fun as you can! Nous ne voulions pas que quiconque nous trouve. We didn't want anybody to find us. We didn't want anyone to find us. No puedo hacer feliz a Taninna. Ella no me ama. I cannot make Taninna happy. She doesn't love me. I can't make Taninna happy. I suoi vestiti sono diventati troppo piccoli per lui. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes have become too small for him. Você não veio às quatro. Por isso foram sem você. You didn't come at four. That's why they went without you. You didn't come at four, that's why they went without you. Traficantul de droguri condamnat era dispus să se conformeze autorităților pentru a i se schimba pedeapsa cu moartea în condamnare pe viață. The convicted drug dealer was willing to comply with the authorities to have his death sentence reduced to a life sentence. The convicted drug dealer was willing to comply with the authorities to change his sentence to life imprisonment. Eu quase nunca jogo comida fora. I hardly ever throw food away. I almost never throw food away. Sé que hace calor. I know it's hot. I know it's hot. Canterà delle canzoni inglesi per noi? Will you sing some English songs for us? Will you sing English songs for us? Você deveria parar de fazer isso. You should stop doing that. You should stop doing that. Je vous aurais attendues. I'd have waited for you. I'd have waited for you. O Tom comprou um livro. Tom bought a book. Tom bought a book. Todos sabem que ela fala inglês bem. Everybody knows she can speak English well. Everyone knows she speaks English well. Sto lavorando con lei ora. I'm working with her now. I'm working with her now. Tom ha mangiato il mio dessert. Tom ate my dessert. Tom ate my dessert. Je serai de retour dans environ une heure. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in about an hour. Você é um bom motorista. You're a good driver. You're a good driver. Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre. The eye is bigger than the belly. His eyes are bigger than his belly. Con chi stava parlando? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Doy por hecho que ella se unirá a nosotros. I take it for granted that she will join us. I take it she'll join us. Vérifie et règle les freins avant de conduire. Check and adjust the brakes before you drive. Check and adjust the brakes before driving. Oubliez que j'ai dit cela. Forget I said that. Forget I said that. Questi guanti appartengono a lei. These gloves belong to her. These gloves belong to you. Je savais que je ne pouvais pas le faire. I just knew I couldn't do that. I knew I couldn't do it. Vocês sabem quem tem a chave? Do you know who has the key? Do you know who has the key? Les chiens sont mouillés. The dogs are wet. Dogs are wet. De quem são esses sapatos? Whose shoes are those? Whose shoes are these? ¿Quieres que ella lo sepa? Do you want her to know about it? You want her to know? ¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos! Workers of all lands, unite! Proletarians of all countries, united! Tout le monde a le droit de vivre. Everyone has a right to live. Everyone has the right to live. Mary non ha ancora cenato. Mary hasn't had her dinner yet. Mary hasn't had dinner yet. Loro sono esauste. They're exhausted. They're exhausted. Tom è ancora nella grotta. Tom is still in the cave. Tom is still in the cave. Elle s'agenouilla à côté de lui et lui demanda quel était son nom. She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was. She kneeled beside him and asked him what his name was. Le Sénat ordonna qu'un nouveau Consul soit choisi et que le pays soit libéré de ses ennemis. The Senate decreed that a new consul be chosen and the country be delivered from the enemies. The Senate ordered that a new Consul be chosen and that the country be freed from its enemies. Tu devi essere orgoglioso. You must be proud. You must be proud. Le bébé saura marcher dans quelques jours. In a few days, the baby will be able to walk. The baby will be able to walk in a few days. Debes tener en mente mi consejo. You must bear my advice in mind. You must keep my advice in mind. Não significa nada para mim. It means nothing to me. It doesn't mean anything to me. Le temps file comme une flèche ; un fruit s'effiloche comme une banane. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. Time rushes like an arrow; a fruit flashes like a banana. Voi siete troppo in ritardo. You're too late. You're too late. Je dois aller traire les vaches. I need to go milk the cows. I've got to go pick up the cows. Quell'università mi piace, ma è troppo vicina a casa mia. I like that university, but it's too near my home. I like that university, but it's too close to my house. Ne fais confiance à personne ! Trust no one. Don't trust anyone! Questo libro è piccolo come quello. This book is as small as that one. This book is small like that. Sigo estudiando idiomas. I keep studying languages. I'm still studying languages. Estive em casa a noite toda. I was home all night. I've been home all night. Tom e Maria têm objetivos semelhantes. Tom and Mary have similar goals. Tom and Mary have similar goals. Il suo corpo era in una posizione scomoda. Her body was in an uncomfortable position. His body was in an awkward position. Hanno smesso. They stopped. They're done. Thomae confidere non possumus. We can't trust Tom. We don't have that kind of confidence. ¿Estuviste en casa anoche? Were you at home last night? Were you home last night? È troppo giovane per preoccuparsi della cellulite. You're too young to worry about cellulite. He's too young to worry about cellulite. Questa è la mia nuova auto. This is my new car. This is my new car. Tengo muchos amigos. I've got plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Il tavolo era ricoperto di carta. The table was covered with paper. The table was covered with paper. Io amo i tuoi vestiti. I love your clothes. I love your clothes. Tom o conhece. Tom knows you. Tom knows him. Tom n'a pas pu emprunter autant d'argent qu'il le fallait. Tom couldn't borrow as much money as he needed. Tom couldn't borrow as much money as he needed. Je dus me rendre en Amérique. I had to go to America. I had to go to America. Faites sauter. Fry. Blow it up. Tom era da solo sull'isola. Tom was alone on the island. Tom was alone on the island. Lei si è trovata un fidanzato. She's found herself a boyfriend. She found herself a boyfriend. Mis padres dijeron que es mala suerte ir de rodillas. My parents said it's bad luck to walk on your knees. My parents said it's bad luck to go on your knees. Sono sorpresa quanto voi. I am as surprised as you. I'm as surprised as you are. Tom ha bevuto tre birre. Tom drank three beers. Tom drank three beers. Ann ha molti amici. Ann has many friends. Ann has a lot of friends. Io sono mulatta. I am mulatto. I'm a mule. Minha irmã vai para uma universidade. My sister goes to a university. My sister's going to college. Tom mi ha già dato il permesso. Tom has already given me permission. Tom has already given me permission. Essa é a palavra que eu estava tentando lembrar. That's the word I was trying to find. That's the word I was trying to remember. In circa due settimane. In about two weeks. In about two weeks. Él volvió a casa habiendo luz todavía. He went home while it was still light. He came home with light still. Pourquoi quiconque voudrait nager dans cette rivière ? Why would anyone want to swim in this river? Why would anyone want to swim in that river? Est-ce que ce siège est réservé ? Is this seat reserved? Is this seat reserved? Ele tirou a conta. He withdrew the bill. He took the bill. Mañana llegará a París. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He'll be in Paris tomorrow. Io sarò contento di bere un bicchiere di champagne. I'll be glad to drink a glass of champagne. I'll be glad to have a glass of champagne. Tom a regardé un film japonais sous-titré en français. Tom watched a Japanese movie subtitled in French. Tom watched a Japanese film subtitled in French. Facciamo colazione alle sette. We have breakfast at seven. Let's have breakfast at 7:00. No sé adónde vas. I don't know where you're going. I don't know where you're going. Nosotros debemos seguirlas. We must follow them. We must follow them. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar pasta de dientes? Where can I find toothpaste? Where can I find toothpaste? Non sono sicuro che ne valga la pena. I'm not sure it's worth it. I'm not sure it's worth it. Siéntate ahí. Sit over there. Sit there. Ces crayons ont besoin d'être taillés. These pencils need sharpening. These pencils need to be cut. Tom gosta de jogar futebol. Tom likes to play soccer. Tom likes to play football. La punta della lama del coltello è affilata. The tip of the knife blade is sharp. The blade tip of the knife is sharp. Puedo estar equivocado. I may be wrong. I may be wrong. Lui era legato all'albero con una corda. He was tied to the tree with a rope. He was tied to the tree with a rope. Je suis désolée de ne pas vous avoir davantage soutenue lorsque vous en aviez besoin. I'm sorry for not being more supportive when you needed me to be. I'm sorry I didn't support you any more when you needed it. È responsabilità tua. It's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Voi siete molto puliti. You're very clean. You're very clean. Aveva soltanto 100 dollari. He only had 100 dollars. He only had $100. Date loro ciò che vogliono. Give them what they want. Give them what they want. Elle s'abandonna à la boisson. She abandoned herself to drinking. She gave up drinking. Le dije que no lo haría. I told him I wouldn't do it. I told him I wouldn't do it. Eu sou responsável pela segurança do Tom. I'm responsible for Tom's safety. I'm responsible for Tom's safety. Sono tutti diversi. Everybody's different. They're all different. O Tom não quer brigar com a Mary. Tom doesn't want to fight with Mary. Tom doesn't want to fight Mary. Mi sanguina il naso. My nose is bleeding. My nose's bleeding. Mon père était sur le point de partir quand le téléphone sonna. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. Você jogou futebol ontem. You played football yesterday. You played football yesterday. Non mi piace essere disturbata. I don't like to be disturbed. I don't like being disturbed. Mi padre ya no tiene más un puesto de responsabilidad. My father has no longer a responsible position. My father no longer has a position of responsibility. Isso me deu uma ideia. It gave me an idea. That gave me an idea. Tom non pensa che la pronuncia francese di Mary sia molto buona. Tom doesn't think Mary's French pronunciation is very good. Tom doesn't think Mary's French pronunciation is very good. Ogni giorno è differente. Every day is different. Every day is different. Eu acho que Tom é rico. I think Tom is rich. I think Tom is rich. Ora stai parlando, Tom. Now you're talking, Tom. Now you're talking, Tom. Hay alguien parado en la puerta. Someone is standing at the door. There's someone standing at the door. Hai qualche notizia? Do you have any news? Do you have any news? Elle m'a vraiment tapé sur les nerfs. She really got on my nerves. She really hit me on the nerves. Io sarò il tuo chaperon. I'll be your chaperone. I'll be your chaperone. Mary é uma nadadora veloz, não é? Mary is a fast swimmer, isn't she? Mary's a fast swimmer, isn't she? Soror mea raedam non habet. My sister doesn't have a car. My sister ran away, I didn't have any. No deberías ser impaciente con los niños. You shouldn't be impatient with children. You shouldn't be impatient with children. Él tuvo dificultad para encontrar el camino hacia el hotel. He had trouble finding his way to the hotel. He had difficulty finding his way to the hotel. L'uomo guarda nello specchio, lo specchio guarda dentro di lui. The man looks into the mirror, the mirror looks into him. The man looks in the mirror, the mirror looks inside him. Los niños y los tontos siempre dicen la verdad. Kids and fools always tell the truth. Children and fools always tell the truth. Io ero sorpresa dalla sua visita improvvisa. I was surprised at her sudden visit. I was surprised by your sudden visit. Nous n'avons d'autre choix que d'abandonner le projet dans son entier. We have no choice but to give up the whole plan. We have no choice but to abandon the entire project. È mai uscito con loro? Did you ever date them? Did he ever go out with them? ¿Qué estás escribiendo? What are you writing? What are you writing? Ha visto il mio cappotto? Have you seen my coat? Did you see my coat? Mayuko me volvió a llamar. Mayuko called me back. Mayuko called me back. Comeré algo ligero. I'll eat something light. I'll eat something light. Voi dovete essere molto fieri di vostro figlio. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Je voudrais voir Tom encore une fois. I want to see Tom once more. I'd like to see Tom again. Il me faut un casque. I need a helmet. I need a helmet. Maria é uma boa costureira. Mary is a good seamstress. Maria's a good seamstress. Elle est devenue une grande artiste. She became a great artist. She's become a great artist. Nombre de passagers ont été blessés. A number of passengers were injured. Many passengers were injured. Le problème aujourd'hui, c'est que l'avenir n'est plus ce qu'il était. The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be. The problem today is that the future is no longer what it was. Lui mi ha inviato un telegramma urgente. He sent me an urgent telegram. He sent me an urgent telegram. Sono ancora sposato. I'm still married. I'm still married. Il y a un message pour vous. There is a message for you. There's a message for you. Ce n'est pas Dieu qui a créé l'homme, mais l'homme qui a créé Dieu. It was not God who created man, but man who created God. It is not God who created man, but man who created God. Una diceria non sempre prova un fatto. A rumor does not always prove a fact. A saying doesn't always prove a fact. Tom tentou tudo o que pôde para fazer Mary mudar de ideia. Tom tried his utmost to get Mary to change her mind. Tom tried everything he could to make Mary change her mind. Arrête de prendre des photos. On dirait une touriste. Stop taking pictures. You look like a tourist. Stop taking pictures, you look like a tourist. Lei mi ha lasciata perché non guadagno molti soldi. She broke up with me because I don't make a lot of money. She left me because I don't make a lot of money. Tu peux attendre ici. You can wait here. You can wait here. Qui ci sono sempre così tante persone come oggi? Are there always as many people here as there is today? Are there always as many people here as today? Voglio andare a Tampa. I want to go to Tampa. I want to go to Tampa. ¿Hay algo más? Is there something else? Is there anything else? Mi è stato insegnato qualcosa di diverso. I was taught something different. I've been taught something different. Carino! Pretty! Nice! No eres el propietario de estos datos guardados. No podrás guardar tus progresos. Los trofeos se desactivarán. You are not the owner of this save data. You will not be able to save your progression. Trophies will be disabled. You are not the owner of this stored data. You will not be able to save your progress. The trophies will be deactivated. Per piacere, ascoltatemi. Please listen to me. Please, listen to me. Tom n'aime pas le fromage. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Elle nous apprend le français. French is taught us by her. She teaches us French. Retirez ça ! Take that back. Take it off! ¿Has entendido lo que quería decir? Did you understand what he wanted to say? Do you understand what I meant? Gli dia il suo posto. Give him your seat. Give him his place. Sou inútil? Am I useless? Am I useless? Eu devo ter-me esquecido. I must have forgotten it. I must have forgotten. Tom è davvero testardo, vero? Tom is really stubborn, isn't he? Tom is really stubborn, isn't he? Prenez-y l'amour et notre Terre est une tombe ! Take away love, and our earth is a tomb! Take love and our Earth is a grave! 30 é o produto de 3 vezes 10. 30 is the product of 3 times 10. 30 is the product of 3 times 10. Era para a gente ter trazido três garrafas de vinho. We should've bought three bottles of wine. We were supposed to bring three bottles of wine. Este estanque no se seca ni en verano. This pond doesn't run dry even in summer. This pond doesn't dry out in the summer. Lasciò andare la corda. He let go of the rope. He let go of the rope. Lo hago una vez al año. I do it once a year. I do it once a year. Il signor Yamaha diede alcune noci a un mendicante. Mr Yamaha gave some walnuts to a beggar. Mr. Yamaha gave some nuts to a beggar. ¿Dónde vas a almorzar hoy? Where will you have lunch today? Where are you having lunch today? C'è qualcosa di sbagliato qui. There's something wrong here. There's something wrong here. Ti posso ripagare. I can pay you back. I can pay you back. Tom non è la persona migliore per l'impiego. Tom isn't the best person for the job. Tom is not the best person for the job. Comment était votre séjour en Australie ? How was your trip to Australia? How was your stay in Australia? Ele atirou nos oficiais. He shot the officers. He shot the officers. Il coniglio si nascose dietro l'albero. The rabbit hid behind the tree. The rabbit hid behind the tree. Eu bebo água. I drink water. I drink water. Cosa dice il vostro nome su di voi? What does your name say about you? What does your name say about you? Vada a prendere Tom. Go and fetch Tom. Go get Tom. No quiero volver a Boston. I don't want to go back to Boston. I don't want to go back to Boston. Tenemos tiempo suficiente para comer. We have enough time to eat. We've got plenty of time to eat. Dê isso para ela. Give it to her. Give it to her. Ho avuto sue notizie il mese scorso. I heard from him last month. I heard from him last month. Non lasciare andare il cane. Don't let that dog go. Don't let the dog go. Sciare sulla neve fresca è molto divertente. Skiing in fresh snow is a lot of fun. Skiing in the fresh snow is very fun. No revisé su buzón. I did not check their mail box. I didn't check his mailbox. El mundo es una jaula de locos. The world is a den of crazies. The world is a cage of madmen. Pensi che lui voglia ancora vedermi? Do you think he still wants to see me? Do you think he still wants to see me? Sono andato a pescare lunedì scorso. I went fishing last Monday. I went fishing last Monday. J'ai encore du mal à y croire. I still have trouble believing it. I still can't believe it. J'avais le même âge que toi. I used to be the same age as you. I was the same age as you. Io ho l'asso di picche. I have the ace of spades. I've got the ace of spades. Tom ha lasciato il suo libro di testo in macchina. Tom left his textbook in the car. Tom left his textbook in the car. Non conosco questo gioco. I don't know this game. I don't know this game. Não acredite em nada do que Tom diz. Ele está mentindo descaradamente. Don't believe a word Tom says. He's lying through his teeth. Don't believe anything Tom says. ¿De verdad murió Mary? ¿O es acaso un rumor? Did Mary really die? Or is that a rumor? Did Mary really die, or is that a rumor? Dans la vie comme avec les omelettes, c'est le choix du moment qui est important. In life as with omelets, the timing is important. In life as with omelets, it is the choice of the moment that is important. Tom rareori poartă o pălărie. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Le gustan los animales. He likes animals. He likes animals. C'est mon nouvel ami. He's my new friend. He's my new friend. Meu trenó é branco. My sleigh is white. My sled is white. Io non ho alcuna prova del contrario. I have no proof to the contrary. I don't have any proof to the contrary. Pericolo! Alta tensione. Danger! High voltage. High blood pressure. Seu plano é bom, mas o meu é melhor. Your plan is a good one, but mine is a better one. Your plan is good, but mine is better. Quantos quilômetros são daqui até a estação ferroviária? How many kilometers is it from here to the railroad station? How many miles is it from here to the train station? Os senhores compraram. The men bought it. You guys bought it. O Tom queria estudar francês com Mary. Tom wanted to study French with Mary. Tom wanted to study French with Mary. Isso vai demorar bastante. That'll take a long time. This is gonna take a long time. Tom aveva bisogno di te. Tom needed you. Tom needed you. Perché Tom era arrabbiato ieri? Why was Tom angry yesterday? Why was Tom angry yesterday? Tom è uno sputafuoco. Tom is a fire breather. Tom is a fire extinguisher. Che cazzo avete scritto? What the fuck did you write? What the fuck did you write? No estaba prestando atención y me subí al autobús que no era. I wasn't being mindful and got on a wrong bus by mistake. I wasn't paying attention and I got on the bus I wasn't. Qual é o seu filme histórico favorito? What's your favorite historical movie? What's your favorite historical movie? Perché è sempre così gelosa? Why are you always so jealous? Why is she always so jealous? A porta estava bem aberta. The door was wide open. The door was wide open. Io sono abbastanza occupata in questo momento. I'm pretty busy right now. I'm pretty busy right now. Nous avons déjà essayé. We've already tried. We've already tried. Non le prometterò niente. I will promise you nothing. I won't promise you anything. Vous ai-je bien entendues ? Did I hear you right? Did I hear you correctly? Perché le stai interrogando? Why are you questioning them? Why are you questioning them? J'ai beaucoup d'élastiques. I have lots of rubber bands. I've got a lot of elastics. Mon enfant est curieux de tout savoir. My child is curious to know everything. My child is curious to know everything. "Mon père ne boit pas." "Le mien non plus." "My father doesn't drink." "Neither does my father." "My father doesn't drink." "My father doesn't drink either." Me voy a la cama a las once. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at eleven. No estoy seguro de si eso fue bueno o malo. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not sure if that was good or bad. Les femmes étasuniennes n'avaient pas le droit de vote. American women didn't have the right to vote. U.S. women had no right to vote. Faremmo meglio a chiamare la polizia. We'd better call the police. We'd better call the police. Podría ser una trampa. It may be a trap. It could be a trap. Tom a salué Mary avec un sourire. Tom greeted Mary with a smile. Tom greeted Mary with a smile. Tutti i cani sono fedeli. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are faithful. Il aime boire son café sans sucre. He likes drinking coffee without sugar. He likes to drink his coffee without sugar. Que faites-vous dans la vie ? What do you do for a living? What are you doing in life? De combien d'instruments sais-tu jouer ? How many instruments do you know how to play? How many instruments do you know how to play? Mi sono dimenticato il suo nome. I forget his name. I forgot his name. Elle l'a apprécié. She liked it. She liked him. Dica solo sì o no. Just say yes or no. Just say yes or no. J'aimerais avoir un compagnon de chambrée pour passer le temps avec lui. I wish I had a roommate to hang out with. I wish I had a roommate to spend time with him. Diminua o relatório para uma página. Boil down the report to one page. Decrease the report to one page. Ma sœur vit encore avec nos parents. My sister still lives with our parents. My sister still lives with our parents. Senex et foedus est. He's old and ugly. Senex and foedus is. Siempre tengo cuidado. I'm always careful. I'm always careful. Tu sei sbronza! You are drunk! You're drunk! Tom iniziò a urlare a squarciagola. Tom started screaming at the top of his lungs. Tom started screaming in the gutter. Tom non è più un bebè. Tom isn't a baby anymore. Tom is no longer a baby. Il y a une épicerie de l'autre coté de la rue, en diagonale. There's a convenience store diagonally across the street. There's a grocery store across the street, diagonally. Tua moglie è alta? Is your wife tall? Is your wife tall? Non sento di essere pronto a farlo. I don't feel I'm ready to do that. I don't feel like I'm ready to do this. Je suis certaine que tu ne me décevras pas. I'm sure you won't disappoint me. I'm sure you won't disappoint me. Sa fille aînée est mariée. Her elder daughter is married. His eldest daughter is married. Lasciammo questo. We left this. We left this. Vão direto ao ponto. Get to the point. Get right to the point. Nancy é a menina mais alta da turma. Nancy is the tallest girl in her class. Nancy is the tallest girl in the class. Quel est votre groupe sanguin ? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? Non iam Thomas tibi nocere potest. Tom can't hurt you anymore. I didn't want Thomas to marry you. Locuiesc aproape de mare, așa că am de multe ori ocazia să merg la plajă. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I live near the sea, so I often get a chance to go to the beach. Vamos ter um longo dia amanhã. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We're gonna have a long day tomorrow. Prefiero las bananas más que las manzanas. I prefer bananas rather than apples. I prefer bananas more than apples. Ce n'est ni plus ni moins qu'une formule. That's nothing but a figure of speech. It's nothing more or less than a formula. Tom não é como as pessoas dizem que ele é. Tom isn't like people say he is. Tom isn't like people say he is. Perché siete così impacciati? Why are you so clumsy? Why are you so clumsy? Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le sien. You cannot use his. You can't use his. Cosa vogliono Tom e Mary? What do Tom and Mary want? What do Tom and Mary want? Anche se Takahashi sembra completamente asiatico, ho sentito dire che lui è di razza mista. Although Takahashi looks completely Asian, I've heard he's of mixed blood. Although Takahashi seems completely Asian, I have heard that he is of mixed breed. Mecum lude. Play with me. Me too, lude. Perché siete sole? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Venietne cras? Will he come tomorrow? What's the matter with you? Il se peut qu'elles partent demain. They may leave tomorrow. They may be leaving tomorrow. Él estaba tirado en el césped. He was lying on the grass. He was lying on the lawn. Tom lesse una storia a suo figlio. Tom read a story to his son. Tom read a story to his son. Une question est-elle encore une phrase ? Is a question still a sentence? Is one more question a sentence? Il l'a fait de nouveau. He did it again. He did it again. Je dois admettre que je ne goûte guère la musique contemporaine. I must admit that I don't like contemporary music much. I have to admit, I don't taste much of contemporary music. Lei lo baciò su entrambe le guance. She kissed him on both cheeks. She kissed him on both cheeks. Il ne pleut pas encore. It's not raining yet. It's not raining yet. Vous auriez dû être plus prudente. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Nós sabemos que Tom está aqui. We know that Tom is here. We know Tom is here. Beve ancora caffè? Do you still drink coffee? Do you still drink coffee? Le Japon est devenu une nation puissante. Japan has become a powerful nation. Japan has become a powerful nation. Ficamos no topo da montanha. We stood on the top of the mountain. We're at the top of the mountain. C'est un vin excellent. That's an excellent wine. It's excellent wine. Io non posso continuare a fare ciò. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep doing that. ¿Me veo viejo? Do I look old? Do I look old? Questa fotografia è stata scattata tre anni fa. This picture was taken three years ago. This photograph was taken three years ago. Ya veo lo peligroso que es. I see how dangerous it is. I see how dangerous it is. Non sono interessata. I am not interested. I'm not interested. On me l'a dit assez souvent. I've been told that often enough. I've been told quite often. Je suis en train de penser à cette affaire. I am thinking about that matter. I'm thinking about this case. Ça a l'air vraiment bien, non ? Qu'en penses-tu ? That seems really good, doesn't it? What do you think about it? That sounds really good, doesn't it? Muitos pensam que ser ator é simplesmente decorar textos. Many people think that being an actor is simply memorizing lines. Many think that being an actor is simply decorating texts. Si è trasformata in plastica. She turned into plastic. It's turned into plastic. Tomás è mio fratello. Tom is my brother. Tom is my brother. Adesso vai a casa. Now go on home. Now go home. O escritor está trabalhando em seu novo livro. The writer is working on his new book. The writer is working on his new book. Eu roubei comida porque estava faminto. I stole some food because I was very hungry. I stole food because I was hungry. Tengo que acostarme. I need to hit the sack. I have to go to bed. Non viviamo qui. We don't live here. We don't live here. Acreditas que há vida depois da morte? Do you believe that there's life after death? Do you believe there's life after death? Estou acordado. I'm up. I'm awake. Non ci vorrà molto tempo prima che si faccia vivo. It will not be long before he turns up. It won't take long before he shows up. Vous ne pouvez pas me garder ici. You can't keep me here. You can't keep me here. Esses são os brincos da Mary. These are Mary's earrings. These are Mary's earrings. Iniziamo, OK? Let's get started, OK? Let's get started, okay? Se sacó los calcetines mojados. He removed his wet socks. He took out his wet socks. Estoy hastiada de pescado. I'm sick of fish. I'm fed up with fish. Tom non è più vivo. Tom is no longer alive. Tom is no longer alive. Pensé que no querías hablar con nosotros. I thought you didn't want to talk to us. I thought you didn't want to talk to us. Lei ha un figlio e due figlie. She has a son and two daughters. She has a son and two daughters. Siete sicure di volerci andare? Are you sure that you want to go there? Are you sure you want to go? Eu sempre quis tentar andar a cavalo. I've always wanted to try riding a horse. I've always wanted to try and ride a horse. C'est l'homme que tu as rencontré l'autre jour. He is the man you met the other day. That's the man you met the other day. Tom sabe exatamente o que aconteceu. Tom knows exactly what happened. Tom knows exactly what happened. Dan a appris les langues slaves de tous les pays d'Europe de l'Est qu'il a visités. Dan learned the Slavic languages of all the Eastern European countries he visited. Dan learned the Slavic languages of all the Eastern European countries he visited. Hai diritto alla tua opinione. You are entitled to your opinion. You have the right to your opinion. Las muchachas llevan faldas cortas estos días. Girls are wearing short skirts these days. Girls wear short skirts these days. Cette phrase ne veut rien dire. This sentence doesn't mean anything. That sentence doesn't mean anything. ¡Un poco más a la derecha, así! A little more to the right, just like so! A little more to the right, like this! Eu sou vegetariana. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Il ne vit rien. He didn't see a thing. He doesn't see anything. À quelle heure est ton train ? What time's your train? What time is your train? Es el típico adicto al trabajo. He's your typical workaholic. He's the typical workaholic. È morta nel suo letto all'età di novantasei anni. She died in her bed at the age of 96. She died in her bed at the age of ninety-six. Cuando era niño, adoraba la película Jurassic Park. When I was a kid, I loved the film Jurassic Park. When I was a kid, I loved the Jurassic Park movie. Io sono cresciuto in montagna. I grew up in the mountains. I grew up in the mountains. Él se agarró un resfriado cuando salió a la lluvia. He caught a chill because he went out in the rain. He caught a cold when it came out in the rain. Tom não queria que Maria viesse a sua festa. Tom didn't want Mary to come to his party. Tom didn't want Mary to come to your party. Stamattina la maestra si è arrabbiata moltissimo con me. This morning the teacher got very angry with me. This morning the teacher was very angry with me. Io non so il suo nome. I don't know her name. I don't know his name. Tom firmò la petizione. Tom signed the petition. Tom signed the petition. Non lo andrò a vedere. I won't go to see it. I'm not going to see him. Quel gâchis de tes compétences de juriste ! What a waste of your lawyer qualifications! What a waste of your legal skills! Hai qualche matita? Do you have any pencils? Do you have any pencils? Ne siffle pas à l'école. Don't whistle at school. Don't whistle at school. Je vais avoir une excellente journée devant moi aujourd'hui. I am going to have a great day today. I'm gonna have a great day in front of me today. Tom aspetterà la tua chiamata. Tom will be waiting for your call. Tom will wait for your call. Io non voglio avere nulla a che fare con lei. I want to have nothing to do with you. I don't want anything to do with her. Queste non sono le mie cose! These things aren't mine! That's not my stuff! Mi aspetto di vincere la corsa di oggi. I expect to win today's race. I expect to win today's race. Intentemos entendernos el uno al otro. Let's try to understand one another. Let's try to understand each other. ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche? What are you doing tonight? What are you doing tonight? Stavo ascoltando. I was listening. I was listening. Nous acceptons tout le monde sans distinction de nationalité. We accept anybody, irrespective of nationality. We accept everyone without distinction of nationality. Vous êtes fort astucieuse. You're very astute. You're very clever. Qual é o tipo sanguíneo de Tom? What's Tom's blood type? What's Tom's blood type? ¿Puedo montar una bicicleta? May I ride a bicycle? Can I ride a bike? Vuoi un biglietto? Do you want a ticket? You want a ticket? Afortunadamente el tiempo estuvo bien. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately the weather was fine. O Tom tem um talento inegável. Tom has undeniable talent. Tom has an undeniable talent. All'inizio l'idea sembrava assurda. At first, the idea seemed absurd. At first the idea seemed absurd. Ho detto loro che stavo bene. I told them I was fine. I told them I was fine. Qualcuno dei suoi amici suona la chitarra? Do any of your friends play guitar? Do any of your friends play guitar? No me digas que has perdido tu paraguas nuevo. Don't tell me you lost your new umbrella. Don't tell me you lost your new umbrella. ¿Cuántas taquerias hay en una milla cuadrada aquí? How many taco shops are there in one square mile here? How many taqueries are there in a square mile here? Tom sta giocando coi suoi giocattoli. Tom is playing with his toys. Tom is playing with his toys. Laïla pensait que Sami était gay. Layla thought Sami was gay. Laila thought Sami was gay. Je suis une personne qui a des défauts, mais ces défauts peuvent être facilement corrigés. I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed. I am a person who has defects, but these defects can be easily corrected. ¿Qué idioma se habla en los Estados Unidos? What language is spoken in America? What language is spoken in the United States? Je suis un coureur. I am a runner. I'm a runner. Sono arrivato a Boston lunedì. I arrived in Boston on Monday. I arrived in Boston on Monday. Io non riesco a mirare l'uccello. È troppo lontano. I cannot aim at the bird. It's too far. I can't look at the bird, it's too far. Estamos caindo fora daqui, a polícia está vindo! We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. We're getting out of here, the police are coming! Tom no puede darse el lujo de ambos. Tom can't afford both. Tom can't afford both. Sei un giornalista? Are you a journalist? Are you a journalist? Il est en danger grave. He's in grave danger. He's in serious danger. Tom non ha detto nulla. Tom didn't say anything. Tom didn't say anything. Trata de ver las cosas tal como realmente son. Try to see things as they really are. Try to see things as they really are. Tom já voltou? Is Tom back? Has Tom come back yet? Ele não tem nenhum inimigo. He has absolutely no enemies. He doesn't have any enemies. Tatoeba è dove traduco delle frasi. Tatoeba is where I translate sentences. Tatoeba is where I translate sentences. Jamais je ne pourrai oublier Tom. I'll never be able to forget Tom. I can never forget Tom. Il faut qu'il fasse un rapport précis de l'affaire. He needs to make an accurate report of the case. He needs to make a specific report of the case. Puedo hablar chino, pero no puedo leerlo. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it. No puedo hacerlo solo. Tienes que ayudarme. I can't do it alone. You have to help me. I can't do it alone. Es-tu en train de me dire que Luc crée encore des problèmes ? Bon sang. Are you telling me that Luke is creating problems again? Good grief. Are you telling me that Luc is still causing trouble? Dirigez la caméra vers ce groupe. Aim the video camera at that group. Direct the camera to this group. Não existe manga azul. There is no blue mango. There's no blue sleeve. Leurs deux ombres se superposent. Their two shadows overlap. Their two shadows overlap. Esta frase deve ser verificada por um locutor nativo. This sentence needs to be checked by a native speaker. This sentence should be checked by a native speaker. Quanto tempo ci hai passato sopra? How much time did you spend on it? How long did you spend on it? Non penso che dovremmo rimanere qui. I don't think we should stay here. I don't think we should stay here. Je dois vérifier tout ce que vous nous avez dit. I need to verify everything you've told us. I have to check everything you told us. Es un historiador. Ahora está estudiando la estructura de la guerra. He's a historian. He's now studying the structure of war. He's a historian, now he's studying the structure of the war. Tu sei mai stato in Asia? Have you ever been to Asia? Have you ever been to Asia? Ci può servire questo. We may need this. We could use this. ¿Cómo dice? Excuse me? Excuse me? O Rio Nugush, em Bashkortostan, geralmente congela durante novembro e fica congelado até abril. The Nugush River, in Bashkortostan, usually freezes during November and remains frozen until April. The Nugush River, in Bashkortostan, usually freezes during November and is frozen until April. È stata emozionante. It was exciting. It was exciting. Lui è come suo padre. He is like his father. He's like his father. ¿Qué pasa si no lo conseguimos? What if things don't work out? What if we don't get it? Butti fuori Tom. Throw Tom out. Throw out Tom. O Tom tem se demitido. Tom's resigned. Tom's been resigning. J'ai rendu visite à Judy. I called on Judy. I visited Judy. Nous avons bu beaucoup d'alcool. We drank a lot of alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. Ti è piaciuto il concerto di Tom? Did you like Tom's concert? Did you like Tom's concert? Tom achou hilária a piada de Mary. Tom thought Mary's joke was hilarious. Tom found Mary's joke hilarious. Ma professeur principale est Mme Jackson. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Jackson. My principal teacher is Mrs. Jackson. Nem tudo que brilha é ouro. All that glitters is not gold. Not everything that shines is gold. Non potete semplicemente parlare con lei? Can't you just talk to her? Can't you just talk to her? Da quanto tempo è partito l'autobus? How long ago did the bus leave? How long has the bus been gone? Eu já me acostumei. I've gotten used to it. I've gotten used to it. Nous avons le même âge. We're the same age. We're the same age. Dio ha già deciso il destino degli umani. God has already decided the fate of humans. God has already decided the fate of humans. Você gostaria de ir ao zoológico com a gente? Would you like to go to the zoo with us? Would you like to go to the zoo with us? Estamos sin un duro. We're broke. We're out of a hard one. Siamo preparati a correre quel rischio. We're prepared to take that risk. We're prepared to take that risk. Minha avó enviou a carta hoje de manhã. My grandmother posted the letter this morning. My grandmother sent the letter this morning. J'ignorais que tu savais parler français. I didn't know you could speak French. I didn't know you could speak French. Amour et Paix. Love and Peace. Love and Peace. Quero que me diga a verdade. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. Non sto parlando con Tom. I'm not speaking to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Yo opino que mejor te pongas a dieta. I think you'd better go on a diet. I think you'd better go on a diet. Haz tu trabajo rápidamente. Do your work quickly. Do your job quickly. Tom olvidó decirle a Mary que John había llamado. Tom forgot to tell Mary that John had called. Tom forgot to tell Mary that John had called. Vada ad aiutarli. Go help them. Go help them. In quante scuole sei andata? How many schools have you gone to? How many schools did you go to? Lei fece colazione. She had breakfast. She had breakfast. La gente riderà di voi se fate qualcosa di stupido come quello. People will laugh at you if you do something as stupid as that. People will laugh at you if you do something stupid like that. Questo pesce stantio ha uno strano sapore. This old fish has a strange taste. This stale fish has a strange taste. Ellos pararon la música. They stopped the music. They stopped the music. No tienes culpa del accidente. You are not to blame for the accident. You're not to blame for the accident. Se ao menos eu fosse mais jovem. If only I was younger. If only I were younger. Io non voglio guardarlo. I don't want to look at him. I don't want to look at him. El nuevo edificio de nuestra escuela está en construcción. Our new school building is under construction. Our new school building is under construction. Mañana, por fin, viene mi mujer a Italia. Tomorrow, my wife is finally coming to Italy. Tomorrow, finally, my wife is coming to Italy. Lei va in chiesa domani? Are you going to church tomorrow? Are you going to church tomorrow? Ma vie repose entre tes mains. My life is in your hands. My life rests in your hands. Cuando me casé, di mi palabra a Fadil. When I got married, I gave my oath to Fadil. When I got married, I gave my word to Fadil. Amnesia vuol dire "perdita di memoria". Amnesia means "loss of memory". Amnesia means memory loss. I giorni di pioggia mi deprimono. Rainy days make me depressed. The rainy days depress me. La inundación ocasionó un desastre en su comunidad. The flood caused a disaster in their community. The flood caused a disaster in your community. El precio de la carne cayó. The price of meat dropped. The price of the meat fell. Donne un coup de pied aussi fort que tu peux. Kick as hard as you can. Kick as hard as you can. Cherche-le, je te prie. Please look for it. Look for him, please. Qual é seu número de telefone? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Tom está preocupado com a segurança de Maria. Tom is concerned about Mary's safety. Tom is worried about Maria's safety. Sono sicuro di essere in grado di trovarlo. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. I'm sure I can find him. Postea frater eius egrediens plantam Esau tenebat manu, et idcirco appellatum est nomen eius Iacob. Immediately the other coming forth, held his brother's foot in his hand: and therefore he was called Jacob. And he sent forth his brother, and planted Esau, and held his hand, and called his name Jacob. El coche que compraron es de importación. The car they bought is imported. The car they bought is imported. Vou ser franca. Eu não entendo. To be honest, I don't understand it. I'll be honest, I don't understand. Non riuscivo a controllare la rabbia. I couldn't control my anger. I couldn't control anger. Soy bueno en ciencias. I'm good at science. I'm good at science. Eu não acho que a arma esteja carregada, mas você deveria ter cuidado. I don't think the gun is loaded, but you should still be very careful. I don't think the gun is loaded, but you should be careful. O meu avô é de Osaca. My grandfather is from Osaka. My grandfather is from Osaca. Che libro sta leggendo? Which book are you reading? What book are you reading? Avete fatto molto bene. You've done very well. You've done very well. Tom non è ferito. Tom isn't hurt. Tom isn't hurt. ¿Cuándo es el cumpleaños de Tom? When is Tom's birthday? When's Tom's birthday? C'est le bureau dans lequel il travaille. That is the office where he works. It's the office he works in. Non li avremmo mai dovuti assumere. We never should've hired them. We never should have hired them. Aucun de nous n'est un lâche. None of us are cowards. None of us are cowards. Les mecs...franchement ! Guys... really? Guys... frankly! Andrò in Australia il mese prossimo. I'll go to Australia next month. I'm going to Australia next month. Eso nos debería dar algo de tiempo. That should buy us some time. That should give us some time. Vi darò metà del mio gelato. I will give you half of my ice cream. I'll give you half my ice cream. Le ho detto di no. I told her no. I said no. Este é o presente mais bonito que eu já ganhei. That's the most beautiful gift I've ever received. This is the most beautiful gift I've ever won. Celui qui fait l'autruche aujourd'hui, s'en mordra les doigts demain. He who buries his head in the sand today will grind his teeth tomorrow. Whoever makes the ostrich today will bite his fingers tomorrow. Non penso che la possiamo fare così presto. I don't think we can do it that soon. I don't think we can do this so soon. Je veux transmettre ma compassion. I want to convey my sympathy. I want to convey my compassion. Consigliai a Tom di andare lì. I advised Tom to go there. I advised Tom to go there. ¿Cuál es la comida a la que jamás renunciarías? What is one food that you could never give up? What's the food you'd never give up? Puis-je vous poser une question rapide ? Can I ask you a quick question? Can I ask you a quick question? Cela ne changera rien que vous soyez d'accord ou pas. It makes no difference whether you agree or not. It won't change anything whether you agree or disagree. Son répertoire, au piano, n'est pas très étendu mais elle a appris chaque morceau par cœur. Her repertoire on the piano is not very large, but she has learned every piece by heart. Her repertoire, on the piano, is not very extensive but she has learned every piece by heart. Incominciamo! Let's start. Let's start! Em minha opinião, a Austrália é um dos melhores países do mundo. From my point of view, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. Eu nunca escrevi a ela, apesar da vontade que tenho de fazê-lo. I never wrote to her, despite the urge to do so. I never wrote to her, despite the will I have to do. Che cosa dovremmo fare riguardo a lei? What should we do about her? What should we do about her? O noivo se escondeu dentro do bolo de casamento. The groom hid inside the wedding cake. The groom hid inside the wedding cake. Trebuie doar să exersezi în fiecare zi. You have only to practice every day. You just have to practice every day. Il ne s'attendait pas à vivre si longtemps. He did not expect to live so long. He didn't expect to live that long. Elle est entrée en contact avec la culture japonaise l'an dernier pour la première fois. She first came into contact with Japanese culture last year. She came into contact with Japanese culture last year for the first time. Non gli piace il pesce. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. C'était assez intéressant. That was pretty interesting. It was pretty interesting. Lo deve ascoltare. You have to listen to him. You have to listen to him. Où est le reste ? Where's the rest? Where's the rest? A Neptuno le toma 165 años orbitar alrededor del sol. It takes 165 years for Neptune to orbit around the sun. Neptune takes 165 years to orbit around the sun. Je ne me souviens pas de ton nom. I don't remember your name. I don't remember your name. Tom voleva parlare con Mary, però lei se ne andò via. Tom wanted to talk to Mary, but she walked away. Tom wanted to talk to Mary, but she left. Non riesce a fermarla. He can't stop her. He can't stop her. A Igreja Católica não aprova o uso de preservativos. The Catholic Church doesn't condone the use of condoms. The Catholic Church does not approve the use of condoms. Lei con chi andrà al ballo studentesco? Who are you going to the prom with? Who are you going to the prom with? Tom salió de un salto de la cama. Tom jumped out of bed. Tom came out of a bed jump. Thomae pervenire hesterno a die conabamur. I've been trying to reach Tom since yesterday. Thomae arrive outside to die conabamur. Tout le monde peut faire des erreurs. Anybody can make a mistake. Everyone can make mistakes. Immagino di essere proprio nei guai ora. I guess I'm really in trouble now. I guess I'm in trouble right now. Non è così strano. It's not that strange. It's not that weird. O Tom riu e balançou a cabeça. Tom chuckled and shook his head. Tom laughed and shook his head. Elas começaram a trabalhar imediatamente. They started working right away. They started working immediately. Il n'y a pas de réponse aisée. There is no easy answer. There is no easy answer. Io non dimentico mai nulla. I never forget anything. I never forget anything. Vada a dire loro di prepararsi. Go tell them to get ready. Go tell them to get ready. Alice está durmiendo en mi habitación. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice is sleeping in my room. Es una pena que haya muerto tan joven. It's a pity that he had died so young. It's a shame he died so young. Ils veulent devenir riches. They want to become rich. They want to be rich. Avete tutti finito. You're all done. You're all done. A menudo recibo una carta de él. I often get a letter from him. I often get a letter from him. Mi stai dicendo che non sai nuotare? Are you telling me you can't swim? Are you telling me you can't swim? Dan regardait la télévision en bas sur le canapé. Dan was downstairs watching TV on the sofa. Dan was watching TV downstairs on the couch. J'aurai 35 ans en juin. I will be thirty-five in June. I'll be 35 in June. Posso usare la vostra matita? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? Mi faccia pensare un minuto. Let me think for a minute. Let me think for a minute. Quando ritorni alla tua società, non dimenticarti di tenerti in contatto con me. When you return to your company, don't forget to keep in touch with me. When you get back to your company, don't forget to keep in touch with me. J'ai Internet sur mon téléphone. I have the internet on my phone. I have the Internet on my phone. Pouvez-vous m'aider un peu ? Can you help me a little? Can you help me out a little? Non stupisce che ci si riferisca spesso agli anni della pensione come agli anni dorati. No wonder the retirement years are often referred to as the golden years. No wonder that it often refers to the years of retirement as well as the golden years. Ti sta aspettando ora. He is waiting for you now. He's waiting for you now. Voi state insegnando lo spagnolo? Are you teaching Spanish? Are you teaching Spanish? A Tom le gusta hablar por teléfono. Tom likes to talk on the phone. Tom likes to talk on the phone. Rimarrà a letto tutto il giorno? Are you going to stay in bed all day? Will you stay in bed all day? Ele apareceu do nada. He appeared from nowhere. He came out of nowhere. Celle-ci devina tout de suite la vérité. She immediately guessed the truth. This one immediately guessed the truth. J'ai de la sympathie pour mon amie qui déclare n'être qu'une immigrante qui essaie de protéger la langue anglaise de ses locuteurs natifs. I sympathize with my friend who says that she's only an immigrant trying to protect the English language from its native speakers. I have sympathy for my friend who claims to be just an immigrant trying to protect the English language from her native speakers. Pintó el mapa de azul. He painted the map blue. He painted the map in blue. Tom aún está hospitalizado. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom is still hospitalized. Mi riesce a dare una casa? Can you give me a house? Can you give me a house? Il me donna ce dont j'avais besoin. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. "Tom è il tuo fidanzato?" "No, è solamente un amico." "Is Tom your boyfriend?" "No, he's just a friend." "Tom is your boyfriend?" "No, he's just a friend." Não estais com sono? Aren't you sleepy? Aren't you sleepy? Le manca molto la sua famiglia. She misses her family very much. She misses her family a lot. Non può negare che ciò che Tom sta dicendo è vero. You can't deny that what Tom is saying is true. You can't deny that what Tom is saying is true. Hoy no tengo ganas de hacer nada. Today I don't feel like doing anything. I don't feel like doing anything today. Me gusta regar el jardín. I like to water the garden. I like watering the garden. Potete venire più vicine? Can you come closer? Can you come any closer? Tom parecia realmente assustado. Tom looked really scared. Tom seemed really scared. Il n'y eut pas de réponse à ma question. There was no response to my question. There was no answer to my question. Io non sono riuscito a salvarlo. I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him. Comecem a escrever. Start writing. Start writing. Tom potrebbe rifarlo. Tom might do that again. Tom could do it again. Você está trabalhando? Are you working? Are you working? T'es dégueulasse ! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Quanti anni pensa che abbia? How old do you think she is? How old do you think I am? Hic veni, amice. Come here, friend. Here you go, buddy. Lei lasciò il suo impiego per qualche ragione. She quit her job for some reason. She left her job for some reason. Ellos deben haber peleado contra la adversidad desde sus primeros días. They must have struggled against adversity from their early days. They must have fought against adversity from their first days. Il mio professore di inglese mi ha raccomandato di leggere questi libri. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. Non riesco a pensare a qualcuno che vi odia di più di Tom. I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom does. I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom. Veo que tú me recuerdas. I see you remember me. I see you remember me. No vivo con nadie. Nobody lives with me. I don't live with anyone. Algo malo estaba a punto de ocurrir. Something bad was about to happen. Something bad was about to happen. Você não pode reclamar. You can't complain. You can't complain. Io non faccio una vacanza da anni. I haven't had a vacation in years. I haven't had a vacation in years. Sono sicuro che vincerò la partita di tennis. I'm sure I'll win the tennis match. I'm sure I'll win the tennis game. Io non sono vecchio. I am not old. I'm not old. Me gustan los ánimes. I like animes. I like animes. Ese perro corre muy rápido. That dog runs very fast. That dog runs really fast. Dovreste sempre fare del vostro meglio. You should always do your best. You should always do your best. Sami buttò via il regalo di Layla. Sami threw away Layla's gift. Sami threw away Layla's gift. Quem é o homem que falava com você? Who is the man who was talking with you? Who's the man who was talking to you? Prends un raccourci ! Take a short cut. Take a shortcut! Nous sommes ponctuels. We're punctual. We're punctual. Tom non catturerà Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Un evento ha seguito l'altro. One event followed another. One event followed the other. Pourquoi est-ce que vous faites ça aujourd'hui ? Why are you doing that today? Why are you doing this today? Êtes-vous devenue folle ? Have you gone mad? Have you gone crazy? Capillos longissimos habeo. I have very long hair. Very long hairs have been. Elle est née en Suisse. She was born in Switzerland. She was born in Switzerland. Desconfio que haja alguém me seguindo. I doubt there's anyone following me. I suspect there's someone following me. Je n'aime pas commettre des erreurs. I do not like to make mistakes. I don't like to make mistakes. Eu não estou engolindo isso. I'm not swallowing that. I'm not swallowing that. Elle l'a attaqué à coups de poings. She attacked him with her fists. She punched him in the face. Nous viendrons te chercher. We'll come to look for you. We'll come and get you. Perché la gente muore? Why do people die? Why do people die? El autobús no siempre llega puntual. The bus doesn't always come on time. The bus doesn't always arrive on time. Tu t'es bien fait mener en bateau. You've been properly led up the garden path. You've done well by boat. Eu fui lá anteontem. I went there the day before yesterday. I went there the day before yesterday. Non riuscivo a trattenermi dalla rabbia. I couldn't contain my anger. I couldn't stop myself from getting angry. Ce qu'il a dit se résume à ceci. What he said boils down to this. What he said boils down to this. Tutti gli uomini erano vestiti in maniera simile a Tom. All of the men were dressed similarly to Tom. All the men were dressed in a way similar to Tom. Quite de aquí esta chatarra. Take this junk out of here. Get this shit out of here. Elle souhaitait être belle. She wished to be beautiful. She wanted to be beautiful. Siempre debemos estar preparados para lo peor. We must always be prepared for the worst. We must always be prepared for the worst. Nous discutâmes du problème toute l'après-midi. We discussed the problem all afternoon. We discussed the problem all afternoon. El tren saldrá en diez minutos. The train leaves in ten minutes. The train will leave in ten minutes. Loro farebbero finta di odiarlo. They would pretend to hate it. They'd pretend to hate him. Noi întrebăm profesorul în fiecare zi. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask the teacher every day. Comment as-tu eu notre adresse? How did you get our address? How did you get our address? Él sostenía una caja grande en los brazos. He was holding a large box in his arms. He held a big box in his arms. Accetto le vostre condizioni. I accept your terms. I accept your terms. I dettagli sono confidenziali. The details are confidential. The details are confidential. Os policiais estão em toda parte. Cops are everywhere. The cops are everywhere. Cred că voi strănuta... Te rog dă-mi o batistă. I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue. I think I'll sneeze... please give me a handkerchief. Nós estamos tomando café da manhã dentro de casa. We are eating breakfast indoors. We're having breakfast inside the house. Eu não quero estudar francês. I don't want to study French. I don't want to study French. Io non ti posso pagare. I can't pay you. I can't pay you. Le téléphone ne cessait de sonner. The phone kept ringing. The phone kept ringing. I bambini suonavano assieme. The children played together. The children played together. Poate mai este altcineva în peșteră. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. Avevate ragione su di loro. You were right about them. You were right about them. Layla conhecia a voz do Sami. Layla knew Sami's voice. Layla knew Sami's voice. Você deveria se sentir lisonjeado. You should feel flattered. You should feel flattered. Il libro fu scritto da Giannis. The book was written by Giannis. The book was written by Giannis. Quelles sont tes fleurs préférées ? What are your favorite flowers? What are your favorite flowers? Quando você começou a estudar francês? When did you begin studying French? When did you start studying French? El cielo se va a despejar pronto. The sky will soon clear up. The sky will clear soon. Die secundo mensis Ianuarii, anni millesimi nongentesimi sexagesimi octavi nata sum. I was born on January 2 in 1968. The second month of January, the thousandth years, the sixth years, I was born. Noi vogliamo andare in hotel. We want to go to the hotel. We want to go to the hotel. Il existe des êtres surnaturels. There exist supernatural beings. There are supernatural beings. Jack insiste en que él no tiene nada que ver con el crimen. Jack insists that he has nothing to do with the crime. Jack insists he has nothing to do with the crime. Ceci est un piège. This is a trap. This is a trap. Tenho 30 anos de idade. I am 30 years old. I'm 30 years old. Ho incontrato un vecchio amico per caso a Kyoto. I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto. I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto. Mi vogliono. They want me. They want me. Foi um desafio. It was a challenge. It was a challenge. Le jeune homme qui n'a pas pleuré est un sauvage et le vieil homme qui ne rit pas est un idiot. The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool. The young man who didn't cry is a savage and the old man who doesn't laugh is an idiot. ¿Por qué mi conexión a Internet es tan lenta? Why is my Internet connection so slow? Why is my Internet connection so slow? Io avrei dovuto dare a Tom il mio vecchio trombone. I should've given Tom my old trombone. I should have given Tom my old trombone. Certains serpents sont venimeux. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are poisonous. Sami si sentiva colpevole. Sami felt guilty. Sami felt guilty. Pueden comunicarse haciendo señas con las manos. They can communicate using hand signs. They can communicate by making signs with their hands. J'aimerais mieux sortir dehors que de rester à la maison aujourd'hui. I feel like going out rather than staying at home today. I'd rather go outside than stay home today. No ano passado eles compraram uma casa em Connemara. They bought a house in Connemara last year. Last year they bought a house in Connemara. Je vous conseillerais fortement de faire ce que le patron vous a dit de faire. I would advise you strongly to do what the boss asked you to do. I would strongly advise you to do what the boss told you to do. Il a poussé le chat dans la piscine. He pushed the cat into the swimming pool. He pushed the cat into the pool. Te gustan los frijoles. You like beans. You like beans. Avez-vous bien vu son visage ? Did you get a good look at his face? Did you see his face correctly? A me spiace di essere in ritardo. I'm sorry to be late. I'm sorry I'm late. "Air" e "heir" são homófonos. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. Eu acho que quero ficar. I think I want to stay. I think I want to stay. Di che parla il vostro libro? What's your book about? What's your book about? Je m'en veux de la détester. I hate myself for hating her. I hate to hate her. Loro preferiscono le mele verdi. They prefer green apples. They prefer green apples. Va' a baciare qualcun altro. Go kiss someone else. Go kiss someone else. Te lo dije hace un rato. I told you before! I told you a while ago. Questa è l'ultima volta che aggiungo una frase su Tatoeba. It's the last time I add a sentence to Tatoeba. This is the last time I add a sentence on Tatoeba. Anote isso. Write that down. Write that down. Es muy probable que encuentre dificultades para hacer eso. I'm likely going to have a difficult time doing that. I'm very likely to find it difficult to do that. Não conte para o Tom onde estamos indo. Don't tell Tom where we're going. Don't tell Tom where we're going. Ce n'est toujours pas prêt. It's still not ready. It's still not ready. Tom a toujours fait de son mieux pour m'aider. Tom always did his best to help me. Tom has always done his best to help me. Lui ha messo una luce sul tetto. He put a light on the roof. He put a light on the roof. Nous sommes tous allés au théâtre voir une pièce. All of us went to the theater to see a play. We all went to the theater to see a play. Perché le odia così tanto? Why do you hate them so much? Why do you hate her so much? Pensez-vous que ceux-là soient véritables ? Do you think those are real? Do you think these are real? Tan solo ayer recibimos tu carta. We did not get your letter until yesterday. We only got your card yesterday. Il compleanno di Tom è il venticinque marzo. Tom's birthday is March 25th. Tom's birthday is March 25th. Il travaille aussi dur que n'importe quel autre étudiant. He works as hard as any student. He works as hard as any other student. Quand j'essaie de marcher, j'ai une douleur affreuse ici. When I try to walk, I get an awful pain here. When I try to walk, I have terrible pain here. Vino a buscarle un hombre. A man came to see him. He came to get you a man. Tom vai entender. Tom'll understand. Tom will understand. Lo sta ascoltando? Are you listening to him? Are you listening to him? Un gâteau de fête avec douze chandelles dessus. A birthday cake with twelve candles on top. A party cake with twelve candles on it. Isso não é muito engraçado. That's not very funny. That's not very funny. Vorrei annullare la mia prenotazione. I'd like to cancel my reservation. I'd like to cancel my reservation. Ela será professora. She will be a teacher. She'll be a teacher. Decidiram suspender o casamento até que seu irmão chegasse do exterior. They had decided to put the wedding off until her brother came home from abroad. They decided to suspend the marriage until their brother arrived from abroad. Non siamo andati lontano. We didn't get far. We didn't go far. Não vai importar. It won't matter. It won't matter. No sé si ganaré o perderé. I don't know whether I will win or lose. I don't know if I'll win or lose. Ele está aqui para nos espionar. He's here to spy on us. He's here to spy on us. Il lui proposa de sortir avec lui. He asked her out on a date. He offered to go out with him. Más tarde, iremos al parque acuático. Later, we'll visit the aquatic park. Later, we'll go to the water park. Domina cui maritus clarus est sciscitator ab altero advenit. A lady, whose husband is a famous scientist, came over from the other side. The master whose husband is clear is a skiscitor of the other. Non riesco a scordare il volto di Taninna. I cannot forget Taninna's face. I can't forget Taninna's face. Ela está almoçando agora. He's eating lunch now. She's having lunch now. Voi non vi potete fidare di nessuno. You can't trust anybody. You can't trust anyone. ¿Has estado alguna vez en México? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Andò al museo in taxi. She took a taxi to the museum. He went to the museum by taxi. Elas quase nos pegaram. They almost got us. They almost got us. Les hommes mangent pour vivre, mais ne vivent pas pour manger. Man eats to live, he does not live to eat. Men eat to live, but do not live to eat. Va ninge mâine. It'll snow tomorrow. It'll snow tomorrow. Dire que la technologie change rapidement est un véritable lieu commun. To say that technology changes rapidly is to utter a truism. To say that technology is changing rapidly is a real commonplace. Combien d'oncles et de tantes as-tu ? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many uncles and aunts do you have? Você não vem fazer compras comigo? Won't you go shopping with me? Aren't you going shopping with me? Eu não a reconheci. I didn't recognize her. I didn't recognize her. Direi che siamo pronte. I'd say we're ready. I'd say we're ready. Quelqu'un a-t-il un tire-bouchon ? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone have a corkscrew? Il a ignoré notre avertissement. He took no notice of our warning. He ignored our warning. Non avete confermato. You didn't confirm. You haven't confirmed it. Tom non vuole andare in pensione. Tom doesn't want to retire. Tom doesn't want to retire. Je ne peux pas croire que tu laves le blanc et les couleurs dans la même machine ! I can't believe that you mix white and colours together in a washing machine! I can't believe you wash white and colors in the same machine! Sabéis arreglar ordenadores. You know how to fix computers. You know how to fix computers. Il consacrait toute son énergie à son commerce. He directed all his energy to his business. He devoted all his energy to his trade. Lui sta rimorchiando. He is towing. He's towing. A Arqueologia revela os segredos do passado. Archeology reveals the secrets of the past. Archaeology reveals the secrets of the past. Lei ha speso più soldi del solito. She spent more money than usual. You've spent more money than usual. Il a beaucoup plu tout au long de la journée aujourd'hui. It rained hard all day today. It rained a lot throughout the day today. Dica a Tom che sono pronto ad andare. Tell Tom I'm ready to go. Tell Tom I'm ready to go. In oceano libenter natamus. We like swimming in the ocean. In the ocean libenter natamus. Vosotros primero. You go first. You guys first. Este livro foi fácil. This book was easy. This book was easy. Io sono sicuro che Tom è molto impressionato. I'm sure Tom is very impressed. I'm sure Tom is very impressed. Monsieur, quand une femme a le don de se taire, elle a des qualités au-dessus du vulgaire. Sir, when a woman has the gift of being silent, she has qualities above the vulgar. Sir, when a woman has the gift of silence, she has qualities above vulgarity. Perché non glielo dai? Why don't you give it to him? Why don't you give it to him? John tem duzentos empregados. John employs 200 workers. John has two hundred employees. Riesco a sentire come batte il tuo cuore. I can hear your heart beating. I can feel your heart beating. Questa è la prima volta che ho fatto una torta. This is the first time I've baked a cake. This is the first time I've made a cake. L'Algeria si chiama "Ldzayer" in berbero. Algeria is called "Ldzayer" in Berber. Algeria is called "Ldzayer" in Berber. Loro non possono fermarci. They can't stop us. They can't stop us. Yo apaciguo mi sed con un frío vaso de agua. I quench my thirst with a cold glass of water. I appease my thirst with a cold glass of water. Ella solamente comía carne magra. She ate only lean meat. She only ate lean meat. Facciamola! Let's do this! Let's do it! Il a mis sa petite amie en cloque. He got his girlfriend pregnant. He blew up his girlfriend. Je veux être claire, un point c'est tout. I just want to be clear. I just want to be clear, that's all. Alice andò a letto alle dieci. Alice went to bed at ten. Alice went to bed at ten. Io non vedo l'ora di morire. I can't wait to die. I can't wait to die. Nadie atravesará esta puerta mientras yo viva. No one will go through this door as long as I live. No one will walk through this door as long as I live. Tom aveva bisogno d'acqua. Tom needed water. Tom needed water. Je suis malheureux. I'm miserable. I'm unhappy. Loro vedono Dan. They see Dan. They see Dan. Tom le dijo a María que no debería caminar sola al anochecer. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't walk alone after dark. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't walk alone at night. Puoi aiutarci a trovarlo? Can you help us find him? Can you help us find him? Tom tem estado terrivelmente quieto hoje. Tom has been awfully quiet today. Tom has been terribly quiet today. Por que fui confiar no senhor? Why did I trust you? Why did I go to trust you? Já são 11 horas. It's already 11. It's 11 o'clock. Chi ha dato loro tutti quei soldi? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them all that money? Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement. My dad died before I was born. My father died before my birth. Pensais-tu vraiment que ce serait différent cette fois ? Did you really think it would be different this time? Did you really think it would be different this time? Você gosta de suco? Do you like juice? Do you like juice? Molti giovani sono senza lavoro nel paese. Many young people are out of work in the country. Many young people are unemployed in the country. Tom a dit à Mary que leur relation était terminée. Tom told Mary that their relationship was over. Tom told Mary that their relationship was over. Alguém falou com ele? Has anybody spoken to him? Has anyone spoken to him? Me lo agradecerás. You'll thank me. You'll thank me. Estava muito cansada. I was very tired. I was very tired. Les chats ont deux oreilles. Cats have two ears. Cats have two ears. Tom ha completato la missione. Tom completed the mission. Tom completed the mission. Non sono vestita. I'm not dressed. I'm not dressed. Non è un insegnante della tua scuola? Isn't that a teacher from your school? Isn't he a teacher from your school? Vous êtes une de ces dragueuses ! You're such a flirt. You're one of those sluts! Je te remercie pour cette charmante soirée. I thank you for this lovely evening. Thank you for this lovely evening. Non sarebbe andato a scuola per ogni cosa al mondo. He would not go to school for all the world. He wouldn't go to school for everything in the world. Donne-moi l'huile d'olive. Give me the olive oil. Give me the olive oil. Je suis impatient envers ceux qui ne coopèrent pas. I am impatient with those who aren't cooperative. I look forward to those who do not cooperate. Você gosta de mulheres mais velhas, não gosta? You like older women, don't you? You like older women, don't you? Vous êtes tous trop rapides. You are all too quick. You're all too fast. Espero que mi error le pase desapercibido. I hope my mistake will escape his notice. I hope my mistake goes unnoticed. Eu adoro quando ele faz isso. I love it when he does that. I love it when he does that. Non avrei dovuto bere così tanta birra ieri sera. I shouldn't have drunk so much beer last night. I shouldn't have had that much beer last night. Tom ha detto che mi avresti telefonato. Tom said you'd phone me. Tom said you'd call me. Parece que o meu Xbox 360 está quebrado. It looks like my Xbox360 is broken. Looks like my Xbox 360 is broken. Nonostante Trang continui a dire di amarlo, Spenser non può fare a meno di aver paura che lei smetta di volergli bene. Even though Trang continued to say that she loved him, Spenser couldn't do anything but fear that she would stop caring for him. Although Trang keeps saying she loves him, Spenser can't help but be afraid she'll stop loving him. Quiero cambiar el mundo. I want to change the world. I want to change the world. Cada nueva generación hace uso del conocimiento. Each new generation makes use of the knowledge. Each new generation makes use of knowledge. Vedi sotto. See below. See below. Gostaria de uma xícara de café. I would like a cup of coffee. I'd like a cup of coffee. Tom voltou cedo para casa ontem. Tom came home early yesterday. Tom came home early yesterday. Da, vă rog. Yes, please. Yes, please. Dovremmo cominciare ora? Should we start now? Should we start now? Aquele político é cheio de ambição. That politician is full of ambition. That politician is full of ambition. Comment vous êtes-vous fait prendre ? How did you get caught? How did you get caught? Sei esausta. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. J'ai attendu le bus. I was waiting for the bus. I waited for the bus. Questo biglietto farà entrare gratuitamente due persone. This ticket will admit two persons free. This ticket will allow two people to enter free of charge. Je fais tourner une bonne petite affaire. I run a tight ship. I'm running a good little case. A quien madruga, Dios ayuda. The early bird gets the worm. Whoever gets up early, God helps. Tout le monde a été d'accord. Everyone agreed. Everyone agreed. Fui convocada para o exército. I was conscripted into the army. I was summoned to the army. Você poderia por favor me ajudar a traduzir isto? Would you please help me translate this? Could you please help me translate this? Voltarei às 6 e meia. I'll be back at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. Tu continues à faire la même erreur à chaque fois. You keep on making the same mistake time after time. You keep making the same mistake every time. Tom est en train d'arroser les fleurs. Tom is watering the flowers. Tom is watering the flowers. Precisamos de um plano B. We need a plan B. We need a plan B. Talvez devêssemos chamar o Tom. Maybe we should call Tom. Maybe we should call Tom. Devo avvertirli. I've got to warn them. I have to warn them. Estive trabalhando a minha vida toda. I've been working all my life. I've been working my whole life. J'ai essayé de sortir notre chien de notre maison. I tried to take our dog out of our house. I tried to get our dog out of our house. Non ho mai pensato che lo avrei fatto. I never thought I'd do that. I never thought I'd do it. Quiero traer aquí a Tom. I want to bring Tom here. I want to bring Tom here. A me non piace che mi si faccia aspettare. I don't like to be kept waiting. I don't like being kept waiting. Quand as-tu commencé à apprendre l'anglais ? When did you begin studying English? When did you start learning English? Perché non hai ascoltato tua madre? Why didn't you listen to your mother? Why didn't you listen to your mother? Huc veni ut teniludio luderet. I came here to play tennis. Why don't you come and have some fun? Ci sono le impronte di un gatto sul tavolo. There are footprints of a cat on the table. There's a cat's fingerprints on the table. La niña no hizo nada más que sollozar todo el día. The poor little girl did nothing but sob all day. The girl did nothing but soothe all day long. Questa è la rivista di cui vi ho parlato. This is the magazine I spoke to you about. This is the magazine I told you about. Devorabat ille igitur suas fabas solus? Did he eat his beans by himself then? Was he devouring his fairy tales alone? Você terá de acordar cedo amanhã. Por que não vai dormir? You have to get up early tomorrow. Why don't you go to bed? You'll have to wake up early tomorrow. Non mi guardate! Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Je suis debout depuis 2 h 30. I've been up since 2:30. I've been up since 2:30. Sa dissertation était concise et pertinente. His essay was concise and to the point. His dissertation was concise and relevant. Le insegnerò un po' di karate. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'll teach you some karate. Sami amava vivere al Cairo. Sami loved living in Cairo. Sami loved living in Cairo. Elle bouillait de colère. She was burning with anger. She was boiling with anger. Este carro vai a sessenta quilômetros por hora. This car is going 60 kilometers an hour. This car goes 50 miles an hour. ¿Por qué me preguntas esto? Why are you asking me this? Why are you asking me this? Ho visto la ragazza nuotare nel fiume. I saw the girl swimming in the river. I saw the girl swim in the river. Nuestro equipo perdió el primer encuentro. Our team lost the first game. Our team missed the first meeting. Sono stato qui per una settimana. I've been here for a week. I've been here for a week. Você conseguiu um souvenir para sua namorada? Did you get your girlfriend a souvenir? Did you get a souvenir for your girlfriend? J'ai étudié le français à l'école, mais je ne suis pas très bon dans cette matière. I studied French in school, but I'm not very good at it. I studied French at school, but I'm not very good at it. Tom et moi y allons tous deux. Tom and I are both going. Tom and I are going there. Tu n'es pas obligée de répondre. You don't have to respond. You don't have to answer that. Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il veuille me parler. I'm not sure he wants to talk to me. I'm not sure he wants to talk to me. Domum magnam et duas raedas habet. She has a big house and two cars. Domum magnanim, and two raedas. Non capisco l'umorismo inglese. I don't understand British humour. I don't understand English humor. John rompió la ventana. John broke the window. John broke the window. Tom não vai gostar muito disso. Tom isn't going to like it very much. Tom won't like it very much. Onde está todo mundo? Where's everyone? Where's everybody? As-tu encore des difficultés en physique ? Are you still having difficulty with physics? Do you still have difficulties in physics? Se potessi andare, lo farei. If I could go, I would. If I could go, I would. Vi posso portare da lei. I can take you to her. I can take you to her. Acho que precisamos uma da outra. I think we need each other. I think we need each other. Non riesco a sopportare il rumore. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the noise. Se avessi saputo che sareste stati qui, non sarei venuta. Had I known you'd be here, I wouldn't have come. If I'd known you'd be here, I wouldn't have come. Tom não entendeu Mary. Tom didn't understand Mary. Tom didn't understand Mary. Siamo arrivate un po' in ritardo. We've arrived a little late. We're a little late. Ho qualche domanda da farti. I have to ask you some questions. I have some questions for you. Pouvez-vous vous en sortir saines et sauves ? Can you make it safe? Can you get out of here safe and sound? ¿A quién esperabas? Who were you expecting? Who did you expect? Non è colpa mia. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Ella limpió su habitación con prisa. She cleaned her room in a hurry. She cleaned her room in a hurry. Quem pegou o dinheiro? Who took the money? Who took the money? Maria não tem namorado. Mary doesn't have a boyfriend. Maria doesn't have a boyfriend. Estos son regalos. These are gifts. These are gifts. Necesito saber por qué no viniste ayer. I need to know why you didn't come yesterday. I need to know why you didn't come yesterday. Tom no confía en nadie. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Je n'ai pas dit que j'appréciais ça. I didn't say I liked it. I didn't say I liked it. Amiamo mangiare le mele. We love eating apples. We love to eat apples. La bicicleta que el hombre robó le fue devuelto a su dueño. The bicycle the man stole was returned to its owner. The bike the man stole was returned to his owner. Fadil e Dania desenvolveram uma relação romântica. Fadil and Dania developed a romantic relationship. Fadil and Dania developed a romantic relationship. Dovrebbe scegliere un lavoro in relazione ai suoi talenti e interessi. You should choose a job in relation to your talents and interests. You should choose a job in relation to your talents and interests. Já não preciso de vocês. I don't need you anymore. I don't need you anymore. Elas colidiram. They crashed. They collided. Sono innamorata di qualcun altro. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with someone else. Un monstruo de tres manos salió del armario. A three-handed monster came out of the wardrobe. A three-handed monster came out of the closet. Ella es amable. She is gentle. She's kind. Torni adesso. Come back now. Come back now. Não posso bancá-lo. I can't afford it. I can't bank him. Quem você acha que ganhará a Copa do Mundo da FIFA? Who do you think will win the FIFA World Cup? Who do you think will win the FIFA World Cup? ¿Cuál es el problema de Tom? What's Tom's problem? What's wrong with Tom? Mia moglie parla il berbero. My wife speaks Berber. My wife speaks Berber. Noi non abbiamo denaro in più. We don't have any extra money. We don't have any extra money. Non fece alcun lavoro. He didn't do any work. He didn't do any work. Le bébé n'a pas arrêté de pleurer de la nuit. The baby kept crying all night. The baby kept crying at night. È semplicemente triste. You're just sad. It's just sad. Per favore, faccia tre copie di questa pagina. Please make three copies of this page. Please make three copies of this page. Il n'arrive pas à faire ça. He can't do that. He can't do that. Des prises importantes de calamars sont un signe avant-coureur de séisme. Large catches of squid are a sign of a coming earthquake. Significant catches of squid are a warning sign of earthquake. La smetta di parlare male di lei. Stop bad mouthing her. Stop talking bad about her. Ils se sont succédé un roi après l'autre sur le trône pendant ces quelques années. One king after another succeeded to the throne during those few years. They succeeded one king after the other on the throne during these few years. C'è soltanto una cosa da fare. There's only one thing to do. There's only one thing to do. Cos'ha fatto con quel denaro? What did you do with that money? What did you do with that money? Su carta arrojó una nueva luz sobre el asunto. Her letter cast a new light on the matter. His letter shed a new light on the matter. Tom ainda não sabe de nada. Tom doesn't know anything yet. Tom doesn't know anything yet. Sono passate due settimane. Two weeks went by. It's been two weeks. Tocca a lei lavare i piatti. It's your turn to wash the dishes. It's up to you to wash the dishes. Eu poderia ter feito melhor do que ele. I could have done better than he. I could have done better than him. Voi siete brave a mantenere i segreti? Are you good at keeping secrets? Are you good at keeping secrets? Je pense qu'elle est attirée par vous. I think she's attracted to you. I think she's attracted to you. Smisero di abbracciarsi. They stopped hugging. They stopped hugging. Io voglio sapere il perché. I want to know why. I want to know why. Scegli. Choose. Choose. Saisissons cette chance. Let's take that chance. Let's take this chance. No creo que esto sea una avispa. I don't think this is a wasp. I don't think this is a wasp. C'est difficile à décrire. It's hard to describe. It's hard to describe. Forse io non voglio saperlo. Maybe I don't want to know. Maybe I don't want to know. Voi ragazzi siete strani. You guys are strange. You guys are weird. Ho mangiato pane e burro stamattina. I ate bread and butter this morning. I ate bread and butter this morning. Ella no le teme a nada. She is not afraid of anything. She's not afraid of anything. Por favor, dime el secreto para hacer buena mermelada. Please tell me the secret to making good jam. Please tell me the secret to make good jam. No había ni dios. There was not a bloody soul. There was no god. Eu me senti usado. I felt used. I felt used. Servez-vous une boisson ! Have yourself a drink. Can I get you a drink? Si alguien viene a verme dile que he salido. If anyone comes to see me, tell him that I am out. If anyone comes to see me, tell him I'm out. Aqui está ela! Here she is! Here she is! Quante lingue sono parlate sulla Terra? How many languages are spoken on Earth? How many languages have you spoken on Earth? Cela ne vous semble-t-il pas étrange ? Doesn't that seem strange to you? Doesn't that seem strange to you? Eu os ia chamar. I was going to call them. I was gonna call them. Tom non è quello che ha rotto la finestra. Tom isn't the one who broke the window. Tom isn't the one who broke the window. Advienne que pourra, je ne changerai pas d'avis. Come what may; I won't change my mind. If you don't mind, I won't change my mind. Lui è una persona molto energica. He's a very energetic person. He's a very energetic person. Sono sicuro che voi siete molto impegnati. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Je ne te crois tout simplement pas. I just don't believe you. I just don't believe you. Quante ore al giorno dormite? How many hours a day do you sleep? How many hours a day do you sleep? Tom s'est fait attaquer par un essaim d'abeilles. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Quand la photo que je voulais faire agrandir sera-t-elle prête ? When will that picture I wanted enlarged be ready? When will the picture I wanted to enlarge be ready? Tom não está aqui, está? Tom isn't here, is he? Tom isn't here, is he? Feche todas as portas e janelas! Close all of the doors and windows! Close all the doors and windows! Ne change pas d'avis, quoiqu'il advienne. Do not change your mind, whatever happens. Don't change your mind, no matter what. Sami non abita più qua. Sami doesn't live here anymore. Sami doesn't live here anymore. Io sono davvero orgoglioso di loro. I'm really proud of them. I'm really proud of them. Il a fait une tentative de suicide. He tried to commit a suicide. He made a suicide attempt. Las rosas florecen en primavera. The roses bloom in spring. Roses bloom in spring. Il appela immédiatement la Maison Blanche. He immediately called the White House. He immediately called the White House. Tom n'a pas pu arrêter de rire. Tom couldn't stop laughing. Tom couldn't stop laughing. No siempre entiendo todo lo que usted dice. I don't always understand everything you're saying. I don't always understand everything you say. C'est l'heure de déjeuner. It's time to eat lunch. It's lunchtime. Je t'aiderais si je pouvais. I'd help you if I could. I'd help you if I could. Quel est votre sujet préféré ? What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite subject? Não seja pessimista. Tudo se ajeita! Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Don't be pessimistic. Lei viene dentro. She comes in. She's coming in. Nous sommes affamées. We're starved. We're starving. Populația acestui oraș a fost statică în ultimii zece ani. The population of this town has been static for the last ten years. The population of this city has been static for the last ten years. Eu quero que vocês vão embora. I want you to go. I want you to leave. "Mulțumesc pentru ajutor." "Pentru puțin." "Thanks for your help." "No problem." "Thank you for your help." "For a little bit." Di che colore sono i cetrioli? What color are cucumbers? What color are the cucumbers? Non sum medicus. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Coma o que quiser. Eat whatever you want. Eat whatever you want. Qualcuno può portargli qualcosa da bere? Can somebody get him a drink? Can someone get him something to drink? Tom miraba con atención. Tom watched attentively. Tom looked carefully. Quand avez-vous commencé à apprendre l'anglais ? When did you begin to learn English? When did you start learning English? Non ho mai conosciuto i genitori di Tom. I've never met Tom's parents. I've never met Tom's parents. Thomas domum rediit. Tom returned home. Thomas's house is being redacted. ¿Qué haces tú para la Nochevieja? What are you doing for New Year's Eve? What do you do for New Year's Eve? Si llueve mañana, el partido de béisbol será suspendido. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be put off. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be suspended. Stia con me. Stay with me. Stay with me. Adesso vivo in una casa molto piccola. I now live in a very small house. Now I live in a very small house. Elles ne s'en soucient pas vraiment. They don't really care. They don't really care. Voglio sapere cosa farete. I want to know what you'll do. I want to know what you're gonna do. Ne dis rien à personne à propos de quoi que ce soit. Say nothing to no one about anything. Don't tell anyone about anything. Io sono ferma. I'm decisive. I'm standing still. Lamento não poder me juntar a você. I regret not being able to join you. I'm sorry I can't join you. Questo è molto irregolare. This is very irregular. This is very irregular. Creo que él está mintiendo. I think he's lying. I think he's lying. Usa lo stesso dizionario che uso io. He uses the same dictionary as I do. Use the same dictionary I use. La police a mis au jour un trafic de drogue de premier plan. The police uncovered a major drug operation. The police have uncovered a high-profile drug trafficking. El aire está compuesto principalmente de nitrógeno y oxígeno. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen. The air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. ¿Eres de Australia? Are you from Australia? Are you from Australia? Qualcuno la stava aiutando? Was someone helping you? Was anyone helping you? L'eau gèle à zéro degré, n'est-ce pas ? Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, doesn't it? Water freezes to zero, doesn't it? Il mesure cinq pieds. He is five feet tall. He's five feet tall. ¿No querés darme un abrazo? Don't you want to give me a hug? Don't you want to give me a hug? Amerà questo. You're gonna love this. He'll love this. Hanno tre figli. They have three children. They have three children. Tom estaba profundamente dormido cuando Mary entró a la habitación. Tom was sound asleep when Mary walked into the room. Tom was deeply asleep when Mary entered the room. Ele se acha engraçado? Does he think he's funny? Does he think he's funny? Io non voglio essere diverso. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be any different. Io non ho piani per stanotte. I have no plans for tonight. I don't have any plans for tonight. La policía lo denunció por filtrar información hacia un país vecino. The police charged him with leaking information to a neighboring country. The police reported him leaking information to a neighbouring country. Ci sono più di 4000 lingue nel mondo. In the world, there are over 4000 languages. There are more than 4000 languages in the world. Qual è il suo prodotto per la cura della pelle preferito? What's your favorite skin care product? What is your favourite skin care product? Non hanno detto il perché. They didn't say why. They didn't say why. Anche io ero disgustata. I was disgusted, too. I was disgusted, too. Les personnes sourd-muettes parlent en utilisant la langue des signes. Deaf-mute people talk using sign language. Deaf-mute people speak by using sign language. Perché eri a Boston la settimana scorsa? Why were you in Boston last week? Why were you in Boston last week? Je suis fatigué de la marche. I am tired with walking. I'm tired of walking. Pensavo che la avrebbe trovata interessante. I thought he would find it interesting. I thought you'd find it interesting. Sami começou a tomar Viagra. Sami started taking the Viagra. Sami started taking Viagra. Invite-la à venir voir un film. Invite her over to watch a movie. Invite her to come see a movie. Non c'è nessuna sedia su cui sedersi. There's no chair to sit upon. There's no chair to sit on. Noi abbiamo comprato molti francobolli. We bought a lot of stamps. We bought a lot of stamps. Je ne gère pas bien la solitude. I don't handle loneliness well. I don't handle loneliness well. Aperte o botão. Press the button. Press the button. Vois-tu mon livre ? Do you see my book? Do you see my book? É um animal muito estranho. It's a very bizarre animal. It's a very strange animal. Que critérios você usa ao decidir para quem votar? What criteria do you use in deciding who to vote for? What criteria do you use when deciding who to vote for? Chopin était un musicien polonais. Chopin was a Polish musician. Chopin was a Polish musician. Potrebbe essere vera? Could it be true? Could it be true? Somos da mesma idade, mas de alturas diferentes. We are the same age, but different heights. We're the same age, but different heights. Ele é a pessoa mais alta da classe. He's the tallest in the class. He's the tallest person in the class. J'avais un petit chien quand j'étais petit. I had a puppy when I was a boy. I had a little dog when I was little. Buongiorno, come posso aiutarla? Good day, how may I help you? Good morning, how can I help you? Puis-je tomber la veste ? Can I take my jacket off? Can I drop the jacket? ¿No lograste entender su nombre, no? You didn't happen to catch his name, did you? You didn't get his name, did you? No quiero vivir contigo. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Questa scrivania è meglio di quella. This desk is better than that one. This desk is better than that. ¿Puedo devolver esto para que me lo reembolsen? May I return this for a refund? Can I return this for reimbursement? Penso che Tom sia sciatto. I think Tom is untidy. I think Tom is skitted. Lui ha avuto la sfrontatezza di chiedere del denaro. He had the nerve to ask for money. He had the brow to ask for money. Tom non si sta divertendo molto. Tom isn't having much fun. Tom isn't having much fun. ¿Por qué me mintió Tom? Why did Tom lie to me? Why did Tom lie to me? Esse é o nosso trabalho. This is our job. That's our job. Tom chiese a Mary di aiutarlo ad organizzare la festa. Tom asked Mary to help him organize the party. Tom asked Mary to help him organize the party. El auto tiene un motor nuevo. The car has a new engine. The car has a new engine. Io sono in vacanza questa settimana. I am on holiday this week. I'm on vacation this week. Mio padre è così vecchio che non riesce a lavorare. My father is so old that he can't work. My dad's so old he can't work. Non ho preso quell'autobus, quindi non sono a casa adesso. I didn't take that bus, so I'm not at home right now. I didn't take that bus, so I'm not home right now. O Tom e a Mary chamaram seu filho de John. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary called their son John. Lorsqu'ils sont en danger, ils s'enfuient. When they are in danger, they run away. When they're in danger, they run away. Eu não conheço esta mulher. I don't know this woman. I don't know this woman. In Cina bisogna andare alla stazione di partenza e comprare lì i biglietti del treno. In China, you have to go to the departure station and buy train tickets there. In China you have to go to the departure station and buy the train tickets there. Las alcantarillas están obstruidas. The drains are blocked up. The sewers are blocked. Siamo novelli sposi. We're newlyweds. We're newlyweds. El niño juega. The little boy plays. The kid's playing. Venit autem Deus ad Laban Aramæum per somnium noctis dixitque ei: Cave, ne quidquam loquaris contra Iacob! And he saw in a dream God, saying to him: Take heed thou speak not any thing harshly against Jacob. And God came to Laban Aramam by night's sleep, and said unto him, Cave, that ye speak not against Jacob. Lei non sembra interessata. You don't seem interested. You don't seem interested. Tom dimenticò il numero di telefono di Mary. Tom forgot Mary's phone number. Tom forgot Mary's phone number. Mancherai ai tuoi amici. You'll be missed by your friends. You're gonna miss your friends. Il éprouvait des remords. He felt the pangs of conscience. He felt remorse. Tom a passé une semaine à Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. Tom spent a week in Boston. J'ai oublié de t'indiquer qui viendrait te chercher à la gare. I forgot to tell you who would meet you at the station. I forgot to tell you who would pick you up at the station. Aquí tienes tu porción de pastel. Here is your share of the cake. Here's your piece of cake. O que nós vamos fazer se o Tom se atrasar? What'll we do if Tom is late? What are we gonna do if Tom is late? È qualcosa che non posso fare. That's something I can't do. It's something I can't do. Podemos ganar esta guerra. We can win this war. We can win this war. Io mi abituai presto a parlare in pubblico. I soon got accustomed to speaking in public. I got used to talking in public soon. Mis padres también tienen una granja. My parents also have a farm. My parents have a farm too. Ciò che avete detto le ha convinte. What you said convinced them. What you said convinced her. Tom disse que ele precisa conversar conosco sobre algo importante. Tom says he needs to talk to us about something important. Tom said he needs to talk to us about something important. Se tu soubesses, tu me contarias, não iria ? If you knew, you'd tell me, wouldn't you? If you knew, you'd tell me, wouldn't you? Me pergunto se o Tom está correto. I wonder if Tom is correct. I wonder if Tom is correct. Non scriva con l'inchiostro. Don't write in ink. Don't write ink. Sono lì. I'm there. They're there. Quanto può essere cattiva? How bad can it be? How bad can she be? Deve dirgli la verità. You must tell him the truth. You have to tell him the truth. Eu tenho muito talento. I have many abilities. I have a lot of talent. L'histoire m'a glacé le sang. The story turned my blood cold. History has frozen my blood. Onde estão as crianças? Where are the kids? Where are the kids? Eu estou presa. I'm trapped. I'm stuck. Não quer ficar para o jantar? Won't you stay for supper? Don't you want to stay for dinner? Ho così tante idee. I have so many ideas. I have so many ideas. Não, uma só. No, just one. No, just one. Deus salve a Rainha! God save the Queen! God save the Queen! Quelle rose sono molto belle. Those roses are very beautiful. Those roses are very beautiful. Io indosso spesso gli occhiali da sole quando sto guidando. I often wear sunglasses when I'm driving. I often wear sunglasses when I'm driving. Quando lhe será conveniente vir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When will it be convenient for you to come? ¿Su esposa es feliz en Nueva York? Is his wife happy in New York? Is your wife happy in New York? Qual é o número de seu quarto? What is your room number? What's your room number? Il est allé à l'aéroport pour lui faire ses adieux. He went to the airport to see her off. He went to the airport to say his goodbyes. Ton français est parfait. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. Ma mère veut des petits-enfants. My mother wants grandchildren. My mom wants grandchildren. El lenguaje es una de las invenciones más importantes de la humanidad. Language is one of the most important inventions of mankind. Language is one of humanity's most important inventions. Estou procurando alguém que possa fazer isso para mim. I'm looking for someone who can do that for me. I'm looking for someone who can do this for me. Si estás cansado, vete a dormir. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to sleep. Tom ha dimenticato il ketchup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Ha protestato contro il nuovo piano. He protested against the new plan. He protested against the new plan. Tom jeta un coup d'œil à l'intérieur. Tom peeked inside. Tom took a look inside. Il est bisexuel. It is bisexual. He's bisexual. ¿Por qué me besaste en la oscuridad? Why did you kiss me in the darkness? Why did you kiss me in the dark? Ho imparato così tanto da lei. I've learned so much from you. I've learned so much from her. Voi dovete iniziare a conoscere delle donne. You need to start meeting women. You need to get to know women. Tom tiene un gramófono. Tom has a gramophone. Tom has a gramophone. En entendant ces mots, Tom ria. Hearing these words, Tom laughed. On hearing these words, Tom ria. ¿Por qué nadie traduce mis frases? Why doesn't anybody translate my sentences? Why doesn't anyone translate my sentences? Quando dou de comer aos probres, me chamam de santo. Quando pergunto por que os pobres não tem o que comer, me chamam de comunista. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, when I ask why the poor have nothing to eat, they call me a communist. Tom trabaja para una firma petrolera. Tom works for an oil company. Tom works for an oil firm. Tom se formou no ano passado. Tom graduated last year. Tom graduated last year. Nadie sabía quién era él. No one knew who he was. No one knew who he was. Tom precisava de ajuda. Tom needed help. Tom needed help. Non la prendete troppo seriamente. Don't take her too seriously. Don't take it too seriously. Minhas roupas estão cheias de espuma. My clothes are full of suds. My clothes are full of foam. Tutti qui conoscono il suo nome. Everybody here knows your name. Everyone here knows his name. Je ne mange jamais de viande. I never eat meat. I never eat meat. Les poissons vivent dans l'eau. Fish live in the water. Fish live in water. Sono coraggiosa. I'm brave. I'm brave. La population de cette ville croît. The population of this city is on the increase. The population of this city is growing. Não bata a porta. Don't slam the door. Don't knock on the door. Je n'ai rien appris de nouveau. I learned nothing new. I didn't learn anything new. J'ai régulièrement le moral dans les chaussettes. I'm regularly feeling down in the dumps. I have the morale in my socks all the time. Tu es arrivé il y a trois jours. You arrived three days ago. You arrived three days ago. Perché i vestiti di Tom sono sporchi? Why are Tom's clothes dirty? Why are Tom's clothes dirty? La valigia non era mia. The suitcase wasn't mine. It wasn't my suitcase. Estamos emocionados por tener estudiantes de Kendo extranjeros en Osaka. We are excited about having foreign Kendo students in Osaka. We're excited to have foreign Kendo students in Osaka. Ha dormito bene la scorsa notte. He slept well last night. She slept well last night. Ça n'en vaut pas la dépense. It's not worth the money. It's not worth the expense. Nous avons prié ensemble. We prayed together. We prayed together. Stai ancora giocando a golf? Are you still playing golf? Are you still playing golf? Olhe essa fumaça. Look at that smoke. Look at that smoke. Le ho incontrate dopo il lavoro. I met them after work. I met them after work. Non aver paura di fare un errore. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Este reloj de bolsillo tiene más de setenta años. This pocket watch is more than seventy years old. This pocket watch is over seventy years old. Je me demande ce qu'il y a pour dîner. I wonder what's for dinner. I wonder what's for dinner. Algunas personas miraban series de televisión todas las noches. Some people watched TV serials every evening. Some people watched TV shows every night. La maison s'écroula une semaine plus tard. The house collapsed a week later. The house collapsed a week later. Você sempre comete o mesmo erro. You always make the same mistake. You always make the same mistake. Soyez amicaux ! Be friendly. Be friendly! Non posso perdere! I can't lose! I can't lose! Ese es el único libro que tengo. This is the only book I have. That's the only book I have. Eu sabia que você estava doente. I knew you were sick. I knew you were sick. ¡Qué de porquería hay en esta casa! Look at all the trash in this house! What a mess there is in this house! Țare lor este amenințată de anarhie. Their country is threatened by anarchy. Their country is threatened by anarchy. Él me hizo una seña de que me quedara quieto. He gave me a sign to keep quiet. He gave me a sign that I was still. Fadil ha riconosciuto a malapena Dania. Fadil barely recognized Dania. Fadil barely recognized Dania. Un chien l'a mordue à la jambe. A dog bit her leg. A dog bit her leg. Odio el desierto. I hate the desert. I hate the desert. Se você fizer isso, vai estar se submetendo ao ridículo. If you do that, you'll be making a fool of yourself. If you do that, you're going to be making a fool of yourself. Restez alitées ! Stay in bed. Stay in bed! Desde que Mary me deixou, as coisas não são mais as mesmas. Ever since Mary left me, things haven't been the same. Ever since Mary left me, things haven't been the same. Je me demande ce qu'il va nous arriver. I wonder what's going to happen to us. I wonder what's gonna happen to us. Proverò ad alzarmi presto domani. I'll try to get up early tomorrow. I'll try to get up early tomorrow. Sami morreu há pelo menos um dia. Sami has been dead for at least a day. Sami died at least a day ago. Ella le llama todas las noches. She calls him every night. She calls him every night. Dejemos de hablar de eso y cambiemos de tema. Let's stop talking about that and change the subject. Let's stop talking about it and change the subject. Când? When? When? Prazer em lhe conhecer. Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Tom e Mary stanno cenando in questo momento. Tom and Mary are eating dinner right now. Tom and Mary are having dinner right now. Nós somos bons dançarinos. We're able dancers. We're good dancers. Non la conosci neppure. You don't even know her. You don't even know her. Jeanne d'Arc refusa de renoncer à sa conviction que les voix qu'elle entendait étaient de Dieu et nulle autre. Joan of Arc refused to renounce her belief that the voice she heard was from God and none other. Jeanne of Arc refused to give up her belief that the voices she heard were from God and nothing else. Puzzo. I stink. I stink. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte? How can I help you? How can I help you? Rien ne va se passer. Nothing's going to happen. Nothing's gonna happen. C'est tout, merci. That's all, thanks. That's all, thank you. Noi dobbiamo trovare una nuova babysitter. We've got to find a new babysitter. We need to find a new babysitter. Je la verrai demain matin. I'll see her tomorrow morning. I'll see her in the morning. Faire ses courses et acheter des livres sur Internet est pratique car cela permet de trouver tout ce dont on a besoin depuis chez soi. Shopping and booking online can be very useful because people can find everything they need directly from their houses. Shopping and buying books on the Internet is convenient because it allows you to find everything you need from home. Hai fatto quello. You did that. You did that. Je suis enchantée d'être ici. I'm delighted to be here. I'm delighted to be here. Ça va être le bordel. This is going to get messy. It's gonna be a mess. Debemos trazar la línea entre asuntos públicos y privados. We should draw the line between public and private affairs. We must draw the line between public and private affairs. Je veux voir votre patronne. I want to see your boss. I want to see your boss. Tu ne devrais pas aller à l'école. You shouldn't go to school. You shouldn't go to school. Io sono abituata a guidare un camion. I am used to driving a truck. I'm used to driving a truck. Tu ne peux pas échouer cette fois-ci. You cannot fail this time. You can't fail this time. Préfères-tu les chats ou les chiens ? Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you prefer cats or dogs? A mio fratello non piace il sapore del riccio di mare. My brother doesn't like the taste of sea urchin. My brother doesn't like the taste of sea urchin. Su teoría merece consideración. His theory deserves consideration. Your theory deserves consideration. M'aimes-tu ? Do you love me? Do you love me? Questa gente è mia amica. These people are my friends. These people are my friend. Les cafards se cachent pendant la journée. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. The cockroaches hide during the day. Sais-tu comment te servir de cette machine ? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? Vite, sortez d'ici ! Get out of here quickly! Quick, get out of here! Puis-je avoir votre numéro de téléphone ? Can I have your phone number? May I have your phone number? Perché le persone se ne stanno andando dalle zone rurali? Why are people leaving rural areas? Why are people leaving rural areas? As crianças saíram para brincar. The children went out to play. The kids went out to play. Si no fuera por tu ayuda, no lo habría podido conseguir. If it were not for your help, I could not have succeeded. If it wasn't for your help, I couldn't have gotten it. Internet est une source d'information inestimable. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. Quería que vieras que no soy tan malo. I wanted you to see that I'm not all that bad. I wanted you to see that I'm not that bad. Él se cree un artista. He fancies himself as an artist. He thinks he's an artist. ¿Crees tú en la vida eterna tras la muerte? Do you believe in eternal life after death? Do you believe in eternal life after death? Lui ha costruito un osservatorio per studiare le stelle. He built an observatory to study the stars. He built an observatory to study the stars. Su declaración se correspondía con lo que realmente había sucedido. His statement corresponded to what actually took place. His statement corresponded to what had actually happened. Ojalá hubiera estado con ella entonces. I wish I had been with her then. I wish I'd been with her then. Nous aimons la musique. We like music. We love music. Non importa quanto sia piccola. It doesn't matter how small it is. It doesn't matter how small she is. Espere aqui. Wait right here. Wait here. Può riportarlo? Can you bring him back? Can you bring him back? Nunca conheci ninguém que seja agnóstico em relação à existência de Zeus. I've never met anyone who is agnostic about the existence of Zeus. I've never met anyone who's agnostic about the existence of Zeus. Lei mi ha cambiato la vita. You changed my life. She changed my life. Está um homem à porta que te quer ver. There is a man at the door who wants to see you. There's a man at the door who wants to see you. Que porra é essa? What the bloody fuck is that? What the fuck? Non la pensa così. She doesn't think so. You don't think so. No dejes desprotegida la entrada. Don't leave the entrance unprotected. Don't leave the entrance unprotected. Recoja el libro. Get the book. Pick up the book. Por que os senhores estão se desculpando de algo que não fizeram? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you gentlemen apologizing for something you didn't do? Io ho aiutato mio padre ieri. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my father yesterday. Tom nunca ha oído a Mary hablar francés. Tom has never heard Mary speak French. Tom has never heard Mary speak French. Oí un ruido extraño cuando el avión estaba a punto de despegar. The plane was about to take off when I heard a strange sound. I heard a strange noise when the plane was about to take off. Omnia animalia paria sunt, sed quaedam animalia pariora sunt ceteris. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. The animal's man bet they are, but the animal's man bet they're ceteris. Ella se puso el abrigo antes de salir. She put on her overcoat before going out. She put on her coat before she left. Ela lhe escreveu uma longa carta, mas não a enviou. She wrote him a long letter, but she didn't mail it. She wrote him a long letter, but she didn't send it. Preciso da verdade. I need the truth. I need the truth. J'ai oublié son adresse. I forgot his address. I forgot his address. Não há outra explicação. There is no other explanation. There's no other explanation. Je peux le faire. I can do it. I can do it. O meu pai fala bem inglês. My father can speak English well. My father speaks English well. Non possiamo parlarne la mattina? Can't we talk about it in the morning? Can't we talk about it in the morning? Lui aveva torto. He was wrong. He was wrong. Os senhores estavam certos na primeira vez. You had it right the first time. You were right the first time. Aconteceu três anos atrás. It happened three years ago. It happened three years ago. Amo molto sua sorella. I love her sister very much. I love your sister very much. Ça ressemble à une blessure par balle tirée à bout portant. This looks like a close-range gunshot wound. It looks like a bullet wound shot at the end of the line. Elle est mon premier amour. She's my first love. She's my first love. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'argent sur mon compte bancaire. I don't have much money in my bank account. I don't have much money in my bank account. Pourquoi es-tu si fatiguée aujourd'hui ? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Creo que será mejor que se vaya de inmediato. I think you'd better leave now. I think you'd better leave right away. Come ha gestito la situazione? How did you handle the situation? How did you handle the situation? Eso nunca pasa por aquí. That never happens around here. That never happens around here. Dica loro quanto sono dispiaciuta. Tell them how displeased I am. Tell them how sorry I am. Je veux que tu nous aides. I want you to help us. I want you to help us. Las flores pequeñas amarillas también son comestibles, y sabrosas. The tiny yellow flowers are edible as well, and tasty. Small yellow flowers are also edible, and tasty. Ho soltanto un paio di domande. I just have a couple of questions. I just have a couple of questions. Je pense que c'est un problème. I think that's a problem. I think that's a problem. Il est parti sans dire au revoir. He went out without saying good-bye. He left without saying goodbye. J'aurais pu l'épouser. I could've married him. I could have married her. Tom ha detto che non bacerebbe Mary. Tom said he wouldn't kiss Mary. Tom said he wouldn't kiss Mary. Eu durmo durante o dia e trabalho de noite. I sleep during the day and work at night. I sleep during the day and work at night. Sed nasus ejus pulcher non est. But his nose is not pretty. It's not the nose, it's not pulsating. Estas caixas são frágeis. These boxes are fragile. These boxes are fragile. Lo volevo salutare. I wanted to say hello to him. I wanted to say hi. Estoy calentando la pieza. I am heating the room. I'm heating up the piece. È un insegnante di inglese. He is a teacher of English. He's an English teacher. Você não esta ocupada agora, está? You're not busy now, are you? You're not busy right now, are you? Tom parecia estar bem. Tom seemed fine. Tom seemed fine. Odeio jogar cartas. I hate playing cards. I hate playing cards. De que morreu seu primeiro esposo? How did your first husband die? What did your first husband die of? Ho sentito dire che eravate ubriache. I heard you were drunk. I heard you were drunk. Vedo la mia corona. I see my crown. I see my crown. Ne confondez pas les comètes et les astéroïdes. Don't confuse comets and asteroids. Don't confuse comets and asteroids. Puntiamo a quell'obiettivo. We aim at that objective. Let's get to that goal. Onde fica a loja mais próxima? Where is the nearest store? Where's the nearest store? Je dois payer le loyer. I need to pay the rent. I have to pay the rent. Lo siento, pero no puedo recordar su nombre. I'm sorry to say I don't remember your name. I'm sorry, but I can't remember your name. Filia eius multa carmina recitare potest. Her daughter can recite many poems. Your daughter's a lot of carmine reciting power. Você está outra vez confusa, não está? You're confused again, aren't you? You're confused again, aren't you? J'ai été là toute l'après-midi. I've been here all afternoon. I've been here all afternoon. Escucho lo que estás diciendo. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. La mappa mi aiutò a orientarmi. The map helped me to orient myself. The map helped guide me. Il s'est immiscé dans son intimité. He intruded on her privacy. He's meddling in his privacy. Comment puis-je faire une demande de visa ? How do I apply for a visa? How can I apply for a visa? È orgoglioso che suo padre sia ricco. He is proud of his father being rich. He's proud that his father's rich. Quiero darte un puñetazo en la cara. I want to punch you in your face. I want to punch you in the face. Cuidado! Piso molhado. Caution! Wet floor. Careful, wet floor. La proie la plus dangereuse est celle qui est coincée. Cornered prey is the most dangerous kind. The most dangerous prey is the one that's trapped. Lei beve il caffè? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? Hic piscis male olet. This fish smells bad. I'm a bad fisherman. Il vit dans le coin. He lives near here. He lives around here. À quelle heure est la réunion ? What time's the meeting? What time is the meeting? Pensate che Tom e Mary debbano farlo? Do you think Tom and Mary have to do that? Do you think Tom and Mary should do that? No es fácil elegir. It's hard to choose. It's not easy to choose. ¡Qué burro! What a dope! What an ass! Ha deciso di vendere la macchina. He decided to sell the car. He decided to sell the car. Eu não deveria ter deixado o Tom dirigir. I shouldn't have let Tom drive. I shouldn't have let Tom drive. Io non sono mai uscita con una ragazza canadese. I've never gone out with a Canadian girl. I never dated a Canadian girl. Pourquoi ne sortons-nous pas nous bourrer la gueule ? Why don't we go out and get drunk? Why don't we go out and get our mouths full? Cuando lo oyó se agitó mucho. When she heard it, she got very excited. When he heard it, he was very agitated. Non provare a intimidirmi. Don't try to intimidate me. Don't try to intimidate me. Devo provare a catturarla. I've got to try to catch her. I have to try to catch her. Il pensiero c'era. The thought was there. The thought was there. Je suis sûre que vous allez aimer ceci. I'm sure you're going to like this. I'm sure you'll like this. A população de Xangai é tão grande quanto a de Tóquio. The population of Shanghai is as large as that of Tokyo. The population of Shanghai is as large as Tokyo. ¿El almuerzo va incluido en este precio? Is lunch included in this price? Is lunch included in this price? Tu aurais dû le dire plus tôt. You should've said so earlier. You should have said that earlier. Quelle est la taille de votre jardin ? How big is your yard? How big is your garden? Los niños aprenden más de lo que eres que de lo que enseñas. Children learn more from what you are than what you teach. Children learn more than you are than you teach. En las botas crecieron mohos. Mold grew on the boots. Moulds grew in the boots. Nous devons nous assurer que ceci est vrai. We need to make sure that this is true. We must ensure that this is true. Estoy nerviosa y emocionada. I'm nervous and excited. I'm nervous and excited. He podido leer desde que tenía cinco años. I've been able to read since I was five. I've been able to read since I was five. Por favor, rellena el siguiente cuestionario. Please fill out the following questionnaire. Please fill out the following questionnaire. No pegué un ojo anoche. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't catch an eye last night. Mi lengua materna es el regalo más precioso que recibí de parte de mi madre. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. My mother tongue is the most precious gift I received from my mother. Perché vuoi che l'esperanto diventi una lingua franca mentre continui a comunicare in inglese? Why do you want Esperanto to become a lingua franca while you continue to communicate in English? Why do you want Esperanto to become a free language while continuing to communicate in English? Riuscivo a farmi capire in inglese. I could make myself understood in English. I could make myself understood in English. Podemos echar maldiciones a través de una fotografía. We can lift curses by using a photograph. We can cast curses through a photograph. Preciso de conselhos bons. I need some good advice. I need some good advice. Quante specie animali esistono al mondo? How many animal species are there in the world? How many animal species exist in the world? ¿Puede parar de cantar, por favor? Can you please stop singing? Can you stop singing, please? Qui accepit uxores duas: nomen uni Ada et nomen alteri Sella. Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other Sella. Who accept two occupiers: name one Ada and name another Sella. Sabes nadar, ¿verdad? You can swim, can't you? You know how to swim, don't you? A me piacciono i cavalli. I like horses. I like horses. Suivez votre désir. Follow your desire. Follow your desire. Você não deve sair hoje. You must not go out today. You mustn't leave today. Si quieres que te bese, solo tienes que pedírmelo. If you want me to kiss you, all you have to do is ask. If you want me to kiss you, you just have to ask me. Ken condivise la stanza con il suo fratello maggiore. Ken shared the room with his older brother. Ken shared the room with his older brother. Sai così tanto su di lui. You know so much about him. You know so much about him. Tu as seulement besoin d'aide. You just need help. You just need help. Non sei ricco, vero? You're not rich, are you? You're not rich, are you? Nós não gostamos do Tom. We don't like Tom. We don't like Tom. Cela ne te tracasse-t-il jamais ? Doesn't it ever bother you? Doesn't that ever bother you? Nicolas quiere decir que la romanización del alfabeto cirílico es tan bella como el sol que te quema los ojos cuando lo miras. Nicolas means that romanization of the Cyrillic alphabet is as beautiful as the sun, which burns your eyes when you look at it. Nicolas means that the romanization of the Cyrillic alphabet is as beautiful as the sun that burns your eyes when you look at it. Il parle anglais couramment. He speaks English fluently. He speaks English fluently. Crede che Giuda abbia tradito Gesù Cristo? Do you believe Judas betrayed Jesus Christ? Do you believe that Judah betrayed Jesus Christ? Hanno annullato il festival. They canceled the festival. They canceled the festival. Nós temos que interromper esse experimento. We have to stop this experiment. We have to stop this experiment. Elas conversaram a noite inteira. They talked all night. They've been talking all night. Merci d'arrêter. Please stop. Thanks for stopping. Esqueci o endereço dele. I forgot his address. I forgot his address. Quería saber por qué no viniste ayer. I wanted to know why you didn't come yesterday. I wanted to know why you didn't come yesterday. A impressora na mesa de Peter está quebrada e não imprime mais. The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore. The printer on Peter's desk is broken and it doesn't print anymore. Portatelo alla stazione. Take him to the station. Take him to the station. Ve l'ho detto che avevo questo? Did I tell you I had this? Did I tell you I had this? La casa di John è di fronte alla chiesa. John's house is opposite the church. John's house is in front of the church. J'ai besoin d'une nouvelle paire de chaussures. I need a new pair of shoes. I need a new pair of shoes. Os próprios estudantes fizeram o trabalho. The students did the work themselves. The students themselves did the job. A maioria dos norte-americanos sabe falar inglês. Most Americans can speak English. Most Americans can speak English. Non ho la minima intenzione di disturbarla. I have no intention whatever of disturbing you. I have no intention of disturbing you. Je suis employé de banque. I'm a bank clerk. I'm a bank employee. Tu não tinhas a obrigação de assentir. You didn't have to say yes. You didn't have to settle. Pourquoi as-tu peur de moi ? Why are you afraid of me? Why are you afraid of me? Ellos no estaban escuchando música. They were not listening to music. They weren't listening to music. Che cosa vuoi da noi? What do you want from us? What do you want from us? Tom ha già firmato il contratto? Has Tom already signed the contract? Has Tom signed the contract yet? Sensi me foedum esse. I felt like I was very ugly. Sensi foedum me this. Ha lasciato il Giappone per l'Europa. He left Japan for Europe. He left Japan for Europe. Tendo ad acconsentire con lei. I tend to agree with her. I tend to agree with her. Eri tutto per me. You were everything to me. You were everything to me. A Grande Barreira de Coral da Austrália está em perigo. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is in danger. Australia's Great Coral Barrier is in danger. Eu simpatizo com química assim como com física. I have a liking for chemistry as well as for physics. I sympathize with chemistry as well as physics. Tu n'es pas aussi maligne que moi. You're not as smart as me. You're not as smart as I am. Il nuovo Papa non è una donna e non è una sorpresa. The new Pope is not a woman and that's not a surprise. The new Pope is not a woman and is not a surprise. Sembra qualcosa che farebbe Tom. That sounds like something Tom would do. Sounds like something Tom would do. Molte persone vanno in chiesa la Vigilia di Natale. Many people go to church on Christmas Eve. Many people go to church on Christmas Eve. Harás lo que te digan. You'll do as you're told. You'll do as you're told. Tom ha sposato una ragazza del posto. Tom married a local girl. Tom married a local girl. Il mio pesce preferito è la carpa. My favorite fish is carp. My favorite fish is the carp. Impreco troppo? Do I curse too much? Am I getting too much? Tom si è comprato una macchina nuova. Tom bought himself a new car. Tom bought himself a new car. Je suis content de ne pas avoir mangé la nourriture qui vous a rendu malade. I'm glad that I didn't eat the food that made you sick. I'm glad I didn't eat the food that made you sick. Eu estava curtindo. I was enjoying it. I was enjoying it. Ho trent'anni. I'm thirty years old. I'm 30 years old. Llévale una taza de café a tu padre. Take your father a cup of coffee. Bring your father a cup of coffee. C'est comme ça que je l'apprécie. That's how I like it. That's how I like him. Deberías dar un buen ejemplo a tus hijos. You should set a good example to your children. You should set a good example for your children. Lo stavo aspettando. I was expecting him. I've been waiting for him. Tenemos que tomar medidas para prevenir la contaminación atmosférica. We have to take steps to prevent air pollution. We need to take steps to prevent air pollution. Talvez o Tom não fale francês. Perhaps Tom doesn't speak French. Maybe Tom doesn't speak French. Je voulais simplement te parler. I just wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to talk to you. Il n'a aucun sens commun. He has no common sense. He doesn't have any common sense. È una delle amiche di Tom, vero? You're one of Tom's friends, aren't you? She's one of Tom's friends, isn't she? Non vi potete sbagliare se vi consiglio io. You can't go wrong if you are advised by me. You can't be wrong if I advise you. Grande número de pessoas se reuniu para ver o desfile. A crowd of people gathered to see the parade. A large number of people gathered to see the parade. Tomás está tomando jugo. Tom is drinking juice. Tom is taking juice. O Tom admitiu que estava com saudades de casa. Tom admitted that he was homesick. Tom admitted he was homesick. A preocupação o deixou de cabelo branco. Worry turned his hair white. The worry left him with white hair. El inglés no es fácil, pero es interesante. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English isn't easy, but it's interesting. Cette place est grande, n'est-ce pas ? This place is large, isn't it? This place is big, isn't it? Ce n'est pas votre problème. It's not your problem. That's not your problem. Tom é muito egoísta. Tom is very selfish. Tom is very selfish. Nous avons tout perdu dans l'incendie. We lost everything in the fire. We lost everything in the fire. Tom sera présent ce soir. Tom will be here by evening. Tom will be here tonight. Sopportai questo processo. I bore this trial. I've endured this process. Morava na Espanha, acho. He lived in Spain, I think. He lived in Spain, I think. Tom amena son chien avec lui. Tom brought his dog with him. Tom brought his dog with him. Mary nos da la espalda. Mary has her back to us. Mary turns her back on us. Per piacere muovetevi! Please hurry up! Please move! Vocês são otários. You're fools. You guys are assholes. Je suis très fatigué. I am very tired. I'm very tired. Devo decidere che fare. I must decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Je l'aime d'autant plus pour ses défauts. I like him the better for his faults. I love him all the more for his flaws. Le vélo à côté de la porte est à moi. The bicycle by the door is mine. The bike next to the door is mine. Elle ne s'y trouvait pas le mois dernier. She wasn't there last month. She wasn't there last month. Tom ne boit pas de bière. Tom doesn't drink beer. Tom doesn't drink beer. Ha descritto la scena nel dettaglio. He described the scene in detail. He described the scene in detail. Notre stock de pétrole est en rupture. Our stock of oil is running out. Our oil stock is breaking down. No volveré a dejaros solas. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave you two alone again. Odio essere qui. I hate being here. I hate being here. Essa história parece ser verídica. The story seems to be true. That story seems to be true. Non cercate di fare gli scaricabarile. Don't try to pass the buck. Don't try to dump them. Je serai occupé jusqu'à quatre heures. I'll be busy until four. I'll be busy until four o'clock. Você precisa parar de fingir que não se importa. You need to stop pretending that you don't care. You need to stop pretending you don't care. Fais comme si tout était normal. Just pretend like everything is normal. Just pretend everything's normal. Putavi eam me occisuram esse. I thought she was going to kill me. Holy shit, they're killing me. Che bel nome! What a beautiful name! That's a nice name. Cometí algunos errores en el examen. I made several mistakes in the exam. I made some mistakes in the exam. Il pane sta cuocendo nel forno. The bread is baking in the oven. The bread is cooking in the oven. Loro stanno provando a organizzare un nuovo partito politico. They are trying to organize a new political party. They are trying to organize a new political party. Laurie ha vent'anni. Laurie is twenty years old. Laurie's 20 years old. Terei muito prazer em ir. I'll be happy to go. I'll be happy to go. Tom vorrà farlo. Tom isn't going to want to do that. Tom will want to do that. Gli ho detto che non ero stanca. I told him that I wasn't tired. I told him I wasn't tired. Eu fui o único filho que ingressou na faculdade. I was the only child to enroll in college. I was the only son who went to college. Demandez-leur de vous aider. Ask them to help you. Ask them to help you. Não me pressione. Don't pressure me. Don't push me. Tom a lu la lettre. Tom read the letter. Tom read the letter. Où devrais-je m'asseoir ? Where should I sit? Where should I sit? Io riesco a capire il berbero. I can understand Berber. I can understand the Berber. O professor tem o triplo de livros que eu. The teacher has three times as many books as I do. The teacher has three times as many books as I do. Non ti disturberò. I won't bother you. I won't disturb you. ¿Quién terminó pagando la cuenta? Who ended up paying the bill? Who ended up paying the bill? Qual é a melhor solução? Which is the best solution? What's the best solution? Il a été accusé de vol. He was accused of theft. He's been charged with theft. ¿Ha congeniado usted con nuestro grupo? Did you get in with our crowd? Have you congenialized with our group? Vuole parlare con me? Do you want to talk to me? You want to talk to me? Perché non vai a prenderla? Why don't you go get her? Why don't you go get her? Non potevo continuare a mentirgli. I couldn't keep lying to him. I couldn't keep lying to him. Lui ha lavorato nell'ambasciata per tre mesi. He has worked in the embassy for three months. He worked at the embassy for three months. Eu adoraria voltar para Boston. I'd love to go back to Boston. I'd love to go back to Boston. Io sono rimasto a lungo in silenzio. I've been silent for a long time. I've been silent for a long time. L'auto che sta guidando non è sua. The car he's driving is not his. The car you're driving is not yours. Tom é três anos mais novo que você, não é? Tom is three years younger than you, right? Tom is three years younger than you, isn't he? Tom duda que Mary venga mañana. Tom doubts if Mary will come tomorrow. Tom doubts Mary's coming tomorrow. ¿Estás interesado en la música? Are you interested in music? Are you interested in music? Lui insegna francese alle sue amiche. He teaches French to his friends. He teaches French to his friends. Tom è il personaggio principale. Tom is the main character. Tom is the main character. L-am rugat pe Tom să facă asta, dar el a refuzat. I asked Tom to do that, but he refused. I asked Tom to do that, but he refused. Cosa ci fa questa sedia qui? What's this chair doing here? What's this chair doing here? Fa un bel tempo oggi. Today the weather is nice. It's been a long time today. Debemos abolir la pena de muerte. We must abolish the death penalty. We must abolish the death penalty. Encontré interesante la película. I found the film interesting. I found the film interesting. O Tom queria que os filhos aprendessem francês. Tom wanted his children to learn French. Tom wanted his children to learn French. La décision a été facile à prendre. The decision was easy to make. The decision was easy to make. Je peux utiliser ton téléphone ? Can I use your phone? Can I use your phone? À qui sont ces stylos ? Whose are these pens? Whose pens are they? Sais-tu d'où ils viennent ? Do you know where they come from? Do you know where they come from? Tom s'est fait percer le nez. Tom got his nose pierced. Tom got his nose pierced. Je suis crevée. I'm exhausted. I'm tired. Io troverò qualcun altro che mi aiuti. I'll find someone else to help me. I'll find someone else to help me. À quel étage habites-tu ? What floor do you live on? Which floor do you live on? Não adicionamos fotos ao nosso álbum. We don't add pictures to our album. We don't add pictures to our album. ¿Dónde está el aeropuerto? Where's the airport? Where's the airport? Se ha qualsiasi cosa da tradurre in berbero, chieda ad Amastan. If you have anything to translate into Berber, ask Amastan. If you have anything to translate into Berber, ask Amastan. Un tercio de los niños que mueren antes de la edad de cinco años mueren de desnutrición. One third of children who die before the age of 5 die from malnutrition. One third of children who die before the age of five die of malnutrition. Ela estava usando uma camiseta branca. She was wearing a white T-shirt. She was wearing a white shirt. Je sais que j'ai un rencard, mais je ne suis pas sûr avec qui. I know that I have a date, but I'm not sure who it's with. I know I have a date, but I'm not sure who with. Posso prendere in prestito la sua macchina stasera? Can I borrow your car tonight? Can I borrow your car tonight? Não vimos nenhuma garota no grupo. We didn't see any girls in the group. We didn't see any girls in the group. Voi non potete vedere tutto. You can't see everything. You can't see everything. Spero che tu abbia ragione. I hope you're right. I hope you're right. Ça ne va jamais finir. This is never going to end. It's never gonna end. Tu pars déjà ? You're leaving already? You're leaving already? Tom me dijo que no debería comprar eso. Tom told me I shouldn't buy that. Tom told me I shouldn't buy that. Cette fille est si belle, qu'elle attirerait même le plus impassible des hommes. That girl is so beautiful that she attracts even the most self-possessed men. This girl is so beautiful, she would attract even the most impassable of men. Soția îl ține sub papuc. His wife has him under the thumb. The wife keeps it under her boot. Le presté a Tom algún dinero. I lent Tom some money. I lent Tom some money. Onde fica a Estação Sul? Where is the South Station? Where's the South Station? Una nuvola è una massa di vapore. A cloud is a mass of vapor. A cloud is a mass of steam. Trabalho mesmo aos domingos. I even work on Sundays. I work on Sundays. Avete vissuto qui? Have you lived here? Did you live here? Mary non lava mai la sua macchina. Mary never washes her car. Mary never washes her car. La mujer de Tomás está embarazada de mellizos. Tom's wife is pregnant with twins. Tom's wife is pregnant with twins. Successero delle cose. Things happened. Things were happening. Ça a commencé. It has begun. It started. Salut tuturor! Hello all! Hello, everyone! Je reviendrai aussitôt que je peux. I'll come back home as soon as I can. I'll be back as soon as I can. Tom no estaba de humor para hablar con Mary. Tom was in no mood to talk to Mary. Tom wasn't in the mood to talk to Mary. Passamos nossas férias em uma praia no Havaí. We spent our holiday on a beach in Hawaii. We spent our vacation on a beach in Hawaii. Il a mis au jour la corruption à l'intérieur du gouvernement municipal. He exposed corruption in the city government. He exposed corruption within the municipal government. L'insegnante è entrata. The teacher came in. The teacher's in. Eu não gosto desse lugar. I don't like this place. I don't like this place. Não vejo o Tom voltando. I don't see Tom coming back. I don't see Tom coming back. Você está se exercitando. You're exercising. You're exercising. Hoje eu não venho. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. J'ai pour habitude de faire une promenade chaque jour. I am in the habit of taking a walk every day. I'm used to taking a walk every day. Mais ma sœur aînée sait parfaitement bien nager. But my elder sister can swim perfectly well. But my older sister can swim perfectly well. Io sono stata morsa qualche volta. I've been bitten a few times. I was bitten a few times. Je suis ici, n'est-ce pas ? I'm here, aren't I? I'm here, aren't I? L'ascensore era fuori servizio e dovemmo salire a piedi fino al quinto piano. The elevator was out of order and we had to walk to the fifth floor. The elevator was out of service and we had to walk up to the fifth floor. Io stavo solo seguendo degli ordini. I was only following orders. I was just following orders. C'è qualcuno con lei? Is there someone with you? Is anyone with you? ¡Ojalá que Zeus Protector sea lo que dice su nombre para la ciudad de los cadmeos! May averting Zeus make good his title here, in Cadmus' hold! I hope Zeus Protector is what his name says for the city of the Cadmies! Pensi che lei voglia ancora sposarmi? Do you think she still wants me to stay with her? Do you think she still wants to marry me? Nous sommes en train de chercher Tom. We're looking for Tom. We're looking for Tom. Non la dovreste ascoltare. You shouldn't listen to her. You shouldn't listen to her. Omnes inter se amplexi sunt. They all hugged. All inter enlarging are. M. Jones a été considéré comme un grand savant. Mr Jones was looked upon as a great scholar. Mr. Jones was considered a great scientist. Te daré un buen consejo. I'll give you a piece of good advice. I'll give you some good advice. Mio padre è davvero morto? Did my father really die? Is my father really dead? Elle est jalouse de ma réussite. She is envious of my success. She's jealous of my success. Parece que você não está se divertindo aqui. It seems that you're not having fun in here. Looks like you're not having fun here. Sono una spia. I am a spy. I'm a spy. Peux-tu te rappeler la première fois que nous nous sommes rencontrés ? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Can you remember the first time we met? Tu es une personne merveilleuse. You're a wonderful guy. You're a wonderful person. Non sarò in grado di finire se non mi aiutate. I will not be able to finish if you don't help me. I won't be able to finish if you don't help me. ¿Qué hora es de todos modos? What time is it anyway? What time is it anyway? No tengo oído para la música. I have no ear for music. I don't have an ear for music. Hey, questa pizza non è male. Per niente male. Hey, this pizza isn't bad. Not bad at all. Hey, this pizza's not bad, not bad. Rome est la capitale du monde. Rome is the capital of the world. Rome is the capital of the world. Con tan poco beneficio ganado, este es un hábito que sería mejor para mí frenar. Podría estar haciendo cosas más productivas con mi precioso tiempo. With such little benefit gained, this is a habit it would be best for me to curb. I could be doing more productive things with my precious time. With so little benefit earned, this is a habit that would be better for me to stop. I could be doing more productive things with my precious time. Você não fez isso tão bem quanto eu pensei que você faria. You didn't do that as well as I thought you would. You didn't do it as well as I thought you would. ¿Puedo invitarte a cenar? May I invite you to dinner? Can I invite you to dinner? J'étais sans défenses. I was defenseless. I was defenseless. L'amico ricco gli ha voltato le spalle. The rich friend gave him the cold shoulder. The rich friend turned his back on him. Je suis en mesure de le confirmer. I can confirm this. I can confirm that. É mais do que bem-vindo. You're more than welcome. You're more than welcome. Di solito mi alzo alle otto. I usually get up at eight. I usually get up at 8:00. Ille homo mortuus est. This man is dead. She's a dead homo. Tu as droit à trois essais pour deviner où je me trouvais hier ! Three guesses where I was yesterday! You're entitled to three trials to guess where I was yesterday! Tom disse que gostou. Tom said he liked it. Tom said he liked it. Qual è la cattiva notizia? What's the bad news? What's the bad news? Il se plaint que la pièce est si petite. He complains of the room being so small. He complains that the room is so small. Si je te disais la vérité, tu serais surpris. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I told you the truth, you'd be surprised. Probabilmente avevo ragione. I was probably right. I was probably right. ¿Es ético adelantarle las preguntas de la entrevista? Is it ethical to give him the interview questions in advance? Is it ethical to advance the questions of the interview? Ellos ya no venden el producto. They no longer sell the product. They no longer sell the product. Tom stava dormendo quando sono arrivata a casa. Tom was asleep when I got home. Tom was asleep when I got home. Com a argila ele estava moldando uma bacia. He formed the clay into a bowl. With the clay he was molding a bowl. Vous êtes sur mon chemin. You are in my way. You're on my way. Nous n'étions pas du tout fatiguées. We weren't tired at all. We weren't tired at all. Je n'ai jamais été à l'étranger auparavant. I've never been abroad before. I've never been abroad before. Lo feci per molto tempo. I did that for a long time. I did it for a long time. Oculi Didymi humidi lacrimis erant. Tom's eyes were wet with tears. Didymi eyes were wet tears. Noi la vogliamo vedere. We want to see it. We want to see her. Eu apoiarei. I will endorse it. I'll back you up. Leggi. Read. Read. Layla changea la couche de son bébé. Layla changed her baby's diaper. Layla changed her baby's diaper. Il va sans dire que fumer est mauvais pour la santé. It goes without saying that smoking is bad for the health. It goes without saying that smoking is bad for health. Puis-je avoir une brosse à dents, s'il vous plaît? Can I have a toothbrush, please? May I have a toothbrush, please? Quero que fiques na Austrália pelo menos até o Natal. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. Sydney è migliore di Melbourne. Sydney is better than Melbourne. Sydney's better than Melbourne. O Tom deveria fazer isso do jeito que a Mary disse para ele fazer isso. Tom should do that the way Mary told him to do it. Tom should do it the way Mary told him to do it. N'est-il pas un peu jeune ? Isn't he a bit young? Isn't he a little young? Quantas pontes há através do rio Tâmisa? How many bridges are there across the River Thames? How many bridges are there across the Thames River? Hablar bien un idioma extranjero lleva tiempo. To speak a foreign language well takes time. It takes time to speak a foreign language well. Noi dobbiamo distinguere il giusto dallo sbagliato. We have to distinguish right from wrong. We must distinguish the right from the wrong. Non c'è nulla di più fastidioso di un gruppo di giovani ragazze che provano a parlare tutte nello stesso momento. There's nothing more annoying than a group of young girls all trying to talk at the same time. There's nothing more annoying than a group of young girls trying to talk all at the same time. Je pense qu'il ne reviendra plus jamais. I think he'll never return. I don't think he'll ever come back. Nu pot să-l înțeleg. I can't fathom it. I can't understand it. Para todo lo que concierne a restaurantes, comedores, cafeterías y cosas por el estilo, "retroalimentación" puede ser la palabra equivocada. As far as restaurants, canteens, cafeterias or similar things are concerned, "feedback" may be the wrong word. For everything about restaurants, dining rooms, cafes and things like that, "back-up" can be the wrong word. Tom peut conduire une voiture. Tom can drive a car. Tom can drive a car. Las ventanas están abiertas. The windows are open. The windows are open. Cet insecte est dégoûtant. That bug is gross. This insect is disgusting. Quiero un asiento de ventanilla. I want a window seat. I want a window seat. Sei organizzato. You're organized. You're organized. Puede que suene extraño, pero lo que ella dijo es verdad. It may sound strange, but what she said is true. It may sound strange, but what she said is true. Non posso acconsentire che andiate da sole. I cannot consent to your going alone. I can't let you go alone. Adormeci enquanto estava dirigindo. I fell asleep while I was driving. I fell asleep while I was driving. Je n'ai même jamais réfléchi à cela. I never even considered that. I've never even thought about it. È desiderato l'abito da sera. Evening dress is desired. The dress is desired at night. Io ho intenzione di andare a Kumamoto domani per trovare il signor Aoi. I plan to go to Kumamoto tomorrow to see Mr. Aoi. I'm going to go to Kumamoto tomorrow to find Mr. Aoi. Nós vimos o pássaro quando visitamos Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. Je suis ravie que tu aies soulevé ça. I'm glad you brought that up. I'm glad you brought that up. Vogliono combattere. They want to fight. They want to fight. A mia figlia piace giocare con le bambole. My daughter likes to play with dolls. My daughter likes to play with dolls. Les négociations de coalition à Berlin sont tombées à l'eau. The coalition talks in Berlin fell through. The coalition negotiations in Berlin fell into the water. Nous devons décider d'ici demain matin. We must decide by tomorrow morning. We have to decide by tomorrow morning. Lei ha fatto loro del male. You hurt them. She hurt them. Il signor Suzuki è un prominente scienziato. Mr. Suzuki is an outstanding scientist. Mr. Suzuki is a prominent scientist. Je pense qu'elle doit être arrivée maintenant. She will be there by now. I think she must have arrived now. La pregunta fue planteada en inglés. The question was posed in English. The question was raised in English. Pensavo che Tom fosse il tuo ragazzo. I thought Tom was your boyfriend. I thought Tom was your boyfriend. Amiamo questo posto. We love this place. We love this place. El ladrón tenía herramientas especiales para forzar cerraduras. The thief had special tools for picking locks. The thief had special tools to force locks. Tom sta parlando con l'insegnante francese in questo momento. Tom is talking to the French teacher right now. Tom is talking to the French teacher right now. Le médecin sera là dans une minute. The doctor will be here in a minute. The doctor will be here in a minute. A voi piace il vostro lavoro? Do you like your job? Do you like your work? Sono andato a casa a piedi. I walked home. I went home on foot. Tu ne dois pas le faire immédiatement. You don't need to do that right away. You don't have to do this right away. Je ne veux plus vivre à Boston. I no longer want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston anymore. Non riesco a parlare di questo ora. I can't talk about this now. I can't talk about this right now. Que Deus ajude a sua alma mortal. God help your mortal soul. May God help your mortal soul. Scendete alla prossima fermata. Get off at the next stop. Get down to the next stop. Elle a immédiatement dit oui. She agreed right away. She immediately said yes. Che cosa fa tua sorella ora? What does your sister do now? What does your sister do now? Ce projet nécessite des fonds financiers importants. We need a large amount of money for this project. This project requires significant financial funds. Tom e Mary adesso sono fidanzati. Tom and Mary are now engaged. Tom and Mary are engaged now. PS : Je t'aime. P. S. I love you. PS: I love you. Ce fut une assez bonne mesure. That was a pretty good move. That was quite a good measure. En muchas partes, la naturaleza está amenazada por actividad humana. In many places, nature is threatened by human activity. In many parts, nature is threatened by human activity. Este es mi teléfono móvil. This is my mobile. This is my cell phone. Tom sembra ipnotizzato. Tom seems mesmerized. Tom seems hypnotized. Soy muy viejo. I'm really old. I'm too old. Vamos nos ajudar! Let's help each other! Let's help each other! Je n'ai pas commencé. I haven't started. I didn't start. Toda mi vida he querido conocer a alguien como yo. All my life I've wanted to meet someone like me. All my life I've wanted to meet someone like me. Ha conosciuto Tom qui. He met Tom here. He met Tom here. Io non voglio neanche sapere chi siete. I don't even want to know who you are. I don't even want to know who you are. Tu as vraiment une passion pour la nourriture. You really have a passion for food. You really have a passion for food. Siamo andati al parco a giocare. We went to the park to play. We went to the park to play. Mon père est un lève-tôt ; il se lève à 5h30 tous les jours. My father is an early bird; he gets up at 5:30 every day. My father is an early riser; he gets up at 5:30 a.m. every day. Pourquoi tu m'appelles comme ça ? Why do you call me that? Why are you calling me that? X indique le lieu. X marks the spot. X indicates the location. Siamo andati dal macellaio per comprare delle bistecche. We went to the butcher's to buy steaks. We went to the butcher's to buy steaks. Nous pouvons livrer dans la semaine. We can deliver within a week. We can deliver in the week. Tom era el mejor amigo de mi hija. Tom was my daughter's best friend. Tom was my daughter's best friend. Parla troppo di lui. You talk about him too much. He talks too much about him. Dobbiamo portarti fuori da qui. We have to get you out of here. We need to get you out of here. Seu chapéu parecia engraçado. Her hat looked funny. Your hat looked funny. Le incontrerò alle sei. I'll meet them at six. I'll meet you at six. Deixei-me levar pela música. I was carried away by the music. I got carried away by the music. Devo saperlo per domani. I need to know by tomorrow. I need to know for tomorrow. Tom sembra ricco. Tom looks rich. Tom looks rich. Io sono interessata a molte cose, non solo alla musica. I'm interested in many things, not just music. I'm interested in a lot of things, not just music. C'est notre seul espoir. This is our only hope. It's our only hope. Je n'ai vu aucun tigre. I didn't see any tigers. I didn't see any tigers. Tom quebrou uma janela ontem. Tom broke a window yesterday. Tom broke a window yesterday. Não posso desligá-lo. I can't shut it down. I can't turn it off. ¿Tienes un minuto? Do you have a moment? Do you have a minute? Siete sicuri di volere solo dell'acqua? Are you sure you just want water? Are you sure you only want water? Ella es muy inteligente, ¿o no? She's really smart, isn't she? She's very smart, isn't she? Penso che sia molto attraente. I think she is very attractive. I think it's very attractive. Il était vraiment bon marché. It was really cheap. It was really cheap. Je n'aurais pas dû essayer de rentrer chez moi en voiture après avoir autant bu. I wish I hadn't tried driving home after I had drunk so much. I shouldn't have tried to drive home after drinking so much. Nessuno crede che voi siate colpevoli. No one believes you're guilty. No one thinks you're guilty. E va remete's lèu ? Will she get well soon? What's he doing back there? Diez equipos compitieron por el premio. Ten teams competed for the prize. Ten teams competed for the prize. Tom a pierdut totul. Tom lost everything. Tom lost everything. Notre prix est bien plus élevé que le prix actuel du marché. Our price is considerably higher than the current market price. Our price is much higher than the current market price. Pensa che sia stupido? Do you think it's stupid? You think I'm stupid? Estou apenas tentando compreendê-lo. I'm just trying to understand you. I'm just trying to understand you. Ho fatto troppi errori. I made too many errors. I've made too many mistakes. O Tom tem. Tom has it. Tom does. Ne répète pas ça ! Don't repeat that. Don't say that again! Eu te assustei? Did I scare you? Did I scare you? Tom n'était pas dans sa chambre ce matin. Tom wasn't in his room this morning. Tom wasn't in his room this morning. O Japão é cheio de belas cidades. Kyoto e Nara, por exemplo. Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance. Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for example. Cosa vogliono che facciamo? What do they want us to do? What do they want us to do? A fost o plăcere să lucrez cu tine. It's been a pleasure working with you. It was a pleasure working with you. Je dirais que tu es jalouse. I'd say you're jealous. I'd say you're jealous. Atopamos un cravo espetado no pneumático. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a non-pneumatic stick. Tom ha rubato il mio portafoglio. Tom stole my wallet. Tom stole my wallet. Lui contò fino a cento. He counted to 100. He counted up to a hundred. Le voglio licenziate. I want them fired. I want them fired. Eu não acho que haja alguém na sala de aula. I don't think that there's anyone in the classroom. I don't think there's anyone in the classroom. Ha sentito dell'incendio di ieri? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Lajos disse que queria morar em Szeged três anos atrás. Lajos said that three years ago he wanted to live in Szeged. Lajos said he wanted to live in Szeged three years ago. Je ne veux même pas hasarder une hypothèse. I don't even want to hazard a guess. I don't even want to risk a hypothesis. No tienes buen aspecto. You don't look well. You don't look good. L'habitude transforme les plaisirs luxueux en nécessités ennuyeuses et quotidiennes. Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities. The habit transforms luxurious pleasures into boring and daily necessities. Sper să mă întorc în Franța. I hope to return to France. I hope to return to France. La historia fue amena. The story was amusing. The story was mild. Io ho ragione? Am I right? Am I right? Nous faisons tous partie de la même équipe. We're all on the same team. We're all on the same team. Balliamo assieme. We dance together. Let's dance together. O escalador chegou ao topo da montanha. The hiker has reached the top of the mountain. The climber reached the top of the mountain. Comment sais-tu où aller ? How do you know where to go? How do you know where to go? Juro que sempre vou te proteger. I swear I'll always protect you. I swear I'll always protect you. Non aprire ancora il regalo. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the gift yet. Io lo sapevo che sareste stati qui. I knew you'd be here. I knew you'd be here. Tom a dit qu'il voulait quitter le groupe. Tom said he wanted to quit the band. Tom said he wanted to leave the band. Perdão? I beg your pardon? Excuse me? Voudrais-tu qu'on se rencontre demain? Would you like to meet tomorrow? Would you like us to meet tomorrow? Non potete trattarmi così. You can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like this. Hagamos que esto se vea bien. Let's make this look good. Let's make this look good. Non è andata lontano. She didn't go far. It didn't go far. Loro vanno in chiesa ogni domenica. They go to church every Sunday. They go to church every Sunday. Ils ont tous des gosses. They all have kids. They all have kids. Credevo che non fossi tornato. I thought you weren't coming. I thought you weren't back. Ho un'amica vietnamita. Il suo nome è Tiên. I have a Vietnamese friend. Her name is Tiên. I have a Vietnamese friend, his name is Tiên. Le problème est compliqué par sa personnalité. The problem is complicated by his personality. The problem is complicated by his personality. Je n'oublierai jamais cette vision. I'll never forget the sight. I'll never forget that vision. Lei è occupata adesso e non riesce a parlare con te. She's busy now and can't talk with you. She's busy now and she can't talk to you. Eu não quero crescer. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to grow up. Mi piacerebbe vederti di nuovo. I'd like to see you again. I'd like to see you again. Tu étais prêt. You were ready. You were ready. Nous le savons déjà. We already know. We already know that. Io non dovevo studiare ieri. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn't have to study yesterday. Non è difficile come pensi. It isn't as difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. ¿Puedo hacerte algunas preguntas más? May I ask you some more questions? Can I ask you a few more questions? Mi calabaza fue la mejor. My pumpkin was the best. My pumpkin was the best. Abandonó a su esposa e hijos. He left his wife and children. He abandoned his wife and children. Ahora él me dice la verdad. Now he tells me the truth. Now he's telling me the truth. Tom a toujours l'air un peu fatigué. Tom always looks a bit tired. Tom always seems a little tired. Elle entonna chanson après chanson au karaoké. She belted out tune after tune at the karaoke bar. She played song after song in karaoke. Tom disse di non sentirsi stanco. Tom said he didn't feel tired. Tom said don't feel tired. O avião perdeu parte de sua asa. The plane lost part of its wing. The plane lost part of its wing. Nu vrei să vorbești cu mine? Don't you want to talk to me? Don't you want to talk to me? Io non sono mai stato all'estero. I have never been abroad. I've never been abroad. C'est un travailleur du sexe. He's a sex worker. He's a sex worker. Ella puede hablar tres lenguas. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. Ele não sabe a diferença entre o certo e o errado. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Ele correu a toda a velocidade. He ran at full speed. He ran at full speed. Le darò un passaggio fino all'aeroporto. I'll drive you to the airport. I'll give you a ride to the airport. I giornali dicono che c'è stato un grande incendio a Nagoya. The papers say that there was a big fire in Nagoya. The papers say there was a big fire in Nagoya. Sa compréhension de la logique est insondable. His understanding of logic is abysmal. His understanding of logic is unfathomable. Fai un passo in avanti. Step forward. Step forward. Nu am fost conștient că cineva m-ar fi privit. I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me. I wasn't aware that someone would have looked at me. Perché non hai intenzione di aiutarci? Why aren't you planning on helping us? Why aren't you going to help us? J'adore la manière dont tout devient vert à cet endroit au printemps. I love how green everything gets down there in spring. I love the way everything turns green in this place in the spring. Você é um madrugador. You are an early bird. You're a dawner. Nous sommes toutes deux témoins. We're both witnesses. We're both witnesses. Merci de m'avoir invité à diner. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Le dije a Tom lo que tú hiciste. I told Tom what you did. I told Tom what you did. Lo sapevi che anche gli uomini possono avere il cancro al seno? Did you know that men can get breast cancer? Did you know that even men can have breast cancer? Si hubiera sabido la verdad te lo habría dicho. If I'd known the truth, I'd have told you. If I had known the truth, I would have told you. I.N.R.I. = Iesus . Nasarenus . Rex . Iudeorum. I.N.R.I. = Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Jews. I.N.R.I. = Jesus . Nasarenus . Rex . Judeorum. Laisse-moi réessayer ! Let me try again. Let me try again! Você é um gênio musical. You are a musical genius. You're a musical genius. Su ropa era usada. Their clothes were used. His clothes were worn. Sono pronto per mangiare un cavallo. I'm ready to eat a horse. I'm ready to eat a horse. Nadie puede vivir por y para sí mismo. No man can live by and for himself. No one can live for and for himself. Mettiti il cappello. Put your hat on. Put your hat on. Tom a dit à Mary qu'il était occupé. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mary he was busy. Ela é da minha idade. She's my age. She's my age. Meu tio coleta leques chineses. My uncle collects Chinese fans. My uncle collects Chinese fangs. Eccolo lì. There he is. There he is. Amor caecus esse dicitur. They say love is blind. Love dropped that saying. Perché siete così pallide? Why are you so pale? Why are you so pale? Je ne dis pas mot. I kept my mouth shut. I'm not saying a word. Io acconsentii a comprarla. I agreed to buy it. I agreed to buy it. Si sono sposate tre mesi fa. They got married three months ago. They got married three months ago. Sono allergico al polline. I'm allergic to pollen. I'm allergic to pollen. Sarà difficile convincere Tom a farlo. It'll be hard to convince Tom to do that. It'll be hard to convince Tom to do that. Quante volte ti devo chiedere di mettere il bucato nella cesta? How many times do I have to ask you to put your laundry in the basket? How many times do I have to ask you to put the laundry in the basket? Tu le connais mieux que moi. You know him better than I do. You know him better than I do. Ellos tampoco tenían dinero. They, too, were out of money. They didn't have any money either. Non ha dormito bene la notte scorsa, vero? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? Eravate lì. You were there. You were there. Je n'ai mangé qu'un morceau de pain. I only took a bite of bread. I only ate one piece of bread. Abbiamo una piccola sorpresa per lei. We have a little surprise for you. We have a little surprise for you. L'ufficiale ha incoraggiato i suoi uomini. The officer encouraged his men. The officer encouraged his men. Não é real. It's not real. It's not real. Celle-là, elle est de stock. That one, it is in stock. This one, it's stock. Exerçons-nous au fleuret. Let's practice with the foil. Let's practice at the flower shop. Isto não é normal. This is not normal. This isn't normal. Aiuterei se potessi. I'd help if I could. I'd help if I could. Tu suspeitas demais de tudo. You're too suspicious about everything. You're too suspicious of everything. La pharmacie n'est pas loin de l'hôpital. The pharmacy isn't far from the hospital. The pharmacy's not far from the hospital. Tu n'as jamais été comme nous. You were never like us. You've never been like us. El perro que me está mirando fijamente es muy mono. The dog that's staring at me is so cute. The dog that's staring at me is really cute. Li abbiamo uccisi. We killed them. We killed them. Farei meglio ad andare a casa. I'd better get home. I'd better go home. ¿Dónde estás ahorita? Where are you right now? Where are you now? Te pasaste un semáforo rojo. You ran a red light. You passed a red light. Come e perché la fine si ricollega all'inizio? How and why does the end link up with the beginning? How and why does the end connect to the beginning? Les gens ne peuvent pas vivre éternellement. People can't live forever. People can't live forever. J'ai le même nombre de livres que Tom. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have the same number of books as Tom. Vado spesso a nuotare con i miei amici. I often go swimming with my friends. I often go swimming with my friends. Vous êtes plus intelligents que moi. You're smarter than me. You're smarter than me. Você é a única que pode me ajudar. You are the only one who can help me. You're the only one who can help me. Dis à Tom que je le récupérerai sur le chemin. Tell Tom I'll pick him up on the way. Tell Tom I'll get him back on the way. Spero di cantare meglio la prossima volta. I hope I sing better next time. I hope to sing better next time. Sono emaciato. I'm wasted. I'm emaciated. Por que a gente não sai e se embebeda? Why don't we go out and get drunk? Why don't we go out and get drunk? Débutons ! Let's get started! Let's get started! Ella está esperando un bebé. She is expecting a child. She's expecting a baby. ¡Feliz Día de la Unidad Alemana! Happy German Unity Day! Happy German Unity Day! Ele fez dezesseis. He turned 16. He's made sixteen. Io studierò il francese il prossimo semestre. I'm going to study French next semester. I'll study French next semester. Io mi ricordo. I remember. I remember. Questo posto è favoloso. This place is fabulous. This place is fabulous. Tempestades no mar impediram nosso progresso. Storms at sea impeded our progress. Storms at sea have prevented our progress. Es-tu absolument certaine de vouloir vendre la guitare de ton père ? Are you absolutely sure you want to sell your father's guitar? Are you absolutely sure you want to sell your father's guitar? Ele sentou-se lendo junto a sua esposa costurando à lareira. He sat reading with his wife sewing by the fire. He sat down reading next to his wife sewing at the fireplace. ¿Qué diablos haces aquí? What on earth are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? Ha perso la fede nel dottore. He has lost faith in the doctor. He lost faith in the doctor. Un gobelet en plastique est mieux qu'un verre. A plastic glass is better than one made of real glass. A plastic cup is better than a glass. Io ho chiesto a Tom di restare. I asked Tom to stay. I asked Tom to stay. Sono sincero. I'm sincere. I'm honest. Chiunque abbia detto così, è falsa. Whoever said so, it is false. Whoever said that, it's fake. Il lui chuchota quelque chose. He whispered something to her. He whispered something to her. Seu pai morreu no ano passado. His father passed away last year. Your father died last year. Tom est membre de ce club. Tom is a member of this club. Tom is a member of this club. As pirâmides são os mais famosos marcos do meu país. The most famous landmarks in my country are the pyramids. The pyramids are the most famous landmarks in my country. Lo único que tienes que hacer es limpiar tu cuarto. All you have to do is to clean your room. All you have to do is clean your room. Melanie crede că va ploua. Melanie thinks that it's going to rain. Melanie thinks it's gonna rain. Façamos o nosso melhor. Let's do our best. Let's do our best. Marile succese se datorează eforturilor constante. Great successes are due to constant efforts. Great successes are due to constant efforts. Le professeur le réprimanda sévèrement pour avoir brisé la chaise. His teacher gave it to him straight for breaking the chair. The professor severely reprimanded him for breaking the chair. Cosa c'è nel frigo? What's in the fridge? What's in the fridge? Io devo comprare dei fiori per la mia morosa. I have to buy flowers for my girlfriend. I have to buy flowers for my lover. ¿Podemos hacerlo antes del lunes? Can we do it before Monday? Can we do this before Monday? Odiare è così facile. Hating is so easy. Hating is so easy. Sono pronto? Am I ready? Am I ready? Il solo vederlo mi ha reso nervoso. Just seeing it made me nervous. Just seeing him made me nervous. ¿Entonces qué hacemos ahora? So what do we do now? So what do we do now? Certo, con piacere. Sure, gladly. Sure, with pleasure. Quindecim minuta post duodevicesimam horam est. It's 18:15. Five minutes after the second half of the hour. Io voglio diventare un cittadino. I want to become a citizen. I want to become a citizen. Tom disse que está orgulhoso de Mary. Tom said he's proud of Mary. Tom said he's proud of Mary. Tom è il miglior batterista che conosco. Tom is the best drummer I know. Tom is the best drummer I know. Quello che avete detto mi ha convinta. What you said convinced me. What you said convinced me. Você já comprou o seu bilhete? Have you bought your ticket already? Have you bought your ticket yet? J'ai une idée pour un film. I have an idea for a movie. I have an idea for a movie. Ci sono delle voci strane in giro. There are strange rumors afloat. There are strange rumors around. È sicuro di quel rapporto? Are you positive of that report? Are you sure about that report? Ça a l'air bien ! That sounds good! That sounds good! Ojalá la primavera llegue pronto. I wish that spring would come soon. I wish spring would come soon. No sé cómo los brasileños dicen 'oso hormiguero' en su lengua nativa. I don't know how Brazilians say 'aardvark' in their native tongue. I don't know how Brazilians say "Osso Antigoro" in their native language. Questo potrebbe essere un buon momento per visitare Tom. This might be a good time to visit Tom. This might be a good time to visit Tom. Avete parlato con loro lunedì? Did you talk to them on Monday? Have you spoken to them on Monday? Tengo una gran sorpresa para ti, Tom. I have a big surprise for you, Tom. I have a big surprise for you, Tom. Ne grossis pas. Don't get fat. Don't get fat. Non sapete cos'è questo? Don't you know what this is? Don't you know what this is? Necesito más luz. I need more light. I need more light. Je ne suis pas occupé pour le moment. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Le ho detto di non essere in ritardo. I told her not to be late. I told her not to be late. Cette phrase peut être interprétée de deux façons. This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. Não acabou ainda. It's not yet over. It's not over yet. Vorrei parlare il francese un po' meglio. I wish I could speak French a little better. I'd like to speak French a little better. É a Itália. This is Italy. It's Italy. El cinco de mayo es el día del niño. May fifth is Children's Day. May 5th is the day of the child. Tom è basso per la sua età, vero? Tom is short for his age, isn't he? Tom is low for his age, isn't he? Andai in spiaggia con Tom. I went to the beach with Tom. I went to the beach with Tom. Quindi come ci si arriva al Parco del Popolo? So which way is it to the People's Park? So how do we get to the People's Park? Je n'en suis pas entièrement sûr. I'm not entirely sure. I'm not entirely sure. Non ha mai avuto un giravite in mano. He never used a screwdriver. He never had a screwdriver in his hand. Une langue acérée est le seul outil tranchant qui s'aiguise à l'usage. A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. A sharp language is the only sharp tool that sharpens to use. Não quero que me usem. I don't want to be used. I don't want them to use me. Et Didymus et Maria in horto opus faciunt. Tom and Mary are both working in the garden. And Didymus and Mary in the garden opposite did. Los sindicatos habían amenazado al gobierno con una huelga general. The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike. The unions had threatened the government with a general strike. Loro hanno nuotato controcorrente. They swam against the stream. They swam against the current. Votre braguette est ouverte ! Your fly is open! Your bracelet's open! Ho passato tutto il giorno a suonare con i miei figli. I spent the whole day playing with my kids. I've been playing with my kids all day. Che cosa gli dirà? What're you going to tell him? What's he gonna tell him? Est-ce que c'est ta bicyclette ? Is this your bike? Is that your bicycle? Nous avons toutes des secrets. We all have secrets. We all have secrets. Stai lavorando troppo duramente. You're working too hard. You're working too hard. Ce rapport est bien écrit. This report is well written. This report is well written. Mi dica dove le posso trovare. Tell me where I can find them. Tell me where I can find them. Non sembrano felici di vederci. They don't look happy to see us. They don't seem happy to see us. Es-tu en train de dire que ma vie est en danger ? Are you saying my life is in danger? Are you saying my life is in danger? Lei ha familiarità nell alzarsi presto. She's used to getting up early. You're familiar with getting up early. Algo deu errado. Something went wrong. Something went wrong. Tom tiene una hija que está casada con un australiano. Tom has a daughter who's married to an Australian. Tom has a daughter who is married to an Australian. Ne rajoute pas plus de honte. Don't bring on any more shame. Don't add any more shame. On m'a fait une offre que je n'ai pas pu refuser. They gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse. I was offered an offer that I couldn't refuse. Pensi che legga ancora i miei messaggi? Do you think he still reads my messages? Do you think I'm still reading my messages? Bigamia é ter uma esposa demais. Monogamia dá no mesmo. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. Bigamia is having too much of a wife. Il cibo qui è terribile. The food here is terrible. The food here is terrible. Eu não gosto deste tempo. I don't like this weather. I don't like this time. Me desculpe, minha mãe não está em casa. I'm sorry, my mother's not at home. I'm sorry, my mom's not home. Ta vie est en danger. Your life is in danger. Your life is in danger. La matemática es la reina de las ciencias. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. Mathematics is the queen of science. Non seulement je lui ai donné un conseil, mais je lui ai aussi fait un cunnilingus. I not only gave her some advice, I also gave her a cunnilingus. Not only did I give him advice, but I also gave him a cunnilingus. Siete sicuri di volere questo? Are you sure you want this one? Are you sure you want this? Nu pot spune exact ce a mers prost. I cannot pinpoint what went wrong. I can't say exactly what went wrong. Respondit Moyses: Ita fiet, ut locutus es; non videbo ultra faciem tuam. Moses answered: So shall it be as thou hast spoken, I will not see thy face anymore. Moses said, "Faith, that you may speak; I will not see your face exceedingly." Tom insistiu em vir te ver. Tom insisted on coming to see you. Tom insisted on coming to see you. Vocês têm certeza disso? Are you sure about it? Are you sure about that? Siete pro o contro ciò? Are you for or against this? Are you for or against this? Référez-vous au guide de l'utilisateur si vous avez le moindre problème. Refer to the Users' Guide if you have any problems. Refer to the user's guide if you have any problems. Voleva aiutare le sue amiche. He wanted to help his friends. He wanted to help his friends. Gli diamo una mela. We give him an apple. Let's give him an apple. Ha detto che ha studiato il francese. He said that he studied French. He said he studied French. Saccharo egeo. Habesne aliquid sacchari? I need some sugar. Do you have any? Do you have any sacchari? Meu cavalo fugiu. My horse ran away. My horse ran away. Quiero cambiar mi reserva. I want to change my reservation. I want to change my reservation. Prueben esto. Taste this. Try this. È ovviamente ubriaco. You're obviously drunk. He's obviously drunk. Mi sembra sospetto. That sounds suspicious to me. I think it's suspicious. Eu nunca li esse livro. I have never read that book. I've never read that book. Tracy perdió sus anteojos. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost her glasses. Elle lui a volé beaucoup d'argent. She stole a lot of money from him. She stole a lot of money from him. Ésa es una cámara vieja. That is an old camera. That's an old camera. Tom ha lasciato la stanza. Tom has left the room. Tom left the room. Il est très attaché à elle. He is deeply attached to her. He's very attached to her. I cani cominciarono ad abbaiare a Tom. The dogs started barking at Tom. Dogs started barking at Tom. ¿Puedes lanzar una bola rápida? Can you throw a fastball? Can you throw a quick ball? Je me sens un peu mieux maintenant. I feel a little better now. I feel a little better now. Vocês estão velhas. You're old. You're old. Al final, ¿qué zapatos te compraste? Which pair of shoes did you decide to buy? In the end, what shoes did you buy? Estne ea medica? Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? Tom gostou. Tom liked it. Tom liked it. Lui è l'uomo che hai incontrato l'altro giorno. He is the man you met the other day. He's the man you met the other day. Você devia se exercitar. You should get some exercise. You should exercise. Avanti, la ammetta. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Se aprofundar bastante o olhar, você verá música, pois no coração da natureza, em toda a parte, o que existe é música. If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music. If you look deep enough, you will see music, because in the heart of nature, everywhere, what exists is music. Oh, guardate, si stanno baciando. Oh, look, they're kissing. Oh, look, they're kissing. Le premier mot d'une phrase anglaise devrait être en majuscule. The first word of an English sentence should be capitalized. The first word of an English sentence should be in capital letters. Me rindo. No importa lo que haga, nunca pareces estar satisfecho. I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied. No matter what I do, you never seem satisfied. Tom ia voar de asa-delta, mas aí amarelou. Tom was going to go hang gliding, but then he chickened out. Tom was flying wing-delta, but then he yellowed. Tom è lì da solo? Is Tom there alone? Is Tom there alone? Esto es inmoral. This is immoral. This is immoral. O estudante insultou o professor. The student insulted the teacher. The student insulted the teacher. Avise-me com antecedência quando você estiver vindo a Tóquio. Allow me to know in advance when you are coming up to Tokyo. Let me know in advance when you're coming to Tokyo. ¿Por qué debería preocuparme con lo que le pase a Tom? Why should I care what happens to Tom? Why should I worry about what happens to Tom? Loro credono a Tom. They believe Tom. They believe Tom. Eu sou o goleiro do FC Alpha. I am the goalie for FC Alpha. I'm FC Alpha's goalie. Eu sei onde encontrá-la. I know where to find her. I know where to find her. L'acqua del lago è fresca. The water in the lake is cool. The lake water is fresh. Monte à l'étage. Go upstairs. Get upstairs. Pelad el limón. Peel the lemon. Peel the lemon. Non l'ho mai dimenticata. I've never forgotten you. I've never forgotten her. T'est-il jamais venu à l'esprit que je pourrais être occupé, cet après-midi ? Did it ever occur to you that I might be busy this afternoon? Did it ever occur to you that I could be busy this afternoon? Mi piace il tuo cane. I like your dog. I like your dog. ¿Este colectivo va al centro de la ciudad? Does this bus go to the center of town? Does this group go downtown? Sono sorpresa che Tom non sia felice qui. I'm surprised Tom isn't happy here. I'm surprised Tom isn't happy here. Meus pais me deixaram ir lá. My parents let me go there. My parents let me go there. Îmi pare rău. Nu mi-am dat seama că era așa de serios. I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was that serious. I didn't realize it was so serious. Je suis libre. I'm free. I'm free. Elle monta dans sa chambre. She went upstairs to her room. She went up to her room. Você vai permitir que o Tom faça isso? Will you permit Tom to do that? You're gonna let Tom do that? Le dictionnaire qui est sur le bureau est à moi. The dictionary on the desk is mine. The dictionary on the desk is mine. Laura è molto particolare riguardo ai suoi vestiti. Laura is very particular about her clothes. Laura is very special about her clothes. Sono attratta da te. I'm attracted to you. I'm attracted to you. Tom tenía cerca de cuarenta años. Tom was in his late thirties. Tom was about forty years old. Ma jambe est ankylosée, alors je ne pense pas que je puisse me dresser tout de suite. My leg's gone to sleep, so I don't think I can stand up right away. My leg is ankylosed, so I don't think I can stand up right now. Eso no va a cambiar nada. That'll change nothing. That's not gonna change anything. Elles avaient peur d'être écoutées. They feared being overheard. They were afraid to be listened to. Eu tenho que consertar a geladeira. I have to repair the refrigerator. I have to fix the fridge. Tom ne sait pas où Marie a garé la voiture. Tom doesn't know where Mary parked her car. Tom doesn't know where Mary parked the car. Non riesco a parlarne in questo momento. I can't talk about it right now. I can't talk about it right now. Ça se déroule vraiment très bien. It's going really well. It's going really well. Mes enfants avaient mangé tous les biscuits à l'heure où je suis rentré chez moi. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My kids ate all the cookies by the time I got home. De hecho, hoy los judíos tiene una población muy pequeña. In fact, the Jews today have a very small population. In fact, today the Jews have a very small population. ¡Querida, el placer es mío! Si tienes alguna pregunta, házmelo saber. That's my pleasure, dear! If you have any questions, let me know! Darling, the pleasure is mine! If you have any questions, let me know. Nescio quis hanc domum aedificaverit. I don't know who built this house. There is no one who will build a house. Un testo in esperanto è scritto foneticamente usando un alfabeto di 28 lettere. A text in Esperanto is written phonetically using an alphabet of 28 letters. A text in Esperanto is phonetically written using a 28-letter alphabet. Non pensavo che Tom avesse la patente di guida. I didn't think Tom had a driver's license. I didn't think Tom had a driver's license. In questo momento, abbiamo un altro problema. Right now, we've got another problem. Right now, we have another problem. Je vais en Europe la semaine prochaine. I am going to Europe next week. I'm going to Europe next week. Fumare non fa bene alla salute. Smoking is not good for the health. Smoking is not good for health. Ele foi para Portugal para trabalhar como treinador. He went to Portugal to work as a soccer trainer. He went to Portugal to work as a coach. Questa casa non è in vendita. This house isn't for sale. This house is not for sale. Estoy tomando un curso de danza. I'm taking a dance class. I'm taking a dance class. Questo è un onore enorme. This is a huge honor. This is a huge honor. Marchez prudemment dans les allées sombres. Watch your step in dark alleys. Walk carefully in the dark alleys. Non ti voglio aiutare. I don't want to help you. I don't want to help you. Olá, você já comeu? Hello, have you already eaten? Hello, have you eaten yet? Mary recebeu muitos presentes para o seu aniversário. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Perché non usciamo per cena? Why don't we go out for dinner? Why don't we go out for dinner? Personne ne vint m'aider. Nobody came to help me. No one came to help me. Io l'ho davvero amata. I really loved her. I really loved her. Tom savait qu'il y avait quelque chose dans la boîte mais ne savait pas quoi. Tom knew there was something in the box, but he didn't know what. Tom knew there was something in the box but didn't know what. La gente de Santiago no es tan gentil como el resto de los chilenos. People from Santiago aren't as kind as the rest of the Chileans. The people of Santiago are not as gentle as the rest of the Chileans. Riesco a giocare a calcio. I can play soccer. I can play football. Ce n'était pas suffisant. It wasn't enough. That wasn't enough. Portez-vous des lunettes ? Do you wear glasses? Are you wearing glasses? Questo è il villaggio in cui è nato. This is the village where he was born. This is the village he was born in. Eravate giovani. You were young. You were young. Questo è un dipinto del mio defunto padre. This is a portrait of my late father. This is a painting of my late father. Nu știu cu cine să mă consult. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult with. Tom era molto considerevole. Tom was so considerate. Tom was very considerable. Garde cette information pour toi. Keep this information under your hat. Keep that information to yourself. Dove le hai provate? Where did you try them? Where did you try them? Elle le dit à tout le monde. She told everyone. She's telling everyone. Esto pinta bien. This looks good. This looks good. Mary era un'esile giovane donna alta con i capelli scuri. Mary was a tall slender young woman with dark hair. Mary was a hilarious tall young woman with dark hair. Mi chiese se ero felice. He asked me if I were happy. She asked me if I was happy. Qual è il tuo talk show preferito? What's your favorite talk show? What's your favorite talk show? Ai miei genitori non piace il mio ragazzo. My parents don't like my boyfriend. My parents don't like my boyfriend. Non credeva alla voce. He didn't believe the rumor. He didn't believe the voice. Je suis trop fatigué pour penser. I'm too tired to think. I'm too tired to think. Cuando al niño le dijo su madre "estamos aquí para ayudar a otras personas", él preguntó "¿y para qué están las otras personas?" When the little boy was told by his mother, "We are here to help other people," he asked, "What are the other people for?" When the child said to his mother, "We are here to help other people," he asked, "What are the other people for?" Io sono libera stanotte. I am free tonight. I'm free tonight. La gaze est probablement moins chère chez les quincailliers que dans les magasins spécialisés en cuisine. Cheesecloth is probably cheaper at hardware stores than culinary specialty stores. Gase is probably cheaper in hardware stores than in specialty kitchen stores. Eles são tão engraçados. They're so funny. They're so funny. Il dottore ha dato a Tom della morfina. The doctor gave Tom morphine. The doctor gave Tom morphine. Anoche llovió. It rained yesterday evening. It rained last night. Hai preso qualcosa per lui? Did you get him something? Did you get anything for him? Tom sait comment raconter une bonne histoire. Tom knows how to tell a good story. Tom knows how to tell a good story. I turni sono formati sulla base del contesto. Turns are context-shaped. The shifts are formed on the basis of the context. Perché avevi bisogno di un coltello? Why did you need a knife? Why did you need a knife? Onde você perdeu seu guarda-chuva? Where did you lose your umbrella? Where did you lose your umbrella? Mostre mais detalhes. Show more details. Show me more details. La porta si chiude automaticamente. The doors lock automatically. The door closes automatically. Vis-tu dans le coin ? Do you live near here? Do you live around here? Tomás sabe que lo que hizo estaba mal. Tom knows that what he did was wrong. Tom knows what he did was wrong. Venha antes das seis se quiser jantar. Come before six if want to have dinner. Come before 6:00 if you want to have dinner. La prossima volta la farò da solo. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time I'll do it myself. No, dobbiamo andare adesso. No, we have to go now. No, we have to go now. Ele estava atónito. He was perplexed. He was stunned. Il compito è fissato per la settimana prossima. The homework is due next week. The task is set for next week. Eu vi um avião. I saw a plane. I saw a plane. Il confectionna un nœud coulant avec les draps de lit et se pendit dans sa cellule. He fashioned a noose out of the bed sheets and hung himself in his cell. He made a node with the bed sheets and hung himself in his cell. Tom di solito va a dormire intorno alle undici. Tom usually goes to sleep at about eleven. Tom usually goes to sleep around 11:00. J'ai besoin que quelqu'un me serre dans ses bras et me dise que tout ira bien. I need someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright. I need someone to hug me and tell me everything's gonna be okay. Debería preocuparse de no coger frío. You should take care not to catch cold. You should worry about not getting cold. Il est difficile de te distinguer de ton frère. It is hard to distinguish you from your brother. It's hard to distinguish you from your brother. Quis locutus est? Who spoke? Who did you talk to? No dejes que tu amigo te engañe. Don't let your friend cheat you. Don't let your friend fool you. Dagli questa foto. Give him this picture. Give him this picture. Ma vie était en ruine. My life was a wreck. My life was ruined. Adesso Tom prova molto dolore. Tom now feels a lot of pain. Now Tom feels a lot of pain. Il faut que vous soyez plus organisé. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. Io ho letto questo libro. I've read this book. I read this book. A criança encheu o balde de areia. The child filled the bucket with sand. The child filled the bucket with sand. Non fixo nada malo. He did nothing wrong. I didn't fix anything wrong. Como você diria isso em francês? How would you say that in French? How would you say that in French? Peux-tu le croire ? Can you believe it? Can you believe it? Io non ho nemmeno un impiego. I don't even have a job. I don't even have a job. Non riesco a salvarti. I can't save you. I can't save you. Noi non abbiamo nemmeno provato. We haven't even tried. We didn't even try. Quel cane ha un aspetto molto emaciato. That dog looks very wasted. That dog looks very emaciated. Eu vejo Dana e Corina. I see Dana and Corina. I see Dana and Corina. Ce gâteau a le goût de fromage. This cake tastes like it has cheese in it. This cake tastes like cheese. Patiemment il était à la recherche de faits. He was patiently digging for facts. He was patiently looking for facts. Avete deciso? Did you decide? Have you decided? Parece que va a llover. Deberíamos cerrar las ventanas. It looks like rain. We had better shut the windows. Looks like it's gonna rain. Sto morendo dalla voglia di presentarla ai miei genitori. I'm dying to introduce you to my parents. I'm dying to introduce you to my parents. Ce n'est pas ce que j'étais en train de dire. That's not what I was saying. That's not what I was saying. Perché lui non mi pensa più? Why doesn't he think about me anymore? Why doesn't he think of me anymore? Habían estado ahorrando para el viaje durante un año. They had been saving money for the trip for a year. They had been saving up for the trip for a year. Si je pouvais, je laisserais s'envoler librement tous les oiseaux en cage. If I could, I would let every caged bird fly free. If I could, I'd let all the birds in cage fly freely. Mi lasci aiutare. Let me help. Let me help. Esa rama está que se cae. That branch is the one that is falling. That branch is falling. Volevo solamente avere la sua attenzione. I just wanted to get her attention. I just wanted to get your attention. Ésta no es la casa que soñaba comprar. This isn't the house I dreamt of buying. This isn't the house I dreamed of buying. Non dare ad un bambino più soldi del necessario. Don't give a child more money than is necessary. Don't give a child more money than necessary. Mi servono solo due di queste. I only need two of these. I only need two of these. Ho chiamato Tom due volte. I called Tom twice. I called Tom twice. Graças a Deus é sexta-feira. Thank God it's Friday. Thank God it's Friday. Un ami dans le besoin, est un ami quand même. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend in need is still a friend. Potresti aspettare fuori? Could you wait outside? Could you wait outside? Ho trovato il suo ultimo romanzo interessante. I found his latest novel interesting. I found your last interesting novel. La gallina se sienta sobre sus huevos hasta que eclosionan. The hen sits on her eggs until they hatch. The chicken sits on its eggs until they hatch. Quero saber por que isto aconteceu. I want to know why this happened. I want to know why this happened. Per favore, lasciami solo. Please just leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Sulla lavagna c'è scritto il vostro nuovo orario. On the chalkboard there's written your new timetable. Your new schedule is written on the board. Ti ho portato un po' di frutta. I brought you some fruit. I brought you some fruit. Tom está lavando seu carro. Tom is washing your car. Tom is washing his car. Io non riesco a vederla. I can't see you. I can't see her. Il governo lo privò di tutti i suoi diritti. The government deprived him of all his rights. The government deprived him of all his rights. Non avevo idea che non sapesse nuotare. I had no idea you couldn't swim. I had no idea he couldn't swim. Lui è pazzo. He is crazy. He's crazy. Creo que al autobús llegará pronto. I think the bus will arrive soon. I think the bus will be here soon. Siete molto religiosi, vero? You're very religious, aren't you? You're very religious, aren't you? Ci possiamo aiutare a vicenda. We can help each other out. We can help each other. Quel est tout ce bruit ? What's all this noise? What's all the noise? Les ambassades de tous les pays étrangers sont à Paris. The embassies of all the foreign countries are in Paris. The embassies of all foreign countries are in Paris. Hasta aquí todo está bien. So far everything is all right. Everything's fine so far. Sappiamo chi è? Do we know who he is? Do we know who he is? Tom quer correr. Tom wants to run. Tom wants to run. Me desculpe por ter causado tantos problemas. I'm sorry that I've caused so many problems. I'm sorry I caused so many problems. Eu me inscrevi no serviço, mas ainda não o utilizei com ninguém. I've subscribed to the service, but I still haven't utilized it with anyone. I signed up for the job, but I haven't used it with anyone yet. Il est rarement sur Internet. He's rarely on the Internet. He's rarely on the Internet. Vorrei che lei mi aiutasse. I'd like you to help me. I'd like you to help me. Me he comprado un coche. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Eu não posso mentir para eles de novo. I can't lie to them again. I can't lie to them again. C'était elle. Elle tentait de se faufiler derrière moi sans être aperçue. That was her. She was trying to sneak up on me silently. She was trying to sneak behind me without being noticed. Continuò a lavorare. She continued with the work. He kept working. Questa è una cosa terribile. This is a terrible thing. This is a terrible thing. Io faccio colazione prima del lavoro. I eat breakfast before work. I'll have breakfast before work. L'ha detto? Did she say it? Did he say that? Não desvie do assunto. Don't wander from the subject. Don't stray from the subject. Como você soube que o Tom estava planejando fazer isso? How did you know Tom was planning on doing that? How did you know Tom was planning to do that? No creo que estés mala. I don't think that you're sick. I don't think you're bad. Hong Kong es la economía menos regulada en Asia. Hong Kong is the least regulated economy in Asia. Hong Kong is the least regulated economy in Asia. Tom non dirà di sì. Tom won't say yes. Tom won't say yes. La aiuto quasi ogni giorno. I help her almost every day. I help her almost every day. Trabajo como ayudante del señor Eliot. I work as Mr Eliot's assistant. I work as Mr. Eliot's assistant. Ça m'a sauvé la vie. It saved my life. It saved my life. Ero troppo spaventato per fare qualunque cosa. I was too scared to do anything. I was too scared to do anything. Personne n'a supprimé cette phrase. Nobody has deleted this sentence. No one deleted that sentence. Diz ao Tom que estou pronto. Tell Tom that I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tom e Mary reorganizaram os móveis de sua sala de estar. Tom and Mary rearranged the furniture in their living room. Tom and Mary reorganized the furniture in their living room. Thomas a appris à lire et à écrire à l'école. Tom learned how to read and write at school. Thomas learned to read and write at school. Las vacas son sagradas para los hindúes. Cows are sacred to Hindus. Cows are sacred to the Hindus. Non ho mai insegnato niente a nessuno. I've never taught anyone anything. I've never taught anyone anything. Dite a Tom che sono arrabbiata. Tell Tom that I'm angry. Tell Tom I'm angry. Non mi piace il suo cappello. I don't like her hat. I don't like your hat. La storia era su tutti i giornali. The story was in all the papers. The story was all over the papers. Aliquis ianuam pulsat. Someone is knocking on the door. Some of us were pulsating. Lui mi ha comprato un'automobile molto veloce. He bought me a very fast car. He bought me a very fast car. Je pensais que vous étiez partie. I thought you'd left. I thought you were gone. Ascolta, dobbiamo parlare. Listen, we need to talk. Listen, we need to talk. "Felicidad" es un sustantivo incontable. No tendría sentido tener 18 felicidades. "Happiness" is not a countable noun. It would make no sense to have 18 happinesses. "Happiness" is an countless noun. It would make no sense to have 18 happinesses. Vuoi fermarti? Do you want to stop? Will you stop? Você não é claustrofóbica? Aren't you claustrophobic? Aren't you claustrophobic? Você telefonou para o 911? Did you call 911? Did you call 911? Você realmente quer ir para Boston sozinho? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? Do you really want to go to Boston alone? Vous êtes très effronté. You're very forward. You're very brave. Non ci costerà nulla. It won't cost us anything. It won't cost us anything. Tom andrà con te. Tom is going to go with you. Tom will go with you. Perché non mi ha scritto? Why didn't you write me? Why didn't you write to me? Ce qui ne nous tue pas ne fait que nous renforcer. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. What doesn't kill us only strengthens us. La novela termina con la muerte de la heroína. The novel ends with the heroine's death. The novel ends with the death of heroin. Tom l'ha capito sbagliato. Tom got it wrong. Tom got it wrong. Sami e Layla sono diventati amanti. Sami and Layla became lovers. Sami and Layla became lovers. Conosci i loro nomi? Do you know their names? Do you know their names? Tom solía ser mi novio. Tom used to be my boyfriend. Tom used to be my boyfriend. "Quousque Moscoviae manebis?" "Usque ad Solis diem." "How long will you remain in Moscow?" "Until Sunday." "What about the manebs of Moscow?" "Go down to Solis day." Lui sarà di ritorno tra dieci minuti. He will be back in ten minutes. He'll be back in ten minutes. Il est huit heures et quart. It's a quarter past eight. It's eight and a quarter. ¿Qué significa la palabra "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does the word "Tatoeba" mean? Noi abbiamo pitturato le pareti di bianco. We painted the walls white. We painted the walls in white. Je lui téléphone assez souvent. I call her pretty often. I call him often enough. Ele ficou irado porque ela se recusou a seguir seu conselho. He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice. He got angry because she refused to take his advice. Le lendemain matin, le bonhomme de neige avait complètement fondu. The following morning, the snowman was completely melted. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. Não havia contrato. There was no contract. There was no contract. Elas se abraçaram. They hugged. They hugged each other. Não tenho mais de 1.000 ienes comigo. I have no more than 1,000 yen with me. I don't have more than 1,000 yen with me. Ela sabe de alguma coisa? Does she know anything? Does she know anything? J'ai rencontré cette fille auparavant. I've met that girl before. I've met this girl before. A me piace il cocomero. I like watermelon. I like cocoon. Come vanno i vostri studi? How are your studies? How are your studies? Eu queria viajar só. I would like to travel alone. I wanted to travel alone. Esa palabra es muy difícil de traducir. That word is very hard to translate. That word is very difficult to translate. Aveva paura, vero? You were afraid, weren't you? He was scared, wasn't he? Je pensais que vous étiez au travail. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Una persona moral no miente, engaña o roba. A moral person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal. A moral person doesn't lie, cheat or steal. Notre terrain de baseball est très petit. Our baseball diamond is very small. Our baseball field is very small. Non sono venuta qui per fare festa. I didn't come here to party. I didn't come here to party. Eu soube o que aconteceu. I heard what happened. I heard what happened. Ce serait juste une perte de temps. It would only be a waste of time. It would just be a waste of time. Estuvimos todos presentes en la reunión. We were all present at the meeting. We were all present at the meeting. Ho letto ogni libro della biblioteca. I have read every book in the library. I've read every book in the library. Io mi sento male a riguardo. I feel bad about it. I feel bad about it. C'est, pour ainsi dire, tellement sympa. That is, like, so cool. It's, so to speak, so nice. Voglio parlare con tuo zio. I want to talk to your uncle. I want to talk to your uncle. Lo sanno tutti che lei è ricca. Everyone knows you're rich. Everyone knows you're rich. A mi consternación, lo pillaron haciendo trampa en el examen. To my dismay, he was caught cheating in the examination. To my dismay, he was caught cheating on the test. Non sono morto. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. Je partais de chez moi lorsque Tom m'a téléphoné. I was leaving home when Tom telephoned me. I was leaving home when Tom called me. Tom non vuole che lo sappia nessuno. Tom doesn't want anyone to know. Tom doesn't want anyone to know. Las preguntas del examen de ayer eran mucho más fáciles de lo que esperaba. The questions in yesterday's examination were far easier than I had expected. Yesterday's exam questions were much easier than I expected. Uno puede comprar un cepillo de dientes en la farmacia. One can buy a toothbrush at the pharmacy. One can buy a toothbrush at the pharmacy. Fatemi andare al negozio. Let me go to the store. Let me go to the store. Ton téléphone sonne. Your phone's ringing. Your phone's ringing. Visne ad viridarium aquaticum ire? Do you want to go to the aquarium? Are you talking about aquatic viridarium ire? Ciao? C'è nessuno? Hello? Anyone there? Hello? Ela só falava alemão. She spoke only German. She only spoke German. Le temps devint mauvais. The weather turned bad. The weather became bad. Elle l'embrassa sur la joue. She kissed his cheek. She kissed him on the cheek. Ni s-a spus că, din cauza zăpezii, putem pleca acasă. We were told that, due to the snow, we may go home. We've been told that because of the snow, we can go home. O transporte nesta cidade é muito conveniente. The transportation in this city is very convenient. The transport in this city is very convenient. Spero di andare in pensione dal lavoro quando avrò 60 anni. I hope to retire from work when I'm 60 years old. I hope to retire from work when I'm 60. ¿Me puede recomendar un buen juego? Can you recommend a good game to me? Can you recommend a good game? Te guste o no, tienes que hacerlo. Like it or not, you must do it. Like it or not, you have to do it. Temperature estive più elevate aumenteranno il consumo di energia elettrica, causando elevati carichi di punta estivi, mentre gli inverni più caldi diminuiranno la domanda di energia per il riscaldamento. Higher summer temperatures will increase electricity use, causing higher summer peak loads, while warmer winters will decrease energy demands for heating. Higher summer temperatures will increase electricity consumption, causing high summer peak loads, while warmer winters will lower energy demand for heating. Je vous enseignerai à écrire. I'll teach you how to write. I'll teach you how to write. Deve cambiare treno a Shibuya. You have to change trains at Shibuya. You have to change trains to Shibuya. Cos'hai detto esattamente a Tom? What exactly did you say to Tom? What exactly did you say to Tom? Est-ce votre fille ? Is this your daughter? Is that your daughter? Lasci che parlino per prime. Let them talk first. Let them talk first. La gente incolpò il Generale Grant. People blamed General Grant. People blamed General Grant. Solo mi madre me comprende de verdad. Only my mother really understands me. Only my mother really understands me. Qual é a sua bagagem? Which is your luggage? What's your luggage? Nous jugeons l'accusé non coupable. We find the defendant not guilty. We judge the accused not guilty. Lui era un uomo ammalato quando è arrivato a New Orleans. He was a sick man when he got to New Orleans. He was a sick man when he arrived in New Orleans. Ogni giorno a scuola pranzo con i miei amici. Every day at school I have lunch with my friends. Every day at school lunch with my friends. Puis-je emprunter ton briquet ? May I borrow your lighter? Can I borrow your lighter? Tres homines vulnerati sunt. Three people were wounded. Three broken men are. Eu quero começar o meu próprio negócio. I want to start my own business. I want to start my own business. Tom a les yeux bleus. Tom has blue eyes. Tom has blue eyes. Tom n'aurait jamais dû emprunter de l'argent à Mary. Tom should never have borrowed money from Mary. Tom should never have borrowed money from Mary. Je ne peux pas le dire à ma famille. I can't tell my family. I can't tell my family. Je veux que tu saches que Tom est important pour moi. I want you to know that Tom's important to me. I want you to know that Tom is important to me. Plus il y a de fromage, plus il y a de trous. Plus il y a de trous, moins il y a de fromage. Donc plus il y a de fromage moins il y a de fromage. The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese. The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. So the more cheese, the less cheese. Io diventerò presto pelato. I will be bald soon. I'll be naked soon. Que pensez-vous que vous ferez de votre vie ? What do you think you'll do with your life? What do you think you'll do with your life? J'essaye de ne pas être vu. I'm trying not to be seen. I'm trying not to be seen. Hasta donde yo sé, el rumor es falso. As far as I know, the rumor is not true. As far as I know, the rumor is false. Le lasci andare a casa. Let them go home. Let them go home. Eravate ubriache ieri sera, vero? You were drunk last night, weren't you? You were drunk last night, weren't you? O Tom está sozinho no seu escritório. Tom is alone in his office. Tom is alone in your office. ¿Qué estáis haciendo? What're you doing? What are you doing? Espero não ter te ofendido. I hope that I have not offended you. I hope I didn't offend you. Tom se apoyó de espaldas sobre el sofá. Tom leaned back on the couch. Tom leaned back on the couch. Você não pode ter perdido o seu paletó na casa. You can't have lost your coat in the house. You can't have lost your jacket in the house. Questo è mio padre. This is my father. This is my father. Quanto costano questi occhiali? How much do these glasses cost? How much are these glasses? Vi porterò un coltello pulito. I'll bring you a clean knife. I'll get you a clean knife. Eu não tenho nada a acrescentar. I have nothing to add to that. I have nothing to add. Cette lettre t'est adressée. This letter is addressed to you. This letter is addressed to you. No me preocupa lo más mínimo el resultado. I am not in the least concerned about the result. I don't care at all about the outcome. Tenons-nous compagnie un moment. Let's keep each other company for a while. Let's keep company for a while. Êtes-vous seule ? Are you alone? Are you alone? Tom non ci aiuterà oggi. Tom isn't going to help us today. Tom won't help us today. Elle est possédée. She's possessed. She's possessed. Je n'avais pas idée que vous étiez si fervent. I had no idea you were so dedicated. I had no idea you were so fervent. Comme elle jouait souvent au casino, elle avait toujours besoin d'argent. Since she often played at the casino, she always needed money. As she often played at the casino, she always needed money. Lei ha passato l'università a dire alla gente le loro fortune come una sensitiva falsa. Non aveva nemmeno un mazzo di tarocchi corretta, ma i suoi clienti non sapevano la differenza. She got herself through college telling people their fortunes as a phony psychic. She didn't even have a proper Tarot deck, but her clients didn't know the difference. She spent the university telling people their fortunes like a fake psychic. She didn't even have a proper bunch of tarots, but her clients didn't know the difference. Tom murió en extrañas circunstancias. Tom died in strange circumstances. Tom died in strange circumstances. Je veux faire bien. I want to do well. I want to do good. El doctor le curó el cáncer. The doctor cured him of his cancer. The doctor cured her cancer. Sus hijos están en el jardín. Her sons are in the garden. Your children are in the garden. Tom sta sorridendo adesso. Tom is smiling now. Tom is smiling now. Je pourrais vous tuer, maintenant. I could kill you now. I could kill you now. Eu acho difícil acreditar que Tom esteve envolvido no sequestro. I find it hard to believe that Tom was involved in the kidnapping. I find it hard to believe Tom was involved in the kidnapping. Stammi lontano. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Non lo si può esprimere a parole. You can't express that in words. It cannot be expressed in words. Io spero che voi vi stiate divertendo. I hope you're enjoying yourselves. I hope you're having fun. Mary non era la sua ragazza? Wasn't Mary your girlfriend? Mary wasn't his girlfriend? Tom não consegue parar de falar. Tom can't stop chattering. Tom can't stop talking. Elle a déménagé de chez ses parents. She moved out of her parents' house. She moved out of her parents' house. Tom não vai à escola há uma semana. Tom hasn't been in school for a week. Tom hasn't been to school in a week. As ruas de Nova Iorque são muito largas. New York streets are very wide. The streets of New York are very wide. As aranhas possuem oito patas. Spiders have eight legs. Spiders have eight legs. Eu me pergunto como Tom está se segurando. I wonder how Tom is holding up. I wonder how Tom is holding up. Como o erro surgiu? When did the error occur? How did the mistake come about? El clima se ponía cada vez peor. The weather was getting worse and worse. The weather was getting worse and worse. Farmville è soltanto una perdita di tempo. Farmville is only a waste of time. Farmville is just a waste of time. C'è un giardino sul retro di casa mia. There is a garden at the back of my house. There's a garden in the back of my house. Quella è la ragione per cui Tom non ha una morosa. That's why Tom doesn't have a girlfriend. That's why Tom doesn't have a soft one. Je ne suis pas du tout intéressée. I'm not interested at all. I'm not interested at all. McKinley a cerut o încetare imediată a focului în Cuba. McKinley demanded an immediate ceasefire in Cuba. McKinley called for an immediate cease-fire in Cuba. Je t'en prie, sois calme. Please, I ask that you be calm. Please be calm. Un petit somme me ferait du bien. I could use a little sleep. A small sum would do me good. Eu nunca quis machucar o Tom. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never meant to hurt Tom. ¿Qué le impidió trabajar? What prevented you from working? What kept you from working? Je ne l'ai pas reconnu tout de suite dans le train. I didn't recognize him at first on the train. I didn't recognize him on the train right away. Vous avez toujours été bonne danseuse. You always were a good dancer. You've always been a good dancer. Io sono piuttosto sicuro che Tom ha già dimenticato quello che gli ho detto ieri. I'm pretty sure that Tom has already forgotten what I told him yesterday. I'm pretty sure Tom already forgot what I told him yesterday. Où Tom est-il enterré ? Where is Tom buried? Where's Tom buried? Pourquoi es-tu en colère après moi ? What are you mad at me for? Why are you mad at me? Où séjournez-vous ? Where are you staying? Where are you staying? Não temos tempo a perder. We have no time to waste. We don't have time to waste. Abbiamo provato a salvarli. We tried to save them. We tried to save them. Tom sembra a disagio. Tom looks uncomfortable. Tom seems uncomfortable. Você me envergonha. I'm ashamed of you. You embarrass me. Tom era seduto accanto a me. Tom sat next to me. Tom was sitting next to me. Le chauffage ne fonctionne pas. The heater doesn't work. Heating doesn't work. No puedes dejar ganar a Tom. You can't let Tom win. You can't let Tom win. Sono sul tetto ora. I'm on the roof now. I'm on the roof now. Il se peut que la porte soit verrouillée. The door may be locked. The door may be locked. Tom não foi o único que riu. Tom wasn't the only one who laughed. Tom wasn't the only one who laughed. Algumas coisas não vão mudar. Some things aren't going to change. Some things won't change. Kobé est la ville que je préfère. Kobe is the city which I like best. Kobe is the city I prefer. O Tom e a Mary prepararam o jantar na segunda-feira. Tom and Mary cooked dinner on Monday. Tom and Mary prepared dinner on Monday. C'est le fruit d'un dur labeur et d'un plan bien préparé. It is the fruit of hard work and a well-prepared plan. It is the fruit of a hard work and a well prepared plan. Non andrà a Boston domani? Aren't you going to Boston tomorrow? Aren't you going to Boston tomorrow? Eu desconheço a verdade. I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. Quel est le mot grec pour « hibou » ? What is the Greek word for "owl"? What is the Greek word for "owl"? Io non so molto a riguardo. I don't know much about that. I don't know much about that. Dis-moi ce qui s'est vraiment passé ! Tell me what really happened. Tell me what really happened! Os deuses de uma religião em decadência se tornam os demônios de uma religião nascente. The gods of a falling religion become the demons of a rising one. The gods of a decadent religion become the demons of a nascent religion. Sono inoffensive. They're harmless. They're harmless. Nací en Osaka el 5 de marzo de 1977. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. Je veux acheter des chaussures de ski. I want to buy some ski boots. I want to buy ski shoes.