Me ponía muy nervioso pensar en ser superintendente de circuito. I was nervous about becoming a circuit overseer. I was very nervous about being a circuit overseer. En el 2014, la luna nueva más cercana al equinoccio de primavera tendrá lugar el 30 de marzo, cuando en Jerusalén sean las 8: 45 de la noche (20: 45). During 2014, the new moon nearest the vernal (spring) equinox will be on March 30, at 8: 45 p.m. (20: 45), Jerusalem time. In 2014, the new moon will not survive the spring location of March 30 in Jerusalem when they are on the eighth side of the night. (Read Revelation 8: 45 - 45.) La catástrofe de Pompeya y Herculano y los acontecimientos que rodearon la destrucción de Jerusalén, así como los ejemplos de Lot y del Diluvio de los días de Noé, ilustran la importancia de tomar en serio las advertencias. The catastrophe at Pompeii and Herculaneum and the events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as the examples of the Flood of Noah's day and of Lot, all illustrate the importance of taking warnings seriously. The catastrophe of Pompeii and Herculaneum and events surrounding Jerusalem's destruction, as well as the examples of Lot and the Flood of Noah's day, emphasize the importance of taking seriously the warnings that occurred. Cuanto más pensemos en los atractivos de la tentación, más fuerte será el deseo de caer en ella. The more we focus on the temptation, the stronger that wrong desire will be. The more we think about the attractions of temptation, the stronger our desire to fall into it will be. Refiriéndose a ellos, mencionó algo que caracteriza a todo cristiano verdadero: "Yo les he dado tu palabra, pero el mundo los ha odiado, porque ellos no son parte del mundo, así como yo no soy parte del mundo. In the course of that prayer, he said something that describes the lives of all true Christians. Speaking of his followers, he said: "I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. Referring to them, he said: "I have given you your word, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. ¿ Por qué dijo Pablo que escuchó cosas que no le era "lícito " contar? It can also refer to the spiritual paradise that will be experienced to the full in the new world. Why did Paul say that he listened to things that he was not " older "? Pero todo cambió cuando comenzó a usar la edición en lenguaje sencillo. A sister wrote that she had held back from commenting at the Watchtower Study. But he changed when he began to use the public edition in simple language. El apóstol Pablo nos exhortó a mantener "los ojos fijos, no en las cosas que se ven, sino en las que no se ven ." The apostle Paul urges us to "keep our eyes... on the things unseen. " The apostle Paul urged us to " keep our eyes fixed, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. " En efecto, podemos imitar la santidad de Dios; podemos ser puros ante él, mantenernos castos. Yes, we can imitate Jehovah's holiness; we can be clean before him, maintaining our chastity. Yes, we can imitate God's holiness; we can be clean before him, maintaining chastity. Señalando a la restauración de la adoración verdadera tanto en tiempos antiguos como en nuestros días, Isaías 60: 1 declara: "Levántate, oh mujer, despide luz, porque ha venido tu luz y sobre ti ha brillado la mismísima gloria de Jehová ." Pointing to the restoration of true worship in ancient times as well as in our day, Isaiah 60: 1 states: "Arise, O woman, shed forth light, for your light has come and upon you the very glory of Jehovah has shone forth. " Referring to the restoration of true worship in ancient times and in our day, Isaiah 60: 1 states: "Get up, O woman, bless light, because your light has come upon you and your very glory. " Aquello lo dejó destrozado y estuvo de duelo muchos días. All of this had a great impact on Jacob, who mourned over Joseph for many days. He was crushed and was mourning for many days. ¿ Qué buen ejemplo nos pusieron Marta y María? How did both Martha and Mary set a fine example for us? What good example did Martha and Mary set? Jehová es el Creador, el Soberano celestial, digno de toda adoración y alabanza. Jehovah is the Creator, the heavenly Sovereign, worthy of all worship and praise. Jehovah is the Creator, the heavenly Sovereign, worthy of all worship and praise. Lo que muestra es que la paciencia de Jehová se extiende a veces durante tiempo. Rather, it shows that God's forbearance can go on for some time. This shows that Jehovah's patience is sometimes over time. Es patente que el origen de su valentía era el intenso amor por las "ovejitas " de Cristo. Clearly, their courage came from their deep love for Christ's "little sheep. " Clearly, the origin of his boldness was a intense love for Christ's "little sheep. " Por tanto, cuando dignificamos a una persona, en realidad estamos honrando al Ser que la dotó de dignidad: el propio Jehová. Thus, when we dignify another person, we are, in effect, acknowledging the Source of human dignity, Jehovah. Thus, when we honor a person, we are truly honoring him as the dignity he observed - Jehovah himself. b) ¿Qué nos enseña el caso de Julien? (b) What lesson do you see in Julien's experience? (b) What can we learn from the case of Job? Pero no era la intención de Jehová que recorriéramos solamente el breve trayecto que hay del vigor de la juventud al dolor de la vejez. However, Jehovah never meant for your walk to consist of merely a brief trip from the vigor of youth to the pain of old age. No, Jehovah wants you to have the greatest blessing of all. It was not Jehovah's intention that we travel only through the short course of youth. CUANDO los judíos exiliados entraron en Babilonia, vieron que la ciudad estaba llena de ídolos y de personas que adoraban a demonios. WHEN the Jewish exiles entered ancient Babylon, they saw a city filled with idols and found a people enslaved to wicked spirits. WHEN the Jews returned into Babylon, they saw that the city was full of idols and those who worshipped demons. Tal como el vino alegra el corazón del hombre y el aceite derramado sobre la cabeza tiene un efecto tranquilizador, recordar el amor y el nombre del pastor fortalecía y consolaba a la sulamita. Just as wine makes the heart of a man rejoice and the pouring of oil on the head is soothing, the memory of the boy's love and his name strengthened and comforted the maiden. Just as the man's heart rejoice and poured out oil upon his head, recall the love and the name of the shepherd, and strengthened the Shulammite girl. Muchos de mis compañeros de clase también eran solteros. Many of my classmates were also single. Many of my schoolmates were also single. Sin embargo, sus seguidores no tendremos que pelear, al igual que no tuvieron que hacerlo los habitantes del reino de dos tribus de Judá de hace miles de años. But there will be no need for his followers to fight, even as this was unnecessary for the inhabitants of the two - tribe kingdom of Judah thousands of years ago. However, his followers will not need to fight, just as the inhabitants of the two - tribe kingdom of Judah did not have to fight for thousands of years. b) Según la ilustración de esta página, ¿qué peligro deben evitar los jóvenes en particular? (b) As illustrated above, what danger must young ones in particular avoid? (b) According to the illustration of this page, what danger should young ones avoid in particular? Los babilonios habían entrado en Jerusalén en el quinto mes (ab, correspondiente a julio - agosto) del año 607, y dos meses después, la ciudad había quedado completamente deshabitada. The Babylonians had entered Jerusalem in the fifth month (Ab, corresponding to July / August) of 607 B.C.E., and two months later the city's desolation was complete. The Babylonians had entered Jerusalem in the fifth month, called July 607 B.C.E., and two months later the city had been completely destroyed. Usamos su nombre y lo llevamos con orgullo. We proudly bear and use his name, knowing that loving him is far more rewarding than loving money or things. - Isa. We use his name and share it with pride. No podemos ni imaginarnos cuántas bendiciones maravillosas nos esperan. There are so many wonderful blessings in store for us that we cannot even imagine them all. We cannot imagine how wonderful wonderful blessings await us! Como bien lo expresa el refrán, los niños suelen parecerse a sus padres. Indeed, many children closely resemble their parents. Yes, children are generally like their parents. Otra razón para servir a Jehová la encontramos en las palabras que el caudillo israelita Josué dirigió al pueblo de Dios poco antes de morir: "Ustedes bien saben con todo su corazón y con toda su alma que ni una sola palabra de todas las buenas palabras que Jehová su Dios les ha hablado ha fallado. Another reason to serve Jehovah is found in the words of the Israelite leader Joshua. Near the end of his life, Joshua told God's people: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Another reason for serving Jehovah is that the Israelite leader Joshua addressed God's people shortly before he died: "You well know with all your heart and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Con la ayuda de los hermanos y de mi querida esposa, que siempre mantuvo una fe fuerte, poco a poco recuperé la salud espiritual. With the support of the brothers and my dear wife - who never wavered spiritually - I gradually regained my spiritual strength. With the help of the brothers and sisters of my beloved wife, who kept their strong faith, gradually sustained me spiritually. (2 Juan 1 - 13) (2 John 1 - 13) (2 John 1 - 13) ¿ Desde qué perspectiva debemos ver el sufrimiento humano? We need to have what view of human suffering? From what do we need to view human suffering? Y así fue. Para finales del primer siglo, ya había muchos apóstatas. This foretold apostasy had clearly manifested itself by the end of the first century. - 1 John 2: 18, 19. By the end of the first century C.E., many apostates were already apostates. Aliméntelos bien (Vea los párrafos 10 a 12) 1: 10. Feed them well (See paragraphs 10 - 12) (See paragraphs 10 - 12) " Espera en Jehová; sé animoso, y sea fuerte tu corazón. " Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and let your heart be strong. " Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and let your heart be strong. ¿ Qué se sabe de Oseas? What is known about Hosea? How do you feel about Hosea's prophecy? Y la humildad y el amor abnegado son asimismo valiosos a la hora de cuidar con cariño a nuestros padres enfermos o envejecidos. Humility and self - sacrificing love are assets too when we lovingly care for the needs of sick and aging parents. - 1 Timothy 5: 4. Humility and self - sacrificing love are also valuable in the time of caring for elderly parents or old age. Y no solo cubrirá sus necesidades físicas, sino también las espirituales. We too can rely on Jehovah even when we see no way out. Not only will he cover his physical needs but he will also provide spiritual food for his people. En aquella congregación se toleró un mal grave durante un tiempo, pero como Jehová cuidaba de ella, se encargó de que el asunto se manejara firme y acertadamente. In time, he had the wrongdoing handled, correctly and firmly. In that congregation, a serious problem arose during a time of need, but as Jehovah took care of it, he lovingly arranged for the matter to handle the matter properly and right. Pensar en cómo debe de sentirse Jehová cuando uno de sus siervos comete un pecado grave (léase Salmo 78: 40, 41). Think how God must feel when one of his servants falls into gross sin. (Read Psalm 78: 40, 41.) Meditating on how Jehovah must feel when one of his servants commits serious sin. - Read Psalm 78: 40, 45. La Ley estableció un sacerdocio separado. Además, los jueces del pueblo serían "los ancianos ," a quienes se respetaba por su conocimiento y sabiduría. The Law established a separate priesthood, and justice was administered by "the elders, " who were respected for their knowledge and wisdom. The Law provided a separate priesthood, also the judges of the people would be "the older men, " who showed respect for their knowledge and wisdom. Los dientes de los inicuos tendrás que quebrar ." The teeth of wicked ones you will have to break. " - Ps. The teeth of the wicked ones will have to break. " ¿ Cómo se siente al saber que Jehová nos invita a acercarnos a él? 4: 8. Jehovah's invitation to draw close to him? How does knowing that Jehovah invites us to draw close to him? Por lo menos algunos de ellos mordieron el anzuelo y tuvieron relaciones sexuales inmorales con las mujeres. He must have studied them for a considerable time before luring them into taking sides with him. At least some of them were distracted and had immoral relations with women. PÁGINA 12 ARTICLE 3 ARTICLE 3 ¿ Por qué nos pide Dios que lo amemos? Why does God require that we love him? Why does God require that we love him? Pensemos en este caso. Think of this comparison. Consider this example. En Viena, las buenas nuevas del Reino se están predicando en 25 idiomas In Vienna, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in 25 languages In Vienna the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in 25 languages ¿ Por qué nos deja sufrir tanto? ." Why would God allow us to suffer like this? Why does he let us suffer so much? " Dios muestra amor leal a su pueblo God Shows His People Loyal Love God's Loyal Love for His People Todo parecía indicar que Satanás había conseguido su propósito: desprestigiar la soberanía de Jehová. Satan appeared to have gained the upper hand in his attempt to discredit Jehovah's sovereignty. It seemed that Satan had accomplished his purpose - to vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty. Santiago señala que también los maestros de la congregación necesitan fe y sabiduría. 1: 5 - 8, 12. Faith and wisdom are also needed by those who "become teachers " in the congregation. James states that teachers in the congregation need faith and wisdom. Porque llegué a tener envidia de los jactanciosos, cuando veía la mismísima paz de los inicuos. " " I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people. " - Psalm 73: 2, 3. For I became envious of the wicked ones, when I saw the very peace of the wicked ones. " El castigo consistía en golpes en los nudillos o tirones de pelo. If we gestured in class, we risked having our knuckles rapped or our hair pulled. The punishment was thrown into prison in which you and your hair were skinned. Ciertamente, están "entrenándo [se] con la devoción piadosa como mira ." They are truly " training themselves with godly devotion as their aim. ' - 1 Timothy 4: 7, 8. They are " training themselves with godly devotion as your aim. ' Otra de las razones por las que pudiéramos perder el entusiasmo es que la gente sea indiferente al mensaje del Reino o casi nunca esté en su casa. It can also be a challenge to maintain our zeal in territories where people are rarely at home or where there is little response to the Kingdom message. Another reason why we may lose our zeal is that people are apathetic about the Kingdom message or nearly being at home. No; antes bien, se despojó a sí mismo y tomó la forma de un esclavo y llegó a estar en la semejanza de los hombres ." No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. " No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. " Y en 1935 se aclaró que son los mismos que la "gran muchedumbre " de Revelación 7: 9 - 17. In 1935, the identity of the "great crowd " mentioned at Revelation 7: 9 - 17 was made clear. And in 1935 it became clear that the "great crowd " of Revelation 7: 9 - 17. Después debemos hacer caso de lo que nos pide en su Palabra y esforzarnos por rechazar cualquier pensamiento que pueda desagradarle (lea Isaías 55: 6, 7). (Read Isaiah 55: 6, 7.) (Read Isaiah 55: 6, 7.) No obstante, el fin llegó. The end did come though. However, the end came. Además de dar consejos prácticos para la vida, nos recuerdan constantemente que, sin importar las dificultades a las que nos enfrentemos, Jehová nunca nos abandonará. These psalms contain information that provides sound guidance in living. We are repeatedly assured that regardless of the difficulty we find ourselves in, Jehovah will not forsake us. In addition to giving practical counsel for life, we remember that regardless of the challenges we face, Jehovah will never abandon us. Este ejercicio de reflexión también nos permitirá fijarnos metas razonables para crecer espiritualmente. The apostle Paul gave inspired counsel to his fellow worker Timothy for improving his ministry. This exercise of self - control will also help us to set reasonable goals so that we can grow spiritually. En las Escrituras Hebreas, por ejemplo, leemos que cuando Samuel era niño, "todavía no había llegado a conocer a Jehová ." In the Hebrew Scriptures, for example, we read that when Samuel was a boy, he "had not yet come to know Jehovah. " In the Hebrew Scriptures, for example, we read that when Samuel was a child, "they had not yet come to know Jehovah. " 5 - 11 de julio July 5 - 11, 2010 July 5 - 11, 2008 Sin embargo, no podía estar más equivocada. However, Dinah was greatly deceived. However, he could not be mistaken. Por qué tenemos que ser santos Why We Must Be Holy Why We Must Be Holy Si lo hacemos, demostramos que somos personas espirituales. All such feelings and actions are marks of a spiritual person. By doing so, we show that we are spiritual people. Estos hombres fieles y amorosos " orarán sobre él y lo untarán con aceite en el nombre de Jehová '. These faithful and warmhearted men will " pray over him and grease him with oil in Jehovah's name. ' These loving men and " pray about him and a lamp with oil in the name of Jehovah. ' No sigas buscando. Do not keep on seeking. Stop seeking such things. Como vemos, el denuedo del cristiano debe ir acompañado de cualidades que no son fáciles de cultivar. Indeed, boldness calls for qualities that require much effort to cultivate. Yes, a Christian's boldness should come with qualities that are not easily easy to cultivate. Jehová responde al clamor de su pueblo. Jehovah is sensitive to the outcry of his people. Jehovah answers the cry of his people. ¿ Qué pretende lograr Satanás aprovechándose de nuestras dificultades? How may Satan seek to use the tribulations we suffer? What is Satan's aim to exploit our difficulties? • ¿Cómo demuestran los ancianos que están dispuestos a ceder? • How can overseers display a yielding spirit? • How do elders show that they are yielding? Hay vidas en juego. Lives are at stake! - 1 Tim. Lives are at stake. Cuanto más conozcamos sus bonitas cualidades y nos esforcemos por ser "imitadores de [él], como hijos amados, y [seguir] andando en amor ," más fácil se nos hará rechazar" la fornicación y la inmundicia de toda clase ." As we learn about God's endearing qualities and we endeavor to "become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, " we will be fortified to reject" sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness. " The more we learn about such beautiful qualities and strive to "become imitators of [he] beloved children, as beloved children and walking in love, " the more easy it will become" fornication and every sort of uncleanness of uncleanness. " El relato no lo dice. The account does not say. The account does not say. Tal vez rechace sus invitaciones o nunca le muestre hospitalidad. They may turn down hospitality from the fellow believer who they feel mistreated one of their relatives, or they may never show hospitality to him or her. You may be quick to commend them or never to show hospitality. Otra manera de demostrar que entendemos lo que implica bautizarse en el nombre del Hijo es reconociendo que Dios "sujetó todas las cosas debajo de sus pies, y [que] lo hizo cabeza sobre todas las cosas en cuanto a la congregación ." There is another way you can show that you understand what is involved in having been baptized in the name of the Son. God "subjected all things under [Jesus '] feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation. " Another way we can show that we understand what it means to be baptized in the name of the Son is by recognizing "all things under his feet, and let him head over all things to the congregation. " De esta manera, animó a sus discípulos a seguir "llevando mucho fruto ," es decir, a perseverar en la predicación del Reino. By means of that illustration, Jesus encouraged his disciples to "keep bearing much fruit " - to endure in preaching the Kingdom message. - John 15: 8. In this way, he urged his disciples to "keep bearing much fruit, " that is, to persevere in the Kingdom - preaching work. Roma tenía un ejército fuerte y preparado que garantizaba el control de todos sus súbditos. To secure and maintain control over its subjects, Rome had a strong and efficient army. Rome had a strong and prepared army that assured him of all his subjects. " Él cambia tiempos y sazones, remueve reyes y establece reyes. " " He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings. " - DAN. " He changes times and seasons, remove kings and kings. " ¿ Qué tuvo que hacer Moisés por orden de Dios pese a la arrogancia de Faraón? What did God urge Moses to do despite Pharaoh's arrogance? What led Moses to do by God's order despite Pharaoh's haughty course? ¿ De qué vale tener riquezas, fama, longevidad e incluso una gran familia si las circunstancias nos impiden disfrutar de estas cosas? What good are riches, glory, long life, and even a large family if circumstances prevent us from enjoying them? What does it mean to have wealth, fame, and even a great family if circumstances prevent us from enjoying such things? Su intachable trayectoria en la Tierra y su sacrificio redentor confirmaron la veracidad de las promesas de Jehová e hicieron posible su cumplimiento. His flawless life course on earth, including his sacrificial death, confirmed and made possible the fulfillment of all the promises of Jehovah God. His blameless life on earth and his ransom sacrifice confirmed the truthfulness of Jehovah's promises and made possible their fulfillment. 19, 20. a) ¿Qué debemos hacer para que las cosas normales de la vida no nos distancien de Jehová? 19, 20. (a) How can we make sure that none of our daily pursuits will distance us from Jehovah? 19, 20. (a) How can we avoid drifting away from Jehovah? Pero Jehová es fiel a sus normas, siempre las cumple. But Jehovah is faithful to his own standards; he never violates them. Yet, Jehovah always fulfills his standards. No conteste todavía. Analice primero la respuesta que da la Biblia a estas preguntas: ¿Cuánto tiempo deberíamos vivir en vista de cómo fuimos creados? Before you decide, why not consider the Bible's answer to these three questions: What does the way man was made show as to how long he was meant to live? Let us first consider the Bible's answers to these questions: How much time should we live in sight of how we were created? Así, porque estaban en desacuerdo unos con otros, empezaron a irse ." So, because they were at disagreement with one another, they began to depart. " So, for they were in conflict with one another, they began to go away. " Todos ellos serán resucitados en el nuevo mundo de Dios. In God's new world, they will be resurrected. All of them will be resurrected in God's new world. EN ENERO del año 2009, los testigos de Jehová de todo el mundo comenzamos a celebrar en un solo día las reuniones que antes tenían lugar en dos noches. AT THE beginning of 2009, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide adjusted their meeting schedule. IN THE 2009 year, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world began to celebrate meetings only once in two nights. Así que busqué una solución que fuera aceptable para ella ." So I worked out a tactful compromise acceptable to her. " So I thought that it was acceptable for her. " Algo que nos permitirá entender mejor por qué se requiere tanto empeño es compararnos con los fieles ángeles. To understand the need for effort in this regard, consider the case of God's angels. What will help us to understand better why it is necessary to compare ourselves with the faithful angels? Y su mano es la que está extendida, y ¿quién puede volverla atrás? ." And his hand is the one stretched out, and who can turn it back? " And his hand is the one that is pursuing, and who can turn back? " Jehová se valió de Abigail para evitar que David diera un mal paso. What lesson can we learn from this account? Jehovah used Abigail to prevent David from getting involved. En este mundo en el que reina el espíritu de independencia, ¿cómo podemos cultivar la debida actitud hacia la autoridad, en particular la de Jehová? A spirit of independence is common in the world. Hence, how can we cultivate a proper view of authority, particularly Jehovah's? In today's world, how can we cultivate the proper attitude toward Jehovah's authority? Al fin y al cabo, fueron relativamente pocos los que aceptaron las enseñanzas de Jesús, ¡y eso que él fue el mejor Maestro que haya pisado esta Tierra! After all, relatively few responded to Jesus ' teaching - and he was the greatest Teacher ever to walk the earth! - John 6: 66; 7: 45 - 48. After all, few who accepted Jesus ' teachings were relatively few. Primero, que Jehová siempre les da reconocimiento a sus siervos fieles (lea Hebreos 6: 10; 11: 6). Él los valora de corazón a todos y cada uno de ellos y considera que sería una injusticia ignorarlos. (Read Hebrews 6: 10; 11: 6) He deeply appreciates every one of his servants, and he views it as "unrighteous " to ignore those who are faithful to him. (Read Hebrews 6: 10; 11: 6.) No podemos perder de vista que Jehová va a acabar con quienes se opongan a su voluntad y va a recompensar a los que vivan en armonía con ella. Jehovah is going to remove those who go contrary to his will, and he will reward those who live in harmony with it. We cannot lose sight that Jehovah is going to destroy those who oppose his will and reward those who live in harmony with it. ¿ Y nosotros? ¿ Podríamos también comenzar a creernos mejores que nuestros hermanos en la fe o que la gente en general? Might we also begin to reason that we in some way are better than our fellow believers or are superior to people in general? Could you too begin to think better than fellow believers or those in general? ¿ Cómo contribuirá la predicación del Reino a que en el futuro se engrandezca el nombre de Dios? What bearing will the Kingdom - preaching work have on the future magnifying of God's name? How will sharing in the Kingdom - preaching work help us to sanctify God's name? PÁGINA 28 ARTICLE 4 ARTICLE 4 (Vea el párrafo 18). (See paragraph 18) (See paragraph 18) ¿ Cómo contribuyen los ancianos a nuestra unidad? How can elders help us to be united? How do elders contribute to our unity? Además, refuerzan nuestra confianza en esta promesa de Jesús: "Viene la hora en que todos los que están en las tumbas conmemorativas oirán [mi] voz y saldrán ." They strengthen our confidence in Jesus ' assurance: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice and come out. " Furthermore, they strengthen our confidence in Jesus ' promise: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [my] voice and come out. " En esta ocasión, el rey Asuero hizo una excepción a lo que, según parece, era la costumbre persa de animarse unos a otros a beber una cantidad determinada en tales reuniones. On this occasion, King Ahasuerus made an exception to what appears to have been a Persian custom of urging one another to drink a certain amount at such gatherings. On this occasion, King Ahasuerus made a unique contribution to what seemed to one another, as was the custom of encouraging one another to drink a certain amount at such meetings. Porque "hombres impíos " se habían" metido disimuladamente " en la congregación. Because " ungodly men had slipped into the congregation. ' Because " ungodly men " had been" busy " in the congregation. Lo que dicen es que "regresó con [el anciano] para comer pan en su casa y beber agua ." Instead, "he went back with [the old man] that he might eat bread in his house and drink water. " What they say is that "the older man [the elder] would eat bread in his house and drink water. " Es muy importante que tal persona actúe con decisión para evitar que la religión falsa la contamine de algún modo. It is especially important that the person take decisive action to avoid completely any kind of spiritual contamination from false worship. How important it is that such a person act decisively so that he can avoid false religion in any way! ¿ Cómo te preparas para hablar a otros de Jehová? How do you prepare to give a witness? How can you train others to speak about Jehovah? Y el apóstol Pedro les dijo a los judíos: "El Dios de nuestros antepasados [...] ha glorificado a su Siervo, Jesús, a quien ustedes, por su parte, entregaron y repudiaron ante el rostro de Pilato, cuando él había decidido ponerlo en libertad. The apostle Peter told the Jews: "The God of our forefathers... has glorified his Servant, Jesus, whom you, for your part, delivered up and disowned before Pilate's face, when he had decided to release him. And the apostle Peter told the Jews: "The God of our forefathers... has glorified his Servant, Jesus, whom, for your part, gave you and broke down before the face of Pilate, when he had chosen to release you. La sabiduría de un creador inteligente se hace patente en el mismo diseño de los árboles. Evidence of a wise creator is seen in the very design of a tree. The wisdom of an intelligent design is evident in the same design of trees. La mayoría de los cristianos adultos admiten que la disciplina que recibieron de sus padres creyentes les hizo bien. Most Christian adults agree that the discipline they received from their believing parents helped them. Most adults admit that the discipline they received from their parents was well - trained parents. El aprecio por nuestra herencia espiritual depende en gran medida de cuánto amemos a Jehová, la Fuente de dicha herencia. The depth of our appreciation for our spiritual inheritance depends greatly on the depth of our love for Jehovah, the Giver of that inheritance. Our appreciation for our spiritual heritage depends on how much we love Jehovah, the Source of that inheritance. De entre sus seguidores seleccionó primero a doce y luego a setenta. True, we cannot change Jehovah's timetable. From among his followers he selected first to 12 and then to 70. Tiene la costumbre de investigarla a fondo, pues sabe que "el alimento sólido pertenece a personas maduras " y desea tener" conocimiento exacto del Hijo de Dios ." Jesus selected first 12 then 70 from among his disciples, gave them specific instructions, and sent them out to preach the stirring message: "The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " He knows that "the solid food belongs to mature people " and wants to have" accurate knowledge of the Son of God. " Y también nos parece muy importante la apacibilidad ." Clearly, a mature Christian wants to have "accurate knowledge of the Son of God. " And we also find it very important to display mildness. " a) ¿Qué precisa un hermano para ser un pastor eficaz? And we've also found mildness to be very important. " (a) What is needed for a brother to become an effective shepherd? Por ejemplo, en la primera escribió: "Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, porque, según su gran misericordia, nos dio un nuevo nacimiento a una esperanza viva mediante la resurrección de Jesucristo de entre los muertos, a una herencia incorruptible e incontaminada e inmarcesible. (a) What does a brother need in order to be an effective shepherd? For example, in the first century, he wrote: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to his great mercy he gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled and undefiled and unfading inheritance. Jesús amaba a Jehová, su Palabra y a las personas. In his first letter, Peter wrote: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to his great mercy he gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance. Jesus loved Jehovah, his Word, and his people. De este modo se notará menos su acento extranjero y les será más fácil hacerse entender. As a teacher, Jesus reached hearts because he loved Jehovah, God's Word, and people. Doing so will help them to understand less fully. Además de ello, Pablo menciona tres cualidades esenciales que debemos cultivar. This helps the students to avoid developing a heavy accent that may later hinder their efforts to communicate. In addition to this, Paul mentions three vital qualities that we need to cultivate. Al orar, ¿incluimos los asuntos que nos preocupan sobre nuestros hermanos en la fe? In addition, Paul mentions three vital qualities that we should cultivate. When praying, do we view matters that concern fellow believers? ¿ Cómo podemos imitarlos? Do our prayers include concerns about our brothers and sisters in the faith? How can we imitate them? Además, le aconseja: "El esclavo del Señor no tiene necesidad de pelear, sino de ser amable para con todos, capacitado para enseñar ." How can we do the same? He says: "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach. " ¿ Quiénes son estas personas que resplandecen con tanta intensidad? Timothy is advised: "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach. " - 2 Tim. Who are these people who are shining in this way? Para ser capaz de decir con sinceridad "lo siento ," hay que ser humilde y valiente. Who are these ones who shine so brightly? To be honest, we need to be humble and courageous. ¿ Qué tres preguntas analizaremos, y por qué? A Christian couple, therefore, should try to settle any issue between them before the day ends. What three questions will we consider, and why? Y la verdad es que esta publicación es excepcional. What three questions will we consider, and why? The truth is that this publication is exceptional. Ahora bien, ¿estaban condenados los levitas a vivir en la pobreza por no poseer campos? But I must say, this study publication is outstanding. However, were the Levites to live in poverty for not having fields? Es cierto que los problemas nos angustian e incluso nos deprimen. Granted, trials can sadden or even depress us. Granted, we may be discouraged and even discouraged. ¿ Qué visión se menciona en 2 Corintios 12: 2 - 4, y quién la tuvo, probablemente? What vision does 2 Corinthians 12: 2 - 4 mention, and who likely had it? What vision is mentioned at 2 Corinthians 12: 2 - 4, and who had it likely? " ¿Y qué es lo que Jehová está pidiendo de vuelta de ti sino ejercer justicia y amar la bondad y ser modesto al andar con tu Dios? " " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " - MICAH 6: 8. " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " Por eso debemos tenerles "consideración más que extraordinaria ." Therefore, let us give them "more than extraordinary consideration. " Therefore, we should "give them more than extraordinary consideration. " 1: 23 y nota. ¿ Qué "dos cosas " tenían a Pablo perplejo, y qué" liberación " deseaba? 1: 23 and footnote - From what "two things " was Paul under pressure, and what" releasing " did he desire? 1: 23 and footnote - What "setting things " did Paul need, and what" deliverance "? La Biblia indica que la fe en Dios es parte del "fundamento " necesario para llegar a ser un cristiano verdadero y no dejar de serlo. God's Word describes "faith in God " as part of the" foundation " that is needed for anyone to become and remain a true Christian. The Bible shows that faith in God is part of "the need for a true Christian to become a true Christian. " Analiza con tus padres este artículo y el que salió en el número anterior de esta revista. Also, remember that simply reading a number of scriptures does not in itself constitute teaching from the Bible. Take with your parents this article and the one raised in the preceding issue of this magazine. Procure que la manera de presentarlo o las historias o ejemplos que use no les quiten protagonismo a los versículos que lea. No. Try to imagine that the way you would dress or illustrations that do not remove undue prominence from the scriptures you read. Todo lo contrario. God understands feelings of loneliness, for prior to creating the first woman, he said: "The man's being alone is not good; I will make him a helper to match him. " On the contrary. Voy a hacerle alguien que lo acompañe y lo ayude ." No matter how many you have found, you can find more. I am going to tell someone to accompany him and help him. " Sin importar cuántas haya encontrado, puede hallar más. 17, 18. No matter how many you have found, you can find more. 17, 18. One of the greatest tests of obedience that some parents have involves their relationship with a disfellowshipped child. 17, 18. Una de las pruebas de obediencia más difíciles para los padres es la expulsión de un hijo. Need we be upset because of this? One of the most difficult tests of obedience for parents is the disfellowshipping of a child. ¿ Debe esto afectarnos? We are not left in the dark. Over a millennium after that psalm was written and weeks after Jesus died and was raised, Peter spoke to thousands of Jews and proselytes about Psalm 16: 10. Should that affect us? Más de mil años después de que David escribiera estas palabras, el apóstol Pedro reveló a quién se referían. We are grateful that God has also revealed the truth about his means to deliver us from the legacy of sin and death inherited from Adam. More than 2,000 years after David wrote those words, the apostle Peter revealed whom he was speaking. Estamos agradecidos a Dios porque nos ha enseñado lo que hizo para liberarnos del pecado y la muerte que heredamos de Adán. 13, 14. We are grateful to God because he has taught us what he did to deliver us from sin and death inherited from Adam. 13, 14. Further describing the upright person, the psalmist says: "He will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season and the foliage of which does not wither, and everything he does will succeed. " 13, 14. Continuando con la descripción de la persona recta, el cantor añade: "Ciertamente llegará a ser como un árbol plantado al lado de corrientes de agua, que da su propio fruto en su estación y cuyo follaje no se marchita, y todo lo que haga tendrá éxito ." While only a few in the Bethel family give a verbal comment each morning, the rest ponder on what is being said and read. Regarding the description of the upright person, the psalmist continues: "I will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, which gives its own fruit in its season and that does not wither, and everything he does will succeed. " Aunque solo unos pocos miembros de la familia Betel ofrecen comentarios cada mañana, el resto reflexiona sobre lo que se dice y se lee. You will save money. Although only a few members of the Bethel family offer comments each morning, the rest focuses on what is said and read. Se ahorrará mucho dinero. Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in cases of need, in persecutions and difficulties, for Christ. Doing so can lead to much money. Por lo tanto me complazco en debilidades, en insultos, en necesidades, en persecuciones y dificultades, por Cristo. By viewing them as an opportunity to demonstrate that our love for Jehovah and our submission to his sovereignty are not fickle. I take pleasure in weaknesses, in abusive speech, in needs, in times of persecution, and in hardships, by Christ Jesus. Esto sucedió el 14 de nisán del año 1513 antes de nuestra era. Why may that be true? This happened on Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E. Viéndolos como oportunidades para demostrar que amamos a Jehová y nos sometemos a su soberanía pase lo que pase. The Beauty of Subjection Shepherding them as opportunities to show love for Jehovah and to submit to his sovereignty. ¿ Por qué llegamos a esa conclusión? " When someone has a drink, " explains a publication by the U.S. Why can we draw that conclusion? La belleza de la sujeción Of course, not everyone who simply reads the Bible receives God's spirit. The beauty of subjection Sin duda, el alcohol tiene efectos nocivos en el cerebro. The apostle Peter said that some in the first - century congregation had "eyes full of adultery " and " enticed unsteady souls. ' Yes, alcohol has a bad effect on the brain. Desde luego, no todo el que lee la Biblia sin más recibe el espíritu de Dios. Paul added: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " - Philippians 4: 4 - 7, 9, 13. Of course, not everyone reading the Bible without having God's spirit will receive its help. Por su parte, el apóstol Pedro dijo que algunos miembros de la congregación del siglo primero tenían "ojos llenos de adulterio " y" cautiva [ba] n almas inconstantes ." Sadly, Eve and Adam did not turn away from the voice of this stranger. The apostle Peter said that some members of the first - century Christian congregation had " full - grown eyes of adultery " and that they were" unthankful souls. " Y luego añadió: "Para todas las cosas tengo la fuerza en virtud de aquel que me imparte poder ." First, take the example of Jacob. He added: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Conozco sus motivos, y sé que son malos ." What injustice did one brother experience in the congregation, and what qualities helped him to handle the matter properly? I know his motives, and I know that they are bad. " Examinemos primero el ejemplo de Jacob. 12: 16. How did the unfaithfulness of the Israelites in Moses ' day affect God's purpose? Consider Jacob's example. b) ¿Qué cualidades lo ayudaron a sobrellevar la situación? First, think about why you are convinced of your beliefs. (b) What qualities helped him cope with the situation? ¿ Cambió el propósito de Dios por la falta de fe que demostraron los israelitas en tiempos de Moisés? Similarly, we may have served for decades in the earthly part of God's organization. Did God's purpose for the lack of faith have shown by the Israelites in Moses ' day? Primero, piensa en por qué estás convencido de tus creencias. This powerful force enables Christians to produce "the fruitage of the spirit " - fine qualities - and" holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " First, think about why you believe your beliefs. De manera parecida, puede que nosotros hayamos servido durante décadas en la parte terrestre de la organización de Dios. In the parable of the neighborly Samaritan, why is it significant that Jesus used the road that went "from Jerusalem to Jericho " to make his point? Similarly, we may have served for decades in the earthly part of God's organization for decades. Es gracias a esta poderosa fuerza que podemos producir las excelentes cualidades del "fruto del espíritu " y realizar" actos santos de conducta y hechos de devoción piadosa ." Perfect health - that is the future for earth's inhabitants. This powerful force is needed to produce the fine qualities of "the fruitage of the spirit " and to" perform holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " En la parábola del buen samaritano, ¿por qué es significativo que Jesús situara la acción en el camino que iba "de Jerusalén a Jericó "? But would you run in front of a moving car just to find out how painful - and possibly fatal - that could be? In the parable of the neighborly Samaritan, why is it significant that Jesus spent on the road that was "from Jerusalem to Jericho "? Pues bien, eso es lo que todos los habitantes de la Tierra tendrán: salud perfecta. 1, 2. That is exactly what all inhabitants of the earth will have - perfect health. ¿ Te lanzarías delante de un vehículo en marcha para ver cuánto duele el golpe o si es capaz de matarte? You can show kindness when illness strikes a coworker or his family Would you call before a car's car to see how deeply he feels or if he is able to kill you? 1, 2. Thus, it was with the absolute conviction of firsthand experience that he said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. 1, 2. Podemos mostrar bondad cuando un compañero de trabajo o alguien de su familia cae enfermo Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding. We can show kindness when a fellow believer or a member of his family falls sick De ahí que pudiera decir con absoluta convicción: "Ustedes bien saben con todo su corazón y con toda su alma que ni una sola palabra de todas las buenas palabras que Jehová su Dios les ha hablado ha fallado. How can we have peace of mind while undergoing distresses? Hence, you may say with full conviction: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Cada uno de nosotros agrade a su prójimo en lo que es bueno para la edificación de este. So when his enemies begin their global assault on his servants, Jehovah will respond. He will move into action, which will lead to the final phase of the great tribulation - its Armageddon climax. Each of us can please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding. ¿ Es posible tener paz interior cuando nos acosan los problemas? The inferno may have been started by mere sparks from passing trains. Could it be that you have inner peace when you are anxious about problems? Así que cuando sus enemigos lancen el ataque contra sus siervos, Jehová contraatacará, con lo que la gran tribulación llegará a su fase culminante: el Armagedón. [ Pictures on page 18] So when opposers complete the attack on Jehovah's servants, the great tribulation will reach its climax - Armageddon. Al parecer, el desastre comenzó por culpa de unas simples chispas que soltó un tren mientras pasaba por la zona. Nevertheless, the crowds determinedly followed Jesus and found him, as John says, "across the sea. " Apparently, disaster began to blame simply for a mere train station while they went through the area. [ Ilustraciones de la página 18] Till for yourselves arable land, when there is time for searching for Jehovah until he comes and gives instruction in righteousness to you. " - Hosea 10: 12. [ Pictures on page 18] Pese a todo, la multitud no se dio por vencida. Siguieron a Jesús y lo encontraron, como señala Juan, "al otro lado del mar ." For example, if someone offends you, do you bear in mind that both of you are sinners? Yet, the crowd did not give up on Jesus and found him, as John states, "the other side of the sea. " Labren para ustedes tierra cultivable, cuando hay tiempo para buscar a Jehová, hasta que él venga y les dé instrucción en justicia ." In the initial fulfillment, this happened in 66 C.E. when the Roman army "cut short " its attack. It opens for you to cultivate land, when there is time to seek Jehovah, until he comes and grant you instruction in righteousness. " Por ejemplo, ¿qué debería hacer el cristiano si alguien lo ofende? The fact that only his speech needed to be restored indicates that Zechariah's hearing had not been affected. - Luke 1: 13, 18 - 20, 60 - 64. For example, what should a Christian do if someone offends him? Estas palabras tuvieron un cumplimiento inicial en el año 66, cuando los romanos acortaron su ataque. For example, if we say or do something that offends a brother, we can demonstrate love by taking the initiative to restore peace. Those words had an initial fulfillment in 66 C.E. when the Romans cut its attack on them. Además, el hecho de que solo se le devolviera el habla indica que su oído no se había visto afectado. 2, 3. (a) Why is it essential to fight unclean desires? Moreover, the fact that the person's ear had not been affected by the fact that his ear had not been affected. Claro, a menudo podemos demostrar que los queremos con cosas mucho más pequeñas; por ejemplo, procurando hacer las paces si los hemos ofendido con nuestras palabras o acciones. Back then, the special pioneer requirement was 150 hours a month. Of course, we can often show that we love him with far small things; for example, by striving to make peace with our brother or actions. 2, 3. a) ¿Por qué es tan importante luchar contra los malos deseos? When we are preaching to others, we focus on important and beneficial spiritual matters, not on thoughts that will erode our faith. 2, 3. (a) Why is it important to fight against unclean desires? Por ese entonces, los precursores especiales debían predicar 150 horas mensuales. The second is likely to help you find ways you can enrich your prayers because it encourages careful examination of petitions and expressions of praise and thankfulness recorded in the Bible. Thus, special pioneers were commanded to preach 150 hours a month. Cuando predicamos, nuestra mente se concentra en cosas que nos benefician, no en cosas que debilitan nuestra fe. Enrich Your Prayers Through Bible Study When we preach, our mind is focused on things that benefit us, not on things that weaken our faith. El segundo nos permitirá enriquecerlas, pues nos anima a analizar con detenimiento algunas peticiones y expresiones de alabanza y gratitud que se encuentran en la Biblia. This gross misuse of free will resulted in millenniums of suffering and pain for Adam's descendants. The second article will help us to enrich them, for it encourages us to consider some of the requests and expressions of praise that are found in the Bible. El estudio de la Biblia enriquece nuestras oraciones (a) How did Joseph restrain his emotions in dealing with his brothers? Bible study makes our prayers effective ¡ Qué grave error fue abusar de su libertad de elección! Resultó en milenios de sufrimiento y dolor para sus descendientes. Eventually, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. How unwise it was to misuse his free will to pursue suffering and pain for his descendants! a) ¿Cómo contuvo José sus sentimientos ante sus hermanos? As we have considered, we want to keep clearly in mind why we should have heartfelt respect for fellow believers. (a) How did Joseph maintain his feelings toward his brothers? Llegado el momento, Jesús nació en Belén. Surely a command given by the One vested with such vast authority should be viewed as of the highest importance. At the time, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Como hemos visto, queremos tener muy claro por qué debemos respetar de corazón a todos nuestros hermanos. We have considered only three questions that many people wonder about. As we have seen, we want to be clearly aware of why we should respect all our brothers and sisters. Sin lugar a dudas, un encargo proveniente de Aquel a quien se le ha conferido tal autoridad debe considerarse de la máxima importancia. Note that the master in the parable recognized that each of his slaves had different potential. He indicated this when he assigned talents to "each one according to his own ability. " Without question, an assignment from the One to whom the authority has been given should be taken lightly. Hemos examinado tan solo tres de las preguntas que mucha gente se hace. December 27, 2010 - January 2, 2011 We have considered just three of the questions that many find. Observemos que el amo de la parábola comprendía que los tres esclavos no tenían el mismo potencial, ya que distribuyó el dinero "a cada uno según su propia habilidad ." (Read 2 Timothy 2: 15.) Note that the master of the parable realized that the three slaves did not have the same potential, since he distributed the money "to each one according to his own ability. " 27 de diciembre - 2 de enero de 2011 Then he hands the man over to be impaled. December 27, 2011 - January 2, 2011 Por otro lado, nosotros y los demás hermanos hacemos todo lo posible por enseñarle la verdad al estudiante y ayudarlo a progresar (léase 2 Timoteo 2: 15). HUMANS CRAVE LOVE. (Read 2 Timothy 2: 15.) Entonces lo entrega para que lo claven en un madero. There is plenty of cheap entertainment to occupy people's minds. Then he gives it the key to a torture stake. EL AMOR ES UNA NECESIDAD HUMANA. Following Jesus ' example, we rely heavily on the Bible in our preaching and teaching. JEHOVAH'S WORD - How do we know that we are living in harmony with the Mosaic Law? Hay mucho entretenimiento barato con el cual mantener ocupada la mente de las masas. In what other way did Elizabeth prove loyal to her husband? There is plenty of entertainment that keeps the mind of the masses. Puesto que seguimos el ejemplo de Jesús, nuestra predicación y enseñanza se apoyan firmemente en la Biblia. Why should we appreciate God's Word, and how did the psalmist voice his appreciation? Because we follow Jesus ' example, our preaching work, and our teaching stand firm in the Bible. ¿ En qué otra situación fue leal Elisabet a su marido? Precious lives are at stake. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4.) In what other situation was Elizabeth loyal to her husband? ¿ Por qué debemos apreciar la Palabra de Dios? ¿ En qué términos expresó el salmista su aprecio por ella? Would you relate the names of brothers and sisters who have stood by you during various difficult trials? Why should we appreciate God's Word, and how did the psalmist express appreciation for it? Hay vidas en juego (lea 1 Timoteo 2: 3, 4). H. Lives are at stake. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4.) Probablemente, también mencionaríamos a nuestro cónyuge, a nuestros queridos hijos... You have every reason to do so and to face up to persecution courageously. - 1 Pet. 5: 8, 9. Likely, we also mention our mate, our dear children - H. He is sure that he will awake, for his past experiences have made him absolutely confident that he can trust in God's unfailing support. H. Sabemos que puede librarnos de este mundo malvado y permitirnos vivir para siempre bajo su Reino. Your spirits will be lifted, you will grow in love for Jehovah, and you will draw ever closer to him. - Jas. 4: 8. We know that he can deliver us from this wicked world and allow them to live forever under his Kingdom. Está seguro de que verá la luz de un nuevo día, pues ha experimentado tantas veces el apoyo constante de su Padre celestial que confía plenamente en él. The final blast has to do with the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. You can be sure that the light of a new day has experienced so many times in Jehovah's constant support. Eso nos beneficiará mucho: lo amaremos más, nos acercaremos más a él y nos sentiremos más animados. The man took part in the spiritual conversation and appreciated what was being said. As we do so, we will draw ever closer to Jehovah and will be strengthened by our love for him. El último toque se relaciona con el nacimiento del Reino mesiánico. They feasted their eyes on captured ships, massive floats depicting battle scenes from the war, and items plundered from Jerusalem's temple. The last touch is related to the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. Además, participó en la conversación bíblica y dijo que le había gustado mucho. Jesus showed great love for others. He was also involved in the Scriptural discussion, and he told her that she had much love for her. Ante sus ojos desfilaban naves que habían sido capturadas, carrozas enormes en las que se representaban escenas de la guerra y objetos saqueados del templo de Jerusalén. Indeed, such study should draw all in the family closer to Jehovah and to one another. During their eyes on space that had been thrown into water, rocky chariots were used in the pictures of war and objects of the temple in Jerusalem. Jesús mostró un inmenso amor al prójimo. How so? Jesus showed great love for others. ¿ Cómo sabemos si estamos cultivando un corazón sabio y obediente? What confidence can we have regarding Jehovah's future actions? How do we know if we are developing a wise and obedient heart? ¿ De qué forma? As the people expressed their devotion to Jehovah, they would grow in godly fear and love and would be helped to walk in his ways. How? ¿ Qué confianza podemos tener respecto a los actos futuros de Jehová? It has even enabled mankind to communicate with their heavenly Father and to praise his glorious name. What confidence can we have regarding Jehovah's future actions? Al expresar su devoción a Jehová, el pueblo crecería en temor piadoso y amor, y recibiría ayuda para andar en Sus caminos. Jesus said: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " By expressing their devotion to Jehovah, the people developed in godly fear and love, and they would be helped to walk in his ways. Gracias a él podemos comunicarnos incluso con nuestro Padre celestial y alabar su glorioso nombre. Whose examples can move us to strengthen our faith? We can communicate even with our heavenly Father and praise his glorious name. Curó a cojos, ciegos, sordos y mudos. You understand the reasons behind what is going on in the world. He cured the lame, the deaf, and the speechless. Jesús advirtió: "No se hagan temerosos de los que matan el cuerpo pero no pueden matar el alma; sino, más bien, teman al que puede destruir tanto el alma como el cuerpo en el Gehena ." Are not such statements as "You're always late " or" You never listen to me " really exaggerations? Jesus warned: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " ¿ El ejemplo de quiénes puede ayudarnos a fortalecer nuestra fe? Suppose clarifying details had not been included in God's Word, as is the case with other abbreviated Bible accounts? The example of whom can help us strengthen our faith? Por ejemplo, comprendemos por qué hay tantos problemas en el mundo y contamos con el cuidado espiritual que Jehová da a su pueblo. True Christians, therefore, have always considered participation in the preaching work to be a matter of loyalty to God and a fundamental requirement of their faith. For example, we understand why there are so many problems in the world, and we have the spiritual care that Jehovah provides for his people. ¿ Verdad que frases como "Siempre llegamos tarde por tu culpa " o" Nunca me escuchas " son realmente exageraciones? The power that Jehovah grants to his servants by means of holy spirit gives each one of us the ability to fulfill our Christian dedication and, when necessary, to resist negative forces that are exerted upon us. - Read Micah 3: 8; Colossians 1: 29. Do you not agree that such words as "When long after your guilt " or" never listen to me " are really appropriate? Pero supongamos que la Biblia no contara estos detalles, como ocurre en otros casos. They were to let their hair grow long - a sign of submission to Jehovah, just as women were to be in subjection to their husbands or fathers. Suppose the Bible does not relate these details, such as in other cases. Para los verdaderos cristianos, participar en la predicación es una manera fundamental de demostrar su lealtad a Dios y su fe. What Are Your Answers? For true Christians, sharing in the preaching work is a key way to demonstrate their loyalty to God and their faith. El poder que Jehová nos otorga a sus siervos mediante el espíritu santo nos da la capacidad para cumplir con nuestro voto de dedicación y resistir las influencias nocivas a las que nos enfrentamos (léanse Miqueas 3: 8 y Colosenses 1: 29). • What can help us to be forgiving? (Read Micah 3: 8; Colossians 1: 29.) Al igual que las mujeres se dejaban el pelo largo en muestra de sujeción a sus esposos o padres, los nazareos lo hacían como señal de sumisión a Jehová. God's "household " today is the worldwide brotherhood of true Christians. Like women, they left the huge hair in subjection to their husbands or parents, who made him as a sign of submission to Jehovah. ¿ Qué respondería usted? The hustle and bustle of city life can prevent many from really getting to know their neighbors. Hence, city dwellers end up living among strangers. How Would You Answer? • ¿Qué nos ayuda a perdonar? What events in Moses ' day provide the background for Paul's words recorded at 2 Timothy 2: 19? • What can help us to forgive others? Hoy día, "la casa de Dios " es la hermandad mundial de cristianos verdaderos. Through the prophets, Jehovah had progressively revealed the identifying marks of the coming Messiah. Today, "the house of God " is the worldwide brotherhood of true Christians. El ajetreo de la vida urbana impide a muchos incluso saber quiénes son sus vecinos; de ahí que terminen viviendo entre extraños. Some changes were easy to make; I quit taking drugs without much difficulty. For many of the people's lives, they did not know who are their neighbors. Hence, they finally go out to strangers among strangers. ¿ A qué sucesos de los días de Moisés hizo referencia Pablo en 2 Timoteo 2: 19? In seeking pleasurable activities, do I consider how Jehovah will view my choices? ' What events in Moses ' day did Paul refer to at 2 Timothy 2: 19? Porque Jehová había ido revelando mediante sus profetas datos que les permitieron identificarlo. Not driven by selfish ambition, such men exalt Jehovah, not themselves. Because Jehovah had progressively revealed his prophets to them. También seguí grabando con bandas de heavy - metal y death - metal. " WHEN the Son of man arrives in his glory " and separates "people one from another, " how will you and your family fare? I also tried to impress on them with a sword, metal of Jehovah's spirit. Al elegir mis diversiones, ¿me pregunto si le gustarán a Jehová? ." Would we be showing respect for Jehovah if we missed Christian meetings for unnecessary reasons? When choosing entertainment, do I wonder if I like Jehovah? ' Esos hombres ensalzan a Jehová y no se ensalzan a sí mismos, pues no los impulsa la ambición egoísta. Let us keep that comforting thought in our heart as we maintain our confidence in God's Word and continue to have faith in the good news. Such men glorify Jehovah and are not replaced by themselves, for they are not moved by selfish ambition. ¿ CÓMO le irá a nuestra familia "cuando el Hijo del hombre llegue en su gloria " y separe" a la gente unos de otros "? Serving Jehovah With All Seriousness HOW will the Son of man come to his glory "when the Son of man arrives in his glory " and" put people of one another "? ¿ Estaríamos mostrando respeto a Dios si faltáramos sin una razón de peso? (b) How does our choice of a marriage mate involve loyalty to God? Would we not show respect for God if we were without a weight? Mantengamos este alentador pensamiento en el corazón mientras seguimos confiando en la Palabra de Dios y teniendo fe en las buenas nuevas. Finally, at Naomi's urging, Orpah returned to her homeland. But Ruth's No meant No. Let us keep this comforting thought in our heart as we rely on God's Word and have faith in the good news. Tomemos muy en serio nuestro servicio a Dios 2 Exercise Faith - Decide Wisely! Take a serious View of Our Service b) ¿Cómo está implicada la lealtad a Dios en la elección de un cónyuge? For most of us, the real life is endless life on earth in God's new world, which he promises to those who faithfully adhere to his commandments. (b) How is loyalty to God involved in a marriage mate? c) ¿Qué estudiaremos en este artículo y en el siguiente? But that was not the only reason for his effectiveness as a Kingdom proclaimer. (c) What will we consider in this article and in the following article? Tanto insistió Noemí para que se quedaran en Moab, que al final Orpá volvió a su país. How might our neutrality be tested in this regard? With Naomi's permission to stay in Moab, Naomi returned to her country. 13 Demostremos fe y tomemos buenas decisiones Jesus did not tolerate such evils, and neither should we. 13 Prove Yourself Faith and Making Good Decisions Para la mayoría de nosotros, "la vida de verdad " es una vida sin fin sobre la Tierra en el nuevo mundo de Dios, que él promete a quienes siguen fielmente sus mandamientos. * How has he managed to cope with his illness? To most of us, "the life of truth " is a life without end on earth in God's new world, which he promises to those who faithfully follow his commandments. Pero esa no fue la única razón por la que tuvo tan buenos resultados al predicar el Reino. Perhaps now you do not see the effect that your endurance, prayers, and counsel has on others. But that was not the only reason for the success of the Kingdom - preaching work. No importa si parece estar a favor o en contra de nosotros. When assigned a seemingly overwhelming task, Moses diffidently asked: "Who am I? " Whether it seems to be in behalf of us or against us. Jesús no toleró tales conductas, y tampoco deberíamos hacerlo nosotros. Consider how effective Satan was in using bait to trap a large number of his angelic brothers. Jesus did not tolerate such behavior, and neither should we do so. * ¿Cómo logra sobrellevar su enfermedad? Later, three false comforters accused him of misconduct. * How can you cope with illness? Es posible que ahora usted no vea el efecto que su aguante, sus oraciones y sus consejos tienen en los demás. What does the Bible indicate as to the beginning of the great tribulation? You may now see how your endurance, your prayers, and your counsel affect others. Cuando se le encargó una misión a su juicio muy difícil, preguntó titubeante: "¿Quién soy yo [...]? ." When we explain the ransom to people, how are we spreading the good news of God's undeserved kindness? When he was commissioned to keep his senses very difficult, he asked: "Who am I? " Seguro que pasó mucho tiempo estudiándolos para ver cómo atraerlos y lograr que se pusieran de su parte. (b) Why should we not give up on ourselves even if we "fall seven times, " as it were? How long he must have been to examine his people to see how he could attract them and bring them into his side! Además, su esposa llegó a decirle: "¡Maldice a Dios, y muere! ." • With regard to our health, how can we benefit from adhering to Bible principles? In addition, his wife said to him: "The God, and he dies! " ¿ Qué dice la Biblia sobre el inicio de la gran tribulación? Of course, Jesus ' motive was to proclaim God's message of truth, not to damage relationships. What does the Bible say about the start of the great tribulation? ¿ Por qué decimos que explicar el rescate es una manera de proclamar las buenas nuevas de la bondad inmerecida de Dios? (b) How can we use this information to help others? Why can we say that the ransom is a way to declare the good news of God's undeserved kindness? b) ¿Por qué no debemos rendirnos cuando cometemos errores? Might this not suggest that Shebna did not give way to bitterness and resentment but instead humbly accepted his lesser responsibilities? (b) Why should we not give up when we make mistakes? • ¿Cómo contribuye a nuestra salud la obediencia a los principios bíblicos? Are you not thankful to Jehovah, who gave us the sure hope of the resurrection? • How does obedience to Bible principles contribute to our health? Claro, el objetivo de Jesús era "dar testimonio acerca de la verdad ," no dividir a la gente. In their midst was "that woman Jezebel " - perhaps a group of women with traits like those of wicked Queen Jezebel of the ten - tribe Kingdom of Israel. Of course, Jesus ' objective was to "bear witness to the truth. " b) ¿Cómo podemos usar esta lista para ayudar a otros? Jehovah has long had faithful servants who have served him full - time despite the challenges of doing so in this system of things. (b) How can we use this list to help others? Esto podría indicar que Sebná no había dejado que la amargura y el resentimiento lo dominaran y que se había hecho más humilde, pues había aceptado un puesto menos importante que el que había tenido antes. Nothing is hidden from Jehovah's eyes. He looks on, not to find fault, but to support your endeavor to do good. This may indicate that Shebna had not allowed bitterness and resentment to dominate him and that he had become more humble, for he had accepted an important position he had already had earlier. ¡ Cuánto le agradecemos a Jehová la esperanza de la resurrección! Early in his discourse, Jesus indicated that the sign would include a remarkable feature - the good news of the Kingdom would "be preached in all the inhabited earth. " How grateful we are for the resurrection hope! En su seno se hallaba "aquella mujer Jezabel ," tal vez un grupo de mujeres con las mismas inclinaciones de Jezabel, la inicua soberana del reino de diez tribus de Israel. Or Sanballat may have thought that the contents of the letter would cause such alarm among the Jews that they would stop their work altogether. In his bosom, he was "that woman Jezebel, " perhaps a group of women with the same inclinations of Jezebel, the wicked people of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. Desde hace mucho ha habido cristianos fieles que han servido a Jehová a tiempo completo a pesar de numerosas dificultades. Rather, they are eagerly looking for indications that the drama is reaching its climax - a catastrophic finish - for they know that this system must end before Jehovah ushers in the long - awaited new world of righteousness. There have long been faithful Christians who have served Jehovah full - time despite many hardships. Pero no es que esté pendiente de ti para buscar tus errores, sino para ayudarte a hacer lo correcto. Notice that Jesus did not merely tell the disciples what the pattern was; he "set the pattern. " But you are not alert to seeking your mistakes, but to help you to do what is right. Dijo: "Estas buenas nuevas del reino se predicarán en toda la tierra habitada ." It will be a pleasure to be under Jehovah's arrangements in the new world as we work toward beautifying the earth, teaching resurrected ones, and doing Jehovah's will for mankind. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth. " O puede que haya pensado que su contenido alarmaría tanto a los judíos que estos detendrían las obras por completo. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 Or he may have thought that the material would be so urgent that the Jews were to have a complete share in the work. Más bien, están muy alerta a las indicaciones de que la representación está alcanzando su culminación - un final catastrófico - , pues saben que este sistema debe desaparecer antes de que Jehová instaure el nuevo mundo de justicia que tanto han esperado. " It is good to make melody to our God. " - PS. 147: 1. Rather, they are alert to the clear evidence that the destruction represents its climax - a final end - because they know that this system must pass before Jehovah arranged for the new world of righteousness. Observemos que Jesús no se limitó a decir a sus discípulos cuál era el modelo que debían seguir; él " les puso el modelo '. Offering sacrifices in ancient Israel was the basis for receiving forgiveness of sins. Note that Jesus did not simply tell his disciples what was the pattern they should follow; he " set the pattern for them. ' Bajo la dirección de Dios convertiremos la Tierra en un hermoso jardín y enseñaremos a los resucitados. Será todo un placer. How can the book of Leviticus help us? Under God's direction, we will turn the earth into a beautiful garden and be filled with resurrected ones. ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO 3 Y 4 PÁGINAS 19 - 28 Little wonder the Bible emphasizes the need for us to "safeguard practical wisdom. " It means our very life! - Prov. 3: 21, 22; 1 Tim. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 " Es bueno celebrar con melodía a nuestro Dios. " By making return visits, we seek to water it. " It is good to sing praises to our God. " - PS. En el antiguo Israel, los sacrificios eran la base para recibir el perdón de pecados y la aprobación de Jehová. (October 1, 2012); "Does God Care About Our Suffering? " In ancient Israel, sacrifices were the basis for forgiveness of sins and Jehovah's approval. ¿ Cómo nos ayuda el libro de Levítico? This "mental - regulating " involves implanting Jehovah's thoughts in the mind of a child from its tender infancy on through the critical years of adolescence. - 2 Tim. How can the book of Leviticus help us? Con razón la Biblia destaca la importancia de tener "sabiduría práctica ," pues puede salvarnos la vida. A second reason why we know that Jesus was restored to life is that we have the testimony of many witnesses. No wonder the Bible emphasizes the importance of having "practical wisdom, " for it can save life! Al volver a visitarla, procuramos regar lo plantado. Humans are complex creatures, so there are no doubt countless ways to flirt, some of them very subtle. Upon visiting him, we try to plant it. (1 de octubre de 2012); "¿Le duele a Dios vernos sufrir? " What can help us to "learn to fear Jehovah "? (See October 1, 2012); " Does God feel hurt to us? ' Dicha "regulación mental " implica inculcar en su mente la forma de pensar de Jehová desde la más tierna infancia hasta que terminan los difíciles años de la adolescencia. Like Jehovah, Jesus possesses wisdom. Such "mental mental mental powers " implies that you can develop in your mind Jehovah's thinking from infancy until the most difficult years of your youth. Muchas personas vieron a Jesús resucitado. A father's absence also erodes his ability to fulfill his role as family head. Many people saw Jesus resurrected. Los humanos somos seres complejos, por lo que ese coqueteo puede sin duda adoptar innumerables formas, algunas muy sutiles. Prayer and personal study have been like a life jacket that has kept my head above water. As imperfect humans, we can surely take countless forms, some subtle subtle forms. ¿ Cómo podemos "aprend [er] a temer a Jehová "? The apostle Paul, for one, had that experience. How can we " fear Jehovah "? Como su Padre, Jesús posee gran sabiduría. All living things on the earth - including microbes, grass, elephants, blue whales, and humans - reproduce using DNA. As his Father, Jesus possesses great wisdom. Cuanto más tiempo pase fuera el padre, más difícil le será cumplir con su papel de cabeza. Day after day, she tried to seduce him. The more time the parent spends his father, the more difficult it will be to fulfill his role as head. Para mí, la oración y el estudio personal han sido como un chaleco salvavidas que me ha ayudado a mantenerme a flote. Unlike their anointed companions, however, these ones will become Jesus ' obedient earthly subjects. For me, prayer and personal study have been like a Christian who has helped me to quit. El apóstol Pablo lo sabía por experiencia. (b) How are you involved in the issue of sovereignty? The apostle Paul knew this from experience. El ADN es imprescindible para que se reproduzcan todas las formas de vida del planeta, desde los organismos microscópicos y la hierba, pasando por el ser humano, hasta el elefante y la enorme ballena azul. This article discusses Psalms 3 and 4, composed by King David. These inspired songs show that we can act with confidence if we pray for Jehovah's help and we trust in him completely. Granted, DNA is vital for us to remove all forms of life from the earth, from the earth's body onward, and from the grass, passing through the human race, to the pen and the vastness of it. Día tras día intentaba seducirlo. Stressing that this is a requirement for all Christians, the Bible states: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Day after day, he tried to seduce them. A diferencia de sus compañeros ungidos, este grupo estará formado por súbditos terrestres de Jesús. How comforting it is to know that our loved ones now asleep in mankind's common grave have the prospect of resuming life in a wonderful new world free of all the present - day causes of distress! Unlike his anointed companions, this group will be formed by Jesus ' earthly subjects. b) ¿Cómo estás implicado en la cuestión de la soberanía? David's confidence and complete trust in God are evident in another of his psalms, one containing these inspired words: "Jehovah is my light and my salvation. (b) What is involved in the issue of sovereignty? En los Salmos 3 y 4, David revela que podemos sentirnos seguros en la vida si confiamos plenamente en Jehová y solicitamos su ayuda. Moved by his love for us, Jehovah will rescue us from calamity. - Ps. In Psalms 3 and 4, David reveals that we can be certain if we fully trust in Jehovah and pray for his help. La Biblia muestra que este es un requisito para todos los cristianos al decir: "En amor fraternal ténganse tierno cariño unos a otros. He compared the Kingdom of God to a pearl so valuable that upon finding it, a traveling merchant "sold all the things he had and bought it. " The Bible shows that this is a requirement for all Christians by saying: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Jehová nos da la alentadora seguridad de que nuestros seres queridos que descansan en el Seol volverán a vivir en la Tierra, libres de los sufrimientos que padecemos en la actualidad. [ Picture on page 31] Jehovah gives us the heartwarming assurance that our loved ones who dwell on Sheol will return to life on earth, free of the suffering we face today. En otro de sus salmos inspirados, David refleja esos mismos sentimientos de seguridad y confianza absoluta en Dios: "Jehová es mi luz y mi salvación. How did the kings of Tyre prove to be traitors? In another of his inspired psalms, David reflected these sentiments of security and full trust in God: "Jehovah is my light and my salvation. Sin duda, Jehová nos ama, y por eso nos rescatará de las calamidades. they ask themselves. Yes, Jehovah loves us, and he will rescue us from calamities. También destacó la relevancia del Reino al compararlo a una perla tan valiosa que un mercader "vendió todas las cosas que tenía, y la compró ." In the parable, there is a distinct interval between the shout, "Here is the bridegroom! " He also emphasized the value of the Kingdom by compareing it to a pearl that was so precious that he " promises all the things he had, and he bought it. ' [ Ilustración de la página 31] The way in which Jehovah supplied the manna provided the Israelites not only with physical food but also with spiritual lessons. [ Picture on page 31] ¿ Qué traición cometieron los reyes de Tiro? Nobody can take away our precious friendship with God unless we allow that to happen. What did the kings of Tyre do? Al final, llegan a la conclusión de que no vale la pena luchar. Moreover, Jesus said: "Every unprofitable saying that men speak, they will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned. " At the end, they arrive at the conclusion of the system of things. En la parábola pasa un tiempo desde que se da el grito "¡Aquí está el novio! " How might we benefit from taking to heart Solomon's warning example? In the parable of the talents, it is time for the bridegroom to cry out: "Here is the bridegroom! " La forma en que Jehová proporcionó el maná no solo aportó a los israelitas alimento físico, sino también lecciones espirituales. Perhaps you at times find it hard to share in the ministry, or some aspect of it may seem intimidating. If so, you are in good company. Jehovah provided manna not only by providing physical food but also spiritual lessons. ¿ Y si un siervo de Jehová muere? ¿ Podría decirse que el Diablo ha ganado? In helping children, what should be borne in mind? What if a servant of Jehovah dies, could it be said that the Devil has won? Además, Jesús declaró: "De todo dicho ocioso que hablen los hombres rendirán cuenta en el Día del Juicio; porque por tus palabras serás declarado justo, y por tus palabras serás condenado ." But the greatest one among you must be your minister. Moreover, Jesus stated: "From every saying that men will render an account on Judgment Day; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned. " ¿ Cómo mostramos que hemos aprendido de los errores de Salomón? It is at the very core of the Christian message, though many churches choose to ignore it. How can we show that we have learned from Solomon's errors? Si alguna vez se le ha hecho difícil salir a predicar o si se pone nervioso al participar en algún rasgo del ministerio, le tranquilizará saber que otros predicadores fieles se han sentido así. The bad scenes seemed to stay in my head for days if not weeks, as though they had been branded into my brain. " If you ever find it difficult to go out in the preaching work or if you feel nervous about sharing in some aspect of the ministry, you can reassure your faithful publishers that others have felt that way. ¿ Qué cosas debemos recordar cuando se nos pide que ayudemos a un niño? Yes, Samuel influenced some of his contemporaries to avoid or abandon wrongdoing. What should we remember when we are asked to help a child? El que se ensalce será humillado, y el que se humille será ensalzado ." He was aware of Solomon's words: "I have come to know that there is nothing better for [the sons of mankind] than to rejoice and to do good during one's life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. He that exalts himself will be humbled, and he that humbles himself will be exalted. " Constituye una parte fundamental del mensaje cristiano, aunque muchas religiones optan por no tenerla en cuenta. I am Jehovah. " - Lev. It is a vital part of the Christian message, although many religions choose not to take account. Las imágenes indecentes se quedaban en mi memoria no solo durante días, sino semanas, como si se hubieran grabado en mi cerebro ." The true God rescues the three, and Nebuchadnezzar is forced to recognize that "there does not exist another god that is able to deliver like this one. " - Daniel 3: 29. The images were made in my memory not just for days but for weeks, as if they had been inscribed in my brain. " Y, en efecto, Samuel ayudó a algunos de sus contemporáneos a evitar o abandonar el mal camino. What made the King James Version significant? Samuel, in turn, helped some of his contemporaries to avoid the wrong course. Él conocía bien esta declaración de Salomón: "He llegado a saber que no hay nada mejor [...] que regocijarse y hacer el bien durante la vida de uno; y también que todo hombre coma y realmente beba y vea el bien por todo su duro trabajo. " Stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " - EPH. 6: 11. He well knew this declaration of Solomon: "I have come to know that there is nothing better... than to rejoice and to do good during one's life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. Yo soy Jehová ." Remember, Jesus assured his disciples that he would give them a helper - God's holy spirit. I am Jehovah. " Esta intervención divina obliga al monarca a admitir que "no existe otro dios que pueda librar como este ." Honoring Jehovah and Christ is not optional. This divine action led Solomon to acknowledge that "there is no other god who can deliver him as this god. " ¿ Por qué llegó a ser importante la traducción King James Version (Versión del Rey Jacobo)? God is keenly interested in our welfare and watches over us with loving concern Why was the translation of the King James Version important? " [Estén] firmes contra las maquinaciones del Diablo. " Unitedly Use the Pure Language to Praise Jehovah " Stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " - 1 COR. Si ese es su caso, ¿qué puede ayudarle a soportar la presión? Jehovah Expects Us to Be Just If that is your situation, what can help you to cope with peer pressure? Honrar a Jehová y a Cristo no es opcional. Jacob's reference to these indicated that significant authority and power would reside with the tribe of Judah until the coming of Shiloh. Honor Jehovah and Christ is not optional. Dios está muy interesado en nuestro bienestar y nos cuida con cariño What quality did Hagar need if she was to follow the angel's direction? God is deeply interested in our welfare and cares for us Alabemos a Jehová hablando todos juntos el lenguaje puro Gratitude to God and his Son should move us to be present at the commemoration of Jesus ' death, thus obeying the command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " - 1 Cor. 11: 23 - 25. Praise Jehovah together in Speaking the pure language Jehová espera que seamos justos " Bad association greatly influenced me, especially because I was afraid of having a different opinion from my peers, " said a 24 - year - old sister who had engaged in sexual immorality. Jehovah expects You to Be Righteous La referencia que Jacob hizo a ambos indicó que la tribu de Judá tendría una medida importante de autoridad y poder hasta la venida de Siló. For example, do you expect one of your children to invite you to move in with his family, or are you expecting something else? The reference to both Jacob indicated that the tribe of Judah would have an important measure of authority and power until Shiloh's coming. ¿ Qué cualidad necesitaba Agar para seguir la guía del ángel? In 1946 when I returned home for the summer, we attended a convention in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. What quality did Hagar need to follow the angel's direction? Si de verdad agradecemos lo que Jehová y Jesús han hecho por nosotros, asistiremos a la Conmemoración. Así obedeceremos el mandato: "Sigan haciendo esto en memoria de mí ." Let us do our utmost to make our hosts happy that they invited us. If we truly appreciate what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us, we will attend the Memorial, so we will obey the command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " Una hermana de 24 años que cometió inmoralidad sexual admitió: "Las malas amistades influyeron mucho en mí, sobre todo porque no me atrevía a llevarles la contraria ." Remember, the Bible likens hope to a helmet. A 24 - year - old sister who committed sexual immorality admitted: "The bad associations affected me, especially because I didn't feel uncomfortable. " Por ejemplo, ¿esperan ustedes que uno de sus hijos los invite a mudarse a vivir con su familia, o les gustaría alguna otra cosa? In addition, in 2015 the Governing Body published the brochure Return to Jehovah, which has proved to be a rich source of encouragement to many throughout the world. For example, do you expect one of your children to move forward with your family or would you like to do anything else? En 1946, cuando volví a mi casa para pasar el verano, fuimos a la asamblea de Cleveland (Ohio, Estados Unidos). The husband recalls: "Our study of kindness helped us to see the need to give each other the benefit of the doubt rather than impute wrong motives, to look for the good in each other. In 1946 when I returned home to summer, I went to the Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. En cualquier caso, hagamos todo lo posible para que nuestros anfitriones se alegren de habernos invitado. Yes, "the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead " can go to work in our behalf, empowering us to win the fight against fleshly desires. In any case, let us do all we can to make our joyful brotherhood glad that our hosts have invited us to do so. Recordemos que la Biblia compara la esperanza a un yelmo o casco. Be determined to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty Recall that the Bible likens hope to a helmet or helmet. Además, el Cuerpo Gobernante publicó en el año 2015 el folleto Jehová desea que vuelva para animar a personas de todo el mundo a regresar a la verdad. On meeting nights the children do their homework as soon as they return home from school. Moreover, the Governing Body published in 2015 the brochure Jehovah wants people to return to the truth. El esposo explica los resultados: "Aprendimos que, en vez de pensar siempre mal de la otra persona, necesitábamos concedernos el beneficio de la duda y centrarnos en los puntos positivos. [ Pictures on page 27] The husband explains: "Let us, rather than think badly of the other person, we needed the benefit of doubt and focusing on the positive points. Como vemos en estos versículos, "el espíritu del que levantó a Jesús de entre los muertos " puede actuar a favor nuestro e infundirnos la energía necesaria para combatir nuestra inclinación al pecado. In many homes family members come and go without sharing meals or conversation. As we see in these verses, "the spirit of the one raised Jesus from the dead " can act in our behalf and help us to fight our sinful inclinations. Debemos estar decididos a defender la soberanía de Jehová But Bible principles must be followed in establishing a matter judicially. We must be determined to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty En las noches de reunión, deben hacerla tan pronto como llegan de la escuela. What must we recognize? At the meeting, they should do so soon as they arrive at school. [ Ilustraciones de la página 27] In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet. - Read Isaiah 5: 20; Matthew 7: 6. [ Pictures on page 27] Hay muchas familias que viven bajo el mismo techo pero ni comen juntos ni conversan. In the future, the remaining anointed ones on earth "will follow " the Lamb right into heaven. - John 13: 36. Many families live under the same roof. Pero deben seguirse los principios bíblicos a la hora de tomar una decisión judicial sobre un asunto. An important way that we display loyalty to God is by following the direction we receive from his organization. However, they should follow Bible principles when making judicial decisions regarding a matter. ¿ Qué debemos reconocer todos? If our hope abounds in us, we will be able to endure any situation that may arise, our hearts filled with joy and peace. What should all of us recognize? De hecho, ni siquiera estaría bien tratar de enterarnos de sus argumentos - sea que aparezcan en publicaciones escritas, en Internet o en cualquier otro medio - , pues eso pondría en peligro nuestra espiritualidad (léanse Isaías 5: 20 y Mateo 7: 6). (Matt. (Read Isaiah 20: 20; Matthew 7: 6.) Y en el futuro, los ungidos que quedan en la Tierra seguirán al Cordero hasta el cielo mismo. When reading a Bible account, picture yourself in a similar situation In the future, anointed ones on earth will continue to go to the Lamb to heaven itself. Una importante manera de demostrar lealtad a Dios es siguiendo las instrucciones de su organización. That kind of wisdom is necessary for salvation. (Read Proverbs 24: 14.) One important way to prove our loyalty to God is by following theocratic direction. (Mat. Jehovah dignifies us with the privilege of preaching the good news (See opening image.) Imagínese que está viviendo lo que dice el relato bíblico Our faith should be more than mere professed faith. Imagine what the Bible account says Esta clase de sabiduría es necesaria para la salvación (lea Proverbios 24: 14). " I was floored! " the woman says. (Read Proverbs 24: 14.) Pero no basta con decir que tenemos fe en Dios. Remarkably, Jehovah is an example of humility in that he deals with imperfect people like us. But more is needed than merely exercising faith in God. La joven cuenta el efecto que tuvieron en ella esas palabras: "¡No me lo podía creer! " What is the Golden Rule, and how are we blessed for following it? The young man says: "I could not believe it! " Cabe notar que Jehová es un excelente ejemplo de humildad, pues se digna a tratar con nosotros, que somos tan imperfectos. Jehovah disclosed these secrets, using a number of different symbols. In fact, Jehovah is a fine example of humility, which is worthy of treating us as imperfect humans. b) ¿Cómo nos beneficia seguir la Regla de Oro? Do You Recall? (b) How can we benefit from following the Golden Rule? ¿ Lo recuerda? One day the pastor of her church held up one of our publications and told all present not to read it because it would cause them to leave their faith. Do You Recall? Cierto día, el pastor de su iglesia, sosteniendo una de nuestras publicaciones, dijo a todos los allí presentes que no la leyeran, ya que los apartaría de su fe. Having a waiting attitude, or patience, helps us to avoid feeling disappointed that Jehovah's day has not yet come. One day, the shepherd of his church, gave support to one of our publications, telling all those present that they would not read. Tener una actitud de espera, es decir, paciencia, contribuye a que no nos sintamos decepcionados porque el día de Jehová aún no haya llegado. Mauricio: To illustrate the point - you're a father, correct? Having a waiting attitude, then, helps us to avoid disappointment because Jehovah's day has not yet arrived. Mauricio: Para poner un ejemplo, usted es padre, ¿no es cierto? When those around us observe the fine things we do even while we are being treated unjustly, they may be inclined to look more favorably upon our Christian message. - 1 Peter 2: 12. Mauricio: For example, you are a parent. A veces, las personas que nos rodean responden mejor a nuestro mensaje al ver que hacemos buenas obras incluso cuando estamos recibiendo un trato injusto. When would Jesus and the apostles have had the last Passover meal, and what happened later that day? At times, people are more likely to respond to our message when we see that we are doing good, even when we are experiencing unjust treatment. ¿ Cuándo celebraron Jesús y los apóstoles su última Pascua, y qué ocurrió más tarde ese mismo día? Starting at Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah used his spirit to anoint the secondary part of the seed of Abraham, many of whom were not descendants of Abraham. When did Jesus and his apostles hear Jesus and his last Passover, and what happened later on that same day? A partir del Pentecostés del año 33, Jehová usó su fuerza activa para ungir a la parte secundaria de la descendencia de Abrahán, formada por cristianos que en muchos casos no tenían a este patriarca por antepasado. What we presently understand about nature is infinitesimal when compared with all there is to learn. From Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, Jehovah used his holy spirit to anoint the secondary part of Abraham's seed. La información que tenemos sobre la creación no es nada en comparación con lo que nos falta por descubrir. What realization regarding offenders should affect our attitude toward them? The information we have about creation is nothing compared with what we need to discern. ¿ Qué conviene que recordemos cuando alguien nos ofende? Will you? What should be done if someone offends us? ¿ Lo hará usted? Aaron, mentioned at the outset, recalls: "In Africa, I often met young people who were drifting across the country in search of a purpose in life. Most never found one. Do you? Aarón, de quien hablamos al principio de este artículo, explica: "En África conocí a jóvenes que viajaban por todo el país en busca de un propósito en la vida, pero la mayoría no lo encontró. How will you respond? Aaron, quoted at the beginning of this article, explains: "In Africa I met young people who traveled throughout the country to search for a purpose in life, but most did not find it. Y ahora, ¿qué vas a hacer? As foretold, a rising flood of woes is affecting mankind. What, then, are you going to do? Tal como anunciaron las profecías, la humanidad se ve inundada hoy por los problemas. (a) Why is it dangerous to make too much use of the world? As foretold, mankind is affected by problems. a) ¿Por qué es peligroso usar al máximo lo que ofrece el mundo? For example, years ago a young man in Western Europe began attending Christian meetings. (a) Why is it dangerous to use what the world offers? Por ejemplo, hace años un joven de Europa occidental comenzó a asistir a las reuniones. Of course, we can and should exercise self - control by taking immediate action if we are confronted with a provocative image. But how much better if we avoid the situation in the first place! For example, a young girl in Western Europe began to attend meetings. Por supuesto, si nos encontramos con una imagen excitante no tenemos por qué seguir mirándola: podemos - y debemos - demostrar autodominio tomando de inmediato las medidas oportunas. Rather, Jehovah's abilities, moral qualities, and standards support his purpose. Of course, if we find ourselves in a figurative picture, we do not need to repeat it - and should exercise self - control quickly. Más bien, su poder, sus cualidades morales y sus normas contribuyen a que su propósito se realice. How does our viewpoint affect the priorities that we set? Rather, his power, his moral qualities, and his standards contribute to the fulfillment of his purpose. ¿ Cómo influye en las prioridades que nos fijamos la esperanza de la resurrección? Or perhaps a few parents in the congregation allow their children to do things that you do not want your child to do. How does the resurrection hope affect our focus? Por otro lado, puede que un padre no les permita a sus hijos hacer algo que otros hermanos de la congregación sí les permiten a los suyos. However, he was not truly concerned about the welfare of the people. Instead, he was trying to protect his own interests. On the other hand, a parent may not allow his children to do something other than others in the congregation. Pero en realidad no le preocupaba el bienestar del pueblo, sino sus propios intereses. Nevertheless, while the nation of Israel was en route to the Promised Land, Korah perceived what he imagined to be problems in God's arrangement. Rather, he was concerned about the welfare of the people, not their own interests. Sin embargo, durante el trayecto a la Tierra Prometida, llegó un momento en que Coré creyó ver problemas en el modo como se dirigía la organización de Dios. Jesus is the means by which obedient ones are delivered from slavery to sin. During his journey to the Promised Land, however, he arrived at a time when Korah viewed problems as being directed by God's organization. Jesús es el medio por el cual los seres humanos obedientes han sido liberados de la esclavitud del pecado. When Peter said, "Depart from me, because I am a sinful man, " Jesus did not depart, nor did he condemn Peter for any sin. Jesus is the means by which obedient humans have been freed from slavery to sin. Cuando Pedro dijo: "Apártate de mí, porque soy varón pecador ," Jesús no se apartó de él, ni tampoco lo condenó por algún pecado. Christian families today should pay similar attention to education. When Peter said: "Get away from me, for I am a sinner, " Jesus did not judge him, nor condemned him for sin. En la actualidad, las familias cristianas deben darle la misma importancia a la educación. Aristotle taught that all the heavenly bodies were encased in crystalline spheres, each one nested tightly within the next, with the earth innermost. Christian families today need to give the same importance of education. Aristóteles enseñó que todos los cuerpos celestes estaban encajados en esferas transparentes, cada una dentro de otra más grande, con la Tierra en el centro. The Bible refers to six primary covenants that relate to the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus. He taught that all the heavenly bodies were fitd into an upper room, each inside of the earth, in the center of the earth. La Biblia habla de seis pactos principales relacionados con el Reino mesiánico en manos de Jesucristo. My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. The Bible speaks of six major covenants involving the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz, y yo las conozco, y ellas me siguen. What reality will continue as long as Satan's world exists, but why should this not unduly discourage us? My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Mientras exista el mundo de Satanás, quizás no nos sea posible hacer por Jehová todo lo que quisiéramos. What does it mean to be a good friend? While Satan's world exists, we may not be able to do all we would like to do. ¿ Qué significa ser un buen amigo? [ Picture on page 21] What does it mean to be a good friend? [ Ilustración de la página 21] In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of the world as having a "spirit, " or dominant attitude. [ Picture on page 21] En la carta a los Efesios, Pablo menciona que el mundo posee un "espíritu ," es decir, una actitud predominante. This attitude of humility and devotion still characterizes the Lord's anointed. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul mentions that the world has a "spirit, " or dominant attitude. Hoy día, los ungidos del Señor siguen manifestando esta actitud humilde y devota. All of us desire to be made strong by Jehovah and to remain firm in our worship. Today, anointed Christians continue to display this humble, devout spirit. Todos deseamos recibir las fuerzas de Jehová y ser siervos fieles. Then he added this reason: "For even the Christ did not please himself. " All of us desire to receive Jehovah's strength and to be faithful servants. Después añadió esta razón: "Porque hasta el Cristo no se agradó a sí mismo ." What is more, you would soon discover that most people did not want the bread and that some would even hate you for distributing it. Then he added: "Because even the Christ did not please himself. " Por si fuera poco, pronto se da cuenta de que a la gente no le gusta el pan que reparte y de que algunos incluso odian verlo a usted por la zona. Lesson 3 in the Require brochure is entitled "Who Is Jesus Christ? " It is soon to see that people do not like the bread that they hate and that some even hate you for the area. La lección 3 del folleto Exige se titula "¿Quién es Jesucristo? ." How can material possessions be used to strengthen our friendship with God? The lesson of the brochure is entitled "Who Is Jesus Christ? " ¿ Cómo podemos utilizar las cosas que tenemos para ser mejores amigos de Dios? • How can we continue to walk in Jehovah's upright ways? How can we use the things we have to become better acquainted with God? • ¿Cómo lograremos seguir andando en los rectos caminos de Jehová? Lot and his family were in a perilous situation because destruction was going to come on Sodom, the city where they lived. • How can we continue to walk in Jehovah's upright ways? Lot y su familia estaban en peligro, pues Sodoma, la ciudad donde vivían, iba a ser destruida. This study will also strengthen our conviction that Jehovah is our wise and powerful Creator. Lot and his family were in danger, for Sodom and Sodom would be destroyed. Así nos convenceremos aún más de que Jehová es un Creador sabio y todopoderoso. However, note the attitudes of Jacob and Joseph later in their lives. Both looked for the good in their family. This will help you to convince you more about Jehovah as a wise and almighty Creator. Notemos, sin embargo, la actitud que demostraron Jacob y José años después: ambos supieron ver el lado bueno de su familia. Jehovah and "the faithful and discreet slave " deeply appreciate all their past and present contributions to the Kingdom work. - Matt. Think, though, of Jacob and Joseph's attitude when they saw the good in their family. Jehová y "el esclavo fiel y discreto " agradecen enormemente todo lo que los hermanos de edad han hecho y siguen haciendo a favor del Reino. Your spirit is good; may it lead me. " - PS. Jehovah and "the faithful and discreet slave " deeply appreciates all that older ones have done and continue to do in behalf of the Kingdom. Tu espíritu es bueno; que me guíe. " After warning against grieving God's spirit, Paul wrote: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. " Your spirit is good; let me guide you. " Después de aconsejar a sus hermanos que no contristaran el espíritu de Dios, Pablo escribió: "Que se quiten toda amargura maliciosa y cólera e ira y gritería y habla injuriosa, junto con toda maldad ." Yes, we can be certain that Jehovah, "the Judge of all the earth, " will always do what is right," for all his ways are justice. " - Gen. 18: 25; Deut. After counseling fellow believers not to grieve God's spirit, Paul wrote: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. " Sin duda, Jehová, "el Juez de toda la tierra ," siempre hará lo que es recto, pues" todos sus caminos son justicia ." Much hard work is needed in order to support Kingdom interests. Jehovah, "the Judge of all the earth, " will always do what is right, for" all his ways are justice. " Hay mucho trabajo que hacer en la obra del Reino. " It is by your faith that you are standing. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 1: 24. There is much work to do in the Kingdom work. " Es por su fe que están firmes. " All youths need what? " It is by your faith that you are standing. " - HEB. ¿ Qué necesita todo joven? Imagine that you are a parent helping your child to take his first steps. Your arms are outstretched. You may be using cords for your little one to hold on to so that he does not fall. What every young person needs? Imagínese que usted es un padre que está enseñando a su hijo a dar los primeros pasos y que, con los brazos extendidos, usa unas cuerdas para que él se agarre de ellas y no se caiga. By giving Scriptural discipline, we can help our child or a Bible student to reach the goal of becoming a follower of Christ. Imagine that you are a father who is teaching his son to take the first steps and his arms, using a cord to catch them out of them and not fall away. Al dar disciplina basada en los principios bíblicos, podemos ayudar a nuestros hijos y a los estudiantes de la Biblia a alcanzar la meta de ser discípulos de Cristo. (b) Relate an experience to illustrate strong faith in action. By giving Bible discipline based on Bible principles, we can help our children and Bible students to reach the goal of becoming followers of Christ. b) ¿Cómo demostraron Rebecca y su familia que tenían una fe firme? 1: 17. Why is our appreciation for God's goodness deepened when we see the spiritually destitute condition of others? (b) How did one couple show their strong faith? ¿ Por qué apreciamos más la bondad de Jehová cuando vemos la condición de miseria espiritual en que vive la gente? They have attached themselves to the Israel of God. Why do we appreciate Jehovah's goodness when we see the spiritual condition of people in general? Aunque los miembros de la creciente gran muchedumbre no tienen la esperanza de vivir en el cielo, se sienten muy orgullosos de trabajar junto a quienes sí la tienen, junto al Israel de Dios. The foregoing examples of murmuring involved groups of people apparently expressing their discontent out loud. Although the growing great crowd do not have the hope of living in heaven, they are proud to work alongside those taking the lead among them, alongside the Israel of God. Los ejemplos anteriores tienen que ver con personas que expresaron su descontento abiertamente. Veamos ahora otro tipo de murmuración. How do the Scriptures show the importance of love? The former examples must have to deal with people who expressed their senses openly. Let us now consider another type of murmuring. Según la Biblia, ¿por qué es tan importante el amor? The Bible calls him the Son of God; the lovers of Greek philosophy insisted that he is God. Why is love so important? Mientras que la Biblia afirma que él es el Hijo de Dios, los incondicionales de la filosofía griega insistían en que era Dios. The years David spent in fields and on hills tending sheep prepared him for the demanding duties and responsibilities of shepherding the nation of Israel. While the Bible says that he is God's Son, he was fully opposed by the Greek philosophy that was God's God. Los años que pasó David en el campo cuidando ovejas lo prepararon para las importantes obligaciones que asumiría al convertirse en el pastor de la nación de Israel. It takes courage and strong faith for them to open their heart to others once again. What helped David to care for the important responsibilities he would take to become the shepherd of the nation of Israel? Volver a abrir su corazón exige de ellos valor y una fe fuerte. 18, 19. To open their hearts requires courage and faith. 18, 19. Therefore, let us consider how we can overcome obstacles that make it challenging to listen to God's voice. 18, 19. Por consiguiente, veamos cómo evitar las trampas que podrían impedirnos escuchar la voz de Dios. Christian Families - "Keep Ready " Let us, then, consider how we can avoid the traps that could prevent us from listening to God's voice. Familias cristianas, manténganse listas " I used to sit there and never comment, thinking that nobody would want to hear what I had to say. Christian Families - "Keep Ready " Me parecía que a nadie le importaban mis comentarios. See the June 22, 2004, issue of Awake! It seemed that no one was interested in my comments. del 22 de junio de 2004, editada por los testigos de Jehová. What else might identify a physical person? of June 22, 2004, issue of Awake! published by Jehovah's Witnesses. La Biblia condena la borrachera, la glotonería y la inmoralidad, y advierte que los que practican tales cosas no "heredarán el reino de Dios ." The Bible condemns drunkenness, gluttony, and immorality, warning that those who practice such things "will not inherit God's kingdom. " - 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10; Proverbs 23: 20, 21; 1 Peter 4: 1 - 4. The Bible condemns drunkenness, hypocrisy, and immorality. It warns those who practice such things "will not inherit God's kingdom. " Pero la Biblia advierte: "Nunca preguntes por qué todo tiempo pasado fue mejor. But the Bible warns us: "Do not say, " Why were the old days better than these days? ' But the Bible warns: "Never question why all time was better. No estaba en una cárcel, pues podía trabajar, ayudar a otras personas y servir a Jehová en paz. This was not a prison of refuge. He was not in prison, for he could work, help others, and serve Jehovah in peace. Pero ¿cómo se sintió Dios? What was Jehovah's reaction? But how did God feel? Algunas personas creen que su vida está controlada por el destino, y otras, que quien la controla es Dios. Some people believe that fate or predestination, not personal choice, controls their life. Some people believe that their life is governed by the destination, and others are under God's control. Con todo, se necesita tiempo y esfuerzo para hacer buenos amigos. It takes time and effort, though, to develop a close friendship. Still, it takes time and effort to make good friends. JUDEA JUDAEA FROM the Mosaic Law, he was on the threshold of the Los leales de Jehová son las personas que lo elogian con su boca. Jehovah's loyal ones can be identified as those who use their mouths to speak well of him. Jehovah's loyal ones are those who praise him with their mouth. ¿ Cómo siguieron beneficiando a Job las palabras de Jehová mucho después de que terminaran sus dificultades? How would Jehovah's counsel benefit Job long after his trials? How did Jehovah's words of Job benefit Job long after the end of his trials? * En el caso de quienes desean ser publicadores del Reino - y, de hecho, en el de todos los siervos de Dios - , la respuesta debe ser un rotundo sí. * For someone who desires to become a Kingdom publisher - in fact, for all of God's servants - the answer must be a clear yes. * In the case of those who desire to be Kingdom publishers - and, in fact, all of God's servants - the answer must be yes! Y el bebé tampoco sobreviviría. Then the baby would die too. And the baby will not survive. LOS CIUDADANOS DEL REINO VALORAN LA EDUCACIÓN KINGDOM CITIZENS VALUE EDUCATION KINGDOM OF THE KINGDOMS OF KINGDOM Los cristianos del siglo primero ya sabían lo peligroso que es el desánimo. He exploits feelings of discouragement. First - century Christians already knew the danger of discouragement. El sabio rey Salomón observó hace mucho: "Dulce es el sueño del que rinde servicio, sin importar que sea poco o mucho lo que coma; pero la abundancia que pertenece al rico no le permite dormir ." Wise King Solomon observed long ago: "Sweet is the sleep of the one serving, regardless of whether it is little or much that he eats; but the plenty belonging to the rich one is not permitting him to sleep. " Wise King Solomon observed: "Send away is the sleep of the one serving, regardless of whether it is little or much that eats; but the abundance belonging to the rich one does not allow him to sleep. " b) ¿Qué puede ofrecerle a Jehová todo cristiano? (b) What resources do we have at our disposal? (b) What can each Christian offer to Jehovah? Además, contamos con una ayuda que está disponible en cualquier situación: la oración. Prayer can help in all kinds of situations. We also have a help that is available in any situation - prayer. En estos últimos días del presente sistema de cosas, el pueblo de Jehová está dando a conocer las justas normas divinas y declarando las buenas nuevas de que es posible sobrevivir y entrar en el nuevo mundo. In these last days of the present system of things, Jehovah's people are making known God's righteous standards and are declaring good news about the possibility of surviving into the new world. In these last days of the present system of things, Jehovah's people are making known Jehovah's righteous standards and declaring the good news that it is possible to survive and enter into the new world. Cada vez está más claro que los seres humanos imperfectos no pueden gobernarse con éxito. It has become increasingly evident that imperfect humans cannot successfully govern themselves. Increasingly, imperfect humans cannot be truly successful. Esta explicación contribuyó a acelerar la obra de llevar la invitación divina. That gave tremendous impetus to the work of extending God's invitation. This explanation contributed to the work of bearing God's invitation. Además de la espada, lleva un arco. In addition to a sword, he is equipped with a bow. In addition to the sword, he carries a bow. ¿ Qué da a entender la expresión " adelantarse con ardor '? " Press " and "pressing forward " - what do these terms imply? What is implied by the expression " reaching out '? Desde luego que sí. Certainly. Absolutely! ¿ Cómo hacerlo? How might you do this? How can we do that? La segunda manera de conseguir paz interior es leer textos bíblicos y meditar en ellos. A second way to gain inner peace is by reading Bible texts and meditating on them. The second way to attain inner peace is to read and meditate on them. PÁGINA 14 ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 2 Otro ejemplo es el nepalés, uno de los idiomas que se hablan en Nepal, que cuenta con más de 29 millones de habitantes. Another example is Nepali, one of the languages spoken in Nepal, which has a population of over 29 million. Consider another example, one of the languages spoken in delight, which relates more than 29 million people. ¡ Qué maravilloso es saber que Jehová ha tomado medidas para salvarnos mediante el sacrificio de su Hijo amado! 1: 18. How wonderful it is to know that Jehovah has taken steps to save us through the sacrifice of his beloved Son! ¿ Qué metas te puedes poner? What Goals Can You Set? What goals can you set for yourself? Observamos que Jesús no dijo que estuviéramos siempre dándole vueltas a alguna ofensa del pasado y que pagáramos con la misma moneda. Notice that Jesus did not say to mull over what others have done to us in the past and then repay in kind. Note that Jesus did not say that you always give up on a past offense and that you are quick to forgive with the same coin. Él da su espíritu "a los que le obedecen como gobernante ," a los que" [siguen] andando por espíritu " en vez de complacer los deseos de la carne. Jehovah gives his spirit to "those obeying him as ruler, " to those who" keep walking by spirit, " not according to fleshly desires. He gives his spirit "to those who obey him as ruler, " those who" continue walking by spirit " instead of pleaseing the desires of the flesh. ¿ Qué es importante que recuerden los padres? What important fact must parents recognize? What is important for parents to remember? Hoy, 136 años después, se imprimen más de 50.000.000 de ejemplares de cada número. Today, 136 years later, over 50,000,000 copies of each issue of The Watchtower are being printed and distributed. Today, 136 years later, more than 2,000,000 copies of each month are printed. Así, mientras los niños todavía son pequeños, pueden utilizarse publicaciones como el manual bíblico Aprendamos del Gran Maestro. For instance, when children are young, parents can use such publications as Learn From the Great Teacher. So while young children are still young, they can use publications such as the Bible book Learn From the Great Teacher. Satanás nos tiende varias trampas hábilmente camufladas con la intención de corromper nuestra fe. Satan often uses cleverly disguised traps in an effort to subvert our faith. Satan tries to ensnare us with the intent of corrupting our faith. Jesús presentó sus hermanos ungidos a Jehová Christian parents also need courage. Jesus directed His anointed brothers to Jehovah Los padres cristianos también tienen que ser valientes. These expressions paint a vivid picture of self - sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially. Christian parents too need courage. Estas expresiones pintan una vívida imagen de lo que implica sacrificarse, y quizás nos hagan pensar en precursores que ponen su ministerio en primer lugar en la vida mientras se sostienen económicamente. And questions are easier to answer when there are two possible replies. Such expressions vividly show what self - sacrificing spirit involves, and they may make us think that they put their ministry first in life while they seek material possessions. También será más fácil que nos contesten si les hacemos preguntas que solo admitan dos respuestas. In the morning, it seems to burst out, beaming radiantly "like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber. " You will also find it easier to answer them if you ask questions to answer only two questions. Por la mañana, resurge radiante "como un novio cuando sale de su cámara nupcial ." However, Jesus set a perfect example in opposing Satan. " Just as a bridegroom goes down in the morning, " he continues, "as a bridegroom walks out of his roof. " Cuando Jesús estaba en el desierto, Satanás le presentó una serie de tentaciones para que desobedeciera a Jehová. ▪ Devote time to difficult scriptures and to explanations of them so that you understand them clearly. When Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan presented a series of temptations to disobey Jehovah. ▪ Analice los pasajes difíciles y las publicaciones que los explican. He will never forget us if we are faithful to him. - Isa. ▪ For difficult scriptures and Bible - based publications. Jehová nunca lo olvidará si se mantiene fiel. The Laodiceans lacked zeal for the Christian ministry. Such an attitude likely affected their personal relationships as well. Jehovah will never forget if you remain faithful. A los laodicenses les faltaba entusiasmo por el ministerio, y es probable que tal actitud perjudicara la relación entre ellos mismos. (b) How do you know that Satan is real? The Laodiceans were zealous for the ministry, and they may have been affected by such an attitude toward themselves. b) ¿Cómo sabe usted que el Diablo es real? How will Jehovah respond to satanic attempts to destroy his servants? (b) How do you know that the Devil is real? ¿ Cómo reaccionará Jehová cuando Satanás intente destruir a sus siervos? Features of the Drama How will Jehovah respond to satanic efforts to destroy his servants? Cuestiones implicadas en el drama We would do well to ask ourselves, " Do I accept Jehovah's authority in the matter of marriage, or has the world's lax attitude affected my thinking? ' Keeping in the Drama Todos hacemos bien en preguntarnos lo siguiente: "¿Acepto la autoridad de Jehová en la cuestión del matrimonio? ¿ O he permitido, más bien, que la actitud relajada del mundo influya en mí? ." The 19th - century English scholar Charles Bridges noted: "Surround the intractable metal beneath and above; not only putting it over the fire, but heaping coals of fire upon it. We do well to ask ourselves, " Do I accept Jehovah's authority in the matter of marriage? ' Or have I allowed the loose attitude of the world to influence me? " Charles Bridges, biblista del siglo XIX, escribió: "No se limiten a colocar el duro metal sobre el fuego; amontonen sobre él brasas ardientes para que se caliente por arriba y por abajo. The suggestions on page 21 may help. Referring to the 19th century, Charles Bible scholar wrote: "Do not put up with the hard metal over the fire; mastering fiery coals in him so that it will be hot down above and down. A este respecto, son útiles las recomendaciones que aparecen en la página 21. Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch. You know better. In this regard, the suggestions found on page 21. No permita que la indiferencia de los demás lo desanime o lo haga dudar de que es necesario permanecer alerta. Are his requirements too severe? Do not let the indifference of others discourage you or make you doubt that you need to remain watchful. ¿ Les está exigiendo demasiado? For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. " Is he too demanding? Pues mis transgresiones yo mismo conozco, y mi pecado está enfrente de mí constantemente ." Unlike many humans with power or influence, Jehovah is not swayed by material wealth or outward appearance. He is free from bias or favoritism. For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. " A diferencia de muchos seres humanos poderosos o influyentes, él no deja que pesen en sus decisiones las riquezas materiales o las apariencias, ni tiene prejuicios ni favoritismos de ningún tipo. David knew that he did not possess anything good that he had not received from Jehovah. - Compare 1 Corinthians 4: 7. Unlike many powerful or influential humans, he does not let them go through the decisions of material or possessions, nor has favoritism or favoritism. Él entendía que todo lo bueno que tenía se lo había dado Jehová (compare con 1 Corintios 4: 7). We, of course, want to be careful to " mind our own business ' and not to " meddle in other people's affairs. ' (Compare 1 Corinthians 4: 7.) Claro, tampoco es cuestión de andar entremetiéndonos "en asuntos ajenos ." " My experience made me think about the company we keep, " says Joe, who is a Christian elder. " Swim where it's safe and enjoyable - in the congregation! " Of course, it is not a matter of walking among ourselves "in other people's affairs. " Joe, que sirve como anciano, comenta: "Mi experiencia me hace pensar en que, espiritualmente hablando, también es muy importante mantenerse en " aguas seguras ', o sea, quedarse dentro de la congregación y no exponerse a malas compañías ." Spanish is the official language of Honduras. Alejandro, who serves as an elder, says: "My experience makes me think that spiritually, in effect, is too important to remain in " safe waters, ' or, remain inside the congregation and not expose bad associations. " El español es el idioma oficial de Honduras. But the report continues in explanation: "He said this, though, not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and used to carry off the monies put in it. " Spanish is the official language of the Mosaic Law. Pero, como sigue explicando el relato, "dijo esto, [...] no porque le importaran los pobres, sino porque era ladrón y tenía la caja del dinero y se llevaba el dinero que se echaba en ella ." (b) How can we gain strength from reflecting on God's acts of loyalty? But as the account continues, " this one... did not say, "for no matter the poor, but he was a thief and had the money and had the money left in it. " b) ¿Cómo nos fortalece reflexionar en los actos de lealtad de Dios? • How can you prove yourself ready for Jehovah's day? (b) How can reflecting on God's acts strengthen us? • ¿Cómo puede usted demostrar que está preparado para el día de Jehová? How we look at life is affected by what we experience as well as by our hopes. • How can you demonstrate that you are prepared for Jehovah's day? Nuestro modo de ver la vida varía en función de nuestras vivencias y anhelos. Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed Our view of life may involve our experiences and feelings. Demos gracias a Jehová Speaking to Saul about David almost cost Jonathan his life, but the two friends met again and renewed their bond of friendship. Give thanks to Jehovah Aun así, volvió a buscar a su amigo para reafirmar los lazos que los unían. We today, though, can see that under its terms, Abraham's seed play a special role in the fulfillment of God's purpose to judge mankind. Yet, he again sought out his friend to strengthen the bond between them. Pero hoy nosotros comprendemos, al examinar sus términos, que la descendencia de Abrahán desempeña un papel fundamental en el cumplimiento del propósito de Dios de juzgar a la humanidad. In less than a year, the new emperor had returned or rebuilt virtually all their churches, given them back the jobs and honors taken from them... But now we understand what Abraham's seed plays a vital role in the outworking of God's purpose to judge mankind. En menos de un año, el nuevo emperador les devolvió o reconstruyó casi todas las iglesias, los reintegró a sus puestos y les restituyó los honores que les habían sido arrebatados [...]. " I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. " - 2 TIM. 4: 7. In less than one year, the new emperor was brought back to them or found nearly all the churches of the church. " He peleado la excelente pelea, he corrido la carrera hasta terminarla, he observado la fe. " They learn about Jehovah and his ways and yearn to do his will. " I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. " Aprenden cómo es Jehová y cuáles son sus caminos, y anhelan hacer su voluntad. Rather, their having swords on hand on the night of his betrayal made it possible for Jesus to teach them a vital lesson: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " - Matt. They learn how Jehovah is and what his ways are, and they look forward to doing his will. Ahora bien, el que llevaran espadas la noche en que Jesús fue traicionado permitió que les enseñara una lección fundamental: "Todos los que toman la espada perecerán por la espada ." In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the glorified Jesus Christ inspects the seven congregations of Asia Minor. However, when Jesus was betrayed for a vital lesson, he said: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " En la visión que aparece descrita en los capítulos 2 y 3 de Revelación, Jesucristo glorificado pasa revista a las siete congregaciones de Asia Menor. When it is your turn to speak, be gracious. In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus Christ is glorified in the seven congregations in Asia Minor. Cuando le llegue el momento de hablar, hágalo con amabilidad. Why, then, did Josiah go out to fight? When you discuss the time to speak, try to use your tongue in a kind way. Entonces, ¿por qué quiso Josías enfrentarse con él? The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations think that they are close to solving some of their big problems. So why did Josiah want to fight him? La predicha tribulación empezará cuando las naciones crean que están a punto de resolver algunos de sus problemas más graves. Sometimes the bones are cracked open to free the marrow. The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations believe that they are about to resolve some of their most serious problems. A veces rompen los huesos para dejar salir la médula. 9, 10. At times, he breaks down his bones so that he can let it go. 9, 10. When a certain man asked what he needed to do to inherit everlasting life, "Jesus looked upon him and felt love for him. " 9, 10. Cuando cierto hombre le preguntó qué tenía que hacer para heredar la vida eterna, Jesús lo miró y "sintió amor por él ." But how can we be sure that true worship will prevail in this world filled with ungodliness? When a man asked him what he needed to do to inherit everlasting life, Jesus looked down and "felt love for him. " Pero ¿por qué podemos estar seguros de que la adoración verdadera sobrevivirá? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Love is patient and kind. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4. But why can we be sure that true worship will survive? PRINCIPIO BÍBLICO: "El amor es sufrido y bondadoso " (1 Corintios 13: 4). In the eyes of the enemies of God's people, their work had been killed, causing those opponents much joy. - Rev. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Love is patient and kind. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4. Los enemigos del pueblo de Dios creyeron que habían acabado para siempre con su obra, así que se pusieron muy contentos. CONSIDER A FEW EXAMPLES. Those enemies of God's people felt that they had been completely content with their work. VEAMOS ALGUNOS EJEMPLOS. Growing numbers of Gentiles were embracing the Christian faith. The question was, Should the men be circumcised according to the Jewish custom before presenting themselves for baptism? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Después de él abrazaron la fe cristiana más y más gentiles, lo cual desató una complicada polémica: ¿debían ellos circuncidarse, de acuerdo con la norma de Israel, antes de recibir el bautismo? Like Paul and Apollos, they plant and water. But even though they work hard, the results differ. After he embraced the most and more Gentile Christian faith, would he be circumcised, in line with the law of Israel before being baptized? Al igual que Pablo y Apolos, ellos plantan y riegan; pero por mucho que se esfuercen, no todos logran los mismos resultados. He contacted the Witnesses, admitted his mistake, and was reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Like Paul and Apollos, they plant and drink; but long they do not succeed. Se puso en contacto con los Testigos, reconoció su error y fue readmitido en la congregación. Paul wrote that "those who practice such things will not inherit God's Kingdom. " He became associated with the Witnesses, acknowledged his error, and was reinstated in the congregation. El apóstol Pablo dijo que "los que practican tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios ." Then will come "the day of [God's] warring " against his enemies. The apostle Paul said that "those practicing such things will not inherit God's kingdom. " Pero llegará el día en que lanzará su último ataque, cuando Jehová luche contra sus enemigos en "el día de su guerrear ." Since we live in this world, we need to guard against his subtle tactics. - John 17: 15. But the time will come when Jehovah will fight against his enemies in "the day of their war. " Puesto que vivimos en este mundo, debemos estar en guardia contra sus astutas estrategias. Yes, God's guidance was with our life and well - being in mind. Since we live in this world, we must guard against its cunning. Es evidente que Dios estableció aquellas pautas pensando en nuestra vida y nuestro bienestar. These matters will be addressed in the following articles. Clearly, God provided such guidelines regarding our life and welfare. Estas preguntas se responderán en los siguientes artículos. Eventually, he got her to focus on the tree and its fruit rather than on her relationship with the One who had given her everything. (Read Genesis 3: 6.) These questions will be answered in the following articles. Al final, consiguió que centrara su atención en el árbol y el fruto, y no en su relación con su Padre celestial, quien le había dado todo lo que tenía (léase Génesis 3: 6). We ought to keep far away from all immoral influences, whether they come through music, entertainment, the Internet, or books and magazines. (Read Genesis 3: 6.) Debemos mantenernos alejados de todo lo que promueva la inmoralidad, ya sea música, actividades recreativas, Internet o libros y revistas. But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience. We must keep separate from anything that promotes immorality - music, recreation, entertainment, and magazines. Pero fue maravilloso alojar a los estudiantes. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. But it was wonderful to share Bible studies with students. PRINCIPIO BÍBLICO: "Continúen soportándose unos a otros y perdonándose liberalmente unos a otros si alguno tiene causa de queja contra otro " (Colosenses 3: 13). Jehovah accepted Paul for what he was, and He expected Paul to realize that about himself. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. Jehová aceptaba a Pablo a pesar de sus errores pasados, y quería que estuviera seguro de ello. WHAT comes to mind when you think of the operation of holy spirit? Jehovah accepted Paul's counsel despite his past mistakes, and he wanted to be sure of it. ¿ QUÉ le viene a la mente al oír hablar de la operación del espíritu santo? Why do we need to "keep on the watch "? WHAT comes to mind when you hear the operation of holy spirit? ¿ Por qué tenemos que " mantenernos alerta '? These are the elements of Satan's world - basic things or principles that make up, guide, or motivate it. Why do we need to "keep on the watch "? ¿ Qué son "las cosas elementales del mundo " contra las que Pablo previene? 12: 11. What points will we consider in this study? What are "the elementary things of the world " against Paul's warning? ¿ Qué puntos analizaremos en este artículo? We should take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish, for the Bible refers to a weakening of faith or loss of faith as "the sin that easily entangles us. " What points will we consider in this article? No debemos olvidar que cualquiera puede perder la fe. La Biblia dice que la falta de fe es un pecado "que fácilmente nos enreda ." God's perfect love and sense of justice moved him to provide a way to free us from the bondage of inherited sin and death. We should not forget that any who can lose faith, "the lack of faith is a sin that easily entangles us. " Como su amor y su sentido de la justicia son perfectos, Dios se sintió impulsado a hacer lo necesario para liberarnos de la esclavitud al pecado y la muerte. " You have been saved through faith... It is not owing to works, in order that no man should have ground for boasting. " - EPHESIANS 2: 8, 9. Because his love and his sense of righteousness are perfect, God was moved to do what he needed to deliver us from slavery to sin and death. " Ustedes han sido salvados mediante fe; [...] no es debido a obras, a fin de que nadie tenga base para jactarse. " Let us consider three basic Bible principles that can help you to make wise choices that will affect your future in a beneficial way. " You have been saved through faith;... it is not due to works, in order that no one should have ground for boasting. " - 1 COR. Analicemos tres principios bíblicos básicos que te ayudarán a tomar decisiones que te beneficien en el futuro. Publishers in the south of Chile follow a river that winds through lush forests and snowcapped peaks of the Andes Mountains. Let us consider three basic principles that can help you make decisions that will benefit you in the future. En el sur de Chile, unos publicadores siguen el curso de un río que recorre bosques frondosos y las cumbres nevadas de los Andes. 1: 8 - 11; 2: 3 - 5. In the southern state, some publishers follow the course of a river that comes from a river that is about to develop, and the top of its. 1: 8 - 11; 2: 3 - 5. What lesson is taught by Jehovah's provision of manna? 1: 8 - 11; 2: 3 - 5. ¿ Qué aprendemos del hecho de que Jehová suministrara el maná? Scripturally, whatever happiness pleasure offers is at best temporary. What can we learn from Jehovah's provision of manna? Según las Escrituras, toda felicidad que se deriva del placer es a lo sumo temporal. 1: 9, 10. What is our role in supporting Jehovah's side of the issue of sovereignty? According to the Scriptures, all happiness that comes from the pleasure of life is temporary. Se demostrará que la gobernación de Dios es justa y que el gobierno de Satanás y de los hombres es un fracaso, por lo que será eliminado. Recently, however, Johan felt that he was near the breaking point emotionally and began thinking that he should no longer serve as a congregation elder. It will prove that God's rulership is righteous and that Satan's rule is a failure, for it will be removed. Sin embargo, hace poco Juan, muy abrumado por la situación, empezó a pensar que debía dejar de ser superintendente. Why should we be interested in the book of Hebrews? Soon, however, John's situation began to think that he should stop serving as an overseer. ¿ Por qué es tan importante para nosotros la carta de Pablo a los Hebreos? Why has the use of different human languages not hindered God's communication with man? Why is Paul's letter to the Hebrews so important for us? ¿ Por qué no es un problema para Jehová que la gente hable diferentes idiomas? Comfort to a People in Distress Why is it not a problem for people to speak different languages? Consuelo para los afligidos Still another adjustment to the Watchtower study articles has to do with their length. Comfort for Those Who Are Otro cambio en los artículos de estudio es que ahora son más cortos. Requirements for Approaching God On the other hand, in the study articles are now more short - term. Condiciones para acercarnos a Dios The Messiah Goes Into Action! Empowered to Draw Close to God Comienza su ministerio Jehovah uses "a bottle - gourd plant " to teach Jonah a lesson in mercy. - Jonah 4: 1, 6. This is because of their ministry Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: Some experiences show that during the war in the Balkans, the children of Jehovah's Witnesses who lived there were happy despite the harsh living conditions. Scriptural Questions Answered: Durante la guerra de los Balcanes, algunas familias testigos de Jehová que vivían en aquella zona comprobaron que sus hijos eran felices a pesar de las duras condiciones de vida. " At one point, " he says, "I was remembering a pleasant time that my wife and I had spent together, and I thanked Jehovah in prayer for that memory. During the war, some of Jehovah's Witnesses living in that area saw that their children were happy despite the difficult conditions of life. " Cierto día - relata - , recordé una experiencia feliz que los dos habíamos vivido juntos. Of course, their generosity does not relieve children of the responsibility to do what they can for their parents. " One day, " she relates, "I was a happy experience that the two of us had lived together. Claro, su generosidad no libera a los hijos de la responsabilidad de hacer por sus padres todo lo que esté a su alcance. How did some angels become demons? Of course, his generosity does not free children from the responsibility of making their parents over everything that is available to them. Promete la supervisión y protección angélica. Many young men and women in the Christian congregation today have great potential. Whatever the case, Jehovah promises to protect and angelic protection. ¿ Cómo se convirtieron en demonios algunos ángeles? In what ways can elders draw on the talents and experience of older ones? How did some angels become demons? En la actualidad hay muchos cristianos y cristianas jóvenes con gran potencial. On our own, we are unable to withstand those pressures, since they originate with a superhuman source, Satan the Devil. Today, many Christian youths and young ones today have great potential. ¿ De qué maneras pueden aprovechar los superintendentes la experiencia y los talentos de los mayores? Looking back on 25 years of full - time service, he says: "I've tried to work with everyone in the congregation, sharing in the ministry with them, making shepherding calls on them, inviting them to my home for meals, and even arranging gatherings with a spiritual focus. In what ways can elders take advantage of the experience and the talents of older ones? Por nosotros mismos somos incapaces de soportar tales presiones, puesto que se originan de una fuerza sobrehumana: Satanás el Diablo. A first key to remaining neutral is to share Jehovah's view of political systems. We ourselves are unable to endure such pressures, since they originate with a superhuman force - Satan the Devil. Tras veinticinco años en el servicio de tiempo completo, comenta: "Siempre trato de apoyar a todos en la congregación: predico con ellos, les hago visitas de pastoreo, los invito a comer a casa e incluso organizo reuniones sociales que los fortalezcan espiritualmente. For recreation to benefit us and be pleasing in Jehovah's eyes, it needs to meet specific standards set out in God's Word. After 25 years of full - time service, she says: "I always try to support everyone in the congregation. La primera clave para ser neutrales es ver los sistemas políticos como Jehová los ve. The 430 years mentioned here includes the time the sons of Israel spent "in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. " The first key to maintaining neutrality is to view political systems as Jehovah views them. Nuestras diversiones nos beneficiarán únicamente si son del agrado de Jehová. This suffocating covering, or shroud, this intricate webwork of condemnation, entraps all people. Our entertainment will benefit us only if we are pleasing Jehovah. Los cuatrocientos treinta años mencionados aquí incluyen el tiempo que los hijos de Israel pasaron "en la tierra de Egipto y en la tierra de Canaán " (Biblia con referencias, nota). That is not the attitude that we should have. The four 400 years mentioned here included the time when the sons of Israel went "in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. " Esa tela pesada y asfixiante envuelve a toda la humanidad. Good values, like a reliable compass, can help your child determine which way to go Such a heavy answer and poures out all mankind. Esa no es la actitud que los cristianos debemos tener. Well, to prepare gamma globulin, blood - based clotting factors, and so on, requires that blood be collected and processed. That is not the attitude that Christians must have. Los valores son la brújula que ayudará a su hijo a escoger el camino correcto. But among Jesus ' followers, it is humble service that is the measure of greatness. values are a compass that will help your child to choose the right course. Quedamos en ir a una reunión en el Salón del Reino. He says: "Why, in fact, " into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances. ' " We attend a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. Pues bien, para preparar la gammaglobulina, los factores de coagulación elaborados a partir de la sangre, etc., hay que recoger y procesar la sangre. If he shows interest in the message, they may present Bible - based literature and offer a free home Bible study. To prepare for the blood, the factors that were made from blood, and the blood is to be gathered. Pero entre los seguidores de Jesús, es el servicio humilde lo que determina la grandeza. He surrendered his soul in its behalf, and he knows each sheep personally, "by name. " - John 10: 3, 14 - 16. But among Jesus ' followers, it is the humble service of greatness. Leemos: "Pues, de hecho, " por toda la tierra salió su sonido, y hasta las extremidades de la tierra habitada sus expresiones ' ." • How did Jehovah demonstrate impartiality toward Rahab and the Gibeonites? We read: "Since in fact, " out of all the earth came their sound, and to the extremity of the inhabited earth their utterances. ' " Cuando acaba la conversación, pasan a la siguiente puerta. Highlights From the Letters to Titus, to Philemon, and to the Hebrews When the conversation lasts, they go to the next door. De hecho, entregó su alma a favor suyo y conoce a cada oveja personalmente, "por nombre ." Occasionally, such worldly traits creep into the Christian congregation and manifest themselves in contentions and fights with words. He gave his soul his own approval and knows each sheep personally, "by name. " Admitir que necesitamos ayuda espiritual y buscarla. What was their attitude? He admits that we need spiritual help and seek spiritual help. • ¿Cómo fue imparcial Jehová con Rahab y los gabaonitas? As for the scope of our knowledge of God's creative works, the faithful man Job concluded: "Look! • How was Jehovah impartial with Rahab and the Gibeonites? Puntos sobresalientes de las cartas a Tito, Filemón y los Hebreos Take, for example, the goal of discussing the day's text every day. Highlights From the Letters to Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews Entre quienes adoptan un criterio carnal ante la vida, son frecuentes las discusiones, riñas y altercados. We read: "The first of all the first ripe fruits of everything and every contribution of everything out of all your contributions - to the priests it will come to belong; and the firstfruits of your coarse meals you should give to the priest, in order to cause a blessing to rest upon your house. " - Ezekiel 44: 30. Those who use a fleshly view of life often develop arguments, contention, and self - righteousness. ¿ Con qué actitud afrontaron esas pruebas? Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven than the rest of the anointed? With what attitude did they deal with these trials? El fiel Job destacó nuestra ignorancia al decir que tan solo conocemos de Dios "los bordes de sus caminos ," o sea, de sus obras creativas. Jesus urged his disciples to let their light shine to glorify God. The faithful man Job drew attention to our ignorance by saying that only we know God "the fringes of his ways, " that is, his creative works. Una de ellas es adquirir la costumbre de analizar juntos el texto diario. Even if their message would be well - received everywhere, how could they possibly take it "to the most distant part of the earth "? One way is by setting aside time to discuss the daily text together. Leemos: "Los primeros de todos los primeros frutos maduros de todo, y toda contribución de todo procedente de todas las contribuciones de ustedes... a los sacerdotes llegará a pertenecer; y las primicias de sus harinas a medio moler deben dar al sacerdote, para hacer que una bendición descanse sobre tu casa ." Jehovah has done more than just promise protection. We read: "The first of all the first mature fruits of all sorts, and every contribution from all your contributions - to belong to the priests; and the firstfruits of their flour should give to the priest, that he may make a blessing to your house. " ¿ Es la recompensa que el esclavo fiel recibe en los cielos mayor que la del resto de los ungidos? Apostates too speak valueless words, claiming to have greater wisdom than the appointed "faithful and discreet slave. " Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven than the rest of the anointed? Jesús exhortó a sus discípulos a hacer brillar su luz para la gloria de Dios. Similarly, we are determined to endure until we reach the new world. Our life depends on our enduring. Jesus urged his disciples to let their light shine for God's glory. Además, suponiendo que su mensaje fuera bien recibido, ¿cómo iban a llevarlo "hasta la parte más distante de la tierra "? That is certainly sad news, but are such developments surprising? Furthermore, they knew that their message was well - received, how would they carry "to the most distant part of the earth "? Jehová no se ha limitado a prometer su protección. Nineveh's massive walls did not prevent the fulfillment of Nahum's prophecy Jehovah has not limited his protection. Lo que dicen no tiene, en esencia, ningún valor. Los apóstatas son otro grupo que habla palabras sin valor. Gathering of "Things on the Earth " What they say has no, in essence, is none other than apostates speak without boldness. De manera similar, para sobrevivir tenemos que estar decididos a aguantar hasta que llegue el nuevo mundo. It may even be that you have met people in your ministry who have stated that while they disagree with our beliefs, they respect us for the work we do. Similarly, to survive the new world, we must be determined to endure until the new world comes. Malas noticias, sin duda; pero ¿sorprendentes? (b) Why are many people skeptical about everlasting life on earth? Good news indeed, indeed,; but do bad figs walk? Las imponentes murallas de Nínive no pudieron evitar que se cumpliera la profecía de Nahúm Some of you dear brothers and sisters have a hard fight every day to maintain your relationship with Jehovah. The mighty walls of Nineveh were unable to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy of Nahum Se reúnen "las cosas en la tierra " We must rid ourselves of bitterness, wrath, abusive speech, and all badness. " The Things in the Earth " Puede que nos hayamos encontrado con personas en la predicación que, aunque no comparten nuestras creencias, nos respetan por la obra que llevamos a cabo. At one point, an angelic messenger urged Daniel, that "very precious man, " to" have peace " and "be strong. " - Dan. We may have found people in the preaching work, even though they do not share our beliefs, respecting the work we bear. b) ¿Por qué hay tanta gente que no cree en esa esperanza? These cherubs made it impossible for Adam and Eve to reenter their original garden home. (b) Why do many people not believe that hope? Debido a la imperfección y a los ataques de Satanás y este mundo malvado, batallamos sin tregua contra influencias negativas. We must consider that all of us are some 6,000 years removed from the human perfection that existed in Eden. Because of our imperfection and Satan's attacks, we fight against negative influences. Esta publicación se distribuye como parte de una obra mundial de educación bíblica que se sostiene con donativos. Still, we learn from the account of the poor widow that Jehovah notices and treasures each act done for him, especially when done in the face of difficult circumstances. This publication is published as part of a worldwide educational work that supports voluntary donations. Rechacemos la amargura, la cólera, los insultos y toda maldad. What did Jehovah declare in the pronouncement recorded at Genesis 6: 3, and when was this decree issued? Avoid bitterness, anger, abusive anger, abusive speech, and all badness. En cierta ocasión, se le apareció un ángel, que lo llamó "hombre muy deseable " y le dijo:" Ten paz. Therefore, we mainly eat nutritious food. On one occasion, an angel appeared to him, called him "very desirable man. " Estos querubines hicieron del todo imposible que Adán y Eva regresaran al jardín de Edén, su hogar original. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " These cherubs made it impossible for Adam and Eve to return to the garden of Eden, their original home. Debemos recordar que a todos nos separan seis mil años de la perfección que existió en Edén. The truth never came first in the life of such young ones. - Matt. We should bear in mind that there are some six thousand years in Eden. Pero el relato de la viuda nos enseña que Jehová valora cada esfuerzo que hacemos por servirle, especialmente cuando pasamos por dificultades. On the contrary, "return evil for evil to no one, " the apostle Paul counseled Christians. But the account of the widow teaches us that Jehovah appreciates every effort we make to serve him, especially when we face trials. ¿ Qué indicó la sentencia divina registrada en Génesis 6: 3, y cuándo se dictó? Above all, they needed Jehovah's holy spirit, which would enable them to reflect his insight, mercy, and justice. - Ex. What did God's judgment recorded at Genesis 6: 3, and when was it granted? Por eso, normalmente tomamos alimentos nutritivos. For example, at the dedication of the temple, King Solomon approached Jehovah in heartfelt prayer. So we usually set aside food for ourselves. Apártense de mí, obradores del desafuero ." As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. Take away from me, doers of lawlessness. " Como consecuencia, el servicio a Dios nunca fue una prioridad en su vida. Let us consider how we can use the accounts of King Saul and the apostle Peter to help us maintain a spirit of self - sacrifice. As a result, the service of God never became a priority in his life. Al contrario, el apóstol Pablo aconsejó a los cristianos: "No devuelvan mal por mal a nadie. They also bemoan the diminishing support they receive from their church members, as well as their loss of control over the laity. - Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. On the contrary, the apostle Paul counseled Christians: "Return evil for evil to no one. Sobre todo, necesitaban que Jehová les diera espíritu santo para poder reflejar su perspicacia, misericordia y justicia. How can we tell if undue pride is taking root in us? Above all, they needed God's holy spirit to reflect his insight, justice, and justice. Por ejemplo, el rey Salomón elevó una sincera plegaria a Jehová durante la dedicación del templo. This foreshadowed the peaceful rest and other blessings that mankind will experience under the Thousand Year Reign of Christ after the end of Satan's oppressive rulership. For example, King Solomon made heartfelt prayer to Jehovah during the dedication of the temple. Los auténticos cristianos procuramos tratar con amor a toda persona. If we do not boast about our charity, our "gifts of mercy " will be in secret. True Christians strive to show love for everyone. Veamos cómo pueden ayudarnos a mantener un espíritu de sacrificio los relatos sobre el rey Saúl y el apóstol Pedro. (a) What question did Jesus pose, and why? Let us see how these accounts can help us to maintain a self - sacrificing spirit toward King Saul and the apostle Peter. Además, al clero le angustia ver que cada día cuenta con menos respaldo de sus feligreses y que está perdiendo el control sobre ellos (léase Isaías 65: 13, 14). A sincere word of encouragement can help the elderly find "cause for exultation " in their sacred service, thus avoiding frustrating comparisons with what other Christians are able to do or with their own past accomplishments. - Galatians 6: 4. (Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14.) ¿ Cómo podemos saber si estamos desarrollando ese orgullo? Some days later, the family learned to their relief that they would not have to leave the land. How can we determine whether we are developing such pride? Aquello prefiguró el descanso pacífico y otras bendiciones que la humanidad disfrutará bajo el Reinado de Mil Años de Cristo una vez termine la opresiva dominación de Satanás. How can we show loyalty to a King who rules in heaven? This foreshadowed the peaceful rest and other blessings that mankind will enjoy under Christ's Thousand Year Reign once an end of Satan's oppressive rule. Como no andamos presumiendo de ser generosos, las "dádivas de misericordia " que hacemos quedan secretas. 5: 11. 1, 2. (a) What are some things that cause much distress today? Since we are not walking as generous, the "gifts of mercy " are among us. a) ¿Qué pregunta planteó Jesús, y por qué lo hizo? Give an example of how Jehovah is empowering his people to face adversities today. (a) What question did Jesus raise, and why? Unas palabras sinceras de ánimo darán a los mayores "causa para alborozarse " en su servicio sagrado, e impedirán que se descorazonen al comparar su actividad con la de otros cristianos o con lo que ellos mismos hacían en el pasado. [ Picture on page 24] A sincere expression of encouragement will help older ones to " reward themselves for sacred service, " and they will prevent themselves from compareing their activity with fellow believers or with what they themselves did in the past. Unos días después, el propietario les informó de que podían quedarse. King Solomon of ancient Israel warned: "Do not come to be among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh. " A few days later, the owner reported that they could stay. ¿ Cómo puedo demostrarla si Jesús es un Rey celestial? ." Many servants of Jehovah long to be married but have not yet found a suitable mate. How can I demonstrate that Jesus is a heavenly King? ' 1, 2. a) ¿Qué situaciones comunes a todo ser humano nos causan mucha angustia? The Devil is in control of this world. Hence, he controls its media. 1, 2. (a) What are some common situations that cause great distress? Dé un ejemplo que ilustre cómo ayuda Jehová a sus siervos a afrontar las adversidades. In addition, when we have a clear understanding of the truths from God's Word, we can confidently stand our ground and defend them against opposers. - 1 Pet. Give an example showing how Jehovah helps his servants to cope with adversity. [ Ilustración de la página 24] This armor includes "the breastplate of righteousness. " [ Picture on page 24] Bien lo advirtió el rey Salomón del antiguo Israel: "No llegues a estar entre los que beben vino en exceso, entre los que son comedores glotones de carne ." He did not jealously view David as a rival. King Solomon of ancient Israel warned: "Do not come to be among those who drink too much wine, among those who are eating from meat. " Muchos siervos de Jehová anhelan casarse, pero no hallan un cónyuge adecuado. Jesus felt power flow from him, but he did not see who had been cured. Many servants of Jehovah look forward to marry, but they do not find a suitable mate. El Diablo tiene al mundo bajo su control, por lo que puede decirse que también controla los medios de comunicación. [ Box on page 21] The Devil has the world under his control, so he can also control the world's media. Además, si entendemos bien estas verdades, nos sentiremos confiados a la hora de defenderlas ante los opositores. For instance, avoid situations that are known to be tempting. Moreover, if we fully understand these truths, we will have confidence in the hour of defending opposers. Una pieza de esta armadura es "la coraza de la justicia ." Mary's statements show that she had a deep love for God's Word and was thoroughly familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures. A breastplate of this armor is "the breastplate of righteousness. " En vez de ponerse celoso, Jonatán respetó la decisión divina. How can you communicate with God? Instead of taking a zealous stand, Jonathan showed respect for God's decision. Jesús notó que de él había salido poder, pero no veía a la persona que se había sanado. So at times we may trip, then stagger and lose our momentum. Jesus saw that he had been empowered, but he did not see the one he had healed. [ Recuadro de la página 21] Returning to the example of Josiah, we note that he pursued true worship as a youth and was about 20 years of age when he embarked on his extensive campaign against idolatry. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) [ Box on page 21] Por ejemplo, evita las situaciones en las que sabes que pueden surgir tentaciones. This led to the apostle Paul's effective discourse on the Areopagus in that city. For example, avoid situations in which you know that you can resist temptations. Lo que María dijo muestra que sentía un profundo amor por la Palabra de Dios y que conocía muy bien las Escrituras Hebreas. What lesson can we learn from Asaph's experience? Mary showed that she had deep love for God's Word and that she knew the Hebrew Scriptures well. ¿ Cómo podemos hacerlo? How can we trust in God How can we do that? En ocasiones podemos tropezar, tambalearnos y perder impulso. Further, they had to weigh carefully a manslayer's motive, attitude, and previous conduct when deciding whether to show mercy. At times, we may stumble, totter, and lose sleep. Es digno de notar que el rey Josías se puso de parte de la adoración verdadera siendo adolescente y que emprendió una gran campaña para erradicar la idolatría con apenas 20 años de edad (léase 2 Crónicas 34: 1 - 3). After reading those verses, do you see Jehovah's view on the matter? (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) En realidad, les encantaba decir lo que pensaban y enterarse de las novedades. What are the blessings of "walking in a faultless way "? They loved what they thought and knew about it. ¿ Qué lección nos enseña el caso de Asaf? " Why does Jehovah allow this? ' one might wonder. What lesson can we learn from Asaph's experience? Explique cómo demostramos confianza en Dios en estas situaciones: In line with Proverbs 23: 22, it is right to "listen " to God obediently, desirous of grasping and acting on his view of life rather than preferring any other assessment of life. Explain how we can show trust in God in these situations: Luego, al decidir si mostrarle o no misericordia al homicida, debían analizar con cuidado sus motivos, actitud y conducta anterior. This is a figurative place of safety and security - a condition, or state, of protection from spiritual harm. Then, when deciding whether to show mercy or not, they needed to consider their motives, attitude, and conduct. Después de leer estos versículos, ¿captas el punto de vista de Jehová al respecto? Learning of this, local church officials told their parishioners to gather in that hall for a church service at the time scheduled for our event. After reading these verses, do you recognize Jehovah's view of matters? ¿ Qué recompensas recibe "el que anda en un camino exento de falta "? Moreover, Shimei, who belongs to a family in King Saul's house, is throwing stones and dust at David while cursing him. - 2 Sam. What rewards come from "the one walking in a faultless way "? Quizá nos preguntemos: "¿Por qué permite Jehová que ocurra esto? ." It is particularly important that you impress on your children the value of Bible principles. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) You may wonder, " Why does Jehovah allow this to happen? ' De Proverbios 23: 22 se desprende que hay que "escucha [r] " a Dios con actitud obediente, deseosos de captar su modo de ver la vida y de obrar en consonancia con este en lugar de seguir cualquier otro criterio. You need to understand what ideas he has that may be out of harmony with Jehovah's thinking. According to Proverbs 23: 22, we see that there is an indication that we "put on God with an obedient spirit, eagerness to see his way of life and act in harmony with it. Este es el refugio simbólico que nos protege de peligros espirituales. What could be one reason why some elders may find it hard to set aside time for training? This is a symbolic refuge that protects us from spiritual dangers. Al enterarse, los dirigentes de la iglesia local anunciaron que celebrarían un servicio religioso a la misma hora y en el mismo lugar. What helped the widow Anna to find joy? When they learned, the leaders of the local church announced that they would have a religious service at the same time and at the same place. Acompañado por un puñado de hombres fieles, camina descalzo y llorando por el monte de los Olivos. Jesus said to his disciples: "In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! They walked down and weep over the Mount of Olives. Es especialmente importante grabar en los hijos que los principios bíblicos son muy valiosos (lea Salmo 1: 1 - 3). Israelites who appreciated the privilege of bearing Jehovah's name no doubt reported these wonderful developments not only to their children but also to the foreigners who became slaves in their households. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) Hemos de averiguar si tienen puntos de vista contrarios a la voluntad de Jehová. Even then, he can help us to bring about necessary changes so that we can continue to serve him acceptably. We need to determine whether they are focused on Jehovah's will. ¿ Por qué a algunos ancianos les cuesta tanto encontrar tiempo para preparar a los hermanos? In each account, the master entrusts his slaves with money (3), which pictures the precious privilege of making disciples. Why do some elders find it difficult to prepare for the brothers? ¿ Qué ayudó a Ana a ser feliz? What aspects of theocratic conventions merit our attention? What helped Hannah to be happy? Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: "En el mundo están experimentando tribulación, pero ¡cobren ánimo!, yo he vencido al mundo ." How this draws us closer to him as we meditate on the love and undeserved kindness that he shows us even though we are imperfect! - Romans 5: 21; James 4: 8. Jesus told his disciples: "In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! (Vea el recuadro "¿Está su enseñanza al día? .") We avoid "minding lofty things. " (See the box "Is Your Teaching a Day? ") Sin duda, los israelitas que valoraban el privilegio de llevar el nombre de Jehová relataron estos maravillosos acontecimientos, no solo a sus hijos, sino también a los extranjeros que llegaron a ser sus esclavos. However, in order to maintain joy in the ministry, we need to give it serious thought and advance preparation. The Israelites who appreciated the privilege of bearing Jehovah's name saw these wonderful events not only their sons but also the foreigners who became their slaves. Pero aun así, Dios puede ayudarla a hacer los cambios necesarios. It implies that whatever the nature of our trial may be, there will always be an expression of God's undeserved kindness that will match it. Yet, God can help him make needed changes. El amo les da a sus esclavos (3) una suma de dinero, que representa la importante labor de hacer discípulos. What was the logical consequence of Jeremiah's convictions? He did not try to build a future in that doomed system. The master gives his slaves a large sum of money, representing the important work of making disciples. ¿ Qué aspectos de las asambleas teocráticas vamos a analizar? Entrusted with Bible truth, Christians zealously share it with others What aspects of conventions are we going to consider? ¿ No es verdad que nos acerca más a él meditar en el amor y la bondad inmerecida que nos muestra a pesar de nuestra imperfección? Spiritual matters are most important, and with regard to health, our expectations should remain reasonable. - Read Philippians 1: 10. Is it not true that we draw closer to Jehovah by meditating on his love and undeserved kindness despite our imperfection? No tenemos "la mente puesta en cosas encumbradas ." Scriptural Questions Answered: We do not have "setting our minds fixed on lofty things. " Ahora bien, si no queremos perder esa alegría, debemos tomar en serio nuestra labor y prepararnos bien. Even as an adult, I would dwell on an offense for days, losing sleep. " If we do not want to lose that joy, however, we must take seriously our work and prepare well. Porque nos enseña que no importa el tipo de prueba que enfrentemos, siempre recibiremos una manifestación de la bondad inmerecida de Dios que nos permita superar esa prueba en particular. And he promises Christians: "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " Because it teaches us that no matter what trials we may face, we will always receive an expression of God's undeserved kindness that enables us to cope with that particular trial. En armonía con sus convicciones, Jeremías no procuró labrarse un futuro en aquel sistema condenado a la destrucción. Use examples to show how prejudice can affect us. In harmony with his beliefs, Jeremiah did not try to make a future in that system condemned destruction. Los cristianos difunden con celo la verdad bíblica que se les ha confiado We too must fully trust in Jehovah, for he alone will be our salvation when the present system undergoes the greatest tribulation of all human history. Christians zealously share Bible truth with others Esa generación tenía un corazón duro y le faltaba fe. Likewise let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " That generation had a hard heart and lacked faith. Tengamos presente que la salud espiritual es mucho más importante y que, mientras estemos en este sistema de cosas, es inevitable que nos enfermemos (lea Filipenses 1: 10). Clearly, the Levites were able to show that Jehovah was their share by putting their trust in his willingness and power to provide for them. (Read Philippians 1: 10.) Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: I have more insight than all my teachers, because I ponder over your reminders. Scriptural Questions Answered: Ya de adulta, cuando alguien me ofendía, pensaba en ello durante días, hasta el punto de perder el sueño ." If you have ever felt discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories, you will relate to the apostle Paul. As an adult, when someone offended me, I thought about it during days, to the point of losing sleep. " Y a los cristianos promete: "De ningún modo te dejaré y de ningún modo te desampararé ." What Does Jehovah See in Us? And to Christians he promises: "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " Cuente algunos casos que ilustren cómo pueden afectarnos los prejuicios. CONSIDER: If the Creator designed our bodies to heal physical wounds, can we not have confidence in his promise to help us recover from emotional injuries too? Give examples of how prejudice can affect our heart. Nosotros también debemos confiar con toda nuestra alma en Jehová, ya que él es el único que podrá salvarnos cuando este mundo atraviese la gran tribulación, que será el período de mayor sufrimiento de toda la historia. No. We too need to trust in Jehovah, since he alone will save us when the great tribulation comes, which will be the greatest period of suffering in all history. Así mismo resplandezca la luz de ustedes delante de los hombres, para que ellos vean sus obras excelentes y den gloria al Padre de ustedes que está en los cielos ." In the first century, a torture stake represented suffering, shame, and death. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " Confiando en que él tenía la capacidad y el deseo de cuidarlos. How do we know that Jeremiah's courage was from God? By trusting in Jehovah's ability and desire to care for them. He llegado a tener más perspicacia que todos mis maestros, porque tus recordatorios me son de interés intenso. Foods prohibited by the Mosaic Law were likely included in the delicacies of the king. I have come to have more insight than all my teachers, because your reminders are intense. Predicar en un territorio donde casi nadie escucha el mensaje del Reino puede ser desalentador. Then he said: "Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Preaching in a territory where no one listens to the Kingdom message can be discouraging. ¿ Qué ve Jehová en nosotros? A good conscience does much more than warn us against wrongdoing. How does Jehovah view us? PIENSE EN ESTO: Si nuestro Creador diseñó el cuerpo humano con esa asombrosa capacidad de regeneración, ¿deberíamos dudar de su capacidad para sanar nuestras heridas emocionales? When a crowd came to see Jesus, how did he show insight? CONSIDER: If our Creator designed the human body with such amazing ability, should we doubt his ability to heal our emotional wounds? No. Happy to Be Persecuted Like the Prophets No. En el siglo primero, el madero de tormento era símbolo de sufrimiento, deshonra y muerte. However, Nehemiah was not a priest. He would commit a sin by hiding in the house of God. In the first century, the torture stake was a symbol of suffering, dishonor, and death. ¿ Cómo sabemos que el valor de Jeremías provenía de Dios? How does your helping on Kingdom Hall projects contribute to unity? How do we know that Jeremiah's courage was from God? Es posible que entre los manjares hubiera alimentos prohibidos por la Ley de Moisés. Is it any different with us? It may have been necessary for the Israelites to eat food for the Mosaic Law. Y entonces añadió: "¡Feliz es aquel esclavo si su amo, al llegar, lo hallara haciéndolo así! (b) In the Bible, what does leaven often represent, and what question about Jesus ' reference to leaven will we consider? Then he added: "Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so! Una conciencia educada no solo evita que hagamos cosas malas; también nos impulsa a hacer cosas buenas, como aprovechar toda oportunidad para predicar de casa en casa o en otras ocasiones. Do we still try to read the Bible each day? A trained conscience will not only prevent us from doing wrong things but also moves us to take advantage of every opportunity to preach from house to house or at other times. Mencione una ocasión en la que Jesús demostró que era un hombre perspicaz. So, what could we do to find out if we are known as being unbiased? Give an example of how Jesus showed that he was an effective man. Felices de sufrir persecución como los profetas What will motivate us to try to overcome these obstacles and maintain a healthy pattern of meeting attendance? Happy Are Faced With Persecution as the prophets Pero como Nehemías no era sacerdote, ocultarse en la casa de Dios habría sido un pecado. Consider the example of a man named Michael. But as Nehemiah did not serve as a priest, he sought refuge in God's house. ¿ Cómo fomentamos la unidad al colaborar en el mantenimiento del Salón del Reino? We can sin intentionally or by mistake. How can we promote unity in the maintenance of the Kingdom Hall? Y nuestro caso no es diferente. Imagine how the resurrection will further demonstrate our unity! That is not a different matter. b) ¿Qué representa a menudo la levadura en la Biblia, y qué pregunta vamos a contestar a continuación? Whatever the outcome, you can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased with your sincere efforts to gain your brother - God's friend. (b) What is often represented by leaven in the Bible, and what question will we now answer? ¿ Seguimos tratando de leer la Biblia a diario? This led to Jesus ' strengthening promise: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " - Matthew 15: 15; 18: 21, 22; 19: 27 - 29. Are you striving to read the Bible daily? Por eso, ¿cómo podríamos averiguar si tenemos la reputación de tratar a todos por igual? More and more time is spent in the preaching work. How, then, can we determine whether we have the reputation of treating everyone in the same way? ¿ Qué nos puede motivar a vencer estos obstáculos y a no perder la costumbre de asistir a las reuniones? What should be our attitude toward our overseers? What can motivate us to overcome such obstacles and not lose the habit of attending Christian meetings? Piense en el ejemplo de un hombre llamado Michael. This invincible "King of kings " will rescue Jehovah's loyal worshipers and annihilate all their enemies. Consider the example of a man named Michael. Puede ser intencionado o involuntario. But what if a man is not reaching out because of anxiety or feelings of inadequacy? It may be a manslayer or an unintentional manslayer. ¡ Qué magnífica oportunidad nos brindará la resurrección para demostrar aún más nuestra unidad! But then, just before the giant thrust his weapon into David, "at once, Abishai the son of Zeruiah came to his [David's] help and struck the Philistine down and put him to death. " What a fine opportunity the resurrection will give us to further our unity! Pase lo que pase, puede confiar en que a Jehová le agradarán sus esfuerzos sinceros por ganarse a su hermano, que es amigo de Dios. " It is not with the gift as it was with the trespass, " Paul wrote. Regardless of what you face, you can trust that Jehovah will bless your sincere efforts to win over his brother, who is a friend of God. Esta cuestión condujo a la alentadora promesa de Jesús: "Todo el que haya dejado casas, o hermanos, o hermanas, o padre, o madre, o hijos, o tierras, por causa de mi nombre, recibirá muchas veces más, y heredará la vida eterna ." We too live at a time when darkness envelops the earth and the nations are in thick gloom. This issue led to Jesus ' heartwarming promise: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " ¿ Cómo reaccionaría ante el robo del pozo? (a) When did Jesus appoint "the faithful and discreet slave "? How would you react to the well - being of the well - being? La cantidad de tiempo dedicado a la predicación es cada vez mayor. POPULATION: The amount of time spent in the preaching work is increasing. ¿ Cuál debería ser nuestra actitud hacia los superintendentes? 71: 16 - 18. What related issues exist, and how do you feel about them? What should be our attitude toward Christian overseers? INACEPTABLE • In what way can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot? 1: 3, 4. Lessons for yourselves Este invencible "Rey de reyes " salvará a los siervos leales de Jehová y aniquilará a todos sus enemigos. 66: 14. SONGS: 65, 26 This attack "the King of kings " will save Jehovah's loyal servants and annihilate all their enemies. Pero ¿y si un hermano no procura alcanzar una posición de servicio debido a la ansiedad o los sentimientos de ineptitud? From the beginning of his leadership, Joshua had a written record of God's Word. What if a fellow believer is not reaching a position of service because of anxiety or feelings of inadequacy? Pero entonces, justo antes de que el gigante lo matara, "Abisai hijo de Zeruyá vino en socorro de él y derribó al filisteo y le dio muerte ." What was life like for exiles there? However, just before the giant struck him, "the son of a horse will bring relief to him and struck the Philistine giant and killed him. " Pablo señala que no sucede "con el don como [...] con la ofensa ." What are some reasons for the suffering we experience? Paul says that "it is not with the gift as with the offense. " Nosotros también vivimos en un período en que la oscuridad envuelve a la Tierra y las naciones se hallan en densas tinieblas. Not only is he "the Judge of all the earth " but he is also the Supreme Lawgiver, as well as the King of eternity. We too live in a period of time when darkness take place on earth and the nations are in dense darkness. a) ¿Cuándo nombró Jesús al "esclavo fiel y discreto "? In the Bible, Abraham's wife, Sarah, is held up as an example of a submissive wife. (a) When did Jesus appoint "the faithful and discreet slave "? POBLACIÓN: The apostle Paul answered that question when he wrote: "By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well. " POPULATION: ¿ Qué dos asuntos se han cuestionado, y cuál es su postura al respecto? How can you be lastingly successful? What two matters have been answered, and what is their position in this regard? • ¿En qué sentido son los dichos de Dios una lámpara para nuestro pie? A principle is a fundamental truth or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or action. • How are God's utterances a lamp to our foot? CANCIONES 65 Y 26 ▪ A Living Translation of God's Word SONGS: 65, 26 Desde que Josué fue nombrado líder, tenía la Palabra de Dios por escrito. 10 From Joshua's leadership, Moses had God's Word written. ¿ Cómo fue la vida en el destierro? In line with this, God declared: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. " How was life in exile in exile? ¿ Cuáles son algunas razones de que haya sufrimiento? is helping many young ones strengthen their convictions. What are some reasons why suffering is suffering? Además de ser "el Juez de toda la tierra ," es también el Legislador Supremo y el Rey de la eternidad. " The saying of Jehovah is what refined him. " In addition to being "the Judge of all the earth, " he is also the Supreme One and the King of eternity. El apóstol Pablo respondió a esa pregunta cuando escribió: "Por fe Enoc fue transferido para que no viera la muerte, y no fue hallado en ningún lugar, porque Dios lo había transferido; porque antes de su transferencia tuvo el testimonio de haber sido del buen agrado de Dios ." We benefit now, and we certainly can expect blessings in the future. The apostle Paul answered that question when he wrote: "By faith Enoch was slaughtered so that he might not see death, and he was not found in any place, for God had cut him down; for before his witness had been favorably witnessed to the good God. " ¿ Cómo podemos tener éxito duradero? He should do everything he vowed he would do. " How can we succeed in having lasting success? Un principio es una verdad o idea fundamental que guía nuestra forma de pensar o actuar. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. One principle is a fundamental or fundamental idea that we are guided by our thinking or actions. ▪ Una traducción que llega al corazón Since these are appointed by representatives of the Governing Body under the leadings of the holy spirit, they too can be said to be under the right hand (or, under the direction) of the Fine Shepherd, Jesus Christ. ▪ A Bible translation that reaches the heart 10 Think of one fact there mentioned: "We were yet sinners. " 10 En armonía con esto, Dios había declarado: "El Señor Soberano Jehová no hará ni una cosa a no ser que haya revelado su asunto confidencial a sus siervos los profetas ." To remain in God's favor, however, we must show fruits that befit repentance by not making a practice of such sins and by doing our best to make amends for any harm done by our thoughtless speech. In harmony with this, God said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do anything that has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. " están fortaleciendo la fe de muchos jóvenes. [ Picture on page 21] Many young ones are strengthened by the faith of many youths. Salmo 105: 19 dice que "el dicho mismo de Jehová lo refinó ." Can you picture him thereafter striding along, eager to see how God would fulfill His word? Psalm 86: 19 says: "The very saying of Jehovah brought him to him. " En eso consiste el verdadero éxito. Benefiting From the Spirit's Role Today That is true success. Conforme a todo lo que haya salido de su boca debe hacer ." Abigail accepts David's offer. - Verses 34 - 42. As for all that has come out of his mouth you should do. " Sin embargo, ni uno de ellos cae a tierra sin el conocimiento de su Padre. Or we might explain things in such a way that only we get the credit for ideas or accomplishments that others also contributed to. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. De ellos también puede decirse que están en la mano derecha (o bajo la dirección) del Pastor Excelente, Jesucristo, pues han sido nombrados por representantes del Cuerpo Gobernante guiados por el espíritu santo. SONGS: 125, 62 It can also be said that they are in their right hand - under the direction of the Fine Shepherd, Jesus Christ. They have been appointed by representatives of the Governing Body by holy spirit. Notemos que aquí se destaca en qué condición nos hallábamos los seres humanos cuando Jesús dio su vida: "todavía éramos pecadores ." After Jesus ' death and resurrection, the seed of the serpent continued to express animosity toward the seed of the woman. On more than one occasion, Rome attempted to wipe out the Christian congregation, the secondary part of the seed. Notice that it highlights what condition humans were when Jesus gave his life: "We were still sinners. " Eso implica evitar que ese pecado se convierta en una práctica y hacer lo posible por enmendar todo el daño que hayamos causado con nuestras palabras precipitadas. First, it reminds us that Jehovah is the Great Provider. This means that we must avoid falling into a practice and do all we can to correct the harm we have caused in our choice of entertainment. [ Ilustración de la página 21] " Whenever we scientists study natural phenomena, " says Huabi, "we always find a high degree of order, which is a result of precise laws. [ Picture on page 21] ¿ Puede usted imaginárselo caminando resuelto después de esa experiencia, ansioso por ver cómo iba a cumplir Dios su promesa? The truth of God's word is sown in their heart, but it faces competition from other pursuits that vie for their attention. Can you be determined to stand up after that experience, as you see how God would fulfill his promise? Cómo nos beneficiamos de que el espíritu revele las verdades profundas 90,894 How can we benefit from the spirit's spirit's role in revealing deep truths? Por ejemplo, podríamos dar a entender que tenemos privilegios especiales, acceso a información que no es de dominio público o una amistad cercana con hermanos prominentes. Those who accepted the Christ were invited to become party to the new covenant and would actually become "a kingdom of priests. " For example, we might suggest that we have special privileges, access to material that is not public or close association with prominent brothers. CANCIONES 125 Y 62 They are not burdensome, nor are they numerous. SONGS: 125, 62 Después de la resurrección de Jesús, la descendencia de la serpiente siguió hostigando a la descendencia de la mujer, pues Roma trató en varias ocasiones de acabar con su parte secundaria, la congregación cristiana. He wrote: "O God, you have taught me from my youth... After Jesus ' resurrection, the seed of the serpent continued to silence the offspring of the woman, for Rome repeatedly tried to destroy its secondary part, the Christian congregation. En primer lugar, nos recuerda que Jehová es el Gran Proveedor. Thereafter, they might share in a celebratory feast, such as that mentioned at John 2: 1. First, he reminds us that Jehovah is the Grand Provider. " Cuando estudiamos los fenómenos naturales - dice Huabi - , siempre hallamos un orden asombroso, que es el resultado de leyes precisas. in our day? " When we study natural nature, " she says, "we always find an amazing order, which is the result of precise laws. La verdad de la palabra de Dios se siembra en su corazón, pero debe competir con otros intereses que reclaman su atención. Every Christian in Rome faced a predicament that also confronts each one of us. The truth of God's word is sown in his heart, but it should move us to associate with other interests that we should pay attention to God's word. 894 A Key Requirement 89 Quienes aceptaran al Cristo serían invitados a formar parte del nuevo pacto y realmente se convertirían en "un reino de sacerdotes ." I myself will help you. ' " Those accepting the Christ would become part of the new covenant and become "a kingdom of priests. " No los vemos como una carga ni nos parecen demasiados. Within the congregation too, we have occasion to teach. Do not view them as burdensome or feel too much. Escribió: "Oh Dios, tú me has enseñado desde mi juventud [...]. The help that parents and others can provide is important. He wrote: "O God, you have taught me from my youth... A continuación, los recién casados quizá optaran por celebrar un banquete, como el que se menciona en Juan 2: 1. One day when I was a toddler, my family saw me pulling at the tail of one of the farm horses, a stallion. Next, the newly married couple may choose for a feast, such as the one mentioned at John 2: 1. ¿ Y en la actualidad? Does this suggest that we should not have strong love for our relatives? What about today? Al igual que nosotros, todos los cristianos de Roma, sin excepción, se enfrentaban a una grave situación. How do ministerial servants help the congregation to be united? Like us, all Christians in Rome, no doubt faced a serious situation. Un requisito esencial It's overwhelming. ' A essential requirement Yo mismo ciertamente te ayudaré ' ." To attain and maintain strong faith, a Christian must keep meditating on the precious truths found in God's Word. I myself will help you. ' " En la congregación también tenemos oportunidad de enseñar. Even after being granted citizenship, people may strive for years to master the new language. In the congregation, we also have opportunity to teach. Así es, los padres y otras personas pueden ser una importante fuente de ayuda. [ Pictures on page 17] Yes, parents and others can be a key source of help. Un día, cuando tenía unos dos años de edad, mi familia me vio jalándole de la cola a uno de los caballos de la granja, un semental. Other youths of your age probably center their lives on having a good time, and they will likely invite you to join them. One day when I was about two years old, my family saw him throwing down one of the horses's horses. ¿ Significa eso que está mal querer a nuestros familiares? (Include comments on the box "Stand on Jehovah's Side. ") Does that mean that it is wrong to love family members? ¿ Cómo la labor de los siervos ministeriales contribuye a la unidad de la congregación? [ Picture on page 19] How does the work of ministerial servants contribute to the unity of the congregation? Es abrumador ." (b) How did the Israelites show lack of love for and trust in Jehovah? It's overwhelming. " A fin de tener una fe firme, los cristianos debemos meditar a menudo sobre las inestimables verdades de la Palabra de Dios. This special operation of holy spirit becomes like a down payment, a guarantee (or, a pledge) of what is to come. To have strong faith, Christians need to meditate often on the precious truths of God's Word. Incluso después de haberla obtenido, a algunas personas les toma años dominar esa lengua. To help you, "the faithful and discreet slave " has provided a number of tools. Even after you have been obtained, some people have been able to control that tongue for years. [ Ilustraciones de la página 17] 20, 21. (a) How can meditating on the ransom help us combat negative feelings? [ Pictures on page 17] Tarde o temprano, tendrás que demostrar si de verdad estás decidido a alcanzar tus metas. The booklet Good News for People of All Nations contains a one - page message presented in up to 92 different languages. You would have to demonstrate that you are determined to reach your goals early in life. (Incluya comentarios del recuadro "Se pusieron del lado de Jehová .") However, to what was Paul referring when he said that Jesus praised God "in the middle of the congregation "? (Include comments from the box "They took Jehovah's side. ") [ Ilustración de la página 19] I don't need you to fix it, but I would like you to understand how I feel. ' " [ Picture on page 19] b) ¿Qué hicieron los israelitas en vez de apoyarse en Jehová? In contrast, association and activities with people who disregard God's laws can become a tiring burden. (b) What did the Israelites do instead of relying on Jehovah? Así es, Jehová les da a los ungidos espíritu santo en prenda, como un adelanto de lo que les espera en el futuro. Junia, whose brother took his own life, adds: "Even though you may not be able to grasp their grief completely, what counts is that you want to understand how they feel. " Yes, Jehovah gives anointed Christians a sense of what they hope for in the future. Para ayudarnos, "el esclavo fiel y discreto " nos ha dado varias herramientas. Certain mouth movements may suggest the size of an object or the intensity of an action. To help us, "the faithful and discreet slave " has provided a number of tools. 20, 21. a) ¿Por qué nos ayudará a combatir el desánimo meditar en el rescate? Do our hearts not overflow with joy when we learn of the tremendous preaching work carried out by our brothers in lands that used to be under totalitarian or dictatorial rule? 20, 21. (a) Why will meditating on the ransom help us to fight discouragement? El folleto Buenas nuevas para gente de todas las naciones contiene un mensaje de una sola página en 92 idiomas diferentes. he asked. His conclusion was likely guided by knowledge of God's standard for humans as expressed in Eden, that of monogamy. The booklet Good News for People of All Nations contains a message on a single scale in 92 languages. Pero ¿a qué congregación se refería Pablo al decir que Jesús alabó a Dios "en medio de la congregación "? So he reached out and seized it, and it became a rod in his hand. But what congregation did Paul mean by saying that Jesus praised God "in the middle of the congregation "? No necesito que lo soluciones, pero sí me ayudaría que entiendas cómo me siento ." But with that freedom comes a sobering responsibility. I do not need any solutions, but I can help me to understand how I feel. " En cambio, relacionarnos y hacer cosas con quienes no obedecen las leyes divinas puede convertirse en una carga agotadora. 4: 4. As we strive to act in harmony with the wisdom from above, not taking ourselves or our position too seriously, we will contribute to a wholesome spirit in the congregation. On the other hand, association and actions with those who do not obey God's laws can become a painful burden. Junia, cuyo hermano se suicidó, añade: "Aunque tal vez no podamos entender del todo lo que siente quien pierde a alguien, lo importante es que queremos comprenderlo ." We prosper because of shunning the spiritually and physically defiling use of tobacco and illicit drugs. " While you may not fully understand everything you feel about someone, " says Jim, whose brother says, "I'm so important that we want to understand him. " Y ciertos movimientos de la boca sirven para indicar el tamaño de un objeto o la intensidad de una acción. How can you help your children to be persuaded to believe what they learn from God's Word? In addition, certain movements are used to indicate the size of a object or the intensity of action. ¿ Acaso no rebosamos de gozo cuando nos enteramos de la inmensa obra de predicación que llevan a cabo nuestros hermanos en países que estuvieron largo tiempo bajo regímenes totalitarios y dictatoriales? Instead, Jesus ' reply was clear and direct: "It is said, " You must not put Jehovah your God to the test. ' " - Read Luke 4: 9 - 12. Will we not rejoice when we learn about the vast work of our brothers in lands that were long - lasting and worthless? Probablemente llegó a esta conclusión porque conocía la norma divina de la monogamia, expresada en el jardín de Edén. God indicated that Jacob would "become a congregation of peoples, " and that occurred. He likely came to this conclusion because he knew God's standards of distress, expressed in the garden of Eden. De modo que él alargó la mano y la agarró, y esta se convirtió en una vara en la palma de su mano. We look forward to receiving countless spiritual blessings from Jehovah during 2015. So he drew his hand and grabbed hold of it, and this rod became a rod in his rod of his hand. Pero esa libertad conlleva una seria responsabilidad. We surely want nothing to result in the loss of our first love for Jehovah. - Rev. 2: 4. That freedom comes with a serious responsibility. Si nos esforzamos por guiarnos por la sabiduría de arriba y no tomamos demasiado en serio nuestras opiniones o nuestra "posición ," contribuiremos a que reine un buen espíritu en la congregación. How did Jesus display true kindness? When we strive to be guided by the wisdom from above, we do not take seriously our opinions or our "milk, " we contribute to a positive spirit in the congregation. También prosperamos debido a que no consumimos tabaco ni drogas, que tanto daño físico y espiritual causan. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,... to comfort all the mourning ones. " We also thrive because we avoid smoking or drug abuse, which can cause both physical and spiritual harm. ¿ Cómo puede un padre ayudar a su hijo a ser "persuadido a creer " lo que aprende en la Biblia? Jehovah is "paying attention and listening " to what? How can a parent help his child to be "persuaded to believe " what he learns from the Bible? Por eso respondió sin rodeos: "Dicho está: " No debes poner a prueba a Jehová tu Dios ' " (lea Lucas 4: 9 - 12). How did Jehovah help David to cope with the challenges he faced? (Read Luke 4: 9 - 12.) Dios prometió que Jacob "llegar [ía] a ser una congregación de pueblos ," y así sucedió. For example, the preface of a book that attacks the Bible states: "There is nothing " holy ' about the Bible, nor is it " the word of God. ' God promised that Jacob would " become a congregation of peoples, " and that happened. Esperamos recibir muchas bendiciones de Jehová durante el año 2015. Study Articles 4, 5 PAGES 20 - 28 We hope to receive many blessings during 2015. No perdamos jamás el amor que sentimos al principio, cuando conocimos a Jehová. Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God. " May we never lose our love for Jehovah when we first learned about him. ¿ Cómo manifestó Jesús la verdadera bondad? Enjoy Personal Study of God's Word - w02 12 / 1 3: 1 - 20 How did Jesus display true kindness? Me ha enviado para vendar a los quebrantados de corazón, [...] para consolar a todos los que están de duelo ." For their stubborn course, Israel had to be severely disciplined. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,... to comfort all the mourning ones. " ¿ A qué cosas presta atención Jehová? For example, when young people get married, many of them expect to " have it all ' right away - a house or an apartment fully furnished and well - equipped, a nice car, and the latest electronic devices. To what does Jehovah pay attention? ¿ Cómo ayudó Jehová a David a afrontar las dificultades? FAMILY. How did Jehovah help David to cope with trials? Por ejemplo, en su ataque contra las Santas Escrituras, el prólogo de un libro afirma: "Ni la Biblia tiene nada de " santa ' ni es " la palabra de Dios '. Paul added: "So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses. " - Joel 2: 31; 1 Thess. For example, in his attack against the Holy Scriptures, the book of a book states: "Not the Bible has nothing holy " or is" the word of God. ' Artículos de estudio 4 y 5 PÁGINAS 20 - 28 (b) As used in the Bible, what does Jehovah's "hand " often refer to? Study Articles 4, 5 Cualquiera, por lo tanto, que quiere ser amigo del mundo está constituyéndose enemigo de Dios ." [ Pictures on page 18] Anyone, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is subject of God. " (febrero de 2012). In prayer to his Father, he said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " (See opening image.) Por su terquedad tuvieron que ser castigados severamente. According to Psalm 91: 2, Moses refers to Jehovah as " his refuge and his stronghold ' - his Source of security. Because of their haughtiness, they had to be punished. Por ejemplo, muchas parejas jóvenes esperan tenerlo todo desde el mismo día de la boda: una vivienda completamente equipada y amueblada, un buen automóvil y los últimos aparatos electrónicos. Shortly after Jesus ' baptism, Satan tried to entice Jesus to pursue selfish desires rather than to keep Jehovah as the most important Person in his life. For example, many young people long for the wedding day - to - day wedding day. FAMILIA. In 33 C.E., the resurrected Jesus appeared to a crowd of more than 500 men, women, and possibly even children. Jas. Luego, el apóstol añadió: "No sigamos durmiendo como los demás, sino quedémonos despiertos y mantengamos nuestro juicio ." At Pentecost of the year 33 C.E., appreciative Jews and proselytes traveled to Jerusalem from such places as Italy, Libya, Crete, Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia. - Acts 2: 5 - 11; 20: 16. Then Paul added: "Let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses. " [ Ilustraciones de la página 18] In Israel, the education of children by their parents was a high priority. [ Pictures on page 18] Jesús mismo fue el primero en utilizar esta fórmula al decirle a su Padre: "Esto significa vida eterna, el que estén adquiriendo conocimiento de ti, el único Dios verdadero, y de aquel a quien tú enviaste, Jesucristo ." How did Abigail respond when she heard what had happened? Jesus himself was the first use of this expression when he said to his Father: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " En Salmo 91: 2, Moisés considera a Jehová como " su refugio y su plaza fuerte ', Aquel con quien se siente seguro. By turning my back on a selfish, pleasure - oriented life - style, I escaped the emptiness and unhappiness I see among my family members. In Psalm 91: 2, Moses views Jehovah as " his refuge and his stronghold, ' the one with whom he feels secure. Cuando Jesús acababa de bautizarse, Satanás lo instigó a actuar de forma egoísta y a no seguir considerando a Jehová la persona más importante de su vida. The shocking answer to that question reveals the extent of the nation's spiritual decay. When Jesus had just been baptized, Satan urged him to act selfish ways and not to view himself as the most important Person in his life. En este artículo veremos con qué cosas contamos para recibir consuelo ahora y en el futuro. Let us consider these questions as we discuss the remaining six aspects of "the fruitage of the spirit, " namely," long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " - Gal. This article will consider what we can do to receive comfort now and in the future. En el año 33, Jesús resucitado se les apareció a más de quinientos hombres, mujeres y tal vez incluso niños. Doing so is especially important when we are witnessing to someone who believes in God but is unfamiliar with what the Bible teaches. - Ps. In 33 C.E., the resurrected Jesus appeared to more than 500 men, women, and even children. En el Pentecostés del año 33 de nuestra era, judíos y prosélitos devotos llegaron a Jerusalén de lugares tan distantes como Italia, Libia, Creta, Asia Menor y Mesopotamia. Still, as a whole they willingly responded to Jesus ' cleansing work and made the needed changes. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jews and God - fearing proselytes arrived from Jerusalem as far as Italy, Italy, Asia, Asia Minor, and survive. En Israel se concedía mucha importancia a la educación de los niños. Later, when Paul told his Ephesian brothers that they would not see him again, "weeping broke out among them all, and they fell upon Paul's neck and tenderly kissed him. " In Israel, there was much importance to children. ¿ Cómo reaccionó Abigail al enterarse de lo ocurrido? So in its effectiveness and permanence, Jesus ' office as High Priest is unique. How did Abigail react when she learned what had happened? Al dar la espalda a un estilo de vida egoísta y centrado en los placeres, me he librado de la sensación de vacío y la infelicidad que invaden a los miembros de mi familia. • Haggai and Zechariah offer us what lesson about priorities? By turning their backs on a selfish way of life and focusing on pleasures, I have saved my heart and destroyed my family's wishes. La sorprendente respuesta a esta pregunta revela hasta qué punto se había degradado la nación. WE ALL want peaceful lives, free from anxiety. The remarkable answer to this question reveals to the extent that the nation had become divided. Analicemos estas preguntas a la vez que repasamos los restantes seis aspectos del "fruto del espíritu ," a saber," gran paciencia, benignidad, bondad, fe, apacibilidad [y] autodominio ." He was also a man of action. Let us consider these questions as we review the six aspects of "the fruitage of the spirit, " namely," long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " Esto es especialmente importante cuando estamos predicando a alguien que cree en Dios pero no conoce bien la Biblia. Those "wicked spirit forces " are Satan and the demons, who desire to destroy our relationship with Jehovah God. This is especially important when we are preaching to someone who believes in God but does not know the Bible. Debido a ello, Jesús los consideró cristianos verdaderos, trigo simbólico. According to Jesus ' own explanation, the seed is the Kingdom message found in God's Word, and the soil represents people with differing conditions of the heart. As a result, Jesus viewed Christians as true Christians, figurative wheat. Cuando más adelante les dijo a sus hermanos efesios que ya no lo volverían a ver, "prorrumpió gran llanto entre todos ellos, y se echaron sobre el cuello de Pablo y lo besaron tiernamente ." For example, suppose that we called on a few homes and found no one who seemed interested in our message. Later, he told his Ephesian brothers that they would no longer see him again, "quite a bit weeping among them all, and they fell upon Paul's neck and tenderly kissed him. " Por los efectos tan beneficiosos y duraderos de su sacrificio, Jesús es un Sumo Sacerdote único. Though not related to one another, these three elderly widows live in the same city and have been good friends for several years. Thus, Jesus is the only High Priest. • ¿Qué nos enseñan Ageo y Zacarías sobre cuáles deben ser nuestras prioridades? The Maker of marriage tells us what we need to know about successful wedlock. • What do Haggai and Zechariah teach us about our priorities? TODOS queremos vivir en paz y sin inquietudes. Fearsome indeed! WE LIVE in peace and anxieties. Además, siempre actuó con decisión y nunca evadió sus responsabilidades. When you come to respect a friend, you likely try to learn from his example and good qualities. He also acted decisively and never gave up on his responsibilities. Esas "fuerzas espirituales inicuas " son Satanás y sus demonios, quienes desean echar por tierra nuestra relación con Jehová Dios. Paul addressed his letter to the "brothers " in Rome. Those "wicked spirit " are Satan and his demons, who want to cast their relationship with Jehovah God. Según la propia explicación de Jesús, la semilla es el mensaje del Reino que se halla en la Palabra de Dios, y la tierra representa a personas con distinta condición de corazón. Jesus ' first - century disciples took that commission seriously. According to Jesus ' own explanation, the seed is the Kingdom message found in God's Word, and the soil represents individuals outside of heart. Imaginemos, por ejemplo, que hemos estado predicando un rato y no hemos encontrado a nadie que demuestre interés en nuestro mensaje. " My husband and I don't hold our children to a standard that we ourselves don't live by. " - Christine. Imagine, for example, that we have been engaging in the preaching work while we have not found anyone who shows interest in our message. Estas hermanas no están emparentadas entre sí, pero han sido amigas por muchos años. The cornerstone of a secure marriage is loyalty and submission to the One who instituted marriage. (Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12.) These sisters are not related to one another, but they have been friends for many years. Jehová, quien diseñó el matrimonio, dice a los casados lo que necesitan saber para ser felices. Do You Recall? Jehovah, the Originator of marriage, tells married couples what they need to be happy. ¡ Qué día tan temible! Likewise, Jehovah will bless young ones who courageously work at setting spiritual goals and putting Kingdom interests first in their lives. What a frightening day! Cuando admiramos a un amigo, tratamos de copiar su ejemplo y cualidades. How did the Israelites show a lack of appreciation for the freedom that Jehovah gave them? When we admire a friend, we try to imitate his example and qualities. De hecho, se casó con una hermana de habla inglesa. What work today has brought much praise to Jehovah? She married a sister in England. Los discípulos de Jesús del siglo primero tomaron en serio esa comisión. The work of designing, building, and remodeling them is handled by unpaid volunteers. Jesus ' first - century disciples took seriously that commission. " Ni mi esposo ni yo les pedimos a nuestros hijos que respeten unos principios que nosotros no respetamos " (Christine). SONGS TO BE USED: 125, 48 " Neither my husband nor I ask our children to show respect for one's principles that we do not respect. " - ROM. Si el esposo y la esposa son leales y sumisos a Jehová, quien creó el matrimonio, su relación tendrá una base sólida (lea Eclesiastés 4: 12). How so? (Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12.) ¿ Lo recuerdan? I planned to start pioneering as soon as possible. Do You Recall? Cuando los jóvenes imitan el ejemplo de Moisés y se centran en servirle a Dios y en poner el Reino en primer lugar, reciben muchas bendiciones. Making Wise Decisions About Alcohol When young ones imitate Moses ' example and focus on serving God and putting Kingdom interests first, they receive many blessings. Cuando alguien nos hace un regalo valioso, se lo agradecemos mucho. Now we have good reason to look forward with confidence to the physical Paradise, the good land that lies ahead of us. When someone gives us a precious gift, we appreciate it deeply. Por eso, el párrafo de la página 2 que explica el propósito de La Atalaya es idéntico en las dos ediciones. So it was that Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death, also called "the Lord's Evening Meal. " Thus, the paragraph on page 2 explains the purpose of The Watchtower is an issue of The Watchtower. ¿ Qué obra ha resultado en alabanza para Jehová? You have solidly fixed the earth, that it may keep standing. " What work has resulted in praise to Jehovah? Hay miles de voluntarios que colaboran en su diseño, construcción y remodelación. " When Israel was a boy, then I loved him, " said Jehovah, "and out of Egypt I called my son. " There are thousands of volunteers who work at their design, building, and hard work. CÁNTICOS: 125, 48 It says: "And Jehovah added: " Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. ' " SONGS TO BE USED: 125, 48 ¿ Cómo? And as was true of Peter, God's spirit enabled Paul to understand and write with clarity about the hope of immortality and incorruptibility in the heavens. How? Decidí hacerme precursor cuanto antes. In bearing witness to Jehovah and his purposes, we testify against Satan the Devil, exposing him as a manslayer and a liar who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. I decided to pioneer as soon before. Para no tener que arrepentirse The prophets whom Jehovah sent to warn unfaithful Israel were badly received and often persecuted. To Avoid Being repent En la actualidad tenemos muy buenas razones para mirar con confianza hacia el futuro Paraíso físico, la buena tierra que tan cercana está. In line with Jude 24, what indicates that there is joy in heaven when one of the anointed proves his integrity? Today, we have good reason to look to the future with confidence, the good earth that is so near. Así fue como Jesús estableció la Conmemoración de su muerte, también llamada "la cena del Señor ." 10, 11. Jesus thus provided the Memorial of his death, also called "the Lord's evening meal. " Has fijado sólidamente la tierra, para que siga subsistiendo ." People of all backgrounds can readily understand, remember, and apply such a faith - strengthening lesson. You have solidly set the earth, that you may keep going. " " Cuando Israel era muchacho, entonces lo amé - dijo Jehová - , y de Egipto llamé a mi hijo. " Many would urge you simply to embrace your sexuality and come out as bisexual. " When Israel was a boy, then, Jehovah said, "and out of Egypt I called my son. " Dice: "Y Jehová añadió: " Indisputablemente he visto la aflicción de mi pueblo que está en Egipto, y he oído el clamor de ellos a causa de los que los obligan a trabajar; porque conozco bien los dolores que sufren ' ." They are likely moved by their concern and deep affection for you. " I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry because of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. ' " Y, al igual que a Pedro, le ayudó a entender la esperanza de la vida inmortal e incorruptible en el cielo y escribir con claridad sobre ella. So how might we apply this to ourselves? Do we act and dress with proper decorum at all times? Like Peter, Jesus helped Peter to understand the hope of immortal life and incorruptible in heaven and clearly write on it. Al dar testimonio de Jehová y sus propósitos, en realidad testificamos en contra de Satanás y damos a conocer que es un homicida y un mentiroso que está extraviando a los habitantes de toda la Tierra. Yes, four centuries in advance, Jehovah set the precise time for the deliverance of his people! By bearing witness to Jehovah and his purposes, we actually witness against Satan and make known that he is a manslayer and a liar that is misleading the inhabitants of the earth. Los profetas de Dios enviados para advertir al Israel infiel no solo encontraron poca aceptación, sino que fueron perseguidos. Consider the oxygen cycle. God's prophets sent to warn the unfaithful Israel not only of little acceptance but also persecution. Según Judas 24, ¿cómo sabemos que en el cielo se produce una gran alegría cuando un ungido se mantiene fiel hasta la muerte? They strive to display Christlike qualities. But what about us personally? According to Jude 24, how do we know that in heaven, a great joy comes when a anointed one remains faithful until death? 10, 11. Some youths have taken steps to make sure that they stay in control of their time. 10, 11. Esta historia fortalece nuestra fe y contiene una lección que todos podemos entender, recordar y poner en práctica. Learning to serve God in unity with other imperfect people is vital because there is only one body of true worshippers. This history strengthens our faith and contains a lesson that we can understand, remember, and apply it. Muchos te dirían que tienes que aceptar tu orientación y declararte bisexual. " Your people will be my people, " she told Naomi, "and your God my God. " Many would tell you that you must accept your guidance and declare it. Lo más probable es que lo hagan impulsados por su interés y profundo afecto. The expressions "many peoples " and" mighty nations " do not refer to national groups or political entities. Likely, you are motivated by your interest and deep affection. Por ejemplo, hacemos bien en preguntarnos: "¿Es siempre digna mi conducta y mi ropa? The apostle Paul helps us to understand what a spiritual person is by drawing a contrast between a "spiritual man " and" a physical man. " For example, we do well to ask ourselves: " Is my conduct always worthy of my dress and clothing? Así es, con cuatro siglos de antelación, Jehová fijó el momento exacto en que liberaría a su pueblo. We can learn valuable lessons from those who were directly involved in branch mergers. Yes, with four centuries in advance, Jehovah took note of time when he would deliver his people. Piense en el ciclo del oxígeno. Unrepentantly resorting to speech of that kind is unforgivable. Consider the oxygen of the oxygen. Ahora bien, ¿qué se puede decir de cada uno de nosotros? 14, 15. What, though, about us personally? Algunos jóvenes han tomado medidas firmes para no perder el control sobre su tiempo. Here is scriptural warrant for house to house evangelism as well as that carried on in public meetings. " Some young ones have taken steps to remain steadfast so that they do not lose control over their time. Es imprescindible aprender a servir a Jehová en armonía con nuestros hermanos a pesar de las imperfecciones, pues la congregación es el único lugar donde encontraremos cristianos verdaderos. Examining our priorities in life is thus a tangible way to check whether we are serving God with a complete heart. It is vital to learn to serve Jehovah in harmony with our brothers despite our imperfections, for the congregation is the only place where we will find true Christians. " Tu pueblo será mi pueblo - le dijo a Noemí - , y tu Dios [será] mi Dios ." The One who would be the Head of that "congregation of God " indicated that his apostles and others who had learned from him would have specific responsibilities toward the rest. " Your people will be my people, " said Naomi, "and your God will be my God. " ¿ Qué quiere decir la Biblia cuando asegura que "en la parte final de los días ," Jehová" dictará el fallo entre muchos pueblos, y enderezará los asuntos respecto a poderosas naciones "? They also kindly offer specific suggestions on how a brother can improve in becoming an " example to the flock. ' - 1 Peter 5: 3, 5. What does the Bible mean when he says that "in the final part of the days, " Jehovah" will render judgment among many peoples, and he will set matters straight regarding mighty nations "? Y, tercero, cómo nos ayudará a conseguirlo esforzarnos por tener "la mente de Cristo ." Según la Biblia, ¿qué diferencia hay entre el hombre físico y el espiritual? We can do so by rejoicing in meaningful personal Bible study, by exalting Jehovah's name in the ministry, and by avoiding bad associations. And third, how can we succeed in putting "the mind of Christ " in our life? Podemos aprender mucho de los hermanos que han tenido que hacer cambios debido a la fusión de sucursales. Instead, he questioned Job's motives. We can learn much from brothers who have had to make adjustments because of the spread of branch offices. Lo que Jesús dijo sobre ese tipo de pecado muestra que él se refería a quienes se oponen deliberadamente a la actuación del espíritu santo de Dios. Jesus ' Love Not Sentimental What Jesus said about such sin shows that he was referring to those who deliberately opposed God's holy spirit. 14, 15. It is also up to God to " break the teeth of the wicked ones. ' 14, 15. En este pasaje encontramos la base bíblica para la evangelización de casa en casa y en las reuniones públicas ." If Paul had continued to practice Judaism, he may well have risen to a position similar to that of Simeon, the son of Paul's educator, Gamaliel. Here we find the Scriptural basis for the evangelizing of the house - to - house ministry at home and at the public meetings. " Así pues, un análisis de nuestras prioridades nos ayudará a comprobar si estamos sirviendo a Dios con un corazón completo. They may feel beyond the reach of God's mercy because they strayed off course either so far or so often. Hence, a consideration of our priorities will help us to test whether we are serving God with a complete heart. El que sería Cabeza de esa "congregación de Dios " reveló que sus apóstoles y otros discípulos tendrían claras responsabilidades que cumplir en ella. Can You Answer? As Head of that "congregation of God, " Jesus revealed that his apostles and other disciples would have clear responsibilities to carry out in it. También les ofrecen amablemente consejos pertinentes para que mejoren y lleguen a ser "ejemplos del rebaño ." It is, therefore, a source of joy for all of God's people to observe that so many young servants of God around the world take to heart Paul's exhortation: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " They also offer sound counsel so that they can improve and become "c of the flock. " ¿ Cómo? Disfrutando de un estudio personal significativo, ensalzando el nombre de Jehová en el ministerio y evitando las malas compañías. • From Acts chapter 18, what have you learned about the disciple - making work? They enjoy a meaningful personal study, praising Jehovah's name in the ministry, and avoiding bad associations. Astutamente, lo acusó de servir a Jehová por puro egoísmo, y no por amor. Ultimately, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus render everlasting judgment in justice. - 1 Corinthians 4: 5. He accused him of serving Jehovah out of selfish motives, not out of love. Jesús amó sin sentimentalismos Do you have faith that God will fill your needs for love and companionship in a satisfying way? Jesus Loved Them Without Deception O, lo que es lo mismo, impedirá que puedan hacer daño. If we have problems, we can go to our brothers for sound advice based on Scriptural principles. Or the same thing can prevent us from harming us. Si Pablo hubiese continuado profesando la religión de sus padres, habría podido llegar a ocupar un puesto similar al de Simeón, el hijo del instructor de Pablo, Gamaliel. 22: 1, 2 - Why might David have felt that Jehovah had left him? If Paul had pursued the worship of his parents, he could have had a similar position in the case of Simeon, the son of the instructor, Gamaliel. Algunos cristianos permiten que sus errores pasados los abrumen tanto que llegan a creer que es imposible que Dios los ame. What sins are not forgiven? Some Christians may allow their past errors to become convinced that God is not capable of helping them. ¿ Qué respondería? What a contrast we see between the spiritual prosperity of God's people and the religious confusion of Babylon the Great! As a result, many who are disillusioned or disgusted with false religion are turning to true worship. How Would You Answer? Nos da mucho gusto ver a tantos chicos y chicas presentes en las reuniones cristianas. Se nota que toman muy en serio este consejo de Pablo: "Considerémonos unos a otros para incitarnos al amor y a las obras excelentes, sin abandonar el reunirnos, como algunos tienen por costumbre, sino animándonos unos a otros, y tanto más al contemplar ustedes que el día se acerca ." [ Pictures on page 18] " Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, but encouraging one another and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " • ¿Qué hemos aprendido en el capítulo 18 de Hechos en cuanto a la obra de hacer discípulos? We will have the support of fellow believers as we strive to manifest "the new personality " and put forth wholehearted efforts to help others learn of Jehovah's provision for salvation. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24; Colossians 3: 9, 10; 1 Timothy 4: 16. • What have you learned from Acts chapter 18 about the disciple - making work? En última instancia, son Jehová Dios y Jesucristo quienes dictan sentencias eternas con justicia. The assembly again complains against Moses and Aaron. Their reason? In the latter case, they are Jehovah God and Jesus Christ who will bring everlasting judgment upon those who rule with righteousness. ¿ Tiene usted fe en que Dios satisfará de la mejor manera su necesidad de amor y compañía? The admonition to imitate the Christ is of particular interest to men for still another reason. They are the ones who become elders and ministerial servants. Do you have faith that God will satisfy the best way of love and association? Si afrontamos problemas, podemos recurrir a nuestros hermanos para que nos den buenos consejos basados en los principios bíblicos. 3: 13 - 17. If we face problems, we can look to our brothers for sound advice based on Bible principles. 22: 1, 2. Yet, each hair is noticed and numbered by Jehovah God. 22: 1, 2. ¿ Qué pecados son imperdonables? (b) Why are the mountains made of copper? What sins are unforgivable? El contraste entre la prosperidad espiritual del pueblo de Dios y la confusión religiosa de Babilonia la Grande es abismal; de ahí que muchas personas que se hallan desilusionadas o indignadas con la religión falsa estén afluyendo a la adoración pura. Why can we be so confident? The contrast between the spiritual prosperity of God's people and the religious confusion of Babylon the Great is inescapable. [ Ilustraciones de la página 18] How does the disciple - making work provide a fine education? [ Pictures on page 18] Así contaremos con la ayuda de nuestros hermanos cristianos, quienes nos apoyarán en la lucha por manifestar "la nueva personalidad " y en nuestro empeño por enseñar a otros el medio que Jehová ha provisto para la salvación. We may glean helpful information and practical suggestions from articles published in The Watchtower and Awake! that discuss our particular health problem. By doing so, we will have the help of our Christian brothers, who will support us in the struggle to manifest "the new personality " and strive to teach others Jehovah's means of salvation. La asamblea prorrumpe de nuevo en quejas contra Moisés y Aarón, esta vez debido a la falta de agua. Yes, the King of the heavenly Kingdom is God's only - begotten Son. The assembly held back again in complaint against Moses and Aaron, this time because of the lack of water. Otra razón por la que los hombres deben copiar el ejemplo de Jesús es que son ellos quienes tienen la oportunidad de ser siervos ministeriales y ancianos. Why is it important for each of us to think seriously about Jehovah's works? Another reason why men should imitate Jesus ' example is that of those who have an opportunity to serve as ministerial servants and elders. En ese momento fue ungido con espíritu santo y se convirtió en el Mesías. Voluntary donations for the holy ones in Judea proved that a bond of brotherhood existed between Jewish and Gentile worshipers of Jehovah. At that time, he was anointed with holy spirit and became the Messiah. Sin embargo, Jehová Dios ve y cuenta cada uno de ellos. It is not easy to pursue this course, but doing so leads to everlasting life. - John 17: 3. Yet, Jehovah God sees each one of them. b) ¿Por qué están hechas de cobre las montañas? The answer is no. (b) Why are mountains made from copper? ¿ Por qué estamos tan seguros? 4: 13. What blessings come from keeping God in one's marriage? Why can we be sure of this? ¿ Qué te enseña la obra de hacer discípulos? • What does it mean when we ask Jehovah not to bring us into temptation? What does the disciple - making work teach you? También tenemos a nuestra disposición mucha información y sugerencias prácticas sobre determinadas enfermedades, información que ha aparecido en artículos de La Atalaya y ¡Despertad! THE rich may say: "Our sons are like little plants grown up in their youth, our daughters like corners carved in palace style, our garners full,... our flocks multiplying by thousands. " We also have much information about certain diseases, information published in The Watchtower and Awake! Así es, el Rey del Reino celestial es el Hijo unigénito de Dios. Later, though, during Elisha's 60 - year - long ministry as a prophet, Jehovah moved him to perform many more miracles than Elijah ever did. Yes, the King of the heavenly Kingdom is God's only - begotten Son. ¿ Por qué es importante que todos reflexionemos seriamente en las obras de Jehová? Some estimates place the total number of deaths in wars and armed conflicts since 1914 at well over 100 million, a figure that surpasses the entire population of many nations. Why is it important for all of us to think seriously about Jehovah's works? Las donaciones voluntarias para los santos de Judea demostraron que existía un sentimiento de hermandad entre los cristianos judíos y los de origen gentil. If we are, we will be successful in the eyes of our Creator and have the joy of knowing that we are pleasing him. - Prov. voluntary donations for the holy ones in Judea showed that there was a brotherhood between Jewish and Gentile Christians. No es una senda fácil, pero conduce a la vida eterna. Samantha: I never thought of it that way before. It is not a easy path, but it leads to everlasting life. La respuesta es no. How did Jesus indicate that love was the essence of Jehovah's laws? No. ¿ Qué bendiciones reciben quienes incluyen a Dios en su matrimonio? Those who are unmarried because they cannot find a suitable marriage mate commonly experience periods of loneliness. What blessings result from those who include God in their marriage? • ¿Qué queremos decir cuando le pedimos a Jehová que no nos meta en tentación? And fourth, we too can oppose Satan, especially if we act without delay. - Jas. 4: 7; 1 Pet. • What do we want to say when we pray that Jehovah does not set us in temptation? PUEDE que los ricos se jacten: "Nuestros hijos son como plantas pequeñas crecidas en su juventud, nuestras hijas como esquinas entalladas al estilo de palacio, nuestros graneros están llenos [...], nuestros rebaños se multiplican por millares ." What choice did Adam have to make, and with what consequences? IT WOULD YOU ANSWER: "Our children are like small plants in your youth, our daughters as close to the house's style, are full... our flocks is full of thousand years. " Demostró respeto por su maestro y gracias a ello se ganó la confianza de sus compañeros profetas. Finalmente, Eliseo llegó a realizar muchos milagros durante los sesenta años que fue profeta, muchos más que Elías. That purpose is for the earth to be inhabited by obedient men and women who will take care of it and all life upon it. He showed respect for his teacher and gratitude by having the confidence of his prophets. Finally, Elisha came to perform many miracles for which he was a prophet, many more than Elijah. Según ciertos cálculos, la cantidad de personas que han muerto a causa de las guerras y los conflictos armados desde 1914 asciende a más de 100 millones, cifra que supera la cantidad de habitantes de muchos países. He came to love the God he learned about, and that knowledge helped him to build faith. According to some estimate, the number of people who have died for wars and war since 1914 has increased over 100 million, more than 100 million. Así triunfaremos a los ojos de nuestro Creador y tendremos el gozo de saber que le estamos agradando. Achan and his family were stoned to death on that very day. By doing so, we will safeguard our Creator's eyes and will have the joy of knowing that we are pleasing to him. Susana: Nunca había pensado en eso. Most people in ancient times would not have been troubled over the consuming of blood, as we can see from the writings of Tertullian (second and third centuries C.E.). Samantha: I never thought about that. ¿ Cómo indicó Jesús que el amor era la esencia de las leyes de Jehová? As "the fine shepherd, " Jesus reflects his Father's interests, purposes, and qualities. How did Jesus show that love was the essence of Jehovah's laws? Quienes no se han casado porque no han encontrado una pareja adecuada también atraviesan períodos de soledad. Authorities report hundreds of instances of nuclear material being "lost. " Those who are married because they have not found a suitable marriage mate also undergo periods of loneliness. Y cuarto, que podemos vencer, sobre todo si actuamos sin demora. The fact that we lead an honest life may also attract people to the truth. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 7.) Fourth, we can conquer, especially if we act without delay. ¿ Qué elección tuvo que hacer Adán, y con qué consecuencias? " By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. " - HEB. What choice did Adam make, and with what result? ¿ Y cuál es ese propósito? Llenar el planeta de seres humanos obedientes que cuiden de él y de todos los seres vivos. As Jehovah's servants, in no way do we want to resemble Satan, the archenemy of the only true God. What about obedient humans who take care of him and of all living creatures? Y, en efecto, ese mismo día él y su familia murieron apedreados. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? What sort of person must you be to gain God's approval? And he and his family died. A la mayoría de las personas de tiempos antiguos no les perturbaba consumir sangre, como sabemos por los escritos de Tertuliano (siglos segundo y tercero de nuestra era). A worldly master could make life difficult for a Christian slave. Most ancient people in ancient times did not consume blood, as we know from the writings of Tertullian (the second and third - third of our Common Era. Jesús es "el pastor excelente " y tiene los mismos intereses, propósitos y cualidades que su Padre. The clay is referred to as "the offspring of mankind, " or the common people. Jesus is "the fine shepherd " and has the same interests, purposes, and qualities that his Father has. Las autoridades informan de cientos de casos de material nuclear que ha "desaparecido ." We can do this by displaying sincere respect for the person to whom we are preaching and by showing genuine interest in his or her particular background and thinking. - 1 Corinthians 9: 20 - 23. The authorities report hundreds of material possessions that has been "went away from. " Nuestra honradez también puede atraer a otras personas a la verdad (lea 2 Corintios 6: 4, 7). Give an example that shows the effectiveness of Scriptural teaching and earnest effort. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 7.) " Por fe Moisés, ya crecido, rehusó ser llamado hijo de la hija de Faraón. " How is Jehovah's hatred for false worship expressed in the book of Revelation? " By faith Moses, now grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. " Los siervos de Jehová no queremos parecernos en nada a Satanás, el principal enemigo del único Dios verdadero. Job was not an Israelite. As Jehovah's servants, we do not want to be like Satan, the principal enemy of the only true God. ¿ Qué clase de personas debemos ser para que Jehová nos dé su aprobación? What covenant did Jehovah make with his Son? What kind of person should we be to be Jehovah's approval? En su primera carta a los cristianos corintios, Pablo preguntó: "¿Fuiste llamado siendo esclavo? Each person whom Jehovah draws becomes part of a worldwide congregation of genuine friends who love what is right. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul asked: "Are you called a slave? Daniel señala que este barro es "la prole de la humanidad ," o sea, la gente común. (c) As you look ahead to the future, what is your determination? Daniel points out that this clay is "the offspring of mankind, " or common people. Lo logrará si le muestra respeto sincero y se interesa por sus circunstancias particulares y modo de pensar. If you live in an area where there is limited response to the Kingdom message, try to focus on the good that you are accomplishing in the ministry. Doing so will help you to show heartfelt respect for your specific circumstances and to think about them. Dé un ejemplo que demuestre lo efectiva que es la enseñanza basada en la Biblia cuando va acompañada de esfuerzo sincero. At times, it may be easy to discern that a road sign has been tampered with and is pointing the wrong way. Give an example to show how effective Bible teaching is when it comes to earnest effort. ¿ Cómo expresa el libro de Revelación el odio que Jehová siente hacia la religión falsa? Moreover, the Bible commands: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " How does the book of Revelation describe Jehovah's hatred toward false religion? Job no era israelita, pero era pariente lejano de Abrahán, Isaac y Jacob. In addition, Satan's earthly servants have persecuted worshippers of Jehovah, sometimes to the point of death, even as they did in the case of Jesus Christ. Job was not an Israelite, but he was relative of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. ¿ Qué pacto hizo Jehová con su Hijo? Are they rich or famous? What covenant did Jehovah make with his Son? Todos aquellos a quienes Jehová atrae hacia sí llegan a ser parte de una hermandad mundial de personas que aman la justicia. • What does true faith include? All those whom Jehovah draws to himself become part of a worldwide brotherhood of those who love righteousness. c) ¿Qué está usted decidido a hacer? " Let your utterance be... seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. " - COL. 4: 6. (c) What are you determined to do? Si usted vive en una zona donde muchos vecinos son indiferentes al mensaje, intente concentrarse en lo que está logrando con su ministerio. Many in the Christian congregation today are very grateful to those who helped them to understand the Bible. Numerous enduring friendships have been formed between students and their teachers. If you live in a area where people are apathetic, try to focus on what you are doing in the ministry. Cuando vamos por la carretera, a veces vemos una señal y enseguida notamos que la han movido y que indica mal la dirección. At the Festival of Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter and others were given the miraculous ability to communicate in the languages spoken by the sojourners visiting Jerusalem. When we go on the road, we sometimes see a sign and immediately discern that it has motivated and indicates that it is wrong for us to do so. Además, la Biblia exhorta: "Sea que estén comiendo, o bebiendo, o haciendo cualquier otra cosa, hagan todas las cosas para la gloria de Dios ." The Bible's practical guidance can help us avoid some problems Moreover, the Bible admonishes us: "Be eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " Además, los siervos terrestres de Satanás han perseguido a los adoradores de Jehová y a veces los han matado, como sucedió en el caso de Jesucristo. The elders in the Christian congregation are under obligation to learn to be like Christ. Moreover, Satan's earthly servants have persecuted Jehovah's worshippers and sometimes killed them, as was true of Jesus Christ. ¿ Son ricas o famosas? Or, rather, do we conscientiously obey the command to "render to all their dues, to him who calls for the tax, the tax "? - Romans 13: 7. Are you rich or wealthy? • ¿Qué implica la fe verdadera? A Willing Spirit Amid New Surroundings • What does true faith involve? " Sean siempre amables e inteligentes al hablar, así tendrán una buena respuesta para cada pregunta que les hagan. " Why not reflect for a moment on the following questions and the related passages taken from the Bible? " Be kind and intelligent in speech, so you will have a good answer for each question you will do. " - MATT. Hoy día, millones de Testigos se sienten en deuda con quienes les ayudaron a entender la Biblia, y en muchos casos han formado con ellos sólidas amistades. Addressing fellow Christians, Peter wrote: "There will also be false teachers among you. " Today, millions of Witnesses have been grateful to understand the Bible, and in many cases they have formed strong friendships. Durante la fiesta del Pentecostés, el espíritu santo les otorgó a Pedro y a otros discípulos el don milagroso de hablar en las lenguas de los extranjeros que visitaban Jerusalén. Even before they were reduced to slavery, the Hebrews were likely shunned by the Egyptians because of racial pride or religious prejudice. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., holy spirit gave Peter and others the miraculous gift of speaking in the languages of foreigners who visited Jerusalem. Los prácticos consejos bíblicos pueden ayudarnos a evitar algunos problemas So Jehovah assures us that once he forgives, he will never in the future act against us because of those sins. He does not rehash our sins in order to accuse us or punish us again and again. Applying Bible counsel can help us to avoid problems Los superintendentes de las congregaciones tienen la obligación de reflejar las cualidades de Cristo. Jesus taught others about God's Kingdom. Christian overseers have the responsibility to reflect Christ's qualities. ¿ O, por el contrario, obedecemos estrictamente el mandato de dar "a todos lo que les es debido: al que pide impuesto, el impuesto "? " Go About in the Land " Or, rather, do we obey the command to "to give all what is due to him, to the tax "? Dispuesto a servir en un nuevo ambiente Keep in mind, too, that as you discuss this subject, you are opening up to your listener the most important field of knowledge there is. It is the knowledge of Jehovah and his wonderful qualities. Going to Serve in a New World Lo invitamos a meditar por un momento en las siguientes preguntas y en los pasajes bíblicos que las acompañan. Under Jesus as High Priest, the anointed constitute a royal priesthood. They will apply the benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice to mankind in the new world of righteousness. We invite you to meditate on the following questions and scriptures found in the Scriptures. Y Pedro escribió a sus hermanos: "Habrá falsos maestros entre ustedes ." Aware that Christians need one another, we are quick to come to the aid of our brothers and sisters in the faith. Peter wrote to fellow believers: "There will be false teachers among you. " Los egipcios probablemente despreciaron a los hebreos incluso antes de hacerlos esclavos, quizás por orgullo racial o prejuicios religiosos. By means of his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah continues to empower his servants to accomplish his will. - Zechariah 4: 6. The Egyptians likely despised the Hebrew Hebrews even before they were slaves, perhaps because of racial pride or religious prejudice. Como vemos, él nos asegura que una vez que nos perdona algo, ya nunca toma medidas contra nosotros por esa ofensa. In time, a haughty man named Haman is exalted to the position of prime minister. Yes, Jehovah assures us that once he forgives, he does not take action against us for that offense. Además de predicar el Reino, curó a los enfermos, alimentó a las muchedumbres e incluso resucitó a los muertos. Looking back on those times, we see the wisdom of Noah's course. In addition to preaching the Kingdom, Jesus healed the sick, fed the crowds, and even raised the dead. " Ve de un sitio a otro en la tierra " God and his promises were so real to Moses that he demonstrated extraordinary courage and endurance. " Go Out of a elsewhere on the Earth " Tengamos presente que al hablar de este tema, estamos abriendo las puertas al más importante campo del saber: el conocimiento de Jehová y de sus maravillosas cualidades. No material rewards or fleeting sensual pleasure can compare with the blessings Jehovah has in store for those who love him. - Proverbs 10: 22. Let us bear in mind that when we discuss this subject, we are open to the most important area in which we know - the knowledge of Jehovah and of his wonderful qualities. Bajo Jesús en calidad de Sumo Sacerdote, los ungidos formarán un sacerdocio real y aplicarán los beneficios del sacrificio redentor de Cristo a la humanidad en el nuevo mundo de justicia. * We can have confidence in such faithful anointed Christians. Under Jesus as High Priest, anointed ones will form a royal priesthood and apply the benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice to mankind in righteousness. Conscientes de que los cristianos nos necesitamos unos a otros, socorremos sin dilación a nuestros hermanos en la fe. Pray to God. Knowing that Christians need one another, we should be quick to commend fellow believers. Mediante su poderoso espíritu santo, Jehová sigue facultándonos para que hagamos su voluntad. We know that it will not always be easy to walk with God while living among "a crooked and twisted generation, " but we trust in God's promise to support us in our efforts. By means of his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah continues to empower us to do his will. Con el tiempo, un hombre altivo llamado Hamán es elevado al cargo de primer ministro. God sees their imperfections more clearly than any human can. In time, a haughty man named Haman is elevated in caring for the first minister. Remontándonos a aquella época, vemos que Noé actuó con sabiduría. (b) What other examples will we consider? They ignore that time, we see that Noah acted in wisdom. Para él eran muy reales Dios y sus promesas. Por eso pudo demostrar un valor y un aguante nada comunes. Spiritually mature ones use every opportunity to commend and encourage others For him to be real to God and his promises, he gained a courage and a common endurance. Ninguna recompensa material ni placer sensual momentáneo puede compararse a las bendiciones que Jehová reserva para los que lo aman. Settle disputes quickly No material reward or pleasure can be compared to the blessings Jehovah provides for those who love him. * Estos cristianos ungidos fieles merecen nuestra confianza. How easy it is to be affected by the apparent success and prosperity of wicked people! All of that can distract us, causing our spiritual vision to get out of focus. * These faithful anointed Christians deserve our confidence. Ore a Dios. Not because David had lost his courage but because he had lost his strength. Pray to God. Sabemos que no siempre será fácil servirle, pues vivimos "en medio de una generación torcida ." Therefore be zealous and repent. " - Rev. We know that it will not always be easy to serve him, for we are living "in the midst of a educated generation. " Ellos también cometen faltas, y Dios lo sabe mejor que nadie. Testing whether we are in the faith calls for what? They too make mistakes, and God knows what no one else knows. b) ¿Qué veremos en este artículo? How do we know that? (b) What will we consider in this article? ¿ Qué aprendemos del significado de la palabra traducida por "vida " en este pasaje bíblico? We must be resolute in resisting its attempts to downplay the seriousness of upholding Jehovah's standards. What do we learn from the meaning of the word translated "life " in this scripture? Los que son espiritualmente maduros aprovechan toda oportunidad para encomiar y animar a los demás They refused to burn incense in honor of the Roman emperor. (See picture.) Those who are spiritually mature do all they can to commend and encourage others Arreglemos cuanto antes las diferencias Jehovah inspired the Bible to be written in such clear, concrete terms that virtually everyone can grasp its precious truths. Those truths remain intact even when translated into hundreds upon hundreds of languages. Referring to Sins Es fácil que nos impresione el aparente éxito y prosperidad de la gente mala, lo que pudiera distraernos y desenfocar nuestra visión espiritual. Is it not thrilling to contemplate our heavenly Father's love? It is easy to marvel at the apparent success and prosperity of the wicked, which could distract us from our spiritual vision. No fue porque David hubiera perdido su valentía, sino sus fuerzas. She looks up birth announcements in a local newspaper and then calls on the new parents with My Book of Bible Stories. This was not because David had lost his courage. Por lo tanto, sé celoso y arrepiéntete ." What disposition will help you to succeed? Therefore be zealous and repent. " ¿ Qué es necesario que hagamos a fin de probarnos para ver si estamos en la fe? In the construction and setting up of the tabernacle, "Moses proceeded to do according to all that Jehovah had commanded him. What must we do in order to test whether we are in the faith? ¿ Cómo lo sabemos? From among these he will appoint "princes in all the earth. " How do we know? Por tanto, debemos resolvernos a resistir sus intentos de rebajar la importancia de mantener las normas de Jehová. A clue is found at Acts 18: 24 - 26, where we read that she supported her husband in helping Apollos, a gifted speaker, to be brought up - to - date with revealed truth. Therefore, we should be determined to resist his attempts to undermine the importance of maintaining Jehovah's standards. Por ejemplo, se negaron a quemar incienso en honor del emperador de Roma (vea la ilustración). Later, Solomon was inspired to write: "Whenever you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it, for he finds no pleasure in the stupid ones. (See opening image.) Jehová inspiró la escritura de la Biblia en términos tan claros y concretos, que prácticamente todo el mundo puede captar sus preciosas verdades, las cuales permanecen sin cambios aunque se hayan traducido a cientos y cientos de lenguas. Are you mature enough to consider this step seriously? Jehovah inspired the writing of the Bible in such clear and specific terms, which apply to the whole world can grasp its precious truths, which remain without change in hundreds of languages and languages. ¿ Verdad que es emocionante meditar en el amor de nuestro Padre celestial? In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Is it not thrilling to meditate on our heavenly Father's love? Busca en un periódico local los anuncios de nacimientos y visita a los nuevos padres con la publicación Mi libro de historias bíblicas. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard [Apollos], they took him into their company and expounded the way of God more correctly to him. " - ACTS 18: 26. Look for a local newspaper of birth and visit the new parents with the publication My Book of Bible Stories. ¿ Qué actitud necesitan para triunfar en la vida? The marital relationship calls for tender compassion and, at times, forgiveness. What attitude do we need to have toward success in life? Al construir e instalar el tabernáculo, "Moisés procedió a hacer conforme a todo lo que le había mandado Jehová. Besides love, what does Jehovah's personality at times allow for, and why? By building and obeying the tabernacle, "Moses proceeded to do according to all that Jehovah had commanded him. De entre ellos nombrará "príncipes en toda la tierra ." During the time of Abraham's nomadic life, he was often surrounded by human kings, many of whom lived in walled cities. Among them he will appoint "Jehovah in all the earth. " La respuesta se apunta en Hechos 18: 24 - 26, donde leemos que colaboró con su esposo en ayudar a Apolos, un orador de talento, a ponerse al día con la verdad revelada. 201 The answer is found at Acts 18: 24 - 26, where we read that he helped his husband in order to help Apollos, a speaker of talent, putting the truth first. Años después, Dios inspiró a Salomón para que escribiera: "Siempre que hagas un voto a Dios, no titubees en pagarlo, porque no hay deleite en los estúpidos. The limited number of that group are "called to be holy ones " and are accepted as" God's sons. " Years later, God inspired Solomon to write: "Whenever you make a vow to God, do not give up on you, for there is no delight in the stupid ones. ¿ Tienes la madurez necesaria para plantearte esa decisión? For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " Do you need maturity in order to make that decision? En todos tus caminos tómalo en cuenta, y él mismo hará derechas tus sendas ." Yes, angels are pleased to see Christian women and all other earthly servants of God comply with theocratic order and headship. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " " Cuando lo oyeron Priscila y Áquila [a Apolos], lo tomaron consigo y le expusieron con mayor exactitud el camino de Dios. " 4, 5. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him with him and put him to the way of God more correctly to him. " - MATT. Los casados deben ser "tiernamente compasivos " y perdonarse siempre que sea preciso. For example, the place a brother occupies in the congregation differs in some respects from that of a sister. Marriage partners need to be " compassionate " and forgiving whenever necessary. Aunque Jehová es un Dios de amor, odia la maldad. " Both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " - ROM. Jehovah is a God of love, but he hates badness. Puesto que llevaba una vida nómada, viajaba por regiones dominadas por distintos reyes, muchos de los cuales vivían en ciudades amuralladas. 2, 3. (a) Why is there confusion about Bible teachings? Since he had a life - style, he traveled through various kings, many of whom lived in a fortified cities. 201 ARTICLE 3 2,67 Finalmente nos pusimos en contacto con los testigos de Jehová. This last excerpt, found at Acts 20: 35, is quoted only by the apostle Paul, although the sense of those words is found in the Gospels. Finally, we started contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. Los cristianos de ese reducido grupo son "llamados a ser santos " y son aceptados como" hijos de Dios ." If, though, meeting attendance and field service are less important to us than relaxation or finding ways to have a good time, we could forget Jehovah in the sense of viewing him as secondary in our lives. Christians in that 20 ' s are "holy, " and they are like" sons of God. " Porque el que no ama a su hermano, a quien ha visto, no puede estar amando a Dios, a quien no ha visto ." • What inspired counsel helps young people in their planning for the future? For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " Así es, a los ángeles les agrada ver que las cristianas, así como los demás siervos de Dios, se someten a la autoridad teocrática. These messages ring out in chapters 3 through 5 of Micah's prophecy. Yes, angels delight to see that Christian women, including fellow worshippers of God, are submitting to theocratic authority. 4, 5. The word "cling " is a translation of a Greek verb that literally means" to glue. " 4, 5. Por ejemplo, en algunos aspectos, las funciones que desempeña un hermano en la congregación son distintas a las de una hermana. But the needed courage will come if such ones truly repent and rekindle their love for God. For example, in some ways, the roles of a brother in the congregation differ from that of a sister. " Tanto si vivimos como si morimos, pertenecemos a Jehová. " In the locality where we live today, it may not be necessary or normal to wash the feet of another person, such as a guest in our home. " Whether we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " - 1 COR. 2, 3. a) ¿Por qué existe tanta confusión en cuanto a las enseñanzas bíblicas? To qualify for the office of overseer, a man must be sound in mind in that he clearly understands divine principles and knows how to apply them in his own life. 2, 3. (a) Why is confusion so widespread about Bible teachings? PÁGINA 15 6: 10. How does keeping the personal matters of others confidential help to preserve a good spirit in the congregation? ARTICLE 3 Esta última declaración, que leemos en Hechos 20: 35, solo la cita el apóstol Pablo, aunque el concepto se halla presente en todos los Evangelios. To benefit from Jehovah's loyal love and to avoid his wrath, we have to hate what he hates. That final statement, which we read at Acts 20: 35, only the apostle Paul, although the idea is present in all the Gospels. Por otro lado, si diéramos más importancia al descanso y la búsqueda de diversiones que a la asistencia a las reuniones y el servicio del campo, entonces podríamos olvidar a Jehová en el sentido de que lo desplazaríamos a un lugar secundario en nuestra vida. We do not want to be like some in the first century who did not practice what they preached. On the other hand, if we were to give more emphasis to the rest of our day and the pursuit of recreation than to attend meetings and field service, we could then forget Jehovah in the sense that we would get a secondary place in our lives. • ¿Qué consejo divinamente inspirado ayuda a los jóvenes a planear para el futuro? How thankful we are that Jehovah grants us "the peace of God, " an inner calm that can protect us from disturbing thoughts and feelings! • What divine counsel helps young ones to plan for the future? Estos mensajes se expresan con claridad en los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 del libro profético de Miqueas. What has occurred in our time with regard to the calling of the anointed? These messages are clearly made clear in Micah chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the prophetic book of Micah. 13 Biografía: Ha sido una bendición trabajar con hombres tan espirituales * A woman living in a foreign country gave birth to a lovely baby boy. 13 Life Has been a blessing to work with such spiritually - minded men Por su parte, la palabra "adhiéranse " traduce una forma verbal griega que, literalmente, significa" péguense (a algo) ." It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " For example, the word " mercy " is translated from a Greek form that literally means" please. " Pero encontrarán el valor para hacerlo si se arrepienten de corazón y avivan su amor a Dios. Table of Contents But they will find the courage to do so if they truly repent and love God. Es probable que donde vivamos no sea necesario ni normal lavarle los pies a otra persona, como por ejemplo a un huésped a quien recibimos en casa. Jerusalem was higher in elevation than Jericho. Therefore, when traveling "from Jerusalem to Jericho, " as mentioned in the parable, a traveler would be" going down. " Likely, where we live is not normal or washed the feet of another person, such as a guest whom we receive at home. Primero, profundizamos el amor que les tenemos, y segundo, fomentamos un espíritu cálido y positivo en la congregación. " I would not have experienced any of these things if I had not reached out for spiritual goals. " First, we deepen our love for them. Second, we contribute to a warm, positive spirit in the congregation. Si deseamos beneficiarnos del amor leal de Jehová y no sufrir su cólera, tenemos que odiar las cosas que él odia. At one time the apostles felt that their faith was lacking, so they said to Jesus: "Give us more faith. " If we want to benefit from Jehovah's loyal love and not suffer his anger, we must hate what he hates. No quisiéramos ser como algunos cristianos del siglo primero que predicaban una cosa y hacían otra. That principle applies with special force in marriage. We do not want to be like some first - century Christians who preached one thing and did another. Sin duda, estamos agradecidos de que Jehová nos conceda "la paz de Dios ." Esta es una calma interior que puede protegernos de pensamientos y sentimientos que nos inquieten. Now they must humbly do loving things for one another. How grateful we are that Jehovah gives us "the peace of God, " that is, a inner calm that can protect us from thoughts and feelings that may weigh us down! ¿ Cómo ha continuado el llamamiento de los ungidos en nuestros tiempos? The modern - day composite "man " is made up of political powers. How has the calling of anointed ones remained firm in modern times? * Una mujer inmigrante dio a luz un precioso varón. What assurance does God's loving - kindness give us? * One nursing woman gave birth to a beautiful man. No pertenece al hombre que está andando siquiera dirigir su paso ." (b) From Paul, what can we learn about serving God without regrets? It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Índice 11, 12. (a) What sobering words did Jesus utter regarding wealth? Table of Contents Jerusalén estaba a mayor altitud que Jericó, por lo que al ir "de Jerusalén a Jericó ," como menciona la parábola, el viajero" bajaba ." After his accident, the rumor spread that he had become blind because he was a witch. Jerusalem was greater than Jericho, and "on going from Jerusalem to Jericho, " as mentioned in the parable, the" coming down. " No habría visto nada de eso si no me hubiera puesto metas espirituales. " What starts out as a so - called wonderful business opportunity may end up in failure because of an economic downturn or unforeseen occurrences. (Read Ecclesiastes 9: 11.) I couldn't have seen that if I had not set spiritual goals, I wouldn't have seen anything. " En cierta ocasión, los apóstoles vieron que les faltaba fe, y por ello le pidieron a Jesús: "Danos más fe ." Remembering Jehovah involves what? On one occasion, the apostles saw their lack of faith, and they asked Jesus: "Give us more faith. " Esta máxima es aplicable sobre todo en el matrimonio. Or, perhaps, he will ask for a fish - he will not hand him a serpent, will he? That is especially true in marriage. Y ahora les tocaba a ellos demostrar con hechos el amor que se tenían. Contact government agencies that provide services for the elderly. They will thus help them to demonstrate their love for one another. En nuestros días, el "hombre físicamente capacitado " constituye un conjunto de potencias políticas. How did Jehovah show recognition to the young woman Mary? Today, "the able - bodied man " is a form of political powers. ¿ Qué garantía nos proporciona la bondad amorosa de Dios? How pained Jesus must have been, then, when he saw the scribes and Pharisees misrepresent his Father's Law! What assurance does God's loving - kindness give us? b) ¿Qué podemos aprender del apóstol Pablo a este respecto? His words to Pharaoh show that he had learned the proper way to address a person of high office. - Gen. 41: 16, 33, 34. (b) What can we learn from the apostle Paul about this? 11, 12. a) ¿Qué advertencia que dio Jesús acerca de las riquezas nos pone a pensar? What does that mean? 11, 12. (a) What warning did Jesus give about riches? Poco después de aquel suceso, empezó a correr el rumor de que se había quedado ciego por ser hechicero. All political, religious, and commercial elements of this world as well as its propaganda channels are being influenced by him. Shortly after that event, he began to run the urge that he had been blinded by an unbeliever. Por ejemplo, lo que empieza como una magnífica oportunidad de negocios puede acabar mal debido a una crisis económica o un imprevisto (léase Eclesiastés 9: 11). Then Paul exclaimed: "Miserable man that I am! " - Romans 7: 22 - 24. (Read Ecclesiastes 9: 11.) ¿ Qué implica acordarse de Jehová? Job had no "valuable things " with which to honor Jehovah. But he could - and did - honor Jehovah with his lips! What does it mean to remember Jehovah? O, quizás, le pida un pescado..., no le dará una serpiente, ¿verdad? I have purposed it, and I will also carry it out. " Or perhaps he asked a fish - not a serpent - will he give him a fish? Averigüe si la comunidad brinda servicios que puedan facilitarle su labor o mejorar la calidad de los cuidados. He says: "Interferences invariably seemed to occur just at the wrong time, just when scenes of violence or sex were being shown. If the community provides services that can help you ease your work or improve the quality of care. ¿ Cómo le mostró Jehová reconocimiento a María? The Bible even says that there is "a time to laugh " and" a time to skip about, " and it encourages a healthy amount of rest. How did Jehovah show recognition to Mary? Es cierto que estos líderes religiosos cumplían al pie de la letra algunos de sus detalles más pequeños. A wife of 26 years wrote: "My husband and I take Jehovah's view of marriage seriously, so we do not even consider separation. True, those religious leaders would live at the foot of some of their small details. Y su manera de dirigirse al faraón demuestra que había aprendido cómo comportarse ante personas de alto rango. ✔ Who Jehovah's way of handling Pharaoh shows that he had learned how to conduct high priest. ¿ Qué significa eso? " Keep On Blessing Those Who Persecute " What does that mean? Él controla la política, la religión y el sistema comercial de este mundo, así como sus medios propagandísticos. But all of them cooperated and did not spend money on nonessentials. He controls political, religion, and the commercial system of this world. Entonces exclamó: "¡Hombre desdichado que soy! ." However, there is a clear difference between being friendly toward a workmate and being that one's close companion. Then he exclaimed: "Miserable man that I am! " Sin embargo, aún podía honrarlo con los labios, y eso fue precisamente lo que hizo. (b) What responsibility rests on all who bear God's name? However, he could still honor his lips, and that was exactly what he did. Lo he formado, también lo haré ." SAFEGUARDED BY COUNSEL I have formed it, and I will also do it. " Él dice: "Siempre aparecían interferencias en el peor momento, justo cuando se emitían escenas de violencia o sexo. Though it grieves emigrants to leave behind a mate or children, many who go abroad feel that they have no choice. He says: "There always be a social network at the worst, just when it is used of violence or sex. Además, la Biblia afirma que hay "tiempo de reír " y" tiempo de dar saltos ," y recomienda descansar lo suficiente. Because mothers who bond with their newborn babies during this critical time dramatically improve the growth and development of their children. Moreover, the Bible says that there is "a time to laugh " and" a time to dance. " Una hermana casada desde hace veintiséis años escribió: "Mi esposo y yo nos tomamos muy en serio lo que Jehová piensa del matrimonio, así que ni nos planteamos la separación. How so? " Where sin abounded, undeserved kindness abounded still more. A married sister from 26 years ago wrote: "My husband and I take seriously Jehovah's view of marriage and thus raises up separation. ✔ Quién It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. ✔ Who " Sigan bendiciendo a los que los persiguen " Yes, visible acts of faith led to the preservation of Noah and his family through the Flood. " Keep blessing Those who persecute " Pero todos cooperaron y evitaron gastar dinero en cosas innecesarias. [ Footnotes] However, all of them cooperated and refused to spend money on material things. Sin embargo, una cosa es ser amable con un compañero de trabajo y otra muy distinta entablar una relación estrecha con esa persona. If we are loyal servants of God, there is a basic reason why the Devil brings persecution upon us. Yet, one thing is to be kind with a partner and yet another in contrast with a close relationship with that person. b) ¿Qué responsabilidad tenemos todos los que llevamos el nombre de Dios? (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 20.) (b) What responsibility do all of us have toward God's name? DIOS NOS PROTEGE CON SUS CONSEJOS What will increase our appreciation for Jehovah's dignity? GOD'S WORD Aún recuerdo la tarde que un anciano de la congregación vino a casa para comenzar un curso bíblico conmigo. Thus, knowing God includes being obedient to him. (Read 1 John 2: 3 - 5.) I remember that an elder in the congregation came home to start a Bible study with me. Aunque les duele separarse de su familia, a muchos les parece que no tienen alternativa. SONGS TO BE USED: 130, 211 Although they are hurt by their family, many feel that they do not have a choice. Porque el vínculo que establece la madre con el bebé en esos momentos influirá notablemente en su crecimiento y desarrollo. " Trust in him at all times, O people. " - PS. Because the mother coverings the baby with the baby in those moments will greatly affect her growth and growth. La Biblia dice: "Donde abundó el pecado, abundó aún más la bondad inmerecida. When we do our best to adhere to Jehovah's standards, we can be confident that he will keep his promise to bless us. - Isa. 48: 17, 18. The Bible says: "Where sin he ate, he far more undeserved kindness. Gracias a eso, él y su familia sobrevivieron al Diluvio. Then he will bless our humble efforts to tell others about his kingship and his wonderful works. As a result, Noah and his family survived the Flood. [ Notas] When Paul and Luke stayed in his home, he "had four daughters, virgins, that prophesied. " [ Footnotes] ¿ Por qué persigue el Diablo a los siervos de Dios? The spirit that instills in anointed ones "a spirit of adoption, " or a sense of sonship, is the same spirit by which Jehovah raised his only - begotten Son from the dead to immortal life in heaven. Why does the Devil bring persecution upon God's servants? Este concepto no resulta extraño en los países donde la gente ha crecido creyendo en Dios y tiene cierto conocimiento de la Biblia (léase Eclesiastés 7: 20). At Revelation 21: 2, the bride is compared to a city, New Jerusalem, and is "adorned for her husband. " (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 20.) ¿ Qué intensificará nuestro aprecio por la dignidad de Jehová? Second, in strongly reproving Shebna, Jehovah may have been showing that he did not consider Shebna beyond recovery. What will deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's dignity? Conocerlo también significa obedecerlo (lea 1 Juan 2: 3 - 5). Others can cooperate with these shepherds. We can and should offer encouragement and spiritual aid to our brothers and sisters who need help to return to the flock. (Read 1 John 2: 3 - 5.) CÁNTICOS: 130, 211 Has the world's view of material pursuits made inroads into our lives? SONGS TO BE USED: 130, 132 " Confía en él a todo tiempo, oh pueblo. " How can we determine that we have not committed unforgivable sin? " Trust in him all time, O people. " - PS. Indique una forma en que podemos imitar la lealtad de Dios. Do you struggle to form a mental image of where such areas were? What is one way we can imitate God's loyalty? Así, él bendecirá nuestro empeño por hablar a otras personas de su dignidad real y de sus maravillosas obras. [ Pictures on page 15] Jehovah will bless our efforts to speak to others about his kingship and his wonderful works. Cuando Pablo y Lucas se hospedaron en su casa, "tenía cuatro hijas, vírgenes, que profetizaban ." I also felt that the prestige and financial rewards of being a doctor would make me happy, " recalls Seung Jin, who grew up in Korea. When Paul and Luke stayed in their home, " four daughters, who were prophesying. ' Jehová infunde en los ungidos "un espíritu de adopción ," o en otras palabras, los hace conscientes de que son sus hijos. In 1919, a "faithful and discreet slave " was appointed to provide spiritual food to the household of faith. Jehovah provides the anointed with "a spirit of adoption, " or in other words, knowing that they are their children. En Revelación 21: 2 se la compara a una ciudad, la Nueva Jerusalén, y se dice que está "adornada para su esposo ." Our faith is strengthened as we listen to upbuilding experiences related at our Christian gatherings At Revelation 21: 2, he is likened to a city, New Jerusalem, and it is described as "a hurrying of her husband. " En segundo lugar, la corrección firme que recibió Sebná tal vez indique que Jehová creía que podía cambiar. What makes this statement remarkable is that God shows appreciation for devoted people even though they are sinners and fall short of his glory. - Romans 3: 23. Second, Shebna's firm correction may indicate that Jehovah believed that he could change him. Todos podemos y debemos cooperar con los ancianos animando y fortaleciendo espiritualmente a los hermanos a fin de que regresen al rebaño. Why can we be confident that God will end wickedness? All of us can and should cooperate with the elders who encourage and strengthen their brothers spiritually so that they will return to the flock. Su idea era que me convirtiera en ciclista profesional, por lo que comenzó a entrenarme en serio cuando rondaba los 14 años. Why should we try to view matters from Jehovah's point of view, even if we have a valid reason for complaint? Her idea was that I became a missionary, so I began to train me when I was 14 years old. ¿ Nos está afectando el punto de vista del mundo sobre el dinero y las posesiones? What would be the role of the apostles? Are we affected by the world's view of money and possessions? ¿ Cómo podemos saber que no hemos cometido un pecado imperdonable? Our loving heavenly Father graciously accepted Jesus ' precious offering as "a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. " How can we know that we have not committed an unforgivable sin? ¿ Le cuesta hacerse una idea de dónde estaban? Of greater importance than giving materially is giving spiritually to assist members of the expanding Christian congregation. Do you find it hard to make a thought of where they were? [ Ilustraciones de la página 15] And many recognize that homosexuals have a loud voice in the fields of entertainment and fashion, promoting their lifestyle in the public realm. [ Pictures on page 15] * También pensaba que el prestigio y los ingresos que me reportaría esa profesión me harían feliz. Another reason why opposition and persecution for righteousness ' sake makes us happy is that it proves that we are living as true Christians with godly devotion. * I also thought that prestige and income bring me such a happy career. En 1919, fue nombrado un "esclavo fiel y discreto " para dar alimento espiritual a todos los siervos de Jehová. To repent means that we change our attitude toward past or intended wrongdoing. In 1919, he was appointed as a "faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food for all servants of Jehovah. Las experiencias animadoras que se relatan en las reuniones cristianas nos fortalecen la fe When the fire is started, it may come roaring to life in an intense blaze. Our upbuilding experiences recorded at Christian meetings strengthen our faith Lo notable de esta afirmación es que Dios aprecia a sus siervos devotos pese a que son imperfectos y no alcanzan su gloria. When Mary was pregnant with her third child, the doctor urged her to have an abortion. What a remarkable statement that God values his faithful servants despite their imperfect state! ¿ Por qué podemos confiar en que Dios acabará con la maldad? Satan also attacks any who support that "seed. " Why can we be confident that God will end wickedness? ¿ Por qué debemos esforzarnos por ver las cosas como las ve Jehová, aun cuando tengamos un motivo de queja válido? Jehovah will bless us individually and as families if we follow the guidance of the slave class. Why should we strive to view things as Jehovah sees them, even if we have a valid cause for complaint? ¿ Qué papel cumplirían los apóstoles? [ Pictures on page 11] What role did the apostles have? Por su parte, nuestro amoroso Padre celestial tuvo a bien aceptar la preciosa ofrenda de Jesús como "sacrificio propiciatorio por nuestros pecados ." What a cause for joy that will be - both in heaven and on earth! Our loving heavenly Father had good reason to accept Jesus ' precious offering as "a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. " La congregación cristiana cuenta cada día con más miembros. Y si darles apoyo material es importante, lo es aún más ayudarles espiritualmente. The person who becomes "righteous overmuch " sets his own standards for righteousness and judges others by them. The Christian congregation considers more time to provide materially for the needs of others, and it is even more important to help them spiritually. Y muchas personas reconocen el enorme poder que los homosexuales tienen en el mundo del espectáculo y el de la moda, un poder que utilizan para promover su estilo de vida a la vista de todos. What if a young person resists parental training because of peer pressure, the desire to go along with the crowd? Many recognize the powerful power that homosexual people have in the world's entertainment and in common, a power they use to promote their way of life. El hecho de que se nos persiga por causa de la justicia demuestra que vivimos con devoción piadosa, como se espera de los verdaderos cristianos, y ese es otro motivo de felicidad para nosotros. The Bible warns us: "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " - 1 Cor. The fact that we are persecuted for righteousness ' sake shows that we are living in godly devotion, as true Christians are expected of us, and that is another reason for happiness. Arrepentirse significa cambiar de actitud con respecto a malas acciones que se han cometido o se pensaba cometer. Some may feel that if no one sees them do wrong, they will get away with it. To repent means to change our attitude toward wrong actions or thinking. La fe es como una fogata. Brothers and sisters in rural areas outside of Suva, the capital of Fiji, happily share the good news with all whom they encounter Faith is like a burnt fire. Cuando María quedó embarazada de su tercer hijo, el médico le recomendó abortar. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it. " - Psalm 37: 9, 11, 34. When Mary became pregnant in her third son, the doctor recommended her. Satanás también ataca a cualquiera que apoye a dicha "descendencia ." Since Jehovah's people gladly push self into the background in order to place divine interests in the foreground, we can be assured that Jehovah will continue to safeguard them spiritually. We can also be assured that when the great tribulation strikes, Jehovah will safeguard his people not only spiritually but also physically. Satan also attacks anyone who supports this "seed. " Si escuchamos al esclavo, Jehová nos bendecirá a nosotros y a nuestras familias. If left unchecked, to what can a competitive spirit lead? If we listen to the slave, Jehovah will bless us and our families. [ Ilustraciones de la página 11] But how do we use the rest of our time and energy? [ Pictures on page 11] ¡ Cuánta alegría causará eso en el cielo y en la Tierra! Most readily agree that these characterize human society today. What a joy that will be in heaven and on earth! Todo el que se hace "justo en demasía " tiende a fijar sus propias normas de justicia y a juzgar a los demás basándose en ellas. In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul warned against the outward pretense of humility to impress men. Anyone who is "righteous overmuch " treasures his own standards of righteousness and judging others on them. Conlleva la idea de que el individuo "es disuadido de un falso camino y corregido en su comportamiento ." He gave a parable in which cultivators mistreated those whom the owner sent to them, just as the Israelites mistreated the prophets whom God sent to them. It conveys the idea that an individual "will steal from a false path and correct counsel on his behavior. " Es tal como la Biblia nos advierte: "El que piensa que está en pie, cuídese de no caer ." Will baptism with holy spirit continue indefinitely? " He that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall, " warns the Bible. Hay quienes piensan que, si logran que nadie los vea, sus malas acciones quedarán impunes. 14, 15. Some people think that if no one is trying to see them, their bad actions will be put out of control. Los hermanos de las zonas rurales de las afueras de Suva, la capital de Fiyi, predican felices las buenas nuevas a todo el que encuentran. The husband says: "We read the Bible together. The brothers in the United States in South America, preaching the good news to everyone they are finding. Cuando los inicuos sean cortados, tú lo verás ." My own servants will rejoice, but you yourselves will suffer shame. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it. " Puesto que el pueblo de Jehová antepone gustosamente los intereses divinos a los suyos propios, podemos estar seguros de que Jehová seguirá protegiéndonos en sentido espiritual, y cuando estalle la gran tribulación, también nos preservará en sentido físico. (b) What will help us endure trials? Since Jehovah's people gladly put God's interests ahead of their own, we can be sure that Jehovah will continue to safeguard us spiritually, and when the great tribulation occurs, he will also safeguard us physically. ¿ En qué puede resultar un espíritu competitivo si no se domina? (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1, 2.) What can be a competitive spirit if it is not controlled? ¿ Cuál es nuestra prioridad en la vida? (Read Revelation 20: 12, 13.) What is our priority in life? La mayoría admite enseguida que tal descripción caracteriza a la sociedad humana de hoy día. Not everything the Bible Students did during the period between 1914 and 1919 was in harmony with Scriptural principles. Most readily admit that such description characterizes human society today. En su carta a los Colosenses, el apóstol Pablo previno contra la humildad fingida que tiene como fin impresionar a los demás, a la cual llamó "una humildad ficticia ." Doubtless there are positive things that we can say about their service to Jehovah. In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul warned against the humility that is in order to impress others, whom he called "a humility. " Del mismo modo, los israelitas maltrataron a los profetas que Dios les envió. Jehovah also listens to the promises that we make. Similarly, the Israelites mistreated God's prophets. Y el que decide quién recibe la unción y quién no es Jehová. Not at all! And whoever receives a anointing and who is not Jehovah? 14, 15. What do Christian parents want to be sure of before their children get baptized? 14, 15. El esposo dice: "Leemos la Biblia juntos. For instance, in one country a news report falsely stated that the Witnesses supported Hitler's regime during World War II. " We read the Bible together, " says the husband. Mis propios siervos se regocijarán, pero ustedes mismos sufrirán vergüenza. Satan himself has no good news to contemplate, no bright hope on the horizon. My own servants will rejoice, but you yourselves will suffer shame. b) ¿Qué nos ayudará a soportar las pruebas? Many brothers and sisters have found that one way to accomplish that is to focus part of their family worship on the ministry. (b) What will help us to endure trials? Pablo coincide con Pedro en señalar que el día de Jehová vendrá "como ladrón ," o sea, de modo sigiloso e inesperado (léase 1 Tesalonicenses 5: 1, 2). He may add: "If you tell your parents, they'll call the police and send me to jail forever. " Or he may say: "It's our secret. Paul goes on to point out that Jehovah's day will come "like a thief. " (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1, 2.) De este modo se determinará si son dignos de recibir la vida eterna (léase Revelación 20: 12, 13). Eventually, "she grabbed hold of him by his garment and said: " Lie down with me! ' " (Read Revelation 20: 12, 13.) No todo lo que hicieron los Estudiantes de la Biblia entre 1914 y 1919 estaba de acuerdo con los principios de las Escrituras. Compare the storage capacity of one gram of DNA with that of a compact disc (CD). Not all that the Bible Students did between 1914 and 1919 was in harmony with the principles found in the Scriptures. Seguramente encontraremos algo positivo que decirles sobre su servicio a Jehová. Far from solving the huge problems now facing mankind, these institutions have added to them. You will likely find something positive to tell you about your service to Jehovah. Jehová también escucha los votos o promesas que hacemos nosotros. Rather, he taught that the way to salvation is open to "everyone exercising faith in him. " Jehovah also listens to the vow or promises we make. ¡ Claro que no! What is one of the greatest privileges that we have? Of course not! ¿ De qué quieren estar seguros los padres cristianos antes de que sus hijos se bauticen? How should we view that attack? What do Christian parents want to be sure before their children get baptized? Por ejemplo, en cierto país se publicó la mentira de que los Testigos apoyaron el régimen de Hitler durante la II Guerra Mundial. What questions might we ask ourselves about putting on the new personality? For example, in one country, the lie that the Witnesses supported the Nazi Witnesses during World War II. ¿ Cómo podría hacerlo si no tiene ninguna esperanza para el futuro? They attribute such marvels to evolution, a blind force based on chance. How could you do so if you have no hope for the future? Con este fin, algunos hermanos dedican parte de su estudio de familia a prepararse para el ministerio. What marvelous truths have been uncovered since that small beginning over 100 years ago! To that end, some devote part of their family study to preparing for the ministry. Y quizás añada: "Si les cuentas a tus padres, van a llamar a la policía y me van a meter en la cárcel para siempre "; o también:" Este es nuestro secreto. 1, 2. " If your parents are accountable to your parents, they would call the police and go into prison forever, " or they may also say, " This is our secret. Finalmente, "se agarró de él por su prenda de vestir, y dijo: " ¡Acuéstate conmigo! ' ." It must have been spiritually upbuilding to enjoy Job's hospitality, for he was not a hypocrite. Finally, "he turns aside from him out of his garment, and said: " I will pour out you with me! ' " Para comprenderlo mejor, hagamos una comparación con un disco compacto. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 51, 91 To illustrate, let us compare a covenant with a covenant with a covenant offering. Y todo gracias a que confiaron en sus instrucciones. Martha... was distracted with attending to many duties. " - LUKE 10: 39, 40. And thanks to all that they trusted in Jehovah's directions. Y lejos de resolver los complejos problemas que nos aquejan, los han agravado. Thus the groundwork is laid for a stunning contrast: When it comes to humans - who are worth far, far more - God knows every detail. And instead of handling the most difficult problems that come to you, there are elderly ones. Más bien, enseñó que para obtener la salvación tenemos que "ejerce [r] fe en él ." " Take good care not to practice your righteousness in front of men in order to be observed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens. " Rather, he taught that to gain salvation we must " exercise faith in him. ' ¿ Cuál es uno de nuestros mayores privilegios? 4: 24. What is one of our greatest privileges? ¿ Debería inquietarnos este ataque? Many people who neither know nor care about godly principles view a wedding as an occasion for extremes, or perhaps one where extremes are excused. Should we be anxious about this attack? En cuanto a vestirnos de la nueva personalidad, ¿qué podríamos preguntarnos? How? As to clothe ourselves with the new personality, what might we ask ourselves? Las atribuyen a la evolución, una fuerza ciega guiada por el azar. What, then, is the greatest form of recognition that we can strive for? They point to evolution, a blind force that blinds it. ¡ Cuántas verdades maravillosas han salido a la luz desde aquellos modestos comienzos hace más de cien años! If those anointed Christians focused their minds on "the elementary things of the world, " they would be turning their backs on Jehovah's provision for salvation. What wonderful truths have come down from the light from those modest progress in over 100 years! 1, 2. 19, 20. (a) How can your God - given hope become a reality? 1, 2. Los invitados de Job sin duda se sentían fortalecidos espiritualmente, pues él les brindaba su hospitalidad de forma sincera. Just as digestion is needed if we are to benefit fully from the food we eat, meditation is needed if we are to absorb what we read. Job's guests doubted spiritually, for he gave them the opportunity to show genuine hospitality. PÁGINA 16 • CÁNTICOS: 51 Y 91 Insulting speech may not seem so serious, but consider what happens when a husband or a wife uses such speech. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 51, 91 Marta [...] estaba distraída atendiendo a muchos quehaceres. " We also did not have an apartment to use, so on Mondays we usually stayed in the same home where we had been serving during the week. Martha was... caring for many duties. " A este razonamiento sigue un sorprendente contraste: en lo que concierne a los seres humanos, que valen mucho más que los gorriones, Dios los conoce íntimamente. We receive messages from " the house of wisdom ' and from " the house of stupidity. ' Such reasoning goes on a remarkable contrast - what should affect humans - that is, far more than the sparrows, God knows the intimately. " Cuídense mucho para que no practiquen su justicia delante de los hombres a fin de ser observados por ellos; de otra manera no tendrán galardón ante su Padre que está en los cielos. " 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? " Beware of much that you may not practice his righteousness before men in order to be observed by them; otherwise they will not have reward before your Father who is in the heavens. " No. If you are young and are giving serious consideration to a career in Jehovah's service, why not review some of the material that has been published about various avenues of the full - time ministry and set one of these as a goal? No. Muchas personas, que no conocen los principios divinos ni se preocupan por ellos, ven las bodas como ocasiones en las que se justifican las extravagancias, o por lo menos se toleran. (b) Why do young ones not need to resent the restrictions that their parents place upon them? Many people, who do not know God's principles or are concerned about them, view the wedding as occasions when they were cared for - or at least for it. ¿ Por qué? 12: 5 - 11. Why? ¿ Cuál es el reconocimiento más importante que podemos buscar? Will you remain focused on the fulfillment of God's promises as Abraham was? What is the most important recognition we can seek? Si aquellos cristianos ungidos se concentraban en "las cosas elementales del mundo ," estarían rechazando el medio que Dios había dado para salvarlos. It is like a letter from a loving father to his children. - Require - On Videocassette, lesson 1, paragraph 1. If these anointed Christians were guided into "the elementary things of the world, " they would be rejecting God's means to destroy it. 19, 20. a) ¿Qué debe hacer para que su esperanza se haga realidad? Sadly, during hard economic times, some have sacrificed their spirituality in order to maintain the standard of living to which they had grown accustomed. 19, 20. (a) How can you make sure that your hope will be realized? Tal como necesitamos digerir el alimento que comemos para sacarle el máximo provecho, necesitamos meditar para absorber lo que leemos. Another way to become more familiar with Jehovah's thinking is by paying close attention to Bible - based guidance from his organization. Just as we need the food we eat so that we can benefit fully, we need to meditate on what we read. Insultarse quizá no parezca tan grave, pero piense en lo que puede provocar. Love does not work evil to one's neighbor. " I'm ashamed to be too serious, but think of how serious it can lead to it. Como no teníamos un apartamento propio, los lunes solíamos quedarnos en la casa en la que nos habíamos alojado la semana anterior. The sinner must repent, pray earnestly for forgiveness, and conform to God's righteous requirements. We did not have an apartment, so we didn't have to be at home in our house that we had left the former week. El libro bíblico de Proverbios habla en lenguaje simbólico de dos casas: la de la sabiduría y la de la estupidez. What will we consider in the next article? The Bible book of Proverbs speaks of the symbolic language of two houses - wisdom and wisdom. 3, 4. a) ¿Cómo definiríamos a una persona accesible? Drinking does not have to reach the level of drunkenness before it makes a person drowsy and lazy - physically as well as spiritually. 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? En caso de que seas joven y estés pensando en dedicarte al servicio de tiempo completo, busca artículos que hablen sobre las diferentes opciones que hay y elige una de ellas. But they do not question the fact that they have been invited. If you are young and are contemplating the full - time ministry, look for articles that discuss the different choices you have and choose one of them. b) ¿Por qué no deben los jóvenes resentirse por las restricciones que les imponen los padres? After telling them that the Father "has committed all the judging to the Son, " Jesus said:" He that hears my word and believes him that sent me has everlasting life. " (b) Why should young people not be plagued by restrictions that parents have? 12: 5 - 11. vs 3, 4. 12: 5 - 11. • Los efectos del pecado heredado pueden asemejarse a lo que ocurre con un archivo de una computadora cuando un virus lo corrompe That widow persisted in order to receive justice from an unrighteous man. • The effects of inherited sin can be compared to a computer computer screen when a Ebed - melech saw it Es triste reconocer que, en tiempos de estrechez económica, algunos han sacrificado su espiritualidad por mantener el nivel de vida al que estaban acostumbrados. How true! And this raises an important question: What can we do to avoid needless distractions and become more like Mary, keeping our focus on spiritual things? It is sad to recognize that in economic times, some have sacrificed their spirituality to support the level of life in a common way. Otra manera de llegar a conocer la forma de pensar de Dios es prestando atención a los consejos basados en la Biblia que nos da su organización. Making a purchase is more involved than simply deciding whether an item is affordable or not. Another way to get to know God's thinking is by paying attention to Scriptural counsel provided through his organization. El amor no obra mal al prójimo ." This prospect is open to all regardless of their social standing, the color of their skin, or the country in which they live. Love does not work evil to others. " Ha de arrepentirse, orar sinceramente pidiendo perdón y cumplir los justos requisitos de Dios. As Christians, we are expected to " exhibit mildness toward all men. ' He must repent, pray for forgiveness, and meet God's righteous requirements. ¿ Qué veremos en el siguiente artículo? " The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Psalm 37: 29. What will we consider in the next article? No hay que llegar a emborracharse para empezar a sentirse embotado tanto física como espiritualmente. • Why was it appropriate for Peter to admonish fellow elders to shepherd the flock of God in their care? There is no need to get drunk so much physically and spiritually. Lo que nunca se preguntarán es si han sido elegidas o no. Kadesh - barnea What they will never question is whether they have been selected or not. Y después de decirles que el Padre había encargado "todo el juicio al Hijo ," añadió:" El que oye mi palabra y cree al que me envió tiene vida eterna ." By the end of the 1,000 years, God's original purpose as stated at Genesis 1: 28 will have been fulfilled, and the ransom sacrifice will have been fully applied. After saying that the Father had "put all the senses to the Son, " Jesus added:" He who hears my word and believes that he sent me will have everlasting life. " vs 3, 4. God then miraculously maintained her supply of flour and oil, so that she and her son stayed alive. vs 3, 4. La viuda confiaba en que, con su persistencia, lograría que un hombre injusto le hiciera justicia. With what result? The widow trusted that she would do what was right, and she would be able to do what was right. ¿ Cómo ha hecho el pueblo de Jehová buen uso de la tecnología? If we are parents, let us follow Jehovah's example by regularly encouraging our children and giving them commendation when they do well. How has Jehovah's people made good use of technology? Antes de hacer una compra no solo debemos evaluar si está dentro de nuestro presupuesto. By exercising faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, we place ourselves under the rule of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Before making a car, we must not just evaluate whether it is within our budget. Ofrece esta perspectiva a todas las personas, sin importar la posición social, el color de la piel ni el país donde vivan. It makes us want to learn ever more about him and to praise him forever out of unselfish love and devotion. This prospect includes all people, regardless of their social status, their skin color, or the land where they live. Se espera que, como cristianos, mostremos "apacibilidad para con todos los hombres ." Jewish tradition has it that the Urim and the Thummim disappeared with the destruction of the temple in 607 B.C.E. As Christians, may we be expected to "be vigilant with all men. " " Los justos mismos poseerán la tierra, y residirán para siempre sobre ella ." When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were not to break any of its bones. " The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - PS. • ¿Por qué fue oportuno que Pedro exhortara a los ancianos a pastorear el rebaño de Dios bajo su custodia? He would have to be disfellowshipped in order to preserve the cleanness and spirit of the congregation. - 1 Cor. 5: 5, 11. • Why was Peter fitting that he urged Christian elders to shepherd God's flock in their care? Qadés - barnea 4: 8. Kadesh - Kadesh Al final del Milenio se habrá cumplido el propósito original de Dios, que se expone en Génesis 1: 28, y se habrán aplicado a plenitud los beneficios del sacrificio redentor. In 1900 - about 21 years after the first Watch Tower was printed - only 8,000 automobiles were registered in the entire United States, and there were just a few hundred miles of roads good enough to drive them on. In the end of the Thousand Year Reign, God's original purpose will be fulfilled at Genesis 1: 28, and there will be the full benefits of the ransom sacrifice. En una ciudad costera de Fenicia llamada Sarepta, una viuda pobre fue hospitalaria con el profeta. The term "biomimetics " comes from the Greek biʹos, meaning" life, " and miʹme·sis, meaning "imitation. " In a state of faith involving Zarephath, a poor widow was hospitable to the prophet. ¿ Cuáles serán los resultados? Although in her late 70 ' s, she did not feel that baptism was unnecessary for her. What will be the result? Los padres hacen bien en seguir el ejemplo de Jehová, animando con frecuencia a sus hijos y felicitándolos cuando hacen algo bien. 5, 6. Parents do well to follow Jehovah's example, often encourage their children and commend them when they do something good. Si ejercemos fe en el sacrificio de Cristo, permitimos que la bondad inmerecida de Dios reine sobre nosotros. Any governmental arrangement that does not follow his guidance is bound to be inferior. By exercising faith in Christ's sacrifice, we allow God's undeserved kindness to fill us. Tal conocimiento, junto con el amor desinteresado y la devoción sincera que le tenemos, nos impulsa a querer aprender más de él y a alabarlo para siempre. We live in a world that does not take Jehovah or his laws seriously. Such knowledge moves us to learn more about him and to praise him forever. Según la tradición judía, el Urim y el Tumim desaparecieron cuando el templo fue destruido en 607 antes de nuestra era. For to the extent of my speaking against him I shall without fail remember him further. " According to Jewish tradition, Ur, Ur, and succeed when the temple was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. Los israelitas no debían quebrarle ningún hueso al cordero pascual. Did you know that if you read about four pages a day, you will complete the whole Bible in just one year? The Israelites were not to break out any bone at the Passover lamb. Si no se arrepintiera y dejara ese vicio, tendría que ser expulsado para conservar la pureza y el buen espíritu de la congregación cristiana. " Run in Such a Way That You May Attain It " If he did not repent and quit that habit, he would need to be disfellowshipped so that he could maintain the purity and the good spirit of the Christian congregation. " Trabajan duro " Unlike mankind in general, what do we discern? " hardly hard " En 1900, poco más de veinte años después de que se publicara el primer número de la revista Watch Tower, había solo 8.000 automóviles registrados en Estados Unidos, y existían pocas carreteras lo suficientemente buenas como para conducir por ellas. Follow a character. In 900 years after the first issue of the Watch Tower Publications Index was published in the United States, few well - known as they were published in the United States. El término biomimética proviene de las palabras griegas bí·os (vida) y mí·me·sis (imitación). " As for me, in my integrity I shall walk. " - PSALM 26: 11. The Greek term comes from the Greek words (b) living (b) life (b) and (pa·reʹleʹa). Como a lo largo de su vida se había bautizado en diferentes religiones, le preguntó a su maestra si era necesario que lo hiciera de nuevo. Because a student who repeats answers without meditating on them is unlikely to grow deep spiritual roots. He could easily end up being like a plant that withers under the heat of opposition. As long as Jesus ' life was baptized in different religions, he asked his teacher if he needed to do so again. 5, 6. " Complicated " is surely the right word. 5, 6. Si a esto añadimos el hecho de que Satanás obra con malas intenciones, ¿qué conclusión sacamos? In addition, Jehovah gives them wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. If we do so, what can we conclude from Satan's actions? Este mundo no demuestra respeto por Jehová y sus leyes. The Bible teaches that he will soon bring an end to Satan's wicked rulership. This world does not show respect for Jehovah and his laws. Porque al grado que hablé contra él, sin falta me acordaré de él más aún. " We will show it by sharing with others our wonderful hope of deliverance, so that they too may have a clean standing with Jehovah and the hope for an eternal future. For the extent that I prayed against him, I shall without fail remember him more. " ¿ Sabías que si lees cuatro páginas cada día la terminarás en solo un año? Most assuredly he will! Did you know that if four pages each day will end up in just one year? " Corran de tal modo que lo alcancen " In God's new world, there will be "great ecstasy " when billions are resurrected, for" there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " " Run in such a way that you may attain it " Se libra la guerra de Armagedón Satanás y los demonios son arrojados al abismo • How can you show that you appreciate the significance of getting baptized in the name of the Father and the Son? The war of Armageddon is delivered from Satan and the demons are cast down to the abyss Por personajes. Giving Our Best for God's Glory For example, consider the characters mentioned in the Bible. " En cuanto a mí, andaré en mi integridad. " Our task is not simply to tell people that if they turn to God, he will help them with all their problems and they will feel better. " As for me, I shall walk in my integrity. " - PS. Porque si repite las respuestas sin meditar en ellas, será improbable que desarrolle raíces espirituales profundas, y es fácil que termine siendo como una planta que se marchita con el calor de la oposición. Like Jesus, then, we seek to empathize with people. Because it is unlikely that the answers to these questions will gradually develop deep spiritual growth, and it is easy to become like a plant that grows in the heat of opposition. Sin duda, este es un asunto complejo. (Read Isaiah 11: 6, 7.) This, of course, is a complex matter. Además, les imparte sabiduría, conocimiento y discernimiento. But there is one kind of love that we need more than any other - Jehovah's love. Moreover, he gives them wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. También enseña que él pronto acabará con el malvado gobierno de Satanás y que reparará todo el daño que este ha causado. 25: 16. (a) What lessons do we learn from the parable of the talents? He also teaches that God will soon bring an end to Satan's wicked rule and undo all the damage he has caused. Además, hablaremos a la gente de nuestra maravillosa esperanza de liberación para que ellos también puedan entablar una amistad con Jehová y tener un futuro eterno. First of all, Lot may well have acted in faith. Moreover, we will consider people of our marvelous hope of deliverance so that they too can enjoy a friendship with Jehovah and have everlasting future. ¡ Claro que sí! He was the kind of person mentioned at Proverbs 17: 17: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " Yes, indeed! En el nuevo mundo de Dios, la gente se llenará de "gran éxtasis " cuando vea levantarse a miles de millones de muertos, pues habrá" resurrección así de justos como de injustos ." At first, I was faced with a dilemma because I could not please one without displeasing the other. In God's new world, people will be filled with "great ecstasy " when they see thousands of dead, for there will be" a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " • ¿Cómo demostramos que comprendemos lo que significa bautizarse en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo? A deep love of righteousness will shield us when we are confronted by what is wrong. • How do we show that we understand what it means to be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son? Hagamos todo lo que podamos para la gloria de Dios If the latter was the case, his words would have aroused even greater curiosity about his message. Do all you can to bring glory to God Nuestra labor implica mucho más que decirles a nuestros vecinos que, si se acercan a Dios, él les ayudará con todos sus problemas y se sentirán mejor. When you attend meetings regularly, you may very well prove to be a father, mother, brother, or sister to one of these dear ones! Our work involves much more than telling our neighbors that if they draw close to God, he will help them to deal with their problems and concerns. Al igual que Jesús, por tanto, procuramos ser comprensivos con la gente. * Like Jesus, therefore, we strive to be understanding toward people. Hoy se está cumpliendo una hermosa profecía bíblica que predijo que muchas personas que tenían características propias de animales cambiarían su personalidad (lea Isaías 11: 6, 7). • What can we learn from Jesus ' refusal to act on the request by a man in the crowd? (Read Isaiah 11: 6, 7.) Todo esto nos protege espiritualmente y nos ayuda a estar cerca de Dios. Through the blood of Jesus, many lives could be saved All of this protects us spiritually and helps us to stay close to God. Pero hay un tipo de amor que necesitamos más que ningún otro: el amor de Jehová. Heather, baptized in 1962: "When I think of all that Jehovah has done for me, I want to show him my gratitude by faithfully serving him. " But there is a kind of love that we need more than ever - Jehovah's love. a) ¿Qué lecciones aprendemos de la parábola de los talentos? What can be done to bring comfort to survivors? (a) What lessons do we learn from the parable of the talents? En primer lugar, muy bien puede ser que Lot obrara con fe. The Bible says: First, it can be very good for Lot to act in faith. Demostró que era la clase de persona que menciona Proverbios 17: 17: "Un compañero verdadero ama en todo tiempo, y es un hermano nacido para cuando hay angustia ." There were, of course, exceptions. He showed that he was the kind of person mentioned at Proverbs 17: 17: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " Al principio me sentí entre la espada y la pared, porque no podía quedar bien con las dos. February 15, 2009 At first, I felt among the sword and the wall, for I could not go well with the two. Amar profundamente la justicia nos protegerá cuando nos veamos ante la tentación de hacer lo malo. After being informed of God's intentions and receiving his commission, Noah built an ark to preserve men and animals alive. Loving righteousness will protect us when we are tempted to do what is bad. En este caso, es posible que las palabras de Jonás hayan despertado aún más curiosidad. Why should we not neglect our program of regular Bible reading? In this case, Jonah's words may have become even greater. Si tenemos la costumbre de ir a las reuniones, podemos llegar a ser como un padre, una madre, un hermano o una hermana para ellos. While journeying toward Rome as a prisoner, Paul "thanked God and took courage " when he met the brothers at the Marketplace of Appius and Three Taverns. If we have the custom of attending Christian meetings, we can become like a father, a mother, a brother, or a sister. * It is made in prayer, in which we express the desire to give our life to Jehovah through Christ. * • ¿Qué nos enseña el hecho de que Jesús se negara a atender la petición que le hizo cierto hombre? Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal and was killed on the day of Passover, which was observed "as a memorial " of Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage in 1513 B.C.E. • What can we learn from Jesus ' request for a certain man? Mediante la sangre de Jesús se podrían salvar muchas vidas Then he raises his eyes to heaven and prays: "Father, the hour has come; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him authority over all flesh, that, as regards the whole number whom you have given him, he may give them everlasting life.... Through Jesus ' blood, many lives could be saved Heather, bautizada en 1962: "Al reflexionar en todo lo que Jehová ha hecho por mí, la gratitud que siento me impulsa a servirle fielmente ." Christ upheld the righteousness of Jehovah's sovereignty and proved that a perfect human can be faithful despite the most extreme test. I have been baptized in 1998: " When I reflect on all that Jehovah has done for me, I am grateful that I am determined to serve him faithfully. " ¿ De qué maneras brindaremos consuelo a los supervivientes? The merchant in Jesus ' parable sacrificed everything for one valuable pearl In what ways can we comfort the survivors? La Biblia misma dice: Several months after his baptism in 29 C.E., Jesus preached where Peter and his brother Andrew worked as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. The Bible says: Claro, también hubo excepciones. He had intended to write them a letter centering on the glorious hope of salvation that Christians called to God's heavenly Kingdom "hold in common. " Of course, there were also distanced from Adam and Eve. 15 de febrero de 2009 The date of the Lord's Evening Meal, which corresponds to the date of the Passover, will be after sundown on April 14, 2014. February 15, 2009 Cuando Dios le reveló qué pensaba hacer y cuál era la misión que le encomendaba, Noé construyó un arca para preservar la vida humana y animal. Why, they rejoiced with her and told her how proud they were of her! When Jehovah revealed his thinking and purpose to Noah, Noah built an ark for the preservation of human life and animal life. ¿ Por qué no debemos descuidar nuestro programa de lectura de la Biblia? But remember this: If you appear apologetic or ashamed of your stand, others will sense that, and they may well add even more pressure. Why should we not neglect our routine of Bible reading? En su viaje a Roma como prisionero, Pablo "dio gracias a Dios y cobró ánimo " cuando se encontró con los hermanos en la Plaza del Mercado de Apio y en las Tres Tabernas. On the day of God's warring, what will be the situation of those outside the "great valley " of protection? On his journey to Rome as a prisoner, Paul "gave thanks to God and took courage " when he met with the brothers at the Mosaic Law of the Mosaic Law and in the Three. Se hace por medio de una oración que le dirigimos a Jehová expresándole el deseo de entregarle nuestra vida mediante Cristo. [ Pictures on page 16] It is done by means of a prayer that moves Jehovah to express his desire to give up our life through Christ. Jesús instituyó la Cena del Señor y murió el día de la Pascua, que se celebraba en "memoria " de la liberación de Israel del cautiverio egipcio en 1513 a.E.C.. How different their condition is from that of Jehovah's servants! Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal and died on the day of the Passover, which was held in "the release of Israel from Egyptian bondage in 1513 B.C.E. Entonces mira al cielo y ora: "Padre, la hora ha llegado; glorifica a tu hijo, para que tu hijo te glorifique a ti, como le has dado autoridad sobre toda carne, para que, en cuanto a todo el número de los que le has dado, les dé vida eterna. [...] He understands our imperfect nature, and he wants to help us. Then he looks to heaven and pray: "Father, the hour has arrived; to glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, as you have given authority over all flesh, that, in as for the whole number of those you have given you everlasting life.... Demostró que Dios gobierna de manera justa y que un ser humano perfecto puede ser fiel a pesar de las pruebas más duras. For this reason, when asked what is the greatest of all commandments, Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " He demonstrated that God's rule is righteous and that a perfect human can be faithful despite severe trials. El comerciante de la parábola de Jesús lo sacrificó todo por una perla muy valiosa In this article, we will learn how we can successfully deal with the challenges of family opposition. The merchant in Jesus ' parable sacrificed everything he sacrificed for a precious pearl Varios meses después de su bautismo, ocurrido en el año 29 de nuestra era, Jesús predicó en la región del mar de Galilea, donde vivían de la pesca Pedro y su hermano Andrés. Years later, Peter wrote: "Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.... A few months after Jesus ' baptism, there occurred in 29 C.E., he preached in the region of Galilee, where they lived by Peter and his brother Andrew. Su intención era hablarles de la gloriosa esperanza de la salvación que comparten los seleccionados para formar parte del Reino celestial de Dios. We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever - growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. His intention was to tell them about the glorious hope of salvation used to be part of God's heavenly Kingdom. La Cena del Señor, que coincide con la fecha de la Pascua, tendrá lugar este año, el 2014, después de la puesta del Sol del 14 de abril. The first one to receive this gift was his firstborn Son, "the image of the invisible God. " The Lord's Evening Meal, which will involve the date of the Passover, will take place after sunset on April 14, 2014. Se alegraron mucho y le dijeron que se sentían muy orgullosos. Jesus displayed a perfectly balanced view of pleasures. They rejoice, and they told him that they were proud. Pero recuerda: si das la impresión de que te estás disculpando o de que te avergüenzas de tus creencias, tus compañeros lo notarán y quizás hasta se pongan más pesados. If a Christian allows anything or anyone to destroy his brotherly love, he is walking in spiritual darkness, not knowing where he is going. But remember: If you find the impression that you are past or that you feel ashamed of your beliefs, your companions will sense it and perhaps even put off your shoulders. Pero ¿qué les ocurrirá entonces a los que no estén en el gran valle de Jehová? This spirit is reflected in a tone of voice and a manner that are becoming rather than challenging or demanding. Thus a Christian wife shows her deep respect for her husband. - 1 Peter 3: 3, 4. What, though, will happen to those who do not remain in the great valley of Jehovah? [ Ilustraciones de la página 16] Note how that knowledge affected her. [ Pictures on page 16] ¡ Qué distintos somos los siervos de Jehová! Shortly before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus told his disciples: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " What a contrast to Jehovah's servants! Sabe que somos imperfectos y desea ayudarnos. For instance, some put their trust in science, predicting rapid advancements in technologies that promise to fix the world. He knows that we are imperfect and wants to help us. Como Jesús lo sabía, cuando le preguntaron cuál era el mandamiento más importante, contestó: "Tienes que amar a Jehová tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente ." The Spirit of the World - Why So Pervasive? As Jesus knew, when asked what was the greatest commandment, he answered: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " 17 José de Arimatea se pone de parte de la verdad What does her conscience say about attending? ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Book of Joseph Varios años después, Pedro escribió: "Cristo sufrió por ustedes, dejándoles dechado para que sigan sus pasos con sumo cuidado y atención. [...] September 1 - 7, 2008 Some years later, Peter wrote: "Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.... También podemos estar seguros de que, en armonía con la Palabra profética, la creciente gran muchedumbre se mantendrá fiel como grupo. True Christians are not surprised by this. We can be sure that in line with the prophetic Word, the growing great crowd will remain faithful as a group. El primero que recibió este regalo fue su Hijo primogénito, "la imagen del Dios invisible ." COVER: Kingdom publishers preaching in Santiago de Cuba, the second - largest city on the island known for its music and traditional dances The first one received this gift was his firstborn Son, "the image of the invisible God. " Jesús veía los placeres con perfecto equilibrio. WHEN Satan led Adam and Eve into rebellion against their Creator, he raised two issues of vital importance. Jesus viewed pleasures with a perfect balance. El cristiano que permita que algo o alguien destruya su amor fraternal andará en oscuridad espiritual y no sabrá ni a dónde va. The spirit later protected the infant Jesus from premature death. A Christian who allows something or someone to destroy his brother's brother will walk in spiritual darkness and will not know where he is going. La esposa cristiana que siente profundo respeto por su esposo se viste de este espíritu, el cual se caracteriza por un tono de voz y una actitud que resultan atrayentes, y no desafiantes o exigentes. 1: 5, 23. As foretold, what happened to the original Christian congregation? A Christian wife who has deep respect for her husband wears out for this spirit, which is characterized by a tone of voice and a spirit that is appealing, not self - centered, or demanding. Llama la atención el efecto que tuvo en ella conocer aquellos sucesos. ● If I have a relapse, I'll feel that I'm a failure. They took note of the effect she had on her knowledge of those events. Después de resucitar y poco antes de volver junto al Padre, Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos: "Toda autoridad me ha sido dada en el cielo y sobre la tierra ." Jehovah "furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment "; hence, we should want to be" ready to share " with others, thus contributing to their joy. After his resurrection and shortly before he returned to the Father, Jesus told his disciples: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " Algunos confían en los científicos, pues predicen rápidos adelantos tecnológicos que prometen resolver los problemas de la humanidad. Without doubt, these self - sacrificing women are among "the desirable things of all the nations " that fill Jehovah's house with glory. - Haggai 2: 7. Some have confidence in scientists because they will quickly foretell that mankind's problems will solve mankind's problems. ¿ Por qué tiene tanta influencia el espíritu del mundo? According to the Journal of Happiness Studies, once our basic needs are met, more income does little to improve our overall happiness or our sense of well - being. Money itself is not the issue. Why is the spirit of the world so pervasive? ¿ Qué le dicta la conciencia a ella? Am I known for going out of my way to promote peace and unity? ' What gives you the conscience to her? 1 - 7 de septiembre Jehovah is concerned about those not yet serving him, and he listens to the petitions of his dedicated people. September 1 - 7, 2008 Tanto es así que se burlan de quienes les avisan de su llegada. This article discusses how Bible reading, prayer, and good conduct can help youths to worship Jehovah wholeheartedly. They ridicule those who warnings from their arrival. 31 De nuestros archivos PORTADA: Proclamadores del Reino predican en Santiago de Cuba, la segunda ciudad más grande de la isla, conocida por su música y danzas tradicionales The book Between Resistance and Martyrdom - Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich relates the comments of a young Jewish prisoner, in which he describes his first encounter with Jehovah's Witnesses after he arrived at the Neuengamme concentration camp: COVER: You proclaim the Kingdom message in James, the second large city of the island, known for music and dance. Vivimos en una época en la que el fracaso de los gobiernos del hombre es más evidente que nunca antes. As such ones come to believe in God and trust in the Scriptures, we will need to explain Jesus ' role. We live in a time when human rule is more evident than ever before. CUANDO Satanás indujo a Adán y Eva a rebelarse contra el Creador, hizo surgir dos cuestiones vitales. Regardless of how hard someone strikes granite, no one expects water to flow from it. WHEN Satan led Adam and Eve into rebelling against the Creator, he raised two vital issues. Además, impidió que Jesús muriera en su infancia, antes del tiempo señalado. And when you point it forward, its piercing beam illuminates your path far into the distance. He allowed Jesus to die in his childhood, before the appointed time. Tal como Jesús había predicho, ¿qué le ocurrió a la congregación cristiana original? Then the disciple James read a passage of Scripture that helped all in attendance to discern Jehovah's will in the matter. - Acts 15: 4 - 17. As Jesus had foretold, what happened to the original Christian congregation? ● Temo sentirme fracasado si sufro una recaída. Nehemiah responded: "Who is there like me that could enter into the temple and live? ● Fear me if I take a quiet time. Tal como él "nos proporciona todas las cosas ricamente para que disfrutemos de ellas " y seamos felices, nosotros debemos estar" listos para compartir " con los demás lo que tenemos y así contribuir a su felicidad. True, the sister is merely acting as a linguistic intermediary. Just as he " furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment " and being happy, we must be" ready to share " with others what we have and thus contribute to their happiness. Sin lugar a dudas, estas abnegadas hermanas se cuentan entre "las cosas deseables de todas las naciones " que llenan de gloria la casa de Jehová. How well do you do in the matter of accepting Bible - based counsel? Such self - sacrificing sisters are among "the desirable things of all the nations " that fill Jehovah's house with glory. Según la revista Journal of Happiness Studies, una vez que se han cubierto las necesidades básicas, tener más ingresos no aumenta significativamente la felicidad ni la sensación de bienestar. " While many of these clearly showed a lack of moral sense, " says James, "one employee seemed to be of good character and showed interest in Bible truth. According to the U.S.A., the United States reports that the basic needs are not limited to the happiness or the well - being of well - being. ¿ Pueden ver los demás que hago todo lo posible por fomentar la paz y la unidad? ." In 1993, my beloved older brother drowned. Can I see others doing all I can to promote peace and unity? ' Jehová se interesa por quienes aún no le sirven y escucha las peticiones de sus adoradores dedicados. 7, 8. (a) Where did Abraham go at his death? Jehovah is concerned about those who are not yet serving him, and he listens to the requests of his dedicated worshipers. Este artículo muestra cómo pueden ayudarte la lectura de la Biblia, la oración y la buena conducta a servir a Jehová con todo el corazón. They should not hesitate even to " surrender their soul in behalf of their friends. ' This article discusses how you can read the Bible, prayer, and good conduct to serve Jehovah with all your heart. Un libro que habla de la fidelidad de los testigos de Jehová bajo el nazismo, incluye el siguiente comentario de un joven prisionero judío sobre su primer encuentro con estos cristianos al llegar al campo de concentración de Neuengamme: He does not want us to continue our work of finding honesthearted ones and assisting them to come over to Jehovah's side of the issue of universal sovereignty. A book reference to the faithfulness of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany includes the following statement of a young Jewish prisoner about his first visit to meet these Christians in the camp of B.C.E. Por eso, cuando las personas de tales lugares llegan a creer en Dios y en su Palabra, es preciso explicarles el papel que desempeña Jesús. For some, this is an ongoing conflict, or a balancing act. Thus, when people in such places begin to believe in God and in his Word, they explain the role that Jesus plays. No importa lo fuerte que se golpee el granito, nadie espera que brote agua. Love is greater than faith and hope in that it remains forever. No matter what happens, no one expects water. Y, cuando la apunta hacia el frente, su intensa luz ilumina un largo tramo del camino. See The Watchtower, May 1, 1999, page 19. And when we apply it on the road, their intense light sheds light on the road. Luego, el discípulo Santiago leyó un pasaje de las Escrituras que ayudó a todos los reunidos a discernir cuál era la voluntad de Jehová al respecto. The Israelites would need courage to face the powerful enemies that awaited them on the other side of the Jordan. Then, the disciple James read a passage of Scripture that helped all gathered to discern Jehovah's will in connection with it. No, sino que respondió: "[¿] Pudiera entrar [yo] en el templo y vivir? [ Picture on page 21] Instead, he answered: " Could you enter into the temple and live? Pues bien, como la hermana solo transmite lo que dice el orador, no es ella la que está enseñando. That is what Jehovah wants for you. Well, just as the sister conveys what the speaker says, she is not the one teaching. ¿ Nos cuesta a veces aplicar los consejos bíblicos que recibimos? We should willingly extend loving - kindness to those in need. Do we sometimes find it difficult to apply Bible counsel that we receive? Él comenta: "Muchas de mis compañeras de trabajo eran muy inmorales, y no lo escondían; en cambio, una de ellas era muy respetuosa y hasta empezó a mostrar interés en la Biblia. During the course of the evening meal, Jesus gets up and puts aside his outer garments. He girds himself with a towel. He says: "Many of my classmates were very immoral, and they did not hide him; in turn, one of them was very respectful and began showing interest in the Bible. En 1993, mi querido hermano mayor se ahogó. 5 Highlights From the Letters of John and of Jude In 1993, my older brother grew up. 7, 8. a) ¿Cómo podría explicarse adónde fue Abrahán al morir? Taking Progressive, Practical Steps 7, 8. (a) How might you explain where Abraham was going to die? No debían siquiera dudar en " entregar el alma a favor de sus amigos '. And the prophet leaves Bethel by another way. They were not even to " give up their soul in behalf of their friends. ' No quiere que continuemos con la labor de hallar a las personas de corazón recto y ayudarlas a ponerse de parte de Jehová en la cuestión de la soberanía universal. Others enjoyed a measure of success in this system of things but felt that something was missing in their life. He does not want us to continue to find righthearted people and to help them take their stand on Jehovah's side in the issue of universal sovereignty. A veces, puede ser difícil decidir si ayudaremos a otra persona o si nos concentraremos en nosotros mismos. We recognize that the Bible's message is far more powerful than anything we could possibly say on our own authority. - Heb. 4: 12. At times, it may be difficult to decide whether to help someone else or to focus our attention on ourselves. Sin embargo, el amor durará para siempre, y por eso se dice que es mayor que la fe y la esperanza. The apostle Peter wrote: "Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, that, in the thing in which they are speaking against you as evildoers, they may as a result of your fine works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God in the day for his inspection. " - 1 Pet. However, love will last forever, and that is true of more than faith and hope. Véase La Atalaya del 1 de mayo de 1999, página 19. Christian wives may have a keen desire that their husbands serve as ministerial servants and perhaps eventually as overseers, or elders. See The Watchtower, May 1, 1999, page 19. Los israelitas iban a necesitar valor para enfrentarse a los poderosos enemigos que los esperaban al otro lado del Jordán. 18, 19. The Israelites needed boldness in order to face powerful enemies who were waiting for the other side of the Jordan. [ Ilustración de la página 21] The man in the parable is Jesus himself, who "went abroad " when he ascended to heaven in the year 33 C.E. [ Picture on page 21] Describen lo que Jehová quiere para usted. What helps her to cope with stressful situations? Describe what Jehovah wants you to do for you. Debemos manifestar bondad amorosa de buena gana para con los necesitados. 18, 19. We should show loving - kindness to those in need. Durante la cena, Jesús se levanta, pone a un lado sus prendas de vestir exteriores y se ata una toalla a la cintura. How may present - day Christians like those in Laodicea be helped? During the evening meal, Jesus rises up, puts his outer garments ahead of his outer garments, and sticking to it. 3 No nos engañemos con razonamientos falsos 6 Preguntas de los lectores 16, 17. ARTICLE 6 Highlights From the Book of Genesis - I Hay que dar una serie de pasos Regardless of what we may yet face, we will do well to bear in mind the psalmist's comforting words: "Jehovah will not forsake his people. " There is a series of steps to take. Acto seguido, el profeta se va de Betel por otro camino. Can you recall the names of mighty political or religious leaders who during your lifetime bitterly oppressed God's people? Next, the prophet goes to Bethel for another way. Otros eran famosos o tenían dinero, pero se sentían vacíos. Why can it be said that God's laws are not burdensome? Others were famous or had money, but they felt empty. Citamos y leemos de ella cada vez que podemos, pues reconocemos que sus palabras son mucho más convincentes que cualquier cosa que podamos decir. How can we be hospitable at our Christian meetings? We take the initiative and read from it each time, recognizing that his words are far more convincing than anything we can say. El apóstol Pedro escribió: "Mantengan excelente su conducta entre las naciones, para que, en la cosa de que hablan contra ustedes como de malhechores, ellos, como resultado de las obras excelentes de ustedes, de las cuales son testigos oculares, glorifiquen a Dios en el día para la inspección ." I ponder over it all day long. The apostle Peter wrote: "Keep your conduct fine among the nations, that, in the thing in which you speak against you as evildoers, they may as a result of your fine works of which you are eyewitnesses glorify God in the day for inspection. " Seguramente, muchas hermanas casadas desean que sus esposos sean siervos ministeriales y con el tiempo superintendentes. To fight spiritual apathy, Christians need to have a clear view of who they are, and they must take reasonable pride in their distinct identity. Many married sisters want their husbands to be ministerial servants and to serve as elders. 18, 19. 10, 11. 18, 19. El hombre de la parábola es Jesús mismo, quien "se fue al extranjero " cuando ascendió al cielo en el año 33 E.C. We have a good conscience. Our way of walking becomes exemplary. The man in the illustration is Jesus, who "went abroad " when he ascended to heaven in 33 C.E. ¿ Qué le ayuda a sobrellevar las situaciones de tensión? We realize that the work of sharing the good news is vitally important. What help can help you to cope with stress? 18, 19. Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. 18, 19. ¿ Cómo pueden obtener ayuda los cristianos de la actualidad que se asemejan a los de Laodicea? Paul said: "By making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God. " - 2 Cor. 4: 2. How can Christians today gain help from those in Laodicea? 16, 17. Minor transgressions in day - to - day life are best handled in this way, for this contributes to a peaceful relationship with fellow worshippers and gives us peace of mind. 16, 17. No sabemos las pruebas que nos quedan por soportar, pero sean cuales sean, hacemos bien en recordar estas alentadoras palabras del salmista: "Jehová no desamparará a su pueblo ." " I shall fast likewise, " she said, "and upon that I shall come in to the king, which is not according to the law; and in case I must perish, I must perish. " We do not know the evidence that we are facing, but we do well to remember the comforting words of the psalmist: "Jehovah will not forsake his people. " ¿ Recuerda el nombre de algunos líderes políticos o religiosos de nuestros tiempos que hayan oprimido al pueblo de Dios? But are all of these the promised Seed? Do you remember the name of some political or religious leaders in our time who have oppressed God's people? ¿ Por qué puede decirse que las leyes de Dios no son gravosas? The pace of global invention had advanced throughout the nineteenth century, bringing railroads, the telephone, the electric light, cinema, the motor car, and household conveniences too numerous to mention. Why can it be said that God's laws are not burdensome? ¿ Cómo podemos mostrar hospitalidad en las reuniones? All five children are baptized. " How can we show hospitality at Christian meetings? Todo el día ella es mi interés intenso. Marriage can be a rewarding and permanent bond. All day long it is my concern. A fin de combatir la apatía espiritual, los cristianos hemos de tener un concepto claro de quiénes somos y estar moderadamente orgullosos de ello. What should be our position regarding Jehovah's law on blood? To combat spiritual apathy, Christians must have a clear sense of who we are and are proud of it. 10, 11. To reflect divine justice, they had to determine whether the fugitive acted "out of hatred " and" with malicious intent. " (Read Numbers 35: 20 - 24.) 10, 11. Tenemos la conciencia limpia y, además, damos buen ejemplo a otros. The Bible is clear on this subject when it says: "Fathers,... go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and admonition [instruction; guidance] of Jehovah. " We have a clean conscience and set a fine example for others. Poco a poco van entendiendo y valorando lo que aprenden. The truth from the Bible has given me satisfaction and happiness. " Little do they get involved and courageously spread what they learn. Jehová es razonable en lo que espera de nosotros. We have also seen that his exercise of foreknowledge is selective. Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. Es como Pablo explicó: "Mediante poner de manifiesto la verdad, nos recomendamos a toda conciencia humana a vista de Dios ." " The elements " include "the spirit of the world, " which" operates in the sons of disobedience. " Paul explained: "By making the truth manifest, we recommend every human conscience in God's sight. " Al actuar así, estaremos en paz con los demás y con nosotros mismos. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) By doing so, we will be at peace with others and with ourselves. " Yo también [...] ayunaré igualmente - dijo ella - , y tras eso entraré a donde el rey, lo cual no es conforme a la ley; y en caso de que tenga que perecer, tendré que perecer. " As a result, God's spirit no longer supported the king. " I too fast came, " she said, "and after that I shall return to where the king, it is not according to the law; and in case I shall perish, that I shall perish. " Ahora bien, ¿conforman esas personas la Descendencia prometida? " Mock humility " - a pretense of humility to impress others perhaps by renouncing material things or by treating the body with severity - is an indication of one's being " puffed up by one's fleshly frame of mind. ' But do these people associate with the promised Seed? [...] El ritmo de invención global había progresado a lo largo del siglo XIX y traído los ferrocarriles, el teléfono, la luz eléctrica, el cine, el coche a motor y electrodomésticos demasiado numerosos para enumerarlos. Then in 2005, Bible translation was made a priority for the languages in which this journal is produced. The steady pace of the 19th century had been made through the late 1800 ' s and brought faith, the light, movies, and so forth. Los cinco están bautizados ." We have tried everything from communism to the pure market; from the League of Nations to nuclear deterrence. The five are baptized. " Se puede tener un matrimonio feliz y duradero. What was the problem? Marriage can be a happy and lasting marriage. ¿ Cómo deberíamos ver la ley de Jehová sobre la sangre? While "the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days, " Jehovah made preparations to save Noah and his family. How should we view Jehovah's law on blood? Para reflejar la justicia de Jehová, tenían que determinar si había actuado movido por odio y "con mala intención " (lea Números 35: 20 - 24, nota). Though Jesus was kind, he was nevertheless firm for what was right in the sight of his heavenly Father. (Read Numbers 35: 20 - 24, footnote.) La Biblia es clara en este asunto: "Padres, [...] sigan criándolos [a los hijos] en la disciplina y regulación mental [instrucción, guía] de Jehová ." A regular study of the Scriptures will assist you in developing godly qualities that will prepare you for Jehovah's day. The Bible clearly says: "Let your children go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating [Jehovah's] guidance. " La verdad de la Biblia me ha dado satisfacción y felicidad ." 19, 20. (a) What problem developed among Jesus ' apostles, and how did Jesus address it? The truth of the Bible has brought me satisfaction and happiness. " También hemos visto que ejerce su presciencia de manera selectiva. Jehovah is a God of purpose. In fulfilling his purpose, he "operates all things according to the way his will counsels. " We have also seen that his foreknowledge is selective. " Los elementos " incluyen "el espíritu del mundo ," el cual" opera en los hijos de la desobediencia ." Although we reject wicked practices, we do give a tactful witness to others, even as the apostle Paul spoke to Roman Governor Felix "about righteousness and self - control and the judgment to come. " " The elements " include "the spirit of the world, " which" operates in the sons of disobedience. " También intentó ensuciar el buen nombre de Jehová insinuando que era un mentiroso (léase Génesis 3: 1 - 5). Similarly, James 1: 17 states that Jehovah "does not vary or change like the shifting shadows. " (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) Por eso, el espíritu de Dios no lo apoyó más. Because "your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Thus, God's spirit did not rely on him. Quien finge humildad para tratar de impresionar a los demás tal vez se prive de cosas materiales o trate su cuerpo con severidad, pero lo único que logra con esa "humildad ficticia " es demostrar que está" hinchado [...] por su disposición de ánimo carnal ." THE eternal God created intelligent beings with whom to share life and happiness. Those who show humility to impress others about material things or to try to readjust their body, but only this " humility " is a source of encouragement. ' Y en el 2005 se decidió que se haría un esfuerzo especial por traducir la Biblia a los idiomas que ya tuvieran La Atalaya. First, it has been observed that people who are able to control their impulses generally have fewer major problems. And at 2005 he decided to make a special effort to translate the Bible to the languages that had already been established in The Watchtower. No es que no lo hayamos intentado: lo hemos probado todo, desde el comunismo hasta el libre mercado, pasando por la Sociedad de Naciones y las armas nucleares como fuerza de disuasión. To help us understand what it really means to fear God, let us reflect on the life of one of those examples, King David of ancient Israel. It is not that we have tried to do what we have done - through the U.S.A. since the U.S.A., it is not possible for us to break free from the U.S.A. ¿ En qué estribaba el problema? What will be an aid to our staying in the spiritual paradise? What was the problem? Sin embargo, mientras "Dios estaba esperando en los días de Noé ," hizo preparativos para salvarlo a él y a su familia. Jehovah God expects those who are married to remain faithful to their marriage vow. While "God was awaiting in the days of Noah, " however, he made preparations for him and his family. Aunque era bondadoso, defendió con firmeza lo que era recto a los ojos de su Padre celestial. Born into a Roman Catholic family, she went to the local priest for help, but he was unwilling even to speak with her. Although he was kind, Jesus firmly defended what was right in his heavenly Father's eyes. El estudio regular de las Escrituras le permitirá desarrollar cualidades cristianas como estas y así estar preparado para el día de Jehová. The need for strong faith was another topic that Jesus often discussed with his disciples. Regular study of the Scriptures will help you to develop such qualities as these and thus be prepared for Jehovah's day. El esposo debe tener paciencia 19, 20. a) ¿Qué problema existía entre los apóstoles, y cómo lo abordó Jesús? (a) What effect can music have on an individual? A husband should be patient, 20. (a) What problem existed between the apostles, and how did Jesus raise him? Jehová Dios tiene un propósito, y para realizarlo "opera todas las cosas conforme a la manera como su voluntad aconseja ." Those prophecies describe a world that some might say is spiraling out of control. Jehovah God has a purpose, and to do "all things according to the way his will counsels. " Aunque repudiamos las prácticas depravadas, damos testimonio con tacto, como cuando el apóstol Pablo habló con el gobernador romano Félix "sobre la justicia y el autodominio y el juicio venidero ." Satan would like to stop our witnessing work, and by means of his agents on earth - whether religious, commercial, or political - he tries to intimidate us. Although we reject wicked practices, we bear witness tactfully, as did the apostle Paul when he spoke to the Roman Governor governor "over righteousness and self - control and the coming judgment. " Y Santiago 1: 17 nos asegura que "con él no hay la variación del giro de la sombra ." How can we identify such strangers? And James 1: 17 assures us that "with him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow. " Porque "[nuestro] adversario, el Diablo, anda en derredor como león rugiente, procurando devorar a alguien ." She sought relief by taking the matter to Jehovah in prayer. Indeed, "she prayed for a long time before Jehovah. " For "our adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " JEHOVÁ creó seres inteligentes para que disfrutaran de la vida y fueran felices como él. Peter, whose name means "A Piece of Rock, " indeed lived up to his name, for he displayed rocklike qualities. JEHOVAH created intelligent creatures to enjoy life and be happy as he did. La primera es que las personas que controlan sus emociones por lo general tienen menos problemas graves. One of the prettiest of God's handiworks will become a reality at its right time First, people who exercise self - control usually face severe problems. A fin de entender bien lo que significa temer a Dios, meditemos en la vida de uno de tales personajes: el rey David del antiguo Israel. Who can be Kingdom citizens? To understand what it means to fear God, meditate on one of these characters - King David of ancient Israel. ¿ Qué nos ayudará a permanecer en el paraíso espiritual? Guard Against Self - Deception What will help us to remain in the spiritual paradise? Jehová espera que los casados cumplan lealmente sus votos matrimoniales. Everlasting Life on Earth - A Hope Rediscovered Jehovah expects married couples to fulfill their marriage vow loyally. Como había nacido en el seno de una familia católica, acudió al sacerdote de la parroquia en busca de ayuda, pero él ni siquiera quiso recibirla. Yes, unlike the members of the hierarchy, many of the common people were supporting their conclusions by using God's Word. As born as a Catholic woman was born in the bosom of a Catholic family, he went to the priest for help, but he did not even want to get baptized. Otro tema del que Jesús les hablaba a menudo a sus discípulos era la importancia de tener una fe fuerte. Paul described anointed Christians as having been " raised up and seated together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus. ' Another subject that Jesus often spoke to his disciples was the importance of having strong faith. * a) ¿Qué efecto puede tener la música? Still, we must cooperate with him, acting in harmony with God's will, to receive the blessing. - Hag. 2: 18, 19. * (a) How may music affect you? Estas profecías describen un mundo que parece estar fuera de control. Though we never saw Jesus, as we learn more about him, our love for him deepens. Those prophecies describe a world that seems to be out of control. Satanás quisiera detener nuestra obra de dar testimonio, así que trata de intimidarnos mediante sus agentes en la Tierra, sea que pertenezcan al ámbito religioso, comercial o político. Strong yet Humble Satan wanted to stop our work of witnessing, so he tries to discourage us by means of his agents on earth, whether they belong to religious, commercial, or political. ¿ Qué nos permitirá identificarlos? Indeed, he will never "forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - Hebrews 6: 10. What will help us to identify them? La Biblia dice que "oraba prolongadamente delante de Jehová " para contarle su problema. THE plan simply cannot fail. The Bible says: "I kept standing before Jehovah " so as to share his problem with others. El nombre de Pedro significa "Trozo de Roca ," y él le hizo honor a su nombre, ya que mostró cualidades como las de una roca. [ Box / Picture on page 21] Peter's name means "the Rock of Rock, " and he honored his name because he showed qualities like that of a rock - mass. Cuando llegue su momento, se hará realidad una de las creaciones más bellas de Dios They may also experience aching, itching, sweating, and coughing, as well as mood changes demonstrated by impatience, a proneness to anger, or even depression. When his time comes, he will become a reality of God's most beautiful creations ¿ Quiénes pueden ser ciudadanos del Reino? Before we can obtain a satisfying answer to that question, let us find out from God's Word where people go when they die. Who can be Kingdom citizens? No nos engañemos a nosotros mismos Further, we look for opportunities to be the first in expressing honor to all, including lowly ones. Do Not deceive You La vida eterna en la Tierra: resurge la esperanza Then, on February 24, 1924, the organization's first radio station, WBBR, began broadcasting. Everlasting Life on Earth - A Hope Hope En vez de actuar como los clérigos, la gente sencilla basaba sus conclusiones en la Palabra de Dios. While it may at times seem that way, recognize that your parents ' concern is an expression of their love for you. Rather than acting as clergymen, people simply based on their conclusions in God's Word. Pablo les dijo a los cristianos ungidos de su época que ellos habían sido sentados juntos "en los lugares celestiales en unión con Cristo Jesús ." There are many reasons. Paul told anointed Christians in his day that they were sitting together in "the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus. " Con todo, hemos de cooperar con él haciendo su voluntad; solo así tendremos su bendición. Peter wrote: "I consider it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to rouse you up by way of reminding you, knowing as I do that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon to be... Nevertheless, we should cooperate with Jehovah's will only if we have his blessing. Pero tenemos muchos otros motivos para tenerle cariño a Jesús. How glad we are to have such unselfish Christian women among us today! But there are many other reasons why we have affection for Jesus. Firme, pero humilde Show that you love kindness by meeting the needs of others ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Ciertamente, él nunca " olvidará tu obra y el amor que muestres para con su nombre '. During his earthly ministry, Jesus too showed tender concern for his disciples and for people in general. He will certainly " remember your work and the love you show for his name. ' EL PLAN parece infalible. How can we tell if our faith has begun to weaken? THE battle seems infallible. [ Ilustración y recuadro de la página 21] But Jehovah's Witnesses do not make compromises to seek admiration or acceptance. [ Box / Picture on page 21] También pueden experimentar dolor, picazón, sudoración y tos, así como cambios de humor que se manifiestan en impaciencia, propensión a la ira o hasta depresión. 1, 2. (a) How has man's knowledge of the heavens and the earth increased over time? Or perhaps you can experience grief - stricken pain, your mother, and your mother, as well as make changes in your words, deal with anger, or even depression. Antes de obtener una respuesta que nos satisfaga, examinemos con la Palabra de Dios dónde están los muertos. Although Bible study can be enjoyable, we should not expect the Bible to read like a novel that is written just to entertain. Before gaining a answer, let us examine ourselves with God's Word where the dead are. Además, queremos buscar oportunidades para dar el primer paso y tratarlos con honra, sin olvidar a los de condición humilde. Finding Spiritual Treasures We also want to seek opportunities to take the first step and treat them with honor, not to forget the lowly ones. Luego, el 24 de febrero de 1924, comenzó a funcionar la primera estación de radio de la organización, la WBBR. in the Cabecar language Next, February 24, 19, the first radio of the organization was organized. Aunque a veces podría parecerlo, tienes que reconocer que su preocupación es una señal de que te quieren. What choice is placed before young ones raised by dedicated parents? At times, you may feel that your concern is a sign of your love for you. Por varias razones. Zechariah's prophecy stated: "Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. For a number of reasons. Pedro escribió: "Considero apropiado, mientras estoy en este tabernáculo [es decir, mientras viva en este cuerpo], despertarlos por [medio] de hacerles recordar, puesto que sé que pronto veré quitado mi tabernáculo [...]. Moreover, he did not itemize all the needs or problems of each person in his audience. Peter wrote: "It is appropriate, as long as I am at this tabernacle [or, while living in this body [and] in this body [and] think that I shall soon see my tabernacle... ¿ Verdad que nos alegra tener a tantas hermanas generosas entre nosotros? Today, many simply do not want to hear what the Bible says. Are we not glad to have such rich sisters among us? Demuestre que ama la bondad satisfaciendo las necesidades del prójimo Suddenly, the mother hen gives a tremulous, high - pitched warning call and spreads her wings. Show That Kindness takes the needs of others Durante su ministerio en la Tierra, Jesús manifestó esos mismos sentimientos por sus discípulos y por la gente en general. First, he tried to appeal to fleshly desire, tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread. During his earthly ministry, Jesus displayed such feelings for his disciples and for people in general. ¿ Cómo podemos saber si nuestra fe se está debilitando? In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading "Beliefs Clarified, " which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. How can we determine whether our faith is weakening? Es cierto que hay quienes han expresado su admiración por los elevados principios de los testigos de Jehová. Today, before moving on to serve as priests with Jesus in heaven, the remaining ones of his anointed brothers faithfully serve in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple. True, some have expressed their awe - inspiring appreciation for the high principles of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1, 2. a) ¿Cómo ha ido aumentando el conocimiento acerca de la Tierra y el universo? That Kingdom will rule over a paradise earth. - Matt. 6: 10; Rev. 7: 4; 20: 6. 1, 2. (a) How has knowledge of the earth increased? El estudio de la Biblia puede ser muy agradable. Pero no debemos leerla como si fuera una novela, que se ha escrito solo para entretenernos. The seed that fell on the fine soil took root, sprouted, and grew into, let us say, a wheat stalk. Studying God's Word can be very pleasant, but we should not read it as if it were a good gift, which has been written only for entertainment. Cómo encontrar tesoros espirituales Your doctor prescribes a program involving diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. How to Find Spiritual Qualities en el idioma cabécar Others thoughtfully write some heartfelt words of encouragement to fellow Christians who are coping with a trial. In the Middle Language ¿ Qué elección tienen ante sí los jóvenes que han sido criados por padres dedicados a Jehová? Paragraph 12: While others besides the apostles received miraculous gifts of the spirit, it seems that in most cases, the miraculous gifts were passed on to others directly by or in the presence of an apostle. - Acts 8: 14 - 18; 10: 44, 45. What choice do young ones have toward themselves who have been raised by dedicated parents to Jehovah? En una predicción de Zacarías, se dirigen estas palabras a la "hija de Sión ," es decir, a Jerusalén:" Ponte muy gozosa [...]. By no means! In Zechariah's prophecy, these words are addressed to the "Prince of Zion, " that is, to Jerusalem:" Be joyful... Tampoco se puso a repasar los problemas ni las necesidades de cada uno de los presentes. Remember Praise and Thanksgiving He did not try to review the problems and needs of each one in the audience. No es fácil proclamar el mensaje divino, pues muchos no quieren ni oír hablar de él. What can help us to keep on listening to Jehovah's voice? It is not easy to proclaim God's message, for many do not want to hear or speak about him. De pronto, la gallina emite una aguda y temblorosa voz de alarma y despliega sus alas. Such challenges must have seemed daunting! Suddenly, the mother goes to a sharp, frank voice from her wings. ¿ Habrá alguna buena razón por la que aún no ha remediado nuestros problemas? Can we prepare to face negative comments in a way that meets with God's approval? Could there be any reason why our problems have not been affected? Primero, apeló al deseo natural de alimentarse invitándolo a convertir las piedras en panes. The Israelites ' example provides what lesson for us? First, he appealed to the natural desire to feed the stones into loaves of bread. Nunca nos han faltado las "otras cosas " que Jesús mencionó, es decir, las necesarias para la vida. How can parents imitate Jehovah when training their children? We have never lost the "other things " that Jesus mentioned - the need for life. De hecho, el Índice de las publicaciones Watch Tower contiene la entrada "Aclaración de creencias ," donde aparece una lista de cambios en nuestra manera de entender las Escrituras desde 1870. In the next article, we will examine how the congregation can " have regard for those who are working hard and presiding over ' the flock. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index contains a list of changes in our understanding of the Scriptures from the 1870 ' s. Hoy, los cristianos ungidos sirven en el patio terrestre del templo espiritual antes de ir al cielo para ser sacerdotes con Jesús. He made a most unusual request. Today, anointed Christians serve in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple before they go to heaven to be priests with Jesus. A partir de entonces se propuso alcanzar el premio que Dios le ofrecía: vida inmortal como rey y sacerdote del Reino celestial que regirá sobre el Paraíso terrestre. Elders and ministerial servants receive instruction so that they can fulfill their responsibilities toward the congregation From then on, he purposed to attain the prize that God gave him - immortal life as King and priest of the heavenly Kingdom who will rule over the earthly Paradise. La semilla que cayó en la tierra buena echó raíces y se convirtió en una nueva planta, por ejemplo, una de trigo. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? The seed that fell into the good soil took root and became a new plant, for example, a wheat plant. Una clave para lograrlo es aprender a ver las cosas como las ve Jehová. 6, 7. One key way to do so is to learn to view things from Jehovah's standpoint. Algunos escriben hermosas cartas de estímulo a los que están atravesando dificultades. When we reason on godly principles, our conscience increasingly becomes a more reliable guide, attuned to God's thinking. Some of these are beautiful letters of encouragement to those who are undergoing trials. Párrafo 12: Aunque aparte de los apóstoles hubo otros discípulos que recibieron dones milagrosos del espíritu, parece que en la mayoría de los casos tales dones se transmitían en presencia de alguno de los apóstoles o directamente mediante ellos. How does Jehovah view faithful older ones? Paragraph 12: While beside the apostles there were other disciples who received miraculous gifts of the spirit, it seems that in most cases most of such gifts were spread in presence of the apostles or directly through them. ¡ Ni mucho menos! (b) How can you take the initiative in making friends? Not at all! No nos olvidemos de alabar a Dios y darle gracias Rather than being frustrated or disappointed, we find ourselves drawn ever closer to Jehovah, our loving Father, as we immerse ourselves in doing his will. Let us not forget that we are praising God and thanking him ¿ Qué nos ayudará a escuchar la voz de Jehová? The annual observance of the Memorial of Christ's death will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2018. What will help us to listen to Jehovah's voice? ¡ Qué pequeños debieron sentirse! • What view of your Christian brothers are you determined to maintain? How young they must have felt! ¿ Podemos prepararnos para reaccionar como Dios desea cuando recibamos comentarios negativos? Consequently, parents were in a position to get to know the needs, desires, and personality of their children. Can you prepare to respond as God wants you to receive negative speech? ¿ Qué aprendemos de lo que les sucedió a los israelitas? Christian parents display loyalty to Jehovah by training their children according to his Word. What can we learn from what happened to the Israelites? ¿ Cómo pueden imitar a Jehová los padres al educar a sus hijos? Why can we confidently pray to Jehovah through his Son? How can parents imitate Jehovah in training their children? Y en el próximo veremos cómo pueden todos los miembros de la congregación aplicar la siguiente exhortación: "Respeten a los que trabajan duro entre ustedes y los presiden ." " The heavens [that] will pass away " represent human rule over ungodly society. And in the next article, we will consider how all members of the congregation can apply the admonition: "Let those working hard among you and presiding over you. " Este hizo una petición algo extraña. But Jehovah is the one who has the right to set the standard for righteousness, not us! - Rom. This made a strange request. A los ancianos y siervos ministeriales se les capacita para cumplir con sus deberes en la congregación Sixteen years later, the building of Jehovah's temple was at a standstill. Elders and ministerial servants are qualified to fulfill their duties in the congregation b) ¿Qué preguntas analizaremos en este artículo? He exerted himself untiringly in leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? 6, 7. After repeating what God had stated about a man leaving his father and his mother and sticking to his wife, Jesus said: "What God has yoked together, let no man put apart. " 6, 7. De manera parecida, cuando nosotros reflexionamos en los principios divinos, nuestra conciencia se va adaptando al modo de pensar de Dios y se convierte en una guía más y más confiable. I'm the bus driver who talked to you about paying for the ticket. Similarly, when we reflect on God's principles, our conscience becomes more reliable and becomes more reliable. ¿ Cuánto valora Jehová a los mayores fieles? (a) We bear fruit by sharing in what activity? How much Jehovah appreciates faithful older ones? b) ¿Cómo nos ayuda a hacer amigos tomar la iniciativa? Using vivid imagery, the psalmist also likens Satan's tactics to those of a young lion or those of a cobra. (b) How can we make friends? Lejos de estar frustrados o decepcionados, nos concentramos en hacer la voluntad de Jehová y nos sentimos aún más cerca de nuestro amoroso Padre. These two articles examine many of the ways that we benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Far from being bitter or disappointed, we are focused on doing Jehovah's will and are even closer to our loving Father. Este año, la Conmemoración de la muerte de Cristo será el sábado 31 de marzo de 2018. As a result of his resolute stand, he lost his job and was unjustly imprisoned, but Jehovah blessed him. This year, the Memorial of Christ's death will be the Sabbath of March 31, 2018. • ¿Qué punto de vista sobre sus hermanos cristianos está resuelto a mantener? Why must Bible teachers bear in mind that baptism is a Christian requirement? • What view of fellow Christians is determined to maintain? Eso permitía a los padres conocer a fondo las necesidades, los deseos y la personalidad de sus hijos. (b) How do elders today follow Paul's example? That allowed parents to get to know their needs, desires, and personality. Los padres le muestran lealtad a Jehová cuando siguen las instrucciones de su Palabra al criar a los hijos. After considering the Gospel accounts, may we be strengthened in our resolve to love Jesus more than any other things that might attract us. Parents show their loyalty to Jehovah by following his Word in raising children. ¿ Por qué podemos orar a través de Jesús con total confianza? Its culture was her culture, its language her language, its people her people. Why can we pray through Jesus with full confidence? " Los cielos [que] pasarán " simbolizan a los gobiernos del mundo alejado de Dios. In some situations, even one drink may be one too many. " The heavens [will] pass away " representing the governments of the world alienated from God. Pero ¿tenemos nosotros el derecho a establecer las normas de justicia? ¡ Por supuesto que no! January 5 - 11, 2009 But do we have the right to establish righteousness's righteousness? Se centraron en edificar sus propias casas y en cultivar sus campos. Lame excuses but no justification! They focused on building their own houses and building their fields. Trabajó con muchísimo celo para sacar a los israelitas de Egipto y conducirlos hasta la Tierra Prometida. But after 13 years, everything changed very quickly. He was zealously able to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and lead them into the Promised Land. En respuesta a una pregunta de los fariseos, Jesús les recordó que Dios dijo que el hombre dejaría a su padre y a su madre y se adheriría a su esposa, y añadió: "Lo que Dios ha unido bajo un yugo, no lo separe ningún hombre ." Second, we may commend the sincere person for raising this question. In answer to the Pharisees ' question, Jesus reminded them that God would allow man to leave his father and his mother and would stick to his wife, saying: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Soy el conductor de autobús que habló con usted. One reference work observed: "It means... to winnow out all the chaff, and to leave all the grain - to save all that is valuable. I am the bus driver who spoke to you. a) ¿En qué obra debemos participar para producir fruto? or " Leave me alone! ' (a) In what work must we share in bearing fruit? Además, el salmista compara a Satanás con un león joven y con una cobra, lo cual nos ayuda a entender mejor cómo actúa. We should not imitate the people of "the nations, " who have no real faith in a loving heavenly Father who cares for those who put the interests of his Kingdom first in their life. Moreover, the psalmist likens Satan to a young lion and a cobra that helps us to understand how he is doing. Estos dos artículos explican de qué formas nos beneficiamos de la bondad inmerecida de Jehová. 19: 28. How did Jehovah deal with Abraham's descendants, and why does this not mean that he totally disregarded all other people? These two articles discuss how we benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Es verdad que perdió su trabajo y acabó en prisión, pero Jehová lo bendijo. Another example is that of a woman who grew up in a family in which education was highly valued. Although he lost his job and was in prison, Jehovah blessed him. Cuando damos clases de la Biblia, ¿por qué debemos tener presente que los que desean ser cristianos tienen que bautizarse? Sign language has nothing in common with Braille, and it is not simply pantomime. When you conduct a Bible study, why should you keep in mind that those who want to become Christians must get baptized? 23 Aprovechemos al máximo el alimento espiritual que Jehová nos da Being guided by it could bring us serious trouble. 4 Make the Most of Jehovah's Spiritual food b) ¿Cómo imitan a Pablo los superintendentes cristianos de hoy? ARTICLE 4 (b) How do Christian overseers today imitate Paul? ¿ Qué hay de nosotros? A medida que analicemos los Evangelios, procuremos fortalecer nuestra resolución de amar a Jesús por encima de cualquier otra cosa que pudiera parecernos atractiva. Jehovah, Our " Fortress in Times of Distress ' As we consider the Gospels, try to strengthen our resolve to love Jesus above anything that might seem appealing. Al fin y al cabo, allí estaban sus familiares y ellos podrían cuidar de ella. In some cases, it could be that they replaced individuals previously called who had become unfaithful. (Compare Revelation 3: 16.) After all, there were family members, and they could care for her. En ocasiones hasta una sola copa pudiera ser demasiado. 13, 14. (a) What situations can work against unity in a marriage? At times, even one cup could be too much. 5 - 11 de enero de 2009 18, 19. January 5 - 11, 2009 No pudieron dar una razón válida que justificara lo que habían hecho, solo simples excusas. Before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples and assigned them an important work. He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " They could not give a valid reason to justify what they had done, simply saying. Pero trece años después todo cambió muy rápido. Why is telling a child what is right or wrong not sufficient? But 13 years later, he changed very quickly. En segundo lugar, encomiemos a la persona sincera que nos plantea esta cuestión. But they soon allowed opposition from neighbors and interference from the government to affect them. Second, we commend the sincere person who raises this question. Una obra de consulta comenta: "Significa [...] aventar toda la paja y dejar todo el grano para recoger lo que es valioso. In reply, Jacob told Esau: "Sell me, first of all, your right as firstborn! " One reference work says: "It means... to mark all the straw and leave all the grain to pick up what is valuable. o " ¡Déjame en paz! ' Trained by "the Faithful and Discreet Slave " or " let me be in peace! ' No debemos ser como la gente de "las naciones ." Ellos no creen de verdad que exista un Padre celestial que cuide con cariño a los que ponen el Reino en primer lugar en la vida. And how are our lives and happiness involved? We should not be like those of "the nations " who do not believe that a heavenly Father takes care of those who put Kingdom interests first in their lives. ¿ Qué trato dio Jehová a los descendientes de Abrahán, y por qué decimos que no dejó de lado a las personas de otras naciones? How we long for the time when all intelligent creation will treat Jehovah's name as holy! How did Jehovah deal with Abraham's descendants, and why do we say that he did not leave the people of other nations? Tenemos también el caso de una mujer que se crió en el seno de una familia que daba mucha importancia a la educación. How do you benefit personally as you share the good news with others? Consider also the example of a woman who was raised in the bosom of a family. El lenguaje de señas no es igual al braille ni es una pantomima. However, opposition soon mounted against their construction project. The sign language of sign - language publications is not like that of an alcoholic. Si confiamos en ellos, tal vez nos ocasionen graves problemas. " The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him, " states Isaiah 53: 5, "and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. " If we trust in them, we may cause serious problems. PÁGINA 27 An important doctrine that was given a pagan twist had to do with the identity of Jesus Christ. ARTICLE 4 Jehová, nuestra "plaza fuerte en el tiempo de angustia " These are the earthly subjects of the Kingdom. Jehovah - Our " strong in the Time of distress " En algunos casos pudiera deberse a que están reemplazando a cristianos ungidos que se han vuelto infieles (compárese con Revelación 3: 16). 11, 12. (Compare Revelation 3: 16.) 13, 14. a) ¿Qué situaciones fomentan la desunión en el matrimonio? He saw through their scheme and was not deceived. Four times he told his opposers: "I am not able to go down. 13, 14. (a) What situations promote a marriage? 18, 19. Jehovah foretold the unity of his people in these words: "I will conclude with them a covenant of peace; an indefinitely lasting covenant is what there will come to be with them. 18, 19. Antes de ascender al cielo, el resucitado Jesucristo se apareció a sus discípulos y les encomendó esta importante misión: "Vayan, por lo tanto, y hagan discípulos de gente de todas las naciones ." What arrangement was implemented in 1976? Before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples and entrusted them with this important assignment: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " ¿ Por qué no basta con decir a los hijos lo que está bien y lo que está mal? Offer such individuals literature in the language they speak. If possible, arrange for a Witness who speaks their language to visit them. Why is it not enough to tell children what is right and what is bad? Pero se dejaron desanimar enseguida por la oposición de los vecinos y la intervención del gobierno. Balance is needed for us to keep on serving Jehovah whole - souled Yet, they were quick to discourage the opposition of the neighbors and the favor of the government. Jacob le respondió: "¡Véndeme, ante todo, tu derecho de primogénito! ." Just as a house may be somewhat dirty or completely filthy, uncleanness has degrees. Jacob replied: "I pray, before all your right hand! " Preparados por "el esclavo fiel y discreto " The mountain, which is to the east of Jerusalem, splits in the sense that Jehovah establishes another rulership, a subsidiary one. Beed by "the Faithful and discreet slave " Además, ¿qué efecto tiene esto en nuestra vida y felicidad? That exclamation is commonly heard in Christendom's churches. What effect does this have on our life and happiness? Llegará el día en el que todos - seres humanos y ángeles - traten con respeto el santo el nombre de Dios. AS THE last days near their end, the wicked continue to "sprout like weeds. " The day will come when all humans - humans and angels - try to show respect for God's holy name. ¿ Cómo le beneficia a usted predicar las buenas nuevas? Under Jehovah's direction, Joseph and Mary protected Jesus from harm when he was a child. How do you benefit from preaching the good news? Sin embargo, los enemigos de la adoración verdadera comenzaron a oponerse más y más a la construcción del templo. Well, let us take note of some lessons that we might draw from these two Bible books. However, the enemies of true worship began to oppose more and more the construction of the temple. Isaías 53: 5 expresa así el efecto que ha tenido en nuestra relación con Dios la muerte de Cristo: "El castigo que era para [conseguir] nuestra paz estuvo sobre él, y a causa de sus heridas ha habido una curación para nosotros ." First, she showed respect for the customs of her new country by asking permission to glean. Isaiah 53: 5 expresses the effect of Christ's death: "The punishment that was for us was for our peace upon him, and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. " ¿ Qué enseñanzas terminaron siendo deformadas? Una de las principales tenía que ver con Jesucristo. In that unusual case, God intervened. One of the main teachings he had to do was that of Jesus Christ. Estos son los súbditos terrestres del Reino. In "the Lord's day, " beginning in 1914, a faithful remnant and their other sheep companions, now numbering millions, have also kept Jesus ' word by sharing zealously in the ministry and by holding fast to their integrity. These are the earthly subjects of the Kingdom. 11, 12. Will they too receive a resurrection? 11, 12. Intuyendo que era una trampa, no se dejó engañar y cuatro veces les respondió lo mismo: "No puedo bajar. Likewise, if we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, he promises to " make our paths straight ' as we walk alongside him. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. In a way that was a trap, he did not deceive them and said: "I cannot go down. Jehová predijo con estas palabras la unidad que existiría entre sus siervos: "Celebraré con ellos un pacto de paz; un pacto de duración indefinida es lo que llegará a haber con ellos. Only by doing so will we "succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur. " - Luke 21: 36. Jehovah foretold with these words: "I shall laud them with a covenant of peace; a lasting covenant that will come with them. Este análisis nos ayudará a servir a Jehová con alegría. And I will deliver you in that day,... and you will not be given into the hand of the men of whom you yourself are scared. This will help us to serve Jehovah joyfully. ¿ Qué sistema se estableció en 1976? But when we refuse to view, listen to, and read Scripturally unacceptable material, we are in effect saying: "Go away, Satan! " What arrangement was established in 1940 B.C.E.? Podemos ofrecerles publicaciones en su lengua y, si es posible, hacer que un Testigo que hable su idioma los visite. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 We can offer literature in our tongue and, if possible, make a Witness speak their language. Necesitamos equilibrio para continuar sirviendo a Jehová de todo corazón What did Jesus ' life course clearly demonstrate? We Need balance for Serving Jehovah with all our heart Tal como una casa puede estar un poco sucia o sumamente asquerosa, también hay diversos grados de inmundicia. That love (a·gaʹpe in Greek) is a moral love that takes into account duty, principle, and propriety, but it often includes strong emotion. Just as a house can be a little on his part or so many forms of uncleanness, so there may be various forms of uncleanness. La montaña, situada al este de Jerusalén, se parte en el sentido de que Jehová establece un nuevo gobierno: el Reino mesiánico. The younger son returned home after he quit his profligate life. The father treated him mercifully. The mountain, east of Jerusalem, is part of Jehovah's arrangement - the Messianic Kingdom. Esta exclamación suele escucharse en las iglesias de la cristiandad. What can help us to maintain our joy? Christendom's churches often listen to Christendom's churches. VIVIMOS cerca del fin de los últimos días. Las personas malas "brotan como la vegetación ." In fulfillment of Isaiah 42: 6, Jesus did indeed prove to be "a light of the nations. " WE LIVE near the end of the last days. Con la guía divina, José y María protegieron a Jesús de todo daño cuando era pequeño. Surely, then, we can display kindness if we "keep walking by spirit. " With God's guidance, Joseph and Mary brought Jesus out of all harm when he was small. Pues bien, tomemos nota de algunas lecciones que podemos extraer de estos dos libros bíblicos. They wanted to stake their claims to these positions of authority. Let us consider some lessons we can learn from these two books. En primer lugar, mostró que respetaba las costumbres de su nuevo país pidiendo permiso para rebuscar. The faithful patriarchs never adopted the degraded Canaanite life - style, for they had far higher goals and objectives. First, he showed respect for the customs of his new country for gleaning. Jehová le permitió vivir quince años más, pero su caso fue excepcional. The matter of thought content was considered more important than the adherence to a literary device that merely served as a memory aid. Jehovah allowed him to live 15 years ago, but his case was exceptional. En "el día del Señor ," el cual comenzó en 1914, un resto fiel y sus compañeros de las otras ovejas, quienes ya se cuentan por millones, también han guardado la palabra de Jesús al predicar celosamente y permanecer íntegros. When John the Baptizer came on the scene years later, his words and deeds led some to wonder if the Messiah had arrived. In "the Lord's day, " which began in 1914. ¿ Resucitarán también? [ Picture on page 12, 13] Will you too suffer? De igual manera, si confiamos en Jehová de todo corazón, él promete que "hará derechas [nuestras] sendas " mientras caminemos a su lado. Whether we are young or old, have just begun walking in the truth or have walked in it for years, we can promote the spiritual welfare of fellow believers - and they do need us. Similarly, if we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, he promises that "our right hand will make [our] paths straight " while we walk with him. Solo así "logr [aremos] escapar de todas estas cosas que están destinadas a suceder ." While we may benefit from legal freedoms, in what respects will we never compromise? Only then "to escape from all these things that are destined to occur. " Y de veras te libraré en aquel día [...], y no serás dado en la mano de los hombres de quienes tú mismo estás asustado. In the first - century congregation at Joppa, there was a generous woman named Dorcas. And I will actually deliver you at that day..., and you will not be given in the hand of the men of you yourself are afraid. Sin embargo, cuando nos negamos a leer, ver o escuchar cosas que son inaceptables para un cristiano, estamos diciendo "¡Vete, Satanás! ." • How do Christ's subjects show their loyalty to him? However, when we refuse to read, see, or listen to things that are unacceptable for a Christian, we are saying: "Go away, Satan! " ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO 1 Y 2 PÁGINAS 3 - 11 For instance, when Jehovah decreed that the entire apostate dynasty of King Jeroboam was to be executed, cleared away like "dung, " He ordered that just one of the king's sons, Abijah, be given a decent burial. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 ¿ Qué dejó claro Jesús por su manera de vivir? Our attention is drawn to an altar of sacrifice. At its base are "the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness work that they used to have. " How did Jesus make clear his way of life? Ese tipo de amor (llamado en griego agápe) es de orden moral, es decir, está gobernado por principios y por el sentido del deber y de la corrección. July 11 - 17, 2011 Such love is characterized by moral order, principles, and the sense of duty and correction. El padre del relato trató con misericordia a su hijo menor cuando este regresó al hogar después de abandonar su vida disoluta. Neither because they are Abraham's seed [offspring] are they all children [part of the Abrahamic seed]... The father in the account dealt with his younger son after he returned home after he returned home from his former life. ¿ Qué es lo que nos permite mantener el gozo? If your parents ' problems cannot be resolved, changes may need to be made in their care or living arrangements. What enables us to maintain joy? En cumplimiento de la profecía de Isaías 42: 6, Jesús fue la "luz de las naciones ." Then they would plead: "Do not remember our error forever. In fulfillment of Isaiah 42: 6, Jesus was "a light of the nations. " Por lo tanto, es de esperar que quienes " andamos por espíritu ' seamos bondadosos. This will help us to show fellow feeling, in harmony with the inspired counsel: "If a member is glorified, all the other members rejoice with it. " Therefore, it is to expect those " walking by spirit " to be kind. Querían dejar claro que deseaban estos puestos de autoridad. 18, 19. (a) What counsel is mentioned at Ephesians 4: 1 - 3? They wanted to make it clear that they wanted such positions of authority. Los fieles patriarcas jamás adoptaron el degradado estilo de vida de los cananeos, pues sus metas y objetivos eran mucho más elevados. [ Picture on page 18] Faithful patriarchs never adopted the pagan lifestyle of the Canaanites, for their goals and goals were far more elevated. El significado del contenido era más importante que ceñirse a una técnica literaria cuyo único objetivo era facilitar la memorización. In 617 B.C.E., the nation of Judah was in a bad spiritual state. The meaning of the contents was more important than adhering to a word that was only intended to heal. Años más tarde, Juan el Bautista aparece en escena. And he will learn that the pain he suffered as he prepared to sacrifice Isaac has helped millions of faithful people to imagine Jehovah's own pain as he provided his Son, Jesus Christ, as the ransom. Later, John the Baptizer appears in a scene. [ Ilustración de las páginas 12 y 13] Suppose you learn that a brother was offended by something you said or did. [ Picture on page 12, 13] Sin importar nuestra edad o el tiempo que llevemos siendo Testigos, podemos contribuir al bienestar espiritual de nuestros hermanos, quienes sin lugar a dudas nos necesitan. (b) What other Bible accounts illustrate that Jehovah is impartial? Regardless of whether we are Witnesses of Jehovah, we can contribute to the spiritual well - being of fellow believers, including those in need. Aunque disfrutemos de ciertas libertades, ¿en qué aspectos no cederemos nunca? By all means, be determined not to look at images that would tempt you to do wrong. Although we enjoy certain freedom, in what ways will we not yield? Si algún hermano está pasando necesidad, quizás podríamos tenderle la mano. Concerning Satan, the apostle Paul says: "If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. " If a fellow believer is in need, he may be able to look hand his hand. • ¿Cómo le demuestran lealtad sus súbditos? How did Jesus imitate Jehovah in showing appreciation? • How do you show loyalty to your subjects? Por ejemplo, cuando Jehová decretó que se ejecutara a toda la dinastía apóstata del rey Jeroboán, o se la removiera como "estiércol ," ordenó que el único hijo del rey que debía recibir un entierro digno era Abías. [ Picture on page 12] For example, when Jehovah decreed that the king's king was to be executed, the king's king would be buried as "the firstborn of the king, " he ordered that the only son of the king to receive a prominent king. Se nos dice que al pie de un altar de sacrificios están "las almas de los que habían sido degollados a causa de la palabra de Dios y a causa de la obra de testimonio que solían tener ." Imitate the Great Teacher We are told that the foot of an altar of sacrifices is "the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the work they used. " 11 - 17 de julio de 2011 Would you please read Genesis chapter 3, verses 1 through 5? July 11 - 17, 2011 Ni porque son descendencia de Abrahán son todos hijos [o sea, parte de la descendencia de Abrahán] [...]. This new people bearing Jehovah's name would include both Jewish and non - Jewish believers. Not for they are all sons of Abraham, part of Abraham's seed... Si los problemas de salud de los padres no se alivian, quizás haya que hacer cambios en la atención que reciben. Paul was moved to declare: "The God who made the world and all the things in it... gives to all people life and breath and all things.... If a parent's health problems are not corrected, he may need to make changes in his attention. En aquel tiempo le rogarían a Dios: "No te acuerdes para siempre de nuestro error. Why must we remain neutral? At that time, they would pray: "Do not remind you of our error. Esto nos ayudará a mostrar empatía, en armonía con estas palabras: "Si un miembro es glorificado, todos los demás miembros se regocijan con él ." Where are we going? This will help us to show empathy, in line with these words: "If a member is glorified, all the other members rejoice with him. " 18, 19. a) ¿Qué consejo encontramos en Efesios 4: 1 - 3? Says Micah, in part: "It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it peoples must stream.... 18, 19. (a) What counsel is found at Ephesians 4: 1 - 3? [ Ilustración de la página 18] We started communicating again, resumed our family study, and became regular at meetings. The elders were kind and very helpful. [ Picture on page 18] Corría el año 617 antes de nuestra era; los habitantes de Judá estaban muy enfermos en sentido espiritual. We know that we can have forgiveness of sins, a clean conscience, an approved relationship with God, and the prospect of eternal life. - John 14: 6; Romans 6: 23; Hebrews 9: 24 - 28; 1 Peter 3: 21. The year was 617 B.C.E.; the inhabitants of Judah were very sick spiritually. Le dirán también que el dolor que sufrió cuando estaba a punto de matar a Isaac ayudó a millones de personas a entender cómo se sintió Jehová al sacrificar a Jesús para rescatarnos. Because of obeying such commands, God's servants on earth today now number some seven million. You will also tell him that the pain he suffered when he was about to kill Isaac helped millions to understand Jehovah's feelings for Jesus. Imagine que se entera de que un hermano se molestó por algo que usted dijo o hizo. 1, 2. Imagine that a brother said or did something that you did or did. b) ¿Qué otros relatos bíblicos reflejan la imparcialidad de Jehová? They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works. " (b) What other Bible accounts reflect Jehovah's impartiality? Por eso, tome la firme decisión de no contemplar imágenes que puedan llevarlo a pecar. Submission in the face of ridicule and abuse may be viewed as evidence of weakness. So make a firm decision not to see images that could lead to sin. Refiriéndose a Satanás, el apóstol Pablo dice: "Ahora, si las buenas nuevas que declaramos están de hecho veladas, están veladas entre los que están pereciendo, entre quienes el dios de este sistema de cosas ha cegado las mentes de los incrédulos, para que no pase a ellos la iluminación de las gloriosas buenas nuevas acerca del Cristo, que es la imagen de Dios ." Why? Referring to Satan, the apostle Paul says: "Now if the good news we declare is in fact, it is lying among those who are slaughtered, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they may not shine through the glorious image of the Christ, who is glorious God. " ¿ Cómo imitó Jesús a Jehová en lo referente a mostrar aprecio? Abraham, who was described as "Jehovah's friend, " was a man of outstanding faith. How did Jesus imitate Jehovah in showing appreciation? [ Ilustración de la página 12] It was the first translation of the Bible and one of the most important. [ Picture on page 12] Imitemos al Gran Maestro For example, one scholar observes: "The inference of God's commands in [Genesis 2: 16, 17] is that only God knows what is good... for humanity and only God knows what is not good... for them. Imitate the Great Teacher ¿ Quiere leer Génesis, capítulo 3, versículos 1 al 5? Yes, as we will see in the next article. Would you please read Genesis chapter 3, verses 1? Este nuevo pueblo que llevaría el nombre de Jehová incluiría tanto a judíos como a no judíos. [ Credit Line] This new people would include both Jews and non - Jews. Sin embargo, Pablo les habló del "Dios que hizo el mundo y todas las cosas que hay en él ." However, we should not assume that we are too flawed to maintain integrity. However, Paul spoke of "the God who made the world and all the things in it. " ¿ Por qué debemos ser neutrales? Who, then, is to have the things you stored up? " Why must we remain neutral? ¿ Adónde vamos? " He Is Useful to Me " Where will we go? El pasaje dice: "En la parte final de los días tiene que suceder que la montaña de la casa de Jehová llegará a estar firmemente establecida por encima de la cumbre de las montañas, y ciertamente será alzada por encima de las colinas; y a ella tendrán que afluir pueblos. [...] Many of them put their life on hold to serve there. The passage says: "In the final part of the days the mountain of the house of Jehovah must become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it peoples must stream... Volvimos a comunicarnos, reanudamos nuestro estudio de familia y empezamos a asistir regularmente a las reuniones. How are prayers answered? We resume our family study and began attending meetings regularly. Sabemos que Dios nos ofrece el perdón de los pecados, una conciencia limpia, una buena relación con él y, en el futuro, vida eterna. For example, do we keep in mind the scores of brothers, sisters, and at times even children who are in prison in Eritrea, including the three brothers - Paulos Eyassu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam - who have been imprisoned there for over 20 years? We know that God offers forgiveness of sins, a clean conscience, a good relationship with him, and everlasting life in the future. Gracias a que obedecen tales mandamientos, los siervos de Dios ascienden ya a unos siete millones por todo el mundo. What is the theme of Psalm 119, and how is this song designed? Because they obey these commandments, God's servants are now joined by some seven million people throughout the world. 1, 2. With cunning they secretly plot against your people; they conspire against your treasured ones. 1, 2. Declaran públicamente que conocen a Dios, pero por sus obras lo repudian ." Like Joshua and the writer of Psalm 119, we can find happiness and success by praising Jehovah and trusting in his word. They publicly acknowledge that they know God, but by their works they reject him. " Tal vez haya quien crea que mantener una actitud sumisa frente a las burlas y los insultos es una muestra de debilidad. How Would You Answer? Some may feel that maintaining a submissive attitude toward ridicule and abusive speech is an expression of weakness. ¿ Por qué razón? The message in God's written Word is "sharper than any two - edged sword. " Why? Abrahán, a quien se le llamó "amigo de Jehová ," tuvo una fe extraordinaria. • In a general sense, what "valueless things " should we repudiate? Abraham, who was called "Jehovah's friend, " had a remarkable faith. Por ejemplo, uno de ellos indica que Génesis 2: 16, 17 nos enseña que "solo Dios sabe lo que es bueno [...] para los hombres y lo que no es bueno [...] para ellos. " I have friends in other countries, and the best way I can keep in touch with them is by social networking. For example, one of them shows that Genesis 2: 16, 17 teaches us that "God knows what is good for men and what is not good for them.... Eso es lo que examinaremos en el próximo artículo. [ Picture on page 18] That is what we will consider in the following article. [ Reconocimiento] in the August 8, 1995, issue of Awake! [ Credit Line] Recordemos que aunque somos imperfectos, podemos estar entre esas personas. If an Israelite's sacrifice was a voluntary manifestation of sincere gratitude to Jehovah or, as in the case of a burnt offering, a request for his approval, then making the appropriate choice of animal would likely present no challenge. Although we are imperfect, we can be among those whom we are imperfect. Entonces, ¿quién ha de tener las cosas que almacenaste? ." Our publications, Christian meetings, appointed men - these are wonderful provisions from Jehovah. Who, then, is to have the things you treasure? " " Me es útil " 3: 1 - 6. " It Is useful " Algunos sirvieron allí dos semanas, otros varios meses y algunos un año e incluso más. Their first son, Cain, married one of his female relatives. Some spent two weeks, several months, and a year and more. ¿ Cómo contesta Dios las oraciones? Perhaps Paul is also thinking about the events of the past few months. How does God answer prayers? Paulos Eyassu, Isaac Mogos y Negede Teklemariam llevan más de veinte años presos. On average, over 20,000 people each month get baptized as Witnesses of Jehovah. Over 20 years ago, his Isaac, Isaac, and his wife live in an effort to find more than 20 years ago. ¿ Cuál es el tema central del Salmo 119, y cuál es su estructura? " A king's heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah, " says Proverbs 21: 1. What is the central theme of Psalm 119, and what is its structure? Contra tu pueblo astutamente continúan su habla confidencial; y conspiran contra aquellos a quienes ocultas. Because all dedicated Christians serve the same King, Jehovah, and must live up to the same standards. Against your people they continue their confidential talk; and writing against those who hide it. Al igual que Josué y el autor del Salmo 119, seremos felices y tendremos éxito en la vida si alabamos a Jehová y confiamos en su palabra. (b) What shows that Jehovah has answered Jesus ' prayer? Like Joshua and the writer of Psalm 119, we will be happy and will be successful in praising Jehovah and trusting in his word. ¿ Qué respondería? How can you improve your skills? How Would You Answer? El mensaje de la Palabra escrita de Dios es "más agud [o] que toda espada de dos filos ." Did they miss out on the inspection? The message of God's written Word is "more than any two - edged sword. " • En un sentido amplio, ¿cuáles son las cosas que nada valen? The Bible states: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " • In a general sense, what are valueless things? " Tengo amigos en el extranjero, y la mejor manera de mantenernos en comunicación es mediante las redes sociales. Proverbs 22: 3 states: "Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself. " " I have friends in foreign lands, and the best way to stay in communication is through social networking. [ Ilustración de la página 18] Paul knew that Agrippa was nominally a Jew. [ Picture on page 18] del 8 de agosto de 1995. But he said that I shouldn't read them because Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus. August 8, 1995. ¿ Por qué razón? Podía ser porque estaban agradecidos a Jehová o, como sucedía con las ofrendas quemadas, porque deseaban su aprobación. The apostle Paul wrote: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " Could it be that they were thankful to Jehovah or, as was true of the burnt offering, because they desired his approval? Nuestras publicaciones, las reuniones cristianas y los varones nombrados son maravillosos dones de Jehová. 61: 1, 2; 2 Cor. 6: 2. Heartfelt Joy Our publications, Christian meetings, and appointed men are wonderful gifts of Jehovah. 3: 1 - 6. This zealous couple then went to Rome, where they again opened their home for congregation meetings. 3: 1 - 6. Su primer hijo, Caín, se casó con una de sus familiares. 3, 4. His first son Cain married one of his relatives. Es posible que Pablo también pensara en cómo acabó en Filipos. 1 Settle Differences in a Spirit of Love Paul may have had in mind the consequences of his imprisonment in Philippi. Como promedio, todos los meses se bautizan más de veinte mil nuevos testigos de Jehová. All humans have faults that can hurt others. On average, every month more than 20 new Witnesses of Jehovah were baptized each month. No podemos caer en el mismo error que Coré. Is it because he needs praise from humans? We cannot fall into the same way that Korah did. " El corazón de un rey es como corrientes de agua en la mano de Jehová - dice Proverbios 21: 1 - . • What does our baptism symbolize? " The heart of a king is as streams of water in Jehovah's hand, " says Proverbs 21: 1 - 21. Porque todos los cristianos dedicados sirven al mismo Rey, Jehová, y deben regirse por las mismas normas. He wrote: "Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude, singing in your hearts to Jehovah. " - Col. Because all dedicated Christians serve the same King, Jehovah, and they must live by the same standards. b) ¿Cómo sabemos que Jehová ha respondido la oración de Jesús? For example, in the wake of last year's terrorist attack in New York City, one Christian sister was sharing Psalm 46: 1, 11 with the people she met in her ministry. (b) How do we know that Jehovah has responded to Jesus ' prayer? ¿ Cómo puedes hacerte más hábil? (b) in our dealings with neighbors? How can you become more skillful? ¿ Se perderían la oportunidad de que se les inspeccionara? That spirit also brings back to our mind Scriptural thoughts that we need in order to resist temptation. Would they lose the opportunity to inspect themselves? La Biblia declara: "Un compañero verdadero ama en todo tiempo, y es un hermano nacido para cuando hay angustia ." Some of the people new to our area have become interested in Bible truth, and they have joined us in worshipping Jehovah. The Bible states: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " Proverbios 22: 3 dice: "Sagaz es el que ha visto [venir] la calamidad y procede a ocultarse ." Yet, the fact that Paul urges us to work "whole - souled as to Jehovah " makes us think about our entire course of life. Proverbs 22: 3 says: "The one that has seen the calamity and comes to refuge. " Pablo sabía que, aunque fuera de nombre, Agripa era judío. Besides the calamities common to all humans, true Christians carry the figurative torture stake. Paul knew that even though he was name, Agrippa was Jewish. Yo le dije que se lo preguntaría a usted cuando volviera. Advances in computer technology, including the development of MEPS (Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System), have assisted us in this vast endeavor. I told my parents that they asked you when I return. Pablo nos avisa: "Cuidado: quizás haya alguien que se los lleve como presa suya mediante la filosofía y el vano engaño según la tradición de los hombres, según las cosas elementales del mundo y no según Cristo ." He spoke of " drifting away ' and of " drawing away. ' Paul warns us: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " " El regocijo de mi corazón " Although totally unaccustomed to war, the Israelites had to engage in their first military action as a freed people. " The rejoicing of My Heart " Este fervoroso matrimonio se mudó luego a Roma, donde también abrieron las puertas de su hogar para las reuniones. The world has nothing that can rightly be compared with our spiritual paradise. This earnest marriage moved to Rome, where the doors of their home were opened for congregation meetings. 3, 4. What self - examination would be beneficial? 3, 4. 3 Resolvamos los desacuerdos con amor The Messiah's betrayer would receive 30 pieces of silver - the price of a slave! ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Book of Genesis - II Todos tenemos defectos que pueden hacerles daño a otros. A SPIRIT of independence and disobedience permeates the world today. All of us have faults that can harm others. ¿ Acaso precisa la alabanza de los seres humanos? What evidence of Jehovah's dignity and splendor do we see in the heavens? Is the praise of humans really needed? • ¿Qué representa el bautismo? How can you be "nourished with the words of the faith "? • What does baptism represent? Por otro lado, Pablo escribió: "Sigan enseñándose y amonestándose [o animándose] unos a otros con salmos, alabanzas a Dios, canciones espirituales con gracia, cantando en sus corazones a Jehová ." Seizing a hand mill or its upper grindstone as a pledge was likened to seizing "a soul " On the other hand, Paul wrote: "Keep teaching and teaching one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs with graciousness, singing in your hearts to Jehovah. " Por ejemplo, tras los ataques terroristas que el año pasado sacudieron la ciudad de Nueva York, cierta hermana leía a quienes hallaba en su ministerio las palabras de Salmo 46: 1, 11. So he said exactly how many sheep were left behind while the owner searched for a stray, how many hours workers labored in the vineyard, and how many talents were given in trust. - Matthew 18: 12 - 14; 20: 1 - 16; 25: 14 - 30. For example, after the U.S.E., one sister read those in her ministry at Psalm 46: 1, 11. b) con los vecinos? Yes, unlike imperfect human rulers, who often lead privileged lives at the expense of their subjects, Jesus gave his very life for mankind. - Matt. (b) neighbors? Además, mediante él nos hace recordar ideas bíblicas que necesitamos para resistir la tentación. (See opening image 2.) (b) What does the woman inside the ephah container represent, and why is she confined and sealed away? And by means of him, we can recall Scriptural points that we need to resist temptation. Un buen número de inmigrantes se han interesado en la verdad bíblica y ya están adorando a Jehová junto con nosotros. In the end, though, Absalom's arrogance led to his own downfall. Many immigrants have been interested in Bible truth and are now worshipping Jehovah alongside us. Sin embargo, Pablo nos exhorta a realizarlas "de toda alma como para Jehová ," lo cual debería ponernos a reflexionar sobre todos los aspectos de la vida. Jesus told his apostles: "My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " However, Paul exhorted us to "give out every soul as to Jehovah, " which should move us to reflect on all aspects of life. Además de los problemas comunes a todo ser humano, los cristianos verdaderos soportamos nuestro madero de tormento simbólico. If a soldier did not have a large shield to protect himself from such missiles, he could be gravely injured or even killed. In addition to the common problems common to all humans, true Christians bear our torture stake. Ahora bien, nuestra responsabilidad es anunciar las buenas nuevas del Reino a personas de todos los países, de ahí que traduzcamos nuestras publicaciones a unos setecientos idiomas. He expressed compassion for those who came to him and comforted them with kind words, healing many physically. However, our responsibility is to preach the good news of the Kingdom to people of all lands, so we use our literature to some 90 languages. Habló de ser llevado "a la deriva " y de" alejarse " de Jehová. With the help of its influence and by taking full advantage of all of Jehovah's provisions to keep us on the right path spiritually, we can succeed in resisting the satanic spirit of this wicked world. - Gal. 5: 16. He spoke of being " drifting away " and" turning away from Jehovah. " Aunque carecían de experiencia en el combate, se vieron en la necesidad de defenderse peleando su primera guerra como nación libre. The sinner had evidently repented and cleaned up his life. Although they had no experience in warfare, they saw the need to defend their first war as a free nation. Nada de lo que ofrece el mundo puede comparársele. 13: 1, 7. Fittingly, Jehovah's Witnesses willingly render honor to public servants, even as it may be expected and as may be customary in the land. Nothing about what the world offers can be likened to it. ¿ Por qué debemos examinarnos con regularidad? Will humans eventually destroy the earth? Why should we regularly examine ourselves? Sería traicionado por el precio de un esclavo: 30 monedas de plata. 9: 37. How would you describe urgency? It would be betrayed for a slave - 30 coins of silver. EL MUNDO está impregnado del espíritu de independencia y desobediencia. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded. " - Psalm 37: 28. THE world is filled with the spirit of independence and disobedience. ¿ Cómo percibimos el esplendor y la dignidad de Jehová al pensar en el cielo? Help From the Chief of the Angels How do we perceive Jehovah's splendor and dignity in heaven? ¿ Y qué debes hacer tú para estar "nutrido con las palabras de la fe "? That figurative Daystar, or "bright morning star, " is the glorified Jesus Christ. And what must you do to be "filled with the words of the faith "? Apoderarse del molino de mano o de la muela superior de este como prenda era como apoderarse de "un alma " She told Naomi: "Do not plead with me to abandon you, to turn back from accompanying you; for where you go I shall go, and where you spend the night I shall spend the night. The power to earn the hand or the higher garment of this garment was like a striving for "a soul " to get along with it. Así, indicó exactamente cuántas ovejas dejó atrás el dueño que fue a buscar la que se había perdido, cuántas horas trabajaron los jornaleros en la viña y cuántos talentos se confiaron a los esclavos. I have learned that Jehovah will not let you be tempted beyond what you can handle. Thus, he indicated how many sheep left behind the owner who had lost his load, how long the workers worked on the vineyard and how many talents entrusted to the slaves! A diferencia de los gobernantes de este mundo, que suelen disfrutar de muchos privilegios a costa de los ciudadanos, Jesús se sacrificó por toda la humanidad. Do You Recall? Unlike the rulers of this world, they often enjoy many privileges of Kingdom citizens, Jesus sacrificed himself for all mankind. (Vea el dibujo número 2). b) ¿Qué representa la mujer que está dentro del recipiente? c) ¿Por qué encierra el ángel a la mujer en el recipiente? A married couple said, "Every Thursday night for the last four weeks, something happened in our family that almost stopped us from having our study, but we did not let it interfere. " (See opening image.) (b) What does the woman represent inside the container, and why does the angel bring the woman into the container? Jesús les dijo a los apóstoles: "Mi Padre es glorificado en esto, que ustedes sigan llevando mucho fruto ." An elder who had served for years but who lost his privileges of service stated: "I was determined to maintain the same level of meeting attendance, field service, and Bible reading I had while serving as an elder - a goal I was able to achieve. Jesus told the apostles: "My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " El soldado que careciera de un escudo grande para protegerse de ellos podía resultar muerto o gravemente herido. To many, it is inconceivable that the Creator of our vast universe allows humans to walk with him in a spiritual sense. A soldier who had a large shield could protect his wife from death or hurt her. Por ejemplo, su amor y su humildad hacían que los mansos lo buscaran. Be about settling matters quickly. " His love and humility made the meek ones search for him. Si dejamos que esta fuerza influya en nosotros y aprovechamos todos los medios que nos brinda Jehová, nos mantendremos en el buen camino y lograremos oponernos al espíritu satánico de este mundo malo. Remembering that God is aware of all our thoughts and actions will reinforce our desire to please him and to remain chaste. - Read Matthew 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13. If we allow ourselves to be influenced by the spirit of this wicked world to influence us and take advantage of all the provisions that Jehovah provides, we will stay on the right course, and we will resist the spirit of this wicked world. Todo indica que aquel pecador se había arrepentido y volvía a llevar una vida limpia. As grateful recipients of Jehovah's kindness, we owe it to him and to our neighbor to use our gifts to honor God and benefit our fellow man. Evidently, the sinner had repented and was again restored to a clean life. Es apropiado que los testigos de Jehová estemos dispuestos a honrar a estos servidores públicos, y a hacerlo como se espere y sea costumbre en el lugar. 1: 14, 28. Jehovah Will Guard His Loyal Ones It is proper for Jehovah's Witnesses to be willing to honor these public servants, to honor these public servants, and to do so as to be moderate in the proper place. ¿ Terminaremos destruyendo la Tierra? Likewise, our bold and fearless witnessing is deeply rooted in love of God and love of neighbor. - Matt. Will the earth destroy it? ¿ Qué ejemplos ilustran lo que es la urgencia? With Jehovah's backing, Joshua was able to lead God's people into the Promised Land and to victory over all their enemies. What examples illustrate the urgency of urgency? Hasta tiempo indefinido ciertamente serán guardados ." He did not change his spiritual routine - his habit of praying to God "three times in a day,... as he had been regularly doing " - even for one month, although that meant being thrown into the lions ' pit. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded. " La ayuda del arcángel After all, why did Jehovah create us with a hunger for personal accomplishment and wholesome pleasures if he did not intend to have us satisfy these desires to the full? The Help of the archangel Aquel lucero figurado, o "brillante estrella de la mañana ," es el glorificado Jesucristo. He organized a nationwide construction program, overseeing the building of palaces, roads, waterworks, storage cities, chariot cities, and cities for the horsemen. This symbolic storm, or " comes from morning, " is the glorified Jesus Christ. Por eso le dijo a Noemí: "No me instes con ruegos a que te abandone, a que me vuelva de acompañarte; porque a donde tú vayas yo iré, y donde tú pases la noche yo pasaré la noche. Patience helps us to endure until we gain salvation, no matter how much time remains in this system. So he told Naomi: "Do not urge me to abandon you, that I may return to accompany you; for to where I shall go, and where you may go the night. He aprendido que Jehová no permite que seamos tentados más allá de lo que podemos soportar. Having a look at the splendor of all the world's kingdoms might induce Jesus to give in to a desire for worldly prominence. I have learned that Jehovah does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. ¿ Recuerda usted? It is possible that some correctly understood a Messianic prophecy involving "seventy weeks. " Do You Recall? Una pareja comentó: "Los últimos cuatro jueves por la noche surgió algo inesperado que por poco nos hizo suspender el estudio, pero no lo permitimos ." 3: 16 - What is suggested by the expression: "With gravel he makes my teeth get broken "? One couple observed: "The last four will come to an extremely unexpected event that did not get the study, but we do not allow it. " Un hermano explica lo que hizo cuando, tras años de servicio, dejó de ser superintendente: "Me propuse seguir asistiendo a las reuniones, predicando las buenas nuevas y leyendo la Biblia al mismo grado que cuando era anciano, y lo conseguí. Yet, remembering that the Kingdom arrangement can overcome all obstacles will strengthen us to endure. One brother explains what took place after serving as an elder, "I decided to continue attending meetings, preaching the good news, and read the Bible to the extent that I was an elder. A muchos les resulta inconcebible que el Creador de nuestro infinito universo permita que, espiritualmente hablando, los seres humanos caminemos con él; sin embargo, eso es justo lo que quiere que hagamos. He should participate in the field ministry with them on a regular basis. Many wonder, though, that the Creator of our last universe allows us to find spiritual refreshment, but humans will walk with him; yet, that is just what he wants us to do. Ocúpate en arreglar prestamente los asuntos ." Read Proverbs 22: 4. Be quick to settle matters. " Eso demostraría falta de amor. Si recordamos que Dios conoce todos nuestros pensamientos y acciones, desearemos con más fuerza agradarle y permanecer castos (lea Mateo 5: 27, 28; Hebreos 4: 13). To clarify the expression "spiritually - minded " further, think of this comparison: An individual who is skillful in commercial affairs is said to be business - minded. (Read Matthew 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13.) Ya que estamos agradecidos a Jehová por la bondad que nos ha mostrado, sentimos que debemos usar nuestros dones para honrarlo y para hacer el bien a los demás. Would Jehovah have listened to Abraham's pleas if they were out of harmony with his own view? Because we are grateful for Jehovah's goodness, we feel compelled to use our gifts to honor him and to do good to others. Jehová protegerá a sus siervos leales Through what channel is Jesus feeding us today, and why is it vital that we recognize that channel? Jehovah Safeguards His Loyal Servants Del mismo modo, nosotros predicamos con valor porque amamos a Dios y al prójimo. What example did Rebekah set for us? Similarly, we muster up boldness because we love God and our neighbor. Gracias al apoyo de Jehová, Josué logró introducir en la Tierra Prometida al pueblo elegido y obtener la victoria sobre sus enemigos. 4: 11. (a) How were God's sheep being treated in the days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah? With Jehovah's backing, Joshua entered the Promised Land and gained the victory over his enemies. Este profeta se negó a cambiar su programa de actividades espirituales, lo que incluía orar "tres veces al día ," algo que" había estado haciendo regularmente ." No. Jeremiah refused to change his spiritual routine. Después de todo, Jehová nos creó con el deseo de sentirnos realizados y disfrutar de la vida al máximo. Él puso en nosotros ese deseo y él se encargará de satisfacerlo. After all, we have been invited "to walk in modesty with [our] God. " After all, Jehovah created us with the desire to be satisfied and happy in our life. He puts it in our desire to satisfy it. Organizó un programa de construcción a escala nacional. The Bible assures us that we can when "we ask according to [God's] will. " - 1 John 5: 14. He organized a program of building national construction. La paciencia nos ayudará a aguantar hasta obtener la salvación, sin importar cuánto tiempo le quede a este sistema. In addition, an eight - hour program combining color slides and motion pictures was prepared. Patience will help us to endure until we gain salvation, regardless of how long it is to come to this system of things. Pensó que al contemplar el esplendor de los reinos de su tiempo, Cristo cedería al deseo de recibir la gloria de este mundo. Cultivating aspects of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater degree can also be an excellent goal to pursue. He thought that seeing the splendor of the kingdoms of his time, Christ would yield to the desire to receive the glory of this world. ¿ Por qué piensan algunos que es el momento de que aparezca Cristo? What Are Your Answers? Why do some think that it is the time for Christ to appear? 3: 16. ¿ Qué quiere decir la expresión: "Con grava hace que se me quiebren los dientes "? But as for Judah, it came to the watchtower of the wilderness. 3: 16 - What is meant by the statement: "My teeth make it easier? " Aun así, saber que el Reino supera cualquier obstáculo nos da fuerzas para aguantar. Definitely refrain from making anyone feel pressured to drink something that might bite "just like a serpent. " Still, knowing that the Kingdom under any challenge gives us the strength to endure. Y además de dirigir estas sesiones de estudio bíblico, deben acompañarlos regularmente al ministerio. When Samuel caught sight of Jesse's firstborn, Eliab, he felt sure that he had found the one whom God had chosen. In addition to conducting these study sessions, they should regularly share in the ministry regularly. (Lea Proverbios 22: 4). After considering this for a moment, the first brother responded, "You are right. " Read Proverbs 22: 4. El siguiente ejemplo nos ayudará a entender mejor qué significa ser espiritual. Cuando alguien está muy interesado en la música, se dice que tiene inclinación musical. Yes, in every environment and in every circumstance, true Christians, through their obedience, continue to make Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. The following example will help us to understand more fully what it means to be spiritually interested in music. ¿ Habría escuchado Jehová los ruegos de Abrahán si no hubieran coincidido con su propio criterio? 19, 20. Would Jehovah have listened to Abraham's supplications if they had not engaged in his own judgment? ¿ Por medio de qué conducto nos alimenta Jesús hoy, y por qué es vital que identifiquemos ese conducto? Jehovah never changes; he is dependable. Through what channel does Jesus feed us today, and why is this vital? ¿ Qué ejemplo nos dejó Rebeca? THOUSANDS of Bible students make their dedication to Jehovah and get baptized. What example did Rebekah set for us? a) ¿Qué clase de trato recibían las ovejas de Dios en los días de Ezequiel y Jeremías? " If only my lord were before the prophet that is in Samaria! " she said. (a) How did God's sheep in Ezekiel's day and Jeremiah treat God's sheep? No. Yet, the apostle Paul points out that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " No. Al fin y al cabo, se nos invita a ser modestos al andar con Dios. How can we be sure that our love is genuine? After all, we are invited to be modest in walking with God. La Biblia dice que sí, pero siempre y cuando "lo que pidamos [sea] conforme a su voluntad ." As 1 John 4: 19 says, "he first loved us. " The Bible says that yes, but when "we pray according to his will, " we can" do according to his will. " Además, se preparó un programa de ocho horas que combinaba diapositivas a color con películas. " The faithful and discreet slave " has organized relief committees to care for our brothers who may be affected by natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or tsunamis. It was also prepared for eight hours that involved coloral color. Además, podríamos ponernos la meta de cultivar a mayor grado el fruto del espíritu. The evil ways of "that woman Jezebel " must be avoided Moreover, we could pursue the goal of cultivating the fruitage of God's spirit. ¿ Qué respondería? Well of Harod How Would You Answer? Pero en cuanto a Judá, llegó a la atalaya del desierto. • 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4 But as for Judah, he came to the watch of the wilderness. Y desde luego, nunca haga que nadie se sienta presionado a beber; no olvide que, en muchas ocasiones, el alcohol "muerde justamente como una serpiente ." * And never allow anyone to feel under pressure to drink, so do not forget that in many times, alcohol "is washed just like a serpent. " En cuanto Samuel vio al primogénito, Eliab, estuvo seguro de haber encontrado al elegido de Dios. His main concern is the glorification of his heavenly Father, and this harmonizes with the first request in Jesus ' model prayer: "Father, let your name be sanctified. " As Samuel saw the firstborn boy, Samuel was sure that he had found God's chosen name. El hermano ofendido lo pensó un momento y dijo: "Tienes razón ." This refers to the final outcome for the weeds. The offended brother thought about a moment and said: "You must have reason. " En efecto, en todo lugar y circunstancia, los verdaderos cristianos siguen regocijando con su obediencia el corazón de Jehová. It was God's heavenly Kingdom made up of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 corulers. Yes, in every place and under circumstances, true Christians continue to rejoice with their obedience to Jehovah. 19, 20. Separating from one's marriage partner should not be viewed lightly. 19, 20. Jehová nunca cambia; es totalmente confiable. Jesus was here discussing the subject of love, and he told listeners to imitate God and be perfect, or complete, in their love. How? Jehovah never changes; it is absolutely reliable. TODOS los años, miles de estudiantes de la Biblia se dedican a Jehová y se bautizan. Reverential fear of Jehovah will motivate you to reject any wayward course. WHEN thousands of Bible students dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized, thousands of Bible students dedicate themselves to him and get baptized. La niña exclamó: "¡Si solo mi señor estuviera delante del profeta que hay en Samaria! Having a regular share in the Christian ministry can also help us to be humble. The girl exclaimed: "If my lord were before the prophet who is in Samaria! El apóstol Pablo indica, de todas formas, que "el amor al dinero es raíz de toda suerte de cosas perjudiciales ." Why should we thank Jehovah for the happy association we enjoy in our congregations? The apostle Paul states: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " ¿ Cómo podemos asegurarnos de que nuestro amor es verdadero? Literature display carts, stands, tables, and kiosks have been acquired through the Hong Kong branch office and distributed worldwide How can we make sure that our love is real? Como señala 1 Juan 4: 19, "él nos amó primero ." " Let us not give up in doing what is fine. " - GAL. As indicated at 1 John 4: 19, "he loved us first. " " El esclavo fiel y discreto " establece comités para socorrer a nuestros hermanos afectados por huracanes, terremotos, tsunamis y otras catástrofes naturales. The rebel became the great Adversary, Satan (Resister), Devil (Slanderer), serpent (deceiver), and dragon (devourer). - Rev. 12: 9. " The faithful and discreet slave " makes arrangements to help fellow believers to deal with earthquakes, earthquakes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Debemos evitar la malvada conducta de "aquella mujer Jezabel " A woman in India accepted a Bible study and in time qualified as an unbaptized publisher. We must guard against the wicked conduct of "that woman Jezebel " Pozo de Harod " We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations, " said Paul and Barnabas. Well of Door • 1 Timoteo 1: 3, 4 We know that the times in which we live make it urgent that we teach as well as we can. And we know that our teaching can even make a life - or - death difference to those whom we teach! • 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4? * Then, under the direction of the holy spirit, Paul and the local body of elders laid their hands upon Timothy, setting him apart for special work in the congregation. - 1 Tim. 4: 14; 2 Tim. 1: 6. * Esta solicitud se parece mucho a la primera del padrenuestro: "Padre, santificado sea tu nombre ." Unlike Israel's wicked King Ahab, some Israelites who witnessed Jehovah's response to Elijah's fire test recognized God's hand in matters. That request is very evident to the first request in the model prayer: "Father, let your name be sanctified. " El desenlace que les espera a los falsos cristianos. If unity and cleanness are to be maintained in a congregation, the elders must care for judicial matters promptly and in a loving way. The outcome is that of imitation Christians. Se trataba del Reino celestial compuesto de Jesucristo y sus 144.000 cogobernantes. 10 - 12. (a) How might circumstances become particularly difficult for a Christian who is caring for a chronically ill family member? They were made up of the heavenly Kingdom of Jesus Christ and his 144,000 corulers. La decisión de separarse no debe tomarse a la ligera. But that foolish attitude will soon catch up with the wicked. The decision to separate will not be taken lightly. En ese momento, Jesús estaba hablando del amor, y lo que les dijo a sus oyentes fue que debían ser perfectos o completos en su manifestación de amor, a imitación de su Padre celestial. Do you daydream about being with someone else? At that time, Jesus was speaking of love, and what he told his listeners to be perfect or complete in his love, in imitation of their heavenly Father. Un temor reverencial a Jehová nos impulsará a rechazar cualquier mal camino. (b) What danger does indifference pose to true Christians? A reverential fear of Jehovah will move us to reject any bad path. Participar con frecuencia en el ministerio cristiano también nos ayuda a ser humildes. [ Box on page 5] Sharing in the Christian ministry also helps us to be humble. ¿ Por qué debemos agradecer a Jehová el compañerismo que encontramos en nuestras congregaciones? How can we show appreciation for God's gift of speech? Why should we thank Jehovah for the association we meet in our congregations? carritos, exhibidores, mesas y quioscos que usamos en nuestra predicación pública se han adquirido y distribuido para todo el mundo desde la sucursal de Hong Kong But Jehovah provides us with a wonderful hope. In public witnessing and distributed to the whole world from the Austria branch office " No nos cansemos de hacer el bien. " In this instance, "the Decoration " symbolizes the earthly condition of the anointed Christians during the time of the Anglo - American World Power. " Let us not tire out in doing good. " - 1 COR. Aquel rebelde se convirtió en el gran enemigo de Dios. Con el tiempo llegó a ser conocido como Satanás, el Diablo, la serpiente y el dragón, nombres que lo identifican como opositor, calumniador, engañador y devorador, respectivamente. However, he also stated that God has subjected to Jesus "the inhabited earth to come. " That rebellious enemy became the great enemy of God, eventually becoming known as Satan the Devil, the Devil, the serpent, and the dragon, who identified him as an opposer, and called him out. Cierto día, mientras volvía a su casa después de trabajar en la construcción de un Salón del Reino, encontró una cadena de oro tirada en el suelo junto a una parada de autobús. See What Does the Bible Really Teach?, appendix, " 1914 − A Significant Year in Bible Prophecy, ' published by Jehovah's Witnesses. One day when he returned home after working at the construction of a Kingdom Hall, he found a chain of golden golden golden camp on the floor along a bus. Con este fin les decían: "Tenemos que entrar en el reino de Dios a través de muchas tribulaciones ." After I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers, I received a new pioneer assignment. To this end, they said: "We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. " Sabemos que en los tiempos que vivimos es urgente que nuestra enseñanza sea la mejor posible, pues constituye un asunto de vida o muerte para quienes la reciben. The anointed and the "great crowd " continue to let their light shine We know that in our time, it is urgent that our teaching is the best possible, since it is a matter of life or death for those who receive it. Bajo la guía del espíritu santo, Pablo y el cuerpo de ancianos local le impusieron las manos y lo apartaron para efectuar una labor especial en la congregación. No matter what I do, whether it's working, attending a Christian meeting, or enjoying some form of recreation, I am much happier. Under the guidance of God's holy spirit, Paul and the local body of elders laid him his hands and brought him off to do a special work in the congregation. También tenemos a algunos israelitas de la época del rey Acab que sí reconocieron el poder de Jehová. Why? We also have some Israelites in the time of King Ahab who recognized Jehovah's power. Para mantener la unidad y la limpieza de la congregación, los ancianos deben atender los asuntos judiciales con cariño y sin demora. * In order to maintain the unity and cleanness of the congregation, Christian elders should care for judicial matters lovingly and without delay. 10 - 12. a) ¿Qué circunstancias difíciles podría atravesar un cristiano que está cuidando a un familiar enfermo? See Romans 5: 12. 10 - 12. (a) What difficult circumstances might a Christian who is caring for a sick family member face? Pero, muy pronto, quienes tienen esta actitud sufrirán dolorosas consecuencias. If you have ever discussed the Trinity doctrine with a seminarian, you have likely noticed that. Soon, however, those who have such a spirit will experience painful consequences. ¿ Piensa en cómo sería su vida si estuviera con otra persona? Has Satan ceased accusing God's faithful servants since the time of Job? Can you imagine how your life would be if you were to be with another person? b) ¿Qué peligro presenta la apatía espiritual para los cristianos? In summary, recall that in Noah's day God decreed that humans could eat animal meat to sustain life, but they could not take in blood. (b) What danger does spiritual apathy offer for Christians? [ Recuadro de la página 5] Even as we check in and out of a hotel, as well as when we enjoy leisure time before and after convention sessions, we want to avoid an appearance that is overly casual or slovenly. [ Box on page 5] ¿ Cómo demostramos que agradecemos el regalo del habla? Animal sacrifices were very important, for they had been commanded by God as part of Israel's worship under the Mosaic Law. How can we show our appreciation for the gift of speech? Pero Jehová nos da una esperanza extraordinaria. Consider this fact: The original test in the garden of Eden was based on whether Adam and Eve would accept Jehovah's right to set standards or not. But Jehovah gives us a wonderful hope. En esta visión, "la Decoración " representa las circunstancias en que viven los cristianos ungidos durante el tiempo en que domina la potencia mundial angloamericana. This is a figurative place of spiritual safety and security - a condition or state of protection from being harmed spiritually. In this vision, "the Chief Agent " represents the circumstances in which anointed Christians live during the time of the Anglo - American World Power. Sin embargo, también indicó que Dios ha puesto "la tierra habitada por venir " bajo la autoridad de Jesús. Jehovah's promise has proved true: "Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success. " - Isa. However, he also indicated that God has put "the inhabited earth to come " under Jesus ' authority. Véase la sección "¿Por qué dicen los testigos de Jehová que el Reino de Dios fue establecido en 1914? ," págs. 167 - 169 del libro Razonamiento a partir de las Escrituras, editado por los testigos de Jehová. Kindness in the Workplace See The Watchtower, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Después de asistir a la Escuela Bíblica para Varones Solteros, me enviaron a servir de precursor a otro lugar. (b) Explain how truths regarding Jehovah's great spiritual temple were clarified. After attending the Bible School for Single Brothers, they sent me to serve another location. Los ungidos y la "gran muchedumbre " no dejan que se apague su luz (See opening picture.) The anointed and the "great crowd " do not let their light shine Quedó muy complacida y no tardó en comenzar a estudiar la Biblia también. Con el tiempo nos casamos, y en 2008, ambos nos bautizamos como testigos de Jehová. [ Picture on page 17] He was delighted, and soon soon he began to study the Bible. We got married, and both got baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses. Es mi vida entera ." Others, though, are found to be "unsuitable "; not all those gathered prove to be acceptable to Jehovah. It is my life. " ¿ Por qué? Yet, she did not allow this to keep her away from occasions for worshipping Jehovah. Jehovah took notice of her faithfulness and blessed her. - 1 Sam. Why? * [ Footnote] * Véase Romanos 5: 12. Interestingly, the last of these is named Death, and he is followed by Hades. See Romans 5: 12. Cualquiera que haya conversado con un seminarista acerca de la Trinidad puede dar fe de ello. DO YOU consider yourself to be a kind person? Anyone who has spoken with a difference about the Trinity can give faith. ¿ Ha dejado Satanás de acusar a los siervos fieles de Dios desde los días de Job? And by means of Christ's anointed followers, Jehovah laid the foundation of "a new earth, " a righteous human society. Has Satan allowed God's faithful servants to accuse God's faithful servants from Job's day? En resumen, recordemos que en los días de Noé, Dios decretó que los seres humanos podían comer carne de animales para mantenerse vivos, pero no debían consumir sangre. Why is it important to remain mild and respectful toward those to whom we preach? In the days of Noah, we remember that in Noah's day, God decreed that humans could eat meat in order to remain alive, but they were not to consume blood. Queremos evitar que nuestro aspecto sea demasiado informal o descuidado incluso al llegar o al irnos del hotel y durante los momentos de ocio antes y después del programa de la asamblea. " Pay attention to what you are hearing, " said Jesus. We want to avoid being too busy or engaging in sports or in some other pressures before and after the convention program. Esta dádiva era una ofrenda que se presentaba en el templo de Jehová y que a menudo consistía en un animal que iba a ser sacrificado. But now our soul is dried away. This gift was an offering that was presented at Jehovah's temple and that often sacrificed in an animal that was to be sacrificed. Pues bien, pensemos en la prueba que afrontaron Adán y Eva en el jardín de Edén. 9, 10. Well, think of the evidence that Adam and Eve faced in the garden of Eden. Es un refugio simbólico que nos ofrece seguridad espiritual, un estado en el que se nos protege de todo daño espiritual. Perhaps what you have learned about Leviticus in these two articles has increased your desire to dig more deeply into the Scriptures in general. It is a symbolic refuge that provides spiritual security, a condition that protects us from spiritual harm. Pero Jehová nos ha protegido, cumpliendo vez tras vez esta promesa: "El arma que se forme contra ti [...] no tendrá éxito ." This is just part of the priceless inheritance for those who make friends in heaven. But Jehovah has protected us, giving us this promise: "He that is formed against you... will not succeed. " La bondad en el empleo When we do give in to sin, we will ask Jehovah for his forgiveness. Kindness at Work b) Explique cómo se aclaró el significado del gran templo espiritual. 9, 10. (b) Explain how the meaning of the great spiritual temple became understood. (Vea el dibujo del principio). See Revelation 12: 9. (See opening picture.) [ Ilustración de la página 17] Why do you feel that endurance is worthwhile? [ Picture on page 17] Pero otros no son "apropiados ," y Jehová no los acepta. The sheep, in effect, test the caller's voice, comparing it with the shepherd's voice. Others are not acceptable to Jehovah, and they are not acceptable to him. Pero no dejaba que aquello la privara del privilegio de adorar a Jehová, quien observó atentamente su fidelidad y la bendijo. Moreover, imperfect, sinful humans did not of themselves merit, or deserve, what God and Jesus did in providing a ransom by which forgiveness was possible. But he did not allow this to rob him of the privilege of worshipping Jehovah, who looked intently at his faithfulness and blessing. [ Nota] That reward was no mere illusion. [ Footnote] Curiosamente, al último se le llama Muerte, y le sigue el Hades. The faithful slaves had engaged in "business " On the last day of his death, he is killed, and he goes to Hades. ¿ SE CONSIDERA usted una persona bondadosa? Having abandoned Jehovah, how did Jehoash and his wicked princely associates fare? DO YOU enjoy a kind, kind person? Y mediante los seguidores ungidos de Cristo, Jehová ha colocado el fundamento de "una nueva tierra ," una sociedad humana justa. (b) What other quality are we urged to pursue? Through Christ's anointed followers, Jehovah has placed the foundation of "a new earth, " a righteous human society. ¿ Por qué es importante que seamos apacibles y respetuosos con las personas a quienes predicamos? " For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " - 1 COR. 15: 22. Why is it important that we be mild - tempered and respectful in our dealings with those to whom we preach? " Presten atención a lo que oyen ," dijo Jesús. Sadly, countless others experience this kind of agony. " Pay attention to what you hear, " said Jesus. Pero ahora nuestra alma se halla seca. Given the contrast between their private homes paneled with fine woods and the uncompleted temple, Jehovah asked: "Is it the time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house is waste? " - Haggai 1: 4. But now our soul is dry. 9, 10. Elsa and Harald Abt 9, 10. Y ahora, sin duda, estamos más resueltos a permanecer santos, no solo porque Jehová lo espera, sino porque se merece que le demos lo mejor. Tempting users to force objectionable sex practices on their mate. - Ephesians 5: 3, 4. We are determined to remain holy, not just because Jehovah expects us to do so but because he deserves our best. Esta es solo una parte de la inestimable herencia que recibirán los que hagan amigos en el cielo. And when we give to Jehovah of our time and energy, we are not filling a need that he cannot otherwise meet. That is just one part of the priceless inheritance that those who will share in heaven will receive. Y, si cometemos un pecado, pidámosle a Jehová que nos perdone. Jehovah has often protected us as a group, and he keeps us out of the Devil's clutches. And if we commit a sin, we can pray for Jehovah's forgiveness. 9, 10. The third way you can demonstrate that you are serving Jehovah with a willing heart is by your conduct. 9, 10. Vea Revelación (Apocalipsis) 12: 9. One brother wrote: "I am filled with gratitude for the way my parents raised me. See Revelation 12: 9. ¿ Qué razones tiene usted para creer que vale la pena aguantar? How unwise it would be to seek to fulfill these desires in a way contrary to godly wisdom. That would be to one's spiritual detriment. What reasons do you have to believe that endurance is worth endurance? En realidad, ellas prueban la voz que las llama, es decir, la comparan con la del pastor. Yet, how that changed when she exercised faith! They actually prove to be like the shepherd's voice. Y los humanos, que son imperfectos y pecadores, no merecían lo que Dios y Jesús hicieron para suministrar un rescate que permitiera el perdón de los pecados. Some of those false gods were viewed as ruling over certain parts of nature. Others were separate forms of a particular deity. Humans, who are imperfect and sinners, did not deserve God and Jesus to provide a ransom that allowed sins to be forgiven. La recompensa que iban a recibir no era una simple ilusión. Many hold this view. The reward they were going to receive was not a mere dream. Los esclavos fieles se habían ocupado en " negociar ' (Song of Solomon 8: 5 - 14) Faithful slaves had been busy in " doing business ' ¿ Qué les sucedió a Jehoás y su camarilla de malvados príncipes tras abandonar a Jehová? Doing so will enable us to combat our own sinful tendencies and resist the contaminating influences of this world. What happened to Jehoash and his bed after leaving Jehovah? b) ¿Qué otra cualidad se nos anima a cultivar? What "work " is accomplished by enduring hardship? (b) What other quality is encouraged to cultivate? " Así como en Adán todos están muriendo, así también en el Cristo todos serán vivificados. " Why should we forgive one another? " Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " - 1 COR. Por desgracia, muchísimas personas pasan por situaciones como estas. When Christ inspected the "slave " in 1918, he found those anointed ones on earth to be faithful in providing spiritual" food at the proper time. " Hence, Jesus, the Master, was pleased thereafter to appoint them "over all his belongings. " (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) Sadly, many people go through such situations. Al ver el contraste entre sus hogares revestidos de finas maderas y el templo inacabado, Jehová les preguntó: "¿Es tiempo para que ustedes mismos moren en sus casas revestidas de paneles, mientras que esta casa está desechada? ." He will neither desert you nor leave you entirely. " When seeing the contrast between your homes of wood and the temple, Jehovah asked them: "It is time for yourself to dwell in your houses, while this house is poured out. " Elsa y Harald Abt At Exodus 34: 27, for example, we read: "Jehovah went on to say to Moses: " Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel. ' " Jephthah and his wife have finished what was on the Sabbath .. al alimentar fantasías y deseos malsanos. Note three ways to do so. avoid immoral desires and wrong desires. Y cuando le dedicamos nuestro tiempo y energías, no satisfacemos una necesidad que él no pueda cubrir de otra manera. How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah's Word? And when we dedicate our time and energy to Jehovah, we do not fill our time with the need that he cannot cover over another way. Lo cierto es que nos ha protegido muchas veces como pueblo y nos ha mantenido a salvo de las garras de Satanás. Satan wants to get us to stop serving Jehovah. Thus, he often foments persecution. The fact is, he has often protected us as a people, and he has kept us safe from Satan's attacks. La tercera manera de demostrarle a Jehová que deseas servirle con todas tus fuerzas es portándote bien. There are still other spiritual gems concealed in Christ. Finding them will bring us delight and benefits. The third way we demonstrate our love for Jehovah is by wanting to serve him with all your strength. Un hermano reconoció: "Agradezco mucho cómo me criaron mis padres. When we think about all that the ransom makes possible, does not our heart become filled with gratitude to Jehovah and his only - begotten Son? One brother admitted: "I am deeply concerned about how I raised my parents. Si queremos que Jehová nos conozca como siervos aprobados, sería insensato tratar de satisfacer esos deseos yendo en contra de su voluntad. I heeded the advice found in those scriptures, and it worked. " To be known as approved servants of Jehovah, it would be foolish to try to satisfy such desires against his will. Sin embargo, ¡cómo cambió todo cuando tuvo fe! " These things I command you, that you love one another. " - JOHN 15: 17. But how much changed when he had faith! Según ellos, algunos de estos dioses falsos controlaban partes de la naturaleza y otros eran formas distintas que representaban a un mismo dios. In contrast, Jesus was moved with pity for them, since they were "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " He was warm, sympathetic, and kind. Some of these false gods were under control of nature and other forms that represented a god. Muchos piensan así. Hence, our brothers and sisters appreciate it when we refrain from wearing clothes that are so tight or so loose that they are revealing. Many think so. (El Cantar de los Cantares 8: 5 - 14) How does the account at Judges 6: 11 - 16 show that Jehovah sees the potential in his servants? (See Song of Solomon 8: 5 - 14) Así estamos listos para resistir las tendencias al pecado y la influencia contaminante de este mundo. 1: 19, 20. Any one of us could suddenly find ourselves facing the blood issue. Or a family member or dear friend could unexpectedly be confronted with the issue of whether to accept a blood transfusion or not. We are ready to resist sinful tendencies and the influence of this world. ¿ Qué "obra " llevamos a cabo cuando aguantamos el sufrimiento? Many families take time to make family application of the material studied. What "work " do we carry when suffering is suffering? ¿ Por qué debemos perdonarnos los unos a los otros? God's love for humans is so great that he does not withhold good from them regardless of the cost to himself. Why should we forgive one another? Cuando Jesús, el Amo, inspeccionó a este "esclavo " en 1918, vio que estaba cumpliendo fielmente su deber de suministrar el" alimento al tiempo apropiado ," de modo que con mucho gusto lo nombró "sobre todos sus bienes " (léase Mateo 24: 45 - 47). But how might the prospect of that assignment have struck Mary at first? When Jesus, the Master, poured out this "slave " in 1918, he saw that his responsibility to provide" food at the proper time. " (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) No te desamparará ni te dejará enteramente ." Having clearly in mind what his priorities were, he knew that the long - awaited time for many Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled was at hand. He will neither desert you nor leave you entirely. " Por ejemplo, en Éxodo 34: 27 leemos: "Jehová pasó a decir a Moisés: " Escríbete estas palabras, porque es en conformidad con estas palabras como de veras celebro yo un pacto contigo y con Israel ' ." However, more is involved than merely providing food, clothing, and shelter. For example, at Exodus 34: 27, we read: "Jehovah went to say to Moses: " Go these words, for it is in harmony with those words as I do with my covenant and with Israel. ' " Veamos tres maneras de conseguirlo. Is one family member perhaps taking on too many responsibilities? Let us consider three ways to do so. ¿ Cómo demostraremos que valoramos la Palabra de Dios? So he told those people: "Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth. " How can we show that we value God's Word? También se debilitó la relación que Liliana tenía con Jehová. The psalmist sang: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. " She also drifts away the relationship she had with Jehovah. Satanás quiere que dejemos de servir a Jehová, por lo que a menudo fomenta la persecución. We can associate with those who are "intensely occupied with the word " and who are" thoroughly witnessing " to others. Satan wants us to stop serving Jehovah, so he often promotes persecution. Pero hay muchas otras joyas espirituales ocultas en él, y si las encontramos, recibiremos grandes recompensas. 6, 7. But there are many other spiritual gems concealed in him, and if we find them, we will receive rich rewards. Cuando pensamos en todo lo que logra el rescate, ¿no rebosa nuestro corazón de gratitud a Jehová y a su Hijo unigénito? For many years after learning the truth, Victoria struggled to accept that God could love her. When we think of all that the ransom does, will our hearts not be grateful to Jehovah and his only - begotten Son? Seguí el consejo de ese texto, y funcionó. " • How does fear of God counteract fear of man? I applied the advice of that text, and I worked it. " " Estas cosas les mando: que se amen unos a otros. " He exercises his authority with perfect justice. " These things I am commanding you, that you love one another. " - HEB. En cambio, Jesús sentía lástima por las personas, pues, como él dijo, estaban "desolladas y desparramadas como ovejas sin pastor "; además, era afectuoso, amable y compasivo. Today, the same holds true. In contrast, Jesus felt sorry for people. He said: "You were thrown about and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd "; he was kind, compassionate, and compassionate. Por ello, los hermanos aprecian que evitemos prendas muy ajustadas o tan holgadas o flojas que enseñen demasiado. I was so happy and amazed. " As a result, brothers appreciate that they do not wear very out or that it is too little for them to teach them too much or to teach them too. Según muestra el relato de Jueces 6: 11 - 16, a) ¿qué vio Jehová en Gedeón? You undoubtedly look forward to the wonderful new world promised by our heavenly Father. According to the account of Judges 6: 11 - 16, how did Jehovah view Gideon? Lo cierto es que en cualquier momento puede presentarse una situación en la que nosotros, o algún ser querido, tengamos que decidir si aceptar o no una transfusión, fracciones sanguíneas o algún procedimiento médico que implique el uso de sangre. " Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you, " said Jesus. In any case, there may be a situation in which you or a loved one might decide whether to accept or not, blood fractions or medical procedures that involve the use of blood. Muchos se centran en la forma en que pueden aplicar como familia lo que están estudiando. Yes, our zeal for the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work keeps us in line for the eternal blessings Jehovah has in store for the righteous. Many focus on how they can apply such principles as family study. Con razón Pablo escribió: "Estoy convencido de que ni muerte, ni vida, ni ángeles, ni gobiernos, ni cosas aquí ahora, ni cosas por venir, ni poderes, ni altura, ni profundidad, ni ninguna otra creación podrá separarnos del amor de Dios que está en Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor ." Zeal for fine works in preaching the good news and conducting ourselves in a godly way springs from a deep desire to demonstrate love for God and for fellow humans. No wonder Paul wrote: "I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " Supo definir bien sus prioridades, pues comprendía que había llegado el tan esperado momento de que se cumplieran muchas profecías mesiánicas. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them. " His reasoning was well - thought - out, for he realized that the time had come so long that many Messianic prophecies would be fulfilled. Sin embargo, no basta con darle un techo, alimento y ropa. He now knocks on the door of the Laodicean kind of congregation. However, more is involved than providing a roof, food, and clothing. Por eso conviene preguntarse: ¿está algún miembro de la familia asumiendo demasiadas obligaciones? The bonds of love that we enjoy with God and with fellow humans may be strong now, but they will be even stronger in the righteous new world. So we do well to ask ourselves, " Is there any member of the family undergoing too much responsibilities? ' Así que les dijo: "También a otras ciudades tengo que declarar las buenas nuevas del reino de Dios, porque para esto fui enviado ." " My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " - JOHN 15: 8. He told them: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth. " El salmista cantó: "Solo un poco más de tiempo, y el inicuo ya no será; y ciertamente darás atención a su lugar, y él no será ." Do not forget that ideas and methods vary from culture to culture and from generation to generation. The psalmist sang: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. " Busquemos la compañía de quienes están "intensamente ocupado [s] con la palabra " y" dando testimonio cabal " al prójimo. Furthermore, thousands worldwide help to construct Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. Seek association with those who are "keeping busy with the word " and" bearing thorough witness " to others. 6, 7. Doing so calls for examining ourselves to see what we have set our hearts on. 6, 7. Muchos años después de aprender la verdad de la Biblia, a Victoria todavía le costaba creer que Dios la amaba. We must choose our associates wisely. Many years after learning Bible truth, Eunice still found it difficult to believe that God loved her. Aquí Santiago se está refiriendo al alma del pecador que se ha arrepentido y cambia. When we make such sacrifices and serve God in a way that takes us out of our comfort zone, we prove ourselves faithful. James is referring to the soul of the sinner who has repented and changes. • ¿Por qué puede decirse que el temor de Dios vence al temor al hombre? What about us? • Why can it be said that fear of God can conquer fear of man? Él mismo declara: "Yo soy Jehová, Aquel que ejerce bondad amorosa, derecho y justicia en la tierra; porque en estas cosas de veras me deleito ." (Read Luke 18: 24 - 30.) " I am Jehovah, the One who exercises loving - kindness, justice and justice in the earth; for in these things I really delight. " Así, al iniciar un negocio o al comenzar a trabajar para alguien, firmar un contrato protege a las partes involucradas. Because they are in the Kingdom covenant, faithful anointed ones will reign with Christ as heavenly kings forever. Thus, when making a business project or starting to work for someone, he sign a contract would provide protection for the employees. Me sentía feliz y al mismo tiempo asombrada ." As we await the day of Jehovah, we prepare for survival by learning to speak the "pure language " and by " calling upon God's name ' by making a personal dedication to him. I felt happy, and at the same time I was amazed. " No hay duda de que usted anhela el maravilloso nuevo mundo que nuestro Padre celestial ha prometido. (b) How can we successfully battle against fleshly weaknesses? No doubt you look forward to the wonderful new world that our heavenly Father has promised. " Vengan a mí, todos los que se afanan y están cargados, y yo los refrescaré - invitó Jesús - . Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate efforts to provide quality medical care, and they weigh the risk / benefit ratio of any treatment. " Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you, " said Jesus. En efecto, si somos celosos en la predicación del Reino y en la obra de hacer discípulos recibiremos las bendiciones eternas que Jehová tiene preparadas para los rectos. On both sides of the conflict, Christians came under great pressure. Yes, if we are zealous in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work, we will receive the eternal blessings that Jehovah has prepared for the upright. El celo por las obras excelentes al predicar las buenas nuevas y comportarnos como es propio de un cristiano brota de un profundo deseo de demostrar amor a Dios y al semejante. The strict neutrality of Jehovah's Witnesses has convinced thousands of observers around the globe that the Witnesses practice genuine love of God and of neighbor. Zealous zeal for fine works helps us to preach the good news and to conduct ourselves as a Christian's own strong desire to show love for God and neighbor. Su reino es un reino de duración indefinida, y todas las gobernaciones servirán y obedecerán aun a ellos ." During these critical last days, the two groups work together as "one flock " in zealously carrying out the work of making disciples. - John 10: 16. His kingdom is a lasting kingdom, and all will serve and obey them even to them. " Actualmente toca a la puerta de las congregaciones que se asemejan a la de Laodicea. Why should kindness characterize our attempts to preach? Today, there is a door to congregations likened to Laodicea. Ahora estamos muy unidos a Jehová y a nuestros hermanos, y en el Paraíso lo estaremos mucho más. He thus refuted a false teaching by referring to an event that was well - known to his hearers. Now we are united with Jehovah and our brothers and sisters in Paradise on earth. " Mi Padre es glorificado en esto, que ustedes sigan llevando mucho fruto. " You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. " My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " - MATT. Recordemos que las ideas sobre la crianza de los hijos cambian con el tiempo y pueden ser diferentes en cada cultura. However, study is not the same as reading something superficially. It involves carefully examining information to see how it fits the pattern of what we already know. Remember, children's ideas about child rearing change time and can be different in each culture. Además, por todo el mundo hay miles de voluntarios que colaboran en la construcción de Salones del Reino y Salones de Asambleas. ARTICLE 2 In addition, there are thousands of volunteers who support the construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls worldwide. Para lograrlo, debemos examinarnos a fondo y ver en qué tenemos puesto el corazón. A 20 - YEAR - OLD man on the subway platform had a seizure and fell onto the tracks. To that end, we need to examine ourselves carefully and see what we have in our heart. Seamos, pues, prudentes al elegir a nuestros amigos. How may Abraham have learned about Jehovah, and how did that knowledge make him feel? When it comes to choosing friends, then, let us be wise to use them wisely. Pero si hacemos sacrificios y servimos a Dios aunque no sea fácil, demostraremos que tenemos fe. Although slavery also existed in ancient Israel, the Mosaic Law ensured that Hebrew slaves received protection. However, when we make sacrifices and serve God, we show that we have faith. ¿ Y nosotros? We treat each householder as an individual. What about us? (Léase Lucas 18: 24 - 30.) (b) What will be considered in the next article? (Read Luke 18: 24 - 30.) Y, gracias a este acuerdo, todos los ungidos fieles tendrán el privilegio de reinar en el cielo con Jesús para siempre. Nisan 14 was the day of the actual Passover, but the name Passover could be applied to all eight days of the festival. All faithful anointed ones will have the privilege of ruling in heaven with Jesus forever. ¿ Cómo? Aprendiendo el "lenguaje puro " e " invocando el nombre de Dios ' mediante nuestra dedicación a él. Isaiah 44: 24, 27, 28: "This is what Jehovah says,... " the One saying to the deep waters," Be evaporated, and I will dry up all your rivers "; the One saying of Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, and he will completely carry out all my will "; the One saying of Jerusalem," She will be rebuilt, " and of the temple, "Your foundation will be laid. " ' " To understand the "pure language " and" call upon God's name ' by means of our dedication to him. b) ¿Qué nos ayudará a vencer en la lucha contra nuestras debilidades? Who would the woman's offspring prove to be? (b) What will help us to fight our weaknesses? Los testigos de Jehová agradecemos los esfuerzos por suministrar una asistencia médica de calidad y sopesamos los beneficios y los riesgos de todo tratamiento. Let him cross over with my lord the king; and you do to him what is good in your eyes. " - 2 Samuel 17: 27 - 29; 19: 31 - 40. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we appreciate the efforts to provide a medical help and consider the benefits and risks of any medical treatment. Las naciones de ambos lados del conflicto sometieron a los cristianos a grandes presiones. If so, what lies before you is the greatest privilege any human could have. The nations of both sides were subjected to great pressures. Al ver nuestra estricta neutralidad, miles de personas de todo el mundo se han convencido de que los testigos de Jehová les tenemos verdadero amor a Dios y al prójimo, de que practicamos el auténtico cristianismo. Above all, we want to remain loyal to Jehovah. How do we do that? As we view our neutral stand, thousands of people around the world have convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses have truly love for God and neighbor, who practice true Christianity. Los dos grupos trabajan unidamente - como "un solo rebaño " - en la obra de hacer discípulos. 3 The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit Both groups work together, as "one flock " - in the disciple - making work. ¿ Por qué debemos ser siempre amables al predicar? " We are members belonging to one another. " - EPHESIANS 4: 25. Why should we always be kind in our preaching work? De este modo, un acontecimiento que sus oyentes conocían bien le sirvió para rebatir una enseñanza falsa. For humans, displaying dignity may sometimes involve being well - dressed. In this way, an event that drew Jesus well - acquainted with a false teaching. Si Job te obedece, es por puro interés! 14, 15. If Job obeys you, he is pure in personal interest. No basta con leer una información superficialmente; hay que leerla con detenimiento tratando de ver cómo complementa lo que ya sabemos. Then you can use appropriate scriptures to help your child understand Jehovah's view of matters. It is not enough to read a superficial information; it is good to read carefully how we know what we already know. PÁGINA 13 You Have Been Sanctified ARTICLE 2 UN JOVEN de 20 años estaba esperando el tren. Paul and others traveled farther afield. A 20 - year - old girl was waiting for the train. a) ¿Cómo conoció tal vez Abrahán a Jehová? b) ¿Qué efecto tuvo en Abrahán el conocimiento de Dios? In his book Daily Life in Ancient Rome, historian Jérôme Carcopino says: "In these plays the actresses were permitted to undress entirely... Blood was shed copiously.... How did Abraham come to know Jehovah, and what effect did Abraham have on God's knowledge? Aunque también existía esclavitud en el antiguo Israel, la Ley de Moisés protegía a los siervos hebreos. As we study God's Word, we come to say, as did the psalmist: "I have trusted in your word. " - Psalm 119: 42; Isaiah 40: 8. Although there was also slavery in ancient Israel, the Mosaic Law protected the Hebrews. Tratando a cada persona como alguien distinto y único. What conditions will accompany the "great tribulation "? (See opening image.) b) ¿De qué tratará el siguiente artículo? (b) Why should we cultivate confidence in God's promises? (b) What will be considered in the next article? La Pascua en sí era el 14 de nisán, pero ese nombre también se aplicaba a todo el período festivo de ocho días. They listen respectfully to their spouses ' perspectives and they find compromises that work for both sides. " The Passover was the 14th of Nisan, but that name was also applied to the entire period of eight days. Isaías 44: 24, 27, 28. " Esto es lo que ha dicho Jehová, [...] So zealous were those first - century Christian preachers that their enemies claimed that they had "overturned the inhabited earth. " - Acts 17: 6; 28: 22. Isaiah 44: 24, 28. ¿ Quién sería la descendencia de la mujer? " Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah! " wrote the psalmist. Who would be the seed of the woman? Que él cruce con mi señor el rey; y hazle lo que sea bueno a tus ojos ." The time had finally arrived to separate the weeds from the wheat. Let him deliver with my lord; and do what is good in your eyes. " ¿ ESTÁS pensando en bautizarte? ¡ Qué bien! According to that verse, what is the only way to approach the Father? ARE you considering baptism well? Pero, por encima de todo, queremos ser leales a Jehová. The earth is filled with those who have an inordinate love of self, money, and pleasures. Above all, we want to remain loyal to Jehovah. 17 "El espíritu mismo da testimonio con nuestro espíritu " " Be courageous and very strong, " God commanded. 17 "The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit " " Somos miembros que nos pertenecemos unos a otros. " Can the ransom apply to sins that were committed before it was paid? " We are members belonging to one another. " - 1 COR. Una de ellas es cuidando nuestra forma de arreglarnos. • Why does Jehovah treasure his longtime servants? One way is by caring for our dress and grooming. 14, 15. What provision did Jehovah make to help mankind? 14, 15. Luego podemos utilizar textos bíblicos que les ayuden a entender cómo ve Jehová los asuntos. Sadly, some who once served Jehovah have lowered their guard and have slipped back into their old ways. Then we can use scriptures to help them understand Jehovah's view of matters. Felipe predicó en distintas partes de Palestina. So they made a golden image of a calf and said to the people: "This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt. " Philip preached in different parts of Galilee. En su libro La vida cotidiana en Roma en el apogeo del Imperio, el historiador Jérôme Carcopino señala que en aquellas obras las "actrices [...] acostumbraban a desnudarse de la cabeza a los pies ." This will strengthen your trust in him and make your relationship with him ever more real. In his book the daily life of the Roman Empire in Rome, historian Russell states that it was "a custom to clothe [the feet] with the head of the feet. " El estudio de su Palabra nos mueve a expresarnos como el salmista, que dijo: "He confiado en tu palabra ." After mentioning the Ten Commandments and other regulations that Jehovah had given the nation, Moses made the powerful declaration found at Deuteronomy 6: 4, 5. (Read.) The study of God's Word motivates us to speak as did the psalmist who said: "I have trusted in your word. " ¿ Qué condiciones reinarán durante la "gran tribulación "? Actually, a number of Jehovah's servants, including some whom Jehovah used to write the Bible, had similar thoughts. What conditions will there be during the "great tribulation "? b) ¿Por qué debemos cifrar nuestra confianza en las promesas de Dios? How did one migrant worker demonstrate that deeds of godly devotion are more important than riches? (b) Why should we put our trust in God's promises? Escuchan con respeto los puntos de vista de su cónyuge y llegan a acuerdos que sean aceptables para ambas partes ." Carol adds: "On a later visit, we give them our names and ask for theirs. Listen respectfully to the points of your spouse's marriage mate, and they begin to agree that they are acceptable to both parts. " Aquellos cristianos del siglo primero predicaron con tanto celo que sus enemigos dijeron que habían "trastornado la tierra habitada ." First - century Christians respected the oversight of the governing body Those first - century Christians were zealous for their enemies saying that they had "set the inhabited earth. " El escritor de un salmo cantó: "¡Feliz es el pueblo cuyo Dios es Jehová! ." Those who make up the spiritual seed of Abraham along with Jesus have also been declared righteous, and this brings them even greater blessings than Abraham received. The psalmist sang: "Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah! " Por fin era hora de separar la mala hierba del trigo. Why was little said about our enemy prior to the arrival of the Messiah? At last, it was time to separate the weeds from the wheat. Según este versículo, ¿cuál es la única manera de acercarnos al Padre? 4, 5. According to this verse, what is the only way to draw close to the Father? Ahora que estamos en los últimos días de este sistema, la Tierra está llena de personas que solo piensan en sí mismas, en el dinero y en los placeres. The Bible teaches us to treasure knowledge. Now that we are in the last days of this system, the earth is filled with people who think only about themselves, money, and pleasures. Dios le mandó a su siervo: "Sé animoso y muy fuerte ." Why was that? God told his servant: "Be courageous and very strong. " ¿ Puede aplicarse el rescate a pecados cometidos antes de la muerte de Cristo? What contributed to such a fine reaction? Can the ransom be applied to sins committed before Christ's death? • ¿Por qué valora Jehová a sus siervos de muchos años de experiencia? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pointed out that God displays a fatherly attitude toward His servants by answering their prayers. (Read Matthew 7: 7 - 12.) • Why does Jehovah value his many years of experience? ¿ Qué hizo Jehová para ayudar a la humanidad? Starting with the words recorded at Matthew 24: 29, Jesus focused primarily on events that would happen in our day. (Read Matthew 24: 30, 42, 44.) What did Jehovah do to help mankind? Lamentablemente, algunos que una vez fueron cristianos no tuvieron cuidado y comenzaron a pensar y actuar igual que antes de servir a Jehová. Paul also stated that a wife "should have deep respect for her husband. " Sadly, some who once became Christians failed to take the lead in thinking and acting before serving Jehovah. Como resultado, fabricaron un becerro de oro y proclamaron: "Este es tu Dios, oh Israel, que te hizo subir de la tierra de Egipto ." If you feel that you are already focusing your life on Kingdom interests, you sense Jehovah's commendation. As a result, they made a golden calf and declared: "This is your God, O Israel, who made you go out of the land of Egypt. " Vea las situaciones angustiosas como las veía Pablo: como oportunidades para confiar en Jehová y recibir sus tiernos cuidados. Clearly, this command requires that parents have meaningful, spiritual conversations with their children. See the distressing situations in Paul's eyes - such as opportunities to trust in Jehovah and to receive his loving care. Después de mencionar los Diez Mandamientos y otras leyes que Jehová le había dado a la nación, Moisés hizo la contundente declaración que encontramos en Deuteronomio 6: 4, 5 (léalo). Because they are so extensive and so powerful that they could influence how Christians today view marriage and parenthood. After mentioning the Ten Commandments and other laws that Jehovah gave to the nation, Moses made the powerful statement found at Deuteronomy 6: 4, 5. Un buen número de siervos de Jehová - incluidos algunos escritores de la Biblia - han abrigado sentimientos similares. As a result, they have little or no time for spiritual interests. A large number of Jehovah's servants - including some Bible writers - have had similar feelings. ¿ Cómo demostró un inmigrante que los hechos de devoción piadosa son más importantes que las riquezas? In their former lives, they already indicated their willingness to be instructed by Jehovah. How did one teachers show that godly devotion is more important than material riches? Carol añade: "En otra ocasión les damos nuestro nombre y les preguntamos el suyo. It took courage to be a witness of Jehovah among wicked ones on earth before the Flood of Noah's day. Carol adds: "In another occasion we give our name and ask them what they are doing. Los cristianos del siglo primero respetaban la dirección del Cuerpo Gobernante Sometimes we find that one member of a household will give us a hearing ear, while another from within the home calls out, "We are not interested, " and the visit ends. First - century Christians showed respect for the direction of the Governing Body Quienes componen junto con Jesús la descendencia espiritual de Abrahán también han sido declarados justos, y esto les reporta bendiciones aún mayores que las que recibió Abrahán. Have you not reserved a blessing for me? " Those who make up Abraham's seed have also been declared righteous, and this brings even greater blessings than Abraham received. ¿ Por qué dio Jehová tan poca información sobre este enemigo antes de la venida del Mesías? Rather, these expressions pertain to individuals out of all the nations who have become Jehovah's worshippers. Why was Jehovah so little information about this enemy before the coming of the Messiah? 4, 5. " Jehovah sent me good advisers, and I listened to Him, even if it took some time. " 4, 5. La Biblia nos enseña a amar y buscar el conocimiento. Although each slave received a different number, the master expected all of them to be diligent in using the talents, that is, in serving to the best of their ability in the ministry. The Bible teaches us to love and to search for knowledge. ¿ Por qué dijo eso? " Because, " the next verse continues, "a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation. " Why? ¿ Qué es lo que habían hecho ellos? Giving refugees practical help requires, not a lot of money, but mainly our time and concern. What did they have done? En el Sermón del Monte, Jesús indicó que Jehová, como buen Padre que es, nos trata con bondad, y por eso contesta nuestras oraciones (léase Mateo 7: 7 - 12). Likewise, we have nothing to fear when we praise Jehovah. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus indicated that Jehovah, like a good Father, treats us kindly. (Read Matthew 7: 7 - 12.) A partir de las palabras que leemos en Mateo 24: 29, Jesús se refirió principalmente a sucesos que ocurrirían en nuestros días (lea Mateo 24: 30, 42, 44). However, rather than give up, they looked to Jehovah for strength. From the words recorded at Matthew 24: 29, Jesus referred primarily to events that would occur in our day. (Read Matthew 24: 30, 44.) La esposa cristiana "debe tenerle profundo respeto a su esposo ," como también recalcó Pablo. He held court, as it were, establishing the facts from the responses that Adam and Eve gave. The Christian wife "has deep respect for her husband, " as Paul also highlighted. Si ya está poniendo en primer lugar el Reino, este pasaje es una felicitación de parte de Jehová. 14, 15. If the Kingdom is already putting Kingdom interests first, that passage is a blessing from Jehovah. Este mandato exige claramente que los padres tengan conversaciones espirituales significativas con sus hijos. Xerxes, or Ahasuerus * 486 - 75 B.C.E. (Ruled as coregent with Darius I from 496 - 86 B.C.E.) This command clearly requires that parents have meaningful conversations with their children. Porque son tan profundos y están tan extendidos que fácilmente podrían afectar nuestro punto de vista sobre el matrimonio y los hijos. Walk in it, you people. ' " Because they are so deep and can easily affect our view of marriage and children. Como consecuencia, apenas disponen de tiempo para lo espiritual. [ Pictures on page 9] As a result, they have only a little time for spiritual growth. En su vida anterior, ellos ya habían demostrado que deseaban que Jehová les enseñara. Says The World Book Encyclopedia: "People sometimes call the human body a machine - the most wonderful one ever built. In their earlier life, they had already demonstrated that they wanted Jehovah to teach them. Hacía falta valor para ser testigo de Jehová entre la gente depravada que vivía antes del Diluvio. At that time, we will be especially grateful that we sought the recognition of our God and not that of the world. He had taken courage to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses among the people who lived before the Flood. En ocasiones, nos está escuchando alguien de la casa, y otro miembro de la familia pone fin a la conversación diciendo desde dentro: "No nos interesa ." Those with homosexual inclinations can do the same if they truly want to please God. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. At times, we may hear someone from the home, and another member of the family begins to say: "We don't care about you. " ¿ No has reservado una bendición para mí? ." " The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " - PROVERBS 4: 18. Have you not reserved a blessing for me? " Los "muchos pueblos " y las" poderosas naciones " no son países ni instituciones políticas, sino personas de toda nación que han decidido adorar a Jehová. Marcus: Earlier we read verse 29 of Psalm 37. Let's go back to that psalm. The "many peoples " and" mighty nations " are not lands or political institutions, but people of every nation choose to worship Jehovah. Él dice: "Jehová me envió hermanos para que me dieran buenos consejos. FOR COUPLES He says: "Jehovah sent me to give me sound advice. ¿ Qué quiere decir esto? Que los seguidores de Jesús debían dar el máximo en la predicación. Being helped at the right time (See paragraph 13) Jesus ' followers were to give their best in the preaching work. " Porque el esposo es cabeza de su esposa como el Cristo también es cabeza de la congregación ," responde el siguiente versículo. " I read the Bible sometimes, but I find it deadly boring. " - KEITH, A POPULAR MUSICIAN FROM ENGLAND. " Because the husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, " says the next verse. Para ayudar a los refugiados, no hace falta mucho dinero, sino tiempo e interés. Jehovah not only knows his servants individually but is also fully aware of the adversities each one suffers. To help refugees, there is no need for money, not a lot of money, but a lack of interest and interest. De igual manera, nosotros no tenemos nada que temer cuando alabamos a Jehová. And how can we successfully resist this world's spirit? - Read 1 Corinthians 2: 12. Similarly, we need nothing to fear when we praise Jehovah. Pero no se rindieron, sino que le pidieron fuerzas a Jehová. To be baptized as a genuine Christian and one of Jehovah's Witnesses, a person must acknowledge the supremacy of the Father, Jehovah, as well as the position and authority of God's Son, Jesus. But they did not tire out, but they prayed for strength. Como justo Juez, primero escuchó lo que los acusados tenían que decir en su defensa. The Bible clearly warns of the dangers connected with spiritism. As Judge, first listened to the trial they had to say in their defense. 14, 15. When it comes to our conduct, demeanor, and dress and grooming, we take to heart the words of the apostle Paul: "In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, that our ministry might not be found fault with; but in every way we recommend ourselves as God's ministers. " 14, 15. Jerjes (Asuero) * 486 - 475 (Reinó conjuntamente con Darío I desde 496 hasta 486) What is the extent of Satan's influence? 18 - 4 B.C.E., along with Darius I was from 467 B.C.E. to 467 B.C.E. Anden en él ' ." Psalm 119: 105 also states that God's utterances can light our roadway, illuminating the path ahead. Walk in it. ' " [ Ilustraciones de la página 9] Whatever reasons there are for your hesitation to get baptized, you need to resolve such issues and concerns. [ Pictures on page 9] The World Book Encyclopedia señala: "Hay quienes dicen que el cuerpo humano es una máquina, la más fantástica que jamás se haya concebido. Samantha: That seems reasonable. The Book Encyclopedia states: "There are those who say that the human body is a machine, the most capable of ever designed. Cuando llegue ese momento, estaremos especialmente agradecidos de haber buscado el reconocimiento de Jehová y no el del mundo. Even true Christians, who are keeping in expectation of that day, will be surprised by its suddenness. When that happens, we are especially grateful that we have sought Jehovah's recognition and not the world's. Igualmente, quienes tienen inclinaciones homosexuales pero de veras desean agradar a Dios también pueden ejercer autodominio y ser felices. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Similarly, those who have a selfish desire to please God can also exercise self - control and be happy. " La senda de los justos es como la luz brillante que va haciéndose más y más clara hasta que el día queda firmemente establecido. " I was content and happy. " " The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Marcos: Volvamos al Salmo 37; habíamos leído el versículo 29. Love of God and neighbor, in fact, are inextricably linked. Marcus: Let us return to Psalm 37: 29. " La Canción del Mar ," un importante eslabón " It was not with corruptible things... that you were delivered from your fruitless form of conduct received by tradition from your forefathers. " The date of the Sea, " is an important link PARA LOS MATRIMONIOS The weeds are described as "the sons of the wicked one. " FOR PARENTS Ayuda en el momento oportuno (Vea el párrafo 13). Christian parents should find out what is planned for any social gatherings that their children are invited to attend, and it would be wise to go along with them in most instances. Help at the right time (See paragraph 13) " Leo la Biblia de vez en cuando, pero me parece terriblemente aburrida. " See the box "A Deep Sense of Fulfillment, " on page 22. " I read the Bible from time to time, but it seems terrible. " Jehová no solo conoce a sus siervos individualmente, sino que también está muy al tanto de los sufrimientos de cada uno de ellos. Stores are flooded with electronic games and videos. Jehovah knows not only his servants but also is aware of their suffering as individuals. (Léase 1 Corintios 2: 12.) Eighty - six publishers participated in field service, and after spending two hours in the preaching work, they found that at least 15 new Bible studies had been started. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 12.) Para que alguien sea bautizado como cristiano verdadero y testigo de Jehová debe reconocer la superioridad del Padre, Jehová, y la posición y autoridad de su Hijo, Jesús. He even encourages them to "testify against " him. To be baptized as a true Christian and one of Jehovah's Witnesses must recognize the superiority of the Father, Jehovah, and the position and authority of his Son, Jesus. ¿ Qué preguntas deberíamos hacernos sobre las diversiones que elegimos? How can husbands and wives apply the Golden Rule? What questions should we ask ourselves about recreation and entertainment? Cuando nos comportamos, nos vestimos y nos arreglamos con dignidad, mostramos que tomamos a pecho estas palabras del apóstol Pablo: "De ninguna manera estamos dando causa alguna para tropiezo, para que no se encuentre falta en nuestro ministerio; antes bien, de toda manera nos recomendamos como ministros de Dios ." So in addition to Bible knowledge, what is needed? We need to continue to make spiritual progress. When we conduct ourselves, dress and grooming, we show that we take to heart the apostle Paul's words: "In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, that we may not be found in our ministry; but in every way we recommend ourselves as God's ministers. " ¿ Cuánta influencia tiene Satanás? What is the wrong motive for doing the preaching work? What influence does Satan have? En Salmo 119: 105 también se señala que los dichos de Dios alumbran nuestra vereda, es decir, la senda que se extiende ante nosotros. A colossal image of Pharaoh Amenhotep III Psalm 119: 105 also shows that God's utterances light our roadway, that is, the path behind us. Así que, sean cuales sean tus inquietudes y dudas sobre el bautismo, procura aclararlas. 1, 2. (a) What would life be like without the Bible? So whatever your anxieties and doubts about baptism, strive to discern them. Susana: Eso me parece razonable. Humility moved Christoph to accept good advice. Samantha: That's reasonable. Hasta los cristianos verdaderos, que están aguardándolo con expectación, se sorprenderán de que llegue tan súbitamente. In 1976, the Governing Body was organized into six committees to supervise the Kingdom work around the world. Even true Christians, who are in expectation, will be surprised to see the end of this system of things. ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO: If he succeeds in molesting the child, he is now eager to ensure that the child does not tell anyone about it. He may use a variety of tactics, including threats, blackmail, and blame, or perhaps a combination of these. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Me sentí satisfecho y feliz ." • Why does Jehovah deserve our united praise? I felt satisfied and happy. " En realidad, el amor a Dios está inseparablemente unido al amor al prójimo. Make the Scriptures the backbone of your talk Indeed, love for God is linked to love of neighbor. " No fue con cosas corruptibles [...] con lo que fueron librados de su forma de conducta infructuosa recibida por tradición de sus antepasados. How can we use illustrations in our own teaching? " It was not with painful things... with which they were delivered from their form of conduct by traditioning from their forefathers. ¿ Y a quiénes representa la mala hierba? A "los hijos del inicuo ." Give an example of how Jesus uttered sayings that were simple but rich in meaning. The weeds represent "the sons of the wicked one. " Los padres cristianos deben averiguar lo que se planea hacer en las reuniones sociales a las que se invite a sus hijos, y es aconsejable que vayan con ellos la mayoría de las veces. It moves us to do good works. Christian parents need to know what is presented at social gatherings when they are invited to their children, and they are wise to meet most of them at times. Véase el recuadro "Se sienten realizados ," de la página 22. From the age of 15, she began to have sexual relations with different partners in order to relieve her loneliness. See the box "The Role of Peace, " on page 22. Los juegos electrónicos y los videos inundan el mercado. Through parts of the entertainment industry, the media, and other means, Satan misleads people into believing that they neither need nor benefit from God's loving direction. The Devil's campaign of deception has produced in people everywhere a spirit of rebellion against Bible laws and principles. games and videos promote the market. Salieron al servicio del campo 86 publicadores, y al cabo de dos horas, se habían comenzado por lo menos quince nuevos estudios. However, they had another option. They were busy in the field service of 86, and after the end of two hours, they had started at least 15 new studies. Incluso los anima a "testifica [r] contra " él. Multitasking while driving may seem to be expedient, but the result can be disastrous. He even encourages them to "take your stand against him. " ¿ De qué maneras pueden aplicar la Regla de Oro los esposos y las esposas? The two records may also have differed because some Jews who were unable to establish their genealogy at the outset did so in time. In what ways can the Golden Rule apply to husbands and wives? Por tanto, además de tener conocimiento bíblico, necesitamos seguir progresando en sentido espiritual. The wisdom of the world will " prove confused ' when Armageddon strikes. It cannot save anyone from destruction. Moreover, we need to continue to make spiritual progress. ¿ Cuál es un motivo incorrecto para predicar? 10, 11. (a) How can pride show itself? What is a wrong reason for preaching? La inmensa estatua del faraón Amenhotep III As they built the ark, they must have gone in and out of it hundreds of times. Pharaoh's immense image 1, 2. a) ¿Cómo sería nuestra vida sin la Biblia? The son was most grateful. " Hats off to these Witnesses, " he wrote. " They practice what they preach. " 1, 2. (a) How would our life be like without the Bible? Veamos el caso de un joven llamado Christoph, que fue humilde y aceptó los consejos que recibió. When God was delivering the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, they were told: "I am Jehovah, who is leading you up out of the land of Egypt to prove myself God to you, and you must be holy, because I am holy. " Consider the case of a young man named Carol, who was humble and accepted the counsel he received. En 1976, el Cuerpo Gobernante se organizó en seis comités para supervisar la obra del Reino en todo el mundo. Yet, on such occasions do you sometimes find that your mind wanders and you start thinking about less important matters? In 1976 the Governing Body was organized into six congregations to oversee the Kingdom work worldwide. Si consigue abusar del menor, entonces trata por todos los medios de que no se lo cuente a nadie, valiéndose para ello de tácticas como la amenaza, el chantaje y el sentimiento de culpa. Instead of being paralyzed by guilt, David learned from his mistakes. If he can abuse the child's abuse, then he treats all the means that he does not reveal it to anyone, using it as the threat, the gold, and the feeling of guilt. • ¿Por qué merece Jehová que todos lo alabemos? When we forgive others, we have to trust that gaining God's favor by doing so is worth more than making them pay back their debt. • Why does Jehovah deserve our praise? Asegurándose de que la Biblia sea lo más importante del discurso. Roman ships traveled some 900 sea routes that linked hundreds of ports. It means that the Bible is the most important part of the talk. ¿ Cómo podemos nosotros usarlas al enseñar? Put simply, they are those who are fed. How can we use them in teaching? Dé un ejemplo que muestre que los dichos de Jesús eran sencillos pero tenían un hondo significado. Take, for example, the case of King Manasseh of Judah. He misused his privileged position as king to promote false worship and "did on a grand scale what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him. " Give an example to show that Jesus ' sayings were simple but had a deep meaning. Así es como funcionaba la conciencia de Pablo. Think for a moment about your prayers - about their regularity and their quality. Paul's conscience is thus produced in Paul's conscience. Para luchar contra esos sentimientos, a la edad de 15 años empezó a mantener relaciones sexuales con diferentes parejas. Satan's rebellion did not stop Jehovah from extending his love to mankind, nor can it prevent even imperfect humans from being loyal to Jehovah. To fight such feelings, age 15 - year - old age began to have sexual relations with different couples. Utiliza gran parte del mundo del espectáculo y los medios de comunicación, así como otros vehículos, para hacerles creer a los seres humanos que ni necesitan la amorosa guía divina ni les conviene seguirla. How disappointed you are! It involves much part of the world's entertainment and the media, as well as other cars, to convince humans that they need God's loving guidance and guidance. Pero había otra opción. Their mind may be poisoned by a critical attitude toward individuals in the congregations, Christian elders, or the Governing Body. But there was another choice. A algunos les parecerá práctico hacer otras cosas al mismo tiempo que conducen, pero las consecuencias pueden ser desastrosas. Saul and his entire army were terrified - but not David. Some may find it practical to do other things at the same time, but the consequences can be disastrous. Las variantes también pudieran deberse a que algunos judíos no lograran demostrar su linaje en un principio, pero lo hicieran después. (Read Revelation 6: 1 - 8.) Granted, there may also be a need for some non - Jews to establish their line in a principle, but they did so later. La sabiduría del mundo "resulta [rá] confusa " en la batalla de Armagedón, pues no podrá librar a nadie de la destrucción. Why is it fitting for a person to make a vow of dedication to God in order to be part of His family of approved worshippers? The wisdom of the world "will exult in the battle of Armageddon ' for no one to deliver destruction. 10, 11. a) ¿Cómo puede manifestarse el orgullo? [ Box on page 17] 10, 11. (a) How can pride be manifested? Imagínese todo el trabajo que implicó. How will you use them? Think of the work involved. Su hijo estaba tan agradecido que dijo que se quitaba el sombrero ante las hermanas porque practicaban lo que predicaban. Has something changed? ' Her son was so grateful that she had to deal with women because they learned what they preached. Cuando Jehová liberó a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto, les dijo: "Yo soy Jehová que los estoy haciendo subir de la tierra de Egipto para resultar ser Dios para ustedes; y ustedes tienen que resultar santos, porque yo soy santo ." (Footnote) The people were not willing to return to Jehovah's exalted worship by making the changes that were needed to restore their relationship with him. When Jehovah delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, he told them: "I am Jehovah that I am making them up out of the land of Egypt to be God for you; and you must prove holy, because I am holy. " ¿ Le ha pasado a usted? En ese caso, fíjese en lo que hicieron aquellos israelitas: no solo escucharon, sino que dejaron que las palabras les llegaran al corazón. What Have You Learned? In that case, note what those Israelites did - not just listen. Instead, they allowed the words to touch their hearts. También oró a Jehová, le confesó sus pecados y expresó su deseo sincero de recuperar su favor. AUGUST 19 - 25, 2013 He prayed to Jehovah, confessed his sins, and expressed his heartfelt desire to restore his favor. Al perdonar a quienes nos ofenden, demostramos que tenemos fe en que eso es lo que Jehová quiere, en que él nos recompensará por ello y en que esa recompensa es mejor que hacer pagar a nuestros deudores. A Warning Example By forgiving others, we show that we have faith that Jehovah will reward us for this reward and reward us in that reward. Y, por mar, los barcos romanos recorrían unas novecientas rutas que conectaban cientos de puertos. If the wife is the believer, she too will not compromise her faith. And by sea, the Romans would wear a two - road route that linked hundreds of safety. Dicho sencillamente, los que son alimentados. Many fail to accept the Kingdom message because they are afraid of what acquaintances or family members might think of them. That simply is, those who are fed. Veamos el ejemplo del rey Manasés de Judá, quien abusó de su posición privilegiada para promover la adoración falsa e "hizo en gran escala lo que era malo a los ojos de Jehová, para ofenderle ." At baptism we make a request to God for a good conscience so as to be acceptable to him. Prior to baptism, however, there are steps we must take. Consider the example of King Manasseh of Judah, who molested his privileged position to promote false worship and "did what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, to turn him away. " 31 ¿Podemos esforzarnos más por avisar al prójimo? And when faced with the insults of Nabal, David was about to react rashly. 5 Could you put forth extra effort to teach others? Pausemos un momento y reflexionemos: ¿Cómo es mi comunicación con Dios? ¿ Es frecuente? The answer, of course, is no one. While reading and meditating on it, do you find it a time to reflect on your communication with God? La rebelión de Satanás no impidió que Jehová mostrara amor a la humanidad, como tampoco impide que personas imperfectas sean leales a Dios. Is it not clear, then, that it is unwise to follow the ways of youths who separate themselves into their own isolated world? Satan's rebellion did not prevent mankind from observing Jehovah's love, even as he does not prevent imperfect humans from being loyal to God. ¡ Qué desilusión! Standards of living may drop. Personal freedoms may be curtailed. What disappointment! Los apóstatas de la actualidad se parecen mucho a él. These and the missionaries who followed them have worked hard alongside their zealous Brazilian brothers, and Jehovah has greatly blessed their efforts. Those apostates today seem to be like him today. Saúl y todo su ejército se aterrorizaron, pero David no. By giving spiritual matters precedence over material considerations, we avoid being choked by the pains and pleasures of this world. Saul and all his army were terrified, but David did not. En el libro de Revelación se representa a Jesús montado en un caballo blanco y recibiendo una corona (léase Revelación 6: 1 - 8). The fact that the Bible is available in all major languages on earth is a testimony to what? In the book of Revelation, Jesus is portrayed as riding on a white horse and receiving a crown. (Read Revelation 6: 1 - 8.) ¿ Por qué es lógico que debamos hacer un voto de dedicación para ser aceptados en la familia de adoradores de Dios? Jehovah had decreed that one of David's descendants would occupy His throne permanently, and God's word never goes unfulfilled. - Josh. 23: 14; 2 Sam. 7: 16. Why is it reasonable to make a dedication to God's family? [ Recuadro de la página 17] ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 99, 108 [ Box on page 17] ¿ Qué harás con ellos? Jesus Christ identified Satan as "the ruler of the world. " What will you do to them? ¿ Qué ha cambiado? ." How dangerous it would be for us to fall asleep at this late hour! What has changed? " Sin embargo, no todo el mundo compartió mi alegría. Similarly, the truths we learn from God's Word protect us from the spiritual harm that false teachings cause. However, not everyone shared my joy. Según las Naciones Unidas, unos cinco millones de niños mueren de hambre cada año. Immediately after the Christian congregation was formed, followers of Jesus began "devoting themselves... to associating together. " According to the United Nations, about five million children die from hunger each year. El pueblo no tenía ninguna intención de regresar a la excelsa adoración de Jehová y efectuar los cambios necesarios para restablecer su relación con él. Speaking about the time of the end, an angel foretold: "The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.... And the true knowledge will become abundant. " The people had no intention to return to Jehovah's lofty worship and made adjustments to restore their relationship with him. ¿ Qué aprendió usted? Since being invested with kingly power in 1914, Christ is more than ever "with " his disciples and active as their Leader. What Did You Learn? 19 - 25 DE AGOSTO DE 2013 Absalom conspired against his father, David, for the kingship. AUGUST 19 - 25, 2013 Un ejemplo amonestador If such volatile issues as same - sex marriage or abortion come up, defend God's standards and explain how we follow these in our own lives. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Si la esposa es la creyente, tampoco debe ella hacer concesiones respecto a su fe. True, life in today's world is so full of distractions that it is sometimes very difficult to meditate on spiritual things. If a wife is an unbeliever, she should not be plagued with her faith. Mucha gente no acepta el mensaje del Reino porque teme lo que puedan decir sus amigos o familiares. Refresh Your Family With Kindness and Goodness Many people do not accept the Kingdom message because they fear what their friends or relatives can say. Ahora bien, para que él nos reciba, tenemos que solicitarle una buena conciencia, y la forma de hacerlo es bautizándonos. (See paragraphs 11 - 13) To receive Jehovah's help, however, we need to ask for a good conscience. Al rey David le costaba controlarse, tal como lo demuestran sus actos relacionados con Bat - seba o su reacción impulsiva cuando Nabal lo ofendió. We find an answer in the book of First Peter. King David found it hard to exercise self - control, just as his actions relate to Bath - sheba, or her reaction when Nabal offended Nabal. Por supuesto, la respuesta es nadie. • How can we seek first God's righteousness? Of course, the answer is no one. Joven, ¿te das cuenta de lo peligroso que sería aislarte en tu propio mundo, como muchos hacen? (See the box "Why Some People Do Not Delegate. ") Young people, do you see how dangerous it would be to hide yourself in your own world, as many do? En general, el nivel de vida se viene abajo y muchos no tienen qué llevarse a la boca. Later that very Passover night, the apostles argued again regarding which one of them seemed to be the greatest. In general, the level of life is down and many do not have to carry out their mouth. Tanto estos como quienes los siguieron han trabajado con ahínco junto a sus celosos hermanos brasileños, y Jehová ha colmado de bendiciones sus esfuerzos. Do you heed Bible - based warnings about the Internet? Such ones and those who continue hard work along with their zealous Christian brothers and sisters, and Jehovah has blessed their efforts. Al anteponer los asuntos espirituales a los materiales, evitamos que nos ahoguen las ansiedades y los placeres de este mundo. Satan has maligned Jehovah throughout history. By putting spiritual things ahead of material things, we avoid being choked by anxieties and pleasures of this world. ¿ De qué es prueba el hecho de que la Biblia pueda leerse en todos los idiomas principales que hoy existen? People defile their bodies when they chew or smoke tobacco or abuse alcohol or drugs. What evidence is there that the Bible can read in all the main languages that exist today? Estaba predicho que en el trono de Jehová se sentaría de manera permanente un descendiente de David, y lo que Dios dice siempre se cumple. " Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom. " He was foretold that in Jehovah's throne, a permanent descendant of David, and what God says always comes true. PÁGINA 10 • CANCIONES 99 Y 108 Do I show proper honor for God's arrangement of marriage? ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 99, 69 Jesucristo lo llamó "el gobernante del mundo ." Can we simplify our lives or reduce distractions so that we can give more attention to the all - important preaching work? Jesus Christ called him "the ruler of the world. " ¡ Qué peligroso sería que nos quedáramos dormidos en esta hora tan avanzada! Peter lost his focus on Jesus, and then his faith wavered. How dangerous it would be for us to stay asleep during this advanced hour! De manera parecida, las verdades que aprendemos en la Palabra de Dios nos protegen de las heridas espirituales que provocan las enseñanzas falsas. Few, however, know its sacred meaning, and the lifestyle of many who use it dishonors God. Similarly, the truths we learn from God's Word can protect us from the spiritual wounds that led false teachings. En cuanto se formó la congregación cristiana, los discípulos de Jesús empezaron a asistir a reuniones de forma regular. 23, 24. As the Christian congregation became formed, Jesus ' disciples began to attend meetings regularly. Un ángel predijo lo que sucedería en el tiempo del fin: "Los que tengan perspicacia brillarán como el resplandor de la expansión; y los que traigan a los muchos a la justicia, como las estrellas hasta tiempo indefinido, aun para siempre [...], y el verdadero conocimiento se hará abundante ." Those associated with Jesus in heaven will have experienced what it means to be imperfect. An angel foretold what would happen in time of the end: "Those having insight will shine like the expanse of the expanse; and those bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever, and the true knowledge will become abundant. " Desde que recibió el trono en 1914, Cristo está con sus discípulos más que nunca, actuando como su Líder. How thankful we can be, therefore, that Jehovah had his Word written in a way we humans can understand! Since the throne was given in 1914, Christ is with his disciples more than ever, acting as their Leader. Por su parte, Absalón, hijo de David, conspiró para acceder al trono de su padre. Did not that study of God's qualities, along with the heartfelt comments of your brothers and sisters, strengthen your love for your heavenly Father? Absalom, son of David, had accessed to the throne of his father. Si surge un tema polémico, como el matrimonio homosexual o el aborto, defendamos las normas de Dios y expliquemos cómo nosotros las ponemos en práctica. If that is done, the speaker would acknowledge that the couple were already married in harmony with the laws of Caesar. If a subject arises, such as an abortion or abortion, we can defend God's standards and explain how we apply it. La sociedad en la que vivimos está llena de distracciones, de modo que no es fácil encontrar momentos para meditar. That psalm describes an immense crowd, all praising Jehovah in unison. The world in which we live is full of distractions, so it is not easy to find times for meditation. La benignidad y la bondad reaniman a la familia Older people will tell you that youth does not last long, and they are right. Kindness and Kindness Promote the Family (Vea los párrafos 11 a 13) We should guard against being lured into the bad ways of sinners by their promises of riches. (See paragraphs 11 - 13) Analicemos la primera carta del apóstol Pedro para encontrar la respuesta. You will then be able to say, as did the psalmist: "I have taken your [Jehovah's] reminders as a possession to time indefinite, for they are the exultation of my heart. " - Ps. 119: 111. Consider the first letter of the apostle Peter to find the answer. • ¿Qué debemos hacer para buscar primero la justicia de Dios? Our integrity is especially evident when we endure in the face of hardships, mistreatment, or injustice. • What must we do to seek first God's righteousness? (Vea el recuadro "Por qué no delegan algunos "). What was the attitude of the early Christians toward the preaching work? (See the box "Why Do Not Know Some? ") Volviendo al caso de los apóstoles, recordemos que esa misma noche de la Pascua volvió a estallar una discusión entre ellos acerca de quién era el más importante. David made his problems a subject of fervent prayer, but he also understood the value of taking practical steps to deal with the cause of the anxiety. In the case of the apostles, remember that on that same night the Passover evening, there was a conflict between which was the greatest. ¿ Sigue las advertencias basadas en la Biblia sobre el uso de Internet? Regarding such angels, one Bible account informs us: "A thousand thousands kept ministering to [Jehovah], and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. " Are you heeding Bible warnings based on the use of the Internet? Satanás ha calumniado a Jehová a lo largo de la historia. And think of Jesus ' well - known parable of the neighborly Samaritan. Satan has slanderd Jehovah throughout history. Hay personas que contaminan su cuerpo masticando o fumando tabaco, abusando del alcohol o tomando drogas. Next, he broadened his focus and gave this parable to admonish all his anointed followers in the last days to "keep on the watch " lest they miss out on their precious reward. Some people are distracted by their fleshly body, alcoholic beverages, or drug abuse. Por ejemplo, "Josué hijo de Nun estaba lleno del espíritu de sabiduría ." The original Greek word translated "peers " means" to stoop to look into, " which implies concentrated effort. For example, "it was full of the spirit of wisdom. " ¿ Me acuerdo de los hermanos que están en la cárcel? Why did Hagar have to display humility? Do I agree with fellow believers who are in prison? ¿ Podemos llevar vidas más sencillas o reducir las distracciones a fin de participar más en la importantísima labor de predicar? Before and during that "great tribulation " yet ahead, we too may face hardships and deprivations. Can you simplify your life or reduce distractions so as to share more fully in the preaching work? Así es, Pedro dejó de mirar a Jesús y su fe se tambaleó. Those taking the lead among the Bible Students began to stress the importance of sharing personally in the Kingdom preaching work. Peter failed to look at Jesus and his faith in him. Además, muchas de las personas que la emplean en realidad deshonran a Dios, pues su conducta deja mucho que desear. (Read Matthew 10: 11 - 15.) Moreover, many people use it in reality dishonoring God because their conduct allows much to desire. 23, 24. Alejandro: What's that? 23, 24. Estos 144.000 reyes sabrán muy bien lo que significa ser imperfectos, pues también lo fueron. Because all humans are imperfect, sooner or later someone is going to say or do something that will offend you. This is inevitable. These 144,000 kings will be well - aware of what it means to be imperfect. Jehová hizo que su Palabra se escribiera de manera que pudiéramos comprenderla. ¡ Cuánto se lo agradecemos! How does assisting those who feel weak bring blessings to many? How grateful we are that Jehovah revealed his Word to us so that we could understand it! Estudiar las cualidades de Dios y escuchar los comentarios que los hermanos dieron desde el corazón fortaleció el amor que sentimos por nuestro Padre celestial, ¿no es cierto? Accept Jehovah's Authority Studying God's qualities and listening to our brothers from the heart strengthens our love for our heavenly Father. En ese caso, el orador aclarará que la pareja ya se ha casado según las leyes del César. How does Micah 6: 8 help us as we strive to let our style of dress be pleasing to God? In that case, the speaker will make it clear that the couple are married according to Caesar's laws. Pues bien, el Salmo 148 indica que te hallas en una situación parecida, pero más fascinante aún. What guiding principle will help you draw the line between moderation and overindulgence? The 148th Psalm indicates that you are in a similar situation, but even more thrilling. Los mayores te dirán que la juventud pasa volando, y tienen razón. According to John, Jesus first spoke about everlasting life to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Elderly ones will tell you that youth is passing away, and they have reason. No dejemos que los pecadores nos arrastren a sus malos caminos tentándonos con el señuelo de las riquezas. * Do not let sinners swept us away from their bad ways. Entonces se identificará plenamente con estas palabras que el salmista dirigió a Jehová: "He tomado tus recordatorios como posesión hasta tiempo indefinido, porque son el alborozo de mi corazón ." Let us examine some features of this new book and why it was published. Then he will fully identify Jehovah's words to the psalmist: "I have taken your reminders as a possession to time indefinite, for they are the exultation of my heart. " Cuando tenemos que hacer frente a las dificultades, la oposición o las injusticias, es cuando más se nota que somos leales a Dios. The book of Revelation shows that in this time of the end, Satan continues to accuse Christ's anointed brothers and assuredly also their faithful companions. When we face trials, opposition, or injustice, it is more precisely when we are loyal to God. ¿ Qué actitud manifestaron los primeros cristianos para con la predicación? The eight Bible Students were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. What attitude did early Christians display toward the preaching work? Oró intensamente sobre sus problemas, aunque también sabía que debía dar pasos concretos para resolverlos. It had even conquered the cities of Judah until only Jerusalem was still free, and Sennacherib boasted that he would conquer that city too. He prayed intensely about his problems, even though he knew that he needed to take specific steps to deal with them. Acerca de estos, la Biblia señala: "Había mil millares que seguían ministrándole, y diez mil veces diez mil que seguían de pie directamente delante de él ." Is that how you view any counsel you receive from a friend? Concerning these, the Bible says: "I prayed for thousand times, and ten thousand times were standing right before him. " Seguramente no se expuso al peligro, pero hay que reconocer que se preocupó de verdad por el bienestar de su amo. The Messianic Kingdom is the means by which "all nations of the earth will... bless themselves. " He likely did not point to the danger, but there is no indication that he was genuinely concerned about the welfare of his master's master. A continuación, Jesús cuenta la parábola de las 10 vírgenes para darles una advertencia a todos los ungidos que vivieran en los últimos días: deben mantenerse alerta para no perder su recompensa de ir al cielo. (See paragraphs 9, 10, 12) Jesus next relates the illustration of the ten virgins to give a warning to all anointed ones living in the last days. They must keep on the watch so as to keep their reward in heaven. El verbo griego que aquí se traduce "mira con cuidado " significa literalmente" inclinarse para mirar ," e implica esfuerzo y concentración. Strengthen Your Motivation The Greek word here rendered "look intently " literally means" bowing down, " and effort. ¿ Por qué tuvo que actuar con humildad Agar? Indeed, just as the Bible foretold, during "the last days " men would be" unthankful. " Why did Hagar need to act humbly? Antes de la "gran tribulación " y durante esta, es posible que nosotros también pasemos por graves dificultades y privaciones. 5, 6. (a) How did Jesus help the apostles not to be fearful of what lay ahead? Before the "great tribulation " and during that time, we too may face severe trials and hardships. Quienes dirigían a los Estudiantes de la Biblia comenzaron a recalcar la importancia de participar personalmente en la difusión del mensaje del Reino. The second article examines several Scriptural reasons that motivate us to carry out the preaching work with endurance. Those taking the lead among the Bible Students began to stress the importance of personally participating in the spread of the Kingdom message. Lo que debían hacer era concentrarse en buscar a los merecedores (léase Mateo 10: 11 - 15). Whereas the first four trumpet blasts are proclamations exposing the spiritually dead condition of Christendom, the last three are woes in that they have to do with specific events. (Read Matthew 10: 11 - 15.) Alejandro: ¿Ah, sí, qué fue? Parents, you do well to imitate Jesus ' love and patience, never giving up in your efforts to train your children. Alejandro: What's that? Como los humanos somos imperfectos, tarde o temprano alguien dirá o hará algo que nos ofenda; es inevitable. How can we do that? Since we are imperfect, we will eventually say or do something that hurt us; it is inevitable. ¿ Quiénes se benefician cuando ayudamos a los débiles? As we do so, we might discern an attitude, a goal, or a deep feeling that needs attention. Who benefit when we help weak ones? Aceptemos la autoridad de Jehová In this way we show respect not just for the gift of marriage but also for the Giver of that gift, Jehovah God. Accept Jehovah's Authority ¿ Cómo nos ayuda Miqueas 6: 8 a agradar a Dios por nuestra manera de vestir? She stopped pressuring me. " How does Micah 6: 8 help us to please God by our dress? ¿ Qué principio rector nos ayudará a fijar la línea que separa la moderación del exceso? Years later, though, Peter stopped eating with non - Jewish Christians in the city of Antioch. What principle will help us to set the lines of alcohol abuse? Según Juan, la primera vez que Jesús mencionó la vida eterna fue en la conversación que tuvo con un fariseo llamado Nicodemo. AT ONE TIME, he enjoyed a fine standing with Jehovah. According to John, the first time Jesus mentioned everlasting life was when he spoke to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. * 3, 4. * Veamos algunas de sus características y por qué se ha publicado. But Jesus warned that sometimes "a man's enemies will be persons of his own household. " Let us consider some of its characteristics and why it has been published. El libro de Revelación muestra que en este tiempo del fin sigue acusando a los hermanos ungidos de Cristo y, sin la menor duda, también a sus fieles compañeros. The Devil knows that his time is short, and he intensifies his efforts to conquer us. The book of Revelation shows that this time of the end continues to accuse Christ's anointed brothers and, indeed, their faithful companions. Los ocho Estudiantes de la Biblia fueron condenados a largas penas, que debían cumplir en la cárcel federal de Atlanta (Georgia, Estados Unidos). What did he mean? The eight Bible Students were formerly long - suffering when they were imprisoned in prison. Aquellas tropas habían derrotado a muchas naciones; incluso habían conquistado las ciudades de Judá, con excepción de la capital. The events of the six creative "days, " or time periods of special creative works, are described as they would have appeared to a human observer had he been present on the earth. Those armies had defeated many nations, even dealt with the cities of Judah, with the exception of the capital. ¿ Es así como usted ve los consejos que le dan sus amigos? Only a few anointed Christians in the first century were used to write the Christian Greek Scriptures. Is that how you feel about the advice you receive from your friends? El Reino mesiánico es el medio por el que "se bendecirán todas las naciones de la tierra ." Why, it is the most important message in the world! In over 100,000 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses earth wide, about seven million servants of God are engaged in an unparalleled preaching work, telling others that the Kingdom has been established. The Messianic Kingdom is the means by which "all nations of the earth will bless themselves. " (Párrafos 9, 10, y 12) Why did Timothy decide to worship the true God? (aragraph 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12) Fortalezca su motivación How can we prevent such jealousy from disrupting our unity? Strengthen Your motivation Como la Biblia predijo, en "los últimos días " los hombres serían" desagradecidos ." • How can we come to enjoy "intimacy with Jehovah "? As the Bible foretold, in "the last days " would be" unthankful. " 5, 6. a) ¿Cómo ayudó Jesús a los apóstoles a entender que no debían temer lo que les esperaba en el futuro? He stopped reading our Christian literature and eventually told the elders of the local congregation that he no longer wished to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 5, 6. (a) How did Jesus help the apostles to realize that they should not fear what they had in the future? El segundo analiza varios motivos que da la Biblia para predicar con aguante. How did God emphasize to Israel the importance of giving priority to spiritual pursuits? The second article considers several reasons why the Bible gives it to preach with endurance. Los primeros cuatro toques de trompeta proclamaron la muerte espiritual de la cristiandad, pero los tres últimos son "ayes ," o lamentos, que están relacionados con tres sucesos específicos, como veremos a continuación. But there is more. The first four trumpets proclaimed the spiritual death of Christendom, but the last three are "aliens, " which are related to three specific events, as we will see. Los padres hacen bien en imitar el amor y la paciencia de Jesús, y en continuar esforzándose por educar a sus hijos. What about the future of those who "hope in Jehovah and keep his way "? They are promised: "He [Jehovah] will exalt you to take possession of the earth. Parents do well to imitate Jesus ' love and patience. Continue to train their children. ¿ Cómo podemos hacerlo? Whatever stumbling blocks were involved, some evidently preferred falsehoods over the truths of God's Word. How can we do that? Tal vez descubramos una actitud, una meta o un sentimiento arraigado que requiera atención. In the first century, the interval was not a time for a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity. You may find a mental attitude, a goal, or a feeling that needs attention. De este modo, demostraremos respeto tanto por el regalo del matrimonio como por quien lo hizo, nuestro Padre celestial. " Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - REVELATION 3: 22. By doing so, we show respect for the gift of marriage and by which he did so, our heavenly Father. Así que me dejó tranquila ." However, to think that such a practice is harmless is to engage in a form of self - deception. So I have a good conscience. " Sin embargo, años después, dejó de comer con unos cristianos no judíos en la ciudad de Antioquía. Do you show that you really appreciate Jehovah's gift of marriage? Later, however, Peter left a meal with Jewish Christians in the city of Antioch. HUBO una época en la que tuvo una buena relación con Jehová. By rebelling against Jehovah, Adam robbed his children of their prospect - eternal happiness. IT WAS a time when he had a good relationship with Jehovah. 3, 4. Such dear sheep need tender care, and this means that loving shepherds must take a personal interest in them. 3, 4. Pero Jesús dijo que habría ocasiones en que "los enemigos del hombre [serían] personas de su propia casa ." HE WAS a valiant leader; she was a submissive wife. But Jesus said that there would be times when "the enemies of man would be persons of his own household. " El Diablo sabe que le queda poco tiempo, de ahí que redoble sus esfuerzos por derrotarnos. That Jehovah hates false worship is clearly seen from what happens to Babylon the Great. Satan knows that his time is short, so he will intensify his efforts to defeat us. ¿ Qué quiso decir? Why does a spirit of self - sacrifice help us to make disciples? What did he mean? Los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar durante los seis "días " creativos, es decir, los períodos de obras creativas especiales, se describen tal como los hubiera visto un observador humano que hubiera estado presente en la Tierra. That same evening, Jesus prayed for the loving unity of his apostles, asking his heavenly Father: "May [they] all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us,... in order that they may be one just as we are one. " - John 17: 21, 22. The events that took place during the six " creative days " - that is, the periods of special creation - such as those seen by an observer who had been present on earth. Por ejemplo, solo unos cuantos ungidos fueron usados para redactar las Escrituras Griegas Cristianas. Name some who showed respect for God's Word. For example, only a few anointed ones were written for the Christian Greek Scriptures. Por eso, unos siete millones de testigos de Jehová pertenecientes a más de cien mil congregaciones efectúan por todo el mundo una labor de evangelización sin precedentes y anuncian que el Reino ha sido establecido en los cielos. The idea of exerting strenuous effort to obtain God's blessing may well bring to mind the patriarch Jacob. Thus, some seven million Witnesses of Jehovah have been doing more than 100,000 congregations worldwide worldwide worldwide, proclaiming that the Kingdom has been established in heaven. ¿ Por qué decidió Timoteo adorar al Dios verdadero? How would you describe those who are puffed up with pride? Why did Timothy choose to worship the true God? ¿ Cómo evitaremos que esta actitud perturbe nuestra unidad? Trust in Jehovah Completely in Times of Distress How can we avoid being affected by such a spirit? • ¿Cómo podemos disfrutar de "intimidad con Jehová "? 20: 30 - 41. If a brother treats us unfairly, how should we react? • How can we enjoy "the peace of Jehovah "? Dejó de leer las publicaciones cristianas y, finalmente, comunicó a los ancianos de su congregación que ya no quería ser testigo de Jehová. NOT all Christians make the same choices or have the same preferences. Yet, all Christians must walk arm in arm on the road to life. He stopped reading Christian publications and finally spoke to the elders in his congregation that he no longer wanted to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ¿ Cómo le recalcó Dios a Israel la importancia de dar prioridad a los asuntos espirituales? It offers to guide us in every aspect of life and to equip us for any challenge that matters. How did God stress Israel's importance to put spiritual interests first? Pero eso no es todo. Many of the problems addressed in material for young people are not unique to them. But that is not all. Y si esperamos en Jehová y andamos en su camino, él nos dará un maravilloso futuro, pues la Biblia promete: "[Dios] te ensalzará para tomar posesión de la tierra. Whenever you face such tests, be determined to pray for strength to resist them. And if we hope in Jehovah and walk in his way, he will give us a wonderful future because the Bible promises: "God will exalt you to take possession of the earth. Mi amigo y yo la leíamos por separado, nos reuníamos para comentar lo que habíamos aprendido y sacábamos conclusiones. Just as a helmet protects a soldier's brain, our "hope of salvation " protects our mind, our thinking ability. My friend and I were together, we gathered to comment on what we had learned and to jump conclusions. Sean cuales fueren sus piedras de tropiezo, parece que algunos prefirieron las falsedades a las verdades de la Palabra de Dios. But Pharaoh arrogantly said: "Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? Whatever their stones may seem to be stumbling blocks, some chose to mislead the truths found in God's Word. En cambio, los cristianos buscaremos refugio en Jehová. The Danger of Community Pressure On the other hand, Christians will seek refuge in Jehovah. " El que tenga oído, oiga lo que el espíritu dice a las congregaciones. " What can we do when relationships are strained? " He that has heard, hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " Sin embargo, la persona que crea que esta forma de actuar es inofensiva se engaña a sí misma. We need to pay attention to all three of these elements to become effective teachers of the good news. We can gain a correct understanding of our subject only by studying it prayerfully. However, a person who believes that this way is deceived by Satan himself. ¿ Demuestra usted que de verdad aprecia el don divino del matrimonio? For example, we do not know exactly when that day will come, but we know it is near. Do you show that you truly appreciate God's gift of marriage? ¿ Por qué? Porque al desobedecer a Dios, les quitó a sus hijos la herencia a la que hubieran tenido derecho: ser felices por toda la eternidad. These articles will help us to see how Jesus set the pattern in this regard and how the first - century Christians followed his example. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they took their children away from their inheritance because they had the right to be happy - for all eternity. Pero para ello deben recordar que el rebaño está compuesto por personas dedicadas a Jehová. After all, what better way is there to find out what a person believes than to ask the person himself? However, they should remember that the flock is made up of dedicated individuals. EL JUEZ Jefté era un líder valiente; Ana era una esposa respetuosa. What does proving what we ourselves are involve? THE Judge Jephthah was a courageous leader; Hannah was a respectful wife. Jehová detesta a la religión falsa, y su odio se hace patente en lo que le sucederá a Babilonia la Grande. As we listen to the funeral discourse and reflect on the life course of the faithful servant of Jehovah who has died, we might be moved to examine our own life course. Jehovah hates false religion, and his hatred is evident in what will happen to Babylon the Great. Ahora bien, ¿por qué se necesita espíritu de sacrificio para hacer discípulos? What opportunities are there today for young single Christians to expand their ministry? Why, though, is the spirit of self - sacrifice needed to make disciples? Esa misma noche le pidió a su Padre: "Que todos ellos sean uno, así como tú, Padre, estás en unión conmigo y yo estoy en unión contigo, que ellos también estén en unión con nosotros, [...] para que ellos sean uno así como nosotros somos uno ." IMAGINE that you are lying in a hospital bed. That very night he prayed to his Father: "Let them all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they may also be in union with us,... that they may be one just as we are one. " Mencione algunos personajes que demostraron respeto por la Palabra de Dios en la Edad Media. 2, 3. Give examples showing respect for God's Word in the Middle Ages. Cuando hablamos de luchar con tenacidad por obtener la bendición divina, pudiera venirnos a la mente el caso de Jacob. Did you not feel a sense of fulfillment in helping to brighten someone else's day? When we are discussing God's blessing, we may come to the mind of Jacob. ¿ Cómo describiría a las personas que están hinchadas de orgullo? Moses petitioned Jehovah: "If, please, I have found favor in your eyes, make me know, please, your ways, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " How would you describe people who are puffed up with pride? Confiemos plenamente en Jehová en tiempos de angustia The deliverance from sin that Jesus provides will in due time include freedom from its grim effects - sickness and even death. Trust in Jehovah in times of distress Claro está, los encargados de la congregación se esfuerzan por ser justos con todos. Those who have endured tribulation for their loyalty to God's Kingdom, on the other hand, will experience permanent relief. Regarding this, the apostle Paul wrote: "This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to your being counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are indeed suffering. Of course, those in the congregation strive to be righteous toward all. AUNQUE los cristianos podemos diferir en nuestras decisiones y gustos, todos debemos avanzar codo a codo en el camino a la vida. She discarded her images, resigned from her church, and resumed her Bible study. IT IS a difference in our personal decisions and interests, each of us should move on to a path to life. Ofrece consejos para todo aspecto de la vida y nos prepara para afrontar los desafíos más importantes. For example, he can maneuver governments into banning our preaching work. It provides advice for every aspect of life and helps us to cope with the most important challenges. Muchos de los problemas que se tratan en esas publicaciones no son exclusivos de los jóvenes. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Many of the problems discussed in these publications are not unique to young people. Siempre que nos enfrentemos con una situación como las anteriores, pidámosle a Dios fuerzas para resistir. It will enable us to do things that would be impossible for us to do in our own strength. When confronted with a situation like the former, pray for strength to resist them. Tal como el casco protegía la cabeza del soldado, "la esperanza de la salvación " protege nuestra mente, es decir, nuestra capacidad de pensar. Why can learning about Jesus be comforting to us? Just as the helmet protected the soldier's head, "the hope of salvation " protects our mind - our thinking ability. Sin embargo, el soberano egipcio respondió con arrogancia: "¿Quién es Jehová, para que yo obedezca su voz y envíe a Israel? Why can Malachi 3: 17 be applied in principle to the great crowd? However, the Egyptian ruler replied: "Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice and send Israel away? La presión de la comunidad es un peligro Jesus indicated that respect for Jehovah must come from the inner person. The Peer pressure of the community is a danger ¿ Qué podemos hacer si hay tensión en las relaciones con los hermanos? How will sharing in the preaching work help us? What can you do if you are under stress with fellow believers? Pues bien, si queremos llegar a ser maestros eficaces de las buenas nuevas, no podemos pasar por alto ninguno de estos tres factores. A battle takes place, and Absalom's forces are defeated. Absalom himself is riding away on a mule when his luxuriant hair becomes enmeshed in the fork of a low branch of a large tree. If we want to become effective teachers of the good news, we cannot overlook any of these three factors. Por ejemplo, desconocemos la fecha exacta, pero sí sabemos que está cerca. Such strong faith does indeed " preserve alive the soul. ' For example, we do not know the exact date, but we do know that it is near. Estos artículos nos ayudarán a ver cómo fue Jesús un amigo ejemplar y cómo lo imitaron los primeros cristianos. Everyday life presents many challenges to our integrity These articles will help us to see how Jesus was an exemplary friend and how we can imitate the early Christians. Al fin y al cabo, para saber qué cree una persona, lo mejor es preguntarle directamente a ella, ¿no le parece? Keeping Jehovah in mind constantly will help us to obey him, and we will reap blessings as a consequence. After all, to know what a person believes, it is best to ask her, isn't he? ¿ Qué conlleva probar lo que nosotros mismos somos? Scientists estimate that the number of observable stars is 70 sextillion! What is involved in proving what we ourselves ourselves ourselves are? Porque escuchar el discurso de funeral y reflexionar en la vida de ese fiel siervo de Jehová quizás nos motive a examinar nuestra propia vida. Why did Abraham plead for the inhabitants of Sodom, and was his view of people in harmony with that of Jehovah? Because listening to the baptism talk and reflecting on that faithful servant of Jehovah may move us to examine our own life. ¿ De qué maneras pueden ampliar su ministerio los jóvenes solteros? Jesus became "the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " In what ways can young people expand their ministry? IMAGÍNESE que está en un hospital. Guided by godly wisdom, they know better than to place their trust in this world or its "nobles. " IMAGINE that you are in a hospital. 2, 3. It is no wonder that the psalmist cried out in prayer to God about His chosen people: "Look! your enemies are in an uproar; those who hate you act arrogantly. 2, 3. ¿ Verdad que se sintió bien al alegrarle el día a otra persona? Living Forever on Earth Have you not felt the joy of making the next day the other person rejoice? Moisés le rogó a Jehová: "Si he hallado favor a tus ojos, sírvete hacerme conocer, por favor, tus caminos, para que te conozca, a fin de que halle favor a tus ojos ." Adam brought imperfection and death to billions, his descendants. Moses pleaded with Jehovah: "If I have found favor in your eyes, serve me, please, your ways, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " La liberación del pecado se traducirá en liberación de la enfermedad y la muerte, que son el triste resultado del pecado. 1, 2. (a) What injustice did Naboth and his sons experience? Sin's deliverance will be translated into release from sickness and death, which is the sad result of sin. Quienes se hayan negado a acatar la soberanía de Jehová serán destruidos, mientras que los que hayan soportado tribulación por ser leales al Reino de Dios recibirán alivio definitivo, tal como escribió el apóstol Pablo: "Esto es prueba del justo juicio de Dios, que conduce a que se les considere dignos del reino de Dios, por el cual verdaderamente están sufriendo. What does it mean for parents to " know the appearance ' of their children? Those who have refused to obey Jehovah's sovereignty will be destroyed, whereas those who have endured tribulation for their loyalty to God's Kingdom will receive final relief, just as the apostle Paul wrote: "This is proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading them to be counted worthy of the kingdom of God. En cambio, no fue a verla nadie de su parroquia, de modo que decidió deshacerse de sus imágenes, renunció a su religión y retomó el estudio. With Jehovah's blessing, we can make spiritual progress in whatever role we are currently serving. On the other hand, he did not view anyone in his higher position, so he decided to overcome his images, leaving his religion, and took up the study. Por ejemplo, puede influir en los gobiernos para que prohíban nuestra predicación. Children will rarely disclose abuse directly; they are too ashamed and worried about the reaction. For instance, the governments may influence our preaching work. Además, promueve la fe en el Rey reinante de dicho gobierno, Jesucristo, quien murió para que pudiéramos alcanzar la vida eterna. During the time that an individual who has been judicially reproved is healing spiritually, he might be likened to a person recovering from an injury, which temporarily limits his activity. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life. Estos artículos contestan las siguientes preguntas: ¿Por qué es lógico pensar que los siervos de Jehová deben estar organizados? We have no doubt whatsoever that the reward for those who loyally endure is far greater than any temporary suffering. - Heb. 11: 6. These articles consider the following questions: Why is it reasonable to conclude that Jehovah's people must be organized? Con el espíritu santo podremos hacer cosas que nos resultaría imposible hacer con nuestras propias fuerzas. How were Christians in Thessalonica alerted to the coming of "Jehovah's day, " and how are we alerted? By means of God's holy spirit, we can do things that would be impossible to do with our own strength. ¿ Por qué decimos que estudiar el ejemplo de Cristo nos reanima? In what ways could we fall victim to "the deceptive power of riches "? Why can we say that we study Christ's example? ¿ Por qué se puede aplicar por extensión a la gran muchedumbre Malaquías 3: 17? * What did he say that can help us to have good relations with fellow believers, as well as with people outside the congregation? Why can Malachi 3: 17 be applied to the great crowd? Jesús indicó que el respeto que sentimos por Jehová debe venir del interior. John's words about the world are manifestly true. Jesus indicated that respect for Jehovah should come from the heart. ¿ Cómo nos ayuda la predicación? His day will come exactly on time, at an hour that humans do not expect. - Zeph. How does the preaching work help us? Cuando el ejército rebelde es derrotado en combate, el propio hijo de David tiene que salir huyendo a lomos de un mulo. Purpose of Study Articles When the rebellious army is defeated in battle, David's own son must flee to David's pit. Esa clase de fe es la que conserva "viva el alma ." Do you make wise decisions so that no distractions rob you of a sense of urgency? Such faith is the source of "a soul. " Todos los días se pone a prueba nuestra integridad How Would You Answer? Every day, our integrity is tested Si tenemos siempre presente a Jehová, le obedeceremos en todo y como resultado recibiremos abundantes bendiciones. The benefits we now enjoy as Jehovah's people are beyond our imperfect efforts to number or evaluate. If we keep Jehovah before us constantly, we will be obedient to him and will be richly blessed. Se calcula que pueden observarse 70.000 trillones de estrellas Such reasoning may be well - intentioned, but will it help their child to achieve genuine success? It is estimated that perhaps 70,000 stars can be seen ¿ Por qué intercedió Abrahán por los habitantes de Sodoma? Finally, Peter tells us to be found "in peace. " Why did Abraham search out for the inhabitants of Sodom? Jesús vino a ser "las primicias de los que se han dormido en la muerte ." A family member who feels that his influence in the family is somehow being diminished because of our loyalty to Jehovah may take offense. Jesus came to be "the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " Guiados por la sabiduría divina, comprendemos que sería una insensatez cifrar nuestras esperanzas en este mundo y sus "nobles ." For instance, Jesus spoke of "the sign of Jonah the prophet. " Guided by God's wisdom, we understand that it would be foolish to put our hope in this world and its " nowhere. " No es de extrañar que el salmista clamara a Dios: "¡Mira!, tus mismos enemigos están en alboroto; y los mismos que te odian intensamente han levantado la cabeza. This time, Supot was determined to quit drinking alcohol completely. No wonder the psalmist will cry out to God: "Look! your very enemies are burning; and those hating you have raised your head up! Vida eterna en la Tierra On Nisan 16, 33 C.E., Jehovah resurrected Jesus from the dead to immortal spirit life. - Revelation 3: 14; 1 Peter 3: 18. Everlasting Life on Earth Al pecar, Adán trajo la imperfección y la muerte a sus descendientes, o sea, a miles de millones de personas. (b) What should a woman do before consenting to marry? By sin, Adam brought imperfection and death upon his descendants, or thousands of millions of people. 1, 2. a) ¿Qué injusticia sufrieron Nabot y sus hijos? Realize that the anxieties of this system and the deceptive power of riches can result in spiritual ruin. 1, 2. (a) What injustice did Naboth and his sons suffer? ¿ Cómo pueden los padres conocer bien a sus hijos? Instead of naming themselves after a prominent apostle, "the disciples were by divine providence called Christians. " How can parents know their children well? Con la ayuda de Jehová, podemos progresar espiritualmente sea cual sea la asignación que tengamos ahora. Later, he came into the truth and entered the full - time service. With Jehovah's help, we can make spiritual progress whatever our assignment we have now. Así que escuche con detenimiento. What change was introduced in 1932, and why? So listen carefully. Mientras se recupera en sentido espiritual, la persona censurada por un comité judicial puede compararse a alguien que se está recuperando de una herida física y está limitado en lo que puede hacer. Meaningful, heartfelt prayer builds faith. In a spiritual sense, a person may be compared to someone who is diagnosed with physical pain and is limited in what he can do. No nos cabe la menor duda: quienes aguantan fielmente recibirán un galardón que compensará con creces cualquier sufrimiento actual. The Bible says: "The world is passing away. " Yes, those who endure faithfully will receive a reward greater than any present suffering we may face. a) ¿Cómo se advirtió a los cristianos de Tesalónica acerca del "día de Jehová "? b) ¿Cómo se nos advierte a nosotros hoy? This results in a happier life. How were Christians in Thessalonica warned about "the day of Jehovah, " and how are we warned today? ¿ Cómo podríamos convertirnos en víctimas del "poder engañoso de las riquezas "? If so, you may find it very beneficial to meditate on certain statements of the apostle Paul that have been recorded in the book of Hebrews. How might we become victims of "the deceptive power of riches "? * ¿Cómo nos ayuda lo que él dijo a tener buenas relaciones con nuestros hermanos y con otras personas? (b) Why can we say that Jehovah and his Son are united by the strongest bond of love ever forged? * How does Jesus ' words to have good relations with fellow believers and others help us? Es evidente que las palabras de Juan acerca del mundo son ciertas. The psalmist did not " wander from God's orders, ' but that can happen to a person dedicated to Jehovah. Clearly, John's words about the world are true. Aunque su día llegará justo en el momento que él ha establecido, tomará por sorpresa a este mundo. " So I find short study periods beneficial. While his day will arrive at the time that Jehovah has established, he will take refuge in this world. PROPÓSITO DE LOS ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO showing love for your child? Purpose of Study Articles ¿ Toma decisiones que lo ayuden a no distraerse y mantenerse alerta? Knowing their scheme, the fearful parents of the once blind man lied to the Pharisees, saying that they did not know how their son could now see or who was responsible. - John 9: 1 - 23. Will you make choices that will help you to avoid being distracted and keep on the watch? ¿ Qué respondería? " I can post a comment and it's as if I've just e - mailed every one of my friends at the same time. " - Kristine, 20. How Would You Answer? Las bendiciones que los siervos de Jehová ya disfrutamos son tantas que nuestra mente imperfecta no alcanza a enumerarlas ni a comprenderlas del todo. Explain. (b) What shows that others entered Sheol at their death? The blessings that Jehovah's servants already enjoy are so much that our imperfect mind does not suggest them or understand them all. Pero ¿ayudan así a sus hijos a ser felices de verdad? Y, sobre todo, ¿es eso lo que enseña la Biblia? Instead, we need to do all we can now to help people. But do they help their children to be truly happy, especially those who teach the Bible? Por último, Pedro dice que se nos tiene que hallar "en paz ." During their discussion, her husband said that he believed in the Trinity. Discerning that he might not have realized what the Trinity teaching is all about, she tactfully asked, "Do you believe that God is God, that Jesus is God, and that the holy spirit is God; yet, there are not three Gods but one God? " Finally, Peter tells us that we should be found "in peace. " Un miembro de la familia pudiera ofenderse por creer que nuestra lealtad a Jehová le está restando autoridad. Exemplary elderly ones may occasionally be used in demonstrations or interviews. A member of the family might cause us to believe that our loyalty to Jehovah is resumed by authority. Pensemos en lo siguiente. What will help you cope with trials that may follow your baptism? Consider the following. Ahora sí que estaba totalmente resuelto a dejar el alcohol. Advancing like an army, the locusts surmount obstacles, enter into houses, and devour everything in their path. (Read Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9.) Now he was completely determined to quit alcohol. El 16 de nisán del año 33, Jehová resucitó a Jesús y le otorgó vida espiritual e inmortal. 5 Highlights From the Book of Acts On Nisan 16, 33 C.E., Jehovah resurrected Jesus and gave him immortal life and immortal life. b) ¿Qué debe hacer una mujer antes de contraer matrimonio? Why is it fitting to recognize Jehovah as "the living God "? (b) What should a woman do before abuse? Tengamos claro que las inquietudes de este sistema y el poder engañoso de las riquezas pueden llevarnos a la perdición espiritual. Why the World Is Sick Clearly, the anxieties of this system and the deceptive power of riches can cause us to lose spiritual ruin. Los discípulos no llevaron el nombre de ningún apóstol importante, sino que Dios hizo que se les llamara cristianos. In addition, Jehovah gives "holy spirit to those asking him. " The disciples did not bear the name of any important apostle, but God called them Christians. Con el tiempo, se bautizó y empezó el servicio de tiempo completo. But Jehovah humbled proud Kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. In time, she got baptized and began serving Jehovah full - time. ¿ Qué cambio se introdujo en 1932, y por qué razón? All of us, whether of the anointed or of the "other sheep, " hope to see the fulfillment of God's original purpose and the sanctification of Jehovah's name. What change was introduced in 1932, and why? La oración significativa y sentida fortalece la fe. It also means trusting in Jehovah, knowing that he has our very best interests at heart. Prayer is a strengthening and strengthening way to strengthen our faith. La Biblia dice: "El mundo va pasando ." What Scriptural proof shows that Jehovah always supports his people? The Bible says: "The world is passing away. " Todo ello nos produce mayor felicidad. What do these laws involve? This brings us greatest happiness. Si es así, meditemos en las palabras que el apóstol Pablo incluyó en su carta a los Hebreos. Pedro, who lives in Portugal, entered a seminary when he was 13 years old. If so, meditate on what the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Hebrews. b) ¿Por qué puede afirmarse que a Jehová y su Hijo los unen los lazos afectivos más firmes que pueda haber? What a staggering task that was! Just think! (b) Why can it be said that Jehovah and his Son draw closer to one another? El salmista no se había "desviado de [las] órdenes " de Dios; sin embargo, toda persona dedicada a Jehová corre el riesgo de descarriarse. (b) Why do some men put earning a living ahead of spiritual pursuits? The psalmist had not " deviated from [God's] orders, " yet every dedicated person is taken away from Jehovah. Por eso prefiero tener sesiones más cortas. Indeed, we have even more reason to do so than Job had! So often there will be a short period of time. .. a demostrar cariño a sus hijos? What a fine pattern this sets for Christian parents today, who must likewise train their children in the ways of holiness, thereby helping them to bring honor to God's glorious name! - Read Proverbs 1: 8; Ephesians 6: 4. showing love for your children? Conociendo sus planes, los padres del hombre sanado se atemorizaron y mintieron a los fariseos. Yes, it is! Having made their plans, the parents of man healed and brought them to the Pharisees. (Kristine, 20 años.) Such accusations and propaganda are often refuted by the fine conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses. International years ago, 20 years ago, U.S.A. b) ¿Cómo sabemos que otras personas fueron al Seol cuando murieron? Sanballat may have intended to make public the false charges brought forth by sending them in an open letter. (b) How do we know that others were in Sheol when they died? Veamos algunas sugerencias. Jehovah has repeatedly been the Rescuer of his people as a group, especially when they have been severely persecuted and relentlessly hounded by their enemies. Consider a few suggestions. Nuestra hermana, dándose cuenta de que su esposo tal vez no sabía realmente en qué consiste esa doctrina, le preguntó con prudencia: "Entonces, ¿crees que Dios es Dios, que Jesús es Dios y que el espíritu santo es Dios, pero que no hay tres dioses, sino uno solo? ." And we know that he was resurrected from the dead. Our sister, realizing that her husband may not really know what this doctrine is, she asked: "How do you think that God is God, Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit is, but there is not one gods alone? " De vez en cuando pudiera utilizarse en demostraciones o entrevistas a cristianos mayores que sean ejemplares. Whatever our personal circumstances, though, we should be determined to feed our heart with solid spiritual food. At times, they may be used in demonstrations or in song to give older Christians an opportunity to consider whether they are exemplary. ¿ Qué te ayudará a soportar las pruebas de fe después de bautizarte? They started doing this using the book "Bearing Thorough Witness " About God's Kingdom. What will help you to endure tests of faith after baptism? Avanzando como un ejército, las langostas superan obstáculos, entran en las casas y devoran todo lo que encuentran a su paso (léase Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9). • How do elders show appreciation for older members of the flock? (Read Joel 2: 2, 7 - 9.) 27 No permita que una enfermedad le robe el gozo Thus, bad things resulting in gross injustices have been happening throughout human history. ARTICLE 5 Do Not Allow Your Joy? ¿ Por qué es adecuado reconocer a Jehová como "[el] Dios vivo "? 1, 2. (a) What different views do people have regarding the matter of free will? Why is it appropriate to acknowledge Jehovah as "the living God "? ¿ Por qué está enfermo el mundo? (See footnote.) Why is the world sick? Además, Dios da "espíritu santo a los que le piden ." Hence, we need to share in the disciple - making work with enthusiasm, as Jesus did. Moreover, God gives "holy spirit to those asking him. " Pero castigó a los orgullosos reyes Nabucodonosor y Belsasar. Relate an experience of how a sound decision can be made in spite of pressures or hardship. But he punished the proud kings of King Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. Seamos ungidos o de las otras ovejas, esperamos ver el cumplimiento del propósito original de Dios y la santificación de su nombre. But when their actions did not deserve commendation, he explained the reason to them kindly and clearly. - 1 Cor. 11: 20 - 22. Whether we are anointed or of the other sheep, we await the fulfillment of God's original purpose and the sanctification of his name. También implica confiar en él, en que de verdad quiere lo mejor para nosotros. Many of our young ones have to do that while in school. We also need to trust in him, knowing that he really wants what is best for us. ¿ Qué prueba hallamos en la Biblia de que Jehová siempre apoya a sus siervos? Malachi's prophecy has a modern - day fulfillment in connection with spirit - anointed Christians, who make up a spiritual nation of 144,000. What evidence do we find in the Bible that Jehovah always supports his servants? ¿ Qué implican estas leyes? Many have found that having a productive Family Worship session each week helps to cement the bond between young and old. What do these laws involve? Pedro, que vive en Portugal, ingresó en el seminario a los 13 años porque quería ser misionero y enseñar la Biblia; pero al ver la poca atención que esta recibía en las clases, lo abandonó. How does Jehovah choose those whom he draws to himself? Peter, who lives in his late 20 ' s, threw his attention into the ministry at 13 years because he wanted to be a missionary and to teach the Bible with little attention. ¡ Qué tarea tan enorme! Consider also Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. What a great task! b) ¿Por qué anteponen algunos varones el trabajo a los asuntos espirituales? 12: 6 - 8. What bearing does desire have on what we do in the congregation? (b) Why do some men put their work ahead of spiritual matters? De hecho, tenemos incluso más razones que Job para hacerlo. Christian love "does not keep account of the injury, " observes 1 Corinthians 13: 5. In fact, we have even greater reasons for doing so. Aquel fue un magnífico ejemplo para los padres cristianos de hoy, pues también deben enseñarles a vivir de tal modo que contribuyan a la alabanza del glorioso nombre de Dios (lea Proverbios 1: 8 y Efesios 6: 4). How had Israel come to be in a bad spiritual state? (Read Proverbs 1: 8; Ephesians 6: 4.) ¡ Claro que sí! The evangelizing work also moves us to rely on God's holy spirit. Yes, indeed! A menudo, nuestro buen comportamiento ha echado por tierra las denuncias en nuestra contra y los intentos de desprestigiarnos. In these two articles, we will see how Jehovah fulfills his role as "our Potter " and what we must do in order to be like soft clay in his hands. Often, our good conduct has led to the land's message against us and attempts to discourage us. Quizás la intención de Sanbalat era divulgar las acusaciones falsas que esta contenía. We owe him love, expressed in obedience; and when we sin we fail in paying our debt of love to him, for sin is unloving toward God. " - 1 John 5: 3. She may have tried to expose her false accusations to her. Tú eres mi auxilio y el Proveedor de escape para mí ." Why is learning to do without beneficial, but what makes this difficult? You are my help and the Provider of escape for me. " Hemos reconocido que su sacrificio redentor es la base para la salvación. What, though, if your children do not seem to be making spiritual progress - perhaps even questioning their faith? We have recognized that his ransom sacrifice is the basis for salvation. Dios sabe que los seres humanos satisfacen mejor su necesidad espiritual cuando leen su mensaje en el idioma del corazón. As a parent, do you not have a similar goal spiritually? God knows that humans can better fill their spiritual need when they read his message in the language of their heart. Empezaron por analizar el libro "Testimonio cabal " del Reino de Dios. How can belief in the resurrection help us now? They began to study the book "bearing thorough witness " of God's Kingdom. • ¿Cómo demuestran los superintendentes su aprecio por los miembros mayores del rebaño? O save me, because I have searched for your own orders. " • How do elders show appreciation for older members of the flock? Así pues, las injusticias graves que provoca la maldad han acompañado al hombre a lo largo de toda su historia. Or perhaps we might aimlessly follow links on the Internet or frequent chat rooms and sites that carry invitations to view pornography or offer other sexual services. Thus, the serious injustices that cause wickedness have led to man throughout history. 1, 2. a) ¿Qué opina la gente sobre el libre albedrío? How can we be pure in heart and peaceable? 1, 2. (a) How do people view free will? (Vea también la nota). How did early Christians respond to Jesus ' prophecy that the good news would be preached in all the inhabited earth? (See also footnote.) Así que es necesario que imitemos a Jesús y participemos en esta labor de enseñanza con verdadero empeño. Once he left behind the riches of Egypt, Moses put his confidence in Jehovah. Therefore, we need to imitate Jesus and share in the work of true teaching. Ilustre con una experiencia que pueden tomarse buenas decisiones a pesar de presiones o dificultades. An outstanding reason for praising Jehovah is that he is the Creator. Relate an experience that can make wise decisions despite pressure or trials. Una forma de demostrar amor y hospitalidad es ayudando a quienes lo necesitan. YOUR FRIENDSHIPS One way to show love and hospitality is by helping those in need. Muchos de nuestros jóvenes tienen que hacer eso en la escuela. God says. Many of our young ones need to do this at school. La profecía de Malaquías tiene un cumplimiento actual en los cristianos ungidos por espíritu, quienes componen una nación espiritual de 144.000 miembros. [ Footnote] Malachi's prophecy has a fulfillment today in spirit - anointed Christians, who make up a spiritual nation of 144,000 members. Muchos ya han comprobado que aprender juntos de Jehová en un ambiente agradable fortalece la unidad entre padres e hijos. Scriptural Questions Answered: Many have found that learning about Jehovah together can strengthen the unity between parents and children. ¿ Cómo escoge Jehová a los que atrae? By means of His spirit, Word, and organization, Jehovah delivers us "from the wicked one. " How does Jehovah choose those whom he draws to him? Pensemos también en este consejo de Jesús: "Presten atención a sí mismos para que sus corazones nunca lleguen a estar cargados debido a comer con exceso y beber con exceso, y por las inquietudes de la vida, y de repente esté aquel día sobre ustedes instantáneamente como un lazo. True, Jehovah repurchased Israel from slavery in Egypt and consequently declared: "You people only have I known out of all the families of the ground. " Think, too, of Jesus ' counsel: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. ¿ Cómo determinan nuestros propios deseos el lugar que ocuparemos en la congregación? Timothy, "a genuine child in the faith, " imitated Paul's fine example. How can our own desires affect the place we occupy in the congregation? Además, 1 Corintios 13: 5 indica que el amor cristiano "no lleva cuenta del daño ." Jehovah's Witnesses often take the opportunity to speak with fishermen they meet Moreover, 1 Corinthians 13: 5 indicates that a Christian's love "does not keep account of the injury. " ¿ Cómo había llegado Israel a su lamentable estado espiritual? Then we came home to a surprise. There was our car, parked in front of the house! How had Israel come to their spiritual condition? La evangelización también nos impulsa a confiar en el espíritu santo de Dios. The earth will be transformed into a paradise. Jehovah will bring these blessings, not because he has to, but because he loves us. Our evangelizing work also moves us to trust in God's holy spirit. En estos dos artículos, veremos cómo Jehová actúa como "nuestro Alfarero " y qué debemos hacer para parecernos a barro blando en sus manos. 16 Preguntas de los lectores Like locusts, Christian ministers show perseverance In these two articles, we will see how Jehovah acts as "our Potter " and how we should treat ourselves as soft clay in his hands. Le debemos nuestro amor, expresado en obediencia; y cuando pecamos dejamos de pagarle nuestra deuda de amor, porque el pecado es falta de amor hacia Dios ." Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I pray that Jehovah give me three things: a calm heart, patience, and endurance. We owe him our love, expressed in obedience; and if we were to pay our debt of love, for sin is a lack of love toward God. " ¿ Por qué nos beneficia aprender a llevar una vida sencilla, pero qué lo dificulta? Nathan learned that David had committed adultery and had arranged for the woman's husband to die in battle. Why can we benefit from learning to live a simple life, but what makes it difficult? Pero ¿y si su hijo no parece estar progresando espiritualmente o hasta cuestiona sus creencias? They represent all those with an earthly hope - those who put faith in Jesus ' sacrifice but are not included in the royal priestly class. What if your child does not seem to be progressing spiritually or even question your beliefs? ¿ Acaso no quiere usted hacer lo mismo con sus hijos? Surely we ought to cherish the privilege of praying to God and should " lift up loyal hands ' in faith that our heavenly Father will answer us. - 1 Tim. Do you not want to do the same with your children? ¿ Cómo nos ayuda ahora abrigar la esperanza de la resurrección? Furthermore, she can find contentment in knowing that Jehovah God approves of her course and will richly reward her for imitating the example of his dear Son. How can the resurrection hope help us now? Oh sálvame, porque he buscado tus propias órdenes ." Does that mean that true Christianity is no longer growing in the way that Jesus said it should? O save me, for I have searched for your orders. " También es arriesgado hacer clic en enlaces que llevan a páginas que desconocemos, o frecuentar salas de charla (o chats) en las que aparecen invitaciones a ver pornografía o publicidad de servicios sexuales. (See opening picture.) It is also dangerous to take advantage of such sites that you do not know, whether you are at school, at school, or at school. ¿ Cómo podemos ser de corazón puro y pacíficos? 96: 1. For more instruction on improving the singing voice, see the December 2014 monthly program on JW Broadcasting (video category FROM OUR STUDIO). How can we be pure in heart and peaceable? ¿ Cómo respondieron los primeros cristianos a la profecía de Jesús de que las buenas nuevas se predicarían en toda la Tierra? When the seabed dropped away into a blue abyss, Joe's wife said, "I think we're going out too far. " " Relax, " Joe replied. How did the early Christians respond to Jesus ' prophecy that the good news would be preached earth wide? Después de irse de Egipto y renunciar a ser rico, Moisés se apoyó en Jehová.. As the Creator, Jehovah already owns everything we have in a material way. After leaving Egypt and getting rich, Moses relied on Jehovah. Una de las principales razones para alabar a Jehová es que él es el Creador. The more reliable you are, the more trust (or credit) you will receive One foremost reason to praise Jehovah is that he is the Creator. Es una verdadera bendición estar entre quienes Jehová ha atraído y revelado la verdad de la Biblia. The apostles to whom Jesus was speaking were going to be part of spiritual Israel, not judges of its members. It is a real blessing to be among those whom Jehovah has drawn and revealed Bible truth. TUS AMISTADES To become reconciled to God, people must first be convinced that Jehovah exists and that there are good reasons for drawing close to him. YOUR TIME Vengan al agua. " Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " - HEB. Come into water. [ Nota] • In what ways can we demonstrate humility? [ Footnote] Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: What does Leviticus chapter 19 say about how love was to be shown? Scriptural Questions Answered: Por medio de su espíritu, su Palabra y su organización, Dios nos libra "del inicuo ." Once the novelty of being married has worn off, they have realized that they and their partner have little in common when it comes to everyday matters. By means of his spirit, his Word, and his organization, God delivers us "the wicked one. " Es cierto que Jehová había redimido a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto y luego había declarado: "Solo a ustedes he conocido de todas las familias del suelo ." That assurance is given in the latter part of Peter's letter, where the apostle discusses matters related to "the end of all things. " - 1 Pet. True, Jehovah had punished the Israelites of slavery in Egypt, and he said: "I have known you out of all families of the ground. " Y Timoteo, "un hijo genuino en la fe ," imitó el excelente ejemplo de Pablo. 22 We Belong to Jehovah Timothy, "a true son in the faith, " imitated Paul's fine example. Los testigos de Jehová aprovechan las oportunidades que les surgen para hablar con los pescadores. (a) What caused a sudden turn of events among Nehemiah's enemies? Jehovah's Witnesses use opportunities to speak to the fishermen. ¡ Qué sorpresa nos llevamos al ver nuestro automóvil delante de casa! Satan must be pleased when influential people malign God's gift of marriage. The Devil certainly has no interest in endorsing that arrangement or seeing it succeed. What a surprise we are when we see our car standing before home! Jehová no nos dará estas bendiciones porque esté obligado a hacerlo, sino porque nos ama. See the September 15, 2012, issue of The Watchtower, pages 13 - 17, "Theocratic Schools - Evidence of Jehovah's Love. " Jehovah will not give us such blessings because he is obligated to do so; he loves us. Los ministros cristianos tienen la perseverancia de las langostas There are many more. Christian ministers have the perseverance of the locust Pero cuando ya no puedo más, le pido a Jehová que me dé calma, paciencia y aguante. People who have no faith lack sound guiding principles. But when I am no longer able to do so, I pray for Jehovah to give me calm, patient, and endurance. Después de que David se acostó con Bat - seba y se aseguró de que su esposo muriera en combate, Jehová mandó a Natán a verlo. The stone will yet come against that image, striking it a blow that will reduce it to powder. After David committed Bath - sheba and was assured that his husband would die in battle, Jehovah commanded Nathan to go to David. Evidentemente, a todas las personas que tienen la esperanza de vivir en la Tierra gracias a su fe en el sacrificio de Jesús, y no a la clase de reyes y sacerdotes (recordemos que la tribu sacerdotal de Leví no se incluía entre las doce tribus). ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Of course, all those with the hope of living on earth for their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, not the kind of kings and priests. Nosotros también debemos considerar un honor orar a Dios. Sigamos siendo leales, "alzando [nuestras] manos ," seguros de que nuestro Padre celestial nos contestará. (Byington) With that in mind, let us now consider five factors that will help us never to allow the frustrations of life to make us blame Jehovah. We too need to consider our privilege of praying to God, keeping our integrity, " lauding [our] hands, " confident that our heavenly Father will answer us. También tendrá la satisfacción de saber que Jehová aprueba lo que hace y que la premiará por imitar el ejemplo de Jesús. Hence, when Sihon refused to let the Israelites pass through and Og came to meet them in battle, Jehovah commanded the Israelites to demolish their cities, leaving no survivors. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that Jehovah approves of what he does and will reward you for imitating Jesus ' example. ¿ Significa eso que el auténtico cristianismo ya no está creciendo en el sentido que Jesús dijo que debería crecer? Deep in our figurative heart, we will experience freedom from uneasiness, fear, and alarm. Does that mean that true Christianity is no longer growing in the sense that Jesus said that it should grow? (Vea el dibujo del principio). The Bible says that he "took the children into his arms and began blessing them, laying his hands upon them. " (See opening picture.) Encontrará más sugerencias para mejorar la voz en el discurso "Listos para cantar las nuevas canciones ," en JW Broadcasting, VIDEOS > DESDE NUESTRO ESTUDIO > DISCURSOS. • How do you account for differences in the ways Peter and "supporters of circumcision " responded to adjustments in understanding of the truth? For more suggestions to improve the voice in the discourse "I will sing the new songs, " watching JW Broadcasting. Cuando el lecho marino dio paso a un profundo abismo, la esposa dijo preocupada: "Creo que nos estamos alejando demasiado ," a lo que él respondió:" Tranquila. Jesus did not focus on this tempting offer. When the bed did not take a deep abyss, the wife said: "I see that we are drifting away too much. " Por ser el Creador, Jehová ya es dueño de todas las cosas materiales que poseemos. (b) What practical things can we do to support the weak? Being the Creator, Jehovah has all the things we possess. Cuanto más responsable seas, más confiarán en ti y más "crédito " te darán. Here again, notice David's confidence, as expressed in the words "Jehovah himself will. " The more responsible you will be, the more you will trust in him, and the more you will be able to do so. Para empezar, no pueden representar a las doce tribus del Israel espiritual. ¿ Cómo lo sabemos? No human knows as much. To begin with, we cannot represent the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel. Para reconciliarse con Jehová, las personas deben convencerse primero de que existe y de que hay buenas razones para acercarse a él. [ Picture on page 29] To become reconciled to Jehovah, people must first believe that there is good reasons for drawing close to him. " Fe es la expectativa segura de las cosas que se esperan ." Indeed, people are inevitably influenced by what they take into their mind and heart. " Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. " - HEB. • ¿De qué maneras se demuestra la humildad? However, Paul was innocent. • In what ways is humility manifested? Según el capítulo 19 de Levítico, ¿cómo tenía que demostrarse el amor? " Continue... forgiving one another freely. " - COL. 3: 13. According to Leviticus chapter 19, how did love be shown? Porque, cuando se acaba la novedad del matrimonio y se enfrentan a la vida diaria, se dan cuenta de que tienen poco en común con su cónyuge. (b) Why is the term "Israel " not always limited in its meaning? They realize that they have little in common with their mate. Esa garantía aparece hacia el final de su carta, en un punto en el que el apóstol habla del "fin de todas las cosas ." Why did Jacob wish to be buried in Canaan? That assurance is recorded at the end of his letter, in a point that the apostle speaks of "the book of all things. " 22 Pertenecemos a Jehová When donating for the construction of the temple, "the people rejoiced over making these voluntary offerings, for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart. " ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Book of Genesis - II a) ¿Por qué suspendieron el ataque los enemigos de Nehemías? The wrath was expressed when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed by Roman armies in 70 C.E. (a) Why did Nehemiah's enemies seize Nehemiah's attack? Satanás debe aplaudir cada vez que escucha a alguien famoso hablar con desprecio del regalo que Dios nos ha dado: el matrimonio. Why is this important? Satan ought to be wealthy each time you hear someone speak with contempt for God's gift of marriage - marriage. Vea en La Atalaya del 15 de septiembre de 2012, páginas 13 a 17, el artículo "Las escuelas teocráticas: una demostración del amor de Jehová ." What joy we will experience when Satan and all his works are obliterated forever and " the meek ones themselves possess the earth and find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace '! See The Watchtower, September 15, 2012, pages 13 - 17: "The theocratic schools are an demonstration of Jehovah's love. " Pero no son las únicas. In view of the fact that history shows that Jerusalem survived for four more years, why did Christians need to heed Jesus ' words so urgently in 66 C.E.? However, they are not alone. Las personas sin fe carecen de principios confiables para guiar su vida. What can you learn from Daniel's example? People without faith exercise trustworthy principles to guide their lives. La piedra aún tiene que estrellarse contra la imagen, asestándole un golpe que la reducirá a polvo. Many of God's servants in modern times have been willing to leave their homes and move to serve where there is a greater need for zealous Witnesses. The stone still has to lie against the image, that is, in effect, a blow that comes to dust. OTROS ARTÍCULOS 1, 2. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Con eso presente, veamos cinco factores que nos ayudarán a no dejar nunca que las frustraciones de la vida nos lleven a echarle la culpa a Jehová. Unknown to me, someone else later studied the Bible with them and helped them to progress. With that in mind, let us consider five factors that will help us to avoid letting our lives cause us to blame Jehovah. Por eso, cuando Sehón les negó a los israelitas el paso por su territorio y Og salió a combatir contra ellos, Jehová ordenó a Su pueblo demoler sus ciudades y no dejar a nadie con vida. We can clearly see that we have a work to do - sowing. We should never allow excuses and potential problems and difficulties to stop us from doing this work. So when he refused to prevent the Israelites from taking the step of their territory in order to fight against them, Jehovah commanded his people to tear down their cities and leave anyone else with life. En lo profundo de nuestro corazón nos sentiremos libres de temores y angustias. As noted above, Christians entering such a legal marriage may desire to have a marriage talk, with wedding vows, at the Kingdom Hall. In our deep heart, we will be free of fear and anxiety. La Biblia dice que "tomó a los niños en los brazos y empezó a bendecirlos, poniendo las manos sobre ellos ." Jesus said that there is joy in heaven when just one lost sheep is found. The Bible says that "he took the children into his arms and began blessing them, laying his hands upon them. " • ¿Cómo se explica que Pedro y "los apoyadores de la circuncisión " reaccionaran de manera tan distinta ante los cambios en el entendimiento de la verdad? Both open with the exclamation "Praise Jah, you people! " or "Hallelujah! " • How does Peter and "the supporters of circumcision " differ from changes in the understanding of the truth? Jesús no se puso a darle vueltas a la tentadora oferta. What will happen after the destruction of false religious organizations? Jesus did not go back to the tempting offer. b) ¿Cómo podemos apoyar a los débiles? How did Paul and his traveling companions experience the direction of the holy spirit? (b) How can we support those who are weak? Al decir que Jehová mismo sustentaría a su siervo, David expresa la gran confianza que tenía en que Dios lo iba a ayudar. For it was at the risk of their souls that they brought it. " - 1 Chron. By saying that Jehovah himself sustains his servant, David expresses the great confidence that God was going to help him. Ningún ser humano sabe tanto como él. Wearing the spiritual armor described by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. No human knows as well as he does. [ Ilustración de la página 29] Jehovah knows that the more we learn about him through the pages of the Bible, the more real he will become to us and the closer we will feel to him. [ Picture on page 29] Y es que, inevitablemente, lo que entra en la mente y el corazón de las personas determina lo que estas producen. So why does a person have this quality, and what enables him to be faithful? It involves the mind and heart of interested ones. Pero Pablo era inocente. How Would You Answer? But Paul was innocent. " Continúen [...] perdonándose liberalmente unos a otros ." Note what helped them. " Continue... forgiving one another freely. " - EPHESIANS 4: 6. b) ¿Qué ejemplo tenemos de que el término Israel no se limita siempre a los ungidos? Is it really possible for God to rule the universe by love? (b) What example do we have that ancient Israel is not limited to anointed Christians? ¿ Por qué quería Jacob que lo enterraran en Canaán? 8 - 12. Why did Jacob want Jacob to be buried in Canaan? Cuando el pueblo de Israel hizo donaciones para la construcción del templo, "se entregó al regocijo por haber hecho ofrendas voluntarias, porque fue con corazón completo que hicieron ofrendas voluntarias a Jehová ." Apostasy later began to infect the early Christian congregation, especially after the death of the apostles. When the people of Israel made voluntary contributions to the construction of the temple, "he gave up the rejoicing because of having made voluntary offerings, for it was with a complete heart that made voluntary offerings to Jehovah. " La ira divina se manifestó cuando Jerusalén y su templo fueron destruidos por los ejércitos romanos en el año 70 de nuestra era. Tragedies, illness, or persecution may seem so unfair. Other people appear to escape many of such problems. God's wrath was demonstrated when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed by Roman armies in 70 C.E. ¿ Por qué es importante ser cuidadosos en este asunto? 1: 4 - 7 - How were anointed Christians foreordained long before they were born? Why is it important to be alert in this regard? No hay palabras para expresar la felicidad que sentiremos cuando desaparezcan Satanás y su mundo y se cumpla esta profecía: "Los mansos mismos poseerán la tierra, y verdaderamente hallarán su deleite exquisito en la abundancia de paz ." To follow Paul's example in the ministry, you must have the same disposition as Timothy, who genuinely cared about others and " slaved in furtherance of the good news. ' (Read Philippians 2: 19 - 23.) There is no words to express happiness when Satan and his world will be fulfilled: "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " Puesto que la historia muestra que Jerusalén sobrevivió cuatro años más, ¿por qué era urgente que los cristianos obedecieran a Jesús en el año 66? Truly, mankind needs direction! Since history shows that Jerusalem was about four years ago, why was it urgent that Christians obey Jesus in 66 C.E.? ¿ Qué puedes aprender del ejemplo de Daniel? What can we learn from this account of Paul and his five fellow workers? What can you learn from Daniel's example? Muchos siervos de Dios de la actualidad han estado dispuestos a dejar su hogar e irse a lugares donde se necesitan más publicadores. Paul knew that God's spirit can make up for human weaknesses, regardless of their nature. Thus, God's active force can strengthen you whenever you feel weak and in need of help. Many of God's present - day servants have been willing to leave their home and move to places where the need is greater. 1, 2. Whom do "the twelve tribes of Israel " picture in this context? 1, 2. Sin que yo lo supiera, más tarde alguien estudió la Biblia con ellos y los ayudó a progresar. When it comes to pure worship, it is vital that we look to Jehovah for direction and cooperate with "the faithful and discreet slave " and the congregation elders. Without knowing him, a person later studied the Bible with them and helped them to make progress. Hemos visto claramente que tenemos un trabajo que hacer: sembrar la semilla del Reino. The apostle Paul warned us that if we wound the conscience of our brother, we are sinning. We have seen clearly that we have a work to do - sow the Kingdom seed. Como ya se ha indicado, los cristianos que contraen este tipo de matrimonio quizá deseen que en el Salón del Reino se pronuncie un discurso de boda que incluya los votos matrimoniales. Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Peter refer to two such events - "the days of Noah " and" the days of Lot. " As noted earlier, Christians who are against this type of marriage may desire to share in the Kingdom Hall have a wedding talk that includes marriage vows. Jesús dijo que hay gozo en el cielo cuando una sola oveja perdida regresa al redil. Could we make better use of this valuable skill? Jesus said that there is joy in heaven when one lost sheep return to the fold. Los dos se inician con la exclamación "¡Alaben a Jah! ," o" ¡Aleluya! ." The normal Christian response to persecution, however, did not go beyond a temperate but firm refusal to obey such orders of the government as were felt to conflict with obedience to Christ. " " Praise Jah, you people! " b) ¿Por qué se convertirá el pueblo de Dios en el centro de atención? If the driver keeps postponing the maintenance of the engine, the day will come when the car will grind to a complete halt. If that happens, he will have to spend a lot of time and money on getting the car repaired and running again. (b) Why will God's people become in the center of attention? ¿ Cómo guió el espíritu santo a Pablo y sus compañeros? People may seek to blame God for such suffering, but they are actually the victims of their own bad decisions. - Proverbs 19: 3. How was holy spirit guided by Paul and his companions? Porque fue a riesgo de sus almas que la trajeron ." Jesus ' example had a positive influence on his apostles. For it was at risk of their souls that they brought them up. " Llevar puesta la armadura espiritual que Pablo describió en su carta a los Efesios. As we see Jehovah's blessing on our efforts, we will have clear evidence that the Bible can keep changing our life. - Ps. 34: 8. Put on the spiritual armor Paul described in his letter to the Ephesians. Jehová sabe que cuanto más aprendamos sobre él en las páginas de la Biblia, más real será para nosotros y más cerca nos sentiremos de él. Since grain is not ordinarily produced on mountain tops, these words emphasize how productive the earth will become. Jehovah knows that the more we learn about him on the pages of the Bible, the more real it will be to us, and we will draw close to him. Siendo así, ¿cómo podemos cultivarla y demostrarla en todo lo que hacemos? For years, in such lands as Congo, Madagascar, and Rwanda, brothers often had to choose between having food for their families and having copies of the Bible, which sometimes cost the equivalent of a weekly or a monthly wage. By doing so, how can we display it and display it in all we do? ¿ Cómo respondería? None of us like to see fellow Christians suffer or struggle. How Would You Answer? Vea qué los ayudó. Paul and his fellow Christians sought to make disciples by preaching from house to house, in the marketplace, and on their travels - really, everywhere. See what helped them. ¿ De veras podía Dios gobernar el universo basándose en el amor? [ Footnotes] Is God really capable of ruling the universe? 8 - 12. Of course, immorality, bad behavior, and pressures are by no means limited to the college or university campus. 8 - 12. Posteriormente, la apostasía comenzó a infectar a la congregación cristiana, sobre todo tras la muerte de los apóstoles. Realizing that the entire family would benefit spiritually from such occasions, many family heads arranged for their wife and children to accompany them. Later, apostasy began to ensnare the Christian congregation, especially after the death of the apostles. Las desgracias, las enfermedades o la persecución pudieran parecernos injustas, en especial si nos da la impresión de que a otras personas no les afectan. Do you believe that in this year of 2011, Jehovah is "awake " to the fulfillment of his promises? When disaster strikes, sickness, or persecution may seem to be unfair, especially if it gives evidence that others do not affect them. 1: 4 - 7. Next, the Roman soldiers started to undermine the outer wall of the temple area! Panic is spreading throughout the city. 1: 4 - 7. Timoteo imitó bien a Pablo: se preocupó por los demás y "sirvió como esclavo [...] en el adelanto de las buenas nuevas " (léase Filipenses 2: 19 - 23). ¿ Y tú? ¿ Sigues el ejemplo de Pablo y Timoteo? He never allows his righteous ones "to totter " - he gives help and strength to endure. - Phil. 4: 13. Paul was well - concerned about others, "as a slave in furtherance of the good news. " (Read Philippians 2: 19 - 23.) Está claro, pues, que la humanidad necesita guía. He felt betrayed. Clearly, mankind need guidance. ¿ Qué aprendemos de este relato de Pablo y sus cinco colaboradores? Throughout much of the first century, true worship continued to spread. What can we learn from Paul and his five associates? Se trata de un lugar simbólico donde se lleva a cabo el juicio divino. It has been defined as "the ability to make sound judgements in spiritual matters. " This is a symbolic place taking place in Jehovah's judgment. Él sabía muy bien que el espíritu nos fortalece cuando nos sentimos débiles y desvalidos, y que compensa nuestras flaquezas. God warned that if the Israelites proved unfaithful, he would afflict them with "every sickness or plague. " He knew well that the spirit can strengthen us when we are weak and that we are pleasing to him. En este caso, ¿a quiénes representa este grupo? Thus, how important it is that we keep well in mind Moses ' powerful words! In this case, who is represented by this group? En lo que se refiere a la adoración pura, es indispensable que nos dejemos guiar por Jehová y que colaboremos con "el esclavo fiel y discreto " y los ancianos de la congregación. How can Christian parents show loyalty to God? As regards pure worship, we need to be guided by Jehovah and support "the faithful and discreet slave " and the elders in the congregation. El apóstol Pablo nos advirtió que si herimos la conciencia de nuestro hermano, estamos pecando. We certainly ought to start participating wholeheartedly in Christian meetings. The apostle Paul warned us that if we made our brother's conscience, we are sinning. Tanto Jesucristo como el apóstol Pedro se refirieron a dos de tales intervenciones: las ocurridas en "los días de Noé " y en" los días de Lot ." " You always stick to what you have agreed to do, " he said. Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Peter referred to two cases of such action: "The days of Noah " and" in the days of Lot. " ¿ Podría usted utilizar más a menudo esta valiosa técnica de aprendizaje? " Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness [or, "covetousness "] not even be mentioned among you, " states the Bible. - Eph. 5: 3; ftn. Could you use this precious tool to help you learn about it more fully? Sin embargo, la respuesta normal de los cristianos a la persecución oficial no iba más allá de su serena pero firme negativa a acatar las órdenes que, a su juicio, estuvieran en pugna con la obediencia a Cristo ." ◆ Philip's four daughters: Acts 21: 9. However, the normal response to the official persecution of Christians was not beyond their being reluctant to follow the orders, to their senses, they were acting in accord with the obedience to Christ. " ¿ Por qué es sensato reflexionar en la manera como estamos usando la vida? For dust you are and to dust you will return. " Why is it wise to reflect on how we are using our life? El riesgo es que si pospone una y otra vez el cambio de aceite, llegará el día en que el motor se averíe y se eche a perder; entonces habrá que gastar mucho tiempo y dinero en reparaciones. • How is training our perceptive powers related to accepting Jehovah's authority? The danger is that if a person loses some time and over the change of oil, he will eventually become the day when the bird walks and falls off; then he will have to spend a lot of time and money on his part. Probablemente culpen a Dios, pero en realidad son víctimas de las malas decisiones que han tomado. (Read Nehemiah 9: 25 - 27; Hos. They likely blame God, but they are actually victims of bad choices they have taken. Tomemos por caso a Santiago. But to benefit from this and enjoy the many blessings foretold in God's Word, we must uphold Jehovah's sovereignty now. Consider James. Él también bendecirá nuestros esfuerzos. Veremos que la Biblia puede seguir cambiando nuestra personalidad. At first, I did those things secretly for fear of displeasing my parents. He will also bless our efforts. We will also see that the Bible can continue to change our personality. Dado que normalmente los cereales no se cultivan en las cumbres, estas palabras destacan lo fértil que será el planeta. True, elders take the lead in numerous activities. Still, as shepherds of the flock, they surely need to take the lead in honoring fellow believers - including fellow elders. These words are usually evident in the spread of the earth, and these words highlight the fruitfulness of the earth. Por años, en países como el Congo, Madagascar y Ruanda, los hermanos tenían que elegir entre comprar alimentos para su familia o comprar biblias, que a veces cuestan el sueldo de una semana o un mes. When Jehovah anoints followers of Christ with the holy spirit, they are united with Jesus and become members of the congregation that is the body of Christ, he being the Head. For years, in countries, the brothers had to choose to buy food for their family or buy Bibles, sometimes a week or a month. A nadie le gusta ver a un hermano en la fe angustiado por sus luchas y sufrimientos. Christ thus leads the congregation by means of the spirit - anointed "faithful and discreet slave " and its Governing Body. No one enjoys seeing a fellow believer in the troubled faith because of his struggles and suffering. Pablo y los demás cristianos procuraban hacer discípulos predicando de casa en casa, en el mercado o mientras viajaban - en realidad, en todo lugar - . It may even kick her. Paul and his fellow Christians sought to make disciples from house to house, in the market, or while traveling, at all times. [ Notas] Ezekiel 8: 1 - 19: 14 is dated "in the sixth year " of that exile, or 612 B.C.E. [ Footnotes] Claro está que la inmoralidad, la mala conducta y las presiones no están limitadas a las universidades, ni mucho menos. If someone lacks good judgment, his hard work fails to produce anything really worthwhile. Of course, immorality, bad conduct, and pressure are not limited to higher education, or much less. Como sabían que toda la familia se beneficiaría espiritualmente de esas ocasiones, muchos cabezas de familia llevaban consigo a su esposa e hijos. What enabled Daniel to balance the two requirements? Because they knew that the entire family would benefit from such occasions, many family heads brought back to their wives and children. ¿ Realmente confiamos en que ahora, en este año 2011, Dios sigue "despierto " y va a cumplir sus promesas? The stone mentions Israel's King Omri and gives Moabite King Mesha's version of his revolt against Israel. Do we really trust in now in 2011, God continues to "stay awake " and fulfill his promises? Ahora, los soldados romanos están a punto de entrar por el muro exterior, y la ciudad entera ha entrado en pánico. In the past, what was our understanding of the timing of the judgment of the sheep and the goats? The Roman soldiers are about to go through outside the wall, and the whole city has come into fear. Y si sufren alguna desgracia en su vida, afrontan la situación mucho mejor que otros, pues se apoyan en Jehová. • In what ways did Jesus make use of events that were known to his hearers? And if you suffer some tragedy in your life, you face a much better situation than others, for you support Jehovah. Pero Dios se sintió traicionado. God's people were poised to enter the Promised Land. Yet, at that crucial moment, the Israelites started to complain about Jehovah. But God was betrayed. La adoración verdadera siguió expandiéndose durante la mayor parte del siglo primero. God's Law to Israel stated: "You must not commit adultery. " True worship continued to continue for the greatest part of the first century. El cristiano que tiene buen juicio toma decisiones que fortalecen su amistad con Dios. If we look to material things to fill spiritual needs, we will be disappointed. A Christian who is sound in mind makes decisions that strengthen his relationship with God. También advirtió a los israelitas de que si le daban la espalda, los castigaría con plagas y enfermedades. Even spending too much time viewing entertainment that may be considered acceptable can encroach on family worship, daily Bible reading, and our preparation for meetings. - Phil. 1: 9, 10. Jehovah also warned the Israelites that if they turned their backs on him, he would punish them with plagues and diseases. Así que es muy importante que recordemos aquella contundente declaración de Moisés. Who can deny that his people have become "mighty in the earth "? How important it is that we bear in mind Moses ' powerful statement. ¿ Cómo muestran lealtad a Jehová los padres cristianos? Do my actions show that I truly believe that these are the last days and that the end of Satan's rule is near? How do Christian parents show loyalty to Jehovah? Es indispensable que empecemos a participar de todo corazón en las reuniones cristianas. It can be a real challenge for young ones to show kindness to fellow students. We need to start participating in wholeheartedly at Christian meetings. " Ustedes siempre cumplen su parte del trato ," dijo. His Word states that he "is not partial " and that he" treats none with partiality. " (Read Acts 10: 34, 35; Deuteronomy 10: 17.) " You are always carrying out your part of the treatment, " he said. La Biblia responde: "Que la fornicación y la inmundicia de toda clase, o la avidez [es decir, la" codicia "], ni siquiera se mencionen entre ustedes ." James encouraged us to remember Jehovah when he urged us: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " The Bible answers: "Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort,... uncleanness, "" covetousness, " does not be mentioned among you. " ◆ Las cuatro hijas de Felipe: Hechos 21: 9. They "speak swelling things, while they are admiring personalities. " - Jude 4, 16. ◆ Philip: Acts 21: 9. Bebía mucho, arriesgaba la vida por nada y no me importaban en lo más mínimo los demás. Do you not marvel at Jesus ' colorful figures of speech and his ability to achieve maximum effect with minimum words? I had a lot of drinking, and I did not care about it at the least of the others. Porque polvo eres y a polvo volverás. " " Likewise, " Jesus explained, "it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. " For you are dust and to dust they will return. " • ¿Cómo nos ayuda a someternos a la autoridad de Jehová el hecho de tener las "facultades perceptivas entrenadas "? What can help us during such times? • How does having our "perceptive powers trained " help us to submit to Jehovah's authority? Como consecuencia, Jehová los abandonó en manos de sus enemigos (léase Nehemías 9: 25 - 27; Ose. The apostle Paul urged Christians: "Always rejoice in the Lord. As a result, Jehovah abandoned them in the hands of opposers. (Read Nehemiah 9: 25 - 27; 27: 28.) Si queremos disfrutar de esa victoria y de las numerosas bendiciones anunciadas en la Biblia, es necesario que defendamos ahora la soberanía de Jehová. On one occasion, Jews in Jerusalem would have torn him to pieces had Roman soldiers not rescued him. To enjoy that victory and many blessings, we need to defend Jehovah's sovereignty now. Aunque trataron de ayudarme con paciencia, rechacé todos sus intentos. What did Priscilla and Aquila learn from observing Paul in his ministry? Though they tried to help me patiently, I rejected all their attempts. Es cierto que ellos llevan la delantera, o toman la iniciativa, en muchas actividades, pero como pastores del rebaño, también deben tomar la iniciativa en honrar a sus hermanos espirituales, incluidos los demás superintendentes. Never underestimate how deeply a brother can be affected by the reading of carefully selected Bible passages. - Read Hebrews 4: 12. True, those taking the lead, or taking the lead in many activities, as shepherds of the flock, should also take the lead in showing honor to fellow believers, including older overseers. Cuando Jehová unge a los cristianos con espíritu santo, estos llegan a estar unidos a Jesús y a formar parte de la congregación que es el cuerpo de Cristo y de la cual él es Cabeza. We are told: "Yet, he [Jehovah] did not give him [Abraham] any inheritance in it, no, not even enough to put his foot on; but he promised to give it to him as a possession and after him to his offspring, though as yet he had no child. " When Jehovah anoints Christians with holy spirit, they become united with Jesus and become part of the congregation that is Christ's body and that he is Head. De modo que Cristo guía a la congregación mediante "el esclavo fiel y discreto " ungido por espíritu y su Cuerpo Gobernante. August 15 - 21, 2011 Thus, Christ leads the congregation through "the faithful and discreet slave " by means of holy spirit and its Governing Body. Puede que hasta le dé patadas. Jehovah has indeed richly blessed his people in that land. He may even hold him up. Él escribió las palabras que leemos en Ezequiel 8: 1 - 19: 14 "en el año sexto " de su exilio, o sea, el 612. 13, 14. (a) What encouragement do you get from Solomon's prayer at the inauguration of the temple? He wrote of the words recorded at Ezekiel 8: 1 - 19: "In the sixth year of their exile, or in 612 B.C.E. ¿ Qué significa la frase "el duro trabajo de los estúpidos los fatiga "? When we assist "the lowly one, " not only do we imitate Jehovah but we also gain his approval. What is the meaning of the phrase "the hard work of the stupid ones "? ¿ Cómo logró Daniel cumplir los dos mandatos? What moved young David to challenge a fully armed giant who was about nine and a half feet (2.9 m) tall? How did Daniel carry out the two commands? En esta piedra está grabado el nombre del rey israelita Omrí y la versión que da el rey moabita Mesá de la rebelión contra Israel. No wonder godly Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus the Messiah! On this stone, the king's name is inscribed on the king's name and the version of the Moabitess I will rescue myself from the rebellion against Israel. En el pasado, ¿cuándo creíamos que serían juzgadas las ovejas y las cabras? So Jehovah's righteous anger did not blind him to the "good things " about Jehoshaphat. In the past, when would the sheep and the goats say that they would be judged? • ¿De qué maneras se valió Jesús de sucesos que sus oyentes conocían? In this vast ocean of stars, planets, and solar systems, planet Earth appears as insignificant in size as one grain of sand on an endless beach. • In what ways did Jesus use events that his listeners knew? Ahora que los israelitas al fin estaban listos para entrar en la Tierra Prometida, justo en ese momento tan crucial, se pusieron a quejarse de Jehová. After all, these "gifts in men " are a provision from Jehovah through Christ to protect and care for his sheep. Now that the Israelites were ready to enter the Promised Land, just at that critical time, they began to complain about Jehovah. Mediante la Ley, Dios mandó al pueblo de Israel: "No debes cometer adulterio ." Not one word of them has failed. " - Joshua 23: 14. By means of the Law, God commanded the people of Israel: "You must not commit adultery. " Si tratáramos de saciar el hambre espiritual con bienes materiales, nos quedaríamos insatisfechos. NO MORE PAIN, SORROW, AND DEATH If we were to provide spiritual food with material things, we could easily become overwhelmed by it. Y tenemos mucho cuidado de que nuestra adoración en familia, la lectura diaria de la Biblia y la preparación para las reuniones no sufran por dedicar demasiado tiempo a las diversiones, aunque sean moralmente aceptables. Find the answers in these articles. And we need to be careful that our family worship, daily Bible reading, and training so that we do not allow too much time to interfere with recreation and entertainment. ¿ Quién puede negar que esta multitud se ha hecho "poderosa en la tierra "? Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him. " Who can deny that this crowd has become "full of power in the earth "? ¿ Demuestro con mis acciones que de verdad creo que estos son los últimos días y que el fin del gobierno de Satanás está cerca? Today, we typically study the Bible with one person at a time, providing individual instruction. We then invite the Bible student to associate with a congregation already established. Am I truly convinced that these last days are the last days and that the end of Satan's rule is near? Mostrar bondad en el lugar de estudios puede suponer un verdadero desafío. For all humans who love God and want to give him glory, the prophecy of Amos contains a message of hope. Showing kindness in the workplace can be a real challenge. Su Palabra declara que él "no es parcial " y que" no trata a nadie con parcialidad " (lea Hechos 10: 34, 35 y Deuteronomio 10: 17). That offering was for the sins of the high priest and "his house, " the underpriests and the Levites. (Read Acts 10: 34, 35; Deuteronomy 10: 17.) Santiago nos anima a acordarnos de Jehová con esta exhortación: "Acérquense a Dios, y él se acercará a ustedes ." Thus, we are urged to pray constantly, confident that Jehovah will "give holy spirit to those asking him. " - Luke 11: 13. James urges us: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " " Habla [n] cosas hinchadas, a la vez que están admirando personalidades. " Because Alexander the Great had expanded the Grecian Empire by means of his conquests. " Speak over things..., in turn, to which you are thrilled. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 2: 19. ¿ No nos maravillan las gráficas figuras retóricas que Jesús empleó y su habilidad para conseguir el máximo efecto con un mínimo de palabras? Do you see yourself as soft clay in God's hands, willing to be molded into a vessel that is desirable in his eyes? Do you not marvel at the vivid words that Jesus used and his ability to obtain the best results? " Así mismo - dijo - , no es cosa deseable a mi Padre que está en el cielo el que uno de estos pequeños perezca. " Moses had been given holy spirit sufficient for the task. " Similarly, " he said, "it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. " ¿ Qué nos ayuda en esos casos? Of course, we cannot possibly list all the reasons why we should love God. What help do we find in such a situation? El apóstol Pablo hace esta invitación a todos los cristianos: "Siempre regocíjense en el Señor. Hence, Paul and his companions refused to listen to her. The apostle Paul extends this invitation to all Christians: "I always rejoice in the Lord. En una ocasión, los judíos de Jerusalén estuvieron a punto de lincharlo de no haber sido por la intervención de los soldados romanos. He pleaded: "Ah, Jehovah, please, let your ear become attentive to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants who take delight in fearing your name; and, please, do grant success to your servant today and make him an object of pity before this man. " On one occasion, the Jews in Jerusalem were about to take the lead among the Roman soldiers. ¿ Qué aprendieron Priscila y Áquila al observar el ministerio de Pablo? • How did Jesus ' early disciples benefit from the transfiguration? What did Priscilla and Aquila learn from observing Paul's ministry? Los pasajes bíblicos bien seleccionados pueden llegar a lo más hondo del corazón y motivar al hermano a cambiar (lea Hebreos 4: 12). What is involved in looking to Jehovah? (Read Hebrews 4: 12.) La Biblia dice que Jehová "no le dio ninguna posesión heredable en ella, no, ni lo ancho de un pie; pero prometió dársela como posesión, y después de él a su descendencia, cuando todavía no tenía hijo ." However, by a series of progressive actions, God caused his promise to come true, thereby proving himself worthy of the unique and illustrious name Jehovah. The Bible says that Jehovah " did not give him no possession in it, nor the broad of a foot; but he promised them as a possession, and after him his seed, when no son had no son. " 15 - 21 de agosto de 2011 In the first century, some Christians sold items that they owned, such as fields or houses, and brought the money to the apostles. August 15 - 21, 2011 Realmente, Jehová ha bendecido en abundancia a su pueblo en dicho país. Humility will continue to characterize the activities of the Son of God. Indeed, Jehovah has blessed his people in that land. 13, 14. a) ¿Cómo nos anima la oración que ofreció Salomón durante la inauguración del templo? (b) those with the earthly hope? 13, 14. (a) How can we benefit from Solomon's prayer at the inauguration of the temple? Cuando ayudamos al "de condición humilde ," no solo imitamos a Jehová, sino que también obtenemos su aprobación. How grand it is to experience such love! When we help "the lowly one, " not only imitate Jehovah but also enjoy his approval. ¿ Qué lo impulsó a luchar con un gigante de casi 3 metros (9,5 pies) de altura y armado hasta los dientes? Table of Contents What moved him to battle with a giant Goliath nearly 3 feet (100 km) from 18 feet B.C.E. to the teeth? ¿ Podría usted expresar en sus oraciones sentimientos similares a los de ella? Consider Japan. Before the second world war, there were about one hundred Kingdom preachers in that land. Could you express your feelings in your prayers similar to those of her? Vemos, pues, que la justa cólera que sentía el Todopoderoso no le impidió ver las "cosas buenas ," o aspectos positivos, del monarca. How did three brothers who have worked closely with members of the Governing Body express themselves, and how can their statements help you to continue to prove yourself holy? We see, then, that the righteous anger that the Almighty did not see "good things, " or positive aspects of Solomon's reign. En este vasto océano de estrellas, planetas y sistemas solares, la Tierra parece un granito de arena en una inmensa playa. What of TV programs with violent content? The earth today resembles stars, planets, and planets, seems to have a vast sand on a vast beach. Al fin y al cabo, estas "dádivas en hombres " constituyen un instrumento que Jehová, mediante Cristo, utiliza para proteger y cuidar a Sus ovejas. God's people have high regard for the faithful and discreet slave class. After all, these "gifts in men " are a provision that Jehovah, through Christ, uses to protect and care for his sheep. Ni una sola palabra de ellas ha fallado ." Highlighting the need for love among Christians, Paul wrote: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. Not one word of them has failed. " NO HABRÁ DOLOR NI SUFRIMIENTO NI MUERTE Does Jehovah help his servants as they walk? NO MEMORIAL TEST: Jehová vino con sus santas miríadas, para ejecutar juicio contra todos, y para probar la culpabilidad de todos los impíos respecto a todos sus hechos impíos que hicieron impíamente, y respecto de todas las cosas ofensivas que pecadores impíos hablaron contra él ." However, just for the sake of being well thought of by the authorities, we will never compromise our neutrality, diminish our preaching activity, or in any other way weaken our service to Jehovah. Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to test all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did ungodly, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him. " Hoy por lo general damos clases bíblicas individuales, y luego invitamos al estudiante a reunirse con una congregación ya formada. Reports from countries around the world show that many honesthearted individuals are responding well to the Bible study aid What Does the Bible Really Teach? Today, we take a Bible study, and then we invite the student to gather together with a congregation formed. Las profecías de Amós contienen un mensaje de esperanza para todos los seres humanos que aman a Dios y desean darle gloria. Will the nations succeed in wiping out those faithful Christians? The prophecy of Amos contains a message of hope for all humans who love God and want to give him glory. Esta ofrenda era por sus propios pecados y los de "su casa ," es decir, los sacerdotes y los levitas. When did Jesus give that commission? This offering was for their own sins and for the "other sheep, " the priests and Levites. Y puesto que sabemos que Jehová da su "espíritu santo a los que le piden ," pidámoslo sin cesar. Of course, age alone does not automatically produce wisdom and Christlike qualities. We know that Jehovah gives his "holy spirit to those asking him " in prayer. Porque Alejandro Magno había creado el vasto Imperio griego con sus conquistas. Although we cannot say what a day will bring forth for us individually, by faith we can meet any challenge. Faith makes us courageous and patient. For Alexander the Great had created the vast Greek Empire with its conquest. ¿ Nos vemos como barro blando en las manos de Dios, deseando que nos convierta en una vasija muy valiosa a sus ojos? Some 12 years later, though still a boy, Jesus said something of great spiritual significance. Do you see yourself like soft clay in God's hands, wanting to become a precious vessel in his eyes? Lo cierto es que Moisés había recibido todo el espíritu santo que necesitaba para cumplir con su tarea. Jesus accepted the invitation and witnessed to those present. Yes, Moses had received all the holy spirit needed to carry out his task. Claro, sería imposible hacer una lista de todas las razones por las que debemos amar a Dios, pero ¿por qué no analizamos algunas de ellas? Jesus Christ was friendly toward people in general. Individuals of all sorts felt at ease in his company - men, women, young, old, even children. Of course, it would be impossible to make a list of reasons why we should love God, but why not consider some of them? Por lo tanto, Pablo y sus compañeros se negaron a escucharla. [ Picture on page 9] Hence, Paul and his companions refused to hear Paul's counsel. Él le pidió a Jehová: "Por favor, deja que tu oído se ponga atento a la oración de tu siervo y a la oración de tus siervos que se deleitan en temer tu nombre; y, por favor, otorga éxito a tu siervo hoy, sí, y hazlo objeto de piedad ante este hombre ." Bring us back, O Jehovah, to yourself, and we shall readily come back. He prayed to Jehovah: "By favor, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in your name; and for favor he gives success to your servant today, and he does bring reproach upon this man. " • ¿Cómo se beneficiaron de la transfiguración los primeros discípulos de Jesús? Paul noted: "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " - 1 Corinthians 8: 3. • How did Jesus ' early disciples benefit from the transfiguration? Y esa es la mejor respuesta que podemos dar. How can we prove ourselves ready? That is the best answer we can give. Sin embargo, Jehová cumplió su promesa tomando una serie de medidas graduales. Así demostró que era digno de llevar ese nombre único y maravilloso. 36: 20 - 23. Others Could Have Jehovah as Their Share However, Jehovah fulfilled his promise by taking a series of progressive steps, thus showing that he was worthy of his only name and great. En el siglo primero, algunos cristianos vendieron posesiones, como campos o casas, y les llevaron el dinero a los apóstoles. The guards soon learned that the apostles were at the temple in Jerusalem, fearlessly teaching the people about Jesus Christ - the very activity for which they had been arrested! In the first century, some Christians sold possessions, such as fields or houses, and they brought money to the apostles. En el futuro, el Hijo de Dios seguirá siendo humilde. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much - needed help. In the future, God's Son will continue to be humble. b) a los cristianos que esperan vivir en la Tierra? How have Jehovah's Witnesses there reacted? (b) Christians who hope to live on earth? ¡ Qué bendición sentirnos tan queridos! Total abstinence would not be too high a price to pay for life in God's righteous new world. - 2 Peter 3: 13. What a blessing that will be! Índice It will mean lifting faithful humans to perfection, completely reconciling them to God. Table of Contents Veamos también el caso de Japón, donde antes de la segunda guerra mundial había unos cien predicadores del Reino. So we might well ask, Whom should we honor, and why is such honor merited? Consider also the case of Japan. Before World War II, there were some 100 Kingdom proclaimers. b) ¿Cómo nos ayudan los comentarios de estos hermanos a seguir siendo santos? Let us therefore make it a point to "be long - suffering with joy. " - Colossians 1: 9 - 12. (b) How can comments of these brothers help us to remain holy? ¿ Y qué hay de los programas de televisión de contenido violento? What is behind Satan's hatred of true worshipers? And what about television programs? Pablo habló sobre la importancia que tiene el amor para los cristianos. El apóstol escribió: "Vístanse de los tiernos cariños de la compasión, la bondad, la humildad mental, la apacibilidad y la gran paciencia. One way they do this is by making encouraging shepherding visits. Paul wrote about the importance of love for Christians: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long - suffering. ¿ Auxilia Jehová a sus siervos en el camino? • The human creation was "subjected to futility " on the basis of what hope? What about Jehovah's servants on the road to life? No obstante, nunca quebrantaremos nuestra neutralidad ni disminuiremos nuestra predicación ni aflojaremos la mano en el servicio a Jehová para que los gobiernos tengan una buena opinión de nosotros. Also by means of holy spirit, Christ gave "gifts in men, " some" as shepherds and teachers " in the congregation. Nevertheless, we will never compromise our neutrality, nor will we slow our hand in Jehovah's service to human governments in order to have a good view of us. Los informes que llegan de todo el globo indican que el manual bíblico ¿Qué enseña realmente la Biblia? Be assured that things can improve. The reports that throughout the world show that the Bible contains what Does the Bible Really Teach? ¿ Conseguirán acabar con estos fieles cristianos? Those who suffer from serious health problems today can find comfort in knowing that God is not the cause of their affliction. Will these faithful Christians come to an end? ¿ Cuándo se la encargó Jesús? Sometimes even the most unlikely individuals prove to be receptive. When did Jesus appoint it? Por supuesto, la edad en sí no aporta automáticamente sabiduría ni otras cualidades cristianas. For my own encouragement, I keep a notebook with scriptures and thoughts from our publications that I can consult from time to time. Of course, age does not automatically provide wisdom or other godly qualities. Aunque ninguno de nosotros puede decir qué le deparará el mañana, si tenemos fe, seremos capaces de afrontar cualquier desafío. To be heard in prayer and to enjoy divine favor, we must heed God's reminders. Even if we have faith, we will be able to face any challenge. Doce años más tarde, Jesús dijo unas palabras muy profundas que la dejaron asombrada. Paul never visited them, but the good news reached them. Some years later, Jesus spoke very deep words that left him for granted. Jesucristo era tan amigable que todo el mundo se sentía cómodo con él: hombres, mujeres, viejos, jóvenes y hasta niños. With the help of God's spirit, Joseph was able to interpret Pharaoh's prophetic dreams. Jesus Christ was so friendly that everyone was comfortable with him - men, women, young, old, and even children. [ Ilustración de la página 9] Keith had been listening to the conversation and now came to the door to terminate the brother's visit. [ Picture on page 9] Tráenos de vuelta, oh Jehová, a ti mismo, y prontamente volveremos. In much clearer, simpler terms. You will return, O Jehovah, to yourself, and you will readily return. Pablo señaló: "Si alguien ama a Dios, este es conocido por él ." Many take their blessings for granted. Paul said: "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " ¿ Cómo demostramos que estamos listos? This series is only one of the many spiritual provisions from Jehovah that help us to accomplish the vital work he has given us to do. How can we show that we are ready? Una herencia personal que no se limitaba a los levitas They are totally wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of materialism, consumerism, and mindless pleasure - seeking. A personal inheritance was not limited to the Levites Los guardias no tardaron en enterarse de que los apóstoles estaban en el templo de Jerusalén enseñando valientemente al pueblo la verdad sobre Jesucristo, es decir, realizando la misma actividad por la que los habían encarcelado. A New York Times Op - Ed article observes: "Higher education used to be regarded as an engine of opportunity. The guards soon learned that the apostles were in Jerusalem's temple, teaching the truth about Jesus Christ, that is, doing the same work for those who had been imprisoned. Al final todo salió a la luz, y recibió la ayuda que tanto necesitaba. Paul was, in effect, saying that "the peace of God " is more wonderful than can be imagined. After all, he came to light, and he received the help he needed. ¿ Cómo han reaccionado los testigos de Jehová? Psalm 146: 3 - 6 might be used to help such people to place their hope in something more reliable than emigrating. How have Jehovah's Witnesses responded? OTROS ARTÍCULOS Things From Which We Must Flee ALSO IN THIS ISSUE La abstinencia total no es un precio exagerado para quien desea obtener la vida en el nuevo mundo. Those obstinate calf worshipers did not change. Jehovah would hold an accounting, and they would have to die in their sins! Ultimately, it is not a life - giving price for those who want to gain life in the new world. Y los humanos fieles serán elevados a la perfección, reconciliándose completamente con Dios. In fact, the expression "Praise Jah, you people! " And faithful humans will be elevated to perfection, fully carrying out God's will. Así que, quizás nos preguntemos: "¿A quién deberíamos dar honra, y por qué? ." How did Manoah respond to the news that he was going to become a father? So we might ask ourselves, " Who should honor, and why? ' Por lo tanto, esforcémonos por ser "sufridos con gozo ." To whom were teaching privileges in the congregation limited, and how did faithful anointed women feel about that? By all means, then, let us work hard to "be overjoyed with joy. " ¿ Qué se oculta tras el odio de Satanás por los adoradores verdaderos? What the apostle envisioned was likely the spiritual paradise enjoyed by the Christian congregation in "the time of the end. " - Dan. What is behind Satan's hatred of true worshipers? Una manera de hacerlo es realizando visitas de pastoreo alentadoras. We know of the issue of universal sovereignty and how it will be settled. One way to do so is by making shepherding visits. • ¿Sobre la base de qué esperanza "fue sujetada a futilidad " la creación? Enrich Your Prayers Through Bible Study • On what basis was creation " subjected to futility "? Cristo también utilizó el espíritu santo para otorgarle a su congregación "dádivas en [la forma de] hombres ," algunos de los cuales servirían como" pastores y maestros ." Follow Paul's Example Christ also used holy spirit to strengthen his congregation "gifts in men, " some who would serve as" shepherds and teachers. " Las cosas pueden mejorar. As you strive to reach your goals, including baptism, you may at times experience anxiety and doubts. Things can improve. Saber que Dios no es el causante de nuestro sufrimiento es un gran consuelo para quienes tienen enfermedades graves. What can be done today when a situation threatens to disturb the peace of the congregation? Knowing that God is not responsible for our suffering is a great comfort for those who are undergoing serious illness. A veces acaba escuchando el mensaje quien menos nos imaginamos. What comfort there is in knowing that through the resurrected Jesus Christ and by means of God's Kingdom, obedient mankind will receive permanent release from sin, disease, and death! Sometimes the householder's response is limited. Para animarme, tengo un cuaderno donde apunto textos bíblicos e ideas de nuestras publicaciones, que repaso de vez en cuando. IT WAS one of the most awe - inspiring visions any man had ever experienced. To encourage me, I don't read scriptures and ideas from time to time. A fin de que Dios oiga nuestras oraciones y obtengamos su favor, tenemos que observar sus recordatorios. " Threefold cord " is a figurative expression. To be heard and granted his favor, we must observe his reminders. ¿ Cómo contribuyó Pablo a que las buenas nuevas llegaran a dichas ciudades si nunca las visitó? Also, they should realistically take into account that "time and unexpected events " may bring about a sudden change in their ability to care for congregation responsibilities. How did Paul contribute to that cities if he never visited them? Así, por este medio capacitó a José para interpretar los sueños proféticos de Faraón. But what does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind? By means of this divinely trained Joseph to interpret Pharaoh's prophetic dreams. En ese momento, el marido, que había estado escuchando la conversación, decidió salir y dar por concluida la visita. Jealous King Saul had Ahimelech and his household killed. At that point, the husband, who had been listening to the conversation, decided to go out and make the decision. De una manera más clara y sencilla. What can we learn about Jesus from Colossians 1: 19 and 2: 9? In a clear, simple way. Muchas no aprecian lo que Jehová ha hecho por ellas. On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his disciples: "All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it is written, " I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about. ' " Many do not appreciate what Jehovah has done for them. Esta serie es solo una de las muchas herramientas que Jehová nos proporciona para realizar la importantísima obra que nos ha encomendado. 2: 1, 2, 9, 10. This series is just one of the many tools that Jehovah provides to accomplish the vital work that he has entrusted us with. La gente centra su existencia en intereses materiales, el consumismo y la búsqueda ciega de placeres. Abraham did not obey God blindly. People in general pursue material interests, worldly propaganda, and the blind pursuit of pleasure. Un artículo del periódico The New York Times señala: "La educación superior solía considerarse un generador de oportunidades. If we neglect to clean the glass, soon dirt and grime will rob us of the scene's clarity and appeal. Other things may then capture our attention. A article in The New York City states: "The higher education often comes from opportunities. Así que Pablo estaba diciendo que "la paz de Dios " es más maravillosa de lo que somos capaces de imaginar. (b) How was it that Jehovah could view Abraham as righteous? So Paul was saying that "the peace of God " is more wonderful than we can imagine. Y más importante aún, "¿qué lecciones me enseña y cómo puedo vivir en armonía con esa oración? ." We may find it challenging to conduct ourselves as lesser ones - at least in some circumstances. And most important, what lessons can I learn and how I can live in harmony with that prayer? ' Para ayudarles a cifrar su esperanza en algo más fiable que la emigración, podemos usar Salmo 146: 3 - 6. But on this occasion, things turned out differently for Moses. We can use Psalm 146: 3 - 6. ¿ De qué cosas debemos huir los cristianos? She was very impressed that we had done this using our new book. " What are some things that Christians need to flee? Aquellos obstinados adoradores de becerros no cambiaron de proceder, así que Jehová les pediría cuentas y tendrían que morir en sus pecados. Weekly congregation meetings, including the Watchtower Study, present fine opportunities for us to display a zealous spirit when we comment and make expressions of faith. Those unfaithful worshipers did not change their course, so Jehovah would ask them to call an accounting against them and would have to die in their sins. Así pues, la expresión "¡Alaben a Jah! " Read Matthew 6: 33. Thus, the expression "Praise Jah, you people! " ¿ Qué hizo Manóah cuando su esposa le dijo que pronto serían padres? This description was penned under divine inspiration. What did Manoah do when he told his wife that they would soon be parents? ¿ A quiénes únicamente se otorgaron los privilegios de enseñanza en la congregación, y cómo se sentían al respecto las mujeres ungidas fieles? She even considered wearing something other than a wedding gown. " Who were given only the privileges of teaching in the congregation, and how did faithful women feel about the anointed? Probablemente, lo que Pablo contempló fue el paraíso espiritual del que disfrutaría la congregación cristiana en "el tiempo del fin ." THE answer to that question may depend to a large extent on where a person lives, as well as his or her religious beliefs and cultural background. Likely, what Paul saw was the spiritual paradise that would enjoy in "the time of the end. " Conocemos la cuestión de la soberanía universal y sabemos cómo se resolverá. What we read at Haggai 1: 6 should bring home to us our need for God's blessing in our lives. We know the issue of universal sovereignty and know how to solve it. El estudio de la Biblia enriquece nuestras oraciones He later acknowledged that he had been "a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. " Bible study makes our prayers effective Sigamos el modelo de Pablo What effect did the letter sent by the governing body have on the early Christian congregation? Follow Paul's Example Al tratar de alcanzar una meta - y esto incluye el bautismo - , es natural que te invadan a veces las inquietudes y las dudas. pages 215 - 18, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. For information on how we know that the 24 elders represent anointed Christians in their heavenly position, see Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand! When you try to reach a goal - and this includes baptism - it is natural for you to wait at times for anxieties and doubts. ¿ Qué se puede hacer cuando una situación amenaza con perturbar la tranquilidad de la congregación? Even if authorities restrict the preaching work, we continue to preach discreetly - perhaps by staggering our house - to - house visits or by increasing our informal witnessing. What can you do when a situation threatens the peace of the congregation? Verdaderamente nos consuela saber que, por medio de Jesucristo resucitado y del Reino de Dios, la humanidad obediente será liberada para siempre del pecado, la enfermedad y la muerte. (b) Why should we be interested in Paul's situation? How comforting it is to know that through Jesus Christ resurrected and God's Kingdom, obedient mankind will be released forever from sin, sickness, and death! FUE una de las visiones más imponentes que jamás había tenido hombre alguno. Learn how he was trained, how he taught, and what endeared him to people. One of the most awe - inspiring visions ever had never had any man. La Biblia dice: "Una cuerda triple no puede ser rota en dos pronto ." • According to Matthew 7: 12, how should we treat others? The Bible says: "A threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two. " Además deben ser realistas. El "suceso imprevisto " puede cambiar sus circunstancias e impedir que sigan cumpliendo con sus obligaciones en la congregación. Jerusalem weeps profusely during the night, and her tears are upon her cheeks. Moreover, "time unforeseen occurrence " may change their circumstances and fail to continue carrying out their duties in the congregation. Sin embargo, ¿qué significa decidir con buen juicio? This can help us to make the necessary adjustments in order to remain in Jehovah's love. What, though, does it mean to make good judgment? Sin saber que él era un fugitivo, este sumo sacerdote le había prestado ayuda, y por ello el furioso Saúl lo había mandado asesinar junto con su familia. When people see in our actions the love of Christ, they will be drawn to the Father as well as to Jesus. Without knowing that he was a fugitive, this high priest had sought help. Saul had commanded him to murder with his family. ¿ Qué podemos aprender sobre Jesús al leer Colosenses 1: 19 y 2: 9? " Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: " What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. ' " What can we learn about Jesus from reading Colossians 1: 19 and 2: 9? El 14 de nisán del año 33, Jesús dijo a sus seguidores: "A todos ustedes se les hará tropezar respecto a mí esta noche, porque está escrito: " Heriré al pastor, y las ovejas del rebaño serán esparcidas ' ." The narrator always refers to John the Baptizer as "John " and never identifies himself by name in his Gospel. Therefore, the unnamed disciple is evidently the Gospel writer John. On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his followers: "All of you will be stumbled concerning me on this night, for it is written: " I have established the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. ' " 2: 1, 2, 9, 10. " Let the young children come to me, " he said. 2: 1, 2, 9, 10. Abrahán no obedeció a Dios ciegamente. Clearly, all faithful Christians in the first century felt the same way. Abraham did not obey God totally blind. Pero si nos descuidamos y no le limpiamos los cristales, el polvo y la suciedad no tardarán en empañar la claridad y el atractivo de la escena, y la vista se irá detrás de otras cosas. He is so stunned that he is overcome by what may be some form of paralysis. But if we are not careful and do not clean, the dust, and the taste and the appeal of the scene, and the eyes will go behind other things. b) ¿Por qué pudo Jehová ver a Abrahán como una persona justa? In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul points to something else that can become a god. (b) Why was Jehovah able to view Abraham as a righteous person? Ahora bien, no siempre es fácil portarnos como "uno de los menores ," al menos en ciertas circunstancias. (b) What development in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose was revealed in the first century C.E.? However, it is not always easy to conduct ourselves as "a lesser one, " at least in certain circumstances. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión Moisés hizo las cosas de forma diferente. When we open up our heart to Jehovah in prayer, do we not sense that he is interested in our needs and tenderly cares for us? On this occasion, however, Moses did things differently. A la doctora le causó muy buena impresión ver que habíamos abordado el tema valiéndonos del nuevo libro ." So as to be "visible to men. " The doctor made it very good to see that we were surprised by the subject by the new book. " ¿ Y nosotros? Cuando estamos con los hermanos en nuestras reuniones semanales - como el Estudio de La Atalaya - podemos demostrar un buen espíritu ofreciendo comentarios y expresiones de fe. Scriptural Questions Answered: And when we are with our brothers at weekly meetings, such as the Watchtower Study, we can show a positive spirit by offering comments and expressions of faith. (Léase Mateo 6: 33.) One of the reasons why the Law was given to Israel was "to make transgressions manifest. " Read Matthew 6: 33. Estas palabras se escribieron por inspiración divina. A skilled translator knows the importance of understanding the intent of an author; such knowledge affects many translation decisions. Those words were inspired by God. Hasta pensaba en no llevar el típico vestido de novia ." Consider a verse that will help us to do so: "This is what Jehovah has said: " Stand still in the ways, you people, and see, and ask for the roadways of long ago, where, now, the good way is; and walk in it, and find ease for your souls. ' " These words might remind us of a traveler who pauses at a crossroads to ask for directions. He even thought that he would not wear the typical of his bride. " LA RESPUESTA a esta pregunta dependerá mucho del lugar donde uno resida, así como de sus creencias religiosas y antecedentes culturales. That was the case when he liberated the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. THE question will depend on the place where one will recover, as well as from religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Las palabras de Ageo 1: 6 deben hacernos conscientes de que necesitamos la bendición de Dios. Can you imagine, then, how much self - control it must take for God not to step in and immediately end our suffering? The words of Haggai 1: 6 should remind us of the need for God's blessing. Tiempo después reconoció que había sido "blasfemo y perseguidor y hombre insolente ." Simply put, adult Christian children have an obligation to make sure that their parents ' material needs are met. Later, he acknowledged that he had been "a persecutor and a persecutor and an insolent man. " ¿ Qué efecto tuvo en los primeros cristianos la carta del cuerpo gobernante? By Way of Review How did the first - century Christians affect the governing body? Hallará pruebas bíblicas de que la presencia de Cristo empezó en 1914 en el libro ¿Qué enseña realmente la Biblia?, págs. 215 - 218, editado por los testigos de Jehová. (a) How can we show our appreciation for God's provision of "the faithful and discreet slave "? For Scriptural evidence that Christ's presence began in 1914, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? pages 7 - 21, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Aun si las autoridades imponen limitaciones a nuestra obra, podemos seguir realizándola con discreción, tal vez predicando primero en una casa y luego buscando otra más apartada, o recurriendo más a menudo al testimonio informal. " He [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Even if our limitations bring limitations to our preaching work, we can continue to preach in a house - to - house ministry and then try to draw closer to one another or often by using the preaching work. b) ¿Por qué debe interesarnos la situación del apóstol? But the sheep benefit most when shepherds encourage them to listen to Jesus ' voice and to the sayings of Jehovah rather than to men's thoughts or to the dictates of local custom. - Psalm 12: 6; Proverbs 3: 5, 6. (b) Why should we be concerned about Paul's situation? Averigüe qué preparación recibió, cómo enseñaba y qué le ganó el cariño de la gente. 3: 17. Being among those who had "advance knowledge, " Peter knew that in the last days, Christians would have to be especially on guard in order to maintain their integrity. Teach him what training he received, how he taught, and what helped him to express his love for others. • Según Mateo 7: 12, ¿cómo debemos tratar al prójimo? Their faith was strengthened as they experienced God's answers to their prayers. • According to Matthew 7: 12, how should we treat others? Jerusalén da rienda suelta al llanto durante la noche, y las lágrimas corren por sus mejillas. That inspired counsel is actually a marvelous expression of his confidence in us. Jerusalem lets go down to the weeping during the night, and the tears run for her. Eso le permitirá hacer los cambios que hagan falta para no perder el favor de Jehová. Jehovah has asked him to sacrifice his own son! - Gen. Doing so will help you to make adjustments so that you do not lose Jehovah's favor. Cuando otros ven que el amor de Cristo gobierna nuestros actos, se sienten atraídos tanto al Padre como al Hijo. A physical person does not see the precious value of serving Jehovah. When other people see that Christ's love governs our actions, they feel drawn to the Father and the Son. " Jesús, a su vez, les contestó y dijo: " Lo que yo enseño no es mío, sino que pertenece al que me ha enviado [']. " 8, 9. (a) How did Moses express his feelings of self - doubt? " Jesus, in turn, answered: " What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. " Como el narrador siempre se refiere a Juan el Bautista como "Juan " y nunca se identifica a sí mismo por nombre, está claro que el otro discípulo - del que no se dice el nombre en este pasaje - es el propio Juan, el escritor del Evangelio. Those who reject Jesus as King will suffer destruction when he leads the heavenly armies against all wickedness. As mentioned above, John the Baptizer refers to John the Baptizer as "the dragon " and never identifies himself by name. It is clear that the other disciple, who does not speak the name in this account, is the very writer, John the writer of the Gospel. ¿ Qué hizo Jesús? (b) Why is making decisions on this matter so serious? What did Jesus do? Es patente que todos los cristianos fieles del siglo primero eran de ese mismo parecer. Jesus also spoke of a man who was working in a field and found "hidden " treasure. Clearly, all faithful Christians in the first century were like that. Se queda completamente anonadado y le sobreviene lo que pudiera ser una forma de parálisis. Why are there more injustices in our time than ever before? It is completely exalted, and it can be a form of refreshment. En su carta a los Filipenses, Pablo señaló otra cosa que podría convertirse en un dios. To Be Forgiven, We Must Forgive In his letter to the Philippians, Paul pointed out another thing that could become like a god. b) ¿Qué cambio en el desarrollo del propósito de Jehová se reveló en el siglo primero? The first article discusses the responsibility that each member of the Christian family has in keeping spiritually awake. (b) What change in Jehovah's purpose was revealed in the first century? Cuando nos sinceramos con Jehová en oración, notamos que él se interesa en nuestras necesidades y nos cuida tiernamente. Jesus ' illustrations took many forms, including examples, comparisons, similes, and metaphors. When we genuinely pray to Jehovah in prayer, we discern that he cares for our needs and tenderly care for us. " Para ser vistos " por los demás. Why should we do so? " To be well - dressed " for others. Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: Why did Jesus use the illustration about the mustard grain? Scriptural Questions Answered: Una razón por la que se dio aquella legislación a Israel fue "para poner de manifiesto las transgresiones ." However, their motive is pure, and Jehovah is using them to supply us with Bible study aids to build up our faith in God's Word and promises. One reason why that law was given to Israel was "to make transgressions manifest. " ¡ Claro que sí! Para tomar decisiones acertadas al hacer su trabajo, el buen traductor debe comprender cuál es la intención del autor. The warning example of the faithless Israelites teaches us that in order to benefit from Jehovah's mercy, we must demonstrate heartfelt repentance. Of course, it is wise to make wise decisions when it comes to doing his work. El siguiente pasaje nos es de utilidad a tal efecto: "Esto es lo que ha dicho Jehová: " Deténganse en los caminos, y vean, y pregunten acerca de las veredas de mucho tiempo atrás, dónde, sí, está el buen camino; y anden en él, y hallen desahogo para sus almas ' ." We cannot perform miracles, but we can show love, humility, and compassion - qualities that help to draw people to the truth. The following passage is helpful in this regard: "This is what Jehovah has said: " Go into the ways, and see, and see the roadways of long ago, yes, the good way; and let your souls rejoice, and find refreshment for your souls. ' " Este fue el caso cuando liberó a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto. The circumstances and issues were different. This was the case when he delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Sin embargo, ha tenido que contenerse. ¿ Se imagina el esfuerzo que eso supone? " JEHOVAH himself has firmly established his throne in the very heavens; and over everything his own kingship has held domination. " But what if you feel that way? Dicho sencillamente, los cristianos adultos tienen que asegurarse de que las necesidades materiales de sus padres estén cubiertas. But he kept on preaching and saw how the Kingdom message overcame great obstacles. Simply put, adult Christians need to make sure that the material needs of their parents are good. Repaso Whatever happens, all who keep spiritual interests in first place and maintain a " simple eye ' need not be overly anxious. By Way of Review a) ¿Cómo podemos demostrar nuestro agradecimiento por la provisión divina del "esclavo fiel y discreto "? Because he was empowered by holy spirit and perfect in body and mind, Jesus was not only the greatest man who ever lived on earth but also the greatest Teacher. (a) How can we show our gratitude for God's provision of "the faithful and discreet slave "? Dios "limpiará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y la muerte no será más, ni existirá ya más lamento ni clamor ni dolor. How can we derive great benefit from the Memorial season? God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Pero las ovejas obtienen mayores beneficios cuando los pastores las animan a escuchar la voz de Jesús y los dichos de Jehová, en vez de dejarse llevar por ideas humanas o costumbres populares. However, when they reached Pamphylia, Mark suddenly left his companions in the lurch. But the sheep benefit when shepherds encourage us to listen to Jesus ' voice and sayings rather than to conform to human ideas or customs. Como Pedro estaba entre quienes poseían "conocimiento de antemano ," sabía que especialmente en los últimos días los cristianos tendrían que guardarse, o estar muy en guardia, para continuar leales. He does not hand us a serpentlike trial or a scorpionlike test. As Peter was among those who had "a knowledge of in advance, " he knew that especially in the last days, Christians would need to be vigilant, or be vigilant, in order to remain loyal to God. Y su fe se fortalecía más al ver la respuesta de Dios a sus oraciones. Modesty may lead us to say no. They strengthened their faith by seeing God's answer to their prayers. De hecho, ese consejo inspirado es una maravillosa expresión de la confianza que tiene en nosotros. Associate with friends who are encouraging, positive, and kind but who will also be honest with you. - Proverbs 13: 20 In fact, that inspired counsel is a wonderful expression of confidence in us. ¡ Jehová le ha pedido que sacrifique a su querido hijo!. If we are going to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be teachable and pray earnestly for his instruction. We must also choose "the way of faithfulness. " - Psalm 119: 26, 30. Jehovah has asked her to give up her beloved son! La persona física no tiene fe, así que no ve el gran valor de servir a Jehová. When the relationship becomes strained, they just give up and walk out on their marriage mate. A physical person has no faith, so he does not view the high value of serving Jehovah. 8, 9. a) ¿Cómo expresó Moisés falta de confianza en sí mismo? The problem that existed between Euodia and Syntyche could have disrupted the peace of the whole congregation. 8, 9. (a) How did Moses express confidence in himself? En cambio, a quienes lo hayan rechazado los destruirá cuando utilice a sus ejércitos celestiales para acabar con la maldad. While all of mankind are accountable to Jehovah, his name people are even more so. On the other hand, those who have rejected them when they use their heavenly armies to destroy wickedness. b) ¿Por qué es un asunto tan serio tomar esta clase de decisiones? In my zeal, in the fire of my fury, I will speak. ' " (b) Why is making such decisions so serious? Por otra parte, Jesús habló de un hombre que trabajaba en el campo y halló "un tesoro escondido ." Anticipating Messiah's appearance, some asked about John the Baptizer: "May he perhaps be the Christ? " On the other hand, Jesus spoke of a man who worked in the field and found "a hidden treasure. " ¿ Por qué hay ahora más injusticias que nunca? They agreed to a Bible study, and eventually both were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Why is injustice now more than ever? Para obtener el perdón, debemos perdonar Jehovah gives an understanding of his purposes and personality to those who are sincere and humble in heart. To gain forgiveness, we must forgive El primer artículo analiza la responsabilidad que tenemos todos de contribuir a que nuestra familia se mantenga despierta espiritualmente. ANOINTED ONES PROVE THEMSELVES READY The first article considers the responsibility that all of us can contribute to the help of our families to "stay awake. " Jesús utilizó muchos tipos de ilustraciones, como ejemplos, comparaciones y metáforas. Single parents in particular may have to contend with feelings of loneliness. Jesus used many forms of illustrations, such as illustrations, word pictures, and word. ¿ Por qué debemos hacerlo? Heartfelt prayer, study of God's Word, meeting attendance, and preaching the good news might suffer. Why should we do so? ¿ Por qué usó Jesús la parábola de la semilla de mostaza? Contrast this view of greatness with that taught by Jesus Christ. Why did Jesus tell the illustration of the mustard grain? No obstante, su motivación es pura, y Jehová los utiliza para suministrarnos ayudas para el estudio de la Biblia a fin de fortalecer nuestra fe en la Palabra de Dios y sus promesas. Is this not a form of prejudice? However, their motive is pure, and Jehovah uses them to provide provisions for Bible study so that we can strengthen our faith in God's Word and his promises. El ejemplo amonestador de los israelitas infieles nos enseña que para obtener la misericordia divina debemos evidenciar auténtico arrepentimiento. Therefore, Christian spouses are counseled to stay with the unbelieving partner if that partner is agreeable. The example of unfaithful Israelites teaches us that to gain Jehovah's mercy must be true repentance. Pablo no solo estaba dispuesto a animar a sus hermanos, sino a hacer mucho más. Regarding our times, Jesus warned: "Look! Paul was not only willing to encourage his brothers but also to do much more. Nosotros no podemos efectuar milagros, pero sí podemos mostrar amor, humildad y compasión, cualidades que nos ayudan a atraer a la gente a la verdad. Even in his old age, we find him poring over the Scriptures. We cannot perform miracles, but we can show love, humility, and compassion, which help us to attract people to the truth. Ahora bien, los ángeles no impidieron las muertes de Esteban y Santiago a manos de sus enemigos. ¿ Por qué razón? One person helped me find a job. The angels did not prevent the death of Stephen and James from their enemies. " JEHOVÁ mismo ha establecido firmemente su trono en los cielos mismos; y sobre toda cosa su propia gobernación real ha tenido la dominación. " We might think of the faith and trust one has in a loving father. " JEHOVAH himself has firmly established his throne in the heavens; and over everything his own kingship has had to rule. " - PS. Pero él siguió predicando y llegó a ver cómo el mensaje del Reino superaba grandes obstáculos. Under inspiration, the apostle Paul directed his Christian brothers: "Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude, singing in your hearts to Jehovah. " Yet, he continued to preach and came to see how the Kingdom message could have been huge obstacles. Pero pase lo que pase, si damos prioridad a las cosas espirituales y mantenemos el " ojo sencillo ', no tenemos por qué angustiarnos. (a) In the past, what has obedience to Jehovah often involved? But what happens if we put spiritual things first and keep our " simple eye, ' we do not become overly anxious. Además de ser perfecto de cuerpo y mente, Jesús contaba con el poder que le daba el espíritu. Por eso, no solo fue el hombre más grande, sino también el mejor maestro que ha vivido en la Tierra. I find joy in my ministry, and I am spiritually stronger now. In addition to being perfect in body and mind, Jesus was empowered by holy spirit. ¿ Cómo podemos extraer grandes beneficios de la época de la Conmemoración? 16: 6, 7 - Why did the holy spirit forbid Paul and his associates to preach in the district of Asia and Bithynia? How can we benefit from obtaining great benefits from the Memorial season? Parece que en vez de centrarse en sus puntos débiles, se fijó en sus cualidades y más adelante aprovechó la oportunidad de seguir capacitándolo. [ Picture on page 24] Rather than focusing on their weak points, he took note of his qualities and later took advantage of the opportunity to continue them. Nuestro Padre celestial no nos envía dificultades semejantes a serpientes o escorpiones. 6, 7. Our heavenly Father does not send us to be like a serpent or a fire. Tal vez la modestia haga que rechacemos la asignación. Here is another example of the Bible's trustworthy wisdom: "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " The modesty may cause us to reject the assignment. Busque amigos que lo animen, que sean positivos y amables, pero que también sean sinceros con usted. Although well - versed in the Scriptures, he was more than happy to be given an assignment to "distribute food to tables " so that the apostles could devote themselves" to prayer and to the ministry of the word. " Look for friends who encourage you, who are positive and kind but who may be honest with you. Si queremos lograrlo, debemos solicitarle sinceramente su instrucción, aceptarla y elegir "el camino de la fidelidad ." Why can you say that the Bible contains many good examples? To do so, we should humbly ask Jehovah for his instruction, accept, and choose "the way of faithfulness. " Cuando empieza a haber tensiones en su relación, sencillamente se rinden y abandonan a su cónyuge. Following God's direction, they surrounded the enemy camp at night holding jars that concealed flaming torches. When problems arise in their relationship, they simply turn off and abandon their marriage mate. Ese conflicto entre Evodia y Síntique pudo haber perturbado la paz de toda la congregación. Some do wake up and respond. That conflict between Euodia and Syntyche could have threatend the peace of the entire congregation. Todos debemos responder ante Dios por lo que hacemos. Noah, however, had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. Thus, it is probable that his language was not changed when the rebels had their language confused. Each of us should answer to God for what we do. Y en mi ardor, en el fuego de mi furor, tendré que hablar ." Hence, if the widow, despite her challenging situation, kept pleading with the judge in hopes that justice would be done, how much more so should we keep our faith in the certain coming of Jehovah's day of judgment! And in my wood, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak. " Hay otra importante razón para orar cuando se comete un pecado. Suppose a brother or sister from another land offered you a suggestion. There is another important reason to pray when a person commits sin. De hecho, cuando vieron a Juan el Bautista, se preguntaron: "¿Acaso será él el Cristo? ." Hence, when Jesus spoke to those opposers, his words included both the hope of heavenly life for the "little flock " and the hope of everlasting life on earth for millions of" other sheep. " In fact, when John the Baptizer saw John the Baptizer, they asked: "Are he the Christ? " Aceptaron un curso bíblico y llegaron a bautizarse en símbolo de su dedicación a Jehová. Imagine this: You are testifying in court against a global criminal organization. Its leader is a very intelligent, powerful, and ruthless liar and murderer. They accepted a Bible study and got baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Jehová concede a las personas sinceras y humildes comprender sus propósitos y personalidad. By doing so, we will reap what is good and have the incomparable joy and peace experienced by all who faithfully walk with God. - Psalm 100: 2; Philippians 4: 6, 7. Jehovah grants sincere individuals and humble ones to understand his purposes and personality. Veremos que algunos demostraron que estaban listos, pero otros no. He said: "Again it is written, " You must not put Jehovah your God to the test. ' " - Matt. We will see that some who proved themselves ready, but others did not. Otros que en especial sufren este problema son los padres solos. [ Picture on page 7] Others who suffer this problem are the parents alone. Como resultado, quizás nuestras oraciones se vuelvan monótonas y descuidemos el estudio de la Biblia, la asistencia a las reuniones y la predicación. Faithful worshippers must decisively renounce unrighteousness. As a result, our prayers may turn back and neglect Bible study, meeting attendance, and the field ministry. Comparemos el punto de vista antedicho con el que enseñó Jesucristo. WHILE giving the composite sign of the last days, Jesus raised this question: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " Compare the viewpoint of Jesus Christ. ¿ No es esta una forma de prejuicio? 27: 11. In the matter of success, what is your resolve? Is that not a form of prejudice? Por lo tanto, se aconseja a los cristianos que permanezcan con su cónyuge no creyente si este concuerda con ello. © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Therefore, the counsel is given to Christians who remain married to their unbelieving mate if this happens to them. Tocante a nuestros tiempos, Jesús advirtió: "¡Mira! Is Jehovah slow to fulfill his promises? Concerning our day, Jesus warned: "Look! Y ese amor nunca cambió, pues sabemos que estudiaba con atención las Santas Escrituras incluso cuando ya era mayor. [ 1] (paragraph 14) See also the article "Despite Trials, My Hope Has Remained Bright " in the April 22, 2002, issue of Awake!, which tells the life story of Andrej Hanák from Slovakia. And that love never changed, for we know that I studied the Scriptures diligently even when I was old. Además, alguien me ayudó a encontrar trabajo. It should also impress us that those Bible prophecies about a coming resurrection were trustworthy, even though centuries had passed since that miracle was foretold. In addition, someone helped me find work. Podemos compararlo con la fe y confianza que tiene un hijo en su amoroso padre. (b) What will help us to be kind? We can compare it with faith and trust that a child has a father in his loving father. Por inspiración divina, el apóstol Pablo les dijo a sus compañeros cristianos: "Sigan enseñándose y amonestándose unos a otros con salmos, alabanzas a Dios, canciones espirituales con gracia " y gratitud. Following his Father's example, Jesus also assigned important work to his disciples. Under inspiration, the apostle Paul told fellow Christians: "Keep teaching and encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs with graciousness and gratitude. " a) Con frecuencia, ¿qué ha significado en el pasado ser obediente a Jehová? That work took on special emphasis after World War I. (a) What has often meant in the past to be obedient to Jehovah? Ahora disfruto de mi ministerio y estoy más fuerte en sentido espiritual. So we need to keep on showing neighbor love. Now I enjoy my ministry and am stronger spiritually. 16: 6, 7. Do you look forward to examining the contents of those scrolls? With eager anticipation, we await that new world. 16: 6, 7. [ Ilustración de la página 24] [ Box / Picture on page 24] [ Picture on page 24] 6, 7. Since all imperfect humans have difficulty exercising self - control, we should be interested in learning how to win any personal battle that we face. 6, 7. He aquí otro exponente de la fidedigna sabiduría bíblica: "Cualquiera que es inexperto pone fe en toda palabra, pero el sagaz considera sus pasos ." Men have built fires in an effort to check the advance of a locust swarm, but these are usually ineffective. Another way is found in the Bible's wise wisdom: "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " Aunque estaba muy versado en las Escrituras, recibió con gusto la tarea de "distribuir alimento a las mesas " a fin de que los apóstoles pudieran dedicarse" a la oración y al ministerio de la palabra ." In the seventh year, he was to "go out as one set free without charge. " Although he was well versed in the Scriptures, he gladly received the task of " salvation that the apostles might devote to prayer and the ministry of the word. ' ¿ Qué buenos ejemplos contiene la Biblia? As Jehovah did not physically shield Jesus from the onslaughts of his enemies, He does not shield Christians that way today. What good examples does the Bible contain? De acuerdo con las instrucciones divinas, rodearon el campamento contrario de noche, llevando consigo jarrones que ocultaban antorchas encendidas. During the first world war, no effort was spared to keep providing spiritual food and encouragement to the scattered Bible Students. In harmony with God's instructions, they camped outside the camp outside night. El caso es que hay quienes sí se despiertan y aceptan el mensaje bíblico. MILLIONS of people today clearly understand the Scriptural basis for the hope of living forever in an earthly paradise. For example, some people may wake up and accept the Bible's message. Puesto que Noé no tuvo nada que ver con aquella rebelión, es probable que su idioma no cambiara cuando Dios confundió el lenguaje de sus contemporáneos. Why was Abraham concerned about Sodom and Gomorrah, and how did Jehovah help him? Since Noah had nothing to do with that rebellion, his language may not change when God confused the language of his contemporaries. Por lo tanto, si la viuda, a pesar de su difícil situación, no perdió la fe y confió en que el juez le haría justicia, mucho más debemos nosotros mantener la fe en que el día de juicio de Jehová vendrá sin falta. To move troops quickly, good roads were needed, and the Romans were skilled at building them. Therefore, if the widow, despite her difficult situation, did not lose faith and trust in the judge, we need to maintain our faith in Jehovah's day of judgment. Supongamos que un hermano de otro lugar nos da una sugerencia. How did Jehovah express his displeasure in the days of Isaiah and of Malachi? Suppose a brother in another place gives us an explanation. Por lo tanto, cuando habló con sus adversarios, Jesús se refirió tanto a la esperanza de vida celestial que tiene el "rebaño pequeño " como a la esperanza de vida en la Tierra que tienen millones de" otras ovejas ." ▪ Jesus ' illustration of the leaven highlights what positive lesson about spiritual growth? - July 15, 2008, article 4, paragraphs 9 - 14. Hence, when he spoke to his opposers, Jesus referred to the heavenly hope that he has the "little flock " and the hope of life on earth for millions of" other sheep. " Imagínese que está testificando en un tribunal contra una organización criminal presente en todo el mundo y sabe que su líder es un embustero y un asesino sumamente inteligente, poderoso y despiadado. So we can be sure that he will always love, value, and appreciate his loyal servants. - Ex. Imagine being witnessing in court against a criminal in all the world, and you know that his leader is a murderer and a murderer, powerful, and merciless. De esa manera, pues, cosecharemos lo que es bueno y tendremos el gozo y la paz incomparables del que anda fielmente con Dios. " Righteousness " implies a state of moral integrity and honesty. In that way, we will reap what is good and will have the joy and the incomparable peace of God that is faithfully serving him. ¿ Con qué podría tentarnos Satanás, y cuáles serían las consecuencias de que cediéramos? As "King of the nations, " Jehovah commissioned Jeremiah to deliver a judgment message to nations and kingdoms. What might Satan tempt us, and with what consequences? [ Ilustración de la página 7] Do you see others as Jehovah sees them? [ Picture on page 7] Es preciso que todo siervo fiel de Dios "renuncie a la injusticia " con decisión. 10, 11. It is necessary for all faithful servants of God to "come to unrighteousness " with a decision. DESPUÉS de enumerar los rasgos que componen la señal de los últimos días, Jesús hizo esta pregunta: "¿Quién es, verdaderamente, el esclavo fiel y discreto a quien su amo nombró sobre sus domésticos, para darles su alimento al tiempo apropiado? ." What is the basic problem affecting marriage? IMAGINE the features of the last days, Jesus asked: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " ¿ Cuál es su resolución con respecto a triunfar en la vida? When he returned, she kindly asked: "Would you like something to eat? " What is your resolve regarding success? © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " From now on, " Hanani said, "there will be wars against you. " © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ¿ Está tardando demasiado Jehová en cumplir sus promesas? What developments are yet in store for the preaching work? Is Jehovah too slow to fulfill his promises? del 22 de abril de 2002, donde aparece la biografía de Andrej Hanák, de Eslovaquia. As individuals, they have not yet received their final judgment. It is this system that stands condemned. of April 22, 2002, which appears to be the life stories of May 22, 2002, issue of Awake! Este argumento también debe convencernos a nosotros de que esas profecías bíblicas sobre una resurrección futura eran confiables aunque habían pasado cientos de años desde que se dieron. What does that mean? That reasoning should also convince us that those Bible prophecies regarding a future resurrection were trustworthy even though hundreds of years had passed since they were given. b) ¿Qué nos ayudará a ser bondadosos? Her husband manifested a selfish desire to please her. (b) What will help us to be kind? Siguiendo el ejemplo de Jehová, Jesús también encargó importantes tareas a sus discípulos. How might all of us add to the spirit of joy in the congregation? In following Jehovah's example, Jesus also gave important tasks to his disciples. Dicha actividad cobró especial auge tras la I Guerra Mundial. Rather than do that, Israel and Judah have followed a course of revolt and will have to suffer the consequences. This work contributed special after World War I. Así pues, no debemos dejar de amar al prójimo. When she read Psalm 83: 18, the impact was profound. She began to study the Bible and is now a faithful sister serving in another land. Therefore, we should not stop loving our neighbor. Esperamos con impaciencia el día en que podamos examinarlos y disfrutar de las demás bendiciones del Paraíso. Let us also keep free from improper judging, respect those entrusted with oversight in the congregation, and leave matters in the hands of Jehovah, the Supreme Judge. - Rom. 12: 18, 19; Heb. 13: 17. We eagerly look forward to the time when we can examine them and enjoy the blessings of Paradise on earth. [ Ilustración y recuadro de la página 24] This will be discussed in the next article. [ Box / Picture on page 24] En vista de que a los seres humanos nos resulta difícil ejercer autodominio, hemos de aprender a salir victoriosos en nuestras luchas internas. Thereafter, we build on our relationship with God by drawing close to him through Bible study, heartfelt prayer, and full obedience. Since it is difficult for humans to exercise self - control, we need to learn to go off victorious in our struggles. El hombre ha tratado de frenar el avance de los enjambres provocando incendios, pero este método casi nunca le ha dado resultados. • How can reasonableness help us to cope with adversities? The man has tried to hinder the progress of the locust, but this method has never been given to him. Al séptimo, el esclavo israelita tenía que salir "como persona puesta en libertad sin pagar nada ." " We don't know what to say except that we love you. The seventh slave had to go out "as a person set free without pay. " Así como Jehová no libró a Jesús de los violentos ataques de sus enemigos, tampoco protege hoy día a los cristianos de sus perseguidores. Questions for Review Just as Jehovah did not deliver Jesus from violent attacks on his enemies, not today is a protection for Christians of their persecutors. Durante la guerra, no se escatimaron esfuerzos para dar alimento espiritual y ánimo a los Estudiantes de la Biblia, dondequiera que estuvieran. All the spiritual things that belong to Him here on earth. During World War I, they did not make an effort to give spiritual food and encouragement to the Bible Students, wherever they were. HOY día, millones de personas entendemos con toda claridad que la esperanza de vida eterna en un paraíso terrestre tiene una sólida base bíblica. Making matters worse, he did not fully understand why all those things happened to him. THE prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth has a solid basis for our understanding of the hope of everlasting life. b) ¿Cómo ayudó Jehová a Abrahán? What do some in divided households face, and why could they endure the mistreatment? (b) How did Jehovah help Abraham? Para que las tropas se desplazaran con facilidad, hacían falta buenas vías de paso, y los ingenieros romanos eran especialistas en construirlas. • The widow of Zarephath To be easily overcome, they needed to take positive step, and the Roman authorities were designed to build them up. ¿ Cómo expresó Jehová su desagrado en tiempos de Isaías y de Malaquías? Could it be that I need to make some changes in my life? If so, what are they? ' How did Jehovah express his displeasure in the days of Isaiah and Malachi? ▪ ¿Qué cualidad del crecimiento espiritual se destaca en la parábola de la levadura? The cured man was again called before the Pharisees. ▪ What quality of spiritual growth is highlighted in the illustration of the leaven? De modo que tenemos la seguridad de que siempre amará y tendrá en alta estima a sus siervos leales. (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) So we have the assurance that he will always love and have high regard for his loyal servants. La "justicia " implica fidelidad a los principios morales. There, while Jesus was fasting, praying, and meditating, Jehovah likely instructed and enlightened his Son about what lay ahead for him. The "righteousness " involves faithfulness to moral principles. Jehová es el "Rey de las naciones ." How did Jesus exercise his authority over his disciples? Jehovah is "the King of the nations. " ¿ Ve usted a los demás como Jehová los ve? We may enjoy explaining the Bible so much that we have to exercise self - control in order to let the student express himself or explain a matter being considered during a home Bible study. Do You View Others as Jehovah Does? 10, 11. He wants us to make inquiry about such things and to put forth earnest effort to find the answers. 10, 11. ¿ Cuál es el problema fundamental que afecta al matrimonio? Additionally, it has been found that some of the older explanations about types and antitypes are unduly difficult for many to grasp. What is the fundamental problem that affects a marriage? Cuando regresó, ella le preguntó amablemente: "¿Tienes hambre? ." Therefore, it would be embarrassing for those with a heavenly calling if others were to give them undue praise or attention. When she returned, she kindly asked her: "Are you hungry? " El profeta le dijo: "Desde ahora en adelante existirán guerras contra ti ." What does one historian say about the early Christians ' attitude toward the State? The prophet Jeremiah said: "From now on there will be wars against you. " ¿ Qué sucederá con la predicación en el futuro? The reactions of people to the good news should elicit what response in us as Kingdom proclaimers? What will happen to the preaching work in the future? Él ha dictado la sentencia definitiva contra este sistema de cosas, no contra las personas individualmente. At the rapidly approaching end of this entire wicked system of things, all aspects of Satan's rule will be crushed out of existence. He has pronounced the final judgment against this system of things, not against individuals. ¿ Qué implica esto? Other anointed ones have been gathered in order to complete the number of 144,000. What does that imply? A ella la impulsó el deseo de ser como Dios, y él desobedeció a su Creador por el deseo de continuar junto a ella. The clarity and conviction of Paul's reasoning was such that Agrippa said: "In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian. " - Acts 26: 2, 3, 27, 28. She desired to be like God, and he disobeyed his Creator for the desire to continue alongside her. ¿ Qué podemos hacer todos para que aumente el gozo de la congregación? (a) How are we able to conquer Goliathlike challenges? How can all of us contribute to the joy of the congregation? Pero en lugar de obrar así, Israel y Judá han seguido un derrotero de rebeldía y tendrán que sufrir las consecuencias. Seven hundred years before Christ, Jehovah referred to the entire nation of Israel as "my witnesses " and" my servant whom I have chosen. " Instead of doing so, Israel and Judah have followed a course of rebellious and will have to suffer the consequences. Al leer Salmo 83: 18, se sintió tan conmovida que aceptó un estudio bíblico y hoy es una fiel cristiana que sirve en el extranjero. Explain. When reading Psalm 83: 18, he felt that he accepted a Bible study and is a faithful Christian serving abroad. Imitemos su ejemplo absteniéndonos de juzgar a los demás, respetando a aquellos a quienes se ha encargado la dirección de la congregación y dejando todos los asuntos en manos de Jehová, el Juez Supremo. Why must we be determined every day to obey Jehovah? We can imitate Jesus ' example by choosing to judge others, showing respect for those appointed to take the lead in the congregation, allowing them to leave all matters in Jehovah's hands, the Supreme Judge. Se abordará este tema en el próximo artículo. Jesus warned: "Woe, whenever all men speak well of you, for things like these are what their forefathers did to the false prophets. " This subject will be considered in the following article. Jesús es nuestro mejor ejemplo, pues nadie está más cerca de Jehová que él. • How is Jesus "a light of the nations "? Jesus is our best example. No one is closer to Jehovah than he is. • Al lidiar con las dificultades, ¿por qué es útil mantener una actitud razonable? 10, 11. (a) How did Jesus and Paul show themselves to be alert and observant? • When dealing with problems, why is it helpful to maintain a reasonable attitude? " En estos momentos, no hay mucho que podamos decir; solo que te queremos. Perhaps you think of the boldness of the early Christians or the serenity of Stephen as he stood before the Sanhedrin. " At these times, we do not have much to say; only we love them. Preguntas de repaso Paul also said that some in these last days would be "disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement. " Questions From Readers Todos los intereses espirituales que posee en la Tierra. Let us heed the advice found at 1 Corinthians 10: 12 and not become overconfident. All the spiritual interests he possesses on earth. Para él debió de ser horrible ver como su vida parecía derrumbarse a su alrededor. Hosea's wife "proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a daughter. " It must have seemed to him as his life seemed to be around him. ¿ A qué injusticias se enfrentan algunos hermanos en sus familias, y cómo logran soportarlas? When people enter marriage already thinking about the possibility of divorce, their commitment is lacking right from the start. " - Jean. What injustices do some brothers face in their families, and how can they cope with such injustices? • La viuda de Sarepta IS JEHOVAH'S FORGIVENESS UNLIMITED? • the widow of Zarephath ¿ Debería hacer cambios en mi vida? ." [ Picture on page 24] Should I make changes in my life? ' Les dijeron que no sabían por qué su hijo podía ver ni quién lo había curado. A man of wicked ideas is, of course, hated. They told them that they did not know why his son could see him or who had healed him. Fijémonos, por ejemplo, en cómo el pastor describe la amabilidad con que ella les habla a otras personas (lea El Cantar de los Cantares 4: 7, 11). Jehovah had complete confidence in his only - begotten Son, who had been faithful to him in heaven for countless ages. (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) Allí se dedicó al ayuno, la oración y la meditación, y probablemente recibió instrucciones e iluminación de Jehová sobre la tarea que le aguardaba. Jehovah chose the first of his heavenly sons to become the primary part of the seed promised in Eden, but why did he select Christ's associates from among mankind? There he devoted himself to the fast, prayer, and meditation, and he likely received instructions from Jehovah regarding the task he brought upon him. ¿ Cómo ejerció Jesús su autoridad sobre sus discípulos? Why? How did Jesus exercise authority over his disciples? Hoy, cuando damos clases de la Biblia, debemos permitir que la persona dé su opinión o explique el asunto que estemos analizando. We read: "The sons of Eli were wicked men; they had no regard for Jehovah. " Today, when we conduct a Bible study, we should allow the householder to view or explain the subject that we are considering. Desea que investiguemos estas cuestiones y hagamos un esfuerzo concienzudo por hallar las respuestas. Moreover, Jehovah himself invites young ones to " rejoice and let their heart do them good ' in a responsible way. He wants to research these questions and make earnest effort to find answers. Por eso, ahora se dice que un relato bíblico es un modelo profético solo cuando la Biblia así lo indica. Hence, whether people listen or not, we must keep sounding forth the Kingdom message. So it is said that a Bible account is a prophetic illustration when only the Bible indicates this. Ninguno de nosotros quisiera hacer tropezar a uno de los hermanos de Cristo, ¿verdad?. The wisdom from above is "not hypocritical. " None of us wish to stumble one of Christ's brothers, are we not? Según cierto historiador, ¿qué actitud para con el Estado tuvieron los primeros cristianos? This was not an easy assignment. According to one historian, what attitude did the early Christians have toward the State? ¿ Cómo debemos responder cuando la gente no nos recibe bien en la predicación? Their heart's desire is to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. How should we respond when people fail to share in the preaching work? Dentro de poco llegará el fin de este malvado sistema de cosas y será eliminado todo rastro de la dominación de Satanás. Why do we have good reason for praising Jehovah? Soon the end of this wicked system of things will come, and Satan's rule will be destroyed. Sus razonamientos fueron tan claros y convincentes, que Agripa le contestó: "En poco tiempo me persuadirías a hacerme cristiano ." How do Jesus ' words found at Luke 21: 25 - 28 influence your view of the coming great tribulation? His reasoning were so clear and persuasive, that Agrippa answered: "In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian. " a) ¿Cómo podemos superar obstáculos tan gigantescos como Goliat? 42: 4, 5, 11; 43: 3 - 5. (a) How can we overcome such obstacles as Goliath? Setecientos años antes de Cristo, Jehová llamó a toda la nación de Israel "mis testigos " y" mi siervo a quien he escogido ." Even though we may not know our circuit overseer and his wife very well, do we eagerly show them hospitality? Some 430 years before Christ, Jehovah called the whole nation of Israel "my witnesses " and" my servant whom I have chosen. " Ahora bien, esta revisión sufrió un gran cambio: se quitó el nombre de Dios. We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns. What a change that resulted - the name of God's name was taken away! Explique su respuesta. Jesus set what fine example for us, and how do we benefit by imitating him? Explain. ¿ Por qué debemos resolvernos siempre a obedecer a Jehová? What are Kingdom proclaimers doing today? Why should we always be determined to obey Jehovah? Jesús advirtió: "¡Ay, cuando todos los hombres hablen bien de ustedes, porque cosas como estas son las que los antepasados de ellos hicieron a los falsos profetas! ." Does your child find the preaching work interesting and rewarding? Jesus warned: "Woe, when all men speak well of you, because these things are such as the forefathers of them made to false prophets! " • ¿En qué sentido es Jesús la "luz de las naciones "? 6: 4, 5. • How is Jesus the " light of the nations "? 10, 11. a) ¿Cómo demostraron Jesús y Pablo que eran buenos observadores? What is symbolized by " sitting under one's own vine and fig tree '? 10, 11. (a) How did Jesus and Paul show that they were good observers? O quizás acudan a su memoria la valentía de los primeros cristianos y la serenidad con que Esteban se enfrentó al Sanedrín. How might someone reason on and react to an invitation to a wedding in a church? Or they may turn to their memory for the courage of the early Christians and the peace of Stephen faced the Sanhedrin. Pablo también mencionó que en estos últimos días habría individuos "desleales, sin [...] cariño natural, no dispuestos a ningún acuerdo ." Table of Contents Paul also mentioned that in these last days, people would have "holding them, without natural affection, not open to any agreement. " Sigamos el consejo que se encuentra en 1 Corintios 10: 12 y no nos confiemos. How often did you raise your hand, offering to answer, to make an expression of your faith? Let us heed the counsel found at 1 Corinthians 10: 12 and remain steadfast. La esposa de Oseas "procedió a quedar encinta otra vez y a dar a luz una hija ." Then Jesus continued with his teaching, warning his listeners about the danger of being distracted from God's service by desires for material things. - Luke 12: 13 - 15. Hosea's wife "became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. " Si te casas pensando en que puedes divorciarte, es que nunca tuviste un verdadero sentido de compromiso " (Jean). We can be grateful that Jehovah uses his powerful angels to support and strengthen his worshippers on earth. If you had houses in mind that you could never have made a real commitment, you never had a real commitment. " ¿ De qué depende que Jehová perdone? Overdrinking can damage physical health. Of what does Jehovah grant forgiveness? [ Ilustración de la página 24] Rather, Jehovah provided information that we need in order to understand his purposes and to live our lives in harmony with them. [ Picture on page 24] Claro está, el hombre que tiene malas intenciones es odiado. One time, the apostle Paul was at a meeting in an upper room in Troas, in what is now northwest Turkey. Of course, man has bad intentions is hated. Jesús pasó millones de años en el cielo con su Padre y siempre lo obedeció. (Read Mark 3: 22 - 30.) Jesus spent billions of years in heaven with his Father and always obeyed him. Jehová escogió al primero de sus hijos celestiales para que fuera la parte principal de la descendencia prometida en Edén; sin embargo, eligió a los asociados de Cristo de entre la humanidad. Yes, whether we are experts or learners, let us "sing to Jehovah "! - Ps. 104: 33. Jehovah chose the first of his heavenly sons to be the primary part of the promised seed in Eden. However, he chose Christ's associate of mankind. ¿ Cuál era el problema? Though she was beautiful enough to attract the attention of a king who at the time had "60 queens and 80 concubines and young women without number, " she viewed herself as" but a saffron of the coastal plain " - a common flower. What was the problem? La Biblia dice: "Los hijos de Elí eran hombres que no servían para nada; no reconocían a Jehová ." These could well be described as "old, " in that we have known and appreciated them from the beginning of our Christian course. The Bible says: "The sons of Eli were men who were not serving at all; they did not know Jehovah. " Además, el propio Jehová invita a los jóvenes a " regocijarse en su juventud ' con sentido de responsabilidad. Each day, why not ask yourself, ‛ What can I work on today to progress spiritually? ' Moreover, Jehovah himself invites young ones to " rejoice in their youth ' with a sense of responsibility. Por eso, sea que la gente nos escuche o no, debemos seguir proclamando el mensaje del Reino. She says: "I am deeply grateful that I still belong to Jehovah's wonderful organization. " Therefore, whether we are receptive or not, we should continue to proclaim the Kingdom message. La persona que tiene la sabiduría de arriba vive su vida "sin ser hipócrita ." Strong faith rests on more than just basic knowledge of the Bible. A person who has the wisdom from above lives lives is "without hypocritical. " La tarea no era nada sencilla, pues muchos adoraban a dioses falsos. How can a Christian remain hopeful even in a religiously divided household? The work was no simple, for many worshipped false gods. Desean de todo corazón dar testimonio cabal del Reino. To illustrate: A farmer cultivates the land. They want to bear thorough witness to the Kingdom. ¿ Por qué tenemos razones para alabar a Jehová? He wrote: "The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit. " - Rom. 5: 1, 5. Why do we have reason to praise Jehovah? Mantengamos "la pureza de corazón " en estos tiempos críticos 30 A husband who is a tyrant - either in private or in public - is certainly not showing that he cherishes his wife. Maintain "the cleanness of Heart " in these critical times Según Lucas 21: 25 - 28, ¿cómo debería ver usted la venidera gran tribulación? Responsible servants of Jehovah today must comply with divine requirements. According to Luke 21: 25 - 28, how should you view the coming great tribulation? 42: 4, 5, 11; 43: 3 - 5. Rock formations around the location of the first Meribah are solid granite. 42: 4, 5, 11; 43: 3 - 5. Aunque no los conozcamos bien, es bueno ser hospitalarios con ellos cuando visitan la congregación. And even until old age and gray - headedness, O God, do not leave me, until I may tell about your arm to the generation, to all those who are to come, about your mightiness. " - Ps. Although we do not know well, it is good to be hospitable to them when they visit the congregation. Debemos tratar de entender qué piensan y escucharlos con atención para saber qué es lo que les preocupa. A key way that Jehovah God expresses his love is through his Kingdom. Therefore, we gladly tell others that all who submit to Kingdom rule, obey God, and do what is righteous can have a relationship with him as his friends. We should try to understand what and listen carefully to their concerns are. ¿ Qué magnífico ejemplo nos dio Jesús, y cómo nos beneficia imitarlo? These men could remember how magnificent the temple built by Solomon was. What fine example did Jesus set, and how can we benefit from imitating him? ¿ Qué están haciendo los proclamadores del Reino en nuestros días? Time and Unforeseen Events. What are modern - day Kingdom proclaimers doing now? ¿ Les gusta a sus hijos salir a predicar? Nehemiah did not simply oversee the work. Do your children enjoy sharing in the preaching work? Pensemos en otro ejemplo. Any spirit that moves people to pronounce a curse upon Jesus must originate with Satan the Devil. Consider another example. ¿ Qué simboliza el que uno " se siente debajo de su propia vid y de su propia higuera '? PAUL'S ZEALOUS MINISTRY What is represented by the expression "one feels under his own vine and of his own fig tree "? ¿ Qué decisión podría tomar alguien cuando lo invitan a asistir a una boda en una iglesia, y qué razonamientos podrían llevarle a esa decisión? Confirming Jesus ' Messiahship during the transfiguration, Jehovah directed: "Listen to him. " What decision might a person make when invited him to attend a church wedding, and what reasoning might they bring to that decision? Índice We can see why Paul urged those who were brought up in such an environment and became servants of God to "be transformed " and " make their mind over. ' Table of Contents Pudiéramos preguntarnos: "En las últimas cuatro semanas, ¿cuántas veces levanté la mano para ofrecer mis comentarios y así expresar en público mi fe? A person can use a mirror to make sure that he is presentable. We might ask ourselves: " In the last four weeks, how often will I raise my hand to offer my comments and express myself in my public faith? Entonces continuó enseñando a sus oyentes y les advirtió que no se dejaran distraer por el deseo de tener cosas materiales. Study Edition STUDY ARTICLES He continued to teach his listeners and warned that they would not be distracted by the desire to have material things. Podemos estar agradecidos de que Jehová utilice a sus poderosos ángeles para apoyar y fortalecer a sus adoradores en la Tierra. * We can be grateful that Jehovah uses his powerful angels to support and strengthen his worshipers on earth. Perjudica la salud. By the end of the thousand years of Kingdom rule, obedient mankind will have been liberated from all enemies introduced by Adam's disobedience. Putting our health on our own. Más bien, nos dio la información que necesitamos para entender sus propósitos y vivir en armonía con ellos. Even so, in order to understand the quality of self - control, we need to examine Jehovah's example so that we can better imitate him. Rather, he gave us information that we need to understand his purposes and live in harmony with them. Cierto día, el apóstol Pablo estuvo discursando hasta la medianoche en una casa de Troas, en lo que hoy es el noroeste de Turquía. What a great contrast there will be between the rule of Jesus and the 144,000 and that of imperfect humans! One day, the apostle Paul was arrested until midnight, in which he was now well - known by the apostle Paul. En el siglo primero, los escribas judíos afirmaron con malicia que si Jesús realizaba milagros, era debido al poder de Satanás (léase Marcos 3: 22 - 30). It seems that resurrected ones of the 24 - elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. (Read Mark 3: 22 - 30.) Sin importar que seamos peritos o aprendices, ¡cantemos a Jehová! Love Motivated Jesus to Preach Boldly Regardless of whether we are brothers or sisters, let us love Jehovah! Es evidente que era preciosa. El rey Salomón se quedó deslumbrado por ella, y eso que para entonces ya tenía "sesenta reinas, y ochenta concubinas, y doncellas sin número ." 16, 17. (a) What proves that we are not against governments? Clearly, Solomon was precious, and he had already been "old and 80 concubines, and the maiden and the young women without number. " Podemos llamarlas verdades "viejas " porque fueron lo primero que aprendimos y llegamos a valorar. To illustrate: A mother finds a gift - an inexpensive necklace - on her table. We can refer to the truths "old " because they were first what we learned and come to appreciate. Sería bueno que todos los días nos preguntáramos: "¿En qué puedo trabajar hoy para ser más espiritual? ." The arrangement of oversight by a body of elders was instituted in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, replacing oversight by just one congregation servant, or overseer. It would be good for us to ask ourselves, " What can I do now to become more spiritually - minded? ' Ella responde: "Estoy profundamente agradecida por seguir perteneciendo a la maravillosa organización de Jehová ." She says: "I have made it a practice to rise early so that before starting any work, I can spend time in prayer to Jehovah and read his Word. She explains: "I am deeply grateful for continuing to study Jehovah's wonderful organization. " Para que nuestra fe sea fuerte, no es suficiente con tener un conocimiento básico de la Biblia. With reference to Jesus, Paul quoted Isaiah's words: "None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed. " For our faith to be strong, it is not enough to have a basic knowledge of the Bible. ¿ Qué ayudará al cristiano a mantener la esperanza aunque sus familiares no sirvan a Jehová? With the " populous nation ' of anointed ones taking the lead, we now rejoice as the number of " harvest workers ' keeps growing. What can help Christians to maintain their hope even if family members are not serving Jehovah? Ilustrémoslo con el ejemplo de un agricultor. In spite of the vicious attack launched against the anointed remnant by their enemies during World War I, those of this faithful group were not killed off. To illustrate the example of a farmer, consider the example of a farmer. Entre quienes actuaron así figura el propio apóstol, que escribió: "El amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones mediante el espíritu santo ." What was wrong with the way Johanan sought Jehovah's direction, and what do we learn from his error? The apostle Paul wrote: "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by means of the holy spirit. " De seguro, el esposo que se comporta como un tirano - ya sea en privado o en público - no demuestra amor a su esposa. It can be a struggle to get everything done, so good personal organization is important. Indeed, a husband who acts as a husband - whether in public or in public - does not show love for his wife. Hoy día, los siervos de Jehová responsables tienen que cumplir con los requisitos divinos. " I found myself struggling to remain chaste, " she admits, "because it is flattering when someone of the opposite sex takes notice of you. " Today, Jehovah's servants have the responsibility to meet God's requirements. Las formaciones rocosas de la primera Meribá son de granito, que es compacto y duro. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES The rock badger is almost a covenant and hardly hardly hard. Y aun hasta la vejez y canicie, oh Dios, no me dejes, hasta que informe acerca de tu brazo a la generación; a todos los que han de venir, acerca de tu poderío ." Imagine the feelings that such a command would stir up. Even until old age and gray - headedness, O God, do not leave me, until you report about your arm to the generation; to all those who are to come, about your mightiness. " (Editado por los testigos de Jehová en varios idiomas.) • What is Jehovah's purpose for things in heaven and things on earth? Jehovah's Witnesses in several languages are spoken by Jehovah's Witnesses. Una importante expresión de su amor es su Reino, y por eso anunciamos al prójimo que todos los que se someten a ese gobierno, obedecen a Dios y hacen lo que es justo pueden ser sus amigos. Therefore, it is only natural for them to "have love for the whole association of brothers. " One important expression of God's love is his Kingdom, so we share with others who submit to that rulership, obey God, and do what is righteous. Estos hombres podían recordar el esplendor del templo edificado por Salomón. 11, 12. These men could remember the splendor of the temple built by Solomon. El tiempo y el suceso imprevisto. David composed a number of psalms in which he praised Jehovah for delivering him out of danger. - See, for example, the superscriptions of Psalms 18, 34, 56, 57, 59, and 63. Time and unforeseen occurrence. Nehemías no se limitó a supervisar la obra. COVER IMAGE: Nehemiah did not simply oversee the work. Cualquier espíritu, o fuerza, que incite a alguien a maldecir a Jesús tiene que proceder de Satanás. Despite their weakened state, to some extent they may still be keeping Jehovah's requirements. Whether the spirit, or force, who tempts someone to curse Jesus has to do Satan's course. PABLO Y SU ENTREGA AL MINISTERIO What Scriptural reasons do we have to keep on preaching? GIVING AND JESUS ' JESUS ' MINISTRY El propio Jehová confirmó durante la transfiguración que Jesús era el Elegido y dio esta orden: "Escúchenle ." How, though, is it possible to live as Christians should when times are so turbulent and most people have no interest in serving Jehovah? Jehovah himself confirmed during Jesus ' transfiguration vision and gave this command: "It is laid upon him. " " Que se quiten toda amargura maliciosa y cólera e ira y gritería y habla injuriosa. " It is good for us to " set our heart upon our ways ' and reflect on how what we are doing with our life affects our relationship with God. " Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you. " Una persona puede usar un espejo para comprobar su apariencia y, de ser necesario, corregirla. (b) In what practical ways can you train new publishers and young ones to show love for their brothers and sisters? A person can use a mirror to illustrate his appearance and needs. ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO: It involved a future event, not something that existed in his day. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: * Second, we love the organization that has taught us the precious truths that so plainly separate us from Babylon the Great. * Al final de los mil años, la humanidad obediente ya estará libre del pecado y la muerte. Consider how the events that unfolded in the days of Deborah and Barak answer these questions. At the end of the thousand years, obedient mankind will already be free from sin and death. Para entender lo que es el autodominio y ver cómo podemos imitar mejor esta cualidad de Dios, tenemos que analizar su ejemplo. Or would David seek Jehovah's direction? To understand what self - control is and how we can imitate God's qualities, we need to consider his example. El gobierno de Jesús y de los 144.000 será completamente distinto de los imperfectos gobiernos humanos. The intense love produced by holy spirit can help us to cover over minor transgressions, freely forgiving others "even as Jehovah freely forgave " us. - Col. 3: 13, 14; 1 Pet. The rulership of Jesus and the 144,000 will be completely different from imperfect human governments. Que, según parece, los resucitados del grupo de los veinticuatro ancianos participan en transmitir verdades divinas hoy día. Accepting an apology and forgiving takes true humility. " - Kimberly. Hence, the resurrected members of the 24 elders share in sharing divine truths with others today. El amor le dio a Jesús valor para predicar This is what Ellena, who is in her early 20 ' s, does. Jesus ' love gave him courage to preach 16, 17. a) ¿Qué demuestra que no estamos en contra de los gobiernos? What were "the traditions " that they had been taught? 16, 17. (a) What shows that we are not against governments? Pongamos una comparación. Una madre encuentra sobre la mesa un regalo consistente en un collar de poco valor. If they think otherwise, they will keep their concerns locked inside or turn elsewhere for help. " - Maranda. For example, a mother finds a gift on the table is compared to a bit of small value. Dicho sistema se ha convertido en un poderoso incentivo para que hermanos maduros reúnan las condiciones necesarias para dirigir a la congregación. From the time of his creation onward, God's only - begotten Son has truly been unique, one of a kind. This system has become a powerful incentive for mature Christians to prepare for the needs of the congregation. Ella dice: "Me he acostumbrado a levantarme temprano para poder orar a Jehová y leer su Palabra antes de iniciar otras tareas. Let us consider three questions that concern many people. She says: "I have become early in the morning to pray to Jehovah and to read his Word before starting other tasks. Citando de Isaías, Pablo escribió: "Ninguno que cifre su fe en [Cristo] será desilusionado ." According to Amos 4: 4, 5, what had most Israelites come to love? Quoting Isaiah, Paul wrote: "No one will rest his faith in [Christ] will be saved. " Hoy experimentamos un gran júbilo al ver que cada vez hay más recolectores colaborando con la "populosa [...] nación " de los ungidos. They are not even in the trouble of mortal man, and they are not plagued the same as other men. " Today, we experience a great joy when we see ever more work along with "the nation " of anointed ones. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, los enemigos persiguieron cruelmente a los fieles cristianos ungidos y, como vimos, lograron que algunos fueran encarcelados. First of all, they refrain from any such activity themselves. During World War I, the enemies persecuted faithful anointed Christians, and as we saw, some were imprisoned. ¿ Por qué no fue apropiada la forma en que Johanán buscó la guía de Jehová, y qué aprendemos de su error? They are the first to have their sins forgiven on the basis of Jesus ' shed blood, and that makes it possible for them to be granted immortal life in the heavens, where they rule with Jesus in his Kingdom. Why was it not proper to seek Jehovah's guidance, and what can we learn from his error? Puede resultar difícil hacerlo todo, y por ello se requiere buena organización personal. Consider the attitude of five fleshly sisters, the daughters of Zelophehad, who lived in Moses ' day. It may be difficult to do all things, and it requires good personal organization. " Tuve que luchar para mantenerme casta - admite Jenny - , porque es muy halagador que alguien del sexo opuesto se fije en ti. " What warning did Paul give to certain younger widows, and why do all of us need to take to heart his words? " I had to struggle to maintain chaste conduct, " she admits, "because it is too clever for someone of the opposite sex to take refuge in you. " PROPÓSITO DE LOS ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO Lord! ' but do not do the things I say? " Purpose of Study Articles Imaginémonos cómo debió sentirse. Another testimony that Bezalel and Oholiab were guided by God's spirit is the amazing durability of their work. Imagine how she must have felt. • ¿Cuál es el propósito de Jehová para las cosas en el cielo y las cosas en la Tierra? He was not like the ungodly men who slipped into the first - century congregation and were "admiring personalities for the sake of their own benefit. " • What is Jehovah's purpose for things in heaven and the things on earth? Siendo así, es natural que le tengamos "amor a toda la asociación de hermanos ." High - quality materials of wood, stone, and metal will be freely available to build beautiful homes. If so, it is natural that we have "love for the whole association of brothers. " 11, 12. Zealous preachers blazed the trail, so to speak, for all those who would follow them. 11, 12. David compuso varios salmos en los que alaba a Jehová por haberlo librado del peligro. Véanse, por ejemplo, los encabezamientos de los Salmos 18, 34, 56, 57, 59 y 63. [ Blurb on page 13] David composed several psalms in which he praises Jehovah for deliverance. PORTADA: Soon God's Kingdom will be the only government ruling the earth. COVER IMAGE: A pesar de su debilidad, es posible que hasta cierto grado sigan viviendo a la altura de los requisitos divinos. Do You Recall? Despite their weakness, it may even be possible to continue living in harmony with God's requirements. ¿ Qué razones bíblicas tenemos para seguir predicando? It should not come as a surprise, then, that some find it increasingly hard to fulfill their responsibility to look after and provide for their families. What Scriptural reasons do we have to keep on preaching? En estos tiempos tan difíciles en los que la mayoría de las personas no se interesan en servir a Jehová, ¿es de veras posible llevar una vida cristiana? What are some of the gifts with which Christians are entrusted? In these difficult times, are most people not interested in serving Jehovah, do they really have a Christian life? Nos conviene " poner el corazón en nuestros caminos ', es decir, fijarnos en cómo repercute en nuestra relación con Dios lo que estamos haciendo con nuestra vida. Jehovah told his Son: "Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet. " - Ps. It is good to " set the heart in our ways ' - how it affects our relationship with God. b) ¿De qué maneras podemos enseñar a los jóvenes y a los nuevos a mostrar amor a los hermanos? Are not the ways of you people not adjusted right? " - Ezek. (b) In what ways can we teach young ones and new ones to show brotherly love? En segundo lugar, porque amamos a la organización que nos ha enseñado las preciosas verdades que tanto nos distinguen de Babilonia la Grande. Having appreciatively heard the message, they have made a dedication to God, undergone water baptism, and joined the bride class in actively inviting others to " come and drink life's water free. ' Second, because we love the organization that has taught us the precious truths that are identified by Babylon the Great, we love Jehovah's organization. Analicemos los sucesos que tuvieron lugar en la época de Débora y Barac, y encontraremos las respuestas. He is the one God sent forth into the world for the world to be saved through him. Consider the events that took place in the time of Deborah and Barak, and we will find answers. ¿ Decidiría él mismo, o buscaría la guía de Jehová? As had been true of fleshly Israel, members of spiritual Israel were the ones Jehovah called "the people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise. " Would he seek Jehovah's guidance? El intenso amor que produce el espíritu nos ayuda a cubrir las pequeñas ofensas de los demás perdonándolos liberalmente, o con generosidad, tal como "Jehová [nos] perdonó liberalmente " a nosotros. In the book of Daniel, Michael is called "the prince of [Daniel's] people, " Israel. The intense love produced by God's spirit helps us to cover up the minor trespasses of the forgiving one freely, or generously, just as "Jehovah freely forgave us. " Para aceptar una disculpa y perdonar a alguien, hay que ser muy humilde " (Kimberly). The prophet Joel compared the activity of Jehovah's servants to the actions of locusts. To accept a forgiving and forgiving person, a person must be very humble. " Siendo disciplinado. I had been in the circuit work for only a short time when I realized that his counsel was surely needed. As a parent, he must exercise self - discipline. ¿ Cuáles eran "las tradiciones " que habían aprendido? Of course, mildness does not imply weakness. Far from it! What were "the traditions " they had learned? Si no, se encerrarán en sí mismos o buscarán ayuda en otra parte " (Maranda). If you feel anxious about having guests, you are not alone. If they do not, they will wither in themselves or will seek help in another part. " Pues que desde su creación, Jesús, el Hijo unigénito de Dios, ha sido único en su clase. How did the first human baby come to be born? Since from his creation, Jesus, God's only - begotten Son, has been alone in his class. Por eso, analicemos tres preguntas que inquietan a mucha gente. Such ones realized that pleasing Jehovah by heeding his counsel would ultimately result in family happiness and the reward of everlasting life. So let us consider three questions that weigh a lot of people. ¿ Qué había llegado a amar la mayoría de los israelitas, como indica Amós 4: 4, 5? No. What had the majority of the Israelites come to love, as indicated at Amos 4: 4, 5? No se hallan siquiera en el penoso afán del hombre mortal, y no son plagados lo mismo que otros hombres ." " PREACH THE WORD, BE AT IT URGENTLY " They cannot be found even in the terrible plague of mortal man, and they are not plagued by what other men do. " En primer lugar, no participamos en actos violentos. We will next look at how learning to view others as Jehovah does can help us in this regard. First, we do not engage in violent acts. Son los primeros a quienes se les perdonan los pecados mediante la sangre derramada de Jesús, lo que hace posible que se les otorgue vida inmortal en el cielo, donde gobiernan con él en su Reino. That night he was arrested and tried. They are the first to forgive the sins by means of Jesus ' shed blood, which makes them offered to immortal life in heaven, where they rule with him in his Kingdom. Pensemos en la actitud que demostraron las cinco hijas de Zelofehad, que vivieron en el tiempo de Moisés. A brother in Brazil states, "Our 23 years of marriage have been very happy - thanks to our efforts to be spiritually - minded. " Consider the attitude of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who lived in Moses ' day. ¿ Qué advertencia hizo Pablo a ciertas viudas jóvenes, y por qué debemos tenerla muy presente? If a couple who will have a civil marriage desire to have a talk at a certain Kingdom Hall, they should beforehand seek the permission of the elders forming the Congregation Service Committee. What warning did Paul give certain widows, and why should we do so well? ¡ Señor! ', pero no hacen las cosas que digo? ." Who are voicing such strange teachings? Lord! ' but do not do the things I say. " ¿ Qué otra indicación encontramos de que Bezalel y Oholiab fueron guiados por el espíritu de Dios? " Glorious Freedom " Ahead! What further indication is there that Bezalel and Oholiab were guided by God's spirit? No era como los hombres hipócritas que se introdujeron en la congregación del siglo primero, quienes colmaban de atenciones a las personas importantes "en el interés de su propio provecho ." * He keeps them from "stumbling " in that he makes them strong and courageous like David, the warrior king. He was not like hypocrites who were led into the first - century congregation, who were thrown to important ones "in the care of their own benefit. " Todos podremos construir hermosas casas con madera, piedra y metales de alta calidad. 1, 2. All of us can build beautiful homes with wood, stone, and color. Predicadores entusiastas abrieron el camino, y muchos siguieron sus pasos. Meditating on this will motivate us to keep on living up to his name. Our zealous preaching activity opened the way, and many followed his steps. [ Comentario de la página 13] While elders recognize the importance of confidentiality, they are not secretive. [ Blurb on page 13] Muy pronto, el gobierno de Dios será el único que haya en la Tierra. I tell you, Although he will not rise up and give him anything because of being his friend, certainly because of his bold persistence he will get up and give him what things he needs. " Soon, God's rule will be the only one on earth. ¿ Lo recuerda? Such acknowledgments strengthen the bond between those with authority and those subject to that authority, promoting warm and free communication. Do You Recall? ¿ Cuáles son algunos de los dones que se nos han encomendado? Kingdom Hall construction volunteers as well as those sharing in relief work often become good friends because they get to know one another's fine qualities through the experiences they share. What are some of the gifts entrusted to us? Jehová le dijo: "Siéntate a mi diestra hasta que coloque a tus enemigos como banquillo para tus pies ." Let us therefore be determined to reject all apostasy so that we can maintain a strong relationship with our heavenly Father. Jehovah said: "If I kept calling on my right hand until I would place your enemies as a washed for your feet. " ¿ No son los caminos de ustedes los que no están bien ajustados? ." Moreover, elders who are exemplary in faith, in teaching, in Christian living, and in the ministry experience the satisfaction of knowing that others can imitate their faith. - Heb. Are you not the ways of those who are not adjusted? " En efecto, han abrazado el mensaje, se han dedicado a Dios, se han bautizado y junto con la novia exhortan a toda persona a que "venga " y" tome gratis el agua de la vida ." My construction group is like a family. Yes, they have embraced the message, dedicated themselves to God, got baptized, and admonishing each individual to "take life's water free. " Él fue escogido por Dios para venir al mundo, a fin de que el mundo pudiera salvarse. 4, 5. He was chosen by God to come into the world, so that the world could be saved. Tal como hizo con el Israel natural, Jehová llamó al Israel espiritual "el pueblo a quien he formado para mí mismo, para que relate la alabanza mía ." He displayed great generosity in coming to the earth for the benefit of imperfect mankind. (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 9.) Like natural Israel, Jehovah called spiritual Israel "the people whom I have formed for myself, that they may declare my praise. " En el libro de Daniel se le llama "el príncipe de [Israel] ." But what would happen if these hardworking Kingdom preachers were to leave the country? The book of Daniel is called "the prince of Israel. " El profeta Joel comparó la labor de los siervos de Dios con la manera de actuar de las langostas. • What factors helped Job to endure? The prophet Joel likened the work of God's servants to that of the locust. Al poco tiempo de servir como superintendente, me di cuenta de que sus consejos eran muy útiles. They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914. Soon after serving as an elder, I realized that his counsel was very helpful. Es patente que esta virtud no implica debilidad, ni mucho menos. Why was the reign of King David not oppressive? Clearly, mildness does not imply weakness, no matter how much. Si nos inquieta tener invitados, no somos los únicos. Instead, by continuing in the way that Elijah had carried out his ministry, Elisha showed due respect for his teacher, which reassured Elisha's fellow prophets. If we are anxious about guests, we are not alone. ¿ Cómo llegó a existir el primer bebé humano? What impresses you about the way Jesus has fulfilled his unique role in Jehovah's purpose? How did the first human baby come into existence? Estas mujeres comprendían que si prestaban atención a los consejos de Jehová y los ponían en práctica, tendrían una familia feliz y la recompensa de la vida eterna. How can we show our gratitude to Jehovah for his provisions? These women understood that if they paid attention to Jehovah's counsel and put them into practice, they would have a happy family and the reward of everlasting life. La respuesta es no. Those who treat anointed Christians in a proper manner protect themselves from an insidious danger. No. " PREDICA LA PALABRA, OCÚPATE EN ELLO URGENTEMENTE " It was a marvelous benefit of his close association with his heavenly Father for aeons of time, during which he served as God's "master worker " in the creation of all things. " GOD'S WORD, Ohio, IN THE WORD " Pero hay otro factor que nos ayuda a cultivar tales cualidades: ver a los demás como los ve Jehová. When counseled, Saul should have let his heart be softened, allowing himself to be shaped by the Great Potter. But there is another factor that helps us to cultivate such qualities - seeing others as Jehovah sees them. Esa noche fue arrestado y juzgado. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. That night he was arrested and judged. Un hermano de Brasil explica: "Mi mujer y yo hemos sido muy felices los veintitrés años que llevamos casados gracias a que nos hemos esforzado por ser personas espirituales ." As the student responds, show him how to answer with "a mild temper and deep respect. " - 1 Peter 3: 15. A brother in Brazil explains: "My mother and I have been very happy that we have been married for 21 years because we have striveed to be spiritual people. " Si los novios desean que se dé un discurso en un Salón del Reino, deben solicitar el permiso de los ancianos que componen el Comité de Servicio de la Congregación. We also need the guidance of "the faithful and discreet slave " to feed our minds with spiritual food given" at the proper time. " If the couple want to give a talk at a Kingdom Hall, they should ask for the assistance of the elders who make up the Congregation Service Meeting. ¿ Quiénes difunden tales enseñanzas extrañas? motivate us to promote unity? Who are represented by such strange teachings? Se acerca "la gloriosa libertad " In our time too, God's eyes are "roving about through all the earth, " and he is ready" to show his strength " in our behalf. " The glorious freedom " * Les impide que " tropiecen ' en el sentido de que los hace fuertes y valientes como David, el rey guerrero. Bearing in mind that all of us will render an account to God should move marriage mates to make earnest efforts to resolve problems quickly so that these do not become more serious. * He does not prevent them from " making them stumble ' in that he makes them strong and courageous like David, the king. 1, 2. As imperfect humans, all of us need to work hard to control our thoughts and actions. 1, 2. Saber esto debe impulsarnos a dejar su nombre en buen lugar. What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? Knowing this should move us to keep his name in good place. Aunque reconocen la importancia de mantener la confidencialidad, no son secretistas. With this system's end so near, let us remain firm in faith and show deep gratitude for God's arrangement for worship. Although they recognize the importance of staying confidential, they are not immune. Les digo: Aunque no se levante a darle algo por ser su amigo, ciertamente por causa de su persistencia atrevida se levantará y le dará cuantas cosas necesite ." Rather than cave in to discouragement, accept this promise found in God's Word: "He who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. I say to you, Although you do not raise up for something to be your friend, you will certainly hear for your bold persistence and give him a few things. " Ese reconocimiento fortalece los lazos entre los que poseen tal autoridad y los que se hallan sujetos a ella, lo cual fomenta la comunicación franca y afectuosa. He himself said: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " Such recognition strengthens the bond between those who have such authority and those who are subject to it. This contributes to good communication and loving communication. Esto les permite conocer las cualidades de sus compañeros y hacer buenas amistades. Taking time to meditate on her prayer on that occasion may well enrich your own prayers and help you to see that even sadness over a distressing problem can be overcome if you pray in faith that Jehovah will answer you. - 1 Sam. 2: 1 - 10. This enables them to learn the qualities of their peers and to make good friends. Por lo tanto, estemos resueltos a rechazar toda apostasía, para así mantener una relación fuerte con nuestro Padre celestial. As a result, work on the temple and temple utensils was quickly completed. - 2 Chronicles 24: 4, 6, 13, 14; Deuteronomy 17: 18. May we therefore be determined to reject all apostasy so that we can maintain a strong relationship with our heavenly Father. Y dado que son ejemplares en su confianza en Dios, arte de enseñar, vida cristiana y destreza en el ministerio, tienen la satisfacción de saber que otros hermanos pueden imitar su fe. His actions. And since they are exemplary in their trust in God, teaching, Christian life, and skill, they have the satisfaction of knowing that others can imitate their faith. Los que trabajamos en el grupo de construcción somos como una familia. One service overseer in Hawaii, U.S.A., wrote: "Little did we realize how effective these new tools would be both in the house - to - house work and in public witnessing. " Those working at the construction work are like a family. 4, 5. To make a donation, please visit 4, 5. De hecho, estuvo dispuesto a venir a la Tierra por el bien de la humanidad imperfecta (léase 2 Corintios 8: 9). Before making a decision, think of the effect it will have on your family and the congregation (See paragraph 15) (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 9.) Ahora bien, ¿qué pasaría si tuvieran que abandonar el país al que se mudaron? This could endanger our peaceful relationship with Jehovah. What, though, if they had to leave the country to which they moved? • ¿Qué ayudó a Job a aguantar? Our friendship with him is of utmost importance because being his friends makes us friends of Jehovah too. • What helped Job to endure? Ellos son los únicos que proclaman que Jesús reina desde 1914. It was a judicial decree in which Jehovah declared when he would act to cleanse the earth of ungodliness. They are the only people who proclaim Jesus as King since 1914. ¿ Por qué no fue opresivo el reinado de David? He was hot - tempered. Why was David's reign not oppressive? Decidió continuar su trabajo de profeta del mismo modo como lo había estado haciendo Elías. Not all 144,000 anointed Christians were selected in the first century. He chose to continue his work from the prophet Elijah, just as he had been doing. ¿ Qué es lo que más le impresiona a usted del papel que desempeña Jesús en el propósito de Jehová? • In what ways can we keep an eye on the interests of others? What impresses you about Jesus ' role in Jehovah's purpose? ¿ Cómo podemos demostrar que agradecemos el alimento espiritual que nos da Jehová? Even though Paul begged God to remove his affliction, it remained. How can we show our appreciation for the spiritual food that Jehovah provides? Tratar a los ungidos igual que a los demás hermanos nos protege de un grave peligro. The Babylonians ate unclean animals, forbidden by the Mosaic Law. It can be a serious danger to the anointed as well as others. Dicha cualidad fue uno de los grandes beneficios que le reportó la estrecha relación que tuvo con su Padre celestial desde tiempos inmemoriales, cuando fue el "obrero maestro " en la creación de todas las cosas. Love "does not keep account of the injury. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. That quality was one of the great benefits that drew him from his heavenly Father's close relationship with his heavenly Father, when he was "master worker " in creation. Cuando Samuel trató de hacerlo razonar, el rey no ablandó su corazón para que lo moldeara el Gran Alfarero. But he said to them: " The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called Benefactors. When Samuel tried to reason, the king did not change his heart so that he would shape the Great Potter. Si uno persiste en ellas, podrían causarle la muerte espiritual. " When he was being reviled, " Peter wrote, "he did not go reviling in return. If a man persists in them, he could cause his spiritual death. En esas ocasiones, muestre al estudiante cómo responder "con genio apacible y profundo respeto ." Well, it would seem unusual, even unnatural, to graft a wild branch onto a cultivated tree; yet, that is what some farmers did in the first century. At such times, he shows how to respond "with a mild temper and deep respect. " Asimismo, para nutrir la mente con alimento espiritual "al tiempo apropiado " nos hace falta la guía del" esclavo fiel y discreto ." January 18 - 24, 2010 Also, to nourish our mind with spiritual food "at the proper time, " we need direction from" the faithful and discreet slave. " ¿ Por qué nos impulsa la Conmemoración a fomentar la unidad? The manner in which Jesus helped his apostles when they were temporarily in a weak condition indicates what we may do today. Why does the Memorial motivate us to promote unity? También en nuestro tiempo, los ojos de Jehová "están discurriendo por toda la tierra " y él está listo" para mostrar su fuerza " a favor nuestro. Many do not believe that Satan exists. In our time, Jehovah's eyes "are roving about through all the earth, " and he is ready" to show his strength " in our behalf. Recordar que todos rendiremos cuentas a Jehová impulsará a los casados a hacer lo posible por resolver los problemas enseguida, antes de que empeoren. Valdès has sometimes been called Pierre Valdès or Peter Waldo, but his first name cannot be confirmed. Remembering that all of us will be accountable to Jehovah will move marriage mates to act quickly before problems arise. Actuar así exige un gran esfuerzo, pues somos imperfectos. With the pre - Flood world gone, mankind enters a new era. To do this requires hard work, for we are imperfect. ¿ Qué llamado hizo esta revista en el número de abril de 1881? (b) How do obedient Christians follow Paul's direction? What was called this magazine in the April 18th issue of The Watchtower? El fin de este sistema está a las puertas. Por tanto, mantengamos la fe firme y agradezcamos todo lo que Dios ha dispuesto para que lo adoremos. Should you ever face such a test, ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist. Therefore, let us continue to maintain our firm faith and be thankful for all that God has willing to worship. Y si nos desanimamos, recordemos esta promesa: "El que esté sembrando con miras al espíritu, segará del espíritu vida eterna. This will be too much for the nations. And if we become discouraged, we remember this promise: "He that is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. Él mismo dijo: "Esto significa mi " sangre del pacto ', que ha de ser derramada a favor de muchos ." How might a Christian begin to " set his mind on the flesh '? He himself said: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " Si meditamos en la plegaria de esta devota mujer, veremos cómo enriquecer nuestras propias oraciones y entenderemos que aun la tristeza que producen los problemas puede superarse si oramos con la confianza de que Dios nos contestará. This applies in the family circle, within the congregation, with neighbors, at work, at school, and in our public ministry. Meditating on the prayer of this divine woman will help us to understand how our own prayers can affect us and to understand that even the pain we face can face when we pray with the confidence that God will answer us. Como consecuencia, no tardaron en llevarse a cabo los trabajos en el templo y la fabricación de utensilios sagrados. An important factor in developing courage is brought to our attention at Psalm 27: 2, 3. (Read.) As a result, they soon carried out the work at the temple and made sacred utensils. Su manera de actuar. But Jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things. His actions. Si desea hacer un donativo, visite " Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall, " wrote the apostle Paul. To make a donation, please visit (Vea el párrafo 15). Some married Christians have succumbed to committing adultery after developing an improper romantic relationship. (See paragraph 15) Si lo hiciéramos, nos pondríamos en contra del propósito divino y nos arriesgaríamos a perder la amistad con Jehová. What can you learn from the account of the widow? If we were to do so, we would put ourselves in a position to lose our friendship with Jehovah. No. Más bien, lo que estaba dictaminando era cuándo intervendría para borrar la maldad de toda la Tierra. As long as Moses did that, Jehovah empowered the hands of the Israelites to fight successfully against the Amalekites. Rather, it was to be fulfilled when it would take action to remove all wickedness from the earth. Yo tenía que ir siempre con pies de plomo, pues se enojaba con facilidad. What example illustrates how a young person may be trapped by "the birdcatcher "? I had to go along with the feet of others, for it is easily easy to go along with them. La cifra de 144.000 cristianos ungidos no se alcanzó en el siglo primero. If you go to the left, then I will go to the right; but if you go to the right, then I will go to the left. " The number of 144,000 anointed Christians was not caught in the first century. • ¿De qué maneras demostramos que nos preocupamos por el bienestar de los demás? They may have some gray hair, but likely they do not yet have the frail health described by Solomon. • In what ways can we show concern for the welfare of others? Pese a las súplicas del apóstol, Dios no eliminó la causa de su sufrimiento. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life. " Despite Paul's supplications, God did not eliminate the cause of his suffering. Los babilonios comían animales inmundos, prohibidos por la Ley mosaica. He also learned to be a musician and a composer - skills that led him to serve before the ruler of Israel. The Babylonians ate unclean animals, set out for the Mosaic Law. Recuerde: el amor "no lleva cuenta del daño ." In view of all of this, more and more educators are seriously doubting the value of higher education today. Remember, love "does not keep account of the injury. " Pero él les dijo: " Los reyes de las naciones se enseñorean de ellas, y a los que tienen autoridad sobre ellas se les llama Benefactores. [ Pictures on page 26] But he said to them: "The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called upon them. " Cuando lo estaban injuriando - escribió Pedro - , no se puso a injuriar en cambio. Miraculously, in time Jehovah richly rewarded them with the birth of a son in their old age. - Luke 1: 8 - 14. " When he was being reviled, " wrote Peter, "he did not go reviling in return. En el sentido de que resulta extraño, e incluso antinatural, injertar la rama de un árbol silvestre en un árbol de huerto. Jehovah God can help you to acquire wisdom and understanding. In the sense that it is a stranger, perhaps even sexually immoral tree, the field of a tree olive tree. 18 - 24 de enero de 2010 In Christendom the controversy regarding Jesus centers on whether he is "the Son of God " as well as" God the Son " - in other words, the dispute over what the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls "the central mystery of Christian faith, " the Trinity. January 18 - 24, 2010 El modo como ayudó Jesús a sus apóstoles cuando experimentaron cierta debilidad nos indica qué podemos hacer hoy día. If he does not understand a certain illustration used in the book, explain it or use an alternative. The way Jesus helped his apostles when they experienced a particular weakness indicates what we can do today. ¿ Quién tiene la culpa del estado en que se encuentra el mundo? But if we do not make ourselves understood by others, how can they benefit from our knowledge? Who has the blame for the condition of the world? Aunque suele conocérsele como Pierre, o Pedro, no hay certeza de que ese fuera su auténtico nombre. February 7 - 13, 2011 Although he is often known as the beginning, Peter, or Peter, is not sure that he was his true name. Con el fin del mundo antediluviano, la humanidad entra en una nueva era. What effect does Jesus ' prophecy about the great tribulation have on Jehovah's people? With the end of the wicked world, mankind entered into a new world. b) ¿Qué proceder siguen los cristianos obedientes? Do you see in that a lesson for us? (b) What course do obedient Christians follow? Y, si alguna vez nos vemos ante una tentación, pidámosle a Jehová que nos dé sabiduría y autodominio para resistirla. The following article will discuss how you can make your family a safe haven in an abusive world. [ Footnotes] If we find ourselves in a temptation, ask Jehovah to give us wisdom and self - control. Se convertirá en el blanco de todas las miradas, pues es único y distinto. Still, he stated additional reasons to do so. They will become the target of all their eyes, for they are unique and different. ¿ Cómo podría un cristiano empezar a fijar la mente en la carne? Jehovah has equipped us to resist the spirit of the world. How might a Christian begin to set the mind on the flesh? Promovemos la paz en el círculo familiar, en la congregación, con nuestros vecinos, en el trabajo, en la escuela y en nuestro ministerio. 1: 17. Why are we drawn to Jehovah's way of ruling? We promote peace within the family circle, in the congregation, at work, at school, and in our ministry. Un factor importante para cultivar el valor se pone de manifiesto en Salmo 27: 2, 3 (léase). • Why does considering Haggai and Zechariah give us reason for confidence about the future? An important factor in cultivating courage is seen at Psalm 27: 2, 3. (Read.) Sin embargo, los siervos de Jehová ya pertenecemos a la única organización que resistirá el fin de este malvado sistema de cosas. Christ's perfect government will free the earth of sin and sorrow. However, Jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization who will resist the end of this wicked system of things. " El que piensa que está en pie, cuídese de no caer ," escribió el apóstol Pablo. We invite you to take a close look at this report and draw encouragement from it, just as our first - century brothers no doubt drew much encouragement from reports about the expansion of the preaching work in their time. - Acts 1: 15; 2: 5 - 11, 41, 47; 4: 4; 6: 7. " He that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall, " wrote the apostle Paul. ¿ Dónde podrían darse este tipo de relaciones? See also the article "Increase the Joy and Dignity of Your Wedding Day, " on page 28. Where might this type of relationship be given? ¿ Qué aprendemos del relato de la viuda? If the people did not have the proper heart condition and were not pursuing the right way of life, of what value were their sacrifices? What can we learn from the account of the widow? Mientras estaba en esta posición, Jehová ayudaba a su pueblo y este superaba a los amalequitas. The apostle John said: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments, " including the commandment to preach the good news and make disciples. - 1 John 5: 3; Matthew 28: 19, 20. While in this position, Jehovah helped his people and the Amalekites. ¿ Qué caso ilustra cómo puede caer un joven en las trampas del "pajarero "? (a) What is the good news that we spread? What example illustrates how a young person can fall into the trap of "the birdcatcher "? Si tú vas a la izquierda, entonces yo ciertamente iré a la derecha; pero si tú vas a la derecha, entonces yo ciertamente iré a la izquierda ." God's view has not changed. - Galatians 5: 19, 20. If you are going to the left, then I will go to the right hand; but if you go on to the right, then I will go to the left. " Aunque les hayan salido algunas canas, quizás aún no sufran los achaques que Salomón mencionó. Time is like money. Even if they have gone sick, they may not yet experience the limitations that Solomon mentioned. El que ejerce fe en mí, aunque muera, llegará a vivir ." We will not squander large amounts of valuable time viewing television. He who exercises faith in me, although he will die again. " También aprendió a tocar música y componer canciones, habilidades que lo llevaron a servir delante del rey de Israel. Some reference works present this understanding, though not all scholars agree. He also learned to have music, skills, and skills that led him to serve before the king of Israel. Imaginémonos viviendo en el reino del norte durante aquel período. Jesus spoke of a slave who had been caring for his master's flock all day in the field. Imagine living in the northern kingdom during that period. En vista de todo esto, cada vez más educadores abrigan serias dudas sobre el valor que hoy tiene la educación superior. No, those responding to Peter's explanation could see now more than ever that Jehovah was a benevolent Father. In view of all this, more than ever, have serious doubts about the value of higher education today. [ Ilustraciones de la página 26] In our door - to - door ministry, we often refer to this prayer to help householders understand that God's Kingdom is a real government that is going to bring wonderful changes to our earth. [ Pictures on page 26] Con el tiempo, él los recompensó al permitirles concebir milagrosamente un niño en su vejez. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 In time, Jehovah rewarded them for miraculously healing a child in his old age. Jehová también puede ayudarte a ti a entender bien las cosas y actuar con sabiduría. ROME was at the height of its power during the first century C.E. Jehovah can help you to understand the things and act wisely. En la cristiandad, la controversia respecto a Jesús gira alrededor de si él es "el Hijo de Dios " y a la vez" Dios Hijo ," es decir, en torno a lo que el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica llama "el misterio central de la fe y de la vida cristiana ," la Trinidad. Many Jews would die by the edge of the sword; any who escaped death would likely have to spend the rest of their lives in exile in Babylon. In Christendom, Jesus is "the Son of God " and" the Son of God. " Si esta no entiende alguna de las comparaciones que aparecen en el libro, explíquesela o emplee otra. Each section opens with an overview of the quality. The next few chapters discuss how Jehovah manifests the attribute. If that is not the case with one of the word pictures in the book, why not understand it? Ahora bien, ¿cómo podrán beneficiarse otras personas de lo que sabemos si no entienden lo que les decimos? Unlike "the stupid one, " whose eyes and mind wander instead of being focused on important matters, we should seek understanding so that we can act in wisdom. How, though, can others benefit from what they say? 7 - 13 de febrero de 2011 Another important way of taking in knowledge of God is by experiencing the joyful feeling that comes from applying what we learn about him. February 7 - 13, 2011 ¿ Qué efecto produce en nosotros la profecía acerca de la gran tribulación? The required purification regulations would help the Israelites to appreciate the need for a ransom sacrifice to cover mankind's sinfulness and restore human perfection. How does the prophecy about the great tribulation affect us? ¿ Capta la lección? Under Catholic Fascist regimes in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, they had to withstand persecution even longer. Why? El siguiente artículo le mostrará cómo puede hacer de su hogar un refugio seguro en un mundo abusivo. Granted, applying that principle can be a challenge if a workmate or a schoolmate treats us unkindly. The following article will show how you can make your home a secure place in a troubled world. Pero también tuvo otros motivos para darle gloria. When a person is studying the Bible with us, we might suggest that he invite other members of his family or neighbors to join in the study. But he also had other reasons for giving glory. Jehová nos proporciona todo lo necesario para combatir el espíritu del mundo. (b) What will be considered in the next article? Jehovah provides what we need in order to combat the spirit of the world. ¿ Por qué nos atrae la manera de gobernar de Jehová? Highlights From the Book of Daniel Why does Jehovah's way of ruling draw us to him? • ¿Por qué nos dan motivo para mirar al futuro con confianza los libros de Ageo y Zacarías? God's Word assures us that Jehovah has eagerly anticipated - has had an earnest longing for - the time when he will bring them back to life. • Why do the books of Haggai and Zechariah give us reason to look to the future with confidence? Su gobierno perfecto eliminará de la Tierra el pecado y el sufrimiento. These are unique advantages that may allow him to expand his ministry, widen out in love for others, and draw closer to Jehovah. His perfect rule will remove the earth from sin and suffering. ¿ Por qué no lo examina más de cerca? Le servirá de estímulo, tal como a nuestros hermanos del siglo primero seguramente los estimuló mucho oír los informes sobre el desarrollo de la predicación en su tiempo. offered his blood He could not examine him more closely, as well as our brothers in the first century may have heard reports about the spread of the preaching work in his time. 28. Why does Mark 13: 35 - 37 have profound meaning for you? 28. Puesto que su actitud de corazón no era pura ni vivían como era debido, ¿de qué valían sus sacrificios? In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote about a struggle he himself experienced - a conflict between his flesh and his mind. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 23.) Since their heart was not pure, what was their sacrifices of self - sacrifice? El apóstol Juan dijo: "Esto es lo que el amor de Dios significa: que observemos sus mandamientos ," entre ellos el de predicar las buenas nuevas y hacer discípulos. Do you see the value of living by Bible principles? The apostle John said: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments, " including the preaching and disciple - making work. a) ¿Qué buenas noticias anunciamos? Especially will we do our utmost to be found at peace with Jehovah God. - Read 1 Peter 3: 10 - 12. (a) What good news do we preach? Pues bien, el punto de vista de Dios no ha cambiado. Victory in the face of such odds depends on our wearing "the complete suit of armor from God. " God's viewpoint has not changed. El tiempo es como el dinero. But someone who has a completely different view might come along. Time is like money. Tampoco malgastamos nuestro valioso tiempo dedicando demasiadas horas a la televisión. No doubt your love for God is recorded in the hearts of fellow worshippers. We should not neglect our precious time to spend too much time on television. Estos rollos son por lo menos mil años más antiguos que el texto hebreo masorético, que fue utilizado para hacer la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo original. This is because the overflowing waters of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers flooded the region annually, creating a marshy "sea. " These scrolls are at least 3,000 years ago that the Hebrew text will be replaced, which was used to make up the original New World Translation. b) ¿Qué lección aprendemos de la parábola de Jesús? The mob dragged Aristarchus and Gaius into the theater and kept shouting: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! " (b) What lesson do we learn from Jesus ' parable? En realidad, ahora podían comprender mejor que nunca lo compasivo que era su Padre. As Kingdom publishers, we may desire to enter the full - time ministry as regular pioneers. In fact, they could now understand more fully about Jesus ' compassionate Father. Nosotros lo usamos en la predicación para explicar a las personas que el Reino de Dios es un gobierno real y que hará cosas extraordinarias en la Tierra. Rather, "he did just so. " We use it in our ministry to explain to people that God's Kingdom is a real government and that will do marvelous things on earth. ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO 1 Y 2 PÁGINAS 8 - 16 Nevertheless, love for Jehovah and for their brothers prompts them to try to win back the erring ones. - Galatians 5: 25, 26. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 ROMA estaba en su apogeo. As you weigh this inspired counsel, you ask yourself, " If I deliberately expose my heart and mind to such programs, am I following Jesus ' example of strict obedience to God? ' He was at his height. Muchos judíos morirían a filo de espada y los que sobrevivieran probablemente pasarían el resto de su vida en Babilonia. In fact, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which contain inspired records of what Jesus taught and did, were widely distributed in Greek. Many Jews would die for a sword and those who may now survive the rest of their lives in Babylon. Las secciones comienzan explicando en qué consiste esa cualidad en particular, y, a continuación, varios capítulos muestran cómo la manifiesta Jehová. Second, God's rulership is benevolent and dignifying. The section begins to explain what this particular quality is, and then, several chapters show how Jehovah manifests it. No queremos que nuestros ojos y mente divaguen como los del "estúpido ," sino que se centren en las cosas importantes. Por eso, procuramos adquirir entendimiento a fin de actuar con sabiduría. Jehovah's worshippers should continue to make spiritual progress. We do not want our eyes and minds to wander like those of "the wicked one " to focus on important things. We do not want to cultivate understanding in order to act wisely. Pero no basta con esto: también es necesario poner en práctica lo que aprendemos. Surely, then, it is high time to "kiss the Son " and serve the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah! It is also necessary for us to apply what we learn. Las disposiciones reglamentarias de purificación ayudaban a los israelitas a comprender la necesidad de un sacrificio redentor para cubrir el pecado de la humanidad y devolverle la perfección. The loving protection made possible by Jehovah is well - illustrated by what occurred after he rescued the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and miraculously protected them as they crossed the Red Sea in 1513 B.C.E. The regulations of cleansing the Israelites helped to understand the need for a ransom sacrifice to cover mankind's sin and return to perfection. En España, Italia y Portugal tuvieron que aguantar aun durante más tiempo el acoso de regímenes fascistas católicos. * Though serving as a full - time evangelizer, Sonja got into bad company, became involved in unchristian conduct, and had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. In Spain, Italy, and else had to endure even during the time of pre - Christian neutrality. Claro, no es fácil seguir este principio si tenemos un compañero de trabajo o de estudios que nos trata mal. How does holy spirit contribute to our freedom? Of course, it is not easy to follow this principle if we are at work or at school. Si alguien estudia la Biblia con nosotros, podríamos sugerirle que invitara a los miembros de su familia o a sus vecinos a unirse al estudio. [ Picture on page 23] If you study the Bible with you, you might suggest that you invite members of your family or your neighbors to join them in a regular study. b) ¿Qué veremos en el siguiente artículo? God also said: "By now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the earth. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Puntos sobresalientes del libro de Daniel What was in the cup? Highlights From the Book of Daniel La Biblia indica que Dios anhela que llegue el día en que les devolverá la vida. The choice is yours! The Bible indicates that God yearns for the day when they will return to life. En vista de estas grandes ventajas, muchos cristianos deciden "hacer lugar para [la soltería] ," al menos por un tiempo. I objected to this because I felt that such literature could be worded in a way that sounded correct yet might not be. In view of these great advantages, many Christians decide to "make room for singleness, " at least for a time. Prefiguró: What can congregation members do to encourage young people? offered ¿ Por qué son tan importantes para usted las palabras de Marcos 13: 35 - 37? Alejandro: I never thought of it that way before! Why are Mark 13: 35 - 37 so important to you? En su carta a los Romanos, Pablo escribió sobre una lucha que él mismo tenía: el conflicto entre su carne y su mente (léase Romanos 7: 21 - 23). Similarly today, as in the past, Satan and the demons cleverly employ religious lies. - 2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote about a struggle that he himself had - the conflict between his flesh and his mind. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 23.) ¿ Comprendemos el valor de vivir en conformidad con los principios bíblicos? Like Paul, they are conscious of the struggle between a desire to please God by living according to his standards and the course that their imperfect flesh may urge them to take. Do we appreciate the value of living in harmony with Bible principles? Pero, sobre todo, nos esforzaremos al máximo por estar en paz con Jehová (léase 1 Pedro 3: 10 - 12). What can we do? Above all, we do our best to be at peace with Jehovah. - Read 1 Peter 3: 10 - 12. La victoria en estas circunstancias tan desfavorables depende de que nos pongamos "la armadura completa que proviene de Dios ." Obey Divine Instructions The victory in these dire circumstances depends on our taking "the complete suit of armor from God. " Pero entonces llega una persona con un criterio muy distinto. Rather, it will be destroyed by God at his appointed time and in his way. However, a person has a different view. Y sin duda, el amor que ustedes le han demostrado a Jehová está grabado en el corazón de sus hermanos en la fe. He will even drive away the bad "air " of this world system, for the bad spirit of Satan and his demons will be gone at last. - Eph. And no doubt the love you have shown to Jehovah is recorded in the heart of your fellow believers. A pesar de no estar nada cerca del mar, la expresión designa a Babilonia, que se convertía todos los años en un "mar " pantanoso por el desbordamiento de los ríos Éufrates y Tigris. But Jesus flatly rejected the offer, and Paul said of him: "For the joy that was set before him [Jesus] endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " - Hebrews 12: 2. Despite not being near the sea, the expression here refers to Babylon, which became "a shock " for all years. La gente se llevó a Aristarco y a Gayo a la fuerza hasta el teatro y allí se puso a gritar: "¡Grande es Ártemis de los efesios! ." " More often than not, she finishes and tells me she feels a lot better. " The people took Aristarchus and Gaius into the force to visit the city and cried out: "Let it be disfellowshipped from the Ephesians! " Por el contrario, "hizo [todo] precisamente así " como se lo había indicado Dios. There is nothing that the Devil can do to prevent all who genuinely repent from eventually becoming part of Jehovah's family. Rather, "he did just as God had told him. " Movidos por amor a Jehová y a sus hermanos, procuran recuperar a quienes se están descarriando. Study Articles 1, 2 Out of love for Jehovah and for his brothers, he endeavors to restore those who are haughty. Y se pregunta: "Si expusiera mi mente y mi corazón a películas como la que planeo ver mañana, ¿estaría siguiendo el ejemplo de obediencia absoluta de Jesús? ." A brother may have a good secular education, but it is his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he applies it that help make him an effective shepherd. Consider Jesus ' example. And ask yourself, " If I could build my mind and heart into the movies just seeing early morning, would I follow Jesus ' perfect example of obedience? ' Como ese era el idioma común de la gente, los evangelios, escritos por Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, se distribuyeron ampliamente en griego. The brother reports that most people seem to relax a bit once they know the purpose of the visit. At that point, it is often easier to get a conversation under way. It was the common language of the people, the Gospel writer Mark, and John, distributed in Greek. En segundo lugar, que es un gobernante bueno y considerado que otorga dignidad a sus súbditos. The elders may arrange for someone to have a Bible study with him to strengthen him where he is weak so that he may again become "healthy in faith. " Second, it is a good ruler who shows dignity to his subjects. Quienes adoran a Jehová tienen que seguir progresando en sentido espiritual. This reminds us of Jesus ' prudent advice: "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. " Those who worship Jehovah must continue to make spiritual progress. Por lo tanto, este es el momento de " besar al hijo ' y servir al Señor Soberano Jehová. Make Jehovah Your Confidence Therefore, this is the time to " kiss the son ' and to serve the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. La amorosa protección que nos ofrece Jehová se refleja en algo que sucedió después de que él liberó a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto, en el año 1513 antes de nuestra era. A Work to Be Remembered Jehovah's loving protection is reflected in something that happened after he delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt in 1513 B.C.E. * Pese a ser evangelizadora de tiempo completo, se juntó con malas compañías y cometió pecados graves, por lo que tuvo que ser expulsada de la congregación cristiana. His name would thus be sanctified, Satan proved a liar, and the divine will accomplished "as in heaven, also upon earth. " - Matthew 6: 10. * Despite being full - time in the full - time ministry, he associated with bad associations and committed serious sins because he had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. ¿ Cómo contribuye el espíritu santo a que seamos libres? But there was no answer. - 1 Kings 18: 21, 26 - 29. How does the holy spirit help us to be free? [ Ilustración de la página 23] What alternatives exist? [ Picture on page 23] Además, Dios le mandó decir: "Ya podría haber alargado mi mano para herirte a ti y a tu pueblo con peste y para que fueras raído de la tierra. I was so happy to learn from the Bible that only God can bring true justice to the earth. Moreover, God told him: "I could now lift my hand up to hurt you and to your people with plagues and to kill you from the land. ¿ Qué contenía la copa? As early as the 20th century B.C.E., Jehovah had a distinct people on earth. What was the cup? La decisión está en sus manos. Do you think of him as a disobedient prophet? The decision is in his hands. Eso no me gustó, pues me parecía que el tratado podría explicar las cosas de una manera que sonaran como verdades aunque en realidad no lo fueran. What a pity it would be if we allowed ourselves to be burdened down with unnecessary weights that could impede us when we are so close to the end! That was not the case. I felt that the tract could explain things in a way that could be used as truths in reality. ¿ Qué ayuda podemos dar a los jóvenes? God also fulfilled this promise: "I shall certainly conclude a covenant in that day in connection with the wild beast of the field and with the flying creature of the heavens and the creeping thing of the ground, and the bow and the sword and war I shall break out of the land, and I will make them lie down in security. " What help can young people offer? Alejandro: Nunca se me ocurrió verlo desde ese punto de vista. Note that Psalm 111 praises Jehovah for his wonderful works and qualities. Alejandro: I never felt that way from that standpoint. Hoy día, Satanás y sus demonios siguen difundiendo astutas mentiras religiosas. Their captors jeered: "Sing for us one of the songs of Zion. " Today, Satan and his demons continue to spread cunning religious lies. Como Pablo, estamos al tanto de la lucha entre el deseo de agradar a Dios, viviendo a la altura de sus normas, y el derrotero que la carne imperfecta nos impulsa a tomar. The outworking of that orderly arrangement was temporarily interrupted by the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Like Paul, we are so struggling with the desire to please God, living up to his standards, and the course of imperfect flesh moves us to take. ¿ Qué podemos hacer? Rather, Jesus was warning his anointed followers of the need to remain diligent - to " do business ' with their talent - and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave. - Matt. What can we do? Sigamos las instrucciones divinas This will not only benefit you but also add much joy to their work. Keep On Following God's instructions Es Jehová quien le pondrá fin. Other difficulties that many have to contend with are advancing age and poor health, which may limit what they can reasonably do in the preaching work. It is Jehovah who will put an end to this outcome. Incluso removerá el sucio "aire " de este mundo, ya que el espíritu de Satanás y sus demonios desaparecerá para siempre. A "doer " has faith that produces such works as zealous preaching activity and participation in Christian meetings. He will even move "the unclean heart " of this world, since Satan's spirit and his demons will be destroyed forever. Pero este rechazó de plano la oferta, y, como dijo Pablo, "por el gozo que fue puesto delante de él aguantó un madero de tormento, despreciando la vergüenza, y se ha sentado a la diestra del trono de Dios ." What fields of full - time service in modern times do you appreciate? But he rejected the offer, and "for the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " Y añade: "La mayoría de las veces, cuando acaba me dice que se siente mejor ." Consequently they have been exposed in all ages to the invasion of the hungry nomads, some of whom swarm upon them every year for pasture. " She adds: "The majority of the times, when I just tell me that she feels better. " No hay nada que el Diablo pueda hacer para impedir que los que se arrepienten de corazón lleguen algún día a ser parte de la familia de Jehová. Do not underestimate the ability of youths to understand deep things. There is nothing that Satan can do to prevent unrepentant sinners from becoming a part of Jehovah's family. Artículos de estudio 1 y 2 PÁGINAS 11 - 19 • Why is it important to gain a balanced view of money? Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 11 - 19 Por mucha cultura o educación que tenga un hermano, lo que hará de él un pastor eficaz es su conocimiento de las Escrituras y la forma en que lo emplee. The Messiah would make a triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In many cultures or education, what a fine shepherd will do is his knowledge of the Scriptures and the way he uses it. (Según cuenta el hermano, la mayoría de la gente parece relajarse un poco después que sabe cuál es el motivo de la visita, de modo que a menudo es más fácil seguir conversando.) What an impact meditation on the fulfillment of such Messianic prophecies of Zechariah has on our faith! (Read.) According to one brother's experience, most people seem to find a little time after they know what is the reason for visit, so often it is easier to continue talking to each other. Tal vez los ancianos juzguen oportuno que alguien estudie la Biblia con él para fortalecerlo y ayudarlo en los aspectos que necesite, de modo que pueda volver a estar " saludable en la fe '. Jehovah has chosen to give two separate rewards - heavenly life for spiritual Jews and earthly life for the symbolic ten men. He may be quick to judge the elders who study the Bible with him in order to strengthen and help them in the matter that they need to return to " healthy in the faith. ' Esto nos recuerda el sabio consejo de Jesús: "Acumulen para sí tesoros en el cielo, donde ni polilla ni moho consumen, y donde ladrones no entran por fuerza y hurtan ." 15: 4. This reminds us of Jesus ' wise counsel: "Take up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves do not break in and steal. " Confiemos en Jehová We need to know what these influences are and how our heavenly Father teaches us to resist them. Trust in Jehovah Una obra que siempre recordaremos Why do Christ's followers need to imitate him in giving comfort? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE De este modo, su nombre será santificado, Satanás quedará como lo que es: un mentiroso, y se hará la voluntad divina "como en el cielo, también sobre la tierra ." We can do this by studying his written Word, the Bible. Thus, Satan will be sanctified, as he is, a liar, and will be done "like in heaven, also upon earth. " Pero nadie respondió. or, " Which scripture in the paragraph supports what was just said? ' But no one answered. ¿ Qué alternativa hay? (a) What natural desire can ensnare us? What choice do we have? Aprender en la Biblia que solo Dios puede traer justicia verdadera a la Tierra me hizo muy feliz. 15, 16. Learning from the Bible that God can bring true justice to the earth made me very happy. Unos cuatro mil años atrás, Jehová eligió a un grupo de personas para que fueran su pueblo. He likely had to deny himself many things that would consume his time and attention, limiting how much he could train. Some four thousand years ago, Jehovah chose a group of people to be his people. ¿ La de un profeta desobediente? 7, 8. What about a disobedient prophet? En vista de que nos encontramos a pocos pasos de la meta, ¡qué triste sería no poder cruzarla por habernos llenado de cargas innecesarias! Zechariah is portrayed as one sent to "shepherd the flock meant for the killing " - sheeplike people exploited by their leaders. Since we find only a few steps ahead of the goal, how sad it would be for us to avoid being able to cross it with unnecessary burdens! Dios también cumplió esta otra promesa: "Ciertamente celebraré un pacto en aquel día con relación a la bestia salvaje del campo y con la criatura voladora de los cielos y la cosa del suelo que se arrastra, y el arco y la espada y la guerra quebraré de la tierra, y sí haré que se acuesten en seguridad ." 6, 7. (a) What could Noah not do? God also fulfilled another promise: "I will make a covenant in that day with the wild beast of the field and with the flying of the heavens and the thing of the ground, and the bow and the sword and the war of the earth, and I shall reside in security. " El Salmo 111 alaba a Jehová por sus extraordinarias obras y cualidades. When Naomi is resurrected to life on earth, she will learn that Ruth, who will also be there, became an ancestress of Jesus, the Messiah. Psalm 111 praises Jehovah for his outstanding works and qualities. Los babilonios los ridiculizaban y les decían: "Cántennos una de las canciones de Sión ." Paul had followed what course when he was in Ephesus for some years? The Babylonians refused and said: "They will make us a feature of Zion's songs. " Por desgracia, la desobediencia de Adán y Eva interrumpió temporalmente el cumplimiento de ese propósito. [ Picture on page 16] Sadly, Adam and Eve were responsible for the fulfillment of that purpose. En vez de eso, destacó la necesidad de que fueran diligentes - que negociaran con los talentos - y evitaran cualquier actitud mala. How important it is that we become competent in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! Instead, he emphasized the need to be diligent in doing business with the talents - and avoid any bad spirit. De este modo, usted se beneficiará y los ancianos disfrutarán de su trabajo. Mustering Up Boldness Doing so will help you and the elders to enjoy their work. Otras dificultades a las que muchos se enfrentan son la vejez y la mala salud, las cuales limitan su participación en la obra de predicar. The aged apostle John wrote: "If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. " Others face advanced age and ill health, which affects their share in the preaching work. Ser "hacedores " implica que nuestra fe nos motiva a predicar con celo las buenas nuevas y a participar en las reuniones. Like Samuel, experienced elders today show a kind disposition toward those whom they train. Being " disciple - makers " involves our faith by zealously preaching the good news and sharing in Christian meetings. ¿ Qué facetas del servicio de tiempo completo valora en especial? What will help us to keep our minds fixed on spiritual things? What features of full - time service do you especially appreciate? Por consiguiente han estado expuestas en todas las épocas a la invasión de los hambrientos nómadas, algunos de los cuales caían sobre ellas como enjambres cada año en busca de pastos ." Satan the Devil even has "the means to cause death. " Hence, they have been exposed to the invasion of the hungry, some of which fell upon them each year seeking a rich place. " Jamás deben subestimar la capacidad de los niños para captar cosas profundas. 17, 18. Never underestimate the ability of children to grasp deep things. • ¿Por qué es necesario tener una actitud equilibrada ante el dinero? Scenario 2: A deeply religious householder finds it hard to believe that bad people will not be tormented forever in hellfire. • Why do we need to have a balanced view of money? Haría su entrada triunfal en Jerusalén. Also see why it is vital for us to remain loyal to the organization that Jehovah is using today. Our triumph in Jerusalem. Meditar sobre el cumplimiento de tales profecías mesiánicas tiene un poderoso impacto en nuestra fe. Consider some Bible examples that show the extent to which aged ones have been a real blessing to younger ones. Reflecting on the fulfillment of these Messianic prophecies has a powerful effect on our faith. 15: 4. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 60, 51 15: 4. Es necesario que comprendamos bien cuáles son estas influencias y cómo nos ayuda Jehová a evitarlas. By what Paul calls "this ministry, " the truth is made manifest and spiritual light is spread abroad. We need to understand what these influences are and how Jehovah helps us to avoid them. ¿ Por qué tenemos los cristianos que imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y consolar a la gente? Shortly before his death in 1916, Charles Taze Russell showed remarkable foresight regarding the extent to which the preaching work would be accomplished. He told a close associate: "The work is increasing rapidly, and it will continue to increase, for there is a world - wide work to be done in preaching the " gospel of the kingdom. ' " (Faith on the March, by A. Why do Christians need to imitate Jesus ' example and comfort? Para ello debemos estudiar su Palabra, la Biblia. • How do we learn obedience? This calls for studying God's Word, the Bible. o "¿Qué texto bíblico del párrafo apoya este comentario? " But suppose your friend adds: "I will keep the keys. or what scripture of the paragraph is supporting this comment? a) ¿Qué deseo natural puede entramparnos? When did Jesus appoint the faithful slave over his domestics? (a) What natural desire can we avoid? 15, 16. And what can help us to act in accord with what we decided? 15, 16. Probablemente tuvo que privarse de muchas cosas que le quitaban tiempo para los entrenamientos. ARTICLE 2 He likely had to deprive him of many things that would help him to set aside time for training. 7, 8. What you can do. 7, 8. Zacarías hace el papel de alguien enviado a "pastorear al rebaño destinado a la matanza ," esto es, las personas dóciles como ovejas explotadas por sus líderes. Talk with them, eat with them, play with them. Zechariah uses the role of someone sent forth "to shepherd the flock to the slaughter. " 6, 7. a) ¿Qué no podía hacer Noé? Is that a goal that you pray about? 6, 7. (a) What could Noah not do? Cuando Noemí resucite, se encontrará con Rut y se enterará de que su nuera fue antepasada del Mesías. Regarding the relationship between Jehovah and his firstborn Son, we read: "Jehovah has given me [Jesus] the tongue of those taught, so that I may know how to answer the tired one with the right word. " When Naomi was resurrected, she will meet Ruth and her widowed daughter to become an ancestress of the Messiah. ¿ Cómo describe el libro de Hechos lo que Pablo hizo en Éfeso? (b) How would the Israelites benefit if they heeded them? How does the book of Acts describe what Paul did in Ephesus? [ Ilustración de la página 16] The foregoing examples show how God's people are "faithful in what is least, " that is, in their use of material wealth, which is inferior to spiritual riches. [ Picture on page 16] ¡ Qué importante es ser hábiles en la obra de predicar el Reino y hacer discípulos! During one session, the young ones were asked to sit in a special section. How important it is to be effective in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! Cobremos valor Those with spiritual qualifications are counseled to readjust an erring Christian "in a spirit of mildness. " Be Courageous El anciano apóstol Juan escribió: "Si alguno comete un pecado, tenemos un ayudante para con el Padre, a Jesucristo, uno que es justo ." However, these divinely inspired words are possibly based on the general thought behind such scriptures as Genesis 6: 5; 8: 21; Proverbs 21: 10; and Galatians 5: 17. The apostle John wrote: "If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper toward the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. " Al igual que Samuel, los ancianos de experiencia tratan con bondad a los hermanos a quienes capacitan. Surely no one in all the universe is more trustworthy than our beloved heavenly Father. Like Samuel, experienced elders try to show kindness to those who are training. ¿ Qué nos ayudará a mantener la mente fija en los asuntos espirituales? It is also vital that we accept that Jehovah has appointed Jesus as His representative and the one through whom God has provided his spirit. What will help us to keep our minds fixed on spiritual things? También dice que tiene "el medio para causar la muerte ." 1, 2. (a) What hope is there for those who have died? He also says that he has "the means to cause death. " 17, 18. We might reflect on the fact that none of us deserve salvation; we are all imperfect humans, regardless of our nationality. 17, 18. Segunda situación. Una persona muy religiosa dice que no puede creer que los malos no serán atormentados para siempre en el infierno. Listen to the person's viewpoint, and comment on it, or ask a question about it. Worldly religious leaders say that they cannot believe that bad people will not be punished forever in hellfire. También examinaremos por qué es esencial que sigamos leales a la organización de Jehová. What, though, about us as individuals? We will also consider why we need to keep our integrity to Jehovah's organization. Veamos algunos ejemplos bíblicos que muestran hasta qué punto han sido los mayores una auténtica bendición para los que son más jóvenes. As we considered earlier, on the basis of the ransom, Jehovah adopts his spirit - anointed servants as his children. Let us consider some Bible examples showing how older ones have proved to be a blessing to younger ones. PÁGINA 16 • CÁNTICOS: 60 Y 51 Yet, at the Passover meal, Jesus told Judas: "What you are doing, do it more quickly. " ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 60, 51 Mediante lo que Pablo llama "este ministerio ," la verdad se pone de manifiesto, y la luz espiritual se irradia a todas partes. Yes, Paul's life centered on spiritual provisions and activities. By means of what Paul called "this ministry, " the truth is made manifest, and the spiritual light is made manifest to all parts of the earth. En 1916, poco antes de morir, Charles Russell demostró gran visión de futuro con este comentario que le hizo a un hermano muy allegado: "La predicación aumenta velozmente, y seguirá aumentando, pues tenemos la labor de predicar el " evangelio del reino ' por todo el mundo " (La fe en marcha, de A. Paul also showed his interest in others by giving sincere commendation, which is another basic way to enhance the joy of fellow believers. In 1914, shortly before his death, Charles Taze Russell showed great vision of a close brother, saying: "The preaching work grows, and it will continue to increase, for we have the preaching of the kingdom " throughout the world. ' " • ¿Cómo podemos aprender a ser obedientes? Jealousy and hatred moved his half brothers to drive him away, illegally depriving him of his rightful inheritance as firstborn. • How can we learn to be obedient? Ahora imagina que no te da las llaves. In time, Julien qualified to be a ministerial servant, and now he is a regular pioneer. Imagine that you don't give you the keys. ¿ Cuándo nombró Jesús al esclavo fiel sobre sus domésticos? When a Christian dies, his material wealth is of no more value to him than Jesus ' garment was to him when he died. When did Jesus appoint the faithful slave over his domestics? ¿ Y qué nos ayudará a llevar a cabo lo que hemos decidido? In effect, many are told similar stories about God. And what will help us to carry out what we have decided? PÁGINA 15 But why should this be of concern to us? ARTICLE 3 Qué pueden hacer. However, because God's Kingdom comes first in our lives, we refuse to compromise. What you can do. Hablen con ellos, coman con ellos, jueguen con ellos. Yet, the angels told Lot: "Do you have anyone else here? Speak with them, eat with them, reap it with them. ¿ Lo pedimos en oración? She explains: "I had studied the Bible for about six months, and I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah, but my family were very much opposed. Do we pray in prayer? La Biblia dice que Jehová capacitó a su Hijo para que pudiera dar palabras de aliento a quien las necesitara. Others, while unable to join the ranks of full - time proclaimers, devote as much time as possible to this lifesaving work, which includes helping our children to get saved. - Deut. The Bible says that Jehovah trained his Son so that he could give encouragement to those who needed it. b) ¿Cómo se beneficiaban los israelitas si hacían caso? He now chose a new nation, "the Israel of God. " (b) How did the Israelites benefit if they were to do so? Estos ejemplos muestran que los siervos de Dios son fieles "en lo mínimo ," es decir, en su manera de usar las riquezas materiales, que son inferiores a las espirituales. Satan and his world offer ever more alluring choices in dress and grooming, food and drink, recreation and entertainment, and a host of other things. These examples show that God's servants are faithful "in what is least, " that is, in their use of material wealth, who are inferior to spiritual riches. En una de las sesiones se les pidió a los jóvenes que se sentaran en una sección especial. We come to discern that bad associations are not limited to permissive or morally debased people. In one of the periods, young people were asked to sit on a special section. Además, a quienes tienen las debidas cualidades espirituales se les aconseja que corrijan "con espíritu de apacibilidad " a los que han errado. I was single and healthy, so I thought that I had no excuse not to pioneer. Furthermore, those with proper spiritual qualities are admonished to "be counseled with a spirit of mildness " toward those in the congregation. Estas palabras inspiradas por Dios posiblemente se basan en textos como Génesis 6: 5; 8: 21; Proverbios 21: 10 y Gálatas 5: 17. Are you benefiting from the warning example involving Solomon? These inspired words may be based on Genesis 6: 5; 8: 21; Proverbs 21: 10; Galatians 5: 17. Nadie en todo el universo es más confiable que nuestro amado Padre celestial. Instead, he trusted that Jehovah would deal with the opposers in his own time and way. No one else in all the universe is more reliable than our beloved heavenly Father. Otro factor fundamental es que aceptemos a Jesús como representante nombrado por Jehová y como aquel mediante el que Dios envía su espíritu. By placing their own concerns first, above Kingdom interests, they revealed that their heart was not complete toward God. Another vital factor is that we accept Jesus as Jehovah's representative and that through which God sends holy spirit. 1, 2. a) ¿Qué esperanza hay para los difuntos? PUBLISHERS 1, 2. (a) What hope is there for resurrected ones? Haríamos bien en meditar en que nadie merece la salvación. Todos, sin importar nuestra nacionalidad, somos imperfectos. " FOR everything there is an appointed time, " says the Bible at Ecclesiastes 3: 1. We would be well - thought that no one deserves salvation, regardless of our nationality, we are imperfect. Y cuando nuestro oyente se exprese, debemos escucharlo y luego hacer algún comentario sobre lo que ha dicho o formular una pregunta pertinente. Why was God's command found at Genesis 2: 17 not unjust, unnecessary, or unreasonable? And when our listener is open, we should listen to him and then make a comment about what he has said or made a powerful question. Pero ¿qué podemos decir de cada uno de los siervos de Dios? Singleness was an advantage in his case. What, though, about individual servants of God? Como vimos antes, Jehová se basa en el rescate para adoptar como hijos a sus siervos ungidos por espíritu. After baptism, why should we keep making changes? As noted earlier, Jehovah is based on the ransom to adopt his spirit - anointed servants. Aun así, en la cena de la Pascua, le dijo: "Lo que haces, hazlo más pronto ." When Jeremiah was afraid and discouraged, Jehovah built up that faithful prophet's confidence. Even so, at the evening of the Passover meal, Jesus said: "What you do, do more quickly. " Para ellos, las cosas espirituales debían ser lo más importante, igual que lo eran para Pablo. Ultimately, though, our strength to endure in the Christian ministry comes from Jehovah. To them, spiritual things needed to be the most important thing, just as Paul was. Otra forma de aumentar el gozo de nuestros hermanos es elogiándolos sinceramente, tal como hizo Pablo. Granted, some may abuse their authority and may not merit our obedience. Another way to increase the joy of our brothers is by sincerely commending them, just as Paul did. Como sus medio hermanos lo odiaban tanto y sentían tantos celos, lo expulsaron de la tierra que legalmente le pertenecía por ser el mayor. Yet, despite being surrounded by "physical " men, Jacob was a spiritual man. As his half brothers hated him, they were expelled from the earth to be the greatest. Con el tiempo, Julien llegó a ser siervo ministerial, y ahora es precursor regular. The dragnet, which represents the Kingdom - preaching work, gathers fish of every kind. In time, Kristina became a ministerial servant, and now he is a regular pioneer. Cuando el cristiano fallece, sus posesiones no le sirven más de lo que le sirvió a Jesús su prenda de vestir al tiempo de su muerte. Some researchers say that the most common perpetrator of sexual abuse is the male parent figure. Other male relatives also commonly molest. When a Christian dies, his possessions do not serve him more than what he did to Jesus ' garment at the time of his death. En realidad, a muchas personas se les han contado historias parecidas sobre Dios. If you have accepted the call to "come! " Indeed, many have had similar experiences about God. Y Judas, a su Maestro, Cristo Jesús. Let us courageously obey all of Jehovah's requirements, even in the face of trials. And Judas, his Master, Jesus. Sin embargo, para nosotros, el Reino de Dios es lo más importante, y por eso nos negamos a ceder. Do God's promises seem less real to me now than they once did? For us, however, God's Kingdom is the most important thing, so we refuse to yield. Con todo, los ángeles dijeron a Lot: "¿Tienes otros aquí? Even so, he has to live with the disastrous consequences of his actions. Still, the angels said to Lot: "Who are other here? Hacía unos seis meses que estudiaba la Biblia y quería dedicar mi vida a Jehová, pero mi familia se opuso muchísimo. Now excitement filled the air as the high priest prepared to present the wave offering of two leavened loaves of new grain. A few months earlier, she studied the Bible and wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah, but my family was greatly opposed. Otros cristianos no están en condiciones de hacerse precursores, pero dedican todo el tiempo que pueden a enseñar el camino de la salvación tanto a sus vecinos como a sus propios hijos. • How can we demonstrate that we have genuine love for Jehovah? Others are not in a position to pioneer, but they spend every time teaching their neighbors the way of salvation and their own children. En su lugar eligió a una nación espiritual, "el Israel de Dios ." This he did by relying on Jehovah and on the transforming power of His written Word. - Heb. He made a spiritual nation, "the Israel of God. " Satanás y su mundo ofrecen cosas cada vez más llamativas en campos como la ropa, la comida y bebida, y el entretenimiento, entre otros muchos. Why? Satan and his world offer increasingly entrenched areas, such as clothing, food, and entertainment, many others. En otras palabras, las malas compañías no son solo las personas inmorales o permisivas. 9, 10. In other words, bad associations are not just the immoral people or children. Yo era soltero y tenía buena salud, así que pensé que no había excusa para no ser precursor. Jesus made " a covenant with them for a kingdom, ' and they were to be " a kingdom and priests to God. ' I was a single and good health, so I thought that I had not excuse to pioneer. ¿ Tomamos en cuenta las advertencias que encierra el ejemplo de Salomón? Instead of rigidly clinging to the Law, Peter adjusted his view. This led him to an amazing discovery concerning God's purposes. Do you take note of Solomon's warning example? Por el contrario, dejó que Jehová se encargara de ellos en el momento y de la manera que él quisiera. 5, 6. (a) What are some of the challenges facing those trying to provide materially for their own? Instead, he allowed Jehovah to care for them at the time and way he wanted them. Al poner en primer lugar sus propios intereses y dejar el Reino en segundo plano, demostraron que no estaban dispuestos a servir a Dios con un corazón completo. 1: 10. What confidence do the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel give us? By putting Kingdom interests first, they showed that they were not willing to serve God with a complete heart. PUBLICADORES Jehovah wants our faith in him to be built on evidence and sound reasoning, not on human philosophy or religious traditions. (Read Hebrews 11: 1.) PUBLISHERS " PARA todo hay un tiempo señalado ," dice la Biblia en Eclesiastés 3: 1, palabras que son muy ciertas tocante al estudio personal. " A city cannot be hid when situated upon a mountain, " said Jesus. " FOR everything there is an appointed time, " states the Bible at Ecclesiastes 3: 1, words that are very familiar with personal study. ¿ Por qué no es injusto, innecesario o irrazonable el mandato de Dios de Génesis 2: 17? 1 Being Faithful Leads to God's Approval Why is it not unrighteous, unnecessary, or unreasonable God's command found at Genesis 2: 17? Está claro que la soltería le reportó grandes ventajas. Indeed, indulging in immoral reverie can be spiritually deadly! - Read James 1: 14, 15. Clearly, singleness was a big advantages. ¿ Por qué debemos seguir haciendo cambios después del bautismo? 1, 2. Why should we continue to make changes after baptism? Cuando el fiel profeta Jeremías sintió miedo y se desanimó, Jehová lo ayudó a tener confianza. The visitors helped her to clean up. Then they made her a cup of tea and stayed for a chat. When the faithful prophet Jeremiah felt afraid and became discouraged, Jehovah helped him to trust him. En definitiva, es Jehová quien nos da las fuerzas para aguantar en el ministerio cristiano. Not knowing the exact day of the end of this old system gives us the opportunity to demonstrate that we serve God out of a pure motive. Finally, Jehovah gives us the strength to endure in the Christian ministry. Es cierto que hay personas que a veces abusan de su autoridad y quizás no merezcan que las obedezcamos. Jesus did not bring that up. Granted, some people may at times have ordered their authority and may not deserve to obey them. Pero Jacob fue un hombre espiritual aunque estaba rodeado de personas físicas. How do we keep secular work in its proper place? But Jacob was a spiritual man even though he was surrounded by physical people. La red barredera, que representa la predicación del Reino, recoge peces de todo tipo. Do You Remember? The dragnet, pictured by the Kingdom - preaching work, gathering fish of all kinds. Algunos investigadores sostienen que el depredador sexual más común es quien asume la figura paterna, aunque también es corriente que lo sean otros familiares varones. Centuries earlier, Solomon wrote about the value of forgoing pleasures at times in order to take life seriously. Some researchers claim that sexual sexual relations is more common than a parent. ¿ Qué puede decirse de usted? One doctor compared using the Bible for guidance to using a textbook from the 1920 ' s for teaching a chemistry class. What about you? Y obedezcamos con valor las normas de Jehová aun ante las dificultades. Remember the apostle Peter. And we courageously obey Jehovah's standards even when we face trials. " ¿Estoy perdiendo la fe en las promesas de Dios? " 4: 4. In other ways, some Witnesses have not firmly rejected worldly conduct. Do I lose faith in God's promises? ¡ Si tan solo se hubiera mantenido lejos de aquella mujer! What must we avoid when we are discouraged, and why? If only that woman had remained far away from that woman! La harina está elaborada con los primeros granos maduros de trigo. 5: 25, 28, 29. The flour is mixed with the first few mature ones of wheat. • ¿Cómo podemos demostrar que sentimos un amor verdadero por Jehová? He was a shepherd, an occupation abhorred by the Egyptians. • How can we show that we have genuine love for Jehovah? Lo consiguió porque confió en Jehová y en el poder que tiene la Biblia para cambiar a las personas. The behavior of men and women in general deteriorated after the rebellion in Eden, and during the past century, it has become worse than ever before. He trusted in Jehovah and in the power of the Bible to change people. ¿ Por qué razón? Further, God's Word admonishes us: "Be agitated, but do not sin. Why? 9, 10. The apostle Peter admonished Christians: "Keep your senses, be watchful. 9, 10. Porque los apóstoles a quienes estaba hablando Jesús formarían parte del Israel espiritual, y no iban a juzgarse a sí mismos. Some names have been changed. Because the apostles whom Jesus was speaking would be part of spiritual Israel, and they were not to judge themselves. En vez de aferrarse rígidamente a la Ley, Pedro cambió su punto de vista, y gracias a ello hizo un emocionante descubrimiento tocante a los propósitos de Dios. José, who is in his 70 ' s and has served as an elder for decades, recently underwent extensive surgery. Rather than clinging to the Law, Peter changed his viewpoint, and he made a dramatic impression concerning God's purposes. 5, 6. a) ¿Frente a qué dificultades se ven quienes procuran proveer en sentido material para los suyos? But Jesus also had an extraordinary grasp of teaching methods. 5, 6. (a) What challenges do those who strive to provide materially for their own? ¿ Qué confianza nos dan las visiones que recibieron Isaías, Ezequiel y Daniel? Jesus knew that he should not use such power for selfish purposes. What confidence do visions given by Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel give us? Jehová quiere que nuestra fe se base en pruebas y argumentos lógicos, no en filosofías humanas y tradiciones religiosas (lea Hebreos 11: 1). This is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 17.) (Read Hebrews 11: 1.) Jesús señaló: "No se puede esconder una ciudad cuando está situada sobre una montaña ." That Jehovah's spirit is upon us is all the more evident in view of the powerful forces arrayed against us. Jesus said: "You cannot hide a city when it is located upon a mountain. " 5 Jehová aprueba a quienes tienen fe en él Significance of the Bread 5 Jehovah approves of Those exercising faith in him Así es: las fantasías sexuales pueden acabar con nuestra espiritualidad (lea Santiago 1: 14, 15). 24: 13. (Read James 1: 14, 15.) 1, 2. In the article that follows, we will consider what can help us to endure and to remain in step with Jehovah's organization. 1, 2. Así que la ayudaron, le hicieron una taza de té y se quedaron conversando con ella. Such loving communication created a warm bond between Jesus and his apostles and prepared them for future responsibilities in God's service. So she helped her, and she joined her with her. El hecho de desconocer en qué día exacto concluirá este viejo sistema nos da la oportunidad de demostrar que nuestra motivación para servir a Dios es pura. Then he was strangled and burned. This old system gives us an opportunity to show that our motives for serving God is pure. Pero Jesús no se lo echó en cara. While Exposed to Apostate Influences But Jesus did not turn out to him. ¿ Cómo mantener el trabajo en el lugar que le corresponde? Is your "sword " trusty or rusty? How can we maintain our work in the proper place? ¿ Lo recuerda? 16, 17. Do You Recall? Siglos antes, Salomón explicó que hay momentos en los que es necesario renunciar a las diversiones para atender asuntos más serios. The people in his hometown marveled "at the winsome words proceeding out of his mouth. " Centuries earlier, Solomon explained that there are times when we need to give up leisure activities to care for more serious matters. Un médico dijo que usar la Biblia para buscar guía era como usar un libro de texto de 1920 para dar una clase de Química. The answer to that question makes it clear that they are not carrying out the work that Christ began. A doctor said that using the Bible to look for guidance was like using a book of to give a class from J. Recordemos el caso del apóstol Pedro. Christians at Hierapolis lived among worshippers of the goddess Cybele, materialism threatened those in Laodicea, and the Colossians were endangered by human philosophy. Recall the apostle Peter's example. Algunos Testigos demuestran de otras maneras que no han rechazado con firmeza la conducta del mundo. Imagine what it must have taken for her to be at the temple daily from the time of the morning service to the time of the evening service! Some Witnesses in other ways demonstrate that they have not completely rejected the conduct of the world. ¿ Qué es lo peor que podemos hacer si nos sentimos agobiados, y por qué? That help is available in the congregation: "Even though a man takes some false step before he is aware of it, you who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness, as you each keep an eye on yourself. " What is the worst thing we can do if we feel overwhelmed, and why? 5: 25, 28, 29. " Because the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not under subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. 5: 25, 28, 29. Además, era pastor, una labor que detestaban los egipcios. Reinforce your spiritual view in this way, and you will not lose your balance. - 2 Timothy 4: 5. In addition, he was a shepherd, a work that affected the Egyptians. Justo el día anterior, Moisés había predicho: "Por la mañana Jehová dará a conocer quién le pertenece a él ." " ABOVE all other things, the twentieth century was shaped by war, " says author Bill Emmott. Earlier on that day, Moses had foretold: "In the morning Jehovah will make known who belongs to him. " En general, el comportamiento de los seres humanos - hombres y mujeres - empeoró tras la rebelión de Edén, y durante el siglo pasado se volvió peor que nunca. (b) How does the account of Jacob's approach to Esau illustrate the value of humility? In general, the behavior of humans - men and women - began to pray after the rebellion in Eden, and during the past century it became worse than ever. Por otro lado, la Palabra de Dios nos aconseja: "Agítense, pero no pequen. The year is 1513 B.C.E. On the other hand, God's Word counsels us: "Be agitated, but do not sin. El apóstol Pedro recomendó lo siguiente a los cristianos: "Mantengan su juicio, sean vigilantes. Under the command of God and Christ, we beg people to "become reconciled to God. " We are being used by Jehovah to draw people to him. The apostle Peter urged Christians: "Keep your senses, be watchful. Se han cambiado algunos nombres. By taking these to heart, we can echo the words of the psalmist who stated: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " Some names have been changed. José, que tiene más de 70 años y lleva décadas sirviendo de superintendente, fue sometido hace poco a una operación de envergadura. (c) The faithful man Job set what positive example for us? Joseph, who has more than 70 years and has been serving as an elder for over 70 years, was gradually influenced by a seemingly overwhelming illness. Sin embargo, también poseía un dominio extraordinario de los métodos de enseñanza. (a) What impresses you about Job's integrity? However, he also had a remarkable master of teaching methods. Él sabía que no debía emplear su poder sobrenatural para complacerse a sí mismo. " You Are My Witnesses " He knew that he should not use his miraculous power to please himself. Desde luego, nuestros hermanos merecen que les mostremos honra y respeto, en especial los ancianos, que están al frente de la congregación (lea 1 Timoteo 5: 17). His Gospel alone preserves Jesus ' statement that love is the identifying mark of his true disciples. - Read John 13: 34, 35. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 17.) Y el hecho de que tenemos el espíritu de Jehová se hace aún más patente cuando se consideran las poderosas fuerzas que se alzan contra nosotros. When David held Goliath's severed head in his hand and spoke with King Saul, at least two men must have been watching. And the fact that we have Jehovah's spirit is even more evident when it is viewed as the powerful force that is lifting up against us. 8). Significado del pan How only can the spirit of the world infect us? By means of the bread La meta de los padres debe ser ayudar a sus hijos a ser discípulos de Cristo. (b) What about Ephesians 1: 7 might be overlooked? The goal of parents should be to help their children become followers of Christ. En el siguiente artículo analizaremos qué nos ayudará a aguantar y seguir el ritmo de la organización de Jehová. The Bible shows that a total of 144,000 anointed Christians, Paul included, receive that prize of heavenly life. In the next article, we will consider what will help us to endure and keep pace with Jehovah's organization. Esta comunicación tan abierta creó profundos lazos de amistad entre ellos y preparó a los apóstoles para encargarse de las responsabilidades que Jehová les daría en el futuro. What can help us to be positive when we approach people? This opening communication made a close bond of friendship between them and prepared the apostles to care for the responsibilities that Jehovah would give them in the future. Luego fue estrangulado y quemado. Where possible, it is good for children to have their own Bible, songbook, and copy of the publication that is being studied. They should learn to show proper respect for such publications. Then it was burned and burned. Cuando están expuestos a influencias apóstatas Robert: I'm not sure. But I have to admit that it does appear that way from the scriptures you just read. When They are exposed to apostate influences ¿ Está mi "espada " afilada o embotada? Love for individuals, however, can prove to be a different matter. Is my " lion, " or is it my identity? 16, 17. What symbolic drama is found in the book of Hosea? 16, 17. La gente de la ciudad donde había crecido se maravilló "de las palabras llenas de gracia que procedían de su boca ." As a result, halfway through the festival, "many of the crowd put faith in him. " The people in the city were amazed "by the winsome words that came from their mouth. " La respuesta a esta pregunta deja claro que ellos no están cumpliendo la obra que Cristo comenzó. In this context, then, the priests picture the anointed, while Israelites from the nonpriestly tribes picture those with an earthly hope. The answer to that question makes clear that they are not carrying out Christ's work. No es de extrañar, pues, que Epafras - quien era colosense - se preocupara por orar a favor de los hermanos de su ciudad. Researchers are studying antlers, with the goal of building stronger helmets; they are looking at a species of fly that has acute hearing, with a view toward improving hearing aids; and they are examining the wing feathers of owls, with the idea of improving stealth airplanes. It is no wonder, then, that Epaphras, who was speaking to them, was concerned about praying for the brothers in his city. Imagínese lo que debía suponerle estar en el templo todos los días desde la ofrenda de la mañana hasta la ofrenda de la tarde. Some religions place great importance on the claim that their prophets descended from Abraham. Imagine what it was to be at the temple each day from the morning until the evening. La Biblia indica que puede conseguirla en la congregación: "Aunque un hombre dé algún paso en falso antes que se dé cuenta de ello, ustedes los que tienen las debidas cualidades espirituales traten de reajustar a tal hombre con espíritu de apacibilidad, vigilándote a ti mismo ." True, a person may bring reproach on Jehovah as well as injury to innocent people. The Bible says: "Although a man takes some false step before he takes notice of it, you who have spiritual qualities try to readjust such a man with mildness. " " Porque el tener la mente puesta en la carne significa enemistad con Dios, porque esta no está sujeta a la ley de Dios, ni, de hecho, lo puede estar. What should we ask ourselves about being "obedient from the heart "? Because "the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for this is not holding God's law, nor is it possible. Así reforzarás tu visión espiritual y no perderás el equilibrio. How did Nathan stay loyal to both God and David when David sinned? Doing so will strengthen your spiritual vision and keep your balance. " SI POR algo estuvo marcado el siglo XX, fue por la guerra ," señala el escritor Bill Emmott. It is not surprising, therefore, that Paul's writings encourage Christians: "Show yourselves thankful..., encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude. " - Col. " IF YOU were a sharp thing in the 20th century, " says the writer Psalm B.C.E. b) ¿Cómo ilustra el reencuentro entre Jacob y Esaú el valor de la humildad? He wants you to walk with him forever! (b) How does Jacob and Esau illustrate the value of humility? Retrocedamos al año 1513 antes de nuestra era. Hence, in many lands people perform all kinds of rituals, including self - injury, to appease the dead or to "prove " their love for them. In 1513 B.C.E., we conquered the 1513 B.C.E. Por orden de Dios y de Cristo suplicamos al prójimo que se reconcilie con Dios. God's written Word contains essential guidance that enables us to distinguish truthful information from deceptive propaganda. By ordering God and Christ's command, we urge others to become reconciled to God. Al meditar en ellos podremos concordar con lo que dijo el salmista: "Cuando mis pensamientos inquietantes llegaron a ser muchos dentro de mí, tus propias consolaciones empezaron a acariciar mi alma ." What quality of Jehovah comes to the fore in his dealings with Israel and with Nineveh? As we meditate on them, we can relate to what the psalmist said: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " c) ¿Qué buen ejemplo nos dio el fiel Job? Maria's mother had such thoughts in mind when she asked the questions mentioned in the introduction. (c) What fine example did faithful Job set? a) ¿Qué le impresiona a usted de la lealtad de Job? How seriously did Saul, later known as Paul, take the assignment to bear witness? (a) What impresses you about Job's loyalty? " Ustedes son mis testigos " Some time later, they moved to a South American country to serve where the need for Kingdom preachers is great. " You Are My Witnesses " Por ejemplo, su evangelio es el único donde se registra que Jesús dijo que el amor identifica a sus verdaderos discípulos (lea Juan 13: 34, 35). They eagerly responded to Jesus ' rousing instructions: Preach the good news of God's established Kingdom in all the earth! (Read John 13: 34, 35.) En el momento en el que David se presentó ante Saúl con la cabeza de Goliat, había por lo menos dos hombres observando. Concerning the "joint heirs with Christ, " the apostle Peter stated:" You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies ' of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " At the time that David presented himself to Saul with Goliath's head, at least two men observed him. ¿ En qué único caso nos controlará el espíritu del mundo? And you, fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 1 - 4. In what only way can the spirit of the world control us? b) ¿Qué detalle de Efesios 1: 7 pudiera pasarse por alto? 1, 2. (b) What detail of Ephesians 1: 7 might be ignored? Pablo, por ejemplo, escribió: "Prosigo hacia [literalmente," persigo "] la meta para el premio de la llamada hacia arriba por Dios mediante Cristo Jesús ." For example, he sought help from the king of Syria rather than from Jehovah. Paul, for example, wrote: "I am toward [Jehovah], "" attaining the goal for the prize of the call of God by means of Christ Jesus. " ¿ Qué nos ayudará a ser optimistas al abordar a la gente? Scripturally, the primary responsibility to teach and train young ones lies with the parents. What will help us to be approachable when we approach others? Además, siempre que sea posible es conveniente que los niños tengan su propia Biblia, su cancionero y la publicación que se analice, y que aprendan a cuidarlos como es debido. These tests of faith may be compared to "footmen " with whom we must run. Moreover, when it is possible for children to have their own Bible, their songbook, and the publication that will be discussed, and they learn how to care for them. Roberto: Pues no estoy seguro; pero reconozco que, según lo que leímos, parece que sí. Meditating on some of the priceless information found in Leviticus has undoubtedly increased your understanding of reasons why we must be holy. Robert: I'm not sure; but I realize that what you read, it seems that it doesn't seem that way. Sin embargo, las cosas cambian cuando se trata de amar a una persona en particular. " The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " However, things change when a person is motivated to love a particular person. ¿ Qué drama simbólico contiene el libro de Oseas? After Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, they began "praying and praising God with song, " although they had no songbook to follow. Hosea's prophecy contains what symbolic drama? Como consecuencia, a mitad de la celebración, "muchos de la muchedumbre pusieron fe en él ." His false comforters hurt him deeply, yet when Jehovah asked Job to pray for them, he did so. As a result, "many of the crowd put faith in him. " En este caso, los sacerdotes son los ungidos, y los restantes israelitas, las personas que tienen la esperanza de vivir en la Tierra. No. The priests are the anointed, and the remaining Israelites, who have the hope of living on earth. Por ejemplo, estudian las cornamentas para fabricar cascos más resistentes; para mejorar los audífonos, investigan una especie concreta de mosca de gran agudeza auditiva, y con el fin de perfeccionar los aviones espía, examinan las plumas remeras de las lechuzas. 1, 2. (a) How do we know that Jesus is with his subjects now and will be with them in the future? For example, students are able to grow stronger, to improve the ability to improve, to improve the ability to make it more stronger. De hecho, algunas religiones afirman que sus profetas descienden de este patriarca. Answer their questions without casting blame on the other parent. In fact, some religions claim that their prophets go down from this patriarch Job. Puede que alguien haya deshonrado el nombre de Jehová y herido a personas inocentes. (b) How do David's expressions recorded in Psalm 61 remind you of Hannah's exemplary attitude? Some have dishonored Jehovah's name and hurt innocent people. ¿ Cómo demostramos que estamos resueltos a ser "obedientes de corazón "? Since Christ is man's head, husbands need to copy his example. How can we show that we are determined to "be obedient from the heart "? ¿ Cómo logró Natán ser leal a Jehová y a David? He was not the Creator, or Originator, of creation. How did Nathan become loyal to Jehovah and David? No nos sorprende, por tanto, que Pablo exhortara a los cristianos: "Den gracias a Dios siempre. 90: 10, 12. It is no wonder, therefore, that Paul urged Christians: "Give thanks to God always. No, su deseo es que disfrutemos de la mayor bendición de todas: andar con él para siempre. The study guides invite you to reason on a number of scriptures and then to write down your thoughts about them. No, his desire is that we enjoy the greatest blessing of all - walking with him forever. De ahí que en muchos países la gente lleve a cabo todo tipo de rituales, llegando incluso a autolesionarse, para apaciguar a los muertos o demostrar que los aman. Paul spoke with "persuasion, " and so should we. (Read Acts 19: 8, 9; 28: 23.) Hence, in many countries, people carry out all kinds of gossip, even taking the lead in getting the dead or showing love for those who love them. Los principios de la Palabra escrita de Dios nos ayudan a distinguir entre información confiable y propaganda engañosa. He may lack sympathy for the afflicted or needed wisdom to help fellow worshipers and may even look down on others. The principles found in God's written Word can help us to distinguish between reliable information and malicious propaganda. ¿ Qué cualidad de Jehová se destaca en su modo de tratar a Israel y a Nínive? Micah 7: 5 notes that a lack of justice has led to a lack of trust between companions, confidential friends, and even marriage mates. What quality of Jehovah is highlighted in his dealings with Israel and Nineveh? Si usted tiene hijos, tal vez se haya preguntado: "¿Está mi hijo listo para bautizarse? I've quit smoking. " If you have children, perhaps you have wondered, " Is my son ready to get baptized? ' ¿ Cuánta importancia le dio Saulo - conocido más tarde como Pablo - a su comisión de dar testimonio? On arriving in the upper room, not one of the 12 apostles took the initiative to perform the customary service of washing the dusty feet of the others - the menial task of a servant or of a woman in the household. How important was Saul - later known as Paul - to give a witness? Algún tiempo después se fueron a servir a un país sudamericano donde hay gran necesidad de predicadores del Reino. As the royal descendant of King David, Jesus holds incontestable title to kingship. Some time later, they were serving in a South American country where there is a great need for Kingdom preachers. Este grupo obedeció con entusiasmo sus instrucciones: predicar por toda la Tierra las buenas nuevas del Reino ya establecido en los cielos. We are still suffering the consequences of Adam's terrible decision. He zealously complied with his instructions to preach the good news of God's established Kingdom in heaven. Respecto a estos "coherederos con Cristo ," el apóstol Pedro dijo:" Son " una raza escogida, un sacerdocio real, una nación santa, un pueblo para posesión especial, para que declaren en público las excelencias ' de aquel que los llamó de la oscuridad a su luz maravillosa ." Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had the joyous privilege of becoming the parents of John the Baptizer, "were righteous before God because of walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah. " Regarding these "joint heirs with Christ, " the apostle Peter said:" They are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies ' of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " Y ustedes, padres, no estén irritando a sus hijos, sino sigan criándolos en la disciplina y regulación mental de Jehová ." Are such people really pleasing to God if their hearts do not motivate them to take in accurate knowledge of him and to apply that knowledge by turning away from sinful practices? And you parents, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " 1, 2. The account of Joseph illustrates what about training and responding to our conscience? 1, 2. Por ejemplo, le pidió ayuda al rey de Siria en lugar de a Jehová. What about greedy corporations that pollute the environment, deplete natural resources, and exploit the gullibility of consumers in order to bring untold wealth to a few while millions struggle in poverty? For example, he prayed for help to the king of Syria rather than to Jehovah. Las Santas Escrituras dicen que los padres son los principales responsables de educar a sus hijos. David took pleasure in doing God's will. The Scriptures say that parents are primarily responsible for training their children. Hacerles frente es como participar en una carrera en la que los corredores son "hombres de a pie ." Therefore, let us, young and old, apply ourselves diligently in studying God's Word, meditating on what we learn, and drawing close to Jehovah in regular and heartfelt prayers. Doing so is like having a career in which the runners are "men of standing. " Pero Levítico contiene aún más perlas espirituales. (b) Why did Boaz speak of Ruth as seeking refuge under Jehovah's wings? But Leviticus contains even more spiritual pearls. La Biblia dice que "sus ojos están discurriendo por toda la tierra para mostrar su fuerza a favor de aquellos cuyo corazón es completo para con él ." But he also said that Job had focused too much on trying to prove his own faultlessness. The Bible says that "his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " De hecho, cuando él y Silas fueron encarcelados, estuvieron un buen rato "orando y alabando a Dios con canción ," aunque, obviamente, no contaban con la ayuda de un cancionero. Secular employment should never become so important that it overshadows our service to Jehovah. In fact, when Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they had a good time "to praise God with song, " even though they did not have the help of a new songbook. Sus falsos consoladores lo habían herido en lo más hondo, pero cuando Jehová le pidió que orara por ellos, él lo hizo. Eating, drinking, and marrying - things that are normal aspects of life. His false comforters had hurt him deeply, but when Jehovah prayed for them, he did so. Claro que no. What did the witness do? Of course not! 1, 2. a) ¿Qué indica que Jesús está con sus discípulos hoy y también lo estará en el futuro? Willful nonsupport, extreme physical abuse, and the absolute endangerment of one's spiritual life are exceptional situations that some have viewed as reasons for separation. 1, 2. (a) What shows that Jesus is with his disciples today and is also in the future? Dígales cuanto antes a sus hijos que los ama y que ellos no tienen la culpa de lo que pasó. Instead of arguing, I said that he could be right, but I also told him that I could not honestly see how. Tell your children that they love them and that they do not blame what happened. Explique. b) ¿Qué palabras escritas por David en el Salmo 61 nos recuerdan la actitud ejemplar de Ana? After looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, " Do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation? ' Explain. (b) What words written by David in Psalm 61 remind us of the example set by Hannah? Puesto que Cristo es el cabeza del varón, los esposos tienen que imitar su ejemplo. He wants us to succeed. Since Christ is the head of a man, husbands need to imitate his example. 90: 10, 12. Have you ever purchased a gift for a close friend and then watched your friend's face beam with surprise and appreciation upon receiving it? 90: 10, 12. Las guías te piden que busques textos de la Biblia y que pongas por escrito lo que piensas sobre ellos. Notice, however, that Jesus did not say that the love of everyone would cool off. The guides you ask yourself to find scriptures from the Bible and show that you believe what you think about them. Como Pablo, debemos usar persuasión (léanse Hechos 19: 8, 9 y 28: 23). Jehovah's Witnesses certainly think so. (Read Acts 19: 8, 9; 28: 23.) Puede que no se conduela de los afligidos ni tenga la sabiduría necesaria para ayudar a sus compañeros de adoración, y quizás hasta vea con desprecio a otros. After baptism, we discerned the need to continue making changes - more subtle ones - so as to imitate God and Christ more closely. He may not be ashamed of the afflicted ones or have the wisdom to help his fellow worshipers in worship, and he may even even see others harshly. Miqueas 7: 5 indica que la falta de justicia ha provocado desconfianza entre compañeros, amigos íntimos y hasta cónyuges. If a form of entertainment fails to meet the Bible - based standards in any one of these three aspects, it does not pass the test. Micah 7: 5 indicates that there is a lack of justice between fellow worshipers, friends, and even marriage mates. Ya no fumo ." The regal line of Judah would end in "Shiloh " as the permanent kingly Heir, for God told Zedekiah, the last Judean king, that rulership would be given to one having the legal right to it. I will no longer read it. " Al entrar en el aposento superior ni siquiera uno de los doce tomó la iniciativa para cumplir con la costumbre de lavar los polvorientos pies de los demás, una humilde tarea que realizaba un siervo o alguna mujer de la casa. Being aware of what should help us to display a waiting attitude like that of Micah? By entering into the upper room, not one of the 12 men took the initiative to carry the customary feet of the others, a humble task performed or a woman in the house of the house. Dado que pertenece a la dinastía de David, Jesús posee de manera incuestionable el derecho al trono. In a sense, Jehovah can put himself in the place of others, and he has given us that ability. - Ps. 103: 13, 14. Since he belongs to David's dynasty, Jesus has the right to rule over David's throne. Todavía sufrimos las consecuencias de su terrible decisión. (b) Cite an example. We still suffer the consequences of his terrible decision. Zacarías y Elisabet, que tuvieron el dichoso privilegio de ser los padres de Juan el Bautista, "eran justos delante de Dios porque andaban exentos de culpa de acuerdo con todos los mandamientos y requisitos legales de Jehová ." Questions of such importance are discussed in these two articles. Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had the privilege of being the parents of John the Baptizer, "was righteous before God because they walked blameless in agreement with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah. " ¿ De veras se complace Dios en personas cuyo corazón no las mueve a adquirir conocimiento exacto de él y a aplicarlo abandonando su comportamiento pecaminoso? What can we learn about our inheritance from the warning example of Esau? Does God really delight in individuals whose heart does not move them to acquire accurate knowledge of him and abandon his sinful conduct? ¿ Qué nos enseña el relato de José sobre el asunto de educar la conciencia y obedecer sus dictados? (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 18, 21 - 23.) What does Joseph's account teach us about training our conscience and our conscience? Y no nos olvidemos de las empresas codiciosas, que contaminan el planeta, agotan los recursos naturales y explotan la credulidad de los consumidores con tal de hacer multimillonarios a unos pocos mientras millones luchan con la pobreza. The wise counsel found in its pages truly shows us the best way to live. And we do not forget the competitive industry, which exposes natural resources and exploits the ability to force a few million people to cope with poverty. David se deleitaba en hacer la voluntad de Dios. JEHOVAH'S name and purposes are being declared throughout the earth. This is because God's dedicated people have taken to heart the commission that Jesus Christ gave his followers when he said: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. David found delight in doing God's will. Por consiguiente, que todos nosotros, tanto jóvenes como adultos, nos apliquemos al estudio de la Palabra de Dios, meditemos en lo aprendido y nos acerquemos a Jehová orándole frecuentemente y con el corazón. Those who love him thus feel impelled to tell the truth about him, setting the record straight. Hence, all of us, young and old, apply to study God's Word, meditate on it, and draw close to Jehovah in prayer with our whole heart. b) ¿Por qué dijo Boaz que Rut buscó refugio bajo las "alas " de Jehová? If they hear you give thanks to God at mealtimes and offer prayers at Bible study sessions, what conclusions might they draw? (b) Why did Boaz say that Ruth sought refuge under Jehovah's wings? Pero también le dijo que se estaba preocupando demasiado por demostrar su inocencia. • Why should feelings of unworthiness not hinder us from praying to Jehovah? But Jesus also said that he was concerned about being overly concerned about showing his innocence. El empleo nunca debe ocupar un lugar tan importante que eclipse nuestro servicio a Jehová. Surely, then, we would never scheme to get out of one marriage while our heart is planning on another marriage. - Jer. 17: 9; Mal. Our secular work should never be so important that we give our service to Jehovah. Cosas tan cotidianas como la comida, la bebida y el matrimonio. While Jesus achieved many things by his life and death, was it not primarily for settling the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty that Jesus came to earth? Such daily matters as food, drink, and marriage. ¿ Cómo respondió? Upon catching sight of her, Adam said: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. " How Would You Answer? Estos hermanos maduros pueden ayudarlos a poner en práctica los consejos de la Biblia. (b) In what ways does Jehovah help us? Such mature ones can help them to apply the Bible's counsel. Según decía, me estaban lavando el cerebro. Jesus answered: " Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but it was so that the works of God might be made manifest in his case. ' " - John 9: 1 - 3. " My brain was burned, " he said. Sin embargo, a los que llevan más años esperando con ilusión el fin de este mundo tal vez la espera se les esté haciendo muy larga. Por eso, quizás se pregunten por qué deben seguir alerta. The apostle Paul highlighted another vital role that the holy spirit plays: "The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. " However, those who have been waiting for more years may be waiting for the end of this system of things. They may wonder why they need to keep on the watch. Él desea que lo tengamos. The second article considers several qualities that are part of the new personality and explains how we can demonstrate these in our life and ministry. He wants us to have him. ¿ Alguna vez le has comprado un regalo a un amigo íntimo y has visto cómo se le iluminaba el rostro con sorpresa y agradecimiento al recibirlo? Read the following scriptures, think about the principles they contain, and endeavor to discern Jehovah's will in this matter. Have you ever purchased a gift to a close friend and have seen how it was lighted with surprise and gratitude to him? No obstante, notemos que Jesús no mencionó que disminuiría el amor de todos. MANY longtime disciples of Christ prove year after year that they are "firmly set in the truth. " Note, though, that Jesus did not mention the love of all. Así lo creemos los testigos de Jehová. Their feet are fastened securely in stocks, and their backs are still aching from the beatings they had just received. That is why you believe Jehovah's Witnesses. Pero, después del bautismo, nos dimos cuenta de que todavía teníamos que hacer pequeños cambios para imitar mejor a Dios y a Cristo. ARTICLE 4 However, after baptism, we realized that we still had to make spiritual changes so that we can imitate God and Christ. Si vemos que cierta actividad no cumple las condiciones bíblicas del qué, cuándo y quién, entonces no pasa la prueba. What if We Have Sinned? If you see that a certain activity does not fulfill the Bible's conditions, when and who, then the trial does not pass. Siló sería un descendiente de la casa real de Judá que reinaría para siempre. Algo que nos ayuda a identificarlo es lo que Dios le dijo a Sedequías, el último rey de Jerusalén. Lessons for Us: Shiloh would be a descendant of Judah's royal house who would rule forever. It is what God said to Zedekiah, the last king of Jerusalem. ¿ Qué nos ayudará a mostrar una actitud de espera como la de Miqueas? 12, 13. What will help us to show a waiting attitude like Micah? Él sabe ponerse en el lugar de los demás y nos ha dado esa misma capacidad. * He knows in the place of others and has given us the same capacity. b) Dé un ejemplo. " Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " - Proverbs 27: 11. (b) Illustrate. OTROS ARTÍCULOS: Llevemos una vida de "santidad en el temor de Dios " PÁGINA 26 The Festival of Booths was a harvest festival, a joyful celebration of ingathering, and it foreshadowed the joyous ingathering of those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Let us be safe in the fear of God. " ¿ Qué nos enseña sobre nuestra herencia el mal ejemplo de Esaú? Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " What does Esau's example teach us about our inheritance? En el capítulo 12, el apóstol nos recuerda que hasta la parte menos atractiva o más débil del cuerpo humano tiene una función (lea 1 Corintios 12: 12, 18, 21 - 23). And we must pray for holy spirit because faith is part of the spirit's fruitage. - Gal. 5: 22. In chapter 12, Paul reminds us that even the most appealing or weaker part of the human body has a role. (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 21, 21 - 23.) Ciertamente, los sabios consejos que encierran sus páginas nos enseñan el mejor modo de vivir. We rejoice that we have a share, be it ever so small, in the vindication of Jehovah's righteous sovereignty. - Proverbs 27: 11. The wise advice found in the pages of the Bible teaches us the best way of life. EL NOMBRE y los propósitos de Jehová se están declarando por toda la Tierra, pues el pueblo dedicado de Dios ha tomado a pecho esta comisión que Jesucristo encargó a sus seguidores: "Vayan [...] y hagan discípulos de gente de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del espíritu santo, enseñándoles a observar todas las cosas que yo les he mandado ." Be determined not to " assail the name of God ' by bringing reproach upon him. WHEN Jehovah's purposes are being declared throughout the earth, God's people have taken to heart the commission Jesus Christ gave his followers: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Por lo tanto, quienes lo amamos nos sentimos impulsados a decir la verdad sobre él, a poner las cosas en su sitio. While some older Jews focused on the past, overall there was much "shouting for joy. " Hence, those who love him are moved to tell the truth about him, to put things into their proper place. Por poner un caso: ¿qué aprenderán al verlos orando antes de cada sesión de estudio bíblico y dando gracias a Dios antes de cada comida? Proverbs 19: 11 states: "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to pass over transgression. " For example, what will you learn before you study a Bible study and offer thanks to God before each meal? • ¿Por qué no debemos dejar de orar a Jehová cuando nos sentimos indignos? If you find yourself in any of these situations, be assured that "he that is humble in spirit will take hold of glory. " - Prov. • Why should we not stop praying to Jehovah when we feel unworthy? Por consiguiente, nunca romperíamos los lazos conyugales porque estemos tramando casarnos con otra persona. (b) How do we stand to benefit from Abraham's obedience? May we never underestimate the marriage bond because we are getting married to another person. Es cierto que Jesús realizó muchas cosas durante su vida, y que su muerte también logró mucho. Pero ¿verdad que vino a la Tierra principalmente para zanjar la cuestión de la soberanía de Jehová? Have you too been able to demonstrate your belief that the Bible provides the best guidance available to people today? True, Jesus performed many things during his lifetime, and his death also resulted in much, but did he not come to the earth primarily to settle the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty? Cuando Adán la vio, exclamó: "Esto por fin es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne ." In Noah's day, disobedient angels contaminated humanity with unnatural sex. When Adam saw it, he exclaimed: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. " b) ¿De qué maneras nos ayuda Jehová? Discipline is much easier for children to accept and apply when they know that a parent's primary motive is love. (b) In what ways does Jehovah help us? Y Jesús les contestó: "Ni este hombre pecó, ni sus padres ." Is love of God and neighbor also central to the law in the hearts of Christians? Jesus said: "Not this man sin, neither his parents. " Pero el apóstol Pablo señaló otra de sus importantísimas funciones: "El espíritu escudriña todas las cosas [o" investiga todo a fondo "], hasta las cosas profundas de Dios ." No doubt his efforts to find the good in others encouraged many to do even better. But the apostle Paul pointed out another of his vital roles: "The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. " El segundo artículo habla de varias cualidades que son parte de la nueva personalidad y analiza cómo demostrarlas en nuestra vida y en la predicación. 27 El amor: una valiosa cualidad 30 De nuestros archivos 32 Preguntas de los lectores Stay here and keep on the watch with me. " The second article discusses several qualities that are part of the new personality and shows how we can demonstrate them in our lives and in the preaching work. El ejemplo de David en cuanto a buscar la guía divina también nos ayuda a resistir la tentación de ver pornografía. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 David's example helps us to resist the temptation to view pornography. NUMEROSAS personas que llevan mucho tiempo siendo discípulos de Cristo demuestran año tras año que están " firmemente establecidas en la verdad '. In effect, Jesus was saying to his critics: " My Father and I are engaged in the same type of work. HAVE you ever seen others who have been followers of Christ after year prove that you are " firmly hurting the truth "? Tenían los pies sujetos en un cepo y las espaldas adoloridas por los golpes que acababan de recibir. Rather, the proverb - as well as Paul's similar words to the Romans - seems to refer to an ancient method used for smelting metal ores. They had the feet of the dead in stocks and gave them victory over the blows they had just had just received. PÁGINA 17 Numbering our hairs - of which the average human head grows about 100,000 - would be a simple feat by comparison. ARTICLE 3 ¿ Y si hemos pecado? What Did You Learn? What if we have sinned? Lecciones para nosotros: [ Footnotes] Lessons for Us: 12, 13. Do you see yourself among them as a survivor of "the great tribulation "? 12, 13. * Upon hearing the report, the old man asks them to saddle an ass for him so that he might catch up with God's prophet. * " Sé sabio, hijo mío, y regocija mi corazón, para que pueda responder al que me está desafiando con escarnio. " Preparing for the Future " Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " - PROV. La fiesta de las Cabañas era una fiesta de recolección, una celebración gozosa que representó la feliz recolección de los que manifiestan fe en Jesucristo. We need to consider, though, how can we show that we treasure our freedom? The Festival of Booths was a festival, a joyful event foreshadowed by those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. También, si hubiera cometido pecados, se le perdonará ." 3 Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Finalmente, debemos pedirle a Dios su espíritu santo, pues la fe es parte del fruto de ese espíritu. This article will consider highlights from Genesis 1: 1 - 11: 9, basically up to the time when Jehovah began dealing with the patriarch Abraham. Finally, we should pray for God's holy spirit, for faith is part of the fruitage of that spirit. Nos alegramos de poder participar, aunque sea en pequeña escala, en la vindicación de la justa soberanía de Jehová. How did Jehovah's Witnesses in Mozambique react when their loyalty to Jehovah was put to the test? We rejoice in being able to share, though on a small scale, in the vindication of Jehovah's righteous sovereignty. Por lo tanto, resolvámonos a no " acometer el nombre de Dios ' haciendo algo que lo deshonre. If our prayers are to be answered, we must approach God with humility. May we therefore be determined not to " glorify God's name ' by doing something that they refuse. En aquella ocasión, algunos de edad avanzada miraron con nostalgia al pasado, pero el pueblo en general se puso a "gritar de gozo ." If you have children, how can you help them? On that occasion, some elderly ones looked down at the past, but the people in general began to "come up with joy. " Proverbios 19: 11 dice: "La perspicacia del hombre ciertamente retarda su cólera, y es hermosura de su parte pasar por alto la transgresión ." Furthermore, the fact that you are listening and responding to the message of the good news is evidence that Jehovah takes a personal interest in you. After all, Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Proverbs 19: 11 says: "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to overlook transgression. " O puede ser que tengamos que colaborar con un hermano para realizar cierta tarea. 30 indigenous languages Or we may need to work with a brother to do a certain work. b) ¿Cómo nos beneficiará la obediencia de Abrahán? The Outcome - Always Good? (b) How will obedience of Abraham benefit us? ¿ Ha vivido usted alguna situación similar que le haya permitido demostrar su fe? ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 101 Have you lived a similar situation that has enabled you to demonstrate your faith? En los días de Noé, los ángeles desobedientes contaminaron a la humanidad con prácticas sexuales pervertidas. " You too exercise patience. " - JAS. In Noah's day, disobedient angels disobeyed mankind with sexually immoral practices. Si disciplina a sus hijos con cariño, estos lo notarán y les será más fácil aceptar la disciplina y aprender de sus errores. For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for the sake of me and the good news will save it. " If you discipline your children in a loving manner, you will find it easier to accept discipline and learn from their mistakes. ¿ Sigue siendo esencial amar a Dios y al prójimo en la ley que está escrita en el corazón del cristiano? Under what circumstances did Jesus show patience? Jesus is doing the will of God and has eagerly done so for untold millenniums. Is it still vital to love God and our neighbor in the law that is written in the heart of a Christian's heart? Sin duda, su empeño por hallar lo bueno en la gente estimuló a muchos a mejorar. 7: 6 - 67 - Why does Nehemiah's list of the remnant who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel differ from Ezra's in individual figures for each household? No doubt, his efforts to find good in people helped many to improve. Quédense aquí y manténganse alerta conmigo ." I treasured up what I clearly understood and tried to apply it in my life. What remain here and keep on the watch with me. " ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO 1 Y 2 PÁGINAS 7 - 15 In this article, we will consider three of these good things: (1) the tools we have been given, (2) the methods we have used, and (3) the training we have received. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 Es como si hubiera dicho: "Mi Padre y yo estamos realizando el mismo tipo de trabajo. Rather, they humbly look to God, asking for insight and wisdom. It is as if he said: "My Father and I are doing the same work. Al parecer, las palabras de Pablo - y las del proverbio bíblico - se refieren a una antigua técnica de fundición de metales. Bible topics can be brought up for discussion, with all present, including children, being invited to share. Evidently, Paul's words - and the Bible's proverb - refer to a ancient reference. En comparación con esta proeza, contar los cabellos - unos cien mil en la cabeza promedio - es una labor sencilla. In actual fact, the Bible Students who were on hand during World War I (1914 - 1918) gave a tremendous witness during that time. In comparison with this amazing design, relate to the hairs - about 100 percent in the average head - is a simple work. ¿ Qué ha aprendido? * What a sad ending for those who do not love Jehovah wholeheartedly! - Matthew 6: 24; 22: 37. What Did You Learn? [ Notas] Roy and Petina, who still have a daughter at home, were able to cut back their secular work so as to share in the ministry full - time. [ Footnotes] ¿ Se imagina usted sobreviviendo a "la gran tribulación " junto con esa multitud? They may insist that the immorality, violence, and spiritism so prevalent in television programs, movies, and video games are harmless. When you choose entertainment and recreation for yourself or your family, do you allow the lax consciences of others to influence your decisions and to mold your conscience? Can you imagine yourself living on "the great tribulation " along with that multitude? Al enterarse, el anciano les pidió a sus hijos que le aparejaran el asno porque quería ir en busca del profeta de Dios. 4, 5. When the elder told his children that they would turn out to him because he wanted to go for God's prophet. Cómo prepararse para el futuro For a detailed discussion of this illustration, see the articles "How Will You Stand Before the Judgment Seat? " Prepare for the Future Pero analicemos ahora estas cuestiones: cómo demostramos que valoramos nuestra libertad y qué podemos hacer para usarla bien. How can we protect ourselves? Let us now consider these questions: How do we show that we value our freedom and how we can use it effectively? 3 Being under the influence of the holy spirit involves refraining from what works? 3 Este artículo analizará algunos puntos destacados de Génesis 1: 1 - 11: 9, es decir, aproximadamente hasta el momento en que Jehová empezó a tratar con el patriarca Abrahán. 2: 2 - 4. Why is Jesus ' message to the Ephesians relevant today? This article will consider some of the outstanding points found at Genesis 1: 1 - 11: 9, which is, even the time when Jehovah began to deal with Abraham. ¿ Cómo reaccionaron los Testigos de Mozambique cuando se puso a prueba su lealtad a Jehová? Become Full - Grown Through Self - Control How did the Witnesses in Austria react when tested their loyalty to Jehovah? Si queremos que Jehová nos responda, debemos acercarnos a él con humildad. Understandably, David was moved to praise Jehovah when he considered the way his own body was created. If we want Jehovah to answer us, we must draw close to him humbly. Si usted tiene hijos, ¿cómo puede pastorearlos? After the change, Moses still had all the spirit that he needed. If you have children, how can you shepherd them? Además, el hecho de que estés prestando atención al mensaje de las buenas nuevas y respondiendo a él es prueba de que Jehová se interesa personalmente por ti, pues Jesús dijo: "Nadie puede venir a mí a menos que el Padre, que me envió, lo atraiga ." Whatever the case, a happy reunion must have taken place when David reported to them how Jehovah had again delivered him. Furthermore, the fact that you are paying attention to the message of the good news and respond to it is evidence that Jehovah cares for you, for Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " 30 lenguas indígenas May our choices in life reflect that we share the sentiments of Peter, who told Jesus: "Lord, you know I have affection for you. " 30 languages ¿ Tienen siempre buenos resultados? What helps us to make mature decisions with respect to our contact with the world? Do they always have good results? PÁGINA 12 • CÁNTICOS: 97 Y 101 STUDY ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 97, 101 " Ustedes también ejerzan paciencia ." The Bible answers: "Since you are also heirs with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order for your prayers not to be hindered. " " You also exercise patience. " - 1 PET. El segundo artículo les muestra a los jóvenes cristianos cómo vencer las dificultades propias de su edad y cómo alcanzar la madurez. (July 1879, p. The second article shows how young Christians can overcome their own difficulties and how they can grow spiritually. Porque el que quiera salvar su alma, la perderá; mas el que pierda su alma por causa de mí y de las buenas nuevas, la salvará ." That exchange raises this question: "When in the history of God's people would faithful ones refuse help to some who asked for it? " For he who wants to save his soul will lose it; but who loses his soul for the sake of me and of the good news he will save it. " Jesús lleva incontables milenios haciendo la voluntad de Dios con verdaderas ganas. For instance, through Moses he said to the nation of Israel as they were about to enter the Promised Land: "Be courageous and strong.... Jesus has been willing to do God's will for thousands of years. 7: 6 - 67. ¿ Por qué difieren las listas de Nehemías y Esdras en la cantidad de miembros de las familias que volvieron a Jerusalén con Zorobabel? Why should we be concerned about Jehovah's day? 7: 6 - 4 - Why do the critical of Nehemiah and Ezra differ from the number of families who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel? " Las cosas " que Timoteo aprendió son las enseñanzas bíblicas que lo llevaron a confiar en las buenas nuevas. He said that God's spirit would teach and guide his disciples. - John 14: 16, 26; 16: 13. " The things " that Timothy learned are the Bible teachings that led him to confidence in the good news. Valoraba mucho lo que entendía bien y trataba de ponerlo por obra. In Jehovah's strength, we will withstand trials, not allowing troubling situations to be stumbling blocks. He appreciated what he understood and acted accordingly. En este artículo veremos tres de esas cosas buenas: 1) las herramientas que tenemos, 2) los métodos que hemos usado y 3) la preparación que hemos recibido. The Bible explains that women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men who exercise oversight in the Christian congregation. In this article, we will consider three of these good things: (1) The tools we have, (2) the methods we have used, and (3) the training we have received. Naturalmente, no basan sus consejos en ideas humanas. What does exercising faith in the ransom include? Of course, they do not base their advice on human ideas. Se puede hablar de temas bíblicos e invitar a todos los presentes, incluidos los niños, a intervenir. Yes, God's word can test our heart - what we really are on the inside. It may be helpful to discuss Bible topics and to invite all in attendance, including children, to intervene. Es un hecho que los Estudiantes de la Biblia dieron un testimonio impresionante durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914 - 1918). The brother asks them what spiritual goals they have. It is a fact that the Bible Students gave a dramatic witness during World War I, 1918. * ¡Qué triste final para quienes no aman a Jehová con todo su corazón! (a) The Law covenant opened up what opportunity for Israel? * How sad it would be for those who do not love Jehovah with all their heart! Veamos también el ejemplo de Roy y Petina, quienes, aunque todavía tienen una hija viviendo con ellos, han reducido su jornada laboral a fin de participar en el ministerio de tiempo completo. Moreover, to face life's realities while maintaining marital peace and spiritual unity calls for faith in and devotion to God - desirable qualities to look for in a prospective marriage mate. For example, while still having a daughter living with them, she has given her time to share in the full - time ministry. Ahora bien, preguntémonos: "Cuando elijo las diversiones en las que mi familia o yo participaremos, ¿dejo que la sociedad actual, con su ley del " todo vale ', influya en mis decisiones y en mi conciencia? ." The Scriptures do not forbid carving sculptures or making paintings of objects for artistic purposes. - 1 Kings 7: 18, 25. However, we might ask ourselves, " When my family or I engage in recreation, will I murmur about today's world, with its law " uses everything, ' how does my decisions, and my conscience affect my conscience? ' 4, 5. A study of the book of Revelation shows that the wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). 4, 5. Si queremos ser declarados ovejas, ahora es el momento de ser leales y apoyar a los hermanos de Cristo. Materialism has a similar effect today. If we want to be declared sheep, now is the time to be loyal and support Christ's brothers. ¿ Cómo demostró el salmista que apreciaba la ley de Dios? Why is it reasonable to conclude that individuals who present themselves for baptism have already made an unreserved dedication to Jehovah? How did the psalmist show that he appreciated God's law? ¿ Qué obras hay que evitar a fin de vivir bajo la influencia del espíritu? Sophia: Because I love her. She's my mother. What works must we avoid in order to live under the influence of the spirit? ¿ Por qué es oportuno hoy día el mensaje de Jesús a los efesios? Providing materially and spiritually can be an expression of parental love, especially when parents do so in a way that conveys that love is the primary motivation. Why is Jesus ' message to the Ephesians appropriate today? Lleguemos a la madurez ejerciendo autodominio Joab obeyed, and Uriah was slain. Speak to maturity by exercising Self - Control Al reflexionar en la forma en que fue creado su cuerpo, David no pudo contener el deseo de alabar a Jehová. Obviously, if we believe that the "great tribulation " is a long way off, that it will come sometime but not in our lifetime, we will lack a sense of urgency with regard to the preaching work. Meditating on how his body was created, David was not moved to praise Jehovah. Y después de que Dios le quitó una parte, todavía tenía más que suficiente. When a person becomes one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he also assumes the responsibility to witness about his God. And after God took one part, he still had more than enough. En todo caso, debieron de alegrarse mucho cuando se reencontraron y él les relató la manera como Jehová lo había vuelto a librar. In fact, some 20,000 volunteers in Bethel homes around the world start their day with a 15 - minute consideration of the Bible text for the day. No doubt, they must have rejoiced when they returned and told them how Jehovah had returned to deliver them. Deseamos que las decisiones que tomemos demuestren que sentimos lo mismo que Pedro, que le contestó a Jesús: "Señor, tú sabes que te tengo cariño ." And they are people just like you and me, because they come from all nationalities, races, walks of life and are of all ages. We want the decisions we make to show that we feel the same way that Peter answered to Jesus: "Lord, you know that I have affection for you. " ¿ Qué nos ayudará a decidir con madurez el grado de contacto que mantendremos con el mundo? The time had come for Moses to carry out a divine commission and to do God's work in God's way. What will help us to make wise decisions about becoming acquainted with the world? ARTÍCULO DE ESTUDIO 1 PÁGINAS 3 - 7 Some Bible scholars feel that the expression "skin in behalf of skin " may imply that Job would selfishly be willing to allow his children and animals to lose their skins, or lives, as long as he could keep his own skin, or life. STUDY ARTICLE 1 La Biblia responde: "Puesto que ustedes también son herederos con ellas del favor inmerecido de la vida, a fin de que sus oraciones no sean estorbadas ." In the following months, all four spent time with Jesus as he preached in Galilee, Judea, and Samaria. Then the four disciples returned to the fishing business. The Bible answers: "Since you are also heirs with them of the undeserved favor of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered. " En el primer número de la edición en inglés de esta revista (julio de 1879) se habló del poder de la sangre que vertió Cristo como rescate. By obeying public officials in accord with Peter's counsel to "have honor for the king, " Christians show the respect and honor that accords with the positions of those officials. In the first issue of The Watch Tower, The Watchtower, published by Christ's blood as a ransom. Eso es algo que llama la atención, pues nos hace pensar en lo siguiente: ¿alguna vez se han negado los ungidos a ayudar a alguien? Por supuesto que no. The parable describes a time of sowing, growth, and harvesting. That is something that calls attention because it makes you think: Have you ever denied the anointed to help someone who is not? Por ejemplo, justo antes de que los israelitas entraran en la Tierra Prometida, se valió de Moisés para decirles: "Sean animosos y fuertes. Most people, whatever their beliefs, have pondered over questions related to God's existence. For example, just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses used Moses to tell them: "Be courageous and strong. ¿ Por qué debe interesarnos profundamente el día de Jehová? (b) What is implied by Jesus ' use of the word "steward "? Why should we be deeply concerned about the day of Jehovah? Él dijo que el espíritu de Dios enseñaría y guiaría a sus discípulos. This is especially important when dealing with those of the opposite sex. Jesus said that God's spirit would teach and guide his disciples. Con la fuerza que Jehová nos da, podremos soportar la presión y no permitiremos que las situaciones difíciles nos hagan tropezar. What bad spirit did some in Israel show? With Jehovah's strength, we can endure pressure, and we will not allow difficult situations to stumble us. En la Biblia se explica que las mujeres - casadas o solteras - deben respetar la autoridad de los varones cristianos que ocupan puestos de superintendencia en la congregación. 4: 9 - 13. In the Bible, wives - married or single - should respect the authority of Christian men who have positions of oversight in the congregation. ¿ Cuál es una de las formas en las que demostramos fe en el rescate? God sent forth his Son, his first creation, from His wifelike organization of spirit creatures in heaven to be the promised "seed. " What is one way in which we demonstrate faith in the ransom? En efecto, la palabra de Dios puede examinarnos el corazón, es decir, nuestro verdadero yo. 14: 1 - 4. The only authority that Christian overseers have comes from the Scriptures. Yes, God's word can examine our heart, that is, our true God's word. Las respuestas que muchos le dan revelan que tienen claro lo que quieren hacer en el futuro en el servicio a Jehová. Likewise, daily Bible reading will help you to "make your way successful. " The answers to many show that they understand what they want to do in the future in Jehovah's service. a) ¿Qué oportunidad les daba el pacto de la Ley a los israelitas? Repeatedly during the years that followed, David inquired of Jehovah when confronted with decisions. (a) What opportunity did the Law covenant give the Israelites? Bueno, la vida presenta muchas dificultades. Pero, si los dos se apoyan en Jehová, les será más fácil llevarse bien y ser felices. How can you develop and strengthen your trust in Jehovah and fortify yourself against the deception and lies promoted by his Adversary? Good life is a number of challenges, but if both are in Jehovah's hands, it will be easier for them to be successful and happy. Las Escrituras no condenan esculpir o pintar objetos con fines artísticos. It is not to cast part of the blame on your brother but to admit your fault and make peace. God's Word does not condemn it. La Palabra de Dios indica que será una "bestia salvaje " con" diez cuernos ." 5: 22, 23, 28, 29. What questions can you ask yourself if your spouse tries to limit your worship? God's Word indicates that it will be "a wild beast " with" ten horns. " El materialismo produce el mismo efecto en la actualidad. Moreover, one of the best ways to strengthen a friendship is to work with another person toward a common goal. Materialism produces the same effect today. ¿ Cómo sabemos que quienes desean bautizarse ya le han prometido a Jehová servirle para siempre? * Micah's prophecy states that they will "shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword. " How do we know that those who have already dedicated themselves to Jehovah have promised to serve him forever? Sofía: Porque es mi mamá y la quiero. " Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " - EPH. Sophia: It's my mother and I want it. Suministrar a los hijos lo necesario en sentido material y espiritual es una muestra de amor, sobre todo cuando los padres les confirman que lo hacen principalmente porque los aman. " You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. ' " - 1 PET. By providing materially and spiritually - minded children is an expression of love, especially when parents assure their children that they love them primarily because they love them. Joab obedeció, y aquel hombre inocente cayó en combate. The Bible warns that those who engage in "excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches... will render an account to the one ready to judge those living and those dead. " Absalom obeyed, and that innocent man fell into battle. Por supuesto, si creemos que todavía falta mucho para la "gran tribulación " y que llegará algún día pero nosotros no la veremos, no sentiremos la urgente necesidad de predicar. These kings could thus be called anointed ones, or messiahs. Of course, if we believe that there is still much to be done for the "great tribulation " and that it will come some day when we do not see it, we will not feel the urgent need to preach. Cuando una persona se hace testigo de Jehová, también contrae la obligación de dar testimonio acerca de su Dios. After contrasting true servants with false, the prophet declares how Jehovah will bless those serving Him. - Isaiah 65: 1 - 66: 24. When a person is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he also has the responsibility to bear witness to his God. De hecho, los 20.000 trabajadores voluntarios de los hogares Betel por todo el mundo comienzan el día con un análisis de quince minutos del texto diario. Rather, it means that our love must not be limited to words, especially when the circumstances call for action. In fact, the 2 volunteers from Bethel homes around the world begin with a discussion of the daily text. Y son personas como usted y como yo, de todas las edades, nacionalidades, razas y condiciones sociales. Can you picture the scene? And they are like you and I, of all ages, race, races, and social conditions. Por fin había llegado el momento de efectuar la comisión divina, pero esta vez a la manera de Dios. 12, 13. (a) What confidence did David express? At last, God's appointed time had come to carry out his God - given assignment. Algunos biblistas señalan que la frase "piel en el interés de piel " da a entender que Job era tan egoísta que, a fin de salvar su propio pellejo, o vida, estaba dispuesto a aceptar que sus hijos y sus animales perdieran el de ellos, es decir, que murieran. 3: 12; Jas. 2: 15, 16; read 1 John 3: 17. Some Bible scholars suggest that the phrase "the interest of skin " implies that Job was so selfish so selfish that he could save his own blood, or life, was willing to accept that his children and their animals would lose it. En los meses que siguieron, los cuatro acompañaron a Jesús mientras predicaba en Galilea, Judea y Samaria, pero luego regresaron al negocio de la pesca. But Jesus did not advocate revolution; he told them to "pay back... Caesar's things to Caesar. " In the months that followed, four disciples accompanied Jesus while preaching in Galilee, Judea, and Samaria. Then they returned to the fishing business. Al cooperar con los representantes públicos - siguiendo el consejo de Pedro de dar "honra al rey " - , les mostramos el respeto que se les debe por su posición. 3: 1 - 9. By cooperating with the public representatives - by following Peter's counsel to " assign honor to the king, " we show respect for them. Jehová es el Creador, el Soberano del universo. In 1919, Jehovah's anointed servants were set free from the bondage of Babylonish doctrines and practices, which have dominated peoples and nations for millenniums. Jehovah is the Creator, the Sovereign of the universe. La parábola de Jesús describe un tiempo de siembra, uno de crecimiento y otro de cosecha. (b) How was Abraham known by Jehovah? Jesus ' illustration describes a time of sowing seed, one growth and another of the harvest. Prescindiendo de lo que crean, en un momento u otro la mayoría de las personas se hacen preguntas sobre la existencia de Dios. Jesus recognized this harsh reality with the words: "You always have the poor with you. " Whatever they believe, at one time or most people ask questions about God's existence. b) ¿Qué implica el que Jesús usara el término "mayordomo "? In fact, Nathanael was moved to say to Jesus: "You are the Son of God, you are King of Israel. " - John 1: 35 - 49. (b) What does Jesus ' illustration involve? Esto es especialmente necesario al relacionarnos con los miembros del sexo opuesto. One of our main objectives is to reflect spiritual light from God's Word by conducting effective home Bible studies. This is especially vital if we associate with members of the opposite sex. ¿ Qué mala actitud mostraron algunos israelitas? We have neither seen God nor heard his voice. What wrong attitude did some Israelites have? 4: 9 - 13. When the apostle Paul visited his brothers in Rome, they surely appreciated the "interchange of encouragement, " and so do we in these troubled times. - Rom. 4: 9 - 13. La "descendencia " prometida vendría de la" mujer ," es decir, la parte celestial de la organización de Jehová, compuesta por seres espirituales. That feeling of gratitude can move us to beg Jehovah to make us want to make spiritual advancement. The promised "seed " would come from the" woman " - the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization, made up of spirit creatures. La única fuente en la que pueden basarse los ancianos para aconsejar y enseñar es la Biblia. And we know that many are dealing with, not one, but several of such problems all at once! The only source of encouragement to the elders and to teach is the only source of comfort. Del mismo modo, para " tener éxito y actuar sabiamente ' es necesario leer la Biblia a diario. 31: 22, 23. (a) Joshua 23: 6 calls for courage to do what? Similarly, to " successful and to act wisely, ' we need to read the Bible daily. Durante los siguientes años, David inquirió de Jehová vez tras vez cuando tenía que tomar decisiones. What helped him to do so? During the next years, David inquired of Jehovah from time to time when he had to make decisions. ¿ Cómo podemos cultivar y profundizar nuestra confianza en Jehová y fortalecernos para no ser vulnerables a los engaños y mentiras promovidos por su gran adversario? The upcoming "great tribulation " will clear the earth of " fornicators, adulterers, men kept for unnatural purposes, and men who lie with men. ' How can we cultivate and deepen our trust in Jehovah and strengthen us so as not to be vulnerable or deceived by his great adversary? No se trata de echarle parte de la culpa a él, sino de que usted admita la suya y hagan las paces. Those words well describe the years of unrest and violence that mankind has lived through since the birth of the Messianic Kingdom in 1914. This is not to blame for the blame but to let you assure you that you and make your peace. ¿ Qué podemos preguntarnos si nuestro cónyuge trata de poner límites a lo que hacemos para servirle a Jehová? Watchtower Study conductors will find that feature very helpful as they prepare for a meaningful discussion of the articles at the congregation meeting. What might we ask ourselves if our spouse tries to limit what we do to serve Jehovah? A todo el mundo le gusta estar con gente que sabe lo que quiere y que se esfuerza razonablemente por conseguir sus objetivos. Like God, we desire that people of all sorts attain to repentance and salvation; that is why we preach to them. People around the world enjoy being content with what they know and strive to reach their goals. * La profecía de Miqueas declara que ellos "pastorearán la tierra de Asiria con la espada ." Suppose you are offered a business opportunity by a respected person, perhaps a fellow worshipper of Jehovah. * Micah's prophecy states that they "will deliver the land of Assyria with the sword. " " Háganse imitadores de Dios, como hijos amados. " It was not wrong for the Israelites to acknowledge the superior position of an exalted personage by prostrating themselves. " Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " - 1 COR. " Ustedes son " una raza escogida, un sacerdocio real, una nación santa, un pueblo para posesión especial '. " For this reason they have long been interested in how to win this tug - of - war. " You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. ' " La Biblia también advierte que quienes se entregan a "excesos con vino, diversiones estrepitosas [y] partidas de beber [...] rendirán cuenta al que está listo para juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos ." Being baptized in the name of the Son will bring you in line to receive grand blessings. - Read John 10: 9 - 11. The Bible also warns that those who look forward to drinking wine "with wine, leisure entertainment... will render an account for the one who is ready to judge the living and to the dead. " Por esta razón se les puede llamar ungidos, o mesías. Long before the Law covenant was canceled, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Jeremiah that He would make with the nation of Israel "a new covenant. " (Read Jeremiah 31: 31 - 33.) For this reason, anointed ones may be called anointed ones, or they will hear. Después de establecer el contraste entre los verdaderos siervos de Dios y los falsos, el profeta describe las bendiciones que Jehová otorgará a quienes le sirvan. Certainly not! After establishing the contrast between true worshippers and false, the prophet describes the blessings Jehovah will bless those who serve him. En ocasiones, las circunstancias hacen necesario demostrarlo con hechos. For example, they neglected taking in solid spiritual food. They were also irregular in attendance at Christian meetings. At times, circumstances need to manifest that quality. ¿ Nos lo imaginamos? Why does baptism involve total immersion in water? Can you imagine it? 12, 13. a) ¿De qué manera expresó David su confianza en Jehová? [ Picture on page 14] 12, 13. (a) How did David express confidence in Jehovah? Por ejemplo, aunque algunos anhelaban la llegada de un Mesías que acabara con el odiado yugo de Roma, Jesús no instigó la revolución; por el contrario, dijo: "Paguen a César las cosas de César ." Father, save me out of this hour. For instance, while some longed for a Messiah's arrival in Rome's yoke, Jesus did not urge them to cry out: "Pay back to Caesar's things. " 3: 1 - 9. Jehovah's word regarding the restoration of his people to true worship " did not return to him without results. ' 3: 1 - 9. En 1919, Jehová liberó a sus siervos ungidos de la esclavitud a las doctrinas y prácticas babilónicas, las cuales han dominado a pueblos y naciones durante milenios. Anointed Christians are adopted as "children " of Jehovah. In 1919, Jehovah delivered his anointed servants from slavery to false doctrines and practices, which have dominated peoples and nations for millenniums. b) ¿En qué sentido conocía Jehová a Abrahán? They murmured against Moses. (b) How did Jehovah know Abraham? Jesús reconoció esta triste realidad cuando dijo: "Siempre tienen a los pobres con ustedes ." How comforting it is to know that Jehovah understands our pain and provides the comfort that we so sorely need! Jesus acknowledged this sad reality when he said: "You always have the poor with you. " De hecho, Natanael se sintió impulsado a decirle: "Tú eres el Hijo de Dios, tú eres el Rey de Israel ." Yes, diligently study the Scriptures. In fact, Nathanael was moved to say: "You are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel. " Uno de nuestros principales objetivos es reflejar la luz espiritual de la Palabra de Dios dirigiendo eficazmente estudios bíblicos. Because they are made in God's image, all humans have the capacity to act with dignity. One of our main goals is to reflect the spiritual light of God's Word by conducting effective Bible studies effectively. Lo cierto es que ninguno de nosotros hemos visto a Dios ni escuchado su voz. Rather than fretting over our past, dwelling on what cannot be undone, we should stretch forward to what lies ahead. Of course, none of us have seen God and listened to his voice. Cuando el apóstol Pablo visitó a los hermanos de Roma, hubo un "intercambio de estímulo " entre ellos, y todos sin duda lo agradecieron. Third, we may need to help the person to see that God is not responsible for the wickedness so prevalent in the world. When the apostle Paul visited the brothers in Rome, there was "an interchange of encouragement " among them, and no doubt appreciated him. Y esa gratitud nos impulsa a rogarle a Dios que nos infunda el deseo de progresar espiritualmente. See also "Your Kidneys - A Filter for Life, " in the August 8, 1997, issue of Awake! And such gratitude moves us to pray that we are getting baptized. Y sabemos que muchos no afrontan solo uno de estos problemas, sino varios de ellos a la vez. Then an amazing thing happened. And we know that many do not face only one of these problems but several of them at the same time. a) Según Josué 23: 6, ¿para qué necesitamos valor? Ammon and Moab (a) According to Joshua 23: 6, what do we need courage? ¿ Qué contribuyó a ello? (b) Why must we take responsibility if we fall into temptation? What contributed to this? La venidera "gran tribulación " limpiará la Tierra de " fornicadores, adúlteros, hombres que se tienen para propósitos contranaturales y hombres que se acuestan con hombres '. Those words should make us reflect on our own deliverance from slavery to modern - day Egypt, this present wicked system of things. The upcoming "great tribulation " will cleanse the earth of " fornicators, adulterers, men who are for unnatural purposes, and men who lie with men. ' ¡ Qué bien describen esas palabras los años de agitación y violencia que ha padecido la humanidad desde que el Reino mesiánico nació en 1914! Satan will continue to fan the flames of opposition and try to stir up tribulation. How well those words describe the years of rebellion and violence that have endured mankind since the Messianic Kingdom was born in 1914. Esto resultará especialmente útil a los conductores de La Atalaya cuando estén preparándose de antemano para hacer un buen análisis de los artículos con la congregación. (b) What key questions about spirituality will we consider? This will be especially helpful when preparing for a meaningful discussion with the congregation. Al igual que Dios, deseamos que personas de toda clase se arrepientan y alcancen la salvación, y por eso les predicamos. 15, 16. Like God, we want people of all sorts to repent and attain salvation. Suponga que una persona respetable, quizás un hermano en la fe, le propone un negocio. As a loving Father, Jehovah "richly provides us with all the things we enjoy, " both physically and spiritually. - 1 Tim. 6: 17; Ps. 145: 16. Suppose that a person is busy, perhaps a fellow believer, has made a business goal. No estaba mal que los israelitas reconocieran la posición de una persona encumbrada postrándose ante esta. Although Paradise is soon lost because of man's disobedience, Jehovah gives hope. It was not wrong for the Israelites to respect a lofty person's position before him. Por ello, llevamos mucho tiempo interesados en la manera de ganar esta lucha. • How does Bible reading empower us? We therefore take a long time to win this fight. Así demostrará que reconoce y agradece la labor de Jesús, y dará un paso que le permitirá recibir grandes bendiciones (léase Juan 10: 9 - 11). • By what means does Satan try to erode Christian love? (Read John 10: 9 - 11.) Mucho antes de que el pacto de la Ley se cancelara, Jehová predijo mediante el profeta Jeremías que haría con la nación de Israel "un nuevo pacto " (lea Jeremías 31: 31 - 33). Why do we need to view those who seem to be weaker as Jehovah views them? Long before the Law covenant was rebuilt, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Jeremiah that he would do with the nation of Israel "a new covenant. " (Read Jeremiah 31: 31 - 33.) Claro que no. God's name and sovereignty were also involved, and they were of greater significance. Of course not! Por un lado, les faltaba discernimiento espiritual, como lo muestra el hecho de que se descuidaran en cuanto a ingerir alimento espiritual sólido. [ Picture on page 24] On the other hand, they were missing spiritually, as shown by the fact that they would be neglecting spiritual food. ¿ Por qué implica el bautismo la inmersión total en agua? Selma observes: "Even before I got the truth, living with Steve was like walking on eggshells. Why does baptism mean complete water? [ Ilustración de la página 14] We preach wherever people can be found (See paragraph 10) [ Picture on page 14] Padre, sálvame de esta hora. Why is Jehovah the rightful Sovereign of the universe? Father, save me from this hour. La palabra de Jehová sobre la restauración de su pueblo a la adoración verdadera " no volvió a él sin resultados '. They were mere idols that were speechless and that needed to be carried around. Jehovah's word about restoration to true worship " did not return to him without results. ' Es Jehová, pues él adopta a los cristianos ungidos como "hijos ." The brothers "arranged for Paul and Barnabas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this dispute. " Jehovah protects anointed Christians as "sons. " Se pusieron a murmurar contra Moisés. Through deception, Satan keeps people from becoming "conscious of their spiritual need. " They began to murmur against Moses. Nos reconforta saber que él comprende nuestro dolor y nos da el consuelo que tanto necesitamos. 1: 8 - 17: Guarantees the completion of the temple and shows that Jerusalem and other cities in Judah will be blessed. It is comforting to know that Jehovah understands our pain and gives us the comfort we need. Estudie las Escrituras con atención y constancia. When dealing with such a situation, how important it is that we follow Jesus ' example of showing restraint! - 1 Peter 2: 21 - 23; 3: 1, 2. Study God's Word carefully and prayerfully. A los seres humanos nos es posible actuar con dignidad porque fuimos hechos a imagen y semejanza de Dios. If you are a parent, can you imitate Jehovah's example? Can you listen to your children's requests and, where appropriate, accede to their wishes? Humans can act with dignity because we were made in God's image and likeness. Debemos avanzar hacia lo que tenemos por delante. " But I knew that Jehovah gave the job of raising our son to us - his parents. " We need to move forward what we have before. En tercer lugar, quizás tengamos que hacer ver a la persona que Dios no es el responsable de la maldad que aflige al hombre. Rather, it is the Devil who is "the Tempter. " The Devil can create tempting situations. Third, we may need to realize that God is not responsible for wickedness to deal with man. del 8 de agosto de 1997. How will following Jesus ' example of speaking help us to use the power of our tongue for good? August 8, 19, issue of The Watchtower. Entonces pasó algo sorprendente. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Then something remarkable happened. Ammón y Moab In view of all that had happened to her, however, she thought that Jehovah was against her. Ammon and Moab b) Si caemos en una tentación, ¿por qué debemos aceptar nuestra responsabilidad? How Wives Can Win Favor (b) If we fall into temptation, why should we accept our responsibility? Estas palabras deben hacernos meditar sobre nuestra propia liberación de la esclavitud del Egipto de nuestros días, es decir, el presente sistema de cosas inicuo. If we sow what is bad, we will reap what is bad. These words should remind us of our own deliverance from slavery in Egypt today's day - that is, the present system of things. Satanás seguirá avivando las llamas de la oposición y tratará de causarnos dificultades. You will make your parents very happy. Most important, you will make Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Satan will continue to disrupt the fire of opposition and cause us to suffer hardships. b) ¿Qué preguntas importantes vamos a analizar? Paul answered: "God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and he committed the word of the reconciliation to us. " - 2 Cor. 5: 19; Isa. (b) What important questions will we consider? 15, 16. Thus, a true servant of Jehovah must never allow the natural interest in self to dominate his life to the exclusion of more important interests. First and foremost, this means the interests of Jehovah, the God he worships. 15, 16. Como vemos, Jehová nos ama y lo demuestra dándonos "todas las cosas [...] para que disfrutemos de ellas "; tanto las cosas físicas como las espirituales. A good friend would seek the help of loving shepherds in assisting a companion who has taken a false step. Yes, Jehovah loves us and gives us "all things... to enjoy them " - both physical and spiritual things. Aunque el Paraíso no tarda en perderse debido a la desobediencia del hombre, Jehová da esperanza. Marriage is more than just a romantic relationship Although Paradise does not slow down because of the disobedience of man, Jehovah gives hope. • ¿Cómo nos infunde poder la lectura de la Biblia? Fourth, holy spirit empowers us to declare the good news. • How can reading the Bible help us? • ¿De qué medios se vale Satanás en su intento de acabar con nuestro amor cristiano? Still, an object that features God's name should not be considered a talisman or used as a charm in everyday life as if it had some magical power of protection. • What means does Satan use in his attempt to destroy our Christian love? ¿ Cómo ve Jehová a los que parecen más débiles? ¿ Por qué debemos verlos de la misma manera? Modestly, anointed ones acknowledge that they do not necessarily have more holy spirit than those with an earthly hope. How does Jehovah view those who seem to be weaker, and why should we view them in the same way? Estaba en juego algo mucho más importante: su propio nombre y soberanía. But whether he finally receives his reward in heaven or not depends on his proving faithful to his calling. It was far more important - his own name and sovereignty. [ Ilustración de la página 24] In contrast, genuine love moves us to find joy in serving our brothers without fanfare or recognition. [ Picture on page 24] Ella señala: "Incluso antes de aprender la verdad, no era fácil vivir con él. He cautioned Moses that future generations could be affected, for good or for bad, by what the Israelites did. " Before learning the truth, " she says, "it was not easy to live with him. (Vea el párrafo 10). As evening falls, Jesus goes up one of the mountains that overlook the Sea of Galilee. (See paragraph 10) ¿ Por qué tiene Jehová el derecho a gobernar el universo? David later said to her: "Praise Jehovah the God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! " Why is Jehovah the rightful Sovereign of the universe? Eran simples estatuas que ni podían hablar ni eran capaces de moverse sin que alguien las transportara. Such regular reflection might be likened to cleaning a window that affords a magnificent view. They were mere image that could neither speak nor try to move someone to carry it out. Seguro que todos tenían su opinión sobre el problema y su posible solución. I hope that he, my mother, and other dear relatives will all want to worship Jehovah in Paradise. No doubt all of them had their view of the problem and the solution possible. Con engaños consigue que las personas no se den cuenta de que tienen necesidades espirituales. (Read Isaiah 40: 12 - 15.) He is deceived by people who are not conscious of their spiritual needs. 1: 8 - 17. Garantiza la terminación del templo e indica que Jerusalén y otras ciudades de Judá serán bendecidas. He always looked to God as the Source of true wealth, never seeking material advantages that would indicate a lack of trust. 1: 8 - 17 - How did Jerusalem and other cities of Judah prove to be blessed? Ante una situación así, ¡qué importante es que sigamos el ejemplo de autodominio de Jesús! In a loud, clear voice, she answered two questions that the speaker posed. How important it is that we follow Jesus ' example of self - control! Si somos padres, ¿podríamos imitarlo, tal vez escuchando las peticiones de nuestros hijos y, cuando sea apropiado, accediendo a sus deseos? It also explains how we can be successful in fulfilling our role as evangelizers. If you are a parent, could you imitate him, perhaps listening to your child's requests, and when it is appropriate? " A decir verdad, en aquel tiempo no entendía bien qué tenía de malo enviar a mi hijo con mis padres por algunos años - admite Carin - , pero sabía que Jehová nos había dado a nosotros, sus padres, la responsabilidad de criarlo. " The second article shows how we can successfully resist temptations used by Satan as he attempts to damage our friendship with God. " In fact, at that time, I did not understand how bad I was to send my son with my parents for some years, " she admits, "but I knew that Jehovah had given us, his parents, the responsibility to raise up. " " El Tentador " es el Diablo; él crea situaciones que nos ponen a prueba. What reason to forgo retaliation is found at Romans 12: 19? The "seed " is Satan the Devil; he exists that we are put to the test. ¿ Cómo podemos seguir el ejemplo de Jesús? Therefore, even in difficult situations, endeavor to make what you say gracious, both in your tone of voice and in your choice of words. How can we follow Jesus ' example? No obstante, en vista de todo lo que le había pasado, pensaba que Jehová estaba contra ella. What provision for survival did Jehovah make in the days of Noah? In view of all that he had happened, however, he thought that Jehovah was against her. Cómo pueden ganarse el favor de sus esposos Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 How can you win the favor of your husbands Si sembramos lo que es malo, recogeremos lo que es malo. No, for we are told: "To Jonah, though, it was highly displeasing, and he got to be hot with anger. " If we sow what is bad, we will reap what is bad. No solo harán felices a sus padres, sino que, más importante aún, alegrarán el corazón de Jehová. In one of his later proverbial utterances, Job declared: "Look! They will bring joy to their parents. More important, they will make Jehovah's heart rejoice. La respuesta la da Pablo: "Dios mediante Cristo estaba reconciliando consigo mismo a un mundo, no imputándoles sus ofensas, y nos ha encomendado la palabra de la reconciliación ." [ Footnotes] The answer is: "God through Christ was divided into a world, not holding back their trespasses, and entrusted us with the word of the reconciliation. " Así pues, el verdadero siervo de Jehová nunca debe permitir que el interés natural por sus propios asuntos domine su vida hasta el punto de excluir cuestiones más importantes y, sobre todo, nunca debe excluir los intereses de Jehová, el Dios al que adora. I was shocked and deeply hurt because I really loved my family. Thus, Jehovah's true servant should never allow natural interest to dominate his own affairs to the point of getting even more important matters, and especially should never interfere with Jehovah's interests, the God who worships people. Claro que no. Un buen amigo no haría eso. ¿ Y si él no quiere seguir su consejo? Fourth, we have God's Word, the Bible, which is "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " God's Word does not merely make us "competent " and" equipped for every good work. " It also enables us to deal with life's distresses. Of course, a close friend would not do such a thing if he does not want to follow his counsel. El matrimonio es más que una relación romántica It was thus a symbolic meal signifying a peaceful relationship with Jehovah. Marriage is more than just a romantic relationship En cuarto lugar, el espíritu infunde fuerzas a los evangelizadores cristianos. On the basis of Paul's inspired assurance recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, however, we know that the situation giving rise to temptation is only temporary. Fourth, the spirit strengthens Christian evangelizers. Sin embargo, jamás deberíamos creer que los objetos que exhiben el nombre divino son talismanes o amuletos que ofrecen protección mágica. By means of the Kingdom, he will vindicate his sovereignty, sanctify his holy name, and fulfill his grand purpose for the earth. Nevertheless, we should never believe that the things displayed in God's name are like a rock - horse. b) ¿Cómo reaccionó? The entire collection of 225 songs was available in over 100 languages. (b) How did Jesus react? Por lo tanto, los ungidos son modestos y no afirman que sean mejores o que tengan más espíritu santo que quienes no lo son. Yet, when ethnic violence broke out in her area, old hatreds began to resurface in her, causing Mirjeta to find it difficult to preach to Serbs. Thus, anointed ones are modest and do not claim to be better or more holy spirit than those who are not. Por esta razón, Pedro animó a sus hermanos a hacer todo lo posible por ser dignos de su llamado. However, we would miss a vital lesson if we were to admire Jonathan's loyalty to David without taking into account his loyalty to God. Peter urged his brothers to do their utmost to be worthy of his name. Si de veras amamos a los hermanos, con gusto haremos cosas por ellos sin tratar de que los demás sepan lo que hicimos. 1, 2. (a) How did you make your decision to serve God? If we truly love our brothers, we will be glad to do things for them without trying to make them know what we did. Advirtió a Moisés que lo que hiciera Israel podría afectar para bien o para mal a las generaciones futuras. How can the three steps outlined at Matthew 18: 15 - 17 be used to resolve some conflicts? Moses reassured Moses that he could do what he could to do for the future or for bad generations. Al caer la tarde, sube a una de las montañas que dominan el mar de Galilea. This will prepare them for life in God's new world. At the same time, there will be one of the mountains that make up the Sea of Galilee. Más tarde David le dijo: "¡Bendito sea Jehová el Dios de Israel, que te ha enviado este día a mi encuentro! ." (b) To receive Kingdom blessings in the new world, what must yet happen to Abraham? Later, David said: "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! " Si así lo hacemos, mantendremos limpia la "ventana " que nos brinda tan magnífica vista. At times, though, we may find it difficult to engage in meaningful personal study because of our busy routine. If we do so, we will keep the " 90 percent " that we have such a fine view. Deseo que él, mi madre y mis demás familiares quieran adorar a Jehová en el Paraíso. But if you people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in your gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on your communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look. I want him, my mother, and my family to worship Jehovah in Paradise. (lea Isaías 40: 12 - 15). He may well have composed Psalm 142 in one of those caves. (Read Isaiah 40: 12 - 15.) Él sabía que las riquezas verdaderas vienen de Jehová. Por ello, nunca intentó aprovechar su situación para enriquecerse, porque eso habría indicado falta de fe. By doing so, we will keep seeking our caring God, Jehovah. He knew that true riches come from Jehovah, and he never tried to try to exploit their situation because this would have a lack of faith. Sus padres la miran mientras responde con voz alta y clara las dos preguntas que hace el discursante. We can rejoice in the blessings that Jehovah is pouring out on his people as a whole, regardless of how much we personally may be able to do. Their parents look at them as they answer aloud and clear the two questions that make the audience. También explica cómo podemos cumplir bien con nuestro papel de evangelizadores. May we never let money or the things it can buy eclipse our friendship with Jehovah. It also discusses how we can fulfill our role as evangelizers. El segundo muestra cómo podemos resistir las tentaciones que Satanás utiliza para romper nuestra amistad con Dios. 8 Preguntas de los lectores In the first century, a man named Saul was well - known for his disrespectful speech, even for his violent behavior. The second article shows how we can resist the temptations Satan uses to destroy our relationship with God. ¿ Qué razón para no vengarnos hallamos en Romanos 12: 19? Our decisions should not make us "causes for stumbling. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 29, 32. What is one reason why we do not avenge ourselves at Romans 12: 19? Ahora bien, recordemos que es igual de importante qué decimos que cómo lo decimos. The Bible teaches that God too is incensed when innocent people are victimized - and he promises that he will punish the wicked. Remember, though, that what we say is important. En tiempos de Noé, ¿qué medio proporcionó Jehová para que hubiera sobrevivientes? 15, 16. In Noah's day, what provisions did Jehovah provide for survivors? Artículos de estudio 1 y 2 PÁGINAS 8 - 16 Regularity - not a hit - or - miss approach - should mark our study habits. Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 No, pues leemos que "a Jonás, sin embargo, esto le desagradó sumamente, y llegó a estar enardecido de cólera ." Indeed, by the time God told Jacob to return to Canaan, the patriarch possessed "great flocks and maidservants and menservants and camels and asses. " No, for we read: " Jonah, however, was very angry and became angry with him. " En una de sus últimas expresiones proverbiales dijo: "¡Mira! What challenges do parents face? In one of its final expressions, he said: "Look! [ Notas] The various expressions of Jehovah's kindness result in our receiving many blessings. [ Footnotes] " Fue un golpe muy duro y me dolió mucho - recuerda - , porque quiero a mi familia. You might even use a recipe to help your child build faith in God. " It was very hard and hurt, " she recalls, "because I love my family. En cuarto lugar, contamos con la Palabra de Dios, la Biblia, la cual es "provechosa para enseñar, para censurar, para rectificar las cosas, para disciplinar en justicia, para que el hombre de Dios sea enteramente competente y esté completamente equipado para toda buena obra ." How we appreciate a shelter from a strong wind or from a chilling rainstorm! Fourth, we have God's Word, the Bible, which is "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent and completely equipped for every good work. " Se trataba, pues, de una comida simbólica que evidenciaba una relación pacífica con Jehová. Jesus realized that mankind's greatest need was spiritual. This was because of a symbolic meal that gave evidence of a peaceful relationship with Jehovah. Al sufrir tales abusos, tal vez nos veamos tentados a claudicar para evitar los golpes, las torturas o incluso la muerte. Pero, tal como indicó Pablo en 1 Corintios 10: 13, tenemos la garantía divina de que la prueba será temporal. Holy spirit was in evidence upon Jesus ' first - century disciples, enabling them to preach with zeal and empowering them to perform powerful works. Yet, as Paul indicated at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, we have the divine assurance that the trial will be temporary. Mediante su Reino, Dios vindicará su soberanía, santificará su santo nombre y cumplirá su grandioso propósito para la Tierra. Then, too, some - "in accord with their own desires " - may have been intellectually seduced by those who endorsed a permissive view of God's standards or who were critical of those taking the lead in the congregation. By means of his Kingdom, Jehovah will vindicate his sovereignty, sanctify his holy name, and fulfill his grand purpose for the earth. El cancionero completo, con sus 225 cánticos, se editaba en más de cien idiomas. 7, 8. The complete songbook, with its 22 songs, was published in more than 100 languages. Lamentablemente, cuando se desató una guerra entre grupos étnicos donde ella vivía, comenzó a sentir de nuevo aquel odio de la infancia, lo cual le hacía muy difícil predicar a los serbios. What does this tell us about God? Sadly, when a war in which she lived, she began to feel a new hatred of childhood, which made it very difficult for her to preach. Pero si admiramos a este hombre solo porque fue leal a David perderíamos de vista un punto clave: para él la lealtad a Jehová era lo más importante, incluso más importante que llegar a ser rey. 3, 4. But if we admire this man only because he was loyal to David in a key way - to Jehovah's loyalty was even more important than becoming king. 1, 2. a) ¿Cómo llegó a tomar usted la decisión de servir a Dios? In what way should following Jesus ' perfect model affect us? 1, 2. (a) How did you make the decision to serve God? ¿ Cómo nos ayudarán los tres pasos descritos en Mateo 18: 15 - 17 a resolver algunos desacuerdos? Yet, Paul did not do the same for Trophimus, who had traveled with him on a missionary journey. How can the three steps mentioned at Matthew 18: 15 - 17 help us to resolve differences? Y eso los preparará para vivir en el nuevo mundo de Dios. How did faithful Christians respond to Jesus ' admonition to flee Jerusalem, and why? That will equip them to live in God's new world. b) ¿Qué deberá experimentar Abrahán para recibir las bendiciones del Reino? To analyze our view of money, we might honestly consider how we would answer these questions: " Do I really believe and live in harmony with what the Bible says about money? (b) What would Abraham have to experience in receiving Kingdom blessings? Sin embargo, a veces las actividades diarias no nos permiten dedicar suficiente tiempo al estudio personal. Showing the extent of Jehovah's kindness, Jesus said: "If you love those loving you, of what credit is it to you? At times, though, our daily routine does not allow us to devote sufficient time to personal study. Pero si ustedes me ofrecen holocaustos, ni siquiera en sus ofrendas de dádivas me complaceré, ni sus sacrificios de comunión de animales cebados miraré. [ Box / Picture on page 15] But if you offer whole burnt offerings, not in your offerings to please me, nor their communion sacrifices of animal animals I shall look! Por tanto, es posible que fuera en una de ellas donde escribió el Salmo 142. " [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - REV. 21: 4. Therefore, it may have been in one of them where Psalm 119 was written. De este modo seguiremos buscando a nuestro amoroso Dios, Jehová. Anyone who wished to serve God acceptably would have to acknowledge and accept Jesus ' role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. In so doing, we will continue to seek our loving God, Jehovah. Podemos deleitarnos con las bendiciones que Jehová está derramando sobre su pueblo como colectividad, sin importar cuánto podamos hacer personalmente. (a) What announcement was made at the 2016 annual meeting? We can take delight in the blessings that Jehovah is poured out upon his people as a group, regardless of how we personally can personally do. No permitamos nunca que las posesiones materiales ahoguen nuestra amistad con Jehová. Without fail it will blossom, and it will really be joyful with joyousness and with glad crying out.... May we never allow material possessions to choke our relationship with Jehovah. En el siglo primero, un hombre llamado Saulo llegó a ser conocido por su habla irrespetuosa y hasta por su comportamiento violento. Parents, you need not control your children's every move, but you do need to monitor their computer use. In the first century, a man named Saul became known for his unkind speech and even for his violent behavior. Del mismo modo, nuestras decisiones no deben ser "causas de tropiezo ." Clearly, Jehovah loves us. Similarly, our decisions should not be " causing stumbling. ' La Biblia enseña que a Dios también le indignan los crímenes y promete castigar a quienes los cometen. 4, 5. (a) What encouragement did Jehovah give to his ancient people? The Bible teaches that God is also angry and promises to punish those who commit adultery. 15, 16. These, though working with and associating closely with those who will serve in heaven, are foreigners, figuratively speaking. 15, 16. Y no podemos dejarlo a la casualidad; tenemos que seguir fielmente un programa. " Reaching out " requires of Christian men that they develop a strong desire to work hard at acquiring needed spiritual qualities in order to serve their brothers. And we cannot stop going to the chance. We must continue to follow a routine. Y, de hecho, así fue, pues cuando regresó a Canaán poseía "grandes rebaños, y siervas y siervos, y camellos y asnos ." Train Others to Reach Out In fact, when he returned to Canaan, he returned to Canaan "great flocks, male and female servants, and female servants and to us. " ¿ A qué dificultades se enfrentan los padres? How good it is to know about "the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus "! - Rom. What challenges do parents face? Gracias a la bondad de Dios, recibimos muchas bendiciones. Veamos algunas. We publicly make known that we reject Satan's counterfeit version of the truth and uphold the pure and unadulterated Word of God. Because of God's kindness, we receive many blessings. Podría usar una receta para ayudar a su hijo a tener fe en Dios. One way husbands can honor their wives is by taking into consideration their needs and giving them first choice in some matters. You might use a brochure to help your child build faith in God. ¡ Cuánto se agradece un refugio en medio de una tempestad o la sombra de un peñasco en un día de sol abrasador! We are in a position to look back and ask, "Has God answered Jesus ' prayer? " How grateful we are for a refuge in the midst of a storm or the shadow of a crag in one day! Sabía que la mayor necesidad del ser humano era espiritual. " I know what I'm doing. " He knew that the greatest need for humans was spiritual. Era evidente que el espíritu operaba en ellos, pues les permitía predicar con fervor y efectuar milagros. These children were actually losing their identity as God's servants because they could not fully understand the meaning of God's Word. - Neh. 8: 2, 8. It was evident that God's spirit operated on them, allowing them to preach zealously and perform miracles. Por otra parte, puede que hubiera quienes, "de acuerdo con sus propios deseos ," se sintieran intelectualmente atraídos a los que fomentaban un punto de vista permisivo de las normas divinas o criticaban a los que supervisaban la congregación. July 28, 2008 - August 3, 2008 On the other hand, it may have been that "according to their own desires, " he felt mentally drawn to those who contributed to a proper view of God's standards or to those taking the lead among the congregation. 7, 8. For Christians, it is likewise a joy to have a share in sanctifying Jehovah's name by enduring trials and persecution, following the example of Jesus. 7, 8. ¿ Qué nos revela esto acerca de Jehová? Have Faith in God's Word What does this reveal about Jehovah? 3, 4. a) ¿Qué representa el que se lavara a Aarón? In 1382, the English translation later known as the Wycliffe Bible was produced. 3, 4. (a) What does the washing of Aaron represent? ¿ Qué efecto debería tener en nosotros seguir el modelo perfecto que nos dejó Jesús? Anyone who wants Jehovah's friendship must speak the truth "in his heart, " not merely with his lips. What effect should Jesus ' example have on us? Aunque las personas simbolizadas en este contexto por "las doce tribus " no son sacerdotes, se benefician espiritualmente de los servicios sacerdotales de los 144.000. (b) What questions are we going to consider? While the people represented in this context by "the twelve tribes " are not priests, they benefit from the priest services of the 144,000. En cambio, no curó a Trófimo, uno de sus compañeros de viaje. They knew that sheep need care and attention in order to thrive. In a spiritual sense, it is the same with people. On the other hand, he did not cure Paul, one of his traveling companions. ¿ Cómo respondieron los cristianos fieles a la exhortación de Jesús de salir huyendo de Jerusalén, y por qué actuaron así? Will you instead " present yourself to God as alive from the dead '? How did faithful Christians respond to Jesus ' admonition to flee from Jerusalem, and why did they act? ¿ Qué nos ayudará a saber lo que de verdad pensamos del dinero? Debemos preguntarnos con sinceridad: "¿Demuestra mi vida que realmente creo lo que la Biblia dice sobre el dinero? A parent should resist any inclination to put off an inquiring child with a gruff: "Go away! Can't you see that I am busy? " What will help us to analyze what we really think about money? We might ask ourselves: " Does my life indicate that I really believe what the Bible says about money? Para entonces no será más que un león rugiente, pero desdentado, al que solo le aguarda la destrucción. What he discerned through his study of "the books " - possibly including Leviticus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and Amos - moved him to seek Jehovah in fervent prayer. At that time, a roaring lion will not be more than a roaring lion, but from the one with only destruction. A fin de mostrar el alcance de la bondad de Jehová, dijo: "Si ustedes aman a los que los aman, ¿de qué mérito les es? Do you use "the sword of the spirit " in the ministry? To show Jehovah's goodness, he said: "If you love those loving you, of what credit is it to you? [ Ilustración y recuadro de la página 15] Rich blessings await all youths, including you, who choose to serve Jehovah. [ Box / Picture on page 15] " [Dios] limpiará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y la muerte no será más. " Most nations today have "watchmen " in the form of border patrols and high - tech surveillance systems. " [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " Quienes quisieran agradar a Dios debían aceptar el papel de Jesús en el cumplimiento del propósito divino. Are we in agreement with our God, whose soul " certainly hates anyone loving violence '? Those desiring to please God must accept Jesus ' role in the outworking of God's purpose. a) ¿Qué anuncio se hizo en la reunión anual de 2016? What leads us to this conclusion? (a) What announcement was made at the annual meeting of 2016? Sin falta florecerá, y realmente estará gozosa con gozo y con alegre gritería. [...] Both are indigenous American languages Without fail he will blossom, and he will be joyful with joy and joyfulness.... Padres, aunque ustedes no tienen que controlar absolutamente todo lo que hacen sus hijos, sí deben saber cómo usan la computadora. Has Jehovah changed, and how does he show that he still approves of this kind of teaching? Parents, although you do not have to control everything your children do, you should know how to use the computer. Innegablemente, Jehová nos ama. How we appreciate the many Christian women who joyfully support theocratic building projects in various ways today! In time, Jehovah loves us. 4, 5. a) ¿Qué ánimos le dio Jehová a su pueblo en tiempos antiguos? Do you find it easy to imitate Jesus, always obeying your parents? 4, 5. (a) What encouragement did Jehovah give his people in ancient times? Estos son los "extranjeros " que colaboran estrechamente con quienes servirán en el cielo. As an example, take Jesus ' statement about "the faithful and discreet slave. " (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) These are the "belongings " associated with those who will serve in heaven. Desarrollando el deseo de servir a los hermanos y cultivando las cualidades necesarias para ello. Keep in mind, though, the need to be respectful, according the student dignity. We would not want to ask questions that embarrass or humiliate the Bible student. - Proverbs 12: 18. We cultivate the desire to serve our brothers and sisters by cultivating the qualities needed. Hay que ayudarlos a aceptar responsabilidades And ultimately, Jesus himself is to us, not "the carpenter, " but" the Christ. " Help Others to Reach Out Puntos sobresalientes de las cartas de Juan y de Judas PÁGINA 27 Why not? Highlights From the Letters of John and of Jude 4 Realmente es maravilloso entender "la liberación por el rescate pagado por Cristo Jesús ." How does David's conduct under pressure serve as an example? It is truly wonderful to understand "the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus. " Damos a conocer públicamente que rechazamos la versión satánica falsificada de la verdad y defendemos la Palabra de Dios, pura y sin adulterar. Interestingly, Jesus warned against "every sort of covetousness. " Let us continue to know publicly that we reject the satanic version of the truth and defend God's Word, pure, and unsuitable. ¿ Cómo puede hacerlo? Una manera es tomando en cuenta sus necesidades. Otra es cediendo a sus preferencias cuando sea posible. View life as sacred One way is by taking into account their needs and caring for their personal preferences when possible. Mientras la analizamos, preguntémonos: "¿Contestó Dios la oración de su Hijo? Zechariah 14: 8, 9 says: "It must occur in that day that living waters will go forth from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea. As we consider these points, ask yourself: "With God the prayer of his Son? Tengo todo bajo control ." (b) What will we now consider? I have everything under control. " Como no entendían por completo la Palabra de Dios, estaban perdiendo su identidad como siervos de Jehová. Hence, Satan was proved to be a liar in the case of that faithful though imperfect man. Because they did not fully understand God's Word, they lost their identity as servants of Jehovah. 28 de julio - 3 de agosto Are you sincere in your efforts to overcome personal weaknesses that could make you impure in Jehovah's eyes? July 28, 2009 - August 3, 2010 Para los cristianos también es motivo de gozo contribuir a la santificación del nombre de Jehová soportando pruebas y persecución, a imitación de Jesús. With faith and confidence in Jehovah's word, "Noah went in, and his sons and his wife and his sons ' wives with him. " For Christians too, we can contribute to the sanctification of Jehovah's name by enduring trials and persecution in imitation of Jesus. Tengamos fe en la palabra de Dios The Bible is still the foundation for our beliefs. Have Faith in God's Word En 1382, se presentó una traducción de la Biblia al inglés hecha por John Wyclef y sus colaboradores. The individual might go off on his own or be associating with just a few others, but where is the arrangement for congregation elders and the provision of ministerial servants? In 1313 B.C.E., a translation of the Bible was presented in the English Bible by John and his associates. Todo el que desee disfrutar de la amistad de Jehová tiene que hablar la verdad "en su corazón ," no simplemente con sus labios. Children, you too need to be "slow about speaking, " not immediately objecting to what your parents say, for they have the God - given responsibility to train you. All who want to enjoy Jehovah's friendship must speak truth "in their heart, " not merely with their lips. b) ¿Qué preguntas vamos a analizar? Would you conclude that it is not worthwhile to go on serving Jehovah? (b) What questions will we consider? Las ovejas necesitan cuidados y atenciones y, en sentido espiritual, con las personas sucede lo mismo. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,... to comfort all the mourning ones. " The sheep need care and care, spiritually, with those in need. ¿ Nos presentaremos a Dios "como aquellos vivos de entre los muertos ," como dijo Pablo? After all, if each Christian advocated the solution he thought best, would not our congregations soon become divided? Will we present ourselves to God "as those alive from the dead, " as Paul said? El progenitor debe evitar la tendencia a desalentar a un niño inquisitivo diciéndole bruscamente: "Déjame en paz, ¿no ves que estoy ocupado? ." Who knows what unexpected blessings await us in the future? A wrongdoer should avoid the tendency to criticize a child if he says: "I am at peace, do I not feel that I am too busy? " Probablemente ya superaba los 90 años cuando descubrió en su estudio de "los libros " - entre los que es posible que figuraran Levítico, Isaías, Jeremías, Oseas y Amós - algo que lo impulsó a elevar a Jehová una ferviente oración. Not all whom the world considers wise are truly wise in God's eyes. It may have been late in his 90 ' s when he discovered in his study of "the books " - including those that might be included in Leviticus, Jeremiah, and Amos - something moved him to pray. ¿ Utiliza usted "la espada del espíritu " en el ministerio? Today, the response is much the same. Do you use "the sword of the spirit " in your ministry? A todos los jóvenes que escogen servir a Jehová les aguardan muchas bendiciones, y eso te incluye a ti. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed by the Atonement Day, as Paul explained. All young ones choose to serve Jehovah many blessings, and that includes you. Aunque hoy en día los países no tienen "atalayas ," la mayoría cuenta con patrullas fronterizas y sistemas sofisticados de vigilancia. " A crown was given him " in 1914 when he was enthroned as King in the heavenly Kingdom. After that, "he went forth conquering. " In today's world, most people do not have to " keep up ' in this system of things. ¿ Sentimos lo mismo que nuestro Dios, cuya alma "ciertamente odia a cualquiera que ama la violencia "? Never forget, it is not the opinion of our workmates or our schoolmates that counts but the viewpoint of Jehovah and Jesus Christ. - Galatians 1: 10. Do you feel the same way that our God, whose soul "is hating anyone who loves violence "? ¿ Por qué llegamos a esa conclusión? As foretold, what is the attitude of many, and what will prevent our faith from being undermined? Why can we draw that conclusion? Ambas son lenguas indígenas de América " Be quick to listen, slow to speak. " - James 1: 19. Both languages are now available Ahora bien, ¿ha cambiado Jehová? ¿ Cómo sabemos que aún le gusta enseñar de forma sencilla? What did Zechariah see in his sixth vision, and what is significant about the scroll's having writing on both sides? However, has Jehovah changed, and how do we know that he still wants to teach us in a simple way? ¡ Cuánto valoramos a las muchas cristianas que en nuestros días apoyan felices y de distintas maneras los trabajos de construcción que la organización lleva a cabo! 8, 9. (a) How did one elder show love for his wife? How grateful we are for the many Christian women in our day who support and in ways of building projects that are doing so! ¿ Se te hace fácil imitar a Jesús y obedecer siempre a tus padres? [ Picture on page 31] Do you find it easy to imitate Jesus and always follow your parents? Tomemos por caso la manera en que entendíamos lo que él dijo sobre "el esclavo fiel y discreto " (lea Mateo 24: 45 - 47). Should opposers threaten us with death, then the resurrection hope comforts and strengthens us to remain loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom. (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) Recordemos, no obstante, que hemos de respetar la dignidad del estudiante, de modo que no haremos preguntas que lo avergüencen o humillen. There may be occasions when it would be good for us to reconsider a choice or decision. Remember, though, that we need to show respect for the student's dignity, so we do not hesitate to ask questions that please him or humble him. Y el mejor ejemplo de todos es el propio Jesús, quien para nosotros no es "el carpintero ," sino" el Cristo ." 4, 5. (a) What is a husband's responsibility as a family head? And the best example of all is Jesus himself, who for us is not "the carpenter, " but" the Christ. " ¿ Por qué no? • What are some tactics that Satan uses in his attempt to silence God's people? Why not? ¿ Por qué nos sirve de ejemplo la conducta de David ante las pruebas? Others may not have said these exact words, but they still made a vow before God. Why can we learn from David's conduct in the face of trials? Es interesante destacar que Jesús previno contra "toda suerte de codicia ." Instead, use this opportunity to make progress so that, before long, you can get baptized. Interestingly, Jesus warned against "every sort of greed. " A considerar que la vida es sagrada. The ingathering began at Pentecost 33 C.E., when Jesus ' 120 disciples were anointed to become part of "a holy priesthood. " We view life as sacred. Zacarías 14: 8, 9 dice: "En aquel día tiene que ocurrir que saldrán aguas vivas de Jerusalén, la mitad de ellas hacia el mar oriental y la mitad de ellas hacia el mar occidental. The exemplary servants we read about in the Bible were people "with feelings like ours. " Zechariah 14: 8, 9 says: "In that day the waters must come out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the sea and half of them toward the Western sea. b) ¿De qué hablaremos a continuación? What is helping millions to take refuge in the name of Jehovah today? (b) What will we consider? Así quedó demostrado lo falsas que eran las acusaciones lanzadas contra este hombre, que, aunque era imperfecto, fue fiel. " Meditating on Proverbs 27: 11, Matthew 26: 52, and John 13: 35 strengthened my conviction to refuse military service. He proved false to his accusations against this man, even though he was imperfect, was faithful. ¿ Nos esforzamos en serio por superar cualquier debilidad personal que pueda hacernos impuros a la vista de Jehová? Consider some of the reasons why Jesus will fulfill his God - assigned roles perfectly. Should we take to heart any personal weakness that might lead us to Jehovah's sight? Confiando en la palabra de Jehová, "entró Noé [en el arca], y con él sus hijos, y su esposa, y las esposas de sus hijos ." If you discern that the ministry could be more interesting or more rewarding for your children, set goals with them. By trusting in Jehovah's word, " Noah entered the ark, and with his sons and his wife, and the wives of his sons. " Hoy día, nuestras creencias siguen basándose exclusivamente en la Biblia. Yes, he takes notice of the trials you face, and he can give you the strength to endure each one of them. Today, our beliefs continue to apply only in the Bible. Tal vez podría adorar a Dios por su cuenta o formar un grupito, pero entonces, ¿dónde queda el sistema de ancianos y siervos ministeriales? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Could it be that they worship God out of their account or form a small group, but where is the system of elders and ministerial servants? Hijos, también ustedes deben ser "lento [s] en cuanto a hablar ," sin rechazar de inmediato lo que les digan sus padres, ya que ellos tienen la responsabilidad de educarlos. After hearing its contents read, Josiah realized how far the nation had departed from Jehovah's will, and the king took firm measures to do what was written in the book. Children, you too need to be slow about speaking, " not quickly rejecting what your parents tell you, since they have the responsibility to train you. ¿ Llegaría a la conclusión de que no vale la pena perseverar en el servicio a Jehová? In a sense, Jeremiah lived "in the final part of the days. " Would you conclude that it is not worth your perseverance in Jehovah's service? Me ha enviado para vendar a los quebrantados de corazón, [...] para consolar a todos los que están de duelo ." Jehovah your God is with you. " - JOSH. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,... to comfort all the mourning ones. " a) ¿Qué problema hubo en la congregación de Corinto? " Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart " (a) What problem existed in the congregation in Corinth? ¡ Y quién sabe cómo nos premiará en el futuro! Neither should you hesitate to get baptized if you qualify. And who knows how he will reward us in the future! No todo aquel a quien el mundo considera sabio lo es realmente a los ojos de Dios. He states: "In my heart [the word of God] proved to be like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I got tired of holding in. " Not everyone in the world is wise in God's eyes. Hoy sucede igual. The Israelites recognized that step as constituting the marriage or wedding. The same is true today. Jesús cumplió lo que se prefiguró con el Día de Expiación, como explicó Pablo. " O Jehovah, remember, please, how I have walked before you faithfully and with a complete heart. " - 2 KI. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed by the Atonement Day. La corona la recibió en 1914, cuando fue entronizado como Rey del Reino celestial, tras lo cual "salió venciendo ." 20, 21. The crown received in 1914 was enthroned as King of the heavenly Kingdom, after which "went conquering. " Nunca olvidemos que no es la opinión de nuestros compañeros de trabajo o de clase la que cuenta, sino la de Jehová y Jesucristo. The first type of soil that the seed falls on is "alongside the road, " where the seed is" trampled down. " We should never forget that our schoolmates or schoolmates view them as Jehovah and Jesus Christ. a) Tal como se predijo, ¿cuál es la actitud de muchas personas? b) ¿Qué nos ayudará a proteger nuestra fe? What valuable lesson did Jesus teach about setting priorities? As foretold, what is the attitude of many, and what will help us to safeguard our faith? " Todo hombre tiene que ser presto en cuanto a oír, lento en cuanto a hablar ." What does Psalm 70 indicate about David? " Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking. " - JAS. b) ¿Qué significa que el rollo esté escrito en ambos lados? Notice what Jehovah said to them: "You people will certainly say: " The way of Jehovah is not adjusted right. ' (b) What does the scroll mean by both sides? 8, 9. a) ¿Cómo mostró un anciano que amaba a su esposa? Do you similarly select your close friends from among those who serve Jehovah unreservedly? 8, 9. (a) How did one elder show that he loved his wife? [ Ilustración de la página 31] The ostrich "does treat her sons roughly, as if not hers, " states Job 39: 16. [ Picture on page 31] Ante el riesgo de perder la vida, la esperanza de la resurrección nos consuela y fortalece para permanecer leales a Jehová y a su Reino. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap. " - Galatians 6: 7. When we lose our lives, the hope of the resurrection gives us comfort and strengthens us to remain loyal to Jehovah and to his Kingdom. En ocasiones, puede ser conveniente replantearnos una decisión, como por ejemplo, cuando cambian las circunstancias. " I don't remember ever having a disagreement and not talking it over with my husband even if this meant spending hours resolving the matter, " recalls one sister. At times, it may be helpful to adjust our decision, such as when circumstances change. 4, 5. a) ¿Qué responsabilidad tiene el esposo? Francisco concludes: "For more than 30 years, I have enjoyed the privilege of serving as an elder, in addition to many other special assignments. 4, 5. (a) What responsibility does a husband have? • ¿Cuáles son algunas tácticas que Satanás emplea en su empeño por acallar a los siervos de Dios? Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men's wives, children, and flocks. • What are some tactics that Satan uses in his effort to silence God's people? Otras parejas seguramente no pronunciaron estas mismas palabras, pero aun así hicieron un voto ante Dios. Some of this material is designed to help them deal with the pressures at school or the challenges of adolescence. Others may have heard those words, but they made a vow to God. No te desanimes; aprovecha el tiempo para seguir madurando y así pronto podrás bautizarte. God's offering Jesus as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins ought to stir love within us in return. Do not be discouraged. As you grow spiritually, you will soon get baptized. Esta comenzó en el Pentecostés del año 33, cuando 120 discípulos fueron ungidos para formar parte de "un sacerdocio santo ." How encouraging it is to see them there week after week, year after year, as the children grow up to serve Jehovah! This began at Pentecost 33 C.E. when 120 disciples were anointed to be part of "a holy priesthood. " En realidad, tenían "sentimientos semejantes a los nuestros ." Como todo el mundo, se enfrentaban a dudas, miedos y debilidades. How painful it must have been for Jehovah to see his beloved Son die on a torture stake as if Jesus were an unfaithful blasphemer! In fact, they had to "become similar to ours. " They had to contend with doubts, fears, and weaknesses. ¿ Qué ayuda reciben millones de personas para refugiarse en el nombre de Jehová? What did Jesus promise God in prayer, and how did his heavenly Father respond? What help do millions receive to take refuge in Jehovah's name? " Meditar en lo que dice Proverbios 27: 11, Mateo 26: 52 y Juan 13: 35 me ayudó a estar más decidido a no realizar el servicio militar. Who would not be drawn to someone like that? " Meditating on what is stated at Proverbs 27: 11, Matthew 26 and John 13: 35 helped me to be determined not to do the military service. Veamos algunas razones por las que Cristo puede cumplir a la perfección las funciones que su Padre le ha asignado. Proverbs 9: 10 offers us this insight: "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Most Holy One is what understanding is. " Let us consider some reasons why Christ can fully fulfill his Father's roles. Tal vez se den cuenta de que a sus hijos no les gusta salir a predicar porque se aburren. ¿ Qué pueden hacer? Sean creativos. Helping those who are weak brings blessings to all They may realize that their children do not like to go out in the preaching work because they are distracted by what they are able to do. En otras palabras, conoce las pruebas por las que usted está pasando y puede darle las fuerzas para aguantarlas todas. He walked before God "with integrity of heart. " In other words, you know the evidence that you are experiencing and can give you the strength to endure fully. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania How important, therefore, that we have an obedient attitude toward that "slave "! © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Después de escuchar su lectura, Josías se dio cuenta de lo alejada de Jehová que estaba la nación y tomó firmes medidas para poner por obra todo lo que estaba escrito en el libro. He is determined to stay in the race. After listening to his reading, Josiah saw what was alienated from Jehovah that the nation was alienated from Jehovah and took strong measures to do all that was written in the book. En cierto sentido, Jeremías vivió "en la parte final de los días ." What was the responsibility of ancient shepherds? In a sense, Jeremiah lived "in the final part of the days. " Jehová tu Dios está contigo. " Many of those kingdoms warred against one another for centuries. Jehovah your God is with you. " " Confía en Jehová con todo tu corazón " Is it really possible for humans to have all the animals in subjection and to be at peace with them? " Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart " Pues tampoco deberías dudar en bautizarte si reúnes los requisitos. One is the royal family through the line of King David, and the other, the priestly family of the descendants of Aaron. You should not hesitate to get baptized if you qualify for the requirements. Él mismo lo explica: "[El mensaje divino que tenía] en mi corazón resultó ser como un fuego ardiente, encerrado en mis huesos; y me cansé de contener [lo] ." News That Everyone Needs to Hear He explains: "The message that I had in my heart proved to be like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I got tired of [God's] message. " Para los israelitas, aquel acto indicaba que la pareja contraía matrimonio. Members of the Christian congregation thus experience a tranquillity unknown to others. - Isa. 48: 17, 18; Phil. 4: 6, 7. To the Israelites, that act meant that the couple would have been guilty of marriage. " Oh Jehová, recuerda, por favor, cómo he andado delante de ti en veracidad y con corazón completo ." On the other hand, if you are yet to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit, Jesus ' assurance that the Father gives holy spirit means that you have real blessings ahead as you receive that spirit. " O Jehovah, remember, please, how I have walked before you in truthfulness and with a complete heart. " - PS. 20, 21. Why should we not blame Jehovah for mankind's problems? 20, 21. El primer tipo de terreno en que cae la semilla es "a lo largo del camino ," donde es" hollada ." What a thrill it is to read in the Yearbook the combined results of our activity! The first type of soil in which the seed falls "in the middle of the road, " where it is" loose. " ¿ Qué importante lección enseñó Jesús sobre lo que debe ser más importante? For what did Solomon pray? What important lesson did Jesus teach about what should be most important? ¿ Qué indica el Salmo 70 sobre David? How does the Bible describe the badness of this wicked world? What does Psalm 70 indicate about David? Observemos lo que él les dijo: "Ustedes ciertamente dirán: " El camino de Jehová no está bien ajustado '. Of course, rarely does a single conversation change someone's life, but each day, we have opportunities to encourage and strengthen others. Notice what he said to them: " You will say, " The way of Jehovah is not right. ' Lo mismo debemos hacer nosotros: solo debemos aceptar como amigos íntimos a cristianos que sirvan a Jehová de todo corazón. Upon hearing the good news, Manoah prayed: "Excuse me, Jehovah. Similarly, we should accept them as close friends of Jehovah with a complete heart. Job 39: 16 dice que el avestruz "trata a sus hijos bruscamente, como si no fueran suyos ." What two points did Jesus make when talking about love of neighbor? Job 39: 16 says that the birds "has returned to their children, as if they were not his own. " PRINCIPIO BÍBLICO: "Porque cualquier cosa que el hombre esté sembrando, esto también segará " (Gálatas 6: 7). The only other usage of this expression is found at Acts 12: 10, where an iron gate is spoken of as opening automatically, "of its own accord. " BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " - Micah 6: 7. " No recuerdo una sola ocasión en que mi esposo y yo hayamos tenido un problema y no lo hayamos hablado, aunque nos haya tomado horas solucionarlo ," cuenta una hermana. Instead, Samuel kindly took the time to prepare Saul's heart step - by - step. " I don't remember just one occasion when my husband and I had had had a problem, " says one sister. Durante más de treinta años he podido ser anciano y asumir muchas otras responsabilidades especiales. This aspect of Jehovah's kingship has far - reaching significance. For over 30 years, I have been able to serve as an elder and take many other special responsibilities. En cierta ocasión en que los hombres estaban ausentes, una partida de amalequitas saqueó y quemó la ciudad, llevándose a las mujeres, los niños y el ganado. David's example can surely instill courage in Christians today who may fall into serious sin. On one occasion when the men were arrested, a Amalekites took the initiative and broke the city, bringing women, children, and the livestock. Algunos artículos se han escrito para ayudarlos a superar la presión en la escuela y las dificultades de la adolescencia. It is apparent from their actions that they remembered their heritage, what they had been taught. Some articles have been written to help them cope with peer pressure and challenges. Ciertamente, el Padre merece todo nuestro cariño por haber dado a Jesús como sacrificio por nuestros pecados. Elders and ministerial servants should preside over their households according to Bible principles Indeed, the Father deserves our affection for Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. ¡ Qué animador es verlos allí semana tras semana, año tras año, y observar cómo los niños crecen y llegan a servir a Jehová! " Exult, You People " How encouraging it is to see each week, after year, and observe how children grow and come to serve Jehovah! ¡ Cuánto tiene que haberle dolido ver que su Hijo querido era ejecutado en un madero como un criminal blasfemo! Finally, in 66 C.E., the Jews rebelled against Rome. How relieved he must have been to see that his dear Son was executed on a torture stake like a criminal! ¿ Qué le prometió Jesús a su Padre celestial, y cómo respondió Jehová? On the other hand, false friends will "go on speaking abusively of you " because you do not run with them to" the same low sink of debauchery. " What promise did Jesus give his heavenly Father, and how did Jehovah respond? ¿ Quién no se siente atraído a alguien así? " Babylon the Great " is responsible for what sort of "disgusting things "? Who does not feel attracted to someone? Proverbios 9: 10 señala: "El temor de Jehová es el comienzo de la sabiduría, y el conocimiento del Santísimo es lo que el entendimiento es ." Their hearts and minds were soothed by the peace of God. Proverbs 9: 10 states: "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Most Holy is what understanding is. " Ayudar a los débiles redunda en bendiciones para todos Accordingly, Peter's second letter is a heartfelt exhortation to faithfulness. Helping those who are weak brings blessings to all Puede decirse que anduvo con Dios "con integridad de corazón ." How vividly the Samaritan's treatment of the injured man illustrates what true mercy is! He may have walked with God "with integrity of heart. " Es de suma importancia, pues, que estemos dispuestos a obedecer a dicho "esclavo ." And he can use different members of the congregation - including you - to help others follow the right course. It is vital, then, that we be willing to obey this "slave. " No cabe duda: él no está dispuesto a abandonar la carrera. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Yes, he is not willing to leave the race. ¿ Qué implicaba la labor de los pastores de tiempos bíblicos? What basis did faithful men of old have for believing that God would restore the blessings that Adam had lost? What was involved in the work of shepherds in Bible times? Por cientos de años, muchos de estos reinos lucharon entre sí. One evening in 1869, C. T. For a hundred years, many of these kingdoms struggled with one another. ¿ De verdad es posible que los seres humanos dominen a todos los animales y estén en paz con ellos? 3: 6; Jas. 1: 17. Is it really possible for humans to conquer all animals and be at peace with them? Una es la familia real de David, y la otra, la familia de sacerdotes que descendieron de Aarón. " They Will Actually Become My People " One is David's royal family, and the other priests descended from Aaron's family. Noticias que todo el mundo necesita oír God's Word contains principles that help Christians make good decisions about how to dress. That is so no matter where they live, what their culture is, or what the climate is. Not everyone needs to hear La Biblia ofrece ejemplos que nos ayudan a valorar la seguridad de la que solo disfrutamos quienes adoramos a Jehová. To illustrate, we could read God's Word regularly, even daily, and still not see traces of selfishness that actually are developing in us. The Bible provides examples that can help us appreciate the security we enjoy only those who worship Jehovah. Lo que sucedió durante los siguientes cuarenta días confirmó que Jesús, en efecto, había resucitado. Jesus refuted false accusations The events during the next 40 days confirm that Jesus, indeed, had resurrected. Entonces recuerde que si lo hace, verá cumplirse la garantía de Jesús: recibirá esta poderosa fuerza y disfrutará de grandes bendiciones. Soon, Satan will deceive the masses into accepting a false sense of "peace and security. " He will mislead them into thinking that all is well on the world scene. If so, you can be sure that if you do so, you will find the assurance that Jesus will have powerful force and will enjoy great blessings. ¿ Por qué no debemos echarle a Jehová la culpa de los problemas de la humanidad? In the main, these are ones who follow their cravings, impulses, and passions, whether sexual or otherwise. Why should we not blame Jehovah for mankind's problems? Cuando seguimos las instrucciones que se nos dan, trabajamos en unidad con millones de nuestros hermanos, llevando a la gente el mensaje del "ángel que [está volando] en medio del cielo ." So rather than letting culture dictate how we treat others, let us "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " When we follow the direction we receive, we work unitedly with millions of our brothers and sisters, carrying out the message of "the angel who is lying in the midst of heaven. " ¿ Qué le pidió Salomón a Jehová? Paul was not content with just being at peace with others. What did Solomon pray for? ¿ Qué dice la Biblia sobre la maldad de este mundo? Nehemiah was well - aware that he was accountable to God. What does the Bible say about the wickedness of this world? Aunque no es habitual que una sola conversación tenga un efecto tan profundo, todos los días se nos presentan oportunidades de animar y fortalecer a quienes nos rodean. What exclusive prospect did the nation of Israel have? While it is not common for a single conversation to have such a deep effect, every day we have opportunities to encourage and strengthen others. Al oír las buenas noticias, Manóah oró: "Dispénsame, Jehová. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Upon hearing the good news, Manoah prayed: "I shall give you, Jehovah. ¿ Qué dos puntos destacó Jesús al hablar del amor al prójimo? The existence of a spiritual paradise in the midst of a wicked, corrupt, and loveless world is a modern - day miracle! What two points did Jesus emphasize in speaking about love of neighbor? 17 - 19). El término griego traducido "por sí misma " aparece solo aquí y en Hechos 12: 10, donde se dice que una puerta de hierro se abrió" por sí misma ." The Servant Brings "a Righteous Standing to Many " The Greek word translated "by itself " appears only here and at Acts 12: 10, where one door was opened" through it. " Pero en vez de eso, se tomó todo el tiempo necesario para preparar el corazón de Saúl. The apostle Paul found it necessary to tell the Thessalonians to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " Instead, he took time to train Saul's heart. Este aspecto de su soberanía tiene una trascendencia de largo alcance. Name has been changed. This aspect of Jehovah's sovereignty has a full significance. Hoy día, el ejemplo de David sin duda puede infundir valor a los cristianos que hayan pecado gravemente. Our salvation depends on our having a clean conscience. David's example can surely strengthen Christians who have sinned seriously. Sus acciones dejaron claro que valoraban su herencia espiritual, lo que sus padres les habían enseñado. However, we should keep clearly in mind that Jehovah God has a completely different view of marriage and divorce than the one generally accepted in the world around us. Their actions made it clear that they appreciated their spiritual heritage, which their parents had taught them. Los ancianos y siervos ministeriales deben presidir su propia casa en conformidad con los principios bíblicos Are not faith and devotion to God desirable qualities to look for in a prospective marriage mate? Elders and ministerial servants should presid their own household in harmony with Bible principles " Alborócense " I promise myself that I will always maintain honesty in my life. " Moved You " Finalmente, los judíos se alzaron contra Roma en el año 66 E.C. The Bible shows that in a sense Jehovah is a Father to all of us. Finally, the Jews fell against Rome in 66 C.E. Pero si lo critican o "habla [n] injuriosamente " de usted porque ya no está corriendo con ellos" al mismo bajo sumidero de disolución ," estarían demostrando que no son de verdad sus amigos. Nevertheless, like Jesus, we avoid the temptation to " be kind to ourselves. ' But if they speak or speak abusively of you because you are no longer running along with them "in the low sink of debauchery, " they would be showing that they are not of their friends. Para ello era necesario que apoyaran incondicionalmente la adoración pura, cuya sede estaba en Jerusalén, y se mantuvieran alejados de la religión falsa de Babilonia. It is a very ancient book - older than most. To that end, they needed to support pure worship, whose worship was in Jerusalem, and they kept clear from false religion. Sin duda, sentían la paz de Dios. Is the house filled with grieving relatives? No doubt, they felt the peace of God. Los hermanos tenían que mantenerse fieles en aquellas circunstancias. ARTICLE 1 The brothers had to remain faithful under such circumstances. La bondad del samaritano con el pobre viajero ilustra de forma muy gráfica lo que significa la verdadera misericordia. (b) What relationship do the anointed have with Jehovah, and what about those with an earthly hope? The kindness of the neighborly Samaritan illustrates what true mercy means. Y puede ayudarle a afrontarlos valiéndose de los diversos miembros de la congregación, entre ellos usted. Jehovah is pleased to give an appropriate measure of power to his human servants when needed. You can do so by using the various members of the congregation, including you. A ellos les encantaría conversar con usted. Ironically, in spite of their electronic communication gadgets, many youngsters feel lonely. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. ¿ Por qué podían los seres humanos fieles tener la esperanza de que Dios le devolvería a la humanidad lo que Adán había perdido? Heeding this counsel means that you will face problems prayerfully and will rely on God - given strength. (Read 1 Peter 4: 7.) Why could faithful humans have the hope that God would restore mankind to life? Pensemos ahora en lo que sucedió una noche de 1869. He had evidently been loyal to Jehovah for years and was subsequently looked up to by many in the camp of Israel. Consider what happened on one night of 18 percent. Nosotros tenemos el mismo privilegio. Despite the threat of war, Jews from all over the Roman Empire had flocked to Jerusalem for the Passover. We have the same privilege. " Ellos mismos llegarán a ser mi pueblo " Such early training will help young ones to keep their eyes on spiritual goals when they reach the late teens and are bombarded with many distractions. - Read Psalm 71: 5, 17. " They Will Become My People " La Biblia contiene principios que nos ayudan a tomar buenas decisiones a la hora de decidir qué ponernos, no importa dónde vivamos o cuál sea la cultura y el clima del lugar. " I haven't committed adultery, " she reasoned, "and the man is interested in the Bible. The Bible contains principles that can help us make wise decisions when we decide what to do, whether we live in the culture or culture of the country. En realidad, podríamos estar leyendo la Palabra de Dios de forma regular, incluso todos los días, y aun así no darnos cuenta de que el egoísmo está empezando a echar raíces en nuestro interior. Some have fallen so hard that they had to be helped to get up and resume the race toward the finish line. In fact, we could read God's Word regularly, even every day, and we may not realize that selfishness is starting to root in our inner person. Jesús refutó las calumnias en su contra 11, 12. Jesus hurled false accusations against his followers Dentro de poco, Satanás hará creer a la gente que hay "paz y seguridad ," que todo está bien en el mundo. We are no part of this world, though we are still living in it. Soon, Satan will cause people to believe that there is "Peace and security! " Son, por lo general, los que siguen sus deseos, impulsos y pasiones, ya sean sexuales o de otra clase. Jehovah fully equips us to do his will These are, in general, those who keep their desires, desires, and burdens - whether sexual or otherwise. Por tanto, en vez de dejar que las costumbres locales nos dicten cómo tratar a los demás, hemos de "vestir [nos] de la nueva personalidad que fue creada conforme a la voluntad de Dios en verdadera justicia y lealtad ." Jesus ' love for the truths he taught was always apparent. Rather than allowing local customs to set us up in how we treat others, we need to "put away the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Pablo no se conformaba con simplemente vivir en paz con los demás: quería mostrarles amor verdadero. Rather than encouraging us to focus solely on personal concerns, the Bible teaches us to see ourselves as part of a bigger picture. Paul was not content just to live in peace with others. He wanted to show them genuine love. Nehemías sabía muy bien que debía rendir cuentas a Dios. When they suffer hardships, do we comfort and support them? Nehemiah knew well that he should render an account to God. ¿ Qué privilegio tuvo en exclusiva la nación de Israel? Before marriage your spouse may have spent time in sports or other recreational pursuits. What privilege did the nation of Israel have? OTROS ARTÍCULOS: On the other hand, if we find delight in Jehovah's Word, "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " will lose much of their allure. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: El simple hecho de que exista un paraíso espiritual en medio de este mundo corrupto y sin amor es todo un milagro. We can cultivate and maintain gratitude by meditating on our blessings and thanking Jehovah for them. The mere fact that a spiritual paradise exists in this corrupt world without love is a miracle. El Siervo eleva a "una posición de justos a muchas personas " " [Jesus] went teaching daily in the temple. " The Servant calls "a righteous standing toward many " El apóstol Pablo vio la necesidad de exhortar a los tesalonicenses a "habl [ar] confortadoramente a las almas abatidas ." Meetings That Aim to " Upbuild, Encourage, and Console ' The apostle Paul saw the need to exhort the Thessalonians to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " Se ha cambiado el nombre. But if you choose to say something, limit yourself to a brief comment or two. Then allow your partner to resume the lead. Name has been changed. Nuestra salvación depende de que tengamos una conciencia limpia. (b) What was involved in Jehovah's selecting a limited number of humans to go to heaven? Our salvation depends on our clean conscience. No obstante, debemos recordar que Jehová Dios tiene un concepto del matrimonio y del divorcio completamente distinto al de la mayoría de la gente de este mundo. Let us see. However, we should bear in mind that Jehovah God has a worldly view of marriage and that of divorce separates most people from this world. En efecto, la fe y la lealtad a Dios son magníficas cualidades que las personas solteras deben buscar en su futuro cónyuge. (Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10, 13.) Yes, faith and loyalty to God are fine qualities that single people should seek in their future. Yo estoy decidida a ser sincera por el resto de mi vida. In harmony with their belonging to Jehovah and being followers of Jesus and subjects of God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses have remained neutral in the national and international conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. I am determined to be sincere for the rest of my life. La Biblia indica que, en el sentido más amplio del término, Jehová es el Padre de la humanidad entera. Jesus stated: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " The Bible indicates that in a large sense, Jehovah is the Father of all mankind. Aun así, imitamos a Cristo y no caemos en la tentación de ser bondadosos con nosotros mismos. This implies that our heavenly Father, Jehovah, will do his part to take care of our needs. Still, we imitate Christ and avoid being kind to ourselves. Es un libro muy antiguo, más que la mayoría. " When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, " he later wrote, "what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him? " - Psalm 8: 3, 4. It is a very old book, more than most. ¿ Tiene la casa llena de parientes? [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] Do you have a home filled with relatives? PÁGINA 9 Sadly, though, some have become casual or even cynical about reminders concerning the need to stay awake. ARTICLE 1 b) ¿Qué relación tienen con Jehová los ungidos, y qué puede decirse de los que abrigan la esperanza terrenal? IMAGINE yourself in Paradise. (b) What relationship do anointed ones have with Jehovah, and what can be said about those with an earthly hope? Jehová también da fuerzas suficientes a sus siervos cuando lo necesitan. TEN WAYS TO MAKE MEETINGS UPBUILDING FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS Jehovah also gives his servants the strength they need when they need it. Es paradójico que a muchos de ellos los invada la soledad a pesar de tantos dispositivos electrónicos de comunicación. A hand mill and its upper grindstone represented a person's "soul, " or his means of life. It was as if many of them were full of loneliness despite so much electronic devices. Para seguir este consejo, debes orar a Jehová y confiar en que él puede darte las fuerzas que necesitas para enfrentarte a los problemas (léase 1 Pedro 4: 7). Jesus answered: "Because of your little faith. (Read 1 Peter 4: 7.) Parece que fue fiel a Jehová por muchos años, lo que le ganó el respeto de buena parte del campamento israelita. How thankful you are that Jehovah has blessed you with the earthly hope! It seems that he was faithful to Jehovah for many years, and he gave him the proper respect of the Israelite camp. Pese a la amenaza de guerra, judíos de todas partes del Imperio romano habían acudido en gran número para celebrar la Pascua. That fundamental truth should move us to pursue our secondary activities, including recreation, in such a way that they enable us to carry out our primary activity - caring for Kingdom interests. Despite the threat of war, Jews from all parts of the Roman Empire had looked for the Passover. ¿ Y qué logra esa preparación? Que los chicos se mantengan concentrados en alcanzar sus metas al avanzar en la adolescencia, la época en la que más distracciones los bombardean (lea Salmo 71: 5, 17). The Bible foretold a time when people of diverse languages would hear its life - giving message. (Read Psalm 71: 5, 17.) " No he cometido adulterio - razonaba ella - , y él tiene interés en la Biblia. What will help us to overcome discouragement? " I have not committed adultery, " she said, "and he has interested in the Bible. Algunos cristianos han caído y se han hecho tanto daño que han necesitado ayuda para levantarse y volver a la carrera. Even so, the apostles ' response illustrates that the congregation can help to care for needy members. Some Christians have fallen into the race and have done so much that they have needed help to get up and return to the race. 11, 12. Tim: That's what I figured. 11, 12. Es verdad que no somos parte del mundo, pero vivimos en él, y corremos el peligro de adoptar sus opiniones distorsionadas o erróneas acerca del amor. Since elders have a measure of authority in the congregation, it is essential that they follow Christ's footsteps in exercising it. True, we are no part of the world, but we are living in it, and we are in danger of adopting its distorted views or deception about love. Jehová nos equipa completamente para hacer su voluntad Primarily in what sense was Jesus a martyr? Jehovah equips us to do his will completely El amor de Jesús por las verdades que enseñaba fue siempre evidente. For spiritual Israel, "the law of the Christ " was mainly based on principles inscribed on hearts. Jesus ' love for the truths he taught was always evident. Nos enseña a no pensar solo en nuestras preocupaciones, sino también en las de los demás. Your energy is abundant, your work is enjoyable, your friends are many, and all your worries are gone. We learn not only about our concerns but also the interests of others. ¿ Los apoyamos y consolamos cuando atraviesan dificultades? " I usually go through my " friends list ' each month. Do we support and comfort when difficulties arise? Tal vez uno de los dos era muy aficionado a los deportes u otras diversiones cuando era soltero. If you draw close to him, he will draw close to you. For instance, a couple may have been struggling to sports or other forms of entertainment when she was single. Por otro lado, cuando nos deleitamos en la Palabra de Jehová, "el deseo de la carne y el deseo de los ojos y la exhibición ostentosa del medio de vida de uno " pierden gran parte de su encanto. January 26, 2009 - February 1, 2009 On the other hand, when we delight in Jehovah's Word, "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " loses much part. Para cultivar y mantener un corazón agradecido, debemos meditar en las cosas que Jehová ha hecho por nosotros. Clearly, the fear of Jehovah is the key to enjoying a long life and seeing good. To cultivate and maintain a grateful heart, we must meditate on the things Jehovah has done for us. Reuniones que nos edifican, animan y confortan What are you personally resolved to do? Building up, encourage, and encourage us Pero si opta por decir algo, limítese a hacer un breve comentario o dos y deje que su compañero prosiga con la conversación. Who set the most outstanding example of enduring trials, and what helped him to do so? But if you choose to say something, I started to make a brief comment or two, let your partner accompany you in conversation. b) ¿Qué tendría que hacer Jehová para que un número limitado de seres humanos fuera al cielo? God's Word Exerts Power (b) What would Jehovah have to do for a limited number of humans to go to heaven? Veamos. Rather, may you feel ever closer to the caring God who is truly concerned about you! Let us see. (Léase Colosenses 3: 8 - 10, 13.) 1, 2. Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10, 13. En conformidad con el hecho de que pertenecen a Jehová y son tanto discípulos de Jesús como súbditos del Reino de Dios, los testigos de Jehová se han mantenido neutrales en los conflictos internacionales de los siglos XX y XXI. In contrast, Jacob deeply appreciated his inheritance. In harmony with the fact that they belong to Jehovah and are both disciples of Jesus as subjects of God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses have remain neutral in the international conflicts of the 20th and 21 centuries. Jesús afirmó: "Mi alimento es hacer la voluntad del que me envió y terminar su obra ." June 8 - 14, 2009 Jesus said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Estas palabras llevan implícita la idea de que Jehová cumplirá con su parte y nos ayudará a cubrir nuestras necesidades. The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. Those words show that Jehovah will fulfill his part and help us to care for our needs. Más tarde escribió: "Cuando veo tus cielos, las obras de tus dedos, la luna y las estrellas que tú has preparado, ¿qué es el hombre mortal para que lo tengas presente, y el hijo del hombre terrestre para que cuides de él? ." Jesus ' resurrection had a profound impact on his disciples. Later, he wrote: "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him? " [ Reconocimiento de la página 20] How can I apply this information in my life? [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] Lamentablemente, cuando en la congregación se hacen recordatorios sobre la necesidad de mantenerse alerta, hay quienes adoptan una actitud despreocupada o incluso burlona y escéptica. Precise timing can be observed in the world of biology. Sadly, though, when we take reminders about the need to keep on the watch, some people take a poor attitude or even shame. IMAGÍNESE que está en el Paraíso. Jehovah always deals lovingly with his people. Submission to God is never oppressive. IMAGINE that you are in Paradise. DIEZ MANERAS DE HACER QUE LAS REUNIONES SEAN EDIFICANTES PARA TODOS She was humble at heart. A needy Christian should not be too proud to accept the loving assistance of fellow believers or any governmental aid he or she may qualify for. 3: 3, 4. ARE THAT'S PEOPLE ¿ Por qué se compara apoderarse de " un molino de mano o de la muela superior de este como prenda ' a apoderarse de "un alma "? According to the Devil, humans would be far happier and better off ruling themselves. Why is this garment likened to "a soul of soul "? Él les contestó: "Por su poca fe. Like the sons of Korah, do you find delight in pure worship and its history? Jesus answered: "Because of your little faith. Sin duda, está muy agradecido a Jehová por ofrecerle ese maravilloso futuro. Minor matters should not be allowed to interfere with the evening. How grateful we are that Jehovah would offer such a wonderful future! Si nos guiamos por este principio fundamental, no permitiremos que nada interfiera en nuestra actividad más importante: el servicio a Jehová. And we will have the hope of enjoying our Maker's wonderful works forever. If we are led by this vital principle, we will not allow anything to interfere in our activities - Jehovah's service. La Biblia predijo un tiempo en que gente de diferentes lenguas oiría el mensaje salvador. The bad situation was made worse by unfaithful angels who formed unnatural unions with women and produced offspring called Nephilim, "the mighty ones, " or" the men of fame, " of those days. The Bible foretold a time when people from different tongues would proclaim the lifesaving message. Para que él acepte nuestro servicio sagrado, hay que obedecer a diario sus elevadas normas. Or we may have already made progress, but when we examine ourselves further, we find that we can still improve our spirituality. To be acceptable to Jehovah, we must obey his high standards. Pero la decisión de los apóstoles indica que la congregación puede contribuir al cuidado de sus miembros necesitados. Paul wrote: "If the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have. " - 2 Corinthians 8: 12. The apostles ' decision indicates that the congregation can contribute to the care of those in need. Luis: Sí, tiene razón. Jesus was never at a loss for words. Tim: Yes, it is right. En vista de que los ancianos poseen cierto grado de autoridad en la congregación, es esencial que sigan las pisadas de Cristo al ejercerla. By motivating Pharaoh to execute all male Israelite children. Since elders have a measure of authority in the congregation, it is vital that they continue to live in harmony with Christ's example in exercising it. ¿ En qué sentido, principalmente, fue Jesús un mártir? All of them in wisdom you have made "! In what sense was Jesus a martyr primarily? La Ley de Moisés fue escrita en piedra para gobernar a Israel en la Tierra Prometida. These faithful men will direct God's people. The Mosaic Law was written on stone to rule over Israel in the Promised Land. Rebosa de energía, su trabajo lo hace feliz, tiene muchos amigos y vive sin preocupaciones. But he expects us to follow through on other decisions that we make based on his guidance. Her work makes him happy, has many friends, and lives without anxiety. " Por lo común, reviso mi lista de amigos una vez al mes. Millions of other sheep, when contemplating the faith of their anointed brothers, agree with the words of the apostle Paul, who said of anointed brothers in Thessalonica: "We ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the tribulations that you are bearing. " For the common thing, I've made my list of friends once a month. Si nos acercamos a él, él se acercará a nosotros. That is a question often put to Jehovah's Witnesses. If we draw close to him, he will draw close to us. 26 de enero - 1 de febrero de 2009 How can a Christian couple make their marriage a lasting union? January 26, 2009 - February 1, 2009 El temor de Jehová es realmente la clave de una vida larga y dichosa. What happened next strengthened Gideon's faith and brought him closer to God. The fear of Jehovah is truly the key to a long life and sayings. ¿ Qué está usted decidido a hacer? Noah walked with the true God. " - Gen. 6: 8, 9. What are you determined to do? ¿ Quién puso el mayor ejemplo de aguante ante las pruebas, y qué lo ayudó? In other words, many individuals who eventually left their mates allowed their relationship with Jehovah to weaken. Who set the greatest example of endurance before trials, and what helped him? La Palabra de Dios ejerce poder After abandoning her sinful life, Rahab apparently maintained an upright course. God's Word exerts Power ¿ Verdad que saber esto nos acerca más a nuestro cariñoso Padre? It was as if they had set themselves up as judges of God, putting their own standards of justice above Jehovah's and judging him based on their own limited understanding of events. Does that not help us to draw closer to our loving Father? 1, 2. When does the first resurrection occur? 1, 2. ¡ Qué distinto fue Jacob! Él sí apreció su herencia. This God - given tranquillity enables us to remain calm and resolute in the face of extreme pressure, not yielding to doubt or fear. How different Jacob appreciated his inheritance! 8 - 14 de junio While it is true that we have the freedom to make personal choices regarding our education and career, we need to remember that our freedom is relative and that all decisions we make have consequences. June 8 - 14, 2010 PÁGINA 29 The powerful works that Jesus did on earth were foregleams of even grander blessings to come under his kingly rule. ARTICLE 5 La siembra comenzó en el Pentecostés del año 33. " The points touched her deeply, " said the pioneer. " In fact, she had to get up, go to the back of her shop, and have a good cry. " The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. La resurrección de Jesús tuvo un profundo efecto en sus discípulos. Noah heeded a divine warning. Jesus ' resurrection had a profound effect on his disciples. ¿ Cómo me beneficia personalmente? Paul tells the Corinthians that they should "kindly forgive and comfort " a repentant wrongdoer who has been rebuked. How can I personally benefit from my personal experience? Entre los seres vivos también encontramos asombrosos ejemplos de exactitud y precisión. There is one way that all Christians have tasted Jehovah's goodness. We also find thrilling examples of precise timing and timing. Jehová siempre trata con amor a su pueblo; por lo tanto, la sumisión a él nunca es opresiva. Peter, who later became an apostle, showed this kind of submission. - Luke 5: 4, 5. Jehovah is always loving to his people; therefore, submission to him is never oppressive. El cristiano necesitado no debería dejar que el orgullo le impidiera aceptar la ayuda amorosa de sus hermanos en la fe o alguna asistencia que ofrezca el gobierno. Does it give you more confidence in the fulfillment of inspired prophecies that have to do with our immediate future? A Christian should not allow pride to hinder him from accepting the loving help of fellow believers or any help they offer. Afirma que su gobernación es corrupta, que no quiere lo mejor para nosotros y que la gente sería mucho más feliz si se gobernara a sí misma. What if the person you want to comfort already knows what the Bible says about death, the ransom, and the resurrection? They claim that their rulership is corrupt, that they do not want what is best for us and that people would be happier if they will rule themselves. Al igual que los descendientes de Coré, ¿ama usted la adoración pura y su historia? You can fully trust Jehovah's compassionate promise: "Do not be anxious, for I am your God. Like Korah's descendants, are you showing true worship and its history? Todos en casa deben estar listos a la hora establecida. " Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none. " Every house should be ready for the established time. Además, tendremos la esperanza de disfrutar de las maravillosas obras de nuestro Hacedor por la eternidad. There would be only one such talk. Moreover, we will have the hope of enjoying the wonderful works of our Maker for eternity. La situación empeoró cuando ciertos ángeles infieles entablaron una relación contranatural con mujeres y engendraron hijos a los que se llamó nefilim, que fueron "los poderosos ,"" los hombres de fama " de aquel entonces. The Devil's objective is to corrupt our hearts. Therefore, we need to be vigilant to identify and root out materialistic desires in our heart. The situation in which certain unfaithful angels entered a relationship with women and produced sons of the Nephilim, who were called "the mighty men " of that time. También puede que hayamos progresado algo, pero que un examen más profundo nos revele que podemos mejorar. We can benefit from comments by devoted Christians of our time, who are convinced that they have the truth. We may also have made adjustments in our lives, but it may reveal the depth of our self - examination that we can improve. Pablo escribió: "Si primero está allí la prontitud, es especialmente acepto según lo que tiene la persona, no según lo que no tiene ." Sometimes he surprises us by doing the unexpected. Paul wrote: "If first is there, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he has not. " Jesús nunca se quedaba sin palabras. 14: 4. How did Asa react when the Ethiopians invaded the land? Jesus never went on to say. Haciendo que el faraón ejecutara a todos los niños varones de Israel. How does taking on Christ's yoke lead to refreshment? They may call Pharaoh to execute all the sons of Israel. Con sabiduría las has hecho todas ." How was a Witness in Poland able to help a distressed schoolgirl, and how can that experience help you to help others? All of them in wisdom you have made. " Estos hombres fieles darán al pueblo de Dios instrucciones cuyo incumplimiento podría acarrearnos consecuencias desastrosas. The experience of a family in the first century offers parents some insight. These faithful men will give God's people whose guidance could lead to disaster. Demostremos fe en la manera de actuar de Jehová y en los principios que nos ha enseñado. Love for Jehovah's Name May we show faith in Jehovah's way of doing things and in the principles he has taught us. Los millones de miembros de las otras ovejas, por su parte, ven la fe de estos hermanos y concuerdan con el apóstol Pablo, que dijo de los ungidos de Tesalónica: "Nosotros mismos nos gloriamos de ustedes entre las congregaciones de Dios a causa del aguante y la fe de ustedes en todas sus persecuciones y las tribulaciones que están soportando. But perverted practices certainly do not please God. Millions of other sheep, for their part, see the faith of these brothers and sisters in the apostle Paul, who said of anointed Christians in Thessalonica: "We have glory among you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and the faith in all your tribulations. Esta pregunta se nos hace con frecuencia a los testigos de Jehová. • What shows that Jehovah is a generous host? That question often comes to Jehovah's Witnesses. ¿ Qué pueden hacer los cristianos casados para que su unión dure toda la vida? How much greater the pain is if it is caused by a fellow Christian! What can married Christians do to ensure that their marriage is in the best way of life? Lo que entonces ocurrió fortaleció la fe de Gedeón y lo acercó más a Dios. (Col. What happened next drew Gideon's faith and drew him closer to God. Para empezar, pensemos en cuánto tiempo sirvió Noé fielmente a Jehová en aquel mundo malvado anterior al Diluvio. How we appreciate such blessings! First, think of how long Noah faithfully served Jehovah in that wicked world. En suma, muchas de las personas que acabaron separándose de sus cónyuges permitieron que se debilitara su relación con Jehová. Any "tribulation " encountered within the context of marriage and childbearing will, however, be surpassed by another tribulation of far greater magnitude. Many who turned away from their mates allowed their relationship with Jehovah to cool off. Todo indica que, tras renunciar a su vida pecaminosa, Rahab siguió un proceder recto. Then in 1927 / 28, God's people recognized that Christmas and birthday celebrations are unscriptural, and they discontinued observing such. Evidently, after he gave up his sinful life, Rahab followed a righteous course. Era como si, queriendo ser jueces de Jehová, hubieran puesto sus propias normas de justicia por encima de las de él y lo juzgaran según su limitada comprensión de los sucesos. (a) Just before Jesus ' death, what did his apostles do? It was as if they wanted to be Jehovah's judges, putting his own standards above him, and judging him according to its limited understanding of events. ¿ Cuándo se produce la primera resurrección? Exhausted by this trek under the blazing sun, the prophet sat down under a tree and "asked that he might die. " - 1 Ki. When does the first resurrection take place? Esta serenidad que proviene de Dios nos permite mantenernos calmados y resueltos bajo presiones extremas, sin ceder a las dudas ni al temor. If baptized brothers are to be tested, it is only fair that they are first trained. This peace of God enables us to remain calm and determined under extreme pressure, not to compromise doubts or fear. Es verdad que somos libres de decidir qué estudiaremos y a qué nos dedicaremos en la vida. Sin embargo, debemos recordar que nuestra libertad es relativa y que todas las decisiones tienen consecuencias. The two pronouncements that follow include judgments against nations and false prophets, Messianic prophecies, and a message of the restoration of God's people. - Zechariah 9: 1; 12: 1. True, we are free to decide what we will decide and what to do in life. However, we need to remember that our freedom is relative and that all decisions have consequences. Esos milagros son una muestra a escala de los que realizará por todo el planeta cuando lo gobierne. Why does tobacco have such a grip? Such miracles are an expression of those who will live forever on earth when they rule over the earth. " La información le caló hondo; tanto, que se levantó y se fue a llorar a lágrima viva al fondo de su negocio ," relata el precursor. • What six steps can we take to make sure that our decisions honor God? " The information touched her deeply, so that she rose up and went to bed at her business, " says the pioneer. Noé obedeció una advertencia divina. The riders of the chariots are angels, likely groups or divisions of angels. (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) Noah obeyed a divine warning. Al enterarse Pablo de que un pecador de la congregación corintia había respondido bien a la reprensión recibida y se había arrepentido, recomienda a los hermanos "perdonarlo bondadosamente y consolarlo ." The book of Proverbs uses similar language when it says: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. When Paul learned that a sinner in the Corinthian congregation had responded well to the reproof and had repented, he encourages the brothers to "give kindly and comfort. " Hay una manera como todos los cristianos hemos experimentado que Jehová es bueno. But that does not change the value of our message, and it does not lessen the importance of giving everyone the opportunity to put faith in it while there is yet time. We have seen that Jehovah is good. Así lo hizo Pedro, quien más tarde llegó a ser uno de los apóstoles. What caused the Israelites to reject Jehovah's guidance in Samuel's day? Peter, who later became one of the apostles, later became one of the apostles. ¿ No lo hace confiar aún más en las profecías que están por cumplirse? ¡ Claro que sí! Jehovah's gift includes the curing of all our sicknesses, the transformation of our earth into a paradise, and the resurrection of the dead. Does that not make you more confident about the fulfillment of Bible prophecies? ¿ Y si la persona a quien queremos consolar ya conoce las enseñanzas bíblicas sobre la muerte, el rescate y la resurrección? Instead, they must teach the pure truths of God's Word, including the following: Jehovah is the Most High God, and the glory of this position goes to him alone; Jesus is God's Son and the appointed Ruler of God's Messianic Kingdom; God's Kingdom will sanctify Jehovah's name and fulfill his purpose toward this earth and humans upon it; the good news about this Kingdom must be preached in all the earth. What if we want to comfort those who already know Bible truths about death, the ransom, and the resurrection? Podemos confiar y hallar consuelo en esta promesa de Jehová: "No mires por todos lados [no te inquietes], porque soy tu Dios. But as you cultivate humility, you will be on a path that results in God's favor and support. We can rely on Jehovah's promise: "You are not on every side [you], for I am your God. En adelante, los que tienen esposas sean como si no tuvieran. " That day began at sunset because the Hebrew days ran from sunset to sunset. Later, those who have wives will be as if they did not. " Se presentará un solo discurso de boda. Some Israelites forgot Jehovah after they became prosperous in the Promised Land It will appear to be a single wedding talk. Como el objetivo del Diablo es corrompernos, tenemos que estar alerta para detectar y eliminar cualquier deseo materialista que haya echado raíces en nuestro corazón. Yes, what Rahab learned about Jehovah and his deeds in behalf of Israel touched a responsive chord in her heart and caused her to have faith in him. - Romans 10: 10. Since Satan's goal is to corrupt us, we must be alert to detect and remove any materialistic desire that has rooted in our heart. ¿ Por qué están convencidos algunos cristianos fieles de nuestro tiempo de que han encontrado la verdad? What does it mean to "kiss the son "? Why are faithful Christians convinced that they have found the truth? A veces nos sorprende y hace cosas inesperadas. Jesus reassured Jairus: "Have no fear, only put forth faith, and she will be saved. " At times, we may be surprised and do unexpected. ¿ Cómo reaccionó Asá cuando los etíopes invadieron su país? Our regularly attending Christian meetings and sharing in preaching the good news are included among these acts and deeds of godly devotion. How did Asa react when the Ethiopians invaded their homeland? ¿ Cómo nos alivia aceptar el yugo de Cristo? One purpose of these meetings is to "consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works. " How can we be glad that we accept Christ's yoke? ¿ Qué ayuda dio una Testigo de Polonia a una colegiala deprimida, y qué ideas para ayudar al prójimo extraemos de esta experiencia? A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR What helped one Witness in Poland to draw up the depressed, and what ideas can we draw from this experience? Nos ayudará a responder esta pregunta el caso de una familia del siglo primero. • What fine example did Anna set for elderly Christians today? That question will help us to answer that question in the first century. Amor por el nombre de Jehová This point is made clear in a parallel illustration that Jesus gave. He said: "The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy he has he goes and sells what things he has and buys that field. " Love for Jehovah's Name Sin embargo, está claro que Dios desaprueba las prácticas antinaturales. Because the equivalent terms could give the impression that the "soul " is an immaterial part of man. However, it is clear that God condemned sexually immoral practices. • ¿Qué muestra que Jehová es un generoso anfitrión? The Bible account adds: "Thus he comforted them and spoke reassuringly to them. " - Gen. • What shows that Jehovah is a generous host? Y nos duele mucho más si quien lo hace es un hermano. Satan and his demons will be abyssed for a thousand years. And how much better it is for a brother to feel when he makes a dedication to him! (Col. What should we think of when we look at it throughout the year? ( Christ's illustration of the Bible) ¡ Cuánto lo agradecemos! When I was born, my father was working for one of the local farmers. How grateful we are for that! Toda "tribulación " actual debida a problemas en el matrimonio o en la crianza de los hijos va a ser sobrepasada por otra mucho mayor. Days are coming, and all that is in your own house and that your forefathers have stored up down to this day will actually be carried to Babylon. " All "tribulation " in marriage or in a child's rearing is far more important than ever. Más tarde, en los años 1927 y 1928, el pueblo de Dios dejó de celebrar la Navidad y los cumpleaños al darse cuenta de que tales celebraciones eran contrarias a las enseñanzas de la Biblia. The field in that area is so "white for harvesting " that after just five months, this father, mother, son, and daughter were conducting a total of 30 Bible studies. Later, in 33 C.E., God's people stopped to celebrate holidays and observe that such religious celebrations were contrary to Bible teachings. a) ¿Qué hicieron los apóstoles de Jesús justo antes de que él muriera? From the first century onward, anointed disciples have received the talents, and they must render an account for how they fulfill the commission to preach. (a) What did Jesus ' apostles do before his death? Agotado por su viaje bajo el ardiente sol, el profeta se sentó bajo un arbusto y le pidió a Dios que le quitara la vida. Both men later expressed how they felt about Jehovah's record in fulfilling his every promise. (Read Joshua 14: 6, 8; 23: 2, 14.) For his journey under the burning sun, the prophet sat down under a refuge and asked God to remove his life. Si debe ponerse a prueba a los hermanos bautizados, es lógico que primero se les prepare. A woman from Massachusetts, U.S.A., commented about the many "well - thought - out pictures. " If there is a trial for baptized brothers, it is reasonable to expect them to be present. Los siguientes dos mensajes incluyen sentencias contra diversas naciones y falsos profetas, profecías mesiánicas y el anuncio de la restauración del pueblo de Dios. The apostle John, whose feet were also washed by the Lord, wrote: "Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " The next two messages contains pronouncements against various nations and false prophets, Messianic prophecies, and the announcement of the restoration of God's people. ¿ Por qué cuesta tanto abandonar el tabaquismo? Moreover, the majority of people were illiterate. Why is it so difficult to quit? • ¿Qué seis pasos debemos dar para que nuestras decisiones siempre honren a Dios? " Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have roosts, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head, " he said. • What six steps must we take to make sure that our decisions always honor God? Los conductores de los carros son ángeles, probablemente organizados en grupos o divisiones (lea Zacarías 6: 5 - 8). Because of "their wish, " these ridiculers prefer to ignore that Jehovah has intervened in mankind's affairs in the past. The chariots are angels, likely organized into groups or divisions. (Read Zechariah 6: 5 - 8.) El libro de Proverbios emplea términos muy parecidos cuando dice: "El nombre de Jehová es una torre fuerte. The human family was to grow in an organized way so as to populate the earth and extend Paradise until it covered the entire globe. The book of Proverbs uses similar expressions when it says: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Pero eso no le quita valor al mensaje que llevamos ni le resta importancia a la comisión que tenemos de dar a la gente la oportunidad de aceptar las buenas nuevas mientras todavía queda tiempo. Was Satan thinking that Sarah would betray her husband - and Jehovah - and enter an adulterous marriage? But that does not justify the preaching work that we preach or draw closer to the commission we have to give others the opportunity to accept the good news while it is still time. ¿ Qué impulsó a los israelitas a rechazar la guía de Jehová en tiempos de Samuel? Included in these reminders are the numerous prophecies that foretell not only the arrival of Jehovah's day but also the bounteous blessings that will be bestowed upon those who " keep in expectation of Jehovah. ' - Zephaniah 3: 8. What moved the Israelites to reject Jehovah's guidance in Samuel's day? El regalo que nos ha hecho Dios incluye también la desaparición de las enfermedades, la transformación de la Tierra en un paraíso y la resurrección de los muertos. 1, 2. (a) How do those taking the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses differ from those doing so in other religions? God's gift also includes the transformation of sickness, the transformation of the earth in a paradise, and the resurrection of the dead. Más bien, enseñan en toda su pureza las verdades de la Biblia, verdades como las siguientes: Jehová es el Altísimo, y la gloria de tal posición le corresponde únicamente a él; Jesús es el Hijo de Dios y el gobernante nombrado del Reino mesiánico de Dios; el Reino de Dios santificará el nombre de Jehová y cumplirá su propósito para este planeta y los seres humanos que lo habiten, y las buenas nuevas sobre ese Reino deben predicarse en toda la Tierra. Slowly but surely, the seeds of Bible truth that were dormant in my heart - seeds that my parents had tried hard to plant - began to grow. Rather, they teach in all their clean Bible truth, such truths as these: Jehovah is the Most High, and the glory of that position should be preached only to him; Jesus is God's Son and the appointed Ruler of the Messianic Kingdom; and the sanctification of Jehovah's name will sanctify his purpose for the earth and the earth. Contaremos con la aprobación y la ayuda de Jehová si tratamos de ser humildes. Out of the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king, he will rescue us. We must work with Jehovah's approval and help if we strive to be humble. Los días hebreos se extendían desde una puesta del Sol hasta la siguiente. We need answers from God's standpoint so that we can be guided accordingly. The days of Hebrews were taken from a sunset until the next sunset. Algunos israelitas olvidaron a Jehová cuando prosperaron en la Tierra Prometida Doubtless, Jehovah's new system of things on earth will witness "the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness. " Some Israelites forgot Jehovah when they walked in the Promised Land Así es, lo que Rahab aprendió de Jehová y de sus hechos por Israel hizo que su corazón respondiera favorablemente y que pusiera fe en él. According to one reference work, Timothy's family probably "belonged to the educated and upper income bracket. " Rahab learned about Jehovah and his deeds for Israel that her heart was favorably welcomed and that she put faith in him. ¿ Qué significa " besar al hijo '? During 2009, may we all take to heart our commission to witness from house to house and in other ways. What does it mean to " kiss the son "? Él le aseguró a Jairo: "No temas, solo muestra fe, y ella será salva ." Can You Answer? " No topics, " he said, "not just faith, and it will be saved. " Entre estos actos y hechos de devoción piadosa figuran la asistencia regular a las reuniones cristianas y la participación en la predicación de las buenas nuevas. When we are confused in our thinking, we should hold back from making our perplexing thoughts public. These deeds and deeds of godly devotion include regular attendance at Christian meetings and sharing in the preaching of the good news. Pero es interesante que, además, Jehová nos dé las reuniones para que nos animemos mutuamente a medida que "el día se acerca ." 19, 20. (a) Why was Paul effective in bearing witness? It is noteworthy, too, that Jehovah gives us meetings so that we encourage one another as "the day drawing near. " CONVERSACIONES CON UN TESTIGO DE JEHOVÁ • What shows that Christ follows closely the spiritual condition of each congregation? A THATERS OF JEHOVAH'S WORD • ¿Qué magnífico ejemplo dio Ana a los cristianos de edad avanzada de hoy? David asked: "Who is the man that is delighting in life, that is loving enough days to see what is good? " • What fine example did Anna set for elderly Christians today? Esta idea se expone claramente en una ilustración paralela que Jesús expresó en estos términos: "El reino de los cielos es semejante a un tesoro escondido en el campo, que un hombre halló y escondió; y por el gozo que tiene, va y vende cuantas cosas tiene, y compra aquel campo ." The people wanted to make Jesus king, but he said that he would "give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " This thought is clearly explained in a parallel illustration that Jesus expressed in these terms: "The kingdom of the heavens is like a hidden treasure in the field, which a man found and hid; and by the joy he has, and a few things he has. " Que en esos idiomas se podía entender que hay algo que sigue vivo después de que una persona muere. Instead of intimidating their brother, the elders tenderly explain Scriptural principles and show him how he can apply these in his life. Those languages could be understood that there is something that is still alive after a person dies. El relato añade: "Así los consoló y les habló alentadoramente ." Courageous Daniel ended up in a lions ' pit - but Jehovah delivered him. - Dan. 6: 16 - 23. The account adds: "So comfort and spoke comforting to them. " Está claro, pues, que este ejército celestial borrará sin problema todo vestigio del mundo de Satanás cuando la gran tribulación culmine en el Armagedón. Would you refuse his help? Clearly, this heavenly army will wipe out every problem from Satan's world when the great tribulation begins at Armageddon. ¿ Qué deberíamos recordar cada vez que lo veamos en el Salón del Reino? Jesus told his followers: "A slave is not greater than his master. What should we remember when we consider him at the Kingdom Hall? Mi padre trabajaba para un granjero del pueblo cuando nací. What did it involve? My father worked to a large farmer of the people when I was born. Vienen días, y todo lo que hay en tu propia casa y que tus antepasados han acumulado hasta este día realmente será llevado a Babilonia ." First, he knows that we need to praise him. He designed us with a spiritual need, a need to worship. They are coming days, and everything in your own house and that your forefathers have stored up until this day will indeed be taken to Babylon. " En ese territorio, los campos están tan "blancos para la siega " que al cabo de apenas cinco meses, el padre, la madre, el hijo y la hija ya conducían un total de treinta estudios bíblicos. [ Footnote] In that territory, fields are so "working for the harvest " at the end of five months, the mother, the son, and the daughter of a total of 30 Bible studies. Desde el siglo primero, los cristianos ungidos han tenido que negociar con los talentos, o predicar las buenas nuevas. Y todos deben rendir cuentas por cómo han hecho esta labor. What does that mean? Since the first century, anointed Christians have had to do business with the talents, or preaching the good news, and all should render an account for themselves. De hecho, Josué y Caleb expresaron más tarde su satisfacción al ver que Dios había cumplido todo lo que había jurado hacer (léanse Josué 14: 6, 8 y 23: 2, 14). He said: "For three years, I attended the Jehovah's Witnesses ' annual conventions at the Amarillo Civic Center. (Read Joshua 14: 6, 8, 8; 23: 2, 14.) Una mujer de Massachusetts (EE.UU.) hizo comentarios en su carta sobre la abundancia de "dibujos tan educativos " que contiene el libro. It is a parable, or illustration, that Jesus told his disciples in private, one often referred to as the parable of the pearl of great price. A woman in the United States, U.S.A., spoke in his letter about the abundance of "the education " found in the book. Y el apóstol Juan, que también estuvo presente en aquella ocasión, recordó a los cristianos: "Hijitos, no amemos de palabra ni con la lengua, sino en hecho y verdad ." Discerning that Apollos needed some help, Aquila and Priscilla "expounded the way of God more correctly to him. " And the apostle John, who was also present on that occasion, reminded Christians: "You children, not love word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " Y, segundo, porque la mayoría no sabía leer. Over the next 40 years, from 1513 B.C.E. to 1473 B.C.E., Moses faced disappointments. Second, most did not read it. " Las zorras tienen cuevas y las aves del cielo tienen donde posarse - declaró - , pero el Hijo del hombre no tiene donde recostar la cabeza. " What role has the New World Translation played in the preservation of the divine name? " The birds of heaven have plundered and the birds of heaven where they have plundered, " said Jesus, "but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head. " " Conforme a su deseo ', los burlones prefieren cerrar los ojos al hecho de que Jehová ya ha intervenido en los asuntos humanos en el pasado. In that same chapter, the Jews were told that they should view others besides fellow Israelites as their neighbors. " As for their desire, " ridiculers will more than the fact that Jehovah has already intervened in human affairs. La familia humana crecería de forma ordenada hasta poblar todo el planeta y convertirlo en un paraíso. Ultimately, he courageously submitted to a brutal death to accomplish his Father's will and give his subjects everlasting life. The human family would grow in an orderly way to fill the earth and bring into a paradise. ¿ Esperaba el Diablo que se dejara impresionar por los lujosos palacios de aquellos reyes? ¿ Esperaba que cometiera adulterio y traicionara a su esposo y a Jehová? However, Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were "good - for - nothing men " who did not" acknowledge Jehovah. " Did the Devil expect that he would not be impressed by those kings, who committed adultery and violating his husband and Jehovah? Entre tales recordatorios se hallan numerosas profecías que predicen, no solo la llegada del día de Jehová, sino también las abundantes bendiciones que recibirán quienes " se mantengan en expectación de Jehová '. (Read Titus 2: 3 - 5.) Among these reminders are many prophecies that are foretold, not only the coming of Jehovah's day but also the rich blessings that will "keep in expectation of Jehovah. " 1, 2. a) ¿En qué se diferencian los que dirigen a los testigos de Jehová de los dirigentes de otras religiones? But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: "You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die. " ' 1, 2. (a) How do those taking the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses differ from those taking the lead among other religions? Me juntaba con buenos músicos, y eso hizo que me interesara en la música clásica. Empecé a estudiar en el conservatorio local. In this, we strive to imitate Jesus. I served along with good Bethelites, and this made me interested in music, and I started to study in the local community. Del horno ardiente de fuego y de tu mano, oh rey, nos rescatará. They can learn from and follow the basic example of Solomon as he showed courage in making wise decisions to complete the construction of the temple. The fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king, will rescue us. Veamos qué respuestas nos da Dios a fin de aplicarlas en nuestra vida diaria. Indeed, while burnt offerings and sacrifices were required by the Law, what really matters to God is the loving heart condition of his servants. Let us consider what answers God gives us in order to apply it in our daily lives. Sin duda, en ese entonces, se experimentarán las abundantes riquezas de su bondad inmerecida. Where, then, is the house that you people can build for me, and where, then, is the place as a resting - place for me? " If so, you will experience the rich riches of God's undeserved kindness. Según cierta obra de consulta, su familia tal vez "perteneciera a la clase social más educada y próspera ." The Parable of the Talents According to one reference work, his family may " work to the modest and prosperous, " says one reference work. Durante el año 2009 sigamos tomando muy en serio nuestra comisión de predicar de casa en casa y de otras maneras. But he neglected to search adequately to ascertain Jehovah's will on the matter. During 2009, let us continue to take our commission to preach from house to house and in other ways. ¿ Sabe la respuesta? 8, 9. (a) What experiences highlight the value of using the Bible in our ministry? Can You Answer? En caso de que estemos confundidos debido a pensamientos negativos, no deberíamos hablar a todo el mundo del asunto. Those decisions will reveal that we strive to be followers of Christ. If we are to be confused with negative thoughts, we should not speak to everyone about the matter. 19, 20. a) ¿Por qué era Pablo un predicador tan eficaz? Love is God's primary attribute. " God is love, " wrote the apostle John under inspiration. 19, 20. (a) Why was Paul an effective preacher? • ¿Cómo sabemos que Jesús sigue de cerca el estado espiritual de cada congregación? His son recalls: "The family study was always difficult for my father, since all he had to teach us from were the printed publications. Often, he did not fully understand the written text. • How do we know that Jesus continues to be near the spiritual condition of each congregation? " ¿Quién es el hombre que está deleitándose en la vida, que está amando suficientes días para ver lo que es bueno? ," preguntó David. [ Pictures on page 26] " Who is the man who is busy in life, that is enough to see what is good? " asked David. Así, mientras que el pueblo quería proclamar rey a Jesús, él afirmaba que iba a "dar su alma en rescate en cambio por muchos ." For instance, some whom they try to help in the congregation may not react favorably. So while the people wanted to proclaim Jesus, Jesus knew that he would "give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " En vez de atemorizarla, la tratan con bondad y le muestran cómo aplicar los principios bíblicos en su vida. Or is there a sinister force involved? Instead of rejecting it, try kindly, and show how applying Bible principles in your life. Ni siquiera el mejor líder humano puede resolver todos los problemas. Once inside the city of refuge, a fugitive no longer needed to look over his shoulder for the avenger of blood. Even the best human leader can solve all problems. El valiente profeta acabó en el foso de los leones, pero Jehová lo salvó. What has been the record of Jehovah's Witnesses? The courageous prophet carried out the lions ' lions ' pit, but Jehovah saved him. ¿ Rechazaríamos su ayuda? Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. Would we reject their help? Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos: "El esclavo no es mayor que su amo. Since they are to become a heavenly bride, the anointed are instructed: "Forget your people and your [fleshly] father's house. " Jesus told his disciples: "A slave is not greater than his master. ¿ En qué consistía? For making a show of such knowledge some have deviated from the faith. " - 1 Tim. What was it? En primer lugar, él sabe que nos hace falta alabarlo, pues nos creó con la necesidad espiritual de adorarlo. Young ones, how do you feel about bearing Jehovah's name, and how can you prove yourselves courageous? First, he knows that we need to praise him, for he created us with the spiritual need to worship him. [ Nota] What Jehovah's Day Will Reveal [ Footnote] ¿ A qué nos referimos? After Jesus set a fine example for his faithful apostles by the lowly act of washing their feet, he said: "If you know these things, happy you are if you do them. " How so? " Durante tres años - señaló - asistí a las asambleas anuales de los testigos de Jehová en el Centro Cívico de Amarillo. How succinctly the two greatest commandments summarize what God requires of those who worship him! " For three years, I attended the annual conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses in the U.S.A. Se trata de una ilustración que dio a sus discípulos en privado y que mucha gente conoce como la parábola de la perla de gran precio. (b) Why are the words at Psalm 32: 8 reassuring to those who may lack self - confidence or skills? It is an illustration that gave his disciples in private and that many people know as the parable of the pearl of great price. Como percibieron que necesitaba ayuda, Áquila y Priscila "le expusieron con mayor exactitud el camino de Dios ." As this and numerous similar examples show, fear of privation may be the object of other people's dread, but it is no match for our well - founded trust in the Creator of all things and Protector of his people. As a result, Aquila and Priscilla sensed that they needed help, Aquila and Priscilla "began putting him to the way of God more correctly. " Por los siguientes cuarenta años, de 1513 a 1473 antes de nuestra era, Moisés sufrió una decepción tras otra. One is that we "make disciples of people of all the nations. " For the next 40 years, 1513 B.C.E., Moses suffered a severe disappointment. ¿ Cómo ha ayudado la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo a conservar el nombre de Dios? As shown in the book of Job, the Devil challenged God, claiming that no human would remain faithful to Him if Satan were allowed to test that person. How has the New World Translation helped to preserve God's name? En ese mismo capítulo se mandó a los judíos que no solo consideraran prójimo suyo a cada israelita, sino también a otras personas. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with you. ' " - 2 Chronicles 20: 15 - 17. In that same chapter, the Jews were commanded not only to view themselves as fellow Israelites but also to others. Al final, se sometió valeroso a una muerte atroz para cumplir con la voluntad de su Padre y proporcionar a sus siervos vida eterna. Those words indicated God's willingness to accept "a ransom, " or" covering, " in behalf of repentant humans. - Job 33: 24, ftn. Finally, he humbly submitted to a severe death in order to carry out his Father's will and to give his servants everlasting life. Sin embargo, Hofní y Finehás, los hijos de Elí, eran "hombres que no servían para nada [y] no reconocían a Jehová ." ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 36, 51 Nevertheless, Caleb's sons, Eli's sons, were "men who were not serving Jehovah. " Es cierto que algunas ya no pueden hacer tanto como antes en el servicio a Dios, pero todavía pueden demostrar valor y ayudar en la congregación (lea Tito 2: 3 - 5). Illustrate. (Read Titus 2: 3 - 5.) Pero en cuanto a comer del fruto del árbol que está en medio del jardín, Dios ha dicho: "No deben comer de él, no, no deben tocarlo para que no mueran " '. (b) How do Jesus ' followers apply Paul's counsel recorded at Philippians 4: 9? But as for eating the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, God has said: "You must not eat from it, you must not please him, that you should not die. " En este aspecto, procuramos imitar a Jesús. Indeed, the Bible contains many accounts of people, even among God's servants, who did wrong and suffered the consequences. In this area, we strive to imitate Jesus. Cuando Jesús habló de "la conclusión del sistema de cosas ," les dijo a sus discípulos:" Sigan mirando, manténganse despiertos, porque no saben cuándo es el tiempo señalado ." If we walk in Jehovah's way, what "ease " will we find for our souls? When Jesus spoke of "the conclusion of the system of things, " he told his disciples:" Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " El ejemplo de Salomón les puede ayudar mucho. Él fue valiente al tomar buenas decisiones y terminar la construcción del templo. Why was the judgment Jehovah made concerning Moses both appropriate and consistent? Solomon's example can do much to help them. He courageously helped them make good decisions and to make the construction of the temple. Ciertamente, aunque Dios pedía en la Ley que sus siervos le hicieran holocaustos y otros sacrificios, le interesaba mucho más que tuvieran el corazón lleno de amor. After all, not providing materially for one's household is tantamount to having "disowned Jehovah "! - 1 Tim. 5: 8, ftn. Though Jehovah required that his people make whole burnt offerings and other sacrifices, he was deeply concerned about their love for him. ¿ Dónde, pues, está la casa que ustedes pueden edificar para mí, y dónde, pues, está el lugar que me es lugar de descanso? ." Matthew 28: 19, 20 Where, then, is the house that you can build for me, and where, for the place is resting? " La parábola de los talentos Each week, Charles Taze Russell would telegraph a sermon to a newspaper syndicate. In turn, the syndicate retelegraphed the sermon to newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. The Illustration of the talents Pero no investigó bien para determinar cuál era la voluntad divina al respecto. What can Christian wives learn from the examples of Sarah and Rebekah? But he did not make an effective effort to determine what God's will was in connection with it. Ahora bien, si ese ojo derecho tuyo te está haciendo tropezar, arráncalo y échalo de ti ." * If he says that he does not want a certain babysitter to come back, ask why. If, now, that right eye of yours is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. " 8, 9. a) ¿Qué ejemplos muestran la importancia de usar las Escrituras al predicar? For the last 25 years, that is the message I have been preaching. " 8, 9. (a) What examples show the importance of using the Scriptures in the ministry? Estas harán ver que procuramos ser seguidores de Cristo. We today will also want to " rise up ' - take the initiative - to strengthen those who are weak. These will help us to see that we strive to be followers of Christ. Por inspiración divina, el apóstol Juan escribió que "Dios es amor ," pues esa es su principal cualidad. " FOR months I kept telling Dad and Mom that I wanted to be baptized, and they often talked to me about it. Under inspiration, the apostle John wrote that "God is love. " Su hijo recuerda: "A mi papá, el estudio siempre se le hacía difícil, pues lo único que tenía para enseñarnos eran las publicaciones impresas. 8, 9. " My father, my study was always difficult for me, " she recalls, "because I had only to teach them literature. [ Ilustraciones de la página 26] Thus, by means of his infinitely wise "administration, " or way of managing things, Jehovah will have fulfilled his purpose" to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " [ Pictures on page 26] Es posible que alguien a quien intenten ayudar en la congregación no reaccione de la mejor manera. Implicit trust in Jehovah can also help when we are faced with tragedy. Some may try to help the congregation in the best way of life. ¿ O proceden de una fuerza siniestra? The prejudice that Jesus and his disciples suffered was rooted in religious, social, and ethnic divisions. Or do they come from an overwhelming force? Antes dijimos que, una vez que el homicida estaba dentro de la ciudad de refugio, ya no tenía que temer al vengador de la sangre. It was not to the high - minded religious leaders or to the important people in high places but to the humble shepherds "living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. " You mentioned that once the fugitive was inside the city of refuge, he would no longer have to fear the fugitive from blood. ¿ Qué han hecho los testigos de Jehová? Perhaps you can show concern if the fellow employee is ill or has family members who are ill. What have Jehovah's Witnesses done? Ahora bien, a pesar de tener tantas razones para ser felices, algunos siervos fieles de Dios luchan con pensamientos negativos acerca de sí mismos. Preach to Make Disciples Yet, despite having so many reasons to be happy, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. Puesto que estos van a convertirse en una novia celestial, se les dice: "Olvida tu pueblo y la casa de tu padre [humano] ." When telling husbands to honor their wives, Peter adds a warning: "In order for your prayers not to be hindered. " Since these are to become a heavenly bride, they are told: "Go your people and your father's house. " Por ostentar tal conocimiento algunos se han desviado de la fe ." In many families, much of the responsibility of caregiving seems to fall on one son or daughter, the one who lives closest to the parents. Because of such knowledge some have deviated from the faith. " a) Joven, ¿qué significa para ti llevar el nombre de Jehová? b) ¿De qué manera puedes mostrar que eres valiente? In God's new world, full spiritual and physical healing will be brought about by means of forgiveness of sins on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. (a) What does it mean to bear Jehovah's name, and how can you show courage? ¿ Qué revelará el día de Jehová? To them, God is to be feared and obeyed. What will Jehovah's day reveal? Después de poner un magnífico ejemplo a sus apóstoles fieles al lavarles humildemente los pies, Jesús les dijo: "Si saben estas cosas, felices son si las hacen ." Through the prophet Zechariah, Jehovah foretold: "It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: " We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ' " After Jesus set a fine example for his faithful apostles by humbly washing their feet, he said: "If you know these things, you are happy if you do. " Los dos mandamientos principales constituyen un resumen conciso de lo que Dios espera de sus siervos. These are questions that David likewise pondered. The two primary commandments are an expression of what God expects of his servants. b) ¿Por qué las palabras de Salmo 32: 8 son tan animadoras para quienes dudan de sí mismos? His Word urges us to "become imitators of God. " (b) Why are the words of Psalm 32: 8 so encouraging to those who doubt themselves? Como muestran este y otros ejemplos similares, nuestra sólida confianza en el Creador de todas las cosas y Protector de su pueblo es mucho más fuerte que el temor a sufrir privaciones, un temor tan común en los tiempos que corren. Her brother - in - law had been in and out of jail ever since he was a teenager. As shown by this and similar examples, our confidence in the Creator of all things and Protector of his people is far stronger than fear of suffering, a common fear in the times they run. Uno es que hacemos "discípulos de gente de todas las naciones ." 17: 13, 14. What important issue is set before us? One is that we "make disciples of people of all the nations. " Según revela el libro de Job, el Diablo desafió a Dios argumentando que si se le dejaba poner a prueba a los seres humanos, ninguno sería fiel a Dios. What can you learn about Jehovah from this illustration? According to the book of Job, Satan challenged God by claiming that if he was put to the test, no one would be faithful to God. Mañana salgan contra ellos, y Jehová estará con ustedes ' ." Is the risk involved worth whatever benefit the young ones may receive? They will run up against them, and Jehovah will be with you. ' " Estas palabras demuestran que Dios está dispuesto a aceptar "un rescate ," algo que cubra los pecados de los seres humanos que se arrepienten. He refers to it as "old " because Jesus gave it over 60 years before John penned his first inspired letter. Those words show that God is willing to accept "a ransom, " which exposes the sins of unrepentant humans. PÁGINA 18 • CANCIONES 36 Y 51 On the one hand, there is the duly constituted government that maintains order. On the other hand, there is a criminal entity ruling by fraud, violence, and murder. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 36, 51 Ponga un ejemplo. This is our God. " Illustrate. b) ¿Cómo aplican los discípulos de Jesús el consejo de Pablo que se halla en Filipenses 4: 9? In what way do the weeds cause stumbling, and how are they doing lawlessness? (b) How do Jesus ' disciples apply Paul's counsel found at Philippians 4: 9? De hecho, abundan los relatos de personas, incluso de siervos de Dios, que actuaron mal y sufrieron las consecuencias. In turn, anointed Christians reflect Jehovah's glory in their ministry of the new covenant, and those of the other sheep do similarly. - 2 Corinthians 3: 6, 18. In fact, we abound with accounts of people, including servants of God, who acted badly and suffered the consequences. Si andamos en el camino de Jehová, ¿qué "desahogo " hallaremos para nuestras almas? WHAT a marvelous future awaits all humans whom God views as righteous! If we walk in Jehovah's way, how can we " find out ' for our souls? ¿ Por qué fue apropiada y lógica la sentencia de Jehová contra Moisés? Pray in Faith Why was Jehovah's judgment against Moses appropriate and logical? El padre de familia debe demostrar especial empeño, pues quien se niega a mantener a los suyos actúa tan mal como el que "ha repudiado a Jehová ." How so? The father's father needs to demonstrate special effort. He refuse to maintain his integrity to his own. He does so as the one who "has disowned Jehovah. " Mateo 28: 19, 20 When messengers from Cornelius found Peter, they said: "Cornelius... was given divine instructions by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear the things you have to say. " Matthew 28: 19, 20 Todas las semanas, Charles Russell enviaba por telégrafo un sermón a una agencia informativa, la cual lo reenviaba por el mismo medio a muchos periódicos de Estados Unidos, Canadá y Europa. They reason that everything is continuing on as it did in the past. Each weeks of the United States, Charles Taze Russell was moved by a letter to a purpose, which was imprisoned for many newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. ¿ Qué pueden aprender las esposas del ejemplo de Sara y Rebeca? 10, 11. What can wives learn from the example of Sarah and Rebekah? * Si él no quiere que venga cierto niñero o niñera, pregúntele por qué. How can we overcome barriers that may hinder us from being hospitable? * If he does not want you to come out or ask him, ask him why. Este es el mensaje que he predicado durante los últimos veinticinco años ." This presents a challenge. Why is that the case? This is the message I have preached during the last 25 years. " En la actualidad, nosotros también hemos de " levantarnos ', o tomar la iniciativa, para fortalecer a los débiles. Each chapter has several introductory questions and a box at the end entitled "What the Bible Teaches. " Today, we too need to " raise up ' or take the initiative to strengthen the weak. " DURANTE varios meses repetía a mis padres que tenía el deseo de bautizarme, y ellos hablaron conmigo al respecto muchas veces. (b) Relate an experience that demonstrates how God is helping us today. " IT WAS several months to tell my parents that I had the desire to get baptized, and they spoke with me about many times. 8, 9. How did Jesus ' response to Mary's gesture compare with that of others? 8, 9. Así, mediante su infinitamente sabia "administración " - o modo de manejar los asuntos - , Jehová habrá realizado su propósito de" reunir todas las cosas de nuevo en el Cristo, las cosas en los cielos y las cosas en la tierra ." He was no longer the man I had married. " Thus, through his incomparable wisdom, or wise use of things, Jehovah will have accomplished his purpose "to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " Confiar sin reservas en Jehová nos ayuda, sobre todo si sufrimos una desgracia tras otra. 7, 8. (a) What is the primary purpose of our congregation meetings? We have full confidence in Jehovah's support, especially if we suffer a tragedy after another tragedy. Los prejuicios que aguantaron Jesús y sus discípulos tenían su origen en diferencias religiosas, sociales y étnicas. That fact has served to strengthen worshippers of God in their conviction that Jehovah's way of governing is indeed best. Those who endured Jesus and his disciples had their religious background, social, and ethnic background. No fue ante altivos líderes religiosos ni ante personajes influyentes, sino ante pastores humildes "que vivían a campo raso y guardaban las vigilias de la noche sobre sus rebaños ." Consider what happened to the family of a 12 - year - old lad whom we will call Milan. He was not confronted with religious leaders or by powerful characters, but when humble shepherds "went outside the field and kept watch over their flocks. " Quizá sea oportuno expresar nuestra preocupación si el compañero o alguien de su familia se enferma. It may be possible to help them realize that failure to preach the good news has resulted in the loss of joy. It may be appropriate to express concern about whether your partner or a member of your family are ill. Prediquemos para hacer discípulos See the article "The Bible's Viewpoint - What Kind of Divorcing Does God Hate? " Make Disciples También le advierte que, si no lo hace, corre el riesgo de que "sus oraciones [...] sean estorbadas ." Jesus then explained how this illustration applies to the practice of prayer, saying: "Accordingly I say to you, Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. He also warns that if he does not do so, the danger of " your prayers may be hindered. ' En muchas familias, la responsabilidad de atender a los padres parece recaer sobre un solo hijo o hija, normalmente el que vive más cerca. Is there hope for full recovery? In many families, the responsibility to care for parents seems to have on just one child or daughter - usually a closer child. En ese nuevo mundo disfrutaremos de plena salud física y espiritual gracias al sacrificio redentor de Jesús, que hace posible el perdón de nuestros pecados. Recognizing that they cannot successfully direct their own steps, they trust in God's wisdom and submit to his loving direction. In that new world, we will enjoy physical and spiritual health because of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, which makes possible the forgiveness of our sins. Piensan que solo se encarga de poner normas y de castigar a quienes no las siguen. By all means, then, take to heart the apostle Paul's exhortation! Keep on "comforting one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing. " - 1 Thess. 5: 11. They think that they are merely assigned to protect and punish those who do not follow them. Jehová predijo mediante el profeta Zacarías: "En aquellos días sucederá que diez hombres de todos los lenguajes de las naciones asirán, sí, realmente asirán la falda de un hombre que sea judío, y dirán: " Iremos con ustedes, porque hemos oído que Dios está con ustedes ' ." This is evident in the way he disciplined the Israelites, who repeatedly abandoned true worship. Through the prophet Zechariah, Jehovah foretold: "In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: " We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ' " Estas son las mismas preguntas que se planteó David. The perfect man Jesus had discernment that enabled him to identify those who deserved to be taught. These are the same questions raised by David. Su Palabra nos exhorta a que seamos "imitadores de Dios ." We, however, do not know. His Word admonishes us to "become imitators of God. " Esta hermana tiene un cuñado que había estado preso varias veces desde su adolescencia. Elihu, on the other hand, did help Job spiritually, which is always the goal of a loving counselor. This sister has a brother who had been a prisoner for several times. ¿ A qué importante cuestión nos enfrentamos? • How might a person dedicated to Jehovah grieve his spirit? What important issue do we face? ¿ Y qué lección encierra para nosotros? Highlights From the Book of Proverbs What lesson can we draw from this account? Sean cuales sean las ventajas que los jóvenes puedan recibir, ¿vale la pena correr el riesgo? If they had not had a sense of urgency, how many of us would have heard the Kingdom message? - Read Psalm 119: 60. What are the benefits that young ones can enjoy, are the danger worth the risk? Lo llamó "viejo " porque Jesús lo había establecido más de sesenta años antes de que Juan escribiera su primera carta inspirada. Today, we have much more evidence of his Messiahship than his first - century followers had. He called it "old " because Jesus had provided more than 60 years before John wrote his first inspired letter. Por un lado, está el gobierno legítimo, que vela por el mantenimiento del orden, y, por otro, una mafia que recurre a todo tipo de fraudes y actos violentos, incluido el asesinato. When Paul wrote that "the word of God is alive, " he was not referring specifically to God's written Word, the Bible. For one thing, he is the right government, keeping watch over the maintenance of the order, and yet another, a martyr who uses all kinds of fraud and violence, including murder. Este es nuestro Dios ." (b) For what purpose did Jehovah create the earth and mankind? This is our God. " La parábola continúa diciendo que se sacaría del Reino a todos los que hacen tropezar y cometen actos contrarios a la ley de Dios. (a) In what ways do humans react to reminders, and why? The parable goes on to say that all who stumble and commit acts contrary to God's law. Y es por eso que los cristianos ungidos reflejan la gloria de Jehová en su ministerio del nuevo pacto, como también lo hacen las otras ovejas. Only if we, like Hezekiah, prepare ourselves by cultivating an unshakable trust in Jehovah will we be ready for anything that might happen. That is why anointed Christians reflect Jehovah's glory in their ministry in their ministry of the new covenant, just as the other sheep do. ¡ QUÉ maravilloso porvenir tienen todos aquellos a quienes Dios considera justos! At times, we too have to make difficult decisions, and the right course to take may not be clear. WHAT a wonderful future awaits all those whom God views as righteous! Oremos con fe © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Pray in Faith ¿ Por qué? It can help us to guard our heart. Why? Por consiguiente, despachó mensajeros que, cuando encontraron al apóstol, le dijeron: "Cornelio [...] recibió instrucciones divinas, mediante un santo ángel, de que te enviara a decir que vinieras a su casa y de que oyera las cosas que tú dijeras ." We do well to ask ourselves: " How much do I love the truth? Hence, when they met the apostle, Paul said: "Jehovah... received instructions through an angel, that he sends you to say to his house and that you heard the things you said. " Les parece que todo continúa igual que siempre. (b) What will we receive when we daily approach Jehovah's throne of undeserved kindness? They feel that everything I continue to do always. 10, 11. At this point, the men made a decision that might have appeared a bit strange. 10, 11. ¿ Cómo podemos vencer los obstáculos que nos impiden mostrar hospitalidad? " Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer [or, "murderer "], " wrote the apostle John," and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him. " How can we overcome obstacles that enable us to extend hospitality? ¿ Por qué a algunos ancianos se les hace tan difícil esta tarea? How did Jesus demonstrate humility? Why do some elders find this challenging task difficult? Cada capítulo tiene varias preguntas introductorias y un recuadro final titulado "Lo que la Biblia enseña ," donde se encuentran las respuestas que dan las Escrituras a dichas preguntas introductorias. Well, if we are pursuing an upright course, we can be sure that our heavenly Father gives recognition to our godly life and views us as his approved servants. Each chapter has a number of questions and a box entitled "What the Bible Teach book Teach. " b) Cuente una experiencia que demuestre que contamos con la ayuda de Jehová. Similarly, it takes strong effort to resist the lure of pornography. (b) Relate an experience showing that you have Jehovah's help. La labor del Mesías llega a su término Many Jewish religious leaders made themselves like the Gentiles through excessive wordiness when praying. The Messiah's work becomes its meaning A diferencia de otros, ¿cómo reaccionó Jesús ante la acción de María? Of course, we cannot be sure how we would have reacted if we had lived back then. How did Jesus react to Mary's action? Ya no era el hombre con quien me había casado ." Material possessions do not deliver; they are unrealities. She was no longer the man with whom I had married. " 7, 8. a) ¿Cuál es la razón principal para asistir a las reuniones? Jesus ' careful use of details kept his illustrations concise and uncluttered. 7, 8. (a) What is the primary reason for attending Christian meetings? Y ese hecho ha reforzado la convicción de los siervos de Jehová de que el gobierno divino es el mejor. Are you proud to bear the name of your heavenly Father? This has strengthened the conviction of Jehovah's servants that God's way of ruling is the best. En nuestros días, muchos Testigos sienten que Dios les ha mostrado compasión. 1, 2. (a) Many lives have been saved by what warning? Today, many Witnesses feel that God has shown compassion. Y quizá se den cuenta de que ya no sienten el gozo que sentían antes, cuando predicaban las buenas nuevas. Why should you pay attention to how Jesus dealt with people during his ministry? They may realize that they no longer feel the joy they had before, when they preached the good news. Lea el artículo "El punto de vista bíblico: ¿Qué tipo de divorcio es el que Dios odia? ," en la revista ¡Despertad! If we are aglow with the spirit, our feelings of shared joy or compassion will be evident. Read the article "The Bible's View of divorce is the kind of God hates, " in Awake! A continuación, Jesús pasó a indicar la relación entre esta parábola y nuestras oraciones a Dios: "Por consiguiente, les digo: Sigan pidiendo, y se les dará; sigan buscando, y hallarán; sigan tocando, y se les abrirá. Although initially involved in setting up the idol, Aaron repented and joined the rest of the Levites on Jehovah's side. Then, Jesus went on to indicate the connection between this illustration and our prayers. " Consequently, I say to you, " Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. ¿ Es posible recuperarse después de cometer un pecado grave? Elsewhere in his psalms, David refers to enemy men and nations and sings: "You, O Jehovah God of armies, are the God of Israel. Is it possible to recover from serious sin? Reconocen que solos no pueden encaminar bien sus pasos, y por ello confían en la sabiduría de Dios y se someten a su amorosa dirección. How do they respond to their view of God's glory? They realize that they simply cannot see their steps well, and they trust in God's wisdom and submit to his loving direction. Por ello, todos debemos esforzarnos al máximo por seguir la exhortación de Pablo: "Sigan consolándose unos a otros y edificándose unos a otros, así como de hecho lo están haciendo ." Really, who are we to judge someone whom Jehovah is using in an appointed position or to say that he should not be part of the congregation? May all of us do our utmost to heed Paul's admonition: "Keep encouraging one another and building one another up, just as they are doing. " [...] We could then read Genesis 3: 19, where sentence was pronounced after their sin but nothing was said about hellfire. It does not keep account of the injury.... Cuando se arrepentían de corazón, les mostraba amor y misericordia. Two lines of evidence lead us to the conclusion that the seventh day was still under way in the first century C.E. When they repented of their heart, they showed love and mercy. Jesús era perfecto y podía distinguir en el acto quién merecía recibir su enseñanza y quién no. What prophetic role of the Messiah opens the way to everlasting life? Jesus was perfect, and he could discern whom he deserved to receive his teaching and who he did not. Nosotros, en cambio, no lo sabemos. I have made a habit of reading it. " We, however, do not know. Por el contrario, Elihú lo ayudó espiritualmente, logrando así el objetivo que todo consejero amoroso debe perseguir. (b) According to John 11: 25, what power has God given Jesus? On the contrary, Elihu helped him spiritually, thus making the goal of every loving counselor. • ¿Cómo podría un cristiano contristar el espíritu? The Israelites loved the foreign residents (See paragraphs 11 - 13) • How might a Christian grieve the spirit? Puntos sobresalientes del libro de Proverbios 8, 9. (a) In what humble way did the Levites begin their prayer? Highlights From the Book of Proverbs Si no hubieran tenido ese sentido de urgencia, ¿cuántos de nosotros habríamos oído el mensaje del Reino? (Léase Salmo 119: 60.) Even so, these opposite outcomes - some staying faithful while others lose faith - raise questions. If they had not had such a sense of urgency, how many of us would have heard the Kingdom message? - Read Psalm 119: 60. ¿ También está convencido de que Jesús es el Mesías prometido, el "Agente Principal de [nuestra] salvación "? During one of his postresurrection appearances, Jesus urged Peter: "Feed my lambs.... Are you convinced that Jesus is the promised Messiah, "the Chief Agent of your salvation "? Cuando Pablo afirmó en Hebreos 4: 12 que "la palabra de Dios es viva ," no se refería específicamente a la Biblia. These gates referred to the opening made in the walls of Nineveh by the waters of the Tigris River. When Paul stated at Hebrews 4: 12: "The word of God is alive, " he was not specifically referring to the Bible. b) ¿Con qué propósito creó Jehová la Tierra y al hombre? The first is that they "have spoken the word of God " to us. (b) Why did Jehovah create the earth and man? a) ¿Cómo reaccionan los seres humanos cuando reciben instrucciones, y por qué? • Why should we not seek to avenge ourselves? (a) How do humans react when they receive direction, and why? Solo si nos preparamos como Ezequías, cultivando una sólida confianza en Jehová, estaremos listos para afrontar cualquier situación que se presente. Yes, if we stick to a life course of faithfulness, we can come in line for salvation. Only if we prepare ourselves like Hezekiah, we can cultivate strong trust in Jehovah, we will be ready to face whatever situation we may face. En ocasiones, nosotros también tenemos que tomar decisiones difíciles, y puede que no sepamos muy bien lo que debemos hacer. Or someone may have hurt you in the past, and you find it hard to forget. At times, we too need to make difficult decisions, and we may not know what we should do. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. The blackpoll warbler makes the trip from North to South America, staying aloft for over 80 hours nonstop. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Saber controlarnos nos permite rechazar las cosas que Dios condena y nos ayuda a vigilar el corazón. Humans were made in God's image. Knowing self - control enables us to reject things that God condemns and helps us to guard our heart. Por eso conviene que nos preguntemos: "¿Cuánto amo yo la verdad? Indo - Europeans are descendants of Japheth. So we do well to ask ourselves: " How master am I the truth? b) ¿Qué recibiremos si nos acercamos a diario al trono de la bondad inmerecida de Jehová? If we keep humbly serving others in this work, we are imitating the love Jesus Christ showed toward people. (b) What will we experience if we approach the throne of Jehovah's undeserved kindness? Entonces, ¿qué hicieron? During your discussions, you might ask, "How did you learn the truth? " What, then, did they do? El apóstol Juan escribió: "Todo el que odia a su hermano es homicida [o" asesino ," según la Nueva Versión Internacional], y ustedes saben que ningún homicida tiene la vida eterna como cosa permanente en él ." How should we view recent simplifications in the organization? The apostle John wrote: "Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer [or, New International Version]; and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life as permanent in him. " ¿ Cómo ha demostrado su humildad? Forgive One Another Freely How has his humility proved to be manifested? Pues bien, si llevamos un derrotero recto, podemos estar seguros de que nuestro Padre celestial valora nuestros esfuerzos y nos considera sus siervos aprobados. Never think that your theocratic privileges are more important than your spouse. If we pursue a righteous course, we can be sure that our heavenly Father values our efforts and views us as approved servants of him. En el caso de los imanes, la fuerza que se necesita para separarlos tiene que ser mayor que la fuerza que los mantiene unidos. The angels almost had to drag him and his family out of the city. The strength required to devour them must be more than the strength that keeps them together. Muchos líderes religiosos judíos imitaban las interminables oraciones de "la gente de las naciones ." This issue of The Watchtower examines the Bible's claim that it can guide us in every aspect of life. Many Jewish religious leaders imitated "the people of the nations. " Al fin y al cabo, la Biblia nos advierte que no creamos de inmediato a cualquiera que diga que Jehová le ha dado una responsabilidad especial. One by one I reached those goals, and I was ready for baptism about a year later. " After all, the Bible warns us not to believe anyone who says that Jehovah has given you a special responsibility. Lo cierto es que no podemos estar seguros de cómo habríamos reaccionado de haber vivido en aquel entonces. □ How can we be sure that Jehovah treasures our efforts? Of course, we cannot be sure of how we would have reacted at that time. No hay duda: son "cosas irreales ." Equally precious are the many hardworking Christian sisters today who diligently study the Bible and also take in the spiritual food Jehovah provides through "the faithful steward. " - Luke 12: 42. There is no doubt that people can pursue material things. El cuidado con que Jesús empleaba los detalles contribuyó a la brevedad y claridad de sus ilustraciones. 13, 14. Jesus ' care for details contributed to the obvious and clear understanding of his illustrations. ¿ Se siente usted orgulloso de llevar el santo nombre de Dios y trata de difundirlo? Bethlehem (Ephrath) Are you proud to bear God's name and to share it with others? 1, 2. a) ¿Qué advertencia ha salvado muchas vidas? [ Picture on page 26] 1, 2. (a) What warning has been given many lives? ¿ Por qué deberíamos fijarnos en cómo trataba Jesús a la gente durante su ministerio? [ Footnotes] Why should we look to Jesus for the people in his ministry? Si fulguramos con el espíritu, los demás percibirán que nos alegramos por las cosas buenas que les ocurren y que nos compadecemos de su dolor. To illustrate: Imagine that it was possible to read God's Word, meditate on it, and pray to Jehovah only during a certain hour each day. If we are "aglow with the spirit, " others will sense that we are rejoicing over the good things that hurt us and that we show compassion for their pain. Aunque fue Aarón quien hizo el ídolo, luego se arrepintió y se puso de parte de Jehová junto con los demás levitas. Even Daniel's name, which means "My Judge Is God, " points to God - fearing parents. Although Aaron did the idol, he later repented and became part of Jehovah along with the other Levites. En otro de sus salmos, David se refiere a los hombres y naciones enemigos en estos términos: "Tú, oh Jehová Dios de los ejércitos, eres el Dios de Israel. Showing respect for the property of others contributes to the unity of the congregation. In another of his psalms, David refers to men and nations in these terms: "You, O Jehovah God of armies, are the God of Israel. ¿ Cómo reaccionan ellos ante la gloria de Dios? In contrast, the well - prepared minister thinks about the person he is instructing, meditates on the topic, and presents clearly just what is needed. How do they react to God's glory? En realidad, ¿quiénes somos nosotros para juzgar a un siervo nombrado a quien Jehová está utilizando o para decir que ese hermano no debería formar parte de la congregación? What are some examples of practical ways in which we can show love in our congregation? Who, though, are we to judge an appointed servant whom Jehovah is using or used to say that he should not be part of the congregation? Entonces podríamos leer en Génesis 3: 19 la sentencia que Dios pronunció contra ellos después de que pecaron y señalar que en esa ocasión tampoco dijo nada sobre un infierno. Scriptural Questions Answered: Then we might read at Genesis 3: 19 that God said against them after they sinned and that there was nothing telling about hellfire. Hay dos razones que nos permiten afirmar que, en el siglo primero, el séptimo día aún seguía en curso. Further, authorities have at times made it difficult for our brothers who are refugees to contact the congregation. There are two reasons why we may say that in the first century, the seventh day was still on course. ¿ Qué papel desempeñó el Mesías a fin de darnos la oportunidad de vivir para siempre? Nourishing spiritual food was made available to prospective members of the slave class in many nations. All anointed Christians, male and female, shared in carrying out the commission of making disciples. What role did the Messiah play in order to give us the opportunity to live forever? He adoptado la costumbre de leerla regularmente ," dice ella. Could that predicament ever be overcome? I have developed a routine of regular Bible reading. " b) Según Juan 11: 25, ¿qué poder le ha dado Jehová a Jesús? Jesus ' point was that we can " prove ourselves faithful ' with, or control, those riches once we obtain them. How so? (b) According to John 11: 25, what power has Jehovah given Jesus? Los israelitas amaban a los extranjeros This may have been the occasion to which Paul later referred when he said that Jesus "appeared to upward of five hundred. " - 1 Cor. 15: 6. The Israelites loved foreigners 8, 9. a) ¿Cómo demostraron humildad los levitas al comienzo de su oración? As I got older, I had to expand on my answers. " 8, 9. (a) How did the Levites show humility at the start of their prayer? Aun así, el hecho de que unos permanezcan fieles y otros pierdan la fe hace surgir algunas preguntas. In fact, not many reject Jehovah suddenly and deliberately. Yet, the fact that one who stays faithful and others loses faith causes some questions. En una ocasión en que Jesús se apareció a sus discípulos después de haber resucitado, exhortó a Pedro: "Apacienta mis corderos. The Bible, though, stands out as different. On one occasion when Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, he urged Peter: "Take my lambs. Tales puertas fueron los boquetes que se abrieron en las murallas de Nínive por acción de las aguas del río Tigris. Bear in mind that full - time servants have significant responsibilities in the most important work the world has ever known. These doors were opened in the walls of Nineveh for the waters of the river River. La primera es que nos "han hablado la palabra de Dios ." Whatever schedule we choose, one thing is certain: Preparation will help us to pay attention to the material being considered at congregation meetings. First, "they have spoken the word of God. " • ¿Por qué no debemos vengarnos? Still, it was the Devil who deceived Eve into rebelling against God. • Why should we not avenge ourselves? La reinita rayada, que migra de Norteamérica a Sudamérica, permanece en el aire durante períodos de más de ochenta horas. 48: 17, 18. A child who expresses interest in getting baptized should be helped to reason on yet another matter - how he or she feels about the responsibilities that come with being a Christian. The mankind in North America remains in the air during over 80 hours. Como vemos, Jehová es compasivo. (See opening picture.) Yes, Jehovah is compassionate. Los indoeuropeos son descendientes de Jafet. [ Footnotes] Those in the United States are descendants of J. Si nos mantenemos humildes sirviendo a los demás en esta obra, imitaremos el amor que Jesús demostró por la gente. Keeping on the watch involves praying not just for ourselves but for our brothers and sisters as well. If we humbly continue to serve others in this work, we will imitate Jesus ' love for the people. Durante el estudio podría preguntarle al hermano cómo conoció la verdad. He added that they would see him "sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven. " During the study, you might ask a brother how he knew the truth. ¿ Por qué ha hecho recientemente algunos cambios la organización? Men, Do You Submit to Christ's Headship? Why have some organizational adjustments been made? Jamás piense que sus responsabilidades teocráticas son más importantes que su cónyuge. Today, people "rightly disposed for everlasting life " are being instructed in Jehovah's ways. Never feel that your theocratic assignments are more important than your mate. Los ángeles casi tuvieron que sacarlos a rastras de la ciudad. When we read that "the eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, " some of us may feel that God is merely interested in enforcing his laws, which may even engender an unwholesome fear in us. The angels had almost thrown aside from the city. Este número de La Atalaya analiza si la Biblia realmente puede guiarnos en todos los aspectos de la vida. " Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? " " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics? " - MATT. 24: 45. CAN YOU FIND THE ANSWERS? This issue of The Watchtower discusses whether the Bible really can guide us in all aspects of life. Poco a poco las fui alcanzando y más o menos un año después ya estaba lista para bautizarme ." How does Jehovah support those who hope to marry but have not yet found a suitable mate? Before long, I started to become a baptized Christian, and I started to get baptized. " □ ¿Por qué podemos estar seguros de que Jehová aprecia nuestros esfuerzos por servirle? Amphipolis □ Why can we be sure that Jehovah appreciates our efforts to serve him? En la misma estima se tiene hoy a muchas cristianas trabajadoras que estudian la Biblia con diligencia y se benefician del alimento espiritual que Jehová proporciona mediante "el mayordomo fiel ." I had no desire to stay in the military service, so after finishing my service time of two years, I was honorably discharged in 1956. Similarly today, many Christian women who study the Bible diligently and benefit from the spiritual food that Jehovah provides through "the faithful steward. " 13, 14. True, going against popular trends by turning your back on selfish pursuits takes courage, but it is well worth the effort! 13, 14. Belén (Efrat) Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " Bethlehem (c) [ Ilustración de la página 26] Constantly dwelling on situations we cannot change may only tear us down. [ Picture on page 26] [ Notas] A wife may be able to win her husband over to true worship by being in subjection and showing deep respect for him, even if he treats her harshly. [ Footnotes] Como es lógico, para poder acercarnos a Jehová es necesario que saquemos tiempo de otras actividades. Only those who let their guard down and cease fighting will be overcome by this wicked world and its evil ruler, Satan the Devil. - 1 John 5: 19. Of course, to draw close to Jehovah, we must take time to draw close to him. De hecho, el propio nombre de Daniel - que significa "Mi Juez Es Dios " - indica que sus padres amaban a Jehová. Instead of being viewed as God's enemies, obedient humans can now enjoy a peaceful relationship with him. In fact, Daniel's own name - which means "my Judge " - shows that his parents loved Jehovah. Otra cosa que contribuye a la unidad de la congregación es el respeto por la propiedad ajena. Out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it. " Another factor that contributes to unity in the congregation is respect for neighbor. En cambio, quien se prepara bien piensa de antemano en el estudiante, medita en el tema que van a analizar y explica solo lo necesario. • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? On the other hand, if you prepare well for a student in advance, meditate on the subject that you will consider and explain just what you need. ¿ De qué maneras podemos demostrar que amamos a los hermanos? For example, one family allowed their ten - year - old son, Brandon, to present a report entitled "Why Did Jehovah Use a Snake to Represent Satan? " In what ways can we show our love for our brothers? Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: Jehovah expected them to consider the poor as being worthy of help. - Deut. 15: 7, 11; Lev. 25: 35 - 38. Scriptural Questions Answered: Además, en ocasiones las autoridades dificultan que los Testigos refugiados se pongan en contacto con la congregación. Since Jehovah is ready to support his servants when others desert them, would he not also sustain them during any other sort of tribulation? At times, refugees may find it difficult to associate with the congregation. El nutritivo alimento espiritual se proporcionaba a los futuros miembros de la clase del esclavo en muchas naciones, y todos los cristianos ungidos, varones y mujeres, llevaban a cabo la comisión de hacer discípulos. Housebound Christians praise him by letter writing, telephone witnessing, and preaching to attendants and visitors. A wholesome spiritual food provided for future members of the slave class in many nations, and all anointed Christians, men and women, were carrying out the commission to make disciples. ¿ Tendrá remedio esta situación? (b) In what ways are Psalm 111 and Psalm 112 arranged? Will he succeed? Los versículos siguientes indican que lo que él quería enseñar es que la forma en que usamos las "riquezas injustas " demuestra si somos fieles a Dios o no. This will provide the strength to cope with times of discouragement and the courage to remain faithful despite trials. The following verses show that what he wanted to teach is that the way we use the " unrighteous riches " to demonstrate whether we are faithful to God or not. Esta pudo haber sido la ocasión a la que Pablo se refirió posteriormente cuando dijo que Jesús "se apareció a más de quinientos " discípulos. Joshua, Moses ' assistant, wanted to restrain them. This could have been the occasion when Paul later referred to Jesus ' statement that "he appeared to more than 500 disciples. " Conforme he ido creciendo, he tenido que darle respuestas más completas ." After living things were brought into the ark, "Jehovah shut the door. " - Gen. 7: 5, 16. As I grew older, I have had to give further answers. " En realidad, los que repudian a Jehová rara vez lo hacen de manera repentina y deliberada. First, no one is immune to Satan's tactics. In fact, those who reject Jehovah rarely do so in the way that they reject it. La Biblia, en cambio, es completamente diferente. The apostle Paul exhorted Christians to "become imitators of God, as beloved children. " The Bible, however, is very different. No hay que olvidar que los siervos de tiempo completo tienen grandes responsabilidades en la obra más importante de todos los tiempos. Why will God's faithful servants see the salvation of Jehovah? Keep in mind that full - time servants have weighty responsibilities in the most important work of all times. Sin importar el horario que escojamos, una cosa es cierta: la preparación nos ayudará a prestar atención a lo que se expone en las reuniones. How can we benefit from dedicating time to spiritual matters? Regardless of our schedule, one thing is certain - the training will help us to pay attention to what is being found at meetings. Pero fue el Diablo quien engañó a Eva y la convenció de que se rebelara contra Dios. (a) How do the physical heavens testify to God's power and wisdom? But Satan the Devil deceived Eve and convinced her that she would rebel against God. Cuando un hijo dice que quiere bautizarse, sus padres deben ayudarlo a pensar en las responsabilidades que conlleva dar este paso tan importante. Most who sin seriously are truly repentant and are not disfellowshipped from the congregation. When a child says that he wants to get baptized, his parents should assist him to consider the responsibilities involved in making this important step. (Mira las fotos del principio). What choice did Joshua make, and with what outcome? (See opening picture.) [ Notas] Jesus said: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper [comforter; Greek, pa·raʹkle·tos] to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth. " [ Footnotes] Que mantenerse alerta implica orar, pero no solo por nosotros mismos, sino también por otros cristianos. He searches for the good in us. Let us keep on praying not only for ourselves but also for fellow Christians. Luego añadió que lo verían "sentado a la diestra del poder y viniendo con las nubes del cielo ." Read Psalm 45: 1. Then he added that he would see him "the right hand of the power and coming with the clouds of heaven. " En una ocasión me dijo que leyera un artículo de La Atalaya sobre la importancia de no darse por vencido. Nevertheless, this stand for righteousness brings God's people today much inner peace and happiness. - 1 Peter 3: 14. On one occasion, he told me to read an article in The Watchtower about the importance of not giving up. Varones, ¿reconocen la autoridad de Cristo? " People feel less inhibited on a social network. Men, Do You Appreciate Christ's Authority? Hoy día, a los que están "correctamente dispuestos para vida eterna " se les instruye en los caminos de Jehová. That is what our loving Creator, Jehovah God, has promised. Today, those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " are taught in Jehovah's ways. Al leer que "los ojos de Jehová están en todo lugar ," algunos podrían pensar que Dios solo los observa para ver si fallan en algo. Esa idea podría llevarlos a tenerle miedo. This article will discuss why we should maintain our focus on gaining the greatest form of recognition - the recognition granted by Jehovah to his faithful servants. When we read that "the eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, " some may feel that God sees them only if they fail to see them in such a way that they may have fear. " ¿Quién es, verdaderamente, el esclavo fiel y discreto a quien su amo nombró sobre sus domésticos [...]? " And how can we avoid grieving Jehovah's spirit? " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics '? ¿ Qué apoyo les brinda Jehová a quienes desean casarse pero no encuentran un buen cónyuge? • In 1914, what foregleam became a reality? What support does Jehovah provide for those who want to marry but who do not find a suitable mate? Anfípolis How, though, can we help baptized men in the congregation to reach out and qualify for responsibility in God's organization? Millions Pero como yo no quería dedicarme a eso, dejé la academia después de terminar los dos años de servicio obligatorio, en 1956. Israel's failure to remain faithful to Jehovah and thus supply all those who would make up a kingdom of priests did not mean that the Law had failed. But as I didn't want to devote my life to that, I didn't want to give up after the two years of compulsory service. Es verdad que al negarnos a perseguir objetivos egoístas iremos contra la corriente y necesitaremos armarnos de valor, pero bien vale la pena. Perceptive Christians do not need to ask whether it is acceptable to be entertained by a certain book, movie, or game that features what Jehovah hates. Granted, we do not want to pursue selfish goals, which will protect us from becoming valuable, but it is worth it. Entonces los que estén en Judea echen a huir a las montañas, y los que estén en medio de Jerusalén retírense ." The best way is by setting a good example. Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " En efecto, una mujer puede lograr que su cónyuge abrace la fe verdadera si le muestra sincero respeto aun cuando él no la trate con bondad y ternura. No plague or miracle - not even the personal loss of his firstborn - was able to persuade Pharaoh that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah. Yes, a woman can build up the true faith if she shows genuine respect even when he does not treats her kindly and tender feelings. Únicamente fracasaremos si bajamos la guardia y cesamos de combatir contra este mundo perverso y su maligno gobernante, Satanás. 4, 5. (a) Shortly before his death, what did Jesus request in prayer to Jehovah? Only if we were to guard against this wicked world and its evil ruler, Satan the Devil. Aunque seguimos siendo pecadores, si demostramos fe en este sacrificio, Jehová ya no nos considera sus enemigos, sino que nos permite estar en paz con él y disfrutar de su amistad. Why is Jesus ' reply to Peter faith - strengthening? Although we are still sinners, if we exercise faith in that sacrifice, Jehovah does not view us as his enemies, but he allows us to be at peace with him and enjoy his friendship with him. Y de su boca sale una aguda espada larga, para que hiera con ella a las naciones ." What gave these Witnesses the strength to endure such fiendish persecution? And from his mouth he comes forth a sharp sword, that he may strike with it to the nations. " • ¿Cómo debemos ver las normas morales de Jehová? 6: 2, 4. What will help us not to lose patience and become upset with our loved ones? • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? Por ejemplo, a Brandon, de 10 años, le permitieron en su casa presentar un informe titulado: "¿Por qué en la Biblia se representa a Satanás como una serpiente? ." The army Gideon assembled, however, was outnumbered by the Midianite menace 4 to 1. For example, ten - year - old girl allowed her home to present a report entitled "Why does the Bible represent Satan as a serpent? " Quería que ayudaran a los que eran pobres y débiles entre ellos. Recognizing the plight of David and his men, these three loyal subjects brought much needed supplies, including beds, wheat, barley, roasted grain, broad beans, lentils, honey, butter, and sheep. He wanted to help those who were poor and weak among them. Puesto que Jehová está dispuesto a apoyar a sus leales cuando otros los abandonan, ¿no los sostendrá también en cualquier otro tipo de dificultad? From your study of the Bible, you know that the young and inexperienced are a prime target of Satan. Since Jehovah is willing to support his loyal ones when others leave them, do we not also support them in any other form of trials? Claro está, no todos tenemos las mismas circunstancias ni la misma salud, pero lo importante es que siempre le demos a Jehová lo mejor de nosotros mismos. We also get courage by keeping active in the Kingdom - preaching work. Of course, we do not have the same circumstances or health, but it is important that we always have Jehovah's best interests at heart. b) ¿Cuál es la estructura de los Salmos 111 y 112? 9 - 11. (a) Why are those who ignore the counsel of 1 Corinthians 6: 18 more likely to get involved in serious immorality? (b) What is the structure of Psalms 11 and 112? A su vez, esto le dará las fuerzas para superar los momentos de desánimo y el valor para mantenerse fiel a pesar de las pruebas. Nothing will be able to stand in the way of Jehovah when he executes his judgment, not even human organizations that seem as permanent as the mountains and the hills. In turn, this can give you the strength to cope with discouragement and courage to maintain your integrity despite trials. Josué, su ayudante, quiso detenerlos. We find Paul's vision described at 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4. (Read.) Joshua, his helper, wanted to stop them. Entonces, después de que los animales entraron en el arca, "Jehová cerró [...] la puerta ." So this baptism - being baptized with holy spirit - was what Jehovah performed when, on the day of Pentecost and thereafter, he chose individuals to become joint heirs with Christ. Then, after the animals entered the ark, "Jehovah shut the door. " Primero, que nadie está libre de las maquinaciones de Satanás. Learn From the Illustration of the Talents First, no one is free from Satan's machinations. El apóstol Pablo animó a los cristianos a ser "imitadores de Dios, como hijos amados ." Love never fails. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 7, 8. The apostle Paul urged Christians to "become imitators of God, as beloved children. " Ver la salvación de Jehová. However, those who were on Jehovah's side were promised a blessing. - Ex. See Jehovah's Salvation. ¿ De qué manera nos beneficia dedicar tiempo a los asuntos espirituales? When she finished school, she was offered a scholarship that would enable her to pursue higher education. How can we benefit from focusing on spiritual matters? a) ¿Cómo atestiguan los cielos físicos el poder y la sabiduría divinos? (b) What Bible example can we imitate? (a) How do the physical heavens testify to God's power and wisdom? A la semana siguiente, se reunieron en un Salón del Reino. Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, the more we come to know Jehovah - his qualities and personality as revealed in the Bible - the more we become like him. The next week, they met at a Kingdom Hall. La mayoría de los que cometen pecados graves se arrepienten sinceramente y, por eso, no son expulsados de la congregación. (a) What opportunity is still open to wicked individuals? Most who commit a serious sin are genuinely repentant and therefore are not disfellowshipped from the congregation. ¿ Qué elección hizo Josué, y qué resultados produjo? What "strongly entrenched things " can the truth of God's Word overturn? What choice did Joshua make, and with what result? Dijo: "Yo pediré al Padre, y él les dará otro ayudante [o consolador; griego, pa·rá·kle·tos] que esté con ustedes para siempre, el espíritu de la verdad ." For instance, God has promised to destroy the present system of things. He said: "I will request the Father, and he will give you another helper [or, Greek] that is with you forever, the spirit of truth. " Eso fue lo que hizo con Jehosafat, rey de Judá. Have you not come to know about the holy spirit through studying the Bible? That is what Jehoshaphat, King Jehoshaphat of Judah, did. (Lea Salmo 45: 1.) 4: 7, 8. A joyful welcome awaits those returning to Jehovah. Read Psalm 45: 1. No obstante, esta postura en defensa de la justicia proporciona al pueblo de Dios gran paz interior y felicidad. What a tragedy if a couple were to allow Satan to exploit their "lack of self - control " and cause either of them to succumb to temptation and commit adultery! However, this position in defense of God's righteousness gives God's people inner peace and happiness. Y es que las palabras no parecen tan malas cuando las escribes como cuando las pronuncias. But concerning him I have nothing certain to write to my Lord. It is not as bad as bad when he writes them when he delivered them. Eso es precisamente lo que nos ha prometido nuestro cariñoso Creador, Jehová. * The section entitled "God's Name - Its Meaning and Pronunciation " (pages 6 - 11) shows clearly that the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (from the Greek, meaning" four letters ") appears almost 7,000 times in the ancient Hebrew texts. That is exactly what our loving Creator, Jehovah, has promised us. Este artículo analizará por qué debemos centrarnos en tener el reconocimiento más importante que existe: el que Jehová les otorga a sus siervos fieles. David was primarily concerned about his relationship with God. This article will consider why we should focus our attention on the highest recognition that Jehovah provides for his faithful servants. ¿ Cómo podemos evitarlo? We have to pay attention to our spirituality, to our relationship with Jehovah, and to Kingdom priorities. How can we avoid that? • En 1914, ¿qué visión se hizo realidad? Ask yourself, " Where would I be without Jehovah? ' • How did the vision become reality in 1914? ¿ Cómo podemos contribuir a que un mayor número reúna los requisitos para desempeñar responsabilidades en la organización de Dios? We too can be faithful to our heavenly Father regardless of what temptations and trials may come our way in the future. How can we contribute to a greater number of qualifications in God's organization? Como le dio la espalda a Jehová, Israel no pudo proporcionar la cantidad total de los que compondrían un reino de sacerdotes. ¿ Significó eso que la Ley había fracasado? No. The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days..., men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,... lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " Having turned his back on Jehovah, Israel could not afford the complete number of those who would make up a kingdom of priests. Así es, si percibimos cómo piensa Jehová, entenderemos que no podemos entretenernos con libros, películas o juegos con contenidos que él odia. With such training and encouragement, less experienced publishers will surely want to cultivate the interest of others and conduct Bible studies on their own. Yes, if we discern Jehovah's view of matters, we will see that we cannot be distracted by books, movies, or electronic games that he hates. El mejor modo es darles el ejemplo. Of course, parental love is more than just words. Love is expressed primarily in action. The best way to set the example is by setting the right example. No hubo plaga ni milagro - ni siquiera la pérdida de su primogénito - que lo persuadiera de que Moisés era el vocero de Jehová. Negative comments had been made about her ministry and her use of time. There was no physical plague, even the loss of his firstborn firstborn, which was persuaded to believe that Moses was Jehovah's spokesman. 4, 5. a) ¿Qué rogó Jesús a Jehová poco antes de morir? One who is justified in expressing his displeasure must carefully control his anger to avoid damaging valuable relationships. 4, 5. (a) What did Jesus pray for shortly before his death? ¿ Por qué fortalece la fe la respuesta de Jesús a Pedro? As servants of Jehovah, though, we seek the wisdom from above, which is impartial and promotes peace. Why does Jesus ' response to Peter strengthen our faith? ¿ De dónde sacaron estos Testigos las fuerzas para aguantar una persecución tan diabólica? * These chapters contain the last 9 of the 16 visions that the apostle John received near the end of the first century C.E. What brought these Witnesses the strength to endure such a scheme? ¿ Qué nos ayudará a no impacientarnos ni irritarnos con nuestros seres queridos? " For that reason, " he said, "I think that as each day passes, I can remain faithful. What will help us to avoid becoming impatient or impatient with our loved ones? El número de soldados que él reunió era cuatro veces menor que el de sus enemigos de Madián. So great was Jesus ' love and appreciation for Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem that a Gospel writer attributed to him the prophetic sentiment: "Zeal for your house has consumed me. " The execution of soldiers who met him was four times more than his enemies from Midian. Al hacerlo se jugaron la vida, pues si Absalón finalmente se quedaba con el trono, no dudaría en castigar severamente a cualquiera que hubiera apoyado a su padre. In the beginning I held back, saying: " That is not my cup of tea. ' By doing so, Absalom would not have punished anyone who had supported his father's father. Observemos lo que revelan estudios e investigaciones recientes. For instance, whether we are choosing a wedding dress or deciding what to wear while shopping, our appearance should always harmonize with our claim "to reverence God. " Notice what is involved in conducting studies and recent studies. Recuerda lo que sucedió en el jardín de Edén. Highlights From the Book of Malachi Remember what happened in the garden of Eden. Predicar las buenas nuevas del Reino también nos ayuda a ser valientes. It was a life that remained centered on his friendship with Jehovah God. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom also helps us to be courageous. 9 - 11. a) ¿Por qué es más probable que incurran en inmoralidad grave quienes pasan por alto el consejo de 1 Corintios 6: 18? According to Mic 7 verse 19, he "will throw into the depths of the sea all their sins. " 9 - 11. (a) Why might it be more likely that some who ignore the counsel found at 1 Corinthians 6: 18 - 11. Cuando Jehová ejecute su juicio, nada se interpondrá en su camino, ni siquiera las organizaciones humanas que parecen tan perdurables como colinas y montañas. 3, 4. When Jehovah executes his judgment, nothing will weaken in his way, not even human organizations seem to be as painful as hills and mountains. La visión de Pablo se encuentra en 2 Corintios 12: 1 - 4 (léalo) y en ella se le dio una revelación, la cual se cumpliría en el futuro. They do not set out endless rules and procedures. Paul's vision is recorded at 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4. (Read.) Por consiguiente, el bautismo con espíritu es el que Jehová ha estado realizando desde el día de Pentecostés a fin de elegir a los coherederos de Cristo. DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN THE PROMISED HAPPINESS FAILS TO ARRIVE. Thus, baptism is a spirit that Jehovah has performed since Pentecost in order to select Christ's joint heirs. Qué aprendemos de la parábola de los talentos After praying about a matter, we may realize the danger of being consumed by anxieties. Learn From the Illustration of the talents El amor nunca falla. " Jehovah again wrote the commandments upon stone. Love never fails. " En cambio, los que se pusieron de parte de Jehová recibieron la promesa de ser bendecidos. Perhaps they even wonder, " What must I do to get saved? ' Those who took a stand on Jehovah's side received the promise to be blessed. " Fue una gran tentación - recuerda Cherie - . Give way to misery and mourn and weep. " It was a great temptation, " she recalls. b) ¿Qué ejemplo bíblico podemos imitar? (b) What measures did Nehemiah take? (b) What Bible example can we imitate? Sea que abriguemos la esperanza de vivir en el cielo, o en la Tierra, cuanto más conozcamos las cualidades y la personalidad de Jehová tal como se revelan en la Biblia, más nos pareceremos a él. However, his freeness of speech was coupled with a humble view of his standing in relation to his Creator. Whether we have the hope of living in heaven or on earth, the more we learn about Jehovah's qualities and personality as revealed in the Bible, we will be more like him. a) ¿Qué oportunidad tienen ahora las personas malas? • What can young ones do to cope with and benefit from parental rules and correction? (a) What opportunity do bad people now have? ¿ Qué "cosas fuertemente atrincheradas " podemos derrumbar con la Palabra de Dios? An important factor is good communication. What "strongly entrenched things " can we overturn with God's Word? Pensemos en una de ellas: la de que este mundo desaparecerá para siempre. Just hearing the report of the coming attack against God's people caused the prophet's stomach to churn, his lips to tremble, and his strength to fail. Think of one of them - the one that this world will live forever. Por ejemplo, hemos aprendido que Dios lo utilizó para inspirar las Escrituras. They were called "unlettered and ordinary " because they did not attend rabbinic schools for religious training. For example, we have learned that God used him to strengthen him by using the Scriptures. A los que quieren regresar a Jehová les aguarda una cálida bienvenida. How might we give in to the danger of letting others choose for us? Those who want to return to Jehovah face a warm welcome. Sería trágico que Satanás se aprovechara de su falta de autodominio y que uno de los dos cometiera adulterio. Can we see in this a lesson that we can apply? How tragic it would be if Satan took advantage of his lack of self - control and that one of the two commits adultery! Mas respecto a él no tengo ninguna cosa segura que escribir a mi Señor. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " But concerning him I have no sure anything to write to my Lord. * La sección titulada "El nombre de Dios... su significado y pronunciación " (páginas 6 - 11) dice sin ambages que el Tetragrámaton - palabra de origen griego que significa" cuatro letras " - aparece casi siete mil veces en los textos hebreos originales. Jesus was referring to the hope of everlasting life for his anointed followers in heaven and for others on earth. * The Watchtower rendered "the name of God - its meaning and its meaning " in the Hebrew Scriptures - does not suggest that the Hebrew word translated" four letters " refer almost seven times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Lo que más le preocupaba era su relación con Dios. If your Bible student raises serious questions about certain Bible subjects under discussion, how can you go about finding more Bible information that will help him answer those questions? He was more concerned about his relationship with God. Debemos cuidar nuestra espiritualidad, fortalecer la amistad con Jehová y buscar primero el Reino. Angels are involved in some of the remarkable things that occur in "the Lord's day. " We need to maintain our spirituality, strengthen our friendship with Jehovah, and seek first the Kingdom. Y pregúntese: "¿Dónde estaría yo si no fuera por Jehová? ." These poignant words are not those of a stern judge who is eager to punish someone but those of a loving friend who is patient with people. Ask yourself, " Where would I be if I were not by Jehovah? ' El apóstol Pablo escribió que, "en los últimos días ," muchos serían" amadores de sí mismos ," "amadores del dinero " y" amadores de placeres más bien que amadores de Dios ." What is the lesson for us? The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days, many would be "lovers of themselves, "" lovers of money, " and lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " La capacitación y el ánimo que recibirán sin duda despertarán su deseo de cultivar el interés de las personas y de conducir cursos bíblicos ellos mismos. " I am no longer getting what I want out of this relationship. " The training and encouragement they will surely arouse their desire to cultivate interest in people and to conduct Bible studies themselves. Claro está que el amor de los padres no se limita a las palabras; se expresa más que nada con hechos. Desiring to have more association together and at the same time wanting it to be of spiritual value rather than only of a social nature, they decided to set aside an evening to meet and study the Bible. Of course, parents ' love is not limited to words. Algunos hicieron comentarios negativos sobre su predicación y sobre cómo usaba el tiempo. Some scholars suggest that the " prophetesses ' of Thyatira tried to entice Christians to worship trade - guild gods and goddesses and to participate in festivals involving food sacrificed to idols. Some turned negative comments about their preaching work and about how the time was used. Aunque existan razones válidas para expresar descontento, hay que tener cuidado de no exaltarse, pues se corre el riesgo de perder relaciones muy apreciadas. See "How to Raise Responsible Children " in the October 2011 issue of Awake! While praying for valid reasons to express selfishness, we need to be careful not to be envious of the risk of having romantic relations with others. Sin embargo, los siervos de Jehová buscamos "la sabiduría de arriba ," que es imparcial y fomenta la paz. When the box was full, she handed the money over to be used for the preaching work. However, Jehovah's servants look to "the wisdom from above, " who is impartial and promotes peace. * Estos capítulos contienen las últimas nueve de las dieciséis visiones que recibió el apóstol Juan a finales del siglo primero. ▪ "Stand Firm in the Faith " * These chapters contain the final visions given by the apostle John in the late 1800 ' s. " Por ese motivo - dijo este joven - , creo que cada día que pasa puedo ser fiel. Many are. " For that reason, " he said, "I believe that every day I can be faithful. El amor que Jesús sentía por el templo era tan grande que hizo pensar a sus discípulos en estas palabras del salmista: "[El] celo por tu casa me ha consumido ." First and foremost, a social network is a business. Jesus ' love for the temple was so great that he thought to his disciples in these words of the psalmist: "The zeal for your house has eaten me up. " Al principio me retraje, pues pensé: " Esto no es para mí '. Like Nehemiah, our names will be in God's book of remembrance if we continue to avoid bad associations, support theocratic arrangements, give spiritual matters priority, and safeguard our Christian identity. Let us " keep testing whether we are in the faith. ' At first, I thought, " This's not for me. ' Por ejemplo, cuando vamos a escoger qué ropa ponernos - sea para ocasiones especiales, como el día de nuestra boda, o para actividades cotidianas, como ir de compras - , debemos recordar que nuestra apariencia siempre debe ser la de personas que "profesan reverenciar a Dios ." As depicted on page 28, how did pride affect Korah's being known by God? For example, when choosing clothing, whether our wedding day or day - to - day activities, we should remember that our appearance should always be "in reverence for God. " Puntos sobresalientes del libro de Malaquías What mistaken viewpoint had developed among them? Highlights From the Book of Malachi El centro de su vida siempre fue su relación con Jehová. Many do whatever it takes to get their way, often trampling on the feelings of those who are weaker. The center of his life was their relationship with Jehovah. Según el versículo 19, arrojará "a las profundidades del mar todos sus pecados ." Naturally, prayerful reliance on Jehovah is essential in order to continue in a course that pleases him. - Psalm 37: 5. According to verse 19, they will throw "the depths of the sea all their sins. " 3, 4. a) ¿Por qué dijo Jesús que María escogió "la buena porción "? Meanwhile, Jehovah is directly involved in the lives of his faithful worshippers today. 3, 4. (a) Why did Jesus say that Mary chose "the good portion "? LA DECEPCIÓN QUE SENTIMOS CUANDO NO SOMOS TAN FELICES COMO ESPERÁBAMOS. Yet, she was very respectful of me. She never once put me down. THE modern - day Kingdom Halls are ARE DOES WE'S USED: "I'm not sure, but I'm not sure you will be able to do so. " Por eso, no es raro que, después de mencionarle lo que nos preocupa, nos sintamos más tranquilos y comprendamos mejor los peligros de permitir que nos consuma la inquietud. God's people eventually faced a type of genocide as Pharaoh attempted to limit their numbers. So it is not unusual for us to remember what concerns us, even if we are at times anxious, and we are better able to discern the dangers of allowing anxiety to weigh us down. Por eso, Dios volvió a inscribir los mandamientos sobre piedra. Baal was a fertility god who was supposed to provide rain and fruitful crops. Thus, God again sheds the commandments on stone. Quizás hasta pregunten lo mismo que el carcelero: "¿Qué tengo que hacer para salvarme? ." Moreover, love for God and for truth is not inherited. He might even ask himself, " What must I do to save me? ' Dense a la desdicha, y laméntense, y lloren. Paul knew what murmuring can lead to. So I got tired, and I got tired, and they cry out. b) ¿Qué medidas tomó Nehemías? What events made Pentecost a special day, and how did those events fulfill what the Scriptures had foretold? (b) What action did Nehemiah take? Pero no solo habló con franqueza, sino que además reconoció humildemente su posición ante el Creador. Should we not take advantage of every provision - including congregation meetings - to receive that spirit? He humbly acknowledged his position before the Creator. • ¿Qué les ayudará a los jóvenes a aceptar mejor las reglas y la corrección de sus padres? Yes, husbands and wives have the potential for enjoying happy times as well as for supporting each other through difficult times. - Prov. • What can help young ones to accept the rules and correction of their parents? Un factor importante es mantener la buena comunicación. As Christians, we allow our love for God and neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. A key factor is maintaining good communication. Como vemos, bastó con que el profeta se enterara de lo que sucedería durante el venidero ataque contra el pueblo de Dios para que su estómago se agitara, sus labios temblaran y sus fuerzas flaquearan. He was content to serve Jehovah without a wife, but he respected the right of others to enjoy marriage. Yes, Ezekiel's staff was aware of what would happen during the coming attack against God's people to their stomachs, their lips, and their strength became evident during the coming attack on God's people. Se les llamó "iletrados y del vulgo " porque no habían asistido a las escuelas rabínicas para recibir formación religiosa. As noted in that article, Paul offered this admonition to his fellow servants, including us: "Let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " - Heb. They were called "unlettered and ordinary " because they had not attended the church schools to receive religious training. ¿ Qué podría hacernos caer en la trampa de dejar que los demás decidan por nosotros? It is more important than the personal happiness of any individual. What could cause us to fall into the trap of allowing others to decide for us? ¿ Captamos la lección? Do not unmarried Christians who use their singleness to give greater attention to "the things of the Lord " also deserve commendation and encouragement? - 1 Cor. 7: 32 - 35. Why? Jesús dijo en el Sermón del Monte: "Regocíjense y salten de gozo, puesto que grande es su galardón en los cielos; porque de esa manera persiguieron a los profetas antes de ustedes ." Surely your heart would swell with respect and appreciation for the man who opened a way for you and many others to be delivered from death. That scenario may seem dramatic, but it corresponds to a reality we all face. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: " Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " Jesús se refería a la esperanza de la vida eterna en el cielo para sus seguidores ungidos y a la esperanza de la vida eterna en la Tierra para el resto de sus discípulos. Really, "if God is for us, who will be against us? " Jesus was referring to the hope of everlasting life in heaven for his anointed followers and the prospect of everlasting life on earth for the rest of his disciples. Quienes poseen la Watchtower Library en CD - ROM tienen fácil acceso a una gran cantidad de información en la computadora, pero ¿y los que no cuentan con tales instrumentos? First, if the person is particularly disturbed about the prevalence of evil in the world, it is likely that evil has touched him or his loved ones personally. Those who have the Watchtower Library on may find it easy to access to a large amount of information on computer, but what do those who do not have such tools? Los ángeles han participado en algunos de los sucesos más importantes que han tenido lugar en "el día del Señor ." What will we consider in the following article? Angels have joined in some of the most important events that have had place in "the Lord's day. " Estas conmovedoras palabras no son las de un juez severo que está ansioso de castigar a alguien, sino las de un amigo amoroso y paciente. They are able to live happily without fulfilling their sexual urges. Such touching words are not a stern judge who is eager to punish someone but a loving friend and patient. ¿ Qué aprendemos de esto? A valid question is, Will we personally remain faithful? What can we learn from this? " Esta relación ya no me da lo que busco " The writer of Psalm 102 was desperate. " This relationship no longer gives me what I looked for " Como viven en la misma ciudad, deseaban pasar más tiempo juntas, pero no solo en actividades sociales, sino también espirituales. Por ello, decidieron reunirse una noche a la semana para estudiar la Biblia. One vital detail, though, has escaped his attention. As they live in the same city, they wanted to spend more time together but not only in social activities but also spiritual activities. Algunos biblistas señalan que las supuestas profetisas de Tiatira quizás trataran de inducir a los cristianos a adorar a los dioses y diosas de los distintos gremios y a participar en fiestas en las que se consumían alimentos sacrificados a ídolos. At Psalm 23: 4, how does David speak more intimately, and why is this not surprising? Some Bible scholars point that the so - called shepherds in Thyatira may try to tempt Christians to worship the gods and goddesss of the goddessris and to share in the festivals they sacrificed to idol worship. de octubre de 2011, titulada "Cómo criar hijos responsables ." Vea la serie de artículos de ¡Despertad! How did the apostle Peter show that bearing fruit relates to manifesting Christlike qualities? October 2011, issue "How Can You raise Your Children? " in the series of Awake! Hasta dejó de comprarse juguetes. What effect can the Family Worship evening have on how family members feel toward one another? He even left behind the heavy buys. ▪ "Estén firmes en la fe " Let us not miss the point. ▪ " Stand Firm in the Faith " A muchos jóvenes sí. You have the privilege of sharing in it. " Many young people do. Una red social es, antes que nada, un negocio. Marriage and singleness are both gifts from God, each with its own blessings. A social network is, before anything, a business business. Nuestros nombres estarán junto al de Nehemías en el libro de recuerdo de Jehová si seguimos evitando las malas compañías, apoyamos la organización de Dios, damos prioridad a las cosas espirituales y no perdemos nuestra identidad cristiana. How did Nehemiah react to his false accusers? Our names will be accompanied by Nehemiah in the book of Nehemiah of remembrance if we keep on avoiding bad associations, supporting God's organization, putting spiritual things first and not lose our Christian identity. Tal como vemos en la ilustración de la página 28, ¿cómo afectó el orgullo de Coré a su amistad con Dios? More important, you can help them to become fully involved in their new congregation. As illustrated in the illustration on page 28, how did proud Korah's pride affect his relationship with God? ¿ Qué punto de vista erróneo habían adoptado? Taking into consideration the free will of his intelligent creation, he readily adjusts the way he achieves his purpose. How wrong had they adopted? Claro, nosotros no aprobamos ese comportamiento. Whatever he requires of us is for our benefit and ultimately results in our greatest joy. That is so even if his requirements involve our making some sacrifices. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. Of course, we do not practice such behavior. Y, claro está, la confianza en Dios y la oración son fundamentales para seguir agradándole. Take, for example, the case of Joyce, a Christian sister in the United States. Clearly, trusting in God and prayer are essential to sticking to him. Pero aun hoy Jehová está actuando a favor de sus siervos fieles. Because she was deeply moved by our sister's faith and courage. Even now, Jehovah is acting in behalf of his faithful servants. La trataba muy mal y, sin embargo, ni una sola vez me faltó al respeto ni me menospreció. Still, the divine guidance to honor one's father and mother comes with no time limit. Yet, not once did he look down or look down on me. De hecho, el faraón ordenó una forma de genocidio (una horrible matanza de niños) para impedir que el pueblo de Dios siguiera aumentando. For instance, many thousands of our young people who recently graduated from school have expanded their ministry and are now experiencing the joy that comes from zealously serving as pioneers. In fact, Pharaoh ordered a terrible slaughter of children (a) to prevent God's people from continuing to grow. El rey Acab, bajo la influencia de su pagana esposa, Jezabel, fomentó el culto a Baal en el reino de diez tribus de Israel. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania King Ahab, under the influence of his pagan wife, Jezebel, helped Baal worship in the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. Además, el amor a Jehová y a la verdad no se hereda. What will help us to prepare for survival? Moreover, love for Jehovah and for the truth are not inherit. Pablo sabía adónde puede llevar la murmuración. Doing so contributes to unity. Paul knew where murmuring can lead. b) ¿Cómo se cumplió ese día lo que habían profetizado las Escrituras? Together they form God's Messianic Kingdom. (b) How was that prophecy fulfilled? Por eso, aprovechemos todas las oportunidades que tengamos - entre ellas, las reuniones - para recibir ese espíritu. In Review Let us therefore take advantage of every opportunity - including our meetings - to receive that spirit. En efecto, el esposo y la esposa pueden disfrutar juntos de muchas alegrías y también apoyarse en los malos momentos. Marcus: Thank you. Yes, a husband and wife can enjoy much joy together and too much happiness in times of distress. Movidos por el amor a Dios y al prójimo, los cristianos participamos en la predicación del Reino y en la obra de hacer discípulos. At the same time, nothing is more satisfying than feeling his "everlasting loyal love. " - Isa. 54: 7, 8. Out of love for God and neighbor, Christians engage in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Aunque él era feliz sirviendo a Jehová sin la compañía de una esposa, respetaba el derecho de los demás a contraer matrimonio. However, Jehovah's anger can be turned back by our heeding the divine warning and " turning back from bad ways. ' Although he was happy to serve Jehovah without association with a wife, he respected the right of others to marry. Haciendo caso de la exhortación que dirige Pablo a todos los cristianos: "Quitémonos nosotros también todo peso, y el pecado que fácilmente nos enreda, y corramos con aguante la carrera que está puesta delante de nosotros ." Why are the words at Psalm 130: 3 comforting in the matter of self - control? By following Paul's admonition to all Christians: "Let us also put off every weight, and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " Es más importante que la felicidad de cualquiera de nosotros. A child's associates can either strengthen the child or "spoil useful habits. " It is more important than any of us. En la actualidad, los cristianos que están solteros y se concentran en "las cosas del Señor " merecen también que se les felicite y anime. How sad for him! Today, Christians who are single and focused on "the things of the Lord " also deserve similar encouragement and encouragement. Sin duda sentiría profunda gratitud y respeto por el médico que lo libró a usted y a tantas otras personas de una muerte segura. Did God's spirit play a role in this? Surely you would feel deep appreciation and respect for the doctor who delivered you and many others from a sure death! En efecto, "si Dios está por nosotros, ¿quién estará contra nosotros? ." Bible writer Luke, who accompanied Paul on the trip, tells us what happened: "From there [Rome] the brothers, when they heard the news about us, came to meet us as far as the Marketplace of Appius and Three Taverns. " " If God is for us, who will be against us? " En primer lugar, tengamos en cuenta que si a la persona le preocupa particularmente la maldad, es probable que ella o sus familiares hayan sentido sus efectos. How should we view receiving discipline? First, we realize that if a person is particularly concerned about badness, she or her family may have affected her. ¿ Qué veremos en el próximo artículo? What a precious blessing that is! What will we consider in the next article? Hay quienes no pueden satisfacer sus impulsos sexuales y sin embargo son felices. The Messiah's birth would take place in Bethlehem. Some cannot satisfy their sexual impulses and yet find happy. Por eso, la verdadera cuestión es esta: "¿Seremos nosotros fieles a Jehová? ." Empowered to Overcome Any Trial So the real question is, " Will we remain faithful to Jehovah? ' El escritor del Salmo 102 estaba desesperado. Those who truly love Jehovah will strive to view others as he does. The writer of Psalm 102 was desperate. Al menos, eso es lo que el autor del plan se imagina. This was when a renegade spirit son of God, Satan, succeeded in influencing Adam and Eve to rebel against Jehovah's rulership. In fact, that is what the source of the letter can be seen. En Salmo 23: 4, ¿cómo adopta David un tono más íntimo, y por qué no es de extrañar que lo haga? By our meditating on the marvelous way that Jehovah has dealt with his people, both past and present, we gain greater confidence in his ability to carry out his will and purpose in the future. In Psalm 23: 4, how does David perceive a more intimate tone, and why is it not surprising that he does so? ¿ Cómo mostró el apóstol Pedro que llevar fruto está relacionado con manifestar las cualidades de Cristo? PUBLISHERS How did the apostle Peter show that bearing fruit involves displaying Christ's qualities? ¿ Cómo puede la Noche de Adoración en Familia estrechar los lazos familiares? 8: 1 - 4. How does the organization strive to make the best use of donated funds? How can a Family Worship evening help family members to draw close to one another? b) ¿Cómo crece nuestra confianza en Dios? 22, 23. (a) What remarkable abilities do some birds and land animals have? (b) How does trusting in God grow? Ustedes tienen el privilegio de participar en ella ." Children seldom ask just once for some desired object. You have the privilege of participating in it. " Tanto el matrimonio como la soltería son dones de Dios, y cada uno de ellos conlleva sus propias ventajas. What could Solomon learn about courage from his father? Both marriage and singleness are gifts of God, and each of them brings its own advantages. ¿ Cómo respondió Nehemías ante las falsas acusaciones? That is why, as Solomon further noted, we may derive greater benefit from attending a funeral - especially that of a loyal Christian brother or sister - than from going to a "house of rejoicing. " How did Nehemiah react to false accusations? Lo más importante es que los ayudemos a integrarse completamente en la congregación. Could anything ease her sorrow? Most important, we can help them to develop a complete share in the congregation. Sin dejar nunca de respetar la libertad de elección de sus criaturas inteligentes, realiza cualquier modificación que estima necesaria para lograr sus fines. God promises: "I will give you insight and instruct you in the way you should go. Without fail to show respect for the free will of his intelligent creatures, he puts any value on his own ends. Cualquier cosa que nos pida es para nuestro beneficio, y obedecerlo resulta en que disfrutemos de completa felicidad, aunque implique algunos sacrificios (lea Isaías 48: 17). 12, 13. (Read Isaiah 48: 17.) Joyce, de Estados Unidos, es un buen ejemplo de ello. The problem is that I am a teacher, and giving lessons takes up all my time. " I am a good example in the United States. Porque se conmovió al ver su fe y su ánimo. But as Jehovah's servants, we catch the glorious light from the Scriptures and reflect it to others. Because he was touched by his faith and encouragement. Aun así, el mandato divino de honrar a padre y a madre no deja de ser válido después que los hijos se casan. * Often, though, the most helpful thing you can do is to "weep with those who weep. " Yet, God's command to honor a father and mother does not allow her to be valid after the children marry. Así lo han hecho miles de jóvenes que han terminado sus estudios y ahora son precursores entusiastas. We may find that the mercy we have shown to others will triumph over any adverse judgment that God might otherwise bring to bear against us when we are brought into judgment. This has resulted in thousands of young people who have finished their education and are now zealous pioneers. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Do not be a faultfinder. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ¿ Qué nos ayudará a estar preparados para sobrevivir? The letter of James was likely written shortly after the apostle Paul wrote his inspired description of faith. What will help us to be prepared for survival? Y esto, a su vez, aumentará la unidad entre nosotros. Regardless of what others may do, we need to exercise restraint, being kind, compassionate, forgiving. This, in turn, draws ever closer to us. Todos ellos juntos forman el Reino mesiánico de Dios. Evidently, he was not posing a question but making a rousing statement, an exclamation. They are together God's Messianic Kingdom. Repaso WE ARE living at a momentous time in history. By Way of Review Marcos: Muy bien, gracias. In the end, this brings happiness. Marcus: That's right. Pero nada nos hace tan felices como sentir que tenemos su "amor leal hasta tiempo indefinido ." In order to help them safeguard their precious relationship with God, Paul admonished them: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " But nothing makes us happier as we feel that we have "love loyal to time indefinite. " No obstante, la ira de Jehová puede aplacarse si hacemos caso de las advertencias divinas y dejamos el "mal camino ." Therefore, you need to scrutinize the type of recreation and entertainment that you engage in. However, Jehovah's wrath can guide us if we heed divine warnings and let us "go on the way. " ¿ Por qué son reconfortantes las palabras de Salmo 130: 3 con relación al autodominio? No man, no human government, and no wicked spirit can stop this work from being accomplished to God's complete satisfaction. Why are the words of Psalm 130: 3 comforting to exercise self - control? Recordemos que las compañías pueden tener dos efectos en el niño: o lo fortalecen, o "echan a perder [sus] hábitos útiles ." How can we " handle the word of the truth aright '? Remember that association can affect the child or strengthen him or strengthen him or strengthen him or " keep his useful habits. ' ¡ Qué lamentable! To help your child become more comfortable when conversing with others about his faith, you can regularly conduct practice sessions with him. How sad! ¿ Tuvo algo que ver en ello el espíritu de Dios? Your unrestrained enthusiasm might discourage your partner and confuse the householder. Did I have something to do with God's spirit? Lucas, escritor bíblico y compañero de viaje de Pablo, nos cuenta qué sucedió: "De allí [de Roma] los hermanos, al oír las noticias acerca de nosotros, vinieron a nuestro encuentro hasta la Plaza del Mercado de Apio y las Tres Tabernas ." Avoid Stumbling Others Luke, a Bible writer and companion in Paul's journey, relates: "From there the brothers in Rome, when they heard the news about us, they came to meet us as far as the founding of the Mosaic Law and the Most High. " ¿ Cómo debemos ver la disciplina que recibimos? Notice that the tree here is not merely a shade tree growing by chance next to a river. How should we view the discipline we receive? Pero solo la recibiremos si somos sus amigos. Scriptural Questions Answered: But we will receive only if we are friends of God. Nacería en Belén. Typical is the following verdict: The Messiah was born in Bethlehem. Poder para superar todas las dificultades (b) Why should we not hold back from asking Jehovah for forgiveness? Empowered to Fight All Things Y como lo aman de verdad, procuran ver a sus semejantes como él los ve. Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the Jews to work whole - souled and thus receive a blessing And as they truly love him, they strive to see others as he sees them. Esa situación se planteó cuando uno de sus hijos espirituales - quien llegó a ser conocido como Satanás - se rebeló contra él y convenció a Adán y Eva para que lo imitaran. Obsolete English expressions were replaced, and a concerted effort was put forth to make the text clear and easy to understand without sacrificing accuracy. That situation raised a challenge when one of his spirit sons, who became known as Satan, rebelled against Him, and overcome Adam and Eve so as to imitate him. Meditar en todo lo que Jehová ha hecho por su pueblo en el pasado y en el presente fortalecerá nuestra confianza en que él cumplirá su voluntad en el futuro. " Lord, " said Martha, "does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things? Meditating on all that Jehovah has done for his people in the past will strengthen our confidence that he will fulfill his will in the future. PUBLICADORES June 15, 2008 PUBLISHERS ¿ Qué hace nuestra organización para usar los fondos donados de la mejor manera posible? The anointed corulers will be at his side when he accomplishes "awe - inspiring things " while shepherding the nations with an iron rod. What does our organization do to make use of funds in the best way? 22, 23. a) ¿Qué asombrosas capacidades tienen algunas aves y otros animales? Consider what he did about the wrongdoing that was common in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Read 2 Peter 2: 6 - 8.) 22, 23. (a) What amazing abilities do some birds and other animals have? Los niños no suelen contentarse con pedir una sola vez lo que quieren. Today, our " fishing grounds ' have been expanded to 235 lands. - Mark 13: 10. Children are not content with simply asking for what they want. ¿ Qué ejemplo de valentía le dio David a Salomón? In his first letter to the congregation in Thessalonica, Paul called attention to the coming of "Jehovah's day. " What courageous example did David provide for Solomon? Recuerde que la vida es corta, y nada garantiza que estaremos libres de problemas y enfermedades. There we read that the Israelites were to allow afflicted ones and alien residents to share in the harvest. Remember, life is short, and nothing guarantees that we will be free from problems and diseases. ¿ Qué podría aliviar su dolor? But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding? " - Job 26: 14. What can you do to relieve your pain? Dios promete: "Te haré tener perspicacia, y te instruiré en el camino en que debes ir. How has Jesus proved to be a loving shepherd? God promises: "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. 12, 13. The epidemic of child abuse in the family furnishes vivid proof of the truth of that prophecy. 12, 13. El problema es que soy maestra, y las clases no me dejan tiempo para nada más ." Remember, too, that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Pet. 2: 9. The problem is that I am teachers, and the study is no time for nothing more. " Pero los siervos de Jehová captamos y reflejamos la gloriosa luz de las Escrituras. Little wonder, then, that God's organization has issued balanced warnings about the use of such sites. As Jehovah's servants, however, we understand and reflect the glorious light of the Scriptures. * Con todo, en muchas ocasiones, lo más útil que podemos hacer es seguir este consejo: "Lloren con los que lloran ." " Wherever this good news is preached in all the world, " he said, "what this woman did shall also be told as a remembrance of her. " - Matthew 26: 6 - 13. * In many cases, though, it is especially helpful to heed the counsel: "We met with those who weep. " Además, la misericordia con que hemos tratado al prójimo triunfará sobre el juicio, es decir, impedirá que recibamos un juicio adverso cuando tengamos que rendirle cuentas a Dios por nuestras acciones. And when you reach a goal, it feels great to look back and say, " Wow, I really did it! Moreover, mercy with regard to our dealings with others will bring about judgment, preventing us from receiving an adverse judgment when we render an account to God for our actions. No seamos criticones. (New Century Version) Yes, the extent to which Jehovah was willing to go in order to provide the ransom shows that he has the highest regard for "what is right and fair. " Do not be critical. Es probable que Santiago escribiera su carta poco tiempo después de que el apóstol Pablo definiera la fe bajo inspiración. How might the anxieties of this system of things lead to materialism? James likely wrote his letter shortly after the apostle Paul described the faith under inspiration. Prescindiendo de lo que hagan los demás, tenemos que saber dominarnos y ser bondadosos, compasivos y perdonadores. True, as Christians, we are not under the Mosaic Law, obligated to offer sacrifices of animals or crops. Regardless of what others do, we need to know and be kind, compassionate, and forgiving. Notemos que el apóstol no está haciendo una pregunta, sino una exclamación para exhortar a sus hermanos. Jesus ' humility and obedience drew people of honest heart to him and helped to make him a compassionate and gracious teacher. Notice that Paul is not making a question. Rather, he writes a exhortation to exhort his brothers. VIVIMOS en tiempos trascendentales. Now aware that they never had the heavenly hope, surely their conscience will compel them to stop partaking. WE LIVE in momentous times. A la larga, eso nos produce felicidad. " Even the hairs of your head are all numbered " by him. In the long run, that brings us happiness. A fin de que protegieran su preciosa amistad con Dios, Pablo les dio este consejo: "Mantengan la mente fija en las cosas de arriba, no en las cosas sobre la tierra ." The city's walls were rebuilt in 455 B.C.E. under Nehemiah's supervision. To protect their precious relationship with God, Paul counseled them: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " Por lo tanto, evaluemos con detenimiento el tipo de diversiones que preferimos. You can benefit from this account as you carry out your weekly Bible reading assignment for the Theocratic Ministry School. Let us carefully consider the type of entertainment that you choose. No hay nadie - ni hombre ni gobierno ni demonio - capaz de impedir que esta obra se desarrolle a plena satisfacción de Dios. In a recent year, nearly 40 percent of all those baptized at the district conventions in one Western European country had come from another land. There is no one - neither man nor demon - can prevent this work from cultivating full satisfaction of God. ¿ Cómo podemos utilizar "la palabra de la verdad correctamente "? REGULAR PIONEERS How can we use "the word of the truth aright "? Para que su hijo se sienta más cómodo al conversar sobre su fe, convendría que usted ensayara con él periódicamente. 16, 17. For your child to feel comfortable when talking about his faith, it would be fitting that you regularly practice it with him. Su desbordante entusiasmo podría desanimarlo a él y confundir a la persona. The Assyrians would snatch them from their splendid ivory couches and drag them off into captivity. Such joy may discourage him and confuse the person. No causemos tropiezos (b) Why did Jehovah establish a priesthood within Israel? Do Not Flee! ¿ Cómo llegamos a esta conclusión? 19: 31 - 37. Modesty helped Barzillai to make a reasonable decision. How can we draw that conclusion? Respuestas a preguntas bíblicas: What pressures must we deal with, but what reason does Jehovah have to be pleased with his faithful servants? Scriptural Questions Answered: El siguiente veredicto es representativo: Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? The next sentence is prophetic: Pero ¿y si te tachan de prejuicioso, intolerante o hasta homofóbico por seguir las normas bíblicas? In other words, he was not portrayed as a bad man. What, though, if you were engaging in prejudice, perhaps even paying attention to Bible standards? b) ¿Por qué no debemos dejar de pedirle a Jehová que nos perdone? To survive this war and remain spiritually vibrant, we need to ask for God's spirit and then display its fruitage in our lives. (b) Why should we not stop praying for forgiveness? Ageo y Zacarías animaron a los judíos a trabajar con ahínco y así recibir la bendición divina Second, the execution of divine judgment upon the apostate kingdom of Israel makes it certain that God will bring destruction upon Christendom, the most reprehensible part of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. - Revelation 18: 2. Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the Jews to work hard and thus receive God's blessing Se quitaron palabras y expresiones anticuadas y se hizo un esfuerzo especial para que el texto fuera exacto, pero fácil de leer. Worshippers of God have an added reason to reject astrology and fortune - telling - God condemns all forms of divination. They took words and language into account and made special effort to be accurate, but easy to read it. " Señor - le dijo - , ¿no te importa que mi hermana me haya dejado sola para atender las cosas? " Will He Really Find This Faith on the Earth? " " Lord, " he said, "I don't care that my sister has left me alone to care for matters. 15 de junio de 2008 Yet, following the example of the first - century governing body, modern - day bodies of elders discuss matters freely, seeking guidance from the Scriptures. June 15, 2008 Estarán a su lado cuando efectúe "cosas inspiradoras de temor " al pastorear a las naciones con una vara de hierro. 19, 20. (a) Describe the ancient threshing and winnowing process. (b) Why are the wicked likened to chaff? They will be able to do "deep things of fear " to shepherd the nations with a rod of iron. Recuerde lo que hizo con las cosas malas que abundaban en Sodoma y Gomorra (lea 2 Pedro 2: 6 - 8). Jehovah created Adam and Eve with the ability to have perfect children. (Read 2 Peter 2: 6 - 8.) En la actualidad, la pesca se ha extendido a 235 países. What steps are involved in preparing orchestral renditions of our Kingdom songs? Today, the fishing catch has moved 235 lands to 235 lands. En su primera carta a los cristianos de Tesalónica, Pablo les advirtió sobre la venida del "día de Jehová ." How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? In his first letter to the Thessalonian Christians, Paul warned them about the coming of "the day of Jehovah. " En ese capítulo leemos que los israelitas dejarían que los necesitados y los residentes forasteros recogieran parte de la cosecha. But such an expectation was insulting to Jehovah, who can read hearts and could see their hypocrisy. - Jer. At that chapter, we read that the Israelites would allow the needy and the alien residents to eat part of the harvest. Pero de su poderoso trueno, ¿quién puede mostrar entendimiento? ." Those words are part of Moses ' parting speech to the nation of Israel gathered on the plains of Moab in the year 1473 B.C.E. The nation was about to cross the river Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land. But out of his powerful shield, who can show understanding? " ¿ Cómo demostró Jesús que es un pastor que ama a sus ovejas? Early in the last days, the domestics were all anointed ones. How did Jesus show that he loves his sheep? La epidemia del abuso infantil en la familia es una clara prueba de la veracidad de esta profecía. Contrast genuine Christian shepherds with those who only claim to be such. The child's child abuse is clear evidence of the truthfulness of this prophecy. Nunca olvidemos que "Jehová sabe librar de la prueba a personas de devoción piadosa ." To make a donation, please visit Never forget that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " No sorprende, pues, que la organización de Jehová haya dado advertencias razonables sobre tales sitios. Nothing indicates that she did so. It is not surprising, therefore, that Jehovah's organization has given reasonable warnings about such sites. Lejos de criticar a María, la honró diciendo: "Dondequiera que se prediquen estas buenas nuevas en todo el mundo, lo que esta mujer ha hecho también se contará para recuerdo de ella ." They did not leave us alone for the first two or three days. Rather than criticize Mary, Jesus honored her, saying: "Wherever this good news is preached in all the world, what this woman has done will also be remembered for remembrance of her. " Es genial alcanzar una meta, mirar atrás y decir: " ¡Lo logré! ' " Roving through the pages of the Bible, they have come to acquire true knowledge. It is our goal to reach a goal, to look back and say, " What I am! ' " En efecto, el punto al que Jehová estuvo dispuesto a llegar a fin de proporcionar el rescate muestra que tiene el más elevado concepto de "lo que es justo ." The prophecy at Daniel 2: 44 states that God's Kingdom "will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. " Yes, Jehovah's willingness to provide the ransom shows that he has the highest view of "what is righteous. " ¿ Cómo pueden llevarnos las inquietudes de este sistema a hacernos materialistas? Another said that she feels that some elders "can be very intimidating because they have an extremely serious nature. " How can anxieties of this system cause us to become materialistic? Es cierto que los cristianos no estamos bajo la Ley mosaica, que obligaba a ofrecer sacrificios de animales o del producto de la tierra. How can we prepare to face persecution and combat discouragement? True, Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, which was forced to offer animal sacrifices or the produce of the land. Y siempre reconoció que su sabiduría y enseñanzas venían de Dios. How can the Bible help us to remain neutral? And he always acknowledged that his wisdom and teachings were from God. Ahora que comprende que nunca poseyó la esperanza celestial, su conciencia sin duda lo moverá a no seguir haciéndolo. If it has, they will then handle the case according to Scriptural guidelines. Now he realized that he never regretted his heavenly hope, his conscience will surely move him to continue doing so. Jesús dijo: "Los mismísimos cabellos de la cabeza de ustedes están todos contados ." " Many are the friends of the rich person, " wrote wise King Solomon. Jesus said: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Las murallas de la ciudad se reconstruyeron en el 455, bajo la supervisión de Nehemías. They are excited about the blessings that the Kingdom will bring. The walls of the city were rebuilt in 455 B.C.E. under Nehemiah's oversight. Todos podemos beneficiarnos de este relato al seguir la lectura semanal de la Biblia para la Escuela del Ministerio Teocrático. From what we have considered, is it not clear that we have sound reasons to accept Jehovah's judgments? All of us can benefit from this account by following the weekly Bible reading for the Theocratic Ministry School. En un año reciente, cerca del cuarenta por ciento del total de bautizados en las asambleas de distrito que se celebraron en cierta nación de Europa occidental provenía de otro país. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. In a recent year, nearly 40 percent of baptized conventions held at a district convention in Western Europe. PRECURSORES REGULARES Why, Solomon and his attendants are returning to the city! REGULAR PIONEERS 16, 17. 66: 3 - 5. 16, 17. Los asirios los sacarían de sus espléndidos lechos de marfil y los llevarían al cautiverio. Developing and strengthening humility will also make us recipients of God's undeserved kindness. The Assyrians would deliver them from their abundance of ivory and take them into captivity. b) ¿Por qué estableció Jehová un sacerdocio dentro de Israel? Throughout the earth, many of God's servants have "accepted the word under much tribulation with joy of holy spirit. " (b) Why did Jehovah established a priesthood within Israel? La modestia ayudó a Barzilai a tomar una decisión razonable. (Read 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37.) Modesty helped Barzillai to make a reasonable decision. a) ¿A qué problemas nos enfrentamos? b) ¿Por qué se siente Jehová orgulloso de sus siervos fieles? " I want to, " he said to a leper who entreated him for a cure. What challenges do we face, and why does Jehovah feel proud of his faithful servants? ¿ Sabe por qué dijo Jesús: "Dejen de juzgar "? Highlights From the Book of Isaiah - II Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? En otras palabras, no dijo que fuera una mala persona. In his old age, David continued to demonstrate loyalty to God. In other words, he did not say that he was a bad person. Solo así lograremos sobrevivir en la batalla y mantenernos firmes en la fe. We find a description of this spiritual armor at Ephesians 6: 14 - 17. Paul wrote: "Stand firm... with your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and with your feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace. Only then will we survive in battle and stand firm in the faith. Y segundo, porque la ejecución de la sentencia divina contra el apóstata reino de Israel indica claramente que Dios causará la destrucción de la cristiandad, la parte más reprensible de "Babilonia la Grande ," el imperio mundial de la religión falsa. Without life, we cannot praise Jehovah. Second, because the execution of Jehovah's judgment against the apostate kingdom of Israel clearly shows that God will bring the destruction of Christendom, the most reprehensible part of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. Quienes desean agradar a Dios tienen otra razón para rechazar la astrología y la adivinación: él condena todas esas prácticas. In the revelation given to the apostle John, several times Jesus said that he was coming quickly. Those desiring to please God have another reason to reject occult practices. He condemned all such practices. " ¿Verdaderamente hallará esta fe sobre la tierra? " To keep our identity as true Christians, we must rise above such attitudes. " Do you really find this faith on the earth? " - PS. No obstante, los superintendentes de la actualidad siguen el ejemplo del cuerpo de ancianos que gobernaba a la congregación en el siglo primero. Centuries later, the apostle Paul wrote that Christian overseers were to be " God's stewards. ' However, the elders today follow the example of the body of elders who ruled the first - century congregation. 19, 20. a) ¿Cómo se trillaba y aventaba antiguamente? But Jesus treated women with respect. 19, 20. Creó a Adán y Eva con la facultad de tener hijos perfectos. Our God desires willing subjects. He created Adam and Eve with the ability to have perfect children. ¿ Qué trabajos conlleva la preparación de grabaciones orquestales de los cánticos del Reino? Certainly, one of a loving father's priorities is that of protecting and safeguarding his family against any possible harm or serious danger. What work comes to the training of recordings of Kingdom songs? ¿ Cómo podemos imitar la imparcialidad de Jehová? Those four kings of Judah - Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah - set fine examples for us in being zealous for God's house and worship. How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? Pero sus ambiciones eran un insulto para Jehová, quien ve los corazones y sabía que eran unos hipócritas. Although Paul skillfully argued that Christians were no longer under the Law, some rejected his inspired reasoning. However, their selfish desires were a yearn for Jehovah, who sees hearts and knew that they were hypocritical. Esto sucedió en las llanuras de Moab, en el año 1473 antes de nuestra era, cuando los israelitas estaban a punto de cruzar el río Jordán y conquistar la Tierra Prometida. When he gives many details, he does so for good reason. This happened on the Plains of Moab in 1473 B.C.E. when the Israelites were about to cross the Jordan River and conquer the Promised Land. Al comienzo de los últimos días, todos los domésticos eran cristianos ungidos. Jesus and his apostles set aside funds to help the poor, but the betrayer Judas Iscariot carried off some of the money. At the beginning of the last days, all the domestics were anointed Christians. ¿ Qué diferencia hay entre los verdaderos pastores cristianos y los falsos? However, the costs always outweigh any seeming benefits that Satan may offer. - Job 21: 7 - 17; Gal. 6: 7, 8. What contrast is there between true shepherds and false shepherds? Si desea hacer un donativo, visite Why is Psalm 45 of interest to us? To make a donation, please visit La Biblia no indica que obrara así. (Read 1 Peter 5: 9, 10.) The Bible does not indicate that this would be done. Durante los siguientes dos o tres días no nos dejaron solas en ningún momento. Daniel makes known the dream and then interprets it. The king acknowledges that Jehovah is "a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a Revealer of secrets. " During the next two or three days, they did not alone. Hace falta mucho más. She now says: "What helped us to become active again was that neither the brothers who visited us nor the sisters who accompanied them ever showed a judgmental or critical attitude toward us. There is much more. Examinando las páginas de la Biblia han llegado a tener un conocimiento exacto. Table of Contents See the pages of the Bible, and see how accurate knowledge has come to an accurate knowledge of truth. Según predice Daniel 2: 44, el Reino de Dios "triturará y pondrá fin a todos estos reinos ." Job needed to get his attention focused on Jehovah and to consider how He viewed the situation. According to Daniel 2: 44, God's Kingdom "will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. " A otra cristiana le parece que algunos "son tan formales que intimidan a los demás ." The apostle Paul prayed for his dear coworkers, young and old. - Read 1 Thessalonians 1: 2, 3. Another Christian woman appears to be "like a way that leads to others. " ¿ Cómo podemos prepararnos para soportar la persecución? How does God's Word, such as at 1 John 3: 17, help us learn to show compassion? How can we prepare ourselves for persecution? ¿ Cómo puede ayudarnos la Biblia a mantenernos neutrales? When telling the Pharisee that the second greatest commandment was to love one's neighbor as oneself, Jesus was referring to a specific law given to Israel. It is recorded at Leviticus 19: 18. How can the Bible help us to remain neutral? Si es así, entonces atenderán el caso siguiendo las pautas bíblicas. Our next article will consider that subject. If so, you will then take the lead in following Bible guidelines. El sabio rey Salomón escribió: "Son muchos los amigos del rico ." The very prophecy that speaks of the oncoming "war of the great day of God the Almighty " at Armageddon warns that some may not keep awake. Wise King Solomon wrote: "Many are the friends of the rich one. " Todas ellas están encantadas con las bendiciones que traerá el Reino. 1: 14. What comfort can we draw from Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14? They rejoice with the blessings the Kingdom will bring. En vista de lo que hemos analizado, ¿no está claro que tenemos razones sólidas para aceptar los juicios de Jehová? Unlike the natural Israelites, who were bound to the Mosaic Law by birth, Christians remain under the law of the Christ by choice, factors such as race and place of birth being irrelevant. Since we have considered, is it not clear that we have solid reason to accept Jehovah's judgments? [...] Y tendrán que batir sus espadas en rejas de arado y sus lanzas en podaderas. It can be especially helpful to keep on praying for holy spirit. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into plowshares. ¡ Son Salomón y sus servidores que regresan a la ciudad! Individuals who promote such views might remind us of some in the first century who had a zeal for God "but not according to accurate knowledge. " They are Solomon and his attendant who return to the city! 66: 3 - 5. That sounds painful and debilitating, but what does it mean? 66: 3 - 5. Además, Jehová nos dará su bondad inmerecida. The Passover was held only once a year, on the 14th day of the Jewish month Nisan. Jehovah will give us his undeserved kindness. Recordemos que un número considerable de cristianos "aceptaron la palabra bajo mucha tribulación ," pero aun así experimentaron el" gozo de espíritu santo ." How do we benefit from a consideration of the festivals celebrated in Israel? Recall that a considerable number of Christians "took the word under much tribulation, " but they experienced" the joy of holy spirit. " Al verlo, su madre sintió una inmensa alegría (lea 2 Reyes 4: 32 - 37). When you struggle with adversity, therefore, imagine this invisible scene. (Read 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37.) Cuando un leproso le preguntó si quería curarlo, le contestó sin vacilación: "Quiero ." Faith can also carry us through "the calamitous days " of old age, when health and strength are declining. When a leper asked him if he wanted to recover, Jesus replied: "I want to. " Puntos sobresalientes del libro de Isaías (parte 2) JERUSALEM Highlights From the Book of Isaiah - II Durante su vejez también demostró lealtad al contribuir generosamente para la construcción del templo de Jerusalén. Cylinder: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum During his old age, David also proved loyal to Jehovah by providing for the construction of the temple in Jerusalem. Hallamos una descripción de esta armadura espiritual en Efesios 6: 14 - 17, donde Pablo escribió: "Estén firmes [...] teniendo los lomos ceñidos con la verdad, y teniendo puesta la coraza de la justicia, y teniendo calzados los pies con el equipo de las buenas nuevas de la paz. Further, according to his own written Word, "he loves righteousness and justice. " - Ps. We find a description of this spiritual armor at Ephesians 6: 14 - 17, where Paul wrote: "Be firm... having the shoulders with the truth, and having the breastplate of righteousness, and having the feet of the good news of peace. Si estamos muertos, no podemos glorificar a Jehová. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul called such acts and traits "the works of the flesh. " If we are dead, we cannot glorify Jehovah. En la revelación que recibió Juan, Jesús dijo varias veces que vendría pronto. Love compels Jehovah's Witnesses to serve as zealous Kingdom proclaimers In the revelation given by John, Jesus repeatedly said that he would soon come. Si queremos estar a la altura del verdadero cristianismo, tenemos que rechazar esas actitudes. He welcomed them into the group accompanying him in his ministry, and he treated them with kindness and respect. To stand up for true Christianity, we must reject such attitudes. Siglos más tarde, el apóstol Pablo escribió que los superintendentes cristianos deben ser "mayordomo [s] de Dios ." This article focuses on how God has adjusted his guidance to meet changing circumstances. Centuries later, the apostle Paul wrote that Christian overseers must be "the steward of God. " Sin embargo, el Hijo de Dios fue respetuoso con ellas. " We remind our children of the love and forethought that Jehovah put into everything he provided for us, " the parents state. However, God's Son was respectful with them. Nuestro Dios desea que sus siervos estén contentos de ser sus súbditos. Has "the birdcatcher " insidiously affected your thinking with such unwholesome entertainment? Our God wants us to be content with being his subjects. Una de las cosas más importantes para un padre es proteger a sus hijos, y lo mismo puede decirse de Jehová. Jehovah again provided deliverance through Moses, who miraculously parted the waters of that sea. - Ex. 14: 13, 21. One of the most important things for a father is to protect his children. The same is true of Jehovah. Los cuatro reyes de Judá de los que hablamos - Asá, Jehosafat, Ezequías y Josías - son un excelente ejemplo de entrega y celo por la casa de Jehová y la adoración pura. Those in a position of responsibility in the Christian congregation should be exemplary. - 1 Peter 5: 1 - 3. The four kings of Judah - Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah - set a fine example of zeal for Jehovah's house and zeal for pure worship. En sus escritos inspirados, Pablo les demostró magistralmente que los cristianos no tenían que obedecer dicha Ley, pero hubo quienes se negaron a aceptarlo. ¿ Por qué? ▪ Avoid Being "Quickly Shaken From Your Reason "! In his inspired writings, Paul showed that Christians did not obey the Law, but some who refused to accept it. Por eso, siempre que da muchos detalles lo hace con buenas razones. Mankind was not created to experience illness and old age Thus, he always gives many details. No seremos como Judas Iscariote, quien robaba dinero del fondo que Jesús y sus apóstoles habían formado para ayudar a los pobres. What meaning did the apostle Paul reveal about Moses ' wearing of the veil? We will not be like Judas Iscariot, who were in a position to help the poor. Pero el precio que hay que pagar por ponerse del lado de Satanás siempre supera a cualquier supuesto beneficio. Among many who do marry, divorce is common. But the price is to pay for Satan's side ever greater than any benefit. ¿ Por qué es importante para nosotros el Salmo 45? (Compare Mark 12: 43, 44.) Why is Psalm 45 important for us? Hoy, Jehová nos ayuda a estar firmes en la fe (lea 1 Pedro 5: 9, 10). [ Footnote] (Read 1 Peter 5: 9, 10.) Esto mueve al rey a reconocer que Jehová es "un Dios de dioses y un Señor de reyes y un Revelador de secretos ." It often goes unnoticed by us as we go about our normal, daily activities. In time, though, the Kingdom seed may bear fruit. This moves King to recognize that Jehovah is "a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a Revealer of secrets. " Ella comenta: "Lo que nos ayudó a reactivarnos fue que ni los hermanos que nos visitaron ni las hermanas que vinieron con ellos tuvieron jamás una actitud de condena o de crítica. Perhaps we live in an area where there are few Witnesses or where we do not see a lot of immediate results in our preaching work. She says: "What helped us to give up on our brothers and sisters and sisters who had never had a negative attitude or critical attitude. Índice Why was God displeased with the Israelites of Amos ' day? Table of Contents Era necesario que centrara su atención en Jehová y meditara en cómo veía Él la situación. What directions do we have as to making decisions, but what challenge remains? It was necessary for us to focus on Jehovah and meditate on how he viewed matters. El apóstol Pablo oró por todos sus queridos compañeros, jóvenes y mayores (léase 1 Tesalonicenses 1: 2, 3). When wisdom is lacking, what might happen? The apostle Paul prayed for all his dear companions, young and old. (Read 1 Thessalonians 1: 2, 3.) ¿ Qué aprendemos sobre la compasión en versículos como 1 Juan 3: 17? Adam and Eve hid themselves after their sin in the garden of Eden. What can we learn about compassion from 1 John 3: 17? Jesús ofreció el valor de su sangre por toda la humanidad May it be the heartfelt desire of each one of us to walk with Jehovah our God now and to time indefinite, even forever! Jesus offered the value of his blood for all mankind Cuando Jesús le indicó al fariseo que el segundo mandamiento era amar al prójimo como a uno mismo, en realidad citó un precepto que había recibido Israel y que hallamos en Levítico 19: 18. Let us consider some reasons why we can put our trust in Jehovah's reminders and how we benefit by heeding them. When Jesus told the Pharisee that the second commandment was to love neighbor as one, he quoted a prophecy that had received Israel and that found at Leviticus 19: 18. El siguiente artículo analizará ese tema. Regarding quantity, we want to find out: " How much time would I spend on it? The following article will consider this subject. Precisamente la misma profecía que habla de la venidera "guerra del gran día de Dios el Todopoderoso ," o Armagedón, nos advierte de que algunos quizás no se mantendrían despiertos. What a cause for joy that would be! Reflecting the same prophecy about the coming "great day of God the Almighty, " or Armageddon, warns us that some may not be awake. ¿ Por qué son muy reconfortantes las palabras de Mateo 18: 10 y Hebreos 1: 14? " Do not be anxious over anything, " wrote Paul, "but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Why are Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14 comforting? A diferencia de los israelitas naturales, que por nacimiento estaban obligados a cumplir la Ley mosaica, los cristianos se encuentran bajo la ley del Cristo por voluntad propia, sin que influyan factores como la raza o el lugar de nacimiento. It is shown by helpful acts and considerate words. To be kind means to do good rather than to do anything harmful. Unlike natural Israelites, who were under the Mosaic Law, Christians find themselves under the law of the Christ, not under the influence of the human race or the place of birth. Es de especial importancia no dejar de pedir espíritu santo. Personal concerns are suitable subjects for private, not public, prayer. It is particularly important to stop praying for holy spirit. Es probable que nos recuerden a las personas del siglo primero que adoraban a Dios con fervor, pero sin "conocimiento exacto ." They even made a covenant of friendship with each other. (Read 1 Samuel 17: 57; 18: 1, 3.) You may be reminded of people in the first century who worshipped God with heartfelt zeal but without "an accurate knowledge. " ¿ En qué consiste esa herida? Jesus - A Good Worker What is that wound? La Pascua tenía lugar solo una vez al año, el día decimocuarto del mes judío de Nisán. The belt of truth (See paragraphs 3 - 5) The Passover was just a year in the 14th year, the 14th day of Nisan. ¿ Por qué es provechoso examinar las fiestas que celebraban los israelitas? This might cause a lasting crack in their relationship. " - Read 1 Peter 3: 7. Why is it beneficial to examine the festivals held in the Israelites? Él sigue poniendo en duda nuestra integridad y desea que nos rindamos ante las pruebas y que dejemos de apoyar la soberanía de Dios. After encouraging them to shepherd the flock of God entrusted to them, Paul kneeled down with them and prayed. He continues to put us under test and wants us to keep on upholding God's sovereignty. La fe también nos ayuda a soportar "los días calamitosos " de la vejez, cuando la salud y las fuerzas van menguando. Love makes us rejoice with the truth, but it will not allow us to "rejoice over unrighteousness, " even if a person who hates us is mistreated or suffers some injustice. - Read Proverbs 24: 17, 18. Faith also helps us to endure "the calamitous days " of old age, when health and strength come under control. JERUSALÉN By saying that he escaped with the skin of something that apparently has no skin, Job might have been saying that he escaped with practically nothing. obeys Cilindro: foto tomada por gentileza del Museo Británico Macmillan, who wrote about his personal search for God and His purpose for mankind, in the book Faith on the March. Courtesy of Anglo - American World Power wrote: "Just as it were, my heart was made up of the offended ones. " Según su Palabra escrita, "es amador de justicia y derecho ." Of Jesus, Paul said: "For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " According to his written Word, "there is a lover of justice and justice. " En su carta a los Gálatas, Pablo calificó de "obras de la carne " algunas formas de ser y actuar. Would you really be willing to sacrifice a clean standing with God just to please your classmates? In his letter to the Galatians, Paul referred to "the works of the flesh, " some forms of being and acting. El amor mueve a los testigos de Jehová a ser celosos proclamadores del Reino A Japanese brother writes: "When I was 14, I was out preaching with a congregation elder who noticed that I was not enjoying the ministry. Love moves Jehovah's Witnesses to be zealous Kingdom proclaimers Él no solo las incluyó en el grupo que lo acompañaba durante su ministerio, sino que también las trató con bondad y respeto. The glorified Jesus appeared to the apostle John in a vision and said: "To the one who conquers I will grant to sit down with me on my throne, just as I conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. " Not only did he include those who accompanied him during his ministry but he also treated them with kindness and respect. Este artículo explicará que Dios da nuevas instrucciones cuando las circunstancias cambian. First - century Christians made disciples and met regularly to study the Scriptures. - Matt. This article will show that God provides new instructions when circumstances change. Ellos cuentan: "Les recordamos a los niños que todo lo que Jehová nos ha dado demuestra que nos ama y que piensa mucho en nosotros ." It caused them to challenge Moses ' God - given authority and complain about their lot in life. They say: "I remember the children whom Jehovah has provided for us, that he loves us and that he feels so much about us. " Pues bien, ¿ha conseguido el "pajarero " corromper nuestra forma de pensar con este entretenimiento dañino? Reaching out to others with sincere, kind acts - finding opportunities to help, giving a gift from the heart, extending hospitality - can contribute to open communication. Does "the birdcatcher " corrupt our thinking with harmful entertainment? De nuevo, Jehová salvó a su pueblo mediante Moisés, quien milagrosamente partió en dos las aguas del mar. Jesus "went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " Jehovah again saved his people through Moses, who miraculously broke into the two waters of the sea. Quienes ocupan puestos de responsabilidad en la congregación cristiana deben ser ejemplares. What accounts for the steady increases over the years? Those taking responsible positions in the Christian congregation must be exemplary. ▪ "No se dejen confundir " " Your loved one will never have to face the last enemy, death, ever again. ▪ "Do Not Follow " Jehová no nos creó para que enfermáramos y envejeciéramos Could you arrange your affairs so as to experience similar joy more often? Jehovah did not create us to get sick and grow old. Según indicó el apóstol Pablo, ¿qué significó el hecho de que Moisés llevara el velo? Jehovah's spirit can help us to comprehend even difficult subjects. According to the apostle Paul, what did the veil mean? Y un gran número de quienes sí se casan terminan divorciándose. We should heed the mandate to love one another and to cultivate strong faith. And many people marry. Por ejemplo, hay quienes no pueden hacer tanto como quisieran en el ministerio debido a su edad o su estado de salud (compárese con Marcos 12: 43, 44). Because the problem continues to trouble you, address it kindly at an opportune time. (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) (Compare Mark 12: 43, 44.) [ Nota] Usually, God's people are praised because of their good conduct. [ Footnote] Muchas veces ocurre sin que nos demos cuenta, mientras seguimos con nuestra rutina diaria. In general, is the Bible exerting an influence in the lives of people who consider themselves to be religious? There may be many times when we realize that we are living up to our daily routine. Puede ser que vivamos en una zona donde hay pocos Testigos y no veamos que nuestra predicación produzca resultados inmediatos. I felt unloved and worthless. " Perhaps you live in a area where there are few Witnesses, and you do not see that the preaching work produces immediate results. ¿ Por qué estaba disgustado Dios con los israelitas contemporáneos de Amós? 2: 21. Why do Jehovah's people get baptized, and how many have been immersed in the past ten years? Why was God displeased with the people of Amos? a) ¿Qué pautas tenemos para tomar buenas decisiones? b) ¿Por qué no siempre es fácil saber qué decisión tomar? How will having the mind of Christ affect your daily life? What guidelines do we have in making wise decisions, and why is it not always easy to know what decision? ¿ Qué puede ocurrir cuando no se manifiesta verdadera sabiduría? (See opening image.) What can happen when no true wisdom is shown? Adán y Eva se escondieron después de pecar en el jardín de Edén. Loving - kindness is shown willingly and freely because we want to show it. Adam and Eve repented after they sinned in the garden of Eden. Que cada uno de nosotros desee de corazón andar con Jehová, nuestro Dios, ahora y hasta tiempo indefinido, sí, por toda la eternidad. Instead, we strive to merit his approval. May each of us want to walk with Jehovah, our God, now and to time indefinite, yes, for all eternity. A continuación veremos algunas razones para confiar en los recordatorios de Jehová y cómo nos pueden beneficiar. What makes our service acceptable to Jehovah is determined, not by the amount that we do, but by the way we do it - joyfully and wholeheartedly. - Psalm 100: 1 - 5; Colossians 3: 23. Let us consider some reasons why we can trust Jehovah's reminders and see how he can benefit us. No podemos permitir que nos consuma demasiado tiempo. Of course, he read from a Bible translation that used the ambiguous and anonymous "Lord " rather than Jehovah or Yahweh. We cannot allow ourselves to waste our time. ¿ Puede haber mayor alegría que esa? Rather than feeling complacent, we take to heart Paul's next words: "We also entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose. " Could there be greater joy than that? Por eso Pablo recomendó: "No se inquieten por cosa alguna, sino que en todo, por oración y ruego junto con acción de gracias, dense a conocer sus peticiones a Dios; y la paz de Dios que supera a todo pensamiento guardará sus corazones y sus facultades mentales mediante Cristo Jesús ." In fact, he wrote: "I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for me. " Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " La bondad brota de un vivo interés por el bienestar ajeno, y se evidencia en actos serviciales y palabras amables. Back in the first century, many had the attitude "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " Kindness grows from a living interest in the welfare of others, and it is evident in helpful acts and kind words. Los asuntos personales deben reservarse para las oraciones que hacemos en privado, no en público. You want to discuss the matter with your child - but how? Personal matters should be set aside for the prayers we make in private, not in public prayer. Una de las amistades más hermosas de tiempos bíblicos fue la de David y Jonatán, quienes estaban tan unidos que hicieron un pacto entre ellos (léanse 1 Samuel 17: 57 y 18: 1, 3). When a concerned and caring elder uses the Bible to counsel us because we are getting entangled with the world, do we show appreciation for the loving help being given us to know "what is acceptable to the Lord "? (Read 1 Samuel 17: 57; 18: 3.) Jesús, un buen trabajador To this day, the anointed help one another as well as their "other sheep " companions to pursue the healthful, happy way of life that Christendom has abandoned. - John 10: 16. Jesus - a Good worker El cinturón de la verdad (mira los párrafos 3 a 5) But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth. " The belt of truth (See paragraphs 3 - 5) Igualmente, si el marido emplea palabras muy duras, le hará daño a su esposa y quizás se formen en su relación fisuras que pudieran tardar en cerrarse " (léase 1 Pedro 3: 7). This will be discussed in the following article. (Read 1 Peter 3: 7.) Tras animarlos a pastorear el rebaño que Dios les había encomendado, se arrodilló con ellos y oró. 2: 15. 15, 16. (a) What sacrifices have many made to put God's service first in their life? After shepherding the flock that God had assigned them, he fell down with them and prayed. Mejor es perdonar y olvidar. Además, como el amor "no se regocija por la injusticia ," no nos alegramos cuando alguien que nos odia es maltratado o sufre alguna injusticia (lea Proverbios 24: 17, 18). How grateful we can be for the admonition to put on the complete suit of armor from God! (Read Proverbs 24: 17, 18.) Cuando Job dijo que escapaba con la piel de algo que por lo visto carece de ella, quizás dio a entender que había escapado prácticamente sin nada. Really, he has always done good toward us. When Job said that he could escape his skin from something that he did not see, Job may have realized that he had escaped at all. Macmillan, quien en el libro Faith on the March (La fe en marcha) se refirió a su búsqueda personal de Dios y de Su propósito para la humanidad. 1, 2. Macmillan, who in the book Law, or based on Sea, referred to his personal search for God and His purpose for mankind. Pablo dijo de él: "Por el gozo que fue puesto delante de él aguantó un madero de tormento, despreciando la vergüenza, y se ha sentado a la diestra del trono de Dios ." For these reasons, modesty still matters to all of God's people, and Jehovah treasures those who cultivate it. Paul said: "For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " ¿ De verdad estarías dispuesto a echar a perder tu relación con él por ganar la aceptación de tus compañeros? And he had likely heard of how Abimelech felt on learning that Rebekah was married - that to take her would be wrong, bringing guilt on his people. Would you really be willing to throw your relationship with him in order to gain the approval of your peers? Un hermano japonés escribe: "Cuando tenía 14 años, salí a predicar con un anciano de la congregación, y él notó que yo no disfrutaba del ministerio. All will then enjoy "a banquet of well - oiled dishes. " - Isa. A brother in Africa writes: "When I was 14 years old, I went to preach with an elder in the congregation, and he noticed that I did not enjoy the ministry. Jesucristo se apareció en una visión al apóstol Juan y le dijo: "Al que venza, le concederé sentarse conmigo en mi trono, así como yo vencí y me senté con mi Padre en su trono ." Through Isaiah, Jehovah said: "This people have come near with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart itself far away from me. " Jesus Christ appeared in a vision to the apostle John and said: "To the one conquering, I will sit down with me on my throne, just as I see and sat down with my Father on his throne. " Y los cristianos del siglo primero debían hacer discípulos y reunirse regularmente para estudiar las Escrituras. A person would be sharing in the works and sins of Babylon the Great if he was a regular employee of a religion that was teaching false worship. And first - century Christians needed to make disciples and regularly gather together to study the Scriptures. Dio lugar a que desafiaran la autoridad dada por Dios a Moisés y se quejaran de su suerte. Do I endeavor to attend all Christian meetings? He threw out God's authority to Moses and complained about his class. Cuando nos comportamos con bondad - dando ayuda, haciendo regalos de corazón o siendo hospitalarios - , favorecemos la comunicación franca. (a) Why is the requirement to " bear much fruit ' within reach of all of us? When we conduct ourselves honestly, giving help, gifts of heart, or being hospitable, we encourage honest communication. Jesús viajó "de ciudad en ciudad y de aldea en aldea, predicando y declarando las buenas nuevas del reino de Dios ." 7, 8. Jesus traveled "from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " ¿ A qué se puede atribuir el constante aumento que ha habido a lo largo de los años? Singers from the priestly tribe were even exempted from duties that other Levites were required to perform so that they could devote sufficient time to composition and, most likely, to rehearsal. - 1 Chron. 9: 33. What accounts for the ongoing increase over the years? " Nos consuela saber que pronto lo veremos de nuevo en el Paraíso y que nunca más se enfrentará al último enemigo, la muerte. 14, 15. (a) What personal blessing does Jehovah bestow upon those who are close to him? " It is comforting to know that we will soon see him again in Paradise and that he will never deal with the last enemy, death. ¿ Podría usted organizarse para sentir ese mismo gozo más a menudo? Do you have the courage needed to declare God's judgments? Could you take advantage of such joy more often? El espíritu de Jehová nos ayudará a comprender incluso asuntos difíciles. The people of Israel were never to forget that the real Owner of their land was Jehovah. Jehovah's spirit will help us to understand even difficult matters. Debemos obedecer el mandato de amarnos unos a otros y cultivar una fe fuerte. As a general rule, an elder who is a father should have well - behaved minor children who are "believing. " We must obey the command to love one another and to cultivate strong faith. Como el problema no deja de inquietarnos, es necesario mencionárselo al hermano con bondad y en un momento oportuno (léase Efesios 4: 26, 27, 31, 32). (b) Explain how a person could do such research. (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) Por lo común se encomia al pueblo de Dios por su buen comportamiento. Is it not a blessing to be one of "God's fellow workers " in the grand work of divine education? - 1 Cor. This often commends God's people for their fine conduct. ¿ Influye la Biblia por norma general en la vida de la gente que se considera religiosa? Close ranks against the Devil and the demons! Now is the time to heed the psalmist's exhortation: "Be courageous, and may your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Ps. 31: 24. [ Footnote] Does the Bible influence people's lives in general? Pensaba que era una inútil y que nadie me quería ." " When he was being reviled, " states 1 Peter 2: 23, "he did not go reviling in return. I felt that I was worthless and that no one loved me. " a) ¿Por qué nos hemos bautizado? b) ¿Cuántos se han bautizado en los últimos diez años? Support those who are weak. Why have you been baptized, and how have you been baptized in the last ten years? ¿ Qué efecto tendrá en nuestra vida diaria tener la mente de Cristo? He never demeans or insults us, causing us to question our personal value. How will having Christ's mind affect our daily lives? (Vea la ilustración del principio.) Nevertheless, Jehovah dispatched his Son to the earth to be born as a human baby. Doing so meant that for some decades, Jehovah had to forgo intimate association with his beloved Son in heaven. (See opening image.) Que la bondad amorosa se manifiesta voluntaria y liberalmente, porque uno desea manifestarla. How could that be? Let loving - kindness be shown and forgiving, for one wants to display it. Todo lo contrario, tratamos de ganarnos su aprobación. " Time indefinite he has put in their heart, " the Bible tells us. On the contrary, we try to earn his approval. Lo que hace que Jehová acepte nuestro servicio no es la cantidad, sino el modo de efectuarlo: con gozo y de toda alma. For good reason, a promise is made to the Rechabites. Jehovah wants us to accept our sacred service is not the amount, but he does so by joy and whole soul. QUÉ BENEFICIOS HE OBTENIDO: Tengo paz interior y una conciencia limpia, pues ya no contamino mi cuerpo con las drogas ni con las relaciones inmorales. Michelle: Correct. WHAT helped me to have inner peace and a clean conscience, for I don't consume my body with drug abuse or immoral relations with immoral relations. Como era de suponer, leyó de una traducción bíblica que utilizaba el ambiguo y anónimo término "Señor ," en lugar del nombre Jehová o Yavé. Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones, " states Revelation 19: 7, 8. As counting it, I read from a Bible translation that used the pre - Christian Greek term term "Lord, " or"Lord, " in the name of Jehovah. En vez de dormirnos en los laureles, tomamos muy en serio este consejo de Pablo: "Les suplicamos que no acepten la bondad inmerecida de Dios y dejen de cumplir su propósito ." Smyrna Instead of sleep, we take to heart Paul's counsel: "We urge you not to accept God's undeserved kindness and quit carrying out his purpose. " De hecho, escribió: "Vivo por la fe que es para con el Hijo de Dios, que me amó y se entregó por mí ." Leah's experience may remind you of a similar situation that confronted a young Israelite girl who had been taken captive to Syria. In fact, he wrote: "I saw through the faith that is with the Son of God, who loved me and delivered up for me. " En el siglo primero, la manera de vivir de muchas personas se resumía con la frase "comamos y bebamos, porque mañana hemos de morir ." The first article explains what to do when we hear worldly ideas that may sound appealing or convincing. In the first century, the way of life was "to eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " ¿ Cómo puede abordar el asunto? What message did he preach? How can the matter approach the matter? Cuando un anciano preocupado y amable nos aconseja con la Biblia porque nos estamos enredando en el mundo, ¿demostramos nuestro agradecimiento por la ayuda amorosa que se nos ofrece para que sepamos "lo que es acepto al Señor "? Knowing that Paul was coming, a delegation of brothers journeyed from Rome to meet him. Do we show our appreciation for the loving help we know that "what is acceptable to the Lord "? Hasta el día de hoy, los ungidos se ayudan mutuamente - y también a sus compañeros de las "otras ovejas " - a seguir el modo de vida feliz y saludable que la cristiandad ha abandonado. Tim: OK. Even today, anointed Christians help one another and their companions of the "other sheep " companions to follow the way of living and healthy life that Christendom has abandoned. - John 10: 16. Pero, en realidad, por esta causa te he mantenido en existencia, a fin de mostrarte mi poder y para que mi nombre sea declarado en toda la tierra ." At times, you may have felt like a young man named Craig, who said, "My mother seemed like a police detective - always looking for areas where I failed. " But indeed, for this reason I have kept you in existence, in order to show you my power and that my name may be declared in all the earth. " El artículo siguiente trata este tema. In what three ways might we receive Scriptural counsel? The following article will address this subject. 15, 16. a) ¿Qué sacrificios han hecho muchos cristianos para darle a Jehová lo mejor de sus vidas? There is an additional requirement. 15, 16. (a) What sacrifices have many made to give Jehovah the best of their lives? Podemos sentirnos muy agradecidos por la exhortación a ponernos la armadura completa que proviene de Dios. Another reason for confidence is that "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. " How grateful we can be for the admonition to put on the complete suit of armor from God! Lo cierto es que Dios siempre es bondadoso con nosotros. Never forget, though, that Jehovah's warnings discussed in this and the preceding article are motivated by his great love for us. True, God is always kind to us. 1, 2. Regarding gifts we have received, Peter also states: "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it. " 1, 2. Por esos motivos, la modestia sigue siendo importante para todos los cristianos, y Jehová valora a los que la cultivan. 3: 12 - What is the "new name " of Jesus? Hence, modesty continues to be important for all Christians, and Jehovah values those who cultivate it. Cuando este rey descubrió que era una mujer casada, comprendió que ningún hombre de su reino debía unirse a ella, pues quien lo hiciera cometería un pecado y acarrearía culpa a su pueblo. " Upon Mount Sinai, " recall the Levites in their prayer to God, he "came down and spoke with them out of heaven and went on to give them upright judicial decisions and laws of truth, good regulations and commandments. " When Solomon discovered that he was a married woman, he realized that no man of his kingdom was to join her, for he would commit a sin and cause his people to sin. Todo el mundo gozará de "un banquete de platos con mucho aceite ." What is needed to have Jehovah's approval? The new world will have "a feast of fruit with much oil. " El cristiano que lo ayuda lo salva de la muerte espiritual y tal vez de la destrucción eterna. Let us first consider what not to do. A Christian who helps him escapes spiritual death and perhaps of everlasting destruction. Por medio del profeta, Jehová dijo: "Este pueblo se ha acercado con su boca, y me ha glorificado meramente con sus labios, y ha alejado de mí su corazón mismo ." It could have been lack of employment, pressures at school, a health problem, or some other distressing circumstance. Through the prophet Ezekiel, Jehovah said: "This people has drawn close with their mouth, and he has glorified me with their lips, and he has alienated from me from their heart. " La persona que es empleada fija de una institución religiosa que promueve la adoración falsa es partícipe de las obras y los pecados de Babilonia la Grande. Consider how Jesus dealt with a windstorm that appeared to threaten the lives of his disciples. (Read Mark 4: 37 - 39.) A religious arrangement that promotes false worship is compared to the works and sins of Babylon the Great. ¿ Procuro asistir a todas las reuniones? He always cares for our needs, no matter what happens. " Am I able to attend all Christian meetings? a) ¿Por qué puede afirmarse que el requisito de " llevar mucho fruto ' está al alcance de todos nosotros? No, for he trusts in Jehovah. (a) Why can it be said that the requirement to " bear much fruit ' is within all of us? 7, 8. It is one thing to strip off the old personality, yet quite another to keep it off. 7, 8. De hecho, los levitas que eran cantores estaban exentos de ciertos deberes a fin de tener suficiente tiempo para la composición y, muy probablemente, para los ensayos. Do you use them in setting priorities in life? In fact, the Levites were blameless of certain duties so that they could have enough time for the song and likely read them. 14, 15. a) ¿Qué beneficio personal concede Jehová a los que están cerca de él? Similarly, we will benefit little if we read the Bible haphazardly or fail to apply what we read. 14, 15. (a) What personal benefit does Jehovah give those who are close to him? ¿ Tenemos nosotros el mismo valor para proclamar los juicios de Dios? In the past, Jehovah dealt patiently with those of his servants who at times were discouraged. Do we have the same courage to proclaim God's judgments? Pero no debían olvidar nunca que Jehová era el verdadero Dueño del país. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in "this generation " of whom Jesus spoke. But they did not forget that Jehovah was the true Owner of the country. Como regla general, los hijos menores del anciano que es padre deben comportarse bien y ser "creyentes ." [ Footnotes] As a general rule, a child of an elder who is a parent must act properly and may be "a good shepherd. " b) ¿Qué debe incluir la investigación? According to this view, a person's life on earth is intended to be transitory - a test to determine if he is worthy of life in heaven. (b) What should be included in study? ¿ Verdad que es una auténtica bendición ser "colaboradores de Dios " en la importantísima obra de educación bíblica? Raised in a deeply religious family, she says: "From childhood on, I was drawn to God because he is our Maker. Is it not a blessing to be "God's fellow workers " in the vital work of Bible education? Cerremos filas para defendernos del Diablo y sus demonios, y sigamos el consejo del salmista: "Sean animosos, y sea fuerte su corazón, todos ustedes los que esperan a Jehová ." His name was David, and he was the second king of ancient Israel. To fight Satan and his demons, we will continue to heed the psalmist's counsel: "Be courageous, and let your heart be strong, all you waiting for Jehovah. " En 1 Pedro 2: 23 leemos: "Cuando lo estaban injuriando, no se puso a injuriar en cambio. But we must obey God and always trust in him. At 1 Peter 2: 23, we read: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. Apoyemos a los débiles. " I have the witness greater than that of John, " he says, "for the very works that my Father assigned me to accomplish, the works themselves that I am doing, bear witness about me that the Father dispatched me. " We will support those who are weak. Nunca nos insulta ni nos hace sentir que no valemos nada. Raised among the royal offspring in ancient Egypt, Moses had within his grasp power, wealth, and influence. He does not reproach us or make us feel that we are worthless. Con todo, Dios envió a la Tierra a su Hijo para que naciera como humano, lo que implicó tener que privarse por algunas décadas de la estrecha relación con él en el cielo. This means that the end of this system of things is close. Yet, God sent his Son to be born as a human, which meant having some decades of the close relationship with him in heaven. Obviamente no. 3, 4. Obviously not. " El tiempo indefinido ha puesto en el corazón de ellos ," nos dice la Biblia. When Carol was ten years old, her family was shattered by divorce, and she ended up living with her mother, who rejected the Bible's moral standards. " The time indefinite has put in their hearts, " says the Bible. A los recabitas, que han sido fieles, se les hace una promesa. How can we enhance our ability to select the right words? Anointed ones, who have been faithful, are made up of a promise. Michelle: Así es. One of Jesus ' masterful discourses was the Sermon on the Mount. Michelle: Yes. Revelación 19: 7, 8 declara: "Han llegado las bodas del Cordero, y su esposa se ha preparado. Sí, a ella se le ha concedido estar vestida de lino fino, brillante y limpio, porque el lino fino representa los actos justos de los santos ." And even if one may have gained fame because of having such wisdom, one is soon forgotten. Revelation 19: 7, 8 states: "You have arrived the marriage of the Lamb, and his wife has been prepared, yes, he has been granted to it to be clothed together, bright, and clean, because the end represents the righteous acts of the holy ones. " Esmirna (Read Revelation 2: 18, 19.) Smyrna La experiencia de Leah quizá te recuerde una situación similar que afrontó una niña israelita cautiva en Siria. Knowing the impact words can have, older ones - particularly congregation elders - often devote much time to thought and prayer before offering counsel, since they want only to do good. - 1 Peter 5: 5. Leah's experience may remind you of a situation similar to that of an Israelite girl in Syria. El primero explica qué hacer cuando oímos ideas del mundo que pueden parecernos interesantes o convincentes. Rather than your having to explain why you do not smoke, your peer is compelled to think about why he does. The first article explains what to do when we hear ideas of the world that may seem interesting or convincing. ¿ Cuál era su mensaje? What are some reasons that elders make shepherding calls? What was their message? Al enterarse de que Pablo estaba de camino, un grupo de hermanos salió a recibirlo. 22: 22. Our attitude toward the Kingdom Hall - both the physical structure and the spiritual activities taking place there - should denote proper respect. After learning that Paul was on the road, a group of brothers came to him. Luis: De acuerdo. To find out, let us return to the conversation that evening. Tim: I agree. Es posible que coincidan con Craig, quien dijo: "Mi madre siempre andaba detrás de mí como un policía [...] en busca de errores ." Do these examples not show that when it comes to mustering up boldness, prayer works? " My mother always walked behind me like a police... seeking for mistakes, " he said. ¿ De qué tres medios se vale Jehová para darnos consejos? I feel that it really calms me down. " What three provisions does Jehovah use to provide for us? Hay una condición más que cumplir. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. There is more than one thing to do. Otro hecho que nos infunde confianza es saber que "el Señor Soberano Jehová no hará ni una cosa a no ser que haya revelado su asunto confidencial a sus siervos los profetas ." When they arrived, "Jesus approached and spoke to them. " Another fact that gives us confidence that "the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do anything that has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. " En este artículo y en el anterior hemos repasado varias de sus advertencias. As their descendants, we too are free moral agents. In this article and in the preceding article, we have considered several of its warnings. Hablando de los dones que hemos recibido, Pedro dijo: "En proporción al don que cada uno haya recibido, úsenlo ." So we waited and waited, hoping for an answer from the Society, but we kept finding the mailbox empty. Speaking of the gifts we have received, Peter said: "In proportion as each one has received it, use it. " 3: 12. Indeed, Jehovah indicated that there would be enmity between his worshippers and those who followed Satan. 3: 12. Los levitas declararon: "Sobre el monte Sinaí bajaste, y hablaste con ellos desde el cielo, y pasaste a darles decisiones judiciales rectas y leyes de verdad, disposiciones reglamentarias y mandamientos ." It was faith that enabled Enoch to endure in right conduct throughout a lifetime of over 300 years - more than three lifetimes for most of us today! The Levites declared: "On the low Mount Sinai you said with them from heaven, and you kept making judicial decisions and laws of truth, regulations and commandments. " ¿ Qué se requiere para obtener la aprobación de Jehová? ▪ You can gain more Bible understanding by asking the Author for his help, as did the psalmist who said: "Uncover my eyes, that I may look at the wonderful things out of your law. " What is involved in gaining Jehovah's approval? Veamos primero lo que no debe hacer. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Let us first consider what we should not do. Quizás perdió su empleo o tuvo un problema de salud. O tal vez eres un joven que ha sufrido presiones en la escuela. By bringing back to life those who sleep in death. Perhaps you lost your job or had a health problem, perhaps a young person who has faced pressures at school. Pensemos en lo que hizo cuando sus discípulos se vieron amenazados por una "tempestad de viento " (lea Marcos 4: 37 - 39). The overseer Timothy received what instruction, and what is one way for Christian overseers to accomplish their ministry? (Read Mark 4: 37 - 39.) Pase lo que pase, él siempre nos cuida ." 13: 11 - 18. What do the Scriptures say about deceptive people, and whom do they hurt? Regardless of what happens, he always cares for us. " ¿ Le llevarán a la tumba todas estas desgracias y penas? He foretold the coming of a "seed " who, after having his heel bruised, would fatally bruise Satan in the head. - Genesis 3: 15. Will you go to the tomb all these calamities and distress you? Ahora bien, es necesario que nos quitemos la vieja personalidad para siempre. " Mildness, self - control. " However, it is necessary for us to remove off the old personality forever. ¿ Los tenemos presentes a la hora de fijar prioridades en nuestra vida? They "zip around the oceans " at impressive speeds, says a report by European Cetacean Bycatch Campaign. Do you keep in mind the priorities of priorities in your life? De forma parecida, no sirve de mucho leer la Biblia con una actitud desganada o sin verdaderos deseos de poner en práctica sus consejos. One of the best ways to be generous is to give of ourselves in word and deed. How can we do that? By using our time and energy to help and encourage others. Similarly, she does not serve much from reading the Bible with a spirit or a real desire to apply its counsel. En vez de rendirnos enseguida, tenemos que seguir sosteniendo a los débiles. But the apostle now expressed particular interest in Timothy because he seemed to be an exceptional young man. Rather than give up quickly, we need to continue giving support to the weak. Así pues, no todos los ungidos de la actualidad forman parte de "esta generación " de la que Jesús habló. The righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and will indeed take refuge in him. " Hence, not all anointed ones today are part of "this generation " that Jesus spoke about. [ Notas] If a teacher cares about what he teaches, his enthusiasm will be evident, exerting a powerful influence on those whom he teaches. [ Footnotes] Empezaron a enseñar que solo estamos de paso en la Tierra y que se nos está poniendo a prueba para evaluar si merecemos ir al cielo. In Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is said to "come " in different senses. They began to teach that only we are taking action on earth and that it is being put to test whether we deserve to go to heaven. Sheila, que vive en Estados Unidos y creció en una familia con profundas convicciones religiosas, confiesa: "Desde pequeña he creído en Dios porque sé que es nuestro Creador, pero nunca me sentí muy unida a él. • Why should we meditate on Jehovah's thoughts? Marilyn, who lives in the United States, grew up with deep beliefs. " I have believed in God because I know that it is our Creator, but I never felt close to him. Se llamaba David, y llegó a ser el segundo rey del antiguo Israel. Prophecies in Jehovah's Word never fail. David was called David, and he became the second king of ancient Israel. Pero también debemos obedecerle y confiar siempre en él. 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pet. We must also obey him and always trust in him. " Yo tengo el testimonio mayor que el de Juan - dice - , porque las obras mismas que mi Padre me asignó realizar, las obras mismas que yo hago, dan testimonio acerca de mí, de que el Padre me despachó. " Jesus had said that he would be with them and that the holy spirit would assist them. " I have the greatest witness that the Father gave me to do, " she says, "for the very works that my Father assigned me to do, the very works that I do, bear witness to me, that the Father who bore me witness about me. " Habiéndose criado en la corte del antiguo Egipto, tenía al alcance de la mano poder, riquezas e influencia. He became a light both to the Jews and to the nations not only by bringing spiritual enlightenment but also by offering his perfect human life as a ransom for all mankind. After being raised in the royal court of ancient Egypt, he was able to produce power, power, and influence. Esto significa que el fin del presente sistema de cosas está cerca. This brings you even closer to him. This means that the end of the present system of things is near. 3, 4. 8, 9. 3, 4. Por la situación que vivía en su casa. Cuando tenía 10 años, sus padres se divorciaron, y ella tuvo que irse a vivir con su madre, quien no seguía las normas morales de la Biblia. What is our yeartext for 2016? When she was ten years old, her parents divorceed her mother, and she had to live in harmony with the Bible's moral standards. ¿ Cómo podemos encontrar "palabras deleitables " que decir? In what sense is Jesus ' yoke kindly, and how should knowing that affect us? How can we find " delightful words " that we say? Uno de los discursos más destacados de Jesús fue el Sermón del Monte, que se encuentra en los capítulos 5 a 7 del Evangelio de Mateo. As we await the end of Satan's wicked system, we all need godly patience, never running ahead of God or giving up because we are discouraged. What can we do to build such godly patience? One of Jesus ' most outstanding discourses was the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew chapters 5 through 7 through 7. Hasta si una persona se ha hecho famosa por tener tal sabiduría, pronto caerá en el olvido. 2: 21, 22. Even if a person has become famous for such wisdom, he will soon fall asleep in death. Sin embargo, el mensaje de Jesús a la congregación de Tiatira nos enseña que es mejor ser específicos (lea Revelación 2: 18, 19). What circumstances impelled Jesus to give evidence about his identity? (Read Revelation 2: 18, 19.) Sabiendo el efecto que las palabras pueden tener, los adultos - en especial los ancianos de congregación - suelen dedicar mucho tiempo a pensar y orar antes de ofrecer un consejo, pues lo único que pretenden es ayudar. What convinces you that Jehovah is the incomparable Organizer? Knowing the effect that the words can have, older ones - especially the elders in the congregation - often spend much time thinking and praying before giving counsel. En vez de ser tú el que tiene que dar explicaciones, es él el que tiene que plantearse las razones por las que fuma. " Hate " may also signify a strong dislike but without any intent of bringing harm to the object, seeking instead to avoid it because of a feeling of loathing toward it. Rather than being able to give an explanation, he must expect the reasons to smoke. Mencione algunas razones por las que los ancianos hacen visitas de pastoreo. 13: 11. The events foretold for the last days can make individuals aware of their spiritual need. What are some reasons why elders make shepherding visits? Así demostraremos que de verdad las valoramos. Tenemos que respetar el Salón del Reino y las reuniones tal como respetamos el nombre de Dios. What will strengthen our conviction that the Kingdom will accomplish God's purpose for mankind, and why? By doing so, we show that we respect the Kingdom Hall and our meetings as well as respect God's name. Para averiguarlo, sigamos analizando el diálogo que tuvo lugar aquella noche. Developing the "Art of Teaching " To find out, let us continue to look at the Song of Solomon who took that night. ¡ Qué ejemplos tan claros de lo útil que es orar para recibir valor! Early in Jesus ' ministry, a leper approached Jesus and said: "If you just want to, you can make me clean. " What a clear examples of how useful prayer is to receive courage! Cuando me pasa eso, tomo la Biblia, la leo y medito en algún versículo; de inmediato me empiezo a sentir mejor ." Jesus had foretold that his followers would be active preachers when he said: "In all the nations the good news has to be preached first. " When I'm so, I take the Bible, read it, and meditate on what I read. I always feel better. " Aun si tardara, mantente en expectación de ella; porque sin falta se realizará. Then ask yourself: " Why did Jehovah draw this person to His Son? Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. Cuando llegaron, "Jesús se acercó y les habló ." How should we view it? When they arrived, "Jesus approached and spoke to them. " También sus descendientes poseemos esa capacidad. Still, we need to know the answers to three key questions: What is the extent of Satan's influence? His descendants also possess that ability. Esperamos y esperamos... (c) How can we receive Kingdom blessings? Hope and Wait! De hecho, Jehová predijo que los seguidores de Satanás serían enemigos de su pueblo. Consider two ways. In fact, Jehovah foretold that Satan's followers would be enemies of his people. En efecto, fue la fe lo que le permitió vivir con rectitud durante sus más de trescientos años de existencia, más del triple de la esperanza de vida actual. Bible prophecy indicated that the Messianic Kingdom would be established in heaven in 1914. Yes, Abraham's faith enabled him to live with uprightness during his over 300 years of life. ▪ Si cada vez que va a leer las Escrituras le solicita ayuda a su Autor, entenderá mejor lo que lee. When David showed prowess as a warrior and received acclaim from the people, Saul began to view David as a rival. ▪ If you read the Scriptures each time, you will likely understand what you read. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania When two elders interview a person who would like to become an unbaptized publisher, the person is asked, "Do you really want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Levantando a la vida a quienes duermen en la muerte. Timothy was already an experienced Kingdom proclaimer. Drawing close to life to those who sleeps in death. ¿ Qué exhortación recibió el superintendente Timoteo, y cuál es una de las formas en que los superintendentes cristianos pueden efectuar su ministerio? Yet, he took the time right then and there to impress important truths on Peter's mind by questions. What admonition did Timothy receive, and what is one way in which Christian overseers can accomplish their ministry? ¿ Qué dice la Biblia sobre los que actúan con engaño, y a quiénes causan daño? Some serve as elders or ministerial servants. Others engage in the pioneer service. What does the Bible say about those who pursue deception, and to whom do they cause harm? Dijo que vendría una "descendencia " que, después de sufrir una magulladura en el talón, le aplastaría la cabeza a Satanás. Rather, anointed Christians constituting the spiritual "Israel of God " had become the true congregation of God. - Galatians 6: 16; Acts 20: 28. He said that a "seed " who would come after a heel in the heel would bruise Satan's head. " Apacibilidad, autodominio ." If we rely on him, trust in him, and call upon him, he will help us to resist the spirit of the world, no matter how difficult our situation may be. - Isaiah 41: 10. " Guard, self - control. " " Se desplazan por los mares " a velocidades impresionantes, dice un informe de la Campaña Europea contra la Captura Accidental de Cetáceos. Keeping God's Will in Focus " A report on the tiny grounds, " says a report on the British industry, says a report of the British industry. De modo muy especial podemos ser generosos con nuestras palabras y acciones empleando nuestro tiempo y energías para ayudar y animar al prójimo. Wives and mothers have a measure of authority within the family but do well to recognize the headship of their husbands. We can thus be generous with our words and deeds by using our time and energy to help others. Pero esta vez expresó particular interés en Timoteo, quien se destacaba como un joven muy espiritual. Am I Addicted to Electronic Media? " which appeared in the January 2011 issue of Awake! But this time, Timothy was particularly interested in Timothy. Y el justo se regocijará en Jehová y verdaderamente se refugiará en él ." " Let God Be True " And the righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and will actually take refuge in him. " Como su entusiasmo es evidente, ejerce una gran influencia en sus alumnos. The Bible describes the extent of Jesus ' truthfulness in these well - known words: "No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. " As a result, he has a powerful influence on his students. En los capítulos 24 y 25 de Mateo se dice que Jesús "viene " en distintos sentidos. • Read and discuss Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work. In Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as saying: "It is coming " in different ways. • ¿Por qué debemos meditar en los pensamientos de Jehová? (a) What is the only path to life? • Why should we meditate on Jehovah's thoughts? Las profecías que contiene la Palabra de Jehová nunca fallan. How can material pursuits bring on anxiety? The prophecies found in Jehovah's Word never fail. Jesús les había asegurado que él estaría con ellos y que también tendrían la ayuda del espíritu santo. Jehovah "blessed the end of Job afterward more than his beginning. " Jesus had assured them that he would be with them and that they would also have the help of the holy spirit. Así es, él emitió luz tanto para los judíos como para el resto de las naciones al iluminarlos espiritualmente y al dar su vida humana perfecta para rescatar a toda la humanidad. What happened to Saul as a result of his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus? Yes, he gave birth to both the Jews and the rest of the nations to light them spiritually and to give them their perfect life to rescue all mankind. Y esto también fortalece tu amistad con él. How can Scriptural accounts of faithful servants of God help to strengthen our faith? This too strengthens your friendship with Jehovah. 8, 9. Try to recapture the warmth you felt toward the person who became your spouse. 8, 9. ¿ Cuál es el texto del año para el 2016? If you're a Christian, there's something even more important to consider - how your posts might affect others, whether they are fellow believers or not. What is the yeartext for 2016? a) ¿Por qué dijo Jesús que su yugo es suave? b) ¿Qué efecto tiene en nosotros saber eso? Jonathan accepted his situation, and unlike his father, he did not become jealous of David. Why did Jesus say that his yoke is kindly, and how does that affect us? Mientras aguardamos el fin del sistema malvado de Satanás, todos necesitamos esa misma paciencia para nunca adelantarnos a Dios ni rendirnos. In order to understand prophecy accurately, what do we first need to comprehend, and why? As we wait for the end of Satan's wicked system of things, all of us need such patience so as never make us give up or give up. En cambio, " los rectos residirán en ella '. " The heavens " that included the luminaries were created long before the "first day " even began. On the other hand, " the upright will reside in it. ' ¿ Qué circunstancias impulsaron a Jesús a dar pruebas de su identidad? Perhaps you have noticed their zeal in the ministry, their outstanding hospitality, their compassion, or other fine qualities. What circumstances moved Jesus to give evidence of his identity? ¿ Qué lo convence de que Jehová es un organizador sin igual? Consider what happened when he met Nathanael, who later became an apostle. What convinces you that Jehovah is the incomparable Instructor? En otras ocasiones define una fuerte aversión por algo o alguien, no con la intención de causarle daño, sino de evitarlo debido a la repulsión que produce. Simply put, it is because husbands and wives are imperfect, and we are living in "critical times hard to deal with. " On other occasions, it is strong because of something or anyone else, not the intention of harming him, but because of avoiding it. Puede que algunas personas tomen conciencia de su necesidad espiritual al presenciar los sucesos predichos para los últimos días. 2: 15. Why should we report our field service activity? Some may be conscious of their spiritual need when it comes to events foretold for the last days. b) De acuerdo con Efesios 2: 12, ¿por qué fortalecen los pactos nuestra confianza en el Reino? The songs used at Christian meetings provide us a fine opportunity to "sing and make melody " to Jehovah with a steadfast heart. (b) According to Ephesians 2: 12, why strengthens our confidence in the Kingdom? Cultivemos el "arte de enseñar " Often, children who grow up in such an environment display similar traits when they become adults. Cultivate the "art of Teaching " Al comienzo de su ministerio, un leproso se acercó a Jesús y le dijo: "Si tan solo quieres, puedes limpiarme ." Also consider an example of how impressively the Kingdom arrangement has expanded. At the beginning of his ministry, a leper approached Jesus and said: "If you want to, you can clean me. " Jesús mostró que sus discípulos serían predicadores muy activos cuando predijo: "En todas las naciones primero tienen que predicarse las buenas nuevas ." This is true of them, yet they too need encouragement, companionship in the ministry, and inclusion in a balanced amount of recreation. Jesus showed that his followers would be very active preachers when he foretold: "In all the nations first must preach the good news. " Pregúntese: "¿Por qué ha atraído Jehová a esta persona hacia Su Hijo? Jesus said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. " Ask yourself: " Why has Jehovah drawn this person to his Son? ¿ Cuánto tenemos que valorarla? Friends spend time together. How much do we value it? Pero todavía tenemos que dar respuesta a tres preguntas fundamentales: ¿Cuánta influencia tiene Satanás? 14, 15. However, we still need to answer three vital questions: How does Satan influence us? c) ¿Cómo podemos recibir nosotros las bendiciones del Reino? Angels play a role in the final gathering and sealing of anointed ones. (Read Matthew 24: 31; Rev. (c) How can we receive Kingdom blessings? Veamos de qué dos maneras nos protegerá la humildad. (b) How did David react to Saul's animosity? Let us consider two ways in which humility will protect us. En las Escrituras se había predicho que el Rey Mesiánico empezaría a gobernar en el cielo en 1914. Jesus will be "regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith. " It was foretold that the Messianic King will begin ruling in heaven in 1914. Cuando David se destacó como guerrero y fue aclamado por el pueblo, Saúl empezó a considerarlo su rival. Under the Mosaic Law, no work was to be done on the Sabbath. Even travel was severely restricted on that day. When David was tested as a warrior and was struck by the people, Saul began to question his rival position. Cuando dos ancianos entrevistan a quien aspira a ser publicador no bautizado, le preguntan: "¿Desea realmente ser testigo de Jehová? ." Since the first century, the earthly part of God's organization has been making known his provision for salvation. When two elders encourage those who are not baptized, they ask, " Can I really be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? ' Timoteo ya era entonces un experimentado proclamador del Reino. 22: 37 - 40. Timothy was already a experienced Kingdom proclaimer. Aun así, en ese mismo momento dedicó tiempo a grabar verdades importantes en la mente de Pedro haciéndole preguntas. Or is the main appeal to the emotions? At that point, however, Jesus took time to impress important truths on Peter's mind. Por ejemplo, muchos hermanos son siervos ministeriales. Certain days of their festivals were called holy conventions or solemn assemblies, indicating the sacred nature of these gatherings. For example, many brothers serve as ministerial servants. Cada vez más judíos y prosélitos aceptaban el hecho de que la verdadera congregación de Dios ya no era el Israel natural, sino "el Israel [espiritual] de Dios ," formado por cristianos ungidos. Consider the support that the virgin Jewess Mary received when hearing the news: "You will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus. " More and more Jews and proselytes accepted the fact that God's true congregation was no longer natural Israel, but "the Israel of God, " made up of anointed Christians. Si nos apoyamos en él, confiamos en él y recurrimos a él, Jehová nos ayudará a rechazar el espíritu del mundo sin importar lo difícil que sea nuestra situación. 14, 15. (a) What is outstanding about David's patience? If we rely on him, we trust in him, and rely on him, Jehovah will help us to reject the spirit of the world no matter how difficult our situation may be. La voluntad de Dios viene primero If he wins, we will serve you. ' God's Will Is First De igual modo, aunque la madre disfruta de cierto grado de autoridad, no debe olvidar que la dirección de la familia recae en su esposo. When David was returning to Jerusalem, Barzillai escorted the entourage to the Jordan River. Similarly, although a mother enjoys a measure of authority, she should not forget that the headship of the family has a role in her husband. ¿ Soy adicto a los medios electrónicos? ," del número de enero de 2011 de ¡Despertad! Painful counsel. Am I addicted to the media? ' in the January 2011 issue of Awake! " Sea Dios veraz " If they did not truly believe what Jehovah had told them - if they lacked faith - would they have waited patiently for the fulfillment of his promises? " Be True God " ¿ Hasta qué punto fue fiel Jesús a su promesa? La Biblia lo muestra con estas conocidas palabras: "No importa cuántas sean las promesas de Dios, han llegado a ser Sí mediante él ." Look at the churches of Christendom and other religions, and compare their conduct with what the Bible requires of the true servants of God. To what extent was Jesus faithful to his promise? The Bible says: "No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. " • Leer y comentar algún capítulo del libro Los jóvenes preguntan. How, though, can we avoid misusing our gift of free will? • Read and discuss some chapter of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work. a) ¿Cuál es la única forma de recibir la vida eterna? Soon, though, servants of Gath's king recognized David. (a) What is the only way to receive everlasting life? ¿ En qué sentido es el materialismo una fuente de inquietudes? He wholeheartedly supported the project by passing on to Solomon the architectural plans that he had received from Jehovah. How is materialism a source of anxiety? En que Jehová "bendijo el fin de Job después más que su principio ." That was in addition to demonstrating by his actions his love for God's people. After Job's beginning, Jehovah "saw the end of Job's life more than his beginning. " ¿ Qué efecto tuvo en Saulo su encuentro con Jesús en el camino a Damasco? Of Jesus, the Bible prophetically says: "You have loved righteousness and you hate wickedness. " What effect did Saul have on Saul on Jesus on the road to Damascus? ¿ Cómo fortalecen nuestra fe los relatos bíblicos de fieles siervos de Dios? 15, 16. How can the Bible accounts of faithful servants of God strengthen our faith? Trate de revivir el cariño que una vez sintió por quien ahora es su cónyuge. Baptism is a vital step to be taken by those wanting to serve God. This is made clear by our Exemplar, Jesus. Try to express your affection for him now. Si eres cristiano, hay algo aún más importante que debes tomar en cuenta: el efecto que tus comentarios y fotos podrían tener en los demás, sean o no tus hermanos espirituales. David developed courage and strength by making Jehovah his confidence in his youth - even before he confronted the Philistine giant Goliath. If you are a Christian, you have something more important to consider - how your comments and comments might affect others - whether your spiritual brothers or sisters. Para entender las profecías bíblicas, ¿qué necesitamos comprender antes, y por qué? They quoted from and referred to the Hebrew Scriptures hundreds of times in their writings and encouraged the people to whom they preached to do the same. To understand Bible prophecies correctly, what do we need to understand, and why? " Los cielos ," que incluían las lumbreras, se crearon mucho antes de que siquiera empezara el "día primero ." God said: "I well know the pains they suffer. " " The heavens, " which included the Lazarus ' s, produced much before the start of the "day. " Estas personas espirituales predican con entusiasmo, son muy hospitalarias y compasivas, y tienen otras buenas cualidades. It is "The Way, " the only successful way of life and of pleasing God. Such spiritual individuals zealously share in the preaching work, are encouraged and appreciated by others, and they have other fine qualities. Veamos lo que sucedió cuando conoció a Natanael, quien con el tiempo llegó a ser apóstol. In the way sheep do. Consider what happened when he met Nathanael, who eventually became Paul. En pocas palabras, porque son imperfectas y porque estamos viviendo en "tiempos críticos, difíciles de manejar ." REPUTATION. Simply put, because we are imperfect and are living in "critical times hard to deal with. " ¿ Por qué deberíamos entregar un informe de nuestra actividad en el ministerio? May we remain confident that right up to the end, Jehovah will continue to provide us with our daily needs, both spiritual and material. Why should we give a report of our activity in the ministry? Las reuniones nos brindan la oportunidad de cantarle a Jehová con un corazón constante, resuelto a servirle. What confidence he has in you young brothers and sisters! Meetings provide the opportunity to sing praises to Jehovah with a steadfast heart, determined to serve him faithfully. A menudo, los niños que crecen en este ambiente manifiestan esas mismas características cuando se hacen adultos. Still, they would have to make arrangements to travel to Miletus. Often, children who grow in this environment reflect these traits when they become adults. También hay ejemplos de cómo el Reino se expande de manera impresionante. But we take God at his word, trusting that if we are repentant, Jehovah will support us through difficult times - even when those difficulties are of our own making. - Read Isaiah 1: 18, 19; Acts 3: 19. There are also examples of how the Kingdom is expanding awe - inspiring. Pero también necesitan que los animen y que los acompañen en el ministerio. It also discusses the blessings we receive when we make sacrifices for the sake of the good news. But they also need encouragement and encouragement to accompany them in the ministry. Dijo Jesús: "No de pan solamente debe vivir el hombre, sino de toda expresión que sale de la boca de Jehová ." He stated: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " Jesus said: " Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth. " ¿ Y no es cierto que los amigos pasan tiempo juntos? How the Final Act Will Play Out Is it not true that friends spend time together? 14, 15. * In Israel, Nisan 14 was the joyous day of the Passover celebration. 14, 15. Los ángeles participan en la obra final de reunir y sellar a los ungidos (léase Mateo 24: 31; Rev. An outstanding example of a man who cultivated such a friendship was Abraham. The angels share in the final work of gathering and carrying out the anointed. (Read Matthew 24: 31; Rev. b) ¿Cómo reaccionó David ante la oposición de Saúl? Kingdom Hall cleaning and maintenance must not be neglected (See paragraphs 16, 18) (b) How did David react to Saul's opposition? Jesús será "considerado en aquel día con admiración con relación a todos los que han ejercido fe ." They surely do not view the acquisition of wealth to be of utmost importance. Jesus will be " looks at that day with awe toward all who have exercised faith. " La Ley mosaica no permitía realizar ningún trabajo en el sábado, e incluso los viajes estaban sometidos a estrictas limitaciones ese día. If hearing is a problem, we may need to speak slowly and enunciate clearly. The Mosaic Law did not allow any work on the Sabbath. Desde el primer siglo, la parte terrestre de la organización de Dios ha estado proclamando lo que él ha hecho para salvar a la humanidad. He sings: "Indeed toward God wait silently, O my soul, because from him is my hope. " - Psalm 62: 5. From the first century onward, the earthly part of God's organization has been proclaiming what he has done to save mankind. ¿ Qué debemos hacer para que crezca nuestro amor por Dios? And it was a white sister who patiently helped me to make the journey. How can we strengthen our love for God? ¿ Es un tratamiento reconocido por personas acreditadas? ." What attitude was shown by a young brother in Côte d'Ivoire? Is it a medical treatment for people? ' Durante sus fiestas había ciertos días en los que celebraban reuniones conocidas como convocaciones santas o asambleas solemnes, lo que subrayaba su carácter sagrado. Both Jehovah and Jesus have set perfect examples of exercising this quality. During their festivals, there were certain days in which the meetings were held as holy or holy conventions, which underscored his sacred nature. Pensemos en el apoyo que recibió la virgen judía María cuando escuchó esta noticia: "Concebirás en tu matriz y darás a luz un hijo, y has de ponerle por nombre Jesús ." In what ways can we imitate Mary's faith? Consider the support given by the Jewish virgin Mary when she heard this news: "Jehovah will grant you in your womb and give birth to a son, and you have made known by Jesus. " 14, 15. a) ¿Por qué nos impresiona la paciencia de David? The apostle Paul warns us about one of Satan's insidious strategies - "false stories. " (Read 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4.) 14, 15. (a) Why are we impressed by David's patience? Si él me gana, nosotros les serviremos ." Some couples feel compelled to stay together because of social or family pressure. If he willingly me, we will serve them. " Cuando David iba regresando a Jerusalén, Barzilai se unió a su séquito y lo acompañó hasta el río Jordán, donde el rey le ofreció la oportunidad de formar parte de la corte. And imagine the joy at the 1993 "Divine Teaching " International Convention in Kiev, Ukraine, where 7,402 were immersed - the largest baptism of Jehovah's Witnesses on record. - Isa. 60: 22; Hag. When David returned to Jerusalem, Barzillai joined him and accompanied him to the Jordan, where the king offered him an opportunity to be part of the royal court. Corrección. However, there is more to Jesus ' statement. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Si no hubieran tenido fe absoluta en lo que Jehová les había dicho, ¿habrían esperado con paciencia el cumplimiento de sus promesas? What you saw, however, was but a tiny fraction of the number of stars in the galaxy of which the earth is a part. Had they not exercised full faith in what Jehovah had said, would they have waited patiently for the fulfillment of his promises? Echa un vistazo a las iglesias de la cristiandad y a otras religiones, y compara su conducta con lo que exige la Biblia de los verdaderos siervos de Dios. How do you treat your spouse and children? I was amazed at the churches of Christendom and other religions. He compares his conduct with what the Bible requires of true worshippers. ¿ Cómo podemos hacerlo? Hope is an essential element of faith. How can we do that? Pero los servidores del rey filisteo no tardaron en identificarlo. What may be the result if a Christian wife is in subjection to an unbelieving husband? But the leader of the Philistine king's servant soon came to the rescue of the Philistine king. Para él, lo más importante era que se edificara el templo, de modo que apoyó de todo corazón la obra. Rather than focus on "the things on the earth, " Abraham" put faith in Jehovah. " For him, most important was to build the temple, and he wholeheartedly supported the work. Y a todo lo anterior se suman las acciones con las que demostró su amor por el pueblo de Dios. Since Nineveh was to become a place for wild animals and birds, the voice that would keep singing refers to birdsong and possibly to the sound of the wind in the windows of deserted buildings. Jehovah's love for his people was evident in the actions he showed for his people. Refiriéndose a Jesús, la Biblia dijo proféticamente: "Has amado la justicia y odias la iniquidad ." Regarding that war, Jehovah declares by means of Ezekiel: "" I will call forth against [Gog] throughout all my mountainous region a sword, ' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. Referring to Jesus, the Bible prophetically stated: "You have loved righteousness and hate wickedness. " 15, 16. Honor Jehovah by Displaying Dignity 15, 16. Este es un paso fundamental que debe dar todo el que quiere servir a Dios, como bien mostró Jesús, nuestro Modelo. How can prayer provide us with comfort? This is a vital step that all who want to serve God, as Jesus showed, our Exemplar. David cultivó valor y fortaleza al hacer de Jehová su confianza en su juventud, aun antes de enfrentarse al gigante filisteo Goliat. 1, 2. (a) What lesson did one man learn about safeguarding his property? David gained courage and strength from Jehovah's confidence in his youth, even before confronting the Philistine giant Goliath. Citaron de las Escrituras Hebreas o hicieron referencia a ellas cientos de veces en sus escritos y, cuando predicaban, animaban a la gente a que leyera y meditara en las Escrituras. What may have motivated Jephthah to react as a spiritual man? They looked back from the Hebrew Scriptures or referred to them hundreds of times in his writings. When they preached, they encouraged people to read and meditate on the Scriptures. Dios dijo: "Conozco bien los dolores que sufren ." On the other hand, another person may be sarcastic, materialistic, easily offended, or may have an independent attitude. God said: "I well know the pains they suffer. " Se trata del "Camino ," el único modo de vivir que merece la pena y que nos granjea el favor de Dios. Ryan directed his attention away from himself and toward serving others - in the congregation and in the field. It is "the only way to live that merits God's favor. " Como lo hacen las ovejas. How can parents help their children enjoy refreshing recreation? As sheep do, they do so. LA REPUTACIÓN. 14, 15. (a) For what two reasons did Jehovah allow Jesus to die? IT WAS the most important thing in which we can see. Podemos estar seguros de que, hasta el mismo fin, Jehová seguirá satisfaciendo nuestras necesidades diarias, tanto espirituales como materiales. The "body of attendants, " or" domestics, " refers to this same group but highlights their role as individuals. We can be sure that until the end of this system of things, Jehovah will continue to satisfy our daily needs - both spiritually and material. ¡ Cuánto confía él en los jóvenes! Why? How David put trust in young people! Sin duda, realizar aquel largo viaje implicaría sacrificios. These will survive the great tribulation into Christ's Millennial Reign. Clearly, this long journey would involve sacrifices. Pero podemos confiar en que Dios cumplirá su palabra de que, si nos arrepentimos, nos apoyará cuando pasemos por dificultades, aunque sean culpa nuestra (lea Isaías 1: 18, 19 y Hechos 3: 19). My giving up the job has meant that we have to manage with less money, but I feel that I am now in touch with my children's thoughts and problems. (Read Isaiah 1: 18, 19; Acts 3: 19.) También explicará que, aunque hay que realizar sacrificios por las buenas nuevas, son muchas las bendiciones que recibimos. Even so, Peter was determined to be loyal to God's anointed Son. He will also explain that even though there are sacrifices for the good news, there are many blessings we receive. Por ejemplo, a sus apóstoles les dio la siguiente instrucción: "Hagan discípulos de gente de todas las naciones ." Had Jehovah forgotten the promise that he had made to Abraham? For example, Jesus told his apostles: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " ¿ Qué sucederá en el último acto de esta gran obra? To pay her father's vow, Jephthah's daughter had to serve Jehovah full - time at his sanctuary. What will happen in the final act of this great work? * Precisamente en esa fecha tenía lugar la gozosa celebración anual de la Pascua en Israel. Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: "Simon, Simon, look! * This took place at the annual celebration of the Passover in Israel. Sus relatos son muy valiosos para nosotros, pues no hay nada más importante en la vida que hacerse amigo del Creador. Meditate on Bible texts and faith - strengthening points that you can use in discussions with those needing spiritual help. Their accounts are precious to us because there is nothing more important in our life than to be a friend of the Creator. Debemos mantener nuestro salón limpio y en buen estado (Vea los párrafos 16 y 18) How might an elder reason with one who was stumbled? We must keep our clean Kingdom Hall clean and well - being (See paragraphs 16, 18) Para ellos, la adquisición de riquezas no es lo más importante. Clearly, the Bible contains many words that can encourage, correct, or strengthen its readers. For them, the pursuit of riches is not the most important thing. Si no oyen bien, debemos hablarles despacio y pronunciar con claridad. No. If you do not hear well, you should listen to them and listen carefully. Él canta: "Hacia Dios espera silenciosamente, oh alma mía, porque de él viene mi esperanza ." We preach the good news of the Kingdom to all sorts of people, and we treat them in a kind manner. He sings: "He is waiting for God, O my soul, for from him my hope is coming. " Y fue una hermana blanca muy paciente quien me ayudó a lograrlo. To that end, let us always follow the Golden Rule in our ministry. And she was a white sister who helped me to succeed. ¿ Qué actitud manifestó un hermano joven de Côte d'Ivoire (Costa de Marfil)? How can they hope to win against superhuman, wicked spirit forces? What attitude did a young brother in C ' s display? Jehová y Jesús son el ejemplo perfecto de compasión. Yet, Jehovah's spirit can help you progressively to overturn "strongly entrenched things... raised up against the knowledge of God. " Jehovah and Jesus set the perfect example of compassion. Y como vemos le gustaba mucho hablar de ellas. What is free will? He enjoyed talking about them. Entre las más encubiertas figuran los "cuentos falsos " (léase 1 Timoteo 1: 3, 4). Take, for example, the Central African Republic, where last year the attendance at the Memorial of Christ's death was 16,184, about seven times the number of Kingdom publishers in that land. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4.) Algunas parejas siguen juntas por la presión de su familia y amigos. Predictions made by different astrologers for the same individual do not match. Some couples remain together by pressure from their family and friends. En 1993 se celebró en Kiev (Ucrania) la Asamblea Internacional "Enseñanza Divina ." Yet, we must personally let Jehovah's word be a lamp to our foot. In 1993, the International International International Standard Version was part of the New International Version. " Sin embargo, el comentario de Jesús da a entender algo más. But we will focus on a very special wedding - a royal one at that. However, Jesus ' comment suggests something more. Sin embargo, lo que vio no es más que una fracción diminuta de las estrellas de la galaxia en que se halla el planeta Tierra. The second article shows how we can imitate his courage and discernment. However, what he saw is not more than just one fraction of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. ¿ Qué tipo de programas veo? Some of the offerings and sacrifices of the Law were voluntary, whereas others were compulsory. What kind of programs do I see? La esperanza es un elemento esencial de la fe. Obviously, our inner personality is unseen - much as the core, or heart, of a tree cannot be seen. Hope is an essential aspect of faith. ¿ Qué resultados podría obtener la cristiana si respeta la autoridad de su esposo no creyente? Heeding the apostle Peter's counsel has helped many a Christian wife to win her husband "without a word. " - 1 Peter 3: 1, 2. What can result from a Christian husband's showing respect for his unbelieving husband? En vez de centrar su atención en "las cosas sobre la tierra ," Abrahán" puso fe en Jehová ." God's unique knowledge of us and our genetic makeup assures us that he does indeed understand us in every detail. Rather than focusing on "the things on the earth, " Abraham" put faith in Jehovah. " Como Nínive iba a convertirse en morada de animales salvajes y aves, la voz que seguiría cantando es la de las aves, aunque posiblemente sea también el sonido del viento al atravesar las ventanas de los edificios en ruinas. Who was Joshua, and what did he do toward the end of his life? As Nineveh was to become a dwelling on wild animals and birds, the voice that would continue to singing is the head of the birds, even if the sound of the wind may also be at the doors of buildings in ruins. A través de Ezequiel, Jehová revela: "Llamaré contra [Gog] por toda mi región montañosa una espada - es la expresión del Señor Soberano Jehová - . Today, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in many lands, as Jesus prophesied it would be. Through Ezekiel, Jehovah reveals: "The rod against all my mountainous region, a sword, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. Honremos a Jehová actuando con dignidad When you were born, your kidneys were ready to filter your blood supply - removing toxins and excess water but retaining useful substances. Honor Jehovah by Displaying Dignity ¿ Cómo nos consuela la oración? He then showed that first - century Christians made necessary personality changes, adding: "Yet that is what some of you were. " How can prayer comfort us? 1, 2. a) ¿Qué lección aprendió un hombre sobre la protección de sus bienes? And no matter how much knowledge or experience we gain, we will always be like children in comparison with Jehovah. - Isa. 55: 9. 1, 2. (a) What lesson did one man learn about the protection of his belongings? ¿ Por qué actuó así? It is instructive to note the topics that Paul addressed when he was first imprisoned in Rome. Why? La Biblia alaba a quien refleja un "espíritu quieto y apacible " y a quien es" sereno de espíritu ." A brother made a return visit on an elderly gentleman who had read our magazines for a number of years. The Bible praises those who reflect a "quiet and mild spirit, " or" mild spirit. " 32 Índice por temas de La Atalaya del 2017 There is no greater way to make a difference in the lives of honesthearted ones! ARTICLE 5 Highlights From the Book of 2017 Raúl dejó de pensar en sí mismo y se centró en servir a los demás, tanto en la congregación como en el ministerio. What thought - provoking words of commendation and counsel the glorified Jesus Christ spoke to the three of the seven congregations in Asia Minor that we have considered! He left his mind on himself and focused on serving others - both in the congregation and in the ministry. ¿ Cómo pueden los padres ayudar a sus hijos a disfrutar de diversiones sanas? What resulted when the early congregations observed the decrees decided on by the governing body? How can parents help their children to enjoy wholesome recreation? 14, 15. a) ¿Por qué dos razones permitió Jehová que muriera Jesús? Moreover, the wealthy may exclaim: "Happy is the people for whom it is just like that! " 14, 15. (a) Why did Jehovah allow Jesus to die? Las expresiones "servidumbre " y" domésticos " aluden al mismo grupo de cristianos, pero vistos de forma individual. A remnant of them would return to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. In time, that did occur. - Jer. The expressions " faithful and domestics " refer to the same group of Christians, but to one another. ¿ Por qué? How has Jehovah's Servant brought "a righteous standing to many "? Why? Esta innumerable multitud sobrevive a la gran tribulación y entra en el Reino Milenario de Cristo. The Christian disciple James tells us that "the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable [" yielding, " ftn.], ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " - Jas. 3: 17. This multitude survives the great tribulation and enter into Christ's Kingdom. Como dejé el trabajo, hemos tenido que arreglárnoslas con menos dinero, pero ahora sé qué es lo que piensan mis hijos y cuáles son sus problemas. A year after he married Patsy, a fellow missionary, their baby daughter died. I had to work at work, but now I know what I think about my children and what their problems are. Sin embargo, estaba decidido a ser leal al Hijo ungido de Dios. For a complete account, see 1999 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 171 - 212. However, he was determined to remain loyal to God's anointed Son. Sin embargo, pasaron los años y Abrahán y Sara seguían sin hijos. Those who now follow their bad example will soon come to realize the same bitter truth. - Gen. 3: 1 - 7, 17 - 19. However, years passed, and Abraham and Sarah continued without children. Pagar el voto implicaba que la hija de Jefté serviría a Jehová todo el tiempo en el santuario. And what did he demand? She concluded that Jephthah's daughter would serve Jehovah whole - time at the sanctuary. Jesucristo le dijo al apóstol Pedro: "Simón, Simón, ¡mira! Many need to come out of Satan's world and be transformed (See paragraph 9) Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: "Repent, Simon, look! Piense en pasajes bíblicos y puntos estimulantes que pueda usar para fortalecer la fe de su hermano. We discovered why Jehovah's name is important, why he permits suffering, why some people go to heaven, and what the future holds for faithful mankind in general. Think of Biblical and helpful points that you can use to strengthen your brother's faith. ¿ Cómo podría un anciano ayudar a alguien que ha sufrido un tropiezo? Through the prophet, God assured Ebed - melech that he would not perish during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. How might an elder help someone who has suffered a stumbling block? Está claro que en la Biblia hay muchas palabras que animan, corrigen o fortalecen al que las lee. It may be that the end seems to be a long time in arriving. Clearly, the Bible contains many words that encourage us, encourage, or strengthen us when we read them. Es obvio que no. " A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " Of course not! Llevamos las buenas nuevas a todo tipo de personas y a todas ellas las tratamos con amabilidad. If you asked your spouse this, how would he or she answer? We preach the good news to everyone and to all sorts of people. Así pues, sigamos siempre la Regla de Oro en nuestro ministerio. Instead, we could easily be "carried away by anxieties, riches, and pleasures of this life,... and bring nothing to maturity. " - Luke 8: 14, 15. May we continue to follow the Golden Rule in our ministry. ¿ Pueden los jóvenes ganar a estos malvados seres sobrenaturales? Most parents would say that eventually they would have no choice but to punish the child. Can young people win such wicked ones? No obstante, el espíritu de Jehová puede ayudarle a ir derrumbando "cosas fuertemente atrincheradas [...] que se levanta [n] contra el conocimiento de Dios ." And, of course, check on the volume regularly so that the music neither stifles enjoyable conversation nor disturbs any neighbors. - Matthew 7: 12. However, Jehovah's spirit can help you to overturn "strongly entrenched things... that raise up against the knowledge of God. " ¿ En qué consiste la libertad de elección? These joyfully serve in a spiritual sense as "farmers " and" vinedressers " for the anointed "ministers of our God. " In that way, the other sheep greatly assist the anointed ones in accomplishing their ministry on a worldwide scale. - Isaiah 61: 5, 6. What is the meaning of free will? Pensemos en la República Centroafricana, donde la asistencia a la Conmemoración de la muerte de Cristo el año pasado fue de 16.184 personas: siete veces la cantidad de publicadores del Reino. Decision - making is not easy. Consider the African Republic, where the attendance at the Memorial of Christ's death was past 16 people - seven times a number of Kingdom publishers. Las predicciones que diferentes astrólogos hacen para una misma persona no coinciden. Will we meditate on and take to heart the vital information that will strengthen us to resist Satan's final attempt to divert us from the truth? The Messianic prophecies point out that different individuals do not apply to themselves. Pero, a cada uno de nosotros nos toca decidir si permitiremos que sean una lámpara para nuestro pie. Rather than being suspicious of our brother, we would do well to consider why we are critical of him. But each of us will decide whether to remain a lamp to our foot. Pero vamos a concentrarnos en una boda muy especial, una boda real. He enables us to discern the identity of those governments through the writings of the prophet Daniel and the apostle John. But we stay focused on a special wedding, a royal wedding. El segundo muestra cómo ser valientes y actuar con buen juicio al igual que él. The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, as the Scriptures tell us to do. The second article discusses how we can show courage and act wisely in our dealings with others. Algunas de las ofrendas y sacrificios estipulados en la Ley eran voluntarios, mientras que otros, obligatorios. Why does the world hate true Christians? Some of the offerings and sacrifices offered in the Law were volunteers, while others were voluntary. Tal como el centro de un árbol está oculto a la vista, la persona que somos en el interior no se puede ver. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Just as the center of a tree is hidden from the sight, the person we are inside cannot see. De igual modo, la obediencia al consejo del apóstol Pedro ha contribuido a que muchas cristianas casadas ganen a sus esposos "sin una palabra ." (b) Of what can we be assured if we pray at every opportunity? Similarly, obedience to the apostle Peter's counsel has helped many Christian women to regain their husbands "without a word. " Y por eso podemos estar seguros de que nos comprende mejor que nadie. (b) What will we consider in the following article? As a result, we can be sure that Jehovah understands us better than anyone else. ¿ Quién era Josué, y qué hizo al final de su vida? For instance, when the prophet Elijah's life was threatened by wicked Queen Jezebel, that prophet lost courage and fled, even saying that he wanted to die. Who was Joshua, and what did he do at the end of his life? Hoy día, como predijo Jesús, las buenas nuevas del Reino se están predicando en muchos países. This is their baptism into Christ Jesus. Today, as Jesus foretold, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in many lands. Entre ellos se encuentran los riñones, que para el momento de nuestro nacimiento estaban listos para filtrar la sangre, eliminando las toxinas y el exceso de agua y reteniendo los nutrientes. Are you following such suggestions from Jehovah's organization? Among them are the kidneys, which at the time of our birth were ready to put blood, remove the blood, and reduce water of water and cover it. Acto seguido, mencionó que los cristianos del siglo primero habían hecho los cambios de personalidad pertinentes: "Sin embargo, eso era lo que algunos de ustedes eran ." 13: 11 - 14. What warning do we find at Luke 21: 34, 35? Next, he mentioned that the first - century Christians had made the necessary changes in their lives: "With that is what some of you were. " Y sin importar cuánto conocimiento y experiencia adquiramos, siempre seremos como niños comparados con Jehová. Why did Jehovah handle matters as he did when dealing with the nation of Israel as a whole? And regardless of how much knowledge and experience come, we will always be like children compared to Jehovah. Primero, estuvo "dando testimonio cabal respecto al reino de Dios ." Interestingly, only the Bible gives a satisfying explanation of the origin of the diversity of languages that we see today. First, he "bear thorough witness concerning the kingdom of God. " Por ejemplo, un hermano visitaba a un señor mayor que llevaba varios años leyendo nuestras revistas. Yet, the transfiguration is not to be the last of the visions granted to Jesus ' followers. For example, a brother visited a older man who had read our magazines for several years. Es lo mejor que podemos hacer por ellas. Thus, the message from our conscience may have been muffled or distorted. It is the best way we can do for them. Hemos analizado los elogios y consejos que Jesucristo glorificado dedicó a tres de las siete congregaciones de Asia Menor, y no hay duda de que sus palabras invitan a la reflexión. A Christian should therefore be willing to give even his life in behalf of fellow believers when necessary. We have considered the commendation and counsel that Jesus Christ gave to three congregations in Asia Minor. ¿ Qué ocurría cuando las congregaciones obedecían los decretos del cuerpo gobernante? " GENESIS " means "origin, " or" birth. " What happened when congregations obeyed the decrees of the governing body? Quizás hasta exclamen: "¡Feliz es el pueblo para quien es justamente así! ." But thinking approvingly about integrity benefits us little unless we build and maintain our Christian integrity. They may even cry out: "Happy is the people to whom it is just so! " Con el tiempo, algunos regresarían para reconstruir Jerusalén y su templo. Faithful Christians remembered Jesus ' warning: "When you catch sight of [this]..., let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house; and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment. " In time, some returned to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. ¿ De qué manera elevó el Siervo de Jehová a "una posición de justos a muchas personas "? However, we can reduce such stress by associating as often as possible with fellow believers, who genuinely care for us and whose hearts are complete toward God. - Ps. In what way did Jehovah's Servant bring "a righteous standing to many "? El discípulo cristiano Santiago nos dice que "la sabiduría de arriba es primeramente casta, luego pacífica, razonable [" que cede ," nota; "flexible ," Franquesa - Solé], lista para obedecer, llena de misericordia y buenos frutos, sin hacer distinciones por parcialidad, sin ser hipócrita ." This longest book of the Bible contains beautifully composed songs that recount God's wonderful qualities and mighty acts and relate numerous prophecies. The disciple James tells us: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, reasonable, ready to yield, " ftn.], to obey, to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " Un año después de casarse con una misionera llamada Patsy, murió su hija, que tenía pocos meses. If we at times do not fully understand a Bible account or the way events develop in our own life, could we perhaps feel in our heart that the way of Jehovah is unfair, "not adjusted right "? - Job 35: 2. A year after becoming a missionary, a missionary named C.E. died, her daughter, who had just a few months. Para un relato detallado, véase el Anuario de los testigos de Jehová 1999, págs. I myself will help you. ' " - Isaiah 41: 10, 13. For a detailed account, see the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 2. Y esa es la amarga lección que aprenderán dentro de poco todos los que siguen su mal ejemplo. Notice who were being mistreated. They were the righteous, poor, lowly, and meek inhabitants of the land. And that is the lesson that they will learn soon from all who follow their bad example. ¿ Y qué le dijo Moisés al faraón? Because of today's scourge of immorality, husbands and wives need Jehovah's direction and protection so that their efforts to safeguard their marriage will not be in vain. (Read Psalm 127: 1.) What did Moses tell Pharaoh? Aprendimos por qué es importante el nombre de Jehová, por qué permite Dios el sufrimiento, por qué algunas personas van al cielo y qué les espera a los demás seres humanos fieles. A first step, of course, is for parents to train their children at home, preparing them for meetings. They can be given the task of getting various publications ready so that all will have what is needed to take along with them to meetings. We decided why Jehovah's name is important, why God permits suffering, why some people go to heaven, and what is expected of other humans? Posteriormente, Jehová le comunicó a Ébed - mélec mediante Jeremías que no moriría cuando los babilonios conquistaran Jerusalén. Nick, mentioned earlier, says: "The training I received from two older overseers in particular was very helpful. Later, Jehovah revealed to Ebed - melech that Jeremiah would not die when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem. Pues bien, pudiera parecernos que el fin aún está muy lejano. Even faithful worshipers of Jehovah must face what reality, but what comfort do we find in God's Word? Well, it may seem that the end is still far off. Si usted le hiciera esta pregunta a su pareja, ¿qué respuesta daría él o ella? Such good reports would include the life stories of faithful brothers and sisters, which appear regularly in the Watchtower and Awake! If you ask your spouse, what would you give him or her? De lo contrario, podríamos ser arrastrados "por las inquietudes y las riquezas y los placeres de esta vida ," y nunca lograríamos alcanzar la madurez ni dar fruto. The offspring would descend from Abraham, would be many in number, would have a kingly function, would destroy all enemies, and would be a blessing for many others. Otherwise, we could be led astray by "the anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, " and we would never succeed in attaining maturity or bearing fruit. ¿ Qué nos enseña esto? Isaiah is commissioned to go and speak "again and again " to those who neither understand nor want any knowledge. What can we learn from this? Lo más seguro es que diga que no le quedaría más remedio que castigarlo. As we respect and show honor to those who are in positions of secular authority, it is more likely that they will defend our right to preach without interference. You would probably agree that it would not be better to tell you about it. Y, claro está, controle constantemente el volumen para que la música no impida disfrutar de la conversación ni moleste a los vecinos. • What should children be taught, and how should the teaching be done? Of course, he is constantly controling the volume so that music may not interfere with the conversation or even damage the neighbors. Espiritualmente hablando, las otras ovejas sirven felices como "labradores " y" viñadores " de los "ministros de nuestro Dios ," por lo que son una inmensa ayuda para que los ungidos realicen su ministerio en todo el mundo. How Jehovah must rejoice when young ones who practice what they have learned muster up courage to witness at school! - Proverbs 27: 11; Hebrews 6: 10. The other sheep are happy to serve as "a refuge " and" a refuge of the " of our God, " which is a vast help for anointed ones in the ministry. Tomar buenas decisiones no es fácil, pues se requiere madurez. 14, 15. (a) Why should Christians who are single mothers call on Jehovah for help? Making wise decisions is not easy. It takes maturity. ¿ Meditaremos en la vital enseñanza que recibamos a fin de fortalecernos y resistir el último esfuerzo de Satanás para desviarnos de la verdad? 5, 6. Will we meditate on the vital teaching that help us to strengthen and resist Satan's final efforts to turn us away from the truth? En lugar de ser tan malpensados, tenemos que determinar por qué criticamos a nuestro hermano. What is the sense of the Greek words underlying the expressions "declaration of righteousness " and" declaring of them righteous "? Rather than being overly distressed, we need to determine why we are critical of our brother. Para ello debemos examinar los libros bíblicos que escribieron el profeta Daniel y el apóstol Juan. But like David, we can be comforted in knowing that Jehovah fully understands our distresses. - Ps. 34: 15. We should examine the Bible books that the prophet Daniel and the apostle John wrote. Entonces, le abrió su corazón a Jehová, como indican las Escrituras. Jehovah shows love for his true worshipers in a precious, lasting way. Then he poured out his heart to Jehovah, as indicated in the Scriptures. ¿ Por qué odia el mundo a los cristianos verdaderos? (b) How does Jehovah help us to discern when the relief will come? Why does the world hate true Christians? b) ¿Qué veremos en el próximo artículo? That is how Jehovah, the Creator of heaven and earth, referred to the patriarch Abraham. (b) What will we consider in the next article? b) ¿Qué beneficios se nos prometen cuando oramos en toda oportunidad? Some have included such copies with their will and other important documents about insurance, finance, contacts with government offices, and so on. (b) What benefits are promised when we pray in every opportunity? b) ¿Qué se estudiará en el próximo artículo? In 1922, what encouragement was given to witness from house to house, but how did some respond? (b) What will be considered in the following article? Tomemos como ejemplo a Elías. Cuando la malvada reina Jezabel amenazó con matarlo, cayó presa del pánico, salió huyendo y llegó a decir que quería morirse. (b) Why do some not recover after stumbling? Take as an example Elijah, when wicked Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him, he fell away from fear and went away to say that he wanted to die. Este es su bautismo en Cristo Jesús. How can we show mercy, and why are "the merciful " happy? This is his baptism in Christ Jesus. ¿ Las estamos siguiendo? Yet, anointed Christians had keenly been anticipating 1914 as the end of the Gentile Times, or "appointed times of the nations. " Are we following them? ¿ Qué advertencia encontramos en Lucas 21: 34, 35? 9, 10. What warning is found at Luke 21: 34, 35? ¿ Por qué no perdonó Jehová a la nación de Israel en conjunto? Even scanning newspaper headlines can make you feel as did the righteous man Lot, who was "greatly distressed " (" worn down, " Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible) by the loose conduct of those around him. - 2 Peter 2: 7. Why did Jehovah not forgive the nation of Israel as a whole? Cabe señalar que solo la Biblia explica de manera satisfactoria cuál es el origen de los muchos idiomas que conocemos hoy. 18, 19. It is noteworthy that only the Bible tells us what the origin of many languages we now know. Con todo, esta no sería la última de las visiones que se concederían a los seguidores de Jesús. The anointed remnant love their companions and are happy to know that the Bridegroom's Father, Jehovah, has granted these other sheep on earth the privilege of joining in the jubilation over the heavenly marriage of the Lamb. However, this would not be the last visions that led to Jesus ' followers. Es posible que la voz de la conciencia nos haya hablado con sonido débil o distorsionado, y con el "acento " de quienes nos rodeaban. " Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine " It may have been that the voice of a conscience has spoken with a weak, distorted sense of conscience, and with the " hearts of those around us. ' De ahí que debamos estar dispuestos a dar la vida por los hermanos si es preciso. Their ready participation at the meetings and their zeal in the ministry, as well as their caring attitude toward all in the congregation, enable the elders to discern their potential when considering them for additional assignments. We need to be willing to give up life in behalf of our brothers if necessary. EL VOCABLO génesis significa "origen " o" nacimiento ." Hosea tells the rebellious people that Jehovah will "remember their error " and" give attention to their sins. " THE B.C.E. means "go on " or" birth. " Pero no basta con que tengamos el deseo de ser íntegros y leales a Dios; debemos esforzarnos por hacer realidad ese deseo. What matters most is whether Jehovah views us as successful, for our very lives depend on his approval. But we must strive to maintain our integrity to God. We must strive to do so. Los cristianos fieles recordaron la advertencia de Jesús: "Cuando alcancen a ver [esto] [...,] el que esté sobre la azotea no baje, ni entre a sacar nada de su casa; y el que se halle en el campo no vuelva a las cosas atrás para recoger su prenda de vestir exterior ." 1, 2. (a) How can uncertainty about our beliefs affect us? Faithful Christians recalled Jesus ' warning: "When you attain to see [Jesus], let him that is upon the roof of the house not come out of his house; and let him that is found in the field not going to pick up the things behind to pick up his garment. " Tanto el corazón literal como el figurado sufren los efectos del estrés que causa el ambiente mundano en el que viven y trabajan los cristianos. All true Christians recognize the important principle of headship. Both literal and figurative heart experience the effects of stress that affect the atmosphere in which Christians live and work. Este libro, el más extenso de la Biblia, contiene hermosas canciones que nos dan a conocer las maravillosas cualidades de Dios y sus obras poderosas, así como diversas profecías. 10, 11. (a) Despite his fatigue, what helped Jesus to keep on the watch in the garden of Gethsemane? This book, the most powerful song, contains beautiful songs that give us knowledge of God's wonderful qualities and his mighty works, as well as various prophecies. Si en ocasiones no entendemos del todo algún relato bíblico o por qué nos pasan ciertas cosas en la vida, ¿podríamos pensar en nuestro corazón que "el camino de Jehová no está bien ajustado ," que es injusto? Just as a friend might tap you on the shoulder to bring something to your attention, Jehovah can use his spirit to draw your attention to an aspect of your conduct or personality that you - and no doubt many others like you - need to improve. If we do not understand all the Bible account or why certain things occur in our lives, can we think that "the way of Jehovah is not right "? Yo mismo ciertamente te ayudaré ' ." 6 What Is God's View of Alcohol? I myself will help you. ' " Fijémonos en quiénes estaban siendo maltratados: los habitantes de la tierra que eran justos, pobres, de condición humilde y mansos. As Kingdom proclaimers, we need to do the same. Imagine who were being mistreated - people of the land who were righteous - poor, poor, lowly, and meek. En este mundo obsesionado con el sexo, los cristianos casados necesitan la guía y protección de Jehová para mantener a salvo su matrimonio (lea Salmo 127: 1). Sometimes he sent me to my room or took some privileges away, but we never argued. He was not just our father. In today's world, married Christians need Jehovah's guidance and protection to keep their marriage safe. (Read Psalm 127: 1.) Lo primero, claro está, es que los padres eduquen en casa a sus hijos, los preparen para las reuniones y tal vez les encarguen que tengan listas las diversas publicaciones que deban llevar. The Law made sincere Jews conscious of their desperate need for a Redeemer. First, parents can train their children to attend meetings, perhaps working hard to prepare them for the various publications they needed to carry. Nick, mencionado antes, señala: "Me fue muy útil la formación que me dieron, en particular, dos superintendentes de edad. • How will God's people see the salvation of Jehovah? Susan, mentioned earlier, says: "It was very helpful for me to use my training, especially two older overseers. ¿ A qué realidad deben enfrentarse incluso los siervos fieles de Jehová, pero qué consuelo encontramos en la Palabra de Dios? Through the years, Jehovah's servants have prayerfully studied Jesus ' prophecy about the last days. What reality should even faithful servants of Jehovah face, but what comfort do we find in God's Word? Un ejemplo de ello son las biografías de hermanos fieles que aparecen de forma habitual en las revistas La Atalaya y ¡Despertad! But he also made clear that each married Christian should be sensitive to the physical and emotional needs of his or her mate. For example, consider the life stories of faithful fellow believers in The Watchtower and Awake! Esa descendencia procedería de Abrahán y estaría compuesta por muchos. Además, sus integrantes serían reyes, destruirían a todos sus enemigos y serían una bendición para muchas personas. Of course, if their parents need care, full - time servants will do all they can and will come to help them as often as possible. Abraham's seed would come and be composed of many kings, destroying all his enemies and would be a blessing to many. Isaías recibe la comisión de ir a hablar "vez tras vez " a un pueblo que ni entiende ni quiere aprender. What will signal the start of the great tribulation? Isaiah is given the commission to "go after speaking " to a people who understands or wants to learn. Si respetamos a los que tienen autoridad en el mundo y les damos honra, es más probable que defiendan nuestro derecho a predicar sin estorbo. With God's blessing, our zealous evangelizing can help others come to know and love Jehovah. If we respect those who have authority in the world and honor them, we are more likely to break our right to preach without delay. • ¿Qué debería enseñarse a los hijos, y cómo? Metaphorically, Jehovah is "at the right hand " of his servants, to fight for them. • What should parents teach their children, and how? Sin duda, Jehová debe de sentir gran regocijo cuando los jóvenes que practican lo que han aprendido se arman de valor y dan testimonio en la escuela. What shows that the Bible is a well - organized book? Surely Jehovah must be delighted when young ones who practice what they have learned have been able to bear witness at school. 14, 15. a) ¿Por qué deben acudir a Jehová por ayuda las cristianas que crían solas a sus hijos? Happy is the mortal man that does this, and the son of mankind that lays hold of it,... keeping his hand in order not to do any kind of badness. ' " 14, 15. (a) Why should Christian parents look to Jehovah for help in private children? 5, 6. Today, with the destruction of an entire world system of things approaching, how necessary that is! 5, 6. ¿ Qué implican las palabras griegas que se traducen "declaración de justicia " y" declararlos justos "? With ancient Israel, Jehovah demonstrated his ability to do what the potter does to clay. What is involved in the Greek words that make up "righteousness " and" declaring the righteous ones "? Pero al igual que a David, nos será de gran consuelo saber que Jehová comprende a la perfección nuestra angustia. Despite being listed last in the qualities produced by the spirit, self - control is in no way less important than the others. Like David, however, we can be comforted by knowing that Jehovah understands our distress. Jehová manifiesta su amor por sus verdaderos adoradores de un modo inestimable y duradero. The Role of Music After David's Day Jehovah's love for his true worshipers is enduring and enduring. b) ¿Cómo nos ayuda Jehová a determinar cuándo llegará el auxilio predicho? [ Pictures on page 21] (b) How does Jehovah help us to determine when he will arrive? Así es como Jehová, el Creador de los cielos y la Tierra, se refirió al patriarca Abrahán. We would never want to adopt a casual approach to the preaching work, as if we esteemed Jesus ' sacrifice as of ordinary value. - Hebrews 10: 29. Yes, Jehovah, the Creator of the heavens and earth, referred to the patriarch Abraham. Conviene que todos los implicados tengan copia de los documentos importantes. In the next article, we will discuss two more aspects of Jesus ' appealing personality - courage and discernment. It is wise for all of us to take copies of the important portions of the book. ¿ Qué recordatorio se dio en 1922 a los cristianos, pero cómo reaccionaron algunos de ellos? At that time, God did not select a powerful king, a learned priest, or a wealthy chieftain. What reminder was given in 1922 to Christians, but how did some of them react? b) ¿Cómo logramos levantarnos si caemos? Any who had lingered were trapped! (b) How can we become if we were to stumble? b) ¿Por qué son felices los misericordiosos? This raises two questions: In what way has Jehovah acted as a Father? (b) Why are the merciful happy? En cambio, los cristianos ungidos habían estado esperando con entusiasmo que en 1914 acabaran los tiempos de los gentiles, también llamados "los tiempos señalados de las naciones ." PENTECOST. However, anointed Christians had eagerly awaited the end of the Gentile times, also called "the appointed times of the nations. " 9, 10. The Bible urges us to pour out our hearts to him: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " - Philippians 4: 6, 7. 9, 10. O es posible que con solo hojear los periódicos se sienta como el justo Lot, quien debido a la conducta desenfrenada de sus vecinos estaba " sumamente angustiado ', o "deprimido ," según el Nuevo Testamento, de Santiago García Rodríguez. (Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14.) Or it may be that only Lot's media were felt like the righteous man Lot, who was " extremely distressed, " according to the New Testament in James's word. 18, 19. In what areas of life should we imitate Jehovah, our impartial God? 18, 19. El resto ungido ama a las "otras ovejas " y se alegra de saber que Jehová, el Padre del Novio, les ha concedido a ellas el privilegio de compartir el júbilo por la boda del Cordero. They have the loving support of their brothers and sisters, and when they commit themselves to Jehovah, their plans in life will succeed. The anointed remnant love the "other sheep " and rejoice in knowing that Jehovah, the Father of the Bridegroom, has given them the privilege of sharing in the marriage of the Lamb. " Asegúrense de todas las cosas; adhiéranse firmemente a lo que es excelente " STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine " Su disposición a participar en las reuniones, su celo en el ministerio y su interés por todos los miembros de la congregación permiten a los ancianos determinar si tienen potencial para asumir más responsabilidades. For the groom: "I [name of groom] take you [name of bride] to be my wedded wife, to love and to cherish in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands, for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God's marital arrangement. " Their willingness to participate at meetings, their zeal in the ministry, and their interest in all in the congregation allows elders to determine whether they have greater responsibilities. Oseas le dijo al pueblo rebelde que Jehová "recordar [ía] el error de ellos " y" dar [ía] atención a sus pecados ." What shows that following Jesus ' counsel is practical and loving? Hosea told the rebellious people that Jehovah would "set their error " and" give attention to their sins. " Lo que de verdad importa es cómo nos ve Jehová, pues nuestra vida depende de que tengamos su favor. When we take on the responsibility to teach people God's Word - either during a home Bible study, a Christian meeting, or a Family Worship session - do we sense our responsibility toward those we are teaching? What matters matter is Jehovah's view, for our life depends on our favor. Mi esposa también me alivió cierta presión cuando me dijo que no necesitaba una casa grande para ser feliz. So when schoolmates try to persuade you to distrust your parents, do not be misled as Eve was. My wife also comforted me when she said that she did not need a large house to be happy. 1, 2. a) ¿Cómo pueden afectarnos las dudas acerca de nuestras creencias? When the Israelites set out on what became a 40 - year trek through a "fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah did not give them specific details beforehand as to how he would direct, protect, and care for them. 1, 2. (a) How might doubts about our beliefs affect us? Los cristianos verdaderos respetamos el importantísimo principio de autoridad. The seventh head of the beast had now emerged as the Anglo - American World Power. True Christians respect the vital principle of authority. 10, 11. a) ¿Qué ayudó a Jesús a mantenerse alerta en el jardín de Getsemaní, pese al cansancio? After all, empathy moves Jehovah to remember that "we are dust. " 10, 11. (a) What helped Jesus to keep on the watch in the garden of Gethsemane despite tiredness? A veces un amigo pudiera darle un golpecito en el hombro para hacerle notar algo. What was wrong with Zedekiah's plea for Jehovah's direction? At times, a friend may strike him in his shoulder to tell him something. 17 Sesenta años como amigos... y solo es el principio Complete forgiveness became available, first for the sins of Christ's anointed brothers, then for "the whole world's. " 17, 18. It is only the beginning, and it is the beginning. Hoy, los proclamadores del Reino tenemos que hacer lo mismo. • Why should our study of deep things never cease? Today, Kingdom proclaimers need to do the same. A veces me castigaba mandándome a la habitación o privándome de algo que me gustara, pero nunca peleábamos. God urges his people to "seek meekness. " Sometimes I was asked to give me a room or a sacrifice of something I could do, but we never had to hide. La Ley hizo que los judíos sinceros tomaran conciencia de su apremiante necesidad de un Redentor. What is the lesson for us? The Law made it clear that sincere Jews should be conscious of their urgent need for a model. • ¿De qué manera llegará a ver el pueblo de Dios la salvación de Jehová? So bread of that kind is used at the Memorial. • How will God's people come to see the salvation of Jehovah? A lo largo de los años, los siervos de Jehová han estudiado la profecía de Jesús sobre los últimos días con mucho cuidado y pidiendo siempre la guía divina. 14, 15. Over the years, Jehovah's servants have studied Jesus ' prophecy on the last days carefully and prayerfully asking Jehovah for guidance. Pero también dejó claro que los cristianos casados deben tener presentes las necesidades físicas y emocionales de su cónyuge. Today, we stay spiritually clean by refraining from even touching what our heavenly Father views as unclean in a religious sense. He also made it clear that married Christians should keep in mind the physical and emotional needs of their mate. Claro, sus hijos harán todo lo posible por cuidarlos y los visitarán siempre que puedan. His early association with the apostles likely instilled in him a desire for missionary service. Of course, your children will do everything they can to care for and visit them whenever possible. Entonces, ¿qué suceso marcará el comienzo de la gran tribulación? Hence, we must take to heart Peter's loving admonition: "Do your utmost to be found finally by [God] spotless and unblemished and in peace. " - 2 Pet. What, then, will signal the start of the great tribulation? Con la bendición divina, nuestra evangelización celosa ayudará a más personas a conocer y amar a Jehová. The apostle Paul described the Christian congregation as "a pillar and support of the truth. " With God's blessing, our zealous evangelizing work will help us to get to know and love Jehovah. En sentido simbólico, Jehová se encuentra "a la diestra " de sus siervos, combatiendo por ellos. Like the Israelites, Witnesses of Jehovah today have been sanctified by God in a general sense. In a symbolic sense, Jehovah is found "at the right hand " of his servants, made up of them. ¿ Qué prueba que la Biblia está bien organizada? What can we learn from the illustration of "a large house "? What evidence is there that the Bible is well - organized? Feliz es el hombre mortal que hace esto, y el hijo de la humanidad que se ase de ello, [...] que guarda su mano para no hacer ninguna clase de maldad ' ." By using the tracts in the way intended, you will be following the good routine of using the Bible on initial calls and on return visits. Happy is the mortal man who does this, and the son of mankind that is from it... keeps his hand so that he will not do any sort of badness. ' " ¡ Qué vital es atender este consejo en nuestros días, cuando estamos tan cerca ya de la destrucción del sistema de cosas mundial! In your own words, how would you describe the prophecy recorded at Micah 4: 1 - 4? How vital it is to heed this counsel today when we are near the destruction of the worldwide system of things! Jehová demostró con el antiguo Israel que puede hacer lo que un alfarero hace con el barro. General kindness, or human kindness, can be expressed even toward strangers. Jehovah proved to be with ancient Israel that he can do what a potter does with the clay. Aunque el autodominio aparece en el último lugar de la lista de cualidades que produce el espíritu, de ningún modo tiene menos importancia. (b) What are we privileged to do? Although self - control appears in the last place of the fruitage produced by holy spirit, there is no need for self - control. La música después del reinado de David Our turning a blind eye to gross wrongdoing can hinder the free flow of Jehovah's holy spirit and threaten the peace of the entire congregation. The music after David's rule [ Ilustraciones de la página 21] Paul thus associated loyalty with public prayer "in every place " where Christians meet together. [ Pictures on page 21] Jamás querríamos ver la predicación con indiferencia, como si consideráramos que el sacrificio de Jesús fuera de valor ordinario o común. For instance, Jesus Christ provided the ransom sacrifice and thus laid the groundwork for forgiveness of sins. We would never want to view the preaching work with apathy, as if we were to consider Jesus ' sacrifice as the value of courage or strife. En el próximo artículo, veremos cómo podemos ser valientes y sensatos al igual que él. Let the Congregation Praise Jehovah In the following article, we will consider how we can be courageous and wise as he did. Sin embargo, de entre todos los habitantes de Judá, Jehová asignó Su obra a Amós, no a un poderoso rey ni a un ilustrado sacerdote ni a un acaudalado jefe. That was so that they would carry on the work he had started and would accomplish even greater works than he did. - Read John 14: 12. However, among all the inhabitants of Judah, Jehovah assigned Amos to do his work, not a powerful king or a priest. Los que se habían demorado acabaron atrapados. It is fitting, then, that we consider the assignment that Jehovah has given to parents. In this article, we will think of that in terms of providing for the family. Those who had become trapped. ¿ De qué manera ha actuado como Padre? What has she experienced as a result? In what way has Father acted as Father? PENTECOSTÉS. If we deeply desire that Jehovah's name be sanctified, or held sacred, we will strive to avoid doing anything that would bring reproach upon it. 4: 8. Those who are not Witnesses are not perfect are designed to help them learn what they are learning. La Biblia nos anima a abrirle nuestro corazón, pues dice: "No se inquieten por cosa alguna, sino que en todo, por oración y ruego junto con acción de gracias, dense a conocer sus peticiones a Dios; y la paz de Dios que supera a todo pensamiento guardará sus corazones y sus facultades mentales mediante Cristo Jesús ." How can we cultivate an aspect of the fruitage of the spirit to a greater extent? The Bible urges us: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " (Léase Isaías 65: 13, 14.) One sister who served as a pioneer for more than 70 years recalled the impact of her conversation with Brother Charles T. Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. ¿ En qué facetas de la vida debemos imitar a Jehová, el Dios imparcial? What is important is to pray to God in sincerity and with the right heart attitude. - Joel 2: 12, 13. In what areas of life should we imitate Jehovah, the impartial God? Si tomas en cuenta a Jehová en tus planes, te irá bien en la vida. Eve believed him, asserted her independence by eating of the fruit, and persuaded Adam to join her. If you take notice of Jehovah in your plans, you will succeed in your life. ARTÍCULOS DE ESTUDIO: When we turn to him in prayer again and again, Jehovah will never say, as it were: "Quit making me trouble. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: El novio dirá: "Yo, [nombre del novio], te acepto, [nombre de la novia], como esposa, para amarte y cuidarte con ternura, según la ley divina expuesta en las Santas Escrituras para los esposos cristianos, mientras ambos vivamos juntos en la Tierra, dentro de la institución divina del matrimonio ." And if we act on such desires by practicing sin, all the zeal in the world will not bring us back into God's favor. The bridegroom says: "I [Christ's bride] chosen you, as a wife, to love and care tenderly for yourself, according to God's law in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands, while both on earth together in God's arrangement. " ¿ Por qué dar los pasos que explicó Jesús es eficaz y amoroso? Like Paul, Christians today make sacrifices for the sake of the good news. Why is Jesus ' steps effective and loving example effective? Nosotros también tenemos la responsabilidad de enseñar la Palabra de Dios, sea dando lecciones bíblicas a domicilio, pronunciando un discurso en el Salón del Reino o estudiando la Biblia en familia. Spurred on by the urgency of the times and concern for his loved ones, however, he went home. We too have the responsibility to teach God's Word, whether it is based on Scriptural lessons, instructing a talk at the Kingdom Hall, or studying the Bible. Por eso, no desconfíes de ellos, como tal vez quieran tus condiscípulos. Así no te dejarás engañar como Eva. Then Jesus will bind Satan and cast him and his demons into "the abyss. " - Rev. 19: 11 - 14; 20: 1 - 3. So do not be deceived by them, just as you will like Eve. Cuando los israelitas emprendieron su viaje, que les tomaría cuarenta años, a través de un "desierto grande e inspirador de temor ," Jehová no les dijo con todo detalle cómo los iba a dirigir, proteger y cuidar. How has the New World Translation made a positive impact in languages other than English? When the Israelites entered their journey, their journey would take them for 40 years through a "great and fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah did not tell them how he would turn, protect, and protect them. Así fue como surgió la séptima cabeza de la bestia: la potencia mundial angloamericana. The Bible book of Acts shows that they went on to set an outstanding example in keeping watchful. This was like the seventh head of the beast - the Anglo - American World Power. Jehová es comprensivo y se acuerda de que "somos polvo ." The remnant of loyal, spirit - anointed "sons of the kingdom " look forward to their priceless inheritance as kings with Christ in heaven. Jehovah is understanding and remembers that "we are dust. " ¿ Por qué no fue apropiada la forma en que Sedequías pidió la guía de Jehová? In the first century, women played a significant part in spreading Christianity. Why was it not proper for Zedekiah to pray for Jehovah's direction? ¿ Y qué bendiciones hizo esto posible? El perdón completo de los pecados, primero los de sus hermanos ungidos y luego "los de todo el mundo ." And the visionaries will have to be ashamed, and the diviners will certainly be disappointed. And what blessings did forgiveness of sins make possible, first those of his anointed brothers and then "all the world "? • ¿Por qué nunca llegará a su fin nuestro estudio de cosas profundas? Imitate the One Who Promises Everlasting Life • Why will our study of deep things never come to its end? Dios insta a su pueblo a " buscar la mansedumbre '. 1: 3. What effect can our endurance have on others? God urges his people to "seek meekness. " ¿ Por qué debería interesarnos esta parábola? In the Paradise new world, Jehovah's loving sovereignty will be expressed toward mankind by means of the Messianic Kingdom. Why should we be interested in this parable? Este es el pan que se usa en la Conmemoración. Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness. " This is the bread used at the Memorial. 14, 15. This article draws attention to specific blessings enjoyed by those who dedicate themselves to God and get baptized. 14, 15. Nos mantenemos limpios espiritualmente cuando, por decirlo así, ni siquiera tocamos lo que nuestro Padre celestial considera inmundo en sentido religioso. If a slave came to love his owner, he could choose to remain a slave in the household for the rest of his life. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 12, 16, 17.) We keep ourselves spiritually clean when, as it were, we do not even feel unclean in our heavenly Father's eyes. Tampoco se conformó con establecerse, formar familia y disfrutar de las comodidades. The psalmist states concerning God: "He is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " - Psalm 147: 3. He was not content to establish himself, forming family members, and enjoy the comforts of life. Por lo tanto, debemos tomar muy en serio este consejo que Pedro dio a sus amados hermanos: "Hagan lo sumo posible para que finalmente [Dios] los halle inmaculados y sin tacha y en paz ." " The good news... is, in fact, God's power for salvation. " - ROM. 1: 16. Therefore, we should take to heart Peter's counsel to his beloved brothers: "Do your utmost to be found finally by [God] spotless and unblemished and in peace. " El apóstol Pablo llamó a la congregación "columna y apoyo de la verdad ." At the same time, we should endeavor to respect the consciences of our beloved spiritual brothers and sisters. The apostle Paul called the congregation "a pillar and support of the truth. " Al igual que los israelitas, el pueblo de Dios de tiempos modernos ha sido santificado. Satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce God's servants. Like the Israelites, God's people in modern times have been sanctified. ¿ Qué aprendemos de la ilustración de "una casa grande "? " The word of God is alive and exerts power. " - HEB. 4: 12. What can we learn from the illustration of "a large house "? Si empleamos los tratados como se espera que lo hagamos, podremos usar la Biblia cuando hablemos con las personas por primera vez y al volver a visitarlas. One day Koichi said to himself: " What are you doing? When you use the tracts as you use them to do, you can use the Bible when you talk to people for the first time and return visits. ¿ Cómo resumiría, con sus propias palabras, la profecía registrada en Miqueas 4: 1 - 4? Paul wrote that people would be "lovers of money. " How would you describe his own words, recorded at Micah 4: 1 - 4? Este último tipo de bondad puede expresarse a todas las personas, incluso a los extraños. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " This final kind of kindness can be spoken to all people, including strangers. b) ¿Qué honor tenemos los cristianos? " Remember the wife of Lot, " Jesus warned. - Luke 17: 32. (b) What privilege do Christians have? Si actuáramos como si no pasara nada, el espíritu santo de Jehová podría dejar de fluir libremente, y la paz de toda la congregación se vería amenazada. " How are you feeling? " If we yield to it, Jehovah's holy spirit could stop it freely, and the peace of the entire congregation would be threatened. Pablo vinculó así la lealtad con las oraciones públicas expresadas "en todo lugar " donde se reúnen los cristianos. The encouragement not to let ourselves "be conquered by the evil " shows that we can defeat evil. Paul expressed loyalty to the public prayers "in every place " where Christians meet. Gracias a eso podemos obtener el perdón de nuestros pecados y, aunque somos imperfectos, podemos entablar una estrecha relación con Dios. " When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, " he said, "then he will sit down on his glorious throne. By doing so, we can gain the forgiveness of our sins, even though we are imperfect, into a close relationship with God. Alabemos a Jehová en la congregación Regardless of a person's hope, being baptized in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit is a necessary step that one must take in order to be acceptable to God. Praise Jehovah in the Congregation De ese modo se aseguró de que continuaran con la labor que él había comenzado e incluso efectuaran obras mayores que las suyas (léase Juan 14: 12). Allowing humans to be influenced by Satan and to rule themselves has in no way discredited Jehovah's way of governing. On the contrary! (Read John 14: 12.) Es apropiado, pues, que analicemos en este artículo el papel que Jehová ha asignado a los padres, esta vez desde el punto de vista de proveer a las necesidades de la familia. In fact, the original Greek word aʹstor·gos, rendered in English "having no natural affection, " suggested a lack of the love that should exist among family members, especially between parents and children. It is fitting, then, that we consider in this article the role Jehovah has assigned parents to care for the needs of the family. ¿ Cómo se siente Rachel ahora que sirve a Jehová con más celo? He rejected the Jews as his special nation; their keeping the Law was no longer the means to obtain his approval. How does Rachel feel now that she serves Jehovah with more zeal? Si de verdad deseamos que el nombre de Dios se santifique, o se tenga por sagrado, nos esforzaremos por no deshonrarlo de ninguna manera. Joseph asked to be buried in the land of promise. If we truly want God's name to be sanctified, or sacred, we will not be dishonoring them in any way. ¿ Cómo podemos cultivar mejor las facetas del fruto del espíritu? The Bible states: "He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. " How can we cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? ¿ Cómo? Hablando de manera positiva de las metas espirituales. Even if you do, however, remember that such "success " will come at a price - one that you cannot afford. (Read 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10.) In a positive way, he speaks about spiritual goals. Lo importante es orar a Dios con sinceridad y con la debida actitud. Rather, we should be willing to open our heart, as Paul did toward the Corinthians, and show our fellow believers that we are truly concerned about their welfare. The important thing is to pray with sincerity and right attitude. Eva le creyó y comió del fruto, demostrando así que quería ser independiente. The time had come to leave Jerusalem - but how? Eve believed and ate of the fruit, thus showing that she wanted to be independent. Aunque le oremos una y otra vez, él jamás responderá como el hombre de la ilustración, que dijo a su amigo: "Deja de causarme molestia. But what about the "other sheep "? Although praying to him over and over again, he will never respond as the man in the illustration said to his friend: "Stop making me trouble. Los ancianos son un regalo de Jehová Jesus urged his followers to " keep on seeking first the kingdom, ' assuring them that if they did so, God would supply what they needed. Elders Are a Gift From Jehovah Y si para hacer realidad tales deseos practicamos el pecado, por más que manifestemos todo el celo del mundo, no recuperaremos el favor de Dios. 1, 2. And if we practice such desires, we are more than showing zeal for the world, we will not regain God's favor. Al igual que Pablo, los cristianos de la actualidad hacemos sacrificios por causa de las buenas nuevas. What may families have to do when elderly parents increasingly need assistance? Like Paul, Christians today make sacrifices for the sake of the good news. Sin embargo, la urgencia de los tiempos y la preocupación por los suyos lo impulsaron a volver. The apostle John recognized this. He wrote: "Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are also under obligation to love one another. " However, the urgency of the times and concern for his people moved him to return. Entonces, Jesús atará a Satanás y lo arrojará junto con sus demonios "al abismo ." The apostle Paul told married Christians that they would have "tribulation in their flesh. " Then Jesus will cast Satan and throw him together with his demons "the abyss. " ¿ Qué opinan los lectores de la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo en otros idiomas? 146: 9. As with young Jesus and his family, refugees may not have the option of returning to their homeland as long as their oppressors remain in power. How do the readers of the New World Translation view the New World Translation? La crónica inspirada de Hechos indica que los apóstoles terminaron dando un extraordinario ejemplo de vigilancia espiritual. You may recall that Jesus pitied the crowds because "they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " The inspired record of Acts shows that the apostles later set an outstanding example of spiritual vigilance. Lo intenté varias veces pero no pude. " I can no longer stand my mate's annoying habits. " I often tried to do so. But I couldn't. El resto fiel de "los hijos del reino ," ungidos por espíritu, anhelan recibir su inestimable herencia de ser reyes con Cristo en los cielos. How can we do so? The faithful remnant of "the sons of the kingdom, " eagerly anticipate receiving their priceless inheritance from being kings with Christ in heaven. Las mujeres desempeñaron un papel clave en la expansión del cristianismo durante el siglo primero. Because he is a patient God. Women played a key role in the spread of Christianity during the first century. Y los hombres de visiones tendrán que avergonzarse, y los adivinos ciertamente se desilusionarán. Then, in Ps 148 verses 12 and 13, you young people are invited to join in and praise Jehovah as well. And men of visions will have to be ashamed, and fortunes will certainly be disappointed. Use la imaginación para imitar a Jehová I don't think I would have returned to the truth without the help of prayer. Use the Way to Follow Jehovah ¿ Cómo puede influir nuestro aguante en los demás? Jesus described him as "a manslayer " who" did not stand fast in the truth, " adding: "When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. " - John 8: 44. How can our endurance affect others? En el nuevo mundo, Jehová expresará su amorosa soberanía a través del Reino del Mesías. Though that custom developed in Judaism, we can be happy that Jehovah did not direct true worshipers to pursue decisions about blood in that way. In the new world, Jehovah will express his loving sovereignty through the Messiah. Jesús mandó: "Sigan, pues, buscando primero el reino y la justicia de Dios ." What we have is due to God's undeserved kindness. Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " Este artículo repasa las bendiciones que recibimos al dedicarnos a Jehová y bautizarnos. What role did a girdle play in a soldier's armor, and what does it illustrate? This article will consider the blessings we receive when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah and get baptized. Si el esclavo se encariñaba con su amo y disfrutaba de servirle, podía renunciar a su libertad y quedarse con él por el resto de su vida (léase Deuteronomio 15: 12, 16, 17). If someone sincerely desires to return to Jehovah, he will find the way open. - Mal. 3: 7. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 12, 17.) El salmista afirma con respecto a Dios: "Está sanando a los quebrantados de corazón, y está vendando sus partes doloridas ." However, the prophet went with Balak's men with the full intention of cursing Israel. The psalmist says: "He is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " " Las buenas nuevas [...] son, en realidad, el poder de Dios para salvación. " Hence, all of us must examine the evidence and use our thinking ability to reach sound conclusions. " The good news... are, indeed, God's power for salvation. " - 1 COR. Al mismo tiempo, tratamos de respetar la conciencia de nuestros amados hermanos en la fe. Mental - health experts recognize the benefits of being willing to forgive. At the same time, we strive to show respect for the conscience of our dear brothers. Satanás lleva mucho tiempo usando a los apóstatas para embaucar a los siervos de Dios. The long, miserable rulership of humans under Satan's control has also demonstrated that they lack the ability to rule in righteousness. Satan has long been using apostates to deceive God's people. " La palabra de Dios es viva, y ejerce poder ." As Christians who love our neighbor, we cannot keep our precious knowledge of the truth to ourselves. " The word of God is alive and exerts power. " Pero un día se preguntó: "¿Qué he hecho con mi vida? [ Picture on page 15] But one day, he asked: "What have I done with my life? Pablo también habló de los que serían "amadores del dinero ." (b) What is the most important kind of protection, and why? Paul also spoke of those who would be "lovers of money. " En todos tus caminos tómalo en cuenta, y él mismo hará derechas tus sendas ." Some have zealously promoted certain diets, treatments, or products - even more zealously than the good news of God's Kingdom. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " " Acuérdense de la esposa de Lot ," advirtió Jesús. If we respond favorably, we will become even more desirable in God's sight. " Remember the wife of Lot, " warned Jesus. " ¿Cómo te sientes? " After false religion is destroyed, Satan and various elements of his world will attack Jehovah's servants. " How do you feel? " Las palabras "no te dejes vencer por el mal " muestran que podemos derrotar el mal. The same is true of early Bible translations in other languages. The words "do not let yourself be conquered by the evil " show that we can defeat evil. " Cuando el Hijo del hombre llegue en su gloria, y todos los ángeles con él - dijo - , entonces se sentará sobre su glorioso trono. God foreordained another development in the outworking of his purpose. " When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. Así pues, independientemente de qué esperanza albergue uno, para agradar a Dios es vital bautizarse en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del espíritu santo. Flight became increasingly difficult. When the Romans returned in 70 C.E., flight became impossible. Regardless of what hope we have, to please God, it is vital that we get baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. El hecho de que Jehová haya permitido que la humanidad viva bajo la influencia de Satanás y trate de gobernarse a sí misma no lo desacredita como Rey. How, though, will God answer the prayers of people who sincerely look to him for guidance? Jehovah has allowed humans to live under Satan's influence and to try to rule themselves as King. En efecto, el término griego original á·stor·gos, traducido al español "sin cariño natural ," da a entender la ausencia del amor que debe existir entre los miembros de la familia, especialmente entre padres e hijos. (b) Why will Jehovah not tolerate sin forever? The original - language Greek word translated "no natural affection " suggests the absence of love that must exist among members of the family, especially between parents and children. Por eso, ya no era posible obtener su favor cumpliendo con la Ley. In this way, our brothers succeed in pursuing their ministry in 234 lands around the world. We heed Paul's counsel to "be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men. " - Titus 3: 1, 2. Thus, it was no longer possible to gain God's favor by complying with the Law. José pidió que lo enterraran en la tierra de la promesa. Reflecting the violent spirit of the day, Lamech composes a poem about how he killed a young man, allegedly in self - defense. Joseph asked that he would be buried in the land of promise. La propia Biblia da la respuesta: "El que ejerce fe en el Hijo tiene vida eterna; el que desobedece al Hijo no verá la vida, sino que la ira de Dios permanece sobre él ." God's covenant with Abraham shows that Jehovah is determined to fulfill his purpose that righteous humans "fill the earth "! - Gen. 1: 28. The Bible answers: "The one exercising faith in the Son has everlasting life; the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. " Pero nunca olvide que ese objetivo tiene un precio que usted no puede darse el lujo de pagar (lea 1 Timoteo 6: 9, 10). (b) What have been the results of such struggles? (Read 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10.) Más bien, hemos de estar dispuestos a abrir el corazón, como Pablo hizo con los corintios, de modo que nuestros hermanos en la fe sepan que nos interesamos con sinceridad por su bienestar. And even though we may be unaware of it at the time, angels remove obstacles that could hinder our service to God, and they protect us from things that could endanger our relationship with Jehovah. Rather, we should be willing to open our hearts, as Paul did to the Corinthians, so that our fellow believers may be interested in their welfare. Había llegado la hora de abandonar Jerusalén, pero ¿cómo? How reasonable it is that Jehovah expects us to love him in return! The hour had come for Jerusalem to leave, but how? ¿ Y qué hay de las "otras ovejas "? What do we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds of heaven? What about the "other sheep "? Jesús se lo indicó a sus discípulos cuando les dijo: "Sigan, pues, buscando primero el reino ." Luego les garantizó que si lo hacían, Dios cubriría sus necesidades. Satan claims that no one serves God out of a willing heart. Jesus told his disciples: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom. " 1, 2. Why does a love of money not bring happiness? 1, 2. Posiblemente, ¿qué tendrán que hacer algunas familias a medida que sus padres necesiten más ayuda? God's active force still operates on willing minds and hearts to move and guide them. Some families may need help, but what may be required of their parents? Ya lo dijo el apóstol Juan: "Amados, si Dios nos amó así a nosotros, entonces nosotros mismos estamos obligados a amarnos unos a otros ." 10: 12. The Christians in Galatia needed to do what? The apostle John wrote: "Beloved ones, if God loved us, then we ourselves are under obligation to love one another. " El apóstol Pablo advirtió que los cristianos casados tendrían "tribulación en la carne ." sang the psalmist, "for there is the true forgiveness with you. " - Psalm 130: 3, 4. The apostle Paul warned that married Christians would have "tribulation in the flesh. " Es posible que los refugiados no puedan volver a su país mientras continúen en el poder los gobernantes que los oprimían, como les ocurrió a Jesús y su familia. During Jehovah's day, those who have been molded by the world and its evil spirit will display their true nature, even slaughtering one another. The refugees may not be able to return to their homeland while they continue in the power of the rulers being oppressed, as happened to Jesus and his family. Recuerde que Jesús se compadecía de las multitudes "porque estaban desolladas y desparramadas como ovejas sin pastor ." What can young brothers, especially those in their teens, do to make advancement in the congregation? Recall that Jesus felt pity for the crowds "because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " " No soporto sus defectos " Sadly, the Israelites in attendance were not sure who - Jehovah or Baal - was in the best position to produce the much - needed rain. " I Do Not Be Despite Their faults " El cristiano tiene que huir de esa costumbre. But, then, the person you eventually marry will not have found a perfect mate either! - Luke 6: 41. A Christian needs to flee from that habit. Regresemos al ejemplo de la comida. On the contrary, it is totally reasonable to believe that it will happen. Let us return to the example of food. Esperó hasta que no hubo ninguna posibilidad de mejora. More than 11,000,000 other individuals show interest in the Bible and our work by attending the annual Memorial of Jesus ' death. Granted, there was no chance of improvement. A renglón seguido, en los Sl 148 versículos 12 y 13, se te invita también a ti, joven, a incorporarte al coro de alabanza. The final sealing of the anointed "slaves of our God " is approaching completion. The four angels are ready to release those destructive winds. Based on the 148th Psalm 12, and 13, the young man is invited to pour out praise. Si no hubiera sido por la oración, no creo que hubiera regresado a la verdad. " It is according to his good pleasure... to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " - EPHESIANS 1: 9, 10. If he had not been praying for prayer, he would not believe that he would return to the truth. Jesús dijo que era "homicida " y que" no permaneció firme en la verdad ." Luego añadió que "cuando habla la mentira, habla según su propia disposición, porque es mentiroso y el padre de la mentira ." Most opposers do not appreciate the importance of the issues involved in Christian neutrality. Jesus said that he was "a liar " and that" did not stand fast in the truth, " he added that "when he speaks the lie, according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. " Los practicantes del judaísmo adoptaron esa costumbre, pero nosotros podemos estar agradecidos de que Jehová no mandara a los adoradores verdaderos que hicieran eso a la hora de tomar decisiones relacionadas con la sangre. The metaphor pictures God as the judge who has reached a decision in favor of the accused, who had been brought before God's court, so to speak, on a charge of unrighteousness. But God acquits the accused. " People in Judaism adopted that custom, but we can be thankful that Jehovah would not send true worshipers to do so in the hour of making decisions regarding blood. Todo lo que tenemos se debe a la bondad inmerecida de Dios. 4, 5. (a) Before the Christian era, what guidance about blood did Jehovah give? All that we owe ourselves to God's undeserved kindness. ¿ Qué función cumplía el cinturón en la armadura del soldado, y qué representa? (b) What assessment of the widow's contribution did Jesus make, and why? What role did a soldier's belt play in a soldier's armor, and what does it represent? Si alguien desea sinceramente regresar a Jehová, tiene las puertas abiertas. This all - out attack is referred to in Ezekiel chapter 38 as an attack by "Gog of the land of Magog. " If a sincere person wants to return to Jehovah, he is opening the door. Jehová le había dicho al profeta Balaam que no debía maldecir a los israelitas. You have proved yourselves rebellious in behavior with Jehovah from the day of my knowing you. " - Deuteronomy 9: 15 - 24. Jehovah had told the prophet Balaam that he should not curse the Israelites. Por lo tanto, todos debemos analizar las pruebas y utilizar la capacidad de pensar para llegar a conclusiones lógicas. ▪ What if we are too distraught to put our feelings into words? Hence, all of us need to consider the trials and thinking ability to reach reasonable conclusions. Piense que guardar rencor se paga caro: enfermedades, relaciones rotas, estrés y mala comunicación. Really, though, they had not sought Jehovah's direction; they were following their own ideas, and the result was disastrous. - Read Proverbs 14: 12. Consider, for example, that resentment is punishment - sickness, broken relationships, stress, and bad communication. La larga y calamitosa dominación humana controlada por el Diablo también ha revelado que el hombre no tiene la capacidad de gobernar con justicia. The most difficult things to change, though, were the practices of my immoral lifestyle. The long and dawn of human rulership has also revealed that man has not the ability to rule with justice. Como amamos a nuestro prójimo, no podemos guardarnos para nosotros el valioso conocimiento de la verdad. How will Jehovah soon express his rightful sovereignty over the earth? Because we love our neighbor, we cannot protect ourselves from the precious knowledge of the truth. [ Ilustración de la página 15] But Paul saw that the need was even greater overseas. [ Picture on page 15] b) ¿Qué tipo de protección es la más importante, y por qué? In the first century, many, including some who claimed to be Christians, showed a lack of humility and were stumbled by what the apostle Paul revealed to them about God's purpose. (b) What kind of protection is most important, and why? Aunque tengamos razones para molestarnos con alguien, debemos resolver el problema de inmediato. 4. Even if we have good reason to deal with someone, we should resolve the problem immediately. Hay quienes han puesto más empeño en fomentar ciertas dietas, tratamientos o productos que en predicar el Reino de Dios. [ Picture on page 23] Some have put forth extra effort to promote certain diet, products, or products in the Kingdom - preaching work. Si aceptamos lo que nos dicen, seremos aún más "deseables ," o valiosos, a los ojos de Dios. Set a definite, risk - free limit that is well within the range of moderation - one that will not allow you to deviate into overindulgence. If we accept what we say, we will be even more precious in God's eyes. Después de la destrucción de la religión falsa, Satanás y su mundo atacarán a los siervos de Jehová. WHAT does it mean to be a witness? After false religion is destroyed, Satan and his world will attack Jehovah's servants. Lo mismo pasó con las primeras traducciones a otros idiomas, como la Biblia en español de Casiodoro de Reina, publicada por primera vez en 1569. IMAGINE that a prominent official asks you to drive him to an important appointment. The same was true of the first English translations, such as the Bible in Spanish, U.S.A., published in 1513 B.C.E. Hubo algo más que Dios predeterminó conforme a su propósito. Do you have a deep inner feeling of responsibility to help others spiritually? There were something else that God foreordained according to his purpose. La huida se hizo cada vez más difícil, hasta que con el regreso de los romanos en el año 70 resultó imposible. In addition, you will likely make good use of the gift, not taking it for granted. Until the Roman Romans returned in 70 C.E., it was impossible for them to escape it. Pero ¿cómo nos contesta Dios cuando le suplicamos que nos ayude? What glorious time can we look forward to if we show that we are for Jehovah's sovereignty? But how does God answer us when we ask him to help us? b) ¿Por qué no tolerará Jehová el pecado para siempre? Because of these trying conditions, the majority of the Israelites practiced interfaith, trying to please both Jehovah and Baal. (b) Why will Jehovah not tolerate sin forever? Esta actitud, que nos permite efectuar nuestro ministerio en 234 países, está en consonancia con el consejo de Pablo: "Estén en sujeción y sean obedientes a los gobiernos y a las autoridades como gobernantes, [...] estén listos para toda buena obra, [...] no hablen perjudicialmente de nadie, [...] no sean belicosos, [...] sean razonables, y desplieguen toda apacibilidad para con todos los hombres ." Nehemiah explained: "All of them were trying to make us afraid, saying: " Their hands will drop down from the work so that it will not be done. ' " This attitude enables us to carry our ministry in 35 lands, but it is in harmony with Paul's counsel: "Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and to governments as rulers,... be ready for every good work,... do not speak abusively of no one..., be belligerent and reasonable to all men, exhibiting mildness toward all men. " Reflejo del espíritu violento de su tiempo es el poema que compone Lamec, en el que dice que mató a un joven, supuestamente en defensa propia. The apostle Paul warned his fellow Christians against becoming people "not appreciating sacred things. " Rather, he counseled them to " pursue sanctification, ' "carefully watching... that no poisonous root may spring up and cause trouble and that many may not be defiled by it. " Reflecting on the violent spirit of his day is the song that Lamech killed a young man in self - defense. Como vemos, el pacto con Abrahán demuestra que Jehová está decidido a cumplir su propósito de que seres humanos justos "llenen la tierra ." Yet, when he was confronted with his own mistakes, he readily admitted them and supported Jehovah's judgments. The Abrahamic covenant proves that Jehovah is determined to fulfill His purpose for humans to "come into the earth. " b) ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias? Reflecting on such points may move a brother to put forth effort to overcome negative feelings. (b) What are the consequences? Y aunque en el momento no nos demos cuenta de ello, eliminan obstáculos que pueden entorpecer nuestro servicio a Dios y nos protegen de cosas que pudieran afectar nuestra relación con él. Sarai's offer was in line with the custom of the day - that a barren wife was obligated to provide her husband with a concubine in order to produce an heir. Even if we are not aware of this, we can overcome obstacles that could hinder us from serving God and protect us from things that might affect our relationship with him. Por lo tanto, es muy natural que él desee que le correspondamos. It really comes down to how much we appreciate the undeserved kindness God has shown by forgiving us. How natural it is, then, that Jehovah wants us to love him! ¿ Qué aprendemos de la manera en que Jehová cuida de los pájaros? Fifth, shining brightly. What can we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds? Recordemos que el Diablo afirma que nadie obedece a Dios de todo corazón. Then Jehovah formed a new nation, a spiritual one, "the Israel of God. " Remember, Satan claims that no one should obey God with all our heart. ¿ Por qué no pueden ser felices quienes aman el dinero? Why not try to do that when the situation allows? Why can those who love money not be happy? El espíritu santo aún opera en las mentes y corazones que se dejan motivar y guiar por él. BY GIVING US PEACE: Holy spirit still operates in the minds and hearts that are motivated and guided by holy spirit. ¿ Qué necesitaban hacer los cristianos de Galacia? That covenant would be unlike the Law covenant in that it would make possible the forgiveness of sins without the need for animal sacrifices. What did Christians in Galatia need to do? Porque hay el verdadero perdón contigo ." True, we have valuable information the householder does not have, but suppose we did not really introduce ourselves and merely began our presentation abruptly with a question like this: "If you could solve any problem in the world, what would it be? " For there is true forgiveness with you. " En el día de Jehová, las personas que se han dejado moldear por el mundo y su malvado espíritu mostrarán sin tapujos cómo son de verdad, llegando incluso a matarse unas a otras. I regret that I allowed pride to blind me to the more important things and cause me to obsess over other people's faults. " - 1 Cor. 10: 12. In Jehovah's day, people who have let themselves be molded by the world and his wicked spirit will show themselves without dread. ¿ Qué pueden hacer los hermanos más jóvenes, sobre todo los adolescentes, para progresar en la congregación? Their encouraging words made him feel that he really was part of the Bethel family. What can younger ones do, especially teenagers, to make progress in the congregation? Lamentablemente, los israelitas allí congregados no estaban seguros de quién podría darles la tan necesitada lluvia: Jehová o Baal. WHILE imprisoned on the island of Patmos, the aged apostle John receives a series of 16 visions. Sadly, the Israelites were not sure of who could give them the needed rain - Jehovah or Baal. Pero, obviamente, la persona con quien uno se case tampoco habrá encontrado al cónyuge perfecto. • When soldiers and officers came to the garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus, he openly identified himself, twice telling them: "I am he. " Of course, the person with whom married will not have found the perfect marriage mate. Tenemos razones de peso para creer que se cumplirá. Thus, they will "come out of the great tribulation. " - Revelation 7: 9 - 14. We have good reason to believe that the fulfillment of this prophecy will be fulfilled. Y a ellos se suman más de 11.000.000 de personas que asistieron a la Conmemoración de la muerte de Jesucristo en el año 2013. By loving fellow humans, we demonstrate that we also love the one who created man in His image, Jehovah God. - Genesis 1: 26. More than 2,000,000 people attended the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death in 2013 attended the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death in 2013. El sellado final de los ungidos, "los esclavos de nuestro Dios ," está a punto de completarse, de modo que los cuatro ángeles están listos para soltar esos vientos destructivos. Putting forth diligent effort to use sign language shows love and respect for our deaf brothers and sisters. The final sealing of the anointed, "the slaves of our God, " is about to end, so the four angels are ready to release such destructive winds. " Es según su beneplácito [...] reunir todas las cosas de nuevo en el Cristo, las cosas en los cielos y las cosas en la tierra. " Enoch's message, which will have its final fulfillment at Armageddon, surely reinforced Noah's faith and hope! " It is according to his good pleasure... to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. " - 1 COR. Nuestros enemigos no entienden el valor de la neutralidad cristiana, pero para nosotros es importantísima. How do we protect ourselves if we avoid "admiring personalities "? Our enemies do not understand the value of Christian neutrality, but it is vital for us. En la metáfora, Dios es el juez que toma una decisión a favor del acusado, el cual - por así decirlo - comparece ante el tribunal divino por el cargo de ser injusto, pero termina absuelto por el propio Dios ." How does Jehovah generously use his material resources? In the Greek word picture, God is the judge who makes a decision in behalf of the accused, which, as it were, as it were, before the court of God to be unrighteous, but it ends with the very God himself. " 4, 5. a) Antes de la era cristiana, ¿qué directrices estableció Jehová tocante a la sangre? These articles examine what it means to dedicate oneself to Jehovah and why one needs to take that step. 4, 5. (a) Before the Christian congregation was, what instructions did Jehovah set regarding blood? b) ¿Qué valoración hizo Jesús de la contribución de la viuda, y por qué? ARTICLE 5 (b) How did Jesus value the contribution of the widow, and why? Esta agresión se presenta en el capítulo 38 de Ezequiel como el ataque de "Gog de la tierra de Magog ." (See opening image.) This attack is presented in Ezekiel chapter 38, as the attack of "Gog of the land of Magog. " Han resultado ser rebeldes en comportamiento para con Jehová desde el día en que los conocí ." * They have proved to be rebellious in conduct toward Jehovah from the day I knew them. " ¿ Y si estoy demasiado angustiado para expresar lo que siento? How do you feel about the fact that Jesus offered the value of his blood to Jehovah? What if I am overly anxious about expressing my feelings? Hicieron lo que les pareció mejor y el resultado fue catastrófico (lea Proverbios 14: 12). 13, 14. (Read Proverbs 14: 12.) Abandonar las prácticas inmorales fue lo más difícil. How does Jehovah view any kind of stealing? It was the most difficult thing for him to reject immoral practices. Dentro de poco, ¿cómo demostrará Jehová que es el legítimo Soberano? 18, 19. (a) Why must we fight to maintain our faith? How will Jehovah demonstrate that he is the rightful Sovereign? Pero él vio que en otros lugares su servicio era más necesario. For example, we might ask ourselves what small part we hope to play in the doing of Jehovah's will here on earth. But he saw that in other places, his service was more necessary. En el siglo primero, muchas personas, entre quienes se contaban algunas que decían ser cristianas, manifestaron falta de humildad y tropezaron a raíz de lo que Pablo les reveló sobre el propósito de Dios. These laws included strict guidelines on morality. In the first century, many individuals, including some who claimed to be Christian, showed a lack of humility and stumbling because of what Paul revealed about God's purpose. 4. " The sword of the spirit, that is, God's word, " is indispensable in warding off false teachings and "overturning strongly entrenched things. " 4. [ Ilustración de la página 23] He really wanted to make his parents happy. [ Picture on page 23] Y recuerde: es mejor pecar de prudente que arriesgarse a recaer. The fact that such a wonderful, intelligent, loving God would take notice of me and want me to have a better life made all the difference. Remember, it is wise to commit a course of disobedience. ¿ QUÉ es un testigo? • What wrong viewpoint was betrayed by some of Jesus ' followers? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? IMAGÍNESE que un personaje muy prestigioso le pide que lo lleve en su vehículo a una cita importante. What did Jesus ' love for God move him to do? IMAGINE that a prominent official asked him to take him into his car for an important appointment. ¿ Le tiene tanto cariño a la gente que desea ayudarla de toda manera posible a conocer a Dios? This shows what can happen to an entire murmuring nation. Do you have deep affection for people who want to help you in all ways to come to know God? De seguro lo agradece y demuestra su agradecimiento usándolo y cuidándolo. Over the years, we had many arguments. No doubt you appreciate it and show your gratitude by using it. ¿ Qué momento glorioso podemos esperar si apoyamos la soberanía de Jehová? You young ones who have been raised by Christian parents must be careful not to lose sight of the value of what you have received in the form of a spiritual inheritance. What glorious time can we look forward to if we support Jehovah's sovereignty? Debido a estas difíciles condiciones, la mayoría de los israelitas practicaban la unión de fes en un intento de agradar tanto a Jehová como a Baal. To commend someone but then tear him down behind his back is a form of hypocrisy. Because of these difficult conditions, most of the Israelites practiced the union of faith in an attempt to please Jehovah and Baal. " Todos ellos trataban de infundirnos miedo - explica Nehemías - , pues decían: " Dejarán caer sus manos de la obra, de manera que no se hará '. " What a privilege it is to be able to communicate with the Sovereign of the universe! " All of them were to encourage us, " says Nehemiah, "and they will not leave their hands at the work, so that it will not be done. ' " Tras advertir a sus hermanos del peligro de convertirse en personas que "no [aprecian] cosas sagradas ," el apóstol Pablo les aconsejó:" Sigan tras [...] la santificación [...], vigilando cuidadosamente [...] que no brote ninguna raíz venenosa y cause perturbación, y que muchos no sean contaminados por ella ." " Give as gifts of mercy the things that are inside, " said Jesus. After warning fellow believers of the danger of becoming "a sacred things, " the apostle Paul warned them:" Keep on... the sanctification..., carefully watching... that no root and rooted out, and many may not be defiled for it. " Sin embargo, cuando se le expusieron sus faltas, enseguida las admitió y apoyó las decisiones divinas. PERHAPS you recall the joy you felt when you first learned that in the near future, people will no longer grow old and die but will live forever on earth. However, when I became upset, he quickly acknowledged and supported Jehovah's decisions. Al analizar estos puntos, es probable que decida hacer todo lo posible por superar los sentimientos negativos. Of what does "the very zeal of Jehovah " assure us? As you consider these points, you may decide to do all you can to overcome negative feelings. Aquello era la costumbre de la época: la esposa estéril estaba obligada a dar una concubina a su marido con el fin de producir herederos. We must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul, who cried out: " Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. ' " That was the custom of the time - the barren wife was forced to give up her husband in order to produce heirs. La respuesta dependerá de cuánto agradezcamos la bondad inmerecida que Dios nos ha mostrado al perdonarnos. It is hard to imagine how we will feel on awakening each day in excellent physical, mental, and emotional health. The answer will depend on how much we appreciate God's undeserved kindness to us. Quinto: los justos resplandecerían brillantemente. The governing body, 1950 ' s encourage them: The righteous ones would shine brightly. Entonces, Dios formó una nueva nación, una nación espiritual llamada "el Israel de Dios ." Saved From God's Wrath God then formed a new nation, a spiritual nation called "the Israel of God. " ¿ Por qué no intentamos hacer eso cuando la situación lo permita? When it comes to sexual immorality, the talk among students today is about "hooking up, " which according to a Newsweek report" describes one - time sexual encounters - anything from kissing to intercourse - between acquaintances who've no plans to even talk afterward. " Why not try to do so when the situation permits it? DÁNDONOS PAZ What will enable us to "understand everything " we need to know to please our heavenly Father? BY GIVING US: Ese pacto se diferenciaría del pacto de la Ley en que haría posible el perdón de pecados sin necesidad de sacrificar animales. Abraham dies "at a good old age, old and satisfied " That covenant would be different from the Law covenant when it was possible for the forgiveness of sins without need to sacrifice. Es cierto que le llevamos una información valiosa que él no tiene, pero suponga que, sin habernos presentado como es debido, comenzáramos la conversación bruscamente preguntándole algo así: "Si usted pudiera quitar algún problema de este mundo, ¿cuál quitaría? ." It said: "This represents no effort to act in an arbitrary, dictatorial manner. The strictness really proceeds from God, who expresses himself through his written Word. " Granted, we have a valuable information that he does not have, but we might ask him, " If you could take away any problem from this world, what do you have? ' Lamento que mi orgullo me impidiera ver las cosas más importantes, y que por su culpa me obsesionara con las faltas de otros ." May all of us, whether young or old, show our appreciation by living our life in a way that manifests a keen desire to give Jehovah "the glory forever. " - Rom. 11: 33 - 36; Ps. 33: 12. I believe that my pride prevents me from seeing the more important things, and I ponder over the faults of others. " Sus palabras de estímulo lo hacían sentirse parte de la familia Betel. When a man marries, he leaves his father and his mother, and much the same can be said of a woman. Their encouragement made him feel part of the Bethel family. MIENTRAS estaba desterrado en la isla de Patmos, el anciano apóstol Juan recibe una serie de dieciséis visiones. Jehovah the Life - Giver is, therefore, the Source of the water containing life - giving elements. WHILE in exile on the island of Patmos, the aged apostle John receives a series of 16 visions. • Cuando los soldados y oficiales fueron al jardín de Getsemaní para arrestar a Jesús, él se identificó sin rodeos y en dos ocasiones les dijo: "Soy yo ." Illustrate. • When the soldiers and officers went to the garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus, he identified himself without obvious and twice as saying: "I am. " Estos siervos fieles, que "han lavado sus ropas largas y las han emblanquecido en la sangre del Cordero ," saldrán libres" de la gran tribulación ." The appendix then provides several suggestions about how a Christian parent might help a youth whose conviction is wavering. These faithful servants of Jehovah have " washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, "" free from the great tribulation. " Si amamos a nuestros semejantes, demostraremos que también amamos a quien creó al hombre a su imagen, Jehová Dios. Ananias was apprehensive, but he spoke to Saul in a kind way. By showing love to others, we show our love for the man who created man in his image, Jehovah God. Si se esfuerza por emplear el lenguaje de señas, demostrará que ama y respeta a sus hermanos sordos. Some are caught alive by the Devil because they allow personal differences to disrupt the peace and unity and the beautiful spiritual prosperity that Jehovah has brought into existence. - Psalm 133: 1 - 3. If you strive to use sign language, show that you love and respect your deaf brothers and sisters. Este mensaje, que tendrá un cumplimiento final en Armagedón, de seguro fortaleció la fe y la esperanza de Noé. But this is no indication of God's displeasure. That message, which will have a final fulfillment at Armageddon, strengthen the faith and hope of Noah. ¿ Por qué es peligroso admirar a individuos? In addition, the resolve to abstain from blood, to marry only in the Lord, or to bring up children in the faith in a divided household can sometimes result in severe pressures and trials. - Acts 15: 29; 1 Corinthians 7: 39; Ephesians 6: 4; 1 Peter 3: 1, 2. Why is it dangerous to admire individuals? ¿ Cómo usa Jehová de manera generosa sus recursos materiales? First, Satan will have to witness from beginning to end his entire organization on earth being wiped out. Then, Satan himself becomes the focus of attention. How does Jehovah use his material resources? Estos artículos explican lo que significa dedicarse a Jehová y por qué es necesario dar ese paso. The elders shepherd the flock "eagerly. " These articles explain what it means to make a dedication to Jehovah and why we need to take that step. PÁGINA 21 Since no human can accurately know the motives of others, however, we must beware of judging others. ARTICLE 4 (Vea la ilustración del principio.) 16, 17. (a) What have Gilead - trained missionaries been able to accomplish in the Kingdom - preaching work? (See opening image.) * A sense of urgency has moved many Christians to increase their share in the ministry. * ¿ Cómo nos hace sentir lo que Jesús hizo? She felt that Jehovah was telling her: "I love you, not just because you are a pioneer, but because you are my daughter and dedicated to me. How do you feel about Jesus ' actions? 13, 14. 15: 4. (a) How do languages change over time? 13, 14. ¿ Qué piensa Jehová sobre el robo? • In what ways can we make wise use of our time? How does Jehovah view stealing? 18, 19. a) ¿Por qué debemos luchar por no perder nuestra fe? David fled, but Saul came after him. 18, 19. (a) Why should we strive to keep our faith strong? Por ejemplo, cabría preguntarnos qué pequeña participación esperamos tener para que se efectúe la voluntad de Jehová sobre la Tierra. Thus, Job sacrificed animals to Jehovah on a regular basis. Once the trials began, that was no longer possible. For example, we might ask ourselves what small sharing we hope to have in order to do Jehovah's will on earth. Estas leyes incluían directrices estrictas sobre moralidad. What can you do to let your light shine in the neighborhood? These laws included regulations on morality. " La espada del espíritu, es decir, la palabra de Dios ," es esencial para protegernos de las falsas doctrinas y "derrumbar cosas fuertemente atrincheradas ." The Messiah would be given vinegar and gall. " The sword of the spirit, " that is, the word of God, is vital to protect us from false teachings and "strongly entrenched things. " Fue especialmente duro decirles que iba a comenzar a ir al Salón del Reino. Similarly, "ridiculers with their ridicule " abound in the last days. It was especially hard to tell them that he was going to go to the Kingdom Hall. Servir a Dios con mis hermanos en la fe me da tanta satisfacción y alegría que los días se me pasan volando. Mi vida familiar también ha mejorado mucho. 15, 16. Serving God with fellow believers gives me great joy and satisfaction that the days of my family have improved. • ¿Qué punto de vista incorrecto manifestaron algunos seguidores de Jesús? [ Picture on page 31] • What wrong view did some of Jesus ' followers fail to manifest? ¿ Qué hizo Jesús movido por su amor a Dios? Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. How did Jesus show love for God? Este caso ejemplifica lo que puede ocurrirle a toda una nación de murmuradores. The nine happinesses that Jesus highlighted are as beneficial today as they were then This example illustrates what can happen to a whole nation of spiritism. Discutimos mucho a lo largo de los años. " The works of Jehovah are great, searched for on the part of all those delighting in them. " We took a lot of time in the years. Si has sido criado en la verdad, debes esforzarte por no subestimar la herencia espiritual que has recibido de tus padres. God's greatness was shown in creating his Son and using him for aeons as His "master worker. " If you have been raised up in the truth, do not underestimate your spiritual heritage that you have received from your parents. Seríamos hipócritas si elogiáramos a alguien pero luego lo criticáramos cuando estamos con otras personas. Do you regularly show hospitality? We would be hypocritical if we were to offend someone but then criticize him when we are with others. ¡ Qué privilegio es poder comunicarnos con el Soberano universal! To help those who have experienced such trauma, brothers in lands receiving refugees need to have "fellow feeling, brotherly affection, tender compassion, and humility. " What a privilege it is to communicate with the universal sovereignty! Jesús dijo: "Den como dádivas de misericordia las cosas que están dentro [de ustedes] ." Months passed, and the child was born. Jesus said: "Give as gifts of mercy to the things that are within you. " ¿ RECUERDA lo emocionante que fue aprender que en un futuro cercano desaparecerán la vejez y la muerte, y que será posible vivir para siempre en la Tierra? Since 1935, millions of people have allowed the remnant to " bring them to righteousness. ' CAN you recall how thrilling it was to learn that old age and death will be possible for you to live forever on earth? ¿ Qué garantía nos ofrece "el mismísimo celo de Jehová "? To begin with, "Jesus went into Galilee, preaching the good news of God and saying: " The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. ' " What assurance can we draw from "the very zeal of Jehovah "? Hemos de revivir en nosotros el sentimiento apremiante de Pablo, que exclamaba: " ¡ay de mí si no predicara el Evangelio! ' ." The efforts of these prophets succeed, and the temple is completed five years later. We have been moved by Paul's urgent feeling, saying: " woe is me if we do not preach the Gospel! ' " ¿ Se puede imaginar lo que será despertarse cada mañana sin una sola enfermedad, ni física ni mental? (Read Matthew 10: 8.) Can you imagine what you will be going each morning without a single disease, physical, or mental illness? El cuerpo gobernante en la década de 1950. It says: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " The governing body in the 1950 ' s. Librados de la ira de Dios We might have to do the same. Toward God's wrath En lo que se refiere a la inmoralidad sexual, el tema de conversación de los estudiantes es lo que podríamos denominar "engancharse con alguien ." Esta costumbre, según un reportaje de la revista Newsweek, "consiste en fugaces encuentros sexuales - que incluyen desde besarse hasta tener relaciones - entre recién conocidos que ni siquiera tienen la intención de volver a hablarse después ." That means that they would help in the preaching and teaching work. Regarding sexual immorality, the subject of the student's conversation is what might be called "Get around with someone so as not to get drunk. " ¿ Qué nos ayudará a entender todo lo que necesitamos saber para agradar a Jehová? POPULATION What will help us to understand everything we need to know in order to please Jehovah? Abrahán muere "en buena vejez, viejo y satisfecho " Later, the Kingdom message was broadcast over public radio and was heard by millions more throughout the earth. Abraham dies "in good old age, old, and satisfied " Indicó que esta medida no era el resultado de una actitud arbitraria o dictatorial, sino de obedecer las estrictas normas que Dios puso en la Biblia. Give examples. This action was not the result of a spirit - given attitude or failure - but of rejecting God's righteous standards. Que todos, tanto jóvenes como mayores, demostremos aprecio por nuestra herencia espiritual y un profundo deseo de darle a Jehová "la gloria para siempre ." 2, 3. (a) What powerful force did Jehovah use aeons ago? May all of us, young and old, show appreciation for our spiritual heritage and a deep desire to give Jehovah "the glory forever. " ¿ Cómo contribuye una actitud flexible a las buenas relaciones entre los padres y sus hijos casados? SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2012 How does a yielding attitude contribute to good relations between parents and their children? ¿ Qué indica esto? Que la fuente del agua vivificante es Jehová, el Dador de la vida. Jehovah - The Ultimate Source of Strength This indicates that the source of water is Jehovah, the Life - Giver. Dé un ejemplo. Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land, but he succeeded only because he read the "book of the law... day and night " and acted in harmony with it. Give an example. A continuación, el apéndice les aconseja a los padres qué hacer si su hijo tiene dudas sobre la verdad. The more we strive to be like Christ, the more we will receive holy spirit. Next, the appendix tells parents what to do if their son has doubts about the truth. Aunque tenía cierto temor, Ananías le habló a Saulo con bondad. Proclamations made mostly during the remaining 18 years of Josiah's reign expose Judah's badness and pronounce Jehovah's judgments against her. Although he had some fear, Ananias spoke to Saul with kindness. ¿ Cómo? Al permitir que las diferencias personales alteren la paz, la unidad y la prosperidad espiritual del pueblo de Jehová. " I began to think deeply about my future and to read the Bible again, " says Mario. By allowing personal differences to contribute to peace, unity, and spiritual prosperity among Jehovah's people. Pero eso no quiere decir que tengan la desaprobación divina. (b) Why is Medo - Persia fittingly depicted as the fourth head of the wild beast? But that does not mean that they have God's disapproval. Además, la resolución de abstenerse de la sangre, de casarse solo en el Señor o de criar en la verdad a los hijos en un hogar dividido puede provocar enormes presiones y dificultades. His belongings now include the Messianic Kingdom, which has belonged to him since 1914 and which he will share with his anointed followers. - Rev. Moreover, the determination to abstain from blood is to get married only in the Lord or to raise children in a religiously divided household can result in severe pressures and difficulties. En primer lugar, Satanás tendrá que presenciar de principio a fin cómo desaparece toda su organización en la Tierra. They had preached despite opposition, even from demons! First, Satan will have to meet his organization on earth. Por otra parte, los pastores de la congregación realizan su labor "con empeño ." Give an example to show that women prophesied. On the other hand, shepherds in the congregation do their work "with effort. " Y como ningún ser humano conoce exactamente los motivos de los demás, debemos cuidarnos de no juzgar a nadie. I also broke off my old friendships, and I began to study the Bible with a Christian elder. And as no human knows exactly the motives of others, we must be careful not to judge anyone. 16, 17. a) ¿Qué logros en la predicación del Reino han cosechado los misioneros graduados de Galaad? After finishing the Passover meal, Jesus focused on those two emblems. 16, 17. (a) What accomplishments have missionaries preached in the Kingdom - preaching work? El sentido de urgencia ha motivado a muchos cristianos a aumentar su participación en el ministerio. 45,561,000 The sense of urgency has moved many to increase their share in the ministry. Sintió como si Jehová le dijera: "Te quiero, y no solo porque eres precursora, sino porque eres mi hija y me has dedicado tu vida. (Read Hebrews 10: 7.) He continued: "I want you, not just because you are a pioneer, but because you are my daughter and have dedicated me to Jehovah. a) ¿Qué les ocurre a los idiomas con el tiempo? Jehovah's spirit was needed to search into these deep things. (a) What happens to the languages in time? • ¿Cuáles son algunas maneras de usar bien el tiempo? Therefore, the environment in which Jehovah is now molding us is viewed as a spiritual paradise that is presently taking shape. • What are some ways in which we can use our time wisely? David escapó, y Saúl salió en su persecución. For instance, he should be punctual. David defeated Saul, and Saul turned out to be persecuted. Pero cuando empezaron las pruebas, Job ya no podía seguir con su costumbre de sacrificar animales, pues había perdido las "cosas valiosas " con las que honraba a Jehová. Moses set a fine example of mildness But when the trials began, Job could no longer follow his custom of sacrifice, for he had lost "the precious things " with which Jehovah had lost. ¿ Qué podemos hacer para que brille nuestra luz en nuestro vecindario? Those who served as judges or as witnesses in judicial matters were warned of the danger of " following after the crowd. ' How can we let our light shine in our neighborhood? Le darían a beber vinagre y hiel. and says: "We're giving one of these to everyone in the area today. They would give him a drink and drink. 31 De nuestros archivos The apostle Peter stated: "All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones. " - 1 Pet. 5: 5. ARTICLE 6 Questions From Readers De igual modo, los "burlones con su burla " abundan en estos últimos días. The Scriptures clearly show that servants of Jehovah must refuse to look for omens or to engage in astrology, divination, and spiritism. Similarly, the " cooperate with their ridicule " is very busy in these last days. 15, 16. What did Jesus mean when he told his apostles: "Keep bearing much fruit "? 15, 16. [ Ilustración de la página 31] Consider the case of the apostle Paul. [ Picture on page 31] (Lea Isaías 32: 1, 2). How did Agrippa's heart move him to answer? Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Las nueve felicidades de las que habló Jesús son tan provechosas hoy como lo fueron en el siglo primero According to Ephesians 6: 10, what do we need in order to guarantee our success? The nine Years of Jesus ' words are as beneficial now as they were in the first century " Las obras de Jehová son grandes, buscadas por parte de todos los que se deleitan en ellas. " [ Picture on page 32] " The works of Jehovah are great, seeking for part of all those finding delight in them. " - PS. Dios la manifestó al crear a su Hijo y emplearlo como "obrero maestro " durante incontables milenios. Clearly, God in a very literal way raised up the boy in Shunem, proving His ability to resurrect. By means of his Son and by using him as "master worker " for countless ages. ¿ Buscamos oportunidades de ser hospitalarios? After all, he would never allow the Devil to efface true worshipers from the earth! Do you look for opportunities to extend hospitality? Los hermanos del país de acogida pueden ayudarlos a superar esos traumas mostrando empatía, cariño fraternal, tierna compasión y humildad. How did Saul come to develop selfish thinking? The brothers in the country in the congregation can help them overcome such cases of showing empathy, brotherly affection, tender compassion, and humility. Pasaron los meses, y el niño nació. We can also have a close personal relationship with Jehovah because of his great act of love. They stuck to the months, and the child was born. Desde 1935, millones de personas han permitido que los miembros del resto ungido las "traigan [...] a la justicia ." Similarly, the chief priests, scribes, and older men made fun of him and said: "Others he saved; himself he cannot save! Since 1935 millions of people have allowed the anointed remnant to " shine forth to righteousness. ' Para cumplir con su comisión, "Jesús entró en Galilea, predicando las buenas nuevas de Dios y diciendo: " El tiempo señalado se ha cumplido, y el reino de Dios se ha acercado ' ." As David indicated, we are surrounded by evidence of Jehovah's greatness. To fulfill his commission, "Jesus entered into Galilee, preaching the good news of God and saying: " The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. ' " Ambos profetas persiguen un solo objetivo: animar al pueblo a reemprender la obra de reparación. 10, 11. Both prophets persecute one purpose: encourage the people everywhere to repair the work of repairing the work. Entre los 16 y los 18 gané tres títulos consecutivos de una competición nacional deportiva. What a unique position! Among the 16 and 18, I won three titles with a national race. Esta monumental obra se financia mediante donaciones (léase Mateo 10: 8). Why is it significant that Jesus is "the firstfruits "? (Read Matthew 10: 8.) Allí dice: "Jehová está cerca de los que están quebrantados de corazón; y salva a los que están aplastados en espíritu ." The combined benefits of constantly praying for the spirit, diligently engaging in meaningful personal study, prayerfully meditating on what we read, and regularly attending Christian meetings can help us to be "aglow with the spirit. " There he says: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " Tal vez nosotros tengamos que hacer algo parecido. WHEN THE WEEDS WERE MANY AND THE BLADES OF WHEAT FEW We may need to do something similar. Eso significa que colaborarían en la obra de predicar y enseñar. Let us witness informally to male workmates when appropriate and reach out to unbelieving husbands in the congregation. That means working in the preaching and teaching work. POBLACIÓN The religious scene around us today is similar - if not worse - than it was in Jesus ' day. POPULATION Tiempo después, usamos la radio para transmitir el mensaje del Reino a millones de personas de todo el planeta. (b) How did Paul show respect for fellow believers? Later, we use the radio to convey the Kingdom message to millions throughout the earth. Dé ejemplos. Daily contact with people who display such traits can affect the way members of Christian families treat one another. Give examples. 2, 3. a) ¿Qué poderosa fuerza utilizó Jehová hace millones de años? At the close of the first century C.E., the resurrected Jesus gave the apostle John a series of stunning visions. 2, 3. (a) What powerful force did Jehovah use for millions of years? 24 - 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012 Yes, Jesus encouraged his faithful followers not to take for granted the precious Kingdom truths being revealed to them. These truths had not been revealed to earlier generations of God's servants, and they were certainly not disclosed to the "wise and intellectual ones " of Jesus ' day! - Luke 10: 23, 24. SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2012 Jehová, la Fuente suprema de fortaleza Cultivate Love That Never Fails Jehovah - The Supreme Source of strength A Josué le encargó que introdujera a los israelitas en la Tierra Prometida, y este lo logró gracias a que leía el "libro de la ley [...] día y noche " y obedecía sus preceptos. These lifestyles are even promoted in advertising and entertainment. Joshua told the Israelites to bless the Israelites in the Promised Land, and this resulted in their reading of "the book of the law... and night. " Cuanto más nos esforcemos por ser como Cristo, más espíritu santo recibiremos. Jehovah Provides Needed Training The more we strive to be like Christ, the more we will receive holy spirit. Las declaraciones que se realizan principalmente durante los restantes dieciocho años del reinado de Josías denuncian la maldad de Judá y proclaman los juicios divinos contra la nación. What caused Joseph to resist all her advances? The pronouncements that are made primarily during the nine years of Josiah's reign expose the wickedness of Judah and proclaim God's judgments against the nation. Él relata lo que sucedió entonces: "Allí me puse a pensar seriamente en mi futuro y volví a leer la Biblia. Thus, Moses said to Jehovah: "Suppose they do not believe me and do not listen to my voice, for they will say, " Jehovah did not appear to you. ' " - Ex. 3: 15 - 18; 4: 1. He relates: "I had to think seriously about my future and I returned to read the Bible. b) ¿Por qué es adecuado que la cuarta cabeza de la bestia salvaje represente a Medopersia? The apostle Peter urges us: "Supply to your faith... endurance. " (b) Why is it appropriate for the fourth head of the wild beast to represent Medo - Persia? Ahora sus bienes incluyen el Reino mesiánico, que le ha pertenecido desde 1914 y que compartirá con sus discípulos ungidos. Meditating on such examples can help keep us humble and teach us " not to think more of ourselves than it is necessary to think. ' - Romans 12: 3. Now his belongings include the Messianic Kingdom, which has been part of 1914 and that he will share with his anointed followers. ¿ Qué les ayudó a predicar con valor? " Be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper. ' " - HEB. What helped them to muster up boldness? Mencione un ejemplo que demuestre que en tiempos bíblicos hubo mujeres que profetizaron. 16, 17. Give an example showing that there were women who used Bible times. Por ese entonces conocí a Sussan, una atractiva muchacha con la que empecé a vivir. Granted, the local elders were imperfect men, as was Titus, whom Paul sent to congregations to "correct the things that were defective. " Then I met her, a attractive girl with whom I began to live. Cuando acabaron de comer la Pascua, Jesús se concentró en estos dos artículos, pues los iba a usar como emblemas, o símbolos. (c) Over what did the Israelites begin to grumble and murmur? When the Passover was finished, Jesus focused on these two articles, for he was to use them as emblems, or emblems. 561.000 An illustration that Jesus gave provides the answer. 5667 En otras palabras, le prometimos ponerlo a él en primer lugar al enfrentarnos a cualquier situación (léase Hebreos 10: 7). We have many Biblical examples of those who were successful because they did prepare their heart. - Ezra 7: 10; Dan. 1: 8. In other words, we promised Jehovah first in the face of any situation. (Read Hebrews 10: 7.) Había que investigar estas cosas profundas de Dios y para ello se requería espíritu santo. What wonderful qualities did Jesus display? He had to do these deep things of God, and he needed holy spirit. Pero, gracias a que Jehová nos moldea, hemos cambiado y nos parecemos más a corderos. The psalmist David sang: "Jehovah himself gives the saying; the women telling the good news are a large army. " But thanks to Jehovah's molding, we have changed and seem to be more divided. Por ejemplo, debe ser puntual. The mother admits: "I looked for loopholes in our publications so that I could spend time with my daughter and my granddaughter. " For example, it must be controlled. Moisés dio un magnífico ejemplo de apacibilidad Thus, Jesus told the hypocritical Jewish leaders of his day: "The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Moses set a fine example of mildness Se trata de un principio que extraemos de una de las leyes que Jehová dio a Israel. There is nothing more to be desired than to get this wonderful Story more clearly before our mind. " (The Watch Tower, December 15, 1914, pages 377 - 378) Our gratitude for spiritual light and truth is unchanged. It is a principle from which we can draw from Jehovah's laws to Israel. y le dice: "Hoy les estamos dando esta hoja a todos los que encontramos. Who have been taken into the Kingdom covenant, and what privilege awaits them if they are faithful? He tells them: "Now we are giving this leaf to everyone we meet. El apóstol Pedro dijo: "Todos ustedes cíñanse con humildad mental los unos para con los otros, porque Dios se opone a los altivos, pero da bondad inmerecida a los humildes ." Despite the disease that still plagued him, Job rejoiced that this adjustment in his thinking had drawn him closer to God. The apostle Peter said: "All of you clothe yourselves with lowliness of mind toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones. " Las Escrituras muestran claramente que los siervos de Jehová no deben buscar señales para predecir el futuro ni practicar la astrología, la adivinación ni el espiritismo. God's Word tells us to do the same - "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God. " The Scriptures clearly show that Jehovah's servants must not seek signs to foretell the future or practice occult practices or spiritism. ¿ A qué se refería Jesús cuando dijo a sus apóstoles: "Sigan llevando mucho fruto "? King David of ancient Israel wrote: "In the morning cause me to hear your loving - kindness, for in you I have put my trust. What did Jesus mean when he told his apostles: "Keep bearing much fruit "? Piense en el caso del apóstol Pablo. Explain. Consider the apostle Paul. ¿ Qué respuesta salió del corazón de Agripa? Jesus said: "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. " How did Agrippa's heart respond? Según Efesios 6: 10, ¿qué necesitamos para asegurarnos el triunfo? For example, in the 1960 ' s, Jehovah's Witnesses in Malawi were bitterly persecuted. According to Ephesians 6: 10, what do we need to make sure for our triumph? [ Ilustración de la página 32] What does the vision recorded by the apostle John at Revelation 20: 12, 13 reveal? [ Picture on page 32] Cuando llevó a su hijo Samuel al tabernáculo, dijo que Jehová "hace bajar al Seol " y" hace subir ." Table of Contents When Samuel brought his son Samuel to the tabernacle, Jehovah said that Jehovah " makes it go down to Sheol " and" makes it come up. " Nunca permitiría que el Diablo borrara de la faz de la Tierra a sus adoradores. The need for proper perspective is made quite clear in the book of Job, one of the earliest Bible books to be written. Never would Satan allow the Devil to destroy the face of the earth to wipe out his worshipers. ¿ Cómo se volvió egoísta Saúl? God's chief spokesman was his only - begotten Son, called "the Word. " How did Saul become selfish? Del mismo modo, también, los sacerdotes principales junto con los escribas y ancianos empezaron a burlarse de él y a decir: " ¡A otros salvó; a sí mismo no se puede salvar! 14: 5 - 7. Similarly, the chief priests along with the scribes and older men began to taunt him. He said: "As for others, he saved himself; he himself cannot save. A nuestro alrededor abundan las pruebas de la grandeza de Jehová, tal como indicó David. Meeting the Challenges of the House - to - House Ministry We are surrounded by evidence of Jehovah's greatness, as David indicated. 10, 11. The hawk aborts its attack. 10, 11. ¡ Qué posición tan singular! In his strength, may we continue to meet the challenges of the house - to - house ministry. What a unique position! Jesús resucitó para vivir como ser espiritual en el cielo. In fact, Job believed that Jehovah would set a time to remember him. Jesus resurrected to live as a spiritual person in heaven. Algo que los ayudará a que "fulguren con el espíritu " es pedírselo siempre a Jehová, realizar diligentemente su estudio personal, meditar con la ayuda de la oración y asistir a todas las reuniones. It had "the name, " or the appearance, of being alive, but spiritual apathy had taken such a hold that to Jesus it was" dead. " One way we can help them to "be aglow with the spirit " is by always praying to Jehovah, diligent personal study, meditation on the help of prayer, and attending Christian meetings. En el siglo primero se veía claramente a quiénes empleaba Jesús para alimentar a la congregación (Vea el párrafo 12) To make a donation, please visit In the first century, it was clear to whom Jesus used to feed the congregation (See paragraph 12) Y, siempre que sea conveniente, no dejemos de dar testimonio informal a los varones en el lugar de empleo ni a los esposos no creyentes de nuestra congregación. He truly knew Jehovah, and he acted on that knowledge. And whenever appropriate, do not hold back from witnessing to men at the workplace or to unbelieving husbands in our congregation. El panorama religioso actual es igual de malo que en el siglo primero, o incluso peor. Pensemos en la actitud que se tiene hacia el nombre divino. Even though 20 years have passed since Esau sold his right as firstborn to his brother, Jacob fears that his brother may still harbor a murderous grudge against him. The world today is like bad bad in the first century, even worse, because of the attitude that God's name has toward God's name. b) ¿Cómo mostró Pablo respeto por sus hermanos? " Make me know... your ways, that I may know you. " - EXODUS 33: 13. (b) How did Paul show respect for fellow believers? Al convivir día a día con personas así, es posible que acabemos imitando su mal ejemplo en el trato que damos a nuestra propia familia. They wanted to take that road so as to visit cities where thousands of people needed to hear about Christ. By living day with people, we may be able to imitate their bad example in our dealings with our own family. A finales del siglo primero, Jesús resucitado le transmitió al apóstol Juan una serie de impresionantes visiones. I shall lack nothing. " At the end of the first century C.E., Jesus resurrected the apostle John a series of awe - inspiring visions. Como vemos, Jesús animó a sus seguidores a no dar por sentadas las inestimables verdades del Reino que se les estaban revelando, verdades que no se dieron a conocer a los siervos de Dios de generaciones anteriores, y menos aún a los "sabios e intelectuales " de aquel entonces. The congregation in Corinth tolerated "such fornication as [was] not even among the nations, that a wife a certain man [had] of his father. " Clearly, Jesus encouraged his followers not to take up the precious truths of the Kingdom that were revealed to them. They were not made known to God's servants of old, and they will yet be "wise and intellectual ones. " Cultivemos el amor que nunca falla How vital that we avoid bad associations! Cultivate Love That Never Fails Incluso, la publicidad y el mundo del entretenimiento las presentan como algo deseable. Therefore, from personal experience, Paul could assure fellow believers that there was no need to "be anxious over anything. " - Read Philippians 4: 6, 7, 13. Even the world's advertising and the world of entertainment present things desirable. Jehová nos da la preparación necesaria Samaria shall become "a heap of ruins of the field. " Jehovah Gives Us the Need ¿ Qué motivó a José a rechazar sus proposiciones inmorales? The school overseer gives careful thought to the school schedule. What moved Joseph to reject immoral advances? Por eso le dijo a Jehová: "Supongamos que no me crean y no escuchen mi voz, porque van a decir: " No se te apareció Jehová ' ." The Bible so accurately says: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " - Romans 8: 22. He told Jehovah: "I said that I do not believe and listen to my voice, for they are saying, " You did not appeared to you. ' " El apóstol Pedro nos exhorta: "Suministren a su fe [...] aguante ." The execution of the plot would also have meant the loss of the queen. The apostle Peter admonishes us: "I will sustain your faith... endurance. " Por ello, meditar en tales ejemplos nos ayudará a ser humildes y a " no pensar más de nosotros mismos de lo que es necesario pensar '. King Solomon wrote: "A word spoken at the right time - how good it is! Hence, meditating on such examples will help us to be humble and not to " think more of ourselves than it is necessary to think. ' " Podemos tener buen ánimo y decir: " Jehová es mi ayudante '. " We will thus be prompted to agree with these words of the apostle Paul: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " We can have good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper. ' " 16, 17. Yet, we do not allow such things to become our primary focus in life. 16, 17. Claro está, eran hombres imperfectos, tal como lo era Tito, a quien Pablo envió a "corr [egir] las cosas defectuosas ." 14, 15. Of course, they were imperfect, just as Titus was, who sent Paul to "make the things of men. " c) ¿De qué se quejaron los israelitas? However, the prayers and offerings of those sincerely striving to live in harmony with God's commands were acceptable to him. (c) What did the Israelites complained about? Una ilustración de Jesús responderá la pregunta. When Paul gave a speech in Athens, he declared: "[God] has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead. " Some in Paul's audience mocked when they heard of a resurrection. A few, however, became believers. An illustration of Jesus answers the question. La Biblia contiene muchos ejemplos de siervos de Dios que fueron fieles porque hicieron precisamente eso. In this way, we honor God and promote unity in the congregation. The Bible contains many examples of faithful servants of God who proved faithful because they did just that. ¿ Qué extraordinarias cualidades demostró Jesús? 8, 9. What outstanding qualities did Jesus display? Ciertamente, han resultado muy atinadas estas palabras del rey David: "Jehová mismo da el dicho; las mujeres que anuncian las buenas nuevas son un ejército grande ." However, it is good to remember that zeal is not just an outward show of emotion or excitement; nor does it depend upon one's personality. The words of King David: "Jehovah himself gives the saying; the women proclaiming the good news are a large army. " La hermana comenta: "Buscaba algo en nuestras publicaciones que me sirviera de justificación para pasar tiempo con mi hija y mi nieta ." His wife says: "We have learned the importance of praying together regularly and of applying the Bible's advice to be sincerely loving and patient with each other. She says: "I took some time to spend time with my daughter and my body. " Por eso Jesús les dijo a los hipócritas guías religiosos de su día: "El reino de Dios les será quitado a ustedes y será dado a una nación que produzca sus frutos ." What, then, is the true nature of holy spirit? Jesus therefore told the hypocrites of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " No hay nada que deseemos tanto como entender cada vez mejor esta extraordinaria historia " (The Watch Tower del 15 de diciembre de 1914, páginas 377 y 378). Nuestra gratitud por la luz de la verdad no ha disminuido. They were correct. The Watch Tower of December 15, 1914, pages 37 - 37 and our gratitude for the light of truth has not grown cold. a) ¿Quiénes están incluidos en el pacto del Reino? (a) Who are included in the Kingdom covenant? A pesar de estar todavía enfermo, Job se alegraba de que este cambio en su modo de pensar lo hubiera acercado más a Dios. Despite being sick, Job was glad that this change had drawn him closer to God. La Biblia nos manda hacer lo mismo: "[probar] las expresiones inspiradas para ver si se originan de Dios ." The Bible tells us: "Let the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God. " El rey David del antiguo Israel escribió: "Por la mañana hazme oír tu bondad amorosa, porque en ti he cifrado mi confianza. King David of ancient Israel wrote: "In the morning I hear your loving - kindness, for in you I have put my trust. Explique su respuesta. Explain. A este respecto, Jesús dijo: "Paguen a César las cosas de César, pero a Dios las cosas de Dios ." In this regard, Jesus said: "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. " Por ejemplo, a los testigos de Jehová de Malaui se les persiguió con crueldad en la década de 1960. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses in Malawi were persecuted in the 1960 ' s. ¿ Qué revela la visión que el apóstol Juan describió en Revelación 20: 12, 13? What does the vision described at Revelation 20: 12, 13 reveal? Índice Table of Contents El libro de Job, uno de los más antiguos de la Biblia, deja muy claro que es necesario tener el punto de vista correcto. The book of Job, one of the oldest of the Bible, makes it clear that there is a proper perspective. El vocero principal de Dios era su Hijo unigénito, conocido como "la Palabra ." God's principal spokesman was his only - begotten Son, known as "the Word. " 14: 5 - 7. 14: 5 - 7. Cómo superar los desafíos de la predicación de casa en casa Find out the challenges of the house - to - house ministry El halcón suspende el ataque. The finishing attack has been the final attack. Sigamos adelante, pues, valiéndonos del poder de Dios para superar los desafíos de la predicación de casa en casa. Let us press on, then, by means of God's power to cope with the challenges of the house - to - house ministry. Claro, eso no significa que Dios no pueda resucitarlo. Of course, that does not mean that God could not resurrect Lazarus. Tenía el "nombre ," o la apariencia, de estar viva, pero la apatía espiritual se había apoderado de ella hasta tal punto que para Jesús estaba " muerta '. He had been " works, " or appearance, of being alive, but the spiritual apathy had given him to the point that Jesus was dead. ' Si desea hacer un donativo, visite To make a donation, please visit Conocía de verdad a Jehová, y este conocimiento lo motivó a hacer lo correcto. He knew about Jehovah, and this knowledge moved him to do what was right. Aunque ya hace veinte años que Jacob le compró a su hermano sus derechos de primogénito, teme que aún esté enojado y pretenda asesinarlo. Although for 20 years, Jacob bought his brother from his firstborn rights, fearing that he is still angry and killd by killing him. " Sírvete hacerme conocer [...] tus caminos, para que te conozca ." " Make me know... your ways, that you may know you. " - PS. Su intención al tomar esa ruta era visitar ciudades en las que había miles de personas que necesitaban oír el mensaje de Cristo. His intention was to visit the cities he had met for thousands who needed to hear Christ's message. Necesitaba cambios radicales en la forma de hablar, los gestos y movimientos, la ropa, el pelo, los amigos, todo. I needed to make changes in the form of speech, customs, and movements, their hair, friends, and friends. Nada me faltará ." I shall lack nothing. " Sucedía que los cristianos de la congregación de Corinto estaban tolerando "tal fornicación como ni siquiera la [había] entre las naciones: que cierto hombre [tenía] la esposa de su padre ." The day of the first - century congregation in Corinth was divided "with fornication as did not even among the nations: a man who had held his father's wife. " Es de capital importancia que rechacemos las malas compañías. It is vital that we reject bad associations. De modo que el apóstol sabía muy bien lo que decía cuando exhortó a sus hermanos: "No se inquieten por cosa alguna " (léase Filipenses 4: 6, 7, 13). (Read Philippians 4: 6, 7, 13.) Samaria se convertirá en "un montón de ruinas del campo ." Samaria will become "a lot of ruins from the field. " El superintendente de la escuela confecciona con mucho cuidado la lista de asignaciones. The traveling overseer made a careful effort to make the list of assignments. La Biblia señala con razón: "Toda la creación sigue gimiendo juntamente y estando en dolor juntamente hasta ahora ." The Bible tells us: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " La ejecución del complot también habría significado que el rey perdiera a la reina. The execution of the march also would also have meaning that the king loses the queen. Que todos podemos ayudar a quienes necesitan ánimo. All of us can help those who need encouragement. Así nos será más fácil concordar con estas palabras del apóstol Pablo: "¡Oh la profundidad de las riquezas y de la sabiduría y del conocimiento de Dios! That will be easier to agree with the apostle Paul's words: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Sin embargo, no podemos dejar que esas cosas se conviertan en el centro de nuestra vida. However, we cannot let such things become the center of our life. 14, 15. 14, 15. Pero aceptaba con gusto las oraciones y ofrendas de quienes se esforzaban de corazón por cumplir sus mandatos. But he willingly accepted the prayers and offerings of those who sincerely endeavor to carry out his commands. En un discurso que pronunció en Atenas, Pablo declaró: "[Dios] ha fijado un día en que se propone juzgar la tierra habitada con justicia por un varón a quien ha nombrado, y ha proporcionado a todos los hombres una garantía con haberlo resucitado de entre los muertos ." In a discourse given in Athens, Paul stated: "[God] has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth with righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting him from the dead. " Así honraremos a Dios y contribuiremos a la unidad de la congregación. By doing so, we will honor God and contribute to the unity of the congregation. 8, 9. 8, 9. No obstante, conviene recordar que el celo no es tan solo una demostración externa de emoción o entusiasmo y que no depende de la personalidad de uno. However, it is good to remember that zeal is not just an expression of enthusiasm or that does not depend on one's personality. Su esposa explica: "Para nosotros es muy importante orar juntos todos los días, tratarnos con cariño y ser pacientes el uno con el otro, como aconseja la Biblia. His wife explains: "For us it is very important to pray together each day, kindly treat one with patience and patience, as the Bible counsels us. Entonces, ¿cuál es la verdadera naturaleza del espíritu santo? So, what is the true nature of the holy spirit? Tenían razón. They were correct.