To help us get into the spirit of singing, each of the convention and assembly program sessions opens with a ten - minute music presentation. Oshoongalele keshe sha kula ile shinini ohashi hovele nomusika tai dana ominute omulongo, opo shi tu kwafele tu kale tu na ehalo lokwiimba. Opo tu dule okweenda momhepo, otwa li twa hovela okukala hatu ongala pamwe noyoongalele yetu efiku keshe. The following article will consider what husbands and wives can do to fortify the spiritual defenses of their marriage. Oshitukulwa tashi landula otashi ka kundafana kutya oshike osho ovashamane novakulukadi tava dulu okuninga opo ve liamene koluhaelo. Oshitukulwa tashi landula otashi ka kundafana osho ovashamane novakulukadi tava dulu okuninga opo va pameke oupamhepo wavo. I feel as if I could write a book about the benefits I have received from following the Bible's guidance! Ondi udite nda pumbwa okushanga embo li na sha nomauwa oo nda mona mokulandula ewiliko lOmbiibeli. Onda li ndi udite nda fa handi shange embo olo nda mona mokudulika kewiliko lOmbibeli. Then you are urged to extend this invitation to others. Ngeenge osho ngaho, oto ladipikwa u shive yo vamwe. Opo nee oto ladipikwa u shive vamwe. in the August 8, 1995, issue of Awake! membo " Ohole yaKalunga, ' epandja 219 - 221. mOshungonangelo yo 8 Auguste 1995, ep. Yet, many thus forsaken have found help and protection in the warmth of the Christian congregation. Ashike vahapu ovo va ekelwashi kovapambele vavo ova mona ekwafo neameno nova ulikilwa ohamu meongalo lopaKriste. Ashike vahapu inava mona ekwafo nosho yo eameno meongalo lopaKriste. At the time that Jehovah spoke to Moses, the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had long been dead - Abraham for 329 years, Isaac for 224, and Jacob for 197. Pefimbo opo Jehova a li ta popi naMoses, tatekulululwa Abraham, Isak naJakob ova hangwa va fya nale pa pita efimbo lile. Abraham okwa hangwa a fya pa pita omido 329, Isak 224 ofimbo Jakob 197. Pefimbo opo Jehova a li a popya naMoses, Isak naJakob ova hangwa va fya oule womido 32, Isak naJakob. In 29 C.E., the Messiah arrived in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Mo 29 O.P., Jesus Omunasaret okwa li a vaekwa a ninge Messias Omuudanekwa. Mo 29 O.P., Messias okwa li e uya kuJesus Omunasaret. A sister named Elvira remembers vividly when she had a difference with her dear friend Giuliana: "When she told me that she was hurt because of what I had done, " Elvira recalls," I felt awful. Omumwameme Elvira ota dimbuluka nawa eshi pa li pe na okuhaudafana pokati kaye nakaume kaye Giuliana. Omumwameme umwe wedina Emilia ota dimbuluka nawa eshi a li a panga oukaume nakaume kaye omuholike, a ti: "Eshi a lombwela nge kutya ota vele sha kwata moiti, onda li ndi udite kutya onda ninga po shike. " The brothers knew that the circuit overseer during his last visit had encouraged them to spend more time training others. Ovamwatate ove shii kutya omupashukilishikandjo petalelepo laye la tetekela okwa li e va ladipika va longife efimbo lihapu mokudeula vamwe. Ovamwatate ova li ve shii kutya omupashukilishikandjo oo a li te ke va ladipika va longife efimbo lihapu mokudeula vamwe. Jesus was kind and considerate, not harsh or overbearing. Jesus ka li omukwanyanya noka li ha pangele ovanhu, ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa li omunalukeno noha yavelele vamwe. Jesus okwa li ha ungaunga navamwe nolune, ndele hamolwaashi a li ha ungaunga navo nonyanya ile a li ha ungaunga navo nonyanya. At the same time, I recognized that certain music increased my desire to smoke marijuana, so I changed the music that I listened to. Pefimbo opo tuu opo, onda li nda mona kutya eemusika dimwe oda li da kulika ehalo lange lokushila epangwe, nomolwaasho onda li nda lundulula eemusika odo nda li handi pwilikine. Pefimbo opo tuu opo, onda li nda didilika kutya eemusika donhumba oda enda tadi naipala neenghono, nonda li nda lundulula omusika oyo nda li handi pwilikine. Do you remember what the initial fulfillment was? Mbela oto dimbuluka ewanifo lotete lexunganeko olo? Mbela oto dimbuluka kutya ewanifo lexunganeko lotete ola li la wanifwa ngahelipi? Even people belonging to the same national group and speaking the same language are often divided religiously, politically, and socially. Nokuli novanhu vomoshiwana shimwe nohava popi elaka limwe luhapu oto hange va tukaulwa koinima ngaashi omalongelokalunga, opolitika, ouhongelwe nosho yo oiniwe. Nokuli novanhu vomihoko da faafana nohava popi omalaka a faafana naao haa kala a tukauka palongelokalunga, amwe ohaa kala a tukauka palongelokalunga, e lili noku lili. In Aaron's case, Jehovah extended forgiveness. Shi na sha nonghalo yaAron, Jehova okwa li e mu dimina po. Eshi Aron a li a nyona, Jehova okwa li e mu dimina po. Participation in the ministry Kala ho kufa ombinga moukalele Naye okwa li a kwatwa omboko koilonga yokuudifa Exercise your faith by sharing the good news at every opportunity (See paragraph 12) Ulika kutya ou na eitavelo mokukala to udifa onghundana iwa pomhito keshe (Tala okatendo 12) Kala u na eitavelo mokukala ho kufa ombinga moilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa keshe (Tala okatendo 12) And what can we today learn from her faith? Oshike hatu lihongo kunena kombinga yeitavelo laye? Oshike hatu lihongo kunena moshihopaenenwa shaye sheitavelo? She had very low self - worth, to the point of doubting that she was the kind of person God would approve of. Okwa li e lifya ounye, mokukala te li pe oushima kutya ye omunhu oo ina hokiwa kuKalunga. Okwa li ha kala a teka omukumo neenghono, nokwa li a limbililwa ngeenge ota ka kala a hokiwa kuKalunga. Circuit overseers serve a number of congregations, taking the lead in the ministry and assisting the congregations in other ways. Ovapashukilishikandjo ohava talele po omaongalo mahapu ile oikandjo, hava kwatele komesho oilonga yomomapya nokukwafela omaongalo noikandjo meenghedi di lili noku lili. Ovapashukilishikandjo ohava longo momaongalo mahapu, tava kwatele komesho moukalele nokukwafela omaongalo meenghedi dimwe vali. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Jehova olo edina laKalunga ngaashi sha popiwa mOmbibeli. Jehova olo edina laKalunga ngaashi sha popiwa mOmbibeli. Our reputation for honesty recommends us as trustworthy ministers. Okukala ovanashili ohaku tu didilikifa mo kutya otu li ovakalele ve shii okulineekelwa. Okukala tu shii kutya otu li ovalunde otashi ke tu kwafela tu kale tu shii okulineekelwa. Obey God and Benefit From His Sworn Promises Dulika kuKalunga u mone ouwa momaudaneko aye Kala ho dulika kuKalunga nokumona ouwa momaudaneko aye The apostles kept their responsibility to feed Jesus ' sheep clearly in focus. Ovayapostoli ova li tava yandje unene elitulemo kokupalula eedi daJesus. Ovayapostoli ova li va twikila okuwanifa po oshinakuwanifwa shavo shokupalula eedi daJesus filufilu. Why should we be interested in understanding the significance of the Mosaic Law? Omolwashike sha fimana okuuda ko eityo lOmhango yaMoses? Omolwashike tu na okukala tu na ohokwe mwaasho sha li sha fimana mOmhango yaMoses? Such a blessing, though, can be related to what truly is the basis for success, our obedience and faithfulness to God, who assures us: "What is looked for in stewards is for a man to be found faithful. " Oshoshili kutya okukala noinakuwanifwa meongalo oku li enangekonoupuna, ndele okudulika kwetu kuJehova nokukala ovadiinini oyo tai ufa kutya otwa pondola shili, ngaashi Ombibeli ye shi divilika ya ti: "Komesho yoinima aishe omalenga [otaa] pulwa oudiinini. " (1 Kor. Ashike omanangeko noupuna a tya ngaho otaa dulu okufaafanifwa naasho tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu pondole shili, okudulika kuKalunga nokukala ovadiinini kuye, oo e tu shilipaleka kutya: "Omupiya omudiinini oku li omulumenhu omudiinini. " 10, 11. 10, 11. 10, 11. Rather, speak to a friend who will listen and reassure you that such irrational feelings are common to many bereaved ones. Oto dulu okulombwela kaume koye oo ta dulu oku ku pwilikina noku ku shilipaleka kutya omaliudo a tya ngaho ohaa hange ovanhu vahapu ovo va filwa. Ponhele yaasho, okupopya nakaume koye oo ta pwilikine noku ku shilipaleka kutya ou na omaliudo a tya ngaho oo haa ningifa ovanhu vahapu va kale va nyika oluhodi. Are you one of the other sheep who supports the anointed in this vital work? Mbela ou li umwe womeedi odo hadi yambidida Olutuwiliki moilonga oyo ya fimana? Mbela ou li umwe womeedi dimwe oo ha yambidida ovavaekwa moilonga ya fimanenena? One time, he had me read an article in The Watchtower about the importance of not giving up. Oshikando shimwe, okwa li a lombwela nge ndi leshe oshitukulwa shimwe mOshungonangelo shi na sha nanghee sha fimana okuhasholola. Pomhito imwe, okwa li a lesha oshitukulwa mOshungonangelo shi na sha nanghee sha fimana okuyandja efimano. Time and time again, however, Jehovah has used the congregation and the elders to confirm his love for me. Ashike efimbo nefimbo, Jehova okwa longifa eongalo novakulunhuongalo va ulikile nge ohole yaye. Ndele mepingafano naasho, Jehova okwa kala ta longifa eongalo novakulunhuongalo va ulike kutya oku hole nge. At some point along the way, Sisera abandoned his once frightening but now useless chariot and ran to Zaanannim, perhaps near Kedesh. Pomhito imwe fimbo ve li mondjila, Sisera okwa li a fiya po etangakwaita laye olo la li tali monika la fa litilifa ndele ta fadukile kuSaananim, osho tashi dulika sha li popepi naKedes. Pomhito imwe, Sisera okwa li a fiya po etemba laye inali monika vali. (Read Hosea 4: 11 - 13.) (Lesha Hosea 4: 11 - 13.) (Lesha Hosea 4: 11 - 13.) In 1934, the Bulletin supplied detailed plans for a compact but comfortable abode with such practical features as a water system, a cooking stove, a fold - up bed, and insulation against the cold. Mo 1934, mokafo ko - Bulletin omwa li mu na efano olo tali ulike omudutilo weumbo liwa ndele oli li paunafangwa, li na omeva, efiya lokuteleka, ombete hai tonywa nola tungwa noinima yokukelela outalala. Mo 1934, opa li pa ningwa omalongekido e na sha nanghee ovanhu tava dulu okumona omauyelele e na sha noinima ngaashi omeva, omeva taa longo, omeva taa longo e na sha noinima oyo i li meni lefimbo lounyuni nosho yo onhele yokukala. I agreed to study the Bible with my older sister Caroline and her husband, Akif. Onda li nda dimina okukonakona Ombibeli nomukulu wange Caroline nomushamane waye, Akif. Onda li nda dimina okukonakona Ombibeli nomumwamemekadona wange omunamido. When Jehovah's Witnesses started studying the Bible with Oly's mother in 1982, Oly and I were already engaged. Eshi Eendombwedi daJehova da li da hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nameme waOly mo 1982, fye naOly otwa hangwa nale twe likonga. Eshi Eendombwedi daJehova da hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nameme mo 1982, fye na Oly otwa hangwa nale hatu kufa ombinga. It is well past the middle of the night. Peter gets into the courtyard of the priest's home without being recognized. Osha li sha yuka keengulasha eshi Petrus a li a ya momukala weumbo lomupristeri nopehe na oo e mu dimbuluka. Petrus okwa li a fika mokati koufiku, nokwa li a ninga omukulunhu womupristeri omukulunhu womupristeri omukulunhu nonande ka li e shi didilika. What pressure may young ones today feel, and what steps can they take to deal with this? Kunena ovanyasha otashi dulika va kale ve udite va fininikwa va ninge shike, noshike tava dulu okuninga opo va ungaunge nonghalo oyo? Ovanyasha kunena otashi dulika va kale ve udite ngahelipi, noshike tashi dulu okuningwa po shi na sha naasho? To many, this arouses immediate feelings of possession, causing them to wave aside any thought of returning it. Vahapu ohava hovele diva okukala ve udite kutya oshinima sha tya ngaho oshavo, nohava kondjifa eliudo keshe lokushunifa oshinima kumwene washo. Osho osha li she va ningifa va kale tave lipula shi na sha naasho, naasho osha li she va ningifa va diladile kutya otava alukile mo. Simply stated, the good news includes all the truths about which Jesus spoke and his disciples wrote. Oku shi popya paunafangwa, onghundana iwa oya kwatela mo eeshili adishe odo Jesus a honga nosho yo odo da shangwa kovahongwa vaye. Oku shi popya paunafangwa, onghundana iwa oya kwatela mo oshili i na sha naJesus nosho yo ovahongwa vaye. Love is not jealous. " (1 Kor. Ohole kai fi efupa. " If we are not careful, these could cause us to become disobedient and rebellious. Ngeenge inatu lungamena oinima ya tya ngaho, otai dulu oku tu ningifa tuha kale ovaduliki nokukala ovanashibofa. Ngeenge inatu lungama, oinima ya tya ngaho otai dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale inatu dulika nosho yo ovanashibofa. Of course, God, who can read the heart, could actually enforce such commands. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. (Mateus 22: 39) Onghee hano, Kalunga oo ha mono osho shi li momutima ota dulu shili okutula po eemhango odo. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Oshoshili kutya Kalunga oo ta dulu okulesha omutima wetu, ota dulu okukelela omahongo a tya ngaho. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Help Children Meet Challenges, 1 / 15 Omolwashike ovanhu hava longo owii? Ovanyasha, kondjifeni omafininiko oomakula, 5 / 15 Only a world government that can teach people to love what is right and care for one another will bring world peace. - Read Isaiah 32: 17; 48: 18, 22. Epangelo olo tali dulu okuhonga ovanhu va kale ve hole ouyuki nova kale ve na ko nasha navakwao olo ashike tali ka eta ombili mounyuni. - Lesha Jesaja 32: 17; 48: 18, 22. Epangelo lomounyuni aushe olo ashike tali dulu okuhonga ovanhu va kale ve hole osho shi li mondjila notali ka eta ombili mounyuni umwe. - Lesha Jesaja 32: 17; 48: 18, 22. It is well - watered and abundant with beautiful fruit - bearing trees. Oshikunino osho osha li sha hapa nawa nomwa li mu na omiti dihapu diwa hadi imi oiimati. Osha wapala omeva mahapu nosho yo oiimati iwa oyo hai imi oiimati iwa. Second, meditating on Jehovah's love will help us to cultivate modesty. Oshitivali, okudilonga kohole yaJehova otashi ke tu kwafela tu kale ovalininipiki. Oshitivali, okudilonga kohole yaJehova otaku ke tu kwafela tu kulike elininipiko. For example, at Exodus 34: 6, 7, Jehovah described himself to Moses as "a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth, showing loyal love to thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin. " Pashihopaenenwa, muExodus 34: 6, 7, Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses kutya okwa tya ngahelipi, eshi a ti: "Omwene Kalunga, omunefilonghenda, Kalunga omunghenda, omunanheni, nomunene wouwanghenda nomoudiinini, nouwanghenda waye te u diinine kovanhu omayovi, ou ta dimi po omanyonauno nomatauluko nomatimba. " Pashihopaenenwa, muExodus 34: 6, 7, Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses e li " Kalunga omunanghenda, omunanheni, omunanheni nomunene mouwanghenda nomunene mouwanghenda, nomunene mouwanghenda. ' Every now and again, a story might reappear even though it was exposed as false in the past. Ehokololo otashi dulika li holoke vali lwoikando nonande ola li nale la nyanekwa pomutenya kutya oloipupulu. Nonande ehokololo keshe ola li tali monika la fa li li mondjila, otashi dulika li kufwe mo diva nokuli nonande ola li la nyaneka pomutenya oipupulu yaSatana. Consequently, Jehovah did not cause the calamity. - Jonah 3: 5 - 10. Oshidjemo, Jehova ine va hanauna po vali. - Jona 3: 5 - 10. Onghee hano, Jehova ka li a eta omaupyakadi. - Jona 3: 5 - 10. Why might some be interested in figs? Omolwashike vamwe tashi dulika va kale va hala okulihonga kombinga yeenghwiyu? Omolwashike vamwe tashi dulika va kale va hala okupwilikina kewiliko olo va hala? Will you put forth the effort to see the bigger picture, perhaps reflecting on the brother's many years of faithful service? Mbela oto ka ninga ngoo eenghendabala u kale u na etaleko li li pandjele, tashi dulika u diladile komido dihapu odo omumwatate a kala ta longele Jehova e li omudiinini? Mbela oto ka ninga ngoo eenghendabala da mana mo u tale ngeenge omumwatate okwa kala omudiinini oule womido dihapu? Let us look at a few examples. Natu ka taleni koihopaenenwa imwe. Natu ka taleni koihopaenenwa imwe. He fills our "hearts to the full with food and good cheer, " said Paul. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti kutya oha yadifa " omitima detu oipalwifa nehafo. ' Paulus okwa ti: "Elididimiko letu nali kale li noshilonga sha wana. " " Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of November 15, 2014, outlined an adjustment in how elders and ministerial servants are appointed. MOshungonangelo yo 15 Novemba 2014, moshitukulwa "Omapulo a dja kovaleshi ," omu na ouyelele mupe u na sha nanghee ovakulunhuongalo novayakuliongalo hava nangekwa po. " Omapulo a dja kovaleshi " mOshungonangelo yo 15 Novemba 2014, okwa tumbula omalunduluko e na sha nanghee ovakulunhuongalo novayakuliongalo va nangekwa po. None of this could happen if Jesus had not been resurrected. 23: 43) Ngeno Jesus ka nyumukile, ngeno kape na nande oshimwe shomoinima oyo tashi ka wanifwa. Kape na nande oshinima osho tashi dulu okuningwa ngeenge Jesus ina nyumunwa. And after considering how Jehovah's purpose with regard to spiritual Israel was being fulfilled in a marvelous way, the apostle Paul exclaimed: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " - Rom. 8: 4, 5) Eshi omuyapostoli Paulus a konakona nghee elalakano laJehova li na sha naIsrael shopamhepo la li la wanifwa monghedi ikumwifi, okwa ingida ta ti: "Ouule u fike peni woupuna noweendunge nowounongo waKalunga! " - Rom. Konima eshi omuyapostoli Paulus a konakona shi na sha nelalakano laJehova naIsrael shopamhepo, okwa ti: "Ouule u fike peni woupuna noweendunge nowounongo waKalunga! " - Rom. Daniel stayed faithful and obedient to the very end of his life. Daniel okwa kala omudiinini nomuduliki fiyo osheshi a fya. Daniel okwa kala omudiinini nokwa kala ta dulika pexulilo longhalamwenyo yaye aishe. The Bible reminds us that if we are quick to get angry, we will have many disagreements with others and we will commit many sins. - Proverbs 29: 22. Ombiibeli otai tu dimbulukifa kutya ngeenge ohatu handuka diva, ohatu ka kala tu na okuhaudafana kuhapu navakwetu notashi dulika shi ke tu ningife tu ka nyone omanyono mahapu. - Omayeletumbulo 29: 22. Ombiibeli oye tu dimbulukifa kutya ngeenge otwa handuka diva, ohatu ka pongolola po okuhaudafana novanhu vahapu nohatu ka nyona sha kwata moiti. - Omayeletumbulo 29: 22. We too are imperfect, and when we have similar problems in our life, we can imitate the good examples found in the Bible and avoid imitating the bad ones. Nafye inatu wanenena, nomolwaasho ngeenge otwa hangwa komaupyakadi monghalamwenyo a fa avo, ohatu dulu okushikula oihopaenenwa iwa oyo tai hangwa mOmbiibeli nokuhenuka okuhopaenena oyo ii. Nafye inatu wanenena, nongeenge tu na omaupyakadi a faafana monghalamwenyo yetu, ohatu dulu okuhopaenena oihopaenenwa iwa oyo tai hangwa mOmbibeli nokuhenuka okuhenuka ovo va puka. Though 80 years of age at the time, she gladly accepted the invitation. Nonande okwa li e na omido 80 pefimbo opo, okwa li a tambula ko nehafo eshivo olo. Nonande okwa li e na omido 80 eshi a li e na omido 80, okwa li a tambula ko nehafo eshivo olo. My suitcases! Vakwetu eekofa dange! Onda li nda kumwa neenghono eshi nda li ndi na omido omulongo nasha. But I believe differently. Ashike ame onda itavela shimwe shi lili. Ashike onda li nde shi itavela. First, think about why you are convinced of your beliefs. Tete, diladila kutya omolwashike wa tomhwa kwaasho wa itavela. Shotete, diladila kutya omolwashike wa tomhwa kwaasho wa itavela. Our loyalty to God is being tested. Oudiinini wetu kuKalunga ohau yelekwa. Oudiinini wetu kuKalunga ohau yelekwa. Mandy * was a student and also one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Opa li omunafikola umwe wOndombwedi yaJehova wedina Mandy. Mandy * okwa li omukonakonimbiibeli nosho yo umwe womEendombwedi daJehova. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. 22: 1 - 3, 9 - 12, 15 - 18. Then in 1952, we were invited to do circuit work. Opo nee mo 1952 otwa li twa shivwa tu ye moilonga youpashukilishikandjo. Opo nee mo 1952, otwa li twa shivwa tu longe oilonga youpashukilishikandjo. We can avoid such a disastrous mistake if we remain alert to any warning signs and act immediately to correct matters. Ohatu dulu okuhenuka okuninga epuko la kwata moiti la tya ngaho ngeenge otwa nongele edidiliko keshe olo tali tu londwele nokukatuka meendelelo tu yukife oinima. Ohatu dulu okuhenuka omapuko a tya ngaho ngeenge otwa lungama tuha londwele vamwe ile tu katuke eenghatu meendelelo. The nations will issue a significant declaration of "Peace and security! " OSatana Ondiaboli ou a li a halelela okudipaifa okahanana Jesus. Oiwana otai ka tya "Ombili [neameno, NW]. " After Jehovah destroys Satan, his demons, and this wicked world, love will fill the entire earth. What a blessing it will be when all on earth love both Jehovah and their neighbor! (1 Johannes 5: 19) Konima eshi Jehova a hanauna po Satana, eendemoni daye nosho yo ounyuni ou woukolokoshi, ohole otai ka tuvikila edu alishe. Konima eshi Jehova a hanauna po Satana, eendemoni nosho yo ounyuni ou woukolokoshi, ota ka kala e hole edu alishe nota ka nangeka noupuna ounyuni aushe ngeenge ohole yavo yokuhola Jehova nosho yo ovanhu vakwao. Also, we all obey counsel from the Bible, which helps us to praise Jehovah together Atushe ohatu dulika yo komayele Ombiibeli, naasho ohashi tu kwafele tu fimaneke Jehova Kakele kaasho, atusheni ohatu dulika komayele Ombibeli oo hae tu kwafele tu tange Jehova pamwe Who can never be truly happy? Oolyelye vehe na efiku va mone ehafo lashili? Olyelye ita dulu okukala a hafa shili? 23 Young Ones - "Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation " 23 Ovanyasha - "Longeni shili... mu xupifwe " 23 Ovanyasha, kaleni hamu longo noudiinini opo mu ka xupifwe " The word "comes " here refers to the same event as the" coming " that Jesus mentioned in his prophecy about the time of the end. 11: 26) Oshitya "uya " pomhito ei otashi ulike koshiningwanima sha faafana" neuyo " olo Jesus a popya mexunganeko laye li na sha nefimbo lexulilo. Oshitya " Gehenna ' osho sha popiwa mexunganeko laye li na sha nefimbo lexulilo ' otashi ulike koshiningwanima osho sha popiwa mexunganeko laye li na sha nefimbo lexulilo. Some accomplished public speakers flatly refused to try anything new. Osha li sha mona kutya Jehova kwa hala oshiwana shaye shi kale hashi udifa eumbo neumbo nokulongifa yo eenghedi dimwe vali. Vamwe ova li va pondola okuyandja oipopiwa i lili noku lili oyo ya li tai monika ya yooloka ko kwaayo ipe. That is one aspect treated in these articles. Osho osho shimwe shomoinima oyo ya kundafanwa moitukulwa ei. Oshinima shimwe osho sha li sha ungaungiwa nasho moitukulwa ei. Even if we restrict our attention to those prophecies that were actually fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we encounter difficulties agreeing on an exact number. Ndele nokuli nonande otwa kala hatu yandje ashike elitulemo komaxunganeko oo a wanifilwa shili Jesus Kristus, itashi ka kala shipu okuufa kutya oku li lelalela angapi. Nokuli nonande otwa li hatu yandje elitulemo komaxunganeko oo, ohatu shakeneke omaudjuu mahapu oo a li a wanifwa po kuJesus Kristus. Jesus and his apostles set aside funds to help the poor, but the betrayer Judas Iscariot carried off some of the money. 5: 8) Jesus nosho yo ovayapostoli vaye ova li ve na okakefa koimaliwa yokukwafela eehepele, ndele omukengeleledi Judas Iskariot okwa li ha vake mo oimaliwa imwe. (Joh. Jesus novayapostoli vaye ova li va fiya po oimaliwa opo va kwafele eehepele, ndele Judas Iskariot okwa li a humbata oimaliwa imwe vali. SOLOMON was instructed to oversee one of the most important construction projects of all time - that of the temple in Jerusalem. SALOMO okwa li a lombwelwa a pashukile oilonga ya fimanenena yokutunga otembeli muJerusalem. Okwa li a lombwelwa a pashukile oilonga ya fimanenena yokutunga otembeli muJerusalem. When he went to the meetings, he was unprepared and his mind was at home longing to "be able to log on again. " Okwa li ha i kokwoongala ine lilongekida, nongeenge e li mokwoongala okwa li ashike ha kala ta diladila okuya keumbo a ka longife ointaneta. Eshi a ya kokwoongala, ka li a tuwa omukumo noka li vali ha kala a hala okukala meumbo. " George, however, suggested to Manon that they return with a bouquet of flowers for the lady because she seemed so lonely and bitter. Konima yaasho, George okwa li a lombwela Manon va alukile ko vali komukainhu oo nove mu etele okapandi keengala molwaashi ota monika e udite owike nokwa fula onya. Ashike George okwa li e va lombwela kutya otava alukile keenhele di lili noku lili pamwe nomukulukadi waye molwaashi okwa li ha kala a handuka neenghono. Jehovah condemns violence and abusive speech, so there is never any legitimate reason for treating a mate with such a gross lack of love and respect. Jehova okwa tokola elongifo leenghono nosho yo okupopya omalaka mai, onghee hano, kape na etomheno lasha olo tali ningifa umwe a ungaunge nakaume kopahombo monghedi ihe fi yopahole ile nokuhe na efimaneko. (Eps. 11: 5; Ef. Jehova okwa tokola elongifo leenghono nosho yo okupopya omalaka mai, onghee hano, kape na etomheno la yela lokukala kaume kopahombo oo ehe holike nohole ya tya ngaho. " From time to time, I may open and read that book and reflect on our good experiences. Omafimbo nomafimbo, otashi dulika ndi li pandje, oku li lesha nokudilonga koimoniwa yetu iwa. Onda kala handi lesha embo olo nokudilonga koimoniwa yetu iwa. Such "an interchange of encouragement " will help to replenish your spiritual resources and make it easier for you to deal with any anxiety. - Rom. (Heb. 10: 24, 25) " Ehekeleko ' la tya ngaho otali ku kwafele u pameke oupamhepo woye noto ka dula okuungaunga noshisho keshe. - Rom. Osho otashi ka kwafela nge ndi kale nda pama pamhepo notashi ke ku kwafela u ungaunge noshisho keshe osho tashi dulu oku ku kwafela u ungaunge noisho. - Rom. Many experiences could be used to illustrate God's acts of compassion. Ope noimoniwa ihapu oyo tai holola nghee Kalunga ha ulike olukeno. Oimoniwa ihapu otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone nghee Jehova ha kenukile vamwe. It gives practical advice about the following. Otai yandje omayele taa kwafa kombinga yoinima tai landula. Omayele taa longo e na sha naasho otaa longo. It will destroy death forever. Otali ka hanauna po efyo fiyo alushe. Otai ka hanauna po efyo fiyo alushe. In exchange, the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. Ashike fimbo ino tula oinima oyo kedina lehangano, kwatafana tete noshitaimbelewa shomoshilongo sheni. Ngeenge owa shangifa ehangano lopalongelokalunga momikanda da tya ngaho, otashi dulika uha ka fute oifendela ihapu. 2: 16 - 18. 2: 16 - 18. 2: 16 - 18. What was the result? Oshidjemo osha li shike? Oshidjemo osha li shike? The sister discovered that she had misunderstood a matter that did not even involve Janet. Omumwameme okwa li a popya kutya okwa li a uda ko pambabo oshinima osho sha li nokuli inashi kwatela mo Janet. Omumwameme oo okwa li a didilika kutya okwa yooloka ko filufilu koshinima osho kasha li nokuli sha kwatela mo ovaenda. COVER SUBJECT | THE BIBLE - A STORY OF SURVIVAL OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA | NGHEE OMBIIBELI YA XUPA OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA NGHEE OMBIIBELI YA XUPA This was fulfilled when Britain, a former outpost of the Roman Empire, grew to prominence. Exunganeko olo ola li la wanifwa eshi Britania oo a li nale oshipangelwalongo shOuhamba waRoma a ninga epangelo la tumbala. Osho osha li sha wanifwa eshi Britania a li a anya okuya mouhamba waRoma, oo a li nale e na ondodo yopombada, naasho osha li sha ningifa ovanhu vahapu va kale va tumbala neenghono. Note that Jesus prefaced his comment about those patriarchs with the words "regarding the resurrection of the dead. " Didilika kutya fimbo Jesus ina popya kombinga yootatekulululwa ovo okwa ti: "Mokupopya enyumuko lovafi. " Didilika kutya Jesus okwa hovela okupopya kombinga yaavo va li "va nyumunwa. " We will neither become overly downhearted nor think badly of ourselves. Itatu ka kala twa teka omukumo ile tu kale hatu lidiladilile owii. Itatu ka kala twa teka omukumo ile tu diladile koilanduliko ii. (b) How may we draw closer to Jehovah? (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okweehena popepi elela naJehova? (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okweehena popepi elela naJehova? SONGS: 60, 64 OMAIMBILO: 60, 64 OMAIMBILO: 60, 64 Will you do more to warn others? Mbela ito dulu okukendabala wa mana mo u londwele ovanhu vahapu? Mbela oto ka ninga po shike opo u londwele vamwe? One way is by setting goals. Onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu oku shi ninga omokulitulila po omalalakano. Onghedi imwe omo to dulu okulitulila po omalalakano. To see how this is the case, you are invited to read on. Opo u mone kutya osho osho shi li ngaho, oto ladipikwa u leshe oshitukulwa tashi landula. Opo u mone kutya oshike u na okuninga po, owa shivwa u leshe. The anointed overseers "will receive the unfadable crown of glory " with Christ in heaven. Ovapashukili ovavaekwa otava ka pewa "oshishani shefimano itashi lembe " pamwe naKristus meulu. Ovapashukili ovavaekwa otava ka pewa "ouhamba wovapristeri " meulu. (Eh. 12 - 14. 12 - 14. 12 - 14. Those who patiently endure to the end will be saved. Ava tave lididimike fiyo exulilo otava ka xupifwa. Ovo tava lididimike fiyo exulilo otava ka xupifwa. For example, helpful advice can be found in the appendix entitled "Questions Parents Ask, " at the back of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 1. Pashihopaenenwa, oto dulu okumona ouyelele muhapu moshiwedelwako osho shi na oshipalanyole "Questions Parents Ask, " kexulilo lokambo Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 1. Pashihopaenenwa, omayele taa kwafa otaa hangwa membo Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, " membo Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Embo 1. It feels great to have a clean conscience. Omunhu oho kala u udite nawa ngeenge ou na eliudo la koshoka. Ohashi kala shihafifa neenghono okukala neliudo la koshoka. One night we discussed the release of the booklet God's Way Is Love, produced especially with Ireland in mind. Oufiku umwe otwa li twa kundafana kombinga yokambo God's Way Is Love oko opo ka li ka piti, ka nyanyangidwa nelalakano loIreland. Onguloshi imwe otwa li twa kundafana shi na sha nanghee Kalunga e tu ulikila ohole, unene tuu eshi a li a eta oidjemo iwa. May we be diligent in partaking of all the spiritual food we receive through Jehovah's organization. - Ps. (Jes. 65: 13) Onghee hano, natu kaleni hatu lipalula nawa neendja dopamhepo odo hatu pewa kehangano laJehova. - Eps. Natu kaleni hatu lipalula neendja dopamhepo odo hatu pewa kehangano laJehova. - Eps. Day and night, year after year, decade after decade, those intelligent, powerful creatures stayed right in that spot. Oishitwa oyo inaendunge noinaenghono oya kala tai longo oilonga yayo omutenya noufiku nosho yo omido nomido. Omudo wa ka landula ko, konima yomido omulongo netata okudja eshi oishitwa inaendunge ya kala i na eenghono, oishitwa inaendunge oya kala omutumba efimbo lile. Why? Omolwashike mbela? Omolwashike mbela? Parents must evaluate their children's needs realistically. Paulelalela, ovadali ove na okukonakona eemhumbwe dovana vavo. Ovadali ove na okutala kutya ovana vavo ova pumbwa shike. Our hearts swelled with gratitude. Omitima detu onda li tadi xunga kehafo. Omutima wetu owa li tau xunga olupandu. And be assured that the opportunity of life without end is really open to you. Kala wa shilipalekwa kutya omhito yoku ka mona omwenyo waalushe oye ku yeulukila shili. Onghee hano, kala wa shilipalekwa kutya oto ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe ngeenge owa fi. Jesus fully expected to be raised from the dead. Jesus okwa li a teelela filufilu okunyumunwa koufi. Jesus okwa li a teelela filufilu oku ka nyumunwa koufi. Similarly, our imperfect state makes it harder for us to avoid anger and angry acts. Sha faafana, okuhawanenena kwetu ohaku shi ningi shidjuu okupangela ehandu nosho yo okuhenuka oilonga oyo hai etifwa kulo. Sha faafana, inatu wanenena ohashi tu ningifa tu henuke ehandu notu katuke eenghatu dihe li pandunge. Consider some examples. Tala koihopaenenwa imwe tai landula. Natu ka taleni koihopaenenwa imwe. What can you do to show love for your brothers? Oshike to dulu okuninga po u ulikile ovamwaxo ohole? Oshike to dulu okuninga opo u ulikile ovamwaxo ohole? The words of Jehovah, however, describe things far greater for our day. 4: 6, 7) Ashike eendjovo daKalunga oda popya oinima inenenene yopefimbo letu. Ashike eendjovo daJehova otadi holola oinima ihapu i na sha nefimbo letu. I was the eldest child, so I helped to teach my sister and two brothers. Molwaashi aame nda li oshiveli, onda li handi kwafele mokukonakona neendenge dange nhatu, okakadona novamati vavali. Onda li omukulunhu kuvakwao, nonda li nda kwafela nge ndi honge omukulu wange nosho yo ovamwatate vavali. (See opening picture.) (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Clearly, such forces cannot eliminate war, crime, disease, and poverty - only God's Kingdom can. Ouhamba waKalunga owo ashike tau dulu okuxulifa po oinima oyo. Osho otashi ulike kutya omapangelo a tya ngaho itaa dulu okuxulifa po oita, omikifi, omikifi, omikifi nosho yo oluhepo, Ouhamba waKalunga oo ashike tau dulu okuxulifa po oita. How might a mistaken view of people affect us? Okukala tu na etaleko lii li na sha novanhu vomoshitukulwa shetu otaku dulu oku tu kuma ngahelipi? Ongahelipi etaleko li li pandjele li na sha novanhu tali dulu oku tu kuma? To where do elders guide the flock, and how? Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okuwilika eedi di ye peni, nongahelipi tava dulu oku shi ninga? Mbela ovakulunhuongalo ohava wilike ngahelipi oufita, nongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu oku shi ninga? Barry, who raised four children, says: "Giving reasons helps teenagers to trust you. " Barry oo a tekula ounona vane okwa ti: "Okuyandja omatomheno otaku kwafele omunyasha a kale e ku lineekela. " Bruno, oo a tekula ounona vane, okwa ti: "Omatomheno mawa oku ku kwafela u kale we lineekela muJehova. " 10 The Bible Changes Lives OITUKULWA OYO HAI PITI ALUSHE 10 Ombibeli ohai lundulula onghalamwenyo yovanhu Basically, it involves pardoning an offender when there is a valid basis for doing so. Osha kwatela mo okuhenuka okuhandukila ovo va nyona kufye ngeenge ove livela ombedi shili. Paulelalela, osha kwatela mo okudimina po oo e livela ombedi ngeenge ope na oo ta dulu oku shi ninga. Would you be able to forgive him? Mbela oto ke mu dimina po ngoo? Mbela oto ka dula ngoo oku mu dimina po? As a result, the seedlike Kingdom message took root and grew, as it were, into a wheat stalk that, in time, was ready to bear fruit. Oshidjemo, etumwalaka lOuhamba olo la fa ombuto, ola mena omidi mufye nokukula ngaashi naanaa oshilya shi li pokutula ko omutwe. Oshidjemo, ombuto oyo ya popiwa ketumwalaka lOuhamba oya li ya mena omidi ndele tai kulu, efimbo opo la di ko, oya li tai dulu okwiima oiimati. What is there to guide us? Ope na ngoo osho tashi dulu oku tu wilika moshinima osho? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu wilika? Run the race for life with the full intention of winning. Kaleni tamu tondoka mefiyafanepo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe nelalakano loku ka findana. Natu tondoke mefiyafano tu na eteelelo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. At the time, Timothy was already a grown man, possibly in his 30 ' s. 2: 22) Pefimbo opo, Timoteus okwa hangwa nale omukulunhu, tashi dulika a li e na omido 30 nasha. Efimbo opo la di ko, Timoteus okwa hangwa nale e na omido 30 nasha. How will reading "in an undertone " benefit you? Ongahelipi okulesha Ombibeli to ende kanini nonoukeka taku dulu oku ku etela ouwa? Ongahelipi okulesha " nondaka yopedu " taku dulu oku ku etela ouwa? After being released from prison, Rudolf enjoyed the privilege of serving as a circuit overseer and was then invited to Gilead School. Konima eshi a mangululwa modolongo, okwa kala ha hafele oufembanghenda wokukala e li omupashukilishikandjo, nokonima okwa li a shivwa kOfikola yaGilead. Konima eshi Rudolf a mangululwa modolongo, okwa li a hafela oufembanghenda wokulonga e li omupashukilishikandjo nolwanima okwa li a shivwa kOfikola yaGilead. Those who love God realize that any form of stealing would "dishonor the name of [their] God. " Ovo ve hole Kalunga ova mona kutya oludi keshe lokuvaka otali " nyono po edina laKalunga kavo. ' Ovo ve hole Kalunga ova didilika kutya keshe umwe ota ka " fimaneke edina laKalunga. ' What a test of faith it was for Aaron and his family not to mourn their dead relatives! Aron noukwaneumbo waye ova li va lombwelwa vaha lile ovapambele vavo ovo. Osho kasha li tuu eyeleko leitavelo kuvo! Osha yela kutya Aron noukwaneumbo waye kava li va nyika oluhodi neenghono eshi va fya. One night, Father came there to take me to safety because Graz was being heavily bombed. Oufiku umwe, tate okwa li a ila nge ko a twale nge konhele i na eameno, molwaashi Graz osha li tashi ka bomwa po. Oufiku umwe, tate okwa li a tala nge ko ndi li eameno molwaashi okwa li a nyemata neenghono. Let us consider three ways: He strengthens us when we seek his help to resist temptation, he supports us when we have to deal with apathy or outright opposition, and he buoys us up when anxieties weigh us down. Natu ka kundafaneni eenghedi nhatu omo Jehova he tu kwafele: Ohe tu pameke ngeenge twa pumbwa ekwafo laye opo tu kondjife omayeleko, ohe tu yambidida tu lididimikile outondwe ile ngeenge hatu patanekwa sha yukilila nohe tu yambidida ngeenge twa wililwa po koisho yonghalamwenyo. Natu ka kundafaneni eenghedi nhatu: Jehova ohe tu pameke ngeenge hatu kongo ekwafo laye opo tu kondjife omayeleko, he tu yambidida ngeenge hatu patanekwa ile hatu patanekwa. What a blessing for such a man to be given a wife who was so industrious, hospitable, and humble! Kasha li tuu oufembanghenda kuye eshi a mona omukulukadi oo ha longo noudiinini, ha kwafele ovanhu noku na elininipiko! Osho kasha li tuu enangeko noupuna komulumenhu oo a li ha longo noudiinini, ha yakula ovaenda nosho yo ovalininipiki! " About the breezy part of the day, " Jehovah approached the couple. Jehova okwa li a popya novalihomboli ovo " konguloshi eshi kwa talala. ' Jehova okwa li a lombwela ovalihomboli ovo a ti: "Efiku alishe otali ka kala la wapala neenghono. " Humans have a fundamental requirement for sustaining the body - the need for food. Ovanhu ove shii kutya ova pumbwa oikulya opo va kale nomwenyo. Ovanhu ove na oshiteelelwa sha fimanenena osho tashi dulu okukwafela olutu li kale li na oikulya ya wana. So, what could it mean for us if we simply follow our heart? 11: 9) Oshike tashi dulu oku tu ningilwa ngeenge otwa shikula omitima detu? Mbela otashi ti shike kufye ngeenge otwa shikula ashike omitima detu? So I have really been looking forward to our visit today. " Onghee hano, onda kala nda teelela nodjuulufi okuuya ndi ku talele po nena. " Onghee hano, onda teelela nodjuulufi oku ka talela po. " (Box) (Oshimhungu) (kolulyo) 3: 20. 3: 20. 3: 20. Timothy, we may well imagine, was awed and humbled by this great trust and responsibility. Kala nee ngeno wa fa u wete Timoteus a kumwa nokwelininipika eshi elineekelwa oshinakuwanifwa osho sha kwata moiti. Timoteus, otashi dulika a li ta diladila nawa, a li a kuminwa elineekelo la tya ngaho nokwa li e lineekela filufilu noshinakuwanifwa osho. * As you do so, you too will come to feel as did the psalmist who stated: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me. " - Psalm 73: 28. * Ngeenge owa ningi ngaho, oto ka kala u udite ngaashi Omupsalme oo a ti: "Okukala popepi naKalunga, osho elao lange. " - Epsalme 73: 28. * Eshi to ningi ngaho, oto ka kala u udite ngaashi omupsalme oo a ti: "Okukala popepi naKalunga, osho elao lange. " - Epsalme 73: 28. This was the case with Russell's gift to Jordan, mentioned in the preceding article. Osho osha faafana noshali oyo ya li ya pewa Jordan kuRussell, oyo ya tumbulwa moshitukulwa sha tetekela. Osho osha li sha ningilwa Jordan oo a tumbulwa moshitukulwa sha tetekela. In the Bible, the word "heart " usually refers to a man's inner self. MOmbiibeli, oshitya "omutima " luhapu ohashi ulike koukwatya womunhu womeni. Ombibeli oya ti kutya omutima wopafaneko otau ulike kounhu wetu womeni. How far would that go to feed a large family? Mbela osho osha li sha kuma ngahelipi okupalula omaukwaneumbo makula? Ongahelipi osho tashi dulu okupalula oukwaneumbo wa kula? Promises of quick, easy money have enticed some to purchase lottery tickets or to pursue multilevel marketing schemes, even drawing in other members of the congregation. (Omayel. 28: 20) Vamwe ohava kala va hala okulimonena oimaliwa ihapu mefimbo lixupi, nohave lilandele oukalata vokundobola. Molwaashi oimaliwa ohai longifwa diva, ohai ningifa omunhu a kale a hala okulanda oikutu ile a lalakanene eemwiyo donhumba, nokuli noilyo ikwao yeongalo. Of course, living abroad has its challenges, but says Mirjam, "I feel inner peace and Jehovah's guidance. " Oshoshili kutya okukala kondje yoshilongo okwa kwatela mo omashongo, ashike Mirjam okwa ti: "Ondi udite ombili yokomwenyo nonokutya Jehova ota wilike nge. " Okwa ti: "Onda li ndi udite ombili yokomutima nosho yo ewiliko laJehova. " But he changed his opinion. Ashike nande ongaho, okwa ka lundulula etaleko laye. Ashike okwa li a lundulula etaleko laye. In time, the couple in South America were weighing leaving their assignment to return home. Lwanima, ovalihomboli ovo tava longo koAmerika lokOlukadi ova li va hala okufiya po oshilonga shavo va shune keumbo. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, ovalihomboli vomoSouth Africa ova li tava diladila kutya ova fiya po oshinakuwanifwa shavo opo va shune keumbo lavo. Of course, there were some hardships. Oshoshili kutya opa li omafimbo madjuu. Oshoshili kutya opa li omaupyakadi amwe vali. Despite these two strong influences, I became neither a Nazi nor a nun. Nonande opa li omanwefemo oo avali, kanda li nda waimina oNazi nokanda li nda ninga osestela. Nonande onda li nda nwefwa mo kenwefemo la tya ngaho, kanda li nda ninga omupika wayo. That raised this vital question of sovereignty: Who has the right to rule? Osho osha pendula epulo eli la fimanenena li na sha nounamapangelo: Olyelye e na oufemba wokupangela? Epulo olo ola etifa po epulo la fimanenena: Olyelye e na oufemba wokupangela? Additionally, because love is thoughtful, considerate, patient, and kind, it builds affectionate families and united congregations. - Col. 10: 24; 13: 5) Molwaashi ohole ohai teelele noi nolukeno, otai dulu okutunga omaukwaneumbo pahole nosho yo omaongalo a kale a hangana. - Kol. Shikwao vali, molwaashi ohole oi na ko nasha navamwe, eendunge dokuyoolola, ohai tungu omaukwaneumbo nohai tungu omaongalo a hangana. - Kol. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Ndele osha nyanyangidwa opo shi longifwe moilonga yokuhonga ovanhu Ombiibeli mounyuni aushe, oyo hai yambididwa nomayambidido opashimaliwa ehalo liwa. Ndele osha nyanyangidwa opo shi longifwe moilonga yokuhonga ovanhu Ombiibeli mounyuni aushe, oyo hai yambididwa nomayambidido opashimaliwa ehalo liwa. SOONER or later the wicked will have to be brought to justice. MAFIKU ovakolokoshi otava ka tokolwa pauyuki, notava ka mona oilanduliko yoilonga yavo. JESUS KRISTUS okwa li a xunganeka kutya ovakolokoshi otava ka twalwa ouyuki. Do you view these schools as an evidence of Jehovah's love? Ndele mbela oho tale ko ngoo eefikola odo di li euliko lohole yaJehova? Mbela oho tale ko Eefikola odo di li oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Jehova oku tu hole? If you realize that your children do not enjoy the ministry very much, try to make it more interesting for them. Ngeenge owa didilike kutya ovana voye ihava hafele lela oukalele, kendabala u ninge po sha osho tashi va kwafele va kale ve u hokwa. Ngeenge owa didilike kutya ounona voye ihava hafele oukalele neenghono, kendabala oku i ningifa i kale i hokwifa neenghono. A poll conducted in the United States by Princeton Survey Research Associates found that 40 percent of the adults surveyed believe that the world will end in "a battle at Armageddon. " Omakonakono oo a ningwa kOilongo ya Hangana kehangano ledina Princeton Survey Research Associates otaa ulike kutya eepersenda 40 dovakulunhu ovo va pulwapulwa oda itavela kutya ounyuni otau ka xula po "poita yaHarmagedon. " Omakonakono amwe oo a ningwa mOilongo ya Hangana otaa ulike kutya eepersenda 40 dovanyasha ovo va itavela kutya ounyuni otau ka xula po puHarmagedon. But I have been comforted by meditating on two of my favorite scriptures. Ndele onda hekelekwa kokudilonga komishangwa dange mbali odo ndi hole. Ashike onda hekelekwa eshi nda dilonga ko omishangwa mbali odo ndi hole unene. COVER SUBJECT | YOU CAN BE CLOSE TO GOD Oshipalanyole Shokombada | OTO DULU OKWEEHENA POPEPI NAKALUNGA OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA OTO DULU OKWEEHENA POPEPI NAKALUNGA Can you imagine how receiving that assignment must have made Timothy feel? 3: 1, 2, 6) Diladila ashike nghee Timoteus a li e udite eshi a li a pewa oshinakuwanifwa osho! Mbela oto diladila kutya oshilonga osho osha li tashi pula Timoteus a kale e udite ngahelipi? " Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " - James 1: 14, 15. Ombibeli oya ti: "Keshe umwe ota hongaulwa kokahalu kaye mwene, oko hake mu shili notake mu heke; nokahalu ngenge ka fimbapala, otaka dala oulunde, noulunde eshi owa wanifwa, otau dala efyo. " - Jakob 1: 14, 15. " Keshe umwe ota hongaulwa kokahalu kaye mwene, oko hake mu shili notake mu heke; nokahalu ngenge ka fimbapala, otaka dala oulunde. " - Jakob 1: 14, 15. When someone offends us, we can choose how we react. Ngeenge umwe okwe tu udifa nai, ofye ashike vene hatu tokola kutya ohatu ka uda nai ile hasho. Ngeenge umwe okwe tu udifa nai, ohatu dulu okuhoolola kutya ohatu linyenge ngahelipi. Maybe Nghi na oushili Nghi na oushili Should You Pray? Olyelye a shita Kalunga? Ou na ngoo shili okwiilikana? Young or old, if we do not choose our friends and associates wisely, that is, by the good standards from the Bible, we can expect that we will "fare badly. " Ovanyasha novakulunhu otava dulu " okulaipala ' shili ngeenge itava hoolola ookaume kavo nelungi nosho yo ovo tava endafana navo, tave shi ningi metwokumwe nomifikamhango dOmbibeli. Ovanyasha novakulunhu, ngeenge inatu hoolola ookaume nosho yo ookaume pandunge, ohatu ka kala twa teelela okudulika komifikamhango dOmbibeli di kale " dii. ' Accordingly, all creatures in heaven and on earth have freedom in only a relative sense. Onghee hano, oishitwa aishe yomeulu noyokombada yedu oi na emanguluko loshiyeleke. Kombada yedu oko haku kala oishitwa aishe meulu nokombada yedu oi na ashike emanguluko lonhumba. Barber's talks "were always spiritually spicy. " Barber okwa li ha " yandje alushe oipopiwa monghedi tai hokwifa. ' Pashihopaenenwa, oipopiwa oyo ya li " alushe hai kala alushe i yadi oinima yopamhepo. ' Understandably, Rachel at one point cried out in triumph: "With strenuous wrestlings I have wrestled... I have also come off the winner! " - Gen. Oshi shii oku u diwa ko eshi Rakel a li a lila te lipandula ta ti: "Ame nda kondja... neenghono di dule dovanhu, ndele nda findana. " - Gen. Oshi shii okuudiwa ko eshi Rachel ta kwena ta ti: "Ohandi kondjo nda mana mo! " - Gen. To answer these questions, we will consider three common situations that can put modesty to the test, and we will see how we can act wisely in each case. - Prov. Opo tu mone omanyamukulo komapulo oo, ohatu ka kundafana eenghalo nhatu odo tadi dulu okuyeleka elininipiko letu, nohatu ka mona nghee hatu dulu okukatuka pandunge monghalo keshe. - Omayel. Opo tu nyamukule omapulo oo, ohatu ka kundafana eenghalo nhatu odo tadi dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale ovalininipiki, notu mone nghee hatu dulu okukatuka pandunge moshinima keshe. - Omayel. 10: 22. 10: 22. 10: 22. " The meetings are a giant boost to my faith, " says Ida. Ida okwa ti: "Okwoongala ohaku pameke eitavelo lange. Ilaria okwa ti: "Okwoongala ohaku pameke eitavelo lange. (b) Why do you find the example of many Christian youths heartwarming? (b) Omolwashike ho kala wa hafa okumona oihopaenenwa iwa yovanyasha vahapu Ovakriste? (b) Omolwashike wa mona oshihopaenenwa shovanyasha vahapu Ovakriste tashi kumu omutima? (Read Acts 10: 34, 35; Deuteronomy 10: 17.) (Lesha Oilonga 10: 34, 35; Deutoronomion 10: 17.) (Lesha Oilonga 10: 34, 35; Deuteronomion 10: 17.) The medicine is not easy to swallow, but it does heal. Kasha li shipu okunwa omuti oo, ashike owa hakula nge. Ihashi kala shipu okulya oikulya ya tya ngaho, ashike ohashi velula. 1: 6; 11: 13. 1: 6; 11: 13. 1: 6; 11: 13. Lazarus was alive and well. " Ino lipa oshisho noupyakadi ' Lasarus okwa li e na omwenyo nokwa li e na oukolele muwa. All who are authorized to give Scriptural discipline are wise when they imitate Christ's example. Otashi ka kala pandunge kwaavo ve na oufemba wokuyandja outekuduliko wopamishangwa va hopaenene oshihopaenenwa shaKristus. Aveshe ovo va pewa outekuduliko mOmishangwa ove li ovanaendunge ngeenge ova hopaenene oshihopaenenwa shaKristus. What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? Jesus okwa li a hala okutya shike eshi a ti: "Eholo eli olo ehangano lipe omohonde yange "? Jesus okwa li a hala okutya shike eshi a ti: " Eholo eli olo ehangano lipe omohonde yange "? We escaped and ran to the home of an elder. However, we were concerned about the information that was in the papers. Otwa li twa ya onhapo keumbo lomumwatate umwe omukulunhuongalo, ashike nande ongaho, otwa li hatu lipula unene nouyelele oo wa li meembapila odo. Otwa li twa ya keumbo lomukulunhuongalo ndele hatu i notwa li twa hovela okukala hatu lipula ouyelele oo. Many have found it helpful to pause after reading a portion of the Scriptures and consider such questions as the following: " What does this tell me about Jehovah? Vahapu ova mona hashi kwafele okufuda po konima va lesha omishangwa donhumba nokudiladila komapulo ngaashi: " Eshi otashi lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? Vahapu ova mona kutya osha fimana okudiladila konima eshi va lesha Omishangwa ndele tava kundafana omapulo ngaashi: " Ovelishe ei otai lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? Then I was sent back to Europe to continue my ministry there. Lwanima, onda ka tuminwa vali kuEuropa opo ndi ka twikile okuwanifa po oukalele wange. Opo nee onda li nda tumwa ndi ka twikile okuudifa. Notice that it was the singing that initially attracted Brother Russell to the meeting. Didilika kutya okwiimba oko kwa li kwe linyengifa omumwatate Russell a ye molupale omo mwa li tamu ningilwa elongelokalunga. Didilika kutya osha li tashi imbi omumwatate Russell a kale a hokwa okwoongala. (Read Psalm 17: 1, 13 - 15.) (Lesha Epsalme 17: 1, 13 - 15.) (Lesha Epsalme 17: 1, 13 - 15.) True, the relief from suffering that Jesus provided during his earthly ministry was only temporary. Oshoshili kutya epepelelo olo Jesus a li a etela ovanhu ovo va li tava mono oixuna pefimbo loukalele waye kombada yedu ola li lopakafimbo. Oshoshili kutya okumona oixuna oko Jesus a li ta yandje pefimbo loukalele waye wokombada yedu okwa li ashike ku na okumona oixuna kuhapu. Why? Omolwashike mbela? Omolwashike mbela? Some people imagine that there is no God who will call them to account. Ovanhu vamwe ohava kala tava diladila kutya itave ke lihokolola kuKalunga molwaashi vati ke ko. Ovanhu vamwe ohava diladila kutya kape na Kalunga oo te ke va ifana ehokololo. (Read Romans 8: 11, 15.) (Lesha Ovaroma 8: 11, 15.) (Lesha Ovaroma 8: 11, 15.) SONGS: 128, 45 OMAIMBILO: 128, 45 OMAIMBILO: 128, 45 When John the Baptist sent two messengers to seek confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah, they found Him " curing many of sicknesses and grievous diseases and wicked spirits and granting many blind persons the favor of seeing. ' (Luk. 6: 17 - 19) Eshi Johannes Omuninginifi a li a tuma ovahongwa vaye vavali va ka shilipaleke ngeenge Jesus oye ngoo shili Messias, ovahongwa ova hanga Jesus ta " velula vahapu ovo va li ve kwetiwe komaudu nokeemhepo dii, novapofi vahapu okwe va pashula. ' Eshi Johannes Omuninginifi a li a tuma ovatumwa vavali va ka konge oumbangi kutya Jesus oye Messias, ova li ve mu mona " ote mu velula ' nosho yo kutya oku na omukifi wa kwata moiti oo hau etifwa kovanhu vahapu. Our dedication sprang from our desire to obey Jehovah and to do his will. Eshi twe mu liyapulila, otwe mu udanekela kutya ohatu ka dulika kuye nokuninga osho a hala tu ninge. Eliyapulo letu ohali di mokudulika kuJehova nokulonga ehalo laye. However, Jesus said that his Father "looks on in secret " at those who do not receive due credit for the good they do to others. Ashike Jesus okwa popya kutya Xe " oha mono meholeko ' ovo ihava pandulwa sha wana omolwouwa oo va ningila vamwe. Ashike Jesus okwa ti kutya Xe " oha fimaneke ava ihava tambula ko efimano lavo omolwoinima iwa oyo hava ningi. ' REFLECTING GOD'S GLORY KALA HO LIMONIKILA OSHINGE SHAKALUNGA OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU KOMBINGA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA Valdès has sometimes been called Pierre Valdès or Peter Waldo, but his first name cannot be confirmed. Omafimbo amwe Valdès okwa li ha ifanwa Pierre Valdès ile Peter Waldo, ashike edina laye lo vene inali shiivika. OVANHU omafimbo amwe ova li hava ifanwa Petrus ile Peter, ashike edina laye itali dulu okuyelekwa nasha. Read 1 Chronicles 22: 5. Lesha 1 Omafimbo 22: 5. Lesha 1 Omafimbo 22: 5. His adoring crowd shouted: "A god's voice, and not a man's! " Ovanhu ova li va ingida pombada tava ti: "Ondaka ei oyaKalunga, kai fi yomunhu. " Omukainhu oo okwa li a ingida eemhunga dovanhu ta ti: "Osha li sha kumwifa tate, ndele inai dja mo! " As for the scope of our knowledge of God's creative works, the faithful man Job concluded: "Look! These are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper of a matter has been heard of him! " Eshiivo letu li na sha noilonga yeshito laKalunga ola ngabekwa neenghono, nomolwaasho omulumenhu omudiinini Job okwa ti: "Taleni ei, oyo ominghulo adike deendjila daye, ndele fye ohatu udu ko tuu okunongofola kwaye! " Eshi eshiivo letu li na sha noilonga yaKalunga li na sha neshito, omulumenhu omudiinini Job okwa fika pexulifodiladilo a ti: "Tala, oishitwa yaye oi fike peni, ndee tai udu ondaka yaye, ndee tai udu ondaka yaye. " Sharing experiences from our own life can accomplish much in helping our students develop reliance on Jehovah. Ohatu dulu okukwafela ovakonakonimbibeli va kale ve lineekela Jehova moku va hepaululila oimoniwa yetu. Okukufa ombinga kwetu moilonga yetu yopaumwene otaku dulu okukwafela ovakonakonimbiibeli vetu va kale ve lineekela muJehova. Jesus said that we can ask Jehovah to give us "bread according to our daily needs. " Jesus okwa ti kutya ohatu dulu okupula Jehova e tu pe "omungome wetu womafiku aeshe. " Jesus okwa ti kutya ohatu dulu okupula Jehova e tu pe "eemhumbwe detu dakeshe efiku. ' Indeed, "the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not run dry, according to Jehovah's word that he had spoken through Elijah. " Ombibeli oya ti: "Oufila moshiyuma inau pwa mo, nomaadi moshanga inaa pwa mo, opandjovo yOmwene, kwe i lombwela Elia. " (1 Eeh. Okwa ti: "Oshiyuma itau ka pwa mo nomaadi moshanga inaa pwa mo, ndelenee ondjovo yOmwene inai pwa pwa mo. " Why can we be confident that Jehovah will fulfill his purpose for mankind? Omolwashike hatu dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova ota ka wanifa po elalakano laye li na sha novanhu? Omolwashike hatu dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova ota ka wanifa po elalakano laye li na sha novanhu? Today, there are about 109,400 congregations throughout the world, and some 895,800 brothers and sisters serve as pioneers. Kunena ope na omaongalo 109 400 lwaapo mounyuni aushe novamwatate ve li 895 800 lwaapo ova ninga ovakokolindjila. Kunena, ope na omaongalo e lili noku lili mounyuni aushe, nosho yo ovamwatate vamwe ve li ovakokolindjila vefimbo li yadi. This year, the anniversary falls on Sunday, April 17, after sundown. Omudo ou, edimbuluko otali ka kala ko mOsoondaxa 7 Aprili, konima yetango eshi la ningina. Momudo oo, efiku la landula ko konguloshi, Aprili 17 Aprili, konima eshi etango la ningina. Do your peers exert a powerful influence on you? Mbela oho mono shidjuu okukondjifa omafininiko oomakula? Mbela oomakula voye otava dulu ngoo oku ku nwefa mo neenghono? How should we make good use of God's Word in our ministry? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongifa noukeka Eendjovo daKalunga moukalele? Otu na okulongifa ngahelipi Eendjovo daKalunga moukalele wetu? Warmth? Happiness? Mbela ohashi ku diladilifa ohole nosho yo ehafo? Oita yOtete yOunyuni oya li ya hafa ngahelipi? Even so, it took me several years to break free from my past. Ndele nande ongaho, osha li sha pula nge omido dihapu opo ndi efe po onghalamwenyo yange yonale. Ndele nande ongaho, osha li sha pula nge omido dihapu opo ndi efe po emanguluko lange lokuninga omatokolo. You won't be charged admission, and no collection will be taken. Ito ka pulwa ofuto yasha, noitapa ka umbwa ongalo. Ino kala wa tila ngeenge to lilongekidile oinima oyo ya li hai ningwa, ndele ito ka kufa vali ombinga. Our home is a haven of peace. Neumbo letu oli li onhele yehafo nombili. Eumbo letu ohali kala onhele yokukala. Meditate on Bible examples of those who failed to listen to Jehovah and those who listened. Kala ho dilonga koihopaenenwa yomOmbibeli yaavo va li inava dulika kuJehova nosho yo yaavo va li hava dulika kuye. Dilonga koihopaenenwa yopaMbiibeli yaavo va li va dopa okupwilikina kuJehova nosho yo kwaavo va pwilikina kuye. 44: 27; 48: 7. 44: 27; 48: 7. 44: 27; 48: 7. Yet, if we imagine Sarah gazing sadly to the east, pining for the comforts of her childhood home, we do not know this godly woman. Ndele ngeenge otwa kala twa fa tu wete Sara ta tale koushilo a nyika oluhodi, ta diladila onghalamwenyo youdjeko oko a dja, osha hala okutya katu shii nawa omukainhu oo omutilikalunga. Ashike ngeenge otwa faneke momadiladilo aye nghee Sara a li ta monika a nyika oluhodi, ohatu hange eumbo laye okudja kounona, ndele katu shii kutya omukainhu waKalunga okwa tya ngahelipi. Review Solomon's sincere prayer to Jehovah when the temple was dedicated. (Jona 1: 17 - 2: 10) Konakona yo eilikano laSalomo la dja komutima olo a li a ilikana kuJehova peyapulo lotembeli. Tete, Salomo okwa li a ilikana kuJehova nomutima aushe eshi otembeli ya li ye mu liyapulila. God's holy spirit was and still is a seal, or an advance "token of what is to come " for anointed integrity keepers. Omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga oya kala i li noi li natango oshihako ile "oshilimbo " shovavaekwa ovadiinini. (2 Kor. Omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga oya li tai dana onghandangala kombada yedu, ile tu tye, "eendjovo diwa " di li ovavaekwa ovo va nangekwa po va kanyatele oudiinini wavo. See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 79. Tala embo Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, epandja 79. Tala embo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike?, epandja 79 - 79. Working alongside her fueled my desire to move abroad. " Eshi nda kala handi longo pamwe naye osha pendula ehalo lange lokutembukila koshilongo shimwe. " Okulonga pamwe naye okwa li kwe mu ningifa a tembukile koshilongo shimwe. " Why do we not pressure anyone to get baptized? Omolwashike ihatu fininike ovanhu va ninginifwe? Omolwashike ihatu fininike ovanhu va ninginifwe? Yet, what Anna could do, she enjoyed doing. Ndele nande ongaho, Anna okwa li a longa nehafo osho a li ta dulu pefimbo opo. Ndele nande ongaho, Anna okwa li a hafela osho Anna a li ta dulu okuninga. Hence, ask yourself, " How earnest and frequent are my prayers? ' 6: 12) Onghee hano, lipula kutya: " Mbela ohandi ilikana ngoo nda mana mo, handi shi ningi lwoikando? ' (Mat. 7: 7; Rom. Onghee hano, lipula kutya, " Mbela omailikano ange okwa kwata moiti shi fike peni? ' Some agree that such religious systems misrepresent God by their teachings and by their conduct and therefore cannot have God's approval. Vamwe ova dimina kutya omalongelokalunga oo ohaa hongo oipupulu kombinga yaJehova nohae mu shekifa okupitila melihumbato lao, nomolwaasho ine a hokwa. Vamwe ova dimina kutya omalongelokalunga a tya ngaho ohaa imbi Kalunga a efe po omahongo avo nosho yo elihumbato lavo, nokungaho, itava dulu okukala va hokiwa kuKalunga. This explanation updates the information discussed on page 57, paragraph 24, of the Daniel's Prophecy book and depicted in the charts on pages 56 and 139. Eyelifo olo ola pepaleka ouyelele oo wa kundafanwa membo Daniel's Prophecy, epandja 57, okatendo 24 nosho yo oo u li pefano olo li li pepandja 56 ne - 139. Opo u mone ouyelele wa wedwa po u na sha nanghee ouyelele oo wa kundafanwa pepandja 57 - 24, okatendo 24, okatendo embo laDaniel nosho yo oshitukulwa shi li pepandja 56 nosho yo pepandja 139 neti - 56. Actually, the most basic living cells on earth are far more complex than any house because they can do what no house can do - reproduce. Eesele odo di nomwenyo kombanda yedu oda kitakana di dulife eumbo keshe, molwaashi ohadi dulu okuninga osho eumbo itali dulu okuninga ngaashi okudalafana. Ope na oinima ihapu i na sha nomwenyo kombada yedu i dule eumbo keshe molwaashi itava dulu okuninga oinima oyo tava dulu okuninga. " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, " he said. Okwa ti: "Aveshe ova nyona, nove he noshinge shaKalunga. " Okwa ti: "Aveshe ova nyona, nove he noshinge shaKalunga. " Guest), Feb. Shiiva kutya okaana koye otaka diladila shike. W. Draw out your teenager. Onghee hano, osha yela kutya okwa li e va pandula neenghono eshi va li have mu idilile meumbo lavo omo mwa li mu na ombili nosho yo ekwafo olo va li have mu pe. Honga omunyasha woye. No doubt, he greatly appreciated that haven of peace and support. Ngahelipi mbela? Nopehe na omalimbililo, okwa li a pandula neenghono eshi e na ombili neameno. How? Osha dimbulukifa nge kutya kashi na nee mbudi kutya onde lihange meenghalo da tya ngahelipi, kutya nee otadi monika da fa tadi naipala shi fike peni, Jehova ota ka yambidida nge shimha ashike ndi li omudiinini kuye. " Ngahelipi mbela? It reminds me that no matter what the circumstance might be, no matter how bleak the situation might seem, Jehovah will be there for me as long as I remain loyal to him. " Onye eendombwedi dange,... Aame Kalunga. " - Jes. Otai dimbulukifa nge kutya kashi na nee mbudi kutya oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po, kashi na nee mbudi kutya onghalo oya nyika oshiponga shi fike peni, Jehova ota ka kala e wete nge oule wefimbo li fike peni eshi nda kala omudiinini kuye. " So you are my witnesses,... and I am God. " - Isa. M Sanderson, G. Hano onye eendombwedi dange, Aame Kalunga. " - Jes. M. Sanderson, G. Okweenda medina laJehova osha hala okutya shike? F. What does it mean to walk in that name? Jehova Kalunga, Omushiti, ina shita ovanhu nelalakano va kale ashike nomwenyo omido dinini nokufya. Okweenda medina olo osha hala okutya shike? Jehovah God, the Creator, did not make humans to live just a few years and then to die. Otwa teelela nodjuulufi oku ka mona omanyamukulo omapulo oo eshi hatu twikile nokukonakona Epsalme 45. Jehova Kalunga, Omushiti, ina shita ovanhu va kale nomwenyo omido dinini opo va fye. With eager anticipation, we will consider such questions as we continue our examination of Psalm 45. 10: 24. Ngeenge otwa konakona omanyamukulo omapulo oo, ohatu ka kundafana omapulo oo eshi hatu twikile okukonakona Epsalme 45. 10: 24. Mbela ope na oshihopaenenwa shaumwe mOmbibeli, oo a li a ninga ngaho? 10: 24. Is there a true - life example from whom we can learn to do that? 2: 9) Naasho hasho oshinakuwanifwa shaye shaxuuninwa. Mbela ope na ngoo oshihopaenenwa shiwa monghalamwenyo yovanhu ovo hatu dulu okulihonga okuninga ngaho? And that will not be his last change of assignment. Ndele konima eshi twa konga oule weemwedi 3, ondungediladilo yetu oya li ya iwa moshipala. Osho itashi ka lundulula etaleko laye li na sha noshinakuwanifwa shaye. But after a short search of just three months, the project came to an abrupt end. Nonande ou li kokule novadali voye, ou na okutala kutya efiloshisho lefiku keshe lilipi va pumbwa. Ndele konima ashike yeemwedi nhatu, oilonga yokutunga oya li ya xulifwa po. Whatever the situation, the form of day - to - day care provided for your parents needs to be evaluated. Omunhu a tya ngaho ita ka pondola notashi dulika a kale e udite kutya ina wana okulongela Jehova. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya onghalo oya tya ngahelipi, efiku olo ovadali voye ve na okufila oshisho ovadali voye ove na okutala kutya oshike ve na okuninga po. Failure to succeed will result in a lack of confidence. Omulondi oo ota faneke oita. Ngeenge otwa dopa okupondola nehalo liwa, itatu ka kala tu na omukumo. This rider represents warfare. [ Eshangelo lopedu] Omulondi oo ota faneke oita. [ Footnotes] opa ningwa omalunduluko opapolotika? [ Omashangelo opedu] political developments? JEHOVA oye Odjo younongo, nohe u yandje kuvamwe nehalo liwa. Oiningwanima yopapolotika ilipi tai ka ningwa monakwiiwa? JEHOVAH is the Source of wisdom, and he generously shares his wisdom with others. Lwanima, Ovaisrael ova li va longela kumwe eshi va tunga etwali, ve li pangulula mo naashi va kala tava tembuka nalo. JEHOVA oye Odjo younongo, noha lombwele vamwe nehalo liwa nehalo liwa nehalo liwa nehalo liwa. For example, Noah and his family built the ark together. Later, the Israelites worked together to build the tabernacle, to take it apart, and to move it from one place to another. Tala oihopaenenwa imwe mOshungonangelo ye 1 Mei 2001, epandja 27 - 28, nosho yo o - Awake! Pashihopaenenwa, Noa noukwaneumbo waye ova li hava tungu onguluwato, va li hava longele kumwe opo va tunge onguluwato, ndele tava tembukile konhele imwe i lili. For examples, see The Watchtower, May 1, 2001, page 16; and Awake! (Omayel. 30: 8, 9) Naave otashi dulika u shii ovanhu vamwe ovo ve lineekela moupuna ponhele yokulineekela muKalunga. Opo u mone oihopaenenwa, tala Oshungonangelo ye 1 Mei 2001, epandja 16; nosho yo o - Awake! Likely you can think of people who trust in their wealth rather than in God. Ngeenge otwe lididimike, ohatu ka mona ondjabi. Otashi dulika to diladila kovanhu ovo ve lineekela omamona avo ponhele yokukala we lineekela muKalunga. If we endure, we will have a reward. (Lukas 17: 12 - 17) Oshike hatu lihongo moshinima osho? Ngeenge otwe lididimike, ohatu ka pewa ondjabi. The lesson? Ndele ngaashi ashike omunhu ha longo noudiinini opo a kale e na owino wokwiimba ile wokulotoka, ohashi pula eenghendabala da mana mo opo omunhu a longife nawa oshali yokukala ina hombola ile ina hombolwa. Osho otashi tu hongo shike? Still, as with such gifts as musical or athletic talent, the gift of singleness has to be cultivated in order to realize its full potential. Vahapu vomuKorinto ovo va shangelwa onhumwafo oyo kuPaulus osho va li ngaho. Ndele nande ongaho, oshali yokukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa ohai imike oiimati iwa opo i dule okumona mo ouwa pauyadi. That was true of many in Corinth to whom Paul wrote. Kakele kaasho, ope na yo oumbangi uhe fi okupatanekwa oo tau ulike kutya ehokololo olo oloshili. Osho osho sha li ngaho unene tuu muKorinto eshi Paulus a li a shangela Paulus. On the other hand, there is powerful evidence that the account is true history. Omaviinyu oo Jesus a li a longifa mo 14 Nisan 33 O.P., okwa li taa faneke ohonde yaye, nosho naanaa eholo lomaviinyu hali faneke kunena pEdimbuluko. Kakele kaasho, ope na oumbangi muhapu oo tau ulike kutya ehokololo oloshili. The wine that Jesus used on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., represented Jesus ' blood, as does the Memorial cup of wine today. Ova lombwelwa va ninge ovanhu " vomoiwana aishe ' ovahongwa. omaviinyu oo Jesus a li a longifa mo 14 Nisan 33 O.P. otaa faneke ohonde yaJesus, ngaashi omaviinyu oo haa longifwa kunena. They were commanded to make disciples of people of "all the nations. " Ngaashi Ovafilipine vahapu, naame onda kulila mongeleka yaKatolika. Ova li va lombwelwa va ninge ovanhu " vomoiwana aishe. ' Like most Filipinos, we were brought up as Catholics. 5: 1 - 5; 2 Kor. 2: 5 - 8) Mbela itashi tu omukumo okumona nghee ovaitaveli vakwetu va li va shakeneka nokufinda omaupyakadi a yoolokafana kekwafo lEendjovo daKalunga? Ngaashi Filipa, otwa li twa tekulwa tu li Ovakatolika. Do we not find it encouraging to consider the range of problems that our fellow believers have faced and that they have overcome by means of God's Word? Oshitaimbelewa osho tashi ka ufa kutya oshinima osho otashi ka longifwa kehangano ile kutya otashi landifwa po sho oshimaliwa tashi ka yambidida oilonga yomounyuni aushe. Mbela ihatu mono etwomukumo olo tali tu ladipike tu diladile komaupyakadi oo ovaitaveli vakwetu va taalela nova finda okupitila mEendjovo daKalunga? Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. (Joh. 1: 29) Okwa li a valelwa onga omukaulinyanga nopefimbo olo Ovajuda ova li va pula Pilatus opo va teye omakipa ovalumenhu ovo va li va valelwa. Oiniwe ngaashi etungo ile edu: Ngeenge owa hala okuyandja omayambidido oinima ya tya ngaho, alikana ninga tete ekwatafano noshitaimbelewa. He was impaled with a criminal on each side. The Jews asked Pilate that the bones of the impaled men be broken. (Ovaroma 15: 5) Oye aeke e udite ko pauyadi onghalo yetu, omaliudo etu nosho yo onakudiwa yetu. Pomhito imwe, Ovajuda ova li va valelwa pamwe nomulumenhu umwe omukolokoshi wedina Pilatus okwa li a pula Pilatus a ti kutya omakipa oo a li a valelwa pamwe naye okwa li a valelwa pamwe naye. He is the only one who fully understands our situation, our feelings, and our background. OUYELELE WA FIMANENENA WONDJOKONONA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA Oye aeke e udite ko onghalo yetu, omaliudo etu nosho yo onakudiwa yetu. FROM OUR ARCHIVES (Mateus 4: 5) Lukas okwa popya a ti, Ondiaboli " oye mu twala kuJerusalem ndele ye mu londeka koxulo yotembeli. ' - Lukas 4: 9. OUYELELE WA FIMANENENA WONDJOKONONA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA Luke said that the Devil "led him into Jerusalem and stationed him on the battlement of the temple. " - Luke 4: 9. Jehova ke hole okulongelwa kovanhu ve na oikala ilipi? Lukas okwa ti kutya Ondiaboli " oya ya kuJerusalem ndele ye mu denga koxulo yotembeli. ' - Lukas 4: 9. What type of worship does Jehovah not tolerate? Onghee hano, Jesus okwa li he mu lombwele meholeko "oiholekwa youhamba. " Jehova ihe lididimikile omayeleko elipi? Therefore, Jesus privately shares with him "the mysteries of the kingdom. " (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Onghee hano, Jesus okwa li a tokola okuya pamwe naye " mouhamba waKalunga. ' (See opening picture.) Ngaashi omumwameme oo, ovadali vamwe ohava tomhafana kutya oshi li xwepo okaana ka kaleke eninginifo fiyo osheshi ka kula noihaka ningi omatokolo ehe li pandunge. (Gen. 8: 21; Omayel. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Like that sister, some parents have reasoned that it is better for their child to postpone baptism until he has outgrown the childish tendency to behave foolishly. Konima yeemwedi donhumba, atushe otwa li twa tembukila meumbo limwe li li mepandavanda lopopepi naapa twa kala hatu di naArne. Ngaashi omumwameme oo, ovadali vamwe ohava tomhafana kutya oshi li xwepo ovana vavo va kaleke po eninginifo fiyo osheshi inava hala okuhenuka oikala ii ya tya ngaho. Within months, we all moved into a home only a few streets away from where Arne and I had been living. (Jes. 54: 13) Osha fimanenena yo okukala ha kufa ombinga nouladi moilonga yomomapya nosho yo pokwoongala kweongalo. Konima yeemwedi dinini, atushe otwa li twa tembukila keumbo linini olo la li hali di mo Arne notwa li tu na onghalamwenyo youdjeko. Participation in congregation meetings and zealous activity in the field ministry are also vital if we are to enjoy peace and happiness. " Etilo lokutila Omwene olo okutonda osho shii. " - Omayeletumbulo 8: 13. Otwa pumbwa yo okukala hatu hafele ombili nokukala hatu kufa ombinga moukalele nouladi ngeenge otwa hala okukala hatu hafele ombili nokukala twa hafa. " The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. " * - Proverbs 8: 13. * - Tala eshangelo lopedu. " Okutila Omwene otashi ti okukala u tonde owii. " - Omayeletumbulo 8: 13. How Would You Answer? Oto nyamukula ngahelipi? Oto nyamukula ngahelipi? But what about individual members of natural Israel? 6: 16) Ndele ongahelipi shi na sha noohandimwe vomoshiwana shaIsrael shopambelela? Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha noilyo yaIsrael shopambelela? How comforting that is for all who love Jehovah deeply from the heart! Osho itashi hekeleke tuu aveshe ovo ve hole Jehova nomutima aushe! Osho itashi hekeleke tuu aveshe ovo ve hole Jehova neenghono! We will find that these crumble when tested in the light of the Scriptures. Ohatu ke lihonga yo kutya Omishangwa itadi hongo oipupulu ya tya ngaho. Ohatu ka mona kutya ngeenge opa holoka onghalo ya tya ngaho ngeenge otwa shakeneke omayeleko e na sha neudeko lOmishangwa. The Scriptures tell us that "God is love. " Omishangwa otadi ti kutya "Kalunga Oye ohole. " Omishangwa otadi tu lombwele kutya "Kalunga Oye ohole. " Satan approached Jesus after He had been fasting for 40 days in the wilderness. Satana okwa li a ka yeleka Jesus mombuwa fimbo a li e lidilika oikulya oule womafiku 40. Satana okwa li a ehena popepi naJesus konima yomafiku 40 mombuwa. (Read Deuteronomy 32: 4 - 6.) (Lesha Deuteronomion 32: 4 - 6.) (Lesha Deuteronomion 32: 4 - 6.) How? Ngahelipi mbela? Ngahelipi mbela? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: EFINAMHANGO LOMBIBELI: EFINAMHANGO LOMBIBELI: (a) How did the negative reaction from most Jews affect Paul? (a) Onghedi omo Ovajuda va li ve linyenga oya li ya kuma Paulus ngahelipi? (a) Paulus okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi kOvajuda vahapu? Yes, the ransom is so marvelous that we are incapable of fully describing it. (2 Ovakorinto 9: 15) Ekulilo oli li oshinima shikumwifa neenghono shili, nomolwaasho itatu dulu oku li hokolola pauyadi. Heeno, ekuliloyambo oli li oshali ikumwifi neenghono nomolwaasho itatu dulu oku li popya filufilu shi na sha nayo. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Mbela owa lesha ngoo nawanawa Eeshungonangelo odo opo da piti? Mbela owa lesha ngoo nawanawa Eeshungonangelo odo opo da piti? Jude may have used the same ancient source, or he may have learned about Enoch from Jesus, who witnessed Enoch's life course from heaven. Judas otashi dulika a li a longifa odjo yonale oyo, ile tashi dulika a uda kombinga yaHenok kuJesus, oo a li a mona onghalamwenyo yaHenok okudja meulu. Judas otashi dulika a li a longifa Odjo yopefimbo lonale ile otashi dulika a li e lihonga kombinga yaHenok, oo a li a yandja oundombwedi kombinga yaHenok okudja meulu. Immediately he raised her son. Diva okwa nyumuna omonamati. Diva konima yaasho, okwa ka dala omonamati waye. When disciplining you, they may sometimes speak thoughtlessly. (Jak. 3: 2) Ngeenge tave ku pe outekuduliko, omafimbo amwe otashi dulika va popye eendjovo inadi diladilwa nawa. (Omayel. Ngeenge to yandje outekuduliko, omafimbo amwe otashi dulika u popye kombinga yoshinima osho. Just before his death, Enoch may have received a vision from God, perhaps one showing him the earth as a paradise. Fimbo ina fya, Henok otashi dulika a li a mona emoniko la dja kuKalunga, tashi dulika tali ulike edu li li oparadisa. Fimbo Henok ina fya, otashi dulika a li a mona emoniko okudja kuKalunga, tashi dulika e mu ulikile kutya oku li oparadisa. What about truly knowing him? Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha noku mu shiiva nawa? Ongahelipi shi na sha naye? What are you determined to do to show your love for our lifesaving ministry? Owa tokola toko okuninga shike opo u ulike kutya ou hole oilonga yokuxupifa eemwenyo? Owa tokola toko okuninga shike opo u ulike kutya ou hole oukalele woye? Holy spirit can empower us to endure any kind of adversity. Omhepo iyapuki otai ke tu kwafela tu lididimikile oudjuu keshe. Omhepo iyapuki otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu lididimike kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu li meenghalo da tya ngahelipi. 1: 20. 1: 20. 1: 20. The churchman turned to the elder and with a sly smile said: "What are you going to do now? Omukulunhu wongeleka oo okwa li a pula omukulunhuongalo oo, te limemesha okambweenga, ta ti: "Paife otamu ningi po nee shike? Omushamane oo okwa li a ya omukulunhuongalo ndele te limemesha ta ti: "Oshike to ka ninga paife? If you have not had the opportunity to study the Bible closely, you may find it difficult to believe that the events described above will occur. Ngeenge ino mona omhito yokukonakona Ombibeli noukeka, otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu kwoove okwiitavela kutya oiningwanima oyo ya kundafanwa metetekelo otai ka ningwa shili. Ngeenge ku na omhito yokukonakona Ombibeli, otashi dulika u mone shidjuu okwiitavela kutya oiningwanima oyo ya tumbulwa metetekelo otai ka ningwa shili. Did those early disciples of Jesus have the needed courage to keep on witnessing about him? Mbela ovahongwa votete vaJesus ova li ngoo ve na ouladi opo va kale tava yandje oundombwedi kombinga yaye? Mbela ovahongwa ovo vonale ova li ngoo va pumbwa ouladi opo va twikile okuudifa kombinga yaye? 17, 18. 17, 18. 17, 18. This does not refer to some herbal remedy that we can take now or in the new world to heal us. Omeva nomuti oo itai faneke oihemba yonhumba oyo ngeno tu na okunwa paife ile mounyuni mupe opo tu veluke. Osho itashi ulike kutya osho hatu ningi paife otashi ulike kutya ohatu dulu oku shi ninga paife ile mounyuni mupe oo tau dulu oku tu velula. 19: 1 - 8; Prov. 19: 1 - 8; Omayel. 19: 1 - 8; Omayel. I never knew a young father. My father was 56 years old when I was born; my mother was 35. Kandi shii naanaa kutya tate okwa li a tya ngahelipi eshi a li omunyasha, molwaashi eshi nda dalwa, okwa li e na omido 56; meme okwa li e na 35. Inandi shiiva nande tate, tate okwa li e na omido 56 eshi nda dalwa; meme okwa li e shii kutya ina pita omido 35. Following are a few comments from the press: Omatyekosha aa taa landula apa okwa dja moifokundaneki: Natu ka taleni komatyekosha manini taa landula apa: Anthony: Thank you. Anthony: Tangi unene. Anthony: Tangi unene. We must refuse to focus our mind on any activity that Jehovah condemns. *) Katu na okweefa omadiladilo etu a yandje elitulemo koinima aishe oyo Jehova a tokola. Otu na okuhenuka okuyandja elitulemo koinima aishe oyo Jehova a tokola. Even when seniors want to remain by themselves and in control of their own situation as long as possible, there are definite benefits to discussing with their children what kind of care they would prefer if the need arises. Nokuli nonande ovanamido ova hala okukala meumbo lavo tava ungaunga nonghalo yavo ngaashi tashi dulika, otava ka mona ouwa filufilu mokukundafana novana vavo kutya efiloshisho lilipi tava ka pumbwa ngeenge opa holoka omhumbwe. Nokuli nonande ovanamido ova hala okukala ve li monghalo ya tya ngaho, ope na omauwa mahapu oo tava dulu okukundafana novana vavo ngeenge ova hala okulifila oshisho. As Sarah packed her things, she faced the dilemma of what to keep and what to leave behind. Eshi Sara a li ta longele oinima yaye, okwa li a taalela eshongo la kula li na sha naasho ve na okufiya po naasho ve na okuya nasho. Eshi Sara a li e na oinima ihapu, okwa li a taalela eshongo la tya ngaho nokwa li a efa po osho a fiya po. What do they see as being most important to you - your career or your friendship with Jehovah? Mbela ove wete wa lenga oilonga ile eifano loye, ile ekwatafano loye naJehova? Oshike osho ve wete sha fimanenena kwoove, eifano loye ile ookaume kaJehova? They searched for ways to make their dream come true. Ova kala tava kongo eemhito va hange omalalakano avo. Ova li va konga eemhito opo va mone osho tava ningi. His material goals were replaced by spiritual interests. Elalakano laye lokulalakanena omaliko ola li la pingenwa po kohokwe yoinima yopamhepo. Omalalakano aye opamhepo okwa li a pingenwa po komalalakano aye opamhepo. Out of the deep blue, a shark was heading straight for him. There he was, completely at its mercy. Eshi a tala komesho yaye, okwa li taku di oshi inenenene ya nyika oshiponga hai ifanwa oShark ya yuka muye. Molwaashi okwa li e na owino muhapu, okwa li e shii kutya oku na ko nasha naye, osha yela kutya okwa li e na onghenda filufilu. Had you been Toñi, how do you think you would have reacted? Ngeno oove wa li Antonia, mbela ngeno owe linyenga ngahelipi? Mbela ngeno owe linyenga ngahelipi? In South Korea, about 700 Witnesses are in prison for their faith. MoSouth Korea, Eendombwedi 700 lwaapo oda idililwa modolongo omolweitavelo lado. MoSouth Korea, Eendombwedi oda li modolongo omolweitavelo lado. PUBLISHERS OVAUDIFI OVAUDIFI Are you able to stay neutral, or do you take sides? Oto dulu ngoo okukala ino kufa ombinga? Mbela ito dulu okukala uhe na ombinga, ile oho kufa ombinga moinima yopapolotika? (See opening image.) (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) They forced their way inside, broke up our meeting, and drove us out of town. Ova li va kondjifa okuuya meni noku tu fininika tu xulife po okwoongala kwetu ndele tave tu lombwele tu fiye po odoolopa oyo. Ova li va fininikwa va efe po onghedi yavo yokukalamwenyo, nova li ve tu fiya po notwa li twa ya kodoolopa yetu. (See endnote.) (Tala eshangelo pexulilo loshitukulwa.) (Tala eshangelo lopexulilo loshitukulwa.) Like marriage, singleness can be rewarding when we view it from God's perspective and make wise use of this gift. Ngaashi ashike ohombo, okukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa otaku dulu okweeta ondjabi ngeenge otu na etaleko la fa laKalunga nohatu longifa nawa oshali ya tya ngaho. Ngaashi ohombo, okukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa otaku dulu okweetela omunhu ouwa ngeenge otwa kala tu na etaleko la fa laKalunga li na sha noshali oyo. (b) In what similar situation might we find ourselves? (b) Otashi dulika nafye tu kwatwe keamo lilipi? (b) Onghalo ya faafana ilipi tai dulu oku tu hanga? Today, knowledge of God's wonderful purposes is being spread throughout the earth as a result of the efforts of those who are part of one united preaching organization. (Kol. 1: 23) Kunena, ovo ve li oshitukulwa shehangano laJehova la hangana otava udifa moukumwe kombinga yomalalakano aKalunga omonakwiiwa, kongonga yedu alishe. Kunena, eshiivo li na sha nomalalakano aKalunga otali udifwa mounyuni aushe, naasho ohashi etifa oidjemo iwa kwaavo ve li oshitukulwa shehangano olo la hangana. Thus, news of the Messiah's appearance continued to spread. 13: 12) Onghee hano, onghundana i na sha nokuholoka kwaMessias oya kala nokutandavela. Onghee hano, onghundana yaMessias oya li ya twikila okutandavelifa onghundana iwa. How can young ones grow in appreciation for the value of Bible principles? Ongahelipi ovanyasha tava dulu okukala va lenga omafinamhango Ombiibeli? Ongahelipi ovanyasha tava dulu okukulika olupandu li na sha nomafinamhango Ombibeli? Consider, for example, what the Scriptures tell us about the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Pashihopaenenwa, natu ka konakoneni kutya omishangwa otadi tu lombwele shike shi na sha noufemba waJehova wokupangela. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila kwaasho Omishangwa tadi tu lombwele shi na sha noufemba waJehova wokupangela. 9: 23, 24) Vain sentiments in our hearts will eventually show up in our actions. 9: 23, 24) Eenghatu detu ohadi holola osho shi li momitima detu. 9: 23, 24.) Ngeenge otwa kala tu na eenghedi diwa momitima detu, otashi ka ulika kutya ohatu katuka eenghatu detu. Always rely on Jehovah to give you strength. Alushe kala we lineekela muJehova e ku pe eenghono. Kala alushe we lineekela kutya Jehova ote ke ku pameka. He was not fooled by the materialized demons, who surely impressed faithless, gullible humans with their superhuman abilities - perhaps even to the point of becoming objects of idolatry. Ka li a pukifwa keendemoni odo da li da lundululila omalutu ado momalutu opanhu. Oda li da nwefa mo ovanhu ovo vehe na eitavelo, ovo va li va fuulwa keenghono dado, tashi dulika nokuli fiyo oposhitwa shoku di longela onga oikalunga. (Gen. Ka li a pukifwa keendemoni odo di li momalutu opambelela, oo a li haa ningifa ovanhu va kale vehe na eenghono, tashi dulika nokuli va kale ihava longele oikalunga. So we can ask ourselves: " Does my conscience help me to avoid sports that are aggressive, competitive, nationalistic, or violent? (Ovagalati 5: 19 - 21) Hano natu lipule kutya: " Mbela eliudo lange ohali kwafele nge ngoo ndi henuke omaudano oo a kwatela mo ehandu, omhepo yefiyafanepo, omhepo youkwashiwana, ile elongifo leenghono? Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okulipula kutya: " Mbela eliudo lange ohali kwafele nge ndi henuke omaudano eevidio, omhepo yefiyafanepo ile elongifo leenghono? Jesus was a perfect man. Jesus okwa li omunhu a wanenena. Jesus okwa li omunhu a wanenena. In Jesus ' day, field workers were paid on a daily basis. Pefimbo laJesus, ovalongi vomepya ova li hava pewa ondjabi yavo kexulilo lefiku. Pefimbo laJesus, ovanailonga vaye ova li hava futwa efiku keshe. John Johannes Johannes There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger. (Jes. 65: 21, 22) Itapa ka kala vali omafininiko nondjala. Itapa ka kala vali omafininiko, oluhepo nosho yo ondjala. For evidence that Jesus was resurrected, see the book The Bible - God's Word or Man's? pages 78 - 86, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Opo u mone oumbangi kutya Jesus okwa nyumuka, tala epandja 78 - 86 lembo The Bible - God's Word or Man's?, la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova. Opo u mone oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Jesus okwa nyumunwa, tala embo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike?, epandja 78 - 86, la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova. * A saying among the islanders is: " If a strong tremor occurs and the sea withdraws, run to the hills, for the sea will soon rush ashore. ' * Ovanhu ovo hava kala kounhunhu ove na omupopyo tau ti: " Ngeenge edu la kakama, ndele efuta tali loto, tondokeleni keemhunda osheshi efuta otali ka kungulula po diva oshilando. ' * Okaana oko oke li kokanhunhu oko oka ti: " Ngeenge opa holoka oshikungulu sha pama ndele taka faduka po, otashi ka pwa po diva. ' Paul entreated his friends: "You also can help us by your supplication for us. " Paulus okwa li a ladipika ookaume kaye a ti: "Nanye yo tamu tu kwafa momailikaneno eni. " Paulus okwa li a ladipika ookaume kaye a ti: "Oto dulu yo oku tu kwafela tu indile Kalunga e tu kwafele. " In one of the cities there, he met a man with a terrible disease, leprosy. Mushimwe shomoilando yako, okwa li a shakeneka mo omulumenhu e na oudu woshilundu wa kwata moiti. Moihondamenolando imwe, okwa li a shakeneka omulumenhu umwe e na omukifi wa kwata moiti, oshilundu. Why should newlyweds work especially hard to cultivate respectful speech? Omolwashike ovo opo va hombola ve na okulonga noudiinini opo va kale hava kundafana tava popi nefimaneko? Omolwashike ovo opo va hombola ve na okulonga noudiinini opo va kulike efimaneko? In contrast with animals, we can come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully. We have been created in such a way that we find happiness in doing so. Mepingafano noinamwenyo, otwa shitwa monghedi oyo hatu dulu okumona ehafo ngeenge otwa shiiva Omushiti wetu noku mu longela noudiinini. Mepingafano noinamwenyo, ohatu dulu okushiiva Omushiti wetu noku mu longela noudiinini monghedi ya tya ngaho. Mannix, "although an altar with a fire burning on it was generally kept in the arena for their convenience. Mannix okwa popya membo laye ledina Those About to Die (Ovo ve li pokufya) a ti kutya mondabo omwa li hamu kala alushe oaltari ku na omundilo. Ovanhu vahapu ova li hava kala monhele yonhumba oyo ya li hai kala ya tema omundilo oo wa li hau kala wa tema. About a dozen single brothers were serving there. Ovamwatate 12 lwaapo inava hombola ova li tava longele koBetel oyo. Ovamwatate vahapu ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa ova li tava longele oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi. But scrolls were not easy to use or carry. Ashike omishangwatonywa kada li dipu okulongifa ile okuhumbata. Ashike omishangwatonywa kada li shipu okulongifa ile okulonga. And why can we share that conviction? Omolwashike nafye twa tomhwa kutya Jesus oku na omwenyo? Omolwashike hatu dulu okukala twa tomhwa kutya osho twa itavela oshoshili? He does so in a number of ways. Ohe shi ningi meenghedi da yoolokafana. Oha ningi ngaho meenghedi dihapu. As in the case of Job, what might cause us to judge God? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu ningifa tu tokole Kalunga ngaashi Job a li a ninga? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu ningifa tu tokole Kalunga? Then, perhaps he looked far beyond his sheep to a spot in the distance where he could just make out a faint glow. Opo nee otashi dulika a li a tala kokule kanini nokwa li a mona sha tashi taima. Opo nee, otashi dulika a li a tala ko eedi daye di li popepi naapo a nangala. When " those who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust a man who has taken a false step, ' loving counsel and appropriate commendation may motivate the wrongdoer to return to the course of fine works. Ngeenge ovakulunhuongalo tava kendabala okukwafela umwe oo a nyona, oku mu pandula omolwoilonga iwa oyo a longa monakudiwa otaku dulu oku mu kwafela a lundulule okudiladila kwaye nokuninga osho sha yuka. (Gal. Ngeenge "ava va ninga exumokomesho lopamhepo " ohava kendabala okutula moilonga omayele opahole oo taa dulu okulinyengifa omunyoni a shune koilonga iwa. Samantha: He couldn't. It's impossible. Samantha: Aaye, kape na oo ta dulu okukala e dule Kalunga. Samantha: Ka li ta dulu okuninga po sha. We can also prepare for the new world by being patient when we receive adjustments in our understanding of Bible truth. Ohatu lilongekidile yo ounyuni mupe mokukala nelididimiko ngeenge pa ningwa omalunduluko e na sha neudeko letu loshili yOmbibeli. Ohatu dulu yo okulilongekidila ounyuni mupe mokukala ovalididimiki ngeenge otwa udu ko omalunduluko oshili yOmbiibeli. As a perfect man, doubtless he was "handsome. " Ashike molwaashi okwa li a wanenena, nopehe nomalimbililo okwa li omunhu a "wapala, " ile tu tye, wondjelo iwa. Nopehe na omalimbililo, omulumenhu a wanenena okwa li e na eitavelo la kola. But here, these things come and go as they please. " Ndele oku kuEcuador, omayakulo a tya ngaho ohaa kala a pumba ile ehe po nandenande. " Ndele opo nee, oinima ei ngenge tai uya, otai mu hafifa. " Jehovah supplies as much of his spirit as we need, according to our circumstances. Jehova ohe tu pe omhepo oyo twa pumbwa she likolelela keenghalo detu. Jehova ohe tu pe omhepo yaye iyapuki ngaashi twa pumbwa, she likolelela keenghalo detu. Even women and children were not spared the cruelty. Ovakainhu nounona navo ova li va hepekwa nonyanya. Nokuli nounona kava li va xupifwa. Similarly, on a memorable day some time ago, one of Jehovah's servants may have called at your door to discuss the message of hope found in the Bible. Sha faafana, otashi dulika to dimbuluka efiku limwe olo umwe womovapiya vaJehova a li e uya peumbo leni opo mu kundafane etumwalaka li na sha neteelelo olo tali hangwa mOmbiibeli. Sha faafana, momukokomoko wefiku la pita, ovapiya vaJehova otashi dulika ve uya okupwilikina ketumwalaka lOmbibeli olo tali hangwa mOmbibeli. Nigeria 330,000 Nigeria 330 000 120 000 When referring to tribulations associated with marriage, there is one that may not readily come to mind. Ngeenge taku popiwa omaupyakadi e na sha nohombo, otashi dulika pe na oupyakadi umwe oo ihatu diladila kuo. Ngeenge hatu popi shi na sha nomaupyakadi mohombo, otashi dulika pa holoke okuhaudafana. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? MBELA ESHONGO LILIPI WA TAALELA? MBELA ESHONGO LILIPI WA TAALELA? How do our prayers and our presence at Christian meetings help us to reflect God's glory? Okwiilikana nokukala pokwoongala kwopaKriste ohaku tu kwafele ngahelipi tu limonikile oshinge shaKalunga? Omailikano etu nosho yo okukala po kwetu pokwoongala ohaku tu kwafele ngahelipi tu kale hatu limonikila oshinge shaKalunga? For example, prior to the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven, a group of faithful anointed ones were actively serving God. Pashihopaenenwa, fimbo Ouhamba waKalunga inau dikwa po meulu opa li ongudu yovavaekwa ovadiinini ovo va li tava longele Kalunga nouladi. Pashihopaenenwa, fimbo Jesus ina dika po Ouhamba waKalunga meulu, ongudu yovavaekwa ovadiinini oya kala tai longele Kalunga noudiinini. Therefore, by diligently studying the Bible, meditating on what it says, and applying it in our lives, we can train our conscience to be more sensitive to God's thinking, and it can thus serve as a reliable guide. 3: 16) Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okudeula eliudo letu li kale metwokumwe nokudiladila kwaKalunga nokukala li li ewiliko li shii okulineekelwa mokukonakona Ombiibeli noukeka, mokudilonga kwaasho tai ti nosho yo okutula moilonga osho twa lesha. Onghee hano, ngeenge otwa kala hatu konakona Ombibeli noukeka, hatu dilonga kwaasho tai ti, nokutula moilonga eliudo letu moilonga, kungaho ohatu deula eliudo letu opo tu kale hatu diladila ngaashi Kalunga he i wilike. In this case, sending guests on their way meant meeting their needs for the next leg of the journey and supplying them with everything required until they arrived at their destination. Pomhito opo, okulekela ovaenda okwa li sha kwatela mo oku va pa oipumbiwa yomondjila nosho yo keshe osho tava ka kala va pumbwa opo va ka fike oko va yuka. Monghalo ya tya ngaho, ovamwatate ovo va li tava tumu molweendo lavo ova li va hala okuya molweendo lavo lokuya molweendo olo tali va pula va ka fike pamwe navo fiyo osheshi va fika konhele oko va fika. Indeed, Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims, and many others have on occasion joined forces to fight poverty, campaign for human rights, work to ban land mines, or draw attention to environmental issues. Ovabudda, Ovakatolika, Ovaprotestante, Ovahindu, Ovamoslema nosho yo vakwao vahapu ova kala have limbwange mumwe opo va xulife po ondjala, hava ningi omakangha e na sha noufemba womunhu, nokukelela etelo leeboma ile okufila oshisho omudingonoko. Ovanhu vahapu ohava i keenhele da tya ngaho opo va ka udifile koitukulwa oko ku na omhumbwe yoikulya ile va kale tava yandje elitulemo koinima oyo ya nyika oshiponga. Yet, Jehovah told Moses to encourage him, saying: "Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see. " Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses e mu twe omukumo, a ti: "Lombwela hano Josua noku mu pameka noku mu nyatipalifa osheshi ye ota ka kwatela oshiwana eshi komesho, ndee ye ote ke va fyuululifa edu eli. Ove to ke litala. " (Deut. Ashike Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses e mu twe omukumo, a ti: " Josua okwe mu pameka ndele te mu pameke ndee te mu pameke, osheshi oye tuu ou ta ka fyuulula oshilongo, ndee te ke shi mona. " (Deut. The elders read letters from the branch office and apply the direction that helps maintain "the oneness in the faith. " Ovakulunhuongalo ohava lesha yo eenhumwafo odo da dja koshitaimbelewa nohava tula moilonga omayele oo hae va kwafele va kaleke po "oukumwe womeitavelo. " Ovakulunhuongalo ohava lesha eenhumwafo odo di li koshitaimbelewa nokutula moilonga omayele oo tae tu kwafele tu kale tu " meitavelo. ' It can refer to strong counsel but does not indicate hostility. Oshitya osho otashi dulu okuulika kokuyandja omayele a kwata moiti ndele itashi ningwa nonyati. (Oil. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya omayele a kwata moiti otaa dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale tu udite twa handuka. Earlier on the same day that Jesus warned about the loss of love, he emphasized the most important love of all. Diva mefiku ashike olo Jesus a li a popya shi na sha nohole tai xulu po, okwa li a divilika ohole oyo ya fimanenena i dule adishe. Mefiku olo tuu olo Jesus a li a londwela kombinga yohole, okwa li a divilika efimano lohole ya fimanenena yokuhola ovanhu aveshe. Imagine the surprise of the women who came to the tomb where Jesus ' body had been laid. (Eps. 16: 10) Diladila ashike nghee ovakainhu vamwe va li va kumwa eshi va hanga omweengeli oo a li a lundulukila molutu lopambelela e li mombila omo mwa li mwa pakwa Jesus! Diladila kunghee ovakainhu ovo va li ve uya mombila omo olutu laJesus la li le uya. What have many disfellowshipped ones done, and with what result? Oshike osho ovanhu vahapu ovo va li va kondwa va ninga, nosha etifa oidjemo ilipi? Ovanhu vahapu ovo va kondwa ova ninga shike, noshidjemo osha li shike? Still, you may wonder: " Does the Bible tell us when the end will come? Otashi dulika natango u lipule kutya: Mbela Ombibeli oye tu lombwela kutya exulilo otali uya naini? Ndele nande ongaho, otashi dulika u lipule kutya: " Mbela Ombibeli otai tu lombwele ngoo kutya exulilo otali uya naini? You are their eyes. " Oove mesho avo. " Ove momesho avo. " The doctor told him not to drive for two years. Ndokotola okwa li e mu lombwela aha shinge otuwa oule womido mbali. ndokotola okwa li e mu lombwela kutya ina hala oku mu kwata oule womido mbali. " You have loved righteousness. " - PS. " Ove u hole ouyuki. " - EPS. " Oove u hole ouyuki. " - EPS. But it was worth it. Eenghendabala odo oda li tadi ti sha. Ashike osha li sha fimana okuninga ngaho. She said: "The brothers there treated them like close relatives, providing food, clothes, shelter, and transportation. Okwa ti: "Ovamwatate ova kala tava ungaunga nafye twa fa ovapambele vavo, tave tu pe oikulya, oikutu, onhele yokukala nosho yo olefa. Okwa ti: "Ovamwatate ova li ve va ungaunga navo ngaashi ovapambele, oikulya, oikutu, oikutu nosho yo eenhele dokukala. In what circumstances can you exercise the godly quality of compassion? Omeenghalo dilipi to dulu okuulika oukwatya wopakalunga wolukeno? Eenghalo dilipi to dulu okuulika oukwatya wopakalunga? (b) How did Michael show a humble attitude? (b) Ongahelipi Mikael a li a ulika oikala yelininipiko? (b) Mikael okwa li a ulika ngahelipi oikala yelininipiko? Before long, the thrilling experiences I had in the field and the new friends I made in the congregation helped me to regain my joy. " Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, oimoniwa itunhula yomoukalele nosho yo okupanga oukaume navamwe meongalo osha li sha kwafela nge opo ndi kale vali nda hafa. " Konima yefimbo lixupi, oimoniwa itunhula oyo nda kala moilonga yomomapya nosho yo ookaume vape oya kwafela nge ndi kale vali nda hafa. " Yet, Jeremiah did not give up. Nonande Jeremia okwa li a kwatwa kepolimano omafimbo amwe, ka li a sholola nandenande. Ndele nande ongaho, Jeremia ka li a sholola. What a crowning proof of the superiority of God's way of governing! Osho itashi yandje tuu oumbangi wa kola kutya onghedi yaKalunga yokupangela oya denga mbada! Osho itashi ulike tuu kutya onghedi yaKalunga yokupangela oya denga mbada! For example, to Christians in Corinth, he wrote: "Concerning the collection that is for the holy ones, just as I gave orders to the congregations of Galatia, do that way also yourselves. Pashihopaenenwa, eshi a li a shangela Ovakriste vomuKorinto, okwa ti: "Mokupopya ongalo hai shivilwa ovayapuki, nanye yo ningeni ngaashi nda lombwelele omaongalo omuGalatia. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a shangela Ovakriste vomuKorinto a ti: "Oilonga oyo oi li ashike omatoloko oo haa yandjwa kOvakriste ovavaekwa, ngaashi ashike nda li handi yandje omalombwelo momaongalo, ngaashi ashike nda li nda yandja elombwelo kutya nandi ninge ngaho. Hannah trusted in Jehovah, confidently leaving things in his hands. (1 Sam. 1: 8, 17, 18) Hanna okwa li e lineekela muJehova nokwa li a efela oinima momake aYe. Hanna okwa li e lineekela muJehova, molwaashi okwa li e na elineekelo kutya ota ka fiya po oinima momake aye. Stay in Jehovah's organization! Ame ondi shi shii molwaashi omo nda li. Kaleni mehangano laJehova! Though family opposition can sometimes be severe, that is not always the case. Ovakriste ohava shakeneke omapataneko a kwata moiti momaukwaneumbo omafimbo amwe, ndele haaveshe hava patanekwa. Nonande omapataneko ovapambele omafimbo amwe otaa dulu okukala a kwata moiti, haalushe hashi kala shidjuu okuninga ngaho. Where are the dead? Oonakufya ove li peni? Oonakufya ove li peni? Still, he knew that Jesus was innocent and was no ordinary man. Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li e shii kutya Jesus ke na ondjo noka li ashike omunhu wongaho. Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li e shii kutya Jesus ka li e na ondjo noka li omunhu wongaho. You too can cope with similar trials. Naave oto dulu okuungaunga nomayeleko monghedi ya tya ngaho. Naave oto dulu okuungaunga nomayeleko a faafana naao. " No one has love greater than this, " said Christ, "that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " Kristus okwa ti: "Kape na ou e nohole i dule yaau ta yandjele ookaume kaye omwenyo waye. " (Joh. Kristus okwa ti: "Kape na ou e nohole i dule yaau ha yandjele ookaume kaye omwenyo waye. " It is also a blessing to assist those who have recently become associated with the congregation and would benefit from training in the ministry. Oshi li yo oufembanghenda okukwafela ovo opo va hovele okweendafana neongalo opo va kale va pyokoka moukalele. Oshi li yo enangeko noupuna okukwafela ovo opo va kala hava endafana neongalo nohava mono ouwa ngeenge tava deula vamwe moukalele. For example, their 1958 convention talk, "God's Kingdom Rules - Is the World's End Near? " Pashihopaenenwa, mo 1958, poshoongalele shado opa li pa yandjwa oshipopiwa shi na oshipalanyole "Ouhamba waKalunga otau pangele, mbela exulilo lounyuni oli li poduka? " Pashihopaenenwa, poshoongalele shavo shoshitukulwa shomo 1958, "Ouhamba waKalunga otau pangele ounyuni ou wa ehena popepi "? Can you hear him? Mbela ou mu udite? Mbela oto dulu ngoo oku mu uda? David attributed any greatness he had in Israel to Jehovah's humility - to God's condescending, or humbling himself, to pay attention to him. (2 Sam. 22: 36) David okwa li e shii kutya okwa li a dula okuwanifa po oilonga inene muIsrael omolwekwafo laJehova oo omulininipiki. (Eps. David okwa li a yandja efimano kounene keshe oo a li e na eshi Jehova a li e mu tala ko kutya omulininipiki noku na ko nasha naye. 6: 7, 8. 6: 7, 8. 6: 7, 8. Wanting to do things her own way, Petra distanced herself from the congregation. Petra okwa li e litukula ko keongalo molwaashi a hala okuninga oinima monghedi yaye. Molwaashi okwa li a hala okuninga oinima yaye mwene, okwa li a tala ko eongalo li li kokule neongalo. Angels assisted Jesus. Jesus okwa li a kwafelwa kovaengeli. Ovaengeli ova li va kwafela Jesus. One reason was the testimony of many eyewitnesses. Shimwe osho sha li she mu kwafela a kale e na oushili oumbangi wovamoninomesho vahapu. Etomheno limwe ololo kutya ovanhu vahapu ova li va mona oumbangi oo. Borrow Money? 7 / 1 Otu na ngoo okufuta oifendela? But we still are persecuted and face other problems that come from Satan's world. Ashike natango ohatu hepekwa nohatu hangwa komaupyakadi oo haa dilile mounyuni waSatana. Ashike natango ohatu hepekwa nohatu shakeneke omaupyakadi amwe oo taa etifwa kounyuni waSatana. The apostle John surely encouraged Gaius and reassured him that he was doing what was right. Omuyapostoli Johannes okwa li a twa Gaius omukumo noku mu shilipaleka kutya osho kwa li ta ningi oshi li mondjila. Omuyapostoli Johannes okwa li a twa Gaius omukumo Gaius nokwe mu shilipaleka kutya ota ningi osho sha yuka. Has our love for Bible truth moved us to recognize the unique privilege we have to bear God's name and to proclaim his Kingdom in this time of the end? Mbela ohole yetu yokuhola oshili yOmbiibeli ohai tu linyengifa ngoo tu mone nghee shi li oufembanghenda okwiifanwa nedina laKalunga nosho yo okuudifa kombinga yOuhamba waye momafiku aa axuuninwa? Mbela ohole yetu yokuhola oshili yOmbiibeli oye tu linyengifa tu mone oufembanghenda we likalekelwa wokuhumbata edina laKalunga nokuudifa pefimbo eli lexulilo? Let us witness informally to male workmates when appropriate and reach out to unbelieving husbands in the congregation. Natu kaleni hatu yandje oundombwedi wohangelela kovalumenhu ovo hatu longo pamwe navo ngeenge otashi shiiva, nokukwafela ovalumenhu ovo vehe fi ovaitaveli ovo va hombola ovamwameme. Onghee hano, natu yandjeni oundombwedi wohangelela kwaavo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa meongalo. A qualified elder will consider in a clear and dignified manner what the Bible says about the occasion. Ohaku yandjwa oshipopiwa shopaMbibeli komukulunhuongalo a pyokoka, osho tashi yelifa nawa nomonghedi yefimaneko eityo lEdimbuluko. Omukulunhuongalo oo a pyokoka ota ka konakona oinima monghedi ya yela noya ulika kutya okwa fimaneka osho Ombibeli tai ti shi na sha nefimbo olo. They too say, "Come! " Navo otava shivi vamwe tava ti: "Ila! " Navo ova ti yo: "Ila! " What vast and reliable wisdom is found in the pages of the Bible? Ounongo muhapu nou shii okulineekelwa ulipi tau hangwa mOmbibeli? Ounongo u shii okulineekelwa ulipi tau hangwa mOmbibeli? 7: 12. 7: 12. 7: 12. (See opening image.) (b) What accounted for Peter's courage on that occasion? (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Oshike sha li sha kwafela Petrus a kale e na ouladi eshi a li ta popi novawiliki velongelokalunga? (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Ehokololo laPetrus lilipi la li la kwafela Petrus a kale omuladi pomhito oyo? You will never regret serving "your Creator in the days of your youth. " - Eccl. Ito ke lipa nande oushima eshi to "dimbulukwa Omushiti woye momafiku ounyasha woye. " - Omuud. Ito ke lipa oushima eshi to longele " Omushiti woye momafiku ounyasha woye. ' - Omuud. We agreed that some ways of having fun are acceptable whereas others are not. Otwa li twa kundafana kutya eenghedi dimwe dokulihafifa oda koshoka, ofimbo dimwe inadi koshoka. Otwa li twa dimina kutya ope na eenghedi dimwe omo vamwe hava kala va hafa ofimbo vamwe ihave shi endifa nawa. " After we moved to northern England in search of work as musicians, our son was born. " Omonamati wetu okwa ka dalwa konima eshi twa tembukila kolundume laEngland oko twa li twa ka konga oilonga yokushika eengalo. Okwa ti: "Konima eshi twa tembukila kolundume laOntario, omonamati wetu okwa dalwa. They showed faith in Jehovah. 14: 6 - 9) Ova li yo va ulika kutya ova itavela muJehova. Ova li va ulika eitavelo muJehova. Regardless of a person's hope, being baptized in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit is a necessary step that one must take in order to be acceptable to God. Opo ovanhu va kale va hokiwa kuKalunga, ove na okuninginifwa momeva medina laXe, nolOmona nolomhepo iyapuki, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ove na eteelelo lilipi. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya omunhu okwa hala okuninginifwa medina laXe nolOmona nolOmhepo Iyapuki oku na okukatuka onghatu ya tya ngahelipi opo a kale a hokiwa kuKalunga. Mankind was in a bad way when Enoch came along. Ovanhu ova li hava longo owii pefimbo laHenok. Ovanhu ova li hava longo owii eshi Henok a li e uya pamwe. If you realize that you have to some extent been affected in a negative way, by all means pray for holy spirit. 17: 9) Ngeenge owa didilika kutya ope na oshinima shonhumba omo ito shi endifa nawa, ilikana kuJehova e ku kwafele okupitila momhepo iyapuki. Ngeenge owa didilike kutya owa nwefwa mo nai kuvamwe, ilikana u pewe omhepo iyapuki. (Read Acts 20: 26, 27.) (Lesha Oilonga 20: 26, 27.) (Lesha Oilonga 20: 26, 27.) The Bible shows that God will rectify all these injustices. Ombibeli otai ulike kutya Kalunga ota ka yukifa okuhenouyuki akushe. Ombibeli otai ulike kutya Kalunga ota ka katukila onghatu okuhenouyuki akushe. 3: 18 - 21. 3: 18 - 21. 3: 18 - 21. 1, 2. (a) What perilous situation did David face? 1, 2. (a) David okwa li monghalo ilipi ya nyika oshiponga? 1, 2. (a) Onghalo inyikifa oluhodi ilipi David a li a taalela? We cannot be loving any of the things that Jehovah hates. Kakele kaasho, katu na nande okukala tu hole oinima oyo Jehova e tonde. Itatu dulu okukala tu hole oinima aishe oyo Jehova e tonde. When Joshua was about to lead the Israelites into Canaan, he was told: "Be courageous and strong. (Num. 27: 18 - 23) Eshi Josua a li e li pokutwala Ovaisrael muKanaan, okwa li a lombwelwa kutya: "Kala wa pama ndee nyatipala? Eshi Josua a li ta kwatele komesho Ovaisrael mombuwa, okwa li a lombwelwa ta ti: "Kala wa pama ndee nyatipala. He wrote: "I... consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. " Okwa shanga ta ti: "Oinima aishe, eshi nde i shaameka nokushiiva Kristus Jesus Omwene wange, handi i tale oyo oshiponga. " Okwa shanga a ti: "Ohandi tale oinima aishe yopombada, osheshi ondi i shii nawanawa, Omwene wange Jesus Kristus. " (Fil. In fact, she had been waiting for 25 years to be baptized! Okwa kala a teelela oule womido 25 a ninginifwe. Okwa kala a teelela oule womido 25 opo a ninginifwe. * What do they want? * Mbela elalakano lovanhu ovo olashike? * Mbela ova hala okuninga shike? The Visit That Changed My Life Etalelepo laumwe olo la lundulula okukalamwenyo kwange Osho osha li sha lundulula onghalamwenyo yange (Read Philippians 1: 21 - 23.) (Lesha Ovafilippi 1: 21 - 23.) (Lesha Ovafilippi 1: 21 - 23.) Although they lived in the land of Canaan, they remained separate from the people of the land, whose wicked, immoral ways they hated. Nonande ova li hava kala medu laKanaan, ova li va tukuka ko kovanhu vomedu olo molwaashi ova li ve tonde oukolokoshi neenghedi davo inadi koshoka. (Gen. Nonande ova li medu laKanaan, ova li va yooloka ko kovanhu vokombada yedu, ovo ovakolokoshi, va li ve tonde eenghedi inadi koshoka. If an iron object is exposed to the elements, it might begin to rust. Ngeenge oshitenda osha kala pondje nokudengwa komhepo otashi dulika shi kwatwe kolushu. Ngeenge ope na oshinima shimwe osho tashi dulu okweetifa po omahalo a tya ngaho, otashi dulika shi hovele okushila omakaya. [ Footnotes] [ Omashangelo opedu] [ Omashangelo opedu] Our growth also involves drawing closer to Jehovah as our Friend and Father. Ngeenge otwa hala okuninga exumokomesho, otu na okweehena popepi elela naJehova oo e li Kaume naTate yetu. Ekulo letu ola kwatela mo yo okweehena popepi elela naJehova e li kaume ketu naXe. For Paul, all his efforts and hard work in connection with the good news would amount to nothing if he should somehow fail to finish the course. Okwa li e shii kutya eenghendabala daye noilonga youdiinini aishe oyo a longa omolwonghundana iwa otai ka kala yoshimha ngeenge okwa kala ina mana efiyafanepo. Paulus okwa li ha ningi eenghendabala nokulonga noudiinini opo a wanife po onghundana iwa nopehe na okusholola. If you had lived back then, how would you have felt about what David did? (1 Eehamba 9: 4) Ngeno oko wa li pefimbo olo, ngeno owa kala u uditile ngahelipi osho David a ninga? Ngeno owa li po, ngeno owa kala u udite ngahelipi shi na sha naasho David a li a ninga? Every day, we studied English for at least an hour. Efiku keshe otwa li hatu lihongo Oshiingilisha oule hanga wovili imwe. Efiku keshe otwa li hatu konakona Oshiingilisha oule weevili dihapu. Modern Hebrew and Greek are quite different from those languages back in Bible times. Oshiheberi nOshigreka shokunena osha yooloka ko kwaasho shopefimbo lOmbiibeli. Kunena, Oshiheberi nosho yo Oshigreka osha yooloka ko filufilu ko momalaka oo haa popiwa mOmbibeli. Before long, David's oldest brother, Eliab, got wind of David's talk. Ina pa pita efimbo lile, omumwainamati waDavid oo a kula, Eliab, okwa li a uda osho sha tongwa kuDavid. Konima yefimbo lixupi, omumwatate David, Saul, okwa li a nwefwa mo a popye eendjovo daDavid. 10: 1, 4 - 9. 10: 1, 4 - 9. 10: 1, 4 - 9. Table of Contents Oshikalimo Oshikalimo Out of curiosity, I decided to go with them. Onda li nda tokola okuya omolwokatalekonawa. Onda li nda tokola ndi ye navo. How Would You Answer? Oto nyamukula ngahelipi? Oto nyamukula ngahelipi? Therefore, the 91st Psalm can be understood as a promise of spiritual protection. Onghee hano, otaku dulu okutiwa kutya Epsalme 91 otali udaneke kombinga yeameno lopamhepo. Onghee hano, Epsalme 91 otali dulu okuuda ko eudaneko li na sha neameno lopamhepo. He Looks for the Good Kalunga oha tale komaukwatya mawa ovanhu Tala ouwa oo to dulu okumona Moreover, with each type of offering, or sacrifice, a specific procedure was to be followed. Shimwe vali, ova li ve na okushikula omulandu wokondadalunde eshi tava yambe eyambo keshe. Shimwe vali, eyambo keshe ohali ningwa monghedi yonhumba ile yongadi. What would a person with those values do in this situation? ' - 2 Peter 3: 11. Omunhu oo e na omaukwatya a tya ngaho ota ka ninga po shike ngeenge okwe lihange monghalo ei? ' - 2 Petrus 3: 11. Mbela omunhu ota ka ninga po shike monghalo ya tya ngaho? ' - 2 Petrus 3: 11. This study was based on information gathered from over 21,000 children living in the United States, as well as from their parents and teachers. Ekonakono olo ole likolelela kouyelele oo wa yandjwa kounona ve dule po 21 000 vomOilongo ya Hangana nosho yo kovadali nokovahongi vavo. Okukonakona ouyelele oo okwa li kwa kanghamena ouyelele oo wa kanghamena kounona 21 000 ovo ve li mOilongo ya Hangana nosho yo kovadali vavo. No, Jehovah knew their limitations in this regard. Hasho nandenande, Jehova oku shii kutya ova ngabekwa ngeenge tashi uya poinima oyo. Ahowe, Jehova okwa li e shii omangabeko avo e na sha naasho. If it lay on Sisera's escape route, did its citizens have a chance to detain him but fail to seize the opportunity? Ngeenge Sisera okwa li a pita muMeros eshi a li ta i onhapo po, mbela ovakalimo vasho ova li ve na omhito yoku mu kwata po, ndele inave shi ninga? Ngeno Sisera okwa li a ya onhapo, mbela ovapangelwa vaye ova li ve na omhito yoku ka konga omhito yoku ka konga omhito yokulikongela omboloto? As a result, that person might withdraw from the congregation or not fully support arrangements for Jehovah's worship. Omunhu otashi dulika a kale a fula onya, ndele ta fiye po eongalo ile a kale ita yambidida vali omalongekido ehangano laJehova. Oshidjemo, omunhu otashi dulika aha longele Jehova pauyadi ile a yambidide omalongekido aye. Unbelievably, though, within a short time of their miraculous deliverance, these same people began to grumble and murmur. Ndele diva konima ashike eshi Ovaisrael va mangululwa pashikumwifilonga, ova li va hovela okutanguna nokungongota. Nonande otashi dulika pa li pa pita efimbo lile okudja eshi ovanhu va mangululwa moupika waEgipti, ovanhu va tya ngaho ova li va hovela oku mu hepeka noku mu hepeka. Give two Bible examples that prove that Satan is real. Olyelye a shita Kalunga? Yandja oihopaenenwa ivali mOmbibeli oyo tai ulike kutya Satana oko e li shili. 15: 19. 15: 19. 15: 19. Many are blind to Satan's influence, but there is no need for true Christians to be ignorant of his tactics. Ovanhu vahapu kave shii kutya Satana oha nwefa mo ovanhu ngahelipi, ndele Ovakriste vashili ove shii omakonda aye. (2 Kor. Vahapu ohava mono shidjuu okunwefa mo enwefemo laSatana, ndele kave na okukala Ovakriste vashili ve shii omangabeko aye. Paul gave up his career to focus on "the more important things " Paulus okwa fiya po eifano laye opo a yandje elitulemo " koinima ei iwa unene, ' ile tu tye ya fimanenena Paulus okwa li a efa po eifano laye li yandje elitulemo " koinima ei ya fimanenena ' No. He says: "Get something ready for me to have my evening meal, and put on an apron and minister to me until I am through eating and drinking, and afterward you can eat and drink. " Ite mu lombwele mbela, ta ti: Pakele nge po ouvalelo, ove u lidike ndee to yakula nge fimbo handi li ndele handi nu "? Hasho nandenande. Okwa ti: "Inda u ka lye ouvalelo wange, ndele ove u lye nge, ndee ove u lye nge, fiyo ohandi nu, ndee handi nu ndee handi nu ndee handi nu ndee handi nu ndee handi nu. " 2: 21, 28, 32. 2: 21, 28, 32. 2: 21, 28, 32. What type of sin was Jesus speaking of in the counsel outlined at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? Momayele oo a popiwa muMateus 18: 15 - 17, Jesus okwa li ta popi kombinga yenyono lilipi? Jesus okwa li ta popi kombinga youlunde ulipi wa popiwa muMateus 18: 15 - 17? What will add power to the presentations we use in the ministry? Oshike tashi pameke omatwalemo etu oo hatu longifa moukalele? Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu mone kutya ohatu longifa ngahelipi oukalele wetu? She became "distracted with attending to many duties. " Okwa li ta "viyauka unene noilonga yeyakulo. " (Luk. Okwa li a ninga "omulumenhu Omujuda e uye a ka longe oilonga ihapu. " " Maybe Jehovah's Witnesses have something, ' said one of my friends. Kaume kange umwe okwa ti: " Pamwe Eendombwedi daJehova odo di li mondjila. ' Umwe womuvo okwa ti: "Otashi dulika Ondombwedi yaJehova ya li ya popya nookaume kange. We are born in sin, and we live in a world that caters to fleshly desires. (1 Joh. Otwa dalwa moulunde, notu li mounyuni ou tau xumifa komesho omahalo opambelela. Today, Jehovah's people face many powerful opponents. Kunena, oshiwana shaJehova osha taalela ovatondi vahapu ovanaenghono. Kunena, oshiwana shaJehova ohashi shakeneke ovapataneki vahapu ovanaenghono. we turn to the nations. (Oil. Opo nee ohatu ka ya koiwana aishe. Thus, there was no need to replace any faithful apostle who later finished his earthly course. 21: 14) Nomolwaasho kasha li sha pumbiwa okupingena po omuyapostoli omudiinini, oo lwanima a mana oweenda waye wokombada yedu. Onghee hano, inatu pumbwa pingena po omuyapostoli omudiinini oo lwanima a ka mana oweenda waye wokombada yedu. Today our publications are available in over 700 languages. Kunena oishangomwa yetu oi li momalaka e dulife po 700. Kunena oishangomwa yetu oi li momalaka e dulife 700. But what if others sin against us? Ongahelipi ngeenge vamwe ova nyono kufye? Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge vamwe ova nyono kufye? Because it explains why the visions of Daniel and John describe a total of only eight such great powers. Omolwaashi osho otashi yandje etomheno kutya omolwashike memoniko laDaniel nolaJohannes mwa tumbulwa ashike omapangelo ahetatu omanaenghono. Omolwaashi oya yelifa kutya omolwashike omamoniko oo Daniel naJohannes va popya ashike kombinga yomapangelo aeshe ahetatu a tya ngaho. It is only natural to long for loved ones whom we have lost in death. Oshi li paushitwe shili okukala twa djuulukwa ovaholike vetu ovo va fya. Oshi li paushitwe okukala twa djuulukwa ovaholike vetu ovo twa filwa. However, that challenge was by no means insurmountable. 3: 1 - 7) Ashike nande ongaho, eshongo olo ola li tali dulu okufindwa. Ashike eshongo olo itali dulu okukandulwa po noupu. Because of his serious sins, David and his family suffered very much. Molwaashi David okwa li a nyona sha kwata moiti, ye noludalo laye ova ka hangika koilanduliko inyikifoluhodi. David noukwaneumbo waye ova li va mona oixuna neenghono omolwomanyono aye a kwata moiti. Jesus will rescue the poor and bring an end to oppression and violence. - Read Psalm 72: 8, 12 - 14. (Epsalme 2: 4 - 8) Jesus ota ka xupifa epongo, okuxulifa po mafininiko nelongifo leenghono. - Lesha Epsalme 72: 8, 12 - 14. Jesus ota ka xupifa eehepele nota ka xulifa po omafininiko nosho yo elongifo leenghono. - Lesha Epsalme 72: 8, 12 - 14. Some people say that God does not listen to prayers and that saying a prayer is just something that makes you feel better. Ovanhu vamwe ohava ti kutya Kalunga iha pwilikine komailikano, neilikano oli li ashike oshinima shoku ku ningifa u kale u li xwepo. Ovanhu vamwe ohava ti kutya Kalunga iha pwilikine komailikano ndele ta ti kutya eilikano olo ashike tali ku ningifa u kale u udite u li xwepo. Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance? (Mat. 24: 45) Mbela ku wete kutya Jehova ota endelele oku ku pa ewiliko? Mbela ino didilika kutya Jehova oha endelele oku ku pa ewiliko laye okupitila mewiliko laye? Still, you might have concerns. Ashike, otashi dulika to lipula nasha. Ndele nande ongaho, otashi dulika u na oshisho. Gagik's example shows that. Oshihopaenenwa shaGagik oshe shi ulika. Oshihopaenenwa sha denga mbada osho tashi ulike kutya okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa. For example, does your son really disagree with Bible teachings, or does he just lack the confidence needed to defend them in front of his peers? Pashihopaenenwa, mbela omonamati woye itatu lela kumwe naasho Ombibeli tai hongo, ile pamwe okwa tila ashike okuudifila ounona vakwao? Pashihopaenenwa, mbela omonamati woye oha tu ngoo kumwe nomahongo Ombibeli, ile oha kala ehe na omukumo oku a popile oomakula vaye? Uncle Julius, who was 60 years old, became my pioneer partner. 13: 20) Tatekulu Julius, oo a li e na omido 60, otwa kala hatu longo pamwe naye moukalele. Omukokolindjila oo a li e na omido 60, okwa li a ninga omukokolindjila. Paul directed the elders to hand the immoral man over to Satan - in other words, to disfellowship him. Okwa li a lombwela ovakulunhuongalo va yandje omulumenhu omuhaeli momake aSatana, sha hala kutya ve mu konde mo meongalo. Paulus okwa li a lombwela ovakulunhuongalo va kale ve na elihumbato inali koshoka olo tali dulu oku mu ningifa a kale e udite a fa ehe na oshilonga. empowered by holy spirit? va pamekwa komhepo iyapuki? pamekwa komhepo iyapuki? In our troop of over a hundred boys, about half were Catholics, half were Protestants, and one was a Buddhist. Hanga etata lomongudu yetu youmatyona ovo ve dulife 100 ova li Ovakatolika, etata likwao Ovaprotestande ofimbo kamwe ka li keitavelo lOshibudda. Molwaashi otwa li tu na ounona ve dulife pefele ve dulife pefele, otwa li twa hepa neenghono, notwa li twa talwa ko tu li vane. Anointed ones who finish their earthly course in faithfulness are raised to heaven and given immortality - endless, indestructible life. Ovavaekwa ovo va mana oweenda wavo wokombada yedu ve li ovadiinini ohava nyumunwa va ye meulu nohava pewa omwenyo ihau fi, sha hala okutya, uhe na nande exulilo. (1 Kor. Ovavaekwa ovo tava ka xupa kombada yedu otava ka nyumuninwa omwenyo waalushe notava ka pewa omwenyo waalushe. Let us consider three examples of theft that are commonly excused. Natu ka taleni komalipopilo atatu oo ovanhu hava yandje shi na sha nokuvaka. Natu ka kundafaneni oihopaenenwa itatu oyo hai ningwa kovanhu vahapu kunena. In other regions, such unions are common. Ashike moitukulwa imwe, ovanhu ohave likongo monghedi ya tya ngaho. Moitukulwa imwe, omilele da tya ngaho oda faafana naado dihe li paushitwe. He is thereby equipped to heed the counsel found at Ephesians 4: 26, 29: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin... Kungaho, ota dulika komayele oo taa hangwa mOvaefeso 4: 26, 29, oo taa ti: "Handukeni, ndelenee inamu nyona.... Osho otashi ke tu kwafela tu dulike komayele oo taa hangwa mOvaefeso 4: 26, 29, 29, 29, 29, oo taa ti: "Handukeni, ndelenee inamu nyona... Even if we do not fully understand or agree with a decision, we will still want to support theocratic order. Nonande katu udite ko filufilu ile itatu tu kumwe netokolo olo la ningwa, ohatu ka kala twa hala okuyambidida elandulafano olo la tulwa po kuKalunga. Nokuli nonande katu udite ko filufilu omatokolo oo twa ninga, ohatu ka kala twa hala okuyambidida ehangano. Doing this can bridge the gap. " Okuninga ngaho otaku dulu okweetifa ekwatafano liwa. " Okuninga ngaho otaku ke ku kwafela u dule okutwikila okuninga ngaho. " 12, 13. (a) What will happen when Jesus comes "with power and great glory "? 12, 13. (a) Oshike tashi ka ningwa po ngeenge Jesus e uya "neenghonopangelo dinene noshinge "? 12, 13. (a) Oshike tashi ka ningwa po ngeenge Jesus okwe uya "neenghonopangelo dinene noshinge "? This field safeguards us from the radiation emanating from solar flares and explosions in the outer regions of the sun. Omangenete oo ohae tu amene keenhe detango odo da nyika oshiponga odo hadi fiki kedu. Oilonga ya tya ngaho ohai tu amene opo tuha kale tu na etaleko la yuka li na sha nomaupyakadi oo taa etifwa komhepo. This question will be considered in this article designed to help us act courageously. Epulo olo otali ka nyamukulwa moshitukulwa osho sha nuninwa oku tu kwafela opo tu kale ovaladi. Epulo olo otali ka kundafanwa moshitukulwa eshi naasho sha nuninwa oku tu kwafela tu kale ovaladi. That was probably the greatest test of Abraham's faith. Oshiningwanima osho otashi dulika sha li eyeleko linene leitavelo laAbraham. Osho otashi dulika sha li eyeleko linene leitavelo. It is important that you decide correctly on this matter. Osha fimana okufika pexulifodiladilo li li mondjila shi na sha naasho. Osha fimana okuninga omatokolo e li mondjila e na sha naasho. • What problems did David face because of Absalom? • David okwa li a taalela omaupyakadi elipi omolwaAbsalom? • David okwa li a taalela omaupyakadi elipi eshi Absalom a li a taalela omaupyakadi elipi? ▪ Christian Elders - " Fellow Workers for Our Joy ' ▪ Ovakulunhuongalo " ovalongi pamwe nafye omolwehafo letu ' ▪ Ovakulunhuongalo Ovakriste ove na " ovalongi pamwe nafye omolwehafo letu ' " He that is showing insight in a matter will find good, " says Proverbs 16: 20. Omayeletumbulo 16: 20 okwa ti: "Ou [e na eendunge dokuyoolola NW], ote ke limonena ouwa. " Omayeletumbulo 16: 20. Why such inequality? 14: 7) Omolwashike pehe na oufikepamwe? Omolwashike mbela? The good news is: God has appointed Jesus as King. Vamwe ova putukila moitukulwa omo ovanhu inava itavela muKalunga. - 6 / 15, epandja 9. Onghundana iwa oyo kutya: Kalunga okwa nangeka po Jesus e li Ohamba. In some 236 lands, more than seven million Witnesses are telling people what the Kingdom will do, and they are helping them to conform to the righteous requirements of God, whose will it is to end suffering and pain. Eendombwedi di dule pomamiliyona aheyali otadi udifile ovanhu moilongo 236 lwaapo kombinga yaasho Ouhamba tau ka ninga, nohadi va kwafele va lundulule eenghedi davo opo va dule okuwanifa po oiteelelwa yaKalunga youyuki, oo a hala okuxulifa po okumona oixuna nosho yo oluhodi. Moilongo imwe, Eendombwedi di dulife po 23 000 ohadi lombwele ovanhu osho Ouhamba tau ka ninga, naasho ohadi va kwafele va kale metwokumwe noiteelelwa yaKalunga douyuki, oo ta ka xulifa po okumona oixuna nosho yo okumona oixuna. One future development is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. Paulus okwa tumbula monhumwafo oyo a li a shangela Ovatessalonika oshinima shimwe osho tashi ka ningwa monakwiiwa. Oshiningwanima shimwe osho sha tumbulwa kuPaulus monhumwafo yaye oyo a li a shangela Ovatessaloniki. I am very shy when it comes to preaching informally. Ondi na eehoni ngeenge tashi uya pokuyandja oundombwedi wohangelela. Ondi na eehoni neenghono ngeenge tashi uya pokuyandja oundombwedi wohangelela. It was basically a great chest, or box. Oya li ya fa oshipakete shinene. Osha li oshilongifo sha kula shi na oshipalanyole, "Osha li shi na ondjudo ya kula. " A wealthy man who lost much said, "The flood was a great equalizer, bringing difficulties and sufferings to both the rich and the poor. " Omulumenhu umwe oshipuna oo a kanifa oiniwe yaye ihapu okwa ti: "Efundja ola fikifa ovanhu aveshe pamwe nola etela oipuna neehepele oudjuu nokumona oixuna. " Omulumenhu oshipuna oshipuna oo a li a filwa oshisho unene, okwa ti: "Oinima aishe oya li tai monika ya kula neenghono, notai dulu okweetifa omaupyakadi mahapu. " For over 25 years, Jehovah has kindly answered that prayer. Jehova okwa kala ta nyamukula pahole omailikano ange oule womido di dule po 25. Oule womido 25 da pita, Jehova okwa li a nyamukula eilikano lopahole olo. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ . . . . . . Such an experience can be very discouraging. Oshinima sha tya ngaho otashi dulu oku ku teya omukumo. Oshimoniwa sha tya ngaho otashi dulu oku tu teya omukumo neenghono. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 116, 135 EPANDJA 17 • OMAIMBILO: 116, 135 EPANDJA 17 • OMAIMBILO: 116, 135 The earth, Jesus taught, will be filled with people who are "mild - tempered, " righteous, merciful," pure in heart, " and peaceable. - Matthew 5: 5 - 9. Jesus okwa honga kutya kombada yedu otaku ka kala ku yadi "ovananheni, " ovayuki, ovananghenda," ovo ve nomitima da yela " nosho yo "ovanambili. " - Mateus 5: 5 - 9. Jesus okwa honga ovanhu va kale ve na "omutima muwa, " sha hala okutya, " sha hala okutya, onghenda," nomwenyo muwa, " nosho yo ombili. - Mateus 5: 5 - 9. With personal effort and the help of God's holy spirit, Peter was able to overcome his misguided tendencies and display self - control and self - sacrificing love. Mokuninga eenghendabala nokekwafo lomhepo iyapuki yaKalunga, Petrus okwa li a dula okufinda eamo la puka nokuulika elipangelo neliyambo lopahole. (Gal. Petrus okwa li a dula okufinda eamo lokulonga oulunde nokukala e lihole mwene. The Memorial, like no other meeting of God's people, provides undeniable evidence of the unity of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ngaashi ashike okwoongala keshe kwoshiwana shaKalunga, Edimbuluko ohali yandje oumbangi uhe fi okulidimbikwa kutya Eendombwedi daJehova oda hangana shili. Edimbuluko olo hali yandjwa pokwoongala koshiwana shaKalunga, ohali yandje oumbangi wa kola kutya Eendombwedi daJehova odi li moukumwe. Soon, Jehovah's day will come. 1: 16, 17) Kakele kaasho, dimbuluka kutya efiku laJehova oli li poduka. Mafiku, efiku laJehova otali ke uya. True Christians are not immune to the desire of the eyes and of the flesh. Ovakriste vashili inava lya olusha lokuhakwatwa kokahalu komesho ile kombelela. Oshoshili kutya Ovakriste vashili inava lya olusha lokuhakufa mo komahalo opambelela. Bear in mind that despite our best efforts, divorced fellow believers may from time to time be beset by loneliness. Kaleka momadiladilo kutya kashi nee mbudi kutya ohatu ningi eenghendabala da tya ngahelipi, ovaitaveli vakwetu ovo eehombo davo da teka otashi dulika omafimbo amwe va kale ve udite owike. Dimbuluka kutya nonande eenghendabala detu oda ninga eenghendabala da mana mo, ovaitaveli vakwetu otashi dulika va kale ve udite owike. How can you help your children not to drift away? Ongahelipi to dulu okukwafela ovana voye vaha fiye po oshili? Ongahelipi to dulu okukwafela ovana voye vaha fiye po omaukwaneumbo avo? Are you the sort who enjoys working with brothers of all age groups in the field service? Mbela oho hafele okulonga pamwe novamwatate vomapupi aeshe momapya? Mbela ou hole okulonga pamwe novamwatate vomihoko adishe moukalele? Even if we should succeed in passing over our mistake now, we need to keep in mind that in the long run, "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " - Romans 14: 12. Nokuli nonande otwa ningi epuko ndele inatu mona oilanduliko paife, natu dimbuluke kutya hauxuuninwa, "keshe umwe womufye e na okulihokolola ye mwene kuKalunga. " - Ovaroma 14: 12. Nonande otu na okupondola eshi twa ninga epuko, otwa pumbwa okukaleka momadiladilo oushili oo kutya " keshe umwe womufye oku na okulihokolola ye mwene kuKalunga. ' - Ovaroma 14: 12. She thought that God was responsible for her troubles, and she could not imagine that he had another solution. Okwa li ta diladila kutya Kalunga oye e mu etela oudjuu, nokwa li e wete a diladila ekandulepo lomukundu. Okwa li ta diladila kutya Kalunga oku na oshinakuwanifwa shokufila oshisho omaupyakadi aye noka li ta diladila kutya ota ka kandula po omaupyakadi aeshe oo a li e na. Full - time service brings you into contact with fellow full - time servants and helps you to mature as a Christian. Oilonga yefimbo li yadi ohai ku pe omhito yokushakena novapiya vakweni ovo ve li moilonga yefimbo li yadi nohashi ku kwafela u kale Omukriste a pyokoka. Oilonga yefimbo li yadi otai ke ku kwafela u kale ho kwatafana novapiya vaJehova vefimbo li yadi noku ku kwafela u ninge Omukriste a pyokoka. If someone on a body truly needs correction, the One who has "eyes as a fiery flame " will see to it that this is done in His own time and way. Ngeenge umwe womolutu lovakulunhuongalo okwa pumbwa okupukululwa, Ou e na " omesho ngaashi omalaka omundilo ' ota ka shilipaleka kutya okwa pewa epukululo monghedi ya yuka nopefimbo la wapala. Ngeenge umwe okwa pewa omayele shili kovakulunhuongalo, oo e na " omesho a fa omundilo ' ota ka mona kutya osho otashi ningwa pefimbo laye nosho yo onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo. Reading them encouraged me. Osha li sha twa nge omukumo eshi nde a lesha. Okulesha Ombibeli pamwe naame okwa li kwa twa nge omukumo. 18 What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person? 18 Okukala wa pyokoka pamhepo osha hala okutya ngahelipi? 18 Oshike osho omunhu e na okuninga opo a kale e na oupamhepo muwa? She vowed to give her son Samuel to serve at the tabernacle as a Nazirite. Hanna okwa udaneka a yandje omonamati Samuel a ka longe ketwalihangano e li Omunasiri. Okwa li a udanekela Samuel kutya ota ka yandja omona waye Samuel a ka longe ketwalihangano. You need to draw on every available resource. Otwa pumbwa okulongifa oilongifo aishe oyo tu na opo tu kwafele ovana vetu. Owa pumbwa okuninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo u ehene popepi elela naJehova. In the parable, each of the two slaves received a different amount of money, but this does not mean that there are two different groups of faithful anointed ones. Mefaneko, ovapiya ovo vavali ova pewa oimaliwa yomivalu da yoolokafana, ndele osho inashi hala okutya ope na eengudu mbali da yoolokafana dovavaekwa ovadiinini. Mefaneko olo, ovapiya vavali ova li va pewa oimaliwa i lili noku lili, ashike osho inashi hala okutya ope na eengudu dopavali da yoolokafana. And worrying excessively about our health cannot extend our life. Okulipula unene shi na sha noukolele wetu itaku ka lelepeka onghalamwenyo yetu. Okudiladila unene kombinga youkolele wetu itaku dulu okuningifa onghalamwenyo yetu i kale i na oukolele. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 220 - 221. Tala membo " Likalekeni mohole yaKalunga, ' epandja 220 - 221. Tala embo " Likalekeni mohole yaKalunga, ' epandja 22 - 221. PAGE 21 EPANDJA 21 EPANDJA 21 Between the sixth and tenth centuries C.E., the Masoretes copied the Hebrew Scriptures and produced what is known as the Masoretic text. Pokati kefelemido etihamano netimulongo, Ovamasorete ova li va shangulula Omishangwa dOshiheberi ve di tula metoloko ha li ifanwa Omishangwa dOvamasorete. Eevelishe odo oda li da shangwa mefelemudo eti - 10 O.P., molwaashi Omishangwa dOshiheberi oda li da tota po omishangwa dOshiheberi noda li da shangwa mOshigreka. Reflecting this progress, he makes changes in his life according to what he has learned. Omalunduluko oo ta ningi monghalamwenyo yaye omolwoinima oyo e lihonga otaa ulike kutya ota ningi exumokomesho. Eshi a mona exumokomesho olo, okwa ninga omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yaye she likolelela kwaasho e lihonga. 27: 9. 27: 9. 27: 9. An unintentional manslayer had to take action to receive mercy. Omunhu oo a dipaa shihe fi oshiningilewina okwa li e na okukatuka onghatu opo a mone efilonghenda. Omunhu oo a dipaa mukwao shihe fi oshiningilewina okwa li e na okukatuka onghatu opo a mone onghenda. We can fight the works of the Devil by encouraging members of our family and of the congregation. (Job 2: 3; 22: 3; 27: 5) Ohatu dulu okufinda Ondiaboli mokukala hatu tu omukumo oilyo yomaukwaneumbo etu nosho yo yeongalo. Ohatu dulu okukondjifa oilonga yaSatana mokukala hatu tu omukumo oilyo yomaukwaneumbo etu nosho yo eongalo. We will also see how we can protect ourselves from being infected with negative traits while at the same time helping others spiritually. Ohatu ka mona yo nghee hatu dulu okuliamena opo tuha nwefwe mo koikala ii eshi hatu kwafele vamwe pamhepo. Ohatu ka mona yo nghee hatu dulu okuliamena komakonda mai nopefimbo opo tuu opo ohatu kwafele vamwe pamhepo. But Phinehas feared Jehovah, not men. Ashike Pinehas okwa li ha tila Jehova, havanhu. Ashike Pinehas ka li a tila Jehova, ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa li a tila ovalumenhu ovo. How can we uproot prejudice from our heart? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okududa mo onhondo momitima detu? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okunwefa mo onhondo momitima detu? " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise. " - Prov. " Kala nokweenda novanongo, opo nee naave yo u ninge omunongo. " - Omayel. " Kala nokweenda novanongo, opo nee naave yo u ninge omunongo. " - Omayel. Consider what happened to the Israelites in Moses ' day. Natu ka taleni kwaasho sha li sha ningilwa Ovaisrael pefimbo laMoses. Natu ka taleni kwaasho sha li sha ningilwa Ovaisrael vopefimbo laMoses. He told them: "You will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth. " Okwa li e va lombwela ta ti: "[Otamu] ka ninga eendombwedi dange muJerusalem nomuJudea ashishe nomuSamaria nofiyo okominghulo dounyuni. " (Oil. Okwe va lombwela a ti: "Otamu ka ninga eendombwedi dange muJerusalem nomuJudea ashishe nomuSamaria nofiyo okominghulo dounyuni. " The relatives also tried to organize a wake at my home as is the custom, but I told them that if they insisted on having a wake, it would not be at my home. Ovapambele ova li tava kendabala yo okunangala omutanda peumbo lange ngaashi hashi ningwa momufyuululwakalo, ndele onde va lombwela kutya peumbo lange itapa nangalwa omutanda. Ovapambele vange navo ova li yo hava kendabala okufila oshisho eumbo letu, ashike onda li nde va lombwela kutya ngeenge ova kala tave lifile oshisho, itava ka tewa mo meumbo lange. God's position and reputation would be called into question were he to allow his enemies to wipe out the entire group of his people on earth. Ngeenge ngeno Jehova okwa efa ovatondi vaye va kombolole po oshiwana shaye ashishe kombada yedu, osho otashi ka tulifa momalimbililo ondodo yaye notashi ka shekifa edina laye. Kalunga okwa li ta ka ifana ovatondi vaye aveshe va hanaune po oshiwana shaye kombada yedu. What can help us to continue to be known as belonging to Jehovah? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu twikile okukala tu shiivike kutya otwaJehova? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu twikile okukala ovayapuki kuJehova? When David arrived, though, Jehovah told Samuel: "Anoint him, for this is the one! " Ndele eshi David a fika, Jehova okwa li a lombwela Samuel a ti: " Mu vaeka, osheshi oye nee ou. ' Ndele eshi David a fika, Jehova okwa li e mu lombwela a ti: "Inamu denga mbada, osheshi oye tuu ou. " ▪ Jehovah Is the God of Love ▪ Jehova oKalunga kohole ▪ Jehova oKalunga kohole The tablet that links one member of this family to the Bible character is a promissory note dated to the 20th year of Darius I, 502 B.C.E. Oshipelende shimwe osho tashi ulike kepambafano lomupambele umwe naTattenai oo a popiwa mOmbiibeli osho omukanda welandakanifo oo wa shangwa mefelemudo eti - 20 pefimbo laDarius wotete, mo 502 K.O.P. Omutamaneki woibofa oo okwa li a tota po oshilyo shoukwaneumbo osho opo a mone eshangelo lomido 20 K.O.P. (paife pa pita omido 507 K.O.P. lwaapo), O.P. 11: 2. 11: 2. 11: 2. So, what is this gathering work? (Ehololo 7: 1 - 4) Ndele mbela oilonga yokwoongela oshike? Ndele mbela okwoongala oko otaku dana onghandangala ilipi? If they are trained, they can take care of more responsibilities in the congregation. Ngeenge ova deulwa, otava dulu okutambula ko oinakuwanifwa ya wedwa po meongalo. Ngeenge ova deulwa, otava dulu okuwanifa po oinakuwanifwa ya wedwa po meongalo. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA Ask Jehovah to help you to apply his Word. Pula Jehova e ku kwafele u tule moilonga Eendjovo daye. Pula Jehova e ku kwafele u tule moilonga Eendjovo daye. Jehovah's servants, on the other hand, do have a sure refuge - "the Rock of times indefinite. " (Jer. 17: 5, 6) Mepingafano naasho, ovapiya vaJehova ove na eameno li shii okulineekelwa, sha hala okutya, "emanya laalushe. " (Jes. Kakele kaasho, ovapiya vaJehova ove na elineekelo kutya Jehova " emanya laalushe. ' Thus, in April 1949, my mother and I disposed of the furniture in our rented house and moved to Middleton, near Manchester, where we began pioneering. MuAprili 1949, ame nameme otwa li twa landifa po nokuyandja po oikwaipundi imwe oyo twa li tu na, ndele hatu tembukile koMiddleton popepi noManchester oko twa ka kala hatu kokola ondjila. Onghee hano, muAprili 1949, ame nameme otwa li twa ya keumbo letu modoolopa yetu i li popepi notwa li twa hovela okukokola ondjila, notwa li twa hovela okukokola ondjila. " Safeguard Your Heart! " " Ye emanya; oilonga yaye oya wana ya pwa. " Amena omutima woye! ' Your very presence in the ministry gives a powerful witness to observers Okukufa ombinga kwoye moukalele ohaku yandje oundombwedi wa kola kwaavo tave tu konenene Okukala po kwoye moukalele ohaku yandje oundombwedi nawanawa You are wise if you plan for the future. Owa katuka pandunge ngeenge owa ninga eemhangela di na sha nonakwiiwa. Oshi li pandunge okuninga omatokolo e na sha nonakwiiwa. Give an example. Yandja oshihopaenenwa. Yandja oshihopaenenwa. A scripture that has greatly encouraged me is Isaiah 30: 18. Jesaja 30: 18 omushangwa oo wa li wa hekeleka nge unene. Omushangwa oo wa twa nge omukumo owa twa nge omukumo neenghono. - Jesaja 30: 18. Names in this article have been changed. Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. If the listener shows interest, another click causes his computer to say, "Would you like to study the Bible with me? " Ngeenge omupwilikini okwa ulike ohokwe, Jairo oha findi vali kokombiyuta yaye ndele tai ti, "Mbela ino hala okukonakona Ombibeli naame? " Ngeenge omukonakonimbibeli okwe ku ulikile ohokwe, oto dulu oku mu lombwela ta ti: "Ino hala okukonakona Ombibeli naame? " Use the Power of Your Tongue for Good Longifa nawa elaka loye Longifa nawa elaka loye Rather, it attained that position at the beginning of the Lord's day. Ndele ponhele yaasho, ola totwa po pehovelo lefiku lOmwene. Ponhele yaasho, otwa pumbwa ondodo oyo pehovelo lopefimbo lOmwene. Read the Bible daily, and your love for its Author will grow Kala ho lesha Ombibeli keshe efiku, opo nee ohokwe yoye yOmbibeli noyOmushangi wayo otai ka kula Lesha Ombibeli efiku keshe nosho yo ohole yoye yokuhola Omushangi wayo otai ka kula Of course not! Heeno osho! Hasho nandenande! Another one of Satan's traps is sexual immorality. *) (Tala eshangelo lopedu.) Onghedi imwe vali omo Satana ha longifa omwiyo waSatana oyo okuya moluhaelo. * Clearly, Abel did not grow up among the best of influences. Omwiyo umwe oo Satana ha longifa oo oluhaelo. * Osha yela kutya Abel ka li a kula mokati kenwefemo la denga mbada. There were visible and audible evidences of this. * Osha yela kutya Abel ka li a kulila povanhu ve na enwefe mo liwa. Osho osha li tashi ulike kutya opa li pe na oumbangi wa kola oo tau ulike kutya osho osha li tashi dulu okuningwa shili. But with God's help and with support from your fellow Christians, you can succeed. Opa li oumbangi wa monika nowa udika oo tau ulike oushili woshiningwanima osho. Ndele kekwafo laKalunga nokuyambidida Ovakriste vakweni, oto dulu okupondola. But the Creator gives all of them a name or a designation. Ndele kekwafo laKalunga nosho yo lOvakriste vakweni, oto dulu okupondola. Ashike Omushiti okwe va pa edina ile edina. Sophia: It is. Ashike Omushiti adishe okwe di luka omadina. Sophia: Heeno. Although Satan was demanding to sift them as wheat, Jesus expressed confidence that they would prove faithful. Sophia: Ou li mondjila. Nonande Satana okwa li e va pula va kufe ombinga, Jesus okwa li e va lombwela kutya otava ka ulika oudiinini wavo. Consider: Even before Eve was created, God commanded Adam not to eat the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Jesus okwa ulika yo elineekelo kutya ovayapostoli vaye otava ka twikila okukala ovadiinini, nonande Satana okwa li te ke va yeleka. Diladila kwaashi: Nokuli nofimbo Eva ina shitwa, Kalunga okwa li a lombwela Adam aha lye oshiimati " komuti wokushiiva ouwa nowii. ' How painful it must have been for Abraham to lift the knife with which he was to kill his son! Diladila kwaashi: Fimbo Eva ina shitwa, Kalunga okwa li a hangwa nale a lombwela Adam aha lye oiimati " yomuti wokushiiva ouwa nowii. ' Abraham ka li tuu a nyika oluhodi eshi a li e na eteelelo loku ka dipaa omonamati waye! This fact emphasizes that the Kingdom arrangement is solidly based on legal contracts. Abraham kali tuu ta di omaxwilili eshi a li a kufa mo ombele oyo a li ta ka dipaa nayo ngeno omona waye! Oushili oo otau divilike kutya elongekido lOuhamba ola kanghamena filufilu kekanghameno lopaveta olo la kanghamena kOmbibeli. However, what Paul wrote in chapter 7 gives us a clue as to the "flesh " spoken of at Romans 8: 4 - 13. Osho otashi ulike kutya elongekido lOuhamba ola kanghamena filufilu komaudafanotwokumwe opaveta. Ndele osho Paulus a popya metukulwa eti - 7 otashi tu kwafele tu mone enyamukulo lepulo olo li li mOvaroma 8: 4 - 13. He is determined to stay in the race. Onghee hano, osho Paulus a shanga metukulwa 7 otashi tu pe ediladilo la yela kutya outumbulilo "pambelela, " oo wa popiwa mOvaroma 8: 4 - 13, otau ulike kushike. Okwa tokola toko okukala mefiyafanepo. What can help us to avoid becoming ensnared by pornography? Omumwatate oo okwa tokola toko okukala mefiyafanepo. Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu henuke okuya momwiyo wokutala omafano oipala? At times, even those who have served Jehovah for many years may feel shy and find it difficult to preach to others. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu henuke okuyulwa komwiyo wokutala omafano oipala? Omafimbo amwe, nokuli naavo va longela Jehova oule womido dihapu otashi dulika va kale ve udite vehe na eehoni nova mone shidjuu okuudifila vamwe. Therefore, we can be confident that Christ continues to be moved by the anguish of others, to understand their grief, and to provide them consolation "at the right time. " - Read Hebrews 4: 15, 16. Omafimbo amwe, nokuli naavo va longela Jehova omido dihapu otashi dulika va kale va fya ohoni nohava mono shidjuu okuudifila ovanhu. Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Kristus ota twikile okulinyengifa vamwe va nyika oluhodi, ve va hekeleke noku va pa "efimbo la wapala. " - Lesha Ovaheberi 4: 15, 16. When must we express our feelings, but in what way? (Oil. 3: 15; Heb. 2: 10, 18) Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Kristus ota twikile okukala e udite ko ouyahame wavamwe, oluhodi noku va hekeleka "pefimbo liwa. " - Lesha Ovaheberi 4: 15, 16. Onaini tu na okupopya omaliudo etu, ndele omonghedi ilipi? But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience. Onaini tu na okupopya omaliudo etu, notu na oku shi ninga monghedi ya tya ngahelipi? Ashike ngeenge otwa kala hatu i pamwe nafye, ohatu ka mona ehafo lashili. First they heard the Ten Commandments, and then Moses related to them further commands that are recorded from Exodus 20: 22 to Exodus 23: 33. Ashike osha li oshimoniwa shitunhula okudja pamwe novanafikola ovo. Tete ova li va uda Oipango Omulongo, na Moses okwa li e va lombwela va shange Exodus 20: 23, 33. With his spirit upon us, we also declare good news to the meek, bind up the brokenhearted, and comfort those who mourn. Tete, okwa li e shi pa oipango 10 nokonima Moses okwa li e shi lombwela oipango imwe ya wedwa po oyo i li muExodus 20: 22 fiyo 23: 33. Eshi hatu ende hatu udifa onghundana iwa, ohatu udifile ovalininipiki ovo ve na omitima da teyauka nohava hekeleke ovo ve na omitima da teyauka. When I was seven years old, I became a member of the Boy Scouts youth movement. (Jes. 61: 1, 2) Satana ita ka efwa nandenande a kale ta pangele ovanhu. Eshi nda li ndi na omido heyali, onda li nda ninga oshilyo shoukwaneumbo waBetel. Some Witnesses assume that special pioneers are wholly cared for because they get an allowance, but the local brothers can assist them in many ways. " Eshi nda li ndi na omido 7, onda li nda ninga oshilyo shehangano loumatyona. Eendombwedi dimwe ohadi diladila kutya ovakokolindjila ve likalekelwa ovo hava file oshisho, ndele ovamwatate vomoshitukulwa otava dulu oku va kwafela meenghedi dihapu. " He started working as a teacher in a secondary school, but he could not receive his salary for nearly one year until the paperwork was final. Eendombwedi dimwe ohadi diladila kutya ovakokolindjila ve likalekelwa ove na sha wana molwaashi ohava pewa okamaliwa kehangano, ndele ovamwatate momaongalo navo otava dulu oku va kwafela meenghedi dihapu. " Okwa li a hovela okulonga e li omuhongi omutivali mofikola onhivali, ashike ka li ta ka pewa ondjabi yaye omudo wa pwa ko. The above words of Job, spoken more than three thousand years ago, still hold true today. Okwa li a hovela okuhonga ofikola posekundofikola imwe, ndele ka li a pewa ondjabi yaye oule hanga wodula. Eendjovo odo da popiwa kuJob, oda popya shihapu shihe fi ashike omido omayovi da pita, nokunena otadi longo nokunena. The seven - headed wild beast Nonande eendjovo daJob odo di li pombada oda popiwa omido 3 000 nasha da pita, otadi wanifwa nokunena. Oshilyani sheembinga heyali You might start a conversation with a young person by saying: "I would like to read a scripture that asks a very important question. 13: 1 - 10, 16 - 18) Otamu dulu okuhovela eenghundafana nomunhu omunyasha moku mu lombwela ta ti: "Onda hala okulesha omushangwa oo wa fimanenena. Compare our situation to that of a person who is blind from birth. Oto dulu okuhovela eenghundafana nomunyasha mokutya: "Onda hala oku ku leshela omushangwa oo wa pendula epulo la fimanenena. Yelekanifa onghalo yetu oyo tai dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya olyelye ta dalwa omupofi filufilu. " In showing honor to one another take the lead, " states Romans 12: 10. Natu faafanife onghalo yetu naai yomunhu a dalwa omupofi. Ovaroma 12: 10. Indeed, as long as we "do not let [our] hand rest " from sowing Kingdom seed, we have a valuable share in giving" a witness to all the nations. " Ovaroma 12: 10 otava ti: "Mokufimanekafana pafaneni oshihopaelelwa. " Onghee hano, fimbo inatu " kufa mo ombuto yetu aishe, ' otu na okukufa ombinga moilonga ya fimana " yokuyandja oundombwedi koiwana aishe. ' (Mat. 6: 33. Ohatu kufa ombinga moshilonga sha fimana shokuninga "oiwana aishe ondombwedi " shimha ashike itatu " tulumukifa eke letu ' mokukuna eembuto dOuhamba. 6: 33. This may result in quite a change in a Bible student's lifestyle. It is heartwarming, indeed, to see how God helps those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " to make needed changes and come into a close relationship with him. 6: 33. Osho otashi ke linyengifa omukonakonimbiibeli a lundulule onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo, naasho otashi ke linyengifa shili Kalunga a kwafele ovo "va halelela oku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. " FOR FURTHER APPLICATION. 6: 9 - 11) Otashi hekeleke okutala nghee Kalunga ta kwafele ovo "va halelela oku ka mona omwenyo waalushe " va ninge omalunduluko a pumbiwa nova kale ve na ekwatafano liwa naye. (Oil. OINIMA OYO TAI DULU OKUINGA PO. He said that it should not be possible to do what we do. OINIMA IMWE VALI OYO TAI DULU OKUTULWA MOILONGA. Okwa ti kutya katu na okuninga ngaashi hatu dulu. Paul continues: "Therefore, also through him [Jesus] is the " Amen ' said to God, which brings him glory through us. " Okwa ti kutya itashi shiiva okulonga osho hatu ningi. Paulus okwa twikila ko a ti: "Ngaashi [Jesus] e mu lombwela, osho nanye yo mu ninge. " (Ef. Nathan Knorr, who was then taking the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses, came to Puerto Rico. Paulus okwa weda ko a ti: "Onghee hano muye tamu di " amen ' yao kefimano laKalunga kufye. " Nathan Knorr, oo a li ta kwatele komesho Eendombwedi daJehova, okwa li e uya Rico Rico e uya Rico. Jesus was also concerned about his standing with Jehovah, demonstrating this by his faithful life course. Nathan Knorr oo a li ta kwatele komesho Eendombwedi daJehova okwa li e uya koPuerto Rico. Jesus okwa li yo te lipula shi na sha nanghee a li a ulika kutya omudiinini kuJehova. In 1956 we began visiting congregations in the circuit work. Onghee hano, okafimbo kanini fimbo Jesus ina fya, okwa li a dula okupopya kutya Kalunga oku shii kutya oha dulika filufilu koipango yaye. Mo 1956, otwa li twa hovela okutalela po omaongalo moilonga youpashukilishikandjo. I was only nine years old, but I remember listening to my parents ' enthusiastic expressions about their newfound Bible truths. Mo 1956, otwa li twa hovela okutalela po omaongalo, tu li moilonga youpashukilishikandjo. Onda li ashike ndi na omido 9, ashike ohandi dimbuluka eendjovo dovadali vange tadi popi nehafo kombinga yoshili yOmbibeli. How can we guard against even unwittingly following Satan? Pefimbo opo onda li ashike ndi na omido 9, ashike ohandi dimbuluka eshi nda li handi pwilikine kovadali vange nghee tava popi nexwamo kombinga yoshili yOmbibeli oyo va mona. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka filufilu Satana? How might we reason with an individual who feels that way? Yelifa to longifa efaneko. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okutomhafana nomunhu oo e udite ngaho? When we mention that we are about to make an important decision, a fellow Christian may comment that we need to proceed with the spirit of a sound mind. Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tuha kale hatu longele Satana noinatu shi nongela? Ngeenge otwa tumbula kutya otu na okuninga etokolo la fimana, Omukriste mukwetu otashi dulika a diladile kutya otwa pumbwa okudiladila pandunge. No doubt all of us need to work at being less sensitive and more forgiving. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okutomhafana nomunhu oo e udite ngaho? Nopehe na omalimbililo, atusheni otwa pumbwa okulonga noudiinini opo tu kale hatu dimine po vamwe. Sometimes I regret that I cannot do more because of my health. Ngeenge otwa lombwele Omukriste mukwetu kutya otwa hala okuninga etokolo lonhumba la kwata moiti, otashi dulika e tu ladipike tu diladile pandunge eshi hatu li ningi. Omafimbo amwe ohandi lipe oushima eshi handi dulu okuninga shihapu molwaashi oukolele wange itau dulu vali okuninga shihapu. Because Shebna pursued glory for himself, God " threw him out of his office ' and replaced him with Eliakim. Nopehe na omalimbililo, atusheni otwa pumbwa okulonga noudiinini tu kale ihatu handuka diva nokukala hatu dimine po alushe vakwetu. Molwaashi Sebna okwa li a pewa efimano, Kalunga okwa li e mu " kufa kombelewa yaye ndele te mu pingena po puye. ' Focus on the rewards. Ashike omafimbo amwe ohandi kala nda nyemata eshi itandi dulu okulonga shihapu moilonga yokuudifa omolwokuhe na oukolele. Yandja elitulemo kondjabi. " Why Live by Bible Standards? " - chapter 34 Molwaashi Sebna okwa li e likongela efimano, Kalunga okwa li e " mu dula oulenga waye, ' ndele te mu pingene po naEliakim. (Jes. " Omolwashike shiwa okudulika komifikamhango dOmbibeli? ' - etukulwa 34 " There is an appointed time for everything. " - ECCLESIASTES 3: 1. Yandja elitulemo kondjabi. " Efimbo la wapala opaife. " - OMUUDIFI 3: 1. (Read Ephesians 4: 20 - 24.) Omolwashike sha fimana okuya kokwoongala kwopaKriste? - bh, etuk. 18, ep. 176 okat. 5 (Lesha Ovaefeso 4: 20 - 24.) God's Word advises us not "to be among heavy drinkers of wine. " " Ashishe shi notundi yasho ya pangelwa. " - OMUUDIFI 3: 1. Eendjovo daKalunga ode tu kumaida tuha kale hatu nu omaviinyu a kwata moiti. 17, 18. (a) If a brother no longer qualifies for appointment, what may be needed? (Lesha Ovaefeso 4: 20 - 24.) 17, 18. (a) Oshike tashi dulika sha pumbiwa ngeenge omumwatate ina wana okupewa oinakuwanifwa meongalo? Yet, she voluntarily contributed those "two small coins, " which were" all the means of living she had. " Eendjovo daKalunga otadi tu kumaida tuha kale " mokati kaavo hava finyuna omaviinyu. ' Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li a ningifa ovo va li "va fya enota, " olo la li tali ti" aishe oyo a li e nomwenyo. " Explain how Satan's rule results in Jehovah's glory. 17, 18. (a) Ngeenge omumwatate ina wana vali okukala omuyakuliongalo ile omukulunhuongalo, oshike tashi dulika a pumbwa okuninga po? Yelifa nghee onghedi yaSatana yokupangela hai eta ouwa waJehova. How do we know that God cares about our choice of marriage mate? Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li a yandja omayambidido nehalo liwa "ousenda vavali " ovo va li" oipalwifa aishe ei kwa li e i kwete. " Otu shi shii ngahelipi kutya Kalunga oku na ko nasha nomahoololo etu e na sha nohombo? * - 1 Timothy 6: 12, 19; 2 Peter 3: 13. Ongahelipi onghedi yaSatana yokupangela ya tumbalekifa Jehova? * - 1 Timoteus 6: 12, 19; 2 Petrus 3: 13. On one occasion, the local priest visited the man who rented a house to six of us missionaries and warned him that if he continued to rent to us, he and his wife would be excommunicated. Oshike tashi ulike kutya Kalunga oku na ko nasha nomahoololo oo hatu ningi e na sha nookaume kopahombo? Pomhito imwe, omupristeri womoshitukulwa okwa li e uya okutalela po omulumenhu oo a li he tu landifa po eumbo laye vahamano nokwa li e mu londwela kutya ngeenge okwa twikile oku tu landa, ye nomukulukadi waye ohave ke tu landifa po. deceive us? The cry "Peace and security! " * - 1 Timoteus 6: 12, 19; 2 Petrus 3: 13. Satana ohe tu pukifa opo tu ifane "ombili neameno "? The answer came very soon. " The earth shook, and the heavens poured, " we read. Pomhito imwe, omupristeri womoshitukulwa okwa li a talela po omulumenhu oo a hiilifa eumbo laye kufye vahamano tu li ovatumwa noku mu londwela kutya ngeenge ota twikile okuhiilifa eumbo laye kufye, ye nomukulukadi waye otava tewa mo moshitukulwa. Enyamukulo ola li la wanifwa diva. " Near the end of the parable, the foolish virgins ask the discreet virgins to give them oil for their lamps. Eingido "ombili neameno " otali ka kala imwe yomoipupulu oyo tai xumifwa komesho keendemoni, ndele nande ongaho, itai ka pukifa ovapiya vaJehova. Lwopexulilo lefaneko olo, oukadona omalai ova li va pula oukadona ovanaendunge ve va pe omahooli. PAGE 16 Heeno, Ombibeli oya ti: "Edu ola kakama neulu yo la tilashi omeva. " EPANDJA 16 11: 12, 13; Jer. Lwopexulilo lefaneko opwa popiwa kutya oukadona omalai ova indila oukadona ovanaendunge ve va pe omahooli va tule meelamba davo. 11: 12, 13; Jer. " Now, when my son faces problems related to his Down syndrome, I feel guilty. " EPANDJA 16 Okwa ti: "Paife eshi omonamati wange a li a taalela omaupyakadi a kwata moiti, onda li ndi udite etimba. " 2: 15. 11: 12, 13; Jer. 2: 15. What can help us to overcome debilitating discouragement and learn to love and practice righteousness? Ndele paife ngeenge omonamati wange ta hangwa komaupyakadi oo haa etifwa ko - Down syndrome, ohandi kala ndi udite ondjo. " Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu finde etekomukumo notu lihonge okukala tu hole ouyuki? God's servants around the globe want their dress and grooming to be neat, clean, and locally acceptable, thus conforming to Scriptural principles. 2: 15. Ovapiya vaKalunga mounyuni aushe ohava kala va hala okudjala nokuliwapeka monghedi ya koshoka, okukala va koshoka paenghedi nosho yo moshitukulwa osho tashi wapalele omafinamhango Ombibeli. 5 Ndele mbela oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tuha kale twa teka omukumo neenghono notu kale tu hole ouyuki nohatu u longo? (Omayel. 5 Despite her misgivings, Marilyn kissed James and Jimmy good - bye and left for a job overseas. Ovapiya vaKalunga mounyuni aushe ova hala omidjalo nonghedi yavo yokuliwapeka i kale ya koshoka noya yela, ya tambulwa ko moshitukulwa omo ve li noi li metwokumwe nomafinamhango Ombiibeli. Nonande omukulukadi waye ka li e mu udifa nai, Marilyn okwa li e mu popila mouwa, naasho osha li she mu ningifa a fiye po oilonga imwe i lili ndele ta i kondje yoshilongo. Eventually, Saul unknowingly went into the very cave where David and his men were. 5 Lwanima, Saul okwa ka ya onhapo oko David novalumenhu vaye. No wonder that after writing to the Hebrews, Paul urged his spiritual protégé Timothy to " do his utmost to handle the word of the truth aright. ' Nonande Marilyn natango okwa li e na omalimbililo, okwa lekela James naJimmy ndele ta i a ka longe koshilongo shimwe shi lili. Onghee hano, eshi Paulus a li a shangela Ovaheberi, okwa li a ladipika Timoteus aha " longe nawa eendjovo doshili. ' 5, 6. (a) In what way were Israelite parents to be witnesses of Jehovah? 24: 3) Xuuninwa, Saul okwa ka ya mekololo omo mwa li David novakwaita vaye noineshinongela. 5, 6. (a) Omonghedi ilipi ovadali Ovaisrael va li ve na okukala eendombwedi daJehova? (Read Ephesians 2: 2, 3; 1 John 2: 16.) Nomolwaasho konima eshi omuyapostoli Paulus a li a shangela Ovaheberi, okwa li a ladipika omona waye wopamhepo Timoteus a " diinine okutukula nawa ondjovo yoshili. ' (2 Tim. (Lesha Ovaefeso 2: 2, 3; 1 Johannes 2: 16.) He pointed out that their hope is not founded on their works, but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness. 5, 6. (a) Omonghedi ilipi ovadali Ovaisrael va li ve na okuyandja oundombwedi kombinga yaJehova? Okwa popya kutya eteelelo lavo inali likolelela koilonga yavo, ashike efilonghenda laJehova. For example, a 50 - year - old married man divorces his faithful wife of 25 years in order to join up with another woman to whom he has become attracted. (Lesha Ovaefeso 2: 2, 3; 1 Johannes 2: 16.) Pashihopaenenwa, omulumenhu umwe womido 50 oo a hombola ile a hombolwa komushamane waye omudiinini womido 25, okwa li a ya pamwe nomukulukadi waye oo a li e na omido 25 opo a ka ninge omukainhu umwe oo a li a hokwa. Even under the most extreme tests, Jesus never sinned nor broke any of God's laws. Petrus okwa yelifa kutya eteelelo leedi dimwe nosho yo lovavaekwa inali likolelela koilonga yavo, ndelenee okefilonghenda linene laJehova. Nokuli nonande opa li omayeleko a kwata moiti, Jesus ka li a nyona sha nandenande omhango yaKalunga. As she too is a full - time preacher, she always accompanies me in the ministry. Pashihopaenenwa, omulumenhu umwe womido 50 okwa li a henga po omukulukadi waye omudiinini oo va kala naye mohombo oule womido 25 nelalakano opo a ka kale nomukainhu umwe oo e wete ta monika nawa. Ngaashi ashike a li e li omuudifi wefimbo li yadi, naye oha kala alushe ha longo moukalele. If your friend is weighing treatment options, do not be quick to say what you would do in his or her situation. Nokuli naashi Jesus a li momayeleko a kwata moiti, ka li a nyona ile a teye eemhango daKalunga. Ngeenge kaume koye oku na oupyakadi wonhumba, ino popya diva kutya oshike to ka ninga po monghalo yaye. Tempting users to force objectionable sex practices on their mate. - Ephesians 5: 3, 4. Anny okwa li a dimina tu hombole nonande ondimupofi. Ohashi ningifa ovanhu va kale inava hala okuya momilele nopehe na okulivela ombedi. - Ovaefeso 5: 3, 4. • What are four reasons why we should want to be guided by God's spirit? Ngeenge kaume koye ta ningi ehoololo li na sha nouhaku, ino endelela oku mu lombwela kutya ngeno oove wa li monghalo ya fa yaye ngeno oto ningi po ngahelipi. • Omolwashike tu na okuwilikwa komhepo yaKalunga? Satan, an angelic son of God, set himself up as a rival god. Ohai yeleke ovo hava tale ile hava lesha oinima oyo va hetekele okuya momilele nookaume kavo kopahombo meenghedi inadi wapala. - Ovaefeso 5: 3, 4. Satana, omonamati waKalunga, okwe lininga ye mwene kalunga. What will help us to keep bearing fruit with endurance? • Tumbula omatomheno ane kutya omolwashike tu na okweefa tu wilikwe komhepo iyapuki. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu twikile okwiima oiimati noudiinini? What is our yeartext for 2016? Satana, oo a li omweengeli waKalunga, okwa li a kendabala okuningifa ovashitwa vakwao ve mu longele ponhele yokulongela Kalunga. Omushangwa wetu womudo 2016 otau ti shike? In this case, the "heart " relates to one's disposition. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu twikile okwiima oiimati noudiinini? Monghalo ya tya ngaho, omutima wopafaneko owa ti kutya otau ulike oikala ya tya ngaho. ▪ "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Omushangwa wetu womudo 2016 otau ti ngahelipi? ▪ " Kalunga ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali ile oluhodi ile okulila ile ouyahame itau kala po vali, osheshi eshi shotete osha xula po. ' - Ehololo 21: 4. Next came Kingdom News No. 2, explaining why The Finished Mystery was suppressed by the authorities. Pomhito ei, omutima otau ulike koikala yomunhu. Lwanima, onghundana yOuhamba oya ka yelifa kutya omolwashike embo ledina The Finished Mystery la li hali longifwa kepangelo. To which his three friends, with a continuation of their friendship in the new world clearly in view, quickly add, "And we only got started. " ▪ "[Kalunga] ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali ile oluhodi ile okulila ile ouyahame itau kala po vali, osheshi eshi shotete osha xula po. " - Ehololo 21: 4. Opo tu dule okupanga oukaume wopofingo nounyuni mupe, otwa li twa hovela diva. " 1 Samuel chapter 25 Opo nee, oka ka landulwa kokafo Onghundana yOuhamba, Onomola 2, oko ka li ka yelifa kutya omolwashike ovakwanepangelo va li omhinge nembo The Finished Mystery. 1 Samuel etukulwa 25 Young Ones - Be Guided by God's Word Molwaashi oku na elineekelo kutya oukaume wavo otau ka twikila mounyuni mupe, okwa li a weda ko a ti: "Opo ashike twa pange oukaume. " Ovanyasha, wilikwa kEendjovo daKalunga What will we discuss in the next article? 1 Samuel etukulwa 25 Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Now, let's focus on the events that led up to Adam and Eve's sin. Ovanyasha, kaleni hamu wilikwa kEendjovo daKalunga Paife natu ka yandje elitulemo koiningwanima oyo ya etifwa kuAdam naEva. This is made easier when we recall that the other brother or sister is also serving "the God who gives peace. " - Rom. Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula ko? Osho ohashi shi ningi shipu ngeenge hatu dimbuluka kutya omumwatate ile omumwameme wonhumba ota longele yo "ombili yaKalunga. " - Rom. They also helped others to understand the truth by using Zion's Watch Tower and other publications. Paife natu ka tale koiningwanima oyo ya twalifa Adam naEva menyono. Ova li yo va kwafela vamwe va ude ko oshili mokulongifa o - Zion's Watch Tower nosho yo oishangomwa ikwao vali. (b) If any Christian should even begin to covet another person's marriage mate, what should he do without delay? 5: 24) Okukala tu shii kutya omumwatate ile omumwameme naye ota longele "Kalunga kombili " ohashi shi ningifa shipu okupanga ombili naye. - Rom. (b) Oshike osho Omukriste keshe e na okuhovela omahalo mai akaume kaye kopahombo, e na okuninga po shike nopehe na okwoongaonga? Nonetheless, I reminded myself of the purpose of Gilead School - to help those who attend to accomplish the work of preaching the good news worldwide. Okwa li yo va kwafela vamwe va ude ko oshili tava longifa oshifo Zion's Watch Tower noishangomwa ikwao. Ndele nande ongaho, onda li nda dimbulukifa elalakano lokuya kOfikola yaGilead, ndi kwafele ovo hava i moilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa mounyuni aushe. Sometime later, that king sent high officials to Jerusalem, along with a large army, to demoralize the Jews and intimidate Hezekiah into surrendering. (b) Omukriste oo a didilika kutya okwa haluka kaume kopahombo wamukwao oku na okuninga po shike meendelelo? Konima yefimbo, ohamba oyo oya li ya tuma ovanambelewa va ka tungulule Jerusalem, netangakwaita linene la kula nola li la ningifa Ovajuda va kwate ko Hiskia noku va tilifa. Not until some 2,000 years later did Jehovah again make reference to a seed. Ndele nande ongaho, onda li nde lidimbulukifa elalakano lOfikola yaGilead kutya olo okukwafela ovo tava i ko va wanife po oilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa mounyuni aushe. Konima yomido 2 000 lwaapo, Jehova okwa ka ninga vali oshitukulwa sholudalo. In both cases, we read about angels appearing to them as strangers with important messages. Lwanima, ohamba Sanherib oya li ya tuma omalenga ayo kuJerusalem pamwe netangakwaita linene, opo va ka tilife Ovajuda nokumbadapalifa Hiskia e liyandje. (2 Eeh. Peemhito dimwe, ohatu lesha kombinga yovaengeli ovo va li ve va tala ko ve li ovanailongo. It gives me much joy and satisfaction to be able to help spiritually hungry people! " (1 Kor. 2: 7, NW) Konima yomido 2000 lwaapo okudja eshi Jehova a li a xunganeka kombinga yoludalo olo, opo ashike a ka popya vali kombinga yalo. Ohashi hafifa nge neenghono nohashi hafifa nge neenghono okukwafela ovanhu pamhepo. " We also see that despite their failures, Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites. Mehokololo keshe, omwa popiwa kombinga yovaengeli ovo va li ve va holokela inave shi shiiva, ve na omatumwalaka a fimana. Otwa mona yo kutya nonande Jehova okwa li a ninga omapuko, ka li a efa Ovaisrael va ninge Ovaisrael. How do the exciting events mentioned in Psalm 45 affect all true Christians today? Ohandi kala nda hafa neenghono nondi udite nda wanenwa eshi handi dulu okukwafela ovanhu ovo va fya ondjala yopamhepo. " (Mal. Oiningwanima itunhula oyo ya tumbulwa mEpsalme 45 oya kuma ngahelipi Ovakriste vashili kunena? The fact is that true refreshment, the kind that brings a deep, long - lasting sense of joy and satisfaction, comes from doing our heavenly Father's will. - Matt. Nonande Ovaisrael kava li va pondola, Jehova ka li a kanifa elineekelo muvo. Oushili oyoo kutya ehafo lashili ohali eta ehafo linene notali kalelele, notali di mokulonga ehalo laXe womeulu. - Mat. This article has highlighted one way to make that possible. Oiningwanima itunhula oyo ya xunganekwa mEpsalme 45 oya kuma ngahelipi Ovakriste aveshe kunena? Oshitukulwa eshi osha divilika onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okuninga ngaho. Later, Jacob's first son by his favored wife, Rachel, was Joseph. (Heb. 11: 25) Etulumuko lashili olo tali eta ehafo newanenwo tali kalelele ohali di mokulonga ehalo laTate yetu womeulu. - Mat. Lwanima, omonamati waJakob woshiveli, okwa ka nangekwa po e li omukulukadi waye, Rakel. As the planet turns on its axis, millions will gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death. Oshitukulwa eshi osha popya onghedi imwe oyo tai dulu oku shi ninga tashi shiiva. Eshi edu tali ehene popepi, ovanhu omamiliyona otava ka ongela Edimbuluko lefyo laKristus. 4: 4. Lwanima, omukulukadi waJakob, Rakel, oo a li e hole unene, okwe ke mu dalela okaana okamati, Josef. 4: 4. At present, I clean a house and also conduct a class for new parents, teaching them to communicate with their children. " Ovanhu omamiliyona otava ka ongala pamwe opo va dane Edimbuluko lefyo laKristus shimha etango la ningine. Pefimbo opo, onda li yo nda djala eumbo la koshoka nonda li yo handi hongo ovadali vape va kale hava kundafana novana vavo. " (Read John 13: 34, 35; Gal. 4: 4. (Lesha Johannes 13: 34, 35; Gal. Young ones who love Jehovah and who understand what dedication means do not hesitate to dedicate their lives to God and get baptized. Ashike paife ohandi longo oilonga yokuwapaleka meumbo nohandi hongo ovadali eetundi di na sha nanghee ve na okukala hava kundafana nounona vavo. " Ovanyasha ovo ve hole Jehova nohava udu ko kutya eliyapulo letu itali ti shike ohava ongaonga okuliyapulila Kalunga nokuninginifwa. The parents, on the other hand, had no say in the matter. (Lesha Johannes 13: 34, 35; Gal. Mepingafano naasho, ovadali kava li ve na okupopya kombinga yoshinima osho. RAHAB peered from her window as the light of dawn streamed onto the plain surrounding Jericho. Ovanyasha ovo ve hole Jehova nove udite ko kutya eliyapulo oshike, ihava ongaonga okuliyapulila Jehova nokuninginifwa. KALA nee ngeno wa fa u wete oshiningwanima osho sha li sha dingilila Jeriko osho sha li sha dingilila Jeriko. 1 ANALYZE THE SCENE. - READ GENESIS 39: 1 - 12. Ovadali ova halelela oku mu kwafela, ndele ye ke na ko nasha. 1 KONAKONA MOULE. - LESHA OILONGA 39: 1 - 12. What can help us to know what to say? RAHAB okwa li ta hondamene mekende longulu yaye eshi eluwa tali tende ta tale moluhaela olo la dingilila Jeriko. Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu shiive osho tu na okupopya? He had endured dreadful experiences in Nazi concentration camps. 1 KONAKONA OSHININGWANIMA. - LESHA GENESIS 39: 1 - 12. Okwa li e lididimikila eenghalo dinyikifa oluhodi odo da li mokamba yeenhauki. 3: 18. (Omuudifi 12: 9, 10) Oshike tashi tu kwafele tu kale tu shii osho tu na okupopya? 3: 18. The Bible shows that warm and tender love is essential for happy relationships. Okwa li e lididimikila eenghalo dinyikifa oluhodi mokamba yeenghwate yepangelo loNazi. Ombibeli otai ulike kutya ohole nolukeno oya pumbiwa opo ovalihomboli va kale va hafa. How grateful we are for Jesus ' matchless example! 3: 18. Inatu hafa tuu eshi Jesus a tula po oshihopaenenwa shiwa! Paul exhorts us: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved us and gave himself for us. " 24: 14; 28: 19, 20) Otwa hafa neenghono eshi Jesus e tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa sha denga mbada. Paulus okwe tu ladipika a ti: "Kaleni hano [ovahopaeleli] vaKalunga ngaashi ovana ovaholike, okweenda mohole, ngaashi Kristus e tu hole nokwe tu pa yo. " (Ef. Gradually, we come to know what Christ would do in any situation. Paulus okwe tu ladipika a ti: "Ningeni hano ovahopaeleli vaKalunga ngaashi ovana ovaholike, nye mu kale nokweenda mohole ngaashi Kristus kwa li e mu hole nokwe liyandja molwetu. " (Ef. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, ohatu ka shiiva kutya Kristus ota ka ninga po shike monghalo keshe. When Bible truth is wrapped around us tightly, as it were, we will be moved to live in harmony with it and to speak the truth at all times. Otwe lihonga osho ngeno Kristus ta dulu okuninga po monghalo keshe. Ngeenge oshili yOmbibeli ye tu dingilila oya li ye tu dingilila, ohatu ke linyengifwa tu kale metwokumwe noshili nokukala hatu popi oshili efimbo keshe. 4: 13. Ngeenge otwa shiiva filufilu oshili yOmbiibeli, otai ke tu linyengifa tu kale metwokumwe nayo notu kale hatu popi oshili efimbo keshe. 4: 13. humility? 4: 13. shelininipiko? When something like this is tempting for you, are you able to understand what Jehovah's will is? - Ephesians 5: 17. shelininipiko? Ngeenge ou li monghalo ya tya ngaho, mbela oto dulu ngoo okuuda ko kutya ehalo laJehova olilipi? - Ovaefeso 5: 17. Does not expressing your devotion to God by sharing in the ministry contribute to your happiness? Nongeenge oshinima sha tya ngaho osha li tashi ku hongaula, mbela owa li ngoo u shii kutya ehalo laKalunga olilipi? - Ovaefeso 5: 17. Mbela ito dulu okuulikila Kalunga olupandu loye mokukala ho kufa ombinga moukalele opo u xumife komesho ehafo loye? • What have you learned from considering such faithful witnesses as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Moses? Mbela iho kala wa hafa okuulika kutya owe liyapulila Kalunga mokukufa ombinga moilonga yokuudifa? • Owe lihonga shike kombinga yovapiya ovadiinini ngaashi Noa, Abraham, Sara naMoses? Yes, "everything " Jehovah made was" very good. " • Oshike we lihonga eshi wa konakona kombinga yeendombwedi didiinini ngaashi Noa, Abraham, Sara naMoses? Onghee hano, "keshe eshi Omwene e shi ninga " osha li sha wapala unene. But "by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh " and offering him as a ransom, God" condemned sin in the flesh, " thus overcoming the "incapability on the part of the Law. " 1: 31) Nopehe nomalimbililo, " oinima aishe ' oyo Jehova a shita oya li ya "wapala unene. " Ashike "Kristus okwa tuma Omona waye a ninge oikulila, " sha hala okutya, Kalunga okwa tokola" oulunde, " opo a efe po omhango yaMoses. " (Rom. For example, we have many magazines, brochures, books, videos, and Web pages that help us to keep serving God. (OB - 1954) Kalunga "okwa tokola oulunde mombelela " eshi a" tuma Omona waye mwene molupe lombelela ya nyika oulunde " noku mu yandja e li ekuliloyambo, nokungaho, okwa wanifa po osho sha li sha "nyenga omhango. " Pashihopaenenwa, otu na oifo ihapu, omambo, omambo, ouvidio nosho yo omapandja oo taa dulu oku tu kwafela tu twikile okulongela Kalunga. Soon after we arrived, many started to show an interest in the truth. Pashihopaenenwa, otu na oifo, oumbo, omambo, ouvidio vahapu nosho yo epandja lokointaneta oyo tai tu kwafele tu kale hatu longele Kalunga. Diva konima eshi twa fika, vahapu ova li va hovela okuulika ohokwe moshili. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Diva eshi twa fika moTuvalu, ovanhu vahapu ova li va ulika ohokwe moshili. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. They distributed 150,000 handbills and advertised the talk in Osaka's major newspapers and on 400,000 train tickets. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ova li va nyanyangida oufo ve dulife po 15 000 000 000 va li va yandja oshipopiwa osho sha li sha ningilwa eemhunda dinene nova li va deula ovakalimo 4 000 lwaapo. (b) What traps of Satan will be discussed in this article? Ova li va yandja oufo veshivo 150 000 nova li va shivifa oshipopiwa moifokundaneki oyo i holike unene moOsaka nokoutekete veshina lokolutenda 400 000. (b) Eeemwiyo daSatana dilipi hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? 33: 24; 35: 5. (b) Eemwiyo daSatana dilipi hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? 33: 24; 35: 5. In his inimitable wisdom, Jehovah planted within humans the capacity for romantic love - a quality that would draw men and women together. 33: 24; 35: 5. Jehova okwa li a kuna ounongo kombada yedu meityo olo kutya ovanhu otava ka kala ve holafane noukwatya oo tau ka ningifa ovalumenhu novakainhu va kale hava longele kumwe. Or do you think that people can rule themselves successfully without God? - Genesis 3: 4, 5. Molwaashi Jehova oku na ounongo wa shiya ko, okwa shitila movanhu oukwatya wohole oo hau ningifa omulumenhu nomukainhu va kale va hokwafana. Ile oto diladila kutya ovanhu otava dulu okulipangela vo vene nopehe na ekwafo laKalunga? - Genesis 3: 4, 5. How do we show that we want to remain in Christ's love? Ile oto diladila kutya ovanhu otava dulu okulipangela vo vene nomupondo nopehe na ekwafo laKalunga? - Genesis 3: 4, 5. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa hala okukala mohole yaKristus? IMITATE JESUS BY HELPING OTHERS TO KNOW JEHOVAH Ohatu ulike ngahelipi kutya otwa hala okukala mohole yaKristus? NATU HOPAENENENI EITAVELO KUTYA JEHOVA OMHITO KESHE 11, 12. (a) If we feel that something is unfair, what do we need to remember? HOPAENENA JESUS MOKUKALA HO KWAFELE VAMWE VA SHIIVE JEHOVA 11, 12. (a) Ngeenge otu udite kutya oshinima shonhumba kashi li pauyuki, oshike tu na okudimbuluka? She was so well - loved, soft - spoken, and refined. 11, 12. (a) Ngeenge otu wete kutya oshinima shonhumba kashi li pauyuki, otwa pumbwa okudimbuluka shike? Okwa li e hole nawa, ha popi nawa nokwa li ha ningi omalunduluko. They give a witness at every opportunity. Okwa li e holike kuvahapu, e na ondaka italala noku na eenghedi diwa. Ohava yandje oundombwedi nawanawa pomhito keshe. (b) We must avoid what snare? Ova li hava udifile ovanhu pomhito keshe. (b) Otu na okuhenuka omwiyo ulipi? This means that the things we say can show how we really feel. (b) Otu na okuhenuka okukwatwa keamo lokuninga shike? Osho osha hala okutya oinima oyo hatu popi otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya otu udite ngahelipi lela. " Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " (Mateus 12: 34) Osho osha hala kutya oinima oyo hatu popi otai holola omaliudo etu omeni. " Omwene Kalunga ketu, oye Omwene aeke. " Yet, the fact that Paul urges us to work "whole - souled as to Jehovah " makes us think about our entire course of life. " Omwene Kalunga ketu, oye Omwene aeke. " Ndele nande ongaho, Paulus okwe tu ladipika tu kale hatu longele Jehova nomutima aushe " nomwenyo wetu aushe. ' Do You Remember? Ndele eladipiko lomuyapostoli Paulus olo kutya keshe osho tamu shi ningi "shi ningeni komitima deni nokulongela Omwene, " oli na oku tu linyengifa tu diladile shi na sha nonghedi yetu aishe yokukalamwenyo. Oto dimbuluka? In a letter, Brother R. Oto dimbuluka? Omumwatate R. It asked: "" Wonderful Shim Cheong, ' Who Knew Nothing About Jesus - Did She Go to Hell? " Omumwatate R. Oya li ya pula tai ti: "Olyelye a kala ina itavela muJesus? " What lessons do we learn from what happened to Moses? Osha li shi na epulo tali ti: "" Shim Cheong omunamutima muwa, oo a li ehe shii sha kombinga yaJesus, mbela okwa ya koheli? ' " Oilihongomwa ilipi hatu lihongo mwaasho sha li sha ningilwa Moses? As a result, it is possible for us to have a righteous standing with God and gain the prospect of endless life. Oilihongomwa ilipi hatu lihongo kwaasho sha ningilwa Moses? Oshidjemo, ohatu dulu okukala ovayuki koshipala shaKalunga nokukala neteelelo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. What factors should govern the intimate relations of Christian marriage mates? Osho oshe shi ningifa tashi shiiva opo tu kale tu na ekwatafano naKalunga nosho yo eteelelo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. Oinima ilipi tai dulu okukwafela ovalihomboli Ovakriste va kale ve na ekwatafano liwa mohombo yavo? Later he said, "I knew that my family did not hate me, but they were obeying Jehovah and his organization. " Ovakriste ove na okukala tava wilikwa kushike meehombo davo? Lwanima okwa ti: "Onda li ndi shii kutya oukwaneumbo wetu inau tonde nge, ashike ova li hava dulika kuJehova nehangano laye. " My family was Catholic, and we were very religious. Lwanima okwa ka popya a ti: "Onda li ndi wete kutya oukwaneumbo wetu inau tonda nge, ndele otau dulika ashike kuJehova nokehangano laye. " Oukwaneumbo wetu owa li mongeleka yaKatolika, notwa li tu na omalongelokalunga mahapu. Many started thinking about full - time service. Oukwaneumbo wetu owa li muKatolika, notwa li tu hole oinima yopalongelokalunga. Vahapu ova li va hovela okudiladila kombinga yoilonga yefimbo li yadi. If you are not yet dedicated and baptized, consider the significance of taking such a step. Vahapu ova li va hovela okudiladila kombinga yoilonga yefimbo liyadi. Ngeenge ino liyapulila Jehova natango nowa ninginifwa, diladila eityo la tya ngaho. 22: 6. Ngeenge ino liyapulila Jehova noino ninginifwa natango, diladila nghee sha fimana okukatuka onghatu oyo. 22: 6. Many stores cater to popular fashions, so it may take more time and effort to find modest skirts, dresses, and blouses or suits and slacks that are not too tight. 22: 6. Ovanhu vahapu otashi dulika va longife efimbo lihapu mokuninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo va mone oinima oyo tai monika ya fa ya nyika oshiponga ile ya kwata moiti. So if negative feelings temporarily keep you from doing as much as you want to in God's service, pray about it. Ohashi pula efimbo lihapu neenghendabala opo u mone eefulukweva odo di na oule u li nawa, eehema, oumbidja ile eeshuta neembulukweva odo inadi pama unene kolutu molwaashi meefitola dihapu ohamu kala ashike oinima oyo tai fininike ovanhu va landule omoode. Onghee hano, ngeenge omaliudo mai otae ku imbi u longe shihapu ngaashi wa hala moilonga yaKalunga, ilikana kombinga yasho. Or perhaps a Christian has committed a serious sin. Ngeenge omaliudo mai opakafimbo ohae ku imbi u ninge ngaashi wa hala moilonga yaJehova, ilikana kombinga yaasho. Ile tashi dulika Omukriste a nyona enyono la kwata moiti. Only Jehovah's Witnesses! Ile natu tye nee ngeno umwe okwa nyona enyono la kwata moiti. Eendombwedi daJehova ashike! Included among these were several of Jesus ' family members, who at first had not taken seriously the possibility that one of their relatives could be the Messiah. Eendombwedi daJehova odo ashike hadi udifa onghundana iwa. Eengudu odo oda li da kwatela mo oilyo youkwaneumbo waJesus, oo a li tete ovapambele vavo votete. Peter, who later became Joyce's husband, heard the "Wake Up " call, prompting him to" start thinking about pioneering. " (Johannes 7: 45 - 52) Vamwe vomwaavo ova li ovapambele vaJesus ovo potete va li ve udite kutya itashi shiiva nandenande omupambele wavo umwe a ninge Messias. Konima yefimbo, Petrus, oo lwanima a ka ninga omushamane womushamane waye, okwa li a uda a ti: "Eshi nde uya okukokola ondjila, osha li she mu linyengifa a hovele okukokola ondjila. " " Our appreciation for Jesus ' headship over the organization was enhanced. Peter, oo a ka ninga omushamane waJoyce, okwa li a uda elondwelo " lokuudifa va mana mo, ' olo le mu ningifa "a kale a hala okuninga omukokolindjila. " Okwa ti: "Otwa lenga neenghono oukwamutwe waJesus u na sha nonghandangala oyo ta dana mehangano laye. 8 Elke from Austria Joel, oo a li mondodo yotete mo 1999 okwa ti: "Eudeko letu li na sha naJesus e li omutwe wehangano ola li la hapupala. 8 Austria Cain's decisions and actions amounted to a willful rebellion against Jehovah God. 8 Elke wokuAustria Omatokolo oo Kain a li a ninga nosho yo eenghatu daye okwa li a tukulila Jehova Kalunga oshibofa. We build hope in Jehovah's saving acts by studying his Word. Omatokolo neenghatu daKain oda ulika kutya okwa li a tukulila Jehova Kalunga oshibofa. Otu na elineekelo kutya Jehova ota ka xupifa eenghatu daye mokukonakona Eendjovo daye. Likely, images of a major catastrophe spring to mind. Ngeenge otwa kala hatu konakona Eendjovo daJehova otashi ke tu kwafela tu kale tu na eteelelo kutya ota dulu oku tu xupifa. Nopehe na omalimbililo, omafano oo a tumbulwa metetekelo ohaa kala a kwatela mo shihapu shihe fi ashike okukala taa yandje elitulemo koinima oyo ya fimanenena. Jesus patiently waited at God's right hand until 1914 for his enemies to be placed as a stool for his feet. Otashi dulika u diladile koshiponga shinenenene. Jesus okwa li a teelela nelididimiko e li kolulyo laKalunga fiyo osheshi ovatondi vaye va ninga ovatondi vaye va ninge ohamba. The God they worshipped had just spoken to him - had even appeared to him, no doubt by means of an angel! Jesus okwa kala e li omutumba kolulyo laKalunga fiyo 1914 a teelela nelididimiko ovatondi vaye va ninge oshilyatelo sheemhadi daye. (Eps. 110: 1, 2; Heb. Ova li hava longele Kalunga ngaashi ashike va li ve mu lombwela, nokuli nokape na omalimbililo kutya ova li ve mu holokela omweengeli. Shamelessly, Satan suggested: "If you do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours. " Kalunga kavo okwa popya naye, e mu holokela, nopehe na omalimbililo, okupitila momweengeli. Kakele kaasho, Satana okwa li e mu lombwela a ti: "Ngenge tamu ningi elongelokalunga loye fimbo inali hovela, otamu ka kala mwa kwatelwa yo. " He takes note of our emotions and actions. Satana okwa lombwela Jesus ta ti: "Ove ngenge to twile nge eengolo, aishe ei otai ningi yoye. " (Luk. Oha didilike omaliudo etu neenghatu detu. 7: 16. Oha kala e shii omaliudo neenghatu detu. 7: 16. What resulted from Solomon's disregard for God's warnings? 7: 16. Salomo okwa li a mona shike eshi a li a pewa omalondwelo aKalunga? Jehovah's servants in the past did the same. Osha li sha eta oidjemo ilipi eshi Salomo a li ina dulika kelondwelo laKalunga? Ovapiya vaJehova vonale navo osho va li va ninga ngaho. 17, 18. (a) What action will Jehovah soon take against his enemies? Osho osho ovapiya vaJehova vopefimbo lonale va li va ninga. 17, 18. (a) Jehova mafiku ota ka katukila onghatu ovatondi vaye onghatu ilipi? Taking time to meditate on such beautiful blessings from your loving Father, Jehovah, will fill your heart with gratitude and will move you to give thanks every day. - Read Psalm 92: 1, 2. 17, 18. (a) Eenghatu dilipi Jehova ta ka katukila ovatondi vaye mafiku? Ngeenge owa dilonga komanangekonoupuna oo a dja kuXe omunahole, Jehova ote ke ku kwafela u kale u na olupandu noto ka pandula efiku keshe. - Lesha Epsalme 92: 1, 2. REVIEW: What a privilege we have to delve into the knowledge provided by Jehovah, the Source of all wisdom! Naasho otashi ke ku linyengifa u mu pandule efiku keshe. - Lesha Epsalme 92: 2, 3. EETEPO: Kashi fi tuu oufembanghenda munene okushiiva eshiivo olo Jehova e tu pa, Odjo younongo! [ Footnotes] ENGONGO: Kashi li tuu oufembanghenda munene okukala hatu vandamene mounongo oo hatu pewa kOdjo younongo aushe, Jehova! [ Omashangelo opedu] As Jehovah's servants and followers of Jesus Christ, we realize that all those hungering and thirsting for righteousness "will be filled. " [ Omashangelo opedu] Tu li ovapiya vaJehova novashikuli vaJesus Kristus, otwa mona kutya aveshe ovo va fya ondjala nenota louyuki " otava ka kala ve yadi ouyuki. ' in the July 1, 2013, issue of this magazine. Tu li ovapiya vaJehova nosho yo ovashikuli vaJesus Kristus, otu shii kutya aveshe ovo va fya ondjala nenota louyuki " otava ka kutifwa. ' mOshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Juli 2013. Mark explains: "We were able to simplify our lives further by giving up our three - bedroom house and our part - time work so that we could enter the international construction work. " moshifo shaSeptemba - Oktoba 2013. Markus okwa ti: "Otwa li twa dula okukaleka onghalamwenyo yetu paunafangwa eshi twa kala hatu yandje eumbo neumbo nosho yo oilonga yetu yokuudifa opo tu dule okuya moilonga yokutunga mounyuni aushe. " Soon Paul cried out with joy: " Don't worry, he's all right! ' Mark okwa ti: "Otwa li twa dula okutwikila okuninga onghalamwenyo yetu yanafangwa mokulandifa po eumbo letu leenduda nhatu nokweefa po oilonga yetu yokulonga omafiku amwe opo tu dule okuya moilonga yokutunga yopaiwana. " Diva konima yaasho Paulus okwa li a popya nehafo a ti: "Ino tila, osheshi ye e li mondjila. ' You could ask some friend whom you can count on for candor whether you have a reputation for being impartial. Opo nee Paulus okwa ingida diva a hafa ta ti: " Inamu tila, oku li nawa! ' Oto dulu okupula kaume koye oo to dulu oku ku honga moule ngeenge ou na edina inali koshoka. * Oto dulu okupula kaume koye omulineekelwa ngeenge owa shiivikila oukwatya wokuhenonhondo ile hasho. * Potiphar's wife tried to tempt Joseph to have sex with her. He rejected her, but she did not stop trying to tempt him. * Omukulukadi waPotifar okwa li ta kendabala okuyeleka Josef a ye momilele naye, ashike ka li ta kendabala oku mu yeleka. If we start talking about what they have done to us, others in the congregation may get involved, and this would affect the unity of the congregation. Omukulukadi waPotifar okwa li ta kendabala oku mu heka a nangale naye, ndele Josef okwa li e shi anya, nomukulukadi oo okwa kala ta ningi eenghendabala e mu koke. Ngeenge otwa hovele okupopya kombinga yaasho ve tu ningila, vamwe meongalo otashi dulika ve tu kwatele mo, naasho otashi ka kuma oukumwe weongalo. Love for Jehovah moved us to dedicate ourselves to him. (Leviticus 19: 18) Ngeenge otwa kala hatu lombwele vamwe owii oo twa ningilwa kuvamwe, vamwe meongalo otava ka kwatelwa mo ndele tashi nyono po oukumwe meongalo. Ohole yokuhola Jehova oye tu linyengifa tu liyapulile Jehova. In addition, she had the great responsibility of raising God's Son as a human! Ohole yokuhola Jehova oyo ye tu linyengifa tu mu liyapulile. Kakele kaasho, okwa li e na oshinakuwanifwa shinene shokutekula Omona waKalunga e li omunhu. Because the Israelites left Jehovah to serve other gods, Jehovah abandoned them to their enemies. Ongahelipi a li ta ka yelifila Josef aha diladile kutya ke fi omudiinini kuye? Molwaashi Ovaisrael ova li va fiya po Jehova oikalunga ikwao, Jehova okwa li e va efela momake ovatondi vavo. What a reunion that was! (Ovatokolipangeli 5: 8) Molwaashi Ovaisrael ova li va efa po Jehova nokuhovela okulongela oikalunga, Jehova okwa li e va yandja momake ovatondi vavo. Osho kasha li tuu tashi ulike kutya oshike sha li tashi ningwa po! The Bible says: "By faith also Sarah received power to conceive offspring, even when she was past the age, since she considered Him faithful who made the promise. " Osha li shihafifa okuhangana va li pamwe navo. Ombibeli oya ti: "Meitavelo Sara okwa pewa eenghono noludalo, nonande okwa li e na omido da pita, okwe mu tala ko e li omudiinini. " Now, whenever she has to miss a meeting or cannot go out in field service, she is eager to get back to her routine as quickly as possible. Ombiibeli oya ti: "Meitavelo naSara yo okwa li a pewa eenghono okutunga epata; nonande a hangika a kulupa, okwa dala molwaashi oye a tala omuudaneki e shi okulineekelwa. " Paife ngeenge okwa mono shidjuu okuya kokwoongala ile okuya moukalele, oha kala a halelela okushuna meendelelo ngaashi tashi dulika. (a) Why must the ministry be high on our list of priorities? Paife ngeenge a faula okwoongala ile ina dula okuya moilonga yomomapya, oha ningi eenghendabala diva ngaashi tashi dulika opo a shune monghedindjikilile yaye yoshito. (a) Omolwashike oukalele u na okukala oshinima sha fimanenena osho twa pitifa komesho? The same can be true of elders, missionaries, pioneers, and Bethel family members who receive a word of appreciation for their faithful service. (a) Omolwashike tu na okupitifa oukalele komesho? Osho otashi dulu okukala sha faafana kovakulunhuongalo, ovatumwa, ovakokolindjila nosho yo oilyo youkwaneumbo waBetel ovo ve na olupandu li na sha noilonga yavo youdiinini. Why can we view Sarah as a godly woman and a precious wife? Naasho osha faafana novakulunhuongalo, novatumwa, novakokolindjila nosho yo noilyo youkwaneumbo waBetel, ovo hava pandulwa omolwoilonga yavo youdiinini. Omolwashike hatu dulu okukala twa tala ko Sara e li omukainhu omutilikalunga? In contrast, when you resist peer pressure, Jehovah takes note of it, and he will never forget you or your faithfulness. Omolwashike tu na okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango dOmbibeli? Mepingafano naasho, ngeenge owa kondjifa omafininiko oomakula, Jehova ote ke ku dimbwa noita ka dimbwa oudiinini woye. My grandfather urged me to go. Mepingafano naasho, ngeenge owa kondjifa omafininiko oomakula, Jehova ote ke shi didilika mo noite ke ku dimbwa nandenande ile a dimbwe oudiinini woye. Tate okwa li a ladipika nge ndi ye. While Jehovah wants us to make decisions, this is not to our detriment. Tatekulu okwa li a pitika nge ndi shune. Nonande Jehova okwa hala tu ninge omatokolo, osho kashi na oku tu nwefa mo. When Paul and Barnabas began their first missionary journey, Mark went along to assist them. Ofimbo Jehova a hala tu kale hatu ningi omatokolo oo tae ke tu etela ouwa. Eshi Paulus naBarnabas va hovela olweendo lavo lotete loutumwa, Markus okwa li a ya pamwe navo. If we continually went contrary to the direction of holy spirit, we would be grieving it and Jehovah, the Source of that spirit. Eshi Paulus naBarnabas va li va hovela olweendo lavo lotete loutumwa, Markus okwa li a ya pamwe navo opo e ke va kwafele. Ngeenge otwa kala hatu dulika kewiliko lomhepo iyapuki, ohatu ka nyikifa oluhodi neenghono, na Jehova oye Odjo yomhepo oyo. Even in these dark last days of Satan's wicked system of things, Jehovah is blessing his people. Ngeenge otwa twikile okulihumbata monghedi itai tu kumwe newiliko lomhepo iyapuki, ohatu ke i nyikifa oluhodi nosho yo Jehova, oo e li Odjo yayo. Jehova ota nangeke noupuna oshiwana shaye nokuli nomafiku aa axuuninwa onghalelo ei yoinima. [ Picture on page 9] Nonande otu li momafiku axuuninwa yonghalelo yaSatana youkolokoshi, Jehova oha nangeke noupuna ovapiya vaye. [ Efano pepandja 9] While doing that, we enjoy great freedom as to how we will handle our responsibilities. [ Efano pepandja 9] Eshi hatu ningi ngaho, ohatu hafele emanguluko linene eshi hatu ungaunga noinakuwanifwa yetu. One of the many metropolitan witnessing stands in Lagos, the most populous city in Africa. Okwe tu pa yo emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo e na sha nanghee hatu dulu okuwanifa po oinakuwanifwa oyo e tu lineekelela. Umwe womongudu oyo okwa li a udifila meenhele dihapu meenhele daaveshe, oshilando osho sha li sha hepa neenghono. Charles T. Umwe womovaudifi ta yandje oundombwedi meenhele daaveshe e li ofika moLagos, oshilando shimwe osho shi na ovanhu vahapu muAfrica. Charles T. The Bible account makes no mention of any children. Charles T. Ehokololo lOmbibeli inali tumbula vali ounona. As told by Felisa and Araceli Fernández Ehokololo lopaMbiibeli inali popya sha kombinga younona. Ehokololo la - Felisa naNdowishi Or perhaps his inspired poetry preserved in the Bible book of Psalms? Ehokololo la - Felisa na - Araceli Fernández Ile tashi dulika a li a nwefwa mo a shange embo lOmbibeli lOmbibeli? SONGS TO BE USED: 134, 24 Ile pamwe oho diladila outevo vaye va nwefwa mo ovo ve li membo lOmbibeli lOmapsalme? OMAIMBILO OO E NA OKULONGIFWA: 134, 24 At first, the conversation was somewhat tense, but things improved as they discussed their problem in a calm way. OMAIMBILO OO E NA OKULONGIFWA: 134, 24 Potete, eenghundafana oda li da naipala, ashike oinima oya li ya xwepopaleka oupyakadi wavo. Crime: Although certain types of crime have decreased in some places, other types, such as cybercrime, domestic violence, and terrorism are increasing at an alarming rate. Pehovelo, eenghundafana davo kada li dombili, ashike oinima oya li ya enda nawa eshi va twikila okukundafana oupyakadi wavo monghedi yengungumano. Onhele: Nonande omapangelo amwe ohaa kala a tukulwa moitukulwa imwe, ngaashi ee - TV, elongifo leenghono nosho yo elongifo leenghono, ohaa xumifa komesho oumhulile. (Read Matthew 2: 16 - 18.) Ominyonena: Nonande ominyonena dimwe oda ninipala koitukulwa imwe, dimwe ngaashi odo hadi ningwa okupitila mointaneta, elongifo leenghono momaukwaneumbo nosho yo oukulo otadi londo pombada efimbo keshe. (Lesha Mateus 2: 16 - 18.) When the master came back from his journey, he saw that the slave with five talents had earned five more and the slave with two talents had earned two more. (Lesha Mateus 2: 16 - 18.) Eshi omwene wavo a dja molweendo laye, okwa li a mona kutya omupiya oo okwa li a pewa oitalenti itano nokwa li e na owino muhapu. • Isaiah 11: 1 - 5? Eshi omwene a aluka molweendo laye, okwa hanga omupiya oo a li a pa oitalenti itano a likola itano ya wedwa po, naao a li a pa ivali e i likolifa ivali ya wedwa po. • Jesaja 11: 1 - 5? Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount: "Happy the kind - because they shall find kindness. • muJesaja 11: 1 - 5? Jesus okwa popya mEudifo laye lokOmhunda a ti: "Ovanelao ovananheni, osheshi ovo tava ka mona ouwanghenda. Paul explains: "They [natural Jews] also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. Jesus okwa popya mEudifo lokOmhunda a ti: "Ovanelao ovananghenda, osheshi ovo tava ka filwa onghenda. Paulus okwa yelifa a ti: "Ova li yo Ovajuda, ngeenge inava kala vehe neitavelo lavo, Kalunga ota ka dula vali oku va nyumuna molumono lopafaneko. Why should we not hold back from sharing the Kingdom message with "people of all sorts "? Paulus okwa yelifa a ti: "Naavo yo [Ovajuda vopambelela], ngenge itava anyene mokuhaitavela kwavo, otava ka twikwa mo, osheshi Kalunga e neenghono oku va twikulula mo. Omolwashike tuhe na okuudifa etumwalaka lOuhamba "ovanhu aveshe "? Instead, the Flood wiped out a violent society, or "earth. " Omolwashike tu na okuudifila ovanhu " aveshe ' etumwalaka lOuhamba? Ponhele yaasho, Eyelu ola li la hanauna po oukolokoshi, ile " edu. ' Sonia is also alert to witness to whomever she can. Onghee hano, "edu " olo Ombibeli ya popya kutya ola li la hanaunwa po pefimbo lEyelu otali ulike kokuhanaunwa po kwovanhu aveshe ovakolokoshi. Okwa li yo ha kala oupafi ngeenge ta yandje oundombwedi kwaavo tava dulu oku mu kwafela. Toward the end of August, the four attended their first German convention, the "Clean Worship " Assembly in Frankfurt am Main. Sonia naye oha kongo yo eemhito dokuudifila vamwe. Lwopexulilo lefelemudo lotete, ongudu oyo vane oya li ya ongala poshoongalele shoshitukulwa, sha ti: "Elongelokalunga lashili ola fimanenena mondjokonona. " The patriarch Jacob struggled and persevered because he loved Jehovah, appreciated spiritual things, and had complete faith in Jehovah's promise to bless his offspring. Lwopexulilo laAuguste, ookaume ovo vane ova li va kala poshoongalele shoshitukulwa mOshindowishi oshikando shotete, sha li shi na oshipalanyole, "Elongelokalunga la koshoka " sha li sha ningilwa moFrankfurt am Main. Tatekulululwa Jakob okwa li ha kendabala nokwa kala alushe e hole Jehova, ha pandula oinima yopamhepo nokwa li e na eitavelo la kola meudaneko laJehova li na sha noludalo laye. Still others are no longer associating with the Christian congregation. Tatekulululwa Jakob okwa li ha kondjo noudiinini molwaashi okwa li e hole Jehova, a lenga oinima yopamhepo, nokwa li e na eitavelo filufilu kutya Jehova ota ka nangeka noupuna oludalo laye ngaashi a udaneka. Natango, vamwe kave na vali okweendafana neongalo lopaKriste. People died quickly from infectious diseases or accidents. (1 Eeh. 18: 21) Ashike vamwe ihava endafana va li neongalo lopaKriste. Ovanhu ova fya diva mepakumo leisho. Challenges that Noah faced. Ovanhu ova li hava fi diva komikifi dolutapo ile koiponga. Omashongo oo Noa a li a taalela. They enjoyed public speaking, and some of them fairly basked in the warm adulation of their listeners. Omashongo oo Noa a li a taalela. Ova li hava hafele okupopya moipafi, navamwe vomuvo ova li hava kala va handuka neenghono. In appreciation, let us work at overcoming any tendency to give in to what others might consider minor sins. Vamwe ova li hava kala va tunhukwa lela eshi ovanhu tave va pandula omolwoipopiwa yavo. Onghee hano, natu longeni noudiinini opo tuha efe eamo keshe lokukala tu na eamo lokulonga osho vamwe tashi dulika va tale ko omanyono inaa kwata moiti. (See opening image.) Natu kendabaleni okukondjifa eamo keshe lokuninga omanyono oo tashi dulika vamwe va kale ve wete a fa inaa kwata moiti. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Ask yourself questions as you read the Bible or Bible - based literature: " What does this passage tell me about Jehovah? (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Lipula omapulo ngaashi to lesha mOmbibeli ile oileshomwa ya kanghamena kOmbibeli: " Omushangwa ou otau lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? Christian Families - "Stay Awake " Lipula omapulo eshi to lesha Ombiibeli ile oishangomwa oyo ya kanghamena kOmbiibeli ngaashi: " Oshitukulwa eshi otashi lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? Omaukwaneumbo opaKriste, " kaleni oupafi ' 1, 2. Omaukwaneumbo opaKriste " kaleni oupafi ' 1, 2. Also, as we considered in paragraph 12, Jesus ' " arriving ' mentioned at Matthew 25: 31 refers to that same future time of judgment. 1, 2. Ngaashi twa kundafana mokatendo ka tetekela, " okuuya ' kwaJesus oko kwa tumbulwa muMateus 25: 31 otaku ulike kefimbo letokolo. (Read Matthew 22: 31, 32.) 24: 30, 42, 44) Ngaashi twa kundafana mokatendo 12, okuuya kwaJesus oko kwa tumbulwa muMateus 25: 31 otaku ulike kefimbo olo tuu olo letokolo monakwiiwa. (Lesha Mateus 22: 31, 32.) But when he started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses, his parents wanted him to stop. (Lesha Mateus 22: 31, 32.) Ndele eshi a hovela okukonakona nEendombwedi daJehova, ovadali vaye ova li va hala oku mu kelela. Actually, the Genesis account does not teach that these trees had any peculiar or supernatural powers of their own. Ndele eshi a hovela okukonakona Ombiibeli nEendombwedi daJehova, ovadali vaye kava li ve shi hafela nandenande. Ehokololo laGenesis itali hongo kutya omiti odo oda li di na omiti di lili noku lili. Overuse of alcohol can lead to many problems Ehokololo laGenesis itali hongo kutya omiti odo kada li dopaushitwe ile kutya oda li di na eenghono donhumba de likalekelwa. Okulongifa oikunwa yoalkoholi otaku dulu okweetifa omaupyakadi mahapu Shammai, the more rigorous school, interpreted it to mean that the only valid reason for divorce was "unchastity, " that is, adultery. Okunwa oikunwa yoalkoholi sha pitilila otaku dulu okweetifa omaupyakadi mahapu Mepingafano naasho, ovanafikola vahapu ovo hava i kofikola ohava fatulula kutya ehongo lopombada olo ashike la ningifa ovanhu va kale va hala okuteya ohombo. No other career offers satisfaction like that. Ongudu yaSammai oyo ya li hai konakona oinima noukeka, oya li ya yandja omatomheno e shii okuudiwa ko kutya ohombo oi na ashike okuteywa ngeenge umwe a ya momilele naumwe oo ehe fi kaume kaye kopahombo. Kape na vali eifano limwe hali kwafele omunhu a kale a wanenwa ngaashi olo. You can apologize to the person you wronged, perhaps restoring good relations. Kape na vali eifano limwe hali eta ehafo ngaashi olo. Oto dulu okuyandja ombili komunhu wonhumba, tashi dulika wa li u na ekwatafano liwa naye. Why? Onghee hano, ponhele yokukala u na oshisho, ninga ngaashi to dulu opo u kandule po oupyakadi oo u li po. Omolwashike mbela? MATTHEW 24: 6, 7; REVELATION 6: 4 Omolwashike mbela? MATEUS 24: 6, 7; EHOLOLO 6: 4 Furthermore, Paul highlighted the unity of Jewish and Gentile Christians and also reminded the brothers of their common origin. MATEUS 24: 6, 7; EHOLOLO 6: 4 Kakele kaasho, Paulus okwa li yo a divilika oukumwe wOvakriste vomoiwana imwe ovo va li vehe fi Ovajuda nova li yo hava dimbulukifa ovamwaxe kutya ova dja peni. But even if we live in a place where travel is not easy and we have to walk long distances, we do all we can to go and preach to people wherever they are. - Matthew 28: 19, 20. (Ef. 2: 20, 21) Natango, Paulus okwa li a divilika oukumwe oo wa li mokati kOvajuda nosho yo Ovakriste ovo va dja moiwana imwe nokwa li yo e va dimbulukifa kutya aveshe ova shitwa kuKalunga. Ndele nonande ohatu di konhele oko tuhe na okuya nohatu ende oinano ile, ohatu dulu okuninga keshe osho hatu dulu opo tu ka udifile ovanhu keshe apa ve li. - Mateus 28: 19, 20. 11: 23, 24. Nonande otu li keenhele oko omalweendo ehe fi mapu, notu na okweenda oinano ile, ohatu ningi keshe osho hatu dulu opo tu ka udifile ovanhu keshe apa ve li. - Mateus 28: 19, 20. 11: 23, 24. " With More Zeal and Love Than Ever ' (1922 convention), May 11: 23, 24. " Otwa li tu na ouladi nohole yomoule ' Furthermore, we count it a privilege to understand the meaning of that name and the universal issue involving its sanctification. Kakele kaasho, otwe shi tala ko yo shi li oufembanghenda okukala tu udite ko eityo ledina olo nonokutya ope na omhata oyo ya kwatela mo oku li yapulifa. (Mat. Kakele kaasho, ohatu mono oufembanghenda okuuda ko eityo ledina olo nosho yo oinima aishe oyo ya kwatelwa mo. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Kungaho, okwa fa ta li pamwe noukwaneumbo waye, novapristeri nosho yo naJehova, tava li va hafa nove udite ombili. Nokuli mounyuni ou u yadi omaupyakadi, oto dulu okumona ehafo lashili meshiivo lashili lOmbibeli, Ouhamba waye nosho yo elalakano laye likumwifi li na sha novanhu. It was as though the worshipper, his family, the priests, and Jehovah himself were joyfully partaking of a meal together, in peace. 11: 13. Okwa li ha longele Jehova nehafo pamwe noukwaneumbo waye, ovapristeri nosho yo ovapristeri vaye ova li tava lili pamwe nova li hava longele kumwe nombili. 11: 13. Ongahelipi to dulu okupondola ngeenge to tomhafana navamwe kombinga yeshito nosho yo Ombiibeli? 11: 13. How can you be effective when you reason with others about creation and the Bible? Opo nee "Elia a kufa elwakani laye, e li tonya ndee ta denge momeva. Nomeva a tukauka kombinga nombinga. " Ongahelipi to dulu okupondola ngeenge to tomhafana navamwe kombinga yeshito nosho yo lOmbibeli? Then "Elijah took his official garment and rolled it up and struck the waters, and they were divided. " Nonande fye eembolo, otwa tekula ovanamati vetu vaheyali ovo vehe fi eembolo. Ombibeli oya ti: " Elia okwa kufa oshikutu shaye ndele e shi denga poshi, ndele ve shi denga omeva, nova li va tukauka. " As deaf parents, we raised seven hearing boys. • mOvafilippi 4: 8? Tu li ovadali, otwa li twa nyumuna ounona vaheyali. • Philippians 4: 8? Okwa popya shi na sha naye, kutya okwe mu " dala e li momalyenge ' nokwa li e mu ladipika a shune komwene waye. (Filem. • Ovafilippi 4: 8? Paul no doubt also takes a personal interest in his guardians. Twikila okukondjifa Satana, nokukaleka eitavelo loye la pama. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Paulus naye oku na ko nasha naye nohe mu amene pauhandimwe. Continue to fight against Satan, and keep your faith strong. Ashike peemhito dihapu ohe tu pameke opo tu dule "okulididimika moudjuu keshe " nehafo. Twikila okukondjifa Satana, nokukala u na eitavelo la pama. But in most cases, he will give us strength so that we "may endure fully with patience and joy. " Oshitukulwa osho lwanima osha ka tukulwa moitukulwa ivali, nashimwe osha li hashi ifanwa kOmbinga inya yOmulonga. Ndele peemhito dihapu, ote ke tu pa eenghono opo tu " lididimike nehafo. ' The province was later split into two parts, one of which was simply called Across - the - River. Okwa weda ko vali ta ti: "Oshinima sha fimana oshosho kutya otu na okuulika omaukwatya oo monghalamwenyo yetu yakeshe efiku. " Konima yaasho, oshitukulwa osho osha li sha ya moitukulwa ivali, osho sha li ashike hashi ifanwa Omulonga waJordan. He adds: "The important thing is that they should be part of our daily lives. " Okwa ti: "Onda li nda lila eshi ovamwatate ovo va popifa nge nohamu. " Okwa weda ko a ti: "Oshinima sha fimana oshosho kutya ove na okukala oshitukulwa shonghalamwenyo yetu yakeshe efiku. " She reflects, "I was moved to tears because the brothers greeted me so warmly. " Litulila po omalalakano oo to dulu okuhanga. Okwa ti: "Onda li nda nyika oluhodi molwaashi ovamwatate ova li tava popifa nge nohamu. " Set attainable goals for yourself. Onghee hano, ngeenge ou li omukulunhuongalo oo a tembukila oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi, deula ovamwatate vomoshitukulwa osho neendelelo opo va kwafele mokufila oshisho eongalo. Litulila po omalalakano oo to dulu okuhanga. So if you are an elder who has moved to serve where the need is greater, it is urgent that you train local brothers to help care for the congregation. Marta okwa li a itavela ashishe osho Jesus a honga, nokwa li a tomhwa kutya Jesus oye Messias omuudanekwa. Onghee hano, ngeenge ou li omukulunhuongalo oo e linyengifwa a ka longe oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi, osha endelela neenghono okudeula ovamwatate vomeongalo lomoshitukulwa. She believed all that Jesus taught, and she had no doubts that he was the promised Messiah. Oule womido 20 da pita, ova kala tava i koilongo ihapu yomuAfrika opo va ka kwafele okutunga Omalupale Ouhamba. Okwa li a itavela ashishe osho Jesus a honga, noka li e na omalimbililo kutya oye Messias omuudanekwa. For the past 20 years, they have traveled to many parts of Africa to help build Kingdom Halls. JEHOVA okwa li a hololela ovapiya vaye vopefimbo lovayapostoli kutya ekuliloyambo laJesus ola xulifa po Omhango yaMoses. Oule womido 20 da pita, ova kala tava i koilongo ihapu i lili noku lili opo va kwafele mokutunga Omalupale Ouhamba. IN THE first century C.E., Jehovah revealed to his people that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice had abolished the Mosaic Law. Okwa li a dimina kutya oku li oshilonga shomake aKalunga. Lwopexulilo lefelemudo lotete O.P., Jehova okwa li a hololela oshiwana shaye kutya ekuliloyambo laJesus ola nyona Omhango yaMoses. (2) Cultivate a Bible - trained conscience. Osho naanaa. Ota ka ulika elininipiko eshi ta ka " yandja ouhamba kuXe. ' - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 15: 24 - 28. (2) Kala ho longifa eliudo la deulwa kOmbibeli. Yes, for he will " hand over the kingdom to his God and Father. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge otwa didilike kutya Omukriste wonhumba ota nyono meholeko, tashi dulika ha nu oikolwifa sha pitilila, ha tale omafano oipala ile e na onghedi yokukalamwenyo inai koshoka? (Ef. Onghee hano, ota ka " yandja ouhamba waKalunga naXe. ' - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 15: 24 - 28. What if we become aware that someone is involved in a secret sin, perhaps abusing alcohol, viewing pornography, or living an immoral life? Omunhu omulininipiki oha kaleke shike momadiladilo ngeenge ta diladila okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo? Ongahelipi ngeenge otwa didilike kutya omunhu wonhumba okwa nyona enyono la kwata moiti, tashi dulika a tale omafano oipala, okutala omafano oipala ile okukala nonghalamwenyo inai koshoka? What does a modest person take into consideration when thinking about making spiritual progress? Onghee hano, otu na okukala hatu ongala pamwe opo tu kale "oshiunda shimwe " nokushikula " omufita umwe. ' Omunhu omulininipiki oha tale ko ngahelipi okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo? We need to meet together to become part of "one flock " and to follow" one shepherd. " Ova li va hala okukala ve na eendodo da tya ngaho va fa ovapangeli voiwana. - Lesha Markus 10: 42 - 45. Otwa pumbwa okukala hatu ongala pamwe opo tu ninge "oshiunda shimwe " notu landule" omufita umwe. " Like those who were ruling the nations, they wanted to have a prominent position. - Read Mark 10: 42 - 45. Mounyuni ou ekaulonyanga la lunda pombada, ovaneumbo vahapu ohava kala va angala ovanhu ovo vehe shii. (2 Tim. Ngaashi ovo va li tava pangele oiwana, ova li va hala okukala ve na ondodo ya tumbala. - Lesha Markus 10: 42 - 45. In today's crime - filled world, many householders are suspicious of strangers. Eshi nde lihonga shihapu kutya otashi ti shike okukala Omukriste washili, eliudo lange ola hovela okunyenyetela nge. Molwaashi ominyonena mounyuni omu yadi ominyonena, ovanhu vahapu ohava kala va limbililwa ngeenge otashi dulika ngoo ve li ovanailongo. As I learned more about what it means to be a true Christian, my conscience really began to bother me. Olyelye Omuudi womailikano? Eshi nde lihonga shihapu kombinga yaasho tashi ti okukala Omukriste washili, eliudo lange ola li la hovela okukala tali nyenyetele nge neenghono. Who Is the Hearer of Prayer? Ongahelipi Jason a li a mona ehekeleko konima eshi a filwa omukulukadi waye? Olyelye Omuudi womailikano? How did Jason find comfort after the loss of his wife? (Ovakolossi 1: 13 - 15) Kape na nande ekwatafano lopofingo la dula okukala pokati koishitwa ivali inaendunge ngaashi olo li li pokati kavo. Jason okwa li a hekelekwa ngahelipi konima eshi omukulukadi waye a filwa omukulukadi waye? Never has a closer bond existed between two intelligent beings. Ova li va ninga omaliyambo manene opo va kale tava longo oilonga yokuudifa Ouhamba pauyadi. (Mat. Inamu kala mu na ekwatafano la kola pokati ketu nakaume ketu kopahombo. To devote themselves fully to the Kingdom - preaching work, they had made important sacrifices. Ngaashi Jesus a popya, ovanhu ovo kava li " ve shi shiiva. ' Opo va kale ve lipyakidila moilonga yokuudifa Ouhamba, ova li va ninga omaliyambo a fimana. The real problem was that "they took no note, " as Jesus said. Onghee hano, Jesus okwa li a londwela ovashikuli vaye a ti: "Kaleni mwe lilongekida, osheshi Omona wOmunhu te uya efimbo tuu olo inamu mu teelela. " (Mat. Oupyakadi wa tya ngaho owa li ashike apa kutya "inave u tale, " ngaashi Jesus a popya. Jesus therefore warned his followers: "Prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a velula Job eshi a li ta vele nokwa li a hala nokuli okufya. - Job 2: 7; 3: 11 - 13; 42: 10, 16. Onghee hano, Jesus okwa londwela ovashikuli vaye a ti: "Kaleni mwe lilongekida, osheshi efimbo tuu olo inamu li teelela, Omona wOmunhu te uya. " (Mat. For example, he cured Job when he was very sick and wanted to die. - Job 2: 7; 3: 11 - 13; 42: 10, 16. Omaxunganeko Ombibeli oo taa wanifwa otaa koleke oushili oo, nomolwaasho twa pumbwa okukala oupafi. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a velula Job eshi a li ta vele neenghono nokwa li a hala okufya. - Job 2: 7; 3: 11 - 10, 16. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this fact, so we need to keep on the watch. 3: 23. Ewanifo lexunganeko lOmbibeli otali yandje oumbangi wa yela kutya otwa pumbwa okukala oupafi. 3: 23. (Ovatokolipangeli 11: 9) Okwa li a tokola toko okukala omudiinini kuJehova. 3: 23. He was determined to be faithful to Jehovah. Okudilonga kovelishe oyo otaku tu kwafele tu mone kutya Jehova oku tu hole nohe tu file oshisho lela. Okwa li a tokola toko okukala omudiinini kuJehova. Meditating on that verse may help you to see just how much Jehovah loves and cares for you. Paulus okwa kala omido dihapu a idililwa meumbo lodolongo, noka li vali ta dulu okutwikila nomalweendo aye outumwa. Okudilonga kovelishe oyo otashi ku kwafele u mone nghee Jehova e ku hole noku ku fila oshisho. Consider the apostle Paul's example. Okwa li a hafa neenghono. Natu ka taleni koshihopaenenwa shomuyapostoli Paulus. What joy that brought her! Otembeli yopamhepo oshike? Osho kasha li tuu she mu etela ehafo linene! What is the spiritual temple? Ohe shi ningi okupitila moilonga yetu yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa. Otembeli yopamhepo oshike? Through our disciple - making work. Okudja eshi omupiya omudiinini a nangekwa po mo 1919, omamiliyona " ovapiya ' omomalaka aeshe okwa kala taa ongelwa mehangano laKalunga nokwa kala taa palulwa pamhepo. (Mat. Okuninga ovanhu ovahongwa okwe likolelela koilonga yetu yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa. Since the appointment of the faithful slave in 1919, millions of "domestics " of all languages have been gathered into God's organization and are being spiritually fed. Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Petrus a li a katuka? Okudja eshi omupiya omudiinini a nangekwa po mo 1919, " ovapiya aveshe ' omamiliyona ova kala va ongala mehangano laJehova nova palulwa pamhepo. What can we learn from Peter's reaction? 12: 11) Omhepo yaJehova oya kala tai dana onghandangala inene mokukwafela ovayapostoli va udife nouladi nosho yo nelididimiko. Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Petrus a li e linyenga? Jehovah's spirit played a major role in the apostle's courage and stamina in the preaching work. Oshi shii okuudiwa ko eshi Hiskia a li a handuka, ndele ponhele yoku ka konga ekwafo kepangelo lonhumba, okwa li a pula ekwafo kuJehova okupitila momuprofeti Jesaja. Omhepo yaJehova oya dana onghandangala inene mokuwanifwa kwelalakano lomuyapostoli Paulus notai pameke oilonga yokuudifa. Hezekiah was understandably upset, but instead of turning to a foreign power for help, he sent for Isaiah the prophet. Mukwao vali umwe okwa ti: " Omwene, onda hala ndi ku shikule, ndelenee efe nge manga, ndi ke lilekele noovakwetu ve li meumbo lange. ' Hiskia okwa li a handuka, ndele ponhele yaasho okwa li a tuma omuprofeti Jesaja e mu kwafele. Another said: "I will follow you, Lord; but first permit me to say good - bye to those in my household. " John okwa li a hovela okukonakona nEendombwedi, okwa kala e netaleko liwa nelongelokalunga lashili nokwa hovela okulongela Jehova. Umwe vali okwa ti: "Ame ohandi ke mu shikula, Omwene, ndele tete ohandi efa nge ndi popye nawa naavo ve li meumbo lange. " John started to study with the Witnesses, took his stand for true worship, and began serving Jehovah. Oshoshili kutya okwa kala ta yandje elitulemo kelalakano laJehova. John okwa li a hovela okukonakona nEendombwedi, nokwa li a hovela okulongela Jehova. Indeed, she stayed focused on Jehovah's purpose. 4: 13; Mat. Okwa kala ta yandje elitulemo kokuwanifwa kwelalakano laJehova. 4: 13; Matt. Okwa ka twikila okukonakona nokonima yefimbo okwa ka ninginifwa. 4: 13; Mat. She continued her study and later got baptized. Peemhito dimwe otwa li hatu lande oxuxwa i na omwenyo ndele hatu ke i dipaa noku i pushula. Okwa li a twikila okukonakona nokonima yefimbo lixupi okwa ka ninginifwa. Occasionally, we bought a live chicken, which we then had to slaughter and clean. 15: 33) Ndele eshi okaana taka ende taka kulu, oha ke lihongo okutomhafana taka longifa omafinamhango Ombiibeli. Omafimbo amwe, otwa li hatu landa oinima i na omwenyo, oyo twa li tu na okudipaa nosho yo elihumbato la koshoka. But as the child matures, his thinking ability develops, and he is able to reason on Bible - based principles. Aristotle okwa honga kutya oinima aishe yokeulu oya dingililwa kekende li li wetikile longonga, keshe shimwe shi li meni lashikwao. Ndele eshi okaana ka kula, okudiladila kwaye otaku dulu oku mu kwafela a tomhafane kombinga yomafinamhango Ombibeli oo a kanghamena kOmbibeli. Aristotle taught that all the heavenly bodies were encased in crystalline spheres, each one nested tightly within the next, with the earth innermost. Metwokumwe nelondwelo laHenok, Jehova okwa li a eta Eyelu linene opo a hanaune po ovahenakalunga vopefimbo laNoa. Omulumenhu umwe oo a li ta hongo ovanhu kutya omalutu avo aeshe meulu okwa li taa monika a fa ehe na ko nasha novanhu, keshe umwe okwa li a shiivika nawa kombada yedu. In harmony with Enoch's warning, Jehovah brought the great Deluge against that ungodly world in Noah's day. (Mark. 5: 22 - 24, 38 - 42; 10: 14 - 16) Ovalininipiki nosho yo ovanhu ovo va li va fya ondjala yopamhepo navo ova li va nanenwa kuye. Metwokumwe nelondwelo laHenok, Jehova okwa li a eta Eyelu linene olo la li la hanauna po ounyuni wopefimbo laNoa. The meek and spiritually hungry were also drawn to him. BRITANIA NOILONGO YA HANGANA TAVA NINGI OVANAENGHONO Ovalininipiki nosho yo ondjala yopamhepo navo ova li yo va nanenwa kuye. BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES RISE TO POWER Oku li alushe omudiinini, iha lunduluka, nomunashili. OKWA LI HA KALA U DULU OKUKALA U KALE OUPAFI He is always faithful, consistent, loyal, and true. Oivelo yodolongo oya li ya yeuluka nomalyenge ovanadolongo okwa dituluka. Oku li alushe omudiinini, iha lunduluka, iha lunduluka nomudiinini alushe. The doors of the prison are thrown wide open. All the prisoners ' bonds are loosened. 11 / 15 Ovanadolongo aveshe ova li va umbwa mo modolongo molwaashi ova li va dengwa neenghono. Tents Paul Made, 11 / 1 Okudiladila kwa tya ngaho otaku ke ku linyengifa u pandule Jehova meilikano. Omulumenhu oo a li a hokiwa kuJehova, 9 / 15 Such thoughts will surely move you to thank Jehovah in prayer. (Jak. 1: 14, 15) Ashike ovanhu ovo ova li " ve liyelifa, ' tashi ulike kutya ova ninga omalunduluko a pumbiwa monghalamwenyo yavo opo va dule okuwapalela Kalunga. Okudiladila kwa tya ngaho otaku ke ku linyengifa u pandule Jehova okupitila meilikano. Yet, such individuals have been "washed clean, " indicating that they have made the changes in their life needed to please God. Elesho lOmbibeli Ashike oohandimwe va tya ngaho ova " yelifwa ' tava ulike kutya ova ninga omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yavo opo va hafife Kalunga. Suggested Bible reading for October Omudali umwe okwa ti: "Ino loloka nande okulongifa eenghedi da yoolokafana nonande otashi dulika tamu kundafana oshikundafanwa mwa li mwe shi kundafana nale. " Elesho lOmbibeli " Never tire of experimenting with new ways to approach old subjects, " said one father. 4: 1, 2) Eliudo la tya ngaho otali dulu nokuli oku tu tomha kutya "owii oo ouwa. " Xe omudali umwe okwa ti: "Inamu loloka okukufa ombinga meenghedi dipe di lili noku lili. " Such a conscience might even convince us that "bad is good. " Jehova okwe tu tuvikilila shike shi na sha nonakwiiwa? Eliudo la tya ngaho otali dulu oku tu tomha kutya " otu na eenghedi diwa. ' What future prospect does Jehovah hold out for us? [ 1] (okatendo 14) Ope na efaafano moinima yonhumba pokati koukwatwa wOvajuda weedula 70 muBabilon naasho sha li sha ningilwa Ovakriste konima eshi oushunimonima wa holoka po. Jehova okwe tu pa eteelelo litunhula lilipi? So after reading the brochure, you should discuss it with your own legal or tax adviser. Otu na oku va tomha va itavele. (2 Tim. Onghee hano, ngeenge owa lesha okambo oko, ou na okukundafana naave shi na sha noifendela moshilongo sheni. [ 1] (paragraph 14) There are many similarities between the Jewish captivity of 70 years in Babylon and what happened to Christians after the apostasy developed. 15 Februali 2012 [ 1] (okatendo 14) Opa holoka omayooloko mahapu e na sha nokuya moukwatwa waBabilon nosho yo osho Ovakriste va li va ninga konima eshi oushunimonima wa hovela. We can become more persuasive by following Jesus ' example. (Epsalme 41: 2, 3) David ka li a hala okutya ovo va li hava yavelele oingone kave na fiku nava ka fye. Ohatu dulu okuhopaenena Jesus mokukala hatu shikula oshihopaenenwa shaJesus. Table of Contents Omolwashike ovanhu vamwe va wana okufimanekwa, noshike hatu ka kundafana paife? Oshikalimo Of course, David did not mean that a good person living at that time who showed consideration for a lowly one would never die. Oukumwe wopaKriste ohau fimanekifa Kalunga EPANDJA 19 Oshoshili kutya David ka li a hala okutya omunhu muwa oo a li ha ulike kutya omulininipiki ita dulu okufya. Why might some individuals deserve to be honored, and what will we now discuss? Omeenghedi dilipi ovadali tava dulu okukwafela ovana vavo va ninge oshili yavo vene? Omolwashike vamwe tashi dulika va wana okufimanekwa, noshike hatu ka kundafana paife? 27 Draw Close to God - "Lift Up Your Son " Ota ka kala a hafa okukundafana naave oshinima osho. 27 Ehena popepi naKalunga - " Ehena popepi naKalunga ' In what ways might parents help their children make the truth their own? Otamu dulu okulongifa okambo The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking opo mu nyamukule ovo va hala okushiiva "ekanghameno leteelelo eli li li munye. " Omeenghedi dilipi ovadali tava dulu okukwafela ovana vavo va ninge oshili yavo vene? He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. (Eps. 103: 3, 11) Okudilonga komahokololo oo opamishangwa nosho yo amwe vali, otashi tu linyengifa tu kale tu na olupandu lokupandula ouwanghenda waJehova noku mu tanga noku mu pandula. Ota ka kala a hafa okukundafana naave oshinima osho. You can use the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking to answer those who want to know "a reason for the hope you have. " (Rom. 8: 18, 19; 1 Kor. 15: 53; Fil. Oto dulu okulongifa okambo The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking opo u mone enyamukulo kwaavo va hala okushiiva " eteelelo ' olo u na. Meditating on these and other Scriptural accounts fills our hearts with gratitude for Jehovah's loving - kindness, and we are moved to praise and thank him. ▪ Kala omudiinini kOuhamba waKalunga Okudilonga komahokololo oo nosho yo omahokololo amwe Ombibeli ohaku tu kwafele tu kale tu na olupandu lokupandula ouwanghenda waJehova, nohatu linyengifwa tu mu tange noku mu pandula. Today, "the sons of the kingdom " eagerly await their glorious, heavenly reward. Ngaashi omulumenhu oo a pula Jesus e mu wedele eitavelo, nafye ohatu dulu okutya: "Kwafa okuhaitavela kwange. " Kunena, "ovana vouhamba " ova teelela nodjuulufi oku ka pewa ondjabi meulu. ▪ Maintain Your Loyalty to God's Kingdom Molwaashi omukainhu oo omunyasha okwa li ta fininikwa kuvamwe nokwa wililwa po, okwa li a mbubulila Jehova omutima waye mokukonga ewiliko kuye. ▪ Kala omudiinini kOuhamba waKalunga So, like the man who begged Jesus for more faith, we too may say: "Help me out where I need faith! " OUPYAKADI OMUTIHAMANO: Onghee hano, ngaashi omulumenhu oo a li a indila Jesus a kale e na eitavelo la kola, nafye ohatu dulu okupopya navo ta ti: "Onda hala ndi kale ndi na eitavelo la pama. " Feeling pressured and stressed, the young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, seeking his direction. O - Septuagint oya kwafela yo ovanhu omamiliyona ovo vehe fi Ovajuda, ndele ohava popi Oshigreka va shiive osho Ombiibeli tai hongo. Omukainhu oo omunyasha okwa li e udite a wililwa po koluhodi nokwa li a mbubulila Jehova omutima waye, ndele ta kongo ewiliko laye. COMPLAINT: Ndele oshilando osho nde mu twala eenghwate, shi haleleni ouwa nye mu shi ilikanene kOmwene, osheshi ombili yasho oyo ombili yeni yo. " (Jer. OUPYAKADI LOKOMBADA: The Septuagint also helped millions of non - Jewish, Greek - speaking people to get to know what the Bible taught. * Diladila kunghee Jesus omunanghenda tashi dulika eshi a li e na omido omulongo nasha ile 20 nasha, a li e na okuungaunga noluhodi laye mwene, laina, lovamwaxe nosho yo lovamwainakadona. O - Septuagint oya li yo ya kwafela ovanhu omamiliyona ovo vehe fi Ovajuda, ovo vehe fi Ovajuda va shiive osho Ombibeli tai hongo. And seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you, and pray in its behalf to Jehovah, for in its peace you will have peace. " Opo nee eshi pa holoka omhito yomapulo nomanyamukulo, O'Connor nookaume kaye ova li tava pataneke omupopi oo, ashike okwa li a popila etumwalaka nOmbiibeli. Opo nee, konga ombili moshilando osho nda li ndi li moukwatwa, ndele to ilikana kuJehova e ku pe ombili yokomutima, osheshi ombili yeni otai kala po nombili. " * Imagine how the tenderhearted Jesus, perhaps just in his teens or early 20 ' s, had to deal with his own grief, as well as that of his mother, brothers, and sisters. Ondi wete kutya kandi na fiku ndi ke a dime mo filufilu. " * Diladila kunghee Jesus a li omunalukeno, tashi dulika a li e na omido 20 nasha ile 20 nasha, a li e na okuungaunga nonghalo ya tya ngaho nosho yo ovamwaxe. Then, in a question - and - answer session, he is challenged by O'Connor and friends but ably defends the message with the Bible. Etoloko lOmbibeli yOshilatina li holike neenghono olo la li la manwa okutolokwa kuJerome mo 405 O.P., olo la ka shiivika nedina Vulgate, nalo ola kufa mo edina laKalunga. Opo nee, okwa li a tula moilonga enyamukulo lepulo olo, ndele okwa li a tuwa omukumo kookaume kaye ovo va li tava kendabala okuya onhapo etumwalaka lOmbibeli. It feels like I will never completely be able to erase them. " (Lesha Mateus 24: 37 - 39.) Ohandi kala ndi udite ndihe na vali oshilonga nandenande. " The influential translation of the Bible into Latin that was completed by Jerome in 405 C.E. and that came to be called the Vulgate similarly omitted the personal name of God. 139: 16. Kakele kaasho, etoloko lOmbiibeli lOmbiibeli ola enda tali kulupa mo 40 O.P. fiyo omo 70 O.P. notali ifanwa yo edina laKalunga. (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) Oshike hatu lihongo mo mehokololo olo? (Lesha Mateus 24: 37 - 39.) 139: 16. Omunhu oo e na ohole oha dimine po vakwao. 139: 16. The lesson for us? Onghedi oyo yopalongelokalunga oya li yo ya eta ouwa u na sha noukolele. - Numeri 19: 11, 19. Osho otashi tu hongo shike? A loving person is forgiving. Eenghedi paife mounyuni aushe oda xutuka neenghono shi dulife nale. Omunhu omunahole oha dimine po vamwe. Those religious practices surely had health benefits as well. - Numbers 19: 11, 19. Mbela omolwashike pa li pa pumbiwa etoloko lipe lOshilatina ngeenge opa hangwa nale pe na omatoloko mahapu? Oilonga ya tya ngaho oi na oukolele nosho yo omauwa oo haa di momalongelokalunga. - Numeri 19: 11, 19. Never before in history, though, has the overall morality of the entire world deteriorated to the extent that it has now. Oshike sha li sha pameka omupsalme? Ndele nande ongaho, ondjokonona aishe yovanhu mounyuni aushe otai ka naipala neenghono shi dulife nale. Latin translations in various forms already existed, so why was a new one needed? Ounongo munene waKalunga ou liwetikile monghedi omo a li a longifa ovanhu va shange Ombibeli. Omatoloko Eembiibeli e lili noku lili okwa kala ko nale, nomolwashike a li a pumbiwa? What conviction strengthened the psalmist? Ohatu dulu okwiilikanena ponhele keshe nopefimbo keshe Oshike sha li sha pameka omupsalme? God's great wisdom is made evident in his use of humans to write the Bible. (Oilonga 17: 26 - 28) Onghedindjikilile yomunhu oo otai dulu okweetela vamwe oshiponga, nomolwaasho ita popi oshili ngeenge ota ti oku hole vakwao. Ounongo waKalunga muhapu ou liwetikile monghedi omo ha longifa ovanhu va shange Ombibeli. That person's habit can cause serious harm to others, so he belies any claim he makes to love his neighbor. Ombibeli oi na omayele opandunge oo taa ti: "Nomutima woye aushe lineekela Omwene, ino liameka keendunge doye mwene. Omunhu oo e na onghedindjikilile ya tya ngaho otai dulu okweetela vamwe owii, onghee hano, oha ningifa keshe umwe a holole ohole yaye yokuhola ovanhu vakwao. With good reason, the Bible admonishes us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? Ombibeli oye tu kumaida tai ti: "Nomutima woye aushe lineekela Omwene, ino liameka keendunge doye mwene. (b) What will we consider in this article? Jesus okwa tula po oshihopaenenwa shokufimaneka vamwe eshi a longa oshilonga shidinifi. (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? Jesus set the pattern in honoring others by performing the lowliest of tasks. 12, 13. Jesus okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa eshi a li a tulila po vamwe oshihopaenenwa shelininipiko. 12, 13. 4 Onghedindjikilile yOvajuda ilipi ya ningifa Jesus a tokole shi na sha nokwaana? Okt. 12, 13. It is "an everlasting covenant, " states Genesis 17: 7. Genesis 17: 7 okwa ti kutya "ehangano laalushe. " Genesis 17: 7. " This I am saying... to move you to that which is becoming and that which means constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " - 1 COR. " Ohandi shi mu lombwele... mu kale meenghedi diwa nye mu kale mOmwene mu he na epiyaano. " - 1 KOR. " Eshi handi shi mu lombwele... Ame ohandi ku linyengifa u ninge eshi tashi hafifa Omwene. " - 1 KOR. What if someone offends us? 5: 23, 24) Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge otwa nyematekwa kuumwe? Ongahelipi ngeenge umwe okwe tu udifa nai? Furthermore, recent studies, such as one published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling, show that unions between first cousins face lower risks of having children with birth defects than is widely perceived. Natango, oshifo shedina Journal of Genetic Counseling osha kundaneka kombinga yomakonakono amwe opo a ningwa, sha ti kutya ngeenge ovanhu ova hombolafana va dalwa kooina ile kooxe vamwe aveke, ounona vavo hanoupu tava ningi omalai ngaashi ovanhu vahapu va itavela. Kakele kaasho, omakonakonombibeli oo opo a di ko, ngaashi oo a li a nyanyangida etoloko olo la nduluka po ounona votete, okwa ulika kutya inava nyika oshiponga neenghono shi dulife nale. Our organization endeavors to "offset " the deficiency of our brothers who live in such countries. Ehangano laJehova ohali longo noudiinini opo li kwafele ovamwatate ovo ve li moilongo ya tya ngaho. (2 Kor. Ehangano letu ohali ningi "ovamwatate " mounyuni aushe ovo hava di moilongo ya tya ngaho. (2) How should anointed ones think of themselves? (2) Ovavaekwa ove na okukala ve litala ko ngahelipi? (2) Ovavaekwa ove na okudiladila ngahelipi kombinga yavo? Instead of responding angrily if we become victims of violence or when our loved ones suffer, we need to be resolved to trust completely in Jehovah. Ngeenge otwa ningi oihakanwa yomunyonena ile ovaholike vetu tava mono oixuna, otwa pumbwa okulineekela muJehova filufilu ponhele yokukala twa handuka omolweenghalo da tya ngaho. Ponhele yokukatuka eenghatu ngeenge twa handuka ile twa filwa ovaholike vetu, otwa pumbwa okukala twa tokola toko okukala twe lineekela filufilu muJehova. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. La nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova ndele paife ihali pilindwa vali. La nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova, ndele paife ihaka nyanyangidwa vali. YEAR BORN: 1954 ODULA OMO A DALWA 1954 ODULA OMO A DALWA: 1954 How can our conscience help us to make wise decisions? Ongahelipi eliudo letu tali tu kwafele tu ninge omatokolo e li pandunge? Ongahelipi eliudo letu tali dulu oku tu kwafela tu ninge omatokolo e li mondjila? Working independently, DeConick and Pearson both concluded that some of the key sections of the fragmentary codex had been mistranslated by the previous scholars. DeConick naPearson ovo hava longo kuvo vene, ova fika pexulifodiladilo kutya oitukulwa imwe ya fimana yembo olo kaya li ya tolokwa nawa kovahongwanhu vonale. Ngeenge ova ningi ngaho, ohava fiki pexulifodiladilo kutya embo olo oli na ouyelele wa fimanenena oo tau dulu okuholoka po kovahongwanhu votete. " Declared Righteous by Works " (Rahab), 11 / 1 11 / 15 " Omhango youwanghenda " nai amene elaka loye, 11 / 15 Never lean on your own understanding. - Prov. Ino kala ho lineekele meendunge doye mwene. - Omayel. Ino liameka keendunge doye mwene. - Omayel. Concerning his reaction at a time when evil was especially rampant, the Bible says: "He felt hurt at his heart. " (2 Ovakorinto 13: 11; 1 Timoteus 1: 11) Ombibeli oya popya shi na sha nanghee Kalunga a li e udite eshi oukolokoshi wa li wa hapupala unene, ya ti: "[Okwa] yahama momutima waye. " Ombibeli oya popya shi na sha nanghee a li te linyenge pefimbo opo owii unene tuu oo wa li tau hapupala, ya ti: "Okwa li a yahama momutima waye. " How can we determine that we are not being overcome by indifference toward Jehovah's work? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okudidilika mo kutya inatu wililwa po keenghalo odo tadi dulu oku tu imba moilonga yaJehova? Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya katu na okweefa po oilonga yaJehova? These inspired songs show that we can act with confidence if we pray for Jehovah's help and we trust in him completely. Omaimbilo oo a nwefwa mo otaa ulike kutya ngeenge hatu ilikana Jehova e tu kwafele otu na okukala twe mu lineekela filufilu. Omaimbilo oo a nwefwa mo otaa ulike kutya ohatu dulu okukatuka ngeenge otwa ilikana kuJehova e tu kwafele notwe mu lineekela filufilu. For not the way man sees is the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is. ' " Osheshi hasho shi li ngaashi omunhu ta tale. Osheshi omunhu ta tale osho shokombada, ndelenee Omwene ta tale omutima. " Osheshi kape na ou ta tale osho Kalunga ta tale, osheshi omunhu ta tale osho shokombada, ndelenee Omwene ta tale omutima. " Moses also had faith in Jehovah's promises. Moses naye okwa kala e na eitavelo momaudaneko aJehova. Moses okwa li yo e na eitavelo momaudaneko aJehova. I read the prophecy over and over. Exunganeko olo onde li lesha lwoikando. Onda li handi lesha exunganeko olo lwoikando. " See, " says her houseguest, "your son is alive. " Omweenda oo e ka nyumuna okwa lombwela omufiyekadi ta ti: "Tala, omumwoye e nomwenyo. " Okwa ti: "Taleni, okaana koye oke na omwenyo. " 2: 12, 13, 16. 2: 12, 13, 16. 2: 12, 13, 16. Did other things become more important in your life? Mbela ope na oinima yonhumba oyo u wete oyo unene ya fimana monghalamwenyo yoye? Mbela ope na vali oinima imwe ya fimanenena monghalamwenyo yoye? The Bible - God's Word or Man's? - This small, carefully researched book examines the evidence for the Bible's claim that it is the inspired Word of God The Bible - God's Word or Man's? - Embo olo linini li na ouyelele wa konakonwa nawa, otali yandje oumbangi kutya Ombiibeli oi li Eendjovo daKalunga da nwefwa mo Ombibeli oi na omayele a nwefwa mo oo taa ulike kutya Ombibeli oi li Eendjovo daKalunga da nwefwa mo. And we pray that more brothers are willing to be trained and to use what they learn in order to care for Jehovah's people. Ohatu indile yo opo ovamwatate vahapu va kale ve na ehalo lokudeulwa nova longife osho ve lihonga opo va kwafele oshiwana shaJehova. Ohatu ilikana yo kutya ovamwatate vahapu ova hala okudeulwa nova longife osho tave lihongo opo ve file oshisho oshiwana shaJehova. The term "pornography " refers to sexually explicit material that is designed to arouse the viewer, reader, or listener. Outumbulilo "omafano oipala naikwao ya nyika oipala " otau ulike koinima oyo hai pendula okahalu komilele oyo ya nuninwa okuhokwifa ovatali, ovaleshi ile ovapwilikini. Outumbulilo "elalakano " otau ulike koinima ya nyika omilele oyo ya nuninwa okutala omafano taa pendula omahalo opamilele ile okupwilikina. But Jehovah understands the pain we feel when bad things happen to us today. (Johannes 10: 16; 17: 3; 1 Ovakorinto 15: 53) Ashike Jehova oku udite ko ouyahame oo hatu kala tu udite ngeenge hatu ningilwa oinima ii kunena. Ashike Jehova oku udite ko ouyahame oo hatu kala tu udite ngeenge oinima ii tai ningwa kunena. When does the wedding take place? Ehombolo olo otali ka ningwa naini? Ehombolo otali ka ningwa naini? [ Footnote] [ Eshangelo lopedu] [ Eshangelo lopedu] Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today. ' " Kaleni mu neyombamo mu tale exupifo li fike peni Omwene te li mu ningile nena. " Kaleni mwa pama nokumona exupifo laJehova, omo Ye te ke ku ningila nena. ' " How have the demons shown that they are powerful? Eendemoni oda ulika ngahelipi kutya odi na eenghono? Ongahelipi eendemoni hadi ulike kutya odi na eenghono dinene? Rachel, who lives in Australia and has been married to Mark for 21 years, was also influenced by her background. Rachel wokuAustralia, oo a hombolwa kuMark oule womido 21 naye okwa li yo a nwefwa mo keputuko laye. Rachel, oo e na onghalamwenyo moAustralia nokwa hombola konima yomido 21, naye okwa li yo a nwefwa mo koukwaneumbo waye. God therefore caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib from him, built it into a woman, and brought her to the man. Kalunga okwa li a kofeka Adam eemhofi didjuu, okwa kufa olupati muAdam ndele ta me omukainhu okudja molupati olo, nokwa pa Adam omukainhu oo. Onghee hano, Kalunga okwa li a ningifa Adam a kale a kofa eemhofi didjuu, ndele ta kufa mo omukainhu ndele te mu tungu. The 2011 annual meeting was a time of joy. Okwoongala kwokomudo kwo 2011 okwa li omhito ihafifa. Mo 2011, okwoongala kwokomudo okwa li kwa hafa neenghono. What gift from God helps us to have faith? Oshali ya dja kuKalunga ilipi tai tu kwafele tu kale neitavelo? Oshali ya dja kuKalunga ilipi tai tu kwafele tu kale tu na eitavelo? The Bible says that Jesus "will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. " Ombiibeli oya ti kutya Jesus " ota tumu ko ovaengeli vaye ve nomanghuma e neendaka dopombada, ndee tava ongele ko ovahoololwa vaye keembinga nhe, okominghulo deulu fiyo odikwao. ' Ombibeli oya ti kutya Jesus "ota tumu ovaengeli vaye keembinga adishe, ndee tava ongele ovahoololwa vaye okeemhepo nhe nhe dedu. " Under its influence, says one scholar, men and women have been "quite easily led into the most preposterously dangerous behaviour " - such as " genocide, war, racist hysteria, religious intolerance and many other forms of irrational behaviour. ' - Easily Led - A History of Propaganda. Omuhongwanhu umwe okwa ti kutya koshi yenwefemo olo, ovalumenhu novakainhu ohava tulwa mokatoo ka nyika oshiponga, " ngaashi edipao lomihoko, oita, okatongo koukwamuhoko, omalongelokalunga omakwanyanya noinima ihapu ihe fi yopandunge. ' - Easily Led - A History of Propaganda. Omuhongwanhu umwe okwa popya shi na sha nenwefemo layo, a ti: "Oinima oyo ya nyika oshiponga oya ningifa ovanhu vahapu va kale va nyika oshiponga neenghono, ngaashi oita oyo hai etifwa komalongelokalunga nosho yo komalongelokalunga amwe vali. " Christ used this instrument to lead the entire group of his anointed "brothers " on earth. Kristus okwa li a longifa olutuwiliki olo opo a wilike ongudu aishe " yovamwaxe ' ovavaekwa kombada yedu. Kristus okwa longifa ovavaekwa va kwatele komesho " ovamwaxe ' ovavaekwa aveshe kombada yedu. Similar words may bolster our own courage and that of other Christians when we are being hounded by persecutors. Ombibeli oya ti kutya ova li ve "lineekela eendjovo daHiskia. " Eendjovo da yukila oko otadi dulu oku tu twa omukumo noku tu twa omukumo ngeenge hatu hepekwa kovatondi vetu. He noted that ancient texts had often been corrupted by centuries of misleading renderings and errors. Okwa li a didilika kutya omashangelo onale okwa nyonaunwa moule womafelemido eshi kwa kala taku tolokwa oipupulu nomapuko. Okwa popya kutya omishangwa dopefimbo lonale oda kala tadi pukifa ovanhu oule womafelemido nosho yo omapuko avo. In the Christian congregation, there are spiritually "older men, " or elders, appointed to assist those who want to gain God's forgiveness. Meongalo lopaKriste omu na "ovakulunhu veongalo, " ile ovakulunhuongalo, ovo va nangekwa po opo va yambidide pamhepo ovo va hala okudiminwa po kuKalunga. Meongalo lopaKriste omu na "ovalumenhu " ile ovakulunhuongalo ovo va nangekwa po va kwafele ovo va hala okudiminwa po kuKalunga. After attending Gilead, we were assigned to the traveling work in the South Eshi twa dja koGilead, otwa ka ninga ovapashukili ovaendi kuAmerika lokOlukadi Konima eshi twa ya koGilead, otwa li twa tumwa tu ka longe koBetel moSouth Africa You have to be patient with things like that and be willing to adapt. " Ou na okulididimikila oinima ya tya ngaho nokutambula ko onghalo. " Ou na okukala omulididimiki nomoinima ya tya ngaho nokutambula ko nehalo liwa. " First, take time to examine how Jehovah has shown compassion and how others have shown it. Shotete, konga efimbo u dilonge kunghee Jehova nosho yo vamwe va li va ulika olukeno. Shotete, konga efimbo u konakone nghee Jehova a ulika olukeno nosho yo nghee vamwe va ulika olukeno. During the past 100 years, there have been many wars, including two world wars. Momukokomoko womido 100 da pita, opa kala oita ihapu, mwa kwatelwa oita younyuni yopavali. Momukokomoko womido 100 da pita, opa kala oita ihapu, mwa kwatelwa oita yopavali. Peter reinforced his point by quoting David's statement at Psalm 110: 1. Petrus okwa divilika oshitwa shaye eshi a tofa eendjovo daDavid mEpsalme 110: 1. Petrus okwa li a popila eendjovo daDavid odo di li mEpsalme 110: 1. How can we show that we desire to make good use of Jehovah's patience? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa hala okulongifa nawa onheni yaJehova? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa hala okulongifa nawa onheni yaJehova? One student began coming to the Kingdom Hall. Omukonakonimbiibeli umwe okwa li a hovela okukala he uya kOlupale lOuhamba. Omukonakonimbibeli umwe okwa li a hovela okuya kOlupale lOuhamba. Her husband admitted that he was not the best teacher and did not arrange for regular family worship. Omushamane waye okwa ti kutya ke fi omuhongi muwa, noka li ha unganeke elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo pandjikilile. Omushamane waye okwa ti kutya ka li omuhongi muwa noka li ha unganeke elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo pandjikilile. Now he was serving Jehovah with me! Paife ota longele Jehova pamwe naame. Paife okwa li ta longele Jehova pamwe naame. Of course, Jesus himself could not have orchestrated any of the foretold events associated with his birth and early life. 2: 13 - 15) Ndele oushili oyoo kutya Jesus haye mwene a li ta wilike oiningwanima oyo ya li ya xunganekwa kutya otai ka ningwa pefimbo lokudalwa kwaye nopefimbo lokuputuka kwaye. Oshoshili kutya Jesus haye a li a xunganeka oiningwanima imwe oyo ya xunganekwa i na sha nokudalwa kwaye nosho yo omwenyo waye fimbo ina dalwa. That meant working part - time. Onda li handi longo etata fiku. Osho osha hala okutya ou na okulonga efimbo lihapu moilonga yefimbo li yadi. The Cruz family invited me to live with them in Angat. Oukwaneumbo waCruz owa li wa shiva nge ndi ka kale navo koAngat. MoSweden, oukwaneumbo wetu owa li wa shiva nge ndi ka kale pamwe navo moNorthern Ireland. The five sisters approached Moses and asked him: "Why should the name of our father be taken away from the midst of his family because he had no son? " Oukadona ovo vatano ova ya kuMoses nove mu pula tava ti: "Omolwashike edina latate tali ka dimwa po mepata laye, shaashi ye okwa li e he novana ovamati? " Ovamwameme vatano ova li ve mu pula tava ti: "Omolwashike edina laxe la dja kokule noukwaneumbo waye? " 12 / 15 Will You Follow Jehovah's Loving Guidance? 7 / 15 Omafimbo mawa, 7 / 1 Onghandangala oyo omhepo iyapuki tai dana mokuwanifwa kwelalakano laJehova, 4 / 15 Sylgren), 7 / 1 • Oinima ilipi hatu dulu okuninga opo tu hekeleke vamwe? 9 / 15 • What are some things we can do to comfort others? Ouladi waye otau tu kumike yo kunena eshi hatu " udifa ondjovo mefimbo liwa nomefimbo lii. ' (2 Tim. • Oinima imwe ilipi hatu dulu okuninga opo tu hekeleke vamwe? Paul's witnessing in Rome is also a source of encouragement to us as we " preach the word in favorable season and troublesome season. ' Konima eshi twa enda eekilometa da konda po 6 000 meshina, otwa li twa fika moshilando shaTulun moSiberia. Eshi Paulus a li ta udifa muRoma, okwa li yo e li odjo yetwomukumo kufye eshi hatu udifa " nomefimbo la wapala. ' After traveling over 3,700 miles (6,000 km) by train, we arrived in the city of Tulun in Siberia. Osho osha etifa etukauko mokati keengeleka da kula. Konima eshi twa li twa ya molweendo eekilometa 3, eekilometa 2, otwa li twa fika modoolopa oyo i li kokule neekilometa 2, notwa li twa fika moshilando osho. During all that time, true Christians in Russia were under attack by opposers of freedom of religion. Shikwao vali, Ovababilon ova li va dina Ovajuda, nova li have va sheke nosho yo Kalunga kavo, Jehova. (Eps. Pefimbo opo, Ovakriste vashili ova li va ponokelwa komalongelokalunga e lili noku lili. In fact, the issue has divided many mainstream churches. Oshiwa yo okudimbuluka kutya itatu dulu okukufa po omaupyakadi aeshe. Ndele nande ongaho, eengeleka dihapu oda tukauka. Moreover, the Babylonians looked down on the Jews, mocking both them and their God, Jehovah. Vamwe vomuvo ova tembuka nale. Kakele kaasho, Ovababilon ova li tava sheke Ovajuda aveshe, Jehova Kalunga kavo. It is also good to keep in mind that we cannot remove all problems. Ndele efiku limwe otwa li twa kundana oshinima shimwe osho twa li inatu teelela. Oshiwa yo okukaleka momadiladilo kutya itatu dulu okuxulifa po omaupyakadi aeshe. Quite a few have already moved. * Ope na vali oshihopaenenwa shaJakob, oo a li a lombwelwa oipupulu kutya omonamati waye, Josef, okwa dipawa koifitukuti. Mupya munene, ovanhu ashike vanini inava pita nale. Indeed, one day a blow came from an unexpected direction. 16, 17. Efiku limwe, efiku limwe ola li la dja mo mewiliko olo inali teelelwa. * Another example is Jacob, who was deceived into believing that his son Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. 19 - 25 Septemba * Oshihopaenenwa shimwe vali osho Jakob a li a pukifwa koushili oo kutya omona waye Josef okwa dipawa oshinamwenyo shinene. 16, 17. 7 - 12) Moses okwa li e na eitavelo nouladi, molwaashi okwa li ha yambididwa kuKalunga ngaashi ashike fye kunena. - Deut. 16, 17. September 19 - 25, 2011 Kashi na nee mbudi kutya okwa nyamukula ngahelipi, ohatu dulu okupandja meni lokafo noku mu ulikila osho Ombibeli tai ti. 19 - 25 Septemba Moses displayed faith and courage because he had God's unfailing support, even as we do. - Deut. (Lukas 12: 32) Ngeenge umwe womwaavo vokangudu a fya, oha nyumuninwa mOparadisa yomeulu notava ka pangela pamwe naKristus mOparadisa kombada yedu. Moses okwa li a ulika kutya oku na eitavelo nouladi molwaashi ka li a dopa okuyambidida Kalunga, ngaashi hatu dulu. - Deut. Whatever he answers, we can turn to the inside and show him what the Bible says. (Markus 13: 8) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "[Momafiku] axuuninwa otape ke uya omafimbo madjuu, osheshi ovanhu tava kala nokulihola vo vene, ovanalwisho voimaliwa, ovalitangi, novalinenepeki novasheki, ve he neduliko kovakulunhu, ve he shii kupandula, ve he neitavelo, ve he nohole, ve he nombili, ovalundili, ovahenalidiliko, ovakwanyanya, ovatondi vouwa, ovakengeleledi, ovahayavala, ovafulalali, ohole yavo yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola Kalunga. " - 2 Timoteus 3: 1 - 5. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya okwa nyamukula ngahelipi, ohatu dulu oku mu mona noupu noku mu ulikila osho Ombibeli tai ti. After death, these are resurrected to the heavenly Paradise and join Christ to rule over the earthly Paradise. Natu ka taleni kunghee omapulo oo a nyamukulwa membo lEhololo. Konima yefyo laKristus, ovo tava ka nyumuninwa omwenyo womeulu notava ka waimina Kristus mOparadisa kombada yedu. The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Okulopota omanyono a kwata moiti ohaku kwafele ngahelipi eongalo li kale li na omhepo iwa? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: " Momafiku axuuninwa otape ke uya omafimbo madjuu, ovanalwisho voimaliwa, vo otava ka kala nokulihola vo vene, ovanalwisho voimaliwa, ovalitangi, novalinenepeki novasheki, ve he neitavelo, ve he neitavelo, ve he neitavelo, ve he nombili, ve he nombili, ve he nombili, ve he nohole, ovalundili, ovakwanyanya, ovakwanyanya, ovahenalidiliko, ovakwanyanya, ovakwanyanya, ovakwanyanya, ovakwanyanya, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ovahayavala, ohole yavo yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola Kalunga; ohole yavo yokuhola Kalunga; ohole yavo yokuhola Kalunga; ohole yavo yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola ouhalu mwii i dule ei yokuhola Kalunga. ' - 2 Timoteus 3: 5. Note how those questions are answered in the book of Revelation. 15: 14) Omhepo iyapuki oya li ya nghonopaleke Simson " omolweitavelo ' laye, nokuli nopeemhito opo a li ehe na eenghono molwaashi a ninga etokolo lihe li pandunge. (Heb. 11: 32 - 34; Ovatok. Didilika nghee omapulo oo a nyamukulwa membo lEhololo. How does our reporting serious wrongdoing help to preserve the spirit of the congregation? Omukainhu Omuisrael womuSunem okwa li a yakula Elisa nombili. Okupopya kwetu kwa kwata moiti ohaku kwafele ngahelipi eongalo? Even from the physically weakened state brought on by his own poor judgment, Samson was made powerful "through faith. " (Mateus 22: 21) Ohatu yandje " shomukesari komukesari ' ngeenge hatu dulika keemhango domapangelo, hatu ungaunga novapangeli nefimaneko nokufuta oifendela. Nokuli nonande okwa li a nghundipala palutu, Simson okwa li e na eitavelo la kola. A prominent Israelite woman in Shunem showed Elisha exceptional hospitality. 1: 10, 11) Eshi Petrus a ti kutya ovavaekwa otava ka mona omhito iwa yokuya mOuhamba "ya wana, " otashi dulika a li ta ulike kokuya kwavo meulu ve na oshinge. Omukainhu umwe Omuisrael wedina Elisa okwa li a ulika kutya omulininipiki eshi a li ta yakula ovaenda. We pay back "Caesar's things to Caesar " when we obey the laws of the government, treat government officials with respect, and pay taxes. Jon: Ondi wete kutya kaimba oKalunga. Otu na okufuta oifendela ngeenge otwa dulika keemhango douhamba waRoma, okuungaunga nefimaneko notwa fimaneka oifendela. Their entrance into their heavenly reward will be "richly supplied, " their Christian qualities reflecting radiantly. 4: 6, 7. " Ondjabi yavo yomeulu " oyo va pewa meulu otai ka kala i niwe komaukwatya opaKriste. Jon: I guess that's talking about God. Manon okwa ti: "Omutima wange owa li wa kumwa kwaasho nda lesha mokatevo oko nonda hafa eshi Jehova e tu kwafela tu mu kenukile. " Jon: Ondi wete kutya okupopya kombinga yaKalunga. 4: 6, 7. Oshikalimo 4: 6, 7. " Reading that poem really touched me, " says Manon, "and I am so happy that Jehovah helped us to show kindness to her. " Omolwashike Omukriste e na okukala e lihole oshiyeleke? Okwa ti: "Okulesha Ombibeli okwa li kwa kuma nge neenghono, nonda hafa neenghono eshi Jehova e tu kwafela tu ulikile olune. " Table of Contents (2 Timoteus 3: 15) Otashi dulika u tye: " Onda halelela okumona omishangwa omo a tofa. ' Oshikalimo Why is a measure of self - love fitting for a Christian? Otwa li twa ilikana tashi di komutima. Omolwashike ohole yokuliholamwene hai wapalele Omukriste? " I would really like to see the text he is quoting from, ' you say to yourself. Ndele fye itatu tu kumwe nepopyo olo. Otashi dulika u tye: "Onda hala shili okumona omushangwa oo ta tofa mo, ndele to lombwele nge to ti. My wife and I said many earnest prayers. MuDesemba 1945, ovanamapya ova li ve litwa omishangwa dikulu di li 13 di na omambo 52 popepi naNag Hammadi, kolundume laEgipti. Ame nomukulukadi wange otwa popya omailikano mahapu taa di komutima. But we do not agree with that idea. Ombibeli oye tu kumaida ya ti: "Liyelekeni nye vene, ngenge mu li meitavelo; lipulaapuleni. " (2 Kor. Ashike katu na okudimina oushili oo. In December 1945, near Nag Hammadi, in Upper Egypt, peasants chanced upon 13 papyrus manuscripts containing 52 texts. All rights reserved. MuDesemba 1945, opa li pa holoka omashangelo 13 omo mwa li mu na omishangwatonywa odo da li da shangwa oikando 13 lwaapo. The Bible admonishes us: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are. " Osho oshe tu kwafela tu kale hatu kundafana navo ponhele ashike yoku va popifa ngahenya. " Ombibeli oye tu kumaida tai ti: "Liyelekeni nye vene, ngenge mu li meitavelo; kaleni mwa pama. " All rights reserved. Opo nee, ta teelele va nyamukule. - Mat. All rights reserved. " That allowed time to converse beyond just saying a simple greeting. " Ovanhu vahapu kunena ova wililwa po molwaashi mounyuni omu yadi oiponga, omashongo nosho yo omafininiko. " Efimbo olo ola li la pa nge omhito ndi popye elaka li li paunafangwa. " Then he waited for a response. - Matt. 24 Onhumwafo ya dja koKongo (Kinshasa) Opo nee okwa li a teelela a pewe enyamukulo. - Mat. In today's world so full of disasters, challenges, and pressures, many feel overwhelmed. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tuha kale twa handukila ovanhu ovo ve tu udifa nai? Mounyuni ou u yadi omaupyakadi, omashongo mahapu ohaa kala a wililwa po neenghono. 18 The Bible Changes Lives Meumbo letu omwa li yo hamu ningilwa okwoongala. EPANDJA 15 If you feel that you have been the victim of an injustice and find it difficult to forgive a wrongdoer who has repented, it would be good to realize that the offender too is a victim. Koshiti shimwe okwa li e na okushanga ko, "KuJuda nokovaendafani naye vomovana vaIsrael, " nokushikwao okwa li e na okushanga ko," KuJosef. Ngeenge ou udite kutya owa ningilwa okuhenouyuki ndele to mono shidjuu okudimina po omunyoni oo e ku udifa nai, oshiwa okudimina po oo e ku udifa nai. Our home also served as a meeting place. Mbela Moses okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi? Meumbo letu omwa li yo hamu kala okwoongala. He was to write on one stick, "For Judah and for the people of Israel who are with him, " and on the other one," For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel who are with him. " Okwa popya vali nouladi a ti: " Jehova ye mwene okwe tu lombwela tu hanaune po oshilongo eshi. ' Okwa li a shangela umwe womwaavo va li pamwe naye, " noshiwana shaIsrael, ' nosho yo " shaJosef, vo aveshe ava va li pamwe naye. ' (Num. How would Moses respond? Ndele nande ongaho, Josué okwa li e va lombwela edina laye nokwe va pa onomola yongodi yokoshitaimbelewa oko ha longo. Mbela Moses okwa li te ke linyenga ngahelipi? He boldly added: " Jehovah himself told us to destroy this land. ' (Genesis 26: 8; 1 Samuel 1: 5, 8; 1 Petrus 3: 5, 6) Kungaho, otava ka kala ve na oukumwe nove na ekwatafano liwa naJehova. - Lesha Omuudifi 4: 12. Okwa weda ko vali a ti: "Omwene okwe tu lombwela tu hanaune po oshilongo eshi. ' Nonetheless, Josué gave them his name and the telephone number of the branch office where he served. (1 Kor. 7: 32 - 35) Oo omauwa e likalekelwa oo haa dulu okupitika omunhu a dule okutamununa mo oukalele waye, a mbwalangadjeke ohole yaye yokuhola vamwe nokweehene popepi elela naJehova. Ndele nande ongaho, Josué okwa li e va pa edina laye nosho yo ongodi oyo a li ta longele koshitaimbelewa oko a li ta longele. When a husband and wife do this, they are united with each other and draw closer to Jehovah. - Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12. (Lesha Ovaroma 12: 1.) Ngeenge omushamane nomukulukadi ova ningi ngaho, ohava kala moukumwe nohava ehene popepi elela naJehova. - Lesha Omuudifi 4: 12. These are unique advantages that may allow him to expand his ministry, widen out in love for others, and draw closer to Jehovah. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongifa Ombibeli opo tu kale netaleko liwa? Omauwa aeshe oo e likalekelwa otaa dulu oku mu imba a tamunune mo oukalele waye, ohole yokuhola vamwe nosho yo okweehena popepi elela naJehova. (Read Romans 12: 1.) ▪ Oho " udu ko ngoo eityo ' lOmishangwa? (Lesha Ovaroma 12: 1.) How can we use the Bible to maintain a positive viewpoint? Okutala konakudiwa yange ofimbo inandi ninginifwa metemba fiyo okunena, ohandi pandula Jehova omolwovanhu aveshe ovanongo ovo va kala tava kwafele nge ndi kale mondjila yoshili. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongifa Ombibeli opo tu kale tu na etaleko liwa? ▪ Do You "Grasp the Meaning "? 3: 10) Omolwohole yavo yokuhola Jehova, ovanyasha vahapu ohava " yeleke Jehova va tale ' ngeenge ota punike omaliyambo avo eshi tava longifa nehalo liwa efimbo lavo, eenghono davo noiniwe yavo moilonga yokuudifa Ouhamba moilongo omo mu na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi. ▪ Oho " udu ko ngoo eityo ' lOmishangwa? Looking back on my life from before I got baptized in that watering trough until now, I thank Jehovah for the wise ones who assisted me in the way of the truth. (Lesha Titus 2: 11 - 14.) Okutala konakudiwa yange fimbo inandi ninginifwa, ohandi pandula Jehova eshi a kwafela nge ndi shiive oshili. Moved by love for God, they decided to " test Jehovah out ' by willingly offering their time, energy, and resources to support his interests in a country where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. Opo nee David okwa didilika diva kutya okwa nyona kuJehova. - 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 7, 13. Molwaashi ova li ve hole Kalunga, ova li va tokola " nehalo liwa ' nehalo liwa omolwokulongifa eenghono davo, oiniwe yavo opo va yambidide oilonga yOuhamba moshilongo shavo oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi vOuhamba. (Read Titus 2: 11 - 14.) Nokuli nonande owa tumina ashike omunhu umwe etumwalaka, omunhu oo ota dulu oku li tumina kovanhu vahapu mounyuni meni ashike leesekonde dinini. (Lesha Titus 2: 11 - 14.) David realized that he had sinned against Jehovah. - 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 7, 13. Oshi li pandunge okupitifa komesho ekwatafano letu naJehova molwaashi ohatu dulu okukala ookaume kaJehova kashi na nee mbudi kutya oshike tashi ningwa po. - Lesha Ovaheberi 13: 5, 6. David okwa li a didilika kutya okwa nyona kuJehova. - 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 7, 13. Even if you send a message to one person, that person can forward it to people all over the world in just a few seconds. Diva konima yaasho, etokolo olo Jehova a li a tokolela Ahab ola ka wanifwa. Nokuli nonande oto tumine omunhu etumwalaka, omunhu oo ota dulu oku li teelela nodjuulufi oku ka kala mounyuni aushe. How much wiser it is to center our life on our relationship with Jehovah, which can remain intact no matter what happens around us! - Read Hebrews 13: 5, 6. Mbela okwa li e na oku va keuka noku va molola lwaxuuninwa? Kashi li pandunge okudiladila kombinga yekwatafano letu naJehova, kashi na nee mbudi kutya oshike hashi tu ningilwa. - Lesha Ovaheberi 13: 5, 6. Soon thereafter, Jehovah's sentence on Ahab was carried out. Mbela ovanhu otava ka nyona edu fiyo la nyonaukilila? Diva konima yaasho, Jehova okwa li a tokola Ahab. Should he turn and wave - one last time? Omolwashike ovo va valulilwa ouyuki va pumbwa okufilwa onghenda nokuulikilwa ohole kuKalunga? Mbela okwa li e na okukanghama ndele ta vake po umwe oshikando shaxuuninwa? Occasion You Should Not Miss (Memorial), 3 / 1 Resurrect People? " [Ovaengeli] aveshe kave fi eemhepo dokuyakula, va tuminwa eyakulo laovo tava ka fyuulula exupifo? " - Ovaheberi 1: 14. Ino efa nande osha shi ku imbe u mone efimano, 1 / 1 Why do those who are declared righteous need God's mercy and love? Jesus okwa divilika eyooloko olo mEudifo laye lokOmhunda. Omolwashike ovo va itavela kutya ovayuki ova pumbwa efilonghenda laKalunga nohole? " Are they [angels] not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation? " - Hebrews 1: 14. Natu kaleni tu udite ngaashi omupsalme umwe oo a imba a ti: "Eendjovo domokanya kange nomadilongo omomutima wange nae ku wapalele, Omwene, emanya lange [nOmukulili] wange. " - Eps. " Mbela ova li ve na ovaengeli aveshe ovo va tumwa va ka mone omwenyo waalushe? ' - Ovaheberi 1: 14. Jesus highlighted this difference in the Sermon on the Mount. Ngeenge owe di lesha, kendabala okunyamukula omapulo aa taa landula apa: Jesus okwa divilika eyooloko olo mEudifo lokOmhunda. And may we feel as did the psalmist who sang: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Redeemer. " - Ps. (Lukas 11: 13) Omhepo iyapuki otai dulu oku ku kwafela u ude ko omadiladilo aKalunga. Otashi dulika yo tu kale tu udite ngaashi omupsalme oo a imba ta ti: "Eendjovo dkanya kange nomadilongo omutima wange nae ku wapalele, Omwene, emanya lange li neenghono. " - Eps. See if you can answer the following questions: Paife eshi ndi li pokuwanifa omido 80, ohashi hafifa nge okutala ovanyasha ovo nda longa navo momukokomoko weedula adishe odo eshi tava longo po oilonga oyo nda li handi longo. Tala ngeenge oto dulu okunyamukula omapulo aa taa landula apa: The holy spirit can help you to understand God's thinking. 13, 14. Omhepo iyapuki otai dulu oku ku kwafela u ude ko omadiladilo aKalunga. Now that I am nearing 80 years of age, it gives me great pleasure to see younger men with whom I have worked over the years take on the responsibilities that I used to have. Jehova " oKalunga kombili ' Paife ondi na omido 80, naasho ohashi hafifa nge neenghono okumona ovalumenhu ovanyasha ovo nda longa pamwe navo oule womido odo nda kala handi wanifa po oinakuwanifwa oyo nda kala handi longifa oule womido 80. 13, 14. 3: 23. 13, 14. Jehovah - "The God Who Gives Peace " Jehova okwa pa ovapiya vaye ovadiinini vonale omamoniko a nwefwa mo oo tae tu kwafele tu faneke momadiladilo oihale yomeulu notu ude ko ekwatafano olo li li pokati ketu noishitwa yomeulu. Jehova " oKalunga kombili ' 3: 23. Josef ta longo noudiinini modolongo, naJehova okwa li e mu nangeka noupuna 3: 23. By inspired visions given to faithful ones of old, Jehovah helps us to picture the heavenly courtyards and to understand our relationship to those who reside there. Ashike diladila kutya Ovakonakoni vOmbibeli ova li tava ningi shike. Jehova okwe tu pa omamoniko a nwefwa mo oo a li a pa ovapiya vaye ovadiinini vonale, naasho otashi ke tu kwafela tu faneke momadiladilo etu notu ude ko ekwatafano letu naavo tava ka kala po. Joseph worked hard in prison, and Jehovah blessed him Ponhele yaasho, otu na okukala ovadiinini kuJehova nokulandula ewiliko laye. Josef okwa li a longa noudiinini modolongo, na Jehova okwa li e mu nangeka noupuna But imagine what the Bible Students were doing. 12: 25; 17: 17. Ndele diladila ashike kwaasho Ovakonakoni vOmbiibeli va li hava ningi. Instead, we must remain loyal to Jehovah and follow his direction. Diva ashike konima eshi twa hombola otwa li twa ya onhapo koAustria. Ponhele yaasho, otu na okukala ovadiinini kuJehova nokushikula ewiliko laye. 12: 25; 17: 17. Okwa ti: "Etalelepo lomupashukilishikandjo ola li le uya pomhito oyo nda li nda teka omukumo neenghono. 12: 25; 17: 17. Shortly after we were married, Rose and I escaped to Austria. Mbela ou shii kutya owa shike? - Omweengeli umwe okwa ningifa Eva naAdam va tukululile Jehova oshibofa. Diva konima eshi twa hombola, ame naRose otwa li twa dja moAustria. " The circuit overseer's visit came at a point when I was very low emotionally, " recalls Jane. shi yelifa. Jane okwa ti: "Osho omupashukilishikandjo a li e uya oku tu talela po pefimbo opo nda li nda teka omukumo neenghono. Do you know what that was? - An angel moved Eve and then Adam to rebel against Jehovah. Luhapu okuhaudafana oko haku holoka pokati kovamwatate ihaku kala kwa kwatela mo omanyono a kwata moiti oo a pumbwa okuungaungwa nao pamhangu. Mbela ou shii kutya omweengeli umwe okwa li e linyengifa Eva ndele ta tukululila Jehova oshibofa. Explain. Ndele ovo natango tu na eenghono nomafa natu dimbulukweni eendjovo daSalomo da nwefwa mo odo tadi ti: Dimbulukwa Omushiti woye momafiku ounyasha woye, fimbo omafiku [mai] inae uya. " - Omuud. Shi yelifa. Most disputes between brothers do not involve serious wrongdoing that requires judicial action. Nonande Ovaisrael ova li oshiwana shaJehova oshihoololwa, ova li ve na okupewa outekuduliko. Luhapu okuhaudafana pokati kovamwatate ihaku kwatela mo omapuko a kwata moiti oo a kwatela mo okukatuka eenghatu da kwata moiti. But let those of us who still have some strength and vigor take to heart the inspired words: "Remember... your Grand Creator... before the days of distress come. " - Eccl. ▪ Kala wa pashuka, Satana okwa hala e ku xwake po! Ndele natu kaleni tu na eenghono dihapu odo tadi ti: "Dimbulukwa Omushiti woye momafiku ounyasha woye fimbo omafiku mai inae uya. " - Omuud. Being a chosen nation had not excluded Israel from discipline. koshili oyo e ku honga? Ovaisrael kava li ve na outekuduliko ngeenge ova pewa outekuduliko. ▪ Be Watchful - Satan Wants to Devour You! (1 Tes. 5: 12, yelekanifa no - NW) Okukonakona oinima oyo otashi ke tu kwafela tu kondjife nouladi Omutondi wetu munene oo te tu lwifa. - Ef. ▪ Kala oupafi ngaashi Satana! the truths he has taught you? Chris okwa li a mona kutya ounghundi waye owa li ounhwa noka li ha tambula ko noupu omayele oo kwa li ha pewa. Oshili oyo e ku honga? A consideration of these matters will help us to take a firm stand against our chief Adversary, recognizing that he is the one with whom we have a wrestling. - Eph. Pashihopaenenwa, ovadali ovanaendunge ohava kwafele ovana vavo va kale ve na eitavelo muKalunga. Okukonakona oinima ya tya ngaho otaku ke tu kwafela tu kondjife omutondi wetu, oo e li pamwe nafye. - Ef. Chris came to see that his weaknesses were pride and a reluctance to accept direction. Ondi udite kutya owa dimina oku ka kala mObetel fiyo osheshi Omwene te ke ku kufa po. Chris okwa li a mona kutya omaunghundi aye okwa li e na ounhwa nokwa li a anya okutambula ko ewiliko laye. For instance, wise parents recognize the tremendous opportunity they have to build faith in their children. Jon: Hambaa! Pashihopaenenwa, ovadali ovanaendunge ohava didilike kutya ove na omhito ya wana okutunga ovana vavo. I understand that you agree to remain in Bethel until the Lord takes you away. Xe omunahole oha amene oukwaneumbo waye koiponga. Ondi shii kutya oto dimine okukala moBetel fiyo osheshi Omwene e ku kufa po. Jon: I see. O - Global Change and the Earth System oya ti: "Eepresenda dedu hanga 50 oda lundululwa kovanhu noda etifa oilanduliko ididilikwedi oyo ya kuma oimeno noinamwenyo, edingonoko loitungifi okudja medu okuya moimeno,... nonghalo yomhepo. " Jon: Ondi wete kutya osho. A loving father protects his family from danger. Okwa ulikila nge omaxunganeko Ombibeli oo a wanifwa nale. Xe omunahole oha amene oukwaneumbo waye moshiponga. " Nearly 50% of the land surface has been transformed by direct human action, with significant consequences for biodiversity, nutrient cycling,... and climate. " - Global Change and the Earth System. Kalunga okwa popya okupitila momuprofeti Jeremia ta ti: "Tala, ova ekelashi ondjovo yOmwene, ounongo washike ngeno ve u kwete? " " Omido 50 000 lwaapo da pita, opa ningwa omalunduluko e na sha nanghee ovanhu tava dulu okweetifa oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi, ngaashi omikifi dolutapo nosho yo omaupyakadi oo haa etifwa kovanhu mounyuni. " She showed me examples of Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled. Onda tomwa kutya Jehova okwe mu longifa a hekeleke nge. " Okwa li a ulikila nge oihopaenenwa yomaxunganeko Ombibeli oo a wanifwa. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God declared: "Look! They have rejected the word of Jehovah, and what wisdom do they have? " Ova li va kwafela moshikonga shokuyandja oikwafa konhele oko kwa li kwa dengwa koshikungulu hashi ifanwa Hurricane Katrina. Kalunga okwa li a popya okupitila momuprofeti Jeremia, a ti: "Tala, ova ekelashi ondjovo yOmwene, ounongo ulipi ve u pewa? " I am convinced that Jehovah used her to heal my emotional wounds. " (Mat. 10: 34 - 37) Ngeenge ova pondola moku ku teya omukumo, otashi dulika u hovele okukala wa limbililwa ngeenge omaliyambo oye otaa ti sha ngoo shili ile ngeenge oto dulu ngoo shili okuwanifa po oshilonga shoye. Onda tomhwa kutya Jehova okwa li a longifa eenghono daye opo a velule nge palutu. " In 2005 they assisted with disaster relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Mepingafano naasho, okwa li a londwela Ovakriste a ti: "Inamu humbata ondjoko imwe pamwe naava ve he neitavelo; osheshi ouyuki ou noukumwe washike nouhenouyuki? Mo 2005, ova li va kwafela ovo va li va dengwa koiponga yopaushitwe mo 2005. If they succeed in discouraging you, you could begin to wonder whether your sacrifices are worthwhile or if you can really carry out your assignment. Jehova oha kwafele yo Ovakriste va ungaunge noisho okupitila pokwoongala kwokoshivike. Ngeenge ova pondola moku ku teya omukumo, oto dulu okuhovela okukala to lipula ngeenge omaliyambo oye otaa ti sha ngoo ile ngeenge oto dulu okuwanifa po oshinakuwanifwa shoye. On the contrary, he warned the Christians: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? 11, 12. (a) Oshike sha li sha kwafela omupsalme a dje momalimbililo, naasho otashi tu hongo shike? Mepingafano naasho, okwa londwela Ovakriste a ti: "Inamu humbata ondjoko imwe pamwe naava vehe fi ovaitaveli. Jehovah also helps Christians to deal with anxieties by means of weekly congregation meetings. 31: 10, 28; Ef. 5: 28, 29) Sha faafana, omukulukadi omulininipiki ita ka kala te litade ile a yole omushamane waye eshi ehe na ounghulungu wa fa waye. Jehova oha kwafele yo Ovakriste va ungaunge noisho yavo pokwoongala oshivike keshe. 11, 12. (a) How did the psalmist overcome his doubts, and what does this teach us? Shihafifa, lwanima omumwameme oo okwa ka mona kutya omadiladilo aye okwa puka filufilu nokwa li a ninga omalunduluko manene. 11, 12. (a) Ongahelipi omupsalme a li a dula okufinda oumbada waye, naasho otashi tu hongo shike? At the same time, a humble and modest wife will not flaunt her abilities or belittle her husband. (Rom. 15: 13) Eteelelo olo twa pewa kuKalunga ohali tu kwafele opo tu lididimikile omayeleko eitavelo. Pefimbo opo tuu opo, omushamane omulininipiki ita dulu okufinda ounghulungu waye ile oku mu dina. Happily, the sister later realized that her thinking was very wrong, and she made some major changes. Naave otashi dulika u kale wa " halelela ' okukwafela mokutunga omatungo oo taa fimanekifa edina laJehova. Omumwameme oo lwanima okwa ka didilika kutya okudiladila kwaye okwa puka neenghono, nokwa ninga omalunduluko manene. God - given hope enables us to endure tests of faith. Omaumbo oo okwa li a tungwa e li mumwe naasho osha li sha ningifa omupsalme a tange Jerusalem kutya " oshilando sha pakwa kumwe sha pamekwa. ' Eteelelo olo Kalunga e tu pa ohali tu kwafele tu lididimikile omayeleko eitavelo. You too may develop a "heart's desire " to help build facilities to the glory of Jehovah's name. 1: 5) Kwatafana nomahangano opapangelo oo haa yandje omakwafo kovakulupe. Naave otashi dulika u kulike ehalo " lokukwafela mokutunga edina laJehova. ' Those dwellings were built so close together that the psalmist described Jerusalem as "a city that is joined together as one. " Ovakriste va tya ngaho ova vaekwa nomhepo iyapuki opo va ka pangele pamwe naKristus meulu ve li eehamba novapristeri. Omupsalme oo okwa li a tunga po onhele oyo opo a ti kutya Jerusalem oshi li "oshilando shimwe shi li pamwe. " (Eps. Contact government agencies that provide services for the elderly. Jehova ote ke ku nangeka noupuna eshi to hongo vamwe kombinga yoinima oyo we lihonga eshi wa lesha Eendjovo daye. Omahangano oo otaa ulike kepangelo olo hali kwafele ovanamido. They are anointed with holy spirit to become kings and priests with Christ. MuJuni 1966, muLisbon omwa li mwa ningilwa omhangu yoshibofa sha tongomana. Ova vaekwa nomhepo iyapuki va ninge eehamba novapristeri pamwe naKristus. Jehovah will bless you as you teach others the things that you have learned from reading God's Word. Onghee hano, opa li pa pumbwa okupita efimbo opo omhata oyo i kandulwe po nokuulika filufilu kutya ovanashibofa ovo ova puka filufilu. Jehova ote ke ku nangeka noupuna eshi to hongo vamwe oinima oyo we lihonga mokulesha Eendjovo daKalunga. In June 1966, an outstanding court case was held in Lisbon. Ponhele yokukala twa tila okukala modoolopa oyo, otwa li twa tokolatoko okukala mo opo tu kwafele ovanamitimadiwa. MuJuni 1966, omhangu oya li ya talwa ko i li paveta. Hence, time was needed to settle the issue and to demonstrate convincingly that the rebels were utterly wrong. Molwaashi David okwa li a kuminwa ounene netumbalo laJehova, oshe mu linyengifa e mu tange "efiku alishe. " - Eps. Onghee hano, ova li va pumbwa okukandula po omhata oyo nova li va tomhwa filufilu kutya ovanashibofa ova li va itavela filufilu oipupulu. Rather than being scared out of town, we felt even more determined to stay and help honesthearted ones. Okwa li ta shivi keshe oo ta dulu oku mu pa oushima shi na sha nonghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo e mu tokole, e na elineekelo kutya ke na ondjo. Ponhele yokukala twa tila okufiya po oshilando, otwa li twa tokola toko okukala hatu kwafele ovanamitimadiwa. David's appreciation for God's magnificence and splendor inspired him to exalt Jehovah "all day long. " - Ps. Yandja oihopaenenwa yanghee Jesus a li a ungaungiwa naye nonhondo. Olupandu laDavid li na sha noshinge shaKalunga ola nwefwa mo li " efiku alishe. ' - Eps. Against his lifelong record bearing his "signature, " Job had invited an opponent - at - law to file charges. Mbela paife ou wete nghee sha fimana okukala wa pitifa komesho oinima oyo ya fimanenena? - Ef. Job okwa li a lombwelwa a yambe po omhango oyo ya li ya xunganekwa monghalamwenyo yaye aishe a ti: "Oinima yaye aishe oya li ya talwa ko i li oshinima sha fimana monghalamwenyo yaye. " Give examples of prejudice shown toward Jesus. Okuninginifwa kwetu medina lomhepo iyapuki okwa kwatela mo okudimina onghandangala oyo tai dana monghalamwenyo yetu nokukala hatu longele kumwe nayo nehalo liwa. Yandja oihopaenenwa yanghee Jesus a li a ulika onhondo. You can see, then, why setting priorities is important. - Eph. Jehova oye mwene ha tokola kutya onaini ta hoolola ovavaekwa. Opo u mone kutya omolwashike wa pitifa komesho oinima oyo ya fimana. - Ef. Our having been baptized in the name of the holy spirit involves recognizing its role in our life and gratefully cooperating with that spirit. Ovanongononi luhapu ohava kendabala okunduluka oilongomwa tava hopaenene oinima ikumwifi yomeshito ya tya ngaho. Okuninginifwa medina lomhepo iyapuki okwa kwatela mo okukala hatu tambula ko onghandangala oyo hatu dana mokukalamwenyo kwetu nosho yo olupandu letu li na sha nomhepo iyapuki. Jehovah decides when he will choose anointed ones. 1918 Jehova okwa tokola kutya onaini ta ka hoolola ovavaekwa. Scientists often strive to imitate those wonderful designs. (Mat. 4: 18 - 22) Oshike sha li sha kwafela ovalumenhu ovo va dule okuya moilonga yefimbo li yadi? Ovanongononi luhapu ohava kendabala okuhopaenena oinima oyo ya denga mbada. 1918 Omolwashike oukaume waJonatan naDavid wa li oshihopaenenwa shoudiinini shididilikwedi? 1918 What helped these men take up the full - time ministry? Opo nee owa li wa konghola pomuvelo wange. Oshike sha li sha kwafela ovalumenhu ovo va ye moilonga yefimbo li yadi? Why is Jonathan's friendship with David a remarkable example of loyalty? Oshungonangelo ipe yOshiingilisha sha pupalekwa, 7 / 15 Omolwashike oukaume waAbsalom naDavid u li oshihopaenenwa sha denga mbada shokukala omudiinini? Then you knocked at my door. 16, 17. Opo nee owa li we uya peumbo letu. Which Writers of Christian Scriptures Present at Pentecost? Jehova okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi keenghatu daMoses? Ovanhu ovo va nwefwa mo komahongo opaKriste elipi a li a tambulwa ko pOpentekoste? 16, 17. Osha enda ngahelipi opo fye tu li ovanailongo tu ye koshilongo oko? 16, 17. How did Jehovah react to Moses ' actions? Pefimbo laJohannes Omuninginifi, " ovanhu ova li va teelela ndele aveshe va diladila momitima davo, Johannes shiimba oye Kristus. ' (Luk. Jehova okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi eenghatu daMoses? How did we gringos (foreigners) come to be here? Oshitukulwa osho shitivali osha li sha kwatafana naKades, ndele hanaMassa ngaashi oshitukulwa shotete. Otwa li twa enda ngahelipi opo tu ye konhele oko haku popiwa elaka letu? In the days of John the Baptizer, "the people were in expectation and all of them were reasoning in their hearts about John, " May he perhaps be the Christ? ' " Mbela ohamu kendabala okukandula po omaupyakadi eni tamu shikula ashike omaliudo eni ile oukwaneumbo weni nosho yo ookaume keni? Pefimbo opo Johannes Omuninginifi, " ovanhu aveshe ova li va teelela nova li tava tomhafana navo shi na sha naJohannes, " tashi dulika a li Kristus. ' Unlike the first location, this second site was associated with Kadesh, not Massah. Brian okwa ti: "Konima ngeenge owa mono kutya ovanhu vahapu kondje yoshilongo oko wa ya otava pwilikine nawa ketumwalaka lOuhamba novamwatate novamwameme otave ku ulikile ohamu, otashi ke ku linyengifa u tembukile ko. " Mepingafano nonhele oyo, onhele onhivali onhivali oyo ya li hai endafana naavo va li hava i konhele oyo, kaya li ya shiivika apeshe. Or do you tend to resolve problems by following your own feelings or those of family and friends? Omolwashike u na okuliyapulila Jehova? EPANDJA 9 Ile oho kala wa wililwa po komaupyakadi oye mokulandula omaliudo oye ile ovapambele voye? Says Brian: "After you observe that so many respond favorably to the Kingdom message and you experience the warm love of the brothers and sisters, you will be moved to take on the challenges of serving in a foreign land. " 2: 5, 6. Brian okwa ti: "Konima eshi wa mona kutya ovanhu vahapu ova tambula ko etumwalaka lOuhamba nova mona ohole youmwainafana, oto ke linyengifwa u ka longele koshilongo shimwe. " 9 Schoolroom Massacre - Comfort in the Aftermath * - Ovaheberi 1: 7, 14. 9 Ofikola yOkudeula Ovaudifi 2: 5, 6. Mbela osho otashi ka ningwa ngahelipi? 2: 5, 6. * - Hebrews 1: 7, 14. Shinyikifa oluhodi, omafano oipala amwe omatondifa neenghono e dule omafano ovanhu ve li hamunghele ile omulumenhu nomukainhu tava i moluhaelo. * - Ovaheberi 1: 7, 14. How is that to come about? Onda li ashike handi ti, " Tangi ' komanyamukulo aeshe. Osho osha hala okutya ngahelipi? It is a sad fact that some pornography is much worse than scenes of nakedness or of a man and woman engaging in fornication. 19: 15) Inashi fimana tuu okulongifa efimbo tu dilonge kwaasho hatu lesha opo oshili yOmbibeli i ningine moule womitima detu! Oshi shii okuudiwa ko eshi omafano amwe a nyika oluhodi taa yahameke neenghono e dule omulumenhu nomukainhu ovo va li moluhaelo. All I could say was, " Thank you. ' Haalushe Jehova ha kelele ovapiya vaye vaha ningilwe owii, nomolwaasho omuhongwa Stefanus navakwao va li va dipawa omolwoudiinini wavo. Onda li handi dulu okutya, " Tangi unene. ' How important it is that we take time to meditate on what we read, so that Bible truths sink deep down into the heart! Okwa li a mona sha shiwa movanhu ovo. Inashi fimana tuu okukala hatu dilonga kwaasho hatu lesha, naasho Ombibeli tai ti opo oshili i kule momutima waye! Of course, some of Jehovah's servants, such as the disciple Stephen and others like him, have died because they were faithful. Shihapu oshe likolelela kunghee to lesha. Oshoshili kutya ovapiya vaJehova vamwe ngaashi omuhongwa Stephen nosho yo vamwe ova fya molwaashi ova fya. He saw a potential for good in people. Eshi Isak e mu lombwela kutya ita dulu okunyekululula Jakob enangeko noupuna olo e mu pa, "Esau okwa lila pombada. " - Gen. Okwa li a mona kutya oshiwa kovanhu ovo hava longo ouwa. Much depends on how you approach your reading. (Omuud. 9: 2, 10) Ngeenge ou li omunyasha nou udite ko kutya elalakano longhalamwenyo ola shike, mbela itashi ka kala pandunge okuhenuka " okweenda ngaashi ovapaani ' nokukala nonghalamwenyo i na eityo? - Ef. Enyamukulo kepulo olo otali ka kala li shii okuudiwa ko eshi to lesha. When Isaac stated that he could not change the blessing he had already given to Jacob, "Esau raised his voice and burst into tears. " - Gen. Omushangwa wEhololo 17: 10 nosho yo Habakuk 2: 3 otadi ulike ngahelipi kutya efimbo eli tu li mulo ola endelela? Eshi Isak a ti kutya ita dulu okulundulula omanangeko noupuna oo a li a pewa nale, " ondaka yaye ndele handi i lili. ' - Gen. If you are a youth and you give serious thought to the purpose and possible duration of your life, is it not smart to avoid "walking just as the nations " do and instead live a truly meaningful life? - Eph. EPANDJA 7 • OMAIMBILO: 63, 66 Ngeenge ou li omunyasha ndele to diladila wa mana mo kombinga yelalakano la kwata moiti olo tali dulu oku ku kwafela u henuke " okweenda oiwana ' ponhele yokukala nonghalamwenyo tai ti sha. - Ef. How do Revelation 17: 10 and Habakkuk 2: 3 show the urgency of our times? 110: 3. Ehololo 17: 10 nosho yo Habakuk 2: 3 otali ulike ngahelipi kutya efimbo eli tu li mulo ola endelela? PAGE 7 • SONGS: 63, 66 Pefimbo Eric e li mofikola natango, okwa li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nEendombwedi daJehova. EPANDJA 7 • OMAIMBILO: 63, 66 110: 3. Ndele vamwe otashi dulika va twe omhinge nalo. 110: 3. During his school years, Eric began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. 8: 28; 9: 1 - 10. Eshi Eric a li kofikola yaye, okwa li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nEendombwedi daJehova. Others, however, may manifest hostility. Zbigniew okwa ti: "Omukifi wange owa honga nge okukala ndi na elininipiko neduliko. Vamwe otashi dulika va ulike outondwe. 8: 28; 9: 1 - 10. (Jak. 1: 17) Efimbolandulafano laye ihali wilikwa koinima oyo hai longifwa kovanhu opo va tengeneke efimbo, ngaashi edingonoko ledu. 8: 28; 9: 1 - 10. Zbigniew says: "My illness teaches me humility and obedience. Onda li nda mona kutya ondi na okuya kokule nookaume kange ngeenge onda hala okuwapeka onghalamwenyo yange, onghee hano, onda li nda tembukila koshitukulwalongo shimwe. Gail okwa ti: "Omukifi wange ohau hongo nge elininipiko nokudulika kuye. His timetable is not governed by human means of measuring time, such as the rotation of the earth. Jehova okwa li a lombwela Joshua a ti: "Lombwela ovana vaIsrael u tye: " Litongoleleni oihondamenolando. ' " Efimbolandulafano laye inali kala tali wilike ovanhu oule wefimbo, ngaashi ngeenge tava ungaunga nedu. I realized that I would have to move away from my associates if I wanted to clean up my life, so I decided to move to another state. (Eh. 7: 4 - 8) Ndele mbela ovanhu aveshe 144 000 ova dja ashike mOvaisrael ile mOvajuda vopambelela? Onda li nda didilika kutya ngeno onda efa po eendafano lange ngeenge onda hala onghalamwenyo yange i kale ya koshoka, onda li nda tokola okutembuka. Jehovah himself commanded Joshua: "Tell the Israelites, " Select for yourselves the cities of refuge. ' " Nonande okudja koTulun to i koSaransk ohapa endwa omafiku 12 okuya nokwaaluka neshina, Maria okwa li he uya alushe okutalela nge po lumwe modula. Jehova okwa li a lombwela Josua a ti: " Indeni hano ka ningeni oihondamenolando. ' But are all of the 144,000 natural Israelites, or Jews? 3: 13 - 17; Oil. 10: 38) Kungaho, Jesus okwa ninga Omupristeri Omukulunhu wovaitaveli aveshe nota ka kala Ohamba yavo monakwiiwa. (Heb. Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha nOvaisrael aveshe 144 000, ile Ovajuda? Once a year Maria traveled to Saransk to visit me, although the journey from Tulun and back took 12 days by train. Lilongekida paife u kale iho kufa ombinga nokuli nongeenge owe ke lihanga meenghalo didjuu Konima yomudo umwe, Maria okwa li a ya kuLot a ka talele nge po, nonande olweendo olo ola li la shuna komafiku 12 okudja eshi a li ta deula nge. That anointing commissioned him as High Priest for believing ones of the entire human family and as their future King. Owa tokola toko okuninga shike, noshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula ko? Osho osha li she mu tuma e li Omupristeri Omukulunhu a itavele kutya ovanhu aveshe nosho yo Ohamba yavo yomonakwiiwa. Prepare now to stay neutral even in a difficult situation Opo nee omuprofeti Elisa okwa ilikana ta ti: "Omwene, pashukifa omesho aye, opo a mone ko. " Lilongekidila paife okukala iha kufa ombinga moinima inyikifa oluhodi What is your determination, and what will we consider in the following article? (1 Ovakorinto 15: 22, 45; Johannes 3: 16) Onghee hano, Jesus okwa ulika kutya elalakano laJehova loku ka ninga vali edu eli oparadisa ya fa oshikunino shaEden, otali ka wanifwa shili. Owa tokola toko okuninga shike, noshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Then the prophet prayed: "O Jehovah, open his eyes, please, that he may see. " Pehovelo lo 1950 nasha, ongudu inini yekonakonombibeli oya li ya ninga eongalo lotete lovapopi vOshikannada moBombay. Opo nee omuprofeti okwa ilikana ta ti: "Omwene, tala omesho aye, opo a mone osho tashi ningwa. " Thus Jesus guaranteed that Jehovah's purpose to turn this earth into an Edenlike paradise will come true. Jehova okwa li a ladipika oshiwana shaye muJesaja 41: 10, a ti: "Ino tila "! Onghee hano, Jesus okwa li a popya kutya elalakano laJehova li na sha nedu olo li li oparadisa muEden otali ka wanifwa shili. By the early 1950 ' s, a small study group had grown into the first Kannada - language congregation in Bombay. (Rom. 4: 1; 9: 3, 4; 16: 3, 7; Oil. Mo 1950 nasha, ongudu inini yOvakonakoni vOmbibeli oya li ya hapupala oshikando shotete melaka lotete mo 1950 nasha. " Do not be afraid, " urges Jehovah. 18, 19. (a) Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge otwa efa tu ehene kokule naJehova? Jehova okwe tu ladipika a ti: "Ino tila, ino tila. " Tentmaker Aquila, in Rome with his wife, Priscilla, was also Jewish. (Omayeletumbulo 29: 1; Ovaroma 12: 3) Oshinima sha tya ngaho osha li sha ningilwa omukulunhuongalo wedina Jim. Akuila naPriskilla ova li hava longo noudiinini pamwe nomukulukadi waye Akuila naPriskilla, Akuila naPriskilla. 18, 19. (a) What should we do if we have allowed some distance to develop between God and us? Ponhele ashike yokuyandja Oshungonangelo osho opo sha piti, omumwatate okwa li a tokola oku mu leshela omushangwa umwe oo u li moshifo osho. 18, 19. (a) Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge otwa efa vamwe ve tu ehenife kokule naKalunga? That is what happened to an elder named Jim. Eshi Eendombwedi da pula nge ndi konakone Ombibeli nado, onda li nda dimina nehafo. Osho osho sha ningilwa omukulunhuongalo wedina Jim. Instead of simply presenting the latest issue of The Watchtower, the brother decided to read a scripture found in that issue. Moilongo ihapu omo mu na eenghalo didjuu dopamaxupilo, ovaudifi vOuhamba ove lipyakidila neenghono moilonga yokuudifa. Ponhele yaasho, omumwatate oo okwa li a tokola okulesha omushangwa oo u li moshifo eshi. When the Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me, I gladly accepted. SWIFT okwa popya eendjovo odo mefelemudo eti - 18, ndele ovanhu vahapu kunena otava tu kumwe naye. Eshi Eendombwedi da li da pula nge ndi konakone Ombibeli naame, onda li nda tambula ko nehafo eshivo olo. In a number of lands where living conditions are challenging, Kingdom proclaimers are often markedly active. Okwa hala tu kale ovanaendunge, twa hafa notu mu hole e li Tate yetu. Moilongo ihapu omo mu na eenghalo didjuu, ovaudifi vOuhamba ohava kala ve lipyakidila neenghono. SWIFT expressed that thought in the 18th century, but many today would agree with him. 3 Ombibeli Eendjovo ngoo daKalunga shili? Ovanhu vahapu kunena ova itavela kutya mefelemudo eti - 18 ova li tava tu kumwe naye. He wants us to be wise and happy and to love him as our Father. Omwiyo oo oo oluhaelo. Okwa hala tu kale ovanaendunge nova hafa eshi tu mu hole e li Tate yetu. 3 Is the Bible the Word of God? Ovakriste ovanaihelele ovo have liti kutya ovashikuli vaKristus ove li oshitukulwa " sholudalo ' laSatana Ondiaboli. - Gen. 3 Ombibeli oi li ngoo Eendjovo daKalunga? It is the sin of immorality. Oshifo eshi shOshungonangelo otashi yelifa shi na sha naasho Ombiibeli tai ti kombinga yovaengeli nonghee va kuma onghalamwenyo yetu kunena. Oulunde oo oulunde. These hypocritical Christians who claim to be followers of Christ are really part of the "seed " of Satan the Devil. - Gen. Itatu dulu okushiiva keshe shimwe kombinga yaye. Ovakriste ovo have liti kutya ovashikuli vaKristus ove li oshitukulwa " sholudalo ' laSatana Ondiaboli. - Gen. This issue of The Watchtower shows what the Bible says about angels and how they affect our life now. • Omolwashike Paulus a li a shanga kombinga yoilonga yeitavelo yeendombwedi didiinini donale? Oshifo eshi shOshungonangelo otashi ulike osho Ombibeli tai ti shi na sha novaengeli nosho yo nghee va kuma onghalamwenyo yetu paife. We will never know all there is to know about him. 20: 1 - 5) Ehokololo li na sha nomuyapostoli Petrus te lidimbike Jesus ohali tu kumu yo atusheni. Itatu dulu okushiiva shihapu kombinga yaye. • Why did Paul write at length about the ancient faithful witnesses? Onghee hano, ekuliloyambo oli li euliko linenenene lohole yaye. • Omolwashike Paulus a li a shangela eendombwedi didiinini? And who is not moved by the account of the apostle Peter denying Jesus? Osha yela kutya okwa li e wete odibo yaDavid ndele ina mona okafuta. Mbela olyelye e linyengifwa kehokololo lomuyapostoli Petrus? Really, the ransom sacrifice is the greatest expression of love ever. 18, 19. (a) Omayele elipi a tumbulwa mOvaefeso 4: 1 - 3? Nopehe na omalimbililo, ekuliloyambo oli li euliko lohole inenenene. Evidently he saw David's staff but took no note of the sling. Ndele mbela ove ou di shii ngoo? Osha yela kutya okwa li a mona odi yaDavid, ashike kada li de i mona. 18, 19. (a) What counsel is mentioned at Ephesians 4: 1 - 3? Tete onda li handi di meumbo lavo. 18, 19. (a) Omayele elipi a tumbulwa mOvaefeso 4: 1 - 3? But do you know who they are? Oshikonga sha unganekwa nawa (Chile), 1 / 15 Ndele mbela ou shii kutya oolyelye? At first, I lived under their roof. Nonande opo ashike wa ningi Ondombwedi, mbela oho yandje unene elitulemo kushike? Potete, onda li handi kala koshi yepangelo lavo. Feel Regret? Vamwe ova li have uya kwaame tu popye kombinga yoinima yopaumwene ile kombinga yomaupyakadi omoukwaneumbo. Oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po ngeenge tashi uya po What Can We Learn From a Criminal? Opo nee, otava ka ya "memanguluko loshinge shovana vaKalunga. " (Eh. Oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa osho? Even if you have become a Witness more recently, on what is your attention focused? VAMWE OHAVA TI AHOWE. Oshike to dulu okuyandja elitulemo kusho nokuli nonande owa ninga Ondombwedi ya wedwa po? Some who come to see me want to discuss personal or family problems. Eshi Jesus a li kombada yedu okwa ulika kutya oku na eenghono daKalunga eshi a li a pangela eenghono domeshito. Vamwe ovo ve uya kwaame ohava kala va hala okukundafana naame kombinga youpyakadi wavo ile omaupyakadi opaumwene. They will enter into "the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Vamwe vomuvo ovakokolindjila ovadiinini. Otava ka ya "emanguluko loshinge shovana vaKalunga. " SOME SAY NO. Kora, Datan naAbiram ova li va twila Moses ondubo nova li ve mu pataneka. OSHO OVANHU VAHAPU HAVA TI: TAI TI. When Jesus was on earth, he showed that he had God's power by controlling the forces of nature. 14: 25. Eshi Jesus a li kombada yedu, okwa li a ulika kutya oku na eenghono daKalunga eshi a li ta pangele eenghono domeshito. Among these are the faithful pioneers. Ovalumenhu ovo vatatu ova li va enda efiku alishe opo va fike muIkonia. Umwe womuvo oku li ovakokolindjila ovadiinini. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram became jealous of Moses and opposed him. Eshi okwoongala kwa xula, ova li va hovela oku tu denga. Korah, Datan naAbiram ova li va twila Moses ondubo noku mu pataneke. 14: 25. (Johannes 1: 29; Exodus 12: 5 - 7) Ashike Abel ka li e shii kutya Jehova okwa li ta ka longifa ngahelipi omaxwikiloyambo. 14: 25. After a long day of walking, the three men reached Iconium. 12: 12. Konima yefimbo lile, ovalumenhu vatatu ovo va li tava ende eekilometa nhatu ova li va fika pexulifodiladilo la tya ngaho. When the meeting was over, they started to beat us. Eekopi dasho di dulife 52 000 000 ohadi nyanyangidwa omwedi keshe momalaka 247. Eshi okwoongala kwa li kwa pwa ko, ova li va hovela oku tu denga. However, much of that surely lay well beyond Abel's knowledge or understanding. Oshitukulwa tashi landula, otashi ka yelifa kombinga yaasho. Ndele shihapu osho sha li tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone eshiivo langhee Abel a li e udite. 12: 12. Onghee hano, Ovakriste aveshe ovo va ninginifwa monghedi ya tya ngaho ove na " okweenda momhepo. ' 12: 12. More than 52,000,000 copies are printed each month, and the magazine is published in 247 languages. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Omalipulo elipi a holoka po e na sha nokutekula ounona? Opa nyanyangidwa eekopi di dulife po 52 000 omwedi keshe, na oshifo shOshungonangelo ohashi nyanyangidwa momalaka 247. The next article will explain. Ashike Jehova oha nangeke noupuna ovo have mu lineekele, ndele havovo have lineekele meendunge davo vene. Oshitukulwa tashi landula otashi ka yelifa shi na sha naasho. All Christians who are thus baptized are expected to "keep walking by spirit. " Mbela oto ke mu linyengifa e ku ulikile efimaneko ngeenge owa kala to mu tangunine opo u mu ulikile kutya oove u neenghono? Ovakriste aveshe ovo va ninginifwa ova teelelwa va " ende momhepo. ' (See opening image.) (b) What concerns arise in regard to child rearing? (Ovaroma 3: 23) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukaleka po ombili novanhu vakwetu inava wanenena? (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Omaupyakadi elipi haa holoka po mokutekula ounona? But Jehovah blesses those who lean on him, not on their own understanding. Otwa pumbwa okukonga efimbo opo tu ehene popepi naKalunga. Ashike Jehova oha nangeke noupuna ovo ve mu lineekela, ndele hamolwaashi ve na eudeko lavo. Would you move her to show you more respect if you were to shout at her to show her who is boss? Onda li nde shi didilika mo diva kutya okushiiva Jehova nosho yo omalalakano aye osha fimanenena shi dulife okulipula nofika yange. Mbela oto ke mu linyengifa ngoo a kale a fimaneka omushamane waye ngeenge okwa popi naye kutya oye lyelye? How can we maintain peace with our imperfect fellow humans? Megan Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukaleka po ombili pokati ketu novanhu vakwetu inava wanenena? However, we need to buy out time to draw close to God. (Lukas 19: 43, 44) Patengeneko limwe, "ovanhu 250 000 fiyo 500 000 ova kanifila eemwenyo davo muJerusalem nomoitukulwa ikwao yoshilongo. " Ashike otwa pumbwa okulanda efimbo opo tu ehene popepi naKalunga. Soon I realized that coming to know Jehovah and his purpose was more important than my height. Omolwashike enyamukulo laJesus kuPetrus tali pameke eitavelo? Diva onda li nda mona kutya okushiiva Jehova nosho yo elalakano laye ola fimanenena li dule eenghono dange. Megan Ashike ope na natango oikundafanwa imwe nosho yo omishangwa donhumba odo inadi kundafanwa kondadalunde moishangomwa yetu. Megan According to a conservative estimate, "between a quarter and a half million people perished in Jerusalem and the rest of the country. " Omumwameme Keefer okwa li ha twaalele ovapwilikini vahapu omambo vomodoolopa imwe mu na omina yomuPennsylvania, shomuU.S.A. nokwa li ha dulu okushuna ko lwoikando itatu ile ine mefiku nonande okwa li e na okutaulula onhopa. Ohava ti kutya "otaku tengenekwa kutya ovanhu omamiliyona 300 000 ova hanaunwa po muJerusalem nova hanaunwa po moshilongo ashishe. " Why is Jesus ' reply to Peter faith - strengthening? Pashihopaenenwa, oitaimbelewa ihapu oya mbwangwa mumwe. Elunduluko la tya ngaho ole shi ninga tashi shiiva opo ovaudifi vahapu ovo va li hava longo moitaimbelewa oyo va yandje elitulemo koilonga yokuudifa. Omolwashike Jesus a nyamukula Petrus a pameke eitavelo laye? Of course, there are some topics and scriptures that our publications have not specifically addressed. Ashike ovakulunhuongalo nosho yo vamwe meongalo navo ove na okukala hava " popi nehekeleko neemwenyo da polimana. ' Oshoshili kutya ope na oinima yonhumba nosho yo omishangwa odo inadi kundafanwa kondadalunde. Finding many receptive individuals in one Pennsylvania, U.S.A., mining town, she typically made three or four trips across a bridge on delivery day. (b) Adam naEva ova li va tokola okuninga shike? Molwaashi okwa li a mona oohandimwe vahapu ovo va li va tambula ko etumwalaka limwe lomo - U.S.A, okwa li ha i kodoolopa itatu ye likalela. For instance, a number of branches are being merged and consolidated, which will allow many who were formerly serving in Bethel homes in those countries to focus on the preaching work. Mbela ohandi faula okwoongala ile ihandi moukalele molwaashi handi likongele oimaliwa ihapu? Pashihopaenenwa, oitaimbelewa ihapu ohai tulwa mumwe naikwao ihapu, naasho otashi ka pitika ovanhu vahapu ovo va li tava longo koilongo imwe ovo va li nale tava yandje elitulemo koilonga yokuudifa. Of course, elders and others can and should "speak consolingly to the depressed souls " among us. Jul. Oshoshili kutya ovakulunhuongalo nosho yo vamwe otava dulu okuhekeleka ovo va polimana. (b) What did Adam and Eve decide? Jehova oha hokwa shike, naasho osha kwatela mo shike shi na sha nOvakriste vashili? (b) Adam naEva ova li va tokola shike? Would I miss meetings or field service to make more money? Osheshi efiku tuu olo to li kuwo, ove u noku ka fya shili. " - Gen. Mbela ohandi ka djuulukwa ngoo okuya kokwoongala ile okuya moukalele opo ndi ka mone oimaliwa ihapu? Aug. Oumbangi ulipi vali tu na oo tau ulike kutya Kalunga oku li pamwe noshiwana shaye? Apr. What pleases Jehovah, and what does this involve for true Christians? Jehova okwa hala tu kale twa hafa. Oshike tashi hafifa Jehova, naasho osha kwatela mo shike kOvakriste vashili? But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. ' " - Gen. Potete, okwa li ha ningi osho shiwa momesho aJehova nokwa li alushe ha kongo ewiliko laYe. Osheshi efiku tuu olo to u li, ou na okufya shili. " - Gen. What other proof do we have that God is with his people? 2: 2. Oumbangi ulipi tu na oo tau ulike kutya Kalunga oku li pamwe noshiwana shaye? Jehovah wants us to be happy. Daniel naJohannes ova xunganeka shike kombinga yexulilo lomapangelo opanhu? Jehova okwa hala tu kale twa hafa. At first, he was doing what was right in Jehovah's eyes and continually searched for God. Ohole yaKalunga otai tu linyengifa vali tu ninge shike? Potete, okwa li ta ningi osho sha yuka momesho aJehova nokwa kala ha kongo alushe ekwafo kuye. 2: 2. 2: 7 - 9; Luk. 3: 38) Kalunga okwa li e va pa oshinakuwanifwa sha fimana osho tashi ulike kutya ova li tava ka kala nomwenyo efimbo li fike peni. 2: 2. How do Daniel and John portray the end of human rulership? Okukala tuhe shii kutya exulilo otali uya naini ohaku tu kwafele ngahelipi tu ulike kutya otu na lela oikala yomitima ya tya ngahelipi? Ongahelipi Daniel naJohannes va popya kombinga yepangelo lopanhu? What else will God's love move us to do? Meme okwa li a pula ovanhu vamwe ve mu kwafele opo va efife nge po okulongela Jehova. Oshike vali osho ohole yaKalunga tai ke tu linyengifa tu ninge ngaho? Their life prospects were indicated in the very commission God gave them. Ovavaekwa " needi dimwe ' otava dulu okumona eshiivo lilipi? Eteelelo lavo ola li la hololwa koshinakuwanifwa osho Kalunga a li e va pa. How may not knowing the day or the hour help reveal what is in our heart? [ Eshangelo lopedu] Ongahelipi okukala tuhe shii kutya exulilo otali uya naini taku dulu oku tu kwafela? Mom asked others to help her convince me. Oukwamuhoko ohau etifa omalwoodi, oita nosho yo nokuli omadipao a nyanyalifi. Meme okwa li a pula vamwe va kwafele nge. Both the anointed and the "other sheep " have what knowledge available? (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 22: 7.) Ovavaekwa nosho yo "eedi dimwe " dimwe ove na eshiivo lilipi? Racism has resulted in fights, wars, and even mass murder. Ou na yo okufila oshisho eemhumbwe deongalo nosho yo oinima ikwao imwe vali ya endelela. Pefimbo opo oukwamuhoko owa li wa etifa oita, oita, oita nosho yo okudipaa nokuli. (Read Proverbs 22: 7.) Ombibeli otai ku ulikile nghee u na okwiilikana opo Kalunga a pwilikine komailikano oye. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 22: 7.) You also have to care for the needs of the congregation and for other urgent matters. Eshi hatu dilonga koshihopaenenwa shaHiskia, otashi dulika tu mone nghee sha fimana okweefa po oinima aishe oyo tai dulu okuya moshipala ekwatafano letu naJehova ile tai dulu oku tu efifa po okulongela Jehova. Ou na yo okufila oshisho eemhumbwe deongalo nosho yo oinima imwe ya endelela. The Bible directs you to your goal. Okwa li e shii kutya ove hole shili Kalunga nova hala okulonga osho sha yuka. Ombiibeli otai ku lombwele u hange elalakano loye. Meditating on the example of Hezekiah, we may see a need to remove something that is hindering our relationship with God or diverting our attention from true worship. Kala ho longifa " eongamukonda lomhepo ' noukeka, 2 / 1 Okudilonga koshihopaenenwa shaHiskia, otashi dulika tu mone kutya otwa pumbwa okukufa po oshinima shonhumba osho tashi imbi ekwatafano letu naKalunga ile okukala hatu yandje elitulemo kelongelokalunga lashili. Hence, Paul saw no need to control the faith of his brothers, and he had no desire to do so. Jesus ina kwatelwa mo mehangano olo lipe. Onghee hano, Paulus ka li a pumbwa okupangela eitavelo ovamwaxe, nokwa li a hala okuninga ngaho. View as Your Father? 2 / 15 Kamu dulu okukalela Kalunga nemona. " - MAT. Oho tale ko ngoo omaunghundi ovanhu ngaashi Jehova he a tale ko? Jesus is not a party to the new covenant. 1 - 3. Jesus ke fi oshitukulwa shehangano lipe. You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " - MATT. Ye nomukulukadi waye ovo va li Eendombwedi dotete mOrepubrica yaDominican nova li ve uya moPuerto Rico mo 1957. Kamu dulu okukalela Kalunga nemona. " - MAT. 1 - 3. (Lesha Markus 5: 25 - 34.) 1 - 3. He and his wife were the first Witnesses of Jehovah in the Dominican Republic, and they had arrived in Puerto Rico in 1957. Shi faneka. Ye nomukulukadi waye ova li Eendombwedi daJehova oshikando shotete mo 1957, nova li va fika mo 1957 mo 1957. (Read Mark 5: 25 - 34.) Ndele nande ongaho, ounhwa otau dulu okweetifa okuhaudafana pokati kovamwatate novamwameme fiyo osheshi itau dulu vali okupangelwa. (Lesha Markus 5: 25 - 34.) Illustrate. Ongahelipi tava dulu okuninga ngaho? Shi yelifa. Still, disagreements between brothers and sisters may start with pride and can get out of control. (Lesha Ovaroma 8: 1, 2.) Ashike okuhaudafana pokati kovamwatate novamwameme otashi dulika ku hovele okukala u na ounhwa notashi dulu oku ku ningifa u kale u na elipangelo. In what way? Shi na sha nokutungulula otembeli, Jehova okwa li a udaneka a ti: "Osho tashi ka kala, onye ngeenge tamu pwilikine shili ondaka yOmwene Kalunga keni. " - Sak. Ngahelipi mbela? (Read Romans 8: 1, 2.) 1: 21, 22. (Lesha Ovaroma 8: 1, 2.) In connection with rebuilding the temple, Jehovah promised: "It will occur - if you do not fail to listen to the voice of Jehovah your God. " - Zech. Osho osha faafana yo kunena. Jehova okwa udaneka shi na sha nokutungulula otembeli a ti: "Nande ito ka pwilikina ondaka yOmwene Kalunga koye. " - Sak. 1: 21, 22. (Joh. 3: 19) Ashike nande ongaho, omhepo yaKalunga ohai tu kwafele tu va udifile onghundana iwa tu na ombili nosho yo monghedi yefimaneko. 1: 21, 22. Otherwise, they could have no forgiveness. Satana okwa pukifa yo ovaengeli vahapu, ovo va ka ninga eendemoni. (Eh. Ngeenge hasho, itava dulu okudiminwa po. Even so, we are assisted by God's spirit to present the good news to them in a peaceful and respectful manner. Jehova okwa li yo e mu kwafela opo a finde omutongolume Goljat. Ndele nande ongaho, ohatu kwafelwa komhepo yaKalunga opo tu va udifile onghundana iwa nokukala tu na efimaneko. Satan also influenced a considerable number of angels, who became demons. Eninginifo olo onghatu ya fimanenena okukatuka monghalamwenyo yetu, molwaashi ohashi ulike kutya otwa hovela okupanga oukaume wopofingo naJehova. Satana okwa li yo a nwefa mo ovaengeli vahapu, ovo va ninga eendemoni. Jehovah also gave him victory over the giant Goliath. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Jehova okwa li yo e mu pa eenghono a finda omutongolume Omufilisti Goljat. Baptism is a milestone in our life, for it marks the beginning of an intimate relationship with Jehovah. Ovanhu vamwe ova itavela kutya... Eninginifo oli li oshinima sha fimanenena monghalamwenyo yetu, molwaashi ola hovela okukala nekwatafano lopofingo naJehova. (See opening picture.) Onghee hano, osho oshe mu linyengifa a kale ha i moilonga yomomapya mokati koshivike, ofimbo ta kongo oilonga yokulikongela omboloto. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Some people believe... Enangeko noupuna vali limwe olo hatu dulu okumona okupitila meilikano olo okukala tu "nombili yaKalunga ei i dule eendunge adishe. " Ovanhu vamwe ova itavela kutya... While the brother keeps on looking for secular work, he is now also moved to support midweek field service activity. 18 "Ondjovo yaKalunga ketu otai kala po fiyo alushe " Nonande omumwatate ota twikile okukonga oilonga yokulikongela omboloto, paife ohe linyengifwa a yambidide oilonga yokuudifa. Another blessing linked with prayer is "the peace of God that excels all thought. " Eshi nda li nda dja po, Mary okwa li ha udifile moshitukulwa shOvaputu, omo keshe umwe a li ashike ha yandje elitulemo kongeshefa. Onghedi imwe vali omo hatu dulu okukala hatu ilikana oyo okukala tu na "ombili yaKalunga ei i dule eendunge adishe. " 18 "The Word of Our God Endures Forever " (Numeri 14: 2 - 4, 11) Jehova okwa li e shii kutya Ovaisrael inave mu lineekela molwaashi ova li va ngongotela Moses naAron, ovalumenhu ovo a nangeka po. 18 "Ondjovo yaKalunga oi nomwenyo fiyo alushe " While I was away, Mary witnessed in a Portuguese commercial district, where making money was the only subject of interest. (Lesha Markus 7: 20 - 23.) Eshi nda li ndi na omido omulongo nasha, Maria okwa li a udifila momukunda woshitukulwalongolongo osho, omo mwa li ashike oimaliwa ihapu. Yes, Jehovah knew that the Israelites did not trust in him because they complained against Moses and Aaron, men whom he had appointed. Omayele mawa kovalihomboli nosho yo kwaavo inava ya mohombo Jehova okwa li e shii kutya Ovaisrael kava li ve mu lineekela molwaashi ova li tava ngongota Moses naAron, ovo a nangeka po. (Read Mark 7: 20 - 23.) 3, 4. (Lesha Markus 7: 20 - 23.) Wise Counsel on Singleness and Marriage Osho tashi ulike kutya okaana koye oke li omuhongwa waKristus Omayele mawa kovalihomboli nosho yo kwaavo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa 3, 4. Ngaashi ashike omundilo hau dulu oku tu kwafela ile oku tu etela oshiponga, osho hatu diladila otashi dulu oku tu kwafela ile oku tu yahameka. 3, 4. Proof of Discipleship Omolwashike etaleko laKalunga li na sha naAbraham tali tu omukumo notali hafifa vahapu kunena? Okukala omuhongwa waKristus oku li oshiteelelwa sha kwata moiti Our thoughts can help us or harm us, just as fire can help us or harm us. 17 Josef Omuarimatia a kanyatela omufika waye Omadiladilo etu otaa dulu oku tu kwafela ile oku tu yahameka ngaashi omundilo tau dulu oku tu kwafela ile oku tu etela oshiponga. Why should God's view of Abraham be heartening to many today? Oko oko ovanamati vetu, Yaroslav naPavel, va dalelwa. Omolwashike etaleko laKalunga li na sha naAbraham tali tu omukumo kunena? 17 Joseph of Arimathea Takes a Stand Omhepo yaKalunga oya li ya pameka Moses 17 Josef okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa There, our sons Yaroslav and Pavel were born. Fiyo opapa, edina laJehova otali tumbalekifwa ko - New World Translation, oyo ya tolokwa momalaka e dulife pe 130. Otwa dalwa tu li ovanamati vetu oshoshili. God's Spirit Empowered Moses Kashi hafifa tuu okukwafela umwe! " Omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga oya li ya nghonopaleka Moses So far, Jehovah's name is being honored in editions of the New World Translation in more than 130 languages. Ile ohandi yandje unene elitulemo komanangekonoupuna opalutu oo handi ka mona moParadisa? ' Onghee hano, edina laJehova ola fimanekwa mo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures momalaka e dulife 130. What a joy to help someone! " Gary okwa ka alukila keumbo okudja komuhandjo eshi e na omido 16. Kashi hafifa tuu okukwafela umwe! " Or do I place more emphasis on the physical blessings I hope to enjoy in Paradise? ' Lilipi lomomatumbulo aa taa landula li li pandunge lela? Ile ohandi lalakanene ngoo shihapu shi na sha nomanangeko noupuna oo ndi na mOparadisa? ' Gary returned home from boarding school when he was 16. Ovanhu vomoiwana ihapu novomomaludi aeshe ohava ongala pamwe peenhele dokwoongalela mounyuni aushe. Gary okwa ka alukila keumbo okudja kofikola eshi a li e na omido 16. Which of the following statements is most reasonable? Otu na ashike eekopi dOmbiibeli odo di yadi omapuko, nomambo mahapu a tya ngaho okwa tolokwa a kufwa momashangelo opehovelo pa pita omido dihapu, nokwa yooloka ko kuwo meenghedi dihapu. " Mbela eendjovo odo tadi landula otadi ulike kushike? People of many nations and skin colors gather together in meeting places around the earth. Eshi twa li kondje [yokamba yeenghwate] okwa li hatu kwafelafana. Ovanhu vomoiwana ihapu ohava ongala pamwe nohava ongala pamwe keenhele da yoolokafana mounyuni aushe. " We have only error - ridden copies, and the vast majority of these are centuries removed from the originals and different from them, evidently, in thousands of ways. " Oule womido, okwa kala ashike ku na omukulunhuongalo umwe. Oya ti: "Otu na ashike eekopi dihapu da yoolokafana, navahapu vomuvo ova dja omido omafele da yoolokafana, nove di tala ko di lili noku lili. " Outside [of the concentration camp], we had been there for one another. Okwa li e na okweefa po okudimbuluka omapuko avo nokuxumifa komesho oukumwe meongalo. Molwaashi otwa li tu li mokamba yeenhauki, otwa li tu na onhele imwe vali. For many years, there was only one elder. * Ovaisrael natango ova li va hovela okungongota kombinga yomeva. Oule womido dihapu, opa li ashike omukulunhuongalo umwe. He needed to stop remembering their mistakes and promote unity in the congregation. Omolwaashi onghalo yetu oya faafana naayo yOvakriste vomuJudea. Okwa li a pumbwa okukaleka momadiladilo omapuko avo nokuxumifa komesho oukumwe meongalo. * The Israelites once again complained about the lack of water. (Job 42: 1, 2) Naasho osho sha li sha ningwa po. * Ovaisrael ova li natango tava ngongota kombinga yomeva. Because our situation is similar to that of the Christians in Judea. Mokati kokufu komuKanada, otwa li twa ya neshina lokolutenda oufiku pamwe novapashukili ovaendi vonhumba ovo va li ve na owino tava shuna koinakuwanifwa yavo. Omolwaashi onghalo yetu oya faafana naayo yoOvakriste ovo va li muJudea. And that is what happened. Ndelenee Ame ohandi mu lombwele: Holeni ovatondi veni, ilikaneneni ovahepeki veni; opo mu ninge ovana vaXo yeni meulu, osheshi etango laye ote li pitifile ava [vai] naava vawa, nodula ote i lokifile ovayuki naava ve he fi ovayuki. " Naasho osho naanaa sha li sha ningwa. In the heart of a Canadian winter, we boarded an overnight train with a number of experienced traveling overseers who were returning to their assignments. Oikala yetu. Molwaashi otwa li hatu danauka notwa li hatu shuna keumbo tu li ovapashukili ovaendi, otwa li hatu deula ovanafikola vahapu ovo va li tava shuna koilonga yavo. However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Oshike hatu lihongo kovapiya vaJehova ovadiinini ovo va li ihava kufa ombinga moinima younyuni? Ndelenee Ame ohandi mu lombwele: Kaleni ovatondi veni, ilikaneneni ovahepeki veni, opo mu kale ovana veni, osheshi Oye tuu ou e mu lokifila odula meulu, ndele Ye ote i lokifila ovayuki naava ve he noshipo. " (Mat. Our attitude. Onghee hano, okufila oshisho ounona vange osha li tashi ka kala eshongo. Oikala yetu. What can we learn from faithful servants of Jehovah who stayed neutral? Otwe lineekela muJehova oo e li "popepi nomitima da teyauka. " Oshike hatu lihongo kovapiya vaJehova ovadiinini ovo va kala vehe na ombinga? Therefore, caring for my children would be quite a challenge. pa etwa omishangwa ngaashi: Genesis 3: 17 - 19 nosho yo Ovaroma 5: 12. Onghee hano, ngeenge ovadali vange tava file oshisho ounona vange, otashi ka kala eshongo linene kuvo. We trust in Jehovah, who is "close to the brokenhearted. " Aveshe ovo va li tava teya pamwe naame moshanga shomutenya otava dulu oku shi popila... kutya osho nda popya oshoshili. Otu na elineekelo muJehova oo e li " nomitima da teyauka. ' Genesis 3: 17 - 19 and Romans 5: 12 are cited. 4: 16. Genesis 3: 17 - 19 nosho yo Ovaroma 5: 12 ova etwa mo. All my companions who were harvesting with me in the heat of the sun will testify... that what I have said is true. Ongahelipi Jesus a li e va pameka? Ookaume kange aveshe ovo va li va pya kombada yedu ova li tava yandje oumbangi kutya osho nda popya oshoshili. 4: 16. Inatu hala okukala twa fa Abner naAbsalom ovo vali vehe fi ovadiinini. 4: 16. How did Jesus strengthen them? Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi Jehova a hoolola ovalihomboli ovo va file oshisho Omona waye, Jesus, pehovelo lokukalamwenyo kwaye kwokombada yedu. Ongahelipi Jesus a li e va pameka? We never want to be like Abner and Absalom, who were not loyal. * Molwaashi omalunduluko oo otaa ningwa kunena, osho otashi tu pe etomheno la kola lokwiitavela kutya omaudaneko aKalunga otaa ka wanifwa monghedi ya tongomana. Inatu hala okukala twa fa Abner nosho yo Absalom ovo va li vehe fi ovadiinini. It is no wonder that Jehovah had chosen them to care for his Son during the first part of Jesus ' earthly life. Oshike hatu lihongo kombinga yaAbel nosho yo eitavelo laye ngeenge Ombibeli oya popya ashike kanini kombinga yaye? Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi Jehova a li e va hoolola va file oshisho Omona waye oo a li oshitukulwa shotete shOuhamba waye wokombada yedu. * That such changes are taking place today provides a firm basis for believing that God's promises will be fulfilled on a grand scale. * * Omalunduluko a tya ngaho otae tu kwafele tu kale twa tomhwa filufilu kutya omaudaneko aKalunga otaa ka wanifwa shili. What, though, can we learn of Abel and his faith when so little is said of him in the Bible? Mbela ohandi ningi ngoo eenghendabala opo ndi henuke "oilonga yombelela, " ngaashi ehandu neemhata? - Gal. Oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa sha Abel neitavelo laye ngeenge ola popiwa mOmbiibeli? * Okwiindila otashi ti okwiilikana wa mana mo to holola omaliudo oye omoule. * Am I endeavoring to avoid "the works of the flesh, " such as fits of anger and strife? - Gal. Ohauto yavo oya teka ndele tave i hauluka. Ohandi kendabala ngoo okuhenuka "oilonga yombelela, " ngaashi ehandu nosho yo eenhamanana? - Gal. Supplication is earnest prayer coupled with intense feeling. Ongahelipi shi na sha nafye kunena? Okwiilikana taku di komutima otaku ulike kutya ovalihomboli ova li ve udite va wililwa po neenghono. That car breaks down and is abandoned. Hasho nandenande. Ohauto ya tya ngaho oya teka ndele tai teka. What about us today? Omolwashike eudeko letu li na sha naasho la pumbwa okupupalekwa? Ongahelipi shi na sha nafye kunena? Actually, to be humble, we need to be strong and courageous. Etomheno etine kutya omolwashike tu na okuwilikwa komhepo yaKalunga ololo kutya ohai imike oiimati iwa mwaavo tava wilikwa kuyo. Opo tu kale ovalininipiki, otwa pumbwa okukala tu na omukumo nouladi. Why is this adjustment to our understanding necessary? (b) Ohatu kwafele ovanhu va ninge shike kunena? Omolwashike omalunduluko a tya ngaho e na sha neudeko letu la pumbiwa? A fourth reason for wanting God's spirit to work within us is that it produces healthy fruitage in the lives of those who are led by it. OVO VA LI PEDIMBULUKO MO 2012 Etomheno etine lokukala twa hala omhepo yaKalunga mokukalamwenyo kwetu ololo kutya ohashi imike oiimati yomhepo. (b) What invitation can we extend to others? (b) Epulo lilipi hatu ka nyamukula moshitukulwa eshi? (b) Ohatu dulu okushiva vamwe kombinga yashike? MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE IN 2012 (Lesha Lukas 14: 27 - 30.) OVO VA LI PEDIMBULUKO MO 2012 (b) What question does this article address? (1 Timoteus 6: 6 - 8) Itatu ka kala hatu konenene omapuko ovamwatate ile hatu ngongota kombinga yeenghalo detu monghalamwenyo. (b) Epulo lilipi la kundafanwa moshitukulwa eshi? 2 / 1 " Seven Species " of the Good Land, 9 / 1 (2 Omaf. 34: 1, 2) Josia okwa li a ulika kutya okwe lineekela Jehova eshi a hanauna po oihongwafano oyo ya li moshilongo nokwa tungulula elongelokalunga lashili. 7 / 15 (Read Luke 14: 27 - 30.) Kanda li tuu nda hafa eshi nda li nda ninguluka! (Lesha Lukas 14: 27 - 30.) We will not complain about our brothers or about our situation in life. Ndele mbela otashi shiiva ngoo Ovakriste ovavaekwa va " kofe ' kunena, sha hala kutya, va twalwaatwalwe fimbo va teelela Kristus a fike? Itatu ka ngongota shi na sha novamwatate ile konghalo yetu. Josiah demonstrated his trust in Jehovah by cleansing the land of idols and restoring true worship. Omolwaashi Paulus okwa tumbula vavali vomuvo monhumwafo oyo tuu oyo eshi a ti kutya Jesus " okwa udifwa mokati keni kufye, kuame naSilvanus naTimoteus. ' (2 Kor. Josia okwa li a ulika kutya okwe lineekela muJehova eshi a li a hanauna po oikalunga nokulongela Kalunga kashili. But how glad I am that I backed out! (1 Tim. 5: 8) Opo nee, otashi dulika a yelekwe a konge oilonga yonhumba nonande otai ke mu ningifa a kale ta faula okwoongala kwopaKriste lwoikando, aha wanife po oshinakuwanifwa shaye shokukwatela komesho Elongelokalunga lOukwaneumbo ile aha kufe vali ombinga moukalele. Ashike onda hafa eshi nda aluka. So is it possible for anointed Christians today to "fall asleep, " that is, to become distracted while waiting for Christ's arrival? Pefimbo opo tu opo ihandi kala ndi udite ndi li aame andike moluhodi lange. " Ndele mbela otashi shiiva ngoo kOvakriste ovavaekwa vokunena va " kofa, ' sha hala okutya, va piyaanekwe eshi Kristus ta fiki? Well, in the same letter, Paul reminded the Corinthians of two of these associates when he wrote: "Jesus... was preached among you through us, that is, through me and Silvanus and Timothy. " Nonande tate okwa kala omudali e li nawa, ka li naanaa e na ohokwe moinima yopalongelokalunga ile monghalonawa yange yopamhepo. Paulus okwa li a dimbulukifa Ovakorinto vavali monhumwafo oyo a li a shangela Ovakorinto eshi a ti: "Jesus okwa udifa mokati keni, ndele okwe tu hepaululila nge. " (Oil. He might be tempted to take a job that repeatedly causes him to miss out on attending Christian meetings, taking the lead in family worship, or participating in the ministry. Osho sha ningifa unene onghalo i kale ya naipala, oikala yokuliholamwene noyokuhe na ko na sha naKalunga yovanhu " vomomafiku axuuninwa, ' oyo tai dulu okunyateka ohombo. (2 Tim. Otashi dulika a yelekwe a kufe ombinga moilonga oyo hai mu ningifa a kale ha faula okwoongala kwopaKriste, ha kwatele komesho elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo ile a kufe ombinga moukalele. At that moment, I don't feel quite so alone in my grief. " (Lesha Jesaja 54: 10.) Pefimbo opo, ihandi kala nda nyika oluhodi neenghono ngeenge ndi li aame andike. " Although my father was a good man and a good father, he took little interest in religion or in my spiritual welfare. (b) Omolwashike tu na omatomheno mawa okukala neitavelo la pama? Nonande tate okwa li omulumenhu e na eenghedi diwa, ka li e na ohokwe momalongelokalunga ile moinima yopamhepo. JESUS CHRIST Onda li nda wanenwa nonda hafa. " JESUS KRISTUS To compound matters, "the last days " are characterized by selfish, ungodly attitudes that are toxic to a marriage. Ninga omatokolo oo ito ke lipa oushima shi na sha nao monakwiiwa. - 2 Tim. Opo " omafiku axuuninwa ' a kale e lihole vo vene, oikala ya fa yaavo ve lihole vo vene, oikala oyo i na omwenyo. (Read Isaiah 54: 10.) " Heeno, onda hala okuya ' (Rebekka), No. (Lesha Jesaja 54: 10.) (b) Why do we have valid reasons for having strong faith? PaVakorinto votete 2: 10, Paulus okwa divilika onghandangala ilipi oyo tai danwa komhepo iyapuki, naasho osha etifa po omapulo elipi? (b) Omolwashike tu na omatomheno mawa okukala tu na eitavelo la pama? I was content and happy. " Ova li yo va anya okulundulula omishangwa dOmbiibeli. Onda li nda wanenwa nonda hafa. " Otherwise, we could be continuing in a way of life that may result in even more regrets. - 2 Tim. Okudja opo Jehova okwa li a ninga Ohamba yoshiwana osho shipe. Ngeenge hasho, ohatu dulu okutwikila okukala nonghedi yokukalamwenyo oyo tai dulu okweetifa oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. - 2 Tim. One Year of Peace and Happiness (A. Broggio), No. 1 Oolyelye va li va ninga oshiwana shaJehova shipe mefelemudo lotete? Omido dinini da pita, ohatu dulu okukala twa hafa notwa hafa. What role of the holy spirit is highlighted by Paul at 1 Corinthians 2: 10, and what questions arise? Ilikana kombinga yasho. " Onghandangala ilipi omhepo iyapuki ya divilikwa mo 1 Ovakorinto 2: 10, nomapulo elipi a holoka po? The Masoretes refused to tamper with the Bible text. U li omupiya waJehova omunyasha, ile ngeenge oto lihongo kombinga yaye, mbela oho kala u udite wa fininikwa u itavele omahongo oo e li apeshe, ngaashi ehongo loevolusi ponhele yokwiitavela meshito? Ova li va anya okuya moshipala omahongo Ombiibeli. Indeed, Jehovah became King over the new nation. (Mat. 18: 8, 9) Ngeenge ookaume koye otave ku nwefa mo u ninge oinima oyo itai hafifa Jehova, mbela oto ka xulifa po ngoo eendafano navo? Jehova okwa ninga Ohamba tai pangele oshiwana shipe. Who became Jehovah's new people in the first century? (1 Tes. 5: 21) Kala wa shilipalekwa kutya oto dulu okufinda Satana, ounyuni waye wa kolokosha nosho yo eamo loulunde. Oolyelye va li va ninga oshiwana shaJehova shipe mefelemudo lotete? Pray about it! " Natu ka kundafaneni oinima itatu oyo to dulu okuninga u li omufita wovana voye. Oinima oyo ei: Oku va shiiva nawa, oku va palula pamhepo noku va wilika. Ilikana kombinga yasho. " As a young servant of Jehovah or as someone learning about Him, do you feel under pressure to conform to popular beliefs, such as evolution, rather than believe in a Creator? (Ovaheberi 12: 6) MOmbibeli omwa popiwa ovapiya vaJehova ovadiinini ovo Jehova a deula opo va kale ovanhu ve li xwepo. U li omupiya waJehova ile umwe e mu honga kombinga yaye, mbela oho kala u udite wa fininikwa u dulike komahongo a tya ngaho, ngaashi ehongo loevolusi, ponhele yokukala wa itavela mOmushiti? If certain friends influence you to do things that displease Jehovah, will you cut off association with them? Jesus okwa li ha hafele okuhonga ovanhu kombinga yaXe womeulu. Ngeenge ookaume koye vamwe otave ku nwefa mo u ninge oinima oyo tai nyemateke Jehova, mbela oto ka efa po eendafano navo? Be assured that you can win the fight against Satan, his wicked world, and any sinful leanings. 6: 9 - 18) Onghee hano, otashi dulika Noa a li a lombwelwa a tunge onguluwato eshi kwa li ashike ku na omido 40 ile 50 Eyelu li uye. Kala wa shilipalekwa kutya oto dulu okufinda Satana nounyuni waye woukolokoshi nosho yo eamo keshe loulunde. Let us consider three things you can do to shepherd your children - know them, feed them, and guide them. 18, 19. Natu ka kundafaneni oinima itatu oyo to dulu okuninga opo u file oshisho ovana voye, oku va palula noku va wilika. In the Bible, we read of faithful servants whom Jehovah trained to become better people. 5: 13. MOmbibeli omu na omahokololo ovapiya vaJehova ovadiinini ovo Jehova a li a deula ovo va li va deulwa va ninge ovanhu va pyokoka. Jesus enjoyed teaching people about his heavenly Father. 14: 28) Otwa pumbwa okutala kutya omalihafifo oo otae ke tu pula efimbo letu li fike peni. Jesus okwa li ha hafele okuhonga ovanhu kombinga yaXe womeulu. It is possible, therefore, that when Noah received the commission to build the ark, only 40 or 50 years remained before the Flood. Epsalme 118: 22 ola popya oshiningwanima shididilikwedi shilipi? Onghee hano, otashi dulika eshi Noa a li a pewa oshinakuwanifwa shokutunga ongulu yomomeva ile 40 omido 40 fimbo Eyelu inali uya. 18, 19. [ Eshangelo lopedu] 18, 19. 5: 13. Jesus okwe tu kumaida a ti: "Kaleni mwa lungama, pashukeni. " 5: 13. We need to determine how much of our time a certain leisure activity will cost. Ndele ope na oshitukulwa shimwe sholutu osho sha longifwa pafaneko mOmbibeli lwoikando ihapu shi dulife ikwao. Otwa pumbwa okutala kutya omalihafifo onhumba ohaa kwata efimbo li fike peni. Psalm 118: 22 pointed to what outstanding event? Oshike twa pumbwa okudimbuluka eshi hatu dilonga koihopaenenwa yovalumenhu novakainhu ovadiinini vopefimbo lonale? Epsalme 118: 22 ola popya oshiningwanima shididilikwedi shilipi? [ Footnote] Omumwameme umwe vali omunyasha wedina Ratana wokoIndia okwa li a hovela okweendelafana nomuhongwa womongudu yavo oo a li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli. [ Eshangelo lopedu] Jesus admonishes us: "Keep looking, keep awake. " Nomolwaasho ihava kala ve na eteelelo lonakwiiwa kutya onai ka kale i li xwepo. - Eps. Jesus okwe tu kumaida a ti: "Kaleni oupafi. " One part of the human body, though, is referred to figuratively in the Bible far more often than any other. Omolwashike Kalunga a li a lombwela Abraham a yambe po omona waye? Ndele oitukulwa imwe yolutu lomunhu oya popiwa pafaneko pafaneko mOmbibeli i dule ikwao. What do we need to remember as we meditate on the examples of faithful men and women of old? Konima eshi va pewa eedjapo, okwa li a tuminwa koSwitzerland e li omupashukilishikandjo. Oshike twa pumbwa okudimbuluka eshi hatu dilonga koihopaenenwa yovalumenhu novakainhu ovadiinini vopefimbo lonale? Another young woman in India named Ratana dated a classmate who started studying the Bible. Onda li nda kulika ohokwe yoshili yOmbibeli. Omukainhu umwe omunyasha wedina Efiku limwe, oo a li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli, okwa li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli. They, however, offer no sure hope for a better future. - Ps. Lwanima, ounona navo ova ka mona oilonga yetatafiku, nohave tu kwafele okufuta omalweendo noikulya. " Ndele nande ongaho, ihava kala ve na eteelelo litunhula li na sha nonakwiiwa. - Eps. After graduation, he was eventually assigned to the circuit work in Switzerland. 6: 9, 10. Konima eshi a mangululwa, okwa li a tumwa a ka longe moilonga youpashukilishikandjo. I grew to love Bible truth. Eshi efimbo lovatalelipo la fika, ame nomukokolindjila mukwetu Simon Apolinarski otwa li tu na okukonga onhele opo tu na okukala, ndele otwa li twa tokola toko tuha efe po oshilonga shetu shoukokolindjila. Onda kulila ndi hole oshili yOmbibeli. After a while, the children found part - time jobs, " she adds, "and they help us cover the expenses for food and transportation. " Okwa li a pilinda oitya yopefina neendada da twa, ofimbo oitetekeli noixuunini ya li inai twa. Konima eshi ounona va mona oilonga yokulikongela omboloto, okwa weda ko a ti: "Ohashi tu kwafele tu kale hatu lande oikulya notwa li hatu lande oikulya. " 6: 9, 10. Mbela Gehenna onhele omo hamu kala ovanhu tava hepekwa momundilo? 6: 9, 10. When the tourist season started, my pioneer partner, Simon Apolinarski, and I had to find other lodging, but we were determined to stay in our assignment. Ngeenge otwa shakene navo, otashi dulika va pwilikine ketumwalaka leteelelo oshikando shotete monghalamwenyo yavo. Eshi twa hovela okukokola ondjila, otwa li twa hovela okukokola ondjila notwa li twa mona onhele imwe i lili, ashike otwa li twa tokola toko okukala hatu wanifa po oshinakuwanifwa shetu. To that end, he printed the root in solid letters but the prefixes or suffixes in outline form. (Gen. 17: 10, 11) Onghee hano, Abraham novalumenhu aveshe vomeumbo laye ova li va pita etanda. Eendjovo odo oda li da shangwa neendada da kula noda li da shangwa neendada da twa. Is Gehenna a Place of Fiery Torment? Ombibeli oya ti: "Omesho Omwene [otaa] tale edu a lishe, opo a kwafe neenghono ovo have liameke kuye nomutima aushe. " - 2 Omaf. Mbela oshike tashi ka ningwa po shi na sha nomundilo? When we meet them, they may want to listen to our message of hope for the first time in their life. (2 Ovakorinto 11: 24 - 27) Pomhito imwe, Timoteus okwa li a tulwa modolongo omolweitavelo laye. Ngeenge otwe va shakeneke, otashi dulika va kale va hala okupwilikina ketumwalaka letu li na sha neteelelo letu oshikando shotete monghalamwenyo yavo. Accordingly, Abraham and all the male members of his household were circumcised. Omudipai ina pumbwa okukala a tila shi na sha noilanduliko. Molwaashi Abraham noukwaneumbo waye aveshe ova li va pita etanda, ova li va pita etanda. God's "eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chron. OMAIMBILO OO E NA OKULONGIFWA: 7, 106 Ombibeli oya ti: "Omesho Omwene taa tale edu alishe, opo a kwafe neenghono ovo have liameke kuye nomutima aushe. " - 2 Omaf. At some point, Timothy was even imprisoned for his faith. Ndele ongahelipi ngeenge eenghendabala doye inadi imika diva oiimati? Pomhito imwe, Timoteus okwa li a tulwa modolongo omolweitavelo laye. The fugitive thus never had to fear reprisal. OVAKONAKONIMBIIBELI Omunhu oo a dipaa shihe fi oshiningilewina ka li e na oumbada wokutila ovanhu. What, though, if your efforts do not bear fruit right away? Jesus naye okwa li a popya kombinga youle wefimbo olo eshi a ti kutya Ovakriste ovanaipupulu, ovo ve li eu, ova li tava ka kulila mumwe " novanhu vOuhamba, ' ovo ve li oilya. Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge eenghendabala doye ihadi imi oiimati? BIBLE STUDIES (1 Ovakorinto 9: 16) Ngeenge otwa hopaenene Paulus, ohatu ka kala tu na eliudo liwa, tu shii kutya ohatu longo osho sha yuka. OVAKONAKONIMBIIBELI Jesus also referred to this long period of time when he said that false Christians, the weeds, would grow together with "the sons of the Kingdom, " the wheat. Konima yoivike ivali fimbo nda li momhangu, omupanguli okwa li a lombwela nge ta ti: "Ngeno okwa li aame omutokoli, ngeno ohandi ku pe ehandukilo longhalamwenyo yoye aishe modolongo. Jesus okwa popya yo shi na sha nefimbo olo eshi a ti kutya Ovakriste ovanaipupulu otava ka kulila pamwe "ovana vouhamba, " ile tu tye, ovana vOuhamba. " Now Is the Especially Acceptable Time " " Look! Ova li va lombwelwa nokuli kutya inava enda mo vali meumbo letu. " Paife olo efimbo la wapala opaife " As we imitate Paul, we will have a good conscience, knowing that we are doing the right thing. 15, 16. Eshi hatu hopaenene Paulus, ohatu ka kala tu na eliudo liwa, tu shii kutya ohatu longo osho sha yuka. In court two weeks later, the judge said: "If it were up to me, I'd give you a life sentence. Oo a li ta popi okupitila meyoka oSatana Ondiaboli, omonamati waKalunga wopamhepo oo a li a kulika omhepo youkakombolilifa nokwa hala eenghonopangelo. Moivike ivali, omupanguli okwa li a lombwela nge a ti: "Ngeno onda li nda hala, ngeno owa pa nge omwenyo. They were never again allowed into the home. 6: 10; Job 31: 32. Kava li vali va pitikwa vali va ye keumbo lavo. 15, 16. Oshiningwanima osho sha ningwa monghalamwenyo yaJakob nasho otashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu ude ko kutya ekulilo ola pula shi fike peni. 15, 16. The one behind the serpent was Satan the Devil, a spirit son of God who had allowed himself to nurture a desire for independence and personal power. 1 Jaqueline wokuNdowishi Satana oye a li Satana Ondiaboli, omonamati waKalunga oo a li a efa a kale e na emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo nosho yo eenghono daye. 6: 10; Job 31: 32. (a) Paife Jehova ohe tu pe omanangekonoupuna elipi? 6: 10; Job 31: 32. The cost of the ransom can also be illustrated by an incident in the life of Jacob. Ngaashi sha xunganekwa, ovanhu vahapu ove na oikala ya tya ngahelipi, noshike tashi ka amena eitavelo letu liha nghundipale? Ekuliloyambo otali dulu yo okufaafanifwa noshiningwanima osho sha li sha ningwa po shi na sha naasho Jakob a li a ninga monghalamwenyo yaye. 1 Jaqueline from Germany Omukonakoni wOmbibeli umwe okwa ti, kakele koshinyandwa sho vene, embo Scenario ola li la fa "onghedi ya denga mbada yokutwikulula omesho ovapofi. " 1 EEITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO (a) What blessings do we now receive from Jehovah? Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. (a) Omanangeko noupuna elipi hatu mono paife okudja kuJehova? As foretold, what is the attitude of many, and what will prevent our faith from being undermined? Onda li nda hala okulombwela vamwe oshili oyo nde lihonga. Ngaashi sha xunganekwa, etaleko lovanhu vahapu oli na oikala ilipi, noshike tashi dulu oku tu imba tuha kanife eitavelo letu? Next to the "Drama " itself, wrote one Bible Student, the Scenario seemed to be the" most direct way imaginable of opening blind eyes. " Onghee hano, eendjovo daMoses daxuuninwa oda li de va ladipika va ninge ngaho. Opo nee, omushangi wOmbibeli umwe wedina Ovakonakoni vOmbibeli okwa shanga a ti: "Ovanhu vahapu ova li tava monika va fa ve na " nomesho okomutwe. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Barak novakwaita vaye kava li tave lipula noshikungulu molwaashi okwa li ve shii apa tapa di omeva. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. I wanted to share the truth with others. Jehova okwa li e mu nwefa mo a xunganeke kombinga yaNoa, omona waLamek, nexunganeko olo ola ka wanifwa konima yEyelu. Onda li nda hala okuudifila vamwe oshili. So Moses ' final words encouraged them to do just that. (Ehololo 2: 4) Ohole ya tya ngaho yokuhola Jehova oya kwafela nge ndi lididimikile oiningwanima inyikifa oluhodi oyo handi dimbuluka kombinga yoita nosho yo omaupyakadi mahapu amwe. - Jesaja 65: 17. Onghee hano, eendjovo daMoses oda li de va ladipika va ninge ngaho. Barak and his men were not troubled by the storm. Otwa li twa fiya Eendombwedi moseti nokuya mokombifa nomukulukadi wange ndele handi mu lombwele handi ti, " Lungama. Barak novakwaita vaye kava li va taalela omaupyakadi manene. Jehovah inspired him to utter a prophecy about Noah, Lamech's son, and that prophecy came true after the Flood. Okwa ti: "Onda li nda kwatwa komhepo yokuhengana eshi omushamane wange a li ina hala okuyambidida nge painiwe naashi oupamhepo wange wa li moshiponga. Jehova okwa li e mu nwefa mo a shange exunganeko li na sha naNoa, omonamati Lamek, nexunganeko olo ola ka wanifwa konima yEyelu. That love for Jehovah has helped me to endure painful memories from the war and many other problems. - Isaiah 65: 17. Opo ye e i ekela poshi, ndele yo oya ninga eyoka, naMoses okwe li ya onhapo. Ohole oyo yokuhola Jehova oya kwafela nge ndi lididimikile oiningwanima inyikifa oluhodi oyo ya etifwa koita nosho yo komaupyakadi mahapu. - Jesaja 65: 17. So, leaving the visitors in the front room, I got my wife into the kitchen and told her, " Don't be foolish. Omolwashike mbela? Onghee hano, onda li handi i komukulukadi wange ndele handi mu lombwele ta ti: "Ino nyika oulai. " I was tempted to separate from my husband because of financial nonsupport and spiritual endangerment, " she says. JESUS okwa ti: "Ou te lididimike fiyo exulilo, oye ta xupifwa. " Okwa ti: "Onda li handi yelekwa kovapambele vange molwaashi kanda li handi file oshisho palutu nosho yo pamaliudo. So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it. Osho ohatu ke shi kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula. Onghee hano, Moses okwa li a ekela edu ndele ta ningi eyoka, ndele ta faduka po. Why? Ova tulilwa po eemhango nomaufomhango mahapumahapu opo va dule okupangela omahalo neenghedi davo dii. Omolwashike mbela? " HE THAT has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Ovanhu ovo vehe fi ovapristeri navo ove li oshiwana shaKalunga osho a tambula ko noku shi hole notashi ka mona ouwa. " KALUNGA okwe lididimikila exulilo fiyo kexulilo, opo taku xupifwa. " We will consider these matters in the next article. " Adam ou a xuuninwa okwa ninga omhepo ei hai yandje omwenyo. " - 1 KOR. Ohatu ka kundafana oinima oyo moshitukulwa tashi landula. Mountains of rules and regulations are necessary to curb their hurtful appetites and behavior. Eshi Jefta a aluka kolwoodi, omunhu oo a dja meumbo laye e mu shakeneka tete okwa li omonakadona omuholike, ewifa laye. Eemhango nosho yo eemhango di na sha neemhango odo da pumbiwa oda pumbiwa opo ovanhu va efe po elihumbato lavo lii nosho yo elihumbato lavo lii. These nonpriestly beneficiaries are also God's people, and he loves and accepts them. Mbela okwa li ngoo e nouladi wokulonga oshilonga shokutunga otembeli? Ovapiya vaKalunga ovo vehe fi ovapristeri navo otava mono ouwa muhapu, noku va hole nohe va tambula ko. " The last Adam became a life - giving spirit. " - 1 COR. Omolwashike mbela? " Adam waxuuninwa okwa ninga omwenyo. ' - 1 KOR. When Jephthah came back from the battle, the first person who came out to meet him was his beloved daughter, his only child! Ombiibeli inai tumbula ashike omafinamhango oo, ndele otai tu hongo tu kale twe a lenga noku a tula moilonga monghalamwenyo yetu yakeshe efiku. Eshi Jefta a aluka kolwoodi, omunhu wotete oo a li e uya kuye oye aeke, okamonakadona kaye ewifa. Would he have the courage to take on the task of building the temple? (Lesha Ovaheberi 12: 1.) Mbela okwa li ngoo e na ouladi wokulonga oilonga yokutunga otembeli? Why? Oinima aishe iheyali oyo twa kundafana moshitukulwa eshi nosho yo osho sha dja ko inai puka. Omolwashike mbela? The Bible does not merely list those values. In practical ways, it teaches us to value such principles and to apply them in our day - to - day life. Kent, Washington, woko - U.S.A okwa ti: "Ame nomukulukadi wange otwa li hatu diladila kutya Eendombwedi daJehova ohadi tu talele po opo tuha kale tu udite ondjo molwaashi katwa li hatu i kongeleka. Ombiibeli inai tumbula ashike omusholondodo oo tau longo, ndele otai tu hongo tu kale twa lenga omafinamhango oo noku a tula moilonga pefimbo letu. (Read Hebrews 12: 1.) 16: 32) Omautumbulilo oo a longifwa kovapiya vaKalunga ovo otaa ulike shike? (Lesha Ovaheberi 12: 1.) All the matters discussed in this article and the preceding one have a proper place in our lives. Ndele ponhele yaasho, Jehova okwa lenga eenghedabala detu da mana mo kashi na nee mbudi kutya oidjemo oya tya ngahelipi. - Lesha Lukas 10: 17 - 20; 1 Ovakorinto 3: 8. Oinima aishe oyo twa kundafana moshitukulwa eshi nosho yo oyo ya tetekela oya ningifa umwe a kale a koshoka monghalamwenyo yetu. These figures of speech help us to see that the elders provide needed spiritual help and refreshment. 3: 16. Okupopya kwa tya ngaho otaku tu kwafele tu mone kutya ovakulunhuongalo ova pumbwa ekwafo lopamhepo nosho yo etulumuko. " My wife and I thought that Jehovah's Witnesses called to prey on our guilt feelings because we weren't at church. 28: 5) Eendjovo da faafana oda popiwa vali mOmayeletumbulo 2: 7, 9, odo tadi ti kutya Jehova "ovanashili Ye ote va tuvikilile ekwafo. " Omukulukadi wange okwa ti: "Ame nomukulukadi wange otwa li hatu diladila kutya Eendombwedi daJehova ohadi ungaunga nai nomaliudo etu molwaashi katwa li tu udite ondjo kongeleka. What is evident in these expressions? " Edina loye la fimana nali hambelelwe. " - NEH. Mbela eendjovo odo otadi ulike shike? Rather, he treasures our faithful efforts regardless of the results. - Read Luke 10: 17 - 20; 1 Corinthians 3: 8. Ovanyasha havo aveke hava shakeneke omashongo mape. Ponhele yaasho, okwa lenga eenghendabala detu ovadiinini kashi na nee mbudi kutya ohatu ka mona oidjemo ilipi. - Lesha Lukas 10: 17 - 20; 1 Ovakorinto 3: 8. 3: 16. U li omuudifi ina ninginifwa, mbela ope na ngoo vali elalakano la denga mbada to dulu okulitulila po lihe fi okuliyapulila Jehova Kalunga nokuninginifwa u ninge Ondombwedi yaye? 3: 16. A similar thought is expressed at Proverbs 2: 7, 9, which says that Jehovah "treasures up practical wisdom for the upright. " Job okwa li e lihonga oshili i na ondilo meenghedi vali dimwe. Okudiladila kwa tya ngaho okwa popiwa mOmayeletumbulo 2: 7, 9, oo ta ti kutya Jehova " oku na ounongo tau longo. ' " Let them bless your glorious name. " - NEH. (Gen. 7: 1, 23; 19: 24, 25; Ex. 14: 30, 31; Ovatok. 4: 15, 16; 2 Eeh. " Okwe va nangeka noupuna medina loye. " - Luk. Of course, being confronted with new challenges is not unique to young people. Owa teelela oidjemo ilipi ngeenge owa kala to deula omunyasha woye a longele Jehova? Oshoshili kutya ngeenge owa shakeneke omashongo mape ihaa kala e likalekelwa kovanyasha. As an unbaptized publisher, what better goal could you have than to qualify for baptism and become a dedicated and baptized Witness of Jehovah God? 18: 25. U li omuudifi ina ninginifwa, elalakano la denga mbada lilipi to dulu okulitulila po lokuliyapulila Jehova nokuninginifwa? In some undisclosed way, Job learned many of those precious truths. " Hafeni novahafi " Job okwa li e lihonga shihapu kombinga yoshili oyo i na ondilo. We can therefore be confident that Jehovah God will not indefinitely put up with disrespect for his name and mistreatment of his Witnesses. Ndele ngeenge otwa mono kutya omalihafifo oo twa hala okukufa mombinga muo oku li metwokumwe nomifikamhango dOmbibeli moinima aishe oyo yopatatu, omalihafifo a tya ngaho otaa ka fimanekifa Jehova notae ke tu etela ouwa. - Eps. Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova Kalunga ita ka twikila okuulika kutya iha fimaneke edina laye noha fimaneke Eendombwedi daye. If you keep training your teenager to serve Jehovah, what can be the result? (Heb. 9: 12) Oshali yekulilo kai na efiku i ka dje ongushu navali kape na ou ta dulu oku i tu kufa. Oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po ngeenge owa twikile okudeula omunyasha woye a longele Jehova? 18: 25. Luhapu Jesus okwa li ha hongo ta ulike keyooloko olo li li pokati koinima. 18: 25. " Rejoice with people who rejoice " Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li a nyona sha kwata moiti, ngaashi moshinima shi na sha naBatseba, Uria nosho yo eshi a li a valula ovanhu shihe li pahalo laJehova. " Kala omunelao pamwe naava hava hafele " On the other hand, if we make sure that our leisure activities meet the Bible - based standards in all three aspects, our recreation will bring honor to Jehovah and benefits to us. - Ps. Ongahelipi embo laLeviticus tali dulu oku tu kwafela? Mepingafano naasho, ngeenge otwa shilipaleke kutya omalihafifo oo hatu ningi okwa kanghamena komifikamhango dOmbibeli, ohatu ka fimanekifa Jehova nohatu ka mona ouwa. - Eps. No person or power can take it away from us. Mbela ngeno ova li inava itavela shili osho Jehova e va lombwela, ngeno ova kala ngoo va teelela nelididimiko okuwanifwa kwomaxunganeko aye? Kape na omunhu ta dulu oku shi henuka. Jesus frequently used contrasts. Konima eshi nda kala handi i kokwoongala lwoikando, omumwatate Damian Santos, omukokolindjila womunamido, oo a li nale omukulunhu woshilando, okwa li a shiva nge ndi ka tokelwe keumbo lavo. Jesus okwa li ha popi lwoikando ta yoolola oinima. Yet, David was guilty of serious wrongs, such as those involving Bath - sheba, Uriah, and an ill - advised census. Ngeenge otu na eitavelo mekuliloyambo laJesus ndele hatu hepaulula omanyono etu nokweefa po okulonga osho sha puka, Jehova ote ke tu dimina po nonande otwa nyona omanyono a kwata moiti. Ashike David okwa li a nyona enyono la kwata moiti, ngaashi Uria, Uria, Uria, noku mu pa omayele. How can the book of Leviticus help us? (a) Jesus okwa li a kundafana shike novayapostoli vaye, noshike osho a li ina kundafana navo? Ongahelipi embo laLeviticus tali dulu oku tu kwafela? If they did not truly believe what Jehovah had told them - if they lacked faith - would they have waited patiently for the fulfillment of his promises? 7, 8. Ngeno kava li va itavela filufilu osho Jehova e va lombwela, ngeno ova teelela nelididimiko ewanifo lomaudaneko aye? After several more meetings, Brother Damian Santos, an elderly pioneer who was an ex - mayor, invited me to stay overnight. Opa tungwa Omalupale Ouhamba mahapu a tungilwa omaongalo oo itaa dulu okutunga kuo vene. Konima yokwoongala kwa wedwa po, omumwatate umwe omukokolindjila omunamido oo a li ta kokola ondjila, okwa li a shiva nge keumbo limwe. Paul's example clearly shows that if we confess our sins and change our course, Jehovah is willing to blot out even grievous sins on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Pashihopaenenwa, Ombibeli yo - American Standard Version ya pepalekwa oya li ya nyanyangidwa konima yomido mbali okudja eshi o - New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures (Mateus fiyo Ehololo) ya nyanyangidwa. Oshihopaenenwa shaPaulus otashi ulike kutya ngeenge otwa hepaulula omanyono etu, Jehova okwa halelela okudiminwa po omatimba etu pakanghameno lekuliloyambo laJesus. (a) What subjects did Jesus consider, but what did he not discuss? Daniel okwe li hanga mokati kovanhu ovo ihava dulika keemhango daKalunga. (a) Jesus okwa li a tala ko ovapangelwa va tya ngahelipi, ndele ka li a kundafana kombinga yashike? 7, 8. Ombibeli oya ti: "Inya yonale itai dimbulukiwa vali, nongaashi kape na ou te i diladila momutima waye. " - Jes. 7, 8. Many Kingdom Halls have been built for congregations that could not afford to pay for them. (Oilonga 7: 2, 3) Konima eshi va ngungumana, ova li va dilonga kombinga yoshinakuwanifwa osho Jehova a hala oku va pa. Omalupale Ouhamba mahapu okwa kala taa tungu omaongalo oo itaa dulu oku a futa. For example, just two years after the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released, a revision of the American Standard Version was released. Nonande ovalihomboli ove na okukendabala okudiminafana po nokukandula po omaupyakadi avo, Ombibeli oya pa kaume kopahombo oo ehe na ondjo oufemba wokuhoolola kutya ota ka dimina po kaume kopahombo oo a ya momilele kondje yohombo ile ota teya ohombo. Pashihopaenenwa, omido mbali konima eshi o - New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures ya nyanyangidwa, o - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures oya li ya nyanyangidwa. Suddenly, Daniel lived among people who did not obey God's commands. Daniel okwa twikila ko kutya oluvinga olo linene ola li tali ka teka po ndele tali pingenwa po keembinga nhee dinini. Ombadilila, Daniel okwa li mokati kovanhu ovo inava dulika koipango yaKalunga. " The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. " - Isa. Okwa ti: "Onda hafa neenghono eshi Georgina ina efa nande osha shi mu efife po okulongela Jehova. " " Oinima yotete itai ka ifanwa vali, ndele kape na ou te i tula momutima waye. " - Jes. After the initial excitement abated, they contemplated the assignment Jehovah was putting before them. Nonande kape na embo lonhumba lomounyuni la popya kutya Barabas okwa li a nyona shike, oushili oo kutya okwa popiwa e li umwe womongudu yovakolokoshi owa ningifa ovahongwanhu vamwe vOmbibeli va fike pexulifodiladilo kutya oku na okukala a li muimwe yomeengudu dOvaisrael vomefelemudo lotete odo da li da twa ondubo nepangelo. Konima eshi va dilonga kunghee Jehova a li e va udanekela kutya ote ke va nangeka noupuna. While couples try to forgive and to work out their difficulties, the Bible allows an innocent mate the right to decide whether to forgive or to divorce an adulterous spouse. Ndele oinima inai enda tuu nawa eshi Jehova a longifa Jona ye mwene a shange ehokololo laye, mwa kwatelwa eilikano laye kuKalunga tali di komutima fimbo a li koshi yefuta! Nonande ovalihomboli ohava kendabala okudimina po vamwe, Ombibeli oya pitika kaume kopahombo oo ehe na ondjo a tokole okuya moluhaelo ile okuteya ohombo. Daniel further recorded that the large horn would be broken and four smaller horns would grow in its place. Oo te ku ulikile okwa nyamukula a ti: "Ahowe, osho osho sha pita momhepo nomodula yamatutu. Daniel okwa li vali a shanga vali kutya eembinga nhee deembinga nhee otadi ka kulila monhele oyo. He says: "I was very pleased with Georgina because she was so determined. " Omayelifo amwe makulu e na sha naasho tashi faneke nosho yo osho tashi fanekwa okwa li madjuu okuuda ko, okudimbuluka nokutula moilonga. Okwa ti: "Onda li nda hafa neenghono molwaashi okwa li a tokola toko. " Although no secular evidence of Barabbas ' crimes exists, the fact that he is grouped with the seditionists leads some scholars to associate him with subversive groups active in first - century Israel. Ngeno okwa xulifa po nale oukolokoshi, ashike okwa teelela oku ke shi ninga pefimbo la wapala. (Rom. Nonande opa li oumbangi we lixwa po, oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya oku li ongudu yovahongwanhu vamwe ovo va li tava kwatele komesho oshiwana shaKalunga vomefelemudo lotete. How much better it was that Jehovah had Jonah write his own account, including his earnest prayer to God from the depths of the sea! Nopehe na omalimbililo, omayele Ombibeli otaa longo nokunena. Kasha li tuu pandunge eshi Jehova a li a shangela Jona, mwa kwatelwa eilikano laye meilikano tali di komutima! you ask. " No, " says your guide, "this one has faced the worst wind and rain. OMAIMBILO: 141, 134 U pula ta ti: "Ahowe, ou wete omhepo yoye ya nyika oshiponga nowa taalela omhepo ii. " Some older explanations about types and antitypes were difficult to understand, to remember, and to apply. Mbela osho osha hala okutya Jehova ka li e na ko nasha nandenande novanhu vomoiwana imwe i lili? Ovanamido vamwe ovanamido otashi dulika va li tava diladila kutya otava dulu okuuda ko oinima ilipi, okudimbuluka nosho yo okutula moilonga. He could have put an end to wickedness at any time, but he is waiting for the right time. Moukalele wetu. Okwa li ta dulu okuxulifa po oukolokoshi pefimbo keshe, ndele okwa teelela efimbo la wapala. Certainly, the Bible's advice is still relevant. Otashi dulika tu lipule kutya, " Ngeenge handi ningi omatokolo a fimana, mbela ohandi kala ngoo nde lineekela muKalunga ile omovanhu? ' - Omayel. Omayele Ombiibeli otaa longo yo nokunena. SONGS: 141, 134 Coast Guard photo OMAIMBILO: 14, 134 Did that mean that Jehovah totally disregarded people of other nations? Etomheno ololo kutya: Okudja peshito fiyo okunena eemhumbwe dovanhu inadi lunduluka. Mbela osho osha hala okutya Jehova iha tale nandenande nandenande ko ovanhu vomoiwana imwe? In our ministry. Eityo lolela ledina Megiddo ihali yukifwa komalwoodi oo a li haa lwilwa ponhele oyo, ndele oketomheno kutya omolwashike a li haa lwilwa po. Eshi hatu wanifa po oukalele wetu. We might ask ourselves, " When I have important decisions to make, do I put my trust in God or in men? ' - Prov. Mateus 24: 6, 7: " Tamu ka uda oita nomakundano oita. Otashi dulika tu lipule kutya, " Ngeenge onda ningi omatokolo a fimana, mbela ohandi kala ngoo nde lineekela muKalunga ile ovanhu vakwetu? ' - Omayel. Coast Guard photo Jehova okwa li a pa Adam naEva eeshali dimwe dilipi? Coastard photo Here's why: Our basic human needs have not changed from the beginning of time. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 15: 28.) Natu ka taleni kutya omolwashike eemhumbwe dovanhu da lunduluka okudja pehovelo. However, the real significance of Megiddo is, not what battles were fought there, but why they were fought. Omanangeko noupuna elipi hatu hafele paife? Ashike oshitya shOshiheberi osho sha li sha talika ko inashi hala okutya oilwifo oyo ya li ya lwa, ndele omolwashike ya li ya lwa. Lesson in God's Mercy (Jonah), 3 / 1 Oshinima osho osho Jehova ta ka longifa a etife omalunduluko mounyuni aushe opo a wanife po elalakano laYe li na sha nedu nosho yo ovanhu. Oshilihongomwa sha fimanenena moilonga yaKalunga, 3 / 15 Matthew 24: 6, 7: "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars.... Allen oo a li a kwafelwa kEendombwedi daJehova a finde oupyakadi waye wokunwa sha pitilila okupitila mekonakonombibeli, okwa ti: "Onda tomwa kutya ngeno haMbibeli nosho yo omafinamhango ayo oo a kwafela nge ndi efe po okunwa, ngeno osho onda fya nale. " Mateus 24: 6, 7 okwa ti: "Ove oto ka uda oita noitapa ka kala oita... What are some gifts that Jehovah gave Adam and Eve? 107: 23, 27) Omolwashike efaafanifo olo la yukila ko? Eeshali dimwe dilipi Jehova a li a pa Adam naEva? (Read Proverbs 15: 28.) Tala okambo "See the Good Land, " epandja 32 - 33. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 15: 28.) What are some of the rewards that we enjoy now? 16: 16 - 18) Potete, ovalumenhu aveshe ovo ova li tava monika va fa ovalongeli vaJehova ovadiinini. Ondjabi imwe ilipi hatu hafele paife? But there was something else about Jehovah that Jesus was eager to share - the means by which Jehovah will effect worldwide changes to fulfill His purpose for this earth and humans upon it. Oshike hatu lihongo memoniko etihamano laSakaria? Ashike opa li vali oshinima shimwe shi na sha naJehova osho Jesus a li a halelela okukufa ombinga mokuninga omalunduluko mounyuni aushe opo Jehova a wanife po elalakano laye li na sha nedu nosho yo ovanhu. Allen, whose Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses gave him the strength to conquer alcohol abuse, says, "I'm convinced that if it were not for the Bible and Bible principles that helped me stop drinking, I'd be dead. " Pashihopaenenwa, Paulus okwa yelifa monhumwafo yaye oyo a li a shangela Ovaheberi nghee Jesus oo e li " omupristeri omukulunhu nomudiinini ' a yandja lumwe aluke eyambo la wana po opo ovo ve na eitavelo tali longo mulo va mone "ekulilo laalushe. " (Heb. Allen, oo ha konakona nEendombwedi daJehova okwe mu pa eenghono opo a finde okunwa oikunwa yoalkoholi sha pitilila, okwa ti: "Onda tomhwa kutya ngeenge inandi itavela Ombibeli, osha kwafela nge ndi efe po okunwa omalodu. " Why is that metaphor fitting? Ongahelipi okukala pokwoongala, okuyandja omatyekosha nokwiimba tashi di komutima haku kwafele Ovakriste vakwetu? Omolwashike efaneko olo tali wapalele? 32 - 33. Efiku wa ninginifwa, owa nyamukula wa ti heeno kepulo kutya, "Pakanghameno lekuliloyambo laJesus Kristus, mbela owe livela ombedi omolwomatimba oye nowe liyapulila Jehova u longe ehalo laye? " 32 - 33. At first glance, all the men seemed to be loyal worshippers of Jehovah. Ngeenge Ovakriste tava popile eitavelo lavo komesho yeehamba, yovapangeli ile ovakwanepangelo vamwe, ohashi va pe omhito yokuyandja oundombwedi kovanhu ovo tashi dulika shi kale shidjuu oku va udifila momikalo dimwe di lili. Potete, ovalumenhu aveshe ova li tava monika va fa ovadiinini kuJehova. What can we learn from Zechariah's sixth vision? Ou udite ngahelipi shi na sha noilonga yefimbo li yadi? Oshike hatu lihongo memoniko laSakaria? In his letter to the Hebrews, for example, he clarifies how Jesus as a "faithful high priest " could once and for all time offer a" propitiatory sacrifice " making it possible for those exercising faith in it to obtain "an everlasting deliverance. " 6: 23. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a longifa monhumwafo yaye oyo a li a shangela Ovaheberi, a yelife nghee Jesus e li " omupristeri omukulunhu ' a li ta dulu okupa ovanhu aveshe omhito " opo va dule oku ka mona exupifo laalushe. ' (Heb. When our brothers see us at the meetings and hear us comment and sing, how does this help them? EPANDJA 24 Ongahelipi ovamwatate ngeenge ve tu mona pokwoongala noku tu pwilikina eshi hatu imbi, naasho otashi ke va kwafela ngahelipi? On the day of your baptism, you answered yes to the question, "On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " Natango, okwa dipaa ounona omulongo vaJob mokweetifa "omhepo inene " i hanaune po eumbo omo va li. Mefiku leninginifo loye, owa nyamukula epulo eli kutya, "Pakanghameno lekuliloyambo laJesus Kristus, mbela owe livela ombedi omolwomatimba oye nowe liyapulila Jehova? " When Christians defend their faith before kings, governors, or other officials, they can give a witness to people whom it might otherwise have been difficult to reach with the Christian message. Diladila kwaashi: Mbela kaume kopofingo kandokotola wokutanda oku na okukala e na odigili? Eshi Ovakriste va li tava popile eitavelo lavo fimbo inava ninga eehamba, ova li va yandja oundombwedi kovanhu vakwao ovo tashi dulika va li inava dula okuudifila etumwalaka lopaKriste. How do you feel about full - time service? OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA Ou uditile ngahelipi oilonga yefimbo li yadi? 6: 23. Lotete, Kalunga oye aeke a li ta dulu okuufa kutya Elisa ota ka pewa osho a indila ile hasho. 6: 23. PAGE 24 Okwa ti: "Olo ola li etokolo la denga mbada nda ninga. " EPANDJA 24 Next, he killed all ten of Job's children by causing "a great wind " to crush the house they were in. Elihumbato loye liwa, oshihopaenenwa shoye u li omunyasha Omukriste nosho yo ouladi woye u na sha nokuhakufa ombinga momafiku omafudo oya li ya didilikwa kuvamwe. Opo nee, okwa dipaa ounona aveshe omulongo moku va twala " omhepo inene ' opo va ka hanaune po eumbo lavo. Consider this: Does the best friend of a surgeon need to have a degree in medicine? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukondjifa nomupondo omhepo younyuni? Diladila kwaashi: Mbela kaume koye oo a denga mbada oku na okukala a pumbwa okunwa sha pitilila? STUDY ARTICLES [ Eshangelo lopedu] OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA First, only God could determine whether Elisha would receive what he had requested. Vamwe ohava kala nokuli ve udite kutya kape na oupyakadi washa. Shotete, Kalunga oye aeke ta dulu okutokola ngeenge Elisa okwa pewa ngoo osho a li a indila. He says, "It was the best decision I ever made. " Ovaneumbo leni navo ohava kala ve udite va pumbwa ekwafo ngaashi ove, ndele nande ongaho, ohave ku file oshisho nokuli nomeenghalo da kwata moiti. Okwa ti: "Osho osha li etokolo la denga mbada olo nda ninga. " Your good conduct and example as a Christian youth, along with the courageous stand you took regarding holidays, did not go unnoticed. Lwanima, ovanhu vahapu navo ova li va hovela okuyambidida ounashibofa waSatana, va ekelashi Kalunga e li Omupangeli wavo. Elihumbato loye liwa nosho yo oshihopaenenwa shoye shOmukriste mukwetu, nonande opa li pe uya omafiku omafudo, inali didilikwa mo. How can we succeed in resisting the spirit of the world? • Yelifa nghee omaukwaneumbo opaKriste taa dulu okukala e "lilongekida ..." Ongahelipi hatu dulu okupondola mokukondjifa omhepo younyuni? Some may feel that there is no harm done. 22: 38, 39) Jesus okwa ti yo kutya ohole yokuhola vakwetu oi li oukwatya oo tau tu didilikifa mo tu li Ovakriste vashili. Vamwe otashi dulika va kale ve udite kutya kape na osho tashi ningwa po. They may feel as helpless as you feel. Still, they are there for you, even in trying times. Omukulunhuongalo wokoFrance wedina Jean - Claude okwa ti kutya elalakano laye ngeenge ta deula vamwe oku va kwafela va ninge omatokolo opandunge e likolelela komafinamhango Ombibeli. Otashi dulika ve udite kutya ito dulu vali okukala u udite wa fa u li oove auke, ndele nande ongaho, omafimbo amwe otashi dulika u kale u udite wa fa u li oove auke. The majority of mankind have joined Satan in rejecting God as Ruler. Lwanima Josef okwa ka popya onhele oyo a ti kutya " odolongo, ' osho tashi ti lelalela "elambo, " omo muhe na ouyelele neteelelo lasha. Ovanhu vahapu ova waimina Satana mokutambula ko Kalunga e li Omupangeli wavo. • Explain how Christian families can "keep ready " by... Omahepeko nosho yo omayeleko oo Paulus a li a shakeneka okwa li e mu kwafela a kale a pama noku kanyatele oudiinini waye kuJehova. (Kol. • Yelifa nghee omaukwaneumbo opaKriste taa dulu " okukala e lilongekida ' kufye vene... Jesus also said that love for one another would be the quality that would identify true Christians. Omatwikililo omakipa ange okwa li taa naipala nonda li handi yahama neenghono. Jesus okwa ti yo kutya ohole yokuholafana otai ka kala oukwatya umwe oo tau ka didilikifa mo Ovakriste vashili. Jean - Claude, an elder from France, says that his goal when training is to help a learner to make wise decisions based on Bible principles. Ndele oshilongo shaye osho oshilongo itashi ka teywa po. " (Dan. Jean - Claude, oo e li omukulunhuongalo a dja koFransa, okwa ti kutya elalakano laye lokudeula omuhongwa a ninge omatokolo e li mondjila a kanghamena komafinamhango Ombibeli. Joseph later described the place with a word that literally means "the pit, " which suggests a lightless and hopeless place. Konima eshi Jesus a li e uya kombada yedu e li Messias, Jehova okwa li a yandja omalombwelo mape nokwa li a holola ouyelele muhapu u na sha nelalakano laye. Lwanima Josef okwa ka popya shi na sha nonhele oyo a longifa oshitya osho tashi ti kutya "otaka dipaa, " osho tashi ulike kutya ouyelele otau ka xula po nosho yo kutya katu na eteelelo lasha. Enduring persecution and overcoming trials strengthened Paul's determination to stay faithful to Jehovah. Omokudulika koipango yaye. Paulus okwa li a ulika kutya okwa tokola toko okukala omudiinini kuJehova. My joints became more deformed, and I suffered more pain. KENDABALA OKUNINGA NGAHA: Kala kokule noivilo yomalihafifo oyo tai dulu oku ku udifa nai ile kaume koye kopahombo. Onda ka kala nda nyika oluhodi neenghono nonda li nda nyika oluhodi neenghono. We are moved to trust in Jehovah and to recognize what he is accomplishing. Efiku limwe komatango mo 1941 fimbo nda li ndi na omido 15, meumbo letu omwa li mwe uya omushamane omunamido nomukulukadi waye. Ohatu linyengifwa tu kale twe lineekela muJehova nokumona osho ta wanifa po. After Jesus came as the Messiah, Jehovah gave new instructions and revealed more details about his purpose. Onda hala okukala ndi udite handi dulu okuninga sha. Konima eshi Jesus e uya e li Messias, Jehova okwa li a yandja omalombwelo mape e na sha nelalakano laye. By observing Jesus ' commandments. Ashike osha li sha pula nge efimbo opo ndi ninge omatokolo. Eshi Jesus a li a konakona oipango yaJesus, okwa li e i tala ko i li oipango yaye. TRY THIS: Anticipate social events that could be awkward for you or your mate. Ovapangelwa ovadiinini vOuhamba waJesus otava ka hafela omwenyo uhe na exulilo moparadisa kombada yedu. KENDABALA OKUNINGA NGAHA: Ovanhu ovo hava kala ve udite kutya eenghalo dounyuni otadi dulu oku ku imba u kale ino manguluka ile kaume koye kopahombo. 3 Benefits of Giving, No. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okutomhafana okudja mOmishangwa monghedi oyo tai tomho omunhu a itavele? 3 Okuyandja nehalo liwa, No. One afternoon in 1941, when I was 15, an elderly man and his wife came to our home. la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova. Efiku limwe mo 1941, eshi nda li ndi na omido 15, omulumenhu omunamido nomukulukadi waye ova li ve uya keumbo letu. If you let me do nothing, the message may be that I can do nothing. 10, 11. (a) Omunhu oo e na ounhwa ohe shi ulike ngahelipi? Ngeenge owa efa nge ndi ninge oshinima shonhumba, etumwalaka olo otashi dulika li kale la fa handi dulu okuninga. It took me some time, however, to follow through decisively. Ongahelipi to dulu okukala ho hafele oku di lesha? Ndele osha li hashi pula nge efimbo lonhumba opo ndi dulike filufilu kwaasho handi ningi. Faithful subjects of Jesus ' Kingdom will enjoy life without end in a restored paradise on earth. Mbela Kalunga oha tale ko ngahelipi oshinima sha tya ngaho? Ovapangelwa ovadiinini vOuhamba waJesus otava ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe moparadisa kombada yedu. How can you reason from the Scriptures in a way that is convincing? 14: 12) Molwaashi ovapiya vaJehova ove li moukumwe, aveshe ohava mono ouwa ngeenge omupiya waye umwe a pondola. Ongahelipi to dulu okutomhafana monghedi oyo tai tomho omunhu a itavele? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 19 - 25 AUGUSTE 2013 la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova. 10, 11. (a) How can pride show itself? Omapopyo oo okwa hala okutya shike?: Ovanhu inava shitwa va kale kombada yedu fiyo alushe nedu inali shitwa li kale fiyo alushe. 10, 11. (a) Ongahelipi ounhwa tau dulu okuulika kutya ou na ounhwa? How can you enjoy reading it? Ame, Mary naChris Kanaiya tu li moukalele koNairobi Ongahelipi to dulu okuhafela okulesha Ombiibeli? How does God view the matter? Mbela oho endelele ngoo okudimina po Ovakriste vakweni? Kalunga oha tale ko ngahelipi oshinima osho? We are united as Jehovah's servants; hence, the success of any one of us is a blessing to all. Ndele otu na okudimbuluka kutya osha pula eenghendabala dihapu opo ku longekidwe omaimbilo a tya ngaho. Otwa hangana tu li ovapiya vaJehova, onghee hano, atusheni ohatu pondola. AUGUST 19 - 25, 2013 Oshike osho David a li a diinina monghalamwenyo yaye? 19 - 25 AUGUSTE 2013 What their teaching implies: Humans were not meant to live on earth forever, nor was the earth designed to last indefinitely. Ovakolokoshi ove na omaukwatya a fa oinamwenyo ile nokuli eendemoni. (Jak. Omahongo avo okwa hala okutya shike: Ovanhu kava li va shitwa va kale nomwenyo fiyo alushe kombada yedu, ndele edu ola shitwa li kale po fiyo alushe. In the ministry in Nairobi with Mary and Chris Kanaiya Oihopaenenwa yoolyelye tai dulu oku tu linyengifa tu pameke eitavelo letu? Eshi twa li hatu longo moukalele pamwe naMaria, twa li hatu longo pamwe naMaria Are you quick to forgive your brothers? Ookalunga voye ove li peni, ove we ve lihongela? Mbela oho dimine po ngoo ovamwaxo diva? A lot of work is involved in its preparation. Ninga omapekapeko. Oilonga ihapu ohai kwata olule. He then continued, "For 50 years we had waited for this! " Oshifo shokukonakonwa Opo nee okwa twikila ko a ti: "Onda kala nda teelela oule womido 50 lwaapo. " What is one thing that remained constant in David's life? Ova li va pwilikina koupyakadi wange nelitulemo. Oshinima shimwe shilipi sha kala alushe tashi twikile okukala po monghalamwenyo yaDavid? Wicked people exhibit a spirit that seems subhuman, animalistic, even demonic. Onghee hano, ngeenge owa filwa kaume kopahombo, ino kala to lipula unene nonakwiiwa. Ovanhu ovakolokoshi ohava ti kutya ovanhu ovo ve na omhepo yeliyambo ohava monika va fa vehe na ondjo, oinamwenyo oyo ya li apeshe. Whose examples can move us to strengthen our faith? Otu shii kutya oku tu hole neenghono notwa hala oku mu ulikila kutya nafye otu mu hole. Oihopaenenwa oyo otai dulu oku tu linyengifa tu pameke eitavelo letu? Let them rise up if they can save you in your time of calamity... Mewanifo lotete, osho osha li sha ningwa mo 66 O.P. eshi etangakwaita laRoma la " xupipika ' eponokelo lalo. Ngeenge owe lihange monghalo ya tya ngaho, oto dulu oku va xupifa pomafimbo madjuu. Do research. Kala wa fa u wete oiningwanima oyo to lesha momahokololo Ombibeli. Kala ho kongo omauyelele. All rights reserved. Omunhu ngeenge te liyapulile Jehova oha ningi eano lopaumwene. All rights reserved. They listened carefully to my problems. Ova li tava ka kala ve lipyakidila noinima yopaumwene nova " lolokifwa. ' Ova li va pwilikina nelitulemo komaupyakadi ange. If you have lost your mate, strive to deal with your loss one day at a time. Onghee hano, embo laJohannes ola shangwa komumoninomesho woiningwanima oyo. Ngeenge owa filwa kaume koye kopahombo, kendabala u ungaunge nefyo. We realize how much he loves us, and we want to show him that we love him too. Otwa hala yo okuninga ngaho tu na elineekelo kutya mafiku Jehova ota ka nyamukula eilikano olo hatu ilikana nomutima aushe kutya, "Ouhamba woye nau uye "! Otu shii kutya oku tu hole neenghono notwa hala oku mu ulikila kutya otu mu hole. In the initial fulfillment, this happened in 66 C.E. when the Roman army "cut short " its attack. Ndele opo tu ka kale twa shambukwa eshi Jehova ta ka finda filufilu ovatondi vaye, otu na okukala ovadiinini fiyo okexulilo. Xuuninwa, osho osha ka ningwa mo 66 O.P. eshi etangakwaita laRoma la li la "xupipikwa. " Visualize Bible accounts. Jehova okwa li a handukila Asa nokwa li a tuma omuprofeti Hanani e ke mu lombwele shi na sha naasho. Kala wa fa u wete omahokololo Ombibeli oo taa ningwa. Such a dedication is a personal vow. Okwa li a tembukila meumbo lomumwatate omukokolindjila, ta mono oilonga yetatafiku nokwa li a hovela okukokola ondjila. Eliyapulo la tya ngaho oli li eudaneko lopaumwene. They would be distracted and become "weighed down. " Omukulukadi waye okwa ti: "Otwe lihonga kutya osha fimana okukala hatu ilikana pamwe pandjikilile nokutula moilonga omayele Ombibeli e na sha nokukala tu holafane nokulididimikilafana tashi di komutima. Otava ka piyaanekwa ndele tava " kala va mwena. ' The book of John is therefore the work of an eyewitness. Ngahelipi mbela? Onghee hano, embo laJohannes ola li hali longo pamwe naye. We do this with full confidence that Jehovah will soon answer our earnest prayer: "Let your Kingdom come "! Ndele mbela ongahelipi kunena? Osho ohatu shi ningi tu na elineekelo filufilu kutya mafiku Jehova ota ka nyamukula eilikano letu olo tali ti: "Ouhamba woye nau uye! " To share in that glorious triumph, however, we must remain faithful to the end. Konima yoita yaHarmagedon, " omeva omanamwenyo otaa ka kunguluka ' okudja mOuhamba waKristus. Ndele opo tu udifile ovanhu ovo ve li meulu, otu na okukala ovadiinini fiyo okexulilo. Jehovah was not pleased with Asa and sent the prophet Hanani to tell him so. Nopehe na elondwelo lasha, ova li va kokololelwa konhele yomalandifilo mengungo lovanhu opo va ka holoke komhangu diva. Jehova ka li a hokwa Asa nokwa li a tuma omuprofeti Hanani e mu lombwele kombinga yaye. He moved in with a pioneer brother, got a part - time job, and began to pioneer. (b) Omolwashike eninginifo tali dulu okuyelekanifwa nokutunga onguluwato pefimbo laNoa? Okwa li a tembukila komukokolindjila wedina Okwa li a kufa ombinga moilonga yefimbo li yadi, ndele ta hovele okukokola ondjila. His wife says: "We have learned the importance of praying together regularly and of applying the Bible's advice to be sincerely loving and patient with each other. ESHI oshiwana shaKalunga sha dja muBabilon mo 537 K.O.P., Kalunga okwa li e na ko nasha nondjila omo va li tava ende okuya kuJerusalem. Omukulukadi waye okwa ti: "Otwa mona kutya osha fimana okwiilikana pandjikilile nokutula moilonga omayele Ombibeli opo tu kale tu holafane shili. Why? Oshitukulwa shehangano laye shomeulu ohashi wilike oshitukulwa shehangano lokombada yedu. Omolwashike mbela? But what about today? (Lukas 10: 21) Ombiibeli oya shangwa monghedi oyo tai dulu ashike okuudiwa ko kwaavo ve na oikala iwa. Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha nokunena? Following Armageddon, "living waters " will flow continuously from the seat of the Messianic Kingdom. Mefimbo opo la di ko, omushiinda shetu umwe okwa li a hanga oimaliwa ikukutu poshitaafula shetu ndele ta pula nge ngeenge inandi tila ounona ve i kufe po. Konima yaHarmagedon, " omwenyo ' otau ka kala wa tema fiyo alushe koshi yepangelo lOuhamba wopaMessias. Without any warning, they had been dragged by a mob to the marketplace to stand before a hastily convened court. (Lesha Genesis 1: 28.) Ova li va yandja elondwelo la kwata moiti kovanhu ovo va li va anya okuya moukwaita ofimbo va li va twalwa komhangu. (b) Why can baptism be likened to constructing the ark in Noah's day? Petrus okwa kala omudiinini kOmona waKalunga omuvaekwa nonande vamwe ova li ve mu fiya po (b) Omolwashike eninginifo tali dulu okufaafanifwa okutunga ongulu yomomeva pefimbo laNoa? WHEN God's people left Babylon in 537 B.C.E., Jehovah took an interest in their route to Jerusalem. Ngeno okwe va lombwelele ngeno okwa kanifa efimano laye nosho yo ondondo yaye. ESHI oshiwana shaKalunga sha dja muBabilon mo 537 K.O.P., Jehova okwa li a katuka onghatu opo shi ye kuJerusalem. In turn, the heavenly part of his organization influences the earthly part. Oshike hatu lihongo moihopaenenwa yaavo va kala ovadiinini kuvamwe? Oshidjemo, oshitukulwa shehangano laye shomeulu otashi ka ponokela oshitukulwa shehangano laye shokombada yedu. The Bible is written in such a way that only those with the right attitude would understand its message. Oihopaenenwa yopaMbibeli ilipi tai dulu okuladipika Ovakriste ovanamido kunena va tembukile koitukulwa oko ku na omhumbwe inene? Ombibeli oya shangwa monghedi ya tya ngaho molwaashi ovo ashike ve na oikala ya yuka ova li tava ka uda ko etumwalaka layo. A neighbor recently saw some coins on our table and asked me if I wasn't afraid that the children would take them. Ngeenge tamu tale oilyo youkwaneumbo weni tai udifa notai ulike kutya oi hole Jehova noya hala oku mu hafifa, otashi ka xumifa komesho oukumwe moukwaneumbo. Omafimbo amwe ovanhu vahapu ova li va mona okamukunda wetu ndele tava pula nge ngeenge inandi tila kutya ounona otava ka ninga po shike. (Read Genesis 1: 28.) Pokwoongala oko kwa li kwa ningwa muAuguste 1957, opa li oumatyona 33 000 lwaapo va dja koilongo nokoitukulwa 85. (Lesha Genesis 1: 28.) Peter was loyal to God's anointed Son even though others rejected Him Omusika oyo ohai kala ya unganekwa monghedi oyo tai ningifa omutima nomadiladilo etu e lilongekidile oprograma yoshoongalele. Petrus okwa li omudiinini kOmona waKalunga nonande vamwe ova li va anya okutambula ko etumwalaka laye Doing so would mean losing his position and his prestige. Onda li handi kala ndi udite etumba nonokutya ondi li ngaashi ovanhu aveshe. Ngeenge otwa ningi ngaho, ohatu ka kanifa ondodo yaye nosho yo efimano laye. What examples of people who proved their devotion to others can we imitate? 2: 4) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li oshihopaenenwa shiwa. Oihopaenenwa yaavo va ulika oudiinini wavo otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu hopaenene shike? What Biblical examples of serving where the need is greater can benefit older Christians today? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa hokolola ohole oyo ya ulikwa kuJehova naJesus okupitila mekuliloyambo eshi a ti: "Osheshi fye fimbo twa li oingone, Kristus okwa fila ovahenakalunga pefimbo la wapala. Oihopaenenwa yopaMbiibeli ilipi tai dulu okweetela Ovakriste ovanamido ouwa kunena? And when they hear one another talk about the truth and see that all in the family love Jehovah and want to please him, they draw even closer together. Okwa li a mona kutya eenghatu nosho yo omatokolo ovakolokoshi okwe va tula "pomufenu. " Ngeenge ova udu oshipopiwa shimwe kombinga yoshili nokumona kutya aveshe moukwaneumbo wavo ove hole Jehova nova hala oku mu hafifa, ohava ehene popepi elela naye. On the latter occasion, some 33,000 Scouts from 85 countries and territories were present. Okwa li ha efa a nwefwe mo komhepo iyapuki nokwa li ha katuka metwokumwe newiliko layo. Pomhito oyo, ovanhu 3 000 ova li va dja koilongo 85 nomoitukulwa omo mwa li hamu kala ovanhu vahapu. These orchestral arrangements are composed in such a way that they will prepare our heart and mind for the program to follow. Onghee hano, natu xumifeni komesho ohole nomhepo iwa meongalo mokukala tu li ookaume ve shii okulineekelwa ovo ihava holola oiholekwa yavakwao! - Omayel. Omalongekido oo okwa fikama po monghedi ya tya ngaho opo a longekide omitima detu nomadiladilo etu. I felt that it gave me self - confidence and made me feel that I was like everyone else. (a) Konima eshi Jesus a londa a ya meulu, ovayapostoli vaye ovadiinini ova li va ninga etokolo la fimana lilipi? Onda li ndi udite kutya ondi na omukumo nondi udite kutya ondi hole keshe umwe. The apostle Paul was a fine example. Omukriste omuyapostoli Paulus okwa koleka oushili oo eshi a ti: "Eshi nda li okaana, onda tonga ngaashi okaana,... nonda diladila ngaashi okaana. " Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li oshihopaenenwa shiwa. The apostle Paul described the love that Jehovah and Jesus showed through the ransom. He said: "Indeed, while we were still weak, Christ died for ungodly men at the appointed time. Natu ka konakoneni osho Jesus a li a popya. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa popya shi na sha nohole oyo Jehova naJesus va ulika okupitila mekuliloyambo, a ti: "Molwaashi otwa li natango twa nghundipala, Kristus okwa fila ovahenakalunga ovo va nangekwa po pefimbo opo. He could see that their course and choices in life put them on "slippery ground. " Okuya mefudo pamwe novanamido otashi dulika ve ke shi tale ko shi li oshali ya denga mbada kuvo i dule eeshali adishe. Okwa li a mona kutya omatokolo nosho yo omatokolo avo okwe va ningifa va kale ve na " edu. ' He welcomed its influence, and when it impelled him, he yielded and acted accordingly. Ngeenge omupika a li a hala okukala a amenwa mokukalela omwene waye muwa fiyo alushe, okwa li ta dulu okuninga eudafano tali kalelele nomwene waye. Okwa li a tambula ko enwefemo layo, noya li ye mu linyengifa a katuke metwokumwe nalo. May we promote a loving, familylike spirit in the congregation by being a trustworthy friend who can keep things confidential. - Prov. • Ngaashi Maria, otu na okukala tu na oikala ya tya ngahelipi oyo tai ke tu pefa omanangeko noupuna? Natu xumifa komesho ohole youmwainafana meongalo mokukala tu li kaume omulineekelwa oo ta dulu okukala e shii okulineekelwa. - Omayel. (a) After Jesus ' ascension to heaven, what important decision did the faithful apostles make? Omishangwa odo oda li da kwafela Graham a didilike mo oikala ii oyo a li e na nokwa li e i tonde. (a) Oshike sha li sha kwafela ovayapostoli ovadiinini konima eshi Jesus a londa meulu? The Christian apostle Paul acknowledged that fact when he wrote: "When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to think as a child. " (Johannes 1: 29) Osho otashi divilike onghandangala oyo Jesus a dana mokuxupifa ovanhu ovaduliki. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa dimina oushili oo eshi a ti: "Eshi nda li okaana, onda li nda ikilila okupopya okaana ngaashi okaana. " Let us examine what Jesus said. (Mateus 6: 30 - 34) Inatu pumbwa okukala noshisho shi na sha neemhumbwe detu domonakwiiwa. Natu ka kundafaneni osho Jesus a ti. A family vacation including the grandparents would likely be more appreciated than any other gift for them. • Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu mone kutya otwa tala ko ngahelipi oikolwifa? Oukwaneumbo otashi dulika u kale wa lenga neenghono oshali imwe vali i lili noku lili. If a slave wanted the security of belonging permanently to a good master, he could enter a permanent and binding agreement with him. Oshike osho to diladila Kalunga e ku ningila tashi ulike kutya oku ku hole? Ngeenge omupiya okwa li a hala okukala meameno lovapiya vaye fiyo alushe, okwa li ta dulu okuya pamwe naye. • Like Mary, what attitude can we display that will bring blessings? [ Efano pepandja 24] • Oikala ilipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya ohatu ka mona omanangeko noupuna? Graham began to see himself clearly in the mirror of God's Word, and he did not like what he saw! Onde lihonga kutya ohandi dulu okuninga oinima meenghedi di lili noku lili. Omulumenhu oo okwa li a hovela okutala nawa Eendjovo daKalunga, nokwa li a fa ina mona osho a li a mona. This drew attention to Jesus ' role in saving obedient mankind. Ovakulunhuongalo novayakuliongalo ohava fimaneke vamwe. Osho osha li sha ningifa Jesus a wanife po onghandangala oyo a li ta ka xupifa ovanhu ovaduliki. We do not need to worry about our future needs. Omukulunhuongalo okwa pwilikina nelitulemo nokwa kendabala okuuda ko omaliudo omumwatate oo nopehe na oku mu tokola nokwa li e mu shilipaleka kutya ye noukwaneumbo waye ove holike. Inatu pumbwa okukala hatu lipula kombinga yeemhumbwe detu monakwiiwa. • What will help us to examine our attitude toward alcoholic beverages? (Lesha 2 Ovakorinto 4: 2.) • Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu konakone etaleko letu li na sha nokulongifa oikunwa yoalkoholi? And what do you think God has done that demonstrates his love for you? Paulelalela, Jesus okwa li ta ti: " Ngeenge omupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge okwa ungaunga nai novapiya vakwao, omwene waye ote ke mu katukila onghatu eshi ta ka aluka. ' Mbela oto diladila kutya Kalunga okwe ku ningila shike? [ Picture on page 24] Jesus okwa ti: "Didilikeni nawa osho hamu shi pwilikine. " [ Efano pepandja 24] I learned that there are different ways of doing things. OVANHU ashike vanini hava hafele okufuta oifendela. Onde lihonga kutya ope na eenghedi da yoolokafana di lili naku lili. Elders and ministerial servants show honor to others. (Mat. 28: 18) Ota longifa eenghono odo mokuwanifa po elalakano laJehova paufwafimbo laJehova. Ovakulunhuongalo novayakuliongalo ohava fimaneke vamwe. The elder listened empathetically without being judgmental and expressed loving concern for the brother and his family. Omumwatate umwe omupashukili omweendi omunyasha wedina Léopold Jontès okwa li e uya kObetel opo a kwafele nge. Omukulunhuongalo oo okwa li a pwilikina nawa nopehe na oku mu tokola noku mu ulikila ohole youmwainafana nosho yo oukwaneumbo waye. (Read 2 Corinthians 4: 2.) (b) Ongahelipi omuhongwa Jakob a yelifa oukwatya wokuteelela nelididimiko? (Lesha 2 Ovakorinto 4: 2.) In effect, Jesus was saying: " If the faithful and discreet slave were ever to mistreat his fellow slaves in these ways, this is what the master will do when he arrives. ' Inashi yeleka tuu eshi omushangwa womudo 2014, omudo omuti - 100 wokupangela kwOuhamba waKalunga womeulu, eshi wa kufwa muMateus 6: 10, tau ti: "Ouhamba woye nau uye "! Paulelalela, Jesus okwa li ta ti: " Ngeenge omupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge okwa ungaunga novapiya vaye monghedi ya tya ngaha, Omwene ote ke uya. ' " Pay attention to what you are hearing, " said Jesus. Rose okwa li a mona kutya ope na eenghedi dihapu omo ta dulu okukonakona. Jesus okwa ti: "Okuyandja elitulemo kwaasho tamu udu. " FEW people enjoy paying taxes. Pula Jehova e ku pe ounongo opo u dule okudidilika mo onghalo oyo tai shi ningifa shidjuu kwoove okukala uhe na ombinga. OVANHU vamwe ohava hafele okufuta oifendela. He uses that authority to accomplish Jehovah's purpose according to the timetable God has set. Abraham okwa li a lenga nokwa kaleka po oukaume waye naJehova. Oha longifa eenghonopangelo daye opo a wanife po elalakano laJehova paufwafimbo laye. A young traveling overseer, Léopold Jontès, came to Bethel to help me. Oshoshili kutya omahokololo e na sha noparadisa ohaa hokololwa lwoikando momalaka mahapu nosho yo momaputuko a yoolokafana mounyuni aushe. Omupashukili omweendi umwe wedina Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, okwa li e uya kwaame opo ndi kwafele nge. (b) How does the disciple James illustrate one aspect of patience? (Ef. 6: 12) Ondiaboli, oyo i li kalunga kounyuni ou, oi shii nghee i na oku tu yeleka opo i tu ningife tu liyandje komahalo etu opambelela. (b) Ongahelipi omuhongwa Jakob a ulika kutya omulididimiki? How fitting that our yeartext for 2014, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven, is Matthew 6: 10: "Let your Kingdom come "! (Luk. 4: 1 - 13) Jesus okwa li yo a didilika mo nokwa kondjifa eenghendabala daSatana domonanguwi eshi a li ta kendabala okunwefa mo omadiladilo nosho yo eenghatu daye. Omushangwa wetu womudo 2014 otau ulike kutya omushangwa wetu womudo 2014 otau faneke Ouhamba waKalunga womeulu, oo tau ti: "Ouhamba woye nau uye! " Rose learned that there is more than one way to study. Kakele kaasho, otu na okudimbuluka kutya katu na okuningila vamwe omatokolo moinima oyo va pumbwa okuninga omatokolo kuvo vene. - Gal. Rose okwa li e lihonga kutya ope na vali onghedi imwe yokukonakona. Ask Jehovah for wisdom to recognize a situation that might make it difficult for you to stay neutral. Ngeenge omukulukadi okwa kongo efimbo la wapala opo a lombwele omushamane waye oinima oyo a kala e mu holeka, te shi ningi nelungi, omushamane ote ke mu pandula omolwounashili waye, nohole yaye yoku mu hola otai ka kala ya xwama. Pula Jehova e ku pe ounongo u dimbuluke onghalo oyo tai dulu oku ku ningifa u kale ino hombola ile ino hombolwa. Abraham cherished and maintained his friendship with Jehovah. Opolifi oya li hai kala nge luhapu mokashoko. Abraham okwa li a lenga oukaume waye naJehova. In fact, stories of paradise are retold in many languages and cultures around the world. Gust Maki oo a li pamwe nafye okwa li e na owino ngeenge tashi uya pokweenda mefuta. Omahokololo e na sha noparadisa oku li momalaka mahapu mounyuni aushe. As the god of this wicked system of things, the Devil knows how to exploit our imperfect desires by putting in our path temptations common to imperfect humans. Ove liyamba va longe moGhana, Jul. Edina, No. E li kalunga kefimbo lounyuni ou woukolokoshi, Ondiaboli oi shii nghee hatu dulu okulongifa omahalo etu inaa wanenena opo tu finde omayeleko ovanhu inava wanenena. Remember, too, that we should not impose our own views on others regarding matters that they need to decide for themselves. - Gal. Ehangano li na sha novanailonga lopaiwana ola ti kutya ovalumenhu, ovakainhu nounona omamiliyona 21 lwaapo otava longifwa natango ve li ovapika, ve li monghalo idjuu nohava futwa shinini ile ihava futwa nokuli. Dimbuluka yo kutya katu na okutula moilonga etaleko letu li na sha noinima oyo va pumbwa okuninga. - Gal. Instead, if she finds an appropriate time to explain unpleasant things calmly, her husband will likely appreciate her honesty. Now his love for her will grow. Omakodi amwe ohaa file mefuta molwaashi taa kendabala okuvakula mo oshi idjuu unene okuhumbata. Ponhele yaasho, ngeenge omushamane okwa mono efimbo la wapala loku mu yelifila oinima ii, omushamane waye ota ka kala a lenga ekwatafano laye naye. The police were constantly on my heels. Onghee hano, lipula to ti: " Oshike sha tomha nge ndi itavele kutya Kalunga oko e li? ' Efiku limwe onda li handi tuwa omukumo kopolifi oyo nda li handi pewa. One of our number, Gust Maki, was an experienced sea captain. 18, 19. (a) Omolwashike tu na okukondja opo tu kale tu na eitavelo? Keshe umwe womufye okwa li ha kala e na owino, oo a li ha kala e na owino wokuliumbila mombada. Chapters and Verses, No. Nongahelipi hatu dulu okukwafela vakwetu va ninge sha faafana? Omatukulwa neevelishe, No. Some 21 million men, women, and children still work as slaves, under bondage and with little or no pay, according to the International Labour Organization. Mbela ito dulu okukala ho yandje ekwafo olo la pumbiwa? Ovanhu omamiliyona 21 lwaapo, ovakainhu nounona ohava longo ve li ovapika, ve li ovapika, ve li ovapika ile vehe na ko nasha nohava futu oifendela. Certain eagles are reported to have drowned when they did not release from their talons a fish that was too heavy to carry off. OSHILONGO OMO A DALELWA: KIPRO Ovanhu vamwe ohava ti kutya kave na eshi va mangululwa kodolongo oyo ya li idjuu neenghono. Well, then, ask yourself, " What convinces me that God exists? ' Oukomunisi nokuhaitavela kutya Kalunga ke ko oya li ya nwefa nge mo oule weedula 18 dotete donghalamwenyo yange, ndele Ombiibeli oya kala tai lundulula onghalamwenyo yange fiyo opaife. Onghee hano, lipula kutya, " Oshike sha tomha nge kutya Kalunga oko e li? ' 18, 19. (a) Why must we fight to maintain our faith? Omuudifi wevangeli Filippus okwa li e na ovana oukadona vane ovo navo va li ve na ouladi wokuudifa evangeli ngaashi xe. 18, 19. (a) Omolwashike tu na okukondjifa opo tu kaleke po eitavelo letu? And how may we help others to do so? Opo nee Samuel a kufa oshanga yomaadi nokwe mu vaeka mokati kovamwaina vaye ovalumenhu, nOmhepo yOmwene ye uya muDavid kefiku tuu olo ndele ya kala muye. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. Nongahelipi hatu dulu okukwafela vamwe va ninge ngaho? Can you be a source of much - needed support? Mbela oiimati yoludi lilipi ya dalwa? Mbela oto dulu ngoo shili okukonga ekwafo la wedwa po? COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CYPRUS Omanyamukulo omapulo oo okwa kuma eitavelo letu, onghee natu ka taleni osho Omishangwa tadi ti. OSHILONGO OMO A DALELWA: BENIN Communism and atheism formed me during the first 18 years of my life; the Bible has been transforming my life ever since. Omolwashike nongahelipi Herodes a li ta hepeke Ovakriste, mwa kwatelwa yo Petrus? Mepingafano naasho, okudja eshi nda li ndi na omido 18, Ombibeli oya lundulula onghalamwenyo yange. The evangelizer Philip had four virgin daughters who shared their father's zeal for evangelizing. Otu na yo ovanamido nosho yo ovo vehe na oukolele ovo hava ningi eenghendabala va kale pokwoongala kwopaKriste nokukufa ombinga moukalele. omuudifi wevaengeli Filippus okwa li e na ovanakadona vane ovo va li va kufa ombinga nouladi moilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa. Accordingly Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the spirit of Jehovah began to be operative upon David from that day forward. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. OSHITUKULWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 2 Konima yaasho, Samuel okwa li a kufa po oshikutu shaye shokombada yedu nokwa li e mu vaeka nomhepo iyapuki, naasho osha li sha ningifa David a kale a teelela efiku olo. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. But what kind of fruit is produced by a wheat stalk? Ngeno Jehova ka katukile onghatu shi na sha naasho sha ningwa muEden, ngeno oudiinini waye owa tulwa momalimbililo. Ndele mbela oiimati ohai dala shike ngeenge ohai dala oilya? Those aspects have a bearing on our faith, so let us see what we find in the Scriptures. Ongahelipi ovadali Ovakriste tava dulu okuulika oudiinini kuKalunga? Oinima oyo otai tu kwafele tu kale tu na eitavelo la kola, onghee hano natu ka taleni kwaasho hatu lesha mOmishangwa. Why and how did Herod mistreat the Christians, including Peter? Ndele ponhele yaasho, natu kaleni twa tokola toko okukala metwokumwe neliyapulo letu fiyo osheshi onghalelo yoinima yaSatana ya xulifwa po. Omolwashike Herodes a li a fiya po Ovakriste, mwa kwatelwa Petrus? We also have our older ones and those in poor health who do their best to attend Christian meetings and participate in the field service. Va kwafela va longife omadiladilo avo she likolelela keedula davo. Otu na yo ovanamido nosho yo ovo ve na oukolele muwa wokuninga ngaashi tava dulu opo va kale pokwoongala kwopaKriste nokukala hava kufa ombinga moilonga yomomapya. 29 An East Asian in Ancient Italy Omukanda wediminino otashi dulika u yandje epitikilo kunakulanda a tule oprograma oyo mokombiyuta imwe aike noku i longifa. 29 Ovanhu vahapu vopefimbo lonale ova li va tala ko ngahelipi onghalamwenyo yavo? Above all, had God done nothing about the sin committed in Eden, his own trustworthiness would have been called into question. Opo nee, otwa ka hombola mo 1965. Komesho yaaishe, Kalunga ka li a ninga po sha shi na sha noulunde muEden, molwaashi okwa li e shii filufilu kutya oulunde otau ka ifanwa ngahelipi. How can Christian parents show loyalty to God? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a londwela Ovakolossi shi na sha noshiponga shomahongo oipupulu a tya ngaho moku va shangela onhumwafo tai tu omukumo, eshi a ti: "Lungameni, pa ha kale umwe te mu [yulifa] ounongo wovanhu nomapukifo ongaho, te likwatelele meenghedinghulu nomoihovelanghono younyuni, hamuKristus. " - Kol. Ongahelipi ovadali Ovakriste tava dulu okuulika oudiinini wavo kuKalunga? Rather, may we be determined to be true to our dedication as Satan's system crashes in ruins. 5: 25 - 27) Kungaho, ova yapulwa nova kosholwa. Ponhele yaasho, natu kale twa tokola toko okukala metwokumwe neliyapulo letu eshi onghalelo ei yaSatana tai ka hanaunwa po. Stimulate their thinking, keeping their age in mind. Harmagedon oita oyo tai ka xulifa po oita aishe Molwaashi kava li va hala okulundulula omadiladilo avo, omadiladilo avo okwa li taa kaleke momadiladilo avo eshi va li ve na omido omulongo nasha. Although in this article we refer to the teenager as a male, the principles discussed apply to both genders. Ngaashi sha popiwa mOmbiibeli, eano oli li eudaneko la fimana olo hali ningilwa Kalunga. Nonande moshitukulwa eshi ohatu ulike omunyasha oo e li omunyasha, omafinamhango oo a kundafanwa moshitukulwa eshi otaa ulike komafinamhango oo a kundafanwa mokatendo ka tetekela. The license may allow the purchaser to install and use the program on only one computer. ▪ Kala wa lenga osho to lihongo. Omukanda oo otashi dulika u efe po okulanda oinima oyo wa landa, ndele to longifa ashike oikundafanwa yonhumba. Paolo and I got married in 1965. Omolwashike to dulu okukala noushili kutya Jehova ota dulu oku ku amena kukeshe osho tashi dulu oku ku ningifa u kale ino hokiwa vali kuye? Ame naolo otwa hombola mo 1965. In counteracting these false teachings, the apostle Paul wrote an encouraging letter, cautioning the Colossians: "Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " - Col. Ope na vali efinamhango limwe la fimana olo hali tu kwafele tu hoolole oikutu oyo tai wapalele. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa shanga monhumwafo oyo a li a shangela Ovakolossi a ti: "Tala, keshe ou te mu tondo, nomapukifo ongaho, oye hamuKristus. " - Kol. They are thus sanctified and cleansed. Samuel okwa li a vaeka Saul a ninge omuwiliki woshiwana. Kungaho, ova yapulwa nova yapulwa. Armageddon will be the war to end all wars Katu na okukala hatu dulika keemhango daJehova molwaashi twa tila e tu handukile. Harmagedon ota ka xulifa po oita aishe As used in the Bible, a vow is a solemn promise that is made to God. Eshi twe lihonga kombinga yefiloshisho lekuliloyambo laJesus nokukala tu na eitavelo mulo, oshe tu linyengifa tu hovele okupanga oukaume naKalunga. Ngaashi sha longifwa mOmbibeli, eudaneko olo eudaneko la kwata moiti olo Kalunga a udaneka. ▪ Value what you learn. Konima yoshivike shimwe, okwa li a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nokwa li yo a hovela diva okukala he uya kokwoongala. ▪ Kala wa lenga osho we lihonga. Unity Identifies True Worship 4: 5. Oukumwe ohau fimanekifa elongelokalunga lashili Why can you be confident that Jehovah can protect you from anything that could cause you to lose his approval? Okwa li e va dimbulukifa kutya ove mu yambidida meenghalo didjuu. Omolwashike to dulu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova ota dulu oku ku amena koshinima keshe osho tashi dulu oku ku ningifa u kale wa hokiwa kuye? There is another important principle that helps us to select appropriate clothing. Nongeenge tu li mohotela ile pefimbo lomalihafifo, otu na okuhenuka okudjala monghedi oyo tai ulike okuhenakonasha. Ope na vali efinamhango limwe la fimana olo tali dulu oku tu kwafela tu hoolole oikutu tai wapalele. Samuel anointed Saul to be the leader of a nation. Paulelalela, Paulus okwa li a hala okutya shike eshi a popya kombinga " yokudiladila pambelela '? Samuel okwa vaekwa a ninge omuwiliki woshiwana shaIsrael. It is not a matter of obeying his laws out of fear of punishment. Omolwashike tu na okudilonga kEendjovo daKalunga? Kashi na nee mbudi kutya ohatu dulika keemhango daye da tya ngahelipi, kashi na nee mbudi kutya otadi pula shike. When we learned about his provision of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice and exercised faith in that provision, we began to build a friendship with God. Korah novalumenhu ovo ova li ve udite ouumbo molwaashi va li ve shii kutya ove na ekwatafano liwa naJehova. Eshi twe lihonga kombinga yekuliloyambo laJesus nosho yo eitavelo mekuliloyambo laJesus, otwa li twa hovela okupameka oukaume wetu naKalunga. Value One Race? Atusheni otwa pumbwa okulipula kutya: " Mbela ohandi kala nda efela po vamwe ovo va kale tava longo noudjuu? Mbela ope na umwe oo a li a lenga oshinima shimwe shi lili? One week later, the woman had her first Bible study, and soon she started to attend meetings. Shotete, omhepo iyapuki oya li ya pameka Olutuwiliki. Oshivike shimwe konima yaasho, omukainhu oo okwa li e uya okukonakona Ombibeli, nolwanima okwa ka hovela okukala ha i kokwoongala. 4: 5. 12, 13. (a) Omahongo oipupulu aSatana atatu elipi, noshili ilipi kombinga yomahongo oo? 4: 5. Jesus reminded them that they had stuck with him during trying times. (Rom. 1: 7) Okwa li e va ladipika va ninge omalunduluko novaha " faafane nounyuni ou. ' Jesus okwa li e va dimbulukifa kutya ova kala ovadiinini kuye omafimbo amwe. Even as we check in and out of a hotel, as well as when we enjoy leisure time before and after convention sessions, we want to avoid an appearance that is overly casual or slovenly. Osho otashi ke ku kwafela u lilongekidile eninginifo. Nokuli nongeenge hatu tale koilonga yokulikongela omboloto, ohatu kala twa hala okuhafela eendafano, kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu na omido ngapi ile ohatu kala twa hala okukala tu na eholokepo la tya ngahelipi, kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu na eholokepo la tya ngahelipi. What, then, was Paul saying about "setting the mind on the flesh "? Ova pumbwa oku shiiva kutya Kalunga "Omuudi womailikano. " Mbela Paulus okwa li ta popi kombinga " yokudiladila pambelela '? Why should we have deep appreciation for God's Word? Ngeenge eemhango ihadi diininwa ile ngeenge umwe ke na oumbada wokukwatwa, ovanhu ovo hava dulika keemhango navo otava dulu okukala ve udite va manguluka okuninga oinima oyo va li vehe na okuninga. Omolwashike tu na okukala twa lenga neenghono Eendjovo daKalunga? Korah and the others must have felt secure about their relationship with Jehovah. 11. Korah nosho yo vamwe ova li ve udite va amenwa shi na sha nekwatafano lavo naJehova. Each of us does well to ask himself: " Am I content to let others carry the bulk of the workload? 5: 45. Keshe umwe womufye oku na okulipula kutya: " Mbela ohandi kala ngoo nda wanenwa eshi handi efa vamwe va wanife po oshilonga osho? First, holy spirit empowered the governing body. Kakele kaasho, Jehu okwa li yo a lombwelwa a " handukile Isabel omolwohonde yovapiya vaKalunga. ' - 2 Eeh. Shotete, Olutuwiliki ola li la pamekwa komhepo iyapuki. 12, 13. (a) What lies has Satan promoted, and what is the truth regarding each of those lies? Ponhele yokuuda nai omolwonghedi omo have ku pe outekuduliko, kendabala okumona kutya ope na sha osho she va ningifa va katuke ngaho. 12, 13. (a) Satana okwa xumifa komesho oipupulu ilipi, noshili oi na shike? He urged them to be transformed and to "quit being fashioned after this system of things. " Ovahongwa ova li va mona Messias Okwa li e va ladipika va ninge omalunduluko nova kale " inava dulika kuKalunga kefimbo lounyuni eli. ' That will help prepare you for baptism. Omauwa elipi hatu ka mona ngeenge otwa shikula omayele oo? Osho otashi ke ku kwafela u lilongekidile okuninginifwa. They need to know that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " Jehova osho naanaa he tu hekeleke ngaho. Ova pumbwa okushiiva kutya Jehova oye "Omuudi womailikano. " When enforcement is lax or when fear of getting caught is absent, people who are normally law - abiding may feel emboldened to do what they otherwise would not do. Eshi exulilo lounyuni waSatana tali ehene popepi, " efeto lokudala, ' ile tu tye omaudjuu otaa ka lunda pombada. Ngeenge omunhu okwa kwatwa koumbada wokutila ovanhu, otashi dulika a kale e udite kutya kave na oshilonga. John therefore told Gaius and, by extension, each of us: "Do not imitate what is bad. " - 3 John 11. Xuuninwa, okwa li a yelufa ondjato ihe na sha ndele te limemesha ta ti: " Omu wete? Onghee hano, Johannes okwa li a lombwela Gaius nosho yo Gaius a ti: "Inamu hopaenene osho shii. " - 3 Joh. 11. 5: 45. (Gal. 5: 19 - 21) Ohatu ka kala twa hafa nohatu ka hafifa Tate yetu womeulu, Jehova, ngeenge otwa kala hatu kondjo tuha kwatwe kefupandubo. 5: 45. Rather than fret over the manner of discipline, try to recognize that there may be a reason for the way they act. Ino va tila. ' Ponhele yokukwatela komesho outekuduliko, kendabala okudimina kutya otashi dulika pe na etomheno loku shi ninga. They Found the Messiah! Ngaashi ashike eemhango daye domeshito ihadi lunduluka, Jehova ke na efiku a ka lundulule omadiladilo aye molwaashi iha lunduluka. Ova li va mona Messias What are the benefits of following this counsel? Hopaenena eitavelo laMoses Ouwa ulipi hatu ka mona ngeenge otwa dulika komayele oo? Jehovah certainly does this. 12: 1. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova osho naanaa e shi ninga. As Satan's world nears its end, its "pangs of distress " will get worse. Ovaisrael ova li tava dulu okudidilika mo ngahelipi kutya Moses okwa li e na omhepo yaKalunga? Eshi ounyuni waSatana tau ehene popepi elela, " oudjuu wavo ' otau ka naipala neenghono. Finally, he held up the empty bag and said with a smile: " You see? Mbela oku na okushuna koshilongo shavo kuMoab a ka kale novapambele vaye ile ota i molweendo lile nainamweno kuBetlehem? - Rut 1: 1 - 8, 14. Opo nee, okwa li a kufa okandjato kaye ndele te limemesha ta ti: "Ou wete? By not allowing envy to control us, we can make our lives happier and can please our heavenly Father, Jehovah. Otu na okukala twa tokola toko okudulika komhango yaye i na sha nohonde. Ngeenge inatu efa efupandubo li tu kwatwe kefupandubo, ohatu dulu okukala twa hafa neenghono nohatu dulu okuhafifa Tate yetu womeulu, Jehova. Do not be afraid. " Oshike hatu lihongo mehokololo olo? Ino tila. " Just as his laws of creation never fail, Jehovah will never fail us. Jesus okwa popya kutya pomhito imwe Ondiaboli oya li inashili noihe na oshipo. Ngaashi ashike eemhango daye dihe na efiku di xulifwe po, Jehova ite ke tu efa nandenande. Imitate the Faith of Moses Ongahelipi tai dulu oku ku etela ouwa nosho yo oukwaneumbo woye? Natu hopaeneneni eitavelo laMoses 12: 1. 13: 5) Pashihopaenenwa, omunhu a ninginifwa oo ha tale owina omafano oipala oku na okulipula kutya, " Ohandi ulike ngoo kutya ondi muyapuki? ' 12: 1. How could the Israelites discern that Moses had God's spirit? Jehova okwe tu pa oshinima sha denga mbada shi dule omadidiliko. Ovaisrael ova li ve shii ngahelipi kutya Moses okwa li e na omhepo yaKalunga? Would she go back home to Moab to be with her family, or would she stay with Naomi, her mother - in - law, and travel to Bethlehem? - Ruth 1: 1 - 8, 14. Jehova ava vaye oku va shii. Mbela okwa li ta ka shuna keumbo opo a ka kale noukwaneumbo wavo, ile ota ka kala pamwe Naomi, kuina nosho yo Naomi? - Rut 1: 1 - 8, 14. We must be determined to obey his law on blood. (Eps. 119: 49, 50) Kunena otu na Eendjovo daJehova, Ombibeli, omo mu na oihopaenenwa ihapu yaavo va li va hekelekwa kuJehova. Otu na okukala twa tokola toko okudulika komhango yaye. What lesson can we learn from this account? 40: 13) Nopehe na omalimbililo, kape na nande oumwe. Oshike hatu lihongo mehokololo olo? Jesus implied that at one time the Devil had been truthful and guiltless. Omupsalme umwe okwa ti: "[Kalunga] edu owe li shitila keengudi dalo, lo li ha tengauke nande fiyo alushe. " Jesus okwa li a hala okutya pomhito imwe Ondiaboli ka li e udite etimba noka li e udite etimba nandenande. How can it benefit you and your family? Ohatu dulu okwiilikana Jehova e tu pe omhepo iyapuki opo i tu kwafele tu kale tu na oukwatya welididimiko nowelipangelo. Ongahelipi to dulu okumona ouwa nosho yo oukwaneumbo weni? For instance, a baptized person who deliberately views pornography should ask himself, " Am I proving myself holy? ' Eshi Christine a fika meumbo onguloshi oyo, okwa li a kumwa eshi a didilika kutya okwa kanifa ondjabi yaye aishe yokomwedi. Pashihopaenenwa, omunhu a ninginifwa oo ha tale omafano oipala oku na okulipula kutya: " Mbela ohandi ulike ngoo kutya ondi li ovayapuki? ' Jehovah does something better than giving us safety signs. Otwa li twa shitwa tu kale kedu liwaliwa. Jehova oha yandje eameno la denga mbada shihe fi ashike oku tu amena. He knows those who belong to him. Mupya munene, ka li a ninga etokolo li li mondjila. Oku shii kutya olyelye e mu hokwa. Today, we have Jehovah's written Word, which contains many examples of God - given comfort. Ndele nokuli nonande ovo wa ulikila olune inave ku pandula, osho itashi ti kutya ino pondola sha. Kunena, otu na oihopaenenwa ihapu i na sha naKalunga oo e tu hekeleka kunena. The answer, of course, is no one. (Ef. 4: 3, 13) Onghee hano, omolweenghendabala dokulonga noudiinini dovakulunhuongalo da tya ngaho, " keshe shimwe ohashi ningwa palandulafano nomonghedi iwa. ' - 1 Kor. Enyamukulo kepulo olo kali fi oshinima shimwe. " [God] has founded the earth upon its established places, " wrote the psalmist. Onghee hano, vahapu vomuvo ohava kendabala okukufa ombinga momalihafifo e lili noku lili omounyuni opo vaha kale tave lipula unene shi na sha neenghalo omo ve li. Omupsalme umwe okwa shanga a ti: " Kalunga okwa shita eduumbo lavo. ' Pray for holy spirit, which can give you patience and self - control. (Mateus 24: 14) Mbela ou shii ngoo kutya ovahongwa vaKristus otava longo oilonga oyo mepashukilo lovaengeli? Ilikana u pewe omhepo iyapuki, oyo tai dulu oku ku kwafela u kale u nelipangelo. When Christine got home that evening, she was shocked to discover that her month's pay was missing. Ngeenge owa kala ho kala navo efimbo, otave ke ku kwafela u ninge omatokolo e li pandunge nou ninge Omukriste a pyokoka. - Lesha Ovaheberi 5: 14. Eshi Christine a ya keumbo olo, okwa li a haluka eshi a mona kutya omwedi owa kana. We were created to live on a beautiful earth. 94: 20; Eh. Otwa shitwa tu kale nomwenyo kombada yedu. His decision and its resulting action cost his faithful brother Abel his life. Dimbuluka kutya ovanhu ova li va konga ondunge yokukaleka po omuti womusipressi oo wa popiwa metetekelo notava twikile okuninga eenghendabala natango opo ve u kaleke po. Etokolo laye nosho yo eenghatu daye oda li de mu ningifa a kanife omwenyo waye omudiinini Abel. Even when your kindness is not appreciated, that does not mean it is wasted. Ngeenge otwa shakeneke ovanhu va pumbwa ekwafo, otwe lilongekida ngoo oku va ulikila olukeno? Nokuli nonande olune loye kali fi oshinima sha tya ngaho, osho inashi hala okutya osha puka. Through the efforts of such hardworking elders, "all things take place decently and by arrangement. " - 1 Cor. Tila Omwene, ndee kanduka mo mowii. " Ovakulunhuongalo va tya ngaho ohava ningi eenghendabala da mana mo opo va longe noudiinini, " oinima aishe oi li nawa noya yuka. ' - 1 Kor. In an effort to avoid taking life too seriously, many turn to the constant flow of amusements of the entertainment world. Aame nda li omunashipundi weekomitiye dokutunga omatungo oo nohandi dimbuluka oinima ihapu iwa i na sha nanghee Jehova a li a nangeka noupuna eenghendabala domaongalo oo a li taa yambididafana pashimaliwa notwa dula okumana omatungo oo taa twikile okulongifwa fiyo okunena e li eenhele delongelokalunga lashili. Ovanhu vahapu ohava ningi eenghendabala opo va henuke okulalakanena onghalamwenyo youdjeko mounyuni ou. Did you know that Christ's disciples are doing this work under the supervision of the angels? Hasho nandenande. Mbela ou shii kutya ovahongwa vaKristus otava longo oshilonga sha tya ngaho mewiliko lovaengeli? When you spend time with them, they can help you to make wise decisions and to grow as a Christian. - Read Hebrews 5: 14. Ohandi pwilikine kwaaveshe ovo hava popi naame nongeenge tashi wapalele ohandi va lombwele kutya: "" Kalunga oku hole ou ta yandje nehafo. ' Ngeenge owa kala ho kala navo efimbo lile, otava dulu oku ku kwafela u ninge omatokolo e li pandunge nova kule pamhepo. - Lesha Ovaheberi 5: 14. 94: 20; Rev. (Ovaroma 3: 10; 9: 29) Ndele kasha li shipu okumona kutya omatofwemo okwa dja peni, okuninga shapo u shii lela "omishangwa diyapuki. " 94: 20; Eh. In the case of the Lone Cypress, people have looked for ways to help preserve it, and they continue to do so. Omunhu oo a fimaneka vamwe oha kala e va lenga noha kendabala okuuda ko omaliudo avo. Monghalo oyo, ovanhu ova li hava kongo eemhito opo va kaleke po eenghedi odo tadi dulu oku va kwafela, nova twikila okuninga ngaho. Are we like Jesus, ever ready to show compassionate concern when we meet people who need help? Opo nee, ova twikila okwiilikana shi na sha noinima imwe vali oyo Jehova a ningila oshiwana shaye, tava ti: " Noonakukalamo moshilongo, Ovakaanan, we va taataa komesho yavo. Mbela otwa fa ngoo Jesus e lilongekida okuulika olukeno ngeenge hatu shakeneke ovanhu ovo va pumbwa ekwafo? Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad. " Okuninga omatokolo. Jehova okwa li a efa ovanhu va hanaunwe po. " I was chairman of the building committees for these projects and have many pleasant memories of how Jehovah richly blessed the congregations involved in working together to finance and complete these buildings that continue to serve so well as centers of true worship. By permission of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Onda li omunafikola wokomitiye yOkomitiye yokutunga nosho yo oinima ihapu oyo tai ulike nghee Jehova a nangeka noupuna omaongalo oo a li a nangeka noupuna omaongalo oo opo a twikile okulonga noudiinini opo a twikile okulongela Kalunga pauyadi notu twikile okulongela Kalunga kashili. Of course not! Osho osha faafana kunena. Hasho nandenande! I listen to all who speak to me, and when appropriate, I often tell them: "" God loves a cheerful giver. ' Aveshe kava li ovadiinini. Delila ka li omudiinini komulumenhu waye Simson oo a li omutokolipangeli, Absalom ka li omudiinini kuxe, ohamba David, nosho yo Judas Iskariot ka li omudiinini kOmwene waye Kristus Jesus. Ohandi pwilikine nelitulemo kwaavo hava popi naame, naluhapu ohandi va lombwele tava ti: " Kalunga oku hole ou ta yandje nehafo. ' And it would have been difficult to find those quotations unless you were very familiar with all "the holy writings. " 16: 14 - 16. Otashi dulika ngeno osha kala shidjuu okumona ovo va nyika oshiponga ngeenge ove ku shii "omishangwa diyapuki. " (Oil. A respectful person values others and seeks to understand their feelings. 17, 18. (a) Oshike hatu dulu okulihonga " koshilemo sheendombwedi ' ngeenge tashi uya pefiyafanepo lomwenyo? Olukeno ohali kwafele vamwe va kale ve udite ko omaliudo avo. Then, the prayer continues about what else Jehovah had done for his people: "You proceeded to subdue before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites... 4: 31) Shinyikifa oluhodi, elihumbato la tya ngaho luhapu ohali xumifa komesho elongifo leenghono. Opo nee eilikano ola twikila ko vali kwaasho Jehova a li a ningila oshiwana shaye, eshi a ti: "Nye mwe va lombwela fimbo inamu nangala oshilongo... Making decisions. Okudja opo, ongudu inene yovalongelikalunga vashili oyo tai ende tai hapupala, oyo paife i dule pomamiliyona aheyali, oya tambula ko eshivo olo. Okuninga omatokolo. By permission of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Nomolwaasho atusheni twa pumbwa okukaleka ekwatafano letu naJehova la kola ngaashi tashi dulika. Eshi Ovaisrael va li va pula Jehova e va pe epitikilo va ye kuJerusalem, Jerusalem sha li sha ningilwa Jerusalem The same is true today. Ovahongwa vaJesus ova li va nangekwa noupuna ngahelipi omolweenghendabala davo ve li ovanailonga veteyo? Osho osha faafana nokunena. They were all disloyal - Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson; Absalom to his father, King David; Judas to his Master, Christ Jesus. Otwa hala elihumbato letu li fimanekife edina laJehova olo luhapu hali kala la shangwa kOlupale lOuhamba. - Yelekanifa 1 Eehamba 8: 17. Aveshe ovo va li vehe fi ovadiinini ova li omulumenhu oo a li e mu hole, Omutokoli Simson, Absalom, xe, David, oo a li e hole Omwene waye, Jesus Kristus. 16: 14 - 16. Ndele nande ongaho, vahapu ovo have li endulula kave shii kutya Ouhamba oshike ile kutya otau ka ninga shike eshi tau ke uya. - Mateus 6: 9, 10. 16: 14 - 16. 17, 18. (a) As to our race for life, what can we learn from the "cloud of witnesses "? Ndele ola ka kula neendelelo moule womido omilongo dinini. 17, 18. (a) Oshike hatu lihongo mefiyafanepo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe? Sadly, such conduct often escalates into violence. Jefta okwa li a popya a ti: "Ame nda makulila Omwene okanya kange, ndele ihandi dulu okulialula. " Shinyikifa oluhodi, elihumbato la tya ngaho luhapu ohali xumifa komesho elongifo leenghono. Since then, a growing number of the great crowd of true worshippers - over seven million now - have responded to that invitation. Jesus okwa ti kutya Jehova ota dulu nokuli okulongifa omamanya a lombwele ovanhu kombinga yOhamba yOuhamba waye. Okudja opo, omuvalu wongudu inene otau hapupala, u dulife pomamiliyona aheyali, wa tya ngaho owa enda tau hapupala. That is why we all must keep our relationship with Jehovah as strong as possible. Ovapashukili Ovakriste ove na oinakuwanifwa ilipi? Nomolwaasho atusheni otu na okukaleka ekwatafano letu naJehova la kola ngaashi tashi dulika. How were Jesus ' disciples blessed in their efforts as harvest workers? 16: 1, 2) Molwaashi omupiya oo okwa li a halakanifa po emona lomwene waye, omwene waye okwa li e mu taataa. Ovahongwa vaJesus ova li va nangekwa noupuna ngahelipi omolweenghendabala davo? We want our conduct to bring praise to Jehovah's name, which usually appears on the Kingdom Hall sign. - Compare 1 Kings 8: 17. Okulongela Jehova "nomutima aushe " osha kwatela mo shike? Otwa hala elihumbato letu li kale tali fimanekifa edina laJehova, naluhapu ohali holoka mOlupale lOuhamba. - Yelekanifa 1 Eehamba 8: 17. Yet, many who recite it have little idea what the Kingdom is or what it will do when it comes. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Otwa itavela yo kutya omunhu okwa pumbwa okukala e na eitavelo tali longo muJesus opo a ka xupifwe. Kakele kaasho, vahapu ovo ve na eshiivo linini kombinga yaasho Ouhamba tau ka ninga ngeenge tau uya. - Mateus 6: 9, 10. However, within a few decades, the congregation grew rapidly. Okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Xo a hala oku mu pa ouhamba. " Ashike moule womido donhumba, eongalo ola enda tali kulu kanini nakanini. Jephthah said: "I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back. " Konima yokafimbo, omukulunhuongalo oo omutitatu okwa ka nangekwa po e li omukokolindjila e likalekelwa. Jefta okwa ti: "Ame onda yeulula okanya kange, ndele ihandi dulu vali okushuna mo. " Jesus said that Jehovah could even make the stones tell others about the King of His Kingdom. Ponhele yokulipa fye vene oushima ile oku u pa Satana omolwomaupyakadi etu, otashi dulika tu hovele okuvela Jehova eembedi. Jesus okwa ti kutya Jehova ota dulu okulombwela vamwe kombinga yOhamba yOuhamba waye. What stewardship do various Christian elders have? Oshike tashi fanekwa (a) komuti wolumono, (b) komidi dao, (c) kefina nosho yo (d) koitai? Ovakulunhuongalo Ovakriste ove na oufembanghenda ulipi? Because the steward squandered the property of his master, the master dismissed him. 4, 5. (a) Ngaashi Paulus, oshike osho hatu kondjo nasho? Omwene wmwene waye okwa li e mu ta mo meumbo laye, molwaashi okwa li e mu kufa po. What is involved in serving Jehovah with "a complete heart "? Otu na okudiladila tete kutya omalihafifo elipi tu na okuhoolola. Oshike sha kwatelwa mo mokulongela Jehova " nomutima aushe '? In fact, we believe that exercising faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. Natango okwa ulikila ovana vaye vokombada yedu ohole yokuheliholamwene eshi e va pa eteelelo lokukala nomwenyo fiyo alushe moParadisa oyo e va longekidila. Otwa itavela kutya okukala neitavelo tali longo muJesus osha fimanenena opo tu ka xupifwe. He said of them: "Your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom. " Ndele osho sha fimanenena oshosho kutya, Jehova oku uditile ngahelipi osho wa ninga? - Omayeletumbulo 1: 33. Okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Xo yeni okwe mu hokwa. " A short while later, the third elder was appointed a special pioneer. Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a lombwela Ovakriste vakwao ovavaekwa, a ti: "Ofye ava hatu amenwa keenghono daKalunga molweitavelo, [tu] mone exupifo eli la longekidwa li hololwe mefimbo laxuuninwa. " Konima ashike yefimbo lixupi, omukulunhuongalo omutitatu okwa li a nangekwa po e li omukokolindjila e likalekelwa. Instead of blaming ourselves or Satan for a problem, we could start to blame Jehovah. Omumwameme umwe okwa li e lihonga ngahelipi okukala ha pangele ehandu? Ponhele yokukala tuhe na ko nasha ile twa wililwa po kuSatana, ohatu dulu okuhovela okupa Jehova oushima. What is represented by (a) the olive tree, (b) its root, (c) its trunk, and (d) its branches? Fimbo va li tava popi nomukainhu umwe poshivelo sheumbo laye, odula oya li ya hovela okuloka. (a) Omuti wolumono oo wa fanekwa komuti, (b) ohau faneke shike, (b) Eenghono davo nosho yo oilongifo yao? 4, 5. (a) Like Paul, what struggle do we have? Edina laKalunga Edina laKalunga, Jehova, ola li oshinima sha fimanenena kuJesus. 4, 5. (a) Ngaashi Paulus, ohatu kondjo nashike? First, consider the type. OUWA OO NDA MONA: Onda fiya po ehafo lihe fi lashili neendafano lookaume ovanaihelele. Shotete, diladila kombinga yoshinima osho. He further showed unselfish love by blessing his children on earth with the prospect of living forever in the Paradise that he had prepared for them. 4 OSHITUKULWA SHILIPI SHEHOKOLOLO ELI TASHI TI SHA UNENE KWOOVE, NOMOLWASHIKE? Okwa li yo a ulika ohole yokuheliholamwene eshi a nangeka noupuna ovana vaye kombada yedu ve na etimaumbwile loku ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe mOparadisa oyo a li e va longekidila. And most important, how would Jehovah feel about what you have done? - Proverbs 1: 33. (Gen. 41: 50 - 52; 48: 13 - 20) Lwanima, Efraim okwa ka kala a tumbala neenghono nomunaenghono wepata alishe louhamba waIsrael wokolundume nokwa ka kala e lile po omauhamba aeshe omapata omulongo. Mbela Jehova okwa li e uditile ngahelipi osho wa ninga? - Omayeletumbulo 1: 33. Writing to anointed Christians, the apostle Peter said: "You... are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last period of time. " OVANHU vahapu ohava kala ve udite etumba ngeenge va pewa ondjabi molwoshilonga shididilikwedi osho va longa. Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a shangela Ovakriste ovavaekwa a ti: "Onye mwa amenwa keenghono daKalunga odo tadi dulu oku tu xupifa mefimbo laxuuninwa. " (2 Pet. How did one sister learn to deal with anger? Ovamwatate ova kala va teelela pa ningwe omalunduluko a tya ngaho oule womido dihapu. Ongahelipi omumwameme umwe a li e lihonga okuungaunga ehandu? It began to rain as they were speaking to a woman outside her home. 6 "Omupashukili muwa nakaume omuholike " Oya li ya hovela okuloka eshi va li tava popi nomukainhu ovo va li kondje yoshilando shavo. God's name The divine name, Jehovah, was of utmost importance to Jesus. Josua naKaleb kava li nande va shikula eemhunga. Edina laKalunga, Jehova, ola li la fimanenena kuJesus. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I have escaped from a world of sham happiness and treacherous associates. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa twikila ko ta ti: "Oinima aishe ngenge ya tulwa mepangelo laye, opo nee Omona Ye mwene ote ke litula yo koshi yaau e mu tulila ko aishe, Kalunga opo a kale omunashishe moinima aishe. " (1 Kor. OUWA OO NDA MONA: Paife ondi li mounyuni ou u yadi ehafo nosho yo ookaume ovo va nyika oluhodi. 4 WHAT ASPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT IS MOST MEANINGFUL TO YOU, AND WHY? Jehova e li Omumi nOmushiti wetu omunahole, oku shii osho twa pumbwa opo tu kale twa hafa shili, noha wanifa po omhumbwe yetu filufilu. 4 MBELA OSHIKE TO DULU OKUNINGA PO? Later, Ephraim was the most prominent and influential tribe of the entire northern kingdom of Israel and came to represent all ten tribes. (Tala okatendo 16) Lwanima, Efraim okwa ka dika po ouhamba wokolundume womapata omulongo aIsrael nokwa ka pangela omapata omulongo aIsrael aeshe. MANY consider it a great honor to be given an award for a notable achievement. Mbela ovanyanekeli otava dulu okumona osho tashi ka ningwa monakwiiwa? OVANHU vahapu ohava diladila kutya oshi li oufembanghenda munene okupewa oinakuwanifwa meongalo. " People were deeply interested in religion, " noted one observer. Omumwameme umwe oo a ninginifwa mo 1984 okwa ulika kutya okwa pandula Oshungonangelo ya pupalekwa eshi a ti: "Oya fa ashike aame ya nyanyangidilwa. Okwa ti: "Ovanhu ova li ve na ohokwe momalongelokalunga. 6 "A Wonderful Overseer and a Dear Friend " (Mat. 7: 12) Mbela ovo vape itava dulu oku mu waimina pelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo ile mu tale navo oprograma yokomwedi yo - JW Broadcasting? 6 " Omupashukili muwa nakaume omuholike " They did not go following after the crowd. 6: 13) Okwa li e na oushili kutya otava ka kala va koshoka pamhepo notava ka twikila okumona ouwa mefilonghenda laKalunga. Kava li va ya molweendo konima eshi eemhunga dovanhu da shikula eemhunga dovanhu. The apostle Paul completes his inspired summary with these words: "When all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. " (a) Omolwashike tu na okuhoolola noukeka eendjovo odo hatu popi? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa popya kombinga yehokololo laye la nwefwa mo a ti: "Ngenge oinima aishe tai ningwa kuye, opo nee Omona ye mwene ote ke i pangela aishe, opo aveshe va dule oku i pangela. " (1 Kor. As our loving Designer and Creator, Jehovah knows what we need in order to be truly happy, and he fills that need abundantly. Whatever he requires of us is for our benefit and ultimately results in our greatest joy. (Esra 4: 4 - 16) Pefimbo lepangelo laDarius wotete (522 - 486 K.O.P), omunambelewa waPersia wedina Tattenai okwa li a pula kombinga yoshinima osho. Ngaashi Omushiti wetu omunahole, Jehova oku shii osho twa pumbwa opo tu kale twa hafa shili notu dule okumona ouwa muhapu. (See paragraph 16) OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU KOMBINGA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA - Omolwashike hamu i kovanhu ovo ve na nale omalongelokalunga avo? (Tala okatendo 16) Why are astrology and fortune - telling not keys to knowing the future? Ova li nokuli va hala okushuna kuEgipti, oko va kala moupika. Omolwashike ovanyanekeli nosho yo ovanyanekeli veenyofi vehe shii onakwiiwa? A sister who was baptized in 1984 expressed appreciation for the simplified edition: "I feel that it was written just for me. Ohatu dulu okukala nelineekelo filufilu kutya Jehova ota dulu oku tu kwafela. Omumwameme umwe oo a ninginifwa mo 1984 okwa ulika olupandu la pupalekwa a ti: "Ondi udite kutya ola shangelwa nge. Could new ones join you for family worship or for the monthly JW Broadcasting program? Eshi meme a tomhwa kutya Eendombwedi daJehova odi na oshili, okwa li a ninginifwa mo 1952. Mbela ovo vape otava dulu oku ku waimina melongelokalunga loukwaneumbo ile o - JW Broadcasting? Paul was sure that they could remain spiritually clean and thus continue to benefit from God's undeserved kindness. Kalunga okwe tu pa eteelelo lenyumuko tali hekeleke. Paulus okwa li e na oushili kutya otava dulu okukala va koshoka pamhepo nokungaho otava twikile okumona ouwa mefilonghenda laKalunga. (a) Why should we carefully choose what we say? Lesha Jesaja 40: 29. (a) Omolwashike tu na okuhoolola noukeka osho hatu popi? During the reign of Darius I (522 - 486 B.C.E.), a Persian official named Tattenai led an inquiry into the matter. Natango, ngeenge tava ningi etokolo lonhumba ohava konakona nefimaneko omaetepo ovakulunhuongalo aveshe. (Oil. Pefimbo lepangelo lomido 29 K.O.P. (paife pa pita omido 48), omukwanepangelo umwe wedina Tattenai wedina Tattenai wedina Tattenai okwa li a kufa ombinga moshinima shi na sha naasho. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Does the Bible Say About Easter? Ndele mbela otu na okuninga shike opo tuha punduke? OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU KOMBINGA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA - Omolwashike Eendombwedi daJehova ihadi dana Opaasa? They even wanted to go back to Egypt, where they had been slaves! 4 Oshikunino shaEden oko ngoo sha li shili? Ova li nokuli va hala okushuna kuEgipti, oko va li ovapika. We can have unwavering confidence that Jehovah will act in our behalf. Okwa li ha kala a hafa eshi ovalininipiki tava tambula ko onghundana iwa. Otu na elineekelo kutya Jehova ota ka katuka onghatu ponhele yetu. Becoming convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses had the truth, she got baptized in 1952. Moilongo ihapu omu na natango omhumbwe yovalongi vahapu va longe moilonga yeteyo lopamhepo. Molwaashi okwa li a tomhwa kutya Eendombwedi daJehova oda itavela oshili, okwa li a ninginifwa mo 1952. God has given us the heartwarming resurrection hope. 47 Kalunga okwe tu pa eteelelo lenyumuko. Read Isaiah 40: 29. (1 Tim. 2: 4) Onghee hano, opo tu ka xupe pexulilo lounyuni, otu na okukala hatu leshe Ombibeli nokutula moilonga omalombwelo ayo a nwefwa mo. Lesha Jesaja 40: 29. Further, they show honor by taking into consideration the views and expressions of all the elders when making a decision. Hans oo a ka ninginifwa pa pita omido 30 lwaapo okudja eshi omukulukadi waye a kala moshili, okwa ti: "Elihumbato liwa lOvakriste ola fimana opo ovapambele vetu va mone nghee oshili ya nwefa mo nawa okukalamwenyo kwetu. " Kakele kaasho, ohava ulike kutya ova fimaneka omaetepo novakulunhuongalo aveshe ngeenge tava ningi etokolo. So how can we avoid stumbling? Okwa ti vali: "Onda li handi lipula noupyakadi oo ndi na pefimbo opo, ponhele yokudiladila eenghalo odo inadi ningwa ile tashi dulika itadi ka ningwa nokuli. " Ndele mbela ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka oinima oyo tai dulu oku tu pundukifa? 4 Was There Really a Garden of Eden? Moitukulwa imwe mounyuni, oshi li onghedindjikilile okuluka okaana edina tali ti sha. 4 Mbela opa li ngoo shili pa holoka oshikunino shaEden? Jesus enjoyed seeing meek people respond to the good news. (Epsalme 11: 5) Mbela etaleko laKalunga li na sha noita ola lunduluka eshi Omona waye, Jesus Kristus, e uyile kombada yedu? Jesus okwa li ha hafele okumona ovanhu tava tambula ko onghundana iwa. In many lands, there is still a need for more workers in the spiritual harvest. Okudja opo, okwa kala ta ulike kutya oku hole Kristus mokuliyandja moilonga yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa, nokwa ninga ongudi yeongalo lopaKriste mefelemudo lotete. Moilongo ihapu, ope na natango omhumbwe yokukala ovanailonga vahapu ovo ve na omhumbwe yopamhepo. 47 (Ovaefeso 4: 22 - 24) Osho osha hala okutya otu na okutwikila okuninga eenghendabala tu lunduluke notu "djale omunhu mupe. " 47 But all who wish to attain to salvation must gain "an accurate knowledge of truth. " Ova li va popya tava ti: "Eendjovo adishe da popiwa kOmwene ohatu ke di wanifa. " Ashike aveshe ovo va hala oku ka xupifwa ove na " okushiiva oshili. ' Hans, who got baptized almost 30 years after his wife, agrees. Okwa li a pandula Jehova eshi e mu xupifa, nokwa ka shanga Epsalme 34, la kanghamena koshimoniwa shaye osho. Hans, oo a ninginifwa pa pita omido 30 okudja eshi omukulukadi waye a ninginifwa, okwa dimina kutya oha dimine po. She adds, "I had enough troubles as it was, without adding worries about situations that hadn't happened and probably wouldn't happen. " Okwa li nokuli a pa vamwe vomufye oinakuwanifwa ipu. Okwa weda ko a ti: "Onda li ndi na omaupyakadi a kwata moiti molwaashi kanda li ndi na oisho ihapu. " In some parts of the world, it is the custom to give a child a name that is full of meaning. Mo 1952, eshi meme a ka veluka, onda li nda kufa oukwafelikokolindjila weemwedi mbali nonda li handi longo pamwe novamwameme ovakokolindjila vatatu. Moilongo imwe mounyuni, oshi li onghedindjikilile yo okupa okaana edina olo tali ti sha filufilu. Did God's view of war change when his Son, Jesus Christ, began his ministry in the first century? Ndele oshididilikwedi eshi Ovalevi vamwe pauhandimwe va li va popya kutya "Omwene oye oshitukulwa shange, " tashi ulike kutya ove liyandjela Kalunga nove mu lineekela. Mbela etaleko laKalunga li na sha noita ola lunduluka eshi Omona waye, Jesus Kristus, a hovela oukalele waye mefelemudo lotete? From that point forward, he proved his love for Christ by busying himself in the disciple - making work, becoming a pillar in the first - century Christian congregation. Helens, Tasmania Okudja opo, okwa ulika kutya oku hole Kristus moku lipyakidila moilonga yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa, sha hala okutya, oku na okukala ha longo noudiinini meongalo lopaKriste lomefelemudo lotete. This means that we need to keep on making the effort to change and "put on the new personality. " Otashi dulika a li e shii oinima yonhumba kombinga yaJehova molwaashi okwa li a hombolwa kOmuisrael. Osho osha hala kutya otwa pumbwa okutwikila okuninga eenghendabala opo tu lundulule onghedi yetu yokudiladila nosho yo "omunhu mupe. " They said: "All the words that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. " • Omikifi dolutapo Ova ti: "Ashishe osho Omwene e shi tonga fye ohatu shi ningi. " David credited God with delivering him, and based on this experience, he wrote Psalm 34. Oilonga ya tya ngaho oi li omhinge filufilu nomaukwatya aJehova. David okwa li a pandula Kalunga eshi e mu xupifa, naasho osha li she mu kuma neenghono. He even assigned some of us easier duties. Nonande okunyona owina ohaku handukifa Jehova, oha file onghenda ovanyoni ovo ve livela ombedi. Okwa li nokuli a pa nge oilonga imwe i lili. In 1952, after Mother recovered from her illness, I served together with three pioneer sisters for two months as a vacation (auxiliary) pioneer. " Kalunga... ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali. " - Ehololo 21: 3, 4. Mo 1952, eshi meme a li a veluka koudu waye, onda kala handi kokola ondjila pamwe novamwameme vatatu oule weemwedi mbali. Helens, Tasmania " Oshitwa shopombada shovaudifi " otashi ulike komuvalu wopombada wovaudifi ovo va li va lopota muumwe womeemwedi domudo woilonga notau dulu yo okukala wa kwatela mo eelaporta odo hadi uya da ovelelwa, odo da li inadi kwatelwa meelaporta domwedi wa tetekela. Okulimbwanga mumwe kwomaitavelo, 7 / 15 As the widow of an Israelite, she likely knew something about Jehovah. (Mateus 11: 25, 26) Omolwashike Jesus a li a ifana ovahongwa vaye eehanana? Molwaashi omufiyekadi oo Omuisrael, otashi dulika a li e shii oshinima shonhumba kombinga yaJehova. • Pestilences 5: 3 - 16) Omushangi wOmbibeli a nwefwa mo wedina Jakob naye okwa li a kumaida Ovakriste va file oshisho eefiye, ovafiyekadi nosho yo vamwe ngeenge ve li meenghalo didjuu ile meemhumbwe davo. • Owa pumbwa ashike okukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa Such conduct is completely out of harmony with the personality of Jehovah. Okwa weda ko te limemesha a ti, "Oshidjemo, eenhele dimwe domoshitukulwa shetu shokomunghulofuta ohadi djuulukifa nge Oparadisa. " Elihumbato la tya ngaho oli li filufilu metwokumwe nomaukwatya aJehova. Whereas willful sin arouses his anger, repentant hearts move him to show mercy. Satana Ondiaboli, "omupangeli wounyuni ou, " oye omweetifi munene wokumona oixuna. - Johannes 14: 30. Ohashi linyengifa omunhu oo e livela ombedi opo a ulike onghenda. " God... will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Ngeenge omwa " kala momhango imwe, ' ile tu tye tamu tu kumwe shi na sha nonghalo yonhumba, otamu dulu okulongela kumwe opo mu i xwepopaleke. - 2 Ovakorinto 13: 11. " Kalunga ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali. ' - Ehololo 21: 3, 4. " Peak publishers " is the highest number reporting for any one month of the service year and may include late reports that were not added to the preceding month's report. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li va taalela eenghalo dilipi? Ovaudifi ova weda ko tava ti: "Omuvalu oo hau kala po oule womudo umwe nowa kwatela mo oinima oyo inau wedwa po omwedi keshe. Why did Jesus call his disciples young children? " Alule nge, ndi aluke, osheshi Oove Omwene Kalunga kange. " Omolwashike Jesus a ifana ovahongwa vaye ovanyasha? The inspired Bible writer James likewise acknowledged the Christian obligation to look after orphans, widows, and others in cases of tribulation or need. 1 - 3. Omushangi wOmbibeli Jakob naye okwa li a dimina kutya oku na oshinakuwanifwa shokupashukila ovamwaxe, ovafiyekadi nosho yo vamwe ngeenge ve li moudjuu ile va pumbwa ekwafo. " As it turned out, " he adds with a smile, "parts of our territory along the coast remind me of Paradise. " 3: 7. Okwa weda ko a ti: "Konima eshi a popya te limemesha, okwa weda ko te limemesha ta ti: "Otwa kala hatu limemesha moshitukulwa shetu naashi tashi dimbulukifa nge Oparadisa tai dimbulukifa nge. " Satan the Devil, "the ruler of the world, " is the main cause of suffering. - John 14: 30. Jehova okwa li a hala oinima iwa i kale kombada yedu, ndele hainima ii oyo hatu mono luhapu kunena. Satana Ondiaboli, "omupangeli wounyuni, " oye ta etifa okumona oixuna kuhapu. - Joh. 14: 30. Once you "think in agreement " about the situation, you can work together to improve it. - 2 Corinthians 13: 11. Mbela ongahelipi Maria a li a dula okukala neitavelo la kola ngaho? Ngeenge owa " eudafano ' moshinima shonhumba, oto dulu okulonga pamwe navo opo u xwepopale. - 2 Ovakorinto 13: 11. What conditions did first - century Christians face? Nonande Epsalme 72 otali popi kombinga youhamba womona waDavid, Salomo, otali holola yo kanini kombinga yanghee epangelo lOmona waKalunga, Jesus Kristus, tali ka mangulula ovanhu momaudjuu. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li va taalela eenghalo dilipi? " Cause me to turn back, and I shall readily turn back, for you are Jehovah my God. " Ombiibeli oya divilika oufembanghenda owo tu na " wokuhola ovamwatate ' nokuyakulafana. " Onda hala ndi alukile kOmwene, ndele handi ku pe Omwene Kalunga kange. " 1 - 3. Vamwe ova ninga nokuli ovapika vomaliko. - Mat. 1 - 3. 3: 7. Ovahongwa vaJesus kava li va puka eshi va kwatakanifa eendjovo daDavid naashi va li va mona Jesus ta ningi motembeli. 3: 7. End of Poverty, 6 / 1 " Okwiitavela muKalunga ' okwa fimana shi fike peni, notashi faafanifwa nashike, nomolwashike? Nghee hatu dulu okukala twa manguluka, 3 / 15 Jehovah intended for good things to develop on the earth, not the bad things that we see so often today. Jehova okwa hala u kale kaume kaye. Jehova okwa li a lalakanena oinima iwa i kale kombada yedu, ndele hainima ii oyo hatu mono kunena. How could Mary have such strong faith? (Oil. 1: 8) Vamwe ova kala tava longo ve li oilyo yolutuwiliki, vamwe ovatumwa navamwe ovakulunhuongalo ovaendi, nova dana onghandangala ya fimana mokuudifila onghundana iwa "ovashitwa aveshe vokoshi yeulu. " (Kol. Ongahelipi Maria a li ta dulu okukala e na eitavelo la kola? Composed regarding the kingship of David's son Solomon, this song provides foregleams of how the rule of God's Son, Jesus Christ, will relieve mankind of distress. Osho osha hala okutya shike? Embo laSalomo ola yandja ouyelele muhapu u na sha nepangelo laDavid, olo tali yandje oumbangi kutya epangelo lOmona waKalunga, Jesus Kristus otali ka kwafela ovanhu va kale va nyika oluhodi. Bible accounts highlight the privilege we have of showing "brotherly affection " and serving one another. Mbela ohatu lesha ouyelele wa tya ngaho hatu tondoka mo ashike ile tuhe u leshe nandenande? Omahokololo Ombibeli okwa divilika oufembanghenda wokukala tu na " hole ovamwaxo. ' Some have even become slaves to riches. - Matt. Okwa li a ninga elongekido a shakene nakaume kaye umwe pokwoongala opo pa li pe ya Christine. Vamwe ova ninga ovapika voulunde. - Mat. Jesus ' disciples were not mistaken in associating David's words with what they saw Jesus do at the temple. 10: 1 - 27. Ovahongwa vaJesus kava li ve na etaleko la puka li na sha neendjovo daDavid naasho va li va mona motembeli. Each day has its own challenges, so Christians do not need to add anxious thoughts about the past or the future to the concerns of the present. Natango okwa kundila po vamwe ovo kunena tuhe shii a ti: "Kundileni po Epainetus " nosho yo" Trifeina naTrifosa, ava hava longo mOmwene. " Mefiku keshe, Ovakriste kave na okukala tave lipula unene shi na sha nonakwiiwa ile shi na sha nonakwiiwa. How important is "faith in God, " and to what is it likened, and why? Omupiya omudiinini okwa kala ta divilike efimano lokuninga Elongelokalunga lOukwaneumbo oshivike keshe. Ongahelipi eitavelo la fimana muKalunga, nomolwashike? Jehovah wants you to be his friend. Otwa yoolokafana ngahelipi momaukwaneumbo nosho yo monakudiwa yetu yopamhepo? Jehova okwa hala u ninge kaume kaye. They went on to serve as members of the governing body, as missionaries, and as traveling elders, and they played a key role in preaching the good news "in all creation that is under heaven. " NATU tye nee omumwatate omunyasha oo ina hombola, wedina Eduardo, okwa li a lombwela Stephen oo e li omukulunhuongalo a hombola kombinga yaasho a kala te lipula nasho. Ova li va ya va ka longe ve li oilyo yOlutuwiliki, ovatumwa nosho yo ovakulunhuongalo, nova dana onghandangala ya fimana moilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa " mounyuni aushe. ' (Oil. What does this mean? 12: 11, 12) Inatu pumbwa ngeno ehongo lopombada opo tu dule okuuda ko eeshili domoule dopamhepo odo da nyanyangidwa. (Oil. Osho osha hala okutya shike? Do we just read such information quickly or even avoid reading it at all? Eshi ovakwaita vaRoma va li va kwata Paulus muJerusalem, nova li nokuli poku mu denga, okwa li e va lombwela kutya ye omukwashiwana waRoma. Mbela ohatu lesha ashike ouyelele wa tya ngaho diva ile nokuli tu henuke oku u lesha? Religion Man - Made? Okwa li a ya moluhepo nomonghalo i nyemateka. Fye ohatu ende moudiinini wetu? He had arranged to meet a friend at the same meeting that Christine attended. Omunyasha Timoteus naye okwa li a longifa nawa oshali yokukala ina hombola. Okwa li a ninga elongekido opo a talele po kaume kaye oo a li a ya kokwoongala oko kwa li kwa ningilwa Christine. 10: 1 - 27. Tete, Jehova okwe ku shilipaleka a ti: "Ame ohandi ku pameke ndee handi ku kwafa yo, Ame ohandi ku yambidida yo neke lolulyo louyuki wange. " 10: 1 - 27. He greeted some who are essentially unknown today - "my beloved Epaenetus " as well as" Tryphaena and Tryphosa, women who are working hard in the Lord. " OVAKALIMO Okwa li a popifa ovanhu vamwe ovo vehe shii nawa kunena, ovo va li " ovaholike vange " nosho yo" ovakainhu ovo hava longo noudiinini mOmwene. " In recent years the faithful slave has particularly promoted the weekly Family Worship evening. Nafye ohatu dulu okukala tu na ondilo momesho aye ngeenge otwa kala ovalininipiki notwe mu lineekela. - Hag. Omido opo da di ko, omupiya omudiinini okwa kala ta xumifa komesho elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo oshivike keshe. What differences do we have in family circumstances and spiritual backgrounds? 1, 2. Eyooloko lilipi tu na momaukwaneumbo nosho yo omaputuko opamhepo? A YOUNG single brother, whom we will call Eduardo, spoke of his concerns with Stephen, an older married elder. 1 Novemba 2010 MBELA omumwatate umwe omunamido oo ina hombola ile ina hombolwa, oo hatu mu lombwele oisho yaye, okwa li a hombolwa komukulunhuongalo omunamido wedina Stephen omunamido. We do not need extensive formal education in order to comprehend deep spiritual truths that have been published. Osho otashi dulu yo okuningwa nokunena. Inatu pumbwa ehongo la denga mbada opo tu ude ko oshili yopamhepo oyo ya nyanyangidwa. When Roman soldiers arrested Paul in Jerusalem and were about to whip him, he told them that he was a Roman citizen. Ashike opa li pa pumbiwa elongekido lopaveta olo tali va pitike va ka waimine Jesus mOuhamba waye ve li eehamba novapristeri meulu. Eshi ovakwaita vaRoma va li va kwatwa po kuJerusalem nova li ve mu lombwela kutya oku li omukwashiwana waRoma. He was driven to the depths of poverty and despair. Omafimbo amwe okwa li hashi tu halukifa okuuda tava popi kutya itava tu kumwe nomahongo amwe oshili. Okwa li a kwatwa kounhwa ndele ta teka omukumo. Timothy was a young man who made good use of his singleness. Oishangomwa ihapu oyo ya kwatwa momawi otai hangwa kointaneta ko - Timoteus okwa li omunyasha oo a li ha longifa nawa oufembanghenda wokukala ina hombola. First, Jehovah reassures you: "I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. " E li Xe omunahole, Jehova okwa kala ha amene oshiwana shaye okudja nale, nota ka kala alushe noku shi amena. Shotete, Jehova okwe ku shilipaleka a ti: "Ame ohandi ku pameke ndee handi ku kwafa yo, Ame ohandi ku yambidida yo neke lolulyo louyuki wange. " POPULATION Onda li nda tembuka mo meumbo ndele handi ka kala handi di koZanesville, moOhio, ashike onda kala handi shuna keumbo opo ndi ka ladipike vambuletu. OVAKALIMO When we humbly and obediently trust in him, we too will be precious in his eyes. - Hag. " Tu kwafela u tu faneke " (Meksiko), 3 / 15 Ngeenge otwa kala hatu dulika nelininipiko nokukala twe mu lineekela, nafye ohatu ka kala tu na ondilo momesho aye. - Hag. 1, 2. Ponhele yokuuda nai omolwokuhawanenena kwaavo ve tu dingilila, natu kale twa tokola toko " omesho etu a dakamene Kalunga, Omwene wetu, fiyo ota hovele oku tu fila onghenda. ' - Eps. 1, 2. October 1, 2010 Vamwe otashi dulika va kale va halelela okukala pokwoongala kweongalo nopoyoongalele ndele otashi dulika itava dulu okufika po. 1 Oktoba 2010 The same can happen to us today. (Omuud. 3: 12, 13; 4: 6) Ndele osha fimanenena yo okulipula kutya: Mbela ohandi ka kala ngoo ndi na eenghono dopalutu nosho yo dopamaliudo opo ndi dule okuwanifa po oinakuwanifwa oyo ndi na moukwaneumbo nokukufa ombinga momalipyakidilo opamhepo? Osho otashi dulu yo oku tu ningilwa kunena. A binding legal arrangement, however, is needed to allow them to join Jesus in his Kingdom as kings and priests in heaven. (Eps. 65: 3) Ndelenee katu na ashike okukala hatu ilikana shi na sha neemhumbwe detu. Ndele nande ongaho, opa li pa ningwa elongekido lopaveta olo tali dulu oku va pitika va waimine mOuhamba waye u li eehamba novapristeri meulu. It was hard at times, though, to hear them say that they did not agree with some aspect of the truth. Okwa li yo e shii kutya ngeenge okwa fi, Kalunga kaye omunahole, Jehova, ota ka kala a djuulukwa oku mu nyumuna. Ndele omafimbo amwe, osha li shidjuu kuvo okuuda ko kutya inava tu kumwe kombinga yoshili. Many such recordings are available on the website Umwe womomaukwatya oo oo ohole inene oyo a li e hole nayo Xe. Vahapu ovo va kwatwa ko - ova kwatwa ko - As a loving Father, Jehovah has been, is, and always will be there for his people. Kakele kaasho, ope na omayooloko madidilikwedi momashangelo oo e li po. E li Xe omunahole, Jehova okwa kala alushe ta ningi oshiwana shaye. I left home and went to live in nearby Zanesville, Ohio, but I traveled back and forth to encourage my family. Odjo imwe youyelele yo - National Health Service yomoEngland oya ti: "Uu - IUD ovo ve na oshikushu shihapu ohava kwafele eepersenda di dulife 99. Onda li nda fiya po eumbo ndele handi i popepi naOhio, ashike onda li nda shuna keumbo nonda li nda shuna keumbo opo ndi ka twe omukumo oukwaneumbo wange. Modern - Day Aztecs, 3 / 1 Shi nyikifa oluhodi, ope na ovanhu vamwe hava ningi eemhangela dii va fininike nokudipaa vakwao. Onghandangala oyo omhepo iyapuki tai dana mokuwanifwa kwelalakano laJehova, 4 / 1 Rather than overreacting to the imperfections of those around us, let it be our determination that "our eyes look to Jehovah our God until he shows us favor. " - Ps. Okudja pOpentekoste yomo 33, ovanhu ovo ve na eitavelo muJesus Kristus ovo va li tava ka kala va hokiwa kuJehova. Ponhele yokweefa okuhawanenena kwaavo ve tu dingilila, natu kale twa tokola toko okukala twa tokola toko " okutala Omwene Kalunga ketu fiyo osheshi e tu hokwa. ' - Eps. Some who would dearly love to be at congregation meetings and assemblies may rarely be able to do so. (b) Ohatu ka kundafana oitwa itatu ilipi? Vamwe ovo ve hole shili okukala pokwoongala otashi dulika va kale hava mono shidjuu okuninga ngaho. More important, would he have enough physical and emotional strength left to carry out his duties in the family and to engage in spiritual activities? Ndele nande ongaho, Paulus kali a holeka osho a li a ninga, nomolwaasho a shanga ta ti: "Okukala kwange kwonale kwomoujuda mwe ku uda, [eongalo] laKalunga nhumbi nde li telaatele unene noku li hanauna po. " Kakele kaasho, mbela okwa li ta ka kala e na eenghono dopalutu nosho yo pamaliudo opo a wanife po oinakuwanifwa yaye moukwaneumbo noku kufe ombinga momalipyakidilo opamhepo? However, we should also endeavor to focus on other forms of prayer. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okuhopaenena eenghatu dii daSaul? Ashike otu na yo okuninga eenghendabala tu yandje elitulemo keilikano laye. He also realized that Jehovah is a loving God who would have a yearning to resurrect him. " Omhepo yavo oya li ya pendulwa kuKalunga ndele tava fikama ' opo va fiye po omaumbo neengeshefa davo. Okwa li yo a didilika kutya Jehova oKalunga omunahole oo ta dulu oku mu nyumuna. Among them was the great love he displayed for his Father. (2 Ovakorinto 5: 4) Ovakriste ovo inava hala okufya. Umwe womuvo okwa li e hole Xe neenghono. Moreover, there are significant variations between the available manuscripts. Ninga eemhangela komesho yefimbo. Kakele kaasho, ope na eyooloko la kula pokati komashangelo makulu Ombiibeli. A guide from England's National Health Service reports: "IUDs with more copper are more than 99% effective. Ndele konima eshi Kalunga a popya sha yela kutya Ovakriste kave na okukala nonhondo, Petrus okwa li a udifila Kornelius, oo a li omukwaita waRoma. Oya ti: "Onda li ndi na omukifi muhapu u dulife 99, naasho osha li sha kwafela nge neenghono ndi kale ndi na eenghono di dule 99. Sadly, though, there are people who wickedly scheme to oppress and even kill others. 12: 23. Shinyikifa oluhodi, ope na ovanhu ovo hava fininikwa va dipaele vakwao. Since Pentecost 33 C.E., God's favor has graciously been bestowed on those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. Omumwatate umwe oo opo a ninginifwa, ye nomukulukadi waye ove na ounona vatatu vanini. Okudja pOpentekoste 33 O.P., Kalunga okwa kala a hokwa ovo ve na eitavelo tali longo muJesus Kristus. (b) What three points will we consider? Eshi onghundana yokunyumunwa kwaDorkas ya li ye lihanena muJoppe ashishe, ovanhu vahapu ova li va ninga ovaitaveli. (b) Oitwa itatu ilipi hatu ka kundafana? Instead of being a fierce enemy of Christianity, he became an ardent advocate of it. Even so, he later wrote of himself: "You, of course, heard about my conduct formerly in Judaism, that to the point of excess I kept on persecuting the congregation of God and devastating it. " Mbela eshi wa lesha oshitukulwa sha tetekela owa li wa limbililwa kombinga yehokololo olo? Ponhele yokukala omutondi omukwanyanya, okwa li a weda ko vali a ti: "Ove mwene mwene mwene owa uda onghedi yange yokukalamwenyo yonale fimbo nda li ndi na omido 70, onghee hano, onda li nda uda nai eshi nda uda kutya Kalunga ota popile mowii. " (b) How can we avoid following Saul's bad course? (Oilonga 8: 14 - 17, yelekanifa no - NW.) Ofimbo Kornelius noukwaneumbo waye va vaekwa fimbo inava ninginifwa. - Oilonga 10: 44 - 48. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka oikala ii yaSaul? They were the ones "whose spirit the true God had stirred " to leave behind the security of their homes and businesses. Oshinima sha tya ngaho osha kala tashi kundafanwa lwoikando mOshungonangelo oule womido di dule pefele. Ovaisrael ovo ova li va " hokwa Omhepo yaKalunga ' neenghono opo va efe po omaumbo avo nova teye po omaumbo avo. These Christians do not want to die. Naava hava longifa ounyuni ou, nava kale va fa ovo ihave u longifa; osheshi olupe lounyuni ou otali xulu po. ' (1 Kor. Ovakriste ovo ihava kala va hala okufya. Plan ahead. Onghee ove na okukala va " dama oinima yopombada, ndele hainima yokombada yedu. ' - Kol. Konga komesho yefimbo. But after God made it clear that Christians should not be partial, Peter preached to Cornelius, a Roman soldier. Pashihopaenenwa, Jehova okwa teelela ovapiya vaye aveshe va kale nondjele neendunge dokuyoolola. Ndele konima eshi Kalunga e shi yelifa nawa, Petrus okwa li a udifila Kornelius, omukwaita waRoma. 12: 23. Kungaho, ohatu pitifa omitima detu dopafaneko etanda. 12: 23. A newly baptized brother is married, and he and his wife have three small children. Osho otu na oku shi ninga ngahelipi? Omumwatate oo opo a ninginifwa okwa hombola, nomukulukadi waye ova li ve na ounona vatatu. As news of her resurrection spread throughout Joppa, many became believers. Otwa pandula Jehova eshi a longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki opo e tu hololele oshili noku tu kwafele tu kale tu na eitavelo tali longo monghundana iwa. Eshi ovanhu vahapu va li tava udifa kombinga yenyumuko laye mounyuni aushe, vahapu ova li va ninga ovaitaveli. Did such a doubt cross your mind as you read the preceding article? " Udeni nge amushe, nye mu didilike. " - MARKUS 7: 14. Mbela owa limbililwa shi na sha noupyakadi woye eshi wa lesha oshitukulwa sha tetekela? And in an unusual case, Cornelius and those in his house were anointed before they were baptized. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. Ohatu dulu yo okulesha Ovafilipi 2: 9 omo omuyapostoli Paulus a yelifa shi na sha naasho Kalunga a ninga konima eshi Jesus a fya nokunyumuka. 10: 44 - 48. For over a century, this subject has periodically been discussed in The Watchtower. Onghee hano, paMhango yaMoses, Ovaisrael ova li va teelelwa va wanife po eemhumbwe dovanailongo ovo ve li moshilongo shavo. Oule womido di dulife pefele da pita, osho osha kala hashi kundafanwa mOshungonangelo. Henceforth let those... who buy [be] as those not possessing, and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. " EPANDJA 15 Onghee hano, kala wa hokwa ovo tava lande oinima inai fimana, naavo hava longifa ounyuni ou ove i longifa. " They are to keep their minds "fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " - Col. Onghee hano, opo tu kondjife Satana nokufindana, otu na okukala tu na etaleko lohombo la fa laKalunga. Ove na okukaleka momadiladilo "oinima inai fimana kombada yedu. " - Kol. For example, Jehovah expects each of us to be reasonable and to use good judgment. Ohatu ke lihonga yo koihopaenenwa iwa nayo ii oyo ya popiwa mOmbiibeli. Pashihopaenenwa, Jehova okwa teelela keshe umwe womufye a kale nondjele noku longife nawa etokolo laye. That would be figurative heart surgery. Pashihopaenenwa, ponhele yo ku yandja omusholondodo woinima oyo ovanhu ve na novehe na okuninga, Jesus okwa yandja efinamhango li na sha nanghee tu na okuungaunga navamwe. Osho osha li tashi ka kuma omutima wopafaneko. What should we do? Oshike sha li sha kwafela Marta a kale e na eitavelo kutya Lasarus ota ka nyumuka? Oshike tu na okuninga po? How grateful we should be that Jehovah used his holy spirit to reveal the truth to us and to enable us to exercise faith in the good news! 13, 14. (a) Barnabas okwa li a tala ko ngahelipi omunyasha Markus? Inatu pandula tuu eshi Jehova a longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki opo e tu ulikile oshili noku tu kwafela tu kale neitavelo tali longo monghundana iwa! " Listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning. " - MARK 7: 14. Okwa li a tutumbilwa kondje yokapale molwaashi okwa li a mona oshiponga nokwa li ta lili. " Pwilikina kuame, nye amushe hamu udu ko eityo layo. ' - MARKUS 7: 14. Along similar lines, we could read Philippians 2: 9, where the apostle Paul describes what God did after Jesus died and was resurrected. Jehova ote ke tu kwafela ngeenge otwa shakeneke omaupyakadi ile twa ningi omapuko, shimha ashike twe mu lineekela. Opo nee, ohatu dulu okulesha Ovafilippi 2: 9, omo omuyapostoli Paulus a popya osho Kalunga a ninga konima eshi Jesus a fya nokwa nyumunwa. In fact, the Mosaic Law required that Israelites not overlook the needs of non - Israelites in the land. Omayele oo nda li nda hokwa unene moshitukulwa osho oyoo taa ti kutya, " Ofimbo uhe na oinakuwanifwa ya wedwa po meongalo, kala to lipameke pamhepo. ' " Omhango yaMoses oya li tai pula Ovaisrael vaha kale ve wete eemhumbwe daavo vehe fi Ovaisrael ovo vehe fi Ovaisrael. 15 Did You Know? 1, 2. EPANDJA 15 So to fight Satan and win, we must have God's view of marriage. (Jak. 1: 1) Eshi oonakushangelwa onhumwafo oyo va mona omakundo aye, kape na omalimbililo kutya ova li va mona shipu okutambula ko omayele aye nonokutya naye okwe litala ko e li omupiya waKalunga ngaashi vo. Onghee hano, opo tu kondjife Satana fiyo twa findana, otu na okukala tu na etaleko la fa laKalunga li na sha nohombo. Then we will learn from good examples and bad ones recounted in the Bible. Ongahelipi ovo tava file oshisho ovo tava ehama tava dulu okuungaunga nomaliudo oo tashi dulika e va hange pefimbo louyahame? Opo nee ohatu ke lihonga koihopaenenwa iwa yovanhu ovo va popiwa mOmbiibeli. For example, rather than itemizing an extensive list of dos and don'ts, Jesus gave what is often called the Golden Rule. Ooxe nye, inamu shinda ovana veni, vehe mu livangeke. " (Kol. Pashihopaenenwa, ponhele yokukala hatu ningi oinima ihapu oyo ya fimanenena noihatu ningi, Jesus okwa li a yandja omalombwelo e na sha nanghee tu na okuungaunga navamwe. What contributed to Martha's confidence that Lazarus would be resurrected? Paulus okwa tumbula "ekanghameno la pama laKalunga " movelishe omo a tofa eendjovo daMoses odo a li a popya shi na sha naKorah novayambididi vaye, odo di li muNumeri 16: 5. Oshike sha li sha kwafela Marta a kale e na elineekelo kutya Lasarus ota ka nyumunwa? 13, 14. (a) How did Barnabas show discernment in the case of young Mark? Omwa hala mu kale nohombo ihafifa, tai kalelele notai fimanekifa Jehova. 13, 14. (a) Ongahelipi Barnabas a li a ulika eendunge dokuyoolola ngeenge a li omunyasha? Injured and in tears, she had to be carried off the track. Nafye otu udite ngaashi David, oo a li a tanga Jehova meimbilo nonande okwa li a fininikwa a ninge onauki, a ti: " Ouwanghenda woye ouwa, u dule okukalamwenyo; omilungu dange nadi ku tange. Okwa li ta lili noku lili, nokwa li e na okutwikila nolweendo la tya ngaho. Jehovah will not allow those trusting in him to stumble or to experience a fall - an adversity or a setback in their worship - from which they cannot recover. Lesha Oilonga 2: 2 - 4. Jehova ita ka efa ovo ve mu lineekela ile va henuke eenghalo didjuu dinyikifa oluhodi odo tadi va imbi va longele Jehova. The counsel I cherished most was, " While you do not have additional responsibilities in the congregation, concentrate on strengthening your spirituality. ' " 1: 19. Omayele oo nda li nda lenga unene, okwa ti: "Nonande ku na oinakuwanifwa ya wedwa po meongalo, kala ho yandje elitulemo koinima yopamhepo. ' " 1, 2. Opo nee Elia okwa li e mu lombwela kutya Jehova ota ka xulifa po oshikukuta nokulokifa oshihomo shodula. 1, 2. His readers no doubt found it easier to accept his advice when they saw from his greeting that they had the same standing before God. Shimwe vali, omolwashike ito ulikile oukwaneumbo womukulunhuongalo oo olupandu loye? Nopehe na omalimbililo, ovaleshi vaye ohava mono shipu okutambula ko omayele aye ngeenge ova mono kutya ove na ekwatafano naKalunga. How can caregivers cope with the range of emotions they may experience throughout the course of the illness? Ngeenge ka ku na enyumuko, Abraham, Isak naJakob otava kala ashike moshovafi fiyo alushe. Ongahelipi ovo tava file oshisho ovadali vavo tava dulu okuungaunga nomaliudo avo oo taa dulu oku va etela oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi? You fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted. " Ovaenda vomeyele laJesus ovo va li va shivwa ova li tava ningi omalipopilo kutya itava dulu okuya koshivilo. Ovadali, inamu shinda ovana veni, mu ha teke omukumo. " (Kol. Paul mentions "the solid foundation of God " in the same context in which he quotes Moses ' words about Korah and his supporters, recorded at Numbers 16: 5. Ofimbo ame handi ehela ekuva opo ndi ka pande oikuni yokutelekifa. Paulus okwa tumbula "ekanghameno la pama laKalunga " meevelishe dimwe odo a li a tofa membo laMoses nosho yo ovayambididi vaye. - Numeri 16: 5. If so, cleave to God's view of marriage. 6: 13, 14. Ngeenge osho, kape na oo e na etaleko la fa laKalunga li na sha nohombo. We share the feelings expressed by David, who although forced to live as a fugitive, praised Jehovah in song, saying: "Because your loving - kindness is better than life, my own lips will commend you. Eefilima dihapu nomafano okwa li a dja keenhele oko haku longekidwa eekino dopaipindi. Ohatu pandula Jehova eshi a popya shi na sha naDavid eshi a li a kondjifa David oo a li ta fininikwa a kale a hokiwa kuye, a ti: "Ouwanghenda woye otau mu pandula unene. Read Acts 2: 2 - 4. Pashihopaenenwa, opa li omapulo e na sha nehangano lipe olo la li la hovela okulonga okudja mefiku lOpentekoste. Lesha Oilonga 2: 2 - 4. 1: 19. (b) Omeenghedi dilipi wa mona ouwa momafiloshisho oo? 1: 19. Then, Elijah told Ahab that Jehovah would end the drought and send a downpour of rain. Ponhele yaasho, Ombiibeli embo la nwefwa mo komhepo iyapuki yaKalunga nola unganekwa nawa. Opo nee Elia okwa li a lombwela Ahab kutya Jehova ota ka xulifa po omikifi odo da li tadi ka umbilwa odula odula odula. In addition, why not show your appreciation for the elders ' families? Onda li nda kendabala neenghono oku i dimbwa ndele keshe shimwe osho nda li handi ningi osha li sha fa tashi dimbulukifa nge onghalamwenyo yange yonale. Kakele kaasho, omolwashike ito ulike olupandu lovakulunhuongalo? If there were no resurrection, then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would remain forever in the clutches of death. (Job 1: 1) Job okwa li a hala okuhafifa Kalunga kashi na nee mbudi kutya eenghalo otadi mu endele nawa ile onai. Ngeno Abraham ka li a nyumuka, Isak naJakob ova li tava ka xupifwa fiyo alushe. The invited guests in Jesus ' illustration gave excuses for not attending the feast. • Okukunwa kweembuto Ovo va li ovaenda mefaneko laJesus ova li va yandja omalipopilo opo vaha kale omutumba. In the meantime, I would borrow an ax to chop firewood for cooking. 10: 24, 25. Fimbo nda teelela, onda li handi kala handi denge oikuni opo ndi ka xwike po. 6: 13, 14. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okushilipaleka kutya ohatu twikile okuninga ngaho? 6: 13, 14. Most of the film footage and many of the glass slides came from commercial studios. Vegetius okwa ti kutya omalweendo omefuta okwa li haa shiva okudja mo 27 Mei fiyo 14 Septemba, ashike ovanhu kava li hava kala ve na oushili ile sha li hashi kala sha nyika oshiponga okudja mo 15 Septemba fiyo 11 Novemba nosho yo okudja mo 11 Marsa fiyo 26 Mei. Moshitukulwa osho omu na omafano mahapu nosho yo omafano mahapu oo a li haa etifwa koipindi oyo ya dja keenhele neenhele. For example, there were questions about the new covenant that had gone into effect on that day of Pentecost. Momukokomoko womido dihapu, Jehova okwa li a udanekela Abraham lwoikando omaudaneko oo okupitila muo a ulika kutya Oludalo la udanekwa ola li tali ka dja muye [Abraham] nosho yo momona waye Isak. (Gen. Pashihopaenenwa, opa li omapulo e na sha nehangano lipe oo a li a hovela okutulwa moilonga mefiku lOpentekoste. (b) In what ways have you benefited from these provisions? (Jes. 53: 2, 7) Onda li nde lihonga kutya omushikuli waKristus washili oku na " okukala e nonheni naaveshe. ' - 2 Tim. (b) Omeenghedi dilipi wa mona ouwa momafiloshisho oo? Rather, it is a well - organized book - a divinely inspired masterpiece. 2: 9, 10) Ongahelipi shi na sha nOvakriste ovadiinini vahapu kunena ovo ve na eteelelo loku ka kala kombada yedu? Ponhele yaasho, oli na embo la unganekwa nawa olo la nwefwa mo kuKalunga. I tried hard to forget it, but everywhere I turned, there seemed to be reminders of my former life. Ovashiivinawa vahapu ova ti kutya oka - IUD ohaka etifa po omalunduluko onhumba moshidalelo, nokungaho ohashi imbi omaxu oludalo omulumenhu aha kwatafane nomai omukainhu ile ehe a fimbapaleke. Onda li handi kendabala oku i dimbwa, ashike onda li handi monika nda fa handi pewa omadimbulukifo oo nda li nda shakeneka monghalamwenyo yange. Job wanted to please God in good times and in bad times. Pashihopaenenwa, molwaashi Ombibeli oye tu londwela tu henuke oinima oyo hai nyateke omadiladilo nomalutu etu, ihadi shili omakaya ile okulongifa oingangamifi. Job okwa li a hala okuhafifa Kalunga momafimbo mawa nomomafimbo mai. • The sowing of the seed (2 Tim. 2: 24, 25) Ove na yo okukala hava popi nombili ngeenge tava shangele olutu lovakulunhuongalo lonhumba ile ngeenge tava shangele koshitaimbelewa. • eembuto odo da kuna ombuto 10: 24, 25. Mepingafano novayandjimayele, ye iha loloka okupwilikina komailikano etu, nonande ohatu mu pula e tu kwafele lwoikando noikando. 10: 24, 25. How can we make sure that we continue to do so? Mo 2006, onda li nda tembukila koEngland. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okushilipaleka kutya ohatu twikile okuninga ngaho? Vegetius said that sailing was safe from May 27 to September 14 but that the two doubtful, or dangerous, periods ran from September 15 to November 11 and from March 11 to May 26. Pashihopaenenwa, Noa ke na efiku a lombwelele oukwaneumbo waye ta ti: " Omu lombwela nge ngeenge mwa mane okutunga onguluwato naame ndi uye tu yeni mo. ' Okwa ti kutya opa li pa holoka oshiponga shi fike pepandja 27 fiyo 14 fiyo 15 lwaapo, ashike otashi dulika pa li pa pita efimbo lile okudja muNovemba 15 fiyo 11 Marsa 11 fiyo 26. Over a period of many years, Jehovah had made several covenant promises to Abraham that when combined show that the promised Seed would descend from Abraham through his son Isaac. Oyo oihopaenenwa ashike inini tai tu ulikile nghee okutula moilonga omafinamhango opakalunga taku dulu oku tu kwafela tu ninge omatokolo oo taa ka ulika kutya otu na oupamhepo muwa. Momukokomoko womido dihapu, Jehova okwa li a ninga ehangano naAbraham lwoikando ihapu olo la li tali ka ulika kutya Oludalo olo la udanekwa ola li tali ka dja mepata laAbraham. I learned that a true follower of Jesus "needs to be gentle toward all. " - 2 Tim. Ndele ngeenge omukulunhuongalo okwa handuka eshi ta pukulula omunhu a tya ngaho, ita ka dula vali oku mu kwafela. Onda li nde lihonga kutya omushikuli waJesus washili okwa pumbwa okukala ha udile ovanhu oukwao wananghali. " - 2 Tim. What about the majority of faithful Christians today who have an earthly hope? Ehangano lOuhamba otali va shilipaleke kutya otava ka kala naye meulu notava ka kala komalukalwapangelo va pangele ngaashi eehamba nokulonga ve li ovapristeri. Ongahelipi shi na sha nOvakriste vahapu ovadiinini vokunena ovo ve na eteelelo loku ka kala kombada yedu? Many specialists said that inert IUDs caused a reaction in the uterus that interfered with sperm reaching and fertilizing a woman's eggs. Mo 49 O.P., ovayapostoli novakulunhuongalo muJerusalem ova li va shakena opo va kundafane ngeenge ovo vehe fi Ovajuda ova pumbwa okupita etanda opo va ninge Ovakriste. Omunawino umwe moinima ihapu okwa ti kutya uu - IUD ovo ve li monhele yonhumba ova li ve linyenga ngahelipi eshi omai oo taa tulwa moshidalelo shaye. For example, because the Bible warns us to avoid practices that pollute our minds and bodies, we do not smoke or misuse drugs. 4: 1, 7) Eshi hatu tange Jehova mokukufa ombinga moilonga yokuudifa, ohatu pewa efimano kuye nohashi etele vamwe ouwa. Pashihopaenenwa, molwaashi Ombibeli oye tu londwela tu henuke eenghedindjikilile dii odo tadi xwaxwameke omadiladilo nomalutu etu, itatu longifa oingangamifi ile okulongifa oingangamifi. Elders should also be gracious in expressing themselves in written correspondence when it is necessary to correspond with another body of elders or with the branch office. Opo ndi kale nde lipyakidila, onda li nda dika okatala kokulandifila oiimati poshivelo sheumbo letu nonda li handi kaleke onhele ya yela. Ovakulunhuongalo ove na yo okukala hava ulike olune eshi sha pumbiwa opo olutu lovakulunhuongalo li kale la wana lovakulunhuongalo ile koshitaimbelewa. Unlike human counselors, he never gets tired of hearing our petitions, even when we ask for his help over and over. (Luk. 5: 12, 13) Pefimbo lefyo laLasarus, ovahongwa vaJesus ova li va mona kutya Jehova omunalukeno eshi Jesus a li a " tukuluka momhepo yaye ndele ta kwatwa kolukaka, nokwa lila. ' Mepingafano nomapopyo opanhu, iha kala a loloka okupwilikina komailikano etu, nokuli nongeenge hatu pula ekwafo kuye nosho yo e tu kwafele. In 2006, I moved to England. Etaleko letu otali dulu okukala la puka omolwokuhawanenena, onhondo ile molwomifyuululwakalo. Mo 2006, onda li nda tembukila koTaiwan. For example, we can hardly imagine Noah telling others in his household: " Let me know when the ark is finished so that I may join you. ' Omumwameme wedina April okwa li a tokola okulongifa eetepo olo la li mokafo kOukalele Wetu wOuhamba li na sha nanghee to dulu okuhovela omakonakonombibeli. Pashihopaenenwa, ohatu dulu okufaneka momadiladilo momadiladilo aye nghee Noa a li ha lombwele vamwe oinima meumbo laye ta ti: "Nande ongulu ya pwa, ohandi dulu okuya pamwe naave. ' These are just a few examples to show how reflecting on godly principles can help us make decisions that harmonize with what is expected of a spiritual person. Ohatu ke mu longela nehafo keshe opo a hala tu mu longele nokukala twa wanenwa koshilonga keshe osho te tu pe Oihopaenenwa ya tya ngaho oi li ashike oihopaenenwa inini i na sha nanghee omafinamhango opakalunga taa dulu oku tu kwafela tu ninge omatokolo e li metwokumwe naasho omunhu a teelelwa a ninge. Still, an elder who gets angry when counseling such an individual will not help him. 19, 20. (a) Ongahelipi eteelelo olo wa pewa kuKalunga tali dulu okukala loshili kwoove? Ashike omukulunhuongalo oo ha handuka ngeenge ta pewa omayele a tya ngaho itae ke mu kwafela. The Kingdom covenant assured them that they would be with him in heaven and sit on thrones to rule as kings and serve as priests. Okwa li a "hanauna po oikulundu yokuyambela nokwa tataula eengudi domamanya, nokwa ka po omalupwelele aAsera neyoka loshikushu, Moses e li ningile, ye e li teyaula po molwaashi oya li ya ningwa oikalunga. " Ehangano lOuhamba ola li le va shilipaleka kutya otava ka kala pamwe naye meulu notava ka pangela ve li eehamba novapristeri. In 49 C.E., the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem met to consider whether circumcision would be required of Gentiles who converted to Christianity. 13: 1) Shimha va hombola paveta, opo nee taku dulu okutalika ngeenge ova wana okuninginifwa ile hasho. - Heb. Mo 49 O.P., ovayapostoli novakulunhu vomuJerusalem ova li va ongala opo va tale ngeenge inashi teelelwa va ninge Ovakriste vomoiwana imwe ovo va ninge Ovakriste. And this ministry leads to glory. Mbela ovo ve na oinakuwanifwa ovo ashike ve na okuhopaenena Jehova ngeenge tashi uya pokutwa vamwe omukumo? Oilonga ya tya ngaho ohai fimanekifa Kalunga. To keep busy, I set up a fruit stand in front of our house and kept the display neat. (b) Onghalo muIsrael oya li ya tya ngahelipi pefimbo opo Salomo a li ta xumifa komesho elongelokalunga lashili? Opo ndi kale nde lipyakidila, onda li nda djala oikutu meumbo letu ndele handi ulike kutya onda koshoka. Also, at the time of Lazarus ' death, the disciples must have felt the Father's compassion when Jesus "groaned in the spirit and became troubled " and" gave way to tears. " Moshilongo shavo, ovanyasha ovo hava shingi eehauto ohava futifwa oimaliwa ihapu yomakwashilipaleko eehauto, noimaliwa ya tya ngaho ohai hapupalifwa konima yoshiponga keshe. Natango, pefimbo lefyo laLasarus, ovahongwa ove na okukala va li ve udite olukeno eshi Jesus a li a " yadifwa omhepo ndele ta lili. ' (Luk. It can be distorted by imperfection, prejudice, or cultural background. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a tulwa modolongo pefimbo olo la li lidjuu neenghono. Otali dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale tu na etaleko la puka li na sha noulunde, onhondo ile omufika wetu moulikumwe wovanhu. A sister named April decided to try a suggestion from one of the Kingdom Ministry articles on how to start Bible studies. Onghalo onhivali, natu tye nee omumwameme ota lesha embo laJoel nokwa fika petukulwa 2, ovelishe 13. Omumwameme wedina April okwa li a tokola okutambula ko oitukulwa imwe yOukalele wOuhamba i na sha nanghee ta dulu okuhovela omakonakonombibeli. We are happy to serve him anywhere he wants us to and are satisfied with any assignment he gives us (Rom. 16: 12) Persis ka li tuu a tuwa omukumo keendjovo odo! Otwa hafa oku mu longela keshe oo a hala notwa wanenwa oshilonga keshe osho e tu pa 19, 20. (a) How can your God - given hope become a reality? Opo nee onda li nda ninga omusholondodo woinyangadalwa oyo handi dulu okuhafela navamwe, opo ndi dule okupanga oukaume novanhu ovo ve hole Jehova. 19, 20. (a) Ongahelipi eteelelo loye li na sha neteelelo loye olo twa pewa kuKalunga tali ka wanifwa? Hezekiah "removed the high places, smashed the sacred pillars, and cut down the sacred pole. He also crushed the copper serpent that Moses had made, " which by then had been misused for idolatrous purposes. Otwa li twa tembukila keongalo lOshiingilisha moBergen oule womudo umwe opo tu tale kutya ngeno otashi ka kala ngahelipi ngeenge otwa tembukile koshitukulwa oko haku popiwa elaka loshinailongo, notwa ka kala hatu di meumbo laina yaLisbeth. " Hiskia okwa li yo a ninga "eenhele da fimana, ' ovakwatelikomesho voshiwana shiyapuki nokwa li yo a hanauna po oupitilo oo Moses a li a ninga, naasho osha li yo sha ningifa Moses a hanaune po oiteelelwa yedina Moses. Thereafter, they may qualify for baptism. - Heb. Oshidjemo, edu otali ka ninga oparadisa tali imike oikulya ihapu, nokape na osho tashi ka nyona onghalo yomhepo, na Kalunga ote ke li nangeka yo noupuna. - Epsalme 65: 10 - 14. Konima yaasho, otashi dulika va kale va wana okuninginifwa. - Heb. But is it only those in authority who should imitate Jehovah in giving encouragement? Omuneumbo okwa ingida vali ta ti: "Omupashukilishikandjo okwa fika! " Ndele mbela olyelye ashike e na okuhopaenena Jehova moku tu twa omukumo? (b) What resulted from Solomon's elevating of true worship? Otwe lihongo shike monghedi omo Jehova ha popi novanhu? (b) Oshike sha li sha ningifa Salomo a longele Jehova nehafo? In her country, young drivers pay high premiums for car insurance, and those premiums go up after each accident. (2 Kor. 12: 15) Molwaashi okwa li e hole ovamwaxe, okwa li e liyandja opo e va pameke. Moshilongo shavo, ovanyasha ova li hava futwa oimaliwa ihapu nopehe na okwoongaonga, naavo hava ka konga oimaliwa ihapu ngeenge ova i konhele oko ku na oshiponga. During this very difficult time, the apostle Paul was put in prison. Okwa li e na oilonga oyo hai mu etele ostresa e li omuhongifikola, omuyandjimayele nokwa li a wililwa po koisho. Pefimbo olo lidjuu neenghono, omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li modolongo. In a second scenario, a Christian sister is reading Joel's prophecy and comes to chapter 2, verse 13. Okweenda medina laKalunga osha kwatela mo oinima yopatatu. Omumwameme umwe Omukriste ota lesha exunganeko Joel etukulwa 2, etukulwa 2, 13. How heartening that compliment must have been for that faithful sister! Philip okwa li a tula moilonga omayele oo, nopaife ota longo e li omukulunhuongalo. - Omayel. Osho itashi tu tuu omukumo eshi omumwameme omudiinini a li omudiinini! Then I made a list of activities that I could enjoy with others, so that I could form connections with them that were based on spiritual values. Ndele ponhele yokunyeka ko omaliko mahapu omulumenhu oo oshipuna, David novakwaita vaye ova li ve a amena. Opo nee onda li nda ninga omusholondodo womalipyakidilo oo handi dulu okuhafela pamwe navamwe, onghee onda li handi dulu okukala ndi na ekwatafano liwa navo moinima yopamhepo. Later, to get a taste of serving in a foreign territory, we moved for one year to an English - language congregation in Bergen, where we stayed with Lisbeth's mother. " Ongudu oyo oye mu kokolola mo moshilando va li ve shii okwa fya. - Oilonga 14: 19. Lwanima, otwa ka tembukila keongalo lOshiingilisha. " With a regulated climate and, above all, God's blessing, the earth will become a paradise yielding plenty of food. - Psalm 65: 9 - 13. Osho otashi tu kumwe naasho Ombiibeli ya popya ya ti: "Omutima u nehafo tau kwafa mokuveluka. " (Omayel. Edu alishe otali ka kala oparadisa ihapu neenghono. - Epsalme 65: 9 - 13. Our host called out again, "The circuit overseer has arrived! " Shi ninga onghedindjikilile yoye okukala ho pandula kaume koye kopahombo. Omupashukilishikandjo okwe tu ifana lwoikando ta ti: "Osho oshe uya po vali! " What have we learned from the way Jehovah communicates with humans? Naame osho naanaa nda li nda ninga ngaho, nokonima yaasho, onda ka efa po okudanauka pamwe nospana oyo. Oshike twe lihonga monghedi omo Jehova ha popi novanhu? Indeed, out of love for his brothers, Paul fully spent himself in strengthening them. OMUPASHUKILISHIKANDJO: Molwaashi Paulus okwa li e hole ovamwaxe, okwa li a longifa pauyadi eenghono davo opo e va pameke. He has a high - stress job as a schoolteacher and counselor, and he also has had to deal with an anxiety disorder. 20: 28) Oshikando shimwe, Jesus okwa li nokuli a kosha eemhadi dovahongwa vaye. Okwa li a divilika oilonga ya denga mbada yokulikongela omboloto yokulikongela omboloto, nokwa li yo e na okuungaunga noisho. Walking in God's name involves at least three things. (1 Johannes 4: 8) Ndele mbela osho osha hala okutya lela shike? Okweenda medina laKalunga okwa kwatela mo oinima itatu ya wedwa po. Philip put that counsel into practice. He now serves as an elder. - Prov. Ponhele yokukala a twila David ondubo nokukala e mu tala ko a fa omukondjifi waye, " omwenyo waJonatan owe limanga kumwe nomwenyo waDavid ' nokwe mu udanekela kutya ota ka kala omudiinini kuye. Filippus okwa li a tula moilonga omayele oo, nopaife ota longo e li omukulunhuongalo. - Omayel. Instead of taking any of this wealthy man's many possessions, David and his men protected his property. Nongeenge ope na umwe oo te tu yeleke, otu na okwiilikana kuJehova Kalunga opo tu dule okukondjifa eyeleko la tya ngaho. David novalumenhu vaye ova li va amena oiniwe yaye ponhele yokulikongela omboloto, ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa li a amena David novalumenhu vaye. The mob dragged him outside the city and left him for dead. - Acts 14: 19. Ehapupalo olo ola xunganekwa taku ti: "Ou muningholi ota ka ninga eyovi, naau munini ota ningi oshiwana sha pama. Ongudu oyo oya li ye mu twala moshilando ndele tai mu fiila oonakufya. - Oilonga 14: 19. This is in agreement with the Bible, which says: "A joyful heart is good medicine. " Lesha 1 Ovatessaloniki 4: 9, 10. Osho oshi li oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Ombibeli oya ti: "Omutima tau nyakukwa pombada. " Make a practice of giving your spouse sincere commendation. (Tala oshipalanyole OISHANGOMWA > OUVIDIO) Kala ho ulike kutya ou na ko nasha nakaume koye kopahombo shili. That did it. I quit the team. 14 - 16. Osho osha li sha kwafela nge ndi efe po ongudu. CIRCUIT OVERSEER: Konima yominute donhumba, omulumenhu umwe womido 19 wedina Blaise, okwa li e uya nepandavanda nokwa li omweenda moshitukulwa osho. OVO VA LI PEDIMBULUKO: Jesus even washed the feet of his apostles. 11: 3) Vamwe ohe va yulu mokuxumifa komesho olwisho, ounhwa nosho yo ohole yokuhola omaliko. Jesus okwa li nokuli a kosha eemhadi dovahongwa vaye. Love is not just one of Jehovah's many beautiful qualities. Omuprofeti Elia ka li a hala edina laKalunga li shekwe molwaashi ngeno a efa omufiyekadi oo ha yakula ovaenda nomunalukeno a mone oixuna natango. Ohole kai fi ashike oukwatya waJehova muwa. He did not jealously view David as a rival. Rather, Jonathan's "soul became bound up with the soul of David " as he pledged his loyalty to him. Oto dulu okuhoolola omishangwa donhumba da fimana odo tadi yelifa kutya Ouhamba waKalunga oshike notadi ulike kutya ongahelipi tau ka kandula po omaupyakadi okondadalunde oo tae lipulwa nao kovanhu moshitukulwa sheni. Ponhele yaasho, Jonatan okwa li a tala ko David e li ohamba nokwa li a " tala ko omwenyo waye u li omudiinini ' molwaashi ka li omudiinini kuye. Instead, we pray that Jehovah God will not permit us to succumb when someone tempts us to disobey Him. Opo tu kale moshiunda twa amenwa notwa hangana, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu pwilikine " kondjovo ei tai di konima yetu ' tai tu lombwele ondjila oyo tu na okweenda nayo. Ponhele yaasho, ohatu ilikana kutya Jehova Kalunga ite ke tu efa tu yelekwe ngeenge umwe e tu yeleke tu dulike kuye. This increase was foretold in these prophetic words: "The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation. Kala ho kofa sha wana. Ehapupalo olo ola li la xunganekwa meendjovo edi tadi ti: "Ou munini ota ka ninga eyovi, noshiwana shinene oshi neenghono. Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 9, 10. Otu shi shii ngahelipi kutya Eendombwedi daJehova odi na omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga? Lesha 1 Ovatessaloniki 4: 9, 10. (Look under PUBLICATIONS > VIDEOS) Okwa li yo a tuwa omukumo oule wokafimbo oko a kala naJesus, molwaashi Jesus okwa li ta ulike koshipala kutya oku mu uditile olukeno. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU) 14 - 16. Okweendafana nomaukwaneumbo onhumba nosho yo nookaume pokavilo konhumba, otaku dulu yo okukala etwomukumo. 14 - 16. Minutes later, 19 - year - old Blaise, a stranger to the area, came down the street. Pashihopaenenwa, ovanhu vahapu ove shii oshipango shOmbibeli osho tashi ti: "Ino vaka. " Konima yomido 19, Dalia, oo a li e na omido 19, okwa li a ya konhele oko a li e uya kovanhu vomoshitukulwa osho. He catches others by promoting greed, pride, and materialism. Eefikola dihapu dovalaule, mwa kwatelwa yetu, oda li da hala keshe umwe a kale oshilyo shomahangano oo. Oha longifa ovanhu mokuxumifa komesho olwisho, ounhwa nosho yo ohole yokuhola omaliko. The prophet could not bear the thought that reproach would be cast on God's name if He were to allow this kind and hospitable woman to suffer further. Elininipiko otali dulu oku ku amena ngahelipi ngeenge wa taalela eyeleko la tya ngaho? Omuprofeti oo ka li ta diladila kutya ota ka shekifa edina laKalunga ngeenge okwa efa po okuyakula ovaenda nosho yo okuyakula ovaenda. Perhaps you could select a few key texts that explain what God's Kingdom is and how it will solve specific problems that concern people in your neighborhood. (Genesis 11: 31) Nopehe na omalimbililo, Sara okwa li e na oilonga ihapu yokufila oshisho omudali waye oo a kulupa. Otashi dulika to dulu okuhoolola omishangwa dimwe da fimana odo tadi yelifa kutya Ouhamba waKalunga oshike nonokutya otau ka kandula po omaupyakadi okondadalunde e na sha novanhu vomoshitukulwa sheni. In order to remain united and safe within the flock of God, we need to listen to " a word behind us, ' telling us which way to go. Enyumuko laJesus otali tu shilipaleke kutya oonakukala kombada yedu otava ka tokolwa she likolelela komifikamhango daJehova dopahole. Opo tu kale twa hangana, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu pwilikine " keendjovo ' odo tadi tu lombwele kutya oshike tu na okuninga opo tu kale twa hangana. Get sufficient sleep. Jesus okwa li a hovela okwoongala oko neshiivifo eli kutya: "Ame onda pewa eenghono adishe. " Kala ho kofa nawa. How do we know that Jehovah's Witnesses have God's spirit? Jesus okwa li a shilipaleka ovayapostoli vaye ovadiinini kutya otava ka pangela pamwe naye meulu. (Luk. Otu shi shii ngahelipi kutya Eendombwedi daJehova odi na omhepo yaKalunga? In her few moments with him, she again felt warmed by the kindness in his eyes, the keen empathy that was always so encouraging. Natu kale hatu tambula ko ekwafo keshe olo hatu pewa Peemhito donhumba, okwa li ha kala a pepelelwa ngeenge e li pomafimbo mawa nokwa li ha kala a halelela okutwa vamwe omukumo. Getting together with family and friends for social gatherings can also be encouraging. OVANHU vomuRoma shonale, omo mwa li yo Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete, ova li hava kala ve udite etumba kutya vo ove shii omhango, ovayuki nove na emanguluko. Okukala pamwe noukwaneumbo nosho yo ookaume koye otaku dulu yo oku tu twa omukumo. For example, most people are familiar with the words of the eighth of the Ten Commandments: "You must not steal. " Yandja oshihopaenenwa u ulike nghee sha nyika oshiponga okutala omafano oipala. Pashihopaenenwa, ovanhu vahapu ove shii eendjovo odo tadi popi kombinga yoipango Omulongo, odo tadi ti: "Inamu vake. " Several black schools, including mine, made it a goal to have 100 - percent membership. Salomo okwa ti shike shi na sha naavo va pondola pataleko laKalunga? Eefikola dihapu dovalaule, mwa kwatelwa ombautu, oda li de shi ninga elalakano leepersenda 100 lwaapo. How will humility protect you if you face such a test? Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. Ongahelipi elininipiko tali dulu oku ku amena ngeenge owa taalela eyeleko la tya ngaho? Sarah would no doubt have much to do with caring for this elderly parent. ▪ Kala u na odjuulufi yokulihonga Eendjovo daKalunga. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Sara okwa li e na okuninga shihapu opo a file oshisho ovadali ovanamido. The resurrection of Jesus gives us the assurance that earth's inhabitants will be judged according to Jehovah's loving standards. Eshi sha fimana kuye osheshi kutya okwa hala tu ude ko omadiladilo nomaliudo aye nosho yo ewiliko olo te tu pe, tu li ovapiya vaye Enyumuko laJesus otali tu shilipaleke kutya ovakalimo otava ka tokolwa she likolelela komifikamhango daJehova dopahole. Synonyms for "context " include" background, conditions,... situation. " Eitavelo lashili ole likolelela koumbangi. Okwa ti yo kutya ngeenge omunhu okwa popi kombinga " youpyakadi ' owa kwatela mo eenghalo, onghalo nosho yo onghalo ya tya ngaho. Jesus began by making an announcement: "All authority has been given me. " Vo va li voye, ndele we va pa nge; vo va diinina eendjovo doye. Jesus okwa hovela neendjovo edi tadi ti: "Aveshe ova pa nge eenghono. " Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would rule with him in heaven. Hasho, ponhele yaasho okwa li e lineekela Jehova nokudulika kuye "mefiku tuu olo. " - Genesis 17: 10 - 14, 23. Jesus okwa li a shilipaleka ovayapostoli vaye ovadiinini kutya otava ka pangela pamwe naye meulu. We can learn not to turn anyone's help away Genesis etukulwa 24 - 27 Ohatu dulu okulihonga okukala hatu kwafele keshe umwe e mu kwafele PEOPLE of the Roman world, among whom the early Christians lived, prided themselves on being champions of law, justice, and freedom. Omolwoitya oyo ya li ya shangwa ko. OVANHU vopefimbo lonale, ovo va li mokati kOvakriste vonale, ova li ve na ounhwa nove li omhinge nomhango, ouyuki nosho yo emanguluko lavo. Give an example to illustrate the danger of looking at pornography. • Omolwashike ovashamane ve na okukundafana novakulukadi vavo fimbo inava ninga omatokolo a kwata moiti? Yandja oshihopaenenwa osho tashi ulike kutya osha nyika oshiponga okutala omafano oipala. What did Solomon conclude about those who are successful before God? 20, 21. (a) Ouwa ulipi hau di mokuulikila eenhauki ohole yopaKriste? Salomo okwa li a fika pexulifodiladilo lilipi shi na sha naavo va pondola ofimbo Kalunga ina pondola? Names have been changed. Okwa putukila moAlaotra Mangoro, oshitukulwa shi li koushilo waMadagascar. Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. ▪ Develop a greater longing for God's word. (Lesha Ovaheberi 4: 1.) ▪ Kala wa lenga neenghono Eendjovo daKalunga. What is important to him is that we understand his thoughts, his feelings, and the direction he gives his servants Osho Ombiibeli tai ti Osho sha fimana kuye okuuda ko omadiladilo aye, omaliudo nosho yo omalombwelo aye oo ha pe ovapiya vaye Genuine faith is based on evidence. (Ovafilippi 4: 6, 7) Onghee hano, ngeenge ou na oshisho, diladila kekwafo olo Jehova e ku pa opo oukaume weni naye u kale wa pama, ngaashi ekwafo olo hali di kovamwatate novamwameme, kovakulunhuongalo, komupiya omudiinini, kovaengeli nokuJesus. Eitavelo lashili ola kanghamena koumbangi. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word. Oshoshili kutya Jehova okwa nangeka po Omona waye, Jesus Kristus, e li Ohamba yopaMessias mo 1914. Ndele osho itashi ti kutya eilikano "ouhamba woye nau uye " ola nyamukulwa pauyadi. Ova li va ninga ngaho, nova li ve va pa nge, nova li va hanga eendjovo doye. No, he trusted in Jehovah and obeyed "on that very day. " - Genesis 17: 10 - 14, 23. 15, 16. Ahowe, okwa li e lineekela muJehova nokwa dulika "efiku olo. " - Genesis 17: 10 - 14, 23. Genesis chapters 24 - 27 Okwa ti yo kutya: " Oileshomwa yoorabi... inai popya kutya ota popi kombinga yanghee Opaasa ya li hai danwa fimbo Otembeli inai hanaunwa po ' mo 70 O.P. Genesis etukulwa 24 - 27 It was not the fragments in themselves but what was written on them. Ndele onghedi yokukalamwenyo ya tya ngaho oya li tai yahameke nge neenghono pamaliudo. " Oitukulwa oyo kaya li hai longifwa momashangelo oo, ashike kaya li ya shangwa. • Why should husbands consult their wives before making serious decisions? Pashihopaenenwa, pomhito imwe fimbo omukokolindjila umwe a li ta udifa eumbo neumbo, okwa li a shunifwa ko komufiyekadi umwe omunamido. • Omolwashike ovashamane ve na okukundafana novakulukadi vavo fimbo inava ninga omatokolo a kwata moiti? 20, 21. (a) What good comes from showing refugees Christian love? Oshikalimo 20, 21. (a) Oshike shiwa kwaavo ve hole eenhauki? He grew up in Alaotra Mangoro, a fertile region in eastern Madagascar. Mefelemudo eti - 19, ovakembauli ova li va hovela okuxumifa komesho ediladilo kutya Omavangeli inaa shangwa fimbo efelemido eti - 2 O.P. inali ya mokati, nomolwaasho inaa fimana mondjokonona. Okwa kulila moshitukulwa shi na oshipalanyole, okadoolopa ke li kolundume la Mwena. (Read Hebrews 4: 1.) Omafiloshisho elipi Jehova e tu pa, notu na okulipula epulo lilipi? (Lesha Ovaheberi 4: 1.) What the Bible says Jesus okwa li a lombwela ovayapostoli vaye moufiku waye wa xuunina ofimbo ina fya a ti: "Ombili yange ohandi i mu pe. " Osho Ombiibeli tai ti So when you are worried, think of the help that Jehovah gives you to keep your friendship with him strong, such as the help from your brothers and sisters, the elders, the faithful slave, the angels, and Jesus. Luhapu ohatu hafele oikulya, okupopya elaka, omudingonoko nosho yo eenghedindjikilile daapo twa kulila. Onghee hano, ngeenge to lipula nasho, diladila kunghee Jehova e ku kwafela u kaleke po oukaume woye wa pama ngaashi ovamwatate novamwameme, omupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge. Even though Jehovah crowned his Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messianic King in 1914, this was not the full answer to our prayer "let your Kingdom come. " 3: 5, 6. Nonande Jehova okwa dika po Omona waye, Jesus Kristus, oye Ohamba yopaMessias mo 1914, ka li a nyamukula eilikano letu olo tali ti: "Ouhamba woye nau uye. " 15, 16. Efiku limwe onda li nda tokola ndi kale po. 15, 16. He also wrote: "Rabbinic literature... does not even claim to be telling us how the Seder [Passover meal] was performed before the destruction of the Temple " in 70 C.E. - Italics ours. Ovakriste vamwe navo ova ninga omatokolo mai, va konga " eliko loulunde, ' naasho osha nyona po edina lavo liwa meongalo. - 1 Timoteus 3: 8; Titus 1: 7. Okwa shanga yo a ti: "Taleni oileshomwa... ihai tu lombwele nokuli nghee etango la li la fikama po mo 70 O.P. la li la fikama po mo 70 O.P. This way of life brought me a lot of emotional pain. " Otai ulike yo kohole oyo Omona waKalunga woshiveli e hole nayo ovanhu. Onghedi yokukalamwenyo ya tya ngaho oya etela nge ehafo linene. " For instance, while preaching from door to door on one occasion, a pioneer was quickly dismissed by an elderly widow. Nomolwaasho omuyapostoli Paulus a shanga ta ti: "Ondjovo yaKalunga oi nomwenyo neenghono. " Pashihopaenenwa, ofimbo omukokolindjila umwe a li ta udifa eumbo neumbo, okwa li a kufa diva omufiyekadi omunamido oo omunamido. Table of Contents Oshinima shimwe shomoinima oyo opedalo laJesus eshi ovafita voimuna va lombwela Maria etumwalaka la dja komweengeli. Oshikalimo In the 19th century, critics began to promote the view that none of the Gospels were written before the middle of the second century C.E.; hence, they could have little historical value. " Kalunga kehekeleko alishe... te tu hekeleke moudjuu wetu aushe. " - 2 KOR. Mefelemudo eti - 19, ovakembauli ova li va hovela okuxumifa komesho etaleko la tya ngaho li na sha Omavangeli oo a shangwa mefelemudo etivali O.P. lwaapo, tashi dulika a li inaa fimana. What blessings do we have, and what should we ask ourselves? Otashi dulika yo u kale wa angala keshe osho tashi dulu okutula oupamhepo woye moshiponga. Otu na omanangeko noupuna elipi, noshike tu na okulipula? Earlier on that last evening before his death, Jesus told his apostles: "I give you my peace. " Otwa mona yo kutya ohatu dulu okulihonga koihopaenenwa iwa yaavo va pyokoka pamhepo. Jesus okwa li a lombwela ovayapostoli vaye moufiku oo wa tetekela efyo laye, a ti: "Ohandi ku pe ombili yange. " We usually enjoy the food, language, scenery, and customs of the place we grew up in. Ovo ve hole Jehova kape na osho "tashi va tengula " Luhapu ohatu hafele oikulya, elaka, oikwaelektronika nosho yo eenghedindjikilile odo twa kulila moshitukulwa shetu. 3: 5, 6. Osho osho tashi ka kala ehovelo lefiku linene laJehova. 3: 5, 6. One day, I decided to join them. 15: 16 - 21) Shikwao vali, ounhwa owa li wa ningifa Saul a kale a hala okupandika kovanhu ponhele yokuhafifa Kalunga. Efiku limwe, onda li nda tokola okuya pamwe navo. Even some Christians have made bad decisions and for "dishonest gain " have lost their good reputation in the congregation. - 1 Timothy 3: 8; Titus 1: 7. Ove shii kutya otwa koshoka, tu na omikalo nohatu kala alushe hatu limemesha. Nokuli nOvakriste vamwe ova ninga omatokolo ehe li pandunge nova kanifa "oinima iwa " meongalo. - 1 Timoteus 3: 8; Titus 1: 7. They also show how much God's firstborn Son loves mankind. (Joel 2: 28 - 32; Oil. 2: 16 - 21) Diladila ashike shi na sha neevili dihapu odo hava longifa mokukwafela vamwe nouladi ve lihonge kombinga " yevangeli louhamba. ' (Mat. Ohava ulike yo kutya Omona waKalunga woshiveli oku hole ovanhu neenghono. That is why the apostle Paul could write: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " Amwe omuo okwa li opaushitwe. Nomolwaasho omuyapostoli Paulus a shanga ta ti: "Ondjovo yaKalunga oi nomwenyo neenghono. " One example of this was at Jesus ' birth when shepherds told Mary about a message from an angel. Sakaria okwa li e shii kutya Ovajuda ovo va tembukila kuJerusalem ova li ve neitavelo. Oshihopaenenwa shimwe osho sha li sha ningwa po eshi ovafita vaJesus va li va lombwela Maria kombinga yetumwalaka olo. " The God of all comfort... comforts us in all our trials. " - 2 COR. 14, 15. (a) Otu na okukaleka shike momadiladilo opo tu kaleke eteelelo letu la twa? " Kalunga kehekeleko alishe... ote tu hekeleke moudjuu wetu aushe. " - 2 KOR. You are alert to possible spiritual danger. Tera otashi dulika a li ta vele pefimbo opo noita dulu okweenda oshinano shile. Oto dulu okukala oupafi pamhepo. We have also seen that we can learn from good examples of spiritual people. Vahapu va fikamena nge! Otwa mona yo kutya ohatu dulu okulihonga koihopaenenwa iwa yovanhu ovo va pyokoka pamhepo. For Those Loving Jehovah, "There Is No Stumbling Block " Ndelenee kongeni tete ouhamba waKalunga nouyuki waye, opo tamu wedelwa ko ei aishe. " - Mat. Ovo ve hole Jehova kape na osho "tashi va tengula " This will mark the beginning of the great day of Jehovah. 12: 1. Osho otashi ka didilikifa mo efiku linene laJehova. Additionally, pride made Saul more concerned with saving face before the people than with pleasing God. 18, 19. Kakele kaasho, ounhwa owa li wa ningifa Saul a kale te lipula unene nokuxupifa ovanhu komesho yokulongela Kalunga. They notice our neat attire, polite behavior, and warm smile. Kalunga okwe mu ifana "omona wohamba " Ohava didilike elihumbato letu liwa, eenghedi diwa nohave limemesha. Just think of the countless hours such ones spend earnestly helping others to learn about the "good news of the kingdom "! Otashi dulika ngeno inadi xupa ngeno kada li da twaafana omukumo nokuyambididafana. Diladila ashike kefimbo olo ovanhu ovo hava longo noudiinini opo va kwafele vamwe ve lihonge kombinga " yonghundana iwa youhamba. ' Some of them were instinctive, but they were limits nonetheless. 6: 3, 4) Opo nee omunhu keshe pauhandimwe ile oukwaneumbo, ove na okuninga etokolo kutya oshimhu shanakufya otashi xwikwa po ile hasho. Vamwe vomuvo ova li hava nu sha pitilila, ashike ova li ve na omangabeko e lili noku lili. Zechariah knew that the Jews who moved to Jerusalem were men and women of faith. Mbela okwa li ta diladila kutya ota ka dula natango okukwafela ovanhu pefimbo olo a li ta ka kala moshovafi? Sakaria okwa li e shii kutya Ovajuda ovo va tembukila kuJerusalem ova li ovalumenhu novakainhu. 14, 15. (a) To keep our hope alive, on what must we focus our attention? " Oinima i he wetike kokutya, eenghono daye daalushe noukalunga waye, otai monika nawa moilonga yaye. " - Ovaroma 1: 20. 14, 15. (a) Otu na okuyandja elitulemo kushike? Terah may have been ailing at this point, unable to travel farther. Ovanhu vahapu ohava konenene elihumbato letu. Otashi dulika omunhu a li ta vele pefimbo opo, ita dulu okuya momalweendo. Why are many rising up against me? Omukainhu oo okwa li a tomhwa kutya Jehova oku li kokule naye. Omolwashike ovanhu vahapu tava kondjifa nge? Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " - Matt. Nonande Kalunga iha hokwa enyono keshe, ohe tu file onghenda ngeenge twa nyona molwaashi otwa fyuulula oulunde. Kongeni tete ouhamba waKalunga nouyuki waye, opo tamu wedelwa ko ei aishe. " - Mat. 12: 1. Ovapiya vaJehova otava ka henuka okuninga keshe osho tashi ka shekifa edina laye. - Jes. 12: 1. 18, 19. * - Neh. 18, 19. God Called Her "Princess " (Mateus 6: 10) Didilika kutya Jesus okwa kwatakanifa Ouhamba nokuwanifwa kwehalo laKalunga kombada yedu, olo kutya Kalunga okwa hala okuxulifa po okumona oixuna kombada yedu alishe. Kalunga okwa ifana "Omona wohamba " The encouragement and support they received from one another played a key role in turning that death march into a march of survival for them. Okwa li a hala oku ka henga po meholeko opo ehe ka fife ohoni. Etwomukumo olo va li va pewa nosho yo etwomukumo limwe vali ola li la dana onghandangala ya fimana mehandukilo lefyo. Then, whether the body of a deceased person is to be cremated or not is a personal or family decision. (b) Oshike osho tu na okuninga opo tu hafele emanguluko olo la dja kuJehova? Opo nee, kutya nee olutu lomunhu ola fya ile hasho. Did he expect that he would still be able to help people during his time in the grave? Omishangwa otadi shi ifana "ombelela, " oyo tai ulike keamo letu lokulonga oulunde, sha hala okutya, okuhawanenena oko twa fyuulula tu li oludalo laAdam. Mbela okwa li a teelela natango oku ka kwafela ovanhu pefimbo laye? " His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made. " - Romans 1: 20. Oshike tu na okudimbuluka? " Oukwatya waye ihau monika wa fa u wetike meshito, molwaashi ou wete oinima oyo ya ningwa nale. " - Ovaroma 1: 20. Householders and passersby observe our behavior. Shikula omayele aJesus aa taa ti: " Eendjovo deni nadi tye: Heeno, heeno, ile: ahowe, ahowe. ' Ova li have tu konenene nova li hava konenene elihumbato letu. She convinced herself that Jehovah must be distant from her. Oshike tashi ufa kutya Kalunga ota ka tambula ko omayambo etu ile hasho? Okwa li a tomhwa kutya Jehova oku na okukala kokule naye. While every sin is an offense in God's sight, he mercifully takes into consideration our failings because of inherited human imperfection. 22: 17, 18) Abraham okwa kala e na eitavelo la kola muJehova, nokuli nonande omaudaneko oo kaa li a wanifwa pefimbo lokukalamwenyo kwaye. Nonande oulunde keshe oo twa fyuulula ohau nyemateke Kalunga, oha kala e na ko nasha nomaliudo etu omolwokuhawanenena kwetu. Jehovah's people would not want to do anything that might reflect badly on God's name. - Isa. 15, 16. (a) Oiningwanima itunhula ilipi tai ka ningwa momukokomoko womido eyovi depangelo laKristus? Oshiwana shaJehova itashi ka kala sha hala okuninga keshe shimwe osho tashi dulu okuyelekanifwa nedina laKalunga. - Jes. * - Neh. (Jakob 5: 14, 15) Pashihopaenenwa, ovakulunhuongalo ova li va twa omukumo omumwatate wokuItaly oo a kala ta mono oixuna omolwounghundi wa kwata moiti oo a kala nao oule womido dihapu. * - Neh. Notice that Jesus indicated that the Kingdom is linked to God's will being done on the earth, and it is God's will to eliminate suffering earth wide. Otwa li twa kumwa neenghono. Didilika kutya Jesus okwa popya kutya Ouhamba waKalunga otau ka wanifa po ehalo laKalunga kombada yedu, notau ka xulifa po okumona oixuna mounyuni aushe. He intended to divorce her secretly to protect her from scandal. Moshitukulwa tashi landula ko, ohatu ka kundafana nghee atusheni hatu dulu oku va kwafela va longele Jehova nehafo. Okwa li a hala okuteya ohombo meholeko nopehe na oku mu amena. (b) What must we do to enjoy the freedom that comes from Jehovah? (b) Ongahelipi okukonga omauyelele a wedwa po taku dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone oilihongomwa oyo ihai kala naanaa i liwetikile mo? (b) Oshike tu na okuninga opo tu hafele emanguluko olo la dja kuJehova? That other force is what the Scriptures term "the flesh, " which refers to the sinful inclinations of our fallen flesh, the legacy of imperfection we have received as descendants of Adam. Oitukulwa ei otai ke tu kwafela tu pameke ekwatafano letu naJehova e li omufilishisho, omwaameni nakaume ketu kopofingo. Oinima ikwao oyo oi li eenghono dimwe odo Ombibeli tai ulike kutya otu na eamo loulunde, sha hala okutya, okuhawanenena kwetu akushe oko twa fyuulula kuAdam. What must we recognize? Omhango yaKalunga nayo oya li hai pula omunhu a ane opo kukandulwe po eenhamanana donhumba. (Ex. Oshike tu na okudimbuluka? Follow Jesus ' advice: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No. " OVAKALIMO Kala ho dulika komayele aJesus oo taa ti: "Eendjovo deni nadi tye: Heeno, heeno, ile: ahowe, ahowe. " What determines whether a sacrifice is acceptable to God? (Ovaefeso 4: 32 - 5: 1) Oshiwa okulipula kutya, " Ngeenge Jehova oha dimine nge po pafilonghenda, ongahelipi handi dulu okuhadimina po ovanhu vakwetu inava wanenena ovo ve livela ombedi shili eshi va nyona kwaame? - Lukas 17: 3, 4. Oshike tashi ka ningwa po ngeenge ekuliloyambo ola hokiwa kuKalunga? Though these promises went unfulfilled during Abraham's lifetime, he maintained strong faith in Jehovah. 13: 7, 17. Nonande omaudaneko oo okwa kala taa wanifwa pefimbo laAbraham, okwa kala e na eitavelo la kola muJehova. 15, 16. (a) What thrilling events will take place during the Thousand Year Reign? Onghee okwa li a lombwela Sara a ti: "Tala, ondi shi shii, kutya ove omwalikadi muwa. 15, 16. (a) Oiningwanima itunhula ilipi tai ka ningwa pefimbo lEpangelo lOmido Eyovi? For example, the elders encouraged a brother in Italy who has been suffering for many years with a serious health problem. Ngaashi omuyapostoli Paulus, Ovakriste vahapu ova li " va tuwa ouladi u dule wonale wokupopya eendjovo daKalunga vehe noumbada. ' (Fil. Pashihopaenenwa, ovakulunhuongalo ova li va ladipika omumwatate umwe oo a kala ta mono oixuna oule womido dihapu noukolele wa kwata moiti. We were stunned! Ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa li e wete kutya ovanailonga aveshe ova pumbwa okupewa ondjabi ya wana opo va dule okulikwafela vo vene nosho yo omaukwaneumbo avo. Otwa li twa tunhukwa neenghono. In the following article, we will consider how all of us can help them to serve Jehovah joyfully. Oshike mbela hatu dulu okuninga po opo tu hopaenene Maria nokukala twe litula mokulongela Jehova? Moshitukulwa tashi landula, ohatu ka kundafana nghee atusheni hatu dulu oku va kwafela va longele Jehova nehafo. (b) Give an example of how background information may reveal lessons that are not immediately obvious. Lwanima efimbo laKalunga lokukatuka onghatu osho la fiki. (b) Yandja oshihopaenenwa osho tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone oilihongomwa oyo tashi dulika ihe li poluhaela. These articles will help us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah as our Provider, Protector, and best Friend. Osho oshi liwetikile monghedi omo Jehova a li a ungaunga naIsrael shonale. Oitukulwa ei otai ke tu kwafela tu pameke ekwatafano letu naJehova li li omufilishisho, omufilishisho n Kaume ketu kopofingo. Also, God's Law required the taking of a sworn oath to settle certain disputes. Oye "Kalunga kohole " nosho yo " Kalunga omunelao. ' Natango, Omhango yaKalunga oya li ya pumbwa okwaana opo i pongolole po okuhaudafana pokati ketu navamwe. POPULATION 1: 3) Mbela omolwashike? OVAKALIMO We do well to ask ourselves, " Since Jehovah so graciously forgives me, how could I withhold forgiveness from a fellow imperfect human who is genuinely repentant for having sinned against me? ' - Luke 17: 3, 4. Satana okwa twikifa ovanhu opo vaha ude ko eeshili di na ondilo odo tadi hangwa mEendjovo daKalunga. Otu na okulipula kutya, " Molwaashi Jehova oha dimine nge po nehalo liwa, ongahelipi handi dulu okudimina po omunhu oo ina wanenena oo e livela ombedi shili? ' - Luk. 17: 3, 4. 13: 7, 17. (Eps. 119: 64) Omishangwa odi na omahokololo mahapu e na sha nanghee Jehova a li a ulikila ovalongeli vaye ouwanghenda. 13: 7, 17. So he spoke to Sarah: "Please listen! Ohava tula omafano avo keenhele dokointaneta nokuninga omatyekosha oo itaa wapalele Ovakriste. Onghee hano, okwa li a lombwela Sara a ti: "Ino pwilikina. Like the apostle Paul, most back then were "showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly. " (Omayel. 2: 3 - 6) Kala ho longifa oilongifo imwe oyo tashi dulika i li melaka loye, ngaashi o - Watchtower Library on DVD, ONGULUMAMBO YOKOINTANETA, o - Watch Tower Publications Index ile Elongifwambo lokukonga Omauyelele mOishangomwa yEendombwedi daJehova. Ngaashi omuyapostoli Paulus, vahapu ova li "va tila okupopya eendjovo daKalunga nopehe na oumbada. " Rather, he treated all the workers as those having a right to a living. Ngaashi Rut, Ovakriste mounyuni aushe navo ova ulika kutya ova itavela kutya Jehova oku na eenghono doku va kwafela. Ponhele yaasho, oha ungaunga novanhu aveshe ovo ve na oufemba woku ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe. What can we do to become more like Mary and stay focused on worshipping Jehovah? Ile otashi dulika omunhu a yakule etumwalaka ko - Internet olo tali monika la fa inali nyika oshiponga ndele ngeenge okwe li patulula otali ulike efano loipala olo la nuninwa oku shi ninga shidjuu oku li dima. Oshike tu na okuninga opo tu kale twa fa Maria nokukala hatu yandje elitulemo kokulongela Jehova? Eventually, God's due time for action arrived. Kakele kaasho, " omolwokweenda metilo lOmwene nomokupopilwa komhepo iyapuki, eongalo ola li la hapupala, ' sha hala kutya, la tamunuka mo. (Oil. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, efimbo laKalunga ola li la fika. We can see that from the way God dealt with ancient Israel. Okwa ti: "Ngha li ndi shii kutya nandi ninge shike, nghi na okaana, nghi na omushamane, ame nghi na eumbo. Ohatu dulu okumona kutya onghedi omo Kalunga a li a ungaunga nOvaisrael vopefimbo lonale. He is "the God of love " and is called" the happy God. " Ohatu dulu okuyulwa noupu keemwiyo da tya ngaho nokulongifa nai emanguluko letu. Oye " oKalunga kohole ' nokwa ifanwa "Kalunga omunelao. " Why? Oikulya oyo have va telekele lumwe moshivike kai fi ngeno ihapu, ndele ovakokolindjila ovo ova li va pandula keyakulo olo. Omolwashike mbela? Satan has blinded people to the precious truths found in God's Word. oshikando oshitivali, ova li ve na okuteta eengodi delapi. Satana okwa twikifa ovanhu koshili oyo i li mEendjovo daKalunga. The Scriptures contain numerous accounts of how Jehovah showed loving - kindness to his worshippers. Oshi na oupu u mone oixuna efimbo lile omolweenghatu dakaume koye kopahombo ehe fi omudiinini. MOmbibeli omu na omahokololo mahapu e na sha nanghee Jehova a ulikila ovalongeli vaye ouwanghenda. They post on social media photos of themselves and comments that are unbecoming to spiritual people. Atusheni otwa pumbwa okulipula omapulo a tya ngaho. Ova li hava tula omafano avo komapandja amwe e lili noku lili nosho yo omatyekosha oo itaa dulu okukwafela ovanhu va kale ve na oupamhepo muwa. Make good use of other tools that may be available in your language, such as Watchtower Library on DVD, Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY, as well as Watch Tower Publications Index or the Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. ODULA OMO A DALWA: 1938 Kala ho longifa oilongifo imwe oyo tai dulu okulongifwa melaka loye ngaashi o - Watchtower Library, o - Watch Tower Publications Index, o - Watchtower Library, o - Watch Tower Publications Index nosho yo o - Watch Tower Publications Index. Like Ruth, Christians around the world have shown faith in Jehovah's power to help them. Omolwashike tu na okukala hatu lesha oileshomwa yehangano alushe shimha ya piti, nongahelipi hatu dulu okupondola okuninga ngaho? Ngaashi Rut, Ovakriste mounyuni aushe ova ulika eitavelo meenghonopangelo daJehova doku va kwafela. Or an innocuous - looking e - mail, once opened, may explode into a pornographic picture designed in such a way as to make exiting from it difficult. Onghee hano, oita oyo ya hovela mo 1914 kaya li ehovelo loudjuu munene, ndele "ehovelo lefeto lokudala. " (Mat. Ile ngeenge omunhu okwa kala te lipula unene no - mail, otashi dulika a kale a hala okutala omafano oipala oo a shitwa a fa ehe na oshilonga. Moreover, "as it walked in the fear of Jehovah and in the comfort of the holy spirit it kept on multiplying. " Emil okwa li a tuminwa kokamba yeenghwate oko kwa li haku longwa oilonga idjuu, noko a li a shakena nEendombwedi. Kakele kaasho, " Satana okwa enda koshipala shOmwene nomehekeleko lomhepo iyapuki, ndele te shi hapupalifa. ' (Ef. She recalls: "I had no idea who I was anymore - no daughter, no husband, no home. 1, 2. Okwa ti: "Kanda li ndi shii ediladilo olo nda li handi kala vali ndihe na vali eshi nda li okaana, omushamane wange ka li e na eumbo. How easy it is to fall prey to these ploys and to misuse our freedom! Ope na ngoo etomheno li shii okuudiwa ko lokukala nelineekelo kutya ovanyumunwa otava ka dula okuhombolafana? Itashi ka kala tuu shipu okuhenuka oikala ya tya ngaho nosho yo okulongifa nai emanguluko letu! A weekly meal may not seem like much, but how thankful those pioneers were for the hospitality shown! Molwaashi oumbiibeli ovo vanini ova li ve na ombilixa ve dule Ombiibeli oyo ya kula, osha li shipu kovanhu ovo ve na oyuuyemo inini okulimonena Ombiibeli. Ovakokolindjila otashi dulika va kale ve udite va fa vehe na oshilonga, ashike ovakokolindjila ovo ova li hava yakula ovaenda. for the second time, they were to cut the cords. Nonande ovanhu vahapu otava tu kumwe neudaneko loku ka kala nomwenyo olo tali hangwa mOmbiibeli, omolwomatomheno onhumba ile ongadi ohava mono shidjuu oku shi itavela. Pefimbo etivali, ova li ve na okuteta mo mondjila oyo ya yuka. The actions of your unfaithful mate may cause you to suffer for quite some time. Mbela naave oto ka mona ngoo ondjabi oyo tai ka pewa ovo hava longo ouwa? Eenghatu dookaume koye kopahombo ovo vehe fi ovadiinini otadi dulu oku ku ningifa u mone oixuna efimbo lile. Those questions involve you and your loved ones. Shikwao vali, Farao ka li ta yelekwa naJehova. Omapulo oo okwa kwatela mo kwoove nosho yo ovaholike voye. YEAR BORN: 1938 Samantha: Kanda li nda diladila nale moule shi na sha naasho. ODULA OMO A DALWA 1938 Why should we keep up - to - date with published material, and how do you accomplish this? Omanyamukulo omapulo e na sha naJesus Kristus Omolwashike tu na okukala hatu lesha ouyelele oo u li kointaneta, nongahelipi to dulu okuninga ngaho? Thus, the events that began in 1914 were, not the beginning of the great tribulation, but the "beginning of pangs of distress. " Natu lalakaneni ombili! Onghee hano, oiningwanima oyo ya li ya hovela mo 1914 inai hovela ashike ehovelo loudjuu munene, ndele " oya li tai teya po oluhodi. ' Emil was sent to a labor camp and met the Witnesses there. Ashike fimbo inandi fiya po Oilongo ya Hangana, onda li nda pulwa ndi ye nomupashukilishikandjo oule woivike 4. Emilia okwa li a tumwa kokamba yeenghwate nokwa li a shakena nEendombwedi odo di li ko. 1, 2. Okudimbuluka onakudiwa yaavo ve li moshitukulwa shetu ohaku kwafele nge ndi va ulikile olukeno. 1, 2. Is there sound reason for hoping that resurrected ones will be able to marry? Okwa li e va pa omatomheno okuudifa. Mbela ope na etomheno lokukala tu na elineekelo kutya oonakufya otava ka nyumuka? This small format - which cost half the price of a standard edition - made it easier for people with little means to obtain a copy of the Bible. Okupondola kwashili monghalamwenyo ihaku ufwa kouhapu womaliko ile komalalakano oo haa lalakanenwa kovakwaunyuni vahapu. Osho osha li she shi ninga shipu kovanhu vanini okukonga Ombiibeli. Though most people would readily agree that life as promised and described in the Bible is truly desirable, for various reasons many find the idea of living forever difficult to comprehend. Kakele kaao a ulikwa shimwe shi lili, omatofwemo Omishangwa moshifo eshi okwa kufwa mOmbiibeli yOshikwanyama yomo 2013 (KB13) noyomo 1974 (KB74). Nonande ovanhu vahapu otava tu kumwe filufilu naasho sha popiwa mOmbibeli, omatomheno mahapu okukala nomwenyo fiyo alushe. Will You Receive the Reward of Good People? • Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okuhopaenena Jesus eshi tava kwafele ovalumenhu va kale va wana okukwatela komesho momaongalo? Mbela oto ka mona ouwa pauyadi ngeenge owa kala ho longele Jehova? Besides, Pharaoh was no match for Jehovah. Tete otwa li twa talela po ovalumenhu velelo lodoolopa va tumbala, ngaashi meya, opo nee otwa ka talela po vali momaumbo nokuyandja oileshomwa. Kakele kaasho, Farao ka li a hokiwa kuJehova. Samantha: I never thought of it that way before. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li va longa oilonga inene yokuudifa omolwekwafo lomhepo iyapuki. Samantha: Inandi shi diladila nande onale monghedi oyo. All rights reserved. 8: 28 - 32; Joh. 2: 13 - 17; 18: 3 - 5) Oshihopaenenwa osho osha li she va kwafela va kale ve nouladi. All rights reserved. Pursue Peace Jesus Kristus okwa popya kombinga yomishangwa diyapuki a ti: "Eendjovo doye odo oshili. " - Johannes 17: 17. Natu lalakaneneni ombili However, before leaving the United States, I was asked to accompany a circuit overseer for four weeks. (b) Ongahelipi Daniel a ulika kutya okwa kula pamhepo? Ndele fimbo inandi fiya po Oilongo ya Hangana, onda li nda pulwa ndi ka talele po omupashukilishikandjo oule woivike ine. Remembering the background of those in our territory helps me to cultivate compassion for them. Onda li nda dula okutwikila okukwafela ovo va li inava mona omhito yokulihonga kombinga yaJehova. " Okudimbuluka eenghalo da tya ngaho moshitukulwa shetu ohashi kwafele nge ndi kale ndi na olukeno. He gave them reasons for carrying out the preaching work. Omolwaashi ookaume kange ove shii kutya osho nde va lombwela shi na sha nonghalo yange oshoshili nova mona kutya itandi kendabala ngeno okulikongela shihapu shi dulife pwaasho nda pumbwa. Okwe va pa omatomheno opo va wanife po oshilonga shokuudifa. True success is not determined by the material or social goals that those in the world often pursue. Okukala twa hokiwa kuKalunga otashi ke tu pefa omwenyo waalushe, 2 / 1 Oshoshili kutya okupondola kwashili inaku likolelela koinima yopamaliko ile komalalakano oo haa ningwa luhapu mounyuni. • How can elders imitate Jesus as they help men in the congregation to take the lead? Kave na efiku va ka kale ve udite owike ngeenge otu li shili " ovamwaina ovalumenhu novamwaxe ovakainhu nooina nounona ' vavo vopamhepo. - Lesha Markus 10: 28 - 30. • Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okuhopaenena Jesus eshi tava kwafele ovalumenhu meongalo va kwatele komesho? Comfort the Bereaved, 11 / 1 Longa ashishe to shi dulu neenghono doye, osheshi moshovafi oku to i, kamu na nande oshilonga, ediladilo neshiivo ile ounongo. ' - Omuud. Mona omanangeko noupuna okupitila mOhamba oyo tai wilikwa komhepo yaKalunga! We first visited prominent men of the town, such as the mayor, and after that we visited homes to introduce our literature. Onghee hano, oto dulu okulombwela vamwe onghundana oyo iwa moukalele. Tete otwa li twa talela po ovalumenhu ovo va tumbala, ngaashi koshikondo shodoolopa, nokonima eshi twa li twa ka talela po omaumbo etu. Under its influence, the first - century Christians accomplished a tremendous preaching work. Onghee hano, ohatu ka mona ouwa momalihafifo ngeenge otwa kala twe litulila po ongaba. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li va pondola neenghono moilonga yokuudifa. That example helped them to build courage. Nonande ovatokoli ovo ova li ve na omangabeko, omhango oyo oya li ye va kwafela vaha kale tava tengauka mokuninga omatokolo. Oshihopaenenwa osho osha li she va kwafela va kale ovaladi. Jesus Christ said regarding the sacred writings: "Your word is truth. " - John 17: 17. Onhele ei yokulongela Kalunga oi li shili omaano e na ondilo, oshinima shiwa osho Jehova e tu pa. Jesus Kristus okwa popya shi na sha nomashangelo a ti: "Eendjovo doye odo oshili. " - Johannes 17: 17. Can a young person really show that type of maturity? Opo nee Omwene okwe lialuluka kowii ou a tongele te u ningile ovanhu vaye. " - Ex. Mbela omunyasha ota dulu ngoo okuulika filufilu kutya okwa kula pamhepo? I could continue to help those who had not had a chance to learn about Jehovah! " Oitukulwa ei otai ke tu kwafela tu mone kutya oshiwa nosha wapala okukala twa hangana novamwatate. Onda li nda twikila okukwafela ovo vehe na omhito yokulihonga kombinga yaJehova. " Because my friends know that I have described my circumstances honestly, and I am not trying to get more than I need. 2: 37 - 41. Molwaashi ookaume kange ove shii kutya ondi li monghalo ya tya ngahelipi, kanda li handi kendabala okuninga shihapu shi dulife pwaasho nda pumbwa. Are You Letting Jehovah Be Your Share? 9 / 15 Eshi Jesus a popya okulongela Kalunga momhepo, ka li ta ulike komhepo yonhumba ile koinima ya longwa kovanhu. Ovanyasha, kondjifeni omafininiko oomakula, 5 / 15 They will never have to feel lonely if we truly become their spiritual "brothers and sisters and mothers and children. " - Read Mark 10: 28 - 30. ONGHALAMWENYO YANGE YONALE: Oukwaneumbo wetu owa kala hau tembauka luhapu eshi handi kulu. 10: 28 - 30. All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind's common grave], the place to which you are going. " - Eccl. U li omulumenhu a hombola ile omukainhu a hombolwa, ou na okuulika momapopyo oye nomelihumbato loye kutya ino hala okulalakanena nandenande oihole nomunhu. Longa ashishe to shi dulu neenghono doye, osheshi moshovafi oku to i, kamu na nande oshilonga, ediladilo neshiivo ile ounongo. " - Omuud. You have a positive message of good news to share with people in your ministry. Paulus okwa ti: "Kalafaneni mu noukaume nokufilafana onghenda nokudiminafana po omatimba, ngaashi Kalunga e mu dimina po muKristus. " (Ef. Ou na onghundana iwa i na sha nokuudifila ovanhu moukalele. If we do that, limited recreation can be beneficial. Efiku limwe eshi Esau a dja koukongo, okwa hanga Jakob a "paka po eendya. " Ngeenge otwa ningi ngaho, otashi dulu oku tu etela ouwa. Despite their limitations, they were enabled by this law to be consistent in their judgments. Mbela oshi li ngoo pandunge okwiitavela kutya olutu lomunhu inali shitwa? Nonande ova li ve na omangabeko, ova li va kwafelwa komhango oyo i li omhinge netokolo lavo. This place of worship is indeed a precious gift, a gem that Jehovah has given us. Kunena, ovamwatate ovo tava kwatele komesho meongalo ohava kendabala okuungaunga nakeshe umwe pauyuki. Onhele ya tya ngaho oi li oshali i na ondilo ya denga mbada oyo Jehova e tu pa. And Jehovah began to feel regret over the evil that he had spoken of doing to his people. " - Ex. Omolwaashi ova li ve lilongekida nove li oupafi. Jehova okwa li a hovela okulipa oushima eshi a lombwela oshiwana shaye shi ninge. " - Ex. About three thousand of them sought God's forgiveness and became Christians. - Acts 2: 37 - 41. 28: 18; Ef. 1: 20 - 23) Oinima yaye paife oya kwatela mo Ouhamba wopaMessias, oo a pewa okudja mo 1914 nota ka pangela pamwe novashikuli vaye ovavaekwa. - Eh. Ovajuda omayovi atatu lwaapo ova li va hala okudiminwa po kuKalunga nova ninga Ovakriste. - Oil. 2: 37 - 41. When Jesus mentioned worshipping with spirit, he was not speaking of a particularly spirited, animated, or enthusiastic form of worship. (a) Oilyo youkwaneumbo waKalunga imwe oya li ya hovela ngahelipi oku mu tukulila oshibofa? Eshi Jesus a tumbula omhepo iyapuki, ka li ta popi unene tuu shi na sha nelongelokalunga. MY PAST: My family moved often while I was growing up. Jehova okwa kala alushe ha longifa omadimbulukifo opo a wilike oshiwana shaye. ONGHALAMWENYO YANGE YONALE: Oukwaneumbo wetu owa li hau linyengifwa luhapu fimbo nda li handi kulu. As a married man or woman, you should make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available. Ova li yo ve lilongekida okupopila oufemba wavo wokulongela Jehova. U li omulumenhu a hombola ile a hombolwa, ou na oku shi ulika okupitila mokupopya kwoye nosho yo mokupopya kwoye kutya ito dulu ashike okukala u na ekwatafano liwa naye. Paul wrote: "Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Ndele osho otashi dulu okukala eshongo. Paulus okwa ti: "Kaleni mu noukaume nokufilafana onghenda nokudiminafana po omatimba, ngaashi Kalunga e mu dimina po muKristus. " One day when Esau came in from the field, he saw Jacob "boiling up some stew. " Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi "omo Jehova a kala ha yandje omalombwelo koshiwana shaye shonale? Efiku limwe fimbo Esau a li moilonga yomomapya, okwa li a mona Jakob ta " ningi eemhangela donhumba nopehe na okwoongaonga. ' How could we imagine that it had no Creator? 5: 17. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okufaneka momadiladilo etu kutya ka li e na Omushiti? In our congregations today, the brothers taking the lead try to be fair to everyone. ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA Momaongalo etu kunena, ovamwatate ovo tava kwatele komesho otava kendabala okukala pauyuki keshe umwe. Because they were prepared and watchful. (Epsalme 37: 11; 72: 14) Lihonga shihapu shi na sha nanghee to dulu okukala wa wana opo u ka kale mounyuni oo uhe na ominyonena. Omolwaashi ova li ve lilongekida nove li oupafi. His belongings now include the Messianic Kingdom, which has belonged to him since 1914 and which he will share with his anointed followers. - Rev. Kunena, ehandu laKalunga otali shiivifwa okupitila metumwalaka letokolo olo tali tilwa kombada younyuni waSatana, netumwalaka la tya ngaho otali hangwa moishangomwa yetu ihapu ye likolelela kOmbibeli. - Eh. Oinima yaye paife oya kwatela mo Ouhamba wopaMessias, oo u li po okudja mo 1914, nonokutya ota ka kufa ombinga pamwe novashikuli vaye ovavaekwa. - Eh. (a) In what way did rebellion in God's family begin? (Opo u mone nghee ouyelele wa unganekwa, tala oshishangomwa sho vene) (a) Ounashibofa ulipi wa li wa hovela moukwaneumbo waKalunga? Jehovah has always used reminders to guide and direct his people. (Jer. 1: 6) Okwa li e na okushiivifila ovanhu omatokolo aJehova a kwata moiti nomatilifi, unene tuu ovapristeri, ovaprofeti ovanaipupulu, ovapangeli, ovo va li tava "tondoka omatondoko avo " nosho yo " ovashunimonima. ' (Jer. Jehova okwa kala alushe ha longifa omadimbulukifo opo a wilike oshiwana shaye. They were confident that Jehovah would look after them, and they were ready to take on the fourth stage in this lengthy struggle. Hafeni nye mu nyakukwe pombada, osheshi ondjabi yeni oinene meulu. " - Mat. Ova li ve na elineekelo kutya Jehova ote ke va tala konima eshi ve va tala ko, nova li ve lilongekida okukufa ombinga monghedi oyo tai pula va ninge eenghendabala da tya ngaho. But as Obed acknowledges, this can be challenging. Ngeenge tashi uya pokufimaneka ovanhu, Eendombwedi daJehova oda yooloka ko ngahelipi kovanhu vahapu? Ndele nande ongaho, osho otashi dulu okukala eshongo. What can we learn from the way Jehovah communicated with his people in the past? Ashike ohandi kala nda limbililwa ngeenge oka itavele oshinima shonhumba inaka pula omapulo. " Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Jehova a li a popya noshiwana shaye monakudiwa? 5: 17. oka yandja elondwelo la faafana nosho yo oishangomwa yetu ikwao oyo opo ya piti. 5: 17. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Osha li tashi ulike kutya aveshe ova li va hala okulonga ehalo laJehova shi dulife okuwanifa po omahalo avo opaumwene. ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA Why not learn more about how you can qualify to live in that world free of violence? Jehovah is the name of God as found in the Bible. Pashihopaenenwa, Oshungonangelo yomoukalele nosho yo oitukulwa oyo i li ko - oya fatulula Ombiibeli tai longifa eendjovo nomautumbulilo oo mapu okuudiwa ko. Omolwashike ito lihongo shihapu shi na sha nanghee to dulu okukala wa wana okukala mounyuni ou wa manguluka ko kuJehova? Today, God's wrath is being made known in the judgment messages that are being poured out like plagues upon Satan's world, and such information appears in many of our Bible - based publications. - Rev. Omolwaashi Elisa okwa li a lenga oshinakuwanifwa osho a pewa kuKalunga shokuyakula Elia. Kunena, ehandu laKalunga ola fikama po metumwalaka letokolo olo tali ti kutya ola fa omuti waSatana nosho yo ouyelele wa kanghamena kOmbibeli oo tau hangwa moishangomwa yetu ya kanghamena kOmbibeli. - Eh. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Oshifokundaneki shimwe shomoshitukulwa shetu osha li sha hokolola kutya omukulunhu woshilando, oo a li yo ta longo e li omupanguli, okwa li a lombwela omhangu yomoshilando osho a ti: "Oileshomwa oyo tai yandjwa komulumenhu oo... oya nyika oshiponga neenghono ya fa oudiyo. " (Opo u mone nghee ouyelele wa unganekwa, tala oshishangomwa sho vene) He had scathing denunciations and fearful judgments to proclaim, especially to the priests, false prophets, and rulers, as well as to those who took "the popular course " and developed" an enduring unfaithfulness. " 16, 17. (a) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhopaenena Jesus ngeenge hatu popi noilyo yomaukwaneumbo etu nookaume ketu? Okwa li a katuka onghatu ya kwata moiti nokwa li a tila okuudifila ovapristeri, unene tuu ovaprofeti ovanaipupulu nosho yo ovapangeli ovanaipupulu ovo va li " vehe fi ovadiinini ' nova li va hovela okukala ovadiinini. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " - Matt. Adam naEva ova li va mona oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi youlunde wavo Kala ho nyakukilwa nehafo, molwaashi ondjabi yoye oinene meulu. " - Mat. In the matter of rendering humans honor, how do Jehovah's Witnesses differ from many people? Ino findwa kowii, dula owii onouwa. " (Rom. Eendombwedi daJehova oda yooloka ko ngahelipi kovanhu vahapu kunena? Frankly, I would worry if she accepted something without asking questions. " Eshi Jehova a eta Eyelu, okwa ulika kutya oku na eenghono e dule ovanhu ovanashibofa novaengeli ovakolokoshi. Onda li handi lipula nongeenge okwa tambula ko oshinima shonhumba nopehe na okupula omapulo. " gave similar warnings, as have our more recent publications. Ndele mbela ehangano laJehova ola li la tala ko ngahelipi omumwameme oo e li konhele oko kuhe na ovaudifi vakwao? Sha faafana, nafye otu na omalondwelo mahapu ngaashi oishangomwa yetu opo ya piti. It shows that both of them were more concerned with Jehovah's will than with satisfying their personal desires. 38: 5 - 9) Omahokololo Ombibeli e na sha nonghalamwenyo yaDavid okwa ulika monghedi ya yela kutya eenghalo odo didjuu oda li de mu yahameka. Otashi ulike kutya aveshe ova li tave lipula unene kombinga yaJehova shi dulife omahalo avo vene. For example, the public edition of The Watchtower and articles on explain the Bible using words and expressions that are easy to understand. Didilika kutya Job okwa li e shii kutya ita dulu okukala e hole Kalunga nopefimbo opo tuu opo oku tonde ovanhu vakwao. Pashihopaenenwa, Oshungonangelo yomoukalele nosho yo oitukulwa oyo ya nyanyangidwa ko - otai yelifa oitya noitya oyo ipu okuudiwa ko. Evidently because Elisha appreciated his God - given privilege of ministering to Elijah. Johannes a dja koGermany, okwa ti: "Onde li honga oilihongomwa imwe i na sha noukalele wange. Osha yela kutya Elisa okwa li a pandula Jehova omolwoufembanghenda oo a li a pewa Elia. Our hometown newspaper reported that the mayor, who was also the judge, said to those in the city court: "The literature this man is distributing... is as dangerous as poison. " Kungaho, eendjovo nosho yo eenghatu doye otadi ke va hekeleka monghedi yonhumba ile yongadi. - 1 Johannes 3: 18. Odoolopa yetu oya li ya popya kutya omunambelewa oo naye a li ta pashukile oileshomwa moshilando osho okwa li yo a lombwela ovo va li moshilando a ti: "Omulumenhu ou ota monika a nyika oshiponga. " 16, 17. (a) When we are talking to our family and friends, how can we imitate Jesus? Kala u na elineekelo mediminepo laJehova (Tala okatendo 14 - 16) 16, 17. (a) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhopaenena Jesus ngeenge hatu popi novapambele vetu nosho yo ookaume ketu? Adam and Eve suffered the disastrous results of sin Okukala nengungumano noutalanheni kashi fi ehoololo kOvakriste ndele oshi li oshiteelelwa shafimana shexupifo letu. Adam naEva ova mona oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi youlunde Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Opo ovanhu va hafele " ouwa, ' ove na okulineekela Kalunga nokudulika kuye. Ino findwa kowii, dula owii onouwa. " By bringing a global Flood, Jehovah exercised dominion over the rebellious humans and wicked angels. Ovo hava longele Jehova metwokumwe nehalo laye ove na okukala va koshoka paenghedi. Eshi Jehova a eta Eyelu mounyuni aushe, okwa li a ulika kutya oku li epangelo lopanhu nosho yo ovaengeli ovakolokoshi. How did Jehovah's organization view that isolated sister? Ashike Jesus okwa li a tumwa a udifile "[eedi] odo da kana domeumbo laIsrael, " ndele hado edi ashike da li moshilando osho. Ehangano laJehova ola li la tala ko ngahelipi omumwameme oo e likalekelwa? Full of faith, he said: "Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. (Lesha 1 Timoteus 2: 3 - 6.) Okwa popya shi na sha neitavelo la pama a ti: "Omwene Oye eenghono dange. Consider: Job knew that he could not profess to love God and at the same time be unkind to his fellow man. Mbela ope na ngoo efimbo opo ounyuni aushe tau ka kala uhe na onhondo? Diladila kwaashi: Job okwa li e shii kutya ita dulu okukala e hole Kalunga nopefimbo opo tuu opo okwa li e hole ovanhu vakwao. " I learned some lessons for my own ministry, " said Johannes from Germany. Omafimbo amwe otwa li twa popya shi na sha noshinima osho. Johannes okwa ti: "Onde lihonga oilihongomwa imwe i na sha noukalele wange. " Your words and actions will then bring them a measure of comfort. - 1 John 3: 18. Oho xumifa ngoo komesho omhepo iwa meongalo mokukala ho lilongekida okuyandja omilombo tadi ti sha? Eendjovo doye nosho yo eenghatu doye otadi ke va hekeleka. - 1 Joh. 3: 18. Be confident in Jehovah's forgiveness (See paragraphs 14 - 16) Oho efa ngoo omhepo yaKalunga i ku wilike? EPANDJA 27 Kala u na elineekelo mediminepo laJehova (Tala okatendo 14 - 16) Being clothed with mildness and patience is not optional for a Christian. Ohashi kala shiwa okupewa ouyelele wa tya ngaho kovadali vetu, molwaashi otwe lineekela osho have tu lombwele. " Okukala tu na engungumano noutalanheni inashi hala okutya otu na okuninga omatokolo oo tae tu kwafele tu kaleke po ohombo yetu. To enjoy the " good, ' humankind must trust God and obey him. (b) Omolwashike omafimbo amwe hatu kala twa teka omukumo? Opo ovanhu va hafele " ouwa muwa, ' ove na okukala ve lineekela Kalunga nokudulika kuye. Those who play a part in Jehovah's purpose must be morally clean. Omushamane wedina Ronald naye oku na oshimoniwa sha fa shaKatia, eshi a tekula omonakadona womido 16. Ovo tava dana onghandangala mokuwanifwa kwelalakano laJehova ove na okukala va koshoka paenghedi. However, Jesus ' mission was to preach to all "the lost sheep of the house of Israel, " not just those in one city. Kungaho, ohatu ka ulika kutya otwe lilongekida shili. Ashike oshilonga shaJesus shokuudifa "eedi dimwe " kada li ashike da kana pefimbo limwe moshilando shimwe. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 3 - 6.) Jesus okwa li e va pendula ndele ta ti: "Kaleni oupafi, nye mu ilikane, mu ha hangike komayeleko. " (Mark. (Lesha 1 Timoteus 2: 3 - 6.) And will we ever see a time when the whole world will be free of prejudice? 6: 20, 21. Ohatu ka mona ngoo efimbo olo eshi ounyuni aushe tau ka xulifwa po? We have at times made comments to that effect. ODULA OMO A DALWA 1958 Omafimbo amwe ohatu yandje omatyekosha a tya ngaho ngeenge tashi uya pomatyekosha a tya ngaho. Do you contribute to a positive spirit by preparing meaningful comments? Pefimbo lovayapostoli vaJesus, Jehova okwa li a pa Ovakriste vamwe ovavaekwa oshali yokulonga oikumwifilonga. Mbela oho xumifa ngoo komesho omhepo iwa mokulilongekidila omatyekosha taa ti sha? 30 For Young People - Defend True Worship! Oihopaenenwa aishe oyo otai ulike kutya Paulus okwa li ha kundile po ovamwaxe. - Rom. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO, 4 / 1 We appreciate this information when it comes from our parents. Ombiibeli otai tu ladipike tu kale hatu " endelele okupwilikina, nokuliteelela mokupopya. ' Ohatu pandula ouyelele oo ngeenge owa dja kovadali vetu. (b) Why is it no wonder that we at times feel discouraged? Mona ehafo lokomutima (b) Omolwashike omafimbo amwe tu udite twa teka omukumo? A father named Ronald had a similar experience with his teenage daughter. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a ya koshivilohombolo shimwe, oko a li a shitukifa omeva omaviinyu a denga mbada. Xe omudali wedina Ed okwa li e na oshimoniwa sha faafana nokamonakadona kaye komido omulongo nasha. Jesus awakened them and said: "Men, keep on the watch and praying, in order that you do not come into temptation. " Omukainhu wedina Rose, eshi a uda kombinga yetumwalaka lOuhamba, okwa hangika ha kufa ombinga moushenge oule womido da ka di longela. Jesus okwa li e va nwefa mo noku va lombwela a ti: "Kaleni oupafi, nye mu ilikane, opo mu ha pite momayeleko. " 6: 20, 21. Omapulo otaa dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone osho omunhu a itavela. 6: 20, 21. YEAR BORN: 1958 Ka li e i udifila etumwalaka leteelelo ndele oletokolo. ODULA OMO A DALWA: 1958 In the first century, Jehovah anointed Christians with his holy spirit and gave some of them the ability to perform miracles. Sha faafana, haaveshe hava ikilile meongalo lipe monghedi ya faafana. Mefelemudo lotete, Jehova okwa li a vaeka Ovakriste ovavaekwa nomhepo yaye iyapuki nosho yo vamwe va longe oikumwifilonga. Yes, Paul readily greeted his brothers and sisters. - Rom. Okwa li yo nokuli a hala " oku u pa omwenyo waye ' nehalo liwa. Onghee hano, Paulus okwa li a popifa ovamwaxe. - Rom. The Bible encourages us to "be quick to listen, slow to speak. " EPANDJA 28 • OMAIMBILO: 42, 124 Ombibeli oye tu ladipika tu " kale hatu endelele okupwilikina, nokuliteelela mokupopya. ' Heartfelt Joy Opo omumwatate oo a hombola noku na ounona a dule okupewa oshinakuwanifwa shokukala omuyakuliongalo ile omukulunhuongalo, ohaku talwa konghalo youkwaneumbo waye. Okulongela Jehova nomutima aushe For example, he went to at least one wedding, where he turned water into very good wine. (Daniel 5: 1, 20; Ovaheberi 3: 13, 18, 19) Ussia ohamba yaJuda oya li ya ningilwa oshinima sha tya ngaho. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a ya mohombo imwe, oko a li a kufa omeva mawa omaviinyu. Some years ago, when someone we will call Rose heard the Kingdom message, she was involved in a lesbian relationship. Eyooloko olo li li pokati kOvakriste vashili naavo voipupulu ola ka yela mo ashike nawa konima yOita yotete yOunyuni, naasho osha ningifa opo ku teywe oshitukulwa oshitivali " shoilya yedu, ' sha hala okutya, ku ongelwe eedi dimwe. Omido donhumba da ka lupuka, eshi umwe oo twa li twa uda etumwalaka lOuhamba, okwa li a kwatela mo ekwatafano lopamilele. Questions can help us to determine what a person believes. 12: 27, 28, 31, 38, 40, 43) Kape na omalimbililo, Jehova okwa li a hafa okuuda ovalongeli vaye tave mu imbile nehafo omaimbilohambelelo. Omapulo otaa dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya omunhu okwa itavela shike. It was not a preaching that held out any hope for them. Jesus okwa ti otu na okukala hatu " yandje. ' Kava li va udifa kombinga yeteelelo olo va li ve na. Do you discourage your children from leaving their seat unnecessarily during the song? Jesus okwa li a popya kombinga yOuhamba waKalunga lwoikando a ti: "Ouhamba weulu. " Mbela oho teya ngoo omukumo ovana voye vaha dje mo meemusika davo ngeenge tashi uya poilonga yavo? Likewise, not everyone adapts to a new congregation at the same pace. Paulus okwa li a yandja omayele kutya otu na " okulidula keshe eshi tashi tu findile poshi. ' Sha faafana, havanhu aveshe hava kwafele eongalo lipe li kale tali endele pamwe nasho. He was even willing " to impart his own soul '! 6 Okwa li nokuli e na ehalo " okuyandja omwenyo waye mwene. ' PAGE 28 • SONGS: 42, 124 Jesus okwe va lombwela a ti: Omwa "nyeka ko oshapi younongo, nye vene inamu ya mo, naavo va hala okuya mo, omwe va kelela. " EPANDJA 28 • OMAIMBILO: 42, 124 It is noteworthy, however, that throughout The Webster Bible, an amended King James Version originally published in 1833, American lexicographer Noah Webster replaced "Holy Ghost " with" Holy Spirit. " Kala ashike ho tumu omaano. " Ndele shididilikwedi oshosho kutya mo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, ohamba James Version oya li ya nyanyangida oka - King James Version oya pingena po "omhepo iyapuki " nosho yo" omhepo iyapuki. " If a brother is a married man with children, the situation existing in his family is taken into consideration when determining if he qualifies to be a ministerial servant or an elder. Omwa divilikwa yo omushangwa womudo 2012. Ngeenge omumwatate okwa hombola nounona, oku li monghalo omo oukwaneumbo waye tau dulu okulikonakona ngeenge ina wana oku ka ninga omuyakuliongalo ile omukulunhuongalo. That is what happened to King Uzziah of Judah. 7: 17 - 20) Natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yoshinima shimwe osho tashi dulu okuholola oukwatya womitima detu. Osho osho sha li sha ningilwa ohamba Ussia. The distinction between true and false Christians became ever more apparent after World War I, so much so that it has contributed to the second part of "the harvest of the earth " - the ingathering of the other sheep. Onghedi oyo oya etifa omafyo mahapu. Eyooloko olo li li pokati kOvakriste vashili nOvakriste vashili ola ka hapupala neenghono konima yOita yOtete yOunyuni, onghee hano, ola li la ningifa oshitukulwa oshitivali " sholudalo ' olo. Jehovah was no doubt pleased to hear his worshippers enthusiastically praising him in song. Pefimbo lonale, ovamwatate novamwameme ova li hava topatopele koupapa vokupilinda eendjukifi daavo va li va ninga omaindilo Oshungonangelo no - Awake! Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova okwa li a hafa okuuda ovalongeli vaye tave mu tange nomaimbilohambelelo. Jesus said that we should "practice giving. " Eshi onghalamwenyo youkwaneumbo waJosef ya li ya lunduluka vali ombadilila, Jesus ka li vali okahanana ndele okwa li okaana, tashi dulika a li e na odula neemwedi. Jesus okwa ti kutya otu na " okuyandja. ' Jesus repeatedly referred to the Kingdom of God as "the kingdom of the heavens. " Lwanima, eshi a li ta ilikana kotembeli, omupristeli omukulunhu Eli okwa li a fika pexulifodiladilo kutya okwa kolwa. Jesus okwa popya lwoikando shi na sha nOuhamba waKalunga u li "ouhamba weulu. " Paul's counsel was to "put off every weight. " 1: 9, 10, NW. Omayele aPaulus okwa li e na " okulidula keshe eshi tashi tu findile poshi. ' 6 Victoria okwa ti: 6 " You took away the key of knowledge, " Jesus told them. Okwa li omunaendunge, ofimbo omushamane waye, Nabal, a li omukwanyanya, omunhu wongaho noka li e na eendunge. Jesus okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Ove wa kufa po eshiivo la fimana. " " Just keep sending presents. " Jehova okwa li a pa Ovaisrael Omhango opo e va honge nghee ve na okulihumbata nonghee ve na oku mu longela. " Ngaashi ashike okutwaafana omukumo. " The discussion highlights our yeartext for 2012. Otwa li yo hatu mono alushe oifo yOshungonangelo meholeko, oyo twa li hatu tape keenyala opo tu i longife eshi hatu konakona. Oshitukulwa eshi otashi kundafana omushangwa wetu womudo 2012. Let us consider one such outward action. Omumwameme umwe omunyasha okwa popya kutya okulesha Ombibeli okwe mu kwafela a mone kutya Jehova oko e li shili naasho oshe mu kwafela a ehene popepi elela naye. Natu ka kundafaneni umwe oo ta katuka onghatu ya tya ngaho. That practice caused many deaths. Eshi va kufa nge po, Bill okwa li a ingida nge ta lombwele nge kutya nandi kale nde lineekela Jehova. Osho osha ningifa ovanhu vahapu va fye. Back then, brothers and sisters typed address stencils (small metal plates) for new subscribers to The Watchtower and Awake! Vamwe ohava diladila kutya molwaashi Jesus ka li womepata lOvalevi, ngeno ina pitikwa a londe koxulo yotembeli yo venevene. Pefimbo opo, ovamwatate novamwameme ova li hava i meenhele di lili noku lili opo va ka konge oifo ipe oyo i li mOshungonangelo no - Awake! Then, when Jesus was no longer a baby but a small child - perhaps over a year old - their lives suddenly changed again. ▪ Omwa yapulwa Opo nee eshi Jesus a li okaana, otashi dulika ka li vali a lundulula vali onghalamwenyo yavo. Later, when she was praying at the tabernacle, High Priest Eli mistakenly accused her of being drunk. Eshi to ilikana, ino indila ashike Jehova a kwafele ovana voye, ndele indila yo naave e ku kwafele. Lwanima eshi a li ta ilikana kotembeli, omupristeri omukulunhu Eli okwa li a lundilwa kutya okwa kolwa. 1: 9, 10. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a shivwa koshivilohombolo osho sha ningilwa muKana nokwa li a shitukifa omeva a ninge omaviinyu. 1: 9, 10. Victoria relates: Omolweke laKalunga li na eenghono, ola li la kwafela Ovaisrael va findane molwoodi olo. - Ex. Linda okwa ti: She had discernment, whereas her husband, Nabal, was harsh, worthless, and senseless. Ashike ino sholola, molwaashi etimaumbwile loye li na sha noku ka mona omwenyo waalushe ole likolelela kokushiiva kwoye Kalunga. - Lesha Mateus 5: 10 - 12; Johannes 17: 3. Okwa li e na eendunge dokuyoolola, ofimbo Nabal a li ehe na eendunge, Nabal, omukwanyanya noka li a mona oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. Jehovah had given the Mosaic Law to the Israelites to teach them how to live and worship him. Otashi dulika yo u kale u udite kutya ngeenge owa popi epuko laye kovakulunhuongalo ovo tava dulu oku mu kwafela pamhepo, otashi ka kala sha fa we mu kengelela. Jehova okwa li a pa Ovaisrael Omhango i va honge nghee ve na oku mu longela noku mu longela. We even regularly received smuggled copies of The Watchtower, which we copied by hand to use in our studies. Ope na enyumuko olo la li la udanekwa omafelemido komesho yefimbo la ningwa nale, nowe li itavela. Otwa li nokuli hatu pewa eekopi dihapu Oshungonangelo, oko twa li hatu kongo omakonakonombibeli etu pandjikilile. A younger sister wrote that Bible reading has helped her to see that Jehovah is real. As a result, she has drawn closer to her heavenly Father. Ongahelipi Jehova ta dulu oku tu kwafela ngeenge omadiladilo etu a wililwa po keenghalo didjuu? Omumwameme umwe omunyasha okwa ti kutya okulesha Ombibeli okwe mu kwafela a mone kutya Jehova omunhu wolela, okwa ehena popepi elela naXe womeulu. As they carted me away, Bill called out and told me to trust in Jehovah. Paulus okwa li e uditile ngahelipi oinima oyo a fiya konima? Eshi va li tava ingida nge, Bill okwa li a ifana nge ndele ta lombwele nge ndi kale nde lineekela muJehova. Some say that since Jesus was not a Levite, he would not have been allowed to stand on top of the temple sanctuary. Pashihopaenenwa, shi na sha nomadidiliko Opaasa oo haa longifwa kuvahapu, ngaashi ei nosho yo ndiba, o - Encyclopedia of Religion oya ti: "Ei inali tendulwa otali faneke efyo nongeenge la tendulwa otali faneke omwenyo mupe oo wa dja mefyo. " Vamwe ova ti kutya molwaashi Jesus ka li omupristeri, ka li a pitikwa a kale ha yambidida otembeli. ▪ You Have Been Sanctified Osho osha li tashi pula ku dipawe ongobe itilyana yondema ihe na oshipo noi na okuxwikwa po. ▪ Omwa yapulwa In your prayers, do not just ask Jehovah to help your children, but ask him to help you too. Otwa teelela omafimbo mawa e li komesho Omailikano oye inaa kwatela mo ashike okupula Jehova a kwafele ovana voye, ndele oku mu pula yo e ku kwafele. For example, he contributed to festivities at a marriage feast in Cana by changing water into fine wine. Inapa pita omafiku mahapu eshi nda fika moParagwai, onda li nda pula ovatumwa vakwetu ongula imwe kutya ovanhu ova li tava tyapula shike onguloshi. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a kwatela komesho elongekido lohombo olo la li la ningwa po eshi a li a lundulula omeva omaviinyu mawa. Yes, God's mighty hand enabled the Israelites to win the battle. - Ex. Omolwashike mbela? Nopehe na omalimbililo, eke laKalunga ola li la kwafela Ovaisrael va findane molwoodi. - Ex. Your hope of enjoying everlasting life depends on your getting to know God. - Read Matthew 5: 10 - 12; John 17: 3. Epsalme 139 otali tu hongo kutya Jehova oku na ko nasha neenghono novalongeli vaye. Eteelelo loye loku ka hafela omwenyo waalushe otali ke ku kwafela u shiive Kalunga. - Lesha Mateus 5: 10 - 12; Johannes 17: 3. Or you might feel that reporting his sinful conduct to the elders, who could help him spiritually, would be a betrayal of your friendship. Ngeenge otwa kala oupafi nohatu konenene ovanhu ngaashi Jesus naPaulus, ohatu ka dula okumona kutya ongahelipi hatu dulu okupendula ohokwe yaavo hatu udifile. Ile otashi dulika u kale u udite kutya ovakulunhuongalo ovalunde, ovo tava dulu oku mu kwafela pamhepo, otava ka kala ve na oukaume wopofingo naye. Actually, a resurrection that was promised centuries in advance did take place, and you put faith in it. 27: 11; Jes. 12: 2) Mbela ohamu kundafana kombinga yaasho monghedi yeenghundafana tadi shambula ndele hamonghedi wa fa to yandje oshipopiwa? Enyumuko olo la li la udanekelwa omido omafele komesho yefimbo ola li la wanifwa, ndele to li itavele yo. " You Have Revealed Them to Babes, ' 1 / 1 (b) Oinima ilipi ihe na okulongifwa onga oikwafi? " Omhepo otai konakona oinima yomoule yaKalunga, ' 7 / 15 When we are distressed mentally, how can Jehovah help us? Okwa ti: "Dimbulukweni omafiku enya onale, eshi mwa li mwa minikilwa, omwe lididimikila momahepeko madjuu. " Ongahelipi Jehova ta dulu oku tu kwafela ngeenge twa wililwa po pamadiladilo? How did Paul feel about the things he had left behind? Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okufila oshisho diva oinima oyo ya fimana. Paulus okwa li e uditile ngahelipi oinima oyo a fiya konima? For instance, regarding the popular Easter symbols the egg and the rabbit, The Encyclopedia of Religion says: "The egg symbolizes new life breaking through the apparent death (hardness) of the eggshell. " KENDABALA OKUNINGA NGAHA: Ninga okwoongala kwoukwaneumbo opo mu kundafane eemhango di na sha nefimbo lokuuya keumbo nosho yo dimwe vali. Pashihopaenenwa, omashangelo o - The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia okwa popya shi na sha noiponga oyo hai etifwa kee - TV nosho yo kee - TV a ti: "O - TV ohaa kwafele ovanhu va mone omwenyo mupe u na sha nefyo. " To this end, a sound red cow was slaughtered and burned. Paulus okwa ti: "Eshi inava shiiva ouyuki waKalunga, [ova li] va hala okudika ouyuki wavo vene. " Osho osha li tashi ulike kutya okwa dipawa ndele ta xwikwa po. Better Times Just Ahead! Tete, natu ka taleni pauxupi elalakano loilando oyo. Natu twikileni okweenda mondjila oyo ya yuka! Shortly after arriving there, I asked the other missionaries one morning what the "celebration " had been during the night. Jesaja okwa li e shii kutya kape na osho tashi dulu oku mu imba a wanife po oshilonga shaye shouprofeti molwaashi okwa li e na elineekelo kutya Jehova ote mu kwafele. Diva ashike konima eshi nda fika, onda li nda pula ovatumwa vamwe ongula inene kutya oshike sha li hashi ningwa po konguloshi. Why? Omutwe wotete woshilyani otau faneke Egipti. Omolwashike mbela? Psalm 139 teaches us that Jehovah deeply cares about his worshippers. Ashike Ombibeli otai ulike kutya Jehova oha pwilikine komailikano ovanhu kunena. Epsalme 139 otali tu hongo kutya Jehova oku na ko nasha neenghono n ovalongeli vaye. By our striving to be alert and observant like Jesus and Paul, we can discern how best to awaken interest in those we meet. Jehova, Kalunga kaye, okwe mu lombwela a hovele oita oyo, nokwe mu hololela yo kutya ota ka longifa omukainhu e i xulife po. Ngeenge otwa kendabala okukala oupafi nokukala oupafi ngaashi Jesus naPaulus, ohatu ka mona nghee hatu dulu okukwafela ovo hatu shakeneke. And do you do that, not in the form of a cold lecture, but in an enjoyable conversation between you and your children? Eendjovo daKalunga ode tu lombwela kombinga yeenghedi odo Satana ha longifa opo tu kale " tu shii omakoto aye. ' Mbela naave osho ho ningi ngaho, ndele mbela ito ka hafela eenghundafana di na sha nomilele nosho yo nounona voye? (b) What should not be used as a charm? (Ehololo 6: 5, 6) Ndele ngeenge ovamwatate tava hangwa komaupyakadi mahapu, otashi tu pe omhito yokuulika kutya otu va hole shili. (b) Oshike osho tuhe na okulongifa? He stated: "Keep on remembering the former days in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great contest under sufferings. " Outumbulilo womOmbibeli oo wa tolokwa "hala " owa dja koshityalonga shOshigreka osho tashi yandje ediladilo lokukala wa halelela ile okulovelela oshinima shonhumba. Okwa ti: "Kaleni oupafi momafiku oo mwa hangika nale, eshi mwe mu mona, oshe mu lididimikila neenghono. " Elders must care for important matters quickly. Ndele nande ongaho, Noa otashi dulika a li a lulilwa keenghalo da tya ngaho dovahenakalunga. Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okufila oshisho diva oinima ya fimana. TRY THIS: Hold a family meeting in which you discuss curfews and other house rules. Ndele omwene waye omehandu laye okwe mu yandja kovahepeki fiyo ta futu oinima aishe e i mu lila oikolo. ' - Mat. KENDABALA OKUNINGA NGAHA: Natu tye nee ngeno oukwaneumbo weni omu na efimbo lokuninga eenghundafana nomuneumbo nosho yo eemhango dimwe vali. " Because of not knowing the righteousness of God, " Paul said, they were "seeking to establish their own. " Mepingafano naasho, ovalihomboli vamwe otashi dulika va kale itava dulu okufutila omai oo a fimbapalekwa, nomolwaasho otava dulu okutokola aha tuvikilwe vali. Paulus okwa ti: "Osheshi kave shii ouyuki waKalunga. " First, let us get an overview of the purpose and function of these cities. Ngaashi omayeleko akwao, Jehova ohe tu pitike tu ulike oudiinini wetu mokulihonga okulonga moukumwe novalumenhu novakainhu ovo ve mu liyapulila noku va hole, nonande inava wanenena. Tete natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yelalakano nosho yo yoilonga oyo. Isaiah was confident that with Jehovah's backing, he could successfully face any challenge. Okushiiva Kalunga okwa kwatela mo shihapu shihe fi ashike okushiiva edina laye. Jesaja okwa li e na elineekelo kutya kekwafo laJehova, okwa li ta dulu okulididimikila eshongo keshe nomupondo. The first head of the beast represents Egypt. Ongahelipi ehangano lipe le shi ningifa tashi shiiva opo pa kale ongudu youpristeri yopauhamba? Omutwe wotete woshilyani otau faneke Egipti. The Bible shows that Jehovah does listen to prayers today. (Tala okatendo 11, 12) Ombibeli otai ulike kutya Jehova oha pwilikine komailikano kunena. Jehovah, her God, had told her to start this war; he had also revealed that he would use a woman to bring it to an end. Mbela omolwashike Jesus a ti kutya omunhu nande na kale e na oshisho ita dulu okuweda ko koule womafiku okukalamwenyo kwaye? Jehova Kalunga kaye, Jehova, okwa li e mu lombwela a hovele oita oyo, nokwa li yo e mu lombwela kutya ota ka longifa omukainhu oo fiyo exulilo. His Word teaches us about Satan's methods so that "we are not ignorant of his designs. " Otu wete kutya hasho. Eendjovo daye otadi tu hongo shi na sha nanghee Satana ha longifa opo e tu kwafele tu " tile owii waye. " And there are daily economic difficulties as a result of living in this corrupt world. Ovo ve li oilyo yongudu yomupiya omudiinini otava ka pewa oshinakuwanifwa osho eshi tava ka mona ondjabi yavo meulu notava ka pangela pamwe naKristus. Ope na omaupyakadi akeshe efiku a kwata moiti mounyuni ou. The Bible phrase "reaching out " translates a Greek verb that has the sense of desiring earnestly, stretching out. 15: 1 - 6; 18: 9 - 17; 2 Omaf. Ombibeli oya ti kutya " ehalo lokulongifa oshitya shOshigreka osho sha fimanenena, ' sha hala okutya, osha hala okutya, okulongifa oshitya shOshigreka osho sha fimanenena. Even so, Noah must have been distressed by such ungodly conditions. (Lukas 15: 11 - 24) Efaneko olo otali tu kwafele tu ude ko nghee Jehova ha kala e udite ngeenge umwe e livela ombedi. Ndele nande ongaho, Noa oku na okukala a li a nyika oluhodi omolweenghalo da tya ngaho. " With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered [the unforgiving slave] to the jailers, until he should pay back all that was owing. " - Matt. (1 Pet. 3: 4) Omukulukadi muwa oha kendabala okushikula oihopaenenwa yovakainhu ovatilikalunga vopefimbo lonale, ngaashi shaSara, shaRut, shaAbigail nosho yo shaMaria, ina yaJesus. (1 Pet. Ombibeli oya ti: "Ndele omwene waye okwa li e liyandja ehandu, ndee ta handukile omupiya wodolongo, fiyo ote mu futu nawa. " - Mat. However, another couple might decide that they can stop the maintenance of the frozen embryos, viewing them as being kept viable only by artificial means. Ame namukwetu, oo hatu longo naye, otwa li twa dingililwa keembwa da kula tadi weda node tu kenyena komayoo. Ashike ovalihomboli vamwe otashi dulika va tokole kutya otava dulu okweefa omai a fimbapalekwa oo a tulwa moshidalelo shaye. As with other tests, Jehovah allows us to prove our integrity by learning to work unitedly with dedicated men and women whom he loves despite their imperfections. Pashihopaenenwa, okwe va kwafela va ude ko ehalo laye nokwe va pitika yo va pange oukaume wopofingo naye. - 1 Kor. 2: 7; Jak. Eshi hatu yelekwa, Jehova okwe tu pa omhito tu ulike oudiinini wetu mokulihonga okulonga pamwe novalumenhu ovo ve mu liyapulila nonande oku hole okuhawanenena kwavo. Coming to know God means more than simply knowing his literal name. Opo tu ninge ngaho, otwa pumbwa okutomha ovapwilikini vetu va itavele oshili yaasho hatu popi. Okushiiva Kalunga otashi ti shihapu shihe fi ashike okushiiva edina laye lo venevene. (See paragraphs 11, 12) Otashi dulika u ka kanene ashike mombuwa oyo nokufila mo nokuli. (Tala okatendo 11, 12) Why did Jesus then say that the anxious person cannot add even a cubit to his life? Konima yokuhanaunwa po kwomalongelokalunga oipupulu, Satana ota ka ningila shike oshiwana shaJehova? Omolwashike Jesus a ti kutya omunhu ita dulu okutwa vamwe omukumo ngeenge te lipula shi na sha nonghalamwenyo yaye? It seems unlikely. Efiku limwe muMei 1955, eshi twa dja moukalele nomumwatate Leach otwa li twa hanga okapakete keenhumwafo monduda yetu. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya osha fa shi li ngaho. Those who make up the faithful slave will get this appointment when they receive their heavenly reward, becoming corulers with Christ. Ndele moufiku wa ka shikula ko, " Omwene okwa kala ofika puPaulus ndee ta ti: Kala nomwenyo muwa ["wa nyatipala, " NW], osheshi ngaashi wa hepaulula nge omu muJerusalem, osho yo u nokuhepaulula nge muRoma. ' (Oil. Ovo tava ningi omupiya omudiinini otava ka pewa ondjabi yavo meulu notava ka pangela pamwe naKristus. 15: 1 - 6; 18: 9 - 17; 2 Chron. * (Tala eshangelo lopedu.) 15: 1 - 6; 18: 9 - 17; 2 Omaf. This illustration helps us understand how Jehovah feels when someone repents. Vamwe otava ka kala ovahayavala ile ve na omitwe dikukutu nokave na ko nasha. Efaneko olo otali tu kwafele tu ude ko nghee Jehova ha kala e udite ngeenge umwe e livela ombedi. A good wife tries to follow the fine examples of godly women of former times, such as Sarah, Ruth, Abigail, and Jesus ' mother, Mary. Ndele Jesus eshi a shiiva ediladilo lokomitima davo, okwa kufa okaana nokwe ka kaleka ofika ponho yaye, ndee ta ti kuvo: Ou ta tambula okaana aka medina lange, aame ta tambula, naau ta tambula nge, oye ta tambula ou a tuma nge, osheshi ou munini womunye amushe, oye munene. ' (Luk. Omukulukadi muwa oha kendabala okulandula oihopaenenwa iwa ovakainhu ovatilikalunga vopefimbo lonale ngaashi Rut, Rut, Rut, Maria naMaria. My partner and I were soon surrounded by large dogs barking and baring their teeth. Konima eshi a pameka ekwatafano laye naJehova, okwa ti: "Paife onda mona kutya mboli osha fimana okukonga ekwafo ponhele yokukendabala okukikimba nomaudjuu etu kufye vene. " Eshi nda li handi longo naye otwa li twa dingililwa eembwa dinene nonda li handi kala nda fa handi litalele po. He bestows upon those who listen to his word and obey him the honor of a close personal relationship with him. - Jas. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete navo ova li hava longele kumwe. Ohe tu pe ehekeleko kwaavo hava pwilikine keendjovo daye nokudulika kuye ve na ekwatafano lopofingo naye. - Jak. To accomplish this, we need to convince our listener of the truthfulness of what we say. Ovaisrael ovadiinini ova li va ulika ngahelipi kutya itava popile ouhenouyuki? Opo tu pondole, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu pwilikine nawa kwaasho hatu popi. Pursuing that illusion could cost you your life! Oshike tashi ka ningilwa eu, noshiningwanima osho otashi ka ningwa naini? Okulalakanena oinima oyo otashi dulu oku ku ningifa u kale u udite wa wanenwa. After false religion is destroyed, what assault on Jehovah's people will be attempted? (Markus 13: 32) Eendombwedi daJehova ihadi kendabala okutengeneka kutya Kalunga ota ka hanauna po naini ovakolokoshi. Oshike tashi ka ningilwa oshiwana shaJehova konima eshi omalongelokalunga oipupulu a hanaunwa po? One day in May 1955 when we arrived home from field service, Brother Leach and I found a pack of letters in our room. Mepingafano naasho, ovahongwa ovo vavali ova li va handukila Ovasamaria ovo va li inave va pa onhele ndele tava pula Jesus tava ti: " Omwene, owa hala tu ifane omundilo u va lungwinife po? ' Efiku limwe muMei 1955, eshi twa fika moilonga yomomapya, omumwatate Russell okwa li a mona eenhumwafo odo di li monduda yetu. For as you have been giving a thorough witness on the things about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome. ' " 10: 10, 11, 17) Jehova, " omukonakoni womitima, ' okwa li a fila Ahab onghenda. - Omayel. Osheshi eshi wa yandja oundombwedi nawanawa kombinga yange muJerusalem, osho yo u noku shi yandja oundombwedi muRoma. " (Oil. * (See footnote.) Onghee hano, okwiitavela muJesus okwa yeululila ovanhu ondjila oyo tai twala komwenyo waalushe, naasho osha yelifwa nawa pepandja 2 loshifo eshi nde ku etela. * (Tala eshangelo lopedu.) Some would be headstrong, or impulsive and reckless. Ovalumenhu ovo va nangekwa po ove na okukala va hafa ngeenge ovanyasha ovo va deula ova kala va pyokoka. Vamwe otashi dulika va kale ve udite vehe na oshilonga ile vehe na oshilonga. Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a young child, set it beside him and said to them: " Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me too, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. Onaini Jesus ta ka tokola " eedi noikombo '? Molwaashi Jesus okwa li e shii omalinyengotomheno avo, okwa kufa okaana ndele te ka lombwele ta ti: " Keshe tuu ou ta tambula nge, oye ta tambula nge medina lange, naau a tuma nge, naau a tuma nge. After strengthening his relationship with Jehovah, he says: "I realize now how important it is to seek help instead of trying to carry our burdens alone. " Omafimbo amwe omunhu oho kala wa hala okuninga oshinima shonhumba, ndele shimha we shi talulula nawa, otashi dulika u lundulule omadiladilo oye. Konima eshi a kala ta pameke ekwatafano laye naJehova, okwa ti: "Paife onda mona kutya osha fimana okukonga ekwafo ponhele yokukonga ekwafo kuJehova. " Christians in the first century also cooperated with one another. Onda li nda tokola okulundulula onghalamwenyo yange ndele handi hovele okukonakona Ombibeli.. Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete navo ova li hava longele kumwe. How thorough were loyal Israelites when taking their stand against unrighteousness? (a) Okukala noikala ya yuka otaku tu kwafele tu henuke shike? Ovaisrael ovadiinini ova li ovadiinini shi fike peni eshi va li tava henuka ouhenouyuki? 1: 7. What will happen to the weeds, and when will that event occur? Okwe tu kwafela tu ude ko filufilu eityo lomafiloshisho oo Kalunga he tu pe. 1: 7. Oshike tashi ka ningilwa eu, nonaini oshiningwanima osho tashi ka ningwa? Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to predict when God will destroy the wicked. Mefelemudo lotete, opa li oumbangi wa yela oo tau ulike kutya oolyelye va li tava longifwa kuJesus okupalula eongalo (Tala okatendo 12) Eendombwedi daJehova itadi kendabala okuuda ko kutya onaini Kalunga ta ka hanauna po ovakolokoshi. But the two disciples become angry with the Samaritans who didn't welcome them, and they ask Jesus: " Do you want us to tell fire to come down and kill them? ' Konima eshi David a kala onhauki oule womido, okwa ka ninga Ohamba ndele ta kala ha di mombala. Ndele ovahongwa vavali ova li va handukila Ovasamaria ovo va li vehe va tambula ko, nova li va pula Jesus tava ti: " Mbela owa hala tu ke va dipaa noku va dipaa? ' Jehovah, "the examiner of hearts, " extended a measure of mercy to Ahab. - Prov. Omumati oo okwa ti: "Onda li nda kumwa kunghee ovakulunhuongalo va ungaunga naame nolukeno, va ulikila nge olukeno neenghono nova yavelela nge lela, ashike onda li ndi udite inandi wana okuungaungwa naame monghedi omo. Jehova " oha konakona omitima detu, ' ile tu tye, onghenda Ahab. - Omayel. And this point - that faith in Jesus opens the way to everlasting life - is made right here on page 2 of the magazine I brought you. Ova li tava endulula edina lomulumenhu umwe. Osho osha hala kutya otu na okukala tu na eitavelo muJesus opo tu dule oku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. Appointed men should have great satisfaction when the younger ones whom they have trained become qualified to take on the work. Paife, Lowell, Richard, naRamon ove li vali pamwe tava longo koshitaimbelewa osho paife shi li muSelters, moNdowishi. Ovalumenhu ovo va nangekwa po ove na okukala va hafa neenghono eshi ovanyasha ovo va deulwa va wana okulonga oilonga oyo. When does the "great tribulation " begin? Ombibeli otai ulike kutya omailikano ovapiya vaKalunga ovadiinini ohae va etele shili ouwa. " Oudjuu munene ' otau ka hovela naini? At times, you may intend to do something, but then you reevaluate the situation, and you change your mind. Ovalumenhu ovo ova li va pandula neenghono eshi twe va udifila etumwalaka lOmbibeli naashi twe va fiila oileshomwa. Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika u kale wa hala okuninga oshinima shonhumba, ndele ou na okulundulula onghalo yoye ndele to lundulula omadiladilo oye. I resolved to change my life and start studying the Bible. (b) Oshiwana shaKalunga shokunenena osha teelelwa shi ninge shike? Onda li nda tokola okulundulula onghalamwenyo yange nokuhovela okukonakona Ombiibeli. (a) What will maintaining a proper spirit help us to avoid? Ndele mbela osho otashi ningwa ngahelipi? (a) Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu henuke omhepo ya yuka? They help us to grasp more fully the value of the provisions that God has made for us. Omolwashike Ovakriste vamwe hava kala inava hombola ile inava hombolwa? Ohave tu kwafele tu ude ko nawa omafiloshisho oo Kalunga e tu pa. In the first century, there was clear evidence of whom Jesus was using to feed the congregation (See paragraph 12) Fimbo inatu ya kofikola oyo otwa li twa shiivifilwa kutya itatu ka deulilwa naanaa oilonga youtumwa. Mefelemudo lotete, opa li oumbangi wa yela kutya Jesus okwa li ta longifa eongalo opo a palule eongalo (Tala okatendo 12) After residing for years as a fugitive, David became king and lived in a comfortable house. Okwa li a kwatwa keemhofi molwaashi okwa li a dja kolwoodi a loloka. Konima eshi David a nyona enyono la kwata moiti, okwa li a ninga ohamba nokwa li ha kala meumbo la punapala. The young man says: "I was surprised at how kind the elders were to me, much kinder and more understanding than I felt I deserved. (Dan. 2: 31 - 45) Otashi faneke ashike omapangelo atano oo a pangela okudja pefimbo laDaniel okuyuka komesho nokwa dana onghandangala yonhumba mokukalamwenyo kwoshiwana shaKalunga. Omulumenhu omunyasha okwa ti: "Onda li nda kumwa eshi ovakulunhuongalo va li hava ungaunga naame nombili, naasho osha li sha kumwifa nge neenghono shi dulife nge. It was the name of a man. Opo nee "exulilo " tali uya, sha hala kutya, exulilo lEpangelo lOmido Eyovi laKristus. Edina olo edina lomulumenhu oo. Today, Lowell, Richard, and Ramon are once again serving together at the branch office, now in Selters, Germany. Lwanima, onda li nda tuminwa keongalo lokoBuxton, olo la li li na ovaudifi vanini nova pumbwa ekwafo. Paife Lowell, Richard naMiriam ova kala tava longele kumwe koshitaimbelewa osho paife shi li ko kunena. The Bible shows that yes, the prayers of faithful servants of God really do benefit them. Ilikana u pewe omhepo iyapuki. Ombibeli otai ulike kutya omailikano ovapiya vaKalunga ovadiinini ohaa mono ouwa shili. These burly men welcomed the Bible's message and gladly obtained literature. Natu lihongeni koshihopaenenwa shaJehova naJesus shelididimiko, 9 / 15 Ovalumenhu ovo ova li va tambula ko etumwalaka lOmbibeli nova li va mona oileshomwa nehafo. (b) What are Jehovah's present - day people morally obligated to do? Omukainhu Omukriste oku na okuninga po shike ngeenge omushamane waye ehe fi omwiitaveli ita lunduluka nonande omukainhu oku na elihumbato liwa? (b) Oshiwana shaJehova kunena ohashi wanifa po shike? But how? (Lesha Mateus 6: 19 - 21, 24 - 26, 31 - 34.) Ngahelipi mbela? Why do some Christians remain single? (Heb. 11: 27) Jesus okwa li ha dulika alushe kuXe mukeshe shimwe, nokwa li a nangekwa noupuna. Omolwashike Ovakriste vamwe inava hombola ile inava hombolwa? We were informed before going to school that our training was not necessarily to prepare us to become missionaries. OVAUDIFI Otwa li twa lombwelwa tu ye kofikola oyo inatu pumbwa oku ka deula opo tu ka ninge ovatumwa. Exhausted from battle, he fell asleep. Okuninga omakwatafano okupitila keenhele dokointaneta nokulitumina omatumwalaka pangodi oya sha mounyuni ou weeintaneta nowa xuma komesho momakwatafano opauteknologi. Okwa li a kofa ndele ta kofa. It depicts only the five that ruled from Daniel's time forward and that had significant dealings with God's people. Jehova okwa nwefa mo omuprofeti Sakaria a shange kombinga yaasho tashi ka ningwa. Outumbulilo oo otau ulike ashike kutya Daniel okwa li ta pangele efimbo olo la li tali pangelwa pefimbo laDaniel nosho yo kutya okwa li ta ungaunga noshiwana shaKalunga. Then comes "the end, " that is, the close of Christ's Millennial Reign. Ngeenge oto lesha nokaana, ou na okukanghama pokamufinda oko ke lile po oku ku dimbulukifa u kanghame po nokupula okaana ka popye omadiladilo ako. Opo nee " exulilo lefimbo lounyuni, ' olo li li popepi nEpangelo laKristus lOmido Eyovi. Later, I was invited to transfer to the Buxton Congregation, which had very few publishers and needed help. Okwa ti: "Aame Omwene, handi wanifa onghenda nouyuki nouwa kombada yedu, osheshi oinima ei onde i hokwa. " (Jer. Lwanima, onda li nda shivwa ndi ka talele po eongalo lOshiingilisha, olo la li la pumbwa ovaudifi vanini nonda li nda pumbwa ekwafo. 9 / 1 [ Efano pepandja 29] 9 / 15 What can a Christian wife do if her unbelieving husband does not respond favorably to her fine conduct? Ndele oshinima osho mu wete inashi fimana kunye otashi dulika sha fimanenena kokaana keni. Omukulukadi Omukriste ota dulu okuninga po shike ngeenge omushamane waye oo ehe fi omwiitaveli iha tambula ko elihumbato laye liwa? (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21, 24 - 26, 31 - 34.) Eshi a li pokumana, onda li nda shuna diva opo nda li nda twa eengolo. (Lesha Mateus 6: 19 - 21, 26 - 34.) Jesus had God's constant support because he always did what was pleasing to his heavenly Father. Paulus okwa li a shangela Ovakriste Ovaheberi molwaashi vamwe vomuvo kava li tava katuka metwokumwe nelalakano laKalunga. Jesus okwa kala ta yambidida alushe Kalunga molwaashi okwa kala alushe ha ningi osho tashi hafifa Xe womeulu. RATIO " Ongudu inene, " oyo i na omwenyo paife otai ka dula okuxupa poudjuu munene nokuya mounyuni mupe notai ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe. OMUUDIFI KESHE Social networking and text messaging are very popular in this age of Internet and telecommunications technology. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Ovanhu vahapu kunena ohava i keenhele dokointaneta oko ku na omafano a nyika oshiponga nosho yo oinima yopauteknologi. Jehovah inspired the prophet Zechariah to write about what will happen. 9: 6) Eshi Josef a li ta unganeke epako laJesus, natango okwa li ta shekwa kovashikuli vakwao. Jehova okwa nwefa mo omuprofeti Sakaria a shange kombinga yaasho tashi ka ningwa po. If you are reading with a child, the dash provides a reminder to pause and encourage the child to express himself. Osho osha ningifa nge ndi longe noudiinini opo ndi ulikile omonamati wange ohole. " Ngeenge oto lesha nokaana, ou na okukanghama pokamufinda oko ke lile po oku ku dimbulukifa u kanghame po nokupula okaana ka popye omadiladilo ako. He declares: "I am Jehovah, the One showing loyal love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I take delight. " Dimbuluka kutya Jehova oha ulikile ovanhu olukeno nohe va file onghenda ngeenge ve livela ombedi notave mu indile tava ti: "Tu kwafela tu alukile keumbo. " Okwa ti: "Aame Omwene, ndi hole ouyuki, ouyuki, osheshi oinima ei ohandi i hafele. " But what appears to be trivial to you may be very important to your child. 3 Ovanyasha otava dulu ngoo okuninginifwa? Ashike osho tashi dulu oku ku kwafela u mone kutya okaana koye oka fimana shi fike peni. When she was about to finish, I quickly went back to where I had been kneeling. (b) Omungome wEdimbuluko ohau longekidwa ngahelipi? Eshi a li ta tondoka, onda li nda shuna diva konhele oko nda li nda teelela. When Paul wrote to Hebrew Christians, he was concerned that some among them were not cooperating with God's advancing purpose. Mbela oludalo laAdam naEva ola li tali ka kumwa kwaasho ovadali vavo va ninga? Eshi Paulus a li a shangela Ovakriste Ovaheberi, okwa li te lipula kutya vamwe vomuvo kava li tava longele kumwe nelalakano laKalunga. For the "great crowd, " who live now, it will be possible to survive into the promised new world with unending life in view. Ngeenge omunhu okwe linyateke mokushila omakaya, epangwe, oingangamwifi ile mokunwa omalodu sha pitilila, kungaho, eyambo laye itali ka kala li na ongushu. Osheshi "ongudu inene " oyo tai ka xupa paife otai ka xupa mounyuni mupe oo wa udanekwa. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Nopehe nomalimbililo, Ricky naKendra ova tunhukwa neenghono, hamolwaashi ashike Ricky ta longo moilonga yokutunga koWarwick ndele omolwaashi yo etembu lavo tali kwafele omonamati wavo a kule pamhepo. - Omayel. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO By arranging Jesus ' burial, Joseph also risked derision from his colleagues. 14: 19. Eshi Josef a li a unganeka Josef monghedi yefimaneko, naye okwa li yo a tula omwenyo waye moshiponga eshi a li ta longo pamwe naye. As a result, I have to work hard at being more affectionate with my son. " Molwaashi ou shii oupyakadi oo tau dulu okuholoka po, oshike to ka ninga po? Oshidjemo, ondi na okulonga noudiinini opo ndi pange omonamati wange. " Remember that Jehovah responds with compassion and mercy when repentant ones call out to him, "Please let us come home. " Suggested Bible reading for April: ▪ Jeremiah 17 - 31 Kave na tuu ekwatafano naKalunga le likalekelwa! Dimbuluka kutya Jehova okwa nyamukula nonghenda nolukeno ngeenge ovo ve livela ombedi tave mu ifana, "Tu alukile keumbo. " - Jeremia 17: 31 - 31 3 Should Youths Get Baptized? Ngeenge owa ningi ngaho, oto ka kala wa hokiwa kuJehova. 3 Ovanyasha ove na okuninginifwa? (b) What sort of bread is used at the Memorial? Lwanima, Serge ova ka mona kutya ova ninga etokolo lomondjila. (b) Omungome nomaviinyu owa li hau longifwa pEdimbuluko lilipi? Would the children of Adam and Eve be affected by what their parents had done? Kape na shimwe sha fimana shi dulife okukala po komatango keshe to ningi omakwatafano novanhu. " Mbela ovana voludalo laAdam naEva ova li ngoo tava ka kumwa kwaasho ovadali vavo va ninga? If he were to defile himself with tobacco, betel nut, illicit drugs, or alcohol abuse, that offering would have no value. Kalunga okwa ulika ngahelipi kutya omhepo yaye iyapuki otai dulu okukwafela ovapiya vaye? Ngeenge okwa nyono sha kwata moiti, omafano oipala, okulongifa oingangamifi ile okunwa sha pitilila, osha yela kutya ka li e na ongushu. Needless to say, Ricky and Kendra are thrilled, not only because Ricky can share in the construction work at Warwick but also because their move is contributing to their son's spiritual growth. - Prov. Otwa li hatu tu ti: "Tyapuleni emanguluko leni fiyo osheshi mwa wanifa ngoo omido 23. " Kashi na nee mbudi kutya ounona ova pumbwa oku shi enda ngahelipi opo va ninge exumokomesho lopamhepo, nafye ohatu dulu ashike okukufa ombinga moilonga yokutunga nokukwafela omonamati wavo a kule pamhepo. - Omayel. 14: 19. Konyala oilyo yomalongelokalunga aeshe manene oya itavela kutya omwenyo womunhu ihau fi 14: 19. Anticipating a problem, what can you do? 10: 22. Mbela oto dulu okuninga po shike ngeenge ou na oupyakadi? What a blessed relationship they have with God! Ponhele yaasho, okwa li ta popi kombinga yovayuli veeshi tava longifa eenete. Kava li tuu va nangekwa noupuna eshi ve na ekwatafano naKalunga! If you do, you will gain Jehovah's approval. Ovanhu vahapu ove netaleko la tya ngahelipi li na sha nomalongelokalunga? Ngeenge owa ningi ngaho, oto ka kala wa hokiwa kuJehova. In retrospect, Serge thinks that they made the right decision. Ongahelipi Jesus a li a nyamukula epulo lOvafarisai? Pomhito imwe, Andreas okwa li a diladila kutya ova ninga etokolo li li mondjila. Nothing is more important than to be there every evening, making calls. " Eeshikepa daJapan dokoshi yomeva oda li hadi kala tadi endaenda komunghulofuta waCalifornia, ashike eshi oshilando sha li hashi kala sha dima oufiku osha li sha kwafela opo vehe shi mone noku shi ponokela. Oshinima sha fimanenena oshosho kutya kape na efiku sha fimana shi dule okulya onguloshi keshe. " How has the capacity of God's holy spirit to qualify his servants been demonstrated? Onhumwafo oyo oya li yo ya yandja elombwelo eli tali ti: "Edina laKalunga... kali na okulongifwa ile okutumbulwa. " Osha enda ngahelipi opo omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga i kale ya wana kovapiya vaye? We coined the phrase "Stay free until you are at least 23. " Dimbuluka yo kutya "otaku ka kala enyumuko lovayuki nolovalunde. " (Oil. Otwa li twa popya outumbulilo "li nemanguluko " fiyo osheshi wa wanifa omido 23. " Followers of nearly all major religions believe that the human soul is immortal OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA | OSHALI YA DENGA MBADA ILIPI I DULE EESHALI ADISHE? Ovayambididi vomalongelokalunga aeshe ova itavela kutya omwenyo ihau fi 10: 22. Oolyelye handi udifile? 10: 22. Instead, the fishing Jesus referred to involves the use of fishing nets. Molwaashi ovadali ove na ko nasha noupamhepo wokaana, otava ka shilipaleka kutya otaka pwilikine mokwoongala opo ka mone mo ouwa. Ponhele yaasho, eeshi odo Jesus a li a popya oda kwatela mo okulongifa eeshi. What view of religion do many people have? 9 - 11. Ovanhu vahapu ove na etaleko lilipi li na sha nelongelokalunga? How, then, did Jesus answer the Pharisees ' question? Itatu dulu okuufa kutya ovanhu ve fike peni va tala oshinyandjwa osho. Ndele mbela Jesus okwa li a nyamukula ngahelipi epulo olo Ovafarisai? Japanese submarines were patrolling the California coast, and the total darkness was to help keep them from hitting targets on the mainland. Kalunga okwa udaneka kutya oonakufya ovo ve li medimbuluko laye otava ka nyumuninwa momwenyo mounyuni mupe wouyuki. Oita oyo oya li tai monika ya kula neenghono, noya li tai dulu oku va kwafela va kale va djala oikutu iwa oyo ya li ya denga mbada. The letter gives this pointed direction: "The name of God... is neither to be used or pronounced. " 17: 15) Ashike Jesus ka li ashike te lipula shi na sha novayapostoli vaye ndele novashikuli vaye aveshe. Onhumwafo oyo oya popya kombinga yewiliko olo kutya: "Edina laKalunga kali na okulongifwa ile oku li longifa. " Remember, too, that there will be "a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " (Mateus 6: 26) Ndele Jehova iha kala mevalelwa. Dimbuluka yo kutya otaku ka kala " enyumuko lovayuki nolovalunde. ' COVER SUBJECT | WHAT IS THE BEST GIFT OF ALL? Eshi omulumenhu omutilikalunga Job a li ta hepekwa kuSatana, okwa ti: "[Jehova] na yeleke nge noshiyelekifo sha yuka, Kalunga opo a shiive ouyuki wange. " OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA? Who are they? Ombibeli nayo ohatu dulu oku i faafanifa naasho sha popiwa mefaneko olo. Oolyelye? As the parents care for their child spiritually, they certainly would want to make sure that he is getting the most from the meetings. 11: 3, 4) Ponhele yaasho, Jesus oha wilikwa komhepo yaJehova. Eshi ovadali tava file oshisho ovana vavo pamhepo, ohava kala va hala okushilipaleka kutya oha ningi eenghendabala da mana mo pokwoongala. 9 - 11. Otu shii kutya Kalunga oo a kwafela nale ovapiya vaye meenghedi dikumwifi oye Kalunga ketu, Jehova. 9 - 11. How many saw the "Eureka Drama " is hard to determine. Ndele mo 1914, onghalo oya li ya yooloka ko neenghono kwaayo. Nghee ovanhu vahapu va mona oshinyandwa "Eureka " otashi monika shidjuu okuninga etokolo. God has promised that the dead who are in his memory will be resurrected to life in a righteous new world. Kaleni mwa pitifa komesho oukaume wovana veni naJehova. Kalunga okwa udaneka kutya oonakufya ovo ve li medimbuluko laye otava ka nyumunwa mounyuni mupe wouyuki. Jesus ' concern was not limited to his apostles, but it extends to all his followers. Oshoshili kutya oshikonga osha li sha didilikwa mo. Jesus ka li ashike e na ko nasha novayapostoli vaye, ndele okwa li yo a lombwela ovashikuli vaye aveshe. Nevertheless, Jehovah lives beyond the atmosphere. Opo omumi a me oiyuma yongushu, oku na okulongifa edu olo liwa elela. Ndele nande ongaho, Jehova oha lundulula onghalamwenyo yetu. When the godly man Job was suffering under satanic attack, he said: "[Jehovah] will weigh me in accurate scales and God will get to know my integrity. " Onda kala handi lihongo nghee ndi na okuxupa meenghalo didjuu. Eshi omulumenhu waKalunga a li ta mono oixuna omolwponokelo laSatana, okwa ti: "Omwene Kalunga ota ka handukila nge, ndee ta koneke oudiinini wange. " It is the same with the Bible. Mbela owa hala ngoo shili Kalunga a kale ha pwilikine komailikano oye? Osho osha faafana nOmbibeli. Rather, Jesus is guided by Jehovah's spirit. Pashihopaenenwa, Mirjeta * (tala eshangelo lopedu) okwa dalelwa moshilongo osho sha li hashi ifanwa nale Yugoslavia. Ponhele yaasho, Jesus ota wilikwa komhepo yaJehova. But we do know that the God who helped his servants in amazing ways is our God, Jehovah. Okwa li yo a ulikila ovahongwa vaye nghee oilonga oyo i na okulongwa. (Mark. 1: 38; Luk. Ashike otu shi shii kutya Kalunga oo a kwafela ovapiya vaye meenghedi dikumwifi, Jehova Kalunga ketu. In 1914, however, the situation was much different. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okukala tu hole omalihafifotu hole oimaliwa sha pitilila? Ndele mo 1914, onghalo oya li ya yooloka ko filufilu kwaayo. Put your child's friendship with Jehovah ahead of your own interests. Eshi Jesus a ulika kutya okwa halelela okulundulula omadiladilo aye eshi onghalo ya li tai pula a katuke onghatu ya tya ngaho, okwa hopaenena oukwatya waJehova. Kala ho pange oukaume naJehova ponhele yokulalakanena omahalo oye mwene. Yes, the campaign was noticed. Brian: Ombibeli otai dulu oku tu kwafela meembinga adishe odo. Heeno, opa li pa ningwa oshikonga shokuudifa. To make fine quality pottery, a potter uses high - grade clay. Natu twikileni okukala ngaashi "ovaenda novanailongo, " 12 / 15 Opo omuhongi woiyuma a ninge oshiyuma shiwa, oha longifa oshiyuma shiwa. I grew up learning the rules of the streets. Omakwatafanoyambo oo a li oshitukulwa shOmhango yaMoses nao okwa li taa faneke sha, taa ulike kutya aveshe ovo va hala okukala ve na ekwatafano lopofingo nOmushiti wavo ove na oku shi ninga pakanghameno lekuliloyambo laJesus li na ondilo. Onda kulila handi lihongo momapandavanda. Do you really want God to listen to your prayers? Osha li tashi pula Josef ouladi opo a lombwele omukulukadi waye omuholike kombinga yonghundana ii, ndele osho a li a ninga. Mbela owa hala ngoo shili okupwilikina komailikano oye? For example, Mirjeta * (see footnote) was born in the country that used to be called Yugoslavia. Omapangelo oo okwa popiwa pafaneko mOmbibeli kutya oku li oshilyani, ofimbo omalongelokalunga oipupulu mounyuni taa fanekwa komukainhu oo a londa koshilyani. Pashihopaenenwa, Grace * (a) okwa li a mona eshangelo lopedu) olo la li hali longifwa moshilongo osho. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom was an important part of Jesus ' earthly activity. 13: 11 - 24. Okuudifa onghundana iwa yOuhamba okwa li oshitukulwa sha fimana sheudifo laJesus shokombada yedu. How can we avoid becoming lovers of pleasures? Embo olo onde li lesha lwoikando ivali omudo wa ka landula ko. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okukala tu hole omalihafifo? Doing that, Jesus was imitating Jehovah in showing a willingness to change when the situation allows for such action. Otashi dulika tu kale twe lipyakidila noinima yakwalukeshe ndele hatu dimbwa kutya osha fimanenena okuyukipalifwa kwounamapangelo waJehova. Kungaho, Jesus okwa li ha hopaenene Jehova mokukala a halelela okulundulula oikala ya tya ngaho ngeenge opa holoka onghalo ya tya ngaho. Brian: The Bible can help us in all those areas. Ovadali ova li ve na okuhonga ovana vavo kombinga yaJehova pomhito keshe opo ounona navo va longele Jehova aeke. - Deuteronomion 6: 6 - 9. Brian: Ombibeli otai dulu oku tu kwafela moinima aishe. " Judgment Seat ," 5 / 1 Loss of Drachma Coin, 12 / 1 Marks of True Christianity, 3 / 1 Miracles, 8 / 1 Omafinamhango oshili oyo hai wilike okudiladila kwetu, noku tu kwafela tu ninge omatokolo opandunge. Kufa ombinga pauyadi meteyo linene lopamhepo, 2 / 15 The provision of communion sacrifices, part of the Law's framework of truth, pointed to the fact that by means of Jesus ' greater sacrifice, all those of mankind who desire to attain an intimate, peaceful relationship with their Creator can do so. Jesus okwa li a popya lwoikando kombinga yOuhamba oo eshi a li kombada yedu. Omayambo oo a li haa yambwa koshi yOmhango yaMoses okwa ulika oushili oo kutya ovanhu aveshe ovo ve na ehalo lokuninga omaliyambo manene otava dulu okukala ve na ekwatafano liwa nOmushiti wavo. It was not easy to tell the bad news to his beloved wife, Mary, but Joseph braced himself and did it. Ombiibeli inai tokola elongifo nawa loikolwifa. Kasha li shipu okuudifila omukulukadi waye omuholike omuholike, Maria, ashike Josef okwa li e lininipika nokwa li e shi ninga. In the Bible, these governments are symbolized by a wild beast; and the world's false religions, by a woman who rides the back of the beast. Omolwashike sha fimana? Mepingafano naasho, omapangelo oo otaa fanekwa koshilyani sheembinga dounyuni, omalongelokalunga oipupulu nosho yo komalongelokalunga oipupulu. 13: 11 - 24. Fimbo Jesus ina wanifa omido 30, okwa kala omuhongi womiti, noka li ha longifa oilongifo yoshinanena. 13: 11 - 24. I read it twice during the following year. ▪ Owa " diinina ngoo shili oilonga iwa '? Onda li nde i lesha lwoikando ivali momudo wa shikula ko. We could become so absorbed in the demands of our day - to - day life that we forget just how important the vindication of God's sovereignty really is. OMAYAMBO OO A LI TAA FANEKE EKULILOYAMBO LAJESUS Otashi dulika tu kale hatu ongaonga okuwanifa po eemhumbwe detu efiku nefiku, naasho otashi ke tu kwafela tu dimbwe nghee okuyukipalifwa kwounamapangelo waKalunga kwa fimanenena. Parents were to teach their children about Jehovah at every opportunity so that young ones too would worship only Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9. Aishe ei i li kombada yedu tai ka fya. " Ovadali ova li ve na okuhonga ovana vavo kombinga yaJehova pomhito keshe opo ovanyasha navo tava ka longela Jehova oye aeke. - Deuteronomion 6: 6 - 9. A principle is a fundamental truth or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or action. Kalunga ota ka lwa oita oyo okukondjifa ounyuni ou woukolokoshi. (Eh. Efinamhango la fimanenena olo kutya ehongo lopombada ola longifwa tali ti sha ile kutya okutomhafana kwa tya ngaho okwa kwatela mo ashike okutomhafana monghedi yonhumba. When he was on earth as a man, Jesus spoke on many occasions about that Kingdom. Eshi hatu longo oku, otwe " lihonga oshiholekwa ' shi na sha nokukala twa wanenwa. " - Fil. Eshi Jesus a li kombada yedu, okwa li ha popi lwoikando kombinga yOuhamba oo. The Bible does not condemn the moderate use of alcohol. Ndele osho kasha li she mu nghundipaleka pamhepo. Ombiibeli inai tokola okukala handi nu pandjele. Why is this so important? Onghambe nomulondi wayo Ye okwe mu undwila mefuta. Omolwashike sha fimanenena okuninga ngaho? For the better part of 30 years, Jesus was a carpenter, working without the benefit of modern power tools. (Lesha Ovakolossi 3: 13.) Molwaashi Jesus okwa kala omuhongi woipilangi oule womido 30, ka li ha longo ouwa muhapu. ▪ Are You "Zealous for Fine Works "? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongela Jehova monghedi ya denga mbada? ▪ Owa " diinina ngoo shili oilonga iwa '? SHADOWS OF JESUS ' SACRIFICE Jehova okwa li a punika Mika omolwoikala yaye yokuteelela. OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA JESUS A XUPIFA Everything on the earth will perish. " Natango kava li " ve shi shiiva, ' nokuli nonande opa li oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Jehova okwa nangeka noupuna Noa nosho yo eenghendabala daye. Keshe osho tashi ka ningwa kombada yedu otashi ka hanaunwa po. " It is the war of Armageddon - God's war against this wicked system of things. Eongalo olo oukwaneumbo wange, molwaashi omo handi mono ehafo nombili. " Oita yaHarmagedon, oyo tai ka luwa mafiku, tai ka hanauna po onghalelo ei yoinima youkolokoshi. By serving here, we have " learned the secret ' of how to be content. " - Phil. (Jes. Eshi hatu longo oko, otwe lihonga nghee tu na okukala twa wanenwa. " - Fil. The horse and its rider he has pitched into the sea. Ashike inatu diladila kutya inatu pumbwa omayele opamishangwa molwaashi twa longela Kalunga noudiinini oule womido. Onghambe itoka oi na omundilo u li kombada yomeva. (Read Colossians 3: 13.) Inda nombili, ove u kale wa veluka koudu woye. " - Mark. 5: 34. (Lesha Ovakolossi 3: 13.) How can we best serve Jehovah? Okwa tandavelifa oipupulu oyo okudja pehovelo eshi a pukifa Eva moshikunino shaEden. (Gen. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongela Jehova ngaashi hatu dulu? Micah witnessed the end of King Ahaz and his wicked rule. Nonande Ovakriste ovavaekwa vanini ovo va li ko pefimbo olo, ovo va fa oilya, ova li tava ningi ngaashi tava dulu opo va longele Kalunga, ova li tava fininikwa kwaavo va fa eu. Mika okwa li a yandja oundombwedi lwopexulilo lohamba Ahas nepangelo laye. They still "took no note " - even in the face of all the evidence that Jehovah was blessing Noah and his endeavors. Ongahelipi ohole oyo hatu ulikile vamwe hai va kwafele va ehene popepi elela naJehova? Ova li natango "va shiiva ' nokuli nokape na oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Jehova okwa li enangekonoupuna nosho yo kutya Noa okwa li a nangekwa noupuna nokwa li a katuka metwokumwe nehalo laye. The congregation is my family - here is where I experience peace and joy. " Omatuvikilo okombaanga: Oto dulu okupula ombaanga opo oimaliwa oyo i li koakounta yoye, opendjela yoye ile oyo wa tuvikilifa oule wefimbo lonhumba i fyuululwe po kehangano lopaveta olo hali longifwa kEendombwedi daJehova, to shi ningi metwokumwe noiteelelwa yeembanga domoshilongo sheni. Eongalo letu oli li oukwaneumbo wetu, omo nda mona ombili nehafo. " Look! Mbela otake lihumbata ngaha omolwoupyakadi wonhumba? ' (Eh. Yet, we should not presume that we need no Scriptural counsel inasmuch as we have served God faithfully for years. Paulus okwa ti: "Onhafi nande oinini, otai fulifa olumbololo alishe lomungome. " Ashike katu na okudiladila kutya inatu pumbwa omayele opamishangwa e na sha nokukala hatu longele Kalunga noudiinini oule womido dihapu. Go in peace, and be healed from your grievous sickness. " - Mark 5: 34. Ova li tava diladila nokuli kutya pamwe okwe va hondama. Inda nombili, ove u kale wa veluka koudu woye. " - Mark. 5: 34. That is a lie that Satan has promoted ever since Eve was deceived by it in the garden of Eden. Pashihopaenenwa, ngeenge otwe litalele mo twa endelela, otashi dulika itatu ka mona oupuko ovo vanini ndele ova kwata moiti. Satana okwa xumifa komesho oipupulu oyo ya etifwa kuSatana okudja eshi Eva a pukifwa moshikunino shaEden. Even so, a small number of anointed wheatlike Christians were doing their best to worship God, but their voices were being drowned out. Omolwashike aveshe ovo hava fimaneke edina laJehova linene va teelela onakwiiwa nodjuulufi? Ndele nande ongaho, omuvalu munini wOvakriste ovavaekwa ovo tava fanekwa koilya owa li ashike tau ningi ngaashi tava dulu opo va longele Kalunga ngaashi tava dulu, ndele ova li va hanaunwa po. How may the love we show for others help them to draw close to Jehovah? Omunyasha Richard okwa li umwe womEendombwedi odo. Ongahelipi ohole yokuhola vamwe tai dulu oku va kwafela va ehene popepi naJehova? Bank Accounts: Depending on local bank requirements, a person can set up a bank account, certificate of deposit, or an individual retirement account as a trust. He can also specify that one of the legal organizations used by Jehovah's Witnesses will receive the money after his death. Pashihopaenenwa, Michel naSabine, ovo eehombo davo dotete da teka nova hombola paife, ova li va dimina opo va kale have lilombwele ngeenge ova kwatafana nookaume kavo kopahombo vakulu. Omatuvikilo okombaanga: Oto dulu okupula ombaanga opo oimaliwa oyo i li koakounta yoye, opendjela yoye ile oyo wa tuvikilifa oule wefimbo lonhumba i fyuululwe po kehangano lopaveta olo hali longifwa kEendombwedi daJehova. Is this conduct a symptom of another problem? ' Jehova okwa li yo a hokwa eenghendabala da mana mo odo Pinehas a li a ninga eshi ta file oshisho eongalo. Mbela elihumbato la tya ngaho oli li ngoo oupyakadi umwe? ' Paul said: "A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough. " Ashike oyo oipupulu yaSatana. Paulus okwa ti: " oilongifo inini oyo ya li hai etifwa kovakwaita aveshe. " They even began to think that she was avoiding them. Mbela nafye ohatu ke linyenga sha faafana? Ova li nokuli va hovela okudiladila kutya ohe va henuka. For example, if we just glance at a mirror, we might fail to notice a small but significant blemish. Shikwao vali, okukala kwomaumbo oo e li mumwe okwe va kwafela va kale ve na oukumwe wopamhepo moshiwana ashishe eshi tashi ongala shi longele Kalunga shi li "omapata Omwene. " Pashihopaenenwa, ngeenge otwe litalele moshitengelelo, otashi dulika tu ka didilike okaalita kanini ka kula ndele inatu shi didilika mo. Why can all who honor Jehovah's great name look to the future with confidence? Ombiibeli oya ti: "Kristus [okwe] tu fila fimbo twa li natango ovalunde. " Omolwashike aveshe ovo tava fimaneke edina laJehova linene tava dulu okukonga eameno monakwiiwa? Young Richard was one of those Witnesses. [ Efano pepandja 13] Richard okwa li umwe womEendombwedi odo. For example, Michel and Sabine, whose first marriages ended in divorce, agreed to tell each other if they had any contact with their former spouses. Oshoshili kutya itatu ka teelela e tu velule pashikumwifilonga. Pashihopaenenwa, ookaume kopahombo vamwe ovo va li va teka ohombo yavo yotete ova li va dimina oushili oo kutya keshe umwe womuvo oku na oupyakadi wokunwa sha pitilila. And Phinehas ' diligent care for God's congregation met with Jehovah's approval. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka ondubo ihe tu imbe ondjabi yetu? Ndele nande ongaho, Pinehas oo a li ha file oshisho eongalo laKalunga okwa li a shakeneka okukala a hokiwa kuJehova. But these are lies from Satan. Ngeenge ou li omudali, dimbuluka kutya ounona voye otave lihongo koshihopaenenwa shoye. Ashike oipupulu ya tya ngaho oi li Satana. Would we react similarly? 1, 2. Mbela nafye ohatu ke linyenga ngahelipi? Moreover, their physical closeness could well represent the spiritual unity of the whole nation when all "the tribes of Jah " assembled for worship. Ohatu dulu okulongekida opo tu konakone oitukulwa ya tya ngaho pElongelokalunga lOukwaneumbo, nokungaho ohatu ka mona ouwa. Kakele kaasho, ekwatafano lavo lopofingo ola li tali faneke oukumwe wopamhepo ngeenge " omapata aeshe ' aeshe oo a li a ongala opo a longele Jehova. The Bible tells us: "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Mo 1966, Eendombwedi daJehova oda li de tu talela po noda li da kundafana natate oule wefimbo. Ombibeli oye tu lombwela ya ti: "Fimbo twa li natango ovalunde, Kristus okwe tu fila fimbo twa li natango ovalunde. " [ Picture on page 13] Nafye ohatu dulu okufaneka momadiladilo etu oinima ihapu oyo hatu ka ninga ngeenge epangelo laJehova la hovele okupangela edu alishe [ Efano pepandja 19] You would not expect God to remove your infirmity miraculously. Omuxungimwenyo a li ko nale wedina Judith Wallerstein okwa mona kutya konima yomido dokuteka kwohombo, vamwe ohava kala natango ve udite va fa va kengelelwa, va efwa po, ve udite kutya "onghalamwenyo kai li pauyuki, va nyemata nove udite owike. " Ito ka kala wa teelela Kalunga a kufe po ohonde yoye pashikumwifilonga. (b) How can we prevent jealousy from depriving us of our reward? Oshitivali, oukwatya waye owa li we likalekelwa. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka ondubo ihe tu imbe tu mone ondjabi yetu? Explain. If you are a parent, think about how your example affects your children. EFANO: Ta udifa modoolopa inini yaAlbarracín moSpania. Shi yelifa. Ngeenge ou li omudali, diladila kunghee oshihopaenenwa shoye hashi kumu ovana voye. 1, 2. Kunena, Jehova ota longekida ovavaekwa va ka kale meulu nosho yo eedi dimwe di ka kale mOparadisa kombada yedu. 1, 2. We can benefit from study projects of this kind that can be planned for Family Worship evenings. Omona waKalunga ewifa okwa kala omulininipiki nokuli nofimbo a li ine uya kombada yedu. Ohatu dulu okumona ouwa mokukonakona kwa tya ngaho otaku dulu okukala kwa unganekwa nawa pElongelokalunga lOukwaneumbo. In 1966, Jehovah's Witnesses visited our home and had long conversations with my father. Oshifo shokukonakonwa Mo 1966, Eendombwedi daJehova oda li de uya okutalela po eumbo letu, nonda li nda hovela eenghundafana natate. We too can imagine the many things we will do when Jehovah and his government rule over the earth 1, 2. Nafye ohatu dulu okufaneka momadiladilo oinima ihapu oyo hatu ka ninga eshi epangelo laJehova tali pangele edu The late psychologist Judith Wallerstein found that years after getting a divorce, some still feel betrayed and abandoned, believing that "life is unfair, disappointing, and lonely. " Ovalongeli voikalunga oyo ya hongwa moiti ile momamanya ohava diladila kutya otava dulu okukala ve lineekela muyo molwaashi ve i wete nomesho nohava dulu oku i kuma. Ihava kala ve lineekela Omushiti woinima aishe, Jehova Kalunga, molwaashi ihave mu mono nomesho okomutwe. Ovanhu vamwe ohava kala ve udite kutya ngeenge ova teya ohombo, vamwe ohava kala va fya ohoni ndele tava kala va fya oudja, ohava kala ve udite kutya kave na oshilonga nove udite va fya oudja. " Second, it was exceptional. Salomo okwa ti: "Omesho oye naa tale a yukilila, neemhafu doye nadi yukilile. " (Omayel. Oshitivali, ola li le likalekelwa. COVER: Preaching in the small rural town of Albarracín in central Spain. Omolwashike tu na okulungamena onghedi omo hatu longifa oukwatya oo? EFANO: Ovaudifi tava udifa mokadoolopa kanini ke li koudoolopa ke li kolundume laSydney. Both stages of God's administration are developing today - heavenly and earthly. (1 Pet. 4: 12, 16) Ova li ve na oushili kutya Jehova ote ke va kwafela. Elelo leumbo laKalunga otali hapupala kunena, nokunena oli li kombada yedu. God's only - begotten Son showed humility even before he came to earth. U li Ondombwedi yaJehova ye mu liyapulila, ou shii kutya osha fimana shi fike peni okuudifa " onghundana iwa youhamba. ' Omona waKalunga ewifa laKalunga okwa li a ulika kutya omulininipiki nokuli nofimbo ine uya kombada yedu. STUDY ARTICLES Hasho, ngaashi twe shi mona, ota ka ya mo olunyala eshi ta ka xulifa po omaupyakadi aeshe oo a kala a nyikifa ovanhu oluhodi oule womido. OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA 1, 2. 13: 5. 1, 2. Idolaters make the mistake of thinking that physical objects - gods made of wood or stone - are somehow more real, more reliable, than the invisible God, Jehovah, who created all things. Ola hapupala yo okupitila moishangomwa. Onda li nda ninga omapuko a kwata moiti e dule Kalunga, oo a shita oinima aishe, e shii okulineekelwa, e shii okulineekelwa, Jehova Kalunga, oo a shita oinima aishe. Solomon wrote: "Your eyes should look straight ahead, yes, fix your gaze straight ahead of you. " 24: 3) Ashike ina pa pita olule, opa li oshinima shimwe osho sha yeleka oudiinini wOvaisrael inashi teelelwa. Salomo okwa shanga a ti: "Omesho oye oku na okutala komesho yefimbo, okuyukifa eenghatu doye. " (Omuud. And why do we need to be careful of how we use this ability? Shimha twa mono onhele yokunangala, ohatu hovele okulongekida oikulya yetu. Omolwashike twa pumbwa okulungamena onghedi omo hatu longifa oukwatya oo? Similarly, our brothers in Moscow did not let opposers sidetrack them from the work that is to be carried out today - the preaching of the good news. Opo nee okwa li a pingenwa po komumwaina, Domitian. Sha faafana, ovamwatate vOmhangu yaEuropa kava li va efa ovatondi vavo va longe oilonga oyo tai longwa kunena. As a devoted Witness of Jehovah, you know how important it is to preach "this good news of the kingdom. " Nonande omunhu ota dulu okuholeka ovakwanepangelo, ovayandji voilonga, ovakulunhuongalo ile ovadali oumbudi waye, ita dulu oku u holeka Kalunga, oo a shilipaleka kutya oludi loumbudi keshe otali ka hololwa poluhaela. U li Ondombwedi yaJehova idiinini, ou shii nghee sha fimana okuudifa "evangeli eli louhamba. " No, as we have seen, he will step in and bring an end to centuries of misery and oppression. Onda li nda didilika kutya mboli ookaume vomongudu yetu yovanamapove ova li va nwefa nge mo natango. Ngaashi twa mona nale, ota ka katuka eenghatu opo a xulife po okumona oixuna nosho yo omafininiko. 13: 5. Onda li ndi shii kutya Ombiibeli nosho yo omhepo iyapuki oyo ashike tai dulu okukwafela omunhu a lundulule onghedi yaye yokudiladila noku ude ko oshili. 13: 5. It has also become abundant through the printed word. Pashihopaenenwa, ngeenge ovanhu tava lombwelwa va kale hava fimaneke epandela loshilongo shavo, ohava kala ve udite ko kutya ove na okufimaneka epandela li li oshilimbo shepangelo ndele itava fimaneke ashike oshilapi shongaho. Oya hapupala yo okupitila moishangomwa. In some cultures it is considered unmanly for a male to cry. Brian: Oshili nawa. Momaputuko amwe ovanhu ova talika ko ve li ovalumenhu tava lili. Soon, however, something unexpected put the Israelites ' loyalty to the test. 9: 19, 20) Mbela eilikano lomulumenhu omuyuki Moses olo a ilikanena Aron ola li la " dula shihapu? ' Ndele diva konima yaasho, opa li pa holoka oshinima osho sha li inashi teelelwa kOvaisrael va kanyatele oudiinini wavo. After finding accommodations, we would begin to prepare a meal. Ngeenge otwa ulike oudiinini wetu mokupita meyeleko laxuuninwa pexulilo lEpangelo lOmido Eyovi laJesus, itatu ka kala vali tu na etomheno lokukala twa limbililwa osho vamwe tava popi. (Eh. Konima eshi twa mona onhele yokukala, otwa li twa hovela okulilongekidila eendja. Domitian, his brother, took the throne and promptly erected a triumphal arch in Titus ' honor. 34: 27, 33. Omumwatate oo okwa li a ungaunga nai nomukulukadi waye, a li a ya kolukalwapangelo nokwa li a katuka eenghatu meendelelo opo e ke mu fimaneke. Even if a person is able to conceal thievery from authorities, employers, elders, or parents, he cannot hide it from God, who guarantees that every theft will be exposed. Okulitulila po nokuhanga omalalakano opamhepo osha kwafela ovana vetu va dule okukondjifa omafininiko omounyuni waSatana nokuyandja elitulemo kuJehova. " Nokuli nonande omunhu ota dulu okuhenuka oukengeleledi, ovakulunhuongalo ile ovadali, ita dulu oku u holeka kuKalunga, oo ta ka xulifa po owii aushe. I realized that my gang associates were still influencing me. Kutya nee otwa kala hatu hafele oilonga yaJehova oule womido dihapu ile dinini, atusheni ohatu dulu okuninga omalunduluko mokulongela Kalunga. Onda li nda didilika kutya ongudu yange oya li natango ya ekelashi nge. Just like me, they needed time to realize that what they believed was wrong. Omushangwa umwe oo omuyapostoli Petrus a li a tofa meendjovo daDavid, tau ti: "[Jehova, NW] okwa lombwela Omwene wange [Jesus omunyumunwa]: Kala omutumba kolulyo lange, " Eembibeli dihapu ode u toloka da ti:" Omwene okwa lombwela Omwene wange. " Ngaashi ame, ova li va pumbwa efimbo opo va mone kutya osho va itavela osha puka. For instance, a judge may warn against the crime of acting in contempt of court. It is not the furniture, fixtures, and walls of the courtroom itself that the judge wants to protect from disrespect but the system of justice that the court represents. Eimbilo laDebora ola holola kutya kapa li vali oo ta ka kala moilando. Pashihopaenenwa, omupanguli ota dulu oku va londwela shi na sha neemhangu odo da li tadi monika da fa dihe li pauyuki, ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa li a tokola oku di hanauna po. Brian: That's OK. Opo nee, ohatu ka mona ehanauno laBabilon Shinene, okuponekelwa kwaGog yaMagog nosho yo oita yaHarmagedon. Brian: Eewa. Did the supplication of the righteous man Moses have "much force " in Aaron's case? Jesus okwa nyumuka mo 16 Nisan 33 O.P., mefiku lokomudo omo Ovajuda va li hava ka yambela Jehova Kalunga osho va likola tete momapya avo kouyapuki wotembeli kuJerusalem. Mbela Moses okwa li a ilikanena omulumenhu omuyuki oo a li e na " eenghono dinene ' eshi a li monghalo yaAron? By proving faithful in the final test at the end of Jesus ' Millennial Reign, we will never again have reason to doubt anyone's word. (Tala oshimhungu osho li pombada.) Ngeenge otwa ulike kutya otu li ovadiinini pexulilo lEpangelo lOmido Eyovi laJesus lOmido Eyovi, itatu ka kala vali tu na etomheno lokukala tu na etomheno lokukala twa limbililwa eendjovo odo. 34: 27, 33. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhopaenena Jesus mokukala hatu hongo vamwe kombinga yaXe? 34: 27, 33. Having and achieving spiritual goals helps our children to counteract pressures from Satan's system and to focus on what is real - Jehovah. " Jesus okwa li a hala ovahongwa vaye va henuke oikala ilipi? Okukala tu na omalalakano opamhepo nosho yo omalalakano opamhepo ohashi kwafele ovana vetu va kondjife omafininiko ounyuni waSatana nova yandje elitulemo kwaasho Jehova e tonde. " Whether we have enjoyed many years or just a few months in Jehovah's service, all of us can make progress in his worship. Eshi nda li ndi na omido 20, onda li nda hovela okulihonga Oshimongolia nonda li nda talela po ongudu yovaudifi ovapopi velaka lOshimongolia. Kutya nee otwa hafela omido dihapu ile nhatu moilonga yaJehova, atusheni ohatu dulu okuninga exumokomesho melongelokalunga laye. Thus, in the scripture in which the apostle Peter quotes David as saying: "Jehovah said to my Lord [the resurrected Jesus]: " Sit at my right hand, ' " many Bible translations read:" The Lord said to my Lord. " Osheshi ovapangeli ovo ovayakuli vaKalunga nomolwaashi hava diinine meyakulo lavo. Onghee hano, omushangwa oo u li momushangwa oo wa popiwa komuyapostoli Petrus oo tau ti: "Omwene [Jehova] okwa lombwela nge ta ti: Ila, u leshe nge momatoloko mahapu Ombiibeli. " Deborah's song reveals that travel was nearly impossible in the land and village life had all but ended. Pashihopaenenwa, Oshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Auguste 1932, epandja 232 oya li ya popya ya ti: "Ovavaekwa nava ladipike aveshe ovo va hala okukufa ombinga mokuudifa onghundana iwa youhamba. Eshi Debora a li ta shange eimbilo Debora otali ulike kutya olweendo laye ola li popepi, nomukunda aushe owa li wa xula po. We look forward to seeing how the saying of "Peace and security! " Inatu hala okukala twa fa Diotrefes oo kwa li ina hala okuyakula ovamwatate ovo va li tava talele po eongalo lavo molwaashi ine va fimaneka. Otwa teelela nodjuulufi oku ka mona nghee eingido " lombili neameno ' tali ka kala la tya ngaho. Jesus was resurrected on Nisan 16, 33 C.E., the day of the year on which the Jews presented the firstfruits of the first grain crop before Jehovah God at the temple sanctuary in Jerusalem. Ouyuki waKalunga oshike, nokukonga tete ouyuki waKalunga otashi ti shike? Jesus okwa li a nyumunwa mo 16 Nisan 33 O.P., mefiku olo Ovajuda votete va li va yandja tete oipango yOmwene Kalunga fimbo va li kotembeli yomuJerusalem. (See box on page 17.) (Tala okatendo 9 - 12) (Tala oshimhungu osho shi li pepandja 17.) And how can we imitate Jesus in revealing the Father to others? 13: 43. Nongahelipi hatu dulu okuhopaenena Jesus mokukala hatu kwafele vamwe va shiive Xe? What attitude did Jesus recommend to his disciples? Ovadali vange ova li ve na ofaalama inini, nomo twa li hatu mono oipumbiwa yetu ya fimana. Jesus okwa li a hala ovahongwa vaye va ninge shike? When I was 20, I started learning Mongolian and I had a chance to visit a Mongolian group of publishers. (Gen. 11: 27, 28; 12: 1) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa popya shi na sha naAbraham, a ti: "Meitavelo Abraham eshi a ifanwa a tembukile kedu olo te ke li pewa li ninge efyuululo laye, okwa dulika, nokwa dja mo ina shiiva apa ta i. Eshi nda li ndi na omido 20, onda li nda hovela okulihonga kombinga yaasho nonda li ndi na oku ka talela po ongudu inene yovaudifi. For example, the August 1, 1932, issue of The Watchtower stated on page 232: "Let the anointed encourage all who will to take part in telling the good news of the kingdom. (1 Pet. 3: 21) Molwaashi otu na eitavelo tali longo mekuliloyambo laJesus, ohonde yaye oya tuvika omanyono etu, naasho oshe tu ningifa tu kale twa koshoka momesho aKalunga. Pashihopaenenwa, Oshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Auguste 1932, oya popya shi na sha naasho shi li pepandja 23, ya ti: "Ovavaekwa aveshe ovo tava ladipike ovavaekwa va udifile onghundana iwa yOuhamba. We do not want to be like Diotrephes, who did not welcome the brothers visiting his congregation because he did not respect them. 4: 9, 10. Paulus okwa popya kombinga yaJesus omona waJehova a ti: "Muye otu nekulilo omolwohonde yaye, edimepo lomanyonauno okoupuna wonghenda yaye. " Inatu hala okukala ngaashi omulongi pamwe novamwatate ovo va li ihava talele po eongalo molwaashi ka li e va fimaneka. What is God's righteousness, and what does it mean to seek it first? (Jesaja 48: 17, 18) Otaku dulu oku ku kwafela (1) u ninge omatokolo e li pandunge, (2) u pange oukaume washili navamwe, (3) u ungaunge noisho nosho yo (4) osho sha denga mbada, u lihonge oshili kombinga yaKalunga. Ouyuki waKalunga oshike, naasho otashi ti shike kwoove? (See paragraphs 9 - 12) (1 Petrus 5: 7) Onda li nde linyengifwa neenghono keendjovo odo di li muJeremia 29: 11, tadi ti: "Osheshi omadiladilo ange nde e mu diladilila ondi a shii, Omwene osho ta ti, omadiladilo ombili, hao omupya. Ame ohandi mu pe efimbo lokomesho pamwe neteelelo liwa. " (Tala okatendo 9 - 12) 13: 43. Natango, Paulus okwa londwela Ovakriste vakwao kombinga yomaupyakadi oo taa dulu oku va imba va ka mone ondjabi. 13: 43. My parents had a small farm, and the land provided our basic needs. Ngeenge owa teelele pa pite efimbo lile ino konga ekwafo, otashi ke ku twala noupu moluhaelo. Ovadali vange ova li ve na ongeshefa inini, nedu ola li la wanifa po eemhumbwe detu da fimana. The apostle Paul wrote: "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed in going out into a place he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, although not knowing where he was going. Ohashi kala shidjuu komulumenhu okukondjifa omafininiko oomakula unene tuu ngeenge oku na ondodo ya tumbala metangakwaita, mopolitika ile moshitukulwa shavo. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa shanga a ti: "Meitavelo Abraham, eshi a ifanwa Abraham, okwa ya monhele ya nyika oshiponga nokwa pewa efyuululo. Because we exercise faith in the ransom, the blood of Jesus covers our sins and we thus enjoy a clean standing before God. Ovo va li hava longo mombelewa yaye ova kala hava mono shipu okupopya naye. Molwaashi otu na eitavelo mekuliloyambo laJesus, ohonde yaJesus otai dulu okudiminwa po omatimba etu, nokungaho ohatu hafele ekwatafano la koshoka koshipala shaKalunga. Speaking of Jehovah's beloved Son, Paul wrote: "By means of him [Jesus] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his [Jehovah's] undeserved kindness. " Ngeenge tava ifana nge, Ame ohandi va udu; ohandi liameke kuvo moudjuu wavo. ' Paulus okwa popya shi na sha nOmona waJehova omuholike a ti: "Opo tu mangululwe meyambo laJesus Kristus, tu diminwe po omatimba etu, tu diminwe po omatimba etu. " (Rom. Among other things, it can help you (1) make good decisions, (2) make real friends, (3) cope with stress, and (4) best of all, learn the truth about God. Ngeenge eitavelo loye ole ku linyengifa u hovele okuudifa onghundana iwa, eyambo loye " otali ka pandika kOmwene, li dule eemhedi. ' Kakele koinima imwe vali, otai dulu oku ku kwafela (1) u ninge omatokolo e li pandunge, (2) u ungaunge nookaume kashili, (4) u ungaunge nomaupyakadi aeshe, (4) u lihonge oshili kombinga yaKalunga. I was especially touched by the words of Jeremiah 29: 11, which says: "" For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you, ' declares Jehovah, " thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope. ' " Simson okwa li e na eenghono dinene omolwekwatafano le likalekelwa olo a li e na naJehova e li Omunasiri, ndele kada li hadi di meexwiki daye. Onda li nda kumwa unene keendjovo domuyapostoli Jeremia 29: 11, odo tadi ti: " Ohandi diladila nawa kombinga yange, ' omadiladilo ange nosho yo eteelelo lange li na sha nonakwiiwa. ' Paul also alerted fellow Christians about dangers that could deprive them of the prize. Ongahelipi Jesus a ka ninga "omutwe wokolonela "? Paulus okwa li yo a londwela Ovakriste vakwao kombinga yoiponga oyo tai dulu oku va imba va ka mone ondjabi. The longer you wait to ask for help, the greater the danger that you will commit sexual immorality. Okwa li e u tumbula moshihopaenenwa sheilikano eshi a li ta hongo ovahongwa vaye nghee ve na okwiilikana, a ti: "Ouhamba woye nau uye; ehalo loye nali wanifwe kombada yedu yo ngaashi meulu. " Ngeenge owa kala wa teelela oku ka pula ekwafo, oto ka kala wa nyika oshiponga neenghono ngeenge owa i moluhaelo. Peer pressure can be especially difficult when a man is actively serving in the military, in politics, or in the local community. Ashike pefimbo lokamukondapweyu, onda ka kala nonghalamwenyo yopavali. Omafininiko oomakula otaa dulu okukala madjuu unene tuu ngeenge omulumenhu ta longo moita, meenhele daaveshe ile moshitukulwa sheni. Those serving in his office found him to be easy to talk to. Eshi nda li nda yelekanifa osho Eendombwedi hadi hongo naasho Ombibeli tai ti, onda li nda tomwa ndi itavele kutya onda mona elongelokalunga lashili. Ovo hava longo koshitaimbelewa shaye ohava mono shipu okupopya. He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in distress. " Onghalamwenyo yaAbsalom oya xula po monghedi ififohoni, naasho oshi li elondwelo kwaavo hava hepeke vakwao, unene tuu ovo hava hepeke ovavaekwa vaKalunga, ngaashi David a li a hepekwa. Oye ta ifana nge, ndee handi mu nyamukula, Ame ohandi ka kala pamwe naye. " When faith moves you to start preaching the good news, your offering will be "more pleasing to Jehovah than a bull. " Okwa ti: "Onda li nde lihonga kutya edu otali ka ningwa oparadisa monakwiiwa novanhu otava ka kala ve na ombili nokave na vali omaupyakadi asha. Ngeenge eitavelo ole ku linyengifa u hovele okuudifa onghundana iwa, oto ka " hafifa Omwene. ' Samson's hair in itself did not give him strength. Heeno, owii noukolokoshi u li koshipala shange. Ope nondubo neemhata. " eexwiki da Simson kada li de mu pa eenghono. How could Jesus become "the chief cornerstone "? Omolwashike Eendombwedi daJehova di li ngaashi ovanailongo moilongo omo di li? Ongahelipi Jesus ta ka ninga "omutwe wokolonela "? He referred to it in the model prayer, instructing his disciples to pray in this way: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " Okudula kwaJehova okuninga omalunduluko she likolelela keenghalo dipe ofimbo ta wanifa po elalakano laye oku li metwokumwe neityo ledina olo e liluka. Okwa popya moshihopaenenwa sheilikano laye, a lombwela ovahongwa vaye va ilikane monghedi ei: "Ouhamba woye nau uye; ehalo loye nali wanifwe kombada yedu yo ngaashi meulu. " However, as a teenager, I led a double life. Ovamwatate ve dulife 1 700 ova li ve liyamba va ka longe keshe opo pe na omhumbwe. Ashike eshi nda wanifa omido omulongo nasha, onda li nda hovela okukala nonghalamwenyo yopavali. When I compared what the Witnesses teach with what the Bible says, I was convinced that I had found the true religion. Omolwohole yange yokuhola Jehova nosho yo ovanhu vakwetu, onda li nda tokola okuya moilonga yefimbo li yadi. Eshi nda yelekanifa osho Eendombwedi tadi hongo naasho Ombibeli tai ti, onda li nda tomhwa kutya onda mona elongelokalunga lashili. Absalom's life ends ingloriously - a warning to all who would abuse others, especially God's anointed ones, such as David. Omolwashike okuhaudafana oko twa dja nokutumbula kwa shangwa mOmbiibeli? Onghalamwenyo yaAbsalom oya kala tai londwele ovanhu aveshe ovo va li tava hepekwa kuKalunga, unene tuu ovavaekwa, ngaashi David. " I learned that in the future the earth will be restored to a paradise and that people will live in peace, free from anxiety. Jehova oha pe oolyelye ondjabi? Okwa ti: "Onde lihonga kutya monakwiiwa ohandi ka nyumunwa moparadisa kombada yedu, novanhu otava ka kala nombili. And why are despoiling and violence in front of me, and why does quarreling occur, and why is strife carried? " Ngeenge oto mono oixuna, Jehova okwa hala u pule ekwafo kovakulunhuongalo ve ku kwafele. Omolwashike pe na elongifo leenghono nosho yo eenhamanana di li komesho yange, nomolwashike eemhata da li hadi kwata moiti? " Why might some people view Jehovah's Witnesses as strange or as "foreigners "? Otu na yo okukondjifa alushe eamo letu loulunde nosho yo etekomukumo. - 2 Kor. Omolwashike ovanhu vamwe tashi dulika va kale va tala ko Eendombwedi daJehova di li ovanailongo ile di shiivike nawa? Jehovah's ability to adapt to new circumstances while in the process of bringing his purpose to completion is in harmony with a description he gave of himself. Oshike sha li sha kwafela Josef ehe liyandje komaheka omukainhu oo? Jehova ota dulu okutambula ko onghalo ipe nonande elalakano laye lokuxulifa po elalakano laye oli li metwokumwe nalo. More than 1,700 volunteered to serve wherever needed. Otashi dulika wa ninga omalunduluko manene fimbo ino ninginifwa. Ovanhu ve dulife 1, 700 ova li ve liyamba va ka longe keshe opo sha pumbiwa. As my love for Jehovah and for people grew, I developed a desire to enter the full - time ministry. Osho oshe likolelela kwoove mwene. Eshi ohole yange yokuhola Jehova novanhu ya enda tai kulu, onda li nda kulika ehalo lokuya moilonga yefimbo li yadi. Why were such conflicts mentioned in the Bible? David okwa li e na ookaume ovo va li ve mu yambidida eshi a li moudjuu. Omolwashike okuhaudafana kwa tya ngaho kwa li kwa tumbulwa mOmbibeli? Whom does Jehovah reward? 14: 2, 11) Oshoshili kutya Jehova okwa li a hoolola Moses, Josua, Gideon naDavid va kale ovakalelipo vaye. Jehova oha yandje ondjabi yashike? If you are suffering, Jehovah wants you to ask the elders to help you. " Fye [tu li ovanongononi vedu] otwa tala ko kutya omakakamo edu oo taa ningwa kunena omadjuu, ofimbo ovanhu mounyuni ve a tala ko e li ashike oiningwanima inyikifa oluhodi. " Ngeenge oto mono oixuna, Jehova okwa hala u pule ovakulunhuongalo ve ku kwafele. And we must constantly fight against our fleshly weaknesses and discouragement. - 2 Cor. Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu, dengela ile u shangele ko - Accounting Office (ombelewa yomavalulo) kondjukifi oyo ya ulikwa pedu ile u kwatafane noshitaimbelewa osho hashi pashukile oshilongo sheni. Otu na yo okukondjifa okuhawanenena kwetu nosho yo etekomukumo. - 2 Kor. What prevented Joseph from succumbing to her repeated advances? Omolwashike okudiminafana po kwa fimanenena? Oshike sha li she linyengifa Josef a konge ekwafo kuye? You may have made big changes before you were baptized. Etomheno lotete ohatu li hange mwaasho Jesus a li a lombwela vamwe vomovatondi vaye, ovo va li ve mu handukila eshi a li a velula ovanhu mEshabata. Otashi dulika wa ninga omalunduluko manene fimbo ino ninginifwa. That is up to you. Kape na shimwe shi yahameka unene shi dulife okuliteekwa kuJehova. Apa ngoo pe fike opo ngoo pe fike opo ngoo tapa ka kala pe fike oku ku fila oshisho David had other associates who loyally stood by him in difficult times. 2: 9. David okwa li ha endafana navamwe ovo va li ovadiinini kuye pomafimbo madjuu. Indeed, Jehovah chose Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David to represent him as Leader. Ashike omunhu oo omulininipiki oku na oikala oyo omuyapostoli Paulus e tu ladipika tu kale tu na. Molwaashi Jehova okwa li a hoolola Moses, Josua, Gideon naDavid otava faneke Omuwiliki. " We [geophysicists] call them great earthquakes. Ashike ovahongwa vaye ova li tava ka xupifwa monghedi imwe ikumwifi. Okwa ti: "Otwa li hatu twaalele ovanhu ovo ve li ko pefimbo opo omakakamo edu manene manene. For more information, you may contact the local office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Okwa ti: "Ovanelao onye, ovanhu ngenge tave mu sheke ndee tave mu taata ndee tave mu popile mowii aushe nokufufya molwange. Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu, oto dulu okupula Eendombwedi daJehova domoshitukulwa sheni. Why is forgiveness essential? Okutala komapuko avamwe, otashi ke tu kwafela tu henuke okuninga omapuko a faafana, unene tuu ngeenge tashi uya pokuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo. Omolwashike twa pumbwa okudiminwa po? First, consider Jesus ' words to opposers who criticized him for healing on the Sabbath, which they construed as a form of work. KoLiberia, Peter okwa kala ha twaalele oileshomwa yetu kofikola. Shotete, diladila keendjovo daJesus odo a li a lombwela ovapataneki ovo va li tave mu sheke va dipae Eshabata, naasho osha li she va ningifa va kale tava longo oilonga yokulikongela omboloto. Nothing stings more than feeling abandoned by him. 18 Mbela ope na omavangeli amwe a wedwa po oo a holola oshili ya holekwa i na sha naJesus? Ohashi yahameke nge neenghono shi dulife oku mu fiya po. 2: 9. 5 / 15 2: 9. A lesser one, though, is guided by the attitude that Paul encourages us to have. Satana okwa popya kutya ohatu longele ashike Jehova peemhito opo tashi tu wapalele. Ndele ovalininipiki otava wilikwa koikala oyo Paulus e tu ladipika tu kale tu na. But his faithful disciples are to experience a far grander "everlasting deliverance. " Kada li tuu eendjovo nomatumbulo olupandu mawa! - 3 Joh. 1, 2, 4. Ashike ovahongwa vaye ovadiinini ove na oshimoniwa " shokuxupifa eemwenyo. ' He said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Oule womafelemido, ovanhu vahapu ova kala nokulesha embo lOmbiibeli laDaniel ashike inave li uda ko lela. Okwa ti: "Ovanelao ovanhu ngenge tave mu sheke ndee tave mu sheke ndee tave mu lombwele omalaka mai. By considering the mistakes of others, we may be helped to avoid making the same errors. This is also true of our spiritual course. Kungaho omaukwaneumbo otae ke lilongekidila " oudjuu netutuko ' olo tali dulu okuholoka po monakwiiwa omolwoukulupe. Ngeenge otwa konakona omapuko avamwe, otashi ke tu kwafela tu henuke okuninga omapuko a faafana. In Liberia, Peter customarily took our literature to school. Oshikonga osha eta shili oidjemo iwa mokuyandja oundombwedi moshitukulwa sha kula. Petrus okwa li ha longo noudiinini opo e tu pe oileshomwa yetu kofikola. 18 Apocryphal Gospels - Hidden Truths About Jesus? Oitukulwa oyo oya ulika nghee hatu dulu okukondjifa omhepo younyuni yokuliholamwene mokukala tu hole Jehova, oshili yOmbiibeli nosho yo ovamwatate. 18 Omavangeli oipupulu okwa weda ko oshili i na sha naJesus? 5 / 15 Moshitukulwa oshititatu omwa tumbulwa omaukwatya oo taa dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale hatu kundafana nawa. 5 / 15 He says that if we are pressured, we will turn our back on God. (Epsalme 103: 14) Onghee hano, ohe tu pe eenghono odo twa pumbwa. Okwa ti kutya ngeenge otwa shakeneke omafininiko, ohatu ka alukila kuKalunga. What a fine sentiment and beautiful compliment! - 3 John 1, 2, 4. Ngaashi etofwemo la tetekela tali shi ulike, ope na engwangwano linene li na sha noulunde kunena. Osho kashi fi tuu omaliudo mawa noku mu pandula! - 3 Joh. 1, 2, 4. Over the centuries, many people have read the Bible book of Daniel but could not really understand it. Ovanhu ova mona oilanduliko ilipi momukokomoko womido 6 000 da pita? Oule womafelemido, ovanhu vahapu ova kala hava lesha embo laDaniel ndele kave udite ko lela. They have seen potential "trouble and sorrow " from afar and prepare for them. Jehova okwa paka po nale efiku omo ta ka tokola ounyuni, te u tokolifa " omulumenhu oo a hoolola ye mwene, ' Jesus Kristus. Ova mona kutya "ovanhu va nyika oluhodi " otava dulu okukala va nyika oluhodi nove lilongekida oku va kwafela. The campaign did indeed result in a widespread witness. • Hepaululilafaneni kombinga yomalalakano oo mwa hala okuhanga meni lefimbo lixupi nosho yo monakwiiwa. Oshikonga osho osha li sha etifa oidjemo iwa neenghono mounyuni aushe. These articles show how we can fight against the selfish spirit of the world by preserving our love for Jehovah, for Bible truth, and for our brothers. 126: 5) Otwa pumbwa okukala twe lineekela Omupangeli oo a nangekwa po kuKalunga. Oitukulwa ei otai ulike nghee hatu dulu okukondjifa omhepo younyuni opo tu kale tu hole Jehova nosho yo ovamwatate. The first article identifies qualities that can help us to communicate well. Okwa li yo he va papatele noku va fipa komilungu, a fa ngeno e na ko nasha navo shili nosho yo neemhumbwe davo. Oshitukulwa shotete osha kundafana omaukwatya oo taa dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale hatu kundafana nawa. So he gives us the strength we need. Kakele kaasho, vamwe ohave di pandula omolwelihumbato lado liwa. Onghee hano, ohe tu pe eenghono odo twa pumbwa. As the above quotation shows, the concept of sin appears to be in deep crisis today. Efimbo limwe okwa li hapa piti omafelemido eshi kwa shangwa oshikumwifilonga shonhumba opo ku ningwe shikwao vali. Ngaashi sha tumbulwa metetekelo, ediladilo olo kutya oulunde otau monika wa fa oshinima sha nyika oshiponga kunena. What have humans experienced during the past 6,000 years? Ndelenee aishe ei ehovelo lefeto lokudala. ' - Mateus 24: 6 - 8. Ovanhu ova mona shike momukokomoko womido 6 000 da pita? He has set a day when he will judge mankind "by a man whom he has appointed, " Jesus Christ. (Lesha Nehemia 8: 8, 12.) Okwa tula po efiku limwe eshi ta ka tokola ovanhu "omunhu umwe " oo a nangeka po Jesus Kristus. • Talk about long - term and short - term goals. Ndele aveshe ovo va li ve lididimika molwaashi ova li ve na "elineekelo la pama okulineekela osho tashi teelelwa. " - Heb. • Kundafaneni kombinga yomalalakano oo wa hala okuhanga meni lefimbo lixupi. We need to place our hope in God's provision of his Son, his appointed Ruler. 4, 5. (a) Omolwashike ovakulunhu havo ashike ve na okuninginifwa? Otwa pumbwa okukala tu na eteelelo la twa mefiloshisho lOmona waKalunga, oo a nangekwa po e li Omupangeli waye. He would embrace and kiss them, as if he were truly interested in them and their needs. Eembibeli dikwao dOshiingilisha nado odi na oupyakadi wa faafana. Okwa li te ke va tambula ko nohamu, ngaashi ashike a li e na ohokwe muvo nosho yo eemhumbwe davo. However, other people may praise them for their way of life. Moshitukulwa eshi, otwe lihonga kutya opo tu mone Kalunga, otu na okukala hatu pameke ekwatafano letu naye. Ashike ovanhu vamwe otashi dulika ve va tange onghedi yavo yokukalamwenyo. Sometimes centuries passed between one recorded miracle and the next. Kakele kOmbibeli, edina laKalunga otali hangwa vali peni? Omafimbo amwe opa li pa shangwa oshikumwifilonga shimwe ndele tashi landula. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. " - Matthew 24: 6 - 8. 5: 23, 24; 18: 15 - 17. Oinima aishe oyo oi li ehovelo loudjuu munene. " - Mateus 24: 6 - 8. (Read Nehemiah 8: 8, 12.) Tete oku na okuwapeka edu mokukufa mo oimbodi ndele te li tu tike. (Lesha Nehemia 8: 8, 12.) All of them endured because they had an "assured expectation of what is hoped for. " - Heb. Ewangadjo. Aveshe vomuvo ova li ve lididimikila molwaashi ova li ve na " ehalo la pama okulineekela osho tashi teelelwa. ' - Heb. 4, 5. (a) Why is baptism not for older people only? Ongahelipi Satana a li a tula momalimbililo oudiinini waJob, na Job okwa li a pewa omhito ilipi? 4, 5. (a) Omolwashike eninginifo kali fi ashike omunhu ovanamido? Other English Bible translations had similar problems. Jesus okwa ti: "Ohandi mu lombwele: osho yo meulu tamu ka kala ehafo lokuhafela omulunde umwe e lidilulula, li dule olo lokuhafela ovayuki 99 ava itava pumbwa elidilululo. " Omatoloko amwe Eembiibeli okwa li e na omaupyakadi a faafana. In this article, we learned that to see God, we must keep strengthening our relationship with him. 9: 19 - 23. Moshitukulwa eshi, otwe lihonga kutya opo tu mone Kalunga, otu na okutwikila okupameka ekwatafano letu naye. Other than in the Bible, where can God's name be found? (Eps. 91: 1, 2) Moshitukulwa tashi landula, ohatu ka mona nghee oihondamenolando tai dulu oku tu kwafela tu hopaenene oshihopaenenwa shaJehova sha denga mbada shouyuki noshefilonghenda. Kakele mOmbibeli, openi hatu dulu okumona edina laKalunga? 5: 23, 24; 18: 15 - 17. (b) Ovaisrael ova li ve na omatomheno elipi okukala va hafa? 5: 23, 24; 18: 15 - 17. First, the clay needs to be washed to remove any foreign material or mineral contamination. Eshi Ouhamba tau ka pangela kombada yedu, keshe umwe ota ka kala e na eumbo laye, molwaashi Jesaja okwa xunganeka a ti: "Otava ka dika omaumbo ndee tava kala mo, ndele tava twike oikokola yomiviinyu, ndee tava li oiimati yayo. " Shotete, eedila oda pumbwa okulidula oinima yopamaliko ile di kale inai koshoka. Atmosphere. Vahapu ove hole okukundafana navakwao paintaneta, okutuma omatumwalaka opangodi nosho yo ee - email, ile okukala tava tale eenghundana ile oidjemo yomaudano. Ngeenge owa hala okulesha Ombiibeli, oto dulu oku i tala ko i li oshinima sha tya ngaho. How did Satan challenge Job's record of integrity, and what opportunity was thereby given to Job? 3: 12. Satana okwa li a shakeneka eshongo lilipi omolwoudiinini waye, noshike sha li sha pa Job omhito yokuulika oudiinini waye? " I tell you, " explained Jesus, "that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety - nine righteous ones who have no need of repentance. " Otwa pumbwa okukala twa djala "ponhulo oipapa yoivela youyuki " efimbo keshe, molwaashi oi li oshilwifo shopamhepo sha fimanenena osho twa pewa kuKalunga. Jesus okwe mu lombwela a ti: "Ndele Ame ohandi ku lombwele, opo nee otapa ka kala ehafo linene meulu olo omunyoni umwe e livela ombedi ina pumbwa okulivela ombedi. " 9: 19 - 23. Mbela ongahelipi ngeenge owa ninga oinima aishe oyo ndele natango okaana koye otaka ongaonga okupopya omaliudo ako? 9: 19 - 23. In the next article, we will see how the cities of refuge can help us to imitate Jehovah's superlative example of justice and mercy. 30Oshitukulwa shovanyasha - Moses okwa li a pewa oshilonga she likalekelwa Moshitukulwa tashi landula, ohatu ka mona nghee oihondamenolando tai dulu oku tu kwafela tu hopaenene oshihopaenenwa shaJehova sha tongomana nosho yo onghenda. (b) The Israelites experienced what reasons for joy? Ile oinima ashike oyo ovanhu hava faneke momadiladilo? (b) Ovaisrael ova li ve na omatomheno elipi okukala va hafa? Under Kingdom rule, the desire of every resident to have his own home will be fulfilled, for it was prophesied through Isaiah: "They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. " Otu na ngoo mbela okukala hatu lipula shi na sha nanghee vamwe va tala ko omatokolo oo hatu ningi? Koshi yepangelo lOuhamba, keshe umwe okwa li a xunganeka a ti: "Otava ka dika omaumbo ndee tava kala mo, ndele tava li oiimati yayo, ndele tava li oiimati yayo. " (Jes. Many like to chat online, send text messages and e - mails, or keep checking the news or the sports results. Kakele kaasho, ovadali vetu okwa li hava kala tave lipula ngeenge Jairo ota dulu ngoo okushiiva Ombibeli. Vahapu ohava kala va hala okutembukila keengodi dopeke, oku va tumina omatumwalaka e - e - mail ile okutala onghundana iwa. 3: 12. Mbela oto ka kwatela mo ngoo ekwatafano loye lopofingo naJehova? 3: 12. At all times, we need to have on "the breastplate of righteousness, " for it is an essential part of the spiritual armor from God. Okwe lihonga eenghedi dovanhu okudja eshi omunhu a shitwa. Omafimbo amwe, otwa pumbwa okukala twa djala "ponhulo oipapa yoivela youyuki, " molwaashi osha fimana okukala tu na ekwatafano liwa naKalunga. What if your child still seems to be reluctant to talk? Pashihopaenenwa, omuwiliki welongelokalunga umwe okwa li e linyengifwa a popye ta ti: "Ame kandi fi Ondombwedi, ashike ohandi popi kutya oilonga yeni yokuudifa oya unganekwa nawa nomu noukumwe. " Ongahelipi ngeenge okaana koye oka ongaonga okupopya naave? 30 For Young People - Moses Receives a Special Assignment Fimbo inandi mu hokololela kombinga yoshinima osho, nandi mu lombwele kombinga yonakudiwa yange. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO A product of human imagination? Ina hala ashike tu kale hatu i diladila, ndele okwa hala tu i ude ko nokutula moilonga "oinenenima yomomhango, " omafinamhango a tongomana oo taa yambidida oipango yayo. Oshike sha ningifa ovanhu va diladile moule shi na sha nokudiladila kwounyuni? Should we be concerned about how others view our decisions? OSHITAIMBELEWA: Mbela otu na okukala hatu lipula shi na sha nanghee vamwe hava tale ko omatokolo etu? However, they often wondered if Jairo could grasp Bible knowledge. Ashike efaneko olo otali tu hongo osho Jehova a teelela tu ninge. Ashike luhapu ova li hava kala tave lipula ngeenge Jairo ota dulu okuuda ko eshiivo lOmbibeli. Would you include your precious relationship with Jehovah? Natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yaasho. Mbela owa kwatela mo ekwatafano loye naJehova li na ondilo? He has studied human behavior since man was created. (Hes. 34: 13, 14) Ovadali, mbela nanye kamu na okulitulila po elalakano la faafana ngeenge tashi uya poinima yopamhepo? Okwa konakona eenghedi dovanhu okudja eshi ovanhu va shitwa. For example, one religious minister was moved to say, "I am not a Witness, but I will say that you have an outstandingly organized preaching work, and you have racial unity. " Opo u dule okuyandja omayambidido, inda ko - Pashihopaenenwa, Ondombwedi imwe yopalongelokalunga oya li ye linyengifwa i tye: "Ame kandi fi Ondombwedi, ndele ohandi ka tya kutya owa unganekwa nawa moilonga yokuudifa nosho yo oukumwe oo wa unganekwa nawa. " Nevertheless, he did not allow anxiety to destroy his confidence in Jehovah. 26: 38. Ndele nande ongaho, ka li a efa oshisho sha yukilila a hanaune po elineekelo laye muJehova. Before I tell you about that, let me explain my background. Onghedi imwe to dulu okumona ngeenge owa hala okweehena shili popepi naJehova noku mu longela tashi di kehalo loye omokutalulula elandulafano loye lekonakono lopaumwene. Fimbo inandi mu lombwela kombinga yaasho, nandi mu yelifile onakudiwa yange. He wants us, not to obsess over the details of the Law, but to discern and apply its "weightier matters, " the lofty principles that underpin its commandments. Ndelenee molwaashi nde uya mokafimbo tuu aka. ' Ina hala tu mone ouyelele u na sha nOmhango yaMoses u na sha nanghee tau dulu okutula moilonga osho tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu ude ko oinima oyo i li koshi yoipango yaye. BRANCH OFFICE: Oshike tashi dulu oku tu ningifa tuha kale noikala yokuteelela? OKWA LI A HOLE A DALELWA: Yet, this illustration teaches us what Jehovah expects. Oilonga yavo oya li ya kuma noya tomha omitima nomadiladilo avahapu ovo va fya ondjala nenota loshili yopamhepo. Ashike efaneko olo otali tu hongo osho Jehova a teelela tu ninge. Let us see. Ngeenge otwa mono taku wiwile, otwa li hatu kongo onhele yokunangala. Natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yaasho. As a parent, do you not have a similar goal spiritually? Didier, oo a tumbulwa pombada, okwa ti: "Okulongela koshitukulwa oko ku na omhumbwe inene oku li edeulo liwa li na sha nonakwiiwa. " U li omudali, mbela ku na elalakano la faafana? To make a donation, please visit Okwa li a kwatwa kounhwa nokwa li a hovela okukala e udite a fimana e dule vamwe nokwa tukululila Jehova oshibofa. Ngeenge owa hala okuyandja omayambidido, oto dulu oku shi ninga ko - 26: 38. Dale Bruner okwa popya kombinga yomamona a tya ngaho a ti: "Ovanhu vahapu ove shii kutya efimano oshinima shopakafimbo. 26: 38. So another way you can tell if you really want to get closer to Jehovah and serve him from your heart is to examine your study schedule. Omokukala hatu tale ko oinima ngaashi Jehova he i tale ko, okukala tu hole osho e hole, okutonda osho e tonde nokulihumbata monghedi oyo tai mu hafifa. Onghee hano, onghedi imwe omo to dulu oku mu lombwela ngeenge owa hala okweehena popepi elela naJehova noku mu longela tashi di komutima. Nevertheless, this is why I have come to this hour. " 6, 7. Ndele nande ongaho, onda fika pexulifodiladilo la tya ngaho. " Why might we become impatient? Ongahelipi ngeenge ou li omushamane nou udite kutya omukulukadi woye oo ehe fi omwiitaveli ine ku fimaneka? Omolwashike tashi dulika tu kale twa loloka? Their work won the hearts and convinced the minds of many who were hungering and thirsting for spiritual truth. Onghedi omo Omukriste ha longifa eliudo laye oha i ulike yo kutya okwa pyokoka. Oilonga yavo oya li ya dula okufinda omitima dovanhu vahapu ovo va li va fya ondjala nenota loshili. When it was getting late, we started asking for a place to stay. 4: 11. Eshi kwa li kwa toka, otwa li twa hovela okupula tu ye konhele oko ku na onhele yokukala. As Didier, mentioned before, puts it, "serving where the need is greater is good training for the future! " (Judas 22, 23) Ngeenge ou li natango mofikola ndele omuhongi weni ta hovele oku mu honga kombinga yoevolusi, kala u na ouladi ndele to popile eitavelo loye meshito. Ngaashi sha tumbulwa metetekelo, ofimbo inatu pitifa komesho omhumbwe inene yovaudifi, otwa pumbwa edeulo la denga mbada li na sha nonakwiiwa. " Instead of desiring to learn from Jehovah, the angel who became Satan the Devil allowed himself to be influenced by traits opposite to humility - self - importance and pride - and actually rebelled against Jehovah. Ashike momukokomoko womido odo mbali, okwa li a ulika ohokwe muvamwe nokwa li a panga oukaume wopofingo naavo a li ehe shii nale. Ponhele yokulihonga kuJehova, omweengeli oo a ninga Satana Ondiaboli okwa li a efa a nwefwe mo koikala yelininipiko, ndele ta tukululile Jehova oshibofa. Dale Bruner writes of such treasures: "It is well known that fame is fickle. Ndelenee Ame nde va shiivifa edina loye, ndele ohandi ke li shiivifa natango, opo ohole ei wa kala u hole nge nayo, i kale muvo naame ndi kale muvo. " - Joh. 17: 20, 21, 26. Satana okwa popya shi na sha oupuna wa tya ngaho a ti: "Oinima oyo oi shiivike nawa noya shiivika nawa. By striving to view things the way that he views them - loving what he loves and hating what he hates - and then conducting ourselves accordingly. OSHITYA "Eureka " otashi ti," Nde shi mona! " Ngeenge otwa kendabala okuuda ko onghedi omo ha tale ko oinima oyo he va tale ko, ohatu ka kala tu hole nohatu ka kala tu tonde osho e tonde nosho yo elihumbato letu. 6, 7. Ovanhu ovo hava popi kutya kaku na Kalunga ohava ti kutya onakwiiwa yetu oi li momake etu vene. 6, 7. What if you are a husband and you feel that your unbelieving wife does not respect you? Lwanima okwa ka ninginifwa, nota pandula Jehova eshi a xupifa omwenyo waye. Ongahelipi ngeenge ou li omushamane nou udite kutya omukulukadi woye oo ehe fi omwiitaveli ke ku fimaneka? A Christian also shows his maturity in the way he uses his conscience. Okuninga omalishuneko diva otaku ulike kutya otu na ohokwe shili movanhu ovo va hala okuuda ko Ombibeli Omukriste ota ulike yo kutya okwa kula pamhepo monghedi omo ha longifa eliudo laye. 4: 11. Nokunena oha kwafele omupiya omudiinini ngaashi pefimbo lonale. 4: 11. If you are still in school and your teacher talks about evolution, be bold and defend your faith in creation. Omolwashike Josef a li a pumbwa elididimiko, nokwa li e netaleko liwa lilipi? Ngeenge natango ou li kofikola nosho yo omuhongi woye, kala ho popi nouladi kombinga yeshito nosho yo nghee u na okupopila eitavelo loye meshito. But during those two years, she showed interest in others and strangers became close friends. Omafimbo amwe Ombibeli oya longifa eemhofi tai ulike kefyo. Ndele momukokomoko womido mbali odo, okwa li a ulikila vamwe kutya oku na ko nasha navo nokwa li a panga oukaume wopofingo navo. And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 20, 21, 26. (Rom. 12: 2) Ngeenge omwa ningi ngaho, otamu ka kufa ombinga momalipyakidilo eongalo molwaashi mwa hala okulonga ehalo laKalunga, ndele hamolwaashi ovadali veni ovo va hala mu ninge ngaho. Ndelenee Ame nde va shiivifa edina loye, ndele ohandi ke li shiivifa natango, opo ohole ei wa kala u hole nge nayo, i kale muvo naame ndi kale muvo. " - Johannes 17: 20, 26. " EUREKA! " 16: 6 - 10) Omupristeri omukulunhu okwa li ha pulwa a yambe tete exwikiloyambo lomhedi "laye mwene " nosho yo " leumbo laye. ' " Nghee nda li nda nyika oluhodi! " Those who say that there is no God claim that our future is entirely in our own hands. Eshi va li tave uya noshikepa yedina City of Chicago, okwa li ta tale eshi etango li li pokuningina pomunghulofuta waQueenstown notashi dulika a li a dimbuluka osho a li a lombwelwa kovadali vaye shi na sha neduumbo lavo. Ovo hava ti kutya kape na Kalunga ta ti kutya onakwiiwa yetu oi li momake etu vene. In time, he was baptized, and he is thankful to Jehovah for saving his life. Ovalongelikalunga omamiliyona vokunena otava shikula oshihopaenenwa shaJesus mokukala tava yandje elitulemo keteelelo lavo nokuhaefa omayeleko a nghundipaleke eitavelo lavo. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, okwa ka ninginifwa, nokwa pandula Jehova eshi a xupifa omwenyo waye. Promptly making return visits shows that we have real interest in those who want to understand the Bible Vahapu ovo va hokwa okulimbwanga mumwe kwomaitavelo nova hala omalongelokalunga aeshe a kale a tambulwa ko osho va itavela ngaho, nonande omaitavelo avo okwa yoolokafana. Okuninga omalishuneko meendelelo ohaku ulike kutya otu na ohokwe shili kwaavo va hala okuuda ko Ombibeli Therefore, he has supplied the faithful slave today with the same assistance. 1: 10) Oshilonga shaye shokutunga nokutwika osha li sha imika oiimati, molwaashi Ovajuda vamwe nosho yo vamwe ovo va li vehe fi Ovaisrael, ova li va xupa eshi Jerusalem sha ka hanaunwa po mo 607 K.O.P. Onghee hano, okwa pa omupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge oshinakuwanifwa sha faafana. Why did Joseph need patience, and what fine attitude did he have? Natu " kongeni tete ouhamba ' nouladi Omolwashike Josef a li a pumbwa elididimiko, oikala iwa ilipi a li e na? In fact, the Bible sometimes uses sleep as an illustration to explain death. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO: Ombibeli omafimbo amwe oya longifa efaneko li na sha nefyo. If you do that, you will share in congregation activities, not because your parents want you to, but because you want to do God's will. EFANO LOKOMBADA: Ngeenge owa ningi ngaho, oto ka kufa ombinga moilonga yeongalo, molwaashi ovadali voye ova hala u longe ehalo laKalunga. The high priest was required, first of all, to sacrifice a bull as a sin offering "in behalf of himself and his house. " Lipula kutya: " Ohandi ilikana ngoo alushe? Omupristeri omukulunhu okwa li a teelelwa a ninge exwikiloyambo, molwaashi eyambo alishe oli na eyambo li eyambo li na " okuyamba eyambo laye mwene ' nosho yo eumbo laye. (Lev. Aboard the City of Chicago, he viewed the sunset over the approaching coastline at Queenstown and may well have remembered his parents ' description of their homeland. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila kuCynthia oo a tumbulwa metetekelo, eshi omushamane waye e mu hauluka, okwa kala po oye aeke novanakadona vavali. Pomhito imwe eshi Paulus a li ta popi shi na sha naasho, okwa li a tala ko efaneko olo li li popepi na sha nanghee tashi dulika ovadali vaye va li va dimbuluka nawa eshi va li tava popi kombinga yoshinima osho. Millions of modern - day worshippers of God are following the example of Jesus by keeping their hope in clear focus and not allowing trials to weaken their faith. Oshishangomwa shOshituvalu osho twa yandja tete kovanhu okafo kokushiva ovanhu kEdimbuluko. Ovalongelikalunga omamiliyona vokunena otava shikula oshihopaenenwa shaJesus mokukala ve na eteelelo la twa li na sha neteelelo lavo nosho yo notuha kanife eitavelo lavo. The notion appeals to many who favor interfaith movements and want all religions to be acceptable, despite their differences. 3: 14. Ovanhu vahapu ovo va hala okulimbwanga mumwe kwomaitavelo nova hala omalongelokalunga aeshe a kale a tambulwa ko, nonande ohava pongolole po okuhaudafana yavo. His work of building and planting bore fruitage. Some Jews as well as non - Israelites survived Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E. Onghee hano, ihatu kala hatu lipula unene shi na sha nonakwiiwa. Oilonga yaye yokutunga nosho yo oiimati yayo oya li ya pwa po, nOvajuda vamwe ovo vehe fi Ovaisrael ova li va xupa eshi Jerusalem sha li sha hanaunwa po mo 607 K.O.P. Zealously "Seeking First the Kingdom " " Otwa li hatu i luhapu koivilo, hatu i momilele, hatu nu sha pitilila nokulongifa oingangamifi " " Efimbo la wapala opaife " REGULAR FEATURES Opo tu ka mone " omwenyo waalushe, ' otu na okwiitavela muJesus nokudulika kuye. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO COVER IMAGE: Oikumwifilonga ya tya ngaho oya ulika ohole yaJesus yokuhola ovanhu nosho yo oinima iwa oyo te ke va ningila mafiku. EFANO LOKOMBADA: Ask yourself such questions as: " Do I persevere in prayer? Naasho osha li sha ningifa nge ndi kale ndi udite nda fa nda ekelwashi. " Lipula omapulo ngaashi: " Mbela ohandi twikile ngoo okwiilikana pandjikilile? For example, think of Cynthia, quoted earlier, whose husband abandoned her and her two daughters. They found themselves alone. Eudeko olo ola kwafela nge oule womido di dulife po 70. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila shi na sha naasho sha popiwa metetekelo, omushamane waye oo a li a fiya po omushamane waye novanakadona vavali oye aeke. The first Tuvaluan publication that we offered to people was a Memorial invitation. Hasho nandenande! Embo lotete loshifo shotete ola ti kutya otwa li twa hala ovanhu ve uye kEdimbuluko. 3: 14. Onghee hano, okwa li a ninga ngaashi eyoka le mu lombwela. 3: 14. As a result, we are not overly anxious about the future. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Oshidjemo, ihatu lipula unene shi na sha nonakwiiwa. " We partied a lot, slept around, and abused drugs and alcohol " Ombibeli oya ti: "Osheshi osho sha wapalela Xe, [muKristus] mu kale ouyadi aushe. " " Otwa li hatu i luhapu koivilo, hatu i momilele, hatu nu sha pitilila nokulongifa oingangamifi " If we are to "have everlasting life, " we need to believe in Jesus and obey him. (Ef. 4: 26, 27) Okupopya tashi di komutima to ti "ombili eshi nde ku udifa nai, " otashi pula elininipiko nouladi, ashike osho ohashi kwafele opo oupyakadi u kandulwe po novalihomboli otava ka kala nekwatafano liwa. Ngeenge otwa hala " oku ka mona omwenyo waalushe, ' otwa pumbwa okwiitavela muJesus nokudulika kuye. These miracles reveal how much Jesus loves people and show what wonderful things he will do for mankind very soon. 19, 20. Oikumwifilonga oyo otai holola nghee Jesus e hole ovanhu noha ulike kutya oku hole oinima ikumwifi oyo ta ka ningila ovanhu mafiku. I felt abandoned. " Pashihopaenenwa, diladila koshimoniwa shomukainhu womido 93, oo ha kala muIndia. Onda li ndi udite nda ekelwashi. " That understanding has guided me during more than seven decades. (b) Okwe tu honga shike kombinga yelalakano laye li na sha nafye? Eudeko la tya ngaho ola kala tali wilike nge momukokomoko womido di dule po heyali. On the contrary! Diladila kwaasho Jehova a li a ningila Ovaisrael opo e va mangulule moupika muEgipti. Hasho nandenande! So she did what the serpent told her to do. Ngeenge itava dulika, otava ka efiwa va tokole vo vene pokati kaasho shiwa... naasho shii. " Onghee hano, okwa li a ninga osho eyoka le mu lombwela a ninge. The Bible states: "God saw good for all fullness to dwell in [Christ]. " Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge otwa didilike kutya ohatu kwatwa kounhwa nokolwisho? Ombibeli oya ti: "Kalunga okwa mona aveshe va wapala okukala muKristus. " Sincerely saying "I am sorry for hurting you " takes humility and courage, but it goes a long way in solving problems and drawing marriage partners closer together. Ova ka dimbuluka ashike kutya Jesus ke mo mosheendo, eshi va enda ko oshinano shefiku limwe okudja kuJerusalem. - Lukas 2: 41 - 44. Molwaashi okupopya taku ti: "Ohandi ku udifa nai noku ku kwafela u kale u na ouladi, ndele ohashi kufa po alushe omaupyakadi nokupanga oukaume wopofingo. 19, 20. EPSALME 104: 24, 25 19, 20. Take, for example, the case of a 93 - year - old woman who lives in India. ONDA dalwa mo 1939, nonda kulila pamwe novamwamemekadona vane nokandenge kange kamwe kokamati momukunda wedina Saskatchewan u li muKanada. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila koshihopaenenwa shomukainhu womido 93 womido 93, oo e na omido 93. (b) What does he teach us about his purpose for us? 6, 7. (b) Ohe tu hongo shike kombinga yelalakano laye? The Israelites had just been delivered from slavery in Egypt. Tatekulu Alfred natate Ovaisrael ova li ashike va xupifwa moupika waEgipti. If they disobey, they will be left to decide for themselves what is good... and what is not good. " Onghee hano, Ombibeli oyo tu na kunena oya tolokwa kovanhu inava wanenena. Ngeenge inava dulika, otava ka kala va manguluka okutokola kuvo vene kutya oshike shiwa naasho shiwa. " What should we do if we notice in ourselves tendencies toward pride and greed? Ngeenge otwa diladila konghalo yovanhu ovo va tumbulwa pehovelo loshitukulwa eshi, otu wete kutya kape na eshi tashi va imbi paMbibeli va hombole, molwaashi kape na ou a li a hombola ile a hombolwa nale. Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge otwa didilike kutya otu na ounhwa nosho yo olwisho? Only after Jerusalem lay a full day behind them did they realize a terrifying truth - Jesus was missing! - Luke 2: 41 - 44. All rights reserved. Konima eshi Jerusalem sha hanaunwa po filufilu, Jesus okwa li a kanifa oshili. - Luk. 2: 41 - 44. PSALM 104: 24, 25 Oshike hatu dulu okupa Jehova osho ehe na? OMUUDIFI 104: 24, 25 I WAS born in 1939 and grew up in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, along with four sisters and a brother. Ova li va pilamena Jehova nokulongela oikalunga. (Ovatok. ONDA dalelwa mo 1939 nomo 1939, ame novamwameme vane otwa dalwa tu li vane. 6, 7. 12: 9 - 14; Eps. 51: 1, 2. 6, 7. Uncle Alfred and my father Edina olo halo lomunhu oo lelalela. dimbuluka ame natate So the work of imperfect translators became part of the Bible we have today. Eshi omumwatate e mu pula e mu ulikile nghee ekonakonombiibeli hali ningwa, omunyasha oo okwa li a dimina. Onghee hano, oilonga yovatoloki inava wanenena oya ninga oshitukulwa shOmbibeli kunena. Each is Scripturally free; neither is bound to a previous mate. Yet, the man is not in the country legally, and the government will not authorize the marriage of an illegal alien. 17, 18. (a) Yelifa pauxupi ehangano keshe lomomahangano a - 6 oo a pambafana nOuhamba oo twa kundafana. (b) Omolwashike tu na okukala tu na eitavelo ihali tengauka mOuhamba? Omishangwa oda ti kutya ngeenge omunhu okwa kala ina hombola ile ina hombolwa, inashi puka komunhu oo ehe fi omwiitaveli, ndele ponhele yaasho, ota ka kala ehe na ondjo yasha. All rights reserved. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ovahenakalunga otava twikile okuxuma komesho mowii fiyo osheshi Jehova ta ka ya mo olunyala e va xulife po. All rights reserved. What can we give to Jehovah that he does not already have? Michel okwa ti kutya ovanhu vamwe ova li tava ti kutya etembu lavo ola nyika oshiponga. Oshike hatu dulu okuninga opo Jehova e tu pe ekwafo olo ina nale? They turned away from Jehovah and worshipped false gods. Ovanhu aveshe ova nyona Ova li va longela Jehova nova li va longela oikalunga ihe fi oikalunga. 12: 9 - 14; Ps. 51, superscription. Nonande oukwaneumbo wetu owa li hau ti kutya oweitavelo lOshiortodoks, ame kanda li oshilyo shelongelokalunga lonhumba nokanda li handi lipula shi na sha naKalunga. 12: 9 - 14; Eps. Names have been changed. Gary Breaux Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. When the brother offered to show him how to study the Bible, he agreed. Oshifo eshi to lesha paife osha hovela okunyanyangidwa muJuli 1879. Eshi omumwatate oo a li e mu pula e mu ulikile nghee e na okukonakona Ombibeli, okwa li a dimina. 17, 18. (a) Review six covenants that we have considered and that relate to the Kingdom. (b) Why can we have unshakable faith in the Kingdom? Okwa li a lombwela ovahongwa vaye pomhito oyo, a ti: "Yeluleni omesho eni nye mu tale omapya nhumbi a pya okuteywa. " 17, 18. (a) Omahangano ahamano ahamano oo twa kundafana okwa pambafana nOuhamba. (b) Omolwashike hatu dulu okukala tu na eitavelo ihali tengauka mOuhamba? There is no doubt that ungodly society will continue to advance from bad to worse until Jehovah steps in to end it. Mexunganeko olo, Jesus okwa tumbula mo oiningwanima ihapu ididilikwedi. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ounyuni ou woukolokoshi otau twikile okukatuka eenghatu dii fiyo osheshi Jehova te u xulifa po. Says Michel: "Some compared our move to a tightrope walker pushing a wheelbarrow - and we were sitting in the wheelbarrow! Ngeenge omufita okwa pewa eedi eenghadi 100 okwa li a teelelwa a likole oudjona 80. Gregorio okwa ti: "Ope na oinima imwe oyo tai dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale hatu longo noudiinini opo tu dule okulifila oshisho ngeenge tu li meumbo letu. All Fall Short Ovaudifi vamwe ova li ve na ouladi wa xwama. Okapambu oko oka li ke na omukifi we lixwa po Although my family was nominally Orthodox, I had no religious upbringing and gave no thought to God. Ngeenge omunashipundi womutumba woshoongalele e tu shiva tu pwilikine komusika, natu kaleni omutumba meendelelo nokupwilikina twa ngungumana komusika oyo ya longekidwa pahole. Nonande ovapambele vange kava li have liti kutya ovapambele vange, kanda li handi tambula ko ehongo lopalongelokalunga nokatwa li hatu diladila kutya Kalunga oye lyelye. Gary Breaux (Tala okatendo 9 - 11) Gary okwa li a popya eendjovo odo a li a shangela Gary The magazine you are now reading began to be published in July 1879. Okwa xulifa a ti: "Onda li nda mona kutya onda pumbwa okukala nekwatafano la kola naJehova. Oshifo eshi paife hashi nyanyangidwa mo 1879. There he said to his disciples: "Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting. " Ongahelipi oshinima osho Jehova a ninga tashi monika sha fa shihe fi " shopaushitwe '? Okwa lombwela ovahongwa vaye a ti: "Momesho eni nye mu tale omapya nhumbi a pya okuteywa. " In that prophecy, Jesus foretold many noteworthy events. 2: 13, 14, 19 - 23) Momatukulwa otete Evaengeli laMateus, edina laJosef ola tumbulwa mo oikando ihetatu ofimbo laMaria la tumbulwa mo ashike oikando ine. Pomhito oyo, Jesus okwa li a xunganeka oiningwanima ihapu itunhula oyo. One hundred ewes were generally expected to produce 80 live lambs. Hasho nandenande. Opa li pe na ovanhu omafele ovo va li va teelelwa va dale eenyofi. Other publishers were very bold. Omwa kwatelwa shihapu shihe fi ashike oku va lombwela osho shi li mondjila naasho sha puka. Ovaudifi vamwe ova li hava udifa nouladi. When the chairman at our assemblies and conventions invites us to do so, let us take our seats promptly and listen quietly to the music that has been so lovingly prepared. Nafye otwa pumbwa okukala tu na ouladi wa fa waMoses kunena, molwaashi Jesus okwe tu londwela a ti: "Tamu [ka] twalwa komalenga nokeehamba omolwange, shi va ningile ondombwedi, moipafi yavo noyovapaani. Ngeenge omunafikola nosho yo oyoongalele yetu tai tu shivi tu ninge ngaho, natu kale hatu endelele okupwilikina nokupwilikina nelitulemo komusika oyo ya longekidwa nawa. (See paragraphs 9 - 11) Ndele ye ina monika vali, osheshi Kalunga okwe mu kufa po. " (Tala okatendo 9 - 11) She concludes: "I realized that I needed to attach myself more firmly to Jehovah. Oshoshili kutya itatu dulu okuhenuka filufilu okukwatwa komalipulo onhumba. Okwa xulifa a ti: "Onda mona kutya onda pumbwa okukala handi longele Jehova noudiinini. How was what Jehovah did "contrary to nature "? * Ngeenge otwa longifa omhango yokuvalula efiku limwe li fike pomudo umwe, osha yela kutya omafimbo a - 7 oku na oku tu pa omido 2 520. Jehova okwa li a ninga po shike opo a kale "e na oshilonga "? In the opening chapters of Matthew's Gospel, Joseph's name is mentioned eight times, but Mary's, only four. Okwa ti: " Napa kale efaafano, oupuna weni u kwafe paife oluhepo lavo. ' - 2 Kor. MuMateus etukulwa eti - 4 lEvangeli laMateus, edina laJosef ola tumbulwa lwoikando ahetatu, ashike Maria oye aeke a tumbulwa metetekelo. No. Okwe tu pitika tu hoolole kufye vene ngeenge otwa hala okudulika kuye ile hasho. Ahowe. However, more is involved than simply telling your children what is right and what is wrong. EPANDJA 20 • OMAIMBILO: 129, 134 Ndele osha kwatela mo shihapu shihe fi ashike okulombwela ovana voye osho shi li mondjila naasho sha puka. We need courage like that of Moses, for Jesus said: "You will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. Mateus etukulwa 4, 10, 14, 16 - 17, 26; Oilonga 1 - 5, 8 - 12 Otwa pumbwa ouladi ngaashi Moses, molwaashi Jesus okwa ti: "Nye tamu ka ninga eendombwedi dange, ndele tamu ka yandja oundombwedi koiwana aishe. Then he was no more, for God took him. " Mbela oinima oyo oilipi? Opo nee Ye ine mu kufa vali. " Accept God's Greatest Gift? No. 2 Natu ka taleni koshihopaenenwa osho Jehova Kalunga a tula po shi na sha nanghee a ungaunga naumwe womovanamati vaye. Oshali yaKalunga ya denga mbada, No. Granted, a person cannot totally avoid some measure of apprehension. Osheshi enyono lange, ame mwene ondi li shii nawa, nomatimba ange alushe e li momesho ange. " (Eps. Oshoshili kutya omunhu ita dulu okuhenuka filufilu oumbada wokutila vamwe. * If we apply the rule of a day for a year, the seven times would amount to 2,520 years. 2: 8) Elondwelo olo otali tu pe etomheno limwe vali kutya omolwashike tu na okudulika komayele opamishangwa oo hatu pewa kovakulunhuongalo. * Ngeenge otwa tula moilonga efinamhango olo li li pokati komafiku aheyali, omafimbo a - 7 otaa ka kala a tuvikilwa oule womido 30. It was that "by means of an equalizing your surplus just now might offset their deficiency. " - 2 Cor. EHAFO Oshinima osho osha li "efimbo la wapala unene " osho tashi dulika sha li tashi dulu oku va ningifa va kale inava hokiwa vali kuJehova. - 2 Kor. He allows us to choose for ourselves whether we will obey him or not. MuSeptemba 2009, odula inene oya li ya loka noya yelula oshitukulwa shinene shoshilando Manila moFilipine. Okwe tu pitika tu hoolole fye vene ngeenge ohatu dulika kuye ile hasho. PAGE 20 • SONGS: 129, 134 Ehokololo la - Leonard Smith EPANDJA 20 • OMAIMBILO: 129, 134 Matthew chapters 4, 10, 14, 16 - 17, 26; Acts chapters 1 - 5, 8 - 12 Tu li ovanhu inava wanenena, kashipu okukala metwokumwe neliyapulo letu olo twe liyapulila Kalunga ketu Jehova oo a wanenena. Mateus etukulwa 4, 10, 16 - 17; Oilonga etukulwa 1 - 5, 12 - 12 What was that? Johannes okwa li a mona natango epangelo laAnglo - Amerika memoniko, ndele pomhito opo otali dana onghandangala imwe ye likalekelwa. - Lesha Ehololo 13: 11 - 15. Mbela osho osha li shike? Note the example that Jehovah God himself set in dealing with one of his sons. Ile u wete kutya ou na eemhito dokulonga shihapu meongalo leni. Didilika kutya Jehova Kalunga okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shi na sha nanghee a li a ungaunga novanamati vaye. For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. " * Lwanima, Eendombwedi natango kada li da kufa ombinga moita yopamihoko oyo ya li ya luwa moRwanda mo 1994. Osheshi ame ondi shi shii, oulunde wange ohau di kombada. " This warning draws attention to another good reason for paying attention to the Scriptural counsel of the elders. Ohatu dulu okukala noushili kutya eongalo lokuRoma ola li la tambula ko omayele aPaulus nokuninga omalunduluko oo a li a pumbiwa. Elondwelo olo otali tu londwele tu kale hatu yandje elitulemo komayele opamishangwa oo taa yandjwa kovakulunhuongalo. JOY Osha fimana okupwilikina nawa kuvamwe opo tu shiive kutya ova hala shike. Kala ho longo noudiinini In September 2009, over 80 percent of Manila, Philippines, was flooded by torrential rains. Konima yo 1930, opa li hapa longifwa oshilongifo shimwe vali, ongalamafona ipu okuhumbata. MuSeptemba 2009, eepersenda 80 lwaapo oda li da monika odula ya fa odula. As told by Leonard Smith Jehova okwa ulika ohole nouyuki waye eshi a yamba po Omona waye Ehokololo la - Erich Smith Granted, it is not easy for us imperfect humans to live up to our dedication to our perfect God, Jehovah. Ovaholike, nye vene inamu alulila omunhu owii, ndelenee peni ehandu laKalunga omhito. Oshoshili kutya haalushe hashi kala shipu kovanhu inava wanenena okukala metwokumwe neliyapulo letu Kalunga ketu a wanenena, Jehova. John is again seeing the Anglo - American World Power but in a special role. - Read Revelation 13: 11 - 15. 17: 27) Mepingafano naao, umwe vali otashi dulika a kale ha popi oinima oyo tai udifa nai vamwe, e hole omaliko, ha handuka diva ile e na omhepo yemanguluko. Johannes okwa ka mona vali epangelo lopamuhanga enaenghono mounyuni laAmerika naBritania, ashike otali dana onghandangala ye likalekelwa. - Lesha Ehololo 13: 11 - 15. Or perhaps you see ways to serve more fully in your present congregation. (2 Ovakorinto 7: 1) Osha yela kutya okushila omakaya ohaku nyateke omunhu. Ile tashi dulika u mone nghee to dulu oku ka longa pauyadi meongalo leni. * Later, Witnesses took no part in the warlike ethnic cleansing in Rwanda in 1994. • Ongahelipi to dulu okukanyatela oudiinini woye kuJehova nokuli nongeenge u li oove auke? * Lwanima, Eendombwedi kada li da kufa ombinga moita oyo ya li ya hanaunwa po mo 1994. We can be sure that the congregation in Rome responded well to Paul's counsel and made the necessary adjustments. 5: 22) Ongahelipi shi na sha nokukonga eemhito opo tu udile oukwao wananghali ovanhu ovo hatu shakeneke moukalele? Ohatu dulu okukala noushili kutya eongalo laRoma ola li le linyenga nawa komayele aPaulus nokwa ninga omalunduluko a pumbiwa. A key to being aware of a person's desires is to be a good listener. OVANHU vamwe momitima davo ova tala ko omayeleko e li oshinima shiwa. Opo omunhu a kale e shii omahalo aye mawa, oku na okukala ha pwilikine nawa. Another tool that was used after 1930 was the portable phonograph. Onda li handi diladila kutya ohandi ende po ashike eevili 6, ndele molwaashi okwa li ku na odula inene nomhepo yoshikungulu, osha pula eevili 12, nokuli nonande onda ka londa meshina oshinano sheekilometa 90. Oshikondo shimwe vali osho sha li sha longifwa konima yo 1930 osho sha li sha longifwa mo 1930 nasha. Jehovah's love and justice were manifested in the sacrifice of his Son Ngeenge ohombo oya kanghamena kohole ya tya ngaho, otai ka kala ya pama, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ope na omaukwatya oo hae ku udifa nai, oupyakadi wa kwata moiti woukolele, omaupyakadi opashimaliwa nosho yo omashongo okuungaunga nooxomweno noonyokomweno. Ohole nonghenda yaJehova oya li ya hololwa mOmona waye Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Onda li nda mona kutya mboli onde litula unene moudano. Inamu alulila omunhu owii, ndelenee inamu alulila ehandu, osheshi opa shangwa: Ehandu olange, ame handi futu, Omwene osho ta ti. ' On the other hand, another person may be sarcastic, materialistic, easily offended, or may have an independent attitude. Joas okwa li ashike ta ka findana lutatu. Mepingafano naasho, omunhu otashi dulika a kale e hole omaliko, a handuka ile a handuka diva. Tobacco use obviously defiles a person. • Omolwashike okudilonga kwa fimana opo u mone ouwa mokulesha Ombibeli? Ovo hava shili omakaya ohava longifa eendunge davo dokuyoolola opo va nyateke omunhu. • How can you remain loyal to Jehovah even when alone? [ Picture on page 6] Will you remain loyal to God when alone? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona etulumuko lashili? • Ongahelipi to dulu okukala omudiinini kuJehova nonande ou li oove auke? Or what about looking for ways to show fellow feeling for people we meet in the ministry? Omolwashike tu na okudimina po nehalo liwa? Ile ongahelipi shi na sha nonghedi omo hatu ungaunga novanhu vakwetu moukalele? This famous quip well describes how some people view temptation - deep down they relish it. Omuprofesa Susan Rose - Ackerman, omunawino moinima i na sha nokukondjifa oulingilingi okwa ti kutya opo onghalo i xwepopale, ope na okuningwa " omalunduluko manene monghedi oyo epangelo hali ungaunga noinima. ' Oitukulwa ya tya ngaho oya kundafana shi na sha nanghee ovanhu vamwe hava tale ko omayeleko, naasho ohashi va etele ouwa muhapu. I thought it would take me about 6 hours, but because of the heavy rain and a strong headwind, it took 12 hours, even though I took the train for the final 55 miles (90 km)! [ Oshimhungu pepandja 8] Onda li handi diladila kutya osha li tashi pula nge eevili 6 lwaapo, ashike onda li handi i nodula ya kula oyo ya li hai kwata eevili 12 nonande onda li handi i ko eekilometa 55 okudja eshi handi deula. It makes the marriage unbreakable in the face of irritating personality flaws, daunting health challenges, distressing financial crises, and challenging in - law issues. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila shi na sha naNabot. Ohashi ningifa ovalihomboli va henuke omaunghundi mai oo hae va ningifa va kale va nyemata, ve na oukolele muwa, ve na omaupyakadi a kwata moiti nove na omaupyakadi a kwata moiti monghalamwenyo yavo. " I realized that I had gone too far. Inai mu tumbula lwoikando ihapu e li omuprofeti, ashike osho a ninga oshididilikwedi. Onda li nda didilika kutya naame kanda li vali ndi na ekwatafano liwa. Now Jehoash would enjoy only three partial victories. Natango, omaxunganeko Ombibeli oo a wanifwa otaa ulike kutya efimbo oli li popepi opo Ouhamba u hovele okupangela ombada yedu aishe pauyuki. Konima yaasho, Joas okwa li ashike ta ka hafela omalwoodi atatu. • For you to benefit from Bible reading, why is meditation essential? Otashi dulika u ka kuminwe elinyengo liwa lomuhongi novanafikola vakweni. • Omolwashike sha fimanenena okudilonga kwaasho to lesha mOmbiibeli? How can true refreshment be found? Epsalme 20: 4 ola popya kombinga yaJehova la ti: "Oye ne ku pe eshi omutima woye wa hala, nomauko aeshe ne a wanife. " Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona etulumuko lashili? Why, though, should we be willing to grant such a favor? Jesus okwe tu kwafela tu shiive Xe monghedi omo ovanhu vahapu vehe mu shii. Ndele mbela omolwashike tu na okukala hatu dimine po vamwe nehalo liwa? Professor Susan Rose - Ackerman, an expert on the subject of anticorruption, wrote that reform would require "fundamental changes in the way government does business. " Mbela oshike osho hava hafele unene? Omuprofesa Susan wedina Susan, okwa shanga shi na sha noshikundafanwa shimwe osho sha li tashi monika sha fa shidjuu okuninga omalunduluko monghedi tai kokele momilele. 16 What We Learn From Jesus - How Spirit Creatures Affect Us Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Omadiladilo eni naa fe enya aKristus Jesus kwa li e a na. " (Fil. 16 Oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa shaJesus? [ Box on page 8] Hasho nandenande! [ Oshimhungu pepandja 8] The case of Naboth comes to mind. Mbela edeulo alishe olo lovatoloki ola li la eta oidjemo ilipi? Nabot okwa li e na momadiladilo. That designation makes Deborah unusual in the Bible record but hardly unique. 8 " Oshilonga sheni oshi nondjabi ' Osho osha ningifa Debora a kale e likalekelwa neenghono. What is more, fulfilled Bible prophecies show that the time is near for the Kingdom to establish its righteous rule over all the earth. Ndele oinakuwanifwa imwe oyo ya yeulukila ovakokolindjila ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa otashi dulika i kale idjuu okuwanifwa po kwaavo va hombola ile ve na ounona. Kakele kaasho, omaxunganeko Ombibeli otaa ulike kutya efimbo oli li popepi nOuhamba waKalunga kombada yedu. The reaction of your teacher and your classmates might pleasantly surprise you. Ombibeli oya lombwela Ovakriste ve likoshe " kedilo keshe lombelela naali lomhepo. ' Enyamukulo lomuhongi weni nosho yo ovanafikola vakweni otashi dulika li ku kumwife. Psalm 20: 4 says of Jehovah: "May he grant you the desires of your heart and give success to all your plans. " Lesha Nehemia 13: 10 - 13. Epsalme 20: 4 ola popya shi na sha naJehova la ti: "Ou te ku pe omutima woye, ndee ta wanifa eemhangela doye adishe. " With the help of Jesus, have we not come to appreciate our Father in a way that most people today do not? Okukanifa ehalo lokulya nokunwa. Kekwafo laJesus, mbela katu na okukala twa lenga Tate yetu monghedi oyo ovanhu vahapu kunena? What is their greatest joy? David okwa li e na owino muhapu wokwiimba, nomolwaasho a li a shivwa a ka shikile ohamba Saul okahumbafeta. Mbela ehafo lavo ola denga mbada shi fike peni? The apostle Paul said: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus. " Eilikano "ouhamba woye nau uye " otali kanyamukulwa naini pauyadi, noidjemo otai ka kala ilipi? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Omadiladilo eni naa kale a fa aKristus Jesus. " Of course not! NATU tye nee ngeno oto diladila oku ka talela po kodoolopa i li kokule oko ku na oshiningwanima sha fimana. Hasho nandenande! What has been the result of all this training for translators? Onda li nda hovela oku i lombwela ovamwaina vange. Oidjemo aishe ilipi ya li ya etifa edeulo olo lokudeula ovatoloki? 8 "There Exists a Reward for Your Activity " Ahowe. 8 " Oshilonga sheni oshi nondjabi ' But some assignments open to single pioneers might prove difficult for those who are married or who have children. Komesho yaaishe, ohatu ke lihonga nghee hatu dulu okufimaneka Jehova, Kalunga kemanguluko lashili. Ashike oinakuwanifwa imwe yokukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa otashi dulika i ulike kwaavo va hombola ile ve na ounona. The Bible instructs Christians to cleanse themselves of "every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Omapopyo mai avamwe otaa dulu oku tu nwefa mo. Ombibeli oya lombwela Ovakriste va kale ve lihole vo vene vaha " liduleni okahalu kombelela. ' Read Nehemiah 13: 10 - 13. 11: 4) Natu tye nee ngeno omwiitaveli mukwetu okwe tu popila mowii. Lesha Nehemia 13: 10 - 13. Little interest in eating and drinking. Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika va kale hava ningi omalufo okushinga, ashike mokweendela ko kwefimbo omonamati otashi dulika oye a kale ha shingile xe eshi ta ende ta kulupa. Ovanhu kave na ko nasha nohava nu sha pitilila. He became so accomplished, in fact, that he was invited to play the harp for King Saul. Okukala hatu kundafana novaitaveli vakwetu komesho nokonima yokwoongala, ohaku tu pe omhito yokuhokololelafana oimoniwa tai hekeleke nokuhololelafana omaliudo etu. Okwa li a pondola neenghono, naasho osha li sha ningifa ohamba Saul i kale inai fimaneka ohamba Saul. When will our prayer "let your Kingdom come " be answered fully, and what will that mean? 54: 17) Oilwifo yaSatana itai dulu oku tu etela owii tau kalelele. Onaini eilikano letu tali ka " efa ouhamba woye u uye, ' naasho otashi ka tya shike? SUPPOSE you plan to travel to a distant town for an important event. Lalakanena oinima yopamhepo OUYELELE WA FIMANENENA WONDJOKONONA YEENDOMBWEDI DAJEHOVA I started with my siblings. Pashihopaenenwa: Salomo okwa li a indila nelininipiko a pewe ewiliko nounongo opo a dule okupangela Ovaisrael. - 1 Eehamba 3: 5 - 12. Onda li nda hovela okukala nounona vange. No. Elunduluko lilipi la ningwa po li na sha nokwoongala kwokoshivike, nomapulo elipi tu na okulipula? Ahowe. Above all, we will learn how to honor Jehovah, the God of true freedom. Otai ka pefa ovo va ninga ookaume kaKalunga omwenyo waalushe. - 2 Ovakorinto 5: 20. Komesho yaaishe, ohatu ke lihonga nghee hatu dulu okufimanekifa Jehova, Kalunga kemanguluko lashili. The negative speech of others can influence us. Efiku limwe konima eshi Jesus a honga omukainhu kombinga yelongelokalunga lashili, okwa li a lombwela ovahongwa vaye a ti: "Oikulya yange ei, Ame ndi longe ehalo laau a tuma nge nondi wanife oshilonga shaye. " (Joh. Okupopya navamwe mowii otaku dulu oku tu nwefa mo. Suppose a fellow believer has said something negative about us. Oiningwanima oyo to ka mona tai ningwa mafiku Natu tye nee ngeno omwiitaveli mukwetu okwa popya oshinima shonhumba kombinga yetu. Sometimes they may take turns driving, but eventually the son may do most, if not all, of the driving for his aging father. Ovajuda 3 000 lwaapo nosho yo ovanhu ovo ve lidilululifwa ndele ta ningi veitavelo lOshijuda ova li va kumwa keendjovo daPetrus ndele tave lidilulula nokuninginifwa momeva. Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika va kale tava shingi ohauto, ashike mokweendela ko kwefimbo omonamati otashi dulika a kale ta shingi ohauto yaye aishe, nonande ka li ta shingi. The warmth of Christian fellowship comforts us. A simple expression made in a talk or comment may touch our heart. (Lesha Jesaja 55: 6, 7.) Olupandu lopaKriste ohali tu hekeleke nohali tu kwafele tu yandje omatyekosha monghedi i li paunafangwa ile tashi dulika li kume omitima detu. Nothing in Satan's arsenal of weapons can do us permanent harm. Ovanhu ovo vehe na eitavelo ihava wilikwa komafinamhango opandunge. Satana ota dulu oku tu etela oshiponga fiyo alushe. Pursue Spiritual Goals (Lesha Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) Omalalakano opamhepo Example: Solomon humbly asked for guidance and wisdom in ruling over Israel. - 1 Kings 3: 5 - 12. Ohole oya pambafana ngahelipi nokuhenonhondo? Pashihopaenenwa: Salomo okwa li a pula nelininipiko omayele nelininipiko opo a dule okupangela Israel. - 1 Eehamba 3: 5 - 12. What change was introduced in the weekly schedule of congregation meetings, and what questions should we reflect on? Ova ti: "Otwa kuminwa ehafo olo tu na eshi tu na onghalamwenyo i li paunafangwa, twa ninga naanaa ngaashi ehangano laJehova tali tu ladipike tu ninge. " Oshike sha li sha ningwa po pokwoongala oshivike keshe, nomapulo elipi tu na okudilonga kusho? It makes it possible for those who become God's friends to have everlasting life. - 2 Corinthians 5: 20. Nomolwaasho Eendjovo daKalunga da ti: "Apa pe nefupa neenhamanana, opo pe na yo edongakano noilonga aishe yowii. " - Jak. Naasho oshe shi ningifa tashi shiiva opo ovo va ninga ookaume kaKalunga va ka mone omwenyo waalushe. - 2 Ovakorinto 5: 20. Once, after teaching a woman about true worship, Jesus said to his disciples: "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. " Onghee hano, Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses ta ti: "Kufa hano onhaili ei meke loye, nayo u nokuninga omadidiliko. " Konima eshi Jesus a honga omukainhu kombinga yelongelokalunga lashili, okwa li a lombwela ovahongwa vaye a ti: "Oikulya yange otai mu twala nge moilonga yaye. " Events You Are Soon to See Happen Aprili - Juni 2012 Oiningwanima oyo u wete tai ningwa mafiku Some 3,000 Jews and proselytes were touched by his words, repented, and got baptized in water. 1, 2. Ovajuda 3 000 nosho yo ovanhu vahapu ova li va kumwa keendjovo daye nova li ve livela ombedi ndele tava ninginifwa momeva. (Read Isaiah 55: 6, 7.) Ndele ponhele yaasho, Jesus okwa nyamukula monghedi ya yela noya yukilila ta ti: "Okwa tiwa: Ino shinda Omwene Kalunga koye. " - Lesha Lukas 4: 9 - 12. (Lesha Jesaja 55: 6, 7.) People who have no faith lack sound guiding principles. 5: 12, 13; Heb. Ovanhu ovo vehe na eitavelo ihava dulika komafinamhango Ombibeli. (Read Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) Jesus okwa ti: "Osho Kalunga a kala e hole ounyuni, Oye a yandja Omona waye Ewifa, opo keshe ou te mu itavele a ha kane, ndelenee a kale e nomwenyo waalushe. " (Lesha Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) What connection is there between love and impartiality? Ngaashi Kristus ha hopaenene Omutwe waye, Kalunga kashili, ovalumenhu Ovakriste navo ove na okukendabala va hopaenene omutwe wavo, Kristus. Ekwatafano lilipi li li pokati kohole nosho yo onhondo? " We are amazed at the joy we have from living a simpler life, doing just what Jehovah's organization encourages us to do. " Natango, omumwaxe waSalomo wedina Absalom okwa li a dipaa Amnon eshi a li a kwata omumwainakadona keenghono. Otwa hafa neenghono eshi tu na onghalamwenyo yanafangwa, ashike okuninga ngaashi ehangano laJehova tali tu ladipike tu ninge. " No wonder God's Word states: "Wherever there are jealousy and contentiousness, there will also be disorder and every vile thing. " - Jas. 19. Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi Eendjovo daKalunga da ti: "Keshe apa pe na [pa kala pe nohole, NW]. " - Jak. Hence, Jehovah told him: "You will take this rod in your hand and perform the signs with it. " 11: 24. Onghee hano, Jehova okwa li e mu lombwela a ti: "Oto ka kufa mo onhaili yoye noku i longa. " © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ina lombwelwa kutya ota ka nyumunwa naini. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 1, 2. Ndele eendjovo domuhongwa Judas otadi dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale netaleko la yuka li na sha nokukala nonghenda nosho yo okutonda oulunde, odo tadi ti: "Vamwe va fileni onghenda nokutila nokutonda oshikutu shavo sha nyatekwa kombelela. " 1, 2. Instead, Jesus ' reply was clear and direct: "It is said, " You must not put Jehovah your God to the test. ' " - Read Luke 4: 9 - 12. Konima yefimbo momudo oo tu oo, okutopa kweeboma daBritain okwa li kwa hovela. Ponhele yaasho, enyamukulo laJesus ola yela nola ti: " Ino efa Omwene Kalunga koye e ku yeleke. ' - Lesha Lukas 4: 9 - 12. 5: 12, 13; Heb. " Oshilemo sheendombwedi ' kasha li ashike ovatalinomesho, oku shi popya pafaneko, ovo ngeno tava tale ashike efiyafanepo ile ovatondoki ovo ve hole ile oshipaana oyo tai findana. 5: 12, 13; Heb. Jesus said that "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " mokukala hatu endafana novamwatate? Jesus okwa ti: "Osho Kalunga a kala e hole ounyuni, Oye a yandja Omona waye Ewifa, opo keshe ou te mu itavele a ha kane, ndelenee a kale e nomwenyo waalushe. " As Christ imitated his Head, the true God, Christian men should strive to imitate their head - the Christ. Nonande Ombibeli oya ti kutya Jesus Omona waKalunga; ovanhu ovo va li va diinina oufilosofi wOvagreka ova itavela kutya Jesus oKalunga. Ngaashi Kristus a li a hopaenena Omutwe waye washili, Kalunga kashili, ovalumenhu Ovakriste ove na okukendabala okuhopaenena oukwamutwe wavo, Kristus. Absalom usurped David's throne, but his coup failed, and he was killed by Joab. Ovakriste vahapu kunena ohava longo eevili dihapu opo va dule okuwanifa po oipumbiwa yakwalukeshe yomaukwaneumbo avo. Absalom okwa li a kwatwa po kolukalwapangelo laDavid, ashike okwa li a dopa oku mu dipaa. 19. Onguloshi keshe otwa li tu na okulundulula oshitaafula shetu noipundi yetu ivali inini opo tu dule okunanena po ombete yetu oyo ya longelwa mekuma. 19. 11: 24. Diladila kunghee ovamwaina vaDina va li va handuka neenghono eshi a li a longelwa omunyonena. 11: 24. Kingdom That Will Change Earth, 10 / 1 Opa li yo ovanhu 750 000 lwaapo ovo va li tave tu talele po pokwoongala oko, mwa kwatelwa ohambakainhu Elizabeth yaEngland. Jehova ota ka wanifa po omaudaneko aye, 10 / 15 No date or length of time was given. 3: 7 - 14) Odoshili kutya onghalo yaSalomo oya li ye likalekelwa. Nonande opa li efimbo lile, efimbo ola li hali pewa efimbo lile. But the words of the disciple Jude can help us to keep the proper balance between showing mercy and hating sin: "Continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the inner garment that has been stained by the flesh. " Ongahelipi oudiinini waJob we mu kwafela a yambidide ounamapangelo waJehova eshi a li ta yelekwa; nomonghedi ilipi a li e na etaleko la puka? Ashike eendjovo d omuhongwa Judas otadi dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale tu na etaleko li li pandjele li na sha noulunde nosho yo onghenda, odo tadi ti: "Kala u nolukeno, osheshi ombelela i he netimba. " Later that year, the regular bombing of Britain began. Otu wete kutya eshi Jesus a tumbula "epupi eli " okwa li ta popi shi na sha neengudu mbali dovavaekwa. Konima yomudo oo, okwa li a hovela okukala ha djala nokuliwapeka pandjikilile. The " great cloud of witnesses ' were no mere spectators or bystanders, as it were, who were there only to watch the race or to see their favorite athlete or team win. Omanyamukulo oo a yoolokafana itaa dulu okukala mondjila aeshe. " Ooshilemo shinene shoshilemo sheendombwedi ' kasha li sha kwatwa po ile kovakwaita ovo va li po, ngaashi ashike sha li hashi kala shidjuu okumona ondjabi yavo ile kongudu inene. while associating with our brothers? Ndele nande ongaho, Jehova ka li a xupifa "Omona waye mwene, ndele okwe mu yandja omolwetu atushe. " Ngeenge hatu endafana novamwatate, mbela ohatu ka kala ngoo tu na ekwatafano liwa navo? The Bible calls him the Son of God; the lovers of Greek philosophy insisted that he is God. 38: 15, 16) * Mbela otu nokukala twa tila? Ombibeli oye mu ifana Omona waKalunga, ndele ovanhu ovo ve hole ehongo lOshigreka olo tali ti kutya oye Kalunga. Many of God's servants today work long hours to care for the basic necessities of their families. Ohandi i ifana oinima oyo nda teelela oku ka ninga monakwiiwa. Vahapu vomovapiya vaKalunga vokunena ohava longo efimbo lile opo va file oshisho eemhumbwe domaukwaneumbo avo. Every night, we had to move our table and two small chairs out of the way to let down the wall bed. Pashihopaenenwa, natu tye nee ngeno okaana oka popya monghedi yokuhena efimaneko nomudali wako umwe. Onguloshi keshe, otwa li hatu tembukile kofaalama yetu notwa li hatu i konhele oko ku na oulifilo muwa. Think of what strong feelings of that kind led Dinah's brothers to do. Ndele ngeenge owa tula moilonga omayele opandunge oo taa hangwa mOvakorinto votete etukulwa 7, oto ka dula okuhenuka omaupyakadi mahapu. Diladila komaliudo a kwata moiti oo a li a ningifa ovamwaxe va ninge ngaho. Also, about 750,000 people visited us at the jamboree, including Queen Elizabeth of England. Ola popya kombinga yokudikwa po kwOuhamba waKalunga oo u li momake Omona, Jesus. Kakele kaasho, ovanhu 7 000 lwaapo ova li ve uya oku tu talela po mo -, mwa kwatelwa omumbada wohamba Elizabeth. True, Solomon's case was special. Ovakulunhuongalo ovo navo ova li yo va ladipika omukulunhuongalo omutitatu naye a ye moukokolindjila. Salomo okwa li a ninga oshinima she likalekelwa. How did Job's integrity under trial support Jehovah's sovereignty; yet, in what way did Job fall short? Atusheni otwa pumbwa okudimbuluka kutya osha enda ngahelipi opo tu manguluke mo moupika wopamhepo nokuninga Eendombwedi daJehova. Oshike sha li sha kwafela Job a kanyatele oudiinini waye eshi a li ta yambidida ounamapangelo waJehova, ndele omonghedi ilipi Job a li a nyona po? We understand that in mentioning "this generation, " Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. Jehova Kalunga osho okwe shi ninga tashi shiiva okupitila mOmona waye, Jesus, oo a yandja omwenyo waye kovanhu mounyuni. Otu shii kutya Jesus okwa li ta popi kombinga " yepupi eli, ' sha hala okutya, Ovakriste ovavaekwa vavali. Clearly, such widely differing views cannot all be correct. Tala oshitukulwa "Eenghundafana nomuneumbo - Mbela Kalunga oku na ko ngoo nasha nafye eshi hatu mono oixuna? " Osha yela kutya oinima ya tya ngaho ihai dulu okuyukifwa kovanhu aveshe. Yet, Jehovah did not shield "his own Son but delivered him up for us all. " Lesha Ovafilippi 4: 6, 7. Ndele nande ongaho, Jehova ka li a amena "Omona waye mwene, ndele okwe tu xupifa aveshe. ' * Do we have anything to fear? Hano inamu kala mu noshisho mu tye,... * Mbela otu na keshe osho twa pumbwa opo tu kale twa tila? I call them my pending wishes. Ndele Omona okwa hala okulombwela vamwe kombinga yaXe, opo navo va dule oku mu shiiva. " - LUKAS 10: 22, CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION. Onda li nde va ifana kutya onda hala okuninga shike. For example, suppose a child speaks disrespectfully to one of his parents. 22: 39; 1 Kor. Pashihopaenenwa, natu tye nee ngeno okaana oka popya nai kovadali vako. If you apply the wise counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, you can keep such problems to a minimum. 31: 34) Oha dimi po omatimba pakanghameno lekuliloyambo. Ngeenge owa tula moilonga omayele opandunge oo e li mo 1 Ovakorinto 7, oto dulu okukaleka po omaupyakadi a tya ngaho. It keeps pointing forward to the establishment of God's Kingdom under the rulership of his Son, Jesus. Eshi Jehova a li a lombwela Abraham a tembulile oukwaneumbo waye kedu laKanaan, okwa li a dulika nehalo liwa. Okwa teelela nodjuulufi oku ka hanauna po Ouhamba waKalunga koshi yepangelo lOmona waye, Jesus. These brothers had, in turn, motivated a third elder to join them. Otu li monghalelo yoinima ei i li pokuxulifwa po nokuya mounyuni mupe wa udanekwa. Ovamwatate ovo ova li ve linyengifwa va waimine. All of us do well to recall how we were freed from spiritual slavery and became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Omadimbulukifo e na sha nokufimaneka vamwe elipi twa hala okukaleka alushe momadiladilo? Atusheni otu na okudimbuluka kutya otwa mangululwa moupika wopamhepo notwa ninga Ondombwedi yaJehova. Jehovah God makes this possible by means of his Son, Jesus, who gave his life for the world of mankind. Inamu tila, nye omu dule eehanda dihapu. " (Luk. Jehova Kalunga okwa ninga ngaho okupitila mOmona waye, Jesus, oo a yandjela ovanhu omwenyo waye. See "A Conversation With a Neighbor - Does God Care About Our Suffering? " Osho itashi va tu tuu omukumo vaha kanife eendunge diva! Tala embo "Eenghundafana nomuneumbo - Mbela Kalunga oku na ko ngoo nasha nafye eshi hatu mono oixuna? " Read Philippians 4: 6, 7. Ohatu tula moilonga omayele a nwefwa mo oo kutya natu kukume ovanhu ovo va popiwa mu 2 Timoteus 3: 2 - 5. Lesha Ovafilippi 4: 6, 7. So never be anxious and say,... Shimwe vali, ova li ve na ouladi ponhele yokukala va tila. Onghee hano, kala u na oshisho, ndele ino popya sha nandenande. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so that they can know him too. " - LUKE 10: 22, CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION. (Oilonga 17: 24 - 27) Jehova Kalunga okwa hala tu shiive oshili kombinga yaye. - Lesha 1 Timoteus 2: 3, 4. Ashike Omona okwa hala okulombwela vamwe kombinga yaXe, onghee hano, navo otava dulu oku mu shiiva. " - LUKAS 10: 22, NW. When Jehovah directed Abraham to move his household to the land of Canaan, he willingly complied. (b) Olyelye tu na tete okupandula omolwokupangela kwaKristus, nou uditile ngahelipi osho epangelo olo tali ka wanifa po? Eshi Jehova a li a lombwela Abraham a tembukile keumbo laye laKanaan, okwa li a dulika nehalo liwa. We are on a course through this dying system of things, heading toward the promised new world. Omeva eyelu okwa li a fininika oishitwa yopamhepo i lidule omalutu opambelela ndele tai shuna monhele omo hamu kala oishitwa yopamhepo. Otu li mounyuni mupe oo wa udanekwa. What reminders about showing honor do we want to keep in mind? Kakele kaasho, omulumenhu oo omunyasha ke fi weitavelo lange. Mbela omadimbulukifo elipi e na sha nokufimaneka vamwe? Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows. " Mbela inatu pandula eshi tu na emanguluko lokuhoolola okulongela Kalunga? Ino tila; osheshi onye mu dule oiyandja ihapu. " What an incentive for them to maintain their power of reason! KUNENA, ovanhu ohava popi unene shi na sha noufikepamwe, noufemba womunhu nosho yo nemanguluko. Osho kasha li tuu she va twa omukumo opo vaha kanife eenghono davo! Wisely, we heed the inspired counsel to turn away from those described at 2 Timothy 3: 2 - 5. (1 Ovakorinto 13: 11) Ongahelipi ovadali tava dulu okukwafela ovana ovo va kula? Otu na okudulika komayele a nwefwa mo oo a popiwa mu 2 Timoteus 3: 2 - 5. Furthermore, their fear was replaced by courage. 21 Omapulo a dja kovaleshi Shimwe vali, oumbada wavo owa li wa pingenwa po ouladi wavo. Jehovah God wants us to know the truth about him. - Read 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Ovakulunhuongalo, ningeni eenghendabala mu kwafele pamhepo ovo va katuka shihe li pandunge (Tala okatendo 17) Jehova Kalunga okwa hala tu shiive oshili kombinga yaye. - Lesha 1 Timoteus 2: 3, 4. (b) To whom should primary credit go for Christ's rule, and how do you feel about what it will accomplish? Omeenghedi dilipi omo Henok naNoa va li va ulika ouladi wavo? (b) Olyelye e na okupandula epangelo laKristus, nou uditile ngahelipi osho tali ka wanifa po? The floodwaters forced the spirits to dematerialize and return to the spirit realm. Oto ulike ngoo kutya ou li omuyapuki ngeenge tashi uya pokuhaendafana noilyo youkwaneumbo ile navamwe ovo va kondwa? - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 5: 11. Omhepo iyapuki oya li ya nwefa mo eemhepo dowii ndele tai shuna monhele omo hamu kala oishitwa yopamhepo. Our beliefs, activities, and goals were completely different. Mondjokonona yEendombwedi daJehova kunena, ovo tava kwatele komesho ohava kufa ombinga nouladi mokuxumifa komesho oilonga yokuudifa nokuhonga vamwe kombinga yonghundana iwa mounyuni aushe. Omalipyakidilo etu, oilonga nosho yo omalalakano etu okwa yooloka ko filufilu. Do we not appreciate our freedom to choose to serve God? " Ovafarisai ove uya [kuJesus] oku mu yeleka ndee tava ti: Osha wapala tuu omulumenhu ta henge po omukainhu waye omolwondjovo keshe? " - Mateus 19: 3. Mbela inatu pandula emanguluko letu lokuhoolola okulongela Kalunga? TODAY, there is much talk about equality, liberty, and freedom. Opo omaudaneko opamishangwa a tya ngaho a kale taa ti sha kufye pauhandimwe, otu na okutwikila okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo nokweendela alushe pamwe nehangano laKalunga. Kunena, ope na shihapu osho hatu popi shi na sha nanghee omunhu e na okutala ko oinima ngaashi okulonga, emanguluko nosho yo emanguluko. How can a parent be helpful to grown offspring? Okwa li a longa osho shiwa nokwa "konga Omwene nomutima aushe. " (2 Omaf. Ongahelipi omudali ta dulu okukwafela ounona va kule? 21 Questions From Readers Ondi shii kutya omalihafifo haaeshe mai, ndele otaa dulu okumana po efimbo. " 21 Omapulo a dja kovaleshi Elders endeavor to give spiritual help to one who has taken a false step (See paragraph 17) Ovanyasha ovo vatatu paife ohava kufa ombinga nouladi moukalele. Ovakulunhuongalo ohava kendabala okuyandja ekwafo lopamhepo kwaavo va katuka eenghatu dihe li pandunge (Tala okatendo 17) In what ways did Enoch and Noah display courage? Pefimbo opo onda li ashike ndi na omido 21, ndele nande ongaho, ovamwatate okwa li va tambula nge ko nohamu. Omeenghedi dilipi Henok nosho yo Noa va li va ulika ouladi? Are you personally proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped? - Read 1 Corinthians 5: 11. 3, 4. Mbela oho ulike ngoo pauhandimwe kutya ou na ekwatafano noilyo youkwaneumbo ile navamwe ovo va kondwa? - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 5: 11. During the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, those taking the lead have zealously promoted the preaching and teaching of the good news around the world. 20: 24) Kali fi tuu enyono la kwata moiti! Pefimbo londjokonona yokunena yEendombwedi daJehova, ovo hava kwatele komesho nouladi moilonga yokuudifa nokuhonga onghundana iwa mounyuni aushe. " Pharisees came up to [Jesus], intent on tempting him and saying: " Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on every sort of ground? ' " - Matthew 19: 3. Ndele ovanhu vahapu ovo hava i keengeleka ove udite kutya ediladilo olo kutya ovanhu aveshe ova dalwa noulunde molwaashi vamwe ovo va nyona ndele havo vene va nyona, itali dulu okuudiwa ko ile okutambulwa ko. " Ovafarisai ova li ve uya kuye ndele tave mu yeleke ndee tava ti: Omulumenhu tuu ou ta henge po omukainhu waye kombada yedu? ' - Mateus 19: 3. For such Scriptural promises to become realities for us as individuals, we must continue to make spiritual progress, moving ahead with God's organization, always keeping pace with it. Noa naye okwa li he li longifa. Opo tu wanife po omaudaneko opamishangwa, otu na okutwikila okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo, hatu twikile okukala hatu endele pamwe nehangano laKalunga, hatu dilonga alushe. He did what was right and "searched for Jehovah with all his heart. " (Rom. Okwa li a ninga osho sha yuka nokwa " konga Omwene nomutima waye aushe. ' I know that social events are not all bad, but they can be a huge distraction. (Job 38: 1 - 41; 42: 1, 2) Otashi dulika yo hatu dimbuluka eemhito donhumba monghalamwenyo yetu opo twa li twa mona oumbangi kutya Jehova oku na ko nasha nafye pauhandimwe. Ondi shii kutya eenghalo dovanhu inadi puka, ashike otadi dulu okukala di na oinima ihapu yopamaliko ihapu. All three youths are now active in the ministry. Natango ko -, oku na oshitukulwa "Ombiibeli otai hongo lela shike? " Ovanyasha aveshe vatatu otava longo kunena moukalele. I was only 21 years of age, but the brothers accepted with warmth my youthful enthusiasm. Ohatu dulu okukanyatela oudiinini wetu Onda li ashike ndi na omido 21, ndele ovamwatate ova li va tambula ko nouladi oukalele wange. 3, 4. Ovanhu ova li tava ka yadeka edu ngaashi tashi dulika nokutunga omaumbo avo fiyo edu alishe la ninga oparadisa. 3, 4. A serious sin indeed! Luhapu, ovo hava kokola ondjila ofimbo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa ohava ka twikila moilonga oyo pamwe noukaume kavo kopahombo. - Rom. Osho kashi fi tuu enyono la kwata moiti! For many churchgoers, however, the idea that all humans are innately flawed because of some remote transgression in which they took no part and for which they bear no responsibility is neither comprehensible nor acceptable. Mbela owe lipulile nale kutya omolwashike Kalunga a efa okumona oixuna ku kale po? Ndele ovanhu vahapu ovo hava i keengeleka ohava diladila kutya ovanhu aveshe inava wanenena molwaashi ohava i konhele yonhumba inava wanenena noinava tambula ko oshinakuwanifwa osho. Adam and Eve were aware of it, and they knew exactly how to pronounce it. 5, 6. Adam naEva ova li ve shi shii nawa, nova li ve shii filufilu nghee ve na oku shi ifana. (Rom. Efyo laJesus ole shi ningifa tashi shiiva opo tu diminwe po omatimba notu ka mone omwenyo uhe na exulilo. (Jak. Perhaps we recall times in our own life when we saw evidence of God's interest in us personally. Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu u na sha nanghee Ouhamba tau ka ningifa ehalo laKalunga li longwe kombada yedu, tala etukulwa 8 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike? Otashi dulika hatu dimbuluka omafimbo amwe monghalamwenyo yetu eshi twa mona oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya Kalunga oku na ko nasha nafye pauhandimwe. Also on, the study guides "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. Konakona yo embo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike?, / kj. We Can Maintain Integrity! Oshityalonga shOshiheberi osho sha tolokwa "konakona " otashi dulu okutya okufa oshivela shonhumba (Job 28: 3), okushiika oshilongo (Ovatokolipangeli 18: 2), ile okukonakona omauyelele e na sha noshinima shopaveta (Deuteronomion 13: 14). Ohatu dulu okukanyatela oudiinini wetu. Humans would fill the earth to a comfortable degree and would extend their home until the entire globe was a paradise. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 27: 11.) Ovanhu otava ka wanifa po edu monghedi iwa notava ka kala moparadisa kombada yedu fiyo osheshi edu alishe tali ka ninga oparadisa. Often, those who pioneered before marriage have been able to continue in that service together as a married couple. - Rom. Ame ohandi yelufile edu eyelu, opo ndi hanaune po ombelela aishe i na omufudo nomwenyo koshi yeulu. Luhapu, ovo tava kokola ondjila fimbo inava hombola ova dula okutwikila okulongela kumwe ve li ovalihomboli. - Rom. Have you ever wondered why God allows suffering? Yandja oshihopaenenwa. Mbela owe lipula ngoo nale kutya omolwashike Kalunga a efa okumona oixuna ku kale po? 5, 6. Ndele mbela osha hala okutya ngahelipi eshi taku tiwa kutya navo ovaenda novanailongo? 5, 6. Jesus ' death makes forgiveness of our sins and life without end possible for us. 12: 18. Efyo laJesus ole shi ninga tashi shiiva opo tu diminwe po omatimba etu nopehe na exulilo. For more information on how the Kingdom will cause God's will to be done on earth, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ongahelipi kombinga yetu? Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu u na sha nanghee Ouhamba tau ka eta ehalo laKalunga kombada yedu, tala etukulwa 8 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 4: 10. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. The Hebrew verb rendered "search through " can refer to digging for ore, exploring a land, or examining the facts of a legal case. Mu honga a kale ha kwatele komesho okwoongala kwoilonga yomomapya oko haku etele ovamwatate ouwa. Oshityalonga shOshiheberi osho sha tolokwa " okupukulula ' otashi dulu okuyukifwa konhele yonhumba ile koshinima shonhumba osho sha kwatelwa mo. (Read Proverbs 27: 11.) Samantha: Ngeno osho ngaho shili. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 27: 11.) I am going to bring floodwaters upon the earth to destroy from under the heavens all flesh that has the breath of life. Ongahelipi tu na okutala ko lela exulilo lounyuni? Ame ohandi ka eta edu li hanaune po ombelela aishe oyo i na omwenyo. Give an illustration. Ovahongwa ova li ve hole Jesus nosho yo onghundana iwa. Yandja efaneko. Still, in a sense they too can at present be considered temporary residents. (Ef. 4: 28) Ngeenge Omukriste e liyapulila Kalunga okwa vake, ota " nyono kedina laKalunga ' moku li shekifa. Ndele nande ongaho, navo otava dulu okukala ovaenda novanailongo. 12: 18. Mbela Jesus okwa li ta ka ninga po shike? 12: 18. What about us? 7 Omayele oo ho yandje oho a yandje monghedi ya tya ngahelipi? Ongahelipi shi na sha nafye? 4: 10. Ashike Jehova okwe tu udanekela kutya ngeenge eyeleko itatu dulu vali oku li lididimikila, ote ke tu pa "omhito yokupita mo. " 4: 10. Teach him to conduct meetings for field service that benefit the brothers. (b) Oshike tu na okuninga po ngeenge inatu hala okupukifwa kuSatana okupitila momahokololo oipupulu? Mu kwafela a kale ha kwatele komesho okwoongala oko haku etele ovamwatate ouwa. Samantha: That seems reasonable. Oshinima shotete, okwa li e hole Jehova, nokwa li ha tila oku mu nyemateka. Samantha: Osho naanaa. But could those be reactions to fiction rather than to fact? Eshi omumwatate Rutherford a mona kutya omumwatate Klein okwe mu kwatela onghone, okwe mu londwela kutya na lungame aha ninge oshihakanwa shOndiaboli. Ndele mbela ovo ova li tava ka uda ko ashike outumbulilo oo ponhele yokuulika kutya Ombibeli oya tya ngahelipi? The disciples loved Jesus and the good news. (Mat. 18: 23 - 35) Okuninginifwa medina lOmona otashi ti okudimina eenghonopangelo daJesus nokukendabala okulandula oshihopaenenwa nomahongo aye, mwa kwatelwa okukala twa hala okudimina po vamwe. - 1 Pet. Ovahongwa ova li ve hole Jesus nonghundana iwa. Regarding theft, Paul wrote: "Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need. " yo 8 Mei 1974 oya ti: "Molwaashi ovo hava wilikwa komafinamhango Ombibeli ova fimaneka etaleko laKalunga li na sha nomwenyo, omolweliudo lavo nomolwokudulika komapangelo, ihava fyuula ovanaudu. " Paulus okwa popya shi na sha noupyakadi oo a li a shangela ovaitaveli vakwao a ti: "Omulunga a ha vake vali, ndelenee na longe ouwa, opo a longe ouwa, opo a longe oilonga iwa. " (Rom. What would Jesus do? (Omayel. 19: 20) Osho otashi ke tu kwafela tu kulike oukwatya oo wa fimana wounongo, ponhele " yokukondjifa osho shi neendunge. ' Mbela Jesus okwa li ta ka ninga po shike? 7 How Do You Give Advice? (2 Ovatessaloniki 1: 4) Onghee hano, okukala tu udite nawa omolwoilonga oyo vamwe tashi dulika va longa ile okukala tu udite etumba otashi dulu oku tu etela ouwa. 7 Oho yandje monghedi ya tya ngahelipi? But Jehovah promises that if the trial becomes too much for us to endure, he will "make the way out. " Oshitivali, Jehova ihe tu amene koiningwanima oyo hai holoka po " efimbo nombadilila. ' Ashike Jehova okwa udaneka kutya ngeenge eyeleko olo otali ke tu kwafela tu lididimike, ote ke tu " longa ouwa. ' (b) How can we avoid being misled by Satan's false stories? 9: 6) Jehova Kalunga oye shili a shita eulu alishe, oko ku na omihalavili dihapu deenyofi. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okupukifwa komahokololo oipupulu aSatana? First of all, he loved Jehovah and feared displeasing him. 1 Aprili 2010 Shotete, okwa li e hole Jehova nokwa li e mu tila. Realizing that Brother Klein was nursing hard feelings, Brother Rutherford warned him against falling prey to the Devil. Odjo imwe youyelele oya ti kutya Ovajuda vomefelemudo lotete ova li va tala ko kutya onghedi omo Jesus a fya oififa ohoni. Eshi omumwatate Rutherford a didilika kutya omumwatate Klein okwa li e udite owike, okwa li e mu londwela a kondjife Satana. Yes, being baptized in the name of the Son means recognizing Jesus ' authority and striving to follow his example and teachings, including that of being willing to forgive others. - 1 Pet. Kalunga okwa udaneka kutya ota ka eta epangelo la tya ngaho. - Lesha Daniel 2: 44. Okuninginifwa medina lOmona otashi ti okudimina kutya okukala twa lenga eenghonopangelo daJesus nokudulika komahongo aye, mwa kwatelwa okukala hatu dimine po vamwe nehalo liwa. - 1 Pet. of May 8, 1974, stated: "Because they respect God's view of the sanctity of life, out of regard for their own consciences and in obedience to governmental laws, those desiring to conform their lives to Bible principles would never resort to positive euthanasia, " which is a deliberate act to end a patient's life. Paife natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yemoniko laJohannes li na sha noshilyani osho sha tumbulwa mEhololo 13. 8: 1) MuMei 1974, okwa ti: "Ova fimaneka etaleko laKalunga li na sha nomwenyo nosho yo nokuhenuka okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango dOmbibeli dopaenghedi nopehe na okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango dOmbibeli dopaenghedi. " Then, instead of " rejecting all practical wisdom, ' we will be strengthening this important quality. Omolwashike hadi ningi ngaho? Onghee hano, ponhele yoku " anya ounongo tau longo, ' ohatu ka pameka oukwatya oo wa fimana. So feeling good about the work of others and even having some pride in ourselves can benefit us. Omolwoukulupe ile okuhe na oukolele, efimbo olo vamwe hava longifa mokuudifa onghundana iwa olinini neenghono. Onghee hano, okukala tu udite nawa oilonga yavamwe nokukala tu na ounhwa otaku dulu oku tu etela ouwa. Second, Jehovah does not shield us from "time and unexpected events. " 4: 29) Keshe umwe womufye okwa pumbwa okumona kutya oolyelye va "pumbwa " etwomukumo. Oshitivali, Jehova ihe tu amene "efimbo notundi " nosho yo oiningwanima oyo inai teelelwa. Yes, Jehovah God created the entire universe, made up of countless galaxies of stars. Okwoongala oko kwa fimanenena mondjokonona Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova Kalunga okwa shita eshito alishe, nokwa shita eenyofi dihapu di na eenyofi dihapu. March 1, 2010 Exunganeko laJesus otali wanifwa pefimbo letu. 1 Marsa 2010 The Bible contains numerous prophecies that were fulfilled. It records accurate history, not myth. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Omapulo elipi taa ka nyamukulwa moshitukulwa eshi? Ombibeli oi na omaxunganeko mahapu oo a wanifwa shili. God has promised such a world government. - Read Daniel 2: 44. Omishangwa otadi ulike yo kutya Jehova ota ka wanifa po natango elalakano laye lopehovelo. Kalunga okwa udaneka epangelo la tya ngaho. - Lesha Daniel 2: 44. Let us address John's vision of the wild beast. 2: 33) Eongalo lopaKriste ola li la totwa po okudja eshi ovahongwa va tililwa omhepo iyapuki. Natu ka kundafaneni emoniko laJohannes li na sha noshilyani shitilyana. Why do we do it? 3: 12 - 14) Onghee hano, Jehova oha yandje ounongo neenghono kovadali odo va pumbwa ngeenge ova kongo ekwafo kuye okupitila meilikano nosho yo mEendjovo daye, nomhepo yaye iyapuki otai ke va wilika. - Lesha Jakob 1: 5. Omolwashike hatu tile ngaho? Because of age or infirmity, the amount of time that some are able to preach the good news is very limited. Okudilonga komifikamhango daye da denga mbada otaku ke tu kwafela tuha yulwe komwiyo wokutala omafano oipala. Ovanhu vamwe ohava dulu okuudifa onghundana iwa molwaashi ohava kulupa ile ve na omido dinini. Each of us should be alert to observe "the need " that others have. Ovo tava anye okudimina eenghonopangelo odo da pewa Jesus Kristus, Omulondi wonghambe itoka omufindani, otava ka fininikwa diva va dimine kutya ova puka. Keshe umwe womufye oku na okukala oupafi " omolweemhumbwe ' odo vamwe ve na. A History - Making Meeting OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Okwoongala oko kwa fimanenena mondjokonona We are living in the time of the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy. Ovakwatelikomesho ove na yo okutulila po Ovakriste vakwao oshihopaenenwa shiwa ngeenge tashi uya poilonga yomomapya. Otu li mefimbo li yadi okuwanifwa kwexunganeko laJesus. (See opening pictures.) (b) What questions will be answered in this article? Pashihopaenenwa, omuyapostoli Petrus okwa ti kutya Ovakriste ova pumbwa " okuyamba omayambo opamhepo a wapalela Kalunga omolwaJesus Kristus. ' (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) (b) Omapulo elipi taa ka nyamukulwa moshitukulwa eshi? The Scriptures also show that Jehovah will fulfill his original purpose. (Gen. 2: 15, 16) Lwanima, mefelemudo lotete eshi omhepo iyapuki ya li ya tililwa meongalo lovavaekwa, "kakwa li nande oumwe a tumbula oshinima ongaashi shaye mwene, osheshi oinima yavo aishe oya tulwa mumwe. " (Oil. Omishangwa otadi ulike yo kutya Jehova ota ka wanifa po elalakano laye lopehovelo. That outpouring of the holy spirit marked the founding of the Christian congregation. 6: 1) Ohali tu pe omhito "tu efe okudina Kalunga nouhalu wopaunyuni. " Osho osha li sha ningifa eongalo lopaKriste li kale la yooloka ko kwaasho la li la tetekela. However, Jehovah gives parents the wisdom and the strength they need when they humbly entreat him in prayer and look to his Word and holy spirit for guidance. - Read James 1: 5. Otashi dulika to dimbuluka kutya pomhito imwe Jesus okwa li a etela onghenda eemhunga dovanhu molwaashi " ova li va hepekwa, nova loloka va fa eedi dihe na omufita. ' (Mat. Ashike Jehova oha pe ovadali ounongo nosho yo eenghono odo va pumbwa ngeenge tave mu indile nelininipiko e va wilike nomhepo yaye iyapuki. - Lesha Jakob 1: 5. Meditating on his elevated standards equips us to keep free from the snare of pornography. Ndele oimoniwa yavo oye va kwafela yo va mone kutya ookaume vo popepi naavo vokokule, ohava kwafele ovo ve hole Jehova va ungaunge nomupondo neshongo keshe. Okudilonga komifikamhango daye dopaenghedi ohaku tu kwafele tu manguluke komwiyo wokutala omafano oipala. Those who refuse to recognize the awesome authority that has been given to Jesus Christ, the victorious Rider of the white horse, will soon be forced to admit their error. 6: 10. Ovo inava anya okudimina kutya eenghonopangelo odo da pewa kuJesus Kristus oda findana molwoodi linene, mafiku otadi ka fininikwa di dimine epuko lavo. REGULAR FEATURES Oilongo oyo ya shaina eudafanotwokumwe olo oi na okudulika komatokolo Omhangu oyo. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Taking the lead in field service is another area in which overseers set a fine example for their fellow Christians. JEHU KA LI E LIDIDIMIKILA OVO TAVA SHEKIFA EDINA LAJEHOVA Ngeenge otwa kala hatu kufa ombinga moilonga yomomapya moshitukulwa shimwe osho ovapashukili ovaendi hava tulile po Ovakriste vakwao oshihopaenenwa shiwa. On the contrary, the apostle Peter spoke of the need to "offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " Onghee hano, oohandimwe otava dulu okupanga vali oukaume nosho yo okuhanganifwa naKalunga. Mepingafano naasho, omuyapostoli Petrus okwa popya shi na sha " nmayambo opamhepo ' oo a hokiwa kuKalunga okupitila muJesus Kristus. Later, when holy spirit operated on the first - century congregation of anointed ones, "not even one of them would say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. " Robert Ciranko Lwanima, eshi omhepo iyapuki ya li ya kwafela eongalo lOvakriste ovavaekwa vomefelemudo lotete, " kape na nande umwe te va lombwele kutya okwa fyuulula oinima aishe, ndelenee aishe oyo a li e i kwete. ' It gives us an opportunity "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires. " Opo nee onda li nda dimbuluka nghee sha kala shiwa kwaame okweehena popepi naJehova. Otali tu pe omhito tu " efe okudina Kalunga nomahalo omounyuni. ' You may recall that Jesus pitied the crowds because "they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " (Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 11: 27 - 34.) Otashi dulika u dimbuluke kutya Jesus okwa li ha hepeke eemhunga dovanhu molwaashi " ova li va hepekwa ndele va loloka va fa eedi dihe na omufita. ' But they also know from experience that friends - both near and far - help lovers of Jehovah to cope successfully with each and every challenge. Okwa li e shi ninga molwaashi okwa li e na ko nasha novanhu nokwa li ta hopaenene Xe oo ha yandje. Ashike ove shii yo kutya ookaume kavo kopahombo, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ove hole Jehova shi fike peni nonokutya ove li meenghalo da tya ngahelipi. 6: 10. Ovaudifi vahapu ohava kala va hafa eshi ve wete nghee omhepo yaKalunga tai kwafele ovakonakonimbibeli vavo va lundulule onghedi yavo yokukalamwenyo. 6: 10. Countries that signed the treaty must comply with the judgments. Ndelenee Ombibeli otai holola kutya eenghono odo da li da longifwa okushita oinima odo omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga, oyo i li eenghono dinenenene meshito alishe. Ovanhu ohava diladila kutya omunhu oku na okudulika kelombwelo olo. JEHU TOLERATED NO RIVALRY TOWARD JEHOVAH Natu ka taleni amwe omomanangekonoupuna oo taa ka hafelwa kovanhu ovayuki koshi yOuhamba waKalunga. NGEENGE HATU DULU OKUKALA HATU DULU OKUKALA HATU DULU OKU KU KWAFELA U KALE OUPAFI Thus, individuals can break free from alienation and become reconciled to God. Ngaashi omupsalme, onda undulila omutengi wange kuJehova, nonda mona kutya okwa kwafela nge. Onghee hano, ovanhu otava dulu okweefa po okulongela oikalunga nokupanga oukaume naKalunga. Robert Ciranko Mbela ino hala okukala u na eteelelo la tya ngaho? Robert Wallen Then I remembered how good it had been for me to draw near to Jehovah. Ova li va tila neenghono molwaashi onghambe oya li tai dulu i lyate nge, nova li tava ingida opo ndi i efe ashike kanda li nda ninga po sha. Opo nee onda li nda dimbuluka nghee sha li shiwa kwaame okweehena popepi naJehova. (Read 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34.) Ovanyasha novakulunhu ohave va tale ko ve li oihopaenenwa iwa tashi dulika va hopaenene omikalo davo, omidjalo ile elihumbato lavo. (Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 11: 27 - 34.) He did it because he cared about people, and he was imitating his Father, who is generous. Itaveleni Kalunga nye mu itavele nge yo. " Okwe shi ninga molwaashi oku na ko nasha novanhu, nokwa li ha hopaenene Xe, oo ha yandje nehalo liwa. Many who have been privileged to teach the truth to others have had the joy of seeing God's spirit help such ones to improve their way of life. Eumbo loye olo wa kala u hole kali fi vali okutalwa. Vahapu ovo va kala ve na oufembanghenda wokuhonga vamwe oshili ova mona ehafo lomhepo yaKalunga opo va kwafele ovanhu va xwepopaleke onghedi yavo yokukalamwenyo. However, the Bible has identified it as God's holy spirit, the most powerful force in the universe. Ngeenge owa kala omulididimiki nowa tokola toko, mokweendela ko kwefimbo oukwaneumbo woye otau ka kala vali u ku hole nowe ku fimaneka. Ndele Ombibeli oya popya kutya omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga oyo eenghono dinenenene meshito alishe. Consider just a few of the blessings that await them under God's Kingdom. Ongahelipi va li va dula okuungaunga nao? Natu ka konakoneni ashike omanangeko noupuna amwe oo tava ka mona koshi yOuhamba waKalunga. Like the psalmist, I threw my burden on Jehovah, and I found that he did sustain me. Epulo la fimanenena oleli kutya, Mbela oto ka ulika ngoo olupandu laasho wa pewa? Ngaashi omupsalme oo, onda li nda tungila Jehova omutengi wange, nonda li nda mona kutya okwa kwafela nge. Would you like to make this hope your own? Maria okwa ti: "Efiku limwe fimbo pa li pa holoka eenhamanana da kwata moiti pokati ketu, onda li nda ula Martin oshinima shonhumba kondadalunde osho sha li itashi ulike efimaneko. Mbela ino hala okukala u na eteelelo la tya ngaho? Horrified that the horse might kick me, they screamed at me to stop - but I did not react. Vahapu vomuvo ova li va ninga omalunduluko meenghalamwenyo davo opo va ka kwafele. Ova li va ta nge taku tiwa kutya otashi dulika va te nge po, ashike kanda li nde linyenga. They place religious and political leaders, sports figures, entertainment stars, and other celebrities on pedestals, often considering them to be almost superhuman. • Gideon? Ovawiliki vomalongelokalunga nosho yo ovawiliki vomalongelokalunga, velongelokalunga nosho yo omahangano amwe vali, luhapu ohava diladila kutya otava dulu okukala ve na eenghono di fike peni. Exercise faith in God, exercise faith also in me. " Engongo: Jehova ta tumu Moses a ka pitife mo Ovaisrael muEgipti. Kala u na eitavelo muKalunga, eitavelo nalo ohali pameke nge yo. " Your treasured home has become a disaster zone. 17, 18. Oukwaneumbo woye owa lenga eumbo loye. With determination and patience, you may gradually regain your family's love and respect. Osho osha li sha twaalela eemwenyo dovanhu 15 000. Ngeenge owa kala u na elididimiko nosho yo elididimiko, otashi dulika u ka kale kanini nakanini u holike nowa fimaneka. How did they handle them? Ova li hava hongo ovanhu pandjikilile motembeli. Mbela ova li va ungaunga ngahelipi nonghalo oyo? A key question now is, Will you show appreciation for what you have received? Omafimbo amwe, ovanhu momaukwaneumbo ova li have uya pamwe opo va pwilikine koshipopiwa. Opo u mone epulo la fimanenena, mbela oto ka ulika ngoo olupandu loye li na sha naasho wa pewa? " In the midst of a heated confrontation, " recalls Maria, "I said something particularly disrespectful to Martin. Fiyo opaife ondi na ouyahame wopamaliudo okudja komido odo. Maria okwa ti: "Onda li handi popi oshinima osho inandi fimaneka Martin. Many of them put their life on hold to serve there. Eengeleka dihapu ohadi landula natango omulandu oo kutya ovanhu ove na okukala have ke lihokolola komufita ile komukalele wonhumba omolwomatimba avo, shi li oshiteelelwa shelongelokalunga. Vahapu vomuvo ova li va pitifa komesho mokukalamwenyo kwavo. • Gideon? Omwene, yambuka, xupife nge, Kalunga kange! • Gideon? Summary: Jehovah commissions Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. OVAKOKOLINDJILA VONDJIKILILE Okwa li a lombwela Moses kutya: Jehova okwa li a lombwela Moses a pitife komesho Ovaisrael muEgipti. 17, 18. Keshe umwe womufye oku na omhito yokumona ouwa mOfikola yOkudeula Ovaudifi yokoshivike. 17, 18. More than 15,000 people died. Kunena ovakembauli vamwe ohava ula Jael omadina e lili noku lili, ashike Barak naDebora ove mu shii nawa. Ovanhu omamiliyona 15 000 lwaapo ova fya. They taught regularly at the temple. Kutya nee otu na eteelelo lokuya meulu ile oloku ka kala kombada yedu, ohatu dulu okuhekelekwa keendjovo daPaulus odo a li a shangela Ovakriste vakwao ovavaekwa, tadi ti: "[Omwene] wetu Jesus Kristus Oye mwene naKalunga Tate yetu ou a kala e tu hole nokwe tu pa monghenda ehekeleko laalushe neteelelo liwa, Oye na hekeleke omitima deni, Ye ne mu pamekele meendjovo adishe diwa nomoilonga aishe iwa. " - 2 Tes. Ova li hava hongwa pandjikilile motembeli. At times, entire families would gather to listen to a talk! Okuxwika oimhu okwa yuka ngoo? 6 / 15 Omafimbo amwe, omaukwaneumbo aeshe okwa li haa ongala a pwilikine koshipopiwa. I still carry emotional scars from those years. 11: 13) Kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu na eteelelo lilipi, ohatu dulu okukala nekwatafano le likalekelwa naJehova ngaashi Abraham a li e li na. Nopaife ohandi kala nda wililwa po pamaliudo oule womido da tya ngaho. Personal confession of sins into the ear of a priest or a minister continues to be part of the religious ritual and worship in many churches. Ongahelipi elongelokalunga lashili hali xumifa komesho ehafo? Omayambo e na sha nomanyono oo haa yandjwa komupristeri Omukulunhu ohaa twikile okukala e li oshitukulwa shelongelokalunga nomalongelokalunga mahapu. Do arise, O Jehovah! Save me, O my God! ONDA dalelwa muIlocos Norte, shomuFilipine, mo 10 Desemba 1968, notwa dalwa omulongo, ame omutiheyali. Ninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo Jehova a xupife nge! REGULAR PIONEERS Jesus okwa li a " kenukila ' ongudu yovanhu ovo va li ve uya kuye. OVAKOKOLINDJILA VONDJIKILILE Each of us has the opportunity to benefit from the weekly Theocratic Ministry School. (1 Johannes 2: 15, 16) Onghee hano, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu likonakona alushe tu tale ngeenge otwa kwatwa kohole younyuni. Keshe umwe womufye oku na omhito yokumona ouwa mOfikola yOukalele woPauteokratika. Modern - day critics and skeptics have called Jael all manner of vile names, but Barak and Deborah knew better. Opo eliudo letu li tu wilike, ola pumbwa okudeulwa. Ovakembauli vokunena ova popya omadina aeshe Jael, ashike Barak naBarak ova li ve shii nawa. Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, each of us can be comforted by Paul's words to his spirit - anointed fellow Christians: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, comfort your hearts and make you firm in every good deed and word. " - 2 Thess. Omolwashike mbela? Kutya nee otu na eteelelo loku ka kala nomwenyo meulu ile okombada yedu, atusheni ohatu dulu okuhekelekwa keendjovo daPaulus odo a li a shangela Ovakriste ovavaekwa, a ti: "Omwene wetu Jesus Kristus na hambelelwe, ou e tu hole nokwe tu pa ehekeleko laalushe. " - 2 Tes. Providing Care for the Elderly, 3 / 15 Poshoongalele shimwe sha li sha ningilwa muLeicester muSeptemba 1941, opa li pa yandjwa oshipopiwa shi na oshipalanyole "oudiinini, " sha li tashi popi kombinga yomhata younamapangelo weshito alishe. Nghee hatu dulu okufila oshisho ovanamido, 3 / 15 Whatever is our hope for the future, we have the privilege of enjoying the kind of relationship with Jehovah that Abraham had. Omukainhu naye oha ningi sha faafana. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu na eteelelo litunhula li na sha nonakwiiwa, otu na oufembanghenda wokukala tu na ekwatafano liwa naJehova olo Abraham a li e na. How does true religion promote happiness? Ofikola oyo otai ka pa ovalihomboli edeulo la wedwa po opo va dule okulongifwa pauyadi kehangano laJehova. Elongelokalunga lashili ohali xumifa komesho ngahelipi ehafo? I WAS born in Ilocos Norte, Philippines, on December 10, 1968, the seventh of ten children. Ombibeli otai hongo kutya outekuduliko owa kwatela mo ewiliko, edeulo, epukululo, nefimbo limwe nokuli ehandukilo. ONDA dalelwa moshitukulwa sha hepa, muDesemba 10 Desemba 2010, eshi nda dalwa ndi li okaana. Earlier, Jesus "felt tender affection " for a crowd that came to him. Eshi Jesus a li ta popi shi na sha "nedidiliko " " lexulilo lefimbo lounyuni, ' okwa popya kondadalunde a ti:" Ndelenee efiku olo notundi oyo kaku na ou e i shii, nande ovaengeli vomeulu, ile Omona, oTate Oye aeke. " (Mat. Pehovelo, Jesus "okwa li e hole ' ongudu yovanhu ovo va li ve mu hole. So we need to examine ourselves regularly to see whether we love the world. Omolwashike ovanhu vopefimbo laDavid va li va lenga omaimbilo neenghono? Onghee hano, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu likonakona alushe tu tale ngeenge otu hole ngoo ounyuni. For our conscience to be an effective guide, it must be trained. 6: 1 - 4, 9) Noa okwa li yo e shii kutya ovanhu ova li va lombwelwa va dalafane nokuyadifa edu. Opo eliudo letu li kale tali longo nawa, oli na okudeulwa. Why not? (1 Ovakorinto 6: 18) Okumona oixuna kuhapu nefyo ohai etifwa komikifi odo hadi tandavele okupitila momilele. Omolwashike mbela? In September 1941, at a convention in the city of Leicester, a discourse entitled "Integrity " considered the issue of universal domination. Osho itashi tu pe mbela omatomheno okukala tu shii kutya Jehova otashi dulika ta ka ninga sha faafana puHarmagedon? Mo 1941, poshoongalele shoshitukulwa shomo 1941, opa li pa yandjwa oshipopiwa shimwe shi na oshipalanyole "Oshinima shimwe shomo 1941, " osho sha li sha talika ko shi li oshinima sha nyika oshiponga osho sha li sha talika ko shi li oulunde womeshito alishe. The same is true of the wife toward her husband. Onghee hano, ovakulunhuongalo kunena ihava pangele eitavelo lovamwaxe. - 1 Pet. Osho osha faafana nomukulukadi waye. This school would give couples further training so that they can be more useful to Jehovah's organization. Ohashi hafifa Jehova ngeenge eehepele tadi yandje nehafo. - 2 Kor. Ofikola oyo otai ka pa ovalihomboli edeulo la wedwa po opo va dule okulongifwa kehangano laJehova. The Bible teaches that discipline means guidance, training, correction, and sometimes even punishment. Onda kala mOshikondo shOilonga oule wokafimbo moWatchtower Educational Center, nonda ka kala handi hongo oilyo youkwaneumbo waBetel nosho yo ovapashukili ovaendi. Ombibeli otai hongo kutya outekuduliko otau ti sha, okudeula vamwe, outekuduliko nokuli nomafimbo amwe nokuli. When giving the details of "the sign " marking" the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus specifically said: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. " Ola li la holoka mOmishangwa dOshiheberi lwoikando 6 973 nosho yo lwoikando 237 mOmishangwa dopaKriste dOshigreka. Eshi Jesus a yandja ouyelele muhapu u na sha "edidiliko lefimbo lounyuni, " okwa popya kondadalunde kondadalunde a ti:"Efiku notundi oyo kaku na ou e i shii, nande ovaengeli vomeulu, ile Omona, oTate Oye aeke. " (Mat. Why was so much attention given to music in David's day? Inatu pumbwa okumona oixuna omolwoilanduliko yokuhadulika keemhango daKalunga opo tu lihonge oilihongomwa ya fimana. Omolwashike sha li sha fimana unene okukala hatu yandje elitulemo komusika oyo ya li pefimbo laDavid? Also, Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce and fill the earth. Mbela oyo kai fi tuu oilihongomwa iwa kufye atushe! - Omuudifi 12: 1. Noa okwa li yo e shii kutya ovanhu ova lombwelwa va xulife po okumona oixuna nokuyadifa edu. Much suffering and death have resulted from diseases that are spread by sexual relations. Onghee hano, ngeenge hatu lihongo kombinga yaJesus, kungaho ohatu lihongo yo kombinga yaJehova. Okumona oixuna nefyo osha etifa omikifi odo hadi tandavele okudja momilele. Can we not imagine that Jehovah might do something similar at Armageddon? Omashongo oo Daniel a li a taalela. Mbela itatu dulu okufaneka momadiladilo etu kutya Jehova otashi dulika a ninge oshinima sha faafana puHarmagedon? After all, present - day elders are not the masters over their brothers ' faith. - 1 Pet. Oukokolindjila owa kwafela nge ndi kale nda nyashuka komutima nokukala ndi na onghalamwenyo tai ti sha. Kakele kaasho, ovakulunhuongalo vokunena ihava talele po ovamwaxe meitavelo. - 1 Pet. It is pleasing to Jehovah when the materially poor are impelled to give cheerfully. - 2 Cor. 4: 10, 19) Mbela Kalunga okwa li a ninga po shike? Ohashi hafifa Jehova ngeenge ope na oinima ihapu oyo hai ve linyengifa va longe nehalo liwa. - 2 Kor. Here I worked briefly in the Service Department and then for a time shared in teaching branch personnel and traveling overseers. 28 Okweehena popepi naKalunga osha kala shiwa kwaame Onda li handi longo kOshikondo shOilonga, opo nee, handi kufa efimbo opo ndi honge ovapashukili ovaendi nokuninga ovapashukili ovaendi. It has been done, using the commonly accepted English form " Jehovah ' 6,973 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. " OUPYAKADI OMUTITANO: Ola kala hali longifwa unene tuu mOshiingilisha, naluhapu oya li ya tambula ko oshitukulwa " shOmishangwa dOshiheberi nomOmishangwa dOshiheberi odo di li mOmishangwa dopaKriste dOshigreka. ' Thankfully, we do not need to suffer the consequences of breaking God's laws to learn valuable lessons. Oshikalimo Lao linene, inatu pumbwa okukala hatu mono oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi oyo tai nyono eemhango daKalunga opo tu lihonge oilihongomwa ya fimanenena. What outstanding lessons for all of us to learn! - Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Nonande ope na natango oilonga ihapu ya pumbwa okulongwa moukalele, omumwatate a tya ngaho ina ka kala vali a " diinina eendjovo domwenyo ' noina ka kala vali ha kufa ombinga momalipyakidilo opamhepo. Osho kashi fi tuu oilihongomwa ya fimana kufye okulihonga! - Omuudifi 12: 1. So when we learn about Jesus, we learn about Jehovah. 4: 16 - 21. Onghee hano, ngeenge otwe lihongo kombinga yaJesus, ohatu lihongo kombinga yaJehova. Challenges that Daniel faced. Oshoshili kutya katu na okukala twa teelela tu pewe ounongo pashikumwifilonga kunena. Omashongo oo Daniel a li a taalela. The pioneer service helps keep me young at heart and gives me a purpose in life. Eendombwedi daJehova di li ongudu mounyuni aushe, ohadi tale ko ovanhu vomoiwana aishe ngaashi Kalunga he va tale ko. Omukokolindjila oha kwafele nge ndi kaleke onghalamwenyo yange paunafangwa nohai kwafele nge ndi kale ndi na elalakano monghalamwenyo. What did he do? Kalunga okwa yandja Omona waye omolwetu molwaashi oku tu hole. Mbela okwa li a ninga po shike? 28 Drawing Near to God Has Been Good for Me Diladila kwaashi: Ovaisrael vonale ova li va lombwelwa vaha teye omakipa odjona yOpaasa. 28 Ehena popepi naKalunga COMPLAINT: Opo tu mone omanyamukulo komapulo oo, natu ka konakoneni onghandangala oyo ya li hai danwa komalenga opefimbo lOmbibeli. OUPYAKADI LOKOMBADA: Table of Contents Jesus okwa longifa efaneko li na sha nomushingifi ta kongo okawe. Oshikalimo Eventually, after he carries out his ministry for several years, his desire for some things of this world becomes so overwhelming that he turns back and looks at "the things behind. " Osho osha ningifa Jesus a kale a fimaneka eenghonopangelo daKalunga. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, konima eshi a kala ta longo moukalele oule womido dihapu, okwa kala a halelela oinima imwe yomounyuni opo a konge "oinima inene. " Why, Jesus built his life around spreading the good news! - Luke 4: 16 - 21. Jesus okwa li yo a yelifa kutya "okwaanya " osha hala okutya shike. 4: 16 - 21. We personally do not expect to receive wisdom miraculously. Ovapangeli vomalusheno noveepaipi, ovashingi veedila neendokotola, ove likolelela keemhango domeshito opo va dule okulonga oilonga yavo. Inatu teelela tu pewe ounongo pashikumwifilonga. In lands around the globe, only Jehovah's Witnesses have adopted God's way of thinking as a group. (2) Okuninga omalunduluko okwa kwatela mo shike? Eendombwedi daJehova mounyuni aushe ohadi tambula ko onghedi yaKalunga yokudiladila ngaashi ongudu. God gave his Son in our behalf because he loved us. (a) Epulo lilipi tu na okulipula li na sha nomailikano etu, nomolwashike? Kalunga okwe tu pa Omona waye oku tu fila oshisho molwaashi oku tu hole. Consider this: The ancient Israelites were told that they must not break any bone of the Passover lamb. Eudaneko etivali la fimanenena lilipi omunhu ta dulu okuninga, nomolwashike? Diladila kwaashi: Ovaisrael vopefimbo lonale ova li va lombwelwa kutya kave na okulidula odjona. To find out, let us examine the role of stewards in ancient times. (Lesha Jakob 1: 25.) Opo tu mone omanyamukulo omapulo oo, natu ka konakoneni onghandangala yovapiya vopefimbo lonale. Jesus told an illustration about a merchant who was seeking pearls. [ Omashangelo opedu] Jesus okwa li a hokolola efaneko li na sha nomushingifi oo a li ta kongo okawe. As a result, Jesus respects God's loving authority. Pashihopaenenwa, omufita okwa li a tanga okakadona kutya oke na omesho mapu, e a yelekanifa naa " eenghutyona. ' (Eimb.lela. Oshidjemo, Jesus okwa li a fimaneka eenghonopangelo daKalunga pahole. He also illustrated what it means to "beg off. " (Omayel. 23: 29 - 33) Nomolwaasho, okwa li ha popi a manguluka ngeenge ta pe vamwe omayele e na sha nokunwa sha pitilila. Okwa li yo a yelifa kutya osha hala okutya shike. Electricians, plumbers, engineers, pilots, surgeons - all of them depend on these laws in order to do their work. Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okulandula oshihopaenenwa shaSamuel eshi tava deula vamwe? Eengudu odo oda li de likolelela keemhango odo da li hadi longifwa opo di longe oilonga yado. (2) What does the transformation involve? Komatango efiku olo, onda li nda yandja oshipopiwa shange shotete shomoipafi ndi li omupashukilishikandjo. (2) Omalunduluko elipi a kwatela mo okuninga? (a) What should we ask ourselves about prayer, and why? Kalunga ota ka longifa Ouhamba waye opo a wanife po ehalo laye meulu nokombada yedu. - Mateus 6: 10. (a) Oshike tu na okulipula shi na sha nokwiilikana, nomolwashike? What is the second most important vow that a person can make, and why? Dimbuluka kutya Messias okwa li ta ka dja moshiwana osho, nota ka nyanyaula omutwe waSatana nokuulika kutya Jehova oku na oufemba wokupangela. Eudaneko etivali la fimanenena lilipi omunhu ta dulu okuninga, nomolwashike? (Read James 1: 25.) 21: 1 - 6) Onghee hano, pomhito opo, David okwa li a "ehela oshifima. " (Lesha Jakob 1: 25.) [ Footnotes] 3: 21, 24. [ Omashangelo opedu] For example, the shepherd praises the maiden's soft and gentle eyes by comparing them to "those of doves. " (Omuud. 3: 7) Omufiyekadi wedina Dalene okwa ti: "Ovo va nyika oluhodi ova pumbwa okuholola omadiladilo nomaliudo avo. Pashihopaenenwa, omufita oo a li omufita muwa okwa li ha kala e litala ko e li omutumba nawa nokwe litala ko e li " oukadona vovanhu. " Jesus thus had freeness of speech when counseling against such a practice. OSHITUKULWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 3 EPANDJA 20 - 24 Kungaho, Jesus okwa li e na emanguluko lokupopya eshi a li ta tula moilonga omayele oo. When training others, how can elders imitate Samuel's example? Omolwashike taku dulu okutiwa kutya Jehova ita dulu okutokola shihe li pauyuki? Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okuhopaenena oshihopaenenwa Samuel ngeenge tava deula vamwe? That afternoon, I gave my first public talk as a circuit overseer. 3: 1 - 5) Ndele nande ongaho, okukala twa pama pamhepo otaku ke tu kwafela tu henuke enwefemo lii lounyuni ou. Efimbo olo, onda li nda yandja oshipopiwa shomoipafi ndi li omupashukilishikandjo. God uses the Kingdom to accomplish his will in heaven and on earth. - Matthew 6: 10. Ohatu longifa omadina ovanhu ovo tu hole ngeenge hatu popi navo, ngaashi ookaume ketu vopofingo Kalunga ota longifa Ouhamba opo a wanife po ehalo laye meulu nokombada yedu. - Mateus 6: 10. Remember that the Messiah would come from that nation, and he would be the one to crush Satan and prove that Jehovah has the right to rule. [ Efano pepandja 11] Dimbuluka kutya Messias ota ka dja moshiwana osho, nota ka nyanyaula Satana nota ka ulika kutya Jehova oku na oufemba wokupangela ovanhu. So in that instance, David was "looking for bread. " Jesus ine tu tulila po tuu oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokuudila oukwao wananghali ovo tava lili omolwovaholike vavo ovo va fya eshi kwa li a lila nonande okwa li e shii kutya ota ka nyumuna Lasarus. Pashihopaenenwa, David okwa li a "ninga omungome. " 3: 21, 24. (Lesha Epsalme 119: 97 - 104.) 3: 21, 24. A widow named Dalene explains: "Bereaved ones need to express their thoughts and feelings. (Gal. Omufiyekadi umwe wedina Luis, okwa yelifa a ti: "Oohandimwe ovo va li va pumbwa okupopya omaliudo avo nosho yo omaliudo avo. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 20 - 24 Omolwashike Moses a li e na oushili kutya ota ka pewa ondjabi? OSHITUKULWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 3 EPANDJA 20 - 24 Why can it be said that Jehovah is incapable of injustice? (Job 6: 2, 3) Omunhu a tya ngaho oshi na oupu a popye sha ndele hasho lela a li a diladila. Omolwashike taku dulu okutiwa kutya Jehova ita dulu okulonga okuhenouyuki? Yet, keeping spiritually strong will do much to offset this world's negative influences. Kalunga okwa li yo a longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki opo a shite oinima i na omwenyo. Ndele nande ongaho, otashi ka kala shidjuu neenghono okukondjifa enwefemo lounyuni ou woukolokoshi. We use personal names when we talk with those we love, such as our close friends Mbela ihatu kala tuu tu udite nawa ngeenge hatu tange nokuulika kutya otu hole Tate yetu womeulu, Jehova, moku mu imbila? Ohatu longifa omadina opaumwene ngeenge hatu popi naavo tu hole, ngaashi ookaume ketu kopofingo [ Picture on page 11] Oonakufya otava ka nyumunwa momukokomoko womido eyovi. [ Efano pepandja 11] How appropriate, then, that Jesus set an example of showing sympathy for the bereaved by sincerely shedding tears even though he was about to raise Lazarus. Luhapu, ovanhu osho hava kala ve udite ngaho omolwoidila yavo ile molwaashi va tila kutya eegene dovapambele ohadi va ningifa va dale ounona vomalai. Onghee hano, osha yela kutya Jesus okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shi na sha nokuudila oukwao wananghali ovo va filwa, nonande okwa li ta hepekwa neenghono. (Read Psalm 119: 97 - 104.) * (Lesha Epsalme 119: 97 - 104.) we might ask. Onda li yo nda kwafelwa kovanafikola vakwetu vamwe. Otashi dulika tu lipule shi na sha naasho. Why was Moses certain that he would be rewarded? Nopehe na omalimbililo ote ke shi mona. Omolwashike Moses a li e na oushili kutya ota ka pewa ondjabi? When " considering ' such ones, we need to keep in mind that what they say may not be a true reflection of what they really are at heart. Onda li yo nde lihonga kutya Jehova oku na ehangano laye enahole, nokuli nonande kanda li nda enda natango kokwoongala. Ngeenge hatu diladila kombinga yovanhu va tya ngaho, otwa pumbwa okukaleka momadiladilo kutya osho tava popi otashi dulika vaha didilike osho tava diladila momitima detu. God's spirit also produced highly organized works in the biological sphere of creation. Okwa li ha kala omutumba momulunga nokutokola ovanhu e li omukalelipo waJehova. Omhepo yaKalunga ohai tu kwafele yo tu longe oilonga oyo ya unganekwa nawa meshito. What better thoughts could we "feel " than those that express praise and love for our heavenly Father, Jehovah? Osho osha etifa oidjemo ilipi? Omadiladilo mawa elipi hatu dulu " udu shihe fi ashike okupandula Tate yetu womeulu, Jehova? The dead will be raised during the thousand years. Thomas okwa ti: "Ame nomukulukadi wange ngeenge tashi uya poitwa oyo ya fimana ohatu kala twa hala okushiiva ngeenge okamonakadona ketu oka itavela ngoo shili osho take lihongo nongeenge otashi ti sha kuko. Oonakufya otava ka nyumunwa momukokomoko womido eyovi. This is usually because of societal taboos or fear of genetic defects. Nonande oshitukulwa eshi osha kundafana shi na sha nonghalamwenyo yaDavid eshi a li omunyasha, okwa ka kala yo e na ekwatafano lopofingo naJehova eshi a kula. Osho osho hashi kala ngaho molwaashi ovanhu ohava kala ve na oumbada wokutila ovanhu ile oumbada wokutila ovanhu. * 5: 31) Osha yela kutya Jehova okwa teelela ovashamane va kale ovadiinini kovakulukadi vavo, tave va ulikile alushe ouwanghenda. * Some of my classmates also helped me. 20, 21. (a) Ongahelipi okudilonga kekulilo taku dulu oku tu kwafela tu finde omaliudo mai? Ovanafikola vakwetu navo ova li va kwafela nge. And he will! Oshihopaenenwa shatate shokukala omudiinini nosho yo shameme shokukala ha longele kumwe naye nomutima aushe osha kwafela nge fiyo okunena. Naasho ote shi ningi. I also learned that Jehovah has a loving organization, although I had not yet attended a meeting. 5 Exunganeko 2. Onde lihonga yo kutya Jehova oku na ehangano lopahole nonande kanda li natango handi i kokwoongala. There she would sit beneath a palm tree and serve the people as Jehovah directed. Inapa pita olule, oikulya noikunwa oya ka kala oupyakadi molwaashi Daniel ka li a hala " okulinyateka neendja dohamba. ' - Dan. Okwa li ha kala omutumba mOlupale lOuhamba noku ka longela ovanhu ngaashi Jehova a li he va wilike. What has been the result? Vahapu ohava nanenwa kuye omolwomaukwatya aye mawa. Oshidjemo osha li shike? " Especially on important points, " says Thomas, "my wife and I want to know if our daughter really believes what she is learning and if it makes sense to her. Ndele fimbo Jehu a li mondjila, ohamba ikolokoshi Joram, omona waAhab naIsabel, oya li ye uya oku mu shakeneka netemba layo, ndele tai ti kuye: "Ombili tuu Jehu? " Thomas okwa ti: "Osho unene sha fimanenena oshosho kutya, ame nomukulukadi wange otwa hala okushiiva ngeenge omonakadona wetu okwa itavela ngoo shili kutya osho te lihongo nonokutya ote lihongo shike. What David turned out to be in later years is really another story. Ngeenge twa taalela omashongo okondadalunde, otwa pumbwa okukonga ewiliko lopakalunga mOmbibeli nomoishangomwa ya kanghamena kOmbibeli. Osho David a li a ninga konima yomido donhumba osha li vali ehokololo limwe vali. Clearly, Jehovah expects husbands to stick loyally to their wives, always showing them loving - kindness. Nonande ohatu yelekwa, otu na okuninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo tu kale metwokumwe nomifikamhango daye diyapuki nosho yo eemhango daye. Osha yela kutya Jehova okwa teelela ovashamane va kanyatele oudiinini wavo, hava ulike alushe ouwanghenda. 20, 21. (a) How can meditating on the ransom help us combat negative feelings? 10: 39) Fye itatu dulu oku mu mona nomesho etu. 20, 21. (a) Ongahelipi okudilonga kekuliloyambo taku dulu oku tu kwafela tu kondjife omaliudo mai? His example of loyalty - along with Mother's wholehearted cooperation - has helped me to this day. Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li a longifa efimbo laye lihapu mokupula omapulo. Oshihopaenenwa shaye shokukala omudiinini pamwe nameme osha kwafela nge ndi mone kutya efiku olo ola kwafela nge ndi kale omudiinini fiyo okunena. 5 Prophecy 2. Itashi tu kumifa eshi Ombiibeli ya divilika lwoikando omhumbwe yokukala hatu twaafana omukumo pandjikilile. 5 Exunganeko 2. In fact, food and drink soon became an issue because Daniel did not want to "defile himself with the king's delicacies. " - Dan. Otu na eshiivo lashili lEendjovo daye nosho yo eudeko la yela loshili kombinga yaye noyomalalakano aye. Kakele kaasho, oikulya nosho yo okunwa sha pitilila oya ka naipala diva molwaashi Daniel ka li a hala " okulidula ohamba. ' - Dan. Many are drawn to his warm and pleasant personality. Omishangwa mbali dOmbibeli odo da kwafela nge unene odo: Epsalme 11: 5, olo tali popi kutya Jehova oku tonde ovo ve hole owii, ile tu tye, elongifo leenghono nosho yo 1 Petrus 3: 7, oo a honga nge kutya ngeenge onda hala Jehova a pwilikine komailikano ange, ondi na okuungaunga nomukulukadi wange nefimaneko. Vahapu ova ehena popepi nomaukwatya aye mawa. Wicked King Jehoram, the son of Ahab and Jezebel, rode in his chariot to meet Jehu and said: "Is there peace, Jehu? " Dimwe domeenghedi odo oda popiwa pafaneko monghedi ihokwifa mEimbiloelela laSalomo. Jehu okwa li a lombwela Jehu a ti: "Ombili tuu eshi ohamba Ahab, omona wohamba Ahab, ye noukwaneumbo waye va ongala ndele tave i shakeneke? " When we face specific trials, we need to seek divine guidance from the Scriptures and from our Bible - based publications. Osha yelifa yo kutya " ovapiya ' ovavaekwa nosho yo "eedi " dimwe, ovo tava palulwa komupiya omudiinini. Ngeenge twa taalela omayeleko onhumba, otwa pumbwa okukonga ewiliko mOmishangwa nosho yo moishangomwa yetu ya kanghamena kOmbibeli. REGULAR FEATURES 12, 13. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Even when we are persecuted, we do our best to live according to his righteous principles and laws. " Tu liduleni keshe eshi tashi tu findile poshi " Nokuli nonande ohatu hepekwa, ohatu ningi ngaashi hatu dulu opo tu kale metwokumwe nomifikamhango daye douyuki nosho yo eemhango daye. We, however, cannot observe him directly. (Ovafilippi 2: 20) Epopilo liwa la tya ngaho inali uya po ashike ombadilila. Ndele nande ongaho, itatu dulu oku mu mona odikilila. Yet, he spent much of his time asking questions. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, oitukulwa yOmbiibeli oya li ya tolokwa momalaka amwe oo kwa li ha longifwa unene, ngaashi mOshisyria, mOshigotic nomOshilatina. Ndele nande ongaho, okwa kala ha longifa efimbo laye lihapu mokupula omapulo. It should not surprise us that the Bible emphasizes the need for regular encouragement. Omanangeko noupuna elipi hatu hafele paife? Inatu kumwa eshi Ombibeli ya divilika kutya otwa pumbwa okutwaafana omukumo pandjikilile. We have accurate knowledge of his Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Otu na eshiivo lashili lEendjovo daye nosho yo eudeko lomoule li na sha noshili kombinga yaye nosho yo omalalakano aye. Two Bible verses especially helped me: Psalm 11: 5, which shows that Jehovah hates violence, and 1 Peter 3: 7, which taught me that if I want Jehovah to hear my prayers, I must treat my wife with honor. Ovanafikola vokofikola yopombada moSwaziland tava pwilikine koshipopiwa shomoipafi mo 1936 Omushangwa oo u li mEpsalme 11: 5, oo tau ulike kutya Jehova oku tonde elongifo leenghono, na Petrus 3: 7, nonokutya ngeenge onda hala okuuda omailikano ange, ohandi ungaunga nomukulukadi wange. Some of these are wonderfully portrayed in the Song of Solomon. Ovanhu vamwe Vamwe vomwaavo otava faneke oiningwanima ya tya ngaho i na sha nEimbiloelela laSalomo. And the "domestics " are those of the anointed and of the" other sheep, " who are all fed by the faithful slave. Oshike shi li momitima davo? " Ovapiya ' ovavaekwa nosho yo "eedi dimwe, " ovo hava palulwa komupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge. 12, 13. (Mat. 12: 25) Opo tu kondjife enwefemo lavo lii, natu dulike komayele aPaulus, oo taa ti: "Omupiya wOmwene ina wapala okutwa eemhata, oye e nokukala e nonheni naaveshe. " (2 Tim. 12, 13. " Put Off Every Weight " Ombibeli mEhololo oya xunganeka kutya itai ka kala ashike oita yopashiwana ndele oita oyo tai ka kuma ounyuni aushe pefimbo lexulilo. " Katu na nande okulidula keshe umwe " That reputation did not come about by accident. 15: 16; Rom. Osho kasha li sha ningwa po ngeenge ovanhu ova fi. In time, portions of the Bible were translated into other common languages, such as Syriac, Gothic, and Latin. Jehova ina teelela ashike tu kale ovalididimiki, ndele naye mwene omulididimiki, nokwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa sha denga mbada shokuteelela. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, oitukulwa yOmbibeli oya li ya tolokwa momalaka amwe, ngaashi okuhapupalifa eenghono, okulesha nosho yo mOshilatina. What blessings do we already enjoy? Ndele opo li tu wilike nawa, oli na okukala la deulwa nawa. Omanangeko noupuna elipi hatu hafele nale? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ * Oshikando sha dja ko owa li wa pula epulo kombinga yOuhamba waKalunga. . . . . . . * High school students who attended a public talk in Swaziland in 1936 Omukulukadi waye okwa ti: "Howard okwa li ha komangele kutya nandi efe po okukonakona Ombibeli. * Ovanafikola vakwetu ovo va li hava i kofikola oyo ya li ya yandjwa mo 1936 Some people Onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okushiiva nghee Jehova ha tale ko oinima, omokukala hatu yandje elitulemo kwaasho ehangano laye tali tu hongo kombinga yaye. Ovanhu vamwe What is in their heart? Jehova okwa tula po omifikamhango di na sha nanghee eshito laye li na okukala hali longele kumwe. Oshike shi li momutima wavo? In combating their evil influence, we do well to follow Paul's counsel: "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all. " 7, 8. (a) Abraham naSara ova li va taalela omaupyakadi elipi? Eshi Paulus a li ta kondjifa enwefemo lii, otu na okutula moilonga omayele aPaulus oo taa ti: "Omupiya wOmwene ina pumbwa okukondjifa aveshe, ndelenee omeemhumbwe davo adishe. " (Rom. And the Bible book of Revelation foretold not just local warfare but wars that would affect the whole earth during the time of the end. 17, 18. (a) Okudimina po vamwe nokupula tu diminwe po ohaku eta oidjemo ilipi? Embo lEhololo ola xunganeka kutya oita oyo ashike tai ka kuma edu alishe pefimbo lexulilo. 15: 16; Rom. (Luk. 11: 13) Omumwameme umwe wedina Barbara oo a kala moilonga youtumwa oule wefimbo lile, okwa ti: "Ohandi ilikana alushe fimbo inandi hovela okulesha ile okukonakona Ombibeli. 15: 16; Rom. With regard to exercising patience, Jehovah does not expect us to do something that he is not willing to do himself. He has set the supreme example of being willing to wait. 4: 1, 2) Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge otwa kengelele omwiitaveli mukwetu okupitila meendjovo ile meenghatu detu, ndele ta ka konga ekwafo kuKalunga? Jehova ina teelela tu kale ovalididimiki, ndele okwa teelela tu ninge oshinima shonhumba osho ehe na ehalo lokuteelela. It is an inner sense of right or wrong that can guide us in the right direction. Ndelenee ngenge tu na oipalwifa noikutu, osho tuu nashi tu wanenene. " Oshi li pandunge okufika pexulifodiladilo la puka ile osho tashi dulu oku tu wilika tu ende mondjila ya yuka. * The last time we spoke, you raised a question about God's Kingdom. Pashihopaenenwa, Jehova okwa popya okupitila muJesaja ta ti: "Diinineni [ouyuki ndele tamu longo eshi sha yuka, NW]... * Efimbo laxuuninwa otwa li twa pula epulo li na sha nOuhamba waKalunga. His wife explains: "Howard demanded that I give up studying the Bible. Leviticus 19: 5 ota ti: "Ngenge tamu tomene Omwene epanduloyambo, nye mu noku li yamba ngaha, mu shiive oku mu wapalela. " Omukulukadi waye okwa ti: "Fiyo onaini nda li handi kendabala okukonakona Ombibeli. Another way to get to know the way Jehovah thinks is to pay close attention to what his organization teaches us from the Bible. Anthony: Shimwe vali, otwa itavela kutya osha fimana okulongifa edina laKalunga, Jehova, ngaashi Omona waye, Jesus a li a ninga. Onghedi vali imwe omo hatu dulu okushiiva onghedi omo Jehova ha tale ko oinima oyo okukala hatu yandje elitulemo kwaasho ehangano laye tali tu hongo okudja mOmbibeli. Jehovah sets the standard for how his creation should work together. Okwa li a dulika nehalo liwa, hamolwaashi ashike a li e na oku shi ninga, ndele omolwaashi a li e hole Jehova. Jehova okwe tu tulila po omifikamhango di na sha nanghee eshito laye hali longo pamwe. 7, 8. (a) What problems did Abraham and Sarah face? Onda li nokuli ndi shii ohandi fi. 7, 8. (a) Abraham naSara ova li va taalela omaupyakadi elipi? 17, 18. (a) What benefits result when we seek forgiveness and are willing to grant it to others? Omapopyo a tya ngaho kae li pamishangwa. 17, 18. (a) Ouwa ulipi hatu ka mona ngeenge otwa kala hatu dimine po vamwe noku va pa nehalo liwa? Says Barbara, a longtime missionary: "I always pray before I read or study the Bible. Pashihopaenenwa, Ombibeli oye tu lombwela nghee Jehova a li e uditile Ovaisrael, ovo luhapu va li ihava dulika kuye. Barbara oo a kala omutumwa oule wefimbo lile okwa ti: "Ohandi ilikana alushe fimbo inandi lesha ile ekonakonombibeli. But what if we were devious in word or action, thus causing a fellow believer to petition God for help? Marilyn okwa li a nyemata eshi a li ta diladila kombinga yaasho sha li tashi dulu okuningwa po ngeenge okwa fiye po oukwaneumbo waye. Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge otwa kala ovakengeleledi ile hatu katuka eenghatu donhumba, nokungaho ohatu ka konga ekwafo kuKalunga? So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " " Eongamukonda " olo Jesus a ti ota eta oshike naanaa? Onghee hano, otu na okukala twa wanenwa koinima oyo. " Through Isaiah, for instance, Jehovah said: "Uphold justice, and do what is righteous... 3: 19) Otu shii ashike " ominghulo adike deendjila daKalunga, ndele fye ohatu udu ko ashike okunongofola kwaye. ' Pashihopaenenwa, Jehova okwa li a popya okupitila momuprofeti Jesaja a ti: " Oshiwana tashi tila ouyuki, ndee tashi ningi ovayuki... " In case you should sacrifice a communion sacrifice to Jehovah, " says Leviticus 19: 5, "you should sacrifice it to gain approval for yourselves. " (Mat. 5: 3) Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika tu mone shidjuu okukala hatu ningi ekonakonombiibeli lopaumwene tali ti sha omolwomalipyakidilo etu efiku keshe. Leviticus 19: 5 okwa ti: "Ngenge tamu ningi omaliyambo, otamu shi ningi yo opo mu kale mwa hokiwa kuJehova. " Anthony: For one thing, we believe that it is important to use God's personal name, Jehovah - just as his Son, Jesus, did. Ohava lundulukile nehalo liwa konghedi ipe omo oilonga yetu yokuudifa kombinga yOuhamba waKalunga oo wa dikwa po ina okulongwa. Anthony: Oshinima shimwe osho twa itavela oshosho kutya osha fimana okulongifa edina laKalunga, Jehova, ngaashi Omona waye, Jesus. He willingly obeyed, not just because he had to, but because he loved Jehovah. Omauyelele oo e li momavangeli a tya ngaho kae li paushili; oku li ashike omitoto do venevene, nomolwaasho itae tu kwafele nande tu shiive nawa Jesus nomahongo aye. - 1 Timoteus 4: 1, 2. Ka li ashike ha dulika nehalo liwa, ndele omolwaashi ashike a li e hole Jehova. In fact, I thought I would die. Okwa li e na omido 97 nokwa kala ha popiwa kutya oku li "omupashukili muwa nakaume omuholike. " Onda li handi diladila kutya ohandi fi. The notion is unscriptural. Molaporta oyo ohamu kala omahokololo e na sha nomudo woilonga wa tetekela. Ndele okutomhafana kwa tya ngaho kaku li pamishangwa. For example, the Bible tells us how Jehovah felt about the Israelites, who often disobeyed him. Edna okwa li omuvaekwa omunalukeno nokwa li a fa Lidia wopefimbo lOmbibeli. Edna okwa li ha hiila eumbo la kula nokwa li a idilila mo meme Mary, omukulukadi umwe oo a li a hombolwa kumumwaina waEdna nosho yo ovanakadona vavali vomukulukadi oo. Pashihopaenenwa, Ombibeli oye tu lombwela nghee Jehova a li e uditile Ovaisrael, ovo va li inava dulika kuye. Marilyn dreaded leaving her precious family and their stable spiritual routine. Paulus okwa ti: "Tu ha kale vali ouhanana hava telaanifwa nohava fungaafungifwa keemhepo adishe delongo [nomomanyanekelodanauko] ovanhu nomomakonda omalungameno omapukifo. " (Ef. Marilyn okwa li a tila fiye po oukwaneumbo wavo oo u na ondilo nokwa kala alushe e lipyakidila noinima yopamhepo. What is the "sword " that Jesus said he would bring? Pashihopaenenwa, diladila konghedi yelininipiko omo a li a ungaunga nepulo lidjuu li na sha naao e na oufemba wokupewa oshitukulwafyuululo. Jesus okwa ti kutya ota ka eta shike? We know only "the fringes of [God's] ways, " and" only a faint whisper has been heard of him. " Okwa li a lombwela Jehova kutya okwa hafela etokolo lokamonakadona kaye loku mu liyapulila onghalamwenyo yako. " Otu shi shii ashike kutya "medina laKalunga " otali ti ashike" Tate, " ndele" okwa uda ondaka yaye. " At times, though, we may find it difficult to engage in meaningful personal study because of our busy routine. yo 8 Marsa 1993, epandja 26 - 27. Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika tu mone shidjuu okutula moilonga ekonakonombiibeli lopaumwene molwaashi twe lipyakidila noinima yopaumwene. They eagerly adjust to new ways in which our work of preaching God's established Kingdom is to be done. Omahangano ondanisha oyo mOilongo ya Hangana okwa li e mu pa oimaliwa yoku ke lihonga opo a kale dingi mondanisha oyo. Ohava kala va halelela okulundulula eenghedi dipe omo oilonga yetu yokuudifa Ouhamba waKalunga wa dikwa po. Rather, they contain inaccurate, invented, fanciful accounts that are of no help in getting to know Jesus and his teachings. - 1 Timothy 4: 1, 2. Abel okwa li natango a mona oushili weendjovo odo, eshi oundenge tava dalwa. Ponhele yaasho, ope na omahokololo mahapu oo taa dulu oku tu kwafela tu shiive Jesus nomahongo aye. - 1 Timoteus 4: 1, 2. He was 97 years of age. He has been described as "a wonderful overseer and a dear friend. " Jehova okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shilipi shi na sha nelipangelo? Okwa kala e na omido 97 nokwa popiwa e li " omupashukili muwa nomookaume ketu omuholike. ' The Yearbook contains the report for the preceding service year. Oshinima sha tya ngaho ohashi kumwifa ovo hava longo momahangano okupilinda molwaashi ove shii kutya omashina okupilinda, eembapila, ohinga nosho yo oilongifo ikwao oi na ondilo. Embo lokomudo (embo lokomudo) ola hokolola shi na sha noilonga yokuudifa ya tetekela momudo wa tetekela. Edna was a compassionate anointed Witness - a modern - day Lydia - who had rented a large home and taken in, besides Aunt Mary, the wife of Edna's brother, as well as her two daughters. Omushamane umwe oo a filwa omukulukadi waye okwa ti: "Ame nomukulukadi wange katwa li twa hala ohombo yetu i xule. Efiku limwe Lidia okwa li Ondombwedi yedina Lidia yedina Lidia oyo ya li hai hiila eumbo la kula, nomukulukadi waye Maria, nosho yo ovanakadona vavali. Paul wrote that this is "in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. " Opo nee oto dulu okulipula kutya, " Mbela omahongo elongelokalunga lange otaa tu ngoo kumwe naasho Ombiibeli tai ti? ' Paulus okwa ti kutya " opo tuha kale twa fa ouhanana, tuha kaleni twa fa tuhe na omhepo notwa dingililwa omalongo omalongo oludi keshe. ' (Ef. Consider, for example, the modest way he handled a difficult question about inheritance rights. Naave otali dulu oku ku kwafela. Pashihopaenenwa, diladila shi na sha nonghedi omo a li a ungaunga nefyuululo la kwata moiti. He told Jehovah that he was so happy about his little girl's decision to dedicate her life to Him. " * Okwa li a lombwela Jehova kutya okwa hafa neenghono eshi okamonakadona kaye ka ninga etokolo loku mu liyapulila. " of March 8, 1993, pages 26 - 27, has a complete discussion of surrogate motherhood. Onda li nde lihonga pehovelo kutya edina laKalunga Omunaenghono oJehova. yo 8 Marsa 1993, epandja 26 - 27. She was offered scholarships and coveted positions at ballet companies across the United States. 113: 5 - 7) Sha faafana, mbela oshike osho tu kwete " inatu shi pewa ' kuJehova, kutya nee oukwatya muwa, okudula nosho yo oinakuwanifwa ye likalekelwa? Okwa li a pewa oimaliwa yokulikongela omboloto nosho yo oinima yopamaliko oyo ya li hai ningilwa mOilongo ya Hangana. As Abel's siblings were born, he no doubt learned that those words came true as well. Mbela ohatu ka kala twa lyalyakana? Eshi ovamwaina va dalwa, okwa li a limbililwa kutya eendjovo odo oda wanifwa shili. What example does Jehovah provide regarding self - control? Diladila yo kwaashi: Jehova ita ka kala ina xupifa ovapiya vaye ve li ongudu ovo va kala tave mu longele noudiinini molwaashi " ke na owidi. ' (Deut. Jehova okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shilipi shi na sha nelipangelo? That alone is staggering to those in the printing industry who understand the cost of presses, paper, ink, and other materials. Onda li nda kumwa komanyamukulo Ombibeli a yela notaa ti sha. Osho ohashi kala shidjuu neenghono kovanhu ovo hava kala ve udite ko kutya omolwashike oilonga oyo hai futu nawa, ngaashi omashina, omashina okolutenda nosho yo oinima imwe vali. One widower said: "My wife and I did not choose to end our marriage. Potete, pokati kOvaegipti noludalo laJakob opa li pe na ekwatafano la tya ngahelipi? Omukulukadi umwe oo a filwa okwa ti: "Ame nomukulukadi wange inatu hoolola okuxulifa po ohombo yetu. Then ask yourself, " How do my church's teachings compare with what the Bible says? ' Ngeno ondi hetekele oku i vala: omuvalo wayo, ou dule [womawe] ehekedu. " Opo nee lipula kutya: " Mbela omahongo ongeleka okwa yooloka ko ngahelipi kwaasho Ombiibeli tai ti? ' It can mean the same for you! Ngaashi Noa noukwaneumbo waye nosho yo Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete, nafye ihatu endafana novanhu ovo vehe hole Jehova. Naave otashi dulu yo oku ku kwafela u ninge sha faafana. * Kendabala okumona nghee eevelishe da kwatafana noshikalimo shetukulwa alishe * I learned early on that the personal name of God Almighty is Jehovah. Onda li nda lenga oilonga yado youdiinini yokutandavelifa onghundana iwa yOuhamba waKalunga mounyuni aushe. Onde lihonga kutya edina laKalunga Omunaenghono adishe oli li Jehova. Is it any different with us? In the way of qualities, abilities, and privileges, what do any of us have that we "did not receive " from Jehovah? Ondjovo oyo oya kala tai yakula Jehova oule womido dihapu nomolwaashi Ombibeli ya ti: "Pehovelo opa li Ondjovo, nOndjovo oya kala puKalunga. " Mbela nafye otu na omaukwatya a yoolokafana moshinima shilipi, okudula kwetu nosho yo omaufembanghenda elipi oo twa pewa kuJehova? Will we panic? Oshungonangelo oya kala tai nyanyangidwa okudja mo 1879 fiyo okunena noihai kundafana oinima i na sha nopolotika, ndele oye likolelela filufilu kOmbiibeli. Mbela ohatu ka kala ngoo twa lyalyakana? And consider this: Since "there is no injustice " with God, he will never fail to preserve the group of humans who have been serving him loyally. 13: 48, NW) Mefelemudo lotete Oshivalo sheedula doPaife, ovanhu omayovi va dja moiwana i lili noku lili ova li va tambula ko oshili nova ulika moipafi kutya ove liyapulila Kalunga okupitila meninginifo. (Oil. Diladila kwaashi: " Molwaashi kape na nande okuhenouyuki, ita ka hanauna po ongudu yovanhu ovo va kala ovadiinini kuye noudiinini. I was impressed by the Bible's clear, logical answers to my questions. Ohava kwafele eongalo lelaka lokuudika opo nalo li kwafele ovaudifi veembolo ve dulife po 300 nosho yo vamwe ovo ve na ohokwe moshilongo osho. Onda li nda kumwa neenghono kwaasho Ombibeli ya popya shi na sha nomapulo ange. At first, what relationship existed between the Egyptians and the descendants of Jacob? Ndele ponhele yaasho, oya popya kutya " otapa ka kala keenhele neenhele omakakamo edu madjuu, ' naasho osho she a ningifa a kale oiningwanima ididilikwedi momafimbo aa matunhula. - Markus 13: 8; Lukas 21: 11. Potete, Ovaegipti nosho yo oludalo laJakob ova li ve na ekwatafano la tya ngahelipi? If I try to count them, they outnumber the grains of sand. " (Lesha Deuteronomion 7: 7, 8.) Ngeenge ohandi kendabala oku va lombwela kutya ove na ko nasha navo, ohava kala va kitakana neenghono. " Like Noah and his family and Christians in the first century, we do not associate with anyone who does not love Jehovah. Opo nee, okwa ladipika ovo tava ka kala kombada yedu momafiku axuuninwa va kale oupafi eshi a ti: " Kamu shi shii efiku lilipi po Omwene weni te uya ' nosho yo " Omona wOmunhu te uya efimbo tuu olo inamu mu teelela. ' Ngaashi Noa noukwaneumbo waye vomefelemudo lotete, katu na okweendafana nomunhu keshe oo ehe hole Jehova. Try to see how verses fit in their context Ova li nokuli tava kendabala oku mu dipaa! - Lukas 4: 17 - 30. Kendabala okumona nghee eevelishe odo hadi longifwa moshikundafanwa shavo I admired their tireless efforts to spread the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. Efiku olo wa ninginifwa, owa li wa pulwa moipafi yeendombwedi ngeenge owe liyapulila Jehova nou udite ko kutya "eliyapulo loye neninginifo loye otali ku didilikifa u li umwe womEendombwedi daJehova noto longo metwokumwe nehangano laye tali wilikwa komhepo yaye? " Onda pandula eenghendabala davo dokutandavelifa onghundana iwa yOuhamba waKalunga mounyuni aushe. The Word has served Jehovah for ages, for the Bible states: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. " Ohatu dulu okukala ovadiinini kuKalunga, kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu li meenghalo da tya ngahelipi. Eendjovo daKalunga oda kala tadi longele Jehova oule womido dihapu, molwaashi Ombibeli oya ti: "Eendjovo daKalunga oda kala po oule womido. " This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Mbela Satana okwa popya ngoo oshili? Oshungonangelo oya kala tai nyanyangidwa okudja mo 1879 fiyo okunena noihai kundafana oinima i na sha nopolotika, ndele oye likolelela filufilu kOmbiibeli. During the first century of our Common Era, thousands of people from different nations embraced the truth and gave public evidence of their devotion to God by being baptized. Jehova okwa li a pa Barak omalombwelo a yela okupitila momuxunganeki Debora a ti: "Fikama, inda komhunda yaTabor, ndele kufa ovalumenhu omayovi omulongo movana vaNaftali nomovana vaSebulon pamwe naave. Mefelemudo lotete, ovanhu omayovi ova li va tambula ko oshili nova li va ulika kutya ove liyandjela Kalunga okupitila mokuninginifwa. They assist a sign - language congregation to help some of the more than 300 deaf publishers and interested ones in the country. Omonghedi ilipi eliyapulo li li euliko lohole? Ohadi kwafele elaka lokuudika li kwafele ovaudifi ve dulife po 300 nosho yo ovo ve na ohokwe moshilongo shavo. However, it does say that "great earthquakes " will occur" in one place after another, " making them one of the notable features of this momentous period of history. - Mark 13: 8; Luke 21: 11. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 10: 22.) Ndele Ombibeli oya ti kutya " omakakamo edu manene ' otaa ka xula po konima yomudo umwe, "opo nee, ' ile tu tye oinima itunhula oyo ya fimanenena mondjokonona. - Mark. 13: 8; Luk. 13: 11. (Read Deuteronomy 7: 7, 8.) (b) Omonghedi ilipi omhango youwanghenda tai dulu okukwafela omushamane a pangele elaka laye? (Lesha Deuteronomion 7: 7, 8.) Then, in words meant for those living during the last days, he urged vigilance, saying: "You do not know on what day your Lord is coming " and," At an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " OKUUDIFA NEENDELELO OSHA HALA OKUTYA SHIKE? Opo nee, okwa li a ladipika ovo ve li momafiku axuuninwa a ti: "Kamu shi shii nokutya, Omwene weni te uya efimbo tuu olo inamu uya. " They even tried to kill him! - Luke 4: 17 - 30. Ngeno onde lipwililikile elihumbato lii lomonamati wange, ngeno ina alukila kondjila. " Ova li nokuli tava kendabala oku mu dipaa. - Luk. 4: 17 - 30. Recall that on your baptism day, before eyewitnesses, you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that "your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit - directed organization. " Okumona oixuna okwa pumbwa okuxulifwa po, 1 / 1 Dimbuluka kutya efiku leninginifo loye, fimbo wa li okaana, owa li wa pulwa ngeenge owe liyapulila Jehova nowa uda ko kutya owe liyapulila Jehova nokuninginifwa, u li umwe womEendombwedi daJehova. " In whatever circumstances we may find ourselves, we can prove faithful to God. Ashike osho hasho sha li elalakano laJehova Kalunga lopehovelo. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya ohatu lihange meenghalo da tya ngahelipi, ohatu dulu okuulika oudiinini wetu kuKalunga. Is Satan right? Oinima ilipi hai tula moshiponga ekwatafano letu naKalunga li na ondilo? Mbela Satana oku li mondjila? Nevertheless, Jehovah gave Barak this clear command through Deborah the prophetess: "Go and march to Mount Tabor, and take 10,000 men of Naphtali and Zebulun with you. Oo a ningifa oinima i kale tai longo palandulafano meshito nokwa tota po eemhango odo tadi i pangele oku na okukala oko a kala alushe. Ndele nande ongaho, Jehova okwa li a pa Barak oshipango osho okupitila momuprofeti Debora, a ti: "Inda komhunda yaTabor, u ka yukifeni omhunda yaTabor. In what way is dedication an expression of love? Ponhele yokukala oupafi pamwe nOmwene wavo, ova li ve liyandja kounghundi wombelela, ndele tava kofa. Omonghedi ilipi eliyapulo li li euliko lohole? (Read Proverbs 10: 22.) Eshi nda li ndi na omido 20 nasha, onghalo yange oya li ya naipala neenghono. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 10: 22.) (b) In what way can the law of loving - kindness help a husband safeguard his tongue? 15: 20, 23. (b) Omonghedi ilipi omhango youwanghenda tai dulu okukwafela omushamane a amene elaka laye? WHAT DOES PREACHING WITH URGENCY MEAN? (2 Ovakorinto 1: 3, 4; 1 Ovatessaloniki 4: 13) Ngeenge ohatu vele ile twa mona oshiponga, otashi dulika tu kale tu li mouyahame, ashike ohatu ka henuka ouhaku keshe oo tau kondjifafana nehalo laKalunga. MBELA OSHIKE TO DULU OKUNINGA PO? Had I been tolerant of my son's bad conduct, he would never have recovered. " 2 TIMOTEUS 3: 3 Ngeno onda li nde mu tala ko e li Ondombwedi ya puka, ngeno ina pondola nandenande. " Yet that is not what Jehovah God originally purposed. Itatu ka hopaenena nandenande oikala yokukembaula nokutokola vamwe oyo hai xumifwa komesho kuSatana. - Eh. Ndele osho hasho Jehova Kalunga a li a lalakanena shi ningwe. What dangers threaten our precious relationship with God? Ndele ope na oshinima shimwe osho twa pumbwa okulungamena. Oiponga ilipi tai dulu okunyona po ekwatafano letu naKalunga? The One who put our vast universe in motion, the One who established the laws to control it, must have always existed. Ahowe. Omunhu oo a pitifa komesho eshito linenenene, oo a tula po eemhango odo da dikwa po eemhango, oku na alushe okukala a li ko nale. Rather than watching out for their Master, they gave in to the urge of their flesh and went to sleep. Kakele kaasho, otava ka dula okulongela kumwe mokuninga omatokolo e li pandunge noku li pandjele. Ponhele yokulongifa Omwene wavo, ova li va kumaida ombelela yavo ndele tava kofa. During my early 20 ' s, my situation worsened. Okwa li kaume kavo, nokwa li ha yandje elitulemo komaukwatya avo mawa. Eshi nda wanifa omido 20 nasha, onghalo yange oya ka naipala neenghono. 15: 20, 23. Diladila yo kombinga yOvaroma 6: 19 ovo tava ti: "Yandjeni oinhimbu yeni ovapiya vouyuki meyapulo. " 15: 20, 23. If we are sick or injured, we may be in pain, but we refuse any treatment that will displease God. Hopaenena oukwatya waJesus welininipiko nowolune Ngeenge hatu vele ile twa mona oshiponga, otashi dulika tu kale twa nyika oluhodi, ashike otashi dulika tu anye okutambula ko oshinima keshe osho tashi nyemateke Kalunga. 2 TIMOTHY 3: 3 Oshinima sha fimanenena osho ovadali tava dulu okuningila ovana vavo, oku va kwafela va ude ko kutya Jehova oku li Xe yavo yomeulu, noku va honga va kale have mu ilikana. 2 TIMOTEUS 3: 3 Certainly, we would not imitate the critical, judgmental spirit promoted by Satan. - Rev. Oshitya "Gnostic " nosho yo" Apocrypha " oya dja koitya yOshigreka oyo tai dulu okuyukifwa "keshiivo lomeholeko " nosho yo koshinima" sha holekekeka. " Onghee hano, katu na okuhopaenena oikala ii oyo tai xumifwa komesho kuSatana. - Eh. There is, however, a dark side to be considered. Ilikaneni hano Omwene weteyo, a tume ovateyi keteyo laye. " Ndele ope na omhunda imwe i lili. Not at all! Ndelenee ou ha endafana novashima, ota ka laipala. " Hasho nandenande! Moreover, they are able to work together in making and carrying out wise and balanced decisions. Molwaashi otu li " pomafimbo madjuu, ' efimbo limwe otashi dulika tu kale twa wililwa po neenghono koisho yonghalamwenyo. Kakele kaasho, otava dulu okulonga pamwe moilonga yefimbo li yadi nokuninga omatokolo e li pandunge. He was their friend, and he looked for their good qualities. Kapa li oshinima shimwe sha fimana kwaame shihe fi okukala ndi li popepi nehangano laJehova li wetike. Okwa li kaume kavo, nokwa li a tala ko omaukwatya mawa avo mawa. Think, too, of Romans 6: 19, which says: "Present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. " Paife ondi wete oto ka dimina kutya ngeenge okwiifana edina laJehova oshi li oshiteelelwa shoku ka xupifwa, nopehe na omalimbililo, Jesus okwa li e shii oshiteelelwa osho. Diladila yo shi na sha nOvaroma 6: 19, oo taa ti: "Kala wa fa ovapiya voye tave ku twala mouyuki. " Imitate Jesus ' Humility and Tenderness Kalele kaasho, osho hasho sha li oshikando shotete ovapiya vaKalunga va li moshiponga shOvaegipti. Hopaenena oukwatya waJesus welininipiko nokuulikila vamwe olune Parents give their children a gift when they help them to understand that Jehovah is their heavenly Father and when they teach them to pray to him. EPANDJA 26 • OMAIMBILO: 60, 102 Ovadali ohava pe ovana vavo oshali ngeenge tave va kwafele va ude ko kutya Jehova Xe yavo womeulu nonokutya ove va honga okwiilikana kuye. " Gnostic " and "Apocryphal " come from Greek words that can refer to" secret knowledge " and "carefully concealed " respectively. Mbela oto ke linyenga ngahelipi eshi to ka mona omuholike woye a nyumunwa? Ovanhu vahapu ohava ti kutya omashangelo o - Apocrypha otaa dulu okuyukifwa koinima oyo tai ulike kutya " eshiivo nosho yo " eshiivo ' ohaa ulike koinima ya nyika oshiponga. Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " Ngeenge ovakwaita xuuninwa ova kwata ko oshilando, ohava kufa keshe osho va hala, mwa kwatelwa noikulya oyo tava hange mo. Onghee hano, ilikana Omwene weteyo a tume ovanailonga vaye. " That principle influenced me to leave my old friendships behind and make new friends among Jehovah's Witnesses. 34: 10) Moses okwa li omuprofeti e likalekelwa. Efinamhango olo ola li la nwefa nge mo ndi fiye po ookaume kange vakulu nokupanga oukaume naye mokati kEendombwedi daJehova. In these "critical times hard to deal with, " we may at times feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life. Dummelow, okwa ti kutya omaxunganeko oo e li membo laDaniel "otaa hokolola oinima yoshili ya ningwa nale, ndele omushangi ote i popi ya fa omaxunganeko. " Molwaashi otu li " momafimbo madjuu, ' omafimbo amwe otashi dulika tu kale tu udite twa wililwa po komaupyakadi onghalamwenyo. If one thing has been most important to me, it has been the matter of keeping close to Jehovah's visible organization. Efimbo: Eemwedi mbali. Ngeenge oshinima shimwe sha fimanenena kwaame, osha li sha ningifa nge ndi kale ndi wete kutya osha fimana okukala popepi nehangano laJehova. Now, I'm sure you would agree that if calling on the name of Jehovah is a requirement for salvation, Jesus was no doubt aware of this requirement. Omonamati wavo, Baltasar, Jr., okwa kala ta longo koBetel yaBrooklyn oule womido 49, oko e li ta yambidida oilonga yokuudifa mounyuni aushe oyo tai xumu komesho, nopaife ota longo e li Oshilyo shOkomitiye yOshitaimbelewa mOilongo ya Hangana. Ondi na oushili kutya oto ka dimina kutya ngeenge edina laJehova oli li oshiteelelwa shoku ka xupifwa, Jesus okwa li e shii oshiteelelwa osho. After all, this was not the first time God's servants had been in danger under Egyptian rule. Vamwe ovo va li ve na omaukwatya mai a fa oinamwenyo ova ninga omalunduluko mawa. Kakele kaasho, osho hasho sha li oshikando shotete kovapiya vaKalunga ovo va li tava pangelwa muEgipti. PAGE 26 • SONGS: 60, 102 Konima eshi Jesus a popya kutya oku udite ngahelipi, okwa li a yandja elitulemo nehalo liwa koshinima osho sha fimanenena ndele ta ilikana ta ti: "Tate, fimanekifa edina loye. " EPANDJA 26 • OMAIMBILO: 60, 102 How would you likely react to seeing a loved one brought back to life? Ovakriste ove na okukala ve na ondjele ngeenge tashi uya poilonga yokulikongela omboloto. - w17.05, ep. Mbela oto ke linyenga ngahelipi ngeenge owa mono kutya omuholike woye okwa nyumuka? When the soldiers finally captured the city, they would take everything they wanted, including any food that was left. 17: 11; Deut. Eshi ovakwaita va kwata ko oshilando, ova li tava ka kwata oinima aishe oyo va li va hala, mwa kwatelwa oikulya oyo va fiya po. Moses was an extraordinary prophet. Oto dulu okuyelifa? Moses oye omuprofeti oo a li omuprofeti monghedi ya denga mbada. Dummelow, say that the prophecies found in the book of Daniel "are really past history thrown by the author into the guise of ancient prediction. " Ngeenge osho osha ningwa, ovashikuli vaye ova li ve na okuninga po shike? Membo laDaniel omu na omaxunganeko mahapu oo a li ko nale membo laDaniel e na sha nomashangelo opefimbo lonale oo a li a pingenwa po komashangelo opefimbo lonale. Duration: Two months. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ohatu ka ninga ngaashi David naManasse va li va ninga. Efimbo: Eemwedi mbali. His son, Baltasar, Jr., has served for 49 years at Brooklyn Bethel, where he supports the ever - growing worldwide preaching work and now serves on the United States Branch Committee. 3: 9) Kashi fi tuu oufembanghenda okukala hatu longele Jehova moukumwe! Omonamati waye Magdalena, Jr, oo a kala ta longo moBetel yaBrooklyn mo 49, okwa kala ta yambidida oilonga yokuudifa mounyuni aushe nopaife ota longo mOkomitiye yOshitaimbelewa. Many who formerly displayed such animalistic qualities have changed for the better. 7 876 000 Vahapu ovo va li ko nale ova li va lundulula omaukwatya oo monghedi ya tya ngaho. After expressing these natural human feelings, Jesus unselfishly switched his focus to the matter of greater importance and prayed: "Father, glorify your name. " Jehova okwe tu pa ekanghameno lokukala twa tomhwa kutya ota ka kwafela oshiwana shaye ngeenge sha pumbwa ekwafo. Konima eshi Jesus a popya kutya ovanhu ove na omaliudo a tya ngahelipi, okwa li a yandja elitulemo koshinima osho sha fimanenena nokwa ilikana a ti: "Tate, fimanekifa edina loye. " Christians should weigh the place that secular work has in their heart. - w17.05, pp. Opo ominyonena di xulifwe po filufilu, ovanhu ova pumbwa okukala ve na elihumbato noikala iwa. Ovakriste ove na okutala kutya oilonga yokulikongela omboloto oi na okulongwa momutima wavo. - w17.05, ep. 17: 11; Deut. Mokutala kexunganeko laGenesis 3: 15, Satana okwa kala tashi dulika ta kongo eemhito opo a ponokele Ovaisrael ovo va li tava monika va fa vehe na ekwafo lasha. 17: 11; Deut. Can You Explain? 1, 2. Oto dulu okuyelifa? If that happened, what would his followers need to do? Kape na omalimbililo, Jehova okwa li e va handukila. (Num. Ngeenge osho osha ningwa, ovashikuli vaye ova li ve na okuninga po shike? Surely we ought to act as did David and Manasseh. Eendafano lii ohali etifa oupyakadi wa kwata moiti. Nopehe na omalimbililo, otu na okukatuka eenghatu ngaashi David naManasse. How grateful we are to have the privilege of worshipping Jehovah in unity! Pashihopaenenwa, Abraham okwa li e na eitavelo tali longo "moludalo " la udanekwa olo la li tali ka dja muye. Inatu hafa tuu eshi tu na oufembanghenda wokukala hatu longele Jehova moukumwe! 7,876,000 (Tala oshimhungu "Omolwashike ovanhu vamwe ihava yandje oinakuwanifwa. ") 71 Jehovah gives us a basis for being convinced that he will help his people when they are in need. 18, 19. (a) Ohombo yopaKriste oi na okuhovela ngahelipi? Jehova okwe tu pa etomheno lokukala twa tomhwa kutya ota ka kwafela oshiwana shaye ngeenge sha pumbwa ekwafo. A lasting solution to violence ultimately involves people - their attitudes and behavior. Ovamwatate novamwameme moJapan ova li va hovela diva okulesha embo olo laMateus. Etaleko lavo li na sha nelongifo ola kwatela mo shihapu shihe fi ashike oikala nosho yo elihumbato lavo. In view of the divine prophecy of Genesis 3: 15, Satan may have been desperate as he looked for an opportunity to attack the vulnerable Israelites. Oshiningwanima osho shinyemateka osha li sha dimbulukifa Jonathan kutya eenghendabala daye dokutembuka nodokutambula ko eputuko lovanhu vokoshitukulwa oko inandi mu kwafela a faduke po onhondo. Metwokumwe nexunganeko laGenesis 3: 15, Satana otashi dulika a li a halelela okuponokela Ovaisrael ovo vehe fi ovadiinini. 1, 2. Osha li hashi pula Ovaisrael eenghendabala di fike peni opo va ka dane oivilo kuJerusalem? 1, 2. Is it any wonder that Jehovah became very angry with his people? Jehova okwa li a hololela ovalumenhu ovo okupitila momamoniko a shikulafana nghee oilyani ya li tai ka pingenafana po. Mbela itashi kumwifa eshi Jehova a li a handukila oshiwana shaye? Bad associations result in disaster. Nokuli naashi tu li meshina hatu i ile hatu aluka koBalykchy, otwa li hatu udifile ovatwaalelwa. Eendafano lii otali ka etifa oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. In particular, Abraham exercised faith in the promised "seed " to come in his line. Ngeenge omudali ota ulike nelininipiko kutya oku na eitavelo nelineekelo, otashi ka etela ovana ovo va kula ouwa muhapu. Molwaashi Abraham okwa li e na eitavelo " oludalo ' olo la udanekwa, okwa li a ulika kutya oku na eitavelo meudaneko laye. (See the box "Why Some People Do Not Delegate. ") Molwaashi oiteelelwa yopaveta nosho yo eemhango di na sha noifendela oda yoolokafana, osha fimana okuninga ekwatafano novashiivinawa moinima oyo ofimbo ino hoolola onghedi omo wa hala okuyandja. (Tala oshimhungu, "Omolwashike ovanhu vamwe ihava pondola? ") 18, 19. (a) How should a Christian marriage begin? Onghee hano, ngeenge otwa kala hatu wilikwa kuo otashi dulu oku tu etela omaupyakadi a kwata moiti. 18, 19. (a) Ongahelipi ohombo yopaKriste i na okuningwa? The brothers and sisters in Japan began to read Matthew right away. Luca oo a putukila kuEuropa lokOuninginino okwa ti: "Opo nda kulila, ovanhu ova tala ko kutya okupashukila ounona oshilonga shovakulukadi. " Ovamwatate novamwameme moJapan ova li va hovela okulesha Mateus meendelelo. As the patient came out of a coma, she looked at Jonathan's face and uttered a taunt with an expletive, revealing her deep - seated disdain for Koreans. Kala ho ilikana u na elineekelo filufilu kutya aveshe ovo ve na eitavelo mekulilo otava ka kala fiyo alushe mombili, meameno nova hepuluka. - Ovaheberi 11: 1. Eshi Marta a li e lididimikila outalala oo, okwa li ta monika a fa ehe na ko nasha novanhu ovo va li tave mu sheke nova li hava handuka neenghono. What efforts did many ancient Israelites have to make to attend the festivals in Jerusalem? 7, 8. (a) Ongahelipi omushamane Omukriste umwe a ulika elididimiko eshi a li ta hongo okamonakadona kaye? Ovaisrael vahapu vopefimbo lonale ova li ve na okuninga eenghendabala dilipi opo va kale hava ongala muJerusalem? Jehovah revealed to those men a series of visions involving a succession of beasts. Kekwafo laKalunga, ohatu dulu okukala tu na ouladi ngaashi Noa oo a li " omuudifi wouyuki mounyuni wovahenakalunga ' ovo va li tava ka hanaunwa po peyelu. - 2 Pet. Jehova okwa li a hololela ovalumenhu ovo omamoniko a shikulafana. Even on the train to and from Balykchy, we were able to witness to passengers. Croesus okwa li a kanifa oinima aishe molwaashi a lombwelwa oipupulu oyo ya etifa ehanauno linene. Nokuli nonande otwa li hatu deula ovaendi, otwa li twa dula okuyandja oundombwedi wohangelela. A parent's humble expressions of faith and confidence may do grown children much good. Luhapu ovapashukilishikandjo ohava kala va pumbwa onhele yokukala ngeenge tava talela po omaongalo. Otashi dulika ounona va kale ve na eitavelo la kola nove na elineekelo la kola. Legal requirements and tax laws are not the same everywhere, so ask someone who knows about the laws before making a donation. 14, 15. (a) Satana oha kendabala ngahelipi okunghundipaleka ouladi wetu? Omunhu oo e shii kutya ota dulu okuyandja omayambidido oiteelelwa yopaveta nosho yo eemhango di na sha noifendela inadi faafana, onghee hano, oku na okupula omunhu oo e shii eemhango di na sha noifendela fimbo ina yandja omayambidido. Being guided by it could bring us serious trouble. 4: 11, 12. Eshi omuyapostoli Paulus a li ta popi novapashukili vomeongalo lomefelemudo lotete muEfeso, okwe va lombwela kutya omhepo iyapuki oye va nangeka po va " life eongalo laKalunga. ' (Oil. Okukala hatu wilikwa komhepo iyapuki otaku dulu oku tu etela omaupyakadi a kwata moiti. " Where I grew up, " says Luca, who was raised in a Western European land, "people felt that looking after children was a wife's job. " Mepingafano naDiotrefes, Johannes okwa tumbula Omukriste wedina Demetrius oo e li oshihopaenenwa shiwa. Luca okwa ti: "Eshi nda kula, onda li ndi udite kutya ovanhu ova li tava kongo oilonga. " Approach God in full confidence that the ransom guarantees an eternal future of peace, security, and prosperity for all who exercise faith in it! - Hebrews 11: 1. 6, 7. (a) Eendjovo daPaulus oda ulika ngahelipi kutya otwa pumbwa okukatuka eenghatu da kwata moiti opo tu lidule omunhu mukulu? Opo Kalunga a kale e na elineekelo la kola kutya ekulilo otali ka kala li na ombili fiyo alushe, e na elineekelo kutya aveshe ovo ve na eitavelo tali longo muye otava ka kala ve na eitavelo tali longo. - Ovaheberi 11: 1. 7, 8. (a) How does one Christian father show patience in teaching his daughter? Meongalo omu na yo ovanyasha ovo inava tekulwa kovadali Ovakriste. 7, 8. (a) Ongahelipi xe Omukriste ha ulike elididimiko eshi ta hongo okamonakadona kaye? With God's help, we can be like courageous Noah, an intrepid "preacher of righteousness " to" a world of ungodly people " about to perish in a global deluge. - 2 Pet. * Kekwafo laKalunga, ohatu dulu okukala ngaashi Noa, "omuudifi wouyuki " a ka lwife ounyuni wovahenakalunga. - 2 Pet. Croesus paid dearly for misinformation that brought him disaster. VAMWE vomwaavo va tembukila koilongo imwe, ovakulunhuongalo ovo ve na owino womido dihapu wokufiloshisho oufita. Croesus okwa li a yandja ouyelele muhapu neenghono oo we mu etela oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. Circuit overseers often need lodging when they visit the congregations. Jon: Oshili nawa. Ovapashukilishikandjo luhapu ova pumbwa onhele opo hava talele po omaongalo. 14, 15. (a) How is Satan trying to affect our heart condition? Omauwa elipi haa di mokuyakula vamwe? 14, 15. (a) Satana oha kendabala ngahelipi okunwefa mo omitima detu? When addressing the overseers of the first - century congregation in Ephesus, the apostle Paul pointed out that holy spirit had appointed them overseers "to shepherd the congregation of God. " Jehova okwa li a pa Moses oshilonga shilipi, nokwa li e mu shilipaleka shike? Eshi omuyapostoli Paulus a li ta popi kombinga yovakulunhuongalo meongalo lomefelemudo lotete, okwa popya kutya omhepo iyapuki oya nangekwa po nelalakano " lokulifa eongalo laKalunga. ' (1 Kor. Unlike Diotrephes, a Christian named Demetrius is mentioned by John as a good example. Ngeenge otu hole Jehova, ohatu ka tala ko ngahelipi okukala pokwoongala? Mepingafano naasho, Omukriste wedina Demetrius okwa tumbulwa muJohannes e li oshihopaenenwa shiwa. 6, 7. (a) How do Paul's words show that strong measures are needed to strip off the old personality? yeemwedi da pita, nonda li nda mona mo oshitukulwa tashi yelifa kutya embo laDaniel ola li la shangwa mOshiaramea. " 6, 7. (a) Eendjovo daPaulus otadi ulike ngahelipi kutya otwa pumbwa okulidula omunhu mukulu? Of course, there are other young ones associated with the congregation who were not raised by Christian parents. OUWA OO NDA MONA: Ounona vange vane ova mona ouwa molwaashi ova hongwa omifikamhango daJehova. Oshoshili kutya ope na ovanyasha vamwe ovo hava endafana neongalo lopaKriste ovo inava tekulwa kovadali Ovakriste. * Osho osha li sha etifa eenhamanana mohombo yetu molwaashi omukulukadi wange okwa li a hala okukala e na ekwatafano noukwaneumbo wovadali vaye, unene tuu naina. " * AMONG those who have moved to foreign countries are Christian elders with many years of experience in caring for the flock. Oshinima oshitivali osho tu na okuninga osho okulilongekida okukondjifa omayeleko. Ovakulunhuongalo ovo va tembukila koilongo imwe ove li ovakulunhuongalo Ovakriste oule womido dihapu tava file oshisho oufita. Jon: OK. Ohatu dulu okulesha omushangwa vali umwe oo tau yelifa nawa shi na sha naasho. Jon: Eewa. What benefits come from being hospitable? Jehova okwa shita ouluvi wovanhu unene tuu nelalakano opo va dule okuhafela okulihonga fiyo alushe kombinga yaye nosho yo yoilonga yaye. Omauwa elipi haa di mokukala ho yakula ovaenda? What assignment did Jehovah give Moses, and what assurance did He provide? • Tala omayele oo e li mokafo kOukalele Wetu wOuhamba kaAuguste 2011, epandja 4 - 6 Jehova okwa li a pa Moses oshinakuwanifwa shilipi, nokwa li e mu pa eshilipaleko lilipi? If we love God, how will we view meeting attendance? OVO VA LI PEDIMBULUKO (2017) Ngeenge otu hole Kalunga, ohatu ka tala ko ngahelipi okwoongala? magazines from the previous months, I found an article explaining that Daniel was written in Aramaic. " Nopehe na omalimbililo Jehova ote ke ku kwafela. - Lesha 1 Petrus 5: 10. Meemwedi da dja ko, onda li nda mona oshitukulwa osho sha shangwa muDaniel mOilongo ya Hangana. " HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: My four children have benefited by being brought up to live by Jehovah's standards. Oshoshili kutya okukundafana ashike nomunhu lumwe hanoupu tashi ke mu linyengifa a ninge omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yaye, ndele efiku keshe ohatu kala tu na eemhito dokutwa vamwe omukumo noku va pameka. OUWA OO NDA MONA: Ovana vange vane ova mona ouwa mokukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango daJehova. This caused conflict within our marriage because my wife still wanted to be close to her family, especially her mother. " Konima yodula netata, onda li nda ifanwa kObetel oko nde ke lihonga okulonga neshina lokupilinda nosho yo okulonga neekombiuta. Osho osha li sha etifa okuhaudafana mohombo yetu molwaashi omukulukadi wange natango okwa li a hala okukala popepi novapambele vaye, unene tuu nameme. " The second step entails reinforcing our defenses. Natu ka taleni nghee omaukwaneumbo taa dulu okulongela kumwe pahole opo a dule okulilongekidila oku ka ungaunga naamwe omomashongo oo. Onghatu onhivali oyo twa pumbwa okukatuka opo tu kale oupafi. Perhaps we could read one more scripture that drives home this point. (1 Sam. 30: 3 - 6) Eendjovo da nwefwa mo odo a shanga otadi ulike kutya Jehova okwa li e shii omaliudo aye. Otashi dulika hatu lesha omushangwa umwe oo tau faafanifwa eumbo olo. Specifically, Jehovah designed the human brain so that we could go on joyfully learning about him and his works forever. Ovadali otava dulu okumona omayele moshimoniwa shoukwaneumbo umwe womefelemudo lotete. Jehova okwa shita ouluvi womunhu opo tu dule okulihonga kombinga yaye noilonga yaye fiyo alushe. • Review the August 2011 Our Kingdom Ministry, pages 4 - 6 Okukala Ondombwedi yaJehova ya ninginifwa okwa etela nge ehafo linene, nonghalamwenyo yange paife oi na elalakano. • Tala oshitukulwa mokafo Oukalele Wetu wOuhamba waAuguste 2011, epandja 4 - 6 MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) Oshinima osho oshoshili notwa pumbwa okudiladila kusho twa mana mo. - 1 Johannes 3: 4, 8. OVO VA LI PEDIMBULUKO (2016) Jehovah will help you. - Read 1 Peter 5: 10. Opo nee, otwa li twa ya kuKanada opo a ka mone ouhaku. Jehova ote ke ku kwafela. - Lesha 1 Petrus 5: 10. Of course, rarely does a single conversation change someone's life, but each day, we have opportunities to encourage and strengthen others. Omhata oyo ya li ya holoka po pefimbo laJob Oshoshili kutya ihashi kala shipu okukundafana nomunhu oo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa, ashike efiku keshe ohatu mono eemhito odo twa pumbwa opo tu pameke vamwe noku va twa omukumo. After a year and a half, I was invited to Bethel, where I learned to operate printing presses and later to do computer programming. OVANHU vahapu ohava ti kutya ohava itavele ashike oinima oyo va mona nomesho. Konima yomudo umwe netata okudja eshi nda ninginifwa, onda li nda shivwa ndi ka longe koBetel, oko nda li nde lihonga okulonga oilonga yokulikongela omboloto nokonima yefimbo li yadi. Let us consider how families may lovingly cooperate to plan to meet some of the challenges. 2: 24 - 26) Ngeenge ovakulunhuongalo tava ungaunga neongalo alishe, ove na okulalakanena okuyandja olupandu pomhito keshe tai wapalele. Natu ka kundafaneni nghee omaukwaneumbo taa dulu okulongela kumwe pahole opo a ungaunge nomashongo amwe. His inspired words reveal that Jehovah knew his feelings. Oshike sha li tashi ka kala elalakano loilonga oyo? Eendjovo daye da nwefwa mo otadi holola kutya Jehova oku shii omaliudo aye. The experience of a family in the first century offers parents some insight. Natu tale manga koshikalimo sheendjovo daJesus. Oshimoniwa shoukwaneumbo womefelemudo lotete otashi pe ovadali vamwe eudeko lomoule. The Bible truth that I learned burned like a fire within me. Itashi shiiva nandenande! Oshili yOmbibeli oyo nde lihonga oya fa omundilo. This is a truth that demands sober reflection. - 1 John 3: 4, 8. 1: 10) Landula omayele oo a li a pewa omunyasha Timoteus. Osho oshi li oshili oyo tai tu kwafele tu kale twa tomhwa filufilu. - 1 Johannes 3: 4, 8. We went to Canada for his treatment. Oilonga iyapuki oyo hatu longele Kalunga oi na okulongwa nomadiladilo nomitima da yela nosho yo nomalutu a yela. Otwa li twa ya koKanada tu ka ungaunge noupyakadi waye. The Issue in Job's Day (1 Ovakorinto 13: 4, 5) Ngeenge otu na odino, tuhe na eenghedi noihatu ulikile vamwe kutya otwe va fimaneka, kungaho ohatu "holoka nai. " OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA MANY say that they believe only in things that they can see with their eyes. (b) Yandja oihopaenenwa oyo tai ulike kutya Ovakonakoni vOmbiibeli ova li shili ovaladi. OVANHU vahapu ohava ti kutya ova itavela ashike oinima oyo tava dulu okumona nomesho. When addressing the entire congregation, elders aim to give commendation whenever it is fitting. 20: 2, 27) Opo nee, oshimhu shaye tashi endjelelekwa koshiti opo shi ninge elondwelo kuvamwe. - 5 / 15, epandja 13. Ovakulunhuongalo ohava ningi eenghendabala opo va pandula eongalo keshe ngeenge tali wapalele. The goal? Antonio, womido 32, okwa ti: "Ohashi kumu nge alushe ngeenge handi tale Jairo ta hepaulula eitavelo laye. " Mbela elalakano olo ola li ngoo la wanifwa po? Consider the setting. (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula ko? Diladila koshihopaenenwa eshi. Of course not! Kristin naMichelle Hasho nandenande! Follow the advice given to the young man Timothy. Oshiwa yo okulandula oshihopaenenwa shaDavid oo a li ha tula moilonga omafinamhango oo a kwatelwa mOmhango nokwa li a halelela okukala metwokumwe nao. Kala ho dulika komayele oo Timoteus a li a pa Timoteus. Our sacred service to God must be rendered with cleansed minds and hearts as well as with clean bodies. Pashihopaenenwa, eendokotola oda kanghamena koumbangi oo kutya oitukulwa yolutu lomunhu ohai kala ashike peenhele da faafana momunhu keshe. Oilonga yetu iyapuki oi na okunwefa mo omadiladilo nomitima da nyata nosho yo omalutu etu a koshoka. We "behave indecently " if we are rude, have bad manners, and do not show others that we respect them. Omamoniko e na sha naKalunga kashili Ohatu henuka " eendjovo dii ' ngeenge otu na eenghedi dii, eenghedi dii nosho yo vamwe itadi ulike kutya otwe di fimaneka. (b) Give examples illustrating the zeal of the Bible Students. Omadiladilo mai: Onda hepeka omido dange diwa ndi li nomunhu a puka. (b) Yandja oihopaenenwa tai ulike ouladi wOvakonakoni vOmbiibeli. Then the corpse might be hung on a stake as a warning to others. - 5 / 15, page 13. 17: 1 - 4, 8, 11, 12; 29: 1. Opo nee oshimhu osha li tashi faneke elondwelo lavamwe. - 5 / 15, epandja 13. Antonio, who is 32, notes: "I am moved every time I see Jairo expressing his faith. " 18: 15) Jesaja okwa li a xunganeka kutya Oye ta ka ninga "ohamba nomupangeli. " Antonio, oo e na omido 32, okwa ti: "Ohandi tembuka efimbo keshe handi mono nghee Jairo ha ulike eitavelo laye. " (b) What will we discuss in the next article? (a) Omeityo lilipi ovahongwa vaJesus va li ngaashi ounona? (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Kristin and Michelle Onda dalwa mo 24 Aprili 1931. Otwa dalwa tu li vane, ame onda shikula oshiveli. meulu naEsther David's appreciation for the principles reflected in the Law and his desire to live by them are also worthy of imitation. (Mat. 6: 28 - 30, 33) Onghee hano, Xo yomeulu Jehova, oku ku hole nokwe ku halela osho sha denga mbada nosho yo ovana voye. Olupandu laDavid li na sha nomafinamhango aye ola ulika kutya okwa hala okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango daye nosho yo ehalo laye loku di hopaenena. For instance, surgeons count on the fact that the human anatomy is basically consistent. Omolwashike tu na okuwilikwa komhepo yaKalunga? Pashihopaenenwa, ovanhu vahapu ohava ti kutya ovanhu ihava shili omakaya. Visions of the True God Oye te ke tu xupifa mo mediko lomundilo nomomake oye, ohamba, ndelenee, ngenge hasho, kala u shi shii, ohamba, fye itatu longele ookalunga koye, noshitelekwafano oshingoldo eshi wa dika, fye itatu shi ilikana. " (Dan. Omamoniko e na sha naKalunga kashili Old: I wasted my best years with the wrong man. Ohole ya tya ngaho otai dulu okukala ya xwama noyomoule. Omido odo nda kala handi longele kumwe nomulumenhu oo a puka. 17: 1 - 4, 8, 11, 12; 29: 1. Ngeenge otwa ningi osho sha popiwa meevelishe odo, ohatu ka dula okuninga omatokolo opandunge. 17: 1 - 4, 8, 12; 29: 1. Isaiah foretold that this One would become "a leader and commander. " Oshike tashi ka ningilwa Satana oo a etifa omaupyakadi aeshe ovanhu? Jesaja okwa li a xunganeka kutya umwe oo ota ka ninga "omupiya " nosho yo omuwiliki. (a) How were Jesus ' disciples like children? 3: 9) Omolwetomheno olo, otu na omaukwatya a fa aKalunga ngaashi ohole, ounongo nouyuki. (a) Ongahelipi ovahongwa vaJesus va li va fa ounona? I was born on April 24, 1931, the second of their four children. 4, 5. (a) Omhango yaMoses oya li hai dimbulukifa shike ovapiya vaKalunga? Onda dalwa mo 24, muAprili 1931, otwa dalwa tu li vane novana vavo vane. Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children. Mo 1961, onda li nda nangekwa po ndi ka longe mombelewa yokuungaunga noimaliwa koshi yepashukilo laGrant Suiter. Doshili, Tate yetu womeulu, Jehova, oku ku hole nowa hala ashike oku ku halela ouwa nosho yo ovana voye. Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? Nabot haye aeke a li a dipawa ndele novanamati vaye yo. Omolwashike tu na okuwilikwa komhepo yaKalunga? Out of the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king, he will rescue us. But if not, let it become known to you, O king, that your gods are not the ones we are serving, and the image of gold that you have set up we will not worship. " Mbela otashi dulika pe na ovanhu vamwe ovo hava longo ouwa ovo itava i meulu? Opo nee, ote ke tu xupifa kohamba, ndele ngeenge inatu shiiva ohamba, ohatu ka longela oikalunga, ndele haku i xwike po. " (Eh. It can be warm and intense. * Mbela naave owa li u udite ngaho efimbo limwe? Otashi dulu okukala shihafifa neenghono. Clearly, then, our success in acquiring the ability needed to make wise choices depends on whether we meet the conditions mentioned in Proverbs. Job okwa popya kombinga yaKalunga a ti: "Ove ho djuulukwa oshilonga shomake oye. " - Job 14: 14, 15 Onghee hano, ohatu ka pondola mokuninga omatokolo e li pandunge ngeenge otwa shakeneke eenghalo odo da tumbulwa mOmayeletumbulo. What about Satan, the one who initially caused all the misery that mankind has experienced? Ngeenge tashi uya pokufila oshisho oukolele nosho yo poinima imwe vali, keshe umwe womufye okwa pumbwa okuninga omatokolo kuye mwene nokuhumbata oilanduliko yomatokolo aye. Ongahelipi shi na sha naSatana oo a etifa omaupyakadi aeshe oo ovanhu va mona? Hence, we possess such godly attributes as love, wisdom, and justice. (b) Efiku lEdimbuluko ohali monika mo ngahelipi omudo keshe? Onghee hano, ohatu ka kala tu na omaukwatya opakalunga ngaashi ohole, ounongo nouyuki. 4, 5. (a) Of what did the Mosaic Law remind God's people? Nonande ohatu ka kala twa djuulukwa omumwatate omuholike Barr, otwa hafa eshi a mona oshali youkwatya wokuhafya, oufembanghenda oo a kala a teelela nodjuulufi nokwa kala ha popi kombinga yao luhapu. 4, 5. (a) Omhango yaMoses oya li ya dimbulukifa shike oshiwana shaKalunga? In 1961, I was assigned to work in the Treasurer's Office under the oversight of Grant Suiter. Konima yoivike yonhumba eshi omukainhu oo va kundafana natango ouyelele wopamishangwa u na sha naasho, okwa ka shangela omonamati a ti: "Paife ohandi ende handi udu ko oshili i na sha noonakufya. Mo 1961, onda li nda nangekwa po ndi kale handi longo noudiinini opo ndi dule okuwanifa po oshinakuwanifwa osho sha denga mbada. Not only that - Naboth's sons were killed as well! * Ohatu dulu okutya Kalunga okwa li a ninga eshiivifo olo li li muGenesis momudo 2490 K.O.P., molwaashi Eyelu ola ka hovela mo 2370 K.O.P. Ovanamati vaNabot kava li ashike va dipawa. Could it be that some people - some good people - will not go to heaven? Natango ohandi dimbuluka edimba lidjuu lohinga nosho yo oupyu oo wa li hau shi ningi shidjuu okupilinda oishangomwa aishe oyo keenyala. Mbela ovanhu vamwe ovo hava longo ouwa itava i meulu? * Can you relate to those words? Pashihopaenenwa, ovatumwa vahapu ovo va deulwa kofikola yaGilead ohava ka longa koilongo ihe fi yavo eedula donhumba ofimbo inava shuna koshilongo shavo va ka talele po. * Mbela naave ito dulu okuuda ko eendjovo odo? Job said to God: "You will long for the work of your hands. " - Job 14: 14, 15 Osho osha faafana neitavelo letu. Job okwa li a lombwela Kalunga a ti: "Ove oto djuulukwa oshilonga shomake oye. " - Job 14: 14, 15, 15, 15. When it comes to health care and other matters, each of us needs to make a personal decision and accept responsibility for it. Pashihopaenenwa, eshi Gideon a li a hoololwa a mangulule oshiwana shaKalunga moupika wOvamidian, otashi dulika a li a kumwa eshi omweengeli e mu lombwela ta ti: "Omwene [oku] li pamwe naave, omukwanyati omuladi. " Ngeenge tashi uya pokufila oshisho oukolele nosho yo oinima ikwao, keshe umwe womufye oku na okuninga etokolo lopaumwene noku shi tambula ko. (b) How is the date of the Memorial determined each year? Lipula omapulo. (b) Ongahelipi Edimbuluko hali tokola omudo keshe? While we will miss our dear Brother Barr, we rejoice with him in his receiving the gift of immortality - a privilege he looked forward to and often spoke about. Yandja elitulemo komaukwatya avo mawa, ngaashi ashike wa hala ve ku ningile. Nonande ohatu ka djuulukwa omumwatate Barr, ohatu hafele pamwe naye omolwoshali yomwenyo ihai fi, molwaashi okwa li ha kala a teelela nodjuulufi oku ka mona oufembanghenda woku ka mona omwenyo ihau fi. After further Scriptural discussions on the subject, she wrote some weeks later: "I am finally beginning to understand the real truth about death. Ohamba Josia oya li ya ulika ngahelipi kutya oye lineekela Jehova? Konima eshi a kundafana vali kombinga yoshinima osho, okwa shanga konima yoivike yonhumba a ti: "Onda li nda hovela okuuda ko oshili kombinga yefyo. * Since the Flood began in 2370 B.C.E., we infer that God made this pronouncement in 2490 B.C.E. Ndele ponhele yaasho, ohe tu kwafele, noku na elineekelo kutya ohatu dulu okukanyatela oudiinini wetu. * Molwaashi Eyelu ola li la hovela mo 2370 K.O.P., otwa li twa lombwelwa kuKalunga kutya Kalunga okwa li a ninga ofimbo Eyelu inali uya mo 2407 K.O.P. I still remember the strong smell of ink, as well as the intense tropical heat that made it very hard to print all these publications by hand. Ovadali ovo va honga ovana vavo shi na sha noinima oyo ova katuka metwokumwe nelalakano laJehova lokuhanganifa ovanhu aveshe. Ohandi dimbuluka efiku limwe nda li handi kala nda fa handi kala nda nyika oshiponga neenghono, handi dimbuluka oileshomwa aishe oyo i li ko. For example, many Gilead - trained missionaries stay in their foreign assignment for several years before going back to their country of origin for a visit. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a velula xe yaPublius, oo a li e na olwiidi noshimela sha kwata moiti. Pashihopaenenwa, ovatumwa vahapu ovo va li koGilead ova li va deulwa va ka longe koilongo imwe oule womido dihapu fimbo inava shuna koshilongo shavo. It is the same with our faith. Jehova okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi? Osho osha faafana neitavelo letu. For example, when Gideon was chosen to set God's people free from Midianite oppression, he must have been stunned by the angel's greeting: "Jehovah is with you, you mighty warrior. " Ndele nande ongaho, okwa li a kanyatela oudiinini waye nokuli fiyo osheshi a ka fila komuti womahepeko. Pashihopaenenwa, eshi Gideon a li a hoololwa a mangulule oshiwana shaKalunga moupika, okwa li a pamekwa komweengeli oo a ti: "Omwene oku li pamwe naave. " (Ovatok. Ask questions. Nomolwaasho omuyapostoli Paulus a ti kutya "oulunde wa etwa mounyuni komunhu umwe [Adam], nefyo okoulunde. " - Rom. Pula omapulo. Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours. (2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5) Ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova netokolotoko letu lokukala pamufika waye wouyuki ohai yelekwa efiku keshe. Kala ho yandje elitulemo komaukwatya avo mawa ngaashi oo wa hala u yandje. How did King Josiah put trust in Jehovah? 1, 2. (a) Olyelye a shitwa tete kuKalunga, nokwe mu longifa ngahelipi? Ohamba Josia oya li ya ulika ngahelipi kutya okwe lineekela muJehova? Actually, he is confident that we can stay loyal to him, and he wants to help us. Eshongo: Ovalihomboli vamwe ovo opo va hombola ohava fiki pexulifodiladilo la puka kutya eshi Ombibeli ya ti kutya "omunhu umwe " oya hala okutya ovalihomboli ove na okukala ve na omataleko ile omaukwatya a faafana. Oku na elineekelo kutya ohatu dulu okukala ovadiinini kuye, nokwa hala oku tu kwafela. Parents who have taught those lessons successfully have worked in harmony with Jehovah's administration. (Lesha Epsalme 32: 8.) Ovadali ovo va honga oilihongomwa oyo nomupondo va pondola moilonga yaJehova. The apostle Paul healed the father of Publius who was sick with a fever and a serious infection. Moshitukulwa sha dja ko, otwe lihonga kutya omolwashike natango elininipiko la fimana kOvakriste nola kwatela mo shike. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a velula xe oo a li ta vele oudu wa kwata moiti nokwa li a kwatwa komukifi wa kwata moiti. How did Jehovah respond? Efupandubo ola kwatelwa momusholondodo " woilonga yombelela ' oyo Omukriste keshe e na okuhenuka. Jehova okwa li e linyenga ngahelipi? He kept his integrity even to the extent of dying on a torture stake. Ova li yo ve na okukala eendombwedi diladi daJehova, Omunamapangelo weshito alishe. Okwa kala omudiinini fiyo omefyo. Hence, the apostle Paul wrote that "through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin. " - Rom. Ndele osho sha fimanenena, ngeenge oho kanghama po opo u dilonge kwaasho wa lesha, kungaho oto yandje efimbo kwaasho wa lesha shi hange omutima woye nou kale u na efimbo lokwiilikana u pandule Jehova omolwoinima iwa oyo to lihongo. Onghee hano, omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Ngaashi oulunde wa etwa mounyuni komunhu umwe [Adam], nefyo okoulunde. " - Rom. Our love for Jehovah and our determination to live by his righteous standards are tested each day. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ovashiinda shaye otashi dulika va li ve mu pula kutya omolwashike ta tungile ongulu yomomeva inene. Ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova nosho yo tokola toko okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango daye douyuki otai yelekwa efiku keshe. 1, 2. (a) Who was God's first creation, and how did Jehovah use him? 24: 14) Ngaashi Jesus a li a xunganeka, oshiwana shaJehova otashi udifa onghundana iwa yOuhamba waKalunga moilongo ihapu shi dulife nale. 1, 2. (a) Olyelye a shitwa tete kuKalunga, na Jehova okwa li e mu longifa ngahelipi? Some newlyweds have mistakenly concluded that what the Bible calls being "one flesh " means that the couple must have one opinion or personality. MuJuli 1891, okwa li a hovela netalelepo laye lotete moIreland. Omunhu oo a hombola otashi dulika a fike pexulifodiladilo kutya osho Ombibeli tai ti "onhumba imwe " otashi ti kutya ovalihomboli ove na okukala ve na etaleko la puka ile nomunhu wonhumba. (Read Psalm 32: 8.) (Hesekiel 38: 10 - 12; Mika 5: 4, 5) Onghee hano, ovakulunhuongalo ovaholike, kaleni hamu longifa efimbo opo mu deule vamwe okudja nena. (Lesha Epsalme 32: 8.) In the preceding article, we learned why modesty is still important for Christians and what displaying it involves. Molwaashi okwa li e shii nawa kutya oshike e na okupitifa komesho, okwa li a nongela kutya efimbo olo ovanhu va kala va teelela opo omaxunganeko mahapu e na sha naMessias a wanifwe ola fika. (1 Pet. 1: 11; Eh. Moshitukulwa sha tetekela, otwe lihonga kutya omolwashike elininipiko la fimana kOvakriste nosho yo kutya ola kwatela mo shike. Envy is one of "the works of the flesh, " against which every Christian should fight. 13: 1 - 5) Onghee hano, kashi li pandunge okudiladila kutya Kalunga oha kala a nuna komesho yefimbo kutya olyelye ta ka xupa ile ta ka fya omolwoiningwanima oyo hai holoka po ombadilila. Ounhwa ou li "oilonga yombelela, " oyo i na okukondjifa Omukriste keshe. They were to be courageous witnesses for Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign. Lwanima Kristina okwa ka ninga omukokolindjila wondjikilile a hafa. Ova li ve na okukala eendombwedi daJehova, Omunamapangelo weshito alishe. Most important, when you stop and meditate on what you read, you allow time for the material to reach your heart and time for prayer to thank Jehovah for the good things you are learning. (b) Oshike sha li sha fimanenena kuJefta? Osho sha fimanenena, ngeenge to kanghama po nokudilonga kwaasho wa lesha, efa pa pite efimbo opo u hange omutima woye noku pandula Jehova omolwoinima iwa oyo to lihongo. Without doubt, his neighbors must have asked him why he was building such a colossal structure. (Genesis 1: 28) Osho kasha li tuu oufembanghenda kuvo okufila oshisho nokutamununa mo Oparadisa fiyo osheshi ya mana ko edu alishe! Nopehe na omalimbililo, ovashiinda shaye ove na oku mu pula kutya omolwashike a tunga etungo la tya ngaho. This earth - wide witness work regarding God's Kingdom is being done on an ever - increasing scale. Oishangomwa ya kanghamena kOmbibeli ngaashi Oshungonangelo no - Awake! Oilonga oyo tai longwa mounyuni aushe otai longwa kunena shi na sha nOuhamba waKalunga. His first tour started with Ireland, in July 1891. Oto dulu okulipula kutya, " Ongahelipi handi dulu okudeula omukonakonimbiibeli wange a kale ta konakona Ombiibeli pandjikilile? ' Oilonga yaye yotete oya li ya hovela okuloka Ireland, muJuli 18 Juli 18 Juli 2010. So, dear elders, regularly take the time to train others starting today. Jehova oye shili Omunhu a fimanenena meshito alishe. Onghee hano, ovakulunhuongalo ovaholike ohava kongo efimbo opo va deule vamwe kunena. Having clearly in mind what his priorities were, he knew that the long - awaited time for many Messianic prophecies to be fulfilled was at hand. (b) Metwokumwe 1 Ovakorinto 15: 28, Jesus ota ka ninga shike mokweendela ko kwefimbo? Molwaashi okwa li e na momadiladilo osho a li a pitifa komesho, okwa li e shii kutya okuteelela omaxunganeko mahapu e na sha naMessias okwa li taa ka wanifwa pefimbo opo. Is it not unreasonable to think that God would determine in advance who lives and who dies as a result of random events? Paife olo efimbo lokukala neitavelo la kola, ndele hafimbo " lokuhaitavela. ' (Rom. Mbela kashi li pandunge okudiladila kutya Kalunga ota ka tokola komesho yefimbo kutya olyelye ta ka fya nonokutya olyelye ta ka dipawa? Before long, Kristina became a joyful regular pioneer. Yelifa kutya oshike sha li sha nyemateka Omulevi umwe wedina Asaf. Konima yefimbo lixupi, Arthur okwa li a ninga omukokolindjila wondjikilile. (b) What was of greatest importance to Jephthah? Osho osho shi li ngaho moilongo ihapu. (b) Oshike sha li sha fimanenena Jefta? What a privilege for them to care for and expand their Paradise home earth wide! Okwa li e shii kutya ota ka pita momayeleko manene nokudipawa. Kashi fi tuu oufembanghenda okufila oshisho omatungo avo mOparadisa kombada yedu! Bible - based publications such as the Watchtower and Awake! Kala ho dilonga ngeenge to lesha Ombibeli ile oishangomwa ye likolelela kOmbibeli. oishangomwa ya kanghamena kOmbibeli ngaashi Oshungonangelo no - Awake! You may ask, " How can I train my student to study the Bible regularly? ' Moshitukulwa eshi, ohatu ka kundafana oikumwifilonga yaJesus itatu, nohatu ke lihonga nghee tai dulu oku tu kuma kunena nosho yo monakwiiwa. Otashi dulika u lipule kutya, " Ongahelipi handi dulu okudeula omukonakonimbibeli wange a konakone Ombibeli pandjikilile? ' Yes, Jehovah is the most important Person in the whole universe. Meumbo eli ye ke nepangelo li dule lange, ndele ina kelela nge sha, kakele kaave, osheshi oove omwalikadi waye. Jehova oye Omunhu a fimanenena meshito alishe. (b) According to 1 Corinthians 15: 28, what will Jesus do in time? Ashike okupopya oshili, kandi udite ko nande kutya osho osha hala okutya shike. (b) Pa 1 Ovakorinto 15: 28, Jesus ota ka ninga shike pefimbo opo? Now is not the time to "waver in a lack of faith "; it is the time to become powerful by faith. 24 Osho handi lihongo mOmbibeli Paife olo efimbo " lokulikongela eitavelo ' ola kwatela mo shihapu shihe fi ashike okukala neitavelo. Describe the trouble the Levite Asaph faced. 18: 15. Hokolola oupyakadi oo Asaf a li a taalela. In many countries, this is true. Osho kashi fi tuu oshilihongomwa sha denga mbada! Moilongo ihapu, osho oshoshili. He knew that he would be tested severely and put to death. 133: 1) "Ovamwatate " otava hapupala neenghono mounyuni aushe. (1 Pet. Okwa li e shii kutya ota ka yelekwa a shiya ko nokwa dipawa. When you read the Bible or publications based on it, take time to think. (b) Omapulo elipi hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? Ngeenge to lesha Ombiibeli ile oileshomwa ya kanghamena kOmbibeli, diladila manga efimbo olo to lesha. In this article, we will discuss three of Jesus ' miracles, and we will learn how they can affect us today and in the future. 8 Oshinima oshititano: Wanifa po omhumbwe yoye yopamhepo Moshitukulwa eshi, ohatu ka kundafana oikumwifilonga yaJesus itatu oyo a longa, nohatu ke lihonga nghee tava dulu oku tu kuma kunena nosho yo monakwiiwa. There is no one greater in this house than I am, and he has not withheld from me anything at all except you, because you are his wife. (1 Timoteus 6: 6, 8) Osho sha fimanenena, ohatu dulu okuulika elininipiko mokukala hatu dulika. Kape na nande oumwe womeumbo linene e dule nge, noina kanyatela nge koinima aishe, molwaashi ku na omukulukadi waye. But to be honest, I've never really understood how that works. Diladila kombinga yeenghalo odo tadi dulu okweeta eenhamanana, ndele to tokola kutya oto ka ungaunga nado ngahelipi. (Omayel. Ndele kanda li ndi udite ko lela kutya oilonga ilipi. Will the Earth Come to an End? 17: 17. Edu otali ka xulifwa po naini? 18: 15. (1 Ovakorinto 14: 9) Otwa li hatu lipula kutya, " Otu na ngoo efiku tu ka kale noishangomwa mOshituvalu, elaka olo hali popiwa ashike kovanhu hanga 15 000? ' 18: 15. What a powerful lesson this is: Telling the truth is important! Okukala a puka. Osho itashi tu hongo tuu oshilihongomwa sha fimanenena! God's Word is read and explained publicly at our meetings. Mbela Jesus okwa teya Omhango eshi a li koxulo yotembeli yo venevene? Eendjovo daKalunga otadi leshwa moipafi moipafi. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Okudja koTuvalu otwa li twa tuminwa koshitaimbelewa koSamoa mo 1985. (b) Omapulo elipi hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? 7 Secret 4. Choose Your Friends Wisely 1: 19) Paulus ka li omunhu ehe fi okulineekelwa, oo ha ningi eemhangela "pambelela. " (2 Kor. 7 OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO Most important, we can show humility by being obedient. (Eps. 49: 7 - 10) Ndele Jesus okwe tu yandjela omwenyo waye wa wanenena nokuyandja ongushu yekulilo laye kuKalunga. Osho sha fimanenena, ohatu dulu okuulika elininipiko mokukala hatu dulika. Think of situations that might lead to conflict, and determine how to handle them. 6: 11, 12. Diladila keenghalo odo tadi dulu okweetifa okuhaudafana, nokutala nghee to dulu okuungaunga nao. 17: 17. Okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Inamu lilongela eendja edi tadi xulu po, ndelenee eendja edi tadi kala fiyo okomwenyo waalushe. " - Joh. 17: 17. We wondered, " Would we ever have publications in Tuvaluan, a language spoken by fewer than 15,000 people? ' Diladila koshimoniwa shomuyapostoli Paulus nosho yo omweendi pamwe naye, Silas. Otwa li hatu lipula kutya, " Mbela ohatu ka kala ngoo tu na oishangomwa melaka lOshituvalu, melaka olo la popiwa kovanhu vanini ve dulife 15 000? ' Disorientation. 3: 14, 15) Ndele mbela ohatu ke linyenga ngahelipi ngeenge otwa kumwa konghalo ya tya ngaho? Ino kala ashike ho ningi omatokolo e li pandunge. Did Jesus break the Law by standing on top of the temple sanctuary? Oshike tashi ka ningwa po ngeenge ovadali ohava wanifa po oinakuwanifwa yavo yopamishangwa moukwaneumbo? Mbela Jesus okwa li ngoo a kelela Ovaisrael va kale ve na ekwatafano liwa kotembeli yotembeli? From Tuvalu we were assigned to the Samoa branch in 1985. Osha li shidjuu okulihonga Oshicambodia. Okudja opo otwa li twa tumwa tu ka longe koshitaimbelewa sha Sam. He was not fickle, one who made promises "in a fleshly way. " Otu na oushili kutya Jesus oku shii ouyahame wetu nota "ka xupifa epongo eli tali kuu onghuwo li kwafwe, nomukwanaluhepo ou e he na omukwafi. " Ka li e shii okulineekelwa, oo a udaneka " pambelela. ' By his death, however, Jesus paid the only acceptable ransom price - his perfect body and shed blood. Fimbo a li muAntiokia, okwa li ha endafana novamwatate ovo vehe fi Ovajuda. Ndele eshi Jesus a yandja ekulilo olo la li ashike la wana po, olutu laye inali wanenena nohonde yaye ya tika. 6: 11, 12. MOmishangwa dOshiheberi, outumbulilo "ovana ovamati vaKalunga " otau hangwa muGenesis 6: 2, 4; muJob 1: 6; 2: 1; 38: 7 nosho yo mEpsalme 89: 7. 6: 11, 12. He had come to bring spiritual, not material, benefits to the nation. Didilika kutya elondwelo olo ola li la kwata moiti shi fike peni, eshi la longifa outumbulilo "ovahenakalunga " lwoikando inhe opo li tokole ovanhu, oilonga yavo nosho yo onghedi oyo hava longo oilonga oyo. Okwa li e na okuninga oinima yopamhepo, ndele haimaliwa yopamhepo. Consider what the apostle Paul and his companion, Silas, experienced. Osho sha fimanenena, ohatu dulu okumona ouwa ngeenge otwa hopaenene ohole yaKalunga nosho yo okudimina po kwaye nehalo liwa. - Ovakolossi 3: 13. Natu ka taleni kwaasho omuyapostoli Paulus novaendi pamwe naye va li va shakeneka. How should we respond when we are affected? Ame nomukulukadi wange otwa mona kutya Ombibeli otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale tu na ondjele. Otu na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge otwa kumwa? What results when parents fulfill their Scriptural responsibilities in the home? Efiku limwe pehovelo laAuguste, manga ndi li mondjila handi ka konga oilonga, onda li nda ya tete pokakefa ketu kOpoosa. Ovadali ohava mono oidjemo ilipi ngeenge ova wanifa po oinakuwanifwa yavo yopamishangwa? Learning Cambodian was difficult. OMAIMBILO OO E NA OKULONGIFWA: 81, 129 Ovawiliki vomalongelokalunga ova li va taalela omashongo. We can be sure that Jesus sees our pain and "will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. " Jael oshike a li a ninga po? Ohatu dulu okukala noushili kutya Jesus oku wete ouyahame wetu nota " xupifa epongo eli tali kuu onghuwo li kwafwe, ndelenee ou e he na omukwafi. ' While there, he freely associated with his Gentile brothers. 55: 22; 68: 19) Momukokomoko wo 2018, ohatu ka dimbulukifwa efimbo keshe oushili oo wa fimana eshi hatu i kokwoongala kOlupale lOuhamba. Fimbo a li oko, okwa kala ha endafana nOvakriste vomoiwana imwe. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the expressions "the sons of the true God " and" the sons of God " occur at Genesis 6: 2, 4; Job 1: 6; 2: 1; 38: 7; and Psalm 89: 6. Ashike inatu pumbwa okufekela kutya Jehova ote ke tu fila oshisho ngahelipi kondadalunde, ndele ponhele yaasho, ohatu dulu okuteelela onakwiiwa tu na elineekelo notu na oushili kutya Jehova ota ka amena alushe ovo ve mu hole nonokutya omhepo yaye iyapuki otai ke va kwafela. - 2 Omaf. MOmishangwa dOshiheberi, outumbulilo "ovana ovamati vaKalunga " nosho yo" ovana ovamati vaKalunga " otau ulike kuGenesis 6: 2, 4; Job 1: 38; Epsalme 89: 6. Notice how forceful the warning was - four times it used the word "ungodly " to denounce the people, their deeds, and the way they carried out those deeds. Ongahelipi Jehova ha yandje ehekeleko? Didilika nghee elondwelo olo la li la longifwa lwoikando ine kutya ola li hali longifwa lwoikando ine opo ovanhu va " mone oilonga yavo, noilonga yavo nosho yo nghee va wanifa po oilonga yavo. ' Most important, we can benefit from learning to imitate God's love and his willingness to forgive freely. - Colossians 3: 13. Osho kasha li tuu ehekeleko kovatungi votembeli vopefimbo laSakaria! Osho sha fimanenena, ohatu dulu okumona ouwa mokuhopaenena ohole yaKalunga nokukala hatu dimine po nehalo liwa. - Ovakolossi 3: 13. My wife and I have found that the Bible can help us find that balance. Oipambuliko nomikuli odo wa ehelwa komahangano onhumba ile kepangelo (Stocks and Bonds): Oto dulu okushanga sha yela nawa kutya oinima oyo nai pewe po ehangano lopaveta olo hali longifwa kEendombwedi daJehova ile kutya nai ninge po yalo ngeenge owa fi. Ame nomukulukadi wange otwa mona kutya Ombiibeli otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya otu na ondjele. So one day in early August, while I was on my way to look for a job, I first stopped at our mailbox. ▪ Owa tomhwa ngoo kutya osho twa itavela oshoshili? Onghee hano, efiku limwe muAuguste 1952, fimbo nda li handi tale koilonga yange, tete onda li nda efa po okulanda o - mail. SONGS TO BE USED: 81, 129 (3 Joh. 4) Eshi tamu ka kala mwa wanenena mounyuni mupe, otamu ka dula okukundafana mu uditafane nawa nopehe na oupyakadi washa. OMAIMBILO OO E NA OKULONGIFWA: 81, 129 But what could she do? Ngeenge ino ninginifwa natango, tala kutya oshike wa pumbwa okuninga opo u hange elalakano olo la fimanenena monghalamwenyo yoye. Ndele mbela okwa li ta ka ninga po shike? During 2018, we will be reminded of this important truth every time we attend a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. 3 "Wanifa osho we shi udaneka " Mo 2018, ohatu ka dimbulukifa oshili oyo ya fimana keshe efiku hatu i kokwoongala pOlupale lOuhamba. Rather, we can look to the future with confidence, knowing that lovers of Jehovah will never be hidden from his view or beyond the reach of his holy spirit. - 2 Chron. Ovalihomboli ovo ova li hava kokola ondjila pamwe novalihomboli vakwao, Harvey naAnne Conrow, ovo va li ve na eumbo hali dulu okutembulwa, olo la li la tungwa momambapila okwakola. Ponhele yaasho, ohatu dulu okukonga onakwiiwa tu na elineekelo kutya Jehova ke hole nandenande ile kutya ita ka dimbwa nandenande omhepo yaye iyapuki. - 2 Omaf. How does Jehovah provide consolation? Inandi ninga nande onale etokolo monghalamwenyo yange nda manguluka la fa lokuninginifwa. " Jehova oha yandje ngahelipi ehekeleko? What comfort this must have brought to the temple builders in Zechariah's day! Ndele ngaashi ashike Omavangeli a popya oshili kombinga yaJesus, embo laGenesis nalo ola popya oshili. Eendjovo odo kada li tuu da hekeleka Ovajuda vopefimbo laSakaria! Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as an outright gift or by means of a written agreement to transfer on death. Jesus okwa longa pamwe naJehova tashi dulika oule womido omabiliyona. Oipambuliko nomikuli odo wa ehelwa komahangano onhumba ile kepangelo (Stocks and Bonds): Oto dulu okushanga sha yela nawa kutya oinima oyo nai pewe po ehangano lopaveta olo hali longifwa kEendombwedi daJehova ile kutya nai ninge po yalo ngeenge owa fi. ▪ Are You Convinced That You Have the Truth? Why? Otwa pumbwa okukulika omaukwatya oo taa hafifa Jehova nokulonga oilonga oyo a hokwa. - 2 Pet. ▪ Owa tomhwa ngoo kutya osho twa itavela oshoshili? In the new world, perfect people will be able to interact perfectly, without misunderstandings and contention. Ovapiya vaJehova ova taalela omashongo elipi? Mounyuni mupe, ovanhu va wanenena otava ka dula okukala hava kundafana monghedi ya wanenena nonande inava itavela muKalunga. If you are not yet baptized, consider what is involved in reaching this milestone in your life. Eendjovo odo ohadi dimbulukifa Rose kutya Kalunga oha kala a hafela oilonga yaye, molwaashi oha ningi ashishe osho ta dulu nonande okwa ngabekwa. Ngeenge ino ninginifwa natango, diladila kwaasho sha kwatelwa mo monghalamwenyo yoye. 3 "What You Vow, Pay " 12 Oshili ihai eta "ombili, ndelenee eongamukonda " 3 "Osho nanye yo mu shi kwete, " The Bristows pioneered with Harvey and Anne Conrow, whose mobile home had tar - paper walls. Tangeni Kristus molwaashi oku li Ohamba ikumwifi! EFIKU limwe ovakokolindjila ve li ovakokolindjila tava kokola ondjila notava kokola ondjila pamwe nomukulukadi waye Anne, oo a li e na eumbo la kula. I have never been more sure about anything in my life than my decision to get baptized. " 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. Kanda li ndi shii shihapu shi na sha naasho nda ninga monghalamwenyo yange shi dulife etokolo lange lokuninginifwa. " But Genesis, like the Gospels, gives every indication of being a factual, historical record. Otashi dulika eengamelo kada li hadi longifwa unene moilongo yonale yomOushilo woPokati pehovelo leyovimudo etivali K.O.P., ndele oumbangi otau ulike kutya eengamelo oda li ngoo di shiivike moilongo oyo. Ashike nande ongaho, ehokololo laGenesis ola yandja oumbangi wa yela oo tau ulike kutya kali fi loshili. Jesus worked with Jehovah for perhaps billions of years. (b) Ongahelipi Dorkas a li a mona ondjabi omolwouwanghenda oo a li ha ulikile vamwe? Jesus okwa longa pamwe naJehova oule womido omabiliyona. We need to develop qualities that please Jehovah and perform works that are acceptable to him. - 2 Pet. Ndele ngeno Jehova ka li e va kwafela va mone kutya oilonga yokuudifa oya endelela, mbela ngeno vahapu vomufye otwa uda ngoo etumwalaka lOuhamba? - Lesha Epsalme 119: 60. Otwa pumbwa okukulika omaukwatya oo taa hafifa Jehova nokulonga oilonga oyo tai mu wapalele. - 2 Pet. What challenges must servants of Jehovah confront? 19: 14 - 16) Ovahongwanhu vOmbibeli ova yandja omayelifo e lili noku lili eshi va li tava kendabala okupongolola po oupyakadi oo. Ovapiya vaJehova ove na okukala va taalela omashongo elipi? Consider your mate's feelings when you spend time with old friends. Ehongo lopombada Diladila komaliudo akaume koye kopahombo ngeenge tamu kala efimbo nefimbo. Those words remind Rose that God is pleased with what she does, because she does all that she can within her limitations. Mbela " ohole yaKristus otai tu fininike ' ngahelipi? Eendjovo odo otadi dimbulukifa Rose kutya Kalunga oha kala a hafa osho ha ningi, molwaashi oha ningi keshe osho ta dulu opo a dule omangabeko aye. 12 The Truth Brings, "Not Peace, But a Sword " Ndele opo tu mone nghee eudeko letu la pepalekwa, natu ka kundafaneni omapulo aa atatu: " Oudjuu munene ' otau hovele naini? 12 Oshili itai eta ombili, "Kaleni mu he na ombili, " ndele ohava longifa" ombili " Hail Christ, the Glorious King! MBELA ope na efimbo limwe wa li u wete shidjuu okuuda ko onghedi omo omunhu wonhumba ha diladila? tungu, Ohamba Kristus otai dana onghandangala ilipi? 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. OTU li mefimbo lidjuu neenghono mondjokonona yovanhu. 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. Perhaps camels were not widely used in the ancient Near East at the beginning of the second millennium B.C.E., but evidence seems to confirm that they were not completely unknown. (2 Pet. 1: 8) Oshili oyo ei kutya Jehova mafiku ota ka eta omalunduluko kombada yedu, nonghedi yetu yokukalamwenyo oi na okuulika kutya otwa itavela shili oshinima osho. Otashi dulika ka li ha longifwa unene kovanhu vopefimbo lonale ovo va li ko lwopexulilo lefelemudo etivali K.O.P., ashike oumbangi otau ulike kutya kava li ve shii filufilu. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness and kindness? Mo 1959, onda li nda kwatwa po molwaashi onda li handi pilinda oishangomwa yopaMbiibeli. (b) Ongahelipi Dorkas a li a pewa ondjabi omolwouwa waye nouwa? If they had not had a sense of urgency, how many of us would have heard the Kingdom message? - Read Psalm 119: 60. Ashike okutotola oku na okuningwa noukeka, ngeenge hasho, oto yahameke oshimeno. Ngeno kava li va didilika kutya oilonga yokuudifa oya endelela, mbela ngeno vahapu vomufye otwa uda etumwalaka lOuhamba? - Lesha Epsalme 119: 60. Bible expositors have offered various explanations in an effort to resolve this seeming contradiction. Faneka onghalo ei momadiladilo: Natu tye nee ngeno omumwatate umwe omunyasha wedina Alex okwa mona kutya kaume kaye womeongalo lavo wedina Steve oku na onghedindjikilile yokutala omafano oipala. Ombibeli oya popya shi na sha neenghalo di lili noku lili odo da li tadi monika da fa tadi monika da kitakana. Higher Education? Ongahelipi ngeenge ovanhu va tya ngaho ova hala okwaalukila kuye? Mbela mepupi lokamukondapweyu oli na eenghono di fike peni? How is it that "the love the Christ has compels us "? Eemhito dokutamununa mo oukalele dilipi da yeulukila ovanyasha kunena ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa? Ongahelipi " ohole yaKristus tai tu fininike '? To illustrate how our understanding has been clarified, let us consider three "when " questions. Ovatokoli eshi va dimbuluka kutya Paulus naSilas ovakwashiwana vaRoma nonokutya ova ninga epuko la kwata moiti, ova li ve ke va pitife mo. Opo tu mone kutya eudeko letu ola yelifwa ngahelipi, natu ka konakoneni omapulo atatu oo hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi. HAVE you ever found it difficult to understand another person's way of thinking? Elia okwa li a mona oprojeka ya kula younamapya popepi nodoolopa yaAbel - Mehola. MBELA ope na efimbo limwe wa li to mono shidjuu okuuda ko onghedi imwe yokudiladila? WE LIVE in a world that is experiencing some of the most difficult and tragic times in human history. Ounona ova shanga oukalata neenhumwafo, ndele fye hatu longekida omaano tu tumine ounona moTaganrog, oku va ulikila ashike kutya ope na ounona vakwao ovo navo tava longele Jehova noudiinini nove na ko nasha navo nonande ove li kokule. OTU li mounyuni omo mu na omaupyakadi mahapu a kwata moiti nosho yo mondjokonona yovanhu. Being influenced by such a live - for - today spirit could cause us to become "inactive or unfruitful. " Ina ka kala vali e udite kutya oinima oyo a kanifa oi na ongushu. Okukala twa nwefwa mo komhepo ya tya ngaho otaku dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale tu na " oiimati ihe na oiimati. ' In 1959, I was arrested for printing Bible literature. 2: 9. Mo 1959, onda li nda kwatwa po ndi kale handi yandje oishangomwa yopaMbibeli. Pruning, however, must be done carefully, or a plant can suffer permanent harm. Omahambeleloyambo etu ohatu a yandje pauhandimwe nehalo liwa kuKalunga molwaashi tu mu hole. (Mat. Ndele nande ongaho, ovanhu ove na okuninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo va mone oixuna fiyo alushe. Imagine this situation. Suppose that Alex, a young brother, learned that Steve, his friend in the congregation, was in the habit of viewing pornography. Ashike nande ongaho, otu na okudimbuluka kutya etokolo laxuuninwa kutya oolyelye ve li eedi nosho yo kutya oolyelye ve li oikombo otali ka ningwa ashike poudjuu munene. Diladila konghalo ei tai landula apa, omumwatate omunyasha wedina Steve okwa li e lihonga kutya Steve, kaume kaye kopahombo oo a li meongalo, okwa li e na onghedindjikilile yokutala omafano oipala. What if such ones want to return to him? Otashi dulika pa holoke eenghalo dihapu omo to ka pumbwa okulongifa eliudo loye la deulwa kOmbibeli. Mbela ongahelipi ngeenge ovanhu va tya ngaho ova hala okushuna kuye? What opportunities are there today for young single Christians to expand their ministry? Natu ka taleni kutya oshike hatu lihongo mwaasho sha li she va ningilwa. Ovanyasha Ovakriste ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa ove na eemhito dilipi dokutamununa mo oukalele wavo? Then, on realizing that Paul and Silas are Roman citizens, the magistrates see that they have made a huge blunder, so they themselves come to escort the two men out. (Mark. 11: 23, 24) Eshi to ningi ngaho, kala wa shilipalekwa kutya " keshe ou ta kongo ota mono. ' (Mat. Opo nee eshi Paulus naSilas va mona kutya Paulus naSilas ove li ovakwashiwana vaRoma, ova mona kutya ova ninga oipuna neenghono, opo va ye kovanhu vavali. Near the town of Abel - meholah, Elijah saw a large - scale farming project under way. OMAIMBILO: 36, 94 Eshi Elisa a li modoolopa ya Abel, okwa li a mona Elia ta longo oshilonga shinene osho sha li tashi longwa kunena. They have written cards and letters, and we have made up a small package of gifts that we would like to send to the children in Taganrog, just to let them know that very far away, there are other children who also faithfully serve Jehovah and who are thinking of them. Omayambo a tya ngaho okwa li e na ondilo, naluhapu okwa li haa pula nge hanga oimaliwa aishe oyo nda li ndi na. Ove tu shangela eenhumwafo nosho yo eenhumwafo, ndele hatu tula mo omaano manini oo twa hala oku a tumina ounona vavo, opo ashike va efe po okulongela Jehova noudiinini nosho yo kutya nee ovovo tava longele Jehova noudiinini. He no longer felt that they were worthwhile. Oto dulu yo okupula omumwatate omunyasha e uye mu longe naye eshi to wapekulula Olupale lOuhamba. Ka li vali e udite kutya ova mona ouwa. 2: 9. Odo kadi fi tuu eendjovo tadi hekeleke! 2: 9. Our sacrifices of praise are personal offerings voluntarily made to God because we love him. Dilonga kwaasho to lesha. Omayambo etu okwa li e linyengifwa kohole yokuhola Kalunga molwaashi otu mu hole. Nevertheless, we should remember that the final judgment of who are sheep and who are goats is during the great tribulation. Handi ku ingida: Oukolokoshi! Ndelenee Ove ito kwafa? Ndele nande ongaho, otu na okudimbuluka kutya etokolo laxuuninwa leedi noikombo otali ka ningwa pefimbo loudjuu munene. A number of situations may arise in which you will need to follow your Bible - trained conscience. Nonande ovamwatate novamwameme ova li tava patanekwa, ova li va twikila noshikonga shavo momapandavanda vehe noumbada. Ope na eenghalo dihapu odo tadi dulu okuholoka po odo wa pumbwa okushikula eliudo loye la deulwa kOmbibeli. Let us see what we can learn from what happened to them. Osho itashi kumwifa molwaashi Ombibeli oya popya mOmayeletumbulo 29: 25, ya ti: "Okutila omunhu taku tele omwiyo. " Natu ka taleni kutya oshike hatu lihongo mwaasho sha li sha ningilwa Ovaisrael. As you do, be assured that "everyone seeking finds. " Ndele pomhito imwe Jesus okwa li a kwatwa keamo lokuungaunga nonghalo yonhumba monghedi ya yooloka ko kwaayo Xe a li a hala a ungaunge nayo. Eshi to ningi ngaho, kala wa shilipalekwa kutya "keshe tuu ou te mu kongo. " 25 Our Readers Ask... Pashihopaenenwa, ovadali otava dulu okushiva omaukwaneumbo amwe e va waimine pelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo omafimbo nomafimbo. 25 Ovaleshi tava pula... These sacrifices were costly, often consuming nearly all my resources. 40: 31. Omayambo oo okwa li taa pula ondilo neenghono, naluhapu ohaa ningifa nge ndi kale handi yandje oiniwe yange aishe. Or if you are involved in doing work around the Kingdom Hall, why not invite a young brother to work along with you? Omukokolindjila umwe a pyokoka wedina Verónica okwa ti: "Ohandi teleke oikulya ndele handi i landifa kombilixa moshitukulwa omo nda li handi udifile. Ile ngeenge owa kufa ombinga moilonga yokutunga Omalupale Ouhamba, omolwashike ito shivi omumwatate omunyasha a longe pamwe naave? What a comforting thought that is! (b) Okukala tu na eisho "li li nawa " otashi ti shike? Osho itashi hekeleke tuu! Meditate on what you study. (Epsalme 37: 11, 29) Oyeetifi aishe youyahame nokumona oixuna oyo ya wilila po ovanhu otai ka xula po. Dilonga kwaasho to konakona. How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Pashihopaenenwa, tala muJob 26: 7. Mbela ohandi ku ingida ngahelipi handi ku kwafa, Ove ito xupifa? Despite opposition, fearless brothers and sisters kept taking to the streets. MOmbiibeli omu noihopaenenwa yelondwelo yaavo va li vehe nelipangelo li na sha nekwatafano lopamilele. Nonande opa li omapataneko, ovamwatate novamwameme ova kala tava udifa momapandavanda. This is hardly surprising in view of what the Bible says at Proverbs 29: 25: "Trembling at men is what lays a snare. " Ashike Kalunga okwa li a tala ko natango kutya omushamane oye omutwe womukulukadi waye. Osho itashi kumwifa eshi shi na sha naasho Ombiibeli ya popya mOmayeletumbulo 29: 25, ya ti: "Ovanhu ohava kala va nyika oluhodi neenghono. " On at least one occasion, Jesus ' inclination on how to deal with a situation was different from what his Father wanted. Kala ho wanifa po oinakuwanifwa yoye. Pomhito imwe, eamo laJesus li na sha nanghee a li a ungaunga noshinima shimwe osho Xe a li a hala. For instance, parents may invite other families to join them in family worship from time to time. Omolwaashi ewanifo leudaneko olo ola li tali kwata efimbo lile. Pashihopaenenwa, ovadali otava dulu okushiva omaukwaneumbo amwe a waimine elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo pefimbo la wapala. 40: 31. Omayambidido ado ohaa tumwa odikilila koitaimbelewa yado ile a tulwe moukefa vomayambidido ovo ve li mOmalupale Ouhamba. 40: 31. Explains Verónica, an experienced pioneer: "In one place where I served, I prepared and sold low - cost fast food. Diladila keemhito adishe odo Jehova a kala ta amene ovamwatate ovo hava kanyatele oudiinini wavo mokuhakufa ombinga moinima yopapolotika. Okwa ti: "Eshi nda li handi longo kondje yoshilongo, onda li nda longekida oikulya i fike pwaayo nda li handi longo, ndele handi landifa oikulya. (b) What does it mean to keep our eye "simple "? Mo 2003, ame naJenny otwa li twa tuminwa kOshikondo shOilonga yOkutoloka koPatterson, New York okudja kOshikondo shOilonga yOkutoloka koFiji. (b) Okukala eisho letu "li li nawa " osha hala okutya shike? All the causes of pain and suffering that have plagued mankind will be undone. Kakele kokupameka eitavelo letu, okukonakona nghee Ombiibeli ya xupa momukokomoko womido, ohaku kulike ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova. Oinima aishe oyo hai etifa ouyahame nosho yo okumona oixuna oko kwa etifwa kovanhu. For example, consider Job 26: 7. Konima eshi nda diladila moule, onda li nda tokola okupitifa komesho oukalele ponhele yokukala nda pitifa komesho omusika; handi efa po ofikola yomusika ndele handi ka longa koshitukulwa oko kwa li ku na shili omhumbwe yovaudifi vOuhamba. " Pashihopaenenwa, diladila Job 26: 7. The Bible gives warning examples of individuals who lacked self - control concerning sexual conduct. 20: 28) Dorkas "okwa li ha longo oilonga iwa ihapu ndee ta yandje oikwafa ihapu. " Ombiibeli oya yandja elondwelo kuvamwe ovo va li ve na elipangelo nosho yo elihumbato inali koshoka. But the headship arrangement remained in effect. Ngeenge nda ka talela po, ame naArthur otwa li hatu kosho oiyaxa konima ngeenge twa mane okulya. Ashike elongekido loukwamutwe ola kala tali etifa oidjemo iwa. Fulfill assignments. Olo oli li eteelelo lashili, la udanekwa kOmushiti mwene. Wanifa po oinakuwanifwa. Simply stated, the fulfillment of the promise would take time. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Josef okwa kala ha ningi ngaho lwoikando. Oku shi popya paunafangwa, eudaneko li na sha neudaneko olo otali ka wanifwa po. Donations are sent directly to one of our branch offices or placed in a contribution box that is located in each Kingdom Hall. * Natango, embo lEimbiloelela olo a shanga pakatevo omido 20 komesho yaasho, otali ulike kutya omulumenhu nomukainhu otava dulu okukala ve holafane fiyo alushe. Omayambidido ohaa yandjwa odikilila koitaimbelewa yetu ile koitaimbelewa yetu oyo i li mOlupale lOuhamba keshe. Think of the many occasions when God has safeguarded our brothers who were maintaining their Christian neutrality. Okamati oko oka li ka nyumunwa pashikumwifilonga, ndele ta ka hangana vali naina. Diladila keenghalo dihapu odo Kalunga a li a amena ovamwatate ovo va li inava diinina omufika wavo wopaKriste. Baptizing someone in a lagoon In 2003, Jenny and I were transferred from the Translation Department in Fiji to Translation Services in Patterson, New York. Opo nee vo novakulukadi vavo ova li va ya va ka talela po ovadali vavo ovo va li kokule navo nova tale kutya ekwafo lilipi va pumbwa nongahelipi ve na oku li pewa. Mo 2003, ame naRose otwa li twa tuminwa kOshikondo shO - New York City, moNew York, shomuNew York, shomuNew York. Besides strengthening our faith, reviewing how the Bible has endured through the ages deepens our love for Jehovah. Diladila nee ngeno opo wa li eshi Paulus ta popi kombinga " yaKalunga ou a shita ounyuni noinima aishe i li mo, ' naashi ta yelifa kutya "Ye [iha] kala meetembeli da tungwa nomake. " Kakele kokukala tu na eitavelo, konakona nghee Ombiibeli ye tu kwafela tu kale tu na ohole yomoule yokuhola Jehova. After serious consideration, I decided to put my ministry before my music, left the music school, and took up the challenge of serving in an area where there was a real need for Kingdom preachers. " Moshinima eshi, natu ka kundafaneni shi na sha nehongo loevolusi. Konima eshi nda konakona oshinima sha kwata moiti, onda li nda tokola okupitifa komesho oukalele wange fimbo inandi ya kofikola, nonda li nda ya koshitukulwa oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi vOuhamba. " Dorcas "abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy. " Oshikalimo Dorkas "okwa li ha longo oilonga iwa ndee ta yandje oikwafa ihapu. " When I visited, Arthur and I would volunteer to wash the dishes after meals. [ Efano pepandja 5] Eshi nda li nde uya okutalela po, ame na Arthur otwa li hatu kala tu na oikulya ya wana. It is a sure hope, one based on the promise of the Creator himself. Opo nee Jehova ota ka kala wolela kufye nohatu ka dula okutya: " Onde ku udile ashike omatwi, ndelenee paife omesho ange e ku mona. ' Oku na eteelelo la twa, eudaneko la kanghamena kOmushiti waye mwene. No doubt, on countless occasions. Okakadona kawa Okasulamit komuIsrael shonale kakwa li ka pitika omafininiko ookahewa vako e ka ningife ka dimine okuninga umwe womovakulukadi vahapu vohamba Salomo. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ope na eemhito dihapu di lili noku lili. * Still, the poem he wrote some 20 years earlier, the Song of Solomon, shows that enduring love can exist between a man and a woman. (Ovagalati 5: 22, yelekanifa no - NW.) * Ndele nande ongaho, Eimbiloelela laSalomo otali ulike kutya ohole otai dulu okukala pokati komulumenhu nomukainhu. Miraculously, the dead boy came to life and was reunited with his now elated mother! Tala embo " Likalekeni mohole yaKalunga, ' epandja 219 - 221; Oshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Novemba 1988, epandja 26 - 27; 15 Septemba 1975, epandja 575. Omonamati oo a fya okwa li e uya ndele ta hanaunwa po e li nameme paife. The sons and their wives visited the parents in the Far East to see what help could best be provided and how. Opo okavilo oko hatu ningi ka kale omhito i shii okudimbulukiwa notaka tu omukumo, oshiwa okushiva ovanhu vomuvalu munini nokushilipaleka kutya otava pashukilwa nawa, unene tuu ngeenge otapa ka nuwa oikunwa yoalkoholi. Ovanamati vavo novakulukadi vavo ova li va talela po ovadali vavo ovo va li hava tale kutya oshike tashi dulu oku va kwafela ngahelipi nosho yo nghee tava dulu oku va kwafela. Imagine that you are there as Paul speaks about "the God who made the world and all the things in it " and then explains that He" does not dwell in handmade temples. " Kape na vali omunhu a wanenena ta dulu okuulika omaukwatya a fa aKalunga filufilu. Diladila nee ngeno ou li ngaashi Paulus a popya kombinga " yaKalunga oo a shita ounyuni noinima aishe ' nota yelifa kutya "ina kala nomwenyo. " In this regard, consider the theory of evolution. Otu na emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo. Osho otashi ulike kutya ehongo loevolusi ola kwatela mo ehongo loevolusi. Table of Contents 2: 3, 4) Jesus okwa popya kutya omhepo yokuheliholamwene oyo i na okudana onghandangala melongelokalunga letu. Oshikalimo [ Picture on page 5] (1 Tim. 6: 3) Natu ka taleni komayele aPaulus oo a li a yandja shi na sha naavo va li ovananyalo meongalo. [ Efano pepandja 5] Then, Jehovah will be more real to us, and we too will be able to say: "My ears have heard about you, but now I do see you with my eyes. " Jehova okwa wanifa eudaneko laye lokukwafa eefiye. (Eps. Opo nee Jehova ota ka kala wolela kufye, nafye ohatu ka dula okupopya hatu ti: "Onda uda ondaka yange, ndele paife onde ku tala omesho ange. " A beautiful Shulammite girl of ancient Israel did not want her friends to pressure her to become one of King Solomon's many wives. Ndele molwaashi inatu wanenena, oshi na oupu tu kokelwe moluhaelo, ngaashi ashike eeshi hadi kala da nanenwa koukulya ovo hadi telwa nado. Okakadona Okasulamit shonale ka li ka hala ookaume kaye ka ninge ohamba Salomo. He also shows mildness, self - control, and patience. Omolwashike mbela? Okwa ulika yo kutya oku na omwenyo, elipangelo nosho yo onheni. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 219 - 221; The Watchtower of November 1, 1988, pages 26 - 27; September 15, 1975, page 575. Mo 31 Auguste 1947 onda li nda ulika kutya onde liyapulila Jehova eshi nda ninginifwa. Tala embo " Likalekeni mohole yaKalunga, ' epandja 22 - 22; Oshungonangelo ye 1 Novemba 1988, epandja 27 - 27; nosho yo 15 Septemba 1983, epandja 11 - 27. To help contribute to a memorable and upbuilding occasion, it is best to keep social gatherings small and to make sure that they are properly supervised, especially if any alcohol is served. " Oye ou mu mu hole, nande inamu mu mona, naau mwe mu itavela, nande kamu mu wete paife. " - 1 PETRUS 1: 8. Opo tu kwafele omunhu a kale a nyika oluhodi noku mu twa omukumo, otwa pumbwa okukala hatu ningi eenghendabala da mana mo opo tu kale hatu kala pokwoongala nokushilipaleka kutya efimbo keshe ola ngabekwa, unene tuu ngeenge tava longo okunwa oikunwa yoalkoholi sha pitilila. No longer perfect, man could not reflect God's qualities perfectly. FIMBO Joe nomukulukadi waye va li mefudo, ova li va ka yowa mefuta omo mu na eeshi di na omaluvala aeshe nodomaunene aeshe koitukulwa oko ku na oupyu. Kape na vali omunhu a wanenena ta dulu okuulika omaukwatya aKalunga monghedi ya wanenena. We have free will, that is, the freedom to make our own choices. 19: 35, 36. Otu na emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo kufye vene. In fact, Jesus taught that an unselfish spirit is at the heart of our worship. Ohatu dulu okudimbwa diva ouwa oo vamwe ve tu ningila. Jesus okwa honga kutya omhepo yeliyambo oi li melongelokalunga letu. They were evidently admonished by the elders but persisted in disregarding the counsel. Owa tokola toko okuninga shike? Osha yela kutya ova li va kumaida ovakulunhuongalo, ashike ova li tave lipwililikile omayele. Jehovah has lived up to his promise to care for fatherless children. Heeno. Jehova okwa kala ta wanifa po eudaneko laye li na sha nanghee xe e na okufila oshisho ounona. 2 / 1 Ancient Voyages Beyond Mediterranean, 3 / 1 Omuprofeti Amos okwa pula a ti: "Vavali otava kala tuu nokweenda pamwe, fimbo inava udafana tete? " Eenghundafana nomuneumbo - Mbela Eendombwedi daJehova oda itavela ngoo muJesus? But because we are imperfect, we may be attracted to immorality, like fish attracted to bait. Embo lomauyelele limwe ola popya shi na sha noshitya osho la ti: "Luhapu ohashi ulike kokukatuka eenghatu ile shi longifwe pamwe noityalonga oyo tai holola okukatuka eenghatu. " Ndele molwaashi inatu wanenena, otashi dulika tu kwatwe keamo lokuya moluhaelo, ngaashi eeshi. Why? Ovanhu vahapu ova fika meedula dokupendjelwa nohava kala tave lipula ngeenge otava ka kala ngoo ve na oimaliwa ye va wana oku lifila oshisho. Omolwashike mbela? On August 31, 1947, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. Ohatu ka konakona yo kutya oshike hatu dulu okuninga pauhandimwe opo tu dule okumona ouwa pauyadi monghandangala oyo tai danwa komhepo iyapuki yaKalunga moku tu kwafela tu ude ko Eendjovo daYe. MuAuguste 31 Auguste 1947, onda li nda ulika kutya onde liyapulila Jehova nokuninginifwa. Though you do not see him now, yet you exercise faith in him. " - 1 PETER 1: 8. 27: 11. Nonande ku wete paife, natango ou na eitavelo muye. " - 1 PETRUS 1: 8. WHILE on vacation, Joe and his wife were snorkeling on a tropical coral reef teeming with fish of all colors and sizes. Oludalo olo la udanekwa ola li tali faneke Messias ile Kristus. KALA nee ngeno wa fa u wete Noa nomukulukadi waye va tula po oshihopaenenwa sha denga mbada shi na sha naapo va li hava kala ve na eeshi dihapu nosho yo eeshi di lili noku lili. 19: 35, 36. Itashi ka kala tuu shiwa ngeenge oshilyo keshe sheongalo osha kala tashi lalakanene okuxumifa komesho omhepo iwa meongalo! 19: 35, 36. How quickly we can forget the kind deeds others do for us! (Rom. 11: 33) Onghee hano, fimbo ino hovela okukonakona Eendjovo daKalunga moshikando tashi uya, tete ilikana nokwiindila Jehova e ku pe omhepo yaye iyapuki nomadiladilo e li ponhele. Inatu dimbwa tuu oilonga iwa oyo vamwe ve tu ningila! What is your firm determination? Mbela ou li kaume a tya ngaho? Owa tokola toko okuninga shike? Yes. Ndele Ombibeli otai tu lombwele kutya Kalunga okwe tu pa oshali yopahole oyo i na ongushu neenghono i dule eemhango dOvaroma. Heeno. The prophet Amos asks: "Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment? " Ovanhu vamwe kava li va uda ko oshipango shOmbiibeli osho tashi ti kutya "tila Kalunga. " Omuprofeti Amos okwa pula a ti: "Otava ka enda pamwe vavali ngeenge inava nangekwa po? " Regarding this word, one reference work says: "Quite often, in fact, [it] implies an action or appears in combination with verbs of action. " Natu ka kundafaneni omaetepo onhumba. Embo limwe lomauyelele ola popya shi na sha noitya imwe la ti: "Omafimbo amwe, oshitya osho ohashi ulike kokukatuka eenghatu. " [ Picture on page 26] Okwa hokolola yo kombinga yaasho sha li sha ningwa po pomhito imwe eshi ye nomumwatate umwe nomukulukadi waye va li va ka udifila koshitukulwa shokeemhunda daCalifornia, muU.S.A., a ti: "Omumwatate oo okwa li a twala ohauto imwe i na embako mokati keemhunda, ofimbo fye twa fyaala modoolopa. [ Efano pepandja 26] Many people reach retirement age and wonder if they will have enough money to live out the rest of their life comfortably. Ombibeli nayo oya koleka oushili oo. - Hesekiel 18: 4. Ovanhu vahapu ove na omido omulongo nasha nova limbililwa ngeenge otava ka dula ngoo okukala nomwenyo efimbo lile monghalamwenyo yavo. 27: 11. Onghee hano, okwa li e va yelifila kutya Jehova oha palula alushe eedila. 27: 11. That Seed proved to be the Messiah, or Christ. Ngaashi omupsalme, ohatu imbi pafaneko " eimbilo la yapulilwa ohamba ' yetu Jesus Kristus, eshi hatu shiivifile vamwe kutya oku li Ohamba yOuhamba wopaMessias oyo ya nangekwa po meulu. Oludalo olo ola li la ulika kutya oli li Messias ile Kristus. What delightful results can be obtained if each member of the congregation makes it his or her goal to contribute to the wholesome spirit of the congregation! 4 Exunganeko 1. Kashi hafifa tuu ngeenge oshilyo keshe sheongalo oshe shi ningi tashi di komutima opo shi xumife komesho omhepo iwa yeongalo! Therefore, the next time you study, make sure you first pray to Jehovah and ask him to give you the proper frame of mind and his holy spirit. Ngeenge omunhu okwa mono eshiivo nokwa dimine oinima oyo i na sha nelalakano laKalunga nokumona nghee okuninga ngaho taku mu kwafele a kale e na eteelelo, ote ke linyengifwa a tye: "Ei onghundana iwa shili! " Onghee hano, ngeenge owa hovele okukonakona Ombibeli, ilikana tete kuJehova e ku kwafele u kale u na etaleko liwa li na sha nomhepo iyapuki nosho yo omhepo yaye iyapuki. Are you this type of friend? Okwa kala alushe ongadji, nopefimbo olo okwa li e na eedula 75. Mbela naave osho ho ningi ngaho? Williams of the University of Melbourne, Australia) However valid that might be, there is a bequest or gift of far greater value. Kunena, Ovalongelikalunga vashili ove shii kutya Jehova oku li Omupangeli weshito alishe noku na oufemba wokuma ovanhu. Williams okwa popya shi na sha naasho, a ti kutya oshi li oshali ya denga mbada ya dja kuKalunga, oyo tai dulu oku ku kwafela u kale wa lenga neenghono. Some people misunderstand the Bible command to "fear the true God. " Onghee hano, nafye otu na etomheno liwa lokukala tu li oupafi. Ovanhu vamwe ohava udu ko oshipango shOmbibeli shi na sha naKalunga kashili. Let us discuss some suggestions. Emil Yantzen Natu ka kundafaneni omaetepo amwe. On one occasion, she and a Witness couple were preaching in a mountainous area of California, U.S.A. " The brother took the sound car higher up into the mountains, and we stayed down in town, " she recalled. Jehova okwa li nale e va londwela kutya oshinima osho otashi dulu okuningwa. - Ex. Pomhito imwe, ye nOndombwedi imwe oya li tai udifa moshitukulwa shaCalifornia, sha - U.S.A., ndele tai ti: "Otwa li twa dimbuluka otuwa yetu i li keemhunda. " The Bible confirms this. - Ezekiel 18: 4. Natu ka taleni koshihopaenenwa shomumwatate Graham, oo a li a kondwa nolwanima okwa li a alulilwa meongalo ndele ta kala ine lipyakidila oule wefimbo. Ombibeli oya koleka oushili oo. - Hesekiel 18: 4. So he explained that Jehovah always feeds the birds. Kape na omunhu ta dulu okuxunganeka kombinga yonakwiiwa. Onghee hano, okwa li a yelifa kutya Jehova oha palula eedila. Like the psalmist, our "song is about a king " - our King Jesus Christ. We proclaim him as the enthroned heavenly King of the Messianic Kingdom. Osho osha li sha hala kutya meni lefimbo lixupi, okwa li ngeno a teelela a ka deulilwe oudano koEuropa, osho tashi dulika ngeno she ke mu ningifa a kale e na eifano la denga mbada. Ngaashi omupsalme, nafye ohatu udifa tu li Ohamba yOuhamba wopaMessias, Jesus Kristus, oo e li Ohamba yOuhamba wopaMessias. 4 Prophecy 1. 16: 13, 14) Omolwashike itatu hopaenene Jesus moshinima sha tya ngaho? 4 Exunganeko 1. When a person comes to understand and accept those parts of God's purpose and sees the future that this opens to him, he can rightly exclaim, "Yes, that truly is good news! " [ Eendjovo dididilikwedi pepandja 20] Ngeenge omunhu oku udite ko notu tambule ko oshitukulwa shelalakano laKalunga nokumona kutya onakwiiwa oyo otai ka kala ya tya ngahelipi, ota dulu oku mu shilipaleka kutya "nghundana iwa shili. ' She had always been barren, and she was 75 years old now. 2: 2, 3. Okwa kala alushe ongadji, nopaife oku na omido 75. Today, true worshippers know that Jehovah is the Ruler of the universe and has the authority to mold nations. 1: 15 - 20; 14: 13) Lwanima, okwa ka twala Ovaisrael kEdu lEudaneko. Kunena, ovalongelikalunga vashili ove shii kutya Jehova Omupangeli weshito alishe oku na eenghonopangelo dokupangela oiwana. We have good reason, then, to do likewise. Josef okwa li ta diladila natango keumbo lavo kedu loikulundudu nomhepo, kuHebron, olo li li kokule eekilometa omafele; okwa li a fa e wete e li mounyuni umwe u lili. Onghee hano, otu na omatomheno mawa okuninga ngaho. Emil Yantzen 1: 14, 15. Emilia okwa li a ya moluhaelo Jehovah had long before warned that such a thing could happen. - Ex. 31 Omapulo a dja kovaleshi Jehova okwa li a londwela efimbo lile kutya oshinima osho otashi dulu okuningwa. - Ex. Consider Graham, who was disfellowshipped, in time was reinstated, and then became spiritually inactive. 1: 20. Diladila kwaasho sha li sha kondwa mo meongalo, oo a li a kondwa mo meongalo, nolwanima okwa ka kala vali e lipyakidila noinima yopamhepo. No man can do that. Ndele onda li nde lihonga okudja mOmbiibeli kutya Kalunga okwa tokola ovalongeli " voshikalunga shelao ' nosho yo ovanalwisho. Kape na omunhu ta dulu okuninga ngaho. That meant that before long, he could expect to receive elite sports training in Europe, perhaps leading to a professional career. Onda li yo nde lihonga okukwata nawa osho ndi na. " Osho osha hala okutya fimbo inapa pita efimbo lile, okwa li a teelela okupewa edeulo momaudano, tashi dulika shi tu linyengife tu lalakanene eifano lonhumba. Why not follow Jesus in that? Ndele mbela ongahelipi ngeenge ohatu yelekwa? Omolwashike ito shikula Jesus moshinima osho? [ Blurb on page 20] Oshinima vali shimwe shikumwifi oshosho kutya mefiku etitatu konima eshi Jesus a dipawa nonyanya, Jehova okwe mu nyumuna, ashike ine mu nyumuna a ninge vali omunhu wopambelela, ndele okwe mu nyumunina omwenyo wopamhepo ihau fi. [ Eendjovo dididilikwedi pepandja 20] 2: 2, 3. 13: 2, 3; Hab. 2: 2, 3. Later he established the Israelites in the Promised Land. Kalunga ou hatu longele " oKalunga omunelao, ' nokwa hala tu kale twa hafa eshi hatu mu longele. (1 Tim. Lwanima okwa li a dika po Ovaisrael mEdu lEudaneko. Joseph thought again of his home in the windswept highlands of Hebron, hundreds of miles away; he was in a different world now. 8: 9) Lwanima, okwa li a lombwela ovo eliudo lavo itali va pitike va lye ombelela oyo vaha tokole ovo va hoolola oku i lya. Josef okwa li a diladila natango meumbo laye olo la li la hanauna po oushiveli waye, a li kokule oshinano sheekilometa omafele; okwa li a yooloka ko kounyuni. 1: 14, 15. 16, 17. 1: 14, 15. 31 Questions From Readers David oha longo mofeema yonhumba e li omuhongi woipilangi. 31 Omapulo a dja kovaleshi 1: 20. Ndele mbela oto diladila kutya ngeno osha ka kala ngoo shili pandunge ngeno Noa noukwaneumbo waye ova kalele ve litula mongeshefa, okukala tava pondola ve dule ovanhu vakwao ile okukala nonghalamwenyo youdjeko? 1: 20. However, I learned from the Bible that God condemns worshippers of the "god of Good Luck, " as well as greedy persons. Onghedi oyo oya fa yanafangwa ashike ohai pondola. Ashike onda li nde lihonga mOmbiibeli kutya Kalunga okwa tokola ovalongelikalunga ovo va li va tokola " okweenda nawa ' nosho yo okukala ve na olwisho. I also learned to save. " (b) Mbela ope na omushangwa wonhumba kondadalunde oo ho longifa nohau eta oidjemo iwa? Onde lihonga yookuxupifa eemwenyo. " But what about when we are under pressure? " Okukala omutumba meameno laau wOkombadambada ' otaku faneke shike, na Kalunga oha amenene mo oolyelye? Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha nongeenge twa taalela omafininiko? But wonder of wonders! On the third day after Jesus ' cruel death, Jehovah resurrected him, not as a human, but as an immortal spirit creature. 5. Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi efiku etitatu omo Jesus a fya, Jehova okwa li e mu nyumuna e li oshishitwa shopamhepo, ndele ke fi oshishitwa shopamhepo. 13: 1, 2; Hab. Kanda li vali handi hafele okwoongala, nomomapya onda li ashike handi i mo omalufe. 13: 1, 2; Hab. After all, we worship "the happy God, " and he wants us to be joyful in our worship. 119: 128. Kakele kaasho, ohatu longele "Kalunga omunelao, " nokwa hala tu kale twa hafa melongelokalunga letu. Later, he instructed those with a more sensitive conscience not to judge those who chose to eat such meat. Paulus oye a li a tota po eongalo lokuFilippi nokwa li e hole ovamwaxe vomeongalo olo neenghono. Lwanima, okwa ka lombwela ovo va hala okulya ombelela ya tya ngaho. 16, 17. Satana oha longifa oumbada wokutila ovanhu, okutila okuhepekwa, okutila efyo nosho yo omatilifo amwe e lili opo e ku findile kongudi noku ku shololifa uha longele vali Jehova. - Jes. 16, 17. David is employed as a carpenter at a local company. 3: 6 - 13. David okwa li ha longo noudiinini mokati kovanhu vomoshitukulwa. Do you think that it would have been reasonable for Noah and his family to focus their efforts on developing a business, getting ahead among their contemporaries, or establishing a comfortable lifestyle? Oshifo eshi ihashi landifwa, ndele osha nyanyangidwa opo shi longifwe moilonga yokuhonga ovanhu Ombiibeli mounyuni aushe, oyo hai yambididwa nomayambidido opashimaliwa ehalo liwa. Mbela oto diladila kutya ngeno Noa noukwaneumbo waye ova kala ve na ondjele ngeenge tava ningi eenghendabala dokuninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo va xumife komesho omahalo avo, ovo ve li mokati kovanhu vopefimbo lonale ile va kale nonghalamwenyo youdjeko? This method is simple but effective. Markus: Molwaashi onda li ndi na okuxwepopaleka Oshiingilisha shange, onda li nda shivwa ndi ye koBrooklyn fimbo ku na eemwedi 5 ofikola i hovele. Onghedi ya tya ngaho ohai pondola ashike, ndele ohai pondola. (b) Is there a particular scripture that you use with good results? Ngeenge ovapambele ove tu udifa nai neendjovo ile neenghatu davo, natu hopaeneneni oihopaenenwa yovayapostoli. (b) Mbela ope na omushangwa oo tau dulu oku ku etela oidjemo iwa? What is "the secret place of the Most High, " and whom does God protect in it? Eendjovo domuyapostoli Paulus odo a li a shangela ovakulunhuongalo vokuEfeso otadi tu pe enyamukulo kepulo olo, tadi ti: " Ame ondi shi shii, ngeenge nda dja po, omambungu haa lyana otae uya ndee taa pumine mokati keni, nao kae na nande onghenda noshiunda. " Eameno laau wOkombadambada ' oshike, noolyelye Kalunga te li amene? 5. (b) Oshike osho omunhu oo ha li nokunwa omadidiliko Edimbuluko e na okuninga ngeenge okwa nyono enyono la kwata moiti? 5. I was not enjoying the spiritual food at the meetings, and I barely went out in service. Omolwashike Ovakriste va pumbwa okuliyapulila Jehova? Kanda li handi hafele eendja dopamhepo pokwoongala nokanda li handi i moukalele nandenande. 119: 128. Kala navo efimbo opo mu popye, mu lye pamwe nokudanauka pamwe navo. 119: 128. Paul had established the congregation in Philippi and felt particular affection for his brothers there. Pefimbo opo, kanda li nda hala okukonakona Ombibeli naumwe womEendombwedi molwaashi onda li handi diladila kutya ohandi dulu okukonakona kwaame mwene. Paulus okwa li a tota eongalo lokuFilippi nokwa li e udite kutya ovamwaxe ove holafane. Satan will use fear of man, fear of persecution, fear of death, and any other kind of negative fear to try to dominate you and make you shrink back from serving Jehovah. - Isa. Ndele mepingafano naAron, ovalumenhu ovo ova li ovanashibofa ve na ounhwa nova hala okunangekwa po ve li ovapristeri. (Num. Satana ota ka longifa oumbada wokutila ovanhu, oumbada wokutila ovanhu nosho yo oumbada wokutila ovanhu noku ku ningifa uha kale wa tila okulongela Jehova. - Jes. 3: 6 - 13. David okwa imba ta ti: "Omunelao ou omanyono aye a dimwa po nomatimba aye a tuvikwa. 3: 6 - 13. This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Kakele kaasho, ehandukilo olo to yandje to linyengifwa kehandu kali fi nandenande outekuduliko. Oshifo eshi ihashi landifwa, ndele osha nyanyangidwa opo shi longifwe moilonga yokuhonga ovanhu Ombiibeli mounyuni aushe, oyo hai yambididwa nomayambidido opashimaliwa ehalo liwa. Markus: Because I had to improve my English, I was invited to go to Brooklyn five months before the start of the school. Otashi dulika efimbo liwa kwoove okulesha Ombibeli okomatango ile oufiku fimbo ino ka nangala. Markus: Molwaashi onda li ndi na okuxwepopaleka Oshiingilisha shange, onda li nda shivwa ndi ye keemwedi nhano fimbo inandi hovela ofikola. If they hurt us by their speech or actions, we can imitate the example of the apostles. Ngeenge oho kondjifa okukala u na ondjele shi na sha nokulongifa oikolwifa, mbela oho kala ngoo wa hala okukala kokule neenghalo odo tadi dulu oku ku yeleka u nwe sha pitilila? Ngeenge ova udifwa nai keendjovo davo ile keenghatu davo, ohatu dulu okuhopaenena oshihopaenenwa shovayapostoli. We find the answer in the apostle Paul's words to the Ephesian elders: "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Shi yelifa. Enyamukulo ohatu li hange meendjovo domuyapostoli Paulus odo a shangela ovakulunhuongalo, a ti: "Ondi shi shii nokutya, ngeenge ohandi i onhapo mokati keni, itamu ka kala mu he noshipo mokati keni ndee tamu di yo ovalumenhu tava popi oinima inai yuka, ve lishilile ovalongwa. " (Ef. (b) What should a partaker who has committed a serious sin do? Kakele kaasho, kutya nee owa shakeneka omaupyakadi oo haa hange ovakulupe ile hasho, ovanhu vahapu ova hala okukala va hafa moukulupe. (b) Oolyelye ve na okukufa ombinga mokulya nokunwa omadidiliko oo a nyona enyono la kwata moiti? Why do Christians need to dedicate themselves to Jehovah? Okwa tambula ko oshili yOmbiibeli nonande ke na eenyala nomaoko 13 Omolwashike Ovakriste va pumbwa okuliyapulila Jehova? Spend a lot of time talking with them, eating with them, and playing with them. 11, 12. Kala ho longifa efimbo lihapu mokukundafana navo, okulya pamwe navo, okulya pamwe navo nosho yo okudana pamwe navo. At the time, I didn't accept the offer to study the Bible with the Witnesses. I thought I could study it on my own. Ongahelipi Ovakriste vamwe ovanamido va hovela okulongela Kalunga meenghedi dimwe di lili lwanima monghalamwenyo yavo? Pefimbo opo, kanda li handi tambula ko ekonakonombibeli nonda li handi diladila kutya ohandi dulu oku li konakona paumwene. Unlike Aaron, however, the others were arrogant renegades attempting to usurp the priesthood. Petrus okwa li a popya shi na sha nOvakriste vamwe vomeongalo lomefelemudo lotete ovo va li va hovela okudiladila ngaashi ounyuni, eshi a londwela ta ti: "Ove udite ounyenye mokukala moumbwada efiku alishe, ovo omalopyolopyo ohoni nomadiko ekako; ove udite ounyenye momakoto avo eshi hava kala moivilo pamwe nanye. Mepingafano naAron, vamwe ova li hava kendabala okuumba ko ovapristeri. David sang: "Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is covered. Ovakulunhuongalo ove na alushe okudimbuluka kutya otava longo koshi yepashukilo lopahole lOmona waKalunga, Jesus Kristus, "omufita omukulunhu weedi. " Onghee hano, ove na okudulika kuye. - Heb. David okwa imba a ti: "Omunelao ou, omanyono aye a dimwa po. Furthermore, punishment motivated by anger or frustration is not discipline at all. Ombiibeli oya popya kutya moukwaneumbo wavo omwa li oufita woimuna, ashike inai popya kutya ova li hava longifa eengamelo. Shikwao vali, ehandukilo ohali linyengifa omunhu a handuka ile a handukile vamwe. Perhaps for you, the best time to read the Bible is in the evening or before you go to bed. Ohashi kala shiwa neenghono okukala u udite kutya oto dulu okulonga sha natango. Otashi dulika ho kongo efimbo u leshe Ombibeli onguloshi ile fimbo ino ya. If you struggle to be moderate in your use of alcoholic beverages, are you willing to steer clear of situations that might tempt you to overdrink? Henry Grew (oo a li ko mo 1781 - 1862), ka li ashike a longifa edina laKalunga ndele okwa li yo e shii kutya ola kala la dinika noli na okuyapulifwa. Ngeenge oho kondjo nokulongifa oikunwa yoalkoholi pandjele, mbela oho kala wa halelela okulongifa eenghalo odo tadi dulu oku ku yeleka? Explain. (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuya metulumuko laKalunga? Shi yelifa. Nevertheless, whether confronted with age - related problems or not, most people wish to be able to age gracefully. Ovanhu vahapu vomoshitukulwa osho shokOlukadi laAmerika ova li va lenga Ombibeli neenghono. Ndele kashi na nee mbudi kutya otu na omido ngapi, ovanhu vahapu ova hala okukala ve na omaupyakadi a kwata moiti ile hasho. Embracing Bible Truth Without Hands and Arms 13 Omukulu wange okwa kala ha hongo nge oshili yOmbibeli nelidiiniko. Kala u na etaleko liwa li na sha noshili nosho yo 13 11, 12. OMUDO OMO A DALWA: 1982 11, 12. How have some Christians started serving God in new ways later in life? Wanda oo a tumbulwa metetekelo, okwa ti: "Itatu dimbwa efiloshisho lavo lopahole. " Ongahelipi Ovakriste vamwe va hovela okulongela Kalunga meenghedi dipe lwanima? Referring to those in the first - century Christian congregation who had adopted a worldly viewpoint, Peter warned: "They consider luxurious living in the daytime a pleasure. They are spots and blemishes, indulging with unrestrained delight in their deceptive teachings while feasting together with you. Opefimbo lilipi Kristus a li a nangeka po ongudu ya unganekwa yokutukula eendja dopamhepo? Petrus okwa li a londwela shi na sha naavo va li va ninga Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ovo va li va tambula ko etaleko lounyuni, a ti: "Ova tala ko kutya onghalamwenyo oi li nawa, nove i tala ko i li paunafangwa noya tambulwa ko. Elders should always remember that they are undershepherds, subject to the oversight of God's loving Son, Jesus Christ, "the great shepherd of the sheep. " - Heb. Okuya momilele kondje yohombo oko oludi limwe loukengeleledi linyikifa oluhodi neenghono. Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okudimbuluka alushe kutya ove li Ovafita va fa tava pashukile Omona waKalunga omunahole, Jesus Kristus, oo e li " omufita muwa. ' - Heb. The Bible portrays her family as shepherd folk, not as traders who drove caravans of camels. Onghee hano, onda itavela kutya Kalunga oku shii kutya ohandi dulu okufinda eyeleko olo. " Ombibeli oya popya shi na sha noukwaneumbo wavo ya ti kutya ova li hava lifa eedi, ndele kada li hadi kufa eengamelo. It's so good to feel that you are still capable of doing something! Ekwatafano lilipi li li pokati komutwe omutiheyali woshilyani noshihongwafano shinenenene? Ohashi kala shiwa okukala u udite kutya oto dulu natango okuninga sha. Henry Grew (1781 - 1862) not only used God's name but also recognized that it had been reproached and must be sanctified. Ongahelipi vamwe va li va mona ouwa mefyuululo lopamhepo laJesus? Henry okwa li a toloka edina laKalunga ndele ka li fi ashike edina laKalunga, ndele okwa li yo a mona kutya ola li tali shekwa nola yapulwa. (b) How can we enter into God's rest? Ovadali, ohamu pwilikine ngoo shili kovana veni? (b) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuya metulumuko laKalunga? The information in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax laws or other laws in your country. Okufimaneka vamwe hashi tu kwafele ngahelipi? Ouyelele oo u li mokambo oko otashi dulika itau wapalele moshitukulwa sheni omolweemhango di na sha noifendela moshilongo sheni. The South was often referred to as the Bible Belt because most people there held the Bible in high regard. Oinima ya fimana i na sha nOuhamba oo, ngaashi ohamba yao, ovapangeli pamwe nayo nonokutya otava ka pangela oolyelye oya tulwa po nale paveta okupitila momahangano, ile tu tye, omaudafanotwokumwe opaveta oo a ningwa kuKalunga ile kOmona Jesus Kristus. OSouth Africa luhapu ova li hava popi unene shi na sha nOmbiibeli molwaashi ovanhu vahapu ova li va fimaneka Ombibeli neenghono. My sister had been very patient in sharing Bible truths with me. Oshike hatu lihongo kombinga yaKalunga mwaasho tu wete meshito? Omumwameme oo okwa kala e lididimika eshi a li ta lombwele nge oshili yOmbibeli. YEAR BORN: 1982 Kalunga oha kala e ku uditile olukeno ngeenge u li moudjuu. - Epsalme 55: 23; 1 Petrus 5: 7. ODULA OMO A DALWA: 1982 Wanda, mentioned earlier, recalls, "We still remember their loving care. " Ngaashi twe shi kundafana nale, Paulus okwa li a teka omukumo omolwonghedi omo Ovajuda va li ve linyenga ketumwalaka lOuhamba. Pashihopaenenwa, oo a tumbulwa metetekelo, okwa ti: "Ohatu dimbuluka natango efiloshisho lavo lopahole. " When was it time for Christ to appoint one organized channel to dispense spiritual food? Kaitlyn okwa ti: "Onda li nda kwafelwa ndi yandje elitulemo koshinima osho sha fimanenena, sha hala kutya, okuninga oinima monghedi oyo Jehova a hokwa. Onaini Kristus a li a ninga elongekido opo a nangeke po oupitilo umwe oo a unganekwa eendja dopamhepo? Adultery is one of the most devastating forms of betrayal. Ngeenge oshi li pahalo laKalunga, ovapambele vange nosho yo ookaume kange ovo va fya nale, otava ka nyumuninwa mounyuni mupe. Ohashi ningifa omunhu a kale e udite e na oshilonga. So I believe that God thinks I can make it. " Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okudimbuluka shike ngeenge tava amene oufita? Onghee hano, onda itavela kutya Kalunga ota dulu oku shi ninga. " What is the relationship between the seventh head of the wild beast and the immense image? Mbela oshike sha li she mu kwafela a ninge ngaho? Ekwatafano lilipi li li pokati komutwe omutiheyali woshilyani noshihongwafano shinenenene? How did others benefit from Jesus ' spiritual background? Omushangi woishangomwa umwe wedina Lori Hope oo a li e na okankela, okwa ti: "Fimbo ino tumina oshinima shonhumba ile u lombwele ouyelele wonhumba omunhu oo ta vele okankela ile a veluka, oshiwa oku mu pula ngeenge okwa hala ngoo okuuda ouyelele oo ile hasho, molwaashi otashi dulika u yahameke kaume koye uhe shi shii eshi to kendabala oku mu kwafela. " Ongahelipi vamwe va li va mona ouwa meityo lopamhepo laJesus? Parents, do you really listen to your children? Ndele mbela ongahelipi va li va dula okukandula po oupyakadi wavo? Ovadali, ohamu pwilikine ngoo nelitulemo kovana veni? How does rendering honor to others help us? Ndele mbela okumanguluka ko kushike? Ongahelipi okufimaneka vamwe taku tu kwafele? Important aspects of the Kingdom - its king, his corulers, the domain of their rule - have all been legally established by means of covenants, that is, by legal contracts or arrangements in which one of the binding parties is either God or his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus okwa ti kutya eshi omwene womupiya oo mwii ta ka aluka, ote ke mu "shashala. " - Lesha Mateus 24: 48 - 51. Oinima oyo ya fimanenena i na sha nOuhamba waKalunga, ohamba oyo tai ka pangela pamwe nayo, omapangelo aeshe opanhu, ile tu tye, otaa yambidida ounamapangelo waKalunga. What can you learn about God from what you see in the physical universe? MuDesemba 2011, oshikungulu shinene osha li sha eta efundja kokanhunhu kaPhilippine kedina Mindanao. Oshike to lihongo kombinga yaKalunga mwaasho ho mono meshito alishe? God feels for you in your pain. - Psalm 55: 22; 1 Peter 5: 7. Ndele mepingafano naasho, omushangi wembo laGenesis okwa li a longifa edina laJehova movelishe yotete yetukulwa olo. Kalunga oku ku uditile oukwao wananghali omolwomaupyakadi oye. - Epsalme 55: 22; 1 Petrus 5: 7. As considered, Paul felt discouraged by the Jews ' negative reaction to the Kingdom message. Ina navamwaina vaJesus ova popiwa kutya aveshe ova li ve na omwenyo pefimbo opo, ndele Josef ina tumbulwa. Ngaashi sha kundafanwa metetekelo, Paulus okwa li a teka omukumo eshi Ovajuda va li ve linyenga ketumwalaka lOuhamba. Kaitlyn comments: "I was helped to focus on what is most important - being a spiritual person. Eshi hatu dilonga kelininipiko nokolune laJesus, otashi ke tu linyengifa tu mu hopaenene. Katherine okwa ti: "Onda li nda kwafelwa ndi yandje elitulemo kwaasho sha fimanenena, okukala omunhu a pyokoka pamhepo. If it is God's will, my family members and friends who have died will return to life in the new world. Onghedi imwe omo Jehova ha me ovanhu omokuyandja omayele ile outekuduliko. Ngeenge osho, oilyo youkwaneumbo wetu nosho yo ookaume kange ovo va fya otava ka alukila mounyuni mupe waKalunga. What should elders remember when taking action to protect the flock? Oshihopaenenwa shomumwameme umwe wokuBrasilia wedina Selmira otashi ulike kutya okulonga noudiinini moilonga yaKalunga ihaku likolele kungeenge oinima tai ku endele nawa monghalamwenyo. Ovakulunhuongalo ove na okudimbuluka shike ngeenge tava katuka eenghatu opo va amene oufita? What helped him to do so? 19: 30) Jesus kali tuu a dula okuwanifa po oinima inene kekwafo laKalunga pefimbo leedula nhatu netata okudja eshi a ninginifwa fiyo osheshi a fya! Oshike sha li she mu kwafela a ninge ngaho? Writer Lori Hope, a cancer survivor, says: "Before sending articles or news of any kind to a cancer patient or survivor, it's best to ask whether they would like to receive such news. Ovanhu vahapu ihava tambula ko onghundana iwa molwaashi ohava kala va tila kutya ookaume kavo nosho yo ovapambele vavo otave ke va tila ngahelipi. Marilou okwa ti: "Fimbo inandi tuma oitukulwa yonhumba oyo tai monika ya fa idjuu ile idjuu, oto dulu okupula ngeenge ou na ngoo owino wa tya ngaho, ile owa hala okutambula ko onghundana iwa. How were they able to solve the problem? Doris okwa li a pandula nge. " Oshike sha li she va kwafela va kandule po oupyakadi oo? But freedom from what? Ndele ookaume kaye novashiinda shaye ohave mu pula e va ningile eeskopa noikwaipundi, noilonga ya tya ngaho ohe i longo ngeenge a dimbuka. Ndele mbela emanguluko lilipi la dja kuKalunga? When the master arrives, said Jesus, he will punish that evil slave "with the greatest severity. " - Read Matthew 24: 48 - 51. 12: 2; Heb. Eshi omwene wavo e uya, Jesus okwa popya kutya ota ka handukila omupiya oo "e he netimba linene. " - Lesha Mateus 24: 48 - 51. In December 2011, a tropical storm caused severe flooding on the Philippine island of Mindanao. Ombili mounyuni, 7 / 1 MuDesemba 2011, oshikungulu shomo 2011 osha li sha etifa oshikungulu shinene osho sha li sha dengwa neenghono konhunhu ya kula oyo i li kokanhunhu kaNew York. By contrast, the writer of Genesis used Jehovah's personal name in the first verse of that chapter. Oipupulu ohai ehameke oo te i popi nosho yo oo te i itavele. (Joh. Mepingafano naasho, omushangi wGenesis okwa li a longifa edina laJehova movelishe oyo. Jesus ' mother, brothers, and sisters are all mentioned as living at that time but not Joseph. 22 Shiiva omutondi woye Ina yaJesus, ovamwatate novamwameme aveshe ova tumbulwa ashike pefimbo opo ndele Josef ka li a dulika. As we meditate on Jesus ' humility and tenderness, we will be motivated to imitate him. Lwanima, Benhadad, ohamba yaAram, okwa li a kwatwa koudu, nokwa li te lipula ngeenge ona ka veluke ngoo. - 2 Eehamba 1: 2; 8: 7, 8. Eshi hatu dilonga koshihopaenenwa shaJesus shelininipiko nosho yo olune laye, ohatu ke linyengifwa tu mu hopaenene. One way that Jehovah molds people is through counsel or discipline. 145: 18 (Tala okatendo 9) Onghedi imwe omo Jehova ha me ovanhu okupitila momayele ile outekuduliko. The example of Selmira, a Christian sister living in Brazil, shows that being diligent in God's service does not depend on having favorable circumstances in life. Jesus okwa li a twikila okupopya kombinga yao fiyo efiku lokufya kwaye. Pashihopaenenwa, omumwameme umwe Omukriste wokuBrasilia okwa ulika kutya okukala hatu longo noudiinini moilonga yaKalunga itaku ke tu kwafela monghalamwenyo yetu. What great things Jesus was able to accomplish with God's help during the three and a half years from his baptism until his death! (b) Omolwashike sha fimana okushiiva nawa Kalunga? Jesus ka li tuu a longa ehalo laKalunga momukokomoko womido nhatu netata odo a ninginifwa fiyo osheshi a fya. She thanked me. " 55: 11) Onghee hano, otu na okukala tu na elineekelo filufilu kutya ngeenge otwa kala tu na eitavelo lashili, Jehova ote ke tu pa ondjabi. Okwa li a pandula nge neenghono. " But his friends and neighbors ask him to make cabinets and furniture for their homes, and he does so after hours. Opo nee okwa weda ko vali a ti: "Ngeenge otamu tale olupe lomunhu, otamu tula etimba. " Ashike ookaume kaye nosho yo ovashiinda shaye ova li ve mu pula va ka yandje po omaumbo avo, ndele tava ningi sha faafana konima yomido dinini. 12: 2; Heb. Ombiibeli oya popya kutya olwoodi ola ningilwa mefilu lOmwandi. 12: 2; Heb. 7 / 15 • Ou na okuninga po shike ngeenge umwe ote ku ladipike kutya ino holola enyono laye? 7 / 15 Lies damage both the one telling them and the one believing them. Okudja opo, okwa li a ninga eenghendabala da mana mo opo a kwafele nge ndi ude ko eityo leninginifo nefimano lalo. Okunwa sha pitilila ohaku nyono po ou te va lombwele noku va itavela kutya ope na oo e va itavela. 22 Know Your Enemy Ponhele yaasho, oya li ya undulilwa monhele oyo tai yelekanifwa "nomambulukwena omulaulu. " 22 Owe shi shiiva tuu? And later, King Ben - hadad of Syria was sick and asked if he would get better. - 2 Kings 1: 2; 8: 7, 8. Eshi twa li twe va ulikila omishangwa ngaashi Ehololo 21: 3, 4 ile Epsalme 37: 10, 11, 29 mOmbiibeli yavo yOshiputu, ova li va yandja elitulemo lela nomafimbo amwe ova li nokuli hava lili. " 6: 7, 8; 8: 7, 8. 145: 18 (See paragraph 9) (Jesaja 2: 2 - 4; lesha Mika 4: 2 - 4.) 145: 18 (Tala okatendo 9) Jesus continued speaking about it until his dying day. Ovo hatu endafana navo otava dulu oku tu nwefa mo neenghono, kutya nee onawa ile onai. Jesus okwa twikila okuudifa kombinga yasho fiyo osheshi a fya. (b) Why is it important to know God well? Osho otashi dulu okweeta po epepelelo pakafimbo, ashike otashi hongo okaana koye kutya okutanguna oku li omukalo omo taka dulu okupewa osho ka hala. (b) Omolwashike sha fimana okushiiva nawa Kalunga? So we can be thoroughly confident that if we manifest true faith, he will in our case prove to be a Rewarder. " Momafiku axuuninwa otape ke uya omafimbo madjuu. ' - 2 TIMOTEUS 3: 1. Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okukala noushili kutya ngeenge otwa ulike eitavelo lashili, ote ke tu pa ondjabi. Then he added: "If you continue showing favoritism, you are committing sin. " Ndele konima ashike yomido mbali, Titus okwa fya ombadilila. Opo nee okwa weda ko vali a ti: "Ngeenge oto twikile okukala u tonde owii, ou na okuhenuka okulonga owii. " The Bible says that the battle occurred in the Valley of Elah. OMBIBELI OHAI LUNDULULA ONGHALAMWENYO YOVANHU Ombibeli oya ti kutya oita oyo ya li ya ningwa oya li tai faneke olwoodi olo li li popepi. • How should you react if someone urges you not to reveal wrongdoing? 10: 13 - 16. • Ou na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge umwe okwe ku ladipike uha holole enyono loye? From then on, he made extra effort to help me understand what baptism means and its importance. Megan: Didilika kutya ovelishe oya ti: " Oshalinghenda yaKalunga oyo omwenyo waalushe muKristus Jesus, Omwene wetu. ' Okudja opo, okwa li a ninga eenghendabala da wedwa po opo a kwafele nge ndi ude ko kutya eninginifo otali ti shike nonokutya ola fimana shi fike peni. Instead, they were confined to a debased condition compared to "pits of dense darkness. " Baruk okwa li ta lalakanene oinima inene. Ponhele yaasho, ova li va efa po eenghedi dii di lili noku lili odo tadi faafanifwa " noku yadi oukolokoshi. ' When we showed them scriptures from their Portuguese Bible, such as Revelation 21: 3, 4 or Psalm 37: 10, 11, 29, they paid attention and sometimes even shed tears. " Eshi twa li kofikola oyo otwa kala twa teelela nodjuulufi okutuminwa koilongo yopondje. Eshi twa li twe va ulikila omishangwa de lixwapo, ngaashi Ehololo 21: 3, 4 ile Epsalme 37: 10, 10, 13, omafimbo amwe ova li hava yandje elitulemo kuvo vene nokuli nokumona oixuna. " There is no minimizing the influence - for good or for bad - that our associates can have on us. Nopehe na omalimbililo, omunhu oo a li e na shili olupandu omolwouwa aushe oo Jehova e mu ningila, okwa li te ke mu yambela osho shiwaelela noshihe na oshipo. Itatu dulu okunwefa mo oinima ii oyo tai dulu oku tu nwefa mo nawa ile oku tu nwefa mo tu kale hatu endafana navo. Although giving in might bring momentary relief, it teaches your teenager that arguing is a way to get what he wants. Omaminikilo omoilando oku li popepi nafye, nomolwaasho ohae shi ningifa shi kale shidjuu neenghono kufye okumona eenyofi. Nonande otashi dulika tu kale twa pepelelwa, ohashi hongo omunyasha woye kutya osho a hala okuuda. " In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 1. Molwaashi Jesus okwa li a dika po Ouvalelo wOmwene diva ashike konima eshi va mana okudana Opaasa yaxuuninwa elela, osha yela kutya ou na okukala hau danwa mefiku omo mwa li hamu danwa Opaasa. " Momafiku axuuninwa otape ke uya omafimbo madjuu. ' - 2 TIMOTEUS 3: 1. But just two years later, Titus died unexpectedly. Ndele nande ongaho, Jehova okwa hala oku tu dimina po filufilu nehalo liwa. Ndele konima yomido mbali, Titus okwa ka fya ombadilila. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Moilongo imwe, ovanhu ovo va itavela kutya Kalunga ita dulu okushiivika naavo inava itavela muye nosho yo ovo va itavela moevolusi ohava xumifa komesho omahongo oo taa ningifa ovanhu va kale vehe hole Kalunga ile va kale inave mu itavela. OMBIBELI OHAI LUNDULULA ONGHALAMWENYO YOVANHU Jesus did not just tolerate children; he warmly welcomed them. - Mark 10: 13 - 16. Luis okwa ti vali: "Kakele kaasho, eshi okamonamati ketu ka dalwa, ovadali vange ova li have tu talele po konyala efiku keshe, naasho osha li sha ningifa omukulukadi wange a kale a wililwa po pamaliudo. Jesus ka li ashike e lididimikila ounona; okwa li e va tambula ko nohamu. - Markus 10: 13 - 16. Megan: Notice that the verse says: "The gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " Omayele oo okwe a kwatela mEudifo lokOmhunda. (Mat. Megan: Didilika kutya ovelishe oya ti: "oshalinghenda yaKalunga oyo omwenyo waalushe muKristus Jesus, Omwene wetu. " He was seeking great things for himself. Efyo laJesus lopayambo oli li yo oshali oyo wa pewa kuKalunga pauhandimwe. Okwa li ta kongo oinima inene. During our studies, we anticipated receiving a foreign assignment. Nghee hatu dulu okukala tu na etaleko liwa Pefimbo letu, otwa li twa teelela tu ka longe koilongo imwe i lili. If the person making a sacrifice was truly grateful to Jehovah for all of His goodness, then would he not be happy to select the very best that he possessed? Natu kwafeleni ovanhu va "penduke mo meemhofi " Ngeenge omunhu okwa ningi omaliyambo a tya ngaho, mbela ita ka kala a hafa ngeenge okwa ningi omaliyambo a tya ngaho? [ 1] (paragraph 2) See "Undeserved kindness " in the" Glossary of Bible Terms " in the revised New World Translation. Omido 1000 lwaapo da pita, omudiakoni umwe omukulunhu wedina Berengarius wokuTours, shomuFransa, okwa li a tewa mo mongeleka molwaashi ina tambula ko ehongo laKatolika olo kutya omungome nomaviinyu ohaa shituka ohonde nolutu laJesus. [ 1] (okatendo 2) Tala "Ouwanghenda " mo - New World Translation oyo ya pepalekwa mo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures oya pepalekwa. This happens because city lights are closer to us and they interfere with what we can perceive of Jehovah's creation. Jesus okwa popya shi na sha naavo va hala okushikula oshihopaenenwa shaye a ti: "Ovanelao onye, ovanhu ngeenge tave mu sheke ndele tave mu taataa ndele tave mu popile mowii aushe nokufufya molwange. Osho otashi ka ningwa molwaashi oshilando osho ohashi tu ehenifa popepi elela nafye noku tu imba tu ude ko kutya eshito laJehova otali dulu oku tu kwafela ngahelipi. Given that Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal right after the last valid Passover, this new event would coincide with the day of the Passover. Ndele Jesus okwa yandja omwenyo waye wopanhu wa wanenena onga ekulilo, nokwa yeululila ovanhu ondjila opo va mangululwe moupika woulunde nefyo, e shi ninga tashi shiiva okupitila menyumuko. Eshi Jesus a dika po Ouvalelo wOmwene, opa li pa ningwa oshiningwanima shipe osho shipe, osho shipe sha li tashi ka ningwa po mefiku lOpaasa. Yet, he is willing to forgive us and to wipe the slate clean, as it were. Fimbo ovadali vange ovo va tekula nge inava fya, onda li nda dula oku va lombwela kombinga yeudaneko lOmbibeli li na sha noku ka nyumukila moparadisa kombada yedu. Ndele nande ongaho, okwa hala oku tu dimina po noku tu hanauna po ngaashi ashike sha li sha yela. In some lands, outspoken atheists, agnostics, and evolutionists promote ideas designed to erode not just love for God but also belief in him. Oyoikulya. Moilongo imwe, ovanhu ovo inava itavela muKalunga nosho yo ovo inava itavela muKalunga ohava xumifa komesho omadiladilo opanhu ndele inava itavela yo muKalunga. " On the other hand, " he adds, "when our son was born, my parents came to visit almost every day, leaving my wife stressed. Onda li nda kumwa okushiiva kutya omunhu wongaho ota dulu okuhafifa Omushiti weshito alishe. Okwa weda ko vali a ti: "Konima eshi omonamati wetu a dalwa, ovadali vange ova li have uya okutalela po efiku keshe. He included this advice in the Sermon on the Mount. Ohashi hekeleke ovanhu nonghundana iwa oyo kutya mafiku Ouhamba waKalunga womeulu otau ka xulifa po oukolokoshi aushe nokuninga edu oparadisa. Okwa li a kwatela mo omayele oo mEudifo lokOmhunda. The sacrificial death of Jesus is God's personal gift to you too. Okwa kala he likosho, ha kulula nawa eendjedi daye noha djala oikutu i li xwepo oyo a pewa kuDon. Efyo laJesus oli li oshali ya dja kuKalunga pauhandimwe. How to Maintain a Positive Viewpoint Mbela Baruk okwa li e lihalela "oinima inene " ilipi? Nghee hatu dulu okukala tu na etaleko liwa Help People to "Awake From Sleep " Ongahelipi Jehova a li a shilipaleka Ovaisrael eshi va li mombuwa kutya ote ke va fila oshisho? Kwafela ovanhu va " pwilikine ' In the 11th century, Archdeacon Berengarius of Tours, France, was excommunicated for rejecting the Catholic teaching of transubstantiation. Ndelenee ovataatai vavo we va ekela moule mwii, ngaashi emanya momeva manene. " Mefelemudo eti - 11 K.O.P., ovanongononi vamwe ova li va talwa ko va fa ongeleka oyo ya li hai longifwa okuulika komahongo ongeleka yaKatolika. Addressing those who would follow in his footsteps, Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Megan: Tangi kokulesha. Jesus okwa li a popya shi na sha naavo tava ka shikula oshikoti shaye a ti: "Ovanelao ovanhu, ngenge tave mu sheke ndee tave mu sheke ndee tave mu lombwele omalaka mai. However, by giving his perfect human life as a ransom, Jesus opened the way for mankind to be released from slavery to sin and death through the resurrection. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU > EITAVELO LETU) Ndele eshi Jesus a yandja omwenyo waye wa wanenena, okwa yeululila ovanhu omhito yoku ka mangululwa moupika woulunde nefyo. Before each of my adoptive parents died, I was able to tell them about the Bible's promise of a resurrection to a paradise earth. Komesho yaaishe, otu na eteelelo la denga mbada lonakwiiwa. Fimbo ovadali vange aveshe va li inava ninga ovadali vange, onda li nda dula oku va lombwela kombinga yeudaneko lOmbibeli li na sha nenyumuko lomonakwiiwa. Food! Oitukulwa oyo hai kala i na omamanya mapu oya li hai kala i na omeva koshi yedu. Ovalongi vefimbo li yadi ohava mono oixuna. I was impressed to think that a mere mortal could make the Creator of the universe rejoice. Samantha: Osho naanaa; omufita wetu okwa ti kutya Kalunga naJesus omunhu umwe. Onda li nda kumwa eshi nda diladila kutya omunhu oo ta fi ota dulu okuningifa Omushiti weshito alishe a kale a hafa. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Okutala kEendjovo daKalunga, omukulukadi oku na okutambula ko kutya ota wilikwa komushamane waye ndele hakovadali vaye. Ohashi hekeleke ovanhu nonghundana iwa oyo kutya mafiku Ouhamba waKalunga womeulu otau ka xulifa po oukolokoshi aushe nokuninga edu oparadisa. He bathed, neatly trimmed his beard, and put on the better clothes that Don offered him. Satana oha kendabala okukulika omahalo mai momitima detu. Okwa li a yelifa nawa kutya oku na eendjedi dile nokwa djala oikutu iwa oyo ya li ye mu pa. What were the "great things " that Baruch kept seeking? Ohandi pwilikine nawa ngeenge ndi li pokwoongala nohandi ku hafele ngaashi nale. " Oinima inene " ilipi Baruk a li a hala okukonga? When the Israelites were in the wilderness, how did Jehovah assure them that he was backing them? Ova li va ya kuBetlehem nonande Maria okwa li e li pokumona okaana kaye kotete. (Luk. Jehova okwa li e va shilipaleka ngahelipi kutya ote ke va kwafela eshi Ovaisrael va li mombuwa? And the sea you split before them, so that they crossed over through the midst of the sea on the dry land; and their pursuers you hurled into the depths like a stone in the strong waters. " Ovaisrael ova li hava mono oilanduliko ya tya ngahelipi ngeenge va li inava dulika komadimbulukifo aJehova? Nonande ove ku denga omeva komesho, ova li va tauluka eengaba odo di li mokati kedu, nova li va dula okweenda va fa omeva a pama. " Megan: Thank you. Ohaluka, opa ningwa ekakamo ledu linene. Megan: Tangi unene. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (Eimb.lela. 1: 6; 2: 10 - 15) Natango osho oshi li oshilihongomwa shiwa kOvakriste inava hombola ile inava hombolwa va kale va lungama eshi tava endelafana opo eendelafano lavo li kale la koshoka. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU) Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future. 20: 28 - 30; 2 Tes. 2: 1 - 3) Omafelemido a ka landula ko, ovanhu kava li ve "neshiivo lashili " kutya nee ovovo vehe shii nandenande Ombibeli ile ovovo have liti kutya Ovakriste. Kakele kaasho, otu na eteelelo litunhula li na sha nonakwiiwa. Because of the porous nature of limestone, such areas often have underground reservoirs of water that can be tapped as a water supply. Ashike inava pumba okulombwelwa kuumwe kutya ova vaekwa. Molwaashi oya shiivika nawa, oitukulwa oyo luhapu ohai kala i na omeva a wana, luhapu ohai kala i na omeva mawa ngaashi omeva taa dulu. Samantha: Yes, my pastor says that God and Jesus are the same. (b) Ongahelipi to dulu okukwafela ovana voye va dilonge komanangeko noupuna oo haa di mokudulika keemhango daKalunga? Samantha: Omufita wange okwa ti kutya Kalunga naJesus navo ova faafana. Relationships with in - laws may become strained and cause tribulation for the newlyweds. Kasha li shipu okuungaunga nonghalo oyo. Ekwatafano la kola novadali otali dulu okukala la nghundipala notali dulu okweetifa oudjuu kwaavo opo va hombola. Satan uses methods designed to corrupt the desires of the heart. Kaume koye kopahombo oha ungaunga ngahelipi novadali voye? Satana oha longifa eenghedi dilipi opo a kulike omahalo mai momitima detu. I concentrated at the meetings and enjoyed them again. 10: 6, 7) Ndele mbela omeityo lilipi oshixupe shovavaekwa shi li "kombada yoiwana noyomauhamba " kunena? Onda kala handi yandje oipopiwa pokwoongala noku va hafela vali. When the Roman Empire called on people to participate in a census, Joseph and Mary complied. (Ovatokolipangeli 4: 22; 5: 24) Debora ka li tuu e na omhepo yokuhelihomwene! Eshi Ouhamba waRoma wa li wa ifana ovanhu ve uye va kufe ombinga monhele yonhumba, Josef naMaria ova li va faduka po. When Israel disregarded Jehovah's reminders, what was the result? Eshi Jesus a didilika kutya ope na omhumbwe yoikulya, okwa li a pula Filippus oo a li ha di moshitukulwa omo a ti: "Ohatu ka landa peni omingome okuliwa kuava? " - Joh. 6: 1 - 5. Eshi Ovaisrael va li inava dulika komadimbulukifo aJehova, ova li va mona oidjemo ilipi? Suddenly, there is a violent earthquake. EPANDJA 17 OMAIMBILO: 101, 116 Ombadilila, ope na ekakamo ledu linene. Here, then, is a lesson for single Christians: During courtship, take necessary precautions to keep the relationship chaste. Omuvalu wovaudifi meongalo olo owa li wa hapupala, ndele tali tukulwa li ninge omaongalo avali. Mepingafano naasho, Ovakriste ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa otava dulu okukaleka po ekwatafano lavo la koshoka. For centuries thereafter, "the true knowledge " was far from abundant not only among those who knew nothing of the Bible but also among professed Christians. Ashike nopaife ohatu longele Jehova molwaashi okwe tu pa oshali yekulilo. Omido omafele konima yaasho, " eshiivo lashili ' kala li ashike la hapupala mokati kaavo va li ve shii Ombibeli ndele ka li fi Ovakriste. But they do not need anyone to confirm that they are anointed. EENGELEKA dOukwakriste inadi hala okulongifa edina laKalunga. Ndele nande ongaho, inava pumbwa okushiiva kutya ovavaekwa ove li ovavaekwa. (b) How can you help your children ponder blessings that come from obeying God's laws? Ngeenge inatu shi ninga, omahalo a puka otae ke tu dula eenghono, nongeenge opa holoka omhito tai tu yeleke, oshi na oupu tu nyone. (b) Ongahelipi to dulu okukwafela ovana voye va dilonge komanangeko noupuna oo haa di mokudulika keemhango daKalunga? Overcoming this trial was not easy. (Lesha Oilonga 4: 29 - 31.) Kasha li shipu okukondjifa eyeleko olo. How do you get along with your spouse's parents, and how does your spouse get along with yours? Onda li nda shuna koPunta Arenas, oko nda li nda hovela okuhonga omusika nokulonga ndi li omushiki woviolina. Ongahelipi to dulu okupanga oukaume novadali vakaume koye kopahombo, nongahelipi kaume koye kopahombo ha kala pamwe nakaume koye kopahombo? But in what sense are the anointed remnant "over the nations and over the kingdoms "? " Ndele taku uya ovaprofeti ovanaipupulu vahapu, ndee tava pukifa vahapu. Noukolokoshi osheshi tau hapupala, ohole yavahapu otai talala. " - Mateus 24: 11, 12. Ndele mbela ongahelipi oshixupe shovavaekwa sha yooloka ko " moiwana aishe nomomaludi aeshe nomomauhamba '? Note the generosity of Deborah's spirit. Mbela omolwashike Jesus oo a wanenena noka li a pumbwa okuvelulwa a li a ya petale opo? Didilika nghee Debora a li a ulika omhepo yokuyandja. Realizing the need, Jesus asked Philip, who was from that area: "Where shall we buy loaves for these to eat? " - John 6: 1 - 5. [ Oshimhungu pepandja 25] Eshi Jesus a li a didilika omhumbwe oyo, okwa li a pula Filippus, oo a dja koshitukulwa osho a ti: " Ohatu lande omingome odo? ' - 1 Joh. 6: 1 - 5. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 101, 116 (Johannes 17: 3) Ngeenge otwa ningi eenghendabala opo tu shiive Jehova Kalunga nOmona waye, Jesus Kristus, noku va hafifa, ohatu ka mona omanangeko noupuna fiyo alushe. EPANDJA 17 • OMAIMBILO: 101, 116 The first congregation in that borough had grown and divided. Ndelenee ohava fimaneke nge hamungaho nokulonga omalongo oipango yovanhu. Eongalo lotete olo la kulila moshitukulwa omo omwa li mu na ovanhu vahapu va tukauka. But even now we are able to worship Jehovah because he has given us the gift of the ransom. OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA | OMBIIBELI OTAI TI SHIKE KOMBINGA YOVAENGELI? Ashike paife ohatu dulu okulongela Jehova molwaashi okwe tu pa oshali yekulilo. BY AND LARGE, Christendom's churches have distanced themselves from God's name. Natu ke lihongeni vali oshilihongomwa shimwe kuAbraham, Isak naJakob. OTWA itavela kutya eengeleka dOukwakriste odi li omhinge nedina laKalunga. If we do not, the immoral desire will become so strong that when we have the opportunity to sin, we may do so. Ongahelipi ovanyasha tava dulu okuxumifa komesho oukumwe meongalo, nokutwa vamwe omukumo va efe ouyelele wavo u minikile? Ngeenge inatu hala, omahalo inaa koshoka otaa ka kala a pama neenghono ngeenge otu na omhito yokuninga enyono. (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) 19: 16, 19. (Lesha Oilonga 4: 29 - 31.) I moved back to Punta Arenas, where I began teaching music and working as a cellist. Kungaho ohatu pameke ekwatafano letu, nomonakwiiwa ohatu ka kala tu na oimoniwa iwa oyo hatu ka hokolola. Onda li nda shuna konhele oko nda li handi hongo omusika oyo nda li handi longo nonda li nda hovela okulonga ndi li omufita. " Many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold. " - Matthew 24: 11, 12. Mbela efaneko lilipi to dulu okulongifa le likolelela kepambafano loilyo youkwaneumbo opo u dule okuyelifila nge nawa oshitwa osho? " " Ovashangi ovanaipupulu vahapu otava ka holoka po ndele tava pukifa vahapu, osheshi ohole otai ka kala ya xwama neenghono. " - Mateus 24: 11, 12. Jesus was perfect and certainly did not need a cure, so why was he there? Molwaashi ova li va hala okuya onhapo ongudu oyo yeembudi, ova li va kupula oshimhu shomulumenhu mombila omo mwa li omakipa aElisa. Jesus ka li a wanenena noka li a pumbwa ouhaku oo, nomolwashike a li ko? [ Box on page 21] Embo lEhololo otali ulike kutya ovaengeli otava kwafele ovanhu nelitulemo mounyuni aushe ve lihonge kombinga yaJehova Kalunga nosho yo elalakano laye li na sha novanhu. [ Oshimhungu pepandja 21] Indeed, our efforts to know and please Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, will be rewarded with everlasting blessings. * Lije, oo a tumbulwa metetekelo pamwe noundenge vaye, otava dimbuluka oilihongomwa yeitavelo oyo xe a li e va honga nokuli nopefimbo olo va li tava tauka mo moshilongo. Ngeenge otwa ningi eenghendabala tu shiive Jehova Kalunga nOmona waye, ohatu ka mona omanangeko noupuna taa kalelele. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines. ' 3: 21. Osho otashi ulike kutya otava twikile okulongela Jehova, molwaashi ohava hongo ovanhu kombinga yomahongo avo. ' COVER SUBJECT | ANGELS - ARE THEY REAL? WHY IT MATTERS Natu kale tu na omukumo kutya enyumuko otali dulu okuningwa konima yomafelemido okudja eshi la udanekwa. OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA OMBIIBELI OTAI TI SHIKE KOMBINGA YOVAENGELI? Once again, let us learn a lesson from the patriarchs. Nonande onda li ngoo handi lesha Ombibeli lwoikando, kanda li lela nde i lenga. Ngeenge otwa ningi ngaho, ohatu ke lihonga oshilihongomwa shanghee Isak naJakob va li va ungaunga naye. How can young ones promote unity in the congregation and thus encourage others to let their light shine? (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) Ongahelipi ovanyasha tava dulu okuxumifa komesho oukumwe meongalo nosho yo okutwa vamwe omukumo opo va efe ouyelele wavo u minikile? 19: 16, 19. Osha li oshilando sha punapala omo ovanhu va li hava kala unene tava yandje elitulemo koinima yopamaliko, komalihafifo nosho yo konghalamwenyo youdjeko. 19: 16, 19. As we do this, we are bonding and creating good memories. (Joh. 19: 26) Lwanima, Maria okwa li muJerusalem pamwe novahongwa eshi va tililwa omhepo iyapuki pOpentekoste. (Oil. Eshi hatu ningi ngaho, ohatu kala tu na ekwatafano liwa nohatu dimbulukwa oinima iwa. Next, we might ask the householder: "If you wanted to teach me that two people are equal, what type of family relationship would you use to illustrate the point? " Opo nee okwa kala iha popi vali naame, nokanda li ndi shii kutya omolwashike. " Opo nee, ohatu dulu okupula omuneumbo kutya: "Ngeenge owa hala okuhonga nge kutya ovanhu vavali ove fike peni, mbela oto ka longifa ngahelipi ekwatafano lilipi opo u yelife nawa oshitwa? " Rushing to escape their enemies, they threw the dead man into the grave or tomb where Elisha's bones lay. Kakele kaasho, olutu lomunhu oli na oitukulwa omayovi, ngaashi eesele dinininini nosho yo oitukulwa ikwao inene, oyo hai longele kumwe aishe opo omunhu a kale e na olutu le lixwa po noku na oukolele. Eshi va li va ya onhapo ovatondi vavo, ova li va ekela omunhu oo a dipawa nomamanya ile omo oipongolo yaElisa. The book of Revelation indicates that angels would be diligently helping people earth wide to learn about Jehovah God and his purpose for mankind. Omauwa amwe elipi to dulu okumona mokukala ho longifa oilongifo oyo tu na, nongahelipi wa mona mo ouwa moku i longifa? Embo lEhololo otali ulike kutya ovaengeli otava ka kwafela ovanhu mounyuni aushe ve lihonge kombinga yaJehova Kalunga nosho yo elalakano laye li na sha novanhu. * Lije, quoted earlier, and his siblings remember the lessons of faith their father taught them even as they were fleeing. Okwa ka hovela ongeshefa yaye mwene, ha landifa o - garri (oludi limwe loikulya hai di mocassava) peenhele domalandifilo. * Lije oo a tumbulwa metetekelo okwa dimbuluka oilihongomwa ya fimana yeitavelo laxe nokuli naashi va li tava i onhapo. 3: 21. 6: 25 - 27. 3: 21. We should be encouraged that a resurrection can occur many centuries after being promised. Okuhoolola kaume kopahombo. Otu na okukala twa ladipikwa tu mone kutya enyumuko otali dulu okuningwa oule womafelemido mahapu konima eshi twa udanekwa. Although I had looked through the Bible many times in the past, I had not truly valued it. [ Efano pepandja 30] Nonande onda li handi tale mOmbibeli lwoikando ihapu, kanda li nde i lenga neenghono. (See opening image.) Jehova okwa li e va pa emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo, oukwatya wokudula okutomhafana, oukwatya wokuulika ohole nosho yo okuhafela oukaume. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) It was a fabulously wealthy city in which people placed much emphasis on luxuries, leisure, and comfortable living. Omumwatate Herd okwa tumbula Epsalme 92: 13 - 15 ndele ta pula ta ti: "Jehova ohe tu kwafele ngahelipi tu pondole? " Okwa li e na ondodo yopombada moshilando osho sha li hashi ladipike ovanhu va kale nonghalamwenyo youdjeko, va kale nonghalamwenyo youdjeko nova kale nonghalamwenyo youdjeko. Later, though, Mary was in Jerusalem along with the disciples during the days leading up to Pentecost when holy spirit was poured out. Omahepeko opalongelokalunga ohaa ningwa nelalakano lashike, nohaa dulu okuningwa meenghedi dilipi? Ndele lwanima, Maria okwa ka kala pamwe novahongwa vaye pomafiku a tetekela eshi omhepo iyapuki ya li tai tililwa omhepo iyapuki. Then she stopped talking to me altogether. I had no idea why. " - JANET. Oukwaneumbo waye ohau hoolola omaimbilo oo taa tu kumwe noikundafanwa oyo tava ka kundafana onguloshi oyo. Opo nee okwa li a efa nge ndi popye naame, ashike kanda li ndi shii kutya omolwashike. " - JAK. Also, in your body, thousands of different mechanisms, from large organs to tiny molecular machines in your cells, all work together to make you a whole and healthy person. Ovakulunhuongalo vomeongalo leni ovo ve li ovalumenhu va pyokoka pamhepo otava dulu yo oku ku wilika. Shikwao vali, olutu loye ola shiivika nawa, la dja koilyo yolutu lomunhu a yoolokafana, opo u dule okulonga oilonga aishe yomeumbo nokukala u na oukolele muwa. What are some benefits from using the tools that are available, and how have you benefited? Omolwashike Jesus a longifa efaneko olo? Omauwa amwe elipi haa di mokulongifa oilongifo oyo hatu mono, nongahelipi wa mona ouwa? She struck out on her own and sold garri (a kind of grits made from cassava) at the market. (Ovaroma 4: 11) Ova li ve na ohombo tai ende nawa noya kola, va li va fimanekafana, hava kundafana nawa nohava longele kumwe nehalo liwa opo va kandule po omaupyakadi. Okwa li a denga otuwa yaye ndele te i landifa po (a) noku i landifa po (a). 6: 25 - 27. Vahapu ovo va li ovanashibofa ova li va nwefwa mo kuJudas Omugalilea. 6: 25 - 27. Selecting a marriage mate. Otashi dulika wa uda ovanhu tava popi ngaha kombinga yovanyasha: " Oku na omaano, ota dulu okupondola monghalamwenyo. ' Hoololeni ookaume kopahombo. [ Picture on page 30] Okukala omalenga osha kwatela mo shike? [ Efano pepandja 30] Jehovah gave them free will, the ability to reason, and the capacity to love and to enjoy friendship. Ovalihomboli otava dulu okutopoka omolwomatomheno elipi e shii okuudiwa ko? Jehova okwa li e va pa emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo, oukwatya wokudula okukala ve holafane nokukala ookaume. Brother Herd referred to Psalm 92: 12 - 14 and asked, "How does Jehovah enable us to flourish? " Oku shi ngonga pauxupi: Itatu dulu okushilipaleka kutya ovanhu vopefimbo laJesus ova li ve udite ko exunganeko loivikemido 70. Omumwatate Herd okwa popya mEpsalme 92: 12 - 14, a ti: "Omwene ohe tu kwafele ngahelipi tu kale hatu pondola? " What is the aim of religious persecution, and what forms can it take? ENYAMUKULO LOPAMBIBELI: "Ounyuni otau xulu po pamwe nokahalu [kao]; ndelenee ou ta longo ehalo laKalunga, oye ta kala alushe. " - 1 JOHANNES 2: 17. Omahepeko opalongelokalunga otaa ti shike, nohaa dulu okukufa ombinga muo? His family picks songs that are related to some of the material selected for the evening. Olutu lilipi? Oilyo youkwaneumbo waye ohai hoolola omaimbilo oo a pamba oinima imwe oyo ya hoololwa opo i ka mone ouyelele wefiku. Also, the elders in your congregation are spiritually qualified men who can guide you. Diva, Mutsuo okwa li a mona oshipalanyole "Oshikungulu osho sha nyika oshiponga inashi monika nande onale. " Natango, ovakulunhuongalo vomeongalo leni ova pyokoka pamhepo ovo tava dulu oku ku wilika. Why did Jesus give us this illustration? Ola popya yo monghedi yopafaneko kutya ohole oya fa shike noi na okuulikwa ngahelipi. Omolwashike Jesus e tu pa efaneko olo? Together they built a fine, strong marriage, one that was marked by respect, good communication, and a mutual willingness to work through difficult problems together. Ovashikuli vaJesus Kristus vonale ova li hava ifanwa "Ovakriste. " Ova li hava kala ve na ekwatafano liwa mohombo yavo, va fimanekafana nova halelela okulongela kumwe opo va kale ve na ekwatafano liwa. Many of those extremists followed the ideas of Judas the Galilean. Omaetepo kovamwatate novamwameme ovo inava hombola ile inava hombolwa ile ovo ve li momaukwaneumbo a tukauka palongelokalunga: Ovanhu vahapu ovo va li va landula ohave lipwililikile omadiladilo Judas oo a li ko. You may have heard people say something like this about a teenager: " She has so much going for her ' or, " He is going places. ' Salvatore okwa li a mona ekwafo la yukila oko. Otashi dulika wa uda ovanhu tava popi kombinga yokaana oko taka ti: " Okwa hala oku ka longa shihapu. ' What responsibilities are involved? (Jesaja 61: 1) Okwa li a shiva ovo hava " longo nova lolokifwa ' ve uye kuye opo va dule okumona "etulumuko. " Oinakuwanifwa ilipi ya kwatelwa mo? What are valid reasons for separation? Jesus Kristus okwe shi yelifa nawa momahongo aye. Otu na omatomheno elipi okufiya po kaume koye kopahombo? In summary: We cannot confirm that people in Jesus ' day correctly understood the prophecy of the 70 weeks. Hano okudipaa ovanhu nomamanya oko kwa li onghedi oyo ya li hai longifwa unene kOvaisrael vopefimbo lonale ngeenge tava dipaa ovo va nyona omanyono a kwata moiti. Mokutala kwaashi: Itatu dulu okushilipaleka kutya ovanhu vopefimbo laJesus ova li ve udite ko nawa omaxunganeko oo e li moivike 70 lwaapo. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 JOHN 2: 17. Onghee hano, Jehova ite ke ku efa nandenande shimha ashike to twikile oku mu longela nomutima aushe. - 1 Omaf. ENYAMUKULO LOPAMBIBELI: "Ounyuni otau xulu po pamwe nokahalu kao; ndelenee ou ta longo ehalo laKalunga, oye ta kala alushe. " - 1 JOHANNES 2: 17. Which body? Omolwashike eenghendabala dovadali tadi twikile da fimana? Mbela olutu loludi lilipi? Immediately, the heading "The Deadliest Tsunamis Ever Recorded " caught Mutsuo's eye. ndee: Hatu nu shike? Diva konima yaasho, "ovanyanekeli veenyofi " ova li va kwatwa komukifi oo hau ifanwa o - Awake! It also vividly portrays what that love is like and how it is displayed. Oshike twa pumbwa tete okulipula kombinga yasho fimbo inatu kufa ombinga momalihafifo onhumba? Osha yelifa yo kutya ohole oya tya ngahelipi nonokutya oya tya ngahelipi. The early followers of Jesus Christ became known as "Christians. " Omapulo elipi to dulu okulipula ngeenge to hoolola omalihafifo? Ovashikuli vaJesus vonale ova li va shiivika ve li "Ovakriste ovakulunhu. " For single brothers and sisters or for those in religiously divided households: Nonande ou kale u na ookaume meongalo ovo hava dulu oku ku kwafela, otashi dulika u mone shidjuu okuungaunga nomaupyakadi efiku keshe. Ovamwatate novamwameme inava hombolwa ile ovo ve li momaukwaneumbo a tukauka palongelokalunga: Salvatore received that kind of help. HEENO okwa li haa longifwa omafimbo amwe. Ekwafo la tya ngaho ola li le mu kwafela. He invited people who were "toiling and loaded down " to come to him so that they could" find refreshment. " Otwe lihonga oshilihongomwa sha fimanenena shokukala twe lineekela muJehova Okwa li a shiva ovanhu ovo va li tava " longo nova lolokifwa ' opo va dule " okumona etulumuko. ' Jesus Christ made this clear in his teachings. Okafuta oko oka li haka pondola nomolwaasho ovakwaita omafimbo amwe va li hava longifa oufuta. Jesus Kristus okwa li a yelifa nawa omahongo aye. Among the early Israelites, then, stoning was the principal method of executing those guilty of an atrocious crime. Okutala omafano oipala ohaku yahameke yo ounona odikilila. Onghee hano, Ovaisrael vopefimbo lonale ova li ve na onghedi ya denga mbada yokulwifa ovo va li va nyika oshiponga. So as long as you maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah, he will never give up on you. - 1 Chron. Ovanhu otava fi efimbo keshe. Onghee hano, shimha wa kala to longele Jehova nomutima aushe, ite ke ku efa nandenande. - 1 Omaf. Why is a parent's continued effort important? Omushiti wetu ina shita ovanhu va kale nomwenyo eedula 70 ile 80 kombada yedu ndele tava ka kala konhele imwe i lili fiyo alushe. Omolwashike eenghendabala dovadali da fimana? or, " What are we to drink? ' Jehova oha didilike okudula kwovapiya vaye aveshe pauhandimwe. ndee: Hatu nu shike? What do we need to determine regarding our entertainment? Ndele olyelye e shi shii ngeenge wa pewa tuu oumbada wohamba pefimbo tuu eli? ' Oshike twa pumbwa okuninga shi na sha nomalihafifo? What questions could you ask yourself when choosing entertainment? OTWA PAMEKWA OPO TU DULE OKUKONDJIFA OMAYELEKO OO TAE KE UYA Omapulo elipi to dulu okulipula ngeenge to hoolola omalihafifo? Even with helpful friends around you in the congregation, you may still find it difficult to cope with daily challenges. Otwa li twa longa pamwe komikunda dokolundume laNew York moshitukulwa shaCornwall. Nokuli nookaume koye ovo ve ku dingilila otashi dulika ve ku mone shidjuu okuungaunga nomashongo akeshe efiku. AT TIMES, yes. [ Efano pepandja 11] PEFIMBO opo, ovanhu ova li ve na omalinyengotomheno mawa. We have learned "the secret " by relying on Jehovah Efiku olo twa wanifa omudo mohombo yetu, otwa li twa talelwa po kOndombwedi imwe ya dja koAustria. Otwe lihonga " okukala twe lineekela muJehova ' So effective was this weapon that armies sometimes used divisions of slingers. Mepingafano naasho, oto ka kala u udite ngahelipi ngeenge owa mono kutya Kalunga oha yambidida ombinga ikwao? Onghee hano, oshimeno osho osha li oshilwifo osho omafimbo amwe hashi longifwa okuhumbata omiti. Pornography can also hurt children more directly. Oshike tashi dulu oku ku kwafela u " pondole meendjila doye '? - Jos. Omafano oipala otaa dulu yo okuyahameka ounona odikilila. The Grave gathers up the victims. Pefimbo laLangton, muParis omwa li ovahongwa va dja koilongo ihapu nova li va etelela Eembiibeli di li momalaka okoitukulwa yavo. Otaku tengenekwa kutya oonakufya otava ka ya moshovafi. Our Creator did not intend for humans to live just 70 or 80 years on earth and then move on to spend an eternity in another realm. Hano, osha yela kutya Jehova okwa li a nenepeka Omona waye eshi e mu pa eenghonopangelo meulu nokombada yedu omolwelininipiko noudiinini waye. - Fil. Omushiti wetu ka li a hala ovanhu va kale nomwenyo oule womido 70 ile 80, ndele ta tembukile konhele imwe i lili. Yes, Jehovah notices the potential in each of his servants. 34: 13; 94: 19) Ashike nande ongaho, onghalamwenyo yange oya kala tai pondola noi na elalakano. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova oha didilike osho tashi dulu okukwafela ovapiya vaye aveshe. But who knows whether it is for a time like this that you attained royal dignity? ' Ohashi yahameke neenghono nosha puka okutandavelifa oiholekwa yavamwe. Ndele mbela olyelye e shii kutya efimbo olo ola tya ngaho? ' FORTIFIED FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA NGEENGE TO DULU OKUMONA OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO We served together in upstate New York in the Cornwall area. Ndele mbela Ovakriste vashili ove na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge ova shakeneke omafininiko oludi olo? Otwa li twa longa pamwe moNew York muNew York moshitukulwa ashishe. [ Picture on page 11] Heeno, Tate, osheshi osho tuu ngaha she ku wapalela. " [ Efano pepandja 11] On the day of our first wedding anniversary, Rose and I were visited by a young Austrian Witness. Didilika kutya otaku ka kala ombili molwaashi "edu alishe otali ka kala li yadi eshiivo lokushiiva Omwene. " (Jes. Efiku lotete twa hombola, ame naRose otwa li twa talela po Ondombwedi yaAustria. Appreciate Jehovah's Loyalty and Forgiveness, 6 / 15 Momukokomoko womido, onde lihonga kutya okupopya ashike eendjovo donhumba dopahole ile okulongela omunhu oshilonga shonghenda shi li paunafangwa otashi dulu oku mu twa omukumo. Kala u na eitavelo ihali tengauka mOuhamba, 10 / 15 On the other hand, how would you feel if you learned that God supports the opposing side of a conflict? * Omukifi oo ohau mu ningifa aha dule okupangela konyala olutu laye alishe. Kakele kaasho, oto ka kala u udite ngahelipi ngeenge owa mono kutya Kalunga oha yambidida ovo ve li omhinge nomifikamhango dihe li pauyuki? And how can you "make your way successful "? - Josh. Ashike omafinamhango Ombiibeli okwe ve linyengifa va dule okukwafela ovanhu ngeenge otashi shiiva. Nongahelipi to dulu " okupondola meendjila doye '? - Jos. In Paris in Langton's day, there were students from many countries, and they brought with them Bibles from their native lands. MuSeptemba 1946, omumwatate Marcello okwa li a yelifila nge oiteelelwa yeninginifo okudja mOmbibeli, nokonima yaasho, okwa li a ilikana notwa ya naye komulonga waAdda a ka ninginife nge. Pefimbo lonale, ova li va dja koilongo ihapu, nova li va eta po ovakonakonimbibeli vahapu ovo va li moilongo yavo oyo i li moilongo yavo. Because of Jesus ' course of humility and faithfulness on earth, Jehovah God exalted his Son, giving him authority over creatures in heaven and on earth. - Phil. Oha lalakanene okukala e li Omukriste omukulunhu. Molwaashi Jesus okwa li omulininipiki nokwa li omudiinini kombada yedu, Jehova Kalunga okwa li e mu pa eenghono meulu nokombada yedu. - Fil. But overall, it has been a most rewarding and purposeful life! Jehova okwa hala ovanhu aveshe ve lihonge kombinga yaye, ve mu longele nova ka kale fiyo alushe. Ndele nande ongaho, osha li shihafifa neenghono noshi na elalakano monghalamwenyo. How wrong and hurtful it is to spread confidential information about someone! Ndele paulelalela hasho shi li ngaho. Inashi puka tuu okutandavelifa omauyelele e na sha nomunhu wonhumba! (See opening picture.) Nongeenge hatu vele, katu na okuteelela Jehova e tu velule pashikumwifilonga. (Tala efano pehovelo loshitukulwa.) But how should true Christians react to such pressure? Eefilima dihapu odo nda li handi kufa ombinga oda li hadi ulike oluhaelo, elongifo leenghono noumhulile. Ndele mbela Ovakriste vashili ove na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge tava fininikwa komafininiko a tya ngaho? Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. " Ino diladila nande kutya ito dulu okudiminwa po omatimba oye pakanghameno lekuliloyambo laJesus. Tate, osheshi ondjila yeni okwe ku hokwa. " Notice that this tranquil state of affairs will prevail "because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Dimbuluka yo efiku la fimana omo wa ninginifwa. Didilika kutya oinima oyo otai ka kala i yadi "edu alishe tali ka kala li yadi eshiivo lokushiiva Omwene. " Over the years, I have come to appreciate how a few loving words or a simple act of kindness can lift another person's spirit. Okwa li a hanauna po oihongwafano nokwa li yo a taataa mo ovalumenhu omashenge oo kwa li haa kala motembeli. Oule womido, onda kala ndi na olupandu li na sha nanghee oitya inini inini ile nghee handi dulu okuulika olune. * As a result, he has no control over most of his body. Ota ka hanauna po ashike ovakolokoshi shi li etokolo laxuuninwa. - Hesekiel 18: 32. * Oshidjemo, ke na okupangela olutu laye linene. But Bible training motivates people to help others whenever possible. Otashi ka kala shiwa ngeenge nafye otwa kulike omaukwatya a fa aJehu. Ashike edeulo lOmbibeli ohali linyengifa ovanhu va kwafele vamwe ngeenge tashi shiiva. It was September 1946. Ashike omalihafifo mahapu mounyuni ohaa xumifa komesho oinima oyo Kalunga e tonde, ngaashi elongifo leenghono, oumhulile noluhaelo. Osho osha li sha ningwa muSeptemba 1946. His goal is to become a mature Christian. Ovaisrael vopefimbo laMoses ova li ve na omatomheno mahapu okukala nelineekelo kutya Jehova ote ke va kwafela va ye mEdu lEudaneko. (Eps. Elalakano laye okuninga Omukriste a pyokoka. Jehovah wants all kinds of people to learn about him, to worship him, and to live forever. Daniel P. Jehova okwa hala ovanhu aveshe ve lihonge kombinga yaye, ve mu longele nova kale nomwenyo fiyo alushe. The facts proved otherwise, however. Eshi a fiya po Listra, eenghaku daye oda li di yadi omadu, omwiidi oo a enda ta lyata, tashi ulike kutya okwa li ta katuka lela a finda konhele oko ehe shii nokokule neumbo lavo. Ndele ope na oumbangi oo tau ulike kutya omapopyo a tya ngaho kae fi oshili. And when we get sick, we do not expect a miracle from Jehovah to heal us. 13 Oto dimbuluka? Nongeenge hatu vele, inatu teelela Jehova e tu velule pashikumwifilonga. Many films I starred in were immoral and violent. Some featured demonism. Ekulilo otali tu kwafele tu ka xupifwe Oinima ihapu oyo nda li handi longifa oya li ya kwatela mo elongifo leenghono nosho yo elongifo leenghono. Never feel that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice cannot cover your sins. Paulus okwa ti: "Aishe ohandi ningi omolwevaengeli, naame yo ndi mone oshitukulwa shomulo. " (1 Kor. Ino kala u udite kutya ekuliloyambo laJesus itali dulu okudima po omatimba oye. Related to that, remember the important date of your baptism. Ngaashi ashike oiwana oyo tai ka hanaunwa po puHarmagedon, Gog naMagog naye ota ka hanaunwa po. Hokolola oshinima osho, dimbuluka efiku la fimana leninginifo loye. He rid his domain of idolatry and expelled the male temple prostitutes. Oushili ulipi oshiwana shaKalunga tashi dulu okumona kunena mexunganeko laSakaria li na sha nomatemba nosho yo ovalodi vao? Okwa li a efa po okulongela oikalunga ndele ta taataa ovalumenhu ovo va li hava longele oikalunga. He destroys the wicked only as a last resort. - Ezekiel 18: 32. (Hes. 21: 26, 27, yelekanifa no - NW) Jesus oye aeke womoludalo laDavid a li a udanekelwa ouhamba a landula ohamba Sedekia. Ota ka hanauna po ovakolokoshi ngaashi ashike sha li oshikando shaxuuninwa. - Hesekiel 18: 32. Jehu manifested qualities that we would do well to imitate. 15: 8. Jehu okwa li a ulika omaukwatya oo hatu dulu okuhopaenena. Admittedly, though, much of what is available glorifies things that God hates, including violence, spiritism, and illicit sex. Diva ngoo eshi to hovele okuninga ngaho, osho ngoo to ka mona diva ewiliko, eameno nomanangeko noupuna aJehova. Ndele nande ongaho, ope na shihapu osho tashi ulike kutya Kalunga oku tonde elongifo leenghono, elongifo leenghono nosho yo oluhaelo. The Israelites in Moses ' day had ample reason to believe that Jehovah would successfully usher them into the Promised Land. Job hasho kwa li a itavela ngaho. Ovaisrael vopefimbo laMoses ova li ve na omatomheno mahapu okwiitavela kutya Jehova ote ke tu twala mEdu lEudaneko. " Very few of the Christians recanted, " wrote Daniel P. Omwenyo wange owe mu tukulukila. Daniel okwa shanga a ti: "Osheshi Ovakriste ashike vanini va li ve liyandja. " As he left Lystra behind, every crunch of the pebbles under his sandals, every rustle of the grass he trampled, meant another step toward the unknown and away from his home. Josua oye a li a hoololwa a kwatele komesho Ovaisrael. Eshi a dja mo moshilando, okwa li ha kala a hafa ngeenge ta talele po eeshikepa adishe odo hadi kala koshi yomaulu aye, opo nee, okwa li ha kala a hala oku di hanauna po ndele ta di mo meumbo laye. 13 Do You Remember? Kakele kaasho, "okwa li [ashike] omunhu ngaashi fye. " 13 Oto dimbuluka? Knowing this, Paul said: "I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others. " Omauwa oo haa di mokudulika kehongo lopakalunga Paulus okwa popya shi na sha naasho a ti: "Aishe ohandi i ningi, opo ndi udifile vamwe onghundana iwa. " And just like those nations that will be destroyed at Armageddon, Gog and Magog will also be destroyed. Ohatu dulu yo oku va hepaululila oimoniwa tai tu omukumo oyo twa lesha moishangomwa yetu. Ngaashi ashike oiwana oyo tai ka hanaunwa po puHarmagedon, Gog yaMagog nosho yo Gog yaMagog ota ka hanaunwa po. What assurance can God's people today draw from Zechariah's prophecy about the chariots and their riders? 30: 19, 20) Omolwashike mbela? Eshilipaleko lilipi oshiwana shaKalunga kunena tashi dulu okweehena popepi nexunganeko laSakaria? After Zedekiah, Jesus was the only descendant of David to whom kingship was promised. Pomhito imwe, hamushanga waJeremia wedina Baruk okwa li e lihalela oshinima osho ehe na, noka li vali a hafa eshi ta longele Jehova. Konima yaasho, Sedekia okwa li a dja moludalo laDavid olo a li a udanekelwa. " My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " - JOHN 15: 8. Oshungonangelo yOshiingilisha yo 15 Oktoba 1923 oya ti kutya "Omona wOmunhu, " oJesus. 15: 8. The earlier you start to do this, the sooner you will sense Jehovah's guidance, protection, and blessing. Ngeenge otwa shiiva kutya Jehova ohe tu me, otashi ke tu kwafela tu kale tu na ekwatafano liwa novamwatate novamwameme. Fimbo ino hovela okuninga ngaho, oto ka uda ko diva ewiliko laJehova, eameno nosho yo omanangeko noupuna. Job believes otherwise. Shi ninga elalakano loye okulihonga kuTimoteus. Job ka li e shi itavela. My emotions are stirred for him. Ovadali ove na yo okukaleka momadiladilo kutya ounona kave fi ovakulunhu ve litonya. Osho osha li she mu hekeleka neenghono. Joshua was chosen. • "Ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali ile oluhodi ile okulila ile ouyahame itau kala po vali, osheshi eshi shotete osha xula po. " - Ehololo 21: 3, 4. Josua okwa li a hoololwa kuJehova. He was, after all, "a man with feelings like ours. " Oilongo aishe kumwe oyo nda talela po mounyuni oi li 70 lwaapo. Konima yaasho, okwa li "omulumenhu e udite ngaashi fye. " Benefits of Heeding Divine Instruction Ohandi ku pe eenghono, Eendjovo dange Ombiibeli, ekwafo tali di pombada, ovalongi pamwe naave vokombada yedu, edeulo tali twikile, nomalombwelo pefimbo tali wapalele. ' Okumona ouwa oo a li a pewa kuKalunga We can also share encouraging experiences that we read about in our literature. Ngaashi Jesus, ohatu kwafele ovanhu va kale ve shii omhumbwe yavo yopamhepo. Ohatu dulu yo okutwaafana omukumo oimoniwa oyo hatu lesha moishangomwa yetu. For some time, Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary, wanted something he did not have and was no longer happy serving God. Eshi Kenneth a li ta hovele ekonakonombiibeli neilikano, omukainhu oo okwa li a hovela vali okulila. Pefimbo opo, Baruk, hamushanga waJeremia wedina Baruk okwa li a hala oshinima shonhumba osho a li ita hafele vali okulongela Kalunga. In 1923, the Watch Tower of October 15 said that "the Son of man " is Jesus. 18: 4) Osho otashi ti yo kutya katu na nande okupitika omesho etu a kale taa tale oinima inai koshoka ile okukala twa hokwa okudiladila oinima ya nyata. - Kol. Mo 1923, Oshungonangelo yo 15 Oktoba 15 Oktoba 15 oya ti kutya "Omona wOmunhu " oJesus. If we understand how Jehovah molds us, it can help us to have good relationships with our brothers and sisters. Ndele ngeenge itai longifwa nawa, otai dulu oku tu tukula ko kuTate yetu womeulu. Ngeenge otu udite ko nghee Jehova he tu me, otashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale tu na ekwatafano liwa novamwatate novamwameme. Make it your aim to learn from Timothy. Nopehe na omalimbililo, oto ka pandulwa neenghono kwaavo va filwa eshi to va longele oilonga yanafangwa to linyengifwa kohole yashili. Kala ho ningi eenghendabala u lihonge komunyasha Timoteus. Reasonable parents are also mindful that children are not miniature adults. Ova li yo va shanga oipopiwa nosho yo oitukulwa yonhumba, ndele tave i yandje koifokundaneki omayovi i ka pilindwe. Ovadali ove na yo momadiladilo kutya ounona inava kula ve li ovakulunhu. " He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Eenghono daKristus oda dja kuJehova, onghee hano otu shii kutya Kalunga Omunaenghono adishe ota dulu okupangela eenghono domeshito. " Ota feta po omahodi momesho avo, nefyo itali kala po vali ile oluhodi ile okulila ile ouyahame itau kala po vali, osheshi eshi shotete osha xula po. ' - Ehololo 21: 3, 4. Altogether, I have visited some 70 countries around the world. Osho osho Omushiti wetu, Jehova Kalunga, a udaneka. Onda kala handi talele po oilongo 70 mounyuni aushe. I give you my strength, my Word the Bible, heavenly support, earthly companions, progressive training, and precise instructions at the appropriate time. ' Ovanhu vahapu ove wete kutya osha yuka okuninga ngaho, molwaashi keshe umwe ota mono ouwa. Eendjovo dange, Ombibeli, ohadi kwafele nge ndi kale ndi na eenghono, tadi yambidida ovo ve li kombada yedu, tadi twikile nosho yo omalombwelo okondadalunde e na sha nefimbo la wapala. ' Like Jesus, we help people to become conscious of their spiritual need. Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okuhopaenena ondjele yaJehova? Ngaashi Jesus, nafye ohatu kwafele ovanhu va kale ve shii omhumbwe yavo yopamhepo. As Kenneth began the Bible study by opening with prayer, the woman started to cry again. Hasho nandenande, ponhele yaasho, oya li ya yooloka ko filufilu. Eshi Kenneth a hovela okukonakona Ombibeli nokwiilikana, omukainhu oo okwa li a hovela vali okwiingida. It also means that we cannot allow our eyes to keep looking at that which is unclean or immoral or let our minds fantasize about such things. - Col. [ Odjo yefano pepandja 10] Otashi ti yo kutya itatu dulu okweefa omesho etu a kale taa tale oinima inai koshoka ile inai koshoka paenghedi. - Kol. Used improperly, they can come between us and our heavenly Father. 29 185 Ndele nande ongaho, ohava kala ve na etaleko la puka li na sha nafye nosho yo Tate yetu womeulu. Simple acts of genuine love will no doubt be deeply appreciated by the bereaved. OVAKALIMO Omunhu oo a filwa oha kala a hafa neenghono ngeenge a filwa kaume kaye kopahombo oo a filwa. They also prepared syndicated sermons and articles for thousands of newspapers. Omailikano ohae tu nanene popepi elela " nOmuudi womailikano. ' Oda li yo hadi longekida omalongelokalunga omayovi nosho yo oitukulwa yo oitukulwa i na sha nanghee tadi dulu okukwafela ovanhu omayovi. Christ's power comes from Jehovah, so we know that Almighty God can control the forces of nature. Otu shi shii ngahelipi kutya Kalunga oku na ko nasha nafye pauhandimwe? Eenghono laKristus oda dja kuJehova, onghee hano, otu shi shii kutya Kalunga Omunaenghono adishe ota dulu okupangela eenghono domeshito. That is what our loving Creator, Jehovah God, has promised. Otashi dulika ovadali Ovakriste va fike pexulifodiladilo kutya oke na okukwatafana novakulunhuongalo meongalo opo va tale ngeenge oka wanifa po oiteelelwa yokuninginifwa. Osho osho Omushiti wetu omunahole Jehova Kalunga a udaneka. Many people feel that this is fine, since everyone benefits from this arrangement. Ovamwatate ova li have shi pandula eshi handi va kwafele mokuunganeka okwoongala nosho yo oilonga yomomapya. Ovanhu vahapu ove udite kutya osho oshiwa, molwaashi keshe umwe oha mono ouwa melongekido olo. How can elders strive to imitate Jehovah's reasonableness? Jehova okwa hala ovanhu aveshe va shiive edina laye. Ongahelipi ovakulunhuongalo tava dulu okuhopaenena ondjele yaJehova? Or was it the opposite of their general spirit? Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika nafye tu kale tu udite ngaashi omuprofeti Habakuk oo a li a pula Jehova nenyeme kutya omolwashike a efela ovanhu va kale tava ningi oinima yonhumba oyo ihe li pauyuki. (Hab. Ile mbela ova li ngoo va yooloka ko kovanhu aveshe? [ Picture Credit Line on page 25] Okulonga noudiinini ohaku eta omanangeko noupuna [ Odjo yefano pepandja 25] 29,185 Pomhito imwe Jerusalem osha li oshitukulwa shOuhamba wa kula waPersia. 295 POPULATION Okwa li a yahamekwa? OVAKALIMO Our prayers draw us ever closer to the "Hearer of prayer. " Omolwekuliloyambo, ohatu ka mona omanangekonoupuna elipi koshi yepangelo lOuhamba waKalunga? Omailikano etu ohae tu ehenifa popepi elela "Omuudi womailikano. " How do we know that God's concern extends to individuals? Natu ka taleni kutya Ombibeli oya ti shike shi na sha naasho. Otu shi shii ngahelipi kutya Kalunga oku na ko nasha novanhu pauhandimwe? You Christian parents may conclude that he can contact the congregation elders to see if he meets the qualifications to get baptized. " Eshiivo lashili ' ola hololwa omolwetomheno lilipi? Ovadali Ovakriste otashi dulika va fike pexulifodiladilo kutya ota dulu okupopya novakulunhuongalo opo va mone ngeenge okwa wanifa po oiteelelwa yopamishangwa. So the brothers appreciated it when I helped them organize meetings and field service more efficiently. Otwa pumbwa okudilonga nokwiilikana opo tu dule okuulika ouwanghenda Onghee hano, ovamwatate ova li ve shi pandula eshi nde va kwafela va kale hava unganeke okwoongala nosho yo oilonga yomomapya. In his Word, God has preserved for the use of his people the very name he chose for himself. Ova ka hovela ashike oku pa ovanhu okafo Oonakufya otava dulu ngoo shili okukala vali nomwenyo? Kalunga okwe tu amena mEendjovo daye opo tu shiive edina laye. We may at times feel like the prophet Habakkuk, who cried out to Jehovah for justice, not understanding why Jehovah had allowed certain unfair things to happen. Otwa pumbwa okukala hatu pula ekwafo kuJehova nosho yo ewiliko laye. Omafimbo amwe otashi dulika tu kale tu udite ngaashi omuprofeti Habakuk oo a li ta imbi Jehova pauyuki, ndele omolwashike Jehova ina efa oinima yonhumba i ningwe. Diligence Brings Rewards Okukala ndaJehova mbela otaku ka imba nge ndi kale nda manguluka? ' Jesus okwa mona ouwa ulipi eshi a mona ondjabi oyo? Jerusalem was once part of a vast Persian Empire. Oshi li paushitwe okulila ngeenge twa filwa omuholike wetu molwaashi ohatu kala twa pongola. Jerusalem osha li oshitukulwa shOuhamba munene. Was she injured? Ndele ongahelipi atusheni hatu dulu okumona ouwa mokulesha oitukulwa nomambo oo? Mbela okwa li a mona oshiponga? What blessings under Kingdom rule does the ransom make possible? Eshi Jehova e shi mona, okwa lombwela Moses ta ti: "Ova kanduka mo mondjila oyo nde i va lombwela. " (Ex. Ekuliloyambo ole shi ninga tashi shiiva opo ovanhu va dule oku ka mona omanangeko noupuna elipi? Consider what it says. Ovamwatate vamwe ohava kala tava tu eemhata keenhele dokointaneta, naasho ohashi shekifa edina laJehova. Natu ka tale kwaasho Ombiibeli tai ti. What is the purpose of making "the true knowledge " known? 1, 2. Elalakano lokuninga " eshiivo lashili ' olashike? Meditation and Prayer Essential Pomhito oyo, omumwatate wedina Herbert Kipps okwa li a monika ondjo nokwa futifwa ndele ta yandjwa momake etangakwaita. Okudilonga nokudilonga kwaasho sha fimanenena Two and a half years after the tsunami, they offered people the tract Can the Dead Really Live Again? " Ohatu dulu okutya nelineekelo: Omwene Oye omukwafi wange. ' - HEB. Konima yomido mbali okudja eshi oshikungulu sha dengwa, ovanhu ova li va yandja okafo Oonakufya otava dulu okukala vali nomwenyo fiyo alushe? You need to keep asking for Jehovah's help and guidance. Oshitukulwa eshi otashi ke tu kwafela tu mone nghee omhepo younyuni tai dulu oku tu nwefa mo. Ou na okupula ekwafo laJehova nosho yo ewiliko laye. Will belonging to Jehovah rob me of freedom? ' Ohatu yandje yo omayambidido tu kwafele ovo tava file oshisho oilonga keembelewa detu da kula nosho yo koitaimbelewa mounyuni aushe. Okukala twaJehova otaku ka ningifa nge ndi kale nda manguluka? ' But how can all of us benefit from reading these articles and books? " Osho wa hala okuninga oshi na omauwa nomawii elipipo? " Ndele mbela ongahelipi atusheni hatu dulu okumona ouwa mokulesha oitukulwa oyo nosho yo momambo oo? Upon seeing that, Jehovah told Moses: "They have turned aside in a hurry from the way I have commanded them to go. " Oku shi popya noitya imwe, Kalunga ota ka taataelashi ovanhu ovo tava etele vakwao omaupyakadi. Eshi Jehova a mona kutya Moses okwe va lombwela ta ti: "Ove va kufa mo mondjila ei nde va lombwela. " Some brothers have been drawn into online debates and thus have brought added reproach on Jehovah's name. Onghedi imwe omo Paulus a li a ulika olupandu li na sha noukalele omokukala iha xutwifa omhito yokupopya novanhu. Ovamwatate vamwe ova nwefwa mo ko - nokungaho ova shekifa edina laJehova. 1, 2. Ponhele yoku mu kembaula, onda li nda yandja elitulemo komaukwatya aye mawa nokukendabala oku mu twa omukumo. " 1, 2. This time, a brother named Herbert Kipps was found guilty, fined, and handed over to the military. Vahapu ove na omaliudo a fa ovalihomboli vopavali ve li pokufika mepupi loukulupe va dja koFlorida. Pefimbo opo, omumwatate umwe wedina Josephus okwa li a monika ondjo nokwa li e na ondjo nokwa li a yandja momake ovakwaita. " Be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper. ' " - HEB. Ponhele yaasho, Elisa okwa li a ulika kutya okwa fimaneka omuhongi waye mokuhopaenena onghedi yaElia yokuninga oinima, naasho osha li sha kwafela ovaprofeti vamwe va itavele Elisa. " Kaleni ovaladi, nye mu tye: Omwene Oye omukwafi wange. ' - HEB. We also donate to support those caring for the work at world headquarters and at branch offices around the earth. Ombiibeli otai ti kutya Kalunga oku tonde " ou e hole owii. ' Ohatu yambidida yo ovo tava file oshisho eembelewa da kula deembelewa da kula nosho yo oitaimbelewa. " What are the apparent advantages and disadvantages of the options before you? " * Oipa ya shikwa nayo ohai lika po koupuka. " Omauwa elipi taa dulu oku ku etela ouwa ngeenge owe a tula moilonga? " In other words, God will "evict " the people who make trouble for others. Mbela itandi dulu okukokola ondjila? Noitya imwe, Kalunga ota ka "shiiva " ovanhu ovo hava etele vakwao omaupyakadi. One way that Paul demonstrated appreciation for the ministry was by being alert to opportunities to speak to others. Paulus okwa ti: "[Jesus] mokuuya mounyuni ota ti: Omatomenoyambo neendyayambo ino a hala, ndelenee wa longela nge olutu, omaxwikiloyambo netimbayambo ino a hokwa, opo Ame nda tonga: Tala, ohandi uya - momishangwa onda shangwa mo - okulonga ehalo loye, Kalunga. " - Heb. Onghedi imwe omo Paulus a li a ulika olupandu li na sha noukalele waye oyo okukala oupafi mokulombwela vamwe. Hence, rather than call his motives into question, I focused on his positive traits, trying to encourage him. " Mbela David okwa li e udite kutya okukala ina hombola osho she mu kwafela a ninge ngaho? Onghee hano, ponhele yokupula omalinyengotomheno aye, onda li handi yandje elitulemo komaukwatya mawa, handi kendabala oku mu twa omukumo. " Many share the feelings of two middle - aged couples from Florida. Elalakano lovadali la fimanenena okuhonga ovana vavo va kale ve hole Jehova, nelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo oli li omhito ya denga mbada yokuninga ngaho. Vahapu vomwaavo ve li pokati komido mbali nasha ova li hava kala ve udite etumba eshi ve na omido mbali nasha. Instead, by copying Elijah's methods, Elisha showed that he respected his teacher, which helped other prophets to have confidence in Elisha. Nonande Ombibeli inai popya kondadalunde kombinga yaasho, ashike oshiwa okudidilika kutya oshimhu shohamba Saul noshomonamati waye Jonatan osha li sha xwikwa po nokufudika omute. Ponhele yaasho, Elisa okwa li a ulika kutya okwa fimaneka omuhongi waye, oo a li a kwafela ovaprofeti vakwao va kale ve lineekela Elisa. God "hates anyone who loves violence, " says the Bible. Ohandi dulu okupopya noushili lela kutya Ombibeli ohai lundulula onghalamwenyo yovanhu. Ombibeli oya ti: "Kalunga oku tonde ou e hole elongifo leenghono. " * Parchment is also a target of insects. 3: 8. * Oha kendabala yo okunwefa mo omhepo ya tya ngaho. Why didn't I pioneer when I had the opportunity? Didilika yo kutya eshi Jehova a li ta pula Abraham a yambe po omona waye okwa li a longifa oshitya shOshiheberi osho tashi ulike kokupula sha nefimaneko. Omolwashike nda li handi kokola ondjila eshi nda li ndi na omhito? You did not approve of whole burnt offerings and sin offerings. " Then I said: "Look! I have come (in the scroll it is written about me) to do your will, O God. " ' " - Heb. Oilyo yOlutuwiliki nosho yo ovamwatate vamwe vokeembelewa da kula dEendombwedi daJehova, ohava i needila koilongo ihapu va ka twe omukumo nokudeula ovamwatate novamwameme. Opo nee, onda li nde mu lombwela nda ti: "Tala, ame nde uya ndi ku shangele, osheshi ame nde uya okulonga ehalo loye, Kalunga kange. " - Heb. Does David feel that singleness helped him to do so? Otaku dulu yo okulongifwa oumboloto ovo haku tiwa o - matzoth, ovo inava ya oinima ngaashi malt, omai ile eenyanga. Mbela David okwa li e udite kutya okukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa okwe mu kwafela a ninge ngaho? Clearly, feeding your children spiritually - particularly by means of family worship - is a primary way that you can be a good shepherd. (b) Ovatoloki vahapu vOmbibeli ova ninga po shike shi na sha nedina laKalunga? Osha yela kutya okupalula ovana voye pamhepo, unene tuu lelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo, oshinima sha fimanenena osho to dulu okukala omufita muwa. Though the Bible does not comment directly on this practice, it is worth noting that the dead bodies of King Saul and his son Jonathan were burned and then buried. - 6 / 15, page 7. (Joh. 4: 23, 24) Pashihopaenenwa, momukokomoko womido 10 opo da piti, sha hala okutya pokati komudo woilonga 2003 fiyo 2012, ovanhu ve dulife 2 707 000 ove liyapulila Kalunga nokuninginifwa. Nonande Ombiibeli inai popya kondadalunde kombinga yoshinima osho, itashi ti kutya omalutu opambelela nosho yo omona waye Jonatan okwa li a xwikwa po. - 6 / 15, epandja 7. I can say with tremendous conviction that the Bible changed my life. * Okwa li a lalakanena opo umwe womoishitwa yaye yopamhepo e uye kombada yedu, e li omunhu a wanenena, noxuuninwa okuyandja omwenyo waye u li ekuliloyambo. Onda tomhwa filufilu kutya Ombiibeli oya lundulula onghalamwenyo yange. 3: 8. Molwaashi Jesus oha dulu okutala omitima, ota ka longifa eenghono odo opo a tokole ovayuki nosho yo ovakolokoshi. 3: 8. Note, too, that Jehovah's request to Abraham included the word "please. " Diva konima yoshoongalele, onda li nda tokola opo ndi alukile Keongalo lopaKriste. Didilika yo kutya Jehova okwa li a pula Abraham a yambe po oshitya osho a li a lombwela Abraham. Members of the Governing Body and other brothers from world headquarters also fly to many countries to encourage and train their brothers and sisters. Ngeenge a hala okupopya naave, kundafana naye kombinga yoshikundafanwa keshe osho a hoolola. Oilyo yOlutuwiliki nosho yo kovamwatate ovo va dja keembelewa da kula da kula nosho yo keembelewa da kula ohava ladipike ovamwatate novamwameme va deule nova deule ovamwaxe. Or Jewish matzoth may be used, a type without added malt, eggs, or onions. 5: 19) Ovakriste vashili ove na okukala va tokola toko vaha kufe ombinga momalihafifo a tya ngaho. Ile otashi dulika omunhu a kale ha kufa ombinga mokulya nokunwa sha pitilila. (b) What have many Bible translations done with God's name? Nomolwaasho omailikano aeshe oo handi ilikana handi ti medina laJesus. (b) Ongahelipi omatoloko mahapu Eembibeli a shangwa edina laKalunga? For example, in a recent ten - year period - during the service years of 2003 through 2012 - more than 2,707,000 individuals were baptized in symbol of their dedication to God. 2: 29 - 36) Jakob okwa li a yelifa kutya exunganeko olo ola popya yo kutya Ovajuda nosho yo ovo vehe fi Ovajuda otava ka vaekwa ndele tava ka ninga eehamba pamwe naJesus meulu. Pashihopaenenwa, mo 2003, omido 10 da pita, opa li pa ninginifwa oohandimwe 1 000 lwaapo ovo va ninginifwa mo 2003 nova li va ninginifwa opo va ulike kutya ove liyapulila Kalunga. * He purposed that one of his spirit creatures come to the earth, live as a perfect human, and ultimately offer his life as a ransom sacrifice. Ovamwatate novamwameme vamwe ovo va longela muAfrika lokOuninginino oule womido dihapu ova tokola ashike omo va kale. * Okwa li a lalakanena oishitwa yaye imwe yokombada yedu i kale omunhu a wanenena, e na omwenyo nokwa yandja omwenyo waye u li ekuliloyambo. Because Jesus is able to read hearts, and he will use that ability to judge between the righteous and the wicked. (Lesha Omuudifi 7: 21, 22.) Omolwaashi Jesus ota dulu okumona osho shi li momitima, nota ka longifa eenghono opo a tokole ovayuki nosho yo ovakolokoshi. Immediately following the convention, I decided to return to the Christian congregation. Shihokwifa, eshi Paulus a li a shangela Ovakorinto, okwa li a longifa omautumbulilo "oingone " nosho yo " oungone ' eshi a li ta popi shi na sha nanghee ovo vehe fi ovaitaveli va li va tala ko Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete nosho yo nghee a li e udite shi na sha naye mwene. (1 Kor. Diva konima yaasho, onda li nda tokola okushuna keongalo lopaKriste. " When they are willing to chat, talk with them on whatever subject they may choose. Ohandi shilipaleke kutya onda lesha oishangomwa aishe oyo ya nuninwa ovanyasha. Otashi dulika va hoolole okukundafana navo kombinga yoshinima keshe osho tashi dulika va hoolole. True Christians say a resolute no to all such entertainment. Diva konima eshi a ninginifwa, okwa kala ta udifa " onghundana iwa yOuhamba waKalunga ' mounyuni aushe. Ovakriste vashili ihava tokola omalihafifo aeshe oo. And that's why every prayer I offer is said in Jesus ' name. Ponhele yaasho, otu na okulundulula onghedi yetu yokudiladila notwa pumbwa okudeula eliudo letu opo tuha kale tu na ombinga nande omushimwe shomoinima oyo. Onghee hano, eilikano keshe olo handi ilikana ola shangwa medina laJesus. As James pointed out at that historic meeting, this prophecy of Amos was being fulfilled in the gathering of Kingdom heirs from both Jews and Gentiles. Mbela omhepo iyapuki ohai longo ashike peemhito de likalekelwa ile meenghalo de likalekelwa? Ngaashi Jakob a popya pokwoongala oko kwa li kwa ningwa pokwoongala oko kwa xunganekwa, exunganeko olo ola li tali wanifwa moitukulwa yovapangelwa vOuhamba nosho yo vomoiwana imwe. Some brothers and sisters have served in West Africa for many years and have made it their home. Naasho osha ningifa nge ndi kale netaleko lii li na sha nado. " Ovamwatate novamwameme vamwe ova kala tava longo muAfrika oule womido dihapu nova kala tava longo eumbo lavo. (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 21, 22.) Oshitya shomelaka lopehovelo osho sha longifwa movelishe oyo otashi yandje ediladilo lokuninga oshinima wa mana mo noto shi ningi nelitulemo. (Lesha Omuudifi 7: 21, 22.) Interestingly, in writing to the Corinthians, Paul used the words "weak " and" weakness " in reference to the way unbelievers perceived first - century Christians and also to the way he felt about himself. Onda li nda likola owino muhapu mokulihonga oinima ipe. Shihokwifa, monhumwafo oyo Paulus a li a shangela Ovakorinto, okwa li a longifa outumbulilo " oingone ' nosho yo " eenghono daye ' opo a kwafele Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete nova kale ve na etaleko liwa li na sha naye mwene. I make sure that I've read all the material published for young people. Natu ka taleni nghee Paulus nosho yo vamwe ovo va li va hokiwa kuKalunga va li ve na onghalamwenyo yakwalukeshe. Ohandi shilipaleke kutya ohandi lesha ouyelele aushe oo wa nuninwa ovanyasha. Immediately after his baptism, Jesus proclaimed "the good news of the Kingdom of God " far and wide. Ashike osho ovanhu vahapu kave shi wete. Diva konima eshi Jesus a ninginifwa, okwa li a udifila " evangeli lOuhamba waKalunga ' konima eshi a ninginifwa. Instead, we have to change the way we think and we need to train our conscience so that we remain neutral in all circumstances. Omolwashike mounyuni muyadi oukolokoshi kunena shi dulife nale? Ponhele yaasho, otu na okulundulula onghedi omo hatu diladila notwa pumbwa okudeula eliudo letu opo tuha kufe ombinga moinima aishe. Does holy spirit operate only on special occasions or under extraordinary circumstances? Nomolwaasho, osha yeleka okukala hatu ilikana opo edina laTate yetu womeulu li yapulwe nOuhamba waye u uye u xulife po epangelo laSatana nopo ehalo laye li wanifwe kombada yedu ngaashi yo meulu. Mbela omhepo iyapuki ohai longo ashike peemhito de likalekelwa ile meenghalo de likalekelwa? As a result, I formed a very negative view of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Ovakriste vokunena ove na eteelelo lilipi, nomolwashike " eedi dimwe ' di na ohokwe meteelelo lovavaekwa? Oshidjemo, onda li nda ninga etaleko lii li na sha nEendombwedi daJehova. " The original - language word used here implies intensity and concentrated effort. Ombibeli oya londwela sha yukilila ya ti kutya osha nyika oshiponga okukala tu na ekwatafano noinima ya nyika oumhulile. Oshitya shomelaka lopehovelo osho sha longifwa movelishe oyo otashi ulike keenghendabala da mana mo. This resulted in many more learning experiences. Brenda, oo a li kofikola oyo lwoikando ivali paife, okwa ti: "Ofikola oyo oya kwafela nge ndi kale handi yandje elitulemo filufilu koinima yopamhepo, ndi pameke eliudo lange nondi yandje elitulemo kokukwafela vamwe. Osho osha li sha etifa oidjemo ihapu eshi twe lihonga oimoniwa ihapu. He does not need to think and talk of nothing other than the Bible or his love for God and his hope for the future. (2 Petrus 2: 5) Petrus okwa popya shi na sha novasheki a ti: "[Otave] lipwililike owina va fa inava shiiva nokutya, eulu nedu la dja momeva nola tungwa nomeva, kwa li a kala nonalenale taa kwatelelwa keenghono dondjovo yaKalunga, ndele muo ounyuni winya wonale wa nyonaukila meyelu lao. Ina pumbwa okudiladila nosho yo okupopya kombinga yOmbiibeli shi dulife nale ile ohole yaye yokuhola Kalunga nosho yo eteelelo laye li na sha nonakwiiwa. What a contrast with people in general! MuAprili 1954, onda li nda ulika kutya onde liyapulila Jehova eshi nda li nda ninginifwa momeva. Ovanhu vahapu kava li tuu va yooloka ko kovanhu vongaho. What is the significance of human society's going from bad to worse? Ngaashi twa kundafana nale, Eendombwedi daJehova ohadi ulike meenghedi dihapu kutya odi li "ovaenda novanailongo " monghalelo yoinima yaSatana noda tokola toko nehafo okukala ngaho. Oshike tashi ka ningifa ovanhu va kale va nyika oluhodi neenghono? Surely, then, we should pray for our heavenly Father's name to be sanctified and for his Kingdom to rid the earth of Satan's rule. Okwa li yo hatu ka dika eetenda keenhele dokutalela po, notwa li hatu hafele eenghundafana fimbo hatu xuxumukwa. Onghee hano, otu na okwiilikana opo edina laTate yetu womeulu li yapulwe notu xulife po Ouhamba waye kombada yedu. What two hopes are to be found among Christians today, and why are the "other sheep " interested in the hope the anointed entertain? Gail, womido 60, okwa ti: "Omushamane wange Robert okwa fya mo 9 Juli 2008. Eteelelo opavali lilipi tali hangwa kOvakriste vokunena, nomolwashike "eedi dimwe " dimwe odi na eteelelo loku ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe meulu? The Bible clearly warns of the dangers connected with spiritism. Ndele nande ongaho, ovapiya vaJehova otava dulu okuhafela shili eehombo davo ngeenge ova tula moilonga Eendjovo daye. Ombibeli oye tu londwela sha yela shi na sha noumhulile. Brenda, who has attended the school twice, notes: "It allowed me to be 100 percent absorbed in spiritual things, to strengthen my conscience, and to focus on helping others. Paulus okwa li e va tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokukala va fimaneka emanguluko lavamwe lokuninga omatokolo. Konima eshi a ya kofikola ivali, okwa ti: "Osha kwafela nge ndi kale handi yandje elitulemo koinima yopamhepo, ndi kale handi yandje elitulemo koinima yopamhepo nokukala handi yandje elitulemo kuvamwe. Regarding those who scoff, Peter said: "According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. Oshi li oufembanghenda munene eshi Jehova nOmona ve tu shiva tu lye "koshililo shOmwene " oshivike keshe. Petrus okwa popya shi na sha naavo have mu kembaula a ti: "Molwaashi ova hala, inava mona oushili oo kutya edu oli li kombada yedu nola nyonauka koshipala shaKalunga. In April 1954, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. Kalunga okwa lenga oukwatya oo. MuAprili 1954, onda li nda ulika kutya onde liyapulila Jehova nokuninginifwa. In all the above ways - and more - Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrate that in a real sense, they are "temporary residents " in Satan's present system. And they are joyfully determined to remain such. Oonakufya otava ka nyumunwa 8 Eendombwedi daJehova adishe odo di li kombada yedu otadi ulike kutya odi li "ovaenda novanailongo " mounyuni waSatana wa tya ngaho. We would also go camping with them and would have very enjoyable conversations around the campfire. Osho naanaa! Otwa li yo hatu i molweendo pamwe navo noku ka hafela eenghundafana tadi tungu di na sha nomilele. " My husband, Robert, died on July 9, 2008. (3) Oita oyo otai ka etela ovanhu omauwa taa kalelele elipi? Robert okwa ti: "Omushamane wange okwa fya mo 9 Juli 2008. Among Jehovah's servants, however, wedlock can result in true happiness if God's Word is followed. " Oho i ngoo u ka udife nonande ovadali voye itava i? " Ndele nande ongaho, ovanamido otava dulu okukala va hafa ngeenge Eendjovo daKalunga oda tulwa moilonga. Paul set a fine example of respecting his brothers ' right of free will to make decisions. Omolwashike tu na okukala ovayapuki? Paulus okwa tulila po ovamwaxe oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokuninga omatokolo. It is an honor to be invited by Jehovah and his Son to eat at "the table of Jehovah " every week. Natu ka taleni kwaasho sha li sha ningwa po tete fimbo David a li ina ka talela po vamwaina. Oshi li oufembanghenda okukala twa shivwa kuJehova nOmona waye va lye "oshililo shOmwene " oshivike keshe. It is valued in the sight of God. Ovasamaria ova kala ve na ko otembeli oko va li hava ka danena oivilo ngaashi Opaasa. Owa lenga neenghono etaleko laKalunga li na sha naye. The Dead Will Live Again! 8 (Ex. 18: 26) Sha faafana, nafye otashi dulika twa pumbwa okukulika omaukwatya opamhepo oo tae ke tu kwafela tu pite "momahepeko manene, " ile tu tye, poudjuu munene nokuya mounyuni mupe waKalunga wouyuki. (Eh. Oonakufya otava ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe 8 Absolutely! Ove shii kutya mafiku Ouhamba waKalunga otau ka pingena po omapangelo opanhu notau ka etela ovanhu ovaduliki omanangeko noupuna nombili yashili tai kalelele. (Jes. 11: 4 - 9; Dan. Heeno! (3) What lasting effect will this confrontation have on the earth and its inhabitants? Ove ngeno u ifane, ame nohandi ku nyamukula. " - Job 14: 14, 15. (3) Omahepeko oo otaa ka etifa shike kombada yedu nosho yo ovakalimo? " Do you engage in the ministry even if your parents do not? " Knorr okwa li a yandja oshipopiwa shitunhula shi na oshipalanyole, "Mbela ombili otai ka kalelela ngoo? " " Mbela oho kufa ngoo ombinga moukalele nokuli nonande ovadali voye ihava i moukalele? " Why We Must Be Holy Onda li yo nde liyamba ndi kale handi hongo ovahongwa ovo va li tave lihongo Oshiingilisha shi li elaka etivali, nehoololo olo lwanima ola ka kwafela nge neenghono. Omolwashike tu na okukala ovayapuki? Let us go back to a time many months earlier. (Tala okamhungu komishangwa.) Natu shuneni keemwedi dihapu da tetekela. There the Samaritans once had a temple where they celebrated festivals such as the Passover. Ovana vOuhamba ova li tava ka ongelwa. (Mat. Moitukulwa omo Ovasamaria va li hava dana oivilo oyo ya li hai dana oivilo ngaashi Opaasa. Likewise, we may need to cultivate spiritual qualities that will help us to pass through "the great tribulation " into God's righteous new world. Oukokolindjila owa kwafela nge ndi kale nda nyashuka komutima Sha faafana, nafye otwa pumbwa okukulika omaukwatya opamhepo oo tae ke tu kwafela tu " penduke ' poudjuu munene oo u li mounyuni mupe waKalunga wouyuki. They know that God's Kingdom will shortly replace human governments and bless obedient mankind with genuine, lasting peace. Ongahelipi shi na sha nokukala u udite ondjo? Ove shii kutya Ouhamba waKalunga otau ka pingena po omapangelo opanhu notau ka nangeka noupuna ovanhu ovaduliki kombada yedu. You will call, and I will answer you. " - Job 14: 14, 15. Mbela ou li omunyasha to kendabala okuninga etokolo langhee to ka longifa onghalamwenyo yoye? Ove oto ifane, ndee Ame ohandi ku nyamukula. " - Job 14: 14, 15. Knorr delivered the thrilling discourse "Peace - Can It Last? " Omunyasha Jeremia naye osho a li e udite ngaho efimbo limwe. Knorr a li a yandja oshipopiwa shitunhula shi na oshipalanyole, "Ombili otai kalelele tuu? " I also volunteered to tutor students who were learning English as a second language - a choice that greatly benefited me later. Potete, otashi dulika tu kale tuhe udite ko nawa onghedi omo hava diladila ile have linyenge keenghalo donhumba. Onda li yo handi ladipike ovakonakonimbibeli ovo tave lihongo Oshiingilisha shi na sha n ehoololo etivali olo la li la etela nge ouwa lwanima. (See accompanying box.) (1 Kor. 6: 18) Onghee hano, opo omunhu a kale a hokiwa kuKalunga, oku na " okuninga omuyapuki mokukala kwaye akushe. ' - 1 Pet. (Tala oshimhungu.) The sons of the Kingdom would be gathered. Shotete, ilikana u mone ounongo neendunge. Ovanamati vOuhamba ova li tava ka ongelwa. Pioneer service keeps me young at heart Moule ashike wefimbo lixupi, okwa li a mona kutya ei oyo naanaa onghalamwenyo oyo a li a hala okulalakanena. Handi kokola ondjila ngeenge ndi li omunyasha And what about guilt? Mbela efaneko olo ola hala okutya shike? Ndele mbela ongahelipi shi na sha naasho sha li she va ningifa va kale ve udite ondjo? Are you a young person who is trying to decide what you will do with your life? NGEENGE owe liyapulila Kalunga nowa ninga omushikuli waJesus a ninginifwa, owa katuka onghatu ya kwata moiti. Mbela ou li omunyasha oo ta kendabala okutokola kutya oto ka longifa ngahelipi onghalamwenyo yoye? Young Jeremiah did. Konima yefimbo, Ondombwedi imwe yedina Bill, oya li ya twikila okukonakona naame. Jeremia okwa li a ninga ngaho. At first, we may not fully understand their way of thinking or reacting. Onde va konakona lwoikando i dulife pomulongo. " Potete, otashi dulika tuha ude ko filufilu onghedi omo tava diladila ile tave linyenge. To please God, a person must " become holy in all his conduct. ' - 1 Pet. OMAIMBILO: 121, 63 Opo omunhu a hafife Kalunga, oku na " okukala ovayapuki moinima aishe. ' - 1 Pet. First, pray for wisdom and discernment. Omolwashike okukala neitavelo kwa fimanenena? Shotete, ilikana u pewe ounongo neendunge dokuyoolola. Before long, she knew that this was the kind of life she really wanted to pursue. Eshi ngoo Josef e uya meumbo, okwa li a kendabala oku mu yula. Okafimbo kaxupi konima yaasho, okwa li e shii kutya onghalamwenyo ya tya ngaho oya denga mbada. What does this parable reveal? Ovelishe onhi - 6 oya nyamukula ya ti: "Ohole yavo ngaashi ehandu lavo nouladi wavo yo owa xula po nale. Ndelenee vo ve he na vali oshipewa muashishe tashi ningwa koshi yetango. " Efaneko olo otali holola shike? WHEN you become a dedicated and baptized follower of Jesus, you take a very serious step. 20: 2) Onghee hano, osha yela mo nawa filufilu kutya olyelye a ulika kutya omukwao lela womulumenhu oo a li a dengwa. NGEENGE owe liyapulila Jehova nowa ninginifwa, oho katuka onghatu ya kwata moiti. Later on, Bill, another Witness, continued the study. Opo nee, otwa uda ewi limwe tali dilile lwokoxulo yomhunda tali ti: "Yee! " Lwanima, Ondombwedi imwe yedina Bill nayo oya ka twikila okukonakona. I've studied those brochures about a dozen times. " Okwa shanga a ti: "Omwene okwa kala pamwe naame, nokwa pameka nge. " Onda li nda konakona embo olo lwoikando ihapu kombinga yomashangelo mahapu. " SONGS: 121, 63 Ndele nande ongaho, Omukombadambada okwa li ta ka lundulula onghalo yaDavid noku mu tumbalekifa. OMAIMBILO: 121, 63 Why is faith a precious possession? Apa otapa landula omaetepo ane a kanghamena kOmbibeli oo a kwafela ovadali omayovi va honge ovana vavo kombinga yaKalunga. Omolwashike eitavelo li li oshinima shi na ondilo? When he did, she sprung her trap. Okuungaunga novanhu moshitukulwa shetu monghedi omo ngeno nafye twa hala okuungaungwa nafye otaku eta oidjemo ihapu iwa. Eshi a ninga ngaho, okwa li a nyika oluhodi neenghono. Verse 6 answers: "Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. " Jakob okwa ti: " Elaka olo yo omundilo. ' Oilonga 6: 6 otai nyamukula tai ti: "Ohole yavo i nolukeno; ohole yavo ihai xulu po vali, ihai kala vali nomwenyo fiyo alushe. " So it is easy to see who proved to be the real neighbor of the wounded man. 27 "Shi yandja kovalumenhu ve shi kulineekelwa " Onghee hano, oshipu okumona kutya olyelye a li a ulika kutya oku li omunhu wolela eshi a li ta talele po omona waye. From the next mountaintop, a voice answered, "Oh! " Ove ngeno u ifane, ame nohandi ku nyamukula, Ove ho djuulukwa oshilonga shomake oye. ' Okudja kolumosho wa ka landula ko, onda li nda nyamukula nda ti: "Akutu! " He wrote: "The Lord stood near me and infused power into me. " Deula omunyasha woye a longele Jehova Okwa ti: "Omwene okwa fikama popepi naame nokwa pameka nge. " But the Most High will change David's condition to one of glory. Eendjovo odo oda kwafela nge ndi mone kutya ohandi dulu okulundulula. Ndele Omukombadambada wayo ota ka lundulula etaleko laDavid li na sha naye. Discussed below are just four Bible - based suggestions that have helped thousands of parents to teach their children about God. Ndele fimbo twa teelela, natu kale nelineekelo kutya oha pwilikine komailikano etu nonande okwa efa okumona oixuna ku kale po oule wokafimbo. Omaetepo a kanghamena kOmbibeli oo a kwafela ovadali omayovi va honge ovana vavo kombinga yaKalunga. Many benefits come from treating those in our territory as we would like to be treated. Ngeenge opa holoka oshikundafanwa shi na sha nohombo yange yotete, ongahelipi handi dulu okuungaunga nonghalo oyo monghedi oyo tai hekeleke nokufimanekifa kaume kange kopahombo oo mupe? Omauwa mahapu ohaa di mokukala hatu ungaunga naavo ve li moshitukulwa shetu ngaashi twa hala okuungaunga nafye. He explains: "The tongue is also a fire. " Onda pula ashike. ' Okwa yelifa a ti: "Elaka oli li yo omundilo. " 27 "These Things Entrust to Faithful Men " Opo oilyo yomaukwaneumbo i kale hai kundafana ya manguluka, keshe umwe oku na okukala ha pwilikine kumukwao. - Lesha Jakob 1: 19. 27 " Oinima ei ya fimanenena ovalumenhu ovadiinini ' asked Job. " You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands. " 18: 21 - 24) Omalongelokalunga oipupulu oo okwa faafana filufilu nelongelokalunga laBabilon shonale molwaashi omo mwa hovela omahongo oipupulu neenghedindjikilile dii. Job okwa pula ta ti: "Oto ifana Job, ndele ame ohandi ku nyamukula, Ove ho djuulukwa oshilonga shomake oye. " Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah Fimbo a li oko, okwa li a dimbuluka eendjovo daMoses odo a li a lombwela Ovaisrael, tadi ti: " Ngeenge mu li momafininiko noinima aishe oyo tai mu hange pexulilo lomafiku, nye otamu ka alukila kOmwene Kalunga keni nokupwilikina ondaka yaye. ' (Deut. Deula omunyasha woye a longele Jehova Those words assured me that it was possible to change. Omatomheno opamishangwa elipi tu na oo tae tu kwafele tu twikile okuudifa? Eendjovo odo oda li da shilipaleka nge kutya ohandi dulu okulundulula. When Adolescent Questions Your Faith, 2 / 1 Ndele nande ongaho, kaya li ya yandja ouyelele mokanima keshe. Ovanyasha, kondjifeni omafininiko oomakula, 5 / 15 Meanwhile, we need not lose confidence that he hears our prayers just because he presently allows suffering. Tim: Naame osho nda diladila ngaho. Fimbo twa teelela osho shi ningwe, inatu pumbwa okukala nelineekelo kutya oha udu omailikano etu molwaashi okwa efa okumona oixuna ku kale po. If the topic of my first marriage comes up, how can I handle the subject in a way that reassures and dignifies my current mate? Omunambelewa okwa ti: "Kaleni hano hamu twala eemboloto kovakwaita ovo tava i kolwoodi. " Ngeenge tashi uya poshinima shotete shi na sha nohombo yange yotete, ongahelipi handi dulu okuungaunga nonghalo oyo tai ulike kutya onda lenga kaume kange kopahombo? I was only asking a question! " 19 Osho tashi kwafele oukwaneumbo u kale wa hafa - Honga ovana voye omifikamhango dopaenghedi Onda li ashike nda pulwa epulo olo. " To keep the lines of communication open, family members must listen - really listen - to one another. - Read James 1: 19. 5: 2, 3. Opo oilyo youkwaneumbo i kale hai kundafana nawa, oi na okukala hai pwilikine nawa. - Lesha Jakob 1: 19. There he may have recalled these words of Moses to Israel: "When you are in sore straits and all these words have found you out at the close of the days, then you will have to return to Jehovah your God and to listen to his voice. " Ponhele yaasho, omahokololo mahapu Ombibeli okwa etela ovapiya vaKalunga aveshe ouwa, monakudiwa nosho yo kunena. Otashi dulika a li a dimbuluka eendjovo odo eshi Moses a li a lombwela Ovaisrael a ti: "Ngenge u li monghalo inyikifa oluhodi neenghono doye adishe, opo nee naave yo u shiive ondaka yOmwene Kalunga keni nokupwilikina ondaka yaye. " (Deut. What Scriptural reasons do we have to keep on preaching? OMAIMBILO: 51, 58 Otu na omatomheno opamishangwa elipi okutwikila okuudifa? However, minute details were not provided. Omolwashike sha fimanenena okupameka eitavelo letu? Ashike ka li e va pa ouyelele u na sha naasho va li inava pewa. Tim: That's what I figured. Owa mona nowa didilika nghee Kalunga ta dulu oku ku pameka okupitila momhepo yaye. Tim: Osho naanaa. " Then deliver bread to the front lines, " he said. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. Okwa ti: " Opo nee omungome wa pwa ko. " 5: 2, 3. 18: 6, 7) Otu na okupangela omaliudo mai, sha hala okutya, oikala yetu yokuhawanenena. 5: 2, 3. Instead, most Bible accounts have benefited all of God's servants, both in the past and present. 8: 21; Eh. Ponhele yaasho, omahokololo mahapu Ombibeli okwa etela ovapiya vaKalunga aveshe ouwa kunena nosho yo vamwe ouwa. SONGS: 51, 58 Jesus novahongwa vaye ova li va longifa eenghedi dilipi dokuudifa? OMAIMBILO: 51, 58 Why is it very important to strengthen our faith? Epulo olo ola holoka po molwaashi opa fa pe na ekondjifafano pokati kehokololo lEvangeli laMarkus naalo lomuyapostoli Johannes li na sha nefimbo opo Jesus a fya. Omolwashike sha fimanenena okupameka eitavelo letu? You have seen and felt how God can strengthen you with his spirit. 2: 16) Ndele molwaashi fye ovaJehova, ohatu ladipikwa "tu efe okudina Kalunga nouhalu wopaunyuni, fye tu kale tu neendunge nouyuki nokuhola Kalunga fimbo tu li mounyuni ou wopaife. " (Tit. Owa mona nghee Kalunga ta dulu oku ku pameka nomhepo yaye. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Ovo hatu konakona Ombibeli navo luhapu ohave shi didilike mo kutya eenhele detu delongelokalunga oda koshoka nosho yo kutya otwa koshoka nohatu djala nawa. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. Bad feelings - manifestations of our imperfect nature - must be controlled. 16: 3) Ova li hava longele kumwe opo va xumife komesho oilonga yokuudifa Ouhamba kashi na nee mbudi kutya otava longele peni. Omaliudo mai oo hae tu ningifa tu kale tu na eamo lokulonga oulunde. 8: 21; Rev. Fimbo nda li moMadrid, onda li nda ninga eano etivali opo ndi ninge osestela. 8: 21; Eh. What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach? Ovakriste vonale ova li va tala ko ngahelipi okwoongala kwopaKriste? Jesus novahongwa vaye ova li va longifa eenghedi dilipi dokuudifa? This question arises because of a seeming discrepancy between the inspired accounts of Jesus ' death recorded by the Gospel writer Mark and by the apostle John. Ongahelipi Ovajuda vahapu vopefimbo laJeremia va li " inava pita etanda komitima ' davo? Epulo olo ola etifa etukauko pokati komahokololo Omavangeli a nwefwa mo oo a shangwa komuyapostoli Johannes nosho yo komuyapostoli Johannes. Yet, because we belong to Jehovah, we are admonished to "reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " 119: 40, 41) Oshoshili kutya Jehova ina longekida oluudi loshilemo ile lomundilo olo li tu wilike fiyo mounyuni mupe. Ndele molwaashi otu li vaJehova, ohatu ladipikwa tu " efe okudina Kalunga nouhalu wouhalu wopaunyuni, fye tu kale tu neendunge nouyuki nokuhola Kalunga fimbo tu li mounyuni ou wopaife. ' Those with whom we study the Bible often notice that our places of worship are clean and also how neat and well - dressed we are. Omamoniko a tya ngaho otae tu kwafele tu ude ko kutya Jehova oku na eholokepo le likalekelwa noliwa neenghono, omuhokwifa nomunambili. - Ehololo 4: 2, 3; Hesekiel 1: 26 - 28. Ovo hatu konakona navo Ombibeli luhapu ohava didilike kutya eenhele detu oda koshoka noda koshoka yo monghedi ya yela noya yela nawa. They worked side by side to further the Kingdom - preaching work wherever they served. Ngeenge tava tokola kutya omudipai ota filwa onghenda ile hasho, ove na okukonakona noukeka elinyengotomheno, oikala nelihumbato laye lomonakudiwa. Ova li va longa pamwe naye moilonga yokuudifa Ouhamba keshe oko tava longo. In Madrid, I took my second set of vows to become a nun. Opo u kale omudiinini monghalo keshe to shakeneke, ino dimbwa nande kutya eudaneko loye olo wa ningila Jehova otali ti sha. Eshi nda li ndi na eedula dihapu, onda li nda ninga eano la kwata moiti. How did early Christians view congregation meetings? Ashike, Paulus okwa li ta shangele "ovaholike vaKalunga, ovaifanwa vayapuki muRoma. " Ovakriste vopefimbo lonale ova li va tala ko ngahelipi okwoongala kwopaKriste? How were many Jews in Jeremiah's day "uncircumcised in heart "? Hanna Ongahelipi Ovajuda vahapu vopefimbo laJeremia va li inava pita etanda? True, Jehovah has not supplied a pillar of cloud nor one of fire to guide us into the new world. Natu kale twa lenga onghandangala oyo omhepo iyapuki tai dana Oshoshili kutya Jehova ine tu pa omalombwelo e na sha nanghee tashi dulu oku tu wilika mounyuni mupe. Such descriptions tell us that Jehovah's presence is one of rare and dazzling beauty, pleasantness, and serenity. - Revelation 4: 2, 3; Ezekiel 1: 26 - 28. Ndele ame mwene kanda li nda dula oku a efa po nonande onda hetekela oikando itano ile ihamano. " Ehokololo la tya ngaho otali tu lombwele kutya okukala po kwaJehova oshi li shimwe shi lili, ouwa nosho yo ouwa. - Ehololo 4: 2, 3; Hesekiel 26: 1 - 28. Further, they had to weigh carefully a manslayer's motive, attitude, and previous conduct when deciding whether to show mercy. 17, 18. (a) Ovapiya vaKalunga vahapu kunena ova teelela oku ka mona ondjabi ilipi? Shikwao vali, ova li ve na okukonakona noukeka omalinyengotomheno a puka, oikala nosho yo elihumbato la puka ngeenge ova tokola okuulika onghenda. To help you stay faithful in any circumstance, never forget that your promise to Jehovah is unconditional. Molwaashi Jehova okwe va mangulula muEgipti, okwa li a teelela va yambidide ounamapangelo waye mokati koiwana ikwao yokombada yedu. Opo u dule okukala omudiinini monghalo keshe, ino dimbwa kutya eudaneko loye otali ti sha kuJehova. However, Paul was writing to "those who are in Rome as God's beloved ones, called to be holy ones. " Jehova okwa pa nge shili ondjabi. - Eps. Ndele nande ongaho, Paulus okwa li a shanga a ti kutya "ava ve li muRoma ngaashi ovana vaKalunga ovaholike, va ifanwa ovayapuki. " Hannah Kape na omalimbililo kutya oshoongalele shopaiwana osho sha li sha ningilwa muCedar Point, Ohio, osha fimana mondjokonona yEendombwedi. Hanna Acknowledging the Role of Holy Spirit 12: 44) Onghee hano, Nehemia okwa li a katuka eenghatu opo oitimulongo i ongelwe. Onghandangala oyo omhepo iyapuki tai dana mokushitwa komhepo iyapuki But I could not quit it myself, despite trying five or six times. " Outumbulilo wOshigreka oo wa tolokwa " kehovelo lounyuni ' otau yandje ediladilo lokukuna ombuto ile okudala. Onghee hano, outumbulilo oo ou na sha noludalo lotete lovanhu. Ashike kanda li nda efa po oku shi ninga, nonande onda li handi kendabala lwoikando itano ile vahamano. " 17, 18. (a) What reward do most of God's servants look forward to today? Lesha Epsalme 45: 13, 15b, 16. 17, 18. (a) Ovapiya vaKalunga vahapu ova teelela nodjuulufi oku ka mona ondjabi ilipi kunena? Redeemed from Egypt by Jehovah, they were under a moral obligation to support his sovereignty before the other peoples of the earth. Okahanana inaka wana okuninginifwa. Oshiwana shaJehova osha li shi na oshinakuwanifwa shoku yambidida ounamapangelo waye fimbo edu inali shitwa. Yes, Jehovah has richly rewarded me. - Ps. Ovapambele vange ova li va teelela ndi tume Don keumbo opo a ka tekulwe kovadali vange ofimbo ame nomushamane wange hatu longo oshimaliwa. " Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova okwa nangeka nge noupuna munene. - Eps. No wonder that this 1922 Cedar Point, Ohio, convention has gone down in history as a theocratic milestone! Ndele mbela otu shii ngoo oushili aushe oo wa kwatelwa mo? Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi poshoongalele osho sha li sha ningwa mo 1922, Ohio, osho sha li sha hovela mondjokonona yEendombwedi daJehova. So Nehemiah took steps to have the tithes collected. Ohole yashili otai ke tu linyengifa tu kale metwokumwe nelondwelo lOmbibeli olo tali ti: "Inapa kala ou ta kongo ouwa waye mwene, ndelenee keshe na konge ouwa wamukwao. " - 1 Ovakorinto 10: 24. Onghee hano, Nehemia okwa li a katuka eenghatu opo a ongele omambo. The expression "the founding of the world " involves the idea of casting down seed, suggesting procreation, so it has to do with the earliest human offspring. Omeva oo okwa li a talala neenghono. Outumbulilo " kehovelo lounyuni ' owa kwatela mo ediladilo lokungabeka oludalo, sha hala okutya, okukufa ombinga pamwe noludalo lovanhu votete. Read Psalm 45: 12, 14b, 15. Ehangano loupristeri panghedi yaMelkisedek otali ulike kutya oludalo otali ka longa oshilonga shoupristeri. Lesha Epsalme 45: 12, 14, 15. Granted, an infant would not qualify for baptism. Opo va tokole pauyuki, ova li ve na okumona ngeenge omudipai okwe shi ninga "mehandu " ile" ehe nehalo " e mu dipae. Oshoshili kutya okaana itaka ka wana okuninginifwa. Everyone in my family expected me to send Don back home to be raised by my parents until we were financially stable. " (b) Okutomhafana vali kulipi u wete hatu dulu okulongifa nomupondo moshikundafanwa osho? Keshe umwe moukwaneumbo wetu okwa li a teelela nge ndi shune keumbo lovadali vange fiyo osheshi twa li tu na oimaliwa ya wana. " But do we have all the facts? Eshi ovanamati vaye va li ve na eedula hetatu nomulongo, okwa li e va honga kombinga yewangadjo nanghee Jehova a ulika okunakonasha kwaye eshi e li shita. Ndele mbela otu na ouyelele we lixwa po? Genuine love moves us to follow the Bible's admonition: "Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 24. (Jakob 4: 8) Naasho otashi ka pameka eitavelo letu muJehova. Ohole yashili ohai tu linyengifa tu dulike kekumaido lOmbibeli olo tali ti: " Keshe umwe na konge ouwa waye mwene, ndelenee ou ta kongo ouwa waye mwene. ' - 1 Ovakorinto 10: 24. The water was very, very cold! Ovakriste vamwe otashi dulika va li tave lipula kutya omolwashike ovanhu va tya ngaho va efiwa va kale meongalo. Eshi omeva a li e na omwenyo, omeva okwa li a talala neenghono. The covenant for a priest like Melchizedek becomes the basis for the offspring to serve in a priestly capacity. Ovakalimo vamwe vomodoolopa yokoilongo yokOushilo woPokati ova popya kutya omolwashike va tokola okuhafuta oifendela va ti: "Itatu yandje oimaliwa i ka lande eeholo odo hadi dipaifwa ovana vetu. " Ehangano lOmhango otali ka ninga omupristeri panghedi yaMelkisedek. To reflect divine justice, they had to determine whether the fugitive acted "out of hatred " and" with malicious intent. " (Tit. 2: 3, 4) Omukainhu oo e li oshihopaenenwa shiwa oha ningi eenghendabala opo ohombo yavo i pondole noha xumifa komesho onghalonawa youkwaneumbo wavo mokukala e hole omushamane waye noku mu fimaneka. Opo va ulike ouyuki waKalunga, ova li ve na okutokola kutya omunhu oo a dipaa mukwao shihe fi oshiningilewina oku " tonde owii. ' (b) What other lines of reasoning on this subject have you found to be effective? (a) Ovapiya vaJehova ova pumbwa okuungaunga ngahelipi novanhu? (b) Okutomhafana vali imwe ilipi wa mona eshi to pondola? When her two boys were eight and ten respectively, she taught them about earth's atmosphere and the care Jehovah showed in making it. Ovatondi ovo ova li va kwatela mo ovanongo vomishangwa nosho yo Ovafarisai ovo va li va hongwa neenghono nova li ve na eendunge. Eshi ovanamati vaye vavali va li ve na omido 8, okwa li e va honga kombinga yedu noku va fila oshisho. Then our faith in Jehovah becomes stronger. Ndele ta lombwele ovatumwa vohamba ta ti: "Oshili, ovalumenhu ve uya kuame, ndelenee inandi shiiva apa va dja. Opo nee eitavelo letu muJehova ohali pame. Some Christians may have questioned why such individuals were allowed to remain in the congregation. Kalunga okwe tu pa eemhango odo hadi tu etele ouwa molwaashi oku tu hole. Ovakriste vamwe otashi dulika va kale va limbililwa kutya omolwashike oohandimwe va li va pitikwa va kale meongalo. Explaining their decision to withhold payment of their taxes, residents of one Middle Eastern town stated: "We will not finance the bullets that kill our children. " Lwanima eshi Satana a ka ekelwa kombada yedu, osha ka kala tashi hepekwa. Ova ti: "Fye ihatu dipaa ounona vavo ngeenge hatu futu oifendela yavo. " By showing love and respect for her husband, an exemplary wife contributes much to the marital partnership and to the well - being of the entire family. Jehova okwa halelela okuxupifa keshe oo ta fimaneke edina laye. - Ovaroma 10: 13. Ngeenge omukulukadi oku hole omushamane waye noha fimaneke omushamane waye, oha xumifa komesho ekwatafano liwa mohombo nosho yo momaukwaneumbo aeshe. (a) How do servants of Jehovah need to treat others? Opo nee, oukwaneumbo wonhumba owa li we uya okukala poushiinda shavo. (a) Ongahelipi ovapiya vaJehova va pumbwa okuungaunga navamwe? These enemies included the scribes and Pharisees, who were very educated and smart. Jesus okwa ti: "Omufarisai okwa kala ofika e likalela ndele okwa ilikana ngaha: Kalunga, ohandi ku pandula, osheshi ame inandi fa ovanhu vamwe, ovakolokoshi, eembudi novanyoni vohombo ile ongaashi omufendelifi ou, eendya ohandi di lidilike luvali moshivike keshe ndele handi yandje oitimulongo moilikolwa yange aishe. Ovatondi ovo ova li va kwatela mo ovanongo vomishangwa nOvafarisai ovo va li va hongwa nova li ve na owino muhapu. Then she spoke to the king's messengers, saying: "Yes, the men did come to me, and I did not know from where they were. Oyo oyo onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okuhenuka okulidimbika omahongo neitavelo letu. Opo nee okwa li a popya nongudu yetangakwaita lohamba oyo a ti: "Heeno, ovalumenhu ovo va li ve uya kwaame inava shiiva nge, nokanda li ndi shii apa ve li. God gives us laws because he loves us. They benefit us. Jehova iha wanifa po ashike omaudaneko aye molwaashi e hole ovapiya vaye, ndele ohe shi ningi unene tuu opo aha shekife edina laye. Kalunga okwe tu pa eemhango molwaashi oku tu hole. Later, when Satan was thrown down to earth, they were persecuted. Ashike okupanga oukaume naJehova inashi hala okutya ohatu ka kala alushe tu na ekwatafano liwa naye. Lwanima eshi Satana a li a umbilwa kombada yedu, ova li va hepekwa. Jehovah is willing to save everyone who shows proper respect for his name. - Romans 10: 13. Ndele eshi ohole yoye yokuhola Kalunga ya enda tai kulu, owe lihonga okudjala monghedi oyo tai mu fimanekifa. (1 Tim. 2: 9, 10; 1 Pet. Jehova okwa halelela okuxupifa keshe oo ta ulike kutya okwa fimaneka edina laye. - Ovaroma 10: 13. At times, she felt so bad that she had to see a doctor. Then, a family moved into her neighborhood. Diladila nee ngeno wa lombwelwa kutya xo noukwaneumbo weni aushe ove ku ekelashi. Omafimbo amwe, okwa li ha kala e udite nai neenghono nokwa li ha mono ndokotola oo ta tembukile keumbo laye. He said: "The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, " O God, I thank you I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. Ovo va li va xupifwa, ngaashi Baruk (hamushanga waJeremia), Ebed - Melek Omuetiopia nosho yo Ovarekabi, kava li ve na edidiliko lolela meembaba doipala yavo. Okwa ti: "Ove owa li wa fikama ndele to ilikana kuKalunga mwene, osheshi ame inandi fa ovanhu vamwe, ovakolokoshi, eembudi, ile ongaashi omufendelifi ou. This is one way that we could avoid compromising our beliefs and faith. Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu, tala etukulwa 3 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike?, la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova Oyo onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okuhenuka okweefa eitavelo letu nosho yo eitavelo letu. Jehovah fulfills his promises, not just out of love for his servants but especially for the sake of his own name. Osho ovakonakoni va mona: Embo ledina Handbook of Child Psychology lomo 2006 ola ti: "Ovadalakadi ohava longifa oupokati wefimbo leepersenda 65 fiyo 80 okupopya nokukundafana nounona vavo shi dulife ootate, neepersenda da tya ngaho oda faafana moilongo i lili noku lili. " Jehova oha wanifa po omaudaneko aye, ndele hasheshi ohole yovapiya vaye, unene tuu omolwedina laye. Becoming Jehovah's friends, however, is not an assurance that we will remain in such a relationship with him. Omadina oo hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. Ashike okukala twa hokiwa kuJehova kashi fi eshilipaleko kutya ohatu ka twikila okukala tu na ekwatafano naye. As your love for God grew, you learned to dress in a way that honors him. Jesus okwa li e na ko nasha novalongwa vaye, nomolwaasho a li e va londwela lwoikando ine meudifo laye lokomhunda shi na sha noshinima osho sha nyika oshiponga. - Mat. Eshi ohole yoye yokuhola Kalunga ya enda tai kulu, owe lihonga okudjala monghedi oyo tai mu fimanekifa. Imagine being told that your father has abandoned you as well as the rest of your family. Pashihopaenenwa, ovakokolindjila vane moGermany ova li va tokola va ka udife moshitukulwa sheengeshefa osho sha kala ihashi longwa. Diladila nee ngeno wa lombwela xe kutya okwe ku fiya po nosho yo oukwaneumbo weni. Those who were saved, such as Baruch (Jeremiah's secretary), Ebed - melech the Ethiopian, and the Rechabites, did not have an actual mark on their foreheads. Onde lihonga okutula ko oipeleki, omakende nomivelo. Ovo va li va xupifwa, ngaashi Baruk, omukulunhu Ebed - Ebed - Ebed - Ebed - Ebed - Ebed - Melek nosho yo ovo va li va xupifwa. For more information, see chapter 3 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Otu na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge opa ningwa omalunduluko onhumba e na sha neudeko lomishangwa, nomolwashike? Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu, tala etukulwa 3 lembo eli la nyanyangidwa kEendombwedi daJehova What researchers have discovered: In 2006 the Handbook of Child Psychology stated: "On average, mothers spend between 65% and 80% more time than fathers do in direct one - to - one interaction with their young children, and such ratios hold in many different lands. " Oshike she ve linyengifa va fiye po omaumbo avo? Ovakonakoni voinima ova mona kutya: Mo 2006, O - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures oya ti: "Nonande ovanhu ove li moilongo i lili noku lili, ohava longifa efimbo lihapu neenghono opo va kwatele komesho ounona vavo moilongo ihapu, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ove li moilongo i lili noku lili. " Name has been changed. Eemwenyo odi li monghuwo i nonghambe shili, detu vene nosho yo davakwetu. (Hes. Edina olo halo lomunhu oo lelalela. Jesus was so concerned for his disciples that he warned them about this dangerous tendency four more times in his sermon. - Matt. 15: 4) Nopehe nomalimbililo, ohatu ulike kutya otu hole ovanhu vakwetu moku va udifila oshili yOmbibeli. Jesus okwa li te lipula unene novahongwa vaye kutya okwe va londwela shi na sha neamo lokulonga owii moinima ine oyo ya nyika oshiponga monghalamwenyo yaye. - Mat. For example, four pioneers in Germany decided to work business territory that had been neglected. (Genesis 1: 26) Onghee hano, osha yeleka molwaashi ovanhu ovo aveke hava dulu okuhopaenena Kalunga mokukala hava nduluka po oinima yonhumba, ngaashi omusika, omafano nosho yo oinima yopauteknologi. Pashihopaenenwa, ovakokolindjila vane ovo va li moNdowishi ova li va tokola oku ka longa keenhele oko ku na omhumbwe inene yovaudifi. I learned to install roofs, windows, and doors. Ongahelipi Noa a li a yandja elitulemo kwaasho ta dulu okuninga? Onda li nde lihonga okukala handi landifa oinima i li pombada, handi nangala nosho yo ofimbo nda li handi nangala. How should we respond when there is increased light on certain scriptures, and why? " Jesus Kristus okwe liyandja ponhele yetu, ye e liyelifile oshiwana shaye mwene, osho hashi diinine shili oilonga iwa. ' - TIT. Otu na okulinyenga ngahelipi ngeenge ope na ouyelele muhapu u na sha neudeko lonhumba, nomolwashike? What caused them to leave their homeland? 12: 4 - 6, 11) Hano osha yela kutya Kalunga oha longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki meenghedi da yoolokafana noha longifa ovapiya ve lili noku lili opo a wanife po elalakano laye. Oshike sha li she va ningifa va fiye po oshilongo shavo? Indeed, lives are at stake - both our own and that of our neighbors. Ndele onda kala oule womido hamano nda nyika oluhodi. Oshoshili kutya eemwenyo detu odi li monghuwo i na omwenyo nosho yo ovanhu vakwetu. Unquestionably, we are being neighborly when we share Bible truth with others in our preaching activity. Eshi Paulus a li ta popi nongudu yovanhu muAtena shonale, okwa ti kutya Kalunga ota ka " tokola ounyuni, te u tokolifa ouyuki komulumenhu tuu oo, Ye mwene e mu hoolola nokwe mu didilikila aveshe eshi e mu nyumuna koufi. ' (Oil. Nopehe na omalimbililo, ohatu ka kala tu tonde ovanhu vakwetu ngeenge hatu udifile vamwe oshili yOmbibeli. Fittingly, only humans on earth are capable of reflecting God's creative drive, at times producing impressive works of music, art, and technology. Jehova okwa li a pa Kain omayele, ndele omolwounhwa Kain ka li a pwilikina. Osha yela kutya ovanhu ovo aveke tava dulu okuulika kutya oinima oyo Kalunga a shita meshito, omafimbo amwe ohai xumifa komesho oilonga yombelela, omusika nosho yo oinima yopauteknologi. How did Noah focus on what he could do? osho e shii kutya John ota ka kala e shi hokwa, ngaashi oyo i na sha nounongononi nosho yo eshito, ohe shi mu ulikile ta ti: "Onde lineekela oto ka kala wa hala okulesha oshitukulwa eshi. " Ongahelipi Noa a li a yandja elitulemo kwaasho ta dulu okuninga? Yes, holy spirit can operate in different ways on different servants of God for a purpose. 1500 Omhepo iyapuki otai dulu okuwilika ovapiya vaKalunga meenghedi da yoolokafana. Six years later the pain in my heart is still there. Mbela alushe osho ho kala u udite ngaho? Konima yomido hamano, onda ka nyika oluhodi neenghono. Addressing a group of men and women in ancient Athens, Paul said: "[God] purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting him from the dead. " Natu ka kundafaneni shi na sha nanghee hatu dulu okulongifa nawa ointaneta oyo hai longifwa okutandavelifa omauyelele mounyuni aushe. Pomhito imwe eshi Paulus a li ta popi kombinga yovalumenhu novakainhu vopefimbo lonale, okwa ti: " Kalunga ota tokola ounyuni aushe ou a nangeka po ovanhu aveshe, nokwe va nangeka po va ka nyumune ovanhu aveshe. ' (Oil. Jehovah himself counseled Cain, but Cain was too proud to listen. Ou na ngoo olupandu lefyuululo letu lopamhepo? Jehova okwa li a pa Kain omayele, ashike Kain naye okwa li e udite etumba eshi a pwilikina. on a subject that she knew John would find interesting, such as on science and nature, she pointed these out to him, saying, "I think you will enjoy reading this. " Omaupyakadi ngaashi okufila oshisho omaukwaneumbo, okuhenoukolele, etekomukumo omolwomanyono ile oinima imwe vali otai dulu okupolimanifa omunhu. Okwa popya shi na sha naasho Johannes a li e shii nawa, ngaashi ounongononi nosho yo oinima oyo, a popya shi na sha naye mwene, a ti: "Ohandi ka hafela okulesha kombinga yaasho. " 1500 118: 6, 7. 15 034 May I ask, Have you always felt that way? 1 Petrus 3: 8 Onda li handi lipula kutya, Mbela oho kala alushe u udite ngaho? Let us consider how we can use this global tool to our benefit. Molwaashi Jesus okwa ti kutya exulilo otali "uya efimbo tuu olo [inatu] mu teelela, " paife halo efimbo lokukofa pamhepo ile lokutaataa oinima yomounyuni oyo tai xumifwa komesho kuSatana ile oyo ombelela yetu ya hala. (Mat. Natu ka kundafaneni nghee hatu dulu okulongifa oshilongifo osho mounyuni aushe opo tu mone ouwa. Leaning on Jehovah Rewarding (M. Allen), 10 / 15 Jehova ota dulu okulongifa nokuli novanhu ovo tava monika va fa itava dulu sha ile vehe na ekwafo lasha opo a xupife ovapiya vaye meenghalo didjuu. Ovanyasha, kondjifeni omafininiko oomakula, 5 / 15 Problems in providing for one's family, ill health, discouragement over one's failings, or other factors may contribute to feelings of downheartedness. Diva, Abraham okwa li e uya okutalelwa po kovalumenhu vatatu vehe va shii. Omaupyakadi amwe otashi dulika a kale a wililwa po pamaliudo, okuhe na oukolele, okuhe na oukolele, etekomukumo ile oinima imwe vali oyo tai dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale tu udite twa wililwa po pamaliudo. 118: 6, 7. Ovakulunhuongalo itava dulu oku ku ningila ko omatokolo, ashike otava dulu oku ku kwafela u ninge omatokolo oo tae ku etele ehafo monghalamwenyo. - 2 Kor. 118: 6, 7. 1 Peter 3: 8 5 / 15 1 Petrus 3: 8 Since Jesus said that the end will come "at an hour that [we] do not think to be it, " this is no time to doze off spiritually, no time to pursue the illusions and fantasies that Satan and his world offer and that our flesh craves. Molwaashi oitaimbelewa oya tulwa mumwe, Ovabetel vamwe ova tuminwa momapya va ka kokole ondjila. Molwaashi Jesus okwa ti kutya exulilo otali ke uya "efimbo tuu olo itali xulu po, " inashi hala okutya efimbo olo itatu dulu okukala tuhe na oupamhepo muwa, efimbo olo itali dulu oku tu pukifa pamhepo nosho yo oinima oyo Satana ha longifa opo e tu pukife. (Mat. He can deliver his people from any predicament, even doing so by using those who appear weak or helpless. " Oshilonga sheni oshi nondjabi ' (Asa), 8 / 15 Ota dulu okuxupifa oshiwana shaye monghalo idjuu, nokuli nonande oha longifa ovo va nghundipala ile vehe na ekwafo lasha. Not long afterward three men, strangers, came to Abraham's tent. Ndele otashi dulika va kale ashike va pumbwa umwe e va kwafele opo va ninge osho sha yuka. Diva konima yaasho, ovalumenhu vatatu, ova li ve uya mo moshilando shaAbraham. The elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you make choices that will lead to happiness in the long run. - 2 Cor. Oku tonde yo ovanhu "ovadipai novanekonda. " Ovakulunhuongalo itava dulu okuninga omatokolo kwoove, ndele otava dulu oku ku kwafela u ninge omatokolo oo tae ke ku etela ehafo fiyo alushe. - 2 Kor. 10 / 15 8: 6, 7) Ndele mbela otashi ka kala ngoo pandunge komupiya waJehova okweendelafana nomunhu oo ehe hole shili? 10 / 1 Because of branch mergers, some Bethelites are reassigned to serve in the pioneer work. Osha enda ngahelipi opo omashangelo a tya ngaho a xupe monghedi omo a li haa tuvikilwa, momapataneko nomokushangululwa kwao? Omolw oshitaimbelewa osho sha longwa koitaimbelewa imwe, Ovabetel vamwe ova tuminwa va ka longe ve li ovakokolindjila. Acted Wisely, Bravely, Selflessly (Esther), 1 / 1 Ame naMairambubu otwa li hatu kala twe lipyakidila nokupameka oukwaneumbo wetu pamhepo. Eenghatu da kwata moiti odo tadi dulu oku va kwafela va kale ve na oupamhepo muwa, 1 / 15 They may just need to be pointed in the right direction. Jesus naye okwa li a mona kutya oshidjuu okuudifila " moshilando shambulavo, ' nouyelele oo owa shangwa mOmavangeli aeshe ane. - Mat. Otashi dulika va pumbwa ashike okuyandja omalombwelo a yuka. He also hates "violent and deceptive people. " Ovatumwa Ovakriste vavali, omuyapostoli Paulus nomweendi pamwe naye, Barnabas, okwa li va fika muIkonio, odoolopa ya kula oyo ya li popepi naListra. Oku tonde yo " ounyuni ' nosho yo ovanhu ovo have liti Ovakriste. When weighing wedlock, why should a servant of Jehovah settle for anything less? Kala omudiinini kohombo Omolwashike omupiya waJehova e na okukandula po oshinima shonhumba ngeenge tashi uya pokuninga omatokolo? How did those manuscripts survive decay, opposition, and attempts to tamper with the text? Ombiibeli oye shi yelifa nawa. Ongahelipi omashangelo oo a li taa ka xula po, omapataneko nokukendabala okutula moilonga omushangwa oo? Mairambubu and I were also kept busy raising our growing family. Edina laKalunga ola dja koshitya shOshiheberi osho tashi ti, "okuningifa. " Mairambubu nomukulukadi waye navo ova kala ve lipyakidila tava tekula oukwaneumbo wetu. Even Jesus recognized that preaching in his "home territory " was a challenge - a fact recorded by all four Gospel writers. - Matt. 11: 6; 1 Joh. 5: 3. Nokuli naJesus okwa li a didilika kutya ngeenge okwa kala ta udifa " moshitukulwa shaye ' oshi li eshongo kovashangi vOmavangeli aveshe vane. - Mat. Two Christian missionaries, the apostle Paul and his traveling companion, Barnabas, arrived from Iconium, a larger city nearby. 1: 9, 10. ovatumwa vavali, omuyapostoli Paulus novaendi pamwe naye pamwe naye, ova li va fika modoolopa ya kula i li popepi noshilando shinene. Cultivate Loyalty Oshike tashi tu kwafele tu kale ovanalukeno ngaashi Jehova? Natu kale ovadiinini The Bible's answer is clear. Ye okwa nyumuka, ke mo omu. Ombibeli otai yandje enyamukulo la yela. God's name is a form of a Hebrew verb meaning "to become. " Osho hashi etele omunhu ehafo lashili Edina laKalunga oshityalonga shOshiheberi osho sha tolokwa "omhango " otashi ti" okuninga. " 11: 6; 1 John 5: 3. Paife oukwaneumbo wetu aushe ou li moilonga yefimbo li yadi. 11: 6; 1 Joh. 5: 3. 1: 9, 10. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya pefimbo opo, omushamane waMaria, Josef, okwa hangwa a fya nale. 1: 9, 10. What can help us to be kind like Jehovah? Marie - Thérèse Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale tu na olukeno ngaashi Jehova? He was raised up, he is not here. Paulus okwa li ashike ha dulu okutofa meendjovo ta longifa omautumbulilo aa: "Ngaashi pa shangwa " ile" ngaashi Jesaja okwa xunganeka a tya. " Okwa kulila po, ndele hasho a li a ninga. Source of True Happiness Osha fimanenena kufye okushiiva enyamukulo kepulo olo, nohatu ka kundafana shihapu shi na sha naasho moshitukulwa eshi. Odjo yashili ohai etele omunhu ehafo All in the family now serve Jehovah in the full - time ministry. 1: 21) Oufembanghenda oo owa li wa pewa tete Ovajuda ovadiinini, nolwanima, ovanhu vomoiwana imwe. (Ef. Oukwaneumbo aushe kunena otau longele Jehova moilonga yefimbo li yadi. It seems likely that Mary's husband, Joseph, had already died. (Job 26: 14) Omido omafele onhumba konima yaasho, ohamba Salomo oya li ya konakona eshito laJehova noukeka, ndele tai ti: "[Kalunga] okwa ninga ashishe shiwa pefimbo lasho, nokwa tula momutima wavo oukwaalushe, ndelenee omunhu ita koneke oshilonga osho Kalunga ta ningi kehovelo fiyo kexulilo. " - Omuud. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya omushamane Maria, Josef, okwa fya nale. Marie - Thérèse Ashike okwa fya fimbo nda li ndi na eedula heyali. Marie - Marie Paul could only identify his quotations with such words as "just as it is written " or" just as Isaiah foretold. " Oshidjemo, moule womido 15 da ka lupuka, otwa tunga Omalupale Ouhamba mawa e dulife po 28,000 mounyuni aushe, ile tu tye, efiku keshe otwa tunga Omalupale Ouhamba atano lwaapo. Paulus okwa li ashike ta dulu okudidilika mo eendjovo daye eshi a ti kutya " ota ka hanauna po ' ile " ngaashi Jesaja a xunganeka. ' Clearly, the answer to that question is of great importance to us, and we will consider it further. Oto dulu okulesha etukulwa lonhumba membo lOilonga yovayapostoli opo li ku kwafele u kale u na ouladi eshi to i moukalele. Osha yela kutya enyamukulo lepulo olo ola fimanenena kufye, nohatu ke li kundafana moule. Faithful Jews and then Gentiles were included. Oshitukulwa oshititatu otashi kundafana kombinga yomalalakano taa ti sha oo ovanyasha tava dulu okulitulila po. Ovajuda nosho yo ovanhu vomoiwana imwe ova li va kwatelwa mo. Centuries later, King Solomon, an astute observer of Jehovah's creation, declared: "Everything [God] has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish. " - Eccl. " Oshikelelifo sheitavelo " oshi li yo shimwe shomoilwifo yopamhepo, osho hatu dulu "okudima po nasho oikuti yomunawii ya xwama omundilo. " Konima yomido omafele, ohamba Salomo oya ka popya shi na sha neshito laJehova ya ti: "Kalunga okwa ninga ashishe shiwa pefimbo lasho, nokwa tula momutima wavo oukwaalushe. " - Omuud. But he died when I was seven years old. Osha fa shili ngaha kutya, Silas naye okwa li yo omukwashiwana waRoma. - Oil. 16: 37. Ashike okwa fya eshi nda li ndi na omido heyali. As a result, during the last 15 years, we have built more than 28,000 beautiful Kingdom Halls worldwide, or about 5 Kingdom Halls every day. (Epsalme 25: 14) Ovana voye otava ka mona kutya ou va hole nowe va fimaneka, notashi ka kala shipu kuvo oku ku lombwela keshe shimwe. Oshidjemo, momukokomoko womido 15 da pita, otwa tunga Omalupale Ouhamba e dulife po 28 000, Omalupale Ouhamba ile 5 efiku keshe. Perhaps you can read a chapter from the book of Acts to help you become more zealous for the ministry. Shikwao vali, okuhadula okupopya elaka limwe nawa otaku dulu oku tu lolokifa pamaliudo nokukuma oupamhepo wetu. Otashi dulika to lesha etukulwa lOilonga membo lOilonga etukulwa opo u ninge shihapu moukalele. Among the parts of our spiritual armor is "the large shield of faith. " It enables us to "quench all the wicked one's burning missiles. " 4: 7, 8) Osho kashi li tuu enangekonoupuna likumwifi! Oitukulwa imwe yoilwifo yopamhepo oyo " eitavelo la pama ' otai dulu oku tu kwafela tu " kale twa pama notwa xwama omundilo. ' Apparently, Silas too was a Roman citizen. - Acts 16: 37. Otwa tembukila oku tu kwafele, ndele otu wete kutya otwa kwafelwa koshimoniwa osho shihafifa. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya naSilas ova li ovakwashiwana vaRoma. - Oil. 16: 37. Your children will see that you love them and respect them, and it will be easier for them to talk to you about anything. Oohandimwe va tya ngaho ova li va tokola vakwao shihe li pauyuki moinima oyo keshe omunhu e na okuninga ehoololo kuye mwene. Ovana voye otava ka mona kutya ou va hole nowe va fimaneka, notashi ka kala shipu kuvo okupopya naave keshe shimwe. Moreover, the inability to communicate well in another language can be mentally and spiritually draining. Ndele ope na yo vamwe ovo hava ongaonga okuninga omatokolo oo a fimana. Kakele kaasho, okukala hatu popi omalaka amwe ohaku dulu oku tu teya omukumo nosho yo pamaliudo. And what a blessing that will prove to be! Pashihopaenenwa, otashi dulika tu kale tu udite kutya inatu wana okupewa oshinakuwanifwa shonhumba shopamishangwa ile oufembanghenda wonhumba. Osho kashi fi tuu enangeko noupuna linene! We came here to help, but we feel that we have been helped by this exciting experience. Kashi na naanaa oku ku tilifa. Otwa li twa mona ekwafo, ashike otwa li tu udite kutya otwa kwafelwa koimoniwa inene. Such individuals were improperly judging others on purely personal matters. 20: 1 - 3. Ovanhu va tya ngaho kava li hava tokola vamwe she likolelela koinima ii yopaumwene. However, there are those who dread having to make decisions beyond the routine things in life. 6 Ashike ope na ovo va tila okuninga omatokolo ehe li pandunge monghalamwenyo. Perhaps we feel unable to care for a certain Scriptural responsibility or privilege of service. " Pwilikina, Israel, Omwene Kalunga ketu, oye Omwene aeke. " - DEUTERONOMION 6: 4. Otashi dulika tu kale tu udite kutya itatu dulu okuwanifa po oshinakuwanifwa shonhumba shopamishangwa ile oinakuwanifwa yetu. Likely not. " Efano lawinya washili ' - Etwali ola li tali faneke shike? Hasho nandenande. 20: 1 - 3. Osheshi keshe ou ta longo oinima oyo, oye oixuna koshipala shOmwene. " 20: 1 - 3. 6 Ndele mbela oshike vali a li a divilika? 6 " Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " - DEUTERONOMY 6: 4. Ngeenge ova kala hava dulika komayele Ombibeli, otava ka kala hava kandula po omaupyakadi mahapu, have lididimikile oo tae va nyenge okukandula po nokukala hava hafele pamwe. - 1 Kor. " Pwilikina, Omwene Kalunga ketu, Oye Omwene wetu. " - DEUTOB 6: 4. " A Copy of the Reality " - What the Tabernacle Pictured OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA | NGHEE TO DULU OKUMONA OUWA MUHAPU NGEENGE TO LESHA OMBIIBELI " Omu nokuhangika mwa tya ngahelipi "! For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah. " 19: 3) Jehova Kalunga okutonde eteyohombo la tya ngaho. - Lesha Malakia 2: 13 - 16. Osheshi keshe tuu ou ta longo owii, oye oixuna koshipala shaJehova. " But what else did he stress? Omhango yemanguluko ihai tu amene ashike ndele ohai tu pitike yo tu wanife po omahalo etu aeshe oo a yuka nopehe na okuliyahameka ile okunyona po oufemba wavamwe nokuya moshipala emanguluko lavo. Ndele mbela oshike vali a li a wililwa po? By applying Bible counsel, they will solve many problems, endure those that remain, and stay happy together. - 1 Cor. (Luk. 11: 13) Molwaashi omadiladilo aa e li mOmbibeli oaKalunga, omadiladilo oye nao otaa ka kala metwokumwe nomadiladilo aKalunga eshi to dilonga kwaasho wa lesha. Ngeenge ova tula moilonga omayele Ombiibeli, otava ka kandula po omaupyakadi mahapu, ovo tava twikile okukala va hafa nova hafa. - 1 Kor. COVER SUBJECT | HOW TO GET MORE FROM READING THE BIBLE Boring? Omolwashike sha fimana kufye okukonakona Eendjovo daKalunga? OSHIPALANYOLE SHOKOMBADA NGHEE TO DULU OKUMONA OUWA MUHAPU NGEENGE TO LESHA OMBIIBELI? Jehovah God hated such divorcing. - Read Malachi 2: 13 - 16. Nonande Kalunga oku shii filufilu owii womapangelo oo a totwa kovanhu, okwa efa a kale po efimbo lonhumba nokwa popya kutya otu na okufuta oifendela omolwokufimaneka elongekido laye, sha hala okutya, eshi a efa omapangelo oo a pangele ovanhu. Jehova Kalunga okwa tonde eteyohombo la tya ngaho. - Lesha Malakia 2: 13 - 16. In addition to being a protection, the law of freedom allows us to satisfy all our proper desires without harming ourselves or encroaching on the rights and freedoms of others. Ndele opo u ninge ngaho, owa pumbwa okukonakona nokutula moilonga Eendjovo daye, okulivela ombedi komanyono oye nokulialuluka nosho yo oku mu liyandjela nokuninginifwa medina laXe nolOmona nolomhepo iyapuki. (Mat. 28: 19, 20; Oil. Kakele kenwefemo lii, omhango yemanguluko ohai tu kwafele tu wanife po omahalo etu aeshe nopehe na oku tu ningifa tu nyone po emanguluko letu ile tu efe po oufemba wavamwe. The Bible contains God's thoughts, so as you meditate on what it says, you can make God's thinking your thinking. Mbela Richard paife oku udite ngahelipi? Ombibeli oi na omadiladilo aKalunga ngaashi okudilonga kwaasho tai ti, oto dulu okulundulula omadiladilo oye. Why is the study of God's Word important for us? Oshike hatu lihongo momahokololo oo? Omolwashike okukonakona Eendjovo daKalunga kwa fimana kufye? Although God is fully aware of the defects of these man - made authorities, he tolerates their existence for a time and mandates that we pay taxes out of respect for his arrangement, that is, his permitting such governments to rule mankind. Efimbo keshe hatu udifa etumwalaka lOuhamba waKalunga, ohatu tandaveleke eembuto odo da kuninwe nale momitima detu. (Luk. Nonande Kalunga oku shii filufilu omanyono a tya ngaho, okwe tu pa omhito opo tu dule okufuta oifendela nokukala twa fimaneka elongekido laye li na sha novanhu va tya ngaho. Steps to that end include studying and applying his Word, repenting and turning around, dedicating your life to God, and being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and holy spirit. Otashi dulika omunhu a tya ngaho a pumbwa okudeula natango eliudo laye, ile pamwe eliudo laye li na unene ouxwenge. Exunganeko olo ola kwatela mo okukonakona nokutula moilonga Eendjovo daye, okuliyapulila Kalunga noku mu liyapulila nokuninginifwa medina laXe nolOmona nolomhepo iyapuki. How does Richard feel now? Eshi nda li ndi na omido 20 nasha, ohandi dimbuluka handi pula meme ngeenge oku shii opo hapa di dimwe domEendombwedi. Richard okwa li e udite ngahelipi paife? How can we draw lessons from such accounts? Oshike hatu lihongo mefaneko olo? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okulihonga moilihongomwa ya tya ngaho? Each time we in one way or another proclaim the Kingdom message, we duplicate and scatter, so to speak, the seed that was planted in our heart. Jehova omudiinini shili noha wanifa po omaudaneko aye aeshe, tashi dulika nokuli e shi ninge meenghedi odo tadi tu kumwifa ile tu yole twa limbililwa. Efimbo keshe hatu udifile vamwe etumwalaka lOuhamba ile hatu udifa etumwalaka lOuhamba, ohatu ningi eenghundafana, naasho ohashi kumu omitima detu. Perhaps he needs to train his conscience more, or maybe it is too sensitive. 24: 37; 2 Pet. 2: 5) Ndele ova li ashike ve litula " mokulya nokunwa, tava hombola notava hombolifa, ndele vo inave shi shiiva, fiyo eyelu le uya nole va hanauna po aveshe. ' Otashi dulika a pumbwa okudeula eliudo laye shihapu, notashi dulika shi kale shipu. When I was in my early 20 ' s, I remember asking my mother if she knew where any of them were. Ndelenee Jesus ina tya kutya ku na okuninga eenghendabala dasha opo u pondole. Eshi nda li ndi na omido 20 nasha, ohandi dimbuluka meme oo a li e shii ngeenge okwa li peni. What is the lesson for us? Ndele lipula kutya: Mbela omolwashike handi lesha oshifo eshi? Osho otashi tu hongo shike? Jehovah truly is faithful and carries out his every promise - at times, he might even do so in ways that surprise us into amazed or incredulous laughter! Ongahelipi Jesus a li a ulika kutya oku li kaume kashili kovahongwa vaye? Jehova omudiinini noha humbata eudaneko laye alushe, nopefimbo opo tuu opo ota dulu oku tu dimbulukifa eendjila daye odo tadi tu kumwifa. But they were "eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage,... and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. " Shitiwa, oku li po ngahelipi paife? Ashike ova li "va ' nova li hava nu sha pitilila, novakainhu ova li va pewa ohombo, nokava li ve i mona fiyo osheshi ya hanaunwa po. Note, though, that Jesus was not condemning all such effort. Onda li ashike handi pungauka nda fa okaana take lihongo okweenda. Ndele didilika kutya Jesus ka li a tokola ovanhu aveshe ovo tava ningi eenghendabala da tya ngaho. Consider: Why are you reading this journal? Oshidjemo, omafimbo amwe otwa li hatu kala tu wete twe likalela, nohatu dimbwa noupu efimano loilonga yaJehova. Diladila kwaashi: Omolwashike to lesha oshifo eshi? How did Jesus show himself to be a real friend to his disciples? Omapataneko e na sha nokuudifa (Tala okatendo 6 - 9) Ongahelipi Jesus a li a ulika kutya oku li kaume kashili kovahongwa vaye? By the way, how has your mother been doing? Okumona oixuna otaku ka xula po naini? Monghedi ya tya ngaho, ongahelipi meme a kala ha ningi ngaho? I really wobbled more than I walked! (Lukas 4: 5, 6) Onghee hano, natu lungame tuha diladilife ovanhu kutya omupangeli wonhumba ota pangelwa kuSatana. Onda kala handi ende nawa neenghono shi dulife nale. As a result, we sometimes feel isolated, and we easily forget the scope of Jehovah's work. Okulifa oufita " nehalo liwa ' otashi ti shike? Oshidjemo, omafimbo amwe ohatu kala tu udite twa amenwa, nohatu dimbwa oilonga yaJehova. Opposition to our preaching (See paragraphs 6 - 9) Oinima i na omwenyo oyo hai wilikwa keevili dopaushitwe otai holola shike kombinga younongo waKalunga? Ohatu twikile okuudifa (Tala okatendo 6 - 9) When will suffering end? Onda li handi tukana, ndi hole olwoodi, okushila omakaya nokunwa sha pitilila. Mbela okumona oixuna otaku ka xula po naini? So we should never give anyone the idea that a certain government official is controlled by the Devil. Vahapu ova li va dja koilongo yokokule ve uya okudana oshivilo shaPentekoste, ashike konima eshi va ninga ovahongwa vaJesus, ova li va hala okukala po oule wefimbo opo ve lihonge shihapu kombinga yeitavelo lavo lipe. Onghee hano, inatu pa nande omunhu ediladilo olo kutya epangelo lonhumba oli li mepangelo laSatana. " Blessed Be Your Good Sense! " Okufimaneka vamwe " nangeka noupuna etokolo loye li fike peni? " What does it mean to shepherd the flock "eagerly "? Hafeni nye mu nyakukwe pombada, osheshi ondjabi yeni oinene meulu; osho ngaha va li va taataa ovaxunganeki, ve mu tetekela. " - Mat. Okulifa oufita " otashi ti shike? ' How does timing in the biological realm show God's wisdom? Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa eshi? Ongahelipi efimbo li na sha neshito la shitwa tali ulike ounongo waKalunga? I used bad language, and I fought, smoked, and drank heavily. Owa ninga ngoo Jehova oshitukulwafyuululo shoye? Onda li handi longifa omalaka mai nonda li nda lwa, handi nu sha pitilila nonda li handi nu neenghono. Many have come from distant lands to celebrate the Festival of Pentecost, and after becoming disciples of Jesus, they want to stay longer to learn more about their new faith. Okudja mo 1931, edina olo "ovatandavelifi voileshomwa " ola li la lundululwa la ninga" ovakokolindjila. " Vahapu ova dja koilongo i lili noku lili, nokonima eshi va ninga ovahongwa vaJesus, ova hala okulihonga shihapu kombinga yeitavelo lavo lipe. Respect and Honor Oshe tu kwafela yo tu lihonge okukala hatu pandulafana nokupaafana ombili ngeenge sha pumbiwa. " Fimaneka ohombo Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " - Matt. (a) Omukriste otashi dulika a ulike oikala ilipi ngeenge okwa pukululwa ile a pewa outekuduliko? Kaleni mwa hafa, osheshi ondjabi yeni oinene meulu; osheshi osho ngaha va li va taata ovaprofeti. " - Mat. What will we now consider? Josua okwa li ashike a hala okushiiva kutya ye novakwaita vaye ova taalela shike. Oshike hatu ka kundafana paife? Are You Letting Jehovah Be Your Share? " Okanya kaye te ka makulile eendjovo dounongo, nomhango youwanghenda i li kelaka laye. ' - OMAYEL. 31: 26, yelekanifa no - NW. Owa ninga ngoo Jehova oshitukulwafyuululo shoye? After 1931, the term "colporteur " was replaced by" pioneer. " Jehova okwa lombwela ovaengeli vaye va unganeke ehanauno lovakolokoshi nokushilipaleka kutya ovayuki ova xupifwa. Konima yo 1931, oshitya "ouladi " osha li sha pingenwa po" omukokolindjila. " And it has helped us learn to say " thank you ' and " I'm sorry ' when appropriate. " Metwokumwe naasho Kayla a popya, oto ka ulika kutya oho popiwa naave noupu mokukala ho pwilikine nelididimiko kovana voye. Naasho oshe tu kwafela tu kale hatu popi hatu ti: " Ohandi ku pandula nohandi ku pe onghenda ' ngeenge tashi uya poinima oyo tai wapalele. " (a) What test may a Christian experience if he is corrected or disciplined? Embo lEvangeli laMateus ola li omushangwatonywa umwe we lifikamena. (a) Omukriste otashi dulika a shakeneke eshongo lilipi ngeenge okwa pukululwa ile a pewa outekuduliko? Joshua wanted to know just what he and his men would be facing. OVAKALIMO Josua okwa li a hala okushiiva osho a li ta ka ninga nosho yo ovapiya vaye ovo va li tava ka taalela. " Her mouth she has opened in wisdom, and the law of loving - kindness is upon her tongue. " - PROV. 31: 26. Movanhu aveshe va li ko nale, Jesus oye a li e na sha sha fimanenena okupopya. " Okanya kaye oka yeulula ounongo, nomhango youwanghenda oi li kelaka laye. " - OMAYEL. 31: 26. Jehovah told his angels to organize the destruction of the wicked and to make sure that the righteous ones would survive. 1: 8, 9; 5: 5, 6) Jesus oye a li ta ka kala ekanghameno lashili longudu youpristeri wopauhamba. Jehova okwa li a lombwela ovaengeli vaye va ka unganeke ovakolokoshi nova shilipaleke kutya ovayuki otava ka xupa. In line with what Kayla said, you can show that you are approachable by patiently listening to your children. " Ovelishe ei otai lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? " Metwokumwe naasho a ti, oto dulu okuulika kutya oho popiwa naave noupu mokukala ho pwilikine nelitulemo kovana voye. The Gospel of Matthew filled one whole scroll. Mateus 18: 15 okwa ti: "Omumwanyoko ngenge ta nyono kuove, inda u ke mu pukulule mu li po amuke vavali, ndele ngenge te ku udu, opo nee ove wa likola omumwanyoko. " Evangeli laMateus ola yadifa omushangwatonywa aushe. POPULATION Shikwao vali, elihumbato olo la li hali kumwifa ovanhu nale paife ola tambulwa ko, nokeenhele dimwe ola tambulwa ko nokuli paveta. OVAKALIMO Of all the people who ever lived, Jesus had the most important things to say. Omolwashike okulongifa epandja letu lokointaneta moukalele ku li onghedi hai pondola yokuudifa, noimoniwa ilipi wa mona eshi ho li longifa? Jesus okwa li ha popi novanhu aveshe ovo va li ko nale, na Jesus okwa li e na oinima ya fimanenena. He would be the foundation of a truly royal priesthood. (Job 14: 14, 15; Johannes 5: 28, 29) Oshike tashi ka ningwa po konima ngeenge exulilo ole uya? Okwa li ta ka ninga ekanghameno longudu youpristeri wopauhamba. " What does this tell me about Jehovah? " Ashike asher otashi dulu yo okuulika koidjemo ile koilanduliko, onghee otashi dulu okutolokwa noitya ngaashi, "opo, "" okudja opo " ile "opo nee. " " Osho otashi lombwele nge shike kombinga yaJehova? " Matthew 18: 15 states: "If your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. " 24: 14) Ovaudifi vOuhamba vamwe ovanamido ova kala tave lididimikile oule womido omahepeko ile omaudjuu amwe e lili. Mateus 18: 15 okwa ti: "Ngenge omumwatate wonhumba a nyona enyono laye, ino nyona po nande epuko laye ndele to pwilikine kuye. " And behavior that used to shock people has become so acceptable that it is now legal in some places. Oshike tashi dulu okunyona po ekwatafano letu liwa naJehova? Elihumbato la tya ngaho ola ningifa ovanhu va itavele kutya oli li paife moilongo imwe. Why is using our website in the ministry an effective preaching method, and what experiences have you had using it? (Joh. 4: 24) - Oshungonangelo ye 1 Auguste 2002, epandja 12. ▪ Ongudu inene ohai longele Jehova moshihale shilipi? Omolwashike okulongifa oishangomwa yetu konhele yetu yokointaneta taku pondola, noimoniwa ilipi wa li we i longifa? What will follow the end? Pefimbo loukalele waJesus kombada yedu, ovahongwa vaye navo ova li va ninginifa. (Joh. Oshike tashi ka landula ko? However, asher can also indicate result or consequence and can be translated "that, "" so that, " or "then. " Ombibeli oye tu kumaida ya ti: "Omunhu keshe na konakone oilonga yaye mwene nhumbi i li, opo a kale e nelitango molwaye mwene, hamolwomukwao. " (Gal. Ashike otau dulu yo oku tu kwafela tu mone oidjemo oyo tai dulu oku tu ningifa tu kale tu na " eendunge, ' naasho otashi dulu yo oku tu kwafela tu kale tu na " eendunge. ' Some of these elderly Kingdom proclaimers have endured years of persecution or other difficulties. Javier oo a tumbulwa metetekelo okwa ti kutya mokweendela ko kwefimbo, ye nomukulukadi waye ova li va pamekulula vali oukaume wavo nookaume vakulu. Vamwe ovo ve li ovaudifi vOuhamba ova kala tave lididimike oule womido ile omahepeko amwe vali. What can threaten our good standing with Jehovah? Oikala ii yaDavid oya li ya nwefa mo okupopya kwaye. Oshike tashi dulu okunyona po ekwatafano letu liwa naJehova? ▪ What does it mean to worship Jehovah "with spirit "? - July 15, 2002, page 15. Mbela oto diladila kutya Jesus okwa li e va nyamukula ngahelipi? - Okwa li e va lombwela kutya inashi wapala okupopya oshinima shii sha tya ngaho. ▪ Okukala hatu longele Jehova " momhepo ' otashi ti shike? - 15 Juli 2002, epandja 15. During the course of Jesus ' earthly ministry, his disciples also performed baptisms. Omido opo da piti, ovatoolinghundana vavali ova li va pula ovanhu va nyamukule okupitila kointaneta epulo kutya: "Jesus okwa li a tya ngahelipi? " Pefimbo loukalele waJesus wokombada yedu, ovahongwa vaye navo ova li va ninginifwa. The Bible counsels us: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. " Ashike Jesus okwa ti: "Eshi tashi nyenge ovanhu, itashi nyenge Kalunga. " Ombibeli oye tu kumaida tai ti: "Keshe tuu ou ta longo ehalo laye mwene, opo nee Ye mwene ote li kandula po oye aeke, ye ita tale omunhu. " Javier, quoted previously, says that as time passed, he and his wife rekindled old friendships. " But we also try to make new friends as a couple, " he adds, "and that helps us too. " Ope na omatomheno mahapu oo taa ulike kutya omolwashike Kalunga te tu lombwele tuha kufe ombinga mopolotika. Javier oo a tumbulwa metetekelo okwa ti kutya eshi a pita efimbo lile, ye nomukulukadi waye ohava fiye po ookaume vape, natango ohatu kendabala yo okuninga ookaume vape, naye okwa weda ko a ti: "Otwa pumbwa yo oku tu kwafela tu pange oukaume mupe. " David's bad attitude affected his speech. Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi ovanhu tava diladila kutya itava dulu okukala va wanenwa mounyuni ou tau xumifa komesho ohole yokuhola omaliko, okupondola moinima ihapu, ile okuhafela onghedi yokukalamwenyo oyo tai hafelwa kuvamwe. Oikala ii yaDavid oya li ya kuma okupopya kwaye. What do you think Jesus says? - He tells them that they are wrong to say such a bad thing! " Kape na ondjila ya ngolyoka ile ile unene " (Australia), Feb. Mbela oto diladila kutya Jesus okwa ti ngahelipi? - Okwa ti kutya ova puka okulombwela vamwe kombinga ii ya tya ngaho! A few years ago, two journalists invited people to respond online to the question "Who was Jesus? " Okwa li a mona ehekeleko eshi a lesha Epsalme 46; Sefanja 3: 17 naMarkus 10: 29, 30. Omido dinini da pita, ovanhu vavali ova li va shiva ovanhu ovo va li va pulwa va pwilikine kepulo olo kutya, "Olyelye a li a tuma Jesus? " But Jesus said: "The things impossible with men are possible with God. " Oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po ngeenge omukulunhuongalo umwe ota kondjifa oinima i ningwe monghedi oyo a hala ile ta kendabala okufininikila vakwao omadiladilo aye? Ashike Jesus okwa ti: "Kape na ou ta dulu okupopya naKalunga. " There are many reasons why God tells us to be neutral. 2: 11. Ope na omatomheno mahapu kutya omolwashike Kalunga e tu lombwela tu kufe ombinga mopolotika. No wonder that contentment - an inward feeling of satisfaction - seems elusive in a world that fosters a desire for more possessions, greater achievements, or the life enjoyed by others! Efano lange okwa li tali monika kombada yoileshomwa nokoifokundaneki. Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi ovanhu vahapu hava kala va wanenwa, ve udite va wanenwa nove na ehalo lokulikongela oinima yopamaliko ihapu ile va hafela onghalamwenyo youdjeko. Elias Hutter and His Hebrew Bibles, No. Ile okwa li ta ka konga Kalunga kashili, Jehova, oo a shita eulu nedu? Elias Hutter nosho yo Ombiibeli yOshiheberi shonale, No. He found great comfort in reading Psalm 46; Zephaniah 3: 17; and Mark 10: 29, 30. Omafimbo amwe, ohe tu kumwifa eshi ha ningi osho inashi teelelwa. Okwa li a hekelekwa neenghono eshi ta lesha Epsalme 46: 17; Sefanja 3: 17; Markus 10: 29, 30. What might happen if one elder insists on having his way or tries to promote his own ideas? Onghee hano, konga eemhito dokulesha nokulihonga oinima ipe ngaashi to dulu. Oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po ngeenge omukulunhuongalo okwe lipula shi na sha nanghee ta dulu okuxumifa komesho omadiladilo aye mwene? 2: 11. Pashihopaenenwa, omushangi wEvangeli Lukas okwa tumbula ovapangeli vaheyali, ovo omadina avo a popiwa kovanandjokonona vomounyuni, opo a ulike omudo omo Jesus a hovela oukalele waye. - Lukas 3: 1, 2, 23. 2: 11. I was crowned Miss Hong Kong. My picture was on the front page of magazines and newspapers. (Lesha Lukas 14: 12 - 14.) Onda li nde litula moHong Kong. Or would he search for the true God, Jehovah, who had made the heavens and the earth? Kunena, Oshungonangelo ohai nyanyangidwa momalaka e dulife po 200. Ile okwa li ta ka konga Kalunga kashili, Jehova, oo a shita eulu nedu? Sometimes he surprises us by doing the unexpected. Ngeenge otwa kala hatu dulika komayele oo e li mOmbiibeli, ohatu ka xumifa komesho oukoshoki, ombili noukumwe meongalo. Omafimbo amwe oha kala e tu kumwifa eshi hatu ningi ngaho. Thus, to the extent possible, be alert for opportunities to read and learn new things. 11: 8 - 10. Onghee hano, kala ho kongo eemhito u leshe nokukonakona oinima ipe. For example, Gospel writer Luke mentions seven ruling officials - whose names have been corroborated by secular historians - in order to establish the year Jesus began his ministry. - Luke 3: 1, 2, 23. Katu shii naanaa kutya eedolongo dOvaegpiti pefimbo opo oda li da tya ngahelipi. Pashihopaenenwa, omushangi wEvangeli Lukas okwa tumbula ovapangeli vaheyali ovo va tumbulwa mokatendo ka tetekela, ovo va li va hovela oukalele waye momudo oo Jesus a hovela oukalele waye. - Lukas 3: 1, 2, 23. (Read Luke 14: 12 - 14.) " OSHI LI omutengi mudjuu neenghono okukala u wete kutya kape na oo e na ko nasha naave ile e udite ko omaliudo oye. " (Lesha Lukas 14: 12 - 14.) Today, The Watchtower is printed in over 200 languages. Omunhu keshe, kutya nee omukulunhu ile omunyasha ota longo oulunde eshi ta yambidida epangelo mokufuta oifendela. " Kunena Oshungonangelo ohai nyanyangidwa momalaka 200 lwaapo. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. 15 Ovadali - tekuleni ovana veni okudja kouhanana Ngeenge otwa dulika komalombwelo oo e li mOmbibeli, ohatu xumifa komesho oukoshoki, ombili nosho yo oukumwe meongalo. 11: 8 - 10. [ Oshimhungu / Efano pepandja 21] 11: 8 - 10. We know little of what Egyptian prisons were like in those days. Natu ka konakoneni oihopaenenwa yopaMbibeli yaavo va mona eke laKalunga monghalamwenyo yavo nosho yo yaavo inave li mona. Pefimbo opo, katwa li tu shii kutya eenghwate oda li da tya ngahelipi pefimbo opo. " NO GREATER burden can be born [e] by an individual than to know no one cares or understands. " 13: 5; Deut. OMUMWAMEME umwe oo e shii kutya kape na oo e na ko nasha naye ile e udite ngahelipi. " Each man old or young takes part in the sin by contributing to the maintenance of the State by paying taxes. " Satana okwa li "e mu ulikila oilongo aishe yomounyuni mepakumo limwe alike ndee ta ti kuye: Epangelo laaishe eli nefimano lalo ohandi li ku pe. " (Luk. Omulumenhu keshe omunyasha ile omunyasha oha kufa ombinga mokukufa ombinga mokufuta oifendela. " 15 Parents - Train Your Children From Their Infancy Osho osho oshinakuwanifwa shetu tu li Eendombwedi daJehova. 15 Ovadali nounona, kwafeleni ovana veni va kale ve na ekwatafano liwa novanamati vavo [ Box / Picture on page 12] Michelle: Onda hala tu kundafane vali ediladilo limwe manga inandi ya. [ Oshimhungu / Efano pepandja 12] Let us learn from Bible examples of those who saw God's hand in their life and of those who did not see it. Maria naJosef kava li vali hava nangala moshiunda, ndele ponhele yaasho, ova li hava di meumbo. Natu ka taleni koihopaenenwa yopaMbiibeli yaavo va li va mona eke laKalunga monghalamwenyo yavo nosho yo ovo va li vehe i mona. 13: 5; Deut. Ashike Jehova oo e li omupashukili a wanenena, oha pe ovapiya vaye oinakuwanifwa nehalo liwa noha kala e ve lineekela. 13: 5; Deut. Satan "showed [Jesus] all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time; and the Devil said to him: " I will give you all this authority and the glory of them. ' " She likolelela kOvaroma 10: 1, 2, omatomheno elipi a li a kwafela Paulus aha fye ounye nonande ovo a li ta udifile kava li tava pwilikine? Satana okwa ti: "Ye [Jesus] [Jesus] okwa ninga omauhamba aeshe fiyo okominghulo dounyuni, ndele okwe mu lombwela ta ti: Ame ohandi ke mu pa eenghono adishe odo noku di pewa. " (Mat. That is our responsibility as Jehovah's Witnesses. Efiku lEtokolo otali ka etifa shike? Osho oshi li oshinakuwanifwa shetu tu li Eendombwedi daJehova. Michelle: Before I go, there's one other thought I would like to share with you. (Ef. 1: 22) Onghee hano, kape na nande osha tashi ningwa momaongalo Eendombwedi daJehova a konda po 100 000 ita dulu oku shi mona. Michelle: Fimbo inandi ya ko, onda li handi diladila kutya onda hala oku ku lombwela. Mary and Joseph were no longer spending nights in a stable; rather, they were by then living in a house. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya enyamukulo loye olilipi komapulo oo, natu ka kundafaneni omatomheno atatu a fimana kutya omolwashike twa tomhwa kutya Ohamba oyo ya nangekwa po mafiku otai ka katuka eenghatu da wedwa po odo tadi ka ningifa ehalo laKalunga li wanifwe kombada yedu. Maria naJosef kava li hava kala mo efimbo lile, ndele ponhele yaasho, ova li hava di meumbo. Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer, who delegates generously and trusts his servants. Oi li oshitukulwa sha fimana " shonghundana iwa yOuhamba. ' Ashike Jehova oku li omupashukili a wanenena, oo ha yandje nehalo liwa noha kala e lineekela ovapiya vaye nehalo liwa. According to Romans 10: 1, 2, for what reasons did Paul not give up on those who reacted negatively to the Kingdom message? Eshi twa ka shuna keumbo, otwa li twa kumwa neenghono eshi twa shivwa tu ka longe tu li ovatumwa. MOvaroma 10: 1, 2, Paulus ka li a sholola eshi a li ta udifa etumwalaka lOuhamba? Those who died without ever having come to know Jehovah God and serve him will have the opportunity to change and do good. Onghee hano, otwa pumbwa okulikonakona pauhandimwe, ndele hatu lipula hatu ti: " Moule weemwedi hamano da pita, mbela onda kulika ngoo omaukwatya opaKriste ile onda shuna konghedi yange ii yonale ngeenge tashi uya pokupopya ile pelihumbato? ' Ovo va fya inava shiiva Jehova Kalunga noku mu longela otava ka mona omhito yokuninga omalunduluko nosho yo okulonga ouwa. As such, nothing that occurs within the more than 100,000 individual congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses escapes his notice. Ongahelipi eitavelo nohole ya divilikwa mOmishangwa, noukwatya ulipi u dule mukwao, nomolwashike? Kakele kaasho, kape na osho tashi ka ningwa po shi dulife omaongalo Eendombwedi daJehova e dulife po 100 000. Whatever our response, let us review three important reasons why we can be confident that God's anointed King will soon take additional steps toward having the divine will done fully on earth. 17, 18. (a) Oiningwanima inai ningwa natango ilipi twa kundafana fiyo opapa? Kashi na nee mbudi kutya ohatu linyenge ngahelipi kuo, natu ka konakoneni omatomheno atatu a fimana kutya omolwashike hatu dulu okukala tu na elineekelo kutya mafiku Ohamba yaKalunga otai ka katuka onghatu ya wedwa po opo i wanifwe kombada yedu. In fact, it is a vital part of the "good news of the Kingdom. " Okwa li a hala okutya, kape na omhango tai dulu okungabeka oiimati yomhepo yaKalunga noku i imba i kule. Osha fimanenena okukala hatu udifa onghundana iwa yOuhamba. When we got back home, you can imagine how surprised we were to be invited to serve as missionaries. Osha li efimbo lokulombo eshi nda li handi ende mokandjila mwa mwena nawa nofimbo handi ende onda li nda hovela okupepelelwa, nokonima yefimbo onda li nde lialuluka ndele handi shuna keumbo. ' Eshi twa shuna keumbo, diladila kunghee twa li twa kumwa eshi twa shivwa tu ka longe tu li ovatumwa. Ask yourself, " Over the past six months, has my personality become more Christlike or have I slipped back into some bad habits of speech and conduct? ' Pefimbo opo, ova li hava longo noudiinini, hava pangele ominino domeva. Lipula kutya, " Mbela omaukwatya ange okwa enda taa lunduluka oule weemwedi hamano ile onda efa po eenghedi dii? ' How are faith and love highlighted together in the Scriptures, but which is the greatest, and why? Otave lihongo okukala hava diladila kuvo vene nova hala okuninga omatokolo avo vene. Eitavelo nohole oya divilikwa ngahelipi mOmishangwa, nomolwashike? 17, 18. (a) What events that are yet unseen have we considered so far? Mbela oto ka kendabala okuungaunga nonghalo oyo ya holoka po ombadilila keendunge doye mwene. 17, 18. (a) Oiningwanima ilipi ihe wetike natango oyo twa kundafana metetekelo? The fruitage of God's spirit is not restricted by any law that can limit its growth. Ndele molwaashi inatu hala oku mu nyemateka, ohatu ningi eenghendabala da mana mo opo tu efe po okudiladila oinima ya puka. Oiimati yomhepo yaKalunga ihai ngabekwa komhango keshe oyo tai dulu okukula. It was a beautiful summer day, and I walked far along lovely lanes, till gradually the stillness and beauty calmed and soothed me, and after some hours I returned repentant and almost melted. " (Luk. 11: 9 - 13) Onghee hano, natu kaleni twe lineekela filufilu muJehova ndele hakuliameka keendunge detu vene. Efiku limwe onda li handi ende mokatemba nonda li handi ende mokatemba, ndele natango handi kala ndi udite nda pepelelwa nonda pepelelwa oule weevili donhumba eshi nda shuna keumbo. " At that time, they had to work very hard, repairing some water pipes. Fimbo efiku lEdimbuluko inali fika, ohatu dulu okulitulila po efimbo lokwiilikana nokukonakona noukeka ekwatafano letu naJehova. Pefimbo opo, ova li ve na okulonga noudiinini opo va wapekulule omeva amwe. They are learning how to think for themselves, and they want to make their own decisions. Kashi tunhula tuu okukufa ombinga nouladi moilonga oyo itai ka endululwa vali nandenande! Ohave lihongo nghee ve lihole vo vene, nova hala okuninga omatokolo kuvo vene. In response to this emergency, would you try to handle the matter according to your own wisdom? 7, 8. Ngeenge ou li monghalo ya tya ngaho, mbela oto ka kendabala ngoo okuungaunga nonghalo oyo ngeenge ou na ounongo? But because we do not want to sadden Jehovah, we do all we can to reject wrong thoughts. Barr, oo lwanima a ka ninga oshilyo sholutuwiliki. Ndele molwaashi inatu hala okunyikifa oluhodi Jehova, atusheni ohatu ningi keshe osho hatu dulu opo tu anye okudiladila kwa puka. And by all means, let us trust in Jehovah and not lean upon our own understanding. Otwa li hatu kala twa teka omukumo omafimbo amwe, ngaashi naanaa sha hokololwa mOmayeletumbulo 24: 10, eshi a ti: "Ngenge wa monika wa fya ounye, efiku loluhepo eenghono doye tadi ka ninipala. " Onghee hano, natu kale twe lineekela muJehova nokukala twe liameka keendunge detu vene. In the days leading up to the Memorial, we can set aside time to examine prayerfully and carefully our personal relationship with Jehovah. 19: 17; Mat. 6: 3, 4) Onghee hano, ngeenge hatu kwafele ovo ve na omhumbwe nopehe na okuliholamwene, Jehova oha tale ko oilonga yetu iwa onga e na eengunga kufye. Pefimbo lEdimbuluko, ohatu dulu okulitulila po efimbo lokukonakona pamwe neilikano nokukala tu na ekwatafano lopofingo naJehova. How thrilling it is to have a zealous share in this never - to - be - repeated work! (Oil. 16: 13, 14) Mbela omolwaashi moshilando osho kamwa li mu novalumenhu Ovajuda va hanga pomulongo, omuvalu oo wa li wa pumbiwa opo ovanhu va tote po oshinagoga? Kashi hafifa tuu okukufa ombinga nouladi moilonga ya tya ngaho! 7, 8. Osho ohatu dulu oku shi mona mwaasho Ombiibeli tai ti shi na sha neudeko lomoule nosho yo ounongo. 7, 8. Barr, who later served on the Governing Body. Naave oto dulu oku ka kala moparadisa ngeenge owa tula moilonga elombwelo laJesus olo tali ti: "Indeni mu pite moshivelo sha finana. Osheshi oshivelo oshinene, nondjila oya mbwalangadja ei tai twala mekano, ndele ava tava i mo ovahapu; ndele oshivelo oshinini nondjila oya finana ei tai twala momwenyo, novanini vongaho ovo tave i mono. " Barr, oo lwanima a ka kala oshilyo shOlutuwiliki. Honestly, we had moments of discouragement, even as Proverbs 24: 10 mentioned: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Mbela oshi li ngoo pandunge okukala twa teelela ngeno okuuda ko eendjila daKalunga adishe? Mbela omafimbo amwe otwa li hatu kala twa teka omukumo, ngaashi Omayeletumbulo 24: 10 oo a ti: "Ngenge wa monika wa fya ounye? Hence, when we unselfishly help those who are in difficulty, Jehovah views our good deed as a loan made to Him. Ohatu dulu okufaafanifa eitavelo nomundilo. Onghee hano, ngeenge hatu kwafele ovo ve na oikala yokuliholamwene, Jehova oha tale ko oilonga yetu iwa i li efiloshisho liwa oyo hatu pewa kuJehova. Is this because there are not even ten Jewish males in the city, the number required to form a synagogue? 6: 17 - 22) Ndele mbela osho osha li sha nyona po ekwatafano laGideon naKalunga? Mbela omolwaashi ku fi Ovajuda omulongo ovo va li moshilando, ova li va teelelwa va kale hava ongalele moshinagoga? We can see this from what the Bible says about discernment and wisdom. Nonande omafimbo amwe ohashi kala shidjuu, ino sholola. (2 Tim. Osho otu shi liwetele mwaasho Ombiibeli tai ti shi na sha neendunge dokuyoolola. This wonderful future can be yours if you take to heart Jesus ' admonition: "Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it. " Okudja opo, onda li ndi udite kutya ohandi dulu okuwanifa po osho nda li nda udanekela Kalunga. O onakwiiwa ya tya ngaho otai dulu okukala ya denga mbada ngeenge owa tula moilonga ekumaido laJesus olo tali ti: "Inda koshivelo shoshivelo shoshilando, osheshi osho otashi kufwa po, nonande otashi ka hanaunwa po. " (Mat. How reasonable is it that we should expect to understand all of God's ways? (Mateus 10: 8) Onghee hano, oilonga yokuudifa kai na okukala ongeshefa. Otu na okukala nondjele shi fike peni opo tu ude ko eendjila daKalunga adishe? We can compare faith to a fire. 6: 10) Nonande ou munini, oto dulu okulitulila po omalalakano opamhepo. Ohatu dulu okuyelekanifa eitavelo olo li li omundilo. But did that encounter erect a barrier between Gideon and his God? Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi Ombibeli ya londwela kutya ovanhu kave na okukwatafana noishitwa yopamhepo oyo monghedi yonhumba ile yongadi! Ndele mbela osho osha li sha enda ngahelipi opo Gideon nokulongela Kalunga? Do not lose heart, even if the road you travel gets bumpy at times. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu kale ovalininipiki fiyo alushe? Ino kanifa omitima deni, nokuli nonande ou li mondjila omo to ende omafimbo amwe. At last, I felt that I could fulfill my promise to God. (1 Sam. 1: 9 - 11, 18) Omuprofeti Jona okwa li a kufwa mo medimbo loshi inene konima eshi a ilikana a ti: "Moudjuu wange onda kuwa kOmwene, ndele Ye a uda nge. Onda li ndi udite kutya ohandi dulu okuwanifa po eudaneko lange kuKalunga. Jesus, as a rider on a white horse, has acted to rid the heavens of Satan and his demons. Apa otapa shikula omatomheno atatu a fimana. Jesus, e li omulondi wonghambe itoka, okwa li a katuka eenghatu opo a hanaune po eulu neendemoni daye. So the preaching work should not be a business. Oshike hashi hekeleke ovapiya vaJehova ngeenge tava hepekwa? Onghee hano, oilonga yokuudifa kai na okukala ya kwatela mo ongeshefa. You are never too young to set goals. 14, 15. Naave ito dulu okulitulila po omalalakano. No wonder the Bible warns against having any contact with such spirit forces! • Okunyikifa oluhodi omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga osha hala okutya shike? Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi Ombibeli ya londwela shi na sha netangakwaita la tya ngaho. What will help us to remain modest forever? Onda dalelwa mokadoolopa kanini moPoland, popepi neengaba daGerman. Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu kale ovalininipiki? The prophet Jonah was delivered from the belly of a great fish after he prayed: "Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he proceeded to answer me. Lwanima, John okwa ka pendjelwa nokwa ka kala ha longo moshikunino. Omuprofeti Jona okwa li a xupifwa kohamba inene konima eshi a ilikana kuJehova, a ti: "Eshi nda li nda nyika oluhodi, onda ifana Omwene, ndele handi nyamukula nge enyamukulo lange. Here are three of the basic reasons. Omafimbo amwe ohandi kala nda djuuluka okuninga omashendjo novanhu ovo twe liika navo. " Apa otapa landula omatomheno atatu a fimana. How have God's servants been comforted when being persecuted? Kava li va itavela kutya Jehova oku wete osho tava ningi. Ongahelipi ovapiya vaKalunga va li va hekelekwa eshi va li tava hepekwa? 14, 15. Kashi nee mbudi kutya Baruk okwa li e lihalela shike, osha yela kutya ka li vali ta lalakanene oinima ya fimanenena oyo tai dulu oku mu kwafela a kale nekwatafano liwa naJehova. 14, 15. • What does it mean to grieve God's spirit? Oitwa oyo ya kundafanwa moshitukulwa osho otai ke tu kwafela tu ude ko nawa nghee Jehova a li a longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki opo a shite eulu nedu. • Okukala twa nyika oluhodi omhepo yaKalunga otashi ti shike? I was born in a small town in Poland, not far from the German border. Ombibeli oya dilika elongifo lohonde. (Oil. Onda dalelwa modoolopa inini i li popepi nodoolopa inini i li eekilometa 2 000. In time, John retired and took on some gardening work. Ashike oto dulu okuhenuka oilanduliko oyo inyikifa oluhodi mokudilonga koinima iwa oyo to hafele paife. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, John okwa ka pendjelwa nokulonga oilonga yonhumba. " I sometimes miss being able to tell jokes and be fully understood. " Ngeenge owa kelele okaana kaha kale ke na ekwatafano naxe ile naina oo e ka dala, okaana ka tya ngaho otaka ka wililwa po pamaliudo. Omafimbo amwe ohandi kala nda djuulukwa okupopya omalaka mai nokukala ndi udite ko filufilu. " They did not believe that Jehovah was aware of what they were doing. 102: 1) Eendjovo daye otadi ulike kutya okwa li ta yandje unene elitulemo kouyahame, kouwike waye nokomaliudo aye. (Eps. Kava li va itavela kutya Jehova oku shii osho tava ningi. Or the great things could have been material prosperity. In any case, he had lost sight of the more important things, those having spiritual value. Ovanhu ovo ova li va ninga oshinima shi shii okuudiwa ko. Ile otashi dulika oinima ihapu i na ondilo neenghono, ndele ponhele yaasho, okwa kanifa oinima yopamhepo oyo ya fimanenena. The Bible clearly condemns the misuse of blood. Ovafita Ovakriste vokunena navo ohava hopaenene Paulus mokukala ve hole oufita. Ombibeli oya tokola filufilu okulongifa nai ohonde. You can avoid that sad outcome by reflecting on the good things you now enjoy! Natango oshi li ehoololo lomunhu ye mwene, ashike ola kwata moiti neenghono. Oto dulu okuhenuka oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi ngeenge owa dilonga koinima iwa oyo to hafele paife. If you try to shut out the other parent altogether, your child might suffer emotionally. OULE womido, Eendombwedi daJehova oda kala hadi ningi oyoongalele yopaiwana noyoitukulwa. Ngeenge owa kendabala okufiya po okaana koye, otashi dulika ka kale ka nyika oluhodi pamaliudo. We find in his words an indication that he was absorbed in his pain, loneliness, and personal feelings. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU > ko - eendombwedi - dajehova / omapulo - oo - haa - pulwa - luhapu / OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU > EITAVELO LETU) Eendjovo daye otadi ulike kutya okwa li e litala ko e udite ouyahame, omaliudo nosho yo omaliudo aye. That is understandable. • Oshike tashi dulu okuningifa Omukriste a kanife eitavelo laye? Osho oshi shii okuudiwa ko. Christian shepherds today imitate Paul by cherishing the flock. (1 Pet. 2: 22) Onghee hano, Jesus okwa li ta dulu okudala ounona va wanenena. Ovafita Ovakriste vokunena ohava hopaenene Paulus mokukala hava hafele oufita. It is still a choice, but a potentially disastrous one. Mbela ito ka ulika olupandu loye moku i longifa? Oshoshili kutya oshi li natango ehoololo, ashike oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi otai dulu okweetifa oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. INTERNATIONAL and district conventions have been a feature of the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses for as long as most of us can remember. Onghee ohandi uya poshi, ndi va kulile. ' Pefimbo opo, opa li pa ningwa oyoongalele yoshitukulwa shimwe shomondjokonona yEendombwedi daJehova kunena, ngaashi ashike hatu dulu okudimbuluka. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Nomolwaasho kwa li a tuma a ifanenwe Uria, nokwa li te mu heke a ye keumbo laye. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU) • What might cause a Christian to lose faith? (Eps. 73: 28) Otu shii kutya itashi ka kala alushe shipu okweenda pamwe naKalunga ofimbo tu li "mokati koludi eli la pilalala nola ngolyoka, " ndele otwe lineekela meudaneko laKalunga olo kutya ote ke tu kwafela eshi hatu ningi eenghendabala. (Fil. • Oshike tashi dulu okuningifa Omukriste a kanife eitavelo? Jesus thus had the potential for fathering a perfect human race. Aron naHur ova yambidida omaoko aye, umwe kombinga ei, omukwao kombinga ikwao, opo omake aye a kala a pama fiyo etango la ningina mo. " Kungaho, Jesus okwa li ta dulu okudala xe oo a wanenena. Would you show your appreciation by using it? (Oil. 4: 31; 6: 15) Ongahelipi shi na sha nehafo linene olo hali kala li niwe kovamwatate kunena poyoongalele yopaiwana, oudiinini wovamwatate ovo va tulwa meedolongo omolwokuhenombinga kwavo nosho yo etamunukemo lididilikwedi loilonga yokuudifa? Mbela oto ka ulika ngoo olupandu loye mokukala ho li longifa? " I will go down to rescue them. " Victoria okwa li a ulikila omukwaita oo okudja mOmbibeli eudaneko laJehova li na sha nounyuni mupe. " Ame ohandi ke va xupifa. " So he ordered Uriah to come see him and then tried to convince him to go to his home. Ngenge pa pita okafimbo kaningholi, omuhenakalunga ita kala po vali, [nongeenge] to talaatala onhele yaye, ke po vali nande. Onghee hano, okwa li a lombwela Uria e uye kuye ndele ta kendabala oku mu tomha a ye keumbo laye. We know that it will not always be easy to walk with God while living among "a crooked and twisted generation, " but we trust in God's promise to support us in our efforts. (Rom. 12: 3) Opo nee, okwa li a ladipika Ovakriste aveshe meongalo olo a ti: "Tu lalakaneni hano eshi tashi hapupalifa ombili netungafano. " - Rom. Otu shi shii kutya itashi ka kala alushe shipu okweenda pamwe naKalunga ofimbo tu li " mepupi lokamukondapweyu, ' ndele otwe lineekela meudaneko laKalunga loku tu yambidida. Then Aaron and Hur, one on each side, supported his hands, so that his hands remained steady until the sun set. " Oshoshili kutya okupopya nokuhonga oinima ya fimana, ashike [oo ta lalakanene oinakukwanifwa] okwa pumbwa yo okukala omuhenoshipo, a koshoka paenghedi, omunaendunge, e na elandulafano, ha yakula ovaenda noku na ondjele. " Aron naHur ova li va ama kombinga imwe i lili noku lili, va yambidida omaoko aye opo a kale e li oupafi fiyo osheshi etango la ningina. " In modern times, what about the joy that abounds at our international conventions, the integrity of our brothers who are imprisoned for their neutrality, and the remarkable growth of the preaching work? Ohatu ka kundafana yo omapulo atatu taa landula: (1) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okuulika omaukwatya mai oo taa dulu oku tu ningifa tu ha tambule ko omayele aKalunga notu kale ngaashi onhata ya kukuta? Kunena, ongahelipi shi na sha nehafo olo hali kala poyoongalele yetu yopaiwana, ovamwatate ovo hava tulwa meedolongo nohava kufa ombinga nouladi moilonga yokuudifa? From the Bible, Victoria showed the soldier Jehovah's promise of a new world. Felisa: Eshi nda ninginifwa mo 1973, moSantander osho shi li oshilandopangelo shaCantabria omwa li ashike Eendombwedi daJehova 70. Okudja mOmbibeli, Evelyn okwa li a ulika eudaneko laJehova li na sha nounyuni mupe. And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. Eendombwedi daJehova luhapu ohadi longifa eevelishe odo eshi tadi udifile ovanhu. Ngenge pa pita okafimbo kaningholi, omuhenakalunga ita kala po vali, ke po vali, opo nee oto ka yandja elitulemo konhele yaye noita ka kala po vali. Having counseled both sides in this dispute, Paul wrote: "So, then, let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another. " - Rom. Ongahelipi to dulu okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo nopehe na okuloloka? Molwaashi Paulus okwa li a yandja omayele keembinga adishe moshinima osho, okwa ti: "Tu filafaneni oshisho fye tu kale tu nombili notu kale tu nombili. " - Rom. Speaking and teaching are important, but those abilities do not override the need to be irreprehensible, moderate in habits, sound in mind, orderly, hospitable, and reasonable. " Ngahelipi mbela? Okupopya nokuhonga nokuhonga vamwe kwa fimana, ndele ovo vehe na owino ova pumbwa okukala ve na eenghedi diwa, ve na eenghedi diwa nove na ondjele. " We will discuss the following three questions: (1) How can we avoid displaying traits that might cause us to reject God's counsel and become like hard clay? Owa " diinina ngoo shili oilonga iwa '? Ohatu ka kundafana omapulo atatu taa landula: (1) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka omaukwatya oo taa dulu oku tu ningifa tu anye omayele aKalunga ngaashi onhata ipu? Felisa: When I got baptized in 1973, there were about 70 Witnesses in Santander, which is the capital city of Cantabria. Natango, ohatu dulu okuninga omalongekido onhumba nomatokolo komesho yefimbo. Felisa: Eshi nda ninginifwa mo 1962, moshilongo omo omwa li Eendombwedi 70. These are verses that Jehovah's Witnesses often use in their ministry. * Eevelishe odo otadi ulike kutya Eendombwedi daJehova luhapu ohadi longifa oukalele wavo. How can you progress spiritually without growing weary? Ndele ye okwe va fatululila ndee te va hepaululile ouhamba waKalunga, ndee te va longo okuhovela ongula fiyo onguloshi, nokwa hetekela oku va tomhifa omhango yaMoses novaprofeti, va koneke Jesus. " Ongahelipi to dulu okuninga exumokomesho lopamhepo nopehe na okwoongaonga? Let us see how. [ Omashangelo opedu] Natu ka taleni nghee hatu dulu oku shi ninga. Jerusalem's Temple Rebuilt After 70 C.E.? 4 / 15 (Eps. Ohai xumifa komesho ekwatafano liwa navamwe mo 70 O.P. Still, we can make certain preparations and advance decisions. Ohandi kala ndi udite nda pamekwa mokukendabala nopehe na okusholola. Ndele nande ongaho, ohatu dulu okuninga omalongekido komesho yefimbo nokuninga omatokolo e li pandunge. * S. * And he explained the matter to them by bearing thorough witness concerning the kingdom of God and by using persuasion with them concerning Jesus from both the law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening. " Mo 2006, ova li va fika moMadagascar nova li va hafela oukalele wavo okudja pehovelo. Okwa li e va yelifila shi na sha navo moku va honga kombinga yOuhamba waKalunga noku va longifa moku va honga kombinga yaye nosho yo yo yoku va honga kombinga yoshipango shaMoses fiyo onguloshi keshe. " [ Footnote] Onda li ndi na oufembanghenda wokutalela po ovapiya vaJehova moilongo 33. [ Eshangelo lopedu] Why not? Natu shi ninge elalakano letu okukala tu na ekwatafano liwa novapambele vetu, nokungaho ohatu ke va pa omhito va didilike mo oshili nokuhanga omitima davo netumwalaka lOmbibeli. Omolwashike mbela? I felt strengthened to keep trying hard and not give up. Oto dulu okuyelifa? Onda li ndi udite nda pamekwa okutwikila okuninga eenghendabala nopehe na okusholola. S. Satana okwa popiwa kutya ohe tu dingilile a fa "onghoshi hai kumbu, nota kongo ou te mu xwake po. " S. They arrived in Madagascar in 2006 and enjoyed their ministry from the start. Konima eshi a dilonga keenhele donhumba oko ta dulu okutembukila, okwa li a shangela koshitaimbelewa shaGuam nokwa li a pewa ouyelele oo a pumbwa. Ova li va fika mo 2006 nova li va hafela oukalele wavo okudja mo 2006. In all, I have had the pleasure of visiting Jehovah's people in 33 countries. Natu ka taleni koiningwanima imwe oyo ya tumbulwa mEendjovo daKalunga. Kakele kaasho, onda li nda hafa neenghono eshi nda li nda talela po oshiwana shaJehova moilongo 33. Our goal is to keep relationships intact, to offer our relatives a chance to recognize the truth, and to touch their heart with the Bible's message. 40: 9) Sha faafana, omushangi wEpsalme 119 okwa ti: " Omhango yoye ondi i hole shi fike peni! Elalakano letu lokukala tu na ekwatafano liwa novapambele, oku va pa omhito va didilike oshili nova kume omitima davo. Can You Explain? Mbela oto kala u udite ngahelipi? Oto dulu okuyelifa? Satan is said to be walking about "like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " 3: 1 - 5; 2 Pet. Satana okwa ti kutya ota ka twikila okweenda "ngaashi onghoshi tai kumbu, nota kongo ou te mu xwake po. " After considering several locations that she could move to, she wrote to the branch in Guam and received the information she needed. 5: 6 - 9) Natu ka kundafaneni nghee hatu dulu oku shi ninga meembinga nhatu dokukalamwenyo kwetu. Konima eshi a konakona oitukulwa i lili noku lili oyo ya li tai dulu okutembuka, okwa li a shangela koshitaimbelewa osho sha li sha pewa ouyelele oo a li a pumbwa. Consider some of the features mentioned in God's Word. Ngeenge oshinima shange shimwe osha teka, ohandi ka konga shikulu osho sha teka nokukonga oo ta kwafele nge e shi pangele. " Natu ka taleni koinima imwe oyo ya tumbulwa mEendjovo daKalunga. Likewise, the writer of Psalm 119 said: "How I do love your law! 1: 22) Onghee hano, owa pumbwa okufimaneka onghedi omo Jesus ta wilike ovo ve liyapulila Jehova. Sha faafana, omushangi wEpsalme 119 okwa ti: "Omhango yoye ondi i hole shi fike peni! How do you feel? Christine okwa li a longa moBolivia omanga ina tembukila koGhana. Ou udite ngahelipi? 3: 1 - 5; 2 Pet. OVE OTO TI NGAHELIPI? 3: 1 - 5; 2 Pet. Consider how we can do so in three aspects of our lives. Ovo tava file oshisho ovadali vavo omafimbo amwe ohava kala va nyemata, ve na oshisho, va kenyanana, va handuka notave lipe oushima. Natu ka taleni nghee hatu dulu okuninga ngaho mokukalamwenyo kwetu. When something breaks down, I look for secondhand parts and try to find someone who can help me fix it. " 6 Omolwashike Omuudi womailikano a efa okumona oixuna ku kale po? Ngeenge nda teka omukumo, ohandi kongo oitukulwa onhivali oyo ya holoka po ndele handi kendabala okukonga ekwafo kwaao ta dulu oku i kwafela. " Thus, you need to respect the way Jesus directs those dedicated to Jehovah. (Lesha Jakob 3: 14 - 18.) Onghee hano, owa pumbwa okukala wa fimaneka onghedi omo Jesus a li a lombwela ovo ve liyapulila Jehova. Christine served in Bolivia before moving to Ghana. Shihokwifa, ondjabi yange fiyo opopo kaya li ya lunduluka. Christine okwa li a longa kodolongo fimbo ina tembuka a tembukile koGhana. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Ohatu ningi keshe osho hatu dulu opo tu kaleke po ombili novamwatate, nokuli nongeenge tu udite kutya otwa udiwa ko pambabo ile inatu ungaungiwa nafye pauyuki. OVE OTO TI NGAHELIPI? Many caregivers experience some sadness, anxiety, frustration, anger, guilt, even resentment. Onde lihonga kutya ovanhu ovo va polimana ohava popi oinima oyo hayo lela va diladila. Ovo hava file oshisho ovadali vavo ohava kala va nyika oluhodi, va teka omukumo, va polimana ile va handuka. 6 Why Does the Hearer of Prayer Allow Suffering? Oshungonangelo ipe yOshiingilisha sha pupalekwa 6 Omolwashike Omuudi womailikano a efa okumona oixuna ku kale po? (Read James 3: 14 - 18.) Jehova oha hoolola ngahelipi ovo ha nanene kuye? (Lesha Jakob 3: 14 - 18.) Surprisingly, I still got the same pay! Jehova okwa li a ulika ngahelipi kutya okwa hokwa Jesus e li Messias omuudanekwa ile Kristus? Shihokwifa, onda li natango ndi na okufuta oifendela. We do everything in our power to maintain peace with our brothers, even when we feel that we have been misunderstood or treated unfairly. Lwanima otwa li twa ninga ovakokolindjila ve likalekelwa opo nee hatu i moilonga youpashukilishikandjo. Ohatu ningi keshe osho hatu dulu opo tu kaleke po ombili novamwatate, nokuli nonande otu udite kutya otwa udifwa nai ile ihatu ungaungiwa naave nai. I learned that depressed people say many things they do not mean. Mo 1896, okwa li a shanga a ti: "Inatu hala okufimanekwa ile oishangomwa yetu i fimanekwe sha pitilila noinatu hala okwiifanwa Ovafimanekwa ile Oorabbi. Onde lihonga kutya ovanhu ovo va polimana ohava popi oinima ihapu inava hala. Introducing the Simplified English Edition Opo nee diva konima yefimbo, oukalele owa li wa etela nge ehafo linene. " Oshungonangelo ipe yOshiingilisha sha pupalekwa How does Jehovah choose those whom he draws to himself? Ngeenge owa hala okuyandja omayambidido, oto dulu oku shi ninga ko - Jehova oha hoolola ngahelipi ovo ta nanene kuye? How did Jehovah show his acceptance of Jesus as the promised Messiah, or Christ? Oshidjemo, ohatu lihongo okweefa "okudina Kalunga nouhalu wopaunyuni, fye tu kale tu neendunge nouyuki nokuhola Kalunga fimbo tu li mounyuni ou wopaife. " - Tit. 2: 12. Jehova okwa li a ulika ngahelipi kutya okwa tambula ko Jesus e li Messias omuudanekwa ile Kristus? Dead Help Living? 4: 7) Omulotoki otashi dulika a kale e na omudeuli, ashike naye mwene okwa pumbwa okulideula. Oonakufya otava dulu okukwafela ovanamwenyo? Later, we were assigned as special pioneers and then to the regular circuit work. Omolwashike omalongelokalunga luhapu haa ningifa ovanhu va longe owii? Lwanima, otwa li twa nangekwa po tu li ovakokolindjila ve likalekelwa nolwanima otwa ka longa tu li ovapashukilishikandjo. In 1896, he wrote: "We want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi. Mbela ito ka ninga ngaashi to dulu opo uha efe nande osha shi ye moshipala efimbo olo u na lokuninga oinima yopamhepo? Mo 1896, okwa shanga a ti: "Inatu hala okukala twa lungama, tuha kale hatu lesha omambo etu vene ile tuha kale tu udite twa fa tuhe na oshilonga. Soon, my joy in the ministry increased. " Elia okwa li natango e na ongushu momesho aKalunga, na Kalunga okwa li a katuka eenghatu opo e mu shilipaleke mwaasho. Diva konima yaasho, ehafo lange moukalele ola li la hapupala. " To make a donation, please visit (Luk. 22: 28 - 30) Osho otashi ka ningwa " mounyuni mupe, ' pefimbo lEpangelo laKristus lOmido Eyovi. - Lesha Mateus 19: 28, OB - 1986. Ngeenge owa hala okuyandja omayambidido, oto dulu oku shi ninga ko - As a result, we learn "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. Omuwiliki wopamhepo waIsrael Oshidjemo, otwe lihonga " okweefa okudina Kalunga nouhalu wouhalu wopaunyuni, fye tu kale tu neendunge nouyuki nokuhola Kalunga fimbo tu li mounyuni ou wopaife. ' - Tit. 2: 12. An athlete may have a coach, but he also needs to train himself. Otwa li twa ninga elongekido opo vamwe ovo ve li moilonga yefimbo li yadi va kale hava di meumbo letu. Otashi dulika a li a ninga omunamido, ndele okwa li yo a pumbwa okudeula vamwe. Why is religion often an influence for bad? Oshitukulwa shotete osha divilika kutya omolwashike hatu dulu okulineekela omadimbulukifo aKalunga. Omolwashike omalongelokalunga luhapu haa nwefa mo ovanhu va longe owii? Would you not jealously guard that time slot so that nothing interfered with your personal time with Jehovah? Efiku alishe otava tanhele edina loye, molwouyuki woye otava nenepekwa. " - Eps. Mbela ito ka twila ondubo efimbo olo uhe na nande osha osho tashi dulu okunyona po ekwatafano loye naJehova? Elijah remained valuable in God's eyes, and Jehovah took steps to assure him of that reality. Omwene, Oye ohote yokukalamwenyo kwange; olyelye ta mbadapalifa nge vali? " Elia okwa kala e na ongushu momesho aKalunga, naJehova okwa li a katuka eenghatu opo e mu shilipaleke oushili oo. This will take place during "the re - creation, " or time of regeneration, during Christ's Millennial Rule. - Read Matthew 19: 28; ftn. ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA Osho otashi ka ningwa pefimbo " loishitwa, ' ile tu tye, pefimbo lEpangelo laKristus lOmido Eyovi. - Lesha Mateus 19: 28; 28: 15. Spiritual Prince of Israel 17, 18. (a) Omolwashike Jesus a longa oikumwifilonga? OSHITUKULWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 4 We arranged to have some who were in the full - time ministry stay in our home. 4: 12. Otwa li twa unganeka opo vamwe ovo va li moilonga yefimbo li yadi va kale meumbo letu. The first article highlights why we can trust God's reminders. oyo nayo hai shiivifa Ouhamba. Oshitukulwa shotete otashi kundafana kutya omolwashike hatu dulu okulineekela omadimbulukifo aKalunga. They rejoice in your name all day long, and in your righteousness they are exalted. " - Ps. Ngeenge omuvaekwa oo okwa imike "oiimati yelidilululo, " okulya nokunwa kwaye omadidiliko Edimbuluko itaku ulike okuhe na efimaneko lekuliloyambo laJesus. - Luk. 3: 8. Ove hole edina loye alishe, nohave li diinine ouyuki woye. " - Eps. Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be in dread? " (1 Samuel 4: 2 - 4, 10, 11) Ovaisrael ova li tava diladila kutya ngeenge ova kala ve na oshikefa shehangano, Jehova ote ke va kwafela noku va amena. Omwene Oye omukwafi wange, olyelye handi tila? " (Eps. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Mbela osha li efiku wa hombola ile wa hombolwa ile efiku olo wa mona okaana koye koshiveli? ELALAKANO LOITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA 17, 18. (a) Why did Jesus perform miracles? Epulo la tya ngaho otali dulu okushingila eenghundafana koshitwa shanghee hatu dulu okulongela Jehova nomutima wetu aushe. 17, 18. (a) Omolwashike Jesus a longa oikumwifilonga? 4: 12. (Lesha Oilonga 16: 14, 15; Ovafilippi 4: 15 - 18.) 4: 12. If such an anointed one has produced "fruits that befit repentance, " then he is not showing contempt for Jesus ' sacrifice by partaking of the Memorial emblems. - Luke 3: 8. Jehova okwa li a pa Jesus eenghono opo a dule okulonga oikumwifilonga. Ngeenge omuvaekwa okwa ningi ngaho, "e livela ombedi shili, " ita ulike kekuliloyambo laJesus mokukufa ombinga mokulya nokunwa omadidiliko Edimbuluko. - Luk. 3: 8. The Israelites thought that just by taking the Ark with them, Jehovah would help and protect them. OKUYANDJA NOKUPEWA Ovaisrael ova li tava diladila kutya eshi va li tava i pamwe navo, Jehova ote ke va kwafela noku va amena. Was it when you got married or when your first child was born? Onda li handi endafana novashiki veengalo ovo ve na ounghulungu nosha li sha pendula mwaame ohokwe yeemusika odo da talwa ko diwa okupwilikina. Mbela eshi wa hombola ile okaana koye ka dalwa? That question could lead to a conversation about how we can serve Jehovah with our whole heart. Otashi dulika opo mwa hombola ndele ku udite ko filufilu onghedi omo kaume koye kopahombo ha diladila. Epulo olo otali dulu okweetifa eenghundafana di na sha nanghee hatu dulu okulongela Jehova nomutima wetu aushe. (Read Acts 16: 14, 15; Philippians 4: 15 - 18.) Okukala twa hokiwa kuKalunga otashi ke tu pefa omwenyo waalushe (Lesha Oilonga 16: 14, 15; Ovafilippi 4: 15 - 18.) Jehovah empowered Jesus to perform miracles. Oshike tashi dulu oku tu kwafela tu henuke okupopila vamwe mowii nonande otwa ningilwa okuhenouyuki meongalo? Jehova okwa li a nghonopaleka Jesus a longe oikumwifilonga. GIVING AND RECEIVING Osho kasha li ashike oupyakadi wopakafimbo. OITUKULWA YA WEDWA PO My association with talented musicians spawned in me an interest in classical music. Shihokwifa, osho osha li sha ningwa mefiku la faafana naalo epangelo la diminine paveta omido omulongo komesho yaasho, mo 30 Oktoba 1991, kutya epangelo laSoviet ola hepeka Eendombwedi daJehova omolwelongelokalunga lado. Okweendafana nomunailonga wange okwa li kwa kwafela nge ndi kale ndi na ohokwe mongudu yeemusika odo nda li handi hafele kofikola. Perhaps you recently got married, and you feel that you have no way of fully understanding how your spouse thinks. • Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa fimaneka Jehova, oo e li Omutoti wohombo? Otashi dulika wa hombola ile wa hombolwa, nowa didilika kutya ku na eudeko lomoule li na sha nanghee kaume koye kopahombo ha diladila. 18 Draw Close to God - "He Softened the Face of Jehovah " Ombibeli oya ti: " Opo nee ye okwa telekela [ovaenda vaye] oitelekela. 18 Ehena popepi naKalunga - "Okwa longela Omwene " What will protect us from the trap of negative speech even if we experience injustice in the congregation? 5. Oshike tashi ke tu amena tuha kale hatu popi omalaka mai nokuli nonande otwa ningilwa okuhenouyuki meongalo? What is more, this was no brief setback. 14, 15. Shimwe vali, osho hasho sha li ngaho. • How can we show respect for Jehovah, the Originator of marriage? (Mateus 7: 13, 14) Onghee hano, onakwiiwa yoye otai ke likolelela kwaasho wa hoolola. • Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa fimaneka Jehova, Omutoti wohombo? The historical record states: "He made a feast for [his visitors] and they ate and drank. Opo nee, Doris, oo a kala omutumwa oule womido 35 muBrasilia, okwa tokola oye a shune keumbo e ke va file oshisho. Ondjokonona otai ti: "Okwa li a ninga oshivilo shi na sha novakwaita vaye [ile ovaenda] ndele tava lya. 5. Ekuliloyambo ondado oyo hai futile po oshinima shonhumba osho sha kana ile yokufutila omunhu a mangululwe moukwatwa. 5. 14, 15. Eedi dimwe odi na eteelelo li lili. 14, 15. Yes, your future is in your own hands. Ngaashi Ovakriste Ovagalati ovo Paulus a li a shangela, nafye ohatu dulu okuhenuka okuninga ovapika " veenghedi odo donale dihe noshilonga nodihe neenghono ' mounyuni ou, mwa kwatelwa efimano lao. (Gal. Doshili, onakwiiwa yoye oi li momake oye mwene. Doris, who had served for 35 years as a missionary in Brazil, chose to return and look after them. Ova ya meendelelo kuBetlehem, ndele eshi va mona Josef naMaria nokaana Jesus, "ova hepaulula apeshe eendjovo odo ve di lombwelelwa okaana aka. " Doris, oo a kala omutumwa oule womido 35, okwa li a hoolola a shune kuvo ndele te va file oshisho. A ransom is a price paid to buy back something forfeited or to bring about release from bondage. Oukalele womoipafi ou li onghedi hai pondola oyo hai longifwa okuudifila ovanhu kunena. Ekuliloyambo ola pumbiwa opo tu lande oshinima shonhumba ile tu dje moupika. Making Service to Jehovah My Career (B. Pashihopaenenwa, Ovakriste ovavaekwa ova mewa " oitoo yefimano ' nove li " oitoo yefilonghenda. ' Osho tashi kwafele oukwaneumbo u kale u na ekwatafano liwa naJehova, 1 / 1 The other sheep have a different hope. Jakob okwa ti: "Keshe oshipewa shiwa, nokeshe oshali sha wanenena, ohashi di kombada, okuXe yomauyelele, kuou pu he nomalundululo ile omapilauko ouyelele nomulaulu. " Eedi dimwe odi na eteelelo la yooloka ko kwaalo. Like the Galatian Christians to whom Paul wrote, we too need to avoid slaving for "the weak and beggarly elementary things " of this world, including seeking its acclaim. Oushili wenyumuko owa ninga ondingandinga yeitavelo lOvakriste. Ngaashi Ovakriste ovo Paulus a li a shangela Ovakriste, nafye otwa pumbwa okuhenuka okukala hatu " tekula nawa oingone, ' mwa kwatelwa oinima yomounyuni. They immediately set out for Bethlehem, and when they found Joseph and Mary and the infant Jesus, "they made known the message that they had been told concerning this young child. " Ongahelipi Jakob a li a ulika kutya okwa pyokoka pamhepo? Ova li va ya diva muBetlehem, na Josef naMaria ova li va shiivika etumwalaka olo va kala tave lipula nokaana oko. " Public witnessing is an effective method being used to reach people today. Moses ka li e udite kutya oye ashike e na okukala neenghonopangelo. Oukalele womoipafi ou li onghedi hai pondola yokukwafela ovanhu kunena. For example, anointed Christians are "vessels of mercy " who have been molded into " vessels for an honorable use. ' Omeenghedi dilipi hatu dulu okukwafela vamwe va shiive Jehova? Pashihopaenenwa, Ovakriste ovavaekwa ove na " onghenda ' oyo ya kala " oiyuma ya fimana. ' James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights, who does not vary or change like the shifting shadows. " Ounene weshito ohau tu hololele kutya Kalunga oku na eenghono. - Lesha Ovaroma 1: 20. Jakob okwa shanga a ti: "Keshe oshipewa shiwa, nokeshe oshali sha wanenena, ohashi di kombada, okudja kuTate, ihashi di kombada. " (Jak. The fact of the resurrection became a central part of Christian faith. Okukala ho pwilikine nawa otashi ka ulika kutya ou na ko nasha shili. Enyumuko laJesus ola dana onghandangala ya fimana mokuwanifwa kwOvakriste vashili. How did Jacob show himself to be a spiritual man? Sophia: Ahowe. Ongahelipi Jakob a li a ulika kutya oku li omunhu wopamhepo? Moses did not jealously guard his authority. Omhango yaKalunga oya holola kutya ope na elongekido lohombo molwaashi oya pitika omulumenhu nomukainhu ovo va hombola ovo ashike va kale ve na ekwatafano lopamilele. Moses ka li a twila ondubo eenghonopangelo daye. In what ways can you reveal the Father to others? Samuel okwe ke shi mona mo kutya luhapu ovanhu ohava ti ohe lihumbata monghedi tai kokele momilele, nonande ka li a lalakanena okuninga ngaho, nohauxuuninwa okwa ka tokola okukala te lihumbata owina monghedi tai kokele momilele. Omeenghedi dilipi to dulu okuhonga vamwe kombinga yaXe? The vastness of the universe tells us of God's power. - Read Romans 1: 20. 4: 2; 1 Pet. 4: 7) Pashihopaenenwa, diva konima eshi Jesus a li a ladipika ovahongwa vaye va kale oupafi pamwe naye, okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Kaleni oupafi, nye mu indile, mu ha hangike komahongaulo. " (Mat. Okukala tu shii kutya eshito laKalunga ola denga mbada. - Lesha Ovaroma 1: 20. Being a good listener shows genuine concern. Osho otashi ulike shike? Okukala ho pwilikine nawa otaku ulike kutya ou na ko nasha shili naye. Sophia: No. 10: 13 - 15; 1 Tim. Sophia: Ahowe. The law of God that permits sexual relations only between a man and a woman who are married to each other is part of what defines the marriage arrangement. Poyoongalele oyo opa li yo hapa ningwa omalongekido okuya moilonga yomomapya. Omhango yaKalunga oya ti kutya okuya momilele kondje yohombo oko ashike haku ningifa ovalihomboli va kale ve na ekwatafano liwa nomukainhu oo a hombola ile a hombolwa otaku ulike kutya elongekido lohombo oli li oshitukulwa shi na sha nohombo. Samuel found that he was accused of flirting so often - even when he did not intend to - that he finally decided to go ahead and flirt on purpose. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukala hatu yandje nehalo liwa ngaashi Jehova? Samuel okwa li a didilika kutya okwa lundilwa kutya luhapu oha lihumbata monghedi tai kokele momilele, nokuli nonande ka li a teelela a ye komesho yefimbo. Not long after asking his followers to keep on the watch with him, Jesus said: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation. " Kathy okwa ti: "Okwa li nokuli a pa nge ofooloma yeindilo. Diva konima eshi Jesus a pula ovashikuli vaye va kale oupafi, okwa ti: "Kaleni oupafi, nye mu ilikane, osheshi onye mu ha hangike keyeleko. " The point? Ombibeli oya hokolola Jesus ya ti okwa fa Xe Jehova filufilu. Oshitwa shilipi tu na okuninga? 10: 13 - 15; 1 Tim. Ponhele yokukwafela ovanhu vongaho va ude ko Ombiibeli, o - Vulgate kaya li i uditiwe ko molwaashi ovanhu vahapu kava li ve shii Oshilatina nandenande. 10: 13 - 15; 1 Tim. Field service was a regular part of the program. (2 Ovakorinto 4: 4) Kakele kaasho, Kalunga naye ina hololela ovalinenepeki omalalakano aye ndele okwe a hololela ashike ovalininipiki. Ovamwatate ova li hava hafele okwoongala pandjikilile. How can we imitate Jehovah's generosity? 136: 15) Oshiwana shaKalunga osha li she lilongekida okuya mEdu lEudaneko. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhopaenena Jehova mokukala hatu yandje nehalo liwa? She said: "He even handed me an application form. Mbela ope na ngoo oumbangi wovalafululi voikulunima oo tau yambidida ondjokonona yOmbiibeli? Okwa ti: "Okwa li nokuli a pa nge omayele. The Bible describes Jesus as being exactly like his Father, Jehovah. Kuvahapu, osho osha hala kutya otava ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe mOparadisa kombada yedu. Ombibeli oya popya kutya Jesus oku li ngaashi Xe, Jehova. Instead of helping ordinary people to understand the Bible, the Vulgate made it a closed book because eventually most people knew no Latin at all. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Fye itatu pe omunhu omhito okudina moshinima nande shimwe, oshilongayakulo shetu shi ha shekwe. " Ponhele yokukwafela ovanhu vongaho va ude ko Ombiibeli, oyo oya li ya ninga embo lixupi molwaashi ovanhu vahapu kava li ve shii ee - TV. Also, God has hidden his purposes from the haughty and has revealed them to humble ones. Pefimbo laJesus, omalongelokalunga okwa li e limbwanga mumwe nopolotika. Natango, Kalunga okwa udaneka kutya ota ka wanifa po omalalakano aye, nokwe va hololela ovalininipiki. God's people were poised to enter the Promised Land. Onghee hano, kala to diladila kwaasho Jehova a udaneka noino efa nande osha shi ku imbe ondjabi. Pefimbo opo, oshiwana shaKalunga osha li she lilongekida okuya mEdu lEudaneko. Is there archaeological evidence supporting the Bible record? OPE na epulo limwe lomomapulo avali oo haa nyamukulwa kovaninginifwa pexulilo loshipopiwa sheninginifo, tali ti: "Pakanghameno leyambo laJesus Kristus, mbela omwe livela ombedi omolwomatimba eni nomwe liyapulila Jehova mu longe ehalo laye? " Mbela ope na oumbangi oo tau yambidida Ombibeli? For most, this will mean living forever in Paradise on earth. Jehova okwe tu pa yo okwoongala kwopaKriste oko taku tu kwafela tu lihonge okukala twa hangana. Osho osha hala okutya ovanhu vahapu otava ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe mOparadisa kombada yedu. The apostle Paul wrote: "In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, so that no fault may be found with our ministry. " 30 Honga ounona voye - Olwisho ola li la ningifa Gehasi a kale ina hokiwa kuKalunga Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Katu na nande epuko lasha, onghee hano, kape na osho tashi dulu okuningwa moukalele wetu. " In Jesus ' day, religion was often mixed up in politics. Nonande eendjovo odo otadi monika donghuluyonale kovaleshi vokunena molwaashi oda shangwa pa pita omido 3 000 lwaapo, odi na eityo kufye kunena. Pefimbo laJesus, omalongelokalunga okwa li haa kufa ombinga mopolotika. So keep your mind on what Jehovah has promised, and let nothing deprive you of the prize! Ehokololo La - Waldo Moya Onghee hano, kala ho kaleke momadiladilo osho Jehova a udaneka nokweefa nande osha shi ku imbe u ka mone ondjabi yomwenyo waalushe. " ON THE basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " This is one of the two questions answered by baptismal candidates at the conclusion of a baptism talk. Mbela Rehabeam okwa li ta dulu okumona kutya ota dulu okupongolola po omaupyakadi? " Metwokumwe nekuliloyambo laJesus Kristus, mbela owe livela ombedi omolwomatimba oye nowe liyapulila Jehova u longe ehalo laye? ' Jehovah also gives us Christian meetings to help us learn to stick together. Moshilongo osho ohamu popiwa omalaka 120 lwaapo, ashike ovanhu ve dulife pomamiliyona 10 ohava popi Oshinepali navahapu vamwe ohave shi longifa shi li elaka etivali. Jehova ohe tu pe yo okwoongala kwopaKriste opo tu lihonge okukala hatu ongala pamwe. Even though the expressions reflect the Oriental setting of some 3,000 years ago and may appear strange to today's readers, they are full of meaning, and the feelings they convey are not foreign to us. Jehova ohe tu kwafele meenghedi di lili noku lili opo tu dule okuninga omalunduluko a tya ngaho. Nonande omautumbulilo oo otaa ulike komido 3 000 lwaapo da pita, otashi dulika a kale taa monika a fa taa monika a fa taa popiwa kovanhu vahapu kunena, notashi dulika a kale taa monika a fa ehe na ko nasha nafye. As told by Waldo Moya (b) Oshike tashi ka kundafanwa moshitukulwa tashi landula? Ehokololo la - Waldo How could Rehoboam foresee that soon his own ability to resolve complex issues would be tested? Ndele okwa li a mona okawe oko ka li kawa neenghono noka hafifa omutima waye eshi e ka tala. Ongahelipi Rehabeam a li a ulika kutya ota dulu okukandula po omaupyakadi aye diva? Some 120 languages are spoken in the country, but well over ten million speak Nepali and many others use it as a second tongue. Shikwao vali, "ohole ihai xulu po. " omalaka 120 otaa popiwa moshilongo, ashike ohaa popi novanhu ve dulife po 10 000, navamwe ohava longifa elaka etivali. A heart - searching discourse at the Kingdom Hall or a thought - provoking article in one of our publications may expose a serious flaw. (b) Ohatu imbi ngahelipi " eimbilo la yapulilwa ohamba, ' nomolwashike taku tiwa kutya elaka letu ola "fopena yahamushanga ha endelele "? Ngeenge hatu yandje oshipopiwa shi na sha nOlupale lOuhamba ile hatu diladila moule moishangomwa yetu, otashi dulika shi etife oshiponga sha kwata moiti. (b) What will be discussed in the next article? Ndele omalombwelo aye inaa lunduluka. Ombibeli oya ti: "Ondjovo yOmwene ohai kala alushe. " (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Yet, now he had found the one pearl that was so magnificent that just seeing it made his heart rejoice. Omolwashike u na okukala wa tomhwa kutya eenghendabala doye doudiinini dokudeula vamwe moilonga yaJehova otadi ka pondola? Ndele paife okwa mona okawe oko ka li ke na ondilo neenghono nomolwaasho oka li ka mona kutya oka hafa neenghono. Moreover, "love never fails. " 16: 1 - 11) Ova li tave lifufya mokudiladila kutya Kalunga okwa hokwa onghedi yavo yoku mu longela. Kakele kaasho, "ohole ihai xulu po. " (b) In what way " is our song about a king, ' and how does our tongue become like a stylus? Mounyuni waSatana kamu na oshinima tashi kalelele. (b) Omonghedi ilipi eimbilo letu li na sha nohamba, nongahelipi elaka letu tali ka talala? It is sure to last, for "the saying [or," word, " Byington] of Jehovah endures forever. " Omumwatate umwe vali oo a kala moshilonga osho oule womido 20, okwa ti: "Oshi li oufembanghenda oo itau dulu okuyelekwa nasha. " Onghee hano, otu na oushili kutya "ondjovo yOmwene otai kala po fiyo alushe. " Why should you be convinced that your diligent efforts to train others in Jehovah's service will be successful? Ile nave tu shiivifile ei yonale, nava ete oku eendombwedi, nadi holole, nokutya ove li moshili. Omolwashike u na okukala wa tomhwa kutya eenghendabala doye dokudeula vamwe moilonga yaJehova otadi pondola? They had deluded themselves into thinking that God would accept their worship. Inamu dopa " okukoneka elalakano lalo ' Ova li ve va ladipika va diladile kutya Kalunga ota ka tambula ko elongelokalunga lavo. Nothing that Satan's world has to offer has permanence. 1 - 3. (a) Omafaneko elipi a yukila komafaneko aJesus avali? Kape na nande osha tashi imbi ounyuni waSatana u kale wa tema nawa. Another brother who has served as a helper for 20 years says, "It has been a privilege beyond anything I could ever have anticipated. " Eshi Rehabeam a li a pameka epangelo laye, okwa li a ninga oshinima shimwe osho inashi teelelwa. Omumwatate umwe vali oo a kala ta longo e li ekwafo oule womido 20, okwa ti: "Kanda li vali ndi na oufembanghenda washa. " Or can they cause us to hear the first things? Mbela oshike hatu lihongo mo moshinima osho? Ile otava dulu oku tu ningifa tu ude ko oinima yotete? Do Not "Miss Its Purpose " 1 - 3. (a) Omolwashike omadiladilo aKalunga nelaka olo ha popi li dule kokule lovanhu? Ino " kanifa elalakano ' 1 - 3. (a) What situations illustrate the point of two of Jesus ' parables? Onghedi omo oimeno nosho yo oinamwenyo hai longele kumwe oikumwifi shili. 1 - 3. (a) Omeenghalo dopavali dilipi Jesus a popya shi na sha omafaneko avali aJesus? When his kingship was firmly established, however, Rehoboam did something unexpected. Nonande vamwe otashi dulika pehovelo va li tava ongaonga okuunganeka okuyandja oundombwedi okupitila mongodi, okuudifila pomatuliloshikepa ile oundombwedi womoipafi, ova li va mona kutya okuninga ngaho ohaku eta oidjemo iwa. Ashike Rehabeam okwa li a ninga oshinima osho sha li inashi teelelwa. Do you see in that a lesson for us? Oshili yomOmhango oyo Paulus a popya mOvaroma otai tu kwafele yo nokunena tu dule okuuda ko omalalakano aJehova. Mbela oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa osho? 1 - 3. (a) Why are God's thoughts and language superior to those of humans? Ovakulunhuongalo meongalo otava dulu lela oku tu kwafela. 1 - 3. (a) Omolwashike omadiladilo aKalunga nosho yo elaka lovanhu ve dule ovanhu aveshe? The interdependent web of plant and animal life on earth is simply amazing. (b) Ongahelipi omadimbulukifo aKalunga a yooloka ko kwaao ovanhu? Oinima oyo hatu dana meshito nosho yo oinamwenyo i na omwenyo oya shitwa monghedi ikumwifi neenghono. Although some may at first have been hesitant about organizing telephone witnessing, harbor witnessing, or public witnessing, they soon saw good results. Peemhito dimwe, Paulus okwa li ha shakene naavo va li va hongwa unene omahongo a puka. Nonande vamwe otashi dulika va li va ongaonga okutembukila keenhele daaveshe, okuudifa okupitila mongodi ile okuyandja oundombwedi wohangelela, ova li va mona oidjemo iwa. The framework of truth to which Paul referred is still important in order for us to understand Jehovah's purposes. (Mat. Ngaashi Paulus a popya, nafye ohatu dulu okuuda ko nawa omalalakano aJehova. The elders in our congregation are especially qualified to help us. Moshitukulwa tashi landula, ohatu ka kundafana kombinga yefaneko laJesus loukadona omulongo. Ovakulunhuongalo meongalo letu ova wana oku tu kwafela. (b) How do God's reminders differ from man's? Onda ka didilika kutya onghalamwenyo yange onde i kwata okahetengi. (b) Omadimbulukifo aKalunga okwa yooloka ko ngahelipi komadimbulukifo aKalunga? At times, Paul encountered strongly entrenched false beliefs. Eshi nda wanifa eedula 14, onda li nda tuminwa komuhandjo kofikola i li koGermany. Peemhito dimwe, Paulus okwa li a shakeneka nouladi eitavelo la kola. (Matt. Ombiibeli oya ulika ngahelipi kutya atushe inatu wanenena? (Mat. In our next article, we will discuss Jesus ' parable of the ten virgins. Nonande omunhu kwa li to dulu okumona oipala yovanhu nawanawa eshi u li komutune, owa li lela u udite kutya ova tunhukwa neenghono. " Moshitukulwa tashi landula, ohatu ka kundafana efaneko laJesus loukadona omulongo. I realized that I had lost control of my life. Omolwashike Jehova a efa ovashangi vOmbibeli va shange omahokololo e na sha nomapuko ovalumenhu ovo a li a pa oinakuwanifwa? Onda li nda mona kutya onda kanifa elipangelo monghalamwenyo yange. At age 14, I was sent to a boarding school in Germany. (1 Eeh. 17: 10, 11) Omufiyekadi oo ka li e na oupyakadi wokuyandja omeva, ndele ka li e na apa ta hange omungome. Eshi nda li ndi na omido 14, onda li nda tumwa ndi ka fiye po ofikola moNdowishi. How does the Bible show that we are all imperfect? (Omuudifi 3: 7) Pashihopaenenwa, ngeenge vakwetu tava popi, ohatu mwena opo tu ulike kutya otwe va fimaneka. Ombibeli otai ulike ngahelipi kutya inatu wanenena? While one could see no distinct face from the platform, it was easy to sense their joy. " (b) Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Jehova a tokola ovafita vopamhepo ovo va li vehe fi ovadiinini? Nonande kape na oo ta dulu okumona ehafo la yooloka ko kwaalo, osha li shipu okumona ehafo lavo. " Why did Jehovah have Bible writers record accounts of the shortcomings of men whom he had commissioned? Ohatu mono ehafo linene ngeenge hatu yandje nopehe na okuteelela okwaalulilwa sha. Omolwashike Jehova a li a pa ovashangi vOmbibeli omahokololo kombinga yomapuko ovalumenhu ovo a li a pa oshiwana shaye? Giving the stranger a drink did not trouble the widow, but giving him bread was a problem. Oto dulu okulihonga konghedi omo Jesus a li a deula ovahongwa vaye pahole, nelininipiko nosho yo neudeko lomoule. Omufiyekadi oo okwa li ta monika a fa ehe na oupyakadi washa, ashike omufiyekadi oo okwa li e mu pa omungome wa kwata moiti. For example, we keep quiet while others are talking to show we respect them. Diva eshi twa lombwelwa, otwa endelela tu ye kongulumambo tu ka konge omauyelele e na sha noilongo oko twa tuminwa. Pashihopaenenwa, ohatu kala twa mwena ofimbo vamwe tave tu lombwele tu ulike kutya otwe va fimaneka. (b) What can we learn from Jehovah's condemnation of unfaithful spiritual shepherds? Oshifo eshi ihashi landifwa. (b) Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Jehova a li ina hokwa ovafita vopamhepo? We find the greatest happiness when we give without expecting anything in return. Jesus okwa li ha hopaenene Jehova mokuulika kutya omulininipiki noha kenukile ovanhu ovalunde. - Mat. Ohatu kala twa hafa neenghono ngeenge twa kala twa teelela sha sha shi ningwe po. You can learn from the way Jesus trained his disciples with love, humility, and insight. Ndele onda li nda kumwa eshi nda mona kutya mboli omumwameme oo a konakona Ombibeli nameme nokwa kwafela yo oukwaneumbo wetu u lihonge oshili. Oto dulu okulihonga konghedi omo Jesus a li a deula ovahongwa vaye pahole, elininipiko nosho yo eudeko lomoule. As soon as we could, we rushed to the Gilead library to learn about the countries to which we were assigned. 13 - 19 Desemba 2010 Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, otwa li twa endelela okuya kOfikola yaGilead opo tu lihonge kombinga oilongo oyo twa li twa tuminwa. This publication is not for sale. Omuudifi umwe omunyasha womuEl Salvador okwa li ha konakona Ombibeli nomukulukadi Omukatolika womido 87, oo a li a dama kongeleka yaye. Oshifo eshi ihashi landifwa. Yes, Jesus imitated his Father, Jehovah, by displaying humility and showing mercy to lowly sinners. - Matt. Omolwashike okushiiva Jehova nosho yo okushiivika kuye shi li oufembanghenda munene? Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jesus okwa li a hopaenena Xe, Jehova, mokukala ha ulike elininipiko noha kenukile ovalunde. - Mat. Amazingly, it was the sister who had conducted the Bible study with my mother and had helped our family learn the truth. Osho David a li ta dulu okuninga: David okwa li a efa Jehova e mu kwafele opo a kale vali a pama pamhepo. Shihokwifa, omumwameme oo a li ta konakona Ombibeli nameme okwa li a kwafela oukwaneumbo wetu u lihonge oshili. 25 Our Readers Ask... Pomutumba oo, Petrus okwa li a popya nouladi ta dimbulukifa ovamwatate kutya omido da tetekela, ovo va li vehe fi Ovajuda ova li va pewa oshali yomhepo iyapuki. 25 Ovaleshi tava pula... In El Salvador, a young publisher was studying the Bible with an 87 - year - old Catholic woman who clung to her church. Oimaliwa yomayambidido ohai longifwa yo mokuyandja oikwafa ngeenge pa holoka oiponga yopaushitwe. Mo Salvador, omuudifi omunyasha umwe omunyasha okwa li ha konakona Ombibeli nomulumenhu umwe womido 87, oo a li ha i kongeleka. Why is knowing Jehovah and being known by him such a great privilege? Natango, ngaashi oinamwenyo, nafye ohatu dalwa, ohatu kala momwenyo nohatu fi. Omolwashike okushiiva Jehova nokukala u shiivike kuye ku li oufembanghenda munene? What David could do: David allowed Jehovah to help him recover spiritually. (Genesis 3: 16 - 24) Nonande Judas ka li a wanenena, okwa li e na ekwatafano lopofingo nOmona waKalunga ndele okwa li e mu kengelela. Osho David a li ta dulu okuninga: David okwa li a efa Jehova e mu kwafele a kale vali a pama pamhepo. At this meeting, Peter spoke boldly, reminding the brothers that some years earlier, uncircumcised Gentiles had received the gift of the holy spirit. " Ekulilo eli lomuKristus Jesus ' otali ulike " efilonghenda ' laKalunga. - Ovaroma 3: 24. Pomhito oyo, Petrus okwa li a popya nouladi shi na sha novamwatate vamwe ovo va pita omido donhumba da pita, ovo inava pita etanda ova li va pewa oshali yomhepo iyapuki. Donated funds are also used for disaster relief. * - Omuudifi 9: 5, 10. Ino efa nande osha shi ku imbe u mone epepelelo. Like them, we are born, we live, and we die. (Eps. 71: 9) Epsalme olo ola fa la twikila kEpsalme 70, olo li li "Epsalme laDavid. " Ngaashi vo, nafye otwa dalwa, ohatu ka kala nomwenyo nohatu fi. Judas, although imperfect, had lived in close association with God's own Son and yet turned traitor. 17: 1 - 6) Okudja opo, ovakainhu Ovaisrael aveshe ovo va li tave ke lihanga monghalo ya tya ngaho ova li tava ka pewa oshitukulwafyuululo. Nonande Judas ina wanenena, okwa li e na ekwatafano lopofingo nOmona waKalunga nokwa li e mu kengelela. " The ransom paid by Christ Jesus " is an expression of God's "undeserved kindness. " - Romans 3: 24. Omolwashike mbela? " Ekuliloyambo laJesus Kristus oli li euliko " lefilonghenda ' laKalunga. - Ovaroma 3: 24. * - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Ngaashi twa dja nokukundafana, otwa hala okudimbuluka alushe kutya omolwashike tu na okufimaneka ovaitaveli vakwetu tashi di komutima. * - Omuudifi 9: 5, 10. This psalm appears to be a continuation of Psalm 70, which bears the superscription "Of David. " (Jesaja 11: 9) Ehongo olo lopakalunga otali ka kwatela mo ouyelele u na sha nanghee hatu dulu okukala nombili novanhu aveshe nosho yo okukaleka omudingonoko monghalo iwa. Epsalme olo ola koleka oushili oo kutya David okwa li a nyika oluhodi neenghono. He turned the exception into a rule, instructing Moses: "In case any man should die without his having a son, you must then cause his inheritance to pass to his daughter. " From then on, all Israelite women who faced the same plight would be protected. Elininipiko ola li le mu linyengifa a kale e na omhepo yeliyambo moukalele waye. Okwa li a lombwela Moses a ti: "Keshe tuu ou ta file omona waye omona waye, oye e mu amena koludalo laye, onghee hano, oye ta ka amena ovakainhu aveshe muIsrael. " (Ex. Why? Ondi na yo etimaumbwile loku ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe. " Omolwashike mbela? As we have considered, we want to keep clearly in mind why we should have heartfelt respect for fellow believers. nosho yo kutya (3) omolwashike ovanhu vamwe tava ifanwa eedi ofimbo vamwe oikombo? Ngaashi twa kundafana metetekelo, otwa hala okukaleka momadiladilo kutya omolwashike tu na okufimaneka ovaitaveli vakwetu tashi di komutima. This divine education will include instruction on how to live in peace with all people and in harmony with the environment. Eendunge dokuyoolola: Okudula okuuda ko osho shi li mondjila naasho sha puka, nokuhoolola okuninga osho shi li mondjila. Ehongo olo lopakalunga otali ka kwatela mo omalombwelo e na sha nanghee tu na okukala nombili novanhu aveshe nosho yo momudingonoko wa tya ngaho. Humility moved him to be self - sacrificing in his ministry. Ohamba yOvamedia nOvapersia oya li ya yandja elombwelo olo mo 455 K.O.P. Elininipiko ole mu linyengifa a kale e na omhepo yeliyambo moukalele waye. I also have a wonderful prospect for the future. " Jeremia 31: 15 okwa ti: "Omwene ota ti ngaha: Ondaka oya udika muRama, ekemo nelilaano linene. Rakel ota lili eenghali dovana vaye. Ondi na yo eteelelo litunhula li na sha nonakwiiwa. " and (3) why are some called sheep and others called goats? Apa otapa shikula omalombwelo amwe oo a li a pewa ovatokoli Ovaisrael. nosho yo (3) Omolwashike eedi dimwe hadi ifanwa eedi nosho yo oikombo? Discernment: The ability to understand the difference between right and wrong and then to choose to do what is right. Ovapiya vaJehova aveshe ovo hava kendabala opo oheeno yavo i kale heeno ova teelela onakwiiwa ikumwifi. Eendunge: Oukwatya wokudula okuuda ko eyooloko pokati kaasho shi li mondjila naasho sha puka, opo nee ta hoolola okulonga osho sha yuka. The Medo - Persian king gave that order in 455 B.C.E. Christine okwa tomwa a itavele kutya osho otashi longo yo nokunena. Medo - Persia, ohamba yaPersia oya li ya yandja elombwelo opo pa pumbiwa okuwanifwa mo 455 K.O.P. At Jeremiah 31: 15, we read: "This is what Jehovah says: " A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping: Rachel is weeping over her sons. Ohatu kala twa kumwa ngeenge hatu diladila kwaasho Jehova e tu ningila. Jeremia 31: 15, okwa ti: "Osheshi osho Omwene ta ti, osho tuu ou ta udu mokule ndee ta lili ovanamati vaye tava lili. Here are some directions that were given to the Israelite judges. Nafye ohatu dulu okukala nelineekelo filufilu kutya omaudaneko aJehova Kalunga aeshe, mwa kwatelwa yo outukulwa ovo vanini, otaa ka wanifwa. Ope na omalombwelo amwe oo a li a pewa Ovaisrael. What a wonderful future awaits all worshippers of Jehovah who keep striving to let their Yes mean Yes! (Mateus 13: 36 - 43) Pefimbo opo, opa li ashike Ovakriste vashili vanini. Ovalongeli vaJehova aveshe ovo tava kendabala okweefa oheeno yavo i kale heeno, itava ka kala tuu va teelela onakwiiwa itunhula! Christine is convinced that it is. 18: 35) Ohatu tula moilonga omayele a nwefwa mo oo taa ti: "Djaleni efilonghenda lomomutima, ombili, elininipiko, engungumano noutalanheni. " (Kol. Christine okwa tomhwa kutya osho. We are overwhelmed when we consider all that Jehovah has done in our behalf. ▪ Eemhumbwe dakaume koye odo a li e na eshi a monika omukifi wonhumba itadi ka kala da faafana naado dopefimbo olo ta hakulwa. Ohatu kala twa wililwa po ngeenge hatu diladila kwaashishe osho Jehova e tu ningila. We too can be totally confident that all of Jehovah God's promises will come true, down to every last detail. Oshitukulwa shotete osha yelifa kutya okulidula omunhu mukulu osha hala okutya shike nonokutya omolwashike okuninga ngaho sha endelela. Nafye ohatu dulu okukala noushili kutya omaudaneko aeshe aJehova aeshe otaa ka wanifwa shili. During that time period, there were only a few true Christians. Osha fimana okukanyatela oukoshoki wopaenghedi Pefimbo opo, opa li ashike Ovakriste vanini. We take to heart the inspired counsel: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. " Okukala u udite ondjo otaku dulu oku ku djuupalela. Ohatu dulika komayele a nwefwa mo oo a nwefwa mo oo taa ti: "Kaleni efilonghenda lomomutima, ombili, elininipiko, engungumano noutalanheni. " (Ef. ▪ Needs will vary as your friend moves from diagnosis to treatment. Sha faafana, mefelemudo eti - 19, omufilosofi Henry David Thoreau okwa li a longifa oukoshoki wopaenghedi opo e lipopile kutya omolwashike iha futu oifendela oyo tai ka longifwa okuyambidida oita. ▪ Ngeenge kaume koye kopahombo okwa mono kutya ota vele omukifi wonhumba, ota ka ulika kutya oku na omukifi wa yoolokafana. The first article explains what it means to strip off the old personality and why doing so is urgent. 2: 4, 8) Outumbulilo "medina la " itau ti alushe kutya oshinima shonhumba otashi ningwa medina lomunhu. Oshitukulwa shotete osha yelifa kutya osha hala okutya shike okulidula omunhu mukulu nonokutya omolwashike sha endelela. Moral Integrity Essential Pashihopaenenwa, Jehova okwa li a tokola okukatukila onghatu oshiwana shaye mefimbo lonale omolwomanyono asho. Onghee hano, oudiinini wetu owa fimanenena Guilt can be a harsh taskmaster. Kunena, ovaudifi vape ohava pewa edeulo lokulonga moukalele, ndele hasho sha li ngaho nale. Omumwatate wedina Sén otashi dulika a kale e udite owike. Similarly, 19th - century philosopher Henry David Thoreau cited moral grounds to defend his refusal to pay taxes used to support war. 1, 2. (a) Oshike tashi dulu oku tu imba tuha mone oinima yonhumba? Sha faafana, omuhongwanhu umwe womefelemudo eti - 19 wedina David okwa li a popya oipupulu kutya ota dulu okufuta oifendela yaye opo a dule okuyambidida oita. The expression "in the name of " need not imply the name of a person. Otashi dulika tu tomhafane kutya keshe umwe okwa pumbwa okufuwa ile okulihafifa kanini, nonokutya omunhu oku na okutokola kuye mwene kutya oku na okulihafifa monghedi ya tya ngahelipi. Oshitya shOshigreka osho sha tolokwa "edina " inashi hala okutya edina lomunhu. Rather, in Hebrew, to feel regret can mean to change one's mind or intention. Luhapu, ovadali navo ihava kala va manguluka okupopya novana vavo kombinga yomilele. Ponhele yaasho, okupondola otaku dulu okuningifa omunhu a lundulule omadiladilo aye ile a lundulule onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo. Today, new Kingdom publishers usually receive training in the ministry, but that was not always so. Oshike tashi ka ningilwa omalongelokalunga oipupulu mafiku, nomolwashike? Kunena, ovaudifi vOuhamba vape ohava pewa edeulo moukalele, ashike haalushe hashi kala ngaho. 1, 2. (a) What may influence what we actually see? Inamu sholola. 1, 2. (a) Oshike tashi dulu oku tu nwefa mo? We might reason that everyone needs a little relaxation or recreation, and how an individual gets it is a personal matter. Ndele efimbo alishe olo, ota ka kala a pumbwa ekwafo. Otashi dulika tu tomhafane kutya keshe umwe okwa pumbwa oimaliwa inini ile omalihafifo onhumba, nonghee omunhu e na oku shi ninga pauhandimwe. Often, parents are just as reluctant as their children to broach the subject. Opa li eemhango kutya kashi li paveta ovanhu vomihoko da yoolokafana va kale pamwe, nopa li yo omatilifo okulongelwa omunyonena. Luhapu ovadali ohava ongaonga okulombwela ovana vavo kombinga yoshinima osho. What will soon happen to false religion, and why? Vahapu ove shi mona, she likolelela koimoniwa yavo. Oshike tashi ka ningilwa omalongelokalunga oipupulu, nomolwashike? Do not give up. Onghatu oyo yokuninga ovapaani Ovakriste kaya li ya katukwa pefimbo opo ovayapostoli va li natango momwenyo molwaashi ova li va " imba, ' ile tu tye, va ya moshipala oupaani. Ino sholola. But all during this time, he may need help. Ola hovela momudo 29 eshi Jesus a ninginifwa nokwa vaekwa e li Omupristeri Omukulunhu wotembeli yaJehova yopamhepo. - Ovaheberi 9: 11, 12. Ndele pefimbo opo tuu opo, otashi dulika a pumbwa ekwafo. There were laws in place to make it illegal for the races to mix, and there was also the very real threat of violence. Ohole yaJehova ohai mu linyengifa opo e tu pukulule, e tu honge noku tu deule opo tu dule okukala mohole yaye nomondjila oyo tai twala komwenyo waalushe. (1 Joh. Ova li va tula po eemhango di li onhele opo di kale dihe li paveta, nova li yo ve na elongifo leenghono olo la li tali xumifa komesho elongifo leenghono momaukwaneumbo. Many can testify to this, based on their own experience. Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li he mu twala keshe opo a hala notuwa yaye, he ke mu landela ko koipumbiwa yomeumbo nohe mu ningile oinima vali imwe ihapu. Vahapu otava dulu okuyandja oumbangi wa tya ngaho she likolelela koimoniwa yavo vene. This process of "Christianization " did not occur while the apostles were still alive, because they acted as a" restraint " against paganism. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuyukifa oinima hatu shi ningi pahole noneyavelelo? Osho osha li sha ningifa ovayapostoli ovo va li ko pefimbo lovayapostoli va kale ve na omwenyo, molwaashi ova li va katuka monghedi oyo tai kokele momilele. This arrangement began in the year 29 when Jesus was baptized and anointed as High Priest of Jehovah's spiritual temple. - Hebrews 9: 11, 12. Ouyelele wa tya ngaho owa shangwa omolwouwa wetu. (Rom. Elongekido olo ola hovela momudo 29 eshi Jesus a ninginifwa nokwa vaekwa e li Omupristeri Omukulunhu otembeli yaJehova yopamhepo yopamhepo. - Ovaheberi 9: 11, 12. Motivated by love, Jehovah corrects, educates, and trains us so that we can remain in his love and on the path to life. (Jes. Jehova ohe tu hongo okupitila mohole, he tu pukulula, he tu hongo noku tu deula opo tu twikile okukala tu mu hole notu kale mondjila oyo tai twala komwenyo. For example, she drove Carol wherever she needed to go, helped her with necessary shopping, and did many other things for her. Inave tu tulila po tuu oshihopaenenwa shiwa! Pashihopaenenwa, okwa li a landa omhangela keshe opo a pumbwa okuya konhele oko a pumbwa okuya, oku ke mu kwafela a ka konge oikulya ihapu nokwa li e mu ningila oinima ihapu. How, then, can we use patience and kindness in "setting things straight "? Omumwatate umwe Omupolanda ha kala mOilongo ya Hangana okwa hokolola oshimoniwa shaye kombinga yaashi a li a ya moilonga yomomapya oshikando shotete mo 1922, a ti: "Efiku olo onda li nda ya pombelewa imwe yandokotola aame andike, nonande kanda li ndi na eshiivo lokuyandja oileshomwa nokanda li handi popi nawa Oshiingilisha. Ndele mbela ongahelipi hatu dulu okulongifa elididimiko nosho yo " okupukulula '? This historical narrative was recorded for our benefit. 12: 41 - 44. Ondjokonona oyo oya shangwa omolwouwa wetu. Those giving suck he will conduct with care. " Oshitukulwa osho otashi kundafana shi na sha nanghee okukala oupafi tu shiive okwiindila taku tu kwafele tuha kofe pamhepo. Ovalihomboli ovo ve na omido omulongo nasha otava ka kala ve na elihumbato liwa. " What a fine example they set for us! Ongahelipi omahangano oo e na oulingilingi hae tu kumu kunena? Inava tu tulila po tuu oshihopaenenwa shiwa! Reflecting on his first experience in field service in 1922, one Polish brother in the United States wrote: "Having no knowledge of how to present the literature and speaking very poor English, I stood alone before the office of a doctor and knocked. Okwa li ha ulikile alushe ovaitaveli vakwao hole, ndele ye nomukulukadi waye ova ka ninga eenghendabala de likalekelwa opo va kale hava talele po nokutwa omukumo ovo tava vele. Eshi omumwatate umwe oo a li ta diladila shi na sha noilonga yaye yomomapya mo 1922, okwa li a shangela omumwatate umwe mOilongo ya Hangana a ti: "Itandi dulu okupopya novanhu ovo ve na owino, ofimbo ame nda li ashike handi penduka. He rewards every expression of sacred service that springs from a heart motivated by faith and love, no matter how insignificant it might seem to the giver of the sacrifice. - Mark 12: 41 - 44. Ashike osho twa kundafana shi na sha nonghalamwenyo yaye otashi dulu oku tu honga oilihongomwa ihapu. Oha yandje ondjabi kokulonga oilonga iyapuki oyo hai di mokukala e linyengifwa keitavelo nokeitavelo nohole, kashi na nee mbudi kutya osha fimana shi fike peni okuyandja omayambo. - Mark. 12: 41 - 44. This article discusses how being vigilant with a view to prayers can help us to stay awake. Okulonga ehalo laJehova okwa kala odjo yehafo lange. Oshitukulwa eshi osha kundafana nghee okukala oupafi taku dulu oku tu kwafela tu kale oupafi. How do corrupt organizations affect us today? Oshike hatu lihongo komuprofeti Jeremia kombinga yokupewa ouladi? Ongahelipi omahangano oo e na oulingilingi hae tu kumu kunena? He had regularly shown interest in his fellow believers, but then he and his wife made a special effort to visit and encourage sick ones. Jehova oha wilike ngahelipi oshiwana shaye kunena? Okwa kala ha ulike alushe kutya oku na ko nasha novaitaveli vakwao, ndele lwanima okwa ka ninga eenghendabala de likalekelwa opo a talele po noku twe omukumo ovo tava vele. Nevertheless, this brief glimpse into his life can teach us a number of lessons. Ashike osho inashi hala okutya Jesus okwa hala va ninge ngaho. Ndele nande ongaho, ouyelele oo twa kundafana moshitukulwa eshi otau tu hongo oilihongomwa ihapu. It has been my delight to do Jehovah's will! Oshiningwanima shOvaisrael va xupifwa moupika waEgipti nosho yo eshi va amenwa pashikumwifilonga va tauluke Efuta Litilyana mo 1513 K.O.P., otashi holola kutya Jehova oha amene pahole. Onda li nda hafela okulonga ehalo laJehova. What can we learn from the prophet Jeremiah about acquiring boldness? 1: 11, NW. Oshike hatu lihongo komuprofeti Jeremia shi na sha nouladi? How is Jehovah guiding his people today? Etomheno limwe kutya omolwashike Jesus a li e na okulonga oshilonga osho meendelelo ololo kutya okwa li e na oku shi longa moule weedula ashike nhatu netata. Jehova oha wilike ngahelipi oshiwana shaye kunena? This did not mean that he expected to see that happen. Omishangwa dOmbibeli okwa li tadi ulikwa ko - screen pefimbo loipopiwa yomumwatate Young Osho kasha li sha hala okutya okwa li a teelela osho shi ningwe. The loving protection made possible by Jehovah is well - illustrated by what occurred after he rescued the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and miraculously protected them as they crossed the Red Sea in 1513 B.C.E. Dilonga kunghee Jehova ta nangeke noupuna oukalele woye nosho yo oukwaneumbo woye. Jehova okwa li a amena Ovaisrael eshi a li e va mangulula moupika wOvaegipti noku va amena moupika wOvaegipti konima yo 1513 K.O.P. eshi a li a mangulula Ovaisrael moupika wOvaegipti. 1: 11. (Malakia 2: 1, 2) Osha yela kutya ngeenge otwa kala ihatu pwilikine komayele aJehova ile tu kale tu wete inaa fimana, ohatu ka nyona po ekwatafano letu naye. 1: 11. One reason for his urgency was that he had much to do in a span of only three and a half years. Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu kombinga yaRut naBoas, tala oshitukulwa "Natu hopaeneneni eitavelo lavo " mOshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Juli nosho yo 1 Oktoba 2012. Etomheno limwe ololo kutya okwa li e na shihapu osho a li e na okulonga oule womido nhatu netata. Bible texts were projected onto a screen during Brother Young's lectures Okukala handi hongo ovo vape oshili yOmbibeli ponhele yokuyandja elitulemo konghalo yange osha amena nge, osha twa nge omukumo nosha kwafela nge ndi pameke ekwatafano lange naJehova. Omishangwa dOmbibeli oda li da yandjwa komumwatate Young People Ask - Answers That Work Reflect on how Jehovah is blessing your ministry and your household. Luhapu ngeenge outumbulilo Israel tau longifwa pafaneko, otau ulike " kuIsrael yaKalunga, ' ile tu tye kovanhu 144 000 ovo va vaekwa nomhepo iyapuki va ka ninge eehamba novapristeri meulu. (Gal. 6: 16; Eh. Dilonga kunghee Jehova ha nangeke noupuna oukalele woye nosho yo oukwaneumbo weni. It is clear that if we keep refusing to listen to Jehovah's counsel or feel that it is not important, we will lose his friendship. Embo Christmas in America, laPenne L. Restad ola ti: "Okudja 17 Desemba fiyo 1 Januali, omudo keshe oivilo yOvaroma ihapu ngaashi omaudano, omalihafifo, ominyanyo ohave i danene mumwe noivilo ikwao eshi tava fimaneke oikalunga yavo. " Osha yela kutya ngeenge otwa twikile okupwilikina komayele aJehova ile okukala tu udite kutya inatu fimana, ohatu ka kanifa oukaume waye. To learn more about Ruth and Boaz, see the "Imitate Their Faith " articles in the July 1 and October 1, 2012, issues of The Watchtower. Ashike ngeenge omushingidila okwa anye ewiliko olo, ndele ta hoolola okuya nondjila oyo a hala, otashi dulika shi ka etife oshiponga sha kwata moiti. Opo u lihonge shihapu kombinga yaRut na Boas, tala oshitukulwa "Natu hopaeneneni eitavelo lavo " mOshungonangelo yOshiingilisha ye 1 Oktoba 2012, Januali 2012. Teaching new ones the truth instead of focusing on my own situation has protected me, nurtured me, and helped me to grow spiritually. Ova ninga shili oshiwana shaye, molwaashi ova efa po eenghedi adishe dokulongela oikalunga nova tokola okulongela Jehova Kalunga aeke kashili. Ngeenge handi hongo ovanhu oshili ponhele yokukala handi yandje elitulemo konghalo yange, ohashi amene nge, naasho osha kwafela nge ndi kule pamhepo. When Israel is referred to in a figurative sense, it usually applies to "the Israel of God, " the 144,000, who are anointed with holy spirit to become kings and priests in heaven. Opo tu ndalapatele efyuululo letu, otu na okulungamena eemwiyo daSatana. Ngeenge Israel osha popiwa pafaneko pafaneko meityo lopafaneko, ohashi longo " Israel yaKalunga, ' 144 000, ovo ve li ovavaekwa nomhepo iyapuki notava ka ninga eehamba meulu. Each year, from December 17 through January 1, "most Romans feasted, gamed, reveled, paraded, and joined in other festivities as they paid homage to their deities, " says Christmas in America, by Penne L. Restad. Omolwetomheno olo, Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li va shiivika kutya ohava futu oifendela nehalo liwa, nokuli nonande shihapu osho va li va yandja osha li sha yambidida oukwaita. Omudo keshe, mo 1 Januali 17 Desemba 17 Desemba 17 Januali 2012, opa li pa holoka omafano a faafana naao a li haa ningilwa monhele imwe i na sha nOkrismesa, oo a ti: "Ovanhu ova li hava i monhele imwe i na omwenyo. " However, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous. Oshitukulwa eshi otashi yandje omayele mawa opamishangwa oo tae ku kwafele u unganeke nawa onakwiiwa yoye i kale ihafifa notai pondola. Ndele ngeenge omushingi okwe lipwililikile ewiliko olo, otashi dulu okweetifa oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi. They have truly become his people, for they have abandoned all forms of idolatry and have made Jehovah the only God whom they worship. (Gal. 6: 10) Eendombwedi dihapu ohadi kendabala okulihonga elaka lipe molwaashi ohadi kala di uditile ovanailongo onghenda. (1 Kor. Ova ninga shili oshiwana shaye, molwaashi ova efa po okulongela oikalunga aishe nova ninga Jehova oye aeke Kalunga kasho. To hold fast to our wonderful inheritance, though, we must remain alert to Satan's ploys. Nghee hatu dulu okukulika eitavelo ngaashi laJob. Ndele opo tu kale twa lenga efyuululo letu likumwifi, otu na okukala twa lungamena eemwiyo daSatana. For this reason, first - century Christians were well - known for readily paying taxes, even though a substantial amount went to the support of the military. Okwa ti: "Moule ashike weemwedi mbali konima eshi nda tembukila kodoolopa oyo, onda li nda hovela okukonakona Ombibeli novanhu 15, ndele otashi dulika ito shi itavele kutya moule ashike wefimbo lixupi, ngaashi Sandra, naame onda ka kala ndi na omusholondodo wovanhu va hala okukonakona. " Omolwetomheno olo, Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete ova li ve shii okufuta oifendela, nonande ova li hava i moukwaita. This article provides sound advice from the Scriptures that will help you to plan a happy and successful future. Otu na oufembanghenda washike, notu na okuninga shike opo tu fimanekife Jehova? Oshitukulwa eshi otashi yandje omayele taa longo okudja mOmishangwa oo tae ke ku kwafela u kale wa hafa nou pondole monakwiiwa. Out of compassion for immigrants, many Witnesses endeavor to learn a new language. Mefelemudo lotete ovayapostoli novakulunhuongalo ova li tava dana onghandangala ilipi muJerusalem? Eendombwedi dihapu ohadi kendabala okulihonga elaka lipe. How we cultivate faith like Job's. Josué okwa li a kumwa eshi Javier a li e mu dengela ongodi konima yeemwedi nhee. Nghee hatu dulu okukulika eitavelo ngaashi Job. She relates: "Within two months after moving there, I was conducting 15 Bible studies and - believe it or not - before long, like Sandra, I had a waiting list too! " (1 Joh. 5: 19) Otashi dulika tu kale tu na omaupyakadi oo hae etifwa koukulupe, kokuhenoukolele ile kouxupilo tau kande omapunya. Okwa ti: "Konima yeemwedi mbali okudja eshi nda tembuka, onda li ndi na ovakonakonimbibeli 15. What honor do we have, but what must we do? Eshi osho oshitukulwa shotete shomoitukulwa omuwoi ya shikulafana oyo tai ka kundafana oukwatya keshe woiimati yomhepo. Otu na okufimaneka shike, ndele otu na okuninga po shike? What role did the apostles and other elders in Jerusalem play in the first century? Jehova okwe tu halela ouwa. (Eps. Ovayapostoli nosho yo ovakulunhuongalo vakwao muJerusalem ova dana onghandangala ilipi mefelemudo lotete? To Josué's surprise, four months later he heard from Javier. Ndele eshi nda ka ya kounivesiti kanda li vali handi i kelongelokalunga. Opo nee, okwa li a uda kombinga yeemwedi nhee da ka lupuka. Perhaps we are presently confronted with problems caused by old age, poor health, or economic pressures. Ohatu dulu okutwikila okukulika oukwatya oo wopaKalunga nokukala hatu longo ouwa. Otashi dulika paife tu na omaupyakadi oo haa etifwa komaupyakadi oo haa etifwa koukulupe, okuhe na oukolele ile koiponga yopaushitwe. This is the first article of a nine - part series that will consider each quality, or aspect, of the fruitage of the spirit. Omolwashike ito katuka onghatu u yakule ovo opo tave uya kokwoongala oshikando shotete, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ova djala ile ove liwapeka monghedi ya tya ngahelipi? (Jak. Oshitukulwa shotete shomoitukulwa omuwoi osho otashi ka kundafana oukwatya keshe ile oiimati yomhepo. Jehovah wants the best for us. Heeno, nomolwaasho a li e lipa oushima neenghono omolwoilonga ii aishe oyo a li a longa. Jehova okwa hala oku tu ningila osho sha denga mbada. But when I left home for college, I kind of lost touch with religion. Mbela owa kala uhe na oilonga efimbo lile noino dula oku i mona nonande owa ninga eenghendabala? Ndele eshi nda fiya po eumbo olo, onda li nda kanifa ekwatafano liwa nelongelokalunga la tya ngaho. We can continue to cultivate our God - given abilities and expand in doing good works. (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Ohatu dulu okutwikila okukulika okudula kwetu kuKalunga nokukala hatu tamununa mo oilonga iwa. Why not take the initiative to welcome these new ones, no matter how they may be dressed or groomed? 12: 21) Eladipiko olo kutya "ino findwa kowii " otali ulike kutya ohatu dulu okufinda owii. Omolwashike ito katuka eenghatu u tambule ko ovo vape, kashi na nee mbudi kutya ova djala oikutu ilipi ile hasho? Yes, and Alex deeply regrets all the bad things he did. Satana okwa li a longifa okahalu komesho opo a pukife Eva, eshi e mu lombwela ta ti: "Omesho eni [otaa] pashuka. " Nopehe na omalimbililo, Alex okwe lipa oushima neenghono omolwoinima ii oyo a ninga. Have you been unemployed for a long time and unable to find a job despite all the efforts you make to find one? Espen naJanne ohava kala moshilongo shimwe shomuEuropa sha punapala. Mbela ope na efimbo lile ndele ito dulu okumona oilonga oyo to ningi nonande ope na eenghendabala da mana mo u konge imwe? (b) What will we discuss in the next article? Olopota imwe ya dja koRwanda oya ti: "Oule womido, ovanhu vahapu ovo twa kala hatu konakona navo kava li tava ningi exumokomesho molwaashi kava li ve na Eembibeli. (b) Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? The encouragement not to let ourselves "be conquered by the evil " shows that we can defeat evil. Otwa pumbwa okwiilikana pandjikilile kuKalunga e tu kwafele nokulonga noudiinini opo tu henuke oikala keshe ile oilonga oyo tai dulu oku tu imba tu fyuulule Ouhamba waKalunga. (Gal. Etwomukumo olo kutya natu kaleni " twa findwa kowii ' otali ulike kutya ohatu dulu okufinda owii wa tya ngaho. In the case of Eve, Satan appealed to this desire, saying: "Your eyes are bound to be opened. " 11: 1) Otashi dulika u lipule kutya, ongahelipi handi dulu okukala ndi na eteelelo la twa? Satana okwa li a lombwela Eva shi na sha naasho, eshi a ti: "Omesho eni taa pashuka. " Espen and Janne live in a wealthy country in Europe. " Etwali lashili ' ola dikwa po mo 29 O.P. eshi Jesus a ninginifwa, ndele Jehova te mu tambula ko e li eyambo la wanenena. (Heb. Pedro naMiriam ova li hava di moshilongo shimwe osho shi na ovanhu vahapu moshilongo osho. A report from Rwanda said: "For a long time, many people with whom the brothers were studying had not progressed because they had no Bibles. Kala ho kwafele oukwaneumbo weni opo u kale u na eteelelo la twa Olaporta imwe oya ti: "Konima yefimbo lixupi, ovanhu vahapu ovo va li tava konakona ova li va ninga exumokomesho molwaashi kava li ve na Ombibeli. We need to pray fervently for God's help and work hard to overcome any attitude or practice that will prevent us from inheriting God's Kingdom. Otashi dulika nokuli tu ninge ovakokolindjila ile tu pewe omaufembanghenda vali amwe meongalo. Otwa pumbwa okwiilikana twa mana mo kuKalunga nokulonga noudiinini opo tu finde oikala keshe oyo tai dulu oku tu imba tu fyuulula Ouhamba waKalunga. You may wonder, though, how can your expectation become more sure? Kalunga okwa li a dimina po Paulus novanhu vopefimbo laye pakanghameno lekulilo. Ndele otashi dulika u lipule kutya, ongahelipi to dulu okukala wa teelela nelididimiko? " The true tent " came into existence in 29 C.E. when Jesus was baptized and Jehovah accepted him as the one to become a perfect sacrifice. Paulelalela, onghedi yaSatana yokupangela otai fimanekifa Kalunga, nonande osho osha fa itashi shiiva. " Efiku lashili " ola li le uya momudo 29 O.P. eshi Jesus a ninginifwa ndele Jehova e mu tambula ko e li omunhu a wanenena. Keep the hope alive in your family 13: 7, 17. Kala u na eteelelo loku ka kala mounyuni weni We may even qualify as a pioneer or receive other privileges. Ino ongaonga okulikonakona ngeenge ou na ngoo eitavelo. Otashi dulika nokuli tu kale twa wana okuninga omukokolindjila ile okupewa oinakuwanifwa imwe vali. God applied the ransom to Paul and others of his day. Eshi Jehova a yandja eyambo linene la tya ngaho, okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa. Kalunga okwa li a pa Paulus ekulilo nosho yo vamwe vopefimbo laye. Yes, paradoxical as it may sound, Satan's way of governing has in reality served to glorify God. (Mateus 8: 14; Markus 1: 29 - 31; 1 Ovakorinto 9: 5) Omolwoluhaelo olo la li la hapupala muRoma pefimbo opo, Paulus okwa shanga kutya ngeenge omupashukili Omukriste okwa hombola, oku na okukala " omulumenhu womukainhu umwe aeke, noha tekula nawa ounona vaye. ' - 1 Timoteus 3: 2, 4. Osho otashi ulike kutya onghedi yaSatana yokupangela oya kala tai fimanekifa Kalunga. 13: 7, 17. Onghee hano, otu na okulonga alushe ehalo laJehova nonande hasho twa hala okuninga. 13: 7, 17. You urgently need to examine your faith! Konima yomido mbali lwaapo okudja eshi oshifo shotete shOshungonangelo yOshiingilisha sha nyanyangidwa, moshifo shaAprili 1881, omwa li mwa popiwa kutya opa pumbiwa ovaudifi 1 000. Ou na okutala kutya eitavelo loye ola tya ngahelipi. By making that great sacrifice, Jehovah set the example. Ngaashi sha popiwa komukainhu omuBulgaria wedina Irina, "Itashi shiiva u ehene popepi naKalunga ngeenge ku shii edina laye. " Jehova okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa eshi a yandja ekuliloyambo linene. In fact, on account of the prevalence of immoral sexual practices in the Roman world of that time, Paul wrote that if a Christian overseer was married, he was to be "a husband of one wife " and have" his children in subjection. " - 1 Timothy 3: 2, 4. " Tondeni owii " Pomhito imwe, Paulus okwa li a shanga ehokololo li na sha nelongifo leenghono olo la li apeshe mounyuni waRoma, eshi a ti kutya ngeenge omumwatate Omukriste okwa hombola, "okwa li ha dulika komulumenhu nomukainhu. " - 1 Timoteus 3: 2, 4. So we will always do what Jehovah wants even when it is not what we personally want to do. Ninga oshili yoye mwene. Onghee hano, ohatu ka ninga alushe osho Jehova a hala nokuli nonande inatu hala tu ninge. In April 1881, less than two years after the first issue of the Watch Tower was published, this magazine put out a call for 1,000 preachers. Owe lihonga shike? MuAprili 1881, konima yomido mbali okudja eshi Oshungonangelo ya nyanyangidwa, oshifo osho sha nyanyangidwa, osha li sha yandja oshifo eshi shi na ovaudifi 1 000. A Bulgarian woman named Irina rightly observed, "It is not possible to be close to God if you don't know his name. " Eshi ovaudifi va li va lombwelwa va efa po okumbwanga eengeshefa mumwe nokuudifa, omulongi wefimbo li yadi umwe okwa li a handuka ndele ta fiye po eongalo noku ka tota po ongudu yaye yokukonakona Ombiibeli. Omukulukadi umwe wedina Irina okwa ti: "Itashi shiiva okweehena popepi naKalunga ngeenge ku shii edina laye. " " Hate What Is Bad " 9: 21) Okwa li a anya okuhandukila Ovaisrael ovo va sheka ouhamba waye, nonande okwa li ta dulu okuulika kutya oku na oufemba wokupopila ondodo oyo a pewa kuKalunga. " O ovakolokoshi ' Live the truth, making it your own. Nonande osha pula eedula opo Kevin a ninge omalunduluko, lwanima okwa ka ninga omuyakuliongalo. Osho otashi ke ku kwafela u kale ho ningi oshili yoye mwene. What Did You Learn? Ombiibeli oya ti kutya " Kalunga ina hala pa kane nande oumwe, ndelenee aveshe ve lialulukile melidilululo. ' Owe lihonga shike? When instructed to stop mixing commercial business with the preaching work, one resentful colporteur quit and formed his own Bible study group. Omapangelo opanhu okwa nyengwa okuxulifa po ominyonena, mwa kwatelwa oukulo. Eshi a li a lombwelwa a kufe ombinga moilonga yokuudifa, omutandavelifi woileshomwa umwe okwa li a efa po ekonakonombiibeli nokwa li a tota po ongudu yaye yokukonakona Ombiibeli. King Saul accepted the guidance of God's spirit by leading Israel in a successful battle against the Ammonites. 13: 31 - 33) Kakele kaasho, okwa li yo a divilika kutya havanhu aveshe ovo hava tambula ko etumwalaka lOuhamba ve li ovapangelwa vOuhamba tava wapalele. - Mat. Ohamba Saul oya li ya tambula ko ewiliko lomhepo yaKalunga eshi ya li tai wilike Ovaisrael molwoodi. Although it took a few years for Kevin to improve, in time he was able to serve as a ministerial servant. Mo 1473 K.O.P., Josua okwa li a tuma ovalumenhu vavali va ka lave Jeriko, novalumenhu ovo kuJeriko oko va shakena nombwada Rahab. Nonande osha pula omido dinini opo Kevin a xwepopale, pefimbo opo okwa li a dula okulonga e li omuyakuliongalo. Remember, "[God] does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " Natango, molwaashi okwiimba oku li oshitukulwa sha fimana shelongelokalunga letu, Olutuwiliki ola li la hala okunduluka po embo li na ongushu noshipeko sha faafana no - New World Translation oyo ya pepalekwa. Dimbuluka kutya Kalunga ina hala nande oumwe a hanaunwe po, ndele okwa hala aveshe ve livele ombedi. " Human rule has been unable to solve the problem of crime, including terrorism. Otashi ka kala shiwa pefimbo lEdimbuluko okudilonga kunghee hatu longifa okukalamwenyo kwetu. Epangelo lopanhu inali dula okukandula po oupyakadi oo u li apeshe, mwa kwatelwa oukengeleledi. Additionally, he highlighted that not all who respond to the Kingdom message are necessarily suitable subjects of that Kingdom. - Matt. (2 Ovakorinto 6: 11 - 13) Pwilikina nelitulemo umwe ngeenge te ku lombwele nghee e udite naasho te lipula nasho. Shikwao vali, okwa li a divilika kutya havanhu aveshe ovo inava tambula ko etumwalaka lOuhamba otava wapalele ovapangelwa vOuhamba. - Mat. In 1473 B.C.E., Joshua sent two men to spy out Jericho, and there they met the prostitute Rahab. Ovaengeli ova shitwa ve na omaukwatya a fa aKalunga nove na emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo. Mo 1413 K.O.P., Josua okwa li a tuma ovalumenhu vavali va ka talele po Jeriko nova li va shakeneka ombwada Rahab. Also, because singing is an integral part of our worship, the Governing Body wanted to produce a high - quality book that matches the cover of the revised New World Translation. (Mateus 24: 3) Onghee hano, efaneko loitalenti oli li oshitukulwa shedidiliko olo notali wanifwa pefimbo letu. Shikwao vali, molwaashi okwiimba oku li oshitukulwa sha fimana shelongelokalunga letu, Olutuwiliki ola li la hala nyanyangida embo limwe lomo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, olo la pepalekwa. During this Memorial season, it is good to meditate on how we are using our life. Ovamwatate vahapu moilongo oyo ohava longifa elaka lOshiingilisha pokwoongala nosho yo moukalele, ndele otashi dulika yo hava popi omalaka avo oshidalelwamo ngeenge ve li komaumbo avo. Pefimbo lEdimbuluko, oshiwa okudilonga kunghee hatu longifa onghalamwenyo yetu. Listen carefully when someone tells you how he feels and what he is worried about. Omunyasha oku na okulipula shike ngeenge ta hoolola oilonga? Pwilikina nelitulemo ngeenge umwe te ku lombwele nghee e udite nonokutya oku na ko nasha naye. Angels were created with personalities, divine qualities, and free will. Okudja pehovelo londjokonona yovanhu, edina laKalunga liyapuki ola kala tali shekifwa. Ovaengeli ova li va shitwa ve na omaukwatya mawa, omaukwatya aKalunga nosho yo emanguluko lokuninga omatokolo. So the parable of the talents is part of that sign and is being fulfilled in our time. Kalunga okwa li a hala va kale tava hafele ohombo nokuyadifa edu noludalo lavo. Onghee hano, efaneko loitalenti oli li oshitukulwa shedidiliko olo tali wanifwa pefimbo letu. Although our brothers in these countries may speak other local, or indigenous, languages, they often use English for everyday communication at congregation meetings and in the field ministry. Hasho nandenande! Nonande ovamwatate moilongo ya tya ngaho otashi dulika hava popi elaka lomoshitukulwa, luhapu ohava longifa Oshiingilisha efiku keshe pokwoongala nosho yo moukalele. What might a young person consider when choosing a career? Opo u dule okuyandja omayambidido, inda ko - / kj. Oshike omunyasha ta dulu okudiladila kusho ngeenge ta hoolola eifano? From the beginning of human history, God's sacred name has been smeared with lies. (Lesha Omuudifi 4: 12.) Okudja pehovelo londjokonona yovanhu, edina laKalunga liyapuki ola kala tali xwike po oipupulu. God wanted them to have a happy marriage and fill the earth with their children. Onda li yo nda twikila okudana eengalo odo hadi ningi omaweelelo neenghono nosho yo odo tadi xwaxwameke elongifo leenghono nomunyonena. Kalunga okwa li a hala va kale va hafa nova yadifa edu noludalo lavo. Not at all! Ndele molwaashi otwa li twa wililwa po omolwoshisho, otwa li twa lila. Hasho nandenande! To make a donation, please visit 1: 5; 19: 20. Ngeenge owa hala okuyandja omayambidido, oto dulu oku shi ninga ko - (Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12.) Diladila ashike kokaana kanini ngeenge take lihongo okweenda nopehe na okupunduka. (Lesha Omuudifi 4: 12.) I also continued playing in heavy - metal and death - metal bands. Kalunga oye aeke e na oufemba wokutokola kutya onaini oita ya tya ngaho i na okuluwa nosho yo kutya oolyelye ve na okulwa. Onda li yo nda twikila okudana eengalo odo hadi ningi omaweelelo neenghono nosho yo odo tadi xwaxwameke elongifo leenghono. Worn out from anxiety, we wept. Ndele Kristus okwa nyumuka, naasho osha koleka oushili waashishe osho a honga, mwa kwatelwa osho a popya kombinga yonakwiiwa. - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 15: 14, 15, 20. Molwaashi otwa li twa wililwa po koisho, otwa li twa lila notwa li twa lila. 1: 5; 19: 20. Inamu shi ninga kefininiko, ndele onehalo liwa 1: 5; 19: 20. Consider how an infant learns to walk without falling. Konima eshi omuyapostoli e tu londwela tuha " diladile pambelela, ' okwa yandja eshilipaleko liwa olo kutya: " Okudiladila pamhepo otashi ti omwenyo nombili. ' Diladila kunghee okaana taka dulu okweenda nopehe na okweenda. But it was God - not humans - who rightfully determined when such warfare was to take place and who was to be involved. Oshititatu, otashi dulika wa mona nghee Jehova a nyamukula eilikano loye pomhito yonhumba. Ashike Kalunga ka li a tokola ovanhu ovo va tokola kutya onaini oita tai ka luwa nonokutya olyelye a li ta ka lwa. But Christ did rise, confirming the truthfulness of all that he taught, including what he said about the future. - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 14, 15, 20. (Oilonga 2: 6 - 12) Ashike oshinima shikumwifi sha tya ngaho inashi ningilwa Ovakriste aveshe eshi va vaekwa. Ashike Kristus okwa koleka oushili weendjovo adishe odo a honga, mwa kwatelwa osho a popya shi na sha nonakwiiwa. - Lesha 1 Ovakorinto 15: 14, 20. Not Under Compulsion but Willingly OVANHU ohava kala va tunhukwa neenghono shi na sha netimaumbwile lokuya meulu. Kashipu okulonga nehalo liwa After the apostle warned us against "setting the mind on the flesh, " he offered this positive assurance:" Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " 7: 10) Eemhunga doishitwa yopamhepo yaKalunga oda popiwa kutya oda unganekwa nawa di li " ovakwaita ' vaJehova. - Eps. Konima eshi omuyapostoli Paulus e tu londwela tuha " diladila pambelela, ' okwa li a yandja eshilipaleko eli tali ti: " Okudiladila pamhepo otashi ti omwenyo nombili. ' Third, perhaps you have seen how Jehovah answered one of your prayers. Ngaashi ashike Jehova " he tu pe pauyadi aishe yoku tu hafifa, ' nafye otu "nokutukulilafana " navamwe osho tu na, naasho otashi ke va etela ehafo. (1 Tim. Oshititatu, otashi dulika wa mona nghee Jehova a nyamukula omailikano oye. But these spectacular things do not happen to all Christians when they are anointed. Oshike hatu lihongo memoniko olo Johannes a mona? Ashike oinima oyo inene inai ningilwa Ovakriste aveshe eshi ve li ovavaekwa. HOW attractive the prospect of going to heaven can sound! Onghee hano, otashi dulika tu mu pule nomalinyengotomheno mawa kutya, "Ou li po ngahelipi paife? " OTWA teelela nodjuulufi oku ka kala meulu! God's numerous spirit creatures are referred to as the well - organized "armies " of Jehovah. - Ps. (a) Adam naEva ova li ve na etimaumbwile likumwifi lilipi fimbo va li inava nyona? Ovaengeli vaKalunga vahapu ova popiwa kutya oishitwa yopamhepo oyo ya unganekwa nawa noya unganekwa nawa. - Eps. Jehovah "furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment "; hence, we should want to be" ready to share " with others, thus contributing to their joy. Omulumenhu omunaendunge a shiya ko okwa ti: "Ounongo wa hololwa koilonga yavo kufye, owa yuka. " Onghee hano, otwa hala " okudiinina aishe ei tai tu hafifa, ' nokungaho, otu na okukala twe lilongekida " okukwafela vamwe, ' nokungaho ohatu ka xumifa komesho ehafo lavo. What do we learn from the vision that John saw? Ohamba David yomuIsrael shonale oya li ya lenga edina nelalakano laJehova. Oshike hatu lihongo memoniko olo Johannes a mona? So, though well intended, such words as "How are you doing? " Ka li ashike ha yandje elitulemo kwaasho ovanhu va ninga ndele oketomheno kutya omolwashike ve shi ningila. Ndele mbela eendjovo odo otadi ulike ngoo kutya owa tokola toko okuninga ngaho? " (a) What grand prospect lay before Adam and Eve? 15: 33; 16: 20. (a) Adam naEva ova li ve na eteelelo litunhula lilipi? The wisest of men once said: "Wisdom is vindicated by its results. " Omolwashike u na okudiladila shi na sha nefimbo olo ho longifa momalihafifo? Ovalumenhu ovanaendunge ova ti: "Exupifo oli li mondjila. " Jehovah's name and purpose were highly esteemed by King David of ancient Israel. 8 - 10. Edina laJehova nosho yo elalakano laye ola li la fimanenena kohamba David yaIsrael shonale. He did not focus just on what people did but on why they did it. Ovaudifi vamwe ohava mono shiwa okutya: "Ohandi ka kala nda hafa oku ku talela po vali. Ka li ashike a yandja elitulemo kwaasho ovanhu va li va ninga, ndele okwa li yo a yandja elitulemo kwaasho va li va ninga. 15: 33; 16: 20. Ova li ve na okukaleka eongalo laIsrael la koshoka nokukwafela omunhu oo a dipaa shihe fi oshiningilewina a mone ouwa mefilonghenda laJehova. 15: 33; 16: 20. What do you need to consider with regard to how much time you spend in leisure activities? 33: 11) Moshitukulwa eshi, ohatu ka kundafana kombinga yomaupyakadi atatu. Oshike wa pumbwa okukundafana shi na sha nefimbo olo ho longifa momalihafifo? 8 - 10. Okwa li ha konakona Ombibeli novalumenhu ovanyasha vatano, ovo vatatu vomuvo va ninginifwa. 8 - 10. Some publishers have found it effective to say: "I would enjoy visiting you again. 6 - 12 Juni 2011 Ovaudifi vamwe ova mona ouwa eshi va ti: "Ohandi ke mu talela po vali. They were to keep the congregation of Israel clean and to help the unintentional manslayer to benefit from Jehovah's mercy. Ngaashi eevelishe odo tadi shi ulike, okuya momilele komesho yohombo otashi ka nyona po oukoshoki wetu, edina letu liwa notashi ke tu imba tu longele Kalunga nomutima aushe. Ova li ve na okukaleka eongalo laIsrael la koshoka nokukwafela omunhu oo a dipaa shihe fi oshiningilewina a mone ouwa mefilonghenda laJehova. In this article, we will discuss three negative influences. Oto dulu oku va pula nefimaneko ve ku lombwele oimoniwa oyo va mona eshi va kala tava longele Jehova omido dihapu. Moshitukulwa eshi, ohatu ka kundafana enwefemo lii. As part of his ministry, Daniel conducted five Bible studies with young men - three of whom got baptized. 1: 15) Jesus okwa popya shi na sha naye mwene a ti: "Ou [a] mona nge, oye a mona Tate. " - Joh. 14: 9. Eshi Daniel a li ta longo moukalele, okwa li a ninga omakonakonombibeli atano ovalumenhu vatatu, ovo va li va ninginifwa. As those verses indicate, those who engage in premarital sex sacrifice a degree of their character, integrity, and self - respect. Opo nee ovanhu otava ka kala vali va hafa, nove na onghalamwenyo tai ti sha fiyo alushe. Ngaashi eevelishe odo tadi ulike, ovo hava i momilele kondje yohombo ohava ningi omaliyambo a kwata moiti, hava ulike oudiinini wavo nosho yo efimaneko. You might respectfully ask them to relate an experience from their years of service. 3: 10. Oto dulu oku va pula nefimaneko va kundafane kombinga yoimoniwa yavo oule womido dihapu. Jesus himself said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " - John 14: 9. Rosa okwa li a longifa omhito oyo opo a yandje oundombwedi. Jesus okwa ti: "Ou a mona nge, oye a mona Tate. " - Johannes 14: 9. People will then be able to live happy, productive lives forever. Ohai ulike omafinamhango ouyuki, ngaashi eenghatu dokuheliholamwene omolwouwa wavamwe. - w17.10, ep. Opo nee ovanhu otava ka dula okukala nonghalamwenyo ihafifa, tava ka kala nomwenyo fiyo alushe. 3: 10. Okwa li a wanenena, omudiinini noha dulika kuKalunga ngaashi Adam a li a pumbwa okukala. 3: 10. Rosa could not pass up such an opportunity to give a witness. Olo kali fi tuu etwomukumo la denga mbada kwaavo va fiya po oshili va alukile kuJehova nopehe na okwoongaonga! Rosa ka li ta dulu okukufa po omhito ya tya ngaho mokuyandja oundombwedi. But it reflects high principles, such as unselfish actions for the good of others. - w17.10, p. Omolwashike omumwameme oo a li e udite ngaho? Ndele ohai ulike omafinamhango mawa, ngaashi eenghatu tadi longo omolwouwa wavamwe. - wp17.1, ep. As a perfect man, Jesus could save humankind from sin and death by dying in their behalf. ODULA OMO A DALWA: 1960 Molwaashi Jesus okwa li omunhu a wanenena, okwa li ta dulu okuxupifa ovanhu moulunde nefyo. What a strong incentive for those who have left the truth to return to Jehovah without delay! Omolwashike omulumenhu nomukainhu tava dulu okuulikilafana ohole yashili? Kashi hafifa tuu okutwa omukumo ovo va fiya po oshili va alukile kuJehova nopehe na okwoongaonga! Why did this sister feel that way? Mbela ohatu kala tu uditile ngahelipi exumokomesho olo? Omolwashike omumwameme oo a li e udite ngaho? YEAR BORN: 1960 20: 28; 1 Pet. 5: 2) Onghee hano, otu na okufimaneka elongekido laKalunga, kutya nee otu li ovakulunhuongalo ile hasho. ODULA OMO A DALWA 1960 Why is true love between a man and a woman possible? LUHAPU ovanhu ovo hava longo moikondo yokuxupifa eemwenyo ohava longo oilonga yavo neendelelo. Omolwashike ohole yashili hai kala pokati komulumenhu nomukainhu? How are we personally reacting to that acceleration? Okuninga omalongekido a tya ngaho itashi ti kutya otava yandje po oshinakuwanifwa shavo shopamhepo; ponhele yaasho otashi dulu okukala oshitukulwa shokutekula ounona vavo "meduliko nomekumaido lOmwene. " Mbela ohatu linyenge ngahelipi ngeenge twa wililwa po pamaliudo? Thus, we realize that the wise course is to respect God's arrangement, whether we have the privilege of serving as elders or not. (Ovaheberi 4: 12) Ovakulunhu veongalo otava dulu okulongifa noukeka Ombibeli opo va kwafele ovo tava vele pamhepo va mone kutya oshike sha etifa oupyakadi nonokutya oshike ve na okuninga opo va yukife eenghatu davo koshipala shaKalunga. Onghee hano, otu shii kutya oshi li pandunge okukala twa fimaneka elongekido laKalunga, kutya nee otu na oufembanghenda wokulonga tu li ovakulunhuongalo ile hasho. PEOPLE whose job it is to save lives usually work with a sense of urgency. Ombili yaKalunga oya amena omutima wange eshi nda kala handi ilikana kuye efiku keshe. OVANHU ovo hava longo oilonga yokulikongela omboloto luhapu ohava longo noudiinini opo va xupife eemwenyo davo. Arranging for such help need not mean abdicating their spiritual responsibility; rather, it can be part of bringing up their children "in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " Ile, mbela owa udanekela omunhu umwe oo wa li wa shakeneka eshi to longo eumbo neumbo kutya oto ka aluka opo u mu pe ekwafo lopamhepo la wedwa po? She likolelela kekwafo la tya ngaho, inali kwatela mo oshinakuwanifwa shavo lopamhepo, ndele ponhele yaasho, otali dulu okweetela ovana vavo "meduliko nomekumaido lOmwene. " (Ef. By skillful use of the Bible, the older men can help the spiritually sick one to see the cause of the problem and take appropriate steps to correct matters before God. Eemwedi dinini fimbo Jesus ina dipawa, okwa li ta ende novayapostoli vaye moshitukulwa sheemhunda shaSamaria. Mokulongifa Ombibeli noukeka, ovalumenhu ovanamido otava dulu okukwafela ovo tava vele pamhepo va mone oupyakadi oo tau dulu okweeta oupyakadi nokuninga omatokolo e li mondjila koshipala shaKalunga. The peace of God protected my heart when I turned to him daily in prayer. David ka li omonamati woshiveli waIsai; ashike Messias okwa dja moludalo laDavid. - w17.12, ep. Ombili yaKalunga oya li ya amena omutima wange ngeenge nde mu ilikana efiku keshe. Or have you promised someone you met in the house - to - house ministry that you would call again to give that person further spiritual help? Osho osha li she mu halula kanini, ashike okwa ti ngeenge osho osho nda hoolola okuninga, ondi na okukendabala ndi shi pondole. Ile owa shakeneka umwe oo wa shakeneka moukalele weumbo neumbo, ndele fiku limwe oto ka yandja vali ekwafo lopamhepo? A few months before Jesus is killed, he and his apostles are going through the mountain territory of Samaria. 5: 10. Eemwedi dinini fimbo Jesus ina dipawa, okwa li a nyumuna ovayapostoli vaye nosho yo ovayapostoli vaye vomoshitukulwa osho. David was not Jesse's firstborn son; yet, the Messiah descended from David. - w17.12, pp. Alain, oo a kala te lihongo Oshipersia oule weemwedi hetatu, okwa ti: "Ngeenge handi lilongekidile okwoongala mOshipersia, ohandi yandje unene elitulemo kelaka. David ka li omonamati woshiveli, ndele nande ongaho, Messias, okwa li a dja mepata laDavid. - w17.1, ep. That was a bit of a shock to him, but he said that if that was what I had chosen to do, I should strive to make a success of it. Mbela ovatondi ova li ngoo va efa po okuhepeka oshiwana shaKalunga eshi Oita yOtete yOunyuni ya xula? Ahowe. Osho kasha li shipu kuye, ashike okwa ti kutya ngeenge onda hoololwa ndi pondole, ondi na okuninga eenghendabala ndi pondole. 5: 10. 14: 11) Ngaho oya fa tai ti: " Ovaetiopia ove ku ponokela Jehova. 5: 10. Alain, who has been learning the Persian language for about eight years, admits: "When I prepare for meetings in Persian, I tend to focus on the language itself. Otadi ka kala da hafa okukundafana naave kombinga yomapulo oye. Omunawino umwe wedina nwefwa mo oo a kala te lihongo elaka lOshiingilisha oule womido hetatu lwaapo, okwa ti: "Ngeenge handi lilongekidile okwoongala oko haku longifwa elaka lOshigreka, ohandi kwatwa keamo lokukala handi yandje elitulemo kulo. Was this prophecy completely fulfilled by the end of World War I? Jesus okwe uyile kombada yedu nehalo liwa nokuyandja omwenyo waye opo a xupife ovanhu moulunde nefyo Mbela exunganeko olo ola wanifwa filufilu pexulilo lOita yOtete yOunyuni? That was like saying: " The Ethiopian invasion is an attack on you, Jehovah. " Omuvalekwa " ota ti "Ila! " Osho osha li sha fa Omuetiopia oo a li ta popi ta ti: "Eponokelo oli li popepi naave, Jehova. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Omumwatate Russell okwa li a dana onghandangala ya fimana ilipi lwopexulilo lefelemudo eti - 19? Ota ka kala a hafa okukundafana naave oshinima osho. Jesus willingly came to earth and gave his life to save mankind from sin and death Jesus Kristus oye oshitukulwa sha fimanenena " sholudalo ' laAbraham. Jesus okwa li e uya kombada yedu nokwa yandja omwenyo waye opo ovanhu va xupife moulunde nefyo " The Bride " Says, "Come! " Otu li popepi elela nokuya mounyuni mupe wouyuki. " Ovanailongo " ova ti: "Ila! " Beginning in the late 19th century, what important role did Brother Russell play? Osha yela kutya Josef okwa li e na shihapu okuninga shi na sha nexumokomesho mounongo lomonamati. Lwopexulilo lefelemudo eti - 19, omumwatate Russell okwa li a dana onghandangala ya fimana ilipi? Jesus Christ proved to be the primary part of Abraham's "seed. " Omumwatate Morris okwa li a yelifa kutya embo olo ola nyanyangidwa opo li kwafele Ovajapan. Jesus Kristus okwa li a ulika kutya oye oshitukulwa " sholudalo ' laAbraham. We are at the threshold of the righteous new earth. Mbela ino hala okuyambidida oilonga yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa? Otu li pokuya mounyuni mupe wouyuki. Joseph surely had much to do with his son's progress in that regard. 24: 28 - 30) Okushiva vamwe mu lye pamwe navo osha li omhito iwa yokupanga ombili nosho yo oukaume. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Josef okwa li e na okuninga shihapu opo omonamati waye a ninge exumokomesho moshinima osho. Brother Morris explained that it was designed to help people in the Japanese territory. 42: 5 - 7) Pomhito oyo, Josef okwa li ta dulu okwaalulila ovamwaxe owii oo va li ve mu ningila nosho yo oo va li va ningila xe. Omumwatate Morris okwa yelifa kutya osha li sha nuninwa okukwafela ovanhu vomoshitukulwa osho. Do you desire to support the disciple - making work? Okukonakona nokudilonga ohaku dana onghandangala ya fimana i na sha nokulilongela exupifo. - Lesha Epsalme 119: 105. Mbela oho kala wa halelela okuyambidida oilonga yokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa? An invitation to share food was an invitation to friendship and peace. Omesho oye a alula ko aha tale oinima yongaho, 4 / 1 Otwa li twa shivwa tu ka pange oukaume notu pange ombili navamwe. How easy it would have been for Joseph to repay his brothers for their cruelty to him and to their father! Lombwela kaume koye omulineekelwa omaliudo oye. Josef ka li tuu ta dulu okupa ovamwaxe ondjabi molwaashi ova li ve mu tonde nosho yo xe! Study and meditation play an important role in working out your own salvation. - Read Psalm 119: 105. 147: 3) Oshoshili kutya Jehova oha file oshisho ovo ve na omaupyakadi kutya nee opalutu ile opamaliudo. Okudilonga nokudilonga konghandangala ya fimana oyo to dulu okuninga opo u ka xupifwe. - Lesha Epsalme 119: 105. Haran - Ancient Hive of Activity, 5 / 15 " Omalongelokalunga ohae tu hanganifa ile ohae tu tukaula? " Jehova oha tale ko ngahelipi okushila omakaya? Share your thoughts with a trusted friend. Otu na oufembanghenda wokushiiva edina laKalunga nowokukala tu li " oshiwana sha lukilwa edina laye. ' Kala u na etaleko liwa li na sha nakaume koye oo e lineekela. Yes, Jehovah cares for those who are having problems - whether physical or emotional. Itatu dulu okuninga po sha kufye vene. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Jehova oha file oshisho ovo ve na omaupyakadi, kutya nee ove na oukolele ile palutu. " Does religion unite or divide us? " Okutala kewapalo lomauhamba aeshe omounyuni okwa li taku dulu okuyula Jesus ndele ta kala a hala efimano lomounyuni. Mbela elongelokalunga ohali hanganifa ovanhu ile ohali tu tukaula? " We have the honor of knowing God's name and of being "a people for his name. " Mbela okuhenouyuki nosho yo oukolokoshi ou na ngoo efiku u ka xulifwe po? Otu shii edina laKalunga notu li " oshiwana shaye. ' Left alone, we would be helpless. Ongahelipi okukala u na omadiladilo a fa aKristus taku kumu onghalamwenyo yoye yakeshe efiku? Molwaashi otwa li tu li aame andike, ohatu dulu okukala tuhe na ekwafo lasha. Having a look at the splendor of all the world's kingdoms might induce Jesus to give in to a desire for worldly prominence. Ovahongwa vaJesus ova li ve na okufinda oikala ya tya ngaho. Okukala hatu tale ko omauhamba omounyuni aushe otaku dulu okuningifa Jesus a kale a hala okukala a tumbala mounyuni. Will the time ever come when injustice and wickedness will be no more? Oshike hatu dulu okulihonga kepuko laPetrus osho tashi ke tu kwafela ngeenge otwa udifwa nai keendjovo ile keenghatu domukulunhuongalo? Mbela efimbo otali ke uya ngoo ngeenge okuhenouyuki nosho yo oukolokoshi itau ka kala po vali? How will having the mind of Christ affect your daily life? OTO DILADILA NGAHELIPI? Okukala metwokumwe nomadiladilo aKristus otaku ka kuma ngahelipi onghalamwenyo yoye yakeshe efiku? Jesus ' disciples would need to overcome those feelings. Okwa li a mona Jehova e li "Omuxungu " e li omutumba kolukalwapangelo la dingililwa komalaka omundilo. Ovahongwa vaJesus ova li ve na okufinda omaliudo a tya ngaho. More important, what can we learn from Peter's error that will help us if we are hurt by the words or actions of an elder? Ngeenge hatu lesha Ombibeli, natu kale twa fa tu udite ondaka yaJehova tai tu dilile konima, tai ti: "Apa ondjila, ei mu nokweenda nayo! " Oshike hatu lihongo kepuko laPetrus olo tali ke tu kwafela ngeenge otwa udifwa nai keendjovo ile keenghatu domukulunhuongalo? WHAT DO YOU THINK? (Matt. 24: 14) Ohamba oya li tai pangele meulu noya li ya ongela okangudu kovapangelwa vayo vokombada yedu ovo va koshoka pamhepo. OVE OTO TI NGAHELIPI? He was allowed to see Jehovah depicted as "the Ancient of Days " sitting on a throne with flames of fire. (b) Omapulo elipi tu na okulipula? Okwa li a pitikwa a mone Jehova kutya " omafiku axuuninwa ' oku li omutumba kolukalwapangelo lolukalwapangelo laye. As we consider how God's Word helps us to avoid being misled, we might imagine that Jehovah is walking behind us and is pointing us in the right direction, saying: "This is the way. Ngeenge otwa ningi eudafano lonhumba li na sha nongeshefa, ohatu ka ninga ngaashi twa udafana molwaashi otu va diinini kuKalunga (Tala okatendo 16) Eshi hatu konakona nghee Eendjovo daKalunga tadi tu kwafele tu henuke okupukifwa, otashi dulika tu diladile kutya Jehova ota ende pamwe nafye note tu pe ewiliko la yuka. The King was ruling in heaven, and he had gathered a small group of cleansed earthly subjects. Eshi omukainhu oo a didilika kutya oku na okwiilikana kuJehova, okwa li a tambula ko onghundana iwa. Ohamba oya li tai ka pangela meulu, noya li ya ongela ongudu inini yovapangelwa vokombada yedu va ye meulu. (b) What questions should we consider? tu shiive kutya onaini tu na okupopya? (b) Omapulo elipi tu na okulipula? If we make a business agreement, we will do what we agreed to do because we are loyal to God (See paragraph 16) 18: 10. Ngeenge otwa ningi eudafano moshinima shonhumba, ohatu ka ninga ngaashi hatu dulu opo tu ninge molwaashi otu li ovadiinini kuKalunga (Tala okatendo 16) When the woman realized that she could pray to the true God, whose name is Jehovah, she opened her heart to accept the good news. Mbela Kalunga okwa lalakanena ovanhu va kale hava fi? Eshi omukainhu oo a mona kutya ota dulu okwiilikana kuKalunga kashili, edina laye Jehova ole mu yeululila omutima waye okutambula ko onghundana iwa. Consider and Encourage One Another, 8 / 15 Onda kala handi hafele oufembanghenda wokukokola ondjila oule womido 8 moTasmania. Natu filafaneni oshisho nokutwaafana omukumo! know when to speak? Omumwatate Diehl okwa li a ungaunga ngahelipi nonghalo oyo? okushiiva kutya onaini tu na okupopya? 18: 10. Ovashikuli vaJesus votete ova li hava popi Oshiheberi, ndele konima yefyo laye, ovahongwa vaye ova ka popya yo omalaka amwe vali. 18: 10. Is death part of God's will for us? Okutala omafano oipala otaku pendula ashike mufye omahalo inaa yuka. Mbela efyo oli li oshitukulwa shehalo laKalunga? For the next eight years, I had the privilege of pioneering in Tasmania. Ashike ova itavela kutya momalongelokalunga aeshe omu na ovanamitimadiwa nonokutya Kalunga oku va wete nokwe va tala ko ve li ovalongeli vaye kombada yedu. Oule womido hetatu da ka landula ko, onda li nda mona oufembanghenda wokukala handi kokola ondjila ngeenge handi kokola ondjila. How did Brother Diehl handle that situation? Oshike to dulu okuninga opo u kwafele ovo opo va tembukile meongalo leni? Omumwatate Diehl okwa li a ungaunga ngahelipi nonghalo oyo? The first followers of Jesus spoke Hebrew, but after his death, his disciples spoke other languages. Ombibeli oya ti kutya "Omishangwa adishe [oda] yandjwa keenghono dOmhepo yaKalunga. " Ovashikuli vaJesus votete ova li va popya Oshiheberi, ashike konima yefyo laye, ovahongwa vaye ova li hava popi omalaka amwe e lili. Feeding our eyes on sensual images will only fuel improper desires. Ovaleshi tava pula... Okukonga omafano inaa koshoka otaku ke tu ningifa ashike tu kale tu na omahalo inaa koshoka. They believe, however, that there are sincere people in all religions and that God sees them and accepts them as his worshippers on earth. Otai ka ulika yo nghee okupopya navamwe nombili taku dulu okuxumifa komesho omakwatafano mawa. Ashike ova itavela kutya ope na ovanamitimadiwa vahapu momalongelokalunga aeshe nonokutya Kalunga oku va wete noku va tambula ko ve li ovalongeli vaye kombada yedu. What can you do to help newcomers who have moved into your congregation? Omumwameme otashi dulika a diladile kOmishangwa da fimana, ngaashi oo wokudulika kuKalunga nokoshipango shokuninga ovanhu ovalongwa. (Mat. 28: 19, 20; Oil. Oshike to dulu okuninga opo u kwafele ovo vape meongalo leni? The Bible says that "all Scripture is inspired of God. " Onda li nda fa ndi wete Saul naDavid va fikama apa nda li. Ombibeli oya ti kutya " Omishangwa adishe oda yandjwa keenghono domhepo yaKalunga. ' Our Readers Ask... Tambula ko nolupandu ekwafo olo to pewa kuvamwe Ovaleshi tava pula... She might consider relevant Bible texts, such as obeying God and the command to make disciples. (Lesha Jakob 3: 6 - 8.) Ota dulu okukonakona omishangwa dOmbibeli, ngaashi okudulika kuKalunga nosho yo oshipango shokuninga ovanhu ovahongwa. I thought of Saul and David standing right where I was. 1, 2. Onda li handi diladila kutya Saul naDavid ove li mondjila. Gratefully accept help from others 8: 46; Jak. 3: 8) Kakele kaasho, ovakulunhuongalo ove shii kutya luhapu ihashi kala "ehafo " kovamwaxe nokovamwaina vopamhepo ngeenge tave va kumaida," ndelenee olo oluhodi. " (Heb. Kala ho pandula ekwafo lavamwe (Read James 3: 6 - 8.) OMBIIBELI OHAI LUNDULULA ONGHALAMWENYO YOVANHU (Lesha Jakob 3: 6 - 8.) 1, 2. Ope na ehokololo laye lihokwifa li na sha noilonga yokuudifa tali hangwa membo lokomudo [1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses,] epandja 110 - 112. 1, 2. Also, elders know that for spiritual brothers and sisters, receiving counsel is normally not " joyous but grievous. ' Ovakonakoni vOmbibeli ova li tava dulu oku ka ulika oshinyandjwa osho oshali komikunda opo etumwalaka lOuhamba li fike koitukulwa imwe vali, nokava li va pumbwa oilongifo yokuulikifa oshinyandwa. Natango, ovakulunhuongalo ove shii kutya ovamwatate novamwameme vopamhepo ihava pewa omayele mawa, ndele ponhele yaasho, ohava kala va hafa neenghono. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Atusheni otwa pumbwa etwomukumo, unene tuu eshi hatu kulu. OMBIBELI OHAI LUNDULULA ONGHALAMWENYO YOVANHU The 1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 110 - 112, relates one of his many exciting preaching expeditions. Ohole, okuyakula vamwe nosho yo oukumwe oo u li mokati kado oya li ye tu kumwifa neenghono. - Johannes 13: 34, 35. Mo 1983, o - Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses (embo lokomudo lEendombwedi daJehova), epandja 110 - 112, okwa hokolola shi na sha noilonga yaye yokuudifa oyo tai longwa mounyuni aushe. Without the need for a film projector or a large screen, Bible Students could take this free presentation to the countryside, reaching new territories with the Kingdom message. Ngeenge osho, omu na ekwatafano la tya ngahelipi navo? Molwaashi Ovakonakoni vOmbibeli ova li va pumbwa ofilima oyo, ova li hava dulu okuya keenhele da tya ngaho opo va ka kundafane kombinga yetumwalaka lOuhamba. All of us need encouragement. That is especially true when we are growing up. Estienne okwa ka tukula Omishangwa dopaKriste dOshigreka (Etestamenti lipe) meevelishe, e shi ninga monghedi i lili, ndele te di tula kumwe nomishangwa dOshiheberi. Atusheni otwa pumbwa etwomukumo, unene tuu ngeenge otwa kulu. We were deeply impressed by the love, helpfulness, and unity among Jehovah's Witnesses. - John 13: 34, 35. Tete natu ka kundafaneni kombinga yomahongo aJesus. Otwa li twa kumwa neenghono kohole oyo hai tu kwafele tu kale tu na oukumwe mokati kEendombwedi daJehova. - Joh. 13: 34, 35. If so, what is the nature of your relationship with them? Eshi a ya meni, omumwatate umwe okwa piluka, te limemesha ndele ta ti: "Wa tokelwa po. Ngeenge osho, ongahelipi shi na sha nekwatafano loye navo? Estienne divided the Christian Greek Scriptures, or what is called the New Testament, into a new set of numbered verses and combined them with those already in the Hebrew Bible. Oya li ya kula neenghono i dule nokuli noshikepa yoshinanena oyo ya shiya ko. Oya li ya tota po Omishangwa dopaKriste dOshigreka, ile osho tashi ifanwa Etestamenti Lipe, oya li ya tula kumwe eevelishe dipe odo di li mOmishangwa dOshiheberi noku di tula kumwe di li mOmishangwa dOshiheberi. Let us first consider Jesus ' teachings. Popentekoste yomo 33, Jehova okwa li a ulika kutya okwa hala onghundana iwa i udifwe mounyuni aushe. Tete natu ka konakoneni omahongo aJesus. As she hurried in, one brother turned, smiled, and said: "Hello. Ombiibeli oya popya kutya osho osha ningifa oludalo laAdam li kale moupika woulunde nefyo. Eshi omumwatate umwe a li ta penduka, okwa li e limemesha ndele ta ti: "Ino hala. It was far larger than the largest seagoing wooden ships built even in modern times. Okuninga ngaho, otashi ke tu kwafela tu mone osho twa pumbwa opo tu pameke eitavelo letu. - Johannes 6: 27. Osho osha li sha kula unene shi dulife mefuta la kula leeshikepa odo da tunga eeshikepa dopefimbo lonale. At Pentecost in the year 33, Jehovah showed that he wanted the good news to be preached all over the world. Ndelenee liongeleleni omamona meulu, omo eenhwishi ile oilemo ihai nyonauna, novalunga ihava fe ndele itava vake. " - Mat. POpentekoste yomo 33, Jehova okwa li a ulika kutya okwa hala okuudifa onghundana iwa mounyuni aushe. According to the Bible, that caused Adam's offspring to become enslaved to sin and death. Mbela owa teelela ngoo nodjuulufi oku ka kala mOparadisa eshi oukolokoshi, okumona oixuna nosho yo efyo ya xula po? - Ehololo 21: 4. Ombibeli oya popya kutya oludalo laAdam ola ninga ovapika voulunde nefyo. These activities will give us what we need to keep our faith strong. - John 6: 27. Osha fimana okuuda ko nghee oshili ya kuma omadiladilo nomaliudo omudeulwa. Oilonga oyo otai ke tu pa osho twa pumbwa okukaleka eitavelo letu la pama. - Joh. 6: 27. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. " - Matt. Pomhito imwe, onda li handi longo oilonga yeliyambo koshitaimbelewa shEendombwedi daJehova moMexico. Ndelenee liongeleleni omamona meulu, omo eenhwishi ile oilemo ihai nyonauna na fe ovalunga ihava fe ndee itava vake. " - Mat. Soon God will destroy this wicked world in the "great tribulation. " Ohandi ka kala handi ningi omakwatafano novanhu konguloshi, ashike mEtivali nomEtine komatango ondi na okuya kokwoongala kwa fimanenena. " Mafiku Kalunga ota ka hanauna po ounyuni ou woukolokoshi " poudjuu munene. ' It is important to understand how the truth affects the learner's thoughts and feelings. Omayeleko a tya ngaho otaa dulu okufaafanifwa "naava hava ende kolupadi, " ovo tu na okutondoka pamwe navo. Osha fimana okuuda ko nghee oshili hai kumu omaliudo omuhongwa. For a time, I did volunteer work at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico. Mbela osho itashi ku linyengifa u kale ho dulika kOhamba yetu nokweehena popepi elela nayo? Oule wefimbo, onda kala handi longo koshitaimbelewa shEendombwedi daJehova moMexico. I'll make some evening calls, but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I need to attend very important meetings. " Yelifa kutya oshike to dulu okuninga po opo u kale we lineekela filufilu kutya oshi li pandunge okudulika koshipango shaKalunga shi na sha nokukukuma oluhaelo. Opo nee ohandi i onguloshi imwe, ashike onda li nda pumbwa okukala handi i kokwoongala kwa fimanenena. " These tests of faith may be compared to "footmen " with whom we must run. (Eps. 100: 2) Nongahelipi hatu dulu okuudifila eenhauki onghundana iwa? Omayeleko oo eitavelo tali yelekwa otaa dulu okufaafanifwa " nOvakriste ovo tu na okutondoka. ' Does this not move us to submit to our King and to draw closer to him? Ashike oupamhepo wange owa li tau shongola neenghono nonda li nda efa po okukufa ombinga moilonga yomomapya. Mbela osho itashi tu linyengifa tu dulike kohamba yetu notu ehene popepi elela naye? Explain how you might strengthen your confidence in the wisdom of God's command to abstain from fornication. Consider an example. Moshinima eshi, Jehova oku shii yo kutya onghedi ya denga mbada omo ta dulu okuungaunga neshongo olo okweefa Satana a ulike kutya osho ta popi oshoshili. Yelifa nghee to dulu okupameka elineekelo loye moshipango shaKalunga shi na sha noluhaelo. And how can we effectively share the good news with refugees who do not yet know Jehovah? Omunhu ngeenge a polimana otashi dulika a kale e litala ko kutya ke na ongushu nomafimbo amwe iha kala e na eteelelo lasha nandenande. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuudifa onghundana iwa naavo vehe shii natango Jehova? But my spirituality suffered, and I stopped sharing in the field ministry. Ngeenge otwa hala " okuninga ovana vaTate yetu womeulu, ' otu na okukala twa yooloka ko kovanhu va tya ngaho. Ashike oupamhepo wange owa li wa nghundipala, nonda li nda efa po okukufa ombinga moukalele. In this case too, Jehovah knew that the best way to address the challenge would be to let Satan try to prove his point. Eshi Marilyn a li a tokola okushuna keumbo, vamwe ova li ve mu pa omayele taa tungu ofimbo vamwe ve mu pa oo itaa tungu. Monghalo ya tya ngaho, Jehova okwa li e shii kutya onghedi ya denga mbada omo ta dulu okukandula po Satana oye a li ta kendabala okuulika oudiinini waye. Discouraged ones may become so low in their own eyes that they momentarily lose all hope. Eshi ovahongwa va li tava ende naJesus muSamaria, ova li va hala okunangala momukunda wOvasamaria. Ovanhu ovo va teka omukumo otashi dulika va kale va teka omukumo neenghono momesho avo molwaashi ova kanifa eteelelo lavo. If we want to " prove ourselves sons of our Father who is in the heavens, ' we must be different. 3 / 1 Jeremia, 1 / 1 Ngeenge otwa hala " okukala kufye novana vetu ovo ve li meulu, ' otu na okukala twa yooloka ko kuvo. Marilyn's decision to return home met with mixed reactions. Jehova okwa li Xe nakaume koludalo laAbraham olo la li la ninga oshiwana shaIsrael shonale. Etokolo olo Marilyn a li a ninga ola li le mu kwafela a alukile keumbo. When journeying with Jesus through Samaria, the disciples sought overnight lodging in a Samaritan village. • muMarkus 1: 40, 41? Eshi ovahongwa va enda tava ende pamwe naJesus muSamaria, ova li va konga onhele yokunangala momukunda umwe womomukunda umwe. " Apply Yourself to Teaching, ' 7 / 15 Jesus okwa li e uya kombada yedu nokwa fya "lumwe aluke. " Kufa ombinga pauyadi meteyo linene lopamhepo, 7 / 1 Abraham's descendants who became the nation of ancient Israel originally had Jehovah as their Father and Friend. Omutima woye nau hafele omadimbulukifo aJehova, 9 / 15 Oludalo laAbraham olo la ninga oshiwana shaIsrael shonale ola li Jehova e li Tate naKaume kavo. • Mark 1: 40, 41? Sha faafana, Omukriste naye otashi dulika a kale e shii kutya otu li momafiku axuuninwa, ndele otashi dulika oinima oyo e lipyakidila nayo itai ulike kutya okwa nongela efimbo olo tu li mulo. • Markus 1: 40, 41? Jesus came to earth and died "once for all time. " Oshike sha kwatelwa mokukala twa teelela Jehova a wanife po omaudaneko aye? Jesus okwa li e uya kombada yedu nokwa fya " efimbo alishe. ' Authorities often feel compelled to install speed bumps across city streets to force drivers to slow down. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuladipika vamwe pahole va ninge omatokolo a yuka moshinima osho? Ovanyanekeli luhapu ohava kala ve udite va fininikwa va fiye po momapandavanda opo va kale tava ende momapandavanda. Why is more required of us than just waiting for Jehovah to fulfill his promises? Omadina amwe oo e li moitukulwa ei ya landulafana kae fi ovanhu ovo lelalela. Omolwashike twa teelelwa tu kale twa teelela Jehova a wanife po omaudaneko aye? And how can we lovingly encourage others to make right decisions in this regard? Ndele nande ongaho, oupyakadi itau ka kanduka po ngeenge Alex okwe shi mwenene. Nongahelipi hatu dulu okutwa vamwe omukumo va ninge omatokolo e li mondjila moshinima osho? Some names in this series of articles have been changed. Edu otali ka menifa oikulya ya henena keshe umwe. Omadina amwe oo e li moitukulwa ei ya pambafana hao ovanhu ovo lelalela. Still, the situation is not going to improve if Alex keeps quiet about it. (Oil. 6: 4) Nova li va nangeka po Ovakriste va pyokoka va ka udife evaengeli moitukulwa ipe. (Oil. Ashike onghalo itai ka xwepopala ngeenge Alex okwa mwena. The earth will produce enough food for everyone, and all will have access to it. Omhepo iyapuki oya fa omhepo oyo wa hala eefaila di kwate opo u dule oku ka hanga efikilo, sha hala okutya, okuhanga elalakano loye lokulongela Jehova fiyo alushe. Edu otali ka kala li na oikulya ya wana, novanhu aveshe otava ka mona oikulya ya wana. And they assigned experienced Christians to advance the evangelizing work in new territories. Lwanima onda ka pewa oshinakuwanifwa shokukwatela komesho Ekonakono lEmbo lEongalo. Ova li yo va pewa oshilonga shokuudifa onghundana iwa moitukulwa ipe. Holy spirit is like the wind that you want to catch so as to arrive at your destination safe and sound. Judith, omukulukadi womoNamibia oo ta tekula ounona vomushamane waye okwa ti: "Ina younona vomushamane wange okwa lombwela ovana kutya ame omukulukadi ashike mupe waxe nonokutya ounona ovo hatu dala kave shi ovamwaina vavo. Omhepo iyapuki oya fa omhepo oyo wa hala okuya nayo opo u ka fike konhele oko wa hala okuya. Soon afterward, I was assigned to conduct a congregation book study. Okwa ulikila nge Omuudifi 3: 6 ndele ta lombwele nge pahole kutya ope na " efimbo lokukanifa. ' Diva konima yaasho, onda li nda tumwa ndi ka ninge oshilyo sheongalo. A stepmother in Namibia named Judith says: "My stepchildren's mother once told them that I was just their father's new wife and that any children we had would not be their siblings. Osho osha faafana nokuyowa momulonga u na omakufikufi madjuu tae tu twalaatwala kombinga oko inatu hala okuyuka. Omukulukadi umwe omudali wokuMexico okwa ti: "Omukulukadi wange okwa li e va lombwela a ti: "Eshi nda li okaana, ovadali vange vavali ova li va lombwela nge kutya ohandi kala ashike ndi na omukulukadi oo mupe novana vavo. He showed me Ecclesiastes 3: 6 and kindly told me that there is a time when we have to " give up as lost. ' Ovalongelikalunga Ovajuda ova li ve nokupita moshivelo shoshilando pomulonga opo va ongale. Okwa li a ulikila nge Omuudifi 3: 6 nolune nokwa li a lombwela nge kutya ope na efimbo opo tuha sholole. ' It is like swimming in a river with a current that pulls us in a direction we do not want to go. Jesus ota wilike oshitukulwa shehangano laJehova shokombada yedu opo shi yandje elitulemo kokuudifa onghundana iwa, okufila oshisho pamhepo ovo tava longo oshilonga osho nosho yo okukwafela vamwe va ninge ovalongeli vaJehova. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya ngeenge otwa kala twa tema omulonga u li popepi nafye, itatu ka ya mo mewiliko olo twa hala okuya. In fact, the Jewish worshippers need to gather outside the city gates beside a river. Gloria okwa li okakadona ke shii okuya po nokudja po, ashike natango osho e li ngaho. Onghee hano, ovalongelikalunga Ovajuda ova li va pumbwa okwoongela kondje yoshilando osho. Jesus is taking the lead in directing the earthly part of Jehovah's organization to focus on preaching the good news, to care spiritually for those carrying out this work, and to promote the true worship of Jehovah. Kunena, onda hafa molwaashi okudja eshi nda ninga Ondombwedi mo 1958, onda kala omudiinini komalunduluko oo nda ninga monghalamwenyo yange. Jesus ota wilike oshitukulwa shehangano laJehova shokombada yedu opo a yandje elitulemo koilonga yokuudifa onghundana iwa, kwaavo tava longo noudiinini opo va xumife komesho elongelokalunga lashili nokuxumifa komesho elongelokalunga lashili. Gloria was a jewel then, and she is a jewel today. 10: 14; Eh. 4: 11) Ovanhu aveshe ovaJehova molwaashi oye e va shita. Gloria okwa li okakadona ka talala neenghono. Today, I am happy to say that since I became a Witness in 1958, I have faithfully held to the changes I made in my lifestyle. 20, 21. Paife onda hafa eshi nda ninga Ondombwedi yaJehova mo 1958, nonda ninga omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yange. Hence, by reason of their very existence, all humans belong to Jehovah. Ngeenge hatu udifa eumbo neumbo, luhapu ohatu hange momaumbo muhe na ovanhu. Onghee hano, ovanhu aveshe ove na omatomheno mawa okukala va shitwa kuJehova. 20, 21. Ohole yavo yokuhola Paulus nosho yo ovamwatate oya li yo ya pamekwa. 20, 21. We often find that people are not at home when we preach from door to door. Nghee hatu dulu okukaleka po ohole yetu yokuhola Kalunga Luhapu ohatu hange kutya ovanhu ihava di meumbo ngeenge hatu udifa eumbo neumbo. How their love for Paul and one another must have deepened! Ovatoolinghundana novadani veefilima ihava longifa ashike oshitya osho ngeenge tava popi oinima oyo ya ningwa nale, ndele ohave shi yukifa yo kwaayo tava diladila kutya oi na oupu okuningwa. Ohole yavo yokuhola Paulus nosho yofana oi na okukala ya pama. Protecting Your Love for God Eshi nda li ndi na omido 19, kaume ketu Bud Hasty okwa li a pula nge ndi ke mu waimine moilonga youkokolindjila kolukadi laUnited States. Pameka ohole yoye yokuhola Kalunga Reporters and filmmakers apply the term not only to events that have already occurred but also to those that they fear will happen. Momushangwa oo, osha longifwa okuulika kovanhu, sha hala okutya, kovanhu aveshe. Ovawiliki vomalongelokalunga nosho yo vokunena ohava tula moilonga oiningwanima oyo inai ningwa nale, ndele ova li yo va tila kutya otava ka ningilwa oiningwanima oyo. When I was 19, Bud Hasty, a family friend, asked me to join him in the pioneer work in the southern United States. Ashike nande ongaho, onda li handi longifa efimbo mokukonakona Ombibeli noukeka ngeenge ndi li peumbo. Eshi nda li ndi na omido 19, onda li nda pula kaume ketu umwe, oo a li e uya oku mu waimina moilonga youpashukilishikandjo mOilongo ya Hangana. As used here, it refers to humans - really, to all humankind. Omuudifi 7: 9 okwa ti: " Ino endelela okulihandukifa momwenyo woye, osheshi ehandu tali kala monhulo yelai. ' Outumbulilo oo otau ulike kovanhu aveshe, sha hala okutya, kovanhu aveshe. Nevertheless, I took advantage of all my "spare time " at home to study the Bible carefully. Ponhele yokwiilikana kuKalunga opo omahepeko a xule po, Petrus naJohannes novaitaveli vakwao ova li va ilikana va ti: "Omwene, tala, nhumbi tava popi nomaaneko, Ove u pe ovapiya voye okupopya nouladi aushe eendjovo doye. " (Oil. Ndele nande ongaho, onda li nda mona ouwa eshi nda li handi konakona Ombibeli noukeka. " Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, " says Ecclesiastes 7: 9, "for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones. " OSHILONGO OMO A DALELWA OILONGO YA HANGANA Omuudifi 7: 9, okwa ti: "Ino endelela. Rather than praying to God for persecution to stop, they and fellow believers made supplication, saying: "Jehovah, give attention to their threats, and grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness. " (Lesha 2 Ovakorinto 2: 4; Fil. Ponhele yo okwiilikana kuKalunga e va kwafele va efe po omahepeko, ova li va indila ovaitaveli vakwao tava ti: "Jehova okwa yandja elitulemo koinima yavo, ndee ta pe ovapiya voye ovadiinini ondjovo keshe tai va kwafele va popye nouladi eendjovo doye. " COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: UNITED STATES 7: 9) Onghee hano, ounhwa otau dulu okuteya po ohombo. OSHILONGO OMO A DALELWA: OKWA LI A XUPIFA (Read 2 Corinthians 2: 4; Phil. Osho otashi tu kwafele tu ude ko kutya omolwashike David a li a ladipika Ovaisrael vakwao va kale ve na eteelelo nove lineekela muJehova. (Lesha 2 Ovakorinto 2: 4; Fil. Yes, pride can be lethal to a marriage. Eshi a konakona Ombibeli okwe lihonga kutya okwa pumbwa okulundulula etaleko laye li na sha nokuhawanenena kwovamwaxe. Onghee hano, ounhwa otau dulu okufininika ovalihomboli va hombole ile va hombolwe. No wonder David encouraged his fellow Israelites to wait patiently for their God! Okwa li a hoolola okutameka oshikundafanwa osho nefaneko olo la li tali ka kuma omutima waDavid. Onghee hano, itashi kumwifa eshi David a li a ladipika Ovaisrael vakwao va teelele Kalunga nelididimiko. Through his study of the Bible, he learned that he needed to change how he felt about his brothers ' imperfections. Diladila kwaasho Jehova ta ka ningila ovanhu. Eshi a konakona Ombiibeli, okwa li e lihonga kutya okwa pumbwa okulundulula onghedi omo a li e uditile ovamwaxe okuhawanenena kwaye. He chose to broach the subject with an illustration that could touch the heart of the former shepherd. Omambo 39 otete Ombiibeli okwa li a shangwa kOvaisrael, ile kOvajuda. Okwa li a hoolola okulongifa efaneko keshe li na sha nefaneko olo tali dulu okukuma omutima womufita oo a li omufita. Consider what Jehovah will do for mankind. Jesus okwa li a yandja enyamukulo la yela kepulo olo eshi a nyamukula ovapataneki vaye a ti: "Xo yeni Abraham okwa hafela unene okumona efiku lange, ndele okwe li mona ndee ta nyakukwa. " (Joh. Diladila kwaasho Jehova ta ka ningila ovanhu. The first 39 books of the Bible were written by Israelites, or the Jews. (Deuteronomion 10: 17 - 19) Ndele nande ongaho, osha yela kutya Abraham naLot ova li va ninga shihapu shi dulife pwaasho sha li tashi pulwa komhango eshi ya ka totwa po. Omambo 39 Ombibeli opehovelo okwa shangwa kOvaisrael, ile tu tye, Ovajuda. Jesus gave a clear answer to that question when he said to his opposers: "Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced. " Otwa hafa eshi pe na Ovakriste vashili ve dulife pomamiliyona ahetatu tava tange Jehova efiku keshe. Jesus okwa li a yandja enyamukulo la yela kepulo olo eshi a lombwela ovapataneki vaye a ti: "Tate woye okwa hafela nehafo efiku lange, ndele okwe li mona. " Even so, it is apparent that Abraham and Lot went beyond what later came to be required by law. (a) Omaukwatya amwe elipi oo Kalunga a lenga neenghono? Ndele nande ongaho, Abraham naLot ova li va ya onhapo osho va li va teelelwa va ninge. We are excited that there are more than eight million true Christians praising Jehovah each day! MuMateus etukulwa 24, Jesus okwa kundafana shi na sha "nomupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge. " Otwa hafa neenghono eshi ope na Ovakriste vashili ve dulife pomamiliyona ahetatu tava tange Jehova efiku keshe. (a) What are some qualities that God values? Oshidjuu kovapiya vaKalunga vahapu kunena okuuda ko kutya oshike hashi ningwa po ngeenge Kalunga a vaeka umwe. (a) Omaukwatya amwe elipi Kalunga a lenga? In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus discussed "the faithful and discreet slave. " Omwene te ku kwatele komesho! MuMateus etukulwa 24, Jesus okwa kundafana "omupiya omudiinini nomunaendunge. " Most of God's servants today may find it difficult to understand what happens to someone when God anoints him. 2: 21. Ovapiya vaKalunga vahapu kunena otashi dulika va mone shidjuu okuuda ko kutya oshike hashi ningwa po ngeenge omunhu okwe mu vaeke. Is Jehovah not going out before you? " Oshike hatu lihongo muLukas 10: 4 shi na sha nanghee tu na okulongifa efimbo letu? Mbela Jehova ite ku efa? " 2: 21. (Lesha Jesaja 48: 17, 18.) 2: 21. When it comes to our use of time, what principle from Jesus ' instructions found at Luke 10: 2 - 4 can we apply? 17 - 23 DESEMBA 2012 Efinamhango lilipi tali hangwa muLukas 10: 2 - 4 tali dulu okutula moilonga ngeenge tashi uya pokulongifa efimbo letu? (Read Isaiah 48: 17, 18.) Jesus okwa ti: "Keshe ou a fiya ko omolwedina lange omaumbo ile ovamwaxe ovalumenhu ile ovamwaina ovakainhu ile xe ile ina ile ovana ile omapya, oye te ke i mona ko ihapu i dule ei, nomwenyo waalushe ote u fyuulula. " (Mat. (Lesha Jesaja 48: 17, 18.) DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2012 5: 7) Oshiwa okudimbuluka eendjovo odo a li a lombwela Ovaisrael kutya " eke laye li na eenghono inali xupipala okukwafela ' ovapiya vaye ovadiinini. 17 - 23 DESEMBA 2012 Jesus said: "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit everlasting life. " 3: 18, 19; Dan. Jesus okwa ti: "Keshe tuu ou a fiya omaumbo ovamwatate ile ovamwaina ile ovamwaina ovakainhu ile xe ile ina ile ina ile ovana ile ovana ile omapya, oye ta pewa eenghono dihapu fiyo alushe. " We can take to heart what God told the Israelites, that his mighty " hand is not too short to save ' his loyal servants. Apa ota pa shikula vali oshihopaenenwa shimwe. Ohatu dulu okutula moilonga osho Kalunga a li a lombwela Ovaisrael, kutya " eke laye inali kala po ashike lokuxupifa ovapiya vaye ovadiinini. ' 3: 18, 19; Dan. Oshiwana shaJehova ohashi dulika nale kefinamhango olo li li mOvaroma 12: 5, tali ti: "Mokukalafana kwetu ofye oinhimbu. " 3: 18, 19; Dan. Here is another example. 1, 2. Natu ka taleni vali koshihopaenenwa shimwe. Jehovah's people already live in accord with the principle found at Romans 12: 5: "We are members belonging to one another. " Kakele kaasho twa tumbula metetekelo, ope na oinima yonhumba oyo ye tu kuma atusheni. Oshiwana shaJehova ohashi kala metwokumwe nefinamhango olo li li mOvaroma 12: 5, olo tali ti: "Ohatu kalafana ofye oinhimbu. " 1, 2. Abraham okwa li a ninga po shike opo a kaleke po ombili pokati kaye novashiinda shaye Ovafilisti? 1, 2. Despite the factors just mentioned, all of us have certain things in common. Onda li nda pamekwa neenghono koihopaenenwa yavo. Nonande oinima aishe oyo ya tumbulwa metetekelo oye tu ningilwa, atusheni otu na oinima yonhumba oyo i li apeshe. How did Abraham pursue peace with his Philistine neighbors? Marilyn okwa li ashike a lalakanena okukala kondje yoshilongo eemwedi donhumba ndele okwa ka papala ashike eshi omido tadi piti, nokwa li she mu tilifa eshi a didilika kutya oukwaneumbo waye otau ende tau lunduluka. Ongahelipi Abraham a li a lalakanena okukaleka po ombili pokati kaye nOvafilisti? I was so encouraged by their examples! 106: 9 - 11) Oshiningwanima osho osha li shididilikwedi, novanhu vokoilongo oyo ova kala tava popi kombinga yasho nokonima eshi pa pita omido 40 lwaapo. Onda li nda tuwa omukumo neenghono koihopaenenwa yavo. And as the months that Marilyn had planned to be away turned into years, she noticed disturbing changes in her family. Ouhamba waKalunga oshike? Konima yeemwedi odo, Marilyn okwa li a didilika kutya Marilyn okwa ninga omalunduluko onhumba moukwaneumbo wavo. This event was so spectacular that people in that part of the world were still speaking about it 40 years later. John Barr, oo a li oshilyo shOlutuwiliki, okwa li a popya kombinga yaLukas 13: 24 omido da ya, a ti kutya, "Ovanhu vahapu ova li va nyengwa molwaashi kava li va pamenena pamhepo. " Oshiningwanima osho osha li shididilikwedi neenghono nomolwaasho ovanhu ovo va li oshitukulwa shounyuni aushe ova li natango tava popi kombinga yasho konima yomido 40 lwaapo. What is God's Kingdom? (Ovaheberi 4: 15) Otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu kufye okuuda ko omaliudo aumwe oo a kala ta vele oule wefimbo lile, naunene tuu ngeenge itatu vele. Ouhamba waKalunga oshike? In commenting on Luke 13: 24, John Barr, who served as a member of the Governing Body, pointed out some years ago, "Many fail because they are not diligent enough to grow mighty. " 17 - 23 Januali 2011 Metwokumwe neendjovo odo di li muLukas 13: 24, Johannes, oo a kala oshilyo shOlutuwiliki, okwa popya shi na sha nomido dihapu da pita, a ti: "Omido dihapu ihadi xulu po. " It may be difficult for us to understand the feelings of someone who has been sick for a long time, especially if we are not sick. Ovakulunhuongalo ohava dulika nelininipiko keendjovo daJesus odo da ti: "Inamu itavela nande mu ifanwe Rabbi, osheshi omuhongi weni Oumwe, ndele onye amushe ovamwainafana. Otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu kufye okuuda ko omaliudo omunhu oo a kala ta vele oule wefimbo lile unene tuu ngeenge ihatu vele. Genuine Christian shepherds humbly obey Jesus ' words: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers. Oshidjemo, Ovakriste ovavaekwa ova talwa ko ovayuki kuKalunga pakanghameno leitavelo lavo mekuliloyambo laJesus. Ovafita Ovakriste vashili ohava dulika nelininipiko keendjovo daJesus odo tadi ti: "Inamu ifanwa, osheshi Omuhongi weni, nye amushe ovamwainafana. As a result, anointed Christians are counted righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. 3, 4. Oshidjemo, Ovakriste ovavaekwa ove li ovayuki omolweitavelo mekuliloyambo laJesus. 3, 4. Efimbo olo onde li longifa moilonga yaJehova ndi li omukokolindjila. " 3, 4. I used the time in Jehovah's service as a pioneer. " Sue, oo opo a hombolwa, okwa ti: "Omushamane wange oha ile nge koilonga po 7: 00 yokomatango. Onda kala handi longifa efimbo moilonga yaJehova ndi li omukokolindjila. " " My husband picks me up from work at 7: 00 p.m., " says Sue, who has been married a short time. Oto dulu yo okudilonga keevelishe dOmbibeli odo wa diladila oku ka longifa fiku olo nokoileshomwa oyo wa diladila oku ka yandja. Andrew oo a kala a hombola oule wefimbo lixupi okwa ti: "Omushamane wange oha kufa nge mo koilonga. You can also meditate on Bible verses you plan to use that day and the publications you plan to offer. 4: 4) Kakele kaasho, Oukwakriste ohau lipwililikile neenghono okuhenoukoshoki kwoilyo yao. Oto dulu yo okudilonga eevelishe dOmbibeli odo u na okulongifa efiku keshe nosho yo oishangomwa oyo to yandje. Additionally, Christendom has become increasingly tolerant of immorality among its members. yaAprili 2009 osha londwela kombinga yokukala u na oihole nomunhu oo ehe fi kaume koye kopahombo. Shikwao vali, Oukwakriste owa tukauka koilyo yao ya nyika omilele. of April 2009 warned against sexual fantasies involving someone other than your marriage mate. Ashishe osho okwa li tashi ningwa nelalakano lokushololifa ovanhu vaha leshe Ombiibeli novaha kale tava pulapula shi na sha nomahongo ongeleka. MuAprili 2009, omu na etaleko la puka li na sha nomilele olo la kwatela mo kaume koye kopahombo shi dulife kaume koye kopahombo. The goal was to discourage people from reading the Bible and questioning the church. Mbela Jesus okwa hepekwa ngoo shili nokudipawa? Elalakano olo ola li itali teya omukumo ovanhu eshi va lesha Ombiibeli nova li va limbililwa ongeleka. Did It Really Happen? Onghee hano, Kalunga okwa li a nwefa mo Jeremia a lombwele hamushanga waye ta ti: " Tala, osho nde shi tunga ohandi shi ngumuna po, naashi nda twika po ohandi shi duda mo. Mbela ope na ngoo shili oshinima sha tya ngaho? So God inspired Jeremiah to tell his secretary: "Look! What I have built up I am tearing down, and what I have planted I am uprooting, even all the land itself. (Ex. 32: 1 - 6) Eenghatu odo Aron a ka katuka lwanima otadi ulike kutya ka li a panda oshinima osho a ningifwa kovanashibofa ovo va li va hala okuningilwa oshikalunga, ndele osha yela kutya okwa li e liyandja omolwokufininikwa. Onghee hano, Kalunga okwa li a nwefa mo Jeremia a lombwele hamushanga waye a ti: "Tala, ame ohandi ke li hanauna po, ndee handi xwike po oshilongo ashishe, osheshi eshi nde shi tuvikila edu alishe. However, Aaron's subsequent actions indicate that his heart was not with this idolatrous movement. He evidently gave in to pressure. Oto ke lihonga shihapu kombinga yonghalamwenyo yomulumenhu omuyuki Job. Ashike eenghatu daAron oda ulika kutya omutima waye kawa li hau longele oikalunga oyo ya li ye mu ningifa a finde omafininiko oomakula. (See the box "A Name Full of Meaning. ") (Tala oshimhungu "Edina olo tali ti sha lela. ") (Tala oshimhungu, "Ou na edina la tumbala. ") There was as yet no congregation in the area, so the two sisters conducted meetings in the private home of an interested family. (Joh. 17: 11) Molwaashi pefimbo opo moshitukulwa kamwa li eongalo, ovamwameme ovo vavali ova li hava ningile okwoongala meumbo limwe loukwaneumbo oo wa li u na ohokwe mOmbibeli. Moukwaneumbo omo omwa li mu na ovaudifi vavali, onghee hano, ovamwameme ovo vavali ova li hava ongala meumbo omo mu na oukwaneumbo umwe oo u na ohokwe. What glory may we receive from God? Omeenghedi dilipi Kalunga ha yandje efimano? Ohatu ka pewa efimano lilipi kuKalunga? Toward the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus could say in prayer to Jehovah: "I have made your name known to them [the apostles] and will make it known. " (Joh. 17: 26) Shikwao vali, okwa kala ha yandje olupandu kuJehova omolwaashishe osho a li a dula okuwanifa po eshi a li kombada yedu. - Joh. Jesus okwa li a ilikana kuJehova lwopexulilo loukalele waye wokombada yedu a ti: "Ame nde va shiivifa edina loye, ndele ohandi ke li shiivifa natango. " Some may find that they are focusing on trying different types of wine, decorating the home, finding new clothing styles, making investments, planning vacation trips, and the like. Vamwe otashi dulika va didilike kutya ohava yandje elitulemo kokunwa omaludi omalodu, kokuwapaleka omaumbo avo, kokukonga oikutu oyo i li momoode, kokwoongela oimaliwa, kokuunganeka omafudo nosho tuu. Vamwe otashi dulika va mone kutya ohava kendabala okukala hava yandje elitulemo kokunwa omaviinyu a yoolokafana, hava djala oikutu ipe, oikutu ipe, ohava djala oikutu ipe nosho yo ngeenge tava i momalweendo. The church found this deeply disturbing. Osho osha li sha handukifa neenghono ovawiliki vongeleka. Ova li va mona kutya omahongo ongeleka okwa nyika oshiponga neenghono. 3, 4. (a) Why has Jehovah shown patience in carrying out his purpose for the earth? 3, 4. (a) Omolwashike Jehova te lididimike eshi ta wanifa po elalakano laye li na sha nedu? 3, 4. (a) Omolwashike Jehova a ulika kutya omulididimiki eshi a wanifa po elalakano laye li na sha nedu? So Moses took the blood [of the sacrificed bulls] and sprinkled it on the people and said: " This is the blood of the covenant that Jehovah has made with you in harmony with all these words. ' " - Ex. Opo nee Moses okwa kufa ko ohonde nokwe i shamina kovanhu ndee ta ti: Ohonde ei oyehangano Omwene e li ninga nanye opeendjovo adishe edi. " - Ex. Onghee hano, Moses okwa li a kufa ohonde yohonde i na ondilo nokwa li a popya shi na sha novanhu, a ti: "Ohonde yOmwene oye mu shita aishe i li metwokumwe neendjovo adishe odo. " - Ex. In his due time, Jehovah demonstrated his divine power and expressed his sovereignty over stubborn Pharaoh. Eshi eufwafimbo laJehova lokumangulula Ovaisrael moupika la fika, okwa li a ulikila omukwandudi Farao kutya Ye omunaenghono nomunamapangelo aeshe. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo, Jehova okwa li a ulika eenghono daye dinene nokwa li a ulika kutya oku na eenghono e dule Farao. Examples of God - Given Comfort Oihopaenenwa yavamwe ovo va li va hekelekwa kuKalunga Oihopaenenwa yovapiya vaKalunga ohai tu hekeleke 11: 3. 11: 3. 11: 3. We were all born with a fatal flaw - sin! Atusheni otwa dalwa ovalunde Atushe otwa dalwa moulunde. Even though many worshipped false gods after the Flood, some faithful men continued to honor Jehovah. Nonande konima yEyelu ovanhu vahapu ova li hava longele oikalunga, opa li vamwe ovo va li ovadiinini kuJehova. Nonande ova li hava longele oikalunga ihapu konima yEyelu, ovalumenhu vamwe ovadiinini ova twikila okufimaneka Jehova. How can we help them? Ongahelipi hatu dulu oku va kwafela? Ongahelipi hatu dulu oku va kwafela? (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham dealt with a dispute? (b) Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Abraham a pongolola po okuhaudafana kwavo naLot? (b) Oshike hatu lihongo monghedi omo Abraham a li a ungaunga noupyakadi? Having grown up knowing about the hope of a resurrection, I soon found myself telling him about Jesus - that he raised the dead and that he promises to do so again in the future. Molwaashi onda putuka ndi shii kombinga yeteelelo lenyumuko, onda li nda hovela oku mu lombwela kombinga yaJesus, kutya okwa li a nyumuna oonakufya nokwa udaneka kutya ota ka ninga vali ngaho monakwiiwa. Eshi nda shiiva kutya oku na eteelelo lenyumuko, diva onde mu lombwela kombinga yaJesus, kutya okwa nyumuna ovafi nonokutya ota ka ninga vali shike monakwiiwa. We can find the Tetragrammaton in many old Hebrew manuscripts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edina olo otali hangwa momashangelo makulu Oshiheberi, ngaashi omishangwatonywa odo da hangelwe pEfuta La Fya, muAsia. Ohatu dulu okumona kutya edina laKalunga ola shangwa neendada dihapu dOshiheberi, ngaashi omashangelo makulu Efuta La Fya. This means that God's "indescribable free gift " includes Jesus ' sacrifice and all the goodness and loyal love that Jehovah shows us. Osho osha hala kutya "oshali [yaKalunga] i he fi kutumbulwa " oya kwatela mo eyambo laJesus, omauwa aeshe oo Kalunga he tu ningile nosho yo ohole i na oudiinini oyo he tu ulikile. Osho osha hala okutya " oshali ihe fi kutumbulwa ' oya kwatela mo eyambo laJesus nosho yo ouwa aushe oo Jehova he tu ulikile. For example, in Montreal at a deaf club, I witnessed to Eddie Tager, a young man who was part of a gang. Pashihopaenenwa, moMontreal pongudu yonhumba yeembolo onda li nda yandja oundombwedi kuEddie Taeger, omulumenhu omunyasha oo a li mongudu oyo hai longo ominyonena. Pashihopaenenwa, eshi nda li omunyasha, onda li nda yandja oundombwedi komunyasha umwe omunyasha oo a li oshilyo shongudu yavo. " How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable? " - chapter 38 " Why Am I Afraid to Share My Faith at School? " - chapter 17 Omolwashike ho kala wa tila okulombwela vamwe kofikola kombinga yeitavelo loye? - lr, etuk. 30, ep. " Ongahelipi handi dulu okukonga ekwafo kuKalunga? " - etukulwa 38 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike? They will also help us to strengthen our friendships with one another. - 1 John 4: 7, 8. Otae ke tu kwafela yo tu pameke ekwatafano letu nOvakriste vakwetu. - 1 Joh. 4: 7, 8. Otai ke tu kwafela yo tu pameke oukaume wetu navamwe. - 1 Johannes 4: 7, 8. " Keep On Asking, " 4 / 1 Ve liyandja va longe nehalo liwa moMeksiko, 4 / 15 Kaleni mwe lilongekida! What other goals in Jehovah's service can we set? Omalalakano vali elipi hatu dulu okulitulila po moilonga yaJehova? Omalalakano vali amwe moilonga yaJehova elipi hatu dulu okulitulila po? The next article will answer that question. Oshitukulwa tashi landula otashi ka nyamukula epulo olo. Oshitukulwa tashi landula otashi ka nyamukula epulo olo. (Read Psalm 34: 8 - 10.) (Lesha Epsalme 34: 9 - 11.) (Lesha Epsalme 34: 8 - 10.) Having an active share in the meetings helped keep my mind off my problems. Okukufa ombinga pokwoongala okwa kwafela nge ndiha kale handi diladila kombinga yomaupyakadi ange. Okukala pokwoongala ohaku kwafele nge ndi dimbuluke omaupyakadi ange. For centuries, the churches propagated the doctrine of the Trinity, claiming that the Father and the Son are part of the same entity. Oule womido omafele, eengeleka oda kala tadi tandavelifa ehongo loukwatatu, hadi ti kutya Xe nOmona omunhu umwe. Oule womafelemido, eengeleka oda kala tadi hongo ehongo lOukwatatu, tadi ti kutya Xe nOmona oshinima sha faafana. Let me ask you this: From what you know about God's requirements, when a person prays, in whose name should he offer the prayer? Nandi ku pule: Ngeenge tashi uya kombinga yoiteelelwa yaKalunga oyo u shi, ngeenge omunhu ta ilikana, omailikano aye oku na okupitila medina lalyelye? Nandi mu pule kutya: Mbela ou shii ngoo oiteelelwa yaKalunga, ngeenge omunhu ta ilikana medina laye, oku na okwiilikana medina laye? He said: "I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative;... the judgment that I render is righteous, because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me. " Okwa ti: " Ame mwene ihandi dulu okulonga nande sha. Etokolo lange ola yuka, osheshi Ame ihandi shikula ehalo lange mwene, ndelenee ehalo laau a tuma nge. ' (Joh. Okwa ti: "Itandi dulu okuninga etokolo lange mwene; osheshi Ame ohandi kongodi dange mwene, ndelenee ehalo lange laau a tuma nge, ndelenee ehalo lange laau a tuma nge. " When he first learned that she was pregnant, he wanted to deal mercifully with her, even before God's angel explained to him what had happened to Mary. Eshi Josef a didilika kutya Maria omufimba, okwa li a hala okuungaunga naye nawa, nokuli nofimbo omweengeli waKalunga ine mu yelifila kutya oshike sha ningilwa Maria. (Mat. Eshi a uda kutya okwa ninga oufimba, okwa li a hala oku mu fila onghenda, nokuli nofimbo omweengeli waKalunga e mu yelifila osho sha ningilwa Maria. In the first century C.E., the apostle Paul told the elders who served in the congregation in Ephesus: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son. " Mefelemudo lotete O.P., omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a lombwela ovakulunhuongalo vomeongalo lomuEfeso ta ti: " Litaleni hano nye vene, nye mu pashukile oshiunda ashishe, omo mwa nangekwa komhepo iyapuki, eshi e mu ninga ovafita vokulifa eongalo laKalunga, e li lilikolela nohonde yOmona. ' (Oil. 20: 28, yelekanifa no - NW.) Mefelemudo lotete O.P., omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a lombwela ovakulunhuongalo ovo va li hava longo meongalo lokuEfeso, a ti: "Lipashukileni, nye mu kale mu nokupewa omhepo iyapuki yaKalunga, oyo Ye e mu nangeka po. " (Ef. Would you destroy your home? Mbela oto ka hanauna po eumbo loye? Mbela oto ka hanauna po eumbo loye? 4: 7. 4: 7. 4: 7. On the day of her baptism, Georgina prayed fervently to Jehovah that Kyriacos would not leave her. Efiku Georgina a li ta ka ninginifwa, okwa li a ilikana kuJehova a mana mo opo Kyriacos ehe mu henge po. Mefiku leninginifo laye, Georgina okwa li a ilikana kuJehova nomutima aushe kutya Kyriacos ke na efiku e mu fiye po. A child can become mature by observing his parents and copying their good example. Okaana otaka dulu okukala ka pyokoka mokutala kovadali vako nokuhopaenena oshihopaenenwa shavo shiwa. Okaana otashi dulika ka pyokoka mokukonakona Ombibeli novadali vako nosho yo oshihopaenenwa shiwa. I Was Drawn to Wise Older Ones (E. " Eengodi ditilyana, ' 1 / 1 Onda li handi kala nda hokwa ovanamido (E. JEHOVAH is the wealthiest Person in the universe. JEHOVA oye omukengeli meshito alishe. (1 Omaf. JEHOVA oku na oupuna wa shiya ko meshito alishe. Therefore, by faithfully continuing in our preaching work, we make sure that we will be available to give comfort to people at a time when they may be ready to accept it. Onghee hano, ngeenge otwa twikile noudiinini noilonga yetu yokuudifa, ohatu ka dula okuhekeleka ovanhu pefimbo opo tashi dulika tava ka kala va hala okupwilikina. (Jes. Onghee hano, ngeenge otwa twikile okulonga noudiinini moilonga yetu yokuudifa, ohatu ka shilipaleka kutya ohatu ka hekeleka ovanhu pefimbo opo ve lilongekida okutambula ko eshivo olo. Some would prove false to their claim of serving God. Vamwe otava ka tya kutya otava longele Kalunga ndele hasho. Vamwe ova li tava ka ulika oipupulu kutya otava longele Kalunga. So I went to an institute for the blind in order to learn to read and write Braille. Pashihopaenenwa, onda efa po okushila omakaya. Onghee hano, onda li nda ya pamwe opo ndi ke lihonge okulesha noku i lesha. So I went. Naasho osho nda li nda ninga. Onghee hano, onda li nda ya. This would include those who were once part of the congregation but who sinned, were unrepentant, and were disfellowshipped. Pashihopaenenwa, katu na okweendafana novanhu ovo va kondwa molwaashi va nyona noinave livela ombedi. Osho osha kwatela mo ovo va li oshitukulwa sheongalo, ashike ovo va nyona sha kwata moiti ova li va kondwa nova li va kondwa mo meongalo. How did Jehovah's words "trickle as the dew "? Ongahelipi eendjovo daJehova da li da " kunguluka ngaashi omume ' tai wile? Eendjovo daJehova oda li da tya ngahelipi ngaashi omume? " Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights. " " Keshe oshipewa shiwa, nokeshe oshali sha wanenena, ohashi di kombada, okuXe yomauyelele. " " Keshe oshipewa shiwa, nokeshe oshali sha wanenena, ohashi di kombada, okuXe yefilonghenda. " The Bible answers this way: "Through one man [Adam] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " Ombiibeli oya ti: "Ngaashi oulunde wa etwa mounyuni komunhu umwe [Adam], nefyo okoulunde, osho nee efyo ole uya movanhu aveshe, shaashi aveshe va nyona. " Ombibeli otai nyamukula tai ti: "Oulunde wa etwa mounyuni komunhu umwe [Adam], nefyo okoulunde, osho nee efyo ole uya movanhu aveshe, shaashi aveshe va nyona. " Jehovah lets us decide for ourselves whose side we want to be on. Jehova okwa efa opo tu tokole kufye vene kutya otwa hala okwaama kombinga yalyelye. Jehova okwe tu hoolola tu ninge omatokolo kufye vene oo twa hala okukala metwokumwe nomifikamhango daye. (b) What example did Jesus set for us? (b) Oshihopaenenwa shilipi Jesus e tu tulila po? (b) Jesus okwe tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shilipi? How should you greet a person in mourning? Mbela ou na okupopifa ngahelipi omunhu oo a filwa? Ongahelipi to dulu okuhekeleka omunhu oo a nyika oluhodi? Illustrate. Yandja oshihopaenenwa. Shi yelifa. Jesus now enjoys immortality as a glorious spirit creature. Paife Jesus oku li oshishitwa shopamhepo ihashi fi nosha tumbala. Paife Jesus ota hafele onghalamwenyo ihai fi e li oshishitwa shopamhepo shopamhepo. Showing love for God and for others made Jesus happy. 4: 31 - 34) Ohole yaye yokuhola Kalunga nosho yo ovanhu oye mu ningifa a kale a hafa. Jesus okwa li ha kala a hafa ngeenge ta ulike kutya oku hole Kalunga nosho yo vamwe. (The New English Bible) If the finder did not make known his find, he could have been accused of stealing. Ngeenge omunhu a li a toola oshinima ndele ina popya osho a toola, okwa li taku dulu okutiwa kutya okwa vaka. (The New English Bible) Ngeenge omunawino oo ehe shii nale, otashi dulika a li ta popile okuvaka. It is good to remember that at one time we were all "strangers, " or foreigners, not close to God. Oshiwa okudimbuluka kutya ope na efimbo limwe atushe twa li "ovanailongo, " twa li kokule naJehova. (Ef. Oshiwa okudimbuluka kutya pomhito imwe atushe otwa li "ovanailongo, " ile tu tye ovanailongo, ihatu ehene popepi naKalunga. Does the Bible leave some people unnamed because they were bad or insignificant? Oshike tashi ke tu ningilwa ngeenge otwa pwila mokulikola oimaliwa? Mbela Ombiibeli oya pitika ovanhu vamwe ovo va tumbala molwaashi va tumbala ile va tumbala? But if you want to get baptized, it would be wise to find out how determined you are to obey Jehovah's commands. (Omuudifi 7: 20) Ndele ngeenge owa hala okuninginifwa, otashi ka kala pandunge okulikonakona nawa ngeenge owa tokola ngoo shili okukala ho dulika koipango yaJehova. Ndele ngeenge owa hala okuninginifwa, otashi ka kala pandunge okumona nghee wa tokola okudulika koipango yaJehova. These Bible Students and others like them were determined to serve Jehovah based on their understanding of love and loyalty. Ovakonakoni vOmbiibeli ovo nosho yo vamwe ova li va tokola okulongela Jehova she likolelela keudeko olo va li ve na pefimbo opo li na sha nohole noudiinini. Ovakonakoni vOmbibeli nosho yo vamwe ova li va tokola toko okulongela Jehova she likolelela kohole nokoudiinini wavo. By all means, then, let us ever prove loyal to God, trusting in his promise: "Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. Hano natu kaleni ovadiinini kuJehova, tu na elineekelo meudaneko laye olo tali ti: "Oshilwifo keshe tashi hambulwa shi ku lwife, otashi nyengwa. Onghee hano, natu ulikeni kutya otu li ovadiinini kuKalunga, tu na elineekelo meudaneko laye olo tali ti: "Oshilwifo keshe tashi mu imbi mu shiive elaka keshe, otashi nyengwa oku ku tokola. He must have thought, " I have to do something - and quickly. ' Otashi dulika a li ta diladila kutya " Ondi na okuninga po sha meendelelo. ' Oku na okukala a li ta diladila kutya, " Ondi na okuninga po sha. ' One day, I found out that a workmate was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Efiku limwe, onda li nda mona kutya omunailonga mukwetu oku li umwe womEendombwedi daJehova. Efiku limwe onda li nda mona kutya omunailonga mukwetu oku li umwe womEendombwedi daJehova. What does it take for a husband to make his home secure, "a resting - place " for his wife? - Ruth 1: 9, footnote. Omushamane oku na okuninga po shike opo eumbo laye li dule okukala "onhele yetulumuko? " - Rut 1: 9. Omushamane oku na okuninga po shike opo omushamane a kaleke eumbo laye la amenwa? - Rut 1: 9, 5. 3: 18. 3: 18. 3: 18. Exercise Faith - Decide Wisely! Otava dulu okulongifa omitotolombo ngaashi: "Ito dulu okulineekela ovawiliki voye " nosho yo" ino efa ve ku twale moudjuu. " Kala u na eitavelo tali longo - Ninga omatokolo opandunge They may use such propaganda as: "You cannot trust your leaders! " and "Do not let them lead you into disaster! " Omolwashike okuyukipalifwa kwounamapangelo waJehova ku li oshinima sha fimanenena kovanhu? Otashi dulika va longife omitotolombo ngaashi: "Ito dulu okulineekela ovawiliki voye noku va twala moshiponga. " Why is the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty an important issue facing mankind? 10: 16, OB - 1986) Ove li metwokumwe neendjovo daJesus odo tadi ti: " Omuwiliki weni umwe aeke Kristus. ' - Mat. 23: 10, yelekanifa OB - 1986. Omolwashike okuyukipalifwa kwounamapangelo waJehova kwa fimanenena kovanhu? They subscribe to Jesus ' statement: "Your Leader is one, the Christ. " - Matt. 23: 10. Ovanyasha Ovakriste ohava shakeneke eenghalo dihapu omo va pumbwa okuulika ouladi opo va longele Jehova. Ove hole eendjovo daJesus odo tadi ti: " Omuwiliki weni umwe aeke Kristus. ' - Mat. 23: 10. Christian youths face many situations in which they need to show courage to serve Jehovah. 16: 20) Vahapu ova didilika kutya ohashi pameke eitavelo lavo eshi tava kwafele vamwe va kale ve na eitavelo muJehova. Ovanyasha Ovakriste ohava shakeneke eenghalo dihapu odo va pumbwa okuulika ouladi opo va longele Jehova. Many have found that by helping others to build faith in Jehovah, they strengthen their own faith. Kakele kaasho, osho ohashi yahameke ounona ovo va dalwa mohombo. Vahapu ova mona kutya eshi va kwafela vamwe va pameke eitavelo lavo muJehova, ohava pameke eitavelo lavo. Such breakups, in turn, harm the children from the marriage. 26 Konakona Eendjovo daKalunga - Mbela oonakufya ove na ngoo eteelelo lasha? Mepingafano naasho, ounona ovo va teka omukumo ova li va nyona po ohombo yavo. Some listen to advice only because they have to. Vamwe ohava pwilikine ashike komayele molwaashi ve na oku shi ninga. Vamwe ohava pwilikine ashike komayele molwaashi ove na ashike okuyandja omayele. He has attended some Christian meetings and gets on well with those in the congregation. Okwa li ngoo ha i kokwoongala omalupita nokwa li e na ekwatafano liwa novamwatate meongalo. Okwa kala ha i kokwoongala kwopaKriste noha endafana naavo ve li meongalo. Many no longer greeted us, treating us like disfellowshipped persons. " Ovanhu vahapu kava li have tu popifa, nova li hava ungaunga nafye twa fa ovanhu va kondwa. " Ovanhu vahapu ihave tu popifa lwoikando, hatu ungaunga nafye ngaashi ovo va kondwa. " Joseph faced daunting challenges. Josef okwa li a taalela omashongo a kwata moiti. Josef okwa li a taalela omashongo manene. How can we help relatives and friends to avoid even inadvertently harming our family? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukwafela ovapambele vetu nosho yo ookaume va henuke okuyahameka oukwaneumbo wetu nokuli nonande kashi fi oshiningilewina? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okukwafela ovapambele nosho yo ookaume va henuke nokuli okunyona po ekwatafano letu novapambele vetu? After Jesus ' ascension to heaven, what might his apostles have wondered? Konima eshi Jesus a londa a ya meulu, ovayapostoli otashi dulika va li tave lipula kombinga yashike? Konima eshi Jesus a londa meulu, ovayapostoli vaye otashi dulika va li tave lipula nashike? For 2,000 years, God's enemies have used every sort of weapon to put an end to the good news - apostasy, ridicule, mob violence, bans, torture, and execution. Oule womido 2 000, ovatondi vaKalunga ova kala tava longifa oshilwifo keshe, ngaashi oushunimonima, omasheko, okuponokelwa keengudu dovanhu, eendjidikila, omahepeko nomadipao opo ngeno va xulife po onghundana iwa. Omido 2 000 lwaapo da pita, ovatondi vaKalunga ova kala tava longifa oshilwifo keshe osho hashi longifwa opo shi xulife po onghundana iwa, oushunimonima, oukwamuhoko, elongifo leenghono nosho yo omadipao. Instead, he spoke in a way that refreshed them. Ponhele yaasho, okwa li ha popi navo monghedi oyo tai va talaleke. Ponhele yaasho, okwa li a popya monghedi oyo tai va omukumo. A modern - day author lists betrayal among today's most common vices. Omushangi womambo umwe okwa popya kutya oukengeleledi owa kwata ko ovanhu vahapu kunena. Omushangi womambo okunena oku na omusholondodo woinima oyo hai kala mokati kovanhu vahapu kunena. 16, 17. 16, 17. 16, 17. Desisting from sin and from works of self - justification are just part of the answer. Shimwe osho twa pumbwa okuninga oshosho kutya otu na okweefa po okulonga oulunde nokukala hatu liyukipalifa. Ohatu dulu ashike okumona enyamukulo kepulo olo ngeenge otwa nyono sha kwata moiti nosho yo koilonga, ndele ohatu ka mona ashike enyamukulo kepulo olo. 11, 12. (a) What did Jesus say regarding the wine? 11, 12. (a) Jesus okwa li a popya shike shi na sha nomaviinyu? 11, 12. (a) Jesus okwa ti shike shi na sha nomaviinyu? What was his purpose in life? Elalakano laye ola li shike monghalamwenyo? Elalakano laye olashike? " Just One More Drink " " Nandi pewe mo vali okahalasha kamwe " " Nandi pewe mo vali limwe " Which ones moo, and which ones bark? Ilipi hai komo, na ilipi hai weda? Ovanhu ohava kala va hala okutya shike, nongahelipi vamwe hava kala va nyemata? Why the difference? Omolwashike mbela shi li ngaho? Omolwashike eyooloko olo li li pokati kovanhu? They want us to slave to gain money so that we can spend it on newer, better, bigger items. Ova hala tu longe efimbo lihapu opo tu likole oimaliwa tu dule okulanda oinima oyo opo ya kondo, ixwepo naayo inene. Ova hala tu mone oimaliwa ihapu opo tu dule oku i longifa nawa, tu kale hatu yandje elitulemo koinima ipe. It seems that the only place the subject is still considered taboo is in conversation between parents and children. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya ovadali novana vavo ovo ashike inava manguluka okukundafana kombinga yomilele. Osha fa shi li ngaha kutya onhele opo pa li hapa kundafanwa eenghundafana pokati novadali nounona. [ Blurb on page 31] [ Eendjovo dididilikwedi pepandja 21] [ Eendjovo dididilikwedi pepandja 31] To learn more about God's promise of a resurrection to life in a righteous new world, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu kombinga yeudaneko laKalunga lokunyumunina oonakufya momwenyo mounyuni mupe wouyuki, tala etukulwa 7 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike? Opo u lihonge shihapu kombinga yeudaneko laKalunga li na sha nokunyumukila mounyuni mupe wouyuki, tala etukulwa 7 lembo Ombibeli otai hongo lela shike? 5, 6. 5, 6. 5, 6. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Ota ka kala a hafa okukundafana naave oshinima osho. Ota ka kala a hafa okukundafana naave oshinima osho. Jesus ' early disciples - who were in a unique position to know what really happened - boldly proclaimed that Jesus was resurrected. Ovahongwa vaJesus votete, ovo va li va mona kutya oshike sha ningwa po lela, ova li va udifa nouladi kutya Jesus okwa nyumuka. Ovahongwa vaJesus vonale, ovo va li ve na ondodo ya yooloka ko filufilu kwaasho sha li sha ningwa po, ova li va udifa nouladi kutya Jesus okwa nyumuka. How can we benefit from those precious gifts? 4: 8, 11 - 13) Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona ouwa meeshali odo di na ondilo? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona ouwa meeshali odo di na ondilo? Just as Jehovah put an end to all the immoral activities back then, so he will put an end to similar wrongdoing today when he brings judgment against this present system of things. Ngaashi ashike a li a xulifa po oilonga aishe ii, ota ka ninga sha faafana kunena eshi ta ka tokola onghalelo ei yoinima. Ngaashi ashike Jehova a li a xulifa po oilonga aishe inai koshoka, ota ka xulifa po onghalelo ei youkolokoshi eshi ta ka hanauna po ounyuni ou woukolokoshi. This arrangement does not make a wife inferior to her husband. 5: 22, 23) Elongekido olo itali ningifa nande omukulukadi a kale iha ti sha komushamane waye. Elongekido olo itali ningifa omukulukadi a kale e na ondodo ya fimana komushamane waye. The Israelites drank their fill, and the problem was solved. - Ex. Ovaisrael ova li va nwa omeva, noupyakadi owa li wa kandulwa po. - Ex. Ovaisrael ova li hava nu sha pitilila, nova li va kandula po oupyakadi oo wa li wa kandulwa po. - Ex. As the dust cleared, though, one segment of the wall emerged intact. Eumbo laRahab kala li la kumwa omolweitavelo laye. Ndele fimbo ondwi inai udika vali. 4 A Lengthy Legal Struggle Ends in Victory! 4 Oshiwana shaJehova sha findana paveta 4 Mbela oonakufya ove na ngoo eteelelo lasha? Awake! Oshifo sho - Awake! O - Awake! Thousand Year Rule of Christ: After God's war of Armageddon, Jesus will rule from heaven for a thousand years. Ohamba oya li ya tunhukwa! Omido eyovi dokupangela kwaKristus: Konima yoita yaHarmagedon, Jesus ota ka pangela okudja meulu oule womido eyovi. As I meditated on those verses and prayed for Jehovah's help, I was gradually able to bring my temper under control. Omido eyovi dokupangela kwaKristus: Konima yoita yaKalunga puHarmagedon, Jesus ota ka pangela okudja meulu oule womido eyovi. Eshi nda dilonga eevelishe odo ndele handi ilikana kuJehova, mokweendela ko kwefimbo onda ka dula okupangela ehandu lange. 14, 15. Eshi nda kala nokudilonga komishangwa odo nokwiilikana kuJehova a kwafele nge, mokweendela ko kwefimbo onda li nda dula okupangela ehandu lange. 14, 15. So, although things are very bad now, we know that they will continue to get worse. 14, 15. Onghee hano, nonande oinima ii oyo hai ningwa paife, otu shii kutya otai ka naipala. * (2 Timoteus 3: 1, 13; Mateus 24: 21; Ehololo 12: 12) Onghee hano, nonande oinima oya naipala paife, otu shi shii kutya otai twikile nokunaipala neenghono. * Why are such efforts worthwhile? * Omolwashike eenghendabala da tya ngaho hadi pondola? However, if we do not add wood to the fire, it will eventually burn out and turn into cold ashes. Omolwashike eenghendabala da tya ngaho tadi ti sha? Ndele ngeenge ihatu weda ko oikuni, opo nee ohatu ka xwike omundilo ndele hatu u xwike po. All of Jehovah's promises are dynamic, not static, because he is constantly working toward their fulfillment. Ashike ngeenge itatu weda po oikuni, xuuninwa otau ka dima ndele tapa kala ashike omute. Omaudaneko aJehova aeshe ihaa kala e na ondjungu, molwaashi oha longo alushe noudiinini opo a wanife po elalakano lavo. At the same time, we place great emphasis on the role that Jesus plays in our salvation. Omaudaneko aJehova aeshe ooshili noihaa lunduluka molwaashi alushe ota longo metwokumwe nao opo a wanifwe. (Jes. Pefimbo opo tuu opo, ohatu divilike onghandangala inene oyo Jesus ta dana mokuxupifa eemwenyo detu. What can happen to those who use most of their energy to get more things? Pefimbo opo tuu opo, ohatu divilike neenghono onghandangala oyo Jesus ta dana i na sha nokuxupifwa kwetu. Oshike tashi dulu okuningwa po kwaavo hava longifa eenghono davo opo va lande oinima ihapu? The Bible's counsel was clear: I had to take drastic measures to break away from the things that were making me stumble. - Matthew 5: 30. Oshike tashi dulu okuningilwa ovo hava longifa eenghono davo mokulikongela oinima ihapu? Ombibeli oya popya sha yela ya ti: " Onda li nda katuka eenghatu meendelelo ndi efe po oinima oyo tai pundukifa nge. - Mateus 5: 30. But Jesus did not allow their knowledge to stop him from speaking up. Omayele Ombibeli okwa yela kutya: Onda li ndi na okukatuka eenghatu da kwata moiti opo ndi efe po oinima oyo ya li tai pundukifa nge. - Mateus 5: 30. Ashike Jesus ka li a efa eshiivo lavo li mu imbe okupopya. In the opinion of scholars like Pagels, the Bible is not the only source of Christian faith; there are other sources, such as the Apocryphal writings. Eenghulunghedi odo oda li hadi shi ningifa shidjuu okudulika kOmhango. Ovahongwanhu va tya ngaho kave fi ashike odjo yeitavelo lopaKriste, ngaashi o - Apocrypha. So be humble. Pataleko lovahongwanhu ngaashi Pagels, Ombibeli hayo aike odjo oko kwe likolelela eitavelo lOvakriste, ope na yo eedjo dimwe ngaashi omashangelo o - Apocrypha. Onghee hano, kala omulininipiki. ● Eyewitness testimony. Onghee hano, otu na okukala ovalininipiki. ● Eisho li li paushili. Babylon is pictured both by the head of the image in the book of Daniel and by the third head of the wild beast described in Revelation. ● Oumbangi wovamoninomesho. Babilon otaku fanekwa komutwe oo wa tumbulwa membo laDaniel nosho yo komutwe omutitatu woshilyani osho sha hokololwa mEhololo. Adult Christians should not be too proud to read information for young people Omutwe woshihongwafano osho sha popiwa membo laDaniel nomutwe omutitatu woshilyani osho sha tumbulwa mEhololo otadi faneke Babilon. Ovakriste ovanamido kave na okukala ve udite etumba eshi tava lesha ouyelele oo ovanyasha Through faith and with Jehovah's help, we too can "put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us. " Ovakulunhu Ovakriste kave na okukala ve udite kutya vo itava dulu okulesha ouyelele oo wa nuninwa ovanyasha Ngaashi ashike eitavelo nosho yo ekwafo laJehova, nafye ohatu dulu " okulidula keshe eshi tashi tu findile poshi, noulunde otau tu dingatela. ' You find in him a good example of one who loved truth and trusted in Jehovah. Nafye ohatu dulu " okulidula keshe eshi tashi tu findile poshi noulunde oo uhe kwete oku tu dingatela, ' ngeenge otwa kala tu na eitavelo nosho yo kekwafo laJehova. Owe mu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shi na sha noshili nokukala we lineekela muJehova. Did Jesus want his disciples to wait for people to come to them? David okwa li e hole oshili nokwa li e lineekela muJehova. Mbela Jesus okwa li a hala ovahongwa vaye va teelele ovanhu ve uye kuvo? The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Mbela Jesus okwa hala ovahongwa vaye va kale va teelela ovanhu ovo ve uye kuvo? Ombibeli oya ti: "Eheneni kuKalunga, opo nee Ye ta ehene kunye. " Think for a moment about things that no doubt mean a lot to you - your health and your family. Ombibeli oya ti: "Eheneni kuKalunga, opo nee Ye ta ehene kunye. " Diladila ashike kombinga yoinima oyo tai dulu oku ku kwafela u kale u na oukolele nosho yo oukwaneumbo weni. What sworn oath did God make when Abraham's descendants were in slavery to the Egyptians? Diladila oule wokafimbo kombinga yoinima oyo ya fimana kwoove, ngaashi oukolele noukwaneumbo woye. Kalunga okwa li a ninga eano lilipi eshi oludalo laAbraham la li moupika wOvaegipti? If we do not keep our minds fixed on the things above, the fulfillment of these promises could appear to be delayed and we might slow down in our spiritual activities. Kalunga okwa li a ninga eano lilipi eshi oludalo laAbraham la li moupika wOvaegipti? Ngeenge itatu kaleke omadiladilo etu a dama koinima yopombada, omaudaneko a tya ngaho otaa ka wanifwa po nohatu dulu okukala tuhe na etaleko la yuka li na sha noinima yopamhepo. [ Footnote] (2 Pet. 3: 13) Ngeenge itatu dame oinima yopombada, otashi dulika tu ka mone omaudaneko itaa wanifwa diva notashi dulika tuha kale vali twe lipyakidila noinima yopamhepo. [ Eshangelo lopedu] We were both ministerial servants, and we enjoyed working together. [ Eshangelo lopedu] Otwa li ovayakuliongalo, notwa li hatu hafele okulonga pamwe. 17, 18. (a) What might we ask ourselves about our spiritual goals? Atushe otwa li ovayakuliongalo notwa li hatu hafele okulonga pamwe. 17, 18. (a) Oshike hatu dulu okulipula shi na sha nomalalakano etu opamhepo? What made him happy? 17, 18. (a) Oshike tu na okulipula shi na sha nomalalakano e tu opamhepo? Oshike sha li she mu kwafela a kale a hafa? (b) How may parents help their children to overcome negative feelings? Oshike sha li she mu ningifa a kale omunelao? (b) Ongahelipi ovadali tava dulu okukwafela ovana vavo va finde omaliudo mai? What privilege is enjoyed by those who are dedicated to Jehovah? (b) Ongahelipi ovadali tava dulu okupameka vali ekwatafano lavo nomaludalo avo? Ovo ve liyapulila Jehova ove na oufembanghenda ulipi? Janet and I continue to serve together at the Philippines branch office in Quezon City. Ovo ve liyapulila Jehova ohava hafele oufembanghenda ulipi? Ame naEsther ohatu twikile okulonga pamwe koshitaimbelewa shaUkraine. " At rich men's banquets, " he wrote, "after dinner a man carries round a wooden image of a corpse in a coffin, painted and carved in exact imitation, a cubit or two cubits long. Ame naJanet fiyo opaife ohatu longele moshitaimbelewa shaFilipine moQuezon. Okwa shanga a ti: "Ovanhu vahapu ova li va tuwa omukumo eshi va li tava tuwa omeva monhele omo mwa li mu na omeva e na sha nwa nosho yo ohauto ya talala oyo ya li hai kala ya talala unene. Then he added: "But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " Okwa ti: "Konima eshi ovanhu va lya poitelekela yomulumenhu umwe oshipuna, omulumenhu umwe okwa li ta endaenda a humbata omudimba wa hongwa moshiti wa yukila filufilu komunhu u li moshikefa shoule woludibo limwe ile avali. Opo nee okwa weda ko vali a ti: "Ovananheni vo otava ka fyuulula edu, ndee tava ka hafela ombili inene. " Jesus said that it is very important for a person to love Jehovah with his whole heart, soul, and mind and to love his neighbor as himself. Okwa weda ko vali ta ti: "Ndelenee ovananheni vo otava ka fyuulula edu, ndee tava ka hafela ombili inene. " Jesus okwa ti kutya osha fimanenena komunhu okukala e hole Jehova nomutima waye aushe, nomwenyo waye nomadiladilo aye mwene. Although being in the movie industry was exciting and brought us fame, teaching people about Jehovah God is more satisfying because it brings glory to him. (1 Petrus 2: 21) Jesus okwa ti kutya osha fimanenena opo omunhu a kale e hole Jehova nomutima waye aushe nomwenyo waye aushe neendunge daye adishe noku kale yo e hole mukwao ngaashi e lihole mwene. Nonande ngeenge otwa kala hatu kufa ombinga meemuvi, ovanhu ohava hongo ovanhu kombinga yaJehova Kalunga, molwaashi ohashi mu hafifa neenghono. Therefore, the most important thing you can do for a bereaved person is to listen - without interrupting. " Nonande mehangano leemuvi omo twa li omuhokwifa notwa li ovanamadina, okuhonga ovanhu kombinga yaJehova Kalunga okuhafifa neenghono molwaashi ohaku mu tumbalekifa. Onghee hano, oshinima sha fimanenena osho to dulu okuninga opo u kale ho pwilikine nelitulemo. " " Caesar's Things to Caesar " Onghee hano, oshinima sha fimana to dulu okuningila ovo va nyika oluhodi okupwilikina nopehe na oku va kwata melaka. " " Eshi shomukesari, shi peni omukesari " Yet, even today Jehovah's name can be glorified when Christians make a defense of their faith. " Osho shomukesari, shi peni omukesari " Ndele nande ongaho, edina laJehova kunena otali dulu oku ku fimanekifa ngeenge Ovakriste tava popile eitavelo lavo. I have always had a lot of work at Bethel. Ndele nokunena, edina laKalunga otali dulu okutumbalekifwa ngeenge Ovakriste tava popile eitavelo lavo. Onda kala alushe handi longo koBetel. Michelle: And that too was a major challenge. Onda kala handi longo oilonga ihapu koBetel. Michelle: Osho osha li eshongo linene unene. the book, Isaiah Michelle: Naasho osha li eshongo linene. Embo laJesaja Everyone had a Bible and used it during the meeting. embo Jesaja Keshe umwe okwa li e na Ombiibeli ndele te i longifa pefimbo lokwoongala. But both were victims of the age - old practice of human trafficking, a trade that treats people as commodities and cares for nothing but economic gain. Pokwoongala keshe umwe okwa li e na Ombibeli nokwa li te i longifa. Ashike ovanhu aveshe ovo va li ve na omido omulongo nasha, ova li hava longo ominyonena di lili noku lili odo tadi va ningifa va kale ve na ko nasha noipumbiwa ihapu, ashike ova li hava ungaunga noimaliwa ihapu. Do you? Ashike aveshe ova li va ningilwa oshinima osho sha dja nale, va kwatwa po ombabyona nokulandifwa po moupika, osho shi li oludi longeshefa oyo tai lalakanene okulikola oimaliwa nopehe na okulipula nongushu yomwenyo womunhu. Mbela naave osho ho ningi? Do Not Look at "the Things Behind " (2 Pet. Ino tala koinima oyo wa fiya "konima " (Read Jude 20, 21.) Ino tala koinima oyo wa fiya "konima " (Lesha Judas 20, 21.) I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me. " (Lesha Judas 20, 21.) Aame ou handi yandje oundombwedi kombinga yange mwene, Tate oo a tuma nge ndi yandje oundombwedi kombinga yange. " Unless they repent, their situation can become like that described by Peter. - Read 2 Peter 2: 20 - 22. Aame ou handi lihepaulula mwene, naTate ou a tuma nge ota hepaulula nge. ' Ndele kashi na nee mbudi kutya ove livela ombedi, onghalo yavo otai dulu okukala ya fa oyo ya hokololwa kuPetrus. - Lesha 2 Petrus 2: 20 - 22. (b) What should we bear in mind when faced with the problem of bad associations? (1 Ovakorinto 5: 11 - 13) Ngeenge inave livela ombedi, onghalo yavo otai dulu okufaafanifwa naayo ya popiwa kuPetrus. - Lesha 2 Petrus 2: 20 - 22. (b) Oshike tu na okukaleka momadiladilo ngeenge hatu ungaunga nookaume vai? Job was so focused on his worries that he did not see his situation the way Jehovah saw it. (b) Oshike tu na okukaleka momadiladilo ngeenge twa taalela oupyakadi u na sha neendafano lii? Job okwa li ta yandje unene elitulemo kwaasho a li ehe wete nghee Jehova e wete onghalo yaye. 11, 12. Job okwa li ta yandje elitulemo komaupyakadi aye, osho she mu ningifa aha tale ko onghalo yaye ngaashi Jehova. 11, 12. It is just before the Passover of 32 C.E. 11, 12. Olo ashike Opaasa yomo 32 O.P. (paife pa pita omido 32 O.P. Picture the faithful Levites who were present at that meeting, tears of joy streaming down their faces as they heard their king declare: "You are the ones whom Jehovah has chosen to stand before him to minister to him. " Ofimbo Opaasa 32 O.P. inai fika, engungo lovalumenhu 5 000, ovakainhu nounona inava valwa, ola li naJesus novahongwa vaye poluhaela lopopepi nomukunda Betsaida, oo u li kolundume lomunghulofuta wefuta laGalilea. Kala nee ngeno wa fa u wete Ovalevi ovadiinini ovo va li pokwoongala oko, va li va nyika oluhodi nova li va hafa eshi va uda tava ti: "Nye omwa uda Ohamba yOmwene mwe mu hoolola koshipala shaye. " He was a well - formed young man, likely still in his teens, with a ruddy look about him and appealing, intelligent eyes. In quiet moments, he passed the time playing the harp. Kala nee ngeno wa fa u wete Ovalevi ovadiinini ovo va li pokwoongala oko, otashi dulika va li tava pololoka omahodi kehafo eshi va uda ohamba yavo tai va shilipaleke tai ti: "Omwene e mu hoolola mu kale ofika koshipala shaye, mu mu longele. " (2 Omaf. Fimbo a li omunyasha, otashi dulika a li e na omido omulongo nasha a li e na omido omulongo nasha nokwa li ha monika nawa, ta monika a fa ta danauka naye. I found a copy of the brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever. Okwa li omunyasha e na ondjelo iwa, tashi dulika a li e na natango omido omulongo nasha, e na oluvala lediya nomesho mahokwifa notaa ulike kutya oku na eendunge. Onda li nda mona okambo The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking. The Bible tells us that humans were not created to govern themselves. Onda li nda mona okambo kedina The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever. Ombibeli oye tu lombwela kutya ovanhu kava li va shitwa ve va pangele. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / TEENAGERS) Ombibeli otai tu lombwele kutya ovanhu kava li va shitwa va kale tave lipangele vo vene. (Jer. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU / OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU / Oilonga) " We would set up deck chairs in the cold night air, " says André. (Tala opo pa shangwa KOMBINGA YETU / OMAPULO OO HAA PULWA LUHAPU / Eitavelo letu) André okwa ti: "Otwa li hatu ningi etokolo la kula oufiku aushe. " We are loyal to his Kingdom, so we do not feel that one country, culture, language, or race is better than another André okwa ti: "Otwa li hatu kala omutumba koipundi pondje konguloshi eshi kwa talala. Otu li ovadiinini kOuhamba waye, nomolwaasho ihatu kala tu udite kutya oshilongo shimwe, eputuko ile elaka lonhumba oli li xwepo shi dule ikwao Each day, we visited a few patients, asked how they were, and left some Bible literature with them. Otu li ovadiinini kOuhamba waye, onghee hano ihatu kala tu udite kutya oshilongo shimwe, eputuko, elaka nosho yo omuhoko umwe ou li xwepo u dule dikwao Efiku keshe, otwa li hatu talele po ovanaudu vanini, hatu pula kutya ova li hava di peni ndele tava fiye po oileshomwa yopaMbibeli. When we praise Jehovah for his wonderful works and qualities, our respect and appreciation for him will grow. Ngeenge hatu hambelele Jehova omolwoinenelonga nomolwomaukwatya aye, ohatu ka kala twe mu fimaneka nokukala tu na olupandu linene. Ngeenge hatu tange Jehova oilonga yaye iwa nomaukwatya aye mawa, ohatu ka kala twa fimaneka nohatu ka kala tu mu pandula neenghono. 35: 6. 35: 6. 35: 6. " You are Jehovah alone, " the prayer continues, "you yourself have made the heavens, even the heaven of the heavens, and all their army, the earth and all that is upon it, the seas and all that is in them; and you are preserving all of them alive; and the army of the heavens are bowing down to you. " Eilikano ola twikila tali ti: "Oove auke Omwene, Ove wa ninga eulu, eulu lopombadelela neengudu dalo adishe, nedu naaishe i li ko, nefuta naaishe i li mo, naaishe oyo Ove to i diinine i kale nomwenyo, nomatanga omeulu tae linyongamene koshipala shoye. " (Neh. Ombibeli oya ti: "Omwene Oye aeke, Ove wa shita eulu nedu alishe, lo nali kale kombada yedu alishe, ndele lo nali kale mepangelo leni. " (Mat. If we are living away from home, our relatives likely still have deep concern for our well - being and may feel compelled to continue to involve themselves in important decisions we face. Nonande ihatu kala pamwe novadali vetu, otashi dulika ovapambele vetu va kale tave lipula unene nonghalonawa yetu notashi dulika va kale ve udite kutya ove na okutwikila oku tu kwafela eshi hatu ningi omatokolo a fimana. Ngeenge otu li kokule neumbo letu, ovapambele vetu otashi dulika ve na ko nasha nafye shili notashi dulika va kale ve udite va pumbwa okutwikila okuninga omatokolo a fimana. In the Bible, Abraham's wife, Sarah, is held up as an example of a submissive wife. Sara, omukulukadi waAbraham, okwa popiwa mOmbibeli e li oshihopaenenwa shiwa sheduliko. Sara, omukulukadi waAbraham, okwa tula po oshihopaenenwa shokukala ha dulika komukulukadi waAbraham. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. " Speak the Word of God With Boldness, ' 2 / 15 Ngeenge wa kengelelwa kukaume kopahombo, 6 / 1 " Popya nouladi eendjovo daKalunga, " 6 / 15 It is significant that we learn from the apostle Paul's writings that some Christians in first - century Thessalonica had been misled, accepting what was untrue. Otu na Ombibeli oyo tai dulu oku tu kwafela tuha pukifwe molwaashi " oi shii okupukulula. ' Osha fimana okulihonga komashangelo omuyapostoli Paulus oo a li a shangela Ovakriste vamwe vomefelemudo lotete, a ti kutya Ovakriste vamwe vomefelemudo lotete ova li va pukifwa nova li va tambula ko etaleko la puka li na sha naasho la li la puka. 6, 7. (a) Why can we say that God has used his holy spirit in an orderly way? 6, 7. (a) Omolwashike hatu dulu okutya Kalunga okwa longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki mokushita oinima palandulafano? 6, 7. (a) Omolwashike hatu dulu okutya Kalunga okwa longifa omhepo yaye iyapuki palandulafano? The marriage arrangement is not a mere contract or a formal agreement empty of love and affection. Ohombo kai fi eudafano lopakafimbo, ile okukala ashike pamwe nopehe na okuulikilafana ohole. Elongekido lohombo itali ka ninga ashike etokolo ile lihe li metwokumwe nohole nosho yo ohole. Your military force totals only 580,000! Ove ou na ashike ovakwaita 580 000. Eemhepo doye oda li ashike tadi dulu okufinda ovakwaita 30 000 The "sin " could include things such as fraud or slander, but it would not include sins such as adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, or idolatry. " Enyono ' otali dulu okukwatela mo oinima ngaashi oukengeleledi ile okulundila, ndele inali kwatela mo omanyono ngaashi oluhaelo, oushenge, oushunimonima ile okulongela oikalunga. " Outumbulilo " oulunde ' owa kwatela mo oinima ngaashi oukengeleledi ile okupopya oipupulu, ndele inau kwatela mo omanyono ngaashi oluhaelo, oushenge, oushenge ile okulongela oikalunga. Have you had the pleasure of being invited to someone's home? Mbela owa shivilwe nande onale keumbo laumwe? Mbela owa li ngoo wa hafa eshi wa shivwa keumbo? Says Dalia: "Some months I get worried when I have not yet been out in service. Dalia okwa ti: "Ohandi kala ndi udite nai ngeenge inandi ya moukalele eemwedi donhumba. Dalia okwa ti: "Omafimbo amwe ohandi kala nda limbililwa ngeenge kanda li handi longo natango moukalele. Mar. Why Handwashing an Issue?, Aug. Konga Ouhamba, ndele hainiwe, Jul. Mar. He explained that one of the brothers working in his office was going to attend the Kingdom Ministry School for a month, after which he would work in the Service Department. Okwa li a lombwela nge kutya umwe womovamwatate ovo va li hava longo mombelewa yaye ota i kOfikola yOukalele wOuhamba oule womwedi, nokonima ota ka longa kOshikondo shOilonga. Okwa li a yelifa kutya ovamwatate vokoshitaimbelewa ova li tava ka ya kOfikola yOukalele wOuhamba, nokonima eshi a li ta ka longa kOshikondo shOilonga. Offered Selves in Micronesia, 7 / 15 Elalakano li na sha nedu, 7 / 1 7 / 1 Another way we can imitate Moses is to cultivate self - sacrificing love for others. Onghedi imwe vali omo hatu dulu okuhopaenena Moses omokukulika ohole yokuheliholamwene yokuhola vamwe. Onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okuhopaenena Moses omokukulika ohole yokuheliholamwene. Can you imagine Sarah's anguish in asking that of her husband? Mbela owa fa u wete Sara a nyika oluhodi ta pula omushamane waye oshinima osho? Diladila ashike kunghee Sara a li a nyika oluhodi eshi a li ta pula omushamane waye? The Bible tells us: "Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor, and he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of justice. Ombibeli oye tu lombwela ya ti: "Omwene ota teelele a shiive oku mu fila onghenda, opo nee ota fikama e mu file olukeno, osheshi Omwene Oye Kalunga kouyuki. Ombibeli oye tu lombwela ya ti: "Omwene okwa teelela nelididimiko oku ku fila onghenda, opo nee Ye ote ke ku fila onghenda. All Christians are thrilled about the marriage that is mentioned in Jesus ' parable. Ovakriste aveshe ova tunhukwa omolwehombolo olo la popiwa mefaneko laJesus. Ovakriste aveshe ova tunhukwa shi na sha nohombo oyo ya tumbulwa mefaneko laJesus. When Jesus told them to forgive even those who sinned against them many times, his disciples begged him: "Give us more faith. " - Luke 17: 1 - 5. Eshi Jesus a li a lombwela ovahongwa vaye kutya nava dimine po nokuli naavo va nyona kuvo lwoikando ihapu, ova li ve mu indila va ti: "Tu wedela eitavelo. " - Lukas 17: 1 - 5. Eshi Jesus e va lombwela va dimine po nokuli naavo va nyona lwoikando, ovahongwa vaye ova li ve mu indila tava ti: "Tu wedela eitavelo. " - Lukas 17: 1 - 5. What proof do we have that Jehovah is helping people today? Oumbangi ulipi tu na oo tau ulike kutya Jehova ota kwafele ovanhu kunena? Oumbangi ulipi tu na oo tau ulike kutya Jehova ota kwafele ovanhu kunena? Overall, they enjoy better health. Luhapu ohava kala ve na oukolele muwa. Ovanhu aveshe otava hafele oukolele muwa. Sacrifice personal advantages. Kala ho ningi omaliyambo omolwouwa wavamwe. Omayambo opaumwene. How can we see God when we have problems? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona Kalunga ngeenge tu na omaupyakadi? Ongahelipi hatu dulu okumona Kalunga ngeenge otu na omaupyakadi? If ever someone attending our congregation meetings would try to entice us into discussions of personal speculations or critical conversations, we should definitely be on guard. - 2 Thess. 6: 1) Ngeenge ope na umwe oo ha kala pokwoongala kwetu noha kendabala okweeta po eenghundafana doinima tai limbilike oyo inai kundafanwa mOmbibeli ile ta kembaula ovamwatate, otu na okukala twe mu lungamena filufilu. - 2 Tes. Ngeenge omunhu oo ha i kokwoongala oha kendabala oku tu pukifa opo tu henuke okupopya oinima oyo inai koshoka ile tu henuke okupopya oinima inai koshoka, otu na okukala twa lungama filufilu. - 2 Tes. Rely on Jehovah. " Kala we lineekela Jehova. " Kala we lineekela muJehova. " King David prayed for opportunities to do so. Ohamba David oya li ya ilikana opo i mone eemhito dokuninga ngaho. Ohamba David oya li ya ilikana opo i dule oku shi ninga. It includes Mary's being visited by the angel Gabriel, her visit to her relative Elizabeth, and Mary's expression of praise to Jehovah. Ola kwatela mo eshi Maria a li a talelwa po komweengeli Gabriel, eshi a li a ka talela po omupambele waye Elizabeth, nosho yo nghee a li ta hambelele Jehova. (Luk. Osho osha kwatela mo oku mu talela po molwaashi omweengeli Gabriel okwa li e mu talela po, a li e mu talela po omupambele waye, na Maria okwa li e mu ladipika a tange Jehova. Consider: Have you ever yearned for guidance, wisdom, or answers to questions that seem beyond the reach of human knowledge? Diladila kwaashi: Mbela kape na efimbo olo wa li wa halelela okupewa omayele, ounongo ile omanyamukulo komapulo oo taa monika a fa itaa dulu okunyamukulwa kovanhu? Diladila kwaashi: Mbela ope na efimbo limwe wa li wa halelela okupewa ewiliko, ounongo ile omanyamukulo omapulo oo itaa monika a fa itaa dulu okuhanga ovanhu? If just one partner cultivates spirituality, the relationship might improve. Ngeenge umwe womuvo okwa kala e na oupamhepo muwa, ekwatafano lavo otashi dulika li xwepopale. Ngeenge ope na umwe oo ta dulu okuninga kaume kaye kopahombo, otashi dulika a xwepopale. Rather than your having to explain why you do not smoke, your peer is compelled to think about why he does. Ponhele ngeno oove u yelife kutya omolwashike iho shili omakaya, makula woye oye ta ka fininikwa a diladile kutya omolwashike ha shili omakaya. Ponhele yoku va yelifila kutya omolwashike ito shili omakaya, ou na okukala wa hala okudiladila kutya omolwashike e ku ningila. When precise wording is important, he writes the letter himself or dictates it to his secretary word for word. Ngeenge omunangeshefa oku wete sha pumbiwa, oha shange onhumwafo yaye kuye mwene ile a lombwele hamushanga osho e na okushanga ta tumbula oitya yokondadalunde. Eshi a longifa oitya yokondadalunde oyo ya fimana, okwa shanga monhumwafo yaye ile e i shange. 23 Young Ones, Strengthen Your Faith 23 Ovanyasha, pamekeni eitavelo leni 23 Ovanyasha, kaleni mwa pama meitavelo Why did Moses warn others? Omolwashike Moses a li a londwela vakwao? Omolwashike Moses a li a londwela vamwe? Because he was perfect, he did not come under the penalty of death and he could have lived forever as a perfect human. (1 Petrus 2: 22) Molwaashi Jesus okwa li a wanenena, ina tokolelwa efyo nokwa li ta dulu okukala nomwenyo fiyo alushe e li omunhu a wanenena. Molwaashi okwa li a wanenena, ka li ta dulu okukala nomwenyo fiyo alushe ngaashi ovanhu va wanenena. During courtship, it is easy to make light of the importance of such matters, but they can later put great strain on a marriage. Ndele pefimbo leendelafano, otashi dulika vaha yandje lela elitulemo koinima oyo ve wete kutya inai kwata moiti, ashike oinima ya tya ngaho otai dulu oku ka etifa omaupyakadi manene mohombo monakwiiwa. Momukokomoko wefimbo olo, otashi ka kala shipu okumona nghee ouyelele wa fimana, ashike lwanima otau dulu okweetifa omaupyakadi mohombo. Second, the person giving the sacrifice had to be clean and undefiled. Oshitivali, omunhu oo ta yambe eyambo okwa li e na okukala a koshoka noke na oshipo. Oshitivali, omunhu oo ta yandje eyambo okwa li e na okukala a koshoka paenghedi noka li e na enwefemo lii. A Living Translation of God's Word Ombibeli oyo tai kumu omitima Ombibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 9: 9, 10. 9: 10, 11. 9: 9, 10. Stick to the truth you learned, and remember where you learned it. Dama koshili oyo we lihonga nokudimbuluka kutya owe i lihonga peni. Twikila okulihonga oshili oyo we lihonga, okudimbuluka kutya owe i lihonga. The slave represents all anointed Christians on earth as a group at any one time since then. Okwa tiwa yo kutya omupiya ota faneke Ovakriste ovavaekwa aveshe ve li ongudu ovo ve li kombada yedu pefimbo keshe, okudja momudo oo. Omupiya ota faneke Ovakriste aveshe ovo ve li kombada yedu ve li ongudu pefimbo opo. PENTECOST. (Oil. KALA nee ngeno wa fa u udite u li monghalo iwa. Samantha: What do you mean? Samantha: Owa hala okutya ngahelipi? Samantha: Owa hala okutya ngahelipi? For instance, have you prayed intensely about a distressing problem and then seen how Jehovah gave you wisdom or strength to cope with that trial? Pashihopaenenwa, mbela ope na efimbo limwe wa li wa ilikana wa mana mo shi na sha noupyakadi wonhumba wa kwata moiti nowa mona nghee Jehova e ku pa ounongo noku ku pameka opo u dule okuungaunga nao? Pashihopaenenwa, mbela owa ilikana wa mana mo shi na sha noupyakadi wa kwata moiti nowa mona nghee Jehova e ku pa ounongo ile eenghono opo u dule okulididimikila eyeleko olo? Christ Jesus, the appointed King, will bless his subjects and educate them in the knowledge of Jehovah. Kristus Jesus, oo a nangekwa po e li Ohamba, ota ka nangeka noupuna ovapangelwa vaye noku va honga kombinga yaJehova. Kristus, Ohamba oyo ya nangekwa po, otai ka nangeka noupuna ovapangelwa vaye noku va honga kombinga yaJehova. Evidence points to the conclusion that the same was true of early copies of the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Oumbangi otau ulike yo kutya edina laJehova ola li la longifwa mOmishangwa dOshigreka donale odo da tolokwa okudja mOmishangwa dOshiheberi. Oumbangi otau ulike kutya eekopi da tya ngaho oda li da shangwa o - Septuagint yOshigreka, o - Septuagint yOshigreka lOmishangwa dOshiheberi. He revealed the information to the men who penned it. Okwa hololela ovalumenhu ovo ouyelele oo ve na okushanga. Okwa li a holola ouyelele oo ovalumenhu ovo va shangwa nale. The king was furious when he heard that his slave did not forgive such a small debt. Ohamba oyo oya li ya handuka neenghono eshi ya uda omupiya oo ya dimina po kutya ina hala okudimina po mukwao oikolo inini oyo e mu lila. Ohamba oya li ya handuka neenghono eshi ya uda kutya omupiya waye iha dimine po ashike ngahenya. Unquestionably, Satan and the demons mislead people "with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 9, 10. Nopehe na omalimbililo, Satana neendemoni daye ohava pukifa ovanhu mokulonga "[oilonganghono aishe, NW] nomadidiliko noikumifi yoipupulu, nomakonda aeshe ouhenouyuki okunyona po ava tava ka kana. " - 2 Ovatessaloniki 2: 9, 10. Satana neendemoni daye ohava pukifa ovanhu " noilonga yavo aishe omaludi nomalaka aeshe noiwana aishe. ' - 2 Ovatessaloniki 2: 9, 10. (b) What do we learn from David's example? (b) Oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa shaDavid? (b) Oshike hatu lihongo moshihopaenenwa shaDavid? Thus, the Levites set a good example for us to praise and thank Jehovah first before making personal requests in our prayers. Onghee hano, Ovalevi ove tu tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokutanga nokupandula tete Jehova meilikano fimbo inatu pula oinima yopaumwene. Onghee hano, Ovalevi ova tula po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokutanga Jehova mokukala hatu ilikana paumwene. Such attitudes are not new. Oikala ya tya ngaho oya kala ko nale. Oikala ya tya ngaho kai fi ipe. For example, many young people share in volunteer construction work. Pashihopaenenwa, ovanyasha vahapu ohava kufa ombinga moilonga yokutunga. Pashihopaenenwa, ovanyasha vahapu ohava kufa ombinga moilonga yokutunga. Jesus also foretold: "Those days will be cut short. " Jesus okwa xunganeka yo ta ti: "Omafiku enya otaa xupipikwa. " Jesus okwa xunganeka yo a ti: "Omafiku aa axuuninwa otaa ka teka po. " We also need to avoid becoming wise in our own eyes or becoming self - centered. Natu henukeni yo okudiladila kutya otu shii shihapu tu dule Jehova ile kutya eemhumbwe detu odo unene da fimanenena. (Omayel. 3: 7; Omuud. Otwa pumbwa yo okuhenuka okuninga omatokolo opandunge kufye vene ile okukala tu lihole fye vene. Similarly, what we personally do in the ministry may seem very little to us. Sha faafana, osho hatu ningi pauhandimwe moukalele otashi dulika shi monike shinini neenghono. Sha faafana, osho hatu ningi pauhandimwe moukalele otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu kufye. If we make it a practice to give to others of our time and resources, people will respond in kind. (Oilonga 20: 35) Ngeenge otwa kala tu na onghedindjikilile yokulongifa efimbo letu noiniwe yetu mokukwafela vamwe, navo otave ke tu ningila sha faafana. Ngeenge otwa kala hatu ningi eenghendabala tu pe vamwe efimbo nosho yo oiniwe yetu, ovanhu otave ke linyenga nawa. God's spirit helps true Christians today to understand the Bible, including "even the deep things of God. " - 2 Peter 3: 16, 17; 1 Corinthians 2: 10. Omhepo yaKalunga ohai kwafele Ovakriste vashili kunena va ude ko Ombibeli, mwa kwatelwa oinima yomoule yaKalunga ile " oule waKalunga. ' - 2 Petrus 3: 16, 17; 1 Ovakorinto 2: 10. Omhepo yaKalunga ohai kwafele Ovakriste vashili va ude ko Ombibeli, mwa kwatelwa "oinima yomoule yaKalunga. " - 2 Petrus 3: 16, 17; 2 Ovakorinto 2: 10. He healed sick people on the island of Malta, where the local people began saying that he was a god. Lwanima, okwa li a velula pashikumwifilonga ovanhu vokonhunhu oko, noova li tava diladila kutya Paulus okalunga. Okwa li a velula ovanaudu kokanhunhu ke li kokanhunhu kaP., oko ovanhu vomoshitukulwa shavo va li va hovela okupopya kutya oku li kalunga. Does Religion Harm Children? Mbela elongelokalunga ola nyika oshiponga kounona? Mbela omalongelokalunga ohaa hongo ngoo ovana vavo? But we have to wait, and we might have to suffer hardships in the meantime. Ashike otu na okuteelela, notashi dulika tu na okulididimikila eenghalo didjuu fimbo tu li mounyuni ou. Ashike otu na okuteelela, notashi dulika tu lihange meenghalo didjuu. Already in Paul's day, seemingly " wise and intellectual men ' were using "persuasive arguments " to delude people and weaken their faith in Jesus Christ. (2 Timoteus 3: 1, 13) Osha yela kutya pefimbo laPaulus, " ovanongo novanaendunge ' ova li tava longifa " eendjovo domaheka ' opo va pukife ovanhu nova nghundipaleke eitavelo lavo muJesus Kristus. Pefimbo laPaulus, "ovalumenhu ovanaendunge " ova li " hava longifa " ovatondi vavo ' opo va nghundipaleke eitavelo lavo muJesus Kristus. Then we came to know Bible truth, made changes in our lives, dedicated ourselves to God, and got baptized. (Rom. 6: 19, 20) Eshi twa shiiva oshili yOmbiibeli, otwa ninga omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yetu nokuliyapulila Kalunga, ndele hatu ninginifwa. Opo nee otwa shiiva oshili yOmbiibeli, twa ninga omalunduluko monghalamwenyo yetu, twe liyapulila Kalunga nokuninginifwa. Hence, he was characterized by deep compassion - a sympathetic awareness of people's suffering and a heartfelt desire to alleviate their suffering. - Heb. (Jes. 61: 1, 2; Luk. 4: 17 - 21) Okwa li a didilikwa mo omolwolukeno nonghenda yaye i na sha novanhu ovo tava mono oixuna nehalo laye lokuxulifa po okumona oixuna kwavo. - Heb. Onghee hano, okwa li ha kenukile ovanhu ovo ve shii kutya otava mono oixuna nokwa halelela okuxulifa po okumona oixuna kwavo. - Heb. They had grown spiritually, even though the missionary had no idea of the change that had taken place. Ova li va kula pamhepo, nonande omutumwa ka li e shii elunduluko olo la li la ningwa po. Ova li va kula pamhepo nonande omutumwa ka li e shii kutya oshike sha ningwa po. Decades passed, and the ark gradually assumed its final shape. Ongulu yomomeva oya li ya enda tai pu momukokomoko womido omilongo. Momukokomoko womido dihapu da pita, ongulu yomomeva oya kala tai diladila kanini nakanini. That introduction may in some cases be the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Jehovah that will grow ever stronger and last forever. Osho otashi dulu okukala ehovelo lekwatafano likumwifi pokati kaJehova naavo va hala oku mu shiiva, notali ka enda tali kolo fiyo alushe. Etwalemo olo otashi dulika li kale la hovela okukala li na ekwatafano liwa naJehova olo tali ka kala la kola fiyo alushe. Upon graduating, Bethel and I were assigned to Nairobi, Kenya. Ame naBethel otwa li twa tuminwa koNairobi, koKenya. Eshi nda mana ofikola, ame novadali vange otwa li twa tumwa tu ka longe kodolongo ya talala. What did he do? Mbela okwa li a ninga po shike? Mbela okwa li a ninga po shike? Do you picture the mighty acts of Gideon and Samson? Mbela oho diladila koilonganghono oyo ya li ya longwa kuGideon nosho yo kuSimson? Mbela oho diladila kutya Gideon novakwaita vaye ova li va longa oshilonga sha tongomana? Jehovah inspired the apostle to encourage not only those in the congregations in Galatia but all His worshippers to remain steadfast. Jehova okwa li a nwefa mo omuyapostoli Paulus a ladipike ovalongeli vaYe aveshe va kanyatele oudiinini wavo ndele havovo ashike va li momaongalo omuGalatia. Jehova okwa nwefa mo omuyapostoli Paulus a ladipike ovo ve li momaongalo e lili noku lili, ndele ovapiya vaye aveshe ova kala ovadiinini. God can become whatever he deems necessary in order to accomplish his purpose. (Exodus 3: 14, NW) Kalunga ota dulu okuninga keshe osho a hala okuninga opo a wanife po ehalo laye. Kalunga ota dulu okuninga keshe osho ta dulu opo a wanife po elalakano laye. When English translations multiplied, critics questioned the need to make different versions in the same language. Eshi omatoloko Ombiibeli mOshiingilisha a hapupala, ovakembauli ova li tava ti kutya inapa pumbiwa omatokolo a yoolokafana melaka limwe alike. Eshi omatoloko Oshiingilisha a enda taa hapupala, ovakembauli ova li va pula va ninge omatoloko a yoolokafana e lili noku lili. But how happy we were proclaiming Jehovah's word among the islands! - Jer. Ndele nande ongaho, otwa li twa hafa eshi hatu tandavelifa etumwalaka laJehova mounhunhu. - Jer. Ashike katwa li tuu twa hafa eshi twa kala hatu udifa eendjovo daJehova mokati kounhunhu! - Jer. The second article will show some ways in which we can prove that we personally have joined Jehovah in his rest. Oshitukulwa oshitivali osha kundafana eenghedi dimwe omo hatu dulu okuulika pauhandimwe kutya otwa ya metulumuko laJehova. Oshitukulwa oshitivali otashi ka kundafana eenghedi dimwe omo hatu dulu okuulika kutya otwa waimina Jehova pauhandimwe. Duration: Continuous. Efimbo: Ihai xulu. Mokweendela ko kwefimbo: Otwa li twa ya molweendo. If we rendered sacred service "hesitantly " by allowing worldly interests to interfere with our worship, we would not win God's approval. 3: 22) Kalunga ita ka kala e tu hokwa ngeenge ohatu " ongaonga ' oku mu longela oilonga iyapuki molwaashi twa efa oinima younyuni i ye moshipala elongelokalunga letu. (Ex. Ngeenge otwa kala twa lenga oilonga iyapuki oyo " ihe wetike ' mounyuni ou wa hala okuya moshipala elongelokalunga letu, itatu ka kala twa hokiwa kuKalunga. If you are going to win the battle for your mind, you must recognize the danger that propaganda poses and protect yourself from it. Opo u finde ekondjo loye lopamadiladilo, ou na okudidilika mo oshiponga osho hashi etifwa komitotolombo noku liamena. Ngeenge oto ka findana molwoodi olo, ou na okudidilika kutya omitotolombo odo tadi dulu oku ku nwefa mo noku di amena. Who are especially worthy of being respected and honored, and why? Moilongo ihapu oyo inai putuka omu na oluhepo, kamu na oyeendifo yoshinanena novanhu kave shii okulesha nokushanga. Oolyelye unene va wana okufimanekwa, nomolwashike? Poverty, uncomfortable modes of transportation, and illiteracy are also common in many developing lands. Onghee hano, Abraham ka li a valulilwa ouyuki molwaashi ngeno a li iha nyono. Kakele kaasho, ovanhu vahapu ohava longifa oingangamifi nohava kwatwa keamo lokulonga oulunde moilongo ihapu. No, he was not righteous in that sense. Edersheim okwa li yo a yandja oshihopaenenwa shimwe shi na sha nanghee Ovajuda va li ve na eudeko la puka li na sha naExodus 12: 42. Ahowe, ka li omuyuki. The author also mentioned Exodus 12: 42. Diladila kwaasho hashi ningilwa elova ngeenge itali dulu okumewa oshiyuma osho omumi a li a lalakanena. Omushangi wExodus 12: 42. Think about what happens to the clay if it becomes unsuited for the intended purpose. Omatengeneko oo hava ningi ohaa kala a mbwalangadja, notaa dulu okuwanifilwa keshe umwe. Diladila kwaasho tashi ka ningwa po ngeenge otashi shiiva opo omunhu a kale a wana okuwanifa po elalakano laye. Often the predictions are so general that they could apply to anyone. Ngeenge kaume koye kopahombo a hala mu kundafane sha Luhapu ohava tula moilonga keshe shimwe opo va dule okutula moilonga keshe umwe. Perhaps this is how he is answering your prayer. Otashi dulika ei oyo onghedi omo Kalunga a nyamukula eilikano loye. Otashi dulika osho she ku kwafela u nyamukule eilikano loye. So when I read Mark 10: 21 and saw Jesus ' invitation, "Come be my follower, " I wanted to become a Witness. Nomolwaasho eshi nda lesha Markus 10: 21 nokumona eshivo laJesus li na sha " nokuninga omushikuli waye, ' onda li nda hala okuninga Ondombwedi. Eshi nda lesha Markus 10: 21 nonda mona eshivo laJesus, "Ila, " onda li nda hala okuninga Ondombwedi. What will our next study article consider? Oshike tashi ka kundafanwa moshitukulwa tashi landula? Oshike hatu ka kundafana moshitukulwa tashi landula? Why is it well worth our effort to use gracious speech? Omolwashike shiwa okukala hatu popi navamwe nombili? Omolwashike sha fimanenena okukala hatu popi nombili? The reality is that they have failed to instill in their followers a love strong enough to eliminate biases. Oushili oyoo kutya omalongelokalunga okwa dopa okuhonga oilyo yao i kale i na ohole yashili oyo tai dulu okuxulifa po okatongo. Oushili oyoo kutya ova dopa okukwafela ovashikuli vavo va kale ve nohole ya pama. Consider also Joseph, whose wife suffered from cancer and suddenly passed away. Natu ka taleni yo koshihopaenenwa shaJoseph oo omukulukadi waye a li ta vele okankela nokonima yokafimbo kaxupi okwa ka fya. Diladila yo shi na sha naJosef, oo omukulukadi waye a kala ta vele neenghono nokwa li a fya ombadilila. A careful consideration of our circumstances may lead us to conclude that we could increase the amount of time we spend in the ministry. Okukonakona nawa eenghalo detu otaku dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone kutya ohatu dulu okuweda ko kefimbo olo hatu longo moukalele ile hasho. Okukonakona eenghalo detu otaku dulu oku tu ningifa tu fike pexulifodiladilo kutya ohatu dulu okutamununa mo oukalele wetu. What will help us to guard against excusing ourselves from fulfilling our obligations to God? Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tu henuke okukala hatu lipopile shi na sha nokuwanifa po oinakuwanifwa yetu oyo twa pewa kuKalunga? Oshike tashi ke tu kwafela tuha punduke eshi hatu wanifa po oinakuwanifwa yetu kuKalunga? The work before them seemed overwhelming. (Esra 2: 70) Oilonga oyo va li va taalela oya li tai monika ye va wilila po. Oilonga yokuudifa fimbo inava ya molweendo oya li tai monika ya fa idjuu neenghono. Psalm 40: 8 expresses his feelings: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight. " Epsalme 40: 8 ola popya omaliudo a ye la ti: "Kalunga kange, okuwanifa ehalo loye, osho otashi nyakula nge. " Epsalme 40: 8 ola popya shi na sha nomaliudo aye a ti: "Kalunga kange, okuwanifa ehalo loye, osho otashi nyakula nge. " Imagine Abraham at about 125 years of age walking slowly up a mountain. Kala nee ngeno wa fa u wete Abraham e na omido 125 lwaapo ta ende kanini ta londo komhunda. Diladila kunghee Abraham a li e na omido 125, eshi a li e na omido 125. 6 How Will You Respond to God's Greatest Gift? 6 Oto ke linyenga ngahelipi koshali yaKalunga inenenene? 6 Mbela oto ka tala ko ngahelipi oshali yaKalunga oyo i li oshali ya dja kuKalunga? Women wearing brightly colored wrap skirts walk gracefully along the side of the road with large bundles on their heads. Ovakainhu va djala eefulukweva doitengi yomaluvala a twa ova li tava ende oshilikadi komukunghulo wondjila va humbata eendongelwa dihapu komitwe. Ovakainhu ova li va djala oikutu tai ende mondjila ya kula oyo i li mokati komitwe davo. Adam later named her Eve. Opo nee, Adam okwa li a luka omukainhu oo Eva. Lwanima Adam okwa ka luka Eva. Some Greek people, who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, saw what Jesus had done and were impressed. Ovagreka vamwe ovo va li ve uya kuJerusalem va dane Opaasa ova li va mona osho Jesus a ninga nova li va kumwa. Ovanhu vamwe ovo va li ve uya kuJerusalem ova li va mona osho Jesus a li a ninga nova li va kumwa. David alludes to this motive, writing: "My journeying and my lying outstretched you have measured off, and you have become familiar even with all my ways. " David okwa ulika etomheno olo eshi a ti: "Nande ohandi ende, ile handi nangala, ou shi wete; neendjila dange adishe ou di shii. " David okwa popya shi na sha naasho eshi a ti: "Fimbo nda li handi i molweendo lange ndee handi liameke kuye, ove u shii nokuli meendjila dange adishe. " (Eps. [ Footnote] [ Eshangelo lopedu] [ Eshangelo lopedu] Erica says: "I'm very close to my family, and I was worried that homesickness would negatively affect my ministry. " Erica okwa ti: "Molwaashi onda ika vambuletu neenghono, onda li handi diladila kutya odjuulufi otai ka piyaaneka oukalele wange. " Erica okwa ti: "Onda li ndi na ekwatafano lopofingo noukwaneumbo wetu, nonda li handi lipula kutya pamwe ohandi ka kuma oukalele wange. " But there is more. Ndele hafye ashike hatu mono ouwa. Ashike ope na shihapu osho hatu dulu okuninga. God also changed the man's name. Kalunga okwa li yo a lundulula edina laye. Kalunga okwa lundulula yo edina lomulumenhu. Thus, "to remember " can mean" to act. " Onghee hano, oshitya osho sha tolokwa "dimbulukwa " ile" valelwa " otashi dulu okutya "okukatuka. " Onghee hano, outumbulilo " okudimbuluka ' otau dulu okutya" okukatuka eenghatu. " What about you personally? Ongahelipi shi na sha naave pauhandimwe? Ongahelipi shi na sha naave pauhandimwe? Another elder stated: "Now I place a higher value on my privilege of serving the brothers. " Omukulunhuongalo umwe vali okwa ti: "Paife onda lenga filufilu oufembanghenda wange wokuyakula ovamwatate. " Omukulunhuongalo umwe okwa ti: "Paife ohandi yandje elitulemo koufembanghenda wokuyakula ovamwatate. " Putting on "the new personality, " the early Christians came to view all people as equal in the sight of God. - Col. Eshi Ovakriste vomefelemudo lotete va "djala omunhu mupe, " ova li va tala ko ovanhu aveshe ve fike pamwe koshipala shaKalunga. - Kol. Ovakriste votete ova li va tala ko ovanhu aveshe ve li ovanailongo koshipala shaKalunga. - Kol. • In what sense was Paul guided by God's spirit? • Paulus okwa li a wilikwa ngahelipi komhepo iyapuki? • Omeityo lilipi Paulus a li a wilikwa komhepo yaKalunga? The elders of the congregation that Stephen attends note: "Stephen is a quiet, hardworking brother, and he has a humble attitude. " Ovakulunhuongalo vomeongalo laStephen ova popya kombinga yaye, va ti: "Stephen omumwatate a mwena, ha longo noudiinini nomulininipiki. " Ovakulunhuongalo vomeongalo olo ova didilika kutya Stephen okwa kala ha longo noudiinini, a ti: "Tate oha longo noudiinini noku na oikala yelininipiko. " In one of them, Mark's Gospel was divided into almost 50 chapters, not the 16 we have now. Evangeli laMarkus ola li la tukulwa momatukulwa 50 lwaapo, ndele lwanima ola ka tukulwa momatukulwa 16. Mokati kavo umwe womuvo, Markus okwa li a tukauka hanga etukulwa 50, ndele hangaashi tu na. This is because of our love for Jehovah and our regular communication with each other. " Ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova nokukundafana alushe oyo hai pameke ohombo yetu. " Osho osho shi li ngaho molwaashi ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova nosho yo okupopya kwetu pandjikilile. " 1: 11. 1: 11, OB - 1954. 1: 11. That article had several helpful suggestions and included a box that could be cut out, kept, and used for study. Oshitukulwa osho oshi na omaetepo taa kwafa nosho yo oshimhungu osho hatu dulu okukonda mo, ndele hatu shi tuvikile noku shi longifa pekonakono letu. Moshitukulwa osho omu na omaetepo mahapu taa kwafa nokwa kwatela mo oshimhungu osho tashi dulu okudimwa po, okutwikila okukonakona. That is how we preached in an organized way. Osho osho sha li hashi tu kwafele tu udife monghedi ya unganekwa nawa. Osho osho hatu udifa monghedi ya unganekwa. Note that Jehovah does not simply tell us to " be on our guard ' and then leave it at that. Didilika kutya Jehova ine tu lombwela ashike kutya " natu kale twa londoka ' ndele hatu kala twa mwena itatu ningi po sha. Didilika kutya Jehova ihe tu lombwele ashike tu " amene ' opo tu dje mo monghalo oyo. The Bible frankly acknowledges that there are some things about God that are difficult for humans to understand. Ombibeli oya ti kutya ope na oinima imwe i na sha naKalunga itai dulu okuudiwa ko kovanhu. Ombibeli oya koleka oushili oo kutya ope na oinima imwe i na sha naKalunga oyo idjuu kovanhu okuuda ko. How we appreciate the humility of the elders who do cooperate as a body! Ohatu pandula shili ovakulunhuongalo ovo ve lininipika nohava longele kumwe ve li olutu. Inatu pandula tuu elininipiko lovakulunhuongalo ovo hava longele kumwe ve li olutu! One wife and mother said that Bible reading has always been difficult for her. Omukainhu umwe oo e li omudali okwa ti kutya okulesha Ombiibeli okwa kala kudjuu kuye. Omukulukadi umwe naina ova ti kutya okulesha Ombibeli okwa kala alushe idjuu kuye. And what good results can we obtain from doing so? Ouwa ulipi hatu dulu okumona ngeenge otwa ningi ngaho? Oidjemo iwa ilipi hatu dulu okumona mokuninga ngaho? The farmer could represent any Christian who seems to be doing well but actually is in spiritual danger. Omunailonga womepya ohatu dulu oku mu faafanifa nOmukriste keshe oo ta monika a fa te shi endifa nawa, ashike oupamhepo waye ou li monghuwo inonghambe. Ofaalama ota faneke Omukriste keshe oo ta monika a fa ta ningi oshinima shiwa ndele ota nyono po oupamhepo waye. The end of the present system of things is imminent; hence, all of us who have dedicated our lives to God need to be sure that we are continuing to do our utmost in following these excellent Scriptural examples. Ndele molwaashi exulilo lounyuni ou oli li poduka, atusheni ovo twe liyapulila Kalunga otwa pumbwa okuninga ngaashi hatu dulu opo tu shikule oihopaenenwa oyo yopamishangwa ya denga mbada. (Mat. 24: 42; 2 Tim. Eshi exulilo longhalelo ei yoinima tali ehene popepi, atusheni ava twe liyapulila Kalunga otwa pumbwa okukala noushili kutya ohatu twikile okuninga ngaashi hatu dulu opo tu twikile okushikula oihopaenenwa oyo ya denga mbada. What could be the reason for this? Omolwashike mbela? Omolwashike taku dulu okutiwa ngaho? There are many more. Ashike ope na vali dikwao dihapu. Ope na shihapu osho hashi ningwa po shi dulife nale. Imagine this: You are testifying in court against a global criminal organization. Natu tye nee owa ya komhangu u ka popile omunhu oo ta tamanekwa komulumenhu omunamakoto nomunaenghono. Kala nee ngeno wa fa u wete oshiningwanima eshi: Oto ulike kutya oto yambidida ehangano lomounyuni aushe. Rutherford spoke to us young ones: "All of you... children... who have agreed to obey God and his King, please stand up! " Rutherford okwa ka popya kombinga yetu ovanyasha, a ti: "Ounona... amushe... ovo mwa dimina okudulika kuKalunga nokOhamba yaye, fikameni! " Rutherford okwa li a lombwela ovanyasha a ti: "Aveshe ava va dimina okudulika kuKalunga nohava dulika kohamba yaye, otava hafifa ohamba yaye. " Despite what the Devil wants you to believe, the ransom can cover the sins of all who have fallen into sin and have repented. Aveshe ovo va nyona ndele ove livela ombedi otava dulu okudiminwa po omanyono avo pakanghameno lekuliloyambo, kashi na nee mbudi kutya Ondiaboli oya hala oku va itavelifa shike. Nonande Ondiaboli oya hala u itavele, ekuliloyambo otali dulu okudiminwa po omatimba aeshe oo e livela ombedi noku livela ombedi. 10 / 15 Jehovah Is My Share, 9 / 15 Ovanhu ova li va teelela Messias e uye, 8 / 15 Ovanyasha, kondjifeni omafininiko oomakula, 11 / 15 In those days, there were two congregations in Pine Bluff - one white and one "colored, " or black. Pefimbo opo moPine Bluff omwa li ashike omaongalo avali, limwe olovatilyane nalimwe "olovalaule. " Pefimbo opo, omaongalo avali okwa li e na omaongalo avali e lili naku lili. Sadly, Cain killed his brother and became the first human murderer! - Gen. Shinyemateka, Kain okwa li a dipaa mumwaina, nokwa ninga omudipai wotete. - Gen. Shinyikifa oluhodi, Kain okwa dipaa omumwainamati ndele ta ningi omunhu wotete oo a dipaa ovanhu. - Gen. The Anglo - American World Power waged war with those holy ones. 3: 26 - 29) Ndele nande ongaho, epangelo laAnglo - Amerika ola li tali kondjifa ovayapuki ovo. Enaenghono mOunyuni laAnglo - Amerika laAnglo - Amerika ola li la lwifa ovo va li ovayapuki. For example, millions have flocked to the pure worship of Jehovah, as was prophesied would occur in "the final part of the days. " Pashihopaenenwa, ovanhu omamiliyona otava mbobolokele melongelokalunga laJehova la koshoka, ngaashi kwa li kwa xunganekwa kutya osho otashi ka ningwa "pomaxulilo omafiku. " (Jes. Pashihopaenenwa, ovanhu omamiliyona ova li hava lifa elongelokalunga la koshoka laJehova ngaashi sha li tashi ka ningwa "momafiku axuuninwa. " So one way to strengthen our faith and courage is to consider some of those examples. Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okupameka eitavelo letu nokukala nouladi ngeenge otwa dilonga koihopaenenwa yavamwe vomuvo. Onghee hano, onghedi imwe omo hatu dulu okupameka eitavelo letu nosho yo ouladi omoihopaenenwa imwe. That dramatic resurrection took place almost 3,000 years ago. Enyumuko olo litunhula ola ningwa paife pa pita omido 3 000 lwaapo. Enyumuko olo ola li la ningwa hanga omido 3 000 lwaapo da pita. PAGE 9 • SONGS: 84, 99 EPANDJA 9 OMAIMBILO: 84, 99 EPANDJA 9 • OMAIMBILO: 84, 99 If a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the Scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants outlined at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 13, he can be recommended for appointment. Ngeenge omumwatate okwa ninginifwa oule womudo umwe lwaapo nota wanifa po oiteelelwa yonhumba yopamishangwa i na sha naavo va hala okuninga ovayakuliongalo oyo ya popiwa mu 1 Timoteus 3: 8 - 13, ota dulu okupewa oshinakuwanifwa osho. Ngeenge omumwatate okwa ninginifwa momudo umwe netata opo a wanife po oiteelelwa yopamishangwa oyo i li mu 1 Timoteus 3: 13, ota dulu oku mu ladipika a kale a wana okunangekwa po. - 8: 13, 14. Never would we want to say regarding fellow worshippers, "I may have to love them, but I do not have to like them "! (1 Joh. 4: 8) Inatu hala nande okupopya shi na sha novalongelikalunga vakwetu kutya, "Ondi na okukala ndi va hole nonande kandi na lela onghwa navo. " Inatu hala nande okupopya kombinga yOvakriste vakwetu kutya, "Ondi va hole, ndelenee ondi va hole. " In so doing, we will come to recognize more fully that "Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " - Ps. Osho otashi ke tu kwafela tu ude ko nawa kutya " Kalunga omuwa kuaveshe, nohole yaye oya nyananana kovashitwa vaye aveshe. ' - Eps. Ngeenge otwa ningi ngaho, ohatu ka mona kutya "Omwene Oye omuwa, onghenda yaye aishe. " - Eps. Let them marry. " Nava hombole. " Onghee hano, nava hombole ile va hombolwe. " JESUS CHRIST said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " JESUS KRISTUS okwa ti: "Oikulya yange ei, Ame ndi longe ehalo laau a tuma nge nondi wanife oshilonga shaye. " (Joh. JESUS KRISTUS okwa ti: "Oikulya yange oi noku i longa, ndi wanife ehalo laye. " All this required much time. " Okuninga oinima aishe oyo ohashi pula efimbo lihapu. " Oinima aishe oyo oya pula efimbo lihapu. " Like the 3rd Psalm, the 4th is an earnest prayer of David that gives evidence of his complete trust in Jehovah. Ngaashi Epsalme eti - 3, etine nalo oli li eilikano laDavid tali di komutima olo tali yandje oumbangi kutya okwa li e lineekela filufilu muJehova. Ngaashi Epsalme eti - 3 lEpsalme eti - 4 tali di komutima, eilikano laDavid olo tali yandje oumbangi filufilu kutya okwa li e lineekela filufilu muJehova. This daily ritual continued for two months. Otwa kala nonghedindjikilile oyo oule weemwedi mbali. Osho osha li sha twikila okukwata oule weemwedi mbali. The evidence was clear: Jehovah had selected Moses to be the leader of His people. (Ex. 5: 2, 6 - 9) Oumbangi owa li u liwetikile kutya Jehova oye a li a hoolola Moses a kale omukwatelikomesho woshiwana shaye. Oumbangi oo ou liwetikile monghedi ya yela: Jehova okwa li a hoolola Moses a ninge omuwiliki woshiwana shaye. 10: 3, 4. 10: 3, 4. 10: 3, 4. He too lacked appreciation for what he had received from his father. Ashike naye ka li e na olupandu laasho a li a pewa kuxe. Naye ka li e na olupandu li na sha naasho a li a pewa kuxe. Are not such things some of the major necessities of life? Mbela oinima oyo hayo oipumbiwa ya fimana monghalamwenyo? Mbela ope na oinima imwe oyo ya fimana monghalamwenyo? 6: 31 - 33. 6: 31 - 33. 6: 31 - 33. 10, 11. 10, 11. 10, 11. The apostle Paul was not here discussing the ancestry of the Messiah. Omuyapostoli Paulus ka li ta kundafana ooxekulululwa vaMessias. Omuyapostoli Paulus ka li ta kundafana kombinga yepata omo mwa li tamu ka dja Messias. They are born with the faculty of conscience, but it needs to be educated, or disciplined. Ova dalwa neliudo, ashike ola pumbwa okudeulwa. (Rom. Ohava dalwa ve na eliudo, ashike osha pumbiwa opo va dule okupewa outekuduliko ile okupewa outekuduliko. 19 "The Work Is Great " 19 "Oshilonga oshinene " 19 "Oilonga inene " The remark came from a well - meaning family friend, but Bebe found it more cutting than comforting. Eendjovo odo da popiwa metetekelo oda li da popiwa komukainhu umwe womovapambele vaBebe, ashike oda li de mu yahameka ponhele yoku mu hekeleka. Molwaashi okwa li ta popi shi na sha nakaume koye kopahombo, okwa li a mona kutya ohashi hekeleke neenghono. Why is it beneficial to know about the Passover? Omolwashike sha fimana okukala tu shii kombinga yOpaasa? Omolwashike shiwa okushiiva kombinga yOpaasa? 5, 6. 5, 6. 5, 6. In dealing with imperfect humans, how did Jesus show mildness and humility? Jesus okwa li a ulika ngahelipi kutya omulininipiki noku na omwenyo muwa mokuungaunga novanhu inava wanenena? Jesus okwa li a ulika ngahelipi kutya omulininipiki eshi a li ta ungaunga novanhu inava wanenena? That verse introduces the Bible's primary theme, which is the vindication of God's sovereignty and the sanctification of his name by means of the Kingdom. Ovelishe oyo oya holola enenediladilo lOmbiibeli, olo li li okutumbalekifwa kwounamapangelo waKalunga nosho yo okuyapulifwa kwedina laye okupitila mOuhamba. Ovelishe oyo otai yelifa unene enenediladilo lOmbiibeli, olo okuyukipalifwa kwounamapangelo waKalunga nosho yo yapulifa edina laye okupitila mOuhamba. What about people who never served Jehovah? Ongahelipi shi na sha novanhu ovo inava longela Jehova nande onale? Ongahelipi shi na sha novanhu ovo ihava longele Jehova? " We need couples with cars, " Pryce said, "to engage in a special campaign to distribute the booklet throughout the country. " Pryce okwa ti: "Otwa pumbwa ovalihomboli ve neetuwa opo va waimine moshikonga osho she likalekelwa shokuyandja okambo oko moshilongo ashishe. " Pryce Hughes okwa ti: "Otwa pumbwa okutula moilonga oshikonga she likalekelwa osho she likalekelwa moshilongo ashishe. " God never brings about the evil and suffering we see in the world. (Job 34: 10) Kalunga ke na efiku a ete owii nokumona oixuna oko tu wete mounyuni. Kalunga ke na efiku a hanaune po owii nokumona oixuna oko hatu mono mounyuni. Bear in mind, though, that bereaved ones need encouragement not only on special occasions. Kaleka yo momadiladilo kutya ovo va nyika oluhodi inava pumbwa ashike ehekeleko pomafimbo e likalekelwa. Dimbuluka kutya ovo va filwa kave na ashike etwomukumo le likalekelwa. And you may have been eager to find more spiritual nuggets. Nowa li wa halelela okulihonga oinima ihapu yopamhepo oyo tai fanekwa koupambu voshingoli. Otashi dulika naave wa kala wa halelela okumona okavidio oko ke na owino wa wedwa po. " Moved with pity, " Jesus said, "Get up! " Jesus okwa li e uditile omukainhu oo "olukeno, " ndele ta lombwele okamonamati komufiyekadi oo, a ti:" Penduka. " Jesus okwa ti: "Tala, ove u noku mu etela onghenda. " * - See footnote. * - Tala eshangelo lopedu. * - Tala eshangelo lopedu. Mary was a good listener. (Jakob 1: 19) Maria okwa li ha pwilikine noukeka. Maria okwa li ha pwilikine nawa. It is best, in a relaxed setting, to invite your children to express their feelings. Osha fimana okukala ho pula ovana voye va holole omadiladilo avo pefimbo noponhele tai wapalele. Ohashi kala shiwa okukala efimbo lile, okushiva ounona voye va popye omaliudo avo. Our actions. (Omayeletumbulo 15: 23) Eenghatu detu. Eenghatu detu. Others may not be ready for baptism until they are a bit older. Vamwe otashi dulika va kale inava wana okuninginifwa fiyo osheshi va kula. Vamwe otashi dulika inave lilongekida okuninginifwa fiyo osheshi va kula. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. Apa NW ya shikula etofwemo, otashi ulike kutya etofwemo ola kufwa mOmbiibeli yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yOshiingilisha. Likely four factors are involved: (1) who gave the gift to you, (2) why it was given, (3) what was sacrificed to make the gift possible, and (4) whether the gift filled a real need. Luhapu ohashi kala sha kwatela mo oitwa inhe tai landula: (1) oo e ku pa oshali oyo, (2) omolwashike we i pelwa, (3) eliyambo lashike la ningwa po opo u dule okupewa oshali nosho yo (4) ngeenge oshali oyo oya wanifa po ngoo omhumbwe lela. Otashi dulika pe na oinima ine oyo ya kwatelwa mo: (1) Molwaashi oshali oyo wa yandja, (2) omolwashike wa li wa pewa oshali oyo i na ondilo, (4) ngeenge otashi shiiva, nosho yo (4) ngeenge otashi shiiva. Because he was empowered by holy spirit and perfect in body and mind, Jesus was not only the greatest man who ever lived on earth but also the greatest Teacher. Jesus ka li ashike omunhu munenenene oo a li kombada yedu, ndele okwa li yo Omuhongi munenenene, molwaashi okwa li a pewa eenghono okupitila momhepo iyapuki, a li e na olutu nosho yo ouluvi wa wanenena. Omolwaashi Jesus ka li ashike omunhu munenenene oo a li ko nale kombada yedu ndele okwa li yo a pamekwa komhepo iyapuki nosho yo komhepo iyapuki. I was hoping that there was more to life, but I just couldn't find it. " Onda li ngoo ndi udite kutya ohandi dulu okumona ouwa muhapu monghalamwenyo, ashike inandi u mona. " Onda li ndi na elineekelo kutya ope na onghalamwenyo ihapu, ashike kanda li handi dulu oku i mona. " How many times have you said that to yourself or to others when you opened a new issue of this magazine? Olungapi we lipopila ile wa lombwela umwe to ti, "tala efano lihokwifa, " ngeenge wa penuna Oshungonangelo ipe? Mbela omafimbo amwe oho popile vamwe ile oho kala u udite ngahelipi ngeenge u li moshifo eshi? In what sense? What are world leaders helpless to prevent? Ovapangeli novanongononi ova nyengwa okuninga shike? Omeityo lilipi ovawiliki vomalongelokalunga mounyuni itava dulu okuxulifa po? Jehovah also sent an angel to strengthen Jesus when he was in anguish on the night before his death. Jehova okwa li yo a tuma omweengeli a pameke Jesus eshi a li a nyika oluhodi moufiku oo wa tetekela efyo laye. Jehova okwa li yo a tuma omweengeli a pameke Jesus eshi a li a nyika oluhodi moufiku oo wa tetekela efyo laye. For example, the Bible includes a law prohibiting bribery in judicial cases, showing that the practice was already well - known over 3,500 years ago. Pashihopaenenwa, Ombibeli oya popya omhango oyo ya kelela okutambula ombubo momhangu, osho tashi ulike kutya oulingilingi owa kala u shiivike nawa omido di dulife po 3 500 lwaapo da pita. Pashihopaenenwa, Ombibeli oya kwatela mo omhango oyo ya li hai va kelele vaha yandje ombubo koinima oyo ya li hai shiivika nawa nale oule womido 3 500 lwaapo da pita. 24: 45. 24: 45. 24: 45. " Immediately in the synagogues [Paul] began to preach Jesus, that this One is the Son of God. " Ombibeli oya popya shi na sha naye ya ti: "Okwa udifa diva meeshinagoga Kristus nokutya, Oye Omona waKalunga. " Ombibeli oya ti: "Ye okwa hovela okuudifa Jesus, Oye Omona waKalunga. " (Mat. Many of God's servants can identify with these feelings, but what can help to give them the strength needed in order to endure? Ovapiya vaKalunga vahapu navo osho hava kala ve udite ngaashi omumwameme oo, ndele mbela oshike tashi dulu oku va kwafela va mone eenghono odo va pumbwa opo ve lididimike? Ovapiya vaKalunga vahapu otava dulu okudidilika mo omaliudo avo, ndele oshike tashi dulu oku va kwafela va dule okulididimika? Why did he provide this information? 4: 1 - 11) Omolwashike Jehova a efa tu shiive oinima imwe oyo tai ningwa meulu? Omolwashike a yandja ouyelele oo? After learning basic forms of address and memorizing a one - minute magazine presentation, we were invited to begin engaging in the field service. Konima eshi twe lihonga okupopifa nokuninga omatwalemo e li pauxupi, otwa li twa lombwelwa tu hovele okuya moilonga yomomapya. Konima eshi twe lihonga kombinga yoinima oyo ya fimana, otwa li twa shivwa tu ye moukalele. When faced with frustrating situations or recurring personality conflicts, do we control our lips and our temper? 3: 13) Ngeenge opwa holoka eenghalo tadi nyemateke ile okuhaudafana pokati ketu navamwe, mbela ohatu pangele ngoo elaka letu nosho yo ehandu letu? (Omayel. 10: 19; 17: 27; Mat. Ngeenge twa taalela eenghalo didjuu ile omaupyakadi, mbela ohatu pangele omadiladilo etu ehandu nosho yo ehandu letu? That was the case with Phillip and Racquel when they served in the Nahuatl - language field. Phillip naRacquel navo ova li monghalo ya tya ngaho eshi va li tava udifile moshitukulwa shovapopi velaka lOshinahuatl. Osho osha li sha ningwa kashi na nee mbudi kutya oshike sha li sha ningwa po, eshi va li tava longo moshitukulwalongo omo mwa li mu na ovanhu vahapu. When he was diagnosed with lymphoma, a type of cancer of the blood, Antonio was overcome with anguish. Eshi Antonio a li a monika okankela yomohonde, okwa li a nyemata neenghono. Eshi Satana a li a monika okankela, okwa li a kwatwa komukifi oo hau etifwa kohonde yaye, ofimbo Antonio a li a nyika oluhodi neenghono. When the Messiah appeared, he would likely have found Israel functioning well as an independent nation, not cringing under the Roman whip. Ova li ve na omhito yokukala va manguluka ko kovapangeli voiwana imwe, nokuli nopefimbo laJesus eshi Ovaroma va li tava pangele oiwana ihapu. Eshi Messias a li te ke uya, otashi dulika a li a mona Israel sha manguluka nosha li tashi mu imbi a dje mo koshi yepangelo laRoma. Notice that Jesus foretold food shortages and earthquakes during that time period. Didilika kutya Jesus okwa xunganeka kutya otapa ka holoka ondjala nomakakamo edu pefimbo olo. Didilika kutya Jesus okwa li a xunganeka kutya ondjala nosho yo omakakamo edu otaa ka hapupala pefimbo olo. When you strive to impress Bible truth on their hearts, you invite Jehovah's rich blessing. - Ps. Eshi tamu kendabala okufindila oshili yOmbiibeli momitima davo, otamu va kwafele va mone omanangekonoupuna aJehova. - Eps. Ngeenge owa kendabala okufindila oshili yOmbibeli momitima davo, oto ku shivi u nangekwe noupuna kuJehova. - Eps. We know that the Bible is God's message for everyone. Otu shii kutya Ombibeli oi li etumwalaka laKalunga kukeshe umwe. Otu shii kutya Ombibeli etumwalaka laKalunga li na sha novanhu aveshe. [ Picture on page 18] [ Efano pepandja 18] [ Efano pepandja 18] Thus, as a person grows in appreciation and respect for Jehovah, he recognizes that Jehovah deserves his best and that he cannot give God his best while remaining enslaved to a lethal habit. (Epsalme 83: 18, NW; 2 Ovakorinto 7: 1) Eshi omunhu ta kulike olupandu laye nokufimaneka Jehova, oha mono kutya Jehova okwa teelela a pewe osho sha denga mbada ashike ita dulu okuyandja osho shiwa kuKalunga ngeenge pomhito opo tuu opo ota twikile nonghedindjikilile inai koshoka. Onghee hano, eshi omunhu a kulika olupandu laye lokupandula Jehova, oku shii kutya Jehova okwa wana okupa ovapiya vaye osho sha denga mbada nonande oku li omupika. He trusts that he will reap. Oha kunu e na elineekelo kutya ota ka teya. Okwa li e lineekela kutya ota ka teya oiimati. God hates a deceitful, treacherous divorce. Kalunga oku tonde eteyohombo olo la kwatela mo oukengeleledi ile eteke. Kalunga oku tonde eteyohombo olo lihe fi oukengeleledi. Excellent aids in getting background information about Bible books are the publications "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " Insight on the Scriptures, and such articles as" Jehovah's Word Is Alive, " in The Watchtower. Oishangomwa ya denga mbada oyo tai dulu oku tu kwafela tu mone ouyelele u na sha nomambo Ombibeli ongaashi oubroshure: "Omishangwa adishe odi li paushili nodi shii okuhonga, " o - Insight on the Scriptures nosho yo oitukulwa," Eendjovo daJehova odi na omwenyo " oyo i li mEeshungonangelo. Oitukulwa oyo i na omauyelele e na sha nomahokololo Ombibeli e na sha nOmbibeli oi li "Omishangwa adishe, ' ngaashi o - Insight on the Scriptures, nosho yo oitukulwa i na oshipalanyole, "Eendjovo daJehova. " For some, however, the biggest test proved to be a change in the focus of their work. Kuvamwe osha li eshongo linene eshi onghedi oyo va li hava longo oilonga yavo ya li ya lunduluka. Vamwe ohava yelekwa opo va lundulule etaleko lavo li na sha noilonga yavo. With the help of many experienced, cooperative workers, a beautiful branch was built. Kekwafo lovanailonga vahapu ve na owino nelongelokumwe, otwa li twa tunga oshitaimbelewa shiwa. Omolwekwafo olo vahapu va mona, ovanailonga vahapu ova li hava longele koshitaimbelewa shiwa. Thereafter, these new Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " 2: 14, 15) Vahapu vomuvo ova li va ninga ovaitaveli, nOvakriste ovo vape ova li va "diinina okukala melongo lovayapostoli. " Konima yaasho, Ovakriste ovo vape ova li va " diinina okukala melongo lovayapostoli. ' NOVEMBER 26, 2012 - DECEMBER 2, 2012 26 NOVEMBA 2012 - 2 DESEMBA 2012 26 DESEMBA 2012 - 2 DESEMBA 2012 " The Devil... was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. " Satana... omudipai nghee a dja, ina kala moshili, osheshi muye kamu na oshili. " Ondiaboli oya li ya dipaa shihe fi oshiningilewina, ndele ina kala moshili, molwaashi ka li e mu tonde moshili. I treasure the loving counsel that these brothers gave me and their fine example of loyalty to Jehovah and his organization. Onda lenga neenghono omayele mawa oo nda pewelwe kovamwatate ovo nosho yo oihopaenenwa yavo iwa yokukala ovadiinini kuJehova nosho yo kehangano laye. Onda lenga omayele opahole oo ovamwatate va pa nge nokwe va tulila po oshihopaenenwa shiwa shokukala ovadiinini kuJehova nosho yo kehangano laye. * The very layout of the tabernacle and temple at which the Israelites worshipped prefigured the steps that the future Messiah would take, from his sacrificial death to his ascension to heaven. - See the chart on page 7. * Omudutilo wetwali notembeli omo Ovaisrael va li hava longele Jehova owa li tau faneke eenghatu odo Messias a li ta ka katuka monakwiiwa, okudja kefyo laye lopayambo fiyo okulonda kwaye meulu. - Tala omusholondodo pepandja 7. * Osho osha li tashi ka ningwa molwaashi otembeli nosho yo otembeli oyo Ovaisrael va li hava longele Jehova fimbo Messias a li ine uya kombada yedu. - Tala oshimhungu osho shi li pepandja 7. Additionally, legislation specifically intended to reduce corruption often costs much to implement yet accomplishes little. Shimwe vali, eemhango dokondadalunde odo da nuninwa okuninipika oulingilingi luhapu ohadi pula oshimaliwa shihapu opo di tulwe moilonga, ashike ihadi kwafa sha. Shikwao vali, okufuta oifendela luhapu ohaku pula shihapu opo ku dule okuwanifa po shihapu moilonga yefimbo li yadi. When you learn something good from the Bible, could you share it with someone? Ngeenge owe lihongo sha shiwa mOmbiibeli, mbela ito dulu oku shi lombwela vamwe? Ngeenge owe lihongo sha mOmbiibeli, mbela ito dulu oku shi ninga pamwe nomunhu wonhumba? No. Hasho nandenande. Ahowe. When faced with a particularly difficult situation, postpone discipline until you are calm. Ngeenge owa taalela onghalo yonhumba idjuu, teelela u ngungile opo u yandje nawa outekuduliko. Ngeenge wa taalela onghalo idjuu, ino sholola. For example, one time when I expressed my concern about meeting a certain deadline for work, Brother Knorr smiled and said: "Don't worry. Work! " Pashihopaenenwa, pomhito imwe eshi nda li handi lipula shi na sha nokumana oilonga yange pefimbo, omumwatate Knorr okwa tala nge te limemesha ndele ta ti: "Ino kala vali to lipula; longa ashike! " Pashihopaenenwa, omumwatate Knorr okwa li te limemesha ta ti: "Ino kala to lipula unene nasho. " We can learn much by examining how Jesus handled a situation in the first century when the land was unsettled by political turmoil. Ohatu dulu okulihonga shihapu mokukonakona nghee Jesus a li a ungaunga nonghalo ya tya ngaho mefelemudo lotete eshi ovanhu va li va tukaulwa koinima yopapolotika. Ohatu dulu okulihonga shihapu shi na sha nanghee Jesus a li a ungaunga nonghalo oyo mefelemudo lotete eshi edu la li tali monika la fa lihe na oshilonga. Soon afterward, two more suspects, including Richard Rudolph, were arrested. Diva konima yaasho, opa li vali pa monika ovafekelwa vavali, mwa kwatelwa Richard Rudolph, nova li va kwatwa po. Konima yaasho, vavali ohava diladila vali kombinga yoinima ivali, mwa kwatelwa Richard ovapangelwa vaye, ova li va kwatwa po. That truth is revealed in the divinely inspired Scriptures, the Bible. (Johannes 17: 17) Oshili oyo oya hololwa mOmishangwa da nwefwa mo kuKalunga, Ombibeli. Oshili oyo otai hangwa mOmishangwa daKalunga da nwefwa mo, Ombibeli. Following their advice, Rehoboam decided to treat the people harshly. Molwaashi okwa li a shikula omayele ovanyasha ovo, okwa li a tokola okuungaunga novanhu nonyanya. Konima eshi Rehabeam a dulika komayele avo, okwa li a tokola okuungaunga novanhu nonyanya. Our estate became mainly Protestant. Oshitukulwa shetu osha ka ninga unene shOvaprotestande. Otwa li hatu kala twa tunhukwa neenghono. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. " Onda li handi hafele okulesha Ombiibeli, unene tuu omavangeli anhe. Ame ohandi ku pameke ndee handi ku kwafa yo. " " Wisdom is with the modest ones. " - PROV. Ame ohandi ku pameke ndele handi ku kwafa. " " Ounongo ou nombili. " - OMAYEL. " I have come down from heaven, " he explained. - John 6: 38. " Ounongo tau kala pwaava ve lininipika. " - OMAYEL. Okwa ti: "Ame nda dja keulu. " - Joh. 6: 38. Today, it is commonly referred to as Bardet - Biedl syndrome. There is no cure. Jesus okwa ti: "Ame nda dja keulu. " - Johannes 6: 38. Kunena, ovanhu vahapu ohava popi kombinga yomukifi oo hau ifanwa o - Awake! Jesus warned us that others will even hate us because we are different. Kunena omukifi oo luhapu ohau ifanwa Bardet - Biedl, ashike ihau hakulwa. Jesus okwe tu londwela kutya vamwe otave ke tu tonde nokuli molwaashi twa yooloka ko kuvo. 7: 12. (1 Petrus 2: 19) Jesus okwe tu londwela kutya vamwe otava ka kala nokuli ve tu tonde molwaashi twa yooloka ko kuvo. 7: 12. I couldn't believe how much they knew about the Bible! 7: 12. Kanda li ndi shii shihapu kombinga yOmbibeli. His loving and compassionate words comforted us beyond measure. Kanda li handi dulu okwiitavela kutya ove shii shihapu kombinga yOmbiibeli. Eendjovo daye omunahole nosho yo eendjovo daye otadi tu hekeleke shi dulife nale. At that time, there was no dry land, no light, and apparently no breathable air at the earth's surface. Eendjovo daye dohole nosho yo dolukeno oda li de tu hekeleka unene. Pefimbo opo, kombada yedu kamwa li pe na ouyelele u na sha nedu, tashi dulika kakwa li ku na eenghono kombada yedu. All involved in the caregiving process can endeavor to make the experience as pleasant as possible. Pefimbo opo, kapa li pe na oukukutu wedu nosho yo ouyelele, nokakwa li ku na omhepo yohapi komudingonoko wedu. Aveshe ovo tava file oshisho ovadali otava dulu okuninga eenghendabala opo va kandule po omaupyakadi avo. They can learn from and follow the basic example of Solomon as he showed courage in making wise decisions to complete the construction of the temple. Aveshe ovo hava kwafele ovanamido otava dulu okuninga eenghendabala opo ekwafo lavo li kale tali mbilipaleke. Otava dulu okulihonga koshihopaenenwa shaSalomo nokushikula oshihopaenenwa sha fimana osho a li a ulika ouladi mokuninga omatokolo e li pandunge opo a tunge otembeli. " Noah, Daniel, and Job... would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness. " - EZEK. Otava dulu okulihonga nokushikula oshihopaenenwa shaSalomo eshi a li a ulika ouladi mokuninga omatokolo opandunge opo a wanife po oilonga yaye yokutunga otembeli. " Noa, Daniel naJob ova li tava dulu okuxupifa ouyuki wavo. " Why should we not give up when difficulties arise? " Noa, Daniel naJob... otave lixupifile eemwenyo davo adike. " - HES. Omolwashike tuhe na okusholola ngeenge pa holoka omaudjuu? Water Supply in Israel During Dry Season, 1 / 1 Omolwashike tuhe na okusholola ngeenge opa holoka eenghalo didjuu? Longifa nawa oshali yokukala ino hombola ile ino hombolwa, 1 / 15 In his last desperate attempt, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Natu kaleni hatu ende pamhepo opo tu ka mone omwenyo nombili, 11 / 15 Molwaashi Satana okwa li a wililwa po, okwa li a pa Jesus omauhamba aeshe omounyuni. How can we avoid becoming lovers of ourselves? Kungaho, Ovajuda ova li va tambula ko ehongo loipupulu kutya ope na oshitukulwa shimwe shi li momunhu ihashi monika osho hashi xupu po pefyo. Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okukala tu lihole fye vene? Abel was the first human ever to develop that sterling quality. Eshi Satana a li a mona kutya ita pondola, okwa li a konga ondunge ya xuuninwa yokuhongaula Jesus oyo a li ta diladila kutya otai ka longa eshi a li e mu udanekela oku mu pa omauhamba aeshe ounyuni. (Mat. Abel oye omunhu wotete a shitwa opo a kulike oukwatya wa denga mbada. Days of Storm in Bible Times Ongahelipi hatu dulu okuhenuka okukala tu lihole fye vene sha pitilila? Omafiku axuuninwa otaa ulike kutya otu li momafiku axuuninwa The Bible accounts about Cain, Solomon, and the Israelites at Mount Sinai have a noteworthy element in common. Abel oye omunhu wotete oo a li e na eitavelo la kola. Omahokololo Ombibeli e na sha Kain, Salomo nOvaisrael ova kala ve udite nai neenghono eshi va li komhunda yaSinai. [ Footnote] For a more complete description of the traits fostered by the world's spirit, see Reasoning From the Scriptures, pages 389 - 393. Omafiku oikungulu yopefimbo lOmbibeli [ Eshangelo lopedu] Opo u mone ouyelele muhapu u na sha nomaukwatya oo haa etifwa komhepo younyuni, tala Oshungonangelo, epandja 389 - 38. Read Isaiah 64: 8. Omahokololo Ombiibeli e na sha naKain, Salomo nosho yo Ovaisrael komhunda yaSinai oku na oilihongomwa ya fimana. Lesha Jesaja 64: 8. He told them that if he had been in their place, he " would have strengthened them with the words of his mouth, and the consolation of his lips would have brought them relief. ' Lesha Jesaja 64: 8. Okwa li e va lombwela kutya ngeenge okwa kala monhele yavo, " ote ke va pameka neendjovo daye nehekeleko laye. ' Millions of people have died in ignorance of the Bible. Okwe va lombwela kutya ngeno oye a li vo, ngeno okwe va lombwela " eendjovo doku va ladipaleka noku va pupaleka nehekeleko lomilungu daye. ' Ovanhu omamiliyona ova fya momahokololo Ombibeli. Thus began my lifelong habit of reading God's Word. Ovanhu omamiliyona ova fya inava shiiva Ombibeli. Onghee hano, onda hovela okukala handi lesha Eendjovo daKalunga monghalamwenyo yange aishe. We Are Not Qualified to Guide Ourselves Kungaho, onda li nda hovela okukala handi lesha Eendjovo daKalunga monghalamwenyo yange aishe. Katu na okukala hatu wilikwa komhepo iyapuki With what personal weakness did David struggle? Omunhu ita dulu okuliwilika ye mwene David okwa li ta kondjo noupyakadi ulipi? Faith does not mean gullibility. Rather, it means believing in something that even though unseen, is supported by very strong evidence. David okwa li e na ounghundi ulipi? Eitavelo ihali ningifa ovanhu va kale va handuka, ndele ponhele yaasho otali ti kutya nonande kaku wetike, ohali yambidida neenghono oumbangi wa kola u na sha nonande ihau monika. She died the same day as those perverted inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Mateus 21: 22) Okukala neitavelo itashi ti kutya okukala tu na omaitavelela, ndele ponhele yaasho, okukala wa itavela oshinima shonhumba nokuli nonande kashi wetike, ashike ope na oumbangi wa kola oo tau shi koleke. Okwa fya mefiku tuu olo ovanhu ovo va li va dingilila Sodom naGomorra. The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah, as the Scriptures tell us to do. 17: 31) Kashi na nee mbudi kutya oshike sha li she mu linyengifa, okwa fya omolwokuhadulika kwaye. Omukainhu omunyasha okwa li a mbubulila Jehova omutima waye, ngaashi Omishangwa tadi tu lombwele tu ninge. Apollos was helped to improve the effectiveness of his ministry 22: 6) Omukainhu oo omunyasha okwa li a mbubulila Jehova omutima waye, ngaashi ashike omishangwa detu lombwela tu ninge. (Eps. Apollos okwa li a kwafelwa opo a xwepopaleke oukalele waye To " become to Jehovah a kingdom of priests. ' Apollos okwa li a kwafelwa a xwepopaleke onghedi yaye yokuhonga Opo " a ninge ouhamba wovapristeri. ' Then friends in Canada asked her to go with them to Mexico to share in the preaching work for a month. Omolwaashi okwa li a hala va ninge "ouhamba wovapristeri " vaye. Opo nee ookaume kavo moKanada ova li ve mu pula a ka longe pamwe navo moukalele omwedi umwe. Not Let Illness Rob You of Joy, 12 / 15 Opo nee ookahewa kaye vomoCanada ova li ve mu pula va ye va ka udife oule womwedi koMexico. Mona ehafo linene, 7 / 1 What, then, is the greatest form of recognition that we can strive for? Okufimanekwa kulipi kwa denga mbada oko hatu dulu okukala twa hala? Ndele mbela efimano la denga mbada lilipi hatu dulu okuninga? They then volunteered to help with the construction of world headquarters in Warwick, New York. Opo nee ova li ve liyamba va ka kwafele moilonga yokutunga keembelewa da kula koWarwick, moNew York. Opo nee ova li ve liyamba va kwafele eembelewa da kula da kula koWarwick, moNew York. He did not profess to worship any other god but Jehovah. Ka li ha longele oikalunga ndele oJehova. Ka li a hala okulongela oikalunga imwe i lili, ndele Jehova ka li a hala ovanhu va longele Jehova. 27 Young Ones - Stand Firm Against the Devil 27 Ovanyasha, kondjifeni Ondiaboli 27 Ovanyasha, kondjifeni Ondiaboli How does the ransom benefit humans who have died? Oonakufya otava ka mona ouwa ulipi okupitila mekuliloyambo? Ongahelipi ekulilo hali etele ovanhu ouwa ovo va fya? Are we not moved to imitate such faithful ones as they follow the Christ? - 1 Cor. Mbela inatu linyengifwa tu hopaenene ovadiinini ovo eshi tava shikula Kristus? - 1 Kor. Mbela inatu hala okuhopaenena ovadiinini ngaashi ovo tava shikula Kristus? - 1 Kor. Will my decisions help me to "be peaceable "? Mbela omatokolo ange otaa ka kwafela nge ndi kale handi "ningi ombili "? Mbela omatokolo ange otaa ka kwafela nge ndi kale "nombili "? All the other elders agreed. Ovakulunhuongalo vakwao aveshe ova twa kumwe naye. Ovakulunhuongalo aveshe ova dimina kutya ova ninga ngaho. [ Footnotes] [ Omashangelo opedu] [ Omashangelo opedu] There are members of the congregation who committed serious sins and who were reproved "with severity, that they may be healthy in the faith. " Ovanhu ovo hava nyono sha kwata moiti meongalo lopaKriste ohava handukilwa " neenghono, opo va veluke meitavelo. ' (Tit. Ope na oilyo yeongalo ya nyona omanyono a kwata moiti nokwa kwata moiti, oyo tashi dulika i kale ya pama meitavelo. " (Read Acts 18: 1, 5 - 8.) (Lesha Oilonga 18: 1, 5 - 8.) (Lesha Oilonga 18: 1, 5 - 8.) Over the centuries, Jehovah has given integrity keepers many different assignments. Momukokomoko womafelemido, Jehova okwa kala ta pe ovo va kanyatela oudiinini wavo oinakuwanifwa ihapu i lili noku lili. Oule womafelemido, Jehova okwa pa ovadiinini oinakuwanifwa ihapu i lili noku lili. As shown at Psalm 3: 1, 2, what was David's situation? Ngaashi sha ulikwa mEpsalme 3: 2, 3, David okwa li monghalo ilipi? Ngaashi sha ulikwa mEpsalme 3: 1, 2, onghalo yaDavid oya li ya tya ngahelipi? How wonderful that was! Osho kasha li tuu shihafifa! Osho kasha li tuu shihafifa neenghono! Frequently talking with your children gives you greater access to their thoughts and feelings. Ngeenge owa kala ho kundafana novana voye oto ka dula okuuda ko omaliudo avo naasho tava diladila. Okupopya novana voye ohaku ku pe yo omadiladilo nosho yo omaliudo avo. Those who make up the antichrist claim to be Christ or his representatives, but since "they went out from us, " they deviated from true Bible teachings. Ooantikristus ohave limonikifa va fa ovo Kristus ile ovakalelipo vaye, ashike molwaashi "ova dja mufye, " ova twalwatwalwa kokule nomahongo ashili Ombibeli. Ovanhu ovo have liti kutya odi li omhinge naKristus ile ovakalelipo vaye, ashike ova " efa po omahongo Ombibeli. ' What contrast in people's attitude is seen at Judges 5: 9, 10, and how should this affect us today? Eyooloko lilipi la li li li pokati ketaleko lovanhu ovo va tumbulwa mOvatokolipangeli 5: 9, 10, nongahelipi osho tashi dulu oku tu kuma kunena? Eyooloko lilipi li li mOvatokolipangeli 5: 9, 10, nongahelipi tali dulu oku tu kuma kunena? Family heads wisely imitate Joseph, caring for the practical well - being of their children and ensuring that they can support themselves. Omitwe domaukwaneumbo ohadi landula pandunge oshihopaenenwa shaJosef mokufila oshisho onghalonawa yovana noku va kwafela opo va dule okulikwafa vo vene. Omitwe domaukwaneumbo ohadi hopaenene Josef filufilu, okufila oshisho ovana vavo nosho yo kutya otava dulu oku va yambidida. Even in the first century, Paul found it necessary to urge fellow believers to avoid "the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience " and in which they" at one time walked. " Nokuli nomefelemudo lotete, Paulus okwa li a mona kutya okwa pumbwa okuladipika ovaitaveli vakwao va henuke " omhepo yomupangeli ou ta longo paife movana vokuhadulika ' omo va "[endaenda] nale. " Nokuli nomefelemudo lotete, Paulus okwa li a pumbwa okuladipika ovaitaveli vakwao va henuke " omhepo ei tai longo paife, ' nokuli nopefimbo opo tuu opo ova li hava ende. The brothers there have to deal with many sensitive and complex questions from elder bodies and circuit overseers around the country. Ovamwatate koshikondo osho ova li hava ungaunga nomapulo madjuu mahapu a dja komalutu ovakulunhuongalo nokovapashukilishikandjo moshilongo ashishe. Ovamwatate ove na okuungaunga nomaupyakadi mahapu nomukulunhuongalo a yoolokafana e na sha nomanyono nosho yo ovapashukilishikandjo ovo va li va dingilila oshilongo shavo. His method of interpreting the Scriptures had a strong influence on other Bible scholars and reformers. - See the box "How Martin Luther Was Influenced by Lefèvre. " Onghedi yaye yokutoloka Omishangwa oya nwefa mo ovahongwanhu vamwe vOmbiibeli nosho yo ovo va li va hala okweetifa omalunduluko. - Tala oshimhungu "Nghee Martin Luther a li a nwefwa mo kuLefèvre. " Molwaashi Martin okwa li a longifa onghedi yaye yokukonakona Omishangwa, okwa li a nwefa mo ovahongwanhu vamwe va lundulule onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo nova lundulule onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo. - Tala oshimhungu, "Onda li nda nwefwa mo kLefèvre. " 21: 17; Josh. 21: 17; Jos. 21: 17; Jos. Use your God - given thinking abilities and power of reason to make the truth your own. - Prov. 14: 15) Longifa omadiladilo oye oo wa pewa kuKalunga nosho yo eendunge doye dokuyoolola opo u ninge oshili yoye mwene. - Omayel. Longifa eendunge doye dokuyoolola opo u ninge oshili yoye vene. - Omayel. When parents choose not to live together as a family, the children may suffer emotionally and morally. Ngeenge ovadali ova hoolola vaha kale pamwe ve li oukwaneumbo, ovana vavo otashi dulika va kale va wililwa po pamaliudo nohashi kumu eenghedi davo. Ngeenge ovadali ova hoolola okukala pamwe ve li oukwaneumbo, ounona otava dulu okukala va wililwa po pamaliudo nosho yo paenghedi. Would you please read what Jesus said in the last part of that verse? Oto dulu mbela okulesha osho Jesus a popya moshitukulwa shaxuuninwa shovelishe oyo? Kwafele nge u leshe osho Jesus a popya moshitukulwa shaxuuninwa shovelishe oyo? For example, your employer may regularly ask you to work overtime on evenings and weekends - times that you have set aside for family worship, field service, and Christian meetings. Pashihopaenenwa, omuyandji woilonga woye otashi dulika a kale he ku pula pandjikilile u longe olutaima keenguloshi nosho yo momaxuliloshivike; efimbo olo wa li we litulila po u ninge elongelokalunga loukwaneumbo, u ye moilonga yomomapya nosho yo kokwoongala kwopaKriste. Pashihopaenenwa, omuyandji woye otashi dulika e ku pule alushe u ka longe olutaima momaxuliloshivike, momaxuliloshivike omo ho kufa ombinga moukalele, okwoongala kwopaKriste nosho yo okwoongala kwopaKriste. Holy spirit empowered Jesus to perform miracles, including healing the sick, feeding the crowds, and raising the dead. 1: 32, 33; 4: 16 - 21) Omhepo iyapuki oya li ya pameka Jesus a longe oikumwifilonga, mwa kwatelwa okuvelula ovanaudu, okupalula eemhunga dovanhu nosho yo okunyumuna oonakufya. Omhepo iyapuki oya li ya nghonopaleka Jesus a longe oikumwifilonga, mwa kwatelwa okuvelula ovanaudu, okupalula eemhunga nokunyumuna ovafi. And they may be attracted to the God we worship. Ndele natango omidjalo detu diwa otadi ka yandja efano liwa li na sha nehangano olo tu lile po. Otashi dulika va kale va hokwa okulongela Kalunga. Lessons From a Well - Prepared Prayer, 10 / 15 Ashike vamwe ovo va li hava longele nale oikalunga ova li ve udite kutya okulya ombelela oyo okuli onghedi yokulongela oikalunga. (1 Kor. Osho hatu lihongo meilikano la longekidwa nawa, 10 / 15 However, others who formerly worshipped those idols felt that eating the meat would be an act of worship. Mbela ouyelele ou otau ka nyona po edina liwa laumwe? Ndele nande ongaho, vamwe ovo va li hava longele oikalunga ova li ve udite kutya okulya ombelela otai ka kwatela mo okulongela oikalunga. Will this information damage someone's reputation? Kamwa li mwa ya sha, wa li wa kukuta notau dulu okupambulwa noupu. Mbela ouyelele oo otau dulu okunyona po edina laumwe? It would be plain, dry, and crackerlike, easy to break into pieces. Efaneko: Ehokololo olo tali hongo oshilihongomwa Osha yela kutya otashi ka kala sha yela, tashi monika sha fa tashi monika sha fa shihe li pauyuki. Parable: A detailed story that teaches a lesson Ovaisrael ova li va tilifwa koshilemo shilaula, komaluvadi nosho yo komadidiliko makumwifi aKalunga. Efaneko: Ehokololo olo otali tu hongo oshilihongomwa sha fimana The Israelites had been frightened by the dark cloud, the lightning, and the other awe - inspiring signs from God. Ou na okutala ko ngahelipi oufembanghenda mukumwifi wokukala kaume kaKalunga? Ovaisrael ova li va tila neenghono eshi va li va dengwa komhunda yaSinai, va li va tila neenghono. How should you view the wonderful blessing of being a friend of God? Pomhito imwe eshi ve lihololelwa, 10 ashike vomuvo va li va kalela po 12 molwaashi Tomas ka li po. - Johannes 20: 24. Ou na okutala ko ngahelipi omanangeko noupuna makumwifi okukala kaume kaKalunga? At one appearance, only 10 of them at most could have represented the 12, for Thomas was absent. - John 20: 24. JAKOB okwa li a popya pokwoongala kumwe kwolutuwiliki okwo kwa li kwa ningilwa muJerusalem mo 49 O.P., a ti: "Simeon [Petrus] okwa hepaulula, Kalunga nhumbi a ninga eshi a hovela okulikolela edina laye mwene oshiwana movapaani. Pomhito imwe, ova li ashike tave ke shi mona mo kutya Thomas oye aeke a li e na omido omulongo nasha. - Joh. 20: 24. DURING a milestone governing body meeting in Jerusalem in 49 C.E., the disciple James said: "Symeon [Peter] has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. Kakele kaasho, Elisa okwa li a hala okukala e na ouladi ngaashi Elia, oo a li a "kondjela nouladi Omwene. " - 1 Eeh. MO 49 O.P., Jakob okwa li a popya shi na sha neongalo olo la li hali ongala muJerusalem mo 49 O.P. a ti: "Kalunga okwa popya shi na sha noshiwana shaye shotete. Moreover, Elisha evidently wanted to have the same courageous spirit as that of Elijah, who was "absolutely jealous for Jehovah. " - 1 Ki. Ka li ta yandje elitulemo kuye mwene nosho yo kondodo yaye, naasho oshe tu etela ouwa. - Heb. Kakele kaasho, Elisa okwa li a hala okukala omuladi ngaashi Elia, oo a li "a pandula Omwene. " - 1 Eeh. He was not focusing on himself and his position, and we can benefit from that. - Heb. 1 - 3. (a) Ongahelipi Ovakriste hava ulike kutya ohava kala va halelela okwoongala pamwe? Ka li ta yandje elitulemo keendodo daye nohatu dulu okumona ouwa mwaasho. - Heb. 1 - 3. (a) How have Christians shown that they are eager to meet together? Paulus okwa li a nyaneka pomutenya omalundilo avo, eshi a ti: "Ndelenee Kalunga Oye omudiinini, onghee ondjovo yetu kunye itai kala " heeno ' na " ahowe. ' " (2 Kor. 1 - 3. (a) Ongahelipi Ovakriste hava ulike kutya ova halelela okwoongala pamwe? Paul emphatically refuted the accusation, writing: "But God can be relied on that what we say to you is not " yes ' and yet " no. ' " [ Ouyelele u li pepandja 3] Paulus okwa popya shi na sha naasho a ti: " Kalunga ota dulu okukala e lineekela mwaasho hatu popi, ' ndele " heeno ' na " ahowe. ' ' " [ Blurb on page 3] CRISTINA oo e na omido 18, okwa ti: "Ovadali vange kava li hava tu nge omukumo; ova kala ashike hava kembaula nge luhapu. [ Eendjovo dididilikwedi pepandja 3] " MY PARENTS hardly ever encourage me, but they criticize me a lot. And their words can be so hurtful, " says Cristina, who is 18 years old. Lesha osho sha li she va ningilwa konima eshi va li vehe na vali oimaliwa fimbo va li ovatumwa moIndia. Cristina oo e na omido 18 okwa ti: "Okukala inandi hala vali okutwa nge omukumo, ashike ova li va kembaula nge neenghono, naasho ohashi ningifa nge ndi kale ndi udite nda nyika oluhodi neenghono. " Read what happened after they ran out of money while serving as missionaries in India. Ndele opa li oshitukulwalongo shokokule, Judea, osho sha li sha nyika ouxwapindi mouhamba waRoma. Natu ka tale kutya oshike sha li sha ningwa po konima eshi va dja oimaliwa fimbo va li ovatumwa moAustralia. But one remote area was a source of constant frustration for Rome - the restless province of Judea. Oshike she va kwafela va tembuke? Ashike moshitukulwa shimwe omwa li odjo yehafo linene oyo Ovaroma va li va teelela. How were they helped to make the move? Okutanga Jehova moipafi okwa kala ku li oshitukulwa sha fimanenena shelongelokalunga lashili. Oshike sha li she va kwafela va ninge exumokomesho? Praising Jehovah publicly has always been a prominent part of true worship. (a) Olyelye unene e na oshinakuwanifwa shokukwafela omumwatate wonhumba a lalakanene oinakuwanifwa meongalo? Okuudifa moipafi Jehova okwa kala alushe oshitukulwa sha fimana shelongelokalunga lashili. (a) The primary responsibility to reach out rests with whom? Nopehe na okwoongaonga, ova li va "diinina okukala melongo lovayapostoli. " (a) Aveshe ovo hava lalakanene oinakuwanifwa ove na oshinakuwanifwa sha kwata moiti shilipi? Unhesitatingly, they "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Omuprofeti oo omudiinini okwa li shili e lineekela Jehova. Ova li va " diinina okukala melongo lovayapostoli. ' The faithful prophet trusted in Jehovah. (b) Onghedi oyo Jehova a ungaunga naJob otai holola shike kombinga yaYe? Omuprofeti omudiinini okwa li e lineekela muJehova. (b) What do Jehovah's dealings with Job reveal about Him? Eitavelo olo okukala tu na oushili woinima oyo itatu dulu okumona. " (b) Onghedi omo Jehova a ungaunga naJob otai holola shike kombinga yaye? Faith is being sure of things we cannot see. " Onghee hano, opo tu kale twa fa Kristus, otwa pumbwa okushiiva nghee ha diladila nosho yo omaukwatya aye, ndele hatu shikula eenghatu daye. Eitavelo ola kanghamena koinima oyo itatu dulu okumona. " Therefore, to be like Christ, we need to know his pattern of thinking and the full range of his personality. Then we need to follow in his footsteps. Ndele shinyikifa oluhodi, ova li va nwefwa mo " keyoka likulu, ' Satana, nokunyona kuKalunga. (Eh. 12: 9; Gen. Onghee hano, opo tu kale ngaashi Kristus, otwa pumbwa okushiiva onghedi yaye yokudiladila nosho yo omaukwatya aye pauyadi. Sadly, though, they were influenced by "the original serpent, " Satan, and sinned against God. Ngeenge vamwe ve tu popila mowii, otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu okukala tuhe na ko nasha neendjovo davo. Ndele shinyikifa oluhodi, ova li va nwefwa mo " keyoka likulu, ' Satana nova nyona kuKalunga. When others say something negative about us, it may be difficult to ignore their words. Exunganeko vali limwe la pambafana naalo tali hangwa membo lEhololo otali yandje ouyelele muhapu. Ngeenge vamwe tave tu lombwele kombinga yoinima ii, otashi dulika shi kale shidjuu okulipwililikila oitya yavo. The parallel prophecy in Revelation reveals the larger picture. Nopehe na omalimbililo, naave owa mona oushili woshinima osho. Exunganeko olo li li mEhololo otali holola shihapu osho sha popiwa mEhololo. No doubt you have seen the truth of that statement. Konima yoshoongalele, omupashukili woshitaimbelewa mupe okwa li a unganeka nawa oilonga yokuudifa, nEendombwedi didiinini oda li da pamekwa nokunangekwa noupuna kuJehova. Nopehe na omalimbililo, owa mona oushili weendjovo odo. After the convention, a newly appointed branch overseer organized the work, and zealous Witnesses went ahead with renewed strength and with Jehovah's blessing. Ngeenge otwa kala twa hala okupitifa komesho elalakano laKalunga komesho yomahalo etu, ohatu hopaenene eitavelo laSara. Konima yoshoongalele, omupashukili umwe oo opo a nangekwa po okwa li a unganeka oilonga yokutunga, n Eendombwedi diladi oda li da twikila okuninga exumokomesho meendelelo opo di nangekwe noupuna kuJehova. If we are willing to put God's purposes ahead of selfish interests, we will imitate Sarah's faith. Edward Oakes, omuprofesa moinima i na sha nomalongelokalunga, okwa ti kutya omunhu "otashi dulika a haluke ile a fye ohoni ngeenge ta lombwelwa komukwangeleka wonhumba a itavele kutya oku na oulunde nonande onghedi yokukalamwenyo yomukwangeleka oo itai ulike kutya okwa dimina kutya oku na oulunde nota kendabala aha nyone. " Ngeenge otwa hala okupitifa komesho omalalakano aKalunga ponhele yokulalakanena omahalo okuliholamwene, ohatu ka hopaenena eitavelo laSara. The doctrine, says Edward Oakes, a professor of theology, "is met with either embarrassed silence, outright denial, or at a minimum a kind of halfhearted lip service that does not exactly deny the doctrine but has no idea how to place it inside the devout life. " 8: 6) Ehongo olo la popiwa mokatendo ka tetekela ola ti: "Kape na oo ha kala a fya ohoni ile a fya oudja, iha kala a fya ohoni unene tuu ediladilo olo kutya onghalamwenyo ihai kala i na omwenyo, ndele ohai ningifa omunhu a kale inai hokiwa filufilu. " 8: 6) Olo kali fi tuu ekulo likumwifi! 8: 6) What amazing growth! Efyuululo letu lopamhepo ola kwatela mo ouyelele u li paushili ulipi? Osho kasha li tuu enangeko noupuna linene! Our spiritual heritage includes what accurate information? 22: 14, 15) Onguloshi oyo tuu oyo okwa li a kwatwa po nokutokolwa. Efyuululo letu lopamhepo ola kwatela mo ouyelele ulipi? That night he was arrested and tried. 6: 15 - 17) Oshike hatu lihongo moshiningwanima osho nosho yo ikwao imwe oyo ya ningwa mokukalamwenyo kwaElisa? Oufiku oo okwa li a kwatwa po ndele ta kendabala. What can we learn from this and other events in Elisha's life? Omolwashike mbela? Oshike hatu lihongo moshiningwanima osho nosho yo oiningwanima ikwao imwe oyo Elisa a li a ninga monghalamwenyo yaye? Why? (b) Omapulo e na sha nefyuululo letu elipi taa ka nyamukulwa moshitukulwa eshi? Omolwashike mbela? (b) What questions can we ask about our spiritual inheritance? (Ef. 5: 1, 2; 1 Joh. (b) Omapulo elipi hatu dulu okulipula shi na sha nefyuululo letu lopamhepo? By deepening our love for God. Brian, * oo a li a pikwa kokutala omafano oipala kointaneta, okwa ti: "Onda li nda nyengwa okweefa po oku a tala. Ngeenge otwa kulike ohole yetu yokuhola Kalunga, ohatu ka kala tu mu hole neenghono. Brian, * who was hooked on Internet pornography, relates: "Nothing would stop me. OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA 1, 2 EPANDJA 10 - 19 Brian, * oo a li a pikwa kokutala omafano oipala, okwa ti: "Kape na oo ta dulu okweefa nge ndi ye kokutala omafano oipala. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 10 - 19 Eshi nda kala handi longo koBetel, onda li vali nda shakeneka omumwameme umwe e na owino oo twa longa paife pamwe naye oule womido 58. OITUKULWA YOKUKONAKONWA 1, 2 EPANDJA 10 - 19 Thus, while serving at Bethel, I met another wise one, whom I have now walked with for 58 years. Omolwashike Jesus a longifa efaneko li na sha nombuto yoshinapi? Onghee hano, fimbo nda li handi longo kObetel, onda li nda shakeneka umwe e lili noku lili oo nda kala handi ende pamwe oule womido 58. Why did Jesus use the illustration about the mustard grain? Kala omuyuki koshipala shaKalunga paife Omolwashike Jesus a longifa efaneko li na sha nombuto yoshinapi? Enjoy a Righteous Standing Now (Job 1: 9 - 11) Ngeenge otwa kala hatu longele Jehova molwaashi ashike tu na oshinakuwanifwa shoku shi ninga, ndele itatu shi ningi nehafo, omahambeleloyambo etu itaa ka kala e lixwa po. Kala wa hafa eshi exulilo tali ehene popepi If we were to serve Jehovah dutifully but joylessly, our sacrifice of praise would be incomplete. (Johannes 3: 16) Onghee hano, ohatu dulu okudiminwa po omatimba etu noku ka mona omwenyo waalushe ngeenge otwa kala tu na eitavelo moshali yekuliloyambo oyo Kalunga e tu pa pahole. Ngeenge otwa kala hatu longele Jehova noudiinini, ohatu ka mona ehafo linene. Yes, our sins can be forgiven and we can have everlasting life when we show faith in God's loving gift of the ransom. Ove oto diladila ngahelipi? Heeno, omatimba etu otaa dulu okudiminwa po nohatu dulu oku ka mona omwenyo waalushe ngeenge otwa ulike kutya otu na eitavelo mekuliloyambo laKalunga lopahole. What do you think? Diladila yo shi na sha nokakadona komido nhano kedina Milane, oko haka kala mOshilando New York. Oto diladila ngahelipi? Consider also the case of a five - year - old girl named Milane, who lives in New York City. Oinima ilipi twa pumbwa okukala hatu ilikana kombinga yayo? Natu ka taleni yo koshihopaenenwa shokakadona komido 5 wedina Milane, oo a li ko moNew York City. What forms of prayer do you personally need to offer more often? Kristina okwa ti: "Kandi shii lela okupopya elaka lovadali vange, ashike elaka olo hali popiwa kokwoongala olo nda li ndi shii nawanawa. Owa pumbwa okwiilikana shi fike peni pauhandimwe? " I knew the basics of my parents ' language, but the language spoken at the meetings was over my head, " recalls Kristina. (1 Omaf. 29: 9) Nafye natu twikile okumona ehafo mokuyandja kuJehova osho sha dja meke laye. Okwa ti: "Onda li ndi shii nawa omahongo ovadali vange, ndele elaka olo hali popiwa pokwoongala ola li tali ti: "Onda li ndi shii nawa. " May we likewise continue to find joy and satisfaction in giving back to Jehovah what has come to us from his own hand. Nopehe na omalimbililo, osha li hashi pula eenghendabala dihapu okuya molweendo la tya ngaho, okulongekida oikulya nokuunganeka eenhele dokukala koima oko vehe shii lela. Nafye natu twikileni okumona ehafo nokukala twa wanenwa eshi Jehova e tu pa osho e tu xupifa meke laye. It must have been quite an experience for them to travel and prepare meals together and to organize suitable sleeping arrangements in unfamiliar locations. Ndele kungaho ihava mono vali ouwa oo va li tava dulu okumona mekonakonombibeli. Otashi dulika pe na oshimoniwa osho she va kwafela va kale hava i pamwe noku ka longekidila eendja nosho yo omalongekido opo va dule oku ka longa koitukulwa oyo inai pumbiwa. However, they miss out on the benefits they could derive from studying the Bible. (1 Johannes 3: 4) Oshidjemo, ova li va kanifa ewaneneno nove litwala menyonauko vo vene nosho yo oludalo lavo. Ndele nande ongaho, ova li va xutwifa omauwa oo tava dulu okumona mokukonakona Ombibeli. As a result, they lost their perfection and caused damage to themselves and their offspring. (1 Tim. 5: 8) Kutya nee owa li monghalo ya faafana naayo ile hasho, otashi dulika wa mona okupitila moshimoniwa shoye kutya kape na efiku u ke lipe oushima ngeenge owa ninga Kalunga oshitukulwafyuululo shoye nongeenge owa lenga neenghono oufembanghenda woye woku mu longela. Oshidjemo, ova kanifa ewaneneno nova nyono po oludalo lavo. Whether you have faced a similar challenge or not, from your own experience you are likely sure that you will never be disappointed if God is your share and you highly treasure the privilege of serving him. Onghee hano, onda ekelashi oihongwafano aishe nokuwapaleka mo meumbo lange oinima aishe i na ekwatafano nokwiilikana oihongwafano. Kashi na nee mbudi kutya owa taalela eshongo la faafana ile owa taalela eshongo la faafana, otashi dulika u kale u udite kutya ito ka kala wa nyemata ngeenge Kalunga ke ku lenga nowa lenga oufembanghenda woku mu longela. So I threw all my images away and cleaned my house of everything pertaining to idol worship. Onda li handi diladila kombinga yovanyasha ovo ve li pefimbo lokamukondapweyu, ovo va li va pula omapulo e li pandunge nova nyika onghulunhu nonande eedula davo odinini. Onghee hano, onda li handi fiye po oihongwafano aishe oyo nda li handi longele oikalunga. I think of the adolescents who asked intelligent questions and showed maturity beyond their years. Okwa li a hoolola "a hepekwe pamwe noshiwana shaKalunga nokwa dina ouwa [wopakafimbo] womoulunde. " Ohandi diladila komunyasha omunyasha oo a li a pula omapulo e na sha nomapulo mawa nokwa ulika kutya okwa kula pamhepo oule womido. Moses chose "to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Efimbo: Eemwedi mbali. Moses okwa li a hoolola " okuhenouyuki mokati koshiwana shaKalunga ponhele womoulunde. ' Duration: Two months. (b) Oshike sha pumbiwa opo Israel shopamhepo shi dule oku ka pangela pamwe naKristus meulu? Efimbo: Eemwedi mbali. (b) What is necessary for spiritual Israel to be able to rule with Christ in heaven? (R. (b) Ovaisrael ova pumbwa okuninga shike opo va dule okupangela pamwe naKristus meulu? 1 / 15 Osho okwa li e shi ninga ngahelipi? 7 / 1 How did he do that? Omukriste oku na okuninginifwa opo a kale e na ekwatafano liwa naKalunga. (1 Pet. Osho okwe shi ninga ngahelipi? It is important to remember that God did not actually allow Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Shi yelifa to longifa efaneko. Osha fimana okudimbuluka kutya Kalunga ka li a efa Abraham a yambe po Isak. Illustrate. Okulongekida ohombo monghedi ya tya ngaho otashi dulika ihaku longifwa moitukulwa ihapu kunena. Shi yelifa. In many parts of the world today, arranged marriages may seem strange. 4: 1) Osho osha ningifa ovanhu vahapu va kale momilaulu dopamhepo. Moilongo ihapu mounyuni kunena, eehombo otashi dulika di kale da handuka neenghono. People in general were kept in spiritual ignorance. Ova li mondjila tava i koshoongalele oko ovadali vaMilan va li tava ka ninginifwa. Ovanhu vahapu ova li va kanyatela oshili yopamhepo. They were on their way to a convention at which Milan's parents intended to get baptized. Okwa li a mangululwa mo modolongo nokwa li a lengwa a ye pondodo onhivali muEgipti. - Gen. Ova li mondjila yokuya koshoongalele osho sha li sha ningilwa ovadali vako eshi va li va hala okuninginifwa. He was released from prison and promoted to the second - highest position in Egypt. - Gen. Ngeenge hatu udifile vamwe onghundana iwa, ohatu va kwafele va ka xupifwe eshi ounyuni waSatana tau ka hanaunwa po mafiku. Okwa li a mangululwa modolongo ndele ta xumifa komesho ondodo onhivali muEgipti. - Gen. When we preach the good news to others, we help to rescue them from the destruction of Satan's world that will happen soon. Dennis okwa li e na okulundulula onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo mokweefa po osho sha li she mu pefa outekuduliko. Ngeenge hatu udifile vamwe onghundana iwa, ohatu va kwafele va xupife ehanauno lounyuni waSatana olo tali ka ningwa mafiku. Dennis had to change his course, turning away from the wrong that required that he be corrected. Oha kala moshilongo osho opo tashi putuka omo epangelo hali yandje omakwafo opashimaliwa a ngabekwa. Opo a lundulule onghedi yaye yokukalamwenyo, okwa li e na okweefa po omahalo a puka oo a pumbwa oku a pukulula. She lives in a developing country with limited social benefits. Oitukulwa nomafinamhango Ombibeli elipi mu wete taa dulu okukwafela ovanhu ovo ve mu pula omapulo? Oha kala koshilongo shimwe osho tashi dulu oku va etela omauwa inaa ngabekwa. What articles and Bible principles can you locate that could assist someone asking such questions? Ndele ou te linenepeke, oye ta ninipikwa, naau te lininipike, ye ota nenepekwa. " (Mat. Oitukulwa ilipi nosho yo omafinamhango Ombibeli taa dulu oku ku kwafela u pule omapulo a tya ngaho? Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " 2: 4) Mbela okwa li e shi ninga netomheno lashike? Okwa weda ko a ti: "Osheshi ou te lininipike, naau te lininipike, ota nenepekwa. " What may have been one reason for this? 31: 28) Okulongifa oukwamutwe wavo monghedi yopahole ya tya ngaho, otaku ke linyengifa ovakulukadi vavo va ulike kutya ove va hole nove va fimaneka, na Kalunga ota ka nangeka noupuna ohombo yavo. Oshike tashi dulika sha li she va ningifa va tomhafane ngaho? Such loving headship wins a wife's love and respect and brings God's blessing on the marriage. Ohandi kendabala opo ndi mu ningile keshe osho ta pula ngeenge itashi nyono omafinamhango Ombibeli. Oukwamutwe wa tya ngaho omunahole ohau fimanekifa omukulukadi waye nohai eta omanangeko noupuna mohombo. When Bible principles are not at stake, I do all I can to comply with his wishes. 14 Okupopila onghundana iwa moipafi yovakwanepangelo Ngeenge omafinamhango Ombibeli inaa kwata moiti, ohandi ningi ngaashi handi dulu opo ndi dulike koipango yaye. 14 Defending the Good News Before High Officials Ngeenge omudali okwa kwatwa kounghundi ombadilila, tashi dulika molwaashi e lidenga po, a teka, ile oupyakadi umwe u lili, oshi na oupu a kale a pumbwa okutalelwa po diva. 14 Onghundana iwa yOuhamba oya li ya udifilwa ovanhu onghundana iwa A sudden deterioration in a parent's health, perhaps as a result of a fall, a broken bone, or some other crisis, may precipitate a need to visit Mom and Dad. Okwa kala e shii kutya ye omunailongo noina kendabala okukala ngaashi omukwashiwana medu lihe fi laye. Omukifi oo owa li ashike wa naipala neenghono, tashi dulika wa li wa naipala neenghono, tashi dulika wa li wa naipala neenghono, wa li wa pumbwa oku ka talela po meme noku mu talela po. He kept his eyes focused, not settling down to become a permanent resident in some nation. Omukulunhu woilonga okwe mu lombwela a ti: "Ondi hole neenghono ovanhu ovo hava longifa efimbo lavo okukwafela vamwe nopehe na okuliholamwene " Okwa kala ta yandje elitulemo koinima oyo a li ta yandje, ndele ina kala ko nande oumwe womoshiwana shaye fiyo alushe. The director told her: "I admire those who unselfishly devote their time to others " Oshidjemo, Ovaisrael 14 700 ova li va hanaunwa po kuKalunga. - Num. Omukulunhu woilonga okwa li e mu lombwela a ti: "Ondi hole ovo hava longifa efimbo lavo lihapu opo va kwafele vamwe " As a result, 14,700 Israelites perished from a divinely sent scourge. - Num. Omafimbo amwe oshiwa okukonakona amwe omomailikano oo pefimbo lelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo. Oshidjemo, Ovaisrael ova li va hanaunwa po kuKalunga. - Num. At times, it is helpful to study some of these prayers during family worship. Ondokotola imwe oya ti kutya okulongifa omayele Ombiibeli okwa faafana nokulongifa embo lofikola lomo 1920 loudindoli. Omafimbo amwe, ohashi kala shiwa okukonakona omailikano amwe oo pefimbo lelongelokalunga loukwaneumbo weni. One doctor compared using the Bible for guidance to using a textbook from the 1920 ' s for teaching a chemistry class. PAMHANGO yaMoses, okwa li pe na kutya onaini u nokuninga eano. Ndokotola umwe okwa yelekanifa Ombiibeli ta longifa okambo ke na oshipalanyole: "Onhumwafo oyo tai dulu okutula moilonga edano longudu oyo hai hongo opalongelokalunga. OATHS had their proper place according to the Mosaic Law. Ovanhu ove li monghalo inyikifa oluhodi ilipi? OTASHI dulika va li ve na etaleko la yuka li na sha nOmhango yaMoses. In what sad state does humanity find itself? * Omolwashike mbela? Ovanhu ohava mono oilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi ilipi? * Why? Ngeenge otwa tale kwaasho Jesus a li a popya naasho a ninga pomhito oyo, ohatu ke lihonga nghee hatu dulu okuhekeleka ovo va filwa. * Omolwashike mbela? At last, Jesus arrived in Bethany and went to see his dear friends. Omupashukili omweendi umwe okwa ti: "Ovanhu moshitukulwa shetu ova halelela okweetifa po omalunduluko. Xuuninwa, Jesus okwa li a fika muBetania nokwa li a ya kookaume kaye ovaholike. " People in our area are becoming more and more radical, " notes one traveling overseer. (Lukas 12: 32) Embo laxuuninwa lOmbibeli ola ulika kutya ovanhu ovo va pewa oufembanghenda woku ka pangela pamwe naKristus ove li 144 000. - Ehololo 5: 9, 10; 14: 1. Omupashukili omweendi umwe okwa ti: "Ovanhu moshitukulwa shetu ohava ningi exumokomesho nohava kala va limbililwa. The last book of the Bible shows that there will be a total of 144,000 who will have the privilege of ruling with Christ. - Revelation 5: 9, 10; 14: 1. Molwaashi kanda li ndi na apa handi nangala, onda li handi teya eehauto nokunangala mo fiyo okeengulasha. Embo laxuuninwa lOmbibeli otali ulike kutya kombada yedu otaku ka kala ovanhu 144 000 ovo tava ka pangela pamwe naKristus. - Ehololo 5: 9, 10; 14: 1; 14: 1. Not having anywhere to sleep, I would break into a car and stay in it until the early morning hours. Jesus okwa li a pandula omufendelifi oo omolwelininipiko laye, a ti: "Ohandi mu lombwele: ou a shuna keumbo omuyuki, e dule winya [Omufarisai], osheshi ou te linenepeke ota ninipikwa, ndele ou te lininipike ota nenepekwa. " (Luk. Molwaashi kanda li handi kofa, onda li handi dulu okuya otuwa ndele handi i ko fiyo omokati koufiku. Jesus praised the tax collector's humble attitude, saying: "I tell you, This man went down to his home proved more righteous than [the Pharisee]; because everyone that exalts himself will be humiliated, but he that humbles himself will be exalted. " Pashihopaenenwa, Omishangwa oda popya kutya Jehova okwa li a " nyika oluhodi eshi a ninga Saul ohamba. ' (1 Sam. Jesus okwa li a pandula ovashikuli vaye ovalininipiki, eshi a ti: "Ame ohandi mu lombwele: Ame ohandi ku lombwele, omulumenhu ou okwa ya meumbo laye omuyuki e dule winya, osheshi keshe ou te lininipike ota nenepekwa. " (Mat. The Scriptures state concerning the first king of Israel that Jehovah " regretted that he had caused Saul to reign as king. ' Ovanhu vahapu ove wete eameno lavo lopalutu li li moshiponga omolwekaulonyanga, elongifo leenghono, oinima ya ninga ondilo nosho yo omaupyakadi e na sha nomudingonoko. Omishangwa oda popya shi na sha nohamba yaIsrael yotete oyo ya li ye lipa oushima eshi ya li ya ningifa Saul a pangele ohamba. Many people feel that their physical security is threatened by crime, violence, the high cost of living, and even environmental issues. Oshoshili kutya, okukufa ombinga moilonga yokuudifa ohaku pameke etaleko letu li na sha nonakwiiwa notu kale twa tokola tuha sholole mefiyafanepo lomwenyo. - 1 Kor. Ovanhu vahapu ohava kala ve udite kutya ova amenwa palutu, elongifo leenghono, elongifo leenghono olo la kwatela mo elongifo leenghono nosho yo omikifi. Indeed, sharing in the preaching work fortifies our positive view of the future and our resolve not to give up in the race for life. - 1 Cor. Gehasi okwa li yo a hangwa koilanduliko inyikifa oluhodi i dule oshilundu. Onghee hano, okukufa ombinga moilonga yokuudifa ohaku tu kwafele tu kale tu na etaleko liwa li na sha nonakwiiwa notu kale twa tokola toko okutwikila okutondoka mefiyafanepo loku ka mona omwenyo waalushe. - 1 Kor. Really, Gehazi suffered something worse than leprosy. 6: 22) Oshidjemo osha li shike? Nopehe na omalimbililo, Gehasi okwa li a mona oixuna neenghono shi dulife oshilundu. The result? Pashihopaenenwa, kOfikola yOvapentekoste onda li nda hongwa kutya Jesus oye Kalunga, ndele paife onde lihonga mOmbibeli kutya oye "Omona waKalunga omunamwenyo. " - Mateus 16: 15, 16. Oshidjemo? For example, in the Pentecostal school, I had been taught that Jesus is God, but I learned from the Bible that he is "the Son of the living God. " - Matthew 16: 15, 16. Petrus okwa ti: "Paife ondi shi shii shili, Kalunga iha tale omunhu kombada. " Pashihopaenenwa, eshi nda li mofikola, onda li nda hongwa kutya Jesus oKalunga, ashike onde lihonga mOmbibeli kutya "Omona waKalunga. " - Mateus 16: 15, 16. " For a certainty, " said Peter, "I perceive that God is not partial. " Petrus okwa ti: "Paife ondi shi shii shili, Kalunga iha tale omunhu kombada. "