God knows us and the meaning of the things he caused his spirit to speak through the Bible writers. Anij ejel̦ã kõn kõj im mel̦el̦ein men ko ear kõm̦m̦ani bwe en wal̦o̦k kajoor eo an ñan ri jeje Baibõl̦ ro. [ Picture on page 14] [ Pija eo ilo peij 22] [ Pija eo ilo peij 14] By showing kindness and love, you can do much to make a young person feel secure. Ilo am kwalok joij im yokwe, elap ijo kwo maroñ kõmmane ñan juõn jodikdik bwe en eñjake an jokane. Ilo am kwalok joij im yokwe, elap ijo kwomaroñ kõmmane ñan kõmman bwe juõn jodikdik en eñjake an jokane. Isaac Isaac Isaac • How does loving - kindness differ from love and loyalty? • Ewi wãwen yokwe im joij eoktak jen yokwe im tiljek? • Ewi wãwen yokwe im joij eoktak jen yokwe im tiljek? What are the prospects for those who cling to their faith in the face of trials? Ta kejatdikdik ko rej ñõn ro rej bin wõt ilo air tõmak ñe rej wõnmae melejoñ ko? Ta kejatdikdik ko ñan ro rej eddeb wõt ñan tõmak eo air ñe rej jelmae melejoñ ko? Slavery and the desolation of Judah were to end with the return of the repentant remnant to Jerusalem and the restoration of true worship. Ri kamakoko ro im jeebeplok eo an Judah rar jemlok ilo ien jeblaktok eo an bwen ri kabit ro rar ukwelok ñan Jerusalem im ien kajeblak tok kabuñ eo emol. Jorrãn im jeebeplok eo an Judah enaj kar jemlok ibben jeblak eo an bwen ro rar ukwelok ñan Jerusalem im bar jeblak eo an kabuñ eo emol. Moreover, we have this assurance: "Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name. " - 1 Samuel 12: 22. (Sam 27: 10) Bareinwõt, ewõr kallimur in ibbed: "Jeova e jamin illok jen armij ro dron, kin etan elap. " - 1 Samuel 12: 22. Bareinwõt, ewõr kallimur in ibbed: "Jehovah ejamin ellok jen armij ro an kin etan elap. " - 1 Samuel 12: 22. By studying the context of those words, we will better understand what fight Paul had to wage to control his sinful nature. - Read Romans 7: 21 - 25. Jenaaj katak kõn ta eo Paul ear aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe en kar maroñ jum̦aeik m̦õjn̦o̦ ko an make. - Riit Rom 7: 21 - 25. Ilo ar katak kin nan kein, enaj emõnlok ar melele kin ta eo Paul ear aikwij kate e ñõn jolok jerawiwi eo an. - Riit Dri Rom 7: 21 - 25. Clearly, the concept of a lost earthly paradise is a golden thread running through human history. Elukkuun alikkar bwe pedetaij ear juon men el̦ap an armej ro kar kõn̦aan jel̦ã kake jãn iien ko etto. Alikar, lemnak eo kin juõn paradise eo ear jako ion lal ej juõn ial gold eo ej ettõr ilujen aolepen bwebwenato eo an armij. " Jesus approached and spoke to them. " " Jisõs ej ["kebak ir im, " NW] kennanek ir. " " Jesus ear kebak im konono ñan ir. " Jesus said: "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends. " Jijej ear ba: "Ejjel̦o̦k yokwe ippãn armej el̦ap jãn yokwe in, bwe armej en lel̦o̦k an mour kõn ro jeran. " Jesus ear ba: "Ejelok yokwe iben armij elap jen yokwe in, bwe armij en lelok an mour kin ro jeran. " As a result, Jehovah destroys 24,000 wrongdoers. Kin men in, Jehovah ear kokkure 24,000 ri nana ro. Tokjãn men in, Jeova ej ko̦kkure aolep ro rej kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana. Since the mid - 1930 ' s, a growing number of "other sheep, " who are not of the" little flock " and whose hope is everlasting life on earth, have rallied to the side of the anointed. Jen tuiolapin yiõ ko ilo 1930, oran eo elaplok in "sheep ro jet, " me rejjab mõttan kumi in" bwij erik " ak rej kejatdikdik ñan air mour indio ion lal, rar kobalok ibben ri kabit ro. Jen tu - iolapen yiõ ko 1930, juõn laplok in "sheep ro jet, " ro rejjab mõttan" bwij erik " im kejatdikdik eo air ej mour indio ion lal, emwij air jino kobalok ibben ri kabit ro. (See footnote.) (Lale footnote.) (Lale footnote.) They are born and cared for as babies. Rej lotak im rej kejbarok ir einwõt niñniñ ro. Rej lotak im kejbãrok ir einwõt niñniñ ro. One aspect of that is your discerning from the Bible what is "right and wrong " when faced with life's decisions. Juõn wãwen kwoj kõmman men in ej ilo am kile jen Bible eo ta eo "emõn im nana " ñe kwoj aikwij kõmman bebe ko kin mour. Juon iaan men ko kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ej ilo am̦ bõk jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ eo am̦ jãn Baibõl̦ kõn ta ko " rejim̦we im bõd ' ñe kwõj jelm̦aiki pepe ko am̦ ilo mour eo am̦. Among the 2,500 names mentioned, about 70 can be identified as Jewish. Ibwiljin 2,500 ãt ko kar kwalok kaki, enañin 70 iair rar maroñ kile bwe rej etan dri Ju ro. Ibwiljin 2,500 ãt ko kar kwalok kaki, jemaroñ kile 70 einwõt Ri Jew ro. Yes, through inheritance from sinful Adam, mankind became subject to the harsh mastery of " King Sin. ' - Rom. (Rom 3: 23) Adam ear jerawiwi ilo an kar jab pokake Anij, im eñin unin aolep armej rej l̦otak tok im ri kam̦akoko ñan jerawiwi. Aet, ikijen jolet eo jen Adam ri jerawiwi, armij ro rar oktak im iroij eo elej an " King eo ear jerawiwi. ' - Rom. Jehovah will forgive and forget your past errors if you are truly repentant and accept his mercy. Jeova enaaj jeorl̦o̦k am̦ bõd im eban keememeji bõd ko am̦ el̦aññe kwõj ukel̦o̦k, oktak im tõmak bwe enaaj kwal̦o̦k tũriam̦o ñan kwe. Jeova enaaj jol̦o̦k am̦ bõd im mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k bõd ko am̦ el̦aññe em̦ool am̦ ukel̦o̦k im bõk tũriam̦o eo an. [ Picture on page 25] [ Pija eo ilo peij 25] [ Pija eo ilo peij 25] Sometimes Jehovah gave a new name to a person who was to have a new role. Jet ien Jeova ej lelok juõn ãt ekãl ñõn juõn armij eo ej pojõk im bõk juõn jerbal ekãl. Jet ien Jehovah ear lelok juõn ãt ekãl ñan juõn armij eo ear aikwij bõk juõn jerbal ekãl. An angel appeared to Elijah to prepare him for the long journey to Mount Horeb. Juõn enjel ear weaktok ñõn ibben Elijah im keboj e ñõn ial eo eaetok ñõn Tol Horeb. Juõn enjel ear waloklok ñan Elijah ñan keboj e ñan Tol Horeb. We should fill our minds and hearts with them. Jej aikwij kobrak lolãtãt im buruõd kin men kein. Jej aikwij kobrak lemnak ko ad im buruõd kaki. In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul warned against the outward pretense of humility to impress men. Ilo letter eo an ñan Ri Colossae, ri jilek Paul ear kakkõl nae air kwalok ettã buru ñan kabwilõñ armij. Ilo letter eo an ñan Ri Colossae ro, ri jilek Paul ear kakkõl nae utiej buru eo ilikin ñan kabwilõñ armij. Will his power ever be checked? (1 Jon 5: 19) En ke bõjrak maroñ im kajoor eo an Setan? Jenaj etale ke kajur eo an? No. Jaab. Jaab. Paul then showed that spiritual light is closely associated with knowledge from Jehovah when he added: "He has shone on our hearts to illuminate them with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ. " Paul ear kwalok bwe ear wõr kõtan meram ilo jitõb im jelãlokjen jen Jehovah ke ear ba: "E ar romak ilo buruem, bwe En letok maram in jela aibujuij an Anij ilo mejen Jisõs Kraist. " Inem Paul ear kwalok bwe meram ilo jitõb ej ekkejellok ibben jelãlokjen eo jen Jehovah ke ear kobaiktok: "E ar romak ilo buruer bwe En kameramlok ir kin jela aibujuij an Anij ilo mejen Kraist. " To be sure, Satan is an evil foe who is bent on misdirecting us. Setan ej ãinwõt ri nana in im ekõn̦aan m̦on̦e kõj. Emol, Satan ej juõn ri kijirãt enana eo ej kabo kij. Is the "good news of the kingdom " being preached worldwide? Em̦õj ke tilmaake gospel in Aelõñ eo iaolepen lal̦ in? " Nuuj eo em̦m̦an kõn Aelõñ eo ' ej ke jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ipel̦aakin lal̦ in? " Christ is the power of God. " - 1 COR. " Kũraij e kajoor an Anij. " - 1 KORINT 1: 24. " Kũraij ej kajoor an Anij. " - 1 KOR. Some recall that a turning point came when they read the divine name in the Bible or when they understood what the true condition of the dead is. Jet rej kememej bwe oktak in lemnak eo air ear walok ke rar read ãt eo ekwojarjar ilo Bible ak ke rar melele kin ta mol eo kin wãwen ro remij. (Sam 83: 18; Ekk. Jet rej kememej bwe juõn oktak ear walok ke rar konono ãt eo ekwojarjar ilo Bible ak ke rar melele kin ta wãwen eo emol an ro remij. How Would You Answer? Ta Uwaak eo Am̦? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? You are on your own - isolated. ' Komij mõke iami. ' Kwoj make iam. ' In this parable, Jesus did not simply liken the Kingdom of God to a pearl of high value; he called attention to "a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls " and to his response upon finding one. Jesus ear keidi Ailiñ in Anij, jab ñan juõn bõr im elap wõnãn wõt, ak ñan juõn "dru wia ej kabukot bõr ko remõn " im wãwen eo ear emmakit ke ear lo juõn. Ilo parable in, Jesus ear jab baj keidi wõt Ailiñ in Anij ñan juõn bõr elap wõnãn; ear jitõñlok ñan "juõn ri wia ej bukõt bõr ko remõn " im ñan uak eo an ion juõn armij. His reward was, not any financial advantage, but the joy and satisfaction of possessing something of surpassing value. Jinekjej eo an ear jab kin laplok in jããn ko an ak kar ilo an lañliñ im juburu kin an wõr ibben juõn men elap an aorõk. Jerammõn eo an kar, jab jabdewõt tokjen money, ak lañliñ im juburu eo ewõr juõn tokjen eo emõnlok. They have been happily married for more than 34 years. Irro ar lo mõnõnõ ilo mour in mare eo airro iomin elõñlok jen 34 yiõ ko. Rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in m̦are elõñl̦o̦k jãn 34 iiõ. Jehovah's servants love and treasure the Bible. Ri karejar ro an Jehovah rej yokwe im kaorõk Bible eo. Ri karejar ro an Jehovah rej yokwe im kaorõk Bible eo. In addition to the points we have discussed, that discourse has much to say about genuine happiness, how to avoid immorality, the way to practice righteousness, what we must do to enjoy a secure and joyous future, and many other matters. Ijellokin point ko jaar etale, elap an katak eo kwalok kin mõnõnõ eo emol, wãwen ad jeor jen mour etton, wãwen eo ñan kõmman wãnik, ta eo jej aikwij in kõmmane ñan lo jokane im lañliñ ilju im jeklaj, im elõñ men ko jet. Ijellokin point ko jar bwebwenato kaki, katak in elap an kwalok kin mõnõnõ eo emol, wãwen eo ñan bõprae mour etton, ial eo ñan jerbale wãnik, ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane ñan lañliñ kin juõn ilju eo ewõr jokane im mõnõnõ ie, im elõñ men ko jet. He is the One who created our sun, which is, in effect, an enormous nuclear furnace releasing into space vast quantities of energy, some in the form of light and heat. (Jeremiah 31: 35, New World Translation; Sam 8: 3) E ej Juõn eo ear kõmanman al eo ad, eo ej, juõn jikin kijeek in nuclear eo elap im ej torlok ñan mejatoto eo elap kin elõñ kajur, jet ilo wãwen meram im mãnãn. Ej Eo ear kõm̦anm̦an al̦ im kõm̦m̦an al̦. However, what if some obstacles seem to sap you of spiritual energy? Bõtab, ta elañe eor jet abañ ko rej kamõjnoik yuk jen am kwalok nan? Bõtab, ta el̦aññe ewõr apañ ko kwõj iiooni me remaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe kwõn m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k tõmak eo am̦? It also manifests itself in lowliness of mind. (1 Dri Korint 13: 1 - 8) Ej bareinwõt kalikar e make ilo ettã in lemnak. Ej bareinwõt kalikar e make ilo ettã in lemnak. We find solid motivation to do so in the psalmist's assurance: "[God] will teach the meek ones his way. " - Ps. 25: 9. Ewõr bedbed eo ñan kõmman men in ilo kallimur eo an ri jeje sam: "Dri etã burueir [Anij] E naj katakin ir ilo ial eo An. " - Sam 25: 9. Jej lo un eo ebin unin ad kõmman eindein ilo kallimur eo an ri jeje sam: "[Anij] E naj katakin ro etã burueir ial eo An. " - Sam 25: 9. He is "the ruler of the authority of the air " of this world, in which such attitudes are widespread. Ej "Iroij in kajur ko in mejatoto " an lal in, ilo eo lemnak rot kein rej jededlok. Ej "iroij in kajur ko in mejatoto " in lal in, ijo lemnak rot kein rej jededlok ie. 3: 12. 3: 12. 3: 12. What a display of God's ability to foreknow the future and to ensure the survival of his worshipers! Ear juõn wanjoñok kin maroñ eo an Anij ñan jelã lok iman kin ran ko renaj itok im lomoren ri kabuñ ro an! Men in ej kaalikkar bwe ewõr an Anij maroñ ñan jel̦ã kõn ta ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ilju im jekl̦aj im bwe armej ro an ren el̦l̦ã im mour! Likely, on their own, the sheep would not find a refreshing spot to lie down in peace. Sheep ko rejjab maroñ make bukõt jikin ko remõn ñan air babu ilo ainemõn. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe jiip ko reban kar aenõm̦m̦an im aenõm̦m̦an ippãn doon. So when it is nighttime in some lands, God's servants on the other side of the globe are busy witnessing. Inem ñe ej boñ ilo ene ko jet, ri karejar ro an Anij ilo ene ko jet rej boub in kwalok nan. Inem ilo jet ailiñ ko, ri karejar ro an Anij rej boub wõt ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. Heck Heck Ear Lo̦mo̦o̦ren No one is more generous than our "happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Tim. 1: 11. Eo wõt im el̦aptata an jouj ej Jeova, Anij eo ad im "em̦õn̦õn̦õ. " - 1 Timote 1: 11. Ejelok bar juõn elaplok an joij jen "Anij e mõnõnõ, " Jehovah. - 1 Tim. 1: 11. How can we show hatred for lawlessness when it comes to our choice of music? Ekijkan ad maroñ kwalok bwe jej drike nana ñe jej kãlet al in roñjake ko? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok kijirãt kin nana ñe ej itok ñan jokãlet eo ad kin kajañjañ? 10, 11. (a) How did Jesus end his consideration of the ninth happiness? 10, 11. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kajemlok katak eo an kin mõnõnõ eo kein ka ratimjuõn? 10, 11. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kajemlok an lemnak kin mõnõnõ eo kein ka ratimjuõn? Why should we not become overly anxious about the future? Etke en jab le jen joñõn ar inebata kin ilju im jeklaj? Etke jejjab aikuj inepata kõn ilju im jekl̦aj? He eventually got caught up in vices and a materialistic way of life. Ear koorlok mweiuk ko ñõn e mõke im lorõk ilo mõnit ko renana. Tokelik ear lorak ilo manit ko renana im juõn wãwen arõk mweiuk. Jehovah's great day is near; yet, people continue to seek refuge in false religion, political institutions, material wealth, escapism, and the like. Raan in kwi eo an Jeova epaak. Bõtab, elõñ armej rainin rej reilok wõt ñan kabuñ ko aer, kien ko aer, m̦weiuk im jããn, im men ko erl̦o̦k wõt. Ran eo elap an Jehovah ebaktok; ak, armij ro rej etal wõt im bukõt jikin kone ilo kabuñ wan, dolul in kien ko, mweiuk ko, mweiuk ko, im men ko eierlok wõt. Do we " incline the heart ' so as to get discernment? (Dri Epesõs 4: 20, 21) Jej " iuni buruõd ' ke ñan an bõk melele? Jej ke " kabukot buruer ' bwe jen maroñ bõk lolokjen? Each time, he saw beyond the immediate temptation and considered the consequences of his actions. Job ear jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe menin kapo ko ren kõm̦m̦an an mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k ta ko renana remaroñ wal̦o̦k ñan e el̦aññe enaaj po. Kajjojo ien, ear lo ellãlok jen kabo eo emõkaj im lemnak kin tokjen ko rej walok jen makitkit ko an. 28 Do You Remember? 28 Kwõj Ke Keememej? 28 Kwõj Ke Keememej? * - Ecclesiastes 11: 10. * - Ekklisiastis 11: 10. * - Ekklisiastis 11: 10. (2) Ta mel̦el̦ein ñe juon ej peptaij? Ejjab business eo an dolul eo an Jehovah ñan letok juõn lajrak eaetok in kien ko ikijen ta eo rej mour ilo juõn jikin ekkar ñan aolep ro ilo congregation eo ibelakin lal. It is not the business of Jehovah's organization to provide a long list of rules regarding what are appropriate living quarters for all in the worldwide congregation. Ejjab kwonan rolul eo an Jeova ñõn kõmõn kien ko ñõn dri Kristian ro ilo congregation ko kajjojo ibelakin lõlin ikijen ia ko rekkar ñõn air maroñ jokwe ie im bareinwõt wõn ro rekkar im remaroñ jokwe ibeir. Emol, lemnak im kilen katakin ko an Jesus Christ elaptata tellokin ad lemnak kaki. Of course, the attitude and teaching methods of Jesus Christ especially merit our consideration. Emol, ewõr tokjen ad lemnak kin wãwen an Jesus Christ katakin armij im lemnak eo an. 14: 14. 14: 14. 14: 14. Ak elañe Christ ear jab jerkakbiji, jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad emol ejelok tokjen, im tõmak eo ad ejelok tokjen. But if Christ has not been raised up, our preaching is certainly in vain, and our faith is in vain. Im el̦aññe Kũraij ear jab jerkakpeje, innem ejjel̦o̦k menin am kwal̦o̦k, im ejjel̦o̦k menin ami tõmak. Juõn ri karejar etiljek an Anij ear jar: "Kwon katakin kim in bwini yiõ ko am, bwe kimin bõk ñõn kim buruen meletlet. " A faithful servant of God prayed: "Teach us how to count our days so that we may acquire a heart of wisdom. " (Sam 90: 12, UBS) Kõn men in, jar im kajjitõk ippãn Jeova Anij bwe en kwal̦o̦k ñan eok wãween eo ñan kõjerbal mour eo am̦ ilo "mãlõtlõt. " Tõbar Juõn Jerbal Emõn Reach Out for a Fine Work Kate ñõn Jibarek Jerbal eo Emõn Etke jemaroñ ba bwe ejjab aolep men rej men bata? Why can it be said that not everything is vanity? Etke jemaroñ ba bwe jab men ko aolep rej men bata? Jesus ear jab ba bwe wit ko renaj kar erom tãõ, ak kar jeor tãõ ko ibwiljin wit ko. Jesus did not say that the wheat would become weeds but that weeds were sown among the wheat. Jisõs ear jab ba bwe wit ko renaj kar erom tãõ ko, bõtab ear ba bwe kar jeori tãõ ko ibwiljin wit ko. Emol, tiriamokake ko an Jehovah rej kãl ilo jibboñ otemjej! Indeed, Jehovah's mercies are new each morning! Innem eñin kar iien eo Jeremaia ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba naan kein: "Jeova aõ kõj. " 9 - 11. 9 - 11. Kõn men in, jemãn im jinen ajri ro me rej Kũrjin rej likũt aikuj ko an ajri ro nejier m̦okta jãn kõn̦aan ko aer make. - w17.05, peij 9 - 11. Kajjojo Ri Jew ro rar aikwij kõmman juõn bebe ñan kir etan Jehovah. Each individual Jew had to make a personal decision to call upon Jehovah's name. Kajjojo ri Jew ear aikwij kõmmane bebe eo an make ñan kir etan Jehovah. Iar jab lukkun jela elañe jabrewõt armij ej roñjake, ak ij aikwij ba bwe iar kejatrikrik bwe juõn armij ear itok jen ijo. I was unsure if anyone was listening, but I must admit that I did hope that someone was out there. Iar jab lukkuun jel̦ã el̦aññe ewõr en̦ ej roñjake jar ko aõ. Bõtab, ear wõr aõ eñjake bwe ewõr juon ej roñjake. Ewi wãween an kar rũkarejar ro an Jeova ilo iien ko etto kõkajoorl̦o̦k tõmak eo aer? How did Jehovah's ancient servants keep their faith strong? Ewi wãween an kar rũkarejar ro an Jeova ilo iien ko etto kõkajoor wõt tõmak eo aer? October 8, 1998, "Ilo bukõt juõn Mour elemõnõnõ, " page 4 - 6, im May 8, 1989," Ta eo In Kãlet? " El̦aññe aet, eokwe kwõn jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe jabdewõt men en bõbraik eok jãn am̦ katakin ajri in nejũm̦ kõn men in eaorõk. Joan ear je: "Kõm̦ro ar jab epaake doon ium̦win 35 iiõ ko remootl̦o̦k. October 8, 1998, "In Search of a Secure Life, " pages 4 - 6, and May 8, 1989," What Career Should I Choose? " October 8, 1998, "In Search of a Secure Life (Bukõt juõn Wãwen Mour Ejokane), " page 4 - 6, im May 8, 1989," What Career Should I Choose? (Jerbal Et eo In Kãlete?) " Elañe jej jar kin jitõb kwojarjar im kate kij ñõn "etetal kin Jitõb, " kõmõn ko ar renaj laplok air yokwe kij. Joan wrote: "Our association did not end there; rather, it developed into a friendship that has lasted for about 35 years now. Joan ear je: "Ibben don eo am ear jab jemlok ijo; ak, ear ejaak ñan loan juõn jimjera eo aetokin enañin 35 yiõ kiõ. Einwõt ir, jemaroñ " kõmman elõñ ri mweie ' ilo ad bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kilajrõk eo kiõ - ilo ran in lomor! If we pray for holy spirit and endeavor to "keep walking by spirit, " our actions will become more and more loving. (Luk 11: 13, UBS) Innem jemaroñ lukkuun lõke bwe ñe jej jar kõn jetõb kwõjarjar eo an Anij im kõtl̦o̦k bwe en jipañ kõj, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k wõt ad kwal̦o̦k yokwe. Eo ej babu ilo lom̦al̦o eo, ej lale lo̦ñiin. " - Maika 7: 5. Like them, we can " make many rich ' by sharing in the ministry of reconciliation right now - in this day of salvation! (Jerbal 20: 35) Einwõt ir, jemaroñ " namweien elõñ ' ilo ad bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kilajrõk eo kiõ - ilo ran in lomor in! [ Bo̦o̦k eo ilo peij 25] From her who is lying in your bosom guard the openings of your mouth. " - Micah 7: 5. Kejbãrok loñim jen jitenburu eo am. " - Micah 7: 5, New World Translation. Ñe ej koba ibben ri kwalok ro ak pioneer ro ilo juõn katak Bible, remaroñ kõnan bwe en kõmmane. [ Box on page 25] [ Bo̦o̦k eo ilo peij 25] Jabõn Kennan Ko 28: 22 ej ba: "Juõn dri junmar ej mõke wie e, elikin men ko re aurõk; a e jaje bwe kõnan e naj itok ion. " When he accompanies publishers or pioneers on a Bible study, they may prefer that he conduct it. Ñe ej etal ibben ri kwalok ro ak pioneer ro ñõn juõn katak Bible, remaroñ kõnan bwe e eo en kõmmõne katak eo. Emol, jekdon elañe armij rej kajerbal mour eo air ilo jerbal in money, jerbal, men in kamõnõnõ ko, mour in belele, ak jabdewõt ian anij ko relõñ me rej kabuñ ñan Jehovah, rej kãlet juõn master. Proverbs 28: 22 says: "A man of envious eye is bestirring himself after valuable things, but he does not know that want itself will come upon him. " Jabõn Kennan Ko 28: 22 ej ba: "Eo e nana mejen ej kijorur in bõk mweiuk ko, im e jaje bwe aikwij e naj itok ion. " Ak, juõn ien ear lukkun buromõj im ear kajitõk ibben Jehovah bwe en mõn e ñan mij, im ba: " ebwe! Indeed, whether people use their life in the service of money, career, recreation, sexual pleasure, or any of the countless gods that are worshipped instead of Jehovah, they choose a master. Emol, jekdon elañe armij ro rej kajerbal air mour ñan korlok money, jibadõk jerbal eo air elap, ien ikkure, kõnan ñan belele, ak kabuñ ñan jabdewõt ian anij ko jen air kabuñ ñan Jehovah, rej kãlet iroij eo air. Iroij ro air renaj jutak nae Jehovah Anij im Ri Kabit eo an. Yet, at one point he felt so low that he asked Jehovah to put him to death, saying: "It is enough! Bõtab, ewõr juon iien ear lukkuun ebbeer im bũrom̦õj. Joñan, ear jar im kajjitõk ippãn Jeova bwe en bõk mour eo an. Etke jar eaorõk ñan juõn Ri Christian emwij an baptais? Their rulers would take a stand against Jehovah God and his Anointed One. King ro air renaj jutak nae Jehovah Anij im Ri Kabit eo an. Ijello̦kun ad kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk ko me remaroñ kõm̦m̦an ad bũrom̦õj, kõj aolep jemaroñ lõke bwe Jeova enaaj kõpel̦l̦o̦k pein im "m̦õmn̦ak kõn men otemjej remour. " - Sam 103: 13. Why is prayer vital for a baptized Christian? Etke juon eo em̦õj an peptaij ej aikuj jar? Elõñ rej kajenolok money, juõn joñan money rej likiti ilo box in jabawõt eo etan "Jerbal in Kwalok Nan eo. " Rather than raise questions that may cause pain, all of us can have full confidence that Jehovah will open his hand and "satisfy the desire of every living thing. " - Ps. Ñan waanjoñak, jejjab aikuj kajjitõk ippãn kõrã eo pãleen juon rũkkapit kõn wãween an eñjake ñe enaaj mour indeeo ioon lal̦ in ak ejako l̦eo pãleen iturin. Ta eo ej kõmman bwe dolul in jimjãn jimjatin eo ad ibelakin lal en einjuõn? Many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled "Worldwide Work. " Jet rej kejbãrok joñõn jããn ko air ñõn jabawõt kaki im likiti ilo box in jaba eo me rej je nan kein "Jerbal In Kwalok Nan Ibelakin Lõl. " Ta eo kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ane el̦aññe kwõj inepata ippãn juon iaan rũttõmak ro jeim̦ im jatũm̦? What makes our worldwide brotherhood unique? Ta eo ej kõm̦m̦an bwe doulul eo ad ipel̦aakin lal̦ in en ãinjuon? Jerammõn kein kar kanan kaki ilo kanan eo an Isaiah: "Kwar koba ibben ailiñ eo; O Jehovah, kwar kobaiklok ñan ailiñ eo; kwar kaibujuij yuk make. What can you do if you have personal differences with a fellow Christian? Ta eo kwomaroñ kõmmane elañe ewõr am inebata ibben juõn Ri Christian eo mõttam? Meñe Rũkkatak Baibõl̦ ro rar jab lukkuun mel̦el̦e kõn aitwerõk eo kõn jab bõk kun̦aaer ilo m̦akũtkũt ko an kien, l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an ko aer rar lukkuun oktak jãn l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an ko an armej ro rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in bõk kun̦aaer ilo tarin̦ae. These blessings were foretold in Isaiah's prophecy: "You have added to the nation; O Jehovah, you have added to the nation; you have glorified yourself. (Reveles̃õn 7: 9; Jon 10: 16) Kajerammõn kein kar kanan kaki ilo kanan eo an Isaiah: "Kwar kobaiktok ñan ailin eo; O Jehovah, kwar kobaiktok ñan ailiñ eo; kwar kaibujuij yuk make. Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe jet iaan jo̦dikdik ro rar bõk kun̦aaer ilo ejja wãween in wõt. Although the Bible Students did not fully understand the issue of neutrality, their attitude and conduct stood in stark contrast with the views and actions of people who welcomed the war. Meñe Rũkkatak Baibõl̦ ro rar jab lukkuun mel̦el̦e kõn aer jab aikuj bõk kun̦aaer ilo aitwerõk ko an lal̦, ak l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an ko aer rar lukkuun oktak jãn armej ro jet me rar kõn̦aan bõk kun̦aaer im rejetake pata eo. Ilo m̦ool, ñe juon ej ajel̦o̦k mour eo an ñan Anij, ej aikuj kõm̦m̦an oktak ko rel̦l̦ap ilo mour eo an im jol̦o̦ke. - Riit Matu 5: 27, 28, UBS. Sad to say, some Christian youths have engaged in similar wild partying. (Aiseia 5: 11, 12) Ekaburomõjmõj ñan ba, jet Christian jodikdik ro rar bõk kunair ilo party ko rawia einlok wõt in. Ilo Eden, Jehovah ear kanan bwe enaj wõr kijirãt ikõtan "kõra " eo im" serpent " eo im ikõtan " ine ko " air. ' In fact, if any individual dedicated to God "keeps on looking " with immoral motives at someone of the opposite sex, he needs to make drastic changes comparable to tearing out the eye and throwing it away. - Read Matthew 5: 27, 28. 1: 14, 15) Emol, elañe juõn eo emwij an wujleplok mour eo an ñõn Anij im ej "kalimjek " juõn likao ak jiroñ kin an mijkaiye, ej aikwij mõkõj im kõmõn oktõk ko relap, einwõt ñe ej itiki mejen im joloke. - Riit Matu 5: 27, 28. Ear aorõk bwe ren jab mad kin makitkit ko an mour jen ran ñan ran. In Eden, Jehovah foretold that there would be enmity between his symbolic "woman " and the" serpent " and between their respective " seeds. ' Ilo Eden, Jehovah ear kanan bwe enaj wõr kijirãt ikõtan men ko rej kõkkar kin "kõra " eo an im" serpent " eo im ikõtan ine ko ineir. Rainin scientist ro rej jelmae aitwerõk ko einlok wõt in ilo jibadbad ko air. It was important that they not become engrossed in the everyday affairs of life. Ekanooj kar aorõk bwe ren jab mad kõn men ko rej kõm̦m̦ani jãn raan ñan raan. Kin men in, rejjab einwõt "ro jet re jab kejatrikrik. " - 1 Dri Tessalonika 4: 13. Today scientists face similar challenges in their pursuits. Rainin jaintiij ro rej bar iioon ejja apañ rot in wõt ilo ekkatak ko aer. Ak, jej kile oktak in ñan jerbal eo an jitõb eo an Anij, bwe ekoba leen eo emol ej inemõn. Hence, they do not "sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope. " - 1 Thessalonians 4: 13. (Jerbal 24: 15) Kin men in, rejjab "buromõj einwõt ro jet, ro ejelok kejatrikrik ibeir. " - 1 Dri Tessalonika 4: 13. Kin menin armij ro rewãnik renaj bõk lomor, bar jeblak ñan wãppen! - Jon 3: 17. We, though, attribute this transformation to the operation of God's spirit, for included in its truly remarkable fruitage is mildness. Bõtab, kij, jej naunin oktak kein ñan jerbal eo an jitõbõn Anij, kinke inemõn ej koba ibben le ko leen rekabwilõñlõñ.. Ilo m̦ool, ear jutak im ba ñan em̦m̦aan in, "Ijãmin kwal̦o̦k naan ñan eok, im inaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kwal̦o̦k naan ilo bukwõn eo. " Thus righteous mankind will be saved, restored to perfection! - John 3: 17. Kin menin armij renaj mour ilo wãnik, jeblak ñan wãppen! - Jon 3: 17. J. Calmly, she stood up and said to the man, "I will not give you my address, and I will continue to preach in the village. " (Mat. 10: 28) Ilo ainemõn ear jutõk im ba ñõn eman eo, "Ijamin kwalok ñõn kwe jikin eo ij jokwe ie, im inaj wõnmanlok wõt im kwalok nan ilo bukwon in. " Elañe jej ri kalor ro an Jesus, elañe jaar katak jen e, inem ro jet rej aikwij eñjake air kaemololo ilo jitõb ilo bed eo ad. J. Taktõ J. Joñan an lap an lemnak kin e make ear deloñ ilo temple eo ñan lelok kaijurjur. If we are Jesus ' disciples, if we have learned from him, then others ought to feel spiritually refreshed in our presence. Elañe kij ri kaloran Jesus, elañe emwij ad katak jen e, inem ro jet ren eñjake air ejmour ilo jitõb ñe rej bed ibbed. Ak, Jesus ear mour mokta jen an kar ri patriarch in etiljek etetal ion lal. He came to think so much of himself that he entered the temple to offer up incense. Joñan an lap an lemnak kin e make ear deloñ ilo temple eo ñan an lelok men in kaijurjur. Ro uan jar in elap rej ibwiljin ro Jesus ear konono kake ir einwõt "sheep ro jet " an. Yet, Jesus lived even before that faithful patriarch walked the earth. Bõtab, Jisõs ear mour moktalok jen e. Nan in Anij emwij je "mol in gospel, " eo ej ejaakin aolepen katak ko an Christian. Members of that great crowd are among those referred to by Jesus as his "other sheep. " Ro uan jar eo elap rej mõttan ro me Jesus ear naetair "bar jet Aõ s̃ip. " Aet, Christian elder ro rej tiriamo rej kõmmane juõn jerbal eaorõk ilo jolok eñjake ko renana. - Aiseia 32: 1, 2; 1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. God's written Word contains "the truth of the good news, " which consists of the whole body of Christian teachings. (Jon 17: 17) Epãd "m̦ool in gospel " eo ilo Baibõl̦. Men in ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan aolep men ko rem̦ool kõj Kũrjin ro jej tõmaki. Ear juõn jota eyu ñan Jesus. Yes, compassionate Christian elders play a vital role in dispelling damaging emotions. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2; 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8. Aet, Christian elder ro rej yokwe ewõr kunair eaorõk ñan jolok eñjake ko rej kajorrãn armij. - Aiseia 32: 1, 2; 1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. Ri jilek Paul ear je: "Ro otemjej re kõnan mour im kwojarjar ilo Kraist Jisõs, naj matõrtõre ir. " It was a full evening for Jesus. Ear lap an Jesus kar boub ilo boñen eo. (b) Ta eo ej kwalok bwe ri tel in kabuñ ko an Ri Jew ro ear jabwe tõmak eo emol? The apostle Paul wrote: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Ri jilek Paul ear je: "Ro otemjej re kõnan mour im kwojarjar ilo Kraist Jisõs, naj matõrtõr ir. " Nan in Anij ejjab kõmman bwe jen "meletlet " wõt im" pojõk ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " (b) What shows that the Jewish religious leaders lacked genuine faith? (b) Ta eo ej kwalok bwe ear jab bwe tõmak eo emol an ri tel ro an kabuñ in ri Jew? Etke etale rot in eaorõk? God's Word does not merely make us "competent " and" equipped for every good work. " It also enables us to deal with life's distresses. 3: 16, 17) Nan in Anij ejjab kõmman bwe jen "wãppen " wõt im " emwij kõkõmõnmõn kij ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. ' Kõm̦m̦ani Men ko Rem̦m̦an ñan Ro Jet Why is such an examination vital? (Sam 26: 2) Etke juõn melejoñ rot in eaorõk? " Elañe kw'ar ber ijin, jeiõ im jãtiõ e jamin kar mij, " Martha ear ba. Influence on Fellow Worshippers Wãwen eo Rej Jelet Ri Tõmak Ro Mõttair Ak, eñin men eo jaar kõtmene kake! " If you had been here, my brother would not have died, " Martha said. Liin ear ba ñan Jijej: "El̦aññe Kwaar pãd ijin, jeiũ ak jatũ m̦aan ejãmin kar mej. " Kõn men in, kõm̦ro kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kobal̦o̦k ippãn baam̦le ko am̦ro im ro jet me kõm̦ro ar etal ippãerl̦o̦k. But, then, that is what we expected! Ak, eñin men eo jaar kõtmene! Jet iien men in ej wal̦o̦k kõn tarin̦ae im men ko rar wal̦o̦k. The Van Daalen and Kammerud families and others accompanied us, and we camped along the way. Baamle eo an Van Daalen im Kammerud im bar ro jet rar itok ibem tok, im kimar camp ilo ial eo am lok. Kin men in, rej jebar leen kin kijenmij. Sometimes this too is because of war and its aftermath. Jet ien men in ej walok jen tarinae im jerata ko jen tarinae bareinwõt. Ilo jabdewõt wãwen, iumin tel eo an jinen im jibwin, Timothy ear rittolok ilo juõn likao emõn, bõlen enañin 20 yiõ dettan ilo ien eo. Consequently, they bear fruit with endurance. Kin menin, rej jebar leen kin kijenmij. Kõnke Jeova ear "ko̦o̦r dãnnin kõmjaal̦al̦ otemjej, " ta eo ear kõm̦m̦ane ñan pukot men rot kein? In any case, under the guidance of his mother and grandmother, Timothy had grown into a fine young man, perhaps about 20 years old by that time. Mekarta, iumin tel eo an jinen im jibwin, Timothy ear rittolok ñan juõn likao eo emõn, bõlen iturinlok 20 yiõ dettan tok ñan ien eo. Ilo wãwen in ej erom " Jemeir ien in drio. " - Ais. 9: 6, 7. Since Jehovah was "uprooting, even all the land itself, " what sense did it make to seek such things? Ke Jehovah ear "totake, meñe aolepen ene eo make, " ewi tokjen kabukõt kain men kein? 4: 12. He thus becomes their "Eternal Father. " - Isa. 9: 6, 7. (Jon 3: 16) Innem, Kũraij enaaj erom " Jemãer ñan Indeeo. ' - Aiseia 9: 6, 7, UBS. Ekkã an walok bwe program in business ko rej rejañ yuk ñan wia men ko me bõlen kwojjab aikwiji im kwojjab maroñ wiaiki. 4: 12. 4: 12. " Lõñliñ ilo Ien Emõn ' Television programs are crammed with commercials urging you to buy things that you probably do not need and that you may not even be able to afford. Program in television ko robrak kin ennan in kareelel ko ñan rejañ yuk ñan am wiaik men ko bõlen kwojjab aikwiji im kwojjab maroñ kõllãiki. Ejjel̦o̦k bar juon jerbal el̦ap an kam̦õn̦õn̦õik kõj jãn ad jipañ armej ro bwe ren bõk tokjãn jãn mãlõtlõt eo an Anij (Lale pãrokõrããp 12, 13) " Rejoice in Your Youth ' " Kwon Mõnõnõ ilo Ran ko ñe Emõn Ridtõm ' Ewi wãwen an kar ri jilek Paul walok iman Governor Festus im King Herod Agrippa II? No other career offers satisfaction like that. Lasting joy comes from helping people to benefit from God's wisdom (See paragraphs 12, 13) Innem alikkar bwe ejjel̦o̦k juon jerbal ilo lal̦ in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe jen lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ ijello̦kun wõt ad karejar ñan Jeova im katakin ro jet kõn E. " Ren nebar etõm aibujuij. " - EKK. How did the apostle Paul come to appear before Governor Festus and King Herod Agrippa II? Kar ewi unin an ri jilek Paul jutak iman mejen Governor Festus im King Herod Agrippa II? Ak rej "jerbal emõn otemjej. " " Let them bless your glorious name. " - NEH. Ejjel̦o̦k oktak ilo raan kein ad jãn kar iiõ ko 7 m̦okta jãn Kũraij. " But they are "equipped for every good work. " Ak "emwij kõkõmõnmõn [ir] ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " Jen jab einwõt ir. It is incredible how the distinctive prosody of the Song of Sea is the same today as it was in the 7th - 8th centuries. " Ekabwilõñlõñ bwe wãwen air kar je Al eo ilo Lomalo Eo 600 lok ñõn 700 yiõ ko remotlok ej jejit wõt ñõn ran kein. " Jemaroñ bareinwõt kajitõk ibben ñan jibañ kij jerbale meanwõd im kijenmij bwe jen maroñ kijenmij ñe jej nañinmij. Never should we be like them. (Jud 8 - 10) Jejjab kõnan einwõt ir. Kõtlok bwe Nan in Anij En Meramlok Ial eo Am We may also ask him to help us exercise patience and endurance so as to put up with the illness. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 3: 21) Bareinwõt jemaroñ kajitõk ibben bwe en jibañ kij ñan kwalok meanwõd im kijenmij ilo ien ad nañinmij. Bõtab, ñe jej tõmak kin men ko jaar katak kaki kin Jehovah, jej jutak kin tõmak ko ad, im kõmman eindein ilo juõn wãwen kautiej. - 1 Piter 3: 15. Let God's Word Light Your Roadway Kõtlok Bwe Nan In Anij En Kameram Ial Eo Am L̦õmn̦ak kõn wãween ko rem̦m̦an ippãn, im kwal̦o̦k am̦ kam̦m̦oolol kõn eo pãleem̦. When we are convinced of what we have learned about Jehovah, however, we stand up for our beliefs, doing so in a respectful manner. - 1 Peter 3: 15. (Jon 15: 20) Ak ñe el̦ap ad tõmaki men ko jaar katak kõn Jeova, jenaaj jutak pen kõn tõmak in ad, bõtab ilo juon wãween im ej kwal̦o̦k kautiej. - 1 Piter 3: 15. Jehovah ear jiroñ kij bwe elõñ iad jemaroñ kejatdikdik ñan mour ion lal ñan loan juõn paradise elemõnõnõ. Focus on his or her good qualities, and express appreciation for your mate. L̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõm̦m̦an ko an rem̦m̦an im kwal̦o̦k am̦ kam̦m̦oolole, im jab kananaiki im̦aan mejãn ro nejimiro. Ak jenaj kar maroñ ke kile lemnak eo an jitõb ro rewãppen, jelãlokjen, im kajur eo air elaplok jen kij make? - Dri Hibru 2: 6, 7. Jehovah has told us that most of us can hope to live on an earth transformed into a delightful paradise. Jehovah ear jiroñ kij bwe enañin kij aolep jemaroñ bõk kejatdikdik eo ñan mour ilo juõn lal me enaj ukõte ñan juõn paradise ekalañliñ. Bõtab, ear bõk juõn menin letok, ilo jet wãwen ko remõnlok. - Dri Hibru 11: 5; Jenesis 5: 22 - 24. But would we really have been able to identify with the perspective of perfect spirit creatures, whose knowledge, experience, and strength are far superior to our own? - Hebrews 2: 6, 7. Ak jemaroñ lukkun melele ke kin lemnak eo an enjel ro rewãppen, ro me jelãlokjen, mour, im kajur eo air reutiejlok jen kij? - Dri Hibru 2: 6, 7. Ekanuij bidodo ñan ba: " Ij dik wõt ñan nebar Jehovah. However, he received a gift that was, in some respects, even better. - Hebrews 11: 5; Genesis 5: 22 - 24. Bõtab, ear bõk juõn men in letok me ear, ilo jet wãwen ko, emõnlok. - Hebrews 11: 5, NW; Jenesis 5: 22 - 24. Kin menin, Iroij eo an "men in mour ko ion juõn tausan tol ko " emaroñ jimwe an kajitõk ibben leo Job:" Kw'ar jela ke ien eo ejejit ñõn tol ko in dreka eo bwe ren keutak? " - Sam 50: 10; Job 39: 1. It is all too easy to say: "I am too young to praise Jehovah. Ebidodo ba: "Ijjab maroñ nebar Jehovah kinke ij dik wõt. Kwomaroñ Ke Kamelele? Thus, the Owner of "the beasts upon a thousand mountains " could rightfully ask the man Job:" Have you come to know the appointed time for the mountain goats of the crag to give birth? " - Psalm 50: 10; Job 39: 1. Kin menin, Armij eo an "menin mour ko ion thousand tol ko " ear wor an jimwe in kajitõkin maan eo Job:" Kwo jela ien eo ke got rawia in dreka rej keutak ke? " - Psalm 50: 10; Job 39: 1. Ej ba: "Iar lukkuun ajl̦o̦k kõn aõ kar kajjioñ kõm̦m̦ane men in im iar jab lukkuun bũrom̦õj ium̦win juon iiõ. Can You Explain? Kwo Maroñ Ke Kamelele? • Ilo ta eo Ri Christian ro rej liki kin juõn ilju eo ewõr jokane ie? " I felt tremendous guilt for trying to serve in this capacity and not even lasting a full year, " she says. " I ar eñjake an lap aõ bwid kin aõ kajeoñ in jerbal ilo jerbal in im ear jab aetok ñan aolepen juõn yiõ in aõ pioneer, " kõrã eo ej ba. 4: 6. • In what do Christians put their trust for a secure future? • Ñan bõk juõn ilju ejokane, ta eo Ri Christian ro rej likit air kejatdikdik ion? Kũrjin ro rem̦ool rar pokake naan in kakkõl ko an im rar diwõjl̦o̦k jãn Jerusalem. 4: 6. 4: 6. Inem ear lelok ñan ri belele rein ien emõn ñan kobrak lal in ibben ajiri ro nejiir. True Christians heeded his warning and got out of Jerusalem. Ri Christian ro remol rar bokake nan in kakkil eo an im illok jen Jerusalem. Meñe mõttan ko ilo lal in remweie, juõn mõttan elap in armij ro rej mour wõt ilo jeramel. Then he gave this couple the opportunity to fill the earth with their children. (Jenesis 2: 21, 22) Innem, ear jiroñ erro bwe ren kobrak lal̦ in kõn armej. " Ejjab wãwen eo armij ej loe ej wãwen eo Anij ej loe. " - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Although parts of the world are prosperous, a large portion of mankind still live in extreme poverty. Meñe ewõr jet jikin ilo lal̦ in el̦ap an armej ro ie m̦weiie, ak elõñ wõt armej ro el̦ap aer jeram̦õl. Ijo, ilo ene eo eaetok in ien molo, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej etal wõt im jeor ine in Ailiñ eo. " Not the way man sees is the way God sees. " - 1 SAMUEL 16: 7. " Jeova e jab lo einwõt armij ej lo. " - 1 SAMUEL 16: 7. Kajitõk ko Jen Ro Rej Read There, in the land of long winters, Jehovah's Witnesses continue to sow Kingdom seed. Ijin, ilo enein eaetok ien bio ie, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej etal wõt em jeor ine eo an Ailiñ eo. • ñe jej jelmae abañ ko kin ejmour? Questions From Readers Kajitõk ko Jen Ro Rej Read 5, 6. • when facing health problems? • ñe jej jelmaik abañ ko kin ejmour? Ewi wãwen David ear ejmour ilo jitõb? 5, 6. 5, 6. Ke rej lañliñ kin Kwojkwoj in Kijone eo ibben don, ej katakin kin juõn katak eaibujuij kin ettã buru ilo an kwal neiir. How did David recover spiritually? Ta ko Devid ear kõm̦m̦ani bwe en bar em̦m̦an jem̦jerã eo an ippãn Jeova? Nan in kakkõl in Jesus Christ ear letoke enañin 2,000 yiõ ko remotlok elaplok an aorõk kiõ jen mokta. As they enjoy the Passover together, he teaches the 12 a beautiful lesson in humility by washing their feet. Ke rej mõnõnõ ibben don im kõmmane Kwojkwoj eo, ej katakin rein 12 juõn katak eaibujuij kin ettã buru ilo an kwal neiir. Ilo kar tõre eo, ear jem̦l̦o̦k Pata eo an Lal̦ Kein Karuo im ear l̦apl̦o̦k an utiej aelõñ ko aer. That warning given by Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago is now more important than ever. (Luk 17: 32) Jijej Kũraij ear kwal̦o̦k naan in kakkõl in enañin 2,000 iiõ ko remootl̦o̦k. Abañ eo kar lemnak eo an Naaman. At that time, World War II had just ended and nationalism was running high. Ilo tõre eo, ej kab jem̦l̦o̦k Pata eo an Lal̦ in Kein Karuo im el̦ap an kar armej ro kautiej kien eo an aelõñ ko aer. Bar juõn ear ba bwe ear wiaik jet kau koman ko im kõnan etale ir. The problem was Naaman's attitude. (2 Kiñ Ro 5: 13) Abañ eo kar lemnak eo an Naaman. El̦aññe kwõj kwal̦o̦k jouj im lol̦o̦kjen̦ ñan er, men in emaroñ lukkuun jipañ eok. Another said that he bought some cattle and wanted to examine them. Bar juõn ear ba bwe ej kab mwij an wia jet kau ko im ear kõnan etal im lali. Nan ko retton remaroñ ekkar ñan kõnan ko an ro rej date. Making friendly shepherding calls on them can be very effective. Im elap an naj or tokjen ñe elder ro rej lolok ir. Inem rar kobalok ibben ñan juõn wa eo ej uwe ie im karuwaineneik e jilu mile aetokin mae ien enbwin eo an ear jorrãn ilo jabdewõt jikin. Clean expressions of endearment may be appropriate during courtship. Ro rebojak in mare remaroñ kwalok air yokwe don ilo wãwen ko rekkar im erreo ñan Christian. Etke kwojjab bõk ien ñan readi jet ian eon ko ilo Bible ilo kajjojo ran ko rej tellok ñan Kwojkwoj in Kejota eo an Iroij? Then they attached him to a pickup truck and dragged him three miles [5 km] down the road until his body hit a culvert. Ke Moses ear 80 an yiõ, Anij ear lelok ñan e juõn kien elap: "Kwoj ãñintok ro nejiõ jen Ijipt. " Why not take time to read at least some of the passages of Scripture on each of the days leading up to the Lord's Evening Meal? Satan ekõnan bwe jen bõk jemlok eo bwe jejjab maroñ ellã jen tiriamokake eo an Jehovah im jejjab maroñ tõbar menin aikwij ko An. When Moses was 80 years of age, God gave him a weighty command: "You bring my people the sons of Israel out of Egypt. " Ke Moses ear 80 an iiõ, Anij ear jiroñ e im ba: "Kwõn ãñinl̦o̦k ro Doõ, ro nejin Israel jãn ilowaan Ijipt. " Ij kajitõk ibben ñan kamelele kake ilo aõ kajerbal wanjoñok ko jen ran ñan ran. Satan would like to have us conclude that we are beyond the reach of Jehovah's mercy and are incapable of meeting His requirements. Setan ekõn̦aan bwe jen l̦õmn̦ak bwe joñan an l̦ap bõd eo jaar kõm̦m̦ane, Jeova eban kwal̦o̦k tũriam̦o ñan kõj im bwe ejjel̦o̦k ad maroñ ñan l̦oore kien ko an Anij. Kõnke Jeova im Jijej jim̦or rej kwal̦o̦k tũriam̦o, em̦m̦an bwe jen anõke er. I ask him to explain it using day - to - day examples. Ij kajitõk ibben bwe en kamelele kake ilo an kajerbal wanjoñok ko kin men ko rej walok jen ran ñan ran. Meram eo ilo jitõb ej itok jen Jehovah, im marok eo ilo jitõb jejjab maroñ kobalok ibben. Since both Jehovah and Jesus show empathy, we do well to imitate them. Jeova im Jijej remel̦el̦e kõn eñjake ko an ro jet. Kõn men in, jej aikuj anõke joñak in aerro. Jej aikwij jar kin jibañ jen Anij im kate kij ñan anjo ion jabdewõt lemnak ak manit me enaj bõprae kij jen ad jolet Ailiñ eo an Anij. Spiritual light originates with Jehovah, and spiritual darkness cannot be associated with him. Meram eo ilo jitõb ej itok jen Jehovah, im marok eo ilo jitõb ejjab maroñ kobalok ibben. Ak ej juõn men in meletlet bwe en wõr kõtmene ko remol. We need to pray fervently for God's help and work hard to overcome any attitude or practice that will prevent us from inheriting God's Kingdom. Jej aikuj jar ñan Jeova im akwel̦ap bwe en jipañ kõj, im kate kõj bwe jen jab bõk l̦õmn̦ak ko rebõd ak kõm̦m̦ani wãween ko renaaj bõbraik ad jolõt Aelõñ eo an Anij. (Ga. Ilo an kwalok kin ewi wãwen kabuñ eo emol enaj kareel elõñ armij, Zechariah ear kanan: "Im armij ro joñoul jen aolep kajin ko an ailiñ ko renaj jibwe nuknuk eo an juõn emaan eo ej juõn Ri Jew [jitõb," kimnaj etal ibbemi, bwe kimar roñ ke Anij ej bed ibbemi. " But it is wise to have realistic expectations. (Ais. 32: 1, 2) Ak ej juõn men in meletlet ñan ad kwalok kõmmanwa kin men ko jej kõtmene kaki. Lale ta eo Jesus ear ba tokelik: "Bwe ñe an armij mour e jab kin an lõñ men ko an. " Describing how true worship would attract many, Zechariah prophesied: "It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew [spirit - anointed Christian, part of" the Israel of God "], saying: " We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. ' " Kameleleik kin ewi wãwen kabuñ eo emol enaj kaitoklimoen elõñ, Zechariah ear kanan: "Ñe ien eo enaj itok, joñoul ri ailiñ ko [ak armij ro jen aolep kajin ko an ailiñ ko, NW] renaj etal ñõn ibben juõn ri Jew [Christian ri kabit ilo - jitõb, mõttan" Israel eo an Anij "], im ba, " Kim kõnan iwõj ibbemi kinke kimar roñ ke Anij ej bed ibbemi. ' " [ Kamelele ko itulal] Note what Jesus next said: "Even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " Lale ta eo Jesus ej ba kiõ: "An armij mour e jab kin an lõñ men ko an. " Ijellokin eon kein rekadu, ewõr jejjo men ko rej jitõñlok ñan Enoch ilo Bible eo. [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko itulal] Jesus Christ ear kamelele bwe ran kein ad rej einlok wõt "ran ko an Noa. " Apart from those brief verses, there are few references to Enoch in the Bible. (Dri Hibru 11: 5, 13) Ijellokin eon kein, eiet eon ko jet ilo Bible rej konono kin Enoch. Ta eo ekoba ilo kabuñburuen Jehovah ijellokin ad konono ibben ro jet kin e? Jesus Christ explained that our times today are much like "the days of Noah. " (Malakai 3: 6) Jijej Kũraij ear ba bwe raan kein jej mour ie ej "ãinwõt tõre ko an Noa. " Inem ej aikwij bõk jibañ ñan kajemlok manit in enana. - Jem. What is involved in pleasing Jehovah besides talking to others about him? Ta eo ej kitibuji ñan kabuñburuen Jehovah ijellokin ad konono ñan ro jet kin e? Ke Lucía ear emen an yiõ, ear jino lap an metak. Then he ought to get help to end that vile practice. - Jas. (2 Korint 13: 5, UBS) Ñan waanjoñak, juon eo em̦õj an peptaij ak ej alwõji pija ko rettoon ej aikuj kajjitõk ippãn make im ba: " Ij ke kwõjarjar ilo aõ kõm̦m̦ane men in? ' Martin ej ba, "Ilo iien in, iar jino l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k men en̦ imaroñ kõm̦m̦ane ilo mour in m̦are eo aõ. " When Lucía was four, she began to have severe stomach pains. Ke Lucía ear emen an yiõ, ear jino wõr metak ko relap ilo lojen. Bwebwenato eo ilo Bible ej ba: "Kiõ juõn ñitta ej walok ilo eneo. " Martin says, "During that argument, I began thinking that we could no longer live together, that I should just quit trying to make the marriage work. " Iar l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k men en kõmro maroñ kõm̦m̦ane im kõmro ej aikuj jepel. " Ilo 537 B.C.E., juõn bwen Israel ear bar jeblak elikin 70 yiõ in kamakoko eo an Babylon. The Bible account says: "Now a famine arose in the land. " Bwebwenato eo ilo Bible ej ba: "Im kiõ juõn ñitta ear walok ilo ene eo. " Ilo tukaduin, rej aikwij kaorõk men ko raorõk - juõn kien mour erreo eo ear bedbed ion tõmak eo ekajur kin babu ibben don - koba mwil eo ej errã ibben tõmak kein. In 537 B.C.E., a remnant of Israel was restored after 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Ilo 537 B.C.E., juõn bwen Israel ear bar jeblak elikin 70 yiõ ko ear bed ilo kamakoko. Ta kallim̦ur eo Anij ear lel̦o̦k ñan Ebream, im ta eo ear kwal̦o̦k kake kõn Ine eo kar kallim̦ur kake? In short, they need values - a moral code made up of strongly held beliefs about sex - along with conduct that conforms to those beliefs. (Hibru 5: 14) Jodrikdrik ro rej aikuj mel̦el̦e im errã kõn l̦õmn̦ak ko an Jeova kõn an ruo armej pãd ippãn doon. Im rej aikuj mour ekkar ñan l̦õmn̦ak kein an Jeova. Kien eo elaptata, Jesus ear ba, "Kwon yokwe Iroij am Anij kin aolepen buruõm im kin aolepen am, im kin am lemnok otemjej. " God gave Abraham what promise, and what did it indicate regarding the promised Seed? Ta kallimur eo Anij ear lelok ñan Abraham, im ta eo ear kalikare ikijen Ine eo kar kallimur kake? Ri Greek ro remaroñ kar watõk meanwõd einwõt juõn kakõllan mõjno, ak ijin, einwõt ilo wãwen ko jet, "men in bwebwe an Anij e meletlet jen armij rõn, im mõjino an Anij elap jen armij. " - 1 Dri Korint 1: 25. The greatest commandment, Jesus said, is: "Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Jisõs ear ba bwe kien eo elaptata ej: "Kwon yokwe Iroij am Anij kin aolepen buruõm im kin aolepen am, im kin am lemnok otemjej. " 12 Kabuñ ko Rej Ke Kabuñ ñõn Juõn Wõt Anij? The Greeks may have considered long - suffering to be a sign of weakness, but here, as in other cases, "a foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and a weak thing of God is stronger than men. " - 1 Corinthians 1: 25. Ri Greek ro remaroñ kar watõk meanwõd bwe ej juõn kakõllan mõjno, ak ijin, einwõt ilo wãwen ko jet, "juõn menin bwebwe an Anij ej menin meletletlok jen armij, im juõn mõjno an Anij ekajurlok jen armij. " - 1 Corinthians 1: 25, NW. • Ewi wãwen Jisõs ej Devid eo Elaplok? 12 Do All Religions Lead to the Same God? 11 Kejbãrok Yuk Mõke jen Jitõb ro Renana Ear bukõt jerbal ko ilo mõttan ko relap im kajur ko ilo ebeben eo kein ka - juõn im ear jokwe ilo bukwon ko ilo Kennan an Jehovah. • How is Jesus the Greater David? • Ilo wãwen it Jisõs ej Devid eo Elaplok? Jej aikwij tõmak im meanwõd, elaptata ñe jej kõttar jemlokin jukjuk im bed in enana. He came looking for work in the mining and power - generation industries and settled in rural Victoria. Ear jokwe ilo juon bukwõn etan Victoria, me ettol̦o̦k jãn bukwõn ko elõñ armej ie. □ Etke Christian ro, meñe rej "dri kõmõnmõn, " rej lukkun mõnõnõ? We need faith and patience, especially as we await the end of this wicked system. Jej aikwij tõmak im meanwõd, elaptata ñe jej kõttar wõt kin ien jemlokin jukjuk im bed in enana. Kin menin, ej men in meletlet bwe jen lor nan in kakabilek eo an Jesus kin jar kin elaplok jitõb kwojarjar kinke Jesus ej kamol ñan kij bwe Jemen enaj "lelok Jitõb Kwojarjar ñõn ro otemjej rej kajitõk iben. " - Luk 11: 13. □ Why are Christians, although "weeping, " nevertheless truly happy? □ Etke Christian ro, meñe rej "jõñ, " rej mõnõnõ bareinwõt? [ Pija eo ilo peij 7] Thus, we are wise to follow Jesus ' counsel about praying for more of that spirit because Jesus assures us that the Father will "give holy spirit to those asking him. " - Luke 11: 13. (Galetia 5: 22) Jej kwal̦o̦k ad mãlõtlõt ñe jej l̦oore naanin kakapilõk eo an Jijej ñan jar im kajjitõk bwe Jeova en wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im letok kajoor eo an. Jijej ear kallim̦ur bwe Jeova enaaj lel̦o̦k kajoor eo an ñan "ro otemjej rej kajjitõk Ippãn. " - Luk 11: 13. Emol, ejelok oktak ikõtan ta eo ejimwe im ta eo ejimwe. [ Picture on page 7] [ Pija eo ilo peij 7] Bareinwõt, einwõt bwebwenato eo an Lazarus ej kalikar, Jesus Christ ej mõnõnõ im emaroñ kajerkakbiji ro remij jimor. Basically, there is no distinction between what is just and what is right. Mel̦el̦ein bwe ejjel̦o̦k oktak mel̦el̦ein naan kein ruo. Jet ien rej kajerbal jikin news ko ñan kajededlok melele ko rebwid ak meñe riap ko kin kilen ko im unin armij ro an Jehovah. Moreover, as the experience of Lazarus indicates, Jesus Christ is both willing and able to resurrect the dead. Bareinwõt, einwõt experience eo an Lazarus ej kalikar, Jesus Christ ej mõnõnõ im ewõr an maroñ ñan kajerkakbiji ro remij. Juon un ej kõnke ilo 1990 jim̦a ko, el̦apl̦o̦k ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an im kweilo̦k ippãn doon ilo elõñ aelõñ ko. Sometimes they use the media to spread distorted information or even outright lies about the methods and motives of Jehovah's people. (Dri Galetia 2: 4; 5: 7, 8) Jet ien rej kajerbal jikin kõmman news ko ñan kajededlok melele ko rejjab mol ak kwalok nan in riap ko kin kilen im kõmman ko an armij ro an Jehovah. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn aolep ro me el̦ap aer yokwe er. For one thing, since the 1990 ' s, we have enjoyed more freedom to preach the good news and to assemble together in large numbers. Ñan waanjoñak, jãn kar 1990 jim̦a ko, kõmar m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke ear l̦apl̦o̦k ammim maroñ im anemkwõj ñan kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an, im koba ippãn doon im kweilo̦k ãinwõt juon kumi el̦ap. Ilo yokwe, ejjab lemnak wõt kin bwid ko redik. Consider all those whom their love embraces. Lemnak kin aolep ro rej koba ilo yokwe eo air. Juõn enjel ear weaklok ñõn Jisõs im kakajur e ilo boñin eo rar kalbuji. Lovingly, he does not dwell on minor failings. (Sam 19: 14; 26: 2) Kin an yokwe, ejjab edrep ñõn bwir ko redrik. Eliphaz ear jiroñ Job bwe Jehovah ejjab watõk armij ro rewãnik. An angel appeared to Jesus and strengthened him on the night he was arrested. Juõn enjel ear weaklok ñan Jesus im kakajur e ilo boñin eo rar jibwe. 16, 17. Eliphaz was telling Job that Jehovah considers no human righteous. (Job 15: 14 - 16, UBS) Elipaz ear ba ñõn Job bwe ejelok juõn armij Jeova ej watõke ewãnik. Etke jejel̦ã kõn Rũkõm̦anm̦an eo bwe en wõr unin ad mour? 16, 17. 16, 17. Emol, jej aikwij uak ñan Anij, ak emol ej yokwe eo ad emũlal ñan Jehovah bwe un eo elaptata unin ad kõmanman ankil an im bokake kien ko an rewãnik. Why is knowing the Creator essential to our having meaning in life? Etke jelã kin Ri Kõmanmõn eo ej juõn men in aikwij ñan ad jelã kin unin ad mour? [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] Iv ear tõmake Setan. Ta eo Jeova ear kõm̦m̦ane? True, we must render an account to God, but surely it is our deep love for Jehovah that is the principal reason why we do his will and abide by his righteous standards. " (Dri Hibru 4: 13) Emol, jej aikwij lelok juõn nan kin kij make ñan Anij, ak ej yokwe eo ad emũlal ñan Jehovah me ej un eo elaptata jej kõmanman ankilan im ñan bokake kien ko an rewãnik. Kajjojo ien Jehovah ej kõmman eindein ñan kij, jemaroñ lo ilo juõn wãwen ekãl "ainemõn jen Anij, eo ej elã jen jela otemjej. " [ Picture on page 15] [ Pija eo ilo peij 28] Ak Bible eo ej kamol ñan kij bwe elañe jej "bukõt Anij, " jenaj" lo E, " kinke "E jab etolok jen kij otemjej. " What was Jehovah's response? Kar uak et eo an Jehovah? Kanan eo an Malachi ewõr juõn jejjet in kitien ilo ran kein ibben Christian ri kabit ro ilo jitõb, ro rej ejaake juõn ailiñ in 144,000. Each time Jehovah does so for us, we may experience in a new way "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " Kõn men in, jabdewõt men ko Jeova ej kõm̦m̦ani ñan kõj kiiõ rej kõm̦m̦an bwe jen lo " aenõm̦m̦an eo an Anij, eo el̦ap jãn joñan an armej maroñ mel̦el̦e kake ' ilo bar juon wãween ekããl. Elõñ ri kanan ro jet, ekoba Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Nahum, im Micah, rar bõk ennan ko ralikar jen Anij ikijen enjel ro. But the Bible assures us that if we "seek God, " we will" really find him, " for "he is not far off from each one of us. " Bõtab Baibõl̦ eo ej kaalikkar ñan kõj bwe ñe jej "pukot Anij, " jenaaj" lo E " kõnke "Ejjab ettol̦o̦k jãn kõj otemjej. " Tiriamokake ñan Ri Jumae Ro Malachi's prophecy has a modern - day fulfillment in connection with spirit - anointed Christians, who make up a spiritual nation of 144,000. Nan in kanan eo an Malachi ej jejjet kitien ilo ran kein ibben Christian ri kabit ro, me rej 144,000 orair. Meñe ear jab kõtlok bwe ro jet ren naetan juõn anij ke ear mour, ear akwelap bwe armij eo an Rom en kabuñ ñõn e einwõt juõn anij wan. Many other prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Nahum, and Micah, received specific messages from God through angels. Elõñ ri kanan ro jet, ekoba Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Nahum, im Micah, rar bõk ennan ko jen Anij ikijen enjel ro. Ilo Bible eo, "wãnik " im" erreo " remaroñ kalikar ta eo erreo ilo kanniek. Mercy Toward Transgressors Tiriamokake Ñan Ro Rej Jerawiwi E naj lõñliñ ibemi kin lamij ko remõnõnõ. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17. Although Augustus did not allow others to call him a god when he was alive, he insisted that the personification of Rome as a goddess - Roma Dea - be worshipped. Meñe Augustus ear jab kõtlok bwe armij ro ren kir e einwõt juõn anij ke ear mour, ear ba bwe ren kabuñ ñõn anij kõra eo etan Roma Dea me ear jutõk kin ailiñ in Rom. Ñan Lo Mol ko kin Mour an Armij In the Bible, "pure " and" clean " can indicate what is clean in a physical sense. Ilo Baibel eo, "erreo " ej kalikar kin erreo ilo enbwin. Dri jilik Paul ear rejañ: "Ami kamanwa en walok ñõn armij otemjej. " He will be joyful over you with happy cries. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17. E naj lañliñ iom kin mõnõnõ in lamõj ko. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17, NW. David ear lemnak wõt kin jerbal ko an Anij. Into the Living Languages of Mankind Ukõte ñan Kajin ko Remour an Armij Bõtab, ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe aolepen kumi in rar bõk nañinmej in malaria, im Devid Jones ear luuji lio pãleen im ajri eo nejin ilo Tijem̦ba 18 " Let your reasonableness ["yielding (ness), " Kingdom Interlinear] become known to all men, " exhorts the apostle Paul. " Ami kamanwa ["kõttãik kij, " Kingdom Interlinear] en walok ñõn armij otemjej, " ri jilek Paul ear ba. * (Pil. Ke Apollos ear jokwe ilo Ephesus, ear juõn ri evanjel ekijejeto. David kept himself concerned with God's works. Devid ear jab bwijrõk jen an lemnok kin jerbal ko an Anij. Meñe jejjab aikwij katok kin men in katok ko ilo ran kein, ekkar bwe jen kwalok ad yokwe Anij ilo ad kautiej e kin "men in aurõk ko " ad. Sadly, however, the entire group was stricken with malaria, and Jones lost his wife and child in December 1818. Bõtab, ekaburomõjmõj bwe aolepen kumi eo ear bõk nañinmij in malaria, im ear mij lio belen Devid Jones im ajiri eo nejin ilo Tijemba 1818. Jehovah ejamin uake jar ko ad elañe jej jerawiwi. When Apollos took up residence in Ephesus, he was already a zealous evangelizer. Ke Apollõs ear etal im jokwe ilo Epesõs, ear mwij karere an erom juõn dri evanjel ekijejeto. Eñin unin Jesus ear katakin kij ñan jar bwe Ailiñ in Anij en itok im rejañ kij ñan likit mokta ilo mour ko ad. Though we are not required to offer literal sacrifices today, it is only proper that we show our love for God by honoring him with our "valuable things. " Kõj bareinwõt jemaroñ kõjerbal men ko " m̦weied ' ñan kwal̦o̦k bwe jej yokwe Jeova. (Riit Jenesis 3: 1 - 5.) Jehovah will not answer our prayers if we practice sin. Jehovah ejamin uaki jar ko ad elañe jej kõmman bwid. [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] That is why Jesus taught us to pray for God's Kingdom to come and urged us to put it first in our lives. Eñin unin Jesus ear katakin kij ñõn jar kin Ailiñ eo an Anij bwe en itok im rejañ kij bwe jen likit e mokta ilo mour ko ad. " [Jijej] ear kanemkwõj kõj kõn bõtõktõkin Jijej, aet, jeorl̦o̦k bõd ko ad. " - Ep. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) (Riit Jenesis 3: 1 - 5.) 8, 9. [ Picture on page 10] [ Pija eo ilo peij 16] * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) " By means of [Jesus] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses. " - Eph. Kõnke Jijej ear katok kõn mour eo an, ear maroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe armej ro repokake ren maroñ ro jeran Anij. Jemaroñ aikuj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kate kõj im jab ebbeer. 8, 9. 8, 9. Ejjel̦o̦k kien ilo Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k kõn armej ro an Anij ilo raan kein. * The sister relates: "Many told me they were praying for me; others phoned me. * Kõrã ri tõmak eo ear ba: "Elõñ rar jiroñ iõ bwe rar jar kin iõ; ro jet rar telephone tok ñan ibbã. Ilo an konono kin ta eo enaj walok ilo eñtan eo elap, ear ba bwe armij ro renaj "lo Nejin armij ej itok ilo kõro ko i lõñ. " We may need to work on our shortcomings continually and not become disheartened. 4: 12) Ak jenaj bõlen aikwij in wõnmanlok wõt im anjo ion likjap ko im jab ebwer. Ñan wanjoñok, Jehovah ej jerbale tel eo an ion Christ ilo juõn wãwen ejoij im ejelok kibbon ie, im Jesus ej uake. No written law code identifies God's people today. Ejelok juõn lajrak in kien einwõt ear bed ibben ailiñ in Israel mokta ej kõmman bwe armij ren kile armij ro an Anij rainin. Linda ear uak im ba: "Imaroñ ke kalimur ñõn yuk kin juõn men? " Speaking about what will happen during the great tribulation, he said that people "will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven. " Ke ear kõnono kõn men ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ilo eñtaan eo el̦ap, ear ba bwe armej ro "renaaj lo Nejin Armej ej itok ilo kõdo̦ ko ilañ. " Wõn emaroñ jimwe an kajutak kien in? For example, Jehovah exercises his headship over Christ in a kind, unselfish way, and Jesus responds to it. Jeova make ej juon Rũtõl em̦m̦an im ejjab l̦õmn̦ak kõn e make. M̦õttan jidik armej ro renaaj iioon eñtaan eo el̦ap me enaaj wal̦o̦k ijin ioon lal̦. Linda responded: "May I assure you of something? " Linda ear uak im ba: "Imaroñ ke kwalok ñõn yuk juõn men? " Ke aolep Ri Israel ro rar wujleplok air mour ñan Jehovah ilo air lotak, ro rar wujleplok air mour ilo air lelok men in katok ko ilo mõnõnõ rar " bõk buñburu ñan ir make ' im rar bõk elap jerammõn. - Malachi 3: 10, NW. Who can rightly establish this standard? Wõn eo emaroñ jimwe an ejaake kien in? Ear kõpel̦l̦o̦k jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ibwiljin em̦m̦aan rein im jipañ kajutak eklejia ko rekããl, im ear jel̦ã kajjien armej ro ilo jikin ko rettol̦o̦k. Soon mankind will face the greatest tribulation that will ever occur here on earth. M̦õttan jidik aolep armej renaaj iioon eñtaan eo el̦ap me enaaj wal̦o̦k ijin ioon lal̦. Peij Jilñoul - Ruo While all Israelites were dedicated to Jehovah by reason of birth, those who made their dedication meaningful by making voluntary offerings " gained approval for themselves ' and were richly blessed. - Malachi 3: 10. (Livitikõs 19: 5) Meñe Ri Israel ro aolep rar wujleplok air mour ñan Jehovah jen ke rar lotak, ro rar lukkun kõnan kãlet Jehovah einwõt air Anij ilo air mõnõnõ in lelok men in katok ko ekkar ñan kõnan eo air " Anij ear bõk ir ' im kajerammõn ir. - Malachi 3: 10. Jesus ej bareinwõt jelã aikwij ko ad, einwõt Jemen, Jehovah. (1) Ad jeraam̦m̦an im̦aan mejãn Anij ej itok jãn ta? Ikijen "itok " rot in (eo ej walok ilo wãwen nan in Greek eo ʹkoʹko·a), ear keañ:" Inem kakõllan Nejin armij e naj walok i lõñ, inem bwij otemjej i lõl re naj buromõj, im re naj lo Nejin armij ej itok ilo kõro ko i lõñ, im aibujuij elap.... He opened up the preaching work among the Aborigines and helped to establish new congregations, becoming well - known and respected throughout the outback. E eo jinointata ear kwal̦o̦k naan ñan ro rej lukkuun armejin Aujtõrõlia etaer in Aborigines, im ear jipañ kajutak eklejia ko rekããl. Lelok ilo Jitõb Page Thirty - Two Peij Jiliñoul - Ruo Ej yokwe Nan in Anij im kalikar "leen jitõb " eo ilo mour eo an. Jesus also knows our needs, as does his Father, Jehovah. (Reveles̃õn 2: 2, 19; 3: 1, 8, 15) Jesus ebareinwõt jelã jerbal ko ad, einwõt Jemen, Jehovah. Jemaroñ melele men in kinke Anij ear kõmanman juõn lokbook kin wãwen mour an armij. Concerning such "coming " (denoted by forms of the Greek word erʹkho·mai), he declared:" Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.... Ikijen "itok " in (ear alikar ikijen wãwen ko ilo nan in Greek eo erʹkho·mai), e ar keãñ:" Inem kakõlle eo kin Nejin armij enaj walok ilo lañ, im bwij otemjej ilal renaj liãjlol, im renaj lo an Nejin armij itok ion kõdo ko ilañ kin kajur im aibujuij elap.... Ri kabel ro im doctor ro rar lo e, im elõñ rar lamõj, "Men in ekabwilõñlõñ! " Providing Spiritually Kabwe Aikwij ko ilo Jitõb Samuel ear jiroñ armij in Israel ro: "Elañe kom naj mijõk Jeova, im korijer ñõn E, im bokake ainiken; im kom jamin jumae kien Jeova, im kiñ eo e naj iroij iom, kom naj dri kaloran Jeova ami Anij. " He loves God's Word and manifests "the fruitage of the spirit " in his life. Mel̦el̦ein bwe ej aikuj kaorõk men ko ear katak kaki jãn Baibõl̦ eo im kwal̦o̦k yokwe, lañlõñ, im wãween ko jet me rej kalikkar bwe Jeova ej tõl e ilo mour eo an. Nehemiah ear liki kallimur eo an Jehovah: "Ña, im nawõnan. " We are in a position to understand this because God had a record made of how human life began. (Rom 5: 12) Jej aikuj in jel̦ã kõn men in kõnke Anij ej kwal̦o̦k ilo Baibõl̦ eo kõn jinoin an armej mour. Ewi wãwen yokwe im joij eoktak jen joij eo an armij? Nurses and doctors came to see him, and many exclaimed, "This is amazing! " Nõj im taktõ ro rar aolep itok im lale, im elõñ rar ba, "Ekabwilõñlõñ men in! " Ilo wãwen et eo jet ukok in Bible ko ilo ran kein rej noje bedbed in mol ko ilo Bible? (Job 42: 7, 8) Kõn men in, jemaroñ lõke bwe armej ro rejjab weeppãn " ewõr tokjãer ñan Anij. ' Jet news emaroñ juõn men in ittino, im jej aikwij kautiej jimwe eo an ro jet ñan kwalok melele eo ilo ien eo ejejjet ikijen men ko rekkar. Samuel told the people of Israel: "If you will fear Jehovah and actually serve him and obey his voice, and you will not rebel against the order of Jehovah, both you and the king who must reign over you will certainly prove to be followers of Jehovah your God. " Samuel ear jiroñ dri Israel ro: "Elañe komij mijõk Jeova, im korijer ñõn E, im eoroñ ainiken, im jab kabata nae kien Jeova, im kom kab bareinwõt kiñ eo ej iroij iomi naj ro dron Jeova ami Anij. " Emol, ear kwalok elõñ lemnak ko einlok wõt ko ilo letter in rejañ eo an ekajur. Nehemiah trusted in Jehovah's assurance: "Vengeance is mine, and retribution. " (Nihimaia 4: 4) Nihimaia ear liki ion kallimur eo an Jehovah: "Irenwõne Aõ, im wõnan. " (Riit 2 Samuel 7: 12, 16.) How does loving - kindness differ from human kindness? Yokwe im joij ewi wãwen an einjuõn jen joij an armij? Enañin aolep armij ro rar lor ejja ial in wõt jen ien eo mantak. In what way do some recent versions obscure basic Bible truths? Ilo wãwen et eo jet ukok in Bible ko ilo ran kein rej noje katak ko remol ilo Bible eo? " Juõn Eo Emõn ñan Iõ Ke? " ilo book eo Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2; "Nan in Tel ko ñan Kãlet juõn Mour in Mare, " ilo The Watchtower of May 15, 2001; im" Emenin meletlet ke? " Some news may be of a confidential nature, and we should respect the right of others to divulge the information at the proper time through the appropriate channels. Kõn men in, jej aikuj in kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan pepe eo an rein ñan kwal̦o̦k mel̦el̦e kein ilo iien eo rekõn̦aan im wãween aer naaj kwal̦o̦ke. Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen nan ko Jesus ear konono ñan Peter? Certainly, he expressed many comparable thoughts in his own powerful letter of exhortation. Emol, ear kwalok elõñ lemnak ko eierlok wõt ilo letter in kakabilek eo an ekajur. I maroñ kamol ñan jabdewõt jodikdik kin ta eo ej aikwij kõmmane ilo mour eo an bwe elap meletlet ilo bokake nan in kakõrmol kein: " Kememej Ri Kõmanman eo am ilo ran ko ñe emõn dettam. ' (Read 2 Samuel 7: 12, 16.) (Riit 2 Samuel 7: 12, 16, UBS.) Aet. Most of mankind has followed the same course ever since. Jãn kar iien in tok ñan raan kein, eñin men eo armej ro rej kõm̦m̦ane. Elañe emol ad tõmak men kein, jen kaibujuij e kin aolepen buruõd. " Is This Person Right for Me? " in the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2; "Divine Guidance for Selecting a Marriage Mate, " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2001; and" How Wise Is a Teenage Marriage? " in Awake! of September 22, 1983. " Lo Lañliñ Ilo Mour in Mare eo Am, " ilo Imõniaroñroñ an Maaj 15, 2008; "Tel Eo Ekwojarjar Ñan Kãlet Juõn Ñan Mareiki, " ilo Imõniaroñroñ an Jeptõmba 1, 2001; im" Kejbãrok Mour Erreo Ilo Am Kejbãrok Buruõm, " ilo Imõniaroñroñ an Juun 1, 2004. Ta jet ian wãwen kein? What can we learn from the words that Jesus spoke to Peter? Ta eo jemaroñ katak jãn naan ko an Jijej ñan Piter? [ Pija ko ilo peij 21] I can assure any young person wondering what to do with his life that there is much wisdom in heeding the inspired words: " Remember your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. ' Ij kamol ñõn jabrewõt jodrikdrik ro rejjab lukkun jela ta eo ren kõmõne ilo mour ko air bwe emenin meletlet ñõn bokake nan ko rekakõrmol: " Kwon kememej Eo Dri Kõmõnmõn yuk ilo ran ko ñe emõn ridtõm. ' 16, 17. Yes. Aet. Kwoj Kememej Ke? If we truly believe these things, let us glorify him with all our heart. (Reveles̃õn 4: 11; 19: 1) Elañe jej lukkun tõmak ilo men kein, jej aikwij kaibujuij e kin aolepen buruõd. Yokwe Jehovah im kamolol kin kabuñ eo emol emaroñ laplok ilo ajiri ro nejid elañe armij ro ibelakid rej jeran Anij. What are some of these situations? Ta jet iaan wãween kein? Jesus ear jelã bwe buromõj eo etto an bed emaroñ kainebataik ri jilek ro [ Pictures on page 21] [ Pija ko ilo peij 29] Men in emaroñ kitibuj likao im jiroñ ro jim̦or. 16, 17. 16, 17. Bõtab, ro rar wõnmanlok wõt im jeor im jerbal in ekkal eo rar lañliñ kin leen im juburu jen jerbal ko air. Do You Recall? Kwoj Kememej Ke? Wanjoñok eo kin Bread in mustard eo Love for Jehovah and appreciation for true worship can best flourish in our children if they are surrounded by people who are friends of God. Yokwe ilo Jehovah im kamolol kin kabuñ eo emol enaj laplok wõt ilo buruen ajiri ro nejid elañe aolep ien rej kamao wõt ibben ro rej jeran Anij. Enañin juõn billion armij ro rejjab mõñã, ak ebar lõñ men ko jet. Jesus knew that prolonged discouragement could trouble the apostles Jesus ear jelã bwe buromõj eaetok remaroñ kar kabañ ri jilek ro Kwonaj bed ke? That likely included half brothers and half sisters. Emaroñ kar koba ladik im ledik ro jatin. Inem rar aikwij kõmman ejja trip eo wõt ñan air bar jeblak ñan kwelok eo tok juõn. However, those who went ahead with their sowing and construction activities enjoyed fruitage and satisfaction from their labor. Bõtab, ro rar wõnmanlok wõt kin jeor eo air im makitkit in ekkal ko rar lañliñ kin leen eo im juburu eo jen tokjen jerbal eo air. Juõn kakõlle ealikar im alikar enaj kar kakkõl ri kalor ro an bwe bed eo an jejjab loe ear ijjino. - Matu 24: 3 - 14. The Illustration of the Mustard Grain Wanjoñok eo kin Ine in Mustard Eo 6, 7. (a) Einwõt kar Job, ta eo Anij ej kajerbale ñan kalikar tiljek eo ad? About one billion people do not have enough to eat, while others have an abundance. Enañin juõn billion armij ro ejjab bwe mõñã ko kijeir, ke ebuñ pãlok mõñã ko ibben ro jet. Jeje ko ilo Bible rej kwalok ilo alikar kin likjap ko an ro Jehovah ear kajerbal ir ñan tel armij ro an ilo ien ko remotlok. Will you be present? Kwonaj bed ke? 3: 17. Then they had to make the same trip back to serve the next assembly. Inem rej aikwij jeblaklok ilo ejja ial eo wõt ñan air jerbal ilo assembly eo tok juõn. Ri jilek Paul ear kalikar bwe lokatok eo ilo temple eo, ion men in katok ko rar katok kaki, ear jutak kin ankil an Jehovah. A visible, composite sign would alert his disciples that his invisible presence had begun. - Matthew 24: 3 - 14. Juõn kakõlle elõñ mõttanin im jemaroñ loi enaj kar kakkõl ri kalor ro an bwe bed eo an eo ejjab alikar ñan mejen armij emwij an ijjino. - Matu 24: 3 - 14. Ak, Job ear mõnõnõ in kõttar Jehovah, im men in ear jebar leen ko remõn. 6, 7. (a) As in the case of Job, God uses what to measure our integrity? 6, 7. (a) Einwõt kar Job, ta eo Anij ej kajerbale ñõn joñe joñõn wãnik eo ar? Bõtab, ejjab mel̦el̦ein bwe rippãlele ro rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo mour in m̦are eo aer. The Scriptures candidly acknowledge the failings of those whom Jehovah used to lead his people in the past. Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k kõn bõd ko an em̦m̦aan ro me Jeova ear kõjerbal er ñan lale armej ro doon ilo iien ko etto. Ejja book eo wõt ej ba: "Jen Ebeben eo Kein Kajuõn ion annañ ko, ak ekjap ko... ear laplok an jededlok ilo ilobwilij im ilo kabuñ eo make. " 3: 17. 3: 17. Elõñ rainin rej inebata kin air bukõt nebar jen lal in enana. The apostle Paul indicated that the altar at the temple, upon which the sacrifices were offered, represented Jehovah's will. Dri jilik Paul ear kwalok bwe lokatok eo ilo tempel eo me kar lelok menin katok ñõne, ear jutõk kin ankilan Jeova. (Hib. Meñe eindein, emaroñ eñjake bwe elañe ejjab kamao ibbeir, ejjab tiljek. Yet, Job was willing to wait on Jehovah, and this bore good fruit. (Job 13: 15) Bõtab, Job ear kõtar wõt Jeova im kin men in ear lo tokjen. Juon wãween kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ane men in ej ilo am̦ kwal̦o̦k ñan er ewi joñan am̦ yokwe er kõn aer tiljek im kõn wãween am̦ kaorõk l̦õmn̦ak ko aer. Yet, having a disability in common is no guarantee of a happy marriage. Ak, meñe kõmro jim̦or utam̦we im mel̦el̦e kake doon ejjab mel̦el̦ein bwe kõmro naaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ ippãn doon. Ke ear 14 aõ iiõ, iar jino bainier ilo iien m̦õl̦o ko rel̦l̦ap jãn jikuul̦. The same book observes: "From the Fifth Century on, icons or images... became increasingly prevalent in public and private worship. " Ejja book eo wõt ej kwalok: "Jen jinoin ebeben eo kein kalalem im etal wõt ñan elikin yiõ ko 400 C.E. annañ ko ak ekjap ko... ear oktak im laplok kajerbali ilo kabuñ ko an armij ak kajjojo armij make. " Jen etale ewi wãwen jemaroñ kajeoñe yokwe eo Christ ear kwalok, mokta kin mol ko ear katakin kaki, inem ñan armij ro ear katakin ir. Many today are concerned with seeking recognition from this wicked world. Elõñ armej ro rainin el̦ap aer kappok nõbar im buñbuñ jãn lal̦ in enana. Kijirãte Ejelok Unin Even so, he may feel that if he does not associate with them, he is being disloyal. 15: 33) Meñe eindrein, emaroñ iñjake bwe ejjab tiljek ñõn ro mõtõn elañe ejjab kobalok ibeir. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej tõmak bwe Anij ej lomoren ro wõt rej jerbale tõmak ilo katok in binmour eo an Jesus im lukkun lor katak ko an Jesus. One way you can do so is by telling them how much you love them for their faithfulness and how you value their opinions. Juõn wãwen kwomaroñ kõmmane men in ej ikijen am make jiroñ ir bwe elap am yokwe ir kin air tiljek im bwe kwoj lukkun kaorõk lemnak ko air. * At age 14, I began pioneering during summer vacations from school. Ke ear 14 aõ iiõ, iar jino pioneer ilo iien kakkije ko jãn jikuul̦ ilo jem̦ar. 1: 22. Let us consider how we may imitate the love Christ showed, first for the truths he taught, then for the people he taught. (Luke 9: 23, NW) Jen etale ewi wãwen ad maroñ anõk yokwe eo Christ ear kwalok, moktata kin mol ko ear katakin kaki, inem ñan armij ro ear katakin ir. Nan in Greek eo kin "kauwe " elaptata ej jitõñlok ñan nan in katakin, jelãlokjen, im kajimwe, jet ien, bin ak ej yokwe. Hated Without Cause Rej Kijirãte Kij Meñe Ejelok Unin Aolep menin kõmõnmõn ko rej aikwij jela bwe Jeova ej Anij eo emol im bwe eor dri korijer ro an retiljek ion lõl. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God saves only those who exercise faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus and closely follow Jesus ' teachings. Dri Kennan ro an Jeova rej tõmak bwe Anij ej lomoren wõt ro rej jerbale tõmak eo air ilo katok in binmour eo an Jisõs im lukkun lore katak ko an. Bõtab, ñe jej ro̦o̦l ñan m̦weo im̦õd, men ko jej kõm̦m̦ani ilo mour ko ad rej ãinl̦o̦kwõt men ko rar wal̦o̦k ke jaar ilo̦k jãni. * * Enaaj kar men eo em̦m̦antata me rar maroñ kõm̦m̦ane ñan armej ro. 1: 22. Bõtab, Jijej, eo im ej Bõran eklejia eo ej Rũtõl eo an ro ilo bujen eo ekããl. - Epesõs 1: 22. (b) Etke jemaroñ liki bwe jemaroñ kebak Anij? The Greek word for "discipline " primarily relates to instruction, education, correction and, at times, firm but loving chastisement. Nan in Greek eo kin "kouwe " elaptata an jerbal ñan nan in katakin, jelãlokjen, kajimwe im, jet ien, kaje ilo juõn wãwen ekijñeñe ak ewõr yokwe ie. Ilo jem̦l̦o̦kinl̦o̦k 1800 jim̦a ko, elõñ armej ro em̦ool bũrueer rar kappok mel̦el̦e ko kõn "naan ko rem̦ool. " All creation must know that Jehovah is the true God and that he has faithful servants on earth. Men in kõmanman otemjej rej aikwij jelã bwe Jehovah ej Anij eo emol im bwe ewõr ri karejar ro an retiljek ion lal. Anij ejjab wõr juõn belen me ear keotak ajiri ro nejin. But as we know all too well, when we return home, the realities of life remain much the same as they were when we left them. Ak jelukkuun jel̦ã bwe ñe jenaaj bar ro̦o̦l ñan ijoko jikid, jenaaj baj iioon wõt apañ im inepata. Jejjab baj kõmmane wõt juõn "kwalok " ilo ien baptais eo ad ak jej bareinwõt kõmmane ñe jej konono kin Jehovah ilo jabdewõt ien emõntok, ekoba ñe jej bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. That would be the very best that they could do for people. Eñin kar men eo emõntata rar maroñ kõmmane ñan armij. Ekaitoktoklimo, bwe Shem - eon eo ilo Matu 24: 22 ej kajerbal nan in Hebrew eo ilo kajin Hebrew·osʹ, eo ej melelen "kin tokjen men in, ekkar. " - Lale page 13. (b) Why may we be assured that approach to God is possible? (b) Etke jemaroñ tõmak bwe jemaroñ kebak Anij? Einwõt Joel 1: 16 - 20 ej kwalok, ear jako mõñã ko ilo Judah eo etto. In the late 1800 ' s, a number of sincere individuals were searching for an understanding of "the pattern of healthful words. " Enañin 200 yiõ ko remotlok, elõñ armij ro emol burueir rar kate ir ñõn melele kin "nan ko remol. " (2 Tim. Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, 1 Dri Tessalonika 5: 15 ej kakabilek kij: "Lo, ejelok bar juõn ej kõmõn nana ñõn bar juõn; a komin jibadõk men eo emõn ñõn dron, im ñõn armij otemjej. " God does not have a literal wife with whom he fathered children. Anij ejjab aikuji juon pãleen bwe en maroñ wõr nejin. Jen ion jet iair. Not only do we make a "public declaration " at the time of our baptism but we also make it when we speak about Jehovah at every opportunity, including when we engage in the ministry. 10: 10) Jejjab baj "kwalok " wõt ilobwilij ilo ien eo jej baptais ak jej bareinwõt kõmmane men in ñe jej konono kin Jehovah ilo jabdewõt ien ebellok, ekoba ilo ien eo jej jerbal in kwalok nan. (Mat. 28: 19, 20; Hib. Etetal einwõt Jesus ear etetal ej kitibuj ad anõk aolepen wãwen mour eo ad elikin joñok im katak ko an. Interestingly, Shem - Tob's text of Matthew 24: 22 uses the Hebrew word ʽa·vurʹ, which means "for the sake of, on account of, in order that. " - See preceding article, page 13. Ekaitoktoklimo bwe, ukok eo an Shem - Tob kin Matthew 24: 22 ej kajerbal nan in kajin Hebrew ʽa·vurʹ, im ej melelen "ñõn lelok tokjen, bwe en wor tokjen. " - Lale katak eo lok iman, peij 13. 6: 22. As Joel 1: 16 - 20 shows, food was cut off in ancient Judah. Einwõt an Joel 1: 16 - 20 kwalok, mõñã ko kar kabõjrake ilo Judah eo etto. Aorõkin Ettã Buru Similarly, 1 Thessalonians 5: 15 counsels us: "See that no one renders injury for injury to anyone else, but always pursue what is good toward one another and to all others. " (Rom 12: 17 - 19) Ejja eindreinlok wõt an 1 Dri Tessalonika 5: 15 kakabilek kij: "Komin lale bwe ejelok iami en nawõnan nana kin nana ñõn jabrewõt armij; a ien otemjej komin lor men ko remõn ñõn dron kab ñõn armij otemjelok. " Inem Anij enaj kar kajejjet ekajet eo an ion ailiñ ko otemjej ilo "ene in Jehoshaphat. " Let us meet some of them. (Matu 9: 37, 38) Jen lale jet iaaer. Ear kobaiktok: "A kw'ar jolok men ko relap an kien, ekajet im tiriamo, im tõmak. " Walking as Jesus walked involves patterning our entire way of life after his example and teachings. Ñe jenaaj kõm̦m̦ane men in, Anij enaaj buñbũruon ippãd im jenaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo mour ko ad. Men in ear bareinwõt kõmman bwe jet armij in kabuñ ko ilo ran kein ren obrak kin kõtmene. 6: 22. 6: 22, UBS. Ium̦win elõñ bukwi iiõ ko, elõñ armej rar riiti bokin Daniel ak rar jab lukkuun mel̦el̦e kake. The Importance of Humility Aorõkin Kwalok Ettã Buru Jab meloklok bwe ewõr un ko remõn unin an kwalok meanwõd im bwe ej kajerbal ien eo emõn ñan tokjen eo an ri karejar ro an retiljek. God would then execute judgment upon all the nations in "the low plain of Jehoshaphat. " Inem Anij enaj jerbale ekajet eo an ion ailiñ ko otemjej ilo "komlal in Jehoshaphat. " Ta eo ear walok jen bebe eo an? He added: "But you have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law, namely, justice and mercy and faithfulness. " Jesus ear bar kõmel̦el̦e im ba: "Ak kom̦ij kõjekdo̦o̦n katak ko rekanooj in aorõk ilo Kien ko, erkein: jim̦we, im tũriam̦o, im m̦ool. " Al ñan Jehovah! Anticipation of this event also caused some religious people in modern times to be filled with expectation. (Daniel 4: 13 - 17, NW) Kõtmene eo kin wãwen in ear bareinwõt kõmman an jet armij in kabuñ ilo ien kein obrak kin kõtmene. Elikin jeebeplok eo an Babylon Elap, enaj wõr juõn tarinae nae armij ro an Jehovah, im ilo ien eo jenaj aikwij bed iumin kejbãrok eo Jehovah enaj lelok ñan ri karejar ro an. Over the centuries, many people have read the Bible book of Daniel but could not really understand it. Ium̦win elõñ bukwi iiõ ko, elõñ armej rar riiti bokin Daniel bõtab rar jab lukkuun mel̦el̦e naan ko ie. 17: 22. Never forget that he has good reasons for being patient and that he is employing the intervening time for the benefit of his loyal servants. (Hibru 10: 36) Bõtab, jen jab mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k bwe ewõr unin an Jeova kijenmej im kõttar im ej kõjerbal iien in bwe ro rej tiljek ñan e ren bõk tokjãn jãne. Piter, eo jeim̦ im jatũm̦, ear kwal̦o̦k an yokwe e. " What resulted from his determined course? A kõn ña im ro nukũ, kõm naaj jerbal ñan Jeova. " Ir otemjej eor etan [Jesus] im etan Jemen e ar jeje ion dreka ko air. " Sing to Jehovah! Al ñõn Jeova! Mõnõnõ eo ad einwõt ri belele ro ej laplok ke? ' After the destruction of Babylon the Great, there will be an all - out assault on Jehovah's people, and at that time we will need to be under the protection that Jehovah will provide for his servants. Ãlikin an nãj jako Babil̦on El̦ap, renaaj jino tarin̦aeik armej ro an Anij. Ñe juõn Ri Christian ej tõmak bwe jorrãn eo ej walok jen ekajet jab jimwe, ej aikwij kejbãrok bwe en jab bõk kunan ilo ruruwe. 17: 22. 17: 22. 1, 2. Your loving brother, Peter. " Eo jeimi im jatũmi, Peter. " Ear bar kwal̦o̦k unin an kar armej ro eñtaan ke rar bar jepl̦aak im kwal̦o̦k naan, kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr nañinmej ko rel̦l̦ap, karreoik Ri Israel ro jãn nañinmej ko aer, im bar kõm̦m̦an bwe ren nañinmej. All of them have "[Jesus '] name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. " Aolepeir ewõr "etan [Jesus] im etan Jemen ion dremair. " Dri ailiñ ko re jab kõmõn einwõt ke? " Is our happiness as a couple over? ' Ej ke melelen bwe ejoko amro mõnõnõ? ' Ej bareinwõt kamelele kin jerbal eo kijenmij ej aikwij dedelok ilo kajjojo iad. When a Christian believes that he is the victim of injustice, he should be careful not to engage in harmful gossip. Ñe juon Kũrjin ej l̦õmn̦ak bwe enana men ko ro jet rar kõm̦m̦ani ñane, ej aikuj kõjparok bwe en jab ruruwe im kõnnaan kake. Ej melelen ainemõn eyu ilo lemnak. 1, 2. 1, 2. Katak ko rej kwalok bwe jen 60 ñan 80 percent in ri school ro rej bõk kunair ilo kain makitkit rot in. He gave suffering individuals renewed reason to live by restoring sight and speech, curing disabled limbs, cleansing fellow Israelites of loathsome diseases, and relieving them of other grievous sicknesses. Ear lelok ñan ro rej eñtan wõt juõn un emõn ñan mour ilo an kabellok mejen ro rebilo im ro rejaje konono (Matu 12: 22; Mark 10: 51, 52), kejmoure nañinmij eo an ro re akã (Mark 2: 3 - 12), karreoik Ri Israel ro mõttan jen nañinmij ko renana einwõt leper (Luk 5: 12, 13), im jolok nañinmij ko jet jen ir. [ Pija eo ilo peij 24] Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? " Dri ailiñ ko re jab kõmõn einwõt ke? " Ej Anij eo ej kõmman bwe en eddeklok It also explains the work that endurance must complete in each of us. Enaaj bar kwal̦o̦k wãween ad kõm̦m̦an bwe en weeppãn an kijenmej jerbal ippãd kajjojo. Bareinwõt ro renaj jerkakbiji renaj bar mij. It means complete peace of mind. Ej melelen ainemõn in lemnak. Ewi wãwen juõn ri karejaran Jehovah emaroñ kejbãrok e jen an lorak ilo aujid in arõk mweiuk? Studies show that from 60 to 80 percent of students engage in this kind of activity. Report ko rej kwalok bwe jen 60 ñan 80 percent in ri school ro rej bõk kunair ilo manit in. Jehovah ear ba kin ir: " Rej ba, " Ewõr ainemõn! ' [ Picture on page 24] [ Pija eo ilo peij 6] Armij ro rej kobrak "kajur ko " (eo eutiej ak diklok ilo kõtan eo air ibben don, ak ien otemjej elaplok an ettã ñan Jehovah) kinke Eo Ekajur Bõtata ej kõtlok ir. It is God who keeps making it grow Anij eo ej kaddeklok Men ko Kwõmaroñ Kõm̦m̦ani ilo Iien Katak ko Rem̦ool jãn Baibõl̦ Eo Even the resurrected ones would die again. Armij ro rar jerkakbiji renaj bar mij. " Jerbal in wãnik eo emol enaj oktak im ainemõn; im jerbal in wãnik eo emol, jokane im jokane ñan indio. How can a servant of Jehovah avoid being caught in the trap of materialism? Ewi wãween juon ri karejeran Jeova emaroñ kõjparok e jãn an po ilo aujiid eo kõn arõk m̦weiuk? Kin ro rewãnik ilo ran kein eliktata, Anij enaj kokkure aolep armij ro renana. Jehovah said about them: "They [are] saying, " There is peace! There is peace! ' (Revelesõn 17: 1, 2) Ak ilo aer kõm̦m̦ane men in, ri tõl in kabuñ rein rej kaalikkar aer ãinwõt ri kanaan ro reriab ilo iien ko etto ilo Juda ke "rar ba, " Aenõm̦m̦an, aenõm̦m̦an. ' Inem ro rej kõnan family eo rej aikwij bukõt tel im nebar eo an, einwõt an kar ri jeje sam ba: "Komin lelok ñõn Jeova, O nukin armij rõn, komin nebar Jeova im kajur. " Humans fill "relative " positions of authority (greater or lesser in relation to one another, but always inferior to Jehovah) because the Almighty allows them to. (Dri Rom 13: 1, 2) Armij ro rej bõk maroñ ko "ewõr joñan " (elaplok ak ettãlok ekkar ñan don, ak ien otemjej rettãlok jen Jehovah) kinke Iroij Bõtata eo ej kõtlok ir. Ejjab maroñ ke lo aorõkin mwilin? The Syriac Peshitta - A Window on the World of Early Bible Translations 13 PEIJ 12 • AL: 24, 49 Unin jej iioon apañ ko ej kõnke jukjukun pãd in jej mour ie ej pãd ium̦win tõl eo an Setan. Men in ear juõn riap elap! " THE work of the true righteousness must become peace; and the service of the true righteousness, quietness and security to time indefinite. " JERBAL in wãnik e naj ainemõn; im tokjen wãnik, tõt im liki ñõn in drio. Elañe kwoj itok ijin, kwomaroñ wõnmanlok wõt im kwalok nan im jab aikwij juõn wa! ' For the sake of the upright ones in these last days, God will bring destruction upon all wicked humans. Ñan tokjen eo ñan ro remõn ilo ran kein eliktata, Anij enaj bõktok jorrãn ion armij ro otemjej renana. ILO ebeben ko, Bible eo ear kamakit armij ro jen elõñ ailiñ ko ñan ukõt wãwen mour eo air bwe en emõnlok. So those desiring family happiness should seek his guidance and praise him, as did the psalmist: "Ascribe to Jehovah, O you families of the peoples, ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. " (Epesõs 3: 14, 15) Inem ro rej kõnan mõnõnõ in family rej aikwij bukõt ialin tel eo an im nebar e, einwõt kar ri jeje psalm: "Komin lelok ñõn Jeova, kom ro nukin ian ro dri ailiñ ko, komin lelok ñõn Jeova aibujuij im kajur. " Ilo air katakin ajiri ro nejiir, ro jemen im jinen remaroñ katak kin ta eo ej bed ilo burueir im lemnak ko air. Could he not see the seriousness of his conduct? Ear ke kile bwe elukkuun nana men in ear kõm̦m̦ane? Ilo keidi, ro rej kiki ilo jitõb remaroñ boub - ak jab kin men ko lor jitõb. What a blatant lie that was! Mel̦el̦e in ekanooj riab! [ Kamelele ko itulal] If you come here, you can continue your field service without the need of a car! ' Im ñe kwõnaaj itok ñan ije, kwõmaroñ naaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kwal̦o̦k naan im jab aikuj kõjerbale wa eo waam̦! Ilo tarinae eo ilo jitõb nae ri kaki wan ro, Paul ear jab kajerbal kein tarinae ko an kanniek ejerawiwi - etao, jelã mon, etao. THROUGHOUT the centuries, the Bible has moved people of many cultures to change their way of life for the better. JEN ien ko etto, Baibel eo ear kamakit elõñ armij jen kajjojo ailiñ ko bwe ren ukot mour ko air ñõn juõn mour emõn. Ilo ien kein ruo alikar menin ear jerbal einwõt juõn menin kamol, juõn kakõlle eo ejelok jabdewõt men emaroñ kabõjrak Jehovah jen an kajejjet kitien karõk ko an ikijen kabuñ eo erreo. By drawing their children out, parents can learn what is in their hearts and minds. Ilo air bõkmantak jet kajitõk ko ñan ro nejiir, ro jemen im jinen remaroñ jelã ta eo ej bed ilo burueir im lemnak ko air. Baamle eo ear jeblak jen Ijipt. Elap an aorõk ñan kalmenlokjen kin tokjen ko rej walok jen bebe im makitkit ko ad. Ewõr unin an Kũrjin ro rem̦ool m̦õn̦õn̦õ in karejar ñan Jeova. In contrast, those who sleep spiritually may be very busy - but not with spiritual matters. Bõtab, ro me rej pãd ilo kiki eo ilo kõkkar, el̦ap aer poub ak ejjab ilo men ko me renaaj jipañ er ñan kabuñbũruon Anij. Kain lemnak rot eo emaroñ kõmman bwe jen luji buñburu eo an Jehovah? [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko itulal] Rar kajerbal wõt enañin 500 yiõ ko tokelik. In waging spiritual warfare against false teachers, Paul did not employ weapons of the sinful flesh - deviousness, trickery, deceit. Ñan tarinae ilo tarinae eo ilo jitõb nae ri kaki wan ro, Paul ear jab kajerbal kein tarinae ko ilo kanniek rejerawiwi - mon, etao, riap. Kin menin, jej aikwij kajitõkin kij make, " I naj bed ke ilo lal eo ekãl ñan kobalok ibben Abraham, Job, Daniel, im maan im kõrã ro jet retiljek? ' In both cases this evidently served as a guarantee, a sign that nothing can stop Jehovah from fulfilling his purposes regarding pure worship. Ilo wãwen kein jimor alikar menin ej jerbal einwõt juõn jortoklik, juõn kakõlle bwe ejelok jabdewõt men emaroñ kabõjrak Jehovah jen an kajejjet kitien karõk ko an kin kabuñ erreo. Aet, Lot kar juõn armij ewãnik, im nan ko ijin rej kalikar bwe e kar juõn armij in kabuñ eo ekwojarjar. The family had recently returned from Egypt. Baam̦le in ej kab jepl̦aakl̦o̦k jãn Ijipt. * - Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦. True Christians have every reason to be proud of being servants of Jehovah. Ewõr unin an Ri Christian ro remol kimjãje kin air jutak einwõt ri karejar ro an Jehovah. (b) Ta kallimur eo Jesus ear kõmmane ikijen ro rar bed ilo lũp ko? What kind of thinking could cause us to lose Jehovah's favor? Kain l̦õmn̦ak rot eo emaroñ jino kõm̦m̦an bwe en jako an Jeova buñbũruon ippãd? Baptais ej juõn menin aikwij ñõn dri Kristian ro, im ej juõn buñten ne eaurõk ñõn bõk lomor. - Mat. Their productions were still in use some 500 years later. Enañin 500 iiõ ko tokãlik armej ro rar kõjerbali wõt men kein. Tokelik kimar jino jeje ñõn dron. Therefore, we must ask ourselves, " Will I be there in the new world to associate with Abraham, Job, Daniel, and other faithful men and women? ' Kin men in, jej aikwij kajitõkin kij make, " I naj bed ke ilo lal eo ekãl ñan kamao ibben Abraham, Job, Daniel, im maan im kõrã ro jet retiljek? ' Ri Christian ro me rejjab ebwer ilo mõkaj ilo mour in mare eo air ekkã air lañliñ kin juõn jinekjej emõn Yes, Lot was a righteous man, and the wording here implies that he was a person of godly devotion. Aet, Lot kar juõn armij wãnik, im nan in ijin ej kwalok bwe e kar juõn armij in tiljek ñan Anij. 4: 14. 1: 10 - 12. * * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) " Ear lo juõn jar elap, " lokbook eo ej ba, "a Ej tiriamokake ir, bwe ir einwõt s̃ip ko ejelok air s̃eperd. (b) What promise did Jesus make regarding those in the memorial tombs? (b) Ta kallimur eo Jesus ear kõmmane ikijen ro ilo lũp ko? Emaroñ oktak wãween an kõnnaan ak kõm̦m̦an ak kõm̦m̦ani men ko reoktak jãn doon. Baptism is a requirement for Christians, and it is an essential step to gaining salvation. - Matt. El̦aññe aet, elukkuun em̦m̦an kããlõt in am̦. Etke? Katak Jen Nejin Eo Jacob Ear Yokwe E Eventually we began writing to each other. Ejjabto tokãlik, kõm̦ro ar jino jeje ñan doon. Ilo ejja letter eo wõt ekakõrmol an Anij, Paul ear rejañ ri tõmak ro mõttan bwe ren "kainemõn ro re kũmkũm " im ñan" jibõñ ro re mõjino. " Christians who do not give up quickly on a strained marriage often enjoy a fine reward Kũrjin ri pãlele ro me rej iioon apañ ilo mour in m̦are eo aer ak rejjab m̦õkaj in jepel, ekkã aer lo jeram̦m̦an tokãlik " Jej lukkun aikwij konono ke kin Bible eo? ' 4: 14. 4: 14. Kanan in eaibujuij emaroñ kar kakememej Ri Jew ro rar bed ilo kamakoko kin bar juõn kanan kar je elõñlok jen ruo ebeben ko lok iman: "Jen mweo imõn Jehovah enaj walok ilo juõn ien maan rak, im ej aikwij kelok ilo komlal in tol ko. " " He saw a great crowd, " the record says, "but he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. " Ear lo juõn jar elap, " lokbook eo ej ba, "im ej tiriamokake ir, bwe ir einwõt s̃ip ko ñe ejelok air s̃eperd. Jej aikwij lor joñok eo an Maikeel arkenjel eo im kwalok ar koutiej kajur eo an Anij. He or she may be of a different skin color or nationality or have a different way of speaking or doing things. Unin ej kõnke ro jet rejjab kõn̦aan aetõl e kõnke eoktak kil eo kilin, aelõñ eo an, ak kajin eo an. Jej mour ilo "ien ko renana. " Learning From the Son Whom Jacob Loved the Most Jen Ekkatak jãn Joñak eo an Josep Pontius Pilate rej jelã kajjen ri konono Bible ro kin jerbal eo an ilo ekajet im mõn Jesus. In the same inspired letter, Paul encouraged his fellow believers to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls " and to" support the weak. " Ilo ejja letter eo wõt emwij kakõrmole, Paul ear rejañ ri tõmak ro mõttan bwe ren "kaberan ro rej kũmkũm, " im jibõñ ro re mõjno. " Kõmõn juõn ran im ien ñõn Ien Kabuñ an Baamle eo am ilo jota, inem edrep ñõn e. " Do we really have to talk about the Bible? ' Rej kajitõk, " Jej aikwij ke konono kin Baibel eo? ' Ilo am̦ kõm̦m̦ane men in, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ yokwe ajri ro nejũm̦. This beautiful prophecy may have reminded the Jewish exiles of another prophecy recorded more than two centuries earlier: "Out of the house of Jehovah there will go forth a spring, and it must irrigate the torrent valley of the Acacia Trees. " Kanan aibujuij in emaroñ kar kakememej ri Jew ro rar kamakoko kin bar juõn kanan emwij kar je elõñlok jen ruo ebeben ko lok iman: "Jen mweo imõn Jehovah enaj toor juõn unjen den, im ej aikwij kaemololoik komlal in Acacia Wijki ko. " Ro jeran Anij rej yokwe im dike men eo ej dike. - Dri Rom 12: 9. We should follow the example of Michael the archangel and show respect for divinely constituted authority. Jej aikwij lor joñok eo an arkenjel eo Maikeel im kwalok koutiej ñõn ro Jeova ear lelok maroñ ñõn ir. Ej juõn jerbal elap an aorõk. We live in "critical times hard to deal with. " Jej mour ilo "ien ko renana [rej] waloktok. " Rar bareinwõt ba bwe tarinae eo an lal kein kajuõn ear jemlok. Pontius Pilate is known to Bible readers because of his role in Jesus ' trial and execution. Kõnke elõñ m̦õttan ko ilo dekã in em̦õj aer rup im jako, ewal̦o̦k wõt jidikin kar naan ko ie. Meñe elõñ ine eo ear jeor ear jab jebar leen, Jesus ear kalimjek wõt emõn eo ear kõmmane. Set a definite day and time for your Family Worship evening, and then stick to it. Kwon kãlet juõn ran im auõ ilo juõn jota im karõk bwe en Ien Kabuñ an Baamle eo, inem lore wõt. Anij ej kallim̦ur ñan armej ro. This way you will not overwhelm your children. Bareinwõt, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k aer mel̦el̦e ke rej rũttol̦o̦k. Bõtab, ke Jehovah ear konono ñan Abraham, Ear kalikar bwe "ine " eo an Abraham enaj kar laplok jen baj juõn wõt armij. God's friends love what he loves and hate what he hates. - Romans 12: 9. Ro jeran Anij rej yokwe men ko ej yokwe im diki men ko ej diki. - Rom 12: 9 UBS. Christ Jesus ej joñok eo emõntata kin juõn ri kennan eberan. It is a work of paramount importance. Ej juõn jerbal elap an aorõk. Jel̦ã Etan Anij? It has even been said that civilization ended with the first world war. Kar bareinwõt ba bwe mour an armij ear jemlok ilo tarinae eo kein kajuõn an lõl. Ta mijak ko ajiri eo nejõm emaroñ konono kaki ñan yuk ikijen inebata ko an? Although much of the seed he sowed bore no fruit, Jesus focused on the good he was doing. Kar melejoñe iõ, ak kin jibañ eo an Jehovah I maroñ kijenmij. " God makes promises to humans. (Aiseia 55: 10, 11) Anij ej lelok kallimur ko ñan armij ro. Ta eo jenaaj etale ilo katak in? However, when Jehovah spoke to Abraham, He indicated that Abraham's "seed " would be more than just one person. (1 Jon 3: 8) Bõtab, ke Jehovah ear konono ibben Abraham, Ear kalikar bwe " inen ' Abraham enaj lõñlok jen baj juõn wõt armij. 4, 5. Christ Jesus is the superlative example of a courageous witness. Christ Jesus ej joñok eo elap einwõt juõn ri kennan eberan. 7, 8. Know God by Name? (b) Ta melelen ñõn bõk jerawiwi ko an juõn armij? What fears might your child have about talking to you regarding his or her concerns? Ta ko remaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe ajri eo nejõm̦ en mijak in kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak ko an? Bareinwõt ear aikwij jerbale ankil an Anij ñan kobrak lal in, kajur ion, im iroij ion aolep men in kõmanman ko ion lal ñan iroij ion. I have been tested, but with Jehovah's help I am able to cope. " Kin jibõñ eo jen Jeova, iar maroñ kijenmij wõt ke iar ber iomin melejoñ ko. " Bõtab, Ri Christian ro emol burueir rejjab meloklok un eo elaptata unin annañ eo. (Bõnbõn 23: 19; Duteronomi 32: 4) Innem, ta mel̦el̦ein an Baibõl̦ ba men in? 1 / 1 - 3 / 1 What will we consider in this article? Ta ko jenaaj bwebwenato kaki ilo katak in? Ilo enañin aolep mõttan ko ilo lal in, armij ro remaroñ roñjake im konono kin ennan eo an Ailiñ eo ilo kajin eo air make. 4, 5. 4, 5. [ Kamelele eo itulal] 7, 8. 7, 8. Kõm̦ro ar bar jerbalin lol̦o̦k eklejia ko im kõrã eo ippãn etan Joan, im tokãlik kõm̦ro ar jerbal ilo lol̦o̦k eklejia ko. (b) What does it mean to have one's sins "blotted out "? (2) Ta mel̦el̦ein naan ko an Piter ke ear ba bwe Anij enaaj jeorl̦o̦k jerawiwi ko an juon armej? Ta eo ej kamaroñ kij ñan karejar ñan Jehovah ilo burukuk? He was also to comply with God's will to fill the earth, subdue it, and have all lower earthly creation in subjection. E ar bareinwõt aikwij jerbale ankil an Anij ñõn kobrak lõl in im kajur jen e, im iroij ion menin kõmõnmon ko otemjej ion lõl. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] Sincere Christians, however, do not forget the primary purpose of the icon. Bõtab, Christian ro emol burueir rejjab meloklok un eo elaptata unin annañ. Yokwe eo an juõn shepherd ñan bwij eo elaptata an alikar ilo wãwen eo ej jerbal ibben family eo an make. 3 / 1 Remembering Jesus ' Death, 3 / 1 Ñan jibed armij ro ñan ukõt kabuñ eo air ebwid In almost every part of the globe, people can hear and read the Kingdom message in their own language. Ilo enañin aolepen lal, armij ro rej eoroñ im konono kin ennan eo an Ailiñ eo ilo kajin eo air. Kamelele eo an jinen kin juõn kõrã ri belele eo ewõr an maroñ ej jibañ likao ro ñan kãlet juõn belen emeletlet. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulal] Ej juon jeraam̦m̦an el̦ap ñan jipañ armej ro bwe ren kile Jeova ilo wãween ad kõm̦m̦an ñan er make! Bud Miller and his wife, Joan, next served us in the traveling work. Tokãlik, Bud Miller im lio pãleen etan Joan rar itok im lotok eklejia eo ammim. Ewi wãwen elder ro im ministerial servant ro jet ien remaroñ jibañ lõmaro beleir rejjab tõmak ñan air kamolol kin mol eo? What enables us to serve Jehovah unitedly? Ta eo ej kamaroñ kij ñan ad karejar ñan Jehovah ilo burukuk? Ñe jej kwal̦o̦k yokwe, men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe jen m̦õn̦õn̦õ. [ Credit Line] [ Pija ilo peij 30] Bokin Sam 127: 1 (UBS) ej ba: "El̦aññe Jeova ej kalõk m̦weo, ejjel̦o̦k tokjãn an ro ri kal̦ooran kate er kake. " The love a shepherd has for the flock is particularly evident in the way he treats his own family. Yokwe eo an juõn shepherd kin bwij eo ej alikar elaptata ilo wãwen eo ej jerbal ibben family eo an. MOUR EO AN M̦OKTA: JUON EO EAR WAL̦O̦K Forcing people to change their religion is wrong Jibede armij ñan oktaklok ñan bar juõn kabuñ ej juõn men ebwid Christian ro rej jerbal einwõt ri lale ritto ro jemeir im jineir emol air kamolol ñe juõn jeid im jatid maan ak kõrã ej lelok ñan jemen ak jinen bwe en bed wõt ibben jemen im jinen bwe en maroñ bed ilo juõn kwelok an congregation eo. This mother's description of a capable wife still helps sons to make a wise choice of a marriage mate. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 31: 1; 2 Timote 3: 16) Kamelele in an jinen kin juõn kõrã ekabel im belen emõn ej jerbal wõt ñan jibañ lõmaro ñan kõmman juõn jokãlet emeletlet kin juõn beleir. Alikar, nejin eo ejerwan ear jab e wõt ilo parable eo an Jesus eo ear wõr juõn an abañ. What a wonderful privilege we have of helping people to see Jehovah in the way we conduct ourselves! (1 Korint 11: 1) Jelukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ bwe jemaroñ jipañ armej ro jet bwe ren jel̦ã kõn Jeova ikijjeen kõm̦m̦an ko ad! Ri Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar mour ilo juõn lal elap an kajur - kien ko an Rome im ri utiej ro an lal. How can elders and ministerial servants sometimes help unbelieving husbands to appreciate the truth? Ewi wãwen an elder ro im ministerial servant ro jet ien maroñ jibañ ri belele maan ro rejjab tõmak ñõn air kamolol kin mol eo? Einwõt ro rej bõk joij eo an Jehovah, jej muri ñan e im ro ri turid ñan kajerbal men in letok ko ad ñan nebar Anij im bõk tokjen ñan armij eo mõttad. Loving interest can make any occasion a delight. Innem el̦aññe kwõj kwal̦o̦k am̦ m̦õn̦õn̦õ im itoklimo ippãn rilotok ro am̦, kwõmaroñ lõke bwe aolep renaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo aer koba im bwebwenato ippãn doon. El̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦an oktak ko ilo mour ko ad bwe en maroñ wõr ad iien ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in, jej aikuj jel̦ã irooj iood make im kajim̦we l̦õmn̦ak eo ad. Ke kõmij ro̦o̦l jãn jikin in, joñan an armej ro kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ, rar kotak bok ko aer im yokwe tok kõm. Satan ear bareinwõt " kabiloik lemnak ko an ro re jab tõmak bwe maram in gospel in aibujuij an Kraist en jab romak. ' " Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it, " states Psalm 127: 1. " Elañe Jeova e jab kalek mweo, ro rej kaleke re jerbal bata; elañe Jeova e jab kejbãrok imõn kwelok eo, dri ekil ej ekil bata, " Sam Ko 127: 1 ej ba. Joij eo an Athens University HISTORY: VIOLENT GANG MEMBER MOUR EO AN KAR MOKTA: JUÕN UAN KUMI ELEJ Jej lo an jejjet kitien nan kein bareinwõt. Christians serving as caregivers to their elderly parents truly appreciate it when a brother or a sister offers to stay with the parent so that the caregiver may attend a congregation meeting. (Matu 24: 45) Christian ro rej kouk ro jemeir im jineir reritto rej lukkun kamolol ñe juõn brother ak sister ej ba ej mõnõnõ in bed ibben jemen ak jinen bwe en maroñ bed ilo kwelok eo an congregation eo. Ilo uak ear ba ñan jemen, "Kin men in elõñ yiõ ko I ar korijer ñõn yuk, im I ar jab kokkure kien eo Am, a ñõn ña, I ar jab lelok ñõn iõ juõn dreka bwe in lõñliñ iba kin ro jera: a ke ladrik in nejõm e ar mõña im mour, I ar mõn yuk kin milk. " - Luk 15: 28 - 30. Clearly, the prodigal was not the only one in Jesus ' parable who had a problem. Alikar, nejin eo ejerwan ear jab e wõt eo ilo parable eo an Jesus ear wõr juõn an abañ. Ir bareinwõt rej kate ir ñan kwalok tiriamokake ilo jabdewõt jikin ewõr bedbed ie, ak rej jutak bin wõt ñe rej menin aikwij. The first - century Christians lived in a world dominated by Greco - Roman values and ideals. Ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn Ri Christian ro rar mour ilo juõn lal ijo kien ko in mour im lemnak ko an Greco - Roman rar kajur. Em̦ool bwe eo pãleem̦ me ejitõnbõro ippam̦ ak ajri ro nejõm̦ me rejitõnbõro ippam̦ reban el̦l̦o̦k jãn eo pãleem̦. As grateful recipients of Jehovah's kindness, we owe it to him and to our neighbor to use our gifts to honor God and benefit our fellow man. El̦ap ad kam̦m̦oolol kõn an l̦ap an Jeova jouj ñan kõj. Kõn men in, ej ad eddo ñan kõjerbal menin letok ak kapeel ko ewõr ippãd ñan bõktok nõbar ñan e im jipañ ro jet. 4, 5. (a) Ewi wãwen an Sam 99 kwalok kin kõnan eo an ri kabuñ ro remol an Jehovah? Adjusting our schedule so that we can arrive on time may require self - control. Jej aikwij jatõr ñan ukõt schedule eo ad bwe jen itok ñan kwelok ko ilo awa eo ejejjet. Ej juõn men in kainemõn elap ñan jelã bwe Jehovah ej lelok ñan ri karejar ro an rej bõktok men kein ñan e! Satan has also " blinded the minds of the unbelievers so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ might not shine through. ' (1 Jon 2: 16) Bareinwõt Satan ear " tel biloik ro rejjab tõmak bwe meram in gospel eo eaibujuij kin Christ en jab rome ir. ' Bõtab, Ri Christian ro remol rejjab bõk kunair ilo tarinae ko an ailiñ ko. Courtesy of Athens University Joij an Athens University Ta eo Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah renaj wõnmanlok im kõmmane, im ta eo rej tõmak kake? We are seeing the fulfillment of those words as well. Jej lo an m̦ool im jejjet kitien naan kein an Jijej raan kein kõnke jet iaan ro doon Anij rejjab likũt m̦okta men ko raorõktata ilo mour ko aer. Ro rej kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in kwal̦o̦k kõn nuuj eo em̦m̦an rej kwal̦o̦k kõn an naaj l̦apl̦o̦k an armej ro ko̦kkure lal̦ in. In reply he said to his father, " Here it is so many years I have slaved for you and never once did I transgress your commandment, and yet to me you never once gave a kid for me to enjoy myself with my friends. But as soon as this your son who ate up your means of living with harlots arrived, you slaughtered the fattened young bull for him. ' " - Luke 15: 28 - 30. Im ej uak im ba ñõn jemen, Lo, elõñ yiõ kein I ar jerbal ñõn yuk, im ejelok juõn ien I ar kokkure kiõm: im ejelok juõn ien kw'ar letok ñõn iõ juõn kon in goat, bwe in lõñliñ iben ro jera: A kiõkiõ ke e in nejõm ej itok, eo e ar kõñi am mour iben kõra rekijoñ, kw'ar mõn ñõn e kon in kau emãtõk. ' " - Luk 15: 28 - 30. Kin menin jen lale emen ian nan in kaiñi kein raorõk. They too endeavor to show mercy wherever there is a basis for it, while still being firm when necessary. Ir bareinwõt rej kate ir ñan kwalok tiriamokake jabdewõt ien ewõr bedbed ñane, ilo air bin wõt ñe ej menin aikwij. [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] Of course, your beloved marriage mate or your precious children would not escape your mention. El̦ap an aorõk bwe jen kõm̦m̦an iien ñan kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn jeraam̦m̦an kein ej litoki. Ak elañe kwoj kõmmane men eo enana, kwon mijak: bwe ejelok unin am kajerbal jãje eo; bwe ej ri jerbal eo an Anij, juõn ri jumae ñan kwalok illu ion eo ej jerbale nana. 4, 5. (a) How does Psalm 99 describe the earnest desire of Jehovah's true worshippers? 4, 5. (1) Ta eo rũkarejar ro rem̦ool an Jeova rekõn̦aan kõm̦m̦ane ekkar ñan bokin Sam 99 jebta? Ilo jet ailiñ ko, ro jemen im jinen, ritto ro, im ri kaki ro ejeja air kwalok air buñburuen kin ro redik, rej lemnak bwe kain nebar rot in emaroñ kõmman bwe ren jab itoklimo ak utiej buru. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah lends an ear to his servants who bring these matters to him! Elap an kainemõn kij ñan jelã bwe Jehovah ej roñjake ri karejar ro an me rej bõkmantak inebata kein ñan e! " Kwõn kajoor im kanooj peran... True Christians, however, do not take part in the wars of the nations. Bõtab, Christian ro remol, rejjab bõk kunair ilo tarinae ko an ailiñ ko. Rar aikwij ruj kin bwil in ran eo im molo eo ilo boñ bwe ren maroñ lale bwij eo. What will Jehovah's Witnesses continue to do, and of what are they convinced? Ta eo Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah renaj etal wõt em kõmmane, im kin ta eo rej tõmake? Emol, juõn eo edik an money emaroñ jab watõk e make einwõt arõk mweiuk, utiej buru, jiaik don, ak kajitõbtõb. Actors portraying news announcers described the landing of an invasion force from Mars that would cause widespread destruction on Earth. Im rar kõjjel̦ã bwe ewõr menin mour ko rekaamijak jãn planet Mars repãd ilo lal̦ in im rej itõn ko̦kkure. Lelok kij make ñan juõn sheep eo ejako jen bwij eo emaroñ bareinwõt kalaplok lañliñ eo an Christian shepherd eo ej yokwe. Let us therefore look at four of these important principles. Kin menin jen kalimjek emen ian kien kein elap tokjeir. Yokwe ej juõn menin aikwij an armij. [ Picture on page 10] [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] " Ij bõk lõñ ko im lõl bwe ren kennan nae yuk ranin, " ear ba, "bwe emwij aõ kwalok ñõn yuk mour im mij, kejerammõn im jerata: inem kwon kãlet mour bwe kwon mour wõt, kwe im ro ineõm. " But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear: for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God's minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad. A elañe kwoj kõmõn men eo enana, kwon mijõk; bwe e jab jitokjen an bõk jãji: bwe e dri korijeran Anij, dri irenwõne ñõn illu iben eo ej kõmõnmõn nana. Bwebwenato eo ekairujruj kin Esther ej juõn men in rejañ elap ñan kij bwe jen mour ilo "ien eo ien jemlokin. " In some cultures, parents, older ones, and teachers rarely express wholehearted approval of younger ones, thinking that such praise might make them complacent or proud. Ilo jet mantin ailiñ ko, jemen im jinen ajiri ro, ritto ro, im ri kaki ro ejeja air kamolol im nebar jodikdik ro, kinke rej lemnak bwe nebar rot kein renaj kajowan ak kautiej burueir le jen joñan. 3: 4 - Ewi wãwen Nineveh ear einwõt juõn kõrã ekijoñ? " Be courageous and very strong... " Kwõn kajoor im kanooj peran... Ñan bõk mel̦el̦e ko kõn kõjparok ajri ro jãn aer ko̦kkure ajri ro, jouj im lale Awake! They had to put up with the heat of the day and the cold of the night in order to tend the flock. Ilo raan, rar aikuj kijenmej im jerbal ium̦win det. Ikijen men in, Professor Richard E. True, someone who bets a small amount of money may not view himself as greedy, egotistical, competitive, or superstitious. Emol, eo ej ikkure kin jidik wõt money emaroñ lemnak bwe ejjab kibbon, kemjãje, jiai, kajitõbtõb. Christian ri kabit ro rej bõk kejbãrok ikijen kejatdikdik eo ñan bõk " crown in wãnik, eo Iroij, dri ekajet eo ewãnik, enaj lelok... einwõt juõn jinekjej ilo ran eo. " Giving personal help to a sheep missing from the flock can also increase the joy of the compassionate Christian shepherd. Ñe elder eo etiriamokake ej lelok jibõñ ñõn juõn s̃ip me ejoko jen bwij eo, men in emaroñ bareinwõt kalaplok lõñliñ eo an mõke. Baibõl̦ ejjab kwal̦o̦k el̦aññe Ezra ear lukkuun mel̦el̦e kõn men in. Love is a basic human need. Yokwe ej juõn men armij ro rej aikwiji. Meñe Ri Christian ro rej "mõnõnõ " kin wãwen ko an lal... " I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, " he declared, "that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring. " " Ij kir ñõn lõñ im ñõn lõl bwe ren kennan nae yuk ranin, bwe emwij aõ kwalok ñõn yuk mour im mij, kejerammõn im kejerata: inem kwon kãlet mour bwe kwon mour wõt, kwe im ro ineõm. " Ekkã an naj inebata kin ro rejañin roñ "news eo emõn kin ailiñ eo. " The exciting account of Esther is of particular encouragement to us living in "the time of the end. " Bwebwenato in ekamõnõnõ ilo Esther ej juõn menin rejañ elap ñan kij ro im jej mour ilo "ien eo eliktata. " Ewi wãwen enaj kõtõbrak men in? 3: 4 - How was Nineveh like a prostitute? 3: 4 - Ewi wãwen an kar Nineveh einwõt juõn kõrã ekijoñ? Nan ko rejjab waloktok jen makitkit ko einwõt ejelok tõbrak ie einwõt juõn badikdik ilo ejelok juõn annañ. - 1 Jon 3: 18. For information on protecting children from sexual abuse, see Awake! Ñõn bõk melele ko jet ñõn kejbãrok ajiri ro jen ro rej kokkure ir, lale buk eo etan Ruj! Ta jet ian jorrãn ko Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej iioni rainin? In this regard, Professor Richard E. Ñan waanjoñak, juon ri kaki in college etan Richard E. Jodikdik ro, im ritto ro bareinwõt, rej aikwij kainemõn. Spirit - anointed Christians are sustained by the prospect of receiving "the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give... as a reward in that day. " Ewõr ippãn rũkkapit ro kõjatdikdik eo ñan bõk "kũrawũn in wãnõk " eo me Jijej enaaj lel̦o̦k ñan er. Shepherd eo ad ej bed ibbed, jibañ kij ilo wãwen ko jejjab kanuij jelã kaki ilo jinoin. The Scriptures do not reveal whether Ezra fully understood this. Jeje ko rejjab kalikar elañe Ezra ear lukkun melele kake men in. Ewi wãwen "men in letok eo elap jen Anij " enaj kamakit yuk? Although Christians "weep " because of world conditions... Meñe Christian ro rej "jañ " kin wãwen ko an lal... Ewi wãwen Christian ro otemjej rainin rej bõk tokjen jen jerbal eo an jitõb kwojarjar eo ilo kalikar men ko remũlal an Anij? He most likely would be concerned about those who have not yet heard the "good news of the kingdom. " Bõlen enaj buromõj kin ro rejañin roñjake "gospel eo an ailiñ eo. " Jibadbad ko Rej Menin Aikwij How will he accomplish this? Ewi wãwen an naj kõtõbrak menin? Inem bõk ien ñan uak ilo alikar im jen Jeje ko ilo Bible kajitõk ko an ajiri ro nejõm, im jibañ ir ñan lo bwe katak ñan kõmanman ankil an Anij emaroñ lukkun kajuburu. Words that are not backed up by actions are just as ineffective as a bow without a bowstring. - 1 John 3: 18. Ñe jerbal ko rejjab jurake nan ko enaj ejelok tokjeir einwõt juõn libbon me ejelok to in. - 1 Jon 3: 18. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn eddo eo aer ñan lel̦o̦k katak ko rem̦ool jãn Baibõl̦, loloorjake jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan eo ipel̦aakin lal̦ in, im kõm̦m̦an jããn. What are some of the afflictions experienced by Jehovah's Witnesses today? Ta jet ian jorrãn ko Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej iioni rainin? Kõm̦m̦an iien ñan am̦ kõm̦m̦ane men in kajjojo raan. Young people, as well as older ones, need comfort. Jodikdik ro, im ritto ro bareinwõt, rej aikwij bõk nan in kainemõn. 31 Kwõj Ke Keememej? Our Shepherd is with us, helping us in ways that we may not fully perceive at first. Shepherd eo ad ej bed ibbed, im ej jibañ kij ilo wãwen ko me jejjab maroñ kile ilo jinoin. Meñe ri kabit maan ro rar bed ijo, sheep ro jet remaroñ kar kajerbal ir elañe ri kabit ro rar jab maroñ bõk eddo in. How will God's "indescribable free gift " motivate you? Menin letok eo an Anij "el̦ap jãn maroñ in ba " enaaj kõm̦akũt eok ñan ta? 12, 13. How do all Christians today benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God? Ewi wãwen aolep dri Kristian ro ranin remaroñ bõk tokjen jen jerbal eo an kajur eo an Anij ilo an kwalok men ko remulõl? Ak nan ko kwoj kãleti im wãwen eo kwoj kajerbali renaj jibañ ñan kokkure mour in belele eo am ak ñan kalek mour in belele eo am. Conscientious Effort Needed Jelãlokjen eo Ewõr Jibadbad Ie ej Menin Aikwij Einwõt Judah eo etto, ej ba bwe ej kabuñ ñan Anij ak ej oktak im lukkun nana. So take time to answer clearly and from the Scriptures your children's questions, helping them to see that learning to do God's will can be very satisfying. Inem bõk ien ñõn uak ilo alikar im jen Jeje ko kajitõk ko an ajiri ro nejimi, im jibañ ir lo bwe katak ñõn kõmõnmõn ankil an Anij emaroñ kanuij men in kaju buru. 4: 8. Reflect on their responsibility to supply spiritual food, to oversee the global preaching work, and to manage donated funds. 6: 18, UBS) Jen l̦õmn̦ak kõn aer kõm̦m̦ani eddo ko aer ñan litok ekkan ko ilo kõkkar ak katak ko jãn Baibõl̦, im loloorjake jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan eo ipel̦aakin lal̦ in, im bareinwõt lale jabawõt ko an doulul in. Ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k el̦aññe jej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jeova? Make room in your schedule for some quiet time each day. Kõm̦m̦an iien ñan am̦ kakkije jidik kajjojo raan. Bõtab, ejelok bere, lemnak rot kein rar kõmman bwe elõñ million armij ro ren bere kin bed eo an Devil eo ak ñan lemnak bwe nan in ej jerbal wõt ñan juõn kien enana. 31 Do You Remember? 31 Kwõj Ke Keememej? Ñan wanjoñok, ilo Canada, enañin 3 ian 10 maan ro rar kokkure ir ak elañe ri belele ro mõttair rar kokkure ir. Even if anointed men were available, other sheep could be used if the anointed men were not able to shoulder this responsibility. Meñe ear wor emaan ri kabit ro, sheep ro jet rar maroñ kajerbal ir elañe emaan ri kabit ro rar jab maroñ inek eddo in. Ear bõk ien ñan an ajiri ro, meñe ear boub im inebata. 12, 13. 12, 13. Ta melejoñ ko rej buñõt ro retiljek an Anij, im ta jibañ eo ewõr ibbeir? But the words you choose and the tone you use will help either to tear down or to build up your marriage. Ejjab aolep iien kwõnaaj errã ippãn l̦eo ippam̦, bõtab komiro ej aikuj kõnono ippãn doon kõn men kein. Abel, armij eo moktata etiljek, ear "lo " jabdewõt men Jehovah ear kallimur kake? Like ancient Judah, she claims to worship God but has become thoroughly corrupt. Einwõt Judah eo etto, ej ba bwe ej kabuñ ñan Anij ak emwij an oktak im kanuij nana. Ilo ran ko an Noah einwõt ilo ran ko an Enoch, ri kabuñ ro remol rar juõn jar edik - 8 wõt armij rar tiljek im ellã im mour jen Ibwijleplep eo. 4: 8. 4: 8, UBS. Sam 145: 3 ej letok juõn un elap ñan nebar Jehovah. Men in ej kõmõn bwe en emõnlok an kamelij eo jerbal. Katakin Maroñ eo Ad ñan Jela Ta eo Emõn im Enana What is the outcome if we maintain a spiritual focus? Ta tokjãn ko jenaaj loi ñe jej likũt bwe ad karejar ñan Jeova en men eo eaorõktata ilo mour ko ad? Jej bõk kainemõn ilo ad jelã bwe ilju im jeklaj eo an lal in ej bed iumin pein Ri Kõmanman eo ad ej yokwe, Jehovah Anij. Undoubtedly, however, such misconceptions have caused millions to question the existence of the Devil or to think that the term applies only to a principle of evil. Ejelok bere, bwe lemnak kein rebwid rar kamakit elõñ million armij ro bwe ren bere kin bed eo an Devil eo ak ñan lemnak bwe ej baj juõn wãwen nana wõt. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe Berak ear l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k an maroñ ñan tarin̦aeik rũttarin̦ae ro an Sisera. In Canada, for example, nearly 3 out of 10 men have been battered or otherwise abused by their partners. Ñan waanjoñak, ilo aelõñ in Canada, ewõr enañin 30 bõjjããn in em̦m̦aan ro me kõrã ro pãleer rar m̦ane er. Ear jab maroñ kajekdon kien ko an rewãnik. He took time for children, even when he was very busy and under stress. Ear bõk ien ñan bed ibben ajiri ro, meñe ear lukkun boub im inebata. Jejjab kõnan ba ikijen ri tõmak ro mõttad, "I maroñ aikwij yokwe ir, ak ijjab kõnan einwõt ir! " What trials befall God's loyal ones, and what help do they have? Ta melejoñ ko ro retiljek ñan Anij rej jelmaiki, im ta jibañ eo ewõr ibbeir? Kin men in, lomalo in kijeek eo ej jutak kin jeebeplok eo ej indio. Did Abel, the first faithful human, "see " anything that Jehovah had promised? Ear jel̦ã ta eo Jeova ear ba ñan jedpãnit eo ãlikin an kar Adam im Iv jerawiwi. Ilo jejjet in kitien eo kein kajuõn, "jutõk iloan jikin kwojarjar " eo ear walok ilo 66 C.E. ke jar in tarinae eo an Rome ear tarinaik Jerusalem im temple eo an (juõn jikin ekwojarjar iman mejen Ri Jew ro). In Noah's day as in Enoch's, true worshippers were a small minority - just eight people proved faithful and survived the Flood. Ran ko an Noah rar jab oktak jen ko an Enoch, kar eiet ri kabuñ ro remol - rualitõk wõt armij rar kwalok air tiljek im deod jen Ibwijleplep eo. Kõm̦ro ar jipañ kõm̦ro im ro jet me rejjab Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova bwe kõm̦ro en uwe ioon wũntõ ko. Psalm 145: 3 gives a major reason for praising Jehovah. Sam 145: 3 ej letok un eo elaptata unin ad nebar Jehovah. 8: 19, 2] (pãrokõrããp 15) Meñe Jerbal 2: 33 ej kwalok bwe Jisõs ej mõtõn kãlet eo, Jeova ej Unjen nan in kir eo. Training Our Perceptive Powers Kaminene Maroñ in Jelã eo Ad " Aolepen lõl " ekoba kien, kabuñ, im business ko, im bareinwõt kareelel ko. We are comforted in knowing that our planet's future rests safely in the hands of our loving Creator, Jehovah God. Im el̦ap an men in kaenõm̦m̦an kõj. Elõñ rar l̦õmn̦ak bwe el̦ap an kar em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe rej ba: "El̦ap aõ kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke iar jel̦ã bwe kõm naaj bar kõm̦m̦ane juon jerbal! " Evidently, Barak felt inadequate to go up against Sisera's army by himself. Alikar, Barak ear eñjake bwe maroñ eo ibben ejjab bwe ñan an make tarinaik jar in tarinae eo an Sisera. Elap an yokwe Jehovah! He could not ignore his own righteous standards. Ear jab maroñ kajekdon kien kwojarjar ko an make. Bwebwenato in ekairujruj ej letok ñan kij juõn kamelele lok iman kin men ko renaj walok ilo ran ko renaj itok. Never would we want to say regarding fellow worshippers, "I may have to love them, but I do not have to like them "! (1 Jon 4: 8) Jejjab maroñ ba, "Ij aikuj yokwe ro jeiũ im jatũ ak ijjab aikuj epaake er. " Emol, kajjojo iair, bõklikit eo enaj jino ikkure, ak ej aikwij tel, mokta im elaptata, kien ko ilo Bible rej kakõrmol in Anij. Therefore, the lake of fire must represent eternal destruction. Kõn men in, lom̦al̦o in kijeek in me eoon in ej kõnnaan kake ej kõkkar kõn jako indeeo. Jab bõjrak jen am tõmak bwe ajiri eo nejõm emaroñ erom juõn ri karejaran Jehovah. In the first fulfillment, the "standing in a holy place " occurred in 66 C.E. when the Roman army (" the disgusting thing ") attacked Jerusalem and its temple (a place holy in the eyes of the Jews). (Matu 24: 15, 16) M̦oktata, kanaan in ear jino jejjet kitien ilo iiõ eo 66 ke ri tarin̦ae ro an Rom rar jino nitbwili Jerusalem im tampel̦ eo. Ewi wãwen juõn family ear bõk tokjen jen an " jab kajerbal lal in ñan aolepen lal '? We helped ourselves and our non - Witness neighbors to board up windows, put plastic on roofs, and weatherproof the homes as much as possible. Kimar jibañ don im ro ri turim im rejjab Ri Kennan bwe ren bineji window ko, illik plastic ion bõrwoj in moko, im kaboji jen wũt im kõto joñan wõt am maroñ. Wõn eo enaj kar kõnan kebak juõn kein tarinae ekamijak einwõt in? 8: 19. [ 2] (paragraph 15) Although Acts 2: 33 shows that Jesus is part of the selection process, Jehovah is the Source of the invitation. [ 2] (pãrokõrããp 15) Meñe bokin Jerbal 2: 33 ej kwal̦o̦k bwe ewõr kun̦aan Jijej ñan kapit juon bwe en erom rũkkapit, ak Jeova eo ej kããlõte armej eo. Ak ta kõn jikin eo kwõj kwal̦o̦k naan ie? " The whole world " includes political, religious, and commercial elements, as well as propaganda channels. (1 Jon 5: 19) Ñe ej ba "aolepen lal̦, " ej kitibuj kien ko, kabuñ ko, peejnej ko, im wãween ko Setan ej kõjerbali ñan kajeded l̦õmn̦ak ko an retao. Ri Kennan ro rej bareinwõt "jerbale emõn " ilo juõn wãwen ilo jitõb ilo air jaketo - jaketak ennan in kainemõn im kejatdikdik eo ilo Bible. Many felt as did Mabel Philbrick, who said: "How thrilling it was to know that we were again to have a work to do! " Elõñ rar bõk ejja eñjake eo an Mabel Philbrick, eo ear ba: "Ilukkuun kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke iar jel̦ã bwe kõm maroñ bar kal̦apl̦o̦k kun̦aam ilo kwal̦o̦k naan! " Elõñ armij rej lemnak bwe Anij ejamin kokkure jukjuk im bed in enana, ak Bible eo ej kwalok juõn pija eo einjuõn. How loving Jehovah is! Elap yokwe ibben Jehovah! Satan ej lal in an John 12: 31; 1 Jon 5: 19 That thrilling account gives us a preview of grander events in the future. Bwebwenato in ej kaalikkar jet iaan men ko rekabwilõñlõñ renaaj wal̦o̦k ilju im jekl̦aj. Mour eo an ear bed ilo kauwatata, mweo imõn rar tile, im rar kokkure e. In each of them, of course, the conscience will come into play, but it needs to be guided, first and foremost, by the Bible's inspired standards of conduct. Emol, ilo kajjojo iair enaj kitibuj bõklikõt eo. Bõtab ñõn an tel kij ilo jime, bõklikõt eo ar ej aikwiji tel eo jen kien ko rekakõrmol jen Baibel eo ikijen mwil. Katak " Jen Ke I ar Ajiri ' Never stop believing that your child can become a fine servant of Jehovah. Jab ebbeer ak kwõn kõjatdikdik wõt bwe ilo an ajri eo nejũm̦ rũttol̦o̦k, enaaj juon eo ej karejar ñan Jeova. Ta melelen nan ko an Paul ikijen "juõn kãliklik ilo kõniek, " im ta eo kãliklik in emaroñ kar kõkkar kake? Kõn men in, ejel̦ã bwe kõj armej jejjab weeppãn. 18, 19. (a) Ñããt eo elaptata shepherd ro rej aikwij kwalok inemõn im jatõr? How did one family benefit from " not using the world to the full '? Ewi wãwen juõn family ear bõk tokjen jen air jab " kanuij jerbale lal in '? Ewi wãwen? Who would dare approach such a frightening war machine? Innem wõn enaaj kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kepaakl̦o̦k turin waan tarin̦ae kein rekaamijak? Yokwe im joij eoktak jen joij ilo bar juõn wãwen. What about your preaching territory? Ak ta kin territory in kwalok nan eo am? Ak ta l̦õmn̦ak eo an Jekõb kõn kõm̦m̦an ko aer? The Witnesses also "work what is good " in a spiritual way by sharing the Bible's message of comfort and hope. Ri Kennan ro rej bareinwõt "jerbale emõn " ilo juõn wãwen ilo jitõb ilo air jaketo - jaketak ennan in kainemõn im kejatdikdik eo ej bed ilo Bible. Bõtab, ejjab aolep rej mõnõnõ kin kain jorrãn rot kein. Many people feel that God will not destroy this wicked system of things, but the Bible paints an entirely different picture. (Sam 90: 10, UBS) Bar jet rej pijaikl̦o̦k an naaj kien ko an armej kõm̦adm̦õd aolep apañ ko rej wal̦o̦k ilo lal̦ in. Bõtab, Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe kien eo an Anij wõt emaroñ kõm̦m̦ane men in. Rej bõprae lemnak ko rejjab mol me rej bed ilo elõñ kabuñ ko an Christendom. Satan is this world's John 12: 31; 1 John 5: 19 Kememej men in: Kwo maroñ kõmetak buruen Jehovah ak kamõnõnõik buruen. Her life had been threatened, her home had been burned down, and she had been gang - raped. Rar kalelñoñ e bwe en mij, rar kokkure mweo imõn ilo air tili, im juõn kumi in emaan ro rar kokkure e. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. Being Taught " From Youth On ' Bõk Katak " Jen Ien Ajiri Manlok ' Bõtab, ewõr jet men ko me jemaroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe jej kõnnaan ippãn ro jet. What did Paul mean by "a thorn in the flesh, " and what might that thorn have been? Ta eo Paul ear melele kake kin "juõn kãliklik ilo kõniek [in], " im ta eo kãliklik in emaroñ kar einwõt? Dri jilik Paul ear je: "Ro rej jerbale lõl in ren jab kanuij jerbale. " - 1 Kor. 18, 19. (a) When particularly must shepherds display mildness and self - control? 18, 19. (a) Ñããt eo elaptata shepherd ro rej aikwij kwalok inemõn im jatõr? Katak in enaaj jipañ eok ñan kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn kajjitõk eo an Jijej. How so? Etke jejaam̦ ba men in? 14: 25 - Ta melelen nan ko an Jesus ke ear ba ñan ri jilek ro an retiljek: "I jamin bar irak jen leen vain ñõn ran eo ñe I naj irak e ilo ailiñ in Anij "? Loving - kindness differs from kindness in yet another sense. Ikijen joij eo me eor iben aolep armij ro, ekkã air maroñ kwaloke ñõn ro rejaje kajeir. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe kajoor eo an Jeova ear kõm̦m̦an bwe Jon en jab m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k kõn an kar jab m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k. But what did Jacob think of their conduct? Bõtab, ewi kar lemnok eo an Jekõb kin men eo rar kõmõne? Etke Jen M̦õn̦õn̦õ in Peptaij? Not all enjoy such affluence, however. Bõtab, ejjab aolep rej lañliñ kin kain mweie rot in. Einwõt Ri Jew ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, "rej kijejeto ñõn Anij; a e jab ekar ñõn jela. " They avoid the unchristian attitudes that exist in so many of Christendom's religions. (1 Tessalonika 5: 14) Rej kejbarok ir jen lemnak ko renana rej bed ilo elõñ kabuñ ko an Christendom. Ta men in letok eo emaroñ kanemkwoj kij jen mij? Remember this: You are able either to hurt Jehovah's feelings or to make his heart rejoice. Kwon kememej men in: Kwomaroñ kaburomõj Jeova, ak kwomaroñ bareinwõt kamõnõnõik buruen. (Jen. 6: 5, 6; Ken. Eñin ej aitwerõk eo me mõttan jidik, im ran eo elap im kalelñoñ rej aikwij kõmmane ñan kõmmane men in! Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Meñe ilo lõl in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelalokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. Kememej ta eo ear walok ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. There are some matters, though, on which we may conclude that it is best to communicate. Bõtab, eor jet men ko me emõn ñõn ar kwalok ak konono kaki iben dron. Ta melelen kajerbal jitõb in lemnak eo ad ilo jimwe ñe jej kõmman bebe ko? Im ke rej kõjota ippãn doon, Jijej ej jutak im utũk kopã eo an im ej po̦uti juon to̦o̦l ñan ipin im teiñi juon pejin kõn dãn. Ejja ãindeinl̦o̦k wõt rainin, kanaan eo ilo Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k bwe kien ko an United Nations renaaj ko̦kkure kabuñ ko im renaaj ko̦kkure Jerusalem ilo raan kein, ekoba Babil̦on El̦ap. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let... those making use of the world [be] as those not using it to the full. " - 1 Cor. Ri jilek Paul ear jeje: "Ro rej jerbale lõl in ren einwõt re jab kanuij jerbale. " - 1 Kor. Kwalok Lolokjen ilo Men in Bwilõñ Ko (Jerbal 16: 1, 2) Jãn ke Timote ear dik, rar katakin e kõn jeje ko rekwõjarjar. Ñe emwij ad bõk kejatdikdik in eaibujuij, jemaroñ ke luji? What does your life reveal about the value you place on your soul? This article will help you meditate deeply on Jesus ' thought - provoking question. Katak in enaj jibõñ yuk ñõn lukkun kalomõnlokjen kin kajitõk ko rekaitoktoklimo an Jisõs. ORAN RO REJ KATAK BAIBÕL̦ 14: 25 - What did Jesus mean when he said to his faithful apostles: "I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God "? 14: 25 - Kar ta melelen nan ko an Jesus ke ear konono ibben ri jilek ro an retiljek im ba: "Emol Ij ba ñõn kom, I jamin bar ilimi leen vain ñõn ran eo Ij ilimi im ekãl ilo ailiñ in Anij "? Emol, lõñliñ eo emũlal ej kakajur kij ñõn wõnmanlok wõt im kwalok nan ilo jikin ko rebin. - Mat. Jehovah's spirit no doubt sharpened John's memory so that it would not be weakened by the passing of time. Ejelok bere bwe jitõb eo an Jehovah ear kõkkañlok ememej eo an John bwe en jab kar mõjnolok kin an ellãlok ien ko. Ri Christian ro retiljek rar bojak in jelmae melejoñ eo elaptata, mij - ilo air kaeñtan ir, ilo air jolok ir ñan kidu awia ko, ak ilo jabdewõt wãwen ko jet - ñan kajejjet jerbal eo jen Iroij Jesus Christ: "Kom naj Aõ dri kennan ilo Jerusalem, im i aolepen Judia, im i Sameria, im ñõn eneo etolok tata i lõl. " - Jerbal 1: 8. Ewi wãween jemaroñ anemkwoj jãn kien in? Ri jilek Peter ear naetan ri kabit ro uan congregation eo an Christian "juõn jar in armij ñõn men in aurõk. " Why Put Off Getting Baptized? Etke Kwoj Rumij in Baptais? 9, 10. Like the first - century Jews, "they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge. " Einwõt Ri Jew ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, "bwe eor kijejeto ñõn Anij ibeir, a e jab ekar ñõn jela. " • juõn ri kanan? What provision can set us free from death? Ibwiljin men ko ear report kaki kar likjap eo an make, eo ilo lemnak eo an ear kõmman bwe en jab emõn ñan an ri tel eo an Israel; bwid eo elap ear bõprae an deloñ ilo Enen Kallimur eo; Aaron, eo ear errã ibben Ri Israel ro rar jumae ñan kõmman juõn kon in cow gold; im jumae eo an lio jein im jatin Miriam; im ellotane armij ro an Anij. This is the issue that must be settled soon, and the great and fear - inspiring day for that to be done comes on apace! Eñin men eo elap rej aitwerõk kake im aikwij wõr jemlokin ilo mõkaj, im ran in kakõrmol eo elap im kalelñoñ ñan an menin walok ej itok ilo joñan mõkaj! Isaiah ilo aibujuij ej kwalok kin lañliñ eo an armij ro an Jehovah ke ej je: "Ilo ran eo, komin al ñõn e, kom armij ro an: " Ña Jeova, Ij kejbãrok e; ien otemjej I naj al ñõn e, I naj kejbãrok e. Recall what happened in the first century. Kememej ta eo ear walok ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. Ewi wãwen an kar Mary lo wãwen an jitõb kwojarjar eo jelet e? What does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind when we make decisions? Ta eo jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe en jim̦we wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak ñe jej itõn kõm̦m̦an pepe? Kiõ kin kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio elaplok jen mokta, juõn ien emõn ñan ri karejar ro an Anij ñan kwalok tiljek eo air ñan Jehovah im ñan kõkãl bebe eo air ñan karejar ñan e einwõt King eo air ej indio! - 1 Kronikel 29: 11 - 13. Likewise today, Bible prophecy indicates that militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element and will act to destroy modern - day Jerusalem - Christendom - as well as the rest of Babylon the Great. Eindein rainin, kanan eo ilo Bible ej kalikar bwe jar in tarinae ko ilo United Nations renaj watõk kabuñ ko einwõt juõn men in kauwatata im renaj emmakit ñan air kokkure kabuñ ko rewan an ro rej ba rej Christian im kabuñ ko an ri pagan. Kin men in, wãwen ko rejjab emõn, einwõt nañinmij ko ilo enbwin, rittolok, im eddo ko an family eo, ejelok bere bwe ejelok bere rar kabõjrak jet jen air jeblak. Showing Discernment in Recreation Kwalok Jelãlokjen ilo Menin Kamõnõnõ Ñan jipañ eok kõm̦m̦an bwe jar ko am̦ ren laajrak im kon̦, kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en pidodo am̦ mel̦el̦e kõn men ko rar wal̦o̦k ilo raan ko im̦aan me kokõn̦aan kobaiki ilo jar ko am̦. Once having received this wonderful hope, could we possibly lose it? Elikin ar bõk kejatrikrik in emõn, jemaroñ ke bar luji? Tokelik, Ri Israel ro rar jokwe ilo Canaan, eneo Jehovah ear kallimur kake ñan Abraham. - Joshua 11: 23. CITY OF DAVID JIKIN KWELOK IN DAVID Kin jerawiwi ko an make, ear wõr jorrãn ko ilo family eo an. Indeed, deep - seated joy gives us the strength to keep on preaching even in challenging territories. - Matt. 2: 21) Hanne, juon eo eto an bainier ium̦win 40 iiõ ej ba: "Lañlõñ eo ij bõke aolep iien ãlikin aõ kwal̦o̦k naan, ej kõkajoor eõ ñan wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo aõ jerbal ñan Jeova. " TA in jitõb kwojarjar? The faithful early Christians were prepared to face the supreme test, death - by torture, by being thrown to wild beasts, or in any other manner - in order to carry out the commission from the Lord Jesus Christ: "You will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " - Acts 1: 8. (Jon 15: 20) Ri Christian ro retiljek mokta rar bojak in jelmae melejoñ eo elaptata, mij - ilo eñtan, ikijen jolok ir ñan men in mour ko kiji ir, ak ilo jabdewõt wãwen ko jet - bwe ren kamwijlok jerbal eo air jen Iroij Jesus Christ: "Kom naj bõk maroñ ñe emwij an Jitõb Kwojarjar itok iomi: im kom naj Aõ dri kennan ilo Jerusalem, im i aolepen Judia, im i Sameria, im ñõn eneo etolok tata i lõl. " - Jerbal 1: 8. Enañin aolep Ri Christian ro retiljek kiõ rejjab uan class in ri karejar eo etiljek. The apostle Peter calls anointed members of the Christian congregation "a people for special possession. " (Jon 9: 17, 30 - 34) Ri jilek Peter ej naetan ro uan ri kabit ro an congregation in Christian einwõt "armij ro an Anij wõt. " Tokjen men in, Ri Jew ro rar bõk katak ko rewan bwe aan armij eban mij im bwe ewõr juõn jikin eñtan. 9, 10. 9, 10. Ebar wõr aitwerõk ko ijellokin matõrtõr eo jej aikwij beran kake. • a prophet? • dri kanan eo? Ad kõmman eindein enaj jibañ kij kalek kain tõmak rot eo enaj kejbãrok kij ñan loan lal eo ekãl. Among the things he frankly reported were his own lack of eloquence, which in his view made him unfit to be Israel's leader; the serious mistake he made that prevented his entering the Promised Land; the deflection of his brother, Aaron, who cooperated with rebellious Israelites in making a statue of a golden calf; the rebellion of his sister, Miriam, and her humiliating punishment; the profaneness of his nephews Nadab and Abihu; and the repeated complaining and murmuring of God's own people. Ibwiljin men ko ear jeje kaki ilo mol kar an jabwe an wejepedik ilo konono, eo ilo an lemnak kake ear kõmman bwe ej jab maroñ jerbal einwõt ri tel in Israel (Exodus 4: 10); bwid eo elap ear kõmmane im bõprae jen an deloñlok Enen Kallimur eo (Bwinbwin 20: 9 - 12; 27: 12 - 14); jatiljek eo an leo jatin, Aaron, eo ear jibañ ri Israel ro ri jumae ilo air kar kõmmane juõn ekjap in kon in cow gold (Exodus 32: 1 - 6); jumae eo an lio jatin, Miriam, im kaje eo ekajookok ear bõke (Bwinbwin 12: 1 - 3, 10); an lõmaro mañden Nadab im Abihu katton menin kwojarjar eo (Leviticus 10: 1, 2); im abõnõnõ eo rar elijinmene im alliñũrñũr eo an armij ro an Anij make. Lomor in ilo 1919 im kejbãrok eo ekwojarjar rar loe jen ien eo rar kõtlok bwen ri kabit ro ren kõmmane ta? Isaiah beautifully describes the joy of Jehovah's people when he writes: "In that day sing to her, you people: " A vineyard of foaming wine! I, Jehovah, am safeguarding her. Every moment I shall water her. Isaiah eaibujuij an kwalok kin lañliñ eo an armij ro an Anij ke ej je: "Ilo ran eo: " Juõn jikin kallip in grape in wain, komin al ñõn e. Emaroñ einwõt bwe wãwen eo ebidodo ñan lale ej ñan kajitõk kin ta eo armij eo ej aikwiji - ak, kin men in, ekõnan. How had Mary seen the effect of holy spirit? Ta eo Meri ear jel̦ã kadede kõn kajoor eo an Anij? Bõtab, ilo 1914, wãwen eo ear lukkun oktak. Now with the prospect of everlasting life brighter than ever before, what an opportune time for God's servants to demonstrate their devotion to Jehovah and to renew their determination to serve him as their everlasting King! - 1 Chronicles 29: 11 - 13. Kiõ ke kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio ealikarlok wõt jen mokta, ien in ej juõn ien emõn bwe ri karejar ro an Anij ren kwalok air tiljek ñan Jehovah im kõkãl bebe eo air ñan karejar ñan e einwõt King eo air ñan indio! - 1 Kronikel 29: 11 - 13. Kwojkwoj in Imõn Kabbed ko renaj jemlok elikin jemlokin Juõn Thousand Yiõ in Iroij eo an Christ ñe renaj jerkakbiji ibben ro retiljek. - Reveles̃õn 20: 5. Therefore, unfavorable circumstances, such as physical ailments, advanced age, and family obligations, undoubtedly prevented some from returning. Kin menin, wãwen ko rejjab emõn, einwõt nañinmij ko, rittolok, eddo ko an family, ejelok bere men kein rar kõmman bwe jet ren jab jeblak. Paul ear konono kin kanan in ke ear rejañ Ri Christian ro ñan "katok ñõn Anij kin wijtak, eñin leen tier ko rej kwalok ñõn etan. " To help keep your prayers fresh and specific, you could make a mental or a written note of a day's specific events that you want to include in your prayers. Ñõn kõmõn bwe kwon jab eliji jar ko am, im ren alikar, kwomaroñ kalomõnlokjen ak je jet men ko rar walok ilo ran eo im kwokõnan kakobaiki ñe kwoj jar. Christian elder ro emwij kãlet ir rej ri bõk eddo, im ibwiljiir rej traveling overseer ro. In time, the Israelites came to dwell in Canaan, the very land that Jehovah had promised to Abraham. - Joshua 11: 23. Ejjabto, Ri Israel ro rar etal im jokwe ilo ãnen Kenean, ãneo me Jeova ear kallim̦ur kake ñan Ebream. - Joshua 11: 23. Ta kin maroñ eo ilo family eo? As a result of his own sins, he had calamities within his family. Jerawiwi ko ear kõmõni ear bõktok elõñ abañ ko ñõn baamle eo an. " Rejjab likjap jen juõn kwelok, " juõn ian elder ro ilo congregation eo air ej ba. WHAT is the holy spirit? TA IN jitõb kwojarjar? Ilo mol, kamolol kin joñan yokwe eo Anij im Christ rar kwaloke ear kamakit kij ñan wujleplok mour ko ad ñan Anij im erom ri kalor ro an Christ. - Jon 3: 16; 1 Jon 4: 10, 11. Most faithful Christians now alive are not members of that faithful steward class. Ilo kajin Grik, naan in "ri karejar " ilo eoon kein ej mel̦el̦ein juon eo kar lel̦o̦k eddo ko ñane. Bible eo ej kwalok kin juõn pija ealikar kin Jehovah Anij. As a result, the Jews accepted the false teachings that the human soul is immortal and that there is an underworld place of torment. Kõn men in, Ri Ju ro rar jino tõmak bwe ewõr juon aan ilowaan armej me ej mour m̦aanl̦o̦k ãlikin an armej eo mej. Ta juon iaan jeraam̦m̦an ko rel̦l̦ap ewõr ippãd? There are other challenges besides persecution that call for courage on our part. Ewõr aitwerok ko jet ijellokin matõrtõr ko im kij jenaj aikwij in beran bareinwõt kaki. Ilo ejja wãwen in wõt, jej mõnõnõ in lo juõn armij me jej katak Bible ibben ej kõmman wõnmanlok ñan joñan wujleplok im baptais. Doing so will help us to build the kind of faith that will preserve us alive into the new world. Ñe jej kõm̦m̦ani men kein, innem enaaj pen tõmak eo ad. Emol, lemnak eo an Anij kin mour ear jab eddo ñan family in! That deliverance in 1919 and the divine protection they experienced since then have allowed the anointed remnant to do what? (Reveles̃õn 17: 1 - 5) Rõlok in ilo yiõ eo 1919 im kejbãrok eo ekwojarjar rar loe jen ien eo mantak ear kõtlok bwen ri kabit ro ñan kõmman ta? Jemaroñ wanjoñok kake men in ilo elõñ wãwen ko. It may seem that the easiest way to find out is to ask what the person needs - or, for that matter, wants. Bõlen wãween eo epidodo tata ñan jel̦ã, ej ñe jej kajju kajjitõk ta eo armej eo ej aikuji, ak ta eo ekõn̦aan. 17: 17; 25: 25. In 1914, however, the situation was much different. Bõtab, ilo iiõ eo 1914, ear jab ãinwõt kar iien ko an rijjelõk ro. Report in ej mol rainin einwõt kar ilo ien eo. - Bwebwenato ko ad ilo Central America. The antitypical Festival of Booths will reach its climax after the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ when they along with faithful resurrected ones are granted everlasting life. - Revelation 20: 5. (Reveles̃õn 7: 1 - 10, 14 - 17) Kwojkwoj in Imõn Kabbed eo ilo kõkkar enaj tõbar jemlokin elikin Juõn Thousand Yiõ in Iroij eo an Christ ñe ir ekoba ro retiljek jen ian ro rej jerkakbiji renaj bõk mour indio. - Reveles̃õn 20: 5. [ Kamelele eo itulal] Paul alluded to this prophecy when he urged Christians to "offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " Paul ear jitõñlok ñan kanan in ke ear rejañ Ri Christian ro bwe ren "katok ñõn Anij kin wijtak ien otemjej, eñin leen tier ko rej kwalok ñõn etan. " * Appointed Christian elders are stewards, and among them are traveling overseers. (1 Peter 4: 10) Christian ri kabit elder ro rej ri kõmõñã, im ibwiljier rej traveling overseer ro. Ej ke kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk ko kõn katak ko im eoon ko ilo Baibõl̦? What about authority in the family? Ta kin eo ewõr an maroñ ilo family eo? Inem ro remij rejjab maroñ jibañ ak kokkure ro remour. " They do not miss a single meeting, " says one of the elders in their congregation. Juõn ian elder ro ilo congregation eo airro ej ba, "Rejañin joko jen juõn ian kwelok ko. Menin im kajitõk ko jet kin kanan eo an Jesus naj konono kaki ilo katak in tok juõn. After all, gratitude for the depth of the love that God and Christ have shown us compelled us to dedicate our lives to God and become disciples of Christ. - John 3: 16; 1 John 4: 10, 11. Emol, kamolol kin yokwe eo Anij im Christ rar kwalok ñan kij en kamakit kij ñan wujleplok mour eo ad ñan Anij im erom ri kalor ro an Christ. - Jon 3: 16; 1 Jon 4: 10, 11. Joñan laplok in ear eddeklok ilo jerbal in evanjel eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. The Bible portrays a clear picture of Jehovah God. Ealikkar an Baibõl̦ kwal̦o̦k kõn Jeova Anij. Ri jeje Gospel eo Luke ej ba: "Ilo yiõ eo kein ka joñoul joñoul emen in an Caesar iroij, ke Pontius Pilate ear governor in Judea, im Herod ear iroij in Galilee,... nan in keañ eo an Anij ear itok ñan John leo nejin Zechariah ilo ene jemaden eo. What is one of the greatest privileges that we have? Ta jeraam̦m̦an eo ewõr ippãd? JEN ien eo rar lo juõn nañinmij in cancer ebak ñõn bukwon eo an etan Kim, juõn ian Dri Kennan ro an Jeova etan Kim, ear bõk nañinmij in cancer. In a similar way, we are pleased to see an individual with whom we study the Bible make progress to the point of dedication and baptism. Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, jej mõnõnõ elañe dri katak eo ar ej kõmõn wõnmanlok ñõn tõre eo ej wujleploke mour eo an im baptais. Kanan eo an Hosea ear jejjet kitien ke Jehovah ear kobaik ro rejjab Ri Jew ilo an kãlet ñan iroij ibben Christ. Surely, having God's view of life was no burden to this family! Emol, bõk lemnak eo an Anij kin mour ear jab menin eddo ñõn family in! Ien otemjej Jehovah ej lo jokkin wõt juõn eo ejimwe, im kauwe "ñõn joñan eo ekkar. " This can be illustrated in various ways. Wãwen in jemaroñ kõkkar kake ilo elõñ wãwen ko. AL: 41, 54 17: 17; 25: 25. 17: 17; 25: 25, UBS. Em̦m̦aan ro rej loloorjake Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko rar kõjerbal kabel ko aer ñan kalõk m̦õko im̦weer. That report is as true today as it was back then. - From our archives in Central America. Im ekkã an ro jeid im jatid kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk in, "Enaaj bar wõr ñããt ad kweilo̦k el̦ap? " - Bwebwenato ko an doulul in ad ilo Central America. Kien ko air rar kõmman elõñ un ko unin air aikwij ekajete ro jet. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulal] Bõlen kwoj jelã kin joñok eo ilo Bible kin Joseph, leo nejin Jacob. * * Mokta wõt jen an kar ijjino ien eo, Ri Israel ro rar lor joñok eo emõn an Joshua im bõk jerammõn. Does he ask questions about Bible teachings and verses? (Matu 24: 45) Ej ke kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk ko kõn katak im eoon ko ilo Baibõl̦? Kin men in, wine ko einwõt grape ko, ek ko, im men ko eierlok wõt rejjab emõn. So the dead cannot help or harm the living. Elõñ armej rej tõmak bwe ej ankilaan Anij mej. Wa in ear aikwij lap - jet 4 nee ko eaetok, 73 ne ko) ibelakin lal, im 44 ne aetokin. That and other questions about Jesus ' prophecy will be discussed in the next article. Kajjitõk eo in kiiõ: Wõn ro enaaj kõjerbal er? Eokwe, jenaaj uwaake kajjitõk in im kajjitõk ko jet kõn kanaan eo an Jijej kõn raan ko ãliktata ilo naaj katak eo tok juon. Ak Devil eo ejamin bõk maroñ in ñan indio. Paralleling that increase has been the growth in the evangelizing activity of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ekoba ibben laplok in kar laplok in jerbal in evanjel eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. Inem Solomon ej ba: "Meletlet ej men eo elaptata; bõk meletlet; im kin men otemjej komij bõki, komin bõk jelalokjen. The Gospel writer Luke relates: "In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was district ruler of Galilee [29 C.E.],... God's declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness. Ri jeje Gospel Luke ej kwalok: "Ilo yiõ eo kein kajoñoul - lalem in an Tiberius Caesar iroij, ke Pontius Pilate ear komja in Judea, im Herod ear iroij ilo Galilee [29 C.E.],... nan in keañ eo an Anij ear itok ñan John leo nejin Zechariah ilo ene jemaden eo. Inem brochure eo Juõn Menin Letok in Mour - Wãwen eo ñan Bõk Lomor kar jeje kake. AFTER a tumor was found near her spine, Kim, a Witness, was diagnosed with cancer. ELIKIN air lo juõn tumor iturin dilepin Kim, juõn ian Dri Kennan ro an Jeova, rar kile bwe ear juõn cancer. Meñe rar aikwij jeblak ñan United States, bwebwenato eo kin jerbal ilo Ghana ear kalaplok kõnan eo air ñan likit mokta men ko an Ailiñ eo ilo mour eo air. Hosea's prophecy was fulfilled when Jehovah included non - Jews in his selection of prospective corulers with Christ. (Hos. 2: 23, UBS) Kanaan in ear jejjet kũtien ke Jeova ear jino kããlõt armej ro rar jab jãn Israel bwe ren irooj ippãn Christ ilañ. Kinke kõtan eo ad ibben Jemed ilañ, Jehovah, ej kitibuj kij! Jehovah always finds the right balance, disciplining "to the proper degree. " (Jabõn Kennan Ko 13: 24) Ien otemjej Jehovah ej jokkin wõt juõn, ej lelok kaje " ilo joñan ekkar. ' Ro rar makoko in kamol iroij bõtata eo an Jehovah renaj bõk jorrãn. SONGS: 120, 64 AL: 6, 34 138: 2. Regional Building Committees used their skills to rebuild houses. Regional Building Committee ko rar kajerbal kabel ko air ñan bar kalek moko imõn armij. Jej kwal̦o̦k " ineem̦m̦an im kautiej ' ñan ro rejjab kwal̦o̦k tõmak ko ad Their regulations produced countless reasons for judging others. (Matthew 23: 25 - 28) Kien ko air ear kõmmõn bwijin un ko ñõn ekajete ro jet. Ta eo armij ro an Jehovah rainin remaroñ katak jen men eo Baruch ear iione? Likely you are familiar with the Bible example of Joseph, the son of Jacob. Bõlen ewõr am jelã kin joñok eo ilo Bible kin Joseph, leo nejin Jacob. Ke Menassa ear iioon wãween ko reppen, ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in ukel̦o̦k im ukel̦o̦k jãn bõd ko an. Just before that period began, the Israelites followed the good example of Joshua and were blessed. Moktalok wõt jen jinoin ien in, Ri Israel ro rar lor Joshua eo ear likit juõn joñok emõn im rar bõk kajerammõn. Men in enaj jibañ kij ñan kamolol kin joij eo elap an Jehovah im kamakit kij bwe jen meanwõd ilo jerbal ko ad ibben ro jet. Hence, such wines as port, sherry, and vermouth would not be suitable. Inem, wine ko einwõt port, sherry, im vermouth rej jõkkar. Inem, jen kajeoñe meanwõd eo an Jehovah ilo ad jibañ ro jet ñan ukwelok bwe ren maroñ bõk lomor. This ark was to be enormous - some 437 feet (133 m) long, 73 feet (22 m) wide, and 44 feet (13 m) tall. Joñan kilepin wa eo kar 400 jim̦a ne aetokõn, 70 jim̦a ne depakpakin, im 40 jim̦a ne utiejen. " Ien eo ej indio " emaroñ jitõñlok ñan men ko ewõr jemlokin ak kadu eo ejañin kar kalikare. But the Devil will not have this authority indefinitely. Saulo ear jino konono juõn paragraph jen book eo Ta eo Bible Ej Lukkun Katakin? Solomon then says: "Wisdom is the prime thing. Acquire wisdom; and with all that you acquire, acquire understanding. Inem Solomon ej ba: "Meletlet ej men eo luku; inem kwon bõk meletlet; aet, ilo aolepen am bwinito, kwon jibarek jelalokjen. Ilo yiõ ko jilu in air katak ilo imõn ekajet eo, jodikdik ro rej debij wõt air tiljek ñan Anij. Then the brochure A Satisfying Life - How to Attain It was published. Bareinwõt ilo ien eo, kar kõmõne brochure eo etan "Wãwen eo Jemaroñ Bõk Juõn Mour Ekajuburu. " Elañe jej niknik in katak Nan in Anij, jenaj bareinwõt "maroñ in katakin ro jet. " - 2 Timote 2: 2. Though they had to return to the United States, the experience of serving in Ghana deepened their desire to keep Kingdom interests first in life. Meñe erro ar bar ro̦o̦l ñan Amedka, ak wãween ko erro ar iiooni ke erro ar jipañ ilo Ghana rar kal̦apl̦o̦k kõn̦aan eo aerro ñan likũt Aelõñ eo m̦oktata ilo mour ko aerro. Ñan kõmman men in "kin kamolol " jej aikwij kamolol ien otemjej kin ta eo ej kõmmane ñan kij kiõ im kin ta eo enaj kõmmane ilo ran ko rej itok. Because our very relationship with our heavenly Father, Jehovah, is involved! Kinke kõtan eo ar iben Jemer ilõñ, Jeova, ej wawa ion ar jela kin men in. Ro rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kobal̦o̦k ippãn ro jeid im jatid me rej kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ipel̦aakin lal̦ in, rejjab baj kalõk Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko wõt ak rej bar kalõk Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ Those who have refused to acknowledge Jehovah's sovereignty will suffer destruction. (Reveles̃õn 16: 14, 16) Ro rej karmijeteik iroij bõtata eo an Jehovah renaj jako. Moktalok, Jehovah ear karmijeteik juõn ebeben in ri Israel ro rar deloñ ilo enen Canaan kin air jumae. 138: 2. 138: 2. 1 - 3. (1) Ewi wãween ad katak ñan kwal̦o̦k yokwe ãinwõt ad katak bar juon kajin? We display "a mild temper and deep respect " toward those who do not share our beliefs Jej kwalok "inemõn im mijõk " ñan aolep ro rejañin errã ibben katak ko jej tõmaki Ñããt im ewi wãwen iroij eo elej ear ijjino? What lesson can Jehovah's people today learn from Baruch's experience? Ta katak eo armij ro an Jehovah rainin remaroñ katak jen e kin men eo Baruch ear ione? Men in jolet in ekoba mol eo kin Nan eo an Jehovah, kejatdikdik eo kin mour indio, im nebar eo ñan jutak ikijen Anij einwõt ri keañ ro kin news eo emõn. When Manasseh found himself in sore straits, he was moved to sincere repentance. Menassa bareinwõt ear kanooj nana men ko ear kõm̦m̦ani ak tokãlik ear kile bwe ear aikuj in ukel̦o̦k im oktak. 12: 2. This will help us to appreciate the rich generosity of Jehovah's long - suffering and move us to be long - suffering in our dealings with others. (2 Piter 3: 15; Matu 24: 14) Menin enaj jibañ kij kaorõk mweien joij in meanwõd eo an Jehovah im kamakit kij ñan ad kwalok meanwõd ilo wãwen ad kõmman ñan ro jet. Einwõt unin tel in yiõ eo ad ej kwalok, jemaroñ etetal ibben Anij! Let us, then, imitate the patience of Jehovah by assisting others to attain to repentance so that they might be saved. Inem, jen kajeoñe meanwõd eo an Jehovah ilo ad jibañ ro jet bwe ren ukwelok im bõk lomor. Jibadbad eo ear likjap. " Time indefinite " can refer to things that have an end but the duration of which has not been specified. " Ñan in drio " emaroñ jitõñlok ñan men ko ewõr juõn jemlokin ak joñan toan ejjab alikar. 9, 10. Saulo started to read a paragraph from the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Saulo ear jino im read jen juõn paragraph ilo book eo What Does the Bible Really Teach? Roñjake! During their three years of training in court life, the youths maintain their integrity to God. Iumin yiõ ko jilu in air kaminene kin manit im wãwen ko ilo imweo imõn king eo, jodikdik rein rar kejbãrok wõt tiljek eo air ñan Anij. Ta ko baam̦le ko remaroñ aikuj kõm̦m̦ani ñe rũtto ro jineer im jemãer rej aikuj jipañ? If we are diligent students of God's Word, we will also be "adequately qualified to teach others. " - 2 Timothy 2: 2. (Dri Hibru 5: 14) Elañe kij jej ri school ro reniknik kin Nan in Anij, jenaj bareinwõt "maroñ in katakin ro jet. " - 2 Timote 2: 2. " Ro rejimwe re naj jokwe i lõl, im ro re wãppen re naj berwõt ie. To do so "with thanksgiving " requires that we always be thankful for what he is doing for us now and for what he will do in the future. Ñan kõmman men in "ilo kamolol " ej aikwij bwe jen kamolol e ien otemjej kin ta eo ej kõmmane ñan kij kiõ im ta eo enaj kõmmane ilo ran ko rej bed imad. Lemnak eo bwe tõmak ej melelen tõmak ilo ejelok kein kamol ej juõn lemnak ebwid. Willing local volunteers join with full - time international servants to construct not only Kingdom Halls but also Assembly Halls and Bethel homes. Ro jeer im jãter ilo juõn jikin rej mõnõnõ in kobalok iben ro jet me rej kõmõne jerbal in ekkal ko ibelakin lõl ñõn kalek mõn kwelok ko, moko rej kõmõni kwelok ko relap ie (Assembly Hall) im moko imõn dri jerbal ro ilo Bethel. Ij aikwij kamol bwe iumin jidik ien, iar jolok wãwen mour eo aõ emor - ak ear jab to aõ mour. Previously, Jehovah had denied a whole generation of Israelites entrance into the land of Canaan because of their rebelliousness. (Luk 12: 48) Ilo jinoin, Jeova ear jab kõtl̦o̦k an RiIsrael ro me rar jum̦aiki del̦o̦ñe Ãneen Kallim̦ur eo. (Bõn. Einwõt juõn jodikdik, lemnak kin aolep men ko kwoj muri ñan Jehovah kaki. 1 - 3. (a) How is learning to express love much like learning a new language? 1 - 3. (a) Ewi wãwen katak ñan kwalok yokwe ej einlok wõt katak juõn kajin ekãl? Wãwen eo eliktata kin karkar ko karkarin Jisõs me jenaj bwebwenato kaki ej yokwe eo an ñõn armij ro jet. When and how did oppressive rule have its start? Ñããt eo im ewi wãwen iroij eo enana ear ijjino? Kain armij rot in ej ri kijirãt ro an Anij. " This inheritance includes the truth of Jehovah's Word, the hope of everlasting life, and the honor to represent God as proclaimers of the good news. Men in jolet in ej kitibuj mol eo ilo Nan eo an Jehovah, kejatdikdik eo kin mour indio, im jerammõn eo ñan jutak ikijen Anij einwõt ri keañ ro kin news eo emõn. Ilo ejja iiõ eo wõt, Jeid im Jatidner ear tõparl̦o̦k India. 12: 2. 12: 2. " Kwo maroñ bõk juõn jorrãn ilo jabdewõt ien im mij iloan 24 awa. As our theme text shows, we can walk with God! Einwõt unin tel eo ad ej kwalok, jemaroñ etetal ibben Anij! Baibõl̦ ej bar kwal̦o̦k kõn an armej ro kalijekl̦o̦k ñe ej ba: "Armej rej ekajet ro jet kõn men ko rej loi. " The attempt failed. Bõtab, kõtõbar eo air ear jab tõbrõk. Jesus make ear kir Saul jen Tarsus bwe en " jãbi " eo An ñan kwalok etan ñan ailiñ ko; kin men in, jerbal in ekãl ñan kwalok nan ear itok jen Christ, Ri Tel eo an congregation eo. 9, 10. 9, 10. Kwomaroñ Ke Kamelele? Listen! Roñjake! Jesus ear kalikar men in ilo wanjoñok eo an emwij je ilo Matu 7: 24 - 27, ijo ear keidi ro rej bokake nan ko an im ro rejjab. What may families have to do when elderly parents increasingly need assistance? Ta eo baam̦le ko rej aikuj in kõm̦m̦ane ñe ro jineer im jemãer rej aikuj jipañ? Noa ear jel̦ã bwe Anij ear jiroñ armej ro bwe ren ko̦kkure lal̦ in. " The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. " Bwe ro re jime re naj jokwe ilo lõl. Im ro re wãppen re naj berwõt ie. Jesus ej " Amen " ñan aolep kallimur ko rekwojarjar. The idea that faith means believing without evidence is a mistaken notion. Jet rej l̦õmn̦ak bwe rejjab aikuj kein kam̦ool ko ñan tõmak ilo Anij. 21, 22. I must admit that for a while, I missed my old lifestyle - but not anymore. Ij kwalok mol bwe eor ien ko im iar oñkake mour eo aõ mokta, bõtab ejoko kiõ. Kar bõklok talent eo ñõn e, im kar jolok e. - Riit Matu 25: 14 - 18, 23, 26, 28 - 30. As a young person, think of all you owe to Jehovah. (Sam 92: 1, 4) Ãinwõt ke kwõj juon jo̦dikdik, kwõn l̦õmn̦ak kõn aolep men ko kwõj m̦uri ñan Jeova kaki. Ñan waanjoñak, juon iien ke Jijej ear kwal̦o̦k naan ñan juon kõrã in Sameria, ear kwal̦o̦k naan ñan juon kõrã in Sameria. The final aspect of Jesus ' personality that we will discuss is most heartwarming - his love for fellow humans. Mõtõn eo eliktata ian karkar ko karkarin Jisõs me jenaj etale im elukkun kõmãnãn buru ej yokwe eo an ñõn armij ro otemjej. Kein kajilu, Jehovah ej kakajur yuk kin "maroñ eo e kanuij lap " ñan kõtõbrak jerbal in kwalok nan eo am. Such become God's enemies. " Armij rein rej erom ri kijirat ro an Anij. " Temple ko moktata im kein karuo ilo Jerusalem rar jerbal ñan juõn karõk eaorõk ñan annañelok wãwen ko raorõk ilo jerbal in priest eo an Messiah eo im kejbãrok kabuñ eo erreo an Jehovah ion lal mae ien ear waloktok Messiah eo. - Dri Hibru 10: 1. In the same year that Brother Skinner arrived in India, the work had just started in Zambia. Ilo ejja iiõ eo wõt me Edwin Skinner ear etal ñan India, ro jet rar jino kwal̦o̦k naan ilo aelõñ in Zambia. Ilo ar niknik in "dri kajeoñwe Anij, einwõt ajiri re jitenburu, im etetal ilo yokwe " - ilo baamle eo, ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, im ilo congregation eo. - Ep. " You could have a crisis at any time and die within 24 hours. " Kwomaroñ iion juõn abañ elap kin ejmour ilo jabdewõt ien im mij iloan 24 awa. Nobõmba 15, 2011 Even the Bible acknowledges a very common form of prejudice when it states: "People judge others by what they look like. " (1 Samuel 16: 7, UBS) Ealikkar bwe aolep armej ewõr jidik kalijekl̦o̦k ilo bũrueer im ekkã an wal̦o̦k jorrããn ko kõn wõt kalijekl̦o̦k. " Kimij jelmae juõn jokãlet: Jab idak im ejmour, ak etal wõt im idak im mij. " - Juõn eo ej kadõk. Jesus had personally called Saul of Tarsus to be His "chosen vessel " to bear His name to the nations; hence, this new impetus to the witnessing work came from Christ, the Leader of the congregation. 13: 2, 3) Jisõs mõke ear jitõñ Saul jen Tarsõs " jãbi eo ear kãlete ' bwe en kwalok kin Etan ñõn dri ailiñ ko. Kin men in, karõk in ekãl ñõn kowõnmanlok jerbal in kwalok nan ear itok jen Kraist, Dri Tel eo an congregation eo. Rainin, jej bed ilo iaikwij eo kin mour, im jej jelmae ri kijirãt ro rej kõnan kamad kij, ilok jen kij, mõn kij, im jolok lañliñ im jinekjej ko ad ilo ran ko rej itok. Can You Explain? Kwo Maroñ Ke Kemlele? Emol, "ekajet jimwe e ankeke. " Jesus made this clear in his illustration recorded at Matthew 7: 24 - 27, where he drew a contrast between those who obey his words and those who do not. Jesus ear kalikar men in ilo wanjoñok eo an emwij je ilo Matthew 7: 24 - 27, ijo ear keiri kõtan eo ikõtan ro rej bokake nan ko an im ro rejjab. (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) Also, Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce and fill the earth. 6: 1 - 4, 9, UBS) Bareinwõt, Noa ear jel̦ã bwe Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe armej ro ren neji im koobrak lal̦. Men in ej alikar ilo chapter 7, ijo jej iion priest eo kar konono kake ilo jinoin bwebwenato eo ad. Jesus is "the Amen " to all the divine promises. Jisõs ej "Amen eo " ñõn aolep kalimur ko an Jeova. Bar lale congregation eo am. 21, 22. 21, 22. Rar l̦õmn̦ak bwe "m̦ul̦e in olive eo ' ear wal̦o̦k jãn Tol̦ in Messaia eo. " The talent he had been given was taken away, and he was thrown out. - Read Matthew 25: 14 - 18, 23, 26, 28 - 30. Innem, irooj eo ear bõke tal̦õn eo jãn ri karejar in im kam̦õje jãn jerbal eo an. - Riit Matu 25: 14 - 18, 23, 26, 28 - 30. Kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio im nebar Jehovah ñan indio enaj kõmman bwe program in education rot in en juõn men eo emol an kalañliñ. On one occasion, for instance, Jesus witnessed to a Samaritan woman near Jacob's fountain at Sychar. Ñan wanjoñok, juõn ien, Jesus ear kwalok nan ibben juõn kõrã in Samaria iturin aebõj an Jacob ilo Sychar. Ri jilek eo enaj kar emõnlok an bojak ñan melejoñ ko rej bed iman ear bõk ejja lemnak eo wõt an ri jeje sam eo ear likit an liki ilo Anij im al: "Jeova ej ber iba; I jamin mijõk. Third, Jehovah endows you with "power beyond what is normal " to accomplish your ministry. (2 Korint 4: 7) Im kein kãmen, Jemãd ilañ ej jipañ eok kijenmej ilo jerbal eo am̦ ilo an lewaj rũttõmak ro m̦õttam̦ ipel̦aakin lal̦ in me rej "kaperan doon, im jipañ doon. " [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] Etke jejel̦ã bwe jãn kar jinoin ewõr jerbal ko raorõk me enjel̦ ro rej kõm̦m̦ani? Bareinwõt, Bible eo ej ba: "Im men in mour in drio, bwe ren jela Kwe juõn wõt Anij emol, im Jisõs Kraist, eo Kw'ar jilkintok. " The first and second temples in Jerusalem served a vital purpose in foreshadowing important features of Messiah's priestly service and in keeping Jehovah's pure worship alive in the earth until Messiah's actual appearance. - Hebrews 10: 1. Temple eo jinoin im kein karuo ilo Jerusalem rar jerbal einwõt juõn un eo eaorõk ilo annañelok aorõkin jerbal in priest eo an Messiah eo im ilo kejbarok kabuñ eo erreo an Jehovah bwe en mour wõt ilo lõl mae ien eo ej lukkun jedetok Messiah eo. - Hebrew 10: 1. Bõtab, m̦anit ko aer renana rar kõm̦m̦an bwe ren jab m̦õn̦õn̦õ. Work diligently to "become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love " - in the family, in our ministry, and in the congregation. - Eph. Jen kanooj kate kõj ñan "kajjioñe Anij, ãinwõt ajri re jitõnbõro; im etetal ilo yokwe " ak kwal̦o̦k yokwe ilowaan baam̦le eo ad, ilo kwal̦o̦k naan im ilo eklejia eo. - Epesõs 5: 1, 2. Dri Korijer eo an Jeova, 1 / 15 November 15, 2011 Nobõm̦ba 15, 2011 (b) Ta eo jet ri tel ro an kien rar kile? " We are faced with a choice: Quit drinking and recover, or continue drinking and die. " - A recovering alcoholic. " Aikwij kõmõn juõn bebe: Bwijrõk jen kadrek im mour, ak karek wõt im mij. " − Nan ko an juõn kar dri karek. Lale wãwen bwebwenato in tok ilal ej kalikar men in: Today, we are in the race for life, and we face opponents who want to distract us, trip us up, beat us down, and snatch away our joy and future rewards. (Hibru 12: 1, 4) Rainin, jej iãekwõj ñan mour indeeo, bõtab ewõr ro rej jum̦aik kõj ilo aer kajjioñ kõm̦m̦an bwe jen m̦ad, buñ jãn tõmak, ebbeer, im bwe jen jab m̦õn̦õn̦õ im jen luuji kõjatdikdik eo ad. " Tol ko Rekwojarjar Rej ñan Tol ko " Indeed, "justice goes forth crooked. " Emol, "ekajet jimwe ej wõnmanlok ilo an ankeke. " Ibwiljin elõñ men ko jet, rar katakin e bwe ewõr juõn etan Anij, Jehovah. (See opening image.) (b) Why are the horses of different colors? (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) (2) Etke eokkõtaktak kõl̦arin kidia ko jãn doon? Ejjel̦o̦k aenõm̦m̦an ilo l̦õmn̦ak eo an. That fact is highlighted in chapter 7, where we encounter the priest mentioned at the beginning of our discussion. Chapter 7 ej kamelele kin aikwij in, im ej konono kin priest eo emwij ad bwebwenato kake itujinoin katak in ad. Einwõt ro rej bõk jikin Kraist, jej akwelap: "Komin rel ñõn Anij. " - 2 Kor. 5: 18 - 20. Look again at your congregation. Bar lale congregation eo am. Bwebwenato eo an Paul ej kainemõn ri karejar ro an Anij rainin, elõñ iair rej jelmae melejoñ ko bareinwõt me rej kõmman bwe ren "iñtan, " ak" buromõj. " They held that "the olive - leaf, brought by the dove, was taken from the Mount of the Messiah. " Rej ba bwe "m̦ul̦e eo ear bõk bõlõk in wõjke olive eo jãn Tol̦ eo an Messaia eo. " Jet yiõ ko lok iman, Enoch ear keañ kin jeebeplok eo an ri nana ro. The prospect of living forever and praising Jehovah for all eternity will surely make the Millennial education program a real delight. Kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio im ñan nebar Jehovah ñan indio enaj kõmman bwe program in katak eo iumin Juõn Thousand Yiõ eo en lap an kamõnõnõ. [ Kamelele eo itulal] The apostle would have been better prepared for the tests ahead had he taken the same position as that of the psalmist who put his confidence in God and sang: "Jehovah is on my side; I shall not fear. (Mark 14: 29) El̦aññe Piter ear lõke Anij ãinwõt kar juon iaan ro rar je sam, innem enaaj kar lukkuun pojak in jelm̦ae mãlejjoñ ko me enaaj kar iiooni tokãlik. PEIJ 21 [ Picture on page 15] [ Pija] Elañe jej jelã bwe mour eo an juõn armij ear bed ilo kauwatata, jenaj ke kajeoñ in jibañ e? Moreover, the Bible says: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " (Dri Kolosse 2: 3) Bareinwõt, Bible eo ej ba: "Im men in mour in drio, bwe ren jela Kwe juõn wõt Anij emol, im Jisõs Kraist, eo Kw'ar jilkintok. " Juõn jinen eritto ej kea kin ajiri ro nejin redik. Their bad behavior, however, made their sacrifices invalid. Bõtab, ilo ejja iien eo wõt rar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana. Ikijen kajitõk in, ilo chapter eo tok juõn, ri jilek John ej kwalok kin ro rej ejaake jar eo elap, ro rej itok jen eñtan eo elap, einwõt "jutõk iman tron eo im iman mejen Lam. " Jehovah's Servant - "Pierced for Our Transgression, " 1 / 15 Kar " Wãkare Dri Korijer eo an Jeova kin Jerawiwi Ko Ar, ' 1 / 15 Elañe Bible eo ear kõt, ennan eo ie enaj kar mij kake. (b) What have some political leaders acknowledged? (2) Ta eo jet iaan ri tõl ro an kien ko rej ba kõn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova? Tõmak eo elaplok emaroñ walok jen ad read Bible ran otemjej im niknik ilo katak Jeje ko ibben jibañ eo jen book ko "dri kõmñe eo etiljek " ear litoki. Notice how the following account indicates this: Lale wãwen an bwebwenato in tok ilokan kalikar menin: Bõtab, mokta jen an kar ro nejin Adam lotak einwõt ro rej jolet jerawiwi im mij, Anij ear kanan kin itok eo an juõn Ine ewãppen. " The High Mountains Are for the Mountain Goats " " Tol ko Reutiej Rej ñõn Goat ko Rawia " Kõnke ear jab bõk kun̦aan ilo m̦akũtkũt im aitwerõk ko an kien, ear etal ñan kalbuuj ium̦win ruo iiõ. Among many other things, they taught her that God has a personal name, Jehovah. Ijellokin men ko jet, rar katakin e bwe ãt eo etan Anij ej Jeova. Ta eo ear walok ñan ir? She certainly had no peace of mind. Emol ear ejelok ainemõn ilo lemnak eo an. Ñe jej lemnak kin kajerbal bõtõktõk ilo kwojkwoj in Kijone eo moktata ta eo ej aikwij kakememej kij kake? As substitutes for Christ, we beg: " Become reconciled to God. ' " - 2 Cor. 5: 18 - 20. Innem kõm e, kõmij kõnono waj ilo etan Kũraij, ãinwõt ñe Anij make ej akwel̦ap ñan kom̦ ilo kõm: ilo etan Kũraij kõm akwel̦ap ñan kom̦, bwe kom̦win kõtl̦o̦k bwe Anij en ukot kom̦ jãn ami kõjdate ñan ami ro jeran! " - 2 Korint 5: 18 - 20, UBS. Enaaj kar ewi wãween an men ko raorõk ilo Baibõl̦ maroñ jipañ er? - JK. Paul's experience is comforting to God's servants today, many of whom also face trials that cause them to be "laid low, " or" depressed. " Bwebwenato in an Paul kin wãwen eo ear iione ej men in kainemõn ñõn ro ri karejaran Anij rainin, elõñ wõt iair rej bareinwõt jelmae melejoñ ko rej kõmmõn men an "rup burueir, " ak" lejen joñan air buromõj. " 19, 20. Some years earlier, faithful Enoch had proclaimed the destruction of the wicked. Jet yiõ ko lok iman ri tõmak eo Enoch ear keañ kin an naj kar jako nana. Jen jikin in eutiej, Sarah ear maroñ lo juõn jerbal elap ilo Enen Kallimur eo. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulals] " Kom ebeben emwij kãlete, pris ro, dri ailiñ rokwojarjar, dri ailiñ rokwojarjar, armij ro an Anij wõt. " - 1 PITER 2: 9. PAGE 21 5, 6. If we knew that a person's life was endangered, would we make only one feeble attempt to help him? (1 Timote 4: 16) Elañe jej jelã bwe mour eo an juõn armij ej bed ilo kauwatata, enaj jidik wõt ke ad jibañ e? Aet, jen nan in kõkkar eo air im melele eo air, parable kein ruo rej letok ñan kij nan in rejañ ko ralikar me rej itok jen loñin Jesus make. A nursing mother cares for her little ones. (1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 6, 7) Juõn jinen eo ej kakajiriri ej kejbãrok ajiri ro nejin redik. Lale The Watchtower, January 1, 1996, page 9 - 22. With regard to that question, in the next chapter, the apostle John describes those making up the great crowd, who come out of the great tribulation, as "standing before the throne and before the Lamb. " Kin kajitõk in, ilo chapter eo jeltokin, ri jilek John ej kalikar ro rej jar eo elap, ro rej itok jen eñtan eo elap, im rej "jutõk iman tron eo im Lam eo. " Juõn eo ewãnik ej bõk jinekjej eo an kin bwid ko an armij eo ilo wãwen kauwe jen Jehovah. If the Bible had thus decayed, its message would have died with it. Mel̦el̦ein bwe jeje im mel̦el̦e ko ilo Baibõl̦ renaaj kar jako ñe men ko kar jei ioer rar m̦or im jako. Men in enaj jibañ yuk bõprae jerawiwi ko relap kinke kwonaj ibwiljin "ro r'ar maroñ in jela kajen emõn im nana. " Increased faith can result from daily Bible reading and diligent study of the Scriptures with the help of publications provided through "the faithful steward. " Kalaplok tõmak emaroñ waloktok jen ad keini read Bible jen ran ñan ran im niknik wõt ilo ad katak Bible ibbed make im bõk jibañ jen book ko me "dri kõmñe eo etiljek " ear letok ñan kij. [ Pija eo ilo peij 21] Before Adam's offspring were born as inheritors of sin and death, however, God foretold the coming of a perfect Seed. (Jenesis 3: 1 - 6) Bõtab, mokta jen an lotak ajiri ro inen Adam einwõt ri jolete jerawiwi im mij, Anij ear kanan kin itok eo an juõn Ine eo ewãppen. Bwe, ededelok ad bed ilo ebeben eo kein ka 21. " Because of maintaining his Christian neutrality, he went to prison for two years. Kin an kar debij wõt iolaplap eo an Christian, ear etal ñan jikin kalbuj iumin ruo yiõ. 3, 4. What happened to them? Ta eo ear walok ñõn ir? Ej einwõt an kar Moses jiroñ ailiñ in Israel: "Ij bõk lõñ ko im lõl bwe ren kennan nae yuk ranin, bwe emwij aõ kwalok ñõn yuk mour im mij, kejerammõn im jerata; im kwon kãlet mour bwe kwon mour wõt, kwe im ro ineõm. " Thinking about the use of blood at the first Passover should bring what to our mind? Etke bõtõktõkin Jijej el̦ap an aorõk jãn bõtõktõkin jiip eo rar m̦ane ilo Kwõjkwõj in Kijoone eo? Wõnmanlok wõt ilo jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo ilo ran kein eliktata ej aikwij wõr tõmak ilo ien eo Jehovah ej karõke. How would the Bible's precious treasures be unlocked for them? - Prov. Innem ewi wãween an kar Jeova kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr an armej ro Baibõl̦ ilo kajin ko aer make? - JK. Ilo m̦ool, ewõr jet em̦m̦aan ro em̦õj jitõñ er bwe ren wõr aer kwõdeak. 19, 20. 19, 20. Kajitõk ñan chapter 3 ilo book in Daniel, im read kin ewi wãwen Ri Hebrew ro jilu rar jelmae mij kin air makoko in kabuñ ñan ekjap eo King Nebuchadnezzar ear kajutake. From this lofty plateau, Sarah could see a great deal of the Promised Land. Sera emaroñ kar reilo̦k jãn ijin eutiej im alwõje Ãneen Kallim̦ur eo. Bareinwõt, ad mõttan dolul in jimjãn jimjatin eo ej yokwe ibelakin lal ej juõn unjen lañliñ elap. " You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. ' " - 1 PET. 2: 9. " Kom̦ epepen em̦õj kããlõte, bũrij ro im irooj ro [ak kiiñ ro], ri aelõñ re kwõjarjar, armej ro an Anij wõt. " - 1 PITER 2: 9. Ewi wãwen ri kabit ro rej bõktok "sheep ro jet " ñan wãnik? 5, 6. 5, 6. □ Ñããt im ewi wãwen parable eo kin sheep im goat ko enaj jejjet kitien? ETTÃ BÕRO EJ JUON KEIN KÕJPAROK 60: 22. Yes, aside from their figurative and prophetic meaning, these two parables present us with clear encouragement that comes from the mouth of Jesus himself. Aet, ijellokin meleleir ilo nan in kõkkar im nan in kanan, parable kein ruo rej kwalok ñan kij nan in rejañ ko rej itok jen loñin Jesus make. Emol, ilo lal in ibelakid, yokwe im itoklimo kin ro jet rej kõnan. See The Watchtower, January 1, 1996, pages 9 - 22. Lale The Watchtower (Imõniaroñroñ), January 1, 1996, page 9 - 22. Einwõt jet ian Ri Israel ro me rar bedwõt ilo Babylon, elõñ ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rejjab maroñ bõk jerbal in kwalok nan full - time ak jerbal ijo elaplok aikwij ie. Ak, rej jurake im rejañ ro remaroñ im lelok ir make ñan kowõnmanlok jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo im kõmman ri kalor ro. - 537 B.C.E. 3: 1 - 6. A righteous one receives his reward for his unintentional mistakes in the form of discipline from Jehovah. Juõn eo ewãnik ej bõk wõnãn kin bwid ko an ikijen an bõk kaje jen Jehovah. (2) Ewi wãween an kar Jijej likũt juon joñak em̦m̦an? This will help you to avoid serious sin because you will prove to be among "those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " Men in enaj jibañ yuk ñan bõprae jerawiwi ko relap kinke kwonaj bed ibwiljin "ro kin air minene rej maroñ in jela kajen emõn im nana. " Elikin an keboj buruen ri katak eo, juõn elder ekõnan kwalok ñan e kabel ko ej aikwiji. [ Picture on page 21] Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok ad kamolol kin al in kwelok ko ad? After all, we are already in the 21st century. " Eokwe ke, jej lukkun bed ilo ebeben eo kein ka 21. " Kwo jamin kar errã ke bwe kain katakin rot in ajiri ro rej aikwiji rainin? 3, 4. 3, 4. Melelen men in ke bwe aolep kajitõk ko an Paul ñan Anij rar jab uaki? It is as Moses told the nation of Israel: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring. " Ej einwõt ta eo Moses ear ba ñan ailiñ in Israel: "Ij kir ñõn lõñ im ñõn lõl bwe ren kennan nae yuk ranin, bwe emwij aõ kwalok ñõn yuk mour im mij, kejerammõn im kejerata: inem kwon kãlet mour bwe kwon mour wõt, kwe im ro ineõm. " Ta eo Christian ro reritto remaroñ mõnõnõ kake, im ewi wãwen joñok eo an Paul ej kõketak ir? Continuing in the Kingdom - preaching work in these last days requires faith in Jehovah's timing. Bwe jen wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kwal̦o̦k naan ilo raan kein ãliktata, jej aikuj tõmak bwe Jeova ej kajejjet karõk eo an ilo iien eo em̦õj an karõke. Ro rej kalimjek wõt meletlet im meletlet eo ej bedbed ion nan in kaiñi ko ilo Bible rejelã bwe rejjab aikwij kõttar mae ien rej ritto ak nañinmij mokta jen air bõk buñten nee in. - Ken. In fact, some appointed brothers have beards. Ilo m̦ool, ewõr jet em̦m̦aan ak likao ro ewõr aer eddo ilo eklejia im ewõr aer kwõdeak. Ilo 29 C.E., Messiah eo ear itok ilo armij eo an Jesus Ri Nazareth eo. Turn to chapter 3 of the Bible book of Daniel, and read for yourself how the three Hebrews faced the death penalty for refusing to worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Joij im kabellok Bible eo ñan chapter 3 ilo book in Daniel, im lale ewi wãwen Ri Hibru rein jilu rar bed ilo kauwatata kin air kar jab kabuñ ñan ekjap gold eo me King Nebuchadnezzar ear kajutake. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo kwõnaaj kar kõm̦m̦ane ñe kwaar iioon wãween kein. Moreover, being part of a loving international brotherhood is a source of tremendous joy. Jej m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn yokwe eo ro doon Jeova rej kwal̦o̦k ñan doon ipel̦aakin lal̦. Emwij ad bwebwenato kin jet kadkad ko kadkadin Devil eo jej aikwij jab kajeoñe. How do the anointed bring the "other sheep " to righteousness? Ewi wãween an rũkkapit ro jipañ " jiip ro jet ' bwe ren maroñ wãnõk im̦aan mejãn Jeova? (b) Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamol bwe Ailiñ eo ear jutak ilo 1914? □ When and how will the parable of the sheep and the goats be fulfilled? [ Picture on page 12] □ Ñããt im ewi wãwen parable eo ikijen sheep im goat ko enaj jejjet kitien? Ej itok elaptata kinke jej "lõñliñ ilo Anij " ikijen tõmak eo ad ilo Nejin, eo katorlok bõtõktõkin ej kalibubu jerawiwi ko ad. 60: 22. 60: 22. An kautiej im kautiej Anij ear kamakit e ñan an kamol bwid eo an, kajimwe ial eo an, im bar kajutak juõn kõtan emõn ibben Jehovah. Granted, in the world around us, love and concern for others are wanting. Ejeja an armej ro ilo lal̦ in kwal̦o̦k yokwe ñan ro jet. (a) Etke armij ro rej aikwiji kien ko? Like some of the Israelites who remained in Babylon, many of Jehovah's Witnesses cannot take up the full - time ministry or serve where the need is greater. Yet, they support and encourage those who can and make voluntary donations to further the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. 3: 1 - 6. In the seventh month of 537 B.C.E. Einwõt Ri Israel ro jet me rar bedwõt ilo Babylon, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah me rejjab maroñ bõk jerbal in full - time ak jerbal ilo jikin ko elap aikwij ie rej maroñ wõt jibañ im rejañ ro remaroñ bõk kunair ilo jerbal kein im bareinwõt lelok jabawõt ko ñan kowõnmanlok jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo im jerbal in kõmman - ri kalor. 19: 28 - Ta eo "joñoul im ruo bwijin Israel " enaj ekajete kake? (b) How did Jesus set the proper example? (b) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus likit joñok eo ejimwe? " Bread eo im Bread eo Kein Karuo " Ewi wãween naan kein rar jelõt armej in Juda? Ilo an lelok ien emõn ñan kamelele kin kanan eo, Tiffany ear jutak im konono ilo alikar. After preparing a learner's heart, an elder wants to convey to him the needed skills. Em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia eo remaroñ jino katakin ak kammineneik likao im em̦m̦aan ro ilo eklejia eo ãlikin aer kõpooj bũrueer. 6: 4 (UBS) ej ba: "Ijjab maroñ in kõjerbal kajoor in anijnij. " - Aiseia 1: 13, UBS. (1 Jon 3: 4) Kõn men in, rar luuji mour weeppãn eo aer im men in ear bõktok jorrããn ñan er kab aolep ro nejier. Joñan an kar lukkun kwojarjar jar eo an ri kanan Daniel, meñe ear bed ilo kauwatata ilo mour eo an, ear tiljek wõt ilo manit eo an ñan jar ñan Jehovah. How can we show appreciation for our Kingdom songs? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kwalok bwe jej kile kin aurõkin al in kwelok ko ar? Enañin ralitõk yiõ ko tokelik, King Nebuchadnezzar ewõr juõn an ettõnak ittino. Would you not agree that this is the kind of teaching that children need today? (Deuteronomy 5: 6 - 21; 6: 1 - 5) Kwojamin kar errã ke bwe eñin kain katakin eo ajiri ro rej aikwiji rainin? Juõn iair ear jako an juburu kin nebar Jehovah ak ear kõnan bwe ren kabuñ ñan e. Does this mean that all of Paul's prayerful requests to God were granted? (Dri Pilippai 4: 6, 7, 13) Men in ej melelen ke bwe Anij ear uake aolepen jar ko an? Katak kein rej kemelele kin ta eo kwomaroñ kõmõne ñõn jibõñ dri Kristian ro me rar bwijrõk jen air jerbal ñõn Anij. About what can older Christians be happy, and how is Paul's example encouraging to them? (2) Im ewi wãween joñak eo an Paul ej kakajoor im rõjañ er? Kõn men in, rar katak Baibõl̦ ippãn ro jet me rekõn̦aan kal̦apl̦o̦k aer tõmak. Those who look ahead with insight and wisdom based on Bible principles know that they need not wait until they are very old or terminally ill before they consider taking this step. - Prov. Ro me rej lemnok kin ilju im jeklaj ilo lolokjen im meletlet ekkar ñõn Baibel eo, rejela bwe rejjab aikwij kõtar mae ien rej bwijwõlã ak bõk juõn nañinmij elap mokta jen air kõmõne men in. - Ken. KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN ANIJ EJ KE L̦ÕMN̦AK KAKE EOK? In 29 C.E., the Messiah arrived in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Jijej, Ri Nazeret eo, ear erom Messaia ilo iiõ eo 29. El̦apl̦o̦k an nana kõm̦m̦an ko an armej ro ñe rej iukkure kõn jããn. Consider how you would react in the following situations. L̦õmn̦ak kõn ta eo kwõnaaj kõm̦m̦ane ñe kwõj iion wãween kein me jenaaj kõnono kaki. (b) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus boub in tel congregation eo an Christian ilo jinoin? We have discussed certain traits of the Devil that we should not imitate. Emwij ad bwebwenato kin jet ian kadkad ko kadkadin Devil eo me jejjab kõnan kajeoñe. (a) Einwõt juõn kumi, ilo tiljek ta mejenkajjik ko? (b) How would you prove that the Kingdom was established in 1914? (2) Ewi wãween ad kam̦oole bwe Jijej ear jino an Kiiñ ilo 1914? Jenaj kõtlok ke bwe mol eo en jelet ad keini in bed ilo kwelok ko im jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? It has come about primarily because we "enjoy peace with God " through our faith in his Son, whose shed blood covers our sins. Un eo el̦aptata unin ad aenõm̦m̦an ej kõnke " jej aenõm̦m̦an ippãn Anij. ' Aenõm̦m̦an in ad ej itok jãn ad tõmak ilo Jijej, eo ear lel̦o̦k an mour ñan kõj. (Lale pija eo itulõñ.) His reverence and respect for God moved him to admit his guilt, correct his course, and reestablish a good relationship with Jehovah. An kautiej Anij ear kamakit e ñan an kwalok ruõn, kajimwe ial eo an, im bar kajutak juõn kõtan emõn ibben Jehovah. Ta eo naan ko an Ilaihu rej kwal̦o̦k kõn Anij? (a) Why does mankind need laws? (a) Etke armij rej aikwiji kien ko? L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men eo Jijej ear ba. 19: 28 - What is represented by "the twelve tribes of Israel " that will be judged? 19: 28 - Ta eo "joñoul im ruo bwijin Israel " ej jutak kake me naj ekajete? Ta eo ear walok ke Stephen ear jino lor nan in kakabilek eo ilo Bible? " The Breadth and Length and Height and Depth " " Drilpen, im Aitokõn, im Mũlõlin, im Utiejen " Ñe rej karõk juõn pija eo ej bedbed ion Bible einwõt mõttan ien kabuñ eo an family eo air, juõn jemen in jiljino ajiri ro rej kwalok kajitõk ko mokta jen ien eo. Given the opportunity to explain the prophecy, Tiffany stood up and spoke extemporaneously. Ke rar lelok ien emõn ñan an kameleleik kanan eo, Tiffany ear jutak im konono jen buruen. Anij ear jiroñ ailiñ in Israel: "Kom dri kennan ro Aõ... bareinwõt I ar kãlet ir. " Ilo ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn wãween kein rem̦m̦an ippãer, men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad yokwe er im bwe en pidodo ad kwal̦o̦k karwainene. 9, 10. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jehovah kõtlok bwe Judah en anjo ion juõn ri kijirãt eo ekajur? 6: 4 " I cannot put up with the use of uncanny power. " - Isa. 1: 13 " Kwõn eo̦roñ, O Israel; Jeova ad Anij, E wõt Jeova. " - Duteronomi 6: 4 " lotak Jen Anij " Prayer was so sacred to the prophet Daniel that even at the risk of his life, he continued faithful in his custom of praying to Jehovah. Joñan an kar aorõk jar ñan ri kanan Daniel meñe mour eo an ear bed ilo kauwatata, ear tiljek wõt in lor manit eo an ñan jar ñan Jehovah. Juon waanjoñak: Jen ba bwe jaar dik im rũttol̦o̦k ilo juon jikin me kalijekl̦o̦k ak dike armej ro jãn aelõñ ko jet, aelõñ eo ad, ak jikin ko jet. About eight years later, King Nebuchadnezzar has a mysterious dream. Elikin rualitõk yiõ tokelik, King Nebuchadnezzar ear ettõnak juõn tõnak. Maan im kõrã ro rar bõk ir ilo kanniek jen moko imwiir. One from their midst was no longer content with praising Jehovah but desired to be worshipped. Juõn ian enjel ro ear jab juburuen ilo an nebar Jeova ak ear kõnan bwe ren kabuñ ñõn e. Juõn ran, Jehovah ear kakien Jonah bwe en ilok jen Israel im etal ñan Nineveh, jikin kwelok eo elap an ailiñ in Assyria. These articles explain what you might do to assist inactive Christians. Katak kein rej kemelele kin ta eo kwomaroñ kõmõne ñõn jibõñ dri Kristian ro me rar bwijrõk jen air kwelok im kwalok nan. Elañe kwoj roñ juõn lemnak an lal in me ej aitwerõke tõmak eo am, etale ta eo Nan in Anij ej ba kin katak eo im bwebwenato kake ibben juõn ri tõmak eo mõttam ewõr an iminene. As a result, 4,302,852 Bible studies were conducted with others who wish to cultivate faith. Tokjen men in, rar kõmman 4,302,852 Bible study ko ibben ro rar kõnan kalaplok tõmak eo air. Etke jej aikwij yokwe Anij? COVER SUBJECT | IS GOD INTERESTED IN YOU? KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN | ANIJ EJ KE L̦ÕMN̦AK KAKE EOK? Ke ear kõmanman men in kõmanman ko jet remeletlet, Nejin ear lo wãwen an kar Jehovah jerbal ibben kajjojo armij, im kamolol eo an kin kadkad ko kadkadin Anij ear laplok. There is a much more sinister side to gambling besides winning and losing. Meñe elõñ armej ro rej wiin, ewõr juon aujiid im elõñ rejjab kile me ekkã an wal̦o̦k ñan ro rej iukkure kõn jããn. M̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k iien ippãn eo m̦õttam̦ ñan kwal̦o̦k naan, kõm̦m̦ani m̦anit ko rem̦m̦an ñan katak, l̦oore l̦õmn̦ak ko an ri karejar eo etiljek im mãlõtlõt, im kõm̦m̦an mejãnkajjik ko rem̦m̦an. (b) How did Jesus actively lead the early Christian congregation? (b) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus boub ilo tel congregation eo jinoin an Christian? Mour erreo ej erreo, emõn, makitkit jimwe im lemnak. (a) Elders, as a group, are faithfully fulfilling what objectives? (a) Elder ro, einwõt juõn kumi, rej ilo tiljek kajejjet kitien ta menin kõtõbar ko? Letter ko jilu an Jon rej letok melele ko raurõk kin mol eo. Will we permit lies about the truth to affect our regular meeting attendance and our preaching activity? Jen kõtlok ke bwe riap ko kin mol eo ren jelet ad ekkeini ad bed ilo kwelok ko im jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? Ilo an konono kin wãwen mour eo an armij rainin, The Oxxx History of the Twe Century ej ba bwe ejelok tokjen ñan "lo juõn lal ewãppen. " (See opening image.) (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) Ewi wãwen bere eo an ri karejar eo an Elisha ear jelet e? Elihu's words indicated what about God? Nan ko an Ilaihu rej kalikar ta kin Anij? Ej bukõt men ko remõn ilo kij. Looking at it carefully, notice what Jesus said. Ak kõjro bar lukkuun etale. Bo̦o̦k eo ilo peij 18 ej kwal̦o̦k kõn jet iaan men ko kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ilo Iien Kabuñ an Baam̦le eo am̦. What was the outcome when Stephen began to follow the Bible's advice? Bõtab ãlikin an kar jino l̦oori naanin kakapilõklõk ko ilo Baibõl̦, aolep men rar jino em̦m̦anl̦o̦k. Katak in ej kwal̦o̦k kõn an kar armej ro eñtaan im bũrom̦õj When scheduling a Bible - based DVD as part of their family worship, a father of six preteen children in Benin provides questions ahead of time. Im juon baam̦le jãn Benin ilo Africa me ewõr 6 nejier ajri jidik, jet iien rej alwõje pija ko an doulul in ilo iien kabuñ an baam̦le eo aer. Elañe jej kile kajur eo an jar in tarinae ko an Jehovah ilañ, jejamin mijak ri jumae ro. God told the nation of Israel: "You are my witnesses... even my servant whom I have chosen. " Anij ear jiroñ ailiñ in Israel: "Kom dri kennan ro Aõ... im dri korijera I ar kãlete. " Jejjab maroñ kwal̦o̦k aolep wãween ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we, bõtab jen etale ruo waanjoñak ko. 9, 10. (a) How did Jehovah give Judah the victory over a formidable enemy? 9, 10. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jehovah lelok ñan Judah anjo ion juõn ri kijirãt? Inem kwalok juõn jitõb in ettã buru, im jar bwe kwon maroñ kõmman jabdewõt men me enaj bõprae am kebak Anij ilo jar. - 2 Dri Korint 13: 7. " Born From God " " Anij E ar Keutak E " Emol, ej "dri korijeran eo enana " eo ej kajemlok bwe Iroij eo ej rumij. Ak bwebwenato in, elap melelen im aorõkin jen baj juõn jabõn kennan aibujuij wãwen rar jeje. Kõn men in, iar jerbal ilo opij eo ej loloorjake jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan im tokãlik iar bõk kun̦aõ ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan im katakin ro rej lol̦o̦k eklejia ko im ro rej lol̦o̦k eklejia ko. Example one: Suppose we grew up in a climate marked by prejudice or hostility toward people of another race, nationality, or region. Wanjoñok eo kein kajuõn: Jen ba bwe jaar rittolok ilo juõn mejatoto elõñ kalijeklok ie ak rej lej ñan armij ro jen bar juõn jowi, ailiñ, ak jikin. Juon em̦m̦aan me ear kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak eo an Anij kõn mour ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõjerbal kein jerbal ko an ñan kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an. - Bwin. Men and women were physically dragged from their homes. Maan im kõrã ro rar kekaak ir jen moko imwiir. Jesus ear ba: "Elañe... komij lelok men in jurtak eo ami ñõn lokatok eo, im ijo komij kememej bwe eor ruõn jeõm im jãtõm, komin likit am jurtak na iman lokatok eo, im ilok. One day, Jehovah commanded Jonah to leave Israel and travel to Nineveh, the capital of the mighty Assyrian Empire. (2 Kiñ Ro 14: 23 - 25) Juõn ran, Jehovah ear kakien Jonah bwe en ilok jen Israel im etal ñan jikin kwelok eo an Ailiñ in Assyria, Nineveh. " Komin Lõñliñ Kin Kõrã in Jodikdik eo Ami " If you hear a worldly idea that seems to challenge your faith, research what God's Word says on the subject and discuss the matter with an experienced fellow believer. El̦aññe kwõj roñ juon iaan l̦õmn̦ak ko an armej in lal̦ in me emaroñ mãlejjoñe tõmak eo am̦, em̦m̦an kwõn katak im jel̦ã ta eo Baibõl̦ ej ba kõn l̦õmn̦ak in. Ibwiljin "men ko re mũlõl an Anij " kar kalikare ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn kar bwe imõn kabbed eo im tokelik temple ko rar annañelok juõn mol eo elaplok ilo jitõb. Why must we have love for God? Etke jej aikuj yokwe Anij? Ta nan in kakabilek eo jemaroñ loe ilo 1 Dri Korint 7: 10 - 16? With the creation of other intelligent creatures, the Son saw how Jehovah dealt with each one, and his appreciation for God's personality surely deepened. Ãlikin an kar Jeova kõm̦anm̦an enjel̦ ro im armej ro, Jijej ear lo wãween an Jeova kõm̦m̦an ñan kajjojo iaaer. Men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k an yokwe im kautiej Jemen. Bõtab, ear jelã kin nañinmij ko an ro ear kwalok nan ñan ir. Enjoy an interchange of encouragement with your preaching partner, cultivate and stick to good study habits, put into practice the faithful slave's suggestions, and set reasonable goals. Kwõmaroñ bwebwenato ippãn rukwal̦o̦k naan eo m̦õttam̦ kõn men ko rem̦m̦an, keini am̦ katak ippam̦ make kõn men ko me renaaj jipañ eok, kajjioñ l̦oori naanin rõjañ ko jãn rũkarejar eo etiljek im mãlõtlõt, im kõm̦m̦ani mejãnkajjik ko me kwõmaroñi. Ke kimro leo jeiõ ar lo tokjen eo emõn jen ennan eo ilo Bible eo ear jelet e, kimro kar bareinwõt jino katak Nan in Anij. Virtue is moral excellence, goodness, right action and thinking. Mour erreo ej manit eo erreo tata, emõn, kõmmõn im lemnak eo ejimwe. Ilo joij ej lemnak kin eñjake ko an ri karejar ro an, im ekkã an maroñ kabwe aikwij ko air. John's three letters contain further gems of truth. Lõta ko jilu an Jon rej kwal̦o̦k kõn katak ko rem̦ool raorõk. Enaaj ejjel̦o̦k bar bõran kidu awiia in m̦okta jãn an jako. Commenting on the state of mankind today, The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century states that it is useless "looking for a perfect world. " (Jon 12: 31) Juõn buk ej kemelele kin ber eo an armij ranin, ej ba bwe ejelok tokjen ñõn "bukot juõn lõl emõn. Elikin an jerbal einwõt juõn circuit overseer, rar kir e bwe en juõn uan family eo ilo Canada ilo February 1997. How was Elisha's attendant affected by doubt? Ewi wãwen bere ear jelet ri karejar eo an Elisha? Kin menin kijejeto eo an Jesus ear lap an alikar ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an. He searches for the good in us. Ejjab lali likjab ko ad ak ej lali wõt em̦m̦an ko ippãd. 1, 2. The box on page 18 lists some scenarios that could be acted out during your Family Worship evening. Box eo ilo peij 18 ej kõlajrõk jet ian wãwen ko me jemaroñ kamelmel ilo Ien Kabuñ an Baamle eo ilo jota. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe men eo Noa ear kõm̦m̦ane ear l̦apl̦o̦k wõt an kaorõke jem̦jerã eo an ippãn Jeova. Mahalalel Mahalalel 3: 5, 6; Luk 11: 13; Hib. If we recognize the power of Jehovah's celestial armies, we will not easily be intimidated by opposers. (2 Kiñ Ro 19: 35) Elañe jej kile kajur eo an Jehovah in Inelip eo ilañ, jejamin mijake ri jumae ro. Armij rar mõnõnõ kin air jañ. " - Aiseia 14: 7. We cannot here illustrate all the ways in which we may reflect such growth toward completeness, but consider two examples. Kimij jab maroñ kõmman wanjoñok ijin kin aolep wãwen ko me jemaroñ kwalok wõnmanlok rot in ñan ad wãnik, ak lale ruo wanjoñok ko. Ta nan in kakabilek eo Jesus ear letok kin money? So display a humble spirit, and pray that you may do nothing that would deprive you of approach to God in prayer. - 2 Corinthians 13: 7. (Liejlol 3: 42 - 44) Inem kwon kwalok ettã buru, im jar bwe jabdewõt men kwoj kõmmane en jab bõprae am kebak Anij ilo jar. - 2 Dri Korint 13: 7. Kien Moses ear kwal̦o̦k kien ko jet kõn karreo erreo me rar jipañ kõj ñan bõbrae an wal̦o̦k nañinmej ko rel̦l̦ap. Indeed, it is the "evil slave " who concludes that the Master is delaying. Ilo mol, eo ej bõk lemnok eo bwe erumij an Iroij itok ej "dri korijeran eo enana. " Jen air kejbãrok bujen Kien eo, ri tel in kabuñ rein rar kõmmane men in ilo jab jimwe. Here I worked briefly in the Service Department and then for a time shared in teaching branch personnel and traveling overseers. Ium̦win jidik iien, iar jerbal ilo opij eo ej loloorjake aolep men ko rej ekkejell̦o̦k ñan jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan ilo jikin in. Meñe ejelok elõñ renaj kar bellok ñan wãwen in, lal in eobrak kin armij ro rej yokwe money im men ko emaroñ wiaiki. A man who shared God's view of life kept his tools in good repair and used them safely. - Num. Armij eo me ear bõk ejja lemnok eo an Anij kin mour enaj kar kõmõn bwe kein jerbal ko an ren emõn wõt ñõn kajerbali im jab kajerbali ilo juõn wãwen ekauwatata. - Bwin. Meñe ilo jinoin emaroñ kar bin an melele kin bwebwenato eo an, ear kõttar wõt leo enaj bõran family eo. Jesus said: "If... you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. Jijej ear ba: "El̦aññe kwõj katok kõn am̦ joortak ilokatok, im ijo kwõj keememej bwe ewõr am̦ nana ñan jeim̦ im jatũm̦, Kwõn likũt am̦ joortak n̦a im̦aan lokatok, im ilo̦k; kwõn kaenõm̦m̦an jeim̦ im jatũm̦ m̦okta, innem itõm katok. " [ Pija eo ilo peij 19] " Rejoice With the Wife of Your Youth " " Mõnõnõ Kin Lio Beleõm Jen Ke Kwar Likao " A elañe jabrewõt armij ej kalek ion foundes̃õn gold, silver, dreka ko, alal ko, ujoj ko, ujoj ko, jerbal an jabrewõt armij e naj alikar; bwe ran eo e naj walok ilo kijeek; im kijeek e naj melejoñ jerbal an jabrewõt armij. " - 1 Dri Korint 3: 11 - 13. Among "the deep things of God " revealed during the first century was that the tabernacle and later the temples foreshadowed a much greater spiritual reality. Juõn ian "men ko re mũlõl an Anij " kar kwaloki ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ej bwe imõn kaber eo im tokelik tempel ko rar annañelok juõn men eaurõklok. Etke elõñ armej rej kõjekdo̦o̦n kabuñ ko? What counsel is found at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16? Ta naan in kakapilõklõk eo an Paul ilo 1 Korint 7: 10 - 16? Ewõr ke iien kwõj kwal̦o̦k katak ko ilo kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap, im kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap? He did, however, become acquainted with the sicknesses of those to whom he preached. (Jon 4: 6) Bõtab, ear jela kin nañinmij ko an ro ear kwalok nan ñõn ir. Ta eo jej aikwiji jen Jehovah ñan kalek tõmak? When we saw the positive effect of the Bible's message on her, my brother and I also began studying God's Word. Ke kimar lo wãwen eo emõn ennan eo ilo Bible ear jelet e, kimro leo jeiõ ar bareinwõt jino katak Nan in Anij. • Wõn ro jej aikwij kwalok yokwe ñõn ir, im etke? He kindly considers his servants ' feelings, and he is often able to accommodate their requests. Ej l̦õmn̦ak kõn eñjake ko an ro doon im ekkã an kõtl̦o̦k bwe ren kõm̦m̦ani men ko rekõn̦aan. Ilo wãwen in elõñ ri meletlet ro rej tõmak bwe men eo Abraham ear kõmmane kar juõn jãbi - bõlen juõn jãbi jen juõn alal - eo ej jokwe iloan im ej bed ilikin kijeek eo ilo boñin eo lok. No more heads will appear on this beast before it is annihilated. M̦okta jãn an naaj jako bar eo kein kajiljilimjuon, ejjel̦o̦k bar enaaj bar wal̦o̦ktok jãn kidu in. Caiaphas ear jilkinlok ri tarinae ro bwe ren jibwe Jesus iumin aolepen boñin eo. After serving as a substitute circuit overseer, he was invited to become a member of the Canada Bethel family in February 1997. Ãlikin an kar bar jerbal ãinwõt juon eo ej lol̦o̦k eklejia ko, kar kajjitõk ippãn bwe en kobal̦o̦k im jerbal ilo Betel̦ eo ilo Canada ilo Pãpode 1997. Elõñ armij ro ejelok air jerbal rar maroñ kõmmõn jerbal ko ñõn ir make, kõmmõn jerbal, einwõt kallip im kejbarok juõn jikin kallip. Jesus ' zeal was thus significantly evident in his public ministry. (Luk 19: 47; 20: 1) Inem kijejeto eo an Jisõs ear lukkun alikar ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an. Rein rar ro m̦oktata ilo baam̦le eo aõ bwe ren lol̦o̦k Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Noah's routine no doubt focused still more on spiritual matters. Jemaroñ pijaikl̦o̦k an baam̦le eo koba ippãn doon im jar im bwebwenato ippãn doon kõn Anij. JISÕS ear kwalok juõn ennan kin Baibel ilo wik eo kein kajuõn ilo congregation eo ar. 3: 5, 6; Luke 11: 13; Heb. 3: 5, 6; Luk 11: 13; Hib. Ilo letter eo an ñan Ri Ephesus ro, ri jilek Paul ear jitõñlok ñan "jar otemjej. " People have become cheerful with joyful cries. " - Isaiah 14: 7. (Psalm 46: 8, 9; Jabõn Kennan 2: 22) "Aolepen lõl ej kakije, im ej tõt wõt: rej kalaplok air al. " - Isaiah 14: 7. Ak, rar jab maroñ kabõjrak ri jilek eo ekijejeto! What counsel did Jesus give about money? Ta naanin kakapilõklõk eo Jesus ear kwal̦o̦ke ikijjeen jããn? Ñe ettã bũruod, ewi wãween an men in jipañ kõj bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad jel̦ã kilen katakin ro jet? The Mosaic Law contained other sanitary regulations that helped prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Kien eo ikijen Moses ewõr ie bar kien ko jet kin erreo ñan ejmour ko rar jibañ bõprae an jededlok kij in nañinmij ko. Jekdo̦o̦n ia eo jenaaj jerbal ie im ta eo jenaaj kõm̦m̦ane, jemaroñ lõke bwe jenaaj kwal̦o̦k ad kam̦m̦oolol im m̦õn̦õn̦õ. - Nihimaia 8: 10. Rather than protecting the Law covenant, these religious leaders committed the folly of betraying it. Jen air kejbarok bujen Kien eo, ri tel in kabuñ rein rar kõmmõn bwid eo nae e. Jejjab ebwer. Though not many would be so open about the matter, the world is full of people who love money and the things it can buy. Meñe armej remaroñ jab kaalikkar im ba men in, ak elõñ rej bar bõk l̦õmn̦ak in an em̦m̦aan in. El̦ap aer yokwe im kaorõk jããn im m̦weiuk ko rej wiaiki. Ak ilo ad jeorlok bwid, jej kalaplok im kejbãrok burukuk eo ilo congregation eo. Although at first he may have found her story difficult to comprehend, she waited on him as the man who would be the family head. Meñe Josep ear jab tõmak bwebwenato eo an Meri ilo jinoin, Meri ear kõtar wõt e einwõt eo enaj erom bõran baamle eo an. Josep, l̦eo jibwin Ebream, ear bar kwal̦o̦k an m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kijenmej ippãn. [ Picture on page 19] Juon wãween kwõmaroñ jel̦ã kilen katak ippãn baam̦le eo ej ilo am̦ kõm̦m̦ane men in ej ilo am̦ lale el̦aññe aolep ro ilo baam̦le eo rej reim̦aanl̦o̦k ñane. Now if anyone builds on the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood materials, hay, stubble, each one's work will become manifest, for the day will show it up, because it will be revealed by means of fire; and the fire itself will prove what sort of work each one's is. " - 1 Corinthians 3: 11 - 13. A elañe jabrewõt armij ej kalek ion foundes̃õn in, gold, silver, dreka aurõk, wijki, ujoj emõra, kãn; Jerbal an jabrewõt armij e naj alikar: bwe ran eo e naj kwalok e, bwe e naj walok ilo kijeek; im kijeek en e naj melejoñ jerbal an jabrewõt ie ein. " - 1 Dri Korint 3: 11 - 13. Ewi emakijkij in ad aikwij kememe Kwojkwoj in Kememej eo? Why do many reject organized religion? Etke elõñ rej kejekdon kabuñ ko? " Kimar etal ibben don einwõt juõn family. Do you at times take notes during public talks, assemblies, and conventions? Eokwe, ñe kwõj je boin ko ilo iien public talk ko ak kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap, bõk iien ñan bar ãliji im kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kaki. Ilo jinoin, ear make ian ibben Jehovah. What is needed from Jehovah to build faith? Ta eo jej aikuji jãn Jeova me enaaj jipañ kõj bwe en kajoor tõmak eo ad? Rej "men eo enana " im" edrep ñõn men eo emõn. " • To whom should we show love, and why? • Ñan wõn ro jej aikwij kwalok yokwe, im etke? Ri Kaki eo Elap kin Nan in Anij A number of scholars thus believe that what Abraham carried was a vessel - perhaps a pot suspended from a chain - that contained live coals or charcoal embers raked from the preceding night's fire. Kõn men in, elõñ rũmmãlõtlõt ro rej tõmak bwe kijeek eo Ebream ear bõke ippãn l̦o̦k ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan juon jãpe me ej toto jãn juon jeen im ewõr mãlle ko rebwil ilowaan me kar bũki jãn juon kijeek m̦okta jãn an kar ilo̦k ilo ial̦ eo an l̦o̦k. 8, 9. (a) Ta men eo elaptata ri jilek ro 12 rar itoklimo kake? Caiaphas sent soldiers to arrest Jesus under the cover of night. Keiapas ear kõttar m̦ae iien ear boñ innem jilkinl̦o̦k rũttarin̦ae ro bwe ren kalbuuji Jesus. Ewi wãwen an kar Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo France emmakit ñan jumae jerbal in Christian eo air, im etke rej etal wõt im kwalok nan? Many unemployed people have been able to create jobs for themselves, doing hard work, such as planting and caring for a vegetable garden. (Dri Epesõs 4: 28) Elõñ armij ro ejelok air jerbal ilo jikin jerbal ko rar kõmman jerbal ko rekãl, im kate ir ilo jerbal ko ilo melaj, einwõt kejbãrok juõn jikin kallip. Ak, eon 5, ej konono kin "ro drua maijet " me renaj jerbal ibben" pris ro. " They were the first in my family to have contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. Kõn men in, erro ar bõk kõm̦ro Frances, ledik eo erũttol̦o̦k jãn ña, im lale kõm̦ro. Juõn ri tel in Germany eo mokta ear je: "Ilo jimwe remaroñ ba bwe ej juõn eo elap wõt an kabel ilo kein kajilu. " 1, 2. 1, 2. Ke Paul ear kwal̦o̦k waanjoñak eo kõn juon bo̦o̦k ilo iien ko etto, ear kwal̦o̦k kõn e make im ba: "Men eo ij kõm̦m̦ane ij kate eõ joñan wõt aõ maroñ ej bwe in jab m̦anm̦an mejatoto eo. " NIURKA gave a Bible presentation for the first time in our congregation this week. NIURKA ear kwalok katak eo an kein kajuõn jen Bible eo ilo congregation eo am ilo week in. Meñe ewõr jet men ko rem̦m̦an ippam̦, ak kwõmaroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k unin am̦ mour ilju im jekl̦aj. In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul referred to "every form of prayer. " Ke Paul ear jeje ñan Ri Epesõs ro ear ba: "Kom̦win kõm̦m̦an aolep men kein ilo jar. " Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus emmakit? Yet, no chain could silence the zealous apostle! Bõtab, men in ear jab kabõjrak rijjelõk in im ekijejeto jãn an kwal̦o̦k naan! Ñan wanjoñok, lemnak kin kajitõk eo: Ewi wãwen ad jelã bwe jej jerbale wãwen kabuñ eo Jesus ear katakin kake? How does humility help us to be more teachable? Ewi wãwen an ettã buru jibañ kij kalaplok ad katakin? Ãt in Zechariah, eo ej melelen "Jehovah Ear Kanan Kake, " emaroñ kar kakememej kij kin juõn mol eo elap tokjen. Regardless of where we will then serve and what we will do, we can be sure that we will be grateful and contented, brimming with joy. - Neh. 8: 10. Eokwe, ilo naaj tõre en̦, jekdo̦o̦n ia eo jenaaj jokwe ie im ta jerbal ko jenaaj kõm̦m̦ani, jejel̦ã bwe jenaaj lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ im kam̦m̦oolol bwe jej mour ilo jukjukun pãd eo ekããl. - Nihimaia 8: 10. Jej aikwiji kamao ko remõn kar litoki ilo kwelok ko an Christian. We do not give out. Ej ãinwõt ñe jej likũt juon aen ilo juon kijeek im ej kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k im kapene aen eo. " Nan in Anij ej mour im jerbal wõt, im ekõñ jen jabrewõt jãji ruo mejen, im ej wie im bukwe an armij im jitõb, " ri jilek Paul ear je. But by being forgiving, we promote and preserve the unity in the congregation. Im el̦aññe jej jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd, enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr wõt aenõm̦m̦an im bõrokuk ilowaan eklejia eo. • Ta melelen etetal ibben Anij? Abraham's great - grandson Joseph also showed a willingness to be patient. Josep l̦eo jibwin Ebream, ear bar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kijenmej im kõttar. Kõn men in, jej aikuj kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦an oktak ko ilo mour ko ad ãinwõt m̦õjn̦o̦ ko ad. One way to determine the effectiveness of a family study is by noting if all members of the household look forward to it. Juõn wãwen ñan jelã joñan an keie ien katak an family eo ej ikijen air lale elañe aolep ro uan family eo rej reimanlok ñan e. [ Pija eo ilo peij 9] How often should the Memorial be observed? Ewi joñan ad aikwij kõmmane kwojkwoj in Kejota eo? Ekaburomõjmõj, bwe juõn armij eo ej kõmman bwe en jab riap emaroñ mone wõt ro jet, im mone ir ilo jab jimwe. " We took trips together as a family. " Einwõt juõn family kimar jambo. Einwõt ri kamakoko ro ilo Egypt, bõlen rar kõmman elaplok jen air baj kememej wõt. Initially, he was alone with Jehovah. (Jabõn Kõnnaan 8: 22) Tokãlik, Jijej ear jipañe ñan kõm̦anm̦an enjel̦ ro jet, men ko ilañ, kab lal̦ in im men ko ie, innem ãliktata armej. Ilo mol, ilo juõn wanjoñok, ri jumae ro rej bere bwe Jesus ear kejmour armij. They "abhor what is wicked " and" cling to what is good. " Rej "jõjõike men eo enana " im" edrep ñõn men eo emõn. " Im ien otemjej rej jemlok. - 1 Kor. Completely Equipped as Teachers of God's Word Jej Aikwij Wãppen Einwõt Ri Katakin Ro An Nan In Anij * 8, 9. (a) What was the primary concern of the 12 apostles? 8, 9. (a) Ta eo ear aurõktata iben dri jilik ro 12? Katak eo an Paul Ear Jab Mõttan Katak How have Jehovah's Witnesses in France reacted to opposition to their Christian work, and why do they keep on preaching? Ewi wãwen Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo France rar emmakit ke armij ro rar jumae jerbal in Christian eo air, im etke rej kwalok nan wõt? Jesus ear kajerbal etan Anij. Verse 5, though, mentions "foreigners " who would cooperate with and work with those" priests. " Ak ilo eoon 5 ej kwal̦o̦k bwe enaaj bar wõr "ruwamãejet " ro im rej jipañ im jerbal ippãn" bũrij " rein. " Ta eo kwõnaaj kõm̦m̦ane ñe kwõnaaj ro̦o̦l ñan m̦weo im̦õm̦? " A former German bishop wrote: "They can rightfully claim to be the only major conscientious objectors in the Third Reich. " Juon iaan kar rũkaki l̦apl̦ap eo an kabuñ in Bũrotijen eo ilo Jãmne, ear ba bwe Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kanooj jutak pen kõn tõmak eo aer im rar jab bõk kun̦aaer ilo tarin̦ae ilo kar tõre ko an Hitler. Ewõr ibbed juõn joñok emõn ilo emmakit eo an ri jilek Peter ke Jesus ear jiroñ ri roñjake ro An: "Elañe komij mõña kõniek an Nejin armij, im irak bõtõktõkin, ejelok mour ilo kom. " Drawing on the example of a boxer of ancient times, Paul said of himself: "The way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air. " Paul ear keidi e make ñan juon rũbait ke ear ba: "Ij ãinwõt rũbait eo ejjab bait waan. " Bõtab, jemaroñ kajitõk kin tel eo an Anij. Even if you do have a measure of success, you may feel insecure regarding your future. Im meñe ewõr tõprak ko kwõj loi, bõtab bõlen kwõj inepata wõt kõn ta ko remaroñ wal̦o̦k ñan kwe ilju im jekl̦aj. Family eo ilo Bethel ej jibañ ñan letok ekan ko lor jitõb. How did Jesus react? Ta eo Jijej ear kõm̦m̦ane? Im ilo jukjukun pãd eo ekããl me Anij ear kallim̦ur kake, jenaaj lukkuun kam̦m̦oolol kõn menin letok in ekanooj em̦m̦an me ear lo̦mo̦o̦ren kõj jãn illu eo an Anij. - Riit Jon 3: 16; Revelesõn 7: 9, 10, 13, 14. Take, for example, the question: How do we know that we are practicing the form of worship that Jesus taught? Ñan wanjoñok, baj lemnak wõt kin kajitõk in: Ewi wãwen ad jelã bwe jej jerbale wãwen kabuñ eo Jesus ear katakin kake? Bareinwõt, l̦õmn̦ak kõn tokjãn ko rem̦m̦an rej wal̦o̦k ñe jej m̦õñã im idaak. The very name Zechariah, which means "Jehovah Has Remembered, " may have brought to mind a vital truth. Ãt eo etan Zekaraia ej mel̦el̦ein, "Jeova Ej Keememej, " im men in ear kaalikkare juon men em̦ool. Ekkã an Christian ro kãlet ñan lor buñten nee in ilo kien ibben juõn katak in belele ilo ejja ran eo wõt ak eo tok juõn. We need the wholesome association provided at Christian meetings. (Psalm 119: 63) Jej aikwiji ibben don eo emõn rej letok ilo kwelok ko an Christian. Jaab! Jej aikwij kwalok jokkin wõt juõn ñan ad maroñ wõnmanlok wõt im jerbal ñan Jehovah kin aolepen aad [ Pija ko ilo peij 25] Ewi wãwen an juõn men kanuij nana maroñ jededlok ilo ejja ien eo wõt? " The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, " wrote the apostle Paul. Naan ko an Anij ilo Baibõl̦ remaroñ "ekajete kõn̦aan ko im l̦õmn̦ak ko ilo bũruon armej. " Elõñ pioneer ro ewõr air iminene rar mõnõnõ in bed ilo school eo kein karuo. • What does it mean to walk with God? • Ta melelen ñan etetal ibben Anij? Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: We should work to repair, as it were, any fissurelike weaknesses that may appear. Ñe ej wal̦o̦k apañ ko reddik ikõtaad, jen kate kõj ñan kõm̦adm̦õdi. Bõtab, ejjabto tokelik iar lo bwe kimar jab konono kin ejja men eo wõt Abraham ear konono kake. [ Picture on page 9] [ Pija eo ilo peij 17] Joñan an lap an juõn likao kõnan juõn computer ilo ittino ear wiakake juõn ian dekã in jibke ko an ñan wiaiki. Sadly, a person who makes it a point never to tell outright lies might still resort to deceiving others, dealing falsely with them. (Livitikõs 19: 2, 11) Meñe jemaroñ jab riab, ak ñe jej kõm̦m̦an bwe ro jet ren tõmak juon men ejjab m̦ool, men in ej kaalikkar ad jab m̦ool. Ear etetal wõt ibben Anij elikin Ibwijleplep eo, meñe jumae eo nae Jehovah ear bar eddeklok ilo Babel. As slaves in Egypt, they had likely made more bricks than they cared to remember. Ke rar rũkõm̦akoko ilo Ijipt, ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe elukkuun lõñ pirõk ko rar kõm̦m̦ani. Jen men in, jej aikwij kajerbal men ko mweied ilo juõn wãwen ñan kakõmõnmõnlok, ak kalek, kõtan eo ad ibben Jehovah. In fact, in at least one instance, skeptical opposers thoroughly investigated a healing in order to discredit Jesus. Ilo mol, juõn ien, ri jumae ro rar lukkun etale ilo tibdikin juõn ien kamadmõd eo ñan katton etan Jesus. Men in ej kitibuj ta? And they always end. - 1 Cor. Im melejoñ kein renaj baj jemlok wõt. - 1 Kor. Juon jarin tarin̦ae ekajoor emaroñ anjo̦ ioon m̦okta jãn an wal̦o̦k jarin tarin̦ae ko rel̦l̦ap. * * Ñan wanjoñok, jet ien Ri Christian ro emwij air wujleplok air mour remaroñ lemnak elañe jibadbad ko air elap tokjeir. Paul's Routine of Study Manit eo an Paul kin Katak Ta eo emaroñ jibañ yuk ñan kile eñjake ko an juõn armij kin Bible eo? Jesus used God's name. (Luk 13: 35; Keiri Sam 118: 26) Jisõs ear kajerbal etan Anij. Noah ear bareinwõt juõn "dri kwalok ekwojarjar " eo ear keañ ilo beran kin nan in kakkõl eo an Anij ñan armij ro an ilo ran ko an. " How will you make ends meet if you go back home? " Ijello̦kun aer kabbeer ro jet, ren kar "katakin jiroñ ro bwe ren yokwe l̦õm̦aro pãleer kab ajri ro nejier, " im bwe" ren jel̦ã kun̦aaer n̦a im̦õko im̦weer, " ak lale baam̦le eo aer make. Ear ba bwe meñe ien in ej juõn ien ekamõnõnõ ilo elõñ wãwen ko ñan armij ro an Jehovah, ej bareinwõt juõn ien eaorõk im ewõr tokjen. We have an excellent example in the apostle Peter's reaction when Jesus told His listeners: "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. " (1 Korint 2: 10 - 13) Rijjelõk Piter ej juon joñak em̦m̦an me ear kõm̦m̦ane men in. Juon iien Jijej ear jiroñ ri Ju ro: "El̦aññe kom̦ jab m̦õñã kanniõkin Nejin armej, im jab idaak bõtõktõkin, ejjel̦o̦k mour ilo kom̦. " Ewi wãwen an kar Jehovah kakajurlok tõmak eo an ri karejar ro an ilo ran kein? However, we can with confidence request God's guidance. Bõtab, jemaroñ kajjitõk ippãn Jeova bwe en jipañ kõj. Jet ien, kwomaroñ aikwij lemnak kin nan in kakabilek eo ilo Jabõn Kennan Ko 17: 14: "Mokta jen an walok akwail eo, kwon illok jen yuk. " The Bethel family helps to provide spiritual food. Ro rej jerbal ilo Betel̦ rej jipañ im litok Baibõl̦ kab bok ko rej pedped ioon Baibõl̦, ñan jipañ armej ro bwe ren jel̦ã kõn m̦ool eo. Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: And in God's promised new world, we will be eternally grateful for this wonderful provision that saved us from God's wrath. - Read John 3: 16; Revelation 7: 9, 10, 13, 14. Im ilo lõl eo ekãl an Anij, eban jemlok ar kamolol kin menin letok in emõn me ear lomoren kij jen illu eo an Anij. - Riit Jon 3: 16; Reveles̃õn 7: 9, 10, 13, 14. Michael M̦am̦a ear l̦otak m̦okta jãn an kar l̦otak m̦okta jãn an kar wal̦o̦k juon l̦añ el̦ap ilo kajin Pãlle. Consider also the health benefits that result from moderation in eating and drinking. Bareinwõt lemnok kin tokjen ko renaj walok ñõn ejmour eo ar kin ar kejbãrok ar mõña im irak. 20: 8 - 11. Christians often choose to follow up that legal step with a wedding talk at the Kingdom Hall on the same day or the next. Elikin air lor lajrak in an kien eo, Ri Christian ro ekkã air kõnan kwalok juõn katak kin belele ilo Kingdom Hall eo ilo ejja ran eo wõt ak ilo ran eo tok juõn. Jehovah ej ruaklok ñan e make im ñan Nejin ro rej bukõt E. No! Eokwe ejjab. Ailiñ in ekãl ear lotak ilo Pentecost 33 C.E. ke jitõb eo an Anij ear lutõklok ion enañin 120 ri kalor ro an Jesus rar kuktok ibben don ilo Jerusalem. How could something so disliked be at the same time so widespread? Kajjitõk eo in kiiõ: El̦aññe enañin aolep armej rej ba bwe rej dike kalijekl̦o̦k, etke el̦ap an wal̦o̦k ipel̦aakin lal̦ in? Aet, jet iair rar jab bojak ñan itok eo an leo. A number of experienced pioneers have had the pleasure of attending the school a second time. Jet ian ro etto air jerbal einwõt regular pioneer rar bed 2 alen ilo School in pioneer. " Stephen, e obrõk kin Jitõb Kwojarjar, ej kalimjeke lõñ, im lo aibujuij an Anij, im Jisõs ej jutõk i anbijmaroñõn Anij. Scriptural Questions Answered: Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: Aet, Moses ear jab bere kin kejatdikdik eo Jehovah ear likit iman. I soon found out, though, that we were not speaking about the same Abraham. The postmaster had in mind Abraham Lincoln, former president of the United States! Ak tokelik iar kile bwe leo ear jab melele wõn eo ij kennan kake ak ilo lemnok eo an ear lemnok kin president eo an Amerika, Abraham Lincoln. KILIN BOK IN: L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ilo iiõ eo 1997, Inc. One young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it. Joñan, ear wiakake juon iaan kidney ko an bwe en maroñ wiaiki computer eo im ear jab kõn̦aan bwe ro jet ren jel̦ã kake. [ Bo̦o̦k / Pija eo ilo peij 5] He kept on walking with God after the Deluge, even when rebellion against Jehovah again reared its head at Babel. Ear etetal wõt ibben Anij elikin ibijleplep eo, meñe jumae eo nae Jehovah ilo Babel ear bar walok. jen ro nejir ke, ak jen ro drua maijet? " Instead, we should use our resources in such a way as to enrich, or build up, our relationship with Jehovah. Jen an eindein, jej aikwij kajerbal mweiuk ko ad ilo juõn wãwen en kakõmõnmõnlok, ak kalek, kõtan eo ad ibben Jehovah. Ñan wanjoñok, Moses, ri tel eo moktata an ailiñ in Israel, "rar kameleleik " men eo rar jeje kake. - Duteronomi 1: 5. What does this involve? Ta eo men in ej kitibuji? Iar jel̦ã bwe ij aikuj pãd ie el̦aññe ikõn̦aan bwe Jeova en jipañ eõ ñan kijenmej wõt. " A mighty army may go down in defeat before inferior forces. Juõn jar in tarinae eo ekajur emaroñ wõnlõllok im luuj iman juõn jar in tarinae emõjnolok. David ear jelã bwe Jehovah ear lukkun jelã kajjen - men otemjej ear lemnak, ba, ak kõmmane iloan mejen Ri Kõmanman eo an. At times, for instance, dedicated Christians may wonder if their conscientious efforts are really worthwhile. Ñan wanjoñok, jet ien, Christian ro emwij air wujleplok remaroñ bere bwe ewõr tokjen jerbal ko air. Elikin an jiroñ kin virgin ro remeletlet im bwebwe, ear kwalok wanjoñok eo kin talent ko. What may help you to discern a person's feelings about the Bible? Ta eo emaroñ jibañ yuk ñan kile lemnak ko an juõn armij kin Bible eo? Jehovah ej likit kien eo kin ewi wãwen men in kõmanman ko an rej aikwij jerbal ibben don. Noah was also "a preacher of righteousness " who courageously declared God's warning to his contemporaries. (Dri Hibru 11: 7; Jenesis 6: 13 - 22) Bareinwõt Noah ear juõn "dri kwalok ekwojarjar " eo ear kwalok ilo beran nan in kakkõl eo an Anij ñan armij ro ilo ran ko an. Ta eo Jesus ear konono kake ke ear konono kin an juõn armij jolok e "ñõn hell "? He noted that while this is a happy time in many ways for Jehovah's people, it is also a serious, sobering time. 3: 12, NW) Guy Pierce ear kwal̦o̦k bwe iien kein kiiõ jej mour ie ej iien ko rekam̦õn̦õn̦õ ñan ro doon Jeova. Jehovah ear kajutak bujen Kien eo ibben ailiñ in Israel. How has Jehovah strengthened the faith of his modern - day servants? Ewi wãwen Jehovah ear kakajurlok tõmak eo an ro ri karejaran ilo ran kein? Aet At times, you may need to consider the counsel of Proverbs 17: 14: "Before the quarrel has burst forth, take your leave. " Jet ien, kwo maroñ aikwij lemnak kin nan in kakabilek eo ilo Proverbs 17: 14, NW: "Mokta jen an ebjak akwel eo, kwon ilok. " Ipel̦aakin lal̦ in ear kõpel̦l̦o̦k juon iien ekããl ñan an armej ro em̦m̦akũt ñan bar juon aelõñ. Scriptural Questions Answered: Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Michael Faraday Born in 1791, this English physicist was the inventor of the electric motor and the dynamo. Michael Faraday Dri etale in kin katak ko an science, eo ear lotak ilo yiõ eo 1791 ilo England, kar armij eo jinointata ear kõmõn injin jarom im injin eo ej kõmõn jarom me ej jerbal einlok wõt generator. Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? 20: 8 - 11. 20: 8 - 11. Meñe jemaroñ karejar ñan Jeova ium̦win elõñ iiõ, ak em̦m̦an bwe jen bõjrak jidik im kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn joñan an l̦ap Ri Kõm̦anm̦an eo ad. Jehovah draws to himself and to his Son those seeking Him. Jehovah ej karuaklok ñan e make im Nejin ro rej kabukõt E. Renaj kajimwe im tel yuk. - Jemes 1: 21. That new nation was born at Pentecost 33 C.E. when God's spirit was poured out on about 120 disciples of Jesus gathered in Jerusalem. (Matu 21: 43, UBS) Rein me Jijej ej kõnono kake rej ejaakin juon aelõñ ekããl im aelõñ in ear jino ejaak ilo Pentekost eo ilo iiõ eo 33. Beran Ear Itok jen Mijak Anij Yes, some were unprepared for the Bridegroom's arrival. (Matu 25: 10 - 12) Aet, jet rar jabojak kin itok eo an Leo Belele eo. Tõmak eo ekajur ej kõmman bwe jen lukkun liki bwe lor tel eo an Jehovah ej emõntata ien otemjej. " Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right hand. Kinke dri tel ro reutiej ilo kabuñ eo (ak bishop ro) rar mijõk Iroij eo, enañin aolepeir, ijellokin wõt ruo, rar signi katak in, meñe elõñ iair rar jab errã. " Jino ilo Pentecost 33 C.E., Christ eo emwij an jerkakbiji ear kajerbal ri jilek ro an einwõt ial eo ear najidik ri kabit ri kalor ro jet an. Yes, Moses was certainly not nonchalant about the hope that Jehovah had set before him. (Dri Hibru 11: 24 - 26) Aet, Moses ear jab kajekdon kejatdikdik eo Jehovah ear likit iman. Elikin juõn jorrãn elap, eo kar kejelã kake lok iman, Elijah ear jiroñ King Ahab bwe en aintok Ri Israel ro im ri kanan ro an Baal ion Tol Carmel. - 1 Kiñ Ro 18: 1, 19. COVER: Dirty water: WHO / UNICEF photo; globe: Mountain High Maps ® Copyright © 1997 Digital Wisdom, Inc. COVER: Dirty water: WHO / UNICEF photo; globe: Mountain High Map ko ® Copyright © 1997 Digital Wisdom, Inc. Moses ear je book in ijellokin chapter eo eliktata, book in Duteronomi ej kitibuj elõñlok jen ruo alliñ ko. [ Box / Picture on page 5] [ Kamelele in juõn pija ilo peij 21] (2) Ta l̦õmn̦ak eo an Jeova kõn am̦ m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo mour n̦e am̦? From their sons or from the strangers? " Jen ro nejir ke, ak jen ro drua maijet? " Men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k jem̦jerã eo an juon armej ippãn Jeova. For instance, Moses, the first leader of the nation of Israel, "undertook to explain " what was written. - Deuteronomy 1: 5. Ñan waanjoñak, Moses, rũtõl eo jinointata an RiIsrael ro, ear "jino an kõmel̦el̦eik er " kõn jeje kein. - Duteronomi 1: 5, UBS. Einwõt ro uan family eo an Anij, jej katak ñan lemnak kin jerbal ko ilo juõn family ak einwõt mõttan juõn congregation jen ad bõk juõn jikin uwe eutiej. - 1 Timote 3: 15. I knew that I had to be there if I expected Jehovah to help me cope. " Ear ba, "Bwe Jeova en jipañ eõ, iar aikuj in pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko. " Ewi wãwen am maroñ jelã elañe emol am yokwe kien ko an Anij? David was aware that Jehovah already knew him thoroughly - everything that he thought, said, or did was within the scope of his Maker's view. (Sam Ko 139: 23, 24) David ear jelã bwe Jehovah ededelok an lukkun jelã buruen - aolep men ear lemnak kaki, ba, ak kõmmani rar bed iman Ri Kõmanman eo an. Jej aikwij kejbãrok kij jen ad luji yokwe eo ad mokta ñan Anij. After telling of the wise and the foolish virgins, he related the illustration of the talents. Elikin an jiroñ ir kin virgin ro remeletlet im bwebwe, ear kwalok kin parable eo kin talent ko. 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pit. Jehovah sets the standard for how his creation should work together. Jeova eo ej letok kien ko kõn wãween an menin kõm̦anm̦an kein jerbal ippãn doon. Bõtab, ear bõk nañinmij in cancer im mij iloan wõt juõn alliñ in an itok, im ejelok juõn ear maroñ kattõr wa eo. To what was Jesus referring when he spoke of a person's being thrown "into hell "? Jisõs ear jitõñlok ñõn ta ke ear konono kin air jolok juõn armij ilo "hell "? 73: 28. Jehovah inaugurated the Law covenant with the nation of Israel. Jeova ear kajutõk bujen kien eo iben ailiñ in Israel. Roñjake, joij, im roñjake, O imõn Israel. Yes Aet Nan eo an Jehovah ej jejjet kitien ien otemjej. Globalization has opened a new era of migration. Kinke ailiñ ko ibelakin lal rej kõmman business ibben don menin ear kabellok juõn ebeben ekãl in armij ro rej emmakit jen jikin ñan jikin. Ta eo ear walok ilo juõn bukwon, im ta eo jemaroñ katak jen e? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ilo an konono kin Abraham im family eo an, ri jilek Paul ear ba: "Elañe r'ar kememej jikin eo r'ar ilok jen e, re naj kar ien emõn ñõn air bar jeblak. " How Would You Answer? Ewi Wãwen Am Naj Kar Uak? Ilo ebeben ko jen ien eo, Satan ear kajerbal elõñ kilen ko reoktak jen don ñan kejebel mour in belele eo. Even though we may have been serving Jehovah for many years, it is good for us to stop occasionally and think appreciatively about how grand our Creator is. Ak em̦m̦an bwe jãn iien ñan iien kwõn bõjrak jidik im kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn joñan an mãlõtlõt im em̦m̦an Ri Kõm̦anm̦an eo ad. Ilo bar juõn wãwen ba, ear Ri Kejbãrok eo an ro me jimwe ko air rar jab kejbãrok ir jen juõn jemen ak juõn leo ri belele. They will mold and guide you. - James 1: 21. Renaj nalemen im tel yuk. - James 1: 21. Tokãlik, rar n̦aruon kõn an kar kajjioñ in ko̦kkure im kalbuuji. Courage Borne of Godly Fear Beran Eo ear Walok Jen Mijak Anij 17, 18. Strong faith makes us absolutely confident that following Jehovah's guidance is always best. (Jem. 1: 2, 3) Tõmak eo ekajur ej kõmman bwe jen lukkun liki bwe ñan ad lor tel eo an Jehovah ej ien otemjej wãwen eo emõntata ñan kij. Ñan Ri Christian ro rainin, juõn eñjake in ettõñ emaroñ kamõjnoik marok eo ilo ien inebata ko. Starting at Pentecost 33 C.E., the resurrected Christ used his apostles as the channel through which he fed the rest of his anointed disciples. Ãlikin an Kũraij jerkakpeje, ear kõjerbal rijjelõk ro ñan naajdik ak lel̦o̦k katak ko ñan aolep rũkal̦oor ro me rar ri kapit. Bedbed in ej aikwij bin im jokkin wõt juõn, im ro uan rej aikwij mõnõnõ im maroñ kajejjet tel eo an Master eo. After a devastating drought, which was announced in advance, Elijah told King Ahab to gather the Israelites and Baal prophets together on Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 1, 19. Elikin juõn ien eaetok in an kar jab wũt, einwõt kar kanan kake lok iman, Elijah ear jiroñ King Ahab bwe en kokweloklok Ri Israel ro im ri kanan ro an Baal ñan ion Tol Carmel. - 1 Kiñ Ro 18: 1, 19. Bõtab, Timote ear jab l̦õmn̦ak bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ro jet. Written by Moses except for the last chapter, the book of Deuteronomy covers a period of a little over two months. Moses ear je aolepen book in Duteronomi ijellokin chapter eo eliktata, im ej kitibuj juõn ien ruo alliñ aetokin. Im jen loñin elap jãji, bwe En mõn dri ailiñ ko kin mãl; im E naj tel ir kin alal in illu an Anij ekajur otem kajur. " (b) How does Jehovah feel about your enjoying life? (b) Ewi lemnak eo an Jehovah kin am lo mõnõnõ ilo mour eo am? Kõn men in, ejjel̦o̦k unin ad aikuj jol̦o̦k ad bõd ñe jej kõm̦m̦an iien ñan "l̦õmn̦ak kõn bao ko in mejatoto " im" men ko ãierl̦o̦kwõt " ak ñan m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn men ko jet me remaroñ kaenõm̦m̦an kõj im kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ad mour. Growling might capture someone's attention, but it will certainly not win anyone's heart. Iññũrñũr emaroñ kõmman bwe armij ren reilok ñan e, ak ejamin karel buruen jabdewõt armij. Ear utiej buruen kin tõmak im kabuñ eo an. As members of God's household, we learn to think in terms of fulfilling roles in a family or as part of a congregation rather than achieving a rank or climbing a corporate ladder. - 1 Tim. 3: 15. Ro rej karejar ñan Jeova rej kate er ñan kajejjet eddo ak jerbal ko aer ñan jipañ ro ilo baam̦le ko aer im ro ilo eklejia eo. Rejjab l̦õmn̦ak bwe eddo ak jerbal ko aer rej kõm̦m̦an aer utiejl̦o̦k ak em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ro jet. - 1 Timote 3: 15, UBS. Ewi wãwen an kar Hezekiah kajerbal men in letok in? How can you know whether you truly love God's laws? Ewi wãween am̦ jel̦ã el̦aññe kwõj m̦ool in yokwe kien ko an Anij? Yokwe eo an Jesus ej jededlok ñan armij ro kajjojo Eñin Ej Jikin Kabuñ eo Ad • Ewi wãwen ad jelã bwe ran eo kein kajiljilimjuõn ej bed wõt ilo ran kein? We ourselves must guard against losing our first love for God. (Mark 12: 28 - 30; Dri Epesõs 2: 4; 5: 1, 2) Kij aolep jej aikwij kejbãrok bwe jen jab luji yokwe eo ad mokta ñan Anij. Ijellokin mõnõnõ eo ad make, men kein rej jelet jutak eo ad iman Jehovah Anij. 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pet. 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pit. Ke ear najidik jar in armij ro ilo kabwilõñlõñ, ear lelok ñan ri kalor ro an eddo eo ñan leto - letak mõñã ko. - Matu 14: 15 - 21; 15: 32 - 37. (Jemes 5: 14, 15) Ak ta ñe eo em̦õjn̦o̦ ak "enañinmej " ejjab make " ãñiñintok em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia ' bwe ren jipañ e? Kõnke iar niknik ilo aõ kwal̦o̦k naan, kumi eo etan Soviet Union ear kõn̦aan jilkinl̦o̦k eõ bwe in bar kalbuuj. However, he contracted malaria and died within a month of his arrival, leaving no one who could operate the press. Bõtab, ear bõk nañinmij in malaria im mij wõt iloan wõt aliñ eo ear tõbarlok ijo, inem ejelok juõn ear maroñ jela kajerbal mijjin in kõmõn buk eo. Ak lo! 73: 28. Bareinwõt, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k ad errã ippãn ri jeje sam ke ear al: "Em̦m̦an ippa bwe in kepaak waj ñan Anij. " - Sam 73: 28. Kõnke jejjab weeppãn, ekkã ad aikuj jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd. Hear, please, O house of Israel. Kom ri Israel, komin roñjake iõ. Ilo m̦ool, eoktak wãween an armej ro l̦õmn̦ak jãn doon. Jehovah's word always comes true. Ien otemjej ej jejjet kitien Nan eo an Jehovah. Ilo Jul̦ae 1946 eo, ke Ted ear 20 an iiõ, ear kadiwõjl̦o̦k jãn kilaaj eo kein kajiljilimjuon an Watchtower Bible School in Gilead. What took place in one town, and what can we learn from it? Ta eo ear walok ilo juõn bukwon, im ta eo jemaroñ katak jen men in? Inem, etke Jesus ear kobaik ilo jar eo an: "Kwon letok ñõn kim bred ranin "? Speaking of Abraham and his family, the apostle Paul noted: "If they had indeed kept remembering that place from which they had gone forth, they would have had opportunity to return. " Ke ear konono kin Abraham im family eo an, ri jilek Paul ear je: "Im, emol, elañe r'ar kememej ailiñ eo r'ar itok jen e, re naj kar maroñ in jeblaklok ñõn e. " Jijej ear likũt juon joñak em̦m̦antata kõn wãween an kar kõjerbale naan ko an. In the centuries since, Satan has used a variety of sly methods to spread marital discord. Jen ien eo liktak, Satan ear kajerbal elõñ kain kõl ko retao ñan kokkure kõtan ko an ri belele ro. Jen ad bukõt juõn wãwen ñan bõk tokjen jen nan in kakabilek eo, jemaroñ lemnak kin jet bwid ko ilo nan in kakabilek eo ak ri kakabilek eo. In other words, he was the Protector of those whose rights were not safeguarded by a father or a husband. (Sam 68: 5; Duteronomi 10: 17, 18) Ilo bar juon wãween, ej Ri Jojomar ñan ro me ejako jemãer ak ro pãleer ñan kõjparok er. Aibujuij eo an Jehovah Ej Itok Ion Armij Ro An Later, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned. Tokelik, kar naruõn bwe ear kajeoñ in kokkure juõn kõra im kin men in ear kalbuj. Jehovah ewõr an maroñ ñan kile kij in lotak eo im ñan jerbale maroñ eo an ñan jelã lok iman im kãlet wõn eo ekõnan kin karõk ko an. 17, 18. 17, 18. Ri tel owõj ro rejjab kõmman eindein bareinwõt ke? For Christians today, a sense of humor can lighten the gloom in times of stress. Ej ba ñan Hosea: "Kwon bar ilok, yokwe juõn kõrã eo rejetan im lũñ, einwõt kin yokwe eo an Jehovah ñan ro nejin Israel ke rej oktaklok ñan anij ro jet. " - Hosea 3: 1. That foundation must be solid and stable, and its members must be willing and able to carry out the direction of the Master. Bedbed in ej aikwij bin, im ro uan rej aikwij jerbal ilo mõnõnõ ñan kajejjet nan in tel eo an Iroij eo. Ilo air errã ibben Jehovah im ri kalor ro an Jesus im ri karejar ro an Ailiñ in Anij, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar jab bõk kunair ilo tarinae ko an ailiñ eo im tarinae ko ibelakin lal ilo ebeben eo kein ka 20 im 21. However, Timothy did not then rest on his laurels. Bõtab, Timothy ear jab juburuen kin baj jerammõn eo wõt kin an juõn ri jerbal. Jet remaroñ lemnak, "I naj kõmman juõn men enana im bukwelok jen congregation eo. " And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. " Im jen loñin ej ilok jãje ekõñ, bwe En mõn dri ailiñ kake, im E naj iroij ioir kin mãl wãwen alal, im Ej juri ken joniõk wain in illu ebwil, eo an Anij ekajur otem kajur. " Aet kwomaroñ! There is, therefore, no reason to feel guilty when we once in a while schedule some time to "observe intently the birds of heaven " and" the lilies of the field " or to enjoy some other activities that refresh us and enrich our life. Innem jejjab aikuj l̦õmn̦ak bwe ebõd ñe jej kõjerbal iien ko ad ñan "kallimjeke bao ko rej ekkãke " im" wut ko imelaj. " Ad kõm̦m̦ane men in im men ko jet rekamõnõnõ remaroñ kakajoor kõj im kõm̦m̦an bwe jen m̦õn̦õn̦õ. Andrew ear lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn jerbal eo an ak ear em̦m̦akũt jãne. He took pride in his faith and worship. Ear mõnõnõ kin tõmak im kabuñ eo an. Alikar, Jemed ilañ ej kir kij ñan ad kir e kin ãt eo etan. How did Hezekiah use that gift? Kõnke Jeova ear letok juon menin letok ñan kõj kajjojo. Enjel̦ ro rej ke jipañ armej ro? Jesus ' love extends to individuals Yokwe eo an Jesus ej kitibuj armij ro kajjojo Elañe armij in enaj bõk lomor - ak kadkad ko kadkadin Christian eo ear kate wõt e ñan kalek ri katak eo an rej kõkkar kake einwõt "ko " ilo juõn melejoñ eurur - ta jemlok eo jej aikwij bõke? • How do we know that the seventh day is still under way today? • Etke jejel̦ã bwe raan eo kein kajiljilimjuon ej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ñan kiiõ? Ilo wãwen in rej kejbãrok ir jen air jiaik don im likit juõn joñok emõn ilo burukuk ñan ro jet ilo congregation eo. Apart from our personal happiness, these issues affect our standing before Jehovah God. Im Kũrjin ro meñe ewõr pãleer ak ejjel̦o̦k pãleer, rej aikuj kõjparok er jãn mour in l̦õñ. Ñe elder ro ilo congregation eo rej kate ir einwõt ri evanjel ro, shepherd ro, im ri kaki ro, rej letok un ko remõn ñan ad kamolol kin "menin letok ko ilo emaan ro. " When he miraculously multiplied food to feed the crowds, he delegated to his disciples the responsibility of distributing the food. - Matthew 14: 15 - 21; 15: 32 - 37. Ke ear kalaplok mõñã ko ilo kabwilõñlõñ ñan najidik jar ko, ear lelok eddo eo ñan ri kalor ro ñan ajeje mõñã ko. - Matu 14: 15 - 21; 15: 32 - 37. Ej einwõt an kar ri jilek Paul kanan kake. Because I was actively preaching, the Soviet security agency wanted to send me to prison again. Doulul eo me ej kõjparok aenõm̦m̦an eo an Soviet Union ear kõn̦aan bar karo̦o̦l ña ñan kalbuuj kõn aõ kar kijejeto ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. Ejelok bere, jet iair rar ebakelok menin. But look! Ak lo! Kõn men in, ro jeid im jatid rar aikuj uwe ioon kidia ko ak etetal ium̦win jejjo wõt raan bwe ren tõparl̦o̦k juon train me enaaj kar bõkl̦o̦k er ñan kweilo̦k el̦ap eo. Imperfect as we are, we often need forgiveness. (Matu 7: 12) Kin ad jab wãppen, ekkã ad aikwij bõk jeorlok bwid. Bõtab, kinke Jehovah emaroñ etale aolep men ko, ekoba kõmman ko, ej jerbal kin melele im ekajet jimwe ilo wãwen kein, bwe "ial ko An otemjej re wãnik. " Im renaaj ke kepoj kom̦ ñan eddo ko rel̦apl̦o̦k ilo raan ko rej pedotok? L̦ÕMN̦AK KO REM̦M̦AN By nature, temperaments differ. Ikijen biktokin mour, kadkad ko kadkadin armij rej oktak jen don. Emaroñ kar juõn aitwerõk elap ñan family ko rej mijak Anij bwe ren tiljek wõt ñan Jehovah iumin yiõ kein rebin! In July 1946, at the age of 20, Ted graduated from the seventh class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. Ilo kar Jul̦ae 1946 eo, ke ear 20 an Ted iiõ, ekar diwõjl̦o̦k jãn jikuul̦ in mijinede eo kein kajiljilimjuon. Bukõt nan in kakabilek eo an eo ej jelã wãwen eo emõntata ñan kakajiririk ajiri ro - Jehovah Anij. Why, then, did Jesus include in his model prayer the request: "Give us today our bread for this day "? Inem, etke Jesus ear jar im ba: "Kwon letok ñõn kim kijim rainin "? Jesus ear likit juõn joñok emõn ñan ajiri ro nejid! Give an example of Jesus ' use of easily understood speech. Jesus set the finest example of appropriate word selection. Ta waanjoñak eo ej kwal̦o̦k bwe Jijej ear kõnnaan ilo juon wãween me epidodo an armej ro mel̦el̦e? Ak aolep kabuñ ko reoktak jen don rej ke kalikar ir? Instead of looking for a way to benefit from the counsel, we might be focusing on some defect in the counsel or in the counselor. Ñe juon ej letok naanin kakapilõk ñan kõj, jen pukot kilen ñan roñjake men ko ej ba im jab l̦õmn̦ak kõn ta ko rebõd ej ba ak m̦õjn̦o̦ ko an. Ewi wãwen bwen ri kabit ro rar juõn kein kõjjeroro an Satan ilo ran kein? Jehovah's Glory Shines on His People Aibujuij Eo An Jehovah Ej Romak Ion Armij Ro An Jej aikwij beran im liki Jehovah kin aolepen buruõd bwe jen maroñ tiljek wõt ñan e. Jehovah has the ability to detect the genetic bent of the unborn and to exercise his foreknowledge and select beforehand whom he chooses for his purposes. Ewõr ibben Jehovah maroñ eo ñan jelã ejaakin juõn niñniñ ejañin lotak im ñan kajerbal jelã eo an im kãlet lok iman wõn eo ekõnan ekkar ñan karõk ko an. Jejjab aikwij kõtmene ke bwe kain jorrãn rot kein renaj walok elañe jej konono ibben ro remaroñ joij ak rejjab bõk kunair ilo tõmak ko an Christian, men ko raorõk, im nan in kaiñi ko? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? dri tel owõj re jab kõmõn einwõt ke? Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, ear or juõn kõtan ekajur ikõtan Jeova im Jisõs ke rar jerbal iben dron ñõn kõmõnmõn men otemjej. He tells Hosea: "Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery, as in the case of Jehovah's love for the sons of Israel while they are turning to other gods. " - Hosea 3: 1. Ej jiroñ Hosea: "Kwon ilok im yokwe juõn kõrã eo elõñ an ri yokwe im ej lejen. Kwon yokwe e einwõt ña ij yokwe wõt armij in Israel, meñe rar ellok ñõn bar jet anij. " - Hosea 3: 1. Ñe armij ro rejjab wãppen rej kajeoñ in jerbal ibben don, emaroñ bidodo air bed ilo abañ ko. In harmony with their belonging to Jehovah and being followers of Jesus and subjects of God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses have remained neutral in the national and international conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. Kinke rej armij ro an Jehovah im rej ri kalor ro an Jesus im ri karejar ro an Ailiñ in Anij, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar jab bõk kunair ilo tarinae ko an juõn ailiñ ak ko rej jelet ailiñ ko ibelakin lal ilo ebeben eo kein ka - roñoul ak roñoul juõn. Rar aikwij kajur ion lal, kobrake kin ro nejiir, im kejbãrok menin mour ko an lal. Ej bareinwõt kitibuj jabdewõt men me rej kwal̦o̦k an armej ro kajorrããn ro jet ak kwal̦o̦k bwe ejjab nana kõm̦m̦ani m̦anit ko rettoon. Men in enaj kakõlleik jinoin ran eo elap an Jehovah. Some may even reason, "Maybe one day I will do something bad and be disfellowshipped from the congregation. " Jet remaroñ ba, "Bõlen juõn ran tokelik inaj kõmman juõn bwid im renaj bukwelok iõ jen congregation eo. " • Ta bedbed in katakin eo emõn, einwõt an alikar ikijen wõn? Indeed you can! Ej bwe lal̦ in en erom juon pedetaij im armej ren weeppãn im mour ie ñan indeeo. Juõn jemen Ri Israel im ladik eo nejin rar lũñ ibben ejja temple eo wõt ekijoñ. Andrew took much pride in his job but left it. Andrew ear kam̦õje jãn jerbal eo an meñe ear lukkuun em̦m̦an ippãn. KWÕJ ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ in m̦õñã fig ko? Clearly, our heavenly Father invites us to address him by name. (Aiseia 63: 16) Alikar bwe Jemer ilõñ ekõnan bwe jen kajerbale ãt eo etan. Kinke jejjab wãppen, jemaroñ ilok jen " yokwe eo ear bed ibbed ilo jinoin. ' Do angels help people? Enjel̦ ro rej ke jipañ armej? (b) Ñan joñan et eo Christian ro remol rej yokwe armij ro mõttair? If this individual may eventually gain salvation - whereas the Christian personality he endeavored to build in his student is pictured as being "burned up " in a fiery test - what must we conclude? (1 Dri Korint 3: 15) Elañe ri kaki in emaroñ bõk lomor - ak kadkad in Christian ear kajeoñ in kaleke ilo ri katak eo an rej pijaiki einwõt ear "urur " ilo juõn melejoñ ekakijeekek - ta eo jej aikwij kajemlok? Yokwe elaplok jen tõmak im kejatdikdik bwe ej bedwõt ñan indio. They thus ward off disruptive competition and set a fine example in unity for the rest of the congregation. Ilo wãwen in rej bõprae jitõb in jiaik don eo ej kokkure im rej likit juõn joñok emõn kin burukuk ñan ro jet ilo congregation eo. Juõn magazine ilo Africa ej konono kin Ri Kennan ro einwõt "juõn ian kabuñ ko rebuñbuñ an lal in im elap air kautiej ir kin air eddeb wõt ñan katak ko an Bible. " When those serving as elders in the congregation exert themselves as evangelizers, shepherds, and teachers, they give us sound reasons to appreciate such "gifts in men. " Ñe ro rej jerbal einwõt elder ilo congregation eo rej kate ir einwõt ri evanjel, shepherd, im ri katakin armij ro, rej letok ñan kij un ko remõn ñan lukkun kaorõk "maan [rein] einwõt men in lelok ko ilo armij. " Inem ear kakkõl Ri Christian ro bwe ren "bõk jen ibwiljiir. " It is just as the apostle Paul foretold. Ejja einwõt an kar ri jilek Paul kanan. El̦aññe ear kõtl̦o̦k bwe men in en wal̦o̦k, enaaj kar kauwõtata ñan aolep menninmour ko ilañ im ijin ioon lal̦. Doubtless, some of them came fairly close to that. Ejelok bere, jet iair rar eindein. Ennan in keañ eo an Ailiñ eo ibelakin lal ear ijjino ilo 1919 elõñ thousand ro rekãl ñan jerbal eo an Jehovah. Thus, delegates had to ride mules or walk for days just to reach a train that would take them to the convention city. Kõn men in, rukweilo̦k rein rar aikuj iuwe ioon donkey ko ak etetal ium̦win elõñ raan bwe ren maroñ tõpar jikin eo me kweilo̦k el̦ap eo ej kõm̦m̦an ie. □ Ilo wãwen et ko kabuñ eo an Israel ear jab kwojarjar ilo ran ko an Malachi? However, since Jehovah is able to weigh all factors, including motives, he deals with understanding and justice in such cases, for "all his ways are justice. " Ilo boñin eo mokta jen an kar lelok mour eo an, Jesus ear jiroñ ri kalor ro an retiljek bwe ren kememej, ak kememej, katok eo an. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Ilo Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus ear jiroñ ri kalor ro an: "Im naj lõkatip kin kom otemjej ilo boñin en; bwe emwij je, I naj mõn s̃eperd eo, im s̃ip ro an bwij eo re naj jebwãbwe. " What a challenge it must have been for God - fearing families to remain loyal to Jehovah during those hard years! (Ri Ekajet 2: 1 - 3, 11 - 15; Sam 106: 40 - 43) Ilo kar tõre kein, emaroñ kar lukkuun pen ñan an baam̦le ko me rar yokwe Jeova dãpij wõt aer tiljek ñane. Aet, scientist ro rejjab maroñ uake kajitõk eo kar bõkmantak ilo Job 38: 33: "Kom jela kien ko in lõñ ke? " Ear bar kwal̦o̦k ejja kallim̦ur in wõt ñan l̦eo jibwin Ebream etan Jekõb. Katak Jen Bwid ko an Ri Israel Ro Seek the advice of the one who knows best how to raise children - Jehovah God. Bõk jibõñ jen nan in kakabilek ko jen eo elukkun jela kilen kakajiriri ajiri, ej Jeova Anij. Elañe ejjab kõmman eindein ilo juõn ien ekkar, tiljek ñan Anij en kamakit yuk ñan am report kin ta eo ej walok ñan elder ro. What a fine example Jesus set for our young ones! (Luk 2: 40 - 52) Juõn joñok emõn Jesus ear likit ñan ajiri ro nejid redik! * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) But are all religions marked by divisions? Ak ewõr ke jebel iloan kabuñ ko otemjej? Tokãlik, Jeid im Jatid Rutherford ear yokyokwe Jeid im Jatid Rutherford im ba bwe el̦ap an m̦õn̦õn̦õ. How have the remaining anointed ones been a target of Satan in modern times? Ewi wãwen an Satan kõjjeroru kake bwen ri kabit ro ilo ran kein ad? Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej leto - letak book ko rej bedbed ion Bible ñan jibañ ro rej aikwij bõk tokjen jen unjen kainemõn eo ekakõrmol an Anij. Courage and complete trust in Jehovah are required in order to remain loyal to him. (Sam 4: 3) Jej aikuj peran im lõke Jeova bwe jen maroñ tiljek wõt ilo ad yokwe e. (2) Ta eo jemaroñ katak jãn bwebwenato eo an Jeremaia? Should we not expect such detrimental effects if we fraternize with those who may be friendly but do not share Christian beliefs, values, and principles? Jej aikwij kõtmene bwe jorrãn rot kein renaj walok elañe jej kamao ibben ro me remaroñ joij ñan kij ak rejjab kabuñ ñan Jehovah im eoktak mwiliir. Juõn dri tel in kabuñ in Protestant ilo ailiñ in Germany, ear je kin Dri Kennan ro an Jeova: "Ilo jime, rej ba bwe rej tõmak bwe katak eo wõt an kabuñ in Protestant ej ikijen tõmak eo wõt an jilu anij ilo juõn. " Similarly, a strong bond was forged between Jehovah and Jesus as they worked together in creating all other things. (1 Tim. 1: 2) Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, juõn kõtan ebak ear edrek ikõtan Jeova im Jisõs ke rar jerbal iben dron ilo air kõmõnmõn men ko otemjelok. Bareinwõt, jet ian ro rej iion kain eñjake rot kein rar lo jibañ ko jet ilo book ko rekeie rej bedbed ion Bible an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, einwõt letter in tok ilokan jen France ej kwalok. When imperfect people try to cooperate, they can easily have difficulties. Ñe armij ro rejjab wãppen rej kajeoñ in burukuk iben dron, ebiruru an walok abañ ko. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn jorrããn ko remaroñ wal̦o̦k el̦aññe jejjab kõjparok kõj jãn men kein: nañinmej ko rel̦l̦ap, inepata ko rel̦l̦ap, im men ko ãierl̦o̦kwõt. They were to subdue the earth, fill it with their offspring, and care for earth's animals. Ren kar kajur ilo lal, kobrake kin ro ineir, im kejbãrok menin mour ko an lal in. Jet ian ri keañ rein reritto an Ailiñ eo rar kijenmij iumin elõñ yiõ ko kin matõrtõr ak abañ ko jet. This will mark the beginning of the great day of Jehovah. Iien in me naaj ko̦kkure Babil̦on El̦ap ej jinoin raan eo el̦ap an Jeova. Bõtab ilo iiõ eo 1935, bainier ro me rej bainier rar jeje ñan Joseph F. • What is the foundation of good teaching, as exemplified by whom? • Ta eo ej bedbedin katakin eo emõn, einwõt an kar wõn eo kalikare? Ak kin armij ro aõ, rejañin jelã kin ekajet eo an Jehovah. " An Israelite father and his son committed sexual immorality with the same temple prostitute. Juõn Ri Israel im likao eo nejin rej jimor babu ibben juõn wõt kõrã ekijoñ ilo temple eo. Juõn jitõb rot in ear walok ilo bwoktak ko ejelok tokjeir. DO YOU enjoy eating figs, either fresh or dried? ELÕÑ armej enno̦ ippãer leen wõjke eo etan fig. (a) Ta lemnak eo ekauwatata jet renaj kar ejaake? Because of our imperfect human nature, we might leave " the love we had at first. ' (Luk 21: 34, 35; Mark 4: 18, 19) Kinke jejjab wãppen, jemaroñ ilok jen " yokwe eo ad mokta. ' * Yokwe eo an Christ ekkã an walok ikijen elder ro, ro rej jerbal einwõt shepherd ro ilo jitõb an congregation eo. (b) To what extent do true Christians love their fellow man? (2) Ewi joñan an Kũrjin ro rem̦ool yokwe ro jet? Im ear bareinwõt maroñ kõmman juõn jerkakbiji. - Jerbal 9: 40. Love is greater than faith and hope in that it remains forever. 11: 1) Yokwe elaplok jen tõmak im kejatdikdik kinke ej bedwõt ñan indio. Elañe kwar lorak ilo jerawiwi, tokjen ko remaroñ kaburomõjmõj, kinke ilo kõkkar Jehovah ej likit ilo buruen armij ro rej jumae einwõt juõn kõdo bwe jar ko air ren jab ellã jen e. An East African journal refers to the Witnesses as "one of the world's fastest growing and highly respected religions known internationally for its total adherence to biblical teachings. " Juõn East African journal ej jitõñlok ñan Ri Kennan ro einwõt "juõn ian eddeklok eo emõkaj an lal im juõn ian kabuñ ko rej kautieje im jelã kake ibelakin lal kin eddeb eo an ñan katak ko ilo Bible. " Kõn men in, jen m̦õn̦õn̦õ in al im nõbar etan Jeova ñan indeeo ñe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn kallim̦ur ko ad jãn raan ñan raan. Then he warned Christians to "get out from among them. " Inem ear rejañ dri Kristian ro bwe ren "ilok jen " armij rein. Ear kautiej Aaron im lõmaro nejin, ro rar bõk jerammõn eo ñan jerbal einwõt priest ro. If he had tolerated it, the well - being of all living creatures - in heaven and on earth - would be threatened. 1: 13, UBS) El̦aññe Jeova enaaj kar anlo̦ke wõt men eo enana Adam im Iv rar kõm̦m̦ane, enaaj kar ejjel̦o̦k an menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an ilañ im ioon lal̦ kõjatdikdik. (Riit Sam 119: 130; Jon 16: 13.) The worldwide Kingdom proclamation that began in 1919 drew in thousands of new ones to Jehovah's service. (Aiseia 60: 4) Nan in keañ eo kin Ailiñ eo ibelakin lal me ear ijjino ilo 1919 ear bõktok thousand ro rekãl ñan jerbal eo an Jehovah. Ej ba: "Ear l̦addik eo nejũ, bõtab men ko ear kõm̦m̦ani ilo mour eo an rar kõm̦m̦an bwe en penl̦o̦k kõtaan eo am̦ro. " □ In what ways was Israelite worship unholy in Malachi's day? □ Ilo wãwen et ko kabuñ eo an ri Israel ear jab kwojarjar ilo ran ko an Malachi? Class in Kwalok Nan On the night before he surrendered his life, Jesus instructed his faithful followers to remember, or commemorate, his sacrifice. Ilo boñõn eo m̦okta jãn an kar Jijej mej, ear kakien rũkal̦oor ro an ñan keememej iien eo enaaj katok kõn mour eo an. Ak, men eo elaplok an emõn ilo men in kõmanman ko ilo kanniek ej men in kamol eo kin yokwe eo an Anij. On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his disciples: "All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it is written, " I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about. ' " (Zekaraia 13: 7) Ilo boñõn Nisan 14 ilo iiõ 33, Jijej ear ba ñan ri kal̦oor ro an: "Boñin in kom̦ otemjej naaj l̦õkatip kõn ña, bwe ar jeje, " Inaaj m̦an seperd im sip in bwijin renaaj jeplõklõk. ' Katak eo kein kajuon: Ilaija ej kam̦ool bwe Jeova el̦apl̦o̦k jãn Beal. Yes, scientists still cannot answer the question posed at Job 38: 33: "Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens? " Aet, scientist ro rejañin uake kajitõk eo ilo Job 38: 33: "Kwoj jela kien ko in lõñ ko ke? " 3: 16. Learn From the Errors of the Israelites Katak Jen Bwid ko an Ri Israel Ro Mejenkajjik eo am ej ñan lelok jibañ eo ej yokwe im jibañ ilo juõn wãwen eo kwoj tõbare. If he or she does not do so within a reasonable period of time, loyalty to God should move you to report the matter to the elders. Im ilo ejja iien eo wõt, kwõj bar kwal̦o̦k am̦ jouj ñan eo ear kõm̦m̦an bõd kõnke em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia eo remaroñ jipañe bwe en bar em̦m̦an jem̦jerã eo an ippãn Jeova. Bõtab, ro jeid im jatid ewõr joñan aer maroñ ñan lel̦o̦k. * When Jerusalem finally fell, about one seventh of all Jews in the Roman Empire perished. * Ke Jerusalem ear buñ, enañin juõn jen jiljilimjuõn Ri Jew ro iumin Kajur eo an Ri Rome rar jako. Juõn ien Moses ear likjap in kokwojarjar Jehovah. (2) Ta eo Jijej ear kõm̦m̦ane ilo l̦we eo, im ta eo men in ej katakin kõj kake? O Jeova, ilo ien jorran r'ar reilok ñõn Yuk; r'ar kalomõnlokjen kin jar ke r'ar kajime kom. " - Aiseia 26: 15, 16. Later, Brother Rutherford greeted Brother Klein with a cheerful, "Hello, Karl! " Tokãlik, Karl Klein ear erom uwaan Kumi eo Ej Lale Aolep Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. Kinke Baibel eo ej kwalok kin ãt kein, jej kile bwe kajjojo enjel ej juõn jitõb ejej uan kin juõn ãt, im ejjab baj juõn kajur bajjek wõt. Jehovah's Witnesses distribute Bible - based literature to help those in need to benefit from that divinely inspired source of comfort. Book ko rej bedbed ion Bible Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej leto - letak i ñan jibañ ro rej aikwiji jibañ jen book in kainemõn eo ekakõrmol. • Ewi wãwen ien kein ad rej einlok wõt ran ko an Noah? (b) What lesson can we learn from Jeremiah's experience? (b) Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen experience eo an Jeremiah? Ilo keidi, juõn mej "dri nana " ej etao, ankwonak, im reel ñan men ko ejelok tokjeir. Dr. Hanns Lilje, former bishop of the Protestant Church in Hannover, Germany, wrote about the Witnesses: "They can rightfully claim to be the only major conscientious objectors in the Third Reich. " Dri tel eo eutiej kar mokta an kabuñ in Protestant ilo Hannover, Germany, etan Doctor Hanns Lilje, ear je nan kein kin Dri Kennan ro an Jeova: "Rej mõke wõt armij ro rar makoko in bõk kwonair iben dri tõrinae ro an Hitler. " (b) Ewi wãwen an elõñ armij emmakit ñan roñjake news eo enana ien otemjej? Moreover, some who are experiencing such feelings have found additional help in the practical Bible - based publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, as the following letter from France shows. Bareinwõt, jet ian ro rej bõk eñjake rot kein rar lo jibañ ilo book ko an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej bedbed ion Bible, einwõt letter in tok ilal jen France ej konono kake. Etan kar Abigail. Think of the possible harm of not avoiding such things: serious health problems, disturbed relationships, even premature death. Baj lemnak mõk kin jorrãn ko rej waloktok jen men kein renana: nañinmij ko rekauwatata, bwoktak ko ikõtan don, im elaptata mij ilo mõkaj. Jehovah emaroñ kejbãrok kij ion "juõn nañinmij enana " Some of these elderly Kingdom proclaimers have endured years of persecution or other difficulties. (Matu 24: 14) Jet ian dri kwalok rein reridto rar kijenmij iomin elõñ yiõ ko ke rar bõk matõrtõr im iion wãwen ko jet rebin. Eindein rainin, Ri Christian ro remol rej kajeoñe joñok eo an Jesus. But in 1935, pioneers Nathaniel and Maud Yuille wrote to Joseph F. Bõtab ilo 1935 eo, ruo bainier etaer in Nathaniel im Maud Yuille, rar jejel̦o̦k ñan Joseph F. Ro uwaan jiip ro jet me renaaj el̦l̦ã im mour jãn iien in renaaj aikuj kate er ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in. But as for my people, they have not come to know the judgment of Jehovah. " Ak ikijen armij ro aõ, rejañin jelã kin ekajet eo an Jehovah. " Ñããt Eo Kanan eo Ej Jejjet Kitien? Such a spirit resulted in needless conflicts. (2 Dri Korint 10: 10 - 12) Kain jitõb rot in ear tellok ñan jumae ko ejelok tokjeir. Elõñ rejjab bõk tokjen ko rej indio. Aer kõm̦m̦ane men kein rej ãinwõt ri jeje Sam ke ear kajjitõk ippãn Jeova kõn juon wõt men. (2 Kiñ Ro 1: 1 - 8: 29) (a) What dangerous attitude would some develop? (a) Ta lemnak eo ekauwatata jet armij remaroñ bõke? Ear mõkaj an wõnmanlok ilo an kamũlallok kamolol eo an kin Ri Kõmanmõn eo. * Christ's love is often expressed through the elders, who serve as spiritual shepherds of the congregation. * (Rev. 1: 10) Yokwe eo an Kraist ekkã an walok ikijen elder ro me rej lale congregation eo. * And he was even empowered to perform a resurrection. - Acts 9: 40. (Jerbal 5: 8, 9) Im ear bareinwõt lel̦o̦k ñan rijjelõk in maroñ eo ñan kõmour juon eo me ear mej. - Jerbal 9: 40. Meñe ear ejelok aõ Bible ak book in Bible ko, iar bwilõñ bwe iar maroñ kememej eon ko im kamelele ko air jen awa in aõ katak Bible ibba make. If you were to go headlong into sin, the consequences could be tragic, for Jehovah figuratively blocks the approach of rebellious ones as with a cloud mass so that their prayers may not pass through to him. Ej eindein kinke Jehovah, ilo nan in kõkkar, ej bõprae ial eo an ri jumae ro einwõt juõn kõdo emejel bwe jar ko air ren jab maroñ tõbar e. Ta eo ri jilek Paul ear kõmmane tokelik ilo mour? So let us happily " sing praises to Jehovah's name forever as we pay our vows day after day. ' - Ps. (JK. 20: 25, UBS) El̦aññe juon ejjab kajejjet kallim̦ur eo an ñan Jeova im ejjab kõl̦l̦ã men eo ear kallim̦ur kake, enaaj lo leen kõm̦m̦an ko an. Jejjab jiroñ kij kin jete armij ro renañinmij ear kemour ir ilo ien eo. He particularly targeted Aaron and his sons, who had the privilege of serving as priests. El̦aptata an kar Kora kõnono n̦ae Aron im l̦õm̦aro nejin me rar bar bũrij. Likit Karõk eo an Anij Mokta ilo Mour eo Am (Read Psalm 119: 130; John 16: 13.) Ej ãinwõt ñe rej teiñi kaan l̦aam̦ ko aer. (Riit Sam 119: 130.) Juõn un ej kinke Jehovah ear lelok mour ñan Jesus. " He was still my son, " explains Julian, "but his lifestyle had put up a barrier between us. " Julian ear kõmel̦el̦e kõn an kar l̦adik eo nejin bukwel̦o̦k. Ak ilo May 31, 1935, ilo juõn katak me Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar kwaloke ilo juõn convention an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo Washington, D.C., U.S.A., rar kamelele bwe "jar eo elap " (", " King James Version) ej jitõñlok ñan" sheep ro jet " me rej mour ilo ien jemlokin. Courtyard Melaj eo Bõtab, kein jerbal ko jej kõjerbali ilo jim̦we rej jipañ kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani jerbal ko rem̦m̦an. Yet, even more outstanding in the physical creation is the evidence of God's love. (Psalm 104: 24; Jeremiah 10: 12) Ak, men eo elaplok an kabwilõñlõñ ilo menin kõmõnmõn ko ej menin kamol eo kin yokwe eo an Anij. Bukõt Mweiuk ko Emol, July Ejjab aolep iien jemãn im jinen ajri ro rej lel̦o̦k ñan ajri ro nejier men ko me ajri ro rej kajjitõk ilo iien eo wõt me rej kajjitõk. Kar ewi lemnak eo an Rahab kin Jehovah im armij ro an? Summary: Elijah proves that Jehovah is superior to Baal. Tukadu in bwebwenato in: Ilaija ej kam̦ool bwe Jeova ekajoorl̦o̦k jãn Beal. Bed eo ad ej rejañ ri kabuñ ro mõttad, im uak ko ad remõn rej kalek ir ilo jitõb. 3: 16. Kõnke bwebwenato eo kõn an kar Ri Israel ro kõm̦m̦ane Kwõjkwõj in Kijoone eo ej m̦õttan " jeje ko otemjej me em̦õj letok kõn kakũrm̦ool an Anij. ' - 2 Timote 3: 16. Maan ro jen bwij otemjej rej itok ñan Hebron im kõmman bwe en king ion aolepen Israel. Your goal should be to provide loving support and help in a winning way. Ijello̦kun am̦ ãindein, kate eok im kõm̦m̦an bwe ajri eo nejũm̦ en kile bwe kwõj yokwe e im kokõn̦aan jipañe. Ear jel̦ã bwe Anij ear lel̦o̦k lo̦mo̦o̦ren er ikijjeen pein, ak rar jab mel̦el̦e kake. " Yet, even brothers with limited resources value the privilege of giving. (2 Korint 8: 14) Bõtab, meñe rein rejerata im edik aer maroñ ak rej watõk bwe ej juon jeraam̦m̦an ñan lel̦o̦k ñan Jeova. Men eo kein kal̦alem me Habakkuk ear kwal̦o̦k kake ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan ta, im etke naan kein rej wal̦o̦k ilo lal̦ in rainin? Moses once failed to sanctify Jehovah. Ñan waanjoñak, juon iien Moses ear likjab in lel̦o̦k aiboojoj ñan Jeova. Rej kaorõk nan in kakabilek eo ilo Bible: "Dri korijeran Iroij, en jab bõk mõtõn akwail ko, a en joij ñõn armij otemjej, dri kaki emõn, im dri nañinmij: Ej aikwij joij ñe ej kajime armij ro rej akwaile men eo ej ba. " O Jehovah, during distress they have turned their attention to you; they have poured out a whisper of prayer when they had your disciplining. " - Isaiah 26: 15, 16. O Jehovah, ilo ien jorrãn rar oktak waj ñan kwe; rar lutõkelok juõn unojdikdik in jar ke rar bõk kaje eo am. " - Isaiah 26: 15, 16, NW. Jelãlokjen eo kin jeje ko rekwojarjar elap tokjen. Since these names are mentioned in the Bible, we discern that each angel is a unique spirit person with a name, not merely some impersonal energy or force. (Daniel 8: 16; 12: 1, NW; Luk 1: 26; Jud 9) Kinke ãt kein rej bed ilo Bible eo, jej kile bwe enjel rein rej jitõb ro remour im einjuõn jen don im ewõr etair, jab juõn kajur bajjek. Ke lal eo an Satan ej oktak im laplok an ijjibed, jej aikwij lale bwe kwelok ko an Christian rej juõn jikin kone - juõn unjen kainemõn ñan armij otemjej. • How do our times parallel Noah's day? • Ewi wãwen ran ko ad rej eierlok wõt ran ko an Noah? Emwij ke air bõk aan eo eban mij kiõ ñan juõn hell in kijeek kin jerawiwi eo air? By contrast, a "wicked " eye is crafty, covetous, and drawn to things that are worthless. Ilo okõtõn men in, juõn mej "enana " ej etao, ankwõnak, im ej itoklimo in lali men ko ejelok tokjeir. Ñan bõprae bwebwenato ko me ekkã air tellok ñan juõn akwel kin kabuñ, kimar karõk juõn ien ñan lotok kim. " (b) How do many people react to hearing bad news constantly? (b) Elõñ armij rej emmakit ilo wãwen et ñe ekkã air roñ kin news ko renana? Kõn men in, rar kajjitõk bwe ren m̦õñã leen wõjke ko im dãn, im lel̦o̦k ñan er. Her name was Abigail. Etan kõrã in ej Abigeil. Ta eo kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ane ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ mel̦el̦e kõn naan in kakapilõk in: Katak joñan wõt am̦ maroñ kõn nañinmej eo am̦? Jehovah can sustain us upon "a divan of illness " Jehovah emaroñ jibañ kij " ilo kinied ñe je mojino ' RAR KÕMEL̦EL̦E Likewise today, genuine Christians imitate Jesus ' example. 22: 16, UBS) Ejja einwõt ilo ran kein, Dri Kristian ro remol rej kajeoñwe joñok eo an Jisõs. Einwõt juõn wijki eo "ej jebar leen kin dren ko " ak ilo juõn wijki ekilep, Jeremiah ear jab " ilok jen an jebar leen. ' Those of the other sheep who survive to that time will have much work to do. 3: 9, 10) Sheep ro jet me rej ellã im mour jen Armageddon enaj lap air jerbal ilo ien eo. Jab mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k bwe elõñ men ko rem̦m̦an kwõj kõm̦m̦ani ilo mour n̦e am̦. When Is the Vision Fulfilled? Ñããt eo Ej Jejjet Kitien Vision eo? Bõlen rej l̦õmn̦ak bwe elõñ m̦weiuk ko renaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k mour ko aer. Many are of little lasting consequence. Elõñ iaan pepe ko ad rej jelõt kõj ilo jidik wõt iien. (Riit Sam 119: 97 - 100.) (2 Kings 1: 1 - 8: 29) (2 Kiñ 1: 1 - 8: 29) Jelãlokjen eo ilo Bible elap tokjen. He made rapid progress in deepening his appreciation for the Creator. Ear wõnmanlok ilo mõkaj im kalaplok an kamolol kin Ri Kõmanman eo. Rej mõttan juõn dolul elap, im burukuk rej karejar ñan karõk ko an Jehovah. * * KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN TA EO BAIBÕL̦ EJ BA? Although I had no Bible or Bible literature, I was amazed that I was able to recall scriptures and their explanations from my hours of personal Bible study. Meñe ear ejelok aõ Baibel ak buk in Baibel ko, iar lukkun bwilõñ bwe iar maroñ kememeji eon ko im kemelele ko air jen wõt aõ kin jolok elõñ auõ ko ñõn katak Baibel iba mõke. Elañe jej lemnak ilo wãwen eo ejimwe, buromõj emaroñ kakememej kij bwe jen " kanuij lale bwe jen jab oktaklok ñan men eo enana. ' What did the apostle Paul do later in life? Jekdo̦o̦n ñe rijjilõk Paul ear rũttol̦o̦k, ak ta eo ear kõm̦m̦ane? Elañe ekkar, jemen im jinen ajiri ro remaroñ bõk ajiri ro nejiir ñe rej lolok ir. We are not told how many sick people he cured on that occasion. Ejjab kwalok jete oran ro renañinmij ear kemour ir ilo ien eo. Ej bareinwõt juõn men in jibañ ñan jelã kin unin kar je book eo im, elañe emaroñ, jukjuk im bed eo, mour erreo, im manit ko an kabuñ ilo ran eo. Putting God's Purpose First in Your Life Likit Karõk eo an Anij Mokta ilo Am Mour Ri Christian ro rej iion matõrtõr. One reason is that Jehovah gave Jesus life. Juõn ian un ko ej kinke Jeova ear lelok mour ñan Jisõs. Ear ukot wãwen an kwalok nan ñõn kumi ko reoktak jen dron im ñõn armij ro eoktak lemnok ko air. - Jerb. 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 Kor. 9: 19 - 23. But on May 31, 1935, in a discourse given at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., it was Scripturally explained that the "great crowd " (" great multitude, " King James Version) refers to the "other sheep " who live during the time of the end. (Sam 45: 14, 15; Reveles̃õn 7: 4; 21: 2, 9) Ak ilo May 31, 1935, ilo juõn katak eo kar walok ilo juõn convention an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo Washington, D.C., U.S.A., kar kamelele ekkar ñan Bible bwe "jar elap " (" great multitude, " King James Version) ej jitõñlok ñan "sheep ro jet " me rej mour ilo ien jemlokin. Ilo air lukkun etale, juõn enaj lo wãwen an juõn ri pija kajerbal buki mõttan ko ñan jerbale elõñ kain nañinmij ko ion juõn kein ikkure. But tools handled properly help us to accomplish tasks with satisfying results. Ak kajerbal kein jerbal ko ilo jimwe enaj kabidodo jerbal eo im wõr tokjen. Kinke ine in grain ko rejjab jebar ion tol ko, nan kein rej kalikar kin ewi wãwen an lal in naj oktak im orlok. Seeking Riches That Are True, July O̦kj. Kwõmaroñ Kwal̦o̦k Wõt Ettã Bõro Meñe ilo Iien Ko Rejjab Pidodo, Jãn. Men in ej kõmman bwe elõñ ren ebwer, bwok, ak ebwer. How did Rahab feel about Jehovah and his people? Kar ta l̦õmn̦ak eo an Rehab kõn Jeova im armej ro doon? Kwon jab bukot men kein. " Our very presence encourages fellow worshipers, and our well - prepared comments build them up spiritually. Ad bed ilo kwelok ej kakajur ri kabuñ ro mõttad, im an emõn ad bojak ñan kalek ir ilo jitõb. Burukuk Ej Kajerbal Kajin eo Erreo ñan Nebar Jehovah Men from all tribes come to Hebron and make him king over all Israel. Lõmaro jen bwij ko otemjej rar itok ñan Hebron im kairoij e bwe en king ilo aolepen Israel. Meñe eindein, jet ien tokelik ilo school, ri kaki eo ad ear eliji aolep bwebwenato ko rewan kin kabuñ eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. He was supposing his brothers would grasp that God was giving them salvation by his hand, but they did not grasp it. " Bwe ej lemnok ro jein im jãtin re jela kijkan Anij ej kõtlok ir kin pein; a re jab jela. " Ak ta elañe jejjab melele kin un eo ilikin juõn bebe? A prelude to the fifth woe announced by Habakkuk relates to what, and why do such words have significance in today's world? Juõn men eo moktalok jen ekkõl eo kein kalalem Habakkuk ear kejelã kake ear jitõñlok ñan ta, im etke kain nan rot kein elap tokjeir ilo lal in rainin? Baruch ear kajimwe lemnak eo an, bwe tokelik Jeremiah ear lelok ñan e juõn jerbal ebin - ñan etal ñan temple eo im konono ilo ellaj kin ennan in ekajet eo ear je ilo loñin Jeremiah. They take seriously the Bible's counsel: "A servant of the Lord is not to engage in quarrels, but has to be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient. He has to be gentle when he corrects people who dispute what he says. " Rej bõk ñõn burueir nan in kakabilek in ilo Baibel: "Dri korijeran Iroij, en jab akwail, a en joij ñõn armij otemjej im pojõk in katakin armij, en meanwõr, ilo inemõn en kajime ro rej jumae. " Lemnak kin juõn wanjoñok. Knowledge of the holy writings is important. Jerbal chapter 7 - 9, 13 - 28 As Satan's world becomes ever more oppressive, we need to make sure that our Christian gatherings are a safe haven - a source of comfort for all. Ke lõl in an Setan ej laplok wõt an nana, jej aikwij kõmõn bwe kwelok ko an congregation eo ren juõn jikin kejbãrok im kainemõn ñõn aolep. (1 Tes. Meñe jejjab wãppen, jemaroñ bed wõt ilo buñburu eo an Jehovah. Did they have immortal souls that could now be consigned to a fiery hell because of their sin? Ear wõr ke air eo ear kiõ ilok ñan juõn kijeek in hell kin wõt jerawiwi eo air? Kien eo ikijen Moses ear kakien bwe Ri Israel ro ren jenolok jen ailiñ ko jet, ak lemnak eo ear ejaak bwe aolep ro rejjab Ri Jew rar ri kijirãt, ren kijirãte ir einwõt armij ro kajjojo. To avoid long conversations that would usually lead to a heated discussion about religion, we set a time limit for the visit. " Im kõm̦ro ej bar pepe kõn ewi aetokan am̦ro naaj kõnnaan ippãn, kõnke el̦ak to l̦o̦k ekõm̦m̦an ad kõnnaan kõn kabuñ, im kiiõ ejino jab em̦m̦an ad kõnnaan ñan doon. " Ilo April 2, 2007, juõn makitkit lõl elap ear walok ilo Solomon Islands, juõn jikin ej ber tueañ turear in Australia. So they requested a diet of vegetables and water, and it was granted to them. Inem rar kajitõk elañe remaroñ mõñã leen wijki ko im idak aebõj wõt, im rar kamelim air kõmmane eindein. Ak, ear lale ien ko remõn ñan kautiej Jehovah im rejañ Ri Israel ro mõttan kin aolepen burueir bwe ren kõmman eindein. offered the following advice: Learn as much as you reasonably can about your illness. ak "Mour Ilo Nañinmij eo Am im Lo Tõbrak Ie " ear letok nan in kakabilek eo: Katak joñan wõt am maroñ kin nañinmij eo am. Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? MEDIA MEDIA Ear jerbal ilo joij ibben ro rar tiljek, im tokelik ear letok Nejin eo ej make wõt ear keotak ñan jeorlok jerawiwi ko ad. Like a luxuriant fruit tree "planted by the waters " or in an irrigated orchard, Jeremiah never " left off from producing fruit. ' Ãinwõt juõn wõjke ewãmourur im " em̦õj katõke iturin dãn ko, ' Jeremaia ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im jebar elõñ leen. Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k jet waanjoñak ko kõn ro me Setan ear m̦on̦e er. Never forget that your reputation is largely in your own hands. Ej juon joñak ekanooj em̦m̦an ñan jo̦dikdik ro raan kein! Kin jibañ eo jen jitõb eo an Anij, rar kile bwe "ien ko an dri ailiñ ko " rar jino ilo ien jeebeplok eo an Jerusalem ilo 607 B.C.E. im bwe" ien ko " rar jemlok. Perhaps they feel that having many physical, tangible material things will somehow make life more secure. Bõlen rej eñjake bwe kin an wõr elap mweiuk ko ibbeir, men in enaj kõmman bwe en laplok an jokane mour eo air. (b) Ta jet ian wãwen ko jemaroñ jerbale joñok eo an ro ibben Paul? (Read Psalm 119: 97 - 100.) (Riit Sam 119: 97 - 100, UBS.) (b) Ilo ien eo kar kabit David, ta eo ear walok ion? Bible knowledge is essential. Jelãlokjen eo jen Bible eaorõk. 15: 8 - Den in Lomalo Ekilmir ear lukkun torlok ke den ko ilo Lomalo Ekilmir? They are part of one vast, united organization serving Jehovah's purposes. Ir rej mõttan juõn dolul eo elap, im burukuk eo ej jerbale karõk ko an Jehovah. Ej mõkõj ñõn ien, kõmõn karõk ko ilo congregation eo, im ej kabel ilo an konono im katakin armij. COVER SUBJECT | WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH? KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN | TA EO BAIBÕL̦ EJ BA KÕN MOUR IM MEJ? Ibwiljin men ko jet, ej kaddek kadkad ko raorõk ñan anemkwoj - "yokwe, lõñliñ, ainemõn, meanwõr, joij, lejokmen, tiljek, inemõn, jadõr. " If viewed in the right way, feeling regret can serve as a reminder to us to " be on our guard that we do not turn to what is hurtful. ' Elañe kwoj lale ilo wãwen eo ejimwe, eñjake am buromõj emaroñ jerbal einwõt juõn kein kakememej ñan kij ñan " ad lale bwe jen jab oktaklok ñan men eo ej kõmman jorrãn. ' Yokwe eo an Anna kin Jehovah kar je ilo Jeje ko. If appropriate, parents can take their children on such visits. Ñe ekkar, jinen im jemãn ajri ro remaroñ bõk ajri ro nejier ippãerl̦o̦k ñe rej lol̦o̦k rein. Ear jab konono ñan ir jen juõn jikin eutiej, einwõt ñe ear lemnak mokta jen an jerbale men ko ear jiroñ ir bwe ren kõmmani. It is also helpful to know the purpose for which the book was written and, if possible, the social, moral, and religious practices of the day. Enaj bareinwõt lap an jibõñ ñe jejela kin unin kar je buk eo, im bareinwõt kin mõnit ko an armij ro, mwiliir, im wãwen kabuñ eo air ilo ien eo. Jen lojen Sheol I ar lamij kin jibañ; Kw'ar roñjake ainikiõ. " Christians experience persecution. (1 Jon 5: 19; Sam 34: 19) Ri Christian ro rej jelmae matõrtõr. Emol, mour in jitõb im ãt eo etan family eo an ewõr kilan ion karõk eo an. He adapted his presentation so as to appeal to different groups and to people with varying attitudes. - Acts 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 Cor. 9: 19 - 23. Elõñ kain wãween ko ear kõjerbali ilo an kar kwal̦o̦k naan bwe en maroñ jipañ armej otemjej. - Jerbal 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 Korint 9: 19 - 23. Inem, jen jab likjap in kamolol Jehovah kin an kõtlok bwe jen bõk kunad ilo kabuñ eo erreo rainin. Looking closely, one will note how an artist used hundreds of brushstrokes to apply various pigments on a canvas. Ilo kanuij lale im etale, juõn enaj lo wãwen an juõn ri pija kar kajerbal buki alen an toore brush eo ñan kajerbal ilo elõñ wãwen ko ion juõn canvas. Inem Elijah ear kalikar bwe Jehovah enaj kar bõktok ut eo ñan juõn jemlokin, im ba ñan Ahab: "Kwon jerkak bwe wut en jab kun! " Since grain is not ordinarily produced on mountain tops, these words emphasize how productive the earth will become. (Sam 72: 16) Kinke korn, wit, im men ko eierlok wõt rejjab edrek ion tol ko, nan kein rej kalikar bwe aolepen lõl in enaj lukkun kouwa. Ak jen an kauweik Elijah, Jehovah ear kainemõn e im kaberan e ñan kajejjet jerbal eo an einwõt juõn ri kanan. That leaves many frustrated, confused, or in despair. Men in ej kõmman bwe elõñ ren abõnõnõ, bwok, im eñjake air iten ebwer. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok kautiej ñan juõn ri mweo? Stop seeking such things. " Kwõn jab pukoti! " Ilo uak, kien ko rej kõmman elõñlok kien ko, kakajurlok kumi in policeman ro, im kõmman kein jerbal ko ilo computer. Unitedly Use the Pure Language to Praise Jehovah Kajerbal Kajin eo Erreo ilo Burukuk ñan Kaibujuij Jehovah Elikin an lio belen juõn brother eritto mij, ear jako an maroñ kõllã wõnãn apartment eo meñe ear ejelok an jããn in jibañ. Even so, sometime later at school, our teacher repeated all sorts of false stories about the so - called sect of Jehovah's Witnesses. Bõtab, jet ien tokelik ilo jikuul, dri kaki eo aõ ear kwalok elõñ kain bwebwenato ko reriõp ear roñ kin Dri Kennan ro an Jeova. Bõtab, ebar wõr wãwen ko jet kin mour in jitõb jej aikwij lemnak kaki. But what if we do not understand the reason behind a particular decision? Ak ta elañe jejjab melele un eo ilikin juõn bebe? ◆ Jorrãn ko im lanwõtwõt ko. That Baruch readjusted his thinking is evident, for Jeremiah next gave him a most challenging assignment - to go to the temple and read aloud the very judgment message he himself wrote down at Jeremiah's mouth. An Baruch kar kajimwe lemnak eo an ej alikar, kinke Jeremiah jeltokin ear lelok ñan e juõn jerbal elap - bwe en etal ñan temple eo im konono ilo elaj ainikien ennan in ekajet eo e make ear je ilo an Jeremiah konono lok ñane. Bible eo ejjab ba elañe Barnabas, Mark, Silas, Luke, Timothy, im Titus rar maan ro ejelok beleir. Consider an example. Jen kiiõ lale ta eo juon iaaer ej ba. Meletlet im jelãlokjen eo emol rej bareinwõt ibwiljin men in letok ko remõn jej bõki kin jibañ eo jen jitõb kwojarjar. Acts chapters 7 - 9, 13 - 28 Jerbal jebta 7 - 9, 13 - 28 * Despite our imperfection, we can remain in Jehovah's favor. Bareinwõt, ear kate wõt e bwe en kõm̦m̦ani men ko me Jeova ear buñbũruon kaki. Kanan eo an Zechariah ear ba: "Kwon lõñliñ, O lio nejin Zion. The Mosaic Law required that the Israelites stay separate from other nations, but the viewpoint had developed that all non - Jews were enemies, to be hated as individuals. Kien eo Anij ear letok ikijen Moses ear kakien Ri Israel ro bwe ren jenolok jen ri ailiñ ko jet, bõtab rar kaddeklok lemnak eo bwe aolep ro rejjab Ri Jew rej ri kijirãt ro air im armij ro ren dike ir. 13: 7, 17. On Monday, April 2, 2007, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake rocked parts of the Solomon Islands, a tropical archipelago northeast of Australia. Ilo Monday, April 2, 2007, juõn makitkit lal ekanuij in kajur ear kamakitkit mõttan ene ko ilo Solomon Islands, juõn ailiñ itueañ in Australia. Ta nan in kakkõl eo ri jilek Paul ear lelok ñan armij ro an Anij ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn? Yet, he watched for opportunities to honor Jehovah and wholeheartedly encouraged his fellow Israelites to do so. Bõtab, ear pukot wãween ko ñan kaiboojoj Jeova im rõjañ ri Israel ro ñan aer bar kõm̦m̦ane men in. (Dut. Ij kate eõ bwe in wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kijejeto ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan, im ij kate eõ ñan reim̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ñan kõjatdikdik eo aõ kõn Aelõñ eo bwe in jab luuji lañlõñ eo aõ. " How Would You Answer? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Ak ebar wõr jet kadkad ko jej aikwij lemnak kaki ñe jej etale men ko rar walok ibben ri kanan Elisha. He dealt kindly with those who were faithful, and eventually he provided his only - begotten Son for the forgiveness of our sins. (Jenesis 3: 1 - 5, 15) Ear jerbal ilo joij ibben ro rar tiljek, im eliktata ear letok Nejin ej make wõt ear keotak ñan jeorlok jerawiwi ko ad. Juon iaan men ko rel̦l̦ap rar wal̦o̦k ilo kweilo̦k in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en pidodol̦o̦k an armej ro mel̦el̦e kõn katak ko ilo Baibõl̦. The Bible contains warning examples of individuals who were deceived by Satan's lies. Elõñ joñok in kakkõl ko ilo Bible eo kin armij ro me Satan ear etaouk ir kin riap. Ñan waanjoñak, elõñ to̦ujin armej ro rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jipañ ilo Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko im Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap. With the help of God's spirit, they discerned that "the appointed times of the nations " began with the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. and that those" times " were 2,520 years in length. Kin jibañ jen jitõb eo an Anij, rar kile bwe "ien ko an dri ailiñ ko " ear jino kin jeebeplok eo an Jerusalem ilo 607 B.C.E. im bwe" ien " kein rar 2,520 yiõ ko aetokin. Menin mour ko rej mij, im ejelok wũt ear wõtlok iumin jilu im jimettan yiõ ko. Jenaaj katak kõn ralitõk wãween ko me jerbal in pioneer emaroñ kakajoorl̦o̦k kõtaan eo an juon Kũrjin ippãn Jeova. Un eo emol unin an jet oktak im mijak im buñ ej kinke wãwen eo ilo burueir ej bõprae ir jen air lukkun kalmenlokjen kin men ko remõn im men ko lor jitõb. (b) What are some ways that we can apply the example of those with Paul? (b) Ta jet ian wãwen ko jemaroñ jerbale wanjoñok eo an ro rar bed ibben Paul? * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) (b) At the time of David's anointing, what became operative upon him? (b) Ta eo ear itok ion Devid ilo ien eo kar kabit e? Ñan armij ro an Jehovah, al ear juõn mõttan eaorõk ilo kabuñ. 15: 8 - Were the "congealed " waters of the Red Sea actually frozen waters? 15: 8 - Den ko rar "bin " ilujen Lomalo Ekilmir rar kwoj ke einwõt ice? Bõtab, elõñ alen, Jesus ear bõk ien ñan kajitõk kin kajitõk ko ñan kwalok mol ko, ñan bõklok ri roñjake ro an ñan kwalok ta eo ear bed ilo burueir, im ñan kamakit im kamineneik lemnak eo an ri kalor ro an. He is punctual, up - to - date on congregation procedures, and gifted in speaking and teaching. Ejjab rumij, ej jelã kin wãwen ko rekãl an congregation eo, im ej wejepedik in an konono im kwalok katak ko. Rar jab nañinmij kin eñjake ko air renana kinke ri nana ro rar jab kanuij joij im nana air mour jen ien ko etto. " - Matu 5: 27, 28. Among other things, it produces within us qualities that are essential to freedom - "love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " Ej ilo an jipañ kõj ñan kwal̦o̦k wãween ko rem̦m̦an ãinwõt " yokwe, lañlõñ, aenõm̦m̦an, meanwõd, jouj, em̦m̦an, tiljek, ineem̦m̦an, im jatõr. ' Etke maan ro emwij air baptais rej jibadõk eddo ko relaplok ilo congregation eo? Anna's love for Jehovah was recorded in the Scriptures. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn Anna ilo Baibõl̦. Ta tokjen eo ear walok? He did not speak down to them from a lofty height, as if considering himself above carrying out the things he was telling them to do. Ear jab konono lallok ñan ir jen juõn jikin eutiej, im einwõt ñe ear watõk e make ilañ im jerbali men ko ear jiroñ ir bwe ren kõmmani. Eliktata, einwõt kãliklik ko, "rej obrõk kin kãliklik ko. " - Luk 8: 14. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help. You heard my voice. " Bõtab, Jona ear jar: "Iar kũr ñan Jeova ilo aõ jorrããn, im Ear uwaak eõ; ke I nañin mej iar kũr ñan E bwe En jipañ; Kwaar roñjake ainikiõ. " Ran otemjej, jej kamolol Jehovah bwe jej mour. Indeed, the spirituality and reputation of his family have a direct bearing on his appointment. Emol, mour in jitõb im mwilin baamle eo an enaj jelet jokãlet eo elañe remaroñ lelok ñõn e erro ko. Ilo yiõ ko 1990 ko, The Watchtower ear bar elij Matu 25: 31, eo ej ba: "Ñe Nejin armij e naj itok ilo wuj eo An, im enjel ro otemjej iben, inem E naj jijõt ion tron in wuj eo An. " Let us never fail, then, to thank Jehovah for allowing us to take part in pure worship today. Inem, jen jab likjap in lelok kamolol ñan Jehovah kin an kamelim kij ñan bõk kunad ilo kabuñ eo erreo rainin. Armij ro an Anij elap air kautiej kumi in ri karejar eo etiljek im meletlet. Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought to an end, telling Ahab: "Go down so that the downpour may not detain you! " Im ãlikin men in, Ilaija ear ba ñan Ehab bwe Jeova enaaj kõjem̦l̦o̦k iien m̦õrã eo ilo an kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõt. Ij akwelap ñõn Jisõs. " But instead of rebuking Elijah, Jehovah comforted him and gave him the courage to carry out his work as a prophet. Bõtab, ijello̦kun an Jeova kauweik Ilaija, Jeova ear kaenõm̦m̦an e im kaperan e bwe en wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõm̦m̦ane jerbal eo an ãinwõt juon ri kanaan. Men in ej mol ibben Jesus im enjel ro jet, ro reutiej jen armij. PEIJ 17 • AL: 17, 39 I naj letok manje eo nejiõ ke bwe en jumae iõ, leen jinõ kin aõ jerawiwi? " How can we show respect for a householder? Ewi wãween ad kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan rũm̦weo? Ta eo ro jemen im jinen rekõnan kõmmane ñe rej jeblak? In response, governments make more laws, strengthen police forces, and install electronic surveillance. (2 Timote 3: 1 - 5) Eñin unin kien ko an aelõñ ko rej kalõñl̦o̦k kakien ko, kalõñl̦o̦k bwilijmããn̦ ro, im rej kõjerbal camera ko ñan lale ñe ewõr ri nana. Rar jab kaorõk jem̦jerã eo aer ippãn Jeova. After the wife of one older brother died, he could no longer afford to pay the rent without her pension. Ke lio belen ear mij juõn brother eritto ear jab maroñ kõllã wõnãn rent eo an kinke ejako jibañ jen lio belen. Ien otemjej kwon reilok ñan Jehovah ñan lo tõbrak. However, there are several other aspects of spirituality that we should consider. Ijoke, elõñl̦o̦k men ko jej aikuj in bar katak bwe jen maroñ kaorõk jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jeova. Jeje ko ilo Bible, elaplok jen juõn melaj in lolorjake. ◆ Disasters and accidents. (Riit Jenesis 2: 24.) The Bible does not say whether Barnabas, Mark, Silas, Luke, Timothy, and Titus were single men. Bible eo ejjab ba elañe Barnabas, Mark, Silas, Luke, Timothy, im Titus rar maan ro rar make iair. Ro emol air yokwe Jehovah renaj kate ir ñan watõk ro jet einwõt e. True wisdom and knowledge are also among the good gifts that we acquire with the help of the holy spirit. Meletlet im jelalokjen eo ejime rej bareinwõt jet ian menin letok ko remõn me jej bõki kin jibõñ eo jen jitõb kwojarjar eo. (1 Kor. Jet iien ij riiti aolepen boñõn eo m̦ae jibboñ al̦al̦ eo. * * Anij eo emol ear lelok ñan ro nejin kõrã eo ilañ maroñ eo ñan kokkure Satan. Zechariah's prophecy stated: "Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. Zekaraia ear kanaan im ba: "Kom ri Zion, komin lõñliñ im mõnõnõ! Katak Jen Joñok eo an Jesus 13: 7, 17. 13: 7, 17. Meñe jej iion kain melejoñ rot kein einwõt jumae, nañinmij, buromõj, buromõj, buromõj, buromõj, buromõj, im abañ kin money, jejelã bwe rej ñan jidik wõt ien. What warning did the apostle Paul give to God's people in the first century? Ta naanin kakkõl eo an rijjilõk Paul ñan armej ro an Anij? Ta mel̦el̦ein naan in "ko̦o̦t "? I strive to stay active in the preaching work, and I try to keep the Kingdom hope foremost in my mind so as not to lose my joy. " Aõ kile men in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe in lukkuun yokwe im karejar ñane kõn aolepen bũruõ. Raan eo tok juon, elõñ iaan rũkal̦oor ro an rar itok ñan m̦weo im̦õm bwe ren jel̦ã etke kõmar jab ebbeer. But some additional qualities come to the fore as we consider events involving the prophet Elisha. (Zephaniah 2: 1 - 3) Ak kadkad ko jet rej etal im alikar ñe jej lemnak kin wãwen ko rar walok ibben ri kanan Elisha. Tokjen aintok in kar kanan kake ej juõn laplok emõn ilo oran ri nebar ro an Jehovah. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed... the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, " of one substance with the Father. '... Constantine ear tel kwelok eo im ear bõk kwonan ilo men ko rar konono kaki. Aet, yokwe emaroñ kamakit armij ñan kwalok beran eo elap. For example, thousands volunteer to assist with Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction, to help those affected by natural disasters or who are facing medical emergencies, to organize our assemblies and conventions, and to teach theocratic schools, just to name a few activities that go on behind the scenes. Ñan waanjoñak, elõñ to̦ujin rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in bõk kun̦aaer ñan kalõk Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko ekoba m̦oko jej kõm̦m̦ani kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap ie. Ro jet rej jipañ ilo aelõñ ko rejorrããn kõn l̦añ ko rel̦l̦ap ak jipañ ro jeid im jatid ñe rej jelm̦ae apañ ko kõn taktõ. Bareinwõt, jet rej jipañ loloorjake kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap im jet rej jipañ katakin ilo jikuul̦ in Baibõl̦ ko. Ta unin aer kõm̦m̦ani aolep jerbal kein? Elikin kwojkwoj eo elõñ ri kalor ro rar bedwõt ilo Jerusalem ñan bõk nan in jiroñ ko jet jen ri jilek ro. Animals are dying, and no rain has fallen for three and a half years. Menin mour ko rej mijlok, im ejelok wut ej wõtlok iumin jilu im jimettan yiõ ko. Ewõr jodikdik ro rej katak kin business eo an family eo ak bõk kaminene jen ro jerair reritto me ewõr air business. The real reason some become fearful and fall away is that the rocklike condition of their heart prevents them from meditating deeply enough on positive and spiritual things. (2 Dri Korint 2: 4; 7: 5) Un eo emol unin an jet oktak im mijak im ellãlok jen mol eo ej bwe wãwen eo einwõt dekã ilo burueir ej kabõjrak ir jen an mũlal air kalmenlokjen kin men ko remol im men ko ilo jitõb. Jemaroñ liki bwe ibben jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij ej jerbal ilo buruen armij ro rej bojak in jerbal, jerbal in kwalok nan in enaj jejjet kitien, "ilo ien eo e naj itok jemlokõn. " * The book helped him to answer his question. * Book eo ear jibañ e ñõn uak kajitõk eo an. Kwõn kwal̦o̦k lol̦o̦kjen̦ ñan kwe im ro jet. - Pil. For Jehovah's people, singing has always been an integral part of worship. Ippãn armej ro an Jeova, al ej juon iaan wãween ko raorõk ilo ad kabuñ ñan E. Kin yokwe. In many cases, however, Jesus took the time to ask questions in order to convey truths, to get his listeners to express what was in their hearts, and to stimulate and train the thinking of his disciples. (Matu 12: 24 - 30; 21: 23 - 27; 22: 41 - 46) Bõtab, ilo elõñ wãwen ko, Jesus ear bõk ien ñan kajitõk kin kajitõk ko ñan an kwalok mol ko, bwe ri roñjake ro an ren kwalok ta eo ilo burueir, im ñan lujur im kamineneik an ri kalor ro an lemnak. Bõtab, ejjab juõn iair. They were not sickened by such exhibitions because the ghastly butcheries of the amphitheatre had long since debased their feelings and perverted their instincts. " - Matthew 5: 27, 28. Rar jab inebata kin ikkure rot kein retton kinke ikkure ko relej rar ikkure kaki ilo theater eo jen etto rar kokkure eñjake im bõklikit ko air kin men kein. " - Matu 5: 27, 28. AL KO: 74, 27 Why do baptized men reach out for increased responsibility in the congregation? Etke maan ro emwij air baptais rej kalaplok jerbal ko air ilo congregation eo? Kabuñ in ear ke kabuñburuen Jeova? What was the result? Ta ear walok ilo jemlokin? Ilo letter eo an ñan Ri Hebrew ro, Paul ej kwalok kin Christian elder ro einwõt "ro rej tel kom. " Eventually, like plants entangled by thorns, "they are completely choked. " - Luke 8: 14. Ejjabto, renaj einwõt men in eddek ko rej lokjak kin kãliklik ko, "rej koutameik ir " - Luk 8: 14. Jehoiada ear bõklok Jehoash im bõk belin. Daily, we thank Jehovah that we are alive. (Jemes 1: 17) Jen ran ñan ran, jej kamolol Jehovah bwe jej mour wõt. Einwõt ñe jej ruj juõn kijeek ñan mour manlok wõt, jej aikwij debij wõt yokwe eo ad ñan Anij ilo ad keini ad katak Nan eo an, kalmenlokjen kin men eo jej read, im niknik ilo jar. In the mid - 1990 ' s, The Watchtower reexamined Matthew 25: 31, which states: "When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. " Bok in Matu 25: 31 ej ba: "Ñe Nejin armej enaaj itok ilo wõj eo an, im enjel̦ ro otemjej Ippãn, iien eo Enaaj jijet ioon tũroon in wõj eo an. " Kien eo ej ba: "Elañe dri korijer eo en ba, Ij yokwe karo eo aõ, lio iba, im ladrik ro nejiõ; I jab kõnan ilok einwõt juõn eo emwij kanemkwoj e, inem iroij eo an e naj ãñinlok e ñõn Anij, im ãñinlok e ñõn kejem ak kejem; im iroij eo an e naj wie e kin dri korijer eo an ñõn in drio. " - Ex. God's people have high regard for the faithful and discreet slave class. Elap an armij ro an Anij koutiej kumi in dri korijer etiljek im meletlet. Anij "ear kajutak lal ion bedbed ko an; ejamin emmakit jen jikin eo an ñan indio im indio. " I'm begging for Jesus. " Ij eowor money in jabawõt kin Jesus. " " Elañe ewõr jabdewõt kain mour in Christian eo kwoj iminene kake bõlen kwomaroñ kajekdone ilo jar eo an Iroij im jab bõjrak kin menono, " newspaper eo an Canada ej ba, "ak bõlen ebin am maroñ ba im melele kake. " This is true of Jesus and other angels, who are higher than man. Men in ej mol ñan Jesus im enjel ro jet, ro rej utiej lok jen armij. Men in ejjab mij eo moktata Bible ej konono kake - mij kin jerawiwi eo an Adam - eo emaroñ walok jen juõn jerkakbiji. Shall I give my firstborn son for my revolt, the fruitage of my belly for the sin of my soul? " Inaj lelok ke manje eo nejiõ bwe en men in katok kin jerawiwi ko aõ? " Jen men in, rej kiki ilo mij, im kõttar jerkakbiji eo. What do parents desire in return? Ta eo ritto ro rekõnan bõke? Etke jejjab aikwij naruõn Jehovah kin abañ ko an armij? Spiritually, they were far from well. Kõnke ear jorrããn kõtaan eo aer ippãn Jeova. Kyle ear kir ri jerbal eo mõttan bwe en bed wõt elikin an jerbal ñan konono im kalikar mejatoto eo. Always look to Jehovah for success. Ien otemjej kwon kajitõk jibõñ jen Jeova bwe kwon maroñ lo tõbrõk. Ta wãwen lemnak ko rej kajenolok yuk jen men in mour ko? Scripturally, he has more than one field of oversight. Ekkar ñõn Jeje ko, elõñlok jen juõn an melan ñõn an jerbale tel eo an ie. Kõm̦ro ar kõm̦m̦ani bok ko ilo juon jikin ilo bukwõn eo me kõm̦ro ej pãd ium̦win, juon em̦m̦aan me ej jerbal ilo jikin eo kõm̦ro ej pãd ie, ej ba bwe kõm̦ro en jilkinl̦o̦k kij ko ñan bar juon jikin ettol̦o̦k. (Read Genesis 2: 24.) (Read Jenesis 2: 24.) Kinke lemnak in emõn ej jumae lemnak ko an lal in, jej aikwij kejbãrok bwe jitõbõn lal in en jab jelet kij. Those who truly love Jehovah will strive to view others as he does. Ro im emol air yokwe Jehovah renaj kate ir ñan air lemnak kin ro jet einwõt e. [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] Sometimes I would read all night long until the morning sun peeked through the window. Jet iien ij riit jãn boñ m̦ae raan eo tok juon. Bõtab, kin menin aikwij ko reinjuõn kin mour ilo jikin kwelok eo, jibañ ro nukiir ak armij ro jen ejja bukwon eo wõt ekkã an bin, elañe rejjab maroñ. The true God gave to the offspring of his heavenly woman the authority to destroy Satan. Bareinwõt, Anij ear lel̦o̦k maroñ ñan ineen kõrã eo bwe en ko̦kkure ak m̦an rijum̦ae rein. Eñin jet ian katak ko kin dolul eo me kwomaroñ lemnak kaki ilo ien Kabuñ an Baamle eo. Learn From Jesus ' Example Katak Jen Wanjoñok eo an Jesus Im men in ej lũñ, kõpa, im mour in lũñ. Although we may be beset by such trials as opposition, sickness, old age, depression, bereavement, and economic hardship, we know that they are temporary. Bwelen jej iion matõrtõr, nañinmij, rittolok, bãrok, buromõj ñe juõn ej mij, im abañ kin an jabwe jããn, bõtab jejelã bwe mõttan jidrik men kein renaj jako. Jabdewõt men in kamõnõnõ eo ej itok jene enaj ñan indio. Etke Paul ear ba naan kein? Ewõr juõn eñjake in ekaiuriur eo emol ñan ran eo elap an Jehovah. What is represented by the term "Ephraim "? " Ipreim " ej jutak kõn ta? Jehovah ear uake kajitõk eo. The next day, many of his followers came to our home to find out why we were so persistent. Ran eo tok juõn, elõñ ri kaloran rar itok ñan mweo imõmro ñan lale etke kimar lukkun kijejeto. Wãwen Katak im Kalmenlokjen The result of this foretold ingathering is an outstanding increase in the number of praisers of Jehovah. Tokjen eo ej walok jen aintok in kar kanan kake ej juõn laplok eo emõn in oran ro rej nebar Jehovah. Ilo Congregation eo Yes, love can impel humans to show outstanding courage. Aet, yokwe emaroñ kamakit armij ro ñan air kwalok elap beran. Menin jej aikwij kõtmene kake, bwe "ial an ro dru wãnik ej einwõt maram ilo rantak, eo ej maramlok wõt ñõn ien e wãppen. " After the festival many disciples stayed in Jerusalem in order to receive further instruction from the apostles. Elikin kwojkwoj eo elõñ ri kalor ro rar bed wõt ilo Jerusalem ñõn bõk melele ko jet jen ri jilek ro. (Jerbal 2: 9, 41, 42; keiri 1 Peter 1: 1.) Paul ear ba: "Bwe Anij ej armij eo, kin men in kabuñburuen emõn, ej jerbal ilo kom bwe komin kõmõnmõn ankil im jerbal. " There are youths who learn the family business or receive training from adult friends who have businesses. Elõñ jodikdik ro rej katak business eo an family eo ak bõk katak jen ro jerair reritto im ewõr air business. Ta eo ear wal̦o̦k jãn an kar Paul kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an? We can be sure that with God's holy spirit working on the hearts of vigilant people who are willing to serve, this preaching work will be carried on to a successful conclusion, "and then the end will come. " Jemaroñ liki bwe kin an jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij jerbal iben armij ro rej ekil im rej mõnõnõ in korijer ñõn e, enaj or tõbrõk ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, inem "ien eo e naj itok jemlokõn. " Ke alliñ ko rej etal wõt, jab kõtlok bwe juõn jorrãn - ak - lemnak eo ej likjap in walok. Be reasonable with yourself and others. - Phil. Kwal̦o̦k kõmmaanwa im jab kõm̦m̦ani kien ko repen ñan kwe make im ñan ro jet. - Pil. Eban mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k mour eo am̦ el̦aññe kwõj kaarmejjeteik eok make. Because of love. Un eo el̦aptata ej kõnke jej yokwe Jeova, "Anij in m̦ool. " Paul ear je: "Anij ej kwalok karkarin An yokwe ñõn kij, ilo men in, ke j'ar dri jerawiwi, Kraist e ar mij kin kij. " Celebrating Christmas, however, is not one of them. Bõtab, ejjel̦o̦k jabdewõt naanin tõl jãne bwe ren Kũrijm̦õj. Etke Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k kõn men kein? SONGS TO BE USED: 63, 51 AL KO: 17, 27 2, 3. (a) Etke Jehovah ej tellokin bõk kautiej? Did that worship please Jehovah? (Jenesis 7: 2, UBS; 8: 20, UBS) Jeova ear ke buñbũruon kõn menin katok kein? Ta karõk eo an kin lal in? In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul describes Christian elders as "those who are taking the lead among you. " Ilo letter eo an ñõn dri Hibru ro, Paul ej kemelele kin dri Kristian elder ro einwõt "ro rej tel " kij. (Hib. Ilo Ial Eo Ad Elaptata! Jehoiada brought Jehoash out and crowned him. Jihoiada ear kadrioijtok Joash im likit kraun eo ion bõran. Ta elañe armij eo kwokõnan kainemõn yuk ededelok am jelã kin ta eo Bible ej ba kin mij, binmour eo, im jerkakbiji eo? Just as we stoke a fire to keep it alive, we need to keep our love for God burning by regularly studying his Word, meditating on what we read, and persevering in prayer. Ãinwõt ad aikuj anõkkaane juon kijeek bwe en kajoor wõt, ãindein jej aikuj niknik ilo ad katak Naanin Anij, kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kake, im jar aolep iien bwe yokwe eo ad ñan Anij en kajoor wõt. Katak kein rej kwalok kin ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kajeoñwe Kraist ilo wãwen kein jilu. The Law states: "If the slave should insistently say, " I really love my master, my wife and my sons; I do not want to go out as one set free, ' then his master must bring him near to the true God and must bring him up against the door or the doorpost; and his master must pierce his ear through with an awl, and he must be his slave to time indefinite. " - Ex. Kien eo ej ba: "Elañe korijer eo ej ba alikar, Ij yokwe karo eo aõ, im lio beliõ, im ro neijiõ; I jamin drioijlok anemkwojaõ: inem karo eo an e naj ãñinlok e ñõn Anij, im e naj ãñinlok e ñõn aur ak ñõn jurõn aur eo; im karo eo an e naj ili lojiliñin kin juõn ken wie; im e naj korijer ñõn e in drio. " - Ex. Ak iar jino kile bwe juõn men ear jako ilo mour eo aõ, juõn men elaplok an aorõk jen jerbal eo aõ. God "has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever. " Anij ear "likũt l̦oñtak ko an lal̦ bwe en jab m̦akũtkũt ñan indeeo. " Ewi wãwen jerkakbiji eo ej bedbed ion karõk eo an Jehovah? " If you have any kind of Christian background you probably are able to rattle off the Lord's Prayer without having to pause for breath, " says Canada's Ottawa Citizen newspaper, "but you might have difficulty saying it slowly and with understanding. " " Elañe kwoj bed ilo juõn kabuñ in Christian bõlen kwomaroñ elij jar eo ilo mõkaj, " newspaper eo Canada's Ottawa Citizen ej ba, "ak emaroñ bin jidik elañe kwoj karumijlok am eliji im kõmmane ilo juõn wãwen kwoj melele kake. " Ej kejemlok tõrinae ko ñõn jemlokõn lõl. " - Psalm 46: 8, 9. Elõñ naan in tõl ak kakapilõk ko Jeova ej litok ñan kõj. Rej report bwe "ejelok juõn wanjoñok e jamin konono ñõn ir. " This is not the death first mentioned in the Bible - death because of Adam's sin - death from which one may be released by a resurrection. (Reveles̃õn 21: 8) Mij in ejjab mij eo kein kajuõn me Baibel eo konono kake im ej itok jen jerawiwi eo an Adam me armij ro remaroñ bar mour jene ikijen jerkakbiji eo. Emol, jekõnan kwalok kain brother rot in im kõrã ro beleir ilo kautiej. Rather, they are asleep in death, awaiting a resurrection. Sug Yeong ear kile bwe elõñ armej rejjañin jel̦ã kõn katak ko rem̦ool ilo Baibõl̦. Kwõj ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo iien m̦adm̦õd in ekam̦õn̦õn̦õ? Why should we not blame Jehovah for mankind's problems? Etke jejjab aikuj n̦aruon Jeova kõn men ko renana im jorrããn ko me rej wal̦o̦k ilo lal̦ in? Leroij Esther ear kwalok elap tõmak im beran ke Haman ear kokkure Ri Jew ro ilo aolepen Ailiñ in Persia eo ilo ebeben eo kein kalalem B.C.E. Kyle invited her coworker to stay after work to talk and clear the air. Kyle ear kajitõk ibben ri jerbal eo mõttan elañe ear maroñ bed wõt elikin jerbal bwe ren maroñ bwebwenato im kamadmõde abañ eo. Bõtab, jet ien elikin mij eo an Joshua, "juõn ebeben e ar jutõk elikin air jab jela Jeova, ak jerbal eo E ar kõmõne ñõn Israel. What mental capacities set you apart from animals? Ta maroñ ko am ilo lemnak rej kajenolok yuk jen men in mour ko? Kwõmaroñ ke pijaikl̦o̦k joñan aer m̦õn̦õn̦õ? - We carried the publications from Tokmok in a mishok, a sack used to transport potatoes. Kõn men in, kõmar bũki bok ko am jãn Tokmok im ãti ilo mishok ak pããk ko rej kõjerbali ñan bũkto bũktak piteto ko. El̦aññe ej kõm̦m̦ane men in, jemaroñ kwal̦o̦k ewi wãween men in emaroñ wal̦o̦k. Because this wholesome attitude runs contrary to the thinking of the world, we must be careful not to let the world's spirit influence us. Kinke lemnak rot in emõn ej idaptõk ibben lemnak eo an lal, jej aikwij kejbãrok bwe jitõb eo an lal in en jab jelet kij. (Ep. Ear kanan bwe menmenbwij eo an king ro an armij me rar ba bwe renaj jijet ion " throne eo an Jehovah " ilo Jerusalem renaj jako. [ Picture on page 18] [ Pija eo ilo peij 24] Bwebwenato eo an Ruth Because of the unique demands of city life, however, helping distant relatives or people from the same village is often difficult, if not impossible. Juon em̦m̦aan emaroñ ba: "L̦eo ippa ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en ejjel̦o̦k keroro! " Here are some subjects related to organizational matters that you could consider during your Family Worship evening. Eñin jet ian katak ko rej ekkejellok iben rolul eo an Jeova me kom maroñ etali ilo jotenin Kabuñ an Baamle. Ilo ad atartar ion Jehovah kin jibañ eo an ñan anjo ion abañ ko, jemaroñ kajur ilo jitõb einwõt kar Samson. And so are adultery, incest, and homosexuality. Im eindein kin ri lũñ, uan nukun eo rej lo don, im emaan ñõn emaan ak kõrã ñõn kõrã rej lo don. Ta melelen kalmenlokjen, im ta kajitõk ko jenaj etali? Any pleasure derived from it would be temporary at best. (1 Jon 2: 17) Jabdewõt mõnõnõ im lañliñ jen e rejjab bed ñan indio. • Etke ro jemen im jinen rej aikwij meanwõd ak bin ilo air jibañ juõn ajiri ejerwan? There is a real sense of urgency attached to the great day of Jehovah. (Joel 2: 1, 2, NW) Ewõr juõn eñjake in ekaiuriur eo ej ekkejellok ñan ran eo elap an Jehovah. Ear juõn eddo ñan ir. Jehovah gave him the answer. Jehovah ear lelok uak eo ñan e. Jet ian ro rar makoko in mõn ir kar jilkinlok ir ñan lain ko iman, kin kõtmene eo bwe renaj luji mour eo air. The Role of Study and Meditation Jerbal eo kin Katak im Kalmenlokjen BWEBWENATO emwij keidi ñan etetal ilujen juõn melaj in tol ko aõ, kin metak ak mij emaroñ itok ilo jabdewõt ien, im ekkã an ejelok nan in kakkõl. In the Congregation Ilo Congregation eo Jerammõn kin Katakin Mol eo This is to be expected, for "the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight. " Em̦õj an kar Baibõl̦ kanaan l̦o̦k im̦aan kõn men in, ilo an kar ba bwe "ial̦ an ro rũwãnõk ej ãinwõt meram ilo iien raantak, eo ej meraml̦o̦k wõt m̦ae iien elukkuun raan. " Rej lale jikin ko ilo territory eo air im ri kijirãt ro me rej kabañ jokane eo an ailiñ eo air. Paul stated: "God is the one that, for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act. " Paul ear ba: "Anij ej jerbal ien otemjej ilo kom bwe komin mõnõnõ im maroñ in bokake ankilan ñõn kom. " (Pil. Inem, ekkar ñan priest eo, ej bõk kaje mae ien ej tellokin bõk lañ. Paul called attention to what possible result of the good news? Ta jeraam̦m̦an eo " nuuj eo em̦m̦an ' ej bõktok ñan armej otemjej? Ta eo ej alikar ikijen jibel eo an tol in wijki olive eo? As the months go by, do not allow a hit - or - miss attitude to creep in. Elikin an motlok jet aliñ, kwon jab bõk lemnok eo bwe ej emõn wõt ñe baamle eo ejjab keini ien air katak Baibel. Ilo katak ko aõ I ar lo bwe jodikdik ro rej bed ilo abañ ko ekkã air itok jen family ko me ro jemeir im jineir remõjno, im ejelok air kien im konono ibben don. " He will not forget your life of self - sacrifice. Jab l̦õmn̦ak bwe enaaj kar em̦m̦anl̦o̦k wãween mour eo am̦ el̦aññe kwaar kõm̦m̦ani men ko jet. Kiõ ej ien ñõn am bokake nan in rejañ eo an dri jeje sam: "Kwon beran, im buruõm en beran wõt, komeo otemjej rej kõtar Jeova. " - Sam Ko. Paul wrote: "God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Ilo m̦ool ejjel̦o̦k men en̦ jaar maroñ kõm̦m̦ane bwe Jijej en mej kõn kõj. Ke Jemed ilañ ilo joij ej kir kij ñan jar, etke jejjab kõnan bõk nan in kir eo an? - Read Dri Pilippai 4: 6. Why does the Bible mention such conflicts? Etke bwebwenato kein repãd ilo Baibõl̦? Ewi wãwen bwoktak emaroñ walok ilo ran kein? Ilo an epaaktok jem̦l̦o̦kin jukjukun pãd in, jej mour ilo iien kein reppen. Em̦õj ke am̦ l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k am̦ maroñ ñan kwal̦o̦k am̦ bũrom̦õj ñe juon eo ejitõnbõro ippam̦ ej bũrom̦õj kõn an jako eo ejitõnbõro ippam̦? 2, 3. (a) Why is Jehovah especially worthy of honor? 2, 3. (1) Etke Jeova eo el̦aptata ad aikuj nõbar im kautieje? Kij aolep jej ri jerawiwi, im elõñ alen jej tibñil. What is his purpose for the earth? Ta unin an kar kõmanmõn lal in? Men in ear walok ñan elõñ ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo camp ko an Nazi ilo Bata eo an Lal Kein Ka II. Onward to Our Destination! Manlok ñõn Jemlok in Ial eo Ad! Mekarta, mõnõnõ eo kin paradise ekajur. What if the person you want to comfort already knows what the Bible says about death, the ransom, and the resurrection? Ta elañe armij ro kwokõnan kainemõne ejelã kadede kin ta eo Bible eo ej ba kin mij, binmour eo, im jerkakbiji eo? " KOMIN mone kom. The articles discuss how you can imitate Christ in these three ways. Katak ko rej kwalok kin ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kajeoñwe Kraist ilo wãwen kein jilu. Jinõ ear kalimjek ajiri ro ke ear kõmman jerbal ko ilo mweo, ke iar jerbal jen jibboñ ñan boñ. But I began to realize that something was missing in my life, something far more important than my job. Ej ba: "Iar kile bwe edikl̦o̦k aõ kaorõk jerbal ko aõ ñan Jeova jãn jerbal eo aõ. " AL KO: 49, 53 How is the resurrection central to Jehovah's purpose? Ewi wãwen jerkakbiji eo ej men eo elaptata ilo karõk eo an Jehovah? Ej juõn menin letok ejelok wõnãn. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. " - Psalm 46: 8, 9. Ej kejemlok tõrinae ko ñõn jemlokõn lõl. " - Sam 46: 8, 9. Einwõt ilo jinoin ebeben eo kein kalalem B.C.E., ear wõr bukwon ko an Ri Jew ro ilo bukwon ko 127 ilo Ailiñ in Persia. It is reported that "without an illustration he would not speak to them. " Rar report bwe "ñe ejelok parebõl e [ar] jab konono ñõn ir. " Moses ear aikuj kijenmej ium̦win apañ ko me rar kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k wãween an kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro Naturally, we want to show such brothers and their wives due respect. Ekkã ad kõn̦aan kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan er im kõrã ro pãleer. Inem rar bed iumin juõn jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo ibelakin lal. Are you having a truly satisfying part in this joyful harvest? 9: 3) Kwõj ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo am̦ kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in? Jar ñan e "kin kamolol, " kememej jerammõn ko am. Queen Esther displayed great faith and courage when a genocide plot hatched by wicked Haman imperiled the Jews throughout the Persian Empire in the fifth century B.C.E. Im ta eo ear wal̦o̦k? Lerooj Ester ear kwal̦o̦k an tõmak im peran. Juon em̦m̦aan etan Ann, ekkã an kar peptaij elõñl̦o̦k jãn 320,000 iiõ kiiõ, bõtab oran Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova ejjañin jem̦l̦o̦k. However, some time after Joshua's death, "another generation began to rise after them that did not know Jehovah or the work that he had done for Israel. Bõtab, ejjabto elikin mij eo an Joshua, "bar juõn ebeben e ar walok elikir, ro rar jaje Jeova, ak jerbal eo E ar kõmõne ñõn Israel. El̦aññe men in ej wal̦o̦k ñan eo pãleem̦, keememej bwe el̦apl̦o̦k am̦ bũrom̦õj ñe kwõj kõm̦m̦ane juon pepe enana ilo mour in m̦are eo am̦. Can you imagine how happy they all are? - Kwõmaroñ ke pijaik joñan m̦õn̦õn̦õ eo aer ilo iien in? - Elikin an anjo ion Ri Israel ro juõn ien, king in Ai eo ej kijoror in wõnmaik ir ilo tarinae. If he does, we could point out how natural that comparison seems to be. Kõn men in, jemaroñ ba: "Elukkuun em̦m̦an waanjoñak n̦e. Kanaan in ej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "Aolep bwij ko ilo Cedar Point, renaaj kweilo̦k ippãn doon. He foretold that the line of human kings who were said to sit on "Jehovah's throne " in Jerusalem would be removed. (2 Kiiñ 20: 16 - 18, UBS) Jeova ear bareinwõt jiroñ Ri Israel ro bwe eban bar kõtl̦o̦k an kiiñ ro aer jijet " ioon tũroon eo an ' ilo Jerusalem. Jej watõk juõn armij emõjno ilo jitõb einwõt juõn sheep eo ear jebwãbwe - jab juõn men eo ear jako. As told by Ruth Danner Ekkar ñõn Ruth Danner El̦ap ad kam̦m̦oolol bwe jej rõl̦o̦k jãn mijak ro remej me ekkã an wal̦o̦k ibwiljin ro rej pãd ilo marok ilo kõkkar! A husband might say: "My wife just gives me the silent treatment! " Juõn leo ri belele emaroñ ba: "Liõ ibbã ej ikuñ wõt! " Bõtab, elañe kwoj liki Anij, kwonaj mõnõnõ in likit men ko ilo pein. By leaning on Jehovah for his help in overcoming obstacles, we can be as mighty spiritually as Samson was physically. (Epesõs 6: 17, 18, UBS) El̦aññe jej lõke bwe Jeova enaaj jipañ kõj, innem emaroñ kakajoor kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ane jerbal eo an ãinwõt an kar kõm̦m̦an bwe Samson en kajoor im dipen. 5, 6. What does it mean to meditate, and what questions will we consider? (2) Ta kajjitõk ko jenaaj etali? Ta mel̦el̦ein kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦? Wãwen eo wõt emõn ñan "kememej " Jehovah ej ñan karejar ñan e ilo eyu. • Why do parents need to be long - suffering but firm in helping a prodigal child? • Etke jemen im jinen ajiri ro rej aikwij meanwõd ak bin ilo jibañ juõn ajiri eo ejerwan? Jehovah emaroñ kar kalikar kajur eo an ak meletlet eo an. It was a burden to them. Ear juõn men eddo ibbeir. Elõñ million ri konono ro ibelakin lal rar lo bwe ukok in Bible eo New World Translation ej kõmmane men in. Some who refused to kill were sent to the front lines, with the expectation that they would lose their life. Eñin unin ke jet iaan rũttõmak ro jeid im jatid rar tarin̦ae ilo Pata eo an Lal̦ Kein Kajuon, rar peek ippãer make bwe reban m̦anm̦an armej. Jemaroñ kaorõk ro jemen im jinen, ri belele eo mõttad, ak jeran eo ej bõprae kij jen ad etal jen jikin ko jejjab aikwij etal ie, jen ad lo men ko jejjab aikwij loi, ak jen ad kõmman men ko jejjab aikwij kõmmani. LIFE has been compared to walking through a minefield, for injury or death can come at any time, often without warning. MOUR rej keidi ibben etetal ilo juõn melaj in bakutañ, bwe kinejnej ak mij remaroñ walok jabdewõt ien, ilo an ekkã an ejelok kejelã. Lemnak in kin enbwinin armij kar aitwerõke ikijen jet men in mour ko. Blessed for Teaching the Truth Bõk Jerammõn kin Air Katakin kin Mol eo Jesus ear jiroñ ailiñ in Israel: "Ij jilkinlok ñõn kom dri kanan im dri meletlet im dri kaki. " They watch for intrusions into their territory and for enemies who pose a threat to national security. Rainin, enañin aolep kien ko ilo aelõñ ko rej kõjerbal rũttarin̦ae ro aer im kein jerbal ko aer rekapeel ñan waje aelõñ ko aer jãn jabdewõt men ko rekauwõtata. Ta jerbal eo Joanna ear kõm̦m̦ane ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan eo an Jijej, im ta eo jemaroñ katak jãn joñak eo an? So, according to the priest, he is suffering punishment until he qualifies for heaven. Inem, ekkar ñan priest eo, ej bedwõt ilo kaje mae ien ej tellokin an wanliñlok ñan lañ. Menin ej juõn unin lañliñ. What is indicated by the division of the mountain of the olive trees? In ej irooj ej Jijej Kũraij, bõtab meñe ej irooj ak eo eutiejl̦o̦k ej Anij. Inem jen beek ilo buruõd bwe jen " eddek ilo Christ, ' im " bin ilo tõmak, " im " obrak kin kamolol. ' In my studies I have observed that young people who have behavioral problems almost always come from families in which there is weak parental supervision, a lack of rules and communication. " Ãindeinl̦o̦k wõt, Jeova ej m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn baam̦le eo an wõt me rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in ajel̦o̦k mour ko aer ñan e. Now is the time to heed the psalmist's exhortation: "Be courageous, and may your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Ps. Jen ippãn doon im jum̦aiki Tepil̦ eo im enjel̦ ro renana! Bwe ro otemjej rej kir etan Iroij re naj mour. " Since our heavenly Father kindly invites us to pray, why would we not accept his invitation? - Read Philippians 4: 6. Kõnke Jemãdwõj ilañ ekõn̦aan bwe jen jar, ej juon jeraam̦m̦an ñan kõj bwe jen jar ñane. - Riit Pilippai 4: 6. Emol, Nan in Anij, Bible eo, ebed ie kien ko, nan in kaiñi ko, im joñok ko juõn shepherd ej aikwiji bwe en "kanuij emõn, im emwij kapojõk ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " (2) Ta waanjoñak eo ilo Baibõl̦ me ej kam̦ool bwe jar emaroñ jipañ kõj? King Josiah enaj kar lo tõbrak ilo an jerbal ñan king eo. How could strife creep in today? Ewi wãwen airwaro emaroñ walok rainin? Ear ba: "Komin likit ajiri rõn bwe ren itok ñõn iba; komin jab kajeoñ in kabõjrak ir. " - Mark 10: 13, 14. Have you ever felt helpless when someone near to you was grieving over the loss of a loved one? Enañin ke wõr juon iien me juon eo kwepaake ear bũrom̦õj kõn juon eo ejitõnbõro ippãn me emej, bõtab kwaar jaje kilen kaenõm̦m̦ane? Kar ta lemnak eo an Ri Babylon kin mour elikin mij? We are all sinners, and we all stumble many times. Kij aolep dri jerawiwi, im kij otemjej emakijkij ar kõmõn bwir. Einwõt armij ro rekwojarjar, jej kamol ilo wãwen ad mour bwe kien ko an Jehovah remõn im bwe nan in kinaak ko an Satan rejjab mol. That happened to many of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Menin ear walok ñan elõñ Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo camp in kalbuj ko an Nazi ilo Tarinae eo an Lal Kein Ka II. (2) Ta eo jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ane bwe en dikl̦o̦k ad inepata ñe jej luuji jerbal eo ad? Nonetheless, the fascination with paradise is powerful. Meñe ãindein ak l̦õmn̦ak eo kõn juon pedetaij el̦ap an kãitoktoklimo ippãn armej. Elañe kwoj katakin ajiri ro nejõm ekkar ñan Nan in Anij, kwomaroñ lo tokjen ko rej walok ilo Jabõn Kennan Ko 22: 6: "Bwe ñe e ridto e jamin illok jen e. " " DO NOT be deceived. " JAB kõtlok bwe ren mone kom. Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe Jeova ear kõtl̦o̦k bwe armej ro ren kautiej mour in m̦are eo aer. My mother looked after the children as she performed the household chores, while I worked from morning till night at the store. Jinõ ear lale ajiri ro im kõmõni jerbal ko ilo mweo, ke ij jerbal jen jiboñ ñõn boñ ilo mõn wia eo. Ta eo jemaroñ katak kake kin Anij jen Bible eo? SONGS TO BE USED: 49, 74 AL KO: 38, 53 Einwõt kajjojo armij, jejelã bwe kejbãrok eo ad ilo kanniek ejjab alikar. It is a free gift. Ej juõn men in letok eo ejelok wõnãn. Bõtab, elaplok an aorõk, yokwe eo ej alikar ilo nan in Greek eo a·gaʹpe. As early as the fifth century B.C.E., there were Jewish communities in the 127 provinces of the Persian Empire. Ãlikin an kar RiPõrsia ro anjo̦ ioon Babil̦on, ear wõr RiJu ro ilo jikin ko 127 me rar pãd ium̦win kien eo an Põrsia. Enañin aolep armij rej kajekdon ir, ak ri belele rein rej bed wõt ilo mejeir, rej ettõñdikdik ñan ro rej kalimjek ir. Moses had to face challenges that refined his meekness Moses ear aikwij jelmae wãwen ko rebin me rar kakõmõnmõnlok wãwen an kwalok karkar in inemõn Tony, juõn dri Kristian jen Ghana, ear ba bwe ilo jet ran ko, naj jolok e jen jerbal eo an. So they undertook an international Kingdom - preaching campaign. Kõn men in, ri katak Baibõl̦ rein rar jinoe juon jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan ipel̦aakin lal̦. Etke jej aikwij kaorõk nan ko an Jesus? Pray to him "with thanksgiving, " remembering your blessings. Bareinwõt, jar ñane im kwal̦o̦k am̦ " kam̦m̦oolole, ' kõn jeraam̦m̦an ko ear liwaj ñan kwe. Abañ eo kin Eñtan eo an Armij Annually, well over 300,000 have been baptized for a number of years now, but the overall number of active Witnesses of Jehovah has not kept pace. Kajjojo yiõ, elõñlok jen 300,000 armij ro rar baptais ilo elõñ yiõ ko kiõ, ak ñe jej kobaik aolep oran Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar jab orlok wõt. Jibañ jodikdik eo nejõm ñan an lo ewi wãwen jokãlet ko an renaj kakõmõnmõnlok etan ak katton e. - Jabõn Kennan Ko 11: 17, 22; 20: 11. If that happens to you, remember that the heartache that results from making a bad choice in a marriage mate can cause greater pain by far than the longing that a person feels while single. Bõlen kõn̦aan eo am̦ ñan m̦are elukkuun kajoor. Ak el̦aññe ebõd kããlõt eo am̦, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ bũrom̦õj jãn ke kwaar bũrom̦õj ke kwaar make iaam. Etke eaorõk bwe jen wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõkajoorl̦o̦k tõmak eo ad? Having defeated the Israelites once, the king of Ai is eager to meet them in combat. Kin air kar anjo ion Ri Israel ro juõn alen, king eo an Ai ej kijoror in tarinaik ir. (Reveles̃õn 7: 9; Jon 10: 16) Ilo ien eo, Zion's Watch Tower ear kile "Nejin armij, " rar bareinwõt naetan" King eo, " einwõt Jesus. Ak tõmak eo kõn jem̦l̦o̦kin lal̦ ej ke juon tõmak bajjek ak juon men me enaaj m̦ool an wal̦o̦k? Ta jutak eo Jehovah ekõnan bwe ri karejar ro an ilo ran kein ren bõke ikijen men in? The prophecy goes on to say: "All the flocks of Kedar - they will be collected together to you. Kanan eo ej wõnmanlok im ba: "Bwijin kiru otemjej jen Kidar - naj kokweloktoki ñõn ibõm. Ewi wãween aõ maroñ kõm̦m̦ane men in? We view a spiritually weak individual as a lost sheep - not a lost cause. (Ezekiel 34: 16, NW; Luk 19: 10) Jej watõk juõn eo emõjno ilo jitõb einwõt juõn sheep ejako - jab einwõt juõn eo ejelok tokjen ñan jibañe. Ilo m̦ool, Ekklisiastis 8: 15 ej ba bwe "ejjel̦o̦k men em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ilo al̦ jãn m̦õñã im idaak im m̦õn̦õn̦õ. " How grateful we are to be free from the morbid fear of the dead that is so common among those in spiritual darkness! Jej mõnõnõ bwe jej anemkwoj jen mijõk ro remij, men eo me ekkã an walok iben ro rejañin jela kin mol eo! Kar rejañ ri kwelok ro ñan air lemnak kin ta eo Jesus ear etal kake ñan kij, rar kajirere kake ir, kajirere kake ir, im deñõt ir. However, if you trust in God, you will be willing to leave matters in his hands. Bõtab, elañe kwoj liki Anij, kwonaj mõnõnõ in likiti men ko ilo pã ko pein. Jeova ear kakien dri Israel ro bwe ren jab akwail iben lõmaro nejin Iso. 5, 6. 5, 6. Ekkar ñan eon 19, ear ba: "O Jeova, I naj kir ñõn Yuk. " The only acceptable way to "remember " Jehovah is to serve him fully. Eokwe, Jeova ej jiroñ eok bwe kwõn keememej e ilo iien eo em̦m̦an dettam̦. Ilo an kõmman bwe ren im likit ir ilo juõn wãwen, ri karejar eo ej kwalok yokwe, inemõn, im wãwen ko jet leen jitõb. - Gal. Jehovah could have stressed his power or his wisdom. Ilo kar tõre eo, Moses ear aikuj in jel̦ã el̦aññe Jeova enaaj kar rejetake im jipañe. Bwe emol Ij ba ñõn kom, Elañe eor ami tõmak einwõt juõn ine in mustard, kom naj ba ñõn tol in, " Kwon ilok ñõn ijo, ' im enaj joko. " Millions of readers the world over have found that the New World Translation does just that. Million armij ro im rej riiti Baibel eo rej lo bwe ukok in Baibel eo etan Ukok in Lõl eo Ekãl kin Jeje ko Rekwojarjar, elap an jejit im ebiruru melele kake, im ej kaitoklimoik ir ñõn riiti Baibel eo. M̦akũtkũt lal̦ ko rel̦l̦ap rar kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k on̦ãn m̦õko me rar wal̦o̦k ium̦win juon iiõ. We can treasure the parent, mate, or friend who prevents us from going places we should not go, from seeing things we should not see, or from doing things we should not do. (Dri Galetia 6: 2, 5) Jemaroñ kaorõk jemed im jined, mõttad, ak jerad ro rej kabõjrak kij jen ad etal ñan jikin ko enana ad etal ñani, jen ad lo men ko enana loi, jen ad kõmman men ko enana kõmmani. Emol, Christian ro rej jãbi ko remõjno kar lelok ñan ir men in aorõk eo eaibujuij ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. Aspects of this concept of the human body have been challenged by some evolutionists. Jet iaan armej ro me rej tõmak bwe men otemjej rar jide im wal̦o̦k, rej ba bwe jejjab aikuji aolep m̦õttan ko ilo ãnbwinnid. Jelmae Ran ko Rej Itok Ilo Liki Jesus told the nation of Israel: "I am sending forth to you prophets and wise men and public instructors. " Jijej ear ba ñan aelõñ in Israel: "Inaaj jilkinwaj ri kanaan ro, ri mãlõtlõt ro, im ri kaki ro. " Men in ej alikar ilo wãwen eo Jehovah ej kõtlok bwe mol eo en eddek ilo buruen juõn armij eo ejimwe an bõke. - Jerbal 13: 48; Hib. What role did Joanna play in Jesus ' ministry, and what can we learn from her example? Ewi wãween an kar Joanna jipañ Jijej ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan, im ta ko jemaroñ katak jãn joñak eo an? Ejjabto rar jibwe Stephen im kade ñan mij. This is a cause for rejoicing. Im men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe kom̦win m̦õn̦õn̦õ. Mour in lũñ emwij an erom juõn wãwen mour ñan million armij ro ilo ran kein eliktata. Let us be resolved then to be " rooted in Christ, ' "built up in him, "" stabilized in the faith, " and " overflowing with thankfulness. ' Inem jen kõmman bwe en " elle okrad ilo Christ, ' "kalek kij ilo e, "" bin ilo tõmak, " im " lutõklok kin kamolol. ' Jemaroñ ke kwalok bwe kij bareinwõt jej kõttar ilo meanwõd ke jej boub wõt ilo jerbal in kwalok nan kin news eo emõn mokta jen an itok jemlokin? Similarly, Jehovah accepts into his family only those who are willing to make a vow of dedication to him. Eindrein, ro wõt im Jeova ej mõnõnõ in bõk ir bwe ren uan baamle eo an, ej ro im rekõnan wujleplok ir mõke ñõn e. Ak jej lukkun buromõj ke bwe ejjab kainebataik kij? For " everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. ' " Bwe " ro otemjej rej kir etan Iroij re naj mour. ' " Kõn men in, em̦m̦an bwe jen kajjitõk ippãd make, Ta un eo eaorõktata unin ad kõm̦m̦ane men eo ejim̦we? Indeed, God's Word, the Bible, contains the laws, principles, and examples a shepherd needs in order to become "fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Emol, Nan in Anij, Bible eo, ewõr kien ko, nan in kaiñi ko, im wanjoñok ko juõn shepherd ej aikwiji bwe "en wãppen im emwij kõkõmõnmõn e ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " Eñtan in ejej uan enaj ijjino ñe Jehovah enaj kokkure "Babylon Elap, " jukjuk im bed in kabuñ wan eo an lal, ilo an kajerbal kajur ko an kien. King Josiah would be succeeded by Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, and Jehoiachin. King Josiah naj kar binej jenkwon ikijen lõmarein Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, im Jehoiachin. Jodrikdrik ro bareinwõt rar kobalok iben dron ilo ien eo ke ro jet rar ber ilo kalbuj. Showing his "fulness of delight " with little ones, he said:" Let the young children come to me; do not try to stop them. " - Mark 10: 13, 14. Ñan kwalok "lõñliñ " eo an ibben ajiri ro, ear ba:" Komin likit ajiri rõn bwe ren itok ñõn iba; komin jab boprae ir. " - Mark 10: 13, 14. Ke ro jemen im jinen rej wujleplok ien im lale ajiri ro nejiir im kõmman joñan wõt air maroñ ñan lelok ñan ir juõn ijjino eo emõn ilo mour, rej kejatdikdik bwe ajiri ro nejiir renaj kãlet ñan air oktak im ri kabuñ ro an Jehovah. What was the Babylonian view of life after death? Kar ta lemnak eo an Ri Babylon kin mour elikin mij? Jerbal eo am̦ ilo jikin jerbal eo am̦: El̦ap ke am̦ poub wõt ilo jerbal eo am̦ ñan Jeova? As holy people, we prove by the way we live our lives that Jehovah's laws are good and that Satan's accusations are false. (Matu 5: 14 - 16, UBS) Ãinwõt armej ro rekkwõjarjar, jej kam̦ool ilo aolepen wãween ad mour bwe kien ko an Jeova rem̦m̦an im bwe naan ko an Setan reriab. Ijo turãjet, ilo am rejetake jibarbar ko an s̃eperd ro, kwonaj "bin wõt ilo tõmak " im enaj lelok jibõñ eo emõntata ñõn ajiri eo nejõm. - 1 Piter 5: 9. (b) What might we do to reduce anxiety when we are faced with the loss of a job? (b) Ta eo jemaroñ kõmman ñan kadiklok inebata eo ad ñe jej luji jerbal eo ad ilo juõn jikin jerbal? Kar kamol ñan Daniel bwe " enaj jutak ilo jemlokin ran ko ' If you train your children according to the guidance of God's Word, you may well see the results described at Proverbs 22: 6: "Even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it. " Elañe kwoj katakin ajiri nejõm ekkar ñõn nan in kakabilek ko an Anij, kwonaj lo tõbrõk ko ekkar ñõn Jabõn Kennan 22: 6 ej ba: "Ñe e ridto e jamin illok jen e. " Aet, elañe ejelok wãwen ko rej walok, juõn committee in ekajet enaj ejaak ion bedbed in menin kamol eo ekajur kin mour in lũñ. - 1 Kor. How tragic! The entire moral collapse could have been avoided had both individuals allowed Jehovah to fortify their respect for the sanctity of marriage. Armej rein ruo remaroñ kar bõbrae aerro jerawiwi n̦ae Jeova ñe erro en kar kõtl̦o̦k an Jeova jipañ er ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k aer kaorõk pãd ko aer ippãn ro pãleer. Ta kar mejenkajjik eo an ailiñ ko ilo ittino nae Israel? What can we learn about God from the Bible? Ta ko jemaroñ katak kõn Anij ilo Baibõl̦ eo? Tiljek enaj jibañ kij ñan atartar ion Jehovah im jab kij make. As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. Jejelã bwe ejjab aolep ien kij kajjojo jenaj bõk kejbãrok. Ilo melele in, Professor James H., ilo University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., ear je: "Armij ro im ri tel ro an kabuñ ko rar lemnak bwe remaroñ kar jolok aolep men ko rar walok mokta. Even more important, though, is the love denoted by the Greek word a·gaʹpe. Bõtab, men eo elaplok tokjen, ej yokwe eo ilo nan in Greek eo a·gaʹpe. Juõn Ran Kein - Jehu im Juõn Ran in Kanan (Sam 147: 9) Jejel̦ã bwe ejjab naajdik er ilo an lel̦o̦k m̦õñã ñan lo̦ñier. Emol, nan ko an ri jilek Paul, eo kar je enañin 2,000 yiõ ko remotlok, ej mol wõt: "O imlõl in mweien meletlet im jela an Anij! Most people ignore them, but the couple remain in their spot, smiling at those who look at them. Enañin aolep armej ro rej kõjekdo̦o̦ne erro, ak meñe ãindein erro ej jutak wõt ijo rej pãd ie im mejãn m̦õn̦õn̦õl̦o̦k ñan ro rej kalimjek erro. Kejatdikdik eo letok in Anij ej kamaroñ kij ñan kijenmij iumin melejoñ ko kin tõmak. Wilson, a Christian from Ghana, was notified that in a few days, he would be fired from his job. Wilson, juõn Ri Christian ilo Ghana, ear bõk juõn kejelã bwe iumin jejjo ran, renaj jolok e jen jerbal eo an. Ilo jemlokin ran eo an Jehovah, lal eo an Satan im ro rej jurake enaj jako. Why should we cherish Jesus ' sayings? Etke jej aikwij kaurõk nan ko an Jisõs? " Emõnõnõ mejõm, bwe rej lo; im mejõm rej roñ. " - MATU 13: 16. The Problem of Human Suffering Abañ Eo Kin Eñtan In Armij Ke ear 12 an iiõ, ear bõk nañinmej in kããnjõr. Help your teen to see how his choices either enhance his reputation or tarnish it. - Proverbs 11: 17, 22; 20: 11. Jibõñ jodrikdrik eo nejõm ñõn lo bwe wãwen jokãlet ko an renaj kõkõmõnmõnlok ak katton ãt eo etan. - Jabõn Kennan Ko 11: 17, 22; 20: 11. Ta jemlok eo ear tõbare elikin an lõñ men in kamõnõnõ ko ilo mour? Why is it important that we continue to strengthen our faith? Etke eaorõk bwe jen wõnmanlok im kakajur tõmak eo ad? Ikijen jerbal in kwalok nan, ta eo Paul ear beek ñan an kõmmane? In 1881, Zion's Watch Tower identified "the Son of man, " also called" the King, " as Jesus. Ilo iiõ eo 1881, bok eo me jej kiiõ n̦aetan Naan in Keeañ ear kwal̦o̦k bwe "Nejin armej, " ak" Kiiñ eo, " ej Jijej. Im aolep iju kein ilañ rej emmakit ikijen mejatoto, jab ilañ, ak ekkar ñan kien ko rejejjet ilo kanniek. What stand does Jehovah expect his modern - day servants to take in this regard? 7: 3, 4) Ta eo Jehovah ej kõtmene bwe ri karejar ro an ilo ran kein rej aikwij in kõmmane ikijen men in? Jen an aetok mour eo an einwõt an kar Anij karõke, etke armij ro rej joñan wõt juõn, ilo joñan eo emõntata, ediklok jen 30,000 ran ko? How could I bear the betrayal? Iar lukkuun inepata kõn an kar jab m̦ool ñan ña. Eñin kien eo elap im mokta. " In fact, Ecclesiastes 8: 15 says that along with working hard, "mankind have nothing better under the sun than to eat and drink and rejoice. " Ilo mol, Ekklisiastis 8: 15 ej ba bwe kobatok ibben elap jerbal, "armij ejelok iomin al emõnlok jen bwe en mõña, im irak, im mõnõnõ. " Men eo ear kamelele kake kin karõk eo an Anij kin armij ro ñan mour ion lal ñan indio ear lap an oktak jen men eo I ar roñ ilo kabuñ. The audience was encouraged to consider what Jesus went through for us, being flogged, mocked, spit upon, and pierced. (Matu 5: 43 - 45) Kar rejañ dri kwelok ro ñõn lemnok kin men ko Jisõs ear jelmaiki kin kij, rar dreñlokwe, kajirere kake, emmõje, im wãkare. Elañe kanan kein renaj kar jejjet kitieir, Ri Jew ro renaj kar anemkwoj jen kamakoko, jeblak ñan kabijukneir, im bar kalek temple eo. Jehovah commanded Israel not to engage in strife with the sons of Esau. Jehovah ear kakien Israel bwe ren jab tarinaik ro nejin Esau. Rainin, inebata ko ad ekkã air ekkejel ibben inebata ko kin money im mweiuk ko. According to verse 19, he said: "To you, O Jehovah, I shall call. " Ekkar ñan eon 19 (NW), ear ba: "Ñan kwe, O Jehovah, I naj kir. " Kin men in, Ri Christian ro otemjej remaroñ kõtmene jidik ien ak tokelik aikwij jelmae abañ ko relap; ilo air lemnak kin men in, ri jilek Peter ej ba: "Komin jadõr, komin ekil. In making them and putting them into effect, the slave exhibits love, mildness, and other aspects of the spirit's fruitage. - Gal. Ñe ej kõmõni bebe kein im kajejiti, dri korijer eo ej kwalok yokwe, etã buru, im leen jitõb ko jet. - Gal. Etke Jesus enaj kar ba bwe ro remij renaj jerkakbiji elañe ear tõmak bwe aan ear jab mij? For truly I say to you, If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, " Transfer from here to there, ' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. " Innem Jijej e ba ñan er: "E dik ami tõmak; bwe em̦ool ij ba ñan kom̦, el̦aññe ewõr ami tõmak ãinwõt juon ine in mõstad, kom̦ naaj ba ñan tol̦ in, " Kwõn ruwaakl̦o̦k ñan ijjuweo, ' im enaaj ilo̦k, im ejjel̦o̦k men ko kom̦ naaj bane. " Men eo eaorõk in ej bwe kwõn m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kõm̦m̦ane men eo kwõj kõm̦m̦ane im kate eok joñan wõt am̦ maroñ ñan kõm̦m̦ane. Deadlier quakes strong enough to level buildings have occurred about once a year. Makitkit lal ko rekajurlok me rej kabedakilkil moko emwij air jino walok juõn alen ilo juõn yiõ. Bõtab, jekdo̦o̦n ta ko rar wal̦o̦k ilo jikin kalbuuj ko an Nazi ro im ilo Soviet Union eo, meñe armej ro rar kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana, ak rar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr aenõm̦m̦an, im rar l̦oore joñak eo an Jijej. Admittedly, Christians are frail earthen vessels entrusted with the glorious treasure of the ministry. Emol, Christian ro rej jãbi bũdej ko emwij kabbeik ir ñan kejbãrok menin aorõk aibujuij eo. Einwõt Ri Christian ro, elõñ un ko ibbed ñan lañliñ. Facing the Future With Confidence Reimanlok ñõn Ilju im Jeklaj ilo Liki Ñe kwoj konono ibben juõn boss, kwonaj kar jiroñ wõt e bwe kwonaj ekkeini am bed ilo kwelok ko. This occurs in stages as Jehovah allows the truth to grow in the heart of a person who is rightly disposed. - Acts 13: 48; Heb. 13: 48; Hib. Elõñ ro rejjab kõnan jerwane mweo imõn Anij rej jabawõt kin jerbal in kwalok nan im kejbãrok jikin kabuñ eo emol. Soon Stephen was arrested and stoned to death. Ejjabto tokelik rar ketak Stephen im kade kin dekã mae ien ear mij. Jesus ear kwalok kautiej im itoklimo kin kõrã in, ijo ear jiroñ ro jet kin e, im "elõñ ian Ri Samaria ro jen jikin kwelok eo rar tõmak e kin nan eo an kõrã eo. " - Jon 4: 5 - 29, 39 - 42. Sexual immorality has become a way of life for millions in these last days. (2 Piter 2: 7, 8; Jenesis 19: 1 - 29) Mour in ejej ear erom juõn wãwen mour ñan elõñ million armij ilo ran kein eliktata. Bwebwenato eo emol emaroñ juõn bwebwenato bajjek. Can we now show that we too wait patiently as we keep busy preaching the good news before the end comes? Jemaroñ kwalok ke bwe jej kõttar im boub wõt ilo jerbal in kwalok nan kin news eo emõn mokta jen an jemlokin itok? Ke ear jutak iturinlok ratimjuõn im jimettan ne, Goliath ear buñ ion armij ro jet, ak ewi joñan an lap an kar keidi ñan Iroij Bõtata eo ijoko otemjej ilañ im ion lal? Or are we so desensitized that it does not bother us? Ak jej ke iminene in loi im kiõ rejjab kabnõnõik kij? Ejja wãwen in wõt jemaroñ ba kin kamao ko ilo Internet " ibben ro rej noje men kein. " - Sam 26: 4. So we do well to ask, What is the most important reason for doing what is right? Im jej aikwij kajitõk, Ta un eo eaorõktata unin ad kõmmane men eo ejimwe? Jej mõnõnõ in kebojak im kalaplok ad kate kij ñan jibañ ro jet ruaklok ñan Anij! This unparalleled tribulation will start when Jehovah brings destruction on "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, by using the political powers. (Matu 24: 3, 21) Eñtaan eo el̦ap enaaj jinoe ilo iien eo me Jeova enaaj ko̦kkure "Babil̦on El̦ap " ak doulul in aolep riabin kabuñ ko ilo lal̦ in. Bõlen jemaroñ kõmman men in ilo juõn wãwen emõn lok iman kin ien eo. Even youths joined in, while others were on hand to offer refreshments. Jodikdik ro bareinwõt rar bõk kunair, ke ro jet rar itok ñan lelok mõñã bajjek. Ejjab pidodo ñan kõm̦m̦an oktak rot kein. As parents dedicate time and attention to their children and do everything possible to give them a good start in life, they hope that their children will eventually choose to become worshippers of Jehovah. Ke ro jemen im jinen rej jolok ien iben ajiri ro nejiir im kõmõn jabrewõt men ñõn lelok ñõn ir juõn ijjino emõn ilo mour ko air, rej kejatrikrik bwe ajiri ro nejiir renaj kãlet ñõn erom dri kabuñ ro an Jeova. Ta eo emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe jen jab bõk tokjãn jãn jet iaan menin letok ko an Jeova? Secular employment: Have you become so absorbed in your work that spiritual interests are being pushed aside? Jikin Jerbal: Kwõj ke jerbal el̦e jãn joñan im kiiõ edikl̦o̦k am̦ iien ñan Jeova? Emol, ñan Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, wujleplok ej walok tokjen ilo juõn kõtan ebak ibben Anij ilo air mõnõnõ in karejar ñan e. On the other hand, by supporting the efforts of the shepherds, you will remain "solid in the faith " and will provide the best help for your child. - 1 Peter 5: 9. Ijo turãjet, ilo am jurake jibadbad ko an shepherd ro, kwonaj jutak im "bin ilo [am] tõmak " im kwonaj lelok jibañ eo emõntata ñan eo nejõm. - 1 Piter 5: 9. Elõñ to̦ujin armej rar mej ilo iien eo ear jem̦l̦o̦k Pata eo an Lal̦ Kein Kajuon Daniel was assured that " he would stand up for his lot at the end of the days ' Jeova ear kalimur ñõn Daniel bwe " enaj bar jerkak im bõk jinekjij eo an ilo ien eo eliktata ' Jemaroñ ke jeorlok bwid im kalibubuik likjap ko redik an ro jeid im jatid? Yes, if there are no extenuating circumstances, a judicial committee would be formed on the basis of strong circumstantial evidence of sexual immorality. - 1 Cor. Innem el̦aññe ejjel̦o̦k unin aerro kar kõm̦m̦ane men in, em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia renaaj aikuj kõm̦m̦ane juon kamiti ñan jijet ippãerro. - 1 Ko. Jonah ear jelã ke, ilo ien eo, ta eo ear je tokelik - bwe "Jeova e ar jolok kõto elap i lojit "? What was the objective of the nations in conspiring against Israel? Ta kar mejenkajjik eo an dri kijirãt ro ke rar jumae Israel? Eo ej kõmman men ko mokta ej jitõñlok ñan kõnan ko im kõnan ko an kanniek rejjab wãppen, ien otemjej konono im kaibujuij men ko an kanniek. Loyalty will help us to rely on Jehovah instead of ourselves. (Luk 12: 15) Ad tiljek wõt enaj jibañ kij atartar ion Jehovah im jab ilo kij make. Ekaitoktoklimo, bwe Job ear jab melele kin etke jorrãn ear itok ion. On this point, Professor Morris Jastrow, Jr., of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., wrote: "Neither the people nor the leaders of religious thought [of Babylonia] ever faced the possibility of the total annihilation of what once was called into existence. Ikijen point in, Professor Morris Jastrow, Jr., an University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., ear je: "Jab armij ro ak lemnak ko an ri tel in kabuñ ko [an Babylonia] rar kõtmene bwe mour enaj jemlok. Ilo wãwen in lok wõt, einwõt "ien jemlokin " ear ijjino ilo 1914, Christian ri kabit ro rar eiet, im ri kalor ro jet rar ba bwe rar karejar ñan Anij elõñ iair. - Daniel 12: 9. A Modern - Day Jehu and a Modern - Day Jehonadab Juõn Jehu ilo Ran Kein im juõn Jehonadab ilo Ran Kein Bwebwenato kein rar kakajurlok tõmak eo an Abraham. Admittedly, the words of the apostle Paul, written nearly 2,000 years ago, still hold true: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Ear ba: "O m̦wilal̦ in m̦weien mãlõtlõt im jel̦ã an Anij! Jehovah ear keañ: "E in Nejiõ... komin eoroñ E " God - given hope enables us to endure tests of faith. (Rom 15: 13, UBS) Kõjatdikdik in ej jipañ kõj ñan kijenmej ñe jej iioon apañ ko me rej mãlejjoñe tõmak eo ad. Ilo lõta eo kein kajuon an Jijej ilo kajin Grik etan "Kraist " ilo kajin Grik, ear kwal̦o̦k kõn kõjatdikdik eo ñan kõjparok rũttarin̦ae ro an ilo tarin̦ae. By the end of that day of Jehovah, Satan's world and its supporters will have been annihilated. Ilo jemlokin ran eo an Jehovah, lal eo an Satan im ro rejetan renaj kar jako. Ewi wãwen katak ñan lemnak einwõt Christ enaj jibañ kij? " Happy are your eyes because they behold, and your ears because they hear. " - MATTHEW 13: 16. " A emõnõnõ mejemi, bwe rej lo; im lojiliñemi, bwe rej roñ. " - MATU 13: 16. Elañe jej lukkun lale men ko elaplok tokjeir, jenaj bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kemour ilo jitõb. At age 12, she suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Ke ear 12 yiõ drettan, ear stroke ak ear jab lukkun jelet e, bareinwõt ear edrek juõn tumor ilo kamelij eo an. Itoklimo eo an Anij kin mour eo ad ej letok unin ad liki tel eo an. What conclusion did he reach after having abundant pleasures in life? Ta jemlok eo ear loe elikin an bõk aolep men in kamõnõnõ kein an mour? Ilo air bojak in kõmmane bebe in, rar lo ta eo Jesus ear jiroñ ir tokelik: "Komin bõk Aõ ine im likite i aerami, im katak iba; bwe Ij inemõn im etã buruõ: im kom naj lo an ami kakije. As regards the ministry, what was Paul determined to do? Ikijen jerbal in kwalok nan, ta eo Paul ear beek ilo buruen bwe en kõmmane? Bõtab, ad kõttãik kij ejjab melelen bwe jej ebbururu kin tõmak eo ad ak nan in kaiñi ko an Anij. And all these heavenly bodies move through space, not aimlessly, but according to precise physical laws. Im meñe ejelok ri tel, aolep iju ko ilañ rej emmakit ekkar ñan kien ko me men in kõmanman ko rej atartar ioir. Ta kin bwij ko joñoul bwijin ailiñ in Israel? Instead of an unlimited life span as God purposed, why do humans on an average have, at best, less than 30,000 days? (Jenesis 1: 27, 28; Sam Ko 37: 29) Meñe Anij ear karõk bwe mour in armij en bed ñan indio, etke joñan an armij mour, elaptata ej diklok jen 30,000 ran ko? Jet nan ko Jesus ear konono kaki kin ankwonak im lemnak eo ejimwe kin mour ewõr tokjeir im ewõr tokjeir. This is the greatest and first commandment. " Eñin kien eo elap im mokta. " Armij ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein rej oktak ke? What he explained about God's purpose for humans to live on the earth forever was much different from what I had heard in church. Men in ear kanooj oktak jãn men ko iar roñjaki ilo im̦õn jar eo. Bareinwõt, ilo Ezekiel 14: 14, 20, ej koba ibben Noah im Daniel ilo lajrak eo an lõmaro jilu rewãnik. If those prophecies were to be fulfilled, the Jews would have to be liberated from captivity, return to their homeland, and rebuild the temple. (Maika 5: 2) Innem, bwe kanaan kein ren maroñ jejjet kitieer, Ri Ju ro rar aikuj rõl̦o̦k jãn aer kam̦akoko ñan Ri Babilon ro. Rar aikuj jepl̦aak ñan ijo kapijukuneer im kalõk tampel̦ eo. Ikijen kareelel ko, business ko rej kamakit kõnan ko ñan korlok mweiuk ko rekãl im ekkã air kwalok lemnak eo bwe jejamin mõnõnõ elañe jej bõki. Today, our anxiety is often related to concern over money and material possessions. Ilo raan kein, ekkã ad inepata kõn jããn im m̦weiuk. Ejjab maroñ lemnak, eñjake, konono, ak melele jabdewõt men. Hence, all Christians can expect sooner or later to have to face serious problems. With that in mind, the apostle Peter says: "Keep your senses, be watchful. (1 John 5: 19) Kin men in, Christian ro otemjej remaroñ kõtmene bwe elañe jab kiõ wõt inem tokelik renaj jelmae abañ ko rekauatata. Kin aolepen buruõd yokwe eo ad kin "juõn Iroij, " bwe" juõn wõt Anij, " im kin don, jej beek ilo buruõd bwe jen "kejbãrok buru wõt juõn ilo lukluk in ainemõn. " Why would Jesus say that the dead would be resurrected if he believed that their souls had not died? (Luk 14: 13, 14; Jon 5: 25 - 29; 11: 25) Elañe Jisõs ear tõmak bwe an armij ejamin mij, etke ear ba bwe ro remij renaj jerkakbiji? El̦aññe jej keememej kallim̦ur eo ad ñan Jeova kajjojo raan, jenaaj kate kõj ñan ilo̦k jãn men ko ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer. - JK. The key here is to accept your situation and make the best of it. Ki eo ñõn lo wõt mõnõnõ ej bwe kwon melele kin wãwen eo kwoj ber ie im kõmõn joñõn wõt am maroñ. Kwomaroñ liki bwe Anij emaroñ nawõnãn ri tiljek ro an im jibañ ir kijenmij kin inebata ko kin ien ko remotlok, ien kein, im ilju eo ej itok. Ej loe an Jeova jijet ioon tũroon eo An. Ñan wanjoñok, jej lor katak ko im joñok eo an Nejin, Jesus Christ, ilo ad "jab jen lõl, " im kejbãrok kij jen kien im tarinae ko an. Yet, despite horrific experiences in Nazi death camps and in the Soviet Gulag, despite being victims of mob violence, false accusations, and lying attacks, the peace of the Christ has kept them firm. They have imitated Jesus, of whom we read: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. (Matu 24: 9) Ak, meñe rar ion elõñ kamijak ko ilo camp in mij ko an Nazi im ilo Soviet Gulag, meñe rar jorrãn jen kumi in kõtõrãik kien, narueir kin men ko rejjab mol, im riap ko ñan kokkure ir, ainemõn eo jen Christ ear kejbãrok wõt air mãjojo. TA EO Jehovah ekõnan jen ro rej kabuñ ñan e? As Christians, we have many reasons to rejoice. Einwõt Ri Christian ro, elõñ un ko unin ad lañliñ. Jet ien ri kabuñ ro remol an Anij rej kõmetak eñjake ko an. When speaking with a prospective employer, would you still inform him that you will be attending weekday meetings regularly? Ak ta el̦aññe kwaar luuji jerbal eo am̦ im elukkuun pen am̦ ellolo bar juon am̦ jerbal? Elikin Ibwijleplep eo, enañin aolep ro nejin Noah rar illok jen kabuñ eo emol an Jehovah. Many who do not want to neglect God's house make financial contributions toward the preaching work and the maintenance of places of true worship. Elõñ ro rejjab kõnan jerwane mweo imõn Anij rej lelok jabawõt ko kin jerbal in kwalok nan im ñan kabwe aikwij ko an jikin ko an kabuñ eo emol. Ilo ad kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan ro jet, men in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe jen maroñ erom rũttõmak ro jeid im jatid ilo raan ko rej pãd im̦aan. Jesus showed respect and concern for this woman, whereupon she told others about him, and "many of the Samaritans out of that city put faith in him on account of the word of the woman. " - John 4: 5 - 29, 39 - 42. Jesus ear kwalok kautiej im itoklimo ñan kõrã in, inem lio ear jiroñ ro jet kin e, im "elõñ ian ro dri Sameria ilo jikin kwelok eo rej tõmak E kin nan an kõra. " - Jon 4: 5 - 29, 39 - 42. KE EAR 17 wõt yiõ dettan, rar kalbuji jinen im jilkinlok e ñan juõn camp ilo Russia. Meaningful conversation may be almost nonexistent. Enañin aolep iien rejjab kõnono ippãn doon. Ri Christian ro jinoin rar jab watõk Anij, Christ, im jitõb kwojarjar einwõt juõn Trinity. Standing some nine and a half feet (2.9 m) tall, Goliath towered over other men, but how big was he compared to the Sovereign of the universe? Meñe Golaiat ear aetok jãn em̦m̦aan ro jet kõnke kar 9 jim̦a ne aetokin, ak ewi joñan aetokin ñe jej keidi ippãn Anij, Eo Eutiejtata? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ melele 1 Dri Korint 10: 23? The same can be said of associating in Internet chat rooms "with those who hide what they are. " - Psalm 26: 4. Enaj eindein ñe jej konono ibben "ro dri jela mon " ilo Internet eo ilo computer ko. - Sam Ko 26: 4. Toan wõt ad tiljek, ien otemjej enaj wõr jet ro rej " bwok im konono nae kij. ' - 1 Piter 4: 4. How glad we are to prepare well and make an extra effort to help others draw close to God! Ej menin ad mõnõnõ ilo an emõn ad kebojak im kõmmane juõn jibadbad ñan jibañ ro jet bwe ren ruaklok ñan Anij! Ak ran eo aolep men ko rar itok, SS.S. rar ko, im men ko kim ar iioni rar jemlok. Perhaps this could be done well in advance of the event. Em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe jej kõmel̦el̦eik er m̦okta wõt jãn an epaaktok raanin kõm̦are eo. Ilo elõñ wãwen ko, ri kwalok ro rar lolok armij ro rar baj jar wõt kin jibañ! Making such changes can be difficult. Ear wõr oktak ko ñan ro jeid im jatid me rar em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan juon ra ilo bar juon aelõñ im jerbal ie. Ilo lemnak eo an Jesus, ejelok joñan ñan oran ien ko juõn Christian ej aikwij jeorlok bwid ko an ro jet. What could cause us to miss out on the benefits of some of Jehovah's provisions? Ta eo emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe jen jab bõk tokjãn jãn jet iaan katak ko Jeova ej litok ñan kõj? Ñe juon ej bukwel̦o̦k, ej kwal̦o̦k bwe Jeova ej juon armej erreo im ej pokake naanin tõl ko ilo Baibõl̦ bwe en maroñ dãpij wõt an kwõjarjar. Indeed, for Jehovah's Witnesses, dedication results in a warm personal relationship with God marked by willing service to him. Emol, ñan Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, wujleplok ej walok tokjen ilo juõn kõtan eo eokmãnãn an juõn armij make ibben Anij eo emwij kakõlleiki ilo an karejar ñan e ilo mõnõnõ. Inem rej liki bwe ebaktok ien eo ñe renaj lo an jejjet kitien 1 Jon 2: 17, eo ej ba: "Bwe lõl e jokolok im mõm ko an: a eo ej kõmõnmõn ankil an Anij ej berwõt in drio. " Thousands were murdered during the Inquisition Aet, enaj kejbãrok ro don retiljek! - Sam 97: 10. Is it possible for us to forgive and cover over the minor failings of our brothers? Jemaroñ ke jolok an ro jeer im jãter bwir im kalibubu likjõp ko air redrik? Ilo Kien eo, ta eo Jehovah ear ba kin kajerbal bõtõktõk? Did Jonah know, at that point, what he later wrote - that "Jehovah himself hurled forth a great wind at the sea "? Ilo ien in, Jona ear jela ke bwe "Iroij [Jeova] ear jilkinlok juõn kõto elab ion lometo, " ke ear je nan kein tokelik? Ta melelen men in? The one doing the former focuses on the desires and leanings of the imperfect flesh, constantly talking about and glorifying things of the flesh. Armej eo ej " l̦õmn̦ak kõn men ko an kanniõk ' ej l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõn̦aan ko an make me rej wal̦o̦k kõn an jab weeppãn. Kin un kein, ro rej bojak in baptais rej kajitõk ñan kamol bwe emwij air wujleplok ir make ñan Jehovah ñan kõmanman ankil an. Interestingly, Job did not understand why disaster came upon him. 4: 1, 5. Ke Jijej ear kõnnaan kõn an armej ro kabuñ ilo jetõb, mel̦el̦e eo an ej bwe kajoor eo an Anij enaaj tõl armej rein. Iar m̦õkaj im illu. Similarly, as "the time of the end " began in 1914, the anointed Christians were few, and adherents to other religions claiming to serve God were many. - Daniel 12: 9. Ilo wãwen in lok wõt, ke ien in "ien jemlokin " ear ijjino ilo 1914, Christian ri kabit ro rar eiet, im ro rar eddeb wõt ñan kabuñ ko jet rej ba rej karejar ñan Anij ear lõñ. - Daniel 12: 9, NW. Ta men ko remõn Ri Israel ro rar kõmmani ke Ri Levi ro rar kuktok ibben don? Those experiences strengthened Abraham's faith. (Jenesis 12: 10 - 20; 20: 2 - 7, 10 - 12, 17, 18) Men kein Ebream ear iiooni rar kakajoorl̦o̦k tõmak eo an. • Ta eo bõran baam̦le ko remaroñ kõm̦m̦ane bwe iien kabuñ an baam̦le eo en kaenõm̦m̦an er? Jehovah declared: "This is my Son... listen to him " Jeova ear keañ: "E in Nejiõ,... Komin karõnjake " Ñe men ko rej walok ilo eñtan eo elap, Ri Christian ro renaj aikwij bokake nan in jiroñ ko jen Nan in Anij im dolul eo. Constantine the Great painted the Greek letters khi and rho, the first two letters of the title "Christ " in Greek, on his soldiers ' shields in hopes of protecting his soldiers in battle. (1 Sam. 4: 3, 10, 11) Iroij Constantine ear jiñaik nan in Grik ko khi im rho, leta ko ruo moktata ilo nan in Grik eo im ej melelen "Kraist " ion kein tõrak ko an dri tõrinae ro an. Unin ej kinke ear lemnak bwe men in enaj kejbãrok ir. aor ko ruo in loñin - tien - ejako an bellok ak ilo aolepen ñan kwalok ta eo ej bed ilo "imõn " eo, ak enbwin, an ro reritto me rejjab karejar ñan Anij. How will learning to think like Christ help us? Ewi wãween ad bõk tokjãn ñe jenaaj l̦õmn̦ak ãinwõt Christ? Aolep ri kwalok ro ilo ra ko ad im ilo ra eo ad, ekoba ro rej ejaake Governing Body eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, rejjab ri tel ro an kabuñ. If we are making sure of the more important things, we will be having an active share in the work of spiritual healing. Elañe jej kejbãrok men ko raurõklok, jenaj kijejeto ilo ar bõk kunar ilo jerbal in kejmour eo ilo jitõb. Ak ejelok jabdewõt men emaroñ kabõjrak Nan in Anij jen an tõbar buruen armij ro remol. God's interest in our life gives us reason to trust his guidance. Itoklimo eo an Anij kin mour eo ad ej letok juõn un emõn ñan ad liki nan in tel eo an. 3: 5, 27. By readily making that decision, they personally experienced what Jesus later told them: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. (Matu 4: 19 - 22) Ilo air kõmman ekkar ñan bebe eo air ilo mõkaj, rar lo kin mejeir men eo Jesus ear jiroñ ir tokelik: "Komin bõk Aõ ine im likite i aerami, im katak iba; bwe Ij inemõn im etã buruõ: im kom naj lo an ami kakije. Kinke bwebwenato ko rejjab mol remaroñ tellok ñan ruruwe, Paul ear konono nae jet nan in riap ko. Being yielding does not, however, mean that we compromise our faith or our godly principles. Bõtab, ad kõttãik kij, ejjab melelen bwe jej ebbururu ilo tõmak ak jab kautiej nan in kaiñi ko rekwojarjar. Nan kein rar jab juõn nan bajjek. What about the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel? (Amos 2: 4) Ta kin bwij ko joñoul an ailiñ in Israel? Jerbal 14: 22 ej jiroñ kij: "Jen dreloñ ilo ailiñ in Anij kin elõñ iñtan. " The few words that Jesus spoke on covetousness and the proper view of life are meaningful and instructive indeed. Nan ko reiet Jesus ear konono kake kin ankwonak im lemnak eo ejimwe kin mour, emol bwe ewõr tokjeir im ej katakin. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ jerbale katak eo ej itok jen Haggai 1: 6, 9, im etke men in eaorõk? Are Jehovah's people in modern times any different? Armij ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein rej oktak ke jen ir? Leo belen ear kamol bwe ear jab ri kaki eo emõntata im ear jab karõk ñan ekkeini an katak ibben family eo. Furthermore, at Ezekiel 14: 14, 20, Job is included with Noah and Daniel in the list of three righteous men. Ejjab men in wõt, ak ilo bokin Ezekiel 14: 14, 20, ke kar kõllaajrake etan em̦m̦aan ro 3 rewãnõk, etan Job ej juon iaan ãt ko rar wal̦o̦k ippãn etan Noa im Daniel. Meñe joñan maroñ ko air, kien in ear kamaroñ ir bwe ren errã ilo ekajet ko air. Through advertising, commerce arouses desires for new products and often conveys the idea that we are not going to be happy unless we acquire them. Ikijen kareelel ko, business ko rej kaurur juõn kõnan ñan bõk mweiuk ko rekãl im ekkã air kwalok lemnak eo bwe elañe jejjab bõke jejamin mõnõnõ. [ Kamelele eo itulal] He cannot think, feel, communicate, or comprehend anything. Ejjab maroñ lemnok, eñjake jabrewõt men, konono, ak jela kin men ko rej walok. [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] With hearts full of love for our "one Lord, " for our" one God, " and for one another, we are determined "to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " Eñin unin jelukkuun kõn̦aan kõjparok ad aenõm̦m̦an wõt im bõrokuk ippãn doon. (Epesõs 4: 3 - 6) Jijej ear jar kõn kain yokwe rot in. Elõñ rej abõnõnõ kin lemnak in. If we keep our dedication vow to Jehovah in mind day by day, we will be firmly determined to turn away from what is worthless. - Prov. Elañe aolep ran jej lemnok wõt kin wujleplok eo ar ñõn Jeova, jenaj lukkun kate kij ñõn ilok jen men ko ejelok tokjeir. - Ken. Eokwe, ta eo kwonaj kar mõnõnõ in lelok kin kejbãrok eo an ajiri eo nejõm? You can be certain that God can reward his faithful ones and help them deal with anxiety about the past, the present, and the future. Jemaroñ tõmak im lõke bwe Anij enaaj kajeraam̦m̦an rũkarejar ro an retiljek, im enaaj jipañ er bwe ren jab inepata kõn men ko rar wal̦o̦k m̦okta ilo mour ko aer, men ko rej wal̦o̦k kiiõ, im men ko remaroñ wal̦o̦k ilo raan ko repãd im̦aan. Emol, shepherd ro an Ri Jew ro rejelã bwe "Dri Korijer " eo, ak" Kraist, " ej jitõñlok ñan "Eo Emwij Kabiti " an Anij. For example, we follow the teachings and example of his Son, Jesus Christ, by being "no part of the world, " avoiding its politics and wars. Juon iaan un ko unin ad jab kõm̦m̦ane men in ej kõnke jej l̦oor joñak eo an Jijej, eo im ear jab bõk kun̦aan ilo tarin̦ae ak m̦akũtkũt im aitwerõk ko an kien. Bible eo ej letok juõn uak eo einwõt in. WHAT does Jehovah require of those who worship him? TA EO Jehovah ekõnan bwe ro rej kabuñ ñan e ren kõmmane? Ñan waanjoñak, ilo jet aelõñ ko, ekkã an armej ro l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn er make im kõn̦aan bwe en lõñ aer jããn. Even God's own true worshippers have on occasion hurt his feelings. Im jet ien dri korijer ro remol an Anij rar bareinwõt kõmõni men ko me rar kaburomõj e. Ran otemjej jej eñjake ijjibed ko jen lal in iumin kajur eo an Satan. After the Flood, most of Noah's descendants abandoned the true worship of Jehovah. Elikin ibwijleplep eo, elõñ wõt ian ro bwijjin Noah rar jolok kabuñ eo emol an Jehovah. Ej ãinwõt ñe jej l̦õmn̦ak bwe jem̦m̦anl̦o̦k kõtaan eo ad ippãn ro jet. Our showing honor to others extends to those who may be in line to become our spiritual brothers in the future. Ad kwalok kautiej ñan ro jet ej jededlok ñan ro remaroñ erom ro jeid im jatid ilo jitõb ilo ran ko renaj itok. M̦AAJ 1 - 8, 2013 WHEN Corinna was only 17 years old, her mother was arrested and sent to a Soviet labor camp. KE CORINNA ear 17 an iiõ, rar kalbuuji jinen im jilkinl̦o̦k ñan juon jikin ettol̦o̦k bwe en jerbal ilo juon jikin me rũkalbuuj ro rej pãd ie. ( Zechariah 1: 1 - 14: 21) The early Christians did not view God, Christ, and the holy spirit as a Trinity. Ri Christian ro jinoin rar jab tõmak bwe Anij, Christ, im jitõb kwojarjar rar einwõt jilu anij ilo juõn ak Trinity. Etke Jesus ear jiroñ kij bwe jen jab inebata kin ta eo jenaj mõñã, idak, ak kõnak? How is 1 Corinthians 10: 23 to be understood? En ewi wãwen ad melele 1 Korint 10: 23? 5: 25. As long as we are faithful, there will always be some who are " puzzled and go on speaking abusively of us. ' - 1 Peter 4: 4. (Reveles̃õn 12: 17) Elañe jej tiljek, enaj wõr wõt jet me renaj " lemnak e men in bwilõñ im konono nae kij kake. ' - 1 Piter 4: 4. 4: 17 - 19. But that day the Allies arrived, the SS fled, and our ordeal was over. Ak ilo ejja ran eo wõt, dri tõrinae ro jen ailiñ ko jet rar jãde, im dri tõrinae ro renana im lej rar ko im abañ ko kimar iioni rar jemlok. Kin "jerbal ko remõn, " jet rej" lelok aibujuij " ñan Anij ilo air erom ri karejar ro an. In many cases, publishers have called on individuals who had just been praying for help! Elõñ alen, rukwal̦o̦k naan ro rej iioon armej ro me ej kab m̦õj aer jar im kajjitõk ippãn Anij bwe en jipañ er! Kin men in, juõn jemen eo ej kajeik nejin kinke ej mõnõnõ in kõmetak buruen leo nejin. In Jesus ' view, there is virtually no limit to the number of times a Christian should forgive others. Ilo lemnak eo an Jesus, en ejelok joñan an juõn Christian jeorlok bwid ko an ro jet. Nan in kanan eo an Jehovah ejelok bere. The disfellowshipping act shows that Jehovah has a clean people who adhere to Scriptural guidelines in order to maintain that holiness. Ñe armej in ebukwel̦o̦k ej kaalikkar bwe armej ro an Jeova rerreo im rej pokake naanin tõl ko ilo Baibõl̦ bwe ren maroñ erreo wõt. 20: 28. So they are confident that the time is near when they will see the outworking of 1 John 2: 17, which says: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " Inem rej liki bwe ien eo ej ebaktok ñe renaj lo an jejjet kitien 1 John 2: 17, eo ej ba: "Im lõl e jokolok im mõm ko an: a eo ej kõmõnmõn ankil an Anij ej berwõt in drio. " Jen an eindein, elañe ej lo juõn ien ekkar ñan kamelele kin men ko renana, leo belen enaj kamolol kin mol eo an. Yes, he will guard his loyal ones! - Psalm 97: 10. (2 Samuel 22: 26) Aet, enaj kejbãrok ri tiljek ro an! - Psalm 97: 10. Elap an kar alikar aorõkin men in katok eo ke Jehovah ear kakien Abraham bwe en katok kin Isaac nejin einwõt juõn men in katok kijeek. Ke ear ejjel̦o̦k nejierro, ear wõr aerro iien ñan kwal̦o̦k bũrueerro ñan doon. Emol, jejelã bwe Hannah, Elijah, im Paul aolep rar kijenmij ilo jerbal eo an Jehovah, im Ear kajerammõn ir. In the Law, what limitation did Jehovah put on the use of blood? Ilo Kien eo, ta kien eo Jehovah ear likite kin wãwen kajerbal bõtõktõk? Ewi wãwen an kar Paul kwalok bwe ear ettã an lemnak kin e make? What does that mean? Armej in emaroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe ej aikuj kõm̦m̦an an make pepe kõn ilju im jekl̦aj eo an ñe ejab baj jejjet kitien kallim̦ur ko an Jeova. Ear ba: "Ejelok Aõ mõke kõmõnmõn; a einwõt Jema e ar katakin Iõ... For these reasons, baptism candidates are asked to confirm that they have dedicated themselves to Jehovah to do his will. (Rom 12: 1, UBS) Im eñin unin ro rej pojak in peptaij rej jutak im̦aan mejãn aolep im uwaaki kajjitõk ko ñan kam̦ool bwe em̦õj aer ajel̦o̦k mour eo aer ñan Jeova ñan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan. Ej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "El̦ap ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñe kõrã eo ippa ej kwal̦o̦k an m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo am̦ katak Baibõl̦ ippãn doon. " 4: 1, 5. 4: 1, 5, UBS. Ej ãt in "Babilõn Elap. " I had a quick and violent temper. Iar juon eo ejidimkij an illu im elãj. Katak ko rejjab mol, ak katak ko, bwe Ri Catholic ro ren jelã, ilo wãwen in ej jitõñlok ñan mour, eñtan, im mij eo an Christ Jesus. What good things did the Israelites do when the Levites gathered them together? Ta men ko rem̦m̦an Ri Israel ro rar kõm̦m̦ani ilo iien eo Ri Livai ro rar ko̦kweilo̦k er ippãn doon? " Iñtan " kein rej einlok wõt men eo ear walok ilo Jerusalem im Judea jen 33 C.E. ñan 66 C.E. • What can family heads do to make sure that their family worship brings refreshment? • Ta eo bõr eo an baamle eo emaroñ kõmõne bwe ien kabuñ eo air en juõn ien ekalõñliñ im kõkãtõk? Ñan waanjoñak, bwebwenato ko ilo Baibõl̦ kõn jet em̦m̦aan ro retiljek me rar mour m̦okta jãn an kar Jijej kwal̦o̦k mel̦el̦e ko me rej kal̦apl̦o̦k ad mel̦el̦e kõn jerbal eo an Jijej ilo karõk eo an Anij. As events unfold during the great tribulation, Christians will need to heed instructions from God's Word and organization. Ilo iien eñtaan eo el̦ap, Kũrjin ro renaaj aikuj pokake naan in tõl ko jãn Naan in Anij im jãn doulul eo an Anij. Kinke Kien eo Jehovah ear letoke ear wãnik ilo jabdewõt wãwen, ilo bokake Ri Israel ro rar maroñ bõk juõn jutak ewãnik iman mejen Anij. The two doors of the mouth - the lips - no longer open much or at all to express what is in the "house, " or body, of those of advanced age who do not serve God. (Ekklisiastis 12: 4) Aur ko ruo an loñin armij - tien armij - ejeja an bellok ak ejjab bellok ñan kalikar kin ta eo ej bed ilo "mweo, " ak enbwin eo, enbwinin ro rej rittolok im jab karejar ñan Anij. Inem, kajeoñ kõmman ruo men ko. All ministers at our branch offices and at our world headquarters, including those making up the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, are unsalaried members of a religious order. (Matu 10: 8, UBS) Ebar ejjel̦o̦k on̦ãn aolep ro rej jerbal ilo opij ko ammim im ilo ra eo ammim el̦ap ilo New York ekoba Kumi eo Ej Lale Aolep Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. Kar juõn kwojkwoj, im armij ro rar kamwijlok jerbal in kõkãl worwor in Jerusalem. But no ideology can stop the Word of God from reaching the hearts of honest people. Bõtab, ejjel̦o̦k juon tõmak ak l̦õmn̦ak an kien emaroñ kabõjrak an Naanin Anij tõpar bũruon armej ro em̦ool bũrueer. Bõlen ear kememej nan ko ilo Exodus 23: 19, eo ear jiroñ armij ro an Anij bwe ren mõnõnõ in lelok men ko remõntata ñan Jehovah. 3: 5, 27. 3: 5, 27. Kar jiroñ ir: "Kiõ elañe komij eoroñ ainikiõ im kejbãrok bujen eo Aõ, inem kom naj Aõ mweiuk e aurõk, jen ailiñ ko otemjej: bwe aolepen lõl Aõ. " Since idle talk may lead to slander, Paul spoke out against certain gossipers. Ke konono eo ejjab mol emaroñ tellok ñan ruruwe, Paul ear konono nae jet armij ro rar ri ruruwe. Jipañ ajri ro nejũm̦ bwe ren bõk l̦õmn̦ak in ilo aer ba ñan er "Ij yokwe kom̦. " This statement was not egotistic. Nan kein ear jab nan in kemjãje. Nan in Anij ear kanan bwe ilo ien kein ad "ro renana im ro dri jela mon re naj laplok ilo air nana, re naj mone im naj mone ir. " Acts 14: 22 tells us: "We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. " Ebar em̦m̦an bwe jen keememej bwe ejjel̦o̦k ad maroñ ñan jol̦o̦k aolep apañ ko. Inem Jehovah ear bõk kejbãrok eo an. How can we apply the lesson drawn from Haggai 1: 6, 9, and why is this important? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ jerbale katak eo ej itok jen Haggai 1: 6, 9, im etke menin eaorõk? Ilo mol, ewi wãwen an juõn armij maroñ ba bwe ej lukkun dike men eo enana, ak nana, elañe ej kajerbal nana einwõt juõn wãwen ñan nawõnãn ro jet? Her husband admitted that he was not the best teacher and did not arrange for regular family worship. The elders directed the couple's attention to Jesus ' example. Bareinwõt, em̦m̦aan eo ear kwal̦o̦k bwe ear jab juon rũkatakin em̦m̦an, im ear jab kõm̦m̦an karõk bwe en ikkutkut an baam̦le eo aer katak ippãn doon. Im wõn e ar lewoj maroñ in ñõn kom? " Despite their limitations, they were enabled by this law to be consistent in their judgments. Meñe ear jab or maroñ in ibeir, ak kien in ear kõmõn bwe en jab oktaktak wãwen air ekajete armij ro. Ñan waanjoñak: Ãlikin an kar wal̦o̦k Pata eo an Lal̦ Kein Kajuon ilo Britain, kar kõtl̦o̦k an rũttarin̦ae ro kõm̦m̦ani men ko rekõn̦aan bwe ren kõm̦m̦ani. [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Ñan Ri Israel ro ilo Egypt im ñan Rahab ilo Jericho, lomor ear wawa ion air bed wõt ilo moko imwiir. [ Picture on page 15] [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] Etke armij ro an Anij rej kijirãte ir ilo ailiñ ko otemjej? Many are uncomfortable with this view. Elõñ rej bere lemnak in. Ilo O̦kwõj ilo iiõ eo, kar kũr kõm̦ro bwe kõm̦ro en etal ñan kilaaj eo kein ka 20 ilo Jikuul̦in Giliad, me ear jino ilo Jeptõm̦ba. Well, what would you be willing to give for the sake of your child's safety? Eñin unin elukkuun aorõk bwe jen etale ta ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ñan kõjparok ajri ro nejid. Timote ear l̦otak elõñ bukwi m̦ail̦ ettol̦o̦k jãn Jerusalem, ilo Listra. Of course, the Jewish shepherds know that "Messiah, " or" Christ, " refers to God's "Anointed One. " Seperd ro rar jel̦ã bwe naan in Messaia ej mel̦el̦ein "Eo Em̦õj Kabiti. " (Exodus 29: 5 - 7) Bõtab, elõñ em̦m̦aan ro rar riab im ba bwe er Messaia eo. Ewi wãwen jet Christian jodikdik ro rainin remaroñ bõk eñjake eo einwõt Asaph? Bar juon wãween me Paul ear kwal̦o̦k bwe ej kea kake ro jet ej ilo an kar nõbar er. Nan in yokyokwe eo ilo kajin Hebrew im nan eo ilo kajin Greek jimor rej kwalok lemnak eo " En emõn ibbam. ' The Bible provides such an answer. Bible eo ej letok uak eo. 14: 5 - 7. For example, in some lands, economies are booming and it is easy to get sidetracked into a single - minded pursuit of wealth. Ñan wanjoñok, ilo jet ene ko, economy ko rej laplok im ebidodo air mad in jibadõk mweiuk. Jesus ear jab kajerbal kemour einwõt juõn wãwen ñan kareel ri kalor ro ak ri roñjake ro relap. Daily we feel pressures from the world under Satan's control. Ran otemjej jej eñjake ijjibed ko jen lal eo ej bed iumin kajur eo an Satan. Kõn men in, jej aikuj kõjparok l̦õmn̦ak ko ad im l̦õmn̦ak ko ad bwe jen maroñ kabuñbũruon Anij eo ad, Jeova. It seemed a tall order in view of our precarious relationship. Ear jaad in pen ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in kõn an kar jab em̦m̦an pãd eo am̦ro. Ãliktata, naaj jol̦o̦k Setan jãn an kõm̦m̦ane juon men. SELF - CONTROL JEL̦Ã IROOJ IOOM̦ MAKE Inem, ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane ñan erom ro jeran Jesus? (Zechariah 1: 1 - 14: 21) (Zechariah 1: 1 - 14: 21) Mour in lũñ eo an Gomer ear annañelok ta? Why did Jesus tell us not to worry about what we will eat, or drink, or wear? Etke Jijej ear ba bwe jen jab inepata kõn ta ko jenaaj m̦õñã, ak idaak, ak kõn̦aki? Satan im lal eo an elaplok an kõmman jokãlet ko ikijen nuknuk im baotokin, mõñã im idak, men in kamõnõnõ im men in kamõnõnõ ko, im elõñ men ko jet. 5: 25. 5: 25. 1 4: 17 - 19. 4: 17 - 19. Ejjab aikwij konono ibben armij ro. Because of our "fine works, " some" give glory " to God by becoming his servants. Kin " jerbal ko ad remõn, ' jet armij rej "nebar " Anij ilo air erom ri karejar ro an. Aet, ear wõr juõn aikwij (kin ri Colossae ro im kij) ñan lukkun tõmak kin jerbal eo an Christ ilo karõk eo an Anij im ilo mour eo ad. Thus, a father who disciplines his son because he enjoys hurting his son's feelings is cruel. Aet. Bõtab, ñe em̦m̦aan in en kar juon eo im ej kauwe l̦addik eo nejin kõnke ekõn̦aan katakin e im kõjparok e jãn men ko renana, jen kar ke ba bwe em̦m̦aan in enana im lãj? Jaab. Naanin Grik eo me kar ukote ñan naan in "m̦ade " ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan aenõm̦m̦an im bõrokuk ippãn doon. Jehovah's prophetic Word leaves no doubt. Nan in kanan eo an Jehovah elukkun alikar. Ro rej lale rũtto ro remaroñ bar m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k. 20: 28. 20: 28. • Ewi wãwen etetal kin tõmak ej jibañ kij bõprae lemnak eo bwe jemlokin ej ettolok wõt? Instead, if she finds an appropriate time to explain unpleasant things calmly, her husband will likely appreciate her honesty. Bõtab, ñe lio ej kwal̦o̦k aolep men ñan l̦eo ilo iien ko remel̦ak, meñe l̦eo emaroñ inepata ak enaaj l̦ap an kam̦m̦oolol kõn an kwal̦o̦k m̦ool ñane. Jen men in, ke rar kajitõk ibben ñan kamelele kin katak ko an, Paul ear bõk ien ñan kwalok juõn katak ekeie me ear kwalok kabel in katakin ko an. The profound significance of sacrifice was made dramatically clear when Jehovah commanded Abraham to offer up his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Melele eo elap kin men in katok eo ear alikar ke Jehovah ear kakien Abraham ñan katok kin Isaac nejin einwõt juõn men in katok kijeek. Im I naj air Anij, im ir make renaj erom armij ro aõ. ' " Of course, we know that Hannah, Elijah, and Paul all endured in Jehovah's service, and He rewarded them richly. Emol bwe jejelã bwe Hannah, Elijah, im Paul rar aolep kijenmij wõt ilo jerbal eo an Jehovah, im Ear lap an kajerammõn ir. Im ej juõn joñok emõn kin kautiej Simeon ear likit ñan ri karejar ro an Anij rainin! How did Paul show that he had a modest view of himself? Ewi wãwen Paul ear kwalok an ettã wãwen an watõke e make? Ilo ailiñ kein ruo, rej bed wõt im jab bõk kunair ilo politic, "jab jen lõl, " im wõnmanlok im" kwalok nan. " - Jon 15: 19; Jerbal 8: 4. He said: "I do nothing of my own initiative; but just as the Father taught me I speak... Jijej ear ba: "Ejjel̦o̦k men en̦ ij kõm̦m̦ane kõn ña make, ak ij ba wõt men ko Jema ear katakin eõ... bwe iien otemjej ij kõm̦m̦ani men ko rej kabuñbũruon. " Ta wãwen eo an ro remij? ' He adds: "It is such a wonderful gift to observe the joy my wife expresses when moved by some spiritual gem we find together in our study. " Ej kakobaba: "Ej juõn menin letok eaibujuij ñan lo lañliñ eo lio beleiõ ej kwaloke ke juõn mol eo ilo Bible ekaitoktoklimo ej kamakit buruen me kimro jimor ar loe ke kimar katak ibben don. " Devil eo ear kajeoñ in kokkure tiljek eo an Jesus. She bears the name "Babylon the Great. " Etan kõrã in ekijoñ ej "Babilon El̦ap. " Meñe enañin aolep king ro rar bed iturear in Jordan rar roñ im loe, "rar tõrinae iben Joshua im Israel. " The mysteries are doctrines, or teachings, that Catholics should know, in this case referring to the life, suffering, and death of Christ Jesus. Men in ittino ko rej tõmak ko, ak katak ko, me Catholic ro rej aikwij jela kaki, ilo wãwen in, ej jitõñlok ñõn mour, iñtan, im mij eo an Christ Jesus. Ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan jet iaan peejnej ko rel̦l̦ap me el̦ap on̦ãer? These "pangs of distress " correspond to what took place in Jerusalem and Judea from 33 C.E. to 66 C.E. (Matu 24: 8, UBS) Iien eñtaan kein rej ãinl̦o̦k wõt menin eñtaan ko me rar wal̦o̦k ilo Jerusalem im Judia ilo iiõ eo 33 l̦o̦k ñan iiõ eo 66. Nan in Anij ej wie mõttan ko remũlal an juõn armij im emaroñ ukõt lemnak eo an im ta eo ej yokwe, im kõmman bwe en emõn, ri jerbal eo ekwojarjar. For instance, the Bible accounts of certain faithful men who lived before Jesus contain information that deepens our insight into Jesus ' role in God's purpose. Ñõn wanjoñok, bwebwenato ko ilo Baibel eo kin jet armij ro rar tiljek im mour moktalok jen an kar Jisõs mour ion lõl, rej kwalok kin melele ko me remaroñ kamũlallok melele eo ar kin jerbal eo an Jisõs ilo karõk eo an Anij. Renaj wãppen ilo lemnak im enbwin, Paradise einwõt kabijuknen eo air, im mour indio ijo ñan lañliñ kin wãppen eo air im kwalok air kamolol ñan Jehovah, Anij eo wõt emol. Since the Law given by Jehovah was righteous in every way, by obeying it the Israelites could have gained a righteous standing before God. Ke Kien eo Jehovah ear lelok ear wãnik ilo jabdewõt wãwen, Ri Israel ro ilo air bokake remaroñ kar bõk juõn jutak eo ewãnik iman mejen Anij. 3: 15. Try, then, to do two things. Inem kajeoñ, kõmmane ruo men ko. • Ta un ko unin Ri Christian ro ilo Tessalonika rar aikwij kamolol kin ro rar tel ibwiljiir? It was a festival, and the people had just completed the work of rebuilding Jerusalem's wall. Ear juõn ien kwojkwoj, im armij rej kab kadedelok jerbal eo kin kõkãl worwor in Jerusalem. Kajjojo yiõ elõñ million dollar ko rej kajerbali ñan kabwe aikwij ko an traveling overseer ro, special pioneer ro, im missionary ro. Perhaps he recalled the words of Exodus 23: 19, which instructed God's people to be willing to give their best to Jehovah. Bõlen ear keememej naan ko ilo Exodus 23: 19 me ej rõjañ armej ro an Anij bwe ren m̦õn̦õn̦õ in lel̦o̦k men ko rem̦m̦antata ippãer ñan Jeova. Kanan in kein kajuõn ear likit juõn kejatdikdik emol ñan armij ro rejerawiwi. They were told: "Now if you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me. " Kar jiroñlok ir: "Kiõ elañe komij eoroñ ainikiõ im kejbãrok bujen eo aõ, inem kom naj aõ mweiuk e aurõk jen aolep ailiñ ko otemjej, bwe aolepen lõl aõ. " Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im m̦an "ro rũkal̦ooran Irooj. " Help your children to feel that way by often telling them "I love you. " Jipañ ajri ro nejũm̦ bwe ren bõk ejja eñjake rot in wõt ilo am̦ ba l̦o̦k ñan er, "Ij yokwe eok. " Ilo May 1919 eo, jikin ekajet eo ear iroij ion jikin ekajet eo bwe ri jojomar ro rar jab kwalok kalijeklok, im kin menin ekajet eo rar jab kwalok kalijeklok. God's Word foretold that in our time "wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. " Nan in Anij emwij an kanan bwe ilo ran ko ad "armij renana im ro dri jela mon re naj laplok ilo air nana, re naj mone im naj mone ir. " Ñan wanjoñok, juõn emaroñ kõrraate wãwen an juõn elder jerbale mõttan ko ilo congregation eo ak lale eddo ko an. Jehovah then took away his protection. Ilo an kwalok juõn point eaorõk, Paul ear je: "Komin likit dri jilik im pris elap, eo jej kwalok, Jisõs. " After all, how could a person say that he truly abhors what is wicked, or evil, if he were to use evil as a means to repay others? Ilo mol, ewi wãwen juõn armij emaroñ ba bwe elukkun jõjõike men eo enana, elañe ej kajerbal nana ñan nawõnãn ro jet? Bible eo ej kamol ñan kij: "[Jehovah] e ar jab kejekron iñtan an ro dri jeramel: im E ar jab tilekek jen E, im ke ej lamij ñõn E kin jibõñ e. " And who gave you this authority? " im wõn e ar lewoj nan in ñõn Yuk? " Komin Ekkõl, Einwõt Jeremiah Ear Kõmman To illustrate: After a suspected terrorist plot was uncovered in Britain, airline passengers in general seemed ready to follow regulations against taking on board items they had previously been allowed to carry. Ñan wanjoñok: Elikin air kajedmatmat karõk eo an juõn terrorist (ro rej kõmman jorrãn ko ñan kamijak armij) ilo ailiñ in Britain, ro ri uwe ilo balun ko rar bojak ñan bokake kien ko im jab bõklok mweiuk ko me kien eo ear kemoiki. Ke jej kijenmij ilo ad jebar leen, jej lañliñ kin jimjera eo an Jesus. For the Israelites in Egypt and for Rahab in Jericho, deliverance depended on remaining in their houses. Ikijen dri Israel ro ilo Ijipt im Rehab ilo Jeriko, bwe ren maroñ bõk lomor rar aikwij ber iloan moko imweir. El̦ap an bok kein jipañ armej ro, bõtab bok kein rejjab bõktok m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñan indeeo. Why are God's people hated in all nations? Etke jet armej rej dike armej ro an Anij ilo pel̦aakin lal̦ in? Report ko im Men ko Rej Kamiti in Kõm̦m̦an bwe En Wõr Wõt Aenõm̦m̦an In August of that year, Gerri and I received an invitation to attend the 20th class of Gilead, which started in September. Ilo Okõj eo ilowaan ejja iiõ in wõt, rar kũr kõmro Gerri ñan Jikuul̦ in Mejinede eo kein ka 20. Jibañ Ro Jet ñan Bokake Ta eo Bible Ej Katakin Kake Timothy was born hundreds of miles away from Jerusalem, in Lystra. Timothy ear lotak elõñ buki mile ko rettolok jen Jerusalem, ilo Lystra. Ej ba: "El̦ap an aorõk iien kein im el̦ap aer kaenõm̦m̦an eõ. " How might some Christian youths today come to feel like Asaph? Ewi wãwen an jet Christian jodikdik ro rainin maroñ eñjake einwõt kar Asaph? Elañe ran eo elukkun aorõk ñan kij - im jej aikwij " jab ilok jen kwelok ko ad make. ' - Dri Hibru 10: 24, 25; 2 Piter 3: 10. The Hebrew greeting and the corresponding term in Biblical Greek both convey the thought " May it go well with you. ' (Matu 10: 12, 13) Nan in yokyokwe in Hebrew eo im kajin eo einlok wõt ilo Bible in Greek eo ej kwalok lemnak eo " Emõn eo en ibbam. ' 35: 3; Mal. 14: 5 - 7. 14: 5 - 7. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ke ear po ilo aujiid eo kõn Babil̦on El̦ap. Jesus never used healing as a means of attracting followers or large audiences. Jisõs ear jab kemour armij ro ilo kabwilõñlõñ ñan an kareel jarin armij ro ak ñan kõmman bwe ren lor e. Meletlet eo emol ej kitibuj jerbale ekajet jimwe im jerbale jelãlokjen im melele ilo juõn wãwen eo ewõr tõbrak ie. Therefore, we must protect and control our mind and thoughts in order to prove worthy of our God, Jehovah. (Dri Rom 7: 14 - 25) Kin menin, jej aikwij kejbãrok im bebek lemnak im kalmenlokjen ko ad ñan kamol an wõr tokjed ñan ad Anij, Jehovah. Elañe e maroñwe, einwõt ej ber ibemi, komin ainemõn iben armij otemjej. " - Dri Rom 12: 17, 18; 1 Timote 6: 17 - 19; Jemes 2: 5, 9. Finally, Satan himself will be put out of action. Eliktata, renaj liãbe Satan. Ri tel ro an kabuñ ilo ran ko an Jesus rar makoko in kõmmane menin. What, then, must we do to become and remain friends of Jesus? Inem, ta eo jej aikwij kõmõne bwe jen erom im drebij wõt jimjera eo ar iben Jisõs? • "juõn aur elap " ej tellok ñan jerammõn et ko rekãl emwij air bellok? Gomer's adulterous conduct illustrated what? Mour in lũñ eo an Gomer ear pijaik ta? Ear ajel̦o̦k menin katok ko ñan Jeova bwe en jeorl̦o̦k jerawiwi ko an armej ro m̦oktata ilo kumi in pris ro. Satan and his world offer ever more alluring choices in dress and grooming, food and drink, recreation and entertainment, and a host of other things. Elõñ men ko Setan im jukjukun pãd in an rej karreelel kaki bwe armej ren po, im jet iaan men kein rej kõn nuknuk, m̦õñã, dãn, im kein kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko. [ Kamelele eo itulal] 1 1 Tim: Em̦õj aõ ri tõl eo em̦m̦antata. He has no need to consult with humans. (Duteronomi 3: 24) Ejelok an aikwij ñan kajitõk kin jabdewõt men ibben armij ro. Jeova ej eo em̦m̦antata me ej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k bõd ko an ro rej ukel̦o̦k! Yes, there was a need (by the Colossians and by us) for full conviction about the Christ's role in God's purpose and in our life. Aet, kar wõr juõn aikwij (an ri Colossae ro im ad) kin tõmak eo ebin kin jerbal eo an Christ ilo karõk eo an Anij im ilo ad mour. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe kwõnaaj kar. The Greek word translated "compounded " signifies harmonious blending, as in the mixing of colors. (1 Dri Korint 12: 19 - 26) Nan in Greek eo rar ukõte "kobaik " ej melelen kãreik ilo emõn, einwõt ñe rej kobaik uno ko. Moktata, ear kamol ñan ri kanan eo bwe jemlokin enaj kar itok ilo ien eo ejejjet. Caregivers too may become worn - out. Ro rej jibañ ritto ro remaroñ mõk bareinwõt. " Kom naj ñõn Iõ juõn ailiñ in pris ro, im ailiñ e kwojarjar. " - EX. • How does walking by faith help us to avoid the view that the end is far off? • Ewi wãwen etetal kin tõmak ej jibañ kij bõprae lemnak eo bwe jemlokin jukjuk im bed in etto wõt an itok? Ear jino katak Baibõl̦, pãd ilo juon kweilo̦k el̦ap, im kiiõ ej pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko ilo Im̦õn Kweilo̦k eo. On the contrary, when he was asked to explain his teachings, Paul seized the occasion to present an insightful discourse that well demonstrated his teaching skills. Jen an eindrein, ke rar kajitõk iben bwe en kemeleleik ir kin katak ko an, Paul ear kortokjen ien eo ñõn kwalok juõn katak me armij ro rar melele kake im ej lukkun kalikar an kabel ilo katakin. (Jerb. 17: 19 - 22; 1 Pit. Einwõt juõn Jemen eyokwe, ear kejbãrok im kejbãrok armij ro retiljek einwõt Noah, Abraham, im David. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people. ' " Etke Anij ear jab buñburuen kin men in katok ko ear aikwiji ilo Kien eo? And what a fine example of reverence Simeon set for God's servants today! Simeon ear likit juõn joñok emõn ñan ri karejar ro an Anij rainin kin wãwen eo ñan kwalok kautiej! Ewi wãwen kij aolep jemaroñ kalek don? In both countries, they remain politically neutral, being "no part of the world, " and continue zealously" declaring the good news of the word. " - John 15: 19; Acts 8: 4. Rar jab bõk kun̦aaer ilo aitwerõk im m̦akũtkũt ko an kien, im rar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo aer kijejeto im "kwal̦o̦k kõn Ennaan eo " em̦m̦an. - Jon 15: 19, UBS; Jrb. □ Ewi wãwen an ro jet kebak yuk? What is the condition of the dead? ' Ta wãwen ro remij? ' Ta elañe jerbal eo make ejjab kokkure jabdewõt men in aikwij eo ekwojarjar? The Devil tried to break the integrity of Jesus. Devil eo ear kajeoñ rupe tiljek eo an Jisõs. Wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an. Despite what almost all the kings on the west side of the Jordan heard and saw, "they formed an alliance to fight against Joshua and Israel. " (Joshua 9: 3, 9, 10) Meñe kiiñ ro jet rar loe im roñ kõn an Jeova lo̦mo̦o̦ren armej ro an, ak "rar kweilo̦kl̦o̦k bwe ren tarin̦aeik Joshua im Israel. " Aorõkin bõk juõn lemnak ejimwe kin Nan in Anij kar kalikare ilo juõn ian parable ko an Jesus. What has happened in connection with some seemingly profitable business ventures? Ta ear walok ñõn jet business ko me rar lemnak remõn ñõn korlok money? Ilo Sam 3 im 55, David ej kwalok kin ewi wãwen jab tiljek rot in ear jelet e. The Word of God pierces the innermost parts of a person and can change him inwardly, affecting how he thinks and what he loves, making him an acceptable, godly worker. Nan in Anij ej wie nononmej eo an armij im emaroñ ukõte jen loan, jelet lemnak eo an im men ko ej kaorõki, bwe en juõn ri jerbal emõn im ekwojarjar. ELÕÑlok jen 120 million armij ro ibelakin lal, ekkar ñan juõn report jen Dolul eo an World Health Organization, rej antonelok kiõ ñan jelet elõñlok jen 120 million armij ro ibelakin lal. They will have perfection of mind and body, Paradise as their home, and eternal life in which to enjoy their perfection and express their appreciation to Jehovah, the only true God. Renaj bõk wãppen in lemnak im enbwin, Paradise eo einwõt kabijukneir, im mour indio eo renaj lõñliñ kake kin wãppen eo air im kwalok air kamolol ñõn Jehovah, Anij eo wõt emol. " Elap jonikõn, a eiet dri jerbal. 3: 15. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) - Jenesis 3: 15. Bõtab, ear kõmman elaplok jen an baj jiroñ wõt ri kalor ro an kin ta melelen ettã buru - ear kwalok ñan ir wãwen. • What reasons did the Thessalonian Christians have to appreciate those taking the lead among them? • Etke ro ilo congregation eo ilo Tessalonika rar aikuj kwal̦o̦k aer kam̦m̦oolole elder ro? Ien rot kein remaroñ jibañ jodikdik ro bwe ren eñjake air jokane im mõnõnõ in kwalok burueir. Each year tens of millions of dollars are spent caring for the expenses of traveling overseers, special pioneers, and missionaries. Kajjojo iiõ, elõñ milien im milien tal̦a ko doulul eo ej kõjerbali ñan kabwe aikuj ko an ro rej lol̦o̦k eklejia ko, special pioneer ro, im mijinede ro. Ejjab letok juõn uak ealikar, ke "Iroij " im" ri bojak " rejjab ãt ko etan. That first prophecy held out real hope for sinful mankind. Nan in kanan in jinointata ear likit kejatdikdik eo emol kin armij ri jerawiwi. Iomin elõñ yiõ ko, kimar bõk rejañ ilo elõñ wãwen ko im jen elõñ armij ro. He continued to breathe "threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord. " (Jerbal 7: 58; 8: 1, 3; 1 Timote 1: 13) Ear wõnmanlok im "kalelñoñ im uror ñõn ro dri kaloran Iroij. " Ikijen leen ko air kwo naj kile ir. In May 1919 the circuit court of appeals ruled that the defendants had not had an impartial trial, and the judgment was therefore reversed. Ilo May 1919 circuit court in appeal eo ear kakien bwe armij rein rar narueir ear jab wõr juõn air ekajet eo ear ejelok kalijeklok ie, im jemlok eo an ekajet rar ukõte. 25 Jo̦dikdik Ro, Kwõj Ke L̦õmn̦ak Wõt kõn M̦weiuk ko an Jeova? For instance, someone may criticize the way a certain elder handles his parts in the congregation or cares for his duties. Ñan wanjoñok, juõn emaroñ notaiki wãwen eo juõn elder ej jerbale ilo mõttan ko kunan ilo congregation eo ak kea kin eddo ko an. Jej aikuj kijejeto wõt ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan im kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani m̦anit ko rem̦m̦an ñan katak Baibõl̦. Mentioning a vital point, Paul wrote: "Consider the apostle and high priest whom we confess - Jesus. " Ilo an kwalok kin juõn point eo elap tokjen, Paul ear je: "Komin kalomõnlokjen kin Jisõs - dri Jilik im Pris elap, eo jej kwalok E. " (b) Etke brother in ear bwijrõk jen an jerbal, ewi wãwen an kar bõk jibõñ, im ewi wãwen congregation eo ear bõk jibõñ? The Bible assures us: "[Jehovah] has neither despised nor loathed the affliction of the afflicted one; and he has not concealed his face from him, and when he cried to him for help he heard. " Bible eo ej kallimur: "Bwe E ar jab kejekron ak drike iñtan an ro rej iñtan, im E ar jab noje mejen jen e, a ke e ar kir ñõn E, e ar roñjake. " Ejamin bar wõr juõn aikwij elap ikõtan Jehovah im ajiri ro nejin ion lal. Keep Awake, as Jeremiah Did Lale im Ekkõl Ãinwõt Kar Jeremaia ORAN ARMEJ IN JIKIN IN As we endure in bearing fruit, we enjoy Jesus ' friendship. Ilo ad kijenmej ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan, jenaaj dãpij wõt jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jesus. Ke jinen ear kajitõk ibben etke ear jañ, ear uak kinke ear mõnõnõ kin men eo ear loe. Libraries and bookstores are filled with self - help books, but such publications have not brought people lasting happiness. Jikin kokone book ko im mõn wia book ko rej obrak kin book ko rej katakin kin kilen kautiej kij make, ak book kein rar jab bõktok mõnõnõ eo emol. Jehovah ear kwalok kallimur eo an ñan Abraham elõñ alen, im kobaiktok tibdik ko jet. Encouraging Reports and Heartwarming Interviews Tab Honsberger, ej juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro me rej loloorjake jerbal ko ilo Betel eo ilo Haiti. Juõn ian ri utiej ro aõ ear etal wõt im jiroñ iõ: "Elañe kwo kõnan lo tõbrak ijin, kwoj aikwij konono wõt kin men ko an science. " Help Others Obey What the Bible Teaches Jibañ Ro Jet Ñan Air Bokake Ta Eo Bible Ej Katakin 2: 10. " Those spontaneous moments are so valuable and bring much comfort. " Ñe ro jet rej jipañ im letok naanin kaenõm̦m̦an jabdewõt iien im ejjab baj ilo iien ko wõt rel̦l̦ap, men in el̦ap an jipañ im kaenõm̦m̦an kõj. " [ Pija ko ilo peij 15] If that day is really important to us - and it should be - we will " not forsake the gathering of ourselves together. ' - Hebrews 10: 24, 25; 2 Peter 3: 10. Elañe ran eo elukkun aorõk ñõn kij - im ej aikwij - jej jamin " likit ar kwelok im jar. ' - Hebrew 10: 24, 25; 2 Peter 3: 10. Juõn brother eo ejjab jerbal einwõt juõn ministerial servant ak juõn elder enaj bareinwõt lo tokjen ñan etale mol eo bwe ewõr juõn aikwij elap ñan an maan ro reritto ilo jitõb bõk jerammõn ko ilo dolul eo an Anij. 35: 3; Mal. 35: 3; Mal. Jehovah ear kajejjet kitien kallimur eo an ñan kejbãrok ajiri ro ejelok jemeir. Was he seduced by the glitter and glamour of Babylon? Ta eo Daniel ear kõm̦m̦ane ke ear iiooni men kein? Kar jiroñ Ri Israel ro: "A kin kom, ami Anij, komin jeblak, im kejbãrok yokwe im ekajet jime; im en or kõtõmene ilo ami Anij ien otemjej. " True wisdom involves exercising sound judgment and applying knowledge and understanding in a successful way. Meletlet eo emol ej kitibuj ad kwalok lemnak ko rekeie im jerbale jelãlokjen im meletlet ilo juõn wãwen ewõr tõbrak ie. Kin tokjen katok in binmour eo an Jesus ewãppen, elap ad bõk kainemõn. If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. " - Romans 12: 17, 18; see also 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19; James 2: 5, 9. Elañe e maroñwe, einwõt ej ber ibemi, komin ainemõn iben armij otemjej. " - Dri Rom 12: 17, 18; lale bareinwõt 1 Timote 6: 17 - 19; Jemes 2: 5, 9. Kajoor eo an Anij emaroñ bar jipañ kõj ñe jej ebbeer. The religious leaders of Jesus ' day were unwilling to do this. Ri tel ro an kabuñ ilo ran ko an Jesus rar jab kõnan kar kõmmane menin. Ilo ran ko an Jesus, jet ri tel in kabuñ ko rar bõk lemnak eo ebwid kin kile. • "A large door " leading to what new opportunities has been opened? • "Juõn aur elap " ear bellok ñan ien et ko remõn? Joñok in kamolol eo an ej tellokin kajeoñe. - Sam 19: 7 - 11. He offered sacrifices to Jehovah to provide for the atonement of sins - first those of the priestly class, then those of the nonpriestly tribes. Ear lelok menin katok ko ñõn Jeova ñõn jolok bwir ko air, mokta, kin bwir ko an pris ro inem tokelik kin bwir ko an bwij ko rejjab bõk jerbal in pris. Alikar, tõmak eo an armij ear atartar ion bed eo an Moses. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele ko itulal] Kajoor eo an Jeova ej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k an ro jet kautiej im bõrokuk ippãn doon. Tim: I already have the best leader. Tim: Emwij karere an or juõn aõ dri tel emõntata. . . . . . Jehovah is the foremost one who freely forgives repentant sinners! Alikkar bwe Jeova eo el̦aptata an m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k an ro ri jerawiwi bõd! Ri Christian ro remol rej mour kajjojo ran ilo air kile aorõkin ien ko jej mour ie. - Dri Pilippai 4: 8. No doubt you would. (1 Ko. Tõmak eo ad ilo katok in binmour eo an Christ ej kõtlok bwe jen diojtok jen iumin ine in jerawiwi eo. First, he assured the prophet that the end would come right on time. Mokta, ear kamol ñan ri kanan eo bwe jemlokin enaj itok ilo ien eo ejejjet. ILO kar 1930 jim̦a ko, jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ilo Brazil ear lukkuun rum̦wij ilo 1930 jim̦a ko. " You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - EX. Jeova e jab rumij kin An kalimur, einwõt jet rej watõk rumij, a Ej meanwõr ñõn kom, im jab kõnan bwe jabrewõt en joko, a bwe ren otemjej itok im ukwelok ibeir. " He began to study in earnest, attended a circuit assembly, and now attends meetings at the local Kingdom Hall. Ear jino katak Bible, bed ilo juõn circuit assembly, im kiõ ej bed ilo kwelok ko ilo Kingdom Hall eo ilo bukwon eo. Ilo air jab bõk jibañ in, Ri Levi ro rar illok jen jerbal ko air im etal in jerbal ilo melaj ko air. As a loving Father, he protected and cared for such loyal subjects as Noah, Abraham, and David. Ãinwõt juon Jemãn el̦ap an yokwe, ear kõjparok im lale ri karejar ro an retiljek ãinwõt Noa, Ebream, im Devid. 9: 20. Why was God displeased with offerings that he himself had called for in the Law? (Aiseia 1: 10, 11) Etke Anij ear jab buñburuen kake men in katok ko ear make kakien kake ilo Kien eo? Ta eo emaroñ kõmman bwe en bin ad bokake kien eo an Christ, ak ta eo emaroñ jibañ kij ñan kõmman eindein? How can all of us share in building one another up? Ewi wãween kõj aolep jemaroñ rõjañ im kõkajoor doon? Ilo jejjet in kitien eo moktata an kanan eo an Zephaniah, Anij ear kajeik Judah eo ear jab tõmak ilo an kõtlok bwe kajur eo an Babylon en anjo ion im kajibokweik armij ro an ilo 607 B.C.E. □ How freely do others approach you? □ Ebiruru ke an armij ro jet kebak yuk ak bwebwenato ibam? Jen men in, jej aikwij kõtlok bwe nan in kakabilek eo an Jehovah en tel kij, im lukkun liki bwe enaj " jibwe peid ' im jurake kij. What if the work itself does not specifically violate any divine requirement? Ta elañe jerbal eo make ejjab jumae Bible eo? Ro Peter ear konono kake ir rar bed ilo jikin ko ilo Rome ilo Pontiususus, Galetia, C.E., Asia, im Bithynia - aolep ilo jikin ko ilo Turkey ilo ran kein. In our spirit and attitude. Wãween ad eñjake im kõm̦m̦an. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) The importance of having a right view of God's Word was highlighted in one of Jesus ' parables. Aorõk in an wõr juõn lemnak eo ejimwe kin Nan in Anij kar kalikare ilo juõn ian parable ko an Jesus. Rej konono: "Im naj kwalok gospel in an ailiñ in lõñ i aolepen lõl kin men in kennan ñõn ailiñ otemjelok: ilo ien eo e naj itok jemlokõn. " In Psalms 3 and 55, David describes how such disloyalty affected him. (2 Samuel 15: 31) Ilo bok in Sam jebta 3 im 55, Devid ear je im kwal̦o̦k kõn joñan an kar lukkuun metak ke em̦m̦aan in m̦õttan ear jab tiljek ñan e. (Sam 3: 1 - 8; riit Sam 55: 12 - 14.) Ejjabto tokãlik, kar jitõñ e bwe en juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. DEPRESSION, according to a report by the World Health Organization, is estimated currently to affect over 120 million people worldwide. NAÑINMIJ in buromõj im ejelok kejatdikdik, ekkar ñan juõn report jen dolul eo World Health Organization, ej jelet elõñlok jen 120 million armij ibelakin lal. [ Pija eo ilo peij 11] " The harvest is great, but the workers are few. " Elap jonikõn, a eiet dri jerbal. Im ilo ran kein eliktata, rej jiroñ armij ro kake. However, he did more than simply tell his disciples what it meant to be humble - he showed them how. Jijej ear jab baj jiroñl̦o̦k wõt er men in ak ear bar kõm̦m̦an joñak ñan er kõn ettã bõro. Bõklikit eo ad ej oktak im errã ibben ial ko an Jehovah Anij. Such informal settings may help adolescents feel at ease and more inclined to open up. Ñe kwõj bõk am̦ iien ippãn jo̦dikdik ro nejũm̦, emaroñ jakol̦o̦k aer mijak im ãliklik in kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak ko aer im bũrueer. KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN WÃWEEN BWE EN BÕK TOKJÃN JÃN AM̦ RIITI BAIBÕL̦ Neither provides a clear answer, since "Lord " and" candidate " are not names. Uak kein jimor rejjab alikar kinke "Iroij " im" Senator " rej title im jab ãt. Aolep dri Kristian ro me rej bõk nan in kakabilek in ej ñõn burueir wõt juõn im yokwe ilo rolul in jimjãn jimjãtin eo an Kristian. Over the years, we have received encouragement in many ways and from many people. Iomin yiõ kein, kimro ar bõk kõkãtõk ilo elõñ wãwen ko im jen elõñ armij ro. 5, 6. (a) Ñããt eo Jesus ear jerkakbiji, im ewi wãwen kar annañelok men in ilo Kien eo? By their fruits you will recognize them. Kom naj jela kajeir kin leir. Ta wãwen eo elap ilo jerbal eo ad ekwojarjar, im ewi wãwen men in ej bareinwõt juõn jerbal ñan armij ro? 25 Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals? 25 Jo̦dikdik Ro, Kõmij Ke Likũt bwe Kõttõpar ko Ami ilo Doulul in Ren Men ko Raorõktata? Ãinwõt ad kar etale ilo katak eo l̦o̦k, Jeova ear lo̦mo̦o̦ren kõj ilo iien ko etto. 5: 11. Essential to maintaining zeal for the ministry is cultivating and sticking to good study habits. Bwe jen maroñ kijejeto wõt ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan, jej aikuj kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k wãween ad katak ippãd make. Ilo iiõ eo l̦o̦k, ear lõñl̦o̦k oran armej ro rar pãd ilo iien Kwõjkwõj in Keememej Mej eo an Jijej. (b) Why had this brother become inactive, how was he helped, and how was he received by the congregation? (b) Etke lein ear mõjinolok, ewi wãwen ear bõk jibõñ, im kar ewi wãwen lemnok eo an congregation eo kake e? Em̦õj an jaintiij ro kõjerbal jããn, iien, im kein tarin̦ae ko jet ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k jorrããn ko rel̦l̦ap. There will no longer be a need for an intermediary between Jehovah and his earthly children. Jeban bar aikuji juon bwe en ri kõllaajrak ikõtaad im Jeova. Ear bareinwõt erom juõn eo ear lelok jããn in jibañ ñan e im rar kãlet ñan jutak ikijen Canada ilo yiõ eo 1980. POPULATION ORAN ARMEJ IN JIKIN IN Ilo congregation eo an Christian ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, ri jilek John ear lo aikwij eo ñan ekajete ro rar jab kautiej ro emwij kãlet ir. When her mother asked her why she was crying, she responded that it was because she liked what she was watching. Ke jinen ear kajitõk etke ear jõñ, ear uak im ba kinke emõn iben men eo ear aluije. Kin ta tokjen eo? Jehovah restated his promise to Abraham a number of times, adding further details. (Jenesis 13: 15 - 17; 17: 1 - 8, 16) Ebream ear lukkuun tõmak kallim̦ur ko an Anij. Ri jilek Paul ear je: "Kin tõmak Ebream, ke ar kir e, bokake e naj kar bõk jolit; im ej ilok, elañe e jaje ia eo ej ilok ñõn e. One of my superiors went so far as to tell me: "If you want to succeed here, you must talk only about philosophical matters. Talking about faith is forbidden. " Juon iaan ro reutiejl̦o̦k jãn ña ear ba: "El̦aññe kokõn̦aan lo tõprak ilo jerbal in am̦, kwõn kõnnaan kõn men ko jet im jab kõnnaan kõn tõmak eo am̦. " Air kõmmane menin enaj kakajurlok bebe eo air ñan jutak bin ilo tõmak. 2: 10. 2: 10. 16, 17. (a) Ia eo kwomaroñ lo uak ko ralikar kin jimwe ko kar kwalok kaki ilo 1 Dri Tessalonika 4: 6? [ Pictures on page 15] [ Pija ko ilo peij 25] Jete un ko jet unin am maroñ lañliñ? A brother who is not serving as a ministerial servant or an elder will also find it beneficial to consider the fact that there is a great need for mature men to accept privileges of service in God's organization. Em̦m̦aan ro me rejjab ministerial servant ak elder rej aikuj keememej bwe el̦ap aikuji em̦m̦aan ro ñan loloorjake jerbal ko ilo congregation ko. NAN in Anij ej jiroñ kij bwe jen bokake kien ko an armij, ak ej bareinwõt katakin kij bwe jej aikwij bokake Anij im jab armij. Jehovah has lived up to his promise to care for fatherless children. Ewi wãween aõ kar maroñ kajoor wõt ilo tõmak? Ran ko "r'ar kokkure " ke im ri kabit ro ilo Jerusalem rar bõk lomor? The Israelites were told: "As respects you, to your God you should return, keeping loving - kindness and justice; and let there be a hoping in your God constantly. " Kar jiroñ Ri Israel ro: "Innem kiõ, kom ro inen Jacob, komin liki ami Anij im jeblak ñõn ibben. Komin tiljek im jimwe. Komin kijenmij im kõttar mae ien eo ami Anij ej kammakit. " Jehovah ej lo buruen armij ro rej tiljek ñan e! Because of the benefits of Jesus ' perfect human sacrifice, we are greatly comforted. (1 Jon 2: 1, 2) Kinke ewõr tokjen ko jen an Jesus katok kin mour eo an, jej ainemõn im jokane. Ikijen joij eo air rar karõk ñan kanemkwoj Paul jen inebata ko kin money bwe en maroñ kalaplok an ien ñan kwalok nan. God's spirit can also help us when we are discouraged. Jitõb an Anij emaroñ bareinwõt jibañ kij ñe ewõr juõn jitõb in ebwerer ibbed. Jejjab kabuñ ñan Devil eo. In Jesus ' day, some religious leaders had the wrong view of recognition. Ilo raan ko an Jesus, jet iaan rũtõlin kabuñ ko ear bõd wãween aer l̦õmn̦ak kõn an ro jet nõbar im kile er. Ejjabto tokãlik, ear em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan juon jikin kalbuuj el̦ap me ej pãd ie. His example of appreciation is worthy of imitation. - Psalm 19: 7 - 11. Inem jen anõke joñok eo an emõn kin kamolol. - Sam Ko 19: 7 - 11. Ta melelen ñõn bõk juõn mej "emõn, " im ewi wãwen an maroñ wor tokjen ñõn kij? Apparently, the people's faith was too dependent on Moses ' visible presence. Rar jino inepata im ba ñan Aron: "Jejaje ta eo ewal̦o̦k ñan Moses, eo ear tõl tok kõj jãn Ijipt. Ejelok bere, kamakoko im anemkwoj rar bedbed ion lemnak ko an armij ro rettã, ekoba Ri Christian ro. Jehovah's spirit flows freely where there is such respect and unity. (Jabõn Kõnnaan 3: 9; 1 Korint 16: 2, UBS; 2 Korint 8: 12, UBS) Bareinwõt, jej ke karreo im kõjparok Im̦õn kweilo̦k eo? Inem kwoj lo bwe ej bar bõkmantak ejja kajitõk in wõt tokelik! ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Ri jilek Paul ear rejañ ri tõmak ro mõttan: "Komin lelok ñõn Iroij, Kraist. " True Christians live each day in full recognition of the seriousness of the times in which we live. - Philippians 4: 8. (1 Dri Korint 7: 31) Ilo kajjojo ran Christian ro remol rej mour im kile aorõkin tõre ko rej bed ie. - Dri Pilippai 4: 8. Ta eo ear walok iumin elõñ buki yiõ ko? Our faith in the ransom sacrifice of Christ permits us to come out from under the yoke of sin. Ñe jej tõmak bwe katok in mour eo an Kũraij ej kõl̦l̦ã on̦ean jerawiwi ko ad, men in ej kanemkwõj kõj jãn ad ri kam̦akoko ñan jerawiwi. (a) Ta eo jej aikwij jar kake, einwõt kar David? PROGRESS of the Kingdom work in Brazil was relatively slow in the early 1930 ' s. ILO jinoin 1930 jim̦a ko, ear jab lukkuun l̦ap wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k ko ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ilo Brazil. Kiõ wãwen eo ej nanalok jen mokta. Ilo jouj im meanwõd, renaaj kajjioñ in kajim̦we em̦m̦aan eo ilo m̦õkaj. Emaroñ ke laplok an aibujuij kejatdikdik? Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " Iroij e jab kemmer kin An kalimur, einwõt jet rej watõk rumij; a Ej meanwõr ñõn kom, im jab kõnan bwe jabrewõt en joko, a bwe ren otemjej itok im ukwelok ibeir. " Uak eo an ilo mõkaj ej kalikar bwe ear bojak in bõk ankil an ikijen men in. Not having this support, the Levites were abandoning their assignments and going off to work in their fields. Etke? Kõnke ear dik an armej ro jabawõt ñan tampel̦ eo. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. 9: 20. 9: 20. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) What may make it difficult to obey the law of the Christ, but what can help us to do so? Ta eo emaroñ kõmman bwe en bin ad bokake kien Christ, ak ta eo emaroñ jibañ kij kõmmane? Ke ear ilok jen lal, einwõt Abel, ear bõk kejatdikdik eo ñan jerkakbiji, im enaj bed ibwiljin ro renaj lo an jejjet kitien karõk ko an Jehovah. In the first fulfillment of Zephaniah's prophecy, God punished faithless Judah by allowing the Babylonian World Power to overwhelm her and take her people captive in 607 B.C.E. Ilo jinoin an jejjet kitien kanan eo an Zephaniah, Anij ear kaje Judah eo ear jab tiljek ilo an kõtlok bwe Ri Babylon Kajur eo an Lal en kabedakilkil im bõk armij ro an bwe ren ri kamakoko ilo 607 B.C.E. [ Jaat / Mab eo ilo peij 14, 15] Rather, we should be led by Jehovah's counsel, fully confident that he will " hold us by the right hand ' and support us. Jen ad kõmman eindein, jej aikwij kõtlok bwe nan in kakabilek eo an Jehovah en tel kij, im lukkun liki bwe enaj " debij kij kin anbwijmaroñin peid ' im jibañ kij. Ke ear tõparl̦o̦k juon jikin kweilo̦k, ear aikuj m̦okta etal ñan ippãn RiJu ro me rar em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan ijin. Those addressed by Peter were located in the Roman provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia - all in the area of modern - day Turkey. Ro Peter ear jeje ñõn ir rar bed ilo bukwon ko ilo Rome ilo Pontus, Galetia, Cappadocia, Asia, im Bithynia - aolepeir rej bed ilo melan eo ran kein ilo Turkey. Kwõj Ke Bõk L̦õmn̦ak eo an Jeova kõn Ekajet Jim̦we? * Our publications had previously connected this meaning with Exodus 3: 14, which says: "I Will Become What I Choose to Become. " Ilo kar m̦okta, ekkã an bok ko ad kwal̦o̦k mel̦el̦ein etan Anij ilo aer kõjerbal Exodus 3: 14 me ej ba: "ÑA EO, ÑA E. " (b) Ewi wãwen ad maroñ bokake nan in kakabilek ko an Solomon ikijen bõk? They read: "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. " Rar konono: "Im naj kwalok gospel in an ailiñ in lañ iaolepen lal einwõt juõn menin kennan ñan ailiñ ko otemjelok; ilo ien en enaj itok jemlokin. " Ke ear l̦alem aõ iiõ, ear em̦m̦anl̦o̦k aõ mour ke iar dik im rũttol̦o̦k. Shortly thereafter, he was appointed an elder. Im ejjabto, kar jitõñ Antonio bwe en juon eo ej lale eklejia. Em̦ool bwe ewõr an maroñ ñan pijaikl̦o̦k men ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ilju im jekl̦aj. [ Picture on page 11] [ Pija eo ilo peij 11] Ta kajjitõk eo emaroñ wal̦o̦k el̦aññe eto ad kõttar ium̦win elõñ iiõ? And throughout these last days, they have been telling people about it. Im jen ke ear jino ran ko eliktata ñõn kiõ, rej kwalok wõt ñõn armij ro kin men in. (b) Ta eo armij ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein rar kile, im ta eddo eo rar eñjake? Our conscience becomes attuned to the ways of Jehovah God. Ilo ad kal̦apl̦o̦k ad katak kõn Jeova, jidik kõn jidik maroñ in ad enaaj m̦õkaj an kile ta ko me Jeova ej watõki bwe rejim̦we im ta ko ej watõki bwe rebõd. Ear kwalok kejatdikdik eo an: "Ien otemjej I ar mejenkajjik eo aõ bwe in juõn ri karejaran Jehovah aõ Anij, im Ij kejatdikdik bwe jelãlokjen eo aõ enaj jibañ iõ kõtõbrak mejenkajjik in. " COVER SUBJECT | HOW TO GET MORE FROM READING THE BIBLE KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN | WÃWEEN BWE KWÕN MAROÑ BÕK TOKJÃN JÃN AM̦ RIITI BAIBÕL̦ Meñe rar bokake Kien eo an Anij, Ri Israel ro rar jab bokake; rar kõtlok bwe kibbon en kautameik air lemnak kin ro jet. All Christians who take that timeless counsel to heart contribute to an atmosphere of warmth and love within the Christian brotherhood. (Rom 12: 10, UBS; Riit Matu 7: 12.) Juõn enjel ear kanemkwoj ri jilek ro jen kalbuj. 5, 6. (a) When was Jesus resurrected, and how was that event foreshadowed in the Law? 5, 6. (a) Ñããt eo kar kajerkakbiji Jesus, im ewi wãwen kar annañelok men in ilo Kien eo? Jenaaj ke kate kõj ñan kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k m̦anit ko rem̦m̦an jaar kõm̦m̦ani m̦okta? What is a major feature of our sacred service, and how is this also a public service? Ta juõn wãwen eo elap ilo jerbal eo ad ekwojarjar, im ewi wãwen an menin bareinwõt juõn jerbal ñan armij ro? " Ej nuknuk eo an ladik eo nejiõ! " As we noted in the preceding article, Jehovah proved to be "the Provider of escape " in Bible times. Einwõt jaar etale ilo katak eo lok, Jehovah ear kamol bwe ej " dri jibañ im dri lomor ' eo ilo ien ko etto. Elikin air kile bwe kiõ ej juõn ien konono, enañin jiljino million Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kijejeto ilo air konono kin aibujuij in iroij eo an Anij im kakkõl kin ran in idenwõne eo an. Last year, a new peak of 16,097,622 attended the observance of the Memorial of Jesus ' death. Yiõ eo lok, juõn laplok ekãl kin 16,097,622 armij rar bed ilo kwojkwoj eo ñan Kememeje mij eo an Jesus. KWÕMAROÑ KE KÕMEL̦EL̦E? Government scientists have expended huge amounts of money, time, and effort developing terribly destructive chemical, biological, and other kinds of weapons. Scientist ro an kien rar jolok elap money, ien, im jibadbad ñan air ejaake kein tarinae in chemical, biological im ko men ko jet me elap air kõmman jorrãn. Brother ro reritto ren jab ebwer ñe rej aikwij bõk kunair ilo jerbal ko air ñan likao ro redik. She also became an accomplished equestrienne and was even chosen to represent Canada in the 1980 Olympics. Liin ear bareinwõt erom juõn eo elukkun jela kilen ettõr kin ors im kar kãlet e bwe en ikkure ñõn Canada ilo Olympic eo ilo 1980. Bõtab, jekdo̦o̦n ta apañ ko rej wal̦o̦k ilo mour in m̦are eo am̦, ej ba: "El̦apl̦o̦k am̦ro epaake doon. " In the first - century Christian congregation, the apostle John saw the need to censure those who showed a lack of respect for appointed ones. Ilo congregation eo jinoin, dri jilik Jon ear lo aikwij eo ñõn koweik ro rar jab kwalok air koutiej ro rej tel congregation eo. Ri jilek Paul ear jeje ñan Timothy: "Kwon kowe ro dri mweie ilo lõl in, bwe ren jab lemnok kin ir mõke, a kin Anij. " With what result? Im ta eo ej wal̦o̦k ñe rej kõm̦m̦ane men in? Men in aikwij eo moktata ej ñan bõk jelãlokjen eo kin Anij. The apostle Paul wrote: "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed in going out into a place he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, although not knowing where he was going. (Jenesis 11: 27, 28; 12: 1) Rijjelõk Paul ear je: "Kõn tõmak Ebream, ke em̦õj kũr e, ear pokake bwe en diwõjl̦o̦k ñan aelõñ eo enaaj an jolõt; im ear diwõjl̦o̦k, im jaje ijo ej ilo̦k ia l̦o̦k. (b) Ta kajitõk eo emõn bwe jen kajitõkin kij make kake? Doing this would strengthen their resolve to stand firm in faith. Air kõmman eindein enaj kar kakajurlok bebe eo air ñan jutak bin ilo tõmak. Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: 16, 17. (a) Where can you find enlightening comments on the rights mentioned at 1 Thessalonians 4: 6? 16, 17. (a) Ia eo kwo maroñ lo ennan ko ewõr melele ie kin jimwe ko rej walok ilo 1 Dri Tessalonika 4: 6? Aet, ajiri eo edik ilo juõn wãwen eaibujuij ear kwalok kadkad eo ekwojarjar kadkadin ettã buru. How many other reasons for joy can you mention? Jete un ko jet ñan ad lañliñ kwomaroñ kwalok kaki? Jen lale ewi wãwen. GOD'S WORD tells us to be obedient to human governments, yet it also teaches that we must obey God rather than men. Ear ba bwe jej aikuj "lel̦o̦k ñan Sizar men ko an Sizar, im ñan Anij men ko an Anij. " Ta lemnak eo ejjab kautiej Michal ear kwalok ñan David, im men in ear tellok ñan ta? Were the days "cut short " and the anointed chosen ones in Jerusalem saved? Ear "kaietlok " ke ran ko im lomoren ri kabit ro emwij kabit ir ilo Jerusalem? Jen etale uak in im lale ewi wãwen emaroñ jibañ kij ñan kijenmij iumin jabdewõt abañ ko einwõt kãliklik ko rej kõmetak kij. Jehovah reads hearts! He perceives the loyalty of those who belong to him. Ilo 2 Timote 2: 19, Paul ear ba naan kein: "Anij ejel̦ã ro doon. " Jen air koba ibben don ilo jumae, rej kakabilek ir: "Kwon kowe nejin, bwe [Jehovah Anij] en jab illu, im kwon jab joko jen ial eo; bwe An illu e mõkõj an illu. " By their kindness they intended to free Paul of financial worries so that he could devote more time to the ministry. Ak rar kõn̦aan bwe Paul en kal̦apl̦o̦k iien ko an ilo jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan. Ilo mol, mweie ko an juõn ri mweie "ej einwõt juõn worwor in kejbãrok ilo lemnak eo an. " We do not worship the Devil. Kimij jab kabuñ ñan Devil. Ak juõn men ear kamakit iõ bwe in naetan telephone eo an lio belen. " In time, Mariví was moved to a high - security prison that had a swimming pool. Tokelik, rar likit Marivi ilo juõn jikin kalbuj rej naetan high - security (jikin eo me ekkã an ri kalbuj ro relukkun nana rej bed ie) ak ekar wõr juõn swimming pool ak jikin tutu ijo. Konono Kin Juõn Lemnak Ebin What does it mean to have a "simple " eye, and how can it benefit us? Ta melelen bõk mej eo "elamwan ," im ewi wãwen jemaroñ bõk tokjen jen e? 2: 15. Undoubtedly, slavery and freedom were topics on the minds of the common people, including Christians. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe men eo el̦ap an armej ro rettã ekoba Kũrjin ro kõnono kake, ej kõn anemkwõj im kõm̦akoko. Jejjab maroñ pijaikl̦o̦k joñan an kar Piter lukkuun bũrom̦õj ke ej jibboñ wõt, im men ko rar wal̦o̦k ilo raan eo rar wal̦o̦k. Then you find that he raises the same question again later! Bõtab tokãlik, rej bar kwal̦o̦k ejja kajjitõk eo wõt! " Iju ko " rej jutak kin overseer ro emwij kabit ir im bareinwõt, aolep overseer ro ilo congregation ko. The apostle Paul urged fellow believers: "Slave for the Master, Christ. " Ri jilek Paul ear rejañ ri tõmak ro mõttan: "Korijeran Iroij Kraist. " Bõlen juõn jemen ak jinen ej make ian ej kõmman juõn jibadbad emõn ñan kakajiririk ajiri ro nejin. What has happened with the passing of the centuries? Ta eo ear walok iomin elõñ ebeben ko remotlok? Meñe eutiej ijo jikin, ej lañliñ in kõmman bwe armij ro jeran ren jeran. (a) For what should we pray, as did David? (a) Jej aikwij jar kin ta, einwõt an kar David kõmmane? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus jerbal ekkar ñan wanjoñok eo an kin wijki fig eo? Now the situation is worse than ever. Wãwen eo kiõ ej nana lok jen mokta. Ri Christian ro remol rej kate ir bwe ren mol, niknik, im niknik ilo jerbal. Could any hope be more glorious? Ewõr ke jabdewõt kejatdikdik en emaroñ laplok an aibujuij? Juõn jodikdik ilo West Africa, ear lo men in. Her immediate response indicates that she was ready to accept his will in the matter. Ear jab kajjitõk ippãn enjel̦ eo kõn ta eo armej renaaj ba kõn an bõro̦ro. Men in ear wal̦o̦k ñan Devid. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. Ewõr unin ad tõmak bwe enañin aolep ro rar pãd ilo iien in rar erom Kũrjin. * "We look forward to the Memorial, " wrote one sister. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe jiroñ in ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan pein rũlale jiip eo ãinwõt kool̦, kool̦, im ñan bal̦uun ko. When he left the earthly scene, he, like Abel, had the certain prospect of a resurrection, and he will be among those who will see Jehovah's purposes fulfilled. (Dri Hibru 11: 5) Ke ear mij, e, einwõt Abel, ear bed ibben jerammõn in juõn jerkakbiji, im enaj ibwiljin ro renaj lo an jejjet kitien karõk ko an Jehovah. " Kememej Eo Dri Kõmõnmõn yuk ilo ran ko ñe emõn ridtõm. " - EKKLISIASTIS 12: 1. [ Chart / Map on page 16, 17] [ Jaat / Mab ilo peij 24, 25] * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) When he arrived in a city, his pattern of preaching was first to go to the Jews who had settled there. (1 Korint 9: 20 - 22) Ke ear tõkeaktok ilo juõn jikin kwelok, manit in kwalok nan eo an kar bwe en kebak ri Jew ro rar jokwe ie. " Bwe lõñ ko jen ien ko etto im lõl r'ar jutõk jen dren, im iolapin dren, kin nan in Anij; im kin men ko lõl in e ar iñtan kaki ke dren ej kalibubu e kin dren. " Do You Share Jehovah's Sense of Justice? Apr. Jab Kõtl̦o̦k bwe Yokwe eo Am̦ En M̦õl̦ol̦o̦k, Mãe Elikin an lemnak kin jet wãwen ko ilo Kien eo, Alanoard, ritto ro ilo University eo, rar kajemlok: "Ilo air read, im jeje rar lemnak in jelet mour ilo juõn joñan elap. " - Duteronomi 31: 9 - 13; Joshua 1: 8; Nihimaia 8: 13 - 15; Sam 1: 2. (b) How can we heed Solomon's words on accepting counsel? (2) Ewi wãween jemaroñ jerbali naan in rõjañ ko an Solomon? Jodikdik Ro, Komin Meletlet! By the time I was five, my palsy had advanced to the point that I needed heavy caliper splints to walk. Ke ear l̦alem aõ iiõ, ear l̦apl̦o̦k an nana nañinmej eo aõ. Kõn men in, taktõ ro rar aikuj kõl̦l̦aak aen ilo ne ko neiõ bwe in maroñ itoitak. Ñan wanjoñok, emaroñ kõmman bwe en laplok ad atartar ion Anij, bwe ej kwalok bwe mõnõnõ eo emol ej walok jen ad "etetal ilo kien Jeova. " Granted, he is able both to foresee and to shape future events. Emol, emaroñ jimor lolok iman im ñan kõmman jekjekin men ko renaj walok an ran ko rej itok. Ekkar ñan Luk 21: 36, ewi wãwen an kar Jesus katakin kij bwe jen "ekil "? What question might arise if we have been waiting for years for the end to come? El̦aññe eto ad kõttar ium̦win elõñ iiõ bwe en itok jem̦l̦o̦kin, ta eo jemaroñ jino l̦õmn̦ak kake? En kar ewi lemnak eo ad kin ainikien ruwamaejet ro? (b) What did Jehovah's people in modern times discern, and what obligation did they feel? (b) Ta eo armij ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein rej melele kake, im ta eddo eo rar eñjake? Jet Christian ri Hebrew ro rar inebata kin jumae ko. She expressed her hope: "I have always had as my goal to be a full - time servant of my God Jehovah, and I hope my education will help me achieve this goal. " Ear kwalok kin kejatdikdik eo an: "Ien otemjej ear bed ibba einwõt aõ mejenkajjik bwe in juõn full - time ri karejeran aõ Anij Jehovah, im ij kejatdikdik bwe jikin school eo enaj jibañ iõ tõbar mejenkajjik in. " Ak ta kin ro jerkakbiji eo enaj melelen mour ion lal einwõt armij? Though having God's Law, the Israelites did not observe it; they allowed selfishness to choke out their concern for others. Meñe ear bed Kien eo an Anij ibbeir, Ri Israel ro rar jab lale; rar kõtlok an kibbon kabañ air lemnak kin ro jet. Ej lukkun kebojak, im kili kajjojo katak ko lok iman. Bareinwõt, bwe jen jab kõm̦m̦an jabdewõt men jenaaj bũrom̦õj kake tokãlik. Ilo wãwen in, ewi wãwen an naj jejit kitien Jeje ko bwe ren kõmõne men in? " - Jon 18: 11; Matu 26: 52 - 54. An angel had released the apostles from prison. Juõn enjel ear kadioj ri jilek ro jen kalbuj eo. Ilo yokwe, Jehovah ear letok juõn mejelan ewãppen. Will we now make a strong effort to revive the good habits we once had? Jej aikwij kate kij ñan kõmman oktak ko ñan jino lor manit ko remõn einwõt kar mokta. Bõtab, men in ejjab maroñ wal̦o̦k kõnke Jeova ear kõm̦anm̦an lal̦ in bwe en obrak kõn armej. " It is my son's long garment! " 17: 10 - 15 ej kamol bwe Ine eo enaj itok ikijen leo nejin Isaac. - Jenesis 28: 10 - 15. Jeova ej kõm̦m̦an bwe menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an ren erom jabdewõt men ekõn̦aan bwe ren erom. Tokelik ri jilek Paul ear jeje kin e: "Kin tõmak e ar kejbãrok kwojkwoj in Kijone eo, im mõri in bõtõktõk eo, bwe en jab kokkure manje ro nejiir. " Having recognized that now is indeed a time to speak, nearly six million Jehovah's Witnesses are zealously talking about the glory of God's kingship and warning of his day of vengeance. (Ekklisiastis 3: 7) Kin air kile bwe kiõ ej ien konono, enañin jiljino million Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej konono ilo kijejeto kin aibujuij eo an iroij an Anij im kakkõl armij kin ran in irenwone eo an. Debij wõt juõn jitõb eo ejimwe emaroñ jibañ kij bõprae ad le jen joñan maroñ eo ad mokta kin wõn eo jej bed ie. CAN YOU EXPLAIN? KWÕMAROÑ KE KÕMEL̦EL̦E? Juõn emaan ear etal ñan bukwon eo im ruruwe leo emeletlet tata ilo bukwon eo. Older brothers should not be disheartened when it becomes necessary to hand their assignments over to younger men. Em̦m̦aan ro rerũtto ak l̦al̦l̦ap ro rejjab aikuj bũrom̦õj im ebbeer ñe rej aikuj lel̦o̦k jet iaan eddo ak jerbal ko aer ñan ro reddikl̦o̦k. Ta eo ej kõm̦m̦an bwe jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan en lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ? Despite the difficulties, however, Kazuko says: "Our bond as a couple has become stronger. " Bõtab, meñe ej jelmae wãwen kein rebin, Kazuko ej ba: "Kõtan eo amro einwõt dri belele ro ear laplok an kajur. " Tol eo ear jebel ñan jilu kumi ko: Pharisee ro, Sadducee ro, im ri jumae ro. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high - minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God. " Dri jilik Paul ear jeje ñõn Timote: "Kwon kowe ro dri mweie kin men ko an lõl in, bwe ren jab kejatrikrik ir kin mweiuk ko mweiuk torlok, a kin Anij. " Ezekiel, eo ej 20 jima an yiõ, ej ba: "Ilo ien ko remotlok, iar einwõt juõn armij eo ej kattõr wa ilo ejelok jikin ilo lemnak eo an. The first requirement is taking in knowledge of God. Menin aikwij eo moktata ej bõk jelalokjen kin Anij. UNIN AN KAR KÕM̦M̦ANE: Jeova im Jijej (b) What question do we do well to ask ourselves? (b) Ta kajjitõk eo jen kajjitõkin kõj make kake? Kõn men in, Michael im l̦eo ippãn etan Michael, rar ba bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe rej kõm̦m̦ane men in. Scriptural Questions Answered: Emwij Uaki Kajitõk ko Rej Bedbed ion Bible: Christ ear jerkakbiji ilo 33 C.E. Yes, the little child beautifully epitomized the godly quality of humility. Aet, ajiri eo edik ear juõn joñok aibujuij im jejjet kin kadkad eo ekwojarjar ettã buru. Elikin an kanemkwoj armij ro an jen Babylon Elap ilo 1919, ear likit imair juõn kwojkwoj in anjo, juõn mõñã elap ilo jitõb. El̦aññe kwõj kõm̦m̦ane men in, kwõnaaj maroñ jel̦ã ta naan in kakapilõk ko ilo Baibõl̦ me remaroñ jipañ eok ñan jol̦o̦k am̦ illu ak inepata. Juõn ran, ruo ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar lolok e ilo mweo imõn im uak aolep kajitõk ko an jen Jeje ko. Let us see how. Jen lale ewi wãwen. Ewi wãween jemaroñ kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro ilo wãween ad kõnnaan im ilo kõm̦m̦an ko ad? What disrespectful attitude did Michal show toward David, and to what did that lead? Kain lemnak in jab kautiej rot eo, Michal ear kwalok ñan David, im men in ear tel ñan ta? Einwõt David, jej aikwij ke likit buruõd ion mweiuk ko raorõk ilo jitõb? Let us analyze this response and see how it can help us to cope with any thornlike problems that pain us. (2 Dri Korint 12: 8, 9) Jen etale uak in im lale wãwen an maroñ jibañ kij anjo ion jabdewõt abañ in kãliklik ko rej kõmetak kij. Ta ijjibed ko ilikin rej kõmman bwe en bin an jet bed wõt ilo mour erreo? Instead of massing together in opposition, they are advised: "Kiss the son, that He [Jehovah God] may not become incensed and you may not perish from the way, for his anger flares up easily. " Jen air koba ibben don im jumae, rej bõk nan in kakabilek eo: "Komin mejenmaik Nejin eo, bwe En [Jehovah] jab illu. " Joñan an lap an ri kwalok nan in pioneer ro kwalok meanwõd ibba im ekkã air bar kõmman karõk ko air ilo ran ko aõ renana. Actually, the wealth of a rich person "is like a protective wall in his imagination. " Meñe juon em̦weiie, ak jããn ko an reban kõjparoke. Ear jab l̦õmn̦ak bwe el̦apl̦o̦k an utiej im utiej jãn ro jet. But something impelled me to call the wife's phone. " Bõtab juon men ear kõm̦akũt eõ bwe in ko̦o̦l̦e kõrã eo. " (a) Ta juõn ian wãwen ko jej jerbale ekajet jimwe? Read With an Open Mind Riit kin Juõn Lemnok Epojõk ñõn Bõk Katak ko Rekãl Eñin unin ekkã ad lo an armij ro kõmman jokãlet ko ak bebe ko kin aolep un ko remõn - ñan bõktok eñtan, jorrãn, ak jorrãn. 2: 15. Ej kõjparok kõj jãn ad kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana im ej kajim̦we kõj ñe jej kõm̦m̦ani men ko rebõd. - Rom 2: 15, UBS. (Riit 1 Piter 1: 14 - 16.) It is hard to imagine the depth of Peter's pain as the morning broke and the events of the day unfolded. Jejjab maroñ melele kin joñõn buromõj eo an Piter ke ear jino an rantak. Men ko renaj kar walok ilo ran eo enaj kalaplok an buromõj. (b) Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kajeoñe joñok eo an Elihu eo etto? The "stars " represent the anointed overseers and, by extension, all the overseers in the congregations. (Revelesõn 1: 16, 20, UBS) Kõnke Jijej ej Bõran eklejia eo, elukkuun jel̦ã kõn men ko rej wal̦o̦k ippãn em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia ko. Ta eo jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe jen maroñ kwal̦o̦k naan? Perhaps a single parent is making an admirable effort to raise her children. Bõlen juõn jemen ak jinen emake ian ej kõmmane juõn jibadbad eo emõn ñan lale ajiri ro nejin. Jerbal 14: 19, 20 (UBS) ej ba: "Kom̦win itok jãn Antiok im Aikoniõm, im kareel jar ko, im kade Paul, im bõkl̦o̦k e ilikin jikin kweilo̦k eo [ilo Listra], im l̦õmn̦ak bwe emej. Despite his lofty position, he enjoys making humans his friends. (1 John 4: 7 - 11) Meñe eutiej bed eo an, ej lõñliñ in kõmmõn armij ro bwe ren jeran. Men in ej eindein kinke ej baj eindein wõt ñan kij ñan eñjake illu ñe emwij ad lõkatip ak jorrãn ilo juõn wãwen. How did Jesus act in harmony with his illustration of the fig tree? Ewi wãween Jijej ej ãinwõt ri jerbal eo ilo waanjoñak eo kõn wõjke fig eo? Ilo juõn wãwen, kij aolep jenaj lañliñ in kobaiklok ainikien ko ad ñan mõttan eo eliktata in al in eaibujuij im kõmãnãn buru: "Bwe etan [an King eo Jesus Christ] en ber ñõn in drio; mokta jen an al kalaplok etan, im kin E en kejerammõn ir; dri ailiñ otemjej ren kwalok An mõnõnõ. True Christians strive to be honest, diligent, and conscientious workers. Ri Christian ro remol rej kate ir bwe ren mol, tiljek, im niknik ñe rej jerbal ilo jikin jerbal ko air. Bõtab, ilo ien in, iar aikwij kabuñburuen Jeova. Arielle, a West African teenager, experienced this. Men in ear wal̦o̦k ñan juon jodrikdrik etan Arielle im ej pãd ilo juon jikin ilo Africa. Ak, ej, elaptata, juõn joñok ñan maan ro. This proved true of David. Men in ear mol ibben David. (b) Ta kamelele eo ej kõmãnãn buruõd jej loe ilo Sam 92: 12 - 15? There is reason to believe that most of those present on that occasion became Christians. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe enañin aolep ro ilo kumi in rar erom Kũrjin. Etke jej ba men in? Ej jibañ kij ñan " wãppen im eyu ilo men otemjej, im jab aikwij jabdewõt. " The maiden is apparently referring to the shepherd's fingers as gold cylinders and to his nails as chrysolite. Alikar bwe jiroñ eo ear jitõñlok ñan addin pein ri lale sheep eo einwõt luko gold im akkin pein einwõt pearl. Im report ko ad kajjojo rej oktak im mõttan report eo an lal, eo ej jibañ dolul eo ñan karõk lok iman kin jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Ailiñ eo ilo ran ko rej itok. " Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " - ECCLESIASTES 12: 1. " Kwon bareinwõt kememej Eo Dri Kõmõnmõn yuk ilo ran ko ñe emõn ridtõm. " - ECCLESIASTES 12: 1. Al ko rar jelet lemnak eo aõ, mwil, im lemnak eo aõ. William Malenfant outlined the hard work the Teaching Committee does to prepare a convention program. William Malenfant ear kemelele ilo tukaru kin kate eo an Committee in Katakin ilo air keboji brokraam in kwelok ko relap. Jen jibboñ ñan jota rej mõjno; elañe ejelok en ej bõk ñan burueir, renaj jako ñan indio. " - Job 4: 19, 20. " That there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. " " Bwe lõñ ko r'ar ber jen ien ko remotlok, kab lõl eo emwij kabine jen dren im kin dren, kin nan in Anij; im kin men kein lõl, ekar ilo ien eo, ke dren ej kalibubu e, e ar joko. " Ejjabto tokãlik, juon kõrã me ej kõnono kajin Pãlle ear itok ñan m̦weo im̦õ. After considering some features of the Law, Alan Millard, senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool, concludes: "Evidently, reading and writing were assumed to affect life at most levels. " - Deuteronomy 31: 9 - 13; Joshua 1: 8; Nehemiah 8: 13 - 15; Psalm 1: 2. Elikin an etale jet mõttan ko jen Kien eo, Alan Millard, juõn Ri Kaki jen University in Liverpool ilo England, ear ba: "Ilo mol, ri jeje Bible ro rar tõmak bwe enañin aolep Ri Israel ro rar maroñ read im jeje. " - Duteronomi 31: 9 - 13; Joshua 1: 8; Nihimaia 8: 13 - 15; Sam 1: 2. Ilo lañ? Young Ones, Be Wise! Jodikdik Ro, Komin Meletlet! Elder ro, im ministerial servant ro bareinwõt, rejjab karejar ñan "yokwe dala. " For instance, it can make us more reliant on God, for it shows that true happiness results from "walking in the law of Jehovah. " Ñan wanjoñok, emaroñ kõmman bwe jen atartar ion Anij, kinke ej kwalok bwe mõnõnõ eo emol ej waloktok jen "ad etetal ilo kien Jeova. " Kin menin jen kajerbal bwen ien eo ñan jibañ elõñlok armij. According to Luke 21: 36, how did Jesus instruct us to "keep awake "? Ekkar ñan Luk 21: 36, ta eo Jijej ear jiroñ kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ane ilo ad "ekkõl " wõt? Ñe jej kwal̦o̦k naan ñan armej ro ilo aelõñ ko ipel̦aakin lal̦ in, men in el̦ap an kam̦õn̦õn̦õik kõj. What should be our reaction to the voice of strangers? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ uake ainikien ruwamaejet ro? Ak ta kin Nan in Anij? Some Hebrew Christians were evidently troubled by the attacks. Alikar jet Christian Ri Hebrew ro rar inebata kin jumae kein. Ilo an kamelele, ñe juõn armij ej makoko in kõmmane juõn men ejjab maroñ kõmmane, ej wãlok. But what about those for whom the resurrection will mean life on earth again as humans? (Dri Rom 6: 5) Ak ta kin ro me jerkakbiji eo air enaj melelen mour ion lal einwõt armij ro? Bareinwõt, ad kõmman eindein ñan ro jet ej jibañ kij ñan kalimjek wõt men ko lor jitõb im eñjake mol in men ko Anij ej keboji ñan kij. She prepares well, memorizing each lesson in advance. Emõn an kebojak lok iman. Ej kili kajjojo katak ear katak kake. Jet armej rejjab kõn̦aan l̦õmn̦ak kõn er make ak arõk jããn. In that case, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must take place this way? " - John 18: 11; Matthew 26: 52 - 54. Elañe einwõt, ekijkan an kamol Jeje ko, bwe ren kõmõnmõn ein drein? " - Jon 18: 11; Matu 26: 52 - 54. Mekarta, Jehovah ear kajerkakbiji Ri Kabit eo an im kaibujuij e kin jitõb in jab wabanban ilo Zion ilañ, juõn tõbrak eo kij aolep jemaroñ bõk tokjen jene. - Jerbal 2: 32 - 36. Lovingly, Jehovah provided a perfect solution. Ilo yokwe, Jeova ear letok juõn wãwen emõn ñõn watõk armij ro rejjab wãppen einwõt ro rewãnik. Lale Ro Jeid im Jatid Ãinwõt Jeova But that is not possible, for Jehovah created the earth to be inhabited. Ñe jej jar ñan Jeova bwe en jipañ kõj, jej aikuj keememej in jar bwe en kokwõjarjar ãt eo etan im kam̦ool bwe ej tõllo̦kũn irooj bõtata. Baibõl̦ eo make ej kwal̦o̦k ta mel̦el̦ein naan ko an Aiseia. Men eo el̦apl̦o̦k aer aikuji ej iien ko ad im ad kwal̦o̦k ke jej kaorõk er. Ear aorõk bwe jen jab lõkatipi ro jet. - Riit Dri Rom 14: 5, 13, 15, 19, 20. 1781 B.C.E.: Jehovah confirms that the Seed will come through Isaac's son Jacob. - Genesis 28: 10 - 15 1761 B.C.E.: Jehovah ej kamol bwe Ine eo enaj itok ikijen Jacob leo nejin Isaac. - Genesis 28: 10 - 15 Ñan wanjoñok, rej aikwij jelã: Kar ta karõk eo an Anij kin kõmanman armij? The apostle Paul later wrote of him: "By faith he observed the Passover and the splashing of the blood, so that the destroyer might not harm their firstborn. " (Exodus 12: 3 - 7, UBS) Meñe ej kab naaj kein kajuon an Ri Israel ro kõm̦m̦ane men in, ak rijjilõk Paul ear je im ba kõn Moses: "Kõn an tõmak ear jiroñ bwe Ri Israel ren kakõl̦l̦eiki kõjãm ko aer kõn bõtõktõk, bwe Enjel̦ in M̦anm̦an eo en jab m̦an ro m̦aanjeer, im ear kajutak m̦antin Kwõjkwõj in Kijoone. " Ri Israel ro rar jab bokake nan in tel ko ralikar jen Jehovah. Maintaining a proper spirit can help us to avoid being oversensitive about position. Ear jino l̦õmn̦ak bwe Devid emaroñ bõk jikin im irooj, kõn men in ear "kanooj bane Devid im ekkõljake jãn raan eo. " 15, 16. A man went about town slandering the town's wise man. Em̦m̦aan eo emãlõtlõt ear ba: "Ewõr juon men kwõj aikuj kõm̦m̦ane. (b) Ewi wãwen ad jutak ñan bõk tokjen jen bokake eo an Abraham? What makes the preaching work deeply satisfying? Ta eo ej kõmman bwe jerbal in kwalok nan en kanuij in kajuburu? Ta eo ear kõm̦m̦an bwe Jijej en m̦õn̦õn̦õ, im ta pepe ko renaaj kõm̦m̦an am̦ m̦õn̦õn̦õ? The Hasidim split into three groups: the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. Katak menin aikwij ko ñan kabuñ eo emol. Ezekiel, who is in his early 20 ' s, says: "In the past, I was like someone who is driving a car without any destination in mind. Ezekiel, eo im ej kab 20 jim̦a an iiõ, ej ba: "Ilo kar m̦okta, iar ãinwõt juon armej eo ej ettõr kõn juon wa im ejaje ia eo ej jibadekl̦o̦k. Jet jodikdik ro rej errã ibben jemeir im jineir bwe juõn telephone ebidodo ej aolep men ko renaj aikwiji ñan air deloñ ilo mweo imwiir mokta. PARTIES: Jehovah and Jesus IKÕTAAN WÕN: Jeova im Jijej Jen air kainemõn mejenkajjik eo air elaptata ilo mour, Ri Christian ro rej lo jokane kin aikwij ko air. - 1 Timote 6: 6 - 10; keidi 1 Dri Korint 7: 31. So Suzie and her husband, Michael, suggested a solution: Buy a motorbike! Kin men in, Suzie im leo iben, Michael, rar rejañ iõ bwe in wiaik juõn wõtbai. Ta elañe kwar katak Bible ibben Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah im bed ilo kwelok ko an congregation eo iumin jet ien ak kwoj jenliklik in jino kwalok nan jen em ñan em? Christ was resurrected in 33 C.E. (1 Korint 15: 23, NW) Christ kar kejerkakbiji ilo 33 C.E. Christian elder ro im jemen im jinen ajiri ro. After liberating his people from Babylon the Great in 1919, he set before them a victory banquet, an abundant supply of spiritual food. Elikin an kanemkwoj armij ro an jen Babylon Elap ilo 1919, ear likit imair juõn kwojkwoj in anjo, eobrak kin mõñã ko ilo jitõb. Kõrã eo ej aikwij kautiej leo belen. One day, two of Jehovah's Witnesses visited her at home and answered all her questions from the Scriptures. Juõn ran ruo dri Kennan ro an Jeova rar lotok e ilo mweo imwem im rar uaki aolep kajitõk ko an jen Baibel eo. □ Ta nan in kakabilek eo ilo Bible kin baotokin kwonaj kate yuk ñan jerbale? How can we show humility in our speech and in our actions? Ewi wãween ad kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro ilo ad kõnnaan im kõm̦m̦an? (b) Ekkar ñan Exodus 14: 13, wõn eo ej Unjen lomor? Like David, should we not set our heart on spiritual treasures? Einwõt David, jej aikwij kalimjek wõt men ko raorõk ilo jitõb. Jibañ ir ñan kwalok tõmak eo air ilo juõn wãwen ealikar im kautiej. What external pressures make it difficult for some to remain morally chaste? Ta ijjibed eo itulik ej kõmman an bin ñan an jet bed wõt ilo mour erreo? Baibõl̦ ej bar ba bwe Jijej ej "eo ej make wõt Nejin Anij. " - Jon 3: 18; Kolosse 1: 13 - 15. The pioneer ministers were so patient with me and often rearranged their plans on my bad days. Ri kwalok ro rej pioneer rar meanwõd ibba im ekkã air ukõt schedule ko air ilo ran ko iar nañinmij im jab maroñ kwalok nan. Ke Jijej ear pãd ijin ioon lal̦, ear kaenõm̦m̦an im mel̦el̦e kõn men ko rar wal̦o̦k. He did not view it as beneath his dignity to serve others. Ear jab l̦õmn̦ak bwe eutiej ñan an jerbal ñan ro jet. Elañe aet, kwojjab make iam. (a) What is one way in which we exercise justice? (a) Ta juõn wãwen eo jej jerbale ekajet jimwe ie? Einwõt armij ro rejjab wãppen jemaroñ ãliklik jen ad kate kij ñan kõmmanwa kin nan in kaiñi ko. That is why we so often see people make choices or decisions with all good intentions - only to have them result in suffering, disaster, or tragedy. Eñin unin ekkã ad loe armej ro me rej kõm̦m̦an pepe im rej kõtmãne bwe enaaj em̦m̦an, bõtab ilo m̦ool rej eñtaan im iioon jorrããn ko rel̦l̦ap tokãlik. (JK. Jeje ko rekakõrmol elap tokjeir kin "katakin, im kowe, im kajime, im kajelaik armij ilo kwojarjar; bwe armij korijeran Anij en wãppen im emwij kapojõk e ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " (Read 1 Peter 1: 14 - 16.) (Riit 1 Piter 1: 14 - 16, UBS.) © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (b) How can we imitate the example of Elihu of old? (b) Ewi wãwen jemaroñ anõk joñok eo an Ilaihu? Ta eo ear kõmman bwe Obadiah en juõn ri kabuñ an Jehovah? What is the preaching territory like? Armej ro ilo teretore ko ilo jikin in rej ke itoklimo in roñjake ennaan eo em̦m̦an? Ri utiej eo eutiej in juõn dolul eo emwij karõke ñan bõprae jorrãn rot in ej ba bwe men in emaroñ baj jutak wõt kin "men in mour ko. " Acts 14: 19, 20 reports: "Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded the crowds, and they stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city [of Lystra], imagining he was dead. Jerbal 14: 19, 20 ej kwal̦o̦k ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan Paul ilo jikin kweilo̦k in Listra. Kwomaroñ ke kememej ien eo eliktata kwar lo mol in nan kein an Jesus? That is because it is only natural for us to feel indignation when we have been offended or harmed in some way. Kinke ej biktoker ñõn illu ñe armij ro jet rej kaillu kij im kejorrane kij. (2) Ta eo Baibõl̦ ej rõjañ kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ane? In effect, all of us will then joyfully add our voices to the concluding portion of this beautiful and heartwarming song: "Let his name [that of the King Jesus Christ] prove to be to time indefinite; before the sun let his name have increase, and by means of him let them bless themselves; let all nations pronounce him happy. Inem ilo kõkkar, kij aolep jenaj lõñliñ in al mõtõn in eliktata ilo al in: "Etan [Kiñ eo Jisõs Kraist] e naj berwõt ñõn in drio; etan e naj ber einwõt al, im armij re naj jerammõn ilo e: ro dri ailiñ otemjej re naj naetan dri mõnõnõ. 9, 10. (a) Wõn eo emaroñ aikwij karuwainene eo etto an bed? This time, though, I had to in order to please Jehovah. Ejjab juon men epidodo ñan kõm̦m̦ane, ak Jeova ear jipañ eõ. Ilo mõkõj iar uak im ba, "Aet! " Yet, he is, in particular, a model for men. (1 Piter 2: 21) Bõtab, ej juõn joñok emõn ñan maan ro otemjej. Elañe emwij am mare, kwoj aikwij watõk eo beleõm einwõt juõn menin letok jen Anij. (b) What heartwarming description do we find at Psalm 92: 12 - 15? (b) Ta nan ko rej kamãnãn buruõd jej loi ilo Sam 92: 12 - 15? Ear katakin armij ro, uak ñan aikwij ko air ilo jitõb. It helps us to "be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. " (Jemes 1: 4) Ewi wãween bwe "en weeppãn an kijenmej jerbal " ippãd? El̦aññe jej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõm̦m̦ane men in, jeban kõm̦m̦ani bõd ko rel̦l̦ap. And our individual reports become part of the total world report, which helps the organization to plan ahead for future Kingdom - preaching activity. Ãindein ro ilo raan kein, meñe ewõr joñan aer maroñ, ak remaroñ wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõm̦m̦an aer ripoot meñe ejjab l̦ap aer awa. Inem, jejjab aikwij kajitõk ke bwe Jehovah en kõmman bwe jen kõnan kõmanman ankil an? The music influenced my thinking, conduct, and attitude. Al kein rar jelet wãwen aõ lemnok im mwiliõ. Mel̦el̦ein men in bwe jejjab maroñ kwal̦o̦k yokwe eo em̦ool meñe jej l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjab jim̦we wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn kõj make. From morning to evening they are crushed to pieces; without anyone's taking it to heart they perish forever. " - Job 4: 19, 20. Ikõtan jiboñ im jota rej kokkure ir; re jokolok ñõn in drio im ejelok ej lemnok kake " ir. - Job 4: 19, 20. Juon Naan in Keeañ etan Watch Tower ear kwal̦o̦k kõn juon kweilo̦k el̦ap ilo Amedka. Ear ba: "Ear wal̦o̦k juon pepe bwe iien eo em̦õj an jino wal̦o̦k ñan katakin armej ro kõn katak ko rem̦ool jãn Baibõl̦.... Shortly thereafter, an English - speaking woman called at my door. Ejjabto tokelik, juõn kõra ej konono kajin Belle ear lotok kim. Jerbal ko an armij einwõt ñan kalikar etao ko an Devil elaplok jen ankil an Anij. In heaven? Ilo lañ ke? Juõn ian sister rein ear bedwõt ilo bukwon eo, im ear jibañ wõt committee in jibañ eo ilo bukwon eo im jerbal einwõt juõn regular pioneer. Elders, as well as ministerial servants, do not serve "for love of dishonest gain. " (Luke 22: 25, 26) Elder ro, im bareinwõt ministerial servant ro, rej jerbal "jab kin wõnan dala. " Yokwe eo Ekajur ak Ej Yokwe Let us therefore use the remaining time to help save more lives. (Reveles̃õn 16: 14, 16) Kin menin jen kajerbal bwen ien in ebed ñan jibañ lomoren elõñlok mour ko. Kwõmaroñ lo uwaakin kajjitõk in ilo katak 3 ilo bok in. (Lale ium̦win BOK IM KEIN KATAK) Rivalry among nations is mirrored by rivalry among individuals. Aitwerõk ibwiljin ailiñ ko im an alikar ikijen aitwerõk eo ibwiljin kajjojo armij. Rej aikwij bojak in kajimwe lemnak im bebe ko air ñe ekkar, im kij aolep jej aikwij lor joñok in. But what about God's Word? Ak ta kin Nan in Anij? Ñe juõn armij ej reilok ñan science ñan lale elañe kar kõmanman mour, ebidodo an maroñ luji melele ko. By definition, when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do, he is acting presumptuously. Juon eo ewel̦o̦k ej m̦õkaj ilo an kõm̦m̦ane juon men ejjab tõllo̦kũn. Ro jet rej lo juburu ilo air lale family eo ak ro jerair. Moreover, doing that for others helps us to keep our spiritual focus and to feel the reality of what God has in store for us. Im ilo ad kõkajoor pein ro jet, men in ej bar jipañ kõj ñan lo jidikin wãween mour eo me Anij ej kallim̦ur kake ñan kõj. " ANIJ ej kea kake iõ ke? ' Some have unresponsive hearts because of selfishness or love of money. Jet ejelok an burueir eñjake in uak kin kibbon ak arõk money. • Ta oktak ko rejejjet rar kõmmani ilo karõk ko an dolul eo ibwiljin ri karejar ro an Jehovah? Nevertheless, Jehovah resurrected his Anointed One and glorified him with immortal spirit life in heavenly Zion, an accomplishment all of us can benefit from. - Acts 2: 32 - 36. Mekarta, Jehovah ear kajerkakbijik Ri Kabit eo an im kaibujuij e kin mour in jitõb ejjab wabanban ilo Zion ilañ, juõn tõbrak kij aolep jemaroñ bõk tokjen jen e. - Jerbal 2: 32 - 36. 6: 19 - 21; 1 Tim. 6: 9 - 12. See Your Brothers as Jehovah Does Lale Ro Jeõm im Jatõm Einwõt An Jehovah Lale Ir Jen jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe men in en wal̦o̦k ilo l̦õmn̦ak ko rejjab jim̦we ak kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k l̦õmn The Bible itself clarifies what Isaiah meant. Bible eo make ej kalikar ta melelen nan ko an Isaiah. Juon kain IUD me ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k an wal̦o̦k copper ilo Amedka ilo kar 1988 eo. It was important not to put a stumbling block before others. - Read Romans 14: 5, 13, 15, 19, 20. Elukkuun kar aorõk bwe Kũrjin ro ren jab kal̦õkatip ro jet. - Riit Rom 14: 5, 13, 15, 19, 20, UBS. Elõñ wõt ian kõtan ko ebak ikõtan ri belele ro rejjab belele ibben don. For example, they need to know: What was God's purpose for creating man? (1 Jon 4: 8) Ñan waanjoñak, rej aikuj jel̦ã uwaak ko ñan kajjitõk kein: Ta kar karõk eo an Anij ñan armej ke ear kõm̦anm̦an er? 13: 7, 8; Hib. The Israelites disobeyed clear direction from Jehovah. Ri Israel ro ear alikar air jab bokake ialin tel eo jen Jehovah. Meñe kin ri kabit ro ak sheep ro jet, Ri Christian ro otemjej rej karejar ñan Jehovah ibben don einwõt "juõn bwij " iumin" juõn s̃eperd. " 15, 16. 15, 16. Ñe jej kalmenlokjen kin ta eo kar kanan kake kin Nineveh ilo book in Nahum im Babylon im ro rar buñ jen tõmak ilo book in Habakkuk, ejelok bere bwe nan ko an ri jeje sam enaj jejjet kitieir. (b) How do we stand to benefit from Abraham's obedience? (2) Ewi wãween ad naaj bõk jeraam̦m̦an kõn an kar Ebream pokake? Ñan waanjoñak, ilo bo̦o̦k eo etan "L̦õmn̦ak eo Am̦ El̦ap " emaroñ jipañ eok bwe kwõn jel̦ã ta eo kwõn kõm̦m̦ane ñan eo nejũm̦ ak ledik eo nejũm̦. What made Jesus happy, and what choices will make you happy? (1) Ta eo ear kõm̦m̦an an Jijej m̦õn̦õn̦õ? Bwebwenato ko ilo Baibõl̦ rej kwal̦o̦k kõn jeraam̦m̦an eo ñan kwal̦o̦k ad "yokwe doon " im karejar ñan doon. Learn the requirements for true religion. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 16: 25) Katak kin men in aikwij ko ñan kabuñ eo emol. " A ro re nana, naj kamõkit ir jen eneo; im ro re jela mon re naj joko jen e. " - Jabõn Kennan Ko 2: 22. Some youths have an agreement with their parents that a simple phone call is all that will be needed to get an early ride home. Jet jodrikdrik ro rar kõmõn karõk iben jemeir im jineir bwe elañe eor men eo enaj walok, renaj call ir bwe ren ilen bõk ir ilo mõkõj. Jeje ko rej jiroñ kij: "Ilo ran ko an king ro [iroij ro an armij] rej bed kiõ] Anij in lañ enaj kajutak juõn ailiñ [ilo lañ] eo rejamin kokkure. Rather than making material comfort their main goal in life, Christians find contentment with basic necessities. - 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10; compare 1 Corinthians 7: 31. Jen air kõmmõn bwe jokane eo kin mweiuk en mejenkajjik eo air elap ilo mour, Christian ro rej lo jokane kin men ko rej bedbedin menin aikwij ko. - 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10; keiri 1 Korint 7: 31. 10, 11. What if you have been studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and attending congregation meetings for some time but are hesitant to start preaching from house to house? Ta elañe etto am kar katak Bible ibben Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah im bed ilo kwelok ko an congregation, ak kwoj ãliklik ñan jino kwalok nan jen em ñan em? Ak, elõñ ro rar roñ kin Jesus rar mõnõnõ in karmijeteik jibadbad ko air make - meñe jerbal ko - im erom ri kalor ro an. Christian elders and parents. Christian elder ro im jemen im jinen ajiri ro. Ikijen dolul eo an, Jemed ilañ ej letok elõñ ekan ko rekõketak ilo jitõb. The wife is to treat her husband with "deep respect. " Lio en kõmman ñan leo belen kin "mũlal in kautiej. " Ñan Christian emaan eo elap ej emaan eo, meñe emaroñ, makoko in kõmman eindein. " □ What Bible advice about appearance will you seek to apply? □ Ta kakabilek eo ilo Bible kin baotokin kwo naj bukõte ñõn am jerbale? Einwõt David mokta jen e, Manasseh ear kile aorõkin jerawiwi ko an im emol an ukwelok. (b) According to Exodus 14: 13, who is the Source of salvation? (b) Ekkar ñõn Exodus 14: 13, wõn eo ej dri Lomor eo Elap? Iumin elõñlok jen 120 yiõ ko kiõ, "menin letok ko ilo jitõb ilo ien eo ejejjet " kar litoki ilo Imõniaroñroñ eo, im bareinwõt ilo book ko jet rej bedbed ion Bible im book ko jet rej bedbed ion Bible. Help them to express their personal convictions clearly and respectfully. Katakin er ñan peran im kwal̦o̦k tõmak eo aer ilo juon wãween ealikkar im ilo kautiej. Jesus Christ ear kanan lok iman kin jeebeplok eo an jikin kwelok eo, im ear kanan lok iman kin men ko renaj walok - einwõt tarinae ko, ñitta, makitkit lal, im kõtõrãik kien. Ear bar jipañ er bwe ren kile aorõkin aer aikuj jerbal ñan Anij kõn aolepen bũrueer. PEIJ 3 The Bible also refers to Jesus as "the only - begotten Son of God " because he was the first and only direct creation of Jehovah. - John 3: 18; Colossians 1: 13 - 15. Baibõl̦ ej bar ba bwe Jijej ej "make wõt Nejin Anij " kõnke Jeova make ear kõm̦anm̦an e im ear kõm̦anm̦an e m̦okta jãn men otemjej. - Jon 3: 18, UBS; Kolosse 1: 13 - 15, UBS. Im ejamin juõn men in meletlet ñan kõtmene kin jerammõn ko ilo jar, " Jehovah, I ar jab bokake yuk, ak ij kajerammõn iõ. ' When Jesus came on the scene, he brought comfort and enlightenment. (Jon 6: 14) Ke Jesus ear itok, ear bõktok kainemõn im melele eo elaplok kin Nan in Anij. Satan ej juõn ri jumae. If so, you are not alone. Elõñ armej rej l̦õmn̦ak kõn men in. Ñããt eo Jesus ej " itok, ' ak itok? - Matu 24: 21; 25: 31 - 33. As imperfect humans we may shy away from the effort required to reason on principles. Einwõt armij ro rejjab wãppen jemaroñ ãliklik in kate kij ñan lemnak ilo kõmmanwa kin nan in kaiñi ko. Iar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im ba: "Ij aikuj kajejjet kallim̦ur eo aõ ñan Anij. " The inspired Scriptures are "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Jeje ko rekakõrmol ewõr "tokjeir kin katakin, im kowe, im kajime, im kajelaik armij ilo kwojarjar; bwe armij korijeran Anij en wãppen im emwij kõkõmõnmõn e ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " 4: 7, 8. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Jijej ear yokwe rũkal̦oor ro an im kaorõk er. What made Obadiah exceptional as a worshipper of Jehovah? Ta eo ear kõmman bwe Obadiah en lukkun einjuõn einwõt juõn ri kabuñ an Jehovah? Ewi wãwen juõn kumi edik enaj tõbar "dri ailiñ ko otemjej "? The chief executive of an agency that has been set up to prevent such mistreatment says that this figure may represent just the "tip of the iceberg. " Chief executive eo an agency eo kar kajutake ñan bõprae jorrãn im wãwen kein renana ej ba bwe joñan laplok in emaroñ jutak kin jidik wõt ak "jabõn tata in juõn ice kileplep. " Ilo ad jelã bwe Ri Christian ro rej aikwiji don, jej mõkaj in jibañ ro jeid im jatid maan im kõrã ilo tõmak. Can you recall the last time you experienced the truthfulness of those words of Jesus? (Jerbal 20: 35) Kwo maroñ ke kememej ñããt eo eliktata kwar lo mol in nan kein an Jesus? Etke Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej yokwe don? (b) What does the Bible encourage us to do? (b) Ta eo Bible ej rejañ kij bwe jen kõmmane? Einwõt e, jej watõk ke kajjojo armij ro jen ailiñ ko otemjej einwõt "s̃ip in melaj eo an "? 9, 10. (a) Who may need long - term hospitality? 9, 10. Ear bar wõr ro rem̦m̦an me ear em̦m̦an joñak ko aer ñan kõj. I immediately responded, "Yes! " Kõn men in, iar kajju ba, "Aet! " Anij ear ke kõm̦anm̦an armej ro ilo raan kein bwe ren jab weeppãn im bwe ren eñtaan? If you are married, you need to view your mate as a gift from God. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 19: 14) Elañe emwij am mare, kwoj aikwij watõk eo beleõm einwõt juõn men in letok jen Anij. Kõm̦ro ar lukkuun jeraam̦m̦an kõnke kõm̦ro Jeid im Jatid Frederick W. He taught the people, responding to their spiritual needs. Ear katakin ir, im emmakit ñan aikwij ko air ilo jitõb. Ear 30 wõt an yiõ. If we keep working at doing this, we are unlikely to commit serious sins. Elañe jej wõnmanlok im kõmmane men in, jejamin kõmman bwid ko relap. Ñe jej etetal kin loe, melelen bwe jej jibadõk juõn ial in mour eo ej wawa ion ta eo jej kile kin mõjno ko ad. Should we not, then, ask Jehovah to make us want to do his will? Inem etke jejjab kajitõk iben Jeova ñõn kamakõt kij bwe jen kõnan kõmõnmõn ankilan? Ta pepe eo kwõnaaj kar kõm̦m̦ane? This means that we cannot show genuine love while pretending to be something that we are not, as if we were wearing a mask. (Rom 12: 9, UBS; 2 Ko. 6: 6, UBS) Mel̦el̦ein bwe el̦aññe eriab ad yokwe ro jet, innem yokwe eo ad ejjab m̦ool. Ta melelen inemõn, im etke jej aikwiji kadkad in ilo kõtan eo ad ibben ro jet? In 1913, The Watch Tower said of a convention in Arkansas, U.S.A.: "It was unanimously resolved that the time has come for the use of moving pictures in teaching Bible truths.... Ilo 1913, Watch Tower eo ear ba kin juõn convention ilo Arkansas, U.S.A.: "Kar juõn wõt ilo lemnak bwe emottok ien eo ñan kajerbal picture makitkit ko ñan katakin kin mol ko ilo Bible.... An jabwe maroñ im mõnõnõ in ba jaab ej alikar kiõ jen mokta. The works of men certainly seem to reflect the wiles of the Devil more than the will of God. Jerbal ko an armij elaplok air kwalok men in etao ko an Devil eo jen ankil an Anij. Einwõt ri katakin ro kin mol eo ilo Bible, jej kõmman eindein. One of those sisters has remained in the area, still helping the local relief committee and serving as a regular pioneer. Juõn iair ear berwõt ilo jikin eo, im ej wõnmanlok wõt im jerbal iben kumi eo rar jibõñ im ej bareinwõt jerbal einwõt juõn regular pioneer. Ear bareinwõt je: "Bwe je jela bwe kij jen Anij, im aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo. " Almighty yet Loving Ekajur Bõtata ak Ej Yokwe Meñe ear ko kin Absalom, David ear liki Jehovah (Look under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) Jen wanjoñok kin men in ilo ad etale juõn wanjoñok ilo Jeje ko. They should be ready to adjust their thinking and decisions when appropriate, and all of us do well to follow that example. Rej aikuj pojak ñan ukot l̦õmn̦ak im pepe ko aer ñe ekkar, im kõj aolep jej aikuj kate kõj ñan l̦oore joñak in aer. Ak men in ejamin kar bidodo. When looking to science to determine whether life was created, a person can easily get lost in a fog of information. Jet rej pok ñe rej reilo̦k ñan rũmmãlõtlõt ro rej ekkatak kõn science ñan pukoti uwaak ko. Elañe ejelok kõtan in, mour eo ad kiõ enaj dik melelen im kejatdikdik eo ad kin ilju im jeklaj enaj jako. Others find satisfaction in caring for family or friends. Jet rej bar m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñe rej jipañ im lale baam̦le ko aer im ro m̦õttaer. Juõn ri kaki ekabel, ri jilek Paul ear kalikar aorõkin jerbal in katakin im kõmman ri kalor ke ear je: "Komin dri kaki ilo ien eo. " " DOES God care about me? ' " ANIJ ej ke ierõke ak kea kin iõ? ' Ir otemjej rej itok jen Jehovah, Unjen "men in letok emõn im wãppen otemjelok. " • What timely adjustments have been made in organizational procedures among Jehovah's servants? • Ta kajimwe ko ilo ien ekkar rar kõmmani ilo wãwen ko an dolul eo ibwiljin ro ri karejaran Jehovah? Tiriamokake rot in en kamakit kij ñan etetal wõt ibben Anij eo ad ejoij, Jehovah. 6: 19 - 21; 1 Tim. 6: 9 - 12. Enaaj kalikkar bwe kwõjamin kõtl̦o̦k bwe jabdewõt men en bõbrae eok jãn am̦ kajejjet kallim̦ur eo am̦ bwe kwõnaaj jerbal ñan Jeova. - Matu 6: 19 - 21; 1 Timote 6: 9 - 12. Ta eo wijki ko redik im ajiri ro jimor rej aikwiji ñan eddek? We should not let this flood of faulty thinking confuse or intimidate us. Jejjab aikwij kõtlok bwe katak kein rebwid ren kabwok kij. Jeova ej Jerad eo em̦m̦antata im el̦aptata ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd. One type of IUD that incorporates copper became widely available in the United States by 1988. Juon iaaer ewõr kõba (copper) ie im ekar jino ajeededl̦o̦k ilo aolepen Amedka ilo iiõ eo 1988. Im kein kajilu, jej aikwij kõttãik kij ñan karõk eo an Jehovah ilo ad bukõt ad kamao ibben Ri Christian ro mõttad me remaroñ kadiklok inebata ko ad. Most of the intimate relations portrayed are between couples not married to each other. (Dri Epesõs 4: 17 - 19) Elõñ wõt kõtan ko rebake don rej pijaiki ikõtan armij ro rejjab ri belele. 12, 13. Ta eo jej katak jãn kien eo an Jeova ñan m̦are "ilo Irooj wõt "? 61: 5, 6. " Komin jab mijõk, elap ami aurõk jen elõñ sparro " (a) Etke eaorõk bwe juõn ri katak Bible en "bukõt im lo bwe Jehovah e joij "? 13: 7, 8; Heb. 13: 7, 8; Hib. Jen an eindein, karejar ñan Jehovah enaj kõmman bwe mour eo am en emõnlok; juõn brother 24 - yiõ dettan eo ear baptais mokta jen an kar juõn jodikdik ej ba: "I maroñ bõk juõn melele emũlal elañe I kar rittolok, ak kõmman juõn bebe ñan wujleplok mour eo aõ ñan Jehovah im kejbãrok iõ jen jibadbad ko an lal in. " Whether of the anointed or of the other sheep, all Christians serve Jehovah together as "one flock " under" one shepherd. " (Dri Rom 8: 21; 1 Timote 6: 19) Jekdon elañe rej mõttan ro uan ri kabit ro ak sheep ro jet, Ri Christian ro aolep rej jerbal ñan Jehovah ibben don einwõt "juõn bwij " iumin" juõn shepherd. " BAREINWÕT ILO MAGAZINE IN: When we reflect upon what was foretold about Nineveh in the book of Nahum and about Babylon and apostate Judah in the book of Habakkuk, we have no doubt that the psalmist's words will come true. (Sam 37: 10) Ñe jej kalmenlokjen kin ta eo kar kanan kake kin Nineveh ilo book in Nahum im kin Babylon im ailiñ eo ebuñ jen tõmak Judah ilo book in Habakkuk, ejelok ad bere bwe nan ko an ri jeje sam renaj jejjet im mol. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men in. For example, the box "Control Your Anger " (page 221) may be as helpful to you as it is to your son or daughter. Ñõn wanjoñok, box eo me title in "Drebij Am Illu " (peij 221) emaroñ jibõñ yuk im ro nejõm. Ewi wãwen tiljek eo an ri kanan eo an Anij ear melejoñe? Bible accounts highlight the privilege we have of showing "brotherly affection " and serving one another. Elõñ bwebwenato ko ilo Baibõl̦ rej kaalikkar bwe ewõr ippãd jeraam̦m̦an eo ñan kwal̦o̦k yokwe ñan rũttõmak ro jeid im jatid im ñan jipañ doon. " Kwe, nejiõ Solomon, kwon jela Anij an jemõm, im korijer ñõn E kin buru e wãppen. " " As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " - Proverbs 2: 22. " A ro re nana, naj kamõkit ir jen eneo, im ro re jela mon, naj totõk ir jen e. " - Jabõn Kennan Ko 2: 22. Ak Nan in kakõrmol eo an Anij ej konono kin kamakoko eo ej kitibuj karejar ilo mõnõnõ ñan juõn Master eo ej yokwe. The Scriptures tell us: "In the days of those kings [human rulerships now existing] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [in heaven] that will never be brought to ruin. (b) Ta lõñliñ eo elap ri kabit ri karejar ro an Jehovah rar loe? 10, 11. 10, 11. (b) Etke book in Jerbal ewõr tokjen ñan ri karejar ro an Anij rainin? Still, many who heard about Jesus gladly set aside personal pursuits - even careers - and became his followers. (Matu 23: 2 - 4) Meñe eindein, elõñ ian ro rar roñ kin Jesus rar karmijeteik kõnan ko air ilo mõnõnõ - elaptata jerbal ko air remõn - im erom ri kalor ro an. Ladik eo ear errã ke? Through his organization, our heavenly Father is providing an abundance of upbuilding spiritual food. (Jon 17: 3) Jeova ej kõjerbal doulul in an ñan jipañ kõj kõn men ko jej aikuji bwe jen maroñ jel̦ã kajjien. Kememej, kin jerawiwi eo an Adam, kij aolep jej lotak ilikin family eo an Anij. To the Christian the big man is the man who, even when he can, refuses to do so. " Ñan Christian armij eo elap ej armij eo, meñe ej maroñ idenwõne, ej makoko in kõmman eindein. " Ta eo ear kamakit Peter ikijen ran eo an Jehovah? Like David before him, Manasseh recognized the seriousness of his sins and was truly repentant. Eokwe ãinwõt Devid, Menassa ear kile bwe ear lukkuun nana men ko ear kõm̦m̦ani im ear kanooj ajl̦o̦k im bũrom̦õj im ear oktak. Enaj kar kõtõbrak juõn kilajrõk ikijen ta eo enaj kar juõn kien ilo Kien eo ikijen Moses - einwõt. For over 120 years now, spiritual "food supplies at the proper time " have been provided in The Watchtower, as well as in other Bible - based books and publications. (Luk 12: 42) Iumin elõñlok jen 120 yiõ ko kiõ, mõñã ko ilo jitõb ilo "ien ejejit " kar litoki ilo Imõniaroñroñ, im bareinwõt book im publication ko jet rej wawa ion Bible. Ri kanan Micah ear ba kin ailiñ ko an lal bwe renaj "etetal ilo etan anij ko air. " Jesus Christ had predicted the city's destruction, and he foretold events that would precede it - such disturbing occurrences as wars, food shortages, earthquakes, and lawlessness. Jesus Christ ear kanan kin jeebeplok eo an jikin kwelok in, im ear kanan kin men ko renaj walok lok iman - einwõt tarinae ko, ñitta, makitkit lal, im kõtõrãi kein. Rej kajerwawaik ir ñan jitõbõn lal eo enana an Satan, im rej aikwij kate ir kin "mõm ko an likao. " PAGE 3 PEIJ 3 Men in ejjab ke kõm̦m̦an bwe kõj aolep jen kate kõj ñan anõke? And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, " Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway. ' Ejjab jim̦we ñan kõtmãne bwe Anij en kajeraam̦m̦an kõj im ilo ejja iien eo wõt jej akwel̦ap ilo jar im ba: "Jeova, iar kããlõt ñan jab pokake eok, bõtab, kwõn jouj im kajeraam̦m̦an wõt eõ. " (Riit 1 Korint 11: 27 - 34.) Satan is a predator. Satan ej juõn ri kokkure. Bar juõn mejenkajjik ej ñan read Bible eo kajjojo ran. When does Jesus " arrive, ' or come? - Matt. 24: 21; 25: 31 - 33. Im ñããt eo Jijej enaaj "itok "? - Matu 24: 21; 25: 31 - 33. Iar bar kõm̦m̦ane jabdewõt men rar kajjitõk bwe in kõm̦m̦ane. I added, "I need to fulfill my vow to God. " (Matu 24: 14, UBS) Iar bar ba ñane, "Ij aikuj kajejjet kallim̦ur eo aõ ñan Anij. " " Kwon kwalok ñõn iõ ial ko Am, bwe in jela Kwe. " - EXUS 33: 13. 4: 7, 8. 4: 7, 8. Bible eo ebed ie mol eo kin Jesus Christ, eo ej tellok armij ñan air tõmak ilo e im kabellok ial eo ñan juõn kejatdikdik emõn kin ilju im jeklaj. Jesus felt affection for his disciples and held them dear. 5: 28, 29) Jisõs ear yokwe dri kalor ro an im rar jitenburu iben. Jej erom ri kalor ro emwij ad baptais, jab kinke juõn armij ej jibed kij, ak kinke Jehovah "ej iber. " How would such a small group reach "people of all the nations "? (Jerbal 2: 1 - 36) Ewi wãwen juõn kumi edik emaroñ jibadõk "dri ailiñ ko otemjej "? Ilo wãwen in, kajjojo congregation ewõr juõn School in Kwalok Nan eo an Christian week otemjej, eo kar eiki ñan jibañ aolep ro emwij kãlet ir rar oktak im ri keañ ro rekeie kin Ailiñ eo an Anij. Aware that Christians need one another, we are quick to come to the aid of our brothers and sisters in the faith. Ilo ad jelã bwe Christian ro rej aikwiji don, jej bojak in jibañ ro jeid im jatid maan im kõrã rej bed ilo tõmak eo. Rar " inebata kin illu eo an, ' ak " lelñoñ kin illu eo an. ' Why do Jehovah's Witnesses love one another? Etke Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej yokwe don? Ilo ad jutak bin im emmakit nae buñ jen tõmak, jemaroñ kõmman bwe wõnmanlok eo ad en alikar im juõn joñok ilo tõmak. Joñan, ej jem̦l̦o̦k l̦o̦k juon jorrããn ñane ak ebar wal̦o̦k juon. Ijel̦ã bwe Jeova ej tũriam̦okake im jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd. Like him, do we consider individuals of every race and nation to be potential "sheep of his pasturage "? Einwõt e, jej watõk armij ro kajjojo jen ailiñ im kil otemjej einwõt ro remaroñ erom "s̃ip ko jen melaj eo an "? Ak kinke juõn ri business ejjab juõn Christian ejjab kamol bwe elap an kabel ilo men ko an business ak bwe tõbrak ko an renaj tõbrak. There were also good people who were favorable to us. Ear or jet armij ro rar joij ñõn kim. Chapter 5 in letter eo an Paul ñan Ri Rome ro ej kwalok ilo aibujuij kin ewi wãwen ri jerawiwi ro, juõn ien rar jenolok jen Anij, rar oktak im jelã kin yokwe eo an Jehovah. Ke ekar m̦õj jikuul̦, elõñ iaan classmate ro aõ rar m̦an eõ im katubar eõ. 1, 2. Did God really make humans as they are now - imperfect and subject to suffering? Anij ear ke kõm̦anm̦an armej bwe ren jerawiwi im eñtaan? Armij ro etto im ran kein rar bed ilo ejja makitkit ko wõt, kejatdikdik ko, jibadbad ko, im tõbrak ko. Jekdo̦o̦n ta jerbal eo an l̦eo ak ej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in rejetake. Ta men in bwilõñ ko ruo Jehovah ear kõmmani kin yokwe? We had the special privilege of having Brother Frederick W. Kõmar bar lukkuun jeraam̦m̦an kõnke Jeid im Jatid Frederick W. Jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan jãn juon m̦õn̦õn̦õ im em̦õn̦õ in nõbar Anij. She was only 30 years of age. Ear 30 wõt an yiõ. Ñe kwõj jol̦o̦k an ro jet eñtaan, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ m̦õn̦õn̦õ, em̦m̦anl̦o̦k am̦ mour, im enaaj dikl̦o̦k am̦ l̦õmn̦ak kõn men ko rejjab em̦m̦an. Walking by sight, on the other hand, means that we pursue a life course governed solely by what we perceive with our physical senses. (2 Piter 3: 13) Ijo turãjet, etetal kin loe ej melelen jej jibadõk juõn wãwen mour me ej wawa ion men ko jej loi ikijen maroñ ko ilo enbwinid (einwõt mejed, botid lojilñid im men ko eierlok wõt). Jesus ejelã bwe " auõ eo An e mottok bwe en ilok jen lõl in ñõn Jemen. ' What choice would you make? Ñan waanjoñak, kwõnaaj kar et el̦aññe kwaar iioone juon men me ej kareel eok ñan kõm̦m̦ani kõn̦aan ko am̦ bõtab ilo wãween eo ebõd? Book in ej bareinwõt kalikar tõmak eo an ruwamaejet ro jen ailiñ ko jet im lemnak in ettã buru eo an ri kõmman bwid ro rej ukwelok. To what is mildness of temper closely related, and why do we need this quality in our relationships with others? Ettã Buru ej ekkejel ñan ta, im etke jej aikwij jerbale kadkad in ilo kõtan eo ad ibben ro jet? ▪ Emwij ke am " kanuij lale men ko elaplok tokjeir '? The lack of ability and willingness to say no is more evident now than ever before. (Jud 10) Likjap eo ñan mõnõnõ in ba jaab elaplok an alikar jen mokta. Family ko an Christian rainin rej aikwij lor ejja wãwen in wõt ñan bõk jelãlokjen. As teachers of Bible truth, we do the same. Einwõt ri katakin ro kin katak ko remol ilo Bible, jej kõmman eindein. 17, 18. He also wrote: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " (1 John 2: 15, 16) Ear bareinwõt je: "Je jela bwe kij jen Anij, im aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo. " " RO re mour re jela bwe re naj mij. " Even when he fled because of Absalom, David had confidence in Jehovah Meñe Devid ear ko jãn Absalom ak ear lõke bwe Jeova enaaj jipañ e Kaddek Lemnak eo Ejimwe Let us illustrate this by considering a Scriptural example. Baruk ear juon ri jipañ ñan Jeremaia. Juõn anemkwoj eo ej make walok ibwiljin armij ro ear oktak im men in mour ko rekwojarjar, pija ko, im men ko eierlok wõt; armij ro rar buñ imair, mejenmaik ir, tile ir, im kaijurjur iman mejeir, crown ir kin wũt ko, im bukõt men in bwilõñ ko jen men in bwilõñ ko air.... But that would not have been easy. Bõtab ilo tõre in, eban kar pidodo ñan am̦ jel̦a epãd ia. (a) Etke jej aikwij kejbãrok bwe jen kãlet nan ko rekkar? Without that relationship, our present life would have little meaning and our future life prospects would be lost. (Sam 25: 14; 63: 3) Ñe ejelok kõtan rot in ibben Jehovah, mour eo ad kiõ enaj dik tokjen im enaj ejelok ad kejatdikdik kin ilju im jeklaj. (2) Lale bwe kajjojo armij en wõr ibbeir, elañe emaroñ, ieb in jerbal in kwalok nan eo an make, juõn Bible, juõn jeje, juõn worwor, tract ko, im book ko jet ilo wãwen eo emõn. A masterful teacher himself, the apostle Paul underscored the importance of the work of teaching and making disciples when he wrote: "You ought to be teachers in view of the time. " Juõn ri katakin ewejepedik bareinwõt, ri jilek Paul ear kalikar aorõkin jerbal in katakin im kõmman ri kalor ke ear je: "Bwe ke, kin ien eo, emõn komin dri kaki. " Etetal ilo meram eo ilo jitõb, kõttãik kij ñan ialin tel eo an jitõb eo an Anij, im lale wãwen ad naj etetal enaj jibañ kij bõprae men eo enana im "kõmõn emõn. " They all come from Jehovah, the Source of "every good gift and every perfect present. " Rej aolep itok jen Jehovah, Unjen eo an "menin letok emõn im wãppen otemjelok. " Jerbal eo am en walok ñõn ro dri korijerõm, im aibujuij eo Am ion ro nejir. " Such mercy should move us to keep walking with our compassionate God, Jehovah. (Sam Ko 78: 38 - 41) Tiriamokake rot in en kamakit kij bwe jen etetal wõt ibben Anij in joij eo ad, Jehovah. Juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan me 8 jim̦a an iiõ ear jino je juon peba iturin ial̦ eo. What do both saplings and children require for growth? Ta eo wijki ko redik im ajiri ro jimor rej aikwiji ñõn air eddeklok? (b) Ewi wãwen katak in ej jelet kij? Jehovah is the most loyal and forgiving Friend we could have. Jeova ej eo M̦õttad me el̦aptata an tiljek im el̦ap jeorl̦o̦k bõd ippãn. Mokta jen an kar mij, ear lamõj: "O Iroij, kwon jab naruõn jerawiwi in nae ir. " And third, we must submit to Jehovah's arrangement by seeking association with fellow Christians who can allay our distress. Im kein kajilu, jej aikwij kõttãik kij ñan karõk eo an Jehovah ilo ad kobalok ibben Ri Christian ro mõttad rej bojak in jibañ kij ilo ien jorrãn. Paul, ke ear kakkõl kij nae ekajet eo nae juõn Christian mõttad, ear ba: "An iroij ej jutõk, ak buñ. 12, 13. 12, 13. Jet makitkit ko, einwõt jerbal ilo juõn jikin jerbal, lolok juõn doctor, ak etal ñan bar juõn jikin, jej aikwij kautiej juõn schedule. 61: 5, 6. A naaj n̦a etami bũrij ro an Jeova. " - AISEIA 61: 5, 6. Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kwalok tiljek ñan Christ ilo (a) family eo im (b) congregation eo? (a) Why is it important for a Bible student to "taste and see that Jehovah is good "? (1) Etke eaorõk ñan an ri katak eo ad "edjoñ im lo bwe Jeova e jouj "? Elañe ejelok, jenaj likjap. On the contrary, serving Jehovah will make your life better. A 24 - year - old brother who got baptized before he was a teenager says: "I may have had a deeper understanding if I had been older, but making the decision to dedicate myself to Jehovah protected me from worldly pursuits. " Juon jeid im jatid likao me 24 an iiõ kiiõ im ear peptaij m̦okta jãn an kar 13 an iiõ ej ba: "Ñe in kar kõttar aõ rũttol̦o̦k bõlen enaaj kar l̦apl̦o̦k aõ mel̦el̦e kõn katak ko rem̦ool, bõtab pepe eo aõ ñan wũjlepl̦o̦k mour e aõ ñan Jeova ear kõjparok eõ bwe in jab jibadek men ko an lal̦ in. " Elõñ iad jej bed ilo juõn ak elõñlok ian rein reritto. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: BAREINWÕT ILO BUK IN: Elõñ wanjoñok ko jet jemaroñ kwalok bwe konono Bible im katak emaroñ kakõmõnmõnlok jar ko am. To illustrate: Imagine that you are traveling to see the ocean. Ñan wanjoñok: Lemnak bwe kwoj etal in lale lojet. Ñan jutak bin nae e, rar aikwij " jadõr ' im " kõttãik ir iumin pein Anij ekajur. ' How was the loyalty of God's prophet tested? Ewi wãwen kar melejoñe tiljek eo an ri kanan eo an Anij? Bõtab, enañin aolep men kein rej kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k am̦ mour. " " You, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart. " Ear ba: "Nejũ, ij rõjañ eok im bwe kwõn kile Anij eo an jem̦am̦ im kwõn jerbal ñane kõn bõro em̦ool im kõn m̦õn̦õn̦õ. " Bareinwõt, jerammõn im kejbãrok rej kobalok ibben tol eo an Anij. But God's inspired Word speaks of slavery that involves willing service to a loving Master. Naan in Anij ej ba bwe ewõr ad maroñ ñan make kããlõt ñan ri kam̦akoko ñan juon Irooj me ejouj im em̦m̦an. Ri kanan Hosea emaroñ kar bõk eñjake in. (b) What great joy has been experienced by Jehovah's anointed servants? (b) Ta lõñliñ eo elap ri kabit ro karejaran Jehovah rar loe? El̦aptata, jar im kajjitõk jipañ jãn Jeova ñan kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak ko raorõk ilo Baibõl̦. - Riit Ezra 7: 10; Jabõn Kõnnaan 3: 13, 14. (b) Why is the book of Acts meaningful to God's servants today? (b) Etke book in Jerbal elap melelen ñan ro ri karejaran Anij rainin? Baibel eo ej rejañ kij: "Ejelok nan etton en itok jen loñimi, a men eo emõn wõt ñõn kalek einwõt aikwij, bwe en lelok men eo emõn ñõn eo ej roñjake. " - Ep. Was the son accepted? Far from it. Bõtab, rũkallib rein rar m̦an l̦adik eo nejin. Bõlen jidik wõt ad jel̦ã kõn m̦anit ko an armej ak kõn̦aan bwe en wõr jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ ippãd. Remember, because of Adam's sin, we are all born outside God's family. Kememej, kin jerawiwi eo an Adam, kij aolep jar jab lotaktok im uan baamle eo an Anij. Kamolol eo ewõr kamolol ie kin Anij, aet. What evidently prompted Peter's counsel regarding Jehovah's day? Ta eo ealikar an kamakajkaj nan in kakabilek eo an Peter kin ran eo an Jehovah? Jet armij im congregation ko rej mõnõnõ in lelok jibañ. He would accomplish a reconciliation by means of what would later be a legal principle in the Mosaic Law - like for like. Ilo yokwe eo an, Jehovah ear kõmman bwe Nan eo an, Bible eo, en bellok ilo buki kajin ko bwe " armij otemjej ren item jela mol. ' The inspired prophet Micah said of the nations of the world that they would "walk each one in the name of its god. " Ri kanan Micah ear ba kin ailiñ ko an lal in bwe renaj "kabuñ ñõn anij eo an. " Im ilo ran kein eliktata, ej aintok ibben don juõn "jar elap, eo ejelok armij ej maroñ in bwinir, jen ailiñ otemjej, im ian bwij otemjej, im driloabjen otemjej, im konono otemjej, " ro rej mõnõnõ in kamol:" Lomor ñõn amuij Anij eo Ej jijõt ion tron, im ñõn Lam. " - Reveles̃õn 7: 9, 10. They are exposed to the spirit of Satan's wicked world, and they must contend with "the desires incidental to youth. " Rej iion menin kareelel ko ilo lõl in enana an Setan, im rej aikwij tõrinaek "mõm ko an likao " ak jodrikdrik. (2 Tim. Jet armij rej tõmak... bwe ran ko eliktata renaj jemlok ilo ien jeebeplok eo an lal in im aolep ro ion, ak ro jet rej kejatdikdik bwe wãwen ko renaj emõnlok. Is this not a course of action that all of us can strive to imitate? Ejjab ke juõn ial in jerbal kij aolep maroñ kate kij ñan kajeoñe? Kajoor eo an Anij Ej Ke Tõl Eok? (Read 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34.) (Riit 1 Korint 11: 27 - 34.) Jejjo rar mour wõt ilo ien eo jinoin ñan kwalok kin "Pija - Drama in Kõmanman eo. " Another goal is to read the Bible each day. 4: 6) Bar juõn mejenkajik ej ñõn riiti Baibel eo ran otemjej. Jeova ear lo̦mo̦o̦ren Jona jãn ãne jem̦aden. I wrapped magazines for mailing, processed subscriptions, and served as a receptionist; I did whatever I was asked to do. Iar kõm̦m̦an jabdewõt jerbal ko kar kajjitõk bwe in kõm̦m̦ani. Jet armij rej tõmak bwe Anij ear kajerammõn ak kananaik kumi in armij ro, ak ro jet rej tõmak bwe Anij ej jerbal ibben armij otemjej. " Make me know... your ways, that I may know you. " - EXODUS 33: 13. " Kwon kwalok ñõn iõ ial ko Am, bwe in jela kake Kwe. " - EXODUS 33: 13. Ikijen ri kalor ro an, Jesus ear ba: "Ilo men in armij otemjej re naj jela bwe komij dri kalora, elañe komij yokwe dron. " The Bible contains the truth about Jesus Christ, which leads people to put faith in him and opens the way to a bright hope for the future. Ebed ilo Bible mol eo kin Jesus Christ, eo ej tel armij ñan air tõmak ilo e im kabellok ial eo ñan juõn kejatdikdik eo emeram kin ilju eo ej itok. " Ke l̦eo ippa ear kajju etal jãn ña 18 allõñ ko remootl̦o̦k, iar lukkuun bũrom̦õj. We become baptized disciples, not because someone forces us, but because Jehovah "draws " us. Jejjab baptais kinke juõn armij ej jibed kij bwe jen baptais, ak ej kinke Jehovah ear "ibertok " kij. Jen men in, Paul ear kamelele: "Jeje ko otemjej emwij letok kin kakõrmol an Anij, ej bareinwõt or tokjeir kin katakin, im kowe, im kajime, im kajelaik armij ilo kwojarjar; bwe armij korijeran Anij en wãppen im emwij kapojõk e ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " In this regard, every congregation holds a weekly Theocratic Ministry School, which is designed to help all those enrolled become effective proclaimers of God's Kingdom. 30: 20, 21) Kin un in, kajjojo week ilo aolep congregation ko rej kõmmane School in Kwalok Nan eo an Christian, eo kar eiki ñan jibañ aolep ro kar kadeloñ etair ilo school eo ñan katakin ir erom ri keañ ro rebolemen kin Ailiñ in Anij. Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen bwebwenato in kin Paul im ri jerbal ro lalem mõttan? They were " disturbed by his rage, ' or " terrified by his indignation. ' Rar lokjenair kin illu eo an, ' ak " mijak kin illu eo an. ' Im ej juõn jerammõn elap ñan Ri Christian ro remol! By taking a strong stand and decisive action against apostasy, we can make our advancement manifest and be an example in faith. Ilo ar jutõk bin nae im karmijete katak ko an ro rar buñ jen tõmak, jemaroñ kalikar ar wõnmanlok im erom juõn joñok emõn ikijen tõmak. Elañe ij kõmmane menin ilo mõnõnõ, ewõr juõn jinekjej ibba; ak elañe ij kõmmane nae ankil aõ, ejja einwõt I ar lelok ñan iõ. " - 1 Dri Korint 9: 16, 17. I know that Jehovah is merciful and forgiving, but because I have this wrong desire and deep down I don't hate it, I feel that I am unable to receive his help. Bõtab kõnke ear pãd kõn̦aan in ebõd ippa im ilo bũruõ iar jab lukkuun dike, iar l̦õmn̦ak bwe Jeova ejjab maroñ jipañ eõ. Jen an eindein, jej bõk bar juõn men in walok, mij eo an Nejin Anij. But the fact that a businessman is a Christian does not guarantee that he excels in business matters or that his enterprise will succeed. Ak meñe juõn ri business ej juõn ri Christian ejjab melelen bwe ej let ilo men ko ikijen business ak business eo an enaj lo tõbrak ie. Mol eo im Katak eo kin Trinity The 5th chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans beautifully describes how sinners, once alienated from God, became acquainted with Jehovah's love. Chapter eo kein kalalem ilo letter eo an Paul ñan Ri Rom ro emõn an kalikar wãwen an ri jerawiwi ro, juõn ien rar ruwamaejet jen Anij, rar oktak im jelã kin yokwe eo an Jehovah. Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im bõk jeraam̦m̦an eo ñan karejar ñan Jeova ãinwõt juon rũkanaan. - Riit Liaajlo̦l̦ 3: 22 - 24. 1, 2. 1, 2. Book eo Insight on the Scriptures - Juõn encyclopedia in Bible ewõr ruo kamelele ko kin armij, jikin ko, im kajin ko jej loi ilo Bible eo People ancient and modern have had comparable activities, hopes, ambitions, and accomplishments. Armij in etto ro im ran kein ewor makitkit, kejatdikdik, itoklimo, im tõbrak ko reierlok wõt. Bwebwenato ko an armij rar kamol bwe armij rejjab maroñ bõktok Paradise ion lal. What are two miracles Jehovah performed out of love? Kin yokwe eo an Jeova, ta menin kabwilõñlõñ ko ruo ear kõmõni? Jaab. Service rendered from a joyful, willing heart glorifies God. (Sam 100: 2) Jej kaiboojoj Anij ñe jej lañlõñ im karejar ñan e kõn aolepen bũruod. Bõtab, ear jab l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k an maroñ ñan kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in. (Luk 8: 1) Ro rekããl kiiõ rej bareinwõt aikuji an ro jet katakin er bwe ren jel̦ã kwal̦o̦k naan im ren lo tõprak. Meñe ilo jerbal in kabel ko einwõt jelãlokjen im doctor - tiriamo im itoklimo eo an ro jet - jet rar jab kwalok air liki im mõn ak mõn ro rej bed ilo kejbãrok eo air. When you relieve the suffering of others, you will feel happier, more optimistic, less lonely, and less inclined to think negative thoughts. Ñe kwõj jipañ ro me el̦ap aer eñtaan, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ m̦õn̦õn̦õ, l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ l̦õmn̦ak kõn men ko rem̦m̦an, edikl̦o̦k am̦ bõk l̦õmn̦ak ko rebõd, im kwõban l̦õmn̦ak bwe kwõj make iaam̦. 119: 128. Jesus knows that " his hour has come for him to move out of this world to the Father. ' (Jon 12: 1 - 8; Matu 26: 6 - 13) Jesus ej jelã bwe " auõ eo An e mottok bwe En ilok jen lõl in ñõn Jemen. ' Kwar kajeoñ in kebak yuk kin juõn kõdo elap, bwe jar in en jab ellã. " This book also highlights the faith of godly foreigners and the humble attitude of repentant wrongdoers. Book in ej kwalok kin tõmak eo an ro ruwamaejet me rar mijak Anij im lemnak eo etta an ro rar ukwelok jen kõmman ko air rebwid. Bareinwõt, el̦ap am̦ro kam̦m̦oolol kõn tõprak ko rar wal̦o̦k ilo kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap. ▪ Have you " made sure of the more important things '? ▪ Em̦õj ke am̦ kile im kaorõki " men ko raorõktata '? Elañe jej kajeoñe tõmak eo an Noah ilo wãwen kein, jenaj bõktok jerammõn ko ñan aolep ro jej yokwe. Christian families today should pay similar attention to education. 1: 2 - 4; 2: 1 - 5, 11 - 15) Christian family ko rainin rej aikwij lemnak bareinwõt kin education eo. Anij ear kõtl̦o̦k wõt bwe men in en wal̦o̦k kõnke ear jel̦ã bwe enaaj kõm̦adm̦õde jabdewõt jorrããn ko renaaj wal̦o̦k. 17, 18. 17, 18. Emaroñ melelen juõn jibadbad elap kin ien im jibadbad ko am. " THE living are conscious that they will die. " " BWE ro re mour re jela bwe re naj mij. " 15 Kwaar Jel̦ã Ke? Cultivate the Right Viewpoint Kaddeklok Lemnak eo Ejimwe 2 / 15 A natural freedom of fancy among the people turned the holy relics, pictures, and statues into objects of adoration; people prostrated themselves before them, kissed them, burned candles and incense before them, crowned them with flowers, and sought miracles from their occult influence.... Maroñ in kalmenlokjen ibwiljin armij ro rar ukõt men ko rar bed mantak jen etto, pija ko, im annañ in ekjap ko bwe ren menin kabuñ; armij ro rej make buñ badikdik iman mejeir, mejenmaiki, ittil candle ko im kaijurjur iman mejeir, kabelbil ir kin wit ko, im bukõt menin kabwilõñlõñ ko jen kareelel in tõtabõn eo air.... 40: 1 - 16. (a) Why should we be careful to select the proper words? (1) Etke jej aikuj kõjparok bwe en em̦m̦an im ekkar men ko jej ba? Einwõt jikin Greek eo ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, kajin English kar juõn kajin eo ekeie ñan ukok kinke rej kajerbale einwõt juõn kajin business im jelãlokjen. (2) Make sure that each one has, if possible, his own field service bag, a Bible, a notebook, a pen or pencil, tracts, and other literature in good condition. (2) Kõmman bwe kajjojo armij en wõr, elañe emaroñ, juõn ieb in kwalok nan, juõn Bible, juõn book in jeje, juõn pen ak pencil, tract ko, im book ko jet. Juõn inoñ an ri Jew eo etto ej kalikar tokjen ko rej walok jen air kajededlok nan in kinaak ko renana. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn juon kõrã me el̦ap an yokwe ajri ro nejin. Ilo elõñ ailiñ ko ilo yiõ eo 1996, oran ro rar ber ilo Kwojkwoj in Kememej eo ear laplok jen oran dri kwalok ro kin Ailiñ eo, im kwalok kejatrikrik ko remõn kin an laplok ilju im jeklaj. Walking in spiritual light, yielding to the direction of God's spirit, and watching how we walk will help us to avoid what is bad and to "keep doing good. " Etetal ilo meram in jitõb, tokjen ej ñan tel eo an jitõb eo an Anij, im kejbãrok wãwen ad etetal enaj jibañ kij bõprae men eo enana im "kõmõn wõt emõn. " Ejjab juõn men in kõmmanwa ke bwe Jemed ilañ ewãppen ej kõtmene bwe jen kwalok ad kamolol kin aolep men ko ear kõmmani ñan kij? May your activity appear to your own servants and your splendor upon their sons. " Am jerbal en walok ñõn ro dri korijerõm, im Am aibujuij ion ro nejiir. " Kwelok ko an Christian, assembly ko, im convention ko rej bareinwõt jibañ kij tarinae ilo jitõb. A Christian career spanning over eight decades began with a piece of paper on the street. Juõn jerbal in Christian me ear wõnmanlok iumin ralitõkñoul yiõ ko eo ear ijjino kin juõn mõttan in peba iturin ial eo. (b) Ilo ien et eo Solomon ear likit juõn joñok emõn kin ettã buru ilo jerbal in lolorjake eo an? (b) What effect does this teaching have? (b) Katak in ta eo ear jelet? Eñin un eo elaptata unin Governing Body eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ear likit moktata ñan kõmman bwe elõñ armij ren maroñ bõk juõn Bible me ej kautiej etan Anij. Before he died, he cried out: "Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them. " Mokta jen an kar mij, ear lamõj: "O Iroij kwon jab narueir ilo jerawiwi in. " Kin men in, kajerbal bread eo ejjab uwe ear aorõk kinke ekkar bwe en kõkkar kin enbwinin ejelok jerawiwi ibben. Paul, when warning us against passing judgment on a fellow Christian, said: "To his own master he stands or falls. (1 Korint 1: 10) Paul, ke ear kakkil kij nae ekajete juõn ri Christian eo mõttad, ear ba: "Iben iroij eo an ej jutõk ak buñ. Ta eddo ko an Christian jej aikwij kwalok ettã buru? Some activities, such as working in a factory, visiting a doctor, or taking public transportation, require that we respect a schedule. Aet bwe kwõn jab rum̦wij. Bõtab, men in eoktak ñe juon armej ej iukkun kijeek ak jipañ juon eo ej pãd ilo juon jorrããn ejidimkij. Juõn kennan emõn kar kwaloke iumin week kein jiljilimjuõn. How can loyalty to Christ be displayed in (a) the family and (b) the congregation? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kwalok ad tiljek ñan Christ ilo (a) mour in family eo im (b) ilo congregation eo? Etke kamao ibben Ri Christian ro mõttad eaorõk ñan eddeklok ilo jitõb? Without it, we will fail. (Zechariah 4: 6) Kinke elañe ejjab bed ibbed, jenaj likjap. Malachi 4: 2 (NW), ej letok ñan kij un eo ñan liki bwe ro rej kemour renaj "einwõt kon in cow ko, " rej kijoror im mõnõnõ in rõlok jen kalbuj ñan jab wãppen. Many of us are related to one or more of these dear older ones. Elõñ iaad wõj jej nukwiik rũtto rein. Men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k an nana an mour kõn bõd ko ear kõm̦m̦ani. " Many other examples could be cited to show that Bible reading and study can enrich your prayers. Elõñ joñok ko jet kwomaroñ loi me rej kwalok bwe riit im katak Baibel eo emaroñ kakõmõnmõnlok jar ko am. Jet ien ennan eo air ilo alikar ear lap an kaitoklimoen ri mweo bwe ejjab boub kin bwebwenato eo ekadu. To stand firm against him, they needed to " keep their senses ' and to " humble themselves under the mighty hand of God. ' Bwe Kũrjin ro ren maroñ jutak pen n̦ae e, rar aikuj "ekil " im " kõttãik er ium̦win pein Anij e kajoor. ' (1 Pi. Juõn wãwen, ear jabwe lolokjen ilo jitõb ibbeir. But most of all, you are truly multiracial. " Ak men eo el̦aptata, ej bwe el̦ap aerwõj bõrokuk ippãn doon meñe aelõñ ko aer reoktak jãn doon. " Nañinmij in mour erreo im laplok ilo kõtõrãi kien im kowadoñ rej alikar. Also, blessings and protection are associated with God's mountain. (Sam 72: 3; Aiseia 25: 6, 7) Kõn men in, Tol̦ Olivet ej kõkkar kõn an Jeova irooj ioon aolep menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an. Kwomaroñ Ke Uak? The prophet Hosea may have felt that way. Emaroñ kar eñin bar eñjake eo an rũkanaan Hoseia. Ta eo kwomaroñ ba ñe kwoj ba "Ijjab itoklimo " mokta jen an wõr ibbam juõn ien emõn ñan am bed ilo ien lotok eo am? Above all, prayerfully ask for Jehovah's help to convey the precious thoughts contained in his Word. - Read Ezra 7: 10; Proverbs 3: 13, 14. Im men eo el̦aptata an aorõk, kwõn kajjitõk ippãn Jeova bwe en jipañ eok ilo am̦ kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak im katak ko an raorõk jãn Baibõl̦. - Riit Ezra 7: 10; Jabõn Kõnnaan 3: 13, 14. Tokelik, ear bar kirtok armij eo ñan bar lale elañe ear lañliñ kin book eo. The Bible admonishes us: "Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers. " - Eph. Baibõl̦ ej jiroñ Kũrjin ro bwe ren "jab kõjerbal naan ko reddo. " Ej kajerbal maroñ eo an elap ñan lelok, jab ñan bõke. We may possess little in the way of secular status or formal education. Bõlen jejjab bõk juõn jerbal eutiej ilo jikin jerbal ak jab kanuij meletlet. " Wãwen lõl in " ear lukkun oktak jen 1914? Profound gratitude to God, yes. Alikkar bwe elap aer lukkuun kam̦m̦oolol Anij. KATAK KO ÑAN WIIK KEIN: Some individuals and congregations willingly rendered support. Jet iien rar kũr er ñan kõjota ippãer, kiki ilo m̦õko im̦weer, ak jipañ ilo wãween ko jet. Nan in "lor wõt ial in karuwainene " ej ukõt juõn nan in Greek eo ej kwalok kin emmakit eo mokta. In his love, Jehovah has made his Word, the Bible, available in hundreds of languages so that " all sorts of people may come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. ' Kõnke Jeova ej yokwe aolep armej, ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr Baibõl̦ ilo elõñ bukwi kajin ko kõnke " ekõn̦aan bwe armej otemjej ren itõm jel̦ã m̦ool. ' Bareinwõt, bwebwenato kein rej kwalok kin ewi wãwen jemaroñ jerbale yokwe im joij ilo ran kein. And in these last days, he is gathering together "a great crowd, which no man [is] able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, " who joyfully acknowledge:" Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. " - Revelation 7: 9, 10. (Jerbal 15: 14) Im ilo ran kein eliktata, ej aintok juõn "jar elap, eo ejelok armij ej maroñ in bwinir, jen ailiñ otemjej, im ian bwij otemjej, im driloabjen otemjej, im konono otemjej, " im ilo lañliñ rej ba:" Lomor ñõn amuij Anij eo Ej jijõt ion tron, im ñõn Lam. " - Reveles̃õn 7: 9, 10. " Lõñ ko Aõ tron, im lõl ej neiõ, " Anij ear ba. Some people believe... that the last days will end with the destruction of the earth and everyone on it, while others hope that conditions will improve. Jet armej rej tõmak... bwe enaaj jem̦l̦o̦k raan ko ãliktata ñe Anij enaaj tile im ko̦kkure lal̦ in kab armej ro ie, bõtab jet rej tõmak bwe men ko ilo lal̦ in renaaj em̦m̦anl̦o̦k wõt. Russell ear mij. The Holy Spirit - Why the Confusion? Jitõb Kwojarjar Etke Armij ro Rebwok Kake? Paul ear lukkuun tõmak bwe ejjel̦o̦k an maroñ ñan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij kõnke ear kõn̦aan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan make. A few still living were on hand for the original showings of the "Photo - Drama of Creation. " Jet ro rej mour wõt rar bed ilo ien eo rar kwalok "Photo - Drama of Creation " (Pija ko kin Men in Kõmanman). Ilo am kõmõne men in, kwonaj maroñ jutõk bin wõt. Jehovah delivered Jonah from the raging sea. Jehovah ear lomoren Jonah jen lomalo elimajnono. Yokwe Jehovah ej jibañ kij aolep ñan kõttãik kij iumin pein ekajur. Ekõn̦aan bwe en jim̦we wãween ad kõjerbale menin letok eo an ñan pãd ippãn doon ak neji. Ta eo ear tellok ñan wãwen in ekaburomõjmõj? Some people believe that God has blessed or cursed specific groups of people, while others believe that God treats all people the same. Jet armej rej tõmak bwe Anij ej kajeraam̦m̦an jet aelõñ im ej kõm̦m̦an bwe men ko renana ren wal̦o̦k ñan aelõñ ko jet. Kwõmaroñ lo mel̦el̦e kein ilo weep jait eo jw.org. Concerning his followers, Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Ikijen ri kalor ro an, Jesus ear ba: "Ilo men in armij otemjej re naj jela bwe komij dri kalora, elañe komij yokwe dron. " Ta eo Jesus ear jiroñ ri tel in kabuñ ko an Ri Jew ro ilo ran ko an, im etke ear kwalok juõn ennan rot in? " When my husband suddenly left me 18 months ago, I felt a sadness come over me. Juon kõrã etan Raquel ej ba, "Ke l̦eo ippa ear kajju etal jãn ña 18 allõñ ko remootl̦o̦k, iar lukkuun bũrom̦õj im rup bũruõ. Einwõt "tõmak e jibil jen jerbal emij, " eindein bareinwõt jabdewõt eo ej ba bwe jej liki Anij ejelok tokjen elañe jej jenliklik kin kõmman ko ad. Rather, Paul explained: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Ak, Paul ear kamelele: "Jeje ko otemjej emwij letok kin kakõrmol an Anij, ej bareinwõt or tokjeir kin katakin, im kowe, im kajime, im kajelaik armij ilo kwojarjar; bwe armij korijeran Anij en wãppen im emwij kõkõmõnmõn e ñõn jerbal emõn otemjej. " Men eo eaorõk bareinwõt ej nan in kakememej ko im nan in kakabilek ko jej bõki jen book ko an Christian im kwelok ko ad! What can we learn from this account of Paul and his five fellow workers? Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen bwebwenato in ikijen Paul im ri jerbal ro mõttan lalem? Juõn wãwen rejañ. And what a blessing for true Christians! Im ej juõn jerammõn ñõn Christian ro remol! Bible eo ear kanan bwe Messiah eo enaj kar wanlaltak jen Abraham ikijen lain in family eo an David. If I perform this willingly, I have a reward; but if I do it against my will, all the same I have a stewardship entrusted to me. " - 1 Corinthians 9: 16, 17. Bwe elañe I jilkaie in kõmõn men in, eor aõ jenekjij: a elañe I makoko, juõn jerbal in kõmñe letok ñõn iõ. " - 1 Dri Korint 9: 16, 17. Ewi wãween an kar juon jeid im jatid kõrã kwal̦o̦k an lõke Jeova ke ear iioon apañ ko rel̦l̦ap? Rather, we hold dear another event, the death of God's Son. (Rom 10: 4, UBS; Kolosse 2: 13 - 16, UBS) Bõtab, raan eo elukkuun l̦ap an aorõk me jej kakeememeje ej raanin mej eo an Jijej, eo ej Nejin Anij. Jehovah ear kamol wõn "ine " in ilo 29 C.E. ke ear kabit Jesus kin jitõb kwojarjar. - Luk 3: 21 - 23, 34; Dri Galetia 3: 16. The Truth and the Trinity Mol eo im Trinity (a) Ion bedbed et eo Jehovah ej jerbal ilo emõn? He continued having the privilege of serving Jehovah as a prophet. - Read Lamentations 3: 22 - 24. Ej jerbal eo an ñan Jeova ãinwõt juon ri kanaan. - Riit Liaajlo̦l̦ 3: 22 - 24. 6 Ewi Wãween Baibõl̦ Emaroñ Jipañ Eõ bwe En L̦apl̦o̦k Aõ Mour? Insight on the Scriptures - A two - volume Bible encyclopedia that includes explanations of people, places, and terms found in the Bible Insight on the Scriptures - Ewõr ruo m̦õttan bok in. Bok in ej ãinwõt juon tũkjinede im ej kõmel̦el̦e kõn armej ro, jikin ko, im naan ko ilo Baibõl̦ " [Jesus] ej wõnliñlok ñõn tol eo; im... ro dri kaloran rej itok ñõn iben: im E ar... katakin ir. " - MATU. Human history has proved that mankind cannot bring about Paradise on earth. Bwebwenato ko an lal rar kamol bwe armij ro rejjab maroñ bõktok Paradise ion lal. Ak ro jet ejako air kobalok ibben congregation eo an Christian. By no means. Jaab. Jet yiõ ko tokelik, ke ej pojõk in ilok jen ailiñ ko jet, ear lemnok bwe leo im lio rekõnan erom juõn mejinede. However, he did not feel qualified for that type of ministry. Bõtab, ear bõk iñjake eo bwe ejjab maroñ kõmõne jerbal in. Unin Katak Ko Even in such professions as education and medicine - supposedly governed by compassion and concern for others - some have betrayed their trust and exploited or even murdered those in their care. Elaptata ilo jerbal ko relap einwõt school in katak im doctor - ijo ekkã air kar aikwij tiriamo im yokwe ñan ro jet - rar mone im kwot jen ir im elaptata mõn armij ro rar kallimur in kejbãroki. M̦õttan jidik enaaj itok jem̦l̦o̦kin jukjukun pãd in enana an Setan. 119: 128. Ilo naaj katak in tok juon, jenaaj bar katak kõn bar jilu naan in kakkõl ko jãn Jeova bwe jen maroñ "dike ial̦ ko otemjej, ial̦ in riab. " - Sam 119: 128. 2009 JUON Em̦m̦aan etan 2009, ear kwal̦o̦k kõn ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ilo iiõ eo 2009 You have blocked approach to yourself with a cloud mass, that prayer may not pass through. " Einwõt juõn kõdro emejil, eo jar ko am rar jab maroñ dribloke. " Wõn emaan eo ewõr kein jeje ibben, eo kar kwalok kake ilo Ezekiel chapter 9, im maan ro jiljino kin kein tarinae ko? We also appreciate advances made in assembly and convention programs. Im jej kam̦m̦oolol kõn oktak ko kar kõm̦m̦ani ñan bũrookraam̦ in kweilo̦k ko ad rel̦l̦ap. Kimar jab likit alliñ eo bwe kajur eo an eaibujuij en jibañ kõmman orlok ko me ekkã air jab jelet kim ak kim make. If we imitate Noah's faith in these respects, we will bring blessings to all those we love. El̦aññe jenaaj l̦oore joñak in an Noa, Jeova enaaj kajeraam̦m̦an baam̦le ko ad. Ej juõn joñok emõn ñan ritto ro bwe ren kajeoñe! - Dri Kolosse 3: 13. God only permitted this with the knowledge that he could remedy any damage that would ensue. " EAR ruo yiõ ke ear lap am buromõj ke ledrik eo nejimro ear luji ledrik eo nejimro. " It may mean a great investment of your time and effort. Kwoj aikwij kate yuk im jolok elap ien iben jodrikdrik rein. Meñe ejañin kar wõr ibbed ejja joñan jelãlokjen eo wõt, jaar jab kwuli ak maro ilo jitõb. 15 Did You Know? PEIJ 12 • AL: 89, 50 Ewi wãwen burukuk ibben ri tõmak ro mõttad ej tõbrak? 2 / 15 Kõpooj Riaelõñ ko ñan "Katak ko kõn " Jeova, 2 / 1 Ak, Jehovah ear kajerbal wãwen eo ñan kõmmane men in. 40: 1 - 16. 40: 1 - 16, UBS. 25: 32; 32: 24 - 29. Mel̦el̦e eo em̦ool jãn Baibõl̦: Anij ejamin kõtl̦o̦k an armej ro ko̦kkure lal̦ in. Etke Anij ear likit "men in bwilõñ " ilo buruõd? Like Koine Greek in the first century, English has been a practical base language for translation because it is widely used as a language of commerce and education. Eñin unin, bok ko ad rej m̦okta jei ilo kajin Pãlle im tokãlik rej ukoti ñan kajin ko jet. Book eo The Secret of the Hearts ej ba: "Men in emaroñ juõn men eo emõn, ak edik tokjen ilo mour im mij ñan bõk lomor im jokane. An old Jewish tale well illustrates the consequences of spreading hurtful gossip. [ Pija ilo peij 15] Ewõr juon bwebwenato in etto an ri Ju ro kõn men ko renana rej wal̦o̦k el̦aññe juon armej ej ruruwe bar juon. " Jehovah Wõt Emaroñ Letok Kejatdikdik eo Aõ ' That was over 1,400,000 more than in 1996. In many lands the Memorial attendance was far in excess of the number of Kingdom publishers, showing fine prospects for future increase. (Luke 22: 14 - 20) Ilo elõñ ene ko ri kwelok ro ilo ien Kwojkwoj in Kijota eo ear lukkun le jen oran ri kwalok ro kin Ailiñ eo, eo ej kwalok juõn kejatdikdik emõn kin juõn laplok ilo ran ko rej itok. Bujen in ej jerbal wõt ikõtan Christ im king ro mõttan ñan indio. Is it not reasonable that our perfect heavenly Father expects us to show loving appreciation for all that he has done for us? Ejja ãindein wõt bar eñjake eo an Jemãdwõj ilañ. Ekõn̦aan bwe jen bar kwal̦o̦k ad kam̦m̦oolol e kõn aolep men ko rem̦m̦an ear kõm̦m̦ani ñan kõj. Ilo an kwalok bwe ear lemnak kin illu eo an Jehovah, Paul ear kobaiktok: "Bwe ar je, Kwon irenwõne, I naj nawõnan, Iroij e ba. " Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions also help us to fight spiritual drowsiness. Kwelok, assembly, im convention ko an Christian rej jibañ kij ñan tarinaik mejki ilo jitõb. Ibwiljin ro jet, juõn iair ear bõk juõn eñjake enana, im bar juõn ear kabõjrak ir einwõt ejjab ekkar ñan aitwerõk ko kin mour erreo ilo ran kein. (b) On what occasion did Solomon set a fine example of humility in his position of oversight? (b) Ilo ien ta eo Solomon ear likit juõn joñok emõn kin ettã buru ilo lajrak in utiej eo an? A en kajitõk ilo tõmak, im jab berre. " Bõlen jet iien kwõmaroñ riit ak kwõjjab lukkuun l̦õmn̦ak kõn ta eo kwõj riiti. Ilo ien eo Jisõs ear baptais, Jeova ear konono jen lõñ ñõn " Nejiõ jitenburu iba. " - Mat. This is a prime reason why the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has given priority to making available to as many people as possible a Bible that honors God's name. Ukokin Baibõl̦ in ad ej kautiej etan Jeova. Lelok jibañ ñan juõn ri turin eo ej bed ilo aikwij ej juõn jerbal in joij Thus, Jesus ' use of unleavened bread was significant because it fittingly represented his sinless body. (Matu 16: 6, 11, 12, UBS; Luk 12: 1, UBS) Jijej ear kõjerbale bũreet ejjab uwe ilo iien kõjota eo an. 11, 12. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar ri jeje sam anjo ion bere ko an, im men in ej katakin kij kin ta? What Christian responsibilities require humility? Ta eddo ko an Ri Christian ro rej aikwij air kwalok ettã buru? Ikijen ri karejar eo an Moses, Anij ear kwalok kin tokjen ko rar walok: "Im r'ar kõmõn nana ñõn ro nejin, re jab air bwir. " An outstanding witness was given during these seven weeks. Ear lap tõbrõk ilo jerbal in kwalok nan iomin wik kein jiljilimjuõn. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] Why is association with fellow Christians vital for spiritual growth? Jej aikuj pãd epaake wõt eklejia eo bwe jen maroñ pãd ippãn ro jet jeran Jeova. Ta eo em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia rej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe en erreo wõt eklejia eo? Malachi 4: 2 gives us reason to trust that the healed ones will "skip about like fattened calves, " excited and delighted to be released from confinement to imperfection. Bokin Malakai 4: 2 ej jipañ kõj bwe jen tõmak im kõjatdikdik bwe jenaaj "ekkãke ãinwõt koon in kau ko em̦õj kõtl̦o̦k er jãn jikier. " Mel̦el̦ein men in bwe jenaaj lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke jenaaj rõl̦o̦k jãn jerawiwi. Ewi wãwen lemnak eo am kin tõmak eo am emaroñ jibañ yuk ñan konono ibben ro jet? " This led to feelings of guilt, which only made matters worse. " Kain eñjake rot in ear kabwer iõ. " Jen lale ewi wãween ad kõm̦m̦ane men in enaaj kõm̦akũt kõj ñan katak ippãd make, kwal̦o̦k yokwe eo em̦ool ñan armej ro, im en jim̦we wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn kõj make. Their concise presentation has at times awakened so much interest that the householder finds that he is not too busy for a brief conversation. Rar riiti juon eoon, im m̦okta jãn aer ilo̦k rar likũt juon kajjitõk ippãn armej eo rej kwal̦o̦k naan ñan e im ba bwe renaaj bar uwaake kajjitõk eo ñe renaaj bar ro̦o̦ll̦o̦k. Kwon jab jenliklik; kwon ilok jen imõn kaber eo am, im kõmõn bwe imõn kaber ko ren kajur. " - Aiseia 54: 2. For one thing, they lacked spiritual discernment. Juõn un kinke kar jabwe lolokjen eo air ilo jitõb. 5, 6. (a) Ta wanjoñok ko rej kwalok bwe ekkã ad kaorõk men eo eyu, ak eyu? Moral breakdown and increase in crime and violence are evident. Elaplok kowadoñ im etton mour erreo im rej kalikar men in. Kiõ kwo maroñ lo yuk make ilo juõn kõtan eo me emaroñ jab einwõt ro jet rej lañliñ kake. Can You Answer? Kwomaroñ ke Uak? 3 Kwõj Jel̦ã Ke Jem̦am̦ Ilõñ? What might you say when told "I am not interested " before you even have an opportunity to state the reason for your visit? Ta eo kwomaroñ ba ñe juõn ri mweo ej ba "Ijjab itoklimo " mokta jen am kwalok kin unin am lolok e? Jej bed wõt kin kajitõk ko kin wõn kij im etke jej bed ie im ia eo jej etal ie. " Later, he called the individual again to see if he or she had enjoyed the publication. Tokelik, ear bar call e armij eo ñan lale elañe leo ak lio ear emõn an readi book eo. Jab "M̦on̦e Setan " He uses his high authority to give, not to take. Ej kajerbal maroñ eo an eutiej ñan lelok, im jab bõk. Ak Christian ro retiljek rar jab bed ijo. Has "the scene of this world " really changed so much since 1914? " Wãwen lal in " ear lukkun oktak ke jen 1914? Emol, ewõr kein kamol eo ekajur bwe ukok in Hebrew im Greek ko rej bedbed ion ukok ko ilo ran kein rej jutak ikijen tiljek in nan ko rekabwilõñlõñ an ri jeje ro jinointata. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: KATAK KO ÑÕN WIK KEIN: Juõn mour eo ej bedbed ion bokake Nan in Anij ej juõn mour elemõnõnõ The phrase "follow the course of hospitality " translates a Greek expression that implies showing initiative. Ilo ukok eo ilo kajin Grik, nan kein "komin lorlok kajijõtarmij, " ak kwalok karuwainene ej melelen bwe kwon emakõt ilo mõkõj ñõn jibõñ armij. (b) Ta laplok eo ear walok ilo yiõ ko kiõ? Moreover, these accounts illustrate how we may exercise loving - kindness today. Bareinwõt, bwebwenato kein rej kwalok wãwen ad maroñ jerbale yokwe im joij rainin. Jemaroñ bareinwõt tõmak kin nan in kanan eo bwe jar eo elap enaj wõnmanlok einwõt juõn kumi ej kamol an tiljek. " The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool, " God said. Anij ej ba, "Lõñ ej aõ tron, im lõl eran neiõ. " Juõn men ekauwatata ear kokkure Satan. Russell died. Russell mij. " Anij e wãnik wõt, im E jamin meloklok ami jerbal im yokwe, eo kom ar kwalok kin etan. " - HIBRU. Paul was honestly acknowledging that on his own, he was incapable of doing God's will to the extent that he himself desired. Paul ear ba bwe ear pen an kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij ilo wãween eo ear lukkuun kõn̦aan. Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen ta eo Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar kõtõbrake ilo jerbal in kwalok nan? By doing so, you will be able to remain steadfast. Ilo am kõmman men kein, kwonaj maroñ jutak bin. Kiõ ej ien eo ñan kalek tõmak im liki eo ad ilo Anij Ekajur Bõtata bwe jen jab ebwer ilo ien eo eaorõk. Unselfish, principled love for Jehovah helps all of us to humble ourselves under his mighty hand. Yokwe eo ad ñan Jeova ej kõm̦akũt kõj ñan l̦oori naanin kakapilõk ko an. Ear bareinwõt kile jen Jeje ko bwe juõn eo ear jerkakbiji eo ej likjap in uak ñan ien in emõn "e naj jemlok ilo mij, meñe ri jerawiwi eo ej jibuki an yiõ. ' " What led up to this sad situation? (Rom 7: 15, UBS) Jidik kõn jidik, armej in emaroñ jakol̦o̦k an roñjake ainikien Jeova. Ñan bõk men in jolet in, armij rein kajjojo rej aikwij "bar lotak. " The information can be accessed at the jw.org Web site. Kwõmaroñ bõk mel̦el̦e ko kõn iien kweilo̦k kein ilo web site eo jw.org. Kwõj ke bar bõk ejja l̦õmn̦ak in wõt ñe kwõj kweilo̦k ippãn doon ñan kabuñ ñan Jeova? What did Jesus tell the Jewish religious leaders of his day, and why did he make such a statement? Ta eo Jijej ear ba ñan rũtõl ro an kabuñ eo an Ri Ju ro, im etke ear ba men in ñan er? Joñan an lap an utiej nan ko rejjab maroñ lukkun kamelele kin aorõkin. Kajjitõk 1: Ewõr Ke Unin Aõ Mour? Elikin juõn melejoñ eliktata, aolep nana renaj jako. Just as "faith without works is dead, " so too any claim that we trust in God is meaningless unless we back it up by our actions. Einwõt ñe "tõmak ejelok an jerbal e mij, " eindein ñe jabdewõt armij ej ba bwe ej liki Anij ejelok tokjen elañe ejelok jerbal ko ibben. Ta eo ej kwalok bwe Ri Korijer eo ear liki jibañ eo an Jemen ilo ien melejoñ ko an? Valuable too are the reminders and counsel we receive by means of Christian publications and our meetings! (Jemes 1: 22 - 25) Bareinwõt, naan in kakeememej im kakapilõk ko ilo bok ko ad im kweilo̦k ko ad remaroñ lukkuun jipañ kõj! (b) Etke ro jemen im jinen remeletlet rej kate ir ñan ejaake juõn mijak emõn ibben ajiri ro nejiir? Aim to encourage. Mejenkajjik eo ñan rejañ. Meñe Jehovah ear kairoij Nejin, Jesus Christ, einwõt King in Messiah eo ilo 1914, ear jab juõn uak eyu ñan jar eo ad "en itok Am ailiñ. " The Bible foretold that the Messiah would descend from Abraham through the family line of David. Baibõl̦ eo ear kanaan bwe Messaia eo enaaj kar itok jãn bwijjin Ebream im enaaj kar m̦õttan ro ineen baam̦le eo an Devid. Emol, jabdewõt armij emaroñ ba bwe ej Nejin Anij. How did trusting in Jehovah help one sister to cope with a series of distressing experiences? Ke Rhonda ear kwal̦o̦k wõt an lõke Jeova, ewi wãween an kar men in jipañe bwe en kijenmej ilo aolep wãween ko rekabũrom̦õjm̦õj ear iiooni? (2) Ewi wãween an kar Naan in Keeañ eo an Zion kõmel̦el̦e kõn waanjoñak in? Jehovah confirmed the identity of this "seed " in 29 C.E. when he anointed Jesus of Nazareth with holy spirit. - Luke 3: 21 - 23, 34; Galatians 3: 16. (Jenesis 22: 17, 18) Jehovah ear kamol "ine " in ilo 29 C.E. ke ear kabit Jesus Ri Nazareth kin jitõb kwojarjar. - Luk 3: 21 - 23, 34; Dri Galetia 3: 16. [ Pija eo ilo peij 9] (a) On what basis does Jehovah act with goodness? (a) Ion bedbed et eo Jehovah ej jerbal ilo emõn? Kin menin ej eñjake an jab tiljek. 6 How Can the Bible Improve My Life? 6 Ewi Wãween an Baibõl̦ Maroñ Jipañ Eõ ilo Mour E Aõ? 19, 20. " [Jesus] went up into the mountain; and... his disciples came to him; and he... began teaching them. " - MATT. " [Jisõs] Ej wõnliñlok ñõn tol; im... dri kaloran rej itok ñõn iben; Im Ej... katakin ir. " - MAT. (a) Ta kõnan eo am ikijen am lor Christ? Still others are no longer associating with the Christian congregation. (1 Kiiñ 18: 21) Jet rar bõjrak jãn aer itok im kweilo̦k. Ro rej ejaake congregation eo an Anij rejjab baj tõmak wõt kin mol eo ilo Nan in Anij ak rej bareinwõt mour ekkar ñan e im jojomar, kejelã kake ibelakin lal. - Matu 24: 14; Dri Rom 10: 9 - 15. Some years later, as he is preparing to leave for his own foreign assignment, he thinks of that couple and the conversation that made him want to be a missionary. Jet iiõ tokãlik, ke ej kõppojak ñan an em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan bar juon aelõñ im mejinede ie, ej keememejtok ri pãlele ro im men ko rar bwebwenato kaki. Jerbal in Kwalok Nan Ibelakin Lal Purpose of Study Articles Unin Katak Ko Kain armij rot ro rej einwõt bũdej in kãliklik eo? Soon the end will come for Satan's wicked world. Mõtõn jidrik jukjuk im ber eo enana an Setan enaj joko. Ak ta eo jemaroñ kajerbale ñan katak ibbeir? 2009 | 7,313,173 1950 1970 1990 2009 Bõtab, Nan in kakõrmol eo an Anij ej jiroñ kij bwe jen "likit juõn ajiri ilo ial eo en etal ie. " Whom do the man with the secretary's inkhorn, mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 9, and the six men with weapons symbolize? Wõn em̦m̦aan eo ewõr kein jeje ippãn im em̦m̦aan ro jiljino ewõr kein ko̦kkure ippãer me bokin Ezekiel jebta 9 ej kwal̦o̦k kake er? [ Pija eo ilo peij 23] We did not place the moon so that its attractive power would help to produce tides that normally do not overwhelm our coasts or us personally. Jaar jab likiti alliñ eo bwe kajur in gravity eo enaj kar jibañ kõmman bõkã ko me ekkã air jab kaibwij barijet ko ak jikin eo jej jokwe ie. Elañe kwoj inebata kin men kein, kememej men in: Jab juõn aur me ajiri eo nejõm ej etetal ie; ej juõn ial eo ej itoitak ie, im ej to an etetal ilo ial eo. What a fine example for adults to imitate! - Colossians 3: 13. Juõn joñok elap an emõn ñan an ritto ro anõke! - Dri Kolosse 3: 13. Kin men in, einwõt ri karejar ro an Anij ilo ien ko remotlok, jej aikwij bõk kaminene. " IT HAS been two years since we had the immense sorrow of losing our little girl. " " EMOTLOK ruo yiõ ko jen ke kim ar iion buromõj elap kin mij eo an ledik eo nejim. " Inem Devil eo ear kajerbal bar juõn kilen, juõn eo elõñ alen an kar lo tõbrak mokta. While we have not always had the same degree of knowledge, we have not been starving or thirsting spiritually. Meñe jejjab ien otemjej bõk ejja joñan jelalokjen eo wõt, jej jañin kwule ak maro ilo jitõb. Ñan wanjoñok, lemnak kin ebeben ko jilu Jehovah ear kajutak im kamaroñ ri ekajet ro ñan lomoren ailiñ in Israel jen ri kijirãt ro air. How is unity with fellow believers achieved? Innem, ta eo jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe jen bõrokuk ippãn doon? Emol, elañe ear makoko in kõmman eindein, enaj kar ejelok jeorlok bwid ñan e jen Anij. Yet, Jehovah used the situation to do just that. Ak, Jehovah ear kajerbal wãwen in ñan an kõmmane menin. Ta eo ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en pen an Kũrjin ro ilo Epesõs bõrokuk ippãn doon? 25: 32; 32: 24 - 29. 25: 32; 32: 24 - 29. Jet rej tõmak bwe ñe ajiri ro rej rittolok, renaj maroñ bebe kin ta men ko raorõk rej aikwij bõki. Why did God put "eternity " in our hearts? Etke Anij ear likũt ilo bũruod kõn̦aan eo ñan mour "indeeo "? Ejjab kõmman einwõt juõn jeran Anij ilo Kingdom Hall eo ak juõn jeran lal in ilo school. The book The Importance of Lying states: "Honesty may be a noble ideal, but it has little value in the life and death struggle for survival and security. Juõn buk etan Aurõkin Riõp (ejelok ilo kajin Majõl) ej ba: "Mol emaroñ juõn karkar emõn, bõtab ejamin lomoren kij ñe jej ber ilo kauwatata. Pãpode 11 - 17, 2008 " Only Jehovah Could Give Me Hope ' " Jehovah wõt Emaroñ Letok ñõn Iõ Kejatdikdik ' Inem ewõr ro rej kajirere ak jumae kij. That covenant remains operative between Christ and his associate kings forever. Bujen in ej jerbal wõt ikõtan Christ im king ro mõttan ñõn indio. Bõtab, jemaroñ lo elap kainemõn ilo ad jelã bwe Jehovah ej lukkun kea kin ri kabuñ ro an kajjojo. Showing that he had Jehovah's wrath in mind, Paul added: "It is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Paul ear lemnok kin illu eo an Jeova, ke ear ba: "Emwij je, Kwonaõ irenwõne, I naj nawõnan, Iroij e ba. " Ewi wãwen ad lemnak kin nan ko an scientist ro me rej jumae Nan in Anij? Among the rest, one felt they were too negative, and another dismissed them as not being relevant to modern moral challenges. Ibwiljin ro jet, juõn iair ear eñjake bwe kien kein ear lap an kananaik men ko, im bar juõn ear kajekdoni einwõt ejelok tokjen ñõn abañ ko ilo ran kein kin mwil emõn im nana. " Jinõ im jema rar aikuj kõmel̦el̦eik eõ kõn kanaan in elõñ alen m̦okta jãn aõ kar mel̦el̦e kake. " But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all. " A en kajitõk ilo tõmak im jab berre. " Ak, jen jinoin bwebwenato in armij, aolep ro retiljek ñan Jehovah rar aikwij beran ien otemjej. At the time of Jesus ' baptism and again at his transfiguration, Jehovah spoke from heaven calling him "my Son, the beloved. " - Matt. Ilo ien eo Jisõs ear baptais im bareinwõt ilo ien kejakilkil eo, Jeova ear konono jen lõñ im ãñiñin e "Nejiõ jitenburu. " - Mat. Bõtab ij jar bwe ro rej jipañ kõj ren maroñ kõm̦adm̦õde apañ ko rej iiooni kõn jããn. " Offering a helping hand to a neighbor in need is an act of kindness Lelok jibañ ñan juõn ri turin eo ej bed ilo aikwij ej juõn men in joij Roñjake ta eo Jehovah ej jiroñ ir: "Lo, kom armij ro, ibwiljin dri ailiñ ko, im lale iju ko re bwilõñ kin dron. " 11, 12. (a) How did the psalmist overcome his doubts, and what does this teach us? 11, 12. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar dri jeje sam eo jolok an berre, im ta eo men in ej katakin kij kake? Jet ien shepherd ro rej den jen bwijin sheep ko air, rej lutõklok den eo ñan loan ial ko bwe sheep ko ren maroñ idak. Through his servant Moses, God described the consequences of what had happened: "They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not [God's] children, the defect is their own. " Ikijen ri karejaran Moses, Anij ear kalikar ta eo ear walok: "Rar kõmõn men ko re nana ñõn E, re jab nejin [Anij], men in air bwir. " Etke? [ Credit Line] [ Kamelele in juõn pija ilo peij 18] Lõmaro nejin Israel rar jelã kin ta eo rej aikwij kõmmane, ak rar "jerbal " ibben ri jumae ro. To maintain a congregation's unity and cleanness, how should the elders handle cases of wrongdoing? Bwe juon eklejia en maroñ erreo im bõrokuk wõt, em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia rej aikuj m̦õkaj im kajim̦we juon eo ej kõm̦m̦ane juon jerawiwi el̦ap. Ta men eo ear walok ilo mour eo an ri jilek Peter ej kwalok bwe Jehovah ej jeorlok bwid "ilo juõn wãwen elap "? How can your view of your faith help you to speak to others? Ta ko remaroñ bar jipañ eok ñan kõnono ippãn ro jet kõn tõmak eo am̦? Juõn etale kin wanjoñok in enaj kalaplok kamolol eo ad kin joñan meletlet eo an Jehovah, jekdon elañe kejatdikdik eo ad ej ñan wanliñlok ñan lañ ak ñan bõk mour indio ijin ion lal. Let us see how doing so will motivate us to develop a good routine of personal study, to cultivate genuine love for people, and to have a proper view of ourselves. Jen lale ewi wãwen men in enaj kamakit kij ñan kalek juõn manit emõn kin katak ibbed make, ñan kaddek juõn yokwe emol kin armij ro, im ñan bõk juõn lemnak ekkar kin kij make. Anna 84 - yiõ dettan ear bareinwõt kememej Ri Kõmanmõn eo an. Do not hold back. Lengthen out your tent cords, and make those tent pins of yours strong. " - Isaiah 54: 2. " Kwon kalaplok jikin im nuknuk eo am, im ren erlokwe binjen ko binjen mo ko imõm; kwon jab bõprae: kwon kaitoklok to ko am, im kwon kabin jur ko am. " - Isaiah 54: 2. Kwon bukõt tel eo an Jehovah mokta jen am kõmman bebe ko im nan in kaiñi ko, jab elikin am kõmmani. 5, 6. (a) What examples show that we often value that which is whole, or complete? 5, 6. (a) Ta wanjoñok ko rej kwalok bwe ekkã ar kaurõki men ko reyu ak rejjab jorran? [ Kamelele ko itulal] You may now find yourself in a relationship that may not seem as romantic as others enjoy. Emaroñ bwe kwoj bed ilo juõn kõtan me emaroñ jab lukkun lap an kwalok yokwe einwõt ro jet. Ta eo ej jibañ juõn Ri Christian bwe en mõnõnõ wõt ñe ej iion matõrtõr? 3 Do You Know Your Heavenly Father? 3 Kwoj Jela ke Kajen Jemõm Ilõñ? Lemnak in ear jab juõn aitwerõk edik ñan e. We are still left with questions of who we are and why we are and where we are going. " Jej bed wõt ilo kajitõk ko kin wõn kij im etke jej bed im ta eo ej kõtar kij ilo ran ko rej itok. " Ilo an jolok kõnan in ebwid, ear ejaake e make ilo an jumae Jehovah, eo einwõt Ri Kõmanman eo ej tellokin bõk juõn maroñ elap ñan iroij bõtata. Do Not "Follow Satan " Jab "L̦oor Setan " Elañe jekõnan kwalok aibujuij eo an Jehovah, jej aikwij "dri kajeoñwe Anij. " But faithful Christians were no longer there. Ak Christian ro retiljek rar jab bed wõt. Kwomaroñ ke lo unin an iroij ro an armij jab maroñ jolok eñtan? There is, in fact, compelling evidence that the Hebrew and Greek texts on which modern translations are based represent with remarkable fidelity the words of the original writers. Ilo mol, elap menin kamol bwe eon ko ilo Hebrew im Greek me ukok ko ilo ran kein rej bedbed ioir im rej nan ko remõn im jimwe an ri jeje ro jinointata. Ñan Ri Israel ro rar deloñ ilo Enen Kallimur eo, Moses ear ba: "Jeova am Anij e ar kõmõnmõn yuk iomin eñoul yiõ ko ilo ene jemaren, bwe kwon kõtãik yuk ñõn melejoñ eo, bwe kwon jela ta eo ej ber ilo buruõm, elañe kwo naj bokake kien ko an ak jab. " A life based on obeying God's Word is a happy life Moktata, kememej bwe nebar im aibujuij rej aikwij etal ñan Jehovah. (b) What increases have there been in recent years? (2) Ta ko rej kam̦ool bwe doulul in an Anij ej orl̦o̦k wõt? Ta ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani bwe jen jel̦ã irooj ioon eñjake ko ad? We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever - growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. Bareinwõt, jemaroñ tõmak ilo Nan in kanan eo bwe jar eo elap enaj orlok wõt im einwõt juõn kumi renaj wõnmanlok im kwalok air tiljek. (The Amn Bible) Elap an bin ñan kalmenlokjen bwe juõn jinen enaj meloklok ñan najidik im kejbãrok ladik eo nejin eritto. A deadly blow to Satan. Naaj ko̦kkure Setan. Bõlen em̦õj aer kõm̦m̦an oktak ko rel̦l̦ap ilo mour ko aer bwe ren maroñ erom Kũrjin ak kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - HEB. " Anij ewãnõk wõt, im Ejãmin mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k ami jerbal im yokwe, ko kom̦ar kwal̦o̦k kõn Etan. " - HI. Ilo lemnak eo air, armij ro rejjab aikwij ekajete ir ilo wãwen ko kin mour erreo, elaptata ñe ej itok ñan babu ibben don. What can we learn from what the first - century Christians accomplished in the preaching work? Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen men ko dri Kristian ro ilo ebeben eo ken kajuõn rar kõtõbrõke ilo jerbal in kwalok nan? Ak ta lukkuun mel̦el̦ein katok in mour eo an Jijej? Now is the time to build our faith and confidence in God the Almighty so that we will not waver at that crucial time. (Ezekiel 38: 21 - 23, NW) Kiõ eien ñan kalek tõmak eo ad im liki Anij Ekajur Bõtata bwe jen jab bere ilo ien en eaorõk. Ewi joñan an lap kilan Devil eo? He also discerned from the Scriptures that a resurrected one who fails to respond to this opportunity "will end in death, even if the " sinner be a hundred years old. ' " Ear bareinwõt kile ilo Baibel eo bwe armij eo ear jerkakbiji im ejjab kõmõni men ko ej aikwij kõmõni ñõn bõk mour in drio " e naj mij meñe jibuki yiõ ridtõn. ' (Ais. Ikijen Nan eo an im armij ro an rar kwelok ibben don, Jehovah ej katakin kij ñan bõk juõn tarinae emõn ilo jitõb. Etke jej aikuj ekkeini ad pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko el̦aññe jekõn̦aan bwe en kajoor wõt kõtaan eo ad ippãn Anij? Lemnak in ear kaillu iroij eo air. To receive that inheritance, these individuals must be "born again. " (Jon 10: 16) Eokwe, jiip ro jet renaaj jolõte men eo me Adam im Iv rar luuji. KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN KWÕJ KE L̦ÕMN̦AK KAKE EOK? Do you feel the same way about gathering together to worship Jehovah? Eñin ke bar l̦õmn̦ak eo am̦ kõn kweilo̦k ko ad? Juõn kennan eo emol ej aikwij wõnmanlok wõt, einwõt an kar ri kalor ro jinoin kwalok nan ilo jemlokin jukjuk im bed eo an ri Jew ro. - Jerbal 2: 40; 10: 42; 20: 24; 28: 23. It is so lofty that words cannot fully describe its value. Joñan an lukkuun em̦m̦an menin letok in an Anij, epen ad kõmel̦el̦eiki. " Kwon Lale Katakin Eo Am ' After a final test, all wickedness will be gone. (John 5: 28, 29) Elikin melejoñ eo eliktata, aolep nana ko renaj jako. Rej bareinwõt bojak in jeorlok bwid ko an ro jet kin bwid ko air. What shows that the Servant had confidence in his Father's support during his trials? Ta eo ej kwalok bwe Dri Korijer eo ear liki bwe Jemen enaj kar rejetak e iomin melejoñ ko ear iioni? Ilo ien ko etto, juõn ri karejar ekkã an kar juõn ri karejar eo ewõr an liki ñan lolorjake family eo ak business ko an master eo an. (b) Why do wise parents endeavor to instill a wholesome fear in their children? (b) Etke jemen im jinen ro remeletlet rej kate ir ñan likit juõn mijak eo ejimwe ilo ajiri ro nejiir? Kõn men in, ijello̦kun am̦ro lol̦o̦k eklejia ko, kõm̦ro ar jol̦o̦k elõñ wiik ñan kwal̦o̦k naan ilo bukwõn ko reddik ilo India me ejjel̦o̦k Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova ie. Even though Jehovah crowned his Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messianic King in 1914, this was not the full answer to our prayer "let your Kingdom come. " Jeova ear kairooj Nejin, Jijej Kũraij, bwe en Kiiñ in Aelõñ eo an ilo kar 1914. Ekkeini bõk kunad ilo men in ej karuaklok kij ñan Ri Kennan ro jet an Jehovah. Of course, anyone could claim to be the Son of God. (Jon 10: 36) Emol, jabrewõt armij emaroñ ba bwe ej Nejin Anij. Meñe jej bed ibben ri tõmak ro mõttad ak ro jet, jej kwalok ettã buru im jerbale nan in kakabilek in: "Komin jab lelok nana kin nana ak lõkatip. " - 1 Piter 3: 8, 9. (b) In 1881, how did Zion's Watch Tower explain this illustration? (2) Ilo iiõ eo 1881, ewi wãween an kar juon iaan Naan in Keeañ ko kõmel̦el̦e kõn bũrabõl̦ in? Kõn men in, m̦anit eo an rijjilõk in ear del̦o̦ñ ilo im̦õn kabuñ ko an RiJu ro im kõmel̦el̦eik er kõn Jeje ko. - Riit Jerbal 17: 1, 2. [ Picture on page 9] [ Pija eo ilo peij 5] Emõn ej mõttan "leen jitõb eo. " Therefore she feels betrayed. Kin men in, ej iñjake bwe rar kejekron e. Ke juõn jar in armij rar itok in jibwe "Jisõs dri Nazeret, " ilo beran ear reimanlok ñõn kile e mõke im kejbãrok dri kalor ro an, im ba:" Kin men in, elañe Ij bukot yuk, kwon ilok. " 19, 20. 19, 20. " Ear jab ilok jen temple eo, jerbal ilo boñ im ran. " (a) What is your desire in regard to following the Christ? (a) Ta kõnan eo am ikijen am lor Kraist? Ilo wãwen et yokwe ej juõn kein lukluk ekajur? The ones making up the congregation of God not only believe the truth of God's Word but also live in harmony with it and defend it, making it known throughout the earth. - Matthew 24: 14; Romans 10: 9 - 15. (1 Timothy 3: 15, New World Translation) Rej ejaake congregation eo an Anij im tõmak jab mol eo wõt in Nan in Anij ak bareinwõt mour ekkar ñan e im jojomare, kejelã kake ibelakin lal. - Matu 24: 14; Dri Rom 10: 9 - 15. (Ñan lale pija eo, jouj im lale ilo bok eo) An Earth - Wide Work Juõn Jerbal Ibelakin Lõl Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe meñe rar aenõm̦m̦an im jab bõk kun̦aaer ilo m̦akũtkũt im aitwerõk ko an kien, ak juon kumi in rinana rar m̦an baam̦le eo. What kind of individuals resemble the thorny soil? Kain armij rot ro rej einlok wõt bũdej eo eobrak kin kãliklik? Yokwe im Joij eo an Jehovah im Tel eo An But what could we use to study with them? We had no publications in their language. Ak enaaj kar elemen ammim katak ippãer ke ear ejjel̦o̦k bok ilo kajin eo aer? Kadesh ear bed enañin joñoul mile ko ettolok jen Kadesh - G - Gm - Gmmmmm, ijo Isaac im Rebekah rar jokwe ie; rar bed iumin 60 mile ko ñan Beer - sheba, eo kar kwalok kake einwõt juõn jabõn eo iturõk in Enen Kallimur eo. However, God's inspired Word tells us to "train up a boy according to the way for him. " Bõtab, Nan eo ekakõrmol an Anij ej jiroñ kij ñõn "kibel juõn ajiri ilo ial eo en etal ie. " [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] [ Picture on page 23] [ Pija eo ilo peij 23] " Jet rar jino tõmak men ko rar ba; ro jet rar jab tõmak, " eon 24. If you wrestle with such concerns, remember this: Independence is not a door that your child simply walks through; it is a road that he or she travels, and it takes years to complete the journey. Elañe kwoj inebata kin ejja men kein wõt, kememej men in: Mõkelok ian ejjab juõn kejem me ajiri eo nejõm emaroñ relõñ wõt ie, ej juõn ial me ladrik ak ledrik eo nejõm ej itoitak ie, im ej bõk elõñ yiõ ko ñõn kõtõbar jikin eo ej etal ñõn e. Katakin Ajiri ro ñan Mour Hence, like God's servants in the past, to be successful we need to be trained. (Hibru 13: 15, 16) Ãinwõt rũkarejar ro an Anij ilo iien ko etto, bwe jen lo tõprak, jej aikuj katak im kamminene. Inem ear kajemlok: "Kiõ, eor tõmak, kejatrikrik, im yokwe, rein jilu; im eo elaptata iair yokwe. " - 1 Kor. So the Devil employed another tactic, one that had succeeded many times before. Inem Devil eo ear kajerbal bar juõn kõl me elõñ alen ear lo tõbrõk ilo ien ko mokta. Bõtab, ewi wãween ad kõm̦m̦ane men in? Consider, for example, the three centuries during which Jehovah was raising up and empowering judges to deliver the nation of Israel from their oppressors. Ium̦win jilu bukwi jim̦a iiõ, Jeova ear kõjerbal riekajet ro ñan tõl aelõñ eo an im kõm̦m̦an bwe ren anjo̦ ioon rũkõjdat ro aer. Bõtab, etke Solomon ear ba ta eo ear kõmõne kin buk ko? Indeed, if he had refused to do so, there would be no forgiveness for him from God. Emol, elañe ear makoko in kõmmõn eindein, enaj kar ejelok jolok bwid ñõn e jen Anij. Ta eo ear jipañe bwe en wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan? What threatened the unity of Christians in Ephesus? Etke burukuk eo an dri Kristian ro ilo Epesõs ear ber ilo kauwatata? Ear kwalok pein. Some believe that when children get older, they will be able to decide for themselves what values to accept. Jet armij rej tõmak bwe ñe ajiri ro nejiir rej rittolok, renaj maroñ kãlet ta ko rej watõk raorõk ñan ir make. Ta karõk eo ej bed ibben Ri Christian ro ñan kebak Jehovah? He does not act like a friend of God at the Kingdom Hall but a friend of the world at school. Eban kõm̦m̦an ãinwõt ñe ej jeran Anij ñe ej pãd ilo Im̦õn Kweilo̦k eo, im el̦ak pãd ilo jikin jikuul̦ kõm̦m̦an ko an rej ãinwõt armej ro ilo lal̦ in. " Eo wõt e jela Jemen ej Nejin. February 11 - 17, 2008 Pãpode 11 - 17, 2008 Ej juõn jerammõn elap ñan Peter, James, John, im Christian ri kabit ro otemjej! Then there are those who ridicule or oppose us. (Matu 24: 38, 39) Bareinwõt eor ro jet rej kajirere im jumae kij. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan em̦m̦aan We can, however, find great comfort in knowing that Jehovah really does care about his worshippers as individuals. Bõtab, armej ro doon Anij relukkuun jeraam̦m̦an kõnke Jeova ej yokwe im kaorõke er kajjojo. Yokwe eo an ejjab nae ro ilo congregation eo. How do we view statements by scientists that contradict God's Word? Ewi wãwen jej watõk ennan ko an scientist ro ñe rej idaptõk ibben Nan in Anij? " Ear kõpel̦l̦o̦k aer l̦õmn̦ak bwe ren maroñ mel̦el̦e kõn Jeje ko. " " My parents had to explain that prophecy to me several times before I understood it. " " Jema im jinõ rar kameleleik kanan in ñan ña elõñ alen mokta jen aõ kar melele kake. " Ak, juõn lajrak ebin in lemnak ko rar bõki mokta jen air kar kabõjrak elõñ ian ri ailiñ ro an jen air melele Nan in Anij. Still, since the beginning of human history, boldness has always been needed by all of those loyal to Jehovah. Meñe eindrein, jen jinoin kõmõnmõn armij, dri korijer ro an Jeova rar aikwij beran. Elõñ ri Egypt im ri kamakoko ro an Rome rar lej. But I do pray that those helping us will manage to handle the economic pressures they face. " Ak ij jar bwe ro rej jipañ kõm̦ro ren maroñ jel̦ã kilen kõm̦adm̦õdi apañ ko rej wal̦o̦k ñan er kõnke epenl̦o̦k mour raan kein. " Meñe ear emõn bed eo an iman mejen Jehovah, David ear lap an eñtan. Listen to what Jehovah tells them: "See, you people, among the nations, and look on, and stare in amazement at one another. " Roñjake ta eo Jehovah ej jiroñ ir: "Lale, kom armij ro, ibwiljin ailiñ ko, komin bwilõñ kin men ko komij kalimjeki. " Ta buñten ne ko kwomaroñ bõki ñan bõprae an armij ro jab kautiej kien ko an Anij kin mour erreo? Sometimes shepherds water their flocks from a well, pouring the water into troughs so that the sheep can drink. Jet ien shepherd ro rej kaidak bwij ko air jen juõn aebõjlõl, lutõklok den ñan loan nien den ko bwe sheep ko ren maroñ idak. Bõtab, ejjel̦o̦k kein kam̦ool ko me rej kwal̦o̦k kõn an armej ro rũttol̦o̦k im rũttol̦o̦k. Why not? Etke jab? Emaroñ kar juõn nañinmij in enbwin, einwõt bilo. The sons of Israel knew what they ought to do, but they were "limping " with indecision. Ak rar "ajkup ikõtaan ruo l̦õmn̦ak " kõnke rar kajjioñ kabuñ ñan Jeova im Beal jim̦or. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn waanjoñak in: L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn juon bal̦uun ekilep ñan m̦weo im̦õm̦ ilo juon em̦ ekilep. What incident in the apostle Peter's life shows that Jehovah forgives "in a large way "? Ta eo enana ear walok ilo mour eo an ri jilek Peter im ej kwalok bwe Jehovah ej "kanuij wujlep in " jeorlok bwid? (b) Ta kajitõk ko jenaj etali? An examination of this illustration will enhance our appreciation for the depth of Jehovah's wisdom, whether our hope is to go to heaven or to gain everlasting life here on earth. Meñe kõjatdikdik eo ad ej ñan mour ilañ ak ijin ioon lal̦, ilo ad etale waanjoñak in enaaj kal̦apl̦o̦k ad kile joñan m̦wilal̦ in mãlõtlõt eo an Jeova. Ak, einwõt an kar Paul kwalok, ir aolep rar "ro jitenburu iben Anij. " Eighty - four - year - old Anna also remembered her Creator. (Luk 2: 25 - 32) Anna ralitõkñoul - emen - an yiõ ear kememej Ri Kõmõnmõn eo an bareinwõt. Ak remaroñ kõmman bwe juõn ri kwot en jijet iturin juõn katak ñan bõk juõn mõñã. Seek Jehovah's direction before you make decisions and commitments, not after making them. M̦okta jãn am̦ kõm̦m̦ane juon pepe, em̦m̦an kwõn kappukot naan in tõl ko jãn Jeova kõn men in bwe kwõn jab ajl̦o̦k kake tokãlik. Elikin air jolok elõñ yiõ ko ñan katak ilo dolul ko an armij, ri tel ro an kabuñ ko rej bojak ke einwõt ri katakin ro an Nan in Anij? [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko itulal] Im juõn book in kememej kar jeje iman mejen kin ro rej mijak Jehovah im ro rej lemnak kin etan. " What helps a Christian to stay happy when undergoing persecution? Ta eo ej jibañ juõn Ri Christian ñan an mõnõnõ wõt ñe ej iion matõrtõr? Emol, ailiñ eo moktata ñan bõk jerammõn in kar Israel eo make. Changing this attitude was not a small challenge for him. Ñan an ukõt lemnak eo an ear jab juõn men ebidodo ñan an kõmmane. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kajerbal jar eo emwij je ilo Matu 6: 9 - 13 ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? By nurturing this wrong desire, he set himself up in rivalry to Jehovah, who as Creator rightfully holds a position of overall supremacy. Ilo an ejaake kõnan in ebwid, ear make jumae Jehovah, eo einwõt Ri Kõmanmõn eo ejimwe ñan an bõk jikin eo eutiejtata. Bar juõn unjen jibañ kar nan in nebar ko ij bõki jen lio ibba im Christian ro jet reritto ilo jitõb. If we are to reflect Jehovah's glory, we must "become imitators of God. " Bwe jen kaiboojoj ak nõbar Jeova, jej aikuj "kajjioñe " e. 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Etke ri tõmak ro rar wiakake men ko mweieir im ajeje? Can you see why human rulers do not have the ability to eliminate suffering? Kwõj kile ke etke armej rejjab maroñ jol̦o̦k eñtaan? Bareinwõt, men in ear jab jemlokin melejoñ ko an Joseph. To the Israelites who were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, Moses said: "Jehovah your God made you walk these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, to put you to the test so as to know what was in your heart, as to whether you would keep his commandments or not. " Ñan Ri Israel ro rar bojak in deloñlok Enen Kallimur eo, Moses ear ba: "Im kememej aolepen ial eo Jeova am Anij e ar tel yuk ie iumin yiõ kein eñoul, ilo ene jemaren, bwe En kõtaik yuk im melejoñ yuk bwe En jela ta eo ilo buruõm, elañe kwo naj bokake kien ko ke, jab ke. " Ãinwõt kar m̦okta, jej aikuj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõjparok jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jeova. First, remember that praise and glory should go to Jehovah. M̦oktata, keememej bwe aolep aiboojoj im nõbar ej aikuj ilo̦k ñan Jeova. Im meñe ettõr eo air ej kakõllan jorrãn ion lal, emaroñ bareinwõt melelen news eo emõn ñan kwe im family eo am. How can we keep our senses Ewi wãwen jemaroñ jatõr Kin men in, Rũkkatak Baibõl̦ ro remaroñ kar l̦õmn̦ak bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ro jet ium̦win 5 ak 6 allõñ. (The Amplified Bible) It is hard to imagine that a mother would forget to nourish and care for her nursing child. Ebin ad tõmak bwe juõn jinen enaj kar meloklok in najidik im kejbãrok niñniñ eo nejin. Ñe jej jeorlok bwid im meloklok, jej jibañ kejbãrok jab ainemõn eo wõt an congregation eo wõt ak bareinwõt ainemõn eo ad make ilo lemnak im buruõd. Ilo kõkkar, Jijej ej dekã eo ilo pedped in m̦weo me ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan kumi in ri kabit ro. Tarinae eo ñan jojomare etan Jehovah ear laplok an aorõk ñan Jephthah jen jabdewõt akwel ko an armij. Perhaps they have made great changes in their lives in order to become Christians or to serve in the full - time ministry. Bwelen rar kõmõn elap oktõk ilo mour ko air bwe ren erom dri Kristian ro ak ñõn kalaplok ijo kwonair ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. Ãlikin men in, rar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo jerbal ko an Jeova, im elõñ iaan em̦m̦aan im kõrã ro. In their view, people should not be judged in matters of morality, especially when it comes to sex. Ilo lemnak eo air, ren jab ekajete armij ro ilo wãwen ko kin mour erreo, elaptata ñe ej itok ñan babu eo an ruo armij ibben don. Kain armej rot eo ij kwal̦o̦ke? But what exactly is the ransom? Bõtab ewi wãween an katok in mour eo an Jesus kõl̦l̦ã on̦ããn ad rõl̦o̦k jãn jerawiwi im mej? Ilo yiõ ko tokelik, ejelok bere bwe David ear kememej kin elõñ awa ko ear kajerbali ñan tel, kejbãrok, im najidik sheep ro. How widespread is the Devil's influence? Ewi joñan an jededlok kareelel eo an Devil eo? Jerbal in Kwalok Nan Ibelakin Lõl Through his Word and his congregated people, Jehovah teaches us to wage a successful spiritual fight. (Epesõs 6: 10 - 13) Ikijen Nan eo an im armij ro an rej kuk ibben don, Jehovah ej katakin kij bwe jen lo tõbrak ilo tarinae eo ilo jitõb. Ak ejjab aolep ri kalor ro rar ellotan. That attitude angered their master. L̦ein ear akwel̦ap im eoware bwe en lel̦o̦k iien ñan an maroñ jerbal bwe en kõl̦l̦ãik m̦uri eo an. Kwalok Joij ilo Jerbal in Kwalok Nan eo Ad COVER SUBJECT | SHOULD YOU PRAY? KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN | KWÕJ AIKUJ KE JAR? 1 L̦õmn̦ak kõn men in: 9, 10 A thorough witness must continue to be given, just as the early disciples gave a thorough witness at the conclusion of the Jewish system of things. - Acts 2: 40; 10: 42; 20: 24; 28: 23. (Matthew 13: 38) Juõn kwalok nan eo elet rej wõnmanlok wõt im kõmmõne, einwõt kar ri kalor ro jinoin ear let air kennan im kwalok nan ilo jemlokin jukjuk im bed eo an ri Jew ro. - Jerbal 2: 40; 10: 42; 20: 24; 28: 23. Ãliktata, ãlikin jilu m̦ail̦ ettol̦o̦kin, iar ko kõn aõ kũttiliek ilo jikin iukkure ko. " Pay Attention to Your Teaching ' " Kejbãrok Katakin eo Am ' Ekkã an walok bwe ñe jej jibadõk men ko rej katton buruõd. They are also ready to forgive others for their transgressions. Bareinwõt, rej pojak in jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd ñe armej ro rej bõd n̦ae er. Kwalok juõn wanjoñok kin juõn congregation eo ear jerbale nan in kakabilek eo an. In ancient times, a steward was often a trusted slave assigned to supervise the household or business affairs of his master. Ilo iien ko etto, ekkã an kar juon irooj lel̦o̦k eddo ko ñan juon iaan ri karejar ro an. Inem, ear mone ir bwe ren lorak ilo aujid ko retao. So in addition to visiting congregations, we spent many weeks during the year preaching in small Indian towns where no Witnesses were living. Innem ijello̦kun amro lol̦o̦k congregation ko, kõmro ar bareinwõt kwal̦o̦k naan ium̦win elõñ wiik ko ilo bukun ko redik an ri Indian ro im ejjel̦o̦k Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova ie. Ak elañe kwoj lelok ñan iõ men in katok kijeek ko, meñe ilo men in jortak ko am I jamin lo mõnõnõ, im kin men in katok in ainemõn ko am I jamin loi. Regular participation in it draws us closer to other Witnesses of Jehovah. (Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19, 20) Ad ekeini ad bõk kwunad ie ej karuaklok kij ñõn Ri Kennan ro jet an Jehovah. El̦aññe el̦apl̦o̦k an jel̦ã im mel̦el̦e kõn an jipañ kõj, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en penl̦o̦k wõt. Whether we are with fellow believers or others, we show humility and apply the counsel: "Do not pay back injury for injury or insult for insult. Instead, repay with a blessing. " - 1 Pet. 3: 8, 9. (1 Piter 2: 23) Aolep iien, jej kõttãik bũruod im l̦oore naanin kakapilõk eo me ej ba: "Kom̦win jab ukot nana kõn nana, im kole doon; ak kom̦win ukot nana kõn menin kajeraam̦m̦an. " - 1 Piter 3: 8, 9, UBS. Jet ien jej aikwij kate kij joñõn wõt ar maroñ ñõn bõk tokjen jen ekan ko lor jitõb. Accordingly, the apostle customarily entered synagogues of the Jews and reasoned with them from the Scriptures. - Read Acts 17: 1, 2. Ekõn etal ñan im̦õn kabuñ ko an RiJu ro, im kwal̦o̦k naan ñan armej ro ilo an kõmel̦el̦eik er jãn eoon ko ilo Baibõl̦. - Riit Jerbal 17: 1, 2. Kiõ ewõr ibbed wãwen eo me nañinmij in jab mõk ej bed iturin wõnmanlok eo ekabwilõñlõñ kin doctor. Goodness is part of "the fruitage of the spirit. " Emõn ej mõttan "leen jitõb. " Ri Gibeon ro rar jab kõnan mij einwõt Ri Canaan ro, inem rar jilkinlok ir ñan Joshua ilo Gilgal. When a mob came to arrest "Jesus the Nazarene, " he courageously stepped forward to identify himself and to protect his disciples, declaring firmly:" I am he. If, therefore, it is I you are looking for, let these go. " (Mark 11: 15 - 17; Jon 2: 14 - 17) Ke juõn jar in armij rar bukot "Jisõs dri Nazeret " eo, ear wõnmanlok im kwalok e mõke im ñõn kejbãrok dri kalor ro an, ej ba ilo beran:" Ña E: inem elañe komij bukot Iõ, kõtlok rein bwe ren ilok. " Kin men in, elañe jejjab kõnan wõtlok ñan loan jerawiwi ko Jesus ear kwalok kaki, jej aikwij jolok im kejbãrok kij jen jabdewõt kõnan ko ad ñan men rot kein. " She was never missing from the temple, rendering sacred service night and day. " Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe ear jab jako "jãn Tampel̦ eo; ak raan im boñ ear wũjtak Anij. " El̦aññe jekõn̦aan bwe jen jel̦ã irooj iood make im kajim̦we l̦õmn̦ak eo ad, jej aikuj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in katak Baibõl̦ ippãd make. In what way is love a powerful bond? Ilo wãwen et eo yokwe ej juõn kein lukluk ekajur? Baam̦le eo ammim ear etal ñan kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap ilo Ohio, Ohio, ilo iiõ eo 1937; Lom̦al̦o, Washington, ilo 1938; im New York City ilo 1939. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Ewi wãwen an kar report eo an Joshua im Caleb einjuõn jen eo an ri iaroñroñ ro joñoul? Tragically, despite their peaceful nature and neutral stand, the Ntabana family was murdered by a bloodthirsty mob. Ilo kaburomõjmõj, meñe rar armij in ainemõn im bed wõt iolaplap ilo jutak eo air, juõn jar in armij nana im rej mõnõnõ in katorlok bõtõktõk rar man family eo an Ntabana. 6, 7. (a) Ewi wãwen "yokwe an Anij " ej kamakit Ri Christian ro ñan jerbal ibben ro jeiir im jatiir rej bed ilo aikwij? Meñe ejjab em̦m̦an ippãd kõl ko rar kõm̦m̦ani ñan pukot kilen bwe ren mour wõt ak em̦m̦an ippãd l̦õmn̦ak in aer ñan mour wõt. Etke jej ba men in? 35: 2. Jehovah's Loving - Kindness and His Guidance Yokwe im Joij eo an Jehovah im Tel eo An • Ewi wãwen jet Christian kõrã ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar aorõk iman mejen Jehovah? Kadesh was about ten miles [16 km] from Beer - lahai - roi, where Isaac and Rebekah had resided. [gl 7] It was under 60 miles [95 km] to Beer - sheba, cited as a southern edge of the Promised Land. Kadesh ear enañin joñoul mile jen Beer - lahai - roi, ijo Isaac im Rebekah rar jokwe ie. Ear diklok jen 60 mile ñan Beer - sheba, eo kar jabõn eo tu - raktata in Enen Kallimur eo. Elõñ armij ro ettã burueir me rej jokwe ilo ailiñ ko rejjab Christian rar uak ilo emõn ñan ennan eo jej keañ kake. [ Picture on page 18] [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] Kien eo ear ba: "Elañe... e ban lelok ñõn s̃ip ko, inem e naj bõktok ruo bao koman, ak ruo bao redrik. " " Some began to believe the things said; others would not believe, " notes verse 24. Eoon 24 ej ba: "Jet iaaer rar reel kõn naan ko an, ak jet rar abwin tõmake. " Ñe "men ko rej kejatrikrik " rej erom juõn men emol im" men in liki " rej kile, wãwen tõmak im kejatdikdik renaj jemlok. Training Children for Life Katakin Ajiri ro kin Mour Indio Rar ba bwe kwojjab kajerbal Bible eo, ak ran eo wõt kwar kajerbale! " Then he concluded: "Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. " - 1 Cor. Inem ear kajemlok nan ko an ilo an ba: "A kiõ e berwõt tõmak, kejatrikrik, im yokwe, men kein jilu; im eo elap iair yokwe. " - 1 Kor. Rej bareinwõt kile bwe rej lukkun atartar ion Anij kin aolep menin aikwij ko an mour - einwõt mejatoto, den, mõñã, im men in kõmanman ko an lal - bwe ren maroñ wõnmanlok im mour im lañliñ kin ta eo rej kõmmane. How, though, do we do that? (Sam 16: 8) Ak ewi wãween ad kõm̦m̦ane men in? Lañliñ eo an ellãlok jen kamelele kake. Why, though, did Solomon say what he did about books? Bõtab, etke Solomon ear men in kin book ko? Inem, eñin bar juõn unin Anij ear letok ñan kij "menin letok ko ilo emaan ro " - ñan kalaplok burukuk ibwiljin armij ro an. What helped him to continue in his preaching work? Ta eo ear jibañ e bwe en wõnmanlok ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an? Book eo The Encyclopedia of Christianity ilo jinoin ej ba: "Kabuñ eo ear make lo e make einwõt juõn armij ekãl ilo kumi in armij ro relej, Ri Jew im Gentile ro, rar maroñ jokwe ibben don ilo juõn enbwin in ainemõn. " He showed her his hand. Ear kwalok pein ñan e. Ak ta elañe ri muri eo ear bõk money ko ñan kõllã wõnãn men eo ear muri kake ak ear kajekdon eddo eo kin mour erreo eo an leo jatin? What arrangement is in place for Christians to approach Jehovah? Karõk et eo ej jerbal kiõ bwe Ri Christian ro ren maroñ kebak Jehovah? Inem, men in ej kamaroñ kij ñan kwalok kadkad ko kadkadin Anij. " The only one who really knows the Father is the Son. " Eo wõt ejela kin Jemen ej Nejin. Jinen im nejin jimor rej kõmman emõn rainin. What a magnificent prospect that is for Peter, James, John, and all spirit - anointed Christians! (Matthew 24: 21; 2 Tessalonika 1: 10) Ej juõn menin bwilõñ in jerammõn elap ñõn Peter, James, John, im Christian ri kabit ro otemjej ilo jitõb! Ta un ko unin kij kajjojo jej aikwij kamolol kin nan in kakabilek eo ilo Bible ñan jerbal einwõt eo ediktata? Consider the experience of Willi Diehl. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan em̦m̦aan eo jeid im jatid etan Willi Diehl. Bareinwõt, ri karejar ro an Satan ion lal rar matõrtõre ri karejar ro an Anij ñan mij, einwõt air kar kõmman ñan Jesus. His love is not restricted to those in the local congregation. Yokwe eo an ejjab ñan ro ilo congregation eo ilo bukwon eo wõt. Jesus ear ba bwe enaj kar laplok an lõñ lañ im lal jen bwe tibdik eo ediktata in Kien eo enaj kar jejjet kitien. " He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " Innem, ear kõmel̦el̦eiki er kõn kanaan ko jãn Baibõl̦ kõn an nãj kar mej im jerkakpeje. Jet ien, kwojamin mour ekkar ñan jet wãwen yokwe eo Paul ear konono kake. Yet, a rigid set of preconceived ideas prevented many of his countrymen from understanding God's Word. Bõtab, kin an elõñ dri Ju ro drebij wõt katak ko rar tõmak kaki mokta, men in ear bõprae ir jen air melele kin Nan in Anij. Ekkã air lemnak bwe rar kanemkwoj e jen kamakoko ilo ien iroij eo an iroij eo an Ri Rom eo N. Ruo alen rar jibwe iõ im kalbuji iõ kin aõ kar rupi moko im kwoti men ko ie im bareinwõt kin aõ kar riõp e armij ro im kwot jen ir. Jejamin kõnan bwe mwilid en katton ãt eo ekwojarjar etan Jehovah. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) " JUON EO EM̦M̦AN " Many Egyptian and Roman slaves were harshly exploited. Elõñ iaan rũkõm̦akoko ro an RiIjipt im RiRom rar lukkuun eñtaan kõn an lãj im nana aer kõm̦m̦an ñan er. " Komin meamiwõr ñõn dron, im jeorilok nana jen dron, elañe iben jabrewõt iami eor ruõn iben bar juõn; einwõt Jeova e ar jolok ami nana, en ein drein ami kõmõn ñõn dron. " - Dri Kolosse 3: 13. Despite his favored position in Jehovah's eyes, David suffered much. (Jerbal 13: 22) Meñe bed eo an ear emõn iman mejen Jehovah, David elap an kar iñtan. (2) "I ar kwalok etõm ñõn ir, " Jesus ear ba ilo jar eo an ñõn Jemen. What steps can you take to avoid being exploited sexually by people who have no regard for God's moral standards? Ta ko kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ñan bõbrae jãn an ro rejjab kautiej kien Jeova ko̦kkure eok? " I ar lo, im lo, jar elap eo ejelok armij ej maroñ in bwinir, jen ailiñ otemjej, im ian bwij otemjej, im driloabjen otemjej, im konono otemjej... rej itok jen iñtan eo elap. " - REVELES̃ÕN 7: 9, 14. But so far there is no hard evidence that DHEA, kinetin, melatonin, hGH, or any other substance can actually retard aging in humans. Ak tok ñan tõre in ejañin wõr menin kamol bwe DHEA, emmakit in, melatonin, hGH, ak jabdewõt men eo ej bed ilo mõttan enbwinin armij emaroñ lukkun karumijlok an armij rittolok. Oktak in ear mol - rar mõnõnõ kinke rar maroñ lelok. It might have been a physical affliction, such as poor eyesight. Emaroñ kar juõn jorrãn ilo enbwinin, einwõt mõjno mejen. Ien otemjej Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej mõnõnõ in jaketo - jaketak tõmak ko air ibbam. To illustrate: Imagine that you have a heavy bag of groceries to take to your apartment way up in a multistory building. Ñan wanjoñok: Baj lemnak mõk ñe kwoj inek ieb eo eddo kin mõñã ko im kwoj aikwij bõklok ñan apartment eo am jejjo floor ko ilõñ. Jitõb kwojarjar eo ear jerbal einwõt juõn ri katakin ilo alikar ñan Peter bwe men eo ri kalor ro rar loe rar loe ear jejjet kitien kanan in ilo ien ko etto. (b) What questions will we consider? (2) Ta kajjitõk ko jenaaj etali? " Dri ailiñ ko re naj juri Jerusalem, " ear ba, "ñõn ien ko an dri ailiñ ko re naj jejit. " Still, as Paul pointed out, all were "God's beloved ones. " (Dri Galetia 4: 8 - 11) Mekarta, einwõt an kar Paul kalikar, ir aolep rar "jitenburu iben Anij. " 8, 9. (a) Ilo wãwen et armij ro an Anij renaj "jutõk "? Or they may make a starving refugee sit through a sermon in order to obtain a ration of food. Ak rej kõmman bwe juõn ri ko jen juõn ailiñ en jijet ilo an kwuli im roñjake juõn katak in kabuñ mokta jen an maroñ bõk kijen. Jabrewõt eo peõm ej loe bwe en kõmõne, kwon kõmõne kin am maroñ, bwe ejelok jerbal, ak kine, ak jela, ak meletlet ilo Hedis, ijo kwoj ilok ñõn e. " - Ekk. 9: 4, 5, 10. After spending years studying in theological institutions, are the clergy equipped as teachers of God's Word? Elikin air jolok elõñ yiõ ko ñan katak ilo school in Bible ko, ri tel ro an kabuñ ewõr ke air maroñ einwõt ri katakin ro kin Nan in Anij? Iar nañinmij im kwar kalimjek iõ. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " Im ear jino jeje juõn book in kememej iman kin aolep ro rar mijak Jehovah im lemnak kin etan. " " Kwonaj jerbal ilo tiljek ñan juõn armij. " - 2 Kronikel 22: 26. Indeed, the first nation to receive this blessing was Israel itself. Emol, ailiñ eo moktata in bõk jerammõn in kar Israel make. Inem, enaj menin kõmmanwa ñan kij ñan kajitõk, " Ta eo imaroñ kõmmane ñan bõk jitõb kwojarjar? ' How might we use the prayer recorded at Matthew 6: 9 - 13 in our ministry? Ñe jej kwal̦o̦k naan, ewi wãween ad maroñ kõjerbal jar eo an Jijej ilo Matu 6: 9 - 13? Iumin Juõn Thousand Yiõ in Iroij eo an, Jesus enaj lukkun mour ñan aolep title ko an, einwõt "Anij Ekajur Bõtata, Jemen Indio, Iroij in Ainemõn. " Another source of help has been the commendation I receive from my wife and other mature Christians. Bar juõn men in jibañ ej itok jen nan in nebar im kamolol ko jen lio ibba im Ri Christian ro jet reritto ilo jitõb. Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kõm̦m̦ane bok in. 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Why did believers sell their possessions and distribute the proceeds? 2: 44 - 47; 4: 34, 35 - Etke ri tõmak ro rar wiakake men ko mweieir im ajeji jããn ko air? Paul ear kõmman eindein. Moreover, that was not the end of Joseph's trials. Bõtab, men in ejjab jemlokõn melejoñ ko Josep ear iioni. Elder ro ilo ailiñ otemjej rej kautiej traveling overseer ro, ro Governing Body eo ej kãlet ir As never before, we must remain spiritually keen and alert. 1: 14, UBS) Kin men in, jej aikwij pojõk wõt ñõn ar lo an jejit kitien kanan ko an Baibel im drebij wõt juõn kõtan ekajur iben Jeova. (1 Pit. Ke rar bed ilo wãwen ko rekauwatata, rar beran wõt. And although their ride has signaled calamity on earth, it can also mean good news for you and your family. Im meñe kajjojo iaan rein me rej uwe ioon kidia kein rar bõktok jorrããn ko rel̦l̦ap ioon lal̦ in, bõtab men in emaroñ bar juon nuuj em̦m̦an ñan kwe im baam̦le eo am̦. Bõtab, etke jej aikwij mijak Anij im jab armij? Hence, Rizpah may have kept up the vigil for as long as five or six months. Inem, Rizpah emaroñ kar mimij wõt iumin lalem ak jiljino alliñ ko. Bwebwenato eo ej jibañ ri belele ro ñan mare im ñan aolep ro rej bed ilo kwojkwoj in belele eo. When we thus forgive and forget, we help to preserve not only the peace of the congregation but also our own peace of mind and heart. Ñe jej jeorlok bwid im meloklok, jej jibañ ñõn kejbarok ejjab ainemõn eo an congregation eo wõt ak bareinwõt ainemõn eo an lemnak eo ad im burued. Jen jab kõtlok bwe itoklimo eo ad en kabo kij ñan bõk kain ial rot in ekauwatata! - Jabõn Kennan Ko 22: 3. The fight to defend Jehovah's name was more important to Jephthah than any personal conflicts. Meñe ãindein, ak ear aorõkl̦o̦k ippãn Jepta bwe en kokkwõjarjar etan Jeova im kõjparok armej ro an ilo an tarin̦aeik rũkõjdat ro aer. Ear bõk jemlok eo ilo an bar ba bwe konono kin Jehovah im Ailiñ eo an ej men eo elaptata an yokwe ilo lal in. After that, "believers in the Lord kept on being added, multitudes both of men and of women. " Elikin menin, "ro dri tõmak rej koba im orlok na iben Iroij, elõñ man im kõra. " Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kajeoñe joñok eo an Jesus im ri kalor ro jinoin ilo ad kalek im debij wõt jimjera ko remõn ibben ro jeid im jatid ilo jitõb? Which spirit does my personality reflect? Ewi wãween aõ kõm̦m̦an ñan ro jet? Jen yokwe eo an emũlal kin armij, Anij ear letok Nejin jitenburu einwõt juõn binmour, bwe ro rej jerbale air tõmak ilo e ren lañliñ kin mour ilo ejelok jemlokin, anemkwoj jen eñtan im eñtan eo ear walok jen jerawiwi. Ewõr juon likao etan Guy Mabilat iar katak ippãn im ear peptaij. Etke? In his later years, David no doubt had fond memories of the many hours he had spent leading, protecting, and feeding sheep. Ke ear ritto, ejelok bere bwe David ear emlok tok awa ko ear joloki ñan tel, kejbãrok, im najidik sheep ko. Ilo wãwen et? A Global Preaching Work Jerbal in Kwal̦o̦k Naan Ipel̦aakin Lal̦ Ailiñ in ilañ, ak kien, ejjabto enaj emmakit ñan bõktok ainemõn ibelakin lal iumin iroij eo ewãnik. - 2 Piter 3: 13. But not every disciple murmured. Ak ejjab aolep ri kalor ro an rar ellotan. Ak ta kaje eo remaroñ aikwiji elañe rej kõmman juõn bwid elap? Kindness in Our Ministry Kwalok Joij ilo Jerbal in Kwalok Nan eo Ad Bible eo ej katakin kij ñan kaorõk jelãlokjen. 1 CHRONICLES 4: 9, 10 1 KRONIKEL 4: 9, 10 Ej bareinwõt kemelele kin ta eo ej kitibuji ñõn erom "dri korijeran armij. " - Matu 4: 19. Ta mel̦el̦ein waanjoñak eo an Jijej kõn armej eo ej jeor ine im kiki? Jemen im jinen ajiri ro remaroñ katak jen joñok eo an jemen im jinen Daniel. Finally, after a three - mile (5 km) chase, I escaped by hiding in the forest. Ãliktata, ãlikin aõ ko ium̦win 3 m̦ail̦, iar ko l̦o̦k im kũttiliek ibul̦õn wõjke ko. Jej aikwij roñjake bõklikit eo ad emwij an Bible eo kibel kij jen ad kõtlok bwe kõnan ko ad rekibbon ren anjo iod. It is often when we pursue matters that intrigue us that we delve the deepest. Ekkã wõt ar kõnan kamulõllok ar katak ñe jej kõmõn etale ko kin men ko jej itoklimo kaki. News eo enana jej roñjake ran otemjej ej kamol bwe men ko remõn rej itok Give an example of one congregation that applied his counsel. Kwalok juõn joñok ilo juõn congregation me ear jerbale jerbale nan in kakabilek eo an. Men ko rar wal̦o̦k ke Daina ear itõn ko̦kkure baam̦le eo an rar kwal̦o̦k juon katak eaorõk. Then, he devised cunning methods to trap them. Inem, ear lemnak kin kõl ko retao ñan kabo ir. Ilo juõn wãwen einlok wõt, Paul ear je: "Komin jab inebata kin jabrewõt; a ilo men otemjej kin jar im akwelap kab kamolol, kajitõk ko ami ren walok ñõn Anij. Im ainemõn jen Anij, eo ej elã jen jela otemjej, e naj kejbãrok buruemi im lemnok ko ami ilo Kraist Jisõs. " But if you people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in your gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on your communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look. Ak elañe komij katok men in jortak ko reyu, elaptata kin men in letok ko ami ijamin mõnõnõ kaki, im ijamin reilalwõj ñan men in katok ko ami remattõk. • Ewi wãwen jemaroñ bõk tokjen jen ar wujleplok kij mõke ñõn Anij? A shipwreck victim afloat in a life raft can endure much longer if he knows that help is on the way. Juõn wa eo ejorrãn im armij eo ej ebbebe ilo juõn kein aõ in ebbebe emaroñ tolok an lap an kijenmij elañe ejelã bwe ewõr jibañ ej itok. JUÕN elder ilo juõn congregation an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ej jerbal einwõt juõn elder. Waanjoñak in ej jipañ kõj bwe jen mel̦el̦e kõn ta eo jemaroñ katak jãn juon iaan kien ko an Jeova ñan ri Israel ro. Iar jelã bwe men in ear bwid, ak iar kajeoñ kajekdon e, im kejatdikdik bwe ilo ien eo enaj baj jako wõt. Sometimes it takes special effort to derive full benefit from spiritual food. Jet ien ej bõk jibadbad eo einjuõn ñan bõk tokjen ilo likieoin jen mõñã eo ilo jitõb. Etke? We now have the baffling situation that persistent disease exists alongside astonishing medical progress. Kiõ ewõr juõn abañ ekabwokbwok jej jelmae kin an laplok nañinmij ko meñe elap wõnmanlok kin kamadmõd in doctor ko. Ilo ejja ien eo wõt, rej beek ñan air mare "ilo Iroij wõt, " einwõt an Jeje ko kakabilek. The Gibeonites did not want to die as accursed Canaanites, so they sent representatives to Joshua at Gilgal. Ri Gibeon ro rar jab kõnan mij einwõt Ri Canaan ro, inem rar jilkinlok juõn kumi me ej jutak ikijiir. Men in letok eo kin an wor maan rein emwij kãlet ir ej "kin juõn lemnak ñõn kajimwe ro remõn,... ñõn kalek enbwinin Kraist. " Thus, if we do not want to fall into the grievous sins that Jesus described, we must root out and keep out of our heart any tendencies toward such things. (Jemes 1: 14, 15) Kin menin, elañe jejjab kõnan kõmmani jerawiwi ko relap Jesus ear kwaloki, jej aikwij tũmi okrair im jolok jen buruõd jabdewõt kõnan ko rej itok wõt in walok ñan kain men kein. Jekdo̦o̦n ñe men in ejjab wal̦o̦k, ak em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe kwõj kõm̦adm̦õdi apañ ko am̦ kajjojo raan. Ewi wãween bwe in jab jol̦o̦k el̦ap iien ilo peejnej im menin karreelel ko an lal̦ in? Ke emwij an jibañ kij jino etetal ibben, Jehovah ejjab kiõ likit kij ñan men in kamadmõd ko ad make bwe jen tiljek wõt. Self - discipline is vital if we are to "form a longing " for Bible study. (1 Piter 2: 2) Eaorõk bwe jen kauweik kij make elañe jekõnan "mako " ak mõnõnõ in katak Bible eo. Men kein, ejelok bere, rar ellã im mour. Our family traveled to conventions in Columbus, Ohio, in 1937; Seattle, Washington, in 1938; and New York City in 1939. Baamle eo am rar etal ñõn kwelok ko relap ilo Columbus, Ohio, ilo yiõ eo 1937; Seattle Washington, ilo yiõ eo 1938; im New York City ilo yiõ eo 1939. Tokelik, rar karõk juõn katak ñan 10: 00 p.m. How did the report by Joshua and Caleb differ from that of the ten other spies? Ewi wãwen report eo an Joshua im Caleb ear oktak jen lõmaro joñoul? Ta mejenkajjik eo an ñan mone armij? 6, 7. (a) How does "the love of God " move Christians to act toward brothers in need? 6, 7. (1) Ta eo yokwe eo ad ñan Anij ej kõm̦akũt kõj Kũrjin ro ñan kõm̦m̦ane ñe rũttõmak ro m̦õttad rej pãd ilo apañ? Aõ ej m̦õn̦õn̦õ kake! " - AIS. 35: 2. 35: 2. Elañe ij bõk kunaõ ibben jar eo ebwid, I naj kõnan kabuñburuen ro jera, im men in emaroñ tellok ñan jorrãn. " • How did some first - century Christian women prove to be precious in Jehovah's eyes? • Ewi wãwen jet Christian kõrã ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar kamol bwe rej aorõk iman mejen Jehovah? (The New World Translation of the Greek Scriptures) Ikijen nan in, juõn ri meletlet ear kamelele: "Ej jitõñlok ñan juõn ri ekajet eo ej kalimjek mejen juõn armij im kõmman juõn oktak, jab ekkar ñan maroñ eo an armij eo, ak ekkar ñan kõnan eo an armij eo. " Many meek people who live in so - called non - Christian nations have responded well to the message we proclaim. Elõñ armij ro etã burueir jen ailiñ ko me rejjab tõmak ilo Kraist, rej kwalok air itoklimo kin ennan eo jej keañ kake ñõn ir. Kõn an Jeova kajeraam̦m̦an eõ, ij m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kõm̦m̦ane jerbal eo an, im men in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn jeraam̦m̦an ko jet. " The Law said: "If... he cannot afford enough for a sheep, then he must bring... two turtledoves or two young pigeons. " Kien eo ej ba: "Elañe men ko mweien re jab bwe ñõn juõn lam, inem en bõktok... ruo tõrtel dõv ak ruo muli remõn drer. " Ewõr enañin 300 congregation ko an ro rejaroñroñ ilo Mexico. When the "things hoped for " become a reality and" the assured expectation " of them is realized, aspects of faith and hope come to an end. Ñe "men ko jej kejatrikrik kij kaki " rej erom lukkun mol im" liki " eo ilo ir ej alikar, wãwen ko kin tõmak im kejatdikdik rej jemlok. (Hib. Alikar, Jehovah ejjab lelok ainemõn ñan armij otemjej. They claimed that you don't use the Bible, but this morning that's all you have used! " Rej ba bwe kwojjab kajerbal Bible eo, ak men in wõt kwar kajerbale jibboñnin! " Kin men in komin jab bwebwe, a komin jelalokjen ta eo ankil an Iroij. They also recognize that they are completely dependent on God for all of life's necessities - such as air, water, food, and the earth's natural cycles - so that they can continue to live and enjoy what they do. Etke? Kõnke rej bar kile bwe unin aer maroñ mour ej kõn menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an Anij ãinwõt, mejatoto, dãn, m̦õñã, im wãween an mennin kõm̦anm̦an ko jipañ doon ñan aer maroñ mour. Jeje ko ilo Bible eo rar kanan: "Bwe ien ekajet ej ijjino iben imõn Anij. Her joy is beyond description. Lañliñ eo an ear le jen joñan ad maroñ kwalok kake. Ke ear pãd ilo jikuul̦, juon leddik jãn Jepaan etan Juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en mejãnkajjik eo an ñan kwal̦o̦k naan ñan aolep ro ilo kilaaj eo an. This, then, is another reason why God has given us "gifts in men " - to promote unity among his people. Inem, menin, ej bar juõn unin an Anij kar letok ñan kij "menin letok ko ilo emaan ro " - ñan kalaplok burukuk eo ibwiljin armij ro an. Jen an lelok nan in kakabilek kin jabdewõt ekajet ak men in ittino, ri kwalok eo ej aikwij ba bwe ej konono ibben elder ro. The Encyclopedia of Early Christianity states: "The early church saw itself as one new humanity in which previously hostile groups, Jews and Gentiles, could live together in one body of peace. " Encyclopedia of Early Christianity eo ej ba: "Kabuñ eo jinoin ear watõk emake einwõt juõn jukjuk im bed eo ekãl eo me jar ko relej mokta, Ri Jew im Ro Rejjab Ri Jew, rar maroñ jokwe ibben don einwõt juõn family ilo ainemõn im burukuk. " Ri jilek Paul ear kwalok bwe ear melele kin aorõkin yokwe ro rej katakin ir. - Read 1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. Or what if the borrower acquired sufficient funds to pay back what he borrowed but ignored the moral obligation he may have to his brother financially? Ak ta elañe ri muri eo elikin an ba bwe ejelok an maroñ ñõn kamãt muri eo ear bõk money ebwe ñõn kamãt muri ko ear muri kake ak ear kajekdon eddo in ibben jein ak jatin ilo tõmak? Kin menin, nan eo, ej ba, "ear kajerbal letter ko ilo kajin eo, einwõt mõttan ko in konono, " im ej jitõñlok ñan men ko raorõk me Peter ear jitõñlok ñan kadkad ko kadkadin lal in, lemnak ko, im mejenkajjik ko an. In turn, this enables us to display godly qualities. (Dri Hibru 5: 14; 2 Piter 1: 3) Jeltokin, ej kamaroñ kij ñan kwalok kadkad ko kadkadin Anij. • Ewi wãwen kien eo nae ankwonak ej kejbãrok kij? Both mother and son are doing well today. Rainin, elukkuun em̦m̦an an l̦adik in im jinen mour. Ta men ko rar walok ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Jesus rej kwalok bwe ear bukõt emõn eo ilo armij ro? Ikõn ruj in jibboñtata im kapojak kijõ m̦õñã in raelep bwe in bũki ippa. L̦õmn̦akel̦o̦k m̦õk juon jeid im jatid jiroñ ilo Nepal, ilo Rojia. For what reasons should each of us be grateful for the Biblical counsel to behave as a lesser one? Etke el̦ap ad kam̦m̦oolol kõn an Baibõl̦ rõjañ kõj ñan kõttãik bũruod? (a) Elikin air kar kamakoko ilo Babylon, jete Ri Jew ro rar bo ilo lemnak ko an kabuñ wan? Furthermore, Satan's earthly agents have persecuted servants of God to the point of death, even as they did Jesus. 5: 12) Bareinwõt, ro mõtõn Setan ion lõl rar matõrtõr dri korijer ro an Anij ñõn mij, einwõt air kar kõmõne ñõn Jisõs. Emol, Ri Christian ro remol rej kõmman jerbal ko remõn. Jesus was saying that it was more likely that heaven and earth would pass away than that the smallest detail of the Law would go unfulfilled. Jijej ear ba bwe toon wõt an lañ im lal̦ pãd, kallim̦ur ak mel̦el̦e ko rediktata ilo Kien Moses renaaj jejjet kũtieer. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) At times, you will not measure up to some aspect of love discussed by Paul. Jet ien, kwonaj likjap in kwalok juõn wãwen yokwe me Paul ear konono kake. Jab ñan jidik! It is generally thought that he was released from exile during the reign of Roman Emperor Nerva. (Reveles̃õn 1: 1, 2) Ekkã an armij lemnak bwe kar kanemkwoj e jen kalbuj ilo ien iroij eo an Emperor Nerva ilo Rome. Im jet ian ro rar lo mweiuk ko raorõk im rar kõmmanwa wõt, "ro rej kalimjek ir. " Never would we want our conduct to bring reproach on Jehovah's holy name. (Matu 6: 9, 10) Jejjab kõn̦aan bwe m̦wil ko m̦wilid ren kattone etan Jeova. Ro rej ellã im mour jen Armageddon renaj lañliñ kin leen lal in " SHE WILL BE REBUILT " " RE NAJ KALEKE " Men kein rejjab make walok. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah * freely forgave you, you must also do the same. " - Colossians 3: 13. (Matu 5: 7) "Ak kom̦win jouj im em̦m̦an bũruomi ñan doon; kom̦win jol̦o̦k an doon bõd ãinwõt Anij ear jol̦o̦k ami bõd ilo Christ. " - Epesõs 4: 32, UBS. Ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane ñan bõk im debij juõn jutak ewãnik ibben Anij? (2) "I have made your name known to them, " said Jesus in prayer to his Father. (2) Jisõs ear ba ñõn jemen ilo jar: "I ar kwalok etõm ñõn ir. " Ilo air kate ir ñan jibadõk kõnan ko air make, rar luji anemkwoj eo emol kar lelok ñan ir. " I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues... come out of the great tribulation. " - REVELATION 7: 9, 14. " Iar lale, im lo, jar el̦ap, eo ejjel̦o̦k armej ej maroñ in bwiniir, jãn aolep kain armej, bwij, aelõñ, im kajin,... rar itok jãn eñtaan eo el̦ap. " - REVELESÕN 7: 9, 14. Ke Rut ear l̦otak, kõrã ro ilo Betleem rar lam̦õj im ba: "Juon l̦addik ear l̦otak ñan Naomi. " The reverse was true - they were happy because they were able to give. Bõtab, ear ba bwe rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke rar maroñ lel̦o̦k menin jipañ ko ñan ro jet. Ij ke kate eõ ñan jipañ ro jet, ilo eklejia eo im ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan? ' Jehovah's Witnesses are always happy to share their beliefs with you. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej mõnõnõ wõt ñan kwalok tõmak eo air ñan kwe. Tokelik Paul ear weaklok iman Governor Felix. The holy spirit thus acted as a teacher in making clear to Peter that what the disciples had experienced was in fulfillment of that ancient prophecy. Ilo wãwen in, kajur eo an Anij ear einwõt juõn dri katakin ilo an kalikar ñõn Piter bwe men eo ear walok ñõn dri kalor ro ear kajejit kitien kanan in. Inem ri itoitak ro rar oktaklok ñan turilik im etetal 360 mile ko, ilo jikin kwelok eo elikin air tõbar jikin kwelok eo ilo Troas, ñan Macedonia. " Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, " he said, "until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled. " Ear ba, "Dri ailiñ ko re naj juri Jerusalem, ñõn ien ko an dri ailiñ ko rejejit. " missionary rein rej kajerbal ien im jibadbad ko air ilo ejelok kibbon ñan jibañ armij ro ñan air ruaklok ñan Jehovah Anij im lañliñ kin juõn kõtan eaorõk ibben. - Jem. 8, 9. (a) In what sense will God's people "keep standing "? 8, 9. (a) Ilo wãwen et eo armij ro an Anij "re naj bin "? " Em̦m̦an im men in m̦õn̦õn̦õ... bwe jen pãd ippãn doon ilo bõro wõt juon! " - SAM. All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind's common grave], the place to which you are going. " - Eccl. 9: 4, 5, 10. Jabdewõt eo peim̦ ej loe bwe en kõm̦m̦ane, kwõn kõm̦m̦ane kõn am̦ maroñ; bwe ejjel̦o̦k jerbal, ak men in l̦õmn̦ak, ak jel̦ã, ak mãlõtlõt, ilo Sheol, ijo kwõj ilo̦k ñan e. " - Ekklisiastis 9: 4, 5, 10. JUON L̦ÕMN̦AK AN M̦OKTA I fell sick and you looked after me. I ar nañinmij, im kom ar item lale Iõ. Ta eñjake eo am ñe kwoj kajeoñ in jar ñan Anij? " With someone loyal you will act in loyalty. " - 2 SAMUEL 22: 26. " Ibben juõn eo etiljek kwo naj jerbal ilo tiljek. " - 2 SAMUEL 22: 26, New World Translation. Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Bareinwõt, ear kõm̦anm̦an men ko ilo lal̦ in im letok mour. Ej juõn men in meletlet bwe jen illok jen lemnak eo ñan roñjake ro rej illok im jumae kabuñ eo emol. It would be reasonable, then, for us to ask, " What can I do to receive holy spirit? ' Inem, enaj emõn ñan kajitõk ibbed, " Ta eo ij aikwij kõmmane ñan bõk jitõb kwojarjar eo? ' Ñe kwõj kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn naan ko an em̦m̦aan rein jilu, men in enaaj jipañ eok bwe kwõn kwõjarjar ilo am̦ pokake. During his Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will fully live up to all his titles, such as "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. " Iomin Juõn Tausan Yiõ in Iroij eo an, Jisõs enaj lukkun kajejit aolep jerbal ko an einwõt "Ri Bebe Emeletlet, Anij Ekajur, Jemed Indrio, Iroij in Ainemmõn. " (Ais. 19, 20. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. ▪ Ri jilek Paul ear je: "Men otemjej emwij wiakake ilo juõn imõn wia, komin jab kajitõk kin bõklikõt eo ami. " Paul did just that. (2 Korint 11: 5; 12: 11) Rein rar rijjelõk ro reriab. Ñan wanjoñok, kaijurjur eo rar katok kake, jibboñ im jota, ion lokatok in kaijurjur eo ilo Jikin Kwojarjar eo ilo temple eo? Elders in every land honor traveling overseers, who are appointed by the Governing Body Elder ro ilo ailiñ ko otemjej rej koutiej overseer ro rej itoitak, ro me Governing Body eo ear jitõñ ir Jen Abraham ñan David: 14 ebeben ko) When they found themselves in dangerous situations, they were courageous yet cautious. Ke rar lo air bed ilo wãwen ko rekauwatata, rar beran im bareinwõt meletlet. Ad kõm̦m̦ane men in enaaj bõktok nõbar ñan Jeova im kõtl̦o̦k bwe en ãeik im l̦ame kõj kajjojo. Why, though, should we fear God and not man? Ak etke jej aikwij mijõk Anij im jab armij? Ilo book eo King James Version, eon in ej ba: "Ilo jinoin kar Nan eo, im Nan eo ear bed ibben Anij [Greek, ñan kajin Greek], im Nan eo kar Anij [·os]. " The discussion is helpful for the couple getting married and for all attending the wedding. Katak eo elap an jibañ ro rej mare im ñan aolep ro rej bed ilo ien kõmare eo. Ewi wãwen an Jehovah kejbãrok kij ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Christian? Never should we allow curiosity to lure us into such a calamitous course! - Proverbs 22: 3. Jejjab kõnan kõtlok bwe itoklimo eo ad kin katak ko air en kareel kij ñan deloñ ilo ial eo ej kajorrãn kij! - Jabõn Kennan Ko 22: 3. ORAN ARMEJ IN JIKIN IN She concluded by stating again that speaking about Jehovah and his Kingdom is what she loves most in this world. Ilo jem̦l̦o̦kin katak eo an leddik in, ear bar ãlij im ba bwe men eo em̦m̦antata ippãn ej ñe ej kwal̦o̦k ñan ro jet kõn Jeova im Aelõñ eo an. Jen an eindein, ear "mõke likit E ñõn Eo ej ekajet jime. " How can we imitate the example of Jesus and the early disciples by building and maintaining healthy friendships with our spiritual brothers and sisters? Ewi wãwen ar maroñ anõk joñok eo an Jisõs im dri kalor ro mokta ilo ar kõmõn im drebij jimjera eo ar iben ro jeer im jãter ilo congregation eo? Ej kwalok juõn lal in melele. Out of his deep love for mankind, God gave his beloved Son as a ransom, making it possible for those who exercise faith in him to enjoy life without end, free from the pain and suffering that resulted from sin. (Jon 3: 16) Kin an lap an yokwe armij, Anij ear letok Nejin ejitenburu einwõt juõn binmour, bwe ro rej kwalok air tõmak ilo e ren maroñ mõnõnõ kin juõn mour ejelok jemlokõn. Bareinwõt bwe ren anemkwoj jen buromõj im iñtan ko rej walok jen jerawiwi. Ãlikin an kar l̦alem allõñ ilo New York, kar jilkinl̦o̦k emãn iaan ro rar kadiwõjl̦o̦k jãn Jikuul̦in Giliad bwe ren etal ñan ãne ko rettol̦o̦k ilo juon Lom̦al̦o in Car. Why? Etke? Devid ear jel̦ã kõn l̦õmn̦ak ko an im ear ba: "Em̦õn̦õn̦õ kom̦ar dãpij eõ rainin jãn ami del̦o̦ñ ilo bõtõktõk. " - 1 Sa. In what sense? Etke ej ba bwe ej "kiiñ "? Etke jejjab aikuj rum̦wij in kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an ñan ro jet? This heavenly Kingdom, or government, will soon take action to bring about global peace under righteous rule. - 2 Peter 3: 13. (Daniel 2: 44, NW) Ailiñ in ilañ, ak kien eo, ejjabto enaj bõktok ainemõn ibelakin lal iumin juõn wãwen iroij ewãnik. - 2 Piter 3: 13. Jehovah ear jiroñ armij ro an bwe rej aikwij kãlet e einwõt "baal " eo air, ak leo belen. But what discipline may be required if serious sin is committed? Ak kauwe rot eo kwonaj aikwiji elañe kwar kõmman juõn jerawiwi elap? Ak kiõ ke rej jodikdik, ewõr abañ ko ibbed kin men otemjej. The Bible teaches us to treasure knowledge. Baibõl̦ ej rõjañ kõj bwe jen wũnõknõk ak kaorõk jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ jãn Anij. Kwõmaroñ ke kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ jel̦ã kilen kõmel̦el̦eik Naanin Anij? It also explains what is involved in becoming "fishers of men. " - Matt. 4: 19. Jenaaj bareinwõt katak kõn ta mel̦el̦ein "rieo̦ñõd armej. " - Matu 4: 19. KAR kõm̦m̦ane juon kweilo̦k el̦ap ilo Paris im New York City ilo Jeptõm̦ba 14, 2014 eo. Lañliñ eo iar bõk jen aõ karejar ñan ro jet ej jibañ iõ ñan kajekdon eñjake ko renana rar waloktok jen melejoñ im abañ ko iar iioni mokta. • Ewi wãwen ad lelok ñan Jehovah juõn menin katok kin wijtak? Parents can learn from the example of Daniel's parents. Jemãn im jinen ajri ro remaroñ bar katak jãn joñak eo an jemãn im jinen Daniel. Ñan wanjoñok, abañ ko kin money remaroñ jelet eñjake ko ad. We need to listen to our Bible - trained conscience instead of letting our selfish inclinations overwhelm it. Jej aikwij roñjake bõklikõt eo ar emwij an Baibel eo kamineneiki jen ar kõtlok bwe kõnan ko ar rekibbon ren anjo. Ke jej kate kij ñan kajejjet kitien kien eo an Christ ñan kõmman ri kalor ro, jej lo jab ran in lañliñ wõt ak bareinwõt ran in buromõj. The bad news we hear every day proves that good things are coming soon News ko renana me jej roñ kajjojo ran rej kein kamol ko bwe ejjabto jen kiõ men ko remõn renaj itok Emaroñ wõr tokjen jimor ñan kajjojo armij im ñan bukwon eo. The events surrounding Dinah's rape highlight an important lesson. Men ko rar walok ilo ien eo kar kokkure Daina rej kalikar juõn menin katak ekanuij aurõk ñõn kij. Eokwe, eñin men eo Anij ekõn̦aan bwe jen kõm̦m̦ane. In a similar vein, Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Im ainemõn jen Anij, eo ej elã jen jela otemjej, e naj kejbãrok buruemi im lemnok ko ami ilo Kraist Jisõs. " • Ta in mour jime? • How does being dedicated to God benefit us? • Ewi wãwen jej bõk tokjen jen ar wujleplok kij mõke ñõn Jeova? Eoon kein renaaj ke kwal̦o̦k bwe em̦ool im jim̦we mel̦el̦e ko ilo Baibõl̦? Gerhard serves as an elder in a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Gerhard ej jerbal einwõt juõn elder ilo juõn congregation an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. Ta lemnak eo kin don jej aikwij debiji, im etke men in emaroñ juõn aitwerõk jet ien? I knew this was wrong, but I tried to ignore it, hoping that in time it would just go away. Iar jelã bwe menin ear bwid, ak I ar kajeoñ kajekdone, ilo aõ kar kejatdikdik bwe enaj kar etal im make bõjrak. Jej kwalok yokwe rot in ilo kõmman ko ad im jab ilo nan wõt. Why? Etke? Ewi toan? At the same time, they are determined to marry "only in the Lord, " as the Scriptures counsel. Ilo ejja ien eo wõt, rej beek in mare "ilo Iroij wõt, " einwõt an Bible eo kakabilek. Ewi Wãween Am̦ Kõm̦m̦ane Pepe eo Am̦? (3) Ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k ñan Samuel kõn kallim̦ur eo jinen ear kõm̦m̦ane? Ke jaar katak lok iman, ilo ien eo elõñ kumi in armij ro rar ba bwe rej Christian. The provision of having such men appointed is "with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones,... for the building up of the body of the Christ. " Kar jitõñ eman rein " bwe ren [kajime, NW] ro remõn,... kin kalek enbwinin Kraist. ' (Ep. Ijello̦kun aer pukot men ko m̦weieer bwe ren jab maroñ kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. Even if that does not happen, it is best to tackle your problems one day at a time. Meñe apañ ko jej iiooni rejjab em̦m̦anl̦o̦k, ak jejjab aikuj inepata kaki el̦ap jãn joñan. Ajri ro nejin Galili rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in m̦õñã im ek; rar jel̦ã ta ko rekõn̦aan. Having helped us to begin walking with him, Jehovah does not now leave us to our own devices to remain faithful. Jeova ear jipañ kõj ñan jino karejar ñan e. Kõn men in, jemaroñ lõke bwe enaaj bar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im jipañ kõj bwe jen tiljek ñan e. Ear bed iman emaan in Moses, juõn shepherd ettã buruen, elõñ alen an walok - ejelok kobban im ejelok an itoklimo. These, no doubt, survived. Ejelok bere, em kein rar bed wõt. Meñe ear dik, ear wõr ibben Jesus tõmak im beran eo ear aikwiji ñan kajitõk ibben ri kaki ro reritto ilo temple eo. Eventually, a study was arranged for 10: 00 p.m. Eliktata, rar karõk ñan katak Bible ilo 10: 00 p.m. Ij konono ke kin juburu eo ij bõke jen aõ jerbal ñan ro jet? What is his goal in misleading people? (2 Dri Korint 4: 4) Ta mejenkajik eo an ilo an mone armij ro? Kiõ ke ear motlok jet ien jen ien eo ke oktak in ear walok, jemaroñ kajitõk ibbed make: " Ij kajerbal ke ien eo ear bellok ñan aõ katak ibben family eo ak ñan katak ibbam make? My servant,... whom my soul has approved! " - ISA. Aõ ej lõñliñ kake. " - AIS. (b) Mokta jen ad rejañ ri katak ro ad ñan katak Bible ibbeir make, ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane? (Exodus 12: 33 - 36) Tokãlik, Ri Israel ro rar lukkuun lañlõñ ke rar loe an Jeova ko̦kkure Pero im jarin tarin̦ae eo an ilo Lom̦al̦o Ekilmir. Ta eo Anij enaj kar jiroñ ri kanan eo an? If I become involved with the wrong crowd, I will want to please my friends, and that could lead to trouble. " Elañe ij oktak im lorak ibben jarin armij ro rebwid, Inaj kõnan kamõnõnõik ro jera, im menin emaroñ tellok ñan jorrãn. " Ak jemlokin iaikwij eo kin mour ej bed imad, im jejjab aikwij ebwer. (The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures) Regarding this term, one scholar explains: "It refers to a judge who looks at a man's face and renders a verdict, not in accord with the merits of the case, but according as he likes or dislikes the man. " (Jerbal 10: 34, UBS) Naan in Grik eo me kar ukote ñan "kalijekl̦o̦k " ej mel̦el̦ein" l̦õmn̦ak kõn okõtan armej. " Ñan kamol ñan e bwe ejañin kar ilok jen e, Jesus ear jiroñ e bwe en bõjrak jen an eddeb ñan e ak jen an ilok im lelok ñan ri kalor ro an news eo kin jerkakbiji eo an. Because of his blessing, I feel indebted to him and am moved to do more in his service, and this results in more blessings. " Kõn an kajeraam̦m̦an eõ, ikõn̦aan kwal̦o̦k aõ kam̦m̦oolol im kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aõ ilo aõ jerbal ñane, im men in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en lõñl̦o̦k wõt jeraam̦m̦an ko ij loi. " Ro rej mour ekkar ñan kõnan ko air make rej aikwij bõk nebar. There are close to 300 sign - language congregations in Mexico. Ilo ailiñ in Mexico, eor ebakelok 300 congregation ko an ro rejaroñroñ. Ro retiljek rar jab kõnan bõk jabdewõt kauwatata ko, bokake eo air ear jab kin kalijeklok ak kin aolepen burueir. Clearly, Jehovah does not grant peace to everyone. Alikar, Jehovah ejjab lelok ainemõn ñan jabdewõt armij. Enaj kitibuj an lale ajiri ro, ilo meanwõd kwalok ñan e kilen ukõt mõttan ko ak keboj kij in mõñã ko - meñe emaroñ einwõt bin ilo jinoin. On this account cease becoming unreasonable, but go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is. Kin menin komin jab bwebwe, a komin jelalokjen ta eo ankil an Iroij. Ri Christian ro me rej kobalok ibben ro rejjab karejar ñan Jehovah renaj jelmae aitwerõk ko relap. The Scriptures foretold: "It is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Ilo jinoin ebeben in, ekajet eo ear ijjino ibben mweo imõn Anij. (b) Etke ri kabuñ ro retiljek an Jehovah bareinwõt rej iion eñtan ko an armij? While in elementary school, a Japanese girl named Ayumi made it her goal to witness to everyone in her class. Ke ear bed ilo elementary school, juõn ledik in Ri Japan etan Ayumi ear kõmman bwe en mejenkajjik eo an ñan kwalok nan ibben aolep ilo class eo an. (2) Ta eo jenaaj etale ilo katak in? Instead of giving counsel about any judicial or confidential matter, the publisher should suggest that he speak to the elders. Jen an lelok nan in kakabilek ko kin bwir eo an, dri kwalok eo ej aikwij rejañ e bwe en kebak elder ro. Ilo ijjibed ko relap rej bareinwõt kõmman bwe en bin ad bed wõt ilo mour erreo. The apostle Paul showed that he understood the importance of loving those who are being taught. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8. Ri jilek Paul ear kwalok bwe ear melele kin aorõkin kwalok yokwe ñan ro jej katakin ir. - Read 1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. Kwon Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lowõj? The term, it says, "was used of the letters of the alphabet, as elements of speech. " Thus, "the elements " mentioned by Peter refer to the fundamental things that give the world its ungodly characteristics, attitudes, ways, and goals. Ke Piter ear kajerbal nan kein "men ko " ear jitõñlok ñõn men ko me rej kõmõn an armij ro kwalok karkar ko, lemnok ko, wãwen ko, im mejenkajik ko an lõl, im rej bareinwõt kitibuj " mõntin lõl ' me" ej jerbal ilo ro dri kiblia. " Ilo an kar katak Baibõl̦, ear kwal̦o̦k an lõke bwe el̦aññe enaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in pokake kien ko an Anij, enaaj lo tõprak. - Sam 1: 1 - 3. • How does the commandment against covetousness protect us? • Ewi wãwen an kien eo nae ankwonak ej kejbãrok kij? [ Pija eo ilo peij 19] Jemaroñ bareinwõt karõk anemkwoj elañe rar lelok ir ñan juõn anij. " What incidents in Jesus ' ministry demonstrate that he looked for the good in people? Ta men ko rar walok ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Jesus rej kalikar bwe ear bukõt emõn eo ilo armij? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõk tokjen jen bwebwenato ko ilo Bible kin Absalom, Absalom, im Baruch? Consider Nadia and Marina, two teenage girls in Moscow, Russia. Lemnak kin Nadia im Marina, ruo ledik jodikdik ilo Moscow, Russia. Maroñ eo ñan mõñã kar juõn men in letok rot in. - Liv. (a) After their Babylonian exile, how did many Jews fall prey to false religious ideas? (1) Ewi wãween an kar elõñ Ri Ju ro katak im jel̦ã tõmak eo eriab kõn jetõb ro renana? Meñe jej lo an jako mweiuk ko kin jumae ak matõrtõr jej eñtan kin ad debij wõt ial eo an Christian, jemaroñ liki bwe Jehovah enaj kajerammõn kij ilo eyu. Of course, true Christians do perform good works. Emol, Ri Christian ro remol rej kõmman jerbal ko remõn. [ Pija ko ilo peij 18] * And God chose not to reveal even the descriptive name of that enemy until some 2,500 years after the initial rebellion. Im ear jab kwal̦o̦k kõn wõn rijum̦ae in m̦ae 2,500 iiõ ko ãlikin wõt an kar enjel̦ in jum̦ae ilo kar jikin kallibin Iden. Ta nan in kakabilek eo "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet " ear lelok ñan elder ro rej family ko? Far from it! Etke? [ Ej kalikar kin wãwen eo einjuõn kin manit im lañliñ, eo ej walok ilo nebar im nebar eo an Anij. " And some who have found valuables and kept them reasoned, "finders keepers. " Elañe Jesus ear jab jerkakbiji, jemaroñ ba bareinwõt: "Komin mõña im irak; bwe ilju je mij. " Armageddon survivors will enjoy the fruits of the earth Ro rej mour im ellã jen Armageddon renaj lañliñ kin leen ko an lal Em̦m̦aan rein ekkã aer mel̦el̦e kõn jet iaan men ko rej aikuj kõm̦m̦ani. These are not isolated incidents. Men in ear juon jerbal l̦apl̦ap. [ Pija eo ilo peij 14] What must we do to gain and maintain a righteous standing with God? Ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane ñan debij juõn kõtan emõn ibben Anij? Kin men in, rar kõmman karõk ko ñan Paul im jejjo ro jet ñan etal ñan Jerusalem im kajitõk ibben governing body eo an Christian ñan kamadmõde aitwerõk eo juõn alen im ñan aolep. - Jerbal 15: 1, 2, 24. In striving for self - determination, they lost the true freedom they had been given. Bõtab, rar luuji anemkwõj eo em̦ool Jeova ear lel̦o̦k ñan erro. Jerbal eo an Ro Rej Kõmõn Kwelok ko The marriage took place, and when Ruth later gave birth, the women of Bethlehem cried out: "A son has been born to Naomi. " Mare eo ear kõmman, im ke tokelik Ruth ear keotak, kõrã in Bethlehem ro rar lamõj: "Juõn nejin man e ar lotak ñõn Naomi. " Ri meletlet ro jet rej lelok ir make ñan katak kin nan, einwõt book in Bible ko. Do I reach out to help others, both in the congregation and in the field ministry? ' Ejjab aolep iien epidodo ad lel̦o̦k iien im maroñ ko ad ñan jipañ ro jet. Ñe kõmij kwal̦o̦k peran, kõmij jab ebbeer. Paul later appeared before Governor Felix. Tokelik Paul ear walok iman Iroij eo Felix. Governing body eo ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ear juõn unjen kõketak jimor ñan ro rej tel im ñan Christian ro. So the travelers turned west and walked 350 miles (563 km), bypassing city after city until they reached the port of Troas, the natural gateway to Macedonia. Rein rar kiiõ etal irilikl̦o̦k im etetal ium̦win 350 m̦ail̦ ko. Rar kijoone elõñ jikin ko m̦ae iien rar tõparl̦o̦k op eo ilo Troas. Ilo m̦ool, ej kwal̦o̦k ñan Jeova kõn naan kein rejouj me rej ba: "Ña am̦. " These missionaries unselfishly devote their time and effort to the noble cause of helping people to draw close to Jehovah God and enjoy a precious relationship with him. - Jas. 24: 14) Ilo jab kibbon missionary rein rej kajerbal ien im kajur ko air ñan jibañ armij ro ñan air ruaklok ñan Jehovah Anij im ñan air lañliñ kin juõn kõtan emõn ibben. - Jem. Ro jet rej bere bwe renaj maroñ kijenmij ñe rej lo an eo rej yokwe eñtan im bõlen luji kautiej eo air kin tokjen nañinmij eo. " How good and how pleasant it is... to dwell together in unity! " - PS. Jehovah Anij im ro uan Israel eo ilo jitõb - ro Jehovah ej karõk ñan bõktok aibujuij ilañ. IDUMEA IDOM Jehovah ear jab jibed armij ro bwe ren karejar ñan e, ak ear kabellok ial eo ñan ad jeblak ñan e. - Dri Rom 5: 10. What would your feelings be when you tried to pray to God? Enaj ewi wãwen am iñjake elañe kwoj kajeoñ in jar ñõn Anij? Emaan ro mõttan David rar rejañ e bwe en mõn Saul. How Would You Reply? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Ejamin bar toor dren in kemjalal jen buromõj. We are wise to turn away from even the thought of giving a listening ear to apostates. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 11: 9) Ej juõn menin meletlet ñan ad ellok im jab roñjake ri buñ jen tõmak ak ro rej jumae Anij. 7, 8. (a) Ta men in katok eo Jesus ear kõmmane, im ewi wãwen kar nawõnãn? Pondering over the words of the three men just quoted can help you prove yourself holy by being obedient. Ñe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn naan kein an em̦m̦aan rein 3, enaaj jipañ kõj bwe jen kwõjarjar wõt ilo ad pokake Anij. Men ko Jemaroñ Kõm̦m̦ani ilo Iien Kabuñ an Baam̦le eo Ad 19, 20. 19, 20. Ilo wãwen in, kwomaroñ liki bwe kwojamin jako kin lal in enana ear liakelok yuk. ▪ The apostle Paul wrote: "Everything that is sold in a meat market keep eating, making no inquiry on account of your conscience. " ▪ Dri jilik Paul ear je: "Men eo jabrewõt rej wiakake ilo jikin wia kõniek, komin mõña, im jab kajitõk kake kin bõklikõt. " Aet, Nan in Anij ej katakin kij bwe jej "jerbal " ilo kij make. - Dri Epesõs 3: 15 - 19; Dri Kolosse 1: 23; 2: 7. For example, what was represented by the incense that was offered, morning and evening, upon the altar of incense in the Holy compartment of the temple? (Dri Hibru 9: 1 - 10) Ñan wanjoñok, kaijurjur eo kar lelok ilo jibboñ im jota, ion lokatok in kaijurjur eo ilo jikin Kwojarjar ilo temple eo, ear jutak kin ta? Ro jet renaj lo jerbal ko am remõn, im elõñ renaj emmakit ñan kaibujuij Jemed. - Mat. From Abraham to David: 14 generations (911 years) Jen Abraham ñan David: 14 ebeben ko (911 yiõ ko) Ri jilek Paul ear kamelele bwe lokatok eo ear jutak kin ankil an Anij, ekkar ñan men in katok eo ejejjet ñan lomoren armij. This will honor Jehovah and allow him to mold each of us to his praise. Men in enaj kautiej Jehovah im kõtlok e bwe en jek nalõmed ñan nebar eo an. Bõtab, el̦aññe kwõnaaj kõn̦aan jel̦ã ta ko juon armej ej kõm̦m̦ani, kwõn lel̦o̦k kajoor ñan e. " In the King James Version, that verse reads: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God [Greek, ton the·onʹ], and the Word was God [the·osʹ]. " Eon in ej ba: "Ilo jinoin Nan eo, im Nan iben Anij [juõn ian nan in Grik eo, ho the·osʹ], im Nan Anij [the·osʹ]. " Ak ta eo Jehovah ear kõmmane? How does Jehovah sustain us in the Christian ministry? Ewi wãwen an Jehovah wõnake kij ilo jerbal eo an Christian? Etke? POPULATION 143,930,000 L̦ÕMN̦AK KO REM̦M̦AN! Instead, he "kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " Bõtab, ear "make likũt E ñan Eo ej ekajet jim̦we. " Ta eo ej kwalok bwe jitõb eo an Anij ej kakajur kumi in ri karejar eo? Tokãlik, rar bõk Menassa ñan Babilon im kalbuuji ie. Ri Christian ro jinoin rar keini air bed ilo kwelok ko ñan bõk katak ko ilo jitõb. It conveys a world of information. Ej kwalok juõn melele eo elap. Tokjen men in, rej kõmman men eo rekõnan, ilo air jab kautiej ankil an Anij. After the five - month course in New York, four of us Gilead graduates were assigned to the smaller islands of the Caribbean Sea. Ãlikin aõ jikuul̦ ilo Giliad ium̦win 5 allõñ ilo New York, kar jitõñ ña im bar jilu em̦m̦aan ro iar kadiwõjl̦o̦k ippãer bwe kõmin etal im kwal̦o̦k naan ilo ãne jiddik ko ilo Caribbean Sea. Im em̦m̦an ñe jej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kiki! David came to his senses and said: "Blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt. " - 1 Sam. Devid ear kile bwe ear bwir lemnok eo an im ear ba: "Kwon mõnõnõ, kweo kwar kejbãrok iõ ranin jen ruõ kin bõtõktõk. " - 1 Sam. Ta eo jej jelã kake kin ri jeje eo ilo letter eo an James? Why should we not delay in doing good things for others? Etke jen jab rumij ilo ad kõmman men ko remõn ñan ro jet? David, jemen Solomon, ear rejañ e bwe en "jela Anij an jemõm, im korijer ñõn E kin buru e wãppen. " Jehovah told his people that they should choose him as their "baal, " or husbandly owner. Jehovah ear jiroñ armij ro an bwe ren kãlet e einwõt air "baal, " ak leo beleir. Aet, kij aolep jen jelã bwe ejelok ilju ñan ro rej bukõt "men ko relap " ñan ir make ilo jukjuk im bed in. But now that they are teenagers, we have conflicts over everything. Ak kiõ ke rej jodrikdrik, kimij akwail kin men ko otemjej. Ñan ro rej kajekdon nan in kakabilek eo an, Jehovah ej ba: "Kwar kãlet men eo e jab buñburuen kake iõ.... Can you become more adept in the art of persuasion when explaining God's Word? Kwomaroñ ke kakõmanmanlok kabel eo am kin wãwen kareelel ñe kwoj kamelele kin Nan in Anij? Einwõt ri jeje sam, jej watõk nan in Anij einwõt juõn lamp ñan need im juõn meram ñan ial eo ad. Bareinwõt, rej aikuji an ro jeid im jatid jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan ippãer. Jeova emaroñ kar kõm̦m̦an bwe menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an ren kõn̦aan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan im eban bar kõm̦m̦ane men in. THE International Year for the Culture of Peace was launched in Paris and New York City on September 14, 1999. INTERNATIONAL Year for the Culture of Peace (Yiõ eo ñan Kõmman juõn Jukjuk im Bed in Ainemõn Ibelakin Lal) ear ijjino ilo Paris im New York ilo September 14, 1999. Inem elañe kij ro nejin, inem dri jolit; dri jolit an Anij, im dri jolit iben Kraist. " • How do we offer Jehovah a sacrifice of praise? • Ewi wãwen ad lelok ñan Jehovah wijtak in nebar eo? Ejelok ñitta, ñitta, jabwe mõñã, ak kwuli. For example, economic woes can put pressure on our emotions. 3: 1) Ñõn wanjoñok, abañ ko kin jããn remaroñ bõktok elap ijjibed ko ion iñjake ko ar. Ej noje dren ko an, ak elaplok an irak. As we strive to carry out Christ's command to make disciples, we experience not only days of joy but also days of sadness. Ñe jej kajejjet kitien kien eo an Christ ñan kõmman ri kalor ro ilo kijejeto, jejjab lo ran ko rekalañliñ wõt ak jej lo ran ko rekaburomõjmõj bareinwõt. Ilo ad bokake wõt nan in kakabilek ko im nan in kakememej ko an Nan in Anij jemaroñ kejbãrok kij jen ad bo ilo "nan ko rewan an Satan, " The New American Bible]. " - 2 Pit. 1: 16. It can be of benefit both to individuals and to the community. Emaroñ wõr tokjen ñan armij ro kajjojo im ñan bukwon eo. Juõn etale kin men in bwilõñ ko an Jesus enaj kar ejelok joñan ñan kamelele kin mol ko air. Basically, that is what God expects of us. Ilo tukadu, eñin men eo Anij ej watõk kin kij. Jehovah ear lelok ke maroñ eo an? • What is integrity? • Ta in mour jime? Ñan pãd ilo Jikuul̦in Baibõl̦ eo ñan Em̦m̦aan ro Rej Lale Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova ilo Canada, ear bõjrak jãn jerbal eo an kõnke bo̦o̦j eo an ear jab kõn̦aan etal jãn jikin jerbal eo an. Would the passage of time render those writings truthful and reliable? Ñe rej ber ijo iomin elõñ yiõ ko renaj kõmõn ke bwe jeje ko ren mol im eor berberin ar liki? Ke iar jino pãd ilo juon iaan kweilo̦k ko aer, ear lukkuun em̦m̦an mejatoto eo ie, im aolep rar lukkuun jouj im m̦õn̦õn̦õ! What view of one another do we need to maintain, and why might this be a challenge at times? Ta lemnak eo kin don jej aikwij kate kij ñan kejbãroke, im etke men in emaroñ bin jet ien? Aet, ilo ettã buru bokake ial eo an Jehovah, ro rej yokwe mol eo rej lañliñ kin jerammõn rot kein kiõ, im ilo liki reimanlok ñan jerammõn ko rej indio ion lal. - Sam 37: 29. We show such love by actions rather than by words alone. Ej mel̦el̦ein bwe jej aikuj kwal̦o̦k yokwe aolep iien. Jiljino letter ko rar itok jen "Dri Hibru, iroij in Jerusalem. How old is it? Ewi toon an pãd? 17: 1, 2, 5; 18: 23. Robison), Feb. No. 4 Emol, jej aikwij kate kij ñan mour ekkar ñan kien ko rewãnik an Anij. As we learned earlier, at that time many groups claimed to be Christian. Ãinwõt ad kar katak m̦oktal̦o̦k, ear lõñ kumi in armej ro me rar ba bwe rej Kũrjin ilo iien m̦adm̦õd eo. Ewi wãwen elder ro remaroñ kajeoñe Jesus Christ? Rather than finding themselves burdened with possessions they can no longer afford, they are free to expand their ministry. Rar kõl̦l̦ãiki m̦uri ko aer im wiakake m̦weiuk ko aer me rejjab aikuji. Ear jiroñ armij ro an: "Kwon kanuij katakin ro nejõm kin nan ko an [Anij], im konono kaki ñe kwoj jijõt ilo mweo imõm, im ñe kwoj etetal ilo ial, im ñe kwoj babu, im ñe kwoj jerkak. " The children of Galilee enjoyed eating eggs and fish; they knew what they wanted. (Luk 11: 11, 12, UBS) Ear lukkun enno lep im iik iben ajiri ro ilo Galili im rar jela ta ko rekõnan mõña. Mour in mare rot in ej kaibujuij Anij im emaroñ juõn jerammõn elap ñan leo belen, lio belen, im ajiri ro nejiir. It was before this man that Moses, a meek shepherd, appeared repeatedly - unbidden and unwelcome. Moses, juõn dri lale s̃ip me etã buruen ear jutõk imanin Pero elõñ alen, meñe ear jab kir e bwe en jãdelok ñõn iben. Ekkã an walok bwe, jemaroñ bõktok elap rõlok ñan ri tõmak ro mõttad rej eñtan ilo eñjake elañe jej bõk ien ñan roñjake ir kin juõn eñjake in tiriamo. Although he was young, Jesus had the faith and courage needed to question older teachers at the temple. Im " er otemjej rej roñjake re bwilõñ kõn An mãlõtlõt im an uwaak. ' Baibel eo ej ba: "Anij e wãnik wõt, im E jamin meloklok ami jerbal im yokwe, eo kom ar kwalok kin etan. " - Hib. Do I talk about the satisfaction that I receive from working hard for others? Ij ke kwalok aõ juburu ilo aõ kate iõ jerbal ñõn ro jet? Ewi Wãwen Ri Christian Ro Ran Kein Rej Bõk Anjo? Now that some time has elapsed since that change was introduced, we can ask ourselves: " Am I using the time made available to have a Family Worship evening or to engage in personal study? Rar kõm̦m̦ane oktak in elõñl̦o̦k jãn 2 iiõ ko remootl̦o̦k. Innem jen kajjitõkin kõj make: " Ij ke katak ippãn baam̦le eo aõ ilo boñõn in kar kepel̦l̦o̦k ñan ad katak? Ear lukkuun lõñ an jããn im ear l̦ap on̦ãn jerbal ko an ñan rijerbal ro an. (b) Before we encourage our students to study the Bible on their own, what must we be doing? (1) Ewi wãween an kar Paul kaalikkar bwe jenaaj lo tõprak ilo ad karejar ñan Jeova ñe jej katak Naanin Anij? Ej pijaiki juõn pija eo einjuõn, juõn eo ej kwalok an niknik ilo jerbal. What would God yet tell his prophet? Ta eo Anij ejañin kar jiroñ ri kanan eo an kake? Ilo juõn ien emaroñ kajitõk ibben ajiri eo bwe en kejbãrok jet men ko redik jen jemen im jinen - bõlen juõn men in lelok ak karõk ñan jet ilju im jeklaj. But the finish line in the race for life is just ahead, and we must not give up. Ak jemlokin lain eo ilo iaikwij eo ñan mour ej bed wõt iman, im jej aikwij jab ebwer. Ear ettã buruen, joij, im lemnak kin ir, im jibañ ro rej bed iumin ijjibed im eñtan. To assure her that he was not yet leaving, Jesus told her to stop clinging to him but instead to go and give his disciples the news of his resurrection. Ñan kamol bwe ejañin tok ien eo bwe en etal jen e, Jesus ear jiroñ kõrã eo bwe en jab debij e ak emõnlok an etal ñan ri kalor ro an im kwalok news eo emõn bwe ear jerkakbiji. Ij keememej wõt katak eo aõ m̦oktata. Those who live a life of self - sacrifice should be commended. Jej aikuj lel̦o̦k naanin rõjañ ak kõketak ñan ro rej jerbal ñan Jeova full - time, ãinwõt bainier ro retiljek. Ñe em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia rej kwal̦o̦k ekajet jim̦we ñan doon, ej aikuj jim̦we wãween aer kõm̦m̦an ñan doon im ippãn ro rejjab tõmak. - Riit Maika 6: 8, 11. Loyal ones were not about to take any risks. Their obedience was not partial or halfhearted. Ro rar tiljek ñan Jeova rar kaiur im pokake e jãn aolepen bũrueer. Raan eo tok juon, bwilijmããn̦ ro rar bar ro̦o̦l ñan em̦m̦aan eo an. She will involve him in child care, patiently showing him how to change diapers or prepare feeding bottles - even though he may seem clumsy at first. Im lio en meanwõd ilo an kwal̦o̦k kilen ñan l̦eo kõkããl kal̦ ak kepoj bato in ninnin ko an ajri eo. Ej aikuj kwal̦o̦k meanwõd ñan l̦eo meñe ilo jinoin elukkuun pen awiia. Ri Israel ro ilo ran ko an Moses ear wõr unin air tõmak bwe Jehovah enaj kar lo tõbrak ilo an bõktok ir ñan loan Enen Kallimur eo. Christians who enter into courtship with those who do not serve Jehovah are likely to face terrible challenges. Ri Christian ro rej kabukõt ro mõttair rejjab karejar ñan Jehovah renaj jelmae abañ ko relap. (Riit 2 Piter 2: 5.) (b) Why do even faithful worshipers of Jehovah experience human suffering? (b) Etke ri kabuñ ro retiljek an Jehovah rej iion iñtan eo an armij bareinwõt? Bible eo ej bareinwõt alikar ikijen karõk eo an Anij kin armij. (b) What will we discuss in this article? (2) Ta ko jenaaj etali ilo katak in? Ãindeinl̦o̦k wõt, juon eo el̦ap an poub emaroñ ãliklik in katak Baibõl̦. Internal pressure also makes it difficult to remain morally chaste. Ijjibed eo ituloa ej bareinwõt kõmman an bin bed wõt ilo mour erreo. El̦aññe jekõn̦aan el̦l̦ã im mour, jej aikuj jel̦ã kõn ta ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ñan kõj im kõjparok kõj jãni. Would You Welcome a Visit? Kwon Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lowõj? Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe jet iaan ro me rar karejar ñan Jeova rar bõjrak jãn aer ekkõl wõt im rar del̦o̦ñ ilo ial̦ ko aer m̦okta. Bible study gave Tamba the confidence that if he took delight in God's law, he would succeed. - Psalm 1: 1 - 3. (Aiseia 8: 19, UBS) An Tamba katak Baibel eo, men in ear kalaplok liki eo an bwe elañe ej mõnõnõ in lor kien Anij, enaj lo tõbrõk ilo mour eo an. - Sam 1: 1 - 3. Ejjabto tokãlik, ear wõr 40 nejin l̦addik. Freedom could also be arranged if ownership was transferred to a god. " Bareinwõt rar maroñ bõk anemkwoj elañe master ro rar karõk bwe ri kamakoko ro air ren an anij ko im jerbal ilo temple ko. " Ilo juõn ian wanjoñok ko an, Jesus ear rejañ juõn armij bwe en " jijet mokta im bebe kin wõnan, bwe en lale elañe ebwe. " - Luk 14: 28. How can we benefit from Bible accounts about Abner, Absalom, and Baruch? Ta eo jej katak jãn bwebwenatoun Abner, Absalom, im Baruk? Kwon Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lowõj? The right to glean food was one such provision. - Lev. (Exodus 12: 38, 49; 22: 21) Kõnke ear jab pidodo an ruwamãejet ro mour ilo bar juon aelõñ, Jeova ear kõm̦m̦an karõk ko ñan jipañ im kõjparok rein. Jejjab mõnõnõ ke kin kejatdikdik eo imad? Even when we experience the loss of material things because of opposition or persecution that we suffer for holding to the Christian way, we can be content knowing that Jehovah will reward us fully. Meñe jej luji men ko mweied kin an armij ro jumae ak matõrtõre kij kinke jej jutak bin einwõt juõn Ri Christian, jemaroñ jokane wõt kinke jej jelã bwe Jehovah enaj kajerammõn kij ñan maat joñan. Bõtab, ebidodo ba menin jen kõmmane. [ Pictures on page 18] [ Pija ko ilo peij 26] Ewi Wãwen Ad Maroñ Kaddek Lemnak eo an Jesus kin Jimwe im Nana What counsel has "the faithful and discreet slave " given to elders who are family men? Ta nan in kakabilek eo "ri korijer eo e tiljek im meletlet " ej letok ñõn elder ro ewor air family? Ñan kalikar kauwatata in mour ko ad, Solomon ej kajerbal nan eo "men bata " enañin 30 alen ilo Ecclesiastes. [ It] stresses the special aspect of festivity and joy, expressed in the adoration and praise of God. " [ Ej] kalikar kin wãwen eo einjuõn kin kwojkwoj im lañliñ, ko rej walok ilo kabuñ im nebar eo ñan Anij. " Men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en pidodol̦o̦k an armej ro ilo̦k jãn jerbal eo an. (Sam 1: 1 - 3, 6) Meñe ar jela kilen riit ejjab menin aikwij ñõn bõk lomor, Baibel eo ej kwalok bwe riit emaroñ bõktok elap jerammõn. Bõtab, Edith ear kwal̦o̦k wõt an jouj im ettã bũruon. If Jesus was not resurrected, we might as well say: "Eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " (Rom 5: 12; 6: 23) El̦aññe en kar ãindein, enaaj kar ejjel̦o̦k ad kõjatdikdik im jenaaj kar ba: "Jen m̦õñã im idaak, bwe ilju jemej. " Ej bõk jidik wõt mõñã, juõn men ñan kõnak, im juõn jikin ñan babu. These brothers usually understood how certain matters should be handled. Overseer rein ekkã air melele kin kilen kõmmane jet men ko. Emol, ilo jet territory ko ebin ñan jino bwebwenato ibben don. [ Picture on page 14] [ Pija] Elõñ wa ko rej kattõr wa, ak ro jet rej etal jen juõn jikin ñan bar juõn ilo air itoitak ñan bar juõn jikin, ikijen bicycle, iturin ial ko, ak nee ko. Thus, arrangements were made for Paul and a few others to go to Jerusalem and ask the Christian governing body to resolve the issue once and for all. - Acts 15: 1, 2, 24. Kin men in, rar karõk bwe Paul im ro jet ren etal ñan Jerusalem im kajitõk ibben ri tel ro an Christian governing body eo bwe ren uake kajitõk in bwe en alikar jen kiõ im manlok ñan indio. - Jerbal 15: 1, 2, 24. Ãlikin 20 raan, kõm̦ro ar tõparl̦o̦k jikin in ilo Jãnwõde 1955 ippãn 6 mejinede ro m̦õttan me kar jitõñ er bwe ren etal ñan Korea. The Role of Those Conducting Meetings Eddo eo an Ro Rej Tel Kwelok Ko Ejjabto tokelik, iar bwijrõk jen aõ pioneer im jerbal einwõt juõn ministerial servant. Other scholars give themselves over to word studies, like the philology of Bible literature. Scholar ro jet rej lelok ir make ñan katak ko kin nan, einwõt katak ko kin kajin jeje in Bible. Ikijen Jet Armij Imbued with courage, we will not be silenced. (Matu 22: 37 - 39) Kõn ad peran, jeban bõjrak in kwal̦o̦k naan. 19: 24, 30. The first - century governing body proved to be a source of encouragement both to those taking the lead and to Christians in general. Ke rukwal̦o̦k naan eo Pilip ear kwal̦o̦k naan kõn Christ ñan RiSameria ro, kumi eo ej lale aolep eklejia ko ear rejetake. Job ine in mustard / S Anij In fact, he addresses Jehovah with the touching words: "I am yours. " Ilo mol, ej konono ñan Jehovah ilo nan ko jen buruen: "Ña Am. " Elõñ rej kijenmij iumin elap buromõj kin air kajerbal unokan kadõk ak idak den in kadõk ak tokjen ko rej walok jen mour in lũñ eo air ak jumae eo air. Others doubt that they will be able to cope with seeing the one they love suffer and perhaps lose dignity because of the effects of the disease. Jet rej bere kin elañe renaj maroñ kijenmij ñe rej lo an eo ejitenburu ibbeir eñtan im jook kin men ko rej walok ñan e kin nañinmij eo an. Anij ear karmijeteik ri tel in kabuñ ko an Ri Jew ro kinke rar jab tiljek ñan e. Jehovah God and members of spiritual Israel - those whom Jehovah purposes to bring to heavenly glory. Jehovah Anij im ro uan Israel ilo jitõb - ro me Jehovah ej karõk ñõn bõklok ir ñõn aibujuij eo ilõñ. Ejelok bere kwoj kile bwe jerbal in kwalok nan eo ibelakin lal ej tõbrak, jab kin kajur ak meletlet eo an armij, ak ikijen jitõb eo an Anij. Jehovah has not forced people to serve him, but he has opened the way for us to return to him. - Romans 5: 10. Jeova ejamin iun armij ñõn korijer ñõn e, bõtab ej letok juõn ien ebellok ñõn ar jeblak ñõn e. - Dri Rom 5: 10. Elañe jej roñjake Nan eo an Jehovah, liki eo ad ilo kallimur ko an enaj kajurlok David's men urged him to strike Saul. Ro don David rar rejañ e ñan an mõn Saul. " Rar jorrãn im jorrãn jimor. Ewõr ke tokjãn juon eo emãlõtlõt ñane? Wãwen ko reinjuõn jen don kin joij eo an Jehovah rej walok ilo ad bõk elõñ jerammõn ko. No longer will tears of sorrow be shed. (Psalm 72: 16, NW) Ejamin bar wõr dennin kemjalal kin enaj torlok kin buromõj. Elap an alikar ãt in ekãl ej kamelele kin jerbal eo elaptata an aolep ro rej bõk ãt in! 7, 8. (a) What sacrifice did Jesus make, and how was he rewarded? 7, 8. (a) Ta eo Jisõs ear karmijete, im ta jinekjij eo kar lelok ñõn e? El̦aññe kwõmaroñ bõk juon m̦õttan kool̦an al̦ im likũti ijin ioon lal̦, ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe kwõjjab maroñ jutak iloan 90 m̦ail̦ ettol̦o̦kin. The Awesome Stars and Galaxies Iju im Galaxy ko Rekabwilõñlõñ Eokwe, lemnak in en kar kõmman bwe jen nebar Anij kin kijejeto eo elaptata! That way, you can be sure that you will not pass away with this condemned old world. 3: 15) Ilo am̦ kõm̦m̦ane men in, kwõmaroñ lukkuun lõke bwe ñe lal̦ in enaaj jako, kwõban jako ippãn. KAJEOÑ MEN IN: Ñõn jibõñ yuk melele kin lemnok ko am mokta jen am konono iben eo beleõm, kwon je ta eo kwoj melele kake im ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kamarmire abañ in. Yes, God's Word teaches that we do "building " work in ourselves. - Ephesians 3: 15 - 19; Colossians 1: 23; 2: 7. Aet, Nan in Anij ej katakin bwe jen kõmman juõn jerbal in "kalek " ilo kij make. - Dri Epesõs 3: 15 - 19; Dri Kolosse 1: 23; 2: 7. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn joñan an kar Setan m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke ear kajjioñ in kapo elõñ iaan enjel̦ ro jein im jatin. Others will see your fine works, and many will be moved to give glory to our Father. - Matt. Kõn men in, kwõn katakin ro jet kõn Anij, kate eok joñan wõt am̦ maroñ ñan jipañ baam̦le eo am̦ im eklejia eo bwe ren bõrokuk ippãn doon, im kwõn ekkõl wõt. Lale bwe wãwen in ainemõn in kin makitkit ko enaj kajur "bwe lõl e naj obrõk kin jela Jeova. " The apostle Paul explained that the altar represented God's will, according to which He accepted an appropriate sacrifice for the redemption of mankind. Ri jilek Paul ear kamelele bwe lokatok eo ear kõkkar kin ankil an Anij, ilo an bõk jortak eo ekkar ñan binmour eo an armij. Ta kar menin mour kein emãn? Ingersoll put it this way: "Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. " Ingersoll ear ba bwe epidodo ñan jel̦ã el̦aññe juon armej ettã bũruon ak eutiej bũruon ñe jej lale wãween an kõjerbal maroñ eo an ioon armej ro. Elikin an walok ñan James, inem ñan aolep ri jilek ro. But what did Jehovah do? Ear kautieje Jesus ilo juon wãween Jesus ear jab kõtmãne kake. Enoch ear jab mour toan wõt an mour elõñ armij ro ilo ran ko an. Why so? Etke? Elder ro ilo congregation eo remaroñ lukkun lelok jibañ im nan in rejañ ko rej yokwe. LIBEL! UNUJ! El̦aññe kwõjjab kõn̦aan kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aam̦ ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan, kajjitõk ippãn Jeova bwe en lewaj ñan kwe kõn̦aan im maroñ eo ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in. - 2 Pi. What shows that God's spirit is empowering the slave class? Ta eo ej kwalok bwe jitõb eo an Jeova ej kamaroñ dri korijer eo? KWOJ ruj ilo jibboñ im kebojak ñan etal ñan jerbal; kwoj oktaklok ñan meram ko ñe kwoj bojak. Early Christians regularly attended meetings for spiritual instruction. Ri Christian ro mokta rar keini air kwelok ibben don ñan bõk katak ko ilo jitõb. Sam 32: 8 ej ba: "I naj kajelaik yuk im katakin yuk ilo ial eo kwo naj etal ie: I naj bebeik yuk ke meja ej lo yuk. " As a result, they do what they want, without regard for the will of God. Tokjen men in, rej kõmõn ekkar ñõn kõnan ko air im ejelok air koutiej ankilan Anij. 1 - 3. And it feels good to get more sleep! Im elap an emõn aõ mour bwe ebwe awa in aõ kiki! Kinke jitõb kwojarjar ej juõn kajur jejjab maroñ loe, ewi wãwen Ri Israel ro rar maroñ kile bwe ear jerbal ion Moses? What is known about the writer of the letter of James? Ta eo jej jela kake kin ri jeje letter eo an James? Meñe ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im wal̦o̦k jum̦ae in, ak ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im meanwõd. Solomon's own father, David, exhorted him to "know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart. " Jemen Solomon, David, ear rejañ e bwe en "jela Anij eo an jemõm, im korijer ñõn E kin buru e wãppen. " Kin menin, ilo yokwe rej kejbãrok family ko air, kwalok karuwainene, im lolok ro renañinmij. Yes, may all of us discern that there is no future for those who seek "great things " for themselves in this system. (Luk 15: 4 - 7) Aet, kij otemjej jen melele bwe ejelok juõn ilju ñan ro rej bukõt "men ko relap " ñan ir make ilo jukjuk im bed in. Alikar Herod ear aibujuij ilo nebar. To those who reject his advice, Jehovah says: "You chose what displeased me.... Look! Im ej jiroñ armej ro rejjab kõn̦aan l̦oori naanin tõl ko an im ba: "Kom̦ar kããlõt men eo ijjab m̦õn̦õn̦õ kake.... Ilo nan ko am make, ewi wãwen am naj kar kwalok kin ta eo Solomon ear ba ilo Ekklisiastis 12: 11, 12? Like the psalmist, we view God's word as both a lamp to our foot and a light to our roadway. El̦aññe jej kõtl̦o̦k an Anij kajerbale kajoor eo an ñan tõl kõj, jenaaj pokake aolep naan ko an ilo Baibõl̦ eo. Likjap ko air ejelok unin air konono nae ir. Jehovah could have made his creatures robots, programmed to do his will and unable to do otherwise. Jehovah emaroñ kar kõmanman kij einwõt robot ko, iun kij bwe jen kõmanman ankil an im jab kõmman ekkar ñan kõnan ko ad. Nan eo "iomin al " melelen" ion lõl " ak "ilo lõl in. " If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ. " Im elañe ro nejin, inem dri jolit: dri jolit an Anij, im dri jolit iben Kraist. " Meñe ear l̦ap aõ jol̦o̦k jããn, ak ear kõm̦m̦an aõ inepata im jab m̦õn̦õn̦õ. No more famines, food shortages, malnutrition, or starvation. (Aiseia 33: 24) Naj ejelok ñitta, jabwe mõñã, ak kwuli. Ñan wanjoñok, iloan lajrak in kien kein, jej konono bwe ren " lelok mour ñan kij. ' She conceals his liquor, but he buys more. Ej noji dren in karek ko limen ak ej bar wia. Armij ro an Jehovah rej jelã bwe tarinae in enaj likjap kinke rej liki Jehovah. Only by heeding the counsel and reminders of God's Word can we avoid being misled by Satan's "artfully contrived false stories [" cleverly concocted myths, " The New American Bible]. " - 2 Pet. 1: 16. Ejjel̦o̦k juon el̦ap an jel̦ã m̦on̦e armej ro ãinwõt Setan. Jej aikuj roñjake naan in kakkõl ko ilo Baibõl̦ eo el̦aññe jejjab kõn̦aan po ippãn Setan im bwebwenato kein an rewaan. - 2 Piter 1: 16. Emol ej juõn jerammõn ñan bõk katak rot in kin ial ko an Jehovah. An examination of Jesus ' miracles would be incomplete were it to be limited to logical arguments about their authenticity. " Ro nejiõ,... kwon eoroñ nan in katak ko, im meletlet. " - JABÕN KENNAN. Did Jehovah abdicate his authority? (Jenesis 19: 17 - 22) Jehovah ear to ke jen an ineki eddo eo an? " To ko in ran ko ad rej jiljilimjuõnñoul yiõ - ak kõrã, elañe ewõr ad kajur; ak toan wõt air bed ej abañ im buromõj. " - Sam Ko 90: 10, New International Version. To attend the Ministerial Training School in Canada, Yugu resigned from his secular work because his employer denied his request for a leave. Ñan an bed ilo School in Bible ñan Katakin Lõmaro kin Jerbal ko Rejej Uair ilo Canada, Yugu ear to jen jikin jerbal eo an kinke boss eo an ear makoko in kõtlok e ñan bed ilo School eo. Uak eo an Anij? When I first attended one of their meetings, the atmosphere was warm and inviting - everyone was so friendly! Ilo iien eo kein kajuon in aõ kar etal ñan juon iaan kweilo̦k ko aer, aolep rar karwaineneik ña im kwal̦o̦k jouj. [ Pija eo ilo peij 14] Yes, by humbly conforming to Jehovah's way, lovers of truth enjoy such blessings now, and confidently look forward to eternal blessings right here on earth. - Psalm 37: 29. Aet, ilo ettã buru im bõk ial eo an Jehovah, ro rej yokwe mol eo rej lañliñ kin kain jerammõn rot in kiõ, im ilo liki reimanlok ñan jerammõn ko rej indio ijin ion lal. - Sam 37: 29. Bwebwenato ko kin kabuñ in Hindu, ri inea ro, im ibwijleplep ko rej walok ilo inoñ ko etto rej walok ibelakin lal. Six letters were from " Abdi - Heba, the ruler of Jerusalem. Letter ko jiljino kar jen Abdai - Iba iroij eo an Jerusalem. Bukõt ñan kabuñburuen Anij, jab armij. 17: 1, 2, 5; 18: 23. 17: 1, 2, 5; 18: 23. Inem, ta eo ear kamaroñ Joseph ñan jumae kabo? Admittedly, it takes effort to conform to God's righteous standards. Ñe jej kate kõj, jenaaj bõk elõñ tokjãn ko. Ta tokjãn ko? Emol, ro rej yokwe marok rejamin bõk mour indio. How can elders imitate Jesus Christ? Ta ko em̦m̦aan ro me rej lale eklejia eo ren kõm̦m̦ani ñan kajjioñe Jijej Kũraij? Iloan juõn yiõ, ear wujleplok an mour ñan Jehovah. Kõnke ñe juon ej kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana ñan ri aelõñ ko jet, ro jet remaroñ loe im remaroñ bakkiiñ ak etal ñan kalbuuj. Karõk eo an Jehovah Ear Walok He long ago told his people: "You must inculcate [God's words] in your son and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. " Ilo ien ko remotlok Ear jiroñ armij ro an: "Im kwon kanuij katakin ro nejõm [kin Nan in Anij], im kwon konono kaki ñe kwoj jijõt ilo mweo imõm, im ñe kwoj etetal ilo ial, im ñe kwoj babu, im ñe kwoj jerkak. " (b) Ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõprae ad kaddeklok juõn yokwe kin men ko ilo lal in? Such a saved marriage honors God and can be a great blessing for the husband, the wife, and any children they may have. Bareinwõt, men in ej bõktok jeraam̦m̦an ko ñan aolepen baam̦le eo. Jijej ear jel̦ã bwe ejjab aikuj kõjerbal maroñ in ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn e make. Often, we can bring much relief to fellow believers who are suffering emotional pain if we take the time to listen to them with a truly sympathetic ear. Ekkã ar kainemõn ro jeer im jãter me rej lukkun buromõj kin inebata ko air, ilo ar bõk ien ñõn roñjake ir ñe rej kwalok kin iñjake ko air. Kamelele kake einwõt "juõn ian jorrãn ko elaptata ilo aolepen bwebwenato in armij, " rej report bwe rar tellok ñan mij eo an elõñlok jen juõn million Ri Jew ro. " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, " states the Bible. - Heb. Baibel eo ej ba bwe: "Anij e wãnik wõt, im E jamin meloklok ami jerbal im yokwe, eo kom ar kwalok kin etan. " - Hib. Paul ear je: "Bwe kom ar jab kejatrikrik im ejelok ami Anij ilo lõl. How Are Modern - Day Christians Remembered? Ewi Wãwen Rej Kememeje Ri Christian ro Ran Kein? Bar juon wãween jemaroñ epaakel̦o̦k ro jãn aelõñ ko jet ej ilo ad kũr er bwe ren m̦õñã ilo m̦weo im̦õm̦ro. She was making a lot of money and dealing in huge sums for her clients. Ear koorlok elap mõnni ñõn business ko ear jerbal ie im lolorjake jããn ko air. Aolep ro emwij kabit ir kin jitõb eo an Anij rej mõttan class in ri karejar eo etiljek im meletlet, ak ro rej ejaake Governing Body eo rej lolorjake ekan ko lor jitõb. - 6 / 15, page 22 - 24. It is painting quite a different picture, one that suggests hard work. Ej kõmman bar juõn pija, eo ej rejañ kij ñan kijejeto wõt ilo jerbal. Mij ear ke bõk juõn eo ejitenburu ibbam? At some point he may ask the child to keep some minor secret from the parents - perhaps a gift or plans for some future excursion. El̦aññe armej in ej kile bwe ajri eo im jemãn im jinen rej lõke, enaaj kiiõ jino kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana im jekkar ñan ajri in. Aolep men kein remaroñ walok elañe jej kajimwe buruõd ñan lolokjen. He was humble, kind, and considerate, helping those burdened down and oppressed. Ear ettã buruen, joij, im ear lemnak kin ro jet, im jibañ ro re iten ebwer. Elikin an kajemlok bwe " ri kallip eo emõntata ' ear lukkun " ri uror eo emõntata, ' Charles ear jolok jikka eo an kin tobacco. I vividly remember my first talk. Ij kememej wõt katak eo aõ jinointata. Iar kallim̦ur ñan baam̦le eo bwe iar itok ñan aenõm̦m̦an im iar kõn̦aan kõm̦m̦an aenõm̦m̦an. Justice is required not only of elders but also of other Christians in their dealings with one another and with unbelievers, including in business matters. - Read Micah 6: 8, 11. Ejjab elder ro wõt ak dri Kristian ro bareinwõt rej aikwij kwalok ekajet jime ñõn dron im ñõn ro rejjab ber ilo tõmak, ekoba ilo business ko. - Riit Micah 6: 8, 11. Kejatdikdik eo kin Paradise ion lal ej juõn eo "Anij, eo E ban riõp, emwij an kalimur kake mokta. " The following day, the police returned it to its rightful owner. Ran eo tokelik, ri police ro rar karol e ñõn leo eo ear owner eo an. Mel̦el̦e eo el̦aptata an em̦m̦an ej bwe l̦õm̦aro nejin kõrã eo jein etan Magdalenaa, eo im ear m̦areik l̦eo pãleen. The Israelites in Moses ' day had ample reason to believe that Jehovah would successfully usher them into the Promised Land. Elukkuun lõñ un ko unin an Ri Israel ro ilo tõre ko an Moses aikuj in tõmak bwe Jeova enaaj tõl er ñan Ãnen Kallim̦ur eo. " I maroñ in kõmõn men otemjej ilo Eo ej kakajur iõ. " - Dri Pilippai 4: 13. (Read 2 Peter 2: 5.) (Riit 2 Piter 2: 5.) Ta eo Setan enaaj kõm̦m̦ane? The Bible is also clear regarding God's purpose for mankind. Baibõl̦ ej bar lukkuun kaalikkar karõk eo Anij ñan kar armej ro. Ej juõn annañ eo ekadu, juõn bwilik in ujoj eo ej aemedlok, juõn bwilik in ujoj eo ej wõtlok im jako.... Likewise, a busy person may hesitate to study the Bible. Eindein, juõn armij eboub emaroñ makoko in katak Bible eo. Ilo ekkar, elikin an kar ri jilek John lo 144,000 Ri Israel ro ilo jitõb emwij sil ir ñan indio mokta jen eñtan eo elap, ear bareinwõt lo juõn "jar elap, " eo ear itok" jen ailiñ ko otemjej. " If we want to escape "infection, " we must identify the" carriers " and avoid them. (1 Jon 4: 3) Elañe jekõnan deor jen menin "ekabobo, " jej aikwij jelã kajjen" ro rej bõk nañinmij in " im bed ettolok jen ir. Ri kaki eo ej kwalok kin jilu wõt ian jerbal ko rej kõmman bwe en maroñ wõr mour ion lal - al, wãwen kõto, im ibwijleplep eo. Sadly, some who once served Jehovah have lowered their guard and have slipped back into their old ways. Eokwe, ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe ewõr jet ro im rar karejar ñan Jeova rar jab kõjparok, im em̦õj aer bar ro̦o̦l ñan wãween mour eo aer m̦okta. Tũreep kein rar bõjrak jãn aer kwal̦o̦k naan kõn an l̦apl̦o̦k mejatoto. I eventually got 40 chicks. Tokãlik, ear wiaik 40 nejũ tokkwi. Ejelok ri utiej ro rekajur, mour erreo ak jab. " In one of his illustrations, Jesus recommended that a person "first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough. " - Luke 14: 28. Ilo juõn ian wanjoñok ko an, Jesus ear rejañ bwe juõn armij en "jijõt mokta, im bebe kin wõnan, e naj maroñ in kamwijlok ke, jab ke? " - Luk 14: 28. Men in enaj kakajur yuk ñõn liki bwe toõn wõt ar kate kij ñõn drebij wõt ar tiljek ñõn Anij im likit Ailiñ eo an moktata, ejamin likjõp jen kij. Would You Welcome a Visit? Kwonaj Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lotok? Jet ian jerbal ko an kiõ remaroñ ke bõk eddo eo ekãl? Do we not thrill at the prospect ahead of us? Jejjab bwilõñ ke kin jerammõn in ebed imad? Enaaj kar ewi wãween am̦ kõm̦m̦ane men in? However, this is easier said than done. Bõtab, ejjab juõn men ebiruru ñõn kõmõne. 7, 8. (a) Ikijen ta eo Jehovah ej kamaroñ ri karejar ro an rainin? How to Cultivate Jesus ' View of Right and Wrong Ewi Wãwen Jemaroñ Kaddek Lemnak eo an Jesus kin Jimwe im Bwid Bwe juon em̦m̦aan en juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia, ej aikuj juon eo erũtto ilo tõmak me ej lale lio pãleen im ajri ro nejin, im emaroñ kõm̦m̦an karõk bwe en maroñ kal̦apl̦o̦k iien im lale ro jet ilo eklejia eo. Kõj aolep jemel̦el̦e kõn eñjake eo an. Im ear letok nan in tel ko raorõk an family eo ilo Nan eo an, Bible eo. To highlight the danger of wasting our lives, Solomon uses the word "vanity " some 30 times in Ecclesiastes. Ñan kalikar kauwatata eo kin ad jerwane mour ko ad, Solomon ear kajerbal nan ko "men bata " im nan ko reinlok wõt enañin 30 alen ilo Ekklisiastis. Einwõt ñe "Anij Ej Kejbãrok " SARAH straightened up from her work and turned toward the horizon. SERA ej jutak jãn jerbal ko an im ej kalimjekl̦o̦k ijo ettol̦o̦k. KE Jesus ear katakin ri kalor ro an bwe ren jar, " Ren kõmõnmõn ankil Am einwõt i lõñ, bareinwõt ion lõl, " ear konono einwõt juõn eo ear mour ilõñ ibben Jemen. Edith, however, was mild and modest. Bõtab, Edith ear kain armej eo me ettã bũruon im eineem̦m̦an. Eve ear likjap in likit juõn joñok emõn ñan limaro ri belele bwe ren lore. It takes only a little food, something to wear, and a place to lie down. Jej aikwiji jidik wõt mõñã ko kijed, nuknuk ko ñan kõnaki, im jikin kiki. 22, 23. Ke Paul ear je lõta eo an ñan Ri Rom ro ilo kar iiõ eo 56, ear jab je lõta in ñan aolep armej in Rom. Lo, ro dri korijera re naj lõñliñ, a kom naj jok. " - Aiseia 65: 13. Admittedly, in some territories it is a challenge to start conversations. Emol, ilo jet territory ko, ej juõn melejoñ ñan jino juõn bwebwenato. Jen jeblak jilu im jimettan yiõ ko: Mary ear kile bwe oktak in ear itok. Many drive automobiles, but others get from one place to another by public transportation, by bicycle, on horseback, or on foot. Elõñ iair rej kattõr wa ko wair, ak elõñ iair rej etal jen jikin ñõn jikin ilo air uwe ion taxi ak bus ko, bicycle, horse, ak etetal wõt. Ijellokin an jumae ijjibed eo, ear lo jet ian ro mõtõn im ro mõtõn ilo congregation eo. After a 20 - day ocean voyage, we arrived there in January 1955 along with six fellow missionaries who had also been assigned to Korea. Elikin am kar ejerakrõk ilojet iomin 20 ran, kim kar tõkãklok ijo ilo Jãnwõde 1955 iben jiljino missionary ro mõtõm me kar bar kãlet ir bwe ren etal ñõn Korea. Etke? Before long, I gave up pioneering and serving as a ministerial servant. Ejjabto, iar make bõjrak jãn aõ regular pioneer im jerbal in ministerial servant. Ium̦win elõñ iiõ, kar kõm̦m̦ane juon kweilo̦k el̦ap ilo Betel̦. By Some THING By Some ONE Kin JUÕN MEN Kin JUÕN JITÕB Emour El̦aññe ewõr kun̦aam̦ ilo men in, kate eok joñan wõt am̦ maroñ ñan dãpij wõt juon l̦õmn̦ak em̦m̦an. 19: 24, 30. 19: 24, 30. Einwõt kar kanan kake ilo Bible, ilo ran kein eliktata an jukjuk im bed in enana, elõñ rej "anij lo burueir, im re naj dri arõk mweiuk, im dri jualõñlõñ, im dri jua, im dri kajirere, im dri kajirere, im ro rej kiblia ñõn jemeir im jineir, im ro re jab kamolol, im ro re jab yokwe ro nukiir, im ro re lej, im ro rej kennan nan in riõp, ro re jab kamanwa, r'awia, ro rej drike emõn, ro rej yokwe men in kabuñburueir elap jen air yokwe Anij. " Jobard / Sipa Press Jobard / Sipa Press Bwebwenato in ej aorõk ke ñan armij ro an Anij rainin? A number endure much grief because of misuse of drugs or alcohol or the results of their immorality or rebellion. Elõñ armij rej kijenmij kin elap buromõj kin bwid in kajerbal uno ko rekajur ak alcohol ak tokjen ko rej walok jen mour in lũñ ak kiblia. (2) Ear kajerbal jelãlokjen eo an kin Nan in Anij ilo kabel, einwõt juõn kein jerbal ebolemen. God rejected the Jewish religious leaders because of their unfaithfulness to him. Jeova ear jol̦o̦k rũtõl ro an kabuñ eo an Ri Ju ro kõn aer jab tiljek im pokake. Ñe jej kõn̦ak nuknuk ko ad im wãween ad tõreejab, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦an ak nana ad kõm̦m̦an ñan Jemãd ilañ. Jemel̦el̦e bwe ewõr iien jej kõm̦m̦an bõd kõnke kõj aolep jejjab weeppãn. Ta tokjen eo jej bõke ilo ad lelok juõn katok in wijtak ñan Jehovah? You no doubt recognize that the global preaching work is being accomplished, not by human power or wisdom, but by God's spirit. Emol kwoj kile bwe jitõbõn Anij eo ej kõtõbrak jerbal in kwalok nan ibelakin lal, im jab ikijen kajur ak meletlet in armij. (Zech. Men ko rar walok ilo jejjet in kitien kanan ko ilo Bible rej kamol bwe lal in ear deloñ "ilo ran ko eliktata " - ilo yiõ eo 1914. If we listen to Jehovah's Word, our confidence in his promises will be renewed Elañe jej bokake Nan eo an Jehovah, liki eo ad ilo kallimur ko an enaj kajurlok 5, 6. (a) Ta wãwen eo ear einlok wõt ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ñan Ri Israel ro ilo ran ko an Moses? " Both were injured and badly traumatized. " Erro jimor ar ikkinejnej im lukkun jorrãn. Ij iwij einwõt dri kwot, " Iroij Jesus Christ ej ba. The various expressions of Jehovah's kindness result in our receiving many blessings. (Jon 1: 16) Kõnke elõñ wãween ko Jeova ej kwal̦o̦k an jouj ñan kõj, elõñ jeraam̦m̦an ko jej bũki. Kin men in, elañe jej kalaplok ad yokwe men ko ilo lal in, meñe men ko rejjab nana, jej bed ilo juõn ial ekauwatata. How clearly that new name defined the primary activity of all of those bearing that name! (Aiseia 43: 10) Elap an ãt in kalikar kin jerbal eo elaptata aolep ro rej bõk ãt in rej aikwij kõmmane! Aet, im Nejin Anij make ear kamol men in. - Read Luk 14: 13, 14. If you could take a pinhead - sized piece of the sun's core and put it here on the earth, you could not safely stand within 90 miles [140 km] of that tiny heat source! Elañe kwomaroñ bõk juõn jiniñ ituiolaplapin al im likite ion lal, kwojjab maroñ jutak 90 mile ko ebake! Nan eo an Jehovah Ej Mour Wõt - Katak ko Relap Jen Book in Luk Why, the very thought of it should make us praise God with the greatest enthusiasm! Eokwe, ad lemnak wõt kake ej aikwij kõmmõn bwe jen nebar Anij kin kijejeto eo elaptata! Ke ear kwal̦o̦k nuknuk ko an, ear lo joñan jããn eo joñan wõt an l̦apl̦o̦k on̦ãer (U.S.) ilo bo̦o̦k eo an jet iaan jaintiij ro. TRY THIS: To help you have your thoughts clearly in mind before talking to your mate, write down what you understand the problem to be and how you would like to resolve it. KAJEOÑ MEN IN: Ñan jibañ yuk ñan kwalok ilo alikar lemnak eo am ñan eo beleõm, jeje men ko eo ej kainebataik yuk im ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kamadmõde. Kwon roñjake im kile eñjake eo an rejetam. Bread eo rar kõmmane jen bread im den, ilo ejelok leaven ak ien, einwõt salt, rej kobaiklok. Consider how effective Satan was in using bait to trap a large number of his angelic brothers. Setan ear kõjerbal mo̦o̦r ko ñan kapoik elõñ iaan enjel̦ ro. Ñan rein Jehovah ej ba: "Komin jolok aolep mõttan ko joñoul ilo imõn kabbed eo, bwe en maroñ wõr mõñã ilo mweo imõ; im komin melejoñ iõ, ilo men in..., elañe I jamin kabellok ñan kom armij ro, im ejelok tokjen ñan kom. " - Malachi 3: 10, NW. Notice that this tranquil state of affairs will prevail "because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Etke menninmour kein rej aenõm̦m̦an ippãn doon? Eokwe Baibõl̦ ej ba: "Bwe lal̦ enaaj obrak kõn jel̦ã Jeova ãinwõt dãn ko rej koobrak lo̦jet. " (Ais. Setan ej rejañ kij ñõn bukot Ailiñ eo kein karuo. - Mat. What were these four living creatures? Ta kar menin mour kein emen? Kwõj ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ in karejar ñan Jeova ium̦win juon Kiiñ ekajoor me Anij ear kããlõte? After that he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Innem ear wal̦o̦k ñan Jemes, im tokãlik ñan aolepen rijjilõk ro. " Ilo wãwen in, " ej kamelele, "Ewi joñan an naj jejjet kitien Jeje ko bwe ren kar walok ilo wãwen in? " - Mark 14: 41 - 43; Matu 26: 48 - 54. Enoch did not live as long as many of his contemporaries. (Matu 24: 14) Ear jab to an Enoch mour einwõt ro jet ilo ran ko an. Ium̦win elõñ iiõ ko, iar bõk jeraam̦m̦an eo ñan katak Baibõl̦ ippãn elõñ armej, im 11 iaan rũkkatak ro aõ rar peptaij. The congregation elders can certainly offer loving aid and encouragement. Elder ro ilo congregation eo remaroñ lewõj jibañ im nan in rejañ ko ilo yokwe. Ke Jesus ear 12 an yiõ, jemen im jinen rar ãñinlok e ñan Jerusalem ñan Kwojkwoj in Kijone eo. If you do not feel motivated to expand your ministry, ask Jehovah to give you both the desire and the ability to do so. - 2 Pet. (Pilippai 2: 13) El̦aññe ejjel̦o̦k am̦ kõn̦aan ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aam̦ ilo kwal̦o̦k naan, eokwe kajjitõk bwe Jeova en kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr am̦ kõn̦aan ñan kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in. Bõtab, Martha ej boub in keboje juõn mõñã eaorõk im kõmman jerbal ko jet ñan kõmman bwe bed eo an Jesus en emõn joñan wõt an maroñ. YOU get up in the morning and prepare to leave for work. You turn on the lights while you are getting ready. KWOJ ruj ilo jibõñ im kabwile tõma eo ke kwoj kapojõk ñõn am etal ñõn jikin jerbal eo am. Ewi wãwen jej aikwij kajerbali? Says Psalm 32: 8: "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you. " Sam 32: 8 ej ba: "I naj kajelaik yuk im katakin yuk ilo ial eo kwo naj etal ie: I naj bebeik yuk ke meja ej lo yuk. " (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kakkõl kin kõnan eo ñan mejki? 1 - 3. 1 - 3. Men eo moktata jej katak kake kin e ej ikijen bwebwenato eo an congregation eo an Christian ilo jinoin. Mel̦el̦ein bwe ilo population eo an lal̦ in, ewõr juon armej jãn kajjojo kumi me 9 uwaan ejabwe õn ãnbwinnin. " Ilo yiõ ko rej kab motlok, doctor ro rar kile bar juõn men ekauwatata me rej naetan " kajur in jikka. " Since holy spirit is an invisible force, how could the Israelites discern that it was operating on Moses? Ak ewi wãween an kar RiIsrael ro maroñ jel̦ã bwe jetõb kwõjarjar ear pãd ippãn Moses ke rejjab maroñ loe? Ejelok bere, un eo elap unin an kar lo tõbrak kar tiljek eo an ñan Jehovah. In spite of this constant opposition, Régis continued to be long - suffering. Meñe ear ekkã an walok jumae in, Régis ear etal wõt im meanwõd. Elañe jenaj lo tõbrak ilo ad debij wõt tiljek eo ad ñan Anij, jej aikwij katakin im jar kin nan in jiroñ ko an. Thus, they lovingly care for their families, show hospitality, and visit the sick. (2 Timote 3: 17) Kin men in, ilo yokwe rej lale family ko air, kwalok karuwainene, im lolok ro renañinmij. (Lale bo̦o̦k eo ilo peij 27 - 30.) Herod evidently basked in the praise. Ear utiej bũruon Herod kõn men in. Ilo an jutak ilo anbijmaroñin Anij, mõttan jidik Jesus enaj jerbale maroñ eo an im bõktok jerammõn ko relap ñan armij ro rekiblie ijoko otemjej. In your own words, how would you express what Solomon said as recorded at Ecclesiastes 12: 11, 12? Ilo nan ko am make, ewi wãwen am naj kwalok ta eo Solomon ear ba kake ilo Ekklisiastis 12: 11, 12? Ilo Jeptõm̦ba 1997, juon m̦akũtkũt lal̦ el̦ap ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k elõñ m̦akũtkũt lal̦ ko rel̦l̦ap ilo M̦aajel̦e eo im jikin ko me rej wal̦o̦k ipel̦aakin lal̦ in. Their shortcomings are no reason to speak abusively of them. (Hebrews 13: 17) Likjap ko air rej jab un eo ñõn konono nana nae ir. Kauwatata ko rar walok ilo ran ko an King Solomon rar le jen joñan ien ñan jibadõk melele ko ejelok tokjeir ak meñe melele ko rekauwatata. The expression "under the sun " means" on this earth " or "in this world. " Nan eo "iomin al " ej melelen" ion lal in " ak "ilo lal in. " (b) Ta manit ko an Ri Jew ro ri kalor ro rar bõki? " Although I was earning a lot of money, the stress and insecurity on the job made me worried and unhappy. " Meñe jerbal eo kar aõ ear lukkun kõmõn aõ mweie, ak ear lukkun lap an kamõk iõ im iar jab jela elañe enaj to an ber, im men in ear kõmõn aõ inebata im jab mõnõnõ. Jemaroñ melele bwe kar je sam in ke Absalom nejin ear kajeoñ in kwote iroij eo jen e. For example, within this body of laws, we read that " life should be given for life. ' Ñan wanjoñok, ilo kien kein, jej konono bwe " kwo naj nawõnan mour kin mour. ' Jesus ear kile bwe ejjab aolep renaj roñjake ennan eo an Ailiñ eo. Jehovah's people know that this attack will fail because they trust in Jehovah. (Ezekiel 38: 2, 10 - 16, NW) Ro don Jehovah rej jela bwe jumae in enaj ejelok tõbrak kinke rej liki Jehovah. Jen men in, ilo Armageddon, ro wõt renana renaj jako. It certainly is a blessing to have such instruction about Jehovah's ways. (Aiseia 2: 2, 3) Emol ej juõn jerammõn ñan bõk nan in jiroñ rot kein kin ial ko an Jehovah. Ak jej bareinwõt kile ke itoklimo im jibañ eo an ilo mour eo ad? " My sons,... listen to discipline and become wise. " - PROV. " Ro nejũ,... Kom̦win eo̦roñ naanin katak [ak kauwe, NW], im kom̦ naaj mãlõtlõt. ' - JK. Kij aolep jej bõk ekan ko lor jitõb ikijen jibadbad ko an "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet. " " The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow. " - Psalm 90: 10, New International Version. " Ewõr wõt jiljilimjuonñoul iiõ in am mour, ak el̦aññe kõm kajoor, emaroñ rualitõkñoul. Bõtab ilo iiõ kein kõmij lo wõt inepata im eñtaan. " - Sam 90: 10, UBS. Ewõr ibbed juõn men in letok ekabwilõñlõñ ñan jibañ kij kõmmane. Paul ear ba bwe Jeova ear letok juon menin letok. Ta in? Bar juõn kauwatata ej alikar ilo Jabõn Kennan 29: 25, eo ej ba: "Mijõk armij ej bõktok juõn jen. " God's answer? Anij ear uwaake im ba: "M̦ae iien eo jikin kweilo̦k ko renaaj jorrããn im ejjel̦o̦k kobbaer. Ñan wanjoñok, elikin an elij juõn ian Kien ko Joñoul - "Kwon jab lũñ " - Jesus ear kamelele kin lemnak eo an Anij kin ta eo ej bed iloan buruen juõn armij mokta jen an kõmmane men in. [ Picture on page 14] [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] Jema im enañin aolep ro jeiõ im jãtiõ rar jumae amro katak iben Dri Kennan ro an Jeova, bõtab lio jeiõ ear jab erom juõn ian Dri Kennan ro an Jeova. Stories about demigods, giants, and a cataclysmic flood are found in ancient mythologies worldwide. Bwebwenato ko kin demigod ko (jimettan anij jimettan armij), ri inea ro, im juõn ibwijleplep kar walok ilo inoñ ko etto ibelakin lal in. Ro ejelok air melele kin men ko lor jitõb rainin rar eñjake bwe ejelok "men in bwilõñ " kin kakõllan bed eo an Jesus. Seek to please God, not man. Kwon bukõt ñan am kabuñburuen Anij, jab armij. Rej lo ke bwe ilo lemnak eo aõ kin jerbal in kwalok nan, men in kamõnõnõ ko, im men ko lor kanniek im kin ta eo ij ba kin ro jet uan congregation eo? ' What, then, enabled Joseph to resist temptation? Inem, ta eo ear kamaroñ Joseph ñan jumae kabo eo? Eñin men eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan rũttarin̦ae ro an Rom im Paul ke rar dik im rũttol̦o̦k ippãn ajri ro 5 nejin. Of course, those who love darkness will not receive everlasting life. Bwebõta, ro rej yokwe marok rejamin bõk mour indio. (b) Ta eo ear ba ke ear konono kin an "binjen joñõn ridtõn likao "? Within a year, she dedicated her life to Jehovah. Kõn an kar m̦õkaj an Anij uwaake jar eo an, men in ear lukkuun kõm̦akũt bũruon. Ak, ilo elõñ wãwen ko armij eo ejjab joij, meñe emaroñ einwõt ñe ej bed ion mejen armij. Jehovah's Purpose Challenged Kar Jumae Karõk eo an Jehovah Ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in bwebwenato kõn menin kõm̦anm̦an ko an Anij. (b) How can we avoid cultivating a love of things in the world? (b) Ewi wãwen jemaroñ bõprae ad kaddeklok juõn yokwe kin men ko an lal in? Iar l̦õmn̦ak bwe ewõr juon men imaroñ kõm̦m̦ane ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe l̦eo ippa en yokwe eõ. Jesus knew that he should not use such power for selfish purposes. Ej bwe en kõjerbal kajoor eo an bwe en wõr kijen, ak bwe en jab kõm̦m̦ane men in ñan jidik. Ak, Anij ej kejbãrok armij ro an ibelakin lal ilo an letok nan in kakkõl ko rejejjet nae etao ko an Satan. Described as "one of the most terrible sieges in all history, " it is reported to have led to the death of over a million Jews. Rar watõk e einwõt "juõn ian nitbwil ko renanatata jen jinoin mour an armij ñan kiõ, " im rar report bwe elõñlok jen juõn million Ri Jew ro rar mij. Aet, ran eo an Jehovah enaj juõn ran emarok im mol ñan ri kijirãt ro an ion lal! Baibõl̦ ej pãdwõt ñan rainin meñe elõñ men ko rar wal̦o̦k me remaroñ kar kõm̦m̦an bwe en jako. 2: 11. Paul aptly wrote: "You had no hope and were without God in the world. Paul ear je ilo jimwe im ba: "[Kar] ejelok kejatrikrik ibemi, im kom jibil jen Anij ilo lõl. Rej eindein kinke, einwõt an kamelele, rej kili Ailiñ in lañ ko iman mejen armij, im jab kõtlok bwe ro rej etal ilo ial eo air ren etal ie. Another way to draw closer to those from another background is to invite them for a meal in our home. Ñe jejjab lukkuun jel̦ã kõn aelõñ ko an ro rej pãd ilo eklejia eo ad ak ro ilo jikin ko jej kwal̦o̦k naan ie, bõlen jemaroñ kõm̦m̦an jidik iien ilo iien kabuñ an baam̦le eo ad ñan kappok mel̦el̦e ko kõn aelõñ kein aer. Ear kwalok bwe tiljek ej alikar, jab ilo nan ko wõt, ak ilo kõmman ko remõn rej waloktok jen un ko rejimwe. All who are anointed with God's spirit are part of the faithful and discreet slave class, but those making up the Governing Body oversee the spiritual feeding. - 6 / 15, pages 22 - 24. Aolep ro me jitõb eo an Anij ear kabit ir rej mõtõn dri kõmõñã eo etiljek im meletlet, ak ro rej ejaake Kumi eo Ej Tel Dri Kennan ro an Jeova rej letok ekan ko lor jitõb. - 6 / 15, peij 22 - 24. Kõrã eo jeid im jatid ear yokwe Jeova, bõtab ear bareinwõt yokwe ladrik eo nejin im ear lo bwe ebin ñõn an jerbale kien eo ilo Baibel ñõn bõprae an kobalok iben. Has death taken someone dear to you? (Jon 5: 28, 29) Mij ear ke bõk juõn eo ejitenburu ibbam? Im aolep ro kwoj iion ir rej juõn eo kwo maroñ liki kinke, einwõt an kar Anij kallimur, ir aolep rej "nejin ro Jeova e ar katakin ir. " All of this is possible if we incline our heart to discernment. Men kein aolep remaroñ walok elañe jej kajeltok buruer ñõn lolokjen. Juon iien, Aron, l̦eo jein Moses, ear kõtl̦o̦k bwe ijjibed ko jãn ro jet ren kabbeer e. Upon concluding that " the best tobacco farmer ' was really " the best killer, ' Charles sprayed his tobacco plants with poison. (Matu 22: 39) Ke ear melele bwe " ri kallip tobacco eo emõntata ' ej lukkun " ri uror eo emõntata, ' Charles ear kokkure aolep tobacco ko kin poison. Ilo raan ko jiljino m̦oktal̦o̦k jãn iien in, Anij ear kõm̦anm̦an aolep menin kõm̦anm̦an ko im kakien ko an lal̦ in kab aolep men ko ipel̦aakin. I assured the family that I had come in peace and wished to go in peace. Iar kalikar ñõn baamle eo bwe iar itok ilo ainemõn im bwe iar kõnan ilok ilo ainemõn. Ilo ial̦ eo aer l̦o̦k, rar pãd ilo juon wa me ear wal̦o̦k. The hope of Paradise on earth is one that "God, who cannot lie, promised long ago. " Kõjatdikdik eo kõn Pedetaij ej juon men " Anij, eo eban riab, em̦õj An kallim̦ur kake m̦okta jãn etto im etto. ' Ear jab kõnan bwe ri kijirãt ro ren kajirere kake ir kin air anjo ion ekjap ko rejjab mour erreo. The most widely accepted explanation is that these were the sons of Michal's sister Merab, who married Adriel. Juõn uak elõñ rej errã kake kar eñin bwe ladik rein rar nejin Merab lio jein ak jatin Michal, eo ear belek Adriel. Lemnak kin ta eo ej walok ñe lemnak in kanniek ej kajur. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Philippians 4: 13. " I maroñ in kõmõn men otemjej ilo Eo ej kakajur iõ. " - Dri Pilippai 4: 13. Ien eo an Ri Ekajet ro ej letok juõn wanjoñok emõn kin tokjen tiljek im jab tiljek. How will Satan finally be dealt with? Ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k ñan Setan? Rar roñjake air readi Gospel ko ilo kajin French - jen kajin Latin! It is a fleeting shadow, a fading flower, a blade of grass to be cut and soon withered.... Ej juõn ellor eo ej ellãlok, juõn wut eo ej aemedlok, juõn bwilikõn ujoj eo rej jeke im ejjabto ej aemedlok.... Ejjab juõn ettõnak bajjek ke ñan tõmak bwe ainemõn indio emaroñ walok? Fittingly, after the apostle John saw the 144,000 spiritual Israelites being permanently sealed before the great tribulation, he also observed a numberless "great crowd, " who come" out of all nations. " Ejime men in, kinke elikin an kar dri jilik Jon loe air sili dri kabit ro 144,000 mokta jen iñtan eo elap, ear bareinwõt loe juõn "jar elap " im ejelok emaroñ in bwini me rej itok jen" ailiñ otemjej. " (Rev. Ekkar ñan juõn maroñ, kilen kebak in ej juõn kilan elap ilo katakin ajiri ro kin manit ko remõn kin katak. The congregator mentions only three of the basic operations that make life on earth possible - the sun, the wind pattern, and the water cycle. Ri kaki eo ej kwalok jilu wãwen ko rej kõmman bwe en maroñ wõr mour ion lal - al, wãwen an kõto makitkit, im den ko. Kajeoñe Tiljek eo an Ittai The buses had stopped early because of bad weather. Jesus ear jiroñ ri tel ro an kabuñ ilo ien ko an: "Kom naj bukot Jeje ko; bwe kin ir komij lemnok ami mour in drio: im rein rej kennan kin Iõ. " - Jon 5: 39. No strong superiors, moral or otherwise. " Ejelok ri tel ro rekijñeñe ñan debij juõn mour erreo. " Im ta eo ej kõmmane kin kõmman ko renana ej loi? I will fortify you. " This reassured us that as long as we strove to remain faithful to God and put his Kingdom first, he would never fail us. Men in ear lukkuun kõm̦m̦an am tõmak bwe toon wõt am naaj kate kõm tiljek wõt ñan Anij, im likũt Aelõñ eo an bwe en men eo m̦oktata, innem eban el̦l̦o̦k jãn kõm ak enaaj jipañ kõm. Elikin air kijone Lomalo Ekilmir, Ri Israel ro rar jebwãbwe ilo juõn ene eo kar kwalok kake ir einwõt juõn "ene jemaren im ene e kanuij nana, im eobrõk kin serpent ko, juõn ene e maro, e mõra. " Can some of his current work be delegated to make room for the new responsibility? Emaroñ ke lel̦o̦k jet iaan jerbal ko ej kõm̦m̦ani kiiõ ñan ro jet bwe en maroñ kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in ekããl? Ear jino l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn men ko rem̦m̦an ear kõm̦m̦ani ilo an kar kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we im kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we. How would you do it? Ta eo kwõnaaj kõm̦m̦ane? " Komin etetal kin Jitõb, im kom jamin kajejit mõm in kõniek. " - DRI ROM 5: 16. 7, 8. (a) By what means does Jehovah empower his servants today? 7, 8. (a) Ewi wãwen an Jehovah kakajur ri karejar ro an ilo ran kein? Ak, einwõt ibben ladik eo eritto ilo parable eo, ewõr ke jet illu, einwõt ñe ejelok juõn ej karuwaineneik e bwe en jab ilok jen bwij eo an Anij ilo jinoin? For a family man to be an elder, he must be a mature Christian who, while caring for his wife and children, can organize his affairs so as to be able to devote time and attention to others in the congregation. Bwe leo jemen family eo en juõn elder, ej aikwij juõn Christian eo eritto eo, ñe ej kejbarok lio belen im ajiri ro nejin, emaroñ karõk jerbal ko an bwe en maroñ kajerbal ien ko an ibben ro jet ilo congregation eo. Bõtab, ke ri ekajet ro reutiej an Ri Jew rar jumae kien ko an Anij ilo air kakien ri kalor ro an Jesus bwe ren bõjrak jen air kwalok nan, ilo kautiej rar ba bwe rar aikwij "bokake Anij elap jen armij. " - Jerbal 1: 8; 5: 27 - 32. And he has given indispensable family guidance in his Word, the Bible. (Jenesis 1: 27, 28) Im ear letok jibañ eo eaorõktata ilo Nan eo an, Bible eo ñan tel family eo. (Riit 1 Timote 5: 1, 2.) As if "Stricken by God " Einwõt ñe " Anij ear Dreñlok E ' Jehovah ear bareinwõt kajerbal enjel ro ñan tel jerbal in kwalok nan eo kin news eo emõn. WHEN Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth, " he was speaking as one who had lived in heaven with the Father. KE JESUS ear katakin ri kalor ro an bwe ren jar, "Ren kõmõnmõn ankil Am einwõt i lõñ, bareinwõt ion lõl, " ear konono einwõt in kinke ear jokwe ilañ ibben Jemen. (b) Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamelele kin wãwen jitõb kwojarjar eo emol? Eve failed to provide a good model for wives to follow. Iv ear likjõp in likit juõn joñok emõn ñõn an limaro eor beleir anõke. Jej aikwij jumae Devil eo, im jab kõtlok bwe en kajorrãn kij ilo jitõb. 22, 23. 22, 23. Ear jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe jabdewõt men en kam̦ad e jãn jerbal eo ear lel̦o̦k ñan Jemãn bwe en kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an kõn Aelõñ eo an Anij im bwe en kõm̦m̦an rũkal̦oor ro otemjej me Anij ear kõn̦aan bwe ren erom rũkal̦ooran Jijej. Look! My own servants will rejoice, but you yourselves will suffer shame. " - Isaiah 65: 13. Oktak eo ikõtan ta eo ej walok ilo Christendom im Ri Christian ro remol ej alikar ilo nan ko an Jehovah: "Lo, ro dri korijera re naj mõña, a kom naj kwuli; lo, ro dri korijera re naj irak, a kom naj maro; lo ro dri korijera re naj lõñliñ, a kom naj jok. " - Aiseia 65: 13. Men in enaj kamol bwe armij ro an Anij renaj bõk lomor. Let us go back three and a half years: Mary sensed that change was coming. Meri ear kile bwe elõñ oktak ko rej pojak in wal̦o̦k. Mekarta, bwid ko renaj eietlok elañe jej etale jet nan in kaiñi ko relap ilo Jeje ko. In addition to resisting the pressure, she saw some of her friends and acquaintances find mates within the congregation. Ear jab pidodo ñan Michiko ke ear lo an jet iaan ro m̦õttan m̦areik ro rar karejar ñan Jeova, bõtab ekabde ejjel̦o̦k pãleen. Meñe Samuel ear lukkuun rũtto, ak ear jab mel̦o̦kl̦o̦k ke ear juon jo̦dikdik. Why? Etke? Riit Jerbal chapter 13 ñan 20, im lor e im missionary ro mõttan ke rej kabellok territory ko im kajutak congregation ko ilo elõñ jikin ko. Monday, September 6, 1909, was Reception Day at Bethel. Im kar karõke Mande, Jeptõmba 6, 1909 ñõn karuwaineneik dri lotok ro ñõn air aluije Bethel. Ej lo bwe ilo parable in, Anij ej jutak ikijen an kajerbal nan eo ñan kajedmatmat "ejelok tokjen karõk ko an ro ri mweie ilo ran ko rej itok. " If you have a role in this, do your utmost to maintain a positive spirit. Jet iien, an juon rũttol̦o̦k im m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en ebbeer ak bũrom̦õj. Ruaklok ñan Anij As Bible prophecy foretold, in these last days of this wicked system of things, many are "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " Baibõl̦ eo ear kanaan bwe ilo raan kein ãliktata ilo jukjuk im pãd in enana, elõñ renaaj "yokwe er make, im renaaj ri arõk m̦weiuk, im ri ju - wal̦õñl̦õñ, im ri kajjirere, im ro rej kipiliia ñan jemaer im jinier, im ro re jab kam̦m̦oolol, im ri nana, im ro re jab yokwe ro nukier, im ro re lãj, im ro rej kõnnaan naan in riab, ro re jab kõmmanwa, rawiia, ro rej dike em̦m̦an, ro ri ketak, ro rej kõm̦m̦an jet men m̦okta jãn aer l̦õmn̦ak kake, ro ri kõmmejãje, im ro rej yokwe men in kabuñbũrueir el̦ap jãn aer yokwe Anij. " Christian jemen im jinen ajiri ro rej aikwij kwalok air itoklimo kin baotokin ro uan family eo Does that account have importance for God's people today? Eor ke tokjen bwebwenato in ñõn armij ro an Anij ranin? Ilo Jerbal in Kwalok Nan! (2) He employed his knowledge of God's Word skillfully, even as an artisan uses a tool effectively. (2) Ear kajerbal Nan in Anij ilo bolemen, einwõt juõn ri mejedik ekabel ej kajerbale kein jerbal eo an ilo bolemen. Kobalok iben an Jon ruj, eo tokelik ear erom juõn mejinede tokelik, elõñ ro jet rar uak ñõn kir in ilo Masedonia. Our dress and grooming can reflect either well or badly on our heavenly Father. (Dri Epesõs 5: 1) Nuknuk eo ad im iled remaroñ kautiej ak katton Jemed ilañ. Ta jeraam̦m̦an ko jenaaj loi el̦aññe jej l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn men ko an jetõb? What benefit do we receive by offering a sacrifice of praise to Jehovah? Ta jerammõn ko jej bõki ilo ad nebare Jeova? " Iar tõmak bwe bwij eo aõ ear utiejlok jen ro jet, im iar kobalok ibben juõn kumi in kien, " ear ba. Events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy prove that this world entered "the final part of the days " - its last days - in the year 1914. Wãwen ko ilo kajejjet kitien kanan eo ilo Bible ej kamol bwe lal in ear deloñe "mõttan eo eliktata in ran ko " - ran ko an eliktata - ilo yiõ eo 1914. Tokãlik, iar jab maroñ del̦o̦ñl̦o̦k ilo jikin kalbuuj eo im ejjel̦o̦k aõ kein kõm̦m̦an jarom bwe in pãd ilo ruum̦ eo aõ. 5, 6. (a) What first - century parallel was there to the Israelites of Moses ' day? 5, 6. (a) Ri Israel ro ilo ran ko an Moses rar einwõt wõn ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn? 10: 1, 4 - 9. I am coming as a thief, " says the Lord Jesus Christ. " Lo Ij iwij einwõt dri kwot, " Iroij Jesus Christ ej ba. E ej "juõn dri kwot im dri rakimi. " Hence, if we grow to love the things in the world, even things that may not in themselves be wrong, we are on a dangerous course. Kin men in, elañe jej jino yokwe men ko ilo lal in, meñe men kein rejjab nana, jej bed ilo juõn ial ekauwatata. Ta eo kwõj jek ilo bũruom̦ ñan kõm̦m̦ane? Yes, and this was verified by God's own Son. - Read Luke 14: 13, 14. Eo Nejin Anij make, Jijej, ear kwal̦o̦k bwe em̦ool men in. - Riit Luk 14: 13, 14. Ri Israel ro kajjojo rar aikwij ri kennan ro an Jehovah. - Duteronomi 26: 19; Aiseia 43: 21; Malachi 2: 7; Dri Rom 3: 1, 2. Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Luke Nan eo an Jehovah Ej Mour Wõt - Katak ko Relap Jen Book in Luk Ewi wãwen ro rej bõk eddo in lolorjake rej einwõt "juõn kijeek eurur "? While sorting through the clothes, she found money equivalent to $1,000 (U.S.) in the pockets of some trousers. Ke ear ekãlel nuknuk ko, ear lo joñan in $1,000 ilo bõjo ko an jet ian jeraujij ko. Ta nan in kakabilek eo kwonaj kar lelok ñan sister in? The bread was made from wheat flour and water, without any leaven or seasoning, such as salt, being added. (Exodus 12: 8; Duteronomi 16: 3) Pilawã in kar iiõke jãn dãnnin aebõj im pilawã wit, im kar jab illik iij ie. Ilo an nebar ro jet, Paul ear lor joñok eo Jehovah im Jesus jimor rar likiti. - Read Mark 1: 9 - 11; Jon 1: 47; Rev. 2: 2, 13, 19. To these Jehovah says: "Bring all the tenth parts into the storehouse, that there may come to be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this respect... whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. " - Malachi 3: 10. Ñan armij rein Jehovah ej ba: "Komin bõktok aolep mõttan ko joñoul ilo jikin kakonkon, bwe en wõr mõñã ko kijeir ilo mweo imõ; im joij im melejoñe iõ, ilo men in... im lale elañe ijamin kabellok ñan kom lañ ko bwe en katorwõj iomi juõn jerammõn mae ien ejelok ami aikwij. " - Malachi 3: 10. Wujleplok eo ad ear itok jen kõnan eo ad ñan bokake Jehovah im ñan kõmanman ankil an. Satan urges us to seek the Kingdom second. - Matt. Kõn men in Setan ej kajjioñ letok juon mour em̦m̦an ñan kõj kiiõ. Naan in "jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ ko aer " ej mel̦el̦ein" bwe em̦õj katakin m̦õttan ko ilo ãnbwinnid (einwõt m̦õttan ko ilo ãnbwinnier). " Are you not proud to be serving Jehovah under such a mighty, God - appointed King? Kõn men in, el̦ap ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ in karejar ñan Jeova ium̦win tõl im irooj eo an Nejin, Jijej Kũraij! Emõnõnõ jabrewõt eo ej kejbãrok nan ko an kanan in. " - Reveles̃õn 22: 6, 7. " In that case, " he explains, "how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must take place this way? " - Mark 14: 41 - 43; Matthew 26: 48 - 54. " Elañe einwõt, " ej kamelele, "ekijkan an kamol Jeje ko, bwe ren kõmõnmõn ein drein? " - Mark 14: 41 - 43; Matu 26: 48 - 54. Ta eo enaj kakajurlok tõmak eo ad bwe Ailiñ eo enaj kõtõbrak karõk eo an Anij kin armij, im etke? Over the years, I have had the privilege of conducting many Bible studies, and 11 of the students got baptized. Ium̦win iiõ ko m̦aantak, elõñ ro iar maroñ katak Baibõl̦ ippãer, im 11 iaaer rar peptaij. Jej aikwij jerbale tõmak, bõk aolepen tokjen menin letok ko an Anij ñan bõk lomor. When Jesus was 12 years old, his parents took him on their annual visit to Jerusalem for the Passover. Ke Jesus ear 12 yiõ dettan, jemen im jinen rar bõke ibbeir ilo ien lolok eo air ñan Jerusalem yiõ otemjej ñan kwojkwoj in kijone eo. Bõtab, ñe rej bukõt nan in kakabilek ko, ekkã an kakabilek ir kin unintel in konono eo. However, Martha gets busy preparing a special meal and does other chores to make Jesus ' stay as nice as possible. Ke Marta ear lo bwe Meri ear jab jipañe, ear inepata im kwal̦o̦k an abn̦õn̦õ ñan Jijej. Jeje in Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. How should we use them? Ewi wãwen jej aikwij kajerbali? Kin men in, ñe kwoj katakin ajiri ro nejõm ñõn yokwe dri Kristian ro jeir im jãtir, kwoj katakin ir ñõn yokwe Anij. (a) How did Jesus warn about the natural tendency toward drowsiness? (1) Ta naanin kakkõl eo an Jijej ke ear kwal̦o̦k kõn an kar bõjin ro mejki im kiki? Ej ke illu ak illu, im l̦õmn̦ak bwe em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia rar jab kautiej e? The first we learn about him directly is in connection with the history of the early Christian congregation. Men eo moktata jej katak kin e ej ekkejellok iben bwebwenato eo an congregation in Kristian eo jinoin. [ Kamelele ko itulal] In recent years, doctors have identified another danger that they call "third - hand smoke. " Ilo raan kein, taktõ ro rar ekkatak im lo bar juon men ekauwõtata ej wal̦o̦k jãn jikka, ijello̦kun an armej ro menonoiki baat in jikka eo. Ta eo emaroñ jipañ kõj ñan jum̦ae menin kapo ko an lal̦ in? - Rom 12: 2, The New Testament ilo kajin Pãlle, an J. Without doubt, the fundamental reason for his success was his faithfulness to Jehovah. Ejelok bere, un eo elap unin an kar bõk anjo ej eñin bwe ear tiljek ñan Jehovah. Ak elikin mij eo an ri jilek ro, juõn buñ jen tõmak elap ear jutak, im meram in mol eo ear jino walok. If we are going to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be teachable and pray earnestly for his instruction. (Sam 119: 25 - 32) Elañe jekõnan tiljek ñan Anij, jej aikwij bojak in bõk katak ko ilo mõnõnõ im kate kij ilo jar ñan bõk nan in jiroñ ko an. Alikar, ear melele kin aorõkin money im bareinwõt kajur in mweie. (Include comments on the chart on pages 27 - 30.) (Kobaik uak ko jen chart eo ilo page 23 - 26.) Ñe ro jeid im jatid rej kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak im eñjake ko aer ñan kõj, men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad yokwe doon. Standing at God's right hand, Jesus will soon exercise his authority and bring great blessings to obedient humans everywhere. (Epesõs 2: 4, 5, UBS) Kiiõ Jijej ej pãd ianmoon̦in Anij im m̦õttan jidik enaaj kõjerbal maroñ eo an ñan bõktok jeraam̦m̦an ko rel̦l̦ap ñan aolep armej ro rem̦m̦an. Kajitõk rot kein rej kajitõk ko rej yokwe bwe ri matõrtõr ro en wõr juõn oktak in buru im emmakit im bõktok joij eo an Jehovah ñan ir. In September 1997, a violent earthquake struck various parts of the Marche and Umbria regions, damaging almost 90,000 homes. Ilo September 1997, juõn makitkit lal ear jelet elõñ mõttan ko ilo Marche im jikin ko ilo Umbria, im kajorrãn enañin 90,000 em ko imõn armij ro. Kõrã in ekijoñ ej jutak kin aolep kabuñ ko rewan, elaptata kin kabuñ ko an Christendom. The dangers of wasting too much time in the pursuit of useless or even harmful information were recognized back in the days of King Solomon. Jen ran ko an King Solomon im liñtak rar kile kauwatata ko remaroñ walok jen an armij ro kañ ien ilo air bõk melele ko ejelok tokjeir ak ko remaroñ kajorrãn ir. Ñe jej lel̦o̦k menin lel̦o̦k ko ñan ro jet, jenaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke "el̦apl̦o̦k m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo lel̦o̦k jãn bõk. " (b) What practices of the Jews did the disciples adopt? (1) Kõnke ear lõñ RiJu ilo elõñ jikin ko, ewi wãween an kar men in jipañ ro me ejjab er RiJu? [ Bo̦o̦k eo] ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k juon m̦anit me ear anjo̦ ioon jarin tarin̦ae eo el̦ap. It is understood that this psalm was written when his son Absalom schemed to steal the kingship from him. (Sam 55: 4) Kar je Sam in ke Absalom nejin David ear karõk ilo ittino bwe en nibiji throne eo an jemen. Rej lemnak bwe ñan an kajur, juõn armij ej aikwij lej im lej. Jesus acknowledged that not everyone would listen to the Kingdom message. Jesus ear kalikar bwe jab aolep armij renaj roñjake kin ennan eo an Ailiñ eo. Ri Israel ro rar kõnan einwõt ailiñ ko ibelakiir, ro me king ro an armij rar iroij ioir. Instead, during Armageddon, only the wicked will be wiped out. Ilo iien eo enaaj wal̦o̦k Armagedon, naaj ko̦kkure ro wõt im renana. Kanan eo an Jesus kin jeebeplok eo an Jerusalem ear jejjet kitien ilo tibdik ko otemjej But do we also perceive his interest and supporting hand in our life? Ak jej ke tõmak bwe Jeova ej kea kake kõj? Ewi wãwen an armij ro rejerawiwi aikwij kebak Anij, im ta wanjoñok eo ej kalikar men in? All of us are well - fed spiritually through the tireless efforts of "the faithful and discreet slave. " Kij aolep jej mãttõk ilo jitõb kin an "ri korijer etiljek im meletlet " kate wõt ir im jab mõk. Einwõt ri jerbal ro mõttan ilo jerbal eo an Anij, rej baj kate wõt ir ñan likit juõn joñok emõn. - 2 Dri Korint 1: 24. We have a marvelous provision to help us do so. Ewõr juõn men in letok emõn ñan jibañ kij ñan kõmmane. ; Oh, K. Another danger is identified at Proverbs 29: 25, which says: "Trembling at men is what lays a snare. " Bar juõn kauwatata ej walok ilo Jabõn Kennan 29: 25, eo ej ba: "Mijak armij ej bõktok juõn jen. " • Ta annañ eo an Nebuchadnezzar ear wõr ibben, im ta eo men kein rar kõkkar kake? For example, after quoting one of the Ten Commandments - "you must not commit adultery " - Jesus explained God's view of what takes place inside the heart of a man long before he commits that act. (Mat. 22: 36 - 40; Luk 12: 6, 7; 15: 4 - 7) Ñõn wanjoñok, elikin an kar elij juõn ian Kien ko Joñoul einwõt, "Kwon jab lũñ, " Jisõs ear kemelele kin lemnok eo an Anij kin ta eo ej ber ilo buruen juõn armij mokta jen an mour in lũñ. Jouj im kõmel̦el̦e kõn wãween an kar Jijej naajdik juon jarlepju in armej me rej pãd iturin tol̦ ko. My father and most of my siblings were opposed to our studying with the Witnesses, but my sister was tolerant, although she never became a Witness. Jema im enañin aolep ro jeiõ im jatiõ rar jumae amro katak ibben Ri Kennan ro, ak ledik eo jatiõ ear melele, meñe ear jab oktak im juõn ian Ri Kennan ro. Jet maan ro rar likjap in bõk eddo ko air. Those without spiritual understanding today have felt that there has been no "striking observableness " with regard to the sign of Jesus ' presence. Rainin armij ro rejjab melele men ko lor jitõb rej ba bwe rejañin "kanuij kili " kakõlle eo bwe Jesus ej bed. [ Pija ko ilo peij 15] Do they see it in my attitude toward field service, entertainment, and material things and in what I say about other members of the congregation? ' Rej loe ke ilo wãwen aõ watõk jerbal in kwalok nan, ien kamõnõnõ ko, im mweiuk ko, bareinwõt kin men ko ij ba kin ro jet uan congregation eo? ' An Anij mõnõnõ in roñjake jar ko ad en kar kamakit kij ñan kabuñburuen. This has been the experience of Phyllis and Paul, who have successfully raised five children. (Dri Epesõs 6: 4) Phyllis im Paul, ro me rar lo tõbrak ke rar kakajiririk ajiri ro lalem nejiir, rar lo men in. Kajitõk in Elij ko (b) What did he imply when he spoke of being "past the bloom of youth "? (b) Ta eo ear kareilok ñõne ke ear konono kin "ñe e torbel " ak kijone ebbõl in jodikdik? Jen beek ilo buruõd ñan kwalok leen jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij ran otemjej. Yet, in many cases the receiver is actually not ungracious, although he may appear to be so on the surface. Jorrãn eo ekkã an walok ej einwõt kõmman an ro ri turin don karejar ibben don im lelok ir make kin tokjen eo ñan don. Ilo wãwen eo bwe e eo ej Unjen karõk in belele eo, Jehovah ear "yokwe " ro rej burukuk ilo mour in belele. Elõñ ro doon juon aelõñ rej kajjioñ in kõm̦m̦an an ro jet rejetake juon bade ilo kien eo. " Inaj Kaibujuij Anij King eo ' He delighted in conversing about God's creative works. (1 Kiñ Ro 4: 33) Ear mõnõnõ in bwebwenato kin men in kõmanman ko an Anij. Mokta jen Ibwijleplep eo ilo ran ko an Noah, jet enjel ro rar kõnak enbwinin armij bwe ren babu ibben kõrã ro. All the while, I thought that there had to be something I could do to make my husband love me. Iomin ien kein, iar lemnok bwe ej aikwij or juõn men imaroñ kõmõne bwe leo iba en yokwe iõ. Einwõt am maroñ kalmenlokjen, ilo ittino najidik jibuki emaan ro ear juõn jerbal elap an kauwatata. Yet, God protects his people overall by providing timely warnings against Satan's crafty acts. (Epesõs 6: 10 - 12) Jej lo naanin kakkõl kein ilo Baibõl̦ im ilo bok ko ad jãn doulul in an Jeova. Ri karejar ro an Anij rejjab baj lemnak wõt kin ir make. Yes, Jehovah's day will truly be a dark, cold day for his enemies on earth! Aet, ran eo an Jehovah emol enaj marok, juõn ran emarok ñan ri kijirãt ro an ijin ion lal! 11: 33, 34. 2: 11. 2: 11. Mour ilo jet ailiñ ko ej lukkun rejañ armij ro bwe ren jab mare. They are such because, as he explains, they shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men, not permitting those on their way in to go in. Rej eindein kinke, einwõt ear kamelele, rej kili ailiñ in lañ jen armij, im ro rej deloñtok ñan iloan rej bõprae air deloñ. Ri jilek Paul ear konono kin eñtan kin "juõn kãliklik ilo kõniek, juõn enjel an Setan, " im ear" wie " e. He showed that integrity is expressed, not in mere words, but in positive actions that spring from pure motives. Ear kalikar bwe jejjab kwalok mour jime ilo nan ko wõt, ak ikijen kõmõn ko ar remõn me rej walok jen juõn buru emol. Ewi wãween aer maroñ kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k? Our sister loved Jehovah, but she also loved her son and found it extremely difficult to apply the Scriptural command to avoid associating with him. Kõrã in elap an yokwe Jeova, ak ear bareinwõt yokwe likao in nejin im ear kanuij bin ñan an lore kien eo ilo Baibel ñan jab kõmao ibben leo nejin me ebukwelok. Rej lukkun tõmak ilo kallimur eo an Anij bwe aolep ro rej likit mokta Ailiñ eo ilo mour eo air renaj bõk jibañ jen Anij. And everybody you meet is someone you can trust because, as God promised, all are "persons taught by Jehovah. " Im jabdewõt armij eo kwoj iione ej juõn eo kwomaroñ liki kinke, einwõt an Anij kar kallimur, ir otemjej rej "armij ro Jehovah ear katakin ir. " Etke jet remaroñ luji eñjake in ekaiuriur eo? On one occasion, Moses ' brother, Aaron, succumbed to peer pressure. Juõn ien, Aron leo jein Moses, ear kõtlok bwe ijjibed ko jen armij ro ren anjo ion. Inem kwomaroñ bõk jet tract ko ak brochure ko ilo kajin kein. During the six preceding creative " days, ' God had made and set into motion all the cycles and laws governing the operations of the earth and everything around it. Ilo " ran ' in kõmanmõn ko jiljino lok iman, Anij ear kõmman im karõk ñan air makitkit wãwen ko otemjej rej errolol im kien ko rej beek jerbal ko an lal in im men ko jabdewõt ibelakin. Ilo juõn ian trip ko an family eo ñan Shiloh, juõn kõrã in akwelap ear jar ñan Anij im kallimur: "O Jeova in inelip eo, elañe kwo jamin lo iñtan an lio korijerõm, im kememej iõ; im kwo jamin meloklok lio am korijeran dri korijer, im I naj lelok ñõn e ran otemjej in mour eo an Jeova. " On the way home, they were in an automobile accident. Ke rar ettõrlok ilo wa eo wair ñan mweo imwiir, rar bed ilo juõn lanwõtwõt. Ak bõlen armij ro kajjojo jen class in remaroñ tõbar ir. He did not want it to be reproached by enemies who would attribute their victory to lifeless idols. Ear jab kõnan bwe ri kijirãt ro ren kananaiki, ro renaj kar lelok anjo eo air ñan ekjap ko rejjab mour. Ñan wanjoñok, jej jelã bwe jet kain oko ko remaroñ oktak im einwõt dekã jidik ko redik, ñan wanjoñok - ñan loan bõr ko renana ilo air kalibubu ir ilo juõn jikin ittino einwõt Ek. Consider what occurs when fleshly thinking prevails. Lale mõk kin ta eo ej walok ñe kadkad kein rej walok. ; Christ, S. The period of the Judges provides a good illustration of the consequences of faithfulness and of unfaithfulness. Ien ko an Ri Ekajet ro rej letok juõn wanjoñok emõn kin tokjen ko rej itok jen air tiljek im jab tiljek. (1) Ta eo juon Kũrjin ej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane el̦aññe juon iaan rũttõmak ro m̦õttan ear kõmetak e? They had listened to the reading of the Gospels in their mother tongue - in French instead of Latin! Rar roñjake aer riitil̦o̦k bokin Gospel ko ilo kajin eo aer, kajin French, im ejjab ilo kajin Latin! 1, 2. Is it just an unrealistic dream to believe that everlasting peace is possible? Ej baj juõn ettõnak bajjõk wõt ke ñõn tõmak bwe ainemõn eo ej indio enaj maroñ? Ikijen nan im kõmman ko ad, jen etal wõt im kamol bwe Jehovah ej ad jikin kone. According to one authority, this approach is a major influence in teaching children good study habits. Ekkar ñõn juõn dri meletlet ej ba bwe eñin ej wãwen eo elaptata ej jibõñ katakin ajiri ro ñõn lor juõn mõnit emõn ñõn katak. Menin ej oktak im juõn unjen inebata ñan Daniel. Imitate the Loyalty of Ittai Kajeoñwe Tiljek eo an Ittai Ñan jumae kabo eo ñan aluij pija in kelwan ko, juõn armij ej aikwij bukõt jibañ jen Jehovah ilo jar mokta jen an jino etal ilo ial eo ilo Internet. Jesus told the religious leaders of his time: "You are searching the Scriptures, because you think that by means of them you will have everlasting life; and these are the very ones that bear witness about me. " - John 5: 39. Jesus ear jiroñlok ri tel ro an kabuñ ilo ien ko an: "Komij bukot ilo Jeje ko, bwe ilo ir komij lemnak ami mour in drio; im kein rej kennan kin Iõ. " - Jon 5: 39. Taktõ ro me rar kõm̦m̦an kõjak kõn an l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k an l̦adik eo eñjake, im rar jab kõn̦aan jel̦ã ta eo en kõm̦m̦ane. And what does he do about the wicked acts that he sees? (Hibru 4: 13) Im ta eo ej kõm̦m̦ane ñe ej loe men kein renana? Rar eñjake juõn eddo in mour erreo ñan kwalok kadkad in ñan ro ear wõr ibbeir juõn kõtan emõn ibbeir, einwõt an kar King David eñjake tokelik ear aikwij kwaloke ikijen Mephibosheth. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a "vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions, a thirsty, waterless land. " Elikin air kar kijone Lomalo Ekilmir, Ri Israel ro rar itoitak ilo juõn ene me rar kwalok kake einwõt juõn "ene jemaren eo elap im men in lelñoñ, ijo eor serpent kijeek im marebep ko, im ene emõra ijo ejelok dren. " " Kom̦win ekkõl im jar. " - MATU 26: 41. He became absorbed in establishing his own righteousness, even demanding a reason for his suffering. Ear bar l̦õmn̦ak bwe juon ej aikuj kõmel̦el̦eiki unin an eñtaan. Ewi wãwen jimjera eo ar iben Jeova ej kejbãrok mour erreo? " Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. " - GALATIANS 5: 16. " Komin etetal kin jitõb im kom jamin kajejit mõm in kõniek. " - GALETIA 5: 16. Kimij kir yuk ñan lukkun etale ta eo Bible ej ba im lale ewi wãwen Nan in Anij ej jibañ kij ñan jab lale ta un eo emol unin abañ in eaorõk. - 2 Timote 3: 16. Or, as with the older son in the parable, is there some resentment, as if no welcome is merited for one who should not have left God's flock in the first place? Ak, einwõt ibben leo nejin eritto ilo parable eo, ewõr ke jumae, im einwõt ñe karuwainene ej tellokin wõt eo ej aikwij kar jab ilok jen bwij eo an Anij ilo jinoin? Jemaroñ jar kin jitõb eo an im kate kij ñan kwalok leen, im liki bwe Anij enaj jibañ kij ñan kakõmõnmõnlok ad kwalok inemõn. However, when the Jewish high court went against God's laws by ordering Jesus ' disciples to stop preaching, they firmly but respectfully said that they had to "obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 1: 8; 5: 27 - 32. (Dri Rom 13: 1 - 7) Bõtab, ke mõn ekajet eo eutiej an Ri Jew ro ear kajekdon kien ko an Anij ilo an jiroñ ro ri kaloran Jesus ñan air kabõjrak jen air kwalok nan, ilo wãwen kwalok kautiej rar uak ilo beran im ba bwe rar aikwij "bokake Anij elap jen armij. " - Jerbal 1: 8; 5: 27 - 32. Ebin ke ñan tõmak men in? (Read 1 Timothy 5: 1, 2.) (Riit 1 Timote 5: 1, 2, UBS.) Ekkar ñan eoon ko m̦oktal̦o̦k, naan ko an Jijej ilo Luk 16: 10 rej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan "m̦weiuk ko an lal̦ " ak m̦weiuk ko ad. Jehovah also used angels to direct the work of preaching the good news. Jehovah ear bareinwõt kajerbal enjel ro ñan tel jerbal in kwalok nan kin news eo emõn. Ijo emaroñ kar kememej nan kein an Moses ñan Israel: "Ñe kwoj iñtan im nan kein otemjej kw'ar loi ilo jemlokõn ran ko, inem kwo naj jeblak ñõn Jeova am Anij, im eoroñ ainiken. " (b) How would you explain the true nature of holy spirit? (1) Ta l̦õmn̦ak eo ebõd kõn kajoor eo an Anij me ro rej tõmak ilo jilu anij ilo juon rej bõke? Elañe aet, kememej bwe Jehovah ej Ri "Ri Katakin eo Elap. " We must oppose the Devil, giving him no opportunity to harm us spiritually. Jej aikwij jumae Devil eo, im jab kõtlok bwe en kokkure kõtan eo ar iben Jeova. (Jem. (Riit Jabõn Kõnnaan 12: 18.) He allowed nothing to sidetrack him from the commission he received from his Father to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and to make disciples of all whom God drew to Jesus. Ear kwal̦o̦k naan wõt kõn nuuj eo em̦m̦an kõn Aelõñ eo an Anij im jipañ armej ro me Jeova ear karuakl̦o̦k er ñan e bwe ren erom rũkal̦oor. 1: 23. This will ensure that God's people will be saved. Jeova enaaj lo̦mo̦o̦ren armej ro an. [ Pija ko ilo peij 18] Nevertheless, mistakes will be fewer if we consider some fundamental principles in the Scriptures. Meñe ãindein, ak jemaroñ kadikl̦o̦k ad likjab im kõm̦m̦ani bõd ko el̦aññe jej l̦oore jet iaan naanin kakapilõk ko raorõk ilo Baibõl̦. Ilo Dri Hibru chapter 11, ri jilek Paul ej kwalok kin melejoñ ko elõñ ri karejar ro an Anij rar kijenmij kaki. Though Samuel was old, he had not forgotten his youth. (1 Samuel 11: 14, 15; 12: 2) Meñe Samuel ear juõn lõlap, ak men ko rar walok ke ear juõn ajiri rar alikar wõt ilo lemnak eo an. Ñan kabwer armij ro jen air etal ñan Jerusalem ñan kabuñ, Jeroboam ej kajutak ruo kon in cow gold - juõn ilo Dan im eo juõn ilo Bethel. Read Acts chapters 13 through 20, and follow him and his fellow missionaries as they open up territories and establish congregations in one place after another. (Rom 11: 13) Jemaroñ riit kõn mour eo an Paul ilo bok in Jerbal jebta 13 ñan 20. Jiljino iair rar konono kaki. It observes that in this parable, God is represented as using the word to expose "the meaninglessness of the future plans of the rich. " Dictionary eo ej ba bwe ilo parable in, Anij ej kajerbal nan eo ñan kajedmatmat "karõk ko ejelok tokjeir an ri mweie eo ñan ilju im jeklaj. " Ro jet uan congregation eo an Ri Jew, meñe Barnabas, Peter ear bwid in kõmmane ejja men in wõt. Draw Close to God Druaklok ñõn Anij Bõtab, Paul ear ba bwe ejja brother ro wõt rar "bar jeblak " ñan men ko ejelok tokjeir. Christian parents must take an interest in the appearance of family members Ro jemen in jinen ajiri ro rej aikwij bõk itoklimo kin ta eo ilen ro uan family eo air Elañe kij, einwõt Abraham, jej melejoñe Jehovah ilo ad bokake kien ko an, enaj kajerammõn kij bareinwõt, im men in enaj kakajurlok tõmak eo ad. On With the Preaching Work! Etal Wõt Ilo Jerbal in Kwalok Nan! Lale bwe ilo bwebwenato in ejelok kajitõk ak Gideon ear watõk Jehovah einwõt juõn Eo emol an bed. In addition to John Cooke, who later became a missionary, many others responded to this Macedonian call. Elõñ iiõ ko tokãlik Jon Cooke ear erom juon mijinede. (Jerbal 16: 9, 10) Ilo kar iiõ eo 1930, ekar wõr 27 wõt oran ro rar bainier ilo France. [ Kamelele ko itulal] What benefits will we enjoy if we keep on minding the spirit? Ta tokjen ko jenaj lañliñ kaki elañe jej debij wõt lemnak kin jitõb eo? Kwõjel̦ã bwe ium̦win elõñ bukwi iiõ ko armej ro rar kajjioñ kõm̦adm̦õde apañ ko im kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k wãween mour ko aer. " I believed that my tribe was superior to all others, and I joined a political party, " he says. Ej ba: "Iar l̦õmn̦ak bwe bwij eo aõ em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn bwij ko jet im iar bõk kun̦aõ im rejetak bade ko an kien. Ñan congregation eo etto ilo Thyatira, Jesus ear jilkinlok ennan in: "Men kein Nejin Anij ej ba, Eo mejen einwõt juõn kijeek eurur,... Later, I could not get in and out of bed without the aid of an electric hoist to lift me into my motorized wheelchair, which I maneuver using a hand lever. Tokãlik, iar aikuji juon mijjin ñan kotak eõ jãn peet eo aõ ñan wiil̦jea eo. Im ear bar ãindein an kotak eõ jããn wiil̦jea eo ñan peet eo aõ. Juõn Christian shepherd eo ewõr an iminene ej ba: "Ij lo bwe juõn ian wãwen ko remõntata ñan jelã im rejañ juõn jeid im jatid maan ak kõrã ej ilo aõ jerbal ibben ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. " 10: 1, 4 - 9. Solomon ear ba bwe "Jeova ej letok mãlõtlõt. " Ej ba: "Im kin men in I naj kamwijlok jerbal in kwalok nan, im dri ailiñ otemjelok re naj roñjake. " He is "a thief and a plunderer. " Ej juõn "dri kwot im dri rakimi. " El̦aññe rej kõm̦m̦ane men in, Jeova enaaj kwal̦o̦k tũriam̦o ñan armej ro an im enaaj ko̦kkure er. What are you determined to do? Ta eo kwoj beek in kõmõne? Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, dri jeje sam ej letok ñõn kij juõn "leen " ñõn ejmour eo ar ilo jitõb. Each Israelite was to be a witness of Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 26: 19; Isaiah 43: 21; Malachi 2: 7; Romans 3: 1, 2. Ri Israel ro kajjojo ren kar einwõt juõn ri kennan eo an Jehovah. - Duteronomi 26: 19; Aiseia 43: 21; Malachi 2: 7, NW; Dri Rom 3: 1, 2. (b) Etke jejjab bwilõñ kin men in? How are those in positions of oversight "like a fiery torch "? Ewi wãwen ro rej tel rej einwõt "kijeek "? Lein ear kokkure aolep ledik ro nejin. What advice would you have given this sister? Ta eo kwon kar ba ñan rejañe kõrã in jeid im jatid? Ta key eo ñan burukuk in Christian eo ad? In commending others, Paul followed the example set by both Jehovah and Jesus. - Read Mark 1: 9 - 11; John 1: 47; Rev. 2: 2, 13, 19. Ilo an kar Paul nõbar ro jet, ear l̦oore joñak eo an Jeova im Jijej. - Riit Mark 1: 9 - 11; Jon 1: 47; Revelesõn 2: 2, 13, 19, UBS. " Komin kakajiririik ir ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " - DRI EPESÕS 6: 4. Our dedication sprang from our desire to obey Jehovah and to do his will. Ejjel̦o̦k juon ear bo̦o̦je kõj bwe jen wũjlepl̦o̦k mour ko ad ñan E. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. The expression "have their perceptive powers trained " literally means" the sense organs having been trained (like gymnast). " Kajin in "kin air minene rej maroñ in jela " ej melelen bwe" mõttan ko ilo enbwin eo emwij kamineneiki (einwõt juõn gymnast ak ri kaminene). " Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok bwe jej tiljek in jurake dolul eo an Jehovah? Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll. " - Revelation 22: 6, 7. Emõnõnõ eo ej kejbãrok nan ko an kũr in buk in. " - Reveles̃õn 22: 6, 7. 17, 18. What will strengthen our conviction that the Kingdom will accomplish God's purpose for mankind, and why? (1) Ta eo emaroñ jipañ kõj ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k ad tõmak bwe Aelõñ ak kien eo an Anij enaaj kajejjet ankilaan ñan armej? Jehovah ej bareinwõt aintok "men ko ion lõl, " melelen, million armij ro ibelakin lal, bwe tokelik ren erom ro nejin ion lal. We must exercise faith, taking full advantage of God's provisions for survival. Jej aikwij jerbale tõmak, im kortokjen aolep men in letok ko jen Anij ñan bõk lomor. Ta elañe armij in ej juõn nukin ebak im ejako an jokwe ilo mweo? ' When they seek advice, however, the sheer volume of counsel on the subject may swamp them further. Jet iien ro jinen im jemen rej m̦õk ilo aer kõm̦m̦ane eddo in aer. Kar kanan kake ilo Bible bwe Jesus enaj " iroij ilo bwiljin ro dri kijirãt [an]. " This two - volume reference work is published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (a) Etke elaplok an aorõk jen mokta bwe kwelok ko ad ren juõn jikin kone? Therefore, when you train your children to love their Christian brothers and sisters, you are teaching them to love God. (1 Jon 4: 20, 21) Inem, ñe kwoj katakin ajiri ro nejõm ñan yokwe Ri Christian ro jeiir im jatiir, kwoj katakin ir ñan yokwe Anij. Ta manit eo ekkã an walok ibwiljin maan ro rekajur ilo lal in, ak ewi wãwen an ro rej bõk eddo ilo congregation eo an Christian ñan mwiliir make? Would Ryan become angry or bitter, feeling that the elders had failed to show him due respect? Ryan ear ke utiej bũruon im illu ippãn em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia kõn aer jab jitõñe ñan jerbal in? Daniel ej kwal̦o̦k bwe renaaj kõm̦m̦an jãn aen im kle. [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko Itulal] ▪ "Ejjab men eo kwoj tõmake elañe kwoj mol. " What can help us to resist the world's efforts to " squeeze us into its own mould '? - Romans 12: 2, The New Testament in Modern English, by J. Ta eo enaj jibañ kij ñan jumae jibadbad ko an lal in im ej " iune kij ñan bõk manit ko an '? - Dri Rom 12: 2, The New Testament in Modern English (Kallimur Ekãl ilo Kajin English ilo Ran Kein), an J. PEIJ 7 But following the death of the apostles, a great apostasy set in, and the light of truth began to flicker. (Kolosse 1: 23) Ak elikin mij eo an ri jilek ro, juõn buñ jen tõmak elap ear walok, im meram in mol eo ear jino mejkunlok. Tokãlik, kõm̦ro baam̦le eo am̦ro ar jino kõjerbal pija in alwõj ko. Clearly, Agur understood the protective value of money as well as the deceptive power of riches. Jabõn Kõnnaan 30: 8, UBS) Agur ear mel̦el̦e bwe ear aikuj jããn ñan an mour im ear bar mel̦el̦e bwe kõn̦aan eo ñan m̦weiie ej juon aujiid. Jehovah ej letok elap in jitõb eo an ñe jej aikwiji, ekkar ñan wãwen ko ad. When our brothers reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings to us and are sure that these will not become public knowledge, the bond of love that may already exist will grow stronger. Jen dãpij wõt ippãd men ko ear ba im jen jab kwal̦o̦k ñan ro jet kaki. Meñe Ri Israel ro rar lo juõn king, iroij eo air emol kar Jehovah. Such petitions are loving requests that persecutors might have a change of heart and take action that brings them Jehovah's favor. Jar rot kein rej kwalok ad yokwe ro rej kijirãte kij kinke jej kajitõk ibben Jehovah bwe ro rej matõrtõr kij ren maroñ oktak im emmakit ilo wãwen eo me Jehovah enaj buñburuen kake. Rej "Itok Einwõt Juõn Jar in Armij " This harlot fittingly stands for all false religion, foremost of which are the churches of Christendom. (Revelesõn 17: 1 - 6) Kõrã in ekijoñ ej mel̦el̦ein aolep kabuñ ko reriab, ekitibuj bar kabuñ ko me rejjab m̦ool in Kũrjin. Bwe armij ro e naj anij lo burueir, im re naj dri arõk mweiuk, im dri jualõñlõñ, im dri jua, im dri kajirere, im dri kajirere, im ro rej kiblia ñõn jemeir im jineir, im ro re jab kamolol, im ro re jab yokwe ro nukiir, im ro re jab yokwe ro nukiir, im ro re lej, im ro rej kennan nan in riõp, ro re jab kamanwa, r'awia, ro rej drike emõn, ro dri ketõk, ro dri ketõk, ro dri ketõk, ro dri ketõk, ro rej drike emõn. " - 2 Timote 3: 1 - 4. Giving also makes us happy, for "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " Bareinwõt ej jiroñ kõj bwe jenaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñe jej lel̦o̦k, kõnke "el̦apl̦o̦k m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo lel̦o̦k jãn bõk. " Karõk in Bethel eo ejjab bidodo, ak ej juõn unjen lañliñ ñan karejar ñan Anij ilo wãwen in. [ The mime] plumbed the depths of a perversion which had conquered the masses of the capital. [ Ikkure in] ear tõbarlok joñan eo enana tata juõn manit ejõkkar eo ear kajur ion jarlepju in armij ro ilo jikin kwelok eo. Men eo ear walok ejjab maroñ jakolok. They reason that to be strong, a person has to be assertive and aggressive. Rej ba bwe ñan an juon armej kwal̦o̦k bwe ekajoor ej aikuj juon eo me ekajju im elãj. Ri kalor eo James ear rejañ Ri Christian ro ñan air jar ñan Anij kin meletlet ñe rej bed iumin melejoñ. The Israelites wanted to be like the nations around them, who were ruled by human kings. Etke? Kõnke ear kalikkar bwe rejjab kõn̦aan bwe Jeova en irooj im tõl er. Ta eo Jeova ear kõm̦m̦ane? Emaroñ, elaptata elañe jemen im jinen rej kajeoñ in jolok bwid ko air ilo air ba bwe ewõr air maroñ. Jesus ' prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem was fulfilled in every detail Kanan eo an Jesus kin jebeplok eo an Jerusalem ear jejjet kitien ilo aolep tibdikin Tõmak eo ad ej kõm̦akũt kõj ñan kwal̦o̦k naan ñan ro jet. - 2 Korint 4: 13 How should sinful humans approach God, and what example illustrates this? Ewi wãwen armij ro rejjab wãppen rar maroñ kebak Anij, im wanjoñok et eo ej kalikar men in? Jej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko me rej jipañ kõj ñan l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. As fellow workers in God's service, they simply strive to set a fine example. - 2 Corinthians 1: 24. Einwõt ri jerbal ro mõttan don ilo jerbal eo an Anij, rej kate ir ñan kõmman juõn joñok emõn. - 2 Dri Korint 1: 24. E eo emol an lemnak. ; Oh, K. ; Oh, K. Mel̦el̦e eo ilo Baibõl̦ kõn "aan " ej juon men em̦m̦an im ekkar ñan mel̦el̦e ko ilo Baibõl̦. • Nebuchadnezzar's dream image had what features, and what did these symbolize? • Ettõnak eo an Nebuchadnezzar kin annañin ekjap eo ta wãwen ko ie, im ta eo men kein rar annañelok? Ri kalor ro an Jesus ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar liki bwe Jesus kar Messiah eo, bwe emol ear kajejjet kitien kanan ko kin Messiah eo jej loi ilo Jeje ko ilo Hebrew. Describe how Jesus fed a large crowd in the vicinity of Bethsaida. Ewi wãween an kar Jijej naajdik jarlepju eo ilo kar Betseida? Jehovah Anij ear kallimur ñan e: "Ilo ineõm dri ailiñ otemjej i lõl re naj jerammõn. " Some men fail to assume their responsibilities. Jet lõmaro rej likjap in kajejjet jerbal ko air. Jen men in, roñjake ro emol air yokwe yuk. Elõñ Kũrjin ro retiljek ewõr aer bar eddo. Ear bed ilo kalbuj ke rar kalbuji e im jolok aolep men ko jet ilo mour eo an ilo kalbuj. [ Pictures on page 15] [ Pija ko ilo peij 11] Bible eo ej ba: God's willingness to hear our petitions should move us to seek his approval. Bõk Jibañ ñan Jibadõk juõn Ial Ewãnik Etke jet iien epen ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in? Review Questions Kajitõk ko ñan Elij Paul ear kwalok ettã buru ke ear aikwij lelok nan in kakabilek im nan in tel ko rekajur. Let us be determined to show this precious aspect of the fruitage of God's holy spirit every day. Aolep armej jãn elõñ aelõñ im kajin ko remaroñ kabuñ ñan Jeova ippãn doon im "karejar ñan E kõn juon wõt bõro. " (b) Ewi wãwen Peter ear kwalok juõn lemnak emõn? In the sense that he is the Originator of the marital arrangement, Jehovah has "yoked together " those united in wedlock. (Ekklisiastis 5: 4 - 6) Jeova ear ejaake mour in pãlele, kõn men in, e eo ej "kobaik " armej ro em̦õj aer m̦are. Ak ñan wõn eo Anij enaj lelok ñan e buñburu im kajerammõn eo an? " I Will Exalt God the King ' " I Naj Kautiej Anij Eo Ej King ' Ak ewõr juõn kõtan ebak, im kimij kir yuk ñan etale ewi wãwen am maroñ ejaake juõn lemnak emõn. Before the Flood of Noah's day, some angels disobediently materialized in order to engage in sexual relations with women. Mokta jen Ibwijliplip eo ilo ran ko an Noah, jet enjel ro ilo kiblia rar weaktok einwõt armij bwe ren koba ibben kõrã ro. 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. As you can imagine, secretly feeding a hundred men was a very dangerous undertaking. (1 Kiñ Ro 18: 4) Einwõt kwoj jelã, najidik ilo ittino jibuki maan ro ear juõn jerbal elap an kauwatata. Ke iar diwõjl̦o̦k jãn kalbuuj, jidik kõn jidik ear jabwe aõ jããn. " Kom̦ Jaje Raan eo im Awa Eo " Ñan wanjoñok, ear letok nan in kakabilek in ñan juõn iroij emweie: "Kwon jolok men otemjej ibõm, im lelok ñõn ro dri jeramel, im e naj or mweiõm i lõñ; im kwon itok im lor Iõ. " - Luk 14: 1, 12 - 14; 18: 18, 22; 19: 1 - 10. God's servants go beyond simply thinking about themselves. Rũkarejar ro an Jeova rej bar l̦õmn̦ak kõn ro jet ijello̦kun aer baj l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn er make. Emol, ri tel ro rej kaeñtan ro rejeramel, im ejelok air jojomar! 11: 33, 34. Ãinwõt Kũrjin ro jet me em̦õj aer peptaij, ajri in enaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im kal̦apl̦o̦k an jel̦ã kajjien Jeova toon wõt an mour ak ñan indeeo. - Rom 11: 33, 34, UBS. Ezekiel ear kamolol in karejar ñan Jehovah einwõt juõn ri kanan. The welfare system in some countries actually encourages people not to marry. Karõk eo an kien ñan jibañ armij ro ilo jet ailiñ ko ej rejañ armij ro bwe ren jab belele. Men in ej tellok ñan ad kautiej don. The apostle Paul mentioned being afflicted by "a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, " that kept" slapping " him. Ri jilek Paul ear konono kin an eñtan kin "juõn kãliklik ilo [kõniekin], juõn dri jilikan Setan " ear" ubrare " kake. Ri Syria ro rar etal jen Gilead - juõn jikin iturear in River Jordan - im kokkure armij ro an Anij ijo. How can they make improvement? Ewi wãwen remaroñ kakõmõnmõnlok e? Nañinmij im abañ ko kin money renaj bedwõt. They have full faith in God's promise that all who put the Kingdom first in their life will receive God's help. Rej lukkun tõmak ilo kallimur eo an Anij bwe aolep ro rej likit bwe Ailiñ eo en moktata ilo air mour renaj bõk jibañ eo an Anij. Kwonaj kar kõtmene ke bwe juõn book kar je elõñlok jen 1,500 yiõ ko in an armij ro je aolepen juõn book? Why might some tend to lose the sense of urgency? Etke jitõbõn ekaiuriur emaroñ driklok iben jet armij? Bukõt ñan Jelã Jehovah Then you might carry some tracts or brochures in those languages. Inem kwomaroñ bõk jet tract ak brochure ko ilo kajin kein kajjojo. Elañe kwoj mõnõnõ in bõk melele ko jet ak kõnan bwe juõn en iwõj in katak Bible ibbam ilo mweo imõm ilo ejelok wõnãn, joij im jejelok ñan Watchtower, 143 Jehovah Street, Barrigada, Guam 96913, ak ñan jabdewõt jikin ilo lajrak eo ilo page 2. On one of the family's annual trips to Shiloh, a tearful Hannah earnestly prayed to God and vowed: "O Jehovah of armies, if you will without fail look upon the affliction of your slave girl and actually remember me, and you will not forget your slave girl and actually give to your slave girl a male offspring, I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life. " Ilo juõn ian ien ko family eo ear itoitak jen yiõ ñan yiõ ñan Shiloh, Hannah ear jañ ilo jar ñan Anij im kallimur: "O Jeova, Iroij in inelip eo, elañe Kwoj lale jorran an dri korijerõm, im kememej iõ, im jab meloklok dri korijerõm, a kwo naj letok ñõn dri korijerõm juõn nejin eman, inem I naj lewoj ñõn Jeova ran otemjej in an mour. " Air kabole mejeir ej einwõt rear, im ej aintok ri kamakoko ro einwõt bok. But perhaps individuals from this class could be reached. (Matu 23: 33) Ak bõlen kajjojo armij jen class in remaroñ bõk jibañ. Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: It is well - known that certain types of oysters can turn irritants - small fragments of stone, for instance - into lustrous pearls by enveloping them in layers of a secretion known as nacre. Elap jelã kake bwe jet kain oyster (di) ko remaroñ ukõt men ko rej irir ibben don - mõttan ko redik in juõn dekã ñan wanjoñok - bõr ko raibujuij ilo air kalibubuiki elõñ alen kin juõn den etan nacre (mother of pearl). Bõlen lemnak kin jet ian unin tel ko Jesus ear konono kaki ilo jar eo an inem etale ewi wãwen men kein remaroñ jibañ kij. ; Pierce, S. ; Pierce, S. Aet, "Ejman Eo, An jerbal e wãppen; bwe ial ko An otemjej re wãnik. " - Dut. (a) What should a person do if he has been hurt by a fellow Christian? (a) Ta eo juõn armij ej aikwij kõmmane elañe ear bõk metak jen juõn Christian eo mõttan? Juõn Peter 5: 7 ej ba: "Komin likit ami inebata otemjej na iben, bwe Ej ierki kom. " 1, 2. 1, 2. Pãrokõrããp 16: 3 ej ba bwe "ro ewõr jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ ippãer renaaj romaak ãinwõt meram in mejatoto. " By our words and deeds, may we continue to prove that Jehovah is our refuge. Ilo nan ko im jerbal ko ad, jen etal wõt im kamol bwe Jehovah ej jikin kone eo ad. Jen ad reel ñan kõmman bwid, jej kalikar leen jitõb eo, im kõnan eo ñan kabuñburuen Jehovah ej ukõt kij jen "jerbal in kõniek ko. " - Dri Galetia 5: 16, 19 - 23; Sam 15: 1, 2. This becomes a source of anxiety to Daniel. Menin ej juõn wãwen ej kainebataik Daniel. Ilo mõttan, men in ej kitibuj ad katak mol eo ilo Bible. To resist temptation to view pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before starting to go down that route on the Internet. El̦aññe ejiktok ad kõn̦aan alwõje pija kein, jej aikuj bõjrak im jar m̦okta jãn ad etal ñan Website ko jejel̦ã bwe rekauwõtata. Jeova ear kõm̦anm̦an men otemjej Doctors who treated Adnan for trauma found that the boy was numb, devoid of all feelings - even curiosity. Doctor ro me rar kamadmõde Adnan kin an kar jorrãn rar lo bwe ladik eo ear ejelok an eñjake kin jabdrewõt men - elaptata itoklimo. Ilo mol, Anij ear kajerammõn wõt Solomon, im kajerbal e ñan je book in Al eo ilo Bible an Solomon. They felt a moral responsibility to display this quality toward those with whom they had a relationship, even as King David later felt obliged to manifest it with regard to Mephibosheth. Rar eñjake eddo eo ñan juõn mour erreo ñan kalikar kadkad in ñan ro ear wõr juõn air kõtan ibbeir, einwõt King David tokelik ear eñjake eddo eo ñan kalikare ñan Mephibosheth. Kõmõn ko air rejoij rej kõmõn bwe armij ro ren lemnok wõt kin ir. " Keep on the watch and pray. " - MATT. 26: 41. " Kom̦win ekkõl im jar. " - MATU 26: 41. Ear "etetal ilo jimwe, " im eddeb ñan ial eo ejimwe ilo ial in mour eo an. How does friendship with Jehovah provide moral protection? Ewi wãween an jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jeova maroñ kõjparok kõj jãn m̦anit ko rettoon? Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe jen m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñan indeeo. We invite you to consider carefully what the Bible says and see how God's Word helps us to look beyond the surface to discern the true cause of this important problem. - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Jouj im lukkuun lale ta eo Baibõl̦ ej ba kõn men in im wãween emaroñ jipañ kõj ñan mel̦el̦e kõn unleplep in an wal̦o̦k jorrããn kein. - 2 Timote 3: 16. Etke Jet Rar Jab M̦õn̦õn̦õ in Em̦m̦akũt ñan Jipañ We can pray for his spirit and consciously exert effort to display its fruitage, trusting that God will help us to improve in showing mildness. 5: 22, 23) Jemaroñ jar kin jitõb eo an im kate kij ñan kwalok leen jitõb, im liki bwe Anij enaj jibañ kij kakõmõnmõnlok ad kwalok inemõn. Kin men in, Bible eo ej ba: "Bwe otemjej r'ar jerawiwi, im rej likjõp jen aibujuij an Anij. " Is this too difficult to believe? Elap ke an bin menin ñan tõmake? Wõn ri karejar in, ak ri karejar eo, im ewi wãwen ej najidik "ilo ien emõn "? According to the context, the original application of Jesus ' words found at Luke 16: 10 has to do with the use of "unrighteous riches, " our material resources or possessions. Ekkar ñan eon ko lok iman, nan ko an Jesus ilo Luk 16: 10 ear jerbal ñan wãwen ad kajerbal "mweiuk ko an lõl, " ak mweiuk ko ad. Ak jaar ruj, im Christ ear romak iod, einwõt an kar Paul kwalok kake. There he may have recalled these words of Moses to Israel: "When you are in sore straits and all these words have found you out at the close of the days, then you will have to return to Jehovah your God and to listen to his voice. " Ear ba: "El̦aññe kom̦ naaj pãd ilo jorrããn im men kein otemjej renaaj wal̦o̦k ñan kom̦, innem kom̦ naaj jepl̦aak ñan Irooj im pokake e. " (Duteronomi 4: 30, UBS) Eñin unin Menassa ear jepl̦aak ñan Jeova. Ñan waanjoñak, l̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan me ej loloorjake kumi in em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. If so, remember that Jehovah is the "Grand Instructor. " Elañe aet, kememej wõt bwe Jehovah ej "Ri Kaki eo Elaptata. " King Ben - 25, kiõ ej nañinmij, im ej jilkinlok ri nañinmij ro ñan kajitõk elañe enaj mour jen nañinmij eo an. (Read Proverbs 12: 18.) (Riit Jabõn Kõnnaan 12: 18, UBS.) Rej kwalok air kamolol kin menin letok ko ilo jitõb an Jehovah ikijen "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet " eo an! 1: 23. Eñin unin rar maroñ kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an ilo aolepen lal̦ in ilo tõre ko aer. - Kolosse 1: 23, UBS. WÃWEEN AÕ KAR BÕK TOKJÃN: Kiiõ ejjel̦o̦k aõ maroñ ñan jol̦o̦k aõ añũr marijuana im jikka, em̦õj an em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ãjmour e aõ. (Jerbal 5: 12, UBS) Innem ejjel̦o̦k iaan ro ilo eklejia ko rar kajjitõk kõn wõn ro Kũraij ear jitõñ er ñan lale im tõl jerbal ko aer. Jen kõtlok bwe jabdewõt mõttan Nan in Anij, ekoba kajitõk ko an, ñan jibañ kij rittolok ilo jitõb im "lo " Jehovah elaplok an alikar! [ Pictures on page 18] [ Pija ko ilo peij 16] Eliktata, ear bõjrak jen an etal ñan imõn jar eo. In Hebrews chapter 11, the apostle Paul describes the trials that many unnamed servants of God endured. Ilo bokin Hibru jebta 11, rijjilõk Paul ear kwal̦o̦k kõn mãlejjoñ ko elõñ iaan rũkarejar ro an Anij rar iiooni im kijenmej ioer. Ilo jar, jej aikwij kir Jehovah ñan etale kij im kile elañe ewõr kõnan ko renana ibbed. To discourage the people from going to Jerusalem to worship, Jeroboam sets up two golden calves - one at Dan and the other at Bethel. Ñan kabwer armij ro jen air etal ñan Jerusalem in kabuñ, Jeroboam ear kajutak ruo kon in cow gold ko - juõn ilo Dan im eo juõn ilo Bethel. Ejelok bwilõñ bwe oran armij ro ej laplok wõt air inebata! Six of them were interviewed. Kar kajitõk iben jiljino iair ñõn kwalok kin jerbal ko air. Ilo keidi, Jesus ear kwalok mõnõnõ eo an Jehovah ñan bõk maan im kõrã ro emol burueir jen men eo ear walok ñan Elisha im Naaman. Other Jewish members of the congregation, even Barnabas, were wrongly influenced by Peter to do the same. RiJu ro jet ilo eklejia eo, ekoba Barnebas, rar bar bõd ilo aer kar l̦oore ejja men in wõt Piter ear kõm̦m̦ane. Im ear eindein. However, Paul said that the very same brothers were "turning back again " to empty things. Bõtab Paul ear ba bwe Kũrjin rein rar "bar jepl̦aakl̦o̦k " ñan men ko ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer. Ãlikin aõ kar katak kajin Portugal, kar kajjitõk bwe in jerbalin lol̦o̦k eklejia ko ilo Ro̦k eklejia ko ilo Ro El̦apo̦ko̦ko, juon jikin ilo Brazil. If we, like Abraham, put Jehovah to the test by obeying his commands, he will bless us too, and that will strengthen our faith. Elañe kij, einwõt Abraham, jej likit Jehovah ilo melejoñ ilo ad bokake kien ko an, enaj kajerammõn kij bareinwõt, im men in enaj kakajurlok ad tõmak. " Jeova Ear Kõmõn bwe Turin Mejen En Ebaktok ' Notice that in this conversation there is no question but that Gideon viewed Jehovah as a real Person. (Ri Ekajet 6: 11 - 16, UBS) Bõlen kõn an kar lukkuun kõn̦aan jel̦ã ewi wãween men in enaaj tõprak, Gideon ear kajjitõk bwe Anij en kwal̦o̦k ñane juon kein kam̦ool. Bible eo ej kamol ñan kij bwe Jehovah " ej kememej bwe kij bũñalñal. ' [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko Itulal] JUON jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan me ej rekũl̦ar bainier im elõñ iiõ in an m̦are ej ba: "Meñe elõñ men ko rem̦m̦an iar kõm̦m̦ani ñan kõkajoor jem̦jerã eo aõ ippãn Jeova, ak elõñ men ko iar inepata kaki. You know that over the centuries men have tried various forms of government, sometimes sincerely attempting to solve problems and to better people's lot. Kwo jela bwe iumin elõñ ebeben ko armij ear kajeoñ kin elõñ kajjo kain kien, jet ien ilo mol rej kajeoñ in lo mejelan abañ ko im ñõn kõmmõn bwe en emõnlok mour. [ Pija eo ilo peij 16] To the ancient congregation of Thyatira, Jesus sent this message: "These are the things that the Son of God says, he who has his eyes like a fiery flame,... Jisõs ear lelok ennan in ñõn congregation eo etto ilo Thaietaira: "Nejin Anij, eo mejen rej einwõt urur in kijeek, im neen einwõt jinibor ejatõltil, Ej ba men kein; I jela jerbal ko am. " (Rev. Irro jimor rar kadiojlok jen high school, im rar iion ejja wãwen kein wõt. One experienced Christian shepherd says: "I find that one of the best ways to get to know and encourage a brother or a sister is by working with him or her in the field ministry. " (Luk 8: 1) Juõn Ri Christian etto an jerbal einwõt shepherd ilo jitõb ear ba: "Juõn ian wãwen ko remõntata ñan jelã kajjen im kõketak ro jeid im jatid maan ak kõrã ej ilo ad jerbal ibbeir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. " Kilen Jeje Ko He states: "So that through me the preaching might be fully accomplished and all the nations might hear it. " (2 Timote 4: 17) Jeova ear bar letok ñan kõj jerbalin kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an im ej watõk kõj ãinwõt ro rej " jerbal ippãn. ' Ñe kwoj tiljek wõt ñan Jehovah meñe kwoj iion jumae, ewõr emen tokjen ko remõn. If they do, Jehovah will "show compassion upon his people " and will put far away" the northerner " - the insect assault. Elañe rej kõmman eindein, Jehovah enaj "tiriamokake ro dron " im enaj kamakit iur in locust eo ej" itok jen eañ. " Emaroñ kõtlok bwe ajiri ro ren bokake " kien jineir ' ke ej likit juõn bedbed ñan ir bwe ren " eoroñ kaje an jemeir eo ekãl. ' Similarly, the psalmist gives us a "prescription " for spiritual health. Eindein, ri jeje sam ej letok juõn uno ñan ejmour ilo jitõb. Ej tokjen jibadbad eo an juõn armij im kajerammõn eo an Anij. (b) Why are we not surprised by this? (b) Etke jejjab ilbõk kin men in? (a) Ta kar unin vision eo an Ezekiel kin temple eo? This man molested all his daughters. Im ebar wõr jet iien me ejekkar ñan ad loi ta ko armej rej kõm̦m̦ani. Ta eo Bible ej jiroñ kij kake kin Abigail? What is the key to our Christian unity? Ñe jekõn̦aan bõrokuk ippãn doon, ej aikuj wõr yokwe ippãd. Ta ijjibed eo juõn ledik in Shulem eo ear bõke, im ewi wãwen Christian kõrã ro rainin remaroñ jelmae ejja abañ in wõt? " Go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - EPHESIANS 6: 4. " A komin kakajiririik ir ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " - DRI EPESÕS 6: 4. Rej ba bwe rekõn̦aan kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko aer make, im rej illu ñe ro jet rej kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko ñan er. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. Ta kin ien ko kwar lo yokwe im tel eo an Jehovah ilo mour eo am? How can we show that we loyally support Jehovah's organization? Ta ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ñan kaalikkar ad tiljek ñan Jeova im doulul in an? Juõn armij eo me enana buruen emaroñ jelet e ilo juõn wãwen enana ilo congregation eo. 17, 18. 17, 18. Inaaj ke wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im karejar ñan Jeova meñe jinõ im jema rar bõjrak jãn aer kõm̦m̦ane men in? Jehovah is also gathering "the things on the earth, " that is, millions of people earth wide, in order that they can eventually become his earthly children. Jehovah ej bareinwõt aini "men ko i lõl, " ej million armij ro ibelakin lal, bwe ilo ien ejejjet remaroñ erom ro nejin ilal. KILIN BOK IN: 6: 4, 5, UBS) Pepe in ej aikuj kõtaaerro wõt. Ak ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõk juõn kõnan rot in? What if that one is a close relative who no longer lives at home? ' Ta elañe armij eo ej uan baamle eo aõ, bõtab ejjab jokwe ilo mweo imõ? ' Rainin, kabuñ ñan ekjap emaroñ menin kareelel bareinwõt, elaptata ñe ej waloktok ilo wãwen ankwonak ak kautiej. - Dri Kolosse 3: 5; Reveles̃õn 13: 4. It had been foretold in the Bible that Jesus would "go subduing in the midst of [his] enemies. " Meñe ear ãindein ak ejjab mel̦el̦ein bwe ededel̦o̦k an uwaake jar ko ad ñe jej jar im ba, "En itok Am̦ aelõñ. " Ak, ke ajiri ro jen ailiñ ko jet rar etale manit ko an ailiñ eo im kajin eo air, jet iair remaroñ luji kõnan ko air im maroñ eo air ñan konono ilo kajin eo an jemeir im jineir. Bwebwenato ko ilo Baibõl̦ renaaj jipañ kõj ñan jel̦ã ewi wãween an Jeova watõk rũkarejar ro an. Job ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in pokake naanin tõl ko an im ear kajim̦we l̦õmn̦ak eo an. - Riit Job 40: 8; 42: 2, 6. (a) Why is it more important than ever that our meetings are a safe haven? (a) Etke elaplok an aurõk kiõ bwe kwelok ko ar ren ijo jej bõk kejbãrok im kainemõn ie? (b) Joñok eo an wõn eo kin tõmak jej aikwij lemnak kake? What behavior is common among men in power in the world, but how are those in responsible positions in the Christian congregation to conduct themselves? Ta manit eo ekkã ibwiljin maan ro ewor air kajur ilo lõl in, ak en ewi wãwen mwilin ro rej bõk eddo ilo congregation eo an Christian? Bõtab, Jehovah ear jab baj katakin wõt Job bwe en ettã buruen. Daniel does specifically mention that the toes would be made of iron and clay. Men eo wõt Daniel ear kalikkare ej bwe addin neen ear kõm̦m̦an jãn aen im kle. Ñããt eo aolep men kein renaj walok? ▪ "It doesn't matter what you believe if you are sincere. " ▪ "Ejjab aurõk men ko kwoj tõmak kaki elañe emol buruõm. " Ewor ro jet ibben ro renaj iroij einwõt king im jerbal einwõt priest. PAGE 7 PEIJ 7 Ewi wãwen an mol eo kejebel armij ro rainin? My family and I later started to use video chats. Tokãlik, iar maroñ kõnnaan ippãn baam̦le eo aõ ilo aõ kõjerbal kein ko̦o̦l̦ ko me kõm maroñ lo mejãn doon ie. Etke jej aikwij bokake nan in jiroñ ko an Jesus Christ im lor joñok eo an? Jehovah supplies as much of his spirit as we need, according to our circumstances. Jeova ej letok kajoor eo an ñan kõj ekkar ñan joñan eo jej aikuji im wãween eo jej jelm̦aiki. 12: 24. Although the Israelites came to have a visible king, their real ruler was Jehovah. Meñe Ri Israel ro ear wõr juõn king rar maroñ loe, lukkun iroij eo air kar Jehovah. Im ãlikin aõ lale men ko ij aikuj kõm̦m̦ani, el̦ap aõ m̦õk. " They "Come Flying Just Like a Cloud " Rej "Kãki Einwõt juõn Kõro " Ilo kãlet eo an einwõt governor, Herod eo ear 25 - yiõ dettan ear mõkaj im kareel e make bwe en kautiej Ri Jew ro im Ri Rom ro jimor ilo an jolok ri tarinae ro jen jikin eo ear kwalok nan ie. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 4. Bwe armij ro e naj anij lo burueir, im re naj dri arõk mweiuk, im dri jualõñlõñ, im dri jua, im dri kajirere, im ro rej kiblia ñõn jemeir im jineir, im ro re jab kamolol, im dri nana, im ro re jab yokwe ro nukiir, im ro re lej, im ro rej kennan nan in riõp, ro re jab kamanwa, r'awia, ro rej drike emõn. Ro dri ketõk, ro re mõlkaro, ro dri kimjãje, im ro rej yokwe men in kabuñburueir elap jen air yokwe Anij. " - 2 Timote 3: 1 - 4. Juõn kwojkwoj in kwojkwoj ko, einwõt Kwojkwoj in Imõn Kabbed ko, kar ien ko ñan kamolol Jehovah The Bethel routine is not easy, but it is a source of joy to be able to serve God in this way. El̦ap aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo aõ jerbal ñan Anij ilo Betel̦, meñe ejjab pidodo ñan ña laajrak ko ie. Yokwe eo am kein kajuõn kin mol eo ear aorõk, ak ke ear motlok, kwar aikwiji juõn yokwe eo emũlal ñan jelmae aitwerõk ko rekãl me rar melejoñe tõmak eo am. What has happened cannot be undone. Bwid eo emwij an walok. " Etke kwoj kalimjek belok erik iloan mejen jeõm im jãtõm, " ear kajitõk, "a kwo jab lemnok kin wijki iloan mejõm? " * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Elañe kwar emmakit ñan bar juõn congregation, kwe bareinwõt kwomaroñ inebata. The disciple James urged Christians to pray to God for wisdom when under trial. (Jerbal 4: 23 - 30) Ri kalor eo James ear rejañ Ri Christian ro ñan air jar ñan Anij kin meletlet ñe rej bed iumin melejoñ. Jinen Eve Eve, eo ear kakajiririk jiljino ajiri, ear juõn kõrã eberan. It may, especially if the parents try to gloss over their errors by harshly asserting their authority. Emaroñ, elaptata elañe jemen im jinen rej kajeoñ in kalibubu bwid ko air make ilo air kwalok ilo lej kin maroñ eo air. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kijejeto kin un eo kein kajilu. Our faith moves us to speak publicly to others. - 2 Cor. 4: 13 Jej jino kõnono ak kwal̦o̦k kõn m̦ool eo ñan ro jet. - 2 Korint 4: 13, UBS Bõtab, ñe jej nõbar im kam̦m̦oolol ro jeid im jatid im kam̦m̦oolol er kõn yokwe eo an ñan Anij, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ad mour. - Riit Pilippai 2: 1 - 4, UBS. We keep on track by making decisions that enable us to stay focused on our ministry. Eñin unin ad kõn̦aan kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko me renaaj jipañ kõj bwe jen poub wõt ilo jerbal in. Ilo ien lotok eo, iar etal ñan Museum eo ilo Britain ibben jet pioneer ro im ro jet rej jerbal ilo Bethel. He is the One with a truly sound mind. Kõnke Jeova wõt eweeppãn im ejim̦we otem jim̦we wãween an l̦õmn̦ak. Ejjabto tokãlik, iar jejel̦o̦k ñan mejinede eo iar pãd ie im kwal̦o̦k ñane bwe ikõn̦aan kõm̦m̦an oktak. The Bible's definition of "soul " is simple and consistent. Kamelele in nan in "aan " ilo Bible eo elukkun alikar im jejjet. Rej kõmõne men in einwõt juõn "armij ro dron [Anij]. " - Riit Jerbal 15: 14; Jon 17: 26. Jesus ' first - century followers were certain that Jesus was the Messiah, for he did indeed fulfill the Messianic prophecies found in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Matu 16: 16) Ilo katak in jaar katak bwe kanaan ko kõn mour eo an Jijej ke ear ajri im jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan eo an em̦õj aer jejjet kitieer. Aet, armij ewõr juõn aikwij ilo jitõb ibbeir. Jehovah God promised him: "By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves. " Jehovah Anij ear kallimure: "Ilo ineõm dri ailiñ otemjej i lõl re naj jerammõn; bwe kwar bokake ainikiõ. " 8, 9. Rather, listen to those who truly love you. Jen an eindein, komin eoroñ ro me emol air yokwe yuk. Elikin an kõlajrak men ko Timothy ear aikwij jibadõke, Paul ear ba: "Kwon owõn ilo men kein, im mõke lelok yuk ñõn ir, bwe am wõnmanlok en alikar ñõn ro otemjej. " He was arrested in 1148 and spent the rest of his life in prison. Kar kalbuuji l̦ein ilo 1148 eo im ear pãd ilo kalbuuj m̦ae iien ear mej. Ear bareinwõt kejbãrok ilo Bible juõn lokbook kin tokjen ko rej walok elañe ear bokake Anij ak karmijeteik iroij eo an. The Bible says: Baibõl̦ ej ba: Elap an Jehovah mõnõnõ ñe ej lo bwe jej konono ibben ro ri turid im ro jet kin e, im kõmman eindein kin yokwe eo emol ñan e im itoklimo eo emol kin mour indio an armij ro! Why is it sometimes so difficult to make them? Etke jet iien ejjab pidodo ñan kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rem̦m̦an? Inem, jen bõk nan in kakabilek ko rejoij im kakajur ko an Ri Christian ro mõttad, jerbale nan in kakememej ko rejoij im tõmak ilo kwelok ko an Christian, im lutõklok buruõd ñan Jehovah ilo jar. Paul even displayed modesty when he had to give strong counsel and direction. Bareinwõt Paul ear kwalok ettã buru ke ear lelok nan in kakabilek im nan in tel eo ekajur. Ien otemjej Jesus ear konono kin maroñ - eo an Jemen im eo an Jeje ko rekakõrmol. - Matu 4: 1 - 10; 7: 29; Jon 5: 19, 30; 8: 28. (b) How did Peter show a fine attitude? (b) Ewi wãwen Peter ear kwalok juõn wãwen lemnak emõn? Men in ear lukkuun jipañ eõ bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k wãween aõ kõm̦m̦an ñan ro jet. But to whom will God grant his favor and blessing? Bõtab, ta eo jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe Anij en buñbũruon ippãd? Bareinwõt, "ro renana im ro dri jela mon... re naj laplok ilo air nana, im naj mone ir. " Yet there is a bright side, and we invite you to consider how it is possible to develop an optimistic outlook. Ak ewõr unin ad bõk juõn lemnak emõn, im kimij kir yuk ñõn am etale kin wãwen an maroñ ejaak juõn wãwen eo ewõr liki ie. Einwõt an juõn jemen ak jinen naj ukõt kien ko ej kõmmani ñan ajiri ro nejin, lemnak kin dettair im wãwen ko ibbeir, Jehovah ear ukõt kien ko an armij ro an. 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. Kõrã eo ekijoñ eban jidik kõn jidik jakol̦o̦k an kajoor ak enaaj kajju jako ilo jidimkij. - Revelesõn 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. Anij ear jab kõtlok bwe kajerbal ekjap ko ilo kabuñ Fresh out of prison, I had little money. Kõnke ij kab diwõj jãn kalbuuj, ear lukkuun dik joñan jããn eo ippa. " Ran ko re nana " ñe rej rittolok remaroñ kabañ Ri Christian ro reritto jen air karejar ñan Jehovah kin kajur eo air mokta. - Ekklisiastis 12: 1. For example, he gave this advice to one rich ruler: "Sell all the things you have and distribute to poor people, and you will have treasure in the heavens; and come be my follower. " - Luke 14: 1, 12 - 14; 18: 18, 22; 19: 1 - 10. Jehovah God and his Son care deeply about the poor. Elõñlok jen juõn alen, enjel eo ear kakememej Daniel bwe ear "kanuij yokwe " iman mejen Anij. Why, the leaders are oppressing the poor, defenseless people! Ekabwilõñlõñ bwe, ri tel ro rej kaeñtan armij ro rejeramel, im ejelok air maroñ ñan jojomare ir make! Etke jej aikuj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im riiti bok ko ad, im ewi wãween ad kõm̦m̦ane men in? Ezekiel was grateful to serve Jehovah as a prophet. Ezekiel ear kwalok an kamolol kin an karejar ñan Jehovah einwõt juõn ri kanan. Kin men in, Anij ear jilkintok Nejin jen lõñ kin un in. This leads to mutual respect. Men in ej tellok kij ñõn ar kwalok koutiej ñõn dron. Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: The Syrians took territory away from Gilead - a region of Israel east of the Jordan River - and inflicted serious injury on God's people there. (Amos 1: 3, NW) Ri Syria ro rar bõk ene eo jen Gilead - juõn jikin Israel iturear in River Jordan - im rar kaeñtan armij ro an Anij ijo. Juõn ri jeje bwebwenato ear ba: "Am pã ekadu ñan box eo ibben Anij. " Health and economic problems would remain. Abañ ko kin ejmour im economy rar bedwõt. Ilo jibboñin ran eo tok juõn, Jesus ear jiroñ Pontius Pilate: "Ailiñ eo Aõ e jab jen lõl in. Would you expect a book written over a span of more than 1,500 years by some 40 different men to be totally harmonious? Ewõr ke bar juon bok ijello̦kun Baibõl̦ eo, me meñe enañin 40 em̦m̦aan rar je ium̦win elõñl̦o̦k jãn 1,500 iiõ ko, ak aolep mel̦el̦e ko ie rej errã ippãn doon? Ewi wãwen? Seek to Know Jehovah Kwon Katakin Yuk ñan Jelã Kajjen Jehovah Christian ri Hebrew ro rar aikwij kememej kin ta eo ear walok ñan ro jimmair. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Elañe kwoj mõnõnõ in bõk melele ko jet ak kõnan bwe juõn en iwõj in katak Bible ibbam ilo mweo imõm ilo ejelok wõnãn, joij im jeje lok ñan Watchtower, 143 Jehovah Street, Barrigada, Guam 96913, ak ñan jabdewõt jikin ilo lajrak eo ilo peij 2. Etke? The assembling of their faces is as the east wind, and it gathers up captives just like the sand. Turin mejeir rej koba ibben don einwõt kitwõn rear, im rej ainitok ri kamakoko ro einwõt bok. • Ekkar ñan Micah 6: 8, ta eo Jehovah ekõnan bwe jen kõmmane? Lessons for Us: Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: Ta eo mõttan ko reoktak jen don ilo ekjap eo rar jutak ikijen? Perhaps pondering some of the themes that Jesus mentioned in his model prayer and then considering how these relate to our own circumstances might help. (Jabõn Kennan 15: 28, 29) Bõlen kalmenlokjen kin jet ian unin tel ko Jesus ear konono kake ilo jar eo an inem lemnak kin wãwen air maroñ jerbale ñan wãwen eo ad make emaroñ jibañ kij. Ñan kejbãrok kõtan in, ri jeje sam ear aikwij debij wõt an tõmak ilo Jehovah, liki e. Kõnke ãt eo etad ej Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, jej lukkuun kaorõke etan Anij ilo ad karejar ñane. Iar Lo Kajur in Mol eo ilo Bible Yes, "the Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. " - Deut. Aet, "Ejman Eo, An jerbal e wãppen; bwe ial ko An otemjej re wãnik. " - Dut. Jekdon katak ko air kin ainemõn, ta eo ailiñ ko rej kõmmane? First Peter 5: 7 states: "Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. " Ilo 1 Piter 5: 7 ej ba: "Kom̦win likũt ami inepata otemjej n̦a Ippãn, bwe kwõaorõk Ippãn. " Enañin aolep melejoñ ko jej jelmaiki rainin rej kitibuj inebata ko jen ran ñan ran. Paragraph 16: Daniel 12: 3 states that "the ones having insight [anointed Christians] will shine like the brightness of the expanse. " Pãrokõrããp 16: Daniel 12: 3, (UBS) ej ba bwe "ro remãlõtlõt [ak ri kapit ro] renaaj romaak ãinwõt an mejatoto kanooj in meram. " (Riit Jon 10: 14, 15.) Instead of being helplessly attracted to wrongdoing, we manifest the fruitage of the spirit, and a desire to please Jehovah turns us away from vile "works of the flesh. " - Galatians 5: 16, 19 - 23; Psalm 15: 1, 2. (Dri Epesõs 5: 1, 2) Jen ad mõjno im reel ñan kõmman bwid, jej kalikar leen jitõb eo, im juõn kõnan ñan kamõnõnõik Jehovah ej ukõtlok kij jen "mõm in kõniek " ko renana. - Dri Galetia 5: 16, 19 - 23; Sam 15: 1, 2. Juon bok ej kõmel̦el̦e bwe naan ko ilo kajin Grik rej mel̦el̦ein "jerbal "" ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k tõmak eo ad. " In part, that involves learning Bible truth. 12: 1, 2) Juõn ian men ko rej koba ilo ad kõmmane men in, ej ad katak mol eo ilo Bible. Ke ear juon jo̦dikdik, ear kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana im enañin aolep iien ear kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana. Jehovah created all things Kõnke Jeova ear kõm̦anm̦an men otemjej Ñe jej reilok ñan Nan in Anij ñan ialin tel ej bar juõn wãwen kwalok bwe jej liki Jehovah. In fact, God still blessed Solomon, using him to compose the Bible book Song of Solomon. Ilo m̦ool, Anij ear kajeraam̦m̦an wõt Solomon im kõjerbale ñan je bok eo ilo Baibõl̦ n̦aetan Al eo an Solomon. Ilo yiõ in jerbal eo 2002, juõn laplok eo ej walok elõñlok jen 6,3 ri kwalok ro - juõn laplok - elõñlok jen 2001 - menin kamol eo ej kamol bwe rej ekkõl wõt ilo jitõb ilo air jolok 32 awa ko rej konono ibben ro jet kin Ailiñ eo an Anij. Their acts of kindness capture his attention. Kõmman in joij ko air ñan e rej kareellok e. 16: 3 - 5. He "walks straight ahead, " sticking to the right course on his journey through life. (Jabõn Kõnnaan 14: 29) Bareinwõt, ej "kajim̦we an etetal. " Mel̦el̦ein bwe ej kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rejim̦we ilo mour eo an. Inem, ke Solomon ear jiroñ Ahab bwe aolep ri kanan rein rar konono kin "juõn jitõb in mon, " ta eo ri tel eo an rein rar kõmmane? Jehovah wants us to live happily forever. (1 Jon 4: 8) Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe jen mour im m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñan indeeo. Tokelik, ri kalor ro an Jesus rar bareinwõt kabit im kabit ir kin jitõb kwojarjar. Why Some Hesitate Unin Jet Rej Jenliklik Ilo keidi, class in ri karejar eo etiljek im meletlet ej debij wõt eñjake in ekaiuriur eo an. Therefore, the Bible says: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Inem, Bible eo ej ba: "Bwe otemjej r'ar jerawiwi, im rej likjõp jen aibujuij an Anij. " Ak, ta kin menin mour awia ko? Who is this slave, or steward, and how does he provide "food at the proper time "? Wõn dri korijer ak dri kõmñe in, im ewi wãwen ej lelok "kijeir [ilo] ien ejejit "? Men eo Bible ej katakin kake: Armageddon ejjab juõn eo ej kokkure jukjuk im bed ko. But we were awakened, and Christ has shone on us, as Paul pointed out. We now have the privilege of being light bearers. Bõtab, jaar katak m̦ool eo kõn Jeova im Jijej, im kiiõ ewõr ippãd jeraam̦m̦an eo ñan katakin ro jet kõn m̦ool eo. □ 96 C.E.: Jesus, ededelok an iroij ion ri kabit ri kalor ro an, ej kalikar bwe orair eliktata enaj 144,000. - Dri Epesõs 5: 32; Dri Kolosse 1: 13 - 20; Reveles̃õn 1: 1 - 14; 14: 3 - 3 Take, for example, the brother serving as the coordinator of the body of elders. Ñõn wanjoñok, jen lemnok kin brother eo ej karõk jerbal ko an elder ro. Ta eo Jehovah enaj jolok ñan kalek juõn lal eainemõn im mõnõnõ? King Ben - hadad, now sick, sends Hazael to inquire if he will recover from his sickness. King Ben - hadad, eo enañinmij kiõ, ej jilkinlok Hazael ñan an kajitõk elañe enaj mour jen nañinmij eo an. Armij ro rainin ealikar air melele kin bedbed eo ilo Jeje ko kin kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio ilo juõn paradise ion lal. They show commendable appreciation for Jehovah's spiritual provisions through his "faithful and discreet slave "! Rej kwalok juõn kamolol emõn kin men in letok ko ilo jitõb jen Jehovah ikijen "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet "! Ak ta kin Maikeel, Maikeel? HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: Now that I am free of the expensive and damaging addiction to marijuana and tobacco, my health has improved. WÃWEN AÕ KAR BÕK TOKJEN: Kiõ emõnlok aõ mour kinke ijjab kõbatat marijuana im jikka, men ko me rej kokkure elap jããn im kanañinmij armij. Ien kein eliktata rej kebellok juõn ien emõn ñõn am kwalok lemnok ko am. May we allow every part of God's Word, including its questions, to help us grow spiritually and "see " Jehovah ever more clearly! (Jem. 4: 8) Jen kõtlok bwe aolepen Nan in Anij ekoba kajitõk ko ren jibõñ kij ñõn ridtolok ilo jitõb im kõmõn bwe en alikarlok ar "lo " Jeova. Ijo tu - rãjet, ewõr ro rej bõk lemnak eo bwe mour ej jemlok ilo mij. Finally, she stopped attending church. Tokãlik, kõrã in ear bõjrak an etal im jar. Kũrjin ro rem̦ool rej kõjekdo̦o̦n l̦õmn̦ak eo an lal̦ in kõn m̦anit ko rettoon. In prayer, we do well to invite Jehovah to search through us and discern whether we have any improper inclinations. Ilo jar, emõn bwe jen kir Jehovah ñan an lukkun etale kij im jelã elañe ewõr ad kõnan en ejjab jimwe. Ta melelen jar ilo liki, im ewi wãwen jar rot kein rej jibañ kij ñan kijenmij iumin abañ ko? No wonder that a growing number of people are distressed! Ejelok bwilõñ bwe elõñlok armij rej inebata! L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn Josep, Moses, im Devid. In contrast, Jesus reflected Jehovah's willingness to accept sincere men and women of all nations, even as we noted from the incident involving Elisha and Naaman. Ilo keidi, Jesus ear anõk mõnõnõ eo an Jehovah ñan bõk maan im kõrã ro remol jen ailiñ ko otemjej, einwõt ad maroñ loe jen men eo ear walok ikõtan Elisha im Naaman. Kõjparok Eok jãn Men ko Renaaj Wal̦o̦k And so it proved to be. (Joshua 1: 7, 8) Men in ear walok. Aolep ennan in kanan ko ilo Bible rej jitõñlok ñan men in letok eo an Jehovah kin Christ einwõt King im priest. - Jon 18: 37; 1 Piter 1: 18, 19. After learning Portuguese, I was assigned to do circuit work in Rio Grande do Sul, a state in southern Brazil. Elikin aõ kar katak kajin Portugal, kar kãlet bwe in lolok congregation ko ilo Rio Grande do Sul, juõn jikin ilo tueañ in Brazil. Ilo naaj tõre en̦, aolep ro rej mour renaaj anõke Jemãdwõj ilañ, Jeova, eo im ej "Anij in m̦ool. " - Sam 1: 8, UBS. " Jehovah Has Made His Face Shine Toward Them ' " Jeova Ear Kõmõn bwe Turin Mejen En Romak Ioir ' Kwõj aikuj ke kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd ak kate eok ñan jel̦ã irooj ioon eñjake ko am̦? The Bible assures us that Jehovah " remembers that we are dust. ' Baibel eo ej kalimur bwe Jeova "ej kememej bwe kij bũñalñal. " Bareinwõt, ilo aolepen jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Jesus ear lelok nebar ñan Jehovah kin men eo ear kõtõbrake ion lal. - Jon 5: 19. A SISTER who is a regular pioneer and is married to an elder, says: "Despite maintaining a good spiritual routine, I have struggled with anxiety for many years. JUON jeid im jatid kõrã me ej rekũl̦ar bainier im l̦eo pãleen ej juon eo ej lale eklejia, ej ba: "Meñe ij niknik ilo aõ kõm̦m̦ani men ko rej kõkajoor jem̦jerã e aõ ippãn Jeova, ak ium̦win elõñ iiõ in aõ eñtaan kõn an l̦ap wõt aõ inepata. Kobatok ibben men in, elõñ iad jej jokwe ilo ene ko me ekkã ad bere im ia eo armij ro rekibbon rej bed ie, mokta jen air kebak iõ ñan men ko. [ Picture on page 16] [ Pija eo ilo peij 8] Jemen im Jinen Ajiri Ro - Wãwen eo An ñan Karejar ñan Anij, 3 / 1 Both graduate from high school. They have the same circumstances. Irro jimor rar kadrioijlok jen high school im wãwen ko ibeirro rej einlok wõt juõn. Einwõt Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, jej bõprae ad lej ak utiej buru ñan ro jet. The Parable of the Talents Parable eo kin Talent ko (b) Etke eaorõk bwe ri belele ro ren kwalok yokwe? When you remain faithful to Jehovah despite opposition, there are at least four positive results. Ñe kwoj tiljek wõt ñan Jehovah meñe armij ro rej jumae yuk, ewõr elõñlok jen emen tokjen ko. □ Ewi wãwen an Jehovah buñburuen kake ro ettã air lemnak? He may allow the children to obey " the law of their mother ' while he lays a foundation for them to " listen to the discipline of their [new] father. ' E maroñ kõtlok bwe ajiri ro ren bokake " kien eo an jineir ' ilo ien eo ej ejaake juõn bedbed ñan air " eoroñ kauwe eo an leo jemeir [ekãl]. ' Bõtab, tokelik ilo mour eo an, Asa ear likjap in bokake nan in kakabilek in emõn. It is the product of a person's effort and God's blessing. Tõmak ej wal̦o̦k jãn ad kate kõj im kajjitõk ippãn Anij bwe en jipañ kõj ñan kwal̦o̦ke. Ilo juõn vision, ri jilek John ej lo 24 elder ro - oran Christian ri kabit ro ilo ijo jikiir ilañ - nebar Jehovah, im ba: "Ekar ñõn Kwe, O Iroij im am Anij, bwe kwon bõk aibujuij im nebar im kajur; bwe kw'ar kõmõnmõn men ko otemjej, im kin ankil am r'ar ber im emwij kõmõnmõni. " (a) What was the purpose of Ezekiel's vision of the temple? (a) Ta kar un eo kin vision eo an Ezekiel kin temple eo? Wõn iad ejjab aikwij kalaplok tõmak rot in? What does the Bible tell us about Abigail? Ta eo Baibõl̦ ej ba kõn Abigeil? Ak ta kin kajañjañ ak al? What pressure did a Shulammite girl come under, and how might Christian women today face a similar challenge? Ijjibed et eo jiroñ in Shulem eo ear jelmaiki, im ewi wãwen juõn Christian kõrã rainin emaroñ jelmae ejja aitwerõk in wõt? " Kom ro r'ar ber iba ilo men ko r'ar kabo Iõ kaki, " ear jiroñ ir, "im Ij likit ñõn kom juõn ailiñ einwõt Jema e ar likit ñõn Iõ, bwe komin mõña im irak ilo tebel eo Aõ, im jijõt ion tron ko joñoul im ruo bwijin Israel. " They insist on their right to make their own decisions, resenting even the thought of someone else deciding for them. Ak ñan ro jet, ñe ej itok ñan kõm̦m̦an pepe, el̦aptata ñe rel̦l̦ap, eokwe remijak in kããlõt ta pepe eo ren kõm̦m̦ane. Menin kar juõn ijjino in kallimur, ak Jerusalem eo ear jeblak ejamin kar bar jikin kwelok eo elap in juõn ailiñ ibben juõn bwijjin King David ion throne eo. What about the occasions when you have experienced Jehovah's loving care and guidance in your personal life? Ta ikijen ien ko kwar lo an Jehovah kejbãrok im tel yuk ilo mour eo am? (a) Lemnak eo an Jesus ewi wãwen an kar einjuõn jen eo an Pharisee ro? A bitter individual can exert a bad influence in the congregation. Armej in me ej illu ilo bũruon emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en bar ãindein eñjake ko an ro jet ilo eklejia eo. Joshua 6: 26 ej ba: "Bwe Jeriko e ar kanõjnij ilo ien eo, im ba, Armij eo en jutõk iman Jeova, im kalek jikin kwelok in, im bareinwõt Jeriko. Would I continue to serve Jehovah even if my parents and friends stopped doing so? Inaj ke wõnmanlok wõt im jerbal ñõn Jeova meñe jema im jinõ im ro mõta renaj bwijrõk jen air korijer ñõn e? Ak jej yokwe wõt e einwõt Christian eo jeid im jatid im kõmman joñan wõt ad maroñ ñan debij wõt kõtan ko rainemõn. - Keidi Luk 17: 3. COVER IMAGE: PIJA EO ILO KILIN BOK IN: [ Pija eo ilo peij 21] But how may we acquire such a desire? Ak ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõk juõn kõnan eo einwõt in? Ewõr juõn katak elamwan im bidodo melele kake - ñan melele kin bedbed in katak ko ilo Jeje ko. Today, idolatry can be equally seductive, particularly when it comes in the subtle form of covetousness or nationalism. - Colossians 3: 5; Revelation 13: 4. Rainin, kabuñ ñan ekjap emaroñ bareinwõt juõn menin kabo, elaptata ñe ej walok ilo ankwonak ak kijejeto kin juõn ailiñ. - Dri Kolosse 3: 5; Reveles̃õn 13: 4. Ñan kalikar point in, Bible eo ej kwalok kin Anij einwõt eñjake ko rej einlok wõt ko an juõn jinen eritto. Yet, as children of immigrants assimilate the local culture and language, some of them may lose much of their desire and even their ability to communicate in their parents ' mother tongue. Bõtab, ajri ro nejin ro rar em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan bar juon aelõñ rel̦ak katak m̦anit im kajin eo an aelõñ eo rej pãd ie, jet iaaer remaroñ jino jako aer kõn̦aan kõnono ilo kajin eo an rũtto ro jineer im jemãer, joñan remaroñ kiiõ jaje kajin eo aer. (b) Ilo wãwen et eo Jehovah, im bareinwõt Manasseh, rar likit juõn joñok ñan kij ñan ad lor ettã buru? Job accepted the direction and corrected himself. - Read Job 40: 8; 42: 2, 6. Job ear bõk nan in jiroñ eo im kajime an lemnok. - Riit Job 40: 8; 42: 2, 6. Ñan waanjoñak, rijjilõk Paul ear n̦aetan "juon rukwal̦o̦k naan ilo eklejia eo. " (b) Whose example of faith do we do well to consider? (b) Joñok in tõmak eo an wõn jej aikwij kalmenlokjen kake? " Mour den ko, " ak "juõn river in dren in mour, " rej pijaik menin letok ko an Jehovah kin mour, renaj etal wõt jen jikin jijet eo an Ailiñ in Messiah eo. However, Jehovah was not merely teaching Job to be humble. Bõtab, Jeova ear jab baj katakin wõt Job ñõn kõtãik buruen. Ke Paul ear bed ijo, elõñ alen jitõb kwojarjar eo ear kabõjrak e jen an kwalok nan ilo jet jikin ko. When will all of this take place? (Matu 9: 35; 11: 3 - 6) Ñããt men kein aolep renaj walok? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? He has others with him who are to rule as kings and serve as priests. Ebar wõr ro rej iroij einwõt king im priest ibben. Katak eo eliktata ewõr juõn bwebwenato ekaitoktoklimo kin book in Ekklisiastis. How does the truth divide people today? Ewi wãwen mol eo ej kejebel armij ro ilo ran kein ar? Ak, kwon jab ebwer elañe etale kwe make ej kajedmatmat mõjno ko am ilo tõmak eo am. Why should we obey the instructions of Jesus Christ and follow his example? Etke jej aikwij bokake nan in jiroñ ko an Jesus Christ im lor joñok eo an? El̦ap ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ bwe Baibõl̦ ej bar letok naan in kakapilõk ko rem̦m̦an kõn wãween ad maroñ kõjparok kõj jãn apañ kein im kõkajoor aenõm̦m̦an. 12: 24. 12: 24. Inem meñe Bible eo ejjab ba kin unin an kar Daniel jab bed ilo Komlal in Anij, jemaroñ liki bwe ear jab tiljek ñan Jehovah Anij. - Ezekiel 14: 14; Dri Hibru 11: 33. And after I take care of the things I must do, I am too tired. " Im elikin aõ lale aolep men ko ij aikwij kõmmani, Ilukkun mõk. " Ilo oktan, elõñ yiõ ko lok iman, Joshua ear likit juõn joñok emõn ke ear jiroñ Ri Israel ro: "Elañe enana mejõm, komin korijer ñõn Jeova, komin kãlet ranin wõn eo kom naj jerbal ñõn e... On his appointment as governor, 25 - year - old Herod promptly won himself the admiration of Jews and Romans alike by vigorously eliminating bands of bandits from his territory. Ilo ien eo kar jitõñ e bwe en juõn iroij ke ear 25 an yiõ, Herõd ear wini buruen dri Ju ro im dri Rom ro ikijen an kar kate ñõn jolok kumi in dri nana ro jen ailiñ eo ear iroij ie. Kabuñ eo an Rome ear jab kakien bwe ren kabuñ ñan e wõt. Annual festivals, such as the Festival of Booths, were occasions for offering thanks to Jehovah Kwojkwoj ko ilo kajjojo yiõ, einwõt Kwojkwoj in Imõn Kabbed ko, kar ien ko ñan lañliñ im lelok kamolol ñan Jehovah " Wijki ko rar bõktok kijen bred im kanniek ilo jibboñ im bread im kanniek ilo jota, im ear idak jen river eo, " einwõt an kar Jehovah jiroñ e. Your first love for the truth was important, but as time went by, you needed a deeper love to face new challenges that put your faith to the test. Yokwe eo am mokta kin mol eo ear aorõk, ak ke ear motlok elõñ ien ko, kwar aikwiji juõn yokwe emũlallok ñan jelmae melejoñ ko rekãl me ej melejoñe tõmak eo am. Juõn ear mõn e einwõt juõn men in katok kin jerawiwi "ñõn armij ro. " " Why... do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, " he asked, "but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? " Ear ba: "Etke kwõj kallimjek pelo̦k edik ilowaan mejãn jeõm̦ im jatũm̦ a jab l̦õmn̦ak kõn wõjke ilowaan mejam̦? " (Matu 7: 3) Pelo̦k eo emaroñ ãinwõt juon ujooj im edik. Meñe ilo mõkaj rej ba bwe Nan in Anij, ri tel in kabuñ ko an Christendom rar kamol ke air tiljek ñan liki eo an Master eo? If you have moved to a different congregation, you too may be apprehensive. Kwõmaroñ kar bar mijak el̦aññe kwaar aikuj in em̦m̦akũt ñan bar juon eklejia. • Kar ta lemnak eo an Jesus kin armij ro ear kwalok nan ñan ir? Evelyn's mother, who raised six children, was a fearless woman. Jinen Evelyn, eo im ear lale ajiri ro jiljino nejin, ear juõn kõra eberan. Kin men in, elañe kwoj lo bwe ebin ñõn am katak Baibel iben juõn armij, jar kin jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij ñõn lewoj meletlet im kobalok iben dri kwalok eo mõtõm me emaroñ kaberan yuk im emaroñ jibõñ yuk. Jehovah's Witnesses are zealous for a third reason. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kijejeto kin un eo kein kajilu. Ta nan in kakkõl eo Jesus ear letok, ak ta kadkad eo Ri Christian ro remol rar kwalok? On the other hand, giving a fellow believer commendation and appealing to his love for God can have a lasting, positive effect. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. Bõtab, ñe jej nõbar ro jeid im jatid im jipañ er ñan kile bwe unin aer kate er ej kõnke rej yokwe Jeova, men in enaaj "jipañ " er bwe ren karejar ñan Jeova ñan indeeo. - Riit Pilippai 2: 1 - 4, UBS. Inem jitõb eo an Anij enaj kar tel Luke ñan an je melele eo ejejjet. - Luk 1: 1 - 4. During that visit, I went to the British Museum together with some other pioneers and Bethelites. Ilo lolok in aõ, iar etal ñõn jikin kaluijuj eo ijo (Museum), iben jet pioneer im jet dri jerbal in Bethel. Ear eñjake kejbãrok eo an Anij ikijen Christ, einwõt juõn armij ilo juõn imõn kabbed ej eñjake an kejbãrok jen men ko. Eventually, I wrote to the missionary on Funafuti, telling him that I was ready to make a change. Ãliktata iar jejel̦o̦k ñan mejinede eo ilo Funafuti im kõjjel̦ãik e bwe ipojak ñan ukot mour eo aõ. Elañe armij ro rej mour ilo ainemõn, kinej ko kin tarinae emol rej aikwij mour. Ta el̦aññe kwõjel̦ã bwe juon ej n̦ooj an kõm̦m̦ane juon men ekanooj nana ãinwõt kadek, alwõje pija ko rettoon ak l̦õñ? □ Etke nan in jiroñ ko an ajiri ro rej aikwij koba ibben joñok eo emõn an jemen im jinen? They do so as a united "people for [God's] name. " - Read Acts 15: 14; John 17: 26. Rej kõm̦m̦ane men in ãinwõt juon kumi in armej ebõrokuk im rej jutak "kõn etan [Anij]. " - Riit Jerbal 15: 14; Jon 17: 26. Jemaroñ bõk kun̦aad ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan eo el̦ap me Jeova ej kõm̦m̦ane rainin. Yes, humans have an innate spiritual need. (Matu 5: 6) Ealikkar bwe ewõr an armej ro kõn̦aan ñan jel̦ã kõn Anij. Ak ta eo menin enaj kar aikwiji jen ir? 8, 9. 8, 9. Rainin, juon em̦m̦aan emaroñ lukkuun kate e bwe en jab alwõji pija ko renana. After enumerating the things that Timothy should pursue, Paul said: "Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " Elikin an kõlajrak men ko Timothy ear aikwij jibadõki, Paul ear ba: "Kwon owõn ilo men kein, im mõke lelok yuk ñõn ir, bwe am wõnmanlok en alikar ñõn ro otemjej. " 9: 6. He has also preserved in the Bible a record of the consequences of either obeying God or rejecting his rule. Ear bareinwõt likit ilo Bible juõn lokbook kin tokjen ko rej walok kin bokake Anij ak karmijete iroij eo an. Inem ejja katak ko wõt ilo Jeje ko rar kwaloki ilo jerbal in kwalok nan im ilo kwelok ko an Christian, meñe ilo Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Korint, ak jabdewõt jikin. How pleased Jehovah must be when he sees that we speak to our neighbors and others about him, doing so out of genuine love for him and genuine interest in the everlasting welfare of people! El̦ap an Jeova buñbũruon ñe ej lo ad kõnono kõn e ñan ro jet kõnke jej yokwe e, im kõnke jej kea kõn ro jet im kõn ilju im jekl̦aj eo aer. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] By all means, then, let us accept the loving and consoling expressions of fellow Christians, apply the kind counsel and faith - strengthening reminders heard at Christian meetings, and pour out our heart to Jehovah in prayer. Inem, jen mõnõnõ in bõk nan in kainemõn ko rejoij an dri Kristian ro mõtar, jerbale nan in kakabilek im kakememej ko jej roñjaki ilo kwelok ko an Kristian, im kwalok aolepen buruer ñõn Jeova ilo jar. Aet, jej aikwij jab meloklok mol eo bwe "ran eo an Jehovah " ebaktok. Jesus always spoke with authority - that of his Father and that of the inspired Scriptures. - Matthew 4: 1 - 10; 7: 29; John 5: 19, 30; 8: 28. Ien otemjej Jesus ear konono ilo an wõr an maroñ - eo jen Jemen im Jeje ko rekakõrmol an Anij. - Matu 4: 1 - 10; 7: 29; Jon 5: 19, 30; 8: 28. Jemaroñ kajeoñe rainin ilo ad likit emõn eo an ro jet iman kõnan ko ad make. This was a profoundly advanced preventive measure. (Deuteronomy 23: 13) Menin kar juõn kien in kejbãrok ejmour emeletlet. Bõtab, kwomaroñ liki bwe enaj mol men in! Furthermore, "wicked men and impostors... advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. " Bareinwõt, "armij renana im ro dri jela mon... naj laplok ilo air nana, re naj mone im naj mone ir. " Jen jab kokkure e ilo ad naruõn, akwel, ak aol. Just as a parent will adjust the rules he makes for his children, taking into consideration their ages and circumstances, Jehovah has adjusted the laws his people are required to obey. Einwõt an juõn jemen naj kõmõn oktõk ñõn kien ko ej lilok ñõn ro nejin, enaj lemnok kin ridtair im wãwen ko ibeir, Jeova ear kõmõn oktõk ñõn kien ko me armij ro an rej aikwij lori. 8: 12. God did not tolerate the use of images in worship Kain book rot kein remaroñ kamelele kin bwebwenato in armij, melelen nan in Hebrew im Greek ko, im elõñlok men ko. " The calamitous days " of old age may hinder elderly Christians from serving Jehovah with the vigor they once had. - Ecclesiastes 12: 1. " Ran ko re nana " rej itok jen bwijwõlã remaroñ kabañ Christian ro reritto jen air jerbal ñan Jehovah ilo kijejeto einwõt mokta. - Ekklisiastis 12: 1. H. More than once, the angel reminded Daniel that he was "very desirable " in God's eyes. Enjel eo ear kakememej Daniel elõñlok jen juõn alen bwe ear "kanuij emõn " iman mejen Anij. Meñe jej kate kij joñan wõt ad maroñ ñan bõprae kauwatata ko im jerbal ilo meletlet, kij aolep jej kõmman bwid. Why should we keep up - to - date with published material, and how do you accomplish this? Etke jej aikwij bõk melele ko rekãl ilo magazine ak buk ko ar, im ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kõmõne men in? (b) Ta eo maroñ eo ejimwe ijoko otemjej ilañ im ion lal ej kalikar? Thus, God sent his Son from heaven for that purpose. Kwonaj ke einwõt Samuel ke kwar rittolok? Lessons for Us: Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: Ri kalor ro rar jab maroñ bõjrak jen air konono kin men ko rar loi im roñjaki. A poet once said: "Your arm's too short to box with God. " Juon jabõn kõnnaan ej ba: "Jibbal̦añ jab depet raj. " El̦aññe kokõn̦aan bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ yokwe rũttõmak ro jeim̦ im jatũm̦, em̦m̦an ñe kwõj kwal̦o̦k ñan er kõn apañ ko rej iiooni im wãween ko reppen rej iiooni ilo mour ko aer. The following morning, Jesus told Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is no part of this world. Elõñ rej keidi kadkadin emaan ibben kajur eo elej, bin, ak kajjojo iair. How so? Ewi wãween? Lal in enaj etal wõt im kijirãte ri kalor ro remol an Christ, einwõt rar kijirãte e. The Hebrew Christians needed to remember what happened to their forefathers. Christian ri Hebrew ro rar aikwij kememej men eo ear walok ñan ro jimmair. Ro rewãnik rar "jolok men ko retino, ko re naj jok " im rejjab" etetal ilo mon. " Why? (Sam Ko 105: 4) Etke? Etke jej aikwij mol im mol ilo kabuñ eo ad ñan Jehovah? • According to Micah 6: 8, what does Jehovah require of us? • Ekkar ñan Micah 6: 8 (NW), ta eo Jehovah ej aikwiji jen kij? Ke iar jel̦ã bwe ear pãd ippa, men in ear jipañ eõ ñan kijenmej wõt meñe iar bũrom̦õj. " What did the various parts of the image represent? Ta eo mõttan kein reinjuõn jen don in ekjap eo rej jutak ikijen? Kwonaj bõktok ir im kalbwini ilo tol in men in jolet eo am, juõn jikin eo kwar keboje bwe kwon jokwe ie, O Jehovah, juõn jikin kwojarjar, O Jehovah, eo Kwar kajutake. To preserve that relationship, the psalmist had to maintain faith in Jehovah, trusting in him. (Jemes 2: 21 - 23) Bwe en maroñ wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im jeran Jeova, Esap ear aikuj dãpij an tõmak im lõke Jeova. Ekkar bwe jen kajitõk, " Etke ewõr juõn kamelij ibbed einwõt in ñe jej kajerbal juõn mõttan edik ilo mour eo ad? ' I Have Seen the Power of Bible Truth Iar Lo Kajurin Mol eo ilo Baibel Ñe emaroñ, elder ro rej bareinwõt karõk ñan jibañ ro jet. - Jemes 2: 15, 16. Despite their peace talks, what have the nations been doing? Meñe konono ko air ej kin ainemõn, ta eo ailiñ ko rej kõmmõne? Kinke jejjab wãppen, ejjab kõnan eo ad make ñan bokake im jejjab maroñ wãppen. Most of the trials we face today involve normal everyday anxieties. Elõñ wõt ian melejoñ ko jej jelmaiki rainin rejelet inebata ko ekkã air walok ran otemjej. Rej kãlet ñan air karejar iumin iroij eo an jen air kajeoñ in jenoloklok iair - men in kin jelãlokjen eo air kin e im yokwe eo an, ekajet jimwe, im meletlet eo an, eo elaplok air kile jen ir make. (Read John 10: 14, 15.) (Riit Jon 10: 14, 15.) Jab M̦ad kõn Men ko Rej Kam̦õjn̦o̦ik Eok im Jab " Jabdewõt Men Ej Aikuj Kõm̦m̦an bwe Kwõn M̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k, ' 12 / 15 One reference work explains that the root verb of the expression "speeding up " here means" " to make haste ' and is thus closely related to " to be zealous, active, concerned about something. ' " (Matu 24: 36; 25: 13) Juõn etale ej kamelele bwe okran nan eo "kamõkajlok " ej melelen " ñan kakaiuriur ' im ej ekkeijaklok ñan " ad kijejeto, im niknik kin juõn men. ' M̦oktata, ej kõjerbal juon lamp ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦an m̦weo im̦õn. As a teenager, she got into bad company and almost slipped into wrongdoing. Ke ear juõn jodikdik, ear tel an ibben ro ri nana im mõttan jidik ear jerawiwi. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kir yuk im family eo am ñan bed im roñjake juõn katak me enaj kamelele kin etke mij eo an Jesus elukkun aorõk im ewi wãwen emaroñ wõr tokjen ñan yuk. Looking to God's Word for guidance is another way of showing that we trust in Jehovah. Reilok ñan Nan in Anij ej bar juõn wãwen ad kwalok bwe jej liki Jehovah. 14, 15. During the 2002 service year, a peak of 6,304,645 publishers - a 3.1 - percent increase over 2001 - gave evidence of being spiritually alert by spending 1,202,381,302 hours talking to others about God's Kingdom. Ilo service yiõ eo 2002, juõn laplok kin 6,304,645 ri kwalok nan ro - ak 3.1 - percent elaplok jen yiõ eo 2001 - rar kamol air ekkõl wõt ilo jitõb ilo air kwalok nan iumin 1,202,381,302 awa ko im konono ibben ro jet kin Ailiñ eo an Anij. Meñe rar jeblak ñan business in eñwõd eo air elikin air kebak Jesus, ejelok bere bwe men eo rar loe im roñjake ilo ien eo ear lap an jelet burueir im lemnak eo air. 16: 3 - 5. Elikin jet ien rar jeblak ñan Epesõs, ijo rar kakajurlok im kõketak ro jeir im jatiir. - Rom 16: 3 - 5. Ilo ien eo, kij aolep jemaroñ bõk kajur jen nan ko an Hezekiah. Then, when Micaiah told Ahab that all those prophets were speaking by "a deceptive spirit, " what did the leader of those frauds do? Inem, ke Micaiah ear jiroñ Ahab bwe aolep ro ri kanan wan rar kanan ilo "juõn jitõb in riõp, " ta eo ri tel eo an ri riap rein kõmmane? J. Later, followers of Jesus were also anointed and begotten by holy spirit. Tokelik, jitõb kwojarjar ear kabiti ri kalor ro an Jesus. Ettã bõro ej mel̦el̦ein "l̦õmn̦ak in utiej bõro im utiej bõro. " In contrast, the faithful and discreet slave class loyally keeps its sense of urgency. (Matu 24: 48 - 51) Ilo oktan, class in ri karejar eo etiljek im meletlet ej kejbãrok wõt lemnak in ekaiuriur eo an. Jejjab lukkuun jel̦ã etan aolep ãt kein, im jejjab jel̦ã ta apañ ko rej iiooni, ak jejel̦ã ta ko remaroñ wal̦o̦k ñan er. What about wild animals, though? Ak ta kõn menin mour ko me rawiia? Ilo boñin eo eliktata Jesus ear bed ibben ri jilek ro an, ear jiroñ ir: "Ij likit ñõn kom ainemõn, Ij lewoj ñõn kom ainemõn eo aõ. " What the Bible teaches: Armageddon is not a haphazard destroyer of communities. Mel̦el̦e eo em̦ool jãn Baibõl̦: Armagedon ejjab juon jorrããn ejidimkij me ej ko̦kkure mour ko an aolep armej ro. Report Eo An Ri Keañ Ro An Ailiñ Eo □ 96 C.E.: Jesus, already ruling over his anointed followers, reveals that their final number will be 144,000. - Ephesians 5: 32; Colossians 1: 13 - 20; Revelation 1: 1; 14: 1 - 3 □ 96 C.E.: Jesus, ededelok an iroij ion ri kabit ri kalor ro an, ej kwalok bwe orair enaj 144,000. - Epesõs 5: 32; Kolosse 1: 13 - 20; Revelation 1: 1; 14: 1 - 3 Ear bar lõñ apañ ko rar wal̦o̦k kõn wãween aer kar aikuj je Baibõl̦ eo. What will Jehovah remove in order to build a peaceful, happy world? Ta ko Jeova enaaj julo̦ki bwe lal̦ in en maroñ obrak kõn lañlõñ im aenõm̦m̦an? Kien eo ilo Livitikõs 25: 23, 24 emaroñ kar watõke einwõt jerbal ñan juõn jikin eo Ri Israel ro rar jokwe ie. MILLIONS of people today clearly understand the Scriptural basis for the hope of living forever in an earthly paradise. ELÕÑ million armij ro ranin rej lukkun melele kin berber eo ilo Baibel kin kejatrikrik eo ñõn mour in drio ilo paredais eo ion lõl. Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "Rejamin bar katakin jabdewõt iaan ro m̦õttan im kajjojo iaaer jein im jatin, im ba, " Jel̦ã Jeova! ' What about the archangel Michael? (Luk 1: 19; 2: 10; Jerbal 8: 26, 27, 35, UBS; Revelesõn 14: 6) Ak ta kõn arkenjel̦ eo Maikõl? Ejjabto enaj ekajete aolep ro remour. These last moments offer an opportunity to express sentiments you may rarely have vocalized. Ien kein eliktata rej lewõj juõn ien ebellok ñan am kwalok eñjake ko am me ejeja am konono kaki. Ilo an errã ibben jar eo an Jesus, emol Jehovah ej lale kij. On the other hand, there are those who take the view that conscious life ends at death. Ijo tu - rãjet, ewõr armij ro rej tõmak bwe mour eo ewõr jelãlokjen ie ej jemlok ñe ej mij armij eo. 5: 13. True Christians reject the world's view of seemingly minor vices. Christian ro remol rej kajekdon lemnak eo an lõl in kin manit ko einwõt edik air nana. Ilo Internet jemaroñ keidi ir ñan juõn ne edik in ri wia ro rej boub in aini aolep kain nuknuk ko - im bareinwõt ujoj ko - jolok ir ñan loan juõn ieb eo ejelok rejetan im mõñã ñan kij. What does it mean to pray with confidence, and how do such prayers help us to cope with distress? Ta melelen jar ilo liki, im ewi wãwen jar rot kein rej jibañ kij ñan kijenmij ilo ien jej eñtan? Katak Jãn Naan In Anij Think of Joseph, Moses, and David. Ke rar iioon mãlejjoñ, Jeova ear pãd ippãer. Ilo an kareel buruen armij kin kõnan im kõnan ko rejerawiwi an armij. Kũrijm̦õj Ej Ke ñan Kũrjin Ro? No. Jabdewõt ien ij lo juõn men elukkun emõn, lemnak ko aõ rej etal ñan ibben, im ijjab maroñ jibañ e ñan lemnak kin ewi wãwen enaj kar lañliñ in lo ta eo ij loe. " - E, 84 an yiõ. Avoid What Might Weigh You Down Kejbãrok Yuk jen Men ko Remaroñ Kamõjnoik Yuk Ilo beran ear kajerwawaik ri tel in kabuñ ro rekajur kin air kowãnik ir make im bareinwõt kin katak ko air rewan. Innem, ejjel̦o̦k tokjãn ad katõpare mour eo me ro jet rej ba em̦m̦an. Jenaj bareinwõt lo wãwen ad naj lo tõbrak. The entire prophetic message of the Bible focuses on Jehovah's provision of Christ as King and priestly Ransomer. - John 18: 37; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19. (2 Korint 1: 20; Epesõs 3: 10, 11; Revelation 19: 10) Likieo in ennan in kanan eo ilo Bible ej jitõñlok ñõn men in letok eo an Jehovah kin Christ einwõt Kiiñ im priest in Ri Binmour eo. - John 18: 37; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19. 43: 19 - 25; 44: 1 - 12. For everyone then living will be a perfect imitator of our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah, "the God of truth. " - Ps. (Revelesõn 20: 7 - 10) Aolep men ko rej ba renaaj kõm̦m̦ani renaaj kajejjeti kõnke renaaj l̦oore Jeova, Anij eo aer el̦ap an yokwe. Ikijen tiljek eo an, Jesus ear kwalok bwe Adam im Eve rar maroñ kamol air tiljek iumin melejoñ eo air elaplok. Do you need to be more forgiving or to give attention to controlling your emotions? (Matu 6: 14, 15) Kwõj ke kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ kate eok ñan jel̦ã irooj ioon eñjake ko am̦ im ñan jol̦o̦k an ro jet bõd? Ke ear roñ kin karõk in katak Bible eo, ear bõk ien eo emõn. Moreover, throughout his ministry Jesus gave Jehovah the credit for what he accomplished on earth. - John 5: 19. (Jon 17: 26) Bareinwõt, ekkã an kar Jijej nõbare Jeova im ba bwe ejjab maroñ kõm̦m̦an jabdewõt men el̦aññe ejjab kõn jipañ eo jãn E. - Jon 5: 19. 5: 13. In addition, many of us live in lands where a skeptical attitude is common and where people have a selfish, me - first approach to things. Bareinwõt, elõñ iad jej jokwe ilo ene ko ijo ekkã an wor lemnak in bere ie im armij ro ewor juõn jitõb in kibbon ibbeir. • Lañliñ ibben ajiri ro. - Mark 10: 13, 14. Jairo's Eyes - His Way to Serve God, 3 / 1 Bwebwenato ko im Ta ko Rej Kõkkar Kaki, 3 / 1 Abañ in, ekanuij bin kamadmõde, ej aikwij etale ilo aolep jikin ko, jen mejatoto eo edik ñan joñan eo ejelok joñan. " As Jehovah's Witnesses, we avoid being harsh or arrogant toward others. Einwõt Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, jejjab lej ak utiej buru ñan armij ro jet. Ewi wãween an kar Jijej anõke Jeova ilo an kwal̦o̦k an kam̦m̦oolol? (b) Why is it important that marriage mates exchange expressions of affection? (2) Etke elukkuun aorõk bwe rippãlele ro ren kwal̦o̦k aerro yokwe ñan doon? Daniel chapter 5 ej kwalok bwe Belshazzar ear iroij einwõt king ilo Babylon ke jikin kwelok in ear jeebeplok ilo 539 B.C.E. □ How does Jehovah favor those who are lowly in mind? □ Ewi wãwen an Jehovah mõnõnõ kin ro ettã air lemnak? Rej aikwij bukwelok crown eo jen bõran king eo, im iroij eo an Anij ion armij ro An enaj jako. Later in life, though, Asa failed to heed that good counsel. (2 Kronikel 15: 1, 2) Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe Esa ear jab l̦oori naan kein. Ewõr ibbed nan eo an bwe ro remij renaj bar mour. In a vision, the apostle John sees the 24 elders - the complete number of anointed Christians in their heavenly position - praise Jehovah, saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " (Exodus 15: 1 - 19; 1 Kronikel 16: 7 - 36; Sam 145) Ilo juõn vision, ri jilek Jon ej lo 24 elder ro - rej kõkkar kin aolepen Ri Christian ri kabit ro rej bed ilo jikiir ilañ - rej wijtake Jehovah, im ba: "Ekar ñõn Kwe, O Iroij im am Anij, bwe kwon bõk aibujuij im nebar im kajur; bwe kw'ar kõmõnmõn men ko otemjej, im kin ankil am r'ar ber im emwij kõmõnmõni. " Meñe ear bed ilo juõn ailiñ etolok, ear kãlet bwe en juõn ri kabuñ an Jehovah jen nejin kõrã eo nejin Pharaoh. Who of us does not need more faith of that kind? Wõn iaad ejjab aikuji bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k tõmak eo an ilo men in? M̦okta jãn an kar wal̦o̦k men in, kõm̦ro ar bwebwenato ippãn doon ilo juon kweilo̦k ilo Im̦õn Kweilo̦k el̦ap eo kõn kauwõtata ko rel̦l̦ap rej wal̦o̦k. What about music or singing? (Jabõn Kennan Ko 23: 29 - 32) Ta kin al im kajañjañ? Katakin Mour Erreo eo an Christian " You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials, " he told them, "and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. " Im Ij likit ñõn kom juõn ailiñ einwõt Jema e ar likit ñõn Iõ: Bwe komin mõña im irak iturin Aõ tebel ilo Aõ ailiñ; im kom naj jijõt ion tron ko, im ekajet joñoul im ruo bwijin Israel. " Jehovah Ej Itok Ñan Ri Kijirãt Eo This was a promising start, but that restored Jerusalem would never again be the capital of a kingdom with a descendant of King David on the throne. Men in kar juõn ijjino emõn, ak Jerusalem in ejamin kar wõnmanlok wõt einwõt jikin kwelok eo elap an ailiñ eo im juõn ian ro nejin Kiiñ David ej jijet ion throne eo. Jej Aikwij Roñjake Christ (a) How did Jesus ' attitude differ from that of the Pharisees? (a) Ewi wãwen ear oktõk lemnok ko an Jisõs jen dri Parisi ro? ILO Kien eo Anij ear lelok ikijen Moses ewõr enañin 600 kien ko im kien ko. Joshua 6: 26 states: "Joshua had an oath pronounced at that particular time, saying: " Cursed may the man be before Jehovah who gets up and does build this city, even Jericho. Joshua 6: 26 ej kwalok: "Im Joshua e ar kamãtõre ien eo, im ba: " En lia iman Jeova, armij eo ej loetõk im kalek jikin kwelok in, meñe Jeriko. M̦oktata, Anij enaaj kar lo̦mo̦o̦ren er jãn aer rũkõm̦akoko. But we still love him as our Christian brother and do our best to maintain peaceful relations. - Compare Luke 17: 3. Ak jej yokwe wõt e einwõt Christian jeid im jatid im jej kõmmõn joñan wõt ad maroñ ñõn kejbarok kõtan ko rainemõn. - Keiri Luke 17: 3. Ak ej kõtmene bwe ri karejar ro an ren liki e - jab ilo lal eo an Satan eo ej mij. - Hib. [ Picture on page 21] [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] Jet rej lo bwe ebin ñan kwalok nan ibben jodikdik ro mõttair ilo school. It contains a very simple and easy - to - understand presentation of basic Scriptural teachings. Brochure in ewor kamelele ko ekanuij bidodo melele kaki kin bedbed in katak ko ilo Jeje ko. Ear rõl̦o̦k jãn kalbuuj im ear kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aan ilo jikin eo el̦aptata ilo Ijipt. - Jen. To emphasize that point, the Bible portrays God as having feelings similar to those of a nursing mother. (1 Jon 4: 8) Baibõl̦ ej keidi yokwe eo an Anij ñan yokwe eo an juon jinen ñan niñniñ eo nejin. Kwon liki bwe Jehovah ej bed ibbam, einwõt ear bed ibben Caleb, ke kwoj etal wõt im jebar leen Ailiñ eo ke kwoj rittolok. (b) In what way does Jehovah, as well as Manasseh, set an example for us to follow in showing humility? (b) Ilo wãwen et eo Jehovah, im Manasseh, rar jimor kwalok juõn joñok emõn ñan kij bwe jen kwalok ettã buru? Elukkuun l̦ap jeraam̦m̦an ko renaaj wal̦o̦k el̦ap! For example, the apostle Paul called Phoebe "a minister of the congregation that is in Cenchreae. " (Luk 8: 1 - 3) Ñõn wanjoñok, dri jilik Paul ear ãñiñin Phoebe einwõt juõn "eo ej jerbal ilo eklesia eo ilo Cenchreae. " Jikin kabuñ in emol ej juõn men in letok eaorõk, juõn dekã eaorõk Jehovah ear letok ñan kij. " Living waters, " or "a river of water of life, " picturing Jehovah's provisions for life, will continuously flow from the seat of the Messianic Kingdom. " Den in mour, " ak "river in dren in mour, " ej pijaik men in letok ko an Jehovah kin mour, enaj wõnmanlok wõt im tortok jen jea eo an Ailiñ in Messiah eo. Jen 1970, oran juõn family in jemen ak jinen elõñlok jen ruo alen. While Paul was there, the holy spirit repeatedly stopped him from preaching in certain areas. Ke Paul ear pãd ijin, elõñ alen an kar jetõb kwõjarjar eo an Anij kabõjrake jãn an etal im kwal̦o̦k naan ilo jikin kein. Bõprae am kamakelok iam jen kwe make. How Would You Answer? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Im eñin unin aolep jar ko ij jar kaki rej ba ilo etan Jesus. The final study article contains a thought - provoking discussion of the book of Ecclesiastes. Katak eo eliktata ej letok juõn kamelele ekaitoktoklimo kin book in Ekklisiastis. Juõn ri utiej ilo camp eo emaroñ kar roñ bwebwenato eo am kinke ejja joten eo wõt, ilo jidimkij iar rõlok jen camp eo im jilkinlok juõn train ñan Netherlands. Still, do not be disheartened if your self - examination exposes weaknesses in your faith. Ãlikin am̦ etale ippam̦ make kajjitõk kein, jab inepata ñe kwõj kile bwe em̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k tõmak eo am̦. Eokwe, ro ettã burueir rar bõk buñten nee ko remõn, ak ear ejelok jikin air liki ir make. Happily, the Bible also provides us with positive advice on how we can avoid those problems and strengthen peace. 3: 14 - 16) Baibõl̦ eo ej bareinwõt letok naanin rõjañ ñan kõj kõn kilen ad maroñ bõbrae apañ ko im kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr wõt aenõm̦m̦an. Kin men in, tõmak eo aõ ejjab juõn men bajjek ak ej eddeklok wõt. " So even though the Bible does not say why Daniel was not present on the plain of Dura, we can be confident that he was uncompromisingly faithful to Jehovah God. - Ezekiel 14: 14; Hebrews 11: 33. (Daniel 1: 8, NW; 5: 17, NW; 6: 4, 10, 11, NW) Inem meñe Bible eo ejjab ba etke Daniel ear jab bed ilo melaj eo ilo Dura, jemaroñ liki bwe ear jab ebbururu ilo an tiljek ñan Jehovah Anij. - Ezekiel 14: 14, NW; Dri Hibru 11: 33. Iumin elõñ ebeben ko, ear kijenmij kin jab bokake eo air. In sharp contrast, years earlier, Joshua set a fine example when he told the Israelites: "If it is bad in your eyes to serve Jehovah, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... Ear jab ãindein Joshua, ear lukkuun oktak jãn er. Mour eo an ewãppen ion lal, ekoba katok in mij eo an, ear kamol an jejjet kitien aolep kallimur ko an Jehovah Anij. Roman religious sensibilities did not demand exclusive worship. Ear jab juõn menin aikwij iben kabuñ eo ilo Rom bwe ren kabuñ ñõn juõn wõt anij. Ilo mol, ear buñbuñ ibwiljin armij ro einwõt juõn ri kaki. Kõn men in, jemaroñ kããlõt ñan karejar ñane im nõbare, ãinwõt Hezekaia. " A ro re mij ejelok air jela. " - EKKESÕS 9: 5. " The ravens were bringing him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the stream, " as Jehovah had directed. Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe "bao reven ko rar bõktok ñane pilawã im kanniõk ke ejibboñ, im pilawã im kanniõk ke ejota, im ear idaak jãn reba eo. " Aolep rein retiljek im elõñ ro jet rar jerbal ibben Jehovah ñan kõtõbrak ankil an. One he slaughtered as a sin offering "for the people. " Juõn ear mõne einwõt juõn kein katok kin jerawiwi "ñõn armij rõn. " Bõtab, meñe jemen im jinen ajiri ro rej bõk eddo eo ñan "katakin [ro nejiir] ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij, " ejelok jabdewõt menin kamol ñan lo tõbrak. Though quick to claim stewardship of God's Word, have the clergy of Christendom proved to be faithful to the Master's trust? (Matu 24: 45) Meñe dri tel ro an kabuñ ko rej ba bwe rej katakin armij ro kin Nan in Anij, ak rar ke kajejit jerbal eo Iroij ear lelok ñõn ir ilo tiljek? Lot ear lukkun jorrãn kin "jerbal ko ejelok tokjeir " an armij ro ilo Sodom. • What was Jesus ' attitude toward the people he preached to? • Kar ta lemnak eo an Jesus kin armij ro ear kwalok nan ñan ir? Ikijen Babylon Elap, Reveles̃õn 18: 24 ej keañ: "Kin men in ar lo bõtõktõkin dri kanan ro im ro remõn, im ro otemjej r'ar mõn ir ion lõl. " Therefore, if you find it a challenge to conduct a Bible study, pray for God's spirit to give you wisdom and then team up with a preaching companion who can give you confidence and whose experience may be of help to you. (Luk 10: 1) Kin men in, elañe kwoj lo bwe ej juõn aituerõk ñõn katak Baibel iben armij ro, jar kin jitõb kwojarjar eo bwe en lewoj meletlet. Inem bukot juõn mõtõm dri kwalok me emaroñ kakajur yuk im an iminene ilo jerbal in kwalok nan emaroñ jibõñ yuk. Inem ear jiroñ ri kwelok ro an: "Komin ukwelok ibemi, im baptais ilo etan Jisõs Kraist bwe En jeorlok jerawiwi ko ami, im kom naj bõk men in letok eo kin Jitõb Kwojarjar. " What warning did Jesus give, but what quality have true Christians displayed? Ta nan in kakkõl eo Jesus ear letok, ak ta kadkad eo Ri Christian ro remol rej aikwij kwalok? Juõn "lõñ ko Mokta im Lal Ekãl " God's spirit would then guide Luke to record the information accurately. - Luke 1: 1 - 4. Inem jitõb eo an Anij ear tel Luke ñõn an jei melele ko rejime. - Luke 1: 1 - 4 (NW). Bõtab, "ilo tõmak rein otemjej r'ar mij, meñe r'ar jab bõk men in kalimur ko. " He felt God's protection through Christ, just as a person in a tent feels protected from the elements. 12: 7 - 9) Ear eñjake kejbãrok eo an Anij ikijen Christ, einlok wõt armij eo ej bed ilo juõn em nuknuk, ej eñjake an bõk kejbãrok jen lañ ko. Vision eo kein kajiljilimjuõn ej kalaplok men eo ej ba ilo Reveles̃õn 11: 15, 17. If mankind is to live at peace, the wounds of war surely have to be healed. Elañe emol an naj armij mour ilo ainemõn, ej aikwij mo kinej ko an tarinae. Etke? □ Why must verbal instruction of children be coupled with good parental example? □ Etke lelok nan in jiroñ ko ñan ajiri ro rej aikwij koba ibben wanjoñok ko remõn an jemen im jinen? " Komin kijenmij; komin kabin buruemi: bwe an Iroij itok ebak. " - JEMES 5: 8. We can all have a share in the great teaching campaign that Jehovah is having done today. Ilo raan kein, jemaroñ bar bõk kun̦aad ilo jerbal eo Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe jen kõm̦m̦ane. Elõñ rej naruõn Anij kin abañ ko air. But what would this require of them? Ak ta eo rar aikwij kõmmane? Israel ej lañliñ kin juõn ien ainemõn im jerammõn. Etke Kwõj Aikuj Katak Baibõl̦? Im armij ro rekõnan bwe armij ro ren kautiej ir. Today, a man may be trying hard to resist viewing pornography. Rainin, juon em̦m̦aan emaroñ kajjioñ in kõjparok bwe en jab lale pija ko rettoon im renana. Aolepen menin ej kobaiktok ñan menin kamol eo ilo Jeje ko bwe jej kiõ bed ebak ilo ien jemlokin. 9: 6. 9: 6. Tõmak eo an ilo Jehovah einwõt juõn Anij eo ejjab kõtlok nana ej kõmman an lemnak kin etke nana ej kajur, ak ej mõnõnõ in bõk lemnak eo an. So the same Scriptural truths were presented in the ministry and at Christian meetings, whether in Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Corinth, or anywhere else. (2 Timothy 4: 1, 2; 1 Korint 1: 10) Inem ejja mol kein wõt ilo Jeje ko rar kwaloki ilo ien kwalok nan im ilo kwelok ko an Christian, meñe ilo Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Corinth, ak ijoko jabdewõt. Inem jej kwal enbwinid, nuknuk ko ad, meñe mõñã ko ad ilo e. [ Credit Line] [ Etan eo ej kõmman] Ilo jikin in, Ri Moab ro mokta rar jokwe ie mokta, im kiõ rar Ri Moab ro. Yes, we must not lose sight of the fact that "the day of Jehovah " is drawing near. Aet, jej aikwij jab likjap in lolokjen kin mol eo bwe "ran eo an Jehovah " ej ebaktok. Ewi wãwen mol eo ej juõn jerammõn ñan Christian maan im kõrã ro? We can imitate it today by putting the welfare of others ahead of our own. Jemaroñ anõk joñok in ranin ilo ar likit aikwij im tokjen ko an ro jet mokta jen ko ar mõke. 4 Ta eo Ej Lukkun Walok Ilo Mij? You can be sure, though, that it certainly will be! Ak kwo maroñ liki im tõmak bwe, enaj mwij im dedelok! Emol, men in emaroñ walok ilo jet jook im bõlen jet tokjen ko rejjab emõn. We should not disrupt it by engaging in faultfinding, quarreling, or complaining. Jej jab aikwij kokkure ilo ad lo bwid ko an ro jet, akwel, im lotan ko. Jen bareinwõt jerbal ilo burukuk einwõt mõttan family eo an ri kabuñ ro an Jehovah. 8: 12. 8: 12. Ilo am ejaake yokwe, tõmak, im kadkad ko jet rekwojarjar renaj jibañ yuk mour ekkar ñan kallimur eo am ñan Jehovah ñan indio. - Read Jon 17: 3; Dri Hibru 10: 24, 25. Such reference works may explain historical background, the meaning of Hebrew and Greek words, and more. Kamelele kein remaroñ kwalok kin bedbed in bwebwenato eo, melele in nan ko ilo kajin Hebrew im Greek, im elõñlok men ko jet. Ekkar ñan paragraph kein ak bwebwenato eo an juõn armij kin jerbal in kwalok nan, kwalok kin ewi wãwen mol eo ilo Bible emaroñ ukõt lemnak eo an juõn armij. H. H. Bwe, "jabrewõt iar e naj lelok nan kin e mõke ñõn Anij. " In spite of our best efforts to avoid dangers and act wisely, all of us make mistakes. Meñe jej kate kij ñan bõprae men in kauwatata ko im ñan emmakit ilo meletlet, kij aolep jej kõmman bwid ko. Ej ba: "Iar lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke iar kwal̦o̦k naan ium̦win elõñl̦o̦k jãn 40 iiõ. Men in ear kõm̦akũt eõ bwe in wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo aõ karejar ñan Jeova. " (b) What does the precision in the universe suggest? (b) Ta eo jimwe eo an lañ im lal ej kalikare? Elukkuun alikkar bwe ejjel̦o̦k eoon ilo Baibõl̦ ej rejetake l̦õmn̦ak in bwe Aelõñ eo an Anij ej pãd ilo bũruon armej ro. Will you be like Samuel as you grow up? Kwonaj einwõt Samuel ke, ñe kwonaj rittolok? Ejjel̦o̦k bar juon men em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ad karejar ñan Eo ear jipañ kõj ñan jel̦ã kilen kõm̦m̦ani jerbal ko rem̦m̦an. The disciples simply could not stop speaking about the things they had seen and heard. Dri kalor ro rar jab maroñ bwijrõk jen air kennan kin men ko rar loi im roñ kaki. (Jerb. Ilo ad etale jet bwebwenato ko ilo Bible im jab eon ko jet ilo Bible, jenaj lo bwe yokwe im joij eo an Jehovah ej alikar (1) ikijen kõmman ko rejejjet im (2) ri karejar ro an retiljek rar iioni. If you want to have more love for your Christian brothers and sisters, you may first need to feel for them, to empathize with them in the trials and challenges they face in life. Elañe kwoj kõnan bwe en laplok yokwe eo am ñõn Christian maan im kõrã ro jeim im jatim, mokta kwo maroñ aikwij bwe en wõr am eñjake kin ir, ñõn am lemnak kin ir ilo melejoñ im aitwrõk ko rej jelmaiki ilo mour. Moses ear jiroñ ir: "Jeova e naj kwalok wõn eo an. " Many equate masculinity with harsh domination, toughness, or machismo. Elõñ rej kõmmõn bwe en joñan wõt juõn kadkadin emaan ibben men eo enana, bin, ak tarjen joñan. JUON L̦ÕMN̦AK AN ARMEJ RO The world will continue to hate Christ's true followers, even as they hated him. Lal in enaj wõnmanlok im kijirãte ri kalor ro remol an Christ, einwõt rar kijirãte e. Juõn Nan in Kakkõl Nae Jitõb Nana Integrity keepers have "renounced the underhanded things of which to be ashamed " and are not" walking with cunning. " Ro rewãnik emwij air "illok jen men ko retino men in kajok " im rejjab" etetal ilo mon. " (2 Kor. Bõtab, eaorõk bwe jen kõjparok bwe jen jab l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make. Why should we be genuine and sincere in our worship of Jehovah? Etke jej aikuj m̦ool ilo ad kabuñ ñan Jeova? Kin un kein im un ko jet, kimar kõmõn juõn bebe emeletlet ke kimar kãlet ñõn lor e. The consolation of knowing that he was with me helped me to endure the depression I experienced. " Kin aõ bõk kainemõn jen aõ jelã bwe ear bed ibba, men in ear jibañ iõ ñan kijenmij iumin buromõj eo elap iar iione. " (b) Ta bedbed in kejatdikdik eo ewõr ibbed? You will bring them and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, an established place that you have made ready for you to inhabit, O Jehovah, a sanctuary, O Jehovah, that your hands have established. Kwo naj kadreloñlok ir, im kat ir ilo tol in Am jolit, jikin eo, O Jeova, Kwar kapojõk bwe Kwon jokwe iloan, jikin kwojarjar eo, O Jeova, pã ko peõm rar kajure. Christian elder ro rejjab aikwij lej, kõttãik ir make, ak lej. It is appropriate to ask, " Why do we have a brain with such a large capacity when we utilize only a tiny fraction of it in an average lifetime? ' Ejimwe ñan kajitõk, " Etke ewõr juõn ad kamelij eo einwõt in elap maroñ eo an ak jej kajerbal wõt jidik in mõttan ilo juõn joñan ilo ien mour eo? ' Elikin air kar kõtlok ir, rar jerbal einwõt pioneer mae ien eo rar kajemlok ial in mour eo air ion lal. Whenever possible, the elders also arrange for other assistance. - James 2: 15, 16. (Jemes 5: 14, 15) Jabdewõt ñe remaroñ, elder ro rej bareinwõt karõk ñan jibañ ro jet. - Jemes 2: 15, 16. Etke? Since we are imperfect, it is not our natural inclination to obey and it is impossible for us to obey perfectly. Ke jejjab wãppen, ejjab wãwen eo ad in ñan itok wõt in bokake im jejjab maroñ bokake ilo wãppen. Kinke ear wanliñlok ñan lañ ko jejjab maroñ loi, ejelok juõn armij ion lal ear "lo " e kin lukkun mejen. They choose to serve under his sovereignty rather than try to be independent - this because of their knowledge of him and of his love, justice, and wisdom, which they realize far surpasses their own. (1 Kor. 2: 9) Rar kãlet ñan air karejar iumin kajur bõtata eo an jen air kajeoñ jenolok lok iair - menin ej kin jelãlokjen eo air kin e im kin yokwe, ekajet jimwe, im meletlet eo an, ko rej kili bwe elap air ellãlok jen ko air make. Einwõt Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, jej mõnõnõ in bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Ailiñ eo. Harmonize " Eat Fatty Things ' and "Not Eat Any Fat ," 12 / 15 Ewi wãwen nan ko an King Hezekiah rar jelet armij ro an? First, she lights a lamp to brighten her dark house. (Luk 15: 8) Moktata, ej tili juõn lamp ñan kameram mweo imõn eo emarok. Ilo wãwen et ko maroñ ko ad remaroñ kabwer kij? Jehovah's Witnesses invite you and your family to attend and to listen to a talk that will explain why Jesus ' death is so important and how it can benefit you. Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rej kũrtok kwe im baam̦le n̦e am̦ ñan kobatok im roñjake juon katak. Jehovah ear wõr juõn karõk ibben ñan kãlet Ri Israel ro bwe ren armij ro an. 14, 15. 14, 15. Bõtab, keidi eo, kar ibben Ri Jew ro ilo Tessalonika, jab ibben Ri Christian ro. Even though they did return to their family fishing business after their first contact with Jesus, there is no doubt that what they had seen and heard on that occasion left a deep impression on their heart and mind. Meñe rar jeblak ñan jerbal in eñwõd eo air elikin ien eo moktata rar iion Jesus, ear ejelok bere bwe men eo rar loe im roñjake ilo ien eo ear mũlal an jelet burueir im lemnak ko air. David, ilo an kile kadkad ko remõn kadkadin Abigail, ear bõk lio einwõt lio belen. - 1 Samuel 25: 14 - 42. At that time, may all of us draw strength from Hezekiah's words. Bõtab, ñe men in ej wal̦o̦k, naan ko an Hezekaia renaaj jipañ kõj ñan lõke wõt Jeova im tõmak bwe enaaj jipañ kõj. " Ñan Ri Ephesus ro " J. J. Meñe elõñ iad jejjab aikwij kõmman oktak rot kein, jemaroñ ke anõke mõnõnõ eo an rein jeid im jatid ñan likit mokta men ko an Ailiñ eo? Humility has been defined as "the attitude opposite of pride and arrogance. " Ettã bõro ej oktan utiej bõro im l̦õmn̦ak eo bwe jeutiejl̦o̦k im em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ro jet. Jej aikuj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in riiti jet eoon ko me em̦õj ad riiti. We do not know them all by name, nor do we know what problems confronted them, but imagine some possibilities. Jejjab jelã ãt ko etan aolepeir, im jejjab bareinwõt jelã kin abañ ko rar jelmaiki, ak lemnak kin jet wãwen ko remaroñ kar walok. Ilo am jerbal ibben jemõm im jinõm, shepherd rein remaroñ jibañ juõn jodikdik ñan kajimwe ial eo an ilo jitõb. During the last evening that Jesus spent with his apostles, he told them: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace. " Ilo boñin eo eliktata Jisõs ear ber iben dri kalor ro an, ear ba ñõn ir: "Ainemõn Ij likit na ibemi, Aõ ainemõn Ij lewoj ñõn kom. " " Ña men otemjej ñõn armij otemjej bwe kin otemjej in lomoren jet. " - 1 DRI KORINT 9: 22. Kingdom Proclaimers Report Report Eo An Ri Keañ Ro An Ailiñ Eo Bõtab, el̦ap aõ kam̦m̦oolol ke jet rar ba, " Ij etal ñan m̦weo im̦õ, im ta kõn aõ naaj itok? ' " There was also wide disagreement on how the language should be written. Bareinwõt elõñ rar jab errã kin ewi wãwen rar aikwij jeje kajin eo. Ñe rej konono kin kain abañ rot kein ilo juõn wãwen ekkar, elõñ abañ ko jemaroñ bebe kaki mokta jen air walok. The Law as stated at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 could have been regarded as applying only to an area occupied by the Israelites. Kien eo ilo Livitikõs 25: 23, 24 emaroñ kar jerbal wõt ñan jikin ko Ri Israel ro rar jokwe ie. Jabdewõt ien Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar kallallal ion kejam eo air, ri belele rein rar abõnõnõ im jab bed ilo mweo imwiir. He added: "They will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, " Know Jehovah! ' Ilo kar bujen eo ekããl ear kõm̦m̦ane ñan er, ear kallim̦ur im ba: "Inaaj likũt kien eo Aõ ilo er, im Inaaj je e ioon bũrueer, im Inaaj Anij eo aer, im renaaj armej ro doõ. " " Re naj Aõ, " Anij ej ba, "im I naj tiriamokake ir, einwõt juõn armij ej tiriamokake nejin eo ej jerbal ñõn e. " - Malachi 3: 16 - 18. Soon he will judge all the living. Mõtõn jidrik enaj ekajete aolep armij ro. Ke Paul ear bojak in mij, ear kalikar bwe e kar juõn armij in Rome. In harmony with Jesus ' prayer, Jehovah is indeed watching over us. Ekkar ñan jar eo an Jesus, Jehovah ej kejbãrok kij. 8 Erom Juõn ian Ro Nejin Anij 5: 13. 5: 13. " Katak ñan kõmman emõn; bukõt ekajet jimwe, " Jehovah ear jiroñ Ri Israel ro. Internet search engines might be compared to a legion of mushroom pickers who tirelessly collect all types of mushrooms - edible as well as poisonous - throwing them into a single container and dishing them out for us to eat. " Komin dri kajeoñwe ña, einwõt ña ij bareinwõt kajeoñwe Kraist. " - 1 KOR. Learn From God's Word Katak jãn Naan in Anij Ewi wãwen an juõn congregation bõk tokjen jen elder ro rej katakin? By appealing to mankind's sinful inclination and desires. Kar ikijen air kajerbale jab wãppen im kõnan ko an armij. Paul ej rejañ kij: "Inem komin dri kajeoñwe Anij, einwõt ajiri re jitenburu, im etetal ilo yokwe, einwõt Kraist e ar bareinwõt yokwe kij, im mõke lelok E kin kij. " Whenever I see something in nature that is attractive, my thoughts go to her, and I cannot help wondering how she would have enjoyed seeing what I am seeing. " - Etienne, aged 84. Aolep iien ñe ij loe menin kõm̦anm̦an ko raiboojoj, ij l̦õmn̦ake kõrã eo ippa im pijaikl̦o̦k joñan an naaj kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñe ear loi men kein ij loi. " Meñe rejjab ri kabit, ir bareinwõt rej bõk jibañ im kainemõn jen jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. He fearlessly exposed the powerful religious leaders for their self - righteousness as well as for their false teachings. Ear beran in kajjerwawaik jerbal ko renana an dri tel in kabuñ ko kin air kowãnik ir mõke im air kwalok katak ko rejjab mol. Inem, jen enañin ratimjuõn awa ko, iar jerbal ilo jikin tutu ko, nuknuk ko. We will also see how success will be achieved. Jenaj bareinwõt lo wãwen an naj jerammõn lo tõbrak. Ke emaan eo an Anij eo emol ear kir e, emaan eo eritto ej uak: "Ña bareinwõt juõn dri kanan einwõt kwe, im juõn enjel e ar konono ñõn iõ kin nan eo an Jeova, im ba, Kwon bar jeblak ñõn mweo imõm, bwe en mõña bred im irak dren. " 43: 19 - 25; 44: 1 - 12. Men in ej kwal̦o̦k kõn joñan an l̦ap an kar ro reutiej kar lõke ri karejar ro aer me rar lel̦o̦k eddo ñan er. - Jenesis 43: 19 - 25; 44: 1 - 12. Kõm̦ro lio ippa ar l̦õmn̦ak bwe Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rej kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana kõnke kõm̦ro ejjab pãd ilo im̦õn jar ko. By his faithfulness, Jesus showed that Adam and Eve could have proved faithful under their much easier test. (Job 2: 4) Ilo an kar Jisõs tiljek, ear kwalok bwe Adam im Iv remaroñ kar drebij wõt air tiljek iomin melejoñ eo ejjab bin me rar iione. Ekaitoktoklimo, bwe Malachi ear kwalok kin Jehovah einwõt "dri lale im roñjake " einwõt armij ro An rej jerbal ibben don. When she heard about the Bible study arrangement, she seized the opportunity. Ke ear roñ kin karõk in katak Bible eo, ear mõnõnõ in bõk kunan. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] 5: 13. 5: 13. Tokelik, king eo ej lo buromõj eo an Nehemiah, im wãwen eo ej kabellok ial eo ñan an etal ñan Jerusalem. • enjoyed the company of children. - Mark 10: 13, 14. • lõñliñ in ber ibwiljin ajiri ro. - Mark 10: 13, 14. Ilo ailiñ ko remweie, enañin aolep kõrã ro rej bed ilo jikin jerbal ko. This problem, so difficult to resolve, requires investigations in all fields, from the immensity of space to the infinite smallness of matter. " Abañ in, elap an kamadmõde, ej aikwij wõr air etale men otemjej, jen lañ eo edbakbak ñan men eo ediktata. " Mokta jen Ibwijleplep eo, elõñlok jen 50,000 yiõ ko tokelik, "elap nana ko an armij ion lõl, im bwe lemnok otemjej i buruen renana wõt aolepen ien. " How did Jesus imitate Jehovah in showing appreciation? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kajeoñe Jehovah ilo an kwalok kamolol? KE EAR kwalok kanan eo kin kakõllan bed eo an im jemlokin jukjuk im bed in, Jesus ear ba: "Bwe einwõt ran ko an Noa, e naj ein drein an Nejin armij itok. " Daniel chapter 5 shows that Belshazzar was ruling as king in Babylon when that city was overthrown in 539 B.C.E. Daniel chapter 5 ej kwalok bwe Belshazzar ear iroij einwõt king ilo Babylon ilo ien eo ke rar nitbwili jikin kwelok eo ilo 539 B.C.E. Ke rũttarin̦ae eo ear kõnnaan ippãn l̦õm̦aro doon, ruo ruwamaejet rar itok ñan baam̦le eo an im rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kwal̦o̦k bwe er Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. The crown was to be lifted off the head of that king, and God's rulership over His people was to be interrupted. (Ezekiel 21: 25 - 27) Naj kar wutik crown eo jen bõran king eo, im iroij eo an Anij ion armij ro An enaj kar bõjrak. Ñe jej kõm̦m̦ane juon bõd el̦ap, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k juon bõd el̦ap. We have his word that the dead will rise, standing up again to life. Emwij an kallimur bwe ro remij renaj jerkak, bar jutak ilo mour. Ak ta kin jinen im jibwin Timothy? Despite having been subjected to a foreign culture, he chose to be identified as a worshipper of Jehovah rather than a son of the daughter of Pharaoh. Meñe Moses ear dik im rũttol̦o̦k ilo Ijipt, ak ear kõn̦aan bwe armej ren jel̦ã bwe ej kabuñ ñan Jeova jãn aer n̦aetan nejin kõrã eo nejin Pero. Ekkã an armij ro ba bwe ewõr juõn air kõtan ebak ibben Anij. " Shortly before this incident, we had discussed at a meeting at the Kingdom Hall the dangers of Ouija boards. Sheila ej kemelele im ba, "Moktalok jen an walok men in, kimar katak ilo juõn ien kwelok kin kauwatata ko rej walok jen an juõn kajerbal Ouija board. Armij ro an Anij rej aikwij ilok jen kain kwelok rot kein kin lañliñ kin nan in jiroñ ko rej kõketak rar bõki jen Nan in Anij. - Dri Hibru 10: 24, 25. Teach Christian Morality Katakin Kien Mour Erreo An Christian • Ta eo ej kwalok bwe Jehovah ej mol? Jehovah Comes to the Rescue Jehovah Ej Karõlok Iõ Kin men in, einwõt Ri Christian ro, jej kejbãrok kij jen juõn jitõb in ellotan, aol im kwalok ad kautiej karõk ko an Anij. We Are Commanded to Listen to the Christ Kar Kakien Kij ñõn Roñjake Kraist Jarin tarin̦ae in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en wal̦o̦k elõñ kain men ko renana. " THE Law given through Moses contained some 600 requirements and regulations. KIEN eo kar lelok ikijen Moses ear wõr enañin 600 kien ko. Bwe juõn jerbal emõn en juõn jerbal in tiriamokake emol, ej aikwij juõn men in letok eo ej itok jen iloan - jen juõn buru ej yokwe im mõnõnõ. First, God would deliver them from bondage. Kein kajuõn, Anij enaj kar lomoren ir jen air kamakoko. Rainin, enañin kij aolep jej iion kalijeklok. But he does expect his servants to trust fully in him - not in Satan's dying world. - Heb. (1 Tim. 5: 8) Bõtab, ekõn̦aan bwe kwõn lõke e, im jab likũt am̦ kejatdikdik ilo lal̦ in an Setan me m̦õttan jidik enaaj jako. - Hib. Ewi wãwen menin letok eo an Anij kin binmour eo elaplok jen jabdewõt menin letok ko jet? Some find it difficult to preach to their peers at school. Emaroñ pen ñan am̦ kwal̦o̦k naan ñan rijikuul̦ ro m̦õttam̦. Jet ien ko remotlok, ear kebak juõn emaan 80 - yiõ dettan eo ear luji lio belen ilo mij. He was released from prison and promoted to the second - highest position in Egypt. - Gen. Ear rõl̦o̦k jãn jikin kalbuuj im ear juon eo eutiej im eo kein karuo jãn Pero ilo Ijipt. - Jen. Bwebwenato ko an lal rej kwalok kin elõñ men ko rar walok "ilo ran ko an Herod king eo, " men ko rar walok im jolok meram ion wãwen mour im jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Jesus. - Matu 2: 1 - 16. Be assured that Jehovah is with you, as he was with Caleb, as you continue producing Kingdom fruitage in old age. (Joshua 14: 9 - 14; 15: 13, 14) Kwon liki bwe Jehovah ej bed ibbem, einwot ear bed ibben Caleb, ñe kwoj wõnmanlok im jebar leen Ailiñ eo ilo ien am bwijwõlã. Kwalok kin jerbal eo an jitõb kwojarjar ilo jibañ kij kamadmõde abañ ko ad. What marvelous blessings such roving about would result in! Kanaan in ej kalikkar bwe ro im rej lukkuun katak Jeje ko renaaj lo el̦ap jeraam̦m̦an. Ak, "ro otemjej rej kir etan Iroij re naj mour. " This place of worship is indeed a precious gift, a gem that Jehovah has given us. Jikin kabuñ in ej juon menin letok eaorõk me Jeova ear letok. (Lale bo̦o̦k eo "Juon Ennaan Em̦m̦an ñan Armej ro jãn Aelõñ ko Otemjej, " ilo peij 26.) Bõtab, ñe ij ebbeer ij keememejtok men eo aolep iien baam̦le eo aõ ej ba. Aet, rar watõk jabdewõt eo ear jab katak ilo school ko an ri kaki ro ak ro rar jab kejbãrok manit ko air bwe ren jab kwalok air kautiej im rettã. Since 1970, the number of one - parent families has more than doubled. Jen 1970 eo, oran family ko ewõr juõn - jemen ak jinen ie ear laplok jen ruo alen. Elõñ armij ro renaj jiroñ yuk bwe Anij enana im enaj rejañ yuk bwe kwon ekajet kin unin an kõmmani men kein. Avoid isolating yourself. Jab makel̦o̦k iaam̦ aolep iien. Iumin Kien eo, rar watõk e bwe ejjab erreo. And that's why every prayer I offer is said in Jesus ' name. Eñin unin ñe ij jar, aolep iien ij jar ilo etan Jijej. 9, 10. (a) Ewi wãwen Ri Jew ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar kwalok air jab kea im bin ilo lemnak ko air? A camp official must have overheard our conversation because the very same evening, I was suddenly discharged from the camp and sent on a train back to the Netherlands. Juõn dri waj ilo jikin kalbuj eo emaroñ kar roñ amro bwebwenato kinke ejja boñin eo wõt, rar kamakõt iõ jen jikin kalbuj eo im rar karol iõ ilo juõn train ñan Netherlands. Inem, ejejjet bwe kajjojo iad en kajitõk: " Ewi wãwen aõ uak ñan jerammõn ko raibujuij ilo vision eo an Ezekiel? Well, those meek ones had taken positive steps, but there was no room for self - confidence. Eokwe, rein ettã burueir rar bõk buñten nee ko remol, ak ear ejelok room ñan an juõn liki e make. Ilo an kajerbal book in Bible ko ilo kajin Italy ej jibañ e bwe en bolemen ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an, ekoba makitkit ko an einwõt overseer. As a result, my faith is not stagnant but continues to grow. " Adrianna, eo im ej bar pioneer, ej ba: "Armej ro rej iioon elõñ apañ im jorrããn ilo mour ko aer ñe rej atartar ioon jel̦ã eo aer make. Lemnak kin ta eo ear walok ilo ran ko an Noah. For centuries, he put up with their disobedience. Iumin elõñ buki yiõ ko, ear kijenmij kin kiblia eo air. Jej bõk uak eo ealikar ñan kajitõk kein ilo ad etale men ko rekabwilõñlõñ rar walok im tellok ñan " kokkure Baal jen Israel. ' - 2 Kiñ Ro 10: 28. His flawless life course on earth, including his sacrificial death, confirmed and made possible the fulfillment of all the promises of Jehovah God. Mour eo ewãppen an Jisõs ion lõl ekoba katok in mij eo an, ear kamol bwe aolep kalimur ko an Jeova ren jejit kitieir. Baibõl̦ ej ba: "Juon iaan m̦anit ko an RiJu ro, rijum̦ae ro rar n̦aruon Moses kõn naan kein: " Moses ejel̦ã aolep men ko dekã in ear kõm̦m̦ani! In fact, he was primarily known among the people as a teacher. (Jon 13: 13) Ear katakin armej ro kajjojo, ekoba jarlepju in armej ro. Ñe jej kananaik ro jet, men in emaroñ kõm̦akũt kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana. " As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " - ECCLESIASTES 9: 5. " A ro re mij ejelok air jela. " - EKKLISIASTIS 9: 5. (Riit Galetia 5: 19 - 21, UBS.) All these faithful ones and many others worked along with Jehovah to accomplish his will. Aolep rũkarejar rein retiljek im ro jet rar jerbal ippãn Jeova ñan kajejjet ankilaan. Tõmak eo an Abram en kar bed ilo melejoñ eo. However, while parents are entrusted with the responsibility of "bringing [children] up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah, " there is no guarantee of success. Bõtab, ke jemen im jinen ajiri ro emwij kabbeik ir kin eddo in "kakajiririk [ajiri ro] ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij [Jehovah], " ejjab melelen renaj lo tõbrak. Kõm̦ro ej kwal̦o̦k naan ippãn doon. Lot actually deplored the "lawless deeds " of Sodom's inhabitants. (Livitikõs 18: 6, 7, 29; 1 Dri Korint 6: 9, 10) Ilo mol Lot ear kananaik "kõmõn im kõtõrei kien " an Ri Sodom ro. Kin men in, nan in "Gog, " ak" Armageddon, " elap an aorõk ilo nan in kõkkar. Regarding Babylon the Great, Revelation 18: 24 therefore declares: "In her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. " Kin menin ikijen Babylon Elap, Revelation 18: 24 ej keañ: "Ilo e ar lo bõtõktõkin ro dri kanan, im ro remõn, im ro otemjej kar mõn ir ion lõl. " Mol in eaorõk ej aikwij kamakit kij ñan jibadõk makitkit ko ad kein karuo, ekoba men in kamõnõnõ ko, ilo juõn wãwen eo rej kamaroñ kij ñan kajejjet jerbal eo ad elap - kabwe aikwij ko an Ailiñ eo. Then he told his audience: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Innem, ear ba ñan er: "Kom̦win ukel̦o̦k jãn jerawiwi ko ami, kajjojo iaami, im peptaij ilo etan Jijej Kũraij, bwe en jeorl̦o̦k jerawiwi ko ami; im kom̦ naaj bõk menin letok an Anij, eo Jetõb Kwõjarjar. " Meñe elõñlok jen 60 yiõ ko rar ellã jen ien eo ke kumi eo moktata an Ri Jew ro rar jeblak ñan kabijukneir, Jerusalem kar jikin eo wõt rar jokwe ie. A "New Heavens and a New Earth " " Lõñ ko Rekãl im Lõl Ekãl " " Komin bin ilo Iroij, im ilo kajur in maroñ eo An. " - DRI EPESÕS 6: 10. However, "in faith all these died, although they did not get the fulfillment of the promises. " Bõtab, "rein otemjej r'ar mij ilo tõmak, ke r'ar jañin bõk men in kalimur ko. " Ke ri jilek Paul ear bed ilo Athens, ear kwalok nan kin news eo emõn ñan juõn jar in armij eo ekoba jet ri meletlet in Greek ro. The seventh vision enlarges on what is stated at Revelation 11: 15, 17. Visiõn eo ken kajiljilimjuõn ej kalaplok melele eo ilo Reveles̃õn 11: 15, 17. Etke kwojjab kobaik katak ko jen program kein ilo Ien Kabuñ an Baamle eo am jen ien ñõn ien? Why? Etke? Ekkar ñan Bible eo, "ilo ial in wãnik eor mour. " " Exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close. " - JAMES 5: 8. " Komin bareinwõt mijmijlolõmi; komin kabin buruemi; bwe an Iroij itok ej ebak. " - JAMES 5: 8. L̦aam̦ im kau: Jãn bok eo L̦al̦l̦ap L̦al̦l̦ap L̦al̦l̦ap Ro, Volume 1, 18 iiõ in an armej ro kõm̦m̦ane men in. Many blame God for their troubles. Elõñ rej naruõn Anij kin abañ ko air. Bareinwõt, Paul ej kobaiktok bwe etetal ibben Christ ekoba emen men ko: eddek okran ilo Christ, jutak bin ilo tõmak, im kamolol. Israel enjoys a period of peace and prosperity. Israel ej lañliñ kin juõn ien ainemõn im jerammõn. Emol, kajjojo Ri Christian ej aikwij kaddek kadkad in ñan joñan eo eyu, ak elaptata ñan an elder ro kebak ir. And men desire to be respected. Em̦m̦aan ro rebar kõn̦aan bwe lim̦aro ren kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan er. MEN KO JET RAR WAL̦O̦K All of this adds to the Scriptural evidence that we are now deep in the time of the end. Aolepen menin ej kobaiklok ñan menin kamol eo ilo Jeje ko bwe jej kiõ toktoklok ilo mũlal in ien in jemlokin ien. Bõtab, ke rar kajitõk kin ta in Ailiñ eo, enañin aolep armij rej uak, "I jaje, " ak uak eo air ejjab alikar im alikar. His faith in Jehovah as a God who does not tolerate evil makes him wonder why wickedness prevails, but he is willing to have his thinking adjusted. Tõmak eo an ilo Jehovah einwõt juõn Anij eo ejjab kõtlok nana ej kõmman bwe en kajitõk ibben make kin etke nana ej wõnmanlok wõt, ak ej mõnõnõ in kajimwe lemnak eo an. Renaj ro nejin, im Jehovah enaj Jemeir. Etke epen an jet jol̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak ko rekabbeerer? Ear kõmman bwe en juõn manit ñan kobalok ibben ro uan kabuñ ko rekajjo jen don ñan kajedmatmat bwid ko air. So we wash our bodies, our clothes, even our food in it. Inem jej kwal enbwinid, nuknuk ko ad, meñe mõñã ko kijed ie. Priest ro rar buñ jen tõmak ilo Jerusalem rar koba ibben kabuñ eo an Jehovah ibben kabuñ wan. In this area, formerly inhabited by Moab, there now were Amorites. Ilo jikin in, Ri Moab ro rar jokwe ie mokta, ak kiõ Ri Amor ro rej bed ie. Jehovah ikijen Jesus ej lewõj ñan yuk im ro jitenburu ibbam kejatdikdik eo kin ejmour wãppen im mour indio ilo juõn lal ekãl, anemkwoj jen eñtan im eñtan. How is the truth a blessing to Christian men and women? Ewi wãwen an mol eo juõn menin jerammõn ñõn Christian maan im kõra ro? Wõn iad ejamin kõnan kalaplok yokwe, lañliñ, im ainemõn? 4 What Really Happens at Death? 4 Ta eo ej Lukkun Walok ñõn juõn Armij Ñe Emij? Rar jelmae juõn jikin 20 - mile aetokin ilo air etetal ilo jikin uwe eo, snow - tol ko ñan tõbar ijo eliktata. Admittedly, this may result in some embarrassment and perhaps some unpleasant consequences. 5: 14, 15) Ilo mol, men in emaroñ kõmõn bwe armij eo en jok im emaroñ bõk leen jerbal ko an. Ta eo ear walok ilo Brooklyn, New York, ilo 1914, im ta eo ear walok? May we also serve unitedly as part of the family of Jehovah's worshipers. Jen bareinwõt karejar ilo burukuk einwõt mõttan family eo an ri kabuñ ro an Jehovah. Einwõt men in kõmanman ko remeletlet me Jehovah ear iber, jej melele kin ankil an Anij ñan kij. Developing love, faith, and other godly qualities will help you live up to your vow to serve Jehovah forever. - Read John 17: 3; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Ilo an l̦apl̦o̦k an wõr ippam̦ yokwe, tõmak, im wãween ko jet me rej kabuñbũruon Anij, men kein renaaj jipañ eok ñan kajejjet kallim̦ur eo am̦ bwe kwõnaaj karejar ñan Jeova ñan indeeo. - Riit Jon 17: 3; Hibru 10: 24, 25. El̦aññe el̦apl̦o̦k an kar idaak arkool̦, mel̦el̦ein bwe ejjel̦o̦k an kõmãlij eo an maroñ ñan jel̦ã ta ko rej wal̦o̦k ñane. Based on these paragraphs or a personal field service experience, show how Scriptural truth can change a person's attitude. Ekkar ñan paragraph kein ak juõn bwebwenato kwar bõk ke kwar kwalok nan, kwon kwalok kin ewi wãwen an mol eo ilo Bible maroñ ukõt lemnak eo an juõn armij. Ewi wãwen? Ilo m̦ool, emaroñ kar juon jeraam̦m̦an el̦ap ñan er ñe renaaj kar roñjake im kajjioñ mel̦el̦e katak ko an Jijej, bõtab rar kõjekdo̦o̦n jeraam̦m̦an in. Elañe juõn armij ear lõkatip im buñ, ejamin kar kõnan bed wõt ilo wãwen in elañe ear jab kajeoñ in ebwer. After all, "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " Eaorõk bwe juon en make kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko ippãn make kõnke kõj kajjojo jenaaj aikuj " lel̦o̦k naan kõn kõj make ñan Anij. ' Ñan waanjoñak, ilo Eprõl̦ 2009 eo, juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan ear kakkõl eok kõn l̦õmn̦ak ko rettoon kõn mour in l̦õñ. Notes Hanne, a pioneer for over 40 years, "The joy I always feel after I have been in the ministry stimulates me to continue in Jehovah's service. " Innem jenaaj bar bõk lañlõñ eo ear wõr ippãn im ej itok jãn ad kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij. (Jon 4: 34, UBS; 17: 13; 1 Pi. Jisõs ear bareinwõt mour ekkar ñõn men ko ear katakin kaki kin Jeova. Clearly, there is no Scriptural support for the notion that the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of humans. Alikar, ejelok eon ko ilo Bible rej rejetake tõmak in bwe Ailiñ in Anij ej bed ilo buruen armij ro. Mour ilo lal in ekkã an obrak kin "iñtan im buromõj. " There is no cause more worthwhile than serving the One who gave us the skills and abilities to do meaningful work. Ejelok bar juõn jerbal elaplok an wõr tokjen jen ad karejar ñan Eo ear letok kabel im maroñ ko ad ñan kõmman jerbal ko ewõr tokjeir. Ewi wãwen ro me kejatrikrik eo air ej ñõn mour ion lõl remaroñ bõk juõn menin letok? By reviewing certain Scriptural narratives and noting other Bible texts, we will see that Jehovah's loving - kindness is (1) expressed by specific actions and (2) experienced by his faithful servants. (Sam 25: 7) Ilo eliji jet bwebwenato ko ilo Jeje ko im ilo eon ko jet ilo Bible, jenaj lo bwe yokwe im joij eo an Jehovah ej (1) kalikar ikijen jet kõmman ko im (2) men ko ro ri karejaran retiljek rej ioni. " Devil eo en kar kailbõk kij ke? " Moses told them: "Jehovah will make known who belongs to him. " Moses ear uwaak im ba ñan er: "Ilju ejjibboñ Iroij enaj kwalok ñõn kij wõn eo dron iad. " Bõtab, kwoj tõmak ke bwe Martha ear jerkakbiji kin juõn eo ejitenburu ibben? ZEBULUN ZEBULUN [ Pija ko ilo peij 4] A Wrestling Against Wicked Spirit Forces Juõn Oktaak Nae Jitõb Ro Renana Kamelele. It is important, however, to avoid going to extremes. Meñe eaorõk ñan kõjparok ãjmour eo ad, bõtab men in en jab men eo wõt jej l̦õmn̦ak kake. [ Etan eo ear kõmman pija ilo peij 3] For these and other reasons, we made a wise decision when we chose to follow him. 7: 16, 17) Ikijen wãwen kein im un ko jet, jar kõmõne juõn bebe emeletlet ke jar kãlet ñõn lor e. Ej baj juõn wãwen ñan kwalok wõt "meletlet emõn " im ekajet jimwe. (b) What added basis for hope do we have? (b) Ebar wõr ke bedbed eo ñan kejatdikdik eo ad? Ak, Bible eo ej ba: "Im rar bar melejoñ Anij; im rar kaburomõj Eo ekwojarjar an Israel. " Christian elders are not to be dictatorial, domineering, arbitrary, or harsh. 5: 1 - 3) Kristian elder ro rej aikwij kejbãrok bwe ren jab kõbboojoj, lej, ak likjõp in lali aikwij ko an armij ro. Ien otemjej Jehovah ej kajerammõn bebe ko rej bedbed ion tõmak eo an, ak ewi wãwen emaroñ kajerammõn juõn bebe eo ej jumae ankil an, elaptata ñe ej kitibuj ad lelok jerammõn ko rekwojarjar? - Read Dri Hibru 11: 6; 1 Jon 5: 13 - 15. After they were released, they served as pioneers until they finished their earthly course. Elikin air kar rõlok jen kalbuj, dri kabit rein ruo rar bõk jerbal in pioneer mae ien eo rar joko ilo mij. Ak Jehovah enaj kamolol kin jibadbad eo an ñan ukõt im jibañ e. Why? Etke? Ta un ko unin an armij ro kajekdon kakõlle eo Jesus ear kwalok kake? Since his ascension to the invisible heavens, no man on earth "can see " him with literal eyes. 6: 9) Jen ien eo ear wanliñlok ñan lañ, ejelok juõn armij " emaroñ in loe ' kin lukkun mejen. Men in kalelñoñ ko ibelakin lal rej laplok wõt, ilo air kalaplok maroñ ko an ailiñ eo ñan kamadmõde abañ ko air, im kwalok uak ko air ibelakin lal. " (2 Tessalonika 2: 13, UBS) El̦aññe jej mel̦el̦e kõn naan kein an Jijej, innem jenaaj lukkuun kile bwe Jeova ej yokwe im kaorõk kõj kajjojo. Inem nan kein rej kalikar kin ta eo Matthew ear wõnmanlok im ba: "[Jesus] E ar bõk kõp, im jar, im lelok ñõn ir, im ba, Komin otemjej irak jen e; bwe men in Aõ bõtõktõk in kalimur, eo e torlok kin elõñ jerawiwi. " As Jehovah's Witnesses, we are delighted to engage in similar Kingdom - preaching activity. Einwõt Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, jej mõnõnõ in bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo bareinwõt. • Ilo ien eñtan ko, ewi wãwen ad maroñ lo mõnõnõ ilo kõmanman ankil an Anij? How did the words of King Hezekiah affect his subjects? Ewi wãween naan ko an Kiiñ Hezekaia rar jelõt armej ro an? " Ñe ij lo lõñ ko Am, jerbal an peõm, aliñ im iju ko Kw'ar kõmõnmõni; Ta armij bwe Kwon kememej e? " In what ways might our limitations discourage us? Ilo wãwen et joñan ko jemaroñ kõmmani remaroñ kabwer kij? Ruo wõt, Joshua im Caleb, rar konono ilo emõn kin kejatdikdik eo emõn an Israel ilo Canaan. Jehovah had a purpose in choosing the Israelites to be his people. Ear or unin an Jeova kãlet dri Israel ro bwe ren armij ro an. Ad jelã bwe Jehovah ej Anij in "ien ko im tere ko " ej kamakit kij ñan kõmman ta? The comparison, however, was with the Thessalonian Jews in general, not with the Christians. Ro im rar erom Kũrjin ilo Tessalonika rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in " bõk naan in Anij, jab ãinwõt naan in armej, ak ãinwõt naan in Anij. ' (1 Te. Komin jab lorak ilo men in, ijellokin ami errã ibben don iumin juõn ien emwij karõke, bwe komin maroñ jolok ien ñan jar im bar itok ibben don, bwe Satan en jab kabo kom ñan ami likjap in lor kõnan ko ami make. " David, recognizing Abigail's good qualities, then took her as his wife. - 1 Samuel 25: 14 - 42. (1 Samuel 25: 3, 17, 25) Kwokõnan ke bwe armij ro ren kememej yuk einwõt kain armij rot eo? Menin Kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko Renaaj Ke Kõm̦m̦an bwe Jen M̦õn̦õn̦õ? " To the Ephesians " " Ñõn Dri Epesõs Ro " Juõn ian kilen katakin ko an remõntata ear kitibuj kajerbal wanjoñok ko. Even though most of us may never have to make such adjustments, can we not imitate the willingness of these brothers and sisters to put Kingdom interests first? Meñe enañin kõj aolep jejjañin iiooni men kein, ak jemaroñ l̦oori joñak ko aer rem̦m̦an im likũt Aelõñ ak kien eo an Anij m̦oktata ilo mour ko ad. [ Kamelele eo itulal] We should take pleasure in lingering over certain passages that we have just read. Jej aikwij mõnõnõ in liñõre eon ko jej kab readi. Juõn ladik ruo an yiõ ear jab maroñ bõk kunan ilo juõn bwebwenato im ear wõr jidik wõt nan ko. With your cooperation as parents, these shepherds may be able to help a youth to correct his course spiritually. (1 Piter 5: 1, 2) Kin karejar im jerbal ko ami einwõt juõn jemen ak jinen, shepherd rein renaj maroñ jibañ juõn jodikdik ñan kajimwe ial eo an ilo jitõb. Ñe jej etetal ibben Anij, ej lomoren kij jen lal eo an Satan, tel kij ikijen Nan eo an im dolul eo an, im kejbãrok kij einwõt juõn kumi ñe ri jumae ro rej jumae kij. " I have become all things to people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 22. " Ña men otemjej ñõn armij otemjej bwe kin otemjej in lomoren jet. " - 1 DRI KORINT 9: 22. Ilo imõn wia ko, meñe elõñ ian kumi in armij ro rar kõmman manit ko retton ak katorlok bõtõktõk. But I appreciated it when some just said, " I'm going shopping. How about coming along? ' " Bõtab, elap an emõn elañe jet rej ba, " Ij iten ilok im kaikujkuj, kwokõnan ke itok ibatok? ' El̦aññe rej kõm̦m̦ani m̦anit ko rejekkar ñan eo pãleer, men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦an pãd eo aerro. - Epesõs 5: 3, 4. When such issues are addressed in a timely fashion, many problems can be resolved before they ever become serious. Ilo iien kein, em̦m̦aan rein rej kate er ñan mel̦el̦e kõn apañ ko me ro jeier im jatier rej iiooni im rej kwal̦o̦k eoon ko ñan kakajoor im kaenõm̦m̦an er. Bõtab, Jehovah ear ekajete Eve kin kõmman ko an. Whenever Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on their door, the couple pretended not to be at home. Jabdewõt ien ke ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar kallallal ilo kejam eo air, ri belele rein rekõnan kõmman einwõt ejako jen mweo. Kãlet Juõn Mour Emõn " They will certainly become mine, " God says, "and I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him. " - Malachi 3: 16 - 18. " Renaj ro droõ, " Anij ej ba im, "Inaj tiriamokake ir einwõt an juõn jemen tiriamokake eo nejin ej jerbal ñõne. " - Malachi 3: 16 - 18. Ta eo Bible ej ba ñan Christian ri belele ro me rejjab ri kabuñ ro an Jehovah? When Paul was being prepared to be whipped, he revealed that he was a Roman citizen. Ke rar itõn deñõt Paul kõn kein deñdeñ ko aer, Paul ear kwal̦o̦k bwe ej juon RiRom. 6, 7. 8 Becoming One of God's Children 8 Erom Juõn ian Ro Nejin Anij Lemnak eo an juõn Ri Levi ejjab kwojarjar kin juõn men in kaijurjur iman Jehovah en kar kamakit ri jumae ro bwe ren lemnak kin men in katok eo air. " Learn to do good; search for justice, " Jehovah told the Israelites. " Komin katak in kõmõn emõn; komin kabukot ekajet jimwe, " Jehovah ear jiroñlok ri Israel ro. Ri jeje sam ej ba bwe ear kwalok an itoklimo kin kien ko, kien ko, im nan in kakememej ko an Jehovah. " Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " - 1 COR. " Komin dri kajeoñwe ña, einwõt ña ij bareinwõt dri kajeoñwe Kraist. " - 1 KOR. Ta jerbal eo ej kõttar ro rej ellã im mour jen Armageddon? How does a congregation benefit from elders who give training? Ewi wãween an juon eklejia bõk tokjãn ñe em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia eo rej katakin im kammineneik likao im em̦m̦aan ro ie? Ejjab melelen men in bwe Anij ej kõtlok nana, kinke ad kõmman eindein enaj rejañ kij bwe jen jab ekajet jimwe. Paul exhorts us: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved us and gave himself for us. " Paul ej rõjañ kõj ilo an ba: "Kom̦win rikajjioñe Anij, ãinwõt ajri rejitõnbõro; Im etetal ilo yokwe, ãinwõt Kũraij ear yokwe kom̦, im Ear make ketak E kõn kõj. " Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kile yokwe eo an Jehovah ñe jej bõk kauwe jen e? Though not anointed, they too receive the help and comfort of God's holy spirit. Meñe kar jab kabit ir, ir bareinwõt rej bõk jibañ im kainemõn eo an jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. Jesus ear jab ba bwe jej aikwij etal ñan ibben jeid im jatid ñan kamol ñan e bwe jej jimwe im ebwid. Then, from about nine o'clock, I worked in the laundry, ironing clothes. Kar bar ãindein jikejuul̦ eo aõ in raelep. Congregation kein reinjuõn jen don ilo Asia Minor rar aikwij kakajur im tel. When the man of the true God declines the invitation, the old man replies: "I too am a prophet like you, and an angel himself spoke to me by the word of Jehovah, saying, " Have him come back with you to your house that he may eat bread and drink water. ' " Ke ri kanan eo an Anij emol ear jab etal ibbenlok, lõllab eo ear ba: "Ña bareinwõt dri kanan einwõt kwe; im juõn enjel e ar konono ñõn iõ kin nan an Jeova, im ba, Kwon kajeblaktok e ibõm ñõn mweo imõm, bwe en mõña bred im irak dren. " □ Ewi wãwen ad maroñ "men otemjej ñõn armij otemjej " ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? " My wife and I thought that Jehovah's Witnesses called to prey on our guilt feelings because we weren't at church. " Kõm̦ro kõrã eo ippa ekõn l̦õmn̦ak bwe unin an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova lotok kõm ej ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en nana am̦ro mour kõn am̦ro jab etal im jar. JEJ kõmman elõñ men ko kajjojo ran. Interestingly, Malachi depicted Jehovah as "paying attention and listening " as His people interact with one another. Nehemiah ear jelã bwe ear aikwij uak ñan Anij. [ Credit Line] [ Etan eo ej kõmman] Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kijenmij? In time, the king notices Nehemiah's sadness, and the way opens up for him to go to Jerusalem. (Nihimaia 1: 3, 4) Ejjab to king eo ej lo an Nehemiah buromõj, menin ej kabellok juõn ial ñan an maroñ illok ñan Jerusalem. Joñan an lap an ri jerbal ro mõnõnõ kin jerbal eo an rar lelok ñan e juõn jerbal elap wõnãn. In industrialized nations, nearly as many women as men are in paid employment. Ilo ailiñ ko im elõñ business ko ie, oran kõrã ro rej jerbal im bõk wõnãn enañin joñan wõt juõn ibben emaan ro. Ruo rippãlele jãn Britain rar ba: "Jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ilo aelõñ ko jet ej juon iaan iien ko el̦aptata am̦ro kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ium̦win 40 iiõ. " Before the global Flood, over 1,600 years later, "the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. " Enañin 1,600 yiõ ko tokelik, mokta jen an kar walok Ibwijleplep eo ibelakin lal, "elap nana ko an armij ion lõl, im bwe lemnok otemjej i buruen renana wõt aolepen ien. " Kar kõm̦m̦ane bok in jãn 1879 eo im ej kab jem̦l̦o̦k. WHILE giving the prophecy about the sign of his presence and of the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus said: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. " KE EAR kanan kin kakõllan bed eo an im jemlokin jukjuk im bed in, Jesus ear ba: "Einwõt ran ko an Noa, e naj ein drein an Nejin armij itok. " Ej bar kwal̦o̦k naan im kwal̦o̦k kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an kõn Aelõñ eo an Anij ipel̦aakin lal̦ in. - Matu 4: 17; Luk 8: 1. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Emol, jej aikwij kile ñããt eo jej aikwij "lemnak kin [jerbal eo ad]. " As the officer spoke to his men, two strangers came up to the family and quietly identified themselves as Witnesses. Ke rũttarin̦ae ro rej kõnono, ruo armej rar kepaake baam̦le eo. Bõtab, juõn emaroñ kajitõk, " Ta jar ko rej kabuñburuen Anij? ' The treacherous heart may rationalize away a serious personality flaw or make excuses for a grave sin. Buru eo etao im lej emaroñ kowãnik juõn likjap ilo kadkadid ak mone kij ñan jerawiwi. • Etke ej ien kiõ ñan " debij wõt men eo ewõr ibbed '? What about Timothy's mother and grandmother? Ak ta kõn jinen im jibwin Timote? Ta tokjen eo ear walok? It is common for humans to claim that they have a close relationship with God. Ekkã an armij ro ba bwe ewõr air jimjera ebak ibben Anij. Karõk eo kin aintok eo ñan kalaplok kamao ko remõn ke ak ñan kõmman juõn tokjen ñan juõn armij? God's people should go away from such gatherings with joy of heart because of the upbuilding instruction they have received from God's Word. - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Armij ro an Anij rej aikwij jeblak jen ibben don rot kein kin lañliñ in buru kin air kar bõk nan in kakabilek ko rej kõketak jen Nan in Anij. - Dri Hibru 10: 24, 25. Ewi wãwen jerawiwi eo an Adam ear jelet ro nejin Adam? • What shows that Jehovah is truthful? • Ta eo ej kwalok bwe Jehovah ej mol? Ilo juon roñ iturin Lom̦al̦o in Mej, kar kõm̦m̦ane jãn iiõ eo 43 m̦okta jãn Kũraij. Baibõl̦ eo ej kwal̦o̦k ruo men ko me renaaj jipañ kõj ñan mel̦el̦e kõn men in. Timothy ear katak ilo an jerbal ibben ri jilek eo, juõn lõllab. Therefore, as Christians, we avoid a critical, complaining spirit and show respect for God's theocratic arrangements. Kin menin, einwõt Christian ro, jej bõprae ad bõk juõn jitõb in abõnõnõ im kwalok kautiej kin men eo Anij ear karõke ñan tel armij ro an. Inem, ilo eon 12 im 13, kom jodikdik ro rej kir kom ñan kobalok ibben ilo nebar im nebar Jehovah bareinwõt. Abstain from every form of wickedness. " Ñe jej alwõje juon men ilo Internet, jej aikuj keememej ta l̦õmn̦ak eo an Jeova kake. Elañe kwoj watõk jerbal eo am einwõt juõn wãwen ñan kabwe aikwij ko am make im family eo am ilo jerbal eo an Jehovah - Jehovah enaj kajerammõn jibadbad ko am. For a good deed to be an act of true mercy, it must be a gift that comes from inside - from a loving and willing heart. (Luk 11: 41) Elañe juõn jerbal emõn enaj walok kin tiriamo, ej aikwij itok jen iloan armij eo - jen juõn buru eyokwe im mõnõnõ. Bõk den in kadõk ele jen joñan emaroñ kõmman bwe en wõr abañ kein ilõl: Today, most of us are surrounded by prejudice. Rainin, elukkuun l̦ap an armej ro kwal̦o̦k kalijekl̦o̦k. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ãjmour eo ad. How is God's gift of the ransom much greater than any other gift? Etke menin letok eo an Anij ikijjeen katok in mour eo an Jijej el̦apl̦o̦k an aorõk jãn jabdewõt menin letok ko jet? Im ijin ewõr juõn point eaorõk: Jen lemnak kin Jehovah ñe jej kãlet juõn rejetan. Some time ago, he approached an 80 - year - old Arab man who had recently lost his wife in death. Ilo jet ien ko remotlok, ear kebake juõn lõlap 80 an yiõ im ej juõn dri Arab, eo ej kab mij lio belen. Emol, kij aolep jejjab wãppen. History records numerous events that took place "in the days of Herod the king, " events that throw light on the context of Jesus ' life and ministry. - Matthew 2: 1 - 16. Bwebwenato ko an armij rej kwalok kin elõñ ian men ko rar walok " ilo ran ko an kiñ Herõd, ' me ej jibõñ kij ñõn melele kin men ko rar walok mokta im ilo ien mour eo an Jisõs im jerbal in kwalok nan eo an. - Matu 2: 1 - 16. Jej etal wõt im eñjake juõn eñjake in ekaiuriur ñan bõktok kejatdikdik eo emol ñan armij. Describe the role of holy spirit in helping us to cope with our problems. Kõn men in, el̦ap ad aikuji jipañ eo an Jeova. Elap air kamõnõnõik buruen Jemeir ilañ! - Jabõn Kennan Ko 23: 24. Yet, "everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe. " Ak, "jabdewõt eo ej kir etan Jehovah enaj bõk lomor. " Ilo jemlokin, ajiri ro rej aikwij kaddek tõmak eo air make. (See the box "Features of the Booklet Good News for People of All Nations, " on page 26.) (Lale box eo "Mõttan ko Relap ilo Booklet eo Good News for People of All Nations, " ilo page 18.) " Kom̦win lel̦o̦k, im naaj lewaj ñan kom̦; renaaj lutõk kom̦ men ko rem̦m̦an kom̦ij aikuji, im kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ami mour. Yes, they considered anyone who had not studied at the rabbinic schools or who did not keep their traditions to be contemptible and ordinary. (Jon 7: 47 - 49) Parisi ro rar watõk ro rar jab jikuul̦ ilo jikuul̦in kabuñ ko an RiJu ro im bareinwõt ro rar jab l̦oor m̦anit ko aer bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer im rettã. Ear "kõmõn bwe armij ren jokwe ie. " There are plenty of people who will tell you that God is cruel and who will urge you to judge his motives as they have. Elõñ armej renaaj ba ñan eok bwe Anij enana im lãj im renaaj kõn̦aan bwe kwõn errã ippãer. Jesus kar armij eo wõt ear mour im mij ilo an jab likjap in kabuñburuen Anij im kwalok aibujuij eo An. Under the Law, she was considered unclean. Iomin Kien eo, kar watõk e bwe etton. Ri utiej ro an "rej tile im tile mõttan ko in Kien eo jabdewõt ien rar loi, " ri bwebwenato in bwebwenato eo Hein Hmmmmman ear je," im mõn ro rar lo air kajur im kainemõn ilo juõn kumi in armij. " 9, 10. (a) How did first - century Jews show themselves unteachable and rigid in their views? 9, 10. (a) Ewi wãwen Ri Jew ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar kwalok bwe rej jab kõnan katak im rar binwõt ilo lemnak ko air make? Kwomaroñ ke katak jet kajin ko ñõn konono ibeir? Fittingly, then, each of us would do well to ask: " How do I respond to the wonderful blessings unveiled in Ezekiel's vision? Inem, ejimwe, bwe kajjojo iad en kar kajitõk: " Ewi wãwen aõ uak ñan jerammõn ko remõn emwij kwaloki ilo vision eo an Ezekiel? JEJ M̦ÕN̦ÕN̦ÕN̦Õ KÕN MEN KO JET RAR WAL̦O̦K Using Bible literature in Braille helps him to be more effective in his ministry, including his activities as service overseer. Ñe ej kajerbal book in Bible ko ilo Braille (kajin Ro Rebilo) ej kalaplok an bolemen ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, ekoba jerbal ko an einwõt service overseer. Christ ear jerkakbiji jen mij, leen eo moktata an ro renaj bõk jerammõn kin mour ilañ. Consider what happened in Noah's day. Lemnak kin ta eo ear walok ilo ran ko an Noah. Ta jet ian un ko unin an elõñ armij ro ilo lal in lorak ilo mour in lũñ? We get a clear answer to such questions by examining the dramatic events that led to the " annihilation of Baal out of Israel. ' - 2 Kings 10: 28. Ewõr juõn uak ealikar kin kajitõk kein jenaj etale kin ta men ko rar walok mokta jen kar ien " kajeebeplok kabuñ in Baal ilo Israel ' ilo ien ko etto. - 2 Kiñ Ro 10: 28. Bible eo ej naetan "ran eo elap im kalelñoñ an Jehovah. " Beck says of this account: "According to one Jewish tradition, the rebels criticize Moses with these words: " Moses knows the properties of this particular rock! Rar ba bwe Moses ear jel̦ã bwe ewõr dãn ilowaan tol̦ eo me ear kõm̦m̦an jãn dekã ko etaer limestone. Aet, bwe Jesus ear jiroñ ri kalor ro an: "Jabrewõt eo e naj mõke kõtaik e, naj koutiej e. " The negative speech of others can influence us. Naan ko rekabbeerer an ro jet remaroñ jelõt kõj. Mae ien ear ilok jen mweo imõn bwe en mare, jab juõn ran kimar jab jar ibben. " (Read Galatians 5: 19 - 21.) (Riit Galetia 5: 19 - 21.) Bar juõn alen Moses ej aol, im Anij ej jiroñ e bwe en kõmman juõn serpent jinibõrõrõ im likite ion juõn alal bwe en kemour ro rej etale. Abram's faith was to be put to the test. Tõmak eo an Abram naj kar melejoñe. Ta eo Juõn Ennan in Kwalok Kake We go out in the ministry together. Kimij etal jen em ñan em ibben don. Jab einwõt men ko rar walok ilo Babel, oktak in ñan kajin eo erreo ear walok ilo an nebar etan Jehovah im burukuk ñan armij ro an. Ear illu ibben armij ro kinke rar jab kwalok air kautiej temple eo. Men eo el̦apl̦o̦k an aorõk ej bwe bokin Gospel ko rej kwal̦o̦k bwe Jijej ear lukkuun juon armej. Therefore, the word "Har - Magedon, " or" Armageddon, " has great symbolic significance. Kõn men in, naan in "Har - Magedon " ak" Armagedon " ej kõkkar kõn juon mel̦el̦e eaorõk im el̦ap. Ewi wãwen ro emwij air mare remaroñ kakajurlok tiljek eo air ñan ro beleir? That fundamental truth should move us to pursue our secondary activities, including recreation, in such a way that they enable us to carry out our primary activity - caring for Kingdom interests. (1 Korint 7: 29 - 31) Ñe jejel̦ã ta men eo ej aikuj aorõktata ilo mour eo ad, jenaaj likũt menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko im men ko jet ãlik im pukot m̦oktata Aelõñ in Anij. Ta kar kanan eo moktata kar je, im ta kar juõn ian kajitõk ko ear bõkmantak? Even though more than 60 years had passed since the first group of Jews had returned to their homeland, Jerusalem was only sparsely settled. Meñe emwij an motlok 60 yiõ ko jen ien eo ke kumi in Ri Jew ro mokta rar jeblak ñan kabijukned, mour eo ilo Jerusalem ejañin wõr wõnmanlok ko ie. Juõn mour eo ear jab obrak kin jibañ jen juõn book ej konono kajin sign language ilo video ko! " Go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. " - EPHESIANS 6: 10. " Komin bin ilo Iroij, im ilo kajur in maroñ eo An. " - DRI EPESÕS 6: 10. Tieta eo Ejjab Lukkuun Wal̦o̦k When the apostle Paul was in Athens, he preached the good news to a crowd that included some Greek philosophers. Ke ri jilek Paul ear bed ilo Athens, ear kwalok nan kin news eo emõn ñan juõn jarin armij ro ekoba jet ri kabel ro in Greek. Ledik eo nejin emwij an bõk kejbãrok eo emõntata nae jitõb ro renana. Why not include material from such features in your Family Worship program from time to time? Christ ej kobaiktok: "Eo ej bõk anjo, I naj kõmõn bwe en juõn jur ilo tempel an aõ Anij,... im I naj jeje ion etan aõ Anij, im etan jikin kwelok an aõ Anij, Jerusalem ekãl, eo ej wanlaltak jen lõñ, im ãt eo ekãl etan Anij. " According to the Bible, "in the path of righteousness there is life. " Ekkar ñan Bible eo, "ilo ial in wãnik, mour. " Jaab. Camel and ox: From the book La Tierra Santa, Volume 1, 1830 Camel im ox: Jen book eo La Tierra Santa, Volume 1, 1830 Ak, ta elañe juõn eñjake enana ej wõnmanlok wõt? Further, Paul adds that walking with Christ involves four things: being rooted in Christ, being built up in him, being stabilized in the faith, and overflowing with thanksgiving. Bareinwõt, Paul ej kobaiktok bwe etetal ibben Christ ejelet emen men ko: eddek okran ilo Christ, kalek ilo e, bin ilo tõmak, im lutõklok kin kamolol. Joñok eo air emaroñ lap an katakin kij kin ewi wãwen jemaroñ drebij wõt ar lõñliñ. Granted, each Christian needs to develop that quality to the full, but it is especially important for elders to be approachable. Em̦ool bwe kõj aolep jej kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe en pidodo an armej ro kepaake kõj. Ewõr ibbed juõn jerbal einlok wõt in ñan kõmmane ilo juõn lal ej jumae kabuñ eo emol im eobrak kin nana otemjej. - Sam 92: 7; Matu 24: 14; Reveles̃õn 12: 17. ISSACHAR ISSACHAR Ewi wãwen an kar Hosea kõkãl mour in belele eo ibben Gomer? However, when asked what that Kingdom is, most people answer, in effect, "I don't know, " or their answer is vague and uncertain. Bõtab, ñe kimij kajitõk ta in Ailiñ eo, enañin aolep rej uak, "ijaje, " ak emaroñ jab lukkun alikar uak eo air. Emol, meñe ri karejar ro retiljek an Anij remaroñ luji eñjake in ekaiuriur eo air. They would be his children, and Jehovah would be their Father. 1: 26) Rein renaaj kar ajri ro nejin im Jeova enaaj kar Jemãer. Bõtab, ejjab mol men in. She made it a practice to associate with members of various religions to expose their errors. E ar kõmmane bwe en einwõt juõn manit ñan an kobalok ibben ro uan kajjojo kabuñ ko ñan an kajedmatmat bwid ko air. Eddo eo ñan jibañ ro jet ejjab ñan ien ko wõt ñe ainemõn im burukuk eo an congregation eo ej bed ilo kauwatata. The apostate priests of Jerusalem were mixing the worship of Jehovah with false religion. Priest ro rebuñ jen tõmak ilo Jerusalem rar kadebijik kabuñ eo an Jehovah ibben kabuñ eo ewan. Ejjabto tokelik iar lo juõn armij. Jehovah through Jesus offers you and your loved ones the prospect of perfect health and unending life in a new world, free from pain and suffering. Kõjatdikdik in ej ñan mour indeeo ilo jukjuk im pãd eo ekããl me ejjel̦o̦k nañinmej im eñtaan kab bũrom̦õj ie. • Etke Jesus ear jinoe Kwojkwoj in Kejota eo an Iroij? Who among us would not want to be more loving, joyful, and peaceable? Jekõn̦aan bwe en bar l̦apl̦o̦k ad meanwõd, jouj im em̦m̦an. Elõñ ian ri karejar ro an Jehovah rar iion buromõj. They were faced with a 20 - mile [30 km] trek over uncharted, snow - covered mountains to reach their final destination. Juõn ri meletlet in Bible ear kwalok kake einwõt juõn " yokwe eo ejokkin wõt juõn im ejjab juõn manit bajjek " Ña eo ekwojarjar ' ak juõn eo ejjab tõmak ilo Anij " Ij jebwãbwe. ' " What occurred in Brooklyn, New York, in 1914, and the time for what had then arrived? Ta kejelã eo kar kõmmane ilo Bethel, ilo October 1914? Men in ear melelen bwe ear ien ñan an Jehovah kõmman ta? Ñan waanjoñak, juon eo el̦ap yokwe ippãn enaaj kõjparok e jãn an kõm̦m̦ani men ko me renaaj ko̦kkure bõklõkõt ko an ro jet. As intelligent creatures who have been drawn by Jehovah, we understand God's will for us. Bareinwõt, jej kam̦m̦oolol Jeova bwe ear letok mour ñan kõj im maroñ eo ñan ad lo lañlõñ im m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo mour ko ad. Im jeorlok bwid ko ad, bwe kij bareinwõt jej jeorlok bwid ko an jabdewõt armij eo ej muri ñan kij. The more he drank, the less capable his brain was of accurately evaluating his condition. Ke ear laplok wõt an irak, ear kõmõn bwe kamelij eo en jab lukkun kile ta ko rej walok ñõn enbwinin, lemnok, im iñjake ko an. Juõn letter jen brother ro ilo Mozambique ear kamelele: "Jen joñoul brother ro rar jilkinlok ir ñan United States ilo yiõ ko ilo 1920 im 1930 ko, kom eo wõt ej mour wõt. " How so? Etke jej ba men in? Ilo an kwalok kamolol eo emũlal kin meletlet im karõk eo ilikin meanwõd eo an Jehovah, eo ej kwalok kin oran ro rej kir ñan air kamwijlok Israel eo ilo jitõb, Paul ear lamõj: "O imlõl in mweien meletlet im jela an Anij! If a person literally stumbled and fell, he would not deliberately remain in that position without even trying to get up. (Jen. 18: 25; Kol. 3: 23 - 25) Ñõn wanjoñok, elañe juõn ej tibbok emaroñ bar jutõk. Ke Josiah ear iroij einwõt king, ear bareinwõt karõk ñan kememe Kwojkwoj in Kijone eo, im kõmman elõñ kebojak ko ñan e. of April 2009 warned against sexual fantasies involving someone other than your marriage mate. an Eprõl̦ 2009, ewõr juon katak me ej kwal̦o̦k bwe ejjab jim̦we ñan an juon ejaake l̦õmn̦ak ko kõn pãd ippãn juon eo ejjab pãleen. Inem komin ekil... Jesus also lived in harmony with what he taught about Jehovah. Ear jab baj katakin wõt armej ro ta ko ren kõm̦m̦ani ñan kabuñbũruon Anij ak ear bar kõm̦m̦ani men kein. " IAR 15 aõ yiõ ke iar baptais, im jiljino alliñ ko tokelik iar jino bõk kunaõ ilo jerbal in auxiliary pioneer. Life in this world is so often glutted with "trouble and sorrow. " El̦ap wõt ad "inepata im eñtaan " ilo mour in. Inem, juõn men ekabwilõñlõñ! How might ones with an earthly hope receive a gift? Ta menin letok eo Jeova emaroñ lel̦o̦k kiiõ ñan armej ro jet? Kin kile eo an Augustine kin Juõn Thousand Yiõ in Iroij eo an kabuñ in Catholic, kien eo kein karuo ear rumij ñõn juõn ilju eo ettolok. " " To be tempted by the Devil. " Should that surprise us? (Matu 4: 1; 6: 13) Etke Jeova ear kõtl̦o̦k bwe men in en wal̦o̦k? Mekarta, ilo jabdewõt jikin kwoj reilok ñan e, kwoj liki bwe elañe kwoj etal wõt ñan jemlokin roñ ko, kwonaj lo meram. Are you, though, just as sure as Martha was of a future resurrection for a loved one? Ãinwõt kar Marta, kwõj ke lukkuun tõmak bwe eo ejitõnbõro ippam̦ enaaj jerkakpeje ilju im jekl̦aj? Elõñ kein jerbal ko rekapeel ilo computer ko, ekoba men ko rar walok ilo ien ko etto ilo news, rar jibañ kij ilo jibadbad in elap. [ Pictures on page 4] [ Pija ko ilo peij 4] Meñe ãindein, ak rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in likũt Aelõñ eo an Anij m̦oktata jãn jet iaan jeraam̦m̦an ko me renaaj wal̦o̦k ilo mour in m̦are eo aer. Explain. Kamelele. Jemaroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe Luk, eo ear je bok in Jerbal, emaroñ kar kwal̦o̦k kõn Paul im ro jet me rar lol̦o̦k eklejia ko. - Kol. [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] [ Etan eo ear kõmman pija ilo peij 3] Ta eo ro jemen im jinen remaroñ kõmmane ñan keboj ro nejiir ñan mour in mare? It is simply a matter of showing "practical wisdom " and sound judgment. Ej baj juõn men eo ej kwalok "meletlet emõn " im bebe eo ejimwe. Leo im lio ri belele remaroñ kakajurlok mour in belele eo airro ilo air ba "men eo emõn ñan kalek einwõt aikwij, ñan lelok men eo ewõr tokjen " ñan eo beleir. - Ep. 4: 29. Yet, the Bible says: "Again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel. " Bõtab, Bible eo ej ba: "Im r'ar bar oktõk im melejoñ Anij; im kakitõtõik Eo ekwojarjar an Israel. " Paul ear bareinwõt kalek tõmak ikijen an kajerbal wanjoñok ko rekajur. Jehovah always blesses decisions based on faith in him, but how can he bless a decision that is contrary to his will, especially when it involves needlessly giving up sacred privileges? - Read Hebrews 11: 6; 1 John 5: 13 - 15. Bõtab, el̦aññe pepe ko jej kõm̦m̦ani rej jum̦ae ankilaan, eokwe eban kajeraam̦m̦ane pepe kein. Im eban m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñe jej etal jãn jerbal ko ad raorõk me ear litok ñan kõj, kõn jet un ko rejjab jim̦we. - Riit Hibru 11: 6; 1 Jon 5: 13 - 15. " Naaj kwal̦o̦k gospel in an aelõñ in lañ. " - MATU 24: 14. But Jehovah will appreciate his effort to change and will help him. Bõtab, elañe ej kate e ñõn kõmõn oktõk, Jeova enaj jibõñ e. Enjel ro an Jehovah ilañ rej uak ñan e einwõt kij. What reasons do people have for disregarding the sign described by Jesus? Ta unin an armij ro kajettokjen kakõlle eo Jesus ear kwalok kake? Bõlen doctor eo Luke kar doctor eo moktata ear tõbare, im Luke ear kõmmõne juõn etale in doctor: Ear jab baj jorrãn wõt im jajelokjen - ear mij! Global threats are increasing, outgrowing national abilities to tackle them, and outpacing international responses. " [ Pictures on page 8] Christian ro mõttad remaroñ "juõn men in kakajuror " The focus will then shift to what Matthew went on to describe: "[Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my" blood of the covenant, " which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. ' " Baibõl̦ ej ba: "[Jijej] ej bõk kab eo im kam̦m̦oolol Anij kake, innem lel̦o̦k ñan er im ba, " Kom̦win aolep ilimi, bwe men in bõtõktõkũ, eo ej kapene bujen eo an Anij; bõtõktõkũ ej lutõkl̦o̦k kõn elõñ armej bwe en jeorl̦o̦k jerawiwi. ' " 3: 1 - 5. • In times of distress, how can we find delight in doing God's will? • Ilo ien ko rekaburomõjmõj, ewi wãwen jemaroñ lo lõñliñ ilo ar kõmõnmõn ankilan Anij? Einwõt "dri lale s̃eperd emõn, " Jesus ej kwalok kin men ko an Jemen, karõk ko, im kadkad ko kadkadin. Ejañin wõr ilo kajin M̦ajel̦. Ledik eo nejiõ im leo belen rej jerbal einwõt special pioneer ro, im ej kobalok ibben leo belen ñe ej lolok congregation ko einwõt juõn circuit overseer. " When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind? " " Ke ij lale lõñ ko Am, jerbal an arriim; aliñ im iju ko Kw'ar kõmõnmõn; Ta armij bwe Kwon kememej e? " Mae ien lal eo an Satan ej itok ñan jemlokin, jenaj etal wõt im jelmae melejoñ ko. Only two, Joshua and Caleb, spoke favorably of Israel's prospects in Canaan. Ruo wõt, Joshua im Caleb, rar kejelã ilo jimwe kin wãwen ko remaroñ kar anjo ion Canaan. Kememej ta eo Jehovah ear kallimur ñan armij ro ikijen Moses: "Im eneo komij elã jen e, bwe komin bõk mõtõn tol ko im komlal ko; kin wut in lõñ ej irak dren; eneo Jeova am Anij ej lale e. " - Duteronomi 11: 8 - 12. Appreciating that Jehovah is the God of "times and seasons " moves us to do what? Ewi wãween? Jej aikuj ta kiiõ ke jejel̦ã bwe Jeova ej kajejjet iien ko an? Ta menin kamol eo kin dolul eo emõn ear bed ilo Israel ke Anij ear jiroñ armij ro an bwe ren deloñ ilo Enen Kallimur eo? Do not be depriving each other of it, except by mutual consent for an appointed time, that you may devote time to prayer and may come together again, that Satan may not keep tempting you for your lack of self - regulation. " Komin jab elikinjepjepe dron, elañe e jab ilo juõn ien im buruemi wõt juõn, bwe komin lelok kom ñõn jar; im bar ber iben dron, bwe Setan en jab kabo kom kin ami mõjino. " Ikijjeen katok in mour eo an Jijej, Anij ej lel̦o̦k ñan aolep ro rej kwal̦o̦k aer tõmak bwe renaaj weeppãn im renaaj mour ñan indeeo. Will Material Possessions Give Us Satisfaction? Mweiuk ko Renaj ke Letok Juburu ñan Kij? Ñan wanjoñok, kwokõnan ke jerbal einwõt juõn regular pioneer? One of his favorite teaching methods involved the use of illustrations. Juon iaan kilen katakin ko an ej kõjerbal waanjoñak ko. Nan in kakkõl in ej jitõñlok ñan bar juõn un emõn ñan kanuij roñjake nan in kakabilek eo ilo Jeje ko jen elder ro. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulal] Ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ mel̦el̦e, jouj im lale katak 19 ilo bok in me Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kõm̦m̦ane Jijej ear katakin rijjelõk ro an bwe ren anõk ajri ro. Kinke rej lo an priest ro etal ñan melan temple eo an Ezekiel, vision in ej aikwij jejjet kitien rainin, meñe jet ian ri kabit ro rej bed wõt ion lal. A two - year - old boy could not carry on a conversation and had a limited vocabulary. Juõn ladik ruo an yiõ ejjab maroñ bwebwenato aetok ibben armij im jet wõt nan ko ejelã. Rejjab kõtmene bwe jerbal ko air reinjuõn; im rejjab ba bwe rej mõñã bread im idak wine eo rej bed ilañin elder ro emwij jitõñ ir ilo congregation eo. As we walk with God, he delivers us from Satan's world, guides us by means of his Word and his organization, and protects us as a group when we are under attack by opposers. Ñe jej etetal ibben Anij, ej kanemkwoj kij jen lal eo an Satan, ej tel kij ikijen Nan im dolul eo an, im ej kejbãrok kij einwõt juõn jar in armij ñe ri jumae ro rej nitbwili kij. " Dri kijirãte men eo enana, " Amos ej rejañ, "im yokwe men eo emõn, im lelok ekajet jimwe ilo kejem eo. " At the theaters, even many of the classical plays were either grossly immoral or bloodily violent. (2 Dri Korint 6: 14 - 18) Ilo theater ko, elõñ drama ko rar aluiji rar etton ak kowadoñ eobrak kin katorlok bõtõktõk. Iar lukkuun bũrom̦õj kõn aõ make iaõ. " Tempting users to force objectionable sex practices on their mate. - Ephesians 5: 3, 4. Kõm̦m̦an bwe ri pãlele ro ren iuuni eo pãleer ñan kõm̦m̦ani m̦anit ko rettoon im rekajjõjõ. - Epesõs 5: 3, 4. 19, 20. However, Jehovah held Eve accountable for her actions. Bõtab, Jeova ear kõmõn bwe Iv en uak ekkar ñõn kõmõn ko an. Einwõt an eon in kalikar, ien ekkã an key eo. Choosing a Good Life Kãlet juõn Mour Emõn Ñan waanjoñak, ñe kwõj loe juon kabuñ ak juon kabuñ, ta leen ko rem̦m̦an rej wal̦o̦k? What does the Bible say to Christians married to mates who are not worshippers of Jehovah? Ta eo Baibõl̦ ej ba ñan Kũrjin ro me ro pãleer rejjab karejar ñan Jeova? Eñin kar wãwen eo ibben Israel. 6, 7. 6, 7. Ri jilek Paul ej letok ñan kij juõn key ñan debij lañliñ eo ad ñe ej ba: "Inem komin lõñliñ ilo Iroij ien otemjej; juõn ien I naj ba, Komin lõñliñ! The very idea of a nonpriestly Levite offering incense before Jehovah should have shaken those rebels to their senses. Bareinwõt lemnak eo bwe Ri Levi ro rejjab priest rej kaijurjur iman mejen Jehovah en kar kõmman bwe ri jumae rein ren lemnak ilo alikar. • Ta ijo kwonan jitõb kwojarjar eo ñõn kajededlok nan in kir eo ñõn "itok "? (Ezra 7: 6, 11; keidi Psalm 45: 1.) Eoon kein rej kwal̦o̦k kõn juon likao me ear etetal ilo juon jikin me juon kõrã ekijoñ ear jokwe ie. The psalmist states that he showed concern for Jehovah's laws, commandments, and reminders. Ri jeje psalm ej ba bwe ear kalmenlokjen kin kien ko im nan in katak ko an Jehovah. Ej katakin kij. What task awaits those who survive Armageddon? Ta jerbal ko rej bed iman ro renaj ellã im mour jen Armageddon? • Etke jej bed ijin? That does not mean that God condones wickedness, for doing so would encourage injustice. (Sam 103: 14) Menin ejjab melelen bwe Anij ej kajekdon nana, bwe an kõmman eindein enaj kõketak ñan ekajet bwid. Ta ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani bwe jen dãpij wõt ad tiljek ñan eo pãleed im ñan Jeova? How can we sense Jehovah's love when we are disciplined by him? Ñe jej kõm̦m̦an bõd, ewi wãween an Jeova kwal̦o̦k an yokwe kõj? Mõnõnõ in Kejbãrok Jesus did not say that we should go to our brother just to convince him that we are right and he is wrong. Jisõs ear jab ba bwe unleplep in ar kennan iben eo jeer im jãter ej ñõn ar kamol ñõn e bwe ebwir. Ear ba: "Elañe dri korijeran eo enana e naj ba ilo buruen, Aõ iroij e rumij, im e naj mõn ro dri korijeran, im naj mõña im irak iben ro dri karek, iroij in dri korijeran eo e naj itok ilo ran eo e jab kõtõmene kake, im ilo auõ eo e jaje kake, im e naj kajeik ro dri jela mon, im naj lelok ñõn ro dri jela mon. " These culturally diverse congregations in Asia Minor needed encouragement and guidance. 1: 1) Rũttõmak rein rar itok jãn elõñ jikin ko im rar iioon "mãlejjoñ " im eñtaan ko. Ear mour mokta jen an kar itok ñõn lõl einwõt Nejin Anij eo ej mõke wõt. □ How can we be "all things to people of all sorts " in our preaching activity? □ Ewi wãwen jemaroñ erom "men otemjej ñõn armij otemjej " ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? Ke kwojkwoj eo ear ejaak, Moses ear jiroñ armij ro: "Im elañe nejõm man e naj kajitõk ibõm tokelik, im ba, Ta melelen men in? WE LIKELY make dozens of them each day. AOLEP raan jej kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko. [ Pija eo ilo peij 9] Nehemiah was well - aware that he was accountable to God. Nehemiah ear jelã bwe ej aikwij uak ñan Anij kin jerbal ko an. (Riit 2 Korint 8: 12.) How can we cope? Ak kõn am̦ m̦õk in kõttar, kwõj jino kõn̦aan ro̦o̦l. Ewi wãwen ritto ro remaroñ bukõt emõn eo ilo ro redik ilo congregation eo? The staff was so pleased with her work that she was offered a full - time position at triple her salary. Joñan an kar bo̦o̦j ro an lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn an em̦m̦an an jerbal, rar kajjioñ lel̦o̦k juon jerbal eutiejl̦o̦k im kal̦apl̦o̦k on̦ããn. L̦õmn̦ak rot in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe jen bũrom̦õj im eñtaan. A couple from Britain said: "The ministry in the foreign - language field is one of the most exciting we have experienced during our 40 years of Kingdom service. " Juõn leo im lio ri belele jen Britain rar ba: "Kwalok nan ilo bar juõn kajin ej juõn ian jerbal ko rekamõnõnõ kimar bõke iumin 40 yiõ ko in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo. " Etke jej bõk ad jikin kone ilo Jehovah? This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. Jãn iiõ eo 1879 tok ñan kiiõ, Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar jino kõm̦m̦ane bok in. Ta wãwen eo kein karuo jej roñjake " nan ' eo ilikid? He traversed the length and breadth of the land, "journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " - Matthew 4: 17; Luke 8: 1. Ear ito - itak ilujen eneo, "Ej ilok ilo jikin kwelok otemjej relap im redrik, Ej kwalok im konono gospel an ailiñ in Anij. " - Matu 4: 17; Luk 8: 1. 7: 4, 9; 8: 18; 9: 5, 10. Of course, we need to discern when "to mind [our] own business. " Emol, jej aikwij kile ñãt eo jen "lale men ko [ar] " mõke. (1 Tes. (Keidi Matu 23: 9.) However, someone may ask, " What prayers are acceptable to God? ' Bõtab, juõn armij emaroñ kajitõk, " Jar et ko Anij ej buñburuen kaki? ' Jesus ear kanan bwe ran kein ad renaj einlok wõt ran ko an Noah. • Why is this the time to " keep on holding fast what we have '? • Etke e ien ñan " debij wõt men eo ibbed '? Ke King Nebuchadnezzar, iroij eo an Ailiñ in Babylon - ear wõr juõn ettõnak ebin ear jab maroñ kememej, ear kajitõk kin jibañ. The result? (Matthew 24: 14) Kin tokjen et eo? Kwoj Kememej Ke? Is the purpose of the gathering to promote wholesome association or to make a profit for someone? Un eo ñan kuktok eo ej ñan kalaplok emõn in kobatok eo ke ak ñan kõmman an wõr orlokin ñan juõn armij ke? Juon em̦m̦aan etan Michael ej ba: "Iar katak ippãn juon likao. How were Adam's offspring affected by his sin? Ta eo ej wal̦o̦k ñan ro nejin Adam jãn wõt jerawiwi eo ear kõm̦m̦ane? Meñe ilo juõn family eo elap an lõñ menin mour ko ie, "juõn cow koman emõn im emõn " ejjab walok ran otemjej. Dyed wool found in a cave near the Dead Sea, dated from before 135 C.E. Ilo ejja wãween in wõt, Josep ej nejin Hilai kõnke ear m̦areik Meri, ledik eo nejin Hilai. Dri jilik Paul ear kalikar men in ñõn dri Korint ro: "I kõnan bwe komin jela bwe bõran jabrewõt man Kraist; im bõran kõra man; im bõran Kraist Anij. " - 1 Kor. Timothy learned by serving alongside the apostle, an older man. Kwõn bũki naan ko kwaar roñjake aõ kar kwal̦o̦k kaki im̦aan mejãn elõñ armej, im kwõn lil̦o̦ki ilo kõjparok an ro kwõmaroñ lõke er, ro rebareinwõt maroñ katakin ro jet. " Ejelok bwilõñ bwe ejjabto Noah ear jino kallip! - Jenesis 3: 17, 18; 5: 28, 29; 9: 20. Then, in Ps 148 verses 12 and 13, you young people are invited to join in and praise Jehovah as well. Inem ilo eon 12 im 13 eon, ej rejañ kom jodikdik ro ñan ami bõk kunami im nebar Jehovah. Jar jen buru ej bõktok juõn eñjake in ainemõn. If you view secular work as a means to an end - to support yourself and your family in Jehovah's service - Jehovah will bless your efforts. El̦aññe unleplep in am̦ jerbal ej ñan kabwe aikuj ko am̦ im baam̦le eo am̦ bwe kom̦win maroñ karejar wõt ñan Jeova, eokwe Jeova enaaj jipañ eok. Bõtab, Jijej ear bar jel̦ã kilen katakin armej ro. Overuse of alcohol can cause any of the following problems: Emaroñ walok jorran kein ilõl elañe juõn ej kajerbal arkool elap jen joñõn. Kõnke kwaar kõjekdo̦o̦n naan ko an Jeova, ear kõjekdo̦o̦n eok jãn am̦ kiiñ. " - 1 Sa. Reasonable concern about our health is natural. Ekkã an armij itoklimo kin ejmour eo air. Ilo joij jema ear kalimjek leo im jab ba juõn nan mae ien leo ear ilok. And therein lies an important point: Take Jehovah into consideration when selecting a mate. Im eñin point eo eaorõk: Kwon etale lemnak eo an Jehovah ñe kwoj kãlet juõn ñan mareiki. Ta eo ej kwalok bwe jej mour ilo jemlokin jukjuk im bed in? Of course, we are all imperfect. Jejel̦ã bwe kõj aolep jejjab weeppãn. Ilo ran ko rej kab motlok, jet jemen im jinen ajiri ro me ajiri ro nejiir rej rittolok kiõ ak rej joñok ko remõn kin tõmak - ñan burueir. We continue to feel a keen sense of urgency to bring real hope to people. Ñe jej kamaat ad maroñ ñan kõm̦m̦ane jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan, jej kalikkar bwe jej lukkuun yokwe Anij im armej ro. Meñe baptais ej kabellok kejam eo ñan elõñ jerammõn ko, ej bareinwõt kitibuj eddo. What delight they bring to the heart of their heavenly Father! - Proverbs 23: 24. Elap air kamõnõnõik buruen Jemeir ilañ! - Jabõn Kennan Ko 23: 24. Kin menin, jet iair rar ba bwe ejjab men eo juõn emaan ej kõmmane kin enbwinin. In the end, of course, children have to develop their own faith. Keememej bwe kwõjjab aikuj iuuni ajri ro nejũm̦ bwe ren tõmak ilo Anij. Kin men in, meñe elder ro rainin rejjab wãppen, jej aikwij kile wõt ir einwõt "[kajur eo an Anij] einwõt overseer ro, ñõn s̃eperd eklisia an Anij. " " Practice giving, and people will give to you. They will pour into your laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. " Komin lelok, im naj lewoj ñõn kom; joñok emõn, joni, kamõkitikiti, im jiõblok naj lewoj na ilo ubõmi. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ jurake karõk ko an theocratic? He "formed it to be inhabited. " Ear kõm̦anm̦an lal̦ in "bwe armej ren jokwe ie. " Iar lo m̦ool eo! Jesus was the only human who ever lived and died without failing to please God and reflect His glory. Im ear jejjet an kar anõke wãween ko rem̦m̦an kõn Anij im kõm̦m̦ani men ko rej bõktok nõbar ñan E. Kin men in, Israel eo ilo jitõb ear bõk jikin ailiñ in jerawiwi im jab ukwelok. His officials "tore and burnt the rolls of the Law whenever they found them, " wrote historian Heinrich Graetz," and killed those who were found to seek strength and consolation in their perusal. " Kõn men in, ear kakien bwe ren jol̦o̦k aolep kaape in Jeje ko ilo kajin Hibru. Heinrich Graetz, eo ej ekkatak im jeje kõn bwebwenatoun iien ko etto ear ba bwe rijerbal ro an kiiñ in rar "kekõl im tũli bok lemlem ko an Kien Moses ñe rej loi jabdewõt jikin. Kõnan ko renana rej einwõt tol ko retino iumin ial eo jej etetal ie. Could you learn some sign language in order to communicate with them? Kwomaroñ ke katak jidrik kin kajin eo air bwe kwon maroñ konono ibeir? Jet ien kimij bõk kunam ilo juõn mõttan ak bõjrak jen pija eo ñan kõtlok bwe bwebwenato eo en walok. " WE ARE NOT IGNORANT OF SATAN'S DESIGNS JEJEL̦Ã KÕN AUJIID KO AN SETAN Katak Jãn Naan In Anij Christ had been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those to be blessed with heavenly life. Christ emwij kejerkake jen mij, leen jomõkaj in ro emwij kajerammõn ir kin mour ilañ. 19: 9, 10, 15, 34. What are some reasons why many in the world get involved in immorality? Ta jet un ko unin an elõñ ilo lal in lorak ilo mour etton? Kin jibañ eo an governing body eo, elder ro rar " kwalok nan ' im ro uan congregation ko rar " konono ilo errã ibben don. ' The Bible calls it "the great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah. " Bible eo ej naetan "ran eo elap im kamijak an Jehovah. " 15, 16. Yes, for Jesus told his disciples: "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " Elemen? Eokwe, Jijej ear ba: "Eo enaaj make kõttãik e, naaj kautiej e. " 1: 22. Until she left home to marry, not a day went by that we did not pray together with her. " Mae ien eo ear illok jen mweo ñan an mare, ran otemjej kimar jar ibben don. " [ Bo̦o̦k / Pija ko ilo peij 5] Moses once again intercedes, and God instructs him to make a copper serpent and set it upon a pole so that those bitten are cured by gazing at it. Moses ej bar jojomare ir, im Anij ej jiroñ e bwe en kõmman juõn serpent jinibõrõrõ im likiti ion juõn joor bwe ren kalimjeke im mour. Lomor ej ebaktok ñan ro rej kanuij lale nan in kakkõl ko im ro rej emmakit ilo jimwe. What an Overview Reveals Ta Elij eo ilo Tukaduin Kobban Book eo Ej Kalikare Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe Jeel ear kwal̦o̦k an peran ilo eoon ko tok jet! - Eka. Unlike the events of Babel, this change to the pure language has resulted in praise to Jehovah's name and unity for his people. Jab einwõt wãwen ko ilo Babel, oktak in ñan kajin eo erreo ear bõktok aibujuij ñan etan Jehovah im burukuk ñan armij ro an. Ak ewi wãwen ad maroñ kõmmane menin? More important, the Gospels convincingly show that Jesus was a real person, not a fictional character. Im men eo eaorõk ej bwe bok in Gospel ko emãn rej kam̦ool bwe Jijej ear juon armej eo me ear lukkuun mour ilo iien ko etto im bwe ear jab juon ino̦ñ bajjek. Ewi wãwen an congregation eo bõk tokjen? How can those who are married strengthen their loyalty to their mates? Ewi wãween ri pãlele ro remaroñ kal̦apl̦o̦k aer tiljek im kakajoorl̦o̦k yokwe eo aer ñan doon? • Wõn ro rar jibañ kalaplok men ko an Iroij ilo yiõ ko kiõ, im ewi wãwen? What was the first prophecy ever recorded, and what was one of the questions it raised? Ta kar kanan eo jinointata kar je, im ta kar juõn ian kajitõk ko rar bõkliñtak? Meñe elõñ iiõ ko m̦oktal̦o̦k, Moses ear kõtl̦o̦k bwe Jeova en ãeik im l̦ame e. A life was spared with the help of a sign - language publication on DVD! Kar lomoren mour an juõn niñniñ ikijen jibõñ eo jen pija eo an dri jaroñroñ! Jesus ear kalikar bwe armij ewõr juõn aikwij ilo jitõb ibbeir. The Drama Unfolds Tieta eo Ej Jinoe Lemnak ko an armij rej ba ke bwe ejelok Anij ej jelet armij ro? Little Owmadji already has the best possible protection against wicked spirits. Ke iar juon ajri, jema ear jilkinl̦o̦k ledik eo jatũ ñan juon im̦õn nun, ijo kõm̦ro ar dik im rũttol̦o̦k ie. Christ adds: "The one that conquers - I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God,... and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which descends out of heaven from my God, and that new name of mine. " Christ ej kobaiklok: "Eo ej bõk anjo I naj kamaroñ e bwe en juõn jur ilo tempel an Aõ Anij,... im I naj jeje ion etan Aõ Anij, im etan jikin kwelok eo an Aõ Anij, Jerusalem ekãl, eo ej wõnlõltak jen lõñ jen Aõ Anij, im eta ekãl. " Einwõt juõn ri kõlajrak kin bujen Kien eo, Moses ear annañelok Jesus, Ri Kilajrõk eo kin bujen eo ekãl. No. Jaab. Ri Egypt ro rar likit ir bwe ren jerbal einwõt ri kamakoko ro ilo kanniek, kalek temple ko, im rupe temple ko. What, though, if a negative emotion persists? Ak ta el̦aññe kwõj illu wõt meñe kwaar bõk iien bwe en jakol̦o̦k am̦ illu? Ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane bwe katak ko rewan ren jab kabañ mour in jitõb eo an congregation eo? Their example can teach us much about how to maintain our joy. Joñok eo air emaroñ lap an katakin kij kin wãwen eo jemaroñ debij lañliñ eo ad. Ilo eon ko ibelakin 1 Dri Korint 10: 13, Paul ej jitõñlok ñan melejoñ ko Israel ear jelmae ilo ene jemaden eo. We have a similar work to do in a world that is opposed to true worship and that is filled with every form of badness. - Psalm 92: 7; Matthew 24: 14; Revelation 12: 17. Ewõr ibbed juõn jerbal einlok wõt eo an jej aikwij kõmmane ilo juõn lal me ej jumae kabuñ eo emol im eobrak kin nana otemjej. - Sam Ko 92: 7; Matu 24: 14; Reveles̃õn 12: 17. 4: 29 - 32. How did it come about that Hosea renewed marital relations with Gomer? Ewi wãwen Hosea ear bar bõk Gomer bwe en lio belen? Ri kalor eo James ej kamelele bwe kõnan eo ebwid, "ñe emwij an etta, ej keutak jerawiwi. " Of course, even faithful servants of God can momentarily lose their sense of urgency. Emol, ri karejar ro retiljek an Anij remaroñ luji iumin jidik wõt ien air jitõb in ekaiuriur bareinwõt. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ etale kij make im bõprae ad lorak ilo kain wãwen mour rot in? The reality, however, is quite the opposite. Bõtab, rein rejjab kile bwe ilo m̦ool rej ãinwõt ri kam̦akoko ro. Etke? The responsibility to help others is certainly not limited to times when the congregation's peace and unity are threatened. Eddo eo ñan jibañ ro jet ejjab jerbal ñan ien ko wõt me ainemõn im burukuk eo an congregation eo ej bed ilo kauwatata. Men eo el̦aptata an aorõk ej bwe jen jel̦ã kããlõt ro m̦õttad im kõjparok kõj jãn " m̦anit ko renana me rej ko̦kkure m̦anit ko rem̦m̦an. ' - 1 Ko. Not long ago I succeeded in finding one. Ejjab to tokelik Iar lo bar juõn jerbal. Ajiri ro ilo pija ko rej ikkure kin jerbal ko an juõn ri kaki in Bible im juõn ri katak. • Why did Jesus institute the Lord's Evening Meal? • Etke Jesus ear ejaak Kwojkwoj in Kejota eo an Iroij? (Lale peij 25.) Many of Jehovah's servants have experienced discouragement. Elõñ ri karejar ro an Jehovah rar buromõj im ebwer. Ilo Luk chapter 15, jej lo wanjoñok eo ekajur an Jesus kin juõn emaan eo ear wõr juõn bwijin 100 sheep. One Bible scholar described it as "a balanced self - love that is neither a narcissistic " I am divine ' nor a masochistic " I am dirt. ' " Juõn emaan eo ej kõmman etale ko kin Bible ej kamelele kake einwõt "juõn yokwe kin kij make me ejokkin wõt juõn im ejjab juõn eo elap an lemnak kin emake " Ña I lukkun emõn im utiej ' ak juõn eo ej kajekdon ak kokkure e make " Ña armij jekdon. ' " Ri karejar ro an Anij ilo ien ko etto, ekoba Jesus im ri kalor ro an, rar mõnõnõ in bõk kunair ilo wãwen rot kein rekamõnõnõ, ekoba kwojkwoj ko. For example, a loving person will avoid doing things that would disturb the consciences of others. Ñan wanjoñok, juõn armij eo ej yokwe enaj bõprae an kõmman men ko me renaj kokkure bõklikit ko an ro jet. Ta tokjãn ko rem̦m̦an rej wal̦o̦k ñe jej kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦an aenõm̦m̦an? And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. Im jeorlok jerawiwi ko am, bwe kimij bareinwõt jeorlok an jabdewõt eo ej muri ñõn kim. Solomon ilo ien ko etto ear ba: "Eor bebe ko im ejelok nan in riõp ie. " A letter from the brothers in Estonia explained: "Out of ten brothers who were assigned to the Baltic States in the late 1920 ' s and early 1930 ' s, you are the only one still alive. " Juõn letter jen brother ro ilo Estonia ear kemelele: "Ian aolep brother ro joñoul me kar jilkinlok ir ñõn ailiñ ko ilo Baltic ilo jemlokõnlok 1920 im jinoin 1930 jima ko, kwe wõt kwo mour. " Kwomaroñ Ke Kamelele? Expressing deep appreciation for the wisdom and purpose behind Jehovah's merciful long - suffering, through which he produces the total number of those called to complete spiritual Israel, Paul exclaimed: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! (Dri Galetia 3: 26 - 29; Dri Epesõs 2: 4 - 7) Ilo an kwalok mũlal in kamolol eo kin meletlet im karõk eo ilikin tiriamokake im meanwõd eo an Jehovah, eo ikijen ej kwalok oran ro kar kir ir ñan kadedelok Israel eo ilo jitõb, Paul ear lamõj: "O imlõl in mweien meletlet im jela an Anij! Elañe kwoj mõnõnõ in bõk melele ko jet ak kõnan bwe juõn en iwõj in katak Bible ibbam ilo mweo imõm ilo ejelok wõnãn, joij im jejelok ñan Watchtower, 143 Jehovah Street, Barrigada, Guam 96913, ak ñan jabdewõt jikin ilo lajrak eo ilo page 2. When Josiah ruled as king, he too arranged for the Passover to be celebrated, making extensive preparations for it. Ke Josaia ear kiñ, ear bareinwõt kõmõn karõk ko relap ñõn kõmõne kwojkwoj in Kijone eo. (2 Kiñ. 23: 21 - 23; 2 Kron. Elaptata sheep ro rej aikwiji kejbãrok rot in rainin, bwe Devil eo ear kalaplok jibadbad ko an ñan kokkure tiljek eo an ro rar wujleplok air mour ñan Anij. Therefore keep on the watch... Inem komin ekil... Ke ear motlok ien, Jehovah ear kalaplok meram eo an ion kanan in, im ilo wãwen in kamol bwe enaj jejjet kitien. " I WAS 15 years old when I got baptized, and six months later I began sharing in the auxiliary pioneer service. JUON jeid im jatid jiroñ ej ba: "Iar peptaij ke ear 15 aõ iiõ, im 6 allõñ tokãlik iar akjel̦õri bainier. Ebream ear jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe jabdewõt men en kõm̦m̦ane ñan lio pãleen. Ear m̦õkaj in m̦ane juon kau jidikdik im kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k an m̦õñã im idaak. Then, a surprise! (Luk 6: 13; 10: 1) Rein rar pojak in kwal̦o̦k kõn nuuj eo em̦m̦an ñan ro jet. El̦aññe jekõn̦aan kabuñbũruon Anij, jeban po ilo menin kapo eo ñan kwal̦o̦k kalijekl̦o̦k ak kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an ñan kõj make. - Jud 4, 16. With Augustine's identification of the Millennium with the period of the Church militant, the Second Advent is postponed to a distant future. " Kin an Augustine kile Thousand Yiõ Iroij eo ibben tõre eo an Church militant, Itok eo Kein Karuo emwij an tortorliklok ñõn juõn ien eo elap kõtan ilo ien ko rej itok. " " Bõtab, Jerry ej juõn wõt ajiri, im jemen im jinen rar aikwij lale. Everywhere you look, it is dark. Nevertheless, you are confident that if you keep traveling toward the end of the tunnel, you will again see light. Meñe elukkuun marok ial̦ in ak kwõjel̦ã bwe ñe kwõnaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt m̦ae iien kwõj tõpar jem̦l̦o̦kin ial̦ in, kwõnaaj bar loe meram in al̦. (b) Ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõprae juõn jorrãn in mour erreo? Advances in computer technology, including the development of MEPS (Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System), have assisted us in this vast endeavor. Ta ko rar jipañ bwe en wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k jerbalin ukok? 11: 28 - 40. Still, they are willing to place Kingdom interests above some of the privileges that go with marriage. Mekarta, rej bojak im kõnan likit mokta men ko kin Ailiñ eo itu lõñin jerammõn ko me rej itok kin mour in mare. Jeltokin, kõmman jet etale ko, bukõt "men in bwilõñ ko, " im" men in bwilõñ ko " ilo Watch Tower Publications Index. We can imagine the concern that "the beloved physician " Luke, writer of the book of Acts, must have shown toward Paul and other traveling companions. - Col. Ak ta eo jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ane el̦aññe juon iaaerro ej pãd ilo aujpitõl̦, ak enañinmej? Eokwe, jemaroñ jipañ er ilo ad lol̦o̦k er im lale ta ko rej aikuji. Jar eo elap enaj itok jen bwij otemjej im konono otemjej What role can parents play in preparing their children for marriage? Ta eo jemen im jinen remaroñ kõmmane ñan keboj ro nejiir kin mour in belele? Lemnak kin kwe make ion tol in ibben Moses. A husband and a wife can reinforce their marriage with good communication by saying "only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial " to their spouse. - Eph. 4: 29. Rippãlele ro remaroñ kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k pãd eo aerro ñe em̦m̦an wãween aerro kõnnaan ippãn doon im ñe rej kõjerbal naan ko me "remaroñ kalõk im jipañ " erro jim̦or. - Epesõs 4: 29, UBS. Ear jelã bwe enaj kar bõktok wãwen ko rainemõn ilo paradise eo ear lelok ñan ri nana eo ear mij iturin. Paul also built faith by powerful use of examples. Paul ear bareinwõt kalek tõmak ilo an kajerbal wanjoñok ko. Jesus ear juõn joñok ewãppen kin kijejeto im tiljek ñan aolep ri kalor ro an. " This good news of the kingdom will be preached. " - MATTHEW 24: 14. " Im naj kwalok news eo emõn kin ailiñ eo. " - MATTHEW 24: 14, New World Translation. Ear kobaiktok: "Nan kein rej letok wãwen ko remaroñ oktak ñan mour eo an juõn armij make, im oktak im juõn jerbal, im lo tõbrak. " Jehovah's angelic creatures in the heavens are just as accountable to him as we are. Enjel ro an Jehovah rej bareinwõt aikwij uak ñõn e einwõt kij. (Riit Jenesis 3: 1 - 5.) Perhaps the physician Luke was the first to reach Eutychus, and Luke made a medical assessment: Eutychus was not merely injured and unconscious - he was dead! Bõlen taktõ Luk eo m̦oktata ear pãd ijo Eutikõs ear wõtlo̦k ie ñan jããke el̦aññe el̦ap jorrããn eo ewal̦o̦k ñane. Ear lo bwe ejjab baj jorrããn im ñak m̦akũtkũt wõt, ak emej! Nan eo an Jehovah ej jejjet kitien ien otemjej. Fellow Christians can be "a strengthening aid " Ri Christian ro mõttad remaroñ "kainemõne " kij Nan in kakabilek eo ilo Bible ñan katakin ro nejõm kin nan ko an Anij ej rejañ yuk bwe kwon konono ñan ir " ñe kwoj jijet ilo mweo imõm, etetal ilo ial ' - emol, ilo jabdewõt ien emõn. 3: 1 - 5. How thorough were loyal Israelites when taking their stand against unrighteousness? Unin ad kõm̦m̦ane men in ej kõnke elõñ armej ro me rejjab pãd ilo m̦ool eo rej riarõk m̦weiuk, rejjab pokake jineer im jemãer, rejjab tiljek, rej riab, rej lãj im kowadoñe ro jet. Point eo an kar: Ñe jej konono ilo kajju jen Nan in Anij ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, jej kõtlok bwe Jehovah en konono ibben ri mweo. As "the fine shepherd, " Jesus reflects his Father's interests, purposes, and qualities. (Epesõs 1: 22, 23) Jijej ej " jabõt eo em̦m̦an, ' im ej ãinwõt Jemãn. Ta jerbal eo ebed iman bwen ro rar jeblak ilo 537 B.C.E., im ewi wãwen an kar juõn wãwen eo einlok wõt bed ilo 1919? My daughter Andrea and her husband serve as special pioneers, and she accompanies her husband when he visits congregations as a substitute circuit overseer. Leddik eo juon nejũ etan Andrea ej jerbal in special pioneer ippãn l̦eo ippãn, im jet iien erro ej bõk jerbal in lol̦o̦k congregation ko im jipañ er. Ilo kien eo an Anij, Abram ej ilok jen jikin kwelok eo an Ri Chaldea ro ilo Ur im erom juõn imõn kabbed ilo juõn ene Jehovah ej kallimur ñan lelok ñan e im ro nejin. Ñe juon ej riit, ear maroñ kõpel̦l̦o̦k juon bok im ãlõklõk peij ñan kappok eoon. Inaj kajeoñ kõmman men eo ej kabuñburuen ilo men in. ' Until Satan's world comes to an end, we will continue to experience trials. Eban bõjrak ad iiooni wãween ko reppen m̦ae iien enaaj jem̦l̦o̦k jukjukun pãd in an Setan. Wõn eo ej tel congregation eo, im ta eo ej kitibuji? Recall what Jehovah assured the people through Moses: "The land to which you are crossing to take possession of it is a land of mountains and valley plains. Of the rain of the heavens it drinks water; a land that Jehovah your God is caring for. " - Deuteronomy 11: 8 - 12. Kwon kememej wõt kin ta eo Jehovah ear kallimuri armij ro kake ikijen Moses: "Eneo kwoj elãlok in bõke, ene in tol ko im komlõl ko, im ej jorme dren in wut jen lõñ, juõn ene Jeova am Anij ej lale. " - Duteronomi 11: 8 - 12. Ear ba: "Ejjel̦o̦k juon ejel̦ã. " What evidence of good organization existed in Israel when God instructed his people to enter the Promised Land? Ke Anij ear jiroñ Ri Israel ro bwe ren del̦o̦ñe Ãneen Kallim̦ur eo, ta karõk ko ear kõm̦m̦ani ñan er? Etke nan in kakabilek eo ilo 2 Timote 2: 24 ear ekkar ñan juõn elder ilo Ephesus eo etto, im ewi wãwen an maroñ wõr tokjen ñan aolep Ri Christian ro? Through the ransom, God gives all who exercise faith the opportunity to reach perfection and live forever. Ikijjeen katok in mour eo an Jijej, Anij ej kõpel̦l̦o̦k juon ial̦ ñan an ro rej kwal̦o̦k aer tõmak ilo Jijej, maroñ weeppãn im mour ñan indeeo. Ewi wãwen juõn armij emeletlet enaj kwalok mwilin make? For example, do you want to serve as a regular pioneer? 27: 9) Ñan wanjoñok, kwoj kõnan ke jerbal einwõt juõn regular pioneer? Jet ian armij ro ekkã air jela kin men in, kinke Jon 7: 42 ej eliji nan kein ke ej ba: "Bwe Kraist e jab itok jen ro inen Devid, im jen Betleem ijo Devid e ar ber ie? " This warning draws attention to another good reason for paying attention to the Scriptural counsel of the elders. (Kolosse 2: 8) Naan in kakkõl in ej kwal̦o̦k kõn bar un eo juon unin jej aikuj pokake em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. Ke Jeid im Jatid Russell ear em̦m̦akũt jãn New York, ear etal jãn New York im etal ñan New York ilo tũreep eo an kein kemen ke ear lol̦o̦k eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. Kõn men in, ear kõm̦m̦ane men in bwe en maroñ wõr katak ko ilo Naan in Keeañ ko. For more information, see chapter 19 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ñan bõk mel̦el̦e ko jet, jouj im lale Katak 19 ilo bok in. Bok in ej kõm̦m̦an in Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. Ta Eo Baibel Ej Lukkun Katakin? (b) Ta eo kwoj beek ilo buruõm ñan am kõmmane, im etke? Since priests are seen going to and fro in the courtyards of Ezekiel's temple, that vision must be undergoing fulfillment today, while some of the anointed are still on the earth. (Dri Hibru 9: 24) Ke rej lo an priest ro ilok ñan melan ko ilo temple in ilo Ezekiel, vision in ej walok an jejjet kitien rainin, ke jet ian ri kabit ro rej bed wõt ion lal. Jet ajiri, ke rej rittolok, rej anemkwoj in bõk jibañ jen ir im rej kõtlok air make beek kien ko air make. They do not expect special treatment; nor do they claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation. (Jon 10: 16) Rejjab kõtmene bwe en emõnlok an armij kõmõn ñõn ir jen ro jet. Im rejjab ba bwe kin air mõña bred im irak wain reutiejlok jen elder ro kar jitõñ ir ilo congregation eo. Tarinae ko, kowadoñ, kowadoñ, ijjibed ko relej, jab mol, im mour etton rej jededlok rainin rej kamol bwe Satan, jab kareelel eo an Anij. " Hate what is bad, " exhorts Amos, "and love what is good, and give justice a place in the gate. " " Drike men ko renana, " Amos ej akwelap, "im yokwe men ko remmõn; komin kwalok ekajet jimwe ilo jikin ekajet ko. " Ia eo Jemaroñ Lo Mõnõnõ Eo Emol Ie? I felt very lonely. " Iar lukkuun bũrom̦õj kõn aõ make iaõ. " KAJJIOÑ KÕM̦M̦ANE MEN IN: Kõm̦m̦ane juon laajrak in wãween ko me enaaj em̦m̦anl̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an ko an eo pãleem̦. - Pilippai 2: 3. 19, 20. 19, 20. Nihimaia ear peek ilo bũruon bwe enaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo "jerbal eo em̦m̦an. " As this scripture makes clear, timing is often the key. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 25: 11) Eon in ej kalikar bwe ñe ej walok ilo ien ekar kwoj aikwij kõmõne ilo ien in. • Ibben wõn ro Jehovah ear konono ibbeir ilo ien ko mokta jen ien Christian? For example, when you look at a particular religion or denomination, what fruitage does it bear? (Luk 6: 44, UBS) Ñan waanjoñak, ñe kwõj lale juon kabuñ, ta leen ak kõm̦m̦an ko an armej ro ie? Ejelok bere, ear juõn menin kalikar, elañe jab jemlokin, kin bar jeblak eo an Jerusalem. That certainly was the case with Israel. (1 Dri Korint 14: 33) Emol kar wãwen dein ibben Israel. Bõlen ewõr am̦ nañinmej ak wãween ko jet me kwõjjab maroñ kõm̦m̦ani ñan kowõnm̦aanl̦o̦k kabuñ eo em̦ool. The apostle Paul gives us a key to maintaining our joy when he says: "Always rejoice in the Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice! Ri jilek Paul ej letok juõn key ñan debij lañliñ eo ad ke ear ba: "Komin lõñliñ ilo Iroij ien otemjej: im ij bar ba, komin lõñliñ. • Ewi wãwen air kamelele kin lañliñ? • What part does holy spirit play in extending the invitation to "come "? • Ta ijo kwonan jitõb kwojarjar eo ñõn kajededlok nan in kir eo ñõn "itok "? Ilo naaj tõre en̦, "ro nejin Anij " renaaj lukkuun jeraam̦m̦an! - Rom. That passage tells of a young man who walked in an area where an immoral woman was known to live. Bõlen kõn̦aan eo am̦ ñan m̦are elukkuun kajoor. Ak el̦aññe ebõd kããlõt eo am̦, enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k am̦ bũrom̦õj jãn ke kwaar bũrom̦õj ke kwaar make iaam̦. Ejañin rumij. teaches us. ej katakin kõj wãween eo jemaroñ erom ro jeran Anij. Nan kein jet ñan Ri Hebrew ro rej jerbal ibben kajur eo einlok wõt ñan kij: "Komin kejbãrok kom, ro jãtiõ, bwe en jab ilo jabrewõt iami buru enana im jab tõmak, ilo ami illok jen Anij emour. " • Why are we here? • Ta unin jej mour? Bar juõn emaan ilo ejja ailiñ eo wõt ear jiroñ juõn ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah bwe ear kõnan magazine in Imõniaroñroñ eo. How can we remain steadfast in our loyalty to our marriage mate and to Jehovah? Ewi wãween jemaroñ dãpij wõt ad tiljek ñan eo pãleed im ñan Jeova? El̦ap aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ kiiõ im katak ñan yokwe Jeova Anij. Happy Retirees Draw Attention Armij Ro Rej Kile An Ro Emwij Air Retire Mõnõnõ Bwe tõmak eo ad en kanuij aorõk, jej aikwij kamole, ak melejoñe. He said: "If ever that evil slave should say in his heart, " My master is delaying, ' and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be. " Ear ba: "A elañe dri korijeran eo enana e naj ba ilo buruen, Aõ iroij ej kõtar an itok; im e naj jino an dreñlokwe ro dri korijer iben, im naj mõña im irak iben ro dri karek: Iroij an dri korijeran eo e naj itok ilo ran eo ñe e jab kõtõmene, im ilo auõ eo e jaje kake, im e naj bukwe, im naj likit jikin iben ro dri jela mon: ijo e naj jõñ im ñi lõllõl. " Ta ekajet eo Jehovah ear kõmmane nae David? He had a prehuman existence as the only - begotten Son of God. (Jon 6: 38) Mokta jen ien eo ear bed ion lal, ear bed einwõt Nejin Anij eo ear keotak e. Beran eo an Jesus ear bedbed ion, jab ion tõmak. When the festival was instituted, Moses instructed the people: "In case your son should inquire of you later on, saying, " What does this mean? ' Ke ear jino iien in, Moses ear jiroñ armej ro: "Ñe nejõm̦ m̦aan ej kajjitõk ippam̦ ilo iien ko rej itok im ba, " Ta mel̦el̦ein men in? ' Ilo jukjukun pãd in an Setan, ekkã an kõm̦m̦an bwe en m̦õkaj an jet iaan armej ro an Anij kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an. [ Picture on page 9] [ Pija eo ilo peij 17] [ Kamelele ko itulal] (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 12.) (Read 2 Dri Korint 8: 12.) Anij ear kõm̦akũt em̦m̦aan ro retiljek bwe ren je bok kein ium̦win elõñl̦o̦k jãn iiõ ko m̦okta jãn iiõ eo 1513 m̦okta jãn Kũraij. How can adults look for the good in younger ones in the congregation? Ewi wãwen ritto ro remaroñ bukõt men ko remõn ilo jodikdik ro ilo congregation eo? Im wõn ro ear lomoren ir? Sleep is an unconscious state and suitably conveys the idea of rest from pain and suffering. Kõnke ñe juon ej kiki ejajel̦o̦kjen̦ im ejjel̦o̦k men en̦ ej eñjake. Ej kakkije wõt im ejjab eñtaan. Jen am lamõj ñan mijak armij, kwomaroñ kãlet ñan uak ñan nan in rejañ eo an Anij: "Nejiõ, kwon meletlet, im kamõnõnõik buruõ, bwe in uak ñõn eo ej kinak iõ. " Why do we take refuge in Jehovah? Etke jej ko ilo jikin kone eo an Jehovah? Emol, ilo juõn wãwen, kien ko an armij rej jerbal einwõt "dri korijeran Anij, " im lelok ñan jukjuk im bed eo an armij, eo ejelok jorrãn enaj iroij ie. What is a second way that we hear the " word behind us '? Ta wãwen eo juõn kein karuo jej roñ " nan eo ilikid '? Ak, ekkar ñan ri kabel ro ilo lemnak, Ri America ro rejjab mõnõnõ. 7: 4, 9; 8: 18; 9: 5, 10. 7: 4, 9; 8: 18; 9: 5, 10. Bible eo ejjab katakin bwe kajjojo armij ewõr juõn enjel ej kejbãrok ir. (Compare Matthew 23: 9.) (Keiri Matthew 23: 9.) Kiõ Jehovah ear lelok ñan ailiñ eo ien eo emõn ñan kõmman "juõn ailiñ in pris. " Jesus foretold that our day would parallel the days of Noah. Jesus ear kanan bwe ran kein ad renaj einlok wõt ran ko an Noah. Rar tile eõ kõn peba ko me rej kõm̦m̦an bwe in l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokja. " When King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of the Neo - Babylonian Empire, had a troubling dream that he could not recall, he asked for help. Ke Kiiñ Nebuchadnezzar, iroij eo an Jukjuk im Bed eo an ri Babylon, ear wor juõn an ettõnak ear kabõnõnõiki ak ear jab maroñ kememej, ear kajitõk jibañ. Kwomaroñ ke jibañ congregation eo ñan " debiji " mõjno eo ilo jitõb mae ien rej kajurlok? - Dri Hibru 2: 1. Do You Recall? Kwoj Kememej Ke? Ri Israel ro renaj kar bõk Canaan. Filip relates: "I studied with a young man named Michael. Filip ej ba: "Iar katak ippãn juon likao etan Michael. Ilo okran men in letok kein ej katok in binmour eo an Jesus Christ. - Matu 20: 28; Jon 3: 16; 1 Jon 4: 9, 10. Even in a large household having much livestock, "a tender and good young bull " is not everyday fare. Meñe ilo juõn em eo elõñ armij ie im elõñ menin mour ko ie, "juõn kon in kau e biruru im emõn, " rejjab mõñã ran otemjej. Ewi wãwen jet rar likit air liki ilo Jehovah ikijen jerbal eo air? The apostle Paul outlined this clearly to the Corinthians: "I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. " - 1 Cor. Ri jilek Paul ear kwalok men in ilo juõn wãwen ealikar ñan Ri Korinth ro: "A I kõnan bwe komin jela bwe bõran jabrewõt man Kraist; im bõran kõra man; im bõran Kraist Anij. " - 1 Kor. M̦õn̦õn̦õ in Em̦m̦akũt im Kõm̦m̦an Aenõm̦m̦an, Juun Little wonder that Noah soon took up farming! - Genesis 3: 17, 18; 5: 28, 29; 9: 20. Emaroñ eñin unin Noa ear erom juon ri kallib! - Jenesis 3: 17, 18, UBS; 5: 28, 29, UBS; 9: 20, UBS. [ Kamelele eo itulal] Honest, heartfelt prayers bring a sense of peace. Ñe kwoj jar kin juõn buru emol ej bõk ainemõn eo emol. Ej juõn men in letok jen Anij, eo ear ejaak ikijen congregation eo an Christian. - Aiseia 32: 1, 2. But Jesus also had an extraordinary grasp of teaching methods. Ak Jesus ear bareinwõt wõr an maroñ eo ekõppalpal ñan an kajerbale ilo bolemen ilo kilen katakin. Ilo ad aluij movie ko kin babu ibben don? Since you have rejected the word of Jehovah, he accordingly rejects you from being king. " - 1 Sam. Kin am kar jolok nan in Jeova, E ar bareinwõt jolok yuk jen am ber im kiñ. " - 1 Sam. Ilo boñõn eo kein karuo, iar pãdwõt ilo train eo juon l̦o̦k ñan m̦weo im̦õn im jipañ e bwe en mej. My father calmly looked at the man without saying a word until the man walked away. Ilo inemõn, jema ear reilok wõt ñõn eman eo im jab ba jabrewõt mae ien ear ilok jen kimro. Ewõr ke ro m̦õttam̦ me rej iuun eok ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in? What shows that we are living in the conclusion of the present system of things? Ta eo ej kwalok bwe jej bed ilo jemlokin jukjuk im bed in? Ear aintok ri kalor ro im katakin ir wãwen air kabuñ ñan Anij, yokwe armij, im anjo ion lal. Recently, some parents whose children are now adults or are reaching adulthood and are examples of faith were asked about heart - to - heart communication. Ilo ien ko rej kab motlok, jet ro jemen im jinen me ajiri ro nejiir rej ritto kiõ ak yiõ eo ebake air ritto im rej juõn joñok emõn ilo tõmak ñan ro jet ke rar uak kajitõk eo kin ewi wãwen air konono ibben don jen burueir. Ak Jesus ear jab kõnan bwe ri kalor ro an ren mijak e. Although baptism opens the door to many blessings, it also involves responsibility. Ke kwaar peptaij, Jeova ear jino kõjeraam̦m̦an eok ilo elõñ wãween ko. Jumae Jen Ro Ri Karejaran Christ Thus, some of them said that it does not matter what a man does with his physical body. Kin menin, jet iair rar ba bwe jekdon ta eo juõn armij ej kõmmõne kin enbwinin. Einwõt Ri Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn rar bõk tokjen jen nan ko an Paul, etale ta eo ear jeje kake emaroñ jibañ kij ñan jab meloklok nan eo an Jehovah. Accordingly, while elders today are imperfect, we still ought to recognize them as "[appointed by] the holy spirit [to be] overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God. " Eindein, meñe elder ro ilo ran kein rejjab wãppen, jej aikwij kile bwe "Jitõb Kwojarjar e ar [kãlet ir einwõt] dri kaki ilo e, bwe [ren] najirik eklesia an Iroij, eo E ar wiaik kin bõtõktõk eo An. " Jinõ enaaj kõmel̦el̦e kõn men in. - Joel How can we support theocratic arrangements? Ta ko jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ñan rejetake kabuñ eo em̦ool an Jeova? 37: 11; Aiseia 26: 19; 1 Dri Korint 13: 14. I had found the truth! I ar lo mol eo! Jet rej ukõt lemnak ko air einwõt menin mour ko. Thus, the sinful and unrepentant nation was replaced by spiritual Israel. Innem ear ba: "Kõn men in, ejjel̦o̦k enaaj jokwe m̦weo im̦õm. " 8: 34, 35. Selfish desires are like land mines hidden under the road we walk on. Kõnan ko rekibbon rej einlok wõt bomb ko rej noji ilo ial ko jej etetal ie. El̦ap aõ kar m̦õn̦õn̦õ bwe iar maroñ kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aõ ilo jerbalin ekkal ko ilo Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ko. Sometimes we replayed a section or paused the video to allow for discussion. " Jet ien ilo ien kimar aluiji video eo, kimar bar eliji video eo im kabõjrake bwe kimin bwebwenato kake. " Ilo ien eo, rar naetan mweo imõn Bible eo. Learn From God's Word Katak Jãn Naan In Anij Ñan wanjoñok, konono kanan eo kin kaje eo ñan bar kalek Jericho inem lemnak kin jejjet in kitien eo. 19: 9, 10, 15, 34. 19: 9, 10, 15, 34. Ri Kõmanman eo ad ear kajitõk ibben ri patriarch eo etto Job: "Wõn e ar keutak mõlawi? " With the help of the governing body, the elders " preached the word ' and members of the congregations in general " spoke in agreement. ' Kin jibañ eo an governing body eo, elder ro rar " kwalok nan ' im ro uan congregation ko rar " konono einwõt juõn. ' 20, 21. 15, 16. 15, 16. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] 1: 22. 1: 22. Ri Israel ro rar ellotane Moses im Aaron - aet, meñe nae Anij - rar aol kin manna eo ilo kabwilõñlõñ. [ Box / Pictures on page 5] [ Box / Pija ilo peij 5] Ekamõnõnõ, bwe elõñ Christian ro ejelok ibbeir juõn " buru eo einwõt in. ' Deliverance is nearing for those who pay attention to the warning signals and who take appropriate action. Lomor ej ebaktok wõt ñõn ro rej ekkil wõt ñõn kakõlle ko im ro rej jerbal ilo jimwe. " Jar eo elap " rej kile ir What a contrast that would have been to Jael's courageous action described in the very next verses! - Judg. Ealikkar an kar lukkuun oktak l̦õmn̦ak eo an armej in Meroz jãn Jeel, kõrã eo ear kwal̦o̦k an peran! - Eka. Ri jeje sam ear lap an yokwe nan in kakememej ko an Jehovah But how can we do that? Ewi wãween ad kõm̦m̦ane men in? Ilo an ejelok jibañ eo an I naj kar bed wõt ilo kamakoko. How does the congregation benefit? Ewi wãween an eklejia eo bõk tokjãn jãn men in? M̦am̦a, eo me kar kõm̦m̦ane ilo 2006 eo, ear kõm̦m̦ane bok in ilo • Who have helped increase the Lord's belongings in recent decades, and how? • Wõn ro rar jibañ in korlok men ko an Iroij eo iumin yiõ kein, im ewi wãwen? Ta aorõkin Ezekiel 9: 5, 6 ñan armij ro rainin? Although many years passed during which he received no apparent recognition, Moses allowed Jehovah to shape him. Meñe elõñ yiõ ko rar motlok im ejelok nan in nebar im kamolol ñan e, Moses ear kõtlok bwe Jehovah en katakin e. Ãlikin an kar kõm̦anm̦an lañ ko im lal̦, Jeova ear kõm̦m̦an bwe baam̦le eo an en l̦apl̦o̦k wõt ipel̦aakin lal̦ in. Im ej juõn nan elukkun erro. Jaab, ear eowore Anij ran otemjej bwe en jilkintok jitõb eo an. Jesus indicated that humans have an innate spiritual need. Jijej ear kwal̦o̦k bwe ewõr ippãn armej ro kõn̦aan eo ñan jel̦ã kõn Anij. Nejin Anij, Jesus Christ, ilo kijejeto ear keañ kin news eo emõn im kautiej Jemen ilañ. Do philosophies that say that there is no God affect people? (Sam 115: 3 - 8) Naan ko ilo Baibõl̦ rej kwal̦o̦k kallim̦ur eo an Anij kõn juon ilju im jekl̦aj em̦m̦an im rej jipañ kõj bwe jen atartar ioon Jeova, Anij eo ad ekajoor bõtata. Juon men jej aikuj kate kõj ñan kwal̦o̦k yokwe ilo aolep wãween ko jej iiooni. When I was a child, my father sent my sister and me to a fetish convent, where we were initiated into that traditional belief. Ke iar dik wõt, jema ear jilkinl̦o̦k ña im leddik eo jeiõ bwe kõmro en jokwe im katak ilo juon jikuul̦ in kabuñ ñan ekjab. Ñan wanjoñok, ke president eo an United States ear kakien bwe May 30, 1918, renaj kar kajenolok ir einwõt juõn ran in jar ñan ainemõn, The Watch Tower Bible ear rejañ Ri Katak Bible ro bwe ren kobalok ilo kwojkwoj eo. As mediator of the Law covenant, Moses foreshadowed Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant. Einwõt ri kilajrak in bujen Kien eo, Moses ear annañelok Jesus, Ri Kilajrak eo an bujen eo ekãl. Ñan wanjoñok: Lemnak kin juõn kõrã ri belele eo ej kaikujkuj. The Egyptians put them to work as slaves in mining, building temples, and cutting canals. RiIjipt ro rar kaeñtaan armej rein im kõm̦m̦an bwe ren kõb im kappok men ko raorõk. Ñan waanjoñak, meñe ear m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k, ak Jekõb ear kwal̦o̦k an tõmak ilo kallim̦ur ko an Anij. What needs to be done so that false teachings do not threaten the spirituality of the congregation? Ta eo rej aikwij kõmmane bwe mour in jitõb eo an congregation eo en jab jorrãn? Ke kwaar jino katak Baibõl̦ ippãn juon iaan Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, bõlen kwaar bõk ejja l̦õmn̦ak in wõt. In the context of 1 Corinthians 10: 13, Paul refers to the tests that Israel faced in the wilderness. (1 Pi. 5: 8, 9) Ilo eoon ko m̦okta jãn 1 Korint 10: 13, Paul ear kwal̦o̦k kõn menin kapo im mãlejjoñ ko RiIsrael ro rar iiooni ilo kar ãne jem̦aden. Ta L̦õmn̦ak eo Piter Ear Kõm̦m̦ane? EPRÕL̦ 1 - 7, 2013 Einwõt ilo ien ko etto, bed eo an Christ enaj kar juõn ien eo armij ro renaj kar mad kake ilo makitkit ko an mour jen ran ñan ran im lale juõn nan in kakkõl. 4: 29 - 32. 4: 29 - 32. Kejbãrok Bwij Eo The disciple James explains that wrong desire, "when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " (1 Timote 6: 9, 10) Ri karejaran James ej kamelele bwe "ñe mõm eo e ar etta, ej keutak jerawiwi. " Eaorõk bwe Ri Christian ro ren atartar ion kajur eo an Anij, jab air make. How can we examine ourselves and avoid being ensnared by such a life - style? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ melejoñe kij make im jab lorak ilo kain mour rot in? Bõtab, meñe rej bed wõt ilo congregation eo, jet remaroñ karmijeteik tel eo an Jehovah ilo wãwen ko jet. Why? 31: 1 - 8) Etke? Im E naj likit s̃ip ko i anbijmaroñõn, a goat ko i anbijmaroñõn.... Most important, applying Bible principles gives us the discernment needed to be selective in choosing friends and to avoid " bad associations that spoil useful habits. ' - 1 Cor. Men eo eaurõk ej bwe ar jerbale kien ko ilo Baibel ej jibõñ kij ñõn kile ta eo ej aikwij or iben armij eo jej kalet bwe en jerar im bõprae " kõmao ko renana me rej kakõt mõnit ko remõn. ' - 1 Kor. Kwal̦o̦k juon waanjoñak. The children in the pictures are playing the roles of a Bible teacher and a student. Ajiri ro ilo pija kein rej ikkure im einwõt ñe rej juõn ri katakin Bible im juõn ri katak. Kwõj Ke Kile Aikwij eo ñan Katakin Ro Jet? (See page 25.) (Lale page 4.) Ta leen ko rej walok jen utiej buru? In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus ' powerful illustration about a man who had a flock of 100 sheep. Ilo Luk jebta 15, Jijej ear kwal̦o̦k juon waanjoñak kõn juon em̦m̦aan eo ear wõr 100 nejin jiip. Nañinmej ko rel̦l̦ap: Jeova enaaj kajeraam̦m̦an armej ro an kõn ãjmour eo aer eweeppãn. God's ancient servants, including Jesus and his disciples, willingly shared in such happy events, including associated feasting. Ri karejar ro an Anij ilo ien ko etto, ekoba Jesus im ri kalor ro an, rar mõnõnõ in bõk kunair ilo ien kein rekamõnõnõ, ekoba mõñã ibben don. Ear lemnak ilo alikar kin kejatdikdik eo an ñan mour ilo lal eo ekãl iumin iroij eo an Messiah eo. Is that really possible, and what benefits come from our efforts to make peace? (Rom 12: 18) Ak jemaroñ ke lukkuun aenõm̦m̦an ippãn aolep armej, im ta tokjãn ko renaaj wal̦o̦k jãn ad kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦an aenõm̦m̦an? Kin men in, ro jemen im jinen me rej lo tõbrak ilo air kakajiririk ajiri ro nejiir bwe ren erom Ri Christian ro emwij air wujleplok rej tellokin bõk nebar eo emãnãn jen aolep ro ilo congregation eo. Solomon of old observed: "There is a frustrating of plans where there is no confidential talk. " Solomon ilo ien eo etto ear lo im ba: "Ijo ejelok bebe, emwij kajitokjen lemnok ko mokta; a ijo elõñ dri bebe, emwij kabin lemnok ko. " Ewi wãwen an kar Amos emmakit kin jumae eo jen Amaziah? Hezekaia ear bar "kapenl̦o̦k likõpejñak ko an jikin kweilo̦k eo im kõkããl wõrwõr eo, im ekkal im̦õn waj ko reutiej n̦a ioon, im bar kalõk juon wõrwõr ilik. " Jen beek ilo buruõd bwe jen "jibarbar ñõn men in wãppen. " Can You Explain? Kwo Maroñ Ke Kamelele? (b) Ewi wãwen an Bible eo kamol ñan kij bwe ewõr juõn kõtan ebak ibben Anij? If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Elañe kwoj mõnõnõ in bõk melele ko jet ak kõnan bwe juõn en iwõj in katak Bible ilo mweo imõm ilo ejelok wõnãn, joij im jeje lok ñan Watchtower, 143 Jehovah Street, Barrigada, Guam 96913, ak jabdewõt jikin ilo lajrak eo ilo peij 2. Kwalok ñõn iõ ijo ej ba bwe kwojjab aikwij kabuñ ñõn Meri. Especially do the sheep need such care today, for the Devil has intensified his efforts to break the integrity of those dedicated to God. Ranin elap an armij ro rej einwõt s̃ip aikwij bõk kejbãrok, kinke Devil eo ear kalaplok jibarbar ko an ñõn rupe tiljek eo an ro emwij air wujleplok air mour ñõn Anij. Jen air yokwe armij ro rettã, ri tel rein rar dike ir. As time went by, Jehovah shed increasing light on that prophecy, thus demonstrating the certainty of its eventual fulfillment. Tokelik, Jehovah ear letok melele ko jet kin kanan in, im ilo wãwen in kalikar bwe enaj jejjet kitien. (b) Ta men ko rej kamakit Jehovah ñan jolok bwid? Hospitality involved a lot of work back then. Abraham did not leave all the work to his wife; he rushed about to slaughter a young bull and prepare more food and drink. Kõn men in, Ebream ear jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe liin pãleen en make kõm̦m̦ani aolep jerbal ko; ear m̦õkaj im m̦an juon koon in kau im bar kõpooj elõñ m̦õñã im dãn. Elañe kwoj buromõj, kwe bareinwõt kwomaroñ bõk kainemõn jen eon kein: With a desire to please God, surely we will not succumb to the temptation to show favoritism or to " admire personalities for the sake of our own benefit. ' - Jude 4, 16. (Job 34: 19, NW) Ñõn kabuñburuen Anij, jejamin kabwiloklok mejen armij ak " kalijiklok armij rõn kin wõnan. ' - Jude 4, 16. Book eo Oxxx Dictionary of the Christian Church) ej ba kin jeje in etto in: "Ejjab bwe " book in Jerbal ' ewõr jet wãwen ko kin mol eo ilo bwebwenato. " " Jerry, though, is an only child, and his parents were in need of care. Bõtab, Jerry ej mõke wõt nejiir, im jemen im jinen rar aikwij bwe juõn en kouk ir. Rar itok im bõk lemnak eo ñan jerbal ibben ro jeiir im jatiir ilo bukwon eo, im jibañ ir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. " (b) How can a moral collapse be avoided? (2) Ta eo emaroñ jipañ kõj bwe jen jab jerawiwi n̦ae Jeova? Menin ej tellok ñan juõn point eo kein kajiljino jemaroñ bõk jen Malachi chapter 1. 11: 28 - 40. 11: 28 - 40. Eñin mij eo kein karuo, lomalo in kijeek. " Yokwe eo aer ñan Jeova im an l̦ap aer tõmak ilo kallim̦ur eo an ear jipañ er ñan kijenmej im tiljek wõt. Ta eo jej aikwij kememej ikijen ri kabit ro ilo jitõb? Next, do some research, looking up "Social Gatherings, " and" Entertainment " in the Watch Tower Publications Index. Jeltokin, kõmman jet etale ko, lale "Kuktok Ibben Don ko, " im" Menin Kamõnõnõ ko " ilo Watch Tower Publications Index ko. Men kein otemjej remol ñõn yuk. The great crowd would come out of all tribes and tongues Jar eo elap enaj kar diojtok jen bwij im konono otemjej Juõn ien, ear konono ñan juõn jar elap, kwalok Katak eo ebuñbuñ ion Tol eo, im "jar ko rej bwilõñ kin An katak. " Imagine yourself on that mountain with Moses. Baj lemnak mõk elañe kwar bed ibben Moses ilo tol eo. Enañin aolep nan kein jej loi ilo nan ko an Jesus, im rej aikwij jutak kin juõn mõttan in men otemjej ear ba kin Ailiñ eo an Anij! - Jon 21: 25. He knew that it would bring about the peaceful paradisaic conditions that he offered to the evildoer who died at his side. (Revelation 14: 1, 3) Ear jela bwe Ailiñ eo enaj kar bõktok wãwen ko reainemõn ilo paradise eo ear kwalok kake ñõn ri nana eo ear mij iturin. David ear je: "Kwon kõtar Jeova im kejbãrok ial eo An, im E naj koutiej yuk bwe kwon jolit ene eo. Jesus was a perfect model of zeal and devotion for all his followers. Jisõs ear joñok eo emõntata kin kijejeto im tiljek ñõn aolep dri kalor ro an. Im ekijkan air naj kwalok elañe jab jilkinlok ir? " He added: "These texts offer patterns that can be transformed into one's own life, become action, become practical experience. " Ear bareinwõt ba: "Jeje kein rej letok joñok ko remõn im elañe ajiri ro rej kajerbali ilo mour ko air, remaroñ bõk tokjen ko rekeie. " Ear kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) (Riit Jenesis 3: 1 - 5.) limaro nejõm rej lũñ, im limaro nejõm rej lũñ.... Jehovah's word always comes true. Nan eo an Jehovah ien otemjej ej jejjet im mol. Bwe ej aikwij iroij mae ien Anij ear likit ri kijirãt ro otemjej iumin neen. The Bible's admonition to inculcate God's words in your offspring encourages you to speak to them " when sitting in your house, walking on the road ' - indeed, at every opportunity. Bible eo ej rejañ ñan ejaake nan ko an Anij ilo ro ineõm im kõketak yuk ñan am konono ñan ir " ñe kwoj jijet ilo mweo imõm, etetal ilo ial ' - emol, ilo jabdewõt ien emõn tok. Emol jaab! His point was: When we read directly from God's Word in the ministry, we are letting Jehovah speak to the householder. 2: 13, UBS) Ñe kwõj kwal̦o̦k naan, kwõj ke kate eok ñan kõjerbale Baibõl̦ eo aolep iien joñan wõt am̦ maroñ? Elaptata, mour in belele eo air enaj kautiej Anij eo ad ej tellokin wõt Jehovah. What work lay ahead for the restored remnant in 537 B.C.E., and how did a parallel situation exist in 1919? Ta jerbal eo ebed iman ñan bwen ro kar kajeblaktok ir ilo 537 B.C.E. eo, im ta juõn wãwen eo einlok wõt ear walok ilo 1919 eo? Elõñ ian jerbal ko relap an Jehovah rar kobalok ibben "bebe in eto " eo an ñan kajerammõn armij ro rekiblie ikijen Messiah eo im Ailiñ eo an. At God's command, Abram leaves the Chaldean city of Ur and becomes a tent dweller in a land that Jehovah promises to give to him and his descendants. Ke Anij ear kakien e, Abram ej ilok jen jikin kwelok in Ur ilo Chaldea im erom juõn eo ear jokwe ilo em nuknuk ilo juõn ene me Jehovah ear kallimur bwe enaj lelok ñan e im ro nejin. Einwõt sheep ko, ilo juõn wãwen, rej melejoñe ainikien ri lale sheep eo, im keidi ibben ainikien shepherd eo. I will try to do what pleases him in this matter. ' Inaj kajeoñ in kõmõne men eo ej buñburuen kake. ' * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Who preside over the congregation, and what does doing so involve? Wõn ro rej tõl jerbal ko ilo congregation eo, im men in ej kitibuj aer ta? King Saul ear jab tiljek ñan Jehovah im ear jab tellokin iroij ion armij ro An. " No one really knows, " he replied. Jej baj kõttar wõt im lale ta ewal̦o̦k. " Mweo eobrak ke kin buromõj kin ro nukiir? Why was the counsel found at 2 Timothy 2: 24 appropriate for an elder in ancient Ephesus, and how can it benefit all Christians? Etke nan in kakabilek eo ilo 2 Timote 2: 24 ekkar ñan juõn elder ilo Ephesus eo etto, im ewi wãwen aolep Ri Christian ro remaroñ bõk tokjen jen e? Jemaroñ liki bwe jeebeplok eo an kabuñ wan im tarinae in Armageddon ejjabto enaj itok. How will a truly wise person conduct himself? Juõn armij emeletlet enaj emmakit ilo wãwen et? Kin men in, ear wõr juõn lwe in money iumin jidik wõt ien. Ewi wãween an maroñ eo ad ñan l̦õmn̦ak maroñ jipañ kõj? Joñak eo an Devid emaroñ kaperan Kũrjin ro rainin me remaroñ kõm̦m̦ani bõd ko rel̦l̦ap. Some of the common people knew this too, for John 7: 42 quotes them as saying: "Has not the Scripture said that the Christ is coming from the offspring of David, and from Bethlehem the village where David used to be? " (Matu 2: 3 - 6) Jet ian armij ro rettã rar jelã kake men in, kinke John 7: 42 ear ba kin ir: "Jeje ko r'ar jab ba, bwe dri Kraist ej itok jen inen Devid, im jikin kwelok Betleem, ijo e ar ber ie ke? " Aolep iien iar l̦õmn̦ak kõn bwebwenato kein ke iar jino bõk kamminene kõn jerbal ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ilju im jekl̦aj. Leaving New York in May 1909 on the Mauretania for his fourth visit, Brother Russell took along a stenographer, Brother Huntsinger, so that the time traveling across the ocean could be used to dictate Watch Tower articles. Ilo tũreep eo an kein kãmen, Jeid im Jatid Russell ear em̦m̦akũt jãn New York ilo allõñin Mãe 1909 ilo tim̦a eo etan Mauretania. Im ear ãñin Jeid im Jatid Huntstinger, juon eo ejel̦ã kilen jeje ilo m̦õkaj im ej kakaduuki men ko ej jeiki (stenographer). Ear jab maroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe Anij enaaj "ko̦kkure ro rem̦m̦an ippãn ro renana. " (b) What are you determined to do, and why? (b) Ta eo kwoj beek ñan kõmmane, im etke? Jej mour ñe "men ko remõn re naj itok " rej bõk jikin" men ko. " Some children, as they grow older, are given free rein and are allowed to set their own standards. Jet ajiri ro, ñe rej rittolok, rej kõtlok air anemkwoj im remaroñ beek kin kõmman ko air. Ñan wanjoñok, Sam 43 ej jitõñlok ñan ri kabuñ ro retiljek an Jehovah ilo Israel eo etto einwõt "ro dron. " PEIJ 22 • AL: 55, 29 Katak kein rej kwal̦o̦k ta eddo ko an baam̦le ko rej Kũrjin ñan lale rũtto ro jineer im jemãer ak nukwier me rerũtto im m̦õjn̦o̦. Jikin ekajet ko ilo jikin ekajet ko rar bed ibelakin Judea. The wars, crime, cruelty, oppression, dishonesty, and immorality that are so rampant today give evidence of Satan's, not God's, influence. Tarinae ko, kowadoñ, lej, ijjibed ko, jab mol, im mour in lũñ me elap air jededlok rainin rej kein kamol kin kilan Satan, jab an Anij. Ak, ej yokwe yuk im kea kin mour eo am. Where Can True Happiness Be Found? Ia Eo Jemaroñ Lo Mõnõnõ Eo Emol Ie? King Solomon ear jar kin juõn buru in bokake, im Jehovah ear kajerammõn e kin meletlet TRY THIS: Make a list of ways that your mate's viewpoint or way of handling things is superior to yours. - Philippians 2: 3. KAJJIOÑ MEN IN: Jouj im je ilo juon peba kõn jet iaan l̦õmn̦ak im pepe ko an eo pãleem̦ me rem̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn l̦õmn̦ak im pepe ko am̦. - Pilippai 2: 3. Ñõn joñõn kajur an Eo Ekajur potata, wõn ña in kõmõne men in? " - Aiseia 40: 8. Nehemiah was determined to push forward with "the good work. " (Nihimaia 2: 17 - 20) Nihimaia kar beek ñan wõnmanlok wõt ibben "jerbal eo emon. " Remaroñ bareinwõt jibañ kij ñan bõk juõn lemnak ejimwe kin e. • With whom did Jehovah communicate in pre - Christian times? • Jehovah ear konono ibben wõn ro ilo ien ko lok iman in ien Christian? Ejim̦we wãween am̦ l̦õmn̦ak. Undoubtedly, it was a highlight, if not the climax, of Jerusalem's restoration. Ejelok bere, ear juõn men elap, elañe jab men eo elaptata, kin kõkãl eo an Jerusalem. Uak eo an ear wawa ion im ilo jejjet. Perhaps poor health or other circumstances limit what you can do to promote true worship. Bõlen nañinmij ak men ko jet remaroñ kadiklok am ien ñan kowonmanlok kabuñ eo emol. Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe "l̦õmn̦ak ko an armej " ewõr mel̦el̦ein men ko rej wal̦o̦k m̦okta jãn aer wal̦o̦k ak rej aikuj l̦õmn̦ak m̦okta jãn aer wal̦o̦k. • How is joy described? • Rej kamelele kin lañliñ einwõt ta? Ak ta kin nañinmij eo ilo lemnak? Eokwe, jenaaj ãinwõt juon em̦m̦aan ilo kõkkar me ear kate jerbal ilo mour eo an bwe en lukkuun lõñ an jããn, bõtab tokãlik ear kile bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokjãn kõnke jããn ko an rar riabin jããn. Emol, kajur eo an Jehovah ear bed ijo - jab ñan Christ wõt ñan kõmman juõn men in bwilõñ rot in ak bareinwõt ñan an Jesus kwalok kin ewi joñan an yokwe armij ro. - Luk 5: 17. What "glorious freedom " will then be enjoyed on earth by" the children of God "! - Rom. Inem "ro nejin Anij " enaj lap air lõñliñ kin" anemkwojan in aibujuij " ion lõl! - Rom. Kwoj mour ilo juõn tõre ejej uan ilo bwebwenato in armij. He is never late. 5: 1) Jeova ej letok joñok eo emõntata kinke ejjab rumij. Ñe rej kamol air tiljek ñan mij, renaj iroij ibben Jesus Christ ilañ ñan tokjen eo an armij ro rej ukwelok. These further words to the Hebrews apply with equal force to us: "Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God. " Kajur in nan kein tok jet ñan ri Hebrew ro rej jerbal ñan kij bareinwõt: "Komin kejbãrok kom, ro jãtiõ, im en jab ilo jabrewõt iami buru enana im jab tõmak, im eo ej illok jen Anij emour. " Jej eñtan wõt kin tokjen bebe eo enana an Adam. Another man in the same country told one of Jehovah's Witnesses that he liked the Watchtower magazine. Bar juõn emaan ilo ejja eneo wõt ear jiroñ juõn ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah bwe Watchtower magazine eo ear emõn ibben. Kar wõn Inen kallimur in? I enjoy life now and have learned to love Jehovah God. Ij mõnõnõ in mour kiõ im iar katak ñõn yokwe Jeova Anij. KWÕJ ke kõn̦aan bwe kwõn juon eo em̦m̦anl̦o̦k im em̦m̦anl̦o̦k? For our faith to have excelling value, it must be of proved, or tested, quality. Bwe tõmak eo ar en kanuij or tokjen, ej aikwij mwij melejoñwe. Ewõr bar juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan me kar kajjitõk bwe en em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan Mexico. What judgment did Jehovah render against David? Ta nan in ekajet eo Jehovah ear ba nae David? Juõn jonikõn ejjab maroñ kõttar; ej aikwij walok mokta jen ien eo. - Matu 9: 37. Jesus ' courage was based, not on bravado, but on faith. Beran eo an Jisõs ear berber ion tõmak eo an. " Ko Jen Mour in Jodikdik " The commercial system of this world often promotes get - rich - quick schemes that may even beguile some of God's people. Ekkã an dolul in business ko ilo lal in rejañ armij ro bwe ren ejaak kain business ko me rej kallimur in korlok money ko air ilo mõkaj meñe emaroñ kitibuj air riap ak kwot ilo ittino. Elañe jej kõmman eindein, jejamin lo wõt kij make ilo buñten nee eo ibben dolul eo an Jehovah wõt ak jejamin mõk in kõmman men eo emõn! [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele ko itulal] • Etke eaorõk bwe jen bukõt wãnik? God inspired faithful men to write these books over a long period of time - about 1,100 years from 1513 B.C.E. to sometime after 443 B.C.E. Joñan aetokan iien in kar enañin 1,100 iiõ, jãn kar iiõ eo 1513 m̦okta jãn Christ ñan ãlikin iiõ eo 443 m̦okta jãn Christ. Bareinwõt elõñ jorrãn ko rej walok jen lanwõtwõt ko im nañinmij ko, einwõt nañinmij ko. And whom has he saved? Im wõn ro ear lomoriir? Einwõt ri karejar ro an Jehovah, jemaroñ ke nebar kij make kin juõn melele emõn ñan lo mol eo? Rather than caving in to the fear of man, you can choose to respond to God's exhortation: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " What a grand privilege that is! Kememej wõt bwe ejelok juõn armij emaroñ lewoj ñõn yuk men eo Anij emaroñ lelok ñõn ro rej mijõk e. Etke eaorõk bwe jen jel̦ã m̦ool eo? Indeed, in one sense, human governments serve as "God's minister, " giving structure to human society, without which chaos would rule. Jen yiõ ko jinoin, makitkit ko an Israel eo an Anij rar emmakit manlok wõt. Yet, according to mental - health experts, Americans are not any happier. Ak, ekkar ñõn ri kabel ro rej kejmour lemnak ko an armij, Ri America ro ejjab laplok air mõnõnõ. 28: 19, 20. The Bible does not teach that each individual has a guardian angel. Baibõl̦ ejjab katakin bwe kajjojo armej ewõr juon an make enjel̦ im ej rũkõjparok ñane. Ta oktak ko ewõr ibbed ilo wãwen ko an family im wãwen ko ilo jitõb? Jehovah now offered to the nation the opportunity of producing "a kingdom of priests. " Tokãlik Baibõl̦ eo ej kõnono kõn aelõñ in bũrij in ãinwõt "bũrij ro im irooj ro. " Wanjoñok eo kin ri karejar eo etiljek ej mõttan kanan eo an Jesus kin " kakõllan bed eo an im jemlokin jukjuk im bed in. ' They burned me with paper clips that they had heated with cigarette lighters. " Rar tile iõ kin paper clip ko rar tili kin kein ittil jikka. " Kwalok point ko relap ilo katak eo ñan jibañ yuk kememej men eo kwar katak kake. Can you help the congregation "to hold fast " to the spiritually weak until they are stronger? - Hebrews 2: 1. Kwomaroñ ke jibañ congregation eo ñan "debij wõt " ro remõjno mae ien air kajurlok ilo jitõb? - Dri Hibru 2: 1. " Iar lemnak kin Jehovah mokta im kabuñburuen. " The Israelites are about to take possession of Canaan. Joshua ear juon em̦m̦aan " eobrak kõn mãlõtlõt. ' Einwõt rein, meñe rej bed ion lal, rej ba bwe rej " jerkakbiji im jijet ibben don ilo jikin ko ilañ ilo burukuk ibben Christ Jesus. ' At the very root of these provisions is the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. - Matt. 20: 28; John 3: 16; 1 John 4: 9, 10. Katok in binmour eo an Jisõs Kraist ear kõmõn bwe aolep menin letok kein ren walok. - Matu 20: 28; Jon 3: 16; 1 Jon 4: 9, 10. Ilo lal eo ekãl, emaroñ wõr ien ko ñe jenaj aikwij kwalok meanwõd. How have some put their trust in Jehovah in connection with their employment? Ewi wãween jet rar kalikkar aer lõke Jeova ke rar kããlõt jerbal eo aer? Ñe jej kijenmij iumin eñtan, jemaroñ bõk kainemõn jen jelãlokjen et eo? Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace, June Ewi wãween jemaroñ kõjparok kõj jãn ad l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make? [ Footnote] [ Kamelele itulõl] Ej letok ñõn kij meletlet im kajur bwe jen maroñ kijenmij iomin jabrewõt abañ ko jej iioni. - Jem. It is a gift from God, made available through the Christian congregation. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Ej juõn men in letok jen Anij, ikijen congregation eo an Christian. - Aiseia 32: 1, 2. 23: 5, 6. By watching romantic movies? Ilo an aluij movie ko kin mijkaie ke? . . . . . The second night, I stayed on a mat next to her bed and helped to care for her until her death. Ilo ran eo kein karuo, I ar bed iturin mae ien eo ear mij. Ilo wãwen in, "buru " eo ej jitõñlok ñan lemnak eo an juõn armij. Do you have associates who pressure you to overindulge? (Dri Galetia 5: 22, 23) Ewõr ke ro mõttam me rej jibed yuk bwe en le jen joñan am idak? Nan in "Devil " ej itok jen juõn nan in Greek eo melelen" ri ruruwe. " He gathered disciples and taught them how to worship God, love humanity, and conquer the world. Ear tilbuuje ri kalor ro im katakin ir kin ewi wãwen air maroñ kabuñ ñan Anij, yokwe armij, im anjo ion lal. Kwonaj kar kakõmõnmõnlok ke wãwen eo ilo am akwel kin mwilin? But Jesus did not want his followers to be in morbid fear of him. Ak Jesus ear jab kõnan bwe ri kalor ro an en bwok air lemnak kin air mijak e. 2: 3; Luk 9: 48. Opposition From Envious Neighbors Jumae Jen Ri Turiir Rebanban (a) Ta jelãlokjen eo ear kakajurlok kamolol eo an Isaiah kin Jehovah? Just as first - century Christians benefited from Paul's words, reviewing what he wrote can help us not to forget Jehovah's word. Ejja einwõt an kar Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn bõk tokjen jen nan ko an Paul, eliji men eo ear je emaroñ jibañ kij ñan jab meloklok nan eo an Jehovah. Tokelik, jen air kwalok nan kin Nan in Anij - eo elõñ iair rejjab tõmak - rej tel jerbal in kwalok nan eo air, bõk kunair ilo akwel ko an kien, kowõnmanlok juõn news, ak kwalok kin lemnak ko an armij ilo katak ko air. My mother will explain. - Joel Jinõ enaj kemelele. - Joel Ñe ej "itok, " nan ko an Master eo an," kakajur ro jeõm im jatõm, " ren kar ettõr ilo roñ ko an im alikar. 37: 11; Isa. 26: 19; Hos. 13: 14. (Galetia 3: 16, UBS) Bõtab rar reim̦aanl̦o̦k ñan aer mour ioon lal̦ in ñe enaaj oktak ñan juon pedetaij. - Sam 37: 11; Aiseia 26: 19, UBS; Hoseia 13: 14. Lale peij 8. Some interpreted them as allegories. Bwelen ear or jejjo dri meletlet ro rar tõmak bwe inoñ kein rar lukkun mol, ak jet rar watõki einwõt bwebwenato bajjek. Jesus Christ ear kanan bwe elõñ jorrãn ko renaj walok ilo ien jemlokin. 8: 34, 35. 8: 34, 35. Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe ear jab. Shirley and Lisa worked along with me on many Kingdom Hall construction projects. Shirley im Lisa rar jerbal iba ilo elõñ jerbal in ekkal Imõn Kwelok ko. Ewi wãwen ad jelã bwe kejatdikdik eo kin mour indio ion lal ekoba ta eo Jesus ear ba ilo Jon 6: 48 - 51? Back then, it was called the Bible House. Ilo ien eo, kar naetan ra eo Imõn Baibel. Ke juõn circuit overseer ear kajitõk kin ta nan in kakabilek eo enaj kar bõke ñan juõn elder ekãl, juõn circuit overseer ear ba: "Kwon kautiej im kautiej aolep brother ro, im watõk ir einwõt emõnlok jen kwe. For example, read the prophecy about the penalty for rebuilding Jericho and then consider its fulfillment. Ñan wanjoñok, konono kanan eo kin kaje eo kin bar kalek Jericho [ak Jeriko] inem an jejjet kitien. Rar kakien bwe ren jab belele ilo imõn jar eo an kabuñ in Catholic ilo ran kein. Our Creator asked the ancient patriarch Job: "Who gave birth to the dewdrops? " Ri Kõmanmõn eo ad ear kajitõk ibben ri patriarch Job: "Wõn e ar keutak biliñliñ ko in molawi? " Ejelok bere bwe enaj wõr juõn jerbal in katakin elap iumin tel eo an Ailiñ eo bwe "lõl e naj obrõk kin jela Jeova einwõt dren ko rej kalibubu lojit. " - Aiseia 11: 9. Men eo wõt kwõmaroñ lel̦o̦k ej iien eo am̦. Kin men in, ien otemjej jen kejbãrok bwe jen jab kaburomõj jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. 20, 21. 20, 21. Ãindeinl̦o̦k wõt, ekajet eo an Anij kõn kidu awiia eo im armej ro me ej kakõl̦l̦en jem̦l̦o̦kin jukjukun pãd in im ro rej rejetake. [ Credit Lines] [ Etan eo ej kõmmans] Etke jej aikuj kate kõj ñan kwal̦o̦k tũriam̦o? The Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron - yes, even against God himself - complaining about the miraculously provided manna. (1 Corinthians 10: 9, 10, NW) Ri Israel ro rar lotan Moses im Aaron - aet, meñe nae Anij make - im aol kin menin letok eo ekabwilõñlõñ, manna eo. KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN M̦OOL KE BWE EWÕR EN MOUR? Kõm̦m̦an bwe Pãd n̦e Amiro En Em̦m̦an Wõt, O̦kj. Nan ko an rar einlok wõt juõn ilo jar eo an Hannah, jinen ri kanan Samuel. Happily, most Christians do not have such a " heart problem. ' (1) Ilo wãween et eo juon Kũrjin " ejjab m̦wijm̦wij bũruon ' ilo kõkkar? Juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan ilo Amedka ej ba: "Ke kõm̦ro lio ippa ar pãd ilo juon kweilo̦k el̦ap ilo 2006 eo, kõm̦ro ar peptaij ium̦win 30 iiõ. The "great crowd " is identified Emwij kalikar wõn ro rej "jar eo elap " Kin men in, ta iair enaj laplok air yokwe e? " The psalmist loved Jehovah's reminders exceedingly Ri jeje Sam ear lap an yokwe nan in kakememej ko an Jehovah ñan mãt joñan ILO boñin Nisan 14 ilo yiõ eo 33 C.E., Jesus Christ im ri jilek ro an 12 rar lo Kwojkwoj in Kijone eo an Ri Jew ro ilo ien eo eliktata. Bwebwenato in elukkuun kadu im ejjab lõñ kõmel̦el̦e ko ie. Ak, elañe jabdewõt iad ej kalimjek jidik wõt ien, kõtlok bwe ro jet ren lo bwe jej bed ilo jar in tarinae in locust eo an Jehovah, emõkaj an mõkaj an jar in tarinae in locust eo! - Lale The Watchtower, May 1, 1998, page 8 - 13. Without his help I would still be enslaved. El̦aññe en kar jab jipañ eo an, inej kar juon rũkõm̦akoko wõt ñan rainin. Ej bukõt juõn jikin kone im ej lomoren juõn ak ruo ajiri, ilo jemlokin May ak ilo June. Meyer, published in 2006. Meyer ear je ilo 2006. Bõtab, ñe em̦õj kõm̦m̦ane men in, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k kõtaan eo ad ippãn Jeova. What significance does Ezekiel 9: 5, 6 have for people today? Ta aorõkin Ezekiel 9: 5, 6 kin armij ro ilo ran kein? Ear konono kin "Jisõs Kraist dri Nazeret, eo kom ar mõn e ion alal eo, a Eo Anij e ar kejerkakbiji E jen ro remij. " Once he had created the physical heavens and earth, Jehovah expanded his universal family. Ke ear dedel̦o̦k an Jeova kõm̦anm̦an lañ im lal̦, ear kal̦apl̦o̦k wõt uwaan baam̦le eo an. Ilo ejja ien eo wõt, Jeova enaj koutiej dri korijer ro an retiljek ilo an kalikar bwe rar dri korijer ro an. - Riit Ezekiel 2: 5; 33: 33. No, she implored God every day to send her his spirit. Jaab, ear akwelap ñõn Anij aolep ran bwe en lelok jitõb kwojarjar eo an. Ri kalor eo James ear ba: "A meletlet jen lõñ ej erreo mokta, inem e ainemõn, joij, ebiruru an rel, eobrõk kin tiriamokake im leen ko remõn, im ejelok akwail ak jela mon iben. " - Jem. God's Son, Jesus Christ, zealously proclaimed the good news and honored his dignified and majestic heavenly Father. Nejin Anij, Jesus Christ, ilo kijejeto ear keañ kin news eo emõn im ear nebar utiej eo an Jemen ilañ. Ilo ien rot kein, jej aikwij kememej nan kein: "Kwon jab illu kin ro rej kõmõn nana. " One thing is to strive to show love in the fullest sense. Juõn men ej ñõn kate kij kwalok ad yokwe ilo wãwen eo eyu. Eindein, belele ej juõn karõk an Anij. Doon kileplep eo ilo got eo ear jutak kõn Alexandar, ri tõl eo el̦ap. Jet rej ba bwe kanaan in em̦õj an jejjet im m̦ool im bwe " joñan an l̦apl̦o̦k on̦ãn mour im kalijekl̦o̦k, " ej lõñl̦o̦k wõt ilo aelõñ in. For example, when the president of the United States decreed that May 30, 1918, would be set aside as a day of prayer for peace, The Watch Tower urged the Bible Students to join in the observance. Ñan waanjoñak, ke bũrejtõn eo an Amedka ear kõjenolo̦k Mãe 30 ilo iiõ eo 1918 bwe en raanin an aolep jar kõn aenõm̦m̦an, Naan in Keeañ eo ilo tõre eo ear rõjañ Rũkkatak Baibõl̦ ro bwe ren bar jar kõn aenõm̦m̦an. Rar lamõj im ba: "Kimij roñ air konono ilo lo ko am kin men ko relap an Anij "! To illustrate: Imagine a married woman who is shopping. Ñan waanjoñak, jen ba bwe ewõr juon kõrã ej kaikujkuj im ej loe jet jããntõl̦ relukkuun em̦m̦an ippãn. [ Kamelele eo itulal] For example, even when he was weak, blind, and bedridden, the patriarch Jacob showed strong faith in God's promises. Ñan waanjoñak, meñe Jekob ear m̦õjn̦o̦, pilo, im pen an m̦akũtkũt, ak ear kwal̦o̦k wõt an tõmak ilo kallim̦ur ko an Anij. Ke jej kebak jemlokin jukjuk im bed in, wãwen eo ad ej einlok wõt eo an Ri Israel ro ilo Ene Jemaden in Moab ilo 1473 B.C.E. When you began to study the Bible with one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you may have felt like a prospector who pans a rich deposit of gold. Jet iien rej aini kool̦ kein im loe jejjo bo̦un in kool̦ ko me to̦ujin tal̦a joñan aorõkier. Etke Jehovah ear emmakit ilo wãwen in? What Record Did Peter Leave Behind? " Ri kijirãt ro otemjej an Jehovah renaj jako, im ro rej yokwe e naj einwõt ñe al ej etetal ilo kajur eo an. ' Like that ancient era, Christ's presence would be a period of time during which people would be too caught up in the day - to - day affairs of life to take note of a warning being given. Einwõt kar ilo ien eo etto, bed eo an Christ enaj kar juõn ien ejejjet im kar karõke ñe armij ro renaj kar mad kin makitkit ko air jen ran ñan ran im renaj kajekdon nan in kakkõl eo. Ko juõn Christian jodikdik ej aikwij kejbãrok e jen kilan ko renana, jekdon ia eo rej bed ie. Protecting the Flock Kejbãrok Bwij eo Yokwe eo air ekãl ñan Jehovah ear jibañ ir ñan kõmman bebe eo ejimwe. It is essential that Christians rely on God's strength, not their own. Eaorõk bwe Ri Christian ro ren atartar ion kajur eo an Anij, jab ioir make. Bõtab, ñan kamakit buruen ri roñjake ro ad, ekkã ad kajerbal kajin eo air - kajin eo me ej konono ñan kõnan ko air remũlal, un ko unin air kõnan, im kejatdikdik ko air. - Luk 24: 32. While remaining in the congregation, however, some might reject Jehovah's direction in other ways. Bõtab, ke rej bed wõt ilo congregation eo, jet remaroñ kajekdon ialin tel eo an Jehovah ilo wãwen ko jet. Ine in jerammõn eo ear itok ikijen Isaac nejin im Jacob jibwin. And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.... Im e naj kajutak sip ko ianbijmaroñõn, a goat ko ianmiñin.... Ak elañe juõn makitkit in kakije ej kabañ kij ñan ad jibadõk wõt men ko an Ailiñ eo, jemaroñ bebe bwe ien eo jej kajerbale ilo kain kamõnõnõ rot in ewõr tokjen. Illustrate. Kwalok juõn wanjoñok. Bareinwõt ewõr ibbed jibañ eo an Christian elder ro emwij kãlet ir. Aug. Do You See the Need to Train Others? " Dãpij Wõt Am̦ Mãlõtlõt, " Okt. Ñe jej jelmae abañ ko kin money, ta eo jemaroñ jar kake, im ewi wãwen an Jehovah uake jar kein? What fruitage has haughtiness produced? Utiej buru ear kwalok leen ta? Ewi wãwen an kwelok ko an congregation eo emõn ñan kij. Disease: Jehovah will bless his people with perfect health. Ilo raan kein, Aelõñ eo an Anij ej katakin elõñ milien armej bwe ren yokwe im kwal̦o̦k aer lõke doon. 16: 30 - Ta melelen "jabrewõt men in kaburomõj " kin Jehovah? He had clearly in mind his hope of living in the new world under the Messiah's rule. 12: 10 - 20; 14: 8 - 16; 16: 4, 5; 20: 1 - 18; 21: 8, 9) Ta eo ear jipañe? Bareinwõt, ilo ran ko rej kab motlok Ahab ear jab bokake juõn kien jen Jehovah ñan mõn King eo enana Ben - king in Syria. Therefore, parents who succeed in rearing their children to become dedicated Christians truly deserve the warm commendation of all in the congregation. Kin men in, ro jemen im jinen me rej lo tõbrak ilo air kakajiririk ajiri ro nejiir ñan wujleplok mour ko air bwe ren mour in Christian, rej tellokin bõk nebar jen aolep ro ilo congregation. Yokwe im ekajet jimwe eo ewãppen an Anij ear kamakit e ñan kanemkwoj kij jen kamakoko eo jaar jolete kin jerawiwi im mij. How did Amos react to the opposition from Amaziah? Ewi wãwen an kar Amos uake jumae eo an Amaziah? Juõn jodikdik jodikdik ear lo: "Ro jet rar jibañ iõ ñan kile bwe ewõr eñjake ko an Jehovah, im ke iar dik, iar jelã bwe kõmman ko aõ rar jelet e. " May our determination be to "press on to maturity. " Jen beek ilo buruõd ñan ad "jibarbar ñõn men in wãppen. " Ak, jen an atartar ion make, ear atartar ion Jesus im bõk jibañ eo an Jesus. (b) How does the Bible assure us that a close relationship with God is within reach? (b) Ewi wãwen an Bible eo kalikar bwe jemaroñ bed ilo juõn kõtan ebake Anij? Aolep iroij rein rar ettã burueir. - Matu 20: 25, 26. Show me where it says that you should not worship Mary. Im kwal̦o̦k tuia ej ba bwe kwõjjab aikuj kabuñ ñan Meri. Anij enaj karreoik lal in ro rej jumae. Rather than loving the common people, those leaders despised them. Ijellokin an dri tel in kabuñ ko kwalok yokwe ñõn armij ro, rar kejekron ir. Ewi wãwen nan in kakabilek eo an Paul ñan congregation eo ilo Rom ej jibañ kij ñan kamadmõde abañ ko? (b) What factors move Jehovah to extend forgiveness? (1 Samuel 24: 4 - 7) Jijej ear kõmel̦el̦e im ba bwe Jeova ej kõm̦m̦an ñan kõj ekkar ñan wãween ad kõm̦m̦an ñan ro jet. El̦apl̦o̦k aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo mour e aõ, im el̦apl̦o̦k aõ maroñ kõm̦m̦an el̦apl̦o̦k iien ñan jerbal ñan Jeova. If you are grieving, you too can find soothing comfort from such scriptures as the following: (Rom 15: 4) Ñe kwõj bũrom̦õj, kwe bareinwõt kwõmaroñ bõk kaenõm̦m̦an jãn eoon ko ilo Baibõl̦ ãinwõt eoon kein: Tokelik, Christian kõrã ro rar erom ri evanjel ro rekijejeto; ro jet rar lelok jibañ ñan Christian maan ro rar tel, ekoba ri jilek Paul; im jet rar kwalok karuwainene eo einjuõn, im kõmman bwe mweo imwiir en bellok ñan kwelok ko an congregation. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (1997 edition) says about that ancient writing: "It is not impossible that the " Acts ' contain some elements of historical truth. " Juon tũkjinede etan, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (jãn 1997 eo) ear bar kwal̦o̦k kõn bok in Acts of Paul and Thecla im ej ba: "Kõmel̦el̦e ko ilo bok in remaroñ lukkuun m̦ool. " Ri jilek Paul ear rejañ ro ilo congregation eo: "Komin yokyokwe dron, einwõt Kraist e ar bareinwõt karuwaineneik kom. " They came with the idea of serving along with the local brothers, helping them in the preaching work. " Ak rar lemnok in jerbal ibeir ñõn jibõñ ir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. " Emol, ejjab aolep ien ro jemen im jinen rejjab wãppen renaj kamadmõde wãwen ko ilo wãwen eo emõntata. This leads to a sixth point that can be gleaned from Malachi chapter 1. Men in ej tellok ñan point eo kein kajiljino jemaroñ bõk jen Malachi chapter 1. tim̦a ko an Rom rar itoitak enañin 900 to̦ujin m̦ail̦ ko me rej ekkejell̦o̦k ippãn elõñ buki wa ko. This means the second death, the lake of fire. " Eñin mij ken ka ruo, lomalo in kijeek. " Ak ewi wãwen ad maroñ jerbal ekkar ñan kajitõk kein? What should we remember with regard to spirit - anointing? Ta eo jen kememej kake ikijen kõkabit eo kin jitõb kwojarjar? Ke juõn leo ri belele ejjab tõmak ear aikwij kijenmij im meletlet ke ñan kakajiririk ajiri ro nejin ilo Iroij, im juõn eo ear eñtan kin juõn nañinmij, ear aikwij ke bõk kainemõn? They have all come true for you. Men otemjej rejejjet ñan kom̦; ejjel̦o̦k juon iaaer eir. " Emaroñ bareinwõt koba bwebwenato eo eaetok im etto an walok ñe jej ion juõn jerad. On one occasion, he spoke to a great multitude, giving the famous Sermon on the Mount, and "the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " (Matu 5: 1, 2; 7: 28, UBS) Ilo iiõ eo 33, Jijej ear kõnnaan ippãn ruo iaan rũkal̦oor ro an ke rar etal ilo ial̦ eo aerro l̦o̦k ñan juon bukwõn epaake Jerusalem. Nan in Anij ej ba: "Eñin ial eo. " Most of those references are found in the words of Jesus, and yet they must represent just a fraction of all that he said about God's Kingdom! - John 21: 25. Enañin aolep iien ñe bok kein rej kwal̦o̦k kõn Aelõñ in, ej an Jijej naan kein. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe elõñl̦o̦k wõt men ko ear ba kõn Aelõñ eo an Anij meñe rejjab wal̦o̦k ilo Baibõl̦! - Jon 21: 25, UBS. Kwar jelã ke bwe meñe Jesus ear aikwij katak bwe en bokake? - David wrote: "Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. (Sam 73: 17 - 19) David ear je: "Kwon kõtar Jeova im kejbãrok ial eo An, im E naj koutiej yuk in jolit ene eo. Anij ear kwalok kin David einwõt "dri korijera Devid, eo e ar kejbãrok kien ko Aõ, im lor iõ kin aolepen buruen, ilo an kõmõn emõn iman meja. " How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? " Im ekijkan air naj kwalok, elañe jab jilkinlok ir? " Jen ien lotak manlok, mour eo an juõn ajiri ej juõn lajrak in buñten nee ko moktata - buñten nee ko moktata jej bõki, nan eo moktata kar konono kake, ran eo kein kajuõn in school, ñan naetan jejjo wõt. He nipped, or pierced, figs. Ear kiji ak wãkare fig ko. 3: 4. Your daughters commit fornication and your own daughters - in - law commit adultery.... Jiroñ ro nejimi rej jerbal einwõt kõrã ro rekijoñ, im kõrã ro belen lõma ro nejimi rej lejen.... Juõn bere "ej einwõt no in lometo e makõtkit im limajnono kin kõto. " For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. Bwe em̦m̦an En Irooj ñan tõr eo em̦õj An likũt ro otemjej rej kõjdat E ium̦win neen. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok kautiej ñan ri katak Bible ro ad? Rijjelõk Piter ear ba: "Komin kanuij kate kom bwe kir in im kãlet in an Anij en bed ibbemi ien otemjej. " 6: 2, 5, 8. Of course not! Alikar jab! * Enoch ear kanan kin juõn ien ñe Jehovah enaj ekajete aolep ro renana im kõmman ko air renana. Most important of all, their exemplary marriage will honor our praiseworthy God, Jehovah. Men eo eaurõktata, joñok eo airro emõn kin mour in mare enaj koutiej Jeova Anij, eo ej tellokin bõk nebar. Ilo an konono kin ta eo Jehovah ear kõtõbrake elõñ yiõ ko remotlok, Jenesis ej ba: "Ilo jinoin Anij e ar kõmõnmõn lõñ ko im lõl. " Many of Jehovah's great deeds have been associated with his "eternal purpose " to bless obedient mankind by means of the Messiah and his Kingdom rule. Elõñ ian jerbal ko relap an Jehovah rar kakobaik "bebe in eto im eto " eo an ñan kajerammõn armij ro ikijen Messiah eo im iroij in Ailiñ eo an. Jet iien, ear kõn̦ak nuknuk ko rem̦m̦an. The sheep, in effect, test the caller's voice, comparing it with the shepherd's voice. Einwõt ba bwe, sheep ko rej melejoñe ainikien armij eo, im keidi ibben ainikien shepherd eo. Elañe men in ej kamakit ir ñan kabellok burueir bwe Jehovah en katakin ir, inem ilo lemnak ko air, kõnan ko air, im men in kareelel ko air renaj reel kin men ko rej katak kaki. * Humans in general are crowned, or adorned, by God with a measure of dignity, glory, and honor. Thus, when we dignify another person, we are, in effect, acknowledging the Source of human dignity, Jehovah. (Sam 8: 1, 4, 5; 104: 1) * Kinke Anij ear kabelbil armij ro kin aibujuij im nebar, ñe jej koutiej bar juõn armij, ej einwõt ñe jej kwalok koutiej ñõn Eo ej unjen men kein. Katak 3, 4 PEIJ 12 - 21 King Saul proved unfaithful to Jehovah and unworthy to rule over His people. King Saul ear jab kejbãrok an tiljek ñan Jehovah im ear jab tellokin an iroij ion armij ro An. Kõm̦m̦an bwe Mour ko an Ro Jet Is the house filled with grieving relatives? Mweo imõn eobrak ke kin ro nukin reburomõj? Kain likao rot in ej aikwij kajitõkin e make: " Ij lemnak wõt ke kin wãwen ko ilo jerbal eo an Anij me ej bõktok nebar im nebar? We can be confident that the destruction of false religion and the battle of Armageddon will soon come. Jej tõmak bwe m̦õttan wõt jidik naaj ko̦kkure kabuñ ko reriab im bwe tarin̦ae in Armagedon enaaj wal̦o̦k. Meñe eindrein, jej kate kij joñõn wõt ar maroñ ñõn kõmõn karõk ko kin jerbal eo ar im makõtkit ko jet ilo juõn wãwen me rejjab kautameik jerbal eo ar ekwojarjar, einwõt ber ilo kwelok ko an Kristian. Hence, there was a temporary pooling of financial resources. Kin men in, iomin jidrik ien rar teltel jããn. Jeova ear kajeraam̦m̦an eõ kõn aõ jel̦ã kajjien, jerbal, im l̦eo ippa em̦m̦an. David's example can surely instill courage in Christians today who may fall into serious sin. Joñok eo an David emaroñ kaberan Ri Christian ro rainin me rar kõmman bwid ko relap. Kin menin jej aikwij bin ilo ad jumae kabo ko rejõkkar, ko ekkã air walok ilo lal in etton. I have always viewed those early experiences as training for future assignments. Advertising a public lecture with others in Rochester, New York, 1953 Ñe ij reilikl̦o̦k ñan tõre kein, ij kile bwe el̦ap aer kar jipañ im kammineneik eõ ñan jerbal ko inaaj kar kõm̦m̦ani tokãlik. Jej mour ilo juõn ien ke Jesus ear kanan kake, yokwe ej mololok ibwiljin ro rej ba rej Christian ibelakin lal. He could not imagine that his just God would "sweep away the righteous with the wicked. " Ebream ear jab tõmak bwe Anij eo an enaaj kar "m̦an ro ri wãnõk ippãn ro ri jerawiwi. " Kejbãrok eo an mejatoto eo ejjab kamakit jabdewõt armij ro ejelok air itoklimo. We are living when the "shadow of the good things to come " has been replaced by" the very substance of the things. " Jej mour ilo juõn ien ñe "annañin men ko remõn renaj itok " ear oktaklok ñan" men ko remol. " " Jen ran ñõn ran kwon kwalok kin nuuj eo emõn kin lomor eo an. For example, Psalm 135 refers to faithful worshippers of Jehovah in ancient Israel as "his special property. " Ñan waanjoñak, Sam 135 ej kwal̦o̦k kõn rũkarejar ro retiljek an Jeova ilo kar aelõñin Israel eo etto bwe rej armej "ro doon. " Ke bus eo am ear walok, kimar lo bwe ear diklok jen baj bed wõt ilo bus eo, inem jet iam ear ejelok am jea. Lower courts existed throughout Judea. Ear bar wõr im̦õn ekajet ko reddik ilo aolepen Judia. Lomor eo ad ej wawa ion ad "etetal ilo mol " - eddeb ñan e im jutak bin nae" jemen riõp. " - 3 Jon 3, 4, 8. Rather, he loves you and cares about your welfare. Jen men in, ej yokwe yuk im kaorõk wãwen mour eo am. 12 / 15 King Solomon prayed for an obedient heart, and Jehovah blessed him with wisdom Einwõt Paul, jet ri karejar ro an Anij rej kãlet ñan air make iair bwe en diklok eddo ko air ilo family eo im remaroñ lelok ir make ñan jerbal eo an Ailiñ eo. To limit the power of the Almighty - who am I to do that? " - Isaiah 40: 8. Innem, wõn ña bwe in ba bwe edik joñan kajoor im maroñ eo an Anij? " - Aiseia 40: 8, UBS. Katak eo kein karuo ej jen joñok eo an Jeremiah. They can also help us to have the correct view of him. Remaroñ bar jipañ kõj bwe en jim̦we wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn e. Ekkã an jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Christian bõk tokjen jen kien. Use good sense. Kõn men in, kõjparok eok bwe kwõn jab kũbbon̦. Armij ro rar bed ilo jorrãn im jemaroñ keidi ir ñan " kolan sheep ' ak " eddo ko ' ñe rej bed ilo jikin babu ko air eliktata. His response was measured and entirely fitting. Ak ear lel̦o̦k juon uwaak ejim̦we. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ debij wõt "ainemõn jen Anij "? " Paramount " has the basic sense of something that comes ahead of all else or needs to be considered first. " Elaptata " ej melelen bwe ej juõn men eo ej itok iman aolep men ko jet ak ej men eo jej aikwij lemnak kake moktata. Ilo keidi ibben ri kijirãt eo an etao Satan Devil eo, Jehovah ej mol wõt. What about the mentally ill? Ta kin ro renañinmij ilo kamelij ak handicap? Kõn men in, iar katak im jel̦ã bwe men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k aõ mour. Indeed, Jehovah's power was there - not only for Christ to perform such a miracle but also for Jesus to demonstrate how much he loved people. - Luke 5: 17. (Luk 5: 13) Elukkuun alikkar bwe Jeova ear lel̦o̦k kajoor im maroñ ñan Jijej bwe en kõm̦m̦ane menin bwilõñ in ñan kwal̦o̦k joñan an yokwe armej ro. - Luk 5: 17. Eiet iad jenaj aikwij jelmae eñtan ko relap einwõt kar Job. You live in a unique period in human history. Kwoj mour ilo juõn ien ejejuan ilo aolepen bwebwenato eo an armij. Kwon Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lowõj? Upon proving faithful to death, they will share with Jesus Christ in ruling from heaven over the earth for the benefit of repentant humans. Ñe rej drebij air tiljek ñõn mij, renaj bõk jerammõn eo ñõn iroij iben Jisõs Kraist ilõñ ion armij ro rej ukwelok. (Rev. Juõn un, einwõt bwebwenato eo an Paul tok juõn ej kalikar, kar jorrãn eo kin lañ. We are still suffering the consequences of Adam's terrible decision. Rainin, kõj aolep jej eñtaan kõn wõt pepe in ejjab em̦m̦an an kar Adam. [ Pija eo ilo peij 16] Who was this promised Seed? Wõn eo ej Ine eo me kar kalimur kake? Bible eo ej ba bwe Anij Ekajur Bõtata ej kwalok joij ñan armij ro ettã burueir "ilo ien ekar. " DO YOU want to be a better, happier person? KWOKÕNAN ke bwe kwon juõn armij elukkun emõn, im elaplok an mõnõnõ? Jesus ear bõk elap ien ñan rejañ ri jilek ro an kin juõn buru - ñan konono. Juan, another brother who was asked to move to Mexico, says: "It is almost like being born a second time; you must form new bonds. Kar kajjitõk ippãn bar juon RũBetel̦ etan Juan ñan em̦m̦akũt ñan Mexico. * A harvest cannot wait; it must be brought in before the season is over. - Matt. 9: 37. Ien jonikõn eban kõtar kij, eñin unin jej aikwij marmir ilo ien eo wõt, mokta jen an jemlok ien jonikõn eo. - Matu 9: 37. Jen ke ear ajiri, armij ro rej lo tõbrak ilo yokwe. " Flee From Fornication " " Ko Jen Lũñ " Katak ko Raorõk ñan Jodikdik Ro If we do so, not only will we find ourselves in step with Jehovah's organization but we will never tire out in doing what is fine! El̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦ani men kein, jenaaj l̦oor tõl eo jãn doulul eo an Jeova im jeban ebbeer. Ilo am bõk im jerbale news eo emõn, kwomaroñ bõk jerammõn ko relap jab ñan kiõ wõt ak bareinwõt ilo ran ko rej itok ñe Ailiñ in Anij ej iroij ion aolepen lal. - 1 Timote 4: 8. • Why is it vital to seek righteousness? • Etke eaorõk ñan ad bukõt wãnik? [ Kamelele ko itulal] Also taking a toll are accidents and disease, such as diabetes. Bareinwõt men ko jet rej kajorrãn armij rej jarõktok jen lanwõtwõt im nañinmij ko, einwõt tañõl. Rar jab maroñ kwal̦o̦k naan ñan er jekdo̦o̦n ñe ear lukkuun pidodo aer kwal̦o̦k naan ilo jikin kallib ko aer ak ilo jikin ko rettol̦o̦k. As servants of Jehovah, can we credit ourselves with having the good sense to find the truth? Einwõt ro dri korijeran Jeova, jemaroñ ke ba bwe jar jela mol eo ikijen maroñ ak meletlet eo ar mõke? Inem, ta eo jemaroñ kõtmene kake ñe Master eo, Jesus eo ej aibujuij, ej itok ñan ekajet ilo ran ko rej itok? How vital is it to know the truth? Elap ke tokjen ñan jelã mol eo? Enaaj ke bõjrak jãn an bõk uno ko rekkajjoor im ejjel̦o̦k men en̦ bwil ilo hell? Since those early years, the affairs of the Israel of God have moved ahead. Jen yiõ ko jinoin, jerbal ko an Israel eo an Anij ear emmakit manlok. Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen kanan kein kin Messiah eo? 28: 19, 20. 28: 19, 20. Ke rar bed ilo Jerusalem kin kwojkwoj ko jilu air kajjojo yiõ, rar bed ibben don ilo burukuk. What differences do we have in family circumstances and spiritual backgrounds? (1) Meñe jej itok jãn juon wõt baam̦le, etke jej oktak jãn doon? Katak kin joñok in beran eo an Christ im kalmenlokjen kake emaroñ kaberan kij ñan ad bed etolok jen lal in. The illustration of the faithful slave is part of Jesus ' prophecy about "the sign of [his] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things. " Ilo kanaan eo an Jijej kõn kakõl̦l̦en iien eo " enaaj itok, kab ñããt iien eo ãliktata, ' ear kwal̦o̦k kõn waanjoñak eo kõn ri karejar eo etiljek im mãlõtlõt. Lemnak in an armij ej jumae Bible eo im kwote kejatdikdik eo an armij. Summarize key points in the material to help you remember what you have just studied. Ãliji boin ko raorõk ñan jipañ eok keememej men ko kwaar katak kaki. Peter enaj kar bõk juõn jerbal eaorõk ilo congregation eo iumin tel eo an Christ. " I thought of Jehovah first and of pleasing him. " " Iar lemnak kin Jehovah mokta im ñõn kamõnõnõik e. " AL: 43, 11 As such, even while on earth, they are said to be " raised up and seated together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus. ' (Dri Rom 8: 15; Dri Epesõs 1: 5) Kin air eindein, meñe rej bed ion lal, rej ba kin ir bwe ear " kajerkak ir ibben, im kajijet ir ibben ijo ko ilañ, ilo Christ Jesus. ' Ñe kokõn̦aan jabawõt, jouj im etal ñan www.jw.org In the new world, there may be times when we will need to exercise patience. (2) Ewi wãween ad maroñ kwal̦o̦k kijenmej kiiõ? " Im re naj ilok, im kalimjek enbwinin armij ro r'ar kokkure iõ; bwe re jamin mij, im kijeek eo air e jamin kun; im re naj men in jõjõik ñõn kõniek otemjej. " When enduring tribulation, we can be comforted by what knowledge? Ñe jej kijenmij kin eñtan ko, jelãlokjen et eo emaroñ kainemõn kij? Ekaburomõjmõj bwe, elõñ ro rar kejatdikdik in lo ainemõn im jejjet in kitien ilo belele im ibben juõn family rar lo bwe kõtmene ko air rar jab jejjet kitieir. How can we avoid developing an independent spirit? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ bõprae ad kaddeklok juõn jitõb in anemkwoj? Moktata, Jehovah ej erom Jemed im jerad. He gives us wisdom and strength so that we can cope with any troubles we may face. - Jas. (Sam 34: 18; Ais. 57: 15) Ej letok mãlõtlõt im ej kõkajoor kõj bwe jen maroñ kijenmej ium̦win apañ ko jej iiooni. - Jem. Ta jibañ eo Anij ej letok ikijen kãlet juõn rejetan? 23: 5, 6. 23: 5, 6. (a) Ta eo ear walok ilo idiñ ibwiljin ri kijirãt ro an Nehemiah? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Kwõmaroñ ke pijaikl̦o̦k joñan an kar Marta im Meri m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke Jijej ear kõmour Lazerõs? - Riit Jon 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. In this case, the "heart " relates to one's disposition. Ej ilo ad katak Baibõl̦ im mour ekkar ñan men ko em̦õj ad katak kaki. ▪ " Dri jokwe ie e jamin ba, I nañinmij. ' The term "Devil " is derived from a Greek word meaning" slanderer. " Naan in "Tepil̦ " ej itok jãn juon naan ilo kajin Grik me ej mel̦el̦ein" ri ruruwe. " Ilo elõñ wãwen ko, armij ro rainin rej einwõt maan im kõrã ro rar mour ilo ran ko an Noah. Would you improve the situation by arguing about his behavior? Bõlen kwõmaroñ illu im akwããl ippãn, bõtab men in enaaj ke kõm̦m̦an bwe apañ eo en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k? Jekdo̦o̦n ñe ejjab aolep armej rej l̦õmn̦ak bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn ro jet, ak emaroñ jorrããn kõtaan eo aer ippãn Jeova. 2: 3; Luke 9: 48. Mel̦el̦ein men in bwe el̦apl̦o̦k aer kaorõk ro jet jãn er make. - Pilippai 2: 3; Luk 9: 48. Jet iaaer rar bõk uno ko rekkajjoor ãinwõt aõ kar kõm̦m̦ane. (a) What knowledge strengthened Isaiah's appreciation for Jehovah? (a) Ta jelãlokjen eo ear kakajur kamolol eo an Isaiah ñan Jehovah? Ilo bwebwenato ibben Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, katak ko an Bible im yokwe eo ear bed ibwiljin Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. Thereafter, instead of preaching the Word of God - which many of them no longer believe - they direct their ministry along other lines, taking sides in political debates, promoting a social gospel, or highlighting human philosophies in their sermons. Tokelik, jen air kwalok nan kin Nan in Anij - men eo elõñ iair rejjab tõmak kake - rej ukõt jerbal ko air ñan men ko jet rej itoklimo kake, einwõt bõk kunair ilo politic, kowõnmanlok air jerbale kien ko an Christian ilo jukjuk im bed eo an armij, ak kwalok lemnak ko an armij ilo katak in kabuñ ko air. Juõn kõrã eritto ear jiroñ ir: "Eñin jemlokin jukjuk im bed eo kinke Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar tõbar kij ilo ien eo eliktata. " When he "returned, " his Master's words," strengthen your brothers, " must have rung in his ears loud and clear. (Matthew 26: 69 - 75) Ke ear "jeblak, " nan ko an Master eo an ñõn," kakajur ro jeõm im jatõm, " remaroñ kar jañ ilojilñin ilo ellaj im alikar. Bõtab ejjab mel̦el̦ein men in bwe ewõr an Setan maroñ ñan m̦an jabdewõt armej. See page 8. Lale Page 8. Ear kwal̦o̦k an kautiej Rut im ear kakien em̦m̦aan ro an bwe ren kõtl̦o̦k bwe en kallib ilo jikin kallib eo an. Jesus Christ prophesied that numerous calamities would take place during the time of the end. Jesus Christ ear kanan bwe elõñ jorrãn ko renaj walok ilo ran ko eliktata. Ta katak ko renaj lewõj ñan yuk lañliñ eo kin melele eo ekãl? Sadly, it did not. Ear jab. Im "Jitõb õn Jeova e ar kakajur Devid. " How do we know that the hope of everlasting life on earth is included in what Jesus said as recorded at John 6: 48 - 51? Ewi wãwen ar jela bwe kejatrikrik eo kin mour in drio ion lõl ej ber ilo nan ko an Jisõs ilo Jon 6: 48 - 51? Wõn eo em̦m̦antata ñan kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro im meanwõd? When asked what advice he would have for a new traveling elder, one circuit overseer commented: "Have high respect and regard for all the brothers, and consider them as being better than you. (Micah 6: 8, 1960 Edition) Ke kar kajitõk ibben kain kakabilek rot eo enaj kar lelok ñõn juõn traveling elder eo ekãl, juõn circuit overseer ear kwalok an lemnak: "En lap kile im kautiej aolep brother ro, im watõk ir einwõt remõnlok jen kwe. Ro rej kajirere kin nan in kakkõl ko rekwojarjar ri karejar ro an Anij ilo ran kein rej aikwij kile likjap eo ñan bokake nan in kakkõl ko enaj melelen. Clerical celibacy was enforced during the Lateran Councils of 1123 and 1139, which were held in Rome, and it has remained the official position of the Roman Catholic Church to the present day. Ilo kweilo̦k ko an Katlik (Lateran Council) me rar kõm̦m̦ane ilo Rom ilo iiõ kein 1123 im 1139, rar pepe in kõm̦m̦ane juon kakien bwe ro rej bõk eddo ko ilo kabuñ eo aer rejjab aikuj in pãlele. " Enaj wõr jook ion aibujuij eo an. ' - Habakkuk 2: 16. No doubt there will be a great educational work under Kingdom supervision so that "the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. Ejelok bere enaj wõr juõn jerbal elap in katakin iumin tel eo an Ailiñ eo bwe "lõl e naj obrõk kin jela Jeova einwõt dren ko rej kalibubu lojit. " - Aiseia 11: 9. Kajur Bõtata eo an Jehovah Rej Kalikare Juõn mejenkajjik emaroñ ñan jar kajjojo ran. Therefore, let us constantly guard against grieving God's spirit. Kin men in, ien otemjej jen kejbãrok bwe jen jab kaburomõj jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. Lale bok eo etan Young People Ask - Answers That Work (Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work). Likewise, God's judgment of the political beast and of those with its mark spells the end of that entity and its supporters. Kinke jet Ri Christian ro jinoin rar arõk mweiuk ak rar kautiej ri mweie ro, James ej kwalok nan ko rekajur kin jet emaan ro remweie. Why should we strive to be merciful? Etke jej aikwij in kate bwe jen tiriamokake don? Kwoj Lukkun Kamolol Ke Kin Jerammõn Ko Am? COVER SUBJECT | LIFE AFTER DEATH - IS IT POSSIBLE? KATAK KO KÕN TAITÕL̦IN BOK IN | JEMAROÑ KE BAR MOUR ÃLIKIN AD MEJ? B. Her words seem to echo some that were spoken in prayer by Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. Etke jej ba men in? Kõnke naan ko an rej ãinl̦o̦kwõt naan ko ilo jar eo an Hanna, jinen Samuel. Josephus ear report bwe elõñlok jen juõn million Ri Jew ro rar mij, im 97,000 rar bõk ir einwõt ri kamakoko. A North American brother writes: "When my wife and I attended an assembly in 2006, we had been baptized for 30 years. Juon jeid im jatid m̦aan ilo Amedka ear je naan kein: "Ke kõmro lio pãleeõ ar pãd ilo kweilo̦k eo el̦ap ilo iiõ eo 2006, ear wõt tarrin 30 iiõ ko in am̦ro pãd ilo m̦ool eo. Richard ej bareinwõt ba: "Juõn wãwen emõn ñan katakin ro jet ej ilo ad jerbal ibbeir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. Therefore, which of them will love him the more? " Kin men in, kwon ba ñõn Iõ, wõn iairro elap an yokwe e? Ien katak ilo ien ko rejejjet. DURING the evening of Nisan 14 in the year 33 C.E., Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles observed the Jewish Passover for the last time. Taunin jej kõm̦m̦ane kwõjkwõj in? ILO joten Nisan 14 ilo iiõ eo 33, Jijej Kũraij im rijjelõk ro 12 rar kwõjkwõje raan in Kijoone eo an Ri Ju ro. Jen etale ratimjuõn wãwen ko jemaroñ kate kij ñan kwalok yokwe eo "e nana jen jela mon. " If any of us look a little like that, though, let others take note that we are in Jehovah's energetic, speedy locust army! - See The Watchtower, May 1, 1998, pages 8 - 13. Bõtab, elañe jabdewõt iad jej einwõt e, jej kõmman bwe armij ro jet rej lo bwe jej bed ilo juõn dolul in tarinae in locust ekijejeto, im mõkaj! - Lale Imõniaroñroñ Eo, October 1, 1998, page 8 - 13. Ear ba: "Ñe komij jar, komin jab einwõt ro dri jela mon; bwe re kõnan jutõk iloan imõn kwelok ko, im ilo jabõn ko jabõn tol ko, bwe armij ren lo ir. She searches out a secure spot and delivers one or two kids, usually at the end of May or in June. Ej bukõt juõn jikin eo ejokane im keotak juõn ak ruo koon, ekkã wõt ilo jemlokin May ak ilo June. Ewi wãween an Baibõl̦ kwal̦o̦k bwe m̦ool eo ej ãinwõt juon kidia an rũttarin̦ae in Rom? An earthenware vessel may look finished, but unless it has been fired in the kiln, it may be vulnerable to the very liquids it is designed to hold. Jemaroñ watõk bwe juõn jãbi bũdej ededelok kõmmane ñe jej kalimjeke, ak elañe jejañin umini ilo juõn um, emaroñ jorrãn kin den ko jej likiti iloan. " Ña Jeova am Anij, Eo eor tokjen An katakin yuk. " - AISEIA 48: 17 He spoke of "Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you executed on a stake but whom God raised up from the dead. " Ear kõnono kõn "Jesus Christ RiNazeret, eo rar m̦ane.... ak Anij ear kõjerkakpeje. " Christian ro remol, elaptata ri kabit ro, rej lo kajur im kakajur ilo air kalikar yokwe eo Jesus Christ ear kwalok ñan ir. At the same time, Jehovah will honor his faithful servants by making it abundantly clear that they were, indeed, his representatives. - Read Ezekiel 2: 5; 33: 33. 8: 1, 20; 14: 25) Ilo ejja ien eo wõt, Jeova enaj koutiej dri korijer ro an retiljek ilo an lukkun kalikar bwe emol air kar jutõk kin etan. - Riit Ezekiel 2: 5; 33: 33. Ri jeje bwebwenato eo Josephus ej ba bwe Jonah "ear emõnlok jen ial eo " im kõmman ñan Joppa. The disciple James said: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " - Jas. Dri kalor Jemes ear ba: "A meletlet jen lõñ ej erreo mokta, inem e ainemõn, joij, ebiruru an rel, eobrõk kin tiriamokake im leen ko remõn, im ejelok akwail ak jela mon iben. " - Jem. JEJ bed ilo ien ko raorõk. At such moments, we need to remember the words: "Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers. " Ilo ien rot kein, jej aikwij kememej nan kein: "Kwon jab aliñõrñõr [ak illu] kin ro rej kõmõn nana. " Naanin Grik eo me kar ukote ñan kajin Grik ej mel̦el̦ein "lukkuun kajoor. " Similarly, marriage is an arrangement of God. Mour in belele ej juõn karõk jen Anij bareinwõt. Ke Ri Jew ro Rej Itok Jen Ibwijleplep eo ilo Ran ko an Noah Some claim that this prediction has already come true and that "the economic and racial divide is growing " in that country. Jet armij rej ba bwe nan kein emwij an jejjet kitieir im bwe "jebel ilo economy im kil ko kilin armij rej laplok wõt " ilo ailiñ eo. Kwomaroñ lo uak ko ñan kajitõk kein ilo Bible eo. They exclaimed: "We hear them speaking in our tongues about the magnificent things of God "! Rar lamõj: "jej roñ air konono ilo ar in nan men ko relap an Anij "! Men otemjej jej lañliñ kake ej kin yokwe im joij eo an Jehovah. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulal] Einwõt nan eo ej kalikar, yokwe im joij ekoba kadkad ko kadkadin yokwe im joij. As we approach the end of this system of things, our position is comparable to that of the Israelites on the Plains of Moab in 1473 B.C.E. Ke jej ebaklok jemlokin jukjuk im bed in, wãwen eo jej bed ie ej einlok wõt eo an Ri Israel ro ilo Komlal in Moab ilo 1473 B.C.E. eo. Juõn jemen eo ear lo tõbrak ilo an jibañ ajiri ro jiljilimjuõn nejin ñan yokwe Jehovah ien otemjej ear illok ñan room eo an mokta jen ien katak eo an family eo ñan kebojak, im ukõt katak ko ñan aikwij ko an kajjojo ajiri. Why did Jehovah react in that way? 1: 37, UBS; 3: 26) Etke Jeova ear ãindein? Ekkar ñan Bible eo, ta eo enaj walok ñan dolul ko me rej einwõt bin ñan elõñ armij ro rainin? " All of Jehovah's enemies will then perish, and his lovers will be as when the sun goes forth in its mightiness. ' (Jabõn Kennan Ko 2: 21, 22; Daniel 2: 44, NW) " Aolep ri kijirãt ro an Jehovah renaj jako, im ro rej yokwe E renaj einwõt al ke ej ilok ilo an kajur. ' Kumi in priest eo ej annañelok enbwinin Christian ri kabit ro ilo ran kein ad. Fleeing requires that a Christian youth guard against unwholesome influences, wherever they might surface. Ñan an juõn Christian jodikdik ko ej aikwij kejbãrok jen kilan ko renaj kokkure e, jekdon ta ak ia eo kilan kein rej itok jene. " Jeova, Dri Kõmõnmõn jabõn ko jabõn lõl,... Ej lelok kajur ñõn eo ej barõk; im ñõn eo ejelok an maroñ, Ej korlok kajur. " - AISEIA 40: 28, 29. Their newly developed love for Jehovah helped them to make the right decision. Aerro yokwe Jeova ear l̦apl̦o̦k meñe mijinede eo ear jab loe. Moktata, Jehovah ej tel armij ro an. However, in order to touch the heart of our listeners, it is often better to use their mother tongue - the language that speaks to their deepest aspirations, motives, and hopes. - Luke 24: 32. Bõtab, ñan tõbar buruen ri roñjake ro ad, emõn elañe jej kajerbal kajin eo air make - kajin eo ej tõbar ijo emũlaltata, kõnan ko ilo buruõd, im kejatdikdik ko. - Luk 24: 32. (Riit Nihimaia 9: 25 - 27; 7: 1 - 3, UBS.) The Seed of blessing came through his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob. Ine in kajerammõn eo ear itok ikijen leo nejin Isaac im leo jibũn Jacob. Eñin kar point eo ilo juõn ian wanjoñok ko rebuñbuñ an Jesus, eo an Ri Samaria eo ri turin. But if an occasional leisure activity energizes us to keep on pursuing Kingdom interests, we may well decide that the time we spend on that type of recreation is worthwhile. (Mark 8: 36, UBS) Bõtab, el̦aññe menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko rej kakajoor im kam̦õn̦õn̦õik kõj ñan wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k ilo jerbal eo an Anij, jen lale bwe iien eo jej jol̦o̦k ñan men kein en wõr tokjãn. Men in ear kõpel̦l̦o̦k juon iien em̦m̦an ñan am kwal̦o̦k naan ñan ro jet me rar kõn̦aan jel̦ã etke kõmij pãd ie. We also have the help of appointed Christian elders. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 1: 4) Bareinwõt ewõr jibañ jen Christian elder ro. Ear kalikar bwe ñe jabdewõt armij ej likjap in jerbal ibben ri kabit ri kalor ro an ilo joij, ej eñjake einwõt ñe e make ear bõk wãwen in. When confronted with financial problems, what can we pray for, and how does Jehovah respond to such prayers? Ñe jej wõnmae abañ ko ñan kabwe aikwij ko ad, ta eo jemaroñ jar kaki, im ewi wãwen an Jehovah uaki jar kein? L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn aolep men ko rar wal̦o̦k. how congregation meetings are good for us. wãween ad bõk tokjãn jãn kweilo̦k ko ad ilo eklejia eo. Eñtan eo an Joseph ear ijjino ke ear 17 an yiõ im ear wõnmanlok iumin elõñlok jen juõn yiõ! 16: 30 - What is the meaning of "severe pains " on account of Jehovah? 16: 30 - Ta melelen "wuririr " iman mejen Jehovah? Menin Letok ko ñõn Juõn Kiñ (ak Kamõnõnõik Juõn Ailiñ), 1 / 1 Further, Ahab had recently disobeyed a command from Jehovah to execute the wicked Syrian King Ben - hadad. Ilo iien kwõjkwõj ko aer rej babu ippãn doon bwe ren neji im orl̦o̦k im rej mour in l̦õñ im katok kõn ajri ro nejier. Jej bõk melele in jen ad katak Nan in Anij, Bible eo. God's perfect love and sense of justice moved him to provide a way to free us from the bondage of inherited sin and death. Yokwe eo eweeppãn an Anij im an ekajet jim̦we rar kõm̦akũt e ñan kõm̦m̦an ial̦an ad anemkwõj jãn jerawiwi im mej. Ta eo ear jibõñ Job ñõn drebij wõt an tiljek? A youth observed: "Mother helped me to recognize that Jehovah has feelings, and at an early age, I was aware that my actions had an effect on him. " Juõn jodikdik ledik ear lo: "Mama ear jibañ iõ ñõn aõ kile bwe Jehovah ewor an eñjake, im ilo yiõ ko jinoin ke iar dik wõt, ear wor aõ jela bwe kõmmõn ko aõ ewor kilan air jelet e. " Emol, jete alen emwij ad roñ kin kajur in mij eo an armij ilo nan in riap ko im riap ko rar bõktok jorrãn, meñe mij, ñan ro ejelok rueir? Yet, instead of relying on himself, he refocused on Jesus and accepted Jesus ' help. Ta eo Piter ear kõm̦m̦ane ke ear jino tũm̦m̦wilal̦l̦o̦k? M̦õl̦awi el̦ap an kaenõm̦m̦an kõj. All such rulers had one thing in common. They did not leave a record of being genuinely humble. - Matthew 20: 25, 26. Men eo ear jab wõr ibben aolep iroij rein kar bwe rar jab kwalok ettã buru eo emol. - Matu 20: 25, 26. Kinke ewõr ibbed juõn kejatdikdik elap, jej aikwij "jab lõñliñ wõt. " - Duteronomi 16: 15. God will cleanse the earth of rebellious ones. (2 Piter 3: 7) Anij enaj karreoiki lal ilo an jolok ri jumae ro. Eo e ar jab drebij Nejin wõt, a E ar ketõk E kin kij otemjej, etke E jamin bareinwõt letok ñõn kij men otemjej? " How does Paul's counsel to the congregation in Rome help us in dealing with disputes? Naanin kakapilõklõk eo an Paul ñan kar Kũrjin ro ilo Rom emaroñ jipañ kõj ñe ej wal̦o̦k apañ ko ikõtaad im ro jet. Anij, rej ba, elukkun etolok, im ilo ittino - elañe ej bed ñan indio. Life here is so much simpler, and I can give more time to Jehovah's work. Kõn an pidodol̦o̦k wãween mour ilo ijin, emaroñ l̦apl̦o̦k iien ñan aõ kõm̦m̦ane jerbal eo an Jeova. Juõn kõrã eo ear baptais ilo 1930: "Meñe rar watõk men eo ejimwe ñan kõmmane, elaptata ñan full - time ri kwalok nan ro rekijejeto, iar jab tõmak bwe ewõr juõn kejatdikdik ibba ilañ. Later, Christian women became zealous evangelizers; others gave valuable support to Christian men who were taking the lead, including the apostle Paul; and some showed exceptional hospitality, even making their home available for congregation meetings. (Luk 8: 1 - 3) Tokelik, Christian limaro rar erom ri evanjel ro rekijejeto; ro jet rar lukkun rejetake Christian maan ro rar tel congregation ko, ekoba ri jilek Paul; im jet iair rar kanuij kwalok jitõb in karuwainene, elaptata rar kabellok moko imwiir bwe ren kõmman kwelok ko an congregation ko ijo. Ear konono kin Jehovah einwõt "Jemen, eo nukin otemjej i lõñ im i lõl rej bõk etan. " - Ep. The apostle Paul urged those in the congregation: "Welcome one another, just as the Christ also welcomed you. " Rijjilõk Paul ear rõjañ ro ilo eklejia eo im ba: "Kom̦win yokyokwe doon. " Kwonaj ke Bar Jerbal? Of course, imperfect parents are not always going to deal with situations in the best way. Emol, jemen im jinen ro rejjab wãppen rejamin jerbale abañ ko ilo wãwen eo emõntata ien otemjej. KATAK 4 PEIJ 28 - 32 Roman ships traveled some 900 sea routes that linked hundreds of ports. Ilo m̦ool, RiRom ro rar kõjerbal elõñl̦o̦k jãn 900 kooj in ejjerakrõk ko. Ej bareinwõt kwal̦o̦k ñan kõj kõn wãween ad maroñ kõm̦m̦ane men in. But how can we act in harmony with such requests? Ak ewi wãwen jemaroñ emakõt ekkar ñõn kajitõk kein? • Ilo wãwen et eo jerbal in kwalok nan ej kaemololo kij im ro jej konono ibbeir? Having an unbelieving husband, did Persis need endurance and wisdom to rear her children in the Lord, and did Asyncritus, who suffered from a terminal illness, require extra comfort? Kinke leo belen ear jab juõn ri tõmak, Persis ear aikwij ke kijenmij im meletlet ñan kakajiririk ro nejin ilo Iroij, im Asyncritus, eo ear kijenmij kin juõn nañinmij eo ej jemlok ilo mij, ear laplok ke an aikwij bõk kainemõn? Jesus ear oktak. It can also include the embraces and long conversation that may take place when we meet a friend. Emaroñ kitibuj air atbokwõj dron im bwebwenato aitok iben dron elañe rej iion ro mõtair. " Elañe kwoj baptais, I naj ilok jen yuk! " God's Word declares: "This is the way. " Nan in Anij ej ba: "Eñin ial eo. " Ear juõn men elej ñan iun armij rein bwe ren kõllã owõj im juõn ñitta elap. Did you know that even Jesus had to learn to be obedient? - Kwojela ke bwe Jisõs bareinwõt ear aikwij katak ñõn bokake? - Rej rejañ ro jemen im jinen bwe ren read ñan ajiri ro nejiir. God described David as "my servant David, who kept my commandments and who walked after me with all his heart by doing only what was right in my eyes. " Anij ear kwalok kin David einwõt "korijera Devid, eo e ar bokake kien ko Aõ, im e ar lõr Iõ kin aolepen buruen, im kõmõn men eo wõt e jime iman meja. " Bõtab, kõm̦ro Niurka kar lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke kõm̦ro ar m̦õkaj im kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ro jel̦ã kajin eo an ro rejarroñroñ. From birth onward, a child's life is a list of firsts - the first steps taken, the first word spoken, the first day of school, to name just a few. Jen ien lotak im manlok, ej ien eo moktata me ajiri eo ej kõmõn men otemjej ilo mour eo an einwõt buñten ne ko neen moktata, nan eo ear ba moktata, ran in jikuul eo an jinointata, erkein ej jejjo wõt ian men ko. Meñe jej aikwij lo tõbrak ilo ad ellã jen bwid eo ad kiõ, jej aikwij kememej bwe ilo jemlokin, "jabrewõt iar e naj lelok nan kin e mõke ñõn Anij. " - Dri Rom 14: 12. 3: 4. 3: 4. Ãlikin jidik iien, naaj ko̦kkure Setan. A doubter "is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about " unpredictably. Eo ej bere ej "einwõt no in lometo e makõtkit im limajnono. " Jeova enaaj "m̦weiiel̦o̦k jãn jouj eo el̦ap an el̦ap. " How can we show respect for our Bible students? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kautiej ri katak Bible ro ad? Juõn ennan ilo newspaper in Australia eo ilo Australia etan Bankankankoana ear ba: "Ri Catholic ro ilo South America rejjab lukkun mõnõnõ in bõk kain tõmak rot eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. " 6: 2, 5, 8. 6: 2, 5, 8, UBS. Paul ear je: "Anij e ar lo emõn otemjej bwe ren jokwe ilo E [Christ], im E ar kilajrõk ñõn E men otemjej kin bõtõktõk eo E ar katorlok ion alal in iñtan eo, elañe rej ber ion lõl, ak men ko i lõñ. " - Kol. * Enoch foretold a time when Jehovah would judge all the ungodly and their ungodly deeds. * (Jude 14, 15) Enoch ear kanan kin juõn ien eo ñe Jehovah enaj kar ekajete ro otemjej renana im jerbal ko air renana. Jej aikwij katak ñan bõk lemnak in. - Jon 3: 16. Speaking of what Jehovah accomplished aeons ago, Genesis states: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. " Jenesis 1: 1 ej ba: "Ilo jinoin Anij ear kõm̦anm̦an lañ im lal̦. " Katak in tok juõn enaj etale juõn wanjoñok. At times, he wore a good - quality garment. Jet ien, ear kõnake juõn nuknuk emõn im elap wõnãn. Ta eo ej kwalok bwe jitõb kwojarjar eo ej kamaroñ kij ñan keañ kin news eo emõn? El̦aññe jej kwal̦o̦k jouj im yokwe jouj, jenaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jipañ ro rej aikuj. Jaar kõm̦m̦ani elõñ bok ko ilo elõñl̦o̦k jãn 700 kajin ko. If this moves them to open their heart to be instructed by Jehovah, then their inmost thoughts, their desires, and their motivations will gradually be molded by what they learn. Elañe menin ej kamakit ir ñõn air kabellok burueir bwe Jehovah en katakin ir, inem lemnak ko air ituloa, kõnan ko air, im emmakit ko air renaj oktak ikijen men eo rej katak. Kar wõn ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn "ro emwij kãlet ir " me Anij ear itoklimo kake ir? Study Articles 3, 4 PAGES 12 - 21 Katak 3, 4 PAGE 12 - 21 " Ke kim ar dik wõt, rar koba kim ilo bwebwenato ko air kin makitkit ko an congregation eo, im kimar lukkun itoklimo kin mol eo einwõt kar mokta. Touch the Life of Others Jipañ Ro Jet Ñan wanjoñok, ta elañe jej kebak juõn em im kallallal ion kejam eo. Such a young man would do well to ask himself: " Do I focus primarily on aspects of God's service that bring recognition and praise? Likao rot in en kajitõk ibben make: " Ij bõk kunaõ ke ilo jerbal ko wõt an Anij me rej bõktok kautiej im nebar wõt? Emol jaab! Even so, we do our utmost to arrange secular work and other activities in such a way that they do not interfere with our sacred service, such as attending Christian meetings. Meñe eindrein, jej kate kij ñõn kõlajrõki jerbal im makõtkit ko jet ilo juõn wãwen me rejjab kautameik jerbal eo ar ekwojarjar, einwõt ber ilo kwelok ko an dri Kristian. Jen men in, ej juõn men in meletlet ñan kõtlok bwe aikwij im maroñ ko an ri katak eo ren beek ewi joñan katak eo. On a personal level, Jehovah has blessed me with knowledge of him, work to do, and a fine Christian husband. Elukkuun lõñ men ko ij kam̦m̦oolol Jeova kaki. Inem kwon ukõt lajrak ko am. We must therefore be resolute in resisting illicit sexual temptations, which are especially common in this immoral world. Kin men in, jej aikwij beek ñõn jumae menin kabo ko rej tellok ñõn mour in lũñ, me ekkã an walok ilo lõl in enana. Binmour eo an Christ ej kabellok ial eo ñan kajejjet kitien karõk eo an Anij - bwe armij ro rekiblie ren mour indio ilo Paradise ion lal. We live at a time when, as Jesus long ago foretold, love is cooling off among professed Christians around the world. Jej mour ilo juõn ien eo ke, einwõt an kar Jesus kanan ien ko etto, yokwe ej mololok ibiljin ro rej ba rej Christian ibelakin lõl. Ke Jesus ear bed ion lal, elõñ thousand armij ro emol burueir rar kile, jab utiej eo an wõt, ak itoklimo eo an kin ro jet. The care for the environment leaves hardly any passersby indifferent. An emõn kejbãrok belak ko belakiir ej kõmman an itoklimo enañin aolep ro rej etal ituriirlok. Rainin, elõñ jikuul̦ ko kar kõm̦m̦ani ñan jipañ kõj ãinwõt ri kwal̦o̦k ro kõn Aelõñ eo an Anij. " From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him. " Komin kwalok lomor eo An jen ran ñõn ran. Meñe wãwen kein rar walok, " Noa e ar etetal iben Anij " im ear kwalok nan ilo beran einwõt" dri kwalok ekwojarjar. " When our bus appeared, we discovered that it was smaller than it was supposed to be, so some of us did not have seats. Ke ear tõkeãktok bus eo, ear dik jen joñan eo kimar kõtmene kake, inem jet ian ro mõttam rar aikwij in jutak wõt. Christian jemjãn jemjatin maan im kõrã ro Our very salvation depends on our "walking in the truth " - adhering to it and standing firm against" the father of the lie. " - 3 John 3, 4, 8. (Dri Galetia 2: 5, 14) Lomor eo ad ej wawa ion ad "etetal ilo mol " - eddeb ñan e im jutak bin nae" jemen riõp " eo. - 3 Jon 3, 4, 8. Ij kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kake aolepen raan. " - Sam 119: 97. Kumagai), 12 / 15 Jesus ear jiroñ ri kalor ro an: "Komin yokwe ro dri kijirãte kom, im jar kin ro rej matõrtõr kom. " Like Paul, some servants of God choose to remain single so that they have fewer family responsibilities and can devote themselves to Kingdom service. Ãinwõt Paul, jet rũkarejar ro an Jeova ilo raan kein rejjab kããlõt ñan m̦are kõnke ren kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo aer jerbal ñan Jeova. Ilo congregation ko rej konono kajin Greek, Septuagint eo rar kajerbale. The second lesson is from Jeremiah's example. (1 Dri Korint 10: 11) Katak eo kein karuo ej itok jen joñok eo an Jeremiah. A men kein otemjej komin kõnõk yokwe, eo ken lukwõj ej kowãppemi. " - Kol. Christian preaching has often benefited from governmental law. Jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Christian ekkã an wõr tokjen jen kien eo an government. Rej aikwij tiljek ñan mij ñan bõk jinekjej in. The people were treated roughly and could be compared to " crushed reeds ' or " flaxen wicks ' when they are at their last flicker. (Jon 7: 47 - 49) Ear lej ear kõmõn ñõn ir, inem rar maroñ keiri ir ñõn "koba eobõp " ak" lamp eo erik an urur " ñe ej iten kun. Jehovah ej jiroñ Ezekiel bwe ejelok juõn ruwamaejet eo "e bwebwe ilo buruen " emaroñ deloñ. How can we with full confidence retain "the peace of God "? Ewi wãween jemaroñ lukkuun lõke Jeova im dãpij wõt ippãd "aenõm̦m̦an eo an Anij "? Im eñin men eo Jesus ear kõmmane ilo Nisan 14, 33 C.E. In striking contrast with his deceitful adversary Satan the Devil, Jehovah is ever truthful. Ilo an oktak jen ri kijirãt eo an eo ej etao Satan Devil eo, Jehovah ien otemjej ej mol. Ikijen juõn ri kabuñ eo ewãnik eo ej nañinmij, David ear ba: "Ilo ran in jorrãn Jeova e naj lomoren e. I thus learned to be a seamstress. Kin men in, iar katak ñõn jela keke. Kwon jab kajettokjen aorõkin jar ko am im kin juõn Ri Christian eo mõttam ej buromõj. Few of us will have to face tribulation as severe as that of Job. Jet wõt iad jenaj jelmae melejoñ ko relap einwõt Job. Burukuk eo eaorõk Ezekiel ear kwalok kake ej alikar ilo alikar kajjojo yiõ einwõt bwen ri kabit ro im "sheep ro jet " rej kuktok ibben don ñan kememe Kwojkwoj in Kememej mij eo an Christ! Would You Welcome a Visit? Kwon Karuwaineneik Wõj Ke Juõn Ri Lowõj? Jemaroñ lomoren kij make im ro jet elap ad inebata im buromõj elañe jej kõmman bebe ko ilo ettã buru ñe jej lelok maroñ eo ñan kõmman eindein. One reason, as Paul's subsequent experience graphically illustrates, was the instability of the weather. Un eo ej kinke enana lõñ einwõt ej alikar ilo nan ko an Paul tokelik ilo ien eo rar iion juõn lañ. (Jerb. Armij in Israel ro ilo ran ko an Moses rar lo menin kalikar ko relap kin kajur eo an Anij, ekoba kõdo eo ekabwilõñlõñ an Anij ear tel ir ilo ran ko im men in ear jibañ ir ñan ko jen Lomalo Ekilmir. [ Picture on page 16] [ Pija eo ilo peij 24] Ro Jet The Bible says that Almighty God shows favor to humble individuals "in due time. " Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe Anij eo Ekajoor Bõtata ej kwal̦o̦k jouj "ilo iien ekkar " ñan armej ro me ettã bũrueer. Ñe jej jelmae juõn abañ, jej aikwij lemnak kin ta eo ankil an Jehovah emaroñ walok. Jesus had taken ample time to encourage his apostles with a heart - to - heart talk. Jesus ear bõk elap ien ñan rejañ ri jilek ro an ilo an konono ilo juõn wãwen ejoij im alikar. Anjo Ion Jet ian Ro Rej Jerbal ilo Betel * * Jen etale kajitõk ko. From infancy to adulthood, humans thrive on love. Jen ke rej ajiri ñan ñe reritto, armij rej ebbõl ion yokwe. Iar buromõj kin ña make, ak men in ear oktak ke ear 14 aõ yiõ. Important Lessons for Young Ones Katak ko Raorõk ñan Ajiri Ro Elõñ renaaj itoitak, im enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ eo em̦ool. " By accepting and acting on the good news, you can receive grand blessings not only now but also in the future when God's Kingdom rules the entire earth. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Ilo am bõke im jerbale news eo emõn, kwo maroñ bõk jerammõn ko relap ejjab kiõ wõt ak bareinwõt ilo ilju eo ej itok ñe Ailiñ in Anij ej iroij iaolepen lal. - 1 Timote 4: 8. Jehovah ear kaorõk "ran eo ken ka jiljilimjuõn, " kinke lokbook in kakõrmol eo ej wõnmanlok im ba:" Anij e ar kejerammõn ran eo ken ka jiljilimjuõn, im kokwojarjar e. " - Jenesis 2: 1 - 3. [ Footnotes] [ Kamelele eo itulal] ORAN RO RAR PÃD ILO JERBAL IN KWAL̦O̦K NAAN It was up to them whether the borders of unreaped grain around the edges of their fields would be wide or narrow. Kar bebe eo air ikijen ewi debakbakin tõrerein jikin kallip ko rejjab madmõde. Aolep ro uan jukjuk im bed eo, kil, bwij, im kalijeklok renaj jako. What, then, may we expect when the Master, the glorified Jesus, comes for judgment in the future? M̦okta wõt jãn iien eñtaan eo el̦ap, Anij enaaj sili rũkkapit ro ilo lal̦ in me renaaj mour wõt ilo tõre en̦. Juon em̦m̦aan ej lale eklejia me eto an lale eklejia ej ba: "Ñe epen ñan kõm̦m̦an oktak, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en penl̦o̦k am̦ kõm̦m̦an oktak. " Would Kathleen be able to stop abusing drugs without the threat of a fiery hell hanging over her? Kiõ ke ejelok an Kathleen mijõk kin iñtan ilo hell, men in enaj ke kabwijrõk e jen an bõk uno in karek ko? " Kwojarjar ej einlok wõt erreo, " ear kobaiktok. What can we learn from these Messianic prophecies? Ta eo jemaroñ katak jen kanan kein kin Messaia eo? " Emõnõnõ ro emwij matõrtõr ir kin kwojarjar, bwe air ailiñ in lõñ. " When in Jerusalem for their three annual festivals, they did dwell together in unity. Ke rar bed ilo Jerusalem kin kwojkwoj ko jilu ilo yiõ ko kajojo, rar jokwe ibben don ilo burukuk. Ear wõr ien ko ke ear baj kõnan mij wõt. Studying Christ's courageous example and reflecting on it can give us the necessary courage to remain separate from the world. (Jon 17: 16) Ar katak im kalomõnlokjen kin joñok eo an Kraist kin beran, emaroñ letok ñõn kij beran eo jej aikwiji ñõn kajenolok kij jen lõl in. Eñin men eo Christian ro rej kõtmene kake, bwe "aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo, " Satan. This human reasoning contradicts the Bible and robs people of hope. Juon iaaer ej bwe men otemjej rar jide im wal̦o̦k, im bwe armej rej itok jãn menninmour. Ak armij ro "re erreo burueir " im ewõr ibbeir kejatdikdik eo ñan mour indio ion lal rej bareinwõt maroñ" lo " Anij. Peter would fill a valuable role in the congregation under Christ's direction. Piter enaj kar kõmõn juõn jerbal eaurõk ilo congregation eo iomin tel eo an Kraist. 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. SONGS: 81, 135 AL: 54, 24 Ñe jej kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan ro jet, men in emaroñ kõm̦ To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Ñe kokõn̦aan jabawõt, jouj im etal ñan www.jw.org. Ene eo ej ralitõk mile aetokin im 1.5 mile aetokin. " And they will actually go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that were transgressing against me; for the very worms upon them will not die and their fire itself will not be extinguished, and they must become something repulsive to all flesh. ' " Im re naj driojlok im kalimjek ubõn armij ro rar kokkure kien ko Aõ: likakrõk eo air e jamin mij, im kijeek eo air e jamin kwun; im re naj menin jõjõik ñõn kõniek otemjej. " Jen kejbãrok manit ko remõn ñan katak Bible ibbed make im ilo wãwen in jumae Devil eo. - Dri Epesõs 4: 22 - 24. Sad to say, multitudes who had hoped to find peace and fulfillment in marriage and with a family have found that their expectations have gone unfulfilled. Ekaburomõjmõj bwe elõñ armij ro me rar kõtõmene bwe renaj lo ainemõn im juburu ilo mour in mare im baamle rar jab lo tõbrõk. Ta nan in kaiñi ko ilo Jeje ko rej aikwij lemnak kaki iumin wãwen kein? First of all, Jehovah becomes our Father and our Friend. Moktata, Jehovah enaj Jemed im Jerad. Lal in enaj emmakit ñan kejbãrok eo eyokwe an Anij im armij ro rekiblie. What help does God provide with regard to selecting a marriage mate? Jibañ ta eo Anij ej letoke ikijen ekãlel ñan juõn rejetan? [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] (a) What caused a sudden turn of events among Nehemiah's enemies? (a) Ta eo ear kamakit ilo idiñ oktak ko ibwiljin ri jumae ro an Nihimaia? Kanan ko ilo Bible rar kanan kin itok eo an Messiah eo, ak Christ, melelen "Eo Emwij Kabiti. " Can you imagine the joy of Martha and Mary when Jesus raised Lazarus back to life? - Read John 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. Kwõmaroñ ke l̦õmn̦akel̦o̦k joñan an Marta im Meri m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke Jijej ej kõmour Lazerõs? - Riit Jon 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. King David ear uak: "Eo ejime an etetal, ej kõmõn wãnik. " ▪ "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' ▪ "Ri jokwe ie ejamin ba, " I nañinmej. ' Eon in ej wõnmanlok wõt im ba: "Ñe e ridto e jamin illok jen e. " In many respects, people today are like the men and women who lived in Noah's day. Ilo elõñ wãwen ko, armij ro rainin rej einlokwõt maan im kõrã ro rar mour ilo ran ko an Noah. Etke kejatdikdik eo an Christian ej einwõt juõn helmet? Although not everyone is by nature gregarious or expressive, being overly withdrawn can be damaging. Meñe ejjab aolep armij rej mõnõnõ in bwebwenato ak konono, ak emaroñ kauwatata bareinwõt elañe jej jook ak kõnan kamakelok iad. Im ej lelok ñan ro ejelok air kejatdikdik juõn un eo emol ilo mour. Some get involved in drug abuse, as I did. Jet iair rej bõk uno ko rejõkkar ñan kamõnõnõik ir, einwõt ña mokta. Ke John ear 90 jima an yiõ, rar kalbuji e ion jikin kalbuj eo ilo Patmos "kin nan in Anij im kennan an Jisõs. " In conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses, Ashok and Feema were impressed by the teachings of the Bible and by the love existing among the Witnesses. Bõtab, ear kõtlok bwe Jehovah en tel e ilo ien ko rebin. One elderly woman told them: "The end must be near because Jehovah's Witnesses have reached us at last. " Juon lel̦l̦ap ear jiroñ sister rein ruo: "Bõlen epaak jem̦l̦o̦kin kõnke Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova retõpar tok kõm. " Meñe eindrein, lemnok eo air kin Jisõs im katak ko an emaroñ jelet ir, ak lemnok eo an armij ro kin Jisõs im katak ko an. But that does not mean that Satan has limitless power to kill anyone he wants. Ak ejjab melelen men in bwe eor maroñ eo ejelok joñõn iben Setan ñõn mõn jabrewõt armij ekõnan. Bõtab, jemaroñ anjo ion melejoñ ko ad kin liki eo eyu bwe "Jeova e jamin illok jen armij ro An. " He gave Ruth special consideration and commanded his men to let her glean in his field. Ear kwalok juõn lemnak ejej uan kin Ruth im kaiñi ri jerbal ro an bwe ren kõtlok e bwe en bõk men in eddek ko ilo jikin kallip eo an. Mekarta, jemaroñ bõk ennan in ñan armij ro jen aolepen lal in ro rej jokwe ilo territory eo ad. What study projects would give you the joy of new insight? Kain etale katak rot ko renaj kalañliñ yuk ilo am kabuk melele ko rekãl? Jar, kalmenlokjen kin joñok ko jej loi ilo Bible eo, im kamao ibben armij ro an Jehovah rej jibañ elõñ million armij ro kiõ ñan bõk kainemõn ilo aolep melejoñ ko air. And "the spirit of Jehovah began to empower David. " (Eka. 6: 34) Im "Jetõb an Jeova ear itok ioon Devid. " Jen lale ewi wãwen. Who is the best example in showing mildness and patience? Wõn eo me em̦m̦antata joñak eo an kõn an kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro im meanwõd? Katak 4 PEIJ 17 - 21 Those who ridicule the divine warnings sounded by God's modern - day servants should realize what failure to heed the warnings will mean. Ro rej kajirere rej aikwij kile ta eo enaj walok ñan ir elañe rejjab bokake nan in kakkõl kein an Anij me ri karejar ro an ilo ran kein rej kwaloki. 3: 4 - Jonah ear aikwij ke katak kajin Assyria ñan kwalok nan ibben Ri Nineveh ro? " There will be disgrace upon its glory. ' - Habakkuk 2: 16. " Enaj ejelok kautiej ion aibujuij eo an. ' - Habakkuk 2: 16, NW. Nan in jiroñ ko ear bõki ilo ien in rar oktak. One goal could be to pray each day. Juõn mejenkajik kwomaroñ kõmõne ej ñõn jar kajjojo ran. Ilo letter eo an ñan Ri Christian ro mõttan, James jatin Jesus ear kakkõl kin kauwatata eo ñan an ri roñjake ro rekijejeto. See Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Vol. 2, pp. 311 - 318. Lale bok eo an jo̦dikdik (Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Vol. 2) ilo peij 311 - 318. 34: 1 - 3. Because some early Christians had become materialistic or were admiring the wealthy, James makes strong statements regarding certain rich men. Kinke jet Christian ro rar jino arok mweiuk ak rar kautiej ro remweie, James ear kwalok jet nan ko rekajur ikijen jet ro remweie. Ñe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn bujen kein, men in enaaj kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad mel̦el̦e kõn karõk eo an Anij. - Riit Epesõs 2: 12. Do You Really Appreciate Your Blessings? Kwoj Ke Kwalok Am Kamolol kin Jerammõn ko jen Jeova? " L̦aam̦ eo... enaaj lale er, im enaaj tõl er bwe ren unin dãn ko dãnnin mour. " - REV. B. B. ▪ Meri ear ke lukkun "Jemen Anij "? Josephus reports that over a million Jews died, and 97,000 were taken captive. Josephus ear kwalok bwe elõñlok jen juõn million Ri Jew ro rar mij, im 97,000 kar kajibõkweik ir. " Wãnik im ekajet jime rej berber in tron eo An, " inem jemaroñ liki bwe aolep kien ko an, nan in kaiñi ko, im bebe ko an rewãnik. Richard also notes: "A good way to train others is by working with them in the field ministry. Richard ej bar ba: "Juon wãween em̦m̦an ñan katakin im kammineneiki em̦m̦aan ro ak likao ro ilo eklejia eo, ej kwal̦o̦k naan ippãer. Paul ear jejel̦o̦k ñan Kũrjin ro ilo Rom im ba: "Ij l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k mej ak mour, ak enjel̦ ran̦, ak kien ko, ak men ko renaaj itok, ak men ko ãierl̦o̦kwõt, ak jabdewõt menin kõm̦anm̦an ko jet renaaj maroñ in kõjepel kõj jãn yokwe an Anij, eo ej pãd ilo ad Irooj Jijej Kũraij. " Assign definite study times. Karõk im kajejjet ien katak ko. Jet rar em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan ijoko el̦ap aikuj ie. Let us consider nine ways we can strive to show love that is "free from hypocrisy. " Eokwe, jen etale 9 wãween ko me jemaroñ m̦ool ilo ad kwal̦o̦k yokwe. ● "Ri Kaki. " He said: "When you pray, you must not be as the hypocrites; because they like to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the broad ways to be visible to men. Ear ba: "Ñe komij jar, komin jab einwõt ro dri jela mon: bwe re kõnan jutõk im jar iloan imõn kwelok ko im i kãbon in ial ko, bwe armij ren lo ir. Wãwen bũdej eo kein kajilu, eo ewõr kãliklik ko, elaptata ej tellokin ad lale kinke ilo jet wãwen ko ej einlok wõt bũdej eo emõn. How is the truth found in the Bible like a Roman military belt? Ewi wãween an katak ko rem̦ool ilo Baibõl̦ ãinl̦o̦k wõt kañũr eo me rũttarin̦ae ro an Rom rej kõn̦ake? Jehovah elap an itoklimo kin kij im ejelã kin eñtan ko ad. " I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself. " - ISAIAH 48: 17 " Ña Jehovah, am Anij, Eo ej katakin yuk ñan tokjen eo ñan kwe make. " ISAIAH 48: 17, NW. Ej kakabilek: "Ro jemeir, komin jab biuktõke ro nejimi ñõn illu: a komin kakajiririik ir ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " True Christians, particularly anointed ones, likewise find strength and encouragement in reflecting upon the love that Jesus Christ has shown toward them. (Sam 23: 5; 104: 15) Ri Christian ro remol, elaptata ri kabit ro, rej bõk kajur im rejañ ñe rej kalmenlokjen kin wãwen an kar Jesus yokwe ir. (b) Ta un eo Zion ear bõke kin lañliñ? The historian Josephus says that Jonah "thought it better to slip out of the way " and make for Joppa instead. Jesus ear etal ñan juõn jikin kwelok ilo Galilee. WE LIVE in momentous times. RAAN kein jej mour ie rej raan ko el̦ap aer aorõk im kãitoktoklimo. [ Kamelele eo itulal] The original Greek word that is translated "prevailing " conveys the idea of" exerting strength. " Nan in Greek eo ej ukõt "kajurlok " ej kalikar lemnak eo kin" kajur eo emejojo. " Ri Christian ro rej aikwij kautiej manit rot kein. Counting Backward From Cyrus ' Decree Allowing the Jews to Return From Exile to the Flood of Noah's Day Bwinbwin Liklok Jen Kejelã eo an Cyrus ñan Kõtlok Ri Jew ro ñan Jeblak jen Jikin Kamakoko eo ñan Ibwijleplep eo ilo Ran eo an Noah Kajin ko jet ewõr wãwen ko ibbeir make ñan kwalok ãt eo ekwojarjar etan Anij. You can find the answers to those questions in the Bible. Eokwe, kwõmaroñ lo uwaak ko ilo Baibõl̦ ñan kajjitõk kein. Meñe iar lukkuun inepata im bũrom̦õj, ak iar peek ilo bũruõ bwe in jab ilo̦k jãn m̦weo im̦õn. Everything we enjoy is only because of Jehovah's loving - kindness. Men otemjej jej mõnõnõ kaki rej itok jen joij eo an Jehovah. Jen kõmman jet oktak ko ilo jitõb ñan jino bõk jelãlokjen eo kin dolul eo an Jehovah ilañ. As the very term suggests, loving - kindness includes the traits of love and kindness. Einwõt an alikar, joij eo me elap yokwe ie ej kitibuj karkar ko ruo. Bõk L̦õmn̦ak ko Rem̦m̦ One father who successfully helped all seven of his children to love Jehovah always retreated to his room before the family study in order to prepare, tailoring the material to the needs of each child. (Nihimaia 8: 8) Juõn jemen ajiri ear lo tõbrak ilo an jibañ aolep ajiri ro nejin jiljilimjuõn ñan yokwe Jehovah ien otemjej ear deloñ ilo room eo an mokta jen an family eo katak bwe en kebojak, karõk katak eo ñan aikwij ko an kajjojo ajiri. AL KO: 74, 4 According to the Bible, what will happen to organizations that seem solid to many people today? Ekkar ñan Baibõl̦, ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k ñan doulul ko me armej ro ilo raan kein rej watõk bwe rekajoor? Ekabũrom̦õjm̦õj bwe elõñ iaan armej ro jãn aelõñ ko jet rar l̦õmn̦ak bwe rem̦m̦anl̦o̦k jãn aelõñ ko jet. The priestly class foreshadows the body of anointed Christians in our day. Class in priest ro ej annañelok kumi in ri kabit Ri Christian ro ilo ran kein ad. Juõn mour in 70 yiõ ko ej debij wõt kejatdikdik eo kin jet 66 ran ko. " Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth,... is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. " - ISAIAH 40: 28, 29. " Jeova, dri kõmõnmõn jabõn ko jabõn lõl,... ej lelok kajur ñõn eo ej barõk; im ñõn eo ejelok an maroñ, Ej korlok kajur. " - Aiseia 40: 28, 29. 6: 3 - 8. First, Jehovah leads his people. Moktata, Jehovah ej tel armij ro an. Anij Ej Ke Kõm̦m̦an bwe En Wõr Wõt Aenõm̦m̦an? (Read Nehemiah 9: 25 - 27; Hos. Jemaroñ lo naan kein aer ilo Nihimaia 9: 25 - 27. Ak, rejjab jelã kin ta eo enaj walok ilo ran ko rej itok, inem mour emaroñ jabwe aorõkin, karõk, ak melele eo emol. This was the point of one of Jesus ' most famous illustrations, that of the neighborly Samaritan. (Aiseia 42: 1) Eñin kar melele eo ilo juõn ian wanjoñok ko elap air buñbuñ an Jesus, ej kin ri Samaria eo ri turin. Jehovah im Jesus rej bõk kunair ilo program in katakin eo rej kõmmane ibelakin lal rainin. This gave us the opportunity to preach to fellow passengers who were curious about why we were there. Ilo ial eo am ñan kabijukneõm ear letok juõn ien emõn ñan kwalok nan ñan armij ro jet rej iuwe ilo wa eo me rar kõnan jelã etke kimar bed ijo. Kin men in, jen kememej kin jerammõn eo ewõr ibbed ibben Jehovah Anij. He indicated that when anyone fails to treat his anointed followers kindly, he feels as though he himself were receiving that treatment. (Mark 1: 41; 6: 34) E ar kwalok bwe ñe juõn ej likjap in joij ñõn ri kabit ro mõttan, ej make eñjake im einwõt ñe e eo ej bõk jorrãn eo. Wõn ro renaj melele kin ennan ko an Anij? keep a record of every dose taken. kõmõn am lajrõk kin joñõn uno ko kwoj iraki. Meñe enañin aolep armij renaj errã bwe mour einwõt kar kallimur kake im kwalok kake ilo Bible emol ej juõn men emõn, kinke elõñ un ko rebin ñan melele kin mour indio. Joseph's suffering began when he was 17 years old and lasted for more than a dozen years! (Jenesis 41: 37 - 55) Eñtan eo an Joseph ear ijjino ke ear 17 yiõ dettan aetokin ear laplok jen joñoul ruo yiõ ko! Ak leo ri belele ej inebata kin men ko an lal, ewi wãwen emaroñ bõk buñburu eo an lio belen, im ej jebel jen don. Gifts Fit for a King (aromatic spices), 3 / 1 Jemaroñ Erreo im Kwõjarjar Wõt, 6 / 1 Baj l̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn joñan an kar Meri lukkuun lõke Jeova. We gain that understanding only from a study of God's Word, the Bible. Wãwen eo wõt jej maroñ bõk melele in ej ikijen ad katak Nan eo an Anij, Bible eo. Einwõt kar kanan kake, Josiah ear "bõk jen kiru ko, im tile ir ion lokatok " eo ilo Bethel. What helped Job to maintain his integrity? Ta eo ear jibõñ Job ñõn drebij wõt an tiljek? Emol, men in enaj rejañ kij bwe en wõr jet book ko ibbed jekdon ia eo jemaroñ bed ie - ilo mweo imõd, ilo jikin jerbal, ilo school, ilo jikin ikkure ko, ak ilo jikin ikkure ko. - 1 Piter 3: 15. Indeed, how many times have we heard of the human tongue's death - dealing power being wielded in fabricating lies and false testimonies that have brought ruination, even death, to innocent victims? (Jabõn Kennan Ko 18: 21) Emol, jete alen emwij ad roñ kin kajur eo ekanuij nana an loõn armij ear kajerbale ñan kine riap im nan in riap me ej bõktok jorrãn, im bareinwõt mij, ñan armij ro ejelok rueir? Rar melele kin mol ko raibujuij kin karõk eo an Anij. Dew is refreshing. M̦õl̦awi ej kaem̦õl̦ol̦o. Juõn ladik, eo ear bõk nañinmij in AIDS, ej ba: "Ñe kwoj nañinmij, kwojjab kõnan joloke, einwõt ñe kwoj emõn - ejelok jabdewõt men kwoj jab maroñe. Since we have such a grand hope, we should be "nothing but joyful. " - Deuteronomy 16: 15. (Jon 17: 3) Kinke kejatdikdik in ekanuij emõn ej bed ibbeir, jej aikwij "lõñliñ wõt. " - Duteronomi 16: 15. Etke jej aikwij jar jen buruõd? He who did not even spare his own Son but delivered him up for us all, why will he not also with him kindly give us all other things? " Eo e ar jab drebij Nejin wõt jen iñtan, a E ar ketõk E kin kij otemjej, ekijkan, E jamin bareinwõt wujleptok men otemjej iben ñõn kij ke? " (b) Wõn ro rar ba bwe renaj mour indio ion lal? God, they say, is too distant, too mysterious - if he exists at all. Rej ba, bwe Anij ebed etolok, ej bedwõt ilo ittino - elañe ej mour. Moktata, lolãtãt eo an Christ ej letok ñan kij juõn kamelele ilo lemnak eo an Jehovah Anij. Said one woman who was baptized in 1930: "Though [partaking] was considered the right thing to do, especially for zealous full - time ministers, I never was convinced that I had a heavenly hope. Juõn kõra eo ear baptais ilo 1930 ear ba: "Meñe bõk bread im wine eo kar watõke einwõt men eo ejimwe ñõn kõmmõne, elaptata kin ri kwalok ro full - time rekijejeto, I ar jab lemnak bwe ear wor ibba kejatdikdik eo ñõn mour ilõñ. Konono Mol ñõn ro Dri turõm, 6 / 15 He referred to Jehovah as "the Father, to whom every family in heaven and on earth owes its name. " - Eph. Ear jitõñlok ñõn Jeova einwõt eo "Jemer, jen Eo nukin otemjej i lõñ im i lõl emwij naetair. " - Ep. Lemnak kin juõn wanjoñok. Will You Serve Again? Kwonaj ke Bar Bõk Kwonam? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kwalok bwe meñe kiõ ilo jitõb, enaj kar "itok "? STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 28 - 32 KATAK 4 PEIJ 28 - 32 Ear yokwe mol ko ear katakin kaki, im ear yokwe armij ro ear katakin ir. Etke elõñ bwebwenato ko rekabwilõñlõñ kõn wãween an kar maroñ pãdwõt ñan rainin? Ewi wãwen aõ maroñ kalaplok aõ jerbal ibben ro rej tel? It also shows us the way we can do this. We benefit from reading Bible accounts about real people struggling with real problems. Kõnke jemaroñ katak jãn waanjoñak kein an armej rein rejjab weeppãn me ear wal̦o̦k apañ ko ikõtaaer im ro jet. Mol ko rej lukkun kwalok ke bwe Anij enana? • In what way does the ministry refresh us and those to whom we speak? • Ilo wãwen it jerbal in kwalok nan ej kõkãtõk kij im ro jej konono ibeir? Lal eo Ekãl Jesus was different. Jesus ear einjuõn ilo lemnak eo an. Ial in meletlet im mõnõnõ ej ñan eddeb wõt ñan kien ko ejej uair Jehovah ear litoki ñan tel mour ko ad. " If you get baptized, I will leave you! " " Ñe kwõnaaj peptaij, inaaj etal jãn kwe! " " A kin lõñ ko, ir an Jeova, a lõl E ar lelok ñõn ro nejin armij. " - Sam 115: 16 It was cruel to impose this on people already heavily burdened with taxes and a food shortage. (Nihimaia 5: 11) Menin ear juõn men enana im lej me rar likit ion armij ro im rej eñtan kin owõj ko reddo im kin juõn ñitta. Ejelok bere, Devil eo ej kajerbal elõñ etao im etao ko ilo jibadbad ko an ñan kabo ri karejar ro an Jehovah. Parents are encouraged to read to their young children. Ak el̦apl̦o̦k aer m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn jikuul̦ eo me rej ekkatak jãne im ej itok jãn Jeova ikijjeen doulul eo an. Kwal̦o̦k juon waanjoñak kõn wãween ad kwal̦o̦k kautiej ñan ro jet. However, both Niurka and I were highly motivated, so we quickly grew in our abilities with sign language. Bõtab, ña im Niurka jimor kimro kar bojak im mõnõnõ ñan kõmmane, inem jidik kin jidik kimro kar kakõmõnmõnlok maroñ ko am ñan jelã kilen konono kin peid. Kom jemen ajiri ro elaptata komin kajeoñe joñok eo an Jehovah, bõk buñten nee eo ñan ejaake juõn lukluk in yokwe ibben ajiri ro nejimi. Even if we should succeed in passing over our mistake now, we need to keep in mind that in the long run, "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " - Romans 14: 12. Meñe jaar kõm̦m̦an likjab ak bõd im jaar jab iioon apañ, jej aikuj keememej bwe ilo jem̦l̦o̦kin, "kajjojo iaad naaj aikuj in kwal̦o̦k ñan Anij wãween an kar mour. " - Rom 14: 12, UBS. Aet, wãwen iroij eo an Setan ear jerbal ñõn kaibujuij Anij. In time, Satan would be fatally bruised in the head. Tokelik, enaj kar kokkure bõran Satan. Kwoj Kememej Ke? Toward them in particular, Jehovah will "demonstrate the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness. " (Luk 22: 28 - 30, UBS; Pilippai 3: 20, 21, UBS; 1 Jon 3: 2, UBS) Jeova enaaj kaalikkar "joñan an l̦ap an jouj " el̦aptata ñan rũkkapit rein. Bõtab, Jesus ear jiroñ ir bwe enaj laplok an aibujuij jerkakbiji eo an ro remij: "Komin jab bwilõñ kin men in: bwe auõ ej itok, ilo eo ro otemjej rej ber ilo lũp ko, re naj roñ ainiken, im drioijtok, ro r'ar kõmõn emõn, ñõn jerkakbiji in mour. " - Jon 5: 28, 29. An article in the Australian newspaper Illawarra Mercury stated: "Prominent South Coast Catholics are not keen to adopt the Jehovah's Witness - type approach to their faith. " Juõn news ilo newspaper eo an Australia Illawarra Mercury ear ba: "Catholic ro rebuñbuñ ilo South Coast ilo Australia rejjab itoklimo in bõk kilen eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ñõn tõmak eo air. " Jehovah ejjab riap; bareinwõt ejjab kõmman jab wãnik. Paul wrote: "God saw good for all fullness to dwell in him [Christ], and through him to reconcile again to himself all other things by making peace through the blood he shed on the torture stake, no matter whether they are the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens. " - Col. Paul ear je: "Ebuñburuen Anij bwe ilo [Kraist] men otemjej remõn potata ren ber; Im bwe, ke emwij An kõmõn ainemõn kin bõtõktõkin drebail eo An, En kilajrõk kin E men ko otemjej ñõn E mõke, aet kin E elañe rej men ko ion lõl ak men ko i lõñ. " - Kol. Jemaroñ katak jen bwid ko an ro jet, ekoba ko emwij jei ilo Bible eo. We should learn to view it that way. - John 3: 16. Jej aikwij katak ñan watõke ilo wãwen in. - Jon 3: 16. [ Pija eo ilo peij 19] The following article will consider one example. Juõn Ri Christian eo ej belek juõn eo ejjab tõmak ejjab juõn joñok emõn im ejelok an kamolol kin men in letok eo an Anij kin mour in belele. What shows that it is holy spirit that empowers us to declare the good news? Ta eo ej kalikar bwe jitõb kwojarjar ej kamaroñ kij ñõn kwalok kin nuuj eo emõn? Ke bebe in ear likjap, king eo ear karõk bwe Uriah en mij ilo tarinae. We have produced various publications in more than 700 languages. Im jej kõm̦m̦ani elõñ iaan bok ko ad ilo elõñl̦o̦k jãn 700 kajin ko. 13 - 15. (a) Ta jet ian tokjen ko rar walok elañe rar karmijeteik iroij eo ewãnik an Jehovah? Who were the first - century "chosen ones " in whom God was interested? Kar won ro "emwij kãlet ir " ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn me Anij ear itoklimo kaki? Jemaroñ bareinwõt kajitõk ibbed make, " Elañe iar bed ilo wãwen eo ibbeir, ewi wãwen aõ naj kar eñjake? ' " When we were young, they included us in their conversations about congregation activities, and we became as enthusiastic about the truth as they were. " Ke kim ar dik, rar kobaik kim ilo bwebwenato ko air kin makitkit ko an congregation eo, inem kim ar kijejeto kin mol eo einwõt ir. Ekkar ñan journal eo, elõñ armij ro ilo jukjuk im bed ko an lal rej atartar ion "juõn kain katak ekãl " einwõt ba, rej tõmak bwe" ewõr juõn wõt mol, im mol in bwe ejelok mol. " For example, suppose we approach a house and knock on the front door. Ñan waanjoñak, jen ba bwe kwõj kal̦l̦al̦l̦al̦ ilo juon kõjãm ak ejjel̦o̦k juon ej uwaak. Men in ej kam̦ool bwe el̦apl̦o̦k an Jeova kajeraam̦m̦an er im ej kajeraam̦m̦an er. Of course not! Kwõban kar ñan jidik! 11: 25. Rather, it is wise to let the student's needs and abilities determine the pace of the study. Jen an eindein, ej menin meletlet ñan kõtlok bwe aikwij ko im maroñ ko an ri katak eo en men eo ej beek kilen katak eo. Ilo Saturday, Nisan 11, Jesus ear bar etal ñan temple eo ñan katakin. Then switch lists. Inem jenij iben dron men ko komro kar jei. Kin men in, Paul ej kwalok nan in nebar in ñan "Anij im Jemen ar Iroij Jisõs Kraist. " Christ's ransom opens the way for the fulfillment of God's purpose - that obedient humans live forever in Paradise on earth. Binmour eo an Christ ej kabellok ial eo ñan kajejjet kitien karõk eo an Anij - bwe armij ro ri kiblie ren mour indio ilo Paradise ion lal. Ri Israel ro rar karmijeteik e. When Jesus was on earth, thousands of honesthearted people recognized, not just his greatness, but his concern for others. Ke Jesus ear bed ion lal, thousand armij ro emol burueir rar kile, ejjab baj kin laplap eo an wõt, ak kin an lemnak kin ro jet. Ej kallimur: "E naj lõñ korn ilo ene ion jabõn tol ko; im leen ko An re naj einwõt wijki ko i lojit, im ro rej jen jikin kwelok eo re naj edrek einwõt leen lõl. " - Sam 72: 16. Today, there are schools especially designed to equip us as Kingdom proclaimers. 54: 13) Ilo ran kein, elõñ school ko rej katakin ri keañ ro an Ailiñ eo ñan jerbal ilo kwalok nan. Ilo ien eo an ekadu ion lal, Jesus ear letok joñok eo ewãppen - juõn eo jej kate kij ñan kajeoñe - juõn mour eo emol an wõr tokjen. - 1 Kor. Despite such conditions, "Noah walked with the true God " and witnessed boldly as" a preacher of righteousness. " (Jenesis 6: 1 - 5, 9, 11) Meñe lal̦ in ear lukkuun obrak kõn men kein renana ak " Noa ear etetal ippãn Anij ' eo em̦ool im peran wõt in kwal̦o̦k naan ãinwõt juon "ri kwal̦o̦k kõn wãnõk. " Ewõr ad tõmak bwe Jehovah enaj kajerammõn bebe eo ad ñan debij wõt tiljek eo ad. - Job 27: 5. Jewish and Arab Christian brothers Christian Ri Jew im Ri Arab ro jeid im jatid Ajiri eo ej ba bwe iumin ralitõk alliñ ko, ajiri eo ededelok an kar katak ñan kile ainikien kajin eo an, ejaake juõn kõtan ebak ibben jemen im jinen, ear ejaak elõñ kabel ko, im jino etale lal in ibelakin. I ponder over it all day long. " - Ps. 119: 97. I kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kake ium̦win aolepen raan. " - Sam 119: 97. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe Meri ear tiljek wõt ñan Jijej kõnke ear l̦õmn̦ak bwe enaaj wanlõñl̦o̦k ñan lañ im eban bar loe. Jesus told his followers: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you. " (Rome 12: 14) Jesus ear ba ñan ri kalor ro an: "Komin yokwe ro dri kijirãte kom, im jar kin ro rej matõrtõr kom. " Burukuk Ej Jelet Kabuñ eo Emol In Greek - speaking congregations, the Septuagint was used. Ilo congregation ko me rar konono kajin Grik rar kajerbal Septuagint. JEHOVAH etto an kar kanan bwe juõn men ekabwilõñlõñ enaj walok ilo ien jemlokin. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Col. (Kol. 3: 12, 14) Paul ear bar ba: "Kom̦win jouj ñan doon, en em̦m̦an bũruomi, jol̦o̦k nana jãn doon, ãinwõt Anij ilo Christ Ear jol̦o̦k ami nana. " - Ep. (b) Ad kememej ta eo enaj jibañ kij ñan ettõr wõt ilo iaikwij eo kin mour? They must remain faithful until death in order to obtain this prize. Rej aikwij tiljek wõt mae ien remij bwe ren bõk jinekjij in. Jej jebar leen ilo jerbal eo an Anij im bareinwõt kwalok leen jitõb eo an. - Jeremiah 17: 7, 8; Dri Galetia 5: 22, 23. Jehovah tells Ezekiel that no foreigner who is "uncircumcised in heart " may enter. Jehovah ej jiroñ Ezekiel bwe ejelok ruwamaejet eo "ejjab mwijmwij ilo buruen " emaroñ deloñ. Bõtab, kapen ro an jarin tarin̦ae eo rar kõn̦aan kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer. And that is precisely what Jesus did on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Im men in Jesus ear kõmmane ilo Nisan 14, 33 C.E. El̦ap an aorõk bwe jen kõjekdo̦o̦n jabdewõt kõn̦aan ko ippãd ñan l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make ak l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make. Concerning an upright worshipper who is ill, David said: "In the day of calamity Jehovah will provide escape for him. Ikijen ro ri karejaran Anij rewãnik im renañinmij, David ear ba: "Emõnõnõ eo ej lale ro dri jeramel; [Jehovah] e naj lomoren ilo ran in jorrãn. Juon iaan em̦m̦aan rein ear ba: "Jet raan ko remootl̦o̦k, iar jar ñan Jeova bwe en jilkinl̦o̦k eõ bwe in juon jabõt, im em̦õj uwaaki jar eo aõ. ' Do not underestimate the value of your prayers with and for a bereaved fellow Christian. Jab bõk l̦õmn̦ak eo bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokjãn am̦ jar kõn ro jeim̦ im jatũm̦ me rej bũrom̦õj im ñe kwõj bar jar ippãer. Kien kein, koba ibben aolep kien ko jet me rar erom mõttan bujen Kien eo ikijen Moses, rej bedbed ion kien ko rej indio im rej tellokin liki. The precious unity described in Ezekiel is clearly evident each year as the anointed remnant and the "other sheep " gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death! (Ezk. 37: 24, 25) Kajjojo iiõ ilo iien Kwõjkwõj eo, rũkkapit ro im jiip ro jet rej bõrokuk ippãn doon ãinwõt an kar Ezekiel kanaan kake. Ilo mõttan, ear ba: "Eñin men eo komij ba ñõn ro nejin Israel, " I ar jilkinlok iõ ñõn kom. ' " We can save ourselves and others much anxiety and grief if we modestly make decisions only when we have been granted the authority to do so. (Matu 24: 45 - 47) Jen kõttãik kõj make im kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko wõt el̦aññe ewõr ad maroñ ñan kõm̦m̦ani. Rar jaje. The people of Israel in Moses ' day had seen great manifestations of God's power, including God's miraculous pillar of cloud that led them by day and that helped them to escape through the Red Sea. (1 Dri Korint 10: 1 - 4) Armij in Israel ro ilo ran ko an Moses rar lo men ko relap rar kalikar kajur eo an Anij, ekoba jorlep eo ekabwilõñlõñ an Anij in kõdo eo ear tellok ir ilo ran im jibañ ir ñan air ko ilujen Lomalo Ekilmir. Ajiri ro rej tiljek ñan Christ ñe rej lor joñok eo an kin bokake. Other Men ko jet Kwõn jab m̦õkaj in kõm̦m̦ane men in m̦okta jãn am̦ kõm̦m̦an etale ko im jar kõn mãlõtlõt. When faced with a problem, we do well to consider what Jehovah's will may be in the matter. Ej katakin kõj bwe ñe ewõr juon apañ ewal̦o̦k im jej aikuj kõm̦m̦an pepe kake, eaorõk bwe jen etale m̦okta ta eo Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe jen kõm̦m̦ane. Joñan an kar lukkuun nana men eo ear wal̦o̦k, armej eo ear mej jãne ear mej. Meet Some of the Bethelites Jet Ian Dri Jerbal in Betel Ro 14, 15. Let us consider the questions one at a time. Jen etale kajitõk kein rekajjojo. Ñããt eo kar jolõltak Setan jen lõñ? - Rev. I felt sorry for myself, but that changed when I was 14 years old. Bõtab, ke ear 14 aõ iiõ ear jako aõ bũrom̦õj. [ Bo̦o̦k / Pija eo ilo peij 14] (2 Kiiñ 9: 20) Bõlen Jihu ekõn kaiim̦ ñe ej ettõr kõn jariot ko. Inem, kij aolep jen wõnmanlok wõt im kaddeklok ainemõn, leen jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant. " Elõñ renaj bwilõñ kake, im jelãlokjen eo emol enaj oktak im lap. " " I naj koutiej yuk, O aõ Anij Kiñ, " ear al, "im I naj nebar etõm ñõn in drio. Jehovah attached special significance to "the seventh day, " for the inspired record goes on to say:" God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred. " - Genesis 2: 1 - 3. Jehovah ear kobaiktok juõn men aorõk einjuõn ñan "ran eo ken ka jiljilimjuõn, " bwe nan in kakõrmol eo emwij je ej etal wõt im ba:" Anij ear kajerammõn ran eo ken ka jiljilimjuõn im kokwojarjar e. " - Jenesis 2: 1 - 3, NW. Kememej, eddo eo eliktata ej bed ibbam einwõt eo ej kabbeik yuk. - Luk 12: 48. BE ZEALOUS IN THE MINISTRY KIJEJETO ILO KWAL̦O̦K NAAN Rar reimanlok ñan ien ekajet eo ekwojarjar nae ri nana ro im alikar ro rar konono kin nan kein: "" Komin kõttar iõ, ' ej nan eo an Jehovah, " mae ran in kwi eo aõ ej tak ñan ro ri ailiñ ko, bwe in aintok ir ibben don, bwe ren aintok ailiñ ko, im jar in tarinae ko, ñan kijeek ko otemjej ion lal. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 8, NW. All traces of social, racial, tribal, and ethnic discrimination will be erased. (Sam 37: 6; 72: 12, 13; Aiseia 65: 21 - 23) Aolep jenkwon jukjuk im bed ko, jar in armij, bwij, im kalijeklok ikõtan armij ñan don renaj ejjeor. Meñe ear aibujuij ilo enbwin, ear ettã buruen im kõttãik e make. " Accepting a change when it comes and adapting to it can be difficult, " admits one longtime elder. " Ñe ej walok juõn oktak emaroñ bin ñan ad ukõt lemnak eo ad ilo ekkar emaroñ bin kõmmane, " juõn eo etto an jerbal einwõt juõn elder ear ba. Bõk ien ñan kamelele kake, ak kajerbal bar juõn wanjoñok me ej kwalok ejja point eo wõt. " Holiness is similar to cleanliness, " she adds. (1 Piter 1: 16) Ej wõnmanlok im ba: "Kwojarjar ej einwõt erreo. (Jeremiah 1: 1 - 20: 18) " Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness ' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. " " Emõnõnõ ro emwij matõrtõr ir kin air kwojarjar; bwe air ailiñ in lõñ. " (Mat. 30 Katakin Ajri ro Nejõm̦ - Rar Kõm̦m̦ani Men ko Rej Kam̦õn̦õn̦õ in Kõm̦m̦ani There were times when he just wanted to die. Im ritto ro elap air kamolol kin lolok ko ad! That is what Christians expect, for "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, " Satan. Eñin men eo Ri Christian ro rej kõtmene kake, bwe "aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo, " Satan. Kin men in, The New English Bible ej ba bwe elder rein rej aikwij "kanuij lemnak kin ruo yiõ ko, " im eon in English Version ej ba bwe rej" tellokin kõllã ruo alen. " But humans who are "pure in heart " and have the hope of living forever on earth are also able to" see " God. Ak armij ro "erreo burueir " im ewõr air kejatdikdik in mour indio ion lal remaroñ bareinwõt" lo " Anij. 3 - 5. (a) Ta eo Peter ear jiroñ Ri Jew ro ilo ran in Pentecost eo? 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. Tokelik, kar bõk Manasseh jen kabijuknen eo an im likit e ilo juõn prison an Babylon. Criminals exploit the vulnerable. Ri kowadoñ ro rej mone ro rettã. Kamelele eo kin juõn kõrã ri belele eo emõn ej kajemlok kin nan kein: "Kwon lelok ñõn e leen pein, im jerbal ko an ren nebar e. " - Jabõn Kennan Ko 31: 31. The island is just eight miles (13 km) long and 1.5 miles (2.5 km) across at its widest point. Ãne in el̦ap an bwil im ejjel̦o̦k dãn ie, im edekãke. Joñan kilepen ãnin ej 8 m̦ail̦ aetok im 1.5 m̦ail̦ (2.5 km) depakpak. Ekkar ñan Baibõl̦ eo, ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan ro rej l̦oore mejãnkajjik ko an rijum̦ae ro. Let us maintain our good habits of personal Bible study and thus resist the Devil. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. Jen debij wõt manit ko remõn ilo ad katak Bible im kin menin jumae Devil eo. - Dri Epesõs 4: 22 - 24. Jen ad ebanbane men ko ro jet rar aikwij kõmmani, kij aolep jemaroñ kanuij lale eddo ko ad. What Scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances? Ri eo̦ñõd ro rej kõjerbal mo̦o̦r ko ñan ko̦jeke ek ko, ãindein bar Setan. Ri jeje Bible rein im ri jeje Bible ro jet, einwõt James, Jude, im bõlen Mark, rar bed ilo ran in Pentecost eo ilo 33 C.E. ke ear jutak congregation eo an Christian. The earth will respond to the loving care of God and obedient humans. " Jabdewõt jikin ij etal ñane, ij bukõt ro mõta remol ilo congregation eo me renaj yokwe iõ im renaj rejetak iõ ñe ij buromõj. [ Picture on page 10] [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo ear wal̦o̦k ñan juon iaan ro rar katak Baibõl̦ ippãer. Bible prophecies foretold the coming of the Messiah, or Christ, meaning "Anointed One. " Kanaan ko ilo Baibõl̦ rar kwal̦o̦k l̦o̦k im̦aan kõn iien eo enaaj kar itok Messaia eo, ak Kũraij. Jehovah, Anij in utiej bõtata, ej kautiej kij ilo wãwen in ilo an letok ñan kij juõn ien emõn ñan jerbale jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad ilo ad kajerbal Nan eo an, Bible eo. King David answered: "He who is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness. " King David ear uak: "Eo ejime an etetal, ej kõmõn wãnik. " Ear bareinwõt juõn menin kamol kin an buñburuen kake ir. The verse continues with these heartwarming words: "Even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it. " Eon eo ej wõnmanlok kin nan kein rekamãnãn buru: "Im ñe e ridto e jamin illok jen e. " Ikijen Nan eo an, jitõb eo an, im dolul eo an, ear kamaroñ elõñ million armij ro ibelakin lal ñan air melele kin ta eo ededelok an jelã kake - mol eo. Why is Christian hope like a helmet? Etke kejatdikdik eo an Christian ej einwõt juõn helmet? Ñan "bõk anjo " ej melelen" anjo. " And it gives those without hope a real purpose in life. Im ej lelok ñõn ro ejelok air kejatrikrik juõn mour eor tokjen. Meñe ilo lal in eobrak kin abañ ko ie, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. It seems that when John was well into his 90 ' s, he was exiled on the Isle of Patmos "for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus. " Ri kanan Malachi ear ba: "Ro rej mijak Jehovah rar konono ibben don, kajjojo iair ibben ro mõttair, im Jehovah ear roñjake im roñjake. However, he let Jehovah guide him through difficult times. Meñe ãindein, ak ear atartar wõt ioon Jeova. Kwoj lemnak ke bwe einwõt Ri Jew ro ilo ran ko an Haggai, jemaroñ buromõj ñe abañ ko rej walok? Even so, their imagery could influence, even blur, people's view of Jesus and his teachings. Jet iaan pija kein rar jiñaiki rej kwal̦o̦k an Jesus lukkuun m̦õ, aetok kool̦an bõran, im an mãni kwõdeak ko an. Ta bebe eo kumi in governing body eo ear kõmmane ikijen Kien eo ikijen Moses, im ewi wãwen an kar menin jelet Christian ri Gentile ro im Ri Gentile ro? However, we can meet our trials with the complete confidence that "Jehovah will not forsake his people. " Bõtab, jemaroñ kijenmij ilo melejoñ ko ad ilo ad liki bwe "Jehovah e jamin jolok dri ailiñ ro an. " Inem ej menin meletlet ñan kejbãrok ñe ej itok ñan kamadmõd ko rekabwilõñlõñ rej ba ak rej kalaplok wõt melejoñ ko. Nevertheless, we may well be in a position to take this message to people from all parts of the earth who live in our territory. Bõtab, bõlen jemaroñ bõklok ennan in ñan armij ro jen ailiñ ko jet me rej jokwe ilo territory eo ad. Nan in Anij ej kwalok bwe kõrã ekijoñ eo ej einwõt juõn "men in mour awia " ibben" joñoul doon. " Prayer, meditation on examples found in the Bible, and close association with Jehovah's people are helping millions right now to gain comfort in all their trials. Armej ro an Jeova ilo raan kein rej bõk kaenõm̦m̦an ikijjeen aer jar, kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn waanjoñak ko ilo Baibõl̦, im ilo aer epaake im m̦õttãik ro jeier im jatier ilo eklejia eo. Inem, Jehovah ej yokwe ro rej liki e im kabwe aikwij ko air. Let us see how. Jen lale ewi wãwen. Elañe aet, kwoj bõk ke tokjen jen melejoñ in kin tõmak eo am? Study Article 4 PAGES 17 - 21 Katak 4 PAGE 17 - 21 16, 17. 3: 4 - Did Jonah have to learn the Assyrian language in order to preach to the Ninevites? 3: 4 - Jonah ear aikwij katak ke kajin Assyria bwe en maroñ kwalok nan ñan Ri Nineveh ro? Kejbãrok eo einjuõn ej menin aikwij ñõn kamadmõde tokjen ko rej walok jen kwuli ilo enbwin eo. The instructions he received this time were different. (2 Samuel 5: 22, 23) Jemaroñ l̦õmn̦ak bwe jet apañ epidodo kõm̦adm̦õdi. 4, 5. (a) Ewi wãwen an elõñ armij emmakit ilo jet mõttan ko ilo lal in? In his letter to fellow Christians, Jesus ' half brother James warned about the danger of being forgetful hearers. Ilo letter eo an ñan Christian ro mõttan, leo jein im jatin Jesus James ear kakkõl kin kauwatata eo ilo ad ri roñjake ro remmelele. Kiõ, pioneer ro rej bõk kunair ñan jibañ ro jet rej bed ilo aolep congregation ko an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. 34: 1 - 3. 34: 1 - 3. Bõtab, ilo 185 percent in juõn kõrã in ene eo ear lo juõn clay ilo Egypt, Egypt. Reflecting on these covenants will enhance our understanding of how God's purpose is sure to become a reality and will help us to see how stable this arrangement is. - Read Ephesians 2: 12. Ñe jejel̦ã kõn bujen kein, jenaaj mel̦el̦e kõn elemen an Anij naaj kajejjet ankilaan im enaaj l̦apl̦o̦k ad tõmak ilo Aelõñ ak kien in an Anij. - Riit Epesõs 2: 12. Ke ear jejelok ñan Christian ri kabit ro, ri jilek Peter ear ba: "A emwij kejbãrok kom kin kajur an Anij ikijen tõmak ñõn lomor eo e pojõk in walok ilo ien eo eliktata. " " The Lamb... will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. " - REV. " Lam eo... E naj air S̃eperd, im E naj tel ir ñõn unin dren ko dren in mour. " - REV. Enaj juõn menin bwebwe ñan an juõn kõtlok ekajet ion juõn men ilo an jab lukkun jelã kake. Kõrã ro rej " m̦õttan ' l̦õm̦aro pãleer. Kõn men in, jen ruwaakl̦o̦k ñan Jeova ilo ad kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn katok in mour eo an Jijej im niknik ilo ad katak Baibõl̦. - Riit Duteronomi 13: 4. ▪ Was Mary actually "the Mother of God "? ▪ Meri ear ke lukkun "Jinen Anij "? Lale, Jesus ej kajerbal nan in "ko " jilu alen. " Righteousness and justice are the foundation of [his] throne, " so we can be confident that all of his laws, principles, and decisions are righteous. Jemaroñ lukkuun lõke bwe kien ko an, naanin kakapilõklõk ko an, im pepe ko ej kõm̦m̦ani rejim̦we kõnke wãween an tõl ej "wawa ioon wãnõk im jim̦we. " Ri kabel ro rej ba bwe jodikdik ro ekkã air eñjake bwe aolep ien rej bed iman juõn ri roñjake, im ekkã air bed iumin maroñ eo an juõn eo ejjab jeorlok bwid. Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome: "I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " (1 John 4: 8) Paul ear jeje ñan Christian ro ilo Rome: "Bwe ij lemnok e jab mij ak mour, e jab enjel rõn ak jiõb ro, e jab men ko kiõ ak men ko re naj itok, e jab kajur ko, E jab utiej ak imlõl, ak jabrewõt bar juõn men in kõmõn, e naj maroñ in kijbil kij jen yokwe an Anij, eo ilo Kraist Jisõs ar Iroij. " Ñan armij ro ilo jikin kwelok in Lystra, ri jilek Paul ear ba: "[Anij] E ar jab mõke likit E im ejelok men in kennan, bwe E ar kõmõn emõn, im lewoj ñõn kom wut jen lõñ, im ien ko remõn; Ej kobrak buruemi kin mõñã im lõñliñ. " - Jerbal 14: 17. Some have moved to where the need is greater. Eñin men eo me Robert im kõrã eo ippãn rar kõm̦m̦ane. Dri kanan Aiseia im Jeremaia rar bareinwõt kanan kin jeblak in. - Aiseia 11: 12, 13; Jeremaia 31: 1, 6, 31. ● "Teacher. " ● "Ri Kaki. " Tokjen menin, jerbal ilo temple eo im jãbi temple eo ear mõkaj an dedelok. - 2 Kronikel 24: 4, 6, 13, 14; Duteronomi 17: 18. The third type of soil, the one with thorns, especially deserves our attention because in some ways it is similar to the fine soil. Wãwen brij eo kein kajilu, juõn eo ibben kãliklik ko, elap an lap tokjen ñan ad kanuij kalimjeke kinke ilo jet wãwen ko ej einlok wõt brij eo emõn. Kar lukkun lemnak kake im jar ikijen, kajerbal kajur in kõmmanwa. Jehovah is deeply concerned about us and is aware of our suffering. (Rome 8: 35, 38, 39) Jehovah ej lukkun lemnak kin kij im ejela kin ad iñtan. Ak kwoj lo ke am jab maroñ uak ñan ro rej lemnak elañe Anij enana? It advises: "Fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Ej kakabilek: "Im kom, ro jemeir, komin jab biuktõke ro nejimi ñõn illu, a komin kakajiririik ir ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " Robert im Jisõs rar jino keini air katak Baibel iben Dri Kennan ro an Jeova, im tokelik rar baptais. (b) What reason has Zion had for joy? (b) Ta un eo ear wõr ibben Zion ñan lañliñ? Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "Elukkuun em̦m̦an ke ñe ij ba ñan kom̦ bwe Jijej ear etal ñan hell? " Jesus had journeyed to the Galilean city of Nain. Jesus ear illok ñan jikin kwelok eo ilo Galili ilo Nain. Abañ in ekkã an walok ibwiljin jodikdik ro ilo Australia, Britain, Russia, im ijoko jet. [ Footnote] [ Kamelele eo itulal] Ak ta el̦aññe el̦ap aerro yokwe doon? Christians do well to respect such customs. Dri Kristian ro rej aikwij koutiej mõnit rõt kein. Jeje ko ilo Bible rej kamelele bwe Ailiñ in Anij ej juõn kien ilañ eo enaj kabedakilkil im kokkure iroij ro otemjej an armij. Other languages have their own ways of pronouncing the divine name. Kajin ko jet ewor wãwen ko air make ñõn ba etan ãt in ekwojajar. Ijel̦ã kõn unin an kõm̦m̦ane men in, im enana men ko ear kõm̦m̦ani. ' Though I was emotionally distressed and physically drained, I was determined not to leave his bedside. Meñe iar lukkun buromõj im mõk, ak iar berwõt iturin Joel. Jeje in Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. Let us do some spiritual digging in order to begin getting the very knowledge of Jehovah's heavenly organization. Jen kõmmane jet kõb ilo jitõb ñan ad jino bõk jelãlokjen eo kin dolul eo an Jehovah ilañ. Ilo lemnak kin men in, jemen im jinen ajiri ro renaj aikwij lemnak kin kajitõk in, " Ajiri eo nejiõ ebwe ke an jelã ñan wujleplok mour eo an ñan Anij im baptais? ' Faulty Reasoning Kõmmanwa Bwid Ilo Jeje ko, yokwe, joij, im tiriamokake don rej aolep ekkejel ibben kadkad ko kadkadin Christian - yokwe. SONGS TO BE USED: 168, 4 AL KO: 74, 2 Rar jab ejaake juõn bedbed in jelãlokjen eo ejimwe ak meletlet eo ekwojarjar; im rar jab liki Jehovah. Sadly, many have indeed been victimized by those of other races who saw themselves as superior. L̦ein ej ba bwe ilju im jekl̦aj armej ro jãn aelõñ ko me rem̦m̦anl̦o̦k im rekajoorl̦o̦k renaaj ko̦kkure im jol̦o̦k ro jet jãn aelõñ ko rettãl̦o̦k jãn er. Kin kabuñ wan im jab kabuñburuen Anij, Ri Israel ro rar lo 20 yiõ ko in an King Belshazzar iroij ilo lej. A life expectancy of 70 years holds out hope of some 25,500 days. Juõn kõtmene in mour ilo 70 yiõ ko ej debij kejatdikdik eo kin jet 25,500 ran ko. Juõn Men in Aikwij Nae Armij ro an Jehovah 6: 3 - 8. Kanaan eo ej kwal̦o̦k kõn men kein im kõkkar kaki ñan ro rej uwe ioon ors ko jilu im ettõr ilikin Jijej Kũraij. - Revelesõn 6: 3 - 8. Aet, "an ro dri aikwij, e naj lomoren ir. Defend Good Name (Russia), 5 / 1 Im lale wãwen am maroñ kajerbal kajin in ejej uan ñan nebar Jehovah. Yet, they do not know what the future holds, so life may lack significance, order, or real meaning. Ak, rejaje kin ta eo ej bed iman, inem ejelok kwon im unin mour eo air. Einwõt an James ba, jej einwõt juõn jibboñ "ko iumin jidik wõt ien inem jakolok. " Jehovah and Jesus are supervising the educational program that is being carried out worldwide today. Jehovah im Jesus rej tel kij ilo jerbal in katakin eo me ej walok ibelakin lal rainin. (Jerb. 1: 7, 8; Rev. Ej juõn men in jurtak kin brother eo ak juõn jibañ elap ñan ri kwalok ro ilo bukwon eo edik. Hence, let us remember the privileged relationship that we have with Jehovah God. Kin men in, jen kememej kin kõtan eo ad eaorõk ibben Jehovah Anij. E eo ear kõm̦anm̦an lal̦ in im kõm̦anm̦an lal̦ in. Who will understand God's messages? Innem wõn ro renaaj mel̦el̦e kõn kanaan in? Jehovah ear lelok ñan Jesus kajur eo ñan kajeblak mour jab ñan ro wõt rej jerkakbiji ñan mour ilañ wõt ak bareinwõt billion ro renaj ruj ñan kejatdikdik eo kin mour indio ion lal. Though most people would readily agree that life as promised and described in the Bible is truly desirable, for various reasons many find the idea of living forever difficult to comprehend. Eokwe meñe enañin aolep armej em̦m̦an aer roñ kõn wãween mour eo Baibõl̦ ej kallim̦ur kake, bõtab elõñ epen aer mel̦el̦e im tõmak bwe jemaroñ mour ioon lal̦ in ñan indeeo. Ghana ej report: "Jen ien eo mejenkajjik in jerbal in pioneer eo ekãl ear walok, oran pioneer ro kimij rittolok wõt. " But the married man is anxious for the things of the world, how he may gain the approval of his wife, and he is divided. A leo ebelele e bwiren kake men ko an lõl, ekijkan an kabuñburuen lio belen. Ilo Baibõl̦, mel̦el̦e ko kõn iien kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap rej pãd ikõtaan Jijej im Piter. Imagine what confidence Jehovah must have had in Mary, the daughter of Heli, in order to place such a remarkable trust in her. Ak, ealikar an Jeje ko jiroñ kij bwe armij ro rejjab wãppen ro rej belele "e naj eor iñtan ibeir ilo kõniek. " Exactly as foretold, Josiah had "bones taken from the graves and burned them on the altar " located in Bethel. (1 Kiiñ 13: 1, 2, UBS) Enañin 300 iiõ ko tokãlik, juon em̦m̦aan jãn baam̦le eo an Devid etan Josaia ear jino an kiiñ. (a) Ewi joñan maroñ eo an Jesus? Of course, this would recommend that we always have some form of literature with us no matter where we may be - at home, at work, in school, at the store, or at places of recreation. - 1 Peter 3: 15. Bwebõta, menin ej kwalok bwe ien otemjej ewõr jet book ak magazine in Bible ibbed jekdon ia eo jemaroñ bed ie - ilo mweo, ilo jikin jerbal, ilo school, ilo imõn wia, ak ilo jikin ikkure ko. - 1 Piter 3: 15. Bõtab, juõn etale eo elaplok kin kanan eo an Jesus ej kalikar bwe juõn oktak ilo melele eo ad kin ñããt eo jet wãwen ko ilo kanan eo an Jesus rej menin aikwij. They understood wonderful truths concerning God's purpose. Rar melele mol ko remõn kin karõk eo an Anij. Jesus ear jab kanan lok iman kin ewi wãwen ro jet renaj kar jerbal ibben ri kalor ro an. Adilson, who has AIDS, says: "When you are ill, you don't want to be cast aside, as if you were good - for - nothing or totally incapable. Adilson, eo eor an nañinmij in AIDS, ej ba: "Ñe kwoj nañinmij, kwojjab kõnan bwe armij ro ren kejekron yuk einwõt ñe ejelok tokjõm ak ejelok men en kwomaroñ kõmõne. Ear beek ilo buruen ñan melejoñe kij. Why should we engage in earnest prayer? Etke jej aikwij jerbale ad niknik ilo jar? [ Pija ko ilo peij 18] (b) Who did Dunn say will live forever on earth? (b) Wõn ro Dunn ear ba bwe renaj mour in drio ion lõl? Enañin aolep armij ro remaroñ ba bwe rekõnan ak rej eñjake bwe ejjab juõn men in kõmmanwa ñan lemnak kake. First, the mind of Christ gives us a glimpse into the mind of Jehovah God. Mokta, lolãtãt an Christ ej kamaroñ kij ñan jelã jidik kin lolãtãt eo an Jehovah Anij. Satan ear rejañ e bwe en " bellok " elañe enaj mõñã jen" wijki in jela emõn im nana. " Speak Truth With Your Neighbor, 6 / 15 Konono Mol ñõn Ro Dri Turumi, 6 / 15 Anij eo ad wõt ej kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we im jim̦we. Consider an example. (Sam 18: 17 - 19, 48) Jen etale juõn wanjoñok. Kõrã eo ilo Aiseia 60: 1 - 3 ej Zion, dolul eo an Jehovah ilañ in jitõb ro. How did Jesus show that while spiritually present, he would yet be "coming "? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kwalok bwe ke ej bed wõt ilo jitõb, ej naj kar "itok " wõt? Ta eo em̦m̦antata jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ane bwe jen jab m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k? He loved the truths he taught, and he loved the people he taught. Ear yokwe mol ko ear katakin kaki, im ear yokwe armij ro ear katakin ir. Ewi wãwen kanuij lale Nan in Anij ej kejbãrok yuk? How can I cooperate more fully with those who are taking the lead? Ewi wãween aõ maroñ kal̦apl̦o̦k aõ lõke Jeova? Likit yuk make ilo jikin eo an ri kalor ro an Jesus ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. Do the facts really show that God is cruel? Jenaaj etale men kein im lale el̦aññe em̦ool bwe Anij enana im lãj. Ij aikwij kamol bwe ij yokwe aõ uwe ion wa eo im eñjake kõto eo ilo meja - juõn ian men in kamõnõnõ ko redik ilo mour! The New World Lõl Eo Ekãl Ial ko an rej ial in ainemõn, im ial ko an otemjej rej ainemõn. The course of wisdom and happiness is to stick closely to the incomparable laws that Jehovah has provided to help guide our lives. Ial eo emeletlet im lemõnõnõ ej ñan eddeb ñan kien ko rej make wõt emõn Jehovah ear litoki ñan tel mour eo ad. Jenaj maroñ ke kajejjet kitien jerbal in an Jesus? " As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the earth he has given to the sons of men. " - Psalm 115: 16 " Lañ ko rej lañ ko an Jeova, a lal̦ Ear letok ñan ro nejin armej. " - Sam 115: 16 • Lelok nan in nebar. - Mark 14: 6 - 9. Without a doubt, the Devil uses many tricks and crafty acts in his efforts to ensnare Jehovah's servants. (Dri Epesõs 6: 11) Ejelok bere, Devil eo ej kajerbal elõñ men in etao ko bwe en kalorak ri karejar ro an Jehovah. Men ko iar loi ilo kweilo̦k el̦ap eo rar kõm̦akũt eõ bwe in jino katak Baibõl̦ ippãn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova im pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko aer. Take the lead in showing honor to others. Kautiej ro jet. Ta jerbal eo emõn? You fathers in particular should imitate Jehovah's example, taking the initiative to build a loving bond with your children. Elaptata kom ro jemen komij aikwij kajeoñe joñok eo an Jehovah, ilo ami bõk buñten nee ko mokta ñan kalek juõn kõtan ewõr yokwe ie ibben ro nejimi. Tokelik, einwõt kar kanan kake ilo book in Daniel, " jelãlokjen eo emol ear laplok. ' Yes, paradoxical as it may sound, Satan's way of governing has in reality served to glorify God. Aet, jen an kananaik wãwen iroij eo an Jeova, wãwen iroij eo an Setan ear oktõk im kaibujuij Anij. " jikka eo moktata ear einwõt juõn snow eo ejjab maroñ jorrãn, " ear ba. Ta ko rej kam̦ool an Jeova kaorõk eõ? Enaaj ke bõjrak jãn an l̦õmn̦ak bwe ekõn̦aan m̦õñã im kabwe aikuj ko an? Do You Recall? Kwoj Kamemej Ke? Ñããt eo tãõ ko rar jino walok, im ewi wãwen an kar armij ro emakõt ilo ien eo? Jesus, however, told them that more marvelous will be his resurrecting the dead: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life. " - John 5: 28, 29. Bõtab, Jesus ear ba bwe men eo enaj laplok an kabwilõñlõñ ej ñe enaj kajerkakbiji ro remij: "Komin jab bwilõñ kin men in; bwe auõ ej itok, ilo eo ro otemjej rej ber ilo lũp ko, re naj roñ ainiken, im naj drioijtok; ro r'ar kõmõn emõn, ñõn jerkakbiji in mour. " - John 5: 28, 29. Kiõ Moses ear erlokwe pein ion Lomalo Ekilmir. Jehovah does not lie; neither does he act unjustly. Jeova ej kwalok ekajet jime im ejjab riõp. (Dut. 32: 4; Tait. Ilo mol, rejetak eo an ro jeid im jatid maan im kõrã ilo jitõb elap tokjen ñan jutak bin ñe Devil eo ej tarinaik kij einwõt juõn lion e rorror. We can learn valuable lessons from the mistakes of others, including those recorded in the Bible. Jemaroñ katak jãn likjab ko an ro jet ekoba ro me kar jeje kake er ilo Baibõl̦. Ej bareinwõt katak Bible ibben ajiri ro nejin, katakin ir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, im bõktok ir ñan kwelok ko an congregation eo. [ Picture on page 19] [ Pija ilo peij 19] Ear bwe air ritto ñan bokake ak jab. A Christian who marries an unbeliever is not exemplary and lacks real appreciation for God's gift of marriage. Ejjab jim̦we ñe juon Kũrjin enaaj kajjioñ kappok juon menin jekpen kõn unin an jab pokake kien ko an Anij. Jet rej jerbal einwõt full - time ri kwalok nan ro. When that plot failed, the king arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle. Ke ear jab tõbrak karõk eo an, king eo ear kõmman bwe ren likit Uriah iman tata in jar in tarinae eo bwe en mij. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men in: Men in ear wal̦o̦k ñan Shikem, im l̦õm̦aro jein rar kõm̦m̦ane juon bõd el̦ap. 13 - 15. (a) What were some of the consequences of rejecting Jehovah's righteous rulership? 13 - 15. (a) Ta kar jet ian tokjen ko kin air karmijete iroij eo ewãnik an Jehovah? Ear jab einwõt juõn etale, ak iumin kareelel eo an jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij, tokelik ear je tokelik: "Armij e kanuij inemõn jen armij otemjej rej ber ion mejen lõl. " We could also ask ourselves, " If I were in their situation, how would I feel? ' Bareinwõt jemaroñ kajitõkin kij mõke: " Ñe en kar ña eo, en kar ewi wãwen aõ eñjake? ' Ewi wãwen tõmak ilo jerkakbiji eo emaroñ jibañ kij kiõ? According to Newsweek magazine, many individuals in secular societies lean toward "a kind of new orthodoxy " that, in effect, holds that" there is only one truth, and this truth is that there is no truth. " Ekkar ñan magazine eo Newsweek, elõñ armij rej ba bwe "ewõr juõn kain tõmak ekãl bwe ejelok mol eo. " Kwalok juõn wanjoñok kin ewi wãwen jemaroñ drebij wõt ar tiljek ñõn Jeova iomin wãwen ko rebin. The evidence that this is so is the extraordinary increase with which he has blessed them, " beautifying them, ' as it were. Menin kamol eo bwe menin ej eindein ej ikijen laplok eo im ej kajerammõn ir make, " kaibujuij ir, ' einwõt ilo kõkkar. ; G. 11: 25. Kõn men in, congregation eo ej aikuj bukwel̦o̦ke ak jol̦o̦ke jãn ibwiljin armej ro an Anij. - Hibru 11: 25. Ej ba ikijen ledik eo nejin im jiroñ ro jet ilo congregation eo: "Rej rejetak iõ ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. On Tuesday, Nisan 11, Jesus once again goes into the temple to teach. Ilo Tuesday, Nisan 11, Jesus ear bar deloñ iloan temple eo ñan katakin. Ijo iar iione im mareik Janet, juõn jeer im jãter kõra emõn, im kimar kakajiririk juõn ladrik im jilu ledrik ilo wãwen eo an dri Kristian ro. Hence, Paul addresses this expression of praise to "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. " (Rome 1: 8; 7: 25; Epesõs 1: 3; Hebrew 13: 20, 21) Kin men in, Paul ej kwalok nan in nebar in ñõn "Anij eo Jemen ar Iroij Jisõs Kraist. " Elõñ wãwen ko ñan nebar Jehovah ilo kwelok ko an Christian He had been rejected by the Israelites. Ri Israel ro rar karmijeteik e. Ak ta kõn kwe? He promises: "There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. His fruit will be as in [ancient] Lebanon, and those who are from the city will blossom like the vegetation of the earth. " - Psalm 72: 16. Ej kallimur: "E naj'lõñ korn ilo ene ion jabõn tol ko; leir e makõtkit einwõt Lebanõn [eo etto]: im ro dri jikin kwelok eo re naj edreklok einwõt ujoij in ene. " - Sam 72: 16. Kõmar maroñ wiaik m̦weiuk ko jãn em̦m̦aan eo ear ba bwe "ejjab wiakake. " During his brief time on earth, Jesus provided the perfect example - one that we strive to imitate - of a truly worthwhile life. - 1 Cor. 20: 28) Ilo ien mour eo an ekadu ion lal, Jesus ear letok joñok eo ewãppen - me jej kate kij ñan anõke - kin juõn mour ekanuij lap tokjen. - 1 Kor. Jej bõk ien ñan read, inem ekõnan konono kin men otemjej, ekoba pija ko im box ko. We have faith that Jehovah will reward our resolve to keep our integrity. - Job 27: 5. Eor ar tõmak bwe Jeova enaj kejerammõn bebe eo ar ñõn drebij wõt ar tiljek. - Job 27: 5. Ñan kajejjet kitien jerbal in eaibujuij, jemed im jined ro moktata renaj aikwij mour manlok ñan indio - im ro nejiir. Child specialists say that by the age of eight months, the child has already learned to recognize the sounds of his native language, formed a close bond with his parents, developed perceptual skills, and begun to explore the world around him. Doctor in ajiri ro rekabel rej ba bwe ñe juõn ajiri ej tõbar joñan in rualitõk alliñ, emwij an jino kile wãwen ba nan ko ilo kajin eo an, ejaake juõn kõtan ebak ibben jemen im jinen, kaddek kabel ko ñan melele ta eo ej loe, im emwij an jino etale makitkit ko ibelakin. Tokelik jet iair rar kajitõk. Mary evidently clung to Jesus because she thought that he was about to ascend to heaven and she would never see him again. Inem, Jesus ear jab dike ke Mary Magdalene ear baj uñure wõt e, kinke ear kõtlok bwe limaro jet ren "drebij neen. " Ak Bible eo ej ba ilo Sam 37: 29: "Ro remõn re naj jolit ene eo, im jokwe iloan ñõn in drio. " Unity Identifies True Worship Burukuk Ej Kakõlen Kabuñ eo Emol Iloan wõt ratimjuõn alliñ jiroñ eo ear baptais. JEHOVAH long ago foretold that something remarkable would occur in the time of the end. JEHOVAH ilo ien eo etto ear kanan bwe juõn men ekabwilõñlõñ enaj kar walok ilo ien eo jemlokin ien. KWÕJ ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ in etal ñan jikin ko rettol̦o̦k? (b) Remembering what will help us to keep running in the race for life? (b) Ad kememej ta eo enaj jibañ kij ñõn ettõr wõt ilo iaikwij eo kin mour? Kin men in, Jeje ko rej kalikar bwe wãwen ko ilo lal in ilo ran ko eliktata rejamin oktak im lap air jibed armij ro ñan tõmak bwe jemlokin ebak. - Luk 17: 20; 2 Piter 3: 3, 4. We are fruitful in God's service and also manifest the fruitage of his spirit. - Jeremiah 17: 7, 8; Galatians 5: 22, 23. Jej jebar leen ilo jerbal eo an Anij im kwalok leen jitõb eo an. - Jeremiah 17: 7, 8, NW; Dri Galetia 5: 22, 23. 1, 2. However, the military chiefs wanted to do more. Bõtab, kapen ro rar kõnan kalaplok ijo kwonair. Jen wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kabuñ ñan Jeova wõt ilo ad yokwe im karejar ñane kõn aolepen bũruod im kate kõj joñan wõt ad maroñ ñan dãpij wõt ad bõrokuk ippãn rũttõmak ro jeid im jatid. How vital it is that we reject any tendency we may have toward blind ambition or greed, which would cause us to lose Jehovah's favor! Men kein remaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en jorrããn jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn Jeova. Emol ke bwe lelok ej bõktok elaplok mõnõnõ jen bõk? The one taking the lead in the group confessed: " A few days ago, I prayed with tears to Jehovah to send us a shepherd, and my prayer has been answered. ' Ñan congregation eo ilo Colossae, Paul ear je: "Komin etetal im meletlet ñõn ro ilikin, im wiaik ien. These laws, together with all the other regulations that became part of the Mosaic Law covenant, are based on eternal, trustworthy principles. (Ex. 31: 18) Kien kein, ekoba aolep kien ko jet me rar erom mõtõn bujen Kien Moses, rej berber ion nan in kaiñi ko remol im rej ñõn in drio. Jabdewõt ien ke iar karmijeteik men ko lor kanniek ñan jibadõk mejenkajjik ko ilo jitõb, Jehovah ear kajerammõn iõ ien otemjej kin elõñlok men ko iar katok kaki. In part, he said: "This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, " I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to you. ' " Ear ba bwe Moses en jiroñ Ri Israel ro im ba: "Jeova, Anij an ro jim̦m̦ami,... Ear jilkinwaj eõ ñan kom̦. " Ta kilan ko renana jemaroñ aikwij kijenmij kaki? They did not know. Rar jab jelã. " Emwij kabo jabrewõt armij ñe mõm ko an rej karel buruen im kabo e. Children are loyal to Christ when they follow his example of obedience. (1 Piter 3: 1 - 4; Dri Epesõs 5: 22 - 24) Ajiri ro rej kwalok air tiljek ñan Christ ñe rej lor joñok in bokake eo an. Ewõr ke juon iien kwaar karejar ñan Jeova? Do not rush straight to this step before doing research and praying for wisdom. Ãlikin am̦ kappukot mel̦el̦e ko im kajjitõk ippãn Jeova bwe en jipañ eok im lewõj mãlõtlõt, innem kwõmaroñ wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im kõm̦m̦ane pepe eo am̦. Meñe ibwiljin ri jilek ro an 11 retiljek, ear jab jutak ilo kanniek. Sometimes the scourging was so terrible that the victim died under it. Rekõn m̦okta deñõte im kaeñtaane juon armej m̦okta jãn aer totoiki. F. 14, 15. 14, 15. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe ear pen ñan an etal im jokwe ilo ãne jem̦aden. When was Satan cast out of heaven? - Rev. Ñãt eo kar jolõltak Setan jen lõñ? - Rev. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) [ Box / Picture on page 14] [ Box / Pija ilo 14] Kajjojo yiõ rej jeje book ko rekãl ilo United States wõt. May all, then, continue to cultivate peace, that vital fruit of God's holy spirit. Inem, kij otemjej, jen etal wõt im ejaake ainemõn, leen in eaorõk leen jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij. Ta eo enaj jibañ yuk ñan kõtõbrak men in? " I will exalt you, O my God the King, " he sang, "and I will bless your name to time indefinite, even forever. " I naj koutiej Yuk, aõ Anij, aõ Kiñ, " ear al "im I naj kamõnõnõik etõm ñõn in drio im in drio. Jeova ear kõm̦m̦an bwe aolep men ko jej kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani ren erreo wõt kabuñ eo em̦ool (Lale pãrokõrããp 16 - 18) Remember, the final responsibility lies with you as the one delegating. - Luke 12: 48. Kememej bwe erro eo ej ber iom einwõt eo ej kabbeik ro jet. - Luk 12: 48. Paul, eo ear konono kin Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, ear ba: "Men ko emwij pojõk ñõn kij [Anij] ñõn ro rej yokwe E kin Jitõb eo An. " They looked forward to the execution of divine judgment against the wicked and apparently were those addressed with the words: "" Keep yourselves in expectation of me, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " till the day of my rising up to the booty, for my judicial decision is to gather nations, for me to collect together kingdoms, in order to pour out upon them my denunciation, all my burning anger; for by the fire of my zeal all the earth will be devoured. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 8. Rar reimanlok ñan an jerbal ekajet eo ekwojarjar nae ri nana ro im alikar ro kar jiroñlok ir kin nan kein: "" Komin kõtmene wõt kin ña, ' ej nan eo an Jehovah, " mae ran eo I naj jutak ñan rakimi ir, bwe bebe in ekajet eo aõ ej ñan kokweloktok ailiñ ko, ñan aõ aintok ailiñ ko ibben don, bwe in lutõklok ioir naruõn eo aõ, aolepen illu eo aõ ebwil; bwe kin kijeek in kijejeto eo aõ naj wõrañelok aolepen lal. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 8, NW. Kain mwil rot in en kar kwalok ke an yokwe e im kautiej karõk in belele eo? - Mat. Although physically beautiful, she was modest and submissive. Meñe ear deeo, ear inemõn im ettã buru. " Ñan kalaplok money ko an ailiñ eo, " report eo ej ba. Take time to explain it, or use another illustration that makes the same point. Kwon bõk ien ñan kamelele kake, ak kajerbal bar juõn wanjoñok emõn an kwalok ejja point eo wõt. Jejjab aikuj pijaikl̦o̦k an kar Noa m̦õjn̦o̦l̦o̦k tõmak eo an. (Jeremiah 1: 1 - 20: 18) (Jeremiah 1: 1 - 20: 18) Bed ilo kwelok ko an Christian im etal jen em ñan em ñan jiroñ ro jet kin kejatdikdik eo emõn ilo Bible kin ilju im jeklaj kar juõn mõttan manit eo an family eo ad. 30 Teach Your Children - They Were Called "Sons of Thunder " Kiiñ ro im Bũrij ro Rej Bõktok Jeraam̦m̦an ñan Armej Otemjej Jen men in, ennan in ear keañ kin juõn ainemõn eo enaj itok ikijen wõt Ailiñ in Anij. And how the elderly appreciate our visits! (Jerbal 15: 36) Im elap an ritto ro kamolol ñe jej lolok ir! Ri kalor ro rar bed ibben Jesus iumin jilu yiõ ko, im kiõ rar itok ibben ñan Jerusalem. Thus, The New English Bible says that these elders "should be reckoned worthy of a double stipend, " and the Contemporary English Version says that they" deserve to be paid twice as much. " Kin men in, ukok eo The New English Bible ej ba bwe elder rein rej "tellokin double wõnair, " im ukok eo Contemporary English Version ej ba bwe" joñan wõnair en ruo alen. " Jet rej buromõj kinke rej bõk nañinmij in buromõj. 3 - 5. (a) What did Peter tell the Jews on the day of Pentecost? Bareinwõt, ear jipañ er bwe ren katakin armej ro "kõn men ko rel̦l̦ap Anij ear kõm̦m̦ani! " - Jerbal 2: 1 - 11, UBS. 3 - 5. Enañin aolep ro uan family eo rar karmijeteik - elaptata rar dike - men eo rar ba. Eventually, Manasseh was taken from his homeland and thrown into a Babylonian prison. Ke ear pãd ijin, bõlen Menassa ear keememej naan ko an Moses ñan Ri Israel ro. (b) Ewi wãwen an Anij jibañ ro jemen im jinen ñan kajejjet kitien eddo ko air? The description of a good wife ends with the statement: "Give her of the fruitage of her hands, and let her works praise her. " - Proverbs 31: 31. Nan in kamelele ko kin juõn kõrã ri belele emõn ej kajemlok kin nan kein: "Ren lelok ñõn e leen pã ko pein; im jerbal ko an ren nebar e ilo kejem ko. " - Jabõn Kennan Ko 31: 31. Ak maroñ bõk jimwe in manje eo. " Protestantism " applies to those adhering to the goals of the Reformation. Iar Likjap in Lo Elõñ Ien ko Mokta jen Aõ Lo Tõbrak 12 Rather than being envious of what others may have been assigned to do, all of us can concentrate on handling the responsibilities we do have. Ak jen aolep kate kõj ñan lale im kõm̦m̦ane eddo ko ad me kar litok ñan kõj. (b) Ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kwalok bwe kwoj jerbal ekkar ñõn jitõb eo? These and other Bible writers, such as James, Jude, and probably Mark, were present on the day of Pentecost in 33 C.E. when the Christian congregation was formed. Rein, im dri jeje Baibel ro jet einwõt Jemes, Jud, im bwelen Mark rar ber ilo ran in Pentekost ilo yiõ eo 33 ke kar ejaake kabuñ in Kristian. Jej aikuj kobal̦o̦k ippãn wõn? " Wherever I go, I look for real friends in the congregation who will love me and will support me when I'm feeling down, " explains Loli. (Jerb. 9: 36, 39) Loli ej kemelele: "Jabrewõt jikin ij ilok ñõne, ij bukot ro emol jimjera eo air ilo congregation eo me renaj yokwe iõ im rejetak iõ ñe ij ebwer. Jehovah ej tel kij ilo an katakin kij ilo ial ko an. Fifteen of those with whom Irene studied got baptized. Irene ej katak Baibõl̦ ippãn elõñ armej im 15 iaan rũkkatak rein an em̦õj aer peptaij. Ta kajjitõk ko jenaaj etali ilo katak in tok juon? Jehovah, the God of unmatched greatness, dignifies us in this way by giving us an opportunity to carry out our ministry using his Word, the Bible. Ej kwal̦o̦k an kautiej kõj ikijjeen an kõtl̦o̦k bwe jen kõjerbal Naan eo an, Baibõl̦ eo, ñan kwal̦o̦k kõn nuuj eo em̦m̦an. APAÑ EO: Ajri ro, kom̦win kautiej jememi im jinemi. It was also a reassuring indication of his approval. Ejjab men in wõt ak ear juon men me ear kõm̦m̦an aer lõke im tõmak bwe Anij ej buñbũruon kake er. Ewi lemnak eo an Jehovah kin eñtan ko an armij? Through his Word, his spirit, and his organization, he has enabled millions throughout the earth to understand what he already knows - the truth. Ikijen Nan eo an, jitõb eo an, im dolul eo an, ear kamaroñ elõñ million armij ro ibelakin lal ñan melele kin ta eo ejelã kadede kake - mol eo. Einwõt ad kar katak ilo katak eo lok iman, ien jonikõn eo ear ijjino ilo 1914. To "persuade " means to" win over. " The one persuaded is "so convinced that [he] puts confidence in someth [ing]. " Armij eo kar karel buruen, "joñõn an tõmak juõn men, ej kamakõt e ñõn an liki. " Inem, kabellok ñan lemnak eo an jabdewõt eo emaroñ ellã jen room eo aõ, ij ruj ilo room eo aõ jilu alen ilo juõn ran im jar ilo juõn ainikien elaj, im kememej wõt ilo lemnak eo an Daniel, eo Bible ej konono kake.... Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Meñe lal in eobrak kin abañ ko, kwomaroñ bõk mõnõnõ jen jelãlokjen eo ejejjet ilo Bible kin Anij, Ailiñ eo an, im karõk eo an eaibujuij kin armij. Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus kwalok bwe ear liki ri kalor ro an? The prophet Malachi said: "Those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. Ri kanan eo Malachi ear ba: "Ro rej mijak Jehovah rar konono ibben don, kajjojo ibben eo mõttan, im Jehovah ear lale im roñjake nan ko air. Ri Jew ro Ibben Jeremiah ilo Egypt Do you think that like the Jews in Haggai's day, we could become disheartened when difficulties arise? Ri Ju ro rar jino ebwer ke rar iion mãlejjoñ ko. Ak kwe? Kwoj ke jino ebwer ñe kwoj iione mãlejjoñ ko? Ta jet ian wãwen ko relõñ Jehovah ear kwalok yokwe eo an elap? The governing body made what decision involving the Mosaic Law, and how did this affect Jewish and Gentile Christians? Ta bebe eo governing body eo ear kõmmõne im ejelet Kien eo ikijen Moses, im ewi wãwen an kar men in jelet Christian in ri Jew ro im ri Gentile ro? Jehovah ear letok ñan Adam im Eve men in letok eo kin bõklikit, im jaar jolet bõklikit eo ad jen ir. So it is wise to be cautious when it comes to treatments that feature stunning claims but that are promoted merely with hearsay testimonials. Kõn men in, jej aikuj kõjparok kõj jãn uno ak kein kõm̦adm̦õd ko me jet rej ba bwe remaroñ kõmour nañinmej ko ad ak ilo m̦ool rejjab maroñ. Kõn men in, iar poub wõt ilo juon doulul me ej bõk kun̦aõ ilo tarin̦ae. God's Word identifies the harlot's attacker as a "wild beast " with" ten horns. " Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe juon "kidu " me ewõr" joñoul doon " ippãn enaaj ko̦kkure kõrã eo ekijoñ. Kim kõnan wõt bwe kimin maroñ kajur ion karõk ko An im karõk ko An. " In turn, Jehovah loves those who trust in him and provides for them. Ilo oktan, Jehovah ej yokwe ro rej liki e im ej kabwe aikwij ko air. Jesus ear jar kin ro rej likit air tõmak ilo e: "Ij jar... bwe ir otemjej ren juõn, einwõt Kwe, Jema ilo Ña, im Ña ilo Kwe, bwe ren bareinwõt ilo kij. " - Jon 17: 20, 21; 1 Piter 2: 21. If so, are you benefiting from this test of your faith? Elañe eindein, kwoj bõk ke tokjen jen melejoñ in kin tõmak eo am? Ta eo kwar loe ilo ien mour eo am? 16, 17. 16, 17. Ej lo kõmman kein im lelok wõnãn ñan kajjojo armij ekkar. Special care is needed to remedy the effects of starvation on the body. Ak rej aikwij jerbal mokta jen an Ailiñ in Messiah eo kokkure ailiñ ko rej jumae. 4, 5. (a) How do many people respond in some parts of the world? 4, 5. (a) Ewi wãwen armij ro ilo jet jikin ko ilo lõl in rej emmakit ñõn jerbal in kwalok nan eo ar? Ilo boñõn eo m̦okta jãn am̦ ro̦o̦l ñan m̦weo im̦õm̦, m̦okta kwõn m̦õkaj im kiki ilo boñ, im kiki ium̦win juon ok. " Currently, the Pioneers Assist Others program is available in all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ñan kiõ, karõk in Pioneer Assist Others (ak Pioneer ro Ren Jibañ Ro Jet) ej bellok ilo aolep congregation ko an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah. Ta oktak eo ikõtan Jehovah im iroij ro an armij? However, in 1887 a peasant woman found a clay tablet at Amarna, Egypt. Bõtab, ilo 1887 juõn kõra dri jerata ear lo juõn dreka kle ilo juõn jikin ilo Ijipt etan Amarna. Jeje ko Rekwojarjar ke ak kajur eo elap ilo ran eo? " Writing to anointed Christians, the apostle Peter said: "You... are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last period of time. " Rijjelõk Piter ear jeje ñan Kũrjin ri kabit ro bwe "kajoor an Anij ej kõjparok " er bwe ren maroñ wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo aer tiljek ñan Anij. Ruth ear kõnan kortokjen men in letok in koloruk eo ear kõmmane ñan tokjen eo an ruwamaejet ro im ro rar eñtan. It would be foolish for someone to pass judgment on a matter without being fully informed about it. Enaj men in bwebwe ñan ekajet juõn men ilo am jab jelã aolep tibdik in melele ko. En ewi wãwen ad lemnak kin ro? Let us, then, draw closer and closer to Jehovah by reflecting appreciatively on the ransom and by diligently studying his Word, the Bible. - Read Deuteronomy 13: 4. Bareinwõt, jej aikuj riit im katak Baibõl̦. El̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦ani men kein, jenaaj epaakel̦o̦k wõt Jeova. - Riit Duteronomi 13: 4, UBS. Debora im Berak rar nõbar "ri tõl ro an Israel, ro rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jipañ armej ro. " Notice, Jesus uses the word "voice " three times. (John 10: 2 - 5, NW) Lale mõk, Jesus ej kajerbal nan eo "ainikien " jilu alen. Ñe juon ej bukwel̦o̦k, ewi wãween an men in maroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en bar em̦m̦anl̦o̦k an mour? Experts say that adolescents typically feel that they are always onstage before an imaginary audience, constantly under the glare of an unforgiving spotlight. Dri meletlet ro rej ba bwe jodrikdrik ro ekkã air lemnok bwe aolep ien rej jutak iman elõñ armij ro, im aolep ien rej kalimjek ir im lale tibdikin men ko rej kõmõni. Kõn men in, Hezekaia ear kõm̦m̦ani bõd ko rel̦l̦ap me jemãn ear kõm̦m̦ani. To the people of the city of Lystra, the apostle Paul said: "[God] did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts to the full with food and good cheer. " - Acts 14: 17. (Matu 5: 45) Ñan armij in jikin kwelok eo ilo Lystra, ri jilek Paul ear ba: "[Anij] E ar jab mõke likit E im ejelok menin kennan kake, bwe E ar kõmõnmõn emõn, im lewoj ñõn kom wut jen lõñ, im ien ko elõñ ekõn, Ej kobrõk buruemi kin kijemi im lõñliñ. " - Jerbal 14: 17. Ri jeje sam ear al im ba: "Etke kwõj lõl̦ño̦ñ, O aõ, im etke kwõj illu ilo bũruõ? This reconciliation had also been foretold by the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. - Isa. 11: 12, 13; Jer. 31: 1, 6, 31. Rũkanaan Aiseia im Jeremaia rar bar kanaan kõn an men in naaj kar wal̦o̦k. - Aiseia 11: 12, 13; Jeremaia 31: 1, 6, 31, UBS. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ jelã ta eo jaar kaorõke ilo buruõd? As a result, work on the temple and temple utensils was quickly completed. - 2 Chronicles 24: 4, 6, 13, 14; Deuteronomy 17: 18. Tokjen eo, jerbal in temple eo im jãbi ko an temple eo ear mõkaj air dedelok. - 2 Kronikel 24: 4, 6, 13, 14; Duteronomi 17: 18. ETKE JEN JEL̦Ã? It was carefully and prayerfully thought through, using the power of reason. Kar lukkun etale im jar kake, ikijen kajerbal kajur in kõmmanwa. Jet ian ro rar tõmak mokta rar jab bedwõt ilo yokwe eo an Anij. Or do you find yourself unable to give an answer to those who wonder if God is cruel? Ñe juon en kar kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk kein ñan kwe, enaaj ke kar pen am̦ uwaake? Ak aolep armij ro rejjab tõmak ilikin wa eo rar mij kinke rar makoko in roñjake Noah, "dri kwalok ekwojarjar. " - 2 Pit. 2: 5. Robert and Lila began to study the Bible regularly with the Witnesses, and eventually they got baptized. Robert im Lila rar jino air katak Bible, im tokelik rar baptais. " Aet, " Jesus ej uak. But Willie added, "Would it do any good if I told you that Jesus went to hell? " Ak Willie ear bar ba, "En ke em̦m̦anl̦o̦k ñe inaaj ba ñan kwe bwe Jesus ear bar etal ñan hell? " Kõnke ewõr ippãd kõn̦aan eo ñan l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make me jaar jolõt jãn Adam. The same problem is common among young people in Australia, Britain, Russia, and elsewhere. Ejja abañ in wõt ekkã an walok ilo Australia, Britain, Russia, im jikin ko jet. Men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en dikl̦o̦k am̦ inepata. What if their love fades? Ta elañe yokwe eo air ej mejkunlok? Ilo an jitõñlok ñan armij ro einwõt "ro rej jokwe ilo moko imõn kle, " ear jiroñ Job:" Loñtak ko rej ber ilo bõñõlñõl! The Scriptures explain that the Kingdom of God is a government in heaven that will crush and put an end to all man - made rulerships. Baibel eo ej kemelele bwe Ailiñ eo an Anij ilõñ enaj kejebeplok aolep kien ko an lõl. (Dan. Eñin men eo family eo an Elkena ear kõmmane ilo tiljek iumin elõñ yiõ ko, einwõt ekkã air kar etal ñan mweo imõn Jehovah. " - 1 Samuel 1: 7. I know his motives, and they are bad. ' Ijelã ta kõtõbrak ko an, im renana wõt. ' • Ewi wãwen kwomaroñ druaklok ñõn Jeova? Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Jijej ear ba ñan rũkal̦oor ro an: "Renaaj bõkl̦o̦k kom̦ ñan irooj ro im kiiñ ro kõn Ña, bwe naaj kwal̦o̦k ñan er im ñan riaelõñ ko. " With that in mind, parents will want to consider the question, " Does my child have sufficient knowledge to make a dedication to God and get baptized? ' Ilo aer l̦õmn̦ak kõn men in, rej aikuj kajitũkin er make: " Ebwe ke an ajri eo nejũ jel̦ã kõn katak ko rem̦ool ilo Baibõl̦ bwe en maroñ ajel̦o̦k mour eo an ñan Anij im peptaij? ' Ij eñjake wõt metak in luji mour eo aõ, ak ij kamolol Jehovah kin an wõr juõn belele emõn ibben im kin jerammõn eo ñan karejar ñan e ibben juõn eo elap an yokwe e ear kakõmõnmõnlok lemnak eo aõ. " In the Scriptures, tender affection, fellow feeling, and compassion are all intimately linked with the noblest of Christian qualities - love. Ilo Jeje ko ilo Bible, menoan don im tiriamo rej ekkejel ibben kadkad eo emõntata kadkad Christian - yokwe. Lemnak kin mol in: Melejoñ eo jinointata ilo jikin kallip in Eden ear bedbed ion elañe Adam im Eve renaj kar bõk maroñ eo an Jehovah ñan likit kien ko ak jab. They had not built a foundation of accurate knowledge or godly wisdom; nor did they trust in Jehovah. Rar jab kal̦apl̦o̦k aer mel̦el̦e kõn jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ eo em̦ool kõn Anij im kõn mãlõtlõt eo an, im bareinwõt rar jab lõke. Ej bareinwõt kajeoñe kõrã ro reritto ilo ran kein ro rej "kõmõn nana. " Because of false worship and divine disapproval, the Israelites have experienced 20 years of harsh domination by Canaanite King Jabin. Kin kabuñ eo wan im kin an Anij jab buñburuen kake ir, Ri Israel ro rar iion 20 yiõ ko in air bed iumin iroij eo elej an king in Canaan eo Kiiñ Jabin. " Tokelik ilo ran eo, ruo ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar kallallal ion kejam eo an Joseph im kwalok ñan e jet ian nan in kakabilek ko rekeie ilo Bible. A Conspiracy Against Jehovah's People Jumae Eo Nae Armij Ro An Jeova Nan kein remaroñ kakememej kij kin joñok ko an Abraham im Lot. Yes, "the souls of the poor ones he will save. Aet, "e naj lomoren mour an ro dri aikwij. Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar aolep jijet ibben don im jab ibben don ilo jet mõttan ko. " And find out how you can use this unique language to praise Jehovah. Im lale ewi wãwen kwomaroñ kajerbale kajin in ejej uan ñan kaibujuij Jehovah. Jej aikwij kõmman elõñlok men ko jen ad baj jino wõt juõn program in kakõmõnmõnlok mour eo ad make. As James says, we are like a morning mist "appearing for a little while and then disappearing. " (Luke 12: 16 - 21) Einwõt James ej ba, kij jej einwõt tap eo ej "walok jirik ien inem ej monlok. " 8, 9. (a) Etke jejjab aikwij inebata le jen joñan kin men ko jej aikwiji? It is a financial sacrifice for the brother but a great help to the local publishers of little means. Meñe edikl̦o̦k jããn ippãn, ak men in ear l̦ap an jipañ rukwal̦o̦k naan ro ijin me ejjab l̦ap jããn ippãer. Jehovah ej likit iman armij ro an lal rainin ejja jokãlet eo wõt kar likit iman Ri Israel ro elõñlok jen 3,000 yiõ ko remotlok, ke Moses ear ba: "I ar likit imam mour ranin im emõn, im mij im nana.... He is the One who put the earth's ecological systems, such as the water cycle, in place. E eo ear karõk wãween an men ko ilo lal̦ in m̦akũtkũt im jerbal. Kwõn kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro ilo men ko kwõj kõtmãne bwe renaaj wal̦o̦k. - Ais. Jehovah has granted Jesus the power to restore to life not only those resurrected to spirit life in heaven but also the billions who will awaken to the prospect of everlasting life on earth. Em̦õj an Jeova kamaroñ Jijej ñan kõmour ro rar mej. Rein ej kitibuj ro me renaaj tõl ippãn Jijej ilañ, im elõñ bilien ro me renaaj mour ijin ioon lal̦. Im Apollos ear lukkun kamolol ro mõttan rekãl kin air kwalok tibdik kein raorõk ibben. Ghana reports: "Since the new pioneer hour goal went into effect, the ranks of our regular pioneers have steadily gone up. " Ghana ear report: "Jen ien eo ear jino jerbal mejenkajjik eo ekãl in awa ko, oran ro rej regular pioneer ear laplok wõt. " Kinke mol eo ear bedbed ion Jesus Christ, ear maroñ ba: "Ña ial, im mol, im mour: ejelok armij ej itok ñõn Jema, elañe jab kin Iõ. " In the Bible, the details of that touching reunion are left between Jesus and Peter. Baibel eo ejjab kwalok kin ta eo ear walok ilo ien eo Jisõs im Piter rar bar iion dron. Menin Letok eo an Jehovah kin Sodom im Gomorrah Yet, the Scriptures clearly tell us that imperfect humans who get married "will have tribulation in their flesh. " (Jabõn Kõnnaan 18: 22) Meñe ãindein, ak Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k bwe ro rej m̦are rej iioon "inepata ko " kõnke kõj aolep jejjab weeppãn. Kakajurlok jelãlokjen eo am kin Jehovah im karõk ko an. (a) How extensive is Jesus ' authority? (a) Ewi joñan kajur eo an Jesus? Bõtab, ilo jet ailiñ ko, Ri Kennan ro rar jelmae elap jumae. However, a further consideration of Jesus ' prophecy indicates that an adjustment in our understanding of the timing of certain aspects of Jesus ' prophecy is needed. (Malakai 3: 1) Bõtab, ke jaar bar lukkuun etale kanaan eo an Jijej, mel̦el̦e eo ad kõn iien eo Jijej ear itok ej aikuj oktak. Ewi wãwen an naj kõllã muri ko an? Jesus went beyond foretelling how others would treat his disciples. Jesus ear jab kanan wõt kin wãwen eo armij ro jet renaj jelet ri kalor ro an. M̦anit ko Rej Kõm̦m̦ani He is determined to put us to the test. Emwij an bebe bwe en melejoñwe kij. (b) Ta wanjoñok ko kin armij ro ilo jitõb jenaj etali? [ Pictures on page 18] [ Pija ko ilo peij 18] Jesus ear bareinwõt kabel ilo wãwen eo ear kwalok kin armij ro ilo parable ko an. Most people would probably say that they want to but that they feel it is unrealistic to consider it. Enañin aolep armej renaaj bõlen uwaak im ba bwe rekõn̦aan mour ñan indeeo bõtab rejjab kõn̦aan l̦õmn̦ak kake kõnke rej ba bwe men in eban wal̦o̦k. Ak, ebwe ke air kar bojak? Satan suggested that her eyes were "bound to be opened " if she would eat the fruit from" the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Setan ear ba bwe mejen " enaj bellok ' elañe enaj mõña jen "wijki in jela emõn im nana. " Ta eo enaj jibañ kij ñan jebar leen ilo kijenmij? Our just God always does what is right and proper. We want to be like him. Aolep iien Anij eo ad ej kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we, im jekõn̦aan bwe jen bar ãinwõt e. 20 Kwõj Aikuj Ke Katak kajin Hibru im Grik? The woman of Isaiah 60: 1 - 3 is Zion, Jehovah's celestial organization of spirit creatures. Kõrã eo ilo Aiseia 60: 1 - 3 ej Zion, dolul in jitõb ro an Jehovah ijoko ilañ. " Kom̦win kõm̦m̦an men otemjej ilo yokwe. " - 1 KORINT 16: 14. How can we best respond to physical weakness? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kijenmij ilo melejoñ ko me rej waloktok jen mõjno ko ad ilo kanniek? Bed eo an kõdo eo ear kamol ñan armij ro an Anij bwe Jehovah ear bed ibbeir. How does paying attention to God's Word protect you? Ewi wãwen am liñõre Nan eo an Anij emaroñ kejbãrok yuk? Ion ta? Put yourself in the place of Jesus ' first - century Jewish disciples. Lemnak bwe kwoj juõn ian Ri Jew ri kaloran Jesus ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. Ejjabto, kwonaj emmakit im ba ibben ri jeje sam: "O e nañin lap aõ yokwe kiõm! I must admit that I love riding my bike and feeling the wind in my face - one of life's little pleasures! Elukkun emõn iba kattõre wõtbai eo waõ im aõ iñjake an elarikrik tok! Ilõñin men otemjej, kwon jab ebwer in kakajiririk jodrikdrik ro nejõm "ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " - Dri Epesõs 6: 4. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its roadways are peace. Ial ko an rej ial in ainemõn, im etetal ko an otemjej rej inemõn. Mokta wõt jen an kar mij, Jesus ear eliji nan in kamol eo ear kwaloke ilo wanjoñok ko an. Will we be able to fulfill this aspect of Jesus ' commission? (Matu 28: 20) Jenaj kajejjet kitien ke mõttan kien in an Jesus? Em̦m̦aan in jeid im jatid ear ba: "El̦ap aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ im lõke bwe iar kõn̦aan erom juon mijinede ke iar dik im rũttol̦o̦k. " • gave commendation. - Mark 14: 6 - 9. • lelok nan in nebar ko. - Mark 14: 6 - 9. Ak, elõñ armij rej lemnak kin men ko rej kõmman an jededlok fundamentalism - an laplok mour erreo, luji tõmak, im kajekdon mour in jitõb ilo jukjuk im bed eo ilo ran kein. What I saw at that convention moved me to start studying the Bible with the Witnesses and attending their congregation meetings. Men eo iar loe ilo iien kweilo̦k el̦ap in, ear kõm̦akũt eõ bwe in jino katak Baibõl̦ ippãn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova im etal ñan iien kweilo̦k ko aer. Rar jelã etan Anij, ak rar jab kajitõk, "Ewi Jehovah? " What good work? Ta jerbal eo emõn? Kin men in, katok eo an Jesus ej jerbal mokta ñan ro ilo mweo imõn priest ro, ro renaj jerbal ibben ilañ. Eventually, as foretold in the book of Daniel, " the true knowledge became abundant. ' Ejjabto tokelik, einwõt kar kanan kake ilo book in Daniel, " jelãlokjen eo emol ear oktak im lap. ' A ro re nana, naj kamõkit ir jen eneo; im ro re jela mon re naj joko jen e. " " The first cigarette seemed like a harmless snowball, " he said. Ak jidik kõn jidik, ear jino an lukkuun añũr. Ej ba: "Juon raan ear maat kijõ jikka. (b) Ta eo Duteronomi 23: 21, 23 im Sam 15: 4 rej kalikar ñan yuk kin am kõmmane juõn kallimur ñan Anij? Would he give up on the idea of eating and satisfying his hunger? En kar bõjrak ke jen an lemnak in kañe ñan kaju buruen kin an kwõle? Ñan waanjoñak, juon eklejia ilo Pacific ear rent juon Im̦õn Kweilo̦k ñan iien Kwõjkwõj eo. When did the weeds start to appear, and how were men "sleeping " at the time? Ñãt eo ro me rej einlok wot tãõ ko rar jino walok, im ewi wãwen armij ro rar "kiki " ilo ien in? Elañe Christian ri kabit rein rar lemnak kin "men ko an lõl, " renaj kar ukõt lemnak ko air kin menin letok eo an Jehovah ñan bõk lomor. Moses now stretched out his hand over the Red Sea. Kiõ Moses ear kõtellok pein ion Lomalo Ekilmir. Iumin 6,000 yiõ ko jen ien jumae eo ilo Eden, ekajet jab jimwe ear mõttan jukjuk im bed eo an armij. Actually, the support of our spiritual brothers and sisters is crucial to our standing firm when the Devil attacks like a roaring lion. (1 Piter 5: 8, 9) Emol bwe, rejetak eo jen ri tõmak emaan im kõrã ro mõttad elukkun aorõk ñan ad jutak bin ñe Devil eo ej jumae kij einwõt juõn lion erorror. Ilo 1991, jerbal eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah kar lelok ñan ir ilo kien. She also studies the Bible with her children, trains them in the ministry, and brings them to congregation meetings. Ej bareinwõt katak Bible ibben ro nejin, kamineneik ir ilo jerbal in kwalok nan, im bõktok ir ñan kwelok ko an congregation eo. Enaj lap an kamolol Jehovah kin ro renaj ellã im mour jen Armageddon bwe ren deloñ ilo juõn jukjuk im bed eo erreo im erreo an Anij, juõn lal ekãl, ion juõn lal eo enaj oktak im juõn paradise! They were old enough to obey or disobey. Kõn men in, er kajjojo rar kwal̦o̦k bwe rej yokwe Anij im naan in tõl ko an. " Mae Ien Jemlokin Men ko " Some serve as full - time ministers. Bareinwõt, ewõr em̦m̦aan ro rej bõk jerbal in lale eklejia im ebar wõr rej rijjippañ ilo eklejia ko. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn jiroñ eo nejin Pero me ear lo̦mo̦o̦ren mour eo an Moses. Summary: Dinah is violated by Shechem, and her outraged brothers seek vengeance. Men ko rar wal̦o̦k: Shikem ear ko̦kkure Daina im l̦õm̦aro jein Daina rar ukot nana kõn nana kõn aer kar kanooj illu. Lemnak, bareinwõt, kin ta eo ear walok ilo ien iroij eo an King Josiah ilo Judah. Not as a personal estimate, but under the influence of God's holy spirit, he later wrote: "The man Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground. " Ear jab kautiej e make, ak iumin kajur eo an jitõb kwojarjar eo an Anij, ear je tokelik: "Armij eo, Moses, e kanuij inemõn, jen armij otemjej rej ber ion mejen lõl. " Kin men in, ear kajimwe wãwen an ri ekkal ro jerbal. How can belief in the resurrection be of help now? Ewi wãwen tõmak ilo jerkakbiji eo emaroñ jibañ kij kiõ? Jesus ear kallimur bwe kumi eo edik in emaan ro me juõn ãjinkij emõn ear kõttar ir kin tiljek eo air. Ewi wãween jemaroñ ãinwõt Jijej? Naanin Anij ej ba: "Ro Jeova ear m̦an er renaaj wal̦o̦k ilo raan eo jãn jem̦l̦o̦kin lal̦ ñan jem̦l̦o̦kin lal̦. " - Jerm. Illustrate how we can maintain integrity to Jehovah under the most trialsome circumstances. Kwalok wanjoñok eo kin ewi wãwen ad maroñ debij ad tiljek ñan Jehovah iumin melejoñ ko relap. Kwoj aikwij bareinwõt kile bwe maan im kõrã ro remaroñ buromõj im buromõj. ; Main, H. ; Main, H. Ad etale kanan eo an Hosea en kar jibañ kij ñan kõmman ta? Barbara says regarding her daughter and other young sisters in the congregation: "They support me in the ministry. Barbara ej ba kõn leddik eo nejin im jet jiroñ ro ilo congregation eo an: "Rej jipañ eõ ilo kwal̦o̦k naan. Ruo ian ri jerbal ro rar joñan wõt 1 / 64 ilo juõn ran in jerbal. There I met and married Janette, a fine Christian sister, and we raised a son and three daughters in the Christian way. Eñin ijo iar iioon juon jeid im jatid kõrã me ejouj etan Janette im kõm̦ro ar m̦are. Ñan wanjoñok, jet ian ritto ro mõttad elap air kate ir ñan bed im bõk kunair ilo kwelok ko im keini air kwalok nan. There are various ways to praise Jehovah at Christian meetings Elõñ kajjojo wãwen ko ñan nebar Jehovah ilo kwelok ko an Christian Etke eaorõk bwe jen l̦õmn̦ak kõn iien m̦are ko ad im iien kweilo̦k ko? What about you? Ak ta kõn kwe? Juõn locust eo ej make ian ejjab lap an jelet e. We were even able to buy the property from the man who had said that "Chinese do not sell. " Kõmar maroñ bar wiaiki wãto eo jãn em̦m̦aan eo me ear ba, "Kõm RiJaina kõmij jab wiakake wãto. " Jerbal 17: 16 ej report bwe ke Paul ear bed ilo Athens, "jitõb eo an iloan e ar illu kin an lo bwe jikin kwelok eo eobrak kin ekjap ko. " We take turns reading, and then she wants to talk about everything, including the pictures and the boxes. Kimro ej riiti pãrokõrããp ko kajjojo, im elikin ej kõnan bwe kimin konono kin aolep men ko ie ekoba pija im box ko. 9: 50 Elañe ta eo ij ba im kõmmane emõn, ta tokjen ko remõn renaj walok? To fulfill that wonderful commission, our original parents would need to keep on living - forever - and so would their offspring. Ilo iiõ eo 1937, jema ear jerbal ippãn juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. certain ones later ask. bwe armij in Ej kõmõnmõn elõñ kakõle " jet rej kajitõk tokelik. Juõn jodikdik eo ear lo tõbrak ke ilo an jelmae juõn melejoñ in tiljek ak bõk juõn ien emõn ñan kwalok nan ilo school? Yet the Bible says at Psalm 37: 29: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " Bõtab ilo Jabõn Kõnnaan 2: 21 ej ba: "Bwe ro rejim̦we renaaj jokwe ilo lal̦, im ro reweeppãn renaaj pãdwõt ie. " Ear jab jiroñ kij bwe jen " bukõt wõt ailiñ eo. ' Within nine months the young woman was baptized. Iloan wõt ruatimjuõn alliñ ko liin ear baptais. Tokelik, ke Paul ear bed ilo kalbuj ilo Rome, ear nebar Mark kin jibañ eo an etiljek. DO YOU enjoy traveling the countryside, maybe taking a weekend automobile trip? KWOJ mõnõnõ ke in ito - itak ilo eneo, bõlen kõmmane juõn trip ilo wa eo ilo jemlokin week eo? Ñan kejbãrok sheep in kõkkar ko an jen " laion e rorror, " Jehovah ear karõk bwe shepherd ro ilo jitõb ren lale bwij eo iumin" shepherd eo elap, " Jesus Christ. Thus, the Scriptures indicate that world conditions during the last days would not become so extreme that people would be forced to believe that the end is near. - Luke 17: 20; 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. Ealikkar bwe jejjab aikuj kõtmãne an lukkuun kajju l̦e jãn joñan an nana men ko renaaj wal̦o̦k m̦okta jãn an itok iien "eñtaan eo el̦ap. " - Luk 17: 20; 2 Piter 3: 3, 4. Bõtab, ke rũttarin̦ae ro rar tõparl̦o̦k jikin in, rũttarin̦ae ro rar kadiwõjl̦o̦k baam̦le eo aer jãn baj eo kõnke eoktak aelõñ ko aer, ak rar kõtl̦o̦k bwe ro jeier im jatier ren wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt. 1, 2. 1, 2. Etke jej kwalok nan? Let us go on rendering exclusive devotion to Jehovah by loving and serving him whole - souled and putting forth earnest effort to maintain oneness in the Christian brotherhood. Jen wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kabuñ ñan Jeova wõt ilo ad yokwe im karejar ñane kõn aolepen bũruod im kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦an bwe eklejia eo en aenõm̦m̦an im bõrokuk wõt. Buk In Katak Is it true that giving brings greater happiness than receiving? Emol ke bwe lelok ej bõktok elaplok mõnõnõ jen bõk? Elañe ejelok am Bible, kajitõk ibben Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah kin juõn, ak readi ilo Internet ilo www.jw.org. To the congregation in Colossae, Paul wrote: "Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside, buying out the opportune time for yourselves. Paul ear jejelok ñan congregation eo ilo Colossae im ba: "Komin etetal im meletlet ñõn ro ilikin, im kejbãrok ien. Ear keotak bo̦o̦j eo an Iso im Jekõb. Whenever I made material sacrifices in order to pursue spiritual goals, Jehovah always blessed me with more than what I had sacrificed. Jabrewõt ien ij karmijete kõnan ko ilo kõniek bwe in jibarek mejenkajik ko ilo jitõb, aolep ien Jeova ej kejerammõn iõ elaplok jen joñõn eo iar karmijeteiki. Kweilo̦k ko rel̦l̦ap rar wal̦o̦k We may have to contend with what negative influences? Ta ijjiped ko jemaroñ aikuj in jum̦aeiki? Kein tarinae in Anij ear letoke ekoba kadkad ko me juõn Ri Christian ej aikwij kõmmani im bareinwõt men in letok ko ilo jitõb Jehovah ear kõmmani. " Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Aolep men kein rej bõktok el̦ap eñtaan im bũrom̦õj. Etke Ri Kennan ro rejjab kememe ran in kwojkwoj ko? Did you at one time serve Jehovah? Em̦õj ke am̦ bõjrak jãn am̦ karejar ñan Jeova? Ear bar kõm̦m̦ani men ko renana ilo jikin kein me ejjel̦o̦k armej ej kõm̦m̦ani! Even among his 11 faithful apostles, he did not stand out physically. (Jon 7: 10, 11, UBS) Ñe ej kobal̦o̦k im pãd ippãn rijjilõk ro an 11, ear jab pidodo an armej ro kile e. Ak, jemaroñ oktak im jab kijoror ñe juõn ien melejoñ ejelok jemlokin. F. F. Innem, ta jeraam̦m̦an ko renaaj wal̦o̦k ñan ro rej pãd ilo Sheol (ro rej pãd ilo Gehenna) im ro rej pãd ilo Gehenna? No doubt it was difficult for him to go from enjoying the comfortable surroundings of the Egyptian court to living in the wilderness. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe ear kanooj pen ñan e kõnke ekõn em̦m̦an kõjeãn ilo m̦weo im̦õn kiiñ ilo Ijipt im kiiõ ear jokwe ilo ãne jem̦aden. Einwõt Elijah, kwomaroñ ebwer kinke jerbal eo am einwõt ejelok tokjen ak kinke juõn mejenkajjik ilo jitõb einwõt ejelok tokjen. * It does not need to collect taxes to pay for its operation. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Kinke iar jab bõk kunaõ ilo akwail eo, iar bõk nan in kakabilek ko rekajur. Every year some 200,000 new books are published in the United States alone. Ilo kajjojo yiõ tarrin 2,000 book kãl ko rej jei ilo United States wõt. Ak ajiri ro nejõm elap air ikõñ im emõn mwiliir. What will help you to accomplish this? Ta eo enaj jibañ yuk bwe kwon kõmmane men in? Jesus im ri kalor ro an rar jelã bwe ilo juõn ien eo emwij karõke, Anij make enaj kajutak juõn kien ilañ ñan iroij ion aolepen lal. Jehovah made every effort to keep pure worship clean (See paragraphs 16 - 18) (1) Ta eo Zekaraia ear loe an wal̦o̦k ñan iep eo? [ Pija eo ilo peij 24] Paul, speaking of first - century Christians, said: "It is to us God has revealed [the things prepared for those who love him] through his spirit. " Paul, ilo an konono kin Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, ear ba: "A Anij e ar kwaloki ñõn kij kin Jitõb: bwe Jitõb ej kabukot men otemjej, aet, men ko re mũlõl an Anij. " Juõn enjel an Jehovah ear wõnmae Hagar im jiroñ e: "Kwon bar jeblak ñan iroij eo am im kõttãik yuk iumin pein. " Would such conduct show love for her and respect for the marriage arrangement? - Matt. Enaaj ke em̦m̦an an kõrã eo pãleen juon em̦m̦aan mour el̦aññe ejel̦ã bwe ej alwõji pija ko renana? M̦OKTA jãn an kar wal̦o̦k apañ eo ilo Europe, ear ba: "Elukkuun lõñ apañ ko rej wal̦o̦k ilo Europe. " " To fuel the national economy, " says the report. Juõn report ej ba, "Ej ñan kamweie ailiñ eo. " Ilo ekajet jimwe John Paul Steven jen U.S. We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark. Aolep menninmour kein ekajjo wãweer im kilepier. Jet iaaer rawiia im ko jet rawiie. Jeban ba bwe Noa ear eñtaan ilo an kar aikuj kõpel̦ im kaalitok menninmour ko ñan lowaan wa eo. Etke? Ak elañe ewõr am beran ñan kajitõk kin jibañ, kwonaj anjo ion jabdewõt jorrãn ko jet im enaj bõk kainemõn jen am bar bõk juõn bõklikit ealikar. - Sam 32: 1 - 5. Attending Christian meetings and going from house to house to tell others about the Bible's marvelous hope for the future was a regular part of our family's routine. Ekar l̦ap an baam̦le eo ammim niknik in pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko im kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦ ñan karoñ ro jet kõn kõjatdikdik eo ilo Baibõl̦ kõn ilju im jekl̦aj. Jesus ear ba: "Kin buru eobrõk ej konono i loñin. " Rather, this message proclaimed a peace that will come about only through God's Kingdom. Ak, ennan in ear keañ kin juõn ainemõn eo enaj itok ikijen wõt Ailiñ eo an Anij. 14, 15. The disciples had been with Jesus for about three years, and now they had come with him to Jerusalem. Ri kalor ro rar bed ibben Jesus iumin jilu yiõ, im kiõ rej itok ñan Jerusalem ibben. Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamelele kin ettõnak im vision eo Daniel ear bed ilo yiõ eo kein kajuõn in an Belshazzar iroij? Some experience despair because of clinical depression. Jet rej iion juõn wãwen buromõj rej naetan ilo kajin belle clinical depression. Ewi Joñan An Kajur Tõmak eo Am ilo Jerkakbiji eo? Most of the family rejected - even despised - what they said. Enañin aolepen baam̦le eo aõ rar jum̦ae im dike men ko ear ba. Kweilo̦k ko Rel̦l̦ap, 10 / 15 (b) How does God help parents fulfill their responsibilities? (1) Ta eo Jeova ej kõtmãne bwe jemãn im jinen ajri ro ren kõm̦m̦ane? Elõñ rũkkatak ro am rar jino katak Baibõl̦ ippãn jo̦dikdik ro me rar dik im rũttol̦o̦k ilo jikuul̦ in. But the right of firstborn could be transferred. Bõtab, ewõr iien rej lel̦o̦k maroñ eo an m̦aanje ro ñan ro jet. Jen ien ñan ien, " ri karejar eo etiljek ' ear letok kein jerbal ko rejejjet, ak wõr joñan, ri roñjake ro. I Failed Many Times Before I Succeeded 12 M̦okta jãn Aõ Lukkuun Oktak, Elõñ Alen Aõ Likjab im Kõm̦m̦ani Bõd ko Iar Kõm̦m̦ani M̦okta 12 Ilo mol, elañe kajjojo Ri Christian ej etale wãwen eo emõntata ear lemnak kake, congregation ko ad ren kar jab jebel ke? (b) How can you show that you are working in harmony with the spirit? (b) Ewi wãwen kwoj kwalok bwe kwoj kõtlok bwe jitõb kwojarjar en tel yuk? Kin men in, jet Ri Christian ro rar lo bwe ilo ien eo rar maroñ kõmman juõn bebe ñan jeorlok bwid ilo wãwen eo ñan debij air illu - jab kadiklok men eo ear walok ñan ir, ak rar makoko in kadiklok air illu. With whom should we associate? Wõn ro jej aikuj in kobal̦o̦k ippãer? Men eo el̦apl̦o̦k an aorõk ej bwe katak ko rem̦ool renaaj jipañ kõj ilo iien ko jej iioon apañ. Jehovah leads us by instructing us in his ways. Jehovah ej tel kij ikijen an katakin kij ilo ial ko an. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok ad kamolol kin meram eo an Jehovah, im ta eo jej aikwiji ñan bõk kain ial rot in? In the following article, we will consider what questions? Ilo katakin tok juõn, ta kajitõk ko jenaj etali? Jemaroñ kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn jeraam̦m̦an ko renaaj wal̦o̦k el̦aññe jej kõjparok kõj jãn men ko renana. Fifth: Children, respect your parents. Kein kalalim: Ajiri ro, kautiej jememi im jinemi. Ruo iiõ tokãlik, iar m̦areik kõrã eo ippa me el̦ap an yokwe. How does Jehovah feel about human suffering? (Jenesis 1: 27; Aiseia 63: 9) Ewi an Jehovah eñjake kin eñtan eo an armij ro? Ri jeje sam David ear ba: "Ro re jela etõm re naj liki Yuk, bwe kwo jamin illok jen ro rej kabukot Yuk, O Jeova. " As we learned in the preceding article, the harvest season began in 1914. Ilo katak eo l̦o̦k, jaar katak bwe iien m̦adm̦õd eo ear jino ilo 1914. Bwebwenato in ej kwal̦o̦k ruo waanjoñak ko kõn an kar Samuel jab kwal̦o̦k kautiej. So, open to the view of any who might pass my cell, I knelt in my cell three times a day and prayed aloud, keeping in mind Daniel, of whom the Bible speaks.... Inem, iman mejen jabdewõt armij ear ellã jen room in kalbuj eo aõ, I ar jillok ilo room eo aõ jilu alen ilo kajjojo ran im jar ilo juõn ainikien elap, im kememej wõt kin Daniel, eo me Bible eo ej konono kake.... Jet iien emaroñ jim̦we wãween ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn ro jet. How did Jesus demonstrate that he trusted his disciples? Ewi wãwen Jesus ear kwalok bwe ear liki ri kalor ro an? Ñan waanjoñak, ilo kar iiõ eo 17, Charles ear je im ba bwe "Jeova, " ñe keidi ippãn elõñ mel̦el̦e ko ilo Baibõl̦, mel̦el̦ein" ej wãween eo em̦m̦antata ippãn mel̦el̦e ko an. " The Jews With Jeremiah in Egypt Ri Jew ro Ibben Jeremiah ilo Egypt Ilo mol, rar kajerbal nan in kõmmanwa ko einlok wõt eo an Korah! What are some of the many ways in which Jehovah has displayed his great love? Jouj im kwal̦o̦k jet iaan wãween ko me Jeova ej kwal̦o̦k an yokwe kõj. Elõñ rar kortokjen men in ñan deloñ ilo auxiliary pioneer ro ak auxiliary pioneer ro. Jehovah provided Adam and Eve with the gift of conscience, and we inherited our conscience from them. Jehovah ear lelok ñan Adam im Eve juõn men in lelok ej bõklikit eo, im kij jaar jolete jen ir. Den ej waloktok jen okran wijki eo im eddek ñan bwilik ko jen juõn "lõl e wãppen. " So I got busy in a Communist youth organization. Kõn men in, iar poub im bõk kun̦aõ ilo juon kumi in jo̦dikdik an kien in. Baibel eo ej ba: "Im ke e ar drebij pein, im pein lio belen, im pein kõra ro ruo nejin, im rar ãñintok e ñõn jikin kwelok eo. " We merely wish to be able to apprehend His plans and purposes. " Men eo wõt ri kapit rein rar kõn̦aan ej bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k aer mel̦el̦e kõn karõk ko an Anij. Tokjen eo emaroñ jededlok ibelakin lal jen an laplok lojet, ibwijleplep ko, ibwijleplep ko, nañinmij ko, im tarinae ko. Jesus prayed concerning those putting faith in him: "I make request... that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us. " - John 17: 20, 21; 1 Peter 2: 21. Jesus ear jar kin ro rar tõmak ilo e: "Bwe ir otemjej ren juõn, einwõt Kwe, Jema ilo Ña, im Ña ilo Kwe, bwe ir bareinwõt ren ilo Kij. " - Jon 17: 20, 21; 1 Piter 2: 21. Jen an eindein, kimar joij iolapemi, einwõt ke juõn jinen eritto ej lale ajiri ro nejin. " What have you seen during your lifetime? (Reveles̃õn 7: 9) Ta eo emwij am loe ilo ien mour eo am? Abañ eo aõ kar ilo lemnak eo aõ, jab ilo kanniek. He notices those acts and repays each person accordingly. Ej loi men ko rej kõm̦m̦ani, im ej kõjeraam̦m̦an er. Lemnak eo an ej kõmman bwe jar ko ad ren lukkun aorõk. Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rej l̦oore joñak eo an Jijej ilo aer kwal̦o̦k aer yokwe ro jet. Iar l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k juon emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe ajri eo nejũ en jab m̦õn̦õn̦õ! " But they must act before the Messianic Kingdom smashes the opposing nations. Ak rej aikwij bõke ilo mõkaj mokta jen an Ailiñ eo an Messiah eo kajeebeplok ri ailiñ ko rej jumae. Etke? Wash nightly at home before going to bed, brush your teeth well at night, and sleep under a mosquito net. " Tutu aolep boñ ilo mweo mokta jen am kiki, en emõn am bũraje ñiõm ilo boñ, im kiki iloan juõn tainam. " Naanin rõjañ ko jãn bok ko ad rej jipañ kõj ñan mel̦el̦e kõn men in. (Job 33: 25; Aiseia 33: 24) Kõn men in, jen kõm̦m̦an pepe ko rem̦m̦an ikijjeen ãjmour eo ad im tõmak ilo kallim̦ur ko an Jeova m̦ae iien eo enaaj wal̦o̦k iien in. Anij make ear jitõñlok ñan juõn jerkakbiji ke ear lelok kanan eo moktata ilo Eden. What contrast is there between Jehovah and human rulers? Ta oktak eo ikõtan Jehovah im iroij ro an lal? Wõn ro remaroñ bõk tokjen jen joñok eo an? Holy Scripture or the dominant ideology of the day? " Jeje ko Rekwojarjar ke ak tõmak eo ekajur ilo tõre in? " Jehovah ear kallimur bwe inen Abraham enaj kar erom juõn ailiñ elap, (2) bõk anjo ion ri kijirãt ro air, (3) jolet enen Canaan, im (4) ej juõn ial ñan jerammõn ko ñan ailiñ ko. Ruth wanted to take advantage of the provision of gleaning made for the benefit of the foreigners and the afflicted. Ruth ear kõnan kortokjen men in letok eo kin koloruk ak ae ñan tokjen eo an ruwamaejet ro im ro rejeramel. Bareinwõt, mol eo ilo Bible ear kajur, im kajur ion aolep abañ ko, kabuñ im men ko eierlok wõt. How should those be viewed? En kar ewi wãween ad watõki eddo kein? Inem, ta jitõb eo lal in ej kwaloke? Deborah and Barak commended "the commanders of Israel, who went as volunteers with the people. " Debora im Berak rar nõbar im kam̦m̦oolol " rũtõl ro an Israel, ippãn armej ro rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in bõk kun̦aaer. ' Emol, kanan eo Christ ear letok ikijen ri jilek John ej kwalok bwe meñe jumae eo an Satan, "juõn jar elap " in ro kejatdikdik eo air ej ñan mour ion lal renaj ellã im mour jen jemlokin jukjuk im bed in. What role can disfellowshipping play in a sinner's recovery? Etke ñe juon ej bukwel̦o̦k, men in ej jipañe? Inem enaj abyss Satan im demon ro iumin juõn thousand yiõ ko. - Rev. So Hezekiah set about righting the terrible wrongs that his father had committed. Men in ear kõm̦akũti ñan kõm̦adm̦õdi elõñ iaan men ko renana jemãn ear kõm̦m̦ani. Ak ta kin "menin letok ko ilo emaan ro "? Feeling heavy of heart and agitated, the psalmist sang: "Why are you in despair, O my soul, and why are you boisterous within me? Ilo an eñjake an eddodo buruen im abõnõnõ, ri jeje psalm ear al: "Etke jolõllok yuk, O aõ, im etke kwoj abnõnõ ilo ña? Ej melelen bwe jej aikwij tõmak kin aolepen buruõd im bokake kien ko an Anij im nan in kaiñi ko an. How can we determine what we have treasured up in our heart? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ etale ta eo jaar kaorõke ilo buruõd? Rar bar kajedmatmat nana eo air ke rar bõk nan in kakabilek eo ñan mõn Lazarus, kinke elõñ ian Ri Jew ro rar ilok im tõmak ilo Jesus. " WHY IT MATTERS ETKE EAORÕK BWE JEN JEL̦Ã? Men in ej kitibuj ad kwalok joij eo an Christ ñan jerbal. Some who once had faith have not remained in God's love. Jet ro rar tõmak mokta rar jab bedwõt ilo yokwe eo an Anij. Men ko Jemaroñ Kõm̦m̦ani ilo Iien Katak ko Rem̦ool jãn Baibõl̦ Eo But all the faithless people outside the ark perished because they had refused to listen to Noah, "a preacher of righteousness. " - 2 Pet. 2: 5. Jeova ear ko̦kkure "men ko otemjej rej mour ioon lal̦, " ak ear kõjparok wõt ro rar tiljek ñane. Ear lo̦mo̦o̦ren Noa, kõrã eo pãleen, im l̦õm̦aro nejin kab lim̦aro pãleer ilowaan wa eo. Elañe kajur eo ad ej itok jen Jehovah, emol enaj kajur! " Yes, " Jesus replies. " Aet, " Jesus ej uak. Ekkeini, jar in armij ro retiljek rar etal ilo ial eo ebin lok jen Galilee ñan Jerusalem. Because we have an inborn tendency to selfishness that we inherited from our forefather Adam. Kinke jaar bõdañ eñjake in kibbon jen jimmad Adam. Kwoj wiaik ke ien kajjojo ran jen makitkit ko jet ñan ruaklok ñan Jehovah? The resulting emotional stress might in time drain your strength. Men kein remaroñ kõm̦m̦an ad lukkuun inepata im men in emaroñ kam̦õjn̦o̦ik kõj. (b) Ewi wãwen an kar Anij kabwe aikwij ko an Ri Levi ro? Referring to humans as "those dwelling in houses of clay, " he told Job:" [Their] foundation is in the dust! One crushes them more quickly than a moth. Ilo an jitõñlok ñõn armij ro bwe rej einwõt "ro rej jokwe ilo mo ko im kle, " ear ba nan kein ñõn Job," loñtair ej ilo bõñõlñõl, im emwij ruji ir iman meninloaj! Ke iar juõn ajiri wõt, jema enaj kar lale iõ ke jinõ ear ber ilo kwelok ko im bõk kwonan ilo jerbal in kwalok nan ilo ran in Jabõt. This is what Elkanah's family loyally did "year by year, as often as [they] went up into the house of Jehovah. " - 1 Samuel 1: 7. Eñin men eo family eo an Elkanah ekin kõmmane ilo tiljek "yiõ otemjej ke e ar wõnliñlok imõn Anij. " - 1 Samuel 1: 7. [ Pija eo ilo peij 4] • How can you draw close to Jehovah? [ Box / Pictures on page 20] • Ewi wãwen am maroñ ruaklok ñan Jehovah? Kinke elõñ armij rej jibadõk mejenkajjik eo air elaptata ilo mour, juõn Ri Christian emaroñ bõk ejja lemnak eo wõt. 22. Jesus told his disciples: "You will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. " Jijej ear jiroñ rũkal̦oor ro an im ba: "Naaj bõk kom̦ ñan ekajet im̦aan ruutiej ro an kien im irooj ro ilo eta, bwe kom̦win kwal̦o̦k kõn Naan eo Em̦m̦an ñan er im ñan riaelõñ ko. " * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) I still feel the pain of the loss, but thanking Jehovah for having had a good marriage and for the privilege of serving him with someone who deeply loved him has improved my outlook. " Bõtab, ij kam̦m̦oolol Jeova kõn an kar em̦m̦an pãd eo am̦ro. Bareinwõt, kõn an kar letok juon eo el̦ap an yokwe E bwe kõmro en jim̦or karejar ñane. Ñe ij kam̦m̦oolole Jeova, em̦m̦anl̦o̦k aõ mour. " Einwõt juõn kumi, rar jab maroñ bõktok ir make ñan lañliñ ke Jesus ilo tiriamokake ear kemour pein juõn emaan eo ear jorrãn ilo ran in Sabbath. Consider this fact: The original test in the garden of Eden was based on whether Adam and Eve would accept Jehovah's right to set standards or not. Lemnok mõk kin men in: Melejoñ eo ilo jikin kallip in Iden ear berber ion elañe Adam im Iv renaj kar kõtãik ir iomin kien ko an Jeova ak jab. (Jen. Ta jet ian menin kabañbañ ko ñan konono ibben don eo emõn? She also imitates present - day older women who are "reverent in behavior. " 3: 5, 6) Bareinwõt ej kajjioñe joñak ko rem̦m̦an an kõrã ro im rerũtto ilo congregation eo. Men in etao in ear kajeoñ in wiaik buruen ro rar itok ñan king eo ñan bõk ekajet. " Later that day, two of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on Pat's door and showed him some of the Bible's practical advice. " Ilo ejja raan eo wõt, ruo iaan Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kal̦l̦al̦l̦al̦ ilo kõjãm eo an Pat im kwal̦o̦k ñan e jet naan in kakapilõk jãn Baibõl̦ me relukkuun jejjet ñan apañ ko jej iiooni. Ej einlok wõt ñe ajiri eo nejõm ej erom juõn jodrikdrik. This phrase may remind us of the examples of Abraham and Lot. Bõlen naan kein rej kakeememej kõj kõn Ebream im Lot. Karõk in ej kamakit manlok, im ilo wãwen in, lemnak ko ituloa im eñjake ko an armij ro me mour ko air rej jelet ir ilo air oktak im alikar. Jehovah's Witnesses were all sitting together and not in certain cliques. " Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar aolep jijet ibben don im jab ilo an jet jenolok lok iair. " Bareinwõt, juon iaan kõrã ro jeiũ im jatũ ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in katak m̦ool eo! We must do more than embark on a program of self - improvement. Ijello̦kun ad kããlõt ñan kõj make ta ko jekõn̦aan kakõm̦anm̦anil̦o̦k, jej aikuj kõtl̦o̦k bwe Anij en tõl kõj. Iar jel̦ã bwe ejjel̦o̦k unin mour e aõ im bwe el̦aññe inaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo ial̦ eo aõ, men ko reban em̦m̦an ippa. 8, 9. (a) Why should we not worry too much about the things we need? 8, 9. (1) Etke ejjab aikuj l̦ap jãn joñan ad inepata kõn aikuj ko ad? Ej juõn men in kalañliñ elap ñan jelã bwe Jehovah ej kea kin aikwij ko ilo jitõb an armij ro an otemjej - meñe ilo ene ko retolok ilo Pacific! Jehovah places before earth's inhabitants today the same choice as that set before the Israelites over 3,000 years ago, when Moses said: "I do put before you today life and good, and death and bad.... Jehovah ej likit iman armij ro ilo lal in rainin ejja jokãlet eo wõt einwõt eo kar likit iman ri Israel ro elõñlok jen 3,000 yiõ ko remotlok, ke Moses ear ba: "I ar likit imam ranin mour im emõn, kab mij im nana.... Ej juõn jeje in Greek eo ediklok jen 300 yiõ ko elikin an dedelok Bible eo. Be modest in your expectations. - Mic. Kwal̦o̦k etta bõro ilo am̦ kile joñan maroñ ko am̦. - Mai. Nañinmij ear jemlok ak kokkure mour ko an elõñ million armij ro. - Reveles̃õn 6: 7, 8 And Apollos was no doubt grateful to his new companions for sharing these important details with him. Im ejelok berre bwe Apollõs ear lukkun kamolol kin rein mõtõn rekãl kin air kar kwalok tibrikin melele kein raurõk ñõn e. " Kom̦win Seperd Bwijin Anij " Since the truth centered on Jesus Christ, he could say: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. " Kinke mol eo ear bedbed ion Jesus Christ, emaroñ kar ba: "Ña ial, im mol, im mour: ejelok armij ej itok ñõn Jema, elañe jab kin Iõ. " Ro jet, ro me wãwen ko ibbeir rejjab kõtlok bwe ren bõk kunair ilo jerbal in kwalok nan full - time, kaddek jitõb in pioneer im jurake jerbal in kwalok nan kin Ailiñ eo joñan wõt air maroñ. Jehovah's Judicial Punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah Ekajet eo an Jehovah Nae Sodom im Gomorrah Ijellokin ad konono ilo jimwe, jej aikwij kwalok eñjake im eñjake ko rej errã ibben kadkad ko kadkadin Anij im Christ. Increase your knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes. Kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ jel̦ã kajjien Jeova im kam̦wilal̦l̦o̦k am̦ mel̦el̦e kõn ankilaan. Ijin Paul ear jitõñlok ñan Jehovah einwõt Ri Letok Mour eo Ad, ilo an kwalok ilo joij kin e einwõt "Iroij in lõñ im lõl. " In some lands, though, the Witnesses have faced severe opposition. Ak, ilo jet ene ko, Ri Kennan ro rar jelmae elap jumae. Ad jelã etan Anij emaroñ buñten nee eo moktata ñan bõk juõn jimjera ibben. - Jemes 4: 8. How will she pay her bills? * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) Ear likit elõñ baptais ko an armij ro an - ilo jãje elañe ear juõn men in aikwij! Measurements (Lale bo̦o̦k eo "Ñan Ri Epesõs ro. ") (b) What examples of spiritual people will we consider? (2) Ta waanjoñak ko rem̦m̦an jenaaj etali ilo katak in? Inem emaroñ kajeoñ kõmmõn juõn ãt ñõn e make ilo lõl in, ñõn bukõt jokane jen an likit mokta Ailiñ in Anij, ak ñõn liki jelalokjen eo eutiejlok ñõn bõk juõn mour eainemõn kiõ. Jesus was also judicious in the way he portrayed the characters in his parables. Jesus ear bareinwõt meletlet an ekajet ilo wãwen eo ear kalikar kadkad ko ilo parable ko an. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn joñan an kar Jeova jipañ kõj bwe en aenõm̦m̦an jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn. Hezekaia ear jel̦ã bwe e kab armej ro rar pãd ilo kauwõtata. Men in ej aikwij wõr melelen eo einjuõn ilo lemnak kin bar juõn men Peter ear kanan kake ilo chapter in. Yet, were they sufficiently prepared? Ak, rar bojak ke? 15, 16. What will help us to keep bearing fruit with endurance? Ta eo enaaj jipañ kõj ñan kijenmej wõt ilo ad jebar leen? Ta in kijenmij? 20 Do You Need to Learn Hebrew and Greek? 20 Ta In Jitõb Kwojarjar? Kin jab wãppen, armij ro rejjab maroñ wãppen, im kõrã ro rejjab maroñ kwalok air kiblie. " Let all your affairs take place with love. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 16: 14. " Kõmmõni jerbal ko ami otemjej ilo yokwe. " - 1 CORINTH 16: 14. Elap an alikar an Bible kakkõl nae lũñ! The presence of the pillar assured God's people that Jehovah was with them. An kõdo̦ eo pãd im̦aanin ri Israel ro ej kalikkar ñan er bwe Jeova ej pãd ippãer. Bõtab, aitwerõk ko an Jephthah rar jab itok jen ri kijirãt ro wõt ak bareinwõt jen ro jein im jatin im ri tel ro an Israel. Over what? Iroij ion ta? Wõn ro rainin rar lukkun iion men kein? Before long, you will be moved to say with the psalmist: "How I do love your law! Ejjabto, kwo naj emmakit im ba ibben ri jeje Sam: "O e nañin lap aõ yokwe kiõm! Ri Ju rein rar jab kõn̦aan roñjake ennaan eo em̦m̦an kõn Aelõñ eo. Above all, never give up in your effort to raise your adolescents "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. (Jemes 1: 19) Elaptata, jab ebwer ilo am kate yuk ñõn kakajiririk jodrikdrik ro nejõm "ilo kaje im kowe an Iroij. " - Dri Epesõs 6: 4. KAJITÕK IBÕM MÕKE... Aolep men kein raorõk ñan kij rainin. Shortly before his death, Jesus repeated the assurance he had given in his illustrations. Mokta wõt jen an kar mij, Jesus ear bar elij kallimur eo ear kwalok ilo wanjoñok ko an. Elõñ iiõ in aõ jerbal ñan Jeova ippãn doon ãinwõt ri kwal̦o̦k naan ro ium̦win elõñ iiõ. The brother said: "His calmness and confidence inspired me to want to become a missionary when I grew up. " Brother eo ear ba: "Ainemõn im liki eo an ear kamakit iõ bwe in kõnan erom juõn missionary ke iar rittolok. " Rar je enañin aolep ilo kajin Greek, inem jej naetan mõttan in Jeje ko an Christian ilo kajin Greek, im rar bareinwõt jelã kake einwõt Kallimur Ekãl. Still, many thinking people are concerned about the things that provoke the spread of fundamentalism - the growing moral laxity, the loss of faith, and the rejection of spirituality in modern society. Ak, elõñ armij ro rej kajerbal air lemnak rej inebata kin men ko rej kõmmõn menin an jededlok fundamentalism - jab kejbarok mour erreo ej laplok, diklok tõmak eo, im jerwan kin mour in jitõb ilo jukjuk im bed in ilo ran kein. Elõñ million armij ro ededelok air jar bwe Ailiñ in Anij en itok. They knew the name of God, but they did not ask, "Where is Jehovah? " Rar jelã kin etan Anij, ak rar jab kajitõk, "Ewi Jehovah? " Ri kalor ro an rar lor e ke ear itoitak ilo aolepen ene eo, im kwalok nan kin news eo emõn kin Ailiñ eo. Thus, Jesus ' sacrifice is applied first to his household of underpriests, those who will serve with him in heaven. Ilo ejja wãwen in wõt, binmour eo an Jisõs ear jerbal mokta ñõn 144,000 dri kabit ro me renaj pris iben ilõñ. Ilo jinoin, bõlen jaar jab jiroñ baam̦le eo ad kõn ad kobal̦o̦k ippãn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " Im ro re wãppen re naj berwõt ie. A ro re nana, naj kamõkit ir jen eneo, im ro re jela mon, naj totõk ir jen e. " Emol, kij aolep jej aikwij jelmae mol eo bwe kij ri jerawiwi. (b) What do Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23 and Psalm 15: 4 impress upon you about making a vow to God? (2) Ta eo Duteronomi 23: 21, 23 im Sam 15: 4 rej ba kõn kallim̦ur ko jej kõm̦m̦ani, im ta eo em̦m̦an ippam̦ kõn eoon kein? Ekkã ad lo bwe armij ro rejjab bed ilo moko imwiir ñe jej kwalok nan jen em ñan em. (Sam 31: 5) Armej rejjab weeppãn, eñin unin jejjab maroñ lõke men ko armej rej ba aolep iien. Ta eo Jephthah im Hannah rar kallimur kake, im ewi joñan an kar bidodo ñan air kajejjet kitien kallimur eo air? For example, a congregation on one Pacific island rented a hall for the Memorial. Ñõn wanjoñok, ilo juõn ian ailiñ ko ilo Pacific, juõn congregation ear kõllã wõnan air kajerbal juõn jikin kwelok ñõn air kõmõne Kwojkwoj eo ie. Mol in emãnãn ekkã an walok ibben ro rej karejar ñan Anij ilo ejelok jelã mon. If those anointed Christians focused their minds on "the elementary things of the world, " they would be turning their backs on Jehovah's provision for salvation. Jeraam̦m̦an eo ej bwe ren ro nejin Anij. (Kolosse 2: 20 - 23) Kõn men in, Paul ear lel̦o̦k naan in kakapilõk ñan er bwe ren kõjparok wõt kõtaan eo aer ippãn Anij. El̦ap an armej ro ipel̦aakin lal̦ in m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn men in. " For some 6,000 years since the rebellion in Eden, injustice has been part of human society. Iumin enañin 6,000 yiõ ko jen jumae eo ilo Eden, ekajet jab jimwe ear erom mõttan wãwen jukjuk im bed in armij. Ien eo an kin men ko renaj walok enaj wãppen. In 1991, the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses was given legal recognition. Ilo 1991, kien eo ear kamãlim an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova kõm̦m̦ani m̦akũtkũt ko aer. Ri kien ro rar bõk kunair ilo jerbal eo an ri matõrtõr ro rekijejeto, ak rar kõtlok bwe ri nana ro ren mõn ir ilo ejelok kaje. How grateful to Jehovah the Armageddon survivors will be to have entered a bright, clean civilization of God's making, a new world, on an earth that will be transformed into a paradise! (Revelation 20: 1 - 4) Ro rej deortok jen Armageddon enaj lap air kamolol Jehovah kin air deloñ ilo juõn jukjuk im bed eo emeram, im erreo me Anij ear kõmmõne, juõn lõl ekãl, eo enaj oktaklok ñõn juõn paradise! Ta eo ej aikuj tõl kõj ñan kããlõt menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko im menin kam̦õn̦õ ko? " Until the Conclusion of the System of Things " " Ñõn Jemlokõn Lõl " Im renaj lukkun shepherde enen Assyria kin jãje. " Or recall Pharaoh's daughter who saved baby Moses ' life. Ke ear lo niñniñ eo Moses, ear jel̦ã bwe ej nejin RiHibru ro im rej aikuj in kar m̦ane. [ Pija ko ilo peij 10] Consider, too, what happened during the reign of King Josiah of Judah. (Jeremiah 25: 11, NW; Daniel 9: 2, NW) Bareinwõt, lale kin ta eo ear walok ilo ien iroij eo an King Josiah ilo Judah. Book kein renaj kalikar menin aikwij ko an Jehovah ñan armij ilo ien eo. Therefore, he prudently adjusted the work method of the builders. Inem, ilo meletlet ear ukõt wãwen jerbal an ri ekkal ro. Kememej bwe ankil an Anij ej bwe "armij otemjej ren mour. " Jesus promised that small group of men that a fine reward awaited them for their faithfulness. Jijej ear kallim̦uri kumi in edik bwe renaaj bõk ãjinkõj eo aer ilañ kõn aer tiljek wõt. Inemõn ej inemõn. God's Word states: "Those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. " - Jer. Nan in Anij ej ba: "Ilo ran eo, enbwinnin ro Iroij ar mõn ir renaj ejjeblõklõk jen jabõn ñõn jabõn lõl. " - Jer. Lemnak kin jerbal ko an ibben Ri Ethiopia eo Ebed - melech, eo ear mour ilo ran ko an Jeremiah im juõn ri karejar ilo mweo imõn King Zedekiah eo ear jab tiljek ilo Judah. You also need to recognize that men and women may deal with grief and loneliness differently. Kwoj aikwij kile bwe eoktõk wãwen an man im kõra ro kamarmire abañ eo kin buromõj im mõke iair. Ri jeje sam ear je: "Eo enana ekar ñõn An dri nana, e jab kabukot; a lemnok otemjej an re jab Anij. " - Sam 10: 4. Our consideration of Hosea's prophecy should help us to do what? Ñe jej etale kanan eo an Hosea enaj jibañ kij kõmman ta? Ilo m̦weo im̦õm̦ ak ia eo ekkã am̦ katak ie, kwõmaroñ kõm̦m̦an bok im kein katak ko jet bwe en pidodo aer tõpar mejãnkajjik kein am̦. Two lepta were the equivalent of 1 / 64 of a day's wage. Ruo lepta kar einwõt 1 / 64 (juõn mõttan 64) in wõnãn jerbal eo ilo juõn jikin jerbal ilo ran eo. Rar ukel̦o̦k im bũrom̦õj kõn men ko rar kõm̦m̦ani im rar tõll̦o̦k er ñan ukel̦o̦k jãn men ko renana rar kõm̦m̦ani. For instance, some of our dear elderly ones make great effort to attend and share in meetings and the ministry regularly. Ñan waanjoñak, ewõr jet iaan lel̦l̦ap im l̦al̦l̦ap ro ilo eklejia eo ad rej lukkuun kate er bwe ren maroñ pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko im keini aer kwal̦o̦k naan. 2: 7. Why does planning weddings and related gatherings merit consideration? Etke jej aikwij lukkun lemnak kin karõk ko kin ien belele im ien kamõnõnõ ko rej ekkejel ibben? Bõtab, baj l̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn enjel̦ ro me ear wõr an maroñ ioon er. A solitary locust does not have a great impact. Im news eo emõntata kin aolepen ej news eo emõn kin Ailiñ in Anij. Acts 17: 16 reports that while Paul was in Athens, "his spirit within him became irritated on seeing that the city was full of idols. " Ilo Jerbal 17: 16 (UBS) ej kwal̦o̦k bwe ke Paul ear pãd ilo Atens, "ear kanooj inepata bũruon kõn an lo an lõñ ekjab ilo jikin kweilo̦k eo. " Ta eo Habakkuk ej ba kake kin katorlok bõtõktõkin armij, im etke jemaroñ ba bwe ewõr ruõn ion lal rainin? 9: 50 If what I say and do is in good taste, what good results will likely come? 9: 50 Elañe men eo ij ba im kõmmane ej emõn wõt, ta tokjen ko remõn renaj walok? Kin men in, Jesus ear jiroñ ir: "I jela jerbal ko am, im am jerbal im kijenmij, im bwe kwo jab maroñ in bõk armij renana; im bwe kw'ar kabo ro rej ba rej dri jilik, a r'ar jab lo ir dri riõp: Kwoj bareinwõt kwalok kijenmij im kijenmij kin eta, im jab mõk. Eokwe, ej mel̦el̦ein bwe jej l̦õmn̦ak kõn ta ko ro jet rej aikuji. (2) Ta eo Timote ear kõm̦m̦ane bwe en maroñ kõm̦m̦an wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k? In 1937 my father became company servant (now called coordinator of the body of elders) of the black congregation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ilo 1937, jema ear erom juon eo ej loloorjake jerbal ko an elder ro ilo congregation eo an ri kilmeej ro ilo bukwõn in Chattanooga, ilo Tennessee. Ak, "Jisõs Kraist ej einwõt kõro, im ranin, im ñõn in drio. " Has a youth successfully faced a test of integrity or taken advantage of an opportunity to give a witness at school? Ñan waanjoñak, kwõj ke kile an ajri rein kõm̦m̦an wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k ilo aer karejar ñan Jeova? Jesus ear kakkõl bwe ran kein ad, ilo ien "bed eo an Nejin armij, " enaj eindein. He did not tell us to " keep on seeking only the kingdom. ' Ear jab ba jen pukot wõt Aelõñ in Anij. Kwoj lo ke meram in mour, ien otemjej lemnak kin men eo emõntata? Later, when Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he commended Mark for his loyal support. Tokelik, ke Paul ear bed ilo kalbuj ilo Rome, ear nebar im kamolol Mark kin an tiljek in jurake e. Jemaroñ kajitõkin kij make: " Ij jerbale ke nan in kakabilek in ilo mour eo aõ? To protect his figurative sheep from the "roaring lion, " Jehovah has arranged for spiritual shepherds to care for the flock under" the chief shepherd, " Jesus Christ. Ñan kejbãrok sheep ro an ilo kõkkar jen "laiõn e rorror " eo, Jehovah ear karõk bwe shepherd ro ilo jitõb ren lale bwij eo iumin" S̃eperd elap, " eo Jesus Christ. Eñjake eo aõ elukkun alikar ñan armij ro rar luji juõn eo rej yokwe ak ejelok air jelã kin kejatdikdik in ñan bar lo ro jitenburu ibbeir. " But at the border, soldiers pulled the family off the bus because of their ethnicity; yet, they allowed the other brothers to proceed. Innem rar kõtl̦o̦k bwe ro jeid im jatid ilowaan baj eo ren wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k ilo tũreep eo aer. Ium̦win ruo raan, rũttarin̦ae ro rar jab kõtl̦o̦k baam̦le in. Ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k el̦aññe jej yokwe Anij? Why do we preach? Etke jej kwalok nan? Elõñ ri uwe ro rar illu im kamijak ri jerbal ro. Study Edition Buk in Katak Ewi wãween ad maroñ m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij? If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses for one, or read it online at www.watchtower.org El̦aññe ejjel̦o̦k am̦ Baibõl kwõmaroñ lale ilo internet im ej ilo kajin belle ilo www.watchtower.org * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) She gives birth to the twins Esau and Jacob. Ej keotake bo ro ruo Esau im Jacob. L̦ÕMN̦AK KO REM̦M̦AN Convention releases Bok ko rekããl Im ear lo bwe ekkar ñan an karuaklok ir ñan loan juõn kõtan ibben. This God - given armor includes qualities that a Christian must have as well as spiritual provisions made by Jehovah. Kein tarinae in Anij ej letoke ej koba kadkad ko juõn Ri Christian ej aikwiji im men in letok ko ilo jitõb ak karõk ko an Jehovah. Jikin eo an "Eo An Jeova " Why don't Witnesses celebrate the holidays? Etke kabuñ in ejjab tõmak ilo holiday ko? Im jete oran galaxy ko jet? He even attributes bad motives where there are none! (Rev. 12: 10) Ej kabuk ruõd meñe ejelok. " Juõn ien, " ear ba, "Iar kememej juõn ien ekamõnõnõ kimro lio beleiõ ar bed ibben don, im I ar kamolol Jehovah ilo jar kin men in. Still, we may become impatient when a trialsome period seems to have no end. Kwõmaroñ baj kijenmej wõt ñan ñe kwõj tõpar ijo im̦aan im kõnnaan ippãn rijerbal ro. Ri jilek ro rar jab maroñ errã ibben karõk in. What, then, are the prospects for those in Sheol (Hades) and those in Gehenna? (Reveles̃õn 6: 8) Inem, ta kejatdikdik eo ej bellok ñan ro rej bed ilo Sheol (Hades) im ta eo enaj walok ñan ro rej bed ilo Gehenna? WHOIA Like Elijah, you might be discouraged because your service seems fruitless or because some spiritual goal seems unattainable. (Jeremaia 20: 11) Ãinwõt Ilaija, kwõmaroñ bũrom̦õj im ebbeer kõn an pen an tõprak mejãnkajjik ko am̦ ak bwe edik tõprak ko kwõj loi ilo am̦ jerbal ñan Jeova. Katok in mour eo an Jijej ear kõm̦m̦an bwe jen maroñ jem̦jerãik Anij. Because I had unwisely taken sides in the dispute, I received strong counsel. Im kõnke iar bar bõk kun̦aõ ilo apañ ko rar wal̦o̦k ikõtaan rein, iar bõk naanin kauwe ko rekajju. Ewi wãwen ad jelã menin? But your children are so quiet and well behaved. Ak ajiri ro nejim rejjab keroro im rej tõt wõt. Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe enaaj pidodo am̦ bwebwenato kõn pija ko im eoon ko ilo jinoin katak in. Jesus and his disciples knew that at a set time, God himself would establish a government in heaven to rule over the entire earth. Jijej im rũkal̦oor ro an rar jel̦ã bwe Anij enaaj kajutak juon kien ilañ ilo iien eo em̦õj an karõke. Im kien in enaaj irooj ioon aolepen lal̦. Ñe rej jelmae melejoñ ko ak lemnak ko an ro rar buñ jen tõmak ak ñe rej kajejjet juõn jerbal ebin, ro retiljek an Anij remaroñ liki tel im jurake eo an Jehovah. [ Picture on page 24] [ Pija eo ilo peij 30] Menin ej juõn wanjoñok emõn kin juõn dolul! An angel of Jehovah met Hagar and told her: "Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hand. " Juõn enjel an Jehovah ear wõnmae Hagar im ba ñan e: "Kwon bar jeblak ñõn liroij eo am, im kõtaik yuk iomin pein. " (Jen. Bareinwõt, "jab kõtlok bwe nana en anjo iom, a kwon anjo jen nana kin emõn. " - Dri Rom 12: 17 - 21; Sam 37: 1 - 4; Jabõn Kennan Ko 20: 22. EUROPE: "The extent of the problem [corruption in Europe] is breathtaking, " according to European Commission Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. EUROPE: Juon kõrã etan Cecilia Malmström me ej tõl ilo juon iaan doulul ko ilo Europe (European Commission Home Affairs), ej ba: "Kõm lukkuun bwilõñ im inepata kõn joñan an lõñ ruutiej ro [ilo Europe] me ejjab jim̦we im m̦ool aer jerbal. Rej katakin jen em ñan em im ilo congregation eo air, im ilo tiljek rej jurake ialin tel eo jen ra eo. Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Etan juon iaan riekajet ro jãn Im̦õn Ekajet eo El̦ap ilo Amedka ej John Paul Stevens. Kõm̦ro kar jol̦o̦k ruo ak jilu awa kajjojo wiik ñan kõm̦m̦ane men in. But if you have the courage to ask for help, you will spare yourself any further damage and will feel the relief that comes from regaining a clear conscience. - Ps. 32: 1 - 5. Bõtab elañe kwoj beran in kajitõk kin jibõñ, kwonaj bõk kejbãrok jen am jorranlok wõt, im kwonaj lo ainemõn eo ej walok elañe ej bar erreo bõklikõt eo am. - Sam 32: 1 - 5. Alikar, bwebwenato in ear bõkmantak kajitõk ko ilo lemnak eo an jet. Jesus said: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Jesus ear ba: "Bwe loñi ej konono kin men ko buru eobrak kake. " Inem Jenesis 6: 3 ear jab karõk ñan an armij mour iumin 120 yiõ ko. 14, 15. 14, 15. Ijellokin jar, bar ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane? How would you describe the dream and visions that Daniel had in the first year of Belshazzar's reign? Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamelele kin ettõnak eo im vision ko an Daniel ilo yiõ eo kein kajuõn in an Belshazzar iroij? Kin menin, jen lelok ñan ir "elap jen ami kanuij lemnak kake. " How Strong Is Your Belief in the Resurrection? Ewi Joñan Kajurin Tõmak Eo Am Ilo Jerkakbiji? Meñe ri kijirãt eo, Satan Devil eo, ejelok an debij e. Conventions, 3 / 1 Little Girl With Big Heart, 11 / 15 Juõn Ledrik Jidrikdrik Elap an Emmol, 11 / 15 Im enaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in roñ bwe kiiõ ij juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia im kõrã eo ippa ej juon jeraam̦m̦an ñan bainier. " We had numerous Bible studies with young Kyrgyz students at educational institutes. Ekar lõñ rijikuul̦ ro ilo Kyrgyzstan me kõmar katak Baibõl̦ ippãer. Katak in tok juõn enaj etale jiljilimjuõn ian men kein. From time to time, " the faithful slave ' has provided tools designed for a specific, or limited, audience. Jen ien ñõn ien, " dri korijer eo e tiljek ' ej letok kein jerbal ko kar eiki ñõn juõn kain jerbal ak ñõn juõn joñan armij ro. Anij ear ke jino kõm̦m̦ane men in? After all, if each Christian advocated the solution he thought best, would not our congregations soon become divided? Jet rar ba bwe rej "doon Paul, " ro jet rar ba bwe rej" doon Apollõs, " bar jet rar ba bwe rej "doon Piter, " im bar jet rar ba bwe rej" doon Kũraij. " Ilo an aikwij bokake kien eo an Christ, elap ke an Jehovah kajitõk ibbed? Some Christians, therefore, have found that in time they were able to make a decision to forgive in the sense of ceasing to harbor resentment - not excusing what happened to them, but refusing to be consumed with anger. (Psalm 37: 8) Kin men in, jet Christian ro rar lo bwe tokelik rar maroñ kõmmõn juõn bebe ñõn jeorlok bwid ilo wãwen eo rej kabojrak air debij air illu - jab kadiklok aorõkin nana eo ear walok ñõn ir, ak air makoko ñõn kõtlok bwe illu en kobrak ir. (b) Ewi wãwen ad maroñ bõk elaplok tokjen jen " kõro elap in ri kennan ro '? More important, it reveals truths that will benefit us during times of adversity. Elaptata, ej kalikar mol ko ñan jibañ kij ñe jej jelmae melejoñ ko. Bõtab, Peter ear kwalok an buromõj, im Jehovah ear wõnmanlok im kajerbal e. How can we show our gratitude for Jehovah's light, and what is needed for such a course? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok kamolol kin meram eo an Jehovah, im ta eo jej aikwiji ñan kõmman men in? Jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe men kein renana ren kõm̦m̦an bwe en dikl̦o̦k am̦ peran. We can meditate on the benefits of avoiding things that are morally wrong or physically debilitating. (Sam 51: 10) Jemaroñ kalmenlokjen kin tokjen ko ñan ad kejbãrok kij jen men ko rej katton mour erreo ak kajorrãn enbwinid. (Duteronomi 1: 1 - 4: 49) Two years later, I married my dear wife, Aarhonda. Ruo iiõ tokãlik, iar m̦areik Aarhonda. Kememej bwe Jesus ear jilkinlok ri kalor ro an "kin ruo " ñan kwalok nan. The psalmist David stated: "Those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah. " Ilo buk in Sam Devid ear ba: "Ro re jela etõm re naj liki Yuk; bwe Kwe O Jeova, kw'ar jab illok jen ro rej bukot Yuk. " Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok ñan ro jet bwe ewõr tokjen ñan bokake nan in kakememej ko an Jehovah? Samuel, it seems, slept in such a chamber. The account provides two examples of disrespect. Bwebwenato eo ej kwalok kin ruo wanjoñok ko kin an pris ro jab kwalok kautiej. Ke jej kememej, Jesus ear kajitõk: "Ñe Nejin armij e naj itok, E naj lo tõmak in ion lõl ke? " Separation might at times be justified. Jet iien emaroñ ekkar bwe juon en ilo̦k jãn eo pãleen. (b) Ta aitwerõk im kauwatata eo Ri Christian ro rej aikwij jelmae? For example, in 1757, Charles Peters wrote that "Jehovah, " in contrast with God's many titles," seems to be the most expressive of his essence. " Ñan waanjoñak, ilo 1757, juon em̦m̦aan etan Charles Peters ear je im ba bwe mel̦el̦ein etan Anij, Jeova, el̦apl̦o̦k an kaalikkar kõn kain Anij rot e jãn aolep taitõl̦ ko an. Kamolol ñan Anij im Nejin en kamakit kij ñan bed ilo kwojkwoj in mij eo an Jesus, im ilo wãwen in bokake kien eo: "Komin kõmõn men in ilo ememej Iõ. " - 1 Kor. Why, they had even used reasoning similar to that of Korah! Emol, rar bõk ejja lemnak eo wõt einwõt Korah! Kain wũt rot kein remaroñ bõktok ñan lemnak eo ad juõn katak eo Jesus ear katakin kake. Many took advantage of this to enter the ranks of regular or auxiliary pioneers. Elõñ rar kortokjen men in ñan deloñ ilo jerbal in regular ak auxiliary pioneer. Ilo ien ko etto, dri tel in kabuñ ko ilo Canada im Amerika rar kananaik Dri Kennan ro an Jeova einwõt Dri Kennan ro an Jeova ilo ien eo. Water is taken up through the tree's roots and transported to the leaves by a sophisticated "plumbing system. " Ikijen okran wijki eo ej bõkliñlok den ñan bwilik ko. Yokwe enaj jibañ kij ñan kajekdon likjap ko an ri tõmak ro mõttad " When he kept lingering, " says the Bible, "then in the compassion of Jehovah upon him, the [angels] seized hold of his hand and of the hand of his wife and of the hands of his two daughters and they proceeded to bring him out and to station him outside the city. " Baibel eo ej ba, "A e rumij; im lõmaro rar kapjere pein, im pein lio belen, im pein limaro ruo nejin, kin ke Jeova ej tiriamokake e: im rar ãñinlok e im likit e ilikin jikin kwelok eo. " Aolep aikwij kein rej litok kin jibañ jen jabawõt ko rej itok jen armij ro an Jehovah. The effect could be widespread destruction from rising sea levels, droughts, floods, epidemics, hurricanes, and wars over diminished resources. Elõñ jikin ko renaaj jorrããn kõn an wal̦o̦k l̦añ ko, nañinmej ko, ejjel̦o̦k dãn, an wõr tarin̦ae kõn wõt an jabwe kein mour, im an ibwijleplep im uwe dãn. Kin menin, Paul ear ejaake juõn mejatoto eo Agrippa, im bareinwõt ri roñjake ro jet, enaj laplok an maroñ bõk men eo ear bojak in bõke. Ewõr ke tokjãn pepe in ear kõm̦m̦ane ñan em̦m̦akũt? Juon jeid im jatid kõrã ear kwal̦o̦k l̦õmn̦ak ko an elõñ iaan rũttõmak ro jeid im jatid me rar l̦õmn̦ak kõn ta ko renaaj kar kõm̦m̦ani ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aaer ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. To the contrary, we became gentle in the midst of you, as when a nursing mother cherishes her own children. " A kim ar joij iolapemi einwõt ke lio dri kõkajiriri ej lale ro nejin. " Bwebwenato im bwebwenato ibben ro etto air iminene kin mour ekkã air kalikar point ko kin juõn jota in air bed ilo company eo air. - Dri Rom 1: 11, 12. My problem was psychological, not physical. Abañ eo aõ ear itok jen lemnak eo aõ, jab enbwiniõ. Lale kajin in "kõmõn ainemõn. " His opinion makes our prayers truly valuable. L̦õmn̦ak ko an rej kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr tokjãn jar ko ad. Rar rupe neen ri nana ro ruo rar totoik ir, "ak itok ñan ibben Jesus, ke rar lo bwe ededelok an mij, rar jab rupe neen. " I felt that no one had the right to make my baby so unhappy! " Iar lemnok bwe ejelok en eor an maroñ ñõn kaburomõj ledrik eo nejiõ! " " Ran eo eliktata " ej jejjet ibben Thousand Yiõ in Iroij eo an Christ. Why? Etke? Etke jejel̦ã bwe Jijej ear katakin rũkal̦oor ro an ñan kõm̦m̦ane jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan? Helpful suggestions in this regard have been published in our magazines. Rej l̦oore naan in jipañ ko me rej wal̦o̦k ilo bok ko ad. Ear ke bwe ren kar maroñ mour ilo juõn wãwen mour emweie im karmijeteik Ri Kõmanman eo air? God himself alluded to a resurrection when he gave the first prophecy in Eden. Anij make ear jitõñlok ñan jerkakbiji eo ke ear kwalok kin kanan eo moktata ilo jikin kallip in Eden. Ak rar kajitõk bwe kimin jilkinlok nuknuk ko remõn ñan brother ro rej aikwij. (2) Ta jeraam̦m̦an eo me ro ilo bujen eo ekããl remaroñ bõke? Bõklikit eo am, eo Nan in Anij, enaj katakin yuk elañe kwoj roñjake. - 1 Timote 1: 19. Who can benefit from her example? Wõn emaroñ bõk tokjen jen joñok eo an? Kwõn jilkinl̦o̦k eõ. " - Ais. Jehovah had promised that Abraham's seed would (1) become a great nation, (2) be given victory over their enemies, (3) inherit the land of Canaan, and (4) be a channel for blessings to the nations. (Exodus 19: 5, 6) Jehovah ear kallimur bwe inen Abraham enaj kar (1) erom juõn ailiñ elap, (2) lelok bwe ren anjo ion ri kijirat ro air, (3) jolete enen Canaan, im (4) erom juõn ial in jerammõn ko ñõn ailiñ ko. [ Pija ko ilo peij 14] Furthermore, Bible truth has exerted power, prevailing over all obstacles, religious and otherwise. Bareinwõt, mol eo ilo Bible ej jerbale kajur, ekajur ion aolep kabañbañ ko, kabuñ im jab kabuñ. Ilo jebta 10, ej kwal̦o̦k kõn enjel̦ ro renana me rar itok ñan lal̦ in im rũttol̦o̦k. Just what spirit, then, does this world manifest? (Philemon 25, NW) Inem, jitõb et eo lal in ej kalikare? Myanmar Juõn Wõt, 1 / 1 Indeed, the prophecy that Christ gave through the apostle John shows that despite satanic opposition, "a great crowd " of those having an earthly hope will survive this system's end. Emol, kanan eo Kraist ear letok ikijen dri jilik Jon ej kwalok bwe meñe rej ion jumae jen Setan, " jar eo elap ' me kejatdrikdrik eo air ej ñõn mour ion lõl renaj ellã jen jemlokõn jukjuk im ber in. (b) Ta wanjoñok ko rej kwalok bwe Jesus ear kãlet ilo an kajerbal tibdik in kamelele ko? Then he will abyss Satan and the demons for a thousand years. - Rev. Inem enaj liabe Setan im enjel ro renana iomin juõn tausan yiõ. - Rev. Jehovah ear kajeik Ri Israel ro rar jab ukwelok. But what about the "gifts in men " themselves? Ak ta kin "menin letok ko ilo emaan ro " make? Ear keañ kake "ñõn jerawiwi nae Jeova ilo an jab jar " kin ri Israel ro mõttan. - 1 Samuel 12: 2, 23. It means believing with all our heart that paying heed to God's laws and principles is in our very best interests. (Sam Ko 78: 5 - 8; Jabõn Kennan Ko 3: 5, 6) Ej melelen bwe jej aikwij tõmak kin aolepen buruõd bwe bokake kien ko im nan in kakabilek ko an Anij ej ñan tokjen eo ad emõntata. Aet, ear lo jar in tarinae ko ilañ, jar in tarinae ko rej kõttar ñan kejbãrok ri karejar eo an Anij. Their gross wickedness was further exposed when "the chief priests... took counsel to kill Lazarus also, because on account of him many of the Jews were going there and putting faith in Jesus. " Nana elap eo air ear bar jedmatmat ke "pris ro relap... raj bebe bwe ren bareinwõt mõn Lazerõs: Bwe kin e elõñ ian dri Ju ro rej ilok im liki e. " Paul ear kamelele ilo alikar: "Bwe otemjej r'ar jerawiwi, im rej likjõp jen aibujuij an Anij, im emwij kowãnik ir kin joij eo An ilo Kraist Jisõs. " This involves putting Christlike kindness to work. 5: 14) Men in ej kitibuj ar kwalok joij einwõt Kraist. Ñããt eo vision in enaj kar jejjet kitien? Slow to Grasp the Point Rumij in Melele kin Ennan eo Ñe elder ro rej kwalok juõn lemnak einwõt Christ, rej jibañ ñan kajimwe wãwen an armij eo oktak ilo buruen im tokelik jeblak. If the strength we have comes from Jehovah, we will be strong indeed! Jenaaj bar kajoor el̦aññe Jeova ej letok jetõb kwõjarjar eo an ñan kõj! Leo ear kõnan ejmour ak ear jab maroñ lo ewi wãwen, bwe ejelok juõn en jibañ e ñan loan lwe eo. Regularly, crowds of faithful festival celebrants made the arduous trip from Galilee to Jerusalem. (Mark 10: 32) Ekkã an kar jar in ri kwojkwoj ro retiljek itoitak jen Galilee ñan Jerusalem. AL KO: 76, 97 Do you buy out time each day from other activities to draw close to Jehovah? Kwõj ke kõm̦m̦an iien ñan kepaake Jeova kajjojo raan? Ejelok bar juõn jikin emõnlok ñan bukõt uak ko jen Nan in kakõrmol eo an Anij, Bible eo. (b) How did God provide for the Levites? (1) Ta mel̦el̦ein an Baibõl̦ eo ba bwe Anij ear tarrin kõj eo an ri Livai ro? Job ear aikwij katak kin men in. When I was a toddler, my father would care for me while my mother attended meetings and shared in the witnessing work on weekends. Ke iar dik wõt, jema ekõn lale ña ke jinõ ear pãd ilo kweilo̦k ko im kobal̦o̦k im bõk kun̦aan ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ilo wiikããn. Kien eo ear bareinwõt kamakõt dri Ju ro ñõn yokwe dron. [ Picture on page 4] [ Pija eo ilo peij 4] Juõn king eo ej mijak Anij ear lelok nan in kakabilek in ñan leo nejin: "Kwon jela Anij an jemõm, im korijer ñõn E kin buru e wãppen, im kin juõn aan e mõnõnõ. " Because many make pursuing a career their main goal in life, a Christian might adopt the same way of thinking. Kwõnaaj ke lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ el̦aññe ewõr juon am̦ jerbal em̦m̦an im eutiej? Etke eoktak mel̦el̦ein men in im ej jitõñl̦o̦k ñan lañ? * He never gave any commendation, and I never felt close to him. * Ejelok juõn ien ear nebar iõ, im kimro ar jab ebake dron. Daniel ej ba: "M̦okta jãn am kar etal jãn Spain, kõm̦ro ar jab lukkuun jel̦ã el̦aññe kõm̦ro naaj maroñ mour ilo juon wãween elamwan. As a group, they could not bring themselves to rejoice when Jesus mercifully cured a man's withered hand on the Sabbath. Einwõt juõn kumi, rar jab kõnan lañliñ ke Jesus ilo tiriamokake ear kemour leo emõrã pein ilo ran in Sabbath. Men eo iar jiroñ e kake kin men ko iar iioni ilo kalbuj ear jibõñ e ñõn kijenmij. What are some barriers to good communication? Etke men in ej wal̦o̦k? Ilo wãwen in, jenaj maroñ bõk nan in Anij im "jebar leen ilo kijenmij. " - Luk 8: 15. This scheming opportunist tried to curry the favor of those who came to the king for judgment. Armij in eo ear kowõnmanlok ilo etao kõnan ko an make ear kajeoñ in wiaik buruen ro rar itok in bõk ekajet an king eo. Ewi wãwen "jelalokjen eo emol " ear buñbuñ ikijen nan ko emwij jei? It is similar when your child becomes an adolescent. Ej einlok wõt ñe ajiri eo nejõm ej tõbar yiõ ko an jodrikdrik. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn jet un ko unin an Kũrjin ro jab bõk kun̦aaer ilo m̦akũtkũt ko an kien. That purpose moves irresistibly forward, and as it does, the inner thoughts and motivations of people whose lives are touched by it become manifest. Karõk in ej emmakit manlok wõt ilo ejelok jumae, im ñe ej wõnmanlok wõt, lemnak ko remwilõl im emmakit ko an armij ro me mour ko air kar jeleti ear oktak im alikar. Vision eo an Jehovah elaplok an utiej jen vision eo an armij. In addition, one of my own sisters also accepted the truth! Bareinwõt, juon iaan ledik ro jatũ ear bar peptaij! Ewi wãwen Reveles̃õn 17: 9 - 11 ej kamol bwe jej mour ilo ien jemlokin? I was aware that my life had no real purpose and that if I continued in my course, things would not go well for me. Iar kile bwe mour eo aõ ear ejelok tokjen im elañe iar wõnmanlok wõt ilo wãwen mour eo aõ enana, inaj kar iion wõt jorran. Mel̦el̦e ko an jaintiij ro rej kwal̦o̦k bwe em̦m̦anl̦o̦k What a joy it is to know that Jehovah cares for the spiritual needs of all his people - even those on isolated islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! El̦ap aõ m̦õn̦õn̦õ ñan jel̦ã bwe Jeova ej kabwe aikuj ko an aolep armej, ekoba ro ilo ãne ko ilo Pacific! Ilo 1919 ailiñ ko rar likit air liki ilo League of Nations ñan kajutak ainemõn indio. It is a Greek manuscript dating from less than 300 years after the Bible was completed. (b) Etke unin tel in yiõ in elap an ekkar rainin? Food shortages have ended or ruined the lives of tens of millions. Revelation 6: 7, 8 An jabwe m̦õñã ear kõm̦m̦an bwe elõñ milien armej ren kwõle im mej. Elañe shepherd ro rej jebel jen don, sheep ro remaroñ eñtan kin air jerwane ir. " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " " Kom̦win Seperd Bwijin Anij " Bareinwõt iumin tel eo an Jehoiada bwe Jehoash en bar kalek temple eo im kõmman elõñ jerbal in temple ko - temple eo ear aikwij kõkãle. Others, whose circumstances do not allow them to share in the full - time ministry, cultivate the pioneer spirit and support the Kingdom - preaching work to the best of their ability. Ro jet, me rar jab maroñ bõk kunair ilo jerbal in kwalok nan full - time, rej kaddek juõn jitõbõn pioneer im rejetak jerbal in kwalok kin Ailiñ eo joñan wõt air maroñ. Elõñ iad jaar mimij wõt ilo jitõb iumin elõñ yiõ ko. In addition to uttering accurate speech, we should express feelings and emotions that are in harmony with the loving personalities of God and Christ. Kobatok ibben nan in konono ko rejimwe rej walok, jej aikwij kwalok eñjake ko im menin elloetak ko rej errã ibben kadkadin yokwe eo an Anij im Christ. Rar lelok ñan ir nuknuk ko relap - im iuwe ilo chariot ko kin gold im grape ko, kin horse ko remouj, ak kin lion ko, lion ko, ak men ko eierlok wõt. (Galetia 6: 16) Bareinwõt, ro me ewõr aer kõjatdikdik ñan mour ioon lal̦ in rar bar kobatok ñan doulul in. Joij eo emol ejjab bilo kin nan im kõmman ko renana me rej kokkure kien ko an Anij. Paul here directed attention to Jehovah as our Life - Giver, doing so tactfully by referring to him as "Lord of heaven and earth. " 17: 24, 25. Ilo eon kein, Paul ej jitõñlok ñõn Jeova einwõt Dri Letok Mour. Nan in rejañ in ear kamol bwe ear juõn wãwen mour ekauwatata. Knowing God's name can be the first step to having a friendship with him. - James 4: 8. Ad jel̦ã etan Anij ej men eo jinointata emaroñ jipañ kõj bwe jen jino juon jem̦jerã ippãn. - Jemes 4: 8. " Mõñã ilo kabwilõñlõñ ' ear walok ilo table eo ñan aolep ro rej bed ijo. He decreed mass baptisms of his people - at sword point if necessary! Ear kakien kin baptais eo elap an armij ro an - ro rar jab kõnan baptais rar kamijak ir ñan mij! Ej kwal̦o̦k raan ta ko katak kein rej wal̦o̦k ie (See the box "To the Ephesians. ") (Lale box eo "Ñõn Dri Epesõs Ro. ") Theocratic Ministry School eo ej katakin kij ñan konono ilobwilij, im Service Meeting eo ej katakin kij ñan kwalok ennan eo ad ilo bolemen. He might then try to make a name for himself in this world, to seek financial security instead of putting God's Kingdom first, or to trust in higher education to secure a comfortable life now. Kõn men in, emaroñ make kõm̦m̦an bwe en buñbuñ ilo lal̦ in ak jino l̦õmn̦ak wõt in koorl̦o̦k an jããn im bõjrak jãn an likũt Aelõñ eo an Anij bwe en men eo eaorõktata ilo mour eo an. . . . . . Think of the extent to which Jehovah went to enable us to have a peaceful relationship with him. (Rom 15: 33) Jen l̦õmn̦ak kõn aolep men ko rem̦m̦an Jeova ear kõm̦m̦ani bwe jen maroñ ãinwõt ro jeran. Ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ mel̦el̦e kõn ia eo kwõj pãd ie, jouj im jeje ñan ra eo kwõj pãd ium̦win. This takes on special meaning in view of something else that Peter foretold in this chapter. (Reveles̃õn 6: 1 - 8; 11: 15, 18) Men in ej laplok an aorõk ñe jej lemnak kin bar juõn men me Peter ear kanan kake ilo chapter in. • Etke jej aikwij jelã kin ta eo ej kabuñburuen Anij ñe jej kõmman bebe ko, im ewi wãwen ad maroñ kõmman eindein? 15, 16. 15, 16. Jemaroñ ke anjo ion tarinae eo ad nae Satan? What is endurance? Ta mel̦el̦ein kijenmej? Wãwen emmakit eo an Habakkuk ej kalikar kin ewi joñan an naj lap jorrãn eo ad ñe jar in tarinae eo an Gog ej itok nae kij. Because of imperfection, men are no longer capable of being perfect heads, nor are women able to demonstrate perfect subjection. (Ken. 8: 30) Kin jab wãppen eo ar, man ro rejjab maroñ kajejit erro eo air einwõt bõr ilo wãppen, im ejjab biruru ñõn an kõra ro kõtãik ir. Bõtab, ejjabto tokelik, kwoj ettõr jen wa ko. How clearly the Bible warns against adultery! Bible eo elukkun alikar ilo an kakkõl kij nae mour in lũñ! Kinke "ien eo ej diklok " im" wãwen lõl in ej oktak, " Nan in Anij ej rejañ kij ñan lemnak kin tokjen ko kin make ian. However, Jephthah's challenges came not only from the enemy nations but also from his own brothers and the leaders of Israel. (Ri Ekajet 10: 7, 8) Men in emaroñ kar juon men epen ñan Jepta. Bõtab, ebar lõñ apañ ko jet Jepta ear iiooni ippãn em̦m̦aan ro jatin im rũtõl ro an Israel. Bõlen jej jelã kin jab wãppen ko air, im men in emaroñ kadiklok lemnak eo ad kin nan in kakabilek ko air. Who today have really met these criteria? (Jon 15: 19; Jemes 1: 27; 4: 4) Wõn ro rainin rej lukkun tõbar menin etale kein? Ta men eo kein karuo em̦m̦aan eo ej loloorjake jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan? These Jews were, on the whole, unreceptive to the Kingdom message. Enañin aolep Ri Jew rein rar jab mõnõnõ in eoroñ ennan in ailiñ eo. Enaaj kar jijet ippa im riiti Baibõl̦ eo aolep raan. All of this is of great significance to us today. (Ezekiel 33: 11, New World Translation) Aolep wãwen kein raorõk ñan kij ran kein. (b) Ewi wãwen jet ri belele ro rar kwalok ekajet eo enana ikijen men in? MARGARITA and her husband, Raúl, had served Jehovah together as full - time ministers for many years. MARGARITA im leo iben etan Raúl, rar korijer ñõn Jeova einwõt full - time dri kwalok ro iomin elõñ yiõ ko. Bõlen kwoj jelã kin kanan ko relap ilo Bible, einwõt ko rej ekkejellok ñan jeebeplok eo an Jerusalem jen Ri Babylon ro. They wrote mostly in Greek, so we call this section the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as the New Testament. Enañin aolepen bok kein rar jei ilo kajin Grik, eñin unin jej n̦aetan, Jeje ko ilo Kajin Grik, ãt eo juon ej Kallim̦ur Ekããl. Ibben don, jar in elap in Ri Kennan ro rar boub ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ilo 2005 yiõ. Many millions already pray for God's Kingdom to come. Do you? (1 Jon 3: 8) Milien armej rej jar kõn Aelõñ ak Kien eo an Anij bwe en itõk, ak baj kwe? Ñan congregation eo an Christian ilo Ephesus ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn, ri jilek Paul ear je: "Ajiri rõn, komin bokake jememi im jinemi ilo Iroij; bwe men in e jime. " His disciples followed him as he traveled the length and breadth of the land, preaching the good news of the Kingdom. (Jon 1: 35 - 2: 11) Dri kalor ro an rar lor e ke ear itoitak ilujen ene eo im kwalok nan kin nuuj eo emõn kin Ailiñ eo. Ro Jehovah ej kãlet ir ñan kejbãrok bwij eo an elõñ un ko ñan air mõnõnõ. At first, we may not have told our family about our association with Jehovah's Witnesses. Ilo jinoin ke jaar katak Baibõl̦ ippãn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, bõlen jekar jab jiroñ ro nukũd kake. Enañin aolep Ri Christian ro ewõr ibbeir. All of us, of course, must face the reality that we are sinners. Bõtab, kwõnañin ke kõjerbale eoon in ilo Rom 5: 12 ñan etale jem̦jerã eo am̦ ippãn Jeova, kõm̦m̦an ko am̦, im kõjatdikdik eo am̦? Kwoj " keboj buruõm ' ke ñan jumae men in kabo ko? We often find that people are not at home when we preach from door to door. Ilo jet jikin, ekkã an jako armej ro jãn m̦õko im̦weer ñe jej kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦. Kinke Jehovah ear kallimur bwe enaj karreoik lal in jen aolep ro rej katton im kokkure e. What did Jephthah and Hannah vow, and how easy was it for them to pay their vow? (Sam 24: 3, 4, UBS) Ta ko Jepta im Hanna rar kallim̦ur kaki, im ear ke pidodo ñan aer kajejjeti? Jet rar kalikar ran in mij eo ilo calendar eo air einwõt juõn kein kakememej ñan lelok kainemõn ñe emaroñ lap air aikwiji - ilo ien eo ak ebak ien mij eo. This refreshing honesty is typical of those who serve God without hypocrisy. Tokãlik, ear kile bwe emaroñ bar kõm̦m̦ani eddo ko ilo eklejia eo kõnke erreo im̦aan mejãn Anij. Rar kajjioñ kõm̦m̦an jepel ibwiljin ro jeid im jatid, ak ilo kar Okõj 12, erro ar em̦m̦akũt jãn Betel̦! We are surrounded by it. " Rej wal̦o̦k ilo TV im computer ko im bareinwõt ilo cellphone ko. " Juõn bao sparrow ear lelok ñan Anij ilo yokwe im tiljek ear laplok tokjen ñan e jen thousand sheep koman ko kar lelok kin juõn un ebwid. His timing of events will prove to be perfect. Ien eo an ilo men ko rej walok renaj kamol an wãppen. Elañe ri kalor ro an Jesus rar lor joñok eo an, ir bareinwõt renaj kar bõk anjo. Governments have taken on the role of active persecutors, or they have allowed lawless elements to run wild with impunity. Kien ko an lal rar erom ro rej matõrtõre armij, ak rar kõtlok bwe ri nana ro ren anemkwoj im kõtõrãi kien. Key eo ej ñan lor nan in kakabilek eo ilo Dri Kolosse 4: 6: "Ami konono, en ien otemjej ilo joij, im en emwij kejãtok e kin salt, bwe komin jela kijkan emõn ami uak armij otemjej. " What should guide us in choosing our recreation and entertainment? Ta eo enaaj jipañ kõj bwe en jim̦we wãween ad kããlõt menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko? Ri kanan Joel ear kanan bwe "armij ro " renaj keañ kin ennan eo ilo Bible. And they will actually shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword. " Ñããt iien eo el̦aptata an naaj jejjet kitien kanaan eo kõn 7 jabõt im 8 irooj in armej ro? Book eo Mijn in Mij Deman: Kabuñ ko rej katakin armij ro bwe ren tõmak ilo kabuñ ko air make: Kabuñ ko rej katakin armij ro bwe kabuñ ko im kabuñ ko rej tõmak bwe Anij ej mõnõnõ in bõk kunair ilo makitkit ko an kabuñ ko air make, ekkar ñan lemnak ko an kabuñ ko an Ri Jew ro im demon ro. [ Pictures on page 10] [ Pija ilo page 20] Meñe ãindein, ak pepe ko jej kõm̦m̦ani remaroñ jab ekkar ñan kõn̦aan ko ad. These scrolls will most likely set forth Jehovah's requirements for mankind at that time. Bok kein remaroñ naaj kõmel̦el̦e kõn ta ko Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe armej ro ren kõm̦m̦ani ilo naaj iien en̦. Inem, ke kim ar yokwe kom, kim ar mõnõnõ in lewoj ñõn kom jab gospel an Anij wõt, a bareinwõt am mour, bwe kom jitenburu ibem. " - 1 Dri Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. Recall that God's will is that "all sorts of men should be saved. " Naan in tõl ko ilo Baibõl̦ renaaj jipañ kõj ñan pãd wõt ilo ial̦ eo ñan mour. Inem, "elap air jõñ, im buñ ion kenwan Paul, im mejenmaik e; bwe elap air buromõj kin nan eo e ar ba, bwe re jamin bar lo mejen. " Meekness is mildness of temper. Inemõn ej kamaroñ kij ñõn ar kijenmij iomin iñtan ko jej iioni ikijen ar kwalok meanwõr im jab abnõnõ im ukot nana kin nana. Ke Samuel ear jab itok ilo ien eo ejejjet, Saul ear wãlok im katok kin men in katok kijeek eo. Consider his dealings with the God - fearing Ethiopian Ebed - melech, a contemporary of Jeremiah and a servant in the household of unfaithful King Zedekiah of Judah. Lemnak kin wãwen an kar jerbal ibben Ebed - melech, Ri Itiopia eo e mijak Anij, eo ear mour ilo ran ko an Jeremiah im ear juõn ian ri karejar ro an King Zedekiah ilo Judah eo ear jab tiljek ñan Anij. Inem, ewi wãwen an leo maroñ jerbale maroñ eo an im ilo ejja ien eo wõt jerbal ibben lio belen einwõt juõn eo tellokin bõk nebar? The psalmist wrote: "The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; all his ideas are: " There is no God. ' " - Psalm 10: 4. Ri jeje sam ear je: "Dri jerawiwi kin an mejen jua ej ba, E jamin bukoti ilo an lemnok otemjej ejelok Anij. " - Sam 10: 4. Ilo ien eo ekairujruj, ro rar bõk kunair rar jab meloklok, Jehovah ear lelok ñan Ri Israel ro juõn menin kalikar kajur eo an ke ear lelok ñan ir Kien eo an. At home or where you normally study, to the extent reasonably possible arrange books and other study tools so that they are easy to reach. Bareinwõt, ilo m̦weo im̦õm ak ijo kwõj katak ie, kwõn karõk bok ko am̦ im kein katak ko jet ilo ijo epidodo am̦ bũki jãne. Katakin juõn ajiri ñan bokake ej juõn katak eaorõk im bin. Their contrite, heartfelt sorrow over what they had done led them to confession, rejection of their wicked acts, and genuine repentance. Erro ar lukkuun ajl̦o̦k im bũrom̦õj kõn men ko renana rar kõm̦m̦ani. Erro ar kwal̦o̦k rueerro ñan Jeova im rar kate erro bwe ren jab bar kõm̦m̦an bõd. (Riit Jenesis 3: 15.) 2: 7. 2: 7. Jet bõran baam̦le rej kããlõt katak ko me baam̦le ko aer rej aikuj l̦õmn̦ak kaki ak l̦õmn̦ak kaki ñe rej kwal̦o̦k kajjitõk ko ak kajjitõk ko an baam̦le eo. But just think of the angelic creatures over whom he had authority as Michael the Archangel! Ak baj lemnak mõk kin aolep enjel ro me ear iroij ioir ke ear Michael Archangel eo. (Mat. Elañe ear eindein, ej aikwij bar etale schedule eo an. And the best news of all is the good news of God's Kingdom. Im nuuj eo emõntata ej nuuj eo kin Ailiñ in Anij. Ñe jej keidi kamelele ko ilo Bible kin juõn·gaʹpe ibben nan ko jet ilo Bible ñan kamelele kin yokwe, enaj emõnlok ad melele kin yokwe eo jej aikwij kwaloke. What does Habakkuk say about the shedding of human blood, and why can we say that there is great bloodguilt on earth today? Ta eo Habakkuk ej ba kake kin katorlok bõtõktõkin armij, im etke jemaroñ ba bwe ewõr ruõn eo elap kin bõtõktõk ion lal rainin? Mekarta, rejamin kar rõlok jen abañ ko toan wõt an aitwerõk eo kin anemkwoj eo an armij ellã jen joñan. Hence, Jesus told them: "I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars. You are also showing endurance, and you have borne up for my name's sake and have not grown weary. Inem, Jesus ear jiroñ ir: "I jela kõmõn ko am, im am jerbal im kijenmij, im bwe kwo jab maroñ in kaberber yuk kin ro renana, im kw'ar melejoñ ro rej mõke naetair dri jilik, ak e jab irro, im kw'ar lo ir dri riõp; Im kwoj kijenmij im kw'ar kaberber yuk ilo eta, im kw'ar jab mõk. Ak ewi wãwen jemaroñ jela kajen Jeova? Kõn men in, bõlen jejjab kile an juon armej epaakel̦o̦k Jeova ak eddekl̦o̦k ikijjeen katak ko rem̦ool jaar jeori ippãn. Ñe jej l̦oori naanin kakapilõklõk ko ilo Baibõl̦, men in eban jipañ kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rem̦m̦an ak jet iien renaaj jipañ kõj ñan kabwe aikuj ko ad. - JK. (b) What progress was Timothy helped to make? (b) Ta wõnmanlok eo kar jibõñ Timote bwe en kõmõne? " Emõnõnõ ro rej roñjake nan in Anij, im kejbãrok e! " - LUK 11: 28. Yet, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever. " Ak, "Jesus Christ ej einwõt juõn inne im rainin, im indrio. " Maan ro rej jijet ilo room eo ilõñ ibben Jesus rar itok jen elõñ kain wãwen ko. Jesus warned that our day, during "the presence of the Son of man, " would be similar. Jesus ear kakkõl bwe ran kein ad, ilo ien "an Nejin armij itok, " enaj einlok wõt ilo ien eo. Kin men in, kin an lukkun yokwe Jemen im ro nejin Adam, Jesus ear lelok mour eo an einwõt juõn armij ilo katok. Do you see the bright side of life, always anticipating the best? Ewõr ke juõn lemnak ejimwe ibbam kin mour, im ien otemjej kõtmene kin men eo emõntata? Ikijen tõmak im jibañ eo an Jehovah, kij bareinwõt jemaroñ "jolok men otemjej rerro, im jerawiwi eo e nañin kabol kij. " We might ask ourselves: " Do I apply that counsel in my life? Ij ke kate eõ ñan kõm̦m̦ani men ko Anij ekõn̦aan bwe in kõm̦m̦ani? [ Pija eo ilo peij 9] My feelings really go out to people who have lost someone they love but who are not aware of this hope of seeing their loved one again. " El̦ap aõ bũrom̦õj kõn armej ro me ejako juon eo ejitõnbõro ippãer im rejaje kõn kallim̦ur in bwe juon iien remaroñ bar loe armej in. " Jemaroñ lo ilo alikar bwe ewõr juõn jerbal jej aikwij kõmmane - jeor. What results come from a love of God? Ta wãween ko rem̦m̦an rej wal̦o̦k kõn ad yokwe Anij? Ear 97 an yiõ. Many passengers became angry and threatened the airport staff. Elõñ ro rar uwe ilo balun eo rar lukkun illu im buroñe dri jerbal ro ilo airport eo. Jonah ear jerbal einwõt juõn ri kanan ñan ailiñ eo itueañ in Israel ilo ran ko an King Jeroboam II, nejin Jehoash. How can we take delight in doing God's will? Ewi wãwen jemaroñ mõnõnõ in kõmanman ankil an Anij? [ Pija eo ilo peij 5] * Noah was more than an ark builder; he was also "a preacher of righteousness. " * (Matu 24: 37 - 39) Noah ear jab baj kalek wa eo wõt; ear bareinwõt juõn "dri kwalok ekwojarjar. " Kwoj Kememej Ke? CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ak jelãlokjen in ej kalaplok mour eo ad kiõ. And he saw fit to draw them into a relationship with him. Im ear mõnõnõ in kalek juõn kõtan emõn ibbeir. Uak ko ekkã an armij kwaloki: The Place of "Jehovah's Throne " Jikin "Tron [eo] an Jeova " Ailiñ ko re jamin kajutõk jãji nae dri ailiñ, im re jamin bar katak tõrinae. " And how many other galaxies are there? Im ewõr jete galaxy ko jet? Mekarta, jemaroñ kajeoñe Jesus. " At one point, " he says, "I was remembering a pleasant time that my wife and I had spent together, and I thanked Jehovah in prayer for that memory. Ej ba: "Iar keememejtok juon iien elukkuun em̦m̦an me kõmro kar lio ippa jol̦o̦k iien ippãn doon, im iar jar ñan kam̦m̦oolol Jeova kõn kar iien in. [ Etan eo ej kõmman] The apostles simply could not comply with that order. Ri jilek ro rar jab bokake kien in. Men in emaroñ walok ilo juõn wãwen ilo jitõb bareinwõt. WHOLE BLOOD BÕTÕKTÕK EWÕR EMEN MÕTTAN KO RELAP Ke Jehovah ear bõk jitõb kwojarjar eo an, Saul ear luji kejbãrok eo an im jitõb eo an enana ear anjo ion. The ransom provided the basis for reconciliation with God. (Jon 3: 16; Jerbal 2: 29 - 36) Binmour eo ear letok juõn bedbed ñan bar jeblak ñan Anij. Men in ej kam̦ool bwe jar in el̦ap ej "juon jar el̦ap. " How do we know this? Ekijkan ad jelã men in? Tõmak eo aõ ear bõk jikin, im ear laplok aõ mõnõnõ. You will likely find it easy to discuss the pictures and the scriptures found in the preface. Kwonaj lo bwe ebidodo am naj bwebwenato kin pija ko im eon ko ilo preface eo. Bok in ear jipañ elõñ milien armej ñan mel̦el̦e kõn ta eo menin kõm̦anm̦an ko rej kwal̦o̦k kõn Anij eo ad emour. When faced with trials or apostate ideas or when carrying out a challenging assignment, God's loyal ones can be confident of Jehovah's guidance and support. (Ken. 2: 8) Ñe jej jelmae melejoñ ko ak lemnak ko jen ro rej ellok im jumae kabuñ eo emol ak ñe jej aikwij kõmmane juõn jerbal ebin, ro don Anij retiljek remaroñ liki bwe Jehovah enaj kejbãrok im rejetake ir. UWAAK EO JÃN BAIBÕL̦: "Lal̦ ejakol̦o̦k im m̦õm̦ ko an; a eo ej kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij ej pãdwõt indeeo. " - 1 JON 2: 17. That is an excellent illustration of an organization! (1 Dri Korint 12: 12 - 26) Eñin juõn wanjoñok emõn kin juõn dolul! Aet, elikin an lale jerbal ko an Anij, Job ear ba bwe men kein rar kanuij aibujuij ñan e. Moreover, "do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " - Romans 12: 17 - 21; Psalm 37: 1 - 4; Proverbs 20: 22. Bareinwõt, "Nana en jab anjo jen yuk, a kwon anjo jen nana kin emõn. " - Dri Rom 12: 17 - 21; Sam 37: 1 - 4; Jabõn Kennan Ko 20: 22. Sheep rein jet rej kejatdikdik in mour ion lal ñan indio, ak ilo wãwen ko jet otemjej, rej einlok wõt bwen ri jolet ro an Ailiñ eo ilo ran kein. They teach from house to house and in their congregation, and they loyally support the direction from headquarters. Im rej rejetake eklejia ko rej pãd ie ilo aer kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦ im bareinwõt kwal̦o̦k katak ko ilo iien kweilo̦k. Ñe jej l̦õmn̦ak kõn apañ ko rej wal̦o̦k ikõtaad im ro jet, ekkã an men in kaalikkar bwe jej bũrom̦õj im bũrom̦õj. We spent two or three hours every week doing so. Kimar katak Baibel aolep wik iomin ruo ak jilu auõ. Moktalok, book ko ad rej ba bwe ri Christian ro rej einwõt " jõñ im ñi ko air ' iumin elõñ yiõ ko, im ba bwe "ro nejin ailiñ in lõñ " rej kwaloki ñan ir - "ro nejin eo enana. " Understandably, this account has raised questions in the mind of some. Ilo melele kake, elõñ kajitõk ko rej walok ilo lemnak ko an jet ikijen bwebwenato in. Aet, "jar eo elap " in" sheep ro jet, " ro rar walok ilo wãwen eo ilo ran kein eliktata. So Genesis 6: 3 was not fixing for humans a maximum or normal life span of 120 years. (Sam 90: 10) Inem Jenesis 6: 3 ear jab karõk bwe joñõn aitokõn mour ko an armij ro enaj iomin 120 yiõ ko. Ke Adam ear kõm̦m̦an bwe armej ro ren weeppãn, men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en jako kõjatdikdik eo an Ri Israel ro. In addition to praying, what else must we do? Ijellokin jar, bar ta jej aikwij in kõmmane? Ilo an kajerbal "mõm an kõniek, " ewi wãwen an kar Satan kajeoñ in kabo Jesus, im etke kabo in ear jab lo tõbrak? Therefore, let us give them "more than extraordinary consideration. " Kin men in, jen "kanuij kautiej ir. " Ke John ear tõparl̦o̦k jikin eo, kõrã eo pãleen em̦m̦aan eo me ej juon iaan Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in bõk peba eo. Even the archenemy, Satan the Devil, has no hold on him. (Mark 5: 2, 6 - 13; Luk 4: 36) Bareinwõt dri kijirãt eo elap, Setan Devil eo, ejelok an maroñ ion. (b) Ta temple eo elap an Jehovah ilo jitõb, im ewi wãwen air kabuñ ijo? And he will surely be happy to hear that I now serve as an elder and that my wife and I are privileged to serve as pioneers. " Im enaj mõnõnõ in roñ bwe kiõ ij jerbal einwõt juõn elder im bwe kimro lio ibba kimij jerbal einwõt pioneer ro. " " Ñan jibañ ladik eo nejin ri katak Bible eo aõ ñan melele kin ta eo ear kõnan kajerbale juõn book in Bible ilo ien ko etto, kimar jeje book in Isaiah elikin am je chapter im eon eo. The next article will consider seven of these. Katak in tok juõn enaj etale jiljilimjuõn ian men kein. Bõtab, ro jet ilo congregation eo remaroñ im rej aikwij lelok jibañ ko rekeie. Did God have a beginning? Ta ko kwomaroñ kõmõni ñõn kainemõne juõn kõra ak man im ejoko eo belen? Anij em̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn men ko ej kõm̦m̦ani. By requiring obedience to the law of the Christ, is Jehovah asking too much of us? Ilo ad aikwij bokake kien Christ, Jehovah ej kajitõk ke juõn men ellã jen ad maroñe? Ak bar ta eo ear inebata kake? (b) How may we benefit more fully from the " great cloud of witnesses '? (b) Ewi wãwen jemaroñ bõk elaplok tokjen jen " dri kennan ro einwõt kõro elap '? " Lõl im Jerbal ko ilo E Re Naj Lo " However, Peter showed remorse, and Jehovah continued to use him. (Mark 14: 53, 54, 66 - 72, UBS) Bõtab, Piter ear lukkuun bũrom̦õj im ajl̦o̦k kõn men eo ear kõm̦m̦ane. □ Kain wanjoñok rot ko elap air keie? Do not let the plague of abuse rob you of your courage. Ajri ro nejũm̦ rejjab kajoor im peran in wõt kwe. E ar einwõt ñe ej ko; sheep ko rar jibadõk im kabol e.... (Deuteronomy 1: 1 - 4: 49) (Duteronomi 1: 1 - 4: 49) [ Naan ko ilo peij 12] Remember that Jesus sent his disciples out "by twos " to preach. Keememej bwe ke Jijej ear jilkinl̦o̦k rũkal̦oor ro an bwe ren kwal̦o̦k naan, ear "karruwol̦o̦k, " ak karõk bwe kajjojo en wõr juon m̦õttan. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) How can we show others that it is practical and beneficial to heed Jehovah's reminders? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kwalok ñan ro jet bwe emõn im wõr tokjen ñan kanuij lale nan in kakememej ko an Jehovah? Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej lukkun tõmak bwe Bible eo ej " kakõrmol an Anij, im eor tokjen kin katakin. " As we recall, Jesus asked: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth? " Einwõt emwij ad katak kake mokta, Jesus ear kajitõk: "Ijoke ñe Nejin armij e naj itok, E naj lo tõmak ion lõl ke? " 1, 2. (b) What challenge and danger must Christians face? (b) Ta aitwerõk im men in kauwatata eo Ri Christian ro rej jelmaiki? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus emmakit? Gratitude to God and his Son should move us to be present at the commemoration of Jesus ' death, thus obeying the command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " - 1 Cor. Ad pãd ilo iien in, jej kaalikkar ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ in pokake Jijej ke ear ba: "Kom̦win kõm̦m̦an men in ilo ememej Eõ. " - 1 Korint 11: 23 - 25. Liki Jehovah Kin Aolepen Buruõm Such gorgeous flowers may bring to our mind a lesson taught by Jesus. Kain ut kein raibujuij remaroñ kakememej kij kin juõn men Jesus ear katakin kij kake. Ilo ettã buru Job ear bõk nan in kakememej in, im joñok eo an emaroñ jibañ kij ñan kõmman eindein. As far back as 1917 in Canada and the United States, the clergy instigated accusations of subversion against the Bible Students, as the Witnesses were then known. Liklok ñan yiõ eo 1917 ilo Canada im ilo United States, ri tel ro an kabuñ ir eo rej kõmman jarjar ñan naruõn Ri School in Bible ro, einwõt kar jela kake ir Ri Kennan ro ilo ien ko. 4 / 1 Love will help us to overlook the faults of our fellow believers Yokwe enaj jibañ kij ñan jab watõk bwid ko an ri tõmak ro mõttad Ewi wãwen an nañinmij eo an juõn armij, ak lojen, maroñ juõn anij? All these added needs have been supplied with the help of voluntary contributions from Jehovah's people. Aolep aikwij kein emwij kobaiktok emwij kõtõbraki kin jibañ eo an jabawõt ko jen armij ro an Jehovah. Ilo jumae in eyokwe, kememej bwe komro jimor jab wãppen, armij ro rejerawiwi. Thus, Paul created an atmosphere in which Agrippa, as well as the other listeners, would be more likely to accept what he was about to present. Inem, Paul ear ejaak juõn mejatoto Agrippa, im ro jet rar roñjake, bwe ren mõnõnõ in bõk katak eo ear keboje. Meñe men in ear wal̦o̦k, ak kar n̦aruon Jijej im liaakel̦o̦k e bwe en mej ioon al̦al̦ in eñtaan eo. - Matu 27: 24 - 26; Mark 15: 15; Luk 23: 24, 25; Jon 19: 13 - 16. One sister echoed the feelings of many who had wondered how they would "start the wheels of active service humming again. " Juon jeid im jatid kõrã ear kwal̦o̦k kõn eñjake eo an elõñ ro me rar l̦õmn̦ak kõn wãween aer "naaj maroñ bar kal̦apl̦o̦k kun̦aaer ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan ilo juon wãween elaajrak. " Katak kin men in ilo lemnak eo am. Conversations and discussions with those having long years of experience are often the highlights of an evening spent in their company. - Romans 1: 11, 12. (Luke 10: 38 - 42) Bwebwenato im konono ko ibben ro elõñ yiõ in iminene ko air ekkã air ien ko relap ilo juõn jota jej jolok im kamao ibbeir. - Rome 1: 11, 12. Ñan wanjoñok, ej jelet room ko, mõñã, nuknuk, im baotokid, im men ko eierlok wõt. Notice the expression "making peace. " 3: 18) Lale mõk kin nan eo "kõmõn ainemõn. " Ak ke ejelok karõk rot kein rar maroñ kõmmani, rar jab lemnak bwe jerammõn ko air ilo jerbal in kwalok nan ear laplok air aorõk jen air kautiej jemeir im jineir. Soldiers broke the legs of the two impaled criminals, "but on coming to Jesus, as they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. " (Jon 19: 31 - 34) Innem, ãinwõt aer kar jab ruje di ko diin jiip eo kar m̦ane ilo Kwõjkwõj in Kijoone eo, ãindein rar jab bar ruje di ko diin Jijej. Jej bar kal̦apl̦o̦k ad lañlõñ ñe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn jeraam̦m̦an ko ad kiiõ, anõke tõmak eo an ro jet, im kate kõj ñan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij. That "last day " coincides with the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. (Jon 6: 39) Bwe "ran eo eliktata " ej walok ilo ejja ien eo wõt ibben Tausan Yiõ in Iroij eo an Christ. Im E naj kõmõraik jen mejeir dren in kemjãlãl otemjej, im e naj ejelok bar mij, im re jamin bar liãjlol, ak jõñ, ak iñtan; bwe men ko mokta re joko. " How do we know that Jesus trained his disciples to carry out the evangelizing work? Etke jejel̦ã bwe Jijej ear katakin im jipañ rũkal̦oor ro an bwe ren wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt kõn jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan eo el̦ap? (Riit Livitikõs 5: 1.) Was it so that they could live a life of idle luxury and reject their Creator? Kar eñin ke bwe ren mour ilo juõn wãwen einwõt ri mweie im karmijeteik Ri Kõmanman eo air? Iumin jet yiõ ko, e im lio belen rar katak Bible im meñe ear wõr kabañbañ ko tokelik einwõt ri kwalok ro an Ailiñ eo. But they requested that we send good used clothing to needy brothers. Bõtab jimjãn jimjatin ro ilo ra eo rar kajitõk bwe kimin jilkinlok nuknuk ko remor ak remõn ñan jimjãn jimjatin ro rar bed ilo aikwij. JUON em̦m̦aan me ej itoitak im lol̦o̦k eklejia ko ej ba: "Ñe jej kwal̦o̦k naan ñan ro jet, men in emaroñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦anl̦o̦k wãween ad kwal̦o̦k naan. Your conscience, trained by God's Word, will help you if you listen to it. - 1 Timothy 1: 19. Bõklikit eo am, me Nan in Anij ej katakin e, enaj jibañ yuk elañe kwoj bokake. - 1 Timote 1: 19. Christian ri kabit ro rej kwalok aibujuij eo an Jehovah. Send me. " - Isa. Ear uak: "Ña e; Kwon jilkinlok iõ. " - Ais. Bõtab, "lemnok an kõniek mij " - ilo jitõb im ilo kanniek ilo ran ko rej ebaktok. [ Pictures on page 14] [ Pija ko ilo peij 24] Kajerbal alcohol ilo jõkkar ej kajedmatmat juõn ñan elõñ kauwatata ko - ilo kanniek im ilo jitõb jimor. In chapter 10, when discussing the wicked angels who came to earth and fathered children, the child is asked, "What do you know about sex relations? " Ilo chapter 10, ke ej bwebwenato kin enjel ro renana me rar wanlaltak ñan lal im ear wõr nejiir, ej kajitõkin ajiri eo, "Ta eo kwoj jelã kin belele? " • Ilo wãwen et ko kwoj kamolol kin ro jeid im jatid maan im kõrã ilo congregation eo am? Myanmar Cyclone, 3 / 1 Ñan waanjoñak, rukwal̦o̦k naan ro an Aelõñ eo jãn jikin eo etan O̦kwõjhlihhh, ear kwal̦o̦k naan ilo bukwõn eo ilo jikin eo etan Kookel̦o̦k naan ie ruo alen ilo juon allõñ. (b) What examples show that Jesus was selective in his use of details? (b) Ta wanjoñok ko rar kwalok bwe Jesus ear ekkãlel ilo kajerbal tibdik ko? Im em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia me ettã bũrueer im ettã bũrueer rejjab ke kaenõm̦m̦an ro jet? Jehovah punished the unrepentant Israelites. Jehovah ear ekajete Ri Israel ro kin air jab ukwelok. ELÕÑ ri konono ro ilo ran kein kin magazine in Imõniaroñroñ rar rittolok im jab jelã kin mol eo an Anij. He declared it "unthinkable... to sin against Jehovah by ceasing to pray " in behalf of his fellow Israelites. - 1 Samuel 12: 2, 23. Ear kwalok bwe " ear jab lemnak kake... ñan jerawiwi nae Jeova ilo an jokwõr in jar ' ikijen ri tõmak ro mõttan in Israel. - 1 Samuel 12: 2, 23. Ilo Ene eo im Book eo, W. Yes, he saw the heavenly hosts, angelic armies waiting to protect God's servant. (2 Kiñ 6: 17) Aet, ear lo ri karuwainene ro ilañ, jarin tarinae ko an enjel ro rej kõttar in kejbãrok ri karejar eo an Anij. Inem Jesus ear etal wõt im kwalok bwe ear maroñ kõmman juõn men rar jab kõtmene kake. Paul clearly explained: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus. " Paul ear kamelele ilo alikar: "Bwe otemjej r'ar jerawiwi, im rej likjõp jen aibujuij an Anij; kowãnik ir im ejelok wõnan, ilo An joij, kin men in wiaik eo ej ilo Kraist Jisõs. " Ri bwebwenato ro renaj likit ke ilo wãwen in: "Ewi wãwen an juõn ri jerawiwi eo elamwan maroñ bõk jar eo an bwe en bõk juõn tron etolok? " When was that vision to be fulfilled? (1 Dri Korint 3: 9) Ñããt eo vision in ear jejjet kitien? Jemaroñ reilok ñan kij make ilo wãwen ko rejjab ekkar. When elders show a Christlike attitude, they help to smooth the way for the person to have a change of heart and eventually to return. Ñe elder ro rej kwalok yokwe eo an Kraist, rej kõmõn bwe en birurulok ñõn an armij eo ukwelok im bar jeblak. Ekkar ñan Bible eo, ear kõmman bwe ro nejin Adam ren ri kamakoko ñan jerawiwi im mij. The man wanted to be healed but he could not see how, for he had no one to help him into the pool. Kõn men in, Jijej ear ba ñan em̦m̦aan in bwe en kõm̦m̦ane juon men me em̦m̦aan in ejjab maroñ kar kõm̦m̦ane. Bõtab, ear kile juõn kauwatata elap ilo jikin in. SONGS TO BE USED: 191, 177 AL KO: 85, 79 Ewi wãwen jet rar kwalok air liki ilo kejatdikdik eo kin jerkakbiji? There is no better place to look for the answers than in God's inspired Word, the Bible. Eokwe, ejjel̦o̦k bar juon jikin jemaroñ lo uwaakin kajjitõk kein jãne, ak jemaroñ loi wõt jãn Naan eo an Anij me ear letok ñan kõj, Baibõl̦ eo. Kememej bwe rar kajemlok: "Ejjab jimwe men eo jej kõmmõne. " Job needed to learn this lesson. Job ear aikwij katak kin men in. Ewi wãwen ro rej tel congregation eo rej kwalok bwe rej kõttãik ir ñan jerbal in tel eo an Christ? The Law also incited the Jews to love one another. (Exodus 23: 4, 5; Livitikõs 19: 14; Duteronomi 15: 13 - 15; 22: 10, 22) Kien eo bareinwõt ear lujure Ri Jew ro bwe ren yokwe don. Ruaklok ñan Eo Ej Roñjake Jar A God - fearing king once gave this advice to his son: "Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul. " Juõn king eo e mijak Anij ear lelok kakabilek in ñan nejin: "Kwon jela Anij eo an jemõm, im korijer ñõn E kin buru e wãppen; im lolãtãt e mõnõnõ. " Einwõt ri kabuñ ro an Jehovah rej burukuk ilo paradise eo ilo jitõb, ri kabit ro rejañin bõk jikiir ilo Jerusalem eo Ekãl im "sheep ro jet " rej lo ainemõn eo letok in Anij. Why the seeming change of subject and reference to heavenly bodies? (Sam 147: 4, UBS) Etke rijeje sam ear kiiõ jino kõnnaan kõn men ko ilañ? Ilo bar juõn wãwen ba, kar eiki kij ñan kõmanman ankil an Anij. Daniel relates: "Before we left Spain, we were not sure if we would be able to live a simple life. Daniel ej ba: "M̦okta jãn am̦ro kar em̦m̦akũt jãn Spain, kõm̦ro ar l̦õmn̦ak bwe enaaj kar pen am̦ro mour ilo juon jikin ejjab kanooj lõñ men ko ie im jokwane wõt kõn men ko ewõr ippemro. Ejjab juõn men in meletlet ñan bõk kunair ilo akwel ko ibben ro rej illok im jumae kabuñ eo emol, meñe ilo air uak ñan ri jumae ro air, ak ilo jabdewõt wãwen air konono ibben don. What I had told him about my experiences in prison helped him to endure. Bwebwenato ko aõ me iar kwal̦o̦k ñane kõn iien eo iar pãd ilo kalbuuj, ear jipañe bwe en kijenmej wõt. Juon bok ej ba: "Jabdewõt eo ej katakin ledik eo nejin [Kien eo] ej katakin ajri eo nejin bwe en jel̦ã kilen kõm̦m̦ane men in. " In that way, we will be able to absorb the word of God fully and "bear fruit with endurance. " - Luke 8: 15. Ilo wãwen in, jenaj maroñ wõrañlok nan in Anij im "kijenmij ilo air jebar leen. " - Luk 8: 15. Kin menin, bwebwenato ko am iumin yiõ ko rej bareinwõt aorõk ñan yuk. How has "the true knowledge " become widely known through the printed word? Ewi wãween "jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ " eo em̦ool ear jino l̦apl̦o̦k ikijjeen bok ko ad? Menin elaptata an mol ñe armij ro ilo jinoin rej uak ñan ennan eo an Ailiñ eo ilo ejelok itoklimo ak jab itoklimo. Consider some reasons why Christians should not become involved in politics. (Jon 15: 19; 17: 14, UBS) Jen lale jet iaan un ko unin an Kũrjin ro jab aikuj bõk kun̦aaer ilo m̦akũtkũt im aituerõk ko an kien. Jemed ilañ "elap an kajur " im ebidodo an kakajur kij. Jehovah's vision is vastly superior to that of humans. (Sam 94: 9) Lolokjen eo an Jehovah elaplok an kajur jen armij ro. Kwoj bõk ke jikin kone eo ilo Jeova? How does Revelation 17: 9 - 11 supply evidence that we are living in the time of the end? Ewi wãwen an Reveles̃õn 17: 9 - 11 letok menin kamol eo bwe jej mour ilo ien jemlokin? PEIJ 12 AL KO: 49, 95 Conservationist Stewart L. Stewart L. Anij ear konono ibben Cain mokta jen an kar kaillu Cain bwe en uror. Back in 1919 the nations put their trust in the League of Nations to establish permanent peace. Ilo 1919 eo ailiñ ko rar likit air kejatdikdik ilo League of Nations ñõn ejake ainemõn eo en to an bed. Ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in "lel̦o̦k mour eo an " im ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jipañ rũkarejar ro an. (b) Why is this yeartext most appropriate today? (b) Etke unin tel in yiõ in ej ekkar rainin? Irro jimor rej bõran baamle ko im rej jerbal einwõt dri keañ ro rekijejeto an Ailiñ eo. If the shepherds are divided, the sheep may suffer neglect. Elañe shepherd ro rej jebel, sheep ro remaroñ eñtan kin kajekdon ir. (Riit Nihimaia 13: 10.) It was also under Jehoiada's guidance that Jehoash restored temple services and carried out much - needed temple repair work. Bareinwot iumin tel eo an Jehoiada, Jehoash ear bar jinoe jerbal in kabuñ ko ilo temple eo im lukkun kakãle temple eo. Bõtab, elañe jej jutak bin, Jehovah enaj lomoren kij. Many of us have been keeping awake spiritually for decades. Elõñ iaad eto ad tiljek ium̦win elõñ iiõ ilo ad karejar ñan Jeova im kõttaretok wõt raan eo an. (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) They were given huge parades - processions - and rode in chariots decorated with gold and ivory, drawn by white horses, or even by elephants, lions, or tigers. Rar kõmman elap maaj ko - jepkõlan ko - im iuwe ilo chariot ko emwij kainõknõki kin gold im ivory, im rej bed ion horse ko remouj, meñe elephant ko, lion ko, ak tiger ko. Ta eo Ajiri ro Rej Aikwij Katak Kake? True kindness is not blind to evil words and deeds that violate God's standards. Joij eo emol ejjab bilo ñan nan ko renana im jerbal ko me rej nae kien ko an Anij. 4: 8. That encouragement proved to be a lifesaver. Im eoon kein rar lo̦mo̦o̦ren mour eo an. Bõk Jesus einwõt Messiah eo ear bellok ñan ri kalor ro an jinoin maroñ eo ñan iroij ibben ilo Ailiñ eo an Anij ilañ. Food " miraculously ' appeared on the table for all present. Ion table eo ear obrak kin mõñã ko jimjen jimjatin ro rar joij im bõkitok im rar bwe ñõn aolep ro rar bed ilo ien eo ñõn air mõñã. Kwomaroñ jitõñlok ñan kajjojo eon ko im book ko "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet " ej litoki. Indicating date of issue in which article appears Ej kwalok ran ko katak kein rar walok ie Juõn Menin Letok ejej uan Jen Jehovah The Theocratic Ministry School teaches us to speak in public, and the Service Meeting trains us to present our message effectively. (Dri Hibru 10: 24, 25) Kwelok in Theocratic Ministry School ej katakin kij ñan konono iman mejen armij, im kwelok in Service Meeting eo ej katakin kij ñan kwalok ennan eo ad ilo bolemen. Ilo ar lor nan in kakabilek eo an Paul, men in enaj bareinwõt jibõñ kij ñõn likit Ailiñ eo an Anij moktata, im liki bwe enaj kabwe aikwij ko ar. - Mat. ․ ․ Jet wõt ian ri kamakoko ro renaj kar kile ewi joñan an kar emõn men ko ke ro jimmair rar karejar ñan Jehovah. To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office. Ñan jel̦ã mel̦el̦e ko rel̦l̦apl̦o̦k kõn ia eo me kwõmaroñ jilkinl̦o̦k jabawõt ko am̦ ie im ilo etan wõn, kwõmaroñ kajjioñ tõpar ra eo kwõj pãd ium̦win. Ewi wãwen an Jehovah kejbãrok ro rej yokwe im bokake e? • Why should we be sure of what is acceptable to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? • Etke jej aikwij jelã kin ta eo emõn ñan Anij ñe jej kõmman bebe, im ewi wãwen ad maroñ kõmman eindein? Emol, Pharisee ro rar makoko in mõñã ibben ro rar watõk ir einwõt ri jerawiwi! Can we win our fight against Satan? Kiiõ kajjitõk eo in, jemaroñ ke jum̦aik Setan im bõk anjo̦? Eddo ko jet ilo Bible remaroñ kadiklok joñan ien eo jemaroñ kajenolok ñan jerbal in kwalok nan. Habakkuk's reaction indicates how dire our predicament will seem to be when Gog's hordes come storming against us. Ak inaaj kõttar raan in jorrããn eo me enaaj wal̦o̦k ñan ro rej ko̦kkure kõm. " Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kõm̦m̦ane bok in. Soon, though, you run out of fuel. Bõtab ejjabto tokelik emaat kaan in wa eo. Meñe kar lelok kõnan ko an ñan juõn ri roñjake ilo United States, melelen ettõnak eo an armij ro ilo elõñ ailiñ ko rar bõke. Since "the time left is reduced " and" the scene of this world is changing, " God's Word urges us to consider the advantages of singleness. Kinke "e karu ien jen kiõ " im" wãwen lõl in ejokolok, " Nan eo an Anij ej rejañ kij ñan lemnak kin tokjen ko ñan jab mare. (1 Kor. Kal̦apl̦o̦k Am̦ Jel̦ã kõn Anij - " Ran eo El̦ap an Jeova Ebak ' We are likely aware of their imperfections, and this may distort our view of their counsel. Kin ar lale likjõp ko air, men in emaroñ kõmõn bwe jen watõk nan in kakabilek ko air ilo juõn wãwen ebwir. 16, 17. What is the administration's second stage of operation? Ej bwe Anij ej kõpooj ro im renaaj mour ilo Pedetaij eo ioon lal̦. Ilo air kõmmane menin emaroñ jibañ kõmman bwe jerbal in kwalok nan eo an aolepen family eo en laplok an jebar leen. She would sit by me and read the Bible to me every day. Ear naj kar jijet ituruõ im konono Bible ibba ran otemjej. Ilo wãwen in, kwomaroñ kobalok ibben juõn lain eaetok in ri karejar ro retiljek an Anij. (b) How have some couples shown poor judgment in this regard? (b) Ewi wãwen an jet ri belele kwalok bebe eo emõjno ilo wãwen in? Ta eo kwõnaaj kar kõm̦m̦ane? Perhaps you are acquainted with major Bible prophecies, such as those relating to Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians. Bõlen ewõr am melele kin kanan ko relap ilo Bible, einwõt ko rar jitõñlok ñan jeebeplok eo an Jerusalem jen ri Babylon ro. Ri jilek Peter ear ba: "Ien otemjej I naj pojõk in kakememej kom kin men kein, meñe kom jela kajeir, im bin ilo mol eo ej ber ibemi. " Together, this vast throng of Witnesses have been busy during the 2005 service year. Ibben don, jar in elap in Ri Kennan rein rar boub wõt ilo jerbal in kwalok nan ilo yiõ in jerbal eo ilo 2005. Ekkã an illu in tellok ñan kijirãt im kowadoñ. To the first - century Christian congregation in Ephesus, the apostle Paul wrote: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous. " Ñan congregation eo an Christian ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ilo Ephesus, ri jilek Paul ear je: "Ajiri rõn, komin bokake jememi im jinemi ilo Iroij: bwe men in e jime. " Ewi wãwen aõ maroñ jerbale melele in ilo mour eo aõ? Those whom Jehovah appoints to care for his flock have many reasons to be happy. Elõñ un ko rej kamõnõnõik ro me Jehovah ej kãlet ir ñan lale bwij eo an. Ilo Katak eo an ion Tol eo, ear ba: "Kom ar roñ bwe ar ba, Kwon yokwe dri turõm im kijirãte dri kijirãte yuk. Most Christians have. Enañin aolep Ri Christian ro ej eindein air lemnak. Ta jeraam̦m̦an in Jeova ear lel̦o̦k ñan Joshua? Dri Kristian ro im ejelok beleir rejelã bwe rejjab aikwij mare bwe ren aurõk ibben Jeova im drolul eo an. Anij ear ba ñan Adam: "Bwe kw'ar eoroñ ainiken lio beleõm, im mõña jen wijki eo I ar lewoj ñõn yuk kien in, Kwon jab mõña jen e, inem kwo naj mõña jen e ran ko otemjej in am mour. Are you " preparing your heart ' to resist temptations? Kwoj ke kapoj ak kõmõn bwe " buruõm en jime ' ñõn jumae menin kabo ko? 2: 4; 2 Kor. 7: 1; Gal. Because Jehovah has promised that he will cleanse the earth of all those who are polluting and ruining it. Kinke Jehovah ear kallimur bwe enaj karreoik lõl in jen ro otemjej rej kattone im kokkure. Jesus ear bareinwõt ba: "Komin kejbãrok kom jen jabrewõt arõk mweiuk; bwe an armij mour e jab kin an lõñ men ko an. " - Luk 12: 15. Some have even marked the date of the death on their calendar as a reminder to offer comfort when it may be most needed - on or near the date of the loss. Jet rar je ilo kõl̦õn̦ta eo aer raan eo ear mej armej eo bwe ren keememej in kaenõm̦m̦an armej eo ebũrom̦õj ilo raan eo ak ilo raan ko jet repaake raan eo. Ñan kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ mel̦el̦e kõn men in, lale Awake! eo an M̦aaj 22, 1997, peij 31, im Mãe 22, 2002, peij 31. They tried to cause division among the brothers, but in August 1917, they left Bethel - a cleansing indeed! Em̦m̦aan rein 4 rar kajjioñ kõm̦m̦an jepel ibwiljin kumi in Ri Katak Baibõl̦ ro. Bõtab ilo kar Okõj 1917, rein rar etal jãn Betel̦. Ãt ko ilo Assyria im Ri Babylon Ro A sparrow offered to God in love and devotion was worth more to him than thousands of rams given with a wrong motive. Juõn bao sparrow kar katok kake ñan Anij ilo yokwe im tiljek ear aorõklok ñan e jen thousand sheep koman ko kar liloki kin juõn un enana. Ri Christian ro rej bõk rejañ ñan lemnak kin nan in kaiñi ko ilo Jeje ko ñan beek elañe karõk ko air kin mour rej emõn ñan Anij ak jab. If Jesus ' disciples followed his example, they too would be conquerors. (Jon 16: 33; 17: 16) Elañe ri kalor ro an Jesus rar lor joñok eo an, ir bareinwõt renaj kar bõk anjo. Einwõt juõn ri kejbãrok tiljek, ta mwil eo Job ear bõprae? The key is to follow the admonition of Colossians 4: 6: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. " Men eo eaurõk ej ñõn lor nan in kakabilek eo ilo Dri Kolosse 4: 6: "Ami konono, en ien otemjej ilo joij, im en emwij kejãtok e kin salt, bwe komin jela kijkan emõn ami uak armij otemjej. " Bareinwõt emaroñ kabellok ien ko remõn ñan air kalaplok jerbal in kwalok nan eo air. The prophet Joel foretold that "old men " would declare the Bible's message. Dri kanan Joel ear kanan bwe "lõlap ro " renaj keañ kin ennan eo ilo Baibel eo. [ Pija ko ilo peij 29] The book Die Neuen Inquisitoren: Religionsfreiheit und Glaubensneid (The New Inquisitors: Freedom of Religion and Religious Envy), by Gerhard Besier and Erwin K. Book eo Die Neuen Inquisitoren: Religionsfreiheit und Glaubensneid (Ri Etale ro relej: Anemkwoj in Kabuñ im Ankwonak ilo Kabuñ), Gerhard Besier im Erwin K. Ta jet ian men in kamol ko rejejjet kin meletlet eo elap an Jehovah? Even then, because of life's uncertainties, our decisions may fail to turn out as desired. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 2: 1 - 5) Meñe eindein, kin wõt men ko ejelok lukkun jelã kaki ilo mour, bebe ko ad remaroñ likjap in walok einwõt ad kõnan. Ear wõr juõn kõtan ikõtan tõmak eo air im meanwõd eo air. So, having a tender affection for you, we were well pleased to impart to you, not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because you became beloved to us. " - 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8. Ein dein kin an lap am yokwe kom, kim ar kõnan lewoj ñõn kom jab gospel eo wõt, a bareinwõt am mour, bwe kom jitenburu ibem. " - 1 Tessalonika 2: 7, 8. Men in enaj aikwij beran. Then, "quite a bit of weeping broke out among them all, and they fell upon Paul's neck and tenderly kissed him, because they were especially pained at the word he had spoken that they were going to behold his face no more. " Inem, "ir otemjej elap air jõñ, im buñ ion kenwan Paul, im mejenmaike. Im tiriamo elap jen men otemjej kin nan ko e ar konono, bwe re jamin bar lo mejen. " Ej juõn jerammõn elap ñan bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kwalok nan im katakin ibelakin lal! When Samuel did not come at the appointed time, Saul presumptuously offered the burnt sacrifice himself. Ke Samuel ear jab itok ilo ien eo kar karõke, ilo wãlok Saul ear make lelok men in katok eo. Ta melelen baptais ilo etan jitõb kwojarjar? How, then, can a husband exercise his authority and at the same time treat his wife as someone worthy of honor? Inem, ewi wãwen an leo maroñ jerbale maroñ eo an im ilo ejja ien eo wõt kõmõn ñõn lio belen einwõt juõn eo ej tellokin bõk koutiej? Ear ba: "Kwon kejbãrok yuk bwe kwon jab meloklok Jeova am Anij, bwe kwon jab kejbãrok kien ko An, im ekajet ko An, im nan in kaiñi ko An, bwe ij jiroñ yuk ranin; bwe kwon mõña im mõnõnõ kake yuk, im kwon kalek moko remmõn, im jokwe iloan, im s̃ip ko am, im kwo naj orlok ñõn Jeova am Anij. " - Duteronomi 8: 11 - 14. Meñe jerbal ilo bar juon aelõñ emaroñ jol̦o̦k apañ eo ad kõn jããn, ak emaroñ bar kõm̦m̦an bwe en wõr apañ ko jet. Kajjitõk in ear jipañ eõ ñan l̦õmn̦ak im kõm̦m̦an bwe in aenõm̦m̦an wõt ippãn ro jet. On that thrilling occasion, which participants no doubt never forgot, Jehovah gave the Israelites a demonstration of his power when he gave them his Law. (Exodus 19: 2 - 9, 16 - 19; riit Exodus 20: 18; Duteronomi 4: 9, 10.) Jino jãn kar tõre in, ear oktakl̦o̦k wãween an Anij kõm̦m̦an ñan Ri Israel ro. Alex en kar mijak ke in luji jeran? Teaching a child to obey is an important and difficult lesson. Elukkuun aorõk ñan katakin ajri ro bwe ren jel̦ã pokake, im men in ejjab juon jerbal epidodo. Kwoj kememej ke ñe kwoj reilok ñan lañ ilo juõn boñ ealikar im lo yuk make elõñ thousand iju ko? (Read Genesis 3: 15.) (Riit Jenesis 3: 15.) Ilo mol, remaroñ kamol ilo makoko ñe rej etal ñan bar juõn ene im lo bwe Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kõmman ejja jerbal eo wõt ilo eneo kabijukneir. Certain family heads select material that they feel the family needs to consider or that deals with subjects or questions the family has asked to consider. Jet bõran baamle ko rej kãlet katak ko me rej lemnok bwe baamle eo ej aikwij etali, ak katak ko me rej ekkejellok ñõn kajitõk ko, ak men ko baamle eo ear bõkmantak bwe ren etali. Ri kabel ro ilo lale ajiri ro im ro rej kokkure ajiri ro rej kwalok bwe aolep jemen im jinen ajiri ro rej bõk ejja katak ko wõt ibben ajiri ro nejiir. If this has been the case, he should reexamine his schedule. Elañe kar wãwen eo in, ej aikwij bar etale schedule eo an. 1, 2. When we compare Biblical descriptions of a·gaʹpe with other terms used in the Bible to describe love, we will better understand the love that we should demonstrate. Ñe jej keiri kemelele ko ilo Baibel kin nan in a·gaʹpe iben nan kein jet me rej walok bareinwõt ilo Baibel eo, stor·geʹ, eʹros, im phi·liʹa, jenaj melelelok kin yokwe eo me jej aikwij in jerbale. Meñe enañin aolep Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ejelok abañ in ibbeir, ñan ro ejelok nan in kainemõn ibbeir, ejelok nan in kainemõn emaroñ jolok air buromõj. Nevertheless, they would not be immune to problems so long as the issue of mankind's full independence remained unresolved. Ran in mij eo an Jesus ej ran eo ñan kememej bar juõn un. But how can we put ourselves in a position to be known by Jehovah? Bõtab ta eo jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane bwe jen maroñ jem̦jerãik Jeova? Ilõñin men otemjej, kememej bwe Anij ear lewõj ñan yuk jerammõn eo elap ñan keañ kin news eo emõn einwõt juõn ian Ri Kennan ro an. Applying Bible principles not only benefits us spiritually but sometimes helps us to care for our material needs. - Prov. Innem, ad l̦oore naan in kakapilõk ko ilo Baibõl̦ enaaj jipañ kõj bwe en em̦m̦an wõt kõtaan eo ad ippãn Jeova. Rej naruõn Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo jab mol, einwõt kar Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. " Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " - LUKE 11: 28. " Elaplok an mõnõnõ ro rej eoroñ nan in Anij, im kejbãrok e! " - LUK 11: 28. Einwõt juõn jemen, emwij aõ tõbar mejenkajjik eo iar jab maroñ bõke ilo jukjuk im bed in - einwõt juõn regular pioneer, bõk kunaõ ilo jerbal in kwalok nan full - time ibben family eo aõ. THE men sitting in the upper room with Jesus came from a variety of backgrounds. EMAN ro rej jijõt iben Jisõs ilo bo eo rar armij ro me wãwen mour im jerbal ko air rar oktõk jen dron. Men in kejebel in ej jitõñlok ke ñan ekajet eo eliktata an sheep im goat ko me Jesus ear ba renaj kar walok ñe ear itok ilo aibujuij eo an? Hence, with deep love for his Father and for Adam's descendants, Jesus gave up his human life in sacrifice. Jijej en kar maroñ mour ñan indeeo kõnke ear juon armej eweeppãn ãinwõt kar Adam. [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] Through faith and with Jehovah's help, we too can "put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us. " Jej epaakel̦o̦k jem̦l̦o̦kin iãekwõj in ad, im ej ãinwõt ñe jemaroñ loe ijo aolep ri ettõr rej bõjrak ie. 3 Rar M̦õn̦õn̦õ in Em̦m̦akũt ñan Jipañ - Ilo Turkey [ Picture on page 9] [ Pija eo ilo peij 29] (b) Ke Asa ear emmakit ilo juõn wãwen ejjab meletlet, ta jibañ eo kar lelok ñan e, ak ewi wãwen an kar emmakit? We can clearly see that we have a work to do - sowing. Ilo alikar jej katak bwe ewõr ibbed juõn jerbal - jerbal in jeor. Ilo an kamelele kin nan eo rej ukõte "yokwe " ilo Sam 119, juõn dictionary kin Jeje ko ilo Hebrew ej ba:" Jeje ko ilo kajin Hebrew rej einlok wõt nan eo kin lõñliñ... im kalmenlokjen... He was 97 years of age. Kar 97 iiõ dettan ke ear mej. Mekarta, men eo elaptata ej ñan ainikien armij. Jonah served as a prophet to the northern kingdom of Israel in the days of King Jeroboam II, son of Jehoash. Jonah ear jerbal einwõt juõn ri kanan ilo ailiñ eo itueañ in Israel ilo ran ko an nejin Jehoash, King Jeroboam II. Inem, ewi mweo kwo maroñ kalek ñan iõ, inem, ewi jikin kakije eo? " [ Picture on page 5] [ Pija eo ilo peij 5] Men in emol enaj juõn "jerkakbiji emõnlok. " - Dri Hibru 11: 35. Do You Remember? Kwoj Kememej Ke? Iar mõñã ibben, im ear baj wõr wõt juõn men ikõtan ña im ladik eo nejiõ. " But that knowledge enriches our life even now. (Jon 17: 3) Ak meñe kiõ jelãlokjen in ej kaibujuij mour eo ad. 2: 12. Common answers: Uak ko ekkã an armij kwaloki: Ke oran ro rej karejar ñan Jehovah ej laplok wõt ibelakin lal, eindein bareinwõt aikwij eo ñan kalek Kingdom Hall ko im jikin ko jet rej kajerbali ñan kowõnmanlok kabuñ eo emol. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " Ro dri ailiñ re jamin kwotõke jãji nae ro dri ailiñ, im e naj mwij air katak tõrinae. " Elikin an kar baptais im jitlok iomin 40 ran, Setan ear kabo Jisõs. Nevertheless, we can imitate Jesus. (Matu 26: 41) Meñe em̦ool men in, ak jemaroñ anõk joñak eo an Jijej. Lal in ear obrak kin kowadoñ.... [ Credit Line] [ Etan eo Ej Kõmman] L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo ear wal̦o̦k im ta eo ear kõm̦m̦an bwe en jako l̦õmn̦ak eo an. This can happen in a spiritual sense too. Menin emaroñ walok ilo juõn wãwen eo ilo jitõb bareinwõt. Ewi wãwen an kar Israel bõk tokjen jen an kejbãrok ran in Sabbath? When Jehovah withdrew his holy spirit, Saul lost its protection and came to be dominated by his own bad spirit. Ke Jehovah ear bõk jitõb kwojarjar eo an jen e, Saul ear luji kejbãrok eo an im jitõb eo an enana ear iroij ion. Kiõ jen lale jet wanjoñok ko kin ewi wãwen jerbale katak ko ilo Bible emaroñ kalaplok mõnõnõ. The 5,888,650 who shared in the preaching work in 1998 are evidence that this crowd is truly "great. " (Reveles̃õn 21: 3 - 5) 5,888,650 ro rar bõk kunair ilo jerbal in kwalok nan ilo 1998 rej kein kamol bwe jar in ej mol an "lap. " Ejjel̦o̦k juon armej emaroñ kõm̦m̦ane men in. Faith replaced skepticism, and I felt much happier. Iar jino tõmaki men ko iar katak, im iar m̦õn̦õn̦õl̦o̦k. Kõrã in ear kõtlok bwe mijak emaan en kabõjrak e jen an bed ilo kwelok ko an Christian. magazine has helped millions to appreciate what creation reveals about our living God. Ium̦win elõñ iiõ ko, bok ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar jipañ elõñ milien armej ñan katak kõn menin kõm̦anm̦an ko im rej kwal̦o̦k kõn Anij. Bareinwõt, ajiri ro me rej kwalok joij im koutiej, im wãnik renaj bõktok lõñliñ im juburu ñõn jemeir im jineir. - Riit Jabõn Kennan Ko 23: 24, 25. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 JOHN 2: 17. UWAAK EO JÃN BAIBÕL̦: "Lal̦ ejakol̦o̦k im m̦õm̦ ko an; a eo ej kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij ej pãd wõt indeeo. " - 1 JON 2: 17. Bõtab, Jehovah ej lale bwe aolep aikwij ko air ren kabwe. Yes, after giving attention to God's works, Job said that these things were too wonderful for him. (Job 42: 2, 3) Aet, elikin an lale jerbal ko an Anij, Job ear ba bwe elap jen joñan an kabwilõñlõñ men kein ñan e. Ilo jet katak ko, kwomaroñ lo eon ko me rej kwalok kin "men in bwebwe. " These other sheep hope to live on earth forever, but in all other respects, they resemble the present - day remnant of Kingdom heirs. (Luk 12: 32) Sheep ro jet rein rej kejatdikdik ñan mour ion lal ñan indio, ak ilo aolep wãwen ko jet, rej einwõt bwen ri jolet ro kin Ailiñ eo ilo ran kein. Raan eo tok juon, juon jeid im jatid lel̦l̦ap etan ijin emaroñ kar lukkuun bũrom̦õj im bũrom̦õj. Suicidal thoughts often indicate the presence of a mood disorder, such as clinical depression. Enañin aolep iien, unin an armej ro l̦õmn̦ak in m̦an er make ej kõnke ewõr aer nañinmej in kõmãlij. Ilo yiõ ko jen ien eo, ri kabit ro rar kijejeto ilo air kwalok nan kin news eo emõn kin Ailiñ eo emwij an jutak ilañ. Previously, our publications stated that imitation Christians have been " weeping and gnashing their teeth ' for decades, bewailing that "the sons of the kingdom " expose them for what they are - " sons of the wicked one. " M̦okta bok ko ad rar kwal̦o̦k bwe em̦õj an ro im rej riab in Kũrjin jinoe aer "jañ im matõrtõr " im bwe men in ear jino wal̦o̦k ium̦win elõñ iiõ ko tok ñan rainin. 1 KAJJITÕK: Wõn Anij? Yes, they have been supported by the "great crowd " of" other sheep, " who have appeared on the scene during these last days. Aet, rej bõk jibañ jen "jar eo elap " in" sheep ro jet, " ro rej waloktok ijin ilo ran kein eliktata. Meñe ilo bukwon eo edik ilo Nazareth, armij ro rar konono kin John Ri Baptais im ennan eo an ekairujruj kin ukwelok. The lifting of mankind to the perfection that Adam lost was part of the hope of Israel. Kejatrikrik eo bwe armij ro ren bar bõk mour wãppen eo Adam ear luji kar mõtõn kejatrikrik eo dri Israel ro rar reimanlok ñõne. Elikin air bõk anjo ion worwor in, Satan im demon ro an naj likit ir ilo abyss eo bwe ren jab makitkit. Using "the desire of the flesh, " how did Satan try to entice Jesus, and why did this temptation not succeed? (1) Elemen an kar Setan kajjioñ kapoik Jijej kõn "m̦õm̦ an kanniõk "? (2) Etke Setan ear jab wiin? Ebar wõr juõn kamelele ejelok bere kin illu eo an Jehovah ibben Moses im Aaron. When John arrived at the address, the recipient's wife, who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, accepted the envelope. Ke John ear tõkeakl̦o̦k m̦weo im̦õn em̦m̦aan eo an lõta eo, kõrã eo pãleen em̦m̦aan eo me ear bar juon iaan Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, ear bõk lõta eo jãn John. Kin un eo emõn, maan dikdik eo ilo parable eo an Jesus ekkã naetan juõn nejin eo ejerwan, juõn nan eo ej kwalok kin juõn armij eo ejjab joij im ejelok an jelã kake. (b) What is Jehovah's great spiritual temple, and how is worship offered there? (2) Ta tampel̦ eo el̦ap an Jeova ilo kõkkar? Ewi wãween jej kabuñ ñan e ilo raan kein ilo tampel̦ in? Jon " To help the son of my Bible student appreciate what it was like to use a scroll in Bible times, we printed out the book of Isaiah after deleting the chapter and verse numbers. " Ñõn jibõñ ladrik eo nejin dri katak Baibel eo aõ melele kin ewi wãwen kar kajerbal juõn buk limlim ilo ien ko etto ilo Baibel, kimro kar printi buk in Aiseia im jolok japter im eon ko ie. Ilo air jibõñ s̃ip rein, rej aikwij jar im atartar ion Anij, tel eo an jitõb eo an, im kajerbal Nan eo an ilo kabel. - Ken. However, others in the congregation can and should provide practical assistance. 5: 4, 8) Mekarta, ro jet ilo congregation eo remaroñ im rej aikwij lelok jibõñ. Men kein remaroñ kitibuj jab abañ ko ilo school wõt ak bareinwõt wãwen ko jet. God is good in the absolute sense. Anij ej emõn otem emõn. Emol, kij aolep jej aikwiji money. But what else did he stress? Bõtab ear bar kwal̦o̦k ñan armej ro kõn bar juon men eaorõk. Jemaroñ kamol ñan ir bwe Jehovah ej lukkun kea kake ri karejar ro an me "ro etã burueir " ak" etã burueir. " " Earth and the Works in It Will Be Discovered " " Lõl Kab Men in Kõmõn ko ilo E Renaj Alikar " • Kain leen rot eo jej aikwij kalaplok ad jebar? □ What kind of illustrations are most effective? □ Kain wanjoñok rot ko rej bolemeir? Ta eo jej katak kake kin David jen Sam 70, im ta liki eo emaroñ wõr ibbed? He pretended to run away; the sheep pursued and surrounded him.... E ar jekben im einwõt ñe ear iten ko; sheep ko rar lukwarkware im kabole.... Jitõb eo an Anij ej kajur eo elaptata ijoko otemjej ilañ im ion lal. [ Blurb on page 12] [ Kamelele ilo peij 12] Ñõn jibõñ jabrewõt eo ekõnan bõk tokjen jen jerbal in kwalok nan eo an Dri Kennan ro an Jeova ibelakin lõl ikijen jet wãwen karõk ko ñõn jabawõt kaki, juõn brochure kar kõmõne ilo kajin Belle im Spanish. * Jehovah God intended that children eventually leave their parents. * (Jenesis 2: 24) Jeova ear karõk bwe ilo aer rũttol̦o̦k, ajri ro renaaj ilo̦k jãn jemãer im jineer. Ta mejenkajjik ko ilo jitõb ri keañ ro an Ailiñ eo remaroñ kõtõbraki? Jehovah's Witnesses firmly believe that the Bible "is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching. " Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej bin ilo tõmak in bwe Bible ej "kakõrmol in Anij ej bareinwõt or tokjeir kin katakin. " • Ewi wãwen elder ro remaroñ lor tel eo an Christ ilo jerbale maroñ eo air letok in Anij? 1, 2. 1, 2. Ñe ej wal̦o̦k men in, ekkã an bar wal̦o̦k. How did Jesus respond? Ewi wãwen an kar Jesus uak? Ta eo Jeova ej kõm̦m̦ane ñan jipañ kõj bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k ad mel̦el̦e kõn katak ko ilo Baibõl̦? Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart Liki Jehovah Kin Aolepen Buruõm Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamelele kin wãwen kabuñ eo ilo Philadelphia eo etto? Job humbly accepted that reminder, and his example can help us to do the same. Ilo ettã buru Job ear bõk nan in kakememej eo, im joñok eo an emaroñ jibañ kij bwe jen kõmman eindein. • Bõprae wãwen ko rej rupe kien Martínez), 9 / 15 Martínez), 9 / 15 Ilo ejja ien eo wõt, Noah ear lotak, kajutak juõn family, im ladik ro nejin rar kalek wa eo. How can a person's stomach, or belly, be a god? 3: 18, 19) Ewi wãwen lojen armij, emaroñ juõn anij? (b) Ta kajitõk ko remaroñ kamakit kij ñan etale wãwen eo jej bed ie kiõ ilo mour? In this loving confrontation, remember that you both are imperfect, sinful humans. Ilo menin yokwe in kwoj jelmaiki, kememej bwe komro jimor komij jab wãppen, armij jerawiwi. Kin men in, ukwelok ej kitibuj juõn oktak ilo lemnak eo an juõn armij, lemnak, ak karõk eo an, juõn kajekdon ial ko an mokta. Em̦m̦aan eo ekããl me ej loloorjake juon jerbal ilo iien kweilo̦k el̦ap ear ko̦o̦l̦e juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan bwe en kajjitõk el̦aññe emaroñ jerbal ippãn ilo iien kweilo̦k el̦ap eo. Elõñ rar kwalok juõn lemnak in kanniek, im konono ilo alikar kin men in letok ko Jehovah ear kõmmani ilo ene jemaden eo ilo ran ko an Moses. Despite that witness, Jesus was condemned and executed, dying an agonizing martyr's death on a torture stake. - Matthew 27: 24 - 26; Mark 15: 15; Luke 23: 24, 25; John 19: 13 - 16. Meñe ear kwalok juõn ennan emõn, ear ekajete Jesus bwe en mij, einwõt juõn eo emõnõnõ in mij ion alal in eñtan eo kin men ko ej tõmaki. - Matu 27: 24 - 26; Mark 15: 15; Luk 23: 24, 25; Jon 19: 13 - 16. Elõñ kain abañ ko jenaj iioni. Sophia studies with that in mind. (Jrb. 17: 2, 3) Eñin ej mejãnkajjik eo an Sophia ñe ej katak Baibõl̦ eo. Bõtab, ro jet rar jino tiljek ak rar jab bokake. For instance, it touches on rooming, meals, hygiene, dress and grooming, and similar matters. Ãinwõt ad kar etale m̦oktal̦o̦k, ewõr bwebwenato ko ilo Baibõl̦ me rej kwal̦o̦k kõn tokjãn ko rej wal̦o̦k jãn kõm̦m̦an ko ad. But when no such arrangements could in any way be worked out, they did not reason that their privileges in the ministry were more important than honoring their parents. Bõtab ke rar lo bwe rejjab maroñ jipañ er ilo wãween in, rein rar jab jekpen im ba bwe el̦apl̦o̦k an aorõk jerbal eo aer jãn aer lale im kautiej jemãer im jineer. Bareinwõt, jitõb eo an Jehovah ear kamakit armij ro emol burueir ñan jabawõt ilo joij. We also increase our joy as we reflect on our current blessings, imitate the faith of others, and seek to do God's will. Enaaj bar l̦apl̦o̦k ad lañlõñ el̦aññe jej l̦õmn̦ak kõn aolep men ko rem̦m̦an em̦õj an Jeova litok ñan kõj kiiõ, el̦aññe jej anõke tõmak eo an ro jet, im el̦aññe jej kate kõj ñan kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij. Jesus ear jab maroñ kemour ro renañinmij im ro remij wõt ak ear bareinwõt maroñ kajerkakbiji ro remij. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. [ Pija eo ilo peij 10] (Read Leviticus 5: 1.) (Riit Livitikõs 5: 1.) Men in bareinwõt emaroñ nebar Jehovah kinke ro rej lo kij ilo tiljek remaroñ jino kaibujuij Anij. For some years, he and his wife studied the Bible and despite obstacles eventually qualified as Kingdom publishers. Iumin elõñ yiõ ko, e im lio belen rar katak im meñe rar jelmae jet abañ ko eliktata rar maroñ jet iuan ri kwalok ro. • Ãt eo etan armij eo ej emmakit einwõt am kejbãrok ejmour eo am AGING Cubans have a novel way of promoting well - being: neighborhood networks, or círculos de abuelos (grandparents ' groups), as they call them. EWÕR juõn wãwen ejej uan ibben ritto ro ilo Cuba ñan kalaplok air mõnõnõ im ejmour eo air: kumi ko rej naetair jimma im bũbũ. Jej "dri jerbal iben Anij. " - 1 Dri Korint 3: 9. Anointed Christians reflect Jehovah's glory. Kũrjin ri kabit ro rej kwal̦o̦k kõn aiboojoj eo an Jeova. Meñe eindein, Samuel ear jab kõtlok bwe illu ak ellotan nae emaan eo enaj bõk jikin ñan an eddek okran ilo buruen. However, "the minding of the flesh means death " - spiritually now and physically in the near future. Paul ear ba bwe "l̦õmn̦ak an kanniõk mel̦el̦ein mej. " Emaroñ ko̦kkure kõtaan eo ad ippãn Anij im kõm̦m̦an bwe jen luuji mour eo ad. Aet, jerbal in kwalok nan kin news eo emõn ejjab juõn jerbal ñan armij ro wõt rej roñjake ak ej bareinwõt juõn jerbal in kabuñ ñan Jehovah Anij. Immoderate use of alcohol exposes one to many dangers - both physical and spiritual. Kajerbal den in kadõk ele jen joñan ej tellok ñan elõñ jorrãn ko - ilo enbwin im ilo jitõb jimor. Job ear kajitõk: "Elañe juõn armij e mij, e naj bar mour ke? " • In what ways do you appreciate the brothers and sisters in your congregation? • Ilo wãwen et ko kwoj kaorõke brother im sister ro ilo congregation eo am? Ej men ko ñan Jehovah, ekkar ñan Jesus. For example, Kingdom proclaimers from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, preached in the province of Kompong Cham twice a month. Ñan wanjoñok, ri keañ ro an Ailiñ eo ilo Phnom Penh, Cambodia, rar kwalok nan ilo bukwon eo Kompong Cham ruo alen ilo kajjojo alliñ. Bwe jolok bwir ej ibõm, bwe komin mijõk. " - Sam 103: 13; 130: 3, 4. Jet iien kwõmaroñ inepata im ebbeer ñe juon m̦õttam̦ ak juon iaan ro ilo baam̦le eo am̦ rej jiroñ waj eok juon men ekabbeerer. Ibwiljin men ko jet, kwomaroñ kalaplok am katak kin "news eo emõn kin Ailiñ in Anij, " ekoba ewi wãwen enaj jolok nana in kien. And are not elders who are humble and mild - tempered truly refreshing? (1 Piter 4: 8) Im elder ro rej ettã buru im inemõn ejjab mol ke bwe rej kaemololo? Kwalok wanjoñok eo an Jesus kin ri jeor eo ej jeor ine. MANY current readers of The Watchtower grew up without a knowledge of God's truth. ELÕÑ ro rej konono Imõniaroñroñ eo kiõ rar rittolok ilo an kar ejelok juõn air jelalokjen kin mol eo an Anij. Juõn Kiñ Ro 7: 26 ej ba: "Elõñ tausan armij ro rar kõnak nuknuk ko rekilep ilo lojet. " In The Land and the Book, W. Juõn dri jeje buk etan W. Kimro leo beleiõ 79 amro yiõ. " - C.A. Jesus then went on to show that he could do something they had not even imagined. Inem Jisõs ear kwalok bwe emaroñ kõmõn juõn men rar jab kõtõmene kake. Eñjake ko renana remaroñ to air bed, kabõjrak yuk jen am jibadõk ak kõmman bwe en bin am katak jen men eo kwoj iione. Historian Will Durant put it this way: "How could a simple sinner dare to take his prayer to so awful and distant a throne? " Juon ri kwal̦o̦k bwebwenatoun armej etan Will Durant ej ba: "Armej ro rar kanooj lõl̦ño̦ñ im mijak Anij im men in ear bõbraik er jãn aer jar ñan e. " 32: 27 - 29. We might be drawing attention to ourselves in inappropriate ways. (Rom 12: 16) Ak bõlen el̦ap ad kajjioñ kõm̦m̦an bwe ro jet ren kalimjek kõj ak kile im nõbar kõj. " Men in e relel ilo buruõ, bwe Wo ñõn iõ elañe I jab kwalok gospel! " - 1 DRI KORINT 9: 16. According to the Bible, that caused Adam's offspring to become enslaved to sin and death. Ekkar ñan Baibõl̦, men in ear kõm̦m̦an bwe kõj ro nejin Adam, jen rũkõm̦akoko ñan jerawiwi im mej. Ke rũttarin̦ae eo ear tõparl̦o̦k bukwõn in, ear "lo juon ainikien ej jijet im̦aan television eo. " However, he sensed a particular danger in that region. Bõtab, ear kile bwe ewõr juon men ekauwõtata me emaroñ wal̦o̦k ñan er ñe renaaj pãd ilo jikin in. Ilo yiõ in jerbal in kwalok nan eo 2010, Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rar kajerbal elõñlok jen 455 million ñan lale special pioneer ro, missionary ro, im traveling overseer ro ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo air. How have some expressed their confidence in the resurrection hope? Ewi wãwen an jet kwalok liki eo air ilo kejatdikdik in jerkakbiji eo? Ri Christian ro jinoin rar jab baj kwelok wõt ibben don iumin jidik wõt ien elikin men in bwilõñ eo ilo Pentecost 33 C.E. Remember that they concluded: "It is not right what we are doing. " Kememej ke rar ba: "Je jab kõmõn emõn. " 2: 1 - 5. How do those taking the lead in the congregation show that they submit to Christ's leadership? Ewi wãwen an ro rej tel ilo congregation eo kwalok bwe rej kõttãik ir ñan jerbal in tel eo an Christ? Alikar, juõn oktak ear walok. Draw Close to the Hearer of Prayer Ruwaakl̦o̦k ñan Eo Ej Roñjake Jar Ilo ran ko an David, "imõn Jeova " kar imõn kabbed eo. As Jehovah's united worshipers in the spiritual paradise, the anointed ones yet to take their place in the heavenly New Jerusalem and those of the "other sheep " are now experiencing God - given peace. Einwõt ri kabuñ ro reburukuk an Jehovah ilo paradise eo ilo jitõb, ri kabit ro rej bojak in bõk jikiir ilo Jerusalem eo Ekãl ilañ im ro ian "sheep ro jet " rej kiõ lo ainemõn e letok in Anij. Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? In other words, we were designed to do God's will. * - Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦. (b) Ewi wãwen an Bible eo kwalok kin juõn armij eo ewõr tõbrak ie? It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication. Ejjab em̦m̦an ñan ad kõnnaan ippãn rijum̦ae ro, bõlen ilo Internet ak ilo ad etal im bwebwenato ippãer, ak kõnnaan ippãer ilo bar wãween ko jet. Kwomaroñ bõk juõn uak ejoij jen office eo an, ak kwojjab maroñ konono ibben iroij eo make. The Talmud quotes one Rabbi as saying: "Whoever teaches his daughter Torah [the Law] teaches her obscenity. " Juon ri kaki in kabuñ an Ri Ju ear jeje ilo bok in kien ko an Ri Ju im ba: "Jabdewõt eo ej katakin lio nejin kien ko, ej katakin e naan ko renana. " Ta eo renaaj kõm̦m̦ane ñe iju ko renaaj ko̦kkure er? Thus, your experiences over the years are also precious to you. (1 Kor. 10: 13) Kin men in, men ko kwar iioni iumin elõñ yiõ ko raorõk bareinwõt ñan yuk. Ilo keidi, yokwe enaj kamakit kij ñan bõprae jabdewõt kalijeklok eo ej bedbed ion jelãlokjen, kil, ak utiej eo an armij. This is especially true when householders initially respond to the Kingdom message with apathy or rudeness. Men in elap an mol ñe ri mweo ilo jinoin ej kwalok an lej ak ejjab itoklimo in roñjake ennan eo an Ailiñ eo. Ear ba: "I naj katakin ro dri bwir ial ko Am, bwe ro dri jerawiwi ren bar jeblak ñõn kom. " - Sam 51: 13. Our heavenly Father is "vigorous in power " and can easily invigorate us. Jemed ilañ elap an "kajur " im emaroñ bidodo an kakajur kij. Ro ewõr "kajur ko ilo jitõb " remaroñ jibañ kij inek juõn eddo, einwõt juõn abañ ak elap tokjen jen ad jab jelã kake. Are you taking refuge in Jehovah? Innem, kwõj kõtl̦o̦k ke bwe Jeova en am̦ jikin kone? Bukõt Tel eo an Anij ilo Men Otemjej PAGE 12 SONGS TO BE USED: 48, 136 PAGE 12 AL KO: 23, 57 Men eo elaptata ear walok jen 1950 ej makitkit ko an armij. " - American Watch Tower Society, ilo 2012. God even communicated with Cain before jealous anger drove Cain to commit murder. Anij ear konono ibben Cain mokta jen an illu im ebanban kamakit e ñan an urõte jatin. Ta jet ian wanjoñok ko kin ewi wãwen lemnak ko rejjab kwojarjar remaroñ tellok ñan kõmman ko rejjab kwojarjar? He accepted the "corresponding ransom " and was willing to apply it in behalf of his human servants. Ikijjeen men in katok in, Jeova ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jol̦o̦k an armej ro doon bõd meñe er ri jerawiwi. King eo emeletlet Solomon ear konono kin 28 men ko reoktak jen don, im kajjojo iair ewõr "ien ekar. " Both are now responsible family heads and serve as zealous Kingdom proclaimers. Erro jimor rej tel family ko air ilo jimwe kiõ im jerbal einwõt ri keañ ro rekijejeto an Ailiñ eo. Juõn men einlok wõt in enaj walok ilo ran kein ad. (Read Nehemiah 13: 10.) (Riit Nihimaia 13: 10, UBS.) □ Ta eo ej walok ñan aan eo ilo mij? If we stand firm, however, Jehovah will deliver us. Bõtab, elañe jej jutak bin, Jehovah enaj lomoren kij. Ear ba: "Juon kein kauwe edik ej kõm̦m̦an bwe aolepen bal̦uun eo en m̦õl̦ol̦o̦k. " (See opening picture.) (Lale pija eo ilo jinoin katak in.) Yokwe Wãnik Kin Aolepen Buruõm 7 / 1 What Should Children Learn? 8 / 1 Bareinwõt, jej bukõt ien ko remõn ñan kwalok kautiej ñan aolep, ekoba ro ettã burueir. 4: 8. 4: 8. Elaplok air kar aikwiji jen juõn mij, meñe mij eo an armij eo ewãppen Jesus. Accepting Jesus as the Messiah opened up for his early disciples the possibility of ruling with him in God's heavenly Kingdom. Ke dri kalor ro jinoin an Jisõs rar tõmak bwe E ej Messaia eo, ear bellok ñõn ir maroñ eo ñõn air iroij iben ilo Ailiñ in Anij ilõñ. Gabriel ear ba: "Jehovah Anij enaj lelok ñan e throne eo an David jemen, im enaj iroij einwõt king ion mweo imõn Jacob ñan indio, im enaj ejelok jemlokin ailiñ eo an. " You can draw his attention to various scriptures and to the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave. " Kwomaroñ kareilok e ñan jet eon ko ilo Bible im ñan book ko me "dri korijer e tiljek im meletlet " ej litoki. Bõk Tokjen Jen Iroij eo an Jehovah A Special Gift From Jehovah Juõn Menin Letok Ejejuan jen Jeova Jen lale ewi wãwen Bible eo ej kamelele kin unin mij eo an Jesus im aorõkin. Following Paul's counsel will also help us to put God's Kingdom first, confident that our basic necessities will be supplied. - Matt. Enaaj bareinwõt jipañ kõj bwe el̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦an ad peejnej ippãn ro jet, jej aikuj jerbal ilo jim̦we im m̦ool. (JK. L̦ÕMN̦AK EO AM̦ Only some individuals among the captive Israelites would realize how good things had been when their forefathers had served Jehovah. Jet wõt armij ro me rar bed ibwiljin Ri Israel ro rar bed ilo kamakoko rar kile men ko remõn rar bõki ke ro jimmair rar karejar ñan Jehovah. Jej kejatdikdik bwe ri katak Bible ro rej kõmman jokãlet eo ejimwe, ak kajjojo armij ej aikwij "lelok nan kin e mõke ñõn Anij. " - Rom. How does Jehovah protect those who love and obey him? Ewi wãween an Jeova kõjparok ro rej yokwe im pokake e? Ta Unin Am̦ Mour? Why, Pharisees refused even to eat with those whom they considered to be sinners! (Jerbal 22: 14, 15; 26: 16 - 18) Emenin bwilõñ kinke Ri Pharisee ro rar jab mõñã ibben ro rar watõk ir ri jerawiwi! (Riit Jerbal 12: 1 - 6.) Other Scriptural responsibilities may reduce the amount of time that we can set aside for the preaching work. Erro ko jet ar me rej ekkar ñõn Baibel eo remaroñ kadriklok ien ko jej kajerbali ñõn kwalok nan. Ñe jej riit kõn wãween an kar Jeova pãd ippãer im wãween an kar Jeova jipañ er, men in ej kõm̦m̦an bwe jen kile bwe el̦apl̦o̦k an Jeova kea im yokwe rũkarejar ro an. - Riit Jabõn Kõnnaan 3: 11, 12. El̦aññe ejjel̦o̦k pãleem̦ im nejõm̦ kwõj ke l̦oor karõk in ñan katak Baibõl̦ ippam̦ make? Ewi wãween an Jeova jipañ im kaenõm̦m̦an ro rej bũrom̦õj im ettã bũrueer? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. jeje in Dri Kennan ro an Jeova. Ilo wãwen in, kwoj kõmman bwe jerbal ko am ren ekkar. Though his aspirations were addressed to an audience in the United States, the essence of his dream has been embraced by people in many nations. Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba bwe mejãnkajjik eo an ej bwe juon raan enaaj ejjel̦o̦k kalijekl̦o̦k im bwe aolep armej ro renaaj aenõm̦m̦an ilo doon. David ej letok un eo kein karuo unin an liki: Jehovah ej kejbãrok sheep ro an. Press On to Maturity - "The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near " Kalaplok Ar Jela kin Katak ko Remũlõl an Anij kinke " Ran eo Elab an Jeova Ebak ' Elikin an kar kãlet King eo an, Jesus Christ, jolok kowadoñ, ijjibed, im nana ion lal, armij ro rekiblie renaj bõk jerammõn kin ainemõn im jerammõn indio. 16, 17. 16, 17. Ilo wãwen et ko Jehovah ear kamol an juõn "jikin jokwe " ñan Jacob, im ta eo jemaroñ katak jen menin? Doing this can help to make the field ministry of the entire family more fruitful. Menin enaj kõmman bwe jerbal in kwalok nan eo an aolepen family eo en wõr tõbrak. Ñe Jimjera ko Rej Aikwij Jemlok In that way, you can join a long line of faithful servants of God. L̦õmn̦ak kõn menin jolõt in am̦ im kate eok ñan karejar wõt ñan Jeova. • Ta jeraam̦m̦an eo Jeova ear letok ñan kõj? How would you have reacted? Ilo eklejia eo ej pãd ie, elõñ jet iaan ro jein im jatin rej jãn jikin ko jet ilo Latin Amedka. Jesus ear jino bwebwenato eo an ibben ion bedbed in, im ejjabto tokelik ear oktak im juõn bwebwenato ekairujruj kin men ko lor jitõb. The apostle Peter said: "I shall be disposed always to remind you of these things, although you know them and are firmly set in the truth that is present in you. " Ri jilek Peter ear ba: "I naj pojõk in kakememej kom kin men kein, meñe kom jela kajeir, im bin wõt ilo mol eo ej ber ibemi. " (2 Pit. [ Pija eo ilo peij 15] Often, this anger leads to hatred and outright violence. 28: 34, UBS) Ekkã an illu tel armij ro ñõn air kijirãte dron im kwalok air lej. Dri Korijer eo Jeova Ej Lõñliñ Kake How can I apply this information in my life? Ewi wãween aõ maroñ l̦oore men in ilo mour e aõ? Ij kejatdikdik bwe kwonaj bõk kejbãrok. In his Sermon on the Mount, he declared: "You heard that it was said: " You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' Ear kõmel̦el̦e im ba: "Kom̦ar roñ bwe ar ba, " Kwõn yokwe rũturum̦, im kũtõtõkake rũkõjdate eok. ' Christian overseer rein rar aikwij wõnmanlok im bõk tel jen jitõb kwojarjar ke rar kajejjet eddo ko air einwõt shepherd ro an bwij eo an Anij. This privilege was extended to Joshua. Ear lelok jerammõn in ñan Joshua. Eindein, nañinmij ko, lanwõtwõt ko, im mij remaroñ walok jen air jerwane ir. God said to Adam: "Because you listened to your wife's voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, " You must not eat from it, ' cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. Anij ear ba ñan Adam: "Kin am eoroñ ainiken lio beleõm, im mõña jen wijki eo I ar jiroñ yuk, im ba, Kwon jab mõña jen e: e lia ene kin kwe; kwo naj mõña jen e kin buromõj ran ko otemjej in am mour: e naj kadrek kãliklik ko im mãr kuj ñõn yuk. " [ Pija eo ilo peij 5] 2: 4; 2 Cor. 7: 1; Gal. Ak ãlikin aer katak m̦ool eo jãn Baibõl̦, enañin aoleper rar kããlõt ñan ukot jerbal ko aer im rar maroñ in peptaij. - Aiseia 2: 4; 2 Korint 7: 1; Galetia 5: 14. Michael ear kõm̦m̦ane men in kõnke ear jab kõn̦aan kõm̦m̦ane men in. Jesus also said: "Guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " - Luke 12: 15. (Matthew 5: 3, NW) Bareinwõt Jesus ear ba: "Komin lale, im kejbarok kom jen jabrewõt arõk mweiuk; bwe an armij mour e jab kin an lõñ men ko an. " - Luke 12: 15. Nana in jab mol ear laplok im lap an jededlok im elap an kauwatata ñan kokkure jukjuk im bed in. For more information on the leaf - cutting ant, see the Awake! issues of March 22, 1997, page 31, and May 22, 2002, page 31. For more information on the rock badger, see the Awake! 7: 12) Aet, kij kajuju, jenaj lo mol in nan ko ilo Jabõn Kennan 3: 13, 18, eo ej ba: "E mõnõnõ armij eo ej lo meletlet, im armij eo ej amen jelalokjen. Aujid eo an ilo Jitõb Names in Assyrian and Babylonian Records Ãt ko ilo Jeje in Etto ko an dri Assiria im dri Babilõn Ejjel̦o̦k jorrããn enaaj wal̦o̦k ñan kõj im enaaj wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo ad kõm̦m̦ane men in. Christians are encouraged to think in terms of Scriptural principles in order to determine whether their living arrangements are acceptable to God or not. Bõtab, rolul eo an Anij ej rejañ dri Kristian ro kajjojo ñõn air kajerbal nan in rejañ ko ilo Baibel ñõn air lale elañe armij ro rej jokwe ibeir im ijo rej jokwe ie emõn iman mejen Anij. Ej kakememej Christian ri kabit ro bwe elõñ uan enbwin eo eoktak jerbal ko air im bwe, "elõñ enbwin ilo Kraist. " As an integrity keeper, what conduct did Job avoid? Einwõt juõn eo ear mour ilo jime im wãnik, ta eo Job ear bõpraik e jen an kõmõne? Ilo keidi, oktak eo ilo ukok in Bible eo ilo ran kein ej ñan jolok ãt eo ekwojarjar, im kwalok juõn title einwõt "Iroij " ak ãt eo etan juõn anij ilo bukwon eo. It may also open opportunities for them to expand their ministry. Im ebar wõr men ko jet men in enaaj jipañ er kake. Men in ear lap an aurõk ñõn iõ kinke Anij im jet ian ran in kwojkwoj ko jet rar ien ko ñõn mõnit ko an kabuñ eo an jinõ im jema. " [ Pictures on page 29] [ Pija ko ilo peij 15] Eñin unin ej rejañ yuk: "Kwon bareinwõt kememej Eo Dri Kõmõnmõn yuk ilo ran ko ñe emõn ridtõm, mokta jen an ran ko re nana itok, ak yiõ ko re naj itok ñe kwo naj ba, I jab mõnõnõ kake. " - Ekklisiastis 12: 1. What are some specific evidences of Jehovah's vast wisdom? Ta jet ian men in kamol ko kin meletlet eo elap an Jehovah? [ Bo̦o̦k eo ilo peij 5] There was a direct link between their faith and their patience. Aer kijenmej ear ekkejell̦o̦k ippãn tõmak ko aer. Kajitõk ibben ro jet kin ewi wãwen rar bõk tokjen jen air erom armij ro an Jehovah That will take courage. Ej aikwij beran ñan kõmmane men in. Jidik kin jidik, men ko rar jino oktak. " What a wonderful privilege it is to share in this global preaching and teaching work! Juõn jerammõn emõn ñan bõk kunad ilo jerbal in kwalok nan im katakin in ibelakin lal! Kin men in, emaroñ kar jelã bwe belele ikõtan kõrã ro im jitõb ro rar jab aorõk im bwid jimor. What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Ta melelen ñõn am baptais ilo etan jitõb kwojarjar? Aet, Jehovah elukkun jelã bwe ej einwõt an kar etale wãwen otemjej im aolep jabõn bed eo ad. He said: "Watch out for yourself that you may not forget Jehovah your God so as not to keep his commandments and his judicial decisions and his statutes that I am commanding you today; for fear that you may eat and indeed satisfy yourself, and you may build good houses and indeed dwell in them, and your herd and your flock may increase, and silver and gold may increase for you, and all that is yours may increase; and your heart may indeed be lifted up and you may indeed forget Jehovah your God. " - Deuteronomy 8: 11 - 14. Ear ba: "Lale kwar meloklok Jeova am Anij, im kwo jab bokake kien ko an, im ekajet ko An, ij jiroñ yuk kake ranin: ñe ab mwijin am mõña im mãt, im kwar kalek moko remõn, im jokwe iloir; im kiru ko im bwij ko am rej orlok, im elõñlok am silver im gold, im e orlok men otemjej ibõm; inem buruõm e utiejlok, im kwoj meloklok Jeova am Anij, Eo e ar ãñintok yuk jen enen Ijipt, jen imõn kamakoko. " - Duteronomi 8: 11 - 14. 4: 13. That question made me think and motivated me to keep working at being peaceable. Kajjitõk in ear kõm̦m̦an aõ l̦õmn̦ak im ear jipañ eõ bwe in kate ña ñan katak kilen aenõm̦m̦an ippãn ro jet. Bõtab, jet ien, ro mõttan rar jab jerbal ilo meletlet. Should Alex be afraid of losing his friend? Alex ej aikwij ke mijak ñe ejako airro mõttaik dron? Bible eo ear ellã im mour meñe ear jelmae jumae. Do you remember when you last looked into the sky on a clear night and found yourself encompassed by thousands of stars? Iaolepen lañ eobrak kõn meram in iju ko im ilo lal̦ kõn meram in l̦ait ko. Kwomaroñ bwebwenato kin ta melelen men kein, bõlen kajerbal juõn report ilo Bible kin jerkakbiji eo ñan kõmman eindein. In fact, they may grudgingly acknowledge it when they travel to another land and find that Jehovah's Witnesses there are doing the very same work as that observed in their homeland. Ilo mol, remaroñ ebbanban ilo air kamole ñe rej iuwelok ñan bar juõn ailiñ im lo bwe Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah rej kõmman ejja kain jerbal eo wõt rar loe ilo eneo eneir. Em̦õj ukot ãt eo etan armej in. Experts in child care and abuse prevention recommend that all parents have similar talks with their children. Ro me rej ekkatak kõn wãween lale im kõjparok ajri ro jãn jorrããn rej ba bwe aolep ro ewõr nejier rej aikuj bwebwenato kõn men kein ippãn ro nejier. Kin men in ran ko an renaj joñan wõt jibuki yiõ ko. " Yiõ kein 120 rar kõtlok an Noah tiljek ñan an keotak juõn family im family - ke ear kejelãik ir kin kien eo an Anij - ñan kalek juõn wa im kakkõl armij ro ilo ran ko an renaj itok. 1, 2. 1, 2. Emol, enañin aolep ri kaki in kabuñ ko ilo ran kein rejjab tõmak ilo hell einwõt juõn jikin iñtan, wãwen air kar katakin kake ilo ebeben ko 500. Though most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem, for those who do, no words of comfort can completely remove their grief. Meñe ejjab aolep Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ewõr abañ in ibbeir ilo an ajiri eo nejiir ilok jen mol eo, ak ro ewõr abañ in ibbeir, ejelok nan in kainemõn emaroñ jolok aolepen buromõj eo air. Kajjitõk ko Baibõl̦ Ej Uwaaki 32 The day of Jesus ' death is the day to remember for yet another reason. Ran in mij eo an Jesus ej ran eo jej aikwij kememej kin bar juõn un. (Riit Revelesõn 13: 1, 2.) Above all, remember that God has granted you the inestimable privilege of declaring the good news as one of his Witnesses. Men eo eaorõktata in ej bwe kwõn keememej bwe Jeova Anij ear lewaj ñan kwe jeraam̦m̦an in ñan kwal̦o̦k naan kõn ennaan eo em̦m̦an kõnke kwõj juon iaan Ri Kõnnaan ro an. Im ta eo ekoba ilo kamol kij make? Jehovah's Witnesses are being falsely accused, even as the first - century Christians were. Armij ro rej kananaik Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, einwõt Ri Christian ro ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn. Kiiõ, kwõnaaj ke kwal̦o̦k am̦ kam̦m̦oolol kõn jeraam̦m̦an ko kwaar bũki? As a father, I have reached a goal that seemed impossible in this system - that of being a regular pioneer, sharing in the full - time ministry along with my family. Einwõt juõn jemen, iar maroñ bõk jerbal in pioneer iben baamle eo aõ, juõn mejenkajik me ebin ñõn tõbare ilo jukjuk im ber in. Nan eo ej ikijen wõn eo men otemjej rar walok. Does this separating refer to the final judgment of the sheep and the goats that Jesus said would occur when he arrived in his glory? Jerbal in kejebel in ej jitõñlok ke ñan ekajet eo eliktata an sheep im goat ko me Jesus ear ba bwe enaj walok ñe enaj itok ilo an aibujuij? Enaj wõr ro renaj lo aibujuij eo an Jehovah, aibujuij eo an Anij eo ad. " [ Picture on page 18] [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] KE ear jutak congregation eo an Christian ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn C.E., juõn ian kadkad ko kadkadin remõn - meñe einjuõn jen ro uan - kar burukuk eo an. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Turkey 3 Rar M̦õn̦õn̦õ In Em̦m̦akũt ñan Jipañ - Ilo Turkey Jab mol ej melelen mour indio. (b) When Asa acted unwisely, what help was given him, but how did he react? (b) Ke Asa ear emmakit ilo jab meletlet, ta jibañ eo ear bõke, ak kar ewi lemnak eo an? Ej kowõnmanlok "mõm an kõniek, mõm an mej ko, im wuj wan an mour in. " Explaining the word translated "show a fondness " in Psalm 119, one dictionary on the Hebrew Scriptures states:" The usage in v. Ps 119: 16 parallels the [verbs] for rejoicing... and for meditation... Ilo an kamelele kin nan eo rar ukõte "mõnõnõkake " ilo Sam 119, juõn dictionary kin Jeje ko ilo Hebrew ej ba:" Wãwen an kajerbale ilo v. 16 ej einlok wõt [verb ko] kin lañliñ... im kin kalmenlokjen... Melejoñ rot kein rejjab ellã jen maroñ eo ad - elañe jej atartar ion Anij. Wãween kein renana im renaaj wal̦o̦k ñan e rar lukkuun kõm̦m̦an bwe en inepata. Ñe ej itok ñan menin kamõnõnõ ko im men in kamõnõnõ ko, ekkã an armij ro kwalok lemnak ko ejelok bedbed ie. Nevertheless, the primary appeal is to the human voice. Mekarta, kareelel eo moktata ej ñan ainikien armij. Inem ejjab bwe enañin aolep Ri Jew ro rar lukkun jelã kin ejelok jabdewõt men. Em̦õj an juon de iiõ in aõ jikuul̦, im ilo tõre in ej kab jinoe bar juon iiõ ekããl. Ta kien eo kein kajoñoul ear kemo, im etke? Where, then, is the house that you people can build for me, and where, then, is the place as a resting - place for me? " Innem em rot eo kom naj maroñ kaleke ñõn iõ, ak jikin rot eo kom naj kõmmõne bwe in jokwe ie? " (Ais. " Kõmij bõk kun̦aam ilo jerbalin kwal̦o̦k naan. " That will indeed be "a better resurrection. " - Hebrews 11: 35. Men in emol an naj "jerkakbiji eo emõnlok. " - Dri Hibru 11: 35. Im ear kõmman jet men ko remõn ñan tokjen eo an ailiñ eo an Jehovah. I have lunch with him, and it has just been something between mum and son. " Kimro ej etal im mõña iben dron, im kajjojo yiõ kimro ej kõmõne men in iben dron. " 8, 9. (a) Ta eo emaroñ kalikar bwe jej debij wõt kalijeklok ak utiej buru? 2: 12. 2: 12, NW. Ta men ko ruo rar wal̦o̦k ilo tieta eo kõn men ko ilañ im ioon lal̦? As the number of those who serve Jehovah increases worldwide, so does the need for constructing Kingdom Halls and other facilities that are used to promote true worship. Ke ej laplok oran armij ro rej korijer ñõn Jeova ibelakin lõl, men in ej kõmõn an laplok aikwij eo ñõn kalek Imõn Kwelok ko im jikin ko jet ñõn kowõnmanlok kabuñ eo emol. Tokjen men in, Nejin eo ej bokake ear oktak im einwõt Jemen - joñan an lap an Bible eo jitõñlok ñan e einwõt "ial an Anij eo je ban lo E. " After being baptized and fasting for 40 days, Jesus was tempted by Satan. Elikin an baptais im jitlok iumin 40 ran ko. Satan ear kajeoñ in kabo Japan. • Ewi joñan kajurin Nan eo an Jehovah emwij je? The earth became filled with violence.... Im lõl e obrõk kin koaroñ.... Ewor ke men ko elaplok tokjeir jen mweiuk ko? It has a fixed dial marked with the four primary directions and a magnetic needle that points reliably northward. Without his compass, this hiker would be hopelessly lost. Elañe en kar jab or an armij in teeñki, eban kar maroñ rome ial eo an im kejbãrok jen an buñ im jorran. Ia eo Adam ear bed ie mokta jen an kar Jehovah kõmanman e jen bũñalñal? How did Israel benefit from keeping the Sabbath? Ewi wãwen an kar dri Israel ro bõk tokjen jen air kejbãrok ran in Sabat? Jab Kõtl̦o̦k bwe Men ko Rej Wal̦o̦k ñan Ro Jet Ren Kõm̦m̦an Am̦ M̦õn̦õn̦õ, Juun Let us now look at a few examples of how the application of Bible teachings can make for greater happiness. Jehovah Anij ejelã kin kilen ejaake kij im ta eo enaj kõmman bwe en mol ad mõnõnõ. Ta karõk eo temple eo an Anij etto ear jerbal ñane? No human can accomplish that. Ejelok armij remaroñ kõtõbrõk men kein. Kwõmaroñ loe pija in ilo am̦ etal ñan weep jait eo jw.org, im etal ñan ijo ej pãd ie. That woman had allowed fear of man to prevent her from attending Christian meetings. Ak kin an dri katak in mijõk armij, men in ear kabwer e jen an ber ilo kwelok ko. I ar kile bwe ij aikwij mol ilo buruõ ak ilo ejja ien eo wõt emõn ilo nan ko aõ. " Moreover, children who are courteous, mannerly, and upright will bring their parents joy and satisfaction. - Read Proverbs 23: 24, 25. Bareinwõt, ajiri ro me rej kwalok joij im koutiej, im emõn mwiliir renaj bõktok lõñliñ im juburu ñõn jemeir im jineir. - Riit Jabõn Kennan Ko 23: 24, 25. (a) Ewi wãwen an kar Jehovah karõk bwe Nejin en lotak einwõt juõn armij ewãppen? However, Jehovah sees to it that all their needs are satisfied. (Sam 104: 14) Bõtab, Jehovah ej bõk eddo eo ñan kabwe aolep aikwij ko air. Jej aikwij keini ad katak im jerbale Nan in Anij ilo mour eo ad bwe lemnak eo ad - en ekkar ñan lemnak eo an. In some articles, you may find scriptures marked "compare. " Ilo katak ko jet, kwonaj lo jet eon ko emwij kakõlleiki me rej ba "keidi. " Elaptata an aorõk men in kiõ, kinke King eo Jesus Christ ej bed, im ran in ekajet eo an e einwõt Ri Ekajet eo Anij ear kãlete ej ebak. - Matu 24: 3; 25: 31, 32. Jejjab l̦õmn̦ak bwe eaorõk jerbal ko jej kõm̦m̦ani ñane kõnke ro jet rej nõbar kõj. Ãinwõt ad kar etale ilo katak eo l̦o̦k, Jeova ej lel̦o̦k kajoor eo an ñan er, leen ko rem̦m̦an rej jipañ er ñan lale im kõjparok jiip ko. The next day at roll call, a Dutch sister must have noticed my sadness. Ilo ien ikkir eo ran eo tok juõn, juõn sister jen Netherlands ear kile aõ buromõj im ear ba: "Enaj emmõn, jab inebata. Etke jej aikwij kate kij bwe jen bolemen ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad? In the years since then, the anointed have zealously preached the good news of the established heavenly Kingdom. (Reveles̃õn 11: 3 - 11) Jen yiõ ko liñtak, ri kabit ro rar kwalok nan ilo kijejeto kin news eo emõn kin Ailiñ eo emwij an jutak ilañ. 10: 24. 1 QUESTION: Who is God? 1 KAJJITÕK: Wõn Anij? (b) Etke ri karejar ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein rej oktak jen don? Even in the little town of Nazareth, people were talking about John the Baptist and his stirring message of repentance. Armej ro ilo Nazeret rej kõnnaan kõn Jon Ripeptaij im kõn an kwal̦o̦k naan ñan armej ro bwe ren ukel̦o̦k im peptaij. 8, 9. Following that stupendous accomplishment, Satan and his demons will be confined to an abyss of inactivity. Elikin wõt ien in elap im ekabwilõñlõñ an Jehovah, naj jolok Satan im demon ro an ilo abyss eo im rejamin makitkit. Kwõnaaj ke bõk jeraam̦m̦an in? There is another plausible explanation for Jehovah's anger with Moses as well as Aaron. Emaroñ bar wõr unin an kar Jeova lukkuun illu ippãn Moses im Aron. Alikar, Jesus ekõnan bwe ri kalor ro an ren kwalok ettã buru, einwõt ba, ettã buru im anemkwoj jen utiej buru im utiej buru. With good reason, the young man in Jesus ' parable is often called a prodigal, a word that describes a person who is recklessly extravagant and wasteful. Kin un eo emõn, leo edik ilo parable eo an Jesus ekkã naetan nejin eo ejerwan, juõn nan eo ej kalikar juõn armij eo elap an jerwan. Ear jumae ri karejar eo an Anij Moses, emaan eo ettã buruen ion lal. John Jon Matu 6: 9, 10 im Daniel 2: 44 rej jitõñlok ñan ir. Helping such sheep calls for prayerful reliance on God, the guidance of his spirit, and skillful use of his Word. - Prov. 5: 16 - 21, 25) Ñõn jibõñ s̃ip rein jej aikwij atartar ion Anij, bõk tel jen jitõb eo an, im kajerbal Nan eo an ilo kabel. - Ken. Ebidodo ad konono nan kein im bõk jemlok in bwe rej baj pijaiki wõt juõn pija in ainemõn - juõn wijki ej eddek iturin juõn river. These may involve not only problems at school but also other situations. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 27: 12) Men kein remaroñ kitibuj jab abañ ko wõt ilo school ak bareinwõt wãwen ko jet. Maan im kõrã ro jimor rej eñjake bwe juõn men ejako jen mour ko air ak rejjab maroñ kamelele kin ta in. " We all need money, of course. Em̦ool bwe kõj aolep jaikuj jããn. Kin men in, kwojamin kõtlok bwe kõnan eo am make en kautameik yuk jen am kabuñ ñan Anij kin aolepen buruõm. We can reassure them that Jehovah deeply cares for his servants who are "brokenhearted " or" crushed in spirit. " (Jon 6: 65, UBS) Bareinwõt, jemaroñ kakeememej er bwe el̦ap an Jeova kea kõn rũkarejar ro an me "rej ebbeer " ak" ejako aer kõjatdikdik. " Bareinwõt lokbook ko jen ien ko etto ekkã air idaptõk ibben don. • What kind of fruitage do we need to bear more abundantly? • Kain leen rot ko jej aikwij korlok? 2: 21 - 24. Meñe ãindein, ak ear tiljek im pokake wõt. (2) Ta eo Jijej ear rõjañ rũkal̦oor ro an bwe ren kõm̦m̦ane? What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? Ta eo jej katak kin David ilo Sam 70 im ta eo jemaroñ liki? Juõn wãwen, armij ro ewõr air maroñ rejjab wãppen. God's spirit is the most powerful force in the universe. Jitõbõn Anij ej kajur eo elaptata ijoko otemjej ilañ im ion lal. Kin menin I ar bõktok e iman yuk, im elaptata mokta jen kwe, King Agrippa, bwe, elikin etale ekajet eo, I maroñ bõk juõn men ñan jeje kake. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable planning, a brochure has been prepared in English and Spanish entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide. Ñõn jibõñ jabrewõt eo ej kõnan kajerbal wãwen kein ñõn jabawõt kinke ekõnan jibõñ jerbal eo an Dri Kennan ro an Jeova ej walok ibelakin lõl, emaroñ lale brochure eo emwij kõmõne ilo kajin English im Spanish ak ejelok ilo kajin Majõl, title in ej "Wãwen Ko Jet Jemaroñ Jabawõt ñõn Jibõñ Jerbal in Kwalok Nan " (Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service). " Eo ej maroñ in bõke en bõke. " - MATU 19: 12. What spiritual goals might be attainable by Kingdom proclaimers? Ta mejãnkajjik ko jet jemaroñ kõm̦m̦ani ilo ad jerbal ñan Jeova? Ak ewi wãwen an kar Anij kwalok joij in? • How can elders follow Christ's lead in exercising their God - given authority? • Ewi wãwen elder ro remaroñ lor tel eo an Christ ñe rej jerbale maroñ eo Anij ear lelok ñan ir? L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn men in: Men ko kwõj aikuji rej wal̦o̦k m̦okta jãn am̦ kõjerbali, im kein jerbal kein rej jipañ eok. Syphilis commonly attacks the liver, as does hepatitis. Syphilis ekkã an kokkure aj, einwõt hepatitis. Bareinwõt, ear wãppen, im ear jab jerawiwi ilo aolepen mour eo an einwõt juõn armij. Bõtab, jet iien remaroñ jako jãn kweilo̦k ak kwal̦o̦k naan kõnke ewõr jerbal ko rej aikuj kadedel̦o̦ki ilo Betel̦. Jet ian rein kar likit ir ilo juõn jikin gold iloan tebteb in bujen eo im kin menin rar tilekek ilo imõn kabbed eo Ekwojarjar Otem Kwojarjar, ijo juõn meram ekabwilõñlõñ ear kõkkar kin bed eo an Jehovah. How does Jehovah refine what we are on the inside? Ewi wãwen an Jehovah melejoñe armij eo iloa? Bõtab, ri kalor ro ilo Lystra rar etal ñan ibben Paul, ibelakin. How would you describe the religious situation in ancient Philadelphia? Ewi wãwen am naj kar kamelele kin wãwen kabuñ eo ilo Philadelphia eo? Elañe juõn Ri Christian ej lor kain ial rot in, emol ke an kõnan bwe Jehovah en jelã kake? • Avoid compromising situations • Jatõr ej jino jen ia? Jej aikwij bõk menin ñan buruõd, bwe "ejelok men in kõmõn e jab alikar ñõn mejen, a men otemjej re kelwan im bellok iman mejen Eo ej bebek kij. " Meanwhile, Noah was born, raised a family, and with his sons built the ark. Ilo kõtaan iiõ ko ãlikin an kar mej Inok im itok Ibwijleplep eo, ear l̦otak Noa. Ear wõr ke unin air kejatdikdik ilo jeblak eo an? (b) What questions can move us to analyze our present situation in life? (1) Ta ko jej aikuj l̦õmn̦ak wõt kaki kiiõ? King eo ear katak ke jen bwebwenato in? Thus, repentance involves a change in one's mind, attitude, or purpose, a rejection of one's former ways as unsatisfactory. Kin menin, ukwelok ekoba juõn oktak ilo lemnak, eñjake eo an juõn, ak un, juõn kajekdon eo ñan ial in mour eo mokta an juõn bwe ejjab juburuõn kake. Meñe jar in tarinae ko an Rome rar kajeoñ in kejbãrok jikin kone eo ilo aolepen lal eo ilo ien eo, rar oktak im jemlokin Jerusalem. Many betrayed a fleshly viewpoint, speaking pointedly of the material provisions that Jehovah had made in the wilderness in Moses ' day. Elõñ rar kwalok air kaorõk men ko lor kanniek, ilo air konono kin mõñã ko Jehovah ear litoki ilo ene jemaden eo ilo ran ko an Moses. [ Pija eo ilo peij 12] Various hardships will be encountered. (1 Dri Korint 7: 28) Elõñ men ko rebin renaj iioni. Ilo kauwatata rar jibwe im mõn ir, ri kalor ro ilo beran rar keañ kin jerkakbiji eo an Jesus ñan aolep - meñe ñan ro rar mõn e. Others, however, started out faithful but failed to remain in a course of obedience. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 27: 11) Bõtab, ro jet, rar tõmak ilo jinoin ak rar likjap in bed wõt ilo juõn ialin bokake. Ear l̦apl̦o̦k aõ inepata kõn bõklõkõt eo aõ. As we have just noted, the Scriptures contain accounts that vividly illustrate both the benefits and the consequences of our actions. Jehovah had these accounts recorded for a purpose. Em̦õj ad katak bwe ilo Baibõl̦ ewõr waanjoñak ko rej kwal̦o̦k kõn tokjãn ko rem̦m̦an me jemaroñ loi ñe jejel̦ã irooj iood make, im bareinwõt tokjãn ko renana ñe jejjab. Iumin men in, ejelok juõn family en luji men in jolet eo an ñan indio. Moreover, Jehovah's spirit moved willinghearted people to make generous contributions. Bareinwõt, jitõb eo an Jehovah ear kamakit ro re "mõnõnõ " ñan air lelok jabawõt ko. Ilo ien eo kar kine Sam 83, armij in Tyre ro rar jumae Israel im kobalok ibben ri kijirãt ro an. Not only could Jesus heal the sick and crippled but he could also raise the dead. Jisõs ear maroñ kemour ro dri nañinmij, ro rej utame ilo enbwin, im bareinwõt kajerkakbiji ro remij. Ta eo juõn Christian ri kabit emaroñ lemnak kake, ak ta eo ejjab bere kake? [ Picture on page 10] [ Pija eo ilo peij 6] Dri Korijer eo an Jeova ilo Ien ko Etto This too can laud Jehovah because those who see us faithfully endure may also begin to glorify God. Menin bareinwõt emaroñ nebar Jehovah kinke ro im rej lo ad kijenmij ilo tiljek, ir bareinwõt renaj kaibujuij Anij. Inem, "armij eo e ar mij. " • The name of the person acting as your health care proxy • Ãt eo etan armij eo kwar kamelim ñan an kõmman bebe ko kin ejmour eo am Ilo Elij We are "God's fellow workers. " - 1 Corinthians 3: 9. Jej "dri jerbal iben Anij. " - 1 Dri Korint 3: 9. Kõn men in, ear lukkuun l̦ap on̦ãn kij ko ie. Even so, Samuel did not allow bitterness or resentment against the man who would replace him to take root in his heart. (1 Samuel 8: 7, 9, 22) Meñe Samuel ear bũrom̦õj im l̦õmn̦ak bwe rar kõjekdo̦o̦ne, bõtab ear jab ebbanban ak illu ippãn eo me enaaj bõk jikin ãinwõt rũtõl. Ke Jeova ear ba ñan Samuel bwe en kapit Saul, Samuel ear jab m̦akoko. Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: Yes, the preaching of the good news is not only a public service to those who hear it but also an act of worship to Jehovah God. (Dri Rom 1: 9,) Aet, kwalok nan kin news eo emõn ejjab juõn jerbal ñan armij ro wõt rej roñjake ak ej bareinwõt juõn jerbal in kabuñ ñan Jehovah Anij. Nan kein rej kwalok bwe ñe jej meanwõd ibben ro jet, kõtlok bwe men ko jej dike ilo ir ak kadkad ko jej loi ren kaillu kij. " If a man dies, can he live again? " asked Job. Job ear kajjitõk im ba: "El̦aññe juon armej emej, enaaj bar mour ke? " L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn ta eo Anij ear kajjitõk bwe ren kõm̦m̦ane. It matters to Jehovah. It matters to Jesus. Men eo jej tõmak kake kõn Jijej eaorõk ippãn Jeova im ippãn bar Jijej. 12: 21; 24: 21, 22. For there is the true forgiveness with you, in order that you may be feared. " - Psalm 103: 13; 130: 3, 4. Kejatdikdik - Elap Tokjen ñan Mõnõnõ El̦aññe ejjel̦o̦k juon men jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane, jemaroñ baj l̦õmn̦ak wõt kõn kõj make. Among other things, you can learn more about "the good news of the Kingdom of God, " including how it will eliminate government corruption. Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova renaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kwal̦o̦k waj kilen ekkatak Baibõl̦, im emaroñ bõk wõt 10 minit kajjojo wiik. Ejjel̦o̦k on̦ãn ekkatak. Paul ear jejelok ñan Christian ri kabit ro: "Elañe jej kejatrikrik kij kin men eo je jab loe, jej kijoror wõt kake ilo kijenmij. " Summarize Jesus ' illustration of the sower who scatters seed. Ilo tu kadu kameleleik wanjoñok eo an Jesus kin ri jeor eo me ej julok ak kajebliklik ine ko. Juõn kõrã ilo India ear mõnõnõ in katak Bible im tokelik ear tellokin jerbal einwõt juõn ri kwalok ejañin baptais. First Kings 7: 26 states: "Two thousand bath measures [11,600 gallons [44,000 L]] were what [the sea] would contain. " Juõn Kiñ Ro 7: 26 ej ba: "im kobõn ruo tausan bath [11,600 gallon]. " Ta men eo eaorõk em̦m̦aan eo ilo bũrabõl̦ eo an Jijej ear loe? My husband and I are 79 and 63 years old respectively. " - C.A. Ña im leo beleiõ kimro ej 79 im 63 yiõ dettam. " - C.A. " Jerbal in kõmman book ko ilo ittino ear laplok an bin jen kalbuj! Negative feelings may linger, hindering you from reaching out or even making it difficult for you to learn from the experience. Emaroñ to am drebij lemnok ko renana nae elder ro, im men in emaroñ bõprae yuk jen am jibarek jerbal ko ilo congregation eo ak kõmõn bwe en bin am katak jen men eo ear walok ñõn yuk. " Komin nebar Jeova! 32: 27 - 29. 32: 27 - 29, UBS. (3) "Ailiñ eo Aõ e jab jen lõl in, " Jesus ear ba ñan Pontius Pilate. " Necessity is laid upon me. Really, woe is me if I did not declare the good news! " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 16. " Bwe men in e relel ilo buruõ, bwe Wo ñõn iõ elañe I jab kwalok gospel! " - 1 KORINT 9: 16. " Ke rej ilok jen ok ko, rej lor E. " When the landlord finally turned up, "he discovered a skeleton seated in front of the television set. " Ke eliktata armij eo an apartment eo ear itok ñan apartment eo, "ear lo juõn jekjekin diin enbwinin armij ej bed imanin television eo. " Ñe kwoj kamelele kin wãwen eo ibbam ñan Jehovah, kwalok eñjake ko am ñan e im kajitõk kin jitõb eo an. During the 2010 service year, Jehovah's Witnesses spent over $155 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments. Jãn Jeptõmba 1, 2009 ñan Okõj 30, 2010, Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rar kõjerbale enañin 155 milien jããn ñan jipañ special pioneer ro, mejinede ro, im bareinwõt em̦m̦aan ro me rej itoitak ñan jipañ im kakajoor congregation ko. Ej kitibuj joij, yokwe, joij, im lejokmen. The early Christians did not simply meet together for a brief period following the stunning miracle at Pentecost 33 C.E. Ãlikin an kar Kũrjin ro kweilo̦k ippãn doon ilo Pentekost eo ilo iiõ eo 33, rar wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im keini aer kweilo̦k ippãn doon bwe ren kabuñ ñan Jeova. Ilo ad karreoik enbwinid, nan ko an ro jeid im jatid ilo tõmak elap tokjeir. 2: 1 - 5. Mãlõtlõt eo jãn Jeova emaroñ kõjparok kõj im jipañ kõj bwe jen tiljek wõt ñan jem̦l̦o̦kin. - Jabõn Kõnnaan 2: 1 - 5, UBS. Katak eo air ear oktak im lap ijjibed ie, ilo jab jimwe, im nana. Clearly, a change was to occur. 21: 43) Alikar, juõn oktõk enaj kar walok. • Ro kwoj kwalok nan ñõn ir? In David's day, "the house of Jehovah " was the tabernacle. Ilo iien ko an Devid, m̦weo "m̦õn Jeova " ear jab juon tampel̦ ak ear juon em̦ nuknuk. Jikin eo an Jeremiah ear lap an jab uak, im ekkã an iion jumae eo ekajur. How Would You Answer? Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Ta l̦õmn̦ak n̦e am̦, etke Daina ear keini an lol̦o̦k jiroñ ro nejin Kenean? (b) How does the Bible describe a successful person? (b) Ewi wãwen an Bible kwalok kin juõn armij eo ejerammõn? Kãlet nan ko rejimwe? You might receive a polite reply from his office, but it is highly unlikely that you would be allowed to speak with the ruler himself. Kwomaroñ bõk juõn uak ejoij jen office eo an, ak ejeja am naj maroñ konono ibben iroij eo. Joñan an kar l̦apl̦o̦k wõt an lõñl̦o̦k armej ro ipel̦aakin lal̦ in ilo tõre ko an rijjilõk ro, ear l̦apl̦o̦k an l̦apl̦o̦k an armej ro kõjerbal talboon, kein kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k aer meram. How will they react when staring extermination in the face? Ta eo ro doon Jeova renaaj kõm̦m̦ane ñe ro rej kõjdate er renaaj iten ko̦kkure er? Bible eo ej jibañ kij ñan jokkin wõt juõn ilo ad kwalok ad liki ro rej tel ibwiljin armij ro an Jehovah. In contrast, love will move us to avoid any discrimination based on education, race, or social status. (Jem. 2: 8, 9, UBS) El̦aññe jej yokwe ro jet, jeban kwal̦o̦k ad kalijekl̦o̦k ñan er meñe eoktak aelõñ ak kil ko kilier, el̦ap ak edik jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ ippãer, im reutiej ak rettã. Ewi wãwen jemaroñ kajeoñe Jehovah ilo men in? He said: "I will teach transgressors your ways, that sinners themselves may turn right back to you. " - Psalm 51: 13. E ar ba: "Inem I naj katakin ro dri bwir ial ko Am; im ro dri jerawiwi re naj ukwelok ñan Yuk. " - Sam 51: 13. Meñe ear lukkuun bũrom̦õj, ak Piter ear jab ebbeer. Those with "spiritual qualifications " may help us to carry a burden, such as something troublesome or heavy resulting from our unknowingly taking a false step. Ro reritto "ilo Jitõb " remaroñ jibañ kij ñan inek juõn men jej eddodo kake, einwõt juõn abañ ebin ej waloktok jen ad kar bõk juõn ial ebwid ilo jaje kake. (a) Ta nan in kakabilek eo ri jilek Paul ear kwalok kin lelok ñan jemen im jinen ajiri ro? Seek God's Guidance in All Things Bukõt Tel Eo An Anij Ilo Men Ko Otemjej Jej aikwij kejbãrok bwe jen jab kõtlok bwe yokwe eo ad kin Christ en mõjnolok im kõtlok bwe men ko an Ailiñ eo ren kamad kij. The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. " - American Meteorological Society, 2012. Jãn kar iiõ 1950 ko, un eo el̦aptata unin an l̦apl̦o̦k bwil ej kõn men ko armej ro rej kõm̦m̦ani. " - Naan kein rej an juon kumi in ekkatak kõn mejatoto (American Meteorological Society, 2012). Kij bareinwõt jej aikwij lukkun liki Jehovah, kinke e wõt enaj bõk lomor ñe jukjuk im bed in ej bed eo elaptata ilo aolepen bwebwenato eo an armij. Katak in enaaj kwal̦o̦k ta men in im ewi wãween ad maroñ kõjerbal Baibõl̦ ñan jum̦aiki. MÃE 12 - 18, 2014 Kõn men in, ri tõl in kabuñ ko an UN rar kakkõl armej ro im ba: "Elukkuun l̦ap jorrããn ko rej wal̦o̦k ilo lal̦ in. " What are some examples of how unholy thoughts can lead to unholy acts? Ta jet joñok ko kin wãwen an lemnak ko rejjab kwojarjar maroñ tellok ñõn kõmmõn ko rejjab kwojarjar? Jet ien, rar bõk karuwainene im wãwen ko jet ñan jibañ Ri Christian ro mõttair, ak rar jab kajitõk jibañ rot in. Wise King Solomon spoke of 28 different things, each of which has its "appointed time. " Ri meletlet eo King Solomon ear konono kin 28 men ko reinjuõn jen don, im kajjojo iair ewõr air "ien. " Jodikdik ro rainin remaroñ bareinwõt bõk jibañ ñan watõk Anij einwõt juõn lukkun armij, juõn emaroñ jelã meñe rejjab maroñ lo e. Something similar is about to take place in our day. Juõn wãwen einwõt in ebojak in walok ilo ran kein. " Enaj Wõr Eñtan Elap " □ What happens to the soul at death? □ Ta eo ej walok ñan aan ñe ej mij? Jehovah ear kir e bwe en etal ion Tol Horeb im jutak iman armij ro. " A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough, " he noted. Ear keidi kõm̦m̦an ko renana an armej rot in ñan juon iij me ej kõm̦m̦an bwe aolepen iiõk eo en uwe. Ro uwaan Kumi eo Ej Lale Aolep Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rej kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rem̦m̦an. Love Righteousness With All Your Heart Yokwe Wãnik kin Aolepen Buruõm Ak ilo kõtan ien in, ri kalor ro an Jesus renaj aikwij "meletlet emõn " ñan kabwe aikwij ko air, kajerbal" mweiuk ko " an lal in rainin ke rej bukõt ñan kabuñburuen Anij. Further, we look for opportunities to be the first in expressing honor to all, including lowly ones. Bareinwõt, jej bukot ien ko remõn im rebellok ñõn ar kwalok koutiej ñõn aolep, ekoba ro retã. Ilo boñin eo mokta jen an kar Jesus mij, ri jilek Peter make ear karmijeteik e jilu alen. More was needed than a death, even the death of the perfect man Jesus. Elõñlok men ko kar aikwiji jen mij eo an juõn armij, meñe ewãppen einwõt kar Jesus. Jab einwõt armij eo ewãppen Jesus Christ, jejjab wãppen. Gabriel said: "Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule as king over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom. " Gebriel ear ba: "Iroij Anij e naj lelok ñõn E tron eo an Devid jemen: Im E naj iroij ion imõn Jekõb in drio: im ailiñ eo An e jamin jemlok in drio. " Rej kortokjen ro ettã burueir im ro rejeramel, im rej kareel ro jet bwe ren kõmman nana bareinwõt. Benefiting From Jehovah's Sovereignty Bõk Tokjen Jen Iroij Bõtata eo an Jehovah Ailiñ in kar congregation eo an Christian ri kabit ro jimor. Let us see how the Bible explains the reason for Jesus ' death and its value. Im rejjab lukkuun mel̦el̦e elemen an mej eo an Jijej kaalikkar yokwe eo an Anij ñan kõj. Kõm̦ro ar em̦m̦akũtl̦o̦k ñan juon bukwõn epaake bukwõn eo etan Tão ilo Estonia. ABRAM'S JOURNEY IAL EO AN ABRAM Lale Imõniaroñroñ eo an Nobõm̦ba 1, 1988, peij 26 - 27; Jeptõm̦ba 15, 2014. We hope that Bible students make the right choice, but each individual must "render an account for himself to God. " - Rom. Jej kejatrikrik bwe dri katak Baibel ro renaj kõmõn jokãlet eo ejime, ak kajuju iair ej aikwij "lelok nan kin e mõke ñõn Anij. " - Rom. Elõñ ro rar oktak im ri tõmak rar itok jen jikin ko retolok im ear jabwe men in letok ko ñan kaetoklok air bed ilo Jerusalem. What Is Your Purpose in Life? Ta Karõk eo Am ilo Mour? Ri kien ro im dolul ko rej jibañ armij ro emol air kõmman oktak ko. (Read Acts 12: 1 - 6.) (Riit Jerbal 12: 1 - 6.) Jejjo ran ko mokta jen air bukõt juõn doctor, rar katak chapter eo naetan "Juõn Lemnak an Anij kin Mour. " Reading about how Jehovah was with them throughout their trials and how they came to be used mightily by Jehovah makes us feel all the more Jehovah's care and love for his servants. - Read Proverbs 3: 11, 12. Ilo ad riit ilo Baibõl̦ kõn wãween an Jeova jipañ im katakin armej ro an, jej lukkuun kile bwe Jeova el̦ap an yokwe kõj. - Riit Jabõn Kõnnaan 3: 11, 12. Ilo ad keboj katak ko, jej katak kin wãwen kajerbal Nan in Anij ñan katakin elõñ katak ko. How does Jehovah provide support and comfort to the one crushed and lowly in spirit? (Ais. 57: 15) Ewi wãwen an Jeova jibõñ im kainemõn ro reburomõj? " Kimij yokwe yuk ien otemjej, " ear ba. In that way, you keep personal affairs in their proper place. Ilo wãwen in jej likit men ko an Jeova moktata. Ilo book in Reveles̃õn, dolul in kabuñ ko rewan ibelakin lal rej kile ir einwõt "Babylon Elap, " juõn kõrã ekijoñ" ibben king ro an lal rar lũñ. " David gives a second reason for his confidence: Jehovah protects his sheep. David ear kwalok un eo kein karuo unin liki eo an: Jehovah ej kejbãrok sheep ro an. Jehovah make ej letok jitõb kwojarjar eo an elañe jej kajitõk kake ilo jar. After his chosen King, Jesus Christ, rids the earth of violence, oppression, and wickedness, obedient mankind will be blessed with lasting peace and prosperity. Jijej ej Kiiñ in Aelõñ eo an Anij, im enaaj jol̦o̦k men ko jej eñtaan kaki. Enãj bar jol̦o̦k kowadoñ im lãj, kab aolep men ko renana jãn lal̦ in. * - Dri Kolosse 1: 10b; 2 Dri Korint 5: 14. In what ways did Jehovah prove to be "a real dwelling " for Jacob, and what can we learn from this? (1) Ewi wãween Jeova ear juon "jikin jokwe " ñan Jekõb? (2) Ta eo bwebwenatoun Jekõb ej katakin kõj kõn Jeova? [ Pija eo ilo peij 18] When Friendships Need to End Ñe Jej Aikwij Kajemlok Jimjera ko Ar Ak, ke ear itok ñan air kwalok kautiej im tiljek ñan e, rar katok einwõt men in katok ko rar katton bread im men in mour ko rar bilo im ajkuk. • The gift of being declared righteous brought what prospect to you? • Ta kõjatdikdik eo naaj lewõj ñan eok kõn an Anij watõk eok ri wãnõk? Inem komin ilok, im kõmõn dri ailiñ ko otemjej bwe ren dri kalora, im baptais ir ilo etan Jema im Nejin im Jitõb Kwojarjar, im katakin ir bwe ren bokake nan ko otemjej I ar jiroñ kom. Jesus initiated his conversation with her on that basis, and he soon turned it into a lively spiritual discussion. Jisõs ear kajerbale men in ñõn jino bwebwenato iben, im ejjabto tokelik ear ukot men eo irro kar konono kake ñõn juõn bwebwenato emõn kin men ko lor jitõb. Joñan bwil eo ejjab kadiklok bebe eo ñan kalaplok kijejeto eo an ri Greek Orthodox eo ej kajeoñ in tõbar annañ eo elap an jinen Jesus. [ Picture on page 15] [ Pija ilo page 27] Renaj kakajur kij ñan jelmae jabdewõt melejoñ kin liki eo eyu ilo Jehovah. - 2 Dri Korint 4: 7, 8. Jehovah's Approved Servant Dri Korijer eo Jeova ej Lõñliñ Kake Ñan Kwalok Nan im Katakin I hope you are safe. Ij kejatdikdik bwe kwo mour. Kin menin, jitõb eo ear oktak im Satan, ear wãppen im emaroñ kar ilok jen ial in mol im wãnik ikijen kãlet. - Jon 8: 44; Jemes 1: 14, 15. Those Christian overseers needed to continue to be led by holy spirit as they carried out their duties as shepherds of the flock of God. (Acts 20: 28, NW) Christian overseer rein rar aikwij etal wõt ilo an jitõb kwojarjar tel ir ilo air jerbale eddo ko air einwõt shepherd ro an bwij eo an Anij. Juon iien, ear kajjitõk ippãn rũttarin̦ae ro im ba: "Kwõj itok ñan tim̦a eo im jar kõn rũttarin̦ae ro im ñan bõk anjo̦. Likewise, illnesses, accidents, and deaths may be the result of negligence. Bareinwõt, nañinmij ko, jidimkij ko, im mij ko remaroñ walok kin air jab kejbarok. 7 ejime ñõn an armij ro kõmõne men in. [ Picture on page 5] [ Pija eo ilo peij 5] " Inaj lelok ñan armij ro oktak eo ñan juõn kajin erreo, bwe ir otemjej ren kir etan Jehovah, bwe ren karejar ñan e aerã ñan aerã. " - Zephaniah 3: 9. Michael stepped in to prevent this. Maikeel ear bõprae Setan jen an kõmõne men in. Jemaroñ kajerbal armij rot in ejelok kibbon ie meñe ilo jikin jerbal ko reutiej an kien - ak jejamin bõklok ir ñan ijo.... Corruption has grown so widespread and sophisticated that it threatens to undermine the very fabric of society. Joñan an jededlok im aebokbok nana in jab mol ej bojak in kokkure bedbed in jukjuk im bed in armij. Ekkar ñan lemnak eo an armij, kõmman bwe lal in en obrak kin aolep wãwen ko ie, menin eddek ko, im men ko eierlok wõt rej aikwiji juõn jibadbad elap. Her Spiritual Hunger Satisfied Kar Kajuburu Kõnan eo An ñõn Jela Mol Eo Jen ien eo an Abel ñan ien eo an patriarch ro, elõñ armij ro retiljek rar kabuñ ñan Jehovah im bokake kien ko an. It is rotten to the core and will remain that way. Im toon wõt an Setan tõl, eban em̦m̦anl̦o̦k lal̦ in ak enaaj ãindein wõt an nana. " Kwõn m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo Jeova, im Enaaj lewaj ñan eok kõn̦aan ko an bũruom̦. " - SAM. He reminds spirit - begotten Christians that a body has many members with different functions and that they, "although many, are one body in union with Christ. " (Kol. 1: 18) Ej kakememej rein bwe eor mõtõn ko ilo juõn enbwin im ekajju jerbal ko air jen dron, im meñe " relõñ, rej juõn enbwin ilo Kraist. ' Elõñ rej kile bwe an jemen im jinen ajiri ro lo tõbrak ej kitibuj aitwerõk ko me rej kitibuj jokãlet eo an ajiri ro nejiir kin ro jerair im men in kamõnõnõ ko. In contrast, the current trend in Bible translation is to omit the divine name, substituting a title such as "Lord " or the name of a local god. Kiiõ, em̦õj ukote Baibõl̦ eo ad ilo elõñl̦o̦k jãn 130 kajin ko. Elañe jejjab jeorlok bwid, jej jerbal nae tokjen ko ad make. This was important to me because Halloween and some of the other holidays were occasions for ritualistic practices in my parents ' cult. " Men in kar men eo eaorõk ibba kinke Halloween im holiday ko jet kar ien ko jema im jinõ rar kautieji ilo kabuñ eo airro. " Inem jen jibañ ro jet ilo ad konono "emõn ñõn kalek. " That is why he admonishes you: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: " I have no delight in them. ' " - Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Eñin unin ej kakabilek yuk: "Kwon bareinwõt kememej Eo Dri Kõmõnmõn yuk ilo ran ko ñe emõn ridtõm, mokta jen an ran ko re nana itok, im yiõ ko rej kebaktok, ñe kwo naj ba, I jab mõnõnõ kake. " - Ekklisiastis 12: 1. Ilo juon boñ, " enjel̦ an Jeova ear ilo̦k im m̦an 185,000 em̦m̦aan ro. ' - 2 Kñ. [ Box on page 5] [ Bo̦o̦k eo ilo page 5] " Ñan ña, jerbal in kwalok nan ej juõn men in jibañ, " juõn sister ear ba. Ask others how they have benefited from belonging to Jehovah Kajitõk iben ro jet kin ewi wãwen rar bõk tokjen jen air erom armij ro an Jeova Em̦m̦aan im kõrã ro jeid im jatid, ãinwõt Akula, Prisilla, im Epaprodaitõs, el̦ap aer kam̦m̦oolol ilo jabdewõt eklejia. Slowly, things started to change. " Im jidik kõn jidik, ekar jino wõr oktak ko. " Ilo am̦ kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn bwebwenato ko an ioon lal̦, ewi wãween an men in kal̦apl̦o̦k am̦ lõke Jijej? Hence, he must have known that sexual unions between women and materialized spirits were both unnatural and wrong. (Jen. 1: 27, 28) Innem, Noa ear kile bwe ej juon men ebõd ke enjel̦ ro renana rar pãleek jet iaan kõrã ro im wõr nejier ippãer. Bõtab, ñan ro rej beek ilo burueir bwe ren bõk buñburu eo an Anij, lor nan in kaiñi ko ilo Jeje ko me rej jerbal ñan aitwerõk eo ilo pein armij ej ial eo wõt ejimwe ñan lore. Yes, Jehovah knows us so well that it is as though he has examined every aspect and every corner of our existence. Kein kajuon, ñe juon ej "kõb " ñan kappukot dekã ko raorõk (Job 28: 3, UBS). Kein karuo, "etale " ak lale tok juon ãne (Ri Ekajet 18: 2, UBS). Tokelik, Ahaz ear mij im Hezekiah ear erom king ke ear 25 yiõ dettan. 4: 13. 18, 19. Anij Ear Kajerbal Kajur eo an ñan Anjo Ion Melejoñ Ko Sometimes, though, his companions did not act wisely. Bõtab, ro mõttan rar jab jerbal ilo meletlet aolep ien. Ilo awa kein rebin, Peter ear lelok ñan Master eo an elõñ men ko ñan jolok bwid. The Bible has survived in the face of opposition. Innem, rar lukwõje bũruon im tile. Etke kwojjab jijet ibben don ñan bwebwenato ibben don kin tokjen katak eo an family eo? You might discuss what these mean, possibly using a Biblical report of a resurrection to do so. (Jon 5: 28, 29; Jerbal 24: 15) Kwomaroñ bwebwenato kin ta melelen men kein, im bõlen kwalok juõn report ilo Bible eo kin juõn ien jerkakbiji eo ñan kõmmane men in. Kwonaj errã bwe Jehovah ear kir armij ro rejjab wãppen bwe ren bõk kautiej einwõt ri jerbal ro mõttan. The name has been changed. Kar ukõt etan. Ijo tu - rãjet, mejatoto eo iloan congregation eo emol an Christian ej letok juõn oktak eo emãnãn jen lal eo ejjab joij. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. " Those 120 years allowed faithful Noah time to produce a family and - when informed of God's decree - to build an ark and warn his contemporaries of the coming Flood. (Jenesis 6: 3) 120 yiõ kein rar kõtlok ien an ri tõmak Noah ejaake juõn family im - ke kar kejelãik e kin kien eo an Anij - ñan kalek juõn wa im kakkõl armij ro ilo tõre eo an kin itok eo an ibwijleplep eo. Roñjake wãwen an ajiri ro nejimi konono kin kwelok ko im ro uan congregation eo. Indeed, most modern theologians no longer believe in hell as a literal place of torment, the way it was taught in the Middle Ages. Emol, elõñ wõt theologian (ri katak kin Anij) ro ilo ran kein ejako kiõ air tõmak ilo hell einwõt juõn jikin eñtan, wãwen eo rar lemnak kake mokta ilo Ebeben ko Iolap. Im elõñ iair rej kijoror kin kain kamao rot eo an Christian im kamao ko rekamõnõnõ jej lañliñ kaki ibben ri tõmak ro mõttair. - Sam 133: 1; Dri Kolosse 3: 14. READ MORE ONLINE | www.jw.org Kajjitõk ko Baibõl̦ Ej Uwaaki 32 (Riit Epesõs 2: 1 - 3; Taitõs 3: 3.) (Read Revelation 13: 1, 2.) (Riit Revelesõn 12: 18 - 13: 2, UBS.) Ewi wãwen kijenmij emaroñ? And what is involved in proving what we ourselves are? Im ta eo ej kitibuj ilo ad make kamol kij? Kwõj ke n̦aruon eok make kõn men eo ear wal̦o̦k? A key question now is, Will you show appreciation for what you have received? Bareinwõt, kõn aer kar katakin eok kõn Anij ear jipañ eok ñan "kõm̦m̦ani aolep kain jerbal ko " ilo am̦ karejar ñane. " Jitõb õn Jeova ej ioõ, " Jesus ear jiroñ armij in Nazareth ro. The Word is the one through whom all other things came into existence. Ikijen Nan eo, kar kõmõnmõn aolep menin kõmõnmõn ko jet. Men in ej jibõñ iõ ñõn kememej mour eo an armij eo im jab baj lemnok wõt kin wãwen mour eo an dri nañinmij eo kiõ. " There will be those who will see the glory of Jehovah, the splendor of our God. " Renaj lo aibujuij an Jeova, men emõn põtata an aruij Anij. " Ri jilek Paul ear kakabilek Ri Christian ro bwe ren "jerbal... bwe [ren] maroñ in kõmao iben juõn eo ej aikwij. " WHEN the Christian congregation was formed in the first century of our Common Era, one of its outstanding characteristics - despite the diversity of its members - was its unity. KE Christian congregation eo ear jutak ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ilo Common Era eo ad, juõn ian kadkad ko an remõn - meñe ri kabuñ ro uan rar itok jen elõñ ailiñ ko - kar burukuk eo an. Ewi wãwen jerbal in evanjel eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ear laplok ilo ran kein? Immortality means endless, indestructible life. Jabwabõnbõn melelen ejelok jemlokin, mour eo eban jako. Ebream im Sera rar jab errã ippãn doon aolep iien. It promotes "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " Ej kowõnmanlok "mõm an kõniek, mõm an mej ko, im wuj wan an mour in. " Bwebwenato eo ej kwalok bwe Satan ear kebak kõrã eo moktata, Eve, ikijen juõn serpent im konono ibben ilo juõn wãwen etao. Such trials are not beyond our capacity to bear - provided we rely on God. Mãlejjoñ kein rejjab l̦ap jãn joñan maroñ ko ad el̦aññe jej atartar wõt ioon Anij. Jesus ear kwalok elõñ kadkad ko remõn, ak jenaj etale emen: meletlet eo an, ettã buru, kijejeto eo an, im yokwe eo an. When it comes to entertainment and recreation, that crowd often promote baseless ideas. Rej l̦õmn̦ak bwe kien ko an ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer im rejjab aorõk. Ilo keidi, Abraham ear erom "jeran " - im mokta jen katok in binmour eo. So it is not that most Jews knew absolutely nothing. (Jon 12: 19) Inem ejjab melelen bwe aolep dri Ju ro rejjab jela men otemjej. Ñan elõñ armij rainin, korlok mweiuk ej mejenkajjik eo ilo mour. What did the tenth commandment prohibit, and why? Ta eo kien eo kein kajoñoul ear kemo kake, im etke? Ñan armij ro an ilo Babylon, Jehovah ear keañ: "Eo ej uñur yuk ej uñur iju in meja. " " We are becoming the mission field. " Ej wõnmanlok im ba "United States ej jino erom juõn jikin ej aikwij wõr missionary ro ie. " L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn wãween an Jeova kajeraam̦m̦an ro rej l̦oore. And he did some good things in behalf of Jehovah's nation. Em̦ool bwe ewõr iien ear pokake Anij, im jet iien ear bareinwõt kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an ñan armej ro an Jeova. Ilo kajeoñe enjel eo ear itok ñan Daniel, jej aikwij rejañ im kakajur don kin jibañ im nan in kainemõn ko. 8, 9. (a) What might indicate that we are harboring prejudice or racial pride? 8, 9. (1) Ewi wãween ad maroñ jel̦ã el̦aññe ewõr jidik m̦õttan kalijekl̦o̦k ippãd? Kõn men in, ear jino katak Baibõl̦, im ear kõm̦m̦an wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k ko rem̦m̦an. The unfolding universal drama involves what two interrelated issues? Ta aituerõk ko ruo ilo tieta eo im rej ekkejel iben dron? Bed eo an armij ro jen ailiñ ko jet ilo elõñ territory ko ilo congregation eo ej kabellok "juõn aur elap " eo ej tellok ñan ien ko remõn ñan jaketo - jaketak news eo emõn ibben armij in ailiñ ko otemjej. - 1 Dri Korint 16: 9. As a result, this obedient Son became just like his Father - so much so that the Bible refers to him as "the image of the invisible God. " Tokjen men in, Nejin ear einwõt Jemen. Ear lap an yokwe ladik eo nejin, ak kiõ ejamin maroñ kamao ibben ilo ran otemjej. • How powerful a tool is Jehovah's written Word? • Ewi joñan kajurin Nan eo emwij jeje an Jehovah? Ke men in ear wal̦o̦k, iar kajjioñ epaakel̦o̦k m̦weo im̦õ, bwe in mel̦el̦e kõn m̦anit ko aer. Are there more important values than possessions? Ebar wõr ke men ko raorõk jen mweiuk ko ad? Kõmman ko renana rej kokkure jokkin wõt juõn eo an jukjuk im bed eo an armij. Where was Adam before Jehovah created him from the dust? (Jenesis 3: 19) Ia eo Adam ear bed ie mokta jen an kar Jehovah kõmanman e jen bũdej? ILO an kajeoñ in kamadmõde nañinmij eo an ledik eo Mary kin mour in belele eo an ibben Joseph, elõñ ri kallip ro rar kwalok kin Joseph einwõt juõn emaan eo ear rittolok. Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You, June Ewi wãwen lemnak im lemnak eo an ro ilo Sardis im Laodicea rar keidi ibben lemnak eo an Jesus kin wãwen mour eo air ilo jitõb? What purpose did God's ancient temple serve? Ta karõk eo temple eo an Anij etto ear jerbale? Ejjab an armij eo ej etetal meñe ñan tel buñten neen. " You can find it by going to jw.org, clicking the Search button, and entering the title. Ñe kwõj etal ñan weep jait in, etal ñan ijo ej ba Search, im taipi taitõl̦in pija in Kõn men in, ear ejjel̦o̦k rueir. I have come to realize that I have to be realistic in my heart but at the same time positive in my words. " Emwij aõ kile bwe ijjab maroñ lukkun kõtmene bwe emaroñ wõr tõbrak in kemour nañinmij eo bõtab ij aikwij in konono ilo juõn wãwen eo ejjab kabwer jinõ. " Jen an eindein, ear kauweik Saul, im ba: "Am ailiñ e jamin eto... bwe kw'ar jab kejbãrok men eo Jeova e ar jiroñ yuk. " (a) How did Jehovah arrange for his Son to be born as a perfect human? (a) Ewi wãwen Jehovah ear karõk bwe Nejin en lotak einwõt juõn armij ewãppen? Ta kajitõk ko kin meanwõd eo an Anij jenaj etali? We must also regularly study and apply God's Word in our life so that our spirit - our mental disposition - is attuned to his thinking. Jej aikwij keini in katak im jerbale ñan in Anij ilo mour eo ad bwe mour in jitõb eo ad - lemnak eo ad - ej einwõt ibben lemnak eo an. Ilo kajjojo wanjoñok, jenaj kalikar juõn kien ilo Jeje ko me emaroñ jibañ kij kõmman juõn bebe emeletlet. Especially is this vital now, for the King Jesus Christ is present, and the day of judgment by him as God's appointed Judge is near. - Matthew 24: 3; 25: 31, 32. Ej juõn men eaorõk kiõ, bwe King eo Jesus Christ ej bed, im ran in ekajet eo an einwõt Ri Ekajet eo Anij ear jitõñe ej ebak. - Matu 24: 3; 25: 31, 32. Ibben Christ, ailiñ in ej ejaakin ine eo ilo jitõb an Abraham, eo Jehovah ear kanan kake enaj kar kajerbale ñan kajerammõn armij. - Gal. As discussed in the preceding article, Jehovah gives them his holy spirit, the fruitage of which helps them to care tenderly for the sheep. Einwõt kar bwebwenato kake ilo katak eo lok iman, Jehovah ej letok jitõb kwojarjar eo an, eo ej jibañ ir ñan lale sheep ro an Anij ilo yokwe. Meñe el̦ap am̦ inepata, mijak, im bũrom̦õj, ta eo emaroñ jipañ eok bwe kwõn pojak ñan ial̦ eo ej pãd im̦aan? Why should we strive to be effective in our ministry? Etke jej aikwij kate kij bwe jen bolemen ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo ar? Ear m̦õkaj an l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k jorrããn enaaj wal̦o̦k. 10: 24. 10: 24. Emol, elõñlok men ko jej aikwiji jen ad baj melele wõt kin katok in binmour eo bwe jen maroñ bõk tokjen jen e. (b) Why do Jehovah's present - day servants stand out as different? (b) Etke ej alikar bwe ri karejar ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein reinjuõn jen ro jet? 8, 9. 8, 9. 8, 9. Im ke rar kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦, rar bõkl̦o̦k em̦m̦aan im kõrã ro ñan kalbuuj. " Will you take hold of that blessing? Kwokõnan ke bõk jerammõn in? Ewi Wãwen Paradise eo Ear Jorrãn, 1 / 1 Clearly, Jesus wants his followers to be humble, that is, lowly in mind and free of pride and arrogance. (Luk 14: 11) Alikkar bwe Jijej ekõn̦aan bwe rũkal̦oor ro an ren kwal̦o̦k ettã bõro. " Ej Tellokin Am Kabuñ ' He fomented rebellion against God's servant Moses, the meekest man on earth. Ear kõmman jumae nae Moses ri karejar eo an Anij, leo ettãtata ion lal. E ej "dri kilajrõk an bujen ekãl. " Matthew 6: 9, 10 and Daniel 2: 44 are cited. im epãd Matu 6: 9, 10 im Daniel 2: 44 iturin kajjitõk in. • ilo congregation eo ad? It is easy to read those words and conclude that they merely paint a pretty picture of a peaceful setting - a shade tree growing by a river. Ebidodo ñan konono nan kein im ba bwe rej kwalok juõn pija eaibujuij kin juõn jikin eainemõn - juõn wijki ekalur iturin river eo. 4, 5. Men and women alike sense that something is missing from their lives but aren't able to define what it is. " Lõmaro im limaro jimor rej eñjake bwe ewõr wõt juõn men rej likjap kake ilo mour eo air ak rejjab maroñ lukkun kile ta men eo. " Ro rej katak im jerbale men eo Jesus ear katakin ir rej lañliñ kake ilo mõkaj, ekoba rõlok jen inebata ko relap. Accordingly, you will try not to allow personal wants to interfere with giving God whole - souled devotion. Ekkar ñõn menin, kwo naj jamin kajeoñ in kõtlok kõnan ko am make bwe ren idabtõk ibben am lelok tiljek eo am ñõn Anij kin aolepen am. 4: 16 - Etke letter eo ñan Ri Laodicea ro ejjab mõttan Bible eo? Even contemporaneous records from ancient times often contradict one another. Ekkã an mel̦el̦e ko ilo bok ko etto idaaptõk ippãn doon meñe elõñ iaaer kar jei ilo juon wõt iien. El̦ap ad m̦õn̦õn̦õ in katak. Ak kwõl̦ak lale leddik eo m̦õttan ãinwõt ejjab em̦m̦an men ko ej kõm̦m̦ani. Ilo etale eo eliktata, elañe jej lukkun kõnan bõprae ad kõmetak ro jet kin nan ko ad, jej aikwij kõmman men eo Jabõn Kennan Ko 16: 23 ej ba: "Kin men in, armij re meletlet rej lemnok mokta jen air konono; inem elaplok air rel. " " Komin reiliñlok, im lo wõn eo E ar kõmõnmõn men kein, eo Ej kadrioijlok ir kin orair; Ej ãñiñin ir otemjej; kin An kajur elap, im kin An bin ilo maroñ potata, ejelok juõn ej likjõp. " 6, 7. 2: 21 - 24. Ñe kwõj kããlõt al ko rem̦m̦an, bok ko rem̦m̦an, im pija ko rem̦m̦an, kwõnaaj jipañ ro nejũm̦ bwe ren kõm̦m̦ane ejja wãween kein wõt. - Rom 2: 21 - 24, UBS. Emol, Kien eo ikijen Moses ekoba kien ko im kien ko rejejjet ilo aolepen wãwen mour eo an Ri Israel ro, ear kalikar ta eo ear erreo im emõn im ta eo ear jab. (b) What appeal does Jesus make to potential disciples? (b) Ta nan in rejañ eo Jesus ear kwalok ñan ro rar maroñ erom ri kalor ro an? Menin ej letok ñan mour ko ad im jibañ ñan kabwe aikwij ko ad ilo jitõb. For one thing, humans in positions of authority are imperfect. Juõn un ej kinke armij ro eor maroñ ibeir rejjab wãppen. Bõtab, lemnak in ear jino oktak, juõn ien iar jino katak Bible. Therefore I brought him forth before you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, in order that, after the judicial examination has taken place, I might get something to write. Kin men in ij añintok e imami, im elaptata imam, O kiñ Agrippa, bwe ñe emwij kajitõkin e, en or men ko iba bwe in jeje. Jijej Kũraij ear kwal̦o̦k kõn juon kakõl̦l̦e me jej aikuj kile. " Let him that can make room for it make room for it. " - MATT. 19: 12. " Eo emaroñe katak in en bõke. " - MATU 19: 12, UBS. Juon bok (The New Catholic Encyclopedia) ej kwal̦o̦k bwe el̦apl̦o̦k an aorõk kõtaan eo ad ippãn Kũraij im ippãn Anij, eo im ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en epaakl̦o̦k wõt jem̦jerã eo ad ippãn. But how did God manifest this undeserved kindness? Ak ewi wãween an kar Anij kwal̦o̦k jouj eo an el̦ap ñan kõj? [ Pija eo ilo peij 17] Imagine: The materials you need are spread out before you, and the tools are at hand. Baj lemnak mõk: Rar erlokwe iman mejem aolep men ko kwoj aikwiji ñan jerbal eo, im ewõr kein jerbal ko ibbem. Luke ear etale menmenbwij eo an Jesus ñan emaan eo moktata. Furthermore, he was perfect, never sinning during his whole life course as a man. Bareinwõt, ear wãppen, ear jab jerawiwi ilo aolepen ien mour eo an einwõt juõn armij. Ewi Wãwen Kwonaj Uak? Some of that "bread " was kept in a golden jar inside the ark of the covenant and thus was hidden in the tabernacle's Most Holy, where a miraculous light symbolized Jehovah's presence. Jet ian "bred " ko rar ãti ilo tebteb in bujen eo im rar likit ilo ittino ilo Jikin Kwojarjar Otem Kwojarjar ilo imõn kabbed eo, ijo juõn meram ekabwilõñlõñ ear bed eo ear kõkkar kin bed eo an Jehovah. Ejjabto tokãlik, kar kõm̦m̦an karõk bwe em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia ren lol̦o̦k kumi in. However, the disciples in Lystra went out to Paul, surrounding him. Bõtab, rũkal̦oor ro ilo Listra rar etal ñan ijo Paul ear pãd ie im kaapool̦e. Kõn men in, ear kõn̦aan kate joñan wõt an maroñ ñan kõm̦m̦ani men ko rejim̦we. If a Christian follows such a course, is he truly seeking to be known by Jehovah? Bar jet rej jerãik ak l̦õmn̦ak in pãlele ippãn juon eo me ejaje kõn Jeova. Einwõt mõttan kwojkwoj in yiõ eo, ajiri ro renaj kajitõk ibben jemeir im jineir kajitõk ko me rej jitõñlok ñan melele eo kin ien eo. We need to take that to heart, for "there is not a creation that is not manifest to [God's] sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting. " Jej aikwij bõk ñan buruõd katak in, bwe "ejelok men in komõn e jab alikar ñõn E [Anij], a men otemjej re kelwan im bellok iman mejen Eo ej bebek kij. " Rainin, bareinwõt, "jeran [Jehovah] ej iben ro remõn. " Did they have reason for hope in its restoration? Ear ke or unin air tõmak bwe renaj bar bõk mour in drio? (Riit 2 Timote 2: 19.) Armej ro jãn aelõñ ko otemjej rejel̦ã bwe aolep iien Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova rej kwal̦o̦k m̦ool. Jej kate kij ñõn lor nan in tel eo ilo Baibel: "Ami kamanwa en walok ñõn armij otemjej. " Did the king learn a lesson from this experience? King eo ear katak ke jen men in ear walok? Jikin kweilo̦k in iar pãd ie ej m̦õttan jikin eo kõmij lol̦o̦k eklejia ko ie. Although the Roman armies tried to ensure relative safety throughout the then known world, they became the desolater of Jerusalem. Meñe jar in tarinae eo an Rome ear kajeoñ in kejbãrok ainemõn ilo lal in ilo ien eo, ear oktak im e eo ear kokkure Jerusalem. Ñan wanjoñok, elõñ armij rar lemnak, " Ej Ailiñ in Anij ilo buruõm ke? " [ Picture on page 12] [ Pija ilo peij 24] Eokwe, jab kõtlok ir ilo mõkaj. At the risk of being arrested and killed, the disciples courageously proclaimed Jesus ' resurrection to all - even to the very ones who had executed him. Rũkal̦oor ro rar peran ilo aer kwal̦o̦k ñan aolep kõn jerkakpeje eo an Jijej meñe renaaj kar kalbuuji er im m̦ane er kõn aer kwal̦o̦k kake. Kwomaroñ Ke Kamelele? My conscience troubled me more and more. Bõklikõt eo aõ ear laplok an kabõnõnõik iõ. Kain bokake rot eo Anij ej loe? Under it, no family should permanently lose possession of its inheritance. Iumin kien eo, ejelok jabdewõt family ear luji men in jolet eo an im jeramel ñan indio. 3 Etke Elõñ Rar M̦õn̦õn̦õ in Em̦m̦akũt ñan Jipañ? By the time Psalm 83 was composed, the inhabitants of Tyre had turned against Israel and had sided with its enemies. Ilo ien eo kar kine Sam 83, armij ro ilo ailiñ in Tair rar oktõk im jumae ailiñ in Israel im kobalok iben dri kijirãt ro air. Kiõ jen lale wãwen ad jerbal ibben ri tõmak ro mõttad. What might an anointed Christian wonder, but what does he never doubt? Ta ko juon rũkkapit emaroñ l̦õmn̦ak ippãn make kaki, im ta eo ejjel̦o̦k an pere kake? Kin men in, einwõt Lot, ro retiljek ñan Anij rainin "elap air buromõj kin an ro dri nana kõmõn ilo ejej. " Jehovah's Servant in Times Past Dri Korijer eo an Jeova ilo Ran ko Etto " Al in Lomalo eo " - Juõn Men Eaorõk Then, "the man that had been dead came out. " Inem, "eo e ar mij ej itok. " Rar watõk men in einwõt ri jilek ro ak ri jerbal ro mõttair einwõt ro remol. By Way of Review Ikijen Elij Ta kejatdikdik eo ewõr ñan ro remij? That microscopic cell was extremely complex - a miniature chemical laboratory! Ak meñe elukkun niñ cell in elap an kar kabwokbwok - einwõt juõn chemical laboratory (jikin kõmman uno) edik! Inepata - Ta L̦õmn̦ak eo an Anij? Lessons for Us: Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: Inem, ewi wãwen jemaroñ kamelele kin bwebwenato ko an Agboola im ro jet? Jar 4 Ta ko Jej Aikwij Jar Kaki? Aet, jemaroñ ettõr ilo juõn wãwen eo jemaroñ bõk jinekjej eo - jerammõn ko Anij im Jemed, Jehovah, rar kallimur kaki. That expression suggests being patient with others, tolerating the things we dislike in them or the traits we may find irritating. Nan kein rej kwalok bwe jej aikwij kwalok meanwõd ñõn ro jet, ñõn kijenmij manit ko air jej dike ak kadkad ko kadkadiir rej kabõnõnõik kij. Anij ej kautiej im kautiej ri karejar ro an. Were their dreams coming to an abrupt end, as it might seem because of what God now asked? Ettõnak ko airro renaj kar jemlok ke ilo mõkaj, kin men eo Anij ear kajitõkin ir kake? Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: 12: 21; 24: 21, 22. 12: 21; 24: 21, 22. Jet Web site ko rej kõtlok bwe en mõkaj ad lo eon ko jen kajjojo katak. Without something to hold on to, we could just slide backward. Elañe ejelok juõn men jemaroñ jibwe ñan jibañ kij tallõñ, jemaroñ jir im wõtlok laltak jen tol eo. Kin menin, katakin ej menin aikwij. Paul wrote to anointed Christians: "If we hope for what we do not see, we keep eagerly waiting for it with endurance. " Paul ear jeje ñan rũkkapit ro im ba: "El̦aññe jej kõjatdikdik kõj kõn men eo jejjab loe, innem jej kijenmej im kõttare. " Ikijen men kein, ri jeje sam ear al: "Bwe ekjõp ko an ro dri ailiñ ko, silver im gold, jerbal an pein armij in lõl. A woman in India accepted a Bible study and in time qualified as an unbaptized publisher. (Hib. 13: 18) Juõn kõra ilo ailiñ in India ear mõnõnõ in katak Baibel eo im tokelik ear erom juõn dri kwalok nan ejañin baptais. Inem im jet ien, iar jar ilo buruõ ñõn Jeova, im ainemõn eo an ear itok ion iõ. What vital element did the man in Jesus ' parable overlook? Ta men eo eaorõk leo ilo parable eo an Jesus ear likjap kake? Jej ke l̦õmn̦ak bwe Jemes ear lukkuun poub ilo jerbal in kwal̦o̦k naan? " The underground printing work was much more difficult than prison! " Aõ bũriin bok ilo ittino ear l̦apl̦o̦k an pen jãn ke iar pãd ilo kalbuuj! Ilo ebeben ko tokelik, ailiñ eo ekkã an oktaklok jen Anij, meñe ear jilkinlok ri kanan ro ñan rejañ ir bwe ren jeblak. " Praise Jah, you people! " Komin nebar Jeova. Juõn jerawiwi rot in emaroñ kar bareinwõt nojak jen Potiphar im ri karejar ro an, ke ear wõr ien ko ke rar jab bed ilo mweo. (3) "My kingdom is no part of this world, " Jesus said to Pontius Pilate. (3) Jisõs ear ba ñõn Pontiõs Pailat: "Ailiñ eo Aõ e jab jen lõl in. " Einwõt bwebwenato eo ilo Bible kin bwebwenato in congregation eo an Christian ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn ej kwalok, liki eo an Jesus ilo Peter ear jab bwid. " At once abandoning the nets, they followed him. " Baibõl̦ eo ej ba bwe "e m̦õkaj aer ilo̦k jãn ok ko aer im l̦oor e. " Emol, ikijen kajur eo ej letok ikijen Nan eo an, Jehovah ej kiõ "lelok ñõn ro otemjej re kumliklik. " When you describe your situation to Jehovah, express your feelings to him and ask for his spirit. Ñe kwoj kwalok abañ ko am ñõn Jeova, kwon kwalok iñjake ko am ñõn e im kajitõk kin jitõb kwojarjar eo an. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn waanjoñak ko ilo bokin Ezra. It involves graciousness, love, kindness, and goodness. Ej kitibuj yokwe, joij, im lejokmen. Tokelik, kin kajerammõn eo an Anij, ro retiljek rej ellã im mour jen jemlokin jukjuk im bed in renaj jino jerbal "juõn oktak " eo enaj walok ñan indio. In refining our inner person, the comments of our brothers and sisters are also valuable. Uwaak ko an ri tõmak ro m̦õttad remaroñ bar jipañ kõj ñan kakõm̦anm̦anl̦o̦k bũruod. Ekaburomõjmõj bwe, ear wõr wãwen ko kin lũñ ke rar jab lor nan in kakabilek in. Their teaching became oppressive, condemnatory, negative. Katak ko air rar kaddo, liakelok, im ejelok tokjeir. Inem, ilo jinoin, Devil eo kar juõn enjel ewãnik nejin Anij. - Read Jon 8: 44. • Those to whom you preach? • Ro kwoj kwalok nan ñõn ir? Elõñ yiõ ko tokelik, ear bar jino kobalok ibben congregation eo. Jeremiah's territory was largely unresponsive, and he often met with strong opposition. Armij ro ilo jikin eo Jeremiah ear jerbal ie rar jab itoklimo, im ekkã an kar jelmae elap jumae. Juõn wanjoñok ealikar kin wãwen jar ear jibañ juõn ri karejaran Anij jej loe ilo 2 Kiñ Ro 6: 11 - 18. Why, do you think, did Dinah regularly visit the daughters of Canaan? Baj l̦õmn̦ak m̦õk, etke ekar ikutkut an Daina aetõl jiroñ in Kenean ro? Ejelok jabdewõt men ilo lal in me jemaroñ keidi ibben paradise eo ad ilo jitõb. select the correct words? kõjerbal naan ko rekkar? Inem jen "lor ial in karuwainene. " - Rom 12: 13; 1 Tim. The pace of global invention had advanced throughout the nineteenth century, bringing railroads, the telephone, the electric light, cinema, the motor car, and household conveniences too numerous to mention. Jerbal ko rekabel an armij ibelakin lõl rar wõnmanlok ilo 1800 jima ko ikijen air kõmõn train im ial in itoitak ko, telephone ko, jarom, pija in aluij ko, waan ettõr ko, im men ko kõbwebweien juõn em me rekanuij lõñ ñõn kwalok aolepeir. Bareinwõt, ad jelã kin mour eo an Jesus ion lal ej kamaroñ kij ñan jelã kadkad ko kadkadin einwõt Iroij eo an lal ilo ran ko rej itok - elaptata ejjab yokwe eo an make. The Bible helps us to be balanced in showing confidence in those taking the lead among Jehovah's people. Bible eo ej jibañ kij bwe jen jokkin wõt juõn ilo an liki ro rej tel armij ro an Jehovah. Ta wãwen eo ri jeje eo an Sam 102 ear jelmae? How can we imitate Jehovah in this regard? Ak ta kõn kõj, ewi wãween jemaroñ kajjioñe Jeova? Katak in tok juõn enaj etale men in im men ko jet. Deep though the abyss of his sadness surely was, Peter did not give in to despair. Jekron ewi joñõn an kar lukkun buromõj im ebwer, Piter ear jab kõtlok bwe men in en anjo ion. Ta eo emaroñ walok jen ad lor katak ko an Jesus, ak bar ta wãwen eo ej tellokin katak? (a) The apostle Paul set out what principle about providing for parents? (1) Ta naan in kakapilõk eo Paul ñan Kũrjin ro? Kwon Liki Jehovah Ej Kakajurlok Liki, 5 / 15 We need to be careful not to allow our love for Christ to weaken and let ourselves be distracted from Kingdom interests. Eokwe, jej aikuj kõjparok bwe yokwe eo ad ñan Kũraij en jab jino dikl̦o̦k im jab kõtl̦o̦k bwe jen m̦ad jãn ad likũt Aelõñ eo an Anij m̦oktata. (b) Kin kauwatata et eo ikijen men in Jesus ear kakkõl kake? We too must fully trust in Jehovah, for he alone will be our salvation when the present system undergoes the greatest tribulation of all human history. Kij bareinwõt jej aikwij liki Jeova, kinke e wõt emaroñ lomoren kij ñe jukjuk im ber in enaj iion iñtan eo ekanuij lap me ejañin kar walok mokta. (Riit Sam 141: 5.) Thus, the UN Chronicle warned: "Societies are disintegrating. " Kin menin, UN Chronicle ear kakkõl: "Jukjuk im bed ko rej mejaljallok. " Jesus ear keboj jikin ko ilañ ñan jet ian ri kalor ro an. At times, they received hospitality and other forms of aid from fellow Christians, but they did not demand such aid. Rar jab kõtmãne ak kajjitõk bwe rũttõmak ro m̦õttaer ren jipañ er. (1 Korint 9: 11 - 15, UBS) Bõtab, ke rũttõmak ro m̦õttaer rar kõn̦aan jipañ er, rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn jipañ ko aer. Jen jab eddeb wõt ñan lemnak ko ad make ak katak ko raorõk. Youths today can also be helped to view God as a real person, one they can get to know well even though they cannot personally see him. (1 John 3: 2; 1 Korint 15: 44) Jodikdik ro rainin remaroñ bareinwõt bõk jibañ ñõn air lemnak kin Anij einwõt juõn lukkun armij, juõn eo emaroñ emõn air jela kake e meñe rejjab maroñ lukkun lo e. (Dri Hibru 5: 14) Juõn ien ri ikkure eo ear bed ion juõn jikin kallip emwij kãlete, einwõt ring ak juõn jikin jokwe ejokkin wõt juõn, emaroñ kõmman jebel - un ko kein karuo me rej einwõt men in kamijak ak kien ko jet. " There Will Be Great Tribulation " " Bwe ilo Ien Eo E Naj Elap Iñtan " Im ñan wõn ro jej aikwij jutak bin ilo tiljek eo ad? Jehovah invited him to go up on Mount Horeb and stand before the people. Jeova ear jiroñ e bwe en wõnliñlok ñõn Tol Horeb ñõn jutõk kin etan dri Israel ro. Ri kaki eo ear kwalok bwebwenato eo an ilo class eo, im ri kaki eo ear kajitõk ibben ia eo ear lo kamelele eo ie. The Governing Body members make the final decisions, but the helpers implement the committee's direction and carry out whatever assignments they are given. Jerbal eo aer ej ñan lel̦o̦k mel̦el̦e ko jet im kõl ko jet me rem̦m̦an ñan Kumi eo Ej Lale Aolep Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova. El̦aññe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn men kein im kõppojakl̦o̦k im̦aan, men in emaroñ kõjparok kõj jãn ad bũrom̦õj. - JK. But in the meantime, Jesus ' followers would need "practical wisdom " to make a living, using the" unrighteous riches " of today's world while seeking to please God. (Ais. 25: 6 - 9, UBS; 65: 21, 22) Bõtab jãn kiiõ m̦aanl̦o̦k m̦ae iien enaaj jejjet iien in, rũkal̦oor ro an Jijej rej aikuj kwal̦o̦k "mãlõtlõt. " Men in bareinwõt I ar lo, bwe ej jen pein Anij. " - Ecclesiastes 2: 24. On the night before Jesus ' death, his own apostle Peter denied him three times. Ilo boñin eo mokta jen an kar Jisõs mij, dri jilik Piter ear karmijeteik e jilu alen. Baibõl̦ eo ej kwal̦o̦k jet naan ko me rej kam̦ool bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer. Unlike the perfect man Jesus Christ, we are imperfect. Jab einwõt armij eo ewãppen Jesus Christ, kij aolep jejjab wãppen. Lale Awake! They take advantage of the lowly and the poor, and they influence others to act corruptly as well. Rejjab m̦ool aer jerbal ñan ro rettã ak ro rejeram̦õl im rej kapo ro jet bwe ren bar kõm̦m̦ani jerbal ko rejjab jim̦we im m̦ool. 5, 6. That nation was the congregation of anointed Christians made up of both Jews and Gentiles. (Galetia 3: 26 - 29; 6: 16) Aelõñ in ej ejaakin Kũrjin ri kabit ro. Rein rar Ri Ju im ro jãn aelõñ ko jet. (Riit Luk 8: 14.) We moved to a village near the city of Tallinn in Estonia, which was then part of the USSR. Kõmar em̦m̦akũt ñan juon bukwõn epaake jikin eo etan Tallinn ilo Estonia, ijo me m̦okta ekar m̦õttan USSR. Nan in Hebrew eo rej ukõte "ri kanan ro " ej bareinwõt melelen" kalmenlokjen, " ilo lemnak eo an juõn armij. " See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 219 - 221; The Watchtower of November 1, 1988, pages 26 - 27; September 15, 1975, page 575. Im kij aolep jej kautiej kien ko kin men in kõmanman ko. Many who became believers had come from faraway places and were without enough provisions to extend their stay in Jerusalem. Elõñ ro me rar erom ri tõmak rar itok jen jikin ko retolok im ear jabwe jããn ak aikwij ko air jet ñan an aetoklok air bed ilo Jerusalem. Ak ta kin ekajet jimwe elap tokjen ñe jej lelok kaje; ak ta kin joij? Well - meaning government officials and help organizations have certainly put forth proposals for change. Ri kien ro remõn im dolul ko remõnõnõ in jibañ rar kate wõt ir ñan kajimwe abañ in. Ta elañe ri mweo ear jelã bwe ri kwot eo ej itok? A few days before consulting with a doctor, they studied the chapter entitled "A Godly View of Life. " Mokta jen air etal in lolok doctor eo, rar katak ibben don chapter eo "Melele eo Ekwojarjar kin Mour. " L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn eñjake ko an ro rejarroñroñ me rej inepata kõn aer jab maroñ mel̦el̦e kõn armej ro ilo jikin jerbal ko ak ilo jikin jikuul̦. By preparing student talks, we learn how to use God's Word to teach on a wide range of subjects. Ilo ad keboje im kwalok katak ko, jej katak kin wãwen ad kajerbal Nan in Anij ñan katakin armij kin elõñ kain katak ko an Bible. Bõtab, jej aikwij kememej bwe ñe jej konono, "kij otemjej rej tibñil. " " We love you. You will always be our daughter, " he said. Ear ba, "Kwe kwoj nejim im kimij yokwe yuk ñõn in drio. Science emaroñ kalaplok mour eo ad ñan juõn joñan edik, ak jerbale tõmak ilo Jesus ej wãwen eo emol ñan mour indio. In the Bible book of Revelation, the world empire of false religion is identified as "Babylon the Great, " a symbolic harlot" with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication. " Ilo Bible book in Revelation, kabuñ eo ewan an jukjuk im bed eo an lõl in rej kile einwõt "Babylon Elap, " juõn kõrã ekijoñ ilo kõkkar" eo kiñ ro an lõl r'ar lũñ iben. " Etke Anij ekõn̦aan bwe jen kate kõj ñan anjo̦ ioon m̦õjn̦o̦ ko ad? Jehovah himself gives freely of his holy spirit if we ask for it in prayer. Jehovah ej make lelok jitõb kwojarjar ilo mõnõnõ elañe jej kajitõk kake ilo jar. Ta eo ear walok ñan Cain ke Anij ear kir e bwe en mij Abel jatin? * - Colossians 1: 10b; 2 Corinthians 5: 14. * - Dri Kolosse 1: 10b; 2 Dri Korint 5: 14. Ñan wanjoñok, ilo ien ko remotlok, ukok in Bible eo New World Translation ear lor joñok eo an jet ukok in Bible ko jet ilo kajin Hebrew me rej kajerbal kajin Hebrew "Sheol " ilo eon ko einwõt Ekklisiastis 9: 10. [ Picture on page 18] [ Pija ilo page 30] Jet iaan ro jeid im jatid rej eñtaan kõn aer iioon jum̦ae im matõrtõr. Yet, when it came to showing honor and devotion to him, they offered as sacrifices bread that was polluted and animals that were blind and lame. Bõtab, ke ear itok ñõn air kwalok koutiej im tiljek ñõn e, rar ajelok bilawã ko relirawe im menin mour ko rebilo im rajkuk einwõt menin jortak ko. Einwõt armij ro, ro rej kajekdon iroij eo an Jesus, renaj jako ñan indio. - Matu 25: 46. Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Bõtab, jeramel ej mol wõt ñan armij ro rej jorrãn kin tarinae, ibwijleplep ko, lañ ko, im abañ ko jet. The scorching heat does not dampen the determination of the more than 25,000 devout Greek Orthodox pilgrims who inch along trying to reach the heavily decorated icon of the mother of Jesus. Okmãnãn eo elap an bwil ejjab kamõjnoiklok bebe eo an elõñlok jen 25,000 Greek Orthodox ro rej ilok ñan juõn jikin kwojarjar einwõt ñan an juõn kalikar tiljek eo an im jidik wõt an etetal lok ñan an kajeoñ in tõbar annañ eo emwij kainõknõke annañin jinen Jesus. Ta eo jemaroñ kõmmane ilo juõn wãwen ekeie ñan kwalok kwojarjar eo ejokkin wõt juõn? They will strengthen us to face any trial with complete confidence in Jehovah. - 2 Corinthians 4: 7, 8. Renaj kakajur kij bwe jen wõnmaik jabdewõt melejoñ kin ad liki Jehovah kin aolepen buruõd. - 2 Dri Korint 4: 7, 8. Ewõr ke naanin kakapilõk ko ilo bok in me remaroñ jipañ eõ ilo raan kein? ' To Preach and to Teach Ñan Kwalok Nan im Katakin Ke armej in ear katak ippãn Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova, ear lukkuun bwilõñ kõn wãween an Baibõl̦ kwal̦o̦k kõn lal̦ in ipel̦aakin lal̦ in. The spirit person who became Satan must, therefore, have been created perfect and must have deviated from the way of truth and righteousness by deliberate choice. - John 8: 44; James 1: 14, 15. (Duteronomi 30: 19; 32: 4; Joshua 24: 15; 1 Kiñ 18: 21) Inem, jitõb eo ear erom Satan, kar kõmanmane ilo jinoin bwe en wãppen im tokelik ear kãlet in ilok jen ial in mol eo im wãnik. - Jon 8: 44; Jemes 1: 14, 15. Juõn men in kaeñtan ñan Messiah eo ak jab ñan indio ilo tokjen ko an. Once, he asked the chaplain: "You come onto the ship and pray for the troops and for victory. Juon iien ear kajjitõk ippãn ri tõl in kabuñ eo me ear jare er: "Kwõj uwetok ioon waan tarin̦ae in im jar bwe kõmin wiin ilo tarin̦ae. Ejjab melelen bwe Anij ear muri ibben ri jilek ro im ro jet ñan jerbale binmour eo kinke rar kõmman jet jerbal ko remõn. 730 730 Aolepen ailiñ eo ear bõk tokjen jen jerbal in ekkal eo an. " I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder. " - Zephaniah 3: 9. " Inaj lelok ñan armij ro oktak eo ñan juõn kajin erreo, bwe ir otemjej ren kir etan Jehovah, bwe ren karejar ñan e aerã ñan aerã. " - ZEPHANIAH 3: 9, NW. Kõj kajjojo jej aikuj kajjitõk ippãd make: " Ij ke m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kõtl̦o̦k bwe ro jet ren kõm̦m̦ani men ko rem̦m̦an ñan ña? We could use such unselfish people even in the highest political functions - but we are never going to get them there.... Jekõn̦aan kajijet rein ilo jea ko reutiej an kien kõnke ejjab utiej bũrueer ak jeban lo tõprak ñan jidik.... Elder ro im traveling overseer ro rej kajeoñe Paul ilo men in. Viewed from a human standpoint, producing this earth with all its features, chemistry, and complicated mechanisms required a great deal of effort. Ilo kalimjeklok jen juõn wãwen eo an armij, kõmmane lal in kin aolep men ko otemjej ie, chemistry, im mechanism ko rekabwokbwok ear aikwij juõn jibadbad elap. (3) Ñe ettã bũruod, men in enaaj kõjparok kõj bwe en jab l̦ap ad l̦õmn̦ak kõn kõj make. From the time of Abel up to the time of the patriarchs, a number of faithful individuals worshipped Jehovah and obeyed his commands. Jen ien eo an Ebel ñõn ien eo kar kajutõk ailiñ in Israel, elõñ ian ro retiljek rar kabuñ ñõn Jeova im bokake kien ko an. Ilo ial eo lok, Bible eo ej ba bwe juõn ien etto, juõn king in Babylon ear kakien armij ro bwe ren badikdik iman juõn ekjap. " Find exquisite delight in Jehovah, and he will grant you the desires of your heart. " - PS. Elder ro rej kajeoñe wãwen eo ejoij an Christ ilo air jerbal ibben ro jet Many realize that successful parenting includes the tackling of challenges that involve their children's choice of friends and recreation. Elõñ rej kile bwe ñan lo tõbrak ilo jerbal in kakajiriri eo an jemen im jinen ekoba leto - letak ibben aitwerõk ko rejelet jokãlet eo an ajiri ro nejiir kin ro jerair im ikkure in kamõnõnõ ko. Inem, ejjab juõn men emõn ke ñan ad yokyokwe ro jet kin kil ko kiliir, manit ko air, ak ailiñ eo air? If we are unforgiving, we are working against our own interests. (Matthew 18: 22) Elañe jejjab jolok bwid, jej jerbal nae tokjen ko ñõn kij make. Ewi wãwen kwomaroñ karel juõn armij bwe men eo kwoj kwalok kake jen Nan in Anij ej mol eo? So let us help others by speaking what is "good for building up. " Kin men in, jen jibõñ ro jet ñõn air konono kin men ko " remõn im nan in kalek. ' Jeje in jen ebeben eo kein kajuõn ilo ebeben eo kein ka 15 ej juõn ian jeje ko ettotata ilo jeje ko me rej ukõte "juõn book in etto. " In one night, "the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men. " - 2 Ki. Bõtab ilo juon wõt boñ, "juon enjel̦ an [Jeova] ear ilo̦k ñan jikin kõppãd eo an RiAssiria ro im m̦an jibukwi ralitõkñoul l̦alem to̦ujin rũttarin̦ae. " - 2 Kñ. Ta eo Piter ear kõm̦m̦ane im ear kwal̦o̦k kõn l̦õmn̦ak eo an rijjilõk Piter? " For me, the field ministry is therapy, " said one sister. " Ñan ña, jerbal in kwalok nan ej einwõt juõn uno, " juõn kõrã ri tõmak ear ba. Jisõs ear jab baj juõn eo ej bõk kwonan ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. Loving brothers and sisters, such as Aquila, Priscilla, and Epaphroditus, are greatly appreciated in any congregation. Yokwe eo an jeid im jatid maan im kõrã ro, einwõt Aquila, Priscilla, im Epaphroditus, elap aorõkiir ilo jabdewõt congregation. Rar bar kõm̦m̦ane men in ke rar iioon jum̦ae ko rel̦l̦ap. Men eo el̦aptata aer aorõk ej unin aer karejar ñan Jeova. How is your confidence in Jesus as Ruler enhanced by reflecting on his earthly experiences? Ilo am kalomõnlokjen kin men ko Jisõs ear iioni ion lõl, ewi wãwen men in ej kalaplok am liki Jisõs einwõt Iroij eo? Etke kwoj beek ilo buruõm ñan "jebar leen ilo kijenmij "? For those who are determined to have God's approval, though, following Scriptural principles that apply to the issue at hand is the only proper course to follow. Bõtab, ñan ro im rej kate ir ñan kabuñburuen Anij, rej lor wõt nan in kakabilek ko ilo Baibel ñe rej kõmman bebe ko. Enañin aolep ro eliktata uan class in ri kabit ro rar uak ñan ien jonikõn eo ilo yiõ ko 1920 im 1930 ko. Ilo wãween in, jenaaj maroñ jel̦ã ta l̦õmn̦ak eo an. Yokwe eo an Jehovah kin armij ear kamakit e ñan jilkintok Nejin ñan lal bwe en mij kin ir. Eventually, Ahaz died and Hezekiah became king at 25 years of age. Ear etal em, Ahaz ear mij im Hezekiah ear erom king ke ej 25 yiõ dettan. Kin jibañ eo an elder eo, brother eo ear bar jino jerbal in kwalok nan eo an im tokelik ear tellokin an bar jerbal einwõt juõn elder. Rein rej ãinwõt Meri me ear lutõke pinneep eo eñaj n̦a ãnbwinin Jijej. Ke ear pãd ijin, ear "bõk nuknuk eo an im lel̦o̦k dãn ko ñan er, im rar ajej ñan doon. " Empowered to Overcome Any Trial Anij Ej Kajerbal Kajur eo an ñan Jibañ Kij Anjo Ion Jabrewõt Melejoñ Rar kile ir ilo juõn katak title in "Ri Ailiñ eo, " eo ear walok ilo March 1, 1925, magazine in The Watch Tower. In those difficult hours, Peter gave his Master many things to forgive. Ilo auõ ko rar lukkun bin ñõn Jisõs, Piter ear kõmõni elõñ men ko me Iroij eo an ear jolok an bwir kaki. Nineveh ear likit enañin 500 mile ko ñan rear, juõn ial eo enaj kar bõke iturin juõn alliñ. Why not sit down together for a relaxed discussion of the potential benefits of family study? Etke komij jab jijet ibben don im bwebwenato kin tokjen ko me remaroñ itok jen ami katak Bible ibben don einwõt juõn family? Etke eaorõk bwe jen kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rejim̦we kajjojo raan? You will agree that it is amazing that Jehovah has invited imperfect humans to have the honor of serving as his fellow workers. Meñe jejjab weeppãn, el̦ap ad jeraam̦m̦an bwe Jeova ekõn̦aan bwe jen jerbal ippãn ãinwõt rijerbal ro m̦õttan. Ta eo jej aikuj kate kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ane? On the other hand, the atmosphere within the true Christian congregation provides a refreshing contrast to that of the unkind world. Ijo iturãjet, mejatoto eo ilo congregation in Kristian ro remol ej juõn oktõk ekaemololo ñe keiri iben lõl in ejelok joij ie. Jab Kõtl̦o̦k bwe Tepil̦ Eo En Jeraam̦m̦an Listen closely to the way your children speak about the meetings and the members of the congregation. Lukkun roñjake kin wãwen eo ajiri ro nejõm rej konono kin kwelok ko im ro uan congregation eo. Ear je: "Bwe eñin yokwe Anij, bwe jen kejbãrok kien ko An: im kien ko An re jab erro. " - 1 Jon 5: 3. And many of them long for the kind of Christian companionship and delightful fellowship that we enjoy with fellow believers. - Psalm 133: 1; Colossians 3: 14. (Sam Ko 119: 105) Im elõñ iair rej kõnan kain jimjeran ri Christian im kamao ko re lemõnõnõ im jej lañliñ kake ibben ri tõmak ro mõttad. - Sam Ko 133: 1; Kolosse 3: 14. Enaj wõr jejjet in kitien eo eliktata ilo lal eo ekãl ñe kajjojo armij ro retiljek renaj jolet juõn jikin. - Aiseia 65: 17, 21. (Read Ephesians 2: 1 - 3; Titus 3: 3.) (Riit 1 Jon 2: 16; Taitõs 3: 3.) (b) Ta men ko rej jelet buruõd, im ilo wãwen et ko? How is faithful endurance possible? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ kijenmij ilo tiljek? 4: 20, 21; Sam 72: 1 - 20. Do you blame yourself for what happened? Kwoj ke naruõm mõke kin men eo ear walok? Bukõt mokta Ailiñ in Anij im kwojarjar eo an. " Jehovah's spirit is upon me, " Jesus told the people of Nazareth. Jisõs ear ba ñõn dri Nazeret ro: "Jitõb õn Iroij ej Ioõ. " Ke congregation eo an Christian ri kabit ro ear erom "Israel an Anij, " ejja kien ko wõt kin mour erreo rar likiti ñan ir. This helps me to remember the individual's life and history and not just to focus on the patient's present condition. " Men in ej jibañ iõ ñan aõ kememej mour im bwebwenato in mour eo an im jab lemnak kin ta eo ej walok ñan e kiõ. " • Ewi wãwen ad kwalok bwe jej kautiej kwojarjar eo an Christ? The apostle Paul advised Christians to "do hard work... so that [they] may have something to share with someone in need. " Rijjilõk Paul ear rõjañ Kũrjin ro bwe ren " jerbal bwe en wõr ippãer in lel̦o̦k ñan eo ej aikuj. ' Kabuñ wan eo ej kobalok ibben ri tel ro an kien ko an lal in kin bõtõktõk rot in, juõn jar in armij rej katorlok jerawiwi ko air, bwe Anij ejamin maroñ kajekdon e. How has the evangelizing work of Jehovah's Witnesses increased in modern times? Ewi wãwen an jerbal in evanjel eo an Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah ilo ran kein laplok? Joseph emaroñ kar kajerbal maroñ eo an ñan idenwõne kin wãwen eo enana ro jein rar jerbal ibben. Abraham and Sarah did not always agree with each other. Ebream im Sera ejjab aolep iien rar errã ippãn doon. ( " Lio belen Lam eo " ej ejaak in ri kabit ri kalor ro retiljek an Christ, ro renaj bõk kunair ibben ilo iroij eo an ilañ. The account relates that Satan approached the first woman, Eve, through a serpent and spoke to her in a misleading way. Bwebwenato eo ear kwalok bwe Satan ear kebak kõrã eo moktata, Eve, ikijen juõn serpent im konono ñan e ilo juõn wãwen ej mone. Point eo in, ñe jej wujleplok mour eo ad ñan Anij, jej kãlet ñan likit men ko an moktata ilo mour eo ad. Jesus manifested many outstanding qualities, but we will focus on four: his wisdom, his humility, his zeal, and his love. Jisõs ear kwalok elõñ karkar ko remõn, ak jenaj etale emen iair: an meletlet, an etã buru, an kijejeto, im an yokwe. 3: 19. In contrast, Abraham came to be "Jehovah's friend " - and that before the ransom sacrifice was offered. (Rom 1: 7; 8: 14, 17, 33) Ilo okõtan, Ebream ear ãinwõt "jeran Anij, " im men in ear wal̦o̦k m̦okta jãn an kar Jijej mej. (Jem. 2: 23; Ais. Etke Joshua ear maroñ ba menin? - Josh. For many today, accumulating riches is the goal in life. Ñan elõñ armij ilo ran kein, korlok mweiuk ej mejenkajjik eo air ilo mour. L̦õmn̦ak m̦õk kõn eñjake ko an eo pãleem̦. To his captive people in Babylon, Jehovah declared: "He that is touching you is touching my eyeball. " Ñan armij ro an me rar ri jibokwe ilo Babylon, Jehovah ear keañ: "Eo ej uñure yuk ej uñure iju in meja. " Ejjel̦o̦k pere bwe eo pãleem̦ ej kõm̦m̦an bwe en em̦m̦an am̦ kõm̦m̦an ñan eok. Consider how he blesses those who pursue it. Jen lale ewi wãwen ej kejerammõn ro rej kõmõn eindrein. Nan in Anij ej uak ilo alikar! In imitation of the angel who came to Daniel, we should encourage and strengthen one another with helping hands and consoling words. Ilo ad kajeoñe enjel eo ear itok ñan ibben Daniel, jej aikwij kaberan im kakajur don ilo ad lelok jibañ im nan in kainemõn ko. Ak wõn? A Bible study was started with Beere, and he made fine spiritual progress. Ear jino katak Bible ibben Beere, im emõn an wõnmanlok ilo jitõb. Jehovah ear jab ukõt lemnak eo an kin elõñlok jen juõn belen. This presence of people from other lands in many congregation territories opens "a large door " leading to new opportunities to share the good news with people of all nations. - 1 Corinthians 16: 9. Kinke armij rein jen ailiñ ko jet rej bed ilo jikin ko elõñ congregation ko ie, men in ej "kebellok juõn aur elap " eo ej tellok ñan ien ko jet remõn ñan kwalok nan kin news eo emõn ibben armij ro jen ailiñ ko otemjej. - 1 Dri Korint 16: 9. Ñan elõñ, mejenkajjik eo moktata ej ñan read aolepen Bible eo. She dearly loved her little boy, but now she would not be able to have everyday contact with him during his boyhood. Meñe ear pen ñan Hanna bwe eban maroñ kõm̦m̦ani aolep men kein ippãn l̦adik eo nejin, ak ear jab ajl̦o̦k kõn men eo ear kõm̦m̦ane ñan kajejjet kallim̦ur eo an ñan Anij. Ej juõn jerbal eaorõk ibben Jesus ilo ad bed ebak ñan Anij! When that happened, I tried to get closer to my housemates, to understand their culture better. Iar bareinwõt kate eõ bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k aõ kwal̦o̦k yokwe im jouj ñan er. Juõn armij eo ekõnan kabuñburuen Anij ej aikwij ke kõtlok e make bwe en juõn ri kamakoko ñan juõn manit etton, im kõtlok bwe en iroij ion mour eo an? Unjust acts disturb the stability of human society. Jerbal ko rejjab jimwe rej kokkure ainemõn eo an jukjuk im bed eo an armij. Kin menin, ilo jabdewõt wãwen, Jehovah enaj erom jabdewõt men eo ej aikwiji ñan kõtõbrak karõk eo an. IN AN attempt to reconcile the claimed perpetual virginity of Mary with her marriage to Joseph, many painters and sculptors have depicted Joseph as a man who was advanced in age. ILO JUÕN jibadbad ñõn kaburukuk maroñ eo bwe Mary en juõn virgin indio ibben belele eo an ñõn Joseph, elõñ ro ri kõmmõn pija ko im ri kõmmõn ekjap ko rar pijaik Joseph einwõt juõn emaan elap an ritto. Men in ej aikwiji ad katakin iloan im ilikin congregation eo. How did the view and attitude of those in Sardis and Laodicea compare with Jesus ' view of their spiritual condition? Ewi wãwen kar eñjake im lemnak eo an ro ilo Sardis im Laodicea ñe keidi ibben lemnak eo an Jesus kin wãwen eo rar bed ie ilo jitõb? Ikijen men in, ri jilek Paul ear je: "Im men in kamol kin ekajet eo ewãnik an Anij, bwe En watõk kom ekar ñõn ailiñ in Anij, bwe komij iñtan kake: bwe E ar kwalok ñõn ro re jab bokake gospel an ar Iroij Jisõs Kraist, bwe En lomoren kom jen kijeek, im ñõn ro re jab bokake gospel an ar Iroij. " - 2 Dri Tessalonika 1: 5 - 8. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " (Jeremaia 10: 23) Men ko rar wal̦o̦k jãn jinoin bwebwenatoun armej rej kwal̦o̦k bwe em̦ool naan kein. Ak ta kin kõrã ro, limaro ri belele? They were thus reprehensible. Inem ir eo rar nana. Elikin an kwalok likjap eo an Israel ñan deloñe loan kakije eo an Anij kin an jabwe tõmak, Paul ear oktaklok ñan ri tõmak ro mõttan. On the contrary, he chastised Saul, saying: "Your kingdom will not last... because you did not keep what Jehovah commanded you. " Ilo oktak, ear kauweik Saul, im ba: "A kiõ am kiñ e jamin eto... kin ke kwar jab bokake men eo Jeova e ar jiroñ yuk. " Ta nan in kakabilek eo Peter ear letok ñan kij? What questions about godly patience will we consider? Ta kajjitõk ko kõn kijenmej me jenaaj etale uwaakier? Jesus ear uak: "Kin erik ami tõmak. In each example, we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision. Im ilo ad naaj etali waanjoñak kein, jenaaj lale naanin kakapilõklõk ko jãn Baibõl̦ me renaaj jipañ kõj ñan kõm̦m̦ane pepe eo ejim̦we. 1, 2. (a) Kamelele kin etke Moses ear bed ilo kauwatata. Along with Christ, that nation makes up the spiritual seed of Abraham, which Jehovah foretold he would use to bless mankind. - Gal. Kobalok iben Kraist, ailiñ in ej ejaake inen Ebream ilo kõkkar, eo me Jeova ear kanan bwe enaj kajerbale ñõn kejerammõn armij. - Gal. Ilo ebeben eo kein ka 20, King James Version ear kajerbal Bible in English eo elaptata. Amid intense anxiety, fear, and grief, what can help you to prepare for the road ahead? Ta eo emaroñ jipañ eok bwe kwõn m̦aanjãppopo ñe kwõbaj iioon wãween in elukkuun pen im kabũrom̦õjm̦õj? Ilo mõkaj king eo ear jitõñ juõn emaan lalem armij ñan kajitõk ibben Jehovah ikijen ri kanan eo. Desperation quickly turned into pessimism. Kin ebwer ear mõkaj an oktak im bere. Elikin an tulok iumin den, ej erom juõn ri jerbal emwij kãlete eo ej bõk ãt eo etan Jehovah. Of course, more than a simple understanding of the ransom sacrifice is needed in order for us to benefit from it. Ebar wõr juon men jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane el̦aññe jekõn̦aan bõk tokjãn ko rem̦m̦an rej wal̦o̦ktok jãn katok in mej eo an. Ilo wãwen et eo armij ro im ri tel in kabuñ ko rej kajeoñe Israel eo ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn? 8, 9. 8, 9. Timote ear jab jowan. Invading one house after another and, dragging out both men and women, he would turn them over to prison. " Baibõl̦ ej ba bwe ãlikin wõt an kar ri kõjdat ro m̦an Stipen, Saul "ear kajjioñ in ko̦kkure eklejia. Ñan ro rej bõk eddo in ejjab juõn abañ. How Paradise Was Lost, 11 / 1 Ej ba: "Ijjab kajjioñ kõl̦l̦ã on̦ãn tal̦õn ko aõ ak kajjioñ kõm̦m̦an bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k aõ jel̦ã jikin uwe eo, ak ij kõjerbal iien im maroñ ko aõ ñan kõm̦m̦an mejãnkajjik ko ilo doulul in. " " You Are Worthy to Receive Worship ' " Ekar ñan Kwe Anij bwe Ren Kabuñ ñan Yuk ' Juon em̦m̦aan me ej jerbal ãinwõt juon em̦m̦aan ej lale eklejia ilo Poland, ej ba: "Juon em̦m̦aan me ej lale eklejia ilo Poland ej aikuj kõnono ippãn jo̦dikdik ro. He is "the mediator of a new covenant. " E ej "dri kilajrõk kin bujen ekãl. " Inem jemaroñ jar ekkar ñan ankil an Anij. - Read 1 Jon 5: 14. • in our congregation? • ilo congregation eo ad? Christian ro rainin rej kautiej bujen belele eo air 4, 5. 4, 5. Baibõl̦ ej kwal̦o̦k bwe "jel̦ãl̦o̦kjen̦ " eo ñan lo̦mo̦o̦ren" m̦õñã ko ilo iien m̦adm̦õd. " - Jabõn Kõnnaan 6: 6 - 8; 30: 24, 25. Those who learn and apply what Jesus taught enjoy immediate benefits, including relief from excess stress. Ro rej katak im jerbale ta eo Jesus ear katakin kake rej lañliñ kin tokjen ko ilo mõkaj, ekoba rõlok jen inebata ko rele jen joñan. Ewi wãwen ad maroñ jibañ rein retiljek? 4: 16 - Why is the letter to the Laodiceans not part of the Bible? 4: 16 - Etke letter eo ñan Ri Laodicea ro ejjab mõttan Bible eo? Enaj ejelok kobban, im ejelok karõk eo emol. We enjoy studying. Elap am mõnõnõ ñan katak ibben don. Kajitõk eo an Paul ear kakememej ir bwe ren karuwaineneik don im likit ekajet ilo pein Jehovah. In the final analysis, if we really want to avoid hurting others with our speech, we have to do what Proverbs 16: 23 says: "Intelligent [that is, wise] people think before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive. " Eliktata, elañe jej jab kõnan kaburomõj ro jet ilo wãwen eo jej konono, jej aikwij lor ennan ko an Jabõnkennan 16: 23: "Juõn ri jelãlokjen ej lemnak mokta jen an kennan, innem nan ko an rej karel elõñ armij. " Menin kar juõn menin letok ilo Kien eo ñan armij ro rejeramel ro rar jab maroñ kõllã juõn sheep koman. 6, 7. 6, 7. Ñe ej ellãlok, Iroij eo an Christ iumin Juõn Thousand Yiõ enaj jinoe. Indeed, the Mosaic Law included rules and regulations on practically every aspect of the Israelites ' life, outlining what was clean and acceptable and what was not. Emol, Kien eo ikijen Moses ear kobaiki rule ko im kien ko ion enañin aolepen jabdewõt wãwen mour an Ri Israel ro, im kalikar ta eo ear erreo im emõn im ta eo ear jab. Lale elañe kwomaroñ jolok ak kõtlok bwe en laplok am ien ñan read Bible ak katak. - Dri Epesõs 5: 15, 16. This gives purpose to our lives and helps to satisfy our spiritual needs. Men in letok un eo unin ad mour im jibañ kij ñan kabwe aikwij ko ad ilo jitõb. Armij ro rar jab alikar air kõttãik ir ñan Ri Jumae eo an Anij, Satan, bwe "aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo. " Katak in enaaj bar rõjañ kõj ñan anõke ro ilo iien ko etto me rar kããlõt bwe ren kabuñ ñan Jeova, eo ej Kiiñ Indeeo. Leo belen, eo ejjab juõn ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, ear jab kwalok an yokwe family eo an. That attitude began to change, however, once I started to study the Bible. Bõtab, ãlikin aõ kar jino katak Baibõl̦, ear jino oktak wãween aõ watõk armej ro. Juon Ri Kõnnaan an Jeova Em̦m̦aan Enaaj Lale Aolep Eklejia ko an Ri Kõnnaan ro an Jeova Jesus Christ described a particular sign that we need to recognize. Jesus Christ ear kamelele kin juõn kakõlle me jej aikwij in kile. Kien eo ekwojarjar ej itok jen Eo ej yokwe kij. The New Catholic Encyclopedia argues that "between saint and those on earth there is established a bond of confident intimacy,... a bond that, far from detracting from the relationship with Christ and with God, enriches and deepens it. " Book eo New Catholic Encyclopedia ej iakwelel im ba bwe "ikõtan saint im armij ro ion lõl ewor juõn lokjen liki eo ekanuij ebak ñõn don,... juõn lokjen eo, ettolok jen an kabañ kõtan eo ibben Christ im ibben Anij, ej kakõmõnmõnlok im kamwilõllok e. " Ro jemed im jined moktata, Adam im Eve, rar wãppen, bwe jejjo wõt kien ko rar aikwiji ñan tel ir. [ Picture on page 17] [ Pija eo ilo peij 25] Juõn kallimur an Anij ear jejjet kitien ilo ien lotak eo an Isaac nejin Abraham. Luke traced Jesus ' genealogy back to the first man. Luke ear ekkatak im lo menmenbwij eo an Jesus liklok ñan armij eo moktata, Adam. Lokbook in ear kwalok juõn eon in Hebrew ilo Gospel eo an Matthew. How Would You Answer? Ewi Wãween Kwõnaaj Uwaak? Elañe kwoj bõk kunam ilo news eo juõn ran im kajerbal juõn ien 30 minute ak ñan katak ibbam make, kwonaj bõk elõñlok jen 25 awa ko ilo juõn yiõ. Arrangements were soon made for qualified brothers to visit this group regularly. Rar kõmman karõk ko bwe brother ro ewõr air maroñ ren keini air lolok kumi in. Emaroñ jibañ kij ñan kaddek kadkad ko jet raibujuij im yokwe. His school had a tradition of winning the championship, and he wanted to put forth his best effort. Kõn men in, ear kobal̦o̦k ippãn tiim eo ilo jikuul̦ eo an me rej iukkure kõn iukkure in. Kinke jitõb kwojarjar eo ej Anij eo ej Unjen, im ba men ko nae jitõb eo an rej ejja einwõt konono nae Jehovah. As part of that annual observance, children would ask their parents questions that focused on the meaning of the event. Kajjojo iiõ ilo raanin Kwõjkwõj in Kijoone eo, ajri ro remaroñ kar kajjitõk ippãn jemãer im jineer kõn etke rar kakeememeje raan in. Bõtab, rukwal̦o̦k naan ro rar kõm̦m̦ane elõñl̦o̦k jãn 100 rũkkatak! Today, too, Jehovah's "intimacy is with the upright ones. " (Jemes 2: 23) Ran kein, bareinwõt, Jehovah ej "jeraik eo dru wãnik. " Okõj 8 - 14, 2011 (Read 2 Timothy 2: 19.) (Riit 2 Timote 2: 19.) Kõn men in, iar kobal̦o̦k ippãn armej ro ilo kien im ilo menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko ilo lal̦ in. We endeavor to follow the Biblical guideline: "Let your reasonableness become known to all. " Kõmij l̦oore naanin kakapilõk eo ilo Baibõl̦ me ej ba: "Ami kõmmaanwa en wal̦o̦k ñan armej otemjej. " Ke iar kamwijlok aõ kwalok nan ñan e, kõrã eo ear jelã bwe I maroñ lukkun konono! Im rekõn̦aan bwe jen kõm̦m̦ani ejja men ko wõt rej kõm̦m̦ani. Jen etale ewi wãwen kajjojo bujen ej ekkeijaklok ñan Ailiñ eo im wõnmanlok im kajejjet kitien karõk eo an Anij kin lal in im armij. - Lale chart eo "Ewi Wãwen Anij Enaj Kajejjet Karõk eo An. " The city of Ibarra was part of our circuit. Jikin eo etan Ibarra ear juon iaan jikin ko kõmro ar lol̦o̦ke. Ilo an keidi Satan ñan juõn ri ane, Bible eo ej jibañ kij melele kin kilen ko an. For example, many people have wondered, "Is God's Kingdom in your heart? " Ñan wanjoñok, elõñ armij rej lemnak, "Ailiñ in Anij ej bed ke ilo buruõm? " Jen etale joñak ko rem̦m̦an jaar etali im ekkõl wõt kõn iien ko repel̦l̦o̦k ñan ad jojomare im nõbar Jeova ãinwõt "Anij in anij ko, " aet," Anij eo el̦ap im kaamijak. " - Dt. Well, do not pass over them too quickly. Eokwe, jab baj lale jidik point ko im jab kalmenlokjen kaki. Ri jilek Paul ear kakabilek Ri Christian ro: "Komin jab kõmao iben jabrewõt armij eo naetan jimjãn jimjãten, bwe e dri lũñ, ak dri kabuñ ñõn ekjõp, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri kajirere, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, ak dri karek, im jab mõña iben armij rot in. " Can You Explain? Kwomaroñ ke Kamelele? Etke kar kõm̦m̦ane juon kweilo̦k el̦ap ilo raan eo kein ka 24 ilo allõñ eo kein kajiljilimjuon? In what kind of obedience does God find delight? Anij ej mõnõnõ kin kain bokake rot eo? Elañe ej wõnmanlok im najidik bao ko, kwomaroñ liki bwe Jehovah enaj kabwe aikwij ko am bareinwõt. - Sam 37: 25. 3 Why the Breakdown? 3 Ta Unin Elõñ Rej Jepel? Ej ba: "Ilo jinoin ajri eo nejũ ear jino katak kilen etetal ilo juon jikin el̦ap aikuj ie, bõtab iar katakin ajri eo nejũ kein karuo bwe en etetal ilo m̦weo. Now let us look at the way we treat fellow believers. (2) Ta eo jej katak jãn joñak eo em̦m̦an an Jijej? 3, 4. (a) Ta eo rej ba kin nuknuk in belele eo an Leo, im ta eo ej kalaplok lañliñ eo an? Like righteous Lot, therefore, God's loyal ones today are "greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law - defying people in loose conduct. " Kin men in, einwõt eo ewãnik etan Lot, ro retiljek an Anij rainin "elap [air] buromõj kin an ro dri nana kõmõn ilo ejej. " Kanaan ko kõn Zekaraia - Wãween Aer Jeraam̦m̦an, Okt. " The Song of the Sea " - A Manuscript That Bridges a Gap " Al eo ilo Lomalo Eo " Buklemlem eo Ej Kakobaik Ruo Ien ko Etto Ewõr juõn kijeek eo kij aolep jej jelmae ilo mour - melejoñ ko kin tõmak eo ad. The criteria were quite open and very sensible: Writings from the first century C.E. that were regarded as written by apostles or by their fellow workers were regarded as reliable. Berber eo ear alikar im jejit: Ear or berberin air liki jeje ko jen ebeben eo ken kajuõn me kar watõki bwe dri jilik ro im dri jerbal ro mõtair rar jei. Ej kajitõkin e make: " Imaroñ ke kar kõmman jabdewõt men eoktak? What hope is there for the dead? Ta kejatdikdik eo ewõr ñan ro remij? • Ta wanjoñok ko ilo Bible rej kwalok kin tokjen ad debij ad illu? Alcohol - What Is God's View? Arkool - Ta Lemnok eo an Anij Kake? Bõtab, ejjab aolep rũtto ro rej l̦õmn̦ak bwe ejjel̦o̦k tokjãer. How, then, can the experiences of Agboola and others be explained? Inem, ewi wãwen jemaroñ kemelele kin wãwen eo ear walok ñõn Agboola im ro jet? Christian elder ro rej aikwij jatõr. Yes, we can run in such a way that we may attain the prize - the blessings promised by our God and Father, Jehovah. Kõnke Jeova enaaj jipañ kõj im kõnke ekajoor tõmak eo ad, jemaroñ jol̦o̦k "menin kabañ otemjej kab jerawiwi eo ej drebij kij. " (b) Etke jemaroñ ba bwe jerbal ej juõn jerbal an juõn Ri Christian? God treats his human servants with dignity and respect. (Ex. 34: 6, UBS) El̦ap an Anij kea im kautiej rũkarejar ro an, im el̦apl̦o̦k an em̦m̦an an lale kõj jãn ad make lale kõj. Emol, lal in eobrak kin wanjoñok ko renana. Lessons for Us: Tokjen Katak ko ñan Kij: PEIJ 18 Some electronic formats allow us to access quickly the cited texts from each study article. Ilo jet kajin, kwõmaroñ taunl̦outi Naan in Keeañ eo ñan kampiutõr im tablet eo nejũm̦ jãn jet bũrookraam̦, me rej kõm̦m̦an bwe en pidodo am̦ riiti im lo kobban eoon ko. Inem, ri kalor ro an Jesus renaj kar jerbale kijirãt im matõrtõr ilo wãwen eo Jesus ear kõmmane - ilo beran ak ilo ainemõn. Therefore, training is needed. Kin men in, ear aikwij kamineneik e. Ilo ejja wãwen in lok wõt, dri Judia ro reutiej rar kijirãte Jisõs kinke ear juõn dri Galili. Concerning such objects, the psalmist sang: "The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of the hands of earthling man. Ikijen men rot kein, ri jeje sam ear al: "Ekjõp ko an dri ailiñ ko silver im gold, jerbal in pã ko pein armij. Kõn men in, ewõr juon men jej aikuj kõm̦m̦ane ñan kajim̦we bõd eo jaar kõm̦m̦ane n̦ae juon jeid im jatid em̦m̦aan ak jum̦ae Anij. Then and at other times, I prayed silently to Jehovah, and his peace came over me. Iar lukkuun jar ippa make ñan Jeova, im ear lukkuun kaenõm̦m̦an eõ. Rar rejañ e bwe en jolok eddo eo an ion Jehovah im kalikar bwe men eo eaorõktata kar ñan kabuñburuen Anij. Do we think that James, seeing his life ending unexpectedly, felt sad that he had been so zealous, had exerted himself in his ministry? (Jerbal 12: 1 - 3) Jej lemnak ke bwe James, ilo an lo jemlokin mour eo an ej itok ilo ejelok kar kõtmene kake, ear buromõj bwe ear lap an kijejeto, bwe ear make kate e ilo jerbal in kwalok nan eo an? Ri jerawiwi ro me rar dike ir rar bed ilo mol eo "ro jeir im jãtir. " Etke kwe Moses kwõj likũt eok bwe kwõ utiejl̦o̦k jãn Ri Israel rein doon Irooj? " Ran in emaroñ jab jejjet ibben Kwojkwoj in Kijone eo Ri Jew ro ilo ran kein. In the centuries that followed, the nation often turned away from God, though he sent prophets to urge them to return. 6: 1 - 3; 8: 4; Nih. 9: 21) Iomin elõñ buki yiõ ko tokelik, ekkã an kar ailiñ in jab bokake Anij, meñe ear jilkinlok dri kanan ro ñõn rejañ ir ñõn jeblak. 4: 4. Such a sin could probably also be concealed from Potiphar and his male servants, since there were times when they were not in the house. Juõn jerawiwi eo einwõt in emaroñ kar bareinwõt nojak jen Potiphar im maan ro ri karejaran, ke ekin wõr ien ko rekin jab bed imweo. Ak, rar makoko in kalimjek aibujuij eo an Anij. As the Bible account of the history of the first - century Christian congregation shows, Jesus ' confidence in Peter was not misplaced. (Jon 21: 15 - 17) Einwõt an bwebwenato in Bible eo kin armij ro ilo congregation eo an Christian ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn kwalok, ekar wõr unin an Jesus liki Peter. Ikijen bujen Kien eo, Jehovah ear kajerbal juõn nan in kõkkar kin jejjet in kitien bujen eo ikijen Abraham Indeed, by means of the power supplied through his Word, Jehovah is right now "raising up all who are bowed down. " (Sam 40: 1, 2) Emol, ikijen kajur eo jen Nan eo an, Jehovah ej kiõ "kajutõk ro otemjej re kumliklik. " Ej kõmman eindein ñan kij rainin. Think of the examples the book of Ezra provides. Lemnak kin joñok ko book in Ezra ej letok. Ilo oktan, ej menin kaemololo ñan bõk jibañ jen juõn eo ejoij. Thereafter, with God's blessing, faithful survivors of the end of this system will begin to work on "scene " changes that will endure forever. Inem, ilo kajerammõn eo an Anij, ro rej tiljek im ellã jen jeebeplok eo an jukjuk im bed in renaj jino jerbal im kõmman oktak ko ñan "tieta " ak drama eo enaj bedwõt ñan indio. Kwõnaaj m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõnke kwõj kõm̦anm̦an ankilaan Anij. Sadly, there have been cases of adultery when this advice was not followed. (Rome 8: 5; 1 Korint 7: 3, 5) Ekaburomõjmõj, bwe ear wor wãwen ko ikijen lũñ ke rar jab loor nan in kakabilek in. Menin ej aikwiji kebojak. Originally, then, the Devil was a righteous angelic son of God. - Read John 8: 44. Kõn men in, ilo jinoin enjel̦ in ear juon iaan enjel̦ ro rewãnõk nejin Anij. - Riit Jon 8: 44. Lemnak bareinwõt kin ri jilek Peter. Years later, she started to associate with the congregation once again. Tokãlik ear make ilo̦k jãn eklejia eo kõn an kõn̦aan make anemkwoj im kõm̦m̦ani kõn̦aan ko an. Inem kimar etal ñan bukwon ko remouj, im bukõt elõñlok armij ro bwe ren mõn ir. A clear example of how prayer helped a fearful and doubting servant of God is found at 2 Kings 6: 11 - 18. Juõn wanjoñok eo ealikar kin wãwen jar ear jibañ juõn ri karejaran Anij eo ear mijak im bere jej lo ilo 2 Kiñ 6: 11 - 18. YIÕ eo ej 55 C.E. The world has nothing that can rightly be compared with our spiritual paradise. 54: 13) Ejelok jabrewõt men ilo lõl in ej einlok wõt wãwen ber in ejejuan. Ewõr ke jibañ eo emol ilo congregation eo an Christian? So let us "follow the course of hospitality. " - Rom. 12: 13; 1 Tim. Innem, jen wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kwal̦o̦k karwainene ñan ro jet. - Rom 12: 13, UBS; 1 Ti. Ledik in Shulem eo ej einwõt jikin kallip in kinke yokwe eo an ear bellok ñan leo belen - ñan shepherd eo. Additionally, having knowledge of Jesus ' life on earth enables us to get to know his qualities as earth's future Ruler - most notably his self - sacrificing love. (Matu 15: 30, 31; Luk 7: 11 - 16; Jon 6: 5 - 13) Bareinwõt, ilo ad jelã kin mour eo an Jesus ion lal men in enaj kamaroñ kij ñan ad jelã kin kadkad ko kadkadin einwõt Iroij eo an lal ilo ran ko renaj itok - elaptata yokwe eo an eo ej mõnõnõ in karmijete kõnan ko an make. Timothy ear bõk jerbal in elap an kate, jerbal ilo ettã buru, im kijenmij ilo tiljek iumin melejoñ ko rebin. What situation did the writer of Psalm 102 face? Elemen kar eñjake eo an eo me ear je Sam jebta 102? ilo family eo? The following article will examine that and other matters. Katak in tok juõn enaj etale menin im men ko jet. Ak ta kõn m̦an niñniñ eo? What may result from following Jesus ' teachings, but what additional aspect merits study? Ta tokjen eo emaroñ walok jen ad lore katak ko an Jesus, ak bar ta eo jej aikwij katak kake? Ear " barikrik ñõn lõl " ke ear kebak leo jein. Complete Trust in Jehovah Inspires Confidence, 5 / 15 Ewi wãwen ad bõk tokjen jen ad kõmman bebe ko rej kabuñburuen Jehovah? (b) Of what danger in this regard did Jesus warn? (b) Jesus ear kakkõl armij kin kauwatata et eo? Ear kõm̦akũt em̦m̦aan ro retiljek bwe ren je naan ko an ñan jabdewõt eo ear reilo̦k ñane bwe en tõl e. (Read Psalm 141: 5.) (Riit Sam 141: 5.) Ta eo enaj jibõñ yuk ñõn kememej eon ko ilo Baibel ñe kwoj aikwij jibõñ ro jet? Jesus has prepared places in heaven for some of his followers. Jijej ear ba bwe jet iaan rũkal̦oor ro an renaaj pãd ippãn ilañ. • Etke jejamin ajlok kin ad mour einwõt ri itoitak ro ilo lal in enana? May we never rigidly hold to personal ideas or cherished doctrinal views. (Jerbal 16: 14, 15) Jen jab kabin ad debij lemnak ko ad make ak kaorõk lemnak in kien ak kabuñ ko. Lõmaro ri belele ren jab lemnak kin kõnan ko air wõt ak kin men ko an limaro beleir. - 1 Dri Korint 10: 24; 13: 5. (Kingdom Interlinear Translation) A seasoned gymnast on a chosen apparatus, such as rings or a balance beam, can perform split - second maneuvers that seem to defy gravity or other natural laws. (Kingdom Interlinear Translation) Juõn ri kaminene eo ewõr an jelã kilen ilo juõn kein kaminene eo emwij kãlete, einwõt ring ko ak juõn balance beam, emaroñ kõmman ilo mõkaj juõn kilen eo ej einwõt jumae kajur in mejatoto ak kien ko jet an mejatoto. Ewi wãwen ad kamol bwe kejatdikdik eo ad ej mour im jej tõmak ilo men ko jejjab loi me Nan in Anij ej konono kaki? And to whom must we remain steadfast in our loyalty? Im wõn eo jej aikuj kate kõj dãpij wõt ad tiljek ñan e? Rar oktak im erom ri tõmak ro. Her essay received the highest marks in the class, and the teacher asked her where she had found the information. Essay eo an ledik eo ear bõk mark eo eutiejtata ilo class eo, im ri kaki eo ear kajitõk ibben ia eo ear lo melele eo ie. Meñe ejelok family ko ilañ, ilo nan in kõkkar rej belele ñan dolul eo an ilañ, im Jesus enaj wõr juõn belen ilo jitõb ibben ilañ. Such forethought and advance preparation can save us much heartache. - Prov. Ad kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn naan in tõl im kakapilõk ko an Anij enaaj jipañ kõj ñan jel̦ã ta eo jen kõm̦m̦ane ñe jej iioon wãween kein. Kwon kõmõn joñõn wõt am maroñ. This too I have seen, even I, that this is from the hand of the true God. " - Ecclesiastes 2: 24. Bõtab ij kile ke men kein rej bareinwõt itok jãn Anij. " - Ekklisiastis 2: 24, UBS. Im l̦õm̦aro jilu nejin rar aolep jerbal ãinwõt em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. The Bible contains various statements for which independent physical evidence is lacking. Ewõr ilo Bible nan ko ejabwe menin kamol eo ej atartar ion men eo ej alikar ñan mejed. Jemaroñ kõtmene menin kinke Satan ej anij in lal in. See Awake! Lale Awake! Tokelik, ke ear lo ta eo ear nojak, ta eo enaj walok? 5, 6. 5, 6. Ewi wãwen an jerbal in kwalok nan eo ad maroñ kar jab jelã kake? (Read Luke 8: 14.) (Riit Luk 8: 14.) Ke ear lotak, juõn armij ej jino einwõt juõn peba, einwõt ilo nan in kõkkar. The Hebrew verb translated "concern [oneself] " also means" meditate, muse, " "go over a matter in one's mind. " Nan in verb eo ilo kajin Hebrew rej ukõte "kalomõnlokjen " ej bareinwõt melelen" mũlal an lemnak kake, " "etale juõn men ilo lemnak eo an. " 19, 20. And all of us respect the laws of nature. Bareinwõt, kõj aolep jejel̦ã bwe ewõr juon kajoor (gravity) me ej dãpij kõj bwe jen jab eppepe imejatoto. Bwe iomin jejjo ran, mae ien e maroñ in etetal, e maroñ in kõmõn e ilo pein, ak ilo worwor in nuknuk eo an. " Justice is vital when administering discipline. But what about kindness? Bareinwõt ewõr kajitõk kin wõn eo ilo stepfamily ko ej aikwij lelok kauwe. Kin air inebata kin ir make, men in kaeñtan ko rar kejbãrok jet jen air wujleplok ir make ñan Jehovah. What if the householder had known that the thief was coming? El̦aññe armej eo ilo m̦weo en kar jel̦ã bwe ri ko̦o̦t eo enaaj kar itok in boñ, ta eo enaaj kar kõm̦m̦ane? Ilo air jab karõk ien kin jejjet in kitien jet kanan ko, im likit "ran eo an Jehovah " ilo lemnak ko air, rej illok jen kabuñ eo emol. Imagine the feelings of frustration the deaf experience day in and day out because of not being able to understand people at work or at school. Lemnok kin joñõn an dri jaroñroñ ro inebata im buromõj aolep ran kin air jab maroñ melele armij ro ilo jikin jerbal im ilo jikin jikuul. Nan kein rej bõktok juõn bwebwenato ebak ñan elõñ ajiri ro. However, we should keep in mind that when we speak, "we all stumble many times. " Men in ej kaalikkar ewi joñan an aorõk bwe em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia ren tõl eklejia eo ilo iien al ilo kweilo̦k ko. Jej Aikwij "LÕM̦M̦AN " Science may contribute to prolonging our lives to a very limited extent, but exercising faith in Jesus is the real way to everlasting life. Science emaroñ wõr kunan ñan kaetoklok mour ko ad ñan juõn aetokin eo ewõr joñan, ak jerbale tõmak ilo Jesus ej lukkun ial eo emol ñan mour indio. Em̦m̦aan eo me kar kwal̦o̦k kake m̦oktal̦o̦k, ear jel̦ã atartar ioon make kajoor eo an ke ear iioon apañ. Why does God expect us to put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses? Etke Anij ekõn̦aan bwe jen lukkuun kate kõj ñan anjo̦ ioon m̦õjn̦o̦ ko ad? Rein retiljek me rej mij renaj mour ilo ememej eo ewãppen an Anij, im enaj kajerkakbiji ir ilo ien eo ejejjet. - Luk 20: 37, 38; 1 Dri Korint 15: 22 - 26. What happened to Cain when God called him to account for murdering his brother Abel? Ta eo ear walok ñõn Cain ke Anij ear ekajete kin an urõte Abel jatin? Ej lelok katak ko remol ñan aolep ro rej roñjake, im ej mõnõnõ in bokake ro ej katakin ir, einwõt ro jemen im jinen rej lañliñ ñe ajiri ro nejiir rej uak ñan nan in jiroñ ko rej yokwe. - Jabõn Kennan Ko 27: 11. For example, in the past, the English New World Translation followed the pattern of some other English Bibles that use the Hebrew expression "Sheol " in verses such as Ecclesiastes 9: 10. Ñan waanjoñak, Baibõl̦ in Pãlle eo ad ear kõjerbal naanin Hibru eo "Sheol " ilo Ekklisiastis 9: 10 im eoon ko jet. Ilo oktan, ñe leo im lio rej bukõt kõnan ko air make, "jab tokjen eo an armij eo juõn " im rej ukõte mour in mare eo einwõt juõn wãwen kwalok yokwe jen air baj kwalok wõt yokwe einwõt juõn eddo, kõtan eo ebak emaroñ kakajurlok lukluk in belele eo. - 1 Kor. Some brothers are suffering because of opposition and persecution. Im ebar wõr jet rej kijenmej kõn aer iioon matõrtõr im jum̦ae jãn ro jet. 19: 14. Goatlike humans, who reject Jesus ' rule, will be destroyed forever. - Matthew 25: 46. Armij ro rej einwõt goat, me rej karmijeteik iroij eo an Jesus, renaj jako ñan indio. - Matu 25: 46. Ñan waanjoñak, kar kõm̦m̦an ñan armej ro me rar jab rejetake tõmak eo aer ãinwõt armej ro ruo m̦õttaer. Poverty, however, remains a harsh reality for people who are plagued by civil war, floods, droughts, and other problems. Bõtab, jeramel, ej juõn wãwen mour emol an bed ibben armij ro me tarinae ko, ibwijleplep ko, ien ko remõrã kinke ejelok ut, im abañ ko eirlok wõt rar jelet ir. Alikar, juõn ian kadkad ko emen relap kadkadin Jehovah ear pijaiki ej kajur. What can we do in a practical way to show balanced holiness? Ta eo jemaroñ kõmmõne ilo juõn wãwen eo emõn ñõn kwalok kwojarjar eo ejokkin wõt juõn? Kin aorõkin tõmak im yokwe, Christian ri jeje Bible ro rar kalikar kadkad kein ibben don elõñ alen, ekkã air walok ilo ejja nan ko wõt. Are there principles in this book that can benefit me today? ' Ewõr ke kien ko ilo book in imaroñ bõk tokjen jen e ilo ran kein? ' Ewi wãwen yokwe ej jelet kõtan eo ad ibben ro jet? This man had studied with Jehovah's Witnesses. When Matthew was shown 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5, he was amazed at how accurately the Bible describes the world around us. (Jerbal 10: 34, 35) Karõk in ej koba air bõk mour indio ilo juõn lal ejelok tarinae, nañinmij im kwuli ie - ejelok mij bareinwõt. " Jerammõn kein otemjej re naj itok iom, im itok iom; bwe komij roñjake ainiken Jeova ami Anij. " - DUTERONOMI 28: 2. El̦ak tol̦o̦k an bõran baam̦le eo jako jãn baam̦le eo an, ej kab baj penl̦o̦k wõt ñan an tõl im jipañ er. Bwebwenato eo an Daniel ej ijjino ilo 69 B.C.E. ke King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon ear itok ñan Jerusalem im nitbwili jikin kwelok eo, im ej bõk "jet ian ro nejin Israel " ilo Babylon. A painful blow to the Messiah but not permanent in its effects. Naaj kar ko̦kkure Messaia eo bõtab ejamin ñan indeeo. " Lo! " It is not that God owed it to the apostles and others to apply the ransom because they had performed certain good works. Ejjab unleplep in an kar Jeova jol̦o̦k jerawiwi ko an rijjelõk ro im ri kabit ro ej kõnke rar kõm̦m̦ani jerbal ko rem̦m̦an. Ej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "Iar lo an Jeova jipañ eõ ium̦win elõñ iiõ kõn m̦õñã, nuknuk, im jikin jokwe. " The entire kingdom benefited from his building works. Aolepen ailiñ eo an ear bõk tokjen jen jerbal in ekkal ko an. 4: 19, 20; Luk 18: 28 - 30. Each of us does well to ask himself: " Am I content to let others carry the bulk of the workload? El̦apl̦o̦k ke aõ l̦õmn̦ak kõn m̦weiuk ko jãn aõ kal̦apl̦o̦k ijo kun̦aõ ilo jerbal eo an Jeova? Bareinwõt, family eo ej unjen eñjake in eñjake im money ñan jibañ ajiri ro. Elders and traveling overseers imitate Paul in this regard. (2 Korint 11: 29) Elder ro im traveling overseer ro rej kajeoñwe Paul ilo wãwen in. Ak men in ej aikwiji juõn men jen aolep ro uan family eo. (3) Modesty protects us from being position oriented. (3) Ettã buru ej kejbãrok kij jen ad le jen joñan ad lemnak kin utiejid. (b) Ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane elañe jej lo kõnan eo ejõkkar kin lũñ? By the way, the Bible says that a long time ago, a king of Babylon ordered people to bow down before an image. Kwojela Linda, Baibel eo ej ba bwe ilo ien ko etto, ear or juõn kiñ in Babilõn, eo ear kakien armij ro bwe ren barikrik iman juõn ekjõp. Ilo kweilo̦k el̦ap in, juon rukwal̦o̦k naan ear rõjañ rukwal̦o̦k naan ro bwe ren wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt im kwal̦o̦k naan. Elders imitate Christ's kindly way of dealing with others Elder ro rej anõk wãwen eo Christ ear jerbal ilo joij ibben ro jet Armij eo ekãl ej kwalok " nememen Eo e ar kõmõnmõn, " Jehovah make. Would it not, then, be good for us to greet others irrespective of their race, culture, or background? 2: 17) Kõn men in, ealikkar bwe ej juon men em̦m̦an bwe jen yokyokwe ro jet, jekdo̦o̦n ta aelõñ eo ak m̦anit eo juon armej ej itok jãne ak wãween an kar dik im rũttol̦o̦k. Juõn eo ej jibadõk wãnik enaj bareinwõt bed ilo kwelok ko an congregation eo im bõk kunan ilo jerbal in lomor im kõmman ri kalor. How can you convince a person that what you proclaim from God's Word is the truth? Ewi wãwen am maroñ karel juõn armij bwe men eo kwoj kwalok kake jen Nan in Anij ej mol? Iar jab jel̦ã ta eo in kõm̦m̦ane. This codex from the early 15th century is one of the oldest extant documents in which the Tetragrammaton is rendered "Iehoua. " Buk in an lein kar je elõñlok jen 1400 yiõ ko elikin lotak eo an Kraist. Ej juõn ian buk ko eto an bed im ej kajerbal nan in "Iehoua. " Jilu im jimettan yiõ ko tokelik, ilo ien man rak ilo 33 C.E., ear jerkakbiji einwõt juõn jitõb ekajur. What did Peter's staying with Simon, a tanner, reveal about the apostle's attitude? An kar Peter bed ibben Simon, juõn ri tanner, men in ear kalikar ta kin lemnak eo an ri jilek eo? Nan eo an ej kamol ñan kij bwe ran eo ej itok ñe enaj kajemlok ekajet jab jimwe otemjej ñan indio! Jesus was more than a humanitarian. Jesus ear laplok jen an juõn ri jibañ armij. Moktata, kaddek im kwalok kadkad ko Paul ear konono kaki - ettã buru, inemõn, meanwõd, im yokwe. They even did so when they faced formidable foes. Most important, their motive for serving Jehovah was pure. Men eo eaorõktata ej bwe rar karejar ñan Jeova kõnke rar yokwe e. Jejjab maroñ kariap tokjen ko renana rej walok jen ikõñ. Why are you determined to "bear fruit with endurance "? Etke kwõj kate eok ñan " kijenmej ilo am̦ jebar leen '? Jej mõttan kanniek im an ke? Most of the final members of the anointed class responded to the clarion harvest call during the 1920 ' s and 1930 ' s. (Matu 10: 11) Elõñ wõt ian ro eliktata uan class in ri kabit eo rar uak ñan ainikien eo ealikar in jonikõn eo kar kir ñane ilo yiõ ko 1920 ko im 1930 ko. Ekaburomõjmõj, bwe jet "armij ro " ilo maroñ rej matõrtõre kij ak jumae kij ilo wãwen ko jet - einwõt ilo air kowõnmanlok kareelel ko nae kij. Ãlikin l̦alem iiõ, kar bar kajjitõk bwe kõm̦ro en ro̦o̦l ñan Jepaan im wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo jerbalin lol̦o̦k eklejia ko. Men in emol jekdon elañe juõn armij ej bõk jerbal ko relap ilo wãwen eo remaroñ kõtmene kin eñwõd armij ilo jitõb ak juõn eo ej niknik ilo jerbal ilo jikin ko elõñ armij ro rejjab itoklimo ie. Jehovah's love of mankind moved him to send his Son to earth to die for them. Yokwe eo an Jehovah ñan armij ear kamakit e ñan jilkintok Nejin ñan lal in ñan mij kin ir. Jen men in, jej aikwij keini ad kamao ibben Ri Christian ro mõttad ilo kwelok ko an congregation eo ad, ijo jitõbõn Anij ej bed ie. With the elder's help, the brother resumed his ministry and eventually qualified to serve again as an elder. Jidik kõn jidik, em̦m̦aan in me ear ebbeer ear kile bwe ear kõtl̦o̦k an men ko ear l̦õkatip kaki kabõjrak e jãn an karejar ñan Anij. Ewi wãwen news eo emõn ej jelet armij ro kajjojo? There, "Elijah took his official garment and rolled it up and struck the waters, and they were divided. " Innem, "Ilaija ear bõk libooror [ak kopã] eo an, im limi, im deñl̦o̦ke dãn ko, im rar jepel jãn doon. " Tokelik, jemaroñ luji kejatdikdik eo ad ilo eyu. They were identified in an article entitled "Birth of the Nation, " which appeared in the March 1, 1925, issue of The Watch Tower. Katak eo "Lotak eo an Ailiñ eo, " ilo The Watch Tower ilo March 1, 1925 ear kamelele kin men kein. Jenaj mone kij make elañe jej lemnak bwe Anij ej buñburuen kake kabuñ eo ad elañe jej ruruwe ro jet, riap, ak kajerbal loõd ilo wãwen ko jet. Nineveh lay some 500 miles [800 km] to the east, an overland journey that would likely take about a month on foot. Ñõn tõbar jikin kwelok eo ilo Nineve, Jona ear aikwij etetal tarrin 500 mail aitokin, juõn ial me enaj kar bõk juõn aliñ ñõn etetal. Emaroñ kõmman eindein ñan kij. Why is it important that we make wise personal decisions each day? Bareinwõt, kar Joshua eo me ear tõl Ri Israel ro ñan Ãnen Kallim̦ur eo. " Kin tõmak e ar illok jen Ijipt, im jab mijõk illu an kiñ eo; bwe ej kijenmij einwõt an lo Eo re ban lo E. " What should we be determined to do? Ta eo jen peek ippãd make ñan kõm̦m̦ane? 1, 2. (a) Ta aitwerõk eo elap ej jelmae armij otemjej? Do Not Allow Place for the Devil Jab Najikin Devil Eo Iar lukkuun m̦õn̦õn̦õ ke ro m̦õtta ilo eklejia eo rar m̦õn̦õn̦õ in jipañ kõm! He wrote: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " - 1 John 5: 3. Ear je: "Bwe eñin yokwe Anij, bwe jen kejbãrok kien ko An; im kien ko An re jab erro. " - 1 John 5: 3. Bõtab, meñe jej aikwij kate kij ñan katak, men in ejjab melelen bwe jejjab maroñ lañliñ. The apportioning of the land will have its final fulfillment in the new world when each faithful person will inherit a place. - Isaiah 65: 17, 21. Jejjet in kitien eo eliktata kin ajeje ene eo enaj walok ilo lal eo ekãl ñe kajjojo ian ro retiljek renaj bõk juõn lãmoren. - Aiseia 65: 17, 21. Ewi wãween am̦ maroñ jum̦ae mel̦el̦e ko retao an? (b) What factors affect our heart, and in what ways? (2) Ta jet iaan men ko rej jelõt bũruod? Ilo wãween et? " Elap an armij ro mijõk Jeova im Samuel. " 4: 20, 21; Ps. 72: 1 - 20. 4: 20, 21; Sam 72: 1 - 20. Tokelik, ke "e ar ãñinlok e ñõn China, missionary ro an ekkã air kar lej ñõn kalikar kajur in kajur ko rekabwilõñlõñ. " Seek first God's Kingdom and his righteousness. Pukot m̦okta Aelõñ eo an Anij im kwõjarjar eo an. Ke jaar katak kin men in letok eo an kin katok in binmour eo an Jesus im jerbale tõmak ilo men in letok in, jaar jino ejaak juõn jimjera ibben Anij. When the congregation of anointed Christians became "the Israel of God, " similar moral standards were laid down for them. Jeova ear bar lel̦o̦k kien ko kõn mour erreo ñan ri kabit ro ilo jinoin. Kinke Jehovah ear ba ilo Eden bwe kijirãt, enaj kar bed ikõtan ro rej karejar ñan Anij im ro rej karejar ñan Satan Devil eo. • How do we show that we respect Christ's holiness? • Ewi wãwen jej kwalok ad kautiej kwojarjar eo an Christ? Ri Christian ro mõttad remaroñ emmakit ñan lelok jibañ im kainemõn. False religion's complicity with the political rulers of the world amounts to such bloodguilt, such a mass of accumulated sins, that God cannot possibly ignore it. An kabuñ wan bõk kwunan ibben ri tel in kien ro an lõl tokjen menin ej kõmmõn ruen kin bõtõktõk, kain jerawiwi kein relap im rej ejojik mantak, Anij ejjab maroñ kajekdone. Ke ear bellok ien ko remõn, iar konono ibben ri tarinae ro mõtta kin Jehovah im jojomare Ri Kennan ro ke rar kwalok riap ko ñan ir. Ta ko remaroñ kõm̦m̦an an juon l̦õmn̦ak in ilo̦k jãn eo pãleen? Bõlen kwar bõk magazine in jen juõn iair. Joseph could have used his authority to exact vengeance for the very bad way that his brothers had treated him. Ke ear wal̦o̦k juon ñũta ilo ãneo im jikin ko jet repaake, l̦õm̦aro jein Josep rar itok ñan Ijipt bwe ren wia m̦õñã bõtab rar jab kile e. Melejoñ ko an renaj kar jemlok ion alal in eñtan eo. " The Lamb's wife " is made up of Christ's faithful spirit - anointed followers, who will share with him in his heavenly rulership. " Lio belen Lam eo " ej ejaak in ri kabit ri kalor ro retiljek an Christ, ro me renaj jerbal ibben ilo iroij eo an ilañ. Al eo ear jino ilo Nisan 14 - ran eo eliktata in mour eo an Jesus ion lal einwõt juõn armij. The point is, when we dedicate ourselves to God, we choose to put his interests first in our life. Ãindein, ñe jej ajel̦o̦k mour eo ad ñan Anij, jej pepe bwe jenaaj kõm̦m̦ane m̦okta men ko Anij ekõn̦aan bwe jen kõm̦m̦ani, ejim̦we ke? (b) Kin un et eo lõñ ko rar jilkinlok " jur ko '? 3: 19. 3: 19. Ta eo ear walok? Why could Joshua say this? - Josh. Etke Joshua ear maroñ ba men in? - Josh. Jehovah Ej Melele kin Abañ Ko Ad Consider your mate's feelings. L̦õmn̦ak kõn kõn̦aan ko an eo pãleem̦. ▪ Katakin Ajri ro Nejõm̦ bwe Ren Karejar ñan Jeova No doubt, your mate gives you legitimate cause for complaint. Ejjel̦o̦k berre bwe jet iien ewõr likjab ko ippãn eo pãleem̦. Dri Galetia 6: 5 ej kakememej kij: "Jabrewõt armij e naj mõke inek kwonan. " God's Word clearly answers no! Baibel eo ej kalikar bwe ear jab! (a) Ta kejatdikdik eo Anij ear letok ikijen nan in ekajet eo an ion Satan? But who? Ak wõn ro? Juõn Nan in Kir ñõn Aolep! Jehovah has not changed his view of polygamy. Ejañin oktak lemnak eo an Jehovah kin polygamy. Im ke rar kwal̦o̦k naan jãn em̦ ñan em̦, rar bõkl̦o̦k em̦m̦aan im kõrã ro ñan kalbuuj. " For many, an admirable first goal is that of reading the entire Bible. Ibben elõñ, juõn mejenkajjik eo moktata emõn ej ñan readi aolepen Bible eo. Katakin Ej Kwalok Meletlet What a vital role Jesus has in our being close to God! Paul ear bar ba bwe Anij ear jol̦o̦k jerawiwi ko an armej ro "ilo iien ko remootl̦o̦k. " Nejin ej juõn men in jolet jen Jehovah; leen lojen ej juõn jinekjej. " Should a person who wants to please God allow himself to become a slave to an unclean habit, letting it rule his life? (1 Korint 6: 12) Ñe juon armej ekõn̦aan kabuñbũruon Anij, enaaj ke kõtl̦o̦k bwe en ri kam̦akoko ñan juon m̦anit ettoon? Christian kõrã ro rej kõttãik ir ñan lõmaro beleir rej kajeoñe congregation eo ilo air kile im bokake kien eo. Thus Jehovah, in any circumstance, will become whatever is needed to accomplish his purpose. Jeova ear kõm̦m̦an jabdewõt men ear aikuj kõm̦m̦ane ñan jipañ RiIsrael ro. Ñan wanjoñok, buromõj eo an juõn eo ejitenburu ilo mij emaroñ kamakit juõn armij ñan roñjake ennan eo an Ailiñ eo. This calls for teaching both inside and outside the congregation. (2 Timote 4: 2) Men in ej aikwij bwe jen katakin iloan im ilikin congregation eo. ILO jikin ko otemjej jej lo ir ie, im elõñ ro rej uak ilo tiriamo. Regarding this, the apostle Paul wrote: "This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to your being counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are indeed suffering. This takes into account that it is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 5 - 8. Ikijen men in, ri jilek Paul ear je: "Eo kakõle alikar an Anij ekajet jime; bwe En watõk kom ekar ñõn ailiñ in Anij, eo komij bareinwõt iñtan kin E: Elañe ejime an Anij nawõnair kin iñtan ro rej kaiñtan kom, Ak komeo, komij iñtan nawõnami kin kakije ibem ilo kwalok Iroij Jisõs jen lõñ iben enjel ro an kajur eo an, ilo kijeek eurur, im E naj lelok irenwõne ñõn ro re jab bokake gospel an ad Iroij Jisõs Kraist. " - 2 Dri Tessalonika 1: 5 - 8. Ro rej makoko in kõttãik ir ñan iroij eo an Jehovah renaj jebel jen armij ro an Anij. But what about women, wives in particular? Ak ta kin kõra ro, elaptata limaro dri belele? Kõn men in, el̦aññe jej kõl̦mãnl̦o̦kjen̦ kõn Naanin Anij, jenaaj mel̦el̦e kõn mel̦el̦ein naan ko an ilo ad pokake naanin tõl ko an Anij kiiõ, jemaroñ reim̦aanl̦o̦k ñan ad el̦l̦ã im mour jãn eñtaan eo el̦ap im m̦õn̦õn̦õ ilo ad katak kõn Jeova Anij eo ad mãlõtlõt im yokwe. - Ekl. After pointing out Israel's failure to enter into God's rest because of lack of faith, Paul turned his attention to his fellow believers. Elikin an jitõñlok ñan likjap eo an Israel in deloñlok iloan kakije eo an Anij kin jabwe in tõmak, Paul ear oktaklok ñan ri tõmak ro mõttan. Juon raan juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia eo ear kajjitõk ippãn juon iaan em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia ta eo en kõm̦m̦ane bwe en l̦apl̦o̦k an jipañ ro ilo eklejia eo. What counsel does Peter have for us? 3: 3, 7, 10) Ta nan in kakabilek eo Piter ej letok ñõn kij? Ilo bar juõn ien, Jesus ear ba: "Aõ mõña ej bwe In kõmõnmõn ankil an Eo e ar jilkintok Iõ, im bwe In kamwijlok jerbal eo An. " Jesus answered: "Because of your little faith. Tokãlik, rũkal̦oor ro rar itok ñan ippãn Jijej im kajjitõk: "Etke kõm ar jab maroñ in kajutakl̦o̦k e? " " Anij e jela men eo emõntata, niñniñ.... 1, 2. (a) Explain why Moses appeared to be in danger. 1, 2. (1) Etke ro jet remaroñ kar l̦õmn̦ak bwe mour eo an Moses ear pãd ilo kauwõtata? Kebojak ilo mõkaj ej key eo ñan bidodo im alikar. In the mid - 20th century, the King James Version of 1611 was the most widely used English Bible. M̦okta, jaar kõjerbal ukokin Baibõl̦ eo King James Version me ear dedel̦o̦k ilo iiõ eo 1611. Ñan jojomare makitkit ko an, emaroñ jino ellotan im oktak im notaiki ro jet - kõnan ko Christian ro rej aikwij bõpraiki. The king immediately commissioned a five - man delegation to inquire of Jehovah through the prophetess Huldah. Ilo mõkaj king eo ear kajutak juõn kumi eo ewõr lalem maan ro uan bwe ren kajitõkin Jehovah ikijen kõrã in ri kanan eo Huldah. Ilo Britain ri news ro rebuñbuñ rar kajerbal nan in "Iroij " ñan kamelele kin luji tiljek eo air kin mour erreo. After undergoing immersion, he becomes an ordained minister who bears Jehovah's name. Elikin an baptais, enaj erom juõn uan ri jerbal ro rej jutak kin etan Jehovah. Jesus ear kauweik scribe im Pharisee ro kinke rar ba ñan jemen im jinen ro rar aikwij: "Jabrewõt men eo I maroñ bõk jen Ña, ej men in lewoj ñõn Anij. " In what way do people in general and the clergy imitate first - century Israel? Ilo wãwen et eo armij ro im ri tel ro an kabuñ ko rej kajeoñe Israel eo ilo ebeben eo kein kajuõn? Bõtab, elõñ ebeben ko remotlok, Anij ear erom juõn Ri Kõmanman. Timothy was not lazy. 2: 22, UBS) Timote ear jab jowan. Moktata, Jesus ear karreoik lañ ko kin aolep jumae ko nae iroij eo an Anij. For burden bearers this would not be a problem. Ñan ro rej bõk ine ak men ko reddo menin ejamin juõn abañ ñane. Ak kin kabuñ eo air jen ran ñõn ran, imõn kwelok eo ear kabwe aikwij ko air, meñe rar jokwe ilo Palestine ak ilo juõn ian kabuñ ko an Ri Jew ro me rar kajutak ailiñ ko jet. " I don't try to cash in on my talents or attempt to climb the corporate ladder. Instead, I'm investing time and energy in spiritual goals. " Innem ijello̦kun an Kiana kõmaat an maroñ bwe en bõk juon jerbal em̦m̦an ilo jukjukun pãd in, ej kõjerbal iien im maroñ ko an ñan jerbal ñan Jeova. Ke kõm̦ro ar jerbal ilo juon teretore me ejjel̦o̦k kalijekl̦o̦k ie, jet iien kõm̦ro ar kal̦l̦al̦l̦al̦l̦al̦ ilo juon kõjãm in juon baam̦le emouj. Mariusz, who serves as an overseer in a congregation in Poland, says: "Elders should communicate, communicate, communicate with the young ones. Mariusz, eo me ej juõn ian elder ro ilo congregation eo ilo ailiñ in Poland, ej ba: "Elder ro rej aikwij konono, im bar konono, im bar konono iben jodrikdrik ro. Inem ear ba: "Emõnõnõ dri korijer eo elañe iroij eo an ej itok im lo an kõmõnmõn ein drein. Then we can pray in harmony with God's will. - Read 1 John 5: 14. Innem ñe jej jar ñan Anij, jar ko ad rej aikuj ekkar ñan ankilaan. - Riit 1 Jon 5: 14. Bareinwõt, kar konono kin kajin Greek im Latin ilo Israel. Christians today honor their marriage covenant Ri Christian rainin rej kautiej bujen mare eo air 4: 9 - 11. In the Bible, the ant is depicted as being "wise " because of saving up" food supplies even in the harvest " for future use. - Proverbs 6: 6 - 8; 30: 24, 25. Etke? Kõnke menin mour jiddik kein rej "aini men ko kijeir ilo ien rak im bojak ñõn ien añeneañ. " - Jabõn Kõnnaan 6: 6 - 8; 30: 24, 25, UBS. Katak jãn Ro Jet Etke mol in elap tokjen? How may we help such loyal ones? Ewi wãwen ad maroñ jibañ kõrã rein retiljek? Ewõr ibbed juõn men in jolet elap ilo jitõb! It would be empty, without true purpose. Enaj kar ejelok jabdewõt, ejelok karõk eo emol. Eokwe, Anij ear konono jen lañ, im kalikar e einwõt Nejin; enjel ro rar kwalok kin Jesus einwõt Messiah eo kar kanan kake; im Jesus ear kõmman men in bwilõñ ko - ekkã an walok iman buki ak thousand ri kamol ro - me rar alikar ilo kajur eo an Anij. Paul's question reminded them to welcome one another and to leave judging in Jehovah's hands. Kajitõk eo an Paul ear kakememej ir ñõn mõnõnõ iben dron im kõtlok bwe Jeova en ekajet. magazine ko. This was a provision in the Law for poor people who could not afford a young ram. (Luk 2: 22 - 24) Men in kar juõn karõk ilo Kien eo kin armij ro rejeramel me rejjab maroñe juõn sheep koman. Paul ear oktak im juõn "dri jilik ñõn dri ailiñ ko, " ak ear jab kin ailiñ eo an, jelãlokjen, rittolok, ak iminene eo eaetok kin jerbal ko remõn. When it has passed, Christ's Millennial Rule will begin. (Matu 24: 21) Im ñe ejem̦l̦o̦k Armagedon, innem Kũraij enaaj Irooj ium̦win 1,000 iiõ. Bõtab, rej aikwij jab kajitõk wõt ak bareinwõt kwalok tõmak. Ej men ko jet me Anij ear katakin kõj kaki im wãween ko jet ear kõm̦m̦ani ñan jipañ im kajeraam̦m̦an kõj. Ewi wãween an kar juon kumi in em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia kwal̦o̦k aer kam̦m̦oolol elder ro? See if you can find something that could be omitted or curtailed to allow time for more Bible reading or study. - Ephesians 5: 15, 16. Lale elañe kwo maroñ lo juõn men eo me kwo maroñ jolok ak kadiklok ñan kõtlok ien ñan kalaplok read ak katak Bible. - Dri Epesõs 5: 15, 16. Einwõt juõn nukin ebak, John emaroñ kar jelã bwe Jesus ear wãnik im kin men in ear jab aikwij ukwelok. Joñan an l̦ap, ejjel̦o̦k aõ kar kõtmãne bwe enaaj kar ãindein! Ewi wãwen tõmak im beran eo an Moses rar melejoñe? Humans have unwittingly submitted to God's Adversary, Satan, for "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Armij ilo air jaje kake rar kõttãik ir ñan Ri Kijirãt eo an Anij, Satan, kinke "aolepen lõl ej berwõt ilo dri nana eo. " Ak jet renaj jeblak ñan nana in, im ri kaki wan ro ilo congregation ko enaj lap air bõk eddon! Her husband, who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, displayed very little affection for his family. Leo belen, eo ejjab juõn ian Ri Kennan ro an Jehovah, ear jab lap an kwalok yokwe ñan family eo an. Emaroñ kajjitõk: " Ewi joñan aõ jol̦o̦k iien ñan menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko ak menin kam̦õn̦õ ko? Contemporaries Would See It Armij Ro Jet Renaj Kar Loe Ri konono eo elap an Anij kar Nejin eo ej make wõt ear keotak, naetan "Nan eo. " Divine law comes from the One who loves us. Kien eo ekwojarjar ej itok jen Eo ej yokwe kij. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were perfect, so that only a few laws were needed to guide them. Jemer im jiner moktata, Adam im Eve, rar wãppen, inem jejjo wõt kien ko rar aikwiji ñõn tel ir. A promise of God is fulfilled in the birth of Abraham's son Isaac. Juõn kallimur an Anij ear jejjet kitien ke Isaac leo nejin Abraham ear lotak. That document set out a Hebrew text of Matthew's Gospel. Jeje in ear kwalok juõn ukok in kajin Hebrew kin Gospel eo an Matthew. If you replaced the news one day and devoted a time slot of 30 minutes or so to personal study, you would gain over 25 hours a year. Elañe kwar bõk jikin ien eo kwoj jolok ñan aluij ak read news ilo juõn ran im kajerbal 30 minute ñan katak, kwo naj tõbar elõñlok jen 25 awa ko ilo juõn yiõ. It can help us to cultivate other beautiful and endearing qualities. Emaroñ bareinwõt jibañ kij ñan kadrek ibbed kadkad ko jet remmõn. Since the holy spirit has God as its Source, saying things against his spirit is the same as speaking against Jehovah. Kinke jitõb kwojarjar eo ej itok jen Anij, ñe juõn ej konono men ko nae jitõb eo an ej einwõt ñe ej konono nae Jehovah. Still, the publishers were conducting several hundred Bible studies! Meñe ãindein, ak rukwal̦o̦k naan ro ilo eklejia in rar katak ippãn jejjo bukwi rũkkatak ro! August 8 - 14, 2011 Okõj 8 - 14, 2011 As such, I socialized with people in politics and in the entertainment world. Kin men in, iar kobalok iben ro reutiej ilo kien im iben ro rebuñbuñ einwõt dri al im dri kõmõn pija ro. When I finished preaching to her, the woman knew for sure that I really can talk! Ke ear mwij aõ kwalok nan ñõn kõra eo, ear jela bwe emol imaroñ kennan! Let us examine how each covenant relates to the Kingdom and advances the outworking of God's purpose for the earth and for mankind. - See the chart "How God Will Accomplish His Purpose. " Bareinwõt, jenaaj loe wãween an Anij naaj kajejjet ankilaan ñan armej ro im lal̦ in ikijjeen bujen kein. - Lale kõmel̦el̦e ko, "Wãween eo me Anij Enaaj Kajejjet Ankilaan. " In likening Satan to a birdcatcher, the Bible helps us understand his methods. Ilo an Bible eo keidi Satan ñan juõn ri ane, ej jibañ kij melele kin kõmman ko an. Let us take to heart the examples that we have considered and stay watchful for opportunities to defend and honor Jehovah as "the God of gods, " yes," the God great, mighty and fear - inspiring. " - Deut. Jen pukot iien ko ñan ad jojomare im kaiboojoj Jeova, eo ej "Anij in anij ran̦ " im" Anij l̦apl̦ap, ri kajoor. " - Dut. The apostle Paul admonished Christians: "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. " (Duteronomi 21: 18 - 21) Ri jilek Paul ear kakabilekleke Ri Christian ro: "Komin jab kõmao iben juõn armij elañe naetan jimjãn jimjãten im e dri lũñ, ak dri ankwõnak, ak dri kabuñ ñõn ekjõp, ak dri kajirere, ak dri karek, ak dri koaroñ; emõn jab mõña iben juõn einwõt. " Why was a special gathering arranged on the 24th day of the seventh month? Etke kar karõk juõn kwelok ejej uan ilo ran eo kein ka 24 in alliñ eo kein kajiljilimjuõn? If he continues to feed the ravens, you can trust that Jehovah will provide your material necessities too. - Ps. 37: 25. El̦aññe Jeova ej wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im naajdik bao reven ko, kwõmaroñ lõke bwe enaaj bar kabwe aikuj ko am̦. - Sam 37: 25, UBS. " My eldest child first learned to walk at a child - care center, " she recalls, "but I taught my second child to walk at home. " Ledik eo nejiõ erittotata ear jino katak etetal ilo juõn mõn kakajiriri ajiri ro, " ej kememej, "ak iar katakin nejiõ kein karuo ñan etetal imweo wõt. 3, 4. (a) What is said of the Bridegroom's wedding garments, and what adds to his joy? 3, 4. (1) Ta eo ri jeje sam ear ba kõn nuknuk in m̦are ko an Kiiñ eo? Visions of Zechariah - How They Affect You, Oct. Pijen ko an Zekaraia - Wãween Aer Jelõt Eok, Okt. There is a fire that we all face in life - tests of our faith. Ewõr juõn kijeek kij aolep jej aikwij jelmaiki - melejoñ ko kin tõmak eo ad. He recalls asking himself: "" Could I have done anything different? Ej kememej an kar kajitõk iben mõke: "" Eor ke men ko jet remõn in kar kõmõni ñõn e? • What Bible examples show the consequences of controlling or not controlling anger? • Ta wanjoñok ko ilo Baibel rej kwalok kin tokjen ko rej walok ñe jej drebij ar illu ak jab? However, not all parents feel that they are adrift. Bõtab, jab aolep ro jemen im jinen rej lemnak bwe ejelok nan in kakabilek ko remol. Christian elders are expected to be self - controlled. Ri Christian elder ro rej aikwij kwalok jatõr. (b) Why can it be said that secular employment is a Christian's avocation? (b) Etke jemaroñ ba bwe jikin jerbal ko ej juõn jerbal an ien ko remotlok an Christian? Granted, the world is full of bad examples. Emol, lal in eobrak kin wanjoñok ko renana. PAGE 18 PEIJ 18 Henceforth, then, Jesus ' followers would handle hatred and persecution the way Jesus did - fearlessly but peaceably. (Dri Galetia 6: 16; Dri Pilippai 3: 20, 21) Kin men in, jen ien eo, ri kalor ro an Jesus renaj kijenmij iumin jumae im matõrtõr ilo wãwen eo Jesus ear kõmmane - ilo beran ak ilo ainemõn. Similarly, prominent Judeans despised Jesus because he was a Galilean. Ekar wõr RiJu ro reutiej me rar reilal̦l̦o̦k ñan Jesus kõnke ear itok jãn Galili. So it costs us something to rectify a sin committed against a fellow man or against God himself. Men in ej ãinwõt ñe jej kõm̦m̦ane juon menin katok. They encouraged him to throw his burden on Jehovah and stressed that the most important thing was to please God. Ear roñjake naan in kakapilõk ko aer im tokãlik ear bar jepl̦aak im ettõr ilo iãekwõj eo ñan mour. The sinners whom they despised were in reality their "brothers. " Ri jerawiwi ro rar lu ir ilo mol rar "jeiir im jatiir. " This date may not coincide with that of the Passover kept by modern - day Jews. 4: 4. 4: 4. Ilo ejja wãween in wõt, jar eo el̦ap ej kwal̦o̦k an lukkuun rejetake jerbal eo an ri kapit ro jatin Kũraij ijin ioon lal̦. Yet, they were reluctant to gaze intently on the reflection of God's glory. (Exodus 19: 4 - 6) Ak, rar makoko in kalimjek aibujuij eo an Anij. Through the Law covenant, Jehovah administered an illustrative fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant Ikijen bujen Kien eo, Jehovah ear kõmmõne juõn wanjoñok in an jejjet kitien bujen eo ikijen Abraham He does much the same for us today. Bõtab, jen jab kõtmãne bwe aolep iien Jeova enaaj kõjerbal juon armej ñan kabõjrak kõj ñe jej iten kõm̦m̦ane juon bõd el̦ap. By contrast, how refreshing it is to receive help from someone who is gracious. Ilo okõtõn, ej juõn men ekamõnõnõ ñõn bõk jibõñ jen juõn eo ejoij. You will be happy because you are doing the divine will. Kinke kwoj kõmõnmõn ankilan Anij enaj laplok am mõnõnõ. This requires preparation. Menin ej aikwij ad kebojak. Also consider the apostle Peter. Elõñ eddo ko an ilo eklejia ko. Then we went to white neighborhoods, looking for more people to beat up. Ke ear 18 ak 19 aõ iiõ, elõñ alen aõ ire ak m̦anm̦an armej. THE year is 55 C.E. YIÕ eo kar 55 C.E. Is real help actually available in the Christian congregation? Elukkun wõr ke jibañ eo emol ilo congregation eo an Christian? The Shulammite girl is like that garden because her affection was available only to her husband - to - be - the shepherd. Eñin unin ear jab reel kõn aolep men ko kiiñ eo ear kõm̦m̦ani ñane, im ear jab ukot an l̦õmn̦ak kõn rũlale jiip eo. Timothy earned it through hard work, humble service, and faithful endurance under difficult challenges. Kõnke ear kate ilo jerbal ko an im ear m̦õn̦õn̦õ in kõttãik e make ñan kõm̦m̦ani jerbal ko kar kajjitõk bwe en kõm̦m̦ani. in the family? iloan dolul in family eo? What about abortion? Emõn ke mõn lojen kõrã ro rebõroru? He "proceeded to bow down to the earth " as he approached his brother. Ke ear kebake lok leo jein, ear jino "barikrik ñõn lõl. " How do we benefit from making decisions that please Jehovah? Ta jeraam̦m̦an ko jenaaj loi el̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦ani pepe ko rej kabuñbũruon Jeova? He inspired loyal men to record his communications for any who looked to him for guidance. What will help you to recall Bible passages when you need them to help others? Ta eo enaaj jipañ eok ñan keememej eoon ko ilo Baibõl̦ bwe kwõn maroñ jipañ ro jet? • Why will we never regret having lived as temporary residents in this wicked world? • Etke jenaaj kanooj em̦m̦õn̦õn̦õ kõn ad kar mour ãinwõt ruwamãejet im ri itoitak ilo lal̦ in enana? Husbands should consider not just their own interests but those of their wives. - 1 Corinthians 10: 24; 13: 5. Lõmaro ri belele ren jab lemnak wõt kin kõnan ko air make ak kin ko an limaro beleir bareinwõt. - 1 Dri Korint 10: 24; 13: 5. How do we prove that our hope is alive and that we believe in the unseen things spoken of in God's Word? (Hibru 11: 3, UBS) Ewi wãween ad maroñ kam̦ool bwe el̦ap ad tõmak ilo men ko jej kõjatdikdik kaki im ilo men ko jejjab maroñ loi kõn mejãd me Naanin Anij ej kwal̦o̦k kaki? They became proselytes. Rar oktak im tõmak ilo kabuñ eo air. Though there are no human families in heaven, figuratively speaking God is married to his heavenly organization, and Jesus will have a spiritual bride united with him in the heavens. Meñe ejelok an armij family ilõñ, ilo nan in kõkkar Anij ej belele ñõn dolul eo an ilõñ, im Jesus enaj wor belen ilo jitõb eo ej burukuk ibben ilo lõñ ko. Do your own thing. Kwon kõmman ekkar ñan kõnan eo am make. Her husband, Vladimir, and their three sons all serve as elders. Ledik eo erũttotata nejũm̦ro etan Irina im baam̦le eo an rej jokwe ilo Jãmne, im l̦eo pãleen etan Vladimir im l̦adik ro jilu nejierro, rej aolep em̦m̦aan ro rej lale eklejia. This could well be expected because Satan is the god of this world. Jemaroñ kõtmene bwe men in enaj walok kinke Satan ej anij in lal in. Later, when he finds out what was hidden, what will be the result? Tokãlik ñe l̦eo enaaj jel̦ã kõn men ko ear n̦ooji, ta eo enaaj wal̦o̦k? How could our bearing witness have results we may not know about? Ewi wãwen jerbal in kwalok nan eo ar emaroñ or tõbrõkin meñe jejjab kile? At birth, a human starts out like a blank sheet of paper, as it were. (Rev. 11: 17; Sam 36: 9) Ñe juõn armij ej lotaktok, mour eo an ej einwõt juõn peba ejelok jeje ie ilo kõkkar. 19, 20. 19, 20. For the few days, until it is able to walk, he may carry it in his arms or in the loose folds of his coat. " Iumin jejjo ran ko, mae ien emaroñ etetal, emaroñ bõke ilo pein ak likite ilo kobe eo an. " Self - inflicted, destructive anguish has even kept some from dedicating themselves to Jehovah. Inebata ko rej kokkure im jej make kaeñtan kij kaki rar bõprae jet jen air wujleplok air mour ñan Jehovah. Unable to make time calculations concerning the fulfillment of certain prophecies, and putting "Jehovah's day " off in their minds, they abandon true worship. Air jab maroñ watwate ien eo kin naj jejjet in kitien jet kanan ko, im karumijilok "ran eo an Jehovah " ilo lemnak ko air, rej ilok jen kabuñ eo emol. Words like these bring to a close many a children's story. Ekkã air kwalok nan kein ilo jemlokõn inoñ ko an ajiri ro. We Need to Be "Spotless " Ej Aikwij "Ejelok Lipjinjin " Ibbed Atsuko, mentioned at the outset, was accustomed to relying on her own strength when faced with problems. (Sam 118: 6) Atsuko, eo kar konono kake ilo jinoin, ear iminene in atartar ion kajur eo an mõke ke ear jelmae abañ ko. Such faithful ones who die will live on in God's perfect memory, and he will resurrect them in due time. - Luke 20: 37, 38; 1 Corinthians 15: 22 - 26. Armij rot rein rej tiljek ñe remij renaj mour ilo ememej wãppen eo an Anij, im enaj kajerkakbijeik ir ilo ien eo ejejjet. - Luk 20: 37, 38; 1 Dri Korint 15: 22 - 26. He imparts healthful teachings to all who listen, and he delights in the obedience of those whom he teaches, just as parents rejoice when their children respond to loving instruction. - Proverbs 27: 11. (Jemes 1: 17; 1 Timote 1: 11) Ej letok katak ko rejimwe ñan ro otemjej rej roñjake, im ej mõnõnõ ilo bokake eo an ro ej katakin ir, einwõt jemen im jinen ajiri ro rej lañliñ ñe ajiri ro nejiir rej uak ñan nanin jiroñ eo ewõr yokwe ie. - Jabõn Kennan Ko 27: 11. Conversely, when each mate seeks, "not his own advantage, but that of the other person " and renders the marriage due as an expression of love rather than as a duty, affectionate intimate relations can strengthen the marriage bond. - 1 Cor. Ilo an rippãlele ro l̦õmn̦ak kõn kõn̦aan im aikuj ko an doon, men in ej kaalikkar aer l̦õmn̦ak kõn doon im jab l̦õmn̦ak kõn er make. 19: 14. " Naan ko jãn loõ... ren em̦m̦an im̦aan mejam̦, O Jeova. " - SAM 19: 14. For example, people who did not support Communism had been treated as second - rate citizens. Ñan waanjoñak, ear wõr kalijekl̦o̦k ñan armej ro rar jab rejetake l̦õmn̦ak ko an kien in. Evidently, one of the four principal attributes of Jehovah portrayed by these cherubs is power. (Reveles̃õn 4: 6, 7) Alikar, juõn ian kadkad ko kadkadin Jehovah me cherub rein rej kõkkar kake ej kajur. Because of the importance of faith and love, Christian Bible writers highlighted these qualities together multiple times, often in the same sentence or phrase. Kõn an aorõk yokwe im tõmak, elõñ alen an kar rijeje Baibõl̦ ro kobaik naan kein ilo juon wõt jãntõj ak eoon. Aolep iien Jijej ear m̦ool im ear kajejjeti men ko ear kallim̦ur kaki. How does love affect our relationship with others? El̦aññe jej yokwe ro jet, ewi wãween men in enaaj jelõt wãween ad kõm̦m̦an ñan er? " All these blessings must come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God. " - DEUTERONOMY 28: 2. " Jerammõn kein otemjej re naj itok iom, kinke kwoj eoroñ ainikien Jehovah am Anij. " - DEUTERONOMY 28: 2, New World Translation. Daniel's account begins in 618 B.C.E. when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon comes to Jerusalem and lays siege to the city, and he takes "some of the sons of Israel " into captivity in Babylon. Bwebwenato eo an Daniel ej jino ilo yiõ eo 618 B.C.E. ke Nebuchadnezzar, King in Babylon ej itok ñan Jerusalem im nitbwili jikin kwelok eo, im ear bõk "jen bwiljin ri jibokwe in Israel ro, jet likao ro " ñan erom ri kamakoko ilo Babylon. * (Lale kõmel̦el̦e eo itulal̦.) " Look! " " Lo! " She adds: "To me, it has been a modern - day miracle to experience firsthand how Jehovah through the years provided me with food, clothing, and shelter. " Ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba: "Aõ kar lo wãween an Jeova jipañ eõ ium̦win iiõ kein ikijjeen an kabwe aikuj ko aõ kõn m̦õñã, nuknuk, im jikin jokwe, ej ãinwõt juon menin kabwilõñlõñ ñan ña. " 4: 19, 20; Luke 18: 28 - 30. Elañe kwoj kejekron "men ko routiej " an lõl in im" kõtaik [yuk] ñõn men ko rettã, " kwe bareinwõt kwomaroñ bõk jerammõn ko jet ilo jerbal in marmir jonikõn eo. - Rom 12: 16; Matu 4: 19, 20; Luk 18: 28 - 30. Further, the family is the source of emotional and financial support for children. Bareinwõt, family eo ej jikin eo ajiri ro rej bõk jibañ ilo eñjake im wõnãn mour. But this requires something from everybody in the family circle. Ak menin ej aikwiji juõn men jen kajjojo uan family eo. (b) What should we do if we experience unclean sexual desire? (b) Ta eo jej aikwij kõmmane elañe ej wõr juõn kõnan kin mour etton? At that convention, one speaker after another encouraged the audience to forge ahead with the preaching work. Ilo kwelok elap eo, aolep ro rar kwalok katak ko rar rejañ dri kwelok ro ñõn wõnmanlok ilo jerbal in kwalok nan. The new personality reflects "the image of the One who created it, " Jehovah himself. (Kolosse 3: 10) Ñe lio im l̦eo rej kwal̦o̦k aerro " tũriam̦o, jouj, ettã bõro, ineem̦m̦an, im kijenmej, ' enaaj lukkuun em̦m̦an pãd eo aerro im Jeova enaaj kajeraam̦m̦an erro. One who is pursuing righteousness would also be present at congregation meetings and have a meaningful share in the lifesaving preaching and disciple - making work. (Jrb. 3: 19) Elukkuun aorõk men in kõnke Jeova eban buñbũruon ñe juon ej ajel̦o̦k mour eo an ñane ak ej kõm̦m̦ani wõt men ko renana me ediki. I did not know what to do. Iar jab jelã kin ta eo Iar maroñ kõmmane. Three and a half years later, in the spring of 33 C.E., he was resurrected as a mighty spirit person. Jilu im jimettan yiõ ko tokelik, ilo ien manrak in 33 C.E., kar kajerkakbijeik e einwõt juõn jitõb ekajur. His Word assures us that the day is coming when he will put an end to all injustice for all time! Naan ko an rej kaalikkar bwe m̦õttan jidik enaaj jol̦o̦k aolep men ko renana. Innem, ear wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k im ba men in kõn Job: "Ñe kwõnaaj ko̦kkure ãnbwinnin, innem enaaj jutak im̦aan mejam̦ im ba naan ko renana n̦ae eok! " First, cultivate and display the qualities that Paul mentioned - humility, mildness, patience, and love. M̦oktata, jej aikuj kate kõj ñan kwal̦o̦k men ko me Paul ear rõjañ Kũrjin ro ñan kwal̦o̦ki ãinwõt ettã bõro, ineem̦m̦an, meanwõd, im yokwe. The restorative effects of silence cannot be denied. Ien kejeklokjen emol an or tokjen. Are we part flesh and part soul? Ilo enbwinid ej kanniek im aan jimor ke? Unfortunately, some "unreasonable men " in authority persecute us or oppose us in other ways - such as by promoting smear campaigns against us. Ekaburomõj bwe, jet "dri bwebwe " ro reutiej rej matõrtõre ak jumae kij ilo wãwen ko jet - einwõt ilo air niremij im kariap kij. This is true whether one is assigned where big catches in the way of spiritual fishing can be expected or one is persevering in well - worked territories where general indifference prevails. Kwõnaaj lo tõprak meñe elõñ armej ro ilo territory eo am̦ rej m̦õn̦õn̦õ in roñjake ak jaab. Instead, we must regularly associate with fellow Christians at our congregation meetings, where God's spirit is present. Bõtab, jejjab aikuj kõtl̦o̦k bwe men in en kabbeer kõj jãn ad pojak im ekkõl wõt. How does the good news affect individuals? Ewi wãwen news eo emõn ej jelet armij ro kajjojo? In time, we could even lose our hope completely. Ejjabto tokelik, jemaroñ lukkun luji kejatdikdik eo ad. We would be deceiving ourselves if we thought that God is pleased with our worship if we slander others, tell lies, or misuse the tongue in other ways. Jenaj mone kij make elañe jaar lemnak bwe Anij ej buñburuen kin kabuñ eo ad elañe jej kananaik armij ro jet, riap, ak kajerbal loed ilo wãwen ko jet rejakkar. He can do the same for us. Jeova emaroñ kõmõne men in ñõn kij. " By faith he left Egypt, but not fearing the anger of the king, for he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " " Kin tõmak ear illok jen Ijipt, im jab mijõk illu an kiñ eo, bwe ej kijenmij einwõt an lo Eo re ban lo E. " Jeova ej letok juon jeraam̦m̦an el̦ap ñan kõj bwe jen Ri Kõnnaan ro an. 1, 2. (a) What big issue faces all mankind? 1, 2. How relieved I was when the friends in the congregation willingly came to our aid! Kar juõn menin jibañ iõ ke ro jera ilo congregation eo rar mõnõnõ in iten jibañ kimro! While study requires effort, however, this does not mean that it cannot be enjoyable. Bõtab, meñe kwoj aikwij kate yuk ñe kwoj katak ejjab melelen bwe ejjab maroñ juõn ien kalañliñ. How can you resist his propaganda? 12: 9) Kõn men in, ewi wãween am̦ maroñ kõjparok eok jãn mel̦el̦e ko retao an Setan? " The people were greatly in fear of Jehovah and of Samuel. " " Armij ro rar kanuij mijõk Jeova im Samuel. ' Later, when "Buddhism was transplanted to China, its missionaries often resorted to the display of miraculous powers. " Tokelik, ke "kabuñ in Buddhism ear emmakit ñan China, missionary ro air ekkã air kwalok kajur ko air ñan kõmman men in bwilõñ ko. " When we learned about his provision of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice and exercised faith in that provision, we began to build a friendship with God. Ke jaar ekkatak im jel̦ã bwe Jeova ear letok Nejin bwe en mej kõn kõj, jaar jino tõmak ilo katok in mour eo an Jijej. Innem, jaar maroñ ejaak juon jem̦jerã epaak ippãn Anij. Because Jehovah had stated in Eden that enmity, or hatred, would exist between those who serve God and those who serve Satan the Devil. Kinke Jehovah ear ba ilo Eden bwe enaj wõr kijirãt ikõtan ro rej karejar ñan Anij im ro rej karejar ñan Satan. Fellow Christians may be motivated to provide help and comfort. Emaroñ kamakit dri Kristian ro mõtar ñõn jibõñ im kainemõn kij. As opportunities came up, I talked to my fellow soldiers about Jehovah and defended the Witnesses when lies were told about them. Ke ear or ien ko rebellok, iar konono kin Jeova ñõn dri tõrinae ro mõta im iar jojomare Dri Kennan ro an Jeova ñe rej kwalok nan in riõp ko nae ir. You may have received this magazine from one of them. Bõlen kwõj loe aer ajej an armej bokin riit im kajjitõk ippãn jabdewõt ñe ekõn̦aan katak Baibõl̦. His trials would reach an agonizing climax on the torture stake. Ekajet eo an enaj tõbar ien eo elaptata) ñe enaj toto ion alal in kaeñtan eo. The setting sun on Thursday begins Nisan 14 - the last day of Jesus ' life on earth as a human. Tulok in al ilo Thursday ej jinoin Nisan 14 - ran eo eliktata in mour eo an Jesus ion lal einwõt juõn armij. (b) For what purpose have the heavens sent out " measuring lines '? (b) Ñan ta un ko unin an lañ ko jilkinlok " kein joñok ' ko? What has happened? Ta eo ear walok? Jehovah Understands Our Distresses Jehovah Ej Melele kin Eñtan ko Ad ▪ Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah ▪ Katakin Jo̦dikdik eo Nejũm̦ bwe En Karejar ñan Jeova Galatians 6: 5 reminds us: "Each one will carry his own load of responsibility. " (Ftn.) Bokin Galetia 6: 5 ej kakeememej kõj im ba: "Jabdewõt armej enaaj make ineek kun̦aan. " (a) What hope was provided through God's sentence on Satan? (a) Ekajet eo an Anij nae Satan ear letok kejatdikdik et eo? An Open Invitation! Juõn Nan in Kir Ebellok ñõn Aolep! Invading one house after another and, dragging out both men and women, he would turn them over to prison. " (Jerb. 8: 3) Ear "matõrtõr ir ñõn jikin kwelok ko an ro drua. " - Jerb. Teaching That Imparts Wisdom Katakin Me Ej Lelok Meletlet Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward. " ajiri rõn men in jolit jen Jeova, im leen lojien kõra men in letok jen E. " Christian wives who keep in humble submission to their husbands imitate the congregation in recognizing and observing the headship principle. Christian kõrã ro rej kõtãik ir ñan lõmaro beleir, rej kajeoñe congregation eo ilo air kile im bokake kien eo kin bõr eo. For instance, the painful loss of a loved one in death may move an individual to listen to the Kingdom message. Ñan wanjoñok, kin an jitenburu eo an juõn armij mij men in emaroñ kamakit e ñan roñjake ennan eo an Ailiñ eo. SUFFERING is seen everywhere, and many are those who respond to it compassionately. IÑTAN ej juõn men jej loe ijoko otemjej, im elõñ ro ilo tiriamokake rej jibõñ ro rej iñtan. Those unwilling to submit to Jehovah's rulership will eventually be separated from God's people. Ñe armej in ejjab kõn̦aan kõttãiki ñan Jeova, innem ejjab maroñ juon iaan ro doon. Bareinwõt ekõn̦aan jel̦ã el̦aññe armej ro rej lukkuun tõmak bwe enaaj jipañ er. So if we STOP to consider God's Word, LOOK to understand its meaning for us, and LISTEN by obeying God's guidance now, we can look forward to surviving the great tribulation and enjoying an eternity of learning about our all - wise and loving God, Jehovah. - Eccl. Kõn men in, jen BÕJRAK im riiti ta eo Baibõl̦ ej ba, LALE ta mel̦el̦ein eoon ko, im ROÑJAKE ilo ad pokake naanin tõl ko an Anij kiiõ. El̦aññe jej kõm̦m̦ani men kein, jenaaj maroñ el̦l̦ã im mour jãn eñtaan eo el̦ap. Im jenaaj maroñ wõnm̦aanl̦o̦k wõt ilo ad katak kõn Jeova, Anij eo ad emãlõtlõt im el̦ap yokwe ippãn. One day an enthusiastic young ministerial servant asked an elder for suggestions on how to become more useful in the congregation. (Jabõn Kennan Ko 20: 5) Juõn ran juõn jodikdik ministerial servant ewõr an itoklimo ear kajitõk ibben juõn elder ñan kwalok an lemnak kin wãwen oktak im laplok tokjen ilo congregation eo. On another occasion, Jesus stated: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " (Matthew 4: 4) Ilo bar juõn ien, Jesus ear ba: "Kijiõ bwe In kõmõnmõn ankil an Eo e ar jilkintok Iõ, im bwe In kamwijlok jerbal eo An. " " God knows best, baby.... " Nejũ, kwõn... jab... jañ... bwe Anij ejel̦ã ta eo em̦m̦antata ñan kõj. " Careful preparation is the key to simplicity and clarity. Bõk ien ñan am kebojak lok iman ej men eo eaorõk bwe en alikar am katakin. To justify his actions, he may start to murmur and become critical of others - tendencies that Christians should shun. Ñan kowãnik jerbal ko an, emaroñ jino lotan im kõrraate ro jet - kadkad ko me Ri Christian ro rej aikwij kejbãrok ir jeni. In Britain the media have popularized the word "sleaze " to describe the loss of moral integrity. Ilo Britain jikin kõjela ko rej kabuñbuñi nan in "sleaze " ñõn kalikar an jako tiljek ilo mwil emõn im erreo. Jesus chastised the scribes and the Pharisees because they said to needy parents: "Whatever I have by which you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God. " Jijej ear kauweik skraib ro im Parisi ro kõnke rar ba ñan ro jineer im jemãer rejeram̦õl, " Eor ibba jet men ko i maroñ in jibañ kom̦ kake, ak men in ej an Anij. ' Countless ages ago, however, God became a Creator. Mokta jen an Anij kar kõmanman men otemjej, ear make ian. First, Jesus cleansed the heavens of all vestiges of opposition to godly rule. Mokta, Jesus ear karreoik lõñ jen jabdewõt men me ear jumae iroij eo an Anij. Jimmy eoktak jãn jinoin. But for their day - to - day worship, the local synagogue served their needs, whether they lived in Palestine or in one of the many Jewish colonies that were established abroad. Bõtab, enañin aolep ien rar etal ñõn imõn kabuñ eo ilo bukwon eo air, meñe rar jokwe ilo Judia ak ilo bukwon ko retolok jen Judia. While we were working a black territory, we sometimes inadvertently knocked at a door of a white family. Ke kõmar kwal̦o̦k naan ilo bukwõn ko an rũkilmeej ro, ewõr iien kõmar jirilo̦k im kal̦l̦al̦l̦al̦ ilo jet iaan m̦õko im̦õn ripãlle ro. Then he said: "Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Inem ear ba: "Emõnõnõ dri korijeran eo an iroij e naj itok im lo an kõmõnmõn ein drein. " In addition, Greek and Latin were spoken in Israel. (Luk 4: 17 - 19, UBS; 24: 44, 45; Jerbal 15: 21, UBS) Armej ro ilo tõre ko an Jijej rar bareinwõt kõnono ilo kajin Grik im Latin. 4: 9 - 11. - Dri Galetia 4: 9 - 11. Why is this fact significant? Rar jum̦ae Ri Israel ro etto im Kũrjin ri kabit ro. What a rich spiritual heritage we have! Emol ewõr ibbed juõn men in jolet ilo jitõb ekabwilõñlõñ! Well, God spoke from heaven, identifying him as His own Son; angels pointed Jesus out as the foretold Messiah; and Jesus performed miracles - often in front of hundreds or even thousands of eyewitnesses - that clearly drew on the power of God. Eokwe, Anij ear konono jen lañ, im kalikar bwe Messiah eo ear Nejin make; enjel ro rar kalikar bwe Jesus ear Messiah eo kar kanan kake; im Jesus ear kõmman elõñ menin bwilõñ ko - ekkã an kõmmani men kein iman mejen elõñ buki ak thousand armij ro - kin kajur eo jen Anij. magazines. magazine ko. Paul became "an apostle to the nations, " but it was not because of his nationality, education, age, or long record of fine works. Paul ear erom juõn "dri jilik ñõn dri ailiñ ko, " ak ear jab bedbed ion kilin, jelãlokjen eo an, dettan, ak juõn men in kamol kin eaetok jerbal ko an remõn. However, they should contain not only requests but also expressions of faith. Bõtab, ijellokin ar kwalok kajitõk ko ar ilo ien jar, jej aikwij bareinwõt kwalok nan ko me rej kalikar tõmak eo ar. How did one body of elders show appreciation for an older fellow overseer? Ewi wãwen an kar juõn kumi in elder kwalok air kamolol kin juõn overseer mõttair eritto? As a close relative, John must have known that Jesus was righteous and therefore in no need of repentance. Einwõt juõn nukin ebak, Jon ear jela bwe Jisõs ej juõn armij ewãnik im kin men in ear jab aikwij ukwelok. How were Moses ' faith and courage put to the test? Ewi wãween Moses ear kalikkar an tõmak im peran? But some were going to return to that corruption, and false teachers in the congregations would be largely responsible! (2 Peter 1: 4) Ak jet renaj kar bar oktaklok ñõn nana, im ri kaki wan ro ilo congregation ko elap air bõk eddo! He might ask: " How much time am I actually expending on recreation or leisure pursuits? (Epesõs 5: 15, 16) Emaroñ kajjitõk ippãn make: " El̦ap ke aõ jol̦o̦k iien ñan menin kam̦õn̦õn̦õ ko? God's chief spokesman was his only - begotten Son, called "the Word. " (Jenesis 16: 7 - 11; 18: 1 - 3, 22 - 26; 19: 1; Dri Ekajet 2: 1 - 4; 6: 11 - 16, 22; 13: 15 - 22) Ri konono eo elap an Anij kar Manje eo Nejin, kar naetan "Nan eo. "