Hau Eskoziako abesti zahar bat da. This is an old Scottish song. This is an old Scotch song. Ez zait jendea gustatzen I dislike people. I don't like people. Laylak kartzelara joan zen berriro. Layla went to prison again. Laylla went back to jail. Gutun bat bidali zidan. He sent me a letter. He sent me a letter. Barre handiak. LOL. Big laughs. Gizon krudela zen. He was a cruel man. He was a cruel man. Edisonek bonbilla asmatu zuen. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented the light bulb. Zu ez zaude beldurtuta, edo bai? You aren't afraid, are you? You're not scared, are you? Laylak lau ume nahi zituen gutxienez. Layla wanted to have at least four children. Laylla wanted at least four kids. Zailtasunak edukitzen ari naiz. I'm having difficulties. I'm having difficulties. Mary nire gustuko emakumea da. Mary is my type of woman. Mary's the woman I like. Australia Hego Amerika baino txikiagoa da. Australia is smaller than South America. Australia is smaller than South America. Badirudi astronomian interesa duela. It seems that he is interested in astronomy. He seems interested in astronomy. Lehioak itxi ahal dituzu, mesedez? Can you close the windows, please? Can you close the windows, please? Ez dakit zer den maitasuna. I don't know what love is. I don't know what love is. Tokion jaio nintzen 1968an. I was born in Tokyo in 1968. I was born in Tokyo in 1968. Erraza ikasgai honetan aurkitzeko. You will find this lesson easy. Easy to find in this lesson. Non dago zure ordenagailua? Where's your computer? Where's your computer? Zehaztasuna garrantzitsua da aritmetikan. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. The precision is important in arithmetic. Gure familiakoak oso atletikoak gara. My family are all athletic. We are very athletic members of our family. Pertsona orok pentsamendu-kontzientzi eta erlijio-askatasunerako eskubidea du; eskubide horren barne da erlijio edo sinesmena aldatzeko askatasuna eta baita norbere erlijioa edo sinesmena bakarka nahiz taldean, jendaurrean edo pribatuan irakaskuntzaz, jardueraz, kultuz eta aginduak gordez azaltzeko askatasuna ere. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Every man has a right to the independence of thought and religion; it is within this right the liberty of changing religion or belief, and the liberty of explaining his religion or belief in private or private education, in public or private actions, in culture, in worship, and in keeping up his commands. Laguntza behar dut. I need help. I need help. Tom-ek ez du ezer gehiagorik erosi nahi. Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. Gertatutakoa ezin da konpondu. What happened can't be undone. What happened can't be solved. Ispiluak argia islatzen du. A mirror reflects light. The mirror reflects the light. Erantzuna asmatu zuen zehaztasun handiz. He guessed the answers with great accuracy. He guessed the answer with great precision. Udako belarrak lurra estaltzen du. The summer grass covers the ground. The summer grass covers the ground. Nire emaztea maite dut. I love my wife. I love my wife. Etxe handi batean bizi dira. They live in a great house. They live in a big house. Klasea utzik zegoen. The classroom was empty. The class was left. Osaba bat daukat hori egiten duela. I have an uncle who does that. I have an uncle who does that. Izarren arteko distantzia argi-urtetan neurtzen da. The distance between stars is measured in light years. The distance between stars is measured in light years. "Zer ordu da?" "Hamar eta erdiak dira." "What time is it?" "It is ten-thirty." "What time is it?" "It's half past ten." SESB akronimoak adierazten du Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna. U.S.S.R. stands for the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." The USSB acronym expresses the Union of Socialists in the Soviet Republic. Urte berri on! Happy New Year! Happy new year! Tom eta Mary betiko lagun bihurtu ziren. Tom and Mary became lifelong friends. Tom and Mary became their usual friends. Samik hori ulertu ahal du. Sami can understand that. Sami can understand that. Laylaren plana barkatzeko izan zen. Layla's plan was to apologize. The plan of Layla was to forgive me. Tomek ez zigun edateko ezer eskaini. Tom didn't offer us anything to drink. Tom offered us nothing to drink. Hark hari osasuntsu nola egon esaten dio. She advises him on how to stay healthy. He tells her how to be healthy. Ezin dut beraiei hitz egin. I can't talk to them. I can't talk to them. Norbaitek atea ireki ahal du, mesedez? Can someone open the door, please? Can someone open the door, please? Mutil hauetatik, nori emango zenioke liburua? To which of these boys will you give the book? Which of these boys would you give the book? Sinetsi edo ez, ez nago sarkastikoa izaten une honetan. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic right now. Ikusi zaitut nonbaiten aurretik. I've seen you somewhere before. I've seen you somewhere before. Hau ez da jostailu bat! This is not a toy! This is not a toy! Ziur nago oker zaudela. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. Tom-ek ia-ia nahi duen edozein gauza egin dezake. Tom isn't allowed to do just anything he wants. Tom can do practically anything he wants. Laylak Sami eroa zela sinetsi egin zuen. Layla believed Sami was crazy. Layla believed Sam to be insane. Haiek izugarri maite naute. They really loved me. They love me so much. Txakur hori ez da nirea. This dog isn't mine. That dog doesn't belong to me. Non erosi dituzu zure soinekoak? Where do you buy your dresses? Where did you buy your dresses? Ongi etorri! Welcome. Welcome! Edonork egin ahal badu, Tomek ahal du. If anyone can do that, Tom can. If anybody can do it, Tom can. Austronauta izan nahi dut. I want to be an astronaut. I want to be a Austronaut. Hiru hegazkin dauzkagu. We have three airplanes. We have three planes. Laylak Sami begiratu zuen. Layla looked at Sami. Layla looked at Sam. Normalean ez dut kaferik edaten. I ordinarily don't drink coffee. I don't usually drink coffee. Gogoko duzuna aukera dezakezu. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose what you like. Txantxa bat entzun nahi duzu? Do you want to hear a joke? You want to hear a joke? Mary azterketa gaindituko du ondo prestatzen badu. Mary will pass the exam, if she prepares well. He's gonna pass Mary's test if she's doing it right. Tom eta Mary elkarrekin joaten dira eskolara goizero. Tom and Mary go to school together almost every morning. Tom and Mary go to school together every morning. Amak umearengana luzatu zuen eskua irribarre distiratsu batekin. The mother extended her hand to her baby, smiling brightly. The mother stretched out her hand to the child with a bright smile. Figaro deitzen didate egunero piku asko jaten ditudalako. They call me Figaro because I eat so many figs everyday. They call me Figaro because I eat a lot of figs every day. Tom eta Mary kanadarrak dira. Tom and Mary are Canadians. Tom and Mary are Canadian. Zergatik Tomek ez zegoen gaur hemen? Why wasn't Tom here today? Why wasn't Tom here today? Uste nuen zuk Tom hemen mantenduko zenuela ni heltzen nintzen bitartean. I thought you were going to keep Tom here until I got back. I thought you'd keep Tom here while I got there. Ongi da, bostetan elkartuko gara. All right, we'll meet at five. All right, I'll meet you at 5:00. Geometria espazioaren zientzia bada, zein da denboraren zientzia? If geometry is the science of space, what is the science of time? If geometry is the science of space, what is the science of time? Beraz, ez zaude oso asperturik? So, you're not too bored? So you're not too bored? Ez zaude libre astelehenetan? Aren't you free on Mondays? Aren't you free on Mondays? Bere izebak hiru katu ditu. His aunt has three cats. His aunt has three cats. Laylak soineko luzea jantzi zuen. Layla wore a long dress. Layla put on a long dress. Importantea da hau? Is this important? Is this important? Gelditu behar diet. I have to stop them. I have to stop them. Badakizu non erosi ahal dudan horrelako bat? Do you know where I can buy one of those? Do you know where I can buy one of those? Euskara ikasten ari naiz. I'm learning the Basque language. I'm learning Basque. Tomek ondo janzten da. Tom dresses well. Tom dresses well. Eskerrik asko. Thank you very much! Thank you. Pertsona orok du jabe izateko eskubidea, bakarka nahiz taldean. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. Every person has a right to own, whether in isolation or in a group. Esnearen iragarki berria gizaki psikologiaren aurkako erasoa da. The new milk commercial is an attack on human psychology. The new milk commercial is the attack on human psychology. Nork gehiago, zutaz gain, ezagutzen Tom-en iragana? Who else, other than you, knows about Tom's past? Who else, besides you, knows Tom's past? Tomek ikaslea da ere bai. Tom is a student, too. Tom's a student too. Ez nekien Tomek hori egin zuenik. I didn't know Tom did that. I didn't know Tom did it. Nire anaiak ez balit lagundu, itoko nintzen. If you'd known, you would have told me, wouldn't you? If my brother hadn't helped me, I'd have drowned. Zer jaten dute txinpanzeek? What do chimpanzees eat? What do chipanzees eat? Kontzertura joan nahi nuen I wanted to go to the concert. I wanted to go to the concert. Ozeanoek ez dute mundua zatitzen, elkartu baizik. Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. The oceans do not divide the world, but combine it. Beharbada, Tomek hilda nagoela pentsatzen du. Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead. Maybe Tom thinks I'm dead. Nori eskatu zenion laguntza? Who did you ask for help? Who did you ask for help? Entzun txoriak. Listen to the birds. Listen to the birds. Tom laborategian dago orain. Tom is in the laboratory now. Tom's in the lab now. Hura izango da engainatuko nauen azkena. He is the last man to deceive me. He will be the last to deceive me. Gustura dantzatuko nintzateke zurekin. I'd love to dance with you. I'd love to dance with you. Asko dira lehendakari gisa egiten ditudan erabaki eta politika guztiekin bat etorriko ez direnak. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. There are many who will not agree with me as president. Abeslariak ahots polita dauka. The singer has a beautiful voice. The singer has a nice voice. "Zuhaitzek ez dute arimik" esan zuen Dianak. "Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana. "The trees don't mean anything," said Diana. Azkenik iritsi da! He finally arrived! It's finally here! Zuk nahiko ondo dakizu frantsesez. Your French is good enough. You speak French well enough. Hotz asko egiten du hemen. It is very cold here. It's cold here. Ez zen beharrezkoa hori egitea Doing that was unnecessary. You didn't have to do that. Zer edango duzue? What will you drink? What are you guys drinking? Tom ez dirudi inoiz dagoenik haserretuta. Tom never seems to get angry. Tom never seems angry. Bost hordu barru. I can get a gun for you within five hours. Five in a minute. Jaso duzu Tomen erantzunen bat? Have you received an answer from Tom? Did you get Tom's answer? Zenbatean dago trukatze tarifa? What is the exchange rate? How much is the swap rate? Trena garaiz iritsi zen. The train arrived on time. The train arrived early. La penso trairis mian menson. The thought crossed my mind. La penso trairis mian menson. Sally izena naiz My name is Sally. My name is Sally. Batek irakasten ikasten du. One learns by teaching. One learns. Jende gehiegi ezagutu nituen guztien inzenetaz gogoratzeko. I met too many people to remember all their names. I've known too many people to remember the numbers of them. Ez dakit ezer Japoniari buruz. I don't know anything about Japan. I don't know anything about Japan. Tom-ek bizitzeko gogoa galdu du. Tom has lost the will to live. Tom has lost his desire to live. Hura ni baino hiru urte zaharragoa da. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than I am. Euskara irakasten ari naiz. I'm teaching Basque. I'm teaching Basque. Berria emateko gai izango zinateke. You'll be able to notice. You'd be able to give me a new one. Zuk badakizu zer esan zuen Tomek, ezta? You know what Tom said, don't you? You know what Tom said, don't you? Bilbo Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country Bilbo's a Basque town. Urtarrila da dagoeneko? Is it January already? Is it January already? Bere izena mundu osoan da ezaguna. His name is known all over the world. His name is known all over the world. Horiek dira Tom-en semeak? Are those Tom's sons? Are those Tom's sons? Uste dut hori ondo egongo dela. I guess that'll be OK. I think that's gonna be okay. Zer da zarata hori? What's that noise? What's that noise? Allan, gure lehendaria izendatzen dut. I declare Allan as our vice president. Allan, I name our primer. Tomi galdetu. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Bera animatzen saiatu nintzen, baina berak negar beterik ez zuen negiten, I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry. I tried to cheer her up, but she didn't cry. Nire maitea negarrez dabil. My beloved is crying. My dear is crying. Kreazionismoa sasizientzia bat da. Creationism is a pseudo-science. Creationism is a pseudoscience. Tomek Mary-ri deitu zion goiz honetan. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mary this morning. Tomek teleskopio bat nahi du. Tom wants a telescope. Tom wants a telescope. Zulo bat ixteko, beste bat ireki All that glitters is not gold. To close a hole, open another one Ohituta nago lakuan igeri egitera. I'm used to swimming in the lake. I'm used to swimming in the lake. Ez ditut inoiz nire umeak ezagutu. I have never met my children. I've never met my children. Ikusi behar dut. I've got to see it. I have to see it. Gaur euri egiten du. It is raining today. It's raining today. Zazpi polizia hil ziren. Seven policemen died. Seven cops died. Kafe gehiegi edan dut gaur. I drank too much coffee today. I had too much coffee today. Hau ez du minik emango. This won't hurt. It won't hurt. Amaitu ez al duzu? Aren't you finished? Aren't you finished? Hau nire dirua da. This is my money. This is my money. Nire anka apurtu ez banu ez nizun inoiz esagutuko. I would have never met you if I hadn't broken my leg. If I hadn't broken my anka I'd never have seen you. Badakit ezetz esango duzula. I know you're going to say no. I know you'll say no. Egin dezagun ingelesez. Let's speak English. Let's speak English. Gaizki. Wrong. Bad. Ziur nago egin ahal dela. I'm sure it can be done. I'm sure it can be done. Hau nire kamiseta gogokoena da. This is my favorite shirt. This is my favorite T-shirt. Ez dut zientzia atsegin. I do not like science. I don't like science. Mesedez, ez sartu atetik aurretik atean jo gabe. Please do not enter the room without knocking. Please don't come in before the door without knocking. Ospitalera joan nintzen txekeo bat egiteko, nire gaizotasunaren zergaitia aurkitu ahal dezaten. I went to the hospital to have me checked so that they can find the cause of my disease. I went to the hospital to make a cheque, so they could find the rate of my misery. Helioa, neona, argona, kriptona, xenona eta radona gas nobleak dira. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. The Helium, neone, argon, crypt, xenona, and radon are noble gas. Begiratu ile luzedun neskari Look at the girl whose hair is long. Look at the girl with the long hair Zuk oso nekatuta egon behar zara irudi dezaket. I imagine you must be very tired. You must be very tired. Beste arazo bat kotxea non gelditzea da. Another problem is where to stop the car. Another problem is where the car stops. Korrika egitea ez du batere gogoko. She hates running. He doesn't like running. Nork nahi du txokolate beroa? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Garbitzea beharrezkoa da. Cleaning is necessary. You have to clean it up. "Zuhatitzek ez dute arimik" esan zuen Dianak. "Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana. "The trees don't mean anything," said Diana. Tom hemen egongo zen , egon behar zela jakin izango balu Tom would have been here if he knew he needed to be. Tom would be here if he had known he had to be here. Nirekin dantzatu. Dance with him! Dance with me. Gure ama maite dut. I love my mom. I love my mother. Laylak ez du ezer gogoratzen gau hartatik. Layla doesn't remember anything from that night. Layla doesn't remember anything ever since that night. Hau ez da niretzat. This isn't for me. This isn't for me. Uholdean zehar seguru egongo nintzela ziurtatu ninduen. He assured me that I would be safe during the flood. He assured me I'd be safe during the flood. Argazkia atera behar genuela jakin izan banu, arropa hobeak jantziko nituzkeen. If I'd known we were going to take a photo, I'd have dressed better than this. If I'd known we were going to take the photo, I'd have put on better clothes. Ez dugu zugandik ezer nahi. We don't want anything from you. We don't want anything from you. Eguzkia Lurra planeta baino askoz handiagoa da. The sun is much bigger than the earth. The sun is much bigger than the planet. "Zer ordu da orain?" "3:30ak dira." "What time is it now?" "It's 3:30." "What time is it now?" "It's 3:30." Galdera asko galdetzen ditut. I ask a lot of questions. I ask a lot of questions. Ez dugu Tom guztiz ezagutzen. We don't really know Tom. We don't know Tom completely. Bera nire erregea da. He is my king. He's my king. Zenbat kostatzen du garbiketak? What is the cost of the cleaning? How much does cleaning cost? Esan ahal dit norbaitek giltzadia non dagoen? Can someone tell me where the keyboard is? Can somebody tell me where the lock is? Zelako igande polita eguzkipean irakurtzeko. What a beautiful Sunday to read in the sun. It's a nice Sunday to read under the sun. Horko neskak nire ahizpak dira. Those girls over there are my sisters. The girls over there are my sisters. Hori gehiegitan gertatzen ari da. That's happening far too often. That's happening too much. Gabon zoriontsuak eta urte berri on opa dizuet guztiei. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Merry Christmas and good new year to all of you. Mutila harri bat botatzen. The boy throws a stone. The boy was throwing a rock. Nafarroa munduan mirestua izango zela esan zuen Shakespearek. Shakespeare said: "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world." Shakespeare said the Navarre would be admired in the world. Zuen alaba drogazalea da. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. Ez nuen ulertu hori. I didn't understand that. I didn't understand that. Tomek erloju hau aurkitu zuen garaje-salerosketa batean. Tom found this clock at a garage sale. Tom found this clock in a garage trade. ahalegin txiki batekin, Tom arrakasta lortuko luke. With a little more effort, Tom would have succeeded. with a little effort, Tom would succeed. Salto egin. Jump. Jump. Ez dut japoniera hitz egiten. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Mina egingo diozu zure buruari kontuz ibiltzen ez bazara. You're going to hurt yourself if you aren't careful. You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful. Gogor lan egin zuen, bere osasunaren kaltean. He worked hard at the risk of his health. He worked hard, in spite of his health. Nork asmatu zuen karaokea? Who invented karaoke? Who invented the karaoke? Nola igaroko dituzu datozen hiru jai egunak? How will you spend the coming three-day holiday? How are you going to spend the next three days off? Tonyk ahots atsegina dauka. Tony has a nice voice. Tony has a nice voice. Zein da Haitiko hiriburua? What is the capital of Haiti? What's the capital of Haiti? Euskara maite dut. I love Basque. I love Basque. Gaztelania ikastea gustuko dut. I like to study Spanish. I like studying Spanish. Sami eta Layla hemen daude geratzeko. Sami and Layla are here to stay. Sami and Layla are here to stay. Uste dut hogeita hamar dolar prezio altuegia dela hau ordaintzeko. I think that thirty dollars is too high a price to pay for this. I think thirty dollars is too high to pay for it. Arminek leihoa apurtu zuen. Armin broke the window. Armin broke the window. Bere begiak malkoekin bete ziren. Her eyes were flooded with tears. His eyes filled with tears. Ez zalantzarik izan galdetzerakoan ulertzen ez baduzu. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand. Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand. Gizaki orori dagozkio Aldarrikapen honetan adierazitako eskubide eta askatasunak, eta ez da inor bereziko arraza, larru-kolorea, sexua, hizkuntza, erlijioa, politikako edo bestelako iritzia, sorterria edo gizarteko jatorria, ekonomi maila, jaiotza edo beste inolako gorabeheragatik. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The rights and liberties expressed in this change of men, and no one is peculiar to the race, the skin, the sex, the language, religion, politics, or any other opinion, the origin of home, or society, for economy, birth, or any other circumstance. Batzuk planaren alde daude eta beste batzuk aurka. Some people are for the plan and others are against it. Some are on the side of the plan and some are against it. Zoraturik dago. She is crazy. He's mad. Neska aurkitu behar dugu. We need to find her. We need to find her. Ez dakit zehazki non nagoen. I don't know exactly where I am. I don't know exactly where I am. Asko eztabaidatzen dute. They argue a lot. They're arguing a lot. Samik Laylarekin denbora gehiago pasatu zuen. Sami spent more time with Layla. Sami spent more time with Layla. Zure adina nuenean, oinez joaten nintzen eskolara egunero. When I was your age, I walked to school every day. When I was your age, I used to walk to school every day. Doktorea da? Is he a doctor? Is that the doctor? Nire anaiak hilko nau. My brother will kill me. My brother's gonna kill me. Horrek ez du zentzurik. That does not make sense. That doesn't make any sense. Layla gezurra esan zuen Sami babesteko Layla lied to protect Sami. He lied Layla to protect Sam. Hegazkin bat hartu nuen nire bizitzan lehen aldiz. I took an airplane for the first time in my life. I took a plane for the first time in my life. Norekin joan zen Tom-ek eskiatzera. Who did Tom go skiing with? Who did Tom go skiing with? Ingelesa goror ikasi nuen egunero-egunero. I studied English very hard day after day. I learned English deaf every day. Gaurko partiduan Tom atezaina da. For today's match, Tom is the goalkeeper. Tom's the janitor at the game tonight. Tom ez da inoiz hona bakarrik etortzen. Tom doesn't ever come here by himself. Tom never comes here alone. Zerk inspiratzen zaitu gehien ? What inspires you most? What inspires you most? Non dago justizia? Where's the justice? Where's the justice? Nola etorri zara? How have you come? How did you get here? Etorri ona eta lagundu. Come here and help me. Come here and help me. Zein da munduko kontinenterik jendetsuna ? Which is the most populated continent in the world? What is the world's most populous continent? Baditut ni baino zaharrago diren paziente asko. I have a lot of patients who are older than me. I've got a lot of patients older than me. Badakit Tom Mary lagundu zuela I know Tom helped Mary. I know he helped Tom Mary. Horrela gustazen zaio Tom-i. That's how Tom likes it. That's how Tom likes it. Bizirik edo hilik, beti maite izango zaitut. Alive or dead, I'll always love you. Alive or dead, I'll always love you. Pertsona orok du bere herrialdeko gobernuan parte hartzeko eskubidea, zuzenean nahiz libre aukeratutako ordezkarien bitartez. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Every man has a right to share in the government of his own country, either directly or freely by his chosen representatives. Kaxa hau ez da beste hori bezain handia. This box is not as big as that one. This box isn't as big as that. Hau denbora alferrik galtzea da. This is a complete waste of time. This is a waste of time. Dirurik ez baduzu, zerbait utziko dizut. If you don't have any money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have any money, I'll leave you something. Tomek aho zabalik lo egiten du. Tom sleeps with his mouth open. Tom sleeps with his mouth open. Jende asko hitz egiten ari da, baina ezin dut ulertzen zer esaten duten. So many people are talking, but I can't understand what they're saying. A lot of people are talking, but I can't understand what they're saying. Gogoko duzun liburua aukera dezakezu. You may choose any book you like. You can choose the book you like. Tom egin zuena baikaina izan zela pentsatzen nuen. I thought what Tom did was fantastic. I thought Tom had been optimistic about what he had done. Beti maiteko zaitut. I will love you always. I will always love you. Erakutzi ahal didazu esanahia? Can you show me the definition? Can you remove my meaning? Erabaki garrantzitsu bat egin behar dugu. We need to make a big decision. We have a very important decision to make. Ongi etorri Wikipediara, edonork aldatu dezakeen entziklopedia askera. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, free encyclopaedia anyone can change. Ez nago ziur, mutilari edo neskari, nori eman oparia? I'm not sure about who to give the present to - the boy, or the girl? I'm not sure who gives it to the boy or the girl? Azarorako prest? Ready for November? You ready for November? Animaliengandik bereizten gaituena hitz egiteko ahalmena da. We are different from animals in that we can speak. What distinguishes us from animals is the ability to speak. Ez zegoen zeruan hodeirik. There was no cloud up in the sky. There was no cloud in the sky. Beldur egoteko arrazoirik ez dago. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. Tomek azkar igo zituen eskailerak. Tom went quickly up the stairs. Tom hurried up the stairs. Presidenteak erreforma liberalen berri eman zuen. The president announced liberal reforms. The president reported liberal reforms. Beraiek ezin izango dute hori inoiz egin. They could never do that. They can never do that. Hau ez da nire autoa. This isn't my car. This is not my car. Ez nago ziur ea gauza ona edo txarra denik. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not sure it's a good or a bad thing. Denda kalearen kantoian da. The shop is on the corner of the street. The shop's at the corner of the street. Ez duzu haiekin joan behar. You don't have to go with them. You don't have to go with them. Hemen entzuten du Listen here! This is where he listens. Ezin izan dut gelditu Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. I couldn't stop Tom. Beraz, ez zaio begiratuko, pertsona zein herrialde edo lurraldetakoa den; ezta hango politikari, legeei edo nazioarteko egoerari, nahiz eta herri hori burujabea izan, besteren zainpeko lurraldea, autonomiarik gabea edo nola-halako burujabetasun-mugak dituena. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. He will not, therefore, look at what country or country he is, nor its politics, its laws, or its international state, although this people is independent, with the borders of independence under other people's guard, without autonomy, or of a certain kind of independence. Gero esango dizut. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. Zein da arazoa, Jane? Txarto sentitzen zarenaren itxura duzu. What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well. What's the problem, Jane? Badago lekurik hor pertsona bat gehiagorentzat? Is there any space for one more person? Is there room for one more person? Eguzkia eta euria, erromako zubia. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, diamond bridge. Arriskatu nintzen eta bere erronkan eutsi nion. I took a chance and accepted his challenge. I took the risk and held it in his challenge. Nork esan zuen Tomek gezurra esaten ari zela? Who did Tom say was lying? Who said Tom was lying? Hori egin ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can do that. I think I can do that. Zer pentsatzen du pertsona horrek nitaz? What does that person think about me? What does that person think of me? Mutila buruz behera zegoen telebistari begira. The boy was lying on his stomach watching TV. The boy was looking down on the television. Txinan esaten ari dira pertsona bat bere itxuragatik epai daitekeela. In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. In China, they're saying that a person can be judged by his appearance. Hori beste txantxa bat izan da? Was that another joke? Is that another joke? Saiatuko naiz ahalik eta azkarren egiten. I'll try to do it as fast as I can. I'll try and do it as fast as I can. Beti maite izango zaitut. I'll always love you. I will always love you. Zopa beroegia zegoela-eta kexatu zen. He complained that the soup was too hot. He complained that the soup was too hot. Eta horrelaxe ezagutu zuen gura amak gure aita. And that's how my mom met my dad. And that's how she wanted to know my father. Uste dut hori ziraragaria dela. I think that's exciting. I think that's a circus. Tomek erakargarri zeudela esan du. Tom said you were good-looking. Tom said they were attractive. Gutxienez "milesker" esan zenezake. You might at least say "thank you." Well, at least you could say "milesker." Nik baino askoz diru gehiago du. He has much more money than I have. He's got a lot more money than me. Alexander Graham Bell mugikorra asmatu zuen,. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He invented Alexander Graham Bell. Espero dut guk ez galtzea. I hope we don't miss it. I hope we don't lose it. Badakik zergatik. You know why. You know why. Hark edukazio ona ikasi du. He has learnt manners. He learned manners. Autobusa hemen gelditzen al da? Does the bus stop here? Does the bus stop here? Tomek gozogileari aurpegiko bat eman zion. Gozogileak harakinari. Harakinak Maryri. Eta azkenik, Mary Tomeri. Tom slapped the baker. The baker slapped the butcher. The butcher slapped Mary. And, finally, Mary slapped Tom. Tom gave a face to the confectioner, the confectioner to the butcher, the butcher to Mary, and finally to Mary Tom. Hau da justu nahi nuena. This is just what I wanted. This is exactly what I wanted. Oker nengoen? Was I wrong? Was I wrong? "Zer ordu da?" "3:20ak dira." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." Biziarteko kartzela-zigorrak Indonesian kartzelan hilko zarela esan nahi du. A life sentence in Indonesia means you're gonna die in prison. Life prison punishment means you're going to die in Indonesia. Etxean egongo naiz ordu betean. I'll be home in about an hour. I'll be home in an hour. Garrantzitsua da egun hauetan auto bat gidatzeko gai izatea. It's important to be able to drive a car these days. It's important to be able to drive a car these days. Tatoeba honi "Saioa itxi" botoia falta zaio. Tatoeba has no "Log Out" button. This tatoba is missing the "Close Session" button. Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Don't worry. Everything's under control. Don't worry, it's all under control. Zerk eragiten dizu pentsatzea Tom gorroto dizula? What makes you think Tom hates you? What makes you think he hates you? Katua mahai gainean zegoen. The cat was on the table. The cat was on the table. Liburua fisika kuantikoari buruzkoa zen. The book was about quantum physics. The book was about quantum physics. Hark hilda egon behar dela suposatzen da. He's supposed to be dead. He's supposed to be dead. Izerdi patxetan ibili zen. They sweated gallons. He began to sweat. Haserre nago gertatukoagatik. I'm angry about what happened. I'm angry at what's happening. Dakidan guztia mozkor nenbilela da. All I know is that I was drunk. All I know is I was drunk. Oraindik ez dut altzaririk erosi. I haven't bought any furniture yet. I haven't bought any furniture yet. Gustuko ahal ditu Tomek bere gurasoak ? Does Tom like his parents? Can Tom like his parents? Bostonen lana aurkitu nahi nuke. I'd like to find a job in Boston. I'd like to find a job in Boston. Barkatu, non dago liburutegia? Excuse me, where is the library? Excuse me, where's the library? Zein izan zen zure lehenengo maskotaren izena. What was your first pet's name? What was your first pet's name? Japonia herrialde polita da. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. Mediku bat azkar bidali zuten. A doctor was sent immediately. A doctor was sent quickly. Kioto hiru bider bisitatu dut. I have visited Kyoto three times. I've visited Kyoto three times. Ezin dut entzun ezer. I cannot hear anything. I can't hear anything. Koipean prestatu zen. That was cooked in oil. He got ready under his chin. Hamaika ikaslek saria jaso zuten. Eleven students received the award. Eleven students received a reward. Berandu helduko nintzake, Tom autoz ez bazidan eraman. I would have been late if Tom hadn't given me a ride. I could be late if Tom hadn't taken me away. Nahiago du etxean egotea irtetea baino. She prefers staying home to going out. She'd rather be home than leave. Ez al zaizu gustatzen? You don't like it? Don't you like it? Norbait horman kolpeka ari zela entzun nuela iruditu zitzaidan. I thought I heard someone banging on the wall. I thought I heard someone knocking on the wall. Non dago zure txakurra? Where is your dog? Where's your dog? Edonork egin ahal badu, berak ahal du. If anyone can do it, he can. If anyone can do it, he can. Beti nahi dugu ez duguna. We always want what we don't have. We always want what we don't. Zaldiekin ondo konpontzen da. He handles horses well. He gets along well with the horses. Hiri onetan ez dago erligio askatasuna There is no freedom of religion in this country. In good cities there is no freedom of religion Eliza bat dago nire etxetik gertu. There is a church near my house. There's a church near my house. Tomek ospitalera joan behar du. Tom has to go to the hospital. Tom has to go to the hospital. Ez dut bera inoiz lehenago ikusi. I've never seen him before. I've never seen her before. Nire neska-laguna txinatarra da. My girlfriend is Chinese. My girlfriend is Chinese. Hau betiko da. This is for keeps. This is forever. Hemen nagoenetik bakarrik hitz egin dut aldi batez Tomekin. I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here. I've only talked to Tom for a while since I was here. Katua mahai gainera salto egin zuen. The cat jumped on the table. The cat jumped on the table. Hau berriro ez gertatzea espero dut. I hope this won't happen again. I hope this doesn't happen again. zuek mutilok ezagutzen nauzue You guys know me. You guys know me. Hark hil egingo da ez badiogu laguntzen. He'll die if we don't help him. He'll die if we don't help him. Ireki ahoa! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Laylak bere mugikorra bilatzen ari zen. Layla was looking for her cellphone. Laylla was looking for her cell phone. Tomen ama pasa den astean hil zen. Tom's mother passed away last week. Tom's mother died last week. Samik Batman bezala jantzi zen. Sami dressed up as Batman. Sami dressed like Batman. Zure erruz gosea pasa zait. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. I'm hungry because of you. Sagar bat dago idazmahai gainean. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the desk. Beste ardo edalontzi bat nahi duzu? Do you want another glass of wine? You want another glass of wine? Oso erakargarria da. He's very sexy. It's very attractive. Haserretu egin nituen. I made them very angry. I annoyed them. Hamaikak dira jada. Oraintxe joan beharra dut. It's already eleven o'clock. I must be leaving now. It's 11 o'clock now. Gizon zaharrak bere kontaerari eztularekin jarri zizkion etenak. The old man's narrative was punctuated by coughs. The old man interrupted his story with a cough. Ez duzu ikusten problemarik hemen? Do you not see the problem here? Can't you see a problem here? Barry dagoeneko alde egin du. Barry already left. Barry's already gone. Tom txanoa aukeratu du. Tom chose a hat. Tom picked his cap. Zaratatsuagoa. Louder. It's louder. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. I was born in Osaka, but brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. Bortxaketa beti da indarkeri krimen bat. Rape is always a crime of violence. Rape is always a crime of strength. Berriro gertatuko ez dela uste dut. I think it won't happen again. I think it won't happen again. Likido hori kaltegarria da. That liquid is harmful. That liquid's harmful. Azkenean Tom-i irabazi diot I finally defeated Tom. Finally I beat Tom. Samik erruduntasuna onartu zuen. Sami admitted guilt. Sam accepted the guilt. Nire semea Iranera joan zen. My son went to Iran. My son went to Iran. Nire gelakidearekin bizi naiz. I live with my roommate. I live with my roommate. Zuzendu, mesedez. Please correct it. Straighten it up, please. Ihardesteko tentazioa izan zuen baina hobeto pentsatu zuen. He was tempted to retort, but thought better of it. He was tempted to obey, but he thought better. Nekatuta zegoela esan nuen. I said I was tired. I said he was tired. Hitzen ordena aldatu behar duzu. You have to change the word order. You must change the order of words. Ez duzu amore emango, ez da? You're not going to give up, are you? You won't give up, will you? Esaldi baten hizkuntza nola aldatzen da? How do I change the language of a sentence? How does the language of a phrase change? Jende multzo handi batek presidentearen dirkurtsoaren zain zegoen. A great crowd waited for the president to speak. A large crowd was waiting for the President's dirge. Esker aunitz! Thank you very much! Many thanks! Tomek ez zekien zer esan beharko luke. Tom didn't know what he should say. Tom didn't know what to say. Tomek frantsesez ere hitz egiten du? Does Tom speak French, too? Does Tom speak French? Hitz berriak ikasten ari da. He is learning new words. He's learning new words. Diru nahikorik ez baduzu, zerbait utziko dizut. If you don't have enough money to buy that, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I'll leave you something. Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. I'll never drink again. I'll never drink again. Pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetatik alde egiteko eskubidea, baita norberetik ere, eta norbere herrialdera itzultzekoa. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Every man has a right to depart from any country, even from himself, and to return to his own country. Ez zuen ekuazio diferentzialen kontzeptua ulertu. He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He didn't understand the concept of differences of equations. Ba al du dirurik? Does he have money? Does he have any money? Jendea zu bezalakoa izatea gustatuko litzaidake. I wish people could be more like you. I'd like people to be like you. Uste dut jende asko hori egiten duela. I think many people do that. I think a lot of people do that. Bere izena herri osoan da ezaguna. His name is known to everyone in our town. His name is known throughout the country. Haserretutako jendetzak eraikina eraso egin zuen. The angry mob attacked the building. The angry crowd attacked the building. Benetan hori edango duzu? Are you really going to drink that? Are you really gonna drink that? Geldi hor edo tiro egingo dut! Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop right there or I'll shoot! Eskuko atzamarra apurtu nintzen. I broke my finger. I broke my hand finger. Samik guztia galduko du. Sami will lose everything. He'll lose all Sam. Zer esanik ez, ez zen berriro etorri. Needless to say, he never came again. Of course he didn't come back. Badakit non bizi zaren. I know where you live. I know where you live. Samik ez zuen ezer gaizki egin. Sami didn't do anything wrong. Sam didn't do anything wrong. Zer gustatzen zaizu? What do you like? What do you like? Layla Sami bizi zegoela konturatu zen. Layla realized that Sami was alive. He realized that Layla was living for Sam. Bost hiztegi baino gehiago ditu. He has more than five dictionaries. He's got more than five dictionaries. Txakur bat nahiko zenuke ? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? Orain entzuten Now, listen! Now Listening Nire pasaportea galdu nuen. I lost my passport. I lost my passport. Ezin dut bihar arte itxaron. It can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait until tomorrow. Tom-ek, Bostonen pasatu zuen bere hamahirugarren urtebetetzea. Tom spent his thirtieth birthday in Boston. Tom spent his thirteenth birthday in Boston. Bat, bi, hiru, lau. bost, sei, zazpi, zortzi, bederatzi, hamar. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Laylak alaba bat izan zuen. Layla did have a daughter. Laylla had a daughter. Harremanetan jarriko natzaizu. I will get in touch with you. I'll get in touch with you. Pertsona orok eskubidea du, berdintasun osoan, auzitegi burujabe eta alderdikeriarik gabean jendaurrean hitz egin eta zuzentasunez entzun diezaioten, nahiz bere eskubide eta betebeharrak erabakitzeko, nahiz bere aurkako salaketa penalak aztertzeko. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Every man has a right, in all equality, to speak publicly and openly in an independent and impartial tribunal, to determine his rights and duties, and to examine his criminal accusations against him. Hotza dago. It's cold. It's cold. CO₂ horrek lotura handia du negutegi efektuarekin. CO₂ has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect. This CO2 has a lot of connection with the greenhouse effect. Es du pentzatu ere. Don't even think. It's also péneu. Ahin aspergarria izan zen iha ahurrausi egin nuen. It was so boring that I almost yawned. I yawned that it was a dull forget. Semerik al dauka? Does he have a son? Does he have a son? Tomek etxe berria erosi du. Tom bought a new house. Tom bought a new house. Beste gauzaren bat saiatu beharko dugu. We'll have to try something else. We'll have to try something else. Galileok hasierako teleskopioa hobetu zuen. Galileo perfected the early telescope. Galileo improved the initial telescope. Tom-ek bikain hitz egiten du alemaniera. Tom speaks perfect German. Tom speaks great German. Tom gustuko duen musika berbera gustuko dut. I like the same kind of music that Tom does. I like the same music Tom likes. Georgek ez badio erretzeari uzten birika minbizia jasango du. If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer. If George doesn't stop smoking, he'll have cancer. Astronautek espazio-jantziak janzten dituzte. Astronauts wear spacesuits. Astronauts wear space suits. Australiara joango zara? Are you going to Australia? Are you going to Australia? Zein da zure lanordua? What are your working hours? What's your time for work? Tatoeba 2010eko udan euskaratu zen. Tatoeba was translated into basque in summer 2010. Tatoba insisted in the summer of 2010. Etxe berria eraiki dut. I built a new house. I built a new house. Eztabaidatu dezagun azkeneko gauan gertatutakoa. Let's discuss what happened last night. Let's discuss what happened last night. Jakintzak hobeak eta libreagoak egiten gaitu. Knowledge makes us free and better people. Knowledge makes us better and free. Zergatik ez duzun Tom gustuko uler dezaket. I can understand why you don't like Tom. I can understand why you don't like Tom. Primeran pasa genuen piknikean. We had lots of fun at the picnic. We had a good time at the picnic. Tomek eta Marik hori egiten ari dira oraintxe bertan. Tom and Mary are doing that now. Tom and Marik are doing that right now. Hau da hiztegian aurkitu nuen hitza. This is the word I found in the dictionary. This is the word I found in my dictionary. Ez kezkatu besteekin. Don't worry about others. Don't worry about the others. Mesedez, ingelesez esan. Please say it in English. Please speak English. Ez da horren txarra izango. It's not going to be that bad. It won't be that bad. Tomen aititea ezin zuen irakurri. Tom's grandfather couldn't read. He couldn't read Tom's grandfather. Samik egunean zehar denbora asko pasatzen du etxean bakarrik. Sami spends much of the day alone in the house. Sami spends a lot of time alone at home. Laylak bere bikotea maite du. Layla loves her partner. Layla loves her partner. Etxean naiz. I'm at home. I'm home. Emily gutun bat idazten ari da. Emily is writing a letter. Emily's writing a letter. Ez dut ezer behar. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Partida berdinketan amaitu zen 6-6 emaitzarekin. The game ended in a draw with a score 6-6. The game ended in a draw with the result of 6-6. Kotxez etorri zen trenez etorri beharrean. He came by car instead of by train. He came by car instead of trains. Sami guztia zekien. Sami knew it all. He knew all about Sam. Tom topatu dut hainbat alditan. I've met Tom several times. I've met Tom several times. Zer gehitu beharko nuke? What shall I add? What should I add? Txokolate eta izozkizalea naiz. I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. I like chocolate and ice cream. Nongoa zara? Where are you from? Where are you from? Ino I thought you said nobody liked Tom. Ino Tomek hori egitea nahi izan zuen aurreko astean. Tom wanted to do that last week. Tom wanted it done last week. Bob hitz egiteko norbaiten bila ari zen. Bob was looking for someone to talk with. Bob was looking for someone to talk to. Hitzen ordena aldatu behar da. The word order has to be changed. We must change the order of words. Hemen gertatzen ari denak ez du zentzurik. What's happening here is absurd. What's happening here doesn't make any sense. Kontatu iezaiozu dakizuna. Tell him what you know. Tell him what you know. Mutiko horiek ondo abesten dute. Those guys sing well. Those kids sing well. Tom telebista piztuta uzten du egun osoan. Tom leaves his TV on all day. He leaves Tom on TV all day. Hortxe dago gakoa. That's the snag. That's the key. Badakin zergatik. You know why. You know why. Zer ari zara egiten? What are you doing? What are you doing? Lan gogorra egitera ohituta dago. He is accustomed to hard work. He's used to doing a hard job. Miamin bizi naiz. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. Laylaren aurpegia odolez beteta zegoen. Layla's face was covered in blood. Layla's face was full of blood. Samik bi bizitza gidatzen zegoen. Sami was leading two lives. Sami was driving two lives. Tom eta Mary ez dira Bostonera joango. Tom and Mary won't go to Boston. Tom and Mary aren't going to Boston. Zer edango duzu? What will you drink? What are you drinking? Mary-ren senarra naiz. I'm Mary's husband. I'm Mary's husband. Tomek festari buruz jakin izan balu festara etorriko litzateke. If Tom had known about the party, he would have come. If Tom had known about the party, he would have come to the party. Ez diete beti gurasoei jaramon egiten. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always listen to their parents. Esna daude. They're awake. They're awake. YouTuben iragarki asko daude. There are too many ads on YouTube. There's a lot of YouTube commercials. Bostonen jaio nintzen, baina Chicagon hazi nintzen. I was born in Boston, but I was brought up in Chicago. I was born in Boston, but I grew up in Chicago. Janari gehiago lortzea behar dut. I need to get more food. I need more food. Trena berandu doa. The train's late. The train is late. Biharko nahi dute. They want it for tomorrow. They want it by tomorrow. Zer gertatu zen bileran? What happened in the meeting? What happened at the meeting? Kulturak hizkuntzak suntsitzen ditu. Culture destroys languages. The culture destroys languages. Hemen da autoa. Here is the car. Here's the car. Tomi txantxa gustatu zitzaion. Tom was amused by the joke. Tom liked the joke. Tomek ez daki zer egiten dudan. Tom doesn't know what I do. Tom doesn't know what I'm doing. Aurkikunta zientifiko garrantzitsua egin zuen. He made an important scientific discovery. He made an important scientific discovery. Ene errua izan da. This was my fault. It was my fault. Duela aspaldi zen. That was ages ago. It was a long time ago. Agure bat naiz. I'm an old man. I'm an old man. Zer da soinu hori? What is that sound? What's that sound? Bihar berriz guztiok emen egongo gara We'll all be here again tomorrow. We'll all be together again tomorrow. "Lagundu nezake?" "Ez, eskerrik asko. Begiratzen baino ez nabil." "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Can I help?" "No, thank you, I'm just looking." Samik Layla ukabilkadatzen segitu zuen. Sami kept punching Layla Sami kept punching Layla. Kirola osasungarria da. Sport is good for your health. It's a healthy sport. Guzti hori bazkaldu baino lehen gertatu zen. That all happened before lunch. It all happened before lunch. Badakit Tomek hori egin zuela. I know Tom did that. I know Tom did. Gazteleraz hitz egiten dut. I speak Spanish. I speak Spanish. Parisen izana al zara? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you been to Paris? Liburuak erosi nahi ditut. I want to buy books. I want to buy books. Ezin genuen mendiko tontorra ikusi. We could not see the top of the mountain. We couldn't see the mountain peak. Nire Aita dela gutxi euki du paralisi zerebrala. My dad has recently got a cerebral palsy. My father doesn't know what to do with paraliss. Egia esango dut. I'll tell the truth. I'll be honest. Ez zen nirea. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. Emily eskutitz bat idazten ari da. Emily is writing a letter. Emily's writing a letter. Eskerrik asko, hori izan da dena. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. Hark izugarri maite nau. She really loved me. She adores me. Sami, ez nazazu hiltzen utzi mesedez. Sami, please don't let me die. Sami, please don't let me die. Maryren txakurra oso zintzoa da. Mary's dog is very obedient. Mary's dog is very good. Gela hau hotza da. This room is cold. This room is cold. Azeria oiloa jaten ari da. The fox is eating a hen. The fox is eating the hen. Ahogozoko zopa da hau. This soup tastes good. This is delicious soup. Hau Tomek etxea da. This is Tom's house. This is Tom's house. Ez gara beldur. We are not scared. We're not scared. Hark engainatu ninduen. I was deceived by him. He cheated on me. Animalia guztiak gogoko ditu zaldiak izan ezik. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all animals except horses. Tomek lagunduko digu bihar. Tom is going to help us tomorrow. Tom's gonna help us tomorrow. Laylaren kamiseta Samiren ohean zegoen. Layla's shirt was on Sami's bed. Layla's T-shirt was on Sami's bed. Diamantearekin ihes egin du. He ran away with the diamond. He ran away with the diamond. Garunak gorputzaren energiaren %25a kontzumitzen du. Brains consume 25% of the body's energy. The brain listens to 25% of the energy of the body. Tom eta Mary ez zuten bete Tom and Mary didn't complain. Tom and Mary were not satisfied. Zenbat anaia-arreba dituzu? How many brothers do you have? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Etxea nik espero baino garestiagoa zen. The house was more expensive than I had expected. The house was more expensive than I expected. Tomek oso lapenturik zegoela esan zuen. Tom said that he was very busy. Tom said he was too late. Emakumeen eskubideak, giza eskubideak dira. Women's rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. Edaten du kaferik? Does he drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? Zergaitik zure txakurrak erren egiten hari du? Why is your dog limping? Why does your dog smoke? Futbolari famatua izan nahi dut. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I want to be the famous footballer. Tim Tomen anaia bikia da. Tim is Tom's twin brother. Tim is Tom's twin brother. Lan hau orain dela lau urte hasi nuen. I started doing this job four years ago. I started this job four years ago. Salneurriak jaisten ari direla dirudi. Prices seem to be going down. The prices seem to be coming down. Hil egingo naiz ez badidazu laguntzen. I'll die if you don't help me. I'll die if you don't help me. Uztailean lanean haziko naiz. I'll start my work on the first of July. I'll grow up at work in July. Italia oso herri ederra da. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a beautiful country. Tom hil zen auto istripu batean. Tom was killed in a car crash. Tom died in a car accident. Egunan zear ikasten dut, eta arratsaldean lan egiten dut. I study during the day, and in the evening I work. I study cear the day, and I work in the afternoon. Beltz guztiak ez dira ikatz All that glitters is not gold. Not all niggers are coal Hiztegia erabil dezakezu. You can use the dictionary. You can use your vocabulary. Bera hil nuen. I killed her. I killed him. Tom sukaldaria eta txoferra zen Bostonen. Tom used to be a cook and a chauffeur in Boston. Tom was a cook and chauffeur in Boston. Tomek, askotan, lor dezake nahi duena. Usually Tom can get whatever he wants. Tom can get what he wants, often. Seguru denbora libre asko duzula. You sure have a lot of free time. You probably have a lot of free time. Laylak ezin du umeak izan. Layla can't have children. Layla can't have children. Johnek laster oporraldia izango du. John shall have a holiday one of these days. John will soon have a vacation. Txarra al da? Is it bad? Is it bad? Zenbat ahizpa-neba dituzu? How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? Laylak ez zuen Sami sinetsi. Layla didn't believe Sami. Layla didn't believe Sam. Badirudi eskoila osoa eskua altxatu zuela. It seemed like the whole school raised their hand to bid. She seemed to have lifted her hand. Berriro gertatzeko beldur gara. We're scared it'll happen again. We're afraid it'll happen again. Hamar urte dira bera hil zenetik. It has been ten years since he died. It's been ten years since she died. Badakit Tomek ezkondu nahi dela. I know that Tom wants to get married. I know Tom wants to get married. Hiri honetan erlijio askatasunik badago. There is freedom of religion in this country. There is freedom of religion in this city. Zu beher zaitut, Tom. I need you, Tom. I'm below you, Tom. Ez naiz inoiz nekatzen horretaz. I never get tired of it. I never get tired of that. Tom ez zegoen ziur gertatu zenari buruz. Tom wasn't sure what happened. Tom wasn't sure about what happened. Viena hiri polita da. Vienna is a beautiful city. Vienna is a beautiful city. Europa - Jupiterren satelitea. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Europe - Jupiter's satellite. Jada Layla ez dago maitemindurik. Layla isn't in love anymore. Layla is no longer in love. Ez dut erabiliko. I'm not going to use it. I won't use it. Gaur Tomen 30. urtebetetzea da. Today's Tom's 30th birthday. Today's Tom's 30th birthday. Tomek eta Maryk ondo pasatu zuten kontzertuan. Tom and Mary had fun at the concert. Tom and Mary had a good time at the concert. Tom eta Maria erosi behar dute gauza batzuk. Tom and Mary need to buy some things. They're going to buy some things from Tom and Maria. Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? What did you think I'd do? What did you think I would do? Jatetxean erretzea debekatuta zegoen. Smoking in the restaurant was forbidden. No smoking in the restaurant. Hiru urte igaro dira Tom hil zenetik. It's been three years since Tom died. It's been three years since Tom died. Tomek deritzo tenor abesten duela. Tom says he sings tenor. Tom thinks he sings tenor. Ez nuen pentsatu hori egin ahal izango genuela. I didn't think we could do that. I didn't think we could do that. Ez nago ziur ideia ona edo txarra denik. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not sure it's a good or a bad idea. Australia herrialde polita da. Australia is a beautiful country. Australia is a nice country. Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980an. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. Laguntzarik behar duzu zure etxerako lanekin? Do you need help with your homework? Can I help you with your homework? Niretzat azterketa larregi zail izan zen. The exam was too difficult for me. Too much test was hard for me. Ez ditut gaixo askorik. I don't have a lot of patients. I don't have many patients. Zuk nahiko ondo egiten duzu frantsesez. Your French is good enough. You speak French pretty well. Zuek biok, biotatik nor etorriko da nirekin? Which one of you two are coming with me? You two, who's coming with me? Ez dut uste horrelako gauzarik egin ahal ditzakedanik. I don't think I could do that kind of thing. I don't think I can do anything like that. Irabazi dugu. We won! We won. Layla joan behar izan zen. Layla had to go. Layla had to go. Gaur egun, Burj Khalifa, munduko etxe orratzik altuena da. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Today, Burj Khalifa, it's the highest skyscraper in the world. Berak zientzia fikzio asko irakurtzen du. He reads a lot of science-fiction. He reads a lot of science fiction. Ez dakit. Bapatean gertatu zen dena. I don't know. It all happened in an instant. I don't know, it happened suddenly. Katuak sagua harrapatu zuen. The cat caught the mouse. The cat caught the mouse. Izugarri gustatzen zait egiten dudana. I really love what I do. I love what I do. Ez naute kezkatzen. I don't care about them. I'm not worried. Gertatzen ari dena ulertu gabe jarraitzen duzu? Do you still not understand what's going on? You still don't understand what's happening? Nork ikusi zenuen hori egiten? Who did you see doing that? Who saw you do that? Azalaren kolorea, hizkuntzak, eta erligioak ez dira genetika taldeak. Skin colors, languages, and religions are not genetic groupings. Cover color, languages, and religions are not genestics. Sarrera nahi duzunari eman diezaiokezu. You may give the ticket to whomever you like. You can give the entrance to whatever you want. Zure txakurra hipoalergenikoa da? Is your dog hypoallergenic? Is your dog a hypoalergenic? Zenbat 'home run' lortu du Tomek? How many home runs has Tom hit? How many homeruns did Tom get? Begiratu artikulu honen zuzentasuna. Check up on the accuracy of this article. Look at the integrity of this article. Uste dut beti maite izango zaitudala. I think I'll always love you. I think I'll always love you. Tom-ek ez zigun esan zergatik etorri beharko ginateke. Tom didn't tell us why we should come. Tom didn't tell us why we should come. Hor nagoenetik, aldi batean soilik hitz egin dut Tomekin. I've only spoken to Tom once since I got here. Since I was there, I only spoke to Tom for a while. Lagunduko dizut, baldintza bakar batekin. I'll help you, on one condition. I'll help you with one condition. Zure begiak polita dira You have beautiful eyes. Your eyes are beautiful Tomek country musika gustuko du. Tom likes country music. Tom likes country music. Uste nuena baino denbora gutxiago dago. There is less time than I thought. There's less time than I thought. Gure erlazioa bikaina zen. Our relationship was perfect. Our relationship was perfect. Halakorik ez da hemen gertatu. That's not what happened here. None of this has happened here. Istripu batetan zauritu zenetik, ezin izan du berriz ibili. Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk. Since he got hurt in an accident, he couldn't walk again. Hari exekutatu. Execute him. Run him. Bere bizitza sekretua ezagun bilakatu zen. His secret life came to light at last. His secret life became familiar. Diru-zorroa galdu dut. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Euria etxabotaka ari du kanpoan! It's really coming down out there! It's raining outside! Eguraldi ideala dago piknik baterako. It's ideal weather for a picnic. There's ideal weather for a picnic. Prestatu beharko zinateke. You should get ready. You should get ready. Tomek eta Maryk bere hirugarren semeari John jarri zioten. Tom and Mary named their third son John. Tom and Mary named his third son John. Bertan negoen orain duela urte bat. I was there a year ago. I was there a year ago. Behin betiko Tomeri botatuko diot. I'll definitely vote for Tom. I'll throw it over to Tom once and for all. Katedrala milurteko erdia da. The cathedral is half a millennium old. The cathedral is half a mill year. Hire lekuan nagok. I'm at your place. I'm in your place. Hilko naiz? Am I gonna die? Shall I die? Tom ez du gogoratzen no jarri duen bere pasaportea. Tom doesn't remember where he put his passport. Tom doesn't remember his passport he put on. Irakurtzeko gai izan naiz bost urte neukanetik. I've been able to read since I was five. I've been able to read since I was five. Gaixotasun serio batengatik sufritzen ari da. He is suffering from a serious illness. He's suffering from a serious disease. Herriaren borondatea da botere publikoaren agintearen oinarria; borondate hori aldian-aldian egingo diren benetako hauteskundeetan adieraziko da. Hauteskundeok bozketa orokor eta berdinez eta isilpeko boto bidez egingo dira, edo boto askatasuna bermatzen duen beste bide batez. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. The will of the people is the foundation of the authority of the public power, which will be represented in the real elections which are to be made during the time of time. These elections will be made by general and equal suffrages, and by tacit suffrages, or by another way, which guarantees the freedom of suffrage. Tom tokiko astronomia elkartearen lehendakaria da. Tom is the president of the local astronomy club. Tom is the president of local astronomy. Lasai, txorimalo bat baino ez da. Relax, it's just a scarecrow. Don't worry, it's just a scarecrow. Bera izan zen ilargian lurra hartzen lehen gizona. He was the first man to land on the moon. He was the first man to land on the moon. Ez dut eskolara joan nahi. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Tomek Mary entzun behar izan zuen. Tom should've listened to Mary. Tom had to listen to Mary. Pozik nago bueltatu zarelako. I'm glad to see you back. I'm glad you came back. Gaztelaniaz badakite. They can speak Spanish. They know Spanish. Inori ezingo zaio arrazoirik gabe herritartasuna kendu, ezta herritartasuna aldatzeko eskubidea ukatu ere. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. No one can take away his citizenship without cause, or deny his right to change his citizenship. Zure eskumenetik kanpo dago. It's outside your jurisdiction. It's out of your jurisdiction. Non daude artaziak? Where are the scissors? Where are the scissors? Oso garestia da Too expensive! It's expensive. Nire naguziak nire lana ona ez zela erabaki zuen. My boss just decided my work was no good. My brother decided my work wasn't good. Txirrinak esnatu ninduen. I was roused by the sound of a bell. The bell woke me up. Txinatar lagun bat dut. I have a Chinese friend. I have a Chinese friend. Tom oso beldurtuta egon zen. Tom was very scared. Tom was very afraid. Euri asko egiten du Alemanian? Does it rain much in Germany? Does it rain much in Germany? Nire puntuak galdu ditut. I lost my points. I've lost my points. Nork gehiago dago taldean? Who else is on the team? Who else on the team? Hau trajedia da. This is a tragedy. This is tragedy. Hori da Tomek eman zizun txanoa? Is that the hat Tom gave you? Is that the cap Tom gave you? Nola esaten da hori italieraz? How do you say that in Italian? How do you say that in Italian? Sami mamu batekin bizi da. Sami lived with a ghost. He lives with a ghost. Independentziaren egun zoriontsua! Happy Independence Day! Happy day of independence! Tomek katu beltz bat du. Tom has a black cat. Tom has a black cat. Liburua txikia da. The book is small. The book is small. Sofan eseri nintzen. I sat on the sofa. I sat down on the sofa. Egipton jaio nintzen. I was born in Egypt. I was born in Egypt. Garagardoa edatea gustuko duzu? Do you like to drink beer? You like drinking beer? Partida bikaina izan zen. The game was excellent. It was a great game. Ikusiko zaitut bihar? Am I going to see you tomorrow? Will I see you tomorrow? Samik oraindik ez du ardura onartu. Sami still hasn't accepted responsibility. Sami hasn't yet accepted the responsibility. Tomi hori egiteko esango diot. I'll tell Tom to do that. I'll tell Tom to do it. Nora zoaz? Where are you going? Where are you going? Edo Tom dabil gezurretan edo Mary dabil gezurretan. Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying. Or Tom's lying or Mary's lying. Nire maleta hartzeko itxaroten ari naiz. I'm waiting for my suitcase. I'm just waiting for my suitcase. Tomek hori egingo zuen? Will Tom do that? Is that what Tom would have done? Tom eta Mary denbora asko igaro dute batera. Tom and Mary have spent a lot of time together. Tom and Mary have been together a long time. Tom gauza hori egiten urduri ez zegoela uste dut. I thought Tom wasn't nervous doing that. I think Tom wasn't nervous about that thing. Noiz aurkitu zuen Tomek Mary John_ekin ikusten ari zela? When did Tom find out that Mary was seeing John? When did Tom find her seeing Mary John_? Pertsona orok du herritartasuna izateko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to a nationality. Every person has a right to a nationality. Alokatu furgoneta txikia ordu batez. Hire a minivan by the hour. You can rent the little van for one hour. Haietako inork aurkeztu zen bileran. Neither of them was present at the meeting. None of them presented themselves at the meeting. Beethoven musikari bikaina zen. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. Poliziari lapurretaren berri eman genion. We reported the theft to the police. We told the police about the robbery. Ez nago horregatik haserre. I'm not angry about it. I'm not angry at that. Haiek errusiarrak dira. They are Russian. They're Russians. "Esker aunitz." "Deusetaz." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you very much." "About Deus." Clivek ingeniari elektronikoa izan nahi du. Clive wants to be an electronic engineer. Clive wants to be an electronic engineer. Gau hartan ez nuen ondo lo egin. I didn't sleep well that night. I didn't sleep well that night. Ez dakit nola frogatu ekuazio matematiko hau. I don't know how to prove this math equation. I don't know how to prove this mathematical equation. Tom eta Mary-k amaitu zuten hori egiten beraien kontuz. Tom and Mary finished doing that on their own. Tom and Mary finished doing that with their care. Nire kamera zurearen berdina da. My camera is the same as your camera. My camera is exactly the same as yours. Tomek badaki zer esan behar duen. Tom knows what he has to say. Tom knows what he's going to say. Faltan botatzen zaitut! I miss you! I miss you! Sinu eta kosinu funtzioek -1 eta 1 arteko balioak hartzen dituzte (-1 eta 1 barne). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sine and cosine functions take values between -1 and 1 (including -1 and 1). Layla libre sentitzen hasi zen berriro. Layla started to feel free again. Layla began to feel free again. Ezin nuen Tom ulertu I wasn't able to understand Tom. I couldn't understand Tom. Epe luzean, gehiago praktikatu beharko duzu. In the long run, you will have to practise more. In the long term, you'll have to practice more. Zenbat kotxeak dauzka Tomek? How many cars does Tom own? How many cars does Tom have? Roma inoiz bisitatu baldin baduzu, Koliseoa ikusia izan behar duzu. If you have ever visited Rome, you must have seen the Coliseum. If you ever visit Roma, you must see the Colosseum. Tomek hori egin zuen nahigabe. Tom did that intentionally. Tom involuntarily did so. Gizon horiek ezagutzen dituzu? Do you know those men? Do you know these men? Ez zaitut aspaldian ikusi. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in a while. Bera heldu arte itxarongo dut. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait until he gets here. Liburua garestiegia da. The book is too expensive. The book is too expensive. Erretzeari uztea erabaki zuen. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to stop smoking. Esango zenidake nola egin hori? Would you please tell me how to do that? Can you tell me how to do that? Mary neska ederra da. Mary is a beautiful girl. Mary's a beautiful girl. Nork asmatu zituen betaurrekoak? Who invented glasses? Who invented glasses? David gaixorik dago, ezta? David's sick, right? David's sick, isn't he? Esaten da "Hamlet" inoiz ez idatzitako lanik interesgarriena dela. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. It's said "Hatlet" is the most interesting job ever written. Samik Laylaren ontzia lapurtu zuen. Sami stole Layla's boat. Sami stole Layla's boat. Aurten ezin izango dut oporretan joan dirurik ez dudalako. I can't afford to go on holiday this year because I'm broke. I won't be able to go on vacation this year because I don't have any money. Litioa, sodioa, potasioa, rubidioa, zesioa eta frantzioa metal alkalinoak dira. Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium are alkali metals. Lithium, Sodium, fatasium, vidius, cesium, and Frisium are alcalino metals. Layla nahi duen bakarra zoriontsu izatea da. Layla just wants to be happy. All he wants is to be happy. Lan hau bukatzeko bi egun behar ditu. It'll take him two days to finish this work. To finish this job, it takes two days. Inoiz huts egin duzu azterketa batean? Have you ever failed an exam? Have you ever failed in a test? Txoria ez da bueltatu. The bird has not returned. The bird didn't come back. Nire inguruan begiratu nuen. I looked around me. I looked around me. Hau 2017zko ekainaren 2an goizeko 10etan idazten ari naiz. I'm writing this on Friday, June 2, 2017 at 10 AM. I'm writing this at 10 a.m. of June 2017. Esan ahal didazu nola egin hori, mesedez? Could you please tell me how to do that? Can you tell me how to do that, please? Layla nola hil zen ez dakigu zehaztasun osoz. We don't know exactly how Layla died. We don't know exactly how Layla died. Tom dagoeneko iritsia behar zuen. Tom should've arrived by now. Tom must have arrived by now. Zure alaba drogazalea da. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter is a drug addict. Berak frantsesez bikain egiten du. He speaks French perfectly. He's an excellent French man. Asko aldatu zara ikusi zintudanetik. You've changed a lot since I've seen you. You've changed so much since I saw you. Felinoek sabanan egiten dute korrika. The felines run in the savannah. The Felinos run one by one. Tom-ek ez daki Mary-ren mutil laguna naizela. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's friend. Ahazkorra naiz oso. I'm very forgetful. I'm so forgetful. Laylak ezin du potea ireki. Hark esku bat bakarrik du. Layla can't open the jar. She only has one hand. Layla can't open the jar, she has only one hand. Goiz atera ahal naiz? May I leave early? Can I go out early? Betidanik, unibertsitatearen existentziaz jakin nuenetik, bertara joateko gogoa izan dut. Ever since I learned about the existence of the university, I wanted to go there. Ever since I learned about the existence of the university, I wanted to go there. Oso sudur txikia daukat. I have a very small nose. I have a very small nose. Oso hizketakide interesgarria zara. You are a very interesting interlocutor. You're an interesting conversation partner. Utziko didazu kalkulagailua? May I borrow your calculator? Can I borrow the calculator? Zure emaztea zorte handiko emakumea da. Your wife is a very lucky woman. Your wife is a lucky woman. Tom egin zuena bikaina zela uste nuen. I thought what Tom did was fantastic. I thought what Tom did was great. Hori lagunduko duela pentsatzen dut. I think that'll happen. I think it'll help. Bi mila liburu dauzka. She has two thousand books. He's got two thousand books. Tomek eta Marik hori egiten ari dira Jonekin batera. Tom and Mary are doing that with John. Tom and Marik are doing that with Jon. Atzo etorri nintzen. I came yesterday. I came here yesterday. Haren itzulpena jatorrizkoarekin bat dator. His translation is faithful to the original. His translation agrees with the original. Tomek eta Marik hori egiten ari dira. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Marik are doing that. Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen. Layla wanted to go to heaven. Layl wanted to go to heaven. Izurra izurtu. To floop the floop. Scared the shit out of me. Tom-en aitak Bostonen bizi dira Tom's parents live in Boston. Tom's dad lives in Boston. Orri honen hiru kopia egin, mesedez Please make three copies of this page. Make three copies of this page, please. Laylak Samirekin negar egin zuen. Layla cried with Sami. Layla cried with Sami. Zerbait harrigarria gertatu zen. Something incredible happened. Something strange happened. Bileran parte hartzeko goiz jaiki zen. He got up early in order to attend the meeting. He got up early to join the meeting. Historiako klasean lo geratu zen. He dozed off in history class. He fell asleep in the history class. Bazenekien blog bat daukadala? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I have a blog? Espainieraz badakite. They can speak Spanish. Spanish is known. Damasko hiri ederra da. Damascus is a beautiful town. Damascus is a beautiful city. Gauza hauek ez dira nireak! These things aren't mine! These things aren't mine! Jateko ordua dela uste dut. I think it's time to eat. I think it's lunchtime. Hiri honetan zubi gehiegi daude. There are too many bridges in this city. There are too many bridges in this city. Nire emaztea maite dut, baina batzuetan bakarrik egon behar dut. I love my wife, but I sometimes need to be alone. I love my wife, but sometimes I have to be alone. Zaratagatik ezin izan nuen lo hartu. I couldn't fall asleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. Deituidak! Call me! Call me! Tomek ez du bere etxea utzi nahi. Tom didn't want to leave his house. Tom doesn't want to leave his house. Mesedez, baina dezakezu umea? Could you please give the baby a bath? Please, can you have the baby? Nork asmatu zuen makina hau? Who invented this machine? Who invented this machine? Zer gertatu da azken boladan hemen? What has actually happened here? What happened here lately? Istripuaren arrazoiak ikertuko zituztela adostu zuten. They agreed to look into the causes of the accident. They agreed to investigate the reasons for the crash. Nire urtebetetzea ahaztu zuten. They forgot my birthday. They forgot my birthday. Tomek mandarina ikasten ari da. Tom is learning Mandarin. Tom's studying the Mandarin. Euskara ikasten ari naiz. I am learning Basque. I'm learning Basque. Jendeak klima aldaketa globalari buruz hitz egin nahi duenean, "negutegi efektua" adiera maiz erabiltzen du. The term 'greenhouse effect' is often used when people talk about global changes of climate nowadays. When people want to talk about global climate change, they often use "care effect" meanings. Nire arreba Lyme gaixotasuna dauka. My sister has Lyme disease. My sister Lyme is sick. Loreak motzegiak dira. Ez dut uste haziko direnik. These plants are too small. I don't think that they'll grow. The flowers are too short, I don't think they'll grow. Hemen jango dut. I'll eat it here. I'll eat here. Zeruan dagoen izar kantitatea infinitua da. The quantity of stars in the sky is infinite. A star in heaven is an infinite quantity. Laylak labezomorroak jaten ditu. Layla eats cockroaches. Layla eats cockroaches. Jende guztiak ariketa egingo balu, medikuek ez lukete lanik izango astetan. If everyone exercised, doctors would be out of business in weeks. If all the people were to practice, the doctors wouldn't work for weeks. Oh! Erakuts iezadazu faborez. Oh! Show it to me please. Oh, show me about it. Etsaiak gauez eraso zigun. The enemy attacked us at night. The enemy attacked us at night. Bero asko egiten du hemen. It's very hot here. It's very hot in here. Tom orain ezkonduta dago. Tom is married now. Tom's married now. Nire umeen segurtasuna ziurta dezakezu? Can you assure the safety of my children? Can you guarantee my children's safety? Euria ari du. It is raining. It's raining. Nik badakit Tomek ezin duela Frantsezez hitz egin. I know that Tom can't speak French. I know that Tom can't talk French. Bi txakur eta sei katu ez ditu. She has a dog and six cats. He doesn't have two dogs and six cats. Barka nazazu baina ezin dut zure maitasuna onartu. Forgive me because I can't accept your love. Forgive me, but I can't accept your love. Zure denbora hartu beharko duzu. You need to take your time. You'll have to take your time. Tom eta Mary-k beraien hitzorduak bertan bera utzi diruzte. Tom and Mary have canceled their appointments. Tom and Mary left him with their appointments. Bat-batean, ate kolpe batez itxi zen. All of a sudden, the door shut with a bang. Suddenly the door slammed shut. Pertsona orok du, bereizkeriarik gabe, lan beragatik lansari berbera jasotzeko eskubidea. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Every man has a right, without distinction, to receive the same wages for the same work. Gureak askatasun egarri dira. Our people thirst for independence. Our people thirst for freedom. Tomek egiten dituen erabaki guztiak errespetatuko ditut. I'll respect any decision Tom makes. I respect every decision Tom makes. Urte berri on opa dizuet. I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you good new year. Suitza herrialde polita da. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Ez al duzu ikur hori ikusten? Don't you see the sign? Don't you see that sign? Ezin daiteke inor torturatu, ezta inori zigor edo tratu txar, anker eta lotsarazlerik eman ere. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. No one can be tortured, or punished, cruel, and troublesome. Jimek azterketa prestatzen ari zenean gaueko olio guztia erre zuen. Jim burned the midnight oil when he was preparing for the examination. When Jim was preparing for his exam, he burned all the evening oil. Haiek ez ziren geldituko ni torturatzen. They wouldn't stop torturing me. They wouldn't stop tormenting me. Hau nire dirua da, ez zurea. This is my money, not yours. This is my money, not yours. Osakan jaio nintzen 1977. urtean. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. Zenbat urte dituzu? How old are you? How old are you? Hemen egongo naiz arratsalde guztian. I'll be here all afternoon. I'll be here all afternoon. Sami bakarrik zegoen komunean. Sami was alone in the bathroom. Sam was in the bathroom alone. Adibidez, hauxe maitasun abestia da. For example, this is a love song. For example, this is a love song. Nire gurasoekin bizi naiz. I live at home with my parents. I live with my parents. Hiroshiman jaio nintzen 1945ean. I was born in Hiroshima in 1945. I was born in Hiroshima in 1945. Tomek azken hitza izan behar du beti. Tom always needs to have the last word. Tom always has to be the last word. Samik gertakizuna paperean ikusi zuen. Sami saw the story in the paper. Sami saw the incident on the paper. Parisera frantsesa ikastera Joan zen . He went to Paris to study French. He went to Paris to learn French. Hemen duzu aholku bat zure arazorako. Here's a tip for your trouble. Here's a tip for your problem. Badaki Tomek guk ezin dugula frantsesez hitz egin? Does Tom know we can't speak French? Does Tom know we can't speak French? Bera pozik zegoen azterketa gainditu ondoren. He was happy to have passed the examination. He was happy to have passed the test. Berari esan niri orain esan didazuna. Tell her what you just told me. Tell him what you just told me. Aita orain kanpoan da, lorategian. My father is out in the garden now. Dad's out in the garden now. Nik ordainduko dut hori. I'll have to pay for it. I'll pay for that. Badakit tuntuna naizela pentsatzen duzula I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm stupid Kyoton ikusi nuen lehen aldiz. It was in Kyoto that I first met her. I saw Kyoto for the first time. Tom eskuma-ezkerti da, ezta? Tom is ambidextrous, isn't he? Tom's right-handed, isn't he? Utz iezadak, mesedez, hire liburua. Please lend me your book. Please leave me your book. Hori arrain handia da. That's a big fish. That's a big fish. Eseri eta gero zigarro bat piztu zuen. She sat and lit a cigarette up. He sat down and lit a cigarette. Beharbada bihar etorriko da. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe he'll be back tomorrow. Seguru nago Tomek hori egin ahal duela. I'm sure Tom could do that. I'm sure Tom can do that. Irakaslea naiz. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. Nire osabarekin bizi naiz. I live with my uncle. I live with my uncle. Laylak gure bizitzak salbatu zituen. Layla saved our lives. Laylla saved our lives. Nik arreba bi dauzkat? Nik hiru neba dauzkat. Do I have two sisters? I have three sons. I have two sisters, I have three brothers. Ez duzu uste barregarria denik? Don't you think it's funny? Don't you think it's funny? Zure pisuan nago. I'm at your place. I'm in your apartment. Txori honek giza ahotsa imitatu dezake. This bird can imitate the human voice. This bird can imitate the human voice. Samik inguauran begiratu zuen eta ez zegoen ezer. Sami looked around and nothing was there. Sami looked into the garage and there was nothing. Esan Tomiri bulegoan itzaroteko, mesedez. Please ask Tom to wait in his office. Tell Tom to stop at the office, please. Hori konpondu behar dut. I have to repair it. I have to fix that. Jarraitu nahi duzu hau egiten? Do you want to continue doing this? Do you want to keep doing this? Zer pentsatzen du neska horrek niri buruz? What does that girl think about me? What does she think of me? Autobusa gelditzen den tokia hemen al da? Is it here that the bus stops? Is the place where the bus stops here? Tom ez zegoen prestatuta hori egiteko. Tom wasn't ready to do that. Tom wasn't prepared to do that. Etxe bat erosi nuen 2013an. I bought a house in 2013. I bought a house in 2013. Gose izango gara. We'll be hungry. We must be hungry. Inor ez da betegina. Nobody is perfect. No one is perfect. Ez ziren lanpeturik. They weren't busy. They weren't busy. Beti pentsatu nuen naturak zu hiltzea nahi zuenean bihotzekoa ematen zizula. I always thought that having a heart attack was the way nature told you to die. I always thought that nature, when she wanted to kill you, gave you a heart attack. Espero dut zuk honelako bat laster edukitzea. I hope you get one soon. I hope you have one of these soon. Beldurtzen dizute? Do they frighten you? Are they afraid of you? Denbora galtze izugarria da. This is a huge waste of time. It's a terrible waste of time. Hori arasorik gabe egiteko gai izango zara. You'll be able to do that easily. You'll be able to do that without trouble. Kyoton jaio nintzen 1980. urtean. I was born in Kyoto in 1980. I was born in Kyoton in 1980. Tomek bi ordenagailu ditu. Tom has two computers. Tom has two computers. Egia esango dut I'll tell the truth. I'll be honest. Tom-ek bakarrik zoriontsu izatea nahi duela esan du. Tom says he just wants to be happy. Tom said he only wanted to be happy. Tomek seme bat dauka John izena duena. Tom has a son whose name is John. Tom has a son named John. Historiari buruzko hamaika liburu ditu. He has a lot of books on history. He's got a million books on history. Ez nago haserre horretaz. I'm not angry about it. I'm not angry at that. Hori konpondu behar dut. I have to fix it. I have to fix that. Bostonen ondo pasatu nuen I had fun in Boston. I had fun in Boston. Ekuazio diferentzialak deribatuak dituzten ekuazioak dira. Differential equations are equations involving derivatives. The differences of equations with derivatives are equations. Berak gauza berriak ikastea beti maite ditu. She always loves to learn new things. He always likes to learn new things. Txarto neurtu duzu, ziur. You must've measured wrong. I'm sure you've measured it wrong. Hori gertatzea lehenago ere ikusi genuen. We've seen that happen before. We saw it happen before. Abokatua izatea nahi nuen. I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted you to be a lawyer. Horko mutilak nire nebak dira Those boys over there are my brothers. The boys over there are my brothers. Kartxelan bizirik iraun nahi baduzu, kabroia izan beharko zara. If you wanna survive in this prison, you'll have to be a badass. If you want to survive the car, you'll have to be an asshole. Alokairua ordaintzeko diru nahikoa ez dut. I didn't have enough money to pay my rent. I don't have enough money to pay for the rent. Komikiak arras gogoko dituzu, ezta? You really like comic books, don't you? You like comics very much, don't you? Hiru arreba ditut; bat erizaina da eta besteak ikasleak. I have three sisters; one is a nurse and the others are students. I have three sisters, one is a nurse and the other a student. Beti maite izango zaitut. I'll love you always. I will always love you. Badakit Tom ez dagoela hain lanpetuta gaur. I knew Tom wouldn't be so busy today. I know Tom's not that busy today. Uranioa energia nuklearra ekoizteko erabiltzen da. Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power. The Uranium is used to produce nuclear energy. Ez daki igeri egiten. He doesn't know how to swim. He can't swim. Turkia herrialde polita da. Turkey is a beautiful country. Turkey is a beautiful country. Tomek hiru katu ditu. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Delituagatik salatutakoak eskubidea du errugabetzat jo dezaten, errudun dela legez eta jendaurreko epaiketan frogatzen ez den bitartean. Epaiketan bere burua zaintzeko berme guztiak ziurtatuko zaizkio. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Whoever has been accused of crime has a right to look upon him as innocent, as guilty, and as long as he is not proved in public judgment, he will be assured of all the guarantees of self-defence in the trial. Seguruenik bera korrika dago parkean. He is probably running in the park. He's probably running in the park. Dagoeneko ez du hemen lanik egiten. He no longer works here. He doesn't work here anymore. Getter Jaani-ren ondoan hil nahi dut. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die next to Getter Jaani. Ondo egin zenuen. You nailed it. You did right. Tom eta biok batzutan elkar lan egiten dugu Tom and I sometimes work together. Tom and I sometimes work together. Abeslaria ez al zara? Aren't you a singer? Aren't you a singer? Zu izan zinen Tom pozoindu zuena? Were you the one who poisoned Tom? Was it you who poisoned Tom? Hiru hegazkin ditugu. We have three airplanes. We have three planes. Samik niretzako zerbait zeukan. Sami has something for me. Sam had something for me. Laylak hirura arte zenbatu zuen. Layla counted to three. Laylla counted to three. Esnekiak gorroto ditut. I really hate dairy products. I hate milk. Espero dut egun batean Europara joatea I want to go to Europe someday. I hope one day we go to Europe. Hemen ezin da aparkatu. Parking isn't allowed here. You can't park here. Tom donut bat jan zuen. Tom ate a donut. Tom ate a donut. Asko beti lan egiten du. He always works hard. He works a lot. Zergatik ari zara negarrez? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Ingelesez hitz egiten dut. I speak English. I speak English. Testu hau ez da itzultzeko erraza. This text isn't easy to translate. This text is not easy to translate. Horretaz guztiz konbentzituta nago. I'm utterly convinced of it. That's what I'm fully convinced of. Tomek hori egiteko ez zegoen prest. Tom wasn't ready to do that. Tom wasn't ready to do that. Nik dakit Gaztelania, Euskara eta Ingelesa apur bat. I know Spanish, Basque and some English. I know Spanish, Basque, and English a little. Ni hori egitea saiatzen nintzen. I used to try to do that. I was trying to do that. Hobeto egin ahal dudala pentsatzen dut. I think I can do better. I think I can do better. Nire txisteak gustuko zituen. She liked my jokes. He liked my jokes. Garrantzitsuena ez da zein unibertsitatetan graduatu zaren, baizik eta zer ikasi duzun unibertsitatean. What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The main thing is not what college you graduated from, but what you learned in college. Ez dakit zer gertatu zen egun horretan. I don't know what happened that day. I don't know what happened that day. Ez iezaiozue dioenari arreta jar. Don't take any notice of what he says. Don't mind what he says. Egingo al dugu piknik bat? How about going on a picnic? Shall we make a picnic? Nirekin dantza egingo? Would you like to dance with me? Dance with me? Barkatu Forgive me. Sorry. Egun ona izan! Have a nice day! Have a nice day! Hark epean egingo du? Will she make it in time? Is he going to do it in time? Bazegoen kulero arrosa bat bere zain bulegoan. There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office. There was a pink panties waiting for him in the office. Barkatu, berandu helduko naiz, trafikoan harrapatuta nago eta! Sorry but I'm going to be late, I'm stuck in traffic! I'm sorry, I'm late. I'm stuck in traffic. Ez dakizu inoiz zer espero Layla-rengandik. You never know what to expect from Layla. You never know what to expect from Layla. Doktorea da. He is a doctor. It's the doctor. Begetarianoa naiz. I am a vegetarian. I'm vegetarian. Nik esan diedana egingo dute. They will do what I tell them. They'll do what I told them to do. Gero esango dizuet. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. Itzuli diezaiozu liburu hau. Take this book back to him. Give him back this book. Laylak zer gertatzen ari zen konturatu zen. Layla realized what was happening. Layla knew what was going on. Barkatu... Sorry... I'm sorry. Nire autoa garbituko dut. I'm going to wash my car. I'll clean my car. Maitasuna ez da inoiz xahutzen. Love is never wasted. Love never spends. Bi katu ditut. I have two cats. I have two cats. Hire alaba drogazalea dun. Your daughter is a drug addict. Your daughter's a drug addict. Hori egitea zaila zen. Doing that was difficult. That was hard to do. Irrikan nengoen. I was really anxious. I was looking forward to it. Laylak zerura joan nahi zuen bere ama ikusteko. Layla wanted to go to heaven to see her mother. Layl wanted to go to heaven to see his mother. Nire kamera Nikon da. My camera is a Nikon. My camera is Nikon. Laylak ez zuen inork bera entzutea. Layla didn't want anyone to hear her. Laylla wasn't listening to him. Elur urte, arto urte Snow year, corn year Snow year, corn year Erantzun zuzen bat baino gehiago egon ahal dira. There can be more than one correct answer. There may be more than one correct answer. Snowboard-a egitea gustatzen zait. I like snowboarding. I like making Snowboard. Gaur goiz joango naizela uste dut. I think I'll leave early today. I think I'll leave early today. Ez zen nire errua izan. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. Zer egingo duzu gaur gauean? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Ez zait txokolatea gustatzen. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Pertsona orori dagozkio atsedenerako eskubidea, aisiarakoa, lanaldiaren iraupen mugatua izatekoa eta aldian-aldian ordaindutako oporrak izatekoa. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Every man has a right to rest, to leisure, to have a limited duration of labour, and to have a holiday paid from time to time. Horra joateak ez dauka zentzurik. There's no point going there. Going there doesn't make any sense. Bidaiari batek gelditzeko eskatu zidan norabidea galdetzeko. The traveler stopped to ask me the way. A passenger asked me to stop him and ask for directions. Atzerriko hizkuntzak gustatzen zait! I like foreign languages! I love foreign languages! Gurekin afaltzera etorri nahiko zenuke gaur gauean? Would you like to have dinner with us tonight? Would you like to come and have dinner with us tonight? Mesedez, itzali zuen gailu elektronikoak. Please turn off your electronic devices. Please turn off your electronic devices. Zein kualitate miresten dituzu gehien Tomengan? What qualities do you most admire in Tom? What qualities do you admire most in Tom? Hirian bizi zarete? Do you live in the city? Do you live in town? Agian tom bihar etortzen da. Tom could possibly come tomorrow. Maybe he comes tomorrow. Alpetara joango gara eskiatzera. We are going skiing in the Alps. We'll go skiing in the Alps. Tigreak gustoko ditu. He likes tigers. Tiger likes tigers them. Gero hotelean ikusiko zaitut. I'll see you at the hotel later. I'll see you at the hotel later. Hemen al da? Is it here? Is he here? Eraman ezazu mapa bat gainean ez galtzeko. Take a map with you in case you get lost. Take a map with you so you don't lose it. Txiza egin behar dut. I need to pee. I have to pee. Berak nahiago du futbola baseballa baino. He prefers football to baseball. He prefers football to Baseball. Hemen nago orain maite zaitudalako. I'm here now because I love you. I'm here now because I love you. Tomek ez zuen esan Mary kusiko zuela. Tom didn't mention that he'd met Mary. Tom didn't say he was seeing Mary. Txakurrak gorroto ditut. I hate dogs. I hate dogs. Zeintzuik dira obeto abesten ditun abestiak? What songs are you best at singing? What are the songs you sing onstage? Harekin bat nator. I agree with him. I agree with him. Ez da aparteko ezer gertatzen hemen. There's not much happening here. Nothing extraordinary happens here. Samik bere autoa eta etxea galdu zituen. Sami lost his car and house. Sami lost her car and house. Pizza nahi duzu ala ez? Do you want pizza or not? Do you want pizza or don't you? Egun batean bakarrik egon naiz eta jadanik joan nahi dut. I've only been here for a day and I already want to leave. I've been alone one day and I want to leave already. Non aurkitu zenuen giltza hau? Where was it that you found this key? Where did you find this key? Ezan nizun ez abestea. I told you not to sing. I didn't sing to you. Konbentzituta zenidurien oso Tomek hori egin nahi zuela. You seemed convinced that Tom wanted to do that. You were convinced that Tom wanted to do it. Nik liburuak irakurtzen ikasten dut. I learn by reading books. I learn to read books. Kondenatua. Damn. It's doomed. Etxe berria eraiki nuen. I built a new house. I built a new house. Zutaz fidatzen naiz guztiz. I trust you completely. I completely trust you. Tom Las Vegasen ezkondu zen. Tom got married in Las Vegas. Tom got married in Vegas. Laylak ez zuen inoiz lan egin. Layla never worked. Layla never worked. Egia al da? Is it true? Is it true? Bihar jaieguna da. Tomorrow is a holiday. Tomorrow's a holiday. Zer pentsatzen zenuen nik egingo nukeela? What did you think I would do? What did you think I would do? Puntu garrantzitsua dela pentsatzen dut. I think that's an important point. I think this is an important point. Lasai zaitez! Calm down! Calm down! Bere ametsa egi bihurtu zen. His dream came true. His dream came true. Zer pentsatzen dute niri buruz? What do they think about me? What do they think of me? Bere aitak lagundu zuen bere lorategian lanean. She helped her father with the work in the garden. His father helped him work in his garden. Postetxea itxita dago. The post office is closed. Posthouse is closed. Zein egunean da azkoka? What day is the fair? What day's a cocoon? Ez zara kanadarra. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Berak ulertu ez duela ulertu uste dut. I am afraid that he did not understand. I think he doesn't understand. Adierazpen honen zuzentasunaz zalantzatan hasi nintzen. I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement. I began to doubt the correctness of this statement. Zer gertatu zen bitartean? What's happened in the meantime? As long as what happened? Bihar gosaltzerako momentuan ikusiko zaitut. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast time. Tom and Mary ez dira inoiz egon jatetxe horretan. Tom and Mary have never been to that restaurant. Tom and Mary have never been in that restaurant. Hura al da zure irakaslea? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Emaztea eta ume bat ditut. I have a wife and a kid. I have a wife and a child. Txinatarrek beste xake mota batean ibiltzen dira. People from China play another kind of chess. Chinese play a different kind of chess. Eskutitz bat eman zidan bere bizitzako azken momentuan. He gave me a letter in his last moments of life. He gave me a letter at the last moment of his life. Samik umeentzako telesail hau maite du. Sami loves this children's TV show. Sami loves this series of kids. Biharko bilerara etorri ahal izango zara? Could you come to tomorrow's meeting? Can you come to the meeting tomorrow? Horri buruz asko pentsatu dut I've thought a lot about it. I've thought a lot about it. Mary emakume ederra da. Mary is a beautiful woman. Mary is a beautiful woman. Itsasoan irlak daude. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Napoleonek dirua behar izan zuen Britainiaren kontrako gerrarako Napoleon needed money for a war with Britain. Napoleon needed money for the war against Britain. Ondo. Good. Good. Tomek ez du ondo lorik egin hainbat arrazoiengatik. Tom didn't sleep well for a multitude of reasons. Tom didn't sleep well for reasons. Emakume ederra da. She is a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. Zer nahi duzu edateko? What can I get you for drinking? What can I get you for a drink? Oso pozik nago hau gertatzeagatik. I'm really happy that this is happening. I'm so glad this happened. Ez naiz oso baikorra. I'm not very optimistic. I'm not very positive. Ez daukat lagun Japoniarrik. I do not have a Japanese friend. I don't have any Japanese friends. Nire aldizkaria ikusi duzu? Have you seen my magazine? Have you seen my magazine? Material oso ona da? Is it a good material? Is this really good stuff? Sami hasi zen nire arropa kentzen. Sami started taking my clothes off. Sam started taking my clothes off. FBIa etorri zen Layla atxilotzeko. The FBI came to arrest Layla. The FBI came to arrest Layla. Tom bihar etorri ahal da. Tom could come tomorrow. Tom can come tomorrow. Sentitzen dut nire hitza bete ez izana. I regret not having kept my promise. I'm sorry I didn't keep my word. Samiren ontzia lapurtua izan zen. Sami's boat was stolen. Sami's ship was stolen. Ezin zion barreari eutsi. He could not stop smiling. He couldn't help laughing. Bostonen lana aurkitu nahi nuke I'd like to find a job in Boston. I'd like to find a job in Boston. Tel Aviv hiri polita da. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. B bat daukat fisikan. I got a B in physics. I have a B in physics. Kirolari ona da. He is a good athlete. He's a good sport. Ez da nire errua! It's not my fault! It's not my fault! Horko neskak nire arrebak dira. Those girls over there are my sisters. The girls over there are my sisters. Ondo! Great! Good! "Amerikarra zara?" "Texasekoa.""Ohiokoa.""Paul.""Ted. Pozik zu ezagutzeaz." "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." "You're American"? "The Texas." Urduri dago eta erraz izutzen da. He's nervous and gets scared easily. He's nervous and he's easily afraid. Tomem dio gurasoek nahi duena egiten uzten diotela. Tom said his parents allow him to do what he wants. Tomem says his parents let him do what they want. Luis Bonfa musikari aparta da. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Louis Bonfa is a great musician. Sami hilketa baten biktima izan zen. Sami was the victim of a murder. Sam was the victim of a murder. Hileta atzo izan zen. The funeral was yesterday. The funeral was yesterday. Guztiok entzun duzue hori? Did everybody hear that? Did you all hear that? Hori jasan ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can handle that. I think I can handle that. Laylak errepidea berarena izango balitz bezala gidatzen du. Layla drives as if she owned the road. Laylla guides the road as if it belonged to him. Oso arraroa izan zen. It was extremely weird. It was really weird. Samik bere seme- alabekin marrazki bizidunak ikusten zituen. Sami watched the cartoons with his children. Sami saw cartoons with her children. Tomek Boston ikusi nuen. I saw Tom in Boston. Tom saw Boston. Ez dut soinurik entzuten. I hear no sound. I can't hear any noise. Zenbat urtez lan egin du Tomek hemen? How many years did Tom work here? How many years has Tom worked here? Gaur auto handi bat bidetik atera da. A big car flew off the road today. A big car got out of the way today. SESBek Sobietar Errepublika Sozialisten Batasuna esan nahi du. U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The SESB means the Soviet Republic Union. Ez dut inoiz berriro edango. I will never drink again. I'll never drink again. Donostia Euskal Herriko hiri bat da. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. Donostia is a town in Basque Town. Ez naiz beti berandu iristen. I'm not always late. I'm not always late. Jan eta gero Tom ohera joan zen. After he ate, Tom went to bed. After eating Tom went to bed. Bera hil nuen. I killed him. I killed him. Partida euriaren erruz eten egin zen. The game was called off because of the rain. The game was interrupted by the rain. Bell-ek telefonoa asmatu zuen. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. Denbora gure alde. Time's on my side. Time on our side. Tom nahiko txarto dago. Tom is in pretty bad shape. Tom's pretty bad. Akats berdina egin dut. I've made that same mistake. I made the same mistake. Ez dut nire gordailua galdu nahi. I don't want to lose my deposit. I don't want to lose my deposit. Benetan pentsatzen dut hura pertsona txarra dela. I truly believe he is a bad person. I really think he's a bad person. Ez didate inportatzen. I don't care about them. They don't import me. Ez kezkatu. Dena kontrolpean dago. Don't worry. Everything is under control. Don't worry, it's all under control. Nire denbora liberan, nire blogerako artikuluak idazten ditut. In my spare time, I write articles for my blog. For my time pound, I write articles for my blog. Millie sagar bat jaten ari da. Millie is eating an apple. Millie's eating an apple. Eskertu beharko nieke. I should thank them. I should thank them. Tomek Mary hori egin behar zuela zekien. Tom knew Mary needed to do that. Tom knew he was going to do that Mary. Gaur egun berezia da. Today is a special day. It's special today. Ez dira nire etsaiak. They're not my enemies. They're not my enemies. Ezin dut egin beste baten laguntzarik gabe. I can't do it without somebody's help. I can't do it without someone else's help. Akats bat zela esan nion. I told her it was a mistake. I said it was a mistake. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut nire gurazoekin. I speak French with my parents. I speak French with my scissors. Tomek izugarri gustuko du hori egitea. Tom really likes to do that. Tom loves doing that. Frantsesez hitz egiten dut. I speak French. I speak French. Pertsona orok du, gizarteko kide denez gero, gizarte-segurantza izateko eskubidea eta, herrialdearen ahaleginaz eta nazioarteko laguntzaz, Estatu bakoitzaren antolaketa eta baliabideak kontuan izanik, norbanakoaren duintasunerako eta nortasuna garatzeko ezinbestekoak diren ekonomia, gizarte eta kultura mailako eskubideak asetzeko. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Every man, as a member of society, has a right to be social security, and, by the effort of the country and the help of international resources, to satisfy the economy, social, and cultural rights which are indispensable to the dignity and dignity of the individual. Laylak bost urte ditu orain. Layla is five now. Laylla is five now. Oraindik hiru hordu ditugu aireportuan egon behar baino lehen. We still have three hours before we need to be at the airport. We've still had three teeth at the airport before we need to be in the airport. Lerro artean irakurri beharko duzu. You'll have to read between the lines. You'll have to read between the lines. Gogor lan egin zuen, beraz arrakasta izan zuen. He worked hard, so that he succeeded. He worked very hard, so he succeeded. Hire tokian nagon. I'm at your place. I'm in your place. Fisikari ezaguna izateaz gain, nobelagile bikaina da. In addition to being a famous physicist, he is a great novelist. Besides being known to physics, he is an excellent novelist. Oraindik, buruko mina daukazu? Does your head still hurt? You still have a headache? Tomek ezin du egin. Tom isn't able to do it. Tom can't do it. Zure irteerari buruz konta iezaiadazu. Tell me all about your trip. Tell me about your exit. Tom Mary baino askoz zaharragoa da. Tom is a lot older than Mary. Tom's much older than Mary. Non ikasten duzu? Where are you studying? Where do you study? Gaixo asko ditut. I have a lot of patients. I have many patients. Jazarpenik jasanez gero, pertsona orok du edozein herrialdetan babesa bilatu eta izateko eskubidea. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. If a man endures persecution, every one has a right to seek and be protected in any country. Nork asmatu zuen lehen automobila? Who invented the first automobile? Who invented the first car? Gure umeek txakurra maite dute baina nik katua mate dut. Our children like the dog, but I like the cat. Our children love a dog, but I have a cat. Zenbat ordu astean frantsesa ikasten duzu? How much time do you spend each week studying French? How many hours a week do you study French? Katu batek bi belarri ditu. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. Badaude zenbait katu portu ondoan bizi direnak. There are several cats that live near the pier. There are some cats living near the port. Tom ez dirudi inoiz nekatuta dagoenik. Tom never seems to get tired. Tom never seems tired. Dagoeneko ez zaitut behar. I no longer need you I don't need you anymore. Ideia orlegi kolorgeek haserre lo egiten dute. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The idea orlorge sleeps in a rage. Bere aita fisikaria da. His father is a physicist. His father is a physicist. Zuk badakizu zerbait honi buruz, ezta? You know something about this, don't you? You know something about this, don't you? Nor da gogokoen duzun egilea? Who is your favorite author? Who's your favorite author? Tom ez da egon eskolan Tom wasn't in school today. Tom wasn't at school. Apartamentu bat aurkitu duzu oraindik? Have you found an apartment yet? You still found an apartment? Jaten I eat. Feeding Laylak Kairoko natiboa da. Layla is a Cairo native. Laylla is a native of Cairo. Badakizu zergatik. You know why. You know why. Tom kotxeak gustuko dituela dakizu. You know that Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. Ez da gauean bakarrik gertatuko. It won't just happen overnight. It won't happen alone tonight. Zer jaten dute tximinoak? What do chimpanzees eat? What do monkeys eat? Errealitatean ez zen halakorik gertatu. None of that actually happened. That didn't happen in reality. Hemen soldadu anitz hil zituzten. Many soldiers were killed here. A lot of soldiers were killed here. Tomek Mary laguntza eskatu ziola pentsatu nuen. I thought Tom might ask Mary to help him. I thought Tom had asked for Mary's help. Tomek eta Maryk ez zuten hori bakarrik egin. Tom and Mary didn't do that alone. Tom and Mary didn't do that alone. Ez zara haiekin zertan joan. You don't have to go with them. You don't have to go with them. Etorri da dagoeneko? Has he come yet? Has he come yet? Tom ez dago txantxetarako egoeran. Tom is in no mood for jokes. Tom's not in the mood for jokes. Odola eztul nuen. I coughed up blood. I coughed. Bizirik egoten naizen bitartean ez dut utziko hori gertatzea. As long as I live, I won't let it happen. As long as I'm alive, I won't let that happen. Errusieraz erraz hitz egiten du, edo hori esan zidan behintzat. He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me. He speaks Russian easily, or that's what he told me. Ondo dago hemen nire scooterara aparkatzen badut? Is it OK if I park my scooter here? Is it okay if I park my scoot here? Tomek eta biok elkarrekin egin genuen. Tom and I did that together. Tom and I did it together. Gizakiak gorrotatzen dituen gizaki bat naiz. I'm a human who hates humans. I'm a human being who hates human beings. Pertsona txarra naiz. I'm a bad person. I'm a bad person. jende guztiak ikusi zuen arduratsuki Everyone watched her carefully. All the people saw him carefully. Lagundu ditugu. We helped them. We've helped. Tom bere familiarekin bizi da. Tom lives with his family. Tom lives with his family. Nire neskalaguna dantzari ona da. My girlfriend is a good dancer. My girlfriend's a good dancer. Ba al dakizu nork asmatu zuen telegrafoa? Do you know who invented the telegraph? Do you know who invented the telegraph? Eskerrik asko zuen arretagatik. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your attention. Txiza egin behar dut. I have to pee. I have to pee. Haiek ez zieten probatzeko aukerarik eman. They did not get a chance to try. They didn't give them a chance to test them. Eskerrik asko gomendioagatik. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for the recommendation. Kantatzea baino, bibolina jotzea nahiago du. He preferred playing the violin to singing. He'd rather play violin than sing. Nire autoa zuhaitz hau baino zaharragoa da. My car is older than this tree. My car is older than this tree. Osakan jaio nintzen, baina Tokion hazi nintzen. I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. Hemendik urrun al dago? Is it far from here? Is it far from here? Tomek hori egin behar du gaur. Tom needs to do that today. Tom's got to do that today. Sasikumea! Bastard! Son of a bitch! Benetan erosi behar dut irrati hori New Yorkera noan hurrengo aldian. I really must buy that radio next time I am in New York. I really need to buy that radio the next time I go to New York. Gogoko duzun liburua aukera dezakezu. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose the book you like. Tomek hamahiru urte zituen hil zenean Tom was thirteen when he died. Tom was thirteen when he died. Bera nire erregina da. She is my queen. She's my queen.