Paul wrote: "Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Paulo ia gwau: "Umui ibounai ta ta do umui durua, bona ibounai ta ta do umui bogahisihisi henia. Bona ibounai ta ta edia kara dika do umui gwauatao, Dirava ese Keriso dainai emui dika ia gwauatao hegeregerena. " Paulo ia gwau: "Umui ibounai ta ta do umui durua, bona ibounai ta ta do umui bogahisihisi henia. Bona ibounai ta ta edia kara dika do umui gwauatao, Dirava ese Keriso dainai emui dika ia gwauatao hegeregerena. " Consider Japan. Mani Japan ita laloa. Japan mani oi laloa. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah transferred his Son's life to the womb of the Jewish virgin Mary, causing conception to take place. Iehova ese ena lauma helaga amo, Iesu ena mauri be guba amo ia abia bona rami - hebou Iuda kekenina Maria, ena bogana lalonai ia atoa. Lauma helaga amo, Iehova ese ena Natuna be rami - hebou Iuda rami - hebou kekenina Maria ena bogana lalonai ia atoa, bena Maria ia rogorogo. If a person can speak, read, and write the official language of the country in which he lives, dealing with medical personnel, civil authorities, or bank employees becomes easier, even routine, rather than frightening. (Hadibaia Tauna 7: 12) Bema ta be sikuli dekenai ia dibaia gadona ia herevalaia, ia duahia bona ia torea diba, bena medikol taudia, gavamani ena siahu taudia, eiava banika dekenai idia gaukara taudia ia hereva henia dalana be do ia auka lasi, ia be nega momo ia manadalaia gauna danu, to gari gauna lasi. Bema ta be ia hereva diba, ia duahiduahi bona toretore diba, bona unai tano ena gado ia torea diba, ena mauri lalonai medikol taudia, gavamani taudia, gavamani taudia, eiava gaukara taudia ia kara henia, herevana ia be mai gari lasi ida ia hereva, to ia gari lasi. The reality is that they do not. To unai be momokani lasi. Momokani, idia be unai bamona idia karaia lasi. In particular, we do well to reflect on Jesus ' teachings and his wonderful example of humble service. (Deu. 17: 18 - 20) Danu, Iesu ena hahediba herevadia bona manau karana ita laloa diba. Namona be Iesu ena hahediba herevadia bona manau hesiai gaukarana ena haheitalai namona ita laloa. Courageous men who are willing to take on more responsibility are a blessing to a congregation. Mai ura bada ida hesiai tauna o elda maduna idia abia dae neganai, kongrigeisen be namo ia davaria. Mai edia ura ida maduna ma haida idia huaia tatau be kongregesen ta dekenai idia be hahenamo ta. Do you show appreciation for God's gift of his written Word? Dirava ena Hereva, idia torea harihari gauna, oi laloa bada, a? Oi hahedinaraia Dirava ena harihari gauna oi laloa bada, a? So if the brothers at the branch office have bought cards, that does not make any difference to us. Unai dainai, ena be brens opesi taudia ese unai kadi idia hoia, to emai lalona do ai haidaua lasi. Unai dainai, bema brens ofesi tadikaka ese kadi idia hoia, unai ese ita do ia durua lasi. We thus avoid meddling with what does not concern us. Bona ma haida edia mauri ai idia vara gaudia lalonai ita vareai kava lasi. Unai dainai, ita laloa bada lasi gaudia ita dadaraia be namo. Will we lose hope and sink into despondency? Iehova do ita rakatania, a? Iseda helaro do ita haboioa bona do ita lalohisihisi, a? Arthur spent that evening sitting on the bed, going through imaginary gearshift movements. Unai hanuaboi ai, Arthur be bedi latanai ia helai bona motuka taria dalana ia piksaia. Arthur bedi ai ia helai bona ia raka loaloa. " A lot of people are like the mannequins you see in a store display. " Taunimanima momo be sitoa ai idia haginia doli o stetiu bamona. " Taunimanima momo be sitoa ta ai oi itaia tauna ena kara bamona idia karaia noho. We are wise to examine how envy can arise in us and what its consequences are. Mama ia vara dalana bona ia havaraia hekwakwanai ita diba be namo. Namona be ita tahua edena dala ai mama karana ese ita dekenai dika ia havaraia diba. Jehovah has helped men to recover their joy and their desire to serve again Harboring resentment can hinder a brother from serving as an elder. Bema tadikaka ta be ma ta ia badu henia noho, do ia hegeregere lasi elda maduna ia abia totona. Iehova ese tatau ia durua idia moale lou bona idia ura lasi edia tadikaka idia badu henia dainai, unai ese idia ia koua diba elda maduna idia abia lasi totona. The Madrid convent provided lodgings for students, elderly people, and other visitors, so there was a tremendous amount of work to do. Madrid ai, stiuden taudia, buruka taudia, bona vadivadi taudia idia naria danu, unai dainai gaukara be bada. Madrid ena gabu haida dekenai stiuden, buruka taudia, bona vadivadi taudia ma haida idia noho dainai, gaukara bada herea idia karaia. One time, I slapped Akiko's face and turned over the table. Nega ta, Akiko ena vairana lau pataia bona teibolo lau giroa. Nega ta, lau idia botaia bona teibolo dekenai lau idia atoa. 17, 18. (a) What do we learn from Jesus about prayer? 17, 18. (a) Guriguri karana dekenai, Iesu amo dahaka ita dibaia? 17, 18. (a) Guriguri karana amo dahaka ita dibaia? NEWCASTLE - UPON - TYNE, Newcastle Telewest Arena, Arena Way, Newcastle - Upon - Tyne, NE4 7NA. Hari inai negai edena bamona daradara gaudia idia vara diba? SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. What doubts might affect some today? Hari, gau haida ese unai idia hamomokania, a? Dahaka daradara ese hari inai negai haida edia mauri ia hadikaia diba? Do we have modern - day evidence of that? Baibel ia gwau: "Ia be iseda gunalaia tauna do ia lao. " Hari inai negai unai idia hamomokania, a? " The princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder, " the Bible says. 3, 4. (a) Paulo ese edena dala ai Baibel stadilaia karana bona haroro gaukara ia herevalaia? Baibel ia gwau: "King ta ese iena lohia siahuna do ia abia dae. " Valiant Effort to Promote (Seraphim), 5 / 15 Emai tomadiho taudia be ruma idia hahonua vadaeni! Mai Ura Bada ida Iehova Hesiai Henia, 5 / 15 3, 4. (a) How did Paul connect study of the Scriptures with a productive ministry? 5 Eda kara dika amo ita helalo - kerehai. - Kara 17: 30 3, 4. (a) Paulo ese edena dala ai haroro gaukara ai anina namona ia havaraia? We have a hall full of people. Taunimanima danu idia mauri. Ita be taunimanima edia Kingdom Hall badana. We repent of our sins. - Acts 17: 30 " Iehova Ena Kara be Namo Herea Lau Dekenai! " Ita be kara dika amo ita helalo - kerehai. - Kara 17: 30 Humans too were saved. • Egu lalometau be egu natuna amo lau hunia be namo, a? Taunimanima danu be hahemauri idia abia. Where was Daniel during golden image test?, 8 / 1 Pasova amo ita dibaia mai anina bada gauna ma ta be, Iehova ese ena taunimanima ia hamauria diba. " Dirava Ena Lalokau Lalonai Do Umui Noho, " 8 / 15 • Should I hide my grief from my child? Bona inai aonega herevana ita badinaia, ia gwau: "Lohiabada do oi abidadama henia, mai emu kudouna ibounai. • Egu natuna ena lalohisihisi lau hunia be namo, a? What can be learned from the Passover is not just Jehovah's ability to protect his people. Stadi herevadia sibona gaukaralaia. Pasova amo ita dibaia gauna be, Iehova sibona ese ena taunimanima ia gimaia diba. We need to act in accord with these wise words: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Iesu ia gwau Samaria tauna ta ese unai tauna ia durua, "ena bero latanai dehoro bona wain ia bubua bona ia kumia. " Namona be inai aonega herevana ita badinaia: "Lohiabada do oi abidadama henia, mai emu kudouna ibounai. Oi sibona oiemu diba do oi abidadama henia lasi. Stay on the subject. (b) Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Unai hereva oi badinaia noho. Jesus said that the man was helped by a Samaritan who bound up his wounds and poured "oil and wine upon them. " Lota ida unai hekwakwanai ia hamaoromaoroa murinai, Iehova ese Aberahamo dekenai ia gwauhamata hahenamo momo do ia henia. Iesu ia gwau Samaria tauna ta ese ena bero ia kokia bona "idia latanai ia bubua diho. " (b) What will we discuss in this article? LAU be lagani 1929 ai lau vara Australia dekenai, bona New South Wales ena taoni, Sydney ai lau tubu daekau. (b) Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Immediately after this incident with Lot, Jehovah promised Abraham great blessings. Ia ura diba daika do ia matauraia bada be namo, ma tano ta amo ia mai misinari tauna eiava ena gabu amo ia mai Watch Tower Society ena brens opesi ai ia gaukara tauna. Lota dekenai unai ia vara murinai, Iehova ese Aberahamo dekenai hahenamo momo ia gwauhamatalaia. I WAS born in Australia in 1929 and raised in Sydney, the capital of New South Wales. Dahaka dainai Iesu ia gwau mase tauna be ia mahuta sibona? LAU be lagani 1929 ai Australia dekenai lau vara, bona Sydney, South America ena siti badana, dekenai lau tubu daekau. She wanted to know who should be respected more, a missionary from another country or a local minister serving in the branch office of the Watch Tower Society. To, unai dina ta ta edia lata be hora 24 lasi, idia be lagani tausen momo. Ia ura ia diba daika do idia matauraia, tano ma ta amo misinari gaukara do idia karaia, eiava Watch Tower Society ena brens opesi dekenai hesiai gaukara ia karaia. Why did Jesus speak of a dead man as merely sleeping? Dahaka dainai Mose be unai gwau - edeede karana ia hahedinaraia? Dahaka dainai Iesu ia gwau mase tauna be ia mahuta sibona? What led Moses to adopt such a rebellious attitude? Matamanai, Davida ena natuna Solomona ena lohia negana be maino bona noho namo negana, bona unai ese Keriso Iesu ena lagani 1,000 ena lohia negana ia laulaulaia. (Sal. Dahaka dainai Mose be unai gwau - edeede karana ia karaia? The rulership of David's son Solomon was initially so peaceful and prosperous that it could rightly foreshadow the future Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus. Parabole lalonai ia herevalaia hebogahisi tamana ese iseda lalokau guba Tamana, Iehova, ia laulaulaia. Davida ena natuna Solomona be maino bona kohu momo tauna ai ia lao, bona unai ese vaira negana ai Keriso Iesu ena Lagani 1,000 Lohia Negana ia laulaulaia diba. The compassionate father in this illustration pictures our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah. Hanaihanai Dirava Ena Hebogahisi mai Lalokauna Oi Laloa Bada Inai parabole lalonai ia noho hebogahisi tamana ese iseda lalokau guba Tamana, Iehova, ia laulaulaia. Treasure God's Loving - Kindness Forever Edia uduna dekena amo hereva dika, bona hereva badu idia mai, mumuta bamona. Dirava Ena Hebogahisi mai Lalokauna Oi Laloa Bada They keep returning at evening time; they keep barking like a dog and go all around the city. Daba momokani dekenai lau toreisi bona basi idia stopu gabudia, motuka atoa gabudia, dala dekenai, sitoa lalonai, eiava loaloa uma gabudia dekenai taunimanima lau haroro henidia. Hanuaboi ai idia giroa mai noho; sisia bamona idia raka lao bona hanua ena kahana ibounai dekenai idia lao. I get up early and witness to people at bus stops, in parking lots, on the street, in shops, or in parks. Bema Iehova ena lalokau bona haheauka ita tohotohoa, sivarai namona ita harorolaia noho Lau noga bona basi amo taunimanima lau haroro henia, dala dekenai, sitoa dekenai, sitoa dekenai, eiava loaloa gabudia dekenai lau haroro. If we imitate Jehovah's love and long - suffering, we will continue preaching the good news * (Had. 2: 8, 11) To, bema iseda mauri ita gaukaralaia Iehova ita hesiai henia bona Iena amo hahenamo ita abia, ita be gau namodia momo do ita davaria. - Aonega Herevadia 10: 22 duahia. Bema Iehova ena lalokau bona haheauka ita tohotohoa, sivarai namona do ita harorolaia noho * In contrast, if we use our life to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly and thus receive his blessing, we will obtain true riches. - Read Proverbs 10: 22. To lagani momo lalonai, nega momo ruma dekenai lau giroa neganai, gaukara gabunai idia vara hekwakwanai dainai lau lalohekwarahi bada. * To, bema mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida Iehova ita hesiai henia bona ena hahenamo ita abia, kohu momo do ita abia. - Aonega Herevadia 10: 22 duahia. Yet, for years, I would come home frustrated because of problems at work. Ginigunana be inai: Dirava ese horoa taudia ia hegaegaelaia guba ai idia noho totona - unuseniai idia be Iesu Keriso henunai do idia gaukara. To, lagani momo lalonai, gaukara gabunai hekwakwanai momo dainai ruma dekenai lau giroa lou neganai, lau lalohisihisi. The first stage prepares the congregation of anointed ones for life in heaven under Jesus Christ as their spiritual Head. Dala idia hegaegaelaia lasi haida ese telefon amo unai hebou do idia kamonai henia totona. Iesu Keriso be guba ai do idia noho horoa taudia ia hegaegaelaia, edia Kwarana ai idia lao totona. No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums. Bona iena palani ia hagugurua. Dala idia hegaegaelaia lasi telefon amo unai hebou do idia kamonai henia totona. He certainly did. Ita diba momokani Iesu be ita mamia hisihisi ia diba, unai dainai "ogogami taudia be ia dekenai idia boiboi neganai, ia ese do ia durua. Oibe. We can be sure that Jesus sees our pain and "will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. " Oi be edena bamona oi laloa? Ita diba momokani Iesu ese iseda hisihisi ia itaia bona ogogami taudia dekenai ia taitai neganai, "ia ese durua ia henia noho, bona durua lasi taudia, be ia ese do ia hamauria. " What about you? • Pepper oi bubua neganai, anina be oi bona emu turana namona ida do umui heai Oi be edena bamona? • Spilling pepper means that you will have an argument with your best friend Edena siri ese idia hahedinaraia Iehova bona Iesu be lalokau Mamoe Naria Taudia? • Oi be emu turana namona ida do oi hepapahuahu What scriptures show that Jehovah and Jesus are loving Shepherds? Reana oi gwau diba, bema mauri gauna ta, hegeregere sel, ia vara, unai sel ginigunana ese sel ma haida ia havaraia be namo. Edena siri ese idia hahedinaraia Iehova bona Iesu be lalokau Mamoe Naria Taudia? For the first life - form to continue, it had to be able to reproduce, to make copies of itself. ICC (International Convention Centre), Delap. Mauri ia heau noho totona, ia sibona ese ena kopi ia karaia diba. Convention Center Arena, 500 E. 8th Ave. Lalomamina be diadi tauna ta bamona, ita ia hadibaia eda mauri lalonai ita abia hidi gaudia ita laloa namonamo, o ita karaia vadaeni gaudia ita laloa lou, unai amo ita itaia eda kara be maoro o kerere. - Roma 2: 14, 15 duahia. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. It acts like an internal judge, enabling us to look at the choices we face in life or to reflect on the actions we have already taken and to evaluate them as to good or bad, right or wrong. - Read Romans 2: 14, 15. 17, 18. (a) Ita ura lasi Iehova ena haheauka ita maumauraia to dahaka ita karaia neganai unai ia vara? Unai kara ese ita ia durua iseda mauri lalonai ita karaia abia hidi ita laloa namonamo totona, eiava ita karaia vadaeni karadia ita laloa dobu totona. - Roma 2: 14, 15 duahia. 17, 18. (a) By doing what could we unwittingly be criticizing Jehovah for his exercise of long - suffering? Henanadai badana be inai: Oi abia vadaeni gaudia oi laloa bada, a? 17, 18. (a) Edena bamona ita diba Iehova be haheauka Diravana? A key question now is, Will you show appreciation for what you have received? Unai dainai, Switzerland dekenai ai lao bona unuseniai hua ta ai noho. Henanadai badana ta be inai: Oi abia vadaeni gaudia do oi laloa bada, a? When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they were miraculously provided with manna. Israela taudia be tano gagaena lalonai idia noho neganai, hoa karana amo mana idia abia. Israela taudia be tano gagaena dekenai idia noho neganai, hoa dalanai mana idia abia. Even with preparation, however, you may be hesitant to speak up about your beliefs. Ena be oi hegaegae, to reana do oi ura lasi ma haida dekenai emu abidadama oi herevalaia. To, oi hegaegae lalonai, reana do oi ura lasi oi abia dae gaudia oi herevalaia. And it happened! Bona unai ia vara! Bona unai bamona ia vara! SPANISH June 6 - 8, June 20 - 22, July 18 - 20, August 1 - 3, August 15 - 17 Paulo ia gwau: "Lalokau be ia haheauka. " ENGLISH August 20 - 22 Paul wrote: "Love is long - suffering. " Unai henanadai ita haerelaia totona, namona be Iesu ia bapatiso neganai, Iehova ese ia gwauraia herevadia mani ita laloa. Paulo ia gwau: "Lalokau be ia boga - auka. " ROCHESTER, NY, Blue Cross Arena, 100 Exchange Blvd. Edia haheitalai ita tohotohoa be namo. TAHITI (French gado sibona), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, P.K. To answer that, let us examine the words Jehovah spoke to Jesus on the occasion of Jesus ' baptism. Unai ese idia do ia durua bena "tanobada gaudia ibounai, tauanina ena ura dikadia, matabodaga ena ura dikadia, bona hekokoroku, inai gaudia " do idia tahua lasi. - 1 Ioane 2: 15 - 17. Unai ita haerelaia totona, namona be Iesu ena bapatiso negana ai Iehova ese Iesu dekenai ia gwauraia herevadia ita laloa. They are good examples for us. Peter be ia ida Baibel stadi ia matamaia. Idia be haheitalai namodia ita dekenai. This is a healing remedy against "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. Bema hanaihanai iseda tauanina ena ura ita badinaia, "kara dika be king bamona " ita ia biagua diba. Unai ese "tauanina ena ura dikadia, matana ese idia ura henia gaudia, bona ta ese ena kohu ia heagilaia karana " ia hanamoa. - 1 Ioane 2: 15 - 17. Peter began a Bible study with him. [ Picture on page 25] Petero be ia ida Baibel ia stadilaia matamaia. We could "let sin continue to rule " by doing whatever our imperfect body moves us to do. 30: 20, 21) Hegeregere, wiki ta ta ai, kongrigeisen ta ta be Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli idia karaia, bona unai sikuli ese momo ia durua Dirava ena Basileia idia harorolaia namonamo totona. Iseda goevadae lasi tauanina ena kara ese ita ia veria diba " kara dika ita karaia noho ' totona. [ Picture on page 25] Baibel Ena Kara Maoromaoro Taravatudia be mai Anina, A? [ Picture on page 25] In this regard, every congregation holds a weekly Theocratic Ministry School, which is designed to help all those enrolled become effective proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Taunimanima idia roho mauri totona idia ese Iehova idia abidadama henia bona iena ladana dekenai idia boiboi be namo. Unai dainai, wiki ta ta ai, kongrigeisen taudia ibounai be Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli ta idia karaia, unai amo Dirava ena Basileia harorolaia taudia namodia ai idia lao taudia ibounai idia durua diba. Is Bible Morality Relevant? Hari danu, kara maoromaoro idia ura henia taudia be Dirava ena lalomaino idia abia dainai, edia ruma bese bona kongrigeisen lalonai lalotamona ai idia noho. - Fili. Baibel Ena Kara Maoromaoro Taravatudia be Idau, A? Salvation depends on calling upon Jehovah's name in faith, but people will not do that unless we preach to them. Iamesi 1: 27 ese ia hahedinaraia, iseda maduna be " tamana bona sinana lasi maragidia bona vabu be mai edia hisihisi, ita ese do ita naridia. ' Bema mai abidadama ida Iehova ena ladana ita boiboi, hahemauri do ita abia, to bema ita haroro lasi, taunimanima be unai do idia karaia lasi. Even now, those who love God's righteousness are rewarded with an inner peace that contributes to harmony in their families and in their congregations. - Phil. Spesel painia bona misinari 120 mai kahana be Spanish gado sibona lasi, to gado ma haida ai idia haroro Hari danu, Dirava ena kara maoromaoro idia ura henia taudia be edia ruma bese bona kongrigeisen lalonai maino idia havaraia. - Fili. James 1: 27 shows that it is our duty "to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation. " Bala bona ena peroveta taudia 450 be Karamele Ororo badinai idia hamasedia ore. - 1 King Taudia 18: 38 - 40. Iamesi 1: 27 ese ia hahedinaraia, iseda maduna be " tama sina lasi maragidia bona vabu do ita naria. ' More than 120 special pioneers and missionaries witness in languages other than Spanish Ita hoa lasi John ese Baibel lalonai Babela hanuana ena sivarai ia laloa. Spesel painia bona misinari taudia 120 mai kahana be Spanish gado ma haida dekenai idia haroro All 450 Baal prophets were then executed at the foot of Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 38 - 40. Diane ia gwau: "Kingdom Hall dekenai ai lao neganai ai goada lasi, to tadikaka ese ai idia durua bada - ai idia hagoadaia momokani! Unai neganai Bala ena peroveta taudia ibounai be Karamele Ororona badinai idia mase. - 1 King Taudia 18: 38 - 40. Not surprisingly, John thought about the Bible account of the city of Babel. Iesu sibona ese Dirava ena ura ia karaia bona ena hairai ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. Unai dainai, John be Babela hanua ena sivarai ia laloa. Recalls Diane: "We felt empty when we arrived at the hall, but what comfort we received from the brothers - how they uplifted us! Matana dekenai ita itaia lasi, to iseda lalona ia diba momokani, inai gauna do ita abia. " Diane ia gwau: "Ai lalohisihisi bada, badina Kingdom Hall dekenai ai ginidae neganai ai mamia ai be anina lasi, to tadikaka ese ai idia hagoadaia bada - unai ese ai ia hagoadaia bada! Jesus was the only human who ever lived and died without failing to please God and reflect His glory. Oibe, iseda Tamana ita hereva henia be auka lasi. Iesu be taunimanima ta sibona lasi, to ia be Dirava ia hamoalea lasi bona Iena hairai ia hahedinaraia lasi. The apostle Paul called faith "the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. " Bisinesi tauna ta ese lau ia abidadama henia neganai, aiemai orea taudia ma haida ese mai dagedage ida ia idia hagaria. Aposetolo Paulo ia gwau abidadama ena anina be "ita daradara lasi, to ita diba momokani, Dirava ena davana namona ita naria kava lasi. What an approachable Father we have! Idia dekenai ia vara gauna be idia sibona idia diba, badina Iehova ese edia lalona bona kudouna dekenai daradara ta ia atoa lasi. Iseda Tamana ita hereva henia diba! " Once I had gained the confidence of a businessman, other members of our team threatened him with violence. Hereva dikadia bona hevaseha mirodia lau gwauraia. " Nega ta bisinesi tauna ta ena abidadama lau abia dae neganai, iseda orea taudia ma haida ese ia idia dagedage henia. They do not need someone else to verify what has happened to them. UNAI buka lau kehodia neganai, laulau idauidau ese egu lalona ia veria. Namo lasi ma ta ese idia dekenai ia vara gauna idia hamomokania. My speech was vulgar, and I had a filthy sense of humor. Unai sivarai rua ese idia hahedinaraia, Iehova, iseda Dirava be maka tamona ai taunimanima ibounai ia kara henidia! - Deu. Egu hereva be namo lasi, bona hevaseha hereva mirodia lau gwauraia. When I was able to examine them, I found vivid illustrations that fired my imagination. Aonega tauna be do ia hekokoroku lasi ["ia lalo - manada, " NW]. " Idia lau tahua neganai, haheitalai namodia lau davaria bona unai ese egu lalona ia veria. How vividly these two examples show that Jehovah our God "treats none with partiality "! - Deut. Danu mani oi laloa: Mai moale ida emu sene taudia do oi hedavari henia, bona idia dekenai Dirava ese idia totona ia karaia gaudia do oi hadibaia. Unai haheitalai rua ese idia hahedinaraia goevagoeva Iehova iseda Dirava be "taunimanima edia toana ia laloa lasi "! - Deu. " Let him show out of his fine conduct his works with a mildness that belongs to wisdom. " INAI TAU " Aonega tauna ese iena kara namodia dekena amo, iena aonega do ia hedinaraia. " Envision how excited you will be to meet your ancestors from centuries ago and to teach them about all that God has done for them. Unai hegeregerena, Japan ena ist kahana dekenai tano mareremarere badana bona sunami ia vara neganai, tadikaka bona taihu momo ese dika bada idia davaria. Lagani handred momo gunanai, oi ese emu sene taudia do oi hedavari henia bona Dirava ese idia totona ia karaia gaudia ibounai be idia dekenai do oi hadibaia. PROFILE Hegeregere, lau ia hadibaia vaira neganai Dirava ese tanobada be paradaiso ai ia halaoa neganai taunimanima ibounai ese Dirava do idia tura henia namonamo, edia lalona do idia goevadae, bona gorere do idia ore. INAI TAU Similarly, when a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami struck eastern Japan, many brothers and sisters suffered great losses. Iseda abidadama ita hagoadaia daladia be inai: Guriguri, Dirava ena hereva ita stadilaia, bona Keristani heboudia dekenai ita lao. Unai hegeregerena, tano mareremarere bada ia vara bona sunami ese Japan ena ist kahana ia hadikaia neganai, tadikaka taihu momo be dika bada idia davaria. For instance, she taught me that in the future, God will make the earth a paradise in which all people will enjoy perfect spiritual, mental, and physical health. Farao dekenai ia idia gwauraia, bona oda ia henia Sara be ia dekenai do idia abia lao! Hegeregere, lau ia hadibaia vaira negana ai Dirava ese tanobada be paradaiso ai do ia halaoa, bona taunimanima ibounai be lauma dalanai do idia goevadae, bona tauanina dalanai do idia gorere lasi. We strengthen our faith by praying, examining God's Word, and attending Christian meetings. RAU 7 Iseda abidadama ita hagoadaia totona, ita guriguri, Dirava ena Hereva ita tahua, bona Keristani heboudia dekenai ita lao. They reported on her to Pharaoh, and he ordered that the woman be taken! Unai au ena kahana idauidau amo Dirava ena hebogahisi, toreisi lou helarona, bona moale ruma bese maurina ia haheitalaia. Idia ese ia idia hamaoroa Farao dekenai do idia haroro, bona ia gwau unai hahine do idia abia! PAGE 7 Unai dainai, TV raraia karana dekenai nega bada oi halusia lasi, to unai nega oi gaukaralaia Dirava oi hesiai henia totona. RAU 7 Features of this tree served to illustrate God's mercy, the resurrection promise, and happy family life. Bona, Dirava danu ita raka neganai, dahaka hahenamo ita abia? Unai au ena kahana idauidau ese Dirava ena hebogahisi, toreisi lou, bona ruma bese maurina idia hahedinaraia. So buy out time spent watching television and use it for spiritual pursuits. Baibel ese oi ia durua diba. Unai dainai televisen raraia totona nega ita hoia bona lauma gaudia tahua totona ita gaukaralaia. And what blessings come from walking with God? Bema lauma dalanai sibona ita ubua hanaihanai lasi, iseda abidadama, aniani ia abia lasi tauanina hegeregerena, be do ia dika ia lao bona gabeai do ia mase. Bona Dirava ida ita raka ena hahenamo haida be dahaka? The Bible can help you. To, inai hereva "helaga " ena anina korikori be dahaka? Baibel ese oi ia durua diba. Without constant spiritual feeding, our faith, like a body deprived of food, will be progressively damaged and will eventually die. Moni gaukara ma haida ia ura tahua neganai, ia gwau: "Hanaihanai Iehova dekenai lau guriguri lau ia durua disisen maorona lau karaia totona. " Bema hanaihanai lauma aniani ita ania lasi, iseda abidadama do ia dika ia lao bona do ia mase. But what does the word "holy " really mean? Lasi. To inai hereva "helaga " ena anina be dahaka? About considering his options, he says, "I consistently prayed to Jehovah for guidance in making the right decision. " Lauegu uru tamona taudia be lasi! Ia gwau: "Hanaihanai Iehova dekenai lau guriguri, abia hidi maorona lau karaia totona. " No. (Ieremia 29: 11) Dirava ena Basileia ita harorolaia noho be namo, lalona hagoadaia bona lalo - maino idia havaraia hereva namodia ita herevalaia. Lasi. So I had no friends my age! Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. Unai dainai egu mauri lagani be bada lasi! We must continue to promote God's Kingdom, sharing the wonderful message of comfort and solace. [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] Namona be Dirava ena Basileia ita habadaia noho, bona lalona hagoadaia bona lalo - maino ena sivarai namona ita harorolaia noho. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. * Koledi dekenai ia lao danu. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia karaia. [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] (Esekiela 33: 32) Ena be Esekiela ena hereva idia ura henia, to idia badinaia lasi. [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] * He also went on to college. Saiens taudia ese evolusen idia abia dae badina idia davaria gaudia ese idia hamomokania, a? * Danu, iunivesiti dekenai ia lao. Although they liked Ezekiel's words, they failed to act on them. Bona herevana "haida [dagedage taudia] idia gwau [idia] be koikoi taudia, to hereva momokani [idia] gwauraia. " - 2 Korinto 6: 4, 8. Ena be Esekiela ena hereva idia ura henia, to idia karaia lasi. Have scientists come to their conclusions because facts and evidence point that way? Ma danu, Iehova ena gwauhamata herevana ita laloatao, ia gwau: "Lau dekenai idia matauraia taudia be do lau matauraidia. " Saiens taudia be unai bamona idia hereva, a? On the contrary, they "recommend [themselves] as God's ministers... through glory and dishonor, through bad report and good report; as [according to opponents] deceivers and yet [in reality] truthful. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 4, 8. Sulama kekeni be ruma dekenai ia giroa neganai, ena taihudia idia henanadai: "Unai be daika, tano kaukau dekena amo ia mai noho, iena lalokau tauna ena imana ia dogoatao noho? " Lasi, to idia ese " Dirava ena hesiai taudia bamona [idia] do idia matauraia... bona matauraia.... Sivarai Namona do idia gwauraia, sivarai namodia do idia gwauraia, bona hereva momokani do idia gwauraia. ' - 2 Korinto 6: 4, 8. And we also keep in mind Jehovah's promise: "Those honoring me I shall honor. " 1, 2. Bona Iehova ena gwauhamata ita laloa danu, ia gwau: "Lau dekenai idia matauraia taudia be do lau matauraidia. " " Who is this woman coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her dear one? " Ai be Iehova ena heduru bona hakaua totona ai guriguri goadagoada. " Inai hahine be daika, taunimanima idia noho lasi gabuna dekena amo do ia daekau, iena lalokau tauna dekenai do ia abidadama henia? " 1, 2. • Edena dala ai lauma helaga ese Paulo ia hakaua? 1, 2. We fervently prayed to Jehovah for his help and guidance in this volatile situation. [ Picture on page 20] Iehova ena heduru bona hakaua dalana ai noia goadagoada. • In what sense was Paul guided by God's spirit? (Ese. 37: 24, 25) Solomona be Iehova ia badinaia noho neganai, ia be aonega lohia tauna, bona ena lohia henunai Israela taudia be maino ai idia noho. (1 Kin. • Edena dala ai lauma helaga ese Paulo ia hakaua? [ Picture on page 20] Iesu ena hahediba taudia be hahegani idia abia bena "tanobada ena kahana ibounai " dekenai ena ladana do idia gwauraia neganai, hekwakwanai badana idia davaria. [ Picture on page 20] While still faithful, Solomon was a wise ruler, and under his kingship Israel enjoyed peace. Iesu be ena nega ai idia noho tomadiho gunalaia taudia amo ia idau, idia ese "Mose ena taravatu anina idia gwauraia " to" Lohiabada ena Taravatu " idia badinaia lasi! - Mataio 23: 2 - 4. Solomona be Dirava ia badinaia noho lalonai, aonega lohia tauna ta, bona ena lohia henunai Israela taudia be maino ai idia noho. When Jesus ' disciples received the commission to be his witnesses "to the most distant part of the earth, " they faced a difficult situation. (b) Dahaka dainai Ioane ena hereva be maoro? Iesu ena hahediba taudia be "tanobada ena kahana ibounai " dekenai ena witnes taudia ai idia lao ena hahegani idia abia neganai, hekwakwanai badana ta idia davaria. How that contrasted with the religious leaders of his day, who had "seated themselves in the seat of Moses " but who ignored" the law of Jehovah "! - Matthew 23: 2 - 4. Heberu revarevana ai, Paulo ese ena tadikaka be inai bamona ia tore henidia: "Tadikaka helagadia e, guba maurina totona ia boiria taudia. " Mose ena negai idia noho tomadiho gunalaia taudia be unai bamona idia laloa lasi, to "Lohiabada ena Taravatu idia laloa lasi "! - Mataio 23: 2 - 4. (b) Why did John's words prove to be fitting? Lauegu henanadai haida edia haere lau davaria lasi neganai, Iehova lau naria mai haheauka ida, a? ' (b) Dahaka dainai Ioane ena hereva be maoro? In his letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul addressed his fellow believers as "holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling. " (b) Dahaka henanadai idia vara? Aposetolo Paulo be Heberu taudia ia tore henia neganai, ia gwau iena tadikaka be "helaga taudia, bona guba maurina totona idia boiria taudia. " Do I patiently wait on Jehovah when answers to lingering questions seem slow in coming? ' Bema ta ia gwau Dirava be ita ia laloa bada lasi, o ita karaia gaudia ia moalelaia lasi, o harihari gaudia do ia henia lasi, unai bamona tauna be Baibel ese ia sivarailaia Diravana ia diba lasi. Henanadai aukadia lau haerelaia haraga lasi neganai, mai haheauka ida Iehova dekenai lau naria, a? ' (b) What questions arise? Satani ena siahu be edena bamona, bona dahaka ia karaia toho? (b) Edena henanadai idia vara? A person who concludes that God must be uncaring, unappreciative, and ungenerous does not know the God of the Bible. Umui be hari lagani rua umui headava vadaeni, bona umui be natudia lasi. Bema ta ia gwau Dirava be ita ia lalokau henia lasi, ia be sibona ena ladana ia abia isi lasi, bona ia be Baibel ena Dirava ia diba lasi. How influential is Satan, and what does he try to do? Namo lasi iseda Keristani tadikaka bona taihu hegeregere, painia taudia, sekit bona distrik naria taudia, misinari taudia, eiava Betele famili taudia ita doria edia ful - taim hesiai gaukara do idia rakatania bona ita bamona idia noho. Edena dala ai Satani be siahu bada tauna, bona dahaka ia karaia toho? You have been married for two years now, and you have no children. Idaunegai Israela ena tomadiho dalana bona Kerisendom be edena bamona idia hegeregere? Lagani rua lalonai oi headava vadaeni, bona oi be natudia lasi. Let us never urge fellow Christians who are pioneers, missionaries, traveling overseers, or members of the Bethel family to discontinue their full - time service simply to return to a so - called normal life. Baibel negadiai, tuari taudia ese idia gaukaralaia io be rei kakoro amo idia karaia, bona ia be mai ena lahi ida idia negea. Namona be painia, misinari, loaloa naria taudia, eiava Betele famili taudia ita hagoadaia lasi edia ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia rakatania bona edia mauri idia moalelaia lou totona. What parallels can be drawn between worship in ancient Israel and that found in Christendom? Reana lasi. Idaunegai Israela dekenai idia noho tomadiho dalana bona Kerisendom lalonai idia davaria tomadiho dalana be edena bamona idia hegeregere? In Bible times, soldiers used darts made out of hollow reeds having small iron receptacles that could be filled with burning naphtha. Bona iena hebogahisi hereadaena amo ita ia hagoadaia hanaihanai bona ita dekenai helaro namona ia henia. Baibel negadiai, tuari taudia be auri maragidia amo idia honu bona lahi amo idia gabua diba. It does not seem so. Paulo ese Dirava ia hahedinaraia karadia, haheauka karana bamona, be dahaka ida ia hahegeregerea, bona Kolose Keristani taudia dekenai edena sisiba ia henia? Toana be unai bamona lasi. How comforting it is to be aware of the loving care that we receive from Jehovah because of his generous kindness! Unai bamona ura bada karana dainai Iehova ese davana namona do ia henia bona do ia durua. Ita moale badina Iehova ena hebogahisi hereadaena dainai ita ia naria! To what did Paul liken such godly qualities as long - suffering, and what counsel did he give to Colossian Christians? Unai ena anina be Dirava ita abidadama henia be gau badana lasi, a? Paulo ese haheauka karana be edena bamona ia herevalaia, bona Kolose Keristani taudia dekenai dahaka sisiba ia henia? Jehovah will reward and support such a willing spirit. Tanobada Ena Lohia Hehunina Mai edia ura bada ida Iehova ese idia do ia hanamoa bona durua. Does this mean that faith in God is unnecessary? [ Map on page 29] Unai ena anina be Dirava abidadama henia karana be anina lasi, a? The World's Secret Ruler Hari danu, unai be momokani. Tanobada Ena Lohia Siahuna [ Map on page 29] Hegeregere, dibura ruma ai idia atoa, idia kwadia, ena laolao lalonai dika ia davaria, ia hitolo, ia ranu mase, hanuaboi momo ia mahuta lasi, bona kongrigeisen iboudiai dainai ia lalohekwarahi. [ Map on page 29] That is so today too. Korinto Iharuana 12: 2 - 4 ese edena matahanai ia gwauraia, bona toana be daika ese unai matahanai ia itaia? Hari danu be unai bamona. Unlike them, he could point to proof of his apostleship - to imprisonment, beatings, perilous journeys, other dangers, hunger, thirst, and sleepless nights, as well as deep concern for fellow believers. Paulo ese Kolose ai idia noho Keristani taudia ia hamaoroa: "Umui naria namonamo, dika tau ta ese inai tanobada ena aonega bona anina lasi hereva koikoidia amo umui ia tarapua. Unai gaudia be taunimanima edia sene herevadia amo, bona idia be inai tanobada ena lalohadai badadia hegeregerena, to Keriso ena hadibaia herevadia hegeregerena lasi. " Idia be Iesu ena aposetolo taudia bamona lasi, ia hahedinaraia idia be dibura dekenai idia noho, idia dadabaia, idia hitolo, ranu mase, ranu mase, bona hanuaboi ai edia tadikaka taihu idia laloa bada. What vision does 2 Corinthians 12: 2 - 4 mention, and who likely had it? Oibe, ta ese Baibel ia gwauraia mauri dalana bona Iehova ia rakatania neganai, vaia ena ruma bese taudia idia lalohisihisi. Korinto Iharuana 12: 2 - 4 be dahaka matahanai ia herevalaia, bona daika ese unai matahanai ia itaia? Paul warned the Colossian Christians: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ. " Kahirakahira lagani 2,000 gunanai, Iesu ese ia hahedinaraia tura namodia oi davaria totona, sibona emu ura dadaraia lalokauna oi hahedinaraia. Paulo ese Kolose Keristani taudia ia sisiba henia, ia gwau: "Umui naria namonamo, tau ta ese taunimanima edia aonega bona anina lasi koikoi herevadia amo umui do ia koia garina. Yes, when a person chooses to leave Jehovah and the way of life set out in the Scriptures, faithful family members typically experience deep anguish. Edena dala ai Daniela ena abidadama ita tohotohoa diba? Oibe, bema tau ta be abia hidi ia karaia Iehova do ia rakatania bona Baibel amo mauri dalana do ia badinaia, abidadama ruma bese taudia do idia lalohisihisi bada. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus showed that the key to success in all human relations is unselfish love. Eda tadikaka burukadia haida be maduna momo idia huaia bona sivarai namona idia harorolaia totona dagedage idia haheaukalaia. Kahirakahira lagani 2,000 gunanai, Iesu ia hahedinaraia taunimanima ibounai huanai hetura karana namona ia vara totona, sibona ena namo tahua lasi lalokauna be mai anina bada. How to cultivate faith like Daniel's. Lagani 58 C.E. bamona ai, Roma tuari orea biagudia idia diba momokani Keristani taudia be daidia. Edena dala ai Daniela ena abidadama ita tohotohoa diba? PETERSBURG, FL, Bayfront Center, 400 1st St. • Edena dala ai iseda hadibaia dalana ita hanamoa diba? SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Some older fellow believers have carried heavy loads of responsibility and have endured persecution for the sake of the good news. Danu, Iesu be hereva haida ia gaukaralaia mase ena anina ia hahedinaraia totona. Tadikaka burukadia haida be maduna metauna idia huaia bona sivarai namona dainai dagedage idia haheaukalaia. By about 58 C.E., Roman officials knew very well who the Christians were. Danner), 6 / 15 Lagani 58 C.E. bamona ai, Roma ena gavamani taudia idia diba Keristani taudia be daidia. • Using what methods can make our teaching more effective? Bena Iesu ia gwau: "Ruma, o iena tadikakana, o iena taihuna, o iena tamana, o iena sinana, o iena adavana, o iena natuna, o tano, lau totona ia rakatanidia tauna ese unai do ia abia lou, ma momo herea momokani danu. Bona mauri hanaihanai danu do ia abia. " • Edena dala idauidau amo iseda hadibaia karana ese anina namona ia havaraia diba? Jesus also used a comparison that made a similar point about death. Unai kontribusen gaudia ida revareva kwadogina idia siaia be namo, unai gaudia be harihari gaudia idia hahedinaraia totona. Danu, Iesu ese mase dekenai ia vara gauna ia hahegeregerea. Danner), 6 / 15 Ai be tura namodia ai ai lao. " - Karen, Northern Ireland. 6 / 15 Jesus replied: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " Ierusalema ena dubu helaga ai taunimanima be Iehova idia tomadiho henia bona ena Taravatu idia dibaia. Iesu ia gwau: "Lauegu ladana dainai egu ladana dainai ruma, tadikaka, taihu, tamana, sinana, natudia, o tano idia rakatania taudia ibounai, be mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. " Jewelry or other valuables may be donated as well. A brief letter stating that such items are an outright gift should accompany these contributions. Baibel siridia be Nega Matamata Baibel, bona Hiri Motu Buka Helaga amo, to bema Motu Buka Helağa amo ai hahanaia, edia murinai BHğ ai torea, bona New World Translation Baibel amo ai hahanaia neganai, edia murinai NWT ai torea. Eiava bema ena moni be trust fund ai ia noho, ia ese IBSA ena ladana be trust agreement pepana ai ia torea diba, unai moni do idia abia totona. We developed a close bond. " - Karen, Northern Ireland. Lagani 607 B.C.E. be Iehova ena "dina badana " Iuda bona Ierusalema dekenai. Emai hetura karana ia goada. " - Karen, Northern Ireland. Jerusalem was "the town of the grand King, " Jehovah, for it was the center of pure worship. Danu nega momo taunimanima be sisiba o matahakani idia abia neganai, idia moale lasi. Ierusalema be "King badana, " Iehova, badina ia be tomadiho momokani gabuna. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Unai dainai idia mase. (Gen. Baibel siridia be Nega Matamata Baibel, bona Hiri Motu Buka Helaga amo, to bema Motu Buka Helağa amo ai hahanaia, edia murinai BHğ ai torea, bona New World Translation Baibel amo ai hahanaia neganai, edia murinai NWT ai torea. The judgment against unfaithful Israel was followed in 607 B.C.E. by a "great day of Jehovah " against Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah. Horoa Keristani taudia ibounai, tatau bona hahine, be hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ena hahegani idia badinaia. Lagani 607 B.C.E. ai, Iehova ese Israela taudia ia hahemaoro henia neganai, "Lohiabada ena dina badana " Ierusalema bona Iuda basileiana ia hadikaia. Even those who seem to accept counsel or discipline often do so begrudgingly. Ia vairanai ia gini tauna be Goliata, ia be tau bada herea bona mai ena goada bada. Ena be sisiba idia abia dae eiava matahakani idia abia dae taudia be nega momo unai bamona idia karaia. That cost them their lives. 14, 15. (a) Edena dala ai iseda mauri lalonai abidadama ita hahedinaraia diba? Unai dainai edia mauri idia haboioa. All anointed Christians, male and female, shared in carrying out the commission of making disciples. Iseda negai danu, Iehova ia ura iena hesiai taudia ese boubou gaudia do idia henia. Horoa Keristani taudia ibounai, tatau bona hahine, be hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana idia karaia. Before him stood Goliath, a man of unusual strength and stature. Britain be Roma amo ia mai, bona United States be Britain amo ia mai. Goliata ia do gini lasi neganai, ia be goada bona goada tauna. 14, 15. (a) How can we show faith in our daily lives? Elda tauna be tau o hahine ena kahanai do ia gini lasi, bona ia sibona ena lalohadai do ia gwauraia lasi edia hekwakwanai hamaoromaoroa totona. 14, 15. (a) Edena dala ai dina ta ta ai abidadama ita hahedinaraia diba? With this in mind, let us consider just one aspect of that Law - how various sacrifices and offerings led humble Jews to Christ and helped them to understand what God required of them. Reana gorere badana ta do lau abia bona idau tano ai painia gaukara do lau karaia lasi. Unai ita laloa neganai, namona be unai Taravatu ena kahana ta ita laloa - unai Taravatu ese dala idauidau ai manau Iuda taudia dekenai Keriso dekenai boubou gaudia ia henia bona idia ia durua Dirava ena ura idia lalopararalaia totona. Britain - and by extension, the United States - grew out of the Roman Empire. Petero ena abidadama dainai ia vara gaudia foa do ita herevalaia: (1) matamanai heduru totona Dirava dekenai abidadama ia hahedinaraia dalana, (2) ena abidadama ia manoka matamaia ena badina, bona (3) Petero ena abidadama ia hagoadaia lou gauna. Britain - bona United States - be Roma Basileiana amo idia tubu daekau. I might come down with a serious illness and miss my chance to pioneer overseas. Lohiabada ese umui emui dika ia gwauatao, vadaeni unai bamona do umui karaia danu. Reana gorere badana ta lau abia bona egu painia gaukara lau reaia. Let us consider three aspects of Peter's experience related to faith: (1) how Peter first showed faith in God's support, (2) why Peter began to lose faith, and (3) what helped Peter to regain his faith. Unai dainai emai haroro gaukara ai hagugurua totona, taravatu ai badinaia be namo. Ai abia dae nega ta gau ibounai do idia namo. Petero ese abidadama ia hahedinaraia daladia toi mani ita herevalaia: (1) Petero ese Dirava ena heduru ia abidadama henia dalana ginigunana, (2) abidadama ia haboioa ena badina, bona (3) Petero ia durua ena abidadama ia hagoadaia lou totona. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. Blessing be idia hanaia lagani 12 lalonai ia karaia ful - taim hesiai gaukara ia laloa neganai, ia moale bada badina ia ese hari ita noho "sivarai namona dinana " ia laloa bada. Lohiabada ese umui emui dika ia gwauatao, vadaeni unai bamona do umui karaia danu. So in order to get the preaching work done, we obeyed the laws, hoping that things would change for the better. Unai dainai ena be hekwakwanai ita davaria, to iseda tadikaka taihu ida ita hebou be namo. Badina sibona ita noho neganai, hekwakwanai be do ia bada sibona. (Aon. Unai dainai haroro gaukara ita karaia totona, taravatu ita badinaia, badina ita laloa gau ibounai do idia namo. Blessing can now happily look back on 12 years in full - time service and be glad that she has kept her focus on the "day of good news " that we are living in right now. Ita laloa lou, aposetolo Paulo ese Makedonia dekenai Filipi kongrigeisen taudia ia hamaoroa ia gwau: "Dirava lau noia noho inai bamona:... Umui emui kara ibounai be do idia namodia momokani. Iesu Keriso sibona ese inai bamona kara ia havaraia diba, Dirava ese hanamoa bona hairai do ia abia totona. " Lagani 12 lalonai ful - taim hesiai gaukara ia karaia bona ia moale badina hari ita noholaia "sivarai namona dinana " ia laloa noho. Before and after our meetings, there is upbuilding conversation between members of the congregation. Dahaka ese ia hamomokania ita be kara maoromaoro ita hahedinaraia eiava lasi? Hebou ia do matamaia lasi bona ia ore murinai, kongrigeisen taudia huanai hagoadaia herevana ta ia noho. Recall that the apostle Paul urged Christians in the local congregation in Philippi, Macedonia: "This is what I continue praying, that [you] may be filled with righteous fruit, which is through Jesus Christ, to God's glory and praise. " Iseda abidadama Iehova dekenai ita hagoadaia dalana ma ta be mai edia kudouna ibounai ida ia idia abidadama henia taudia ita bamoa hanaihanai. Mani oi laloa, aposetolo Paulo ese Filipi kongrigeisen dekenai idia noho Keristani taudia ia hagoadaia, ia gwau: "Lau guriguri noho gauna be inai, umui ese kara maoromaoro au huahua do umui hahonua. What determines whether we are faithful? Iesu bona ia ida do idia lohia taudia be 144,000. - Apok. Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia ita be kamonai taudia eiava lasi? Still another means to build our trust in Jehovah is regular association with those who trust in him wholeheartedly. Badina be Lohiabada, Israela ena Dirava, be inai bamona ia hereva, ia gwau, " Paraoa, mereki dekenai ia noho gauna be do ia ore lasi, bona olive dehoro, kapusi dekenai ia noho gauna danu be do ia ore lasi, ela bona Lohiabada ese medu be tanobada dekenai do ia hadihoa dinana. ' " - 1 Kin. Iehova ita abidadama henia dalana ma ta be, mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida Ia idia abidadama henia taudia ita bamoa. In addition to Jesus, it was to number 144,000. - Rev. Lilongwe pulisi steiseni ai lau idia kara namo henia. Unai be Iesu sibona lasi, to 144,000 taudia edia namba ia hanaia danu. - Apok. For this is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: " The large jar of flour will not run out, and the small jar of oil will not run dry until the day Jehovah makes it rain on the surface of the ground. ' " - 1 Ki. 11: 29, NW. Badina be Lohiabada, Israela ena Dirava, ia gwau: "Lohiabada, emui Dirava, ese olive dehoro maragidia, be tano dekenai do ia atoa lasi, ela bona Lohiabada ese medu do ia siaia diho, tanobada kahana ibounai dekenai. ' " - 1 Kin. At the Lilongwe police station, I was treated kindly. Ia be tuari lalonai ia vareai lasi dainai, hua toi dibura ruma ai ia noho. Ami steiseni ena pulisi steiseni dekenai, mai hebogahisi ida lau idia kara henia. 11: 29. Tama ta ese ena natuna dekenai raka dalana ia hadibaia hegeregerena, Iehova ena kara be edena bamona? 11: 29. How might Jehovah's feelings toward us be compared to those of a parent teaching a child to walk? Paulo ese ia gaukaralaia Greek herevana ena anina be "ta ia badu bada herea bona ia ura lasi maino ia karaia " bona " tau ta ia badu bona ta ena kerere ia laloaboio lasi. ' Edena dala ai Iehova ena lalohadai be tama sina ese natudia idia hadibaia dalana ida ita hahegeregerea diba? The Greek word that Paul used has been defined as characterizing a "resentful spirit which refuses reconciliation " and a " spite that keeps a score of wrongs. ' Danu, unai abidadama dainai oi moale diba bona oi ia durua mai gari lasi ida unai helaro oi harorolaia totona. Paulo ese ia gaukaralaia Greek herevana ena anina be " maino idia ura henia lasi taudia ' bona " kara dika momo idia karaia noho. ' In turn, such faith can give you a joyful outlook and fill you with courage to speak about your hope. Stadi gabena ai unai henanadai do ita haerelaia, bona unai ese eda lalokau Iehova dekenai do ia habadaia. Unai bamona abidadama dainai oi moale diba bona mai gari lasi ida emu helaro oi herevalaia diba. The next article focuses on how Jehovah is our best Friend. Vadaeni Lohiabada ena ura hegeregerena do umui noho, bona nega ibounai umui ese ia do umui hamoalea. Stadi gabena ese do ia hahedinaraia edena dala ai Iehova be iseda Turana namona. Well - Prepared South Africa Hegaegae Namonamo 31 Did You Know? 31 Inai Oi Diba, a? 31 Inai Oi Diba, A? There we lived in the midst of thousands of other prisoners. Unuseniai, ai be dibura taudia tausen momo huanai ai noho. Unuseniai dibura taudia tausen momo huanai ai noho. 15 Parents - Train Your Children From Their Infancy 15 Tama Sina E - Natudia be Beibi Negana amo Umui Hadibaia 15 Tama Sina E - Emui Natudia Umui Hadibaia In David's eyes, this pagan Goliath was doing far worse than embarrassing the army of Israel; he was insulting the God of Israel, Jehovah! Davida ena matanai, unai tomadiho koikoi tauna Goliata be Israela tuari taudia ia hadikaia sibona lasi, to Israela edia Dirava, Iehova ia gwauraia dika danu! Davida ena matana ai, unai kaivakuku tomadiho henia tauna Goliata be Israela ena tuari taudia edia hemarai karadia ia karaia; Iehova, Israela ena Dirava ia inai henia! When you examine ripe fruit at the market, you see that not all the pieces are identical. (Neh. 6: 17 - 19) Danu, Eliasibi ena tubuna ta be Sanubalata, Samaria ena gavana, ena natuna kekeni ia adavaia. Sanubalata bona Tobaia be tura namodia. maketi dekenai au huahua oi tahua neganai, oi itaia unai huahua ibounai be idia idau lasi. One of Eliashib's grandsons was married to the daughter of Sanballat, governor of Samaria, who was one of Tobiah's closest associates. Ia gwau: "Lau ura China gado do lau diba haraga, to tadikaka ta ena hereva lau laloatao, ia gwau, " Oi hekwarahi noho, bona Iehova ese oi do ia hanamoa. ' " Elia ena tubuna kekeni ta be Samaria ena gavana, Samaria, ena natuna kekeni ia adavaia. She says, "I wish I could learn faster, but I keep in mind what a brother once told me, " Do your best, and Jehovah will take care of the rest. ' " Danu egu sinana be 86 neganai ia mase. Ia gwau: "Lau ura egu diba lau habadaia haraga, to nega ta tadikaka ta ese lau ia hamaoroa herevana lau laloatao, " Oi gaukara goada, bona Iehova ese lau do ia naria. ' " My mother died at the age of 86. 4: 23. Egu sinana ena mauri lagani be 86 neganai ia mase. 4: 23. Idia ese bese, kopina idauidau bona tomadiho idauidau taudia idia durua Baibel ena hereva momokani idia diba totona. 4: 23. They desire to help people of all different backgrounds, races, and religions to come to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth. Oi be Iehova ena hesiai tauna dainai, dala idauidau ai hebogahisi hahedinaraia karana ese namo bada do ia havaraia. Idia ura Baibel ena hereva momokani ena diba maoromaoro idia abia. As a servant of Jehovah, expressing kindness to the extent possible will be beneficial. RAU 27 Ita be Iehova ena hesiai taudia dainai, hebogahisi ita hahedinaraia neganai, namo bada do ita davaria. PAGE 27 Bona edena bamona ita diba momokani, hari inai negai ita hegeregere Keriso ena hahediba taudia ai ita lao totona? RAU 27 And how can we make sure that we personally qualify as disciples of Christ today? Reana ita lalo - metau badina hekwakwanai badadia haida ita davaria. Bona edena dala ai ita hamomokania diba ita be Keriso ena hahediba taudia ai ita lao? We may be depressed because we are facing several serious problems. Daba maragi 4 bamona ai toreisi bona basi (uindo be lasi to mai edia veria diho palai) ai abia lao daudau taoni ta dekenai. Reana ita lalo - metau badina hekwakwanai badadia haida ita davaria. We would rise at about four in the morning and take a bus (which often had roll - down canvas in place of windows) to a distant town. Iehova ese tanobada ai ia havaraia natuna ginigunana, Adamu ia gwau - edeede neganai, Iehova ena "lalohisihisi be ia bada momokani. " Daba foa bamona ai toreisi bona basi ta ai abia bona nega momo uindo amo taoni ta dekenai ai lao. He himself "felt hurt at his heart " when the first member of his human family, and later most people living before the Flood, rebelled. " Kongrigeisen lalonai turana ta lau davaria diba lasi, bona lau ura lasi singul lau noho ela bona lau buruka. " Abata ia do vara lasi neganai, ia be "iena lalona ia hisihisi bada, " bona gabeai Abata ia do vara lasi neganai, taunimanima momo be idia gwau - edeede. " I cannot find a mate within the congregation, and I am afraid of growing old alone. " To hari, Baibel lau stadilaia dainai, bema koikoi karana ta lau karaia totona hahetoho lau abia - gau maragidia dekenai danu - egu lalona ena mamina ese lau ia durua. " Kongregesen lalonai adavana ta lau davaria diba lasi, bona lau buruka dainai lau gari. " Now, thanks to my study of the Bible, it pricks me whenever I am tempted to be dishonest - even in small matters. Bema Dirava ese unai bamona aniani bada herea be manu totona ia karaia vadaeni, ita diba momokani iena hesiai taudia tanobada dekenai ia durua diba, dina ta ta ai edia aniani idia abia totona. Hari, Baibel lau stadilaia dainai, lau moale badina koikoi dalanai lau koikoi - herevana gau maragidia dekenai danu. If God has made available such abundant provisions for the birds, surely he is capable of helping his human servants to obtain their daily bread. Nega aukadia lalonai emu abidadama karana dainai unai bamona anina namona oi havaraia diba. Bema Dirava ese manu totona unai bamona gaudia ia henia, ia hegeregere ena hesiai taudia ia durudia dina ta ta aniani idia abia totona. Your faithful endurance under difficult circumstances may have similar rewarding results. BEMA gaukara ta idia henia oi dekenai, to oi hegeregere lasi dainai oi karaia diba lasi, do oi moale, a? Nega aukadia ai emu haheauka karana ese anina namona ia havaraia diba. HOW would you like to be given a job that you are not qualified to perform? Hari danu, Dirava ena hesiai taudia be mai moale ida idia boiboi, Iehova dekenai edia tanikiu herevadia idia gwauraia, bona guba ai idia noho taudia ida Iehova idia tomadiho henia bona idia gwau: "Lohiabada Dirava e, Siahu Ibounai Dirava e, oiemu gaukara be bada herea momokani. Oiemu hoa karadia be idau momokani. Oi be bese ibounai edia King! BEMA oi hegeregere lasi gaukara ta oi abia totona, dahaka do oi karaia? Even now, happy worshippers of God cry out joyfully, expressing their heartfelt appreciation to Jehovah and worshipping him along with those in heaven who sing: "Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty. " Klas dekenai taunimanima ese oi dekenai gau idauidau idia hoihoilaia toho karana ai herevalaia. Hari danu, Dirava idia tomadiho henia taudia be mai moale ida idia boiboi, mai edia kudouna ibounai ida Iehova idia tanikiu henia bona guba dekenai ane idia abia taudia ida ane idia abia, idia gwau: "Lohiabada, Siahu Ibounai Diravana e, oi be hoa karadia oi karaia noho. How would you describe urgency? Inai be egu tauanina ia laulaulaia. ' " karaharaga lalohadaina be edena bamona do oi gwauraia? " The class talked about how people try to sell you things. Iehova sibona be hegeregere, unai bamona dala idauidau ai ita tomadiho henia totona. Unai klas ese taunimanima idia ura oi hoihoilaia gaudia be edena bamona idia herevalaia. This means my body. ' " King Davida ia gwau: "Lohiabada e, lauegu Dirava, oiemu durua karadia ai dekenai be momo herea. Tau ta be oiemu kara bamona ia karaia diba lasi. Unai ena anina be egu tauanina. ' " Jehovah deserves our regular worship through our attendance and participation at theocratic gatherings. Edena dala ai? Iehova tomadiho henia totona, hanaihanai tiokratik hebou dekenai ita lao bona haere ita henia be maoro. Our planet's rich storehouse of life - sustaining minerals, the atmosphere's finely balanced mixture of vital gases, and the intricate cycles in nature all testify to the debt we owe our loving heavenly Father. Ena be unai ia vara, unai bamona matahakani ese Iehova ena lalokau karana ita totona ia hahedinaraia. Iseda tanobada ai mauri durua gaudia momo idia noho, edia toana be namo herea, bona gau idauidau ese idia hahedinaraia iseda lalokau guba Tamana dekenai iseda abitorehai be mai anina bada. How? To namona be ita laloatao, Satani ena tanobada bona sibona eda ura dikadia ese ita idia veria diba eda hesiai gaukara ita rakatania totona. (Ier. Edena dala ai? Even when that is the case, such discipline reflects God's love for us. Iesu be unai ia diba guna dainai, ia ese Keristani momokanina be Keristani koikoidia amo ita dibaia dalana ta ia hahedinaraia. Herevana unai ia vara, to unai bamona matahakani ese Dirava ena lalokau ita dekenai ia hahedinaraia. At the same time, we realize that the pressures of Satan's wicked world and the sinful inclinations of our own flesh are powerful forces that can undermine our resolve to serve God wholeheartedly. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia, Iesu ena hereva ena anina be hanaihanai ta ena kerere ita gwauatao be namo. Unai be iseda tahua gauna ginigunana bona badana. - Mat. Danu, ita laloparara Satani ena tanobada dikana bona iseda goevadae lasi tauanina ena ura dikadia ese iseda lalona idia veria diba mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida Dirava ita hesiai henia totona. Foreseeing this, Jesus disclosed one way to distinguish these counterfeit forms of Christianity from true Christianity. Namo lasi ita karaia kererena dainai ita lalohisihisi noho, to namona be unai amo diba ita abia. Iesu be unai ia diba dainai, Keristani tomadiho momokanina ena toana ia gwauraia hedinarai. Clearly, Jesus meant that we should always be willing to forgive; this should be our first and predominant leaning. - Matt. To kekeni be duahiduahi bona toretore ia diba lasi dainai, unai ese ia do ia durua lasi. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iesu ena hereva ena anina be nega ibounai mai eda ura ida ma haida edia dika ita gwauatao be namo; unai be iseda kara ginigunana bona ita abidadama henia taudia sibona. - Mat. Rather than continually berate ourselves, we should endeavor to learn from the mistake. Lau inuinu badina lau ura egu lalohekwarahi o hekwakwanai lau laloaboio, a? Namo lasi sibona ita gwauraia dika loulou, to namona be ita hekwarahi unai kerere amo diba ita abia totona. But illiteracy will handicap a daughter. Tom: Lau be tau ta do lau voutia lasi. To, duahiduahi lasi karana ese natuna kekeni do ia hamoalea lasi. Do I drink to escape worries or to ease stress? King Davida bamona iseda lalona do ita hadaia: "Egu ruma dekenai do lau noho namonamo, mai egu kerere ta lasi. " - Salamo 101: 2. Lau inuinu momo eiava lalo - hekwarahi hamaragia totona, a? Tim: I'm not on the side of any of the candidates. Iesu ese uaina momo ia karaia dainai, ia hedinarai Kana dekenai idia karaia headava ariana be bada. Tom: Lau be unai abia hidi taudia edia kahanai lau gini lasi. Like King David of old, we resolve: "I shall walk about in the integrity of my heart inside my house. " - Psalm 101: 2. Baibel lalonai unai hereva be nega tamona idia hedinarai neganai, unai bamona do ita lalodia. King Davida bamona, namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia: "Egu famili lalonai kara maoromaoro do lau karaia. " - Salamo 101: 2. From the amount of wine Jesus provided, it appears that the wedding in Cana was a large, elaborate one. To bema una maduna basine huaia namonamo, ena ura ğaudia ma haida ai gwaumaoro na basio heni. - Mataio 25: 21. Iesu ese ia henia uaina ena bada dainai, toana be Kana dekenai headava aria be momo herea. This is how these terms are to be understood when they occur in the same context in the Scriptures. To, Adamu ese ena Havaraia Tauna ia gwau - edeede henia murinai, ia idia gwauraia lasi Dirava ena natuna. Unai hereva ena anina be Baibel lalonai idia noho hereva ma haida ida idia hegeregere neganai, ita lalo - pararalaia diba. If he does not do so, the freedoms he has been granted will be curtailed. - Matthew 25: 21. Ita do ia durua Dirava ena Hereva ita laloa bada totona. Bema unai bamona ia karaia lasi, ia henia ura kwalimu be do ia ore. - Mataio 25: 21. Adam, however, lost his sonship when he rebelled against his Maker. Unai be mai ena kudouna ibounai ida lalohisihisi ena toana ia hahedinaraia, badina ia lalo - parara ena tubudia ese Dirava ena hahegani ibounai idia badinaia lasi. To, Adamu ia gwau - edeede neganai, ena Havaraia Tauna ia gwau - edeede henia. It will deepen our appreciation for God's Word. Noa ena abidadama be goada dainai, ena Dirava, Iehova, ese ia bona ena famili ia gimaia. Unai ese ita do ia durua Dirava ena Hereva ita laloa bada totona. This was a heartfelt expression of sorrow because he realized that not all of God's commands had been carried out by their forefathers. Guna ita davaria hekwakwanai be edena bamona ita lalodia? Unai be hebogahisi karana, badina ia lalo - parara Dirava ena hahegani ibounai be edia sene taudia ese idia badinaia lasi. It was because of Noah's faith that his God, Jehovah, was moved to protect him and his family. Ena Kara Ia Haidaua Tauna ese Gaukara Badana Ia Karaia Noa ia abia dae momokani ena Dirava, Iehova, ese ia bona ena ruma bese do ia gimaia. How may we be affected by past experiences? Unai ena anina be dahaka? Idaunegai idia vara gaudia dainai, dahaka ita karaia diba? A Changed Man Met the Challenge 15, 16. (a) Bema iseda turana ta be Iehova tomadiho henia karana ia rakatania, dahaka do ita karaia? Egu Noho Dalana Ia Haidaua What does this mean? Idia hesiku bona idia mamia edia maduna be ia metau, bona idia hegeregere lasi idia huaia totona. Unai ena anina be dahaka? 15, 16. (a) How should we react if a friend stops serving Jehovah? " Lau be mai egu abidadama Dirava dekenai... mase taudia dohore idia toreisi lou, kara maoromaoro taudia, bona kara maoromaoro lasi taudia danu. " - KARA 24: 15. 15, 16. (a) Bema emu turana ta be Iehova ia hesiai henia lasi, dahaka do oi karaia? They feel tired, burdened down, worn - out, and even burned - out. Bema oi be Iesu ena kara oi laloatao, unai ese oi do ia durua mai emu goada ida emu sikuli turadia oi hadibaia oi ura lasi idia oi bamoa bona kara kereredia do oi dadaraia. Idia hesiku, metau bada idia davaria, idia manoka, idia manoka, bona lahi dekenai idia gabua. " I have hope toward God... that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " - ACTS 24: 15. Edia Iehova badinaia karana dekenai " do idia gini goada, do idia marere lasi ' bona Iehova ena hebogahisi mai lalokauna dainai taunimanima edia vairanai Ia do idia hanamoa noho. " Lau be mai egu abidadama Dirava dekenai,... mase taudia dohore idia toreisi lou, kara maoromaoro taudia, bona kara maoromaoro lasi taudia danu. " - KARA 24: 15. Remembering this will help to give you the strength to tell your schoolmates clearly that you do not want to join them in doing something that you know to be wrong. Aberahamo be ia dekenai ia vara gauna amo ia diba, Iehova ese kara maoromaoro taudia be kara dika taudia ida nega tamona do ia hadikaia ore lasi. Unai oi laloatao neganai, emu sikuli turadia dekenai goada do oi henia, unai amo do oi hahedinaraia oi ura lasi kara kererena ta oi karaia. They will be "steadfast, unmovable " in their loyal service to Jehovah and will continue publicly to praise Jehovah for his loving - kindness. Babulonia ena king be Dura ena taora ai kaivakuku badana ta ia haginia bona oda ia henia, lohia taudia bona distrik idia naria taudia be unai kaivakuku hahelagaia ena aria dekenai idia mai totona. Mai abidadama ida Iehova idia hesiai henia noho bona taunimanima vairanai Iehova ena hebogahisi - mai - lalokauna dainai do idia " gini goada. ' From his experience, Abraham knew that Jehovah would not destroy the righteous together with the wicked. Bona lau ura inai buka ena hereva do idia laloa namonamo, bona badinaia. Aberahamo ena sivarai amo ia diba, Iehova ese kara maoromaoro taudia be kara dika taudia ida do ia hadikaia lasi. The Babylonian king erected a large idol on the plain of Dura and commanded high officials, including administrators of jurisdictional districts, to assemble for its inauguration. Unai bamona henanadai ita laloa neganai, iseda Baibel duahiduahi amo namo bada do ita abia. Babulonia ena king ese Denmark ena tano palakana dekenai kaivakuku badana ta ia haginia bona lohia taudia ia oda henidia, ena hahelagaia negana totona do idia hebou. Discreet, that he may know them? Do "Umui Gima Noho, " A? Ia laloa maoromaoro dainai, idia do ia diba namonamo, a? When we reflect on such questions, we will surely get more out of our Bible reading. To lagani 1947 ai, egu tamana ia mase. Unai bamona henanadai ita lalodia neganai, iseda Baibel duahiduahi karana amo gau momo do ita dibaia. Alarcón), 8 / 1 Unai bamona herevadia ese lau idia hadibaia kara dika idia ura karaia taudia dekenai vaira negana namona be lasi. 8 / 15 But in 1947 my father died. Unai be lagani 607 B.C.E. ai ia vara. To lagani 1947 ai, egu tamana ia mase. That happened in the year 607 B.C.E. Namona be eda lalona ita hadaia, dahaka ita karaia totona? Unai be lagani 607 B.C.E. ai ia vara. What should we be determined to do, and why? Iseda mauri lalonai gau momo ita dibaia neganai, ita abia sisiba do ita lalodia bada bona Iehova hegeregerena, do ita abia dae lalokau dainai unai sisiba idia henia. Namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia dahaka ita karaia totona, bona dahaka dainai? When we gain more experience in life, we may see discipline in a new light and start to view it as Jehovah does, as a manifestation of love. Mayor ia gwau, ia hegeregere lasi "maino ai ita noho sibona, eiava tuari ita dadaraia sibona, to maino karaia taudia ai ita lao be namo. " Iseda mauri lalonai gau momo ita dibaia neganai, matahakani do ita abia bona Iehova bamona ita laloa matamaia diba. Mayor commented that it is not enough "to be peaceful, not even to be pacifists, but to be peacemakers. " To, Iehova ese Arona ia abia hidi Mose ia durua unai gaukara idia karaia totona. Namona be ita gwau "maino karaia daladia do ita tahua lasi, to maino ita karaia be namo. " However, Jehovah did appoint Aaron to assist Moses in handling the task. King Ieroboama ena lohia negana ai, Dirava ena taunimanima be hahenamo idia davaria diba. To, Iehova ese Arona ia abia hidi Mose ia durua totona. King Jeroboam's rule could have brought some relief to God's people. [ Picture on page 10] King Ieroboama ena lohia dalana ese Dirava ena taunimanima ia durua diba. [ Picture on page 18] Vadaeni umui, bona Dirava ena taudia ibounai, ese emui goada bona aonega dekena amo, Keriso ena lalokau ena lababa, bona ena lata, bona ena ataiai, bona ena dobu, do umui diba momokani. [ Picture on page 18] Deliverance in Modern Times Hari, Iehova be Ena Taunimanima Ia Hamauria Hari Inai Negai Hahemauri Ita Abia He faced a challenge because of his background. Allen be unai kara ia manadalaia dainai ia haidaua be auka. Ena mauri dalana dainai hekwakwanai ia davaria. Jesus knew the limitations of his disciples and did not burden them with more information than they needed at the time. - John 16: 12. Iesu be ena hahediba taudia edia diba ena hetoana ia lalopararalaia, bona unai negai idia dekenai hereva momo ia gwauraia lasi. - Ioane 16: 12. Iesu be ena hahediba taudia edia goada ena hetoana ia diba bona idia dekenai diba ma haida ia henia lasi. - Ioane 16: 12. In the original Greek, this term basically denotes suffering with another person. Unai hereva Greek dekenai ena anina be ma ta ia davaria hisihisina oi mamia danu. Greek gado ai, unai hereva ena anina be ta ese ma ta dekenai hisihisi ia henia. WHEN you are at a Kingdom Hall, take a good look around you. OI BE Kingdom Hall ta dekenai oi helai neganai, idia noho taudia ibounai oi raraia. IDIA be Kingdom Hall ai oi noho neganai, oi itaia namonamo. As we have discussed, trusting in Jehovah for wise direction does not come about automatically; we need to work at having that trust. 10: 22) Oibe, unai ese ita ia hagoadaia, herevana dahaka ia vara to iseda havaraia tauna do ita abidadama henia noho. - Roma 8: 35 - 39. Ita herevalaia vadaeni bamona, Iehova ena hakaua herevadia ita abidadama henia be aonega karana lasi; unai ita abia dae totona ita gaukara goada be namo. And he will never "forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - Hebrews 6: 10. Bona ia ese " emui kara namodia bona lalokau do ia laloaboio lasi. ' - Heberu 6: 10. Bona ia ese " emu gaukara bona iena ladana totona oi hahedinaraia lalokauna do ia laloaboio lasi. ' - Heberu 6: 10. (b) How did Jehovah reassure Gideon? (b) Edena dala ai Iehova ese Gideona ena abidadama ia hagoadaia? (b) Edena dala ai Iehova ese Gideona ia hagoadaia? We appreciate the need to associate regularly with others of like faith. - Heb. 4 Kongrigeisen ita bamoa matamaia. - Heb. Ma haida ita bamoa hanaihanai be gau badana. - Heb. 1500 1500 1500 Similarly today, our young ones attend meetings with their parents primarily to listen and to learn. Hari danu, iseda natudia be edia tama sina ida hebou dekenai idia lao, hereva idia kamonai bona diba idia abia totona. Hari inai negai danu, iseda natudia be edia tama sina ida hebou dekenai idia mai, idia kamonai bona diba idia abia totona. God loved his people, worked constantly for their good, and was willing to be merciful when they faltered. be heduru gauna namona edia gado ese "souli " bona" lauma " edia idau ia hahedinaraia lasi tanodia ai herevahereva dalana kehoa totona. Dirava be ena taunimanima ia lalokau henia, hanaihanai edia namo totona ia gaukara, bona ia ura idia ia hebogahisi henia. That is an art. Dirava be ena taunimanima ia lalokau henidia, hanaihanai edia namo totona ia gaukara, bona idia kerere neganai mai ena ura ida ia hebogahisi henidia. Unai be laulau herevana ta. Christ urged his followers: " Keep on seeking first the kingdom and God's righteousness. ' Oibe, unai gaukara ita karaia namonamo be namo. Keriso ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hagoadaia: "Dirava ena Basileia bona iena kara maoromaoro do umui tahua guna. " (Read 1 Kings 3: 6 - 12.) Keriso ese iena murinai idia raka taudia ia hagoadaia: "Dirava ena Basileia bona iena kara maoromaoro do umui tahua guna. " (1 King Taudia 3: 6 - 12 duahia.) Many are enjoying success because of applying suggestions to witness to people wherever they are. (1 King Taudia 3: 6 - 12 duahia.) Momo be edia noho gabudia ai idia noho taudia idia haroro henia neganai, anina namona idia havaraia. Our ministry reaches individuals from all walks of life. Tadikaka bona taihu momo idia moale badina taunimanima idia noho gabudia dekenai haroro gaukara karaia ena heduru herevadia idia badinaia. Iseda haroro gaukara ese mauri daladia idauidau amo taunimanima ia veria mai. You know, however, that consciences differ. Ita be hanua o gado idauidau taudia ita haroro henidia. To, oi diba lalona ena mamina be idau. And he asks the stronger ones (perhaps those whose conscience allows them to eat certain foods that had been forbidden under the Law or to perform secular work on the Sabbath): "Why do you also look down on your brother? " [ Picture on page 19] Bona idia ia nanadaia: "Dahaka dainai emu tadikaka ena lalona ena mamina ese taravatu henunai idia noho aniani bona moni gaukara ia taravatua? " How did Babylon the Great come to be? To, oi diba ta ta edia lalomamina be idauidau. Babulonia Badana be edena bamona do ia vara? Noting the mistake, Kurt called the company, and the manager said that in his 25 - year career, he had never seen such honesty. Bona goada taudia (reana edia lalomamina ia hegeregere dainai Taravatu henunai idia ania diba lasi aniani hari idia ania, eiava Sabati dinana lalonai gaukara idia karaia taudia) ia nanadaia: "Dahaka dainai oiemu varavara oi gwauraia ia be anina lasi? " Ia kerere lasi, ia ese kampani ia gwauraia kampani, bona bosi ia gwau lagani 25 lalonai unai bamona koikoi karadia ia itaia lasi. 6: 2; Ps. Edena dala ai Babulonia Badana ia vara? 6: 2; Sal. We would take turns so that one of us could be at home to take care of the younger children and have dinner ready for the family by the time Dad came home from work. Kurt be unai kerere ia itaia dainai unai kampani ia ringi henia, bona kampani ena biaguna ia gwau lagani 25 ia gaukara lalonai, nega ta unai bamona kara momokani ia itaia lasi. Ruma dekenai ai giroa lou, unai amo ai ta ta be ruma dekenai ai noho natudia maragidia ai naria bona tamana ena ruma dekenai ai aniani hebou diba. Now I am reading through the Bible for the second time. 6: 2; Sal. Hari, nega iharuana Baibel lau duahia noho. By deepening our love for God. Ai be dina ta ta ai makaia sikuli ai lao totona, unai amo emai tadidia ai naridia bona adorahi ena aniani ai hegaegaelaia. Iseda lalokau Dirava dekenai ita habadaia neganai, unai ese iseda lalokau Dirava dekenai ia habadaia. In some respects, our earth is like that walled city. Hari, lau be nega iharuana Baibel lau duahia noho. Dala haida ai, iseda tanobada be unai magu bamona. 2: 9. Unai ita karaia diba bema iseda lalokau Dirava dekenai be ia goada. 2: 9. Thus, man's integrity has become an important part of the issue of Jehovah's universal sovereignty. Tanobada be unai siti bamona. Unai dainai, Iehova ena lohia siahuna ena hepapahuahu lalonai, taunimanima edia kara maoromaoro badinaia karana be mai anina bada. Esther remained in the missionary work in Mexico City, and we lived at the branch, where I continued to serve. 2: 9. Esther be Mexico City dekenai misinari gaukara ia karaia noho, bona ai be brens opesi dekenai ai noho, unuseniai unuseniai hesiai gaukara lau karaia noho. Could it have been avoided if he had given more careful consideration to all factors before he agreed to assume responsibility for the debt? - Proverbs 17: 18. (Iobu 1: 9 - 11; 2: 4) Unai dainai, Iehova ese guba bona tanobada ia lohiaia be maoro eiava lasi ena hepapahuahu lalonai, taunimanima edia kara maoromaoro badinaia karana be gau badana. Bema unai abitorehai ena maduna ia do abia lasi neganai, oi laloa namonamo guna be namo, a? - Aonega Herevadia 17: 18. 21, 22. Esther ese misinari gaukara ia karaia noho Mexico City dekenai, bona aiemai noho gabuna, brens dekenai, lau gaukara noho. 21, 22. Lemuel's mother begins with several questions that heighten our interest: "What am I saying, O son of mine, and what, O son of my belly, and what, O son of my vows? " Bema unai tauna ese abitorehai monina henia lou maduna ia do abia dae lasi neganai ena kahana ibounai ia laloa namonamo guna, reana unai hekwakwanai do ia davaria lasi, ani? - Aonega Herevadia 17: 18. Lemuela ena sinana be henanadai haida amo iseda ura ia habadaia, ia gwau: "Lauegu natuna e, lau be dahaka lau gwau, bona egu bogana ena natuna e, oiemu gwauhamata be dahaka? " He said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. " 21, 22. Ia gwau: "Lauegu hadibaia herevadia be lauegu lasi, to lau ia siaia Diravana ena. " " Neither be called " leaders, ' for your Leader is one, the Christ. " - MATTHEW 23: 10. Lemuela ena sinana be iseda lalona ia veria henanadai amo ena hereva ia hamatamaia: "Egu natuna e, egu bogana dekena amo oi vara merona, egu natuna e, egu guriguri dainai lau abia merona. Oi dekenai dahaka do lau gwau? " Badina be emui Hakaua Tauna be tamona sibona, Keriso inai. " - MATAIO 23: 10. * Others were in a sense robbing God's temple by their offering defective sacrifices and promoting greedy commercialism on its grounds, turning the temple into "a cave of robbers. " - Matthew 21: 12, 13; Malachi 1: 12 - 14; 3: 8, 9. Unai dainai, ena ravana hahinedia ia hamaoroa edia hanua dekenai do idia giroa lou. * Ma haida be Dirava ena dubu idia henaoa dainai, edia boubou gaudia dikadia amo Dirava ena dubu idia hamiroa bona bisinesi karadia idia habadaia, bona " henaohenao taudia edia dubu dekenai idia lao. ' - Mataio 21: 12, 13; Malaki 1: 14 - 12; 3: 8, 9. Whereas the Samaritans did not really know God, the Jews had been entrusted with Scriptural knowledge. Ia gwau: "Lauegu hadibaia herevadia be lauegu lasi, to lau ia siaia Diravana ena. " Samaria taudia be Dirava idia diba lasi neganai, Iuda taudia be Baibel amo diba idia abia. She had the special privilege of sharing a room with a dear anointed sister, Margaret Lovell. " Bona umui be " Hakaua Taudia ' do idia gwauraia lasi, badina be emui Hakaua Tauna be tamona sibona, Keriso inai. " - MATAIO 23: 10. Ia ese lalokau horoa taihuna, Margaret, ida daiutu ta ia karaia be hahenamo badana. 9 / 15 * Ma haida be animal dikadia idia bouboulaia bona mai mataganigani ida dubu lalonai kohu idia hoihoilaia, eiava dubu be " henaoa taudia edia ruma ai idia halaoa, ' unai dala ai Dirava ena dubu amo kohu idia henaoa bamona. - Mataio 21: 12, 13; Malaki 1: 12 - 14; 3: 8, 9. 9 / 15 • Why should we pay attention to God's prophetic word? Samaria taudia be Dirava idia diba momokani lasi, to Dirava ese Iuda taudia be Baibel amo ia hadibadia vadaeni. • Dahaka dainai Dirava ena peroveta herevana ita kamonai namonamo be namo? However, God showed mercy to the two - tribe kingdom of Judah and saved her but not by bow, sword, war, horses, or horsemen. Unai negai ia be horoa taihu ladana Margaret Lovell ida daiutu tamona ai idia noho. To, Dirava ese Iuda ena iduhu rua basileiana dekenai hebogahisi ia hahedinaraia bona ia hamauria, tuari kaia, tuari kaia, hosi, hosi, eiava hosi guia taudia amo lasi. Though our meetings are not as spectacular as that one, the Bible, our basic textbook, is discussed. Iehova Oi Naria Noho, 9 / 1 Ena be iseda hebou be hoa gauna lasi, to iseda buka badana, Baibel, ese ia herevalaia. Second, most of them lack the humility and courage needed to face the ridicule and opposition that may result from sharing the Kingdom message with their neighbors. • Dahaka dainai Dirava ena peroveta herevana ita kamonai namonamo be namo? Gau iharuana be, idia momo be Basileia ena sivarai namona be edia dekena taudia dekenai idia harorolaia neganai, manau bona gari lasi karana idia hahedinaraia lasi. How important it is for each of us to act in a reasonable way, yielding to Christ's direction and being yielding in our dealings with other humans! To, Dirava ese Iuda ena iduhu rua basileiana ia hebogahisi henia bona ia hamauridia, to peva, tuari kaia, hosi, eiava tuari taudia amo lasi. Gau badana be ita ta ta ese laloa maoromaoro karana ita hahedinaraia, Keriso ena hakaua dalana ita matauraia bona taunimanima ita kara henia neganai ita matauraia! Granted, applying that principle can be a challenge if a workmate or a schoolmate treats us unkindly. Ena be iseda hebou be unai hebou hegeregerena lasi, to ita gaukaralaia buka badana Baibel, idia herevalaia. Momokani, bema emu turana o turana ta ese oi ia kara namo henia, unai hakaua herevana oi badinaia be auka. However, it does say that "great earthquakes " will occur" in one place after another, " making them one of the notable features of this momentous period of history. - Mark 13: 8; Luke 21: 11. (2) Basileia ena sivarai idia harorolaia dainai taunimanima ese idia dagedage henidia o kirikirilaidia neganai, idia manau lasi o boga auka diba lasi. To, ia gwau "tano mareremarere badadia " be" gabu idauidau dekenai " do idia vara, bona unai mai anina bada negana ai do idia vara. - Mareko 13: 8; Luka 21: 11. But is flatly denying any need for direction the answer? Keriso ena hakaua dalana ita matauraia, aonega bona manau dalanai ma haida ita kara henidia, bona sibona iseda lalohadai ita dogoatao auka lasi, to ma haida edia lalohadai ita abia dae be mai anina bada! To unai henanadai ena haere ita diba be maoro lasi, a? Yet, they miss meetings only when they are very ill or in the hospital. Namona be tama sina ese unai idia karaia hanaihanai, unai amo Dirava ena hahediba herevadia be nega ibounai edia natudia edia vairanai ia noho hanaihanai bamona. To, idia gorere o hospital dekenai idia noho neganai, hebou idia reaia. How did the first - century Christians in Ephesus bring glory to God? Vaia, nega momo gaukara o sikuli turadia ita matauraia be auka, badina idia be ita idia matauraia lasi. Edena dala ai Efeso Keristani taudia ese Dirava idia hanamoa? Czech Republic, 8 / 1 To ia gwau, "tano mareremarere badadia " be" gabu idauidau ai " do idia vara, unai amo ita itaia ita be histori lalonai mai anina bada negana ai ita noho. - Mareko 13: 8; Luka 21: 11. Makedonia Dekenai Oi Lao Diba, A? 12: 22. To, hakaua hereva iboudiai ita dadaraia be maoro, a? 12: 22. We might have to work with them, go to school with them, or live with them. To, idia gorere dikadika eiava hospital dekenai idia noho negadia sibona ai, hebou idia reaia. Reana idia ida ita gaukara hebou, sikuli dekenai ita lao, o idia ida ita noho. Are relatively young people capable of being genuine disciples of Christ? Edena dala ai Efeso kongrigeisen ese Iehova idia hanamoa? Matamata taudia be Keriso ena hahediba taudia korikoridia ai idia lao diba, a? How did Aquila and Priscilla become proficient teachers of the Word of God? 12: 22. Edena dala ai Akwila bona Prisikila be Dirava ena Hereva hadibaia taudia namodia ai idia lao? Such factors as grave disappointment can cause depression. Reana ita be idia ida do ita gaukara, ita sikuli hebou, eiava ita noho hebou. Unai bamona gaudia ese lalohisihisi ia havaraia diba. Maria relates what happened: "The school where I work as a teacher scheduled a seminar on the treatment of substance abuse. Idia matamata momokani taudia be Keriso ena hahediba taudia korikoridia ai idia lao diba, a? Maria ese ia vara gauna ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Lau be tisa gaukara lau karaia neganai, taunimanima ese lau idia kara dika henia. Let us review his brief role in the Bible record. Edena dala ai Akwila bona Prisikila be Dirava ena Hereva hadibaia taudia namodia ai idia lao? Mani Baibel lalonai ena gaukara sisina ita herevalaia. A wealthy man who lost much said, "The flood was a great equalizer, bringing difficulties and sufferings to both the rich and the poor. " Gau haida ese lalometau idia havaraia diba. Taga tauna ta ia gwau: "Abata be bada herea, taga taudia bona ogogami taudia dekenai hisihisi bona hisihisi ia mailaia. " Because no human had yet maintained complete obedience to God, thereby worshipping him fully. Maria ese ia vara gauna be inai bamona ia herevalaia: "Tisa gaukara lau karaia sikulina ai, hebou ta idia hegaegaelaia bona unai hebou lalonai, kekero muramura bona drag gaukaralaia kerere karadia hanamoa daladia idia herevalaia. Badina taunimanima ta ese Dirava ia kamonai henia noho lasi, unai dainai ia tomadiho henia momokani. During the "great tribulation, " God's people will be the target of an all - out attack. Mani ena sivarai kwadogina Baibel lalonai ita tahua. " Hisihisi badana " ai, Dirava ena taunimanima be dagedage bada do idia davaria. To illustrate: If a man asked your forgiveness for stealing your money, you might decide not to press charges. Ena kohu momo ia haboioa taga tauna ta ia gwau: "Inai abata amo taga bona ogogami taudia be dika bada idia davaria. " Haheitalai ta be inai: Bema tau ta ia noinoi emu moni do ia henaoa, reana ia do oi samania lasi. Logically, modern - day ridiculers are kept out, even as such ones found no place in Noah's ark. Badina tau ta be mai kudouna ibounai ida Dirava ia badinaia goevagoeva lasi. Ita gwau diba, hari inai negai hevaseha taudia be idia raka noho, Noa ena lagatoi lalonai ia noho lasi bamona. What fruitage can holy spirit produce in us? " Hisihisi badana " ai, Satani ese Dirava ena taunimanima do ia dagedage henia bada. Lauma helaga ese ita dekenai dahaka huahua ia havaraia diba? In addition, the apostle John saw in vision "a great crowd, which no man was able to number,... standing before the throne and before the Lamb,... saying: " Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. ' " Inai haheitalai oi laloa: Bema tau ta be emu moni ia henaoa dainai oi ia noia ena dika oi gwauatao, reana kota dekenai ia do oi abia lao lasi. Ma danu, aposetolo Ioane ese matahanai lalonai "hutuma bada herea, tau ta ese terona vairanai bona Mamoe Natuna vairanai ia gini diba lasi,... ia gwau: " Hahemauri be iseda Dirava, helai gabuna badana dekenai ia helai noho, bona Mamoe Natuna ena latanai ita helai. ' Consider a few real - life examples found in the Bible that show how habits can help or hinder our service to God and our relationship with him. Idaunegai, Noa idia kirikirilaia taudia be lagatoi lalonai idia noho lasi hegeregerena, hari Dirava ena hesiai taudia idia kirikirilaia taudia be Iehova ena orea lalonai do idia vareai lasi. Baibel lalonai idia noho haheitalai haida ese idia hahedinaraia edena dala ai ita idia durua diba Dirava ita hesiai henia bona iseda hetura karana ia ida ita hadikaia lasi totona. Can being peaceable toward "all men " really add meaning to our life? Lauma helaga ena heduru amo dahaka huahua namodia ita hahedinaraia diba? " Taunimanima ibounai " ida maino ai ita noho ese iseda mauri ena anina ia habadaia diba, a? We may have assisted some to learn the truth. Bona danu, matahanai ta lalonai aposetolo Ioane be "taunimanima momo herea ia itaia, duahia diba lasi.... helai gabuna badana ena vairanai bona Mamoe ena Natuna ena vairanai idia gini.... Idia boiboi badabada, idia gwau, " Taunimanima hamauria siahuna be iseda Dirava ena, helai gabu badana dekenai ia helai Diravana. Reana haida ita durua hereva momokani idia dibaia totona. A mild temper can make us happy. Baibel lalonai ita davaria haheitalai haida, Dirava ita hesiai henia karana bona ia ida iseda hetura karana idia durua eiava idia hametaua gaudia, mani ita laloa. Manau karana ese ita ia hamoalea diba. The wallet contained $2,000, far more money than she was used to carrying. Momokani, "taunimanima ibounai " ida maino idia karaia taudia ese moale korikorina idia abia diba. Unai paosi lalonai be paosi ia noho, bona ia gaukaralaia moni ibounai ia abia totona. Susie became associated with a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in London. 90: 17) Mai eda goada ibounai ida hesiai gaukara ita karaia neganai, Iehova ese iseda gaukara do ia hanamoa. London dekenai Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia kongrigeisen ta ai idia lao. What is a third reason for believing that God's Kingdom will "come " soon? Manau karana ese ita ia hamoalea diba. Dahaka badina ihatoina dainai ita abia dae Dirava ena Basileia be kahirakahira do ia "mai "? Whatever the problem may be, we do well to heed the words of the psalmist who said: "Commit your way to Jehovah; rely on him, and he will act in your behalf. " - Ps. Paosi lalonai be K4,000 mai kahana ia noho. Herevana dahaka hekwakwanai ia vara, namona be salamo torea tauna ena hereva ita badinaia, ia gwau: "Lohiabada dekenai do oi abidadama henia. Ia dekenai do oi abidadama, vadaeni ia ese oi do ia durua. " - Sal. " You are my God. Susie be London lalonai Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia kongregesen ta ida ia hebamo. " Umui be lauegu Dirava. That difference may seem unimportant; yet, it can lead to serious problems. " Dirava ena Basileia be kahirakahira do ia mai ia hamomokania badina ihatoina be dahaka? Unai ese hekwakwanai badadia ia havaraia diba. " While in Port Taufiq, we studied the Bible with Stavros and Giula Kypraios and their children, Totos and Georgia, and they became our close friends. Herevana iseda hekwakwanai be dahaka, to salamo torea tauna ena hereva do ita badinaia, ia gwau: "Oiemu mauri be Lohiabada ena imana dekenai do oi atoa. Ia dekenai do oi abidadama, vadaeni ia ese oi do ia durua. " - Sal. Papua New Guinea dekenai ai noho neganai, emai tama sina ida Baibel ai stadilaia, bona idia be emai tura namodia ai idia lao. What kind of love will we discuss next? " Oi be lauegu Dirava.... Edena bamona lalokau do ita herevalaia? Preaching or teaching the Bible's message to people in a language they are not familiar with may reach their mind. Ena be oi dekenai unai be gau badana lasi, to unai ese hekwakwanai badana ia havaraia diba. " Reana gado ta idia diba namonamo lasi taudia dekenai Baibel ena sivarai idia harorolaia eiava hadibaia. SONGS TO BE USED: 108, 14 Port Taufiq dekenai, ai be Stavros bona Giula Kypraios mai edia natudia, Totos bona Georgia, ai stadi henidia, bona idia be emai tura namodia ai idia lao. ANE: 21, 14 (b) How have you responded to Jesus ' invitation? Stadi gabena ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? (b) Iesu ena boiboi herevana be edena bamona oi abia dae? (b) We would do well to ask ourselves what questions? (Salamo 143: 10) Haroro bona hadibaia gaukarana lalonai, taunimanima idia diba namonamo lasi gadona ai Baibel ena sivarai ita gwauraia neganai, reana do idia kamonai. (b) Ita sibona dekenai dahaka henanadai ita henia be namo? The Bible gives two noteworthy reasons why Jesus used illustrations. ANE: 21, 187 Iesu ese haheitalai ia gaukaralaia ena badina rua be Baibel ese ia gwauraia. A hostile audience is at hand. (b) Edena dala ai oi be Iesu ena boiboi herevana oi abia dae? Kamonai taudia idia noho. Furthermore, we should not neglect Jehovah's invitation to worship him inside his "house of prayer. " (b) Dahaka henanadai be ita sibona dekenai ita henia be namo? Danu, namo lasi Iehova ese ita ia boiria ena "guriguri rumana " ai ia ita tomadiho henia totona. Walk in it, you people. " Iesu ese haheitalai ia gaukaralaidia karana dekenai, Baibel ese badina namodia rua ia henia. " Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " Then, an amazing thing happens. Badu dikadika taudia idia noho. Bena hoa gauna ta ia vara. Early in the first century C.E., the Roman Empire stretched from Britain and Gaul (now France) to Egypt, and the region enjoyed unprecedented stability and prosperity. (Nehemia 10: 39) Iehova be ita ia boiria ena "guriguri rumana " dekenai Ia do ita tomadiho henia totona, unai dainai namona be unai boiboi ita abia dae. Lagani 100 C.E. ena matamana kahanai, Roma Basileia be Britain bona France (hari France) amo ia diho lao Aigupito dekenai, bona unuseniai noho namona bona noho namona bada herea ia moalelaia. Adding one important observation concerning children, he cautioned: "Beware of bathing in those small creeks in your neighborhood. Namona be mai eda kudouna ibounai ida iseda kara amo tadikaka lalokau henia karana ita hahedinaraia. Ia ese mai anina bada gauna ta ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Emui noho gabuna dekenai umui digu noho. How did Jesus prepare a large field of activity and authorize his "slaves " to do business? Baibel amo Dirava ese ita ia hadibaia, ia gwau: "Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " Edena dala ai Iesu ese gaukara badana ta ia hegaegaelaia bona ena "hesiai taudia " ia abia hidi bisinesi idia karaia totona? 2: 1, 2 - How does the reference to "this first registration " help determine the time of Jesus ' birth? Dala be lasi. 2: 1, 2 - Edena dala ai inai hereva "inai ladana " be Iesu ena vara negana ia herevalaia? Author Julia Rathkey observes: "It's important to help children learn to live with the memory and not to be afraid. " Aposetolo edia negai, Roma Basileia ese Britain amo ia lao bona Gaul (hari idia gwauraia France) bona Aigupito ena rijin, ia lohiaia. Ensaiklopidia ta (The Bible) ia gwau: "Natudia ita durua idia laloatao gaudia idia dibaia bona idia gari lasi totona. " " While many of these clearly showed a lack of moral sense, " says James, "one employee seemed to be of good character and showed interest in Bible truth. Natudia dekenai mai anina bada herevana ta ia gwauraia, ia gwau: "Sinavai maragidia dekenai digudigu neganai, umui naria namonamo. James ia gwau: "Ena be idia momo be kara maoromaoro idia badinaia lasi, to toana be gaukara tauna ta be kara namo tauna bona Baibel ena hereva momokani ia ura henia. Nearly 2,000 years ago, the Kingdom good news was first declared publicly by a dedicated man whose appearance and manner commanded much attention. Iesu ese edena dala ai gaukara badana ta ia hamatamaia bona ena "hesiai taudia " dekenai gwaumaoro ia henia bisinesi idia karaia totona? Kahirakahira lagani 2,000 gunanai, bapatiso tauna ta ese Basileia ena sivarai namona be taunimanima vairanai ia harorolaia guna. What a humble act of service! 2: 1, 2 - "Ladana torea ena nega ginigunana " ese edena bamona ita ia durua Iesu ena vara negana ita diba totona? Unai be manau karana! After they considered all available Scriptural evidence, they made a record of their conclusions. Buka torea hahinena Julia Rathkey ia gwau: "Namona be natudia ita durua ia mase tauna idia laloatao bona idia gari lasi totona. " Baibel ena sivarai ibounai idia stadilaia murinai, edia lalohadai idia gwauraia. A similarly helpful tool is the book "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial. " James ia gwau: "Hahine momo edia kara be namo lasi, to idia huanai hahine ta ena kara be namo herea bona toana be ia ura hereva momokani ma haida ia dibaia. Unai hegeregerena, tulu namona ta be "All Scripture Is Ined of God and Beneficial. " When was this to happen? Kahirakahira lagani 2,000 gunanai, Basileia ena sivarai namona be nega ginigunana taunimanima vairanai idia harorolaia. Edena negai unai do ia vara? You can overcome discouragement and other negative feelings by dwelling on the divine victories Jehovah has given his people, individually and collectively. Unai hesiai gaukarana ese manau karana ia hahedinaraia! Iehova ese ena taunimanima dekenai kwalimu ia henia dainai, lalo - manoka bona lalohisihisi oi hanaia diba. What indicates that the demise of Babylon the Great is near? Idia ese hamomokania siridia ibounai idia tahua murinai, idia davaria gaudia idia torea. Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia Babulonia Badana be kahirakahira do ia moru? He and his brother, Aaron, had endured the grumbling of the Israelites for years. Oibe, namona be " Lohiabada ena hairaina be bese idauidau ibounai dekenai do ita gwauraia hedinarai. Ia bona ena kakana Arona be lagani momo lalonai Israela taudia edia maumau karana idia haheaukalaia. First, we must learn to identify hypocrites. Unai bamona tulu namona ma ta be "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial " bukana. Gau ginigunana be, koikoi taudia do ita dibaia. A Lifesaving Message Edena negai unai do ia vara? Mauri Sivaraina ☞ What was significant about "Children's Day " at the 1941 Theocratic Assembly? - Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pages 86, 88. Iehova ese ena taunimamina ta ta bona ibounai dekenai ia henia kwalimu karadia oi laloa karana amo, lalo - manoka bona hemami dikadia ma haida oi hanaia diba. Lagani 1941 ena Tiokratik Hebouhebou ai, "Natudia Edia Dina " dekenai dahaka mai anina bada gauna idia karaia? - Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, rau 88. Notice how the following account indicates this: Dahaka ese idia hamomokania Babulonia Badana be kahirakahira do ia moru? Henunai idia noho sivaraidia ese unai idia hahedinaraia: TEST YOURSELF 20: 2 - 12) Lagani momo lalodiai Mose bona Arona be Israela besena edia maumau herevadia idia haheaukalaia. OI TAHUA GAUDIA MA HAIDA Prior to the Flood, Satan lured at least some of them into having immoral relations with the daughters of men. Gau ginigunana be, kara koikoi taudia do ita dibaia dalana ita diba be namo. Abata ia do vara lasi neganai, Satani ese idia haida ia koia taunimanima edia natudia kekeni ida matabodaga karadia idia karaia totona. (b) What factors affect our heart, and in what ways? Hahemauri Sivaraina (b) Dahaka gaudia ese iseda kudouna idia haidaua, bona edena dala ai? • Numbers 15: 37 - 39 ☞ Lagani 1941 ai Tiokratik Hebouhebou dekenai "Natudia Edia Dina " ai dahaka ia vara, bona dahaka dainai ia be mai anina bada? - Gima Kohorona, July 15, 2001, rau 8. • Numera 15: 37 - 39 By heeding his words to each of the seven congregations, present - day elders see how they can handle similar situations. Mani oi itaia henunai ia noho sivarai ese edena bamona unai ia hahedinaraia: Hari, elda taudia ese kongrigeisen ta ta dekenai ena hereva idia badinaia neganai, idia itaia edena dala ai unai bamona hekwakwanai idia hanaia diba. He set aside his original aspirations and devoted his entire life to Jehovah's service as a Christian. OI SIBONA OI NANADAIA Iena tahua gauna ginigunana ia atoa bona ena mauri ibounai lalonai Iehova hesiai henia gaukarana ia atoa guna. The KGB ordered us to leave the city. Abata ia do vara lasi neganai, Satani be aneru haida ia tohoa, tanobada hahinedia ida idia mahuta hebou totona. Pulisi ese ai idia oda henia unai hanua do ai rakatania. In this regard, Paul wrote: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith. " (b) Dahaka ese ita ia durua diba? Paulo ia gwau: "Do umui tahua noho bema umui be emui abidadama umui dogoatao noho eiava lasi. " If you mistakenly put popularity first in your life, all the training you receive could be in vain and you could ruin your prospects for the future. • Numera 15: 37 - 39 Bema emu mauri lalonai ma haida ese oi idia gwauraia kerere, anina be oi idia hadibaia gaudia ibounai be anina lasi bona vaira negana ena hahenamo oi haboioa diba. And he inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in the first century: "Keep praying for us, for we trust we have an honest conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - Heb. Hari idia noho elda taudia ese Iesu ena hereva unai kongregesen seven dekenai idia badinaia neganai, guna unai kongregesen ta ta ese idia davaria hekwakwanai bema edia kongregesen ai ia vara, hanaia dalana do idia diba. Bona aposetolo Paulo be Heberu Keristani taudia ia tore henia neganai, ia gwau: "Ita totona do umui guriguri noho, badina be ita diba momokani, mai momokani ida gau ibounai do ita karaia. " - Heb. He told Jehovah: "I am no better than my forefathers. " Ena ura ginigunana ia atoa siri bona iena mauri ibounai lalonai Keristani tauna bamona Iehova ena hesiai gaukara ia karaia. Iehova ia hamaoroa: "Lau ese egu sene taudia lau hereaia momokani. " Do I avoid the spirit of retaliation? Vadaeni ofesa taudia ese ai idia oda henia siti ai rakatania totona. Kara dika ena davana karaia lou karana lau dadaraia, a? The Bible does not say specifically, but it reveals that Abraham was of the ninth generation descended from Shem, one of Noah's sons and a man of great faith. Unai dekenai, Paulo ia gwau: "Emui kara do umui tahua,... umui be abidadama korikori taudia o lasi. " Baibel ese unai ia gwauraia lasi, to ia hahedinaraia Aberahamo be Sema ena bese amo ia mai, Noa ena natudia bona abidadama tauna ta. " Be Courageous and Very Strong " Bema emu mauri lalonai oi atoa guna gauna be, oi ura taunimanima ese oi idia ura henia bada, reana oi idia hadibaia gaudia ibounai be anina lasi gaudia ai idia lao bona emu vaira negana oi hadikaia diba. " Do Umui Goada Bona Boga Auka " Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children. Bona ia ese aposetolo Paulo ia hasiahua dainai Heberu Keristani taudia ginigunadia ia tore henia, ia gwau; "Ai totona do umui guriguri noho, badina ai diba emai lalomamina be ia goeva. Bona ai ura mai momokani ida gau ibounai ai karaia. " - Heb. Oibe, emui guba Tamana, Iehova, be umui ia lalokau henia bona ia ura umui bona emui natudia ese namo do umui davaria. Led on by materialistic desires, they view God's purpose as unattainable and his laws as no longer applicable. Iehova ia hamaoroa: "Mani lauegu mauri do oi hadokoa, lau mase namo! " Kohu momo tahua urana dainai, idia laloa Dirava ena ura bona ena taravatu be anina lasi. Imagine Sarah growing up in that bustling city, coming to know many of its people by name. Davana henia karana lau dadaraia, a? Mani oi laloa, Sara be unai hanua badana lalonai ia tubu daekau, bona ena bese taudia momo edia ladana ia diba. However, since the Witnesses have made the effort to learn Spanish Sign Language, they can communicate with these residents. Baibel ia gwau Noa ena natuna Sema be Aberahamo ena varavara. To, Witnes taudia idia hekwarahi Spanish Gado idia dibaia totona dainai, unai gabu taudia ida idia herevahereva diba. As Jehovah's dedicated servants, we have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " " Oi Goada Bona Boga Auka " Ita be Iehova ena gwauhamata hesiai taudia dainai, "Lohiabada ena gaukara idauidau lalonai do [ita] bisi. " We imitate Jesus ' humility when we willingly accept assignments that might seem lowly. Oibe, emu guba Tamana, Iehova be oi ia lalokau henia bona ia ura oi bona emu natudia ese namo do umui davaria. Iesu ena manau karana ita tohotohoa diba bema mai eda ura ida unai gaukara ita abia dae. We must remain faithful even in seemingly small matters. (Mal. 3: 14) Kohu idia laloa bada dainai, idia laloa Dirava ena ura bona taravatu idia badinaia be anina lasi. Gau maragidia dekenai danu, Dirava ita badinaia noho be gau badana. " Before the mountains... I was brought forth " Mani oi laloa, Sara be unai bisi bada hanuana dekena ia tubu daekau dainai, taunimanima momo edia ladana ia diba. " Ororo do lau mailaia lasi neganai... ․ ․ Unai dainai, Witnes taudia be Spanish Taia Kudima Gado idia dibaia, unai amo taia kudima taudia ida idia herevahereva diba. . . . . . Lot chose the most fertile part of the land, but Abraham held no grudge against him. Idia kamonai lai gubana ta (Hurricane Katrina) be edia tadikaka taihu edia ruma ia hadikaia. Lota ese tano namona ia abia hidi, to Aberahamo be ia badu henia lasi. How important, therefore, that we have an obedient attitude toward that "slave "! Ita be Iehova ena gwauhamata hesiai taudia dainai, " Lohiabada ena gaukara momo do ita karaia ' danu. Unai dainai, unai "hesiai tauna " ita kamonai henia be mai anina bada! Yes, Jehovah has heavenly angelic armies, which he will use in bringing warlike peoples and nations to nothing! Ladana maragi gaukara ta ita abia dae neganai, ita be Iesu ena manau karana ita tohotohoa unai. Oibe, Iehova be aneru goadadia ia gaukaralaia, tuari bamona taudia bona bese idauidau do ia haorea totona! In some parts of the world, relatives may be crowded into a single room with virtually no privacy. Namona be gau maragidia danu ita karaia maoro. Tanobada ena kahana haida dekenai, varavara be idia herevahereva momo lasi. The context in which these words are used reveals the propriety of remaining silent in at least three areas of life. " Ororo badadia be do lasi neganai, Dirava ese lau ia havaraia " Unai hereva ena badina siridia ese idia hahedinaraia, iseda mauri lalonai gau toi ita karaia be namo. Young people can help others by using the Bible Teach book. ․ ․ Matamata taudia ese Baibel Hadibaia bukana amo ma haida idia durua diba. Clearly, Jehovah is generous toward all humans. - Luke 6: 35. Ena be Lota ese tano namona ia abia hidi, to Aberahamo ia badu lasi. (Gen. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iehova be taunimanima ibounai dekenai hariharibada karana ia hahedinaraia. - Luka 6: 35. And we can be confident that Jehovah will note with approval our zeal for true worship, just as he did in Josiah's case. Unai dainai gau badana be unai "hesiai tauna " ita kamonai henia! Bona ita diba momokani Iehova be ita do ia lalonamo henia, Iosaia dekenai ia karaia bamona. To understand the hope for the dead completely, we must also know about their present condition. Oibe, Iehova be mai ena tuari taudia, ena guba anerudia, bona do ia gaukaralaidia dagedage tuari taudia bona besedia haorea totona! Mase taudia edia helaro ita lalo - pararalaia momokani totona, namona be edia noho dalana ita diba danu. Her son understands, quickly takes the bag away, and rushes out to wash his hands. Tano haida ai, varavara be daiutu tamona ai idia noho dainai, ta be sibona do ia karaia gaudia ia karaia diba lasi. Ena natuna ia laloparara, karaharaga baege ia abia bona maoromaoro ena imana ia huria. João and I were married in August 1965. Baibel ai unai hereva idia gaukaralaia siridia ese idia hahedinaraia, iseda mauri lalonai nega haida ita herevahereva lasi be maoro. August 1965 ai, lau bona João ai headava. What does Gehenna represent? Matamata taudia be Baibel Hadibaia bukana amo ma haida idia durua diba. Gehena be dahaka ia laulaulaia? We had little to eat, and I remember hiding with my younger sister under the bed. Oibe, Iehova be taunimanima ibounai dekenai hariharibada karana ia hahedinaraia. - Luka 6: 35. Emai aniani be bada lasi dainai,di badinai egu tadina maragina ida lau hunia. The Scriptures call him the "Grand Instructor. " Bona namona be ita diba momokani, Iehova be Iosaia dekenai ia karaia bamona, Ia ese tomadiho momokanina idia ura henia bada taudia do ia lalonamo henidia. Baibel ese ia gwauraia "Hadibaia Tauna. " After 1,700 years, would the lies and nonsense in those papers become true simply because the documents were very old? Danu, mase taudia edia helaro ita lalopararalaia namonamo totona, mase taudia dekenai dahaka ia vara ita dibaia guna be namo. Lagani 1700 murinai, unai pepa lalonai idia noho koikoi herevadia be momokani, badina idia torea pepadia be idia buruka momokani, a? Millions of bribes change hands every day, and billions of people suffer the consequences. Max ia laloparara bona karaharaga teibolo latanai ena sikuli baege ia kokia bona ia heau lao ena imana ia huria totona. Lalo - ani monina idia henia taudia milioni momo be dina ta ta ai edia imana idia haidaua, bona taunimanima bilioni momo be hisihisi idia davaria. " I read it, ' he said. August 1965 ai, João bona lau ai headava. Ia gwau: "Unai buka lau duahia. ' He may try to induce us to imitate worldly fads in dress and grooming or to engage in questionable entertainment. Gehena be dahaka ia laulaulaia? Reana ita do ia doria tanobada ena dabua bona tauanina ena toana eiava moale karadia dikadia ita tohotohoa totona. • emotionally? Aniani be bada lasi, bona lau laloatao egu taihuna maragina bona lau be mahuta patana henunai ai hunia. • edia hemami be edena bamona? What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? Baibel ese Ia ia gwauraia "Hadibaia Tauna " Badana. Iesu ia gwau: "Inai kapusi ese kontraka matamatana ia laulaulaia, egu rara dainai ia vara, " ena anina be dahaka? Ken and Joanne from Canada wanted to simplify their lives and devote more time to Kingdom activities. Lagani 1,700 murinai unai pepa, hereva koikoidia ia halasia pepana unai, do oi abia dae badina oi laloa ia be idaunegai idia torea, a? Ken bona Joan be Canada amo, idia ura edia mauri idia haidaua bona nega bada idia henia Basileia gaukara idauidau idia karaia totona. Doing so, you will be pleasing Jehovah, "whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Timothy 2: 4. Dina iboudiai taunimanima milioni momo ese lalo - ani monina idia henia o idia abia, bona taunimanima bilioni momo be unai kara dainai dika idia davaria. Unai bamona oi karaia neganai, Iehova do oi hamoalea, "ia ura taunimanima ibounai ese mauri do idia davaria, bona hereva momokani do idia diba. " - 1 Timoteo 2: 4. Therefore, all disciples of Christ are to preach, whether their hope is to rule in heaven or to live on earth. - Acts 10: 42. Ia gwau: " Pepa lau duahia vadaeni. Unai dainai, Keriso ena hahediba taudia ibounai do idia haroro, herevana edia helaro be guba ai eiava tanobada ai do idia lohia. - Kara 10: 42. This was my assignment from Jehovah's organization. Reana ita do ia tohoa tanobada taudia edia dabua hahedokilaia bona tauanina ena toana hanamoa dalana ita tohotohoa totona. Eiava ita do ia tohoa maoro lasi moale karadia ita karaia totona. Unai be Iehova ena orea amo lau abia gaukara. As a young boy • hemami dalanai? Oi be mero maragi neganai 28: 20; Eccl. Inai hereva, "inai kapusi ese kontraka matamatana ia laulaulaia, egu rara dainai ia vara, " ena anina be dahaka? 28: 20; Had. But when I returned home, Sarah was furious. Canada dekenai, Ken bona Joanne idia ura edia noho dalana idia haidaua, unai amo nega bada idia henia diba haroro gaukara karaia totona. To ruma dekenai lau giroa lou neganai, Sara ia badu dikadika. The tree stump of Daniel chapter 4 was unbanded by the enthronement of the Messianic King, Jesus Christ, in the year 1914. Bema unai bamona oi karaia, Iehova do oi hamoalea, badina "ia ura taunimanima ibounai ese mauri do idia davaria, bona hereva momokani do idia diba. " - 1 Timoteo 2: 4. Daniela karoa 4 ena badina be Mesia Pavapavana, Iesu Keriso, ese lagani 1914 ai ia lohia matamaia. Marcus: And as you mentioned before, it's not enough to consider just one or two verses on the subject. Unai dainai, Keriso ena hahediba taudia ibounai idia haroro be namo, herevana edia helaro be guba ai do idia lohia eiava tanobada ai do idia noho. - Kara 10: 42. Marcus: Guna ita herevalaia bamona, siri tamona o rua sibona ita laloa be hegeregere lasi. But you can be confident that justice lies in God's hands. Unai be egu gaukara Iehova ena orea amo. To, namona be oi abia dae momokani Dirava ese kota maoromaoro do ia karaia. Reminders From a Medical Doctor Lau Maragi Neganai Lau Abia Hidi Gauna Doketa Edia Hadibaia Herevadia amo Diba Ita Abia Showing Appreciation for Christ's Help 28: 20; Had. Keriso Ena Heduru Laloa Bada How important it is that those in responsible positions in the Christian congregation, as well as family heads, seek wisdom! To, ruma dekenai lau giroa neganai, Sarah be ia badu bada herea. Gau badana be Keristani kongregesen lalonai idia noho maduna idia huaia taudia, bona ruma bese kwaradia danu, aonega idia tahua! BRAMPTON, ONT. (Italian only), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Hwy. 7, 1 mile [1.5 km] W. of Mississauga Rd. Lagani 1914 ai, Dirava ena guba Basileiana lalonai Mesia Pavapavana, Iesu Keriso, ia lohia matamaia neganai, Daniela karoa 4 ai ia hedinarai auna ena badina ia hagegea aurina ia kokia. Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Those words of Jesus apply in particular to material needs in life, but they have helped many to endure the ordeal of losing a loved one. Marcus: Bona matamanai oi hereva bamona, siri tamona o rua ita duahia be hegeregere lasi. Iesu ena hereva be mai anina tauanina durua gaudia dekenai, to idia ese momo idia durua edia lalokau tauna ta ia mase ena hisihisi idia haheaukalaia totona. What can we do if we encounter someone who is shy? To ita diba momokani, Iehova be hahemaoro maoromaorona do ia karaia. Dahaka ita karaia diba bema hemarai tauna ta ita davaria? The life of every true worshipper of Jehovah is very valuable to him. Doketa ta Ena Heduru Herevana Iehova idia tomadiho henia momokani taudia ibounai edia mauri be mai anina bada ia dekenai. A Christian named Adolf found that to be so. Ita Hahedinaraia Keriso Ena Heduru Ita Laloa Bada Keristani taihu ta ladana, kamonai tauna ta ia davaria unai bamona ia karaia be namo. Other scholars agreed. Unai dainai Keristani kongregesen lalonai maduna idia huaia taudia, bona ruma bese kwaradia danu ese aonega idia tahua be namo! Diba bada taudia ma haida be unai hereva idia abia dae. That was not always the case. Unai siri ai Iesu be tauanina durua gaudia ia herevalaia, to unai ese vabu bona dogae ia durua edia lalohisihisi idia haheaukalaia totona. Nega haida unai bamona ia vara lasi. He was also a member of the Hospital Liaison Committee for his area. Dahaka ita karaia diba bema hemarai tauna ta ita davaria? Danu, ia be Hospital Lina Committee ena memba ta. Third, each one of us is personally involved in the issue of integrity. 116: 15, BHğ) Iehova dekenai iena tomadiho taudia ta ta edia mauri be mai anina bada. Ihatoina be, ita ta ta be kara maoromaoro ita karaia noho. If we suffer unjustly, may we never complain or hold Jehovah responsible for our difficulties. Keristani tauna Adolf ia davaria unai be momokani. Bema kerere ta ita karaia lasi, reana do ita maumau lasi eiava Iehova ese iseda hekwakwanai do ia hanamoa lasi. It can also be helpful to identify the subjects we must become knowledgeable in, the skills we need to acquire, and the individuals who can help and support us. Diba taudia ma haida be unai hereva dekenai idia lalotamona. Danu, ita idia durua diba gaudia, ita abia dibana, bona ita idia durua bona durua diba taudia ita dibaia be namo. The "Peer - Pressure Planner " on pages 132 and 133 provides suggestions and also allows opportunities for your child to create responses that he or she feels comfortable with. Guna be unai bamona lasi. " Palani " rau 132 bona 133 ai ia noho maua ese dala ia kehoa emu natuna be mai gari lasi ida ena hemami ia gwauraia hedinarai totona. And how glad your fellow believers were to see you give public evidence that you love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength! - Mark 12: 30. IGUI HESIAI TAUNA MAI ENA KAMONAI BONA KARA MAOROMAORO BE DAIKA? Bona oi moale badina emu tadikaka taihu dekenai oi hahedinaraia mai emu kudouna, lauma, lalona, bona goada ibounai ida Dirava oi lalokau henia! - Mar. 12: 30. Yet, trusting that Jehovah will provide what you need can be quite a challenge. Bona ena gabu dekenai ia be Hospital Liesen Komiti ena memba ta. To, oi abia dae momokani Iehova ese oi dabu gaudia do ia henia. Such decisions are not a mark of failure. (3) Ita ta ta be hepapahuahu badana lalonai ita noho. Unai bamona abia hidi karadia be anina lasi. Satan promotes such injustices because he is in a rage, knowing that soon Jehovah will totally defeat him. (Iobu 1: 22, NW) Ita kerere lasi to hisihisi ita mamia neganai, do ita gwau lasi Iehova ese unai hisihisi ia havaraia bona ia do ita maumauraia lasi. Satani ese unai kara gageva ia habadaia badina ia badu dikadika, badina ia diba kahirakahira Iehova ese ia do ia halusia momokani. Jehovah is perfect and therefore did not make a mistake in creating man. Danu, ita do ia durua bada bema, edena diba haida do ita tahua, edena bamona gaukara do ita dibaia, bona daidia ese ita do idia durua ita diba namonamo. Unai dainai, Iehova be goevadae bona taunimanima ia havaraia neganai, kerere ta ia karaia lasi. The new covenant is discussed in chapter 14 of the book God's Word for Us Through Jeremiah. Rau 76 bona 77 ai hereva kwara maragina "Edena Bamona Do Lau Kara? " henunai idia noho heduru herevadia bona henanadai haida ese emu natuna do ia durua ena lalohadai ia gwauraia hedinarai totona. Unai kontraka matamatana be Dirava ena Hereva ena karoa 14 lalonai idia herevalaia. We grew up just a stone's throw from the sea. 12: 30. Ai tubu daekau neganai, nadi be davara amo ai negea. What can help children of dedicated parents to make a voluntary dedication? To, nega haida Iehova ita abidadama henia be auka. Dahaka ese gwauhamata tama sina edia natudia ia durua diba sibona edia ura hegeregerena gwauhamata idia karaia totona? This leads to another important means of coping. Lasi. Unai ese dala ma ta ia kehoa ita haheauka totona. Much more, therefore, since we have been declared righteous now by his blood, shall we be saved through him from wrath. Baibel ia peroveta: "Satani ese umui dekenai ia lao vadaeni, mai ena badu dikadika. Unai dainai gau momo ita karaia be namo, badina hari Dirava ese ita ia gwauraia maoromaoro dainai, ia ese ita do ia hamauria. Imagine what it must have been like to experience it! Iehova be goevadae, unai dainai taunimanima ia havaraia neganai ia kerere lasi. Mani oi laloa, unai be moale gauna! Our enemies include Satan, his world, and our own imperfections. [ Footnote] Kontraka matamatana be God's Word for Us Through Jeremiah bukana ena karoa 14 ai idia herevalaia. [ Picture on page 8] [ Picture on page 10] [ Picture on page 11] Ita idia inai henia taudia haida be Satani, iena tanobada, bona ita be goevadae lasi taudia. You may even imagine yourself there, enjoying its many blessings, caring for the earth, and joyfully welcoming back the dead. Ai ibounai foa amo, lau be natuna roboana. Reana oi laloa unuseniai oi sibona oi noho, ena hahenamo idauidau oi moalelaia, tanobada oi naria, bona mai moale ida mase taudia oi welkam henia lou. Of what value is Second Kings to us? Dahaka ese idia gwauhamata tama sina edia natudia ia durua diba, edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia totona? King Taudia Iharuana ese ita dekenai dahaka namo ia mailaia? Consider the example of a man who increased in accurate knowledge of Jehovah and consequently enjoyed His approval. Ita ia durua gauna ma ta ita laloa be namo. Iehova ia diba namonamo bona Iena lalo - namo ia moalelaia tauna ena haheitalai mani ita laloa. When Jacob reached Haran, his uncle Laban extended a warm welcome to him and later gave him Leah and Rachel as wives. Unai dainai... Dirava ena badu Dinana dekena amo ita do ia hamauria. Guna ita maino lasi Dirava dekenai, to iena Natuna ia mase dekena amo maino ia karaia, vadaeni Dirava bona ita be turana vadaeni. Iakobo be Harana dekenai ia ginidae neganai, ena vavana ese ia welkam henia bona gabeai Rahela bona Rahela dekenai adavana momo ia henia. Tauntingly, they added, " Where is your Jehovah? ' " Bema unai nega lalonai oi noho, reana do oi moale bada, ani? Idia boiboi, idia gwau, " Iehova be edeseni? ' " Bible writers recognized that all married couples will have problems as a result of human imperfection. Iseda inai taudia be Satani, ena tanobada, bona iseda goevadae lasi tauanina. Baibel torea taudia idia diba headava taudia ibounai be goevadae lasi dainai hekwakwanai do idia davaria. Individual Dedication Reana unuseniai do oi noho negana oi laloa, ena hahenamo momo herea oi moalelaia, tanobada oi naria, bona mai moale ida mase taudia oi welkam henia. Ta Ta ese Gwauhamata Ia Karaia In reality, all of the 144,000 will share his vast heavenly authority. - Rev. Dahaka dainai King Taudia Iharuana be mai anina bada ita dekenai? Momokani, 144,000 taudia ibounai be iena guba siahu badana do idia abia. - Apok. However, the Person with whom we need to develop the closest relationship of all is our Grand Creator. - Eccl. Mani tau ta ena haheitalai ita laloa, ia be ena diba Iehova dekenai ia habadaia bona Iehova ese ia lalonamo henia. To, gau badana be ita ia Havaraia Tauna Badana ita tura henia namonamo. - Had. 27: 4. Iakobo be Harana ai ia ginidae neganai, ena vavana Labana ese ia abia dae bona gabeai Lea bona Rahela ia henia, ena adavana ai idia lao totona. 27: 4. Some tools that Christians use in the Kingdom - proclamation work Lau idia hauraia, idia gwau: " Oiemu Iehova be edeseni? ' " Keristani taudia ese Basileia harorolaia gaukarana lalonai idia gaukaralaia tulu haida I had waited over 20 years for that day to come. Baibel torea taudia idia diba taunimanima idia goevadae lasi dainai, headava taudia iboudiai ese hekwakwanai do idia davaria. Lagani 20 mai kahana unai dina dekenai lau naria. And what does it teach us about how we can take refuge in him today? Ta Ta ese Idia Karaia Gwauhamatana Bona hari inai negai, edena dala ai Iehova be iseda roho mauri gabuna ai ita halaoa diba? Today, our anxiety is often related to concern over money and material possessions. To unai ena anina be, 144,000 taudia ibounai be Keriso ida guba ai do idia lohia. - Apok. Hari inai negai, nega momo iseda lalohekwarahi gaudia be moni bona kohu totona ita laloa momo. * Two placards were attached at the shoulders and hung, one in front and one behind, an advertising method that had been in use by Witnesses since 1936. To, ita tura henia diba tauna hereadaena be Iehova, iseda Havaraia Tauna Badana. - Had. * Lagani 1936 amo Witnes taudia ese idia gaukaralaia pepapepa rua be pagana dekenai idia atoa bona ta ena vairana ai idia atoa. THE prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah were written some 2,500 years ago, yet they certainly are relevant to your life. 27: 4. LAGANI 2,500 gunanai Hagai bona Sekaraia edia peroveta herevadia idia torea, to oiemu mauri lalonai idia be mai anina bada. Interestingly, the Bible talks not only about the privileges that those who go to heaven will receive but also about an important responsibility they'll have. Basileia harorolaia gaukarana lalonai, Keristani taudia ese idia gaukaralaia tulu haida Baibel ese guba dekenai do idia lao taudia ese do idia abia hahenamo sibona ia herevalaia lasi, to maduna badana ta do idia abia danu. In what ways was Jesus a perfect pattern of humility? Lau be lagani 20 mai kahana lalonai unai dina lau naria. Edena dala ai Iesu be manau karana ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva? Doing so will help us to avoid the traits of a Cynic. Bona Iehova be iseda heau mauri gabuna ai ita halaoa karana amo dahaka ita dibaia? Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, ita do ia durua Cynic tauna ena kara ita dadaraia totona. It is also "demonic. " Hari inai negai, moni bona kohu dainai nega momo ita lalohekwarahi. (Aon. Danu, ia be "mai anina bada. " 1: 7. * Kadi rua ai unai hadibaia hereva idia torea bona ta be edia vaira kahana bona ma ta be edia murina kahana idia atoa. Lagani 1936 amo Witnes taudia ese unai dala idia gaukaralaia. 1: 7. The organization may occasionally make adjustments to address the needs of our activity as Kingdom proclaimers. ENA BE Hagai bona Sekaraia edia peroveta hereva be lagani 2,500 gunanai idia torea, to idia be mai anina bada oiemu mauri dekenai. Reana nega haida orea ese iseda Basileia harorolaia gaukarana idia haidaua diba. Despite his being a spirit - anointed Son of God, the man Jesus could not attain to life in heaven. Baibel ese guba do idia lao taudia edia hahenamo ia herevalaia sibona lasi, to do idia karaia mai anina bada gaukarana ia herevalaia danu. Ena be Iesu be Dirava ese ia horoa Natuna, to guba dekenai mauri hanaihanai ia abia diba lasi. And the brothers responded, talking to people wherever they could be found. Edena dala haida ai Iesu be manau karana ia haheitalaia goevagoeva? Bona tadikaka ese unai hereva idia abia dae, herevana edeseniai idia noho taudia idia hereva henia. Still, as they have done for decades, in the morning they walk to a square in a busy section of town, arriving there at seven o'clock. Unai ita karaia neganai, ita do ia durua Cynic tauna ena kara ita dadaraia totona. To, lagani momo idia gaukara noho lalonai, daba momokani idia be taoni ena ariara ta dekenai idia raka lao, unuseniai 7 o'klok ai idia ginidae. We also learn that Jesus continued to grow in wisdom. Danu, ia be "Satani dekena amo ia mai. " Danu, ita diba Iesu be aonega dekenai ia tubu daekau noho. What is needed is, not a lot of complicated and expensive equipment or gadgets, but good planning and consistent effort. 1: 7. To, namona be palani namona oi karaia bona oi hekwarahi noho. Not long thereafter, the Israelites murmured once again. Unai dainai, Iehova ena orea be gau haida ia haidaua, unai amo momo ese ita harorolaia sivaraina do idia kamonai. Daudau lasi murinai, Israela taudia idia maumau lou. Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place " Ena be Iesu be Dirava ese ena lauma amo ia horoa Natuna, to taunimanima bamona ia noho neganai guba maurina ia abia diba lasi. Iehova ese " Ororo Dekenai Do Idia Vara Gaudia " Ia Hahedinaraia Effective shepherding therefore involves a willingness and an eagerness to serve others. Bona tadikaka be unai bamona idia karaia, gabu idauidau dekenai idia davaria taudia idia hereva henia. Unai dainai mamoe naria gaukarana namona ena anina be mai eda ura ida ma haida ita hesiai henia. Yet Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered. " To, lagani momo lalodiai idia karaia bamona, daba 7 oklok ai, idia be taoni - taunimanima momo idia loaloa gabuna - dekenai idia raka lao. To Iehova ena dina be henaoa tauna bamona do ia mai, bona guba be mai regerege bada danu do ia ore, to guba be do ia siahu bada, bona tanobada ai idia noho gaudia be lahi ese do ia araia ore. " These are just a few of the encouraging Bible prophecies that will soon be fulfilled. Danu ita diba Iesu ena aonega ia bada ia lao. Unai be kahirakahira do ia guguru Baibel ena peroveta herevadia haida sibona. For example, we may be sitting in a room and may notice a couple whispering to each other and laughing. Unai ita karaia totona dava bada masini badadia o durua gaudia momo be anina lasi, to palani namona bona hanaihanai ita gaukara goada noho be namo. Hegeregere, reana daiutu ta lalonai ita helai bona headava tau bona hahine ta ta ita itaia, idia kiri bona kiri hebou. 14: 23; Mark 1: 35; 6: 31, 32. Gabeai, Israela taudia idia maumau lou. 14: 23; Mar. 1: 35; 6: 31, 32. Robert Ciranko Iehova ese "Kahirakahira Do Idia Vara Gaudia " Ia Hahedinaraia Robert dainai, ia be Iehova ia hesiai henia noho. (Psalm 120: 1 - 145: 21) Mamoe naria gaukarana ena anina be mai ena ura bada ida ia karaia bona ia ura dikadika haida hesiai henia totona. (Salamo 120: 1 - 145: 21) If God allows us to be persecuted, he will always give us the strength to endure persecution. Iehova ena dina be henaohenao tauna bamona do ia mai, unai nega ai guba be mai rege bada ida do ia ore haraga, to guba bona tanobada gaudia be do idia siahu momokani bona do idia veve, bona tanobada bona ia lalonai idia noho gaudia be lahi ese do ia araia ore. " Bema Dirava ese ita ia koua lasi dagedage ita davaria totona, hanaihanai ita dekenai goada do ia henia dagedage ita haheaukalaia totona. Her life came to be filled with fear, sadness, and heartbreaking disappointment. Unai Baibel ena peroveta hereva namodia haida be kahirakahira do idia guguru. Iena mauri be gari, lalohisihisi bona lalohisihisi amo ia honu. What tone do you "hear " in his voice? Hegeregere, reana daiutu ta dekenai ita helai bona ita itaia taunimanima rua be gado regena maragina ai idia herevahereva bona idia kiri. Edena dala ai iena gadona oi "kamonai "? In brief, the Bible tells us that Moses was a prophet, a mediator, and a deliverer. 14: 23; Mar. 1: 35; 6: 31, 32. Nega sisina lalonai, Baibel ia gwau Mose be peroveta tauna, gwaukau tauna, bona hahemauri tauna. Really, how privileged we are to have learned the truth! Robert Ciranko Momokani, hereva momokani ita dibaia be hahenamo badana! Soon, Jehovah will bring this entire world into judgment. (Salamo 120: 1 - 145: 21) Kahirakahira, Iehova ese inai tanobada ibounai do ia hahemaoro henia. Lösch, G. Bema unai bamona ia vara, Iehova ese hanaihanai ita dekenai goada do ia henia unai dagedage ita haheaukalaia totona. Lösch, G. Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the earth work hard at being truthful in imitation of their God. Iena mauri be gari bona lalohisihisi amo ia honu. Tanobada hegegemadai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia gaukara goada edia Dirava idia tohotohoa totona. 19, 20. (a) What awaits Satan and his demons? Ia hereva neganai ena gado regena be edena bamona? 19, 20. (a) Satani bona ena demoni dekenai dahaka do ia vara? We must at all times have full control of our senses and body members. Baibel ia gwau, Mose be peroveta tauna, gwaukau tauna, bona Israela taudia ia hamauria tauna. Namona be nega ibounai iseda lalona bona tauanina ena kahana idauidau ita biagua namonamo. The disciple James tells us frankly: "All such taking of pride is wicked. " Oibe, hereva momokani ita dibaia be hahenamo bada hereana! Hahediba tauna Iamesi ia gwau: "Unai bamona hekokoroku taudia ibounai be dika. " • Why are "deeds of godly devotion " vital? Daudau lasi murinai, Iehova ese inai tanobada ibounai do ia kota henia. • Dahaka dainai "Dirava badinaia karadia " be mai anina bada? It is followed by water baptism. Lösch, G. Unai murinai ranu bapatiso idia abia. We have his word that the dead will rise, standing up again to life. (Salamo 5: 6) Iehova ena Witnes taudia tanobada hegegemadai, idia hekwarahi edia Dirava idia tohotohoa hereva momokani idia gwauraia totona. Ita diba momokani mase taudia do idia toreisi lou, bona do idia mauri lou. By no means! 19, 20. (a) Satani bona ena demoni dekenai dahaka do ia vara? Lasi! • Why do we need to pursue mildness? Nega ibounai iseda lalohadai bona tauanina ena kahana idauidau ita biagua namonamo be namo. • Dahaka dainai lalo - manada ita tahua be namo? * magazines with stories of people who had successfully made the changes I wanted to make. Aposetolo Iamesi ese ita ia hamaoroa: "Unai bamona hekokoroku ibounai be dika. " * Lau ura egu mauri lalonai gau haida lau haidaua dainai magasin momo lau abia. What sort of questions must parents help their children to resolve? • Dahaka dainai "Dirava badinaia " karana ita hahedinaraia be gau badana? Edena henanadai ese tama sina do ia durua edia natudia idia durua edia lalona idia hadaia totona? When we were alone in a production room, though, she began making sexual advances. Unai murinai, ranu lalonai bapatiso idia abia. To, ai sibona be daiutu ta dekenai ai noho neganai, mahuta hebou urana ia tubu matamaia. This article examines how we can use our material possessions to "make friends " in heaven. Iena hereva dainai ita diba mase taudia be do idia toreisi lou, mauri do idia davaria lou. Inai stadi ese do ia hahedinaraia edena dala ai iseda kohu ita gaukaralaia diba guba dekenai " turadia ita abia hidi ' totona. (a) How did Jesus ' ride of conquest get off to a glorious start? Lasi! (a) Iesu ena heau helulu be edena bamona ia matamaia? Most of the electricity on which we depend comes indirectly from the earth's most reliable power source - the sun. • Dahaka dainai lalo - manada ita tahua be namo? Dina ena siahu be bada herea dainai, paua momo herea be tanobada amo ita abia diba. The young woman had asked her sister to arrange for us to visit on that very day. Lau ese Watchtower bona Awake * ai, edia mauri idia haidaua taudia edia ekspiriens lau duahia. Unai kekeni matamata ese ena taihuna ia noia unai dina ai do ia vadivadi henia. Well, note the phrase "incline your heart to discernment. " Namona be tama sina ese edia natudia idia durua, edena bamona henanadai idia haerelaidia totona? Inai hereva "emu kudouna do oi kehoa " mani oi laloa. Satan persecutes, pressures, and tempts us. To nega ta ai, gaukara gabunai, ai ruaosi sibona be opesi dekenai ai noho neganai, unai hahine ia ura lau ia rosia bona kisi henia. Satani ese ita ia dagedage henia, hahetoho idauidau ia davaria, bona ita ia dibagania. This is so because of what happened after Jesus ' death. Inai stadi ese do ia hahedinaraia edena bamona iseda kohu ita gaukaralaia diba Iehova bona Iesu ita tura henidia totona. Iesu ia mase murinai unai ia vara. COVER SUBJECT | DOES IT DO ANY GOOD TO PRAY? (a) Edena dala ai Iesu ese ena tuari ia matamaia namonamo? RAU 1 AMO GURIGURI BE MAI ENA NAMO, A? (Read Proverbs 30: 26.) Dala ta ai, ita dekenai unai mai anina bada paua bada herea be tanobada ena siahu ia henia hanaihanai gauna - dina - amo ia mai. (Aonega Herevadia 30: 26 duahia.) Have your spouse do the same. Ai be unai hahine ena kakana ai stadi henia, bona ia ese ena kakana ia hamaoroa ai do ia noia, unai dina ai ia do ai vadivadi henia totona. Emu adavana be unai bamona ia karaia danu. Develop spiritual qualities. Mani inai hereva "oiemu kudouna ese laloa kehoa do ia ura henia " oi laloa. Lauma dalanai kara namodia umui hahedinaraia. " All things are clean to clean persons. Satani ese ita ia dagedage henia, hametaua, bona tohoa. " Gau ibounai be goevagoeva. Why is Psalm 45 of interest to us? Iesu ena mase murinai idia vara gaudia dainai, ia be idau bese taudia edia diari ai ia lao. Dahaka dainai Salamo 45 be mai anina bada ita dekenai? WHAT is the greatest privilege you have ever been granted? RAU 1 AMO | GURIGURI BE MAI ENA NAMO, A IEHOVA ese oi dekenai hahenamo badana ta ia henia, a? Now is no time for fighting within our ranks. (Aonega Herevadia 30: 26 duahia.) Hari be nega namona lasi iseda orea lalonai ita tuari totona. Most of the time, I preached by myself. Emu adavana ese unai bamona ia karaia danu be namo. Nega momo sibona lau haroro. (See paragraphs 14, 15) Keristani kara namodia hahedinaraia. (Paragraf 14, 15 itaia) " After so much time had gone by, " he admits, "I thought that there wasn't anything the elders could do for me anymore. " Laloa bona kudouna goevagoeva taudia dekenai, gau ibounai be goevagoeva. Ia gwau: "Nega bada lau haorea murinai, lau laloa elda taudia be gau ta idia karaia diba lasi. Illustrate. Dahaka dainai ita dekenai Salamo karoa 45 be mai anina bada? Haheitalai gwauraia. As both mates grow older, they must be "fully present " in their relationship, both physically and emotionally. OI ABIA hahenamo badana ta be dahaka? Tau bona hahine idia buruka neganai, namona be edia hetura karana, tauanina bona hemami dekenai idia "noho namonamo. " • how to manifest your zeal by preaching and teaching? Unai dainai, namo lasi eda tadikaka taihu huanai heiriheiri ia vara. • Edena dala ai haroro bona hadibaia gaukarana amo emu ura goadana oi hahedinaraia diba? Nicosia Nega momo lau sibona lau haroro. Lohiabada ese iena bese taudia do ia naria, mai edia goada Because they had been unconscious, as if in a deep sleep. 3: 16. Badina idia be gau ta idia diba lasi, hanuaboi ai idia mahuta bamona. How does Jehovah actually feel about his rebellious people? Ia gwau: "Nega bada ia hanaia murinai, lau laloa elda taudia be lau totona gau ta idia karaia diba lasi. Iehova ese ena gwau - edeede taudia be edena bamona ia lalodia? It may surprise some to think that Paul, an apostle, needed strengthening. EMU HAERE BE DAHAKA? Reana haida do idia laloa Paulo, aposetolo Paulo, ese idia ia hagoadaia be namo. " Brace up your minds for activity, " said the apostle Peter, "keep your senses completely. " Haheitalai gwauraia. Aposetolo Petero ia gwau: "Emui lalona do umui hamatamataia noho. " What is needed from Jehovah to build faith? 9: 9) Headava taudia idia buruka neganai, namona be idia gaukara goada ta ta idia naria bona edia hemami idia laloa totona. Abidadama hagoadaia totona, Iehova be dahaka ia karaia be namo? Jesus later associated Abel with "the founding of the world. " • edena dala ai mai emu ura bada ida haroro bona hahediba gaukara oi karaia diba? Gabeai, Iesu ese Abela be "tanobada ia karaia negana " ida ia hahegeregerea. After Abraham arrived there, Jehovah said that Abraham's offspring, not Abraham himself, would receive the land as an inheritance. Nicosia Aberahamo be unuseniai ia ginidae murinai, Iehova ia gwau Aberahamo ena garana sibona lasi, to tano be ahuna bamona do ia abia. It can also enhance appreciation for the material things we possess and can make us more sympathetic toward those who must do without some things, not by choice, but out of necessity. Badina idia be gau ta idia diba lasi, idia mahuta mase bamona. Danu, ita abia kohu ita laloa bada bona dala ita tahua lasi, to mai anina bada gaudia idia abia hidi taudia dekenai hebogahisi ita hahedinaraia diba. 5: 11. Iehova ese gwau - edeede Israela taudia be edena bamona ia laloa? 5: 11. This publication is not for sale. Reana haida idia hoa, badina Paulo, aposetolo tauna ta, ia ura heduru ia abia. Inai magasin be ai hoihoilaia lasi. The beautiful garden of Eden was their home. Aposetolo Petero ia gwau: "Do umui laloa namonamo, bona do umui naria namonamo. " Eden umana be edia noho gabuna. (Read Song of Solomon 1: 2, 3.) Bema ita ura eda abidadama ia goada, dahaka totona ita guriguri be namo? (Solomona ena Ane 1: 2, 3 duahia.) I never read that passage before. Gabeai Iesu ese Abela bona inai hereva, "taunimanima be tanobada ai idia vara negana, " ia gwauraia hebou. Unai siri lau duahia lasi. The effect was amazing! Aberahamo be unuseniai ia ginidae murinai, Iehova ia gwau Aberahamo lasi, to Aberahamo ena tubudia ese unai tano do idia abia, edia ahuna bamona. Unai be hoa gauna! Locating the Spiritual Paradise Danu unai ese ita ia durua ita dekenai idia noho gaudia dekenai ita moale sibona bona gau lasi taudia ita hebogahisi henidia totona, badina ena be idia ura unai gaudia danu idia abia, to idia dekenai moni be lasi. Lauma Paradaisona Ita Laloa Bada What will be considered in the following article? 5: 11. Stadi gabena ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? 111th Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead Inai magasin be ai hoihoilaia lasi. Watchtower Bible School of Gilead Ena Klas Namba 111 13: 5; Titus 3: 1, 2. Eden umana mai hairaina be edia noho gabuna. 13: 5; Tito 3: 1, 2. As one of Jesus ' early disciples, he was performing great signs and portents among the people. 1: 2, 3) Ia ese mamoe naria merona ena "lalokau herevadia " ia laloatao. Ia be Iesu ena hahediba tauna ta dainai, taunimanima edia huanai toa bona hoa karadia ia karaia. " The end of all things has drawn close, " wrote Peter. Guna unai siri lau duahia lasi. Petero ia gwau: "Gau ibounai edia dokona be ia kahirakahira vadaeni. " * That is when the flight to the valley of Jehovah's mountains began. Ia karaia senisi be hoa gauna! * Unai nega ai Iehova ena ororo dekenai idia heau lao matamaia. We don't know to what extent we will be able to contact everyone who lives on them. Lauma Paradaisona Davaria Ita diba lasi edena dala ai idia ita hereva henia diba. Read Proverbs 22: 4. Stadi gabena ese dahaka henanadai do ia haerelaia? Aonega Herevadia 22: 4 duahia. Children draw strength and courage from parental approval. Watchtower Bible School of Gilead Ena Klas Namba 111 Natudia be tama sina edia lalo - namo amo goada idia abia. Could it be that our personal standards, though higher than those of the world, are eroding? 13: 5; Tito 3: 1, 2. Ena be iseda taravatu ese tanobada taudia edia siahu ia hanaia, to ita laloa ita be sibona eda taravatu ita badinaia, a? " This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur " Ia be Iesu ena hahediba taudia ginigunadia ta dainai, taunimanima vairanai toa bona hoa kara badadia ia karaia. " Inai uru be do ia ore lasi ela bona unai gaudia ibounai do idia vara " (b) God's Kingdom? Petero ia gwau: "Gau ibounai edia dokona be ia kahirakahira vadaeni. " (b) Dirava ena Basileia? This usually has to be purchased. * Unai lagani ai, Dirava ena taunimanima be koura badana dekenai idia heau lao matamaia. Nega momo unai idia hoia. For example, consider what was required of the mother of a newborn child. Unai motumotu ta ta ai idia noho taudia ibounai ai haroro henia diba lasi. Hegeregere, beibi matamata ena sinana ese do ia karaia gauna mani oi laloa. Joseph still had something that his brothers could never take from him: faith. Aonega Herevadia 22: 4 duahia. Iosepa be ena tadikaka ese idia dadaraia diba lasi gauna ta ia do noho: abidadama. " The Watchtower " and "Awake! " Tama sina edia hereva namodia ese natudia edia lalona ia hagoadaia. " Gima Kohorona " bona Gima Kohorona! " • How can a mother show that she views cleanliness as important? Eiava ita sibona ita badinaia taravatudia, ena be tanobada taudia edia ia hereaia, be ia dika ia lao noho, a? • Edena dala ai sina ta ese ia hahedinaraia ia be goeva karana ia laloa bada? The Bible likens humanity to a sea that tosses and turns, a sea that knows no peace. " Inai nega idia noho taudia do idia mase ore lasi neganai, be inai gaudia ibounai do idia vara momokani " Baibel ese taunimanima be davara mai ena hurehure ida ia hahegeregerea, bona davara be maino ia diba lasi. " I felt free - that a big emotional burden had been lifted off me, " she says. (b) Dirava ena Basileia idia abia dae lasi? Ia gwau: "Egu mamina ia namo - unai ese lau ia hametaua bada. No one can stop that from taking place. - Acts 5: 40, 42. Nega momo unai idia hoia be namo. Ta ese unai gabu do ia rakatania diba lasi. - Kara 5: 40, 42. 2, 3. Hegeregere, natuna matamatana ia havaraia sina ta ese do ia karaia boubou gauna mani ita laloa. 2, 3. Of course, no servant of Jehovah is ever truly alone. Iosepa ena tadikaka ese ia amo idia kokia diba lasi gauna be inai: Iena abidadama karana. Momokani, Iehova ena hesiai taudia ta ia noho lasi. What can help us? " Gima Kohorona " bona "Noga! " Dahaka ese ita ia durua diba? Shortly before his sacrificial death, Jesus told his followers: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Exercise faith in God, exercise faith also in me. " Taunimanima be maino karaia dalana idia diba lasi dainai, Baibel ia gwau idia be davara ena hurehure badadia o dikadia bamona. (Isa. Iesu ia do mase lasi neganai, ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hamaoroa: "Dirava do umui abidadama henia, lau danu do umui abidadama henia. " We soon sensed that it was impossible to duplicate exactly the sounds of Korean words using just English sounds. Ia gwau: "Hari lau laga - ani bamona - badina guna gari karana ese lau ia hametaua, to ta ese unai ia kokia bamona. Daudau lasi murinai ai lalo - parara Korea taudia be English gado idia gaukaralaia diba lasi. The apostle Peter told the Jews: "The God of our forefathers... has glorified his Servant, Jesus, whom you, for your part, delivered up and disowned before Pilate's face, when he had decided to release him. Unai ia vara momokani, ta ese unai do ia koua lasi. - Kara 5: 40, 42. Aposetolo Petero ese Iuda taudia ia hamaoroa: "Iseda sene taudia edia Dirava ese... iena Hesiai Tauna, Iesu, umui ia abia isi, badina be ia ese umui ia hamauria vadaeni. After receiving the holy spirit, the apostles give a bold witness. 2, 3. Aposetolo taudia be lauma helaga idia abia murinai, mai gari lasi ida idia haroro. We decided to go by way of the jungle, which took us nine hours. Momokani, Iehova ena hesiai taudia be idia hunia diba lasi. Emai lalona ai hadaia uda ena dala dekenai do ai lao, bona hora 9 do ai gaukara. For many years after that, it was believed that the call to the heavenly Kingdom had ended in 1931 and that those called to be joint heirs with Christ in 1930 and 1931 were "the last " called. To, dahaka ese ita ia durua diba? Lagani momo murinai, idia laloa lagani 1931 ai, Dirava ese guba Basileia ia boiria ena anina be Keriso ida do idia lohia hebou bona lagani 1931 bona lagani 1931 ai Keriso ida do idia lohia hebou. 27: 17. Iesu ena mauri ia do bouboulaia lasi neganai, ena aposetolo taudia ia hamaorodia, ia gwau: "Umui laloa hekwarahi lasi, to Dirava dekenai umui abidadama henia, lau dekenai danu umui abidadama henia. " 27: 17. The Bible contains God's thoughts, so as you meditate on what it says, you can make God's thinking your thinking. Bona ai laloparara Korea gado herevadia edia regena be English gado bamona lasi. Baibel lalonai Dirava ena lalohadai ia noho, unai dainai ena hereva oi laloa dobu neganai, Dirava ena lalohadai oi abia diba. The Witnesses stayed a little over an hour. Aposetolo Petero ese Iuda taudia ia hamaoroa: "Iseda sene taudia edia Dirava ese iena hesiai tauna Iesu ia hanamoa vadaeni, to umui ese Pilato ena imana dekenai umui atoa, bona Pilato ia ura ruhaia neganai umui ura lasi ia. Witnes taudia be hora ta mai kahana idia noho. Let us humbly acknowledge that we do not understand everything that he does. Aposetolo taudia be lauma helaga idia abia murinai, mai goada ida haroro gaukara idia karaia. Namona be mai manau ida ita abia dae ia karaia gaudia ibounai ita lalopararalaia lasi. Walk in Jehovah's Ways Emai lalona ai hadaia, uda badana dekenai do ai raka, ena daudau be hora 9 bamona. Iehova Ena Dala Dekenai Ita Raka If so, take courage from the examples of Noah, Daniel, and Job. Unai dainai, lagani momo lalonai idia laloa guba Basileia dekenai Keriso ida do idia lohia taudia haboua karana be lagani 1931 ai ia ore, bona lagani 1930 bona 1931 lalonai idia haboua horoa taudia be ginigabedia. Bema oibe, Noa, Daniela, bona Iobu edia haheitalai oi tohotohoa be namo. In this he is described as " small in size, bald - headed, bandy - legged, well built, with eyebrows meeting; rather long nosed. ' " 27: 17. Baibel ia gwau ia be " maragi momokani, iena gabana be maragi, ia gini namonamo, ena toana be namo herea, bona ena matana ia namo; to ia ura lasi. ' The bodies of the locusts that are killed extinguish the flames, after which the rest of the swarm continues on unhindered. Baibel lalonai Dirava ena lalohadai idia noho, unai dainai bema oi duahia gaudia oi laloa dobu, Dirava ena lalohadai do oi abia. kwadi edia mase tauanidia be lahi ese ia gabua ore murinai, kwadi ma haida idia do mauri noho. It was during that spiritually degenerate time that Enoch appeared on the scene. Unai Witnes kekeni rua be hora ta mai kahana idia noho. Enoka ena hetura karana Iehova ida be ia dika ia lao. We read ten verses later in the account: "God said to Noah: " The end of all flesh has come before me, because the earth is full of violence. ' " Namona be mai manau ida ita abia dae Iehova ia karaia gaudia ibounai ita lalopararalaia diba lasi. Baibel siri 10 ia gwau: "Dirava ese Noa dekenai ia hereva, ia gwau, " Taunimanima ibounai edia dokona be lau dekenai ia ginidae vadaeni, badina tanobada be dagedage amo ia honu. ' We are able to show unselfish love because God created us in his image. Iehova Ena Dala Dekenai Ita Raka Sibona eda ura dadaraia lalokauna ita hahedinaraia diba, badina Dirava ese ita ia karaia iena toana hegeregerena. Jehovah does not promise a life of luxury, and sometimes his servants endure hardships. Bema oibe, Noa, Daniela, bona Iobu edia sivarai ese oi do ia hagoadaia. Iehova ia gwauhamata lasi kohu momo maurina do ia noholaia, bona nega haida ena hesiai taudia be hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaia. Along with the other resurrections Jesus performed, it reinforces our trust in God's promise that His faithful servants will be raised from the dead in His due time. Inai buka ai Paulo be inai bamona ia herevalaia, ia be " tau kwadogina, kwara kebere, aena gageva, goada tauna, iena matana ena ibuni be idia kahirakahira bona reana iena udu baubau be lata. ' " Iesu ena toreisi lou bona toreisi lou ma haida ese iseda abidadama Dirava ena gwauhamata dekenai idia hagoadaia, ia gwau iena nega korikori ai iena abidadama hesiai taudia be mase amo do idia toreisi lou. HOMICIDES: It is estimated that almost half a million people were murdered during one recent year, more than those killed in wars. Badina kwadi haida be lahi ese ia hamasea neganai, edia tauanina be lahi ia habodoa, bena unai amo kwadi ma haida be idia mauri noho diba. LAGANI tamona lalonai, tuari lalonai idia alaia mase taudia edia namba be kahirakahira milioni 50 mai kahana, to tuari lalonai idia mase taudia edia namba ese tuari lalonai idia hamasea taudia edia namba ia hanaia. The farm on Staten Island included the radio station WBBR. Unai lauma dalanai dika ia vara negana ai Enoka ia hedinarai. Staten Island ena biru gabuna be reidio steiseni ta. At hearing this the disciples fell upon their faces and became very much afraid. Hegeregere Genese 6: 13 ia gwau: "Dirava ese Noa dekenai ia hereva, ia gwau: " Mauri gaudia ibounai do lau haorea. Ibounai do lau hamasea haorea, badina tanobada be edia kara dika dekenai ia honu momokani. ' Unai hahediba taudia idia kamonai neganai, edia vairana dekenai idia moru bona idia gari bada. " You, however, when you pray, go into your private room and, after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. " Lalokau ita hahedinaraia diba, badina Dirava ese ena toana hegeregerena ita ia karaia. " To umui guriguri neganai, emui daiutu dekenai do umui raka vareai, bona emui iduara do umui koua. Vadaeni emui Tamana, hunia gabuna dekenai do umui guriguri henia. Then you came to realize that our loving heavenly Father is not a remote person who is not interested in us. Iehova ia gwau lasi ia be kohu momo do ia henia, bona nega haida ena hesiai taudia be nega aukadia do idia haheaukalaia. Bena oi laloparara iseda lalokau guba Tamana be daudau herea ita ia laloa lasi. Our brothers kindly look after us every day. Unai bona Iesu ia karaia toreisi lou karadia ma haida ese iseda abidadama Dirava ena gwauhamata dekenai ia hagoadaia, ia gwau abidadama hesiai taudia be Iena nega korikorina ai mase amo do idia toreisi lou. Dina ta ta ai, iseda tadikaka be mai hebogahisi ida ita idia naria. To help us discern his requirements, Jehovah has communicated with us through his Word, the Bible. ALA - ALA KARANA: Lagani 2012 ai, idia alaia mase taudia edia namba be kahirakahira 500,000, unai namba ese tuari ai idia mase taudia edia namba ia hanaia. Iehova ese ita ia durua ena taravatu ita lalopararalaia totona, iena Hereva, Baibel, amo ita ia hereva henia. Jesus ' Resurrection on Trial Staten Island ena farm ai, reidio steiseni WBBR ia noho danu. Iesu Ena Toreisi Lou be Hahetoho Lalonai Ia Vara PAGE 28 • SONGS: 119, 118 Lauegu lalona ia moale ia dekenai. Iena hereva do umui kamonai henia. ' RAU 28 • ANE: 119, 118 Paul and his fellow Christians sought to make disciples by preaching from house to house, in the marketplace, and on their travels - really, everywhere. " To oi guriguri neganai, daiutu lalonai oi vareai bona iduara oi koua murinai, emu Tamana, hehuni dekenai ia noho tauna oi guriguri henia. Vadaeni emu Tamana, hehuni ai oi ia itaia tauna ese oi dekenai ahuna do ia henia. " Paulo bona ena Keristani tadikaka be ruma - ta - ruma - ta haroro gaukara, maketi gabudiai, bona gabu idauidau ai hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana idia karaia. It allows us to take advantage of our circumstances to help others. To gabeai, oi laloparara iseda guba Tamana be ita amo ia daudau lasi bona ita ia laloa bada. Unai ese dala ia kehoa iseda noho dalana ese ma haida ia durua totona. God tells no one today to "marry a woman of prostitution. " Dina ta ta emai tadikaka taihu ese ai idia durua. Dirava ese hari inai negai ta ia hamaoroa lasi " ariara hahinena ta do ia adavaia. ' By reason of his Creatorship, Jehovah God is the Supreme Sovereign of the universe and is above all of his creation. Unai dala ita diba totona, Iehova ese ena Hereva, Baibel, amo ita ia hadibaia. Ia be Havaraia Tauna dainai, Iehova Dirava be guba bona tanobada edia Lohia Badana bona ia havaraia gaudia ibounai ia hereaia. To be beneficial, our entertainment needs to match closely the Bible - based standard for each of these aspects. Iesu Ena Toreisi Lou Idia Kota Henia Iseda moale karadia be Baibel ena taravatu hegeregerena ita karaia be namo. Should we not be grateful at heart? RAU 28 • ANE: 119, 118 Ita moale be namo, ani? 14, 15. Paulo bona iena Keristani tadikaka be ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai, maketi gabudiai, idia loaloa gabudia, bona gabu ibounai dekenai hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana idia karaia. 14, 15. The apostle Paul was a fine example. Oibe, iseda noho dalana hegeregerena ma haida ita durua diba. Aposetolo Paulo be haheitalai namona. Jesus cared so much about people that he gave up needed rest in order to teach them. Hari Dirava ese ta ia hamaoroa lasi " ariara hahine ta do ia adavaia. ' Iesu be taunimanima ia lalodia bada dainai, laga - ani ia rakatania, idia ia hadibaia totona. " In faith all these... publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " - HEB. Iehova Dirava be gau ibounai ia havaraia dainai, ia be guba bona tanobada edia Atai Herea Lohiabadana bona biaguna. " Unai abidadama taudia ibounai... idia gwau idia be idau taudia bona do idia noho daudau lasi. " - HEB. God's Word states: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages. " (2) Edena negai lau karaia? (3) Bona daidia lau bamoa? Baibel ia gwau: "Mauri taudia idia diba do idia mase, to mase taudia be gau ta idia diba lasi. God asked Job: "Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow, or do you see even the storehouses of the hail, which I have kept back for the time of distress, for the day of fight and war? " Unai dainai Iehova ita tanikiu henia be namo, a? Dirava ese Iobu ia nanadaia: "Oi be sinou haboua gabudia dekenai oi vareai, eiava oi itaia lau be nega dika dinadia, tuari bona tuari totona lau giroa lou, a? " (b) Why should we not hold back from asking Jehovah for forgiveness? 14, 15. (b) Dahaka dainai Iehova ita noia eda dika ia gwauatao totona be namo? And I am proceeding to go down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a land good and spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey. " Aposetolo Paulo be haheitalai namona. Lau diho mai inai, Aigupito taudia edia imana dekena amo do lau hamauridia totona, bona tano namo herea dekenai do lau hakaudia totona. Unai tano dekena amo dohore lau hakaudia, ia lao bona tano namo herea dekenai. These too are blessed and enriching gifts from above. Iesu be taunimanima edia namo ia laloa bada dainai, ia laga - ani lasi to ia hadibadia. Unai hahenamo bona harihari gaudia namodia be atai amo idia mai. We can help them to gain that knowledge by encouraging them to examine creation. " Idia ibounai be edia abidadama idia dogoatao... bona taunimanima vairanai idia gwau idia be idau taudia bona unai tano dekenai do idia noho daudau lasi. " - HEB. Unai diba ita abia totona, idia ita hagoadaia Dirava ia havaraia gaudia idia tahua totona. Why did Jehovah choose Mary to become Jesus ' mother? Baibel ia gwau: "Mauri taudia idia diba do idia mase, to mase taudia be gau ta idia diba lasi. Idia be mai edia ahuna lasi. " Dahaka dainai Iehova ese Maria ia abia hidi Iesu ena sinana ai ia lao totona? Ignoring structural defects would only invite trouble later. Dirava ese Iobu ia nanadaia, ia gwau: "Oi ese nega ta, sinou lau haboua gabudia dekenai oi vareai, o aisi nadi bamona medu, lau ese lau haboua gabudia oi itaia, a? Edia kerere maragidia be gabeai do idia ore. The fight against God and his people was aimed at wiping out Jehovah's Witnesses in that totalitarian domain. (b) Dahaka dainai Iesu ena boubou gauna bona do ia havaraia hahenamo ita laloa bada be namo? Dirava bona ena taunimanima idia tuari henia totona, idia ura Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese unai tano idia hadikaia ore. But it can be done. Unai tano dekena amo dohore lau hakaudia, ia lao bona tano namo herea dekenai. Tano badana dekenai dohore idia ginidae. Unai tano be aniani namodia gabuna. " To unai ita karaia diba. Imitating Jesus can have what effect on your efforts to make disciples? Unai gaudia danu be iseda mauri idia hanamoa bona lauma dalanai iseda kohu idia habadaia harihari gaudia Iehova amo. Iesu oi tohotohoa neganai, dahaka namo do oi davaria? " Your kingship is a kingship for all times indefinite, " sang David, "and your dominion is throughout all successive generations. " - Psalm 145: 13. Idia ita durua diba Dirava ese ia havaraia gaudia idia stadilaia totona. Davida ia gwau: "Oiemu King siahuna be do ia noho hanaihanai, bona oiemu king siahuna be do ia noho hanaihanai. " - Salamo 145: 13. How Can You Help? Dahaka dainai Iehova ese Maria ia abia hidi Iesu ena sinana ai ia lao totona? Edena Dala ai Heduru Oi Henia Diba? When Jehovah's servants obey his commands, he blesses them. Bema lasi, gabeai iseda kara gunadia do idia hedinarai lou. Iehova ena hesiai taudia ese iena hahegani idia badinaia neganai, idia ia hanamoa. To illustrate: Shortly after Jesus ' resurrection, two of his disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Dirava bona ena taunimanima idia heai henia karana ena badina be idia ura unai gavamani aukana ese ia biagua gabudia dekenai Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia haorea. Haheitalai ta be inai: Iesu ia toreisi lou bena daudau lasi murinai, iena hahediba taudia rua be Ierusalema amo idia raka - lasi. That is what happened when the non - Israelite woman Jael killed him. - Judg. To do ia vara diba. Unai bamona ia vara, bema Israela lasi hahine goadana Iehoiada ese ia alaia mase. - Gun. " Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying, " This is the way. ' " - ISA. Hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana lalonai Iesu ita tohotohoa neganai, dahaka namo do ita abia? " Emui taiana do umui kehoa, do umui gwau, " Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. ' " - ISA. But do baptism and sacred service ever threaten a person's future success? Bona oiemu King dagi be do ia doko diba lasi. Lohiabada ena gwauhamata be ia ese ia badinaia noho, bona iena kara ibounai be namo. " - Salamo 145: 13. To bapatiso bona hesiai gaukara helagana ese ta ena vaira negana maurina ia hadikaia, a? Paul next dealt with certain questions. Edena Dala ai Oi Durudia? Bena Paulo ese henanadai haida ia haerelaia. When Jehovah finally allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, they were able to conquer kingdoms on the east and west sides of the Jordan River. Iehova ena hesiai taudia be iena oda herevadia idia badinaia neganai, ia hanamodia. Iehova ese Israela taudia ia koua lasi Gwauhamata Tanona dekenai idia vareai neganai, ist kahanai bona Ioridane Sinavaina ena kahana dekenai basileia momo idia halusia diba. He answers our prayers and gives us the wisdom to deal with trials. Hegeregere, Iesu ia toreisi lou bona daudau lasi murinai, ena hahediba taudia rua be Ierusalema idia rakatania bona Emausa dekenai idia raka lao noho. Ia ese iseda guriguri ia haerelaia bona aonega ia henia hahetoho ita haheaukalaia totona. By making the ministry your career, you are preparing for continued service to God in the new world, where your theocratic training and experience will be of great value. Unai ia vara momokani, badina idau bese hahinena Iaele ese Sisera ia hamasea. - Gun. Emu haroro gaukara oi karaia neganai, Dirava hesiai henia totona oi hegaegae noho, bona emu tiokratik treinini bona ekspiriens ese oi do ia durua bada. Fraese), 12 / 15 " Emui Hadibaia Tauna ena gadona do umui kamonai, do ia gwau, " Dala be inai. ' " - ISA. 12 / 15 Note, for instance, these comforting words: "Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down. " To bapatiso bona hesiai gaukara helagana ese ta ena vaira nega ia hadikaia diba, a? Hegeregere, inai hagoadaia herevana mani oi laloa: "Hisihisi idia abia noho taudia, be Lohiabada ese ia durua noho, bona dagedage taudia ese tau haida idia hahisia neganai, Lohiabada ese unai hisihisi taudia ia abia isi noho. " 3: 1 - 5. Paulo ese henanadai haida ia haerelaia danu. 3: 1 - 5. Second, when did those men visit? Iehova ena heduru dainai, Israela taudia be Gwauhamata Tanona ai idia vareai neganai, Ioridane Sinavai ena ist bona west kahanai idia noho basileia ibounai idia halusia. Iharuana be, unai tatau be edena negai idia vadivadi? The ancient Jews had a fear of the form of leprosy common in Bible times. Ia ese eda guriguri ia haerelaia bona aonega ia henia hahetoho ita haheaukalaia totona. Baibel negadiai, Iuda taudia be lepera gorere idia gari henia. When we arrived in Florida in November 1962, we were surprised to find that local sentiments about integration meant that black brothers held their meetings separately from white brothers and that they preached in separate areas. Dirava hesiai henia gaukara be emu tahua gauna ai oi halaoa dainai, Dirava ena tanobada matamata totona oi hegaegae noho. Bema hari oi dibaia gaudia oi badinaia, unai ese vaira negana ai oi do ia durua. November 1962 ai, Florida dekenai ai ginidae neganai, ai hoa badina unai gabu dekenai idia noho korema tadikaka taihu edia hebou be korema tadikaka amo idia abia bona gabu idauidau dekenai idia haroro. Our loyalty to the true God and his organization should surpass loyalty to any human, no matter how close. Inai gwauhamata herevadia mani oi laloa: "Hisihisi idia abia noho taudia, be Lohiabada ese ia durua noho, bona dagedage taudia ese tau haida idia hahisia neganai, Lohiabada ese unai hisihisi taudia ia abia isi noho. " Herevana taunimanima edia noho dalana be edena bamona, to namona be Dirava momokanina bona ena orea ita badinaia. During Jesus ' earthly ministry, Jehovah revealed an understanding of His purpose, not to wise and intellectual ones, but to unlettered and ordinary men who were humble enough to be taught by God's servant. 3: 1 - 5. Iesu be tanobada ai hesiai gaukara ia karaia neganai, Iehova ese ena ura, aonega bona diba bada taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia, to idia hegeregere lasi Dirava ena hesiai tauna bona dagi bada taudia ia hadibaia totona. All the breath, or air, in the world cannot revive even one cell. Namba 2: Unai babalau taudia be edena negai idia vadivadi? Tanobada dekenai, taunimanima ibounai be sel tamona amo idia mauri lou diba lasi. In faith he warned his sons - in - law about the imminent destruction of Sodom. Baibel negadiai, Iuda taudia be lepera gorere idauidau dekenai idia gari. Mai abidadama ida ena ravana taudia ia hadibaia, kahirakahira Sodoma do ia hadikaia ore. 6, 7. November 1962 ai, Florida dekenai ai ginidae neganai, ai hoa badina ai itaia unuseni idia noho taudia edia kara dainai, kopi korema bona kopi kurokuro tadikaka be gabu tamona ai idia hebou lasi, bona edia haroro gabudia idia hapararaia. 6, 7. Yet, on such occasions do you sometimes find that your mind wanders and you start thinking about less important matters? Ena be iseda varavara o ma haida ita hetura henidia namonamo, to unai ese iseda Dirava momokanina bona iena orea badinaia karana do ia hadikaia lasi. To, nega haida unai bamona negadia ai oi davaria oi be gau maragidia oi laloa momo bona mai anina bada gaudia oi laloa, a? Table of Contents Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia noho neganai, Iehova ese ena ura be aonega taudia bona diba momo taudia dekenai ia hunia, to sikuli bada lasi bona aonega bada lasi taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia. Unai bamona manau taudia be Dirava ena hesiai taudia edia hadibaia herevadia idia kamonai. Anina Clarence and I regularly attended Sunday school at church, and he asked the teacher questions she could not answer. Unai neganai laga ese tauanina ena sel ta ia hamauria diba lasi. Lau bona Clarence be hanaihanai Sunday sikuli dekenai ai lao, bona tisa ia nanadaia ia haere diba lasi. 10, 11. (Genese 19: 1 - 3) Ia abidadama dainai iena kekeni edia maoheni rua ia hadibaia, kahirakahira Sodoma be dika do ia davaria. 10, 11. It is a special kind of self - awareness. 6, 7. Unai be sibona ita laloa bada karana. Melvin and Sharon sold their home and belongings in South Carolina so that they could assist at Warwick. Badina ita be Kingdom Hall namodia ai ita hebou, to nega haida hebou lalonai ita be anina lasi gaudia ita laloa. South Carolina bona Sharon be edia ruma bona kohu idia hoihoilaia, unai amo Warwick dekenai heduru idia henia diba. Jehovah gives additional regulations. September 15, 2012 Iehova ese taravatu ma haida ia henia. Your relationship with God will be strengthened day by day as you stand firm despite the internal and external pressures you face. Lau bona Clarence be hanaihanai dubu ena Sunday sikuli dekenai ai lao, bona Clarence ese tisa dekenai henanadai haida ia henia to tisa ia haere diba lasi. Ena be hekwakwanai idauidau oi davaria, to dina ta ta ai emu hetura karana Dirava ida do ia goada noho. A Warning for Those Living "When the Son of Man Arrives " 10, 11. Hadibaia Herevana "Taunimanima Ena Natuna " Idia Kamonai Henia Taudia Totona Christ's shed blood serves as the ransom that frees mankind from sin and death. Unai gau ese ita ia durua ita sibona eda lalohadai o ura ita lalopararalaia totona. Keriso ena rara ese taunimanima be kara dika bona mase amo ia ruhaia. What two - fold purpose does our preaching work serve? Melvin bona Sharon be South Carolina ai edia ruma bona kohu idia hoihoilaia, unai amo Warwik ai idia heduru diba. Iseda haroro gaukara ena badina rua be dahaka? Their Kingdom Hall meetings thus have some features in common with those ancient synagogue meetings. Iehova be idia dekenai taravatu ma haida ia henia. Edia Kingdom Hall be unai idaunegai dubu ena hebou haida ida idia hegeregere. Some sincere people may feel unworthy to pray because of their bad way of life. Bema hahetoho oi haheaukalaia, dina ta ta ai emu hetura karana Dirava ida be do ia goada. Kudou - maoro taudia haida idia laloa edia mauri dalana dikana dainai idia guriguri be anina lasi. Similarly, it is appropriate to be concerned about our appearance. Hadibaia Herevana - "Taunimanima Ena Natuna Do Ia Mai Neganai " Idia Noho Taudia Totona Unai hegeregerena, iseda toana ita laloa bada be namo. What role did hope play in Jesus ' life? Gau ta ese Iehova ena ura do ia hagugurua dalana ia koua diba lasi. Edena dala ai Iesu ena mauri lalonai helaro ese ita ia durua? Though millions exert themselves in prayer, human society is increasingly plagued with problems of poverty, addiction, broken families, crime, and war. Iseda haroro gaukara ese ia hagugurua gaudia rua be dahaka? Ena be taunimanima milioni momo be guriguri karana idia goadalaia, to ogogami, drag ania kava, ruma bese idia parara, taravatu utua karadia, bona tuari dainai hekwakwanai momo idia davaria. Standing before pagan philosophers, he boldly defended the sovereignty of Jehovah, "the God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth. " Edia Kingdom Hall heboudia ai idia karaia daladia haida be guna sinagoga ai idia karaia hebou bamona. Ia be kaivakuku idia tomadiho henia aonega taudia vairanai ia gini dainai, mai gari lasi ida "tanobada bona ia lalonai noho gaudia ibounai ia karaia Diravana, ia be guba bona tanobada ena Lohiabada. " By our words and deeds - without which our faith would be incomplete. Lalo - momokani taudia haida be reana edia mauri dikana dainai do idia mamia idia hegeregere lasi do idia guriguri. Iseda hereva bona kara amo ita hahedinaraia iseda abidadama be do ia hegeregere lasi. THE most important event planned for the year 2003 is to take place after sundown on April 16. Momokani, iseda toana ita laloa danu be namo. LAGANI 2003 ena hebou badana be April 16. ai dina ia diho murinai do idia karaia. I was giving the public talk that day. Edena dala ai Iesu ena helaro ese ia ia durua? Unai dina ai pablik tok lau henia. What did Jesus do? (Levitiko 2: 2) Libano be bonana namona muramura helagana ena kahana ta, unai be palai dubuna bona dubu lalonai muramura mai bonana namona gabua patana dekenai idia gabua. Iesu be dahaka ia karaia? 12, 13. Ena be taunimanima milioni momo be mai edia goada ida idia guriguri, to ogogami, idia rakatania diba lasi kara dikadia, ruma bese idia parara karana, taravatu utua karadia, bona tuari ese taunimanima besedia idia hahisia noho. 12, 13. " Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you. " - PSALM 40: 5. Dirava korikori idia diba lasi aonega taudia edia vairanai Paulo be mai gari lasi ida Iehova ena lohia siahuna ia herevalaia. Ia gwau: "Unai Dirava ese tanobada bona ia lalonai idia noho gaudia ibounai ia karaia. " Lohiabada e, lauegu Dirava, oiemu durua karadia bona oiemu laloa be momo herea momokani. Tau ta ese oiemu kara bamona ia karaia diba lasi. " - SALAMO 40: 5. What is an important requirement for discipleship, as recorded in the Gospel of John? Iseda hereva bona kara amo unai ita hamomokania diba, bema unai ita karaia lasi, iseda abidadama be anina lasi. Ioane ena Evanelia bukana lalonai, hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana be mai anina bada, a? If we "see " them with our eyes of faith and if we always rely on God, we will" dwell in security " and will experience Jehovah's blessing. LAGANI 2003 ai mai anina bada hebouna be April 16 ai, dina ia diho neganai do idia karaia. Bema iseda abidadama dainai ita "itaia " bona hanaihanai Dirava dekenai ita tabekau," do ita noho namonamo " bona Iehova ena hahenamo do ita mamia. We need to pay attention to all three of these elements to become effective teachers of the good news. Unai dina dekenai lau be pablik tok lau henia noho. Namona be unai gaudia toi ita laloa namonamo, sivarai namona harorolaia taudia namodia ai ita lao totona. * No wonder the Master instructs them to wait! Iesu be dahaka ia karaia? * Unai dainai, Biaguna ese idia ia hamaoroa do idia naria! Only Father and Clarence were able to attend the history - making Cedar Point, Ohio, convention in 1922. 12, 13. Lagani 1922 ai, Tamagu bona Clarence sibona be Cedar Point, Ohio, ena hebouhebou dekenai idia lao. For example, when Jon and Masako were invited to help with the Chinese - speaking field in Kenya, they initially had some reservations. Tau ta be oiemu kara bamona ia karaia diba lasi. " - SALAMO 40: 5. Hegeregere, Jon bona kamonai taudia idia boiria Kenya ai China gado idia herevalaia totona neganai, idia daradara sisina. When he refused, the camp commander contacted Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS (Schutzstaffel, Hitler's elite guard), and asked permission to execute Dickmann in the presence of all other camp inmates. Ioane be ena Evanelia bukana lalonai ia torea bamona, hahediba tauna ese do ia badinaia hahegani badana ta be dahaka? Dibura naria tauna ia ura lasi neganai, ia ura lasi dibura taudia ma haida ia hamasedia. I know that social events are not all bad, but they can be a huge distraction. Bema ita abia dae Iehova be ena taunimanima ia gimaia bona hanaihanai ia ita abidadama henia, do ita gari lasi bona ia ese ita do ia hanamoa. (Sal. Lau diba taunimanima edia mauri lalonai idia vara gaudia be dika lasi, to edia lalona ia veria diba. If she is single, he encroaches on her right to enter marriage as a virgin and her future husband's right to expect her to be such. Sivarai namona idia hadibaia taudia namodia ai ita lao totona, unai dala toi ita badinaia be namo. Bema ia headava lasi, ia ese kekeni ena headava do ia hadokoa bona ena adavana ena maoro do ia hamomokania ia be unai bamona do ia karaia. There we read that the newly enthroned Jesus Christ, along with his holy angels, wages war against Satan and his demons. * Unai dainai, Biaguna ese idia ia hamaoroa ava dikadia do idia kokia lasi ela bona utua negana ia ginidae! Unai siri ese ia hahedinaraia, King Iesu Keriso bona ena aneru helagadia be Satani bona ena demoni idia tuari henidia. He did not teach his own ideas, but he taught "regulation and justice. " That is, the regulations, or laws, of Jehovah. Edena dala ai taunimanima haida idia abia dae Iehova ena Witnes taudia be hereva momokani idia hadibaia? Ia be sibona ena lalohadai ia hadibaia lasi, to Iehova ena taravatu, taravatu, eiava taravatu ia hadibaia. How can you be motivated and strengthened to endure and have joy? Tamagu bona Clarence sibona be lagani 1922 ai, Cedar Point, Ohio dekenai, idia karaia mai anina bada hebouhebouna dekenai idia lao diba. Edena dala ai emu lalona oi hagoadaia diba oi haheauka bona moale oi davaria totona? It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Idia gaukara goada bona edia ura gaudia haida idia dadaraia, badina idia ura edia mauri lalonai Basileia do idia atoa guna. Ia lalonai sivarai namodia ese taunimanima edia lalona ia hagoadaia, ia gwau kahirakahira Dirava ena guba Basileiana ese kara dika ibounai do ia haorea bona tanobada be paradaiso ai do ia halaoa. To whom? Unai ia dadaraia neganai, kamepa ena biaguna be Heinrich Himmler, SS (Schutzstaffel, Hitler ena gima oreana mai goadana) ia naria tauna ia hadibaia, bona gwaumaoro ia noia, kamepa ai idia noho dibura taudia ibounai vairanai, Dickmann ia hamasea totona. Daidia dekenai? Jacob and Rachel? Lau laloparara moale karadia ibounai be dika lasi, to idia ese egu hesiai gaukara idia hadikaia diba. Iakobo bona Rahela Yet another factor that can lead to personal disappointment is deteriorating health and old age. Bema ia do kekeni, ia be rami - hebou kekenina bamona do ia headava ena maoro ia hadikaia bona vaira negana ai do ia adavaia tauna ena maoro ia hadikaia danu badina rami - hebou kekenina do ia abia lasi. To, sibona ena lalohisihisi ia havaraia gauna ma ta be ia buruka ia lao bona ia buruka ia lao. Such thinking is unrealistic. Unai karoa ia hahedinaraia, King matamatana Iesu Keriso mai ena aneru helagadia ese Satani bona ena demoni idia tuari henidia. Unai bamona lalohadai be maoro lasi. Mary wrote to me from Virginia, where she had moved, and said that if I was determined to serve Jehovah, I could come and live with her. Ia ese iena lalohadai ia hadibaia lasi, to Iehova ena "taravatu bona kara maoromaoro " ia hadibaia. Mary be Virginia amo lau ia tore henia, bona ia gwau bema egu lalona lau hadaia Iehova do lau hesiai henia, do lau giroa bona ia ida do lau noho. On the basis of Paul's inspired assurance recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, however, we know that the situation giving rise to temptation is only temporary. Edena dala ai do oi haheauka bona oi moale? To, Paulo ena hagoadaia herevana 1 Korinto 10: 13, 13 ai hegeregerena, ita diba hedibagani ita davaria neganai, nega sisina sibona do ita moru. On more than one occasion, Jehovah had saved David from the clutches of "angry enemies. " Ia lalonai sivarai namodia ese taunimanima edia lalona ia hagoadaia, ia gwau kahirakahira Dirava ena guba Basileiana ese kara dika ibounai do ia haorea bona tanobada be paradaiso ai do ia halaoa. Nega momo, Iehova ese Davida be "badu taudia " amo ia hamauria. Gradually, these Bible Students came to discern truths that had been obscured for centuries. Daidia do ita hagoadaia? Gabeai, unai Bible Student taudia be lagani handred momo lalonai idia hunia hereva momokanidia idia lalo - pararalaia. The king is remembered and lauded throughout all generations to come. Iakobo bona Rahela? King be uru ibounai ia laloatao bona ia hanamoa. The first example involves the faithful patriarch Abraham and the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lalohisihisi ia havaraia diba gauna ma ta be ita gorere bona ita buruka ita lao. Haheitalai ginigunana be abidadama bese kwarana tauna Aberahamo bona Sodoma bona Gomora hanua dikadia edia sivarai. How is a thankful spirit in prayer a protection? Momokani, tau bona hahine huanai ia noho lalokauna ese moale ia havaraia diba. Guriguri karana ese edena dala ai ita ia gimaia? They did so much for us, and I am grateful to be able to care for them now. " Mary be Virginia amo lau ia tore henia bona ia gwau bema lau ura Iehova lau hesiai henia, namona be ia ida lau noho. Ai dekenai gau momo idia karaia, bona lau moale badina hari idia lau naria diba. " This is typical of what has happened in many congregations. To, 1 Korinto 10: 13 ai Paulo ena hahegoada herevana ese ita ia durua, badina ita diba unai hedibagani be nega kwadogi sibona lalonai do ia vara gauna. Kongrigeisen momo dekenai unai bamona ia vara. What could hardly be said or printed for public consumption just a few years ago has become commonplace today. (Deu. 33: 27) Nega momo, Iehova be "dagedage taudia " edia imana amo Davida ia hamauria. (Sal. Lagani haida gunanai, taunimanima ese idia gwauraia herevadia eiava printaia gaudia be hari inai negai taunimanima momo ese idia gwauraia diba lasi. The Scales Fall From My Eyes Metairametaira, Bible Student taudia ese lagani momo lalodiai idia diba lasi herevadia edia anina idia lalopararalaia. Lau Itaia Diba Lasi Gauna Jehovah used the apostle Peter to take the lead in opening up the way for Jews and proselytes to become members of this newborn nation, the Christian congregation. Ena inai taudia ia halusia bona ia kwalimu murinai, hahine hairaina ta ia adavaia. Iehova ese aposetolo Petero ia gaukaralaia Iuda taudia bona Iuda tomadihona idia abia dae taudia dekenai dala ia kehoa, unai bese matamatana, Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai idia vareai totona. Nothing else draws us so powerfully to Jehovah as his love. Sivarai ginigunana be abidadama bese kwarana tauna Aberahamo bona hanua dikadia rua Sodoma bona Gomora. Gau ta ese ita ia veria lasi Iehova ena lalokau ita tohotohoa totona. " The sons of the true God " that we read about at Job 1: 6 were clearly spirit creatures assembled in God's presence. Edena dala ai guriguri lalonai Iehova ita tanikiu henia karana ese ita ia gimaia? " Dirava ena natuna taudia " Iobu 1: 6 ai ita duahia gaudia ese idia hahedinaraia goevagoeva, lauma taudia be Dirava ena noho negana lalonai idia hebou. How Father felt about his privilege of carrying the good news to many countries is beautifully captured in one of his letters to Mama. Guna, idia be ai totona gau momo idia karaia vadaeni dainai, lau moale hari idia lau naria diba. " Tamagu ia moale badina ia ese tano momo dekenai sivarai namona ia harorolaia, bona Sinagu dekenai revareva ta ia siaia. How comforting it is to know that no matter how dire our situation is, we can call out to Jehovah with a "request for favor "! - Read Psalm 55: 1, 16. Kongrigeisen momo dekenai danu unai bamona ia vara. Ita moale badina herevana iseda noho dalana be edena bamona, to Iehova ita noia diba "davana namona " ia henia totona! - Salamo 55: 1, 16 duahia. THRILLING ADJUSTMENTS FOR TRAINING AND SERVICE Lagani haida sibona gunanai taunimanima duahia totona idia halasia diba lasi gaudia be hari inai negai idia halasia momo. DALA MA HAIDA IDIA LALOA BADA BONA URA MA HAIDA IDIA LALOA BADA We too are mere " sons of earthling man. ' Lau Diba Dahaka be mai Anina Bada Ita danu be "taunimanima sibona. " I believe this with all my heart. Iehova ese aposetolo Petero ia gaukaralaia Israela taudia bona Iuda tomadihona idia abia dae taudia ia boiridia unai bese matamatana o horoa Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai idia vareai totona. Mai egu kudouna ibounai ida unai lau abia dae. What have humans experienced during the past 6,000 years? Gau ma ta lasi ese Iehova kahirakahira dekenai ita ia veria lao diba, lalokau ese ita ia veria hegeregerena. Idia hanaia lagani 6,000 lalodiai, taunimanima dekenai dahaka ia vara? We were told to hold all the meetings each week regardless of how many attended. Heberu Toretoredia ginigunadia lalonai, Iobu 1: 6 ese ia herevalaia "Dirava momokani ena natudia " be Dirava ena vairanai idia hedinarai anerudia. Ai idia hamaoroa wiki ta ta ai hebou ibounai do ai karaia, herevana taunimanima hida idia lao. Am I willing to learn a new one? ' Tamagu ese ena hahenamo badana, tano momo dekenai sivarai namona ia harorolaia ena hahenamo, ia laloa dalana be Sinagu dekenai ia siaia revarevana ai ia torea hedinarai namo herea. Lau ura gau matamata ta lau dibaia, a? ' In the parable of the virgins, Jesus stresses that all his anointed followers would need to be prepared and to be vigilant, knowing that Jesus is coming but not knowing the day or the hour. (Iona 2: 1, 2, 10) Ita ia hagoadaia gauna be, herevana hekwakwanai badana o maragina ita davaria, to Iehova ita guriguri henia diba bona ia ese ita do ia durua. - Salamo 55: 1, 16 duahia. rami - hebou kekenidia edia parabole lalonai, Iesu ia gwau iena murinai idia raka horoa taudia ibounai be do idia hegaegae bona gima be namo, badina idia diba Iesu be do ia mai, to dina bona hora ia diba lasi. What did that mean for her? Ia gwau: "Oiemu hereva be momokani. " Unai ena anina ia dekenai be dahaka? But if stepping - stones were placed at regular intervals across it, you would likely be more inclined to attempt the crossing. Ita danu be "taunimanima " sibona. To bema unai nadi be hanaihanai idia atoa, do oi ura unai nadi oi hanaia. We will not be too busy to read his Word, the Bible, regularly. Mai egu kudouna ibounai ida unai hereva lau abia dae. Ita bisi bada lasi ena Hereva, Baibel, ita duahia hanaihanai totona. Throughout this challenging period, he must deal with a force that can have a devastating effect on his heart - peer pressure. Idia hanaia lagani 6,000 lalonai, taunimanima edia mauri be edena bamona? Unai nega aukadia lalonai, namona be ia hekwarahi bada ena turadia edia laloani herevadia ia dadaraia totona. Yet, when I handed in my resignation, my supervisor said that I qualified for the position of executive secretary that had just opened up. Ai idia hamaoroa, ena be momo do idia mai lasi, to wiki ta ta ai hebou ai karaia be namo. To, egu doruna dekenai lau atoa neganai, egu bosi ia gwau lau hegeregere seketere ena dagi lau abia totona. So when Jesus used the word "spirit, " Nicodemus would have understood it to be the holy spirit, the active force of God. Lau ura gado matamata ma ta lau dibaia, a? ' Unai dainai, Iesu ese inai hereva "lauma " ia gaukaralaia neganai, Nikodemo ia lalo - parara lauma helaga be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna. It may become infertile if neglected or trodden down by people who have no interest in our spiritual well - being. Rami hebou kekenidia ena parabole lalonai, Iesu ese ia hahedinaraia ena murinai idia raka horoa taudia ibounai be do idia hegaegae bona gima noho, badina idia diba Iesu do ia mai, to dina bona hora idia diba lasi. Bema iseda hetura karana Iehova ida idia laloa bada lasi eiava ita idia laloa bada lasi taudia ese ita idia hamanokaia, unai ese iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ia hadikaia diba. She loaded supplies of food on asses and met David as he and his armed men were en route. 11: 30 - 34) Iapeta ena natuna be dahaka ia karaia? Ororo dekenai aniani ia huaia bona Davida bona ena tuari taudia be dala dekenai idia raka lao neganai, Davida idia hedavari henia. It was not provided solely to perform miracles. Badina be Dirava ese umui ia hoia, mai davana. " Ia be hoa karadia sibona ia karaia lasi. How could that be? To bema nadi haida idia atoa oi raka hanaia totona, reana do oi ura oi hanaia. Edena dala ai unai ia vara diba? At the same time, though, he urged all to "close ranks " with the Governing Body, to draw close together as would soldiers entering the thick of the battle. Gau ma haida do ita laloa momo lasi to ena Hereva, Baibel, do ita duahia hanaihanai. To danu, ia ese ibounai ia hagoadaia Hakaua Oreana ida do idia gaukara hebou, tuari lalonai idia vareai hebou totona. How did first - century Christians react when faced with opposition, and why? Unai metau idauidau negana lalonai, namona be iena kudouna ia hadikaia diba doria gauna ta ia hanaia - unai be turadia edia lalo - ani karana. Keristani taudia ginigunadia be dagedage idia davaria neganai, dahaka idia karaia, bona dahaka dainai? 8: 1 - 4. To, egu risain pepana lau atoa neganai, egu bosi ia gwau, ia ura lau be seketere badana ena dagi do lau abia. 8: 1 - 4. It fortified humble Stephen and served to assure him that he had Jehovah's favor. (Genese 41: 38; Esodo 1: 3; 1 Samuela 10: 6) Unai dainai, Iesu ese "lauma helaga " ia gwauraia neganai, Nikodemo ia laloparara Iesu be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna ia herevalaia. Unai ese Stefano ia hagoadaia bona ia hagoadaia Iehova ese ia lalonamo henia. Wisely, however, parents want to be sure that before their children get baptized, they are ready to shoulder the responsibility of Christian discipleship. Anina do ia havaraia lasi bema ita naria namonamo lasi eiava lauma dalanai iseda namo idia laloa lasi taudia ese do idia moia. To, aonega dalana be tama sina idia ura edia natudia idia do bapatiso lasi neganai, idia noho hegaegae Keristani hahediba tauna ena maduna idia huaia totona. After saying that we should treat others as we want them to treat us, Jesus added: "This, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean. " Ia ese aniani ia gogoa bona doniki dekenai ia atoa bona ia lao Davida bona ena tatau dekenai. Iesu ia gwau ita ura ma haida ese ita idia kara henia hegeregerena, ia gwau: "Inai be Taravatu bona Peroveta Taudia edia hereva ena anina. " MOST people would probably feel that it is a compliment to be thought of as an easygoing person, one with a relaxed, placid, tolerant nature. Dirava ese ia henia lasi hoa karadia sibona idia karaia totona. TAUNIMANIMA momo do idia laloa unai be hanamoa herevana ta, ia be hemami namona ta, mai ena hemami namona, bona mai ena haheauka. On the contrary, he has confidence in us and he wants to help us. Edena dala ai unai idia karaia? To, ia be ita ia abidadama henia bona ia ura ita ia durua. Consider the case of a man who had two wives when he began to study the Bible. Danu, ita ibounai ia hagoadaia Hakaua Oreana ida do ita raka hebou, tuari lalonai tuari taudia idia raka hebou bamona. Baibel ia stadilaia matamaia neganai, tau ta ena adavana rua edia sivarai mani ita laloa. As a loving Father, he protected and cared for such loyal subjects as Noah, Abraham, and David. Dagedage lalonai Keristani taudia ginigunadia be dahaka idia karaia, bona dahaka dainai? Ia be lalokau Tamana dainai, unai bamona abidadama taudia, hegeregere Noa, Aberahamo, bona Davida, ia gimaia bona naria. He believed the Scriptures, which clearly state: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " 8: 1 - 4. Ia ese Buka Helaga ia abia dae, ia gwau: "Mauri taudia idia diba do idia mase, to mase taudia be gau ta idia diba lasi. " Rapid Increase Today Unai ese manau tauna Stefano ia hagoadaia bona ia hahedinaraia Iehova ese ia lalo - namo henia. Hari Inai Negai Lalohadai Kereredia Idia Bada Idia Lao What does the word "righteous " mean? To, idia do bapatiso lasi neganai, tama sina idia ura diba bema edia natudia be idia hegeregere hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana do idia karaia. Inai hereva "kara maoromaoro " ena anina be dahaka? God's Word assures us: "Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. Iesu ia gwau, ita ura taunimanima ese ita idia kara henia hegeregerena, idia do ita kara henia. Unai murinai ma ia gwau: "Badina be Mose ena taravatu bona peroveta taudia edia hereva anina korikori be unai. " Baibel ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese, kara maoromaoro ia ura henia noho, bona ia idia badinaia taudia, be ia ese do ia rakatania lasi. In 1954, I graduated from high school, and a month later I began pioneering. TAUNIMANIMA momo be reana do idia mamia bema ia idia gwauraia lalo - hekwarahi lasi tauna, ia karaharaga lasi, ia manau bona gau idauidau ia haheaukalaia tauna, unai be hanamoa herevana. Lagani 1954 ai, haisikuli lau haorea, bona hua ta murinai painia gaukara lau hamatamaia. POPULAR films and television shows have often portrayed gambling - especially at casinos - as the pastime of the beautiful, wealthy, and sophisticated. To, ita do ia durua hahetoho ita dadaraia bona ia diba momokani hahetoho ita hanaia diba. Niuspepa bona televisen ese nega momo laki gadara idia hahedinaraia - nega momo laki gadara be laki gadara lalonai idia karaia - taga, taga, bona laki gadara. As anointed Christians, the members of that slave "keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. " Mani inai tau oi laloa, Baibel ia stadilaia neganai iena adavana be rua. Ita be horoa Keristani taudia dainai, unai hesiai tauna be "Mamoe ena Natuna murinai ia raka. " However, she felt that it was an opportunity from God. Ia be Tama lalokauna ta bamona, ena kamonai taudia hegeregere Noa, Aberahamo bona Davida ia naria bona gimadia. To, ia laloa unai be dala namona Dirava amo. The Bible adds: "And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Iesu ese Baibel ena hereva ia abia dae. Baibel ia gwau: "Mauri taudia idia diba do idia mase, to mase taudia be gau ta idia diba lasi. " Baibel ma ia gwau: "Dirava ena maino ese taunimanima edia diba ia hanaia momokani. Keriso Iesu umui danu ia hakapua tamona dainai, inai maino ese emui laloa gaudia, bona emui kudouna idia mamia gaudia ibounai do ia gimaia namonamo. " Even in a seemingly hopeless situation, the deeply grieved prophet looked to Jehovah for salvation. Hari Namba Ia Bada Ia Lao Haraga Ena be toana be gau ta ia vara lasi, to unai lalohisihisi peroveta tauna be Iehova dekenai ia tabekau hahemauri ia abia totona. What if two people who are not married to each other unexpectedly find themselves alone together because others who would normally be present are momentarily absent? " Kara maoromaoro " ena anina be dahaka? To, edena bamona bema idia headava lasi headava lasi taudia rua be sibona idia noho hebou, badina ma haida be nega daudau lalonai do idia noho lasi? Obedience to divine precepts brings blessings. Baibel ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese, kara maoromaoro ia ura henia noho. Iena abidadama taudia, be ia ese do ia rakatania lasi. Dirava ena taravatu badinaia karana ese hahenamo ia mailaia. (Read James 1: 17.) Lagani 1954 ai haisikuli lau haorea bona hua ta murinai painia gaukara lau matamaia. (Iamesi 1: 17 duahia.) He may see a downhearted soul who faithfully comes to meetings despite her struggle with depression, an elderly widow who drives other older ones to each congregation meeting, or a teenager who shares in cleaning the Kingdom Hall. MUVI bona TV program ese laki gadara - nega momo kasino gabudiai - idia hahedinaraia, unai gadara be taga bona ladana bada taudia ese idia karaia. Reana mai abidadama ida hebou dekenai ia mai lalo - metau tauna ta, buruka vabu ta, kongregesen hebou ta ta dekenai buruka taudia ma haida ia boiria, eiava Kingdom Hall hagoevaia gaukarana idia durua matamata taudia ia itaia. A prophecy in the book of Daniel enables us to establish where we are in the stream of time. Unai igui hesiai tauna ena memba taudia ta ta be horoa Keristani taudia dainai, "herevana Mamoe Natuna be edeseni ia lao, idia be ia murinai idia raka noho. " Daniela bukana ena peroveta herevana ta ese ita ia durua ita noho gabuna ita diba totona. What questions will we consider? Unai dainai, Iehova ia guriguri henia bona lalogoada ia abia. Edena henanadai do ita herevalaidia? Remain vigilant with regard to the doing of Jehovah's will. Baibel ia gwau: "Dirava ena maino, lalohadai ibounai ia hereaia gauna, ese emui kudouna bona lalona do ia gimaia, Keriso Iesu amo. " Iehova ena ura karaia karana dekenai ita gima noho. Another area where mildness is important is in the field ministry. Unai gauna be, ena be nega aukadia idia vara bona Ieremia be ia daradoko, to hahemauri totona Iehova dekenai ia tabekau. Haroro gaukara ai lalo - manada be mai anina bada. Paradise Earth, 11 / 15 Ruma taudia be nega momo ruma ai idia noho lasi dainai, idia headava lasi mero bona kekeni ta be sibodia ruma dekenai idia noho be edena bamona? 11 / 15 Rudy Dirava ena hakaua herevadia badinaia karana ese hahenamo ia mailaia. RAU 1 AMO Yet, they are richly blessed by Jehovah. (Iamesi 1: 17 duahia.) To, Iehova ese idia ia hanamoa bada. Wholesome Recreation That Refreshes Ia itaia, ta be mai abidadama ida hebou ibounai ia lao henia, herevana ia lalo - metau bada; vabu burukana ta be hanaihanai ia goada karaia PMV ia abia bona Kingdom Hall dekenai ia lao, herevana buruka taudia edia hisihisi idauidau ia abia; natuna be Kingdom Hall hagoevaia gaukarana ia durua. Moale Karadia Namodia Because we both had the common goal of helping others spiritually, I felt that we were a real team. Daniela ena peroveta herevana ta amo do ita laloparara ita be edena nega lalonai ita noho. Ai ruaosi emai tahua gauna be ma haida ai durua Dirava idia tura henia totona, unai dainai lau mamia ai be tura namodia. Like the first - century Beroeans, she "received the word [from her parents and other teachers] with the greatest eagerness of mind. " Dahaka henanadai haida do ita herevalaia? Aposetolo edia negai idia noho Berea taudia bamona, "iena tama sina bona hadibaia taudia ma haida ese Dirava ena hereva idia abia dae mai edia ura bada ida. " The psalmist wrote: "Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, and anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates. " Mai emu lalona ibounai ida Iehova ena ura oi karaia. Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese kara maoromaoro taudia bona kara dika taudia ia tahua noho. Who will " see salvation by Jehovah '? Haroro gaukara lalonai lalo - manada ita hahedinaraia be mai anina. Daika ese " Iehova ena hamauria do ia itaia '? Jehovah pointed to the earth, the sea, the starry heavens, the animals, and to many other marvels of creation. Lohiabada Ena Anibou Ena Anina Oi Dekenai be Dahaka? Iehova ese tanobada, davara, guba ena hisiu, animal, bona gau ma haida ia gwauraia hedinarai. (b) What do Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23 and Psalm 15: 4 impress upon you about making a vow to God? Rudy (b) Deuteronomi 23: 21, 23 bona Salamo 15: 4 ese oi ia hadibaia Dirava dekenai gwauhamata ta oi karaia totona, dahaka oi karaia be namo? I had little interest in school, but I was passionate about racehorses. Edia gaukara namona dainai idia ita hanamoa be namo. Sikuli lau laloa bada lasi, to lau ura dikadika heau helulu lalonai lau vareai. The Nazis responded by stepping up their persecution. Moale Karadia Maorodia ese Ita Idia Hagoadaia Nazi taudia be dagedage idia davaria neganai, Nazi taudia edia hereva idia abia dae. They take no note of the warnings that God's servants proclaim. Emai tahua gauna be ai davaria taudia be Baibel amo ai durua, bona unai dainai ai gaukara hebou namonamo. Dirava ena hesiai taudia ese idia harorolaia hadibaia herevadia idia laloa bada lasi. After warning about covetousness, Jesus spoke about a rich man who is not content with storehouses filled with good things he already has but who tears them down and builds bigger ones in order to lay up more good things. Aposetolo edia negai idia noho Berea taudia bamona, ia ese ena tama sina bona hadibaia taudia ma haida amo " hereva ia kamonai bona ia ura henia. ' Kohu momo ura henia karana dekenai Iesu ese kohu momo tauna ia sisiba henia murinai, ia ese kohu momo ia haboua lasi, to ia tai noho, bona gau badadia momo ia haginia noho, unai amo gau namodia momo ia haboua diba. How closely Jesus must have observed the example of Jehovah's humility in exercising mercy toward sinful mankind! Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Iehova ese kara maoromaoro tauna bona kara dika tauna ruaosi edia kara ia tahua, Bona Ena souli ese dagedage ia ura henia tauna ia inai henia momokani. " Iesu ese Iehova ena manau karana ia itaia bona kara dika taudia dekenai hebogahisi ia hahedinaraia! The first part on the program exemplified the unity of Jehovah's people. Daidia be Iehova ese do ia "hamauria "? Hebou ena kahana ginigunana ese Iehova ena taunimanima edia lalotamona karana ia hahedinaraia. (Read Job 2: 9, 10.) Iehova ese tanobada, davara, guba ena hisiu, animal, bona ia havaraia gaudia namodia ma haida be Iobu dekenai ia hahedinaraia. (Iobu 2: 9, 10 duahia.) Here we felt immensely privileged to help build a Kingdom Hall. (b) Deuteronomi 23: 21, 23 bona Salamo 15: 4 amo dahaka ita dibaia? Unuseniai Kingdom Hall haginia gaukarana ai moalelaia bada. ; Lee, M. Egu sinana ia gaukara goada, lau, tadina mero bona taihuna ia naria totona. ; Esera, M. If we learn to forgive freely and if we avoid strained relations now, it will be easier for us to do so then. - Read Colossians 3: 12 - 14. To Nazi taudia ese edia dagedage karana idia habadaia. Bema mai kudouna ibounai ida ma haida edia dika ita gwauatao bona bema sihari kava karana ita dadaraia, unai ita karaia be auka lasi. - Kolose 3: 12 - 14 duahia. Instead, he always disciplines his people "to the proper degree. " Ena be nega dokonai ita noho, to momo be unai idia abia dae lasi. To, nega ibounai ena taunimanima ia matahakani henia "kara maorona " idia badinaia totona. Since birth, she has suffered from the effects of cerebral apoplexy. Iesu ia gwau unai tau ena uma aniani haboua rumana be aniani amo ia honu, to ia laloa unai be hegeregere lasi dainai, unai ruma ia kokia bona ruma badadia ia haginia. Unai amo aniani namodia momo do ia haboua diba. Ia vara negana amo, ena tauanina ena kahana ta ia hisihisi bada. They were still God's chosen people, and the rebuilt temple was still the center for true worship. Danu, ena Tamana be mai manau ida goevadae lasi taudia ia hebogahisi henidia neganai, Iesu be unai kara ia itaia. Idia be Dirava ese ia abia hidi besena, bona tomadiho momokani totona dubu helaga idia haginia lou. How timely that reminder is today, as billions of pages of reading material roll off the world's printing presses annually! Program matamanai Iehova ena taunimanima edia lalotamona karana idia herevalaia. Hari inai negai, unai hadibaia herevana be nega korikori ai ita ia hadibaia, tanobada ena printa masini amo idia printaia bukadia bilioni momo ita duahia bamona! When the wife of his master, Potiphar, tried to seduce him, Joseph rejected her efforts. (Iobu 2: 9, 10 duahia.) Iosepa be ena biaguna Potifara ena adavana, Potifara, ena lalona ia veria ia ida ia mahuta hebou totona neganai, Iosepa ese ena hekwarahi ia dadaraia. First, the elders needed to establish the facts. Ai moale bada badina Kingdom Hall haginia gaukarana ai durua. Gau ginigunana be, elda taudia ese unai hereva idia hamomokania be namo. Maintain Honor in Marriage Bona umui noia negadia ibounai, mai tanikiu danu do umui guriguri henia. Headava Lalonai Hemataurai Hahedinaraia When elders are called upon to give counsel, their goal is to do so "with mildness, " even when speaking with those" not favorably disposed. " ; Lee, M. Elda taudia be sisiba idia abia neganai, namona be edia tahua gauna be "mai manau danu " unai do idia karaia, herevana" idia ura lasi taudia " ida idia herevahereva. One Bible scholar says that Paul's use of this word denotes a "resolute turning aside from something worthless and abhorrent with which one will have nothing more to do. " Hari haida edia dika ita gwauatao bona ita kara namo henidia neganai, tanobada matamatana ai unai kara do ita hahedinaraia diba. - Kolose 3: 12 - 14 duahia. Baibel ia diba bada tauna ta ia gwau, Paulo ese inai hereva "be anina lasi gauna ta amo ia raka siri bona momoru amo ia honu momokani. " Our host called out again, "The circuit overseer has arrived! " Oibe, Ia ese "kota maoromaoro " dekenai iena taunimanima ia matahakani henidia. Ai ia welkam henia lou, ia gwau: " Sekit naria tauna ia ginidae vadaeni! " What lessons do we learn from the prayer of the Levites? Dalia ia vara neganai, ena harana dekenai celebral apoplexy gorere ia abia. Levi taudia edia guriguri amo dahaka ita dibaia? At the tabernacle, Hannah vowed that if she bore a son, she would give him to Jehovah. Idia be Dirava ena taunimanima, bona Dirava ia ura dubu helaga ai ia do idia tomadiho henia noho. Palai dubu dekenai, Hana ia gwauhamata bema natuna ta ia havaraia, Iehova dekenai do ia henia. Commerce, the fertility of the area, and the production of woolen cloth and carpets helped to make it a wealthy city that once had some 50,000 residents. Unai sisiba be nega maorona ai idia henia, badina hari lagani ta ta ai printa masinidia amo duahiduahi bukadia bilioni momo idia halasia noho! Unai gabu ai idia noho taudia, bona mamoe ena huina bona dabua edia laulau ese guna idia noho taga taudia 50,000 bamona ia durua. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Iosepa ena biaguna, Potifara ena adavana ese Iosepa ena lalona ia ania neganai, ia ese ia dadaraia. STADI SEDIUAL: As such children mature, they store up pleasant memories of such experiences. Tatau badadia ese ia vara gauna do idia tahua namonamo guna. Unai bamona natudia idia bada neganai, unai ekspiriens namodia idia laloa lou. 1, 2. Headava Matauraia 1, 2. Consider some examples. Elda taudia ese haida idia sisiba henia neganai, edia ura gauna be "mai manau danu " do idia hereva, ena be unai taudia ese edia" hereva idia utua. " Mani haheitalai haida ita laloa. (a) What language did Jehovah use to communicate with Moses, Samuel, and David? Unai tauna be ia ura lasi ia negea gauna do ia itaia lou, badina ia be dika eiava anina lasi gauna. (a) Iehova ese Mose, Samuela, bona Davida ia hereva henia neganai, edena gado ia gaukaralaia? First, a person repents of his sins, turns away from a wrong course, dedicates his life to Jehovah to worship and serve him, and makes his dedication public by water baptism. Tadikaka be ma ia boiboi lou, "Sekit naria tauna ia ginidae vadaeni! " Ginigunana be, tau ta be ena kara dika amo ia helalo - kerehai, dala kererena ia rakatania, Iehova ia tomadiho henia bona hesiai henia, bona ranu bapatiso amo ena gwauhamata ia hamomokania. For these, such activity was not a casual matter. Levi taudia edia guriguri amo dahaka ita dibaia? Unai gaukara be mai anina bada. In some lands, religious and political elements refuse to acknowledge that we practice "the form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God. " Lohiabada ena ladana badana do umui abia isi. " Tano haida ai, tomadiho bona politikol oreadia idia ura lasi idia abia dae ita be "Dirava ena vairanai ita goeva bona goeva momokani. " Walter adds that it was a key step in introducing "Christian commemorations " to the pagan calendar, thus smoothing the way to mass conversion. Dubu helaga dekenai Hana be gwauhamata ia karaia, bema natuna mero ta ia havaraia, Iehova dekenai do ia henia. Walter ia gwau, unai be dala badana tomadiho koikoi edia kalenda dekenai "Keristani tomadiho " idia hamatamaia totona, unai amo taunimanima momo ese edia tomadiho idia haidaua diba. Those testifying for the State included two preachers, the mayor, and the police. Ia taga badina unuseniai bisinesi idia karaia, ena tano be ia namo bona mamoe huina amo dabua bona kapet idia karaia danu, bona unuseniai guna idia noho taudia ibounai be 50,000. Gavamani idia gwauraia haroro taudia rua, taoni naria tauna badana, bona pulisi taudia. Those prophets included Abraham's grandson Jacob. STADI SEDIUAL: Unai peroveta taudia haida be Aberahamo ena tubuna Iakobo. Joseph worked hard to provide for his family Unai bamona natudia edia mauri lagani ia bada ia lao neganai, unai nega namodia idia laloatao. Iosepa ia gaukara goada ena ruma bese ia naria totona Thus, the apostle Paul could say of Christians: "You are standing firm in one spirit, with one soul striving side by side for the faith of the good news. " - Phil. 1, 2. Unai dainai, aposetolo Paulo ese Keristani taudia ia herevalaia diba, ia gwau: "Umui gini goada noho, bona mai emui lauma danu, Sivarai Namona umui abidadama henia noho. " - Fili. 23: 5 - 49. Haheitalai haida mani ita laloa. 23: 5 - 49. Explain. (a) Iehova ese Mose, Samuela, bona Davida ia hereva henidia neganai, edena gado ia gaukaralaia? Gwauraia hedinarai. If Adam and Eve had respected that gift, the whole earth would have become a paradise filled with happy, righteous servants of God. Kahana ginigunana be: Tau ta be iena kara dika amo do ia helalo - kerehai, kara dika do ia rakatania, gwauhamata ia karaia Iehova do ia tomadiho bona hesiai henia totona, bena taunimanima vairanai unai gwauhamata be ranu bapatisona amo ia hamomokania. Bema Adamu bona Heva ese unai harihari gauna idia matauraia, tanobada ibounai be paradaiso ai do ia lao bona Dirava ena kara maoromaoro hesiai taudia be mai moale ida do idia noho. Much to his surprise, he was able to complete the assignment successfully. Idia dekenai, unai gaukara be mai anina bada gauna. Ia hoa bada, badina unai gaukara ia hagugurua diba. And despite many economic and scientific advances since 1914, food shortages continue to threaten world security. Tano haida dekenai, tomadiho bona politikol orea idauidau idia ura lasi idia abia dae ita be " Keristani taudia edia kara goevagoeva bona momokani, Tamana Dirava ena vairanai ' ita karaia. Bona ena be lagani 1914 amo moni bona saiens dalanai gau momo idia idau, to tanobada ai hitolo bada ia vara noho. SEE PAGES 6 - 8. Idia ese Iesu ena toreisi lou dinana sibona lasi, to "keru negana ia ore bona siahu negana ia matamana dinana idia moalelaia " danu. RAU 6 - 8 ITAIA. 4: 25. Unai tano totona idia hereva taudia be rua, taoni naria tauna bona pulisi. 4: 25. Song 212 in Sing Praises to Jehovah, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Iehova ese Aberahamo ena tubuna, Iakobo ia naria danu. Ane amo Iehova Ena Witnes Taudia ese idia halasia. I was lost! Iosepa ia gaukara goada ena famili ubua totona Lau haboioa! [ Picture on page 21] Unai dainai aposetolo Paulo ese Keristani taudia ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Lau diba, mai emui laloa tamona bona ura tamona, Sivarai Namona abidadama henia totona do umui tuari hebou noho. " - Fili. [ Picture on page 21] Ponder episodes in the lives of Jehovah's servants of the past, and ask yourself how you would have acted under similar circumstances. - Genesis 39: 7 - 9; Daniel 3: 3 - 6, 16 - 18; Acts 4: 18 - 20. " Lau Itaia, to Ena Anina Lau Diba Lasi " Idaunegai Iehova ena hesiai taudia dekenai ia vara gauna oi laloa dobu, bona sibona oi nanadaia edena bamona unai bamona negadiai unai bamona do oi karaia. - Genese 39: 7 - 9; Daniela 3: 3 - 6, 16 - 18; Kara 4: 18 - 20. Prove Your Faith by Your Life Course, 10 / 15 23: 5 - 49. Iehova ese Oi Ia Durua Dalana Oi Itaia, A? In all circumstances, we need to lean on Jehovah for guidance, trusting in him to support us and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Herevalaia. To, gau badana be Iehova dekenai ita tabekau, ita do ia durua bona ita sibona totona do ita karaia diba lasi gaudia do ita karaia. For some three years, the small group of courageous brothers went to the mountains each week. 1: 26 - 28) Bema Adamu bona Heva be unai harihari gauna idia matauraia, tanobada be paradaiso ai ia lao bona goevadae taudia be mai moale ida Iehova do idia hesiai henia. Lagani toi lalonai, tadikaka taihu haida be wiki ta ta ai ororo dekenai idia lao. But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " Ia moale bada, badina unai gaukara ia hagugurua. To umui lau hamaoroa, bema tau ta ese hahine ta do ia itaia noho matana dekenai, ela bona iena lalona dekenai do ia ura dikadika, iena kudouna dekenai unai tau be ia heudahanai vadaeni. " Scott: We can ask God for his holy spirit to help us in difficult circumstances. Lagani 1914 ai ia vara tuarina be tanobada amo maino ia kokia tuari badana ginigunana. Peter: Hekwakwanai negadiai, Dirava ita noia ena lauma helaga amo ita ia durua totona. Seven centuries before Jesus ' birth on earth, Jehovah inspired Isaiah to prophesy that His chosen Servant would be faithful even when tested to the limit. RAU 6 - 8 ITAIA. Iesu be tanobada ai ia do vara lasi neganai, Iehova ese ena lauma helaga amo Isaia ia hasiahua bona ia peroveta Iena abia hidi Hesiai Tauna be hahetoho do ia haheaukalaia. By recognizing the seriousness of the matter, by trying to see good in the members of your family, by studying and applying God's Word, by relying on Jehovah through earnest prayer, and by seeking the help of mature Christian elders, you can overcome what may seem a formidable barrier between you and your family. 4: 25, NW. Emu ruma bese taudia edia lalohadai oi lalopararalaia neganai, namona be Dirava ena Hereva oi stadilaia bona badinaia, guriguri amo Iehova dekenai oi tabekau, bona lo Keristani elda taudia edia heduru oi tahua, unai amo do oi diba dahaka ese oi bona emu ruma bese do ia koua. 19, 20. (a) Describe the ancient threshing and winnowing process. (b) Why are the wicked likened to chaff? Unai be Ane 212, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia Ane Amo Iehova Hanamoa bukana lalonai ia noho. 19, 20. (a) Dahaka dainai kara dika taudia be momoru bamona? He relates: "Then I turned and went down from the mountain and placed the tablets in the ark that I had made, that they might continue there, just as Jehovah had commanded me. " Lau boio! Ia gwau: "Vadaeni ororo dekena amo lau diho lao, ororo dekenai, lau ese nadi palaka palaka lau atoa, unuseni do idia noho, Lohiabada ese lau ia oda henia hegeregerena. " Put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " [ Picture on page 21] Dirava ese ia havaraia mauri matamata be kara maoromaoro bona badinaia dalana hegeregerena ia atoa. " Those whom we studied with became dear friends for life. Dirava ena hesiai taudia gunadia edia mauri sivaraidia oi laloa dobu, bena sibona oi nanadaia unai bamona negadiai dahaka do oi karaia. - Genese 39: 7 - 9; Daniela 3: 3 - 6, 16 - 18; Kara 4: 18 - 20. Ai stadi henia taudia be tura namodia ai idia lao. What a fine attitude! Namona be nega ibounai Iehova dekenai ita tabekau, bona ita abia dae momokani ia ese ita do ia durua bona ita karaia diba lasi gaudia be ia ese ita totona do ia karaia. Unai be lalohadai namona! As our ministry expanded, we decided to type out simple Bible messages to distribute to interested ones. Lagani rua bamona, tadikaka be mai gari lasi ida wiki ta ta ai unai ororo idia daekau. Emai haroro gaukara ai habadaia neganai, emai lalona ai hadaia Baibel ena hereva be auka lasi kamonai taudia dekenai ai harorolaia totona. Neither should you hesitate to get baptized if you qualify. To umui lau hamaoroa, bema tau ta be hahine ta ia raraia ela bona ia ura henia dikadika, unai tauna be iena kudouna dekenai ia heudahanai vadaeni. " Bema oi hegeregere bapatiso oi abia totona, namo lasi bapatiso oi abia. For a marriage to thrive, Jehovah needs to be involved in the relationship. Peter: Hekwakwanai negadiai, Dirava ena lauma helaga ita noia diba ita ia durua totona. Headava ia goada totona, Iehova ia ura headava taudia ese edia hetura karana do idia hagoadaia. Because the preaching work is of such importance to us, it deserves our giving it as much of our time, energy, and attention as possible. Iesu be tanobada ai ia do vara lasi neganai, lagani 732 B.C.E. bamona ai, Iehova be lauma helaga amo peroveta tauna Isaia ia hasiahua dainai, ia gwau Hesiai Tauna be ena Dirava do ia badinaia noho ela bona mase. Ita dekenai haroro gaukara be mai anina bada dainai, iseda nega, goada, bona ita laloa namonamo be gau badana. They may be too young and inexperienced. (Salamo 19: 7) Bema ita lalo - pararalaia unai kara ita hahedinaraia be mai anina bada, ita hekwarahi iseda ruma bese taudia edia kara namodia ita itaia, Dirava ena Hereva ita stadilaia, mai momokani ida Iehova ena heduru totona ita guriguri, bona lo Keristani elda taudia edia heduru ita tahua neganai, toana be oi bona emu ruma bese taudia huanai ia noho koua gauna badana umui hanaia diba. Reana idia be matamata bona diba bada lasi taudia. Although Jehovah is invisible to our eyes, let us always remember that we are visible to him. 19, 20. (a) Idaunegai, uiti ena kopina kokia karana bona ena momoru idia negea daekau karana oi gwauraia. (b) Dahaka dainai Baibel ese kara dika taudia be uiti ena momoru ida ia hahegeregerea? Ena be Iehova be iseda matana amo ita itaia diba lasi, to namona be hanaihanai ita laloatao ita be ia ita itaia noho. Love for Jehovah and for his Word impelled Jesus to reject the allurements that the Tempter put before him. Unai neganai lau karaia hegaegae Mauana dekenai unai nadi ruaosi lau udaia. Idia be unuseni do noho, Lohiabada ese iena oda lau dekenai ia henia bamona. " Iesu be Iehova bona ena Hereva ia lalokau henia dainai, taunimanima edia lalona veria herevadia ia dadaraia. Moreover, by carrying out Jesus ' command to go and preach, we too show our love for God because Jesus ' commandments reflect his Father's thinking. Mauri matamata do umui atoa, dabua matamata umui atoa bamona. Inai mauri matamata dainai, emui toana be Dirava ena toana bamona, ia ese ia karaia gauna. Danu, Iesu ena hahegani ita badinaia bona haroro gaukara ita karaia neganai, ita hahedinaraia ita be Dirava ita lalokau henia, badina Iesu ena hahegani ese iena Tamana ena lalohadai ia hahedinaraia. Come evening, I was inclined to stay up; she wanted to go to bed early. Idia ida ai stadi taudia be emai mauri lalonai turadia namodia ai idia lao. Adorahi ai, lau ura lau mahuta; ia ura lau bedi dekenai do lau mahuta. We can be happy and content with what we have Lalohadai namona ia hahedinaraia! Ita dekenai idia noho gaudia be hegeregere Everything he does will succeed. " Emai haroro gaukara ai habadaia neganai, Baibel ena sivarai ai taipia bona kamonai taudia dekenai ai hariharilaidia. Ia karaia gaudia ibounai be do idia kwalimu. " Why do you feel favored by God, and what reasons do you have to cry out "Praise Jah! "? Unai dainai bema oi hegeregere vadaeni bapatiso oi abia totona, vadaeni oi bapatiso be namo. Dahaka dainai Dirava ese oi ia lalonamo henia, bona dahaka dainai "Lohiabada umui hanamoa " be namo? (b) What did the king's disobedience eventually lead him to do? Headava ia goada totona, namona be Iehova be headava lalonai ia noho. (b) King ena gwau - edeede karana dainai dahaka ia karaia? She and her husband felt that they could not afford to have another child for economic reasons, so they were contemplating an abortion. Haroro gaukara be mai anina bada gaukara dainai, iseda nega bona goada ibounai ida unai gaukara ita karaia be namo. Ia bona ena adavana idia laloa idia hegeregere lasi natuna ma ta idia havaraia totona, unai dainai bogana lalonai natuna hamasea karana idia lalohadailaia. But our secular employment should not be the main thing in our life. Reana idia be do matamata bona gau momo idia diba lasi. To namo lasi iseda moni gaukara be iseda mauri lalonai ita laloa bada. He gave the people the Mosaic Law. Ena be iseda matana amo Iehova ita itaia diba lasi, to namona be ita laloatao ia ese ita ia itaia diba. Ia ese Mose ena Taravatu be taunimanima dekenai ia henia. His former sinful conduct was included in the things that Paul was determined to forget. " Iesu be Iehova ia lalokau henia bona Buka Helaga ia ura henia bada dainai, unai ese ia durua Satani ena hedibagani ia dadaraia totona. Paulo ena kara dika gunana be ena lalona ia hadaia ena kara dika do ia laloaboio. Out of loyalty to David, Abishai was eager to kill King Saul, but David restrained him, realizing that it would be wrong to lift one's hand "against the anointed of Jehovah. " Danu, Iesu ena oda hegeregerena ita lao bona ita haroro neganai, ita danu ita hahedinaraia ita be Dirava ita lalokau henia badina Iesu ia gwauraia oda herevadia be ena Tamana amo ia abia. Abisai be Davida ia badinaia dainai, ia ura King Saulo ia alaia, to Davida ia diba Iehova ese ia horoa tauna ta do ia abia isi be kerere. Perhaps Mark was to care for practical needs during the trip so that the apostles could concentrate on spiritual matters. Bona hanuaboi ai lau ura lasi mahuta haraga, to ia be ia mahuta guna. Reana Mareko be unai laolao lalonai heduru ia abia be namo, unai amo aposetolo taudia be lauma gaudia idia laloa bada diba. 2: 1, 2. Ita abia gaudia do ita moalelaia diba bona iseda lalona do ia hegeregere 2: 1, 2. STUDY ARTICLES Edia gaukara ibounai be ena anina ia vara, bona mai edia kwalimu danu. " STADI SEDIUAL Thus, ample advance notice of what was going to happen to their nation in the future was given to God's people. Dahaka dainai oi mamia Dirava ese oi ia lalonamo henia, bona dahaka dainai ia oi hanamoa be namo? Unai dainai, gau momo idia do vara lasi neganai, Dirava ena taunimanima dekenai do ia vara gauna ita laloa diba. (Read James 3: 14 - 18.) (b) King ena kamonai lasi karana ese ia veria dahaka ia karaia totona? (Iamesi 3: 14 - 18 duahia.) How happy she is that her son, of his own free will, chose to serve Jehovah. Iehova ena Witnes taudia be idia ruaosi idia vadivadi henia, bona idia diba lasi idia ruaosi be natuna hamasea karana idia lalohadailaia, bona idia dekenai Venezuela gado ena Sain Gado ai Dirava Ia Ura Dahaka Ita Karaia? Ia moale badina ena natuna mero, ena ura kwalimu dainai, abia hidi ia karaia Iehova ia hesiai henia totona. A concrete reality, it will remain the only government in existence. To, iseda mauri lalonai namo lasi moni gaukara ita atoa guna. Momokani, unai gavamani sibona do ia noho. [ Picture on page 6] Idia dekenai Mose amo Taravatu ia henia. [ Picture on page 6] Owned by Company for the Reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, Ltd Paulo ia gwau ia ura murinai idia noho gaudia ia laloaboio neganai, guna ia karaia kereredia ia herevalaia danu. Jerusalem City of Jerusalem, L. He told them that if he had been in their place, he " would have strengthened them with the words of his mouth, and the consolation of his lips would have brought them relief. ' To, Davida ia diba "Lohiabada ese ia abia hidi " tauna ia alaia mase be kerere, unai dainai Abisai ia koua. (1 Sam. Idia ia hamaoroa bema ia be edia gabu dekenai ia noho, " ena uduna amo idia do ia hagoadaia, bona ena udu bibinadia ese idia do idia hagoadaia. ' So it seems that Paul and other first - century Christians were acquainted with many who had heard that command firsthand. Reana, Mareko be ruma gaukara bona gaukara ma haida ia karaia, unai amo Paulo bona Banaba be haroro gaukara bona kongrigeisen durua gaukara idauidau idia karaia diba. Unai dainai, toana be Paulo bona Keristani ginigunadia ma haida be unai hahegani idia kamonai taudia momo idia diba. He was referring to the command to love. 2: 1, 2. Ia be lalokau ena hahegani ia herevalaia. While the battle raged, we sat on the grassy steppe beyond the perimeter of the camp. STADI EDIA BADINA Tuari ia vara noho lalonai, kamepa ena rei gabudia dekenai ai helai. " All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [the grave], the place to which you are going. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 10. Oibe, Dirava ese ena taunimanima be nega bada ia do noho lalonai ia hadibadia Ierusalema be dika do ia davaria. Badina be mase taudia edia gabu, oi lao gabuna, dekenai be kara ta lasi, laloa ta lasi, diba bona aonega ta lasi. " - Hadibaia Tauna 9: 10. We got married a year later, in April 1967, and we were allowed to continue in the traveling work together. (Iamesi 3: 14 - 18 duahia.) Lagani ta murinai, April 1967 ai, ai headava, bona gwaumaoro idia henia sekit gaukara ai karaia noho totona. What was it? Ia moale bada herea badina iena mero be mai ena ura kwalimu ida Iehova hesiai henia dalana ia abia hidi. Unai be dahaka? How can we develop such zeal? (Daniela 2: 44, 45) Ia be gavamani korikorina, bona tanobada hegegemadai ia sibona do ia lohia. Edena dala ai unai ura goadana ita habadaia diba? Yes, we can use the Bible to prove to ourselves that we are in the faith and are valuable to Jehovah. [ Picture on page 6] Oibe, Baibel amo ita hamomokania diba ita be abidadama taudia bona Iehova dekenai ita be mai anina bada. Some sexually transmitted diseases damage the liver. Owned by Company for the Reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, Ltd Mahuta hebou karana ese ta ena tauanina ia hadikaia diba. Our making changes and progressing to the point of qualifying for baptism, though, is only a beginning. Ia hamaorodia bema idia be ia bamona hisihisi idia mamia, ia gwau: "Egu uduna dekena amo, lau ese umui do lau hagoadaia diba, Bona egu hereva ese emui hisihisi idia hamaragia diba. " To, iseda mauri ita haidaua bona ita goada ita lao ela bona ita hegeregere bapatiso ita abia totona be matamana sibona. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia, Paulo bona Keristani ginigunadia ma haida be unai hahegani idia kamonai taudia momo idia diba. Egu huaia auna be emui pagana dekenai do umui atoa, lau dekenai diba do umui tahua, badina lau be dagedage lasi bona manau tauna. " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Ia be ma haida lalokau henia taravatuna. " Emui inai tauna, Diabolo, be ia boiboi bada laiona bamona ia raka loaloa, do ia ania ore tauna ia tahua noho. " When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes; and even expectation based on powerfulness has perished. Idia heai noho lalonai, ai be kamepa murimurinai rei dekenai ai helai. Kara dika tauna ta ia mase neganai, ena helaro ia manoka; bona mai ena goada bada ida ia naria ela bona ia mase. Rehoboth? " Oiemu imana ese ia davaria gaukara ibounai, be do oi karaia mai oiemu goada ibounai danu. Badina be mase taudia edia gabu, oi lao gabuna, dekenai be kara ta lasi, laloa ta lasi, diba bona aonega ta lasi. " - Hadibaia Tauna 9: 10. " Idia mase neganai tano ena kahu dekenai idia giroa lou. Sibona Idia Noho be Maoro, A? Then, this unselfish prayer concludes with a solemn promise that the nation will henceforth obey God's Law. Lagani tamona murinai, April 1967 ai ai headava bona gwaumaoro ai abia sekit gaukara do ai karaia hebou. Bena, unai guriguri ena dokonai ia ese gwauhamata ta ia gwauraia, unai bese be Dirava ena Taravatu do ia badinaia. 9, 10. Unai be dahaka? 9, 10. They sold their spacious home in the United States and moved into a small apartment in Cancún, a city on Mexico's east coast. 2: 3) Edena dala ai unai ita karaia diba? Edia ruma badana be United States dekenai idia hoihoilaia bona Mexico ena ist kone kahanai ia noho taoni maragina ta dekenai idia lao. How? Oibe, Baibel ena heduru amo ita hamomokania diba, ita be eda abidadama ita dogoatao noho bona Iehova ese ita ia laloa bada. Edena dala ai? As God Almighty, he has the entire universe under his authority. Pokese goreredia haida ese asena idia hadikaia diba. Ia be Siahu Ibounai Diravana dainai, ia ese guba bona tanobada ibounai ia biagua. For example, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said of a Jewish sect: "Swearing they avoid, regarding it as worse than perjury, for they say that one who is not believed without an appeal to God stands condemned already. " Herevana iseda kara - badadia o maragidia - ita senisia be namo, to Keristani tauna ai ita lao totona, mauri matamata ita atoa be gau badana. Hegeregere, histori torea tauna Flavius Josephus ese Iuda oreana ta ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Idia ese Iuda tomadiho oreana ta idia dadaraia, bona idia gwau Dirava ia ura lasi tauna be Dirava ese ia gwauraia dika vadaeni. " Still, we must guard against adopting the bad manners that are common in the world today. Lauegu huaia auna do umui huaia bona lau dekenai diba umui tahua, badina lau be manau bona lalomanada tauna bona goada matamata do umui davaria. To, namona be ita naria namonamo, inai tanobada taudia ese idia karaia kara dikadia ita dadaraia totona. Some listeners liked the message. Umui dekenai ia tuari henia tauna, Satani, be laiona mai ena boiboi bada bamona. Kamonai taudia haida be unai sivarai idia ura henia. 18 Do You Remember? Kara dika tauna ia mase neganai, ia ese ia naria gau namodia be ia danu idia mase noho, bona iena mauri neganai iena siahu dekena amo, ia laloa do ia abia gau namodia, be anina lasi momokani. 18 Oi Laloatao, A? Was Jesus indicating that a large number of his anointed brothers would prove to be wicked and sluggish? Rehoboto? Iesu ia hahedinaraia iena horoa tadikaka momo be kara dika bona lahedo taudia ai do idia lao, a? So Pedro was left alone with his brothers. 9: 33) Levi taudia edia guriguri dokonai, idia gwauhamata Israela besena ese Dirava ena Taravatu do idia badinaia. Unai dainai Pedro sibona be ena tadikaka ida ia noho. WEST PALM BEACH, FL, Christian Convention Center of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1610 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. 9, 10. SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Why does it take faith to put Jehovah ahead of family expectations? Edia ruma badana United States dekenai idia hoihoilaia, bena Mexico ena ist kone kahanai ia noho siti ta ladana, Cancún ai ruma maragina ta idia abia. Dahaka dainai ruma bese naria urana ia do vara lasi neganai, Iehova abidadama henia karana be mai anina bada? 11: 23 - 26. Edena dala ai? 11: 23 - 26. Is that why you have obtained this magazine? Ia be Siahu Ibounai Diravana bona tanobada bona guba ia biagua. Unai dainai inai magasin oi abia vadaeni, a? * Hegeregere, Iuda edia histori torea tauna Flavius Josephus ese Iuda oreana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Unai orea lalonai idia noho taudia idia abia dae, bema ta be gwauhamata ia karaia, anina be ia be koikoi tauna. * OF COURSE, if you are not in good health when an infection strikes, you are even more vulnerable. To ita naria namonamo - namo lasi taunimanima momo ese hari idia karaia hemataurai lasi karadia ita tohotohoa. LAGANI 100 C.E. ai, bema gorere ta ia vara neganai oi gorere momo lasi, do oi moru diba. She provides valuable input concerning family decisions by respectfully expressing her thoughts and feelings yet remaining submissive. Reidio ai ia kamonai, Bible Student taudia ese buka ta ladana Studies in the Scriptures idia herevalaia. Mai hemataurai ida ena lalohadai bona hemami ia gwauraia hedinarai bona ena ruma bese totona abia hidi ia karaia be mai anina bada. It is mentioned by both characters in the illustration as well as by Jesus. 18 Oi Laloatao, A? Unai be Iesu bona Iesu ese idia gwauraia taudia ese idia laulaulaia. In Germany, where Beate lives, most young people share her feelings; hence, they attach little importance to reading the Bible. Iesu ia gwau ena horoa tadikaka haida be kara dika bona lahedo taudia ai do idia lao, a? Germany dekenai, matamata taudia momo be ena hemami idia herevalaia; unai dainai, idia ura lasi Baibel idia duahia. Daily, he sat at the temple gate called Beautiful in order to ask gifts of mercy from those entering into the temple. Unai dainai Pedro be iena kakadia ida ia noho. Dina ta ta ai, dubu ena geiti dekenai ia helai, dubu lalonai idia vareai taudia amo hebogahisi harihari gaudia ia noia totona. As you read the scriptures, imagine that you are part of the event. Visualize the scene. Dahaka dainai famili edia ura ita dadaraia to Iehova ita atoa guna be abidadama karana? Baibel siridia oi duahia neganai, namona be oi laloa oi be unai sivarai lalonai oi noho bamona. Whose examples can we imitate in being zealous followers of the Christ? 11: 23 - 26. Daidia edia haheitalai ita tohotohoa diba Keriso murinai idia raka goadagoada taudia ita tohotohoa totona? During their wilderness trek, the Israelites were instructed to take great care when disposing of human waste. Unai badina dainai inai magasin oi abia, a? Israela taudia be taunimanima idia noho lasi gabuna dekenai idia loaloa neganai, Dirava ese idia ia hamaoroa taunimanima idia laga - ani neganai, do idia naria namonamo. Thus, after establishing the facts of the case, the elders had to look at the person, not just the action. * Unai dainai, elda taudia ese unai tauna ena sivarai idia gwauraia murinai, unai tauna ena kara do idia tahua sibona lasi, to kara sibona do idia karaia. We will either "hate the one and love the other " or" stick to the one and despise the other, " said Jesus. MOMOKANI, bema emu tauanina ia manoka bona gorere ta oi davaria, reana emu tauanina do ia dika haraga. Iesu ia gwau: "Tau ta do ita badu henia, bona ita ta ta do ita lalokau henia, bona ta ta do ita dadaraia. " MOST people want to have good friends. 2: 20) Ruma bese ese abia hidi ta idia karaia neganai, hahine be mai hemataurai ida ena lalohadai bona hemami ia gwauraia diba, to badinaia karana ia hahedinaraia be namo. TAUNIMANIMA momo idia ura tura namodia idia abia. Peter counsels a Christian woman not to rely on external appearances. Parabole lalonai, vabu bona kota biaguna be unai gau idia hahedinaraia. Petero ese Keristani hahine ta ia sisiba henia namona be murimuri dekenai ia tabekau lasi. Why is Jehovah's "keeping awake " associated with the almond tree? Namona be ita ia hahisia tauna totona mai momokani ida ita guriguri (Paragraf 17 itaia) Dahaka dainai Iehova ena "noga noho " be kahirakahira ala - ala auna ida ia gaukara hebou? We can read, see the faces of our loved ones, gaze at sunsets, and on and on. Beate ia noho gabuna Germany dekenai, matamata taudia momo be unai bamona idia laloa; unai dainai, idia dekenai Baibel duahia karana be gau badana lasi. Ita duahia diba, iseda lalokau taudia edia vairana ena toana, dina ia diho, bona dina ia diho neganai idia vara gaudia ita itaia diba. With that happy prospect, Diojany agreed to go with them. Dina iboudiai dubu ena geiti, ladana Namo Herea, dekenai ia helai, bona dubu ai idia vareai taudia ia noidia hebogahisi dainai gau ta idia henia totona. Unai helaro ia abia dae dainai, ia ura idia danu do ia lao. How did Jesus explain the illustration of the sower? Baibel siridia oi duahia neganai, namona be oi laloa oi be unai sivarai lalonai oi noho bamona. Iesu ese uhe hadoa tauna ena parabole be edena bamona ia gwauraia? We view building and maintaining Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and branch facilities as a great privilege. Daidia edia haheitalai namona ita tohotohoa diba? Kingdom Hall, Assembly Hall, bona brens ofesi haginia gaukarana be hahenamo badana. The Baal prophets got their sacrifice ready, and then for hours they kept calling: "O Baal, answer us! " Israela taudia be tano gagaena dekenai idia loaloa neganai, Iehova ese idia ia hadibaia, namona be tano idia geia, idia kukuri bona tano amo idia koua. Bala ena peroveta taudia be edia boubou gaudia idia abia hegaegae, bena hora momo lalonai idia boiboi: " Bala e, ai dekenai do oi haere! " But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. Ia vara gauna idia diba murinai, tatau badadia ese kerere tauna ena kara sibona lasi, to ia idia laloa be namo. To hari guba bona tanobada be lahi ese ia araia noho, bona Dirava idia badinaia lasi taudia be do idia hadikaia ore momokani. " - 2 Petero 3: 3 - 7. PAGE 25 • SONGS: 37, 95 To, Iesu ia gwau, ita ese " ta do ita inai henia bona ta do ita lalokau henia, eiava ta do ita durua bona ta do ita dadaraia. ' RAU 25 • ANE: 37, 95 " The greatest blessing has been the effect that our move has had on our children, " says Mark. TAUNIMANIMA momo idia ura tura namodia idia davaria. Mark ia gwau: "Emai natudia dekenai unai be hahenamo badana. We can draw what important lessons from the accounts of the first Passover and the Exodus? Petero ese Keristani hahine ia sisiba henia ena toana sibona ia laloa lasi be namo. Pasova ginigunana bona Esodo bukadia edia sivarai amo dahaka mai anina bada gaudia ita dibaia? When Jesus saw his friend Mary mourning the death of her brother, Lazarus, Jesus "groaned within himself, "" became troubled, " and "gave way to tears. " Dahaka dainai Baibel ia gwau Iehova ia "noga noho " alamono auna bamona? Iesu ese ena turana Maria ena mase ia itaia neganai, "iena lalona ia hisihisi bada, " bona" iena mata ranu ia diho. " And when the weather allows, we go for a ride on our bikes. " Ita duahiduahi diba, eda lalokau taudia edia vairana ita itaia diba, dina ena diho ita itaia diba, bona gau idauidau momo ita itaia diba. Bona medu ia diho neganai, emai basikele dekenai ai guia. " The expressions "vanity " and" under the sun " appear repeatedly in Ecclesiastes. Diojany ia moale badina ia diba unai gabu ai Witnes taudia do ia davaria dainai, ia ura idia danu ia lao. Hadibaia Tauna bukana lalonai inai hereva "anina lasi " bona" dina " be nega momo ia hedinarai loulou. One such was a mythological hero of ancient Greece, Heracles, or Hercules, as he was known to the Romans. Iesu ese uhe hadoa tauna ena parabole ena anina be edena bamona ia gwauraia? Unai bamona tauna ta be idaunegai Greece ena ladana bada tauna, ia be Roma taudia ese idia diba hegeregerena. Is it not faith - strengthening to know that Jehovah is capable of delivering his people? - Ps. Kingdom Hall, Assembly Hall, bona brens opesi haginia bona hanamoa gaukara ita karaia be hahenamo badana. Ita diba Iehova be ena taunimanima ia hamauria diba, unai ese iseda abidadama ia hagoadaia, ani? - Sal. I could not support the theory of evolution. Bala ena peroveta taudia ese edia boubou gauna idia abia hegaegae, bena hora momo lalonai idia boiboi, idia gwau: "Bala e, ai dekenai do oi haere. " Lau ese evolusen lalohadaina lau durua diba lasi. Our judgment is just too flawed to offer us the protection that we need. Unai neganai, lahi badana ese tanobada bona guba do ia araia ore, bona Dirava idia negea taudia be do idia boio. " - 2 Petero 3: 3 - 7. Iseda hahemaoro karana be kerere dainai, ita ia gimaia be namo. 5,000 shekels of copper = ․ ․ ․ ․ ․. RAU 25 • ANE: 37, 95 . . . . . Some brothers were taking fellow believers to court. Mark ia gwau: "Ai moale badina ai itaia emai natudia idia moale. Tadikaka haida be kota dekenai idia abia lao. Expressing joy over reinstatement, May Pasova ginigunana ena sivarai bona Esodo bukana amo dahaka mai anina bada gaudia ita dibaia? Oi Abia Dae Gaudia Dainai Oi Moale, Sept. Jesus ' words are winsome and delightful. Iesu ia itaia ena turana Maria be iena tadikaka Lasaro totona ia taitai neganai, "ena lalona ia hisihisi bada bona ia lalohekwarahi, " bona" ena mata ranu ia diho. " Iesu ena hereva ese ita ia hagoadaia bona hamoalea. After the talk, over 600 attendees remained for a question - and - answer session. Bona siahu negana ai, aiemai baisikele amo ai loaloa. " Tok ia ore murinai, taunimanima 600 mai kahana be henanadai bona haere idia do henia lasi. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ (Hadibaia Tauna 1: 2, 3) Inai hereva "anina lasi " be Hadibaia Tauna bukana lalonai ia hedinarai momo. . . . . . " The ransom price " for our lives "is so precious " that nothing any imperfect human could do for us would come near to paying it. Unai bamona tauna ta be Greece edia gori ese ia gwauraia tauna, Heracles, Eiava Roma taudia idia gwauraia Hercules. " Mauri davana " be dava bada gauna, unai dainai goevadae lasi taudia ese ita totona idia karaia diba lasi gauna ta do ita karaia diba lasi. It should motivate us to do something to relieve the suffering of others. (Sal. 18: 2) Iehova ese ena taunimanima ia hamauria dalana ena sivarai ita diba neganai, unai ese iseda abidadama ia hagoadaia, ani? - Sal. Namona be unai ese ita ia hagoadaia ma haida edia hisihisi ita hanamoa totona. Hence, the passage of time does not alter the confidence we can have in the Almighty's promises. Lau ura lasi evolusen lalohadaina lau durua. Unai dainai, Siahu Ibounai Diravana ena gwauhamata ita abidadama henidia diba. Jesus ' subsequent actions showed that he did "fully know the Father " and imitated him. Sibona ita karaia abia hidi ese ita do ia gimaia lasi. (Aon. Iesu ena kara ese ia hahedinaraia, ia be "Tamana ia diba namonamo " bona ia tohotohoa. God "will actually swallow up death forever,... for Jehovah himself has spoken it. " - Isaiah 25: 8. (1 Samuela 17: 5) = ․ ․ ․ ․ ․. Dirava ese "mase do ia haorea momokani ela bona hanaihanai,... badina be Lohiabada ia hereva vadaeni. " - Isaia 25: 8. With reference to the inhabitants of surrounding nations - people who did not serve Jehovah - the Israelites were instructed: "You must not form any marriage alliances with them. Tadikaka haida ese kota dekenai edia tadikaka idia laohaidia. Israela taudia ese kahirakahira idia noho besedia - Iehova idia hesiai henia lasi besedia - idia herevalaia neganai, idia hadibadia: "Umui ese idia do umui adavaia lasi, bona idia danu do umui turana karaia lasi. Similarly, "God makes all his works cooperate together for the good of those who love God, those who are the ones called according to his purpose. " Henia Karana amo Moale Lau Davaria (R. Unai hegeregerena, "Dirava ese ia idia lalokau henia taudia, iena ura hegeregerena idia noho taudia, ia haboua tamona. " For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Iesu ena hereva ese taunimanima idia hamoalea. Badina unai gaudia ibounai be tanobada taudia ese idia tahua goadagoada noho. The pain is even greater if we feel that we have been slandered or made the victim of cruel gossip. Unai tok murinai, taunimanima 600 mai kahana idia noho henanadai bona haere ena kahana idia kamonai totona. Bema ita mamia ta ese ita ia gwauraia dika eiava udu mauri herevana dikana ia gwauraia dika, unai ese lalohisihisi bada ia havaraia diba. That means we must be careful about what we read, watch, and listen to. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Unai ena anina be ita duahia gaudia, itaia, bona kamonai gaudia ita laloa namonamo. They will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness, fat and fresh they will continue to be. " - Psalm 92: 12, 14. " Mauri ena davana be bada herea " dainai, tanobada ai ta be ia hegeregere lasi unai davana ia karaia totona. Idia buruka momokani neganai, idia ese huahua do idia atoa noho. " - Salamo 92: 12, 14. However, Solomon warned youths: "Remove vexation from your heart, and ward off calamity from your flesh. " Namona be ita ia doria kara ta ita karaia ma ta ena hisihisi koua totona. To, Solomona ese matamata taudia ia sisiba henia, ia gwau: "Emui kudouna do umui ha - aukaia, bona dika dekena amo do umui raka siri. " Why Must We "Keep on the Watch "? (Isaia 46: 4) Unai hegeregerena, nega ia hanaia noho karana ese Siahu Ibounai Diravana ena gwauhamata herevadia ita abidadama henia diba karana ia haidaua lasi. Dahaka Dainai Ita " Gima Noho " be Namo? To Jesus, raising Lazarus from death would be like a parent waking his child from a nap. Iesu ena kara amo ia hahedinaraia "tamana ia diba " bona ia tohotohoa. Iesu ese Lasaro be mase amo ia hatorea isi lou karana be tamana ta ese ena natuna be mahuta amo ia gabua bamona. Of course, a close family and trustworthy friends are just two facets of a meaningful life. Dirava ese "mase do ia haorea momokani ela bona hanaihanai.... Badina be Lohiabada be inai bamona ia hereva vadaeni. " - Isaia 25: 8. Momokani, ruma bese lalonai bona abidadama turadia namodia be mauri namona ena kahana rua sibona. They will thus be quick to offer assistance if they perceive that a brother or a sister is about to take, or has already taken, a "false step. " Israela bese badinai idia noho bese taudia - Iehova idia hesiai henia lasi taudia unai - ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Unai bese taudia ta do umui adavaia lasi, umui emui natudia kekeni be edia uhau taudia dekenai do umui henidia lasi, bona edia natudia kekeni do umui abidia lasi emui uhau totona. Unai amo heduru do idia henia haraga bema idia itaia tadikaka o taihu ta be "dala kererena " ia badinaia vadaeni. Such faith does not depend on our age, abilities, or circumstances. Unai hegeregerena, "Dirava idia lalokau henia taudia dekenai, dahaka dahaka idia vara gaudia ibounai ese unai taudia edia mauri do idia hanamoa. Unai bamona abidadama be iseda mauri lagani, diba, eiava noho dalana dekenai ia vara lasi. Faithful and Fearless in the Face of Nazi Oppression Badina unai gaudia ibounai be tanobada taudia ese idia tahua goadagoada noho. Nazi Dagedage Lalonai Idia Gari Lasi Bona Idia Gari Lasi All of us may well ask ourselves: " Am I taking full advantage of the privilege to participate in meetings? Bona unai lalohisihisi ia bada herea, bema ita idia gwauraia dika eiava udu mauri herevana lalonai ita idia herevalaia. Reana ita ibounai be sibona ita nanadaia: " Hebou lao henia karana ena hahenamo lau abia, a? [ Picture on page 23] Unai ena anina be ita naria namonamo dahaka ita duahia, ita itaia, bona dahaka ita kamonaia. [ Picture on page 23] If you desire God's forgiveness, be forgiving toward others (See paragraph 11) Idia be nega ibounai idia goada noho, au raurau matamata idia atoa, idia be do idia kakoro diba lasi. " - Salamo 92: 12, 14. Bema oi ura Dirava ese emu dika ia gwauatao, namona be ma haida edia dika oi gwauatao (Paragraf 11 itaia) Focus on the problem, not just the person. To, Solomona ese matamata taudia ia sisiba henia: "Laloa hekwarahi oiemu kudouna dekena amo do oi atoa siri, bona hisihisi be oiemu tauanina dekena amo do oi abia siri. " Unai hekwakwanai oi laloa sibona lasi, to unai hekwakwanai oi laloa danu. How does Revelation 6: 2 portray Jesus as he is today? Oi Naria Noho Gauna Dainai Emu Abidadama Hagoadaia, Oct. Edena dala ai Apokalupo 6: 2 ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be hari ia noho? In September 1993, I visited a maximum - security prison. Iesu dekenai, Lasaro be mase amo do ia hatorea isi karana be hegeregere, sina ta ese natuna be mahuta amo ia hanogaia. September 1993 ai, dibura ruma badana ta lau vadivadi henia. 5 What Will Make It Interesting? Momokani, mauri ena anina habadaia gaudia amo ruma bese namona bona ita abidadama henia diba turadia be ena kahana rua sibona. 5 Dahaka Namo Do Ia Havaraia? Additionally, during that time, the weeds became many and the blades of wheat were few. Unai dainai, bema idia itaia ta be "dala kererena " ia abia hidi gwauraia o ia badinaia, karaharaga idia durua. Danu, unai nega ai ava dikadia be momo herea bona witi ena ramuna be momo lasi. (b) In what three situations did Jehovah guard his loyal ones? Ena be ita buruka vadaeni, o eda mauri lalonai gau haida ita karaia diba lasi, eiava iseda noho dalana be auka, to abidadama goadana ita hahedinaraia diba. (b) Edena dala toi ai Iehova ese ia idia badinaia taudia ia gimaia? Her screaming proved that she was an unwilling victim; she was not guilty of wrongdoing. Abidadama Bona Gari Lasi Nazi Dagedage Negana Ai Ena boiboi herevana ese ia hahedinaraia ia be ia ura lasi; ia be kerere ta ia karaia lasi. Similarly, as Jehovah's Witnesses diligently fulfill their commission to preach, the message of God's Kingdom is being declared worldwide. Namona be sibona ita nanadaia: " Hebou dekenai lau haere momo, a? Unai hegeregerena, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be haroro gaukara idia karaia goadagoada neganai, tanobada hegegemadai Dirava ena Basileia ena sivarai namona idia harorolaia. Such provisions helped Christians like Timothy to progress spiritually. - Acts 15: 22 - 32; 1 Peter 1: 1. [ Picture on page 9] Unai ese Timoteo ia durua lauma dalanai ia goada ia lao totona. - Kara 15: 22 - 32; 1 Petero 1: 1. 4: 7, 8. Iehova oi badinaia bona haroro gaukara oi goadalaia (Paragraf 11 itaia) 4: 7, 8. Likewise, Jesus stated: "Keep on the watch... because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. " Namona be hekwakwanai sibona umui hamaoromaoroa. Unai hegeregerena, Iesu ia gwau: "Do umui naria... badina be umui emui Lohiabada do ia mai negana be umui diba lasi. " 4: 8. Edena dala ai Apokalupo 6: 2 ese Iesu ena toana hari inai negai ia herevalaia? 4: 8. If so, why did it end? September 1993 ai, dibura rumana mai ena sekuriti auka gabuna lau vadivadi henia. Bema oibe, dahaka dainai unai ia doko? 16, 17. (a) Why did Jesus tell Peter: "Get behind me, Satan "? 5 Edena Dala ai Duahiduahi Karana Oi Moalelaia Diba? 16, 17. (a) Dahaka dainai Iesu ese Petero ia hamaoroa: "Satani e, lauegu murina dekenai do oi raka? " So the sons of Israel did what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, and they were forgetful of Jehovah their God and went serving the Baals and the sacred poles. " Unai negai, ava dikadia be idia momo herea, to witi be momo lasi. Vadaeni Israela taudia ese Lohiabada ena vairanai kara dika idia karaia, bona idia ese Lohiabada, edia Dirava idia laloaboio momokani. In his prehuman existence, Jesus spent untold millenniums working with his Father. (b) Dahaka hekwakwanai idia davaria neganai, Iehova ese iena abidadama taudia ia rakatania lasi? Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, lagani tausen momo lalonai ena Tamana ida ia gaukara hebou. [ Pictures on page 23] Iena boiboi amo ia hamomokania ia ura lasi unai kara ia karaia; unai kara dika dainai unai hahine ia kerere lasi. [ Pictures on page 23] Even now we enjoy many blessings. Unai hegeregerena, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese haroro gaukara ena hahegani idia badinaia namonamo neganai, tanobada ibounai dekenai Dirava ena Basileia ena sivarai namona idia harorolaia noho. Hari danu, hahenamo momo ita moalelaia. The child who is given such direction will be embarrassed and confused. Unai bamona gaudia ese Keristani taudia, Timoteo bamona, idia durua bena lauma dalanai idia goada idia lao. - Kara 15: 22 - 32; 1 Petero 1: 1. Unai bamona hakaua herevana ia henia natuna be do ia hemarai bona do ia daradara. All of Jehovah's servants are part of his united Christian family. 4: 7, 8. Iehova ena hesiai taudia ibounai be iena Keristani ruma besena lalonai idia noho. Have you ever wondered why God allows suffering? (Hab. 2: 3) Danu, Iesu ia gwau: "Do umui gima noho, badina emui Lohiabada ia mai dinana be umui diba lasi. " Nega ta oi laloa dahaka dainai Dirava ese hisihisi ia koua lasi? Even if he reasoned that way, would such rationalizing be valid? 4: 8. Ena be unai bamona ia laloa, to unai be lalohadai maorona, a? The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot be far - off. Bema oibe, dahaka dainai idia ia hadikadia ore? Aramagedono ena lai badana be daudau lasi. Whatever the case, John reassured Gaius by saying: "The one who does good originates with God. " 16, 17. (a) Dahaka dainai Iesu ese Petero ia hamaoroa: "Satani e, egu murinai oi lao "? Herevana dahaka ia vara, Ioane ese Gaio ia hagoadaia, ia gwau: "Kara namo ia karaia tauna be Dirava dekena amo ia mai. " Illustrating the worth of his disciples, Jesus said: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Israela taudia ese Lohiabada, edia Dirava idia laloaboio, bona Dirava ena vairana dekenai idia kara dika. Bala bona Asera dirava koikoidia dekenai idia tomadiho. " (Gun. Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia edia davana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Umui ese manu maragidia rua umui hoia, moni maragimaragi tamona umui hoia totona, a? Men who take the lead in serving the spiritual needs of the congregation are to be exemplary Christians. Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, ena Tamana ida lagani milioni momo lalodiai idia gaukara hebou. Lauma dalanai kongregesen idia naria tatau ese Keristani taudia dekenai haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia be namo. I have been asked, "What are the most important qualities for a volunteer on a Kingdom Hall project? " [ Pictures on page 23] Lau idia nanadaia: " Kingdom Hall ai volantia gaukara ita karaia be mai anina bada, a? " " Undeserved kindness [will] rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view. " - ROM. 5: 21. Baibel ena hereva hegeregerena, "bema bese ta ena Dirava be [" Iehova, ' NWT] neganai, unai bese be do ia namo. " Hebogahisi hereadaena be king bamona kara maoromaoro dekena amo do ia lohia, bona mauri hanaihanai danu. " - ROMA 5: 21. Letting human tradition take the place of God's Word is spiritually lethal. Unai bamona sisiba ia abia natuna be do ia hemarai bona daradara. Namona be taunimanima edia sene karadia lalonai Dirava ena Hereva ena gabu ia abia karana be lauma dalanai ia vara lasi. Since " we brought nothing into the world and cannot carry anything out, ' let us more intently pursue "godly devotion along with self - sufficiency " and allow ourselves to be " content with sustenance and covering. ' - 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 11. Iehova ena hesiai taudia ibounai be iena Keristani ruma besena lalonai idia noho. Ita be " tanobada dekenai gau ta ita abia mai lasi, ' unai dainai namona be " Dirava do ita badinaia noho, mai iseda laloa tamona danu. ' - 1 Timoteo 6: 6 - 11. COVER: Using mobile literature displays, a pioneer couple witness in a high - traffic area of the city Nega haida oi laloa, dahaka dainai Dirava ese hisihisi ia koua lasi, a? RAU 1 AMO: Pablisa ta bona ena adavana be motuka amo siti badana ta dekenai idia haroro Could such a thing really happen? To Dirava be unai ia abia dae, a? Unai bamona ia vara diba, a? The owner needed more workers, however, and returned to the marketplace throughout the day to hire more and more men, offering a fair wage even to those whom he hired at the end of the afternoon. Aramagedono be ia kahirakahira vadaeni. To, gaukara biaguna ia ura gaukara taudia ma haida ia abia bona dina ta ta ai maketi gabuna dekenai ia giroa lou, bona adorahi ai ia abia gaukara taudia dekenai davana ia henia danu. However, the three of us were initially assigned to a congregation in Quezon City, where many of the residents spoke English. Herevana ena badina be dahaka, to Ioane be Gaio dekenai ia gwau: "Kara namo ia karaia tauna be Dirava amo. " To, ai toi be ginigunana kongrigeisen ta dekenai ai idia siaia, unuseniai unai gabu taudia momo be English gado idia diba. Witnessing from tent to tent after the earthquake in Haiti Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Manu maragidia rua be moni maragimaragi tamona dekenai do idia hoia, ani? Haiti ai tano mareremarere ia vara murinai, palai rumana amo ia lao palai rumana dekenai ia haroro Look back at the words of the psalmist. Namona be lauma dalanai kongregesen idia naria tatau be haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia Keristani taudia. Salamo torea tauna ena hereva mani oi laloa. Some have struggled to read and understand all the details. Lau idia nanadaia, "Bema ta ia ura Kingdom Hall haginia gaukara ia karaia, dahaka ia karaia be mai anina bada? " Haida be idia hekwarahi unai sivarai ibounai idia duahia bona lalopararalaia totona. This article explains how that prophecy has undergone a remarkable fulfillment. " Hebogahisi hereadaena be king bamona do ia lohia, bona... mauri hanaihanai do ia mailaia. " - ROMA 5: 21. Inai stadi ese unai peroveta herevana ia guguru dalana ia herevalaia. Could you imagine this project being accomplished if the participating nations did not agree on what blueprint to use? Taunimanima edia sene herevadia ese Dirava ena Hereva ena gabu ia abia be lauma dalanai mase ia havaraia diba. Unai gaukara ia guguru dalana oi laloa diba, bema tanobada besedia ese idia gaukaralaia gaudia idia abia dae lasi, ani? Yet, before being assigned by Jehovah to lead Israel out of Egypt, Moses had to face changes that refined his meekness. " Gau ta tanobada dekenai ita abia mai lasi, bona gau ta danu do ita abia lao lasi " dainai, namona be " Dirava badinaia ' karana bona " iseda lalona be namo ' karana do ita tahua goadagoada bona "ita be mai iseda aniani bona dabua neganai, moni dekenai ita laloa momo lasi be namo. " - 1 Timoteo 6: 6 - 11. To, Iehova ese Mose ia abia hidi Israela taudia be Aigupito amo ia hakaua totona neganai, ia manau be namo. " To Jonah, though, it was highly displeasing, and he got to be hot with anger. " RAU 1 AMO: Painia headava tau bona hahine ta be siti lalonai, hutuma idia lao mai gabuna ta dekenai buka bona magasin idia hahedinaraia To, Iona "be unai kara dekenai ia moale lasi, bona ia badu dikadika. " When imperfect people try to cooperate, they can easily have difficulties. Momokani, taunimanima be unai guriguri idia gwauraia, a? Goevadae lasi taudia be idia gaukara hebou toho neganai, hekwakwanai idia davaria diba. • Under what circumstances did Amos fulfill his God - given commission? To gaukara taudia momo ia tahua be namo unai dainai maketi dekenai ia giroa lou bona unai gaukara idia karaia totona ma haida ia abia bona adorahi idia gaukara taudia bona daba ai idia gaukara taudia edia davana be hegeregere. • Amosa be edena bamona negadiai Dirava ese ia henia gaukarana ia hagugurua? Like marriage, singleness can be rewarding when we view it from God's perspective and make wise use of this gift. To Quezon Siti ena kongrigeisen ta dekenai ai toi idia siaia, unuseniai momo be English gado idia gaukaralaia. Unai harihari gauna ita gaukaralaia namonamo neganai, headava lasi maurina do ita moalelaia. How did Willi feel about this? Haiti ai tano mareremarere murinai, tadikaka be palai rumadia ai idia haroro Iena hemami be edena bamona? No one else in the world wanted that name, but God has blessed us in the use of it for over eight decades. Mani salamo torea tauna ena hereva ita laloa lou. Tanobada taudia ibounai idia ura lasi unai ladana idia abia, to lagani 8 mai kahana lalonai Dirava ese ita ia hanamoa. He mentioned thanksgiving, that is, prayer in which we express appreciation for what God does for us. Idia haida idia hekwarahi bada unai idia duahia bona edia anina idia lalo - pararalaia totona. Ia ese tanikiu karana ia hahedinaraia, badina unai guriguri amo ita hahedinaraia Dirava ese ita totona ia karaia gaudia ita laloa bada. Some time later, I heard a circuit overseer speak on the subject of pioneering. His remarks touched my heart. (Dan. 12: 4) Inai stadi ese unai peroveta herevana ia guguru dalana ia herevalaia. Gabeai, sekit naria tauna ta ena hereva ese egu kudouna ia hamarerea. ▪ Christian Elders - " Fellow Workers for Our Joy ' To, bema ruma ta ena palani pepana dekenai idia lalotamona lasi, edia gaukara idia hagugurua diba, a? ▪ Keristani Elda Taudia - " Iseda Moale Totona Idia Gaukara Hebou ' (Reread verse 6.) Mose be Iehova ese ia do abia hidi lasi Israela taudia be Aigupito amo do ia hakaua neganai, ena mauri lalonai gau haida idia idau bona unai ese ia idia durua ia manau totona. (Siri 6 duahia lou.) 83: 18. " To, Iona ia moale lasi inai kara dekenai, ia be ia badu. " 83: 18. Although silence carries no words, it can have a positive effect. Goevadae lasi taudia idia ura idia gaukara hebou neganai, nega haida hekwakwanai ia vara. Ena be hereva ta ita gwauraia lasi, to unai ese namo ia havaraia diba. Brother Dan, as he was affectionately called by those close to him, came to Bethel in 1946. • Dirava ese Amosa dekenai ia henia gaukarana be edena bamona nega lalonai ia karaia? Tadikaka Dan be ia kahirakahira idia noho taudia ese idia vadivadi henia neganai, lagani 1946 ai Betele dekenai ia mai. Observing your conduct, I decided to begin studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. " Bema Iehova ena lalohadai headava lasi maurina dekenai ita abia, unai harihari gauna do ita moalelaia diba, headava taudia ese edia harihari gauna idia moalelaia bamona. Emu kara lau itaia neganai, egu lalona lau hadaia Iehova ena Witnes taudia ida Baibel do lau stadilaia matamaia. " Describing the challenge that he faced, the apostle Paul wrote: "I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, there dwells nothing good; for ability to wish is present with me, but ability to work out what is fine is not present. Willi ese unai be edena bamona ia laloa? Aposetolo Paulo ese ia davaria hekwakwanai ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Lau diba egu lalona dekenai gau namona ta ia noho lasi. Badina be lau ura kara namodia do lau karaia. So, then, do you want to enjoy a truly worthwhile life? Tanobada hegegemadai tomadiho oreana ta ia ura lasi Dirava ena ladana ia abia. Unai dainai, oi ura mauri namona oi moalelaia, a? Early in his reign, Solomon took steps to replace the tabernacle, in use since Moses ' day, with a magnificent temple. Paulo ia gwau Dirava ita tanikiu henia be namo, badina Dirava ese gau momo ia karaia ita totona. Solomona ia lohia matamaia neganai, dala ia karaia palai dubu ena gabu ia abia totona, badina Mose ena negai, dubu mai hairaina ta ia gaukaralaia. They saw this man do marvelous things, speak with courage and faith, and show intense love for God and his people. Unai be colostomy opereisen (bogana dekenai matu ta idia karaia, bona tiubi ta idia atoa kukuri ia raka - lasi totona). Idia itaia unai tau be kara namodia ia karaia, mai gari lasi bona abidadama ida ia hereva, bona Dirava bona ena taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada. In the year 31 C.E., while Jesus was on a preaching tour in Galilee, "a certain one of the Pharisees kept asking [Jesus] to dine with him. " ▪ Keristani Elda Taudia be " Eda Moale Totona Ita ida Idia Gaukara Hebou ' Lagani 31 C.E. ai, Iesu be Galilea dekenai haroro gaukara ia karaia neganai, Farisea taudia haida be Iesu idia noia loulou ia ida idia aniani hebou totona. Is the ministry also the focus of our life? (Siri 6 duahia lou.) Iseda mauri lalonai haroro gaukara be mai anina bada, a? What Biblical examples show that baptism should not be unduly delayed? 83: 18. Edena Baibel sivaraidia ese idia hahedinaraia bapatiso ita abia haraga lasi be namo? Consider Job. Ena be ta ia herevahereva lasi, to ita gwau lasi ia be unai bamona tauna. Mani Iobu ita laloa. We observe the Memorial to his praise. Ia be lagani 1946 ai Betele dekenai ia vareai bona ena turadia momo ese ia idia gwauraia tadikaka Dan. Ita ese Memorial hebouna ita karaia iena ladana ita hanamoa totona. " Anyone that wishes [can] take life's water free. " - Revelation 22: 17. Emu kara dainai, egu lalona lau hadaia Iehova ena Witnes taudia ida Baibel do lau stadilaia matamaia. " " Bema tau ta ia ura [mauri ranuna] ia abia dae, davana lasi. " - Apokalupo 22: 17. An estimated 50 percent of that litter is plastic that will drift for hundreds of years before it degrades. Paulo ese unai hekwakwanai ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Lau diba egu lalona dekenai bona egu kudouna dekenai be namo ta ia noho lasi. Badina be lau ura kara namo do lau karaia, to karaia totona be lau hegeregere lasi. Kara namodia lau ura karaia neganai, be lau karaia diba lasi. Unai gabu dekenai idia noho taudia 50 pesen bamona be lagani handred momo idia do noho bena do idia boio. Who, in effect, made Pilate's decision regarding Jesus Christ, and did that free the Roman governor from accountability? 13: 16) Oi ura emu mauri lalonai mai anina bada gaudia oi moalelaia, a? Daika ese Pilato ena lalohadai Iesu Keriso dekenai ia haidaua, bona Roma ena gavana be kota vairanai do ia gini lasi? " In the pursuit of this aim the Jesuits employed every means - guile, calumny, flattery and, above all, bribery, which was by far the most effective weapon for winning the favour of the [Ottoman] grandees, " notes the work Kyrillos Loukaris. Solomona ia lohia neganai, Mose ena nega amo idia gaukaralaia palai dubu ia kokia bona dubu helaga hairaina ia haginia. (1 Kin. Unai kampani ia gwau: "Unai tahua gauna dainai, kampani ena bosi ia ura unai kampani ena gaukara ibounai ia haorea. " [ Artwork - Cyrillic and Glagolitic characters] Idia itaia unai tau be hoa karadia ia karaia, mai gari lasi bona abidadama ida ia hereva, bona ia hahedinaraia ia be Dirava bona ena taunimanima ia lalokau henidia bada. [ Footnotes] THE Israelites gathered at Mount Sinai had every reason to draw close to Jehovah. Lagani 31 C.E. ai, Iesu be Galilea ai ia haroro neganai, "Farisea tauna ta ese Iesu dekenai ia boiboi, do idia aniani hebou " totona. ISRAELA taudia be Sinai Ororona dekenai idia hebou ena badina be momo, unai amo Iehova kahirakahira idia lao diba. COVER SUBJECT | A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION Emu mauri lalonai haroro gaukara oi atoa guna, a? RAU 1 AMO DIRAVA ESE ITA IA DURUA But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. " Baibel amo edena sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia, ta ia naria lasi, to ia bapatiso be namo? To Lota be lahi guba dekena amo ia diho mai, idia ibounai ia hadikaia ore. " Jesus said: "All you are brothers. " Mani Iobu ena sivarai ita laloa. Iesu ia gwau: "Umui ibounai be tadikaka. " Just like the first - century disciples, you were moved to proclaim: "We have found the Messiah. " Memorial ita karaia neganai, Iehova ita hanamoa be namo. Aposetolo edia negai idia noho hahediba taudia bamona, oi idia hagoadaia do oi gwau: "Ita be Mesia ita davaria vadaeni. " Clearly, the angels are God's creation, and they came into existence long before humans. " Ranu idia ura henia taudia be mauri ranuna idia abia diba, ia be davana lasi. ' - Apokalupo 22: 17. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, aneru be Dirava ese ia havaraia, bona taunimanima idia do vara lasi neganai idia noho. How does Christa try to reach his heart? Unai momoru amo 50 pesen be plastik gaudia, bona lagani handred momo lalonai idia hure kava. Edena dala ai Keriso ia ura ena kudouna ia hamarerea? We can illustrate it this way: To admire the beauty and design in nature and deny the existence of a Great Designer is as illogical as admiring a magnificent painting and at the same time denying the existence of the artist who transformed a blank canvas into a masterpiece. Iesu Keriso hamasea karana dekenai, daidia ese Pilato totona abia hidi idia karaia, bona unai dainai Pilato be kerere lasi, a? Mani inai haheitalai ita laloa: Tau ta ese ia karaia gaudia ia ura henia dikadika bona ia abia dae lasi ia be laulau hairaina ta bamona, bona nega haida laulau penia tauna ena toana ia haidaua laulauna ia abia dae lasi. Since 1919 the valley of divine protection continues to protect true worshippers earth wide. Kyrillos Loukaris bukana ia gwau, "Jesuit taudia be unai idia karaia totona dala iboudiai idia gaukaralaia - lalo - ani herevadia, samania koikoi herevadia, hanamoa koikoi herevadia, bona hehuni ai moni be taunimanima idia henidia, unai kara amo nega momo [Ottoman] ena lohia taudia edia lalona idia ania diba. " Lagani 1919 amo ema bona hari, Dirava ena gimaia kourana ese tanobada hegegemadai tomadiho momokani taudia ia gimaia noho. We are wise to limit our association with people who are negative or who are promoting an independent attitude. - Prov. [ Artwork - Cyrillic and Glagolitic characters] Aonega dalana be ita bamoa taudia eiava sibona edia ura idia badinaia taudia ita bamoa lasi. - Aon. The four Conrows later attended Gilead School and were assigned to Peru as missionaries. SINAI ORORO ai idia hebou Israela taudia be badina namodia dainai Iehova kahirakahira idia lao diba. Gabeai, Gilead Sikuli dekenai idia lao bona Peru dekenai misinari gaukara idia karaia. (Read 1 John 5: 19.) RAU 1 AMO | KORAPSEN IA DADARAIA GAVAMANINA (1 Ioane 5: 19 duahia.) But soon thereafter, David's imperfect impulses got the better of him. To Lota be Sodoma dekena amo ia raka siri dina dekenai, lahi bona nadi siahu, guba dekena amo idia moru, ibounai ia alaia ore. " To daudau lasi murinai, Davida ena goevadae lasi tauanina ese ia durua. This psalm also exposes Satan's lie that those who obey God do so only for what they can get out of it, not because they love God. Iesu ia gwau: "Umui ibounai be tadikaka. " Inai Salamo ese Satani ena koikoi herevana ia hahedinaraia danu, Dirava idia kamonai henia taudia ese idia karaia diba gaudia sibona idia karaia, to Dirava idia lalokau henia dainai lasi. Let us therefore follow the example of Jesus, who was realistic yet positive in his dealings with his disciples. Aposetolo taudia bamona, oi gwau diba: "Ai be Mesia ai davaria vadaeni. " Unai dainai, namona be Iesu ena haheitalai ita tohotohoa, badina ia ese ena hahediba taudia ia kara namo henia. • What kind of fruitage do we need to bear more abundantly? (Iobu 38: 4, 6, 7) Oibe, Dirava ese taunimanima ia do havaradia lasi neganai, aneru ia havaraia. • Edena huahua ita havaraia badabada be namo? Jacob uttered a prayer in the form of a vow. Edena dala ai Christa ese ena adavana ena lalona ia veria? Iakobo be gwauhamata ta ia karaia neganai, guriguri ta ia gwauraia. Toward the year 1971, however, responsible members of the slave class began to discern that the temple spoken of by Paul in Ephesians could not be Jehovah's great spiritual temple. Inai bamona ita haheitalaia diba: Idia vara gaudia edia hairai bona mauri daladia ita hoalaia, to ita gwau ia Havaraia Tauna Badana ia noho lasi, be hegeregere ita ese laulau namo hereana ta ita moalelaia, to ita abia dae lasi tau ta ese unai laulau ia penia. To lagani 1971 ai, hesiai tauna oreana ena gunalaia taudia idia laloparara Paulo ese Efeso dekenai ia gwauraia dubu helaga be Iehova ena lauma dubuna badana lasi. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Lagani 1919 amo ema bona hari, Iehova be tanobada hegegemadai tomadiho momokani idia badinaia taudia ia gimaia noho. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) How? Unai dainai aonega karana be idia maumau momo taudia, o sibona edia lalohadai o ura karadia idia laloa bada taudia ita bamodia lasi. - Aon. Edena dala ai? Roman Religion Gabeai, Harvey, Anne bona natudia be Gilead Sikuli idia lao, bena Peru dekenai idia siaia lao misinari gaukara totona. Roma Tomadiho Jehovah's hand in this arrangement was apparent, as there are now dozens of congregations in the area. (1 Ioane 5: 19 duahia.) Unai dala dekenai Iehova ena heduru ia hedinarai goevagoeva, hari unai gabu dekenai kongregesen momo idia noho. Difficult ideas are expressed by words that are common to our daily experience. (1 Sam. 24: 2 - 7) To gabeai, Davida be ena badu ia biagua lasi bona ia ura ma haida ia hamasea. Dina ta ta ai ita davaria hekwakwanai idauidau dainai lalohadai kereredia idia hedinarai. Wine as Medicine, 8 / 1 (Genese 3: 1 - 5) Unai ane ese Satani ena koikoi herevana, ia gwau taunimanima ese Dirava idia kamonai henia, ia idia lalokau henia dainai lasi, to edia ura gaudia idia abia totona ia haerelaia danu. 8 / 15 Misunderstandings About, No. Unai dainai, namona be Iesu ena haheitalai ita badinaia, iena hahediba taudia edia kara korikori ia diba to idia dekenai ia lalo - goada noho. Lalohadai Kereredia Dadaraia, No. 7: 7, 8. • Edena bamona huahua ita havaraia badabada be gau badana? 7: 7, 8. 14 The Bible and Your Future Iakobo ese ena gwauhamata be guriguri amo ia gwauraia. 14 Baibel Bona Oiemu Vaira Negana Why do we need to comply with the words of Amos 5: 15? To lagani 1971 ia kahirakahira neganai, hesiai tauna oreana ia laloparara matamaia Paulo ese Efeso bukana ai ia kikilaia dubuna be Iehova ena lauma dubuna badana ia laulaulaia lasi. Dahaka dainai Amosa 5: 15 ena hereva ita badinaia be namo? Can You Explain? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Anina Oi Gwauraia Diba, A? " Disabled but Not Forever! " Edena dala ai? " Mauri Hanaihanai Do Umui Abia Lasi! " Jehovah thus foretold that the Valley of Hinnom would become a place, not for the torture of live victims, but for the mass disposal of dead bodies. Roma Ena Tomadiho Unai dainai, Iehova ia peroveta, Neri Kourana be mase taudia edia hisihisi gabuna ai do ia lao lasi, to mase taudia edia tauanina ibounai do ia abia. They realize the seriousness of humbly living up to their solemn vow for as long as they remain in special full - time service. Iehova ena heduru sibona amo unai ia vara, bona hari unai gabu ai kongrigeisen momo idia noho. Idia laloparara bema ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia noho, mai manau ida edia gwauhamata idia badinaia be gau badana. To Win the Prize, Exercise Self - Control! Bona dina ta ta ai ita gaukaralaia herevadia idia gaukaralaia, lalohadai aukadia edia anina idia hahedinaraia totona. Emu Ahuna Oi Abia Totona, Sibona Oi Biagua! He grew up in Alaotra Mangoro, a fertile region in eastern Madagascar. Baibel Duahiduahi ese Oi Do Ia Durua, No. Madagascar ena ist kahana ai ia tubu daekau. The ransom also makes possible a resurrection of those of pre - Christian times. - Acts 24: 15. 7: 7, 8. Danu, Iesu ena mauri davalaia boubouna dainai, vaira negana ai do idia toreisi lou taudia be do idia toreisi lou. - Kara 24: 15. Millions of "other sheep " loyally support them. 14 Baibel Bona Emu Vaira Negana " Mamoe idaudia " milioni momo be mai kamonai ida idia durudia. In harmony with Paul's words, genuine Christians are not satisfied with merely attending religious services once a week. Dahaka dainai Amosa 5: 15 ena hereva ita badinaia be namo? Paulo ena hereva hegeregerena, Keristani taudia momokanidia be wiki ta lalonai tomadiho karadia sibona idia karaia lasi. And how grateful we should be to Jesus for his sacrificially pouring out his blood for us! Anina Oi Gwauraia Diba, A? Bona Iesu ese ena rara be ita totona ia bubua dainai, ia ita tanikiu henia be namo! Individual drops of water help very little, but when there are millions of dewdrops, the ground is filled with moisture. (Ieremia 7: 30 - 34) Unai amo ita itaia, Iehova ia gwau Hinoma ena Koura be mauri taudia hahisia gabuna lasi, to idia mase taudia edia tauanina idia negea gabuna. Ranu ena kahana maragina ta ta edia heduru be maragi, to bema ranu be lasi, tano be ranu amo ia honu. Some might reason that not everything in the world is wrong. Idia laloparara ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia noho lalonai, edia gwauhamata idia badinaia be mai anina bada. Reana haida idia laloa tanobada ena gau ibounai be kerere lasi. Disease: Jehovah will bless his people with perfect health. Sibona Eda Ura Biagua Karana Hahedinaraia, Kwalimu Ahuna Abia Totona! Gorere: Iehova ese ena taunimanima do ia hanamoa bona gorere lasi. 5, 6. (a) What might happen in time, and how can we prevent that? Ia be Alaotra Mangoro ai ia tubu daekau, unai be Madagascar ena ist kahanai. 5, 6. (a) Nega korikori ai dahaka ia vara diba, bona edena dala ai unai ita koua diba? What can we say to encourage such ones? Keriso ia do mai lasi neganai idia noho taudia danu be unai boubou gauna dainai idia toreisi lou diba. - Kara 24: 15. Edena dala ai unai bamona taudia ita hagoadaia diba? Persevering in prayer is essential to keeping on the watch. Bona "mamoe idaudia " taudia milioni momo be idia durua noho. Guriguri karana ita goadalaia be gau badana ita gima noho totona. " Draw Close to God, and He Will Draw Close to You " Boubou gauna bamona do umui henia, mai mauri bona mai helaga danu, Dirava umui dekenai do ia moale totona. " " Dirava Kahirakahira Do Umui Lao, Bona Ia be Umui Kahirakahira Do Ia Mai " While this situation has its positive aspects, such a superabundance of information has caused problems. Momokani, ita ese aposetolo Ioane ena lalohadai ita lalo - pararalaia diba, ia gwau: "Ita ia lalokau henia, bona iena rarana dekena amo iseda kara dika ia huria ore vadaeni. Ena be unai ia vara, to unai ese hekwakwanai ia havaraia. What lesson can we learn from Jonah? Ranu sisina ese kahana ta sibona ia haparia, to hanuaboi ena paripari ese tano ibounai ia haparia diba. Iona ena sivarai amo dahaka ita dibaia? When those in the Christian congregation apply that counsel, beautiful acts of kindness result. Unai amo ita dibaia hakaua herevadia be dina ta ta ai do ita badinaia, bona eda abia hidi amo Iehova do ita hamoalea. Keristani kongregesen lalonai idia noho taudia ese unai sisiba idia badinaia neganai, hebogahisi karadia idia hahedinaraia. But they are not impossible to deal with, so we do not need to hide from reality. Reana haida idia laloa tanobada gaudia haida be dika lasi. To unai ita hanaia diba lasi, unai dainai do ita hunia be anina lasi. " LET [children] become Christians when they have become able to know Christ. " (Isa. 11: 9) Gorere: Iehova ese gorere do ia haorea. (Isa. " EGU natudia be Keriso idia diba neganai, idia be Keristani taudia ai idia lao. " SPANISH August 8 - 10 5, 6. (a) Nega ia hanaia lalonai dahaka ia vara diba, bona dahaka ita karaia diba unai ia vara lasi totona? ENGLISH August 27 - 29 Take Jumpei and his wife, Nao, both in their mid - 30 ' s. Dahaka hagoadaia hereva ita gwauraia diba? Emai mauri lagani be 35 bamona. She had traveled far to discuss a matter of great concern to her, one that had given her many a sleepless night. Oibe, ita gima noho totona namona be hanaihanai ita guriguri. Ia be ia laloa bada gauna ta ia herevalaia, unai dainai hanuaboi momo lalonai ia mahuta. My superiors berated me and tried to pressure me into staying. " Dirava Dekenai Do Umui Raka Kahirakahira Lao, Vadaeni Ia Ese Umui Dekenai Do Ia Raka Kahirakahira Mai " Egu bosi be lau ia kirikirilaia bona lau ia doria lau noho totona. He will guard your soul. Ena be unai be mai ena namo haida, to unai diba be bada herea dainai hekwakwanai idia vara vadaeni. Ia ese oi do ia naria. In Journeys Often, in Dangers Iona ena sivarai amo dahaka ita dibaia? Nega momo dala dekenai, dika ia vara What is more, as a result of Anna - Paula's fine example and zealous preaching, her mother began studying the Bible and was soon baptized. Lasi, to umui ta ta ibounai ese haida edia namo do umui tahua, bona do umui durudia. " Danu, Anna - Paula ena haheitalai namona bona haroro goadagoada karana dainai, ena sinana be Baibel ia stadilaia matamaia bona daudau lasi murinai bapatiso ia abia. There was to be a re - creation of conditions on earth, so that things would be as they were in the garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. To, Dirava ena hesiai taudia be unai nega aukadia idia haheaukalaia diba. Tanobada ai idia vara gaudia ibounai be do idia vara lou, unai amo Adamu bona Heva idia do kara dika lasi neganai idia vara gaudia be Eden umana lalonai do idia vara. His prayers revealed his reverence for his loving heavenly Father. " NATUDIA idia bada bona Keriso idia diba neganai, vadaeni Keristani taudia ai idia lao diba. " Iena guriguri ese ia hahedinaraia ia be ena lalokau guba Tamana ia matauraia bada. But after having served their purpose, they would be "done away with, " said the apostle Paul. ENGLISH July 25 - 27 To edia ura idia hagugurua murinai, aposetolo Paulo ia gwau idia be "mai goada danu do idia lao. " Time Well Spent Hegeregere Jumpei ena mauri lagani be 37, bona ena adavana Nao ena mauri lagani be 35. Nega Namona At Psalm 90: 2 and elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures, though, "time indefinite " means" eternal. " Moale Korikorina Ita Abia Diba, A? To, Salamo 90: 2 bona ma gabu haida ai, "noho hanaihanai " ena anina be" noho hanaihanai. " Others hold that arbitrarily ruling out a Creator limits our ability to understand nature. Ia be gabu daudau amo ia mai, ia laloa momo gauna, ia dainai hanuaboi ai ia mahuta diba lasi gauna ia herevalaia totona. Ma haida idia laloa iseda Havaraia Tauna ese ia havaraia gaudia ita lalo - pararalaia diba lasi. HAVE you ever performed a kind deed for a friend and then received no expression of thanks? Dubu biagudia ese lau idia gwau henia bona idia doria lau noho totona. NEGA ta emu turana ta dekenai kara namona ta oi karaia bena oi tanikiu henia lasi, a? [ Pictures on page 10] Ia ese oiemu mauri do ia gimaia. [ Pictures on page 10] The 1892 Watch Tower commented: "Few know [them] as the Lord's real representatives, or recognize that dignity which the Lord sees in their humility and self - sacrifice. " Laolao Momo, Hadikaia Gaudia Momo The Watch Tower ia gwau: "Idia diba Lohiabada ena gwaukau taudia korikoridia ai idia lao, eiava idia diba Lohiabada ese edia manau bona sibona edia ura dadaraia karana ia itaia. " Elisha, on the other hand, said: "Let her alone, for her soul is bitter within her. " - 2 Kings 4: 17 - 20, 25 - 27. Ma danu, Anna - Paula ena haheitalai namona bona haroro goadagoada karana dainai, ena sinana ese Baibel ia stadilaia matamaia bona daudau lasi murinai bapatiso ia abia. To Elisaia ia gwau: "Ia sibona ia noho be namo, badina iena mauri be ia auka. " - 2 King Taudia 4: 17 - 20, 25 - 27. Jesus kindly taught us this fundamental principle of life. Momokani, nega ta do ia mai, Dirava ese tanobada ai gau ibounai do ia karaia matamata - Adamu bona Heva idia do kara dika lasi neganai, Eden umana hegeregerena. Iesu be mai hebogahisi ida ita dekenai unai hakaua herevana ia hadibaia. 10: 22. Ena guriguri amo ia hahedinaraia ia ura iena lalokau guba Tamana sibona do ia tomadiho henia. 10: 22. To him, those truths were priceless treasures, and he was eager to share them with others. To unai siahu karadia be anina idia havaraia murinai, aposetolo Paulo ia gwau "do idia doko. " Ia dekenai unai hereva momokanidia be dava bada gaudia, bona ia ura dikadika ma haida dekenai ia hadibaia. What do Jesus ' belongings include? Nega Gaukaralaia Namonamo Iesu ena kohu be dahaka dahaka? GOODNESS (Esodo 31: 16, 17; Heberu 9: 15) To Salamo 90: 2 bona Heberu Revarevadia ena gabu ma haida ai, "hanaihanai " ena anina be do ia doko lasi. KARA NAMO Several years passed before Elijah showed himself to Ahab and told him to gather the people and the Baal prophets to Mount Carmel. Haida idia laloa, bema Havaraia Tauna ita dadaraia, ia havaraia gaudia do ita lalopararalaia lasi. Elia be Ahaba dekenai sibona ia hahedinaraia bena lagani haida idia hanaia murinai, Elia ese Ahaba ia hamaoroa Israela taudia bona Bala ena peroveta taudia be Karamele Ororona dekenai do ia haboua. The Bible has much to say about honesty. NEGA ta emu turana ta oi kara namo henia to tanikiu herevana ta ia gwauraia lasi, a? Baibel ese kara momokani ia herevalaia momo. In these articles, we will examine Bible accounts of King David and his contemporaries. [ Pictures on page 10] Inai stadi lalonai, King Davida bona ena negai idia noho taudia edia sivarai do ita herevalaia. Rather than comparing our situation with that of others, we should remember that "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " Lagani 1892 Watch Tower ia gwau: "Haida sibona idia laloparara kolpota taudia be Lohiabada ena gwaukau taudia korikoridia, bona idia diba Lohiabada ese kolpota taudia edia manau bona gaukara goadagoada karana ia laloa bada. " Namo lasi ma haida edia noho dalana ita hahegeregerea, to namona be ita laloatao "ita ibounai ta ta ese, iseda kara ena badina, be Dirava ena vairana dekenai do ita gwauraia hedinarai. " While a healthy desire to learn new things can be beneficial, unbridled curiosity could expose us to harmful ideas. To, Elisaia ia gwau: "Oi koua lasi, badina be iena lalona be ia hisihisi bada noho. " - 2 King Taudia 4: 17 - 20, 25 - 27. Ena be ita ura gau matamatadia ita dibaia, to ita ura lasi ma haida ese ita idia hadikaia. They needed to repent of their sins against God and against the Law covenant. Iesu ese ita dekenai unai mai anina bada hakaua herevana ia gwauraia. Namona be Dirava bona Taravatu gwauhamatana dekenai edia kara dika amo idia helalo - kerehai. One reason is that there are external pressures. 10: 22. Badina ta be, hekwakwanai haida idia vara. We really enjoyed our assignment in the circuit work. Ia dekenai, hereva momokani be dava bada gauna bamona, bona ia ura ma haida dekenai ia henia danu. Emai sekit gaukara ai moalelaia bada. Do you at times find yourself feeling that way? Iesu ena kohu ibounai be dahaka? Nega haida unai bamona hemami oi abia, a? By means of his holy spirit, God furthers the love, joy, and unity of his people. KARA NAMO Dirava ese ena lauma helaga amo ena taunimanima edia lalokau, moale, bona lalo - tamona ia habadaia. All of those are possibilities as we "bear thorough witness to the good news. " Kohu momo ura dikadika kara be hegeregere kaivakuku tomadiho henia kara bamona. " Sivarai Namona ita harorolaia guguru neganai, unai ibounai idia vara diba. " Others were massive gatherings in some of the world's largest stadiums. (1 King Taudia 17: 1) Lagani haida idia hanaia vadaeni bona hari Elia be Ahaba dekenai ia hedinarai lou, ia hamaoroa namona be taunimanima bona Bala ena peroveta taudia be Karamele Ororona ai do idia haboua. Ma haida be tanobada ena steidiam badadia dekenai idia karaia hebou badadia dekenai idia lao. There is a famine for three years because of the bloodguilt that Saul incurred by putting the Gibeonites to death. Baibel be kara momokani ia herevalaia momo. Lagani toi lalonai hitolo bada ia vara, badina Saulo ese Gibeona taudia ia hamasea. * So I had many fine examples to imitate. Inai stadi rua ai, ita ese King Davida bona ena nega ai idia noho taudia edia sivarai do ita herevalaia. * Unai dainai haheitalai namodia momo lau hahedinaraia. After referring to the transfiguration, Peter stated: "Consequently we have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. Iseda noho dalana be ma haida ida ita hahegeregerea lasi, to namona be ita laloatao "ita ibounai ta ta ese, iseda kara ena badina, be Dirava ena vairana dekenai do ita gwauraia hedinarai. " Petero ese Iesu ena toana ia idau karana ia herevalaia murinai, ia gwau: "Ai daradara lasi, to ai diba momokani, peroveta taudia edia hereva be momokani. Umui danu peroveta taudia edia hereva do umui badinaia be namo. What conclusion should we draw? Ena be gau matamatadia ita ura diba be namo, to hanaihanai diba matamata abia urana bema ita biagua lasi, reana ita idia hadikaia lalohadai do ita abia dae danu. Dahaka ita diba be namo? Like Abel, he undoubtedly had faith that mankind would eventually be released from bondage to sin and death. Unai dainai Dirava idia kara dika henia bona Taravatu gwauhamatana idia utua karana amo idia helalo - kerehai be namo. Abela bamona, ia abia dae momokani taunimanima be kara dika bona mase ena igui amo do ia ruhadia. It was a terror campaign, for if you heard the engine cut out, as we often did, you knew that seconds later the plane would fall and explode. Badina ta be tanobada taudia edia kara. Unai be gari bada gauna, badina bema motuka idia utua, peleini iharuana be gabeai do ia moru bona do ia moru. Jesus said: "Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. Sekit gaukara ai moalelaia bada. Iesu ia gwau: "Tauanina idia alaia bona unai murinai gau ma ta idia karaia diba lasi taudia do umui gari henia lasi. 32 ⇩ 13: 12) Nega haida unai bamona oi mamia, a? 32 ⇩ How was the identity of the "great crowd " clarified in 1935, and how did this affect some who had been partaking of the Memorial emblems? Unai bamona kara amo lauma helaga ita hahisia diba. Lagani 1935 ai, Memorial paraoa idia ania bona uaina idia inua taudia edia toana be edena bamona? But the congregation's elders offered encouragement and helped her to regain spiritual strength. Sivarai namona ita harorolaia neganai, unai bamona taudia ita davaria. To, kongrigeisen elda taudia ese ia idia hagoadaia bona durua lauma dalanai ia goada lou totona. It will keep your mind clear and focused on things that are pure and wholesome. Idia haida be tanobada ena steidiam badadia ai idia karaia hebou badadia. Emu lalona do ia goeva bona gau namodia sibona do oi laloa. My life in Jehovah's service has indeed been rich! Lagani toi lalonai hitolo bada ia vara badina Saulo ese Gibeona taudia ia hamasedia. Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai egu mauri be ia namo momokani! " Reasonable people are balanced in dealing with others. * Unai dainai lau tohotohoa haheitalai namodia be momo. " Laloa maoromaoro taudia ese ma haida idia kara henia mai laloa maoromaoro ida. AS TOLD BY HELEN MARKS Petero be Iesu ena toana ia idau karana ia herevalaia murinai, ia gwau: "Unai dainai ai daradara lasi momokani, to ai diba peroveta taudia edia hereva be momokani. Umui danu peroveta taudia edia hereva do umui badinaia be namo. DIRAVA ESE IA SIVARAILAIA • In what sense were some Christians " strengthening aids ' to Paul? Vadaeni, dahaka ita karaia be namo? • Edena dala ai Keristani taudia haida ese Paulo idia "durua bada herea "? Listening With Love, 11 / 15 8: 20) Abela bamona, Noa ia diba momokani taunimanima ese idia abia kara dika bona mase be do ia ore. 11 / 15 Jesus displayed no such weakness. Unai be gari bada negana, badina peleini ena ensini ia bodo neganai, oi diba sekeni haida murinai peleini do ia moru bona pou. Iesu be unai bamona manoka karana ia hahedinaraia lasi. After studying for five months, Onesmus decided that he wanted to attend the meetings despite the risks. Iesu ia gwau: "Tauanina do idia alaia diba, to mase murinai gau ta do idia karaia diba lasi taudia dekenai do umui gari lasi. Onesmus be hua faiv ia stadi murinai, ena lalona ia hadaia hebou dekenai do ia lao, herevana hekwakwanai idia vara. Bringing these faithful servants of old back to life is no more difficult for Jehovah than it was to create the first man from the dust of the ground. - Genesis 2: 7. 32 ⇩ Idaunegai unai abidadama hesiai taudia idia mauri lou be auka, to Iehova ese tano ena kahu amo tau ginigunana ia karaia be auka. - Genese 2: 7. " Why, then, should you lift yourselves up above the congregation of Jehovah? " Lagani 1935 ai idia hahedinaraia "hutuma bada herea " be daidia, bona unai dainai guna Memorial paraoa idia ania bona uaina idia inua taudia be dahaka idia karaia? Unai dainai, dahaka dainai Lohiabada ena orea taudia umui abia isi be namo? " Finally, I handed in my resignation and started pioneering. To kongrigeisen ena elda taudia ese ia idia hagoadaia bona durua ia goada lou totona. Gabeai, egu bosi dekenai lau henia bona painia gaukara lau hamatamaia. After all, millions of Christ's disciples endure various forms of tribulation, yet they remain faithful. Ia ese emu lalona do ia hagoevaia bona gau goevadia bona namodia do oi laloa noho diba. Oibe, Keriso ena hahediba taudia milioni momo be hisihisi idauidau idauidau idia haheaukalaia, to Dirava idia badinaia noho. Their prison experience, they noted, helped them to strengthen their faith and to develop valuable Christian qualities, such as generosity, empathy, and brotherly affection. Egu mauri Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai be namo herea! Idia itaia dibura ruma ai idia noho dainai, edia abidadama idia hagoadaia bona Keristani kara namodia, hegeregere hariharibada, bona tadikaka lalokau henia karana idia habadaia. What are his preferences regarding music, movies, television programs, video games, and the use of the Internet? Tadikaka Schilling ia gwau: "Laloa manada taudia ese ma haida idia kara henia lalonai idia laloa maoromaoro. Miusiki, muvi, vidio gadara, bona Internet gaukaralaia karana dekenai, iena ura be dahaka? Thus you will make it easier for your mate to listen to you. HELEN MARKS ESE IA SIVARAILAIA Unai amo emu adavana ese oi do ia kamonai henia. He gave a parable in which cultivators mistreated those whom the owner sent to them, just as the Israelites mistreated the prophets whom God sent to them. • Edena dala ai Keristani taudia haida ese Paulo idia "durua bada herea "? Ia ese parabole ta amo uma biaguna ese idia dekenai ia siaia taudia ia kara auka henia, Dirava ese peroveta taudia dekenai ia siaia hegeregerena. It involves our heart and is demonstrated by our actions. Iesu be unai bamona lasi. Anina be iseda kudouna bona kara ese ia hahedinaraia ita be edena bamona taudia. Especially is this so in the case of those who want to qualify as overseers in the congregation. To, Onesmus be hua faiv ia stadi murinai, ena lalona ia hadaia hebou do ia lao, ena be hekwakwanai ia davaria diba. Kongrigeisen lalonai elda gaukara idia ura karaia taudia be unai bamona idia karaia be namo. Guarding that trust includes cultivating such things as good Bible - study habits and perseverance in prayer, while working "what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Iehova ese tau ginigunana be tano ena kahu amo ia karaia hegeregerena, idaunegai abidadama hesiai taudia ia hamauria lou be auka lasi. - Genese 2: 7. Unai abidadama ita dogoatao anina be Baibel ita stadilaia namonamo bona ita hesiku lasi, to "taunimanima ibounai dekenai kara namodia do ita karaia. To Keriso ena abidadama henia taudia do ita durua bada herea be namo. " A Bible study was immediately started with the lady. " Badina dahaka umui ruaosi ese mai siahu bada danu Lohiabada ena orea taudia umui biagua noho? " Unai hahine ida Baibel stadi idia hamatamaia. Why did Paul write a letter to the Hebrew Christians? Egu gaukara amo lau risain bona painia gaukara lau hamatamaia. Dahaka dainai Paulo ese Heberu Keristani taudia dekenai revareva ta ia torea? Therefore, it was human kindness. Badina ena be Keriso ena hahediba taudia momo ese hisihisi idauidau idia haheaukalaia, to abidadama dekenai idia gini goada. Unai dainai, unai be hebogahisi karana. Yet, there is another aspect to Jesus ' kindly yoke that you need to consider. Idia gwau, dibura ese idia ia durua edia abidadama idia hagoadaia bona mai anina bada Keristani karadia, hegeregere harihari bada karana, ta ena hemami laloa karana, bona tadikaka lalokau henia karana idia habadaia. To, Iesu ena huaia auna dekenai gau ma ta oi laloa be namo. Then, in the war of Armageddon, the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah himself will wipe out the rest of Satan's world. - Rev. (Aon. 13: 20) Ia be edena bamona miusiki, muvi, TV program, bona vidio gadara ia ura henia? Eiava Intanet ai edena gaudia ia tahua momo? Bena Aramagedono tuarina ai, Iehova ese Satani ena tanobada ibounai do ia haorea. - Apok. They were perfect according to the standard set by their Creator. Because of disobedience, they did not measure up to this standard and therefore lost perfection for themselves and their offspring. Unai dala amo, emu adavana ese oi do ia kamonai henia. Edia Havaraia Tauna ia gwau - edeede dainai, unai taravatu idia badinaia lasi bona idia goevadae lasi. How might we increase the effectiveness of our ministry? Unai parabole lalonai biru taudia be vain umana ena biaguna ese ia siaia taudia idia hahisia dalana ia gwauraia, Israela taudia be Dirava ese ia siaia peroveta taudia idia hahisia hegeregerena. Edena dala ai iseda haroro gaukara ita hanamoa diba? Jehovah rewards God - fearing children, overseers, and other caring Christians for unselfishly tending to the needs of elderly fellow believers. Ia be iseda kudouna dekenai ia noho gauna bona iseda kara amo ita hahedinaraia. Iehova Dirava idia gari henia natudia, elda taudia, bona Keristani taudia ma haida ese edia tadikaka burukadia edia dabu gaudia idia henia karana amo davana namona idia abia. (a) What are three ways in which we can promote unity? Kongrigeisen lalonai elda maduna idia ura abia taudia ese unai idia laloatao be namo. (a) Edena dala toi ai lalotamona ita habadaia diba? What she learned heightened her sense of obligation to care for me. Unai ita abia gauna ita gimaia karadia haida be Baibel stadi dalana namona bona guriguri hanaihanai karana ita dibaia, bona "taunimanima ibounai dekenai kara namodia do ita karaia. To Keriso ena abidadama henia taudia do ita durua bada herea. " Ia dibaia gaudia ese ena lalona ia veria dainai, lau ia naria. What quality contributes to the unity of true worshippers? Karaharaga Baibel stadi be unai hahine danu idia hamatamaia. Edena kara ese tomadiho momokani taudia ia hatamonaia? We will not compromise, even if you kill us! " Dahaka dainai Paulo ese Heberu Keristani taudia ia tore henidia? Do ai gini goada, herevana ai oi alaia! " As they are conversing between doors, the younger sister begins sharing what is troubling her. Unai dainai, ia be hebogahisi karana sibona. Idia herevahereva lalonai, taihu matamata be ia dekenai idia vara gaudia ia herevalaia matamaia. Just like many people elsewhere, though, they often ignore his personal name - Jehovah. (Salamo 34: 8) To Iesu ese ia metau lasi huaia auna ia herevalaia neganai, hereva ma ta ia gwauraia bona ita laloa be namo. To, gabu ma haida ai idia noho taudia bamona, nega momo iena ladana - Iehova - idia dadaraia. 3 Humbly Apply God's Word. Bena hisihisi badana ena dokonai o Aramagedono tuarina ai, Iehova ese Satani ena tanobada o gavamani ibounai do ia haorea. - Apok. 3 Mai Manau ida Dirava Ena Hereva Badinaia. Such expectations about the Messiah doubtless led the people of Galilee to want Jesus to become their king. To, idia gwau - edeede dainai, mauri goevadaena idia haboioa bona edia natudia danu be goevadae lasi taudia ai idia lao. Galilea taudia be unai bamona idia laloa dainai idia ura Iesu be edia king ai idia halaoa. In this world saturated with self - indulgence, our self - sacrificing spirit does much to honor Jehovah God. - Rom. Edena dala ai iseda hesiai gaukarana lalonai anina ita havaraia diba? Inai tanobada ai, sibona eda ura dadaraia karana ese Iehova Dirava ia hanamoa bada. He was sure he was going to heaven. Iehova ese Dirava gari henia natudia, naria taudia, bona Keristani taudia ma haida edia davana do ia henia, badina sibona edia namo idia tahua lasi to tadikaka bona taihu burukadia edia dabu gaudia idia naria. Ia diba ia be guba dekenai do ia lao. Research shows that when fathers play with their young children, they encourage them to be more adventurous and bold. (a) Edena dala toi ai lalotamona ita hahedinaraia diba? Tahua gaukara idia karaia neganai, idia hahedinaraia tamadia be edia natudia ida idia gadara neganai, unai ese idia ia hagoadaia idia gari lasi bona gari lasi totona. Soon the cells began to differentiate, or specialize, to become nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells, and so forth. Bona ia dibaia gaudia amo ia laloparara lau ia naria karana be iena maduna. Daudau lasi murinai sel maragidia, sel kakakakadia, sel kurokurodia, sel kurokurodia, bona ma gau haida idia vara matamaia. It is a Christian quality that makes for peace with outsiders and with those in the congregation. Keristani taudia momokanidia edia toana korikorina be dahaka? Unai kara ese abidadama lasi taudia bona kongregesen taudia huanai maino ia havaraia. However, the progress was slow at first. Ena be ai do umui hamasea, to unai kadi do ai hoia lasi! " To, matamanai lau goada lau lao haraga lasi. He adds: "It is such a wonderful gift to observe the joy my wife expresses when moved by some spiritual gem we find together in our study. " Haroro gaukara lalonai, taihu matamata ese Keristani taihu dekenai ena lalohekwarahi gauna ia herevalaia. Ma ia gwau: "Unai be harihari gauna namo hereana, badina emai stadi lalonai egu adavana ese lauma dalanai ai ia hagoadaia neganai, unai ese egu moale ia hahedinaraia. " We can also ask for help from those who are strong in the faith, never doubting that Jehovah will give us the support we need. To, gabu idauidau taudia momo hegeregerena, idia ese iena ladana - Iehova - idia laloa lasi. Danu, abidadama goada taudia edia heduru ita noia diba, bona ita diba momokani Iehova ese ita do ia durua. After the apostles died, true worship became contaminated by the progressive development of many forms of imitation Christianity. 3 Oi Manau Bona Baibel Oi Gaukaralaia. Aposetolo taudia idia mase murinai, tomadiho momokani be dala idauidau ai idia hadikaia. The clergymen of Christendom have done so much to misrepresent us! Reana Iuda taudia idia laloa Mesia ese edia hekwakwanai do ia hamaoromaoroa dainai, Galilea taudia idia ura Iesu be king ai ia lao be namo. Kerisendom ena dubu gunalaia taudia ese ita idia koia bada! How can we develop our teaching skills? Ruma - ta - ruma - ta idia lao, taunimanima idia hedavari henia bona hereva momokani idia harorolaia. " Edena dala ai iseda hadibaia dalana ita hanamoa diba? What a pleasure it is to offer practical, appealing, and attractive literature in the ministry! Iena lalohadai be ia be guba dekenai do ia lao. Ita moale badina haroro gaukara lalonai buka bona magasin namodia ita hariharilaia diba! He examines us through the eyes of love. To danu, tahua gaukaradia ese idia hahedinaraia, tamadia be natudia ida idia gadara hebou neganai, natudia idia hagoadaia gaukara idauidau idia karaia bona idia gari lasi. Lalokau ena matana amo ita ia tahua. Some of those false gods were viewed as ruling over certain parts of nature. Unai sel matamatadia idia vara bona idia danu idia parara ela bona momo herea idia vara. Unai dirava koikoidia haida idia laloa ia ese gau haida ia lohiaia. Individual Christians generously contribute their time, energy, and funds to preach the good news and promote the interests of God's Kingdom. - See the box "Ways in Which Some Choose to Give. " Ia be Keristani karana ta dainai, murimuri taudia bona kongrigeisen lalonai idia noho taudia ida maino ai ita noho diba. Keristani taudia ta ta be mai edia ura bada ida edia nega, goada, bona moni idia henia sivarai namona idia harorolaia bona Dirava ena Basileia ena gaukara idia durua totona. - Rau 1 itaia. After hearing its contents read, Josiah realized how far the nation had departed from Jehovah's will, and the king took firm measures to do what was written in the book. Matamanai kamonai taudia be momo lasi. Iosaia ese unai toretore ia kamonai murinai, ia laloparara Israela besena be Iehova ena ura idia rakatania, bona king ese unai buka lalonai idia torea gaudia ia karaia. No matter who will share in saying "Peace and security! " Ai stadi hebou bona hereva namona ta ai duahia neganai, egu adavana be ia moale bada, bona unai ese lau ia hamoalea. " Herevana daidia do idia gwau, "Maino bona noho namo! " (b) What can be said about those who are in special full - time service? Dirava ena aonega be dragonfly ena matana ia karaia dalana ese ia hahedinaraia; inai laulau ai dragonfly ena matana idia habadaia (Paragraf 11 itaia) [ Credit Line] (b) Ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia taudia dekenai dahaka ita gwau diba? What is included in exercising "self - control in all things "? Abidadama goada taudia amo heduru ita noia diba danu, bona ita daradara lasi Iehova ese mai anina bada heduruna ita do ia henia. " Tauanina ena ura ibounai ita biagua ' ena anina be dahaka? They had to adjust their goals to care for their aged parents. Aposetolo taudia idia mase murinai, Keristani tomadihona ena toana idia tohotohoa tomadiho koikoi momo be metairametaira idia vara bona tomadiho momokanina idia hamiroa. Edia tahua gaudia idia haidaua edia buruka tama sina idia naria totona. " I found that they helped me even more at that time, " she said. Kerisendom ena dubu gunalaia taudia oreana be samani koikoi herevadia momo idia gwauraia! Ia gwau: "Lau davaria unai negai idia ese lau idia durua bada. By heeding God's reminders, we remain sanctified, or set apart, for his service. Edena dala ai iseda hadibaia dalana ita hanamoa diba? Dirava ena hadibaia herevadia ita badinaia neganai, do ita helaga noho bona iena hesiai gaukara do ita karaia. See Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind under the subheading "He Has Hated a Divorcing, " on page 125. Iseda magasin be taunimanima durua dalana ai idia torea bona ena toana be namo herea, unai dainai haroro gaukara ai ita hariharilaia be moale gauna. Iehova Ena Dina Lalonai Ita Noho Dalana, rau 125 ai ia noho herevana, "Ia ese Kara Dika Ia Inai Henia " itaia. Then, on January 3, 2001, at the age of 95, Karl Klein faithfully completed his earthly course. Iesu be mai lalokau ida ita ia itaia noho. Bena, January 3, 2001 ai, Karl Klein ena mauri lagani be 95 neganai, mai abidadama ida ena tanobada maurina ia haorea. Ethel Bennecoff related that the Bible Students went forth "with more zeal and love in [their] hearts than ever before. " Idia laloa unai dirava haida be tanobada gaudia haida idia lohiaia. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia Bible Student taudia be "mai edia ura bada ida edia kudouna idia hamarerea bona lalokau henia bada. " They heeded the words of Proverbs 3: 27: "Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it. " Bona idia ta ta be edia nega, goada, kohu bona moni idia gaukaralaia sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana bona Dirava ena Basileia ena gaukara ma haida idia durua totona. - "Haida ese Henia Karana Idia Hahedinaraia Daladia " mauana itaia. Aonega Herevadia 3: 27 ena hereva idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Bema dika ese dika ia havaraia neganai, oiemu durua dekena amo namo do oi davaria lasi. " Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him? " - Matt. Iosaia dekenai unai Taravatu idia duahia murinai, ia lalo - parara taunimanima be Iehova ena ura idia rakatania momokani, bona King Iosaia ese dala ia karaia unai buka ena hereva ia badinaia totona. Umui laloa, umui be dika taudia, gau namodia emui natuna dekenai henia be umui diba, to emui Tamana guba dekenai ia noho ese gau namodia be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henia, a? " - Mat. Comfort and counsel came from the elders.... Herevana daika ese inai hereva, "Maino bona noho namo! " Elda taudia amo goada bona sisiba idia abia.... Her method is simple. (b) Ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia taudia be edena bamona? Ena haroro dalana be auka lasi. What else does Isaiah prophesy about the "fortified town "? " Gau iboudiai dekenai sibona eda ura biagua karana ' ena anina be dahaka? Isaia ese "hanua aukana " ia perovetalaia neganai, dahaka ma ta ia gwau? [ Picture on page 24, 25] Idia be do idia karaia gaudia haida idia haidaua unai amo edia tama sina burukadia idia naria diba. [ Picture on page 24, 25] We read: "When the men saw the signs he performed, they began to say: " This is for a certainty the prophet that was to come into the world. ' Ia gwau: "Lau davaria unai kadi ese lau idia durua bada. Baibel ia gwau: "Taunimanima ese ia karaia toa idia itaia neganai, idia gwau: " Momokani inai peroveta herevana be tanobada dekenai do ia vara momokani. ' We will also consider how we can demonstrate these aspects in our ministry. Dirava ena hadibaia herevadia ita badinaia dainai ita helaga noho, anina be ita idau, iena hesiai gaukara ita karaia totona. Danu, do ita itaia edena dala ai iseda haroro gaukara lalonai unai kara ita hahedinaraia diba. What is noteworthy about the miracles Jesus performed, and what do they show? Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind bukana ena rau 125 ai hereva kwara maragina "He Has Hated a Divorcing " itaia. Iesu ese ia karaia hoa karadia amo dahaka ita dibaia, bona idia hahedinaraia dahaka idia karaia? The faithful man Nehemiah reminded his fellow Jews that they should show proper respect for the literal temple by supporting it materially. Bena, January 3, 2001 ai, Karl Klein ena mauri lagani be 95 neganai, mai abidadama ida ena tanobada maurina ia haorea. Abidadama tauna Nehemia ese ena tadikaka ia hadibaia namona be dubu korikorina idia matauraia bona tauanina dalanai idia durudia. A Christian named Mike showed such love and trust. Ethel Bennecoff ia gwau, unai ese Bible Student taudia "edia ura bona lalokau ia habadaia, guna bamona lasi. " Keristani tauna ta ladana Mike be unai bamona lalokau bona abidadama ia hahedinaraia. What a fine witness this results in when we explain what prompted us to return the individual's possession! Idia ese Aonega Herevadia 3: 27 ena hereva idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Bema dika ese taunimanima namodia ia hadikaia, bona bema oi be mai oiemu dala do oi durudia neganai, oiemu durua do oi koua lasi. " Unai anina namona ia havaraia gauna ita herevalaia neganai, unai ese ita ia veria unai tauna ena kohu ita henia lou totona! My mother struggled to feed the family, so a friend recommended that she send my three younger sisters - Araceli, Lauri, and Ramoni - to a convent in Bilbao, Spain. Unai dainai, bema umui kara dika taudia ese emui natudia dekenai harihari gaudia namodia umui henia diba, namona be umui diba momokani, emui Tamana, guba ai ia noho ese gau namodia be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henia! " - Mat. Egu sinana be ia hekwarahi bada ruma bese ia ubua totona, unai dainai ena turana ta ese ia hamaoroa egu taihuna toi - hegeregerena, ia ese egu tadina kekeni toi, France, Spain, Spain, dekenai ia siaia lao. I liked that. Elda taudia amo hagoadaia hereva namodia lau abia.... Unai lau ura henia. The family served where the need was great in Rhode Island and North Carolina, in the United States. Ia karaia dalana be ia auka lasi. United States ai, unai ruma bese be pablisa momo lasi gabudia dekenai idia lao. It moves God to take action to bring his people relief. As evidence of this, God provided for the Israelites both physically and spiritually during their trek to the Promised Land. Isaia ese unai " hanua mai ena magu ' ia herevalaia neganai, dahaka ia perovetalaia? Unai dainai, Israela taudia be Gwauhamata Tanona dekenai idia loaloa neganai, Dirava ese idia dekenai tauanina bona lauma dalanai heduru ia henia. Jehovah's Word Is Alive [ Picture on page 24, 25] Iehova Ena Hereva be Ia Mauri Noho Today, we may be faced with daunting tasks requiring special skills, such as building, printing, organizing conventions, administering disaster relief, and communicating with doctors and hospital personnel about our Scriptural position on the use of blood. Baibel ia gwau: "Taunimanima be unai toa Iesu ese ia karaia gauna idia itaia, vadaeni idia gwau, " Momokani, tanobada dekenai do ia mai peroveta tauna be inai. ' Hari inai negai, reana gaukara badadia, hegeregere haginia gaukara, printa gaukara, hebouhebou hegaegaelaia, doketa bona hospital taudia ida Baibel ena hereva rara gaukaralaia karana dekenai ita davaria diba. But you can "make your way successful " by serving him whole - souled. Bona do ita itaia edena bamona unai kara namodia be iseda haroro gaukara lalonai ita hahedinaraia diba. To mai emu kudouna ibounai ida Iehova oi hesiai henia neganai, " do oi kwalimu. ' What happened to Saul as a result of his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus? Iesu ena hoa karadia amo dahaka ita dibaia, bona unai ese dahaka ia hahedinaraia? Damaseko ena dala dekenai Iesu ia davaria neganai, Saulo dekenai dahaka ia vara? Then Jeroboam says to the man of the true God: "Do come with me to the house and take sustenance, and let me give you a gift. " (Isaia 56: 7) Abidadama tauna Nehemia ese Iuda taudia ia haganidia, dubu idia matauraia bona ena kohu idia naria namonamo totona. Bena Ieroboama be Dirava momokanina ena tau dekenai ia gwau: "Ruma dekenai do oi mai bona aniani do oi abia, bona lau dekenai harihari gauna oi henia. " There was one exception. Keristani tauna ta ladana Mike be unai bamona lalokau bona abidadama karana ia hahedinaraia. Unuseniai ta ia noho danu. As foretold in the book of Amos, Jehovah did not completely annihilate his people of ancient times. Bona unai bamona ita karaia ena badina ita gwauraia neganai, haroro namona ita henia! Amosa bukana ese ia perovetalaia bamona, Iehova ese idaunegai ena taunimanima ia hadikaia ore lasi. The religious leaders twisted God's words to serve their own ends, but Jesus loved "the word of God " - he taught it, explained it, defended it, and lived by it. Egu sina ia hekwarahi bada ai ia ubua totona, unai dainai ena turana ta ese ia hamaoroa egu taihudia toi - Araceli, Lauri, bona Ramoni - be Bilbao, Spain, dekenai do ia siaidia, bona nan edia ruma ai do idia noho. Tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese Dirava ena hereva idia mogea sibona edia hesiai gaukara idia hadokoa totona, to Iesu be "Dirava ena hereva " - ia hadibaia, ena maoro ia hamomokania, bona ena mauri lalonai ia badinaia. 4: 8 - 10. Unai be kara namona. 4: 8 - 10. Study Edition Tadikaka Morris mai ena ruma bese ida be United States ena motumotu, Rhode Island bona North Carolina dekenai idia lao, badina unuseniai haroro taudia be momo lasi. Stadi Gauna Since we are part of a worldwide brotherhood, kindness is essential in our dealings with one another. Unai hamomokania gauna be, Israela taudia be Gwauhamata Tanona idia lao henia neganai, Iehova ese tauanina bona lauma dalanai idia ia naria. Ita be tanobada hegegemadai tadikaka oreana lalonai ita noho dainai, ta ta dekenai hebogahisi ita hahedinaraia be mai anina bada. Brother Morris reentered the full - time service in 1979 as a regular pioneer. Iehova Ena Hereva be Ia Mauri Noho Tadikaka Morris be lagani 1979 ai regula painia gaukara ia karaia. Money and some possessions are necessary in most societies. Hari inai negai, namona be ta be mai ena diba inai bamona gaukara ia karaia totona: Konstraksen, printa gaukara, hebouhebou hegaegaelaia o dika idia vara gabudiai heduru henia gaukarana, doketa bona hospital taudia dekenai rara ita dadaraia ena badina ia herevalaia. Moni bona kohu haida be gabu idauidau ai idia noho. During a festive celebration, hundreds behold a hand that writes mysterious words on a palace wall. To emu mauri lalonai oi kwalimu diba, bema mai lalona ibounai ida Iehova oi hesiai henia. Aria ta lalonai, taunimanima handred momo be ruma ena haba dekenai hereva ta idia itaia diba lasi. Hate Fed by Fear Damaseko ena dala dekenai Saulo ese Iesu ia hedavari henia murinai, ia dekenai dahaka ia vara? Gari Dainai Inai Heheni Karana Ia Bada In this latter sense, a synonym for "context " would be" background. " Vadaeni, Ieroboama ese peroveta tauna ia hamaoroa: "Egu ruma dekenai do ita lao, do oi laga - ani, bona oiemu gaukara ena davana oi dekenai do lau henia. " (1 Kin. Unai dala ai, "idau bese " ena anina be" idau. " I saw only one solution - I cut pages out of an old Bible and kept some with me. Nega tamona sibona be idau. Unai hekwakwanai lau hanaia dalana tamona lau itaia - Baibel gunana ta lau utua bona haida ida lau noho. What delightful conditions can exist in a congregation as brothers and sisters work at displaying ever more the godly qualities about which James wrote! Amosa bukana ese ia hahedinaraia bamona, Iehova ese ena idaunega taudia ibounai ia hamasedia lasi. Iamesi ese ia torea kara namodia ita hahedinaraia neganai, kongrigeisen lalonai moale bada ia vara diba! How can we be sure of this? Danu, tomadiho gunalaia taudia be Dirava ena hereva idia hagagevaia bona sibona edia ura gaudia idia hadibaia. To Iesu be "Dirava ena hereva " ia lalokau henia dainai, ia hadibaia, ia herevalaia namonamo, ia gimaia, bona ia badinaia. Edena bamona unai ita diba? Let Jehovah refine you. 4: 8 - 10. Namona be Iehova ese oi ia itaia. Orange St. " Dirava be iseda heau mauri gabuna, bona ia ese ita dekenai goada ia henia. SEPTEMBER 28 - 30 Cold and tired, our work crew huddled around a scrap - wood fire, waiting to be picked up by truck. Stadi Gauna Ai gaukara hebou taudia be idia hesiku bona ai hesiku bada, bona lahi ese ia gabua au ta badinai ai gini, bona ai naria emai motuka idia abia totona. Be determined to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty Ita be tanobada ibounai tadikaka oreana ena kahana dainai, ita hebogahisi heheni be mai anina bada. Emu lalona oi hadaia Iehova ena lohia siahuna oi abia isi totona As a result, we learn "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. Tadikaka Morris be lagani 1979 ai regula painia gaukara ia karaia lou. Unai dainai, "Dirava ia ura lasi karadia bona tanobada ena ura idauidau do ita dadaraia, bona inai nega oromana lalonai do ita noho mai laloa maoromaoro bona kara maoromaoro ida bona Dirava do ita badinaia. " - Tito 2: 12. Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you to do this. Gabu momo dekenai moni bona kohu haida be mai anina bada. Iehova ena Witnes taudia be mai moale ida oi do idia durua unai oi karaia totona. The good news is that this is not what God intended for us. Moale ariana ta idia karaia lalonai, taunimanima handred momo idia itaia ima ta be haba dekenai hunia herevadia ia torea. Sivarai namona be Dirava ena ura ita totona lasi. When his people are unrepentant, though, he takes strong, decisive action. Gari ese Inai Heheni Karana Ia Habadaia To, ena taunimanima idia helalo - kerehai lasi neganai, kara ta ia karaia. The lawyer working with Brother Clarke, although not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, made powerful statements on our behalf. Anina ginigabena lalonai, hereva ta "kahirakahira idia noho hereva " ena hereva ma ta be" sivarai ma haida. " Ena be Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta lasi, to unai loea be mai ena siahu ai ia durua totona. 11: 33, 34; Dan. Dala tamona be, Baibel gunana ta ena rau haida lau kokia bona lau abia loaloa. 11: 33, 34; Dan. He is the One who guides and protects obedient humans. Bema kongrigeisen lalonai tadikaka taihu be mai edia ura ida Iamesi ia gwauraia kara namodia idia hahedinaraia, kongrigeisen be gabu namona ai do ia lao! Ia be kamonai taudia ia hakaua bona gimaia Tauna. " The faithful and discreet slave " provides abundant training for elders Unai be edena bamona ita diba? " Hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " ese elda taudia dekenai treinini bada ia henia The humble submission of the other sheep to the anointed members of spiritual Israel was foretold in the prophecy of Isaiah: "This is what Jehovah has said: " The unpaid laborers of Egypt and the merchants of Ethiopia and the Sabeans, tall men, will themselves come over even to you, and yours they will become. Iehova ese oi do ia hamaoromaoroa. Mai manau ida mamoe idaudia ese lauma Israela taudia idia badinaia karana be Isaia ena peroveta herevana lalonai ia guguru, ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese inai bamona ia hereva, ia gwau, " Aigupito bona hoihoi taudia, bona idau bese taudia edia hesiai taudia, dohore idia lao, bona tau badadia do idia lao. According to one reference work, modesty also means "keeping within bounds. " Ai keru bona hesiku dainai, emai grup taudia be au maragidia amo lahi idia karaia bona ia badinai ai gini, ai do ia udaia taraka ai naria. Buka ta ia gwau, manau ena anina ma ta be "Dirava ena gaukara do umui karaia goadagoada. " When I sense that young ones are reaching out to me for guidance or support, I find it rewarding to be there for them. Hedibagani oi dadaraia bona Iehova ena lohia siahuna oi badinaia Lau itaia matamata taudia idia ura lau idia hakaua o durua neganai, lau moale bada. Such an examination is definitely beneficial because it brings in the secret of how to "get a firm hold on the real life. " Anina be, "Dirava ia ura lasi karadia bona tanobada ena ura idauidau do ita dadaraia bona inai nega oromana lalonai do ita noho mai laloa maoromaoro bona kara maoromaoro ida bona Dirava do ita badinaia noho. " - Tito 2: 12. Unai bamona tahua karana be mai ena namo, badina unai ese dala ia kehoa " mauri korikorina ita dogoatao auka ' totona. All in attendance were encouraged to reflect the beneficial stimulation of this district convention in their desire to be doers of God's word to the fullest extent. Unai oi karaia totona Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese oi idia durua mai edia moale ida. Idia hebou taudia ibounai idia hagoadaia unai distrik hebouhebou ena namo idia hahedinaraia totona, badina idia ura Dirava ena hereva idia badinaia. Some 20 to 30 persons met to discuss the Bible in private homes, such as ours in Amioun. Lasi, unai be Dirava ena ura lasi. Misinari taudia 20 bamona be taunimanima 30 bamona ruma ta ta ai Baibel idia herevalaia. A waiting attitude helps us not to be discouraged when opposition, sickness, advancing age, or other problems hinder us in Kingdom service. To, ena taunimanima idia helalo - kerehai lasi neganai, idia ia hahemaoro henia. Naria noho lalohadaina ese ita ia durua dagedage, gorere, buruka, eiava Basileia ena gaukara dekenai hekwakwanai ma haida ita davaria neganai, ita lalomanoka lasi totona. 1 - 3. Tadikaka Clarke ida ia gaukara loea tauna, ena be ia be Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta lasi, to ai dainai hereva mai siahuna ia henia. 1 - 3. Paul, however, did not regularly feed his mind on the philosophies of Greek orators. 11: 33, 34; Dan. To, Paulo be nega ibounai Greek aonega herevadia eiava hadikaia herevadia amo ena lalona ia ubua lasi. On the other hand, readily commend your child when he or she complies. Ia be abidadama taudia ia hakaua bona gimaia momokani Tauna. To, emu natuna ia lalometau neganai, ia oi hanamoa. We can restore that peace in our hearts by reflecting on the fact that Jesus never said that our value is measured by comparing what we do with what others do. " Hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " ese elda taudia hadibaia gaudia momo idia hegaegaelaia Iesu ia gwau lasi ita karaia gaudia be ma haida ida ita hahegeregerea neganai, unai maino ita habadaia diba. He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Mamoe idaudia be mai manau ida Dirava ena Israela ena horoa taudia idia badinaia karana be Isaia ese ia perovetalaia: "Lohiabada ese Israela dekenai ia hereva, ia gwau, " Aigupito bona Etiopia edia kohu be do umui abia, bona tau latadia, Sabea taudia, be emui hesiai taudia mai guia danu do idia lao. Ia gwau: "Unai dainai do umui lao, bese ibounai be diba tahua taudia do umui halaoa, bona Tamana, Natuna, bona Lauma Helaga ena ladanai do umui bapatiso henia idia dekenai. What a wonderful time to be alive to welcome back our dead loved ones! Buka ta ia gwau, manau ena anina danu be "sibona ena hetoana ia hanaia lasi. " Unai be nega namona iseda lalokau mase taudia ita welkam henia lou totona! Word Pictures, 5 / 1 Edia goada ese lau ia durua bona hagoadaia, bona heduru totona lau dekenai idia mai neganai, mai moale ida lau durudia. 5 / 15 How is our preaching work related to being neighborly? Paulo ia gwau: "Moni ura henia kara ese dika idauidau ibounai ia havaraia noho. Edena dala ai iseda haroro gaukara be ma haida kara namo henia karana ida ia hegeregere? The Hebrew Christians needed to realize something very significant about the system of worship instituted by Christ. Hebou dekenai idia mai taudia ibounai idia hagoadaia, inai distrik hebouhebou ese edia lalona ia veria dainai, namona be edia ura be nega ibounai idia be Dirava ena hereva badinaia taudia momokani. Heberu Keristani taudia ese Keriso ese ia haginia tomadiho dalana dekenai mai anina bada gauna ta idia lalo - pararalaia be namo. (b) How does the bond between brothers become stronger over a period of time? Taunimanima 20 o 30 bamona be tadikaka edia ruma ai, hegeregere emai ruma Amioun dekenai, idia hebou Baibel herevalaia totona. (b) Tadikaka bona taihu edia hetura karana be edena bamona ia goada? SONGS TO BE USED: 110, 112 Dagedage, gorere, ita buruka ita lao, eiava hekwakwanai ma haida dainai Basileia harorolaia gaukarana be guna bamona ita karaia diba lasi neganai, naria noho lalohadaina ese ita ia durua ita lalo - metau lasi totona. ANE: 110, 112 Today, some groups of Jehovah's servants have more spiritual food available to them than others have. 1 - 3. Hari inai negai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia haida be lauma aniani momo herea idia abia, to ma haida be lasi. Paradise - For You? 10 / 15 " To, Paulo be Greek taudia edia aonega hereva idia gwauraia namonamo taudia edia hereva ia kamonai hanaihanai lasi. 10 / 15 Joshua had to choose between serving the true God or worshipping false gods. To bema taravatu ia badinaia, vadaeni ia oi hanamoa o tanikiu henia. Iosua ese Dirava momokanina tomadiho henia karana eiava dirava koikoidia tomadiho henia karana ia abia hidi be namo. I no longer drink, smoke, or take drugs. Iseda kudouna dekenai unai maino do ita haginia lou bema Iesu ena kara ita lalohadailaia, ia gwau lasi iseda gaukara be ma haida edia gaukara ida idia hahegeregerea karana amo, iseda namo do idia tahua lasi. Hari lau inuinu lasi, kuku lau ania lasi, o drag lau ania lasi. Chapters 46 to 51 relate the word that Jeremiah speaks concerning the nations. Ia gwau: "Unai dainai do umui lao, bese ibounai be diba tahua taudia do umui halaoa, bona Tamana, Natuna, bona Lauma Helaga ena ladanai do umui bapatiso henia idia dekenai. Karoa 46 be Ieremia ese bese idauidau ia herevalaia herevana ia gwauraia. What important point is highlighted at Micah 3: 4? Ita noho bona toreisi lou taudia ita welkam henia, unai be nega namona. Mika 3: 4 ese dahaka mai anina bada herevana ia hahedinaraia? Like Job, may we never "ascribe anything improper to God. " 5 / 15 Iobu bamona, reana "Dirava dekenai gau ta do ita gwauraia dika lasi. " Precious human lives are at stake. " Edena dala ai Baibel amo eda dekena taudia ita durua diba? Taunimanima be edia mauri idia haboioa diba. " Our daughter Olga lives in Estonia and regularly calls me. Namona be Heberu Keristani taudia ese Keriso ia hamatamaia tomadiho dalana dekenai gau badana ta idia lalo - pararalaia. Emai natuna kekeni be Estonia dekenai ia noho bona hanaihanai lau ia rini henia. 7: 21 - 23; 25: 11, 12. (b) Edena dala ai tadikaka edia hetura karana nega daudau lalonai be ia goada ia lao diba? 7: 21 - 23; 25: 11, 12. When they arrived, "Jesus approached and spoke to them. " ANE: 79, 113 Idia ginidae neganai, "Iesu be idia dekenai ia lao bona ia hereva henidia. " Later on, he did visit Corinth. Hari, Iehova ena hesiai taudia haida be Dirava amo idia mai herevadia momo idia abia. Gabeai, Korinto ia vadivadi henia. This possibility seems to be confirmed by what we read at Psalm 106: 32, 33: "They provoked Him at the waters of Meribah, and it went badly for Moses because of them. " Lohiabada Ena Siahu Dekenai amo Do Umui Siahu, " 10 / 1 Unai be reana Salamo 106: 32, 33 ese ia hamomokania, ia gwau: "Lohiabada dekenai idia badu, bona Mose ese idia dainai ia kara dika. But the blessings in store for Jehovah's people were rich indeed. (Gen. 4: 6, 7) Iosua be abia hidi do ia karaia, Dirava momokani eiava dirava koikoidia do ia tomadiho henia. (Ios. To, Iehova ena taunimanima ese do idia abia hahenamo be momo herea. When the conduct of schoolchildren was brought up, the show's host asked her, "How do you keep the children in your classroom under control? " Lau inuinu lasi, kuku eiava drag lau ania lasi. Sikuli ena natudia idia tubu daekau neganai, tisa ese ia nanadaia, "Edena dala ai emu natuna oi biagua diba? " Nevertheless, the world of mankind in general is now alienated from God and has never, as a whole, been able to act in unity. Karoa 46 ia lao 51 be bese ma haida dekenai Ieremia ese ia gwauraia herevana ia hahedinaraia. To, taunimanima ibounai be Dirava amo idia daudau bona idia lalotamona diba lasi. 18, 19. (a) With regard to true worship, what privilege has God given to both men and women? Mika 3: 4 ese dahaka mai anina bada gauna ia hahedinaraia? 18, 19. (a) Dirava ese tatau bona hahine dekenai dahaka hahenamo ia henia? Paul wrote: "Give him the customary welcome in the Lord with all joy; and keep holding men of that sort dear, because on account of the Lord's work he came quite near to death, exposing his soul to danger, that he might fully make up for your not being here to render private service to me. " - Phil. Iobu bamona, namona be ita ese Dirava ita gwauraia dika lasi. Paulo ia gwau: "Lohiabada ena gaukara umui karaia, mai emui moale danu. Badina be Lohiabada ena gaukara be kahirakahira do ia doko, bona iena mauri do ia atoa diho, lau sibona egu hesiai gaukara do lau karaia totona. " - Fili. All through this experience, I knew that holy spirit was helping me and that Jehovah was holding my hand, making me firm and strong. - Isa. Taunimanima edia mauri be mai anina bada, unai dainai namona be idia ita durua. " Unai nega ibounai lalonai, lau diba lauma helaga ese lau ia durua bona Iehova ese lau ia durua dainai, lau gini goada bona lau goada. - Isa. Having a sense of urgency also involves setting priorities. Emai natuna kekeni, Olga, be Estonia dekenai ia noho, bona nega ibounai lau ia rini henia. Danu, karaharaga lalohadaina ita abia totona, mai anina bada gaudia ita atoa guna be namo. Since 1950 the progress of the work in Mexico has been noteworthy, both as regards increase in numbers and changes in organization. 7: 21 - 23; 25: 11, 12. Lagani 1950 amo Mexico dekenai haroro gaukara ia bada ia lao dainai, orea ena namba be ia bada daekau bona gau momo idia idau. 48: 15 - 19, 30 - 35, footnote - What does the city in Ezekiel's vision represent? Idia ginidae neganai, "Iesu be idia dekenai ia lao, bona ia hereva henidia. " 48: 15 - 19, 30 - Esekiela ese matahanai lalonai ia itaia hanua be dahaka ia laulaulaia? Notice how people facing very different problems have found genuine comfort from God. Gabeai, Korinto dekenai ia lao. Dirava ese taunimanima edia hekwakwanai idauidau ia hanamoa dalana mani oi laloa. 10, 11. (a) How indebted are you to Jesus? Toana be unai hereva be Salamo 106: 32, 33 ese ia hamomokania. Ia gwau: "Meriba ranu gabudia dekenai, Israela taudia ese Lohiabada idia habadua, bona Mose ese hisihisi ia davaria idia dainai. 10, 11. (a) Oi be Iesu dekenai dahaka abitorehai oi henia? Kingdom Proclaimers Report To Iehova ena taunimanima do idia abia hahenamo be namo herea. Basileia Haroro Ripoti What a blessing it is to be part of God's organization! Tisa ese stiuden edia kara ia herevalaia neganai, TV program naria tauna ia henanadai, "Edena bamona emu stiuden oi durua dainai klasrum dekenai oi idia kamonai henia? " Dirava ena orea lalonai ita noho be hahenamo badana! As we strive to carry out Christ's command to make disciples, we experience not only days of joy but also days of sadness. (Gen. 1: 27; 2: 18) To, hari taunimanima be Dirava amo idia daudau bona idia lalotamona lasi. Ita hekwarahi Keriso ena hahegani, hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ena hahegani ita badinaia neganai, dina haida sibona do ita moale lasi, to do ita lalohisihisi danu. " A great crowd " from all nations are now joining the remaining ones of Jesus ' brothers in serving God and as a result enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah. This is because they exercise faith in the redeeming power of Jesus ' shed blood. 18, 19. (a) Iehova ese tatau bona hahine dekenai dahaka hahenamo ia henia? " Hutuma bada herea " taudia be hari Iesu ena tadikaka oredia ida Dirava idia hesiai henia bona Iehova vairanai idia goeva, badina idia be Iesu ese ia bouboulaia rarana idia abidadama henia. Remember, too, that "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " Bona iena kara bamona idia karaia taudia ibounai do umui matauraia. Badina be Keriso ena gaukara totona Epafrodito kahirakahira ia mase. Iena mauri ia negea gwauraia, lau dekenai durua totona, bona umui karaia diba lasi durua gauna, be ia ese do ia karaia totona. " - Fili. Laloatao, "Lohiabada ese iena gwauhamata badinaia totona ia hesiku lasi, haida idia laloa bamona. To umui totona ia haheauka noho, badina ia ura lasi tau ta ia mase. Ia ura taunimanima ibounai ese dika dekena amo edia lalona do idia giroa. " Do you long for comfort in the face of death? Unai nega ai, lau diba lauma helaga be lau ia durua noho, bona Iehova ese lau do ia hagoadaia. - Isa. Mase lalonai oi ura goada oi abia, a? Rather, they are at risk of total destruction that prevents resurrection from occurring. Ita haroro goadagoada totona mai anina bada gaudia ita atoa guna be namo. To, mase ibounai do idia haorea diba, unai amo toreisi lou karana be do ia vara lasi. Joseph's family lived far away, and his father thought he was dead. Lagani 1950 amo, Mexico lalonai ai karaia gaukarana be bada, aiemai namba ia bada daekau bona orea ena heau dalana ai haidaua. Iosepa ena ruma bese be gabu daudau ai idia noho, bona ena tamana ia laloa ia mase vadaeni. Happily, many young people have found joy and lasting security by taking up the full - time service. 48: 15 - 19, 30 - 35, - Esekiela ena matahanai lalonai ia itaia hanuana be dahaka ia laulaulaia? Moale gauna be, matamata taudia momo be ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia neganai, moale bona noho namona idia davaria. Before going out to combat the Ammonites, Judge Jephthah vowed that if Jehovah gave him the victory, the first person who would come out to meet him after the battle would be devoted to Jehovah's service at the sanctuary. Ita itaia hekwakwanai idauidau idia davaria taudia be Dirava amo lalogoada idia abia. Iepeta be Amono taudia ia do tuari henia lasi neganai, ia gwauhamata Iehova ese ia dekenai kwalimu do ia henia, unai amo tuari murinai ia do ia hedavari henia tauna ginigunana be dubu helaga ai Iehova ena hesiai gaukara do ia karaia. Above all, make your desire to teach the truth a matter of prayer. 10, 11. (a) Iesu ena mauri ia bouboulaia dainai dahaka hahenamo oi davaria diba? Gau badana be, oi ura hereva momokani oi hadibaia. ; Dimichino, P. Basileia Haroro Ripoti ; Dardno, P. He did not demand of them more than they were capable of giving. Iehova ena orea lalonai ita noho be hahenamo badana! Idia ia doria lasi moni bada idia henia totona. God's Son, Jesus, was speaking in answer to the question posed to him: "What will be the sign... of the conclusion of the system of things? " Keriso ena hahegani, hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ena hahegani ita badinaia lalonai, nega ibounai ita moale sibona lasi to nega haida ita lalohisihisi danu. Dirava ena Natuna, Iesu, be inai henanadai ia haerelaia: "Inai nega oromana ena dokona ena toana be dahaka? " Why did Baruch lose his joy, and what counsel did Jehovah give him? Bese idauidau amo idia mai "hutuma bada herea " taudia be Iesu ena tadikaka oredia idia bamoa Dirava idia hesiai henia totona, bona Iesu ena rara idia abidadama henia dainai, Iehova vairanai idia goeva. Dahaka dainai Baruku ese ena moale ia haboioa, bona Iehova ese dahaka sisiba ia henia? When danger approaches, we dodge, hide, or flee. Mani oi laloatao danu, Iehova "ese iena gwauhamata badinaia totona ia hesiku lasi, haida idia laloa bamona. Lasi, to umui totona ia haheauka noho. Badina be ia ura lasi tau ta ia mase. Ia ura taunimanima ibounai ese dika dekena amo edia lalona do idia giroa. " Dika ia vara gwauraia neganai, karaharaga ita heau oho, ita komu, eiava heau boio. " [Jehovah] is guarding the souls of his loyal ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them, " says Psalm 97: 10. Bema mase dainai oi gari, dahaka ese oi do ia hagoadaia? Salamo 97: 10 ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese, iena bese taudia ia naridia noho, bona kara dika taudia edia siahu dekena amo, ia ese idia ia hamauria noho. " For what are we rightly grateful, and what should we be determined to do? To, Iesu ena hereva ena anina be kara dika taudia idia mase neganai, reana idia toreisi lou diba lasi. Dahaka dainai ita moale, bona iseda lalona ita hadaia dahaka ita karaia totona? SONGS TO BE USED: 53, 48 Iosepa ena ruma bese taudia be daudau gabuna dekenai idia noho bona iena tamana ia laloa ia mase vadaeni. ANE: 53, 48 It takes time and effort to do research. Ita moale badina ita itaia matamata taudia momo be ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia dainai, idia moale bona mauri namona idia davaria. Nega ita atoa bona ita hekwarahi tahua gaukara ita karaia totona. The information in these articles should prove useful to you as you engage in the ministry. Iepeta be Amono taudia tuari henia totona ia do lao lasi neganai, Iehova dekenai ia gwauhamata, bema tuari lalonai ia kwalimu bona hanua dekenai ia giroa mai, bona ia hedavari henia totona ia raka - lasi tauna ginigunana be Iehova dekenai do ia henia, anina be ena mauri ibounai lalonai dubu helaga ai Iehova do ia hesiai henia. Inai stadi herevadia ese oi do idia durua haroro gaukara oi karaia noho totona. They may have been certain prophecies concerning Timothy's future role in the Christian congregation, uttered under inspiration when Paul visited Lystra during his second missionary journey. Danu, namona be Iehova oi guriguri henia, badina oi ura hereva momokani oi hadibaia namonamo. Paulo be ena misinari loaloa iharuana lalonai Lusitera ia vadivadi henia neganai, reana Timoteo ena vaira negana ia perovetalaia. A second chief of 50 was sent to get Elijah. ; Dimichino, P. Ma 50 be Elia dekenai idia siaia. Words of the psalmists may also help you to express to God in heartfelt prayer your gratitude for Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. - Ps. Iesu be idia amo gau momo ia noia lasi. Danu, salamo torea tauna ena hereva ese oi do ia durua, mai emu kudouna ibounai ida Dirava oi guriguri henia, Keristani heboudia, sekit bona distrik hebouhebou idauidau dainai Ia oi tanikiu henia totona. - Sal. 5: 22, 23. Inai taudia danu be lau ese do lau hadikaia ore. 5: 22, 23. Time had passed, and the family was living in a house. Dirava ena Natuna, Iesu, ese henanadai ta haerelaia totona, unai gaudia ia herevalaia. Unai henanadai be: "Inai nega oromana ena dokona ena toana be dahaka? " Nega ia hanaia vadaeni, bona unai ruma bese be ruma ta lalonai idia noho. To honor Jehovah means to show him high regard and to exalt him publicly by sharing in and supporting the public proclamation of his name. Dahaka dainai Baruku ese ena hesiai gaukara ia moalelaia lasi, bona Iehova ese dahaka sisiba ia henia? Iehova ita matauraia ena anina be ia ita laloa bada bona taunimanima vairanai ia ita hanamoa bona ena ladana harorolaia gaukarana ita durua. They believe that they thereby imitate Christ's apostles, who humbly adjusted their thinking whenever Jesus corrected them. - Acts 1: 6, 7. Dika ta ia vara gwauraia neganai, ita heau eiava mauri gabuna ta ita tahua. Idia abia dae Keriso ena aposetolo taudia idia tohotohoa dainai, Iesu ese edia lalohadai ia hamaoromaoroa neganai, mai manau ida edia lalohadai idia hamaoromaoroa. - Kara 1: 6, 7. " In addition to studying and praying, their aim is to rehabilitate alcoholics and drug addicts and point out to people the way of solidarity and love, " added the editorial. Salamo 97: 10 ia gwau: "[Iehova] ese iena bese taudia, ia idia abidadama henia taudia, edia mauri ia gimaia noho, bona kara dika taudia edia siahu dekena amo, ia ese iena taudia ia hamauria noho. " Unai buka ma ia gwau: "Baibel idia stadilaia bona idia guriguri sibona lasi, to idia ura ma haida dekenai idia hahedinaraia idia be drag bona drag idia ania taudia bona drag idia ania taudia idia laloa bada bona lalokau henia. " We urge you to take hold of the marvelous opportunity before you. Edena gauna dainai ita moale, bona iseda lalona ita hadaia dahaka do ita karaia totona? Oi ai hagoadaia dala hereadaena be oi vairanai ia noho. Economic Problems ANE: 53, 48 Moni Ena Hekwakwanai At first, doing this may seem daunting, and the very idea might cause a bit of fear. Nega bada lalonai unai tahua karana oi karaia be namo. Matamanai, toana be unai bamona ita karaia be auka, bona reana do ita gari. How would you picture life without end on earth? Inai stadi herevadia be iseda haroro gaukara lalonai ita gaukaralaia diba. Tanobada ai mauri hanaihanai do oi abia, a? This government, the Bible reveals, is made up of "the hundred and forty - four thousand, who have been bought from the earth, " along with" the Lamb, " Christ Jesus. King Ahasaia be nega iharuana tuari biaguna ma ta bona ena tuari taudia 50 ia siaia. Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia, unai gavamani be "tanobada dekena amo idia hoia, " bona" Mamoe Natuna, Keriso Iesu " amo idia hoia. A famine struck the land of Canaan, and Abraham decided to lead his family south toward Egypt. Salamo ena guriguri herevadia ese oi do idia durua emu guriguri lalonai Keristani heboudia bona hebouhebou badadia dainai, Dirava oi tanikiu henia totona. - Sal. Kanana tanona dekenai hitolo bada ia vara, bona Aberahamo ese ena lalona ia hadaia ena ruma bese be Aigupito dekenai do ia hakaua lao. Newspaper clipping on edict banning Jehovah's Witnesses 5: 22, 23. Taravatu Badinaia Karana ese Iehova Ena Witnes Taudia Ia Taravatu Henia Why did Jesus make God's Kingdom the main theme of his ministry? Nega ia hanaia vadaeni, bona edia ruma bese be ruma ta ai idia noho. Dahaka dainai Iesu ese Dirava ena Basileia ia herevalaia momo? No one other than the Universal Sovereign can give a guarantee of "the life now and that which is to come " after he clears the earth of those who oppose what is right by rejecting Kingdom rule. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. (Aonega Herevadia 3: 9) Iehova ita matauraia ena anina be ia ita laloa bada bona ena ladana harorolaia gaukarana ita karaia bona durua karana amo taunimanima vairanai ia ita abia isi. Guba bona Tanobada edia Lohia Badana ta ia gwau diba lasi "inai tanobada dekenai idia noho taudia " bona Basileia ena lohia dalana maorona idia dadaraia taudia be" do idia mauri. " - 1 Timoteo 4: 8. They laughed when Jesus told them: "The young child has not died, but is sleeping. " Idia abia dae idia ese Keriso ena aposetolo taudia edia haheitalai idia tohotohoa, badina idia be Iesu ese edia lalohadai ia hamaoromaoroa neganai, mai manau ida idia abia dae. - Kara 1: 6, 7. Iesu ese idia ia hamaoroa: "Natudia idia mase lasi, to idia mahuta noho. " After the guilty were slain, Moses reminded the people that they had sinned greatly, indicating that others besides Aaron also received Jehovah's mercy. Unai hereva ma ia gwau: "Stadi bona guriguri sibona lasi, to edia ura be kekero momo taudia bona drag manadalaia taudia edia mauri dalana idia haidaua bona taunimanima dekenai lalo - tamona bona lalokau ena dala idia hahedinaraia. " Unai kerere idia karaia murinai, Mose ese Israela taudia ia hadibaia idia be kara dika badadia idia karaia, unai ese ia hahedinaraia Arona sibona ese Iehova ena hebogahisi ia abia danu. If Jehovah prevented us from facing certain trials because he deemed them to be more than we could bear, would that not add weight to Satan's charge that we serve God out of self - interest? Ai ese oi ai boiria unai hahenamo oi abia dae totona. Bema hahetoho haida dainai Iehova ese ita ia koua lasi, badina ia ese ita ia hebogahisi henia lasi, Satani ena hereva do ita abia dae, bona sibona eda namo do ita laloa bada lasi, ani? She was a woman who truly believed Jesus ' teachings. Moni Hekwakwanai Ia be hahine ta bona Iesu ena hahediba herevadia ia abia dae momokani. Patients often have severe infirmities that render them incapable of caring for themselves. (Lauri) Uganda ai Knut bona Lisbeth be famili ta idia stadi henia Nega momo idia gorere bada herea dainai, idia hegeregere lasi sibona idia naria totona. Although they have not yet been adopted as God's children, they can appropriately call one another brother and sister because they form one united worldwide Christian family. Matamanai, reana unai bamona oi karaia totona do oi hekwarahi, bona do oi gari sisina danu. Ena be idia be Dirava ena natudia lasi, to idia ese tadikaka bona taihu idia boiria diba, badina idia be tanobada hegegemadai Keristani ruma besena tamona lalonai idia noho. To show the difference in wording in the two editions, see the example below from paragraph 2 of the first study article in this issue. Tanobada matamatana ai, mauri be edena bamona oi laloa? Unai hereva rua edia idau hahedinaraia totona, mani paragraf 2 ena paragraf ginigunana ena haheitalai oi itaia. For one thing, Jesus knew that God had selected him to be its Ruler. Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia unai gavamani lalonai " taunimanima 144,000, Dirava ese tanobada dekena amo ia hamauria ' taudia unai, bona "Mamoe Natuna " Keriso Iesu, idia noho. Badina ta be, Iesu ia diba Dirava ese ia abia hidi ena Lohia Tauna ai do ia lao. Paul traveled far and wide in what is now Turkey, as well as in Greece and Italy, establishing Christian congregations among non - Jews. Hitolo bada be Kanana tanona dekenai ia vara, bona Aberahamo ese ena ruma bese be saut kahanai ia hakaudia lao, unai be Aigupito dekenai. Paulo be hari Turkey dekenai ia loaloa, Greece bona Italy dekenai danu, bona Iuda lasi taudia huanai Keristani kongregesen ia haginia. Still, each had the potential for causing lasting emotional and spiritual injury to those involved. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ia taravatua oda niuspepa lalonai To, idia ta ta edia hemami bona lauma dalanai dika idia havaraia diba. Think back to the time when you discovered that God is a real Person, someone with whom you could develop a close relationship. Dahaka dainai Iesu be Dirava ena Basileia harorolaia gaukarana ia laloa bada? Mani oi laloa, oi davaria Dirava be Dirava momokanina, bona emu hetura karana ia ida be ia goada ia lao diba. How is the power given to us by holy spirit manifested? Guba bona Tanobada edia Lohia Badana sibona ese "inai mauri dekenai bona mauri gabena dekenai " gwauhamata ia karaia diba, bona Basileia ena lohia siahuna idia dadaraia taudia be inai tanobada amo do ia haorea. - 1 Timoteo 4: 8, NW. Edena dala ai lauma helaga ese ita dekenai siahu ia henia? Before examining in detail the role that angels play in God's purpose and how we are affected by them, let us consider the origin of these spirit creatures. Iesu dekenai idia kiri badina ia gwau: "Kekeni ia mase lasi, ia mahuta. " Aneru ese Dirava ena ura idia karaia dalana bona ita idia durua dalana ita do tahua lasi lalonai, namona be aneru edia gaukara ita herevalaia guna. 6, 7. Idia kerere taudia idia hamasea murinai, Mose ese Israela taudia ia hadibaia edia kara be dika herea, unai amo ia hahedinaraia Arona bona ma haida be Iehova ena hebogahisi idia abia. 6, 7. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it. " - Psalm 37: 34. (Iobu 1: 9 - 11; 2: 4; Apok. 12: 10) Bema Iehova be hedibagani haida ia koua, badina ia laloa unai hedibagani ita haheaukalaia diba lasi, unai ese Satani ena hereva do ia hamomokania, ia gwau ita be siboda eda ura gaudia abia totona Dirava ita hesiai henia. Kara dika taudia idia mase neganai, oi ese inai kara do oi itaia. " - Salamo 37: 34. But what did Jacob think of their conduct? Ia be Iesu ese ia hadibaia gaudia ia abia dae momokani. To Iakobo ese edia kara be edena bamona ia laloa? Belonging to Jehovah Leads to Happiness Nega momo gorere taudia edia gorere ia bada dainai, idia hegeregere lasi sibodia idia naria totona. Iehova Hesiai Henia Karana ese Moale Ia Mailaia Are You Allowing God's Spirit to Lead You? Ena be idia be unai horoa oreana lalonai idia noho lasi, to tanobada hegegemadai idia be Keristani ruma bese tamona dainai ta ta idia gwauraia tadikaka bona taihu. Dirava Ena Lauma Helaga ese Oi Ia Hakaua, A? They had a guesthouse, so they offered me lodging until the tourist season started. Unai dainai simplified English Watchtower ese tanobada hegegemadai tadikaka taihu momo do ia durua Watchtower stadi idia lalopararalaia totona. Idia be mai edia vadivadi rumana, unai dainai lau idia naria ela bona dina tubua momokani ia matamaia. As a result, the Jews stopped work on God's temple. Badina Iesu ia diba Dirava ese unai Basileia ena Lohia ai ia halaoa. Unai dainai, Iuda taudia be Dirava ena dubu helaga idia rakatania. See "Five Keys to Better Health " in the March 2011 issue of Awake! Paulo be gabu idauidau ia lao, Iuda - lasi taudia edia gabu ai Keristani kongrigeisen ia haginia totona, hari inai negai unai hanua ladadia be Turkey, Greece bona Italy. March 2011 ena Awake! I was glad that she was present, but our greeting was rather subdued. To, unai hekwakwanai ta ta ese unai tadikaka taihu edia hemami bona kongrigeisen lalonai ia noho maino ia hadikaia. Lau moale badina ia be hari ia noho, to emai hanamoa herevana idia abia dae lasi. Human wisdom differs from divine wisdom. Mani oi laloa, Baibel oi stadilaia matamaia neganai, oi laloparara Dirava be ia mauri noho bona oi tura henia diba. Taunimanima edia aonega be Dirava ena aonega amo ia idau. Some even begged off when Jesus invited them to become his followers. Edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia ita be lauma helaga ena siahu ita abia? Haida be Iesu ese ia boiridia iena murinai idia raka totona neganai, Iesu ese idia ia noia. Hence, in preparing for marriage and family life, a young man should ask himself such questions as these: " Am I reasonably prepared to provide materially for a family? Dirava ena palani lalonai aneru edia gaukara bona ita idia durua dalana ita do herevalaia lasi neganai, namona be aneru idia vara dalana ita laloa. Unai dainai, tau matamata ta be headava bona ruma bese maurina totona ia hegaegae neganai, namona be sibona ia nanadaia: " Lau hegeregere tauanina dalanai egu ruma bese lau naria totona, a? Shortly thereafter, Mere's husband, Josua, softened in his attitude and even started to sit in on Bible discussions that Mere had with their children. 6, 7. Daudau lasi murinai, Josua ena adavana, Marya, be ena lalohadai ia haidaua bona edia natudia ida Baibel ia herevalaia matamaia. Still, Jehovah had his message of judgment declared to them and showed them mercy when they proved to be like malleable clay in his hands. Bena, inai peroveta gwauhamata herevadia be ita dekenai do idia guguru: "[Iehova] ese oi dekenai ia henia tano, be do oi dogoatao diba, bona Lohiabada ese tau dikadia do ia hadikaia ore neganai, oi ese inai kara do oi itaia. " - Salamo 37: 34. To, Iehova ese idia dekenai hahemaoro herevana ia gwauraia bona idia dekenai ia hahedinaraia idia be raro manokana bamona. What is one source of harmful ideas, and who is behind it? To Iakobo ese Simeona bona Levi edia kara be edena bamona ia laloa? Ita idia hadikaia lalohadai edia badina ta be dahaka, bona daika ese ia havaraia? Yes, no matter what our circumstances or need may be, Jehovah will prove his love for us if we trust in him. Ita be Iehova Ena - Moale Gauna Oibe, herevana iseda noho dalana be edena bamona, Iehova ese ita do ia lalokau henia bema ia ita abidadama henia. In outlining this arrangement, the October 2008 Kingdom Ministry stated: "Family heads are encouraged to shoulder their responsibility before Jehovah to ensure that a meaningful, regular program of family Bible study is followed. " Dirava Ena Lauma Ena Hakaua Dalana Oi Abia Dae, A? Unai dala ia hahedinaraia totona, October 2008 ai, Basileia Hesiai Gaukara Sikuli ese idia ia hagoadaia Iehova vairanai edia maduna idia huaia totona, unai amo mai anina bada Baibel stadi program do idia karaia hanaihanai. " That is because laws may apply to a specific situation, whereas principles are far broader in application. Idia be mai edia turist rumana ta bona lau idia hamaoroa unuseniai lau noho diba ela bona turist taudia idia ginidae. Unai ena badina be taravatu ese hekwakwanai ia hamaoromaoroa diba, to hakaua herevadia be mai anina bada. Like Solomon, we need help from Jehovah to be courageous and complete the work. Iuda besena ena inai taudia ese king idia hamaoroa, Iuda taudia idia ura ia idia gwau - edeede henia dainai, Ierusalema ena magu idia haginia lou. Solomona bamona, Iehova ena heduru ita abia be namo, unai amo do ita boga - auka bona gaukara do ita hagugurua. [ Picture on page 30] March 2011 ena kahana ladana, "Five Keys to Better Health " itaia. [ Picture on page 30] When he eventually came to earth, he knew that he would have to die at the hands of Satan, as prophesied. Lau moale unuseniai ia noho dainai, to ai hedavari heheni namonamo lasi. Gabeai tanobada dekenai ia mai neganai, ia diba Satani ese do ia hamasea. CYPRUS is an island in the northeast corner of the Mediterranean Sea. Taunimanima edia aonega be Dirava ena bamona lasi. Cynic be Meditereinien Davara ena notist kahanai ia noho motumotu ta. Think, now, about the Ruler of God's Kingdom. Idia haida be Iesu ese ia murinai idia raka totona ia boiridia neganai, idia noinoi bema idia lao gau haida idia karaia guna. Mani Dirava ena Basileia ena Lohia Tauna ita laloa. Zeus Unai dainai, bema tau matamata ta be headava totona ia hegaegae, namona be inai henanadai ia henia: " Lau hegaegae namonamo vadaeni egu ruma bese edia tauanina durua gaudia lau henia totona, a? sibona ena ladana ia abia isi (b) How can elders help others regain their strength and joy? Nega daudau lasi murinai, Mere ena adavana, Josua, ese ena lalona ia hamanaua, bona Mere bona edia natudia edia Baibel herevalaia karana lalonai ia helai vareai matamaia. (b) Edena dala ai elda taudia ese ma haida idia durua diba edia goada bona moale idia hamatamataia lou totona? We read: "The sons of Eli were wicked men; they had no regard for Jehovah. " Iehova ena imana lalonai idia be raro manokana bamona. Baibel ia gwau: "Kara dika taudia ese, Lohiabada idia matauraia lasi. " For many, sharing positive sentiments with others seems almost impossible. Ita idia hadikaia lalohadai idia halasia dalana ta be dahaka, bona daika ese ia havaraia? Taunimanima momo dekenai, lalohadai namona be ma haida dekenai ita hahedinaraia diba lasi. What could be the reason for this? Hari, Baibel sivaraidia toi do ita herevalaia. Dahaka dainai? Thus in a few deft strokes, God's Word paints a realistic picture of parenthood. Oibe, herevana iseda hekwakwanai o iseda dabu gaudia be dahaka, to Iehova ita abidadama henia neganai ia ese ita do ia durua. Unai dainai, Dirava ena Hereva ese natuna naria karana ena toana ia gwauraia namo herea. Their priests, who had the opportunity to unite the people in following God's Law, led the nation into the abyss of political infighting. October 2008 Basileia Gaukara pepana ia gwau: "Ruma bese kwaradia e, Iehova ena vairanai emui maduna be hanaihanai ruma bese stadi umui karaia be namo. " Edia hahelaga taudia, Dirava ena Taravatu idia badinaia taudia unai, ese dala ia kehoa Israela besena be politikol karadia lalonai idia vareai totona. Jehovah reestablished pure worship and united those who yearned to worship him. Unai ena badina be reana taravatu be dala tamona sibona dekenai do ita badinaia, to hakaua herevadia be dala idauidau ai ita badinaia diba. Iehova ese tomadiho momokani bona mai lalotamona ida ia idia tomadiho henia taudia ia hanamoa. Indeed, the sign that God will soon take action is observable now, indicating that the lives of people in this system of things are in danger. - Compare 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5; 2 Peter 3: 3, 4; Revelation 6: 1 - 8. Solomona bamona, namona be Iehova ena heduru ita noia, unai amo mai boga - auka ida gaukara ita hagugurua diba. Momokani, hari inai negai Dirava ese kara ta do ia karaia ena toana ia hahedinaraia, unai ese ia hahedinaraia inai tanobada ai idia noho taudia edia mauri be mai ena dika. - 2 Timoteo 3: 1 - 5; 2 Petero 3: 3, 4; Apokalupo 6: 1 - 8 itaia. Jehovah is a God of both justice and mercy, and in his displaying those qualities, the two work harmoniously. [ Picture on page 20] Iehova be hahemaoro goeva bona hebogahisi Diravana, bona unai kara rua be idia gaukara hebou namonamo. A symbolic drama is presented at Galatians 4: 21 - 26. Danu tanobada ia mai neganai, ia diba peroveta herevadia hegeregerena, Satani ese iena mase dalana do ia karaia. (Gen. 3: 15; Mat. Unai drama be Galatia 4: 21 - 26 ese ia hahedinaraia. And that is precisely what happened. CYPRUS be motumotu ta, Meditereinien Davara ena notist kahana ai. Bona unai ia vara momokani. 3: 21, 22; 1 Tim. Dirava ena Basileia ia Lohiaia Tauna mani oi laloa. 3: 21, 22; 1 Tim. That is plain from his words recorded at John 12: 23, 24, where we read: "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. Zeus Ioane 12: 23, 24 ese unai ia hamomokania, ia gwau: "Nega ia ginidae vadaeni, Taunimanima ena Natuna do idia hanamoa totona. This will not be the same. (b) Edena dala ai elda ese ma haida idia durua, idia moale bona gini goada noho totona? Unai bamona do ia vara lasi. 5, 6. Baibel ia gwau: "Eli ena natuna taudia be lebulebu taudia, bona idia ese Lohiabada idia matauraia lasi. " 5, 6. 23 Life Story - Former Nuns Become True Spiritual Sisters Siti badadia idia noho taudia be idia bisi bada bona idia be nega lasi ma haida idia bamoa o laloa bada totona. 23 Buruka Taudia be Lauma Gaudia Idia Laloa Bada The Bible is a map that can help you to know which path to choose. Dahaka dainai? Baibel be mapu ta, bona oi do ia durua abia hidi maorona oi karaia totona. 4: 1, 2. Baibel ese inai sivarai kwadogina amo tama sina edia gaukara badana ia hahedinaraia. 4: 1, 2. Once safely across, they saw those waters crash over the Egyptian military. Edia hahelaga taudia ese Dirava ena Taravatu badinaia karana henunai taunimanima idia hatamonaia diba, to unai bese idia hakaua lao politikol hepapahuahu badana dekenai. Unai sinavai idia hanaia neganai, idia itaia unai ranu be Aigupito tuari taudia ese idia hadikaia ore. " My friends rallied around me in so many ways! Iehova ese tomadiho goevana ia haginia lou bona idia ura Iehova idia tomadiho henia taudia ia hatamonaia. " Egu turadia be dala idauidau ai lau idia hereva henia! 3 - 5. (a) What did Peter tell the Jews on the day of Pentecost? Momokani, kahirakahira Dirava ese kara ta do ia karaia ena toana be hari ita itaia diba, ia hahedinaraia inai nega dikana lalonai idia noho taudia be dika idia davaria gwauraia. - Mani 2 Timoteo 3: 1 - 5; 2 Petero 3: 3, 4; Apokalupo 6: 1 - 8 itaia. Iehova Ena Dina mai Garina 3 - 5. (a) Pentekoste dinana ai, Petero be Iuda taudia dekenai dahaka ia gwau? Indo - Europeans are descendants of Japheth. • Ia namo bema Keristani tauna ese ena lalokau tauna ena mase tauanina dekenai embalm karana ia karaia, a? Bisinesi dekenai - Europe taudia edia bese amo. Scriptural Questions Answered: Galatia 4: 21 - 26 dekenai unai bamona drama ta ia noho. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: 65: 2. (Iobu 42: 1, 2) Bona unai ia vara. 65: 2. This is within our reach. 3: 21, 22; 1 Tim. Unai ita karaia diba. When I met Maria, I liked her right from the start. Iena hereva Ioane 12: 23, 24 ai ese unai ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva, unuseniai ia gwau: "Nega ia ginidae vadaeni, Taunimanima ena Natuna ese iena hairaina do ia abia. Maria lau hedavari henia neganai, ia lau ura henia matamaia. The word "Devil " comes from a Greek word meaning" false accuser, " "slanderer. " Oiemu dagi toana gaudia do oi karaia lou lasi. Inai hereva "koikoi " be Greek herevana ta amo idia abia, ena anina be" samania koikoi tauna. " A change of attitudes. 5, 6. Edia lalohadai idia haidaua. It is God's active force. 23 Mauri Sivaraina Nan Taudia 4 be Iehova Idia Tomadiho Henia Ia be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna. Hence, Jesus, the Master, was pleased thereafter to appoint them "over all his belongings. " Oi dekenai be mapu namona ta bona tosi ia noho be namo. Unai dainai, Biaguna, Iesu, be mai moale ida idia ia abia hidi "iena kohu ibounai naria tauna " ai idia lao totona. Helpful suggestions are found in the next article. 4: 1, 2. Heduru herevadia be stadi gabena ai do ita davaria. Jesus taught: "Everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, " You despicable fool! ' Idia hanaia murinai, idia itaia Aigupito ena ami taudia be davara ese ia koudia. Iesu ia gwau: "Iena tadikakana ia badu henia noho tauna be kota vairanai do ia kota henia. The following article will consider how we can wisely use the freedom we now have, so that we can honor Jehovah, the God of true freedom, forever. " Egu turana ese dala idauidau ai lau idia durua! Stadi gabena ai, do ita itaia edena dala ai hari iseda ura kwalimu ita gaukaralaia namonamo diba, unai amo Iehova, ura kwalimu korikorina ia henia Diravana, ita hanamoa diba. He urged others who had the gifts of the spirit: "Seek to abound in them for the upbuilding of the congregation, " meaning the local congregation where they manifested the gift. 3 - 5. (a) Pentekoste dinana ai, Petero be Iuda taudia dekenai dahaka ia hereva? Lauma helaga ena harihari gaudia idia abia taudia ma haida ia hagoadaia, ia gwau: "Idia ese kongrigeisen idia hagoadaia noho. " He was speaking of Christians who made generous donations to help relieve the hardship of fellow believers. Europe, Iran, India bona Asia ena kahana haida taudia be Iepeta ena amo idia mai. Ia be hariharibada karana idia hahedinaraia Keristani taudia ia herevalaia, edia abidadama tamona taudia edia hekwakwanai hanamoa totona kontribusen idia henia. Not at all. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: Lasi. National Show Centre Cloghran Swords County Dublin Canada JUNE 14 - 16 65: 2. NOVEMBER 3 - 5 Now time has passed, and the end has not yet arrived. Unai ita karaia diba. Hari be ia ore vadaeni, bona dokona ia do ginidae lasi. • Why are Christians happy even though they are persecuted? Maria lau hedavari henia negana amo ia lau ura henia. • Ena be Keristani taudia be dagedage idia davaria, to dahaka dainai idia moale? Amon's wicked reign ended after two years when his servants conspired against him and put him to death. Inai hereva "Diabolo " be Greek gado herevana amo ia mai bona ena anina be" samania koikoi tauna, " eiava "ladana hadikaia tauna. " Amona ena lohia lagani rua idia ore murinai, iena hesiai taudia ese ia idia hadikaia toho bona idia hamasea. Are you proud to have Jehovah as your God? Lalohadai haidaua. Oi be Iehova emu Dirava dainai oi moale, a? Our brief consideration of chapter 12 of Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome has reminded us of many things. Lauma helaga be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna. Paulo ese Roma Keristani taudia dekenai ia torea revarevana ena karoa 12 ita laloa neganai, gau momo ita dibaia. (b) Why did Paul refer to fornication in connection with the action of Esau? Unai dainai, Iesu, Biaguna unai, be mai moale ida idia ia abia hidi "iena kohu ibounai " idia naria totona. (b) Dahaka dainai Paulo ia gwau sihari kava karana be Esau ena kara ida ia hegeregere? This gift was to make amends. Inai daradara tanobadana ai Iehova ita heagilaia karana be mai anina bada. Unai harihari gauna idia hamaoromaoroa be namo. Those from many backgrounds are united Iesu ia gwau: "Iena tadikakana do ia badu henia tauna be dohore kota biaguna ese do ia kota henia, bona iena tadikakana do ia hereva dika henia tauna be Kaunsolo taudia edia vairana dekenai do ia lao. Mauri dala idauidau taudia be mai lalo - tamona ida idia lalo - tamona published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Stadi gabena ai, do ita itaia edena dala ai iseda ura kwalimu do ita gaukaralaia namonamo, unai amo Iehova, ura kwalimu ia henia Diravana, ita hanamoa diba ela bona hanaihanai. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia karaia. " I felt wonderfully free and overjoyed, " he later said. Lauma helaga ena harihari gaudia idia abia taudia ia hamaoroa: "Ekalesia ena taudia do idia hagoadaia harihari gaudia do umui tahua goadagoada, be gau badana, " anina be idia ta ta edia kongrigeisen taudia do idia hagoadaia. Gabeai ia gwau: "Lau be mai egu ura kwalimu bona lau moale bada. " Garden of Eden, 1 / 1 Gehenna a Place of Fiery Torment? 4 / 1 Ia be Keristani taudia ia herevalaia, badina nega aukadia lalonai, edia moni idia gaukaralaia edia abidadama Keristani taudia ma haida idia durua totona. Iehova Ena Orea Ia Bada Ia Lao Noho, 4 / 15 Paul wrote: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " Lasi vaitani. Paulo ia gwau: "Buka Helaga dekenai idia torea hereva be ita dekenai hadibaia totona idia torea, vadaeni do ita gini goada, bona Dirava ena namo dekenai do ita naria, mai haheauka danu. " That method adhered closely to learning by rote - a memorizing process using routine or repetition. Hari lagani momo idia hanaia vadaeni, to dokona ia do ginidae lasi. Unai dala idia badinaia dalana tamona be, idia gwauraia loulou loulou loulou karana amo gau ta idia dibaia. 13: 15. • Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia be dagedage lalonai idia moale? 13: 15. Why does giving and receiving commendation add to a spirit of joy in the congregation? Amona ena lohia nega dikana be lagani rua murinai ia doko, badina ena hesiai taudia ese hehuni ai dala idia karaia bona ia idia hamasea. Dahaka dainai henia karana bona hanamoa hereva abia karana ese kongrigeisen lalonai moale ia havaraia? The psalm also provides encouragement for God's servants today, who throughout their history have faced one attack after another by enemies determined to destroy them. Oi moale badina Iehova be oiemu Dirava, a? Salamo torea tauna ese hari inai negai Dirava ena hesiai taudia ia hagoadaia danu, badina edia histori ibounai lalonai edia inai taudia ese edia lalona idia hadaia idia do idia hadikaia ore totona. IT IS a true story of the deliverance of those who were made to "slave under tyranny. " Paulo ese Roma karoa 12 dekenai ia torea sisiba ita stadilaia karana amo gau momo ita dibaia. INAI sivarai be "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai " ena hahemauri sivaraina momokanina. We have redesigned the study edition to be more appealing and helpful to you in your study of Jehovah's precious Word of truth. - Ps. (b) Dahaka dainai Paulo be matabodaga karana ia herevalaia neganai, Esau ena ladana ia gwauraia danu? Stadi Gima Kohorona ese oi do ia durua Iehova ena Hereva momokani oi stadilaia totona. - Sal. Could it be that they lack patience or endurance, as did some of Jesus ' early disciples? Unai harihari gauna be edia kara hamaoromaoroa davana. Iesu ena hahediba taudia ginigunadia haida bamona, idia haheauka lasi eiava idia haheauka lasi, a? Who contributed to the rebuilding work in ancient times, and who have done so in modern times? Kongrigeisen lalonai mauri dala idauidau taudia idia lalotamona Idaunegai, daidia ese haginia gaukarana idia durua, bona daidia be hari inai negai unai gaukara idia karaia? Many first - century Christians gave a witness about Jehovah by dying for their faith. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. Keristani taudia ginigunadia momo be edia abidadama dainai idia mase karana amo Iehova ena sivarai idia harorolaia. How Would You Answer? To, Jay ia laloparara unai kara ese momo be kara dika ena igui hesiai taudia ai ia halaoa. Edena Bamona Do Oi Haere? The helper, God's holy spirit, gave powerful support to the work of Christians in the first century, including being their personal helper. Dirava Ena Hadibaia Hereva Do Oi Badinaia, A? Dirava ena lauma helaga, durua tauna, ese aposetolo edia negai Keristani taudia edia negai idia noho Keristani taudia ia durua bada, edia durua tauna danu. They have a spirit like that of the apostle Paul, who told the Corinthians: "We are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing. " Paulo ia gwau: "Guna Toretore Helagadia dekenai idia torea herevadia ibounai be ita hadibaia totona idia torea. Idia be aposetolo Paulo bamona, Korinto taudia ia hamaoroa: "Emui moale totona umui ida ai gaukara hebou, badina umui be emui abidadama dainai umui gini goada noho. " Clearly, as a loving Father, Jehovah looks after the safety and well - being of his people. Edia hahediba dalana be idia hadibadia gaudia idia herevalaia loulou - unai karaia hanaihanai eiava loulou amo do idia laloatao. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iehova be lalokau Tamana dainai, ena taunimanima ia gimaia bona edia namo ia laloa bada. Paul likens God's Word to a sword that Jehovah has given us. 13: 15. Paulo ese Dirava ena Hereva be Iehova ese ita dekenai ia henia tuari kaia ida ia hahegeregerea. The Devil is lulling people into spiritual apathy. Dahaka dainai kongrigeisen taudia ese ta ta idia hanamoa neganai, idia moale? Diabolo ese taunimanima edia lalona ia veria lauma gaudia idia laloa lasi totona. In dealing with King Saul, how did David show that he kept Jehovah's will in mind? Salamo 83 ese Dirava ena hesiai taudia hari inai negai ia hagoadaia, badina idia danu be edia inai taudia ese idia dagedage henia noho. Davida be King Saulo ia kara henia neganai, edena dala ai ia hahedinaraia Iehova ena ura ia laloa noho? What has Jehovah done to provide for our deliverance from sin and death? ESODO bukana lalonai ia noho "hesiai taudia davana lasi idia halaoa, mai dagedage danu " ia hamauria sivaraina be momokani. Iehova be edena dala ai kara dika bona mase amo ita ia hamauria? They have chosen no sides, have taken up no arms against anyone, and have not spread propaganda for any secular cause. Stadi Gima Kohorona ena toana matamatana be namo herea bona oi do ia durua Iehova ena Hereva momokani oi stadilaia totona. - Sal. Idia be orea ta idia abia hidi lasi, tau ta idia tuari henia lasi, bona tanobada ena lalohadai koikoidia idia halasia lasi. On a number of occasions, the Bible mentions that Jehovah "felt regret. " Reana idia haheauka lasi, Iesu ena hahediba taudia ginigunadia haida idia karaia bamona, a? Nega haida Baibel ia gwau, Iehova be "ia lalohisihisi. " As I was to be without a partner, I was sent back to Hemsworth as a special pioneer. Idaunegai, daidia ese haginia lou gaukarana idia durua, bona hari inai negai daidia ese unai idia karaia? Lau be turana lasi dainai, spesel painia gaukara totona lau idia siaia lou. The Bible does not reveal whether Timothy found a boat to get him to Rome by the time Paul desired. Keristani taudia ginigunadia momo be edia abidadama dainai idia mase karana amo Iehova idia gwauraia hedinarai. Paulo ia ura Timoteo be bouti dekenai do ia guia eiava lasi be Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia lasi. I am not good enough. Edena Bamona Do Oi Haere? Lau be anina lasi. A heart - searching discourse at the Kingdom Hall or a thought - provoking article in one of our publications may expose a serious flaw. Durua tauna, Dirava ena lauma helaga, ese Keristani taudia ginigunadia edia gaukara ia durua bona edia durua tauna ai ia lao danu. Kingdom Hall ai kudou - maoro tauna eiava iseda pablikeisen ta lalonai ia noho lalona veria herevana ta ese kerere badana ta ia havaraia diba. Loyalty to Jehovah requires that we be steadfast in the face of threats. Edia lalohadai be aposetolo Paulo ena hegeregerena, Korinto taudia ia hamaorodia, ia gwau: "Ai diba umui emui abidadama lalonai umui gini goada noho. Iehova ita badinaia ena anina be hagaria karadia lalonai do ita gini goada. That is a lesson that the apostle Paul shared with fellow believers in the first century. Momokani, Iehova be lalokau tamana ta bamona, ena taunimanima edia mauri bona namo ia laloa bada. Aposetolo Paulo ese aposetolo taudia dekenai unai ia hadibaia. By using our mind and heart to reason on Bible principles, we correct, direct, and mold our conscience. Paulo ese Dirava ena Hereva, Iehova ese ita dekenai ia henia gauna, be kaia ta ida ia hahegeregerea. Iseda lalona bona kudouna ita gaukaralaia Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ita laloa namonamo totona, ita hamaoromaoroa, bona iseda lalomamina ita hadibaia. Read it day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it. Diabolo ese taunimanima be Dirava amo ia hakaua kerere. Dina bona hanuaboi oi duahia, idia torea gaudia ibounai oi itaia namonamo totona. In imitation of Jehovah, both partners should be inclined to overlook each other's imperfections. - 1 Pet. Saulo ia ura Davida ia hamasea neganai, edena dala ai Davida ia hahedinaraia ia be Iehova ena ura ia laloa bada? Namona be tau bona hahine be Iehova idia tohotohoa, unai amo ta ta edia kerere do idia laloa momo lasi. - 1 Pet. Micah 6: 9 states: "To the city the very voice of Jehovah calls out, and the person of practical wisdom will fear your name. " Iehova be dahaka ia henia, kara dika bona mase amo ita ia hamauria totona? Mika 6: 9 ia gwau: "Lohiabada ena gadona dekenai hanua ta do ia boiboi, bona aonega tauna ese, oiemu ladana do ia matauraia. " (Read Zechariah 14: 8, 9; Rev. Unai tuaridia lalonai kahana ta dekenai idia gini lasi, tuari gaudia idia abia lasi ta idia hamasea totona, bona tanobada ena lalohadai ta totona lalo - ani herevadia idia gwauraia loaloa lasi. (Sekaraia 14: 8, 9 duahia; Apok. " The blessing of Jehovah - that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it. " - PROVERBS 10: 22. [ Box on page 25] DAHAKA DAINAI BAIBEL IA GWAU IEHOVA BE ENA "LALONA IA GIROA "? " Lohiabada ena hanamoa sibona ese, kohu momo oi dekenai ia henia noho, bona unai kohu danu, ese lalohisihisi sisina oi dekenai do ia henia lasi. " - AONEGA HEREVADIA 10: 22. Now that Esther and Mordecai were safe, could the queen relax? Lau be painia turana lasi dainai, brens ese Hemsworth dekenai lau idia siaia giroa, bona unuseniai spesel painia gaukara lau karaia. Eseta bona Morodekai be dika idia davaria lasi dainai, kwini ia laga - ani diba, a? Why should we test ourselves as to " whether we are in the faith '? Timoteo be Roma dekenai ia lao totona bouti ta ia abia, bona Paulo ia gwauraia negana ai ia ginidae eiava lasi be Baibel ese ia gwauraia lasi. Dahaka dainai sibona ita nanadaia, " Ita be abidadama korikori taudia eiava lasi? After we gained accurate knowledge of Jehovah God and his purposes and of Jesus Christ and his role in those purposes, we made the personal decision to serve God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Lau be hegeregere lasi. Iehova Dirava bona ena ura dekenai diba maoromaoro ita abia murinai, iseda lalona ita hadaia mai iseda kudouna, lalona, bona goada ibounai ida Dirava ita hesiai henia totona. Cameron: Exactly! Iehova be dala idauidau ai ita ia durua. Reana pablik tok ta amo o iseda magasin ena hereva ta ese ia hahedinaraia iseda lalohadai o kara ta be ia maoro lasi. Cameron: Oibe! Little wonder that modern practitioners of witchcraft are eager to improve their image. Iehova ita badinaia anina be iseda abidadama do ita dogoatao noho herevana dagedage ita davaria. Unai dainai, hari meamea taudia idia ura edia kaivakuku idia hanamoa. Although what Elihu spoke under inspiration was fulfilled in Job's restoration, his words are also meaningful to others. Aposetolo edia negai, Paulo ese unai hereva be tadikaka dekenai ia gwauraia. Ena be Elihu ese Dirava ena lauma helaga amo Iobu ena hanamoa herevana ia hagugurua, to iena hereva be mai anina bada ma haida dekenai danu. Satan will be imprisoned for 1,000 years, but people who love God will survive to enjoy a new system of things on earth. - Read Revelation 16: 14, 16; 20: 1 - 3; 21: 3, 4. 48: 17, 18 NWT) Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ita lalohadailaia bona eda kudouna ia hamarerea neganai, ita ese eda lalomamina ita hanamoa bona hamaoromaoroa diba. Satani be lagani 1,000 lalonai dibura ruma ai do idia atoa, to Dirava idia lalokau henia taudia be tanobada matamatana lalonai do idia roho mauri. - Apokalupo 16: 14, 16; 20: 1 - 3; 21: 3, 4 duahia. (KJ) Jesus and his listeners knew that these words in Isaiah referred to the treatment of the carcasses of those not deserving a burial. Dina bona hanuaboi do oi duahia, unai amo idia torea herevadia ibounai do oi badinaia namonamo diba. Iesu bona kamonai taudia idia diba Isaia ese unai hereva ia gwauraia neganai, idia guria lasi taudia edia mase tauanidia ia herevalaia. Jehovah was the one in authority; yet, he kindly listened as Lot expressed his feelings. (Sal. 130: 3) Unai dainai, namona be tau bona hahine be Iehova idia tohotohoa, idia hekwarahi ta ta edia dika idia gwauatao totona. - 1 Pet. Iehova be siahu ibounai Diravana; to Lota ena hemami ia gwauraia neganai, mai hebogahisi ida ia kamonai. Divine Judgment Is Selective Mika 6: 9 ia gwau: "Lohiabada dekenai ita gari noho, inai be aonega ena kara ita karaia noho. Lohiabada ["Iehova, " NW] ese Ierusalema hanua badana dekenai ia boiboi noho. " Dirava Ena Hahemaoro Idia Abia Dae 6: 10. (Sekaraia 14: 8, 9 duahia; Apok. 6: 10. Daniel further recorded that the large horn would be broken and four smaller horns would grow in its place. " Lohiabada ena hanamoa sibona ese, kohu momo oi dekenai ia henia noho, bona unai kohu danu, ese lalohisihisi sisina oi dekenai do ia henia lasi. " - AONEGA HEREVADIA 10: 22. Daniela ma ia gwau kibi badana do idia makohia bona doana 4 be ena gabu dekenai do idia tubu. There the blind and the lame come to him, and he cures them. Eseta bona Morodekai be idia noho namonamo dainai, kwini ia laloa momo lasi, a? Unuseniai matakepulu taudia bona aena dika taudia idia mai ia dekenai, bona ia hanamodia. With Jehovah's support, Jesus conquered the world, which lies in Satan's power. - John 14: 30; 16: 33; 1 John 5: 19. Dahaka dainai Baibel ita duahia be namo? Iehova ena heduru amo, Iesu ese Satani ena siahu henunai tanobada ia halusia. - Ioane 14: 30; 16: 33; 1 Ioane 5: 19. Colorado State Fair Events Center, 1001 Beulah Ave. Iehova Dirava bona ena ura bona Iesu Keriso bona ena gaukara Iehova ena ura lalonai ita diba maoromaoro murinai, sibona eda lalona ita hadaia Dirava do ita hesiai henia mai eda kudouna, lalona, mauri, bona goada ibounai ida. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. We did, however, need to learn the language in order to conduct the numerous Bible studies that we had started, so we kept on trying. Cameron: Maoro! To, gado ai dibaia be namo, unai amo Baibel stadi momo ai hamatamaia diba, unai dainai ai hekwarahi noho. * This attests to the fact that humans were created with a spiritual need. Unai dainai ita hoa lasi hari inai negai meamea karadia idia karaia taudia idia ura dikadika taunimanima edia lalohadai idia dekenai idia haidaua. * Unai ese ia hamomokania Dirava ese taunimanima ia havaraia neganai, lauma gaudia idia abia be namo. What is one proof of Jesus ' deep love for mankind? (Iobu 32: 5, 6, 18) Ena be Elihu ena hereva edia anina be Iobu ena hahetoho murinai idia guguru, to haida dekenai unai hereva be mai anina bada danu. Dahaka ese ia hamomokania Iesu be taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada? Yet, the Israelites disobeyed God and were ensnared. Satani be lagani 1,000 lalonai do idia hadiburaia, to Dirava idia lalokau henia taudia be do idia roho mauri bona tanobada matamatana lalonai gau namodia do idia moalelaia. - Apokalupo 16: 14, 16; 20: 1 - 3; 21: 3, 4 duahia. To, Israela taudia be Dirava idia gwau - edeede henia bona tarapu lalonai idia moru. Being a firm believer in the Bible, this kind man cared for Brother Poetzinger as he would for a son, doing so free of charge. Iesu bona iena hereva idia kamonai taudia idia diba, Isaia ese idia guria lasi mase tauanidia dekenai ia vara gauna ia herevalaia. Unai tau be Baibel ia abidadama henia momokani dainai, unai tau namona ese ia naria, natuna mero ta ia abia hegeregerena, davana ia henia lasi. Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, because a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, he being a savior of this body.... Iehova be mai ena maoro ia ese Lota do ia hamaoroa edeseni do ia heau lao. Hahine ese edia tatau do idia kamonai henia, Lohiabada idia kamonai henia hegeregerena.... Badina be tau be iena adavana ena kwarana, Keriso be ekalesia ena kwarana bamona.... Nothing will be able to stand in the way of Jehovah when he executes his judgment, not even human organizations that seem as permanent as the mountains and the hills. Dirava be Ia Abia Hidi Taudia Sibona Ia Hahemaoro Henidia Iehova ese ena hahemaoro karana ia karaia neganai, gau ta ese do ia koua diba lasi, bona taunimanima edia orea danu be ororo bona ororo do idia noho daudau lasi. (c) What prevented Israel from furnishing "a kingdom of priests " under the Law covenant? 6: 10. (c) Dahaka dainai Israela taudia be Taravatu gwauhamatana henunai "hahelaga taudia " ai idia lao lasi? It is a pledge to a person rather than merely a promise to do something. Daniela ma ia gwau, unai doana badana be do ia makohi, bona ena gabu ai doana maragidia 4 do idia tubu. Ia gwauhamata gau ta do ia karaia sibona lasi, to gau ta do ia karaia. Moreover, such knowledge would be abundant. Unuseniai matakepulu taudia bona aena dika taudia idia lao ia dekenai bona idia ia hanamoa. Danu, unai diba be do ia bada herea. How rewarding it is when our evangelizing work helps lovers of truth and righteousness to become praisers of Jehovah! Iesu be Iehova ena heduru dainai, Satani ese ia gunalaia tanobadana ia halusia. - Ioa. 14: 30; 16: 33; 1 Ioa. 5: 19. Iseda evanelia gaukarana ese hereva momokani bona kara maoromaoro ura henia taudia ia durua Iehova idia hanamoa totona neganai, ita moale bada! Rather, he wanted to know how long the spiritually sick condition of the people would continue to bring dishonor to God's name. Baibel stadi momo ai hamatamaia dainai, ai hekwarahi Tuvalu gado ai diba namonamo totona. To, ia ura diba lauma dalanai idia gorere taudia edia noho be edena bamona, bona Dirava ena ladana do idia hadikaia noho. Committing Our Goals to Writing Can Help * Unai ese ia hahedinaraia Dirava ese taunimanima ia havaraia neganai, idia dekenai unai ura ia henia. Iseda Tahua Gaudia Ita Herevalaia That meant a most satisfying way of life. Iesu be edena bamona ia hahedinaraia taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada? Unai ena anina be mauri dalana namona. Some galaxies contain a billion stars. 34: 12) To, Israela taudia be Dirava idia kamonai henia lasi dainai idia moru. galaksi haida lalonai hisiu bilioni ta mai kahana idia noho. " Gifts of mercy " were donations made to support the needy. Ia be Baibel ia abia dae tauna dainai, unai hebogahisi tauna ese Tadikaka Poetzinger ia naria ena natuna mero bamona, unai ia karaia davana lasi. " Hebogahisi ena harihari gaudia " be ogogami taudia durua totona idia henia. If the driver keeps postponing the maintenance of the engine, the day will come when the car will grind to a complete halt. Badina tau be iena adavana ena kwarana, Keriso be ekalesia ena kwarana bamona. Bona Keriso be ekalesia ena Hamauria Tauna, ekalesia be iena tauanina.... Bema draiva be motuka hanamoa dalana ia haraga lasi, motuka do ia dika lasi. After two months she became an unbaptized publisher, and in March 1998, she was baptized at the age of 14. Iehova ena hahemaoro karana be gau ta ese do ia koua lasi. Tanobada ena gavamani idauidau, ena be ororo bamona idia gini goada, to idia be siahu lasi unai dina idia koua totona. Hua rua lalonai bapatiso lasi pablisa ai ia lao, bona March 1998 ai bapatiso ia abia. This impressed her. (c) Dahaka dainai Israela taudia idia hegeregere lasi king bona hahelaga gaukarana idia karaia? Unai ese ena lalona ia veria. How did the congregations benefit from following the direction of the governing body? Unai gwauhamata aukana be tau bona hahine ese idia karaia bona ia be mai anina bada. Edena dala ai hakaua oreana ena hakaua dalana badinaia karana ese kongrigeisen ia durua? A number of experienced pioneers have had the pleasure of attending the school a second time. Danu, gabu ibounai taunimanima ese hereva momokani do idia dibaia. Painia taudia haida be nega iharuana sikuli dekenai idia lao dainai, idia moale. Maybe first I could ask you why you salute it? Gail: I do it because I love my country. (Esodo 9: 16; Salamo 83: 18) Iseda sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana ese hereva momokani bona kara maoromaoro idia ura henia taudia ia durudia Iehova hanamoa taudia ai idia lao totona be hahenamo badana! Reana oi lau nanadaia diba dahaka dainai pepe saluti henia karana lau abia dae, a? The Bible clearly shows that Jehovah alone is "the source of life, " and only he can grant faithful ones" the real life, " or "everlasting life, " life without end, either in heaven or on earth. - Psalm 36: 9; 1 Timothy 6: 12, 19. To ia ura diba unai taudia edia kara amo Dirava ena ladana idia hadikaia ela bona edena negai do ia ore. Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva Iehova sibona be "mauri ibounai ena badina, " bona abidadama taudia dekenai" mauri korikori, " eiava mauri hanaihanai, be guba dekenai ia henia diba. - Salamo 36: 9; 1 Timoteo 6: 12, 19. Those who enter the full - time ministry do so, not to gain financially, but to give - to Jehovah and to others. Tahua Gaudia Ita Torea Karana ese Ita Ia Durua Ful - taim hesiai gaukara lalonai idia vareai taudia be moni idia abia lasi, to Iehova bona ma haida dekenai heduru idia henia. A week later they were married. Unai be mauri dala hereadaena. Wiki ta murinai idia headava. Job chapters 38 to 41 are excellent aids in this, for Jehovah there called to Job's attention certain aspects of His wonderful works. Hisiu oreadia haida lalonai hisiu bilioni ta idia noho. Iobu karoa 38 ia lao 41 be heduru gauna namona, badina unuseniai Iehova ese Iobu ia boiria Iena hoa karadia haida ia karaia totona. Joseph told Pharaoh's cupbearer that he would be restored to his former position. Idaunegai, haida be edia "harihari gaudia " amo ogogami taudia idia durua. Iosepa ese Farao ena wain bubua tauna ia hamaoroa, ia be ena dagi gunana dekenai do ia giroa lou. Only an unexpected power outage brings home to us that without power, man's cities would practically shut down. Bema motuka taria tauna be ensini ia hanamoa haraga lasi, nega ta ena motuka ena ensini do ia dika. Ita laloa diba lasi siahu bada tauna ta ese ita dekenai ruma ta ia mailaia, unai amo taunimanima edia hanua do idia koua. CHRISTIAN faith is a precious quality. Hua rua murinai, bapatiso lasi pablisa ai ia lao, bona March 1998 ai, ia be 14 neganai ia bapatiso. KERISTANI abidadama be kara namona ta. Why does the book of Esther contain no mention of God's personal name, Jehovah? Unai ese Wiesława ena lalona ia veria. Dahaka dainai Eseta bukana ese Dirava ena ladana, Iehova, ia gwauraia lasi? In the first - century fulfillment of those words, the good news was widely preached before Roman armies destroyed the Jewish religious and political system. Kongrigeisen ibounai ese hakaua oreana ena hakaua dalana idia badinaia neganai, dahaka namo idia davaria? Aposetolo edia negai, Roma tuari taudia ese Iuda tomadiho bona politikol oreadia idia do hadikaia lasi neganai, sivarai namona idia harorolaia. Compassion is another facet of Jehovah's love. Nega daudau lalonai painia gaukara idia karaia taudia be nega iharuana unai sikuli lalonai idia vareai. Iehova be hebogahisi Diravana. 10, 11. Geua: Aiva, dahaka dainai bese abia isi anena oi abia lasi? 10, 11. Deep though the abyss of his sadness surely was, Peter did not give in to despair. Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva, Iehova sibona be "mauri ibounai ena badina, " bona Ia sibona ese" mauri hanaihanai " be guba taudia eiava tanobada taudia dekenai ia henia diba. - Salamo 36: 9; 1 Timoteo 6: 12, 19. Ena be Petero ia lalohisihisi bada, to ia lalo - metau lasi. If a news item seems unbelievable, it probably is. Ful - taim hesiai taudia be taga taudia ai idia lao totona idia gaukara lasi. To, idia gaukara goada Iehova idia hesiai henia bona ma haida idia durua totona. Bema sivarai ta be momokani lasi, reana unai be momokani. Why, recalling Daniel's experience in the lions ' pit would infuse us with courage! - Daniel 6: 16 - 22. (Isaia 43: 10 - 12) Pura ta murinai idia headava. Momokani, laiona ena guri lalonai Daniela ena sivarai ita laloatao neganai, mai gari lasi ida ita dekenai goada do ia henia! - Daniela 6: 16 - 22. Consider the comments of a Christian woman named Linda. Iobu karoa 38 ia lao 41 ai ese ita idia durua bada unai bamona do ita karaia totona, badina unai karoa lalodiai Iehova ese Iobu ia boiria Iena hoa karadia haida do ia laloa totona. Keristani hahine ta ladana Linda ena hereva mani ita laloa. 31 Dwell on What Jehovah Has Done for You To gau ta dainai paua be lasi neganai sibona ita lalo - parara momokani, bema paua be lasi taunimanima edia siti be mase bamona. 31 Iehova ese Oi Totona Ia Karaia Gaudia Laloa Noho Surely, "people of all flesh " include you young ones. ISEDA Keristani abidadama be mai anina bada karana ta. Momokani, "taunimanima ibounai " be umui matamata taudia. Yes, we need to "listen and get the sense " of what we hear in order to progress in our understanding of the pure language. - Matt. Dahaka dainai Eseta bukana ai Dirava ena ladana, Iehova, ia noho lasi? Oibe, namona be ita "kamonai " bona lalopararalaia, unai amo gado goevadaena ita lalopararalaia namonamo diba. - Mat. Our Message - The Good News of God's Kingdom Keristani taudia ginigunadia edia negai unai hereva ia guguru lalonai, Roma ena tuari taudia ese Iuda taudia edia tomadiho bona politikol dalana idia do hadikaia ore lasi neganai, gabu ibounai dekenai sivarai namona idia harorolaia. Iseda Sivarai - Dirava Ena Basileia Ena Sivarai Namona All should realize that everyone has a role; however, that role may change as time goes on and some rotation of duties may have to be considered. Hebogahisi be Iehova ena lalokau karana ta. Namona be ita ibounai ita lalo - parara taunimanima ibounai be mai edia maduna; to nega ia hanaia lalonai, reana gaukara haida do idia haidaua bona gaukara haida do idia haidaua. What should you do? 10, 11. Dahaka do oi karaia? (Read Luke 10: 38 - 42.) Ena be Petero ia lalohisihisi bada, to unai ese ena lalona ia hamanokaia lasi. (Luka 10: 38 - 42 duahia.) The prophet Isaiah foretold: "It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. " (Aon. 7: 7) Bema sivarai ta oi abia dae diba lasi, anina be unai be koikoi. Peroveta tauna Isaia ia gwau: "Nega gabeai dinadia neganai, Dubu Helaga ia gini ena ororo, be ataiai herea do ia lao. Ororo ibounai edia lata be ia ese do ia hanaia. Having a self - important attitude could also prevent us from accepting much - needed counsel. Daniela be laiona edia guri lalonai ia noho ena haheitalai ita laloa karana ese ita do ia hagoadaia ita boga auka totona! - Daniela 6: 16 - 22. Sibona eda ura laloa bada karana ese ita ia durua diba sisiba ita abia dae lasi totona. Let us group key teachings so that there is one for each day of the month, with the goal of putting them to work in your life. Keristani taihu ta ladana Linda ena hereva ita laloa. Namona be ita ese hadibaia hereva badadia ita abia, unai amo hua ta ta ai idia noho hahediba herevadia do ita badinaia, bona iseda mauri lalonai idia do ita atoa guna. Thus they were looked upon as a sort of atheists; and, by the Roman laws, those who were chargeable with atheism were declared the pests of human society. " 31 Iehova ese Oi Totona Ia Karaia Gaudia Laloa Noho Unai dainai idia laloa Dirava ia noho lasi lalohadaina idia abia dae; Roma ena taravatu idia badinaia taudia ese taunimanima edia noho dalana idia gwauraia dika. " That plan apparently gave him such a sense of security and satisfaction that he thought to himself: "I will say to my soul: " Soul, you have many good things laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, enjoy yourself. ' " - Luke 12: 19. (Aon. 15: 8) Oibe, umui matamata taudia be Dirava dekenai idia mai "taunimanima iboudiai " huanai umui noho danu. Unai palani ese ia dekenai noho namona bona moale mamina ia henia, ia gwau: "Lauegu mauri dekenai gau momo idia noho, idia ese anina namona idia havaraia, idia aniani namonamo, idia inuinu, bona idia laga - ani. ' " - Luka 12: 19. Hence, such wines as port, sherry, and vermouth would not be suitable. Oibe, hereva momokani ena gado goevadaena " ita kamonai bona ena anina ita lalopararalaia. ' - Mat. 15: 10, NW; Mar. Unai dainai, uaina be sitoa dekenai idia atoa, ia naria, bona aniani be ia namo lasi. With violence and sexual perversion rampant all around him, Noah could have become discouraged. Dirava Ena Basileia Ena Sivarai Namona Ita Laohaia Noa be dagedage bona matabodaga karadia momo ia karaia dainai, reana ia lalo - manoka diba. And the Bible Teach book shows you how to be effective in using the Scriptures. Namona be ibounai idia laloparara idia ta ta be mai edia maduna, to nega ia hanaia lalonai reana idia huanai edia maduna idia senisia diba. Bona Baibel Hadibaia bukana ese oi do ia durua Baibel oi gaukaralaia namonamo totona. [ Blurb on page 17] Dahaka oi karaia be namo? [ Blurb on page 17] Depending on the circumstances, he might try to change the subject, defer the discussion, or excuse himself before the conversation becomes heated. - Prov. (Luka 10: 38 - 42 duahia.) Edia noho dalana hegeregerena, reana do ia hekwarahi unai gauna ia haidaua, herevahereva ia koua, eiava ia laloa namonamo totona. - Aon. You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God. " Peroveta tauna Isaia ia gwau: "Nega gabeai be inai bamona do ia vara: Lohiabada ena Dubu Helaga ia gini ororona, be ataiai momokani ororona do ia lao. Inai ororo be ia ese, ororo ibounai do ia hereaia. Bese ibounai ese ia dekenai do idia haboua lao. " Mauri hanaihanai herevadia be oi dekenai idia noho, bona ai abidadama henia bona ai diba oi be Dirava ena Helaga Tauna. " Instead of concentrating on how a willful sinner might be removed, Isaiah describes the living conditions that will prevail in the new world. Bema sibona ita laloa bada, reana ita dekenai mai anina bada sisibana do ita dadaraia. Isaia ese kara dika tauna be mai ena ura ida ia kokia dalana ia laloa lasi, to tanobada matamatana ai do idia vara gaudia ia herevalaia. We should sing wholeheartedly at Christian gatherings. Namona be hadibaia hereva badadia be lista ta dekenai ita atoa, hua ta ena dina ta ta ai tamona oi laloa totona, bona emu tahua gauna be emu mauri lalonai unai gaudia do oi badinaia. Keristani heboudia dekenai mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida ane ita abia be namo. Our having a zealous share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work helps individuals from many nations to learn the ways of peace and to pursue peace with one another. Unai dainai taunimanima idia laloa Keristani taudia be Dirava be lasi lalohadaina idia abia dae taudia; bona Roma ena taravatu hegeregerena, unai bamona lalohadai idia dogoatao taudia idia kota henia bona idia gwauraidia taunimanima edia noho dalana hadikaia taudia. " Basileia harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ita karaia goadagoada karana ese bese idauidau amo idia mai taudia ia durua maino daladia idia dibaia bona ta ta ida maino ai idia noho hebou totona. Prayer to Jehovah in this regard demonstrates our keen desire to conduct Bible studies. Do oi laga - ani, do oi aniani, do oi inuinu, do oi moale. ' " - Luka 12: 19. Iehova ita guriguri henia neganai, ita hahedinaraia ita ura dikadika Baibel stadi ita karaia. As Micah 6: 8 states, God's people must "love kindness. " Unai dainai, uaina haida, hegeregere port, sherry, bona vermouth be namo lasi. Mika 6: 8 ia gwau bamona, Dirava ena taunimanima ese "hebogahisi mai lalokauna " idia hahedinaraia be namo. She insisted that I play boules (a French bowling game) with him even though it was not my favorite game. Dagedage bona matabodaga taudia huanai ia noho dainai reana Noa ia lalomanoka diba. (Gen. Ia ura lasi unai gadara lalonai lau vareai. We should heartily agree with the heavenly creatures who cry out: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things. " (Salamo 12: 6) Oibe, Baibel ese kara namodia idauidau ia gwauraia, unai ese ita ia durua diba iseda abidadama ia goada totona. Namona be guba taudia ida ita gwau: "Aiemai Lohiabada, aiemai Dirava e, oi be hegeregere momokani vadaeni, taunimanima ibounai ese hairai bona mataurai, be oi dekenai do idia henia, bona oiemu siahu henunai do idia noho. " The real danger lies in ignoring the rust, allowing it to develop to the point of causing structural damage or failure. [ Blurb on page 17] Bema rara ena poisini ita dadaraia momokani, unai ese dika ia havaraia diba. ▪ "Tell Us, When Will These Things Be? " Bema ia itaia ena tadikaka ena toana be ia moale lasi, reana do ia gwau unai hekwakwanai be gabeai idia herevalaia, bona ma gau idauna ta idia herevalaia diba, o hepapahuahu ia vara lasi totona ia raka siri be namo. - Aon. ▪ "Ai Oi Hadibaia, Inai Gaudia be Edena Negai Do Idia Vara? " [ Pictures on page 18] Mauri hanaihanai herevadia be oi dekenai idia noho. Ai be ai abidadama henia, bona ai diba vadaeni, oi be Dirava ena Helaga Tauna. " [ Pictures on page 18] Rather, in faith we have happily cooperated with and continue to cooperate with God's revealed purpose. Isaia be mai ena ura ida ia kara dika tauna kokia dalana ia laloa momo lasi, to tanobada matamatana ai do idia vara gaudia ia kikilaia. To, mai abidadama ida ita gaukara hebou bona Dirava ena ura ita badinaia noho. We must not let ourselves be affected by such death - dealing ideology. Keristani hebou dekenai mai kudouna ibounai ida ane ita abia be gau badana. Namo lasi unai bamona lalohadai ese ita ia biagua. He envied the wicked who were leading a prosperous life and went to the point of saying: "Surely it is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself. " Basileia ita harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ita goadalaia dainai, bese idauidau taudia be maino daladia idia dibaia bona idia badinaia. Kohu momo maurina idia noholaia kara dika taudia ia mama henidia bona ia gwau: "Momokani, egu kudouna lau hagoevaia bona egu imana lau huria be anina lasi. " (b) What questions will we consider? Iehova dekenai guriguri amo unai ita gwauraia hedinarai karana ese ia hahedinaraia ita ura momokani Baibel stadi ita karaia. (b) Edena henanadai edia haere do ita tahua? In this time of the end, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, is the "one shepherd " whom Jehovah has appointed over all His servants on earth, both the spirit - anointed Christians and the" other sheep. " - John 10: 16. Mika 6: 8 ia gwau, Dirava ena taunimanima ese " hebogahisi idia ura henia ' be gau badana. Inai nega dokona ai, Davida Badana, Iesu Keriso, be Iehova ese ia abia hidi "mamoe naria tauna " bona horoa Keristani taudia bona" mamoe idaudia " ibounai ia naria tauna. - Ioa. 10: 16. The reaction of many people today seems to be, " I'll make them pay for what they did! ' Hanaihanai egu sinana be lau ia hamaoroa egu tamana ida boules (French taudia edia gadara ta) do ai gadara totona, ena be lau ese unai gadara lau ura henia lasi. Toana be hari taunimanima momo edia kara be hegeregere, " Edia kara ena davana do lau henia! ' Several cited scriptures in the study articles are marked "read. " (Ieremia 10: 12) Guba anerudia idia boiboilaia herevana ita abia dae be namo: "Aiemai Lohiabada, aiemai Dirava e, oi be hegeregere momokani vadaeni, taunimanima ibounai ese hairai bona mataurai, be oi dekenai do idia henia, bona oiemu siahu henunai do idia noho. Badina gau ibounai be oi ese oi havaraia. " Stadi hereva gabedia haida lalonai siri haida do ita duahia. We make a special effort to show others the actual words of the Bible, featuring it in our ministry. Bema rasta ita itaia to gau ta ita karaia lasi, do ia bada ia lao bona auri do ia hadikaia. Ita hekwarahi bada iseda haroro gaukara lalonai Baibel ena hereva momokani ita hahedinaraia totona. To the common people, Jesus extended this warm invitation: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. ▪ "Ai Oi Hamaoroa, Unai Gaudia be Edena Negai Do Idia Vara? " Iesu be taunimanima ibounai dekenai inai boiboi herevana ia gwauraia: "Tauanina manokamanoka bona gaukara metau taudia ibounai, lau dekenai umui mai, lau ese laga - ani do lau henia umui dekenai. BROTHERS RECOMMENDED: [ Pictures on page 18] HEREVA MA HAIDA: 30 ⇩ To, namona be mai abidadama ida Dirava ena ura ita badinaia. 30 ⇩ ; Fuzel, F. Namona be unai lalohadai dikadia, mase idia havaraia diba gaudia ita dadaraia. ; Heb., F. Relate an experience that shows that we may be provided for in times of need. Inai kara dekena amo namo ta lau davaria, a? " Toana be Asapa ia laloaboio Iehova ese ia henia gaukarana be mai anina bada. Nega haida heduru ita abia be namo ena ekspiriens ta oi gwauraia. Jehovah endowed his only - begotten Son with special dignity by giving him " rulership and kingdom. ' (b) Edena henanadai do ita lalodia? Iehova ese ena Natuna dekenai dagi badana ia henia, unai amo ia dekenai "siahu bona basileia " ia henia. Earlier, while Moses was receiving the Law on Mount Sinai, the Israelites became idolaters, engaging in calf worship and sensual pleasures. (Esekiela 34: 22, 23) Inai nega dokona ai, Iehova ese mamoe naria tauna tamona, Davida Badana Iesu Keriso ia abia hidi, tanobada ai horoa Keristani taudia bona "mamoe idaudia " do ia naria. - Ioane 10: 16. Guna, Mose be Sinai Ororona ai Taravatu ia abia neganai, Israela taudia be kaivakuku tomadiho henia bona moale karadia idia karaia. Remember, the earth's population had increased from perhaps 300 million in the time of the Caesars to nearly 2 billion after the first world war. Hari inai negai, taunimanima momo be do idia gwau: " Edia dika davana do lau karaia lou! ' Laloatao, tanobada ena taunimanima edia namba be reana Kaisara ena nega amo ia bada daekau ela bona tanobada ibounai tuarina ginigunana ia ore. (Read Acts 15: 30 - 32.) Siri haida edia badinai be inai hereva, "duahia, " do oi itaia. (Kara 15: 30 - 32 duahia.) • As explained by Peter, why were early Christians persecuted? Taunimanima dekenai Baibel ita duahia bona taunimanima be unai hereva idia itaia bona kamonai neganai, ita hahedinaraia Baibel be mai anina bada. • Petero ena hereva hegeregerena, dahaka dainai Keristani taudia ginigunadia ese dagedage idia davaria? 18 "Jehovah Our God Is One Jehovah " Iesu be mai lalokau ida unai hanua taudia ia boiria, ia gwau: "Tauanina manokamanoka bona gaukara metau taudia ibounai, lau dekenai umui mai, lau ese laga - ani do lau henia umui dekenai. 18 "Iehova be Iseda Dirava " People often tell me, "Sara, you have such a lovely smile. IDIA GWAURAIA HIDI TADIKAKA: Nega momo taunimanima be mai kiri ida lau idia hamaoroa. Truly, never before in human history has "this good news of the kingdom " been preached on the scale that we see today. - Matthew 24: 14. 30 ⇩ Momokani, hari ita itaia "Basileia ena Sivarai Namona " be guna idia harorolaia lasi. - Mataio 24: 14. In words recorded in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus compared Christians to slaves waiting for their master to return from a wedding. ; Fuzel, F. Luka ena Evanelia bukana lalonai, Iesu ia gwau Keristani taudia be edia biaguna ida do idia giroa lou negana idia naria noho. Because they have a good relationship with God, all who fear Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value. Heduru ita ura negadiai, Iehova ese ita ia durua diba ena ekspiriens ta mani oi gwauraia. Edia hetura karana Dirava ida be namo herea dainai, Iehova idia gari henia taudia ibounai be anina lasi. How is suicide viewed in the locality? Iehova be Iesu dekenai " siahu bona basileia ' ia henia. Unai gabu dekenai sibona hamasea karana be edena bamona idia laloa? Now the students are telling her, "You should continue to serve your God. " Mose be Sinai Ororona ai Iehova amo Taravatu ia abia lalonai, Israela taudia be boromakau natuna ena kaivakuku idia tomadiho henia bona lebulebu karadia idia karaia. Hari stiuden taudia ese ia idia hamaoroa: "Namona be emu Dirava oi hesiai henia noho. " WAYS IN WHICH SOME CHOOSE TO GIVE Laloaboio lasi, Kaisara ena negai tanobada taudia edia namba be reana milioni 300 bamona, to tanobada tuarina ginigunana murinai, tanobada taudia edia namba ia bada daekau kahirakahira bilioni 2 bamona. HAIDA ESE HENIA KARANA IDIA HAHEDINARAIA WHEN the weather is mild, it is agreeable, enjoyable. (Kara 15: 30 - 32 duahia.) NEGA ia ginidae neganai, ia be gau namodia momo ia moalelaia. But I was more than willing to talk about the Bible. I thought I had a good knowledge of the Scriptures. • Petero ese ia hahedinaraia bamona, dahaka dainai Keristani taudia ginigunadia idia dagedage henia? To Baibel lau herevalaia sibona lasi, to lau laloa Baibel amo diba namona lau abia. The Bethel family had to contend with air raids on London night and day, as well as with constant checks by the authorities on responsible brothers working there. 18 "Iehova be Iseda Dirava, Iehova Sibona " Unai Betele famili be hanuaboi bona hanuaboi ai London dekenai idia lao, bona unuseniai idia gaukara gunalaia taudia ese idia sekea loulou. He will give us "the power beyond what is normal " to compensate for our weaknesses. Nega momo taunimanima idia gwau, "Sara, emu kiri toana be mai ena hairai. Ia ese ita dekenai "siahu badana " do ia henia iseda manoka gaudia ita hanaia totona. Does this mean that only a father can be effective in the parental role? Momokani, taunimanima edia histori ibounai lalonai, hari ita itaia "Basileia ena Sivarai Namona " harorolaia karana be gaukara bada hereana. - Mataio 24: 14. Unai ena anina be tama sibona ese ena maduna ia huaia namonamo diba, a? " Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations, " said Christ. Luka ese ia torea Evanelia sivaraina lalonai, Iesu ese Keristani taudia ia hahegeregerea edia biaguna be headava ariana amo ia giroa mai totona idia naria hesiai taudia ida. Keriso ia gwau: "Mai ena taiana tauna, namona be Lauma Helaga ena hereva ekalesia oreadia dekenai do ia kamonai. " One cannot look at that immense image without feeling tiny in comparison. Lohiabada ena ["helaga, " NW] taudia e, ia dekenai do umui gari, badina be ia dekenai idia gari taudia, be gau ta do idia dabu lasi. " Tau ta ia itaia diba lasi unai kaivakuku badana ena toana be maragi herea. Why was it to no avail that the Jewish religious leaders read and studied the Bible? Oiemu gabu dekenai idia noho taudia ese sibona hamasea karana be edena bamona idia laloa? Dahaka dainai Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese Baibel idia duahia bona stadilaia be maoro lasi? Reaching out to those who are weak is thus a task for all Christians. Bona stiuden ese ia idia hamaoroa, "Emu Dirava oi hesiai henia noho be namo. " Unai dainai Keristani taudia ibounai ese manoka taudia idia durua be namo. At a time when it seemed that his life was coming to an end, he had the comfort of knowing that he had done his best to help others, that he had held to Jehovah's righteous standards, and that he had avoided any form of false worship. - Job 31: 4 - 11. HAIDA ESE HENIA KARANA IDIA HAHEDINARAIA DALADIA Toana be ena mauri be kahirakahira do ia ore neganai, ia moale badina ia diba ia karaia gaudia ibounai be ma haida ia durua, Iehova ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ia badinaia, bona tomadiho koikoi ia dadaraia. - Iobu 31: 31 - 11. Why was Abraham willing to wait on Jehovah, and what blessings will he see as a result of his patience? To lau ura bada ia ida Baibel lau herevalaia badina lau laloa Baibel lau diba namonamo. Dahaka dainai Aberahamo be mai ena ura ida Iehova ia naria, bona ena haheauka dainai dahaka hahenamo do ia abia? So it seemed prudent to me that I leave home for the sake of peace with my parents and to establish myself in "the way of the truth. " - 2 Peter 2: 2. London dekenai, peleini amo bomu idia negea dina bona hanuaboi dainai, Betele famili idia hekwarahi bada bona danu, badina gavamani taudia ese gaukara ena maduna idia huaia tadikaka idia sekea hanaihanai. Unai dainai, lau laloa aonega dalana be egu tama sina ida maino ai lau noho bona "hereva momokani ena dala " ai sibona lau noho. - 2 Petero 2: 2. The Bible was written over a period of 1,600 years, yet it is consistent throughout in its teachings. Ia ese ita dekenai "siahu badana " do ia henia iseda manoka gaudia ita hanaia totona. Baibel be lagani 1,600 mai kahana lalonai idia torea, to ena hadibaia herevadia ibounai be hanaihanai idia torea. He was struck dead on the spot. To una siri be tama sibona mo e herevalaiamu, eiava? Unai gabu dekenai ia mase. Be cautious about cosigning a loan Keriso ia gwau, "Mai ena taiana tauna, namona be Lauma Helaga ena hereva ekalesia oreadia dekenai do ia kamonai! " Kekero muramura oi inua neganai, oi naria namonamo And continue to build trust in Jehovah through acts of worship. Ta be unai nadi laulauna bada hereana ida ia sibona ia hahegeregerea neganai, ia be maragi herea momokani. Bona tomadiho karadia amo Iehova abidadama henia noho. How do true Christians use resources from the nations? Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese Baibel idia duahia bona stadilaia, to dahaka dainai namo ta idia davaria lasi? Edena dala ai Keristani taudia momokanidia ese bese idauidau edia kohu idia gaukaralaia? But what comfort anointed ones can draw from Christ's next words! Unai dainai, manoka taudia durua karana be Keristani taudia ibounai edia gaukara ta. To horoa taudia be Keriso ena hereva ma haida amo goada idia abia diba! Jehovah chooses others from among mankind to reign with Jesus and judge during that millennium - long day. (Compare Luke 22: 29, 30.) Idaunegai Israela ai hahine be bisinesi idia karaia Lagani tausen momo lalodiai, Iehova ese taunimanima amo ma haida ia abia hidi Iesu ida idia lohia totona. What will help us to follow the Christ continually? Vadaeni emui laumana be do idia laga - ani. Dahaka ese ita do ia durua Keriso ita badinaia noho totona? Jehovah is well aware of this, and he has provided the means by which we can do so. Ena be ia laloa kahirakahira do ia mase, to ena mauri lalonai ia karaia gaudia namodia ia laloa neganai, unai ese ia hagoadaia. Hegeregere, ia hekwarahi ma haida ia durua totona, Iehova ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ia badinaia, bona tomadiho koikoi ia dadaraia. - Iobu 31: 4 - 11, 26 - 28. Iehova be unai ia diba namonamo, bona ita ia durua diba unai ita karaia totona. And it will not stop. Dahaka dainai Aberahamo be Iehova dekenai ia naria, bona ena naria karana dainai dahaka hahenamo ia abia? Bona unai ese edia gaukara do ia koua lasi. When they ignored him, they suffered dire consequences. - Read Deuteronomy 28: 1, 2, 15. Unai dainai, toana be ruma do lau rakatania be aonega karana, egu tama sina ida ai maino totona bona "hereva momokani ena dala " dekenai lau gini goada totona. - 2 Petero 2: 2. Ia idia kamonai henia lasi neganai, dika bada idia davaria. - Deuteronomi 28: 1, 2, 15 duahia. I remembered how happy I was during the five years that I shared in the harvest as a pioneer, although I was materially poor then. Baibel be lagani 1,600 bamona lalonai idia torea, to ena hahediba herevadia ibounai idia durua heheni. Egu mauri lagani be 5 neganai, lau moale bada badina lau be painia gaukara lau karaia, ena be lau ogogami. We marvel at Jehovah's love, wisdom, and power manifest in this wonderful resurrection prospect. Maoromaoro Iehova ese ia alaia mase. Iehova ena lalokau, aonega, bona siahu ita hoalaia badina unai toreisi lou hereadaena lalonai ita itaia diba. Toward the end of his life, David composed the song known today as Psalm 37. Ma ta ena abiatorehai pepana sainia karana dekenai oi naria namonamo Davida ena mauri dokonai, ia ese Salamo 37 ia torea. Because all who are dedicated to Jehovah have promised him their love, loyalty, and obedience. Bona tomadiho karadia amo eda abidadama ita hagoadaia. Badina Iehova dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia taudia ibounai ese ia idia lalokau henia, badinaia, bona kamonai henia. Raising responsible children Keristani taudia momokanidia be edena dala ai bese idauidau edia kohu idia gaukaralaia? Tama sina ese edia natudia idia naria namonamo First, though, how would you prepare to make a refreshing shepherding call? To Keriso ese gabeai ia gwauraia herevadia amo horoa taudia ia hagoadaia bada! To, edena dala ai mamoe vadivadi gaukarana oi karaia diba? Offered Selves in Ecuador, 7 / 15 To ia sibona ia lohia lasi, Iehova ese taunimanima amo haida ia abia hidi Iesu ida do idia lohia bona lagani 1,000 lalonai kota gaukara do idia karaia. Matamata Taudia E, Umui Goada Umui Lao, 7 / 15 26: 36; John 18: 1, 2. Dahaka ese ita do ia durua Keriso ita badinaia noho totona? 26: 36; Ioa. 18: 1, 2. I began to eat, I slept the whole night, I didn't have to take pain medication so often, and I was smiling again! " - Proverbs 16: 24. Iehova be unai ia diba, bona unai ita karaia diba totona dala ia hegaegaelaia. Lau aniani matamaia neganai, hanuaboi ibounai lau mahuta, nega momo muramura lau abia lou lasi, bona lau kiri lou lasi! " - Aonega Herevadia 16: 24. How did Satan plant doubts in Eve's mind? Bona do ia doko lasi. Edena dala ai Satani ese Heva ena lalona dekenai daradara ia havaraia? Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? Ia idia kamonai henia lasi neganai, hekwakwanai badadia idia davaria. - Deuteronomi 28: 1, 2, 15 duahia. Keristani heboudia lau lao hanaihanai, a? That is likely why the Bible repeatedly tells us to love one another - it is something we have to work on. Lau laloatao, guna lagani faiv lalonai painia gaukara lau moalelaia, ena be lau be ogogami hahinena. Unai dainai, Baibel ese ita ia hamaoroa ta ta do ita lalokau henia - unai be gaukara ta. They surely would not escape adverse judgment. Iehova ese unai toreisi lou helarona amo ia hahedinaraia lalokau, aonega, bona siahu ita hoalaia. Idia be hahemaoro aukana do idia abia lasi. What two distinct groups are mentioned in the Gospels and in the book of Revelation? Davida ena mase negana ia kahirakahira neganai, ia ese ane ta ia torea, bona unai ane be hari Baibel bukana Salamo karoa 37 ai ia noho. Evanelia bukadia bona Apokalupo bukana ese edena orea rua ia herevalaia? Moved to Love Jesus Badina Keristani taudia ibounai be idia gwauhamata Iehova do idia lalokau henia, bona badinaia. Iesu Idia Lalokau Henia If that is how you feel, you may gain insight by considering the example of the Bible writer Mark, also called John Mark. - Acts 12: 12. Natudia hadibaia taunimanima namodia ai idia lao totona Bema unai bamona oi mamia, namona be Baibel torea tauna Mareko, Ioane Mareko, ena haheitalai oi laloa. - Kara 12: 12. In principle, this counsel applies equally to Christian men. (Ier. 31: 25) To, oi do vadivadi henia lasi neganai, edena bamona oi hegaegae be namo unai amo ia oi hagoadaia diba? Unai sisiba be mai anina bada Keristani tatau dekenai danu. But he also took a romantic interest in her and tried to impress her. 26: 36; Ioa. 18: 1, 2. To danu, ia ura henia tauna ta ia abia bona hahine ena lalona ia veria toho. He taught his disciples to love God and to love one another, just as he loved them. Lau aniani matamaia, bona hanuaboi ta ibounai lau mahuta, unai dainai hisihisi koua muramura lau abia momo lasi bona lau kiri lou! " - Aonega Herevadia 16: 24. Iena hahediba taudia ia hadibaia Dirava do idia lalokau henia bona ta ta do idia lalokau henia, ia ese idia ia lalokau henia hegeregerena. She learned to be satisfied in whatever circumstances she found herself. Edena dala ai Satani ese Heva ena lalona dekenai daradara ena uhe ia hadoa? Ena noho dalana ia moalelaia. In Jeremiah's day, Jehovah said of them: "They did not listen, neither did they incline their ear, but they went walking in the counsels in the stubbornness of their bad heart, so that they became backward in direction and not forward. " Nega ibounai Keristani heboudia lau lao, a? Ieremia ena negai, Iehova ese idia ia hamaoroa: "Idia kamonai lasi, edia taiana idia kehoa lasi. the completeness of Jehovah's forgiveness? Unai dainai Baibel ese ita ia hamaoroa loulou, ita lalokau heheni be namo - to ita gaukara noho unai sisiba badinaia totona. Iehova ese iseda dika ia gwauatao totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? However, it took ten months for the doctors to diagnose his condition and five more years before London specialists confirmed it. Lasi, panisi do idia abia bona unai do idia reaia lasi. To, London ena doketa taudia ese hua 10 lalonai unai gorere idia davaria bona lagani 5 mai kahana murinai unai idia hamomokania. With conviction he said: "Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned. " - Read Psalm 32: 1 - 3, 5. Evanelia bukadia bona Apokalupo bukana ese edena orea rua idia gwauraia? Mai abidadama ida ia gwau: "Bema tau ta ese iena kara dika ia gwauatao, unai tau be ia namo. " - Salamo 32: 1 - 3, 5 duahia. (b) What will we discuss in this article and in the next? Iesu Idia Lalokau Henia (b) Inai stadi bona stadi gabena ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? But years later, he indicated that all of the 144,000 will sit on thrones and share his rulership. Bema emu hemami be unai bamona, reana Baibel torea tauna Mareko, Ioane Mareko idia gwauraia danu, ena haheitalai oi laloa neganai lalo - parara do oi abia. - Kara 12: 12. To, lagani haida murinai, ia hahedinaraia 144,000 taudia ibounai be terona latanai do idia helai bona iena lohia siahuna do idia abia isi. Though it cost him his perfect human life, he was glad to do it for the sake of our deliverance. Momokani, unai hakaua herevana be Keristani tatau ia herevalaia danu. Ena be ia ese ena mauri goevadaena ia haboioa, to ita ia hamauria dainai ia moale. Continue to preach zealously, never losing appreciation for our lifesaving ministry. To ia ese Maria ia ura henia danu bona iena lalona ia veria toho. Haroro gaukara ita karaia goadagoada noho, bona iseda hahemauri gaukarana ita laloa bada karana ita haboioa lasi. (b) After reviewing a few of Jesus ' teaching methods, what conclusion do we reach? Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia ia hadibaia Dirava bona ta ta idia lalokau henia, ia ese idia ia lalokau henia bamona. (b) Iesu ena hadibaia daladia haida ita riviulaia murinai, dahaka ita dibaia? 107,300,000 COPIES Ia dibaia gauna be, herevana ena noho dalana be edena bamona, to ia moale diba. 107,000 mai kahana In 1942 when I was a pioneer Ieremia ena negai, Iehova ia gwau: "Lau dekenai idia kamonai henia lasi, lauegu hereva idia laloa lasi. Idia ese sibodia edia laloa dikadia bona laloa kerere hegeregerena idia karaia noho. Bona idia edia kara ese edia mauri ia hanamodia lasi. " Lagani 1942 ai, lau be painia gaukara lau karaia Then God made this significant adjustment: "I do take the Levites... in place of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel. " Iehova ese dika ia gwauatao karana dekenai? Bena Dirava ese inai mai anina bada gauna ia haidaua: "Lau ese Levi taudia... lau abia hidi, Israela taudia edia gabu ibounai dekenai. " When her son was born, what choice did one mother have to make, and what helped her to make the right one? To, doketa ese hua 10 murinai Gary ena gorere idia davaria, bona lagani faiv murinai London ena doketa badadia ese unai gorere idia hamomokania. Ena natuna ia vara neganai, sinana ta be dahaka abia hidi ia karaia, bona dahaka ese ia durua abia hidi maorona ia karaia totona? 33: 1 - 29 - Why was Simeon not specifically mentioned in the blessing with which Moses blessed the sons of Israel? Unai dainai ia gwau: "Dirava ese tau ta ena kara dika ia gwauatao neganai, unai tau be ia namo. " - Salamo 32: 1 - 3, 5 duahia. 33: 1 - 29 - Dahaka dainai Simeona be Israela taudia ese idia abia hahenamo ia herevalaia lasi? When you see the students come to the meetings and get to know one another, it is like a family get - together each time. " (b) Inai stadi bona stadi gabena ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Stiuden taudia be hebou dekenai idia mai bona ta ta idia diba neganai, unai be hegeregere ruma bese ta be nega ta ta ai idia hebou. " In you I hope all day long. " To lagani momo murinai, Iesu ese ia hahedinaraia 144,000 taudia ibounai be ia ida guba ai do idia lohia. Dina ena hora ibounai lalonai oi lau naria noho. " A preliminary meeting of the members only will convene at 9: 15 a.m., followed by the general annual meeting at 10: 00 a.m. Ena be ia diba ena mauri goevadaena do ia haboioa, to mai moale ida ena mauri ia henia, ita ia hamauria totona. Daba 9: 15 a.m. ai memba taudia sibona do idia hebou guna, bena 10: 00 a.m. ai lagani ena hebou badana do idia karaia. Jehovah has instructed us to convey what important message? Ita haroro goadagoada noho, bona iseda lalokau haroro gaukara totona ita haboioa lasi. Iehova ese ita dekenai dahaka mai anina bada herevana ia hadibaia? • What is the highest purpose we can have in life? (b) Iesu ena hadibaia daladia haida ita riviulaia murinai, dahaka ita gwau diba? • Mauri ena badina hereadaena be dahaka? (a) What responsibility did the apostle Paul feel, and why? KOPI 107,300,000 (a) Aposetolo Paulo ena maduna be dahaka, bona dahaka dainai? This is a cause for rejoicing. Lagani 1942 ai, lau painia negana ai Unai dainai ita moale. Yes, Jehovah "will answer us in the day that we call. " - Psalm 20: 9; 145: 18. To, Israela ena iduhu ma haida edia vara guna natuna memerodia ese Levi taudia edia namba ia hanaia. Oibe, Iehova ese " ita gwauraia dinana dekenai, ita do ia haere henia. ' - Salamo 20: 9; 145: 18. Realistically, we cannot divorce corruption and wickedness from the people who practice them. Hahine ta be dahaka abia hidi ia karaia, bona dahaka ese ia durua abia hidi maorona ia karaia totona? Momokani, kara gageva bona kara dika idia karaia taudia amo ita gini siri diba lasi. Her very steps take hold on Sheol itself. 33: 1 - 29 - Mose ese Israela besena ia hanamoa neganai, dahaka dainai Simeona be hahenamo ia abia lasi? Ia karaia karadia momo be Sheol dekenai idia abia lao. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words states: "By the middle of the 3rd cent. Baibel stiuden taudia be hebou dekenai idia mai bona ta ta idia diba neganai, ia be hegeregere hebou negadia ta ta dekenai ruma bese ta idia noho hebou bamona. " Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words ia gwau: "Taravatu Matamatana ena huanai. Pilate had a priceless opportunity to learn the truth about Jehovah's provision for salvation directly from the Son of God. Nega ibounai oi dekenai lau abidadama henia noho. " Pilato ese dala ia kehoa Iehova ese ena Natuna amo hahemauri dalana ia dibaia totona. 10, 11. Daba kahana 9: 15 a.m. ai memba taudia sibona do idia hebou guna, bena 10: 00 a.m. ai lagani ena hebou badana do idia karaia. 10, 11. The most renowned of thinkers have been proved wrong again and again, even though what they taught seemed at the time to be beyond dispute. Iehova ese ita ia hamaoroa edena mai anina bada sivaraina ita harorolaia totona? Ena be idia hadibaia gaudia be ma haida ese idia hepapahuahulaia loulou, to unai ese hepapahuahu ia havaraia. A New World of Plenty Awaits Us • Iseda mauri lalonai dahaka ita tahua be mai anina bada gauna? Tanobada Matamatana ai Ita Dibaia Gaudia " This is what the love of God means, " wrote the apostle John, "that we observe his commandments. " - 1 John 5: 3. (a) Aposetolo Paulo ia laloa iena maduna be dahaka, bona dahaka dainai? Aposetolo Ioane ia gwau: "Dirava ita lalokau henia ena anina be inai: Dirava ena taravatu do ita badinaia. " - 1 Ioane 5: 3. Jehovah, the God of infinite love, will do this. Bona unai ese umui do ia hamoalea bada. Iehova, lalokau bada Diravana, ese unai do ia karaia. Left unchecked, greed and corruption can ruin the earth, just as they contributed to the ruin of the Roman Empire. Oibe, ita guriguri neganai, Iehova be ita do ia haere henia. - Salamo 20: 9; 145: 18. Bema ita naria namonamo lasi, mataganigani bona kara gageva ese tanobada ia hadikaia diba, Roma Basileiana idia hadikaia hegeregerena. Some years earlier, though, Bruno had dedicated himself to Jehovah, promising to put God's will foremost in his life. (Aonega Herevadia 29: 2; Hadibaia Tauna 8: 9) Momokani, kara gageva bona kara dika ita haorea diba lasi, bema unai idia karaia taudia be idia do noho. To, lagani haida gunanai, Bruno be Iehova dekenai ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia, bona ia gwauhamata ena mauri lalonai Dirava ena ura do ia atoa guna. Do you believe that in this year of 2011, Jehovah is "awake " to the fulfillment of his promises? Mase dekenai ia lao dalana dekenai ia raka noho. Lagani 2011 ai, oi abia dae Iehova be ena gwauhamata ia hagugurua, a? Do you have reason to be afraid that you will? Diksenari ta (Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words) ia gwau: "Lagani 250 A.D. bamona ai, tomadiho oreadia ese Keristani tomadiho ena hahediba hereva haida idia rakatania o haidaua. Oi gari, a? 24: 45 - 47. Pilato dekenai dala hereadaena ia kehoa Dirava ena Natuna amo Iehova ia henia hahemauri dalana ena hereva momokani ia dibaia totona. 24: 45 - 47. Yes, a wise person does what is right in God's eyes and has a good influence on others. 10, 11. Oibe, aonega tauna be Dirava ena matana ai dahaka be maoro bona ma haida ia durua diba. Let us review his discourse in detail and learn lessons that may help us improve our teaching skills. Ladana bada diba bada taudia edia hahediba herevadia be idia hakoikoia loulou danu, herevana toana be unai neganai ta ese ia hepapahuahulaia diba lasi. Namona be iena hereva ita riviulaia bona ita dibaia gaudia ese ita do idia durua iseda hadibaia dalana ita hanamoa totona. Taking such a factor into consideration, he judged them accordingly, in a merciful and loving manner. Paradaiso ai Aniani be Momo Herea Unai bamona ia karaia totona, ia ese idia ia hahemaoro henia hegeregerena, hebogahisi bona lalokau dalanai ia hahemaoro henidia. When we said, "Yes, but they just ignored us, " she was amazed. Aposetolo Ioane ia gwau: "Dirava ita lalokau henia ena anina be inai, iena taravatu ita badinaia. " - 1 Ioa. 5: 3. Ia gwau: "Oibe, to ai idia laloa lasi, " to ia hoa bada. 12, 13. Iehova, lalokau bada Diravana ese unai do ia karaia momokani. 12, 13. (a) Can we presently eliminate selfish tendencies? Bema idia koua lasi, mataganigani bona kara gageva ese tanobada ia hadikaia diba, Roma Basileiana ia hadikaia bamona. (a) Hari inai negai, sibona eda namo laloa bada karana ita kokia diba, a? Weeks went by, and tensions in the camp were building. To, lagani haida gunanai Bruno be Iehova dekenai ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia, bona ia ura Dirava ena ura do ia atoa guna. Pura haida murinai, kamepa lalonai badu ia vara. Once this started to happen, the wounds in his heart began to heal. Oi abia dae inai lagani 2011 lalonai, Iehova be ia "noga noho " ena gwauhamata ia hagugurua totona, a? Unai ia vara matamaia neganai, ena kudouna ai ia noho bero ia hanamoa matamaia. No doubt Abram was under much pressure to share in this vile worship, perhaps including pressure from some relatives. Eiava oi gari, dika ta ese oi do ia dagedage henia, a? Ita daradara lasi Aberamo ia doria unai tomadiho dikana lalonai ia vareai totona, reana varavara haida ese idia doria danu. Yet, even in this 21st century, human society is still divided into numerous social classes. 24: 45 - 47. To, lagani 2000 murina laganidia lalonai danu, taunimanima be dagi bada taudia ai idia do lao lasi. In fact, for several years our family lived in a country where there is a great need for Kingdom publishers and helped to establish new congregations. Oibe, aonega tauna ese Dirava ena matana ai idia maoro karadia ia karaia bona ma haida dekenai namo ia havaraia. Lagani haida lalonai, emai ruma bese be pablisa momo lasi tanona ta dekenai ai noho bona kongrigeisen matamatadia ai haginia. After the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem in 66 C.E., obedient ones acted on these instructions. Mani Paulo ena haroro herevana ita itaia bona do ita dibaia gaudia ese ita do ia durua eda hadibaia karana ita hanamoa totona. Lagani 66 C.E. ai, Roma tuari taudia ese Ierusalema idia hagegea murinai, kamonai taudia be unai hadibaia herevadia idia badinaia. Note the words of our theme text for this article: "Praise Jehovah from the earth,... you young men and also you virgins, you old men together with boys. " Unai dainai, mai ena hebogahisi bona lalokau ida idia ia hahemaoro henia. Iseda siri badana ena hereva mani oi laloa, ia gwau: "Tanobada dekena amo Lohiabada do umui hanamoa.... Umui matamata taudia e,... rami - hebou tau badadia danu. " What joy it brought that widow when Jesus resurrected the boy and "gave him to his mother "! Ai gwau, Oibe, haida idia noho to ai idia hereva henia lasi. " Iesu ese mero maragina ia hatorea isi lou bona "ena sinana ena dika ia gwauatao " neganai, unai vabu ia moale bada! Money spent. 12, 13. Moni gaukaralaia. In a recent year, these five categories of disease killed an estimated 10.7 million individuals. (a) Sibona eda namo laloa bada karana ita kokia diba, a? Vanegai lagani ta lalonai, unai gorere idauidau faiv ese taunimanima 10 milioni bamona idia hamasea. What responsibility do elders have toward the congregation? Wiki momo idia hanaia, bona kamepa lalonai hekwakwanai ia bada ia lao. Elda taudia edia maduna be dahaka? They would thus become a people "redeemed " by Jehovah. - Ex. 15: 13; read Deuteronomy 15: 15. Unai gaudia idia vara matamaia neganai, ena lalona dekenai idia noho dika idia namo idia lao matamaia. Unai amo idia be Iehova ese ia "abia hidi " taudia ai do idia lao. - Eso 15: 13; Deuteronomi 15: 15 duahia. According to Isaiah 25: 8, Jehovah "will actually swallow up death forever. " Ita laloa diba Aberamo idia doria bada unai tomadiho dikana ia badinaia totona, reana ena varavara haida ese ia idia doria danu. Isaia 25: 8 ena hereva hegeregerena, Iehova ese "mase do ia haorea momokani ela bona hanaihanai. " (b) In what ways can children imitate Jesus? To hari inai negai, taunimanima be edia dagi o ladana hegeregerena orea momo dekenai idia hapararaia. (b) Edena dala ai natudia ese Iesu idia tohotohoa diba? To have that, we need to cultivate meekness. Oibe, lagani momo lalodiai emai ruma bese be Basileia harorolaia taudia momo lasi tanona dekenai ai noho, bona kongrigeisen matamatadia ai haginia. Unai ita karaia totona, manau karana ita hahedinaraia be namo. How would you describe principles? Lagani 66 C.E. ai, Roma ena tuari taudia ese Ierusalema idia koua hagegea murinai, kamonai taudia be unai sisiba idia badinaia. Hakaua herevadia be edena bamona do oi gwauraia? We can also be encouraging by reassuring others that they have good qualities or by speaking "consolingly to those who are discouraged. " Inai stadi ena siri badana ena hereva mani ita laloa: "Tanobada dekenai noho gaudia ese Lohiabada do idia hanamoa.... Ulato bona uhau, buruka taudia, bona natuna maragidia danu. " Danu, ma haida ita hagoadaia diba kara namodia idia karaia eiava " lalo - manoka taudia idia hereva henia ' karana amo goada idia abia diba. She is also very happy to be once again serving alongside her mother in the congregation. Iesu ese unai mero ia hatorea - isi bona "iena sinana dekenai ia henia neganai, " unai vabu ena moale be bada herea! Danu, ia moale badina kongrigeisen ai ena sinana ida ia gaukara hebou lou. Were I inclined to tell and speak of them, they have become more numerous than I can recount. " - Ps. Ita gaukaralaia monina. Oiemu kara bona laloa be momo herea, duahia diba lasi. " - Sal. The book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, released in 1995, has so far seen a printing of over 85 million in 154 languages. Lagani 2004 ai, unai gorere idauidau ese taunimanima 10.7 milioni bamona ia hamasea. Lagani 1995 ai, Diba ese Mauri Dekenai Ita Ia Hakaua Lao bukana ia halasia, unai dainai lagani 1995 ai, gado 85 mai kahana dekenai printa masini milioni mai kahana idia printaia. That being so, we do well to meditate on scriptures that deal with our specific weaknesses. Kongrigeisen lalonai elda taudia edia maduna be dahaka? Unai dainai, namona be iseda manoka gaudia ita laloa dobu. ENGLISH May 22 - 24, May 29 - 31, June 5 - 7, August 7 - 9, August 21 - 23, August 28 - 30 15: 13; Deuteronomi 15: 15 duahia. ENGLISH August 31 - August 2 (SIGN LANGUAGE also) But sooner or later their own deceit will destroy them. Isaia 25: 8 ia gwau, Iehova ese "mase do ia haorea momokani ela bona hanaihanai. " To gabeai sibona edia koikoi karana ese idia do ia hamasea. In his program of personal study, he continually searches for Scriptural principles that can help him to distinguish right from wrong. (b) Natu ese edena dala ai Iesu idia tohotohoa diba? Sibona ena stadi ia karaia neganai, Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ia tahua loulou, unai amo maoro bona kerere edia idau ia dibaia diba. It was about the ransom, and to my surprise, the discussion was not boring at all. Unai ia vara totona, namona be ita manau. (Sep. Unai be mauri davalaia boubouna, bona lau hoa badina unai herevahereva karana be taunimanima ibounai ese idia moalelaia lasi. However, at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, he found new friends, who believe what the Bible teaches. Hakaua herevadia be edena bamona oi gwauraia diba? To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia Kingdom Hall dekenai, tura matamatadia ia davaria, idia ese Baibel ena hadibaia herevadia idia abia dae. Even when we are not assigned a presentation ourselves, we can still learn to be better teachers. Danu, ta ita hagoadaia diba, bema iena kara namodia dainai ia ita hanamoa eiava bema idia "lalometau taudia " ita gado namo henia. Ena be ita sibona ese hereva ta ita gwauraia lasi, to hadibaia taudia namodia ai ita lao diba. Like the testimony card, the phonograph helped many to get started in the preaching work. Bona ia moale bada badina ena sinana be kongrigeisen dekenai ia giroa lou. Haroro kadi hegeregerena, rekodi masini ese momo ia durua haroro gaukara idia hamatamaia totona. " Because you said: " Jehovah is my refuge, '... no calamity will befall you. " - PSALM 91: 9, 10. Badina oiemu kara bona laloa be momo herea, duahia diba lasi. " - Sal. " Badina be Lohiabada ia gwau, " Dika ta ese oi do ia hadikaia diba lasi. ' - SALAMO 91: 9, 10. Listeners were encouraged to read the Bible carefully, taking the time to visualize Scriptural accounts and to associate new points with things already learned. Bona lagani 1995 ai, Diba ese Mauri Dekenai Ita Ia Hakaua Lao bukana idia halasia, bona milioni 85 bamona be gado 154 dekenai idia karaia. Idia hagoadaia Baibel do idia duahia namonamo, nega idia atoa Baibel ena sivarai edia anina idia tahua namonamo, bona idia dibaia vadaeni gaudia idia bamoa totona. The program utilizes the experience and training of full - time ministers in assisting less - experienced publishers. 9: 13) Danu, namona be iseda manoka gaudia idia herevalaia Baibel siridia ita laloa dobu. Unai program ese ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia taudia dekenai diba bona treinini ia henia, unai amo pablisa momo lasi gabudiai idia haroro diba. Corinth To gabeai sibodia edia koikoi ese do ia hadikadia. Korinto " Everything was rationed - meat, gasoline, tires for the car, everything. Sibona ena stadi ia karaia neganai, hanaihanai Baibel ena hakaua herevadia do ia tahua, unai amo namo bona dika edia idau ia lalopararalaia. " Gau ibounai be vamu, petrol, motuka ena petrol, bona gau ibounai idia hadikaia. Jesus assured his followers of the availability of God's spirit by saying: "If you, although being [imperfect and thus comparatively] wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " Hegeregere, idia be Iesu ena mauri davalaia boubouna idia herevalaia, bona unai hebou lau moalelaia. Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hamaoroa: "Umui laloa, umui be dika taudia, gau namodia emui natuna dekenai henia be umui diba, to emui Tamana guba dekenai ia noho ese Lauma Helaga be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henidia lasi, a? " Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia Kingdom Hall ai, ia na turana matamatadia e davaridia, idia na Baibel ena hahediba herevadia e abi daemu taudia. Lau be umui emui Dirava, gau ta ese umui do ia hagaria lasi. In their search for "the historical Jesus, " various scholars argue that the Gospel accounts of the empty tomb and Jesus ' post - resurrection appearances are pure fiction, devised long after his death in order to support claims of his heavenly power. Ita be hereva ta ita henia lasi neganai danu, iseda hadibaia gaukarana ita hanamoa diba. Diba bada taudia haida idia gwau, "Iesu ena sivarai " idia tahua neganai, idia gwau Evanelia Bukadia be gara gabuna bona Iesu ena toreisi lou murinai idia vara gaudia. Second, unlike today's natural disasters, which kill good and bad people alike, destruction from God was selective. Haroro kadi bamona, rekodi masini ese pablisa momo ia durua haroro gaukara idia karaia matamaia totona. Gau iharuana be, hari idia vara disasta bamona lasi, idia ese kara namo bona kara dika taudia idia hamasea, to Dirava amo dika idia abia hidi. IT IS about midnight. " Bema emu naria Tauna, Siahu Ibounai Diravana, be emu gima Tauna... dika ta ese oi dekenai do ia kamokau lasi. " - SALAMO 91: 9, 10. UNAI be hanuaboi ai ia vara. For instance, Megan faced worldly ideas stemming from other youths who came to the Kingdom Hall: Kamonai taudia ia hagoadaia Baibel do idia duahia namonamo, nega do idia atoa Baibel sivarai idia lalohadailaia bona idia dibaia gauna matamatana be guna idia dibaia gauna ida do idia hakapua totona. Hegeregere, Megan ese tanobada ena lalohadai be Kingdom Hall dekenai idia mai matamata taudia ma haida amo ia abia: Think of the immoral man in Corinth who went after "the flesh " and had to be disfellowshipped. Unai program lalonai, lagani momo ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia taudia ese pablisa matamatadia idia durua. Korinto dekenai ia noho matabodaga tauna mani oi laloa, ia be "tauanina ena ura " ia badinaia bona orea amo idia atoa siri. WHO of us welcomes the effects of old age - wrinkled skin, poor eyesight, loss of hearing, and unsteady legs? Korinto ITA be buruka, tauanina ena kahana ta ia dika, matana ia dika, taiana ia dika, taiana ia dika, taiana ia dika, taia kudima, bona aena manokadia ita abia dae, a? No wonder that in Jehovah's eyes, Gideon was more than a cautious farmer - he was a shrewd man. Gavamani ese gau ibounai idia haria - vamu, motuka ena petrol, taea, bona gau ibounai. Unai dainai, Iehova ena matanai Gideona be biru tauna namona sibona lasi - ia be laloa kehoa tauna. What is characteristic of this world's entertainment? Iesu be ia murinai idia raka taudia ia hamaoroa Dirava be lauma helaga do ia henia, badina ia gwau: "Umui laloa, umui [goevadae lasi taudia] be dika taudia, gau namodia emui natuna dekenai henia be umui diba, to emui Tamana guba dekenai ia noho ese Lauma Helaga be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henidia lasi, a? " Inai tanobada ena moale karadia amo dahaka ita dibaia? Instead of supporting male chauvinism, Christian husbands let themselves be guided by Bible principles, which contribute to their mate's happiness. - Ephesians 5: 28, 29. Lau be umui emui Dirava, gau ta ese umui do ia hagaria lasi. Keristani tatau ese tatau idia durua lasi, to namona be Baibel ena hakaua herevadia idia badinaia, unai ese edia adavana ena moale ia habadaia. - Efeso 5: 28, 29. Heartfelt prayer helps us not to succumb to temptations Diba bada taudia haida ese "ia noho momokani tauna Iesu " idia tahua neganai, idia gwau Evanelia Bukadia ese idia gwauraia tauanina ia noho lasi gara gabuna bona Iesu ia toreisi lou murinai ia hedinarai sivaraidia be koikoi, bona Iesu ia mase daudau murinai idia torea, guba amo iena siahu ia abia herevana idia hamomokania toho totona. Mai kudouna ibounai ida guriguri karana ese ita ia durua hedibagani lalonai ita moru lasi totona As loving shepherds, these "gifts in men " help to maintain our unity. (Genese 7: 17 - 22; 18: 20; 19: 24, 25; Numera 16: 31 - 35) To unai Baibel sivaraidia ita tahua namonamo neganai, gau toi ita dibaia: (1) Dirava ese hadibaia hereva ia gwauraia guna. Ita be lalokau mamoe naria taudia dainai, unai "harihari gaudia " ese ita idia durua lalotamona ai ita noho totona. Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J. INAI be malokihi. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. When it comes to entertainment and recreation, that crowd often promote baseless ideas. (1 King Taudia 18: 21) Hegeregere, Megan be Kingdom Hall dekenai idia mai memero kekeni ma haida amo tanobada taudia edia lalohadai ia abia: Moale karadia ita karaia neganai, nega momo unai hutuma ese lalohadai kereredia idia havaraia. " Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him, " says the Bible. Mani Korinto ai ia noho tauna ta ita laloa, ia be "tauanina ena ura gaudia " ia tahua bona matabodaga karadia ia karaia, unai dainai kongrigeisen amo ia idia atoa siri. Baibel ia gwau: "Noa ese Dirava ena hereva ibounai hegeregere ia karaia. " Avoid Being Weighed Down by the Anxieties of Life DAIKA ia ura ia buruka bena ena tauanina ia makuku, matana idia dika, taiana idia kudima, bona aena idia manoka? Mauri Ena Lalo - Hekwarahi Gaudia Dadaraia Jehovah's Witnesses do not enjoy being persecuted. Unai dainai, Iehova matanai Gideona be biru tauna ta sibona lasi, to ia be aonega tauna danu. Iehova ena Witnes taudia be dagedage idia davaria neganai, idia moale lasi. Herod Agrippa was imprisoned here by Tiberius Caesar in 36 / 37 C.E. for expressing his wish that Caligula might soon become emperor. Inai tanobada ena moale karadia ai dahaka idia hahedinaraia? Heroda Agripa Agripa be lagani 36 C.E. ai, Tiberio Kaisara ese dibura ruma ai ia atoa, unai amo ia hahedinaraia ia ura kahirakahira king ai do ia lao. September 22 - 28, 2008 (Genese 1: 27, 28) Keristani tatau idia laloa lasi idia ese hahine idia hereaia, to Baibel ena hakaua herevadia idia badinaia dainai edia adavana idia moale. - Efeso 5: 28, 29. September 22 - 28, 2008 For this reason, efforts at resuscitation can succeed. Eda kudouna ibounai ida ita guriguri karana ese ita ia durua hedibagani lalonai ita moru lasi totona Unai dainai, idia hekwarahi lou neganai, idia kwalimu diba. The apostle Paul tells us that before coming to earth, Jesus was "existing in God's form. " Paulo ia gwau: "Keriso [be] taunimanima ese idia karaia Helaga Gabuna dekenai ia raka vareai lasi. Aposetolo Paulo ese ita ia hamaoroa, tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, Iesu be "Dirava ena kara bamona ia karaia. " How can we be sure that God will not endlessly tolerate wickedness? Unai mamoe naria taudia be mai lalokau ida ita idia durua lalotamona ai ita gaukara hebou totona. Edena bamona ita diba Dirava ese kara dika do ia haorea momokani lasi? 9: 1, 2, 21. Location to be announced 9: 1, 2, 21. Babylonian Sectarianism Dahaka be maoro bona dahaka be kerere be sibona ese idia abia hidi. Babulonia Ena Lohia Siahuna Idia Abia Dae Lasi The Bible book of Lamentations reveals how Jehovah viewed Jerusalem and the land of Judah after the Babylonians burned the city and laid the land desolate. Baibel ia gwau: "Noa ese unai bamona ia karaia, Dirava ena hereva ibounai hegeregere. " Lalohisihisi ena Ane bukana ese ia hahedinaraia, Babulonia taudia ese Ierusalema bona Iuda tanona idia gabua ore murinai, Iehova ese unai tano ia hadikaia ore. Rightly, Jehovah condemned them. Moni O Kohu Lalohekwarahilaia Lasi Iehova ese idia ia gwauraia dika. Jesus ' outstanding example of love sets a high standard for his followers to uphold. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese dagedage idia davaria neganai, idia moale lasi. Iesu be lalokau ia hahedinaraia dainai, ia murinai idia raka taudia ese unai taravatu idia badinaia be namo. • What can we learn from Aaron's giving in to peer pressure? September 22 - 28, 2008 • Arona ena laloani herevadia amo dahaka ita dibaia? Finally he pitched tent near Sodom. " Sodom was prosperous and offered many material benefits. Unai dainai, ia mase bamona tauna ena uduna lalonai hodahoda idia henia karana amo idia hamauria diba. Gabeai, Sodoma kahirakahira ia noho palai rumana ia hadikaia bona kohu momo ia henia. Such reverential fear prevents us from doing what is bad and is spiritually healing and refreshing. Aposetolo Paulo ese ita ia hadibaia, Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, ia be "Dirava bamona ia noho. " Unai bamona gari lasi karana ese ita ia durua kara dika ita karaia lasi bona lauma dalanai goada ita abia lasi totona. Can you think of specific occasions when you resisted temptation or peer pressure? Dahaka dainai ita diba momokani Dirava be kara dika do ia raraia sibona lasi? Hedibagani eiava laloani karadia oi dadaraia negadia ta oi laloa diba, a? From early morning, repairers of the temple work industriously. 9: 1, 2, 21. Daba amo, dubu helaga idia hanamoa taudia be idia gaukara goadagoada. In this article and the next, let us see how Psalms 1 and 2 give us reason to rejoice. Babulonia Ena Tomadiho Oreana Ia Parara Inai stadi bona stadi gabena ai, do ita itaia edena dala ai Salamo 1 bona 2 ese ita idia hamoalea. Do you agree that Jesus always thought, taught, and acted appropriately? Lalohisihisi ena Ane bukana ese Iehova ena lalohadai, Babulonia ese Ierusalema bona Iuda hanua ia hadikaia karana dekenai ia hahedinaraia. Oi abia dae Iesu be hanaihanai ia laloa, hadibaia, bona kara maorona ia karaia, a? What might you do if you would like to have a more fruitful ministry? Maoromaoro Iehova ese idia ia hahemaoro henia. Bema oi ura anina namona oi havaraia, dahaka oi karaia be namo? What do my decisions say about my focus in life? ' Iesu ese ena lalokau bada ia hahedinaraia dainai, ia murinai idia raka taudia be Dirava ena taravatu idia badinaia be namo. Egu mauri lalonai dahaka abia hidi lau karaia? ' Under some circumstances, it would be inappropriate to have fellowship with certain people. (Genese 13: 11, 12) Sodoma be kohu bada hanuana, bona unuseniai tauanina dalanai namo gaudia momo idia moalelaia. Nega haida, taunimanima haida ita bamoa be maoro lasi. How can we show godly wisdom in regard to amassing debt? Unai bamona ia ita gari henia mai hemataurai ida ese ita ia koua kara dika ita karaia lasi totona bona lauma dalanai ita ia hanamoa bona hagoadaia. Edena dala ai abitorehai ita abitorehai neganai, Dirava ena aonega ita hahedinaraia diba? If the prominent and influential people of the world have by and large failed to glorify God, then who are truly doing so? Hahetoho eiava turadia edia laloani herevadia oi dadaraia negana ta oi laloatao diba, a? Bema tanobada ena ladana bada bona siahu bada taudia ese Dirava idia hanamoa lasi, vadaeni daidia be unai idia karaia noho? Others among God's servants worldwide also are thankful for the continuing support and care they receive from those who "shepherd the flock of God. " Daba momokani amo, dubu hanamoa lou taudia idia gaukara goadagoada. Danu, tanobada hegegemadai Dirava ena hesiai taudia ma haida be "Dirava ena mamoe oreana idia naria " dainai idia moale. 4,192 (Salamo 1: 1) Inai hereva bona hereva gabena lalonai, Salamo karoa 1 bona 2 ese ita dekenai moale ena badina idia hahedinaraia dalana mani ita itaia. 4,1 " It took me about a year to feel comfortable in my new surroundings, " says Laura, "but now I can't imagine going back to Canada. " Oi abia dae hanaihanai Iesu ena laloa dalana, hadibaia dalana, bona kara be maoro, a? Laura ia gwau: "Lagani ta lalonai egu noho gabuna matamatana lau moalelaia, to hari lau laloa Canada dekenai do lau giroa lou lasi. " King Jehoash made sure of that! Dahaka oi karaia diba bema oi ura emu haroro gaukara ese anina bada ia havaraia? King Ioasa be unai bamona ia karaia! Christians are told to "become imitators of God. " Egu mauri lalonai Dirava ena ura lau atoa guna, a? ' Baibel ese Keristani taudia ia hamaoroa " Dirava ena kara bamona do idia karaia. ' They do not make false, malicious statements that injure others, and they neither commit fraud nor steal. - wp16.1, p. Taunimanima haida ita bamoa lasi be namo. Hegeregere, orea amo idia atoa siri taudia. Idia ese koikoi herevadia idia gwauraia lasi, ma haida edia ladana hadikaia totona, bona koikoi herevadia idia gwauraia lasi eiava idia henaohenao lasi. - dekena taudia be unai bamona idia karaia lasi. Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you learn the answers to those and other questions so that you and your family can draw close to God. - James 4: 8. Dahaka dainai aonega karana be oi abitorehai lasi? Iehova ena Witnes taudia be mai moale ida oi do idia durua unai henanadai bona henanadai ma haida edia haere oi dibaia totona, unai amo Dirava kahirakahira oi lao diba. - Iamesi 4: 8. As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern - day "generation " of contemporaries that will not pass away" until all these things occur. " Bema mai edia dagi bada tanobada taudia be Dirava ladana idia hanamoa lasi, vadaeni daidia ese idia karaia momokani? Unai horoa taudia be orea ta dainai, hari inai negai "inai nega idia noho taudia " be" do idia ore lasi " ela bona unai gaudia ibounai do idia vara. It is his will that always brings about the greatest good for all creation. Tanobada ibounai lalonai, Dirava ena hesiai taudia huanai ma haida danu be " mamoe orea idia naria ' taudia edia heduru bona henari karadia dainai idia tanikiu henia bada. Iena ura be hanaihanai gau namodia ibounai do ia havaraia. Instead, the Bible states that "the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man " - that is, her husband. 4,192 Baibel ia gwau: "Tatau ibounai edia kwarana be Keriso, hahine edia kwarana be edia tau. " (b) How are parents like shepherds? Laura ia gwau: "Lagani tamona lalonai lau hekwarahi Taiwan taudia edia mauri dalana lau manadalaia totona, to hari lau ura lasi Canada dekenai do lau giroa. " (b) Edena dala ai tama sina be mamoe naria taudia bamona? Does anyone still live by it? King Ioasa ese dala ia karaia! Ta ese ia do mauri noho, a? In fact, they belonged to the same church. Iena badu be hanaihanai do ia noho lasi. " Momokani, idia be unai dubu tamona taudia. For example, Margarita now had to find employment. A family in the congregation offered to help care for her children after school when needed. Keristani taudia momokanidia ese koikoi karadia bona ma haida edia ladana hadikaia karadia idia dadaraia. Hegeregere, hari kongrigeisen ai, tadikaka ta bona ena ruma bese be moni gaukara idia tahua, badina idia ura sikuli murinai edia natudia idia naria. How did they show that they were not participating in this religious ceremony? Iehova ena Witnes taudia be mai moale ida oi idia durua unai bona henanadai ma haida edia haere oi diba totona, unai amo oi bona emu famili be Dirava kahirakahira umui lao diba. - Iamesi 4: 8. Edena dala ai idia hahedinaraia unai aria idia karaia lasi? Beginning My Full - Time Ministry Hari, unai horoa oreana be Iesu ese ia herevalaia "inai nega idia noho taudia " bona do idia mase lasi ela bona" inai gaudia ibounai do idia vara momokani. " Ful - Taim Hesiai Gaukara Lau Matamaia According to one reference work, the latter part of Paul's statement may be rendered idiomatically as "do not treat her like a maid " or" do not make a slave of her. " Iena ura be nega ibounai ia havaraia gaudia ibounai dekenai namo ia mailaia. Buka ta ia gwau, reana Paulo ena hereva dokona ena anina be "unai hahine do oi kara henia lasi " eiava" hesiai tauna ena kara bamona do oi karaia lasi. " Besides being clean, our barracks was also known as a place where no stealing, cursing, or fighting took place. Baibel ia gwau: "Tatau ibounai edia kwarana be Keriso, hahine edia kwarana be edia tau. " Emai dibura be ia goeva sibona lasi, to idia gwauraia henaohenao lasi, hereva dika henia lasi, eiava heatu gabuna. If you prepare well, each return visit on the person will become like a stepping - stone toward his friendship with Jehovah. (b) Edena dala ai tama sina be mamoe naria taudia bamona? Bema oi hegaegae namonamo, oi giroa lou henia neganai, oi be nadi ta bamona emu hetura karana Iehova ida oi gimaia diba. Keep On Rejoicing in the Harvest Haida ese unai idia badinaia noho, a? Anina Haboua Gaukarana Moalelaia Noho For example, do we keep in mind the scores of brothers, sisters, and at times even children who are in prison in Eritrea, including the three brothers - Paulos Eyassu, Isaac Mogos, and Negede Teklemariam - who have been imprisoned there for over 20 years? Momokani, idia be dubu tamona taudia. Hegeregere, ita ese tadikaka taihu, taihu, bona nega haida edia natudia haida, Paulo ena tadina toi, Isaac Moon, bona lagani 20 dibura ruma ai idia noho taudia, edia sivarai ita laloatao, a? In what ways can Christians "keep on thriving during gray - headedness "? Hegeregere, Margarita ese moni gaukara ia tahua neganai, kongrigeisen ai ruma bese ta be Margarita idia hamaoroa ena natudia be sikuli murinai idia giroa mai neganai do idia naria. Edena dala ai Keristani taudia ese " huahua idia atoa noho ' diba? See the section "Introductions for Use in the Field Ministry, " on pages 9 - 15. - Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Edena dala ai idia hahedinaraia unai tomadiho ariana lalonai idia vareai lasi? Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia bukana ena rau 9 - 15 itaia. Ah, this expression, "offspring, " would have rich meaning for Abraham! Ful - Taim Hesiai Gaukara Lau Hamatamaia Unai hereva, "garana, " be Aberahamo dekenai mai anina bada! Matthew chapters 4, 10, 14, 16 - 17, 26; Acts chapters 1 - 5, 8 - 12 Buka ta ese unai siri ena kahana dokona be inai bamona ia gwauraia, "hesiai hahine bamona oi kara henia lasi. " Mataio karoa 4, 10, 14, 16 - 17, 26; Kara karoa 1 - 5, 8 - 12 Did you act in some way that resulted in harm to others? Danu, momo idia itaia ai goeva sibona lasi to ai henaohenao lasi, hereva dikadia ai gwauraia lasi, bona ai heai lasi. Ma haida dekenai unai oi karaia dainai, dika oi davaria, a? I would listen to their conversations and even accompany Mother to some congregation meetings. Bema oi hegaegae namonamo, unai tauna oi lou henia negadia ta ta ai ia do oi durua Iehova ia tura henia totona. Edia herevahereva lau kamonai bona Sinagu danu kongrigeisen heboudia haida dekenai lau lao. The food may also have been offered to idols, as was the custom among Babylonian worshippers before eating a communion meal. Anina Haboua Gaukarana Lalonai Oi Moale Noho Danu, reana unai aniani be kaivakuku dekenai idia henia, hegeregere Babulonia taudia ese maino karaia boubouna idia do ania lasi neganai idia karaia bamona. Parents work hard - many of them without a mate - to raise their children. Idia be lagani 20 dibura ruma ai idia noho. Tama sina idia gaukara goada - idia momo be adavana lasi - ese edia natudia idia naria. (b) What will this article address? Edena dala ai Keristani burukadia be " huahua idia atoa noho ' diba? (b) Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Speak! Speak! Kahana ladana "Hamatamaia Herevadia Haroro Gaukara Totona, " rau 9 - 17 dekenai itaia. - Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. Oi Hereva! Paul's opposers tried in various ways to turn the common people and the authorities against the apostle. Inai hereva "tubuna " be mai anina bada Aberahamo dekenai. Paulo ena inai taudia ese dala idauidau ai taunimanima bona siahu taudia idia koua, aposetolo Paulo idia dadaraia totona. It is as Proverbs 15: 13 says: "A joyful heart has a good effect on the countenance. " Mataio karoa 4, 10, 14, 16 - 17, 26; Kara karoa 1 - 5, 8 - 12 Aonega Herevadia 15: 13 ia gwau: "Iena kudouna ia moale tauna ese, iena vairana ia hanamoa noho. " Be Watchful - Satan Wants to Devour You! 5 / 15 Oi karaia gaudia ese ma haida idia hahisia, a? " Do Umui Gima Noho, " 5 / 15 Psalm 40: 8 expresses his feelings: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight. " Nega haida edia herevahereva do lau kamonai bona kongrigeisen heboudia dekenai egu Sinana lau bamoa. Salamo 40: 8 ese ena hemami be inai bamona ia gwauraia: "Lauegu Dirava e, lau ura dikadika oiemu ura do lau karaia. " Jehovah's spirit will help us to recall helpful Scriptural principles that we have read in the Bible itself or in Bible - based publications. - Read Psalm 25: 4, 5. (Deuteronomi 12: 23 - 25) Bona Babulonia taudia edia kastom hegeregerena, unai aniani be reana kaivakuku dekenai idia henia guna, gabeai tomadiho aniani bamona idia ania. Iehova ena lauma helaga ese ita do ia durua Baibel eiava Baibel bukadia amo ita duahia hakaua herevadia ita laloatao totona. - Salamo 25: 4, 5 duahia. Soundness of mind and prayer are what helped Carol. Tama sina - idia momo be adavana lasi taudia - idia gaukara goadagoada edia natudia idia naria namonamo totona. Carol be lalona bona guriguri karana ese ia durua. 2: 9; Rev. (b) Hari dahaka do ita herevalaia? 2: 9; Apok. In October, Jodi became an unbaptized publisher, and she was baptized in February. Herevalaia noho. October October ai, Margaret be bapatiso lasi pablisa ai ia lao, bona February ai bapatiso ia abia. God created Adam and Eve as intelligent creatures and free moral agents. Paulo idia inai henia taudia be dala idauidau ai taunimanima bona gavamani edia lalona idia veria toho. Dirava ese Adamu bona Heva ia havaraia neganai, idia be mai edia ura kwalimu bona ura kwalimu. They need to learn about Jehovah and to grow in love for him and his righteous principles. Aonega Herevadia 15: 13 ena hereva hegeregerena do ia vara, ia gwau: "Tau ena kudouna ia moale neganai ia kiri noho. " Namona be Iehova idia dibaia bona ia bona ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia idia ura henia bada. Did he cower at the thought of being subjected to such persecution? Salamo 40: 8 ese ena hemami ia hahedinaraia, ia gwau: "Lauegu Dirava e, lau ura dikadika oiemu ura do lau karaia. " Unai bamona dagedage karana ia laloa maragi, a? Yes, our Creator has made provision to rescue us by means of his Son, Jesus Christ. Iehova be ena lauma helaga amo ita do ia durua Baibel o Baibel idia herevalaia bukadia lalonai ita duahia vadaeni hakaua herevadia ita laloa lou totona. - Salamo 25: 4, 5 duahia. Oibe, iseda Havaraia Tauna ese dala ia karaia iena Natuna, Iesu Keriso, amo ita ia hamauria totona. [ Picture on page 24] Carol be ia laloa maoromaoro bona ia guriguri dainai, unai ese ia durua. [ Picture on page 24] 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. 2: 9; Apok. 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. " What I really appreciate, " relates Margarita, "is when brothers and sisters offer to accompany me and my children in the field ministry. " October lalonai Jodi be bapatiso lasi pablisa ai ia lao, bena February lalonai ia bapatiso. Ia gwau: "Haroro gaukara ai tadikaka taihu ese lau bona egu natudia idia bamoa neganai, lau moale bada. " (Read Psalm 73: 23, 24.) Dirava ese Adamu bona Heva ia karaia neganai, idia dekenai aonega bona ura kwalimu ia henia. (Salamo 73: 23, 24 duahia.) Little wonder, then, that Jesus often sought to be alone in order to pray! Ia ese Iehova ia lalokau henia bona ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ia ura henia be namo. Unai dainai, Iesu be nega momo sibona ia noho ia guriguri totona! For example, he may desire additional privileges of service, but he waits on God, and any Christian privileges that he receives are credited to Jehovah. Ia be hisihisi idauidau do ia davaria dainai ia gari, a? Hegeregere, reana ia ura hesiai gaukara ma haida ia karaia, to Dirava ia naria noho, bona Keristani tauna ese Iehova ia hanamoa. Christian activities are always refreshing and usually not excessively tiring. Oibe, iseda Havaraia Tauna be dala ia karaia ena Natuna, Iesu Keriso amo ita ia hamauria totona. Keristani gaukara idauidau ese nega momo laga - ani idia henia bona nega momo idia hesiku lasi. Parents do well to listen to the counsel the apostle Paul gave to Christians living in Rome. [ Picture on page 24] Namona be tama sina ese Roma dekenai idia noho Keristani taudia dekenai aposetolo Paulo ena sisiba idia badinaia. Samuel had failed to see Eliab as Jehovah saw him. 7: 1, 2; 32: 1 - 4. Samuela be Iehova ese ia itaia neganai, ia moale lasi. Although we now live far away from our children, we are glad that we are able to have frequent conversations with them. " Margarita ia gwau: "Lau moalelaia bada gauna be, haroro negadiai tadikaka bona taihu ese lau bona egu natudia idia bamoa ai gaukara hebou totona. " Ena be hari emai natudia be gabu daudau ai noho, to ai moale badina idia ida ai herevahereva diba. " • the connection between our eyes, mind, and heart? (Salamo 73: 23, 24 duahia.) • Iseda matana, lalona, bona kudouna idia gaukara hebou, a? ELIJAH walked along the Jordan Valley. Iesu be nega momo ia ura sibona ia noho unai amo ia guriguri. Ioridane Kourana badinai ia raka loaloa. How strong should love be in a marriage? Hegeregere, sedira ia ura ma hesiai gaukara ena dagi ia abia, to Dirava ia naria, bona ia laloa ia abia Keristani hahenamodia be Iehova ena amo ia abia. Headava lalonai lalokau ena bada be edena bamona? Do you recall the joy you experienced when you dedicated yourself to God and were baptized? Keristani gaukara idauidau ese ita idia hagoadaia bona nega momo idia dainai ita hesiku bada lasi. Dirava dekenai emu mauri oi gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso oi abia neganai, oi abia moalena oi laloatao, a? We therefore take seriously the Bible's inspired counsel to wear well - arranged and modest clothing. Tama sina ese aposetolo Paulo ena sisiba Roma Keristani taudia dekenai idia badinaia be namo. Unai dainai, Baibel ena sisiba ita laloa bada be namo, unai amo dabua namodia ita hahedokilaia diba. Church organizations too profit from pilgrims who travel to shrines in hope of a cure. (1 Samuela 16: 6, 7) Samuela ese Eliaba ia itaia dalana be Iehova ese ia itaia hegeregerena lasi. Dubu oreadia danu be edia dubu dekenai idia lao, hanamoa muramura idia abia totona. (b) What is the lesson for us? Ena be emai natudia amo ai daudau, to ai moale badina nega ibounai idia ida ai herevahereva. " (b) Unai sivarai amo dahaka ita dibaia? Jehovah's Witnesses spent a total of 1,171,270,425 hours seeking out individuals to tell them about that good news. • iseda matana, lalona bona kudouna be edena dala ai idia gaukara hebou? Iehova ena Witnes taudia be hora haida idia gaukaralaia unai sivarai namona idia harorolaia totona. Along with proper action, integrity requires right heart motivation. ELIA be Ioridane Kourana dekenai ia raka hanai. Kara maoromaoro ita badinaia totona, kara maoromaoro ita karaia noho be gau badana. .. promotes fine Christian qualities, Headava lalonai edia lalokau ena goada be edena bamona? . ia ese Keristani kara namodia ia hahedinaraia. Please note some of the suggestions and scriptures listed in the box "What Will Help You to Keep Following the Christ? " Dirava dekenai emu mauri oi gwauhamatalaia bona oi bapatiso neganai, oi abia moalena oi laloatao, a? Maua ladana "Dahaka ese Oi Do Ia Durua Keriso Murinai Oi Raka Noho Totona? " • through fellow believers? Unai dainai, Baibel ena sisiba ita badinaia bona hemataurai dalanai iseda dabua ita hahedokilaia be namo. • iseda tadikaka amo? The early Christians were encouraged to show consideration for the consciences of others so as not to stumble them. Dubu oreadia haida danu taunimanima amo moni bada e abimu, badina unu e laomu gorere taudia na e laloamu unuseniai edia gorere bae namo diba. Keristani taudia ginigunadia idia hagoadaia ma haida edia lalomamina do idia laloa bada, unai amo do idia hahekwakwanaia lasi. Through their abstention from much of the community life - the pagan festivals, the public amusements which to Christians were shot through and through with pagan beliefs, practices, and immoralities - they were derided as haters of the human race. " (b) Unai amo dahaka ita dibaia? Keristani taudia be Dirava diba lasi taudia edia mauri lalonai idia karaia aria idauidau amo idia raka - lasi - unai aria be dirava koikoi tomadiho henia taudia ese idia pidia bona dirava koikoi tomadiho henia karadia, tomadiho koikoi karadia, bona matabodaga karadia amo idia abia - idia gwau idia be taunimanima idia inai henia taudia. " [ Box / Picture on page 8, 9] Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese hora 1,171,270,425 idia gaukaralaia, taunimanima dekenai unai sivarai namona idia harorolaia totona. [ Box / Picture on page 8, 9] In addition to these two new members, the Governing Body consists of C. Bema inai bamona oi karaia neganai, Iobu ese oiemu ladana do ia hadikaia momokani! " Unai memba matamatadia rua sibona lasi, to Hakaua Oreana be C. The master took the talent away from him and gave it to the one who had ten. .. Keristani kara namodia ia habadaia, Biaguna ese unai moni be ia amo ia kokia bona biaguna dekenai ia henia. Thus Jehovah forgave their sins, anointed them with holy spirit, and called them to be his spiritual sons. Mani "Keriso Murinai Oi Raka Noho Dalana " ena maua ai idia noho hereva bona siri haida oi itaia. Unai dainai Iehova ese edia kara dika ia gwauatao, lauma helaga amo ia horodia, bona idia ia boiria iena lauma natudia ai idia lao totona. Malachi chapter 3 mentions a similar inspection of the spiritual temple, followed by a time of cleansing. • tadikaka amo? Malaki karoa 3 ese lauma dubuna sekea karana ia herevalaia danu, unai murinai hagoevaia negana ta ia vara. For example, Amy struggled when she was assigned to help build a Kingdom Hall and missionary home on a small Pacific island. Paulo ese Keristani ginigunadia ia hagoadaia haida edia lalomamina idia laloa totona, unai amo do idia hahekwakwanaidia lasi. Hegeregere, Amy be Pacific motumotu maragina ta dekenai Kingdom Hall bona misinari rumana haginia totona ia idia siaia neganai, ia hekwarahi bada. " Look both ways before you cross the street. " Edia noho gabuna ai idia karaia karadia - Dirava koikoidia tomadiho henia taudia edia aria bona moale karadia idauidau - lalonai idia vareai lasi dainai, momo idia gwau Keristani taudia be taunimanima idia inai henia. " Ia gwau: "Dala oi do hanaia lasi neganai, dala rua do oi itaia guna. " Let us analyze what happened on that occasion. [ Box / Picture on page 8, 9] Mani unai nega ai ia vara gauna ita laloa. 10 / 1 Unai memba matamatadia rua amo, Hakaua Oreana ena memba haida be: C. 10 / 15 The Bible requires that husbands exercise headship in a loving way. Bena biaguna ese ena talent ia abia bona talent 10 ia haboua tauna dekenai ia henia. Baibel ia gwau tatau ese lalokau dalanai kwara dagina idia gaukaralaia be namo. Would you like to examine that topic the next time I'm here? Limassol Oi ura gabeai do lau gwauraia herevana oi tahua, a? In addition to a regular program of personal Bible reading, it is important for us to set aside time for Family Worship and in - depth study of Bible subjects. Oibe, Dirava ese edia kara dika ia gwauatao, lauma helaga amo idia ia horoa, bona iena natudia ai ia halaodia. Hanaihanai sibona eda Baibel duahiduahi ita karaia sibona lasi, to gau badana be nega ita atoa Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho bona Baibel ena hereva dobudia ita stadilaia namonamo totona. 18: 13. Malaki karoa 3 ese lauma dubu helagana idia sekea bona hagoevaia negana ta ia herevalaia danu. (Mal. 18: 13. She advised him against it because the end of the system of things seemed imminent. Hegeregere, Amy dekenai unai ia vara, ia be Kingdom Hall bona Misinari ruma haginia totona Pacific motumotu ta dekenai idia siaia. Ia sisiba henia unai kara dekenai do ia naria lasi, badina toana be kahirakahira inai tanobada dikana do ia ore. (Compare Psalm 26: 12.) " Dala oi hanaia gwauraia neganai, kahana kahana oi itaia guna. " (Salamo 26: 12 hahegeregerea.) For this reason, it also urges us: "[Let] those who rejoice [be] as those who do not rejoice, and those who buy as those not possessing, and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 29 - 31. Namona be unai nega ai ia vara gauna ita laloa. Unai dainai, ita ia hagoadaia danu, ia gwau: "Idia moale lasi taudia bamona do umui moale, bona idia hoia lasi taudia bamona do umui noho, bona tanobada ena gau namodia do umui gaukaralaia lasi taudia bamona do umui noho. " - 1 Korinto 7: 29 - 31. We would still love him and care for him - especially if he was injured trying to serve our interests. Bona hari headava haida dekenai ita itaia, tatau ese edia adavana idia biagudia auka. Ia do ai lalokau henia noho bona ia do ai naria - bema bero ia abia bona emai ura gaudia ia hagugurua toho. In this regard, the disciple James wrote: "Let [such a person] call the older men of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, greasing him with oil in the name of Jehovah. Oi ura lau giroa mai bona unai ita herevalaia, a? Unai dainai, hahediba tauna Iamesi ia gwau: "Unai bamona tauna ese ekalesia gunalaia taudia do ia boiria be namo. Idia ese ia dainai do idia guriguri, bona Lohiabada ena ladana dekenai dehoro do idia atoa. Remember, too, that Job did not know why these terrible things were happening to him; nor did he know that his own life was to be spared. Danu hanaihanai Baibel ita duahia, bona nega ita atoa Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho ita karaia bona Baibel ena hereva dobudia ita stadilaia be gau badana. Danu, namona be oi laloatao, Iobu ia diba lasi dahaka dainai unai dika be ia dekenai idia vara; bona ia diba lasi ena mauri do ia haboioa. (See the box "Lessons or Antitypes? ") 18: 13. (Maua ladana "Laloa Momo Karana Eiava Lalohisihisi? " itaia.) Did you attend one of these conventions? Ia hamaoroa do ia headava lasi be namo, badina inai nega ena dokona be kahirakahira. Unai hebouhebou ta dekenai oi lao, a? Here people's health was a favorite topic of conversation. (Salamo 26: 12 hahegeregerea.) Unuseniai taunimanima edia helt ia namo dainai, idia herevahereva momo. In the meantime, Amy married Eric, and together they serve as special pioneers. Bona hoihoi taudia be kohu lasi taudia bamona do idia noho. Bona tanobada ena gau namodia idia abia noho taudia be do idia noho, inai gaudia be anina lasi bamona. " - 1 Korinto 7: 29 - 31. Unai dainai hari be nega namona sibona emu mauri oi tahua namonamo totona. Unai nega lalonai, Amy be Eric ia adavaia, bona idia ruaosi be spesel painia gaukara idia karaia hebou. Do you? Ia do ita lalokau henia bona laloa bada - badina reana ia be ita hamaoroa karana ta ia karaia lalonai bero ia davaria. Oi danu, a? He would try to remember Kingdom songs and sing them so as to hear and meditate on the words. Iamesi ia gwau: "[Unai bamona tauna] ese ekalesia gunalaia taudia do ia boiria be namo. Basileia anedia do ia laloatao bona ane do ia abia, unai amo ena hereva do ia kamonai bona laloa dobu. In addition to fearing Jehovah, Christians must love him with their whole heart. Danu, namona be oi laloatao Iobu ia diba lasi dahaka dainai unai dika be ia dekenai idia vara; bona ia diba lasi do ia mauri. Keristani taudia ese Iehova idia gari henia sibona lasi, to mai edia kudouna ibounai ida ia idia lalokau henia danu be namo. It not only offers a wonderful, sure hope for the future but also brings improvements to "the life now. " (Maua ladana "Ita Dibaia Gauna o Laulau Herevana? " Unai ese vaira negana totona helaro namona ia henia sibona lasi, to hari "mauri " ia hanamoa danu. How View Yourself? 1 / 15 Joyful Weddings That Honor Jehovah, 5 / 1 Oi be unai hebouhebou ta oi lao henia, a? Matamata Taudia E, Umui Goada Umui Lao, 5 / 15 Sienieński granted the citizens of Raków a number of rights, including the right to worship freely. Unai motumotu dekenai taunimanima edia gorere be kiki herevana namona. Kerisendom ena sitisen taudia edia maoro be idauidau, bona idia danu be mai edia maoro mai edia tomadiho idia abia dae totona. Before coming to earth, Jesus already had a deep interest in and a special fondness for mankind. Gabeai, Amy ese Eric ia adavaia, bona idia rua be hari spesel painia gaukara idia karaia. Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, taunimanima ia laloa bada bona ia ura henidia bada. 9: 1, 6, 7. Oi hahedinaraia danu, a? 9: 1, 6, 7. They modestly leave the avenging of wrong in God's hands. - Jeremiah 30: 23, 24; Romans 1: 18. Basileia anedia ia laloatao bona ia anelaia, unai amo ane edia hereva ia laloa dobu. Mai manau ida Dirava ena imana dekenai kerere idia rakatania. - Ieremia 30: 23, 24; Roma 1: 18. Why did mankind's hope remain obscure for most people in the days of Milton and Newton? Keristani taudia ese Iehova idia gari henia lalonai, namona be mai edia kudouna ibounai ida ia idia lalokau henia. Dahaka dainai Milton bona Newton edia negai, taunimanima momo be edia helaro idia laloa bada lasi? The people that are dwelling in the land will be those pardoned for their error. " - Isaiah 33: 24. Ia ese vaira negana totona helaro namona ia henia sibona lasi, to " inai mauri ' ia hanamoa danu. Unai tano dekenai idia noho taudia ese edia kara dika do idia gwauatao. " - Isaia 33: 24. However, for Kesia, now aged 26, the idea of moving away from family was an obstacle. Inai Nega ai Oi Bamoa Taudia Dekenai Naria Namonamo, 8 / 15 To, hari ena mauri lagani be 26, ia laloa ruma bese amo do ia raka siri be mai ena hekwarahi. Once bitterness overpowers a person's heart, it can even impact the spirit of the congregation. Dagedage Tauna ese Diari Ia Itaia (Paulo), 1 / 15 Bema ta ese ma ta ena lalona ia hahisia, unai ese kongrigeisen ena lauma do ia hadikaia diba. Subsequently, about 5,000 brothers were integrated into the organization. Sienieński ese Raków ai idia noho taudia dekenai gwaumaoro idauidau ia henia, sibona edia tomadiho idia badinaia diba maorona danu. Gabeai, tadikaka 5,000 bamona be orea lalonai idia vareai. How, though, can we imitate him in our teaching? Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, ia be taunimanima ia ura henidia bada. To, iseda hadibaia gaukarana lalonai, edena dala ai ia ita tohotohoa diba? The two denarii left with the innkeeper for the man's care amounted to about two days ' wages. 9: 1, 6, 7. Unai parabole rua be unai tau dekenai idia rakatania bona dina rua lalonai davana do ia abia. 1, 2. (a) How is the world becoming more divided? Keristani taudia korikoridia be mai manau ida ta ena kara dika davana idia henia lasi, to gau ibounai be Iehova ena imana dekenai idia atoa. - Ieremia 30: 23, 24; Roma 1: 18. 1, 2. (a) Edena dala ai tanobada be ia parara? Could you give such ones a helping hand? Dahaka dainai Milton bona Newton edia negai, momo dekenai taunimanima edia helaro ia hedinarai lasi? Oi ese unai bamona taudia oi durua diba, a? Do we shun the bad feelings that fuel destructive speech? ▪ "Siona dekenai idia noho taudia ta ese do ia gwau lasi, " Lau be gorere, ' bona Lohiabada ese edia kara dika ibounai do ia gwauatao. " - Isaia 33: 24. Hereva dikadia ese herevahereva karana ia hadikaia diba lalohadaina ita dadaraia, a? Jesus Saves - How? To Kesia, hari ena mauri lagani be 26, ia mamia ena famili taudia do ia rakatania be auka. Edena Dala ai Iesu ese Ita Ia Hamauria? To avoid this, an adjustment in thinking is required. Flaoaflaoa huanai idia tubu ava dikadia bamona, bema nega daudau lalonai ma ta ita lalodika henia bona unai hemami be ia goada, unai ese kongrigeisen ena noho namo ia hadikaia diba, unai dainai ita hekwarahi be namo unai bamona hemami ita kokia haraga totona. Unai ita dadaraia totona, lalohadai matamata ita abia be namo. On what future day will trust in Jehovah be essential in a special way? Unai murinai, tadikaka 5,000 be orea dekenai idia giroa mai. Edena nega ai Iehova abidadama henia karana be mai anina bada? According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, the word "appreciate " means to" be sensible or sensitive to; esteem adequately; recognize as valuable or excellent; be grateful for. " To, edena bamona ita ese iseda hadibaia gaukara lalonai ia ita tohotohoa diba? Buka ta (The New Testament Dictionary) ia gwau, inai hereva "laloa namonamo " ena anina be" ta ena hemami laloa bada; ia lalo - pararalaia; ia lalo - parara ia be mai anina bada; ia abia dae ia be dava bada gauna; bona ia ita tanikiu henia bada. " Look! Bena ia ese unai Iuda tauna be laolao taudia edia noho rumana ta dekenai ia abia lao, bona ruma naria tauna dekenai denario rua ia henia. Kamonai! Regarding persecution, Peter said: "In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " 1, 2. (a) Edena dala ai tanobada ai bese hapararaia karana ia bada noho? Petero be dagedage ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Dirava ese umui ia boiria, unai bamona do umui hisihisi totona. Badina be Keriso ese umui dainai hisihisi ia abia. Vadaeni iena kara toana umui dekenai ia hedinaraia, iena murinai do umui raka totona. " 20: 11. Unai bamona taudia oi durua diba, a? 20: 11. If he sees that developing, he can judiciously speak up and provide for variety, perhaps by drawing out the young ones or introducing a subject that invites varied comments. Hegeregere, bema ita kamonai tadikaka ta be kongrigeisen lalonai gaukara momo ia karaia, ita laloa ia be Iehova hamoalea totona unai ia karaia, a? Bema unai ia itaia, mai aonega ida ia hereva bona gau idauidau ia henia diba, reana matamata taudia edia lalona ia veria eiava haere idauidau ia henia diba. Who can criticize parents for teaching their children what they consider to be right and morally beneficial? Iesu be Ita Ia Hamauria Edena Dala Ai? Daika ese tama sina ia gwauraia dika diba edia natudia dekenai dahaka be maoro bona dahaka be namo idia hadibaia totona? Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as an outright gift or by means of a Transfer on Death agreement. Unai dika koua totona, oiemu laloa dalana oi haidaua be namo. Share Monina: Ta ese ena share monina be IBSA dekenai harihari gauna bamona ia henia diba. Like Hezekiah, they show that a person's past does not have to determine his future. Edena nega ai, Iehova do ita abidadama henia goada be mai anina bada? Hesekaia bamona, idia hahedinaraia guna ta be ena vaira negana ia diba lasi. At times, however, imperfections may pose a challenge to cultivating friendship and affection. Petero ese dagedage karana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Dirava ese umui ia boiria, unai bamona do umui hisihisi totona. Badina be Keriso ese umui dainai hisihisi ia abia. To nega haida, goevadae lasi taudia be idia hekwarahi edia hetura karana bona lalokau idia habadaia totona. On one occasion, Jesus used a recent event to reject the false notion that tragedy befalls those who deserve it. 20: 11. Nega ta, Iesu ese ia vara gauna ta ia gaukaralaia, unai dika badana idia davaria taudia edia lalohadai koikoidia ia dadaraia totona. Really, by following Bible principles, we can successfully face any challenge in life. Hegeregere, matamata taudia dekenai henanadai haida ia henia edia lalohadai idia gwauraia totona, eiava sivarai ta ia kikilaia dainai ma haida edia lalohadai idia gwauraia. Momokani, Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ita badinaia neganai, iseda mauri lalonai hekwakwanai idauidau ita haheaukalaia diba. In the " Acts of Paul and Thecla, '... written about A. Tama sina be edia natudia dekenai kara maoromaoro taravatudia idia hadibaia dainai, ta ese idia ia maumauraia be maoro, a? " Paulo Bona The Golden Age, " A. Are you and your loved ones giving family worship, meeting attendance, and the field ministry first place in your lives? Share Monina: Ta ese ena share monina be IBSA dekenai harihari gauna bamona ia henia diba. Oi bona emu lalokau taudia be ruma bese ena tomadiho, hebou lao henia karana, bona haroro gaukara umui atoa guna, a? The dragnet, which represents the Kingdom - preaching work, gathers fish of every kind. Hesekaia hegeregerena, idia ese edia ruma bese edia kara idia tohotohoa lasi. Reke ese Basileia harorolaia gaukarana ia laulaulaia, bona gwarume idauidau ia haboua. Why did Josiah's actions not forestall Jehovah's day of judgment? To, nega haida ita goevadae lasi dainai, ma haida ita tura henidia bona lalokau henidia be auka. Dahaka dainai Iosaia ena kara ese Iehova ena hahemaoro dinana ia koua lasi? In Jehovah's strength, he became a most powerful ruler. Nega ta, Iesu ese vanegai sibona ia vara gauna ta ia gaukaralaia, kara dika taudia be dika badadia lalonai idia mase be maoro ena lalohadai ia dadaraia totona. Iehova ena goada amo, ia be lohia tauna goadana ai ia lao. Under the care of her older sister, Eleni partially recovered, and we got married in December 1954. Oibe, bema Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ita badinaia, iseda mauri lalonai ita davaria hekwakwanai idauidau ita hanaia diba. December 1954 ai, iena kakana badana, Hagai, ese ai ia naria, bona December 1954 ai ai ai headava. ENGLISH July 4 - 6 " Acts of Paul and Thecla, '... lagani 150 A. ENGLISH August 27 - 29 So when I received my personal copy of the new book, Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! Oi bona emu lalokau taudia ese emui mauri lalonai ruma bese ena tomadiho, kongrigeisen heboudia, bona haroro gaukara umui atoa guna, a? Unai dainai buka matamata ena kopi lau abia neganai, Daniel's Prophecy! Humility Helps Us Gwarume idauidau ia veria reke ese Basileia harorolaia gaukarana ia laulaulaia. Manau Karana ese Ita Ia Durua Also, Jehovah said that the blessing would come "through Isaac. " To, king ese unai tano amo tomadiho koikoi ia kokia neganai, unai ese ena taunimanima edia kara dika ibounai ia koua lasi bona iena tubuna tau, King Manase, ena kara dika ibounai ena davana ia karaia diba lasi. Danu, Iehova ia gwau unai hahenamo be " Isako amo do ia mai. ' The Father of Those Having Faith REGULA PAINIA ta ese inai buka, Baibel be Dahaka Ia Hadibaia? Abidadama Taudia Edia Tamana 17, 18. (a) What did Jesus say about judging our brother? 8: 1 - 14) Iehova ese Davida dekenai goada ia henia dainai, ia be lohia tauna goadana ai ia lao. 17, 18. (a) Iesu ese iseda tadikaka hahemaoro henia karana be edena bamona ia herevalaia? Many publishers were reading for the first time about the activity of our brothers in Ukraine. Eleni ena kakana ese ia naria bona ia namo sisina, bona December 1954 lalonai ai headava. Pablisa momo be nega ginigunana Ukraine ai iseda tadikaka edia gaukara ena sivarai idia duahia. Because they are so extensive and so powerful that they could influence how Christians today view marriage and parenthood. ENGLISH August 22 - 24 Badina idia be mai edia hairai bona mai edia siahu bada dainai, hari inai negai Keristani taudia edia lalohadai headava bona natudia naria karana dekenai idia haidaua diba. And thorns and thistles it will grow for you. " Unai dainai, lau sibona egu buka matamata, Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! Bona ava ginigini bona ava ginigini be oi dekenai do idia tubu. " He encouraged fellow Christians to take all their anxieties to God in prayer and testified: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Manau Karana ese Ita Ia Durua Keristani taudia ia hagoadaia Dirava idia guriguri henia bona ia gwau: "Lau dekenai siahu ia henia tauna amo goada lau abia gau ibounai lau karaia totona. " Together in the ministry on a cold winter day The freezing temperatures and snowy conditions taught us to dress warmly. 13: 14 - 16; 18: 18; Roma 4: 17, 18) Danu, Iehova ia gwau unai hahenamo be "Isako dekena amo " do ia vara. Siahu negana ena keru negana ai haroro gaukara ai karaia hebou neganai, ai idia hadibaia dabua namodia ai hahedokilaia be namo. What did the dream image's head of gold, breasts and arms of silver, and belly and thighs of copper represent? Abidadama Taudia Edia Tamana Unai nihi kaivakuku ena kwarana, golo, siliva, bona bogana lalonai idia noho auri gaudia ese dahaka idia laulaulaia? In what ways can we reflect Christ's mental attitude toward the sick? 17, 18. (a) Iseda tadikaka hahemaoro henia karana dekenai Iesu be dahaka ia gwau? Edena dala ai gorere taudia dekenai Keriso ena laloa dalana ita hahedinaraia diba? (a) Under what circumstances did Daniel show a fearless attitude? Pablisa momo edia nega ginigunana iseda tadikaka edia gaukara Ukraine dekenai idia duahia. (a) Daniela be edena nega ai gari lasi karana ia hahedinaraia? Many in attendance shed tears of joy. Badina unai hekwakwanai be gabu ibounai dekenai idia vara bona unai ese Keristani taudia edia lalohadai headava bona natuna naria maduna dekenai ia haidaua diba. Idia mai taudia momo be idia moale dainai idia tai. Wrote the psalmist: "There [amid a people united in love] Jehovah commanded the blessing to be, even life to time indefinite. " - Psalm 133: 1 - 3. Au ginigini bona ava ginigini danu, be tano dekenai do idia vara oi dekenai. " Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "[Iehova] idia lalokau henia taudia ibounai, be mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. " - Salamo 133: 1 - 3. Though reserved by nature, the people are generally warm and friendly. Namo lasi eda ura o lalohekwarahi gaudia haida dainai Iehova ita rakatania. Ena be taunimanima edia kara be idauidau, to idia be tura namodia. We Shall Walk in Our Integrity! Ena Keristani tadikaka ia hagoadaia edia lalo - hekwarahi gaudia ibounai be guriguri amo Dirava dekenai do idia atoa bona ia gwau: "Keriso ese lau ia hasiahua, vadaeni gau ibounai lau goadalaia diba. " Kara Maoromaoro Ita Badinaia! David follows Jehovah's command, and the scourge is halted. Siahu negana ia giroa lou neganai, sinou ia veve bona tano ia paripari dainai, ai raka be mai ena hekwarahi. Davida ese Iehova ena hahegani ia badinaia, bona daihanai gorere ia koua. The apostle Paul told Christians in Rome that God's "invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they [disbelievers] are inexcusable. " Unai nihi kaivakukuna ena golo kwarana, ena siliva kemena bona imana, bona ena auri laboralabora bogana bona mamuna ese dahaka idia laulaulaia? Aposetolo Paulo be Roma Keristani taudia dekenai ia gwau: "Dirava ese tanobada ia karaia negana amo ema bona hari, taunimanima idia diba iena siahu be ia doko diba lasi, unai dainai iena siahu be ia doko diba lasi. " That is how Jehovah sees you young ones who are faithfully praising him in these critical times. Edena dala ai Keriso ena laloa dalana be gorere taudia dekenai ita hahedinaraia diba? Inai nega aukadia lalonai, Iehova idia hanamoa matamata taudia be unai bamona oi itaia. 14 The Delightful Course of Hospitality - So Needed! (a) Daniela be edena negai gari lasi lalohadai ia hahedinaraia? 14 Heabidae Karana be mai Anina Bada - Unai Dainai Ita Moale! And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, " Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway. ' Idia mai taudia momo be idia moale dainai idia tai. Bona guriguri amo Iehova dekenai hahenamo do ita abia lasi, ia gwau: " Iehova e, mai egu ura ida oi lau kamonai henia lasi, to mani lau oi hanamoa. ' To " take away the foreskin of their heart ' meant getting rid of what made their heart unresponsive - their thinking, affections, or motives that were in conflict with God's. - Acts 7: 51. Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Inai gabu dekenai [lalokau ese ia hatamonaia taudia huanai] be Lohiabada ese ia gwauhamata vadaeni, iena hanamoa do ia atoa. Iena hanamoa be inai: Mauri hanaihanai. " - Salamo 133: 1 - 3. " Edia kudoudia idia utua oho ' anina be edia kudouna ai idia noho gaudia - edia lalohadai, lalokau, eiava Dirava ena lalohadai idia dadaraia. - Kara 7: 51. Soon after their arrival, they wrote glowing reports about the number of interested people they were locating. Ena be idia hemarai, to idia be moale bona heabidae taudia. Idia ginidae murinai, kamonai taudia edia namba idia torea badabada. (b) How is Jehovah different from the gods of the nations? Kara Maoromaoro Ita Badinaia! (b) Edena dala ai Iehova be bese idauidau edia dirava amo ia idau? During that time, I also begged Jehovah for the strength to go out in the field service. Davida ese Iehova ena hahegani ia badinaia, bona unai dika badana ia ore. Unai nega ai, Iehova lau noia lau dekenai goada do ia henia haroro gaukara lau karaia totona. How did Jesus react? Aposetolo Paulo be Roma Keristani taudia ia hamaorodia: "Dirava ese tanobada ia karaia negana ia mai bona harihari, taunimanima idia kamonai diba Dirava ena siahu be ia doko diba lasi, bona danu idia diba ia sibona be Dirava momokani. Inai bamona idia diba, badina be edia matana dekenai Dirava ese ia karaia gaudia ibounai idia itaia vadaeni. Iesu be dahaka ia karaia? The question, then, is: On what basis were these individuals counted righteous by God? Matamata taudia e, bema inai nega aukadia lalonai Iehova umui kamonai henia bona hanamoa, vadaeni iena matanai umui be unai paripari bamona. Vadaeni, henanadai be inai: Dahaka dainai Dirava ese unai taudia ia gwauraia maoromaoro? Paul's counsel does not rule out legal separation in extreme situations. That is a serious personal decision. 14 Mai Moale Ida Heabidae Karana Hahedinaraia! Paulo ena sisiba be nega aukadia ai do idia parara lasi. What assures you that Jehovah always does what is right? 10: 10; 2 Kor. 6: 14, 15) Dirava ena taravatu ia utua tauna be Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai ena hahenamo ia haboioa diba. Dahaka ese oi ia hadibaia Iehova be hanaihanai kara maoromaoro ia karaia? He showed that integrity is expressed, not in mere words, but in positive actions that spring from pure motives. 10: 16; 30: 6) Iuda taudia be edena dala ai edia kudouna ai "kopina utua " karana do idia abia? Namona be idia ese Dirava ena taravatu idia utua lalohadai bona ura dikadia ibounai idia dadaraia. - Kara 7: 51, futnout itaia. Ia hahedinaraia kara maoromaoro badinaia karana be hereva sibona amo lasi, to kara namodia amo ia hedinarai. Instead, we should pursue spiritual goals. Idia ginidae bena daudau lasi murinai, mai moale ida idia torea idia davaria kamonai taudia be momo. To, namona be Dirava ena hesiai gaukara lalonai tahua gaudia ita atoa. During the study, the woman casually said: " Sandra, three girls at my workplace want to study the Bible, but I told them that they'll have to wait for their turn. (b) Edena dala ai Iehova be taunimanima ese idia tomadiho henia diravadia amo ia idau? Unai stadi lalonai, unai hahine be mai gari lasi ida ia gwau: "Lauegu gaukara gabuna dekenai kekeni toi idia ura Baibel idia stadilaia, to lau hamaorodia do idia naria. Solomon was quite young when he began ruling, and although he reigned for 40 years, he did not reach an advanced old age. Danu, unai nega ai Iehova lau guriguri henia lau dekenai goada do ia henia haroro gaukara lau karaia totona. Solomona be ia matamata neganai, ia lohia matamaia, bona ena be lagani 40 lalonai ia lohia vadaeni, to ia buruka momokani lasi. It is as though we possessed a deed proving that we own certain property. Iesu be dahaka ia karaia? Unai be hegeregere iseda kara amo ita hamomokania ita be mai eda kohu. That spirit creature eluded security measures, unlocked the doors, let out the apostles, and then locked the doors behind them - all of that while guards were stationed nearby! - Acts 5: 18 - 23. (Genese 7: 1; 15: 6; Iobu 1: 1; Esekiela 14: 14; Iamesi 2: 25) Vadaeni, henanadai ta be inai: Dahaka dainai Dirava ese unai taudia ta ta ia gwauraia maoromaoro? Unai lauma tauna be gau ibounai ia karaia namonamo lasi, iduara ia kehoa, aposetolo taudia edia iduara ia koua, bona dibura ruma ai idia noho taudia ibounai ia lokaia! - Kara 5: 18 - 23. Elders now taking the lead in the congregation are being trained for present and post - Armageddon theocratic duties. Bema hekwakwanai badadia idia vara, Keristani tau o hahine sibona ese abia hidi do ia karaia, taravatu hegeregerena do idia parara o lasi. Hari, kongrigeisen idia naria elda taudia be treinini idia abia, unai amo do idia noho hegaegae bona Aramagedono ai tiokratik gaukara ma haida do idia karaia. What significant events occurred when a particular Bible book was written? Ia be kara maoromaoro ia herevalaia sibona lasi, to lalohadai maorona ia abia bona kara amo ia hahedinaraia. Baibel bukana ta idia torea neganai, dahaka mai anina bada gauna ia vara? " Make Your Way Successful " - How? To, namona be Basileia totona tahua gaudia ita atoa. " Do Oi Kwalimu " - Edena Dala Ai? Desperate, Saul consults a spirit medium, only to hear that he will be killed in the battle against the Philistines. Memorial ai edena bamona wain ita gaukaralaia diba? Saulo be babalau hahine ta ena heduru ia tahua, bona ia kamonai ia ese Pilistia taudia do ia tuari henia. Yes, sincere Bible students could benefit from the efforts of men like Grew and Storrs, but it still was vital to examine God's Word, the Bible, as the real source of the truth. - John 17: 17. Ai stadi noho lalonai, stadi hahinena ia gwau: " Sandra, egu gaukara gabuna ai kekeni toi be idia ura Baibel idia stadilaia, to idia lau hamaoroa do idia naria. Oibe, Baibel idia stadilaia momokani taudia hegeregere Grew bona Storrs ese namo idia davaria diba, to Dirava ena Hereva, Baibel, ena hereva momokani ena badina, idia tahua noho be gau badana. - Ioane 17: 17. One time, he had me read an article in The Watchtower about the importance of not giving up. Solomona ia lohia matamaia neganai, ia be mero matamata sibona, bona ena be lagani 40 ia lohia vadaeni, to ia buruka momokani lasi. Nega ta, ia ese Gima Kohorona lalonai hesiku lasi karana ena namo ia herevalaia atikol ta ia duahia. When Jewish religious leaders interrogated Jesus about the resurrection, he directed their attention to a scripture that they had not taken into account. Ia be hegeregere gwaumaoro pepana ita dogoatao bona unai ese ia hamomokania ita be kohu ta ena biaguna. Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese Iesu ena toreisi lou idia henanadailaia neganai, idia ia hamaoroa Baibel ena siri ta do idia laloa. When we loyally support those appointed to take the lead, we express our appreciation to Jehovah and Jesus for all that they have done for us. Ena be gadi taudia idia gini, to aneru ese iduara ia kehoa, bena aposetolo taudia idia raka lasi murinai, iduara be murimuri amo ia lokaia! - Kara 5: 18 - 23. Hakaua taudia ita badinaia neganai, ita hahedinaraia ita totona idia karaia gaudia ibounai dainai Iehova bona Iesu ita tanikiu henia. 14: 26; 16: 13. Hari inai negai, kongrigeisen idia hakaua elda taudia be sikuli idauidau amo diba idia abia noho, unai amo hari bona Aramagedo murinai tiokratik gaukara idauidau idia karaia diba. 14: 26; 16: 13. Close by its entrance stands the Greek theater. Unai Baibel bukana ia torea neganai dahaka gaudia idia vara? Unai ruma ena vareai gabuna kahirakahira ai Greek drama idia karaia. The apostle Paul, a natural Jew, put it this way: "The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, that we might be declared righteous due to faith. " Oi Kwalimu Diba Dalana Aposetolo Paulo be Iuda tauna korikorina, ia gwau: "Taravatu be iseda naria tauna bamona, ia mai bona Keriso dekenai ita ia hakaua lao, vadaeni Dirava ese ita do ia gwauraia maoromaoro, abidadama dainai. " In a number of lands where Jehovah's Witnesses were once viciously persecuted, there are now tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of happy praisers of Jehovah. Saulo be babalau hahine ta ena heduru ia tahua, to unai hahine ese ia hamaoroa Pilistia taudia ia tuari henia neganai ia do idia hamasea. Guna Iehova ena Witnes taudia be dagedage bada idia davaria, to hari tausen momo be Iehova idia hanamoa taudia tausen momo idia noho. All in the congregation - particularly the overseers - should let their "reasonableness become known to all men. " " Oibe, lalo - momokani Bible Student taudia ese Grew bona Storrs bamona taudia edia hekwarahi amo namo idia davaria diba, to mai anina bada gauna be Dirava ena Hereva, Baibel, hereva momokani ena badina ita tahua be gau badana. - Ioane 17: 17. Namona be kongrigeisen taudia ibounai - elda taudia danu - ese "taunimanima ibounai do idia diba. " Note this clear and unambiguous counsel from the apostle Paul: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Nega ta, lau ia hamaoroa Gima Kohorona ta ai hesiku lasi karana ia herevalaia atikol lau duahia totona. Aposetolo Paulo ena sisiba namona ita laloa, ia gwau: "Inai tanobada taudia edia kara bamona do umui karaia lasi, to Dirava ese emui lalona do ia hagiroa, vadaeni do umui diba edena kara be namo, edena kara Dirava ia ura henia, bona edena kara be goeva momokani. " March 10 - 16, 2008 Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia be Iesu dekenai toreisi lou karana idia henanadailaia neganai, Iesu be siri ta ia gaukaralaia - reana Iuda taudia be unai siri idia diba to ena anina idia laloa bada lasi. (Eso. 3: 6; Mat. March 10 - 16, 2008 In time, Solomon's desire to please his pagan wives displaced his desire to obey and please God. Elda taudia ida ita gaukara hebou amo, ita hahedinaraia Iehova bona Iesu ese ita totona idia karaia gaudia ibounai ita laloa bada. Gabeai, Solomona ia ura ena adavana ia hamoalea dainai, ia ura Dirava ia kamonai henia bona hamoalea. Publishing Committee 14: 26; 16: 13. Tiokratik Komiti Jeremiah thought that he was too young and inexperienced to be a prophet Unai park ena vareai gabuna badinai, Greek taudia edia gadara idauidau itaia steidiam ia noho. Ieremia ia laloa ia be matamata bona ia be peroveta tauna ai ia lao diba lasi " Something good " that touches the heart of the psalmist and causes it to be "stirred " concerns a king. Aposetolo Paulo, Iuda tauna ta, ese inai bamona ia gwauraia: "Taravatu be iseda naria tauna bamona, ia mai bona Keriso ia ginidae. Salamo torea tauna ia gwau "gau namona ta " ese ena kudouna ia hamarerea bona unai ese king ena lalona ia hamarerea. Will you act now? Guna Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia dagedage henia tanodia momo ai, taunimanima handred tausen momo be hari mai moale ida Iehova idia hanamoa noho. Hari oi be kara ta do oi karaia, a? Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you. " Kongrigeisen taudia ibounai - to momokani elda taudia - be "manau bona manada kara taunimanima ibounai " dekenai idia hahedinaraia be namo. Inai kara namodia do oi karaia noho, badina unai dekena amo, oi sibona ese mauri do oi davaria, bona oi dekenai idia kamonai taudia danu ese mauri do idia davaria. " Moses "looked intently toward the payment of the reward. " Mani Paulo ese ia henia sisiba goevagoevana oi laloa: "Inai tanobada taudia edia kara bamona do umui karaia lasi, to Dirava ese emui lalona do ia hagiroa, vadaeni do umui matamata, bona idau momokani. Unai dekena amo Dirava ena ura be do umui diba momokani. Mose be "do ia abia davana namona sibona ia laloa. " Not many railroads serve those areas. March 10 - 16 Gabu momo dekenai unai bamona idia karaia lasi. That is because God, in his great undeserved kindness, appointed Jesus to serve as "a public servant " - a high priest - " at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. " - Hebrews 8: 1, 2. Gabeai, Solomona ia ura ena dirava koikoi idia tomadiho henia hahinedia ia hamoalea, to ia ura lasi Dirava ia kamonai henia bona ia hamoalea. Unai be Dirava ena hebogahisi hereadaena dainai, Iesu ia abia hidi "hesiai tauna badana " ai ia lao totona - " guba ena terona idibana kahanai ia helai. ' - Heberu 8: 1, 2. But to cut the cords all at once, they needed one more knife. Buka Karaia Komiti To, nega tamona varo ibounai idia utua totona, kaia tamona idia abia be namo. • in the congregation? Ieremia ia laloa ia matamata bona ena diba be bada lasi dainai, peroveta gaukarana ia karaia diba lasi • kongregesen lalonai? We must regularly approach Jehovah in prayer "with true hearts in the full assurance of faith. " Salamo torea tauna be "hereva namo herea " ta ese ena kudouna ia" hahonua. " Namona be hanaihanai "mai iseda kudouna ibounai danu " Iehova ita guriguri henia. The first three chapters of the Bible book of Genesis tell us that God set before the first human couple, Adam and Eve, the prospect of unending life and told them what they would have to do to gain it. Hari do oi karaia, a? Genese bukana ena karoa ginigunadia toi ese idia hahedinaraia, Dirava ese Adamu bona Heva dekenai mauri hanaihanai ena helaro ia henia, bona idia ia hamaoroa dahaka do idia karaia. (a) What goals can parents help their children to establish? Inai kara namodia do oi karaia noho, badina unai dekena amo, oi sibona ese mauri do oi davaria, bona oi dekenai idia kamonai taudia danu ese mauri do idia davaria. " (a) Tama sina ese dahaka tahua gaudia idia atoa diba edia natudia idia durua totona? When Sarah continued childless, she gave Hagar to Abraham, and Hagar became pregnant with Abraham's child. Mose be "do ia abia davana namona sibona ia laloa. " Sara be natuna ta ia do havaraia lasi neganai, Hagara be Aberahamo dekenai ia henia, bona Hagara be Aberahamo ena natuna ida ia rogorogo. In Jesus ' day, sparrows were used for food, but because they were a threat to crops, they were largely viewed as pests. Unai gabu dekenai trein ia heau daladia be momo lasi. Iesu ena negai, bisini be aniani totona idia gaukaralaia, to aniani abia totona idia gari dainai, momo idia laloa idia be anina lasi. Let us remember that it is Jehovah's humility and not our own ability that " makes us great. ' Unai be momokani badina Dirava be ena hebogahisi dainai, Iesu ia abia hidi bona " hesiai tauna ' - hahelaga tauna badana - ai ia halaoa, "Siahu Momokani Diravana ena helai gabuna badana idiba kahanai ia helai noho, guba dekenai. " - Heberu 8: 1, 2. Namona be ita laloatao, Iehova ena manau karana bona ita sibona eda diba dekenai ita tabekau lasi. Why? To unai varo ibounai be nega tamona idia utua totona, kaia ma ta idia abia be namo. Dahaka dainai? " Why, ' some may wonder, " did he not do so when there were only three sinners in the universe? • kongregesen lalonai? Reana haida do idia laloa, " Dahaka dainai guba bona tanobada ai kara dika taudia toi sibona idia noho? Our discussions continued late into the night. (Aon. 24: 10) Namona be hanaihanai "mai iseda kudou maorona ida, bona abidadama momokani ida " Iehova ita guriguri henia. Aiemai herevahereva karana be hanuaboi momokani. What Jehovah Foreordains Genese bukana ena karoa ginigunadia toi ese idia hahedinaraia Dirava ese tau bona hahine ginigunadia, Adamu bona Heva, ia hamaorodia dahaka idia karaia idia mauri hanaihanai totona. Iehova ese Ia Karaia Gaudia For example, when a Christian couple read a school report about their daughter's good behavior and hard work, their faces likely glow with warm satisfaction over her accomplishments. (a) Tama sina ese edia natudia idia durua diba, edena tahua gaudia idia atoa totona? Hegeregere, Keristani tau bona hahine be sikuli ena ripoti ta idia duahia neganai, edia natuna kekeni ena kara namodia bona gaukara goada karana idia moalelaia. Notice the two things that Paul highlighted. Sara be natuna ta ia havaraia lasi neganai, ia ese Aberahamo dekenai Hagara ia henia bona Hagara ia rogorogo. Paulo ese ia herevalaia gaudia rua mani oi laloa. Keeping spiritually strong and active also helps us to face the many trials that beset us. Iesu ena negai, bisini be aniani totona idia gaukaralaia, to taunimanima idia laloa idia be uma aniani idia hadikaia dainai idia laloa bada lasi. Danu, lauma dalanai goada bona gaukara goada karana ese ita ia durua hahetoho idauidau ita haheaukalaia totona. Besides enjoying rich spiritual blessings now, Jehovah God's faithful servants eagerly look forward to even greater blessings in the future. Laloatao, Iehova ia manau dainai, ia ese iseda "ladana ia habadaia, " to unai be iseda diba amo ia vara lasi. Hari inai negai, Iehova Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia be lauma dalanai hahenamo momo idia moalelaia sibona lasi, to vaira negana ai hahenamo badadia momo do idia moalelaia. The holy ones are none other than Jesus ' spirit - anointed disciples. Dahaka dainai? Unai helaga taudia be Iesu ena lauma amo ia horoa hahediba taudia. 2: 15. Haida idia henanadai: " Kara dika taudia toi sibona idia noho neganai, dahaka dainai unai bamona ia karaia lasi? 2: 15. See if you can answer the following questions: Nega momo, ai be ia danu ai herevahereva ela bona hanuaboi. Henunai idia noho henanadai mani oi haerelaidia: Consider the example of Sister Valentina Garnovskaya, one of many Witnesses in Russia who like faithful Job kept their integrity despite severe trials. Iehova ese Do Idia Vara Gaudia Ia Abia Hidi Guna Hegeregere, Russia ai ia noho taihu ta ladana, Lucy, ena haheitalai mani ita laloa. Ia be Dirava ia badinaia noho, herevana hahetoho badadia idia davaria. What had the slaves, Jesus ' anointed brothers, done with the King's "talents "? Hegeregere, bema Keristani tama sina be edia natuna kekeni ena sikuli ripoti amo idia itaia ena kara be namo bona ia gaukara goada, unai do idia moalelaia diba. Iesu ena horoa tadikaka be dahaka idia karaia? How easy it would have been to ignore the pleas of the blind men! Paulo ese ia gwauraia gaudia rua mani ita laloa. Bema matakepulu taudia ese idia ura henia lasi, reana do ia auka edia kara idia haidaua totona! In the future, some of these former wrongdoers may not remember all the Scriptural counsel that the elders gave them, but they will certainly remember that the elders respected their dignity and treated them with love. Lauma dalanai ita goada bona ita gaukara noho ese ita ia durua danu ita dekenai idia vara hahetoho momo ita haheaukalaia totona. Vaira negana ai, elda taudia ese Baibel ena sisiba ibounai idia laloatao lasi, to do idia laloatao elda taudia ese idia matauraia bona lalokau henidia. Now they are our brothers and sisters. Iehova Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia be hari idia abia hahenamo idauidau sibona idia moalelaia lasi, to mai ura bada ida vaira nega ena hahenamo idia naria noho danu. Hari idia be iseda tadikaka bona taihu. The apostle Paul recommended similar sentiments when he exhorted fellow Christians to "rejoice with people who rejoice; weep with people who weep. " Badina bema Keriso danu ita hisihisi nega tamona, be ia danu iena hairaina do ita abia nega tamona. " Aposetolo Paulo ese Keristani taudia ia hagoadaia " idia moale taudia danu do idia moale hebou, bona idia taitai taudia danu do idia taitai hebou. ' Far from it! 2: 15. Lasi! That condemned criminal is as good as dead. Henunai idia noho henanadai mani oi haerelaidia: Unai kara dika tauna be ia mase bamona. She pioneered in Madrid, then Bilbao, and later San Sebastián, where clergy - fomented persecution landed her and her pioneer partner in prison. Russia taihu ta ladana, Valentina Garnovskaya ena ekspiriens mani ita laloa. Iobu bona Russia Witnes taudia momo bamona, Valentina be hahetoho lalonai Iehova ia abidadama henia. Ia be Madrid dekenai painia gaukara ia karaia, bena gabeai San Lao dekenai ia painia, bona unuseniai dubu gunalaia taudia ese ia bona ena painia turana be dibura ruma ai idia atoa. The word "hospitality " in Greek literally means" fondness for, or kindness to, strangers. " Hesiai taudia, Iesu ena horoa tadikakadia unai, be King ena "moni " dekenai dahaka idia karaia? Greek gado herevana idia hahanaia "lalokau " ena anina be" lalokau henia, eiava hebogahisi. " MACON, GA, Coliseum, 200 Coliseum Dr. Bema Iesu ia ura, unai matakepulu taudia ruaosi ia dadaraia diba, to ia be unai bamona ia karaia lasi. Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. If we have full confidence in Jehovah, pray earnestly for the wisdom and courage to endure, and rely fully on his guidance, he will strengthen us to resist Satan's attacks. - Ps. Kara dika idia karaia taudia haida be elda taudia ese idia henia sisiba ibounai do idia laloatao lasi, to idia be elda taudia ese idia dekenai idia hahedinaraia hemataurai karana bona lalokau do idia laloatao. Bema Iehova ita abidadama henia momokani, aonega bona goada totona ita guriguri, bona iena hakaua herevadia ita badinaia, Satani ena hahetoho idauidau ita dadaraia diba. - Sal. Then he and his wife visited another island. Hari idia be iseda tadikaka bona taihu. Bena ia bona ena adavana be motumotu ma ta idia vadivadi henia. Could their visit be connected with her prayers the night before? Aposetolo Paulo be Keristani taudia ma haida ia sisiba henia neganai, unai bamona kara ia hagoadaia, ia gwau: "Idia moale taudia danu do umui moale, idia taitai taudia danu do umui tai. " Idia ruaosi be hanuaboi ai idia guriguri hebou diba, a? The description " teaching publicly and from house to house ' mainly applied to evangelizing among unbelievers. Dahaka dainai? Inai hereva "taunimanima vairanai bona ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai " ita hadibaia be mai anina bada, abidadama lasi taudia huanai sivarai namona ita harorolaia totona. " This Is the Way. Unai be hegeregerena unai taravatu utua tauna be ia mase vadaeni. " Inai be Dala. [ 1] (paragraph 1) The name has been changed. Painia gaukara ia karaia Madrid, bena Bilbao, bona gabeai San Sebastián dekenai. Unuseniai dubu gunalaia taudia ese idia dagedage henia bena ia bona ia danu painia gaukara ia karaia taihuna be dibura ruma dekenai idia atoa. [ 1] (paragraf 1) Ladana ai haidaua. Leaving personal differences unresolved can likewise be disastrous. Inai hereva "heabidae karana " Greek gado ai ena anina korikori be" ura henia, eiava idau taudia dekenai hebogahisi karana hahedinaraia. " Unai hegeregerena, hekwakwanai idia vara neganai, unai ese dika bada ia havaraia diba. Forced to live as fugitives, David and his men soon found themselves in dire need of food and drink as well as rest. Iehova ita abidadama henia, Ia ita noia aonega bona boga - auka ia henia, bona ena hakaua dalana ita badinaia neganai, Ia ese ita do ia hagoadaia Satani ena hahetoho idauidau ita dadaraia totona. - Sal. Davida bona ena tatau idia heau mauri totona, aniani bona inuinu gaudia idia abia bona idia laga - ani be namo. Paul's use of the word "quit " implies that some of them were still being influenced by that system of things. Ia bona ena adavana be motumotu ta dekenai idia lao. Paulo ese inai hereva "anina lasi " ia gaukaralaia neganai, ia hahedinaraia idia haida be inai tanobada ena lalona veria karadia idia do badinaia noho. In part, by setting a good example for others to imitate. Reana hanuaboi lalonai ia guriguri dainai idia vadivadi, a? Hegeregere, ma haida ese haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia neganai, unai ese idia ia durua edia kara idia tohotohoa totona. What does this illustration show about the reason why we pray persistently? Inai hereva " haroro bona hadibaia, emui ruma bona taunimanima edia vairana dekenai ' ese ia hahedinaraia, ia ese Dirava idia diba lasi taudia ia haroro henia. Inai parabole amo dahaka ita dibaia? " BEING STABILIZED IN THE FAITH " [ 1] (paragraf 1) Ladana ai haidaua. " EGU ABIDADAMA OI LALOA NOHO " Even those who have lost much of their mental ability can sense whether their dignity is being respected. Unai hegeregerena, oi bona emu tadikaka huanai ia vara kerere maragidia umui hamaoromaoroa lasi neganai, hekwakwanai badadia ai idia lao diba. Edia laloa dalana idia haboioa taudia danu idia lalo - parara diba edia hemataurai karana be bada eiava lasi. True, Jesus had assured them that they would soon receive holy spirit. 17: 22, 24) Idia be unai bamona gabudia ai idia loaloa dainai, idia ura idia aniani, ranu idia inua, bona idia laga - ani. Momokani, Iesu ese idia ia hamaoroa kahirakahira lauma helaga do idia abia. How did this happen? Danu, inai hereva "tohotohoa lasi " ia gaukaralaia, badina unai nega ai Keristani taudia haida be Roma taudia edia kara bona lalohadai idia do hahedinaraia noho. Edena dala ai unai ia vara? Indeed, our ability to resist the Devil and his agents begins with a determination to be acquainted with God's standards and to adhere to them fully. Ia ese haheitalai namona do ia hahedinaraia, tadikaka taihu ese idia tohotohoa totona. Momokani, Diabolo bona ena gaukara taudia ita koua totona, namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia Dirava ena taravatu do ita diba bona idia do ita badinaia momokani. I will protect him because he knows my name. " - PS. Ita guriguri loulou karana ena badina be unai parabole ese edena bamona ia hahedinaraia? Ia ese egu ladana ia diba dainai, lau ese ia do lau gimaia. " - SAL. " My kingdom is no part of this world, " Jesus said to the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate. KERISO "DO UMUI ABIDADAMA HENIA GOADA " Iesu be Roma lohia tauna Pontio Pilato dekenai ia gwau: "Lauegu Basileia be inai tanobada gauna lasi. " For one thing, we may feel that a brother in authority has acted in error and that an immediate correction is needed. Herevana buruka taudia haida edia laloatao karana be ia dika ia lao, to idia mamia diba bema haida ese idia matauraia eiava lasi. Gau ta be, reana ita laloa tadikaka ta be kerere ta ia karaia bona ia hamaoromaoroa haraga be namo. When Jehovah God created the first human, His Son was associated with him in the project as Master Worker. Lauma Helaga, 10 / 1 Iehova Dirava ese tau ginigunana ia havaraia neganai, iena Natuna be gaukara karaia namonamo tauna bamona ia bamoa. Realizing this, surely we should put spiritual interests first and zealously concentrate on the lifesaving Kingdom - preaching work. - 1 Timothy 4: 16. Iesu ese ia hamaorodia, daudau lasi murinai idia be lauma helaga do idia abia. Unai ita lalopararalaia neganai, namona be lauma gaudia ita atoa guna bona Basileia harorolaia gaukarana ita laloa bada. - 1 Timoteo 4: 16. In 1918, Jehovah's people faced a wave of clergy - inspired persecution aimed at silencing their preaching work. To edena dala ai unai ia vara? Lagani 1918 ai, Iehova ena taunimanima be dubu gunalaia taudia ese idia dagedage henia bada dainai, edia haroro gaukara idia koua toho. Visitors continue to be welcome at Bethel. Oibe, namona be Dirava ena taravatu ita diba bona ita gaukara goada ita badinadia totona. Vadivadi taudia be Betele dekenai do idia welkam henia noho. Such couples do not remain childless because they shirk responsibility or are afraid to meet the challenges of parenthood. " Ia ese lau ia lalokau henia dainai, lau ese do lau hamauria; lau ese ia do lau gimaia, badina lauegu ladana ia diba. " - SAL. Unai bamona headava taudia be natudia do idia havaraia lasi, badina edia maduna be bada lasi eiava tama sina naria maduna do idia huaia lasi. A Surprise That Changed Our Lives Iesu be Roma ena lohia tauna Pontio Pilato dekenai ia gwau: "Lauegu Basileia be inai tanobada gauna lasi. " Emai Mauri Ia Haidaua Hoa Gauna He wants us to feel accepted. Gau ta be, reana ita laloa siahu ia abia tadikaka ia kara kerere bona karaharaga ta ese ia hamaoromaoroa be namo. Ia ura ita abia dae. 1: 9 - 11. Unai neganai lau be Dirava ena badibadinai lau noho, gaukara karaia tauna bamona. 1: 9 - 11. Yet, for many of them, remaining single is a challenge. Unai ita diba dainai, namona be lauma gaudia ita atoa guna bona taunimanima ia hamauria Basileia sivaraina harorolaia gaukarana ita goadalaia. - 1 Timoteo 4: 16. To, idia momo dekenai, headava lasi maurina be mai ena hekwarahi. Anna successfully defended her position. Lagani 1918 lalonai, dubu gunalaia taudia be dagedage idia havaraia, badina idia ura Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese edia haroro gaukara idia hadokoa. Ana be ena dagi ena maoro ia hamomokania. Have you enjoyed using this brochure when witnessing from house to house, publicly, or in an informal setting? Hari danu, taunimanima be Betele idia vadivadi henia diba. Ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai, taunimanima vairanai, eiava nega bona gabu idauidau ai unai buklet oi gaukaralaia, a? How is Christ carrying out "the harvest of the earth "? Unai bamona headava taudia be natudia idia abia lasi ena badina be idia ura lasi maduna idia huaia eiava tama sina idia abia hekwarahi idia ura lasi, a? Edena dala ai Keriso ese "tanobada ena anina " gogoa gaukarana ia karaia? The Scriptures foretold his coming and showed that he was a unique Shepherd who sought to find the "lost sheep " of Israel. Tatau 9 be guri ena dobu 73 mita henunai idia gaukara noho lalonai unai ia vara, bona daekau dalana be ia auka dainai, idia be ranu ia vareai lasi gabu maragina ta dekenai idia naria noho. Baibel ese Iesu ena mai ia perovetalaia bona ia hahedinaraia ia be Mamoe Naria Tauna hereadaena bona ia ura Israela ena "mamoe " ia tahua. Putting forth effort to gain wisdom is our personal responsibility. Emai Mauri Ia Haidaua Hoa Gauna Ta Aonega abia totona ita hekwarahi be iseda maduna. The Law was no longer valid, yet Paul acted on the advice of the older men in Jerusalem. Edena dala ai iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ita hagoadaia diba? Taravatu ia noho lasi, to Paulo ese Ierusalema dekenai idia noho tau badadia edia sisiba ia badinaia. Will he develop normally? 1: 9 - 11. Do ia tubu, a? Jesus felt no apathy toward the precious truths he taught about Jehovah and His Kingdom. (2 Samuela 22: 26) To, idia momo idia davaria headava lasi maurina idia noholaia be auka. Iesu be Iehova bona Iena Basileia dekenai ia hadibaia hereva momokanidia ia laloa bada lasi. Millions have turned their backs on him and look to human institutions to solve mankind's problems. To Anna ese haere maorodia ia henia. Taunimanima milioni momo be ia idia rakatania bona taunimanima edia orea idauidau idia laloa taunimanima edia hekwakwanai haorea totona. In September 1945, I was invited to serve at the branch office of the Watch Tower Society in Toronto, Canada, which we call Bethel. Unai buklet namona be eda haroro gaukara lalonai ita gaukaralaia diba. September 1945 ai, lau idia boiria Toronto, Canada dekenai, Watch Tower Society ena brens opesi dekenai lau gaukara totona. Most merely conform to the standards of countless others who are "fashioned after this system of things. " Ioane ese ena matahanai ai ia itaia bamona, hari inai negai Iesu be tanobada hegegemadai uma ena anina ia utua noho. Inai tanobada ena "inai nega oromana murinai " idia noho taudia momo edia taravatu idia badinaia sibona. Proverbs 19: 3 Baibel ia peroveta Iesu ia mai neganai, ia be Hakaua Tauna ta o Mamoe Naria Tauna namona ta bamona, Israela ena "boio mamoe " do ia tahua. Aonega Herevadia 19: 3 • How should we respond after considering some of God's wonderful works? Ita hekwarahi aonega ita abia totona be sibona eda maduna. • Dirava ena hoa karadia haida ita laloa murinai, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Later they caught the real thief. Unai Taravatu ena siahu be ia ore vadaeni, to Paulo be Ierusalema ena tau badadia edia sisiba hegeregerena ia karaia. Gabeai henaohenao tauna korikorina idia dogoatao. His example, his teachings, and his warm commendation stimulated them to progress spiritually. Do ia vara namonamo? Iena haheitalai, ena hadibaia herevadia, bona hanamoa hereva namodia ese idia ia hagoadaia lauma dalanai idia goada idia lao totona. THE tongue of the giraffe measures up to 18 inches [45 cm] long and is agile and powerful enough to pluck leaves off tree branches. Iesu ese ia hadibaia hereva momokani badadia Iehova bona Iena Basileia dekenai ia laloa maragi lasi. UNAI hereva ena lata be mita toi bona mai ena siahu au ena rigi ia kokia totona. Why so? English is the common language spoken by our brothers in such lands as Fiji, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Hari inai negai, taunimanima edia lalokau Dirava dekenai be ia keru ia lao. Dahaka dainai iseda gado be Fiji, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Nigeria, South Korea, bona Solomon Islands ai idia gaukaralaia gado bamona? * The account makes it clear that Jesus was present at and contributed to a feast linked to a Jewish wedding. September 1945 ai, Watch Tower Society ena brens opesi, o ai gwauraia Betele, Toronto, Canada dekenai, lau idia boiria mai. * Unai sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva Iesu be ia noho hegaegae Iuda taudia edia headava aria ta ia karaia totona. What do you do? You tell the driver, "Please hurry; it's URGENT! " Idia momo be "inai tanobada taudia edia kara bamona " idia karaia. Dahaka oi karaia motuka taria tauna oi hamaoroa, "Mani oi hanamoa. " We recognize that the Bible's message is far more powerful than anything we could possibly say on our own authority. - Heb. Aonega Herevadia 19: 3 Ita diba Baibel ena hereva be mai ena siahu bada iseda siahu dekenai. - Heb. Why did the Corinthians need to change the way they dealt with a man in the congregation who had been immoral? • Dirava ena hoa karadia haida ita laloa namonamo murinai, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Dahaka dainai Korinto kongrigeisen lalonai matabodaga tauna ta idia kara henia dalana idia haidaua be namo? Was fear of punishment the reason? Gabeai unai moni ia henaoa tauna idia davaria. Unai panisi dainai oi gari, a? Araceli Idia dekenai haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia, ia hadibadia, bona ia hanamodia dainai, idia be Dirava ena hesiai taudia namodia ai idia lao. Araceli • Why does the condition of Jehovah's people bring praise to him? JIRAF ena malana ena lata be 45 sentimita bona ia hagiroa haraga diba, bona malana be mai ena goada au amo rau ia kokia totona. • Dahaka dainai Iehova ena taunimanima edia noho dalana dainai ia ita hanamoa? True, because of the imperfection we inherited from our first parents, we are affected by wrong desires. Pura ta ta ai ita stadilaia Gima Kohorona be ibounai ese idia lalopararalaia be mai anina bada. Momokani, ita be goevadae lasi tama sina ginigunadia dainai, ura kereredia ese ita idia biagua diba. Ancient Cuneiform and the Bible To mai anina bada gauna be inai: Iesu ena negai idia karaia headava dalana be hari idia karaia headava dalana amo ia idau. Idaunegai Cynic Taudia Bona Baibel Note how Jesus puts it: "Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit. " Bema oi be mai anina bada hebouna ta dekenai oi lao gwauraia to oi leiti, dahaka do oi karaia? Iesu ia gwau: "Lauegu rigi ibounai bema huahua idia atoa lasi, be egu Tamana ese ia kokia. You have cruelly turned against me; with the full might of your hand, you assault me. " - Job 30: 20, 21. Ita laloparara Baibel ena hereva ena siahu ese ita gwauraia herevadia ia hereaia. - Heb. Oi ese lau dekenai oi dagedage henia vadaeni. " - Iobu 30: 20, 21. Sadly, though, most people, including millions of professed Christians, fail to discern the invisible realities behind the momentous events occurring on earth. Dahaka dainai Korinto tadikaka ese ia kerere tauna dekenai edia lalohadai idia haidaua be namo? To madi, taunimanima momo, sibodia idia gwauraia Keristani taudia milioni momo danu, be tanobada dekenai idia vara gaudia idia lalopararalaia lasi. For you were once not a people, but are now God's people. " Panisi ita abia garina ita gari dainai, a? Guna umui be Dirava ena taunimanima lasi, to hari umui be iena taunimanima. " What gave him renewed power in the face of so much adversity? Araceli Dahaka ese ia durua hekwakwanai badadia ia haheaukalaia totona? In such an environment, we open our mind to God's positive and upbuilding thoughts. • Dahaka dainai Iehova ena taunimanima edia noho be Dirava ia hanamoa? Unai bamona negadiai, iseda lalona be Dirava ena lalohadai namodia bona hagoadaia herevadia amo ita kehoa. In this time of the end, marriage partners need to "keep comforting one another and building one another up. " Momokani, iseda tama sina ginigunadia amo kara dika ita abia hanai dainai, nega haida ura kereredia ita abia. Inai nega dokona lalonai, headava taudia ese " ta ta do idia durua bona hagoadaia heheni ' be gau badana. We have recognized Christ's ransom sacrifice as the basis for salvation. Idaunegai Cuneiform Toretorena Bona Baibel Ita diba Keriso ena mauri davalaia boubouna be hahemauri ena badina. When non - Christians seeking Scriptural instruction appealed to young Origen for help, he embraced this work as a commission from God. Iesu ese unai ia gwauraia dalana mani ita laloa: "Rigi ibounai bema huahua idia atoa lasi, be egu Tamana ese ia kokia. Keristani lasi taudia be Origen ena heduru idia tahua neganai, ia ese unai gaukara ia abia dae. How did Boaz reflect Jehovah's view of strangers in his dealings with Ruth? Dirava e, mai dagedage danu lau dekenai oi kara henia. Oiemu siahu dekena amo lau oi hisihisi henia noho. " - Iobu 30: 20, 21. Edena dala ai Boasi ese Ruta ia kara henia dalana amo Iehova ena lalohadai ia hahedinaraia? Concealing or replacing God's personal name is like cutting it out of the Bible To madi, taunimanima momo, sibona idia gwauraia Keristani taudia danu, ese tanobada ai idia vara noho gaudia be iseda matana amo ita itaia lasi gaudia dainai idia vara, idia lalo - pararalaia lasi. Idia ese Dirava ena ladana idia kokia eiava ena gabu idia abia be hegeregere Baibel amo idia kokia bamona At the age of 22, I had to face up to life in a wheelchair. Gunaguna umui be bese lasi taudia, to harihari umui be Dirava ena bese. " Egu mauri lagani be 22 neganai, wilsea dekenai lau helai. Prayers, not for miracles but for God's powerful holy spirit, can provide help in any situation. (Ieremia 20: 9) Unai dagedage bada negana ai, dahaka ese ena goada ia hamatamataia. Guriguri karana, hoa karadia totona lasi, to Dirava ena lauma helaga totona ita noinoi neganai, unai ese ita ia durua diba hekwakwanai idauidau ita haheaukalaia totona. Of course, wives would do well to make the same effort with regard to their husbands. Kingdom Hall dekenai ita noho neganai, Dirava ena hereva amo lalohadai namodia ita abia diba. Momokani, namona be hahine idia hekwarahi edia adavadia dekenai unai bamona idia karaia totona. Notice the expression "making peace. " Inai nega dokona ai, headava taudia be " ta ta dekenai goada do idia henia bona durua ' be gau badana. Inai hereva "maino karaia daladia " mani oi laloa. How could she convince him that, although she was pregnant, she had remained faithful to him? Ita laloparara Keriso ena mauri davalaia boubouna amo mauri hanaihanai ita abia diba. Ena be ia rogorogo, to edena bamona ia diba ia be Dirava ia badinaia noho? magazine. To Keristani lasi taudia be Revareva Helagadia amo hadibaia hereva idia tahua bona matamata tauna Origen ena heduru idia noia neganai, ia abia dae bona ia laloa unai gaukara be Dirava amo ia abia. magasin ai ia hedinarai. • How did Jeremiah conquer discouragement despite having a difficult assignment? Boasi ese Ruta ia kara henia dalana amo edena dala ai Iehova ena lalohadai idau taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia? • Ena be Ieremia be gaukara aukana ia abia, to edena dala ai lalo - manoka ia halusia? Why should husbands study examples of how Jesus treated women? Eiava bema ia laloa Dirava be siahu ta sibona, vadaeni ia lalokau henia be auka. " Dahaka dainai tatau ese Iesu ese hahine ia kara henia dalana idia stadilaia be namo? His response moved Jesus to feel love for him. Egu mauri lagani be 22 neganai, wilsea lau gaukaralaia. Iesu ena haere ese ena lalona ia veria dainai, ia dekenai lalokau ia hahedinaraia. Heavenly angels guide and protect us so that we can preach the good news. Ita guriguri, Dirava ese hoa karadia ia karaia totona lasi, to ena lauma helaga amo ita ia durua totona. Aneru ese ita idia hakaua bona gimaia, unai amo sivarai namona ita harorolaia diba. Might the younger generations have to learn to view their ancestors in a way far different from the way they view them today? Oibe, hahine danu ese unai dala idia badinaia be namo. Matamata taudia ese edia tubudia idia laloa dalana be hari inai negai idia laloa dalana amo ia idau, a? People stole our livestock and broke into our home. Mani inai hereva, "maino ita karaia noho " ita laloa. Taunimanima ese emai animal idia henaoa bona emai ruma dekenai idia vareai. (2) "Realities that are not seen. " In this context, the Greek word translated "evident demonstration " refers to" convincing evidence " of an invisible reality, such as the existence of Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, the angels, and the activities of the heavenly Kingdom. Edena bamona Iosepa dekenai unai do ia gwauraia hedinarai? (2) Greek gado herevana idia hahanaia "itaia lasi gaudia " ese idia hahedinaraia, Iehova Dirava, Iesu Keriso, aneru bona guba Basileia ena gaukara be idia vara momokani. As was previously mentioned, it is important to maintain confidentiality in certain matters, especially when others share with us their feelings and thoughts. magasin totona sabskripsen ia abia. Guna ita herevalaia bamona, ma haida dekenai edia hemami bona lalohadai ita herevalaia neganai, namona be hehuni herevadia ita gwauraia noho. That of the Son of God or simply that of a devout Jew intent on reforming the religion that prevailed in his area in the first century? • Edena dala ai Ieremia ese lalo - manoka ia hanaia, herevana ena gaukara be ia auka? Dirava ena Natuna o Iuda tauna ta ia ura aposetolo edia negai ia noho tomadiho dalana ia haidaua, a? Subject Index for The Watchtower 2000 Dahaka dainai tatau be Iesu ese hahine ia kara henidia dalana idia stadilaia be namo? Lagani 2000 Gima Kohorona Edia Hereva Iboudiai What was the psalmist's foremost concern? Ena haere dainai Iesu ese ia lalokau henia. Salamo torea tauna be dahaka ia laloa bada? It really had Jehovah's spirit behind it! " 91: 11) Aneru ese ita idia gimaia dainai, sivarai namona ita harorolaia diba. Momokani, unai be Iehova ena lauma helaga! " So if all humans loved and obeyed God and loved one another, would not the earth be a truly delightful, happy abode? Reana, matamata taudia ese edia tubudia do idia matauraia, hari inai negai bamona lasi. Unai dainai bema taunimanima ibounai be Dirava idia lalokau henia bona idia lalokau heheni, tanobada be do ia moale, ani? Thoroughly wash me from my error, and cleanse me even from my sin. Taunimanima ese emai animal idia henaoa bona emai ruma idia makohia. Egu kara dika mani do oi huria ore, bona egu kerere dekena amo lau do oi hagoevaia. Therefore they are surprised and impressed to see us knocking on their doors, and they usually give us a hearing ear. (2) "Oi abia dae gaudia be momokani, ena be unai gaudia oi itaia lasi " - unai gaudia be idia noho momokani, to iseda matana amo ita itaia lasi, hegeregere Iehova Dirava, Iesu Keriso, aneru, bona guba Basileia ena gaukara idauidau. Unai dainai idia hoa bona edia iduara dekenai ai idia itaia neganai idia hoa, bona idia kamonai namonamo. For you to be successful as you grow toward adulthood, what do you need to have? Ita herevalaia vadaeni bamona, namona be ma haida edia hehuni herevadia be ma ta dekenai ita gwauraia lasi. Taunimanima badadia ai oi lao neganai, dahaka oi karaia be namo? We read there that after the destruction of "Babylon the Great, " the Lamb will conquer the nations. Dirava ena Natuna ena eiava kahirakahira lagani 2,000 gunanai ena gabu dekenai ia noho tomadiho ia hanamoa toho lalo - goada Iuda tauna ta ena, a? Unuseniai ita duahia "Babulonia badana " idia hadikaia ore murinai, Mamoe Natuna ese bese idauidau do ia halusia. What lessons can we draw from the actions of the kings, the prophets, and others mentioned in the book? Lagani 2000 Gima Kohorona Edia Hereva Iboudiai King taudia, peroveta taudia, bona ma haida edia kara amo dahaka ita dibaia? A Bible study was started with her and her relatives who lived in a neighboring house. Salamo torea tauna be dahaka ia laloa bada? Iena ruma dekenai idia noho taudia ida Baibel stadi idia hamatamaia. But Jehovah assures us that he will never allow his servants to suffer beyond their limit of endurance. Yes, he will "make the way out. " Momokani Iehova ena lauma be unai gauna ia durua! " To, Iehova ia gwauhamata iena hesiai taudia be edia haheauka karana dainai hisihisi do idia davaria lasi. He thought that his newfound hope was the reason he felt better. (Salamo 119: 165; Isaia 48: 17, 18) Unai dainai, bema taunimanima iboudiai ese Dirava idia lalokau henia bona kamonai henia bona idia ta ta idia lalokau henia, tanobada be moale gabuna, a? Ia laloa ena helaro matamatana ia dibaia neganai, ia moale. This publication is not for sale. Altiplano Peru Dekenai, 11 / 15 Inai magasin be ai hoihoilaia lasi. Until they talk with Jehovah's Witnesses, many do not understand what sin is, how it affects us, and what we need to do to be delivered from slavery to sin. Egu dika mani do oi huria ore, bona egu kerere dekena amo lau do oi hagoevaia. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ida idia do herevahereva lasi neganai, momo be kara dika ena anina idia lalopararalaia lasi, unai ese iseda mauri ia haidaua, bona kara dika ena igui hesiai amo ita ia ruhaia totona dahaka ita karaia be namo. Jehovah Trains Shepherds for His Flock Unai dainai ai idia itaia edia iduara dekenai ai pidipidi neganai idia hoa, bona nega momo idia kamonai. Iehova ese Mamoe Naria Taudia Ia Hadibaia Iena Mamoe Oreana Idia Naria Totona Whatever is on our minds or deeply buried in our hearts, we can confide in our heavenly Father. Oi bada oi lao neganai, dahaka gaudia ese oi do idia durua emu mauri oi moalelaia totona? Herevana iseda lalona eiava kudouna dekenai idia noho gaudia be dahaka, to iseda guba Tamana dekenai unai ita herevalaia diba. Scriptural Questions Answered: Unai karoa ia hahedinaraia, "Babulonia badana " idia hadikaia murinai, Mamoe ena Natuna ese bese idauidau do ia halusia. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: What should be our determination? Unai buka lalonai idia gwauraia king taudia, peroveta taudia, bona ma haida amo dahaka ita dibaia? Namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia dahaka ita karaia totona? This became evident when he heard of the marriages of Israelite men to heathen women. Ai ese unai hahine matamata bona ena varavara ida stadi ai hamatamaia. Israela tatau ese hahine idia adavaia sivaraina ia kamonai neganai, unai ia hedinarai. However, Jehovah's Witnesses remember Jesus ' feelings for the humble Jews of his day. To, Iehova ia gwauhamata "ia ese dala do ia kehoa " unai hekwakwanai ita hanaia totona. To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be Iesu ena hemami ogogami Iuda taudia dekenai idia laloatao. " To respect my wife means that I appreciate her value and I don't want to do anything that would damage her or our marriage. " - Micah. Ia laloa ia davaria helaro matamatana ese ena hisihisi ia haorea. " Egu adavana lau matauraia anina be, ia lau laloa bada bona lau ura lasi gau ta ese ena headava do ia hadikaia. " - Mika Will Satan's attack succeed? Inai magasin be ai hoihoilaia lasi. Satani ena tuari do ia kwalimu, a? In other cases, after receiving free medical treatment in a public hospital, some Christians give gifts to doctors and nurses out of gratitude for the treatment received. To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia hereva henidia murinai, kara dika bona ita ia hakaua dalana idia lalopararalaia, bona kara dika ena igui amo ita roho mauri dalana idia diba. Nega haida, hospital dekenai medikol heduru idia abia murinai, Keristani taudia haida be doketa bona nesi dekenai harihari gaudia idia henia. We could be about to take a ruinous false step and be completely unaware of it. Iehova ese Ena Mamoe Naria Taudia Ia Hadibaia Reana dala kererena ita abia hidi bona ita diba lasi unai do ia vara. If you are reading this magazine in your second language, why not check page 2 and see if your first language is included in the languages in which The Watchtower is published? Iseda lalona ai idia noho gaudia be eda guba Tamana dekenai ita herevalaia diba. Bema oi be inai magasin iharuana be emu gado iharuana ai oi duahia noho, namona be rau 2 oi sekea bona do oi itaia bema emu gado be Gima Kohorona lalonai ia noho, ani? Still, concerned about the daughter's welfare, the mother accompanied her to the boat when she was going to depart with other Witnesses for a convention in Italy. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: To, unai sinana be ena natuna ena namo ia laloa dainai, Italy ena hebouhebou ta totona ia lao neganai, ia be bouti amo ia lao Witnes taudia ma haida ida ia lao totona. curious? angry? Bema ita lalo - parara iseda gwauhamata Iehova Dirava dekenai be mai anina bada gauna, namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia dahaka do ita karaia totona? Oi badu, a? How would sin adversely affect the relationship between men and women in generations to come? Ia ese Israela tatau edia sivarai, dirava koikoi idia tomadiho henia hahinedia idia adavaia ena sivarai, ia kamonai neganai unai ia hahedinaraia. Edena dala ai kara dika ese tau bona hahine edia hetura karana ia hadikaia diba? Three wise men visited Jesus at the time of his birth. SINADO: Tomadiho ena memba taudia be mai gari lasi ida Baibel ena taravatu bona hakaua herevadia idia badinaia. Aonega taudia toi be Iesu ia vara neganai, ia idia vadivadi henia. Although marriage usually begins with joy, what can those who marry expect to experience? To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese Iesu ena hemami ena negai idia manau Iuda taudia dekenai idia laloatao. Ena be headava taudia idia moale matamaia, to idia ura headava taudia be dahaka do idia davaria? I wish you the best! " " Egu hahine lau matauraia ena anina be, ia do lau laloa bada bona lau ura lasi egu kara o hereva amo ena lalona lau hahisia bena emai headava ia dika. " - Micah. Lau ura oi namo! " Why do we need to do so? Satani do ia kwalimu, a? Dahaka dainai unai bamona ita karaia be namo? So let us "look after orphans and widows in their tribulation. " - James 1: 27. Hegeregere, Keristani taudia haida be hospital ai davana lasi medikol heduru idia abia murinai, doketa bona nesi dekenai edia tanikiu karana idia hahedinaraia totona harihari gaudia idia henia. Unai dainai, namona be " tama sina lasi maragidia bona vabu ita itaia. ' - Iamesi 1: 27. • What is spiritual maturity, and how do we attain it? Nega haida, ita be kerere badana ta do ita karaia gwauraia bona unai ita lalopararalaia lasi. • Lo Keristani tauna ai ita lao ena anina be dahaka, bona edena dala ai ita abia diba? We should be prompt, courageous, and dynamic in rejecting it. Bema inai magasin be emu gado iharuana dekenai oi duahia, rau iharuana oi sekea bona oi itaia bema emu gado korikorina ai Gima Kohorona idia halasia. Namona be ita hagoadaia, ita boga - auka, bona ita ura lasi unai kara ita dadaraia. 14 Blessings "in Favorable Times and Difficult Times " To, ena natuna kekeni totona ia lalohekwarahi dainai, Witnes taudia ma haida ida Italy dekenai hebouhebou totona do ia lao neganai, sinana ese bouti abia gabuna dekenai ia hakaua lao. 14 "Nega Dikadia Bona Metau Negadiai " Hahenamo Idauidau Yet, an important question remained to be answered. Petero idia hereva henia taudia be idia manau o idia badu o edia hemami be edena bamona? To, mai anina bada henanadai ta do ia vara. * Adamu bona Heva idia kara dika neganai, unai ese tau bona hahine huanai dahaka ia havaraia? * And above all, honor goes to our caring Shepherds, Jehovah and Jesus, as their desire to support the weak is reflected in their earthly servants. Aonega tatau toi be Iesu ia vara dinana ai idia vadivadi henia. Bona iseda mamoe naria taudia, Iehova bona Iesu, ese manoka taudia idia durua urana be edia tanobada hesiai taudia ese idia hahedinaraia hegeregerena. " Greetings, you highly favored one, " the angel began, "Jehovah is with you. " Ena be tau bona hahine idia headava matamata neganai idia moale, to dahaka idia laloatao be namo? Aneru ia gwau: "Lohiabada be umui danu ia noho. " See the 1988 Yearbook, pp. 109 - 112. Oi lao! " Lagani 1988 Yearbook, rau 105 - 109 itaia. Thus, Jacob joined Isaac, his father, and Abraham, his grandfather. Dahaka dainai unai ita karaia be namo? Unai dainai, Iakobo be Isako, ena tamana, bona Aberahamo ida ia lao. Why was the judgment Jehovah made concerning Moses both appropriate and consistent? Unai dainai, namona be " tama sina lasi maragidia bona vabu mai edia hisihisi ita naria. ' - Iamesi 1: 27. Dahaka dainai Iehova ese Mose ia hahemaoro henia be maoro bona hanaihanai ia karaia? Jehovah loves life, and he hates murderous "hands that shed innocent blood. " • Lo Keristani tauna ese dahaka ia karaia be namo? Iehova be mauri ia ura henia, bona ia ese " kerere lasi tauna ena rara ia bubua ' karana ia inai henia. One outstanding way to do this is by preaching the good news and making disciples. - Psalm 145: 7. Namona be ita gari lasi bona mai lalona ibounai ida unai kara ita dadaraia. Dala namona ta be sivarai namona ita harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ita karaia. - Salamo 145: 7. So I guess he viewed God as his superior. 14 "Nega Namodia Bona Nega Dikadia Ai " Hahenamo Ai Davaria Unai dainai lau laloa ia ese Dirava ia hereaia. Singleness affords a special opportunity to "widen out " in love. To, mai anina bada henanadai ta idia haerelaia lasi. Headava lasi taudia be lalokau dekenai " edia lalokau idia habadaia ' diba. " " Get out from among them, and separate yourselves, ' says Jehovah, " and quit touching the unclean thing. ' " - 2 CORINTHIANS 6: 17. * Iehova ia gwau: "Idia dekena amo do umui raka siri, bona miro gaudia do umui dogoatao lasi. ' " - 2 KORINTO 6: 17. KENNEWICK, WA, Tri - Cities Coliseum, 7100 W. Bona mai anina bada gauna be, iseda Mamoe Naria Taudia Badadia, Iehova bona Iesu ita hanamoa, badina manoka taudia idia ura durua karana be edia hesiai taudia tanobada dekenai ese idia hahedinaraia. Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. If you should want to know whether the bath is ready, you get the pronouncement that the Son was created out of nothing. " Aneru ia gwau "Dirava ese ia lalonamo henia kekenina e, namo, Iehova be oi ida ia noho. " Bema oi ura diba edena ranu ia diho vadaeni, namona be Natuna ese gau ta ia havaraia lasi herevana oi abia dae. " The key is to give children information that is appropriate to their age. Lagani 1988 Yearbook, rau 109 - 112 itaia. Gau badana be natudia dekenai edia mauri lagani hegeregerena idia dekenai hereva maorodia oi henia. When I regained my senses, I was in fear, but I sensed that I now had the power to heal, so I was happy. (Genese 47: 28; 49: 29 - 31; 50: 12, 13) Unai dainai, Iakobo be ena tamana Isako, bona ena tubuna, Aberahamo ida idia guria hebou. Lau laloparara lou neganai, lau gari, to hari lau mamia lau be mai egu siahu gorere lau hanamoa totona, unai dainai lau moale. Our all - wise, all - powerful God, the one who controls the hail and the snow, can help you to surmount any obstacles that you encounter. Dahaka dainai Iehova ese Mose ia hahemaoro henia karana be maoro bona ia idau lasi? Iseda aonega ibounai - siahu ibounai Diravana - ese lai bona sinou ia biagua tauna - ia durua diba oi davaria hekwakwanai ibounai oi hanaia totona. " I [Jehovah] will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in; and I will fill this house with glory. " - HAGGAI 2: 7. 19: 10) Iehova be mauri ia ura henia, bona "kerere lasi taudia alaia karana " ia inai henia. " Lau [Iehova] ese bese ibounai do lau hamarerea, vadaeni bese ibounai edia kohu namodia, be do lau mailaia, bona inai Dubu Helaga be hairai dekenai do lau hahonua. " - Ioane 2: 7. In 49 C.E., the Christian governing body addressed that issue. Idia karaia dalana hereadaena ta be sivarai namona idia harorolaia bona taunimanima be hahediba taudia ai idia halaoa. - Salamo 145: 7. Lagani 49 C.E. ai, Keristani hakaua oreana ese unai hepapahuahu idia hamaoromaoroa. Let us consider three examples that will instill in us confidence in Jehovah's ability to deliver his people. Unai dainai lau laloa, Dirava ese Iesu ia hereaia. Mani haheitalai toi ita herevalaia, unai ese ita do ia durua Iehova ese ena taunimanima ia hamauria totona. How will Jehovah arrange matters for those who were married when they died? Headava lasi maurina ese dala ia kehoa ma haida dekenai " emui lalokau umui habadaia ' totona. Idia mase neganai, Iehova be edena dala ai dala do ia karaia headava taudia totona? For one thing, he was jealous for God's name. " Umui ese idia do umui rakatania, bona idia dekena amo do umui parara. Miro gaudia ibounai dekena amo do umui raka siri. " - 2 KORINTO 6: 17. Badina ta be, Dirava ena ladana dainai ia mama. After all, Paul had been "a Pharisee, " the very name meaning" separated one. " Gau badana be natudia edia mauri lagani hegeregerena idia ita hadibaia. Momokani, Paulo be Farisea tauna ta, ena ladana ena anina be "tau tamona. " • Meditate on its present and future benefits Lau noga neganai, lau gari, to lau laloparara lau be gorere hanamoa siahuna lau abia, unai dainai lau moale. • Hari bona vaira negana ena hahenamo laloa dobu In a similar way, newly interested ones as well as those who have been true Christians for a long time look to Jehovah for support. (Sal. 147: 15 - 18) Aonega bona siahu ibounai Diravana, aisi nadi bona sinou ia biagua Diravana unai, ese oi do ia durua oi davaria hekwakwanai oi haheaukalaia totona. Unai hegeregerena, kamonai matamata taudia bona Keristani taudia momokanidia be nega daudau lalonai Iehova amo heduru idia tahua. And how do Christians benefit from the action of God's holy spirit today? " Lau [Iehova] ese bese ibounai do lau hamarerea, vadaeni bese ibounai edia kohu namodia be iniseni do idia mailaia, bona inai dainai Dubu Helaga be hairai dekenai do ia honu. " - HAGAI 2: 7. Bona hari inai negai, edena dala ai Dirava ena lauma helaga ese Keristani taudia ia durua? How pleasurable and upbuilding that was! Lagani 49 C.E. ai, Keristani hakaua oreana ese unai henanadai ia herevalaia. Unai be moale bada gauna! (Italics ours; Psalm 103: 12, The Amplified Bible) How far is east from west? Mani sivarai toi ita herevalaia. (Ia be iseda laulau; Salamo 103: 12, west kahana amo ia lao kahana ena bada be edena bamona? The entertainment industry takes pleasure in reducing the family head to a mere subject of ridicule and disrespect. Idia headava bona idia mase taudia totona, Iehova ese dahaka do ia karaia? Moale karadia ese ruma bese ena kwarana idia kirikirilaia bona matauraia lasi. • Why can we say that the appointment of overseers and ministerial servants is theocratic, not democratic? Badina ta be Dirava ena ladana totona ia lalo - goada. • Dahaka dainai ita gwau diba naria taudia bona hesiai taudia abia hidi karana be tiokratik dalanai idia karaia lasi? What counsel is found at Luke 16: 10 - 13? Badina guna Paulo be "Farisea tauna " ta, unai ladana ena anina be" gini siri tauna. " Luka 16: 10 - 13 ena sisiba be dahaka? The sister continued: "One day, I phoned one of my sisters who lives hundreds of miles away. • Hari bona gabeai do ia mailaia namo oi lalohadailaia Taihu ma ia gwau: "Dina ta, egu taihuna ta lau rini henia, ia be kilomita handred momo ia noho. As we do our best, we will be following the counsel of Psalm 55: 22: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Unai hegeregerena, kamonai matamata taudia bona lagani daudau lalonai Iehova idia hesiai henia taudia be Iehova ena heduru idia tahua. Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, Salamo 55: 22 ena sisiba do ita badinaia, ia gwau: "Oiemu laloa hekwarahi be Lohiabada dekenai do oi henia, bona ia ese idia dekena amo oi do ia durua. Results of Jesus ' Teachings Bona Pentekoste 33 C.E. murinai, edena dala ai unai ia karaia? Iesu Ena Hereva ese Anina Ia Havaraia When problems and challenges arise in your life, do you feel overwhelmed with anxiety? Unai negadia lau moalelaia bona goada lau abia! Hekwakwanai bona hekwakwanai oi davaria neganai, oi lalohekwarahi, a? God has given us the heartwarming resurrection hope. (Salamo 103: 12) Dina ia daekau kahana ena daudau be edena bamona dina ia diho kahana amo? Dirava ese ita dekenai toreisi lou helarona ia henia. Name has been changed. Televisen, muvi bona miusiki ese ruma bese kwarana edia maduna idia kirikirilaia bona matauraia lasi. Ladana ai haidaua. Some of these turned to " beating ' their former brothers verbally and consorting with "confirmed drunkards, " religious groups of Christendom. - Isaiah 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. • Dahaka dainai ita gwau diba naria taudia bona hesiai taudia idia abia hidi neganai, demokratik dalanai lasi, to tiokratik dalanai idia karaia? Idia haida be guna edia tadikaka idia " botaia, " bona Kerisendom ena tomadiho oreadia idia gwauraia dika. - Isaia 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. The second article will consider the third. Luka 16: 10 - 13 ai dahaka sisiba ia noho? Stadi iharuana ai ihatoina do ita herevalaia. So effective was the activity of those first - century preachers that "the word of God continued to spread, and the number of the disciples kept multiplying very much in Jerusalem. " Dina ta unai taihu ese ena kakana ia rini henia. Unai dainai, aposetolo edia negai idia noho haroro taudia be "Dirava ena hereva ia bada daekau, bona diba tahua taudia edia namba ia bada daekau Ierusalema dekenai. " Well, doing Jehovah's work was like reinvigorating food for Jesus. Iseda goada ibounai ita henia neganai, Salamo 55: 22 ena hereva do ita badinaia noho: "Oiemu laloa hekwarahi be Lohiabada dekenai do oi henia, bona ia ese idia dekena amo oi do ia durua. Iehova ena gaukara be aniani bamona Iesu dekenai. Jesus described the scope of the preaching work by saying that the good news would be preached "in all the inhabited earth. " Iesu Ena Hadibaia Herevadia Idia Havaraia Anina Iesu ese haroro gaukara ena bada ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau sivarai namona be "tanobada ibounai dekenai do idia harorolaia. " Likewise today, once we bring a matter to the attention of the responsible brothers, we should be content to leave it to their prayerful consideration. Emu mauri lalonai hekwakwanai idia vara neganai, oi laloa momo, a? Unai hegeregerena, hari inai negai, maduna idia huaia tadikaka ita lalodia bada neganai, namo lasi idia totona ita guriguri. What was the result? Aposetolo Paulo be ita ia hagoadaia: "Umui dekenai idia pidia dibagani ibounai ese taunimanima ibounai dekenai danu idia pidia noho. Dahaka ia vara? Each time, he saw beyond the immediate temptation and considered the consequences of his actions. Ai ese ai laloa ai be maragi, kwadi bamona, idia edia vairana dekenai. " Nega ta ta ai, hedibagani ia itaia bona ena kara amo do idia vara gaudia ia laloa. Our faith makes us certain that we will see the fulfillment of the Bible - based promises we hope for, and we are sure about spiritual realities, although we cannot see them. Dirava ese ita dekenai toreisi lou helarona ia henia. Iseda abidadama dainai ita diba momokani Baibel ena gwauhamata be do idia guguru, bona ita diba momokani lauma dalanai do idia guguru, ena be unai gaudia ita itaia lasi. Also, friends from home sent us e - mails and letters to encourage us not to give up. " - Phil. Ladana ai haidaua. Danu, ruma ai idia noho turadia ese ai dekenai e - mail bona revareva idia siaia, unai amo ai idia hagoadaia ai hesiku lasi totona. " - Fili. Do you pray persistently for God's holy spirit? Idia haida be edia hereva amo edia tadikaka idia "botaia " bona" inuinu kekero taudia " - Kerisendom ena tomadiho oreadia - idia bamodia. - Isaia 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. Dirava ena lauma helaga totona oi guriguri loulou, a? They preached the good news "in all creation that is under heaven. " Bona stadi gabena ese badina ihatoina do ia herevalaia. Idia ese "tanobada ibounai dekenai " sivarai namona idia harorolaia. After our children took up the full - time ministry, Ekaterini and I started thinking seriously about what we could do to expand our share in this lifesaving work. Unai Keristani taudia ginigunadia edia haroro gaukara ese anina namona ia havaraia dainai, "Dirava ena hereva ia tubu daekau bona Ierusalema ai hahediba taudia edia namba ia bada daekau. " Emai natudia be ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia murinai, ai karaia diba gaudia ai laloa dobu. Samantha: No, he said that his teachings belong to the One who sent him. Iesu dekenai Iehova ena gaukara be goada ia henia aniani bamona. Samantha: Lasi, ia gwau iena hahediba herevadia be ia ese ia siaia. Moreover, the godly qualities of "love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control " are" the fruitage of the spirit. " Iesu ese haroro gaukara ena bada ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau sivarai namona be "tanobada ibounai " dekenai do idia harorolaia. Danu, "lalokau, moale, maino, haheauka, bogahisihisi, kara maoromaoro, abidadama momokani kara, manau, tauanina ena ura koua karana " be" lauma helaga ena huahua. " Like a jagged rock lying just below the surface of placid waters, such a person can cause spiritual shipwreck to the unwary. Unai hegeregerena, hari bema iseda lalohekwarahi gauna be elda taudia dekenai ita herevalaia, namona be ita abia dae momokani idia be gau ibounai do idia laloa namonamo bona abia hidi ta do idia karaia, iseda lalohekwarahi idia hamaoromaoroa totona. Unai bamona tauna ese ranu sisina sibona ia dogoatao bamona, lauma dalanai dika ia davaria diba. ATTRIBUTING holiness in the superlative degree to Jehovah God, the Bible states: "Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah. " Vadaeni dahaka ia vara? BAIBEL be Iehova Dirava ena helaga karana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Helaga, helaga, bona helaga. " An Ethiopian eunuch in the first century appreciated that fact. Hahetoho ta ta ai, Iesu be gabeai do idia vara gaudia ia laloa. Aposetolo edia negai, Etiopia eunuko tauna ta be unai ia laloa bada. See the article "The Bible's Viewpoint: Adultery - To Forgive or Not to Forgive? " Ita abia dae momokani Dirava ese ia gwauhamatalaia gaudia be do idia vara, bona Baibel amo ita ia hadibaia herevadia be hereva momokanidia, " ena be unai gaudia ita itaia lasi. ' Atikol ladana, "Baibel Ena Lalohadai - Dika Gwauatao Karana Eiava Dika Gwauatao Karana, A? " Nehemiah quickly uttered a silent prayer before making a petition to the king of Persia. Danu, France amo, emai turadia ese ai dekenai e - mail bona revareva idia siaia bona ai idia hagoadaia do ai hesiku lasi. " - Fili. Nehemia be Parasa ena king dekenai noinoi ta ia do gwauraia lasi neganai, karaharaga hereva ta ia gwauraia. As Jehovah's present - day servants, we stand out as different from the world because we observe divine laws and principles. Dirava ena lauma helaga oi abia totona oi noinoi loulou, a? Ita be Iehova ena hesiai taudia dainai, ita hahedinaraia ita be tanobada amo ita idau, badina Dirava ena taravatu bona hakaua herevadia ita badinaia. ; Russell, J. Idia ese sivarai namona be "tanobada ibounai dekenai idia harorolaia. " ; Russell, J. These show that the Passover that the Jews were to memorialize was not to foreshadow what Christ told his followers to do in memory of his death. Emai natudia be ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia karaia matamaia murinai, lau bona Ekaterini be taunimanima hamauria gaukarana ai karaia badabada totona ai karaia diba gauna ai lalohadailaia. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia, Iuda taudia idia laloatao Pasova be Keriso ese ena mase laloatao hebouna ia laulaulaia lasi. The Bible explains in simple, easy - to - understand terms the condition of the dead. Samantha: Lasi, ia gwau ia hadibaia gaudia be ia ia siaia Tauna ena. Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia, mase taudia dekenai dahaka ia vara be auka lasi. Therefore, we come under the rule of undeserved kindness. Lauma helaga ese ita ia durua lauma gaudia bona "Dirava ena laloa dobu gaudia " ita lalopararalaia totona. Danu, inai kara namodia "lalokau, moale, maino, haheauka, bogahisihisi, kara maoromaoro, abidadama momokani kara, manau, tauanina ena ura koua karana, " be lauma helaga ese ia havaraia karadia. Unai dainai, ita be hebogahisi hereadaena ena lohia henunai ita noho. So nobody should think that being an anointed Christian gives him wisdom superior to that of those having the earthly hope. Ia be ranu ena kopina henunai ia noho nadi mai ena matana bamona, unai bamona tauna ese idia naria namonamo lasi taudia be lauma dalanai do ia hamorudia momokani diba. Unai dainai namo lasi ta ia laloa ia be horoa Keristani tauna dainai, tanobada helarona idia abia taudia edia aonega ia hereaia. In contrast, all dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah endeavor to share in evangelizing. BAIBEL ese Iehova Dirava be inai bamona ia herevalaia: "Helaga, bona helaga bona helaga! [ Iehova] be ia Helaga! " (Isa. To, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ibounai be idau, idia gaukara goada sivarai namona idia harorolaia totona. One of the points in the declaration stated: "I assure by this never again to be active for the International Bible Students Society. " Aposetolo edia negai, Etiopia tauna ta be unai bamona ia karaia. Unai hereva ena point badana ta be inai: "Lau gwau diba, International Bible Students edia gaukara do lau karaia lou lasi. " She moved from Canada to Kenya. magasin, August 8, 1996, ena atikol ladana "Baibel Ena Haere: Heudahanai - Gwauatao Eiava Gwauatao Lasi? " Canada ia rakatania bona Kenya dekenai ia lao. Adjusting our schedule so that we can arrive on time may require self - control. Nehemia ese Parasa ena King ia do noia lasi neganai, ena lalona dekenai guriguri kwadogina ta ia gwauraia. Iseda sediual ita haidaua, unai amo nega korikori ai sibona eda ura ita biagua diba. * Mark's Gospel reports that some in the city of Nazareth equated Jesus with his siblings, regarding him as nothing special. (Numera 15: 38 - 40) Hari inai negai ita be Iehova ena hesiai taudia dainai, tanobada amo ita idau badina ita ese Dirava ena taravatu bona hakaua herevadia ita badinaia. * Mareko ena Evanelia bukana ia gwau Nasareta hanua dekenai idia noho taudia haida ese Iesu idia hanamoa, bona idia laloa ia be dagi bada tauna. What facts shed light on Jehovah's reasons for afflicting Azariah with leprosy? ; Russell, J. Edena sivarai amo Iehova ese lepera tauna ia hahisia ena badina ia hahedinaraia? Note Jesus ' further words: "Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet. " Hegeregere Aigupito ai, Israela taudia be mamoe ena hidio idia ania to ena rara idia inua lasi. Iesu ena hereva ma ia gwau: "Umui emui hereva do umui kamonai henia lasi, bona emui hereva do umui kamonai henia lasi neganai, ruma dekena amo do umui raka siri, o hanua ena kahu dekena amo do umui raka siri. " Discerning the grave consequences of the hasty action being planned, Abigail courageously intervened. Baibel ese mase taudia dekenai ia vara karana ia herevalaia namonamo. Abigaila be palani ia karaia unai amo do idia davaria dika ia lalopararalaia neganai, mai gari lasi ida ia kara. This was perhaps the original text, which had been completed some 800 years earlier. Unai dainai hebogahisi hereadaena henunai ita noho be namo. Unai be reana toretore ginigunana, bona lagani 800 gunanai idia haorea vadaeni. He too is drunk with self - assurance and self - importance and has an insatiable appetite for expansion. Unai dainai ta do ia laloa lasi ia be Keristani horoa tauna ta dainai iena aonega ese tanobada helarona idia abia taudia edia aonega ia hereaia. Ia danu be sibona ena namo ia laloa bada dainai ia inuinu kekero bona sibona ena namo ia laloa bada. Think, for a moment, about the question: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave? " To, Iehova ena gwauhamata Witnes taudia ibounai ese evanelia gaukara idia karaia. Mani inai henanadai oi laloa: "Hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro be daika? " This is best done with a prepared heart - a heart free from preconceived ideas, one that is filled with qualities that make us teachable! Unai pepa ena kahana ta ia gwau: "Lau gwauhamata inai, International Bible Student Society ena gaukara do lau karaia lou lasi. " Unai bamona ita karaia be namo, badina iseda kudouna ita hegaegaelaia namonamo - mai eda kudouna ibounai ida lalohadai idauidau ita dadaraia, unai amo diba ita abia diba! At that convention, one speaker after another encouraged the audience to forge ahead with the preaching work. Unai dainai ia be Canada amo Kenya dekenai ia lao. Unai hebouhebou ai, hereva henia tauna ta ese helai taudia ia hagoadaia haroro gaukara idia goadalaia totona. When the new disciples see this miracle, their faith is strengthened. - John 2: 5 - 11. Iseda sediual ita haidaua bona nega korikorina ai ita ginidae totona, sibona eda ura ita biagua be gau badana. Hahediba taudia matamatadia ese unai hoa karana idia itaia neganai, edia abidadama ia hagoadaia. - Ioane 2: 5 - 11. The master says the same thing to both slaves: "Well done, good and faithful slave! * Mareko ena buka ese ia hahedinaraia Nasareta taudia haida idia gwau Iesu be ena tadidia hegeregerena, bona idia laloa lasi ia be Mesia. Biaguna ese hesiai taudia rua dekenai unai bamona ia hereva, ia gwau: "Oibe, hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro danu be unai bamona ia karaia! Constantly Moving Forward Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia Iehova ese Usaia dekenai lepera gorere ia henia be mai badina? Gabu Ma Ta Dekenai Ai Lao Yet, Satan wants us to think as he does - that we do not need Jehovah. Iesu ena hereva ita laloa, ia gwau: "Bema ruma taudia o hanua taudia idia abia dae lasi umui, bona emui hereva idia kamonai lasi, unai gabu do umui rakatania, bona emui aena dekenai ia noho momoru umui negea oho unuseni. " To, Satani ia ura ita laloa ia be Iehova ia ura lasi. Jehovah God indeed listens to the prayers of those who humbly seek to serve him. Abigaila be Davida ia ura karaia gauna ena sivarai ia kamonai neganai, ia be mai gari lasi ida Davida dekenai ia lao. Iehova Dirava be mai manau ida ia idia hesiai henia taudia edia guriguri ia kamonai. What will Jehovah do for the future kings and priests that will compensate for their suffering? Reana ia be Taravatu ena toretore ginigunana, lagani 800 gunanai idia torea haorea gauna. Iehova ese vaira negana ai king bona hahelaga taudia dekenai dahaka do ia karaia? She can either go home to her people in Moab or stick with her mother - in - law, Naomi, and travel to Bethlehem. - Ruth 1: 1 - 8, 14. Inai henanadai mani oi laloa: "Igui hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro... be daika? " Idia ruaosi be Moaba dekenai idia lao diba eiava ena ravana, Naomi, bona Betelehema dekenai idia lao diba. - Ruta 1: 1 - 8, 14. Red cells Unai bamona ita karaia namonamo totona iseda kudouna ita hegaegaelaia - eda kudouna ai ita abia dae vadaeni lalohadai aukadia idia noho lasi, to ia be kara namodia amo ia honu dainai ita idia hadibaia diba! sel sel kakakakadia Our heartfelt prayers may help an elderly fellow Witness to regain his inner peace Unai hebouhebou dekenai, hereva henia taudia ta ta ese helai taudia idia hagoadaia haroro gaukara idia goadalaia totona. Mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida ita gwauraia guriguridia ese tadikaka o taihu burukana ia durua diba ena lalo - maino ia abia lou totona An elder in a branch office who is in touch with many of them explains: "The elders need to speak to them, find out what their circumstances are, and then determine how they can assist them. Hahediba taudia matamatadia ese unai hoa karana idia itaia neganai, edia abidadama ia hagoadaia. - Ioane 2: 5 - 11. Brens ofesi ta dekenai ia gaukara elda ta ia gwau: "Elda taudia ese elda taudia idia hereva henia be namo, edia noho dalana idia tahua, bona idia tahua edena bamona idia durudia diba. ; Byrne, M. Biaguna be idia ruaosi dekenai ia gwau: "Namo herea, oi be kamonai igui hesiai tauna namona! ; Evert, M. Let us consider three main points: Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in separatist movements? Ia Bada Ia Lao Noho Mani point toi ita herevalaia: Dahaka dainai Iesu ia ura lasi meamea karadia ia karaia? " Or do I use the abilities that I received from Jehovah mainly to benefit myself - perhaps to acquire riches or to attain social status? ' To Satani ia ura do ita laloa, Iehova ita tabekau henia be anina lasi. " Eiava Iehova amo lau abia dibana lau gaukaralaia kohu o ladana bada lau abia totona, a? ' Because they did not fully discern the objective of the Mosaic Law, they failed to appreciate the importance of faith, love, and a good conscience. Momokani Iehova Dirava ese mai edia manau ida ena hesiai gaukara idia karaia taudia edia guriguri ia kamonai. Mose ena Taravatu ena badina idia lalo - pararalaia namonamo lasi dainai, abidadama, lalokau, bona lalona ena mamina namona idia laloa bada lasi. It is heartwarming to see how brothers and sisters today are united by a bond that goes beyond any role or assignment in the congregation. Iehova ese Davana Do Ia Henia Iehova be guba helarona idia abia taudia totona dahaka do ia karaia? Ita moale badina hari inai negai tadikaka taihu be mai lalotamona ida idia gaukara hebou bona kongrigeisen lalonai gaukara ma haida idia karaia. Although there likely was a school of copyists at Qumran, probably many of the scrolls were collected elsewhere and brought there by the believers. Ia be iena hanua, Moaba, dekenai do ia giroa lou o iena ravana, Naomi, ida Betelehema dekenai do ia lao? - Ruta 1: 1 - 8, 14. Ena be Qumran dekenai akioleji taudia edia sikuli ta ia noho, to reana lokua toretoredia momo be gabu ma haida dekenai idia haboua bona unuseniai abidadama taudia ese idia mailaia. It had one application for special pioneering and another for circuit work. ▾ ▾ ▾ ▾ Unai be spesel painia gaukara bona sekit gaukara ena aplikeisen ta. 10, 11. (a) How can elders follow the example set by Nehemiah? Mai kudouna ibounai ida ita gwauraia gurigurina ese tadikaka o taihu burukadia ia hagoadaia idia moale bona maino ai idia noho totona 10, 11. (a) Edena dala ai elda taudia ese Nehemia ena haheitalai idia tohotohoa diba? Recall that Jesus provided necessary specifics but omitted nonessentials. Elda ta be brens ofesi ta dekenai ia gaukara bona spesel painia taudia momo ida ia herevahereva. Ia gwau: "Elda be spesel painia taudia ida idia herevahereva be namo. Edia noho dalana idia henanadailaia, bona idia tahua edena dala ai idia durua diba. Laloatao, Iesu be mai anina bada gaudia haida ia gwauraia, to anina lasi gaudia ia gwauraia lasi. Peter invited these men into the house and entertained them there. ; Byrne, M. Petero ese unai tatau ia boiria ruma dekenai bona unuseniai idia lao. The nations will be forced to do what? Mani inai henanadai badadia toi ita herevalaia: Dahaka dainai Iesu be politikol oreadia ta lalonai ia vareai lasi? Tanobada besedia be dahaka do idia karaia? • From Acts chapter 18, what have you learned about the disciple - making work? Bema eda harihari gaudia ita gaukaralaia " ta ta ita durua totona, ' Iehova be do ia moale. - Aon. • Kara karoa 18 amo hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana dekenai dahaka oi dibaia? The apostle Paul later explained: "By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before he was transferred he received the witness that he had pleased God well. " Badina Mose ena Taravatu ena badina idia lalopararalaia namonamo lasi dainai, idia abia dae lasi abidadama, lalokau bona lalomamina namona be mai anina bada gaudia. Gabeai aposetolo Paulo ia gwau: "Abidadama dainai Dirava ese Enoka ia abia hanai, mase do ia itaia lasi totona. Surely, all of Jehovah's faithful servants long for the day when tiredness and discouragement will be gone, when all alive will enjoy "youthful vigor. " Iseda tadikaka taihu huanai ia noho lalotamona bona hetura karana ita itaia neganai ita moale, ani? Momokani, Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia ibounai be hesiku bona lalo - manoka negana idia naria noho, bema ibounai be "goada " do idia abia. " Do Not Be Envious " Ena be reana Qumran ai torea hanaia oreana ta ia noho, to reana lokua toretoredia momo be edia orea taudia ese gabu ma ta dekenai idia haboua bena unuseni amo idia mailaia. " Do Umui Gari Lasi " First of all, it gives me access to the website and the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. Unai envelop lalonai spesel painia bona sekit gaukara ena aplikeisen idia noho. Gau ginigunana be, lau dekenai bona Gima Kohorona matamatadia ia henia. • What will enable us to remain obedient despite being imperfect? 10, 11. (a) Edena dala ai elda taudia ese Nehemia idia tohotohoa diba? • Ena be ita be goevadae lasi, to dahaka ese ita do ia durua Dirava ita badinaia noho totona? This decision is beneficial indeed. Namona be oi laloatao, Iesu ese ena hereva ena anina idia hahedinaraia gaudia sibona ia gaukaralaia, to anina lasi gaudia ia gwauraia lasi. Unai abia hidi be mai ena namo. Paul called Timothy "a genuine child in the faith. " Petero ese unai tatau be ena ruma dekenai ia boiridia bona ia hakaudia vareai. Paulo ese Timoteo ia gwauraia "abidadama korikori tauna. " In that frame of mind, we may even experience "shipwreck concerning [our] faith. " Tanobada gavamanidia be dahaka do idia lalopararalaia? Unai bamona ita laloa neganai, reana "iseda abidadama do [ita] tohoa. " LONG BEACH, CA (Tagalog only), Long Beach Convention Center Exhibit Hall C, 300 E. • Kara karoa 18 amo, hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana dekenai dahaka oi dibaia? TAHITI (French gado sibona), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, P.K. THE Law given through Moses contained some 600 requirements and regulations. Aposetolo Paulo ese inai bamona ia herevalaia. Ia gwau: "Enoka ia abidadama dainai, Dirava ese ia abia lao, unai amo mase ia itaia lasi, bona ia be gabu ta dekenai idia davaria lasi, badina Dirava ese ia abia lao. To unai ia do vara lasi neganai, Dirava ia hahedinaraia ia be Enoka dekenai ia moale. " DIRAVA ese Mose amo ia henia Taravatu lalonai taravatu 600 mai kahana ia noho. By the beginning of 2013, there were more than 3,000 Kingdom proclaimers in Swaziland. Momokani Iehova ena hesiai taudia ibounai be hesiku bona lalomanoka do ia ore negana idia naria noho. Unai nega ai idia ibounai be edia matamata negana ena goada do idia abia lou. Lagani 2013 ena matamana ai, tanobada hegegemadai Basileia harorolaia taudia edia namba be 3,000 ia hanaia. In addition, 11 bicycle - driven two - man Baby Jehus were built at the Japan branch. " Umui Mama Lasi " Ma danu, Japan brens opesi ai basikele 11 - tatau rua idia noho. So he has provided us with warning examples to help us avoid making serious mistakes. Dala ta be Web sait bona Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY lau gaukaralaia diba. Unai dainai ia ese haheitalai amo ita ia hadibaia, kerere badadia ita karaia lasi totona. God gave Abraham what promise, and what did it indicate regarding the promised Seed? • Ena be ita be goevadae lasi taudia, to dahaka ese ita do ia durua Dirava ita badinaia noho totona? Dirava ese Aberahamo dekenai dahaka gwauhamata ia henia, bona unai gwauhamata Garana dekenai dahaka ia hahedinaraia? Would all the slaves, including those who had worked hard since early morning, be poised to greet him, or would some be asleep? Unai ese namo ia havaraia. Hesiai taudia ibounai, daba momokani ai idia gaukara taudia danu, be ia do idia hedavari henia, eiava do idia mahuta, a? They continue to visit her, reading to her from Bible publications, keeping her informed as to the spiritual progress of those in the congregation, and regularly praying with her. Paulo ese Timoteo ia hamaoroa, "oi be lauegu natuna korikori, Iesu oi badinaia dainai. " Ia idia vadivadi henia noho, Baibel bukadia ia duahia, kongrigeisen taudia edia abidadama ia goada ia lao, bona hanaihanai ia ida idia guriguri hebou. By the end of 1914, the "Photo - Drama " had been presented to audiences totaling over 9,000,000 in North America, Europe, and Australia. Unai nega ai, iseda "abidadama ia dika, vanagi be davara nadi dekenai ia kamokau, bona ia dika bamona. " Lagani 1914 dokonai, "Photo - Drama " be North America, Europe, bona Australia ai taunimanima 9,000,000 mai kahana dekenai idia hahedinaraia. Think of the complementary roles played by a surgeon and an anesthetist during surgery. DIRAVA ese Mose dekenai ia henia taravatu ibounai be 600 bamona. Mani doketa bona opereisen negadiai opereisen idia karaia doketa taudia edia gaukara oi laloa. Which are the weightier principles? Lagani 2013 ena matamanai, Swaziland ai Basileia harorolaia taudia be 3,000 bamona. Hakaua hereva badadia be dahaka? What Do Your Prayers Say About You? Danu, Japan brens ai Iehu Maragidia 11, taunimanima rua ese basikele amo idia taria diba gaudia idia karaia. Emu Guriguri Dalana ese Dahaka Ia Hahedinaraia? " Walk With God " Conventions, 3 / 1 Unai dainai ita hadibaia totona, Baibel lalonai unai sivarai ia toredia, unai amo idia karaia kerere do ita karaia lasi. " Umui Goada Umui Lao, " 3 / 15 Jesus therefore warned his followers: "Prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Dirava ese Aberahamo dekenai dahaka gwauhamata ia henia, bona gwauhamata Garana dekenai dahaka ia hahedinaraia? Unai dainai Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hadibaia: "Do umui hegaegae, badina umui laloa lasi horana ai, taunimanima ena Natuna do ia mai. " Displaying Dignity in Worship Hesiai taudia ibounai, daba momokani idia toreisi bona idia gaukara goada taudia danu, be do idia gini hegaegae ia danu idia hedavari totona, eiava idia haida be do idia mahuta, a? Tomadiho Lalonai Hemataurai Hahedinaraia SELF - CONTROL Ia idia do vadivadi henia noho, Baibel bukadia be ia dekenai idia duahia, kongregesen taudia edia namo lauma dalanai be ia dekenai idia hadibaia, bona hanaihanai ia ida idia guriguri. SIBONA IDIA DURUA In the United States, 46 percent of those at Bethel are between the ages of 19 and 29. Lagani 1914 dokona ai, North America, Europe, bona Australia ai, "Photo - Drama " be taunimanima ibounai 9,000,000 mai kahana dekenai idia hahedinaraia vadaeni. United States ai, mauri lagani 19 ia lao 29 huanai, Betele ai idia noho taudia 46 pesen amo 46 pesen be edia mauri lagani be 19 bona 29 huanai. First the child that Bath - sheba gives birth to dies. Lasi. Opereisen negana ai, doketa bona nesi (o anesthetist) edia gaukara mani oi laloa. Bataseba ia havaraia natuna ginigunana be ia mase. The Bible says that its counsel is inspired and "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " Hakaua hereva badadia be dahaka? Baibel ia gwau unai sisiba be Dirava ena lauma amo ia vara bona " mai ena siahu hadibaia totona, sisiba henia totona, gau idauidau hamaoromaoroa totona. ' At other times, her husband may ask her to cook a certain food, whether because it is his favorite or because he is used to having that meal in a particular season. Emu Guriguri Dalana Ia Hahedinaraia Oi be Iehova Ena Turana, A? Nega haida, reana ena adavana ese ia noia aniani sisina ia nadua totona, herevana ia ura henia eiava aniani negana ai ia gaukaralaia. So I went to an online Bible and did a search for "1914. " Sure enough, the search engine said: "0 results. " Unai dainai Iesu ia gwau: "Umui danu do umui noho hegaegae, badina umui laloa lasi horana ai, taunimanima ena Natuna do ia mai. " Unai dainai Web sait ta dekenai lau lao bona lau tahua noho, ia gwau: "Namo herea. " STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 Iehova Tomadiho Henia Karana Matauraia Noho STADI 1, 2 RAU 3 - 11 That set a pattern for many subsequent translations, English and non - English. SIBONA BIAGUA KARANA Unai ese Baibel, English bona English gado idia hahanaia taudia momo dekenai dala ia kehoa. In time, the entire nation turned apostate, resulting in its destruction in 607 B.C.E. (Salamo 110: 3) United States ai, Betele dekenai idia noho taudia 46 pesen edia mauri laganidia be 19 ia lao 29 huanai. Lagani 607 B.C.E. ai, Israela besena ibounai be aposteit taudia ai idia lao, unai dainai lagani 607 B.C.E. ai idia hadikaia ore. One reason is that relatives on one side or the other may attempt to exert a dominant influence on wedding plans. Ginigunana be Bataseba ese ia havaraia natuna ia mase. Badina ta be, varavara ta eiava ma ta ese headava ena palani ia durua toho. So Jerusalem must have fallen in 607 B.C.E. - 10 / 1, pages 26 - 31. Baibel be "Dirava ena hahekau henunai idia torea, bona ia be mai ena namo hadibaia totona, sisiba henia totona, [bona] gau idauidau hamaoromaoroa totona. " Unai dainai reana lagani 607 B.C.E. ai, Ierusalema be ia moru vadaeni. - 10 / 1, rau 26 - 31. 8, 9. (a) How did Moses express his feelings of self - doubt? Ma nega haida, iena tau ese ia noia aniani idauna ta do ia nadua, badina unai aniani ia ura henia eiava badina iena kara ta be nega badana ta ai unai aniani ia ania. 8, 9. (a) Mose be edena dala ai sibona ena hemami ia gwauraia hedinarai? However, the Amorite Kings Sihon and Og had no such claims to the land under their control. Unai dainai Intanet ai ia noho Baibel lalonai "1914 " lau tahua, to unai lau davaria lasi. To, Oga bona Oga be unai bamona tanodia idia biagua lasi. Keen Students of the Bible STADI 1, 2 RAU 3 - 11 Bible Student taudia 18 When children are little, parents can start teaching them the correct names for body parts. English bona gado ma haida Baibel ai unai bamona idia karaia danu. Natudia idia maragi neganai, tama sina ese natudia dekenai tauanina ena kahana haida edia ladana maorona idia hadibaia diba. The writer of this psalm, David, was a shepherd as a youth. Unai nega ai, Israela besena be aposteit karadia idia karaia dainai, lagani 607 B.C.E. ai Babulonia ese idia hadikaia ore. Davida be unai ane ia torea tauna, bona ia be mero matamata neganai, ia be mamoe naria tauna. 10, 11. Badina ta be, headava tau bona hahine edia varavara do idia ura headava ena palani do idia karaia. 10, 11. It also caused them to draw closer to each other. 8, 9. (a) Mose be edena dala ai ena laloa daradara hemamina ia hahedinaraia? Danu, unai ese idia ia hatamonaia. When Job is mentioned, we may recall his faithful example in enduring trial. To, Amono ena King Sihona bona Oga be Israela taudia edia varavara lasi, unai dainai idia noholaia tanona be idia edia lasi. Iobu be hahetoho ia davaria neganai, iena haheitalai namona ita laloatao be namo. Yet, he repeatedly shows compassion and forgiveness. Baibel Stiuden Taudia Goadadia To, nega momo hebogahisi bona dika gwauatao karana ia hahedinaraia. However, there were facts about Apollos that would have led some Christians to be reluctant to teach him. Natudia idia do maragi neganai, tama sina ese idia dekenai tauanina ena kahana idauidau edia ladana korikori idia hadibaia. To, Apolo ena sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia, Keristani taudia haida idia ura lasi Apolo idia hadibaia. So let us "listen to discipline and become wise. " Salamo torea tauna Davida ia matamata neganai, ia be mamoe ia naria. Unai dainai, "hadibaia hereva do ita kamonai henia, bona aonega do ita davaria. " That the light of Bible truth may reach as many people as possible, they have made their Bible publications available in some 370 languages. - Matthew 24: 14; Revelation 14: 6, 7. 10, 11. Baibel ena hereva momokani ena diari be taunimanima momo dekenai ia bada diba, unai dainai edia Baibel bukadia be gado idauidau ai idia halasia. - Mataio 24: 14; Apokalupo 14: 6, 7. Their fine conduct is a powerful witness to teachers and fellow students at school. Danu, unai ese edia lalokau heheni karana ia habadaia. Edia kara namodia be tisa bona sikuli turadia dekenai idia hahedinaraia. (See opening image.) (b) Why are the horses of different colors? Iobu ena ladana idia gwauraia neganai, mai abidadama ida hahetoho ia haheaukalaia karana ita laloa lou. (Laulau ginigunana itaia.) (b) Dahaka dainai hosi edia kala be idauidau? " Let Your Kingdom Come " - But When? To, nega momo Iehova be ita ia hebogahisi henia bona iseda dika ia gwauatao. " Oiemu Basileia Do Ia Mai " - Edena Negai? Often, I don't fully grasp the main ideas. To, Keristani taudia haida be Apolo dekenai gau haida idia diba dainai idia ura lasi ia idia hadibaia. Nega momo, unai lalohadai badadia lau lalo - pararalaia namonamo lasi. Free choice within the boundaries of God's laws would not be burdensome but would result in a delightful variety of food, homes, art, and music. (Aon. 1: 24 - 31) Unai dainai " hadibaia hereva do ita kamonai henia, vadaeni aonega do ita davaria. ' Dirava ena taravatu hegeregerena ita karaia abia hidi be metau lasi, to aniani, ruma, bona miusiki do ita moalelaia. Remaining single and following Bible counsel have enabled me to live a rich, rewarding life, while maintaining "constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 35. Baibel ena hereva momokani ena diari be taunimanima momo ese do idia abia diba totona edia Baibel bukadia bona magasin be gado 370 bamona dekenai idia karaia. - Mataio 24: 14; Apokalupo 14: 6, 7. Baibel ena sisiba lau badinaia neganai, unai ese lau ia durua kohu momo maurina lau noholaia, bona " Lohiabada dekenai lau lao, gau ta ese egu lalona ia veria lasi. ' - 1 Korinto 7: 35. " Jehovah is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness. Edia kara namo ese tisa taudia bona edia sikuli turadia dekenai haroro namona ia henia. " Lohiabada be mai ena bogahisihisi, bona mai ena hariharibada. Ia be badu dekenai ia haraga lasi, to bogahisihisi bona lalokau dekenai ia haraga. For example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities. (Laulau ginigunana herevalaia.) (b) Dahaka dainai hosi edia kala be idauidau? Hegeregere, lo tadikaka idia noia maduna haida do idia rakatania bona tadikaka matamatadia do idia durua unai maduna idia huaia totona. Our being active in the Christian ministry is a protection against Satan's "machinations, " or" crafty acts. " - Ephesians 6: 11; footnote. Danu, nega momo point badadia haida lau lalopararalaia namonamo lasi. Keristani haroro gaukara ita goadalaia karana ese Satani ena "koikoi karadia " amo ita ia gimaia. - Efeso 6: 11; futnout. Besides helping young people to deal with problems, our publications help them to grow spiritually and draw close to Jehovah. (Isaia 48: 17) Dirava ena taravatu edia hetoana lalodiai, taunimanima ese mai ura kwalimu ida dala ta idia abia hidi karana ese idia do ia hametaua lasi, to ia dainai aniani, ruma, laulau penia, miusiki karaia daladia idauidau do idia moalelaia. Iseda buka bona magasin ese matamata taudia idia durua hekwakwanai idia hanaia sibona lasi, to idia ia durua lauma dalanai idia tubu bona Iehova kahirakahira idia lao totona. We read at Genesis 12: 11 - 13: "It came about that as soon as he got near to entering Egypt, then he said to Sarai his wife: " Please, now! I well know you are a woman beautiful in appearance. Lau singul noho bona Baibel ena sisiba lau badinaia dainai, egu mauri lau moalelaia bada, bona " hanaihanai Lohiabada lau hesiai henia bona gau ta ese egu lalona ia veria lasi. ' - 1 Korinto 7: 35. Genese 12: 11 - 13 ai ita duahia, ia gwau: "Unai neganai Aberamo be Aigupito dekenai ia vareai gwauraia neganai, ia ese Sarai dekenai ia hamaoroa, ia gwau, " Mani oi diba, oi be hairai hahinena! What is required in order to succeed as a minister of the good news? " Lohiabada be mai ena bogahisihisi, bona mai ena hariharibada. Ia ese iena badu ia hakerua noho... Sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana ita karaia namonamo totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Both of my sons married spiritual women who love Jehovah God with all their heart and soul. - Eph. Hegeregere, mauri lagani bada tadikaka idia noia diba maduna haida do ia huaia lasi, to ia ese tadikaka matamata dekenai heduru do ia henia unai maduna idia huaia totona. Egu natudia memero rua be mai edia kudouna bona mauri ibounai ida Iehova Dirava idia lalokau henia hahinedia idia adavaia. - Efe. Its members remain virgins in a spiritual sense by not defiling themselves with the beliefs and practices of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. Keristani haroro gaukara ita goadalaia neganai, unai ese Satani ena "koikoi karadia " amo ita do ia gimaia. - Efeso 6: 11. Iena memba taudia be "Babulonia Badana, " tanobada ena tomadiho koikoi ibounai unai, ena hahediba herevadia bona karadia amo lauma dalanai rami - hebou kekenina bamona idia noho lasi. No wonder Paul warns so clearly against it! Iseda pablikeisen ese matamata taudia ia durua edia hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaia sibona lasi, to idia ia durua edia hetura karana Iehova ida idia hagoadaia bona ia kahirakahira idia lao. Unai dainai, Paulo ese ita ia sisiba henia unai kara ita dadaraia totona! Robert: I've never heard of any Christians who believe that. Genese 12: 11 - 13 ia gwau: "Aigupito ena hetoa gabuna be kahirakahira neganai, iena adavana Sarai dekenai ia hereva, ia gwau, " Kamonai, oi be hairai dikadika hahine ta. Robert: Unai hereva idia abia dae Keristani taudia haida edia sivarai lau kamonai lasi. Why should we avoid judging other people's motives? Sivarai namona harorolaia gaukara dekenai ita kwalimu totona dahaka ita karaia be namo? Dahaka dainai taunimanima ita hahemaoro henidia lasi be namo? • Modern City Egu natuna memero edia adavana be Iehova Dirava idia lalokau henia bada danu. - Efe. • Hari Siti The inspired words of Jehovah's prophets finally reached the hearts of their listeners, for the people resumed work on the temple, completing it in 515 B.C.E. Bona hahediba koikoi herevadia be "nega ta idia gwauraia lasi, " bona Satani ena tanobada idia dadaraia noho. Iehova ena peroveta taudia ese lauma helaga ena siahu amo edia kamonai taudia edia lalona idia veria, badina taunimanima be dubu helaga dekenai idia gaukara lou, bona unai gaukara be lagani 3,500 B.C.E. ai ia ore. What can we learn from how Joseph dealt with trials? Unai dainai ita hoa lasi Paulo ese unai kara ia sisibalaia goevagoeva! Iosepa ese hahetoho ia hanaia dalana amo dahaka ita dibaia? I will try to do what pleases him in this matter. ' Robert: Nega ta lau do kamonai lasi, Keristani tauna ta be unai ia abia dae. Ia hamoalea karadia do lau karaia toho. ' (b) Which episodes from the Scriptures will be considered in this article? Dahaka dainai ma haida edia kara dainai idia ita hahemaoro henia lasi? (b) Inai stadi ai edena sivarai do ita herevalaia? Keeping mentally, morally, and spiritually clean is the only way to escape the everlasting destruction symbolized by Gehenna. • Hari inai negai Siti Lauma dalanai, kara goeva, bona lauma dalanai ia goeva dalana tamona be Gehena ese ia laulaulaia dika hanaihanai amo ita roho mauri. Not really. Iehova ena peroveta taudia be lauma helaga ena hakaua henunai idia gwauraia herevadia ese kamonai taudia edia kudouna idia hamarerea, idia ese dubu idia haginia matamaia lou, bona lagani 515 B.C.E. ai gaukara idia haorea. Lasi. Recall that in discussing one's choice to eat certain foods, Paul cautioned his fellow Christians: "Keep watching that this authority of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to those who are weak. " Iosepa ese hahetoho ia haheaukalaia karana amo dahaka ita diba? Paulo ese aniani haida ania karana ia herevalaia neganai, ena Keristani tadikaka ia sisiba henia, ia gwau: "Do umui naria namonamo, manoka taudia do umui hahekwakwanaia garina. " Yet, these innovative sound tools would help them reach millions in just a few years. Unai dainai, Iehova ese ia moalelaia gauna sibona do lau abia hidi. ' To, unai tulu matamatadia ese idia do ia durua lagani haida sibona lalonai taunimanima milioni momo idia haroro henia totona. When anointed Christians receive their heavenly reward, however, they take their place alongside Jesus and share in his public service as heavenly kings and priests. (b) Baibel lalonai edena sivarai toi do ita herevalaia? To, horoa Keristani taudia be edia guba ahuna idia abia neganai, idia be Iesu badinai idia gini bona ia ida guba dekenai king bona hahelaga gaukara idia karaia. We often use such figures of speech in our own conversations. Hanaihanai eda lalona, kara, bona tomadiho dalana ia goeva be namo, badina unai dala sibona amo ita be Gehena ese ia laulaulaia hadikaia hanaihanai karana amo do ita roho mauri. Nega momo iseda herevahereva lalonai unai bamona hereva namodia ita gaukaralaia. Jesus Performs Miraculous Healings Lasi. Iesu ese Hanamoa Karadia Ia Herevalaia No doubt, the angels could have written down God's message to mankind. Mani inai oi laloatao, Paulo be Keristani taudia haida ia sisiba henia, idia abia hidi aniani haida ia kikilaia, ia gwau: "To umui naria namonamo, inai umui karaia diba gauna ese abidadama manoka taudia do ia hakererea garina. Ita daradara lasi, aneru ese Dirava ena hereva be taunimanima dekenai idia torea diba. The kings of earth take their stand and high officials themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah and against his anointed one. " - Psalm 2: 1, 2. To, unai saun tulu matamatadia ese idia do ia durua taunimanima milioni momo idia haroro henia totona. Tanobada ena king taudia idia gini, bona lohia taudia idia haboua noho, Lohiabada bona iena horoa tauna idia tuari henia totona. " - Salamo 2: 1, 2. Nebuchadnezzar headed a dynasty that ruled over the Babylonian Empire. To horoa Keristani taudia ese edia guba ahuna idia abia neganai, edia gabu Iesu badinai do idia abia bona ia ida king bona hahelaga gaukara do idia karaia. Nebukanesa ese Babulonia Basileiana ia lohiaia besena ia lohiaia. It is undoubtedly true that doing what Jehovah asks of us always brings blessings. Nega momo ita be eda herevahereva lalonai unai laulau herevadia ita gaukaralaia. Momokani, Iehova ia ura ita karaia gaudia ese hanaihanai hahenamo ia mailaia. Joseph used a wide range of tools, some likely handed down from his father. Iesu be Hoa Dalanai Taunimanima Ia Hanamoa Iosepa be tulu idauidau ia gaukaralaia, reana haida ese ena tamana idia henia. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me, " he said. - Philippians 4: 13; 2 Corinthians 11: 23 - 29. Ita gwau diba, aneru ese Dirava ena hereva taunimanima totona idia torea diba. Ia gwau: "Lau dekenai siahu ia henia tauna amo goada lau abia gau ibounai lau karaia totona. " - Filipi 4: 13; 2 Korinto 11: 23 - 29. 22 Questions From Readers Edia king taudia be tuari totona idia toreisi, bona edia lohia taudia ese idia haboua noho. Idia ura be, Lohiabada bona ia ese ia Abia Hidi Tauna, do idia dagedage henia. " - Salamo 2: 1, 2. 22 Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai " For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh '? (Daniela 2: 37, 38) Nebukanesa be Babulonia Basileiana ia biagua lohia besena ena kwarana. " Unai dainai tau ese tamana sinana do ia rakatania, iena adavana dekenai do ia noho, ruaosi be tauanina tamona do idia lao, a? Your spouse seems overly attached to his or her parents. Iosepa ese tulu idauidau ia gaukaralaia, reana haida be ena tamana amo ia abia. Reana emu adavana be ena tama sina ia laloa bada. How can we benefit from Paul's references to those contests? Ia gwau: "Lau dekenai siahu ia henia Diravana dainai, lau be mai egu goada gau iboudiai karaia totona. " - Filipi 4: 13; 2 Korinto 11: 23 - 29. Paulo ese ia herevalaia taudia edia sivarai ese edena dala ai ita ia durua? His description thus provides a basis for laments, or dirges. 22 Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai Iena hereva ese taitai ena badina ia hahedinaraia. 2: 18 - Why were Joab and his two brothers identified as the three sons of Zeruiah, their mother? Ia torea,... " inai dainai tau be iena tamana sinana do ia rakatania, iena adavana dekenai do ia hakapua, vadaeni idia ruaosi be tamona idia noho. 2: 18 - Dahaka dainai Ioaba bona ena tadikaka rua idia gwau Ioaba ena natuna memero toi, edia sinana? Russell, this was the fifth trip to Ireland. HEKWAKWANAI 1: Toana be emu adavana be ena tama sina ia laloa bada. Russell, be Ireland dekenai ia lao. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Edena dala ai namo ita davaria diba Paulo ena gadara helulu herevalaia karana amo? . . . . . How can humans perceive some of God's qualities? Ia herevalaia gaudia ese lalohisihisi bona taitai ia havaraia. Edena dala ai taunimanima ese Dirava ena kara haida idia lalopararalaia diba? Can you assist them to prepare and practice a simple, appealing presentation? Tomadiho Namona be Baibel Ia Matauraia Idia oi durua diba auka lasi herevadia idia gwauraia totona, a? As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth. " 2: 18 - Dahaka dainai Ioaba bona ena tadikaka rua idia gwauraia edia sinana, Seruia ena natuna tau toi? Kara dika taudia be tano dekena amo, Dirava ese do ia abidia siri. " Surely, each one of us will want to organize his affairs so as to attend and benefit from every session of each convention. - Prov. Russell, bona unai be iena nega namba 5 Ireland ia vadivadi henia. Momokani, ita ta ta be do ita ura ena gaukara ita hegaegaelaia, unai amo hebouhebou ibounai dekenai do ita lao bona namo do ita davaria. - Aon. By all means, then, let us be guided by the spirit as we declare the good news of God's Kingdom! ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Unai dainai, Dirava ena Basileia ena sivarai namona ita harorolaia neganai, lauma helaga ese ita ia hakaua be namo! Am I adhering to the body of Christian beliefs? ' Mani inai sivarai oi laloa: Charlene, ena mauri lagani be 44, be kensa gorere ia abia bona doketa idia gwau ia be dina 10 sibona do ia mauri. Keristani hahediba herevadia lau badinaia, a? ' By being "on fire with the Spirit, " we can demonstrate increased boldness in our house - to - house ministry and when witnessing informally. - Rom. Edena dala ai taunimanima be Dirava ena kara haida idia itaia diba? " Lauma helaga ese ita ia gabua ' neganai, ita be mai gari lasi ida ruma - ta - ruma - ta haroro gaukara bona nega bona gabu idauidau ai ita haroro diba. Then, they beat the stalks against a hard surface or used farm animals to pull a threshing sledge over the stalks to break them into pieces. Bema kara dika taudia danu umui turana karaia neganai, idia ese emui kara namona do idia hadikaia. Bena, au idia botaia eiava animal idia gaukaralaia idia makohia totona. Shirley: Yes, of course. Idia oi durua auka lasi bona taunimanima edia lalona ia veria kiki herevana ta idia hegaegaelaia totona, a? Shirley: Oibe. Indeed, the Bible points to this by foretelling that in "the last days, " people will be" lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty. " To kara dika taudia be tano dekena amo, Dirava ese do ia abidia siri, bona kara koikoi taudia be, tano dekena amo do ia kokidia momokani. " Momokani, Baibel ese unai ia hahedinaraia, ia gwau "nega ena dokona dekenai " taunimanima be" sibodia do idia laloa bada, moni do idia mataganigani henia, do idia hekokoroku, do idia hekokoroku. " " Faithful Under Trials " (video), 3 / 1 Namona be ita ta ta ese eda lalona ita hadaia, hebouhebou ibounai ita lao bona ena dina ta ita reaia lasi. - Aon. " Dirava Ena Hereva Badinaia Taudia, " 3 / 15 By enduring in this witness work and continuing to exercise faith in Christ's ransom, these ones will be privileged to survive "the great tribulation, " which will bring an end to Satan's world. - John 10: 16; Rev. Unai dainai, Dirava ena Basileia ena sivarai namona ita harorolaia neganai, lauma helaga ese ita ia hakaua be namo! Unai haroro gaukara idia karaia noho bona Keriso ena mauri davalaia boubouna idia abidadama henia noho karana amo, unai taudia be "hisihisi badana " amo do idia roho mauri, bona Satani ena tanobada do ia hadikaia ore. - Ioane 10: 16; Apok. Violent conditions around us make life stressful. Lau be Keristani hadibaia herevadia ibounai lau badinaia noho, a? ' Iseda mauri lalonai idia vara dika idauidau dainai, lalo - hekwarahi ita davaria. Foremost among these was faith. Ia be hereva namonamo tauna " ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau ia be "Lauma helaga dainai ia ura bada ia gaukara, vadaeni ia lao bona mai maoromaoro ida Iesu ena sivarai ia herevalaia bona ia hadibaia, to ia be Ioane ena bapatiso sibona ia diba. " Idia huanai ia noho abidadama be gau badana. 11, 12. (a) What prophetic example emphasizes the importance of looking for the good within the family? Iharuana be, unai uiti be nadi ta latanai idia botaia o boromakau ese auri metauna ta be uiti latanai idia veria loaloa, unai amo uiti idia makohia bena anina idia kokia. 11, 12. (a) Edena peroveta herevana ese ia hahedinaraia ruma bese lalonai namo ita tahua be gau badana? 22: 21. Shirley: Oibe. 22: 21. 37: 28. Momokani, Baibel ese unai ia perovetalaia, ia gwau "dina gabediai " taunimanima be" sibodia do idia laloa bada, moni do idia ura henia bada, sibodia do idia abia isi, do idia hekokoroku. " 37: 28. and "Seventy Weeks " in Insight on the Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. " Dirava Badinaia " Hebouheboudia, 3 / 1 bona Insight on the Scriptures, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. ese ia halasia. Why is obeying Jehovah's law necessary in order to mind the spirit? Idia diba bema unai haroro gaukarana lalonai idia haheauka bona Keriso ena mauri davalaia boubouna idia abidadama henia ela bona dokona, "hisihisi badana " amo do idia roho mauri, bona Dirava ena tanobada matamatana ai do idia vareai. - Ioa. 10: 16; Apok. Dahaka dainai Iehova ena taravatu ita badinaia be gau badana lauma helaga ita laloa totona? How can Christian parents make good use of the life stories recorded in The Watchtower? Dagedage karadia be gabu ibounai dekenai idia vara dainai ita gari. Edena dala ai Keristani tama sina ese Gima Kohorona lalonai idia noho mauri sivaraidia idia gaukaralaia namonamo diba? I can still remember the excitement when we learned that our assignment was the tropical islands of the Bahamas. Idia amo abidadama be mai anina bada. Ai kamonai emai asainmen be Bahamas ena motumotu maragidia edia siahu henunai ia noho neganai, lau moale bada. We may awaken "early in the morning twilight " and cry for help. 11, 12. (a) Edena peroveta tauna ena haheitalai ese ia hahedinaraia, ruma bese lalonai ma haida edia namo ita tahua be mai anina bada? Reana " daba ia rere neganai " do ita noga bona heduru totona do ita taitai. Members of the congregation needed to rekindle their first love for Jehovah. 22: 21. Namona be kongrigeisen taudia ese edia lalokau Iehova dekenai idia habadaia. What characteristic of loving - kindness is further highlighted by the three Bible accounts we have considered? 37: 28. Edena dala ai ita herevalaia Baibel sivaraidia toi ese hebogahisi mai lalokauna idia hahedinaraia? The mutual love Paul wrote about to the Hebrews calls for a brotherhood, a community of like - minded worshippers, a congregation. Dahaka dainai Iehova ena taravatu ita badinaia be mai anina bada lauma helaga ita laloa totona? Paulo ese Heberu taudia ia tore henia neganai, ia hahedinaraia idia be tadikaka oreana tamona, idia be kongrigeisen ta bamona. Being exemplary in a supportive role may be a challenge for a wife when her husband makes a decision she disagrees with. Oi be hanaihanai Gima Kohorona ai unai bamona sivarai oi duahia bona oi laloa dobu, a? Bema tau be ena adavana ena lalohadai ia abia dae lasi, reana hahine ese ia durua be auka. Was it not love? Ai dibaia Bahamas ena siahu motumotudia dekenai do ai lao neganai, emai moale lau laloatao noho. Unai be lalokau karana, ani? Interestingly, Jesus took this man to a private spot and cured him there. Reana "daba rere do lasi neganai " ita toreisi bona heduru totona Ia ita noia. Hoa gauna be, Iesu ese unai tauna be matakepulu tauna ta dekenai ia abia lao bona unuseniai ia hanamoa. Since the holy spirit is God's active force, then we'll agree that God can use it to accomplish anything he chooses. Kongregesen taudia ese guna Iehova totona idia hahedinaraia lalokauna idia habadaia lou be gau badana. Lauma helaga be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna dainai, ita abia dae Dirava ese ia gaukaralaia diba gau ibounai ia karaia totona. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND QUALITIES Unai Baibel ena sivarai toi amo ita itaia hegeregerena, hebogahisi mai lalokauna be edena dala ai idia hahedinaraia? KERISTANI MAURI BONA KARA On that occasion, "Peter stood up with the Eleven " and shared lifesaving truths with a large crowd of Jews and proselytes. Danu, idia ese ita do idia hagoadaia ma haida dekenai lalokau, bona "kara namodia " ita hahedinaraia totona. Unai nega ai, Iuda bona Iuda tomadiho idia abia dae taudia hutuma bada herea dekenai hereva momokani ia hadibaia. For instance, Jesus urged his followers to keep the Golden Rule, found at Matthew 7: 12: "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them. " Nega haida hahine namona ese tau ena abia hidi ia badinaia be auka. Hegeregere, Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hagoadaia ma haida kara namo henia ena hakaua herevana idia badinaia totona, Mataio 7: 12 ai ia gwau: "Unai dainai, gau ibounai umui ura taunimanima ese umui dekenai idia karaia hegeregerena, idia dekenai danu unai bamona do umui karaia. " Because of your good example of courage, tenacity, and perseverance, we can accept our little problems more calmly. " - Tuteirihia, French Polynesia. Lalokau dainai unai bamona ia karaia. Emu boga - auka, gari lasi karana, bona hesiku lasi karana dainai, emai hekwakwanai maragidia ai abia dae haraga diba. " - T guba, France. [ Footnote] To, Iesu ese unai tau be gabu ta dekenai ia hakaua siri bona unuseniai ia hanamoa. [ Footnote] To Jehovah, such prayers are like the fragrant aroma of sweet - smelling incense. Lauma helaga be Dirava ena gaukara siahuna dainai, ita abia dae Dirava ese ia gaukaralaia diba iena ura ibounai ia hagugurua totona. Iehova dekenai, unai bamona guriguri be bonana namo muramurana bamona. Being a rewarder is an integral part of who Jehovah is and what he does. Unai nega ai, "Petero be aposetolo taudia 11 ida ia gini tore " bona hahemauri sivaraina be Iuda bona idau bese taudia hutuma dekenai ia gwauraia. Iehova be ita dekenai davana namona ia henia bona dahaka ia karaia be namo. The apostle Paul so valued the Christian ministry that he referred to it as a "treasure. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7. Hegeregere, Iesu ese ia murinai idia raka taudia ia hagoadaia namona be ma haida kara namo henia ena hakaua herevana, Mataio 7: 12 dekenai, idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Unai dainai, gau ibounai umui ura taunimanima ese do idia karaia umui dekenai, umui ese unai bamona do umui karaia idia dekenai. " Aposetolo Paulo ese Keristani haroro gaukara ia laloa bada dainai, ia gwau ia be "kohu haboua rumana. " - 2 Korinto 4: 7. Thus, he requires that congregation overseers administer justice and act righteously. - Isaiah 59: 14, 15, 17. Emui boga auka, goada bona hesiku lasi karadia amo haheitalai namona umui hahedinaraia dainai, emai hekwakwanai maragidia be mai manau ida ai abia dae diba. " - Tuteirihia, French Polynesia dekenai. Unai dainai, ia ura kongregesen naria taudia ese hahemaoro goeva idia karaia bona kara maoromaoro idia karaia. - Isaia 59: 14, 15, 17. A Time to Heal [ Footnote] Ia Laloa Bada Negana How was the operation of holy spirit manifested in some early congregations? Iehova dekenai unai guriguri be "muramura mai bonana namona bamona. " (Sal. Edena dala ai kongrigeisen ginigunadia haida ese lauma helaga ena gaukara dalana idia hahedinaraia? That is what Peter must have done, and he was forgiven. Iehova ena kara badana ta be, ia ura iena hesiai taudia edia davana ia henia. Petero be unai bamona ia karaia, bona Dirava ese ena dika ia gwauatao. If you have additional privileges of service in the congregation, you may at times find it difficult to balance congregation and family responsibilities. Aposetolo Paulo ese Keristani haroro gaukara ia laloa bada dainai, ia gwau ia be dava bada gauna bamona. - 2 Korinto 4: 7, NW. Bema kongrigeisen lalonai maduna haida oi abia, reana nega haida kongrigeisen bona ruma bese maduna haida oi huaia be auka. Peter also wrote: "The end of all things has drawn close.... Be vigilant with a view to prayers. " Unai dainai, ia ura kongrigeisen naria taudia ese hahemaoro goeva bona kara maoromaoro idia hahedinaraia. - Isaia 59: 14, 15, 17. Petero ma ia gwau: "Gau ibounai edia dokona be ia kahirakahira vadaeni.... However, the evening we arrived, the drought was broken by a tropical downpour, and the convention was held after all! Lalohisihisi Ia Ore be mai Ena Nega To, hanuaboi ai, medu bada herea ia diho bona hebouhebou ibounai idia karaia! Lessons for All of Us Aposetolo edia negai, lauma helaga be kongrigeisen lalonai edena bamona ia gaukara? Ita Dibaia Gaudia (Read Matthew 22: 35 - 40.) Jesus was kind and considerate, not harsh or overbearing. Petero be unai bamona ia karaia, bona Dirava ese ena dika ia gwauatao. (Mataio 22: 35 - 40 duahia.) " Imagine seeing your father again, " I would say. " Dirava be oiemu terona ela bona hanaihanai, bona oiemu basileia ena kepata be kara maoromaoro ena kepata. Lau gwau: "Oiemu tamana lau itaia lou. " Jesus said that it was his disciples, soon to be anointed with holy spirit, who should be able to draw certain conclusions when they saw "all these things " occur. Bema kongrigeisen ai maduna haida oi huaia, reana oi hekwarahi unai maduna bona emu ruma bese ena maduna oi huaia hebou totona, ani? Iesu ia gwau unai be iena hahediba taudia, kahirakahira lauma helaga amo do idia horoa, bona "unai gau ibounai idia vara " neganai, unai do idia lalopararalaia. So stated the chief auditor of Nicaragua when explaining why he felt that government corruption was impossible to eliminate. Petero ia gwau: "Gau iboudiai edia dokona be ia kahirakahira vadaeni;... umui gima, umui guriguri. " Unai dainai Nicaragua ena bisop badana ia gwau, korapsen ia haorea diba lasi ena badina ia gwauraia hedinarai. Some people believe that prayer is only of psychological benefit. Ai ginidae adorahi ai medu bada ia diho, to hebouhebou ai karaia. Taunimanima haida idia laloa guriguri karana sibona ese namo ia havaraia. If you plan to be a disciple - maker, you will be choosing a most satisfying career, one that glorifies God. Ita Dibaia Gauna Bema palani oi karaia hahediba tauna ai oi lao totona, Dirava ia hanamoa gaukarana ta do oi abia hidi. [ Credit Line] Iesu be ia hebogahisi, ia kara auka lasi, bona ta ia biagua auka lasi. [ Credit Line] The Colossians needed to be "complete " in what sense? Lau gwau: "Mani oi laloa, emu tamana do oi itaia lou. Edena dala ai Kolose taudia idia "gini goada " be namo? What can parents learn from Jehovah's fine example in dealing with the rebellious nation of Israel? Iesu ia gwau iena hahediba taudia, kahirakahira lauma helaga ese do ia horoa taudia, be "inai gaudia ibounai " idia itaia neganai do idia laloparara. Tama sina ese gwau - edeede Israela besena idia kara henia lalonai, Iehova ena haheitalai namona amo dahaka idia dibaia? How is trustworthiness linked with our dedication to God? Unai ena badina ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Gavamani ai idia gaukara taudia be ita sitisen taudia hegeregerena. " Edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia ita be Dirava dekenai ita gwauhamata? " All Scripture " does not authorize us to tell others off. Taunimanima haida idia laloa guriguri be eda lalona ia hanamoa gauna ta sibona. " Buka Helaga ibounai " ese ita ia hagoadaia lasi ma haida ita hamaoroa totona. As told by Maatje de Jonge - van den Heuvel Bema emu palani be hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana do oi karaia, oi be gaukara namona oi abia hidi unai, bona unai ese Dirava do ia hamoalea. Ma Haida ese Idia Sivarailaia - Iehova Ena Orea Ia Bada Ia Lao (Read Isaiah 55: 10, 11.) [ Credit Line] (Isaia 55: 10, 11 duahia.) In view of all that God has provided, we do well to ask ourselves: " Am I doing all I can in my ministry to show Jehovah the depth of my appreciation for his provisions? Edena dala ai Kolose taudia idia "goada " be namo? Dirava ese ia henia gaudia ibounai ita laloa dainai, namona be sibona ita nanadaia: " Egu hesiai gaukara ibounai lalonai Iehova ese ia henia gaudia lau laloa bada, a? (The Encyclopedia Americana) Yet, no one fully comprehends "the bonds " that hold the constellations together. Iehova ese gwau - edeede Israela besena ia kara henia karana amo, tama sina be dahaka idia dibaia? (The Encyclopedia) To, ta ese unai " dabuana " ia lalo - pararalaia namonamo lasi. The solution to the puzzle presents itself when we again consider the time frame. Dirava dekenai ita gwauhamata neganai, edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia ita be eda hereva ita hamomokania? Unai hekwakwanai hanaia dalana ita laloa lou neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua unai hekwakwanai ita hanaia totona. (a) Why is exercising self - control in sexual matters particularly challenging for some? Baibel ia gwau ma haida ida hekwakwanai ta ita hamaoromaoroa neganai, edia hemami ita laloa be namo. (a) Dahaka dainai haida be sibona edia ura idia biagua be auka? What about us? Maatje De Jonge - van Den Heuvel Ese Ia Sivarailaia Ita be edena bamona? Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate. (Isaia 55: 10, 11 duahia.) Share Monina: Ta ese ena share monina be IBSA dekenai harihari gauna bamona ia henia diba. Even Paul had to endure a continuing conflict with the sinful flesh. Dirava ese ita totona ia karaia gaudia ita laloa neganai, namona be sibona ita nanadaia: " Iehova ese ia henia harihari gaudia lau laloa bada dainai, haroro gaukara lau goadalaia, a? Paulo danu be goevadae lasi tauanina ena ura ia tuari henia noho. After a customary greeting with our open Bibles in hand, we read the scripture. " (The Encyclopedia Americana) To, tau ta ia diba lasi dahaka ese unai hisiu oreadia ia "guia " hebou. Emai Baibel ai kehoa murinai, siri ai duahia. " This geographical growth was an expression of Jehovah's deep love for redeemable humankind. Unai ita haerelaia totona namona be unai parabole ena dokona kahana ese ia herevalaia negana ita laloa. Unai namba ia bada daekau karana ese ia hahedinaraia Iehova be taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada. Anyone can act immodestly if he allows himself temporarily to be overcome by fleshly desires. (a) Dahaka dainai mahuta hebou karana dekenai taunimanima haida be sibona edia ura idia biagua be mai ena hekwarahi? Bema ta be nega sisina lalonai sibona ena ura gaudia ia dadaraia, ia hekokoroku diba. Later, when we met again, I encouraged him to pioneer. Ita be edena bamona? Gabeai, ai hedavari henia lou neganai, lau ese ia lau hagoadaia painia gaukara ia karaia totona. TRY THIS: Do not rescue him by paying off his debts or by making excuses to his teacher for a failing grade. Share Monina: Ta ese ena share monina be IBSA dekenai harihari gauna bamona ia henia diba. INAI OI TOHOA: Namo lasi ena abitorehai oi haloua, o emu tisa dekenai ekskius oi gwauraia oi ia durua totona. Point out that Satan is trying to destroy their relationship with God and make them think that relief from life's burdens can come by abandoning true worship. Mai eda goada ida kara haida ita karaia, ura dikadia ita kokia totona. Satani ia ura edia hetura karana Dirava ida ia hadikaia, unai dainai idia laloa mauri ena hekwakwanai idauidau do idia davaria bema tomadiho momokani idia rakatania. Then they will not regard the rearing of children as a chore. Ruma tauna ai hedavari henia murinai, emai Baibel ai kehoa bona siri ta ai duahia. " Unai neganai natudia naria karana be maduna metauna ta bamona do idia laloa lasi. What about the decisions we make regarding other matters, such as pursuing secular education and accepting or rejecting certain medical treatment? Hereva momokani be gabu momo dekenai ia lao ese Iehova ena lalokau badana ia hoia lou diba taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia. Ma gau haida dekenai abia hidi ita karaia, hegeregere edukeisen ita tahua bona medikol heduru daladia haida ita dadaraia, a? None of those resurrected nor any of the survivors of the great tribulation will be misled by Satan during that reign, for he will be inactive. Ta ia hekokoroku diba, bema ia be tauanina ena ura gaudia ia tahua matamaia. Idia toreisi lou taudia eiava hisihisi badana amo do idia roho mauri taudia ibounai be Satani ese do ia hakaua kerere lasi, badina ia be do ia manoka lasi. As the Japanese army advanced on India, the British authorities put increasing pressure on Jehovah's Witnesses. Gabeai ai hedavari lou neganai, ia lau hagoadaia painia gaukara ia hamatamaia totona. Japan ena tuari taudia be India dekenai idia noho neganai, Britain ena gavamani taudia ese Iehova ena Witnes taudia dekenai lalo - hekwarahi bada idia havaraia. Elihu rightfully exclaimed: "As for the Almighty, we have not found him out; he is exalted in power. " - Job 37: 23. INA BA TOHOA: Natumu basio durua iena abitorehai ihalouna totona, eiava ena sikuli makadia na dia nanamo neganai ena tisa enai ekskius herevadia basio gwaurai. Elihu ena hereva be maoro, ia gwau: "Siahu Ibounai Dirava ese ita ia davaria lasi. Ia be mai ena siahu danu. " - Iobu 37: 23. Satan claims that if allowed to put humans to the test, he can turn every one of them away from serving God. Oi hadibaia, Satani ia ura edia hetura karana Dirava ida ia hadikaia. Bona Satani ia ura manoka taudia idia laloa tomadiho momokani idia rakatania neganai, namo bada do idia davaria. Satani ia gwau bema taunimanima ese unai hahetoho idia davaria, ia ese idia ta ta do ia veria diba Dirava idia hesiai henia lasi totona. At the end of that verse, merchants are described as using a "scrimped ephah measure, " that is, one that is too small. Bena do idia laloa lasi natudia naria karana be gaukara auka herea. Unai siri ena dokona kahanai, hoihoi taudia be "moni maragimaragi " idia gaukaralaia, anina be unai be maragi. I continued making progress, and in 1991, I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. To abia hidi haida, hegeregere tanobada ena edukeisen tahua karana bona medikol heduru ita abia dae eiava dadaraia karana dekenai, be edena bamona? Lau goada lau lao noho, bona lagani 1991 ai, bapatiso lau abia bona Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta ai lau lao. Two years later, I was invited to serve as a special pioneer. Unai lohia negana ai, Satani be kara ta do ia karaia diba lasi dainai, idia toreisi lou taudia eiava hisihisi badana amo idia roho mauri taudia do ia koia lasi. Lagani rua murinai, lau idia boiria spesel painia gaukara lau karaia totona. So under the Law, the only God - authorized use of blood was on the altar to make atonement for the lives of the Israelites, who were seeking Jehovah's forgiveness. Japan ena ami be India tanona ai idia vareai neganai, Britain ena siahu taudia ese Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia hametaua bada. Unai dainai Taravatu henunai, Dirava ese maoro ia henia boubou patana dekenai rara idia gaukaralaia Israela taudia edia kara dika davana karaia totona, unai amo Iehova ese edia dika ia gwauatao diba. I then said unkind things about him to the other person on the phone, but the first person had not hung up. " - MICHAEL. Elihu ena hereva be maoro, ia gwau " Siahu Ibounai Diravana ita lalo - pararalaia diba lasi, iena siahu be bada herea. ' - Iobu 37: 23, NW. Bena ia dekenai idia vara gaudia be ia dekenai lau gwauraia, to unai tau ginigunana be ia mahuta lasi. " - M. In order to do so, they make themselves approachable and available. Satani ia gwau bema taunimanima ia tohoa, idia ta ta ibounai ese Dirava hesiai henia karana do idia rakatania. Unai idia karaia totona, namona be idia gari lasi bona idia hereva diba. He was confident that the hearts of at least some of their offspring would be moved to serve him. Unai siri lalodiai ia hedinarai, hoihoi taudia ese "sikele koikoi " idia gaukaralaia. Ia diba momokani edia natudia haida ese ia do idia hesiai henia. Paul said, according to Ephesians 4: 19, that some individuals had "come to be past all moral sense " and that" they gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness. " Lau goada lau lao, bona lagani 1991 ai, lau bapatiso bona Iehova ena Witnes ta ai lau lao. Paulo ena hereva Efeso 4: 19 hegeregerena, haida be "kara mirodia ibounai " idia karaia bona" mai mataganigani ida kara mirodia idauidau idia karaia. " Under trial, many tend to forget a vital truth, one so important that the book of Proverbs says it twice: "There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward. " Lagani rua murinai, lau idia boiria spesel painia gaukara karaia totona. Hahetoho idia davaria neganai, momo be mai anina bada hereva momokanina ta idia laloaboio, unai dainai Aonega Herevadia bukana ia gwau: "Dala ta ia noho, sedira iena toana oi dekenai be maoro, to iena dokona be mase murinai. " The Christian apostle Paul wrote about certain Jews, such as the Pharisees: "They have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge. " Unai dainai, Taravatu henunai, Dirava ia gwau rara idia gaukaralaia dalana tamona sibona be boubou patana dekenai idia atoa, Israela taudia edia mauri davana karaia bona edia kara dika gwauatao totona. Keristani aposetolo Paulo ese Iuda taudia haida ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Dirava idia ura henia bada, to diba maoromaoro hegeregerena idia karaia lasi. " Through inherited imperfection, we are subject to "the law of sin and of death. " Bena fon amo ma ta dekenai ia hadikaia herevadia lau gwauraia, to unai tauna be iena fon ia do atoa diho lasi. " - MICHAEL. Ita be goevadae lasi dainai, "kara dika bona mase edia taravatu " henunai ita noho. Religious festivals became formalistic, devoid of genuine reverence for God. Unai bamona idia karaia totona, idia ese ibounai idia tura henia namonamo bona idia noho hegaegae heduru idia henia totona. Tomadiho karadia idia karaia taudia be Dirava idia matauraia lasi. It appears that as part of that conquest, many captives were assembled at Ramah, some five miles (8 km) north of Jerusalem. Ia diba edia natudia haida edia kudoudia ese idia do idia hamarerea ia do idia hesiai henia totona. Toana be unai kwalimu negana ena kahana ta ai, Rama dekenai igui hesiai taudia momo idia haboua, ena daudau Ierusalema ena not kahana dekenai. Many stories preserved for our benefit in the Bible offer us touching examples of people who loved Jehovah and served him faithfully despite adverse circumstances. Efeso 4: 19 (NW) dekenai, Paulo ia gwau, taunimanima haida be idia hemarai lasi momokani, bona lebulebu mai matabodaga karana ese idia ia biagua dainai, mai edia ura dikadika ida kara mirodia idauidau idia karaia. Baibel lalonai Iehova idia lalokau henia bona mai abidadama ida Ia idia hesiai henia taudia edia sivarai momo ese ita idia durua. Do such promises sound too good to be true? To, momo be Aonega Herevadia bukana ese ia gwauraia herevana idia laloaboio. Ia gwau: "Dala ta ia noho, sedira iena toana oi dekenai be maoro, to iena dokona be mase dekenai do ia lao. " (Aon. Oi laloa unai bamona gwauhamata be momokani, a? After the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., the remnant of Judah fled to Egypt despite the prophet Jeremiah's warning. Keristani aposetolo tauna Paulo ese Iuda taudia haida, hegeregere Farisea taudia bamona, ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Idia ese Dirava ena hesiai gaukara idia ura karaia namonamo, to karaia dalana be idia diba lasi. " Lagani 607 B.C.E. ai, Ierusalema idia hadikaia ore murinai, Iuda ena orena taudia be Aigupito dekenai idia heau lao, ena be peroveta tauna Ieremia ena sisiba idia abia. For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. Ita be Adamu ena natudia dainai, "kara dika bona mase edia taravatu " ena siahu henunai ita noho. Idaunegai Roma Keristani taudia edia lalohadai aniani bona dina haida lalonai idia ania gaudia dekenai be idauidau. Even those who might die faithful before the great tribulation begins remain secure with Jehovah, their "real dwelling. " Tomadiho ariadia idia karaia kava, unai be Dirava idia matauraia momokani lasi. Hisihisi badana ia do vara lasi neganai idia mase taudia danu be Iehova, edia "noho gabuna " ai do idia noho. Elijah showed an awareness of the water cycle. (1 Sam. 10: 2) Unai dainai, Rahela ena taitai karana ese Beniamina iduhu taudia o Rama taudia ese idia mamia lalohisihisi ia laulaulaia. Elia be ranu ena heau dalana ia diba. In 1946, he attended the eighth class of Gilead School in New York, U.S.A. Baibel lalonai sivarai haida ese idia hahedinaraia, ena be haida be dika bada idia davaria to idia ese Iehova idia lalokau bona abidadama henia noho, edia sivarai ese ita idia durua bada. Lagani 1946 ai, New York, U.S.A. dekenai, Gilead Sikuli ena klas namba 8 dekenai ia lao. What would you say? (Iobu 14: 14, 15, BHğ) To oi laloa unai gwauhamata ena anina do ia vara momokani, a? Dahaka do oi gwau? MILDNESS Lagani 607 B.C.E. ai Ierusalema idia hadikaia murinai, Iuda taudia oredia be Aigupito dekenai idia heau mauri, ena be Ieremia ena peroveta herevana ia gwau unai hanua be do ia dika. abia hidi ita karaia totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? In Isaiah's day, the nation of Judah found themselves in dire straits. To, bema medikol dala haida dainai kongrigeisen ena lalotamona karana ia hadikaia, unai be laloa maoromaoro karana lasi. Isaia ena negai, Iuda besena be hekwakwanai badadia idia davaria. 4, 5. Ena be abidadama taudia haida be reana hisihisi badana do lasi neganai idia mase, to Iehova be edia "noho gabuna. " 4, 5. There's no respect for parents, " bemoans a mother. Lagani 1946 ai, ia be New York, U.S.A dekenai idia karaia Gilead Sikulina ena klas namba 8 dekenai ia lao. Sinana ta be tama sina ia matauraia lasi. Soon, Jehovah's servants will be attacked by the forces of Gog of Magog. Edena bamona do oi haere? Kahirakahira, Magoga tauna Goga ena tuari taudia ese Iehova ena hesiai taudia do idia tuari henia. Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. MANAU Momokani, taunimanima edia lohia taudia haida be idia lohiaia taudia edia namo idia laloa bada. May we therefore be "the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul. " Isaia ena negai, Iuda taudia be dika bada idia davaria. Unai dainai, namona be "ita be abidadama taudia dainai, mauri do ita abia. " Vindication, Book Three (published in 1932), described the upright heart attitude of the non - Israelite man Jehonadab, who got into the chariot of Israel's anointed King Jehu and went along to see Jehu's zeal in executing false worshipers. 4, 5. Lagani 1932 ai, Israela lasi tauna Iehu be Israela ena King Iehu ena kariota dekenai ia guia bona Iehu ese tomadiho koikoi taudia ia hamasea karana ia itaia. In 1955, we moved to Kemi, a city farther north. Tama sina idia matauraia lasi. " Lagani 1955 ai, ai be not kahana ena not kahanai ia noho siti ta, Ketly dekenai ai lao. After spending ten years at Bethel, I feel that I want to continue as long as possible serving my brothers and sisters by remaining in my Bethel assignment. " Kahirakahira, Magoga tano tauna Goga ena tuari taudia ese Dirava ena hesiai taudia do idia dagedage henia. Betele ai lagani 10 lau gaukara murinai, lau mamia Betele ai lau gaukara noho. " 3: 5, 6. Oibe, taunimanima edia lohia taudia haida be edia tano taudia edia noho namo idia laloa bada. 3: 5, 6. Consider the clergy's record when it comes to war. Unai dainai "namona be ita be abidadama taudia dainai, mauri do ita abia. " Tuari ia vara neganai, dubu gunalaia taudia edia kara mani ita laloa. We all knew that severe trials lay ahead. Vindication, Buka Ihatoina (lagani 1932 ai idia halasia), ese Israela lasi tauna Iehonadaba, ena kudou - maoro karana ia hahedinaraia, Israela ena horoa king Iehu ena kariota dekenai ia guia bona Iehu ida ia lao, tomadiho koikoi ia hadikaia karana ia itaia totona. Ita ibounai ita diba hahetoho badadia do idia vara. Jesus did not hesitate to tell his disciples that he loved them. Lagani 1955 ai, not kahana ena siti ta ladana, Kemi dekenai ai lao. Iesu be ena hahediba taudia ia hamaoroa ia ese idia ia lalokau henia. Neither he nor those who listen to him have to be led in the right direction by force - the rod of chastisement. Hari, lau be lagani 10 Betele dekenai lau gaukara vadaeni, bona lau ura iniseniai do lau gaukara bona egu tadikaka taihu do lau hesiai henia ela bona hanaihanai. " Emu Lalona Oi HAIDAUA BE MAORO NEGANA Danu, ia bona ena hereva idia kamonai taudia be siahu amo idia hakaua lasi - hisihisi ia havaraia auna. Assure your child that telling is always appropriate - even if the person promises gifts or makes threats. 3: 5, 6. Namona be emu natuna oi hadibaia, nega ibounai ia gwauraia herevana be maoro - ena be ia be mai ena harihari gaudia eiava haida ese idia hagaria diba. True Christians are not immune to these problems; hence, what can help you to cope if you have been betrayed? Tuari negadia ai dubu gunalaia taudia edia sivarai mani ita laloa. Keristani taudia momokanidia be unai bamona hekwakwanai idia davaria danu; unai dainai, bema oi idia samania, dahaka ese oi ia durua diba? (Hebrews 12: 4) Ai ibounai ai diba vaira negai hahetoho badadia do ai davaria. (Heberu 12: 4 Consider the following. Iesu be nega ibounai ena hahediba taudia ia hamaoroa idia ia lalokau henia. Mani inai oi laloa. If you find that you are at least partly responsible for an argument, do not hesitate to apologize to your teenager. Ia bona iena hereva idia kamonai taudia be dala maorona badinaia totona idia doria - dadabaia auna - be mai badina lasi. Bema oi davaria oi be hepapahuahu ta dainai oi hepapahuahu, namona be emu natuna dekenai sori herevana oi gwauraia. Even in lands of Christendom, many do not believe in the concept of being sinners. Emui natuna oi hadibaia unai kara ia karaia tauna ia samania be maoro, ena be ia gwau harihari gaudia do ia henia eiava oi ia hagaria. Kerisendom tanodia dekenai danu, momo idia abia dae lasi idia be kara dika taudia. No doubt, good personal study habits will help you to grasp fully "the breadth and length and height and depth " of the truth. Unai dainai, bema emu tau o hahine ese oi ia hahisia, dahaka ese oi ia durua diba oi haheauka totona? Momokani, sibona emu stadi namonamo karana ese oi do ia durua, hereva momokani ena " lata, bona ena lata, bona ena lata, bona ena dobu, ' oi lalopararalaia totona. What tendency should we avoid when feeling downhearted? (Heberu 12: 4) Ita lalo - metau neganai, dahaka lalohadai ita dadaraia be namo? Far from it! Henunai idia noho herevadia oi laloa. Lasi! It can be useful for a child to know more than one language. Bema oi laloa nega momo oi be hepapahuahu oi hamatamaia, namona be emu natuna oi sori henia. Unai ese natuna ia durua diba gado ta ia dibaia totona. At an international convention in New York City in 1950, the audience was delighted to receive the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, the first installment of a modern - language Bible that restored God's name to its rightful place in his Word. - Jer. Kerisendom tanodia dekenai, momo idia abia dae lasi idia be kara dika taudia. Lagani 1950 ai, New York City ena intenesenel hebouhebou ta dekenai, helai taudia idia moale badina New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures idia abia, hari inai negai Dirava ena ladana be ena gabu korikori ai ia atoa lou. - Ier. But what happened when Jehoshaphat associated with Ahab, who had no love for Jehovah? Momokani, sibona emu stadi oi karaia hanaihanai neganai, unai ese oi do ia durua " hereva momokani ena lababa, ena lata, ena ataiai, bona ena dobu do oi lalopararalaia momokani. ' To Iehosapata ese Ahaba, Iehova ia lalokau henia lasi tauna, ia bamoa neganai, dahaka ia vara? " We have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, " wrote Paul, "but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. " Ita lalo - metau neganai dahaka kara ita dadaraia be namo? Paulo ia gwau: "Iseda manoka gaudia ibounai dekenai ia ese ita ia bogahisihisi henia diba lasi. He introduced a video showing developments at Wallkill, Patterson, and recently acquired sites in Warwick and Tuxedo, New York. Lasi! Ia ese Patterson, Patterson, bona vanegai sibona Warwick, New York dekenai idia vara vidio ta ia hahedinaraia. " Shepherding agreements such as those between Laban and Jacob, " says the magazine Biblical Archaeology Review, "would have been very familiar to the ancient writers and readers of the Biblical text. " Emu natuna be gado momo ia dibaia be mai ena namo. Buka ta (The Biblical Bible) ia gwau: "Mamoe Naria Taudia Bona Iakobo huanai idia noho gwauhamata taravatuna be idaunegai toretore taudia bona Baibel idia duahia taudia ese do idia dibaia. " Mealtime, 1 / 1 Lagani 1950, New York City ai idia karaia intanesinol hebouhebou dekenai, helai taudia be mai moale bada ida New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures idia abia. Gabeai, Heberu Toretoredia be nao gado ai idia haorea murinai, unai Baibel ruaosi idia hakapua bona Dirava ena ladana be ena gabu korikori ai idia atoa lou. - Ier. 5 / 15 Instead of being granted full exemption, however, my father was registered as exempt "from Combatant Service only. " (2 Siv. 18: 4 - 6) To Ahaba, Iehova ia lalokau henia lasi tauna, ia tura henia neganai, dahaka ia vara? To, egu tamana be tuari lalonai ia vareai lasi, to ia gwau egu tamana be "hesiai gaukara sibona ia karaia lasi. " These generous acts on the part of the Egyptians were a blessing from Jehovah, not from Pharaoh. To iseda Hahelagaia Tauna Badana ese ita ia bogahisihisi henia diba. Badina be ia danu ese dibagani ena mamina ia abia, ita ese ena mamina ita abia hegeregerena. To Iesu ese kara dika ta ia karaia lasi. " Aigupito taudia ese unai kara namodia idia karaia be hahenamo ta Iehova amo, to Farao ena amo lasi. As you know, The Watchtower has been in publication since 1879, a feat that has been possible only with Jehovah's spirit and blessing. Bona vidio ta amo Wallkill, Patterson ai idia karaia gaudia, bona Warwick bona Tuxedo, New York ai idia hoia tano matamata ia hahedinaraia. Lagani 1879 amo ema bona hari, Gima Kohorona be Iehova ena lauma helaga bona ena hahenamo sibona amo idia karaia. He received knowledge by divine revelation. (Genese 30: 25 - 33) Magasin ta (Biblical Archaeology Review) ia gwau: "Idaunegai Baibel idia torea taudia bona duahia taudia be Labana bona Iakobo idia karaia mamoe naria kontrakana idia diba danu. Dirava ena hereva amo diba ia abia. When temptation is likely to strike. IEHOVA Hedibagani ia vara diba. Joseph's ten half brothers were jealous of him because he was favored by their father. Egu tamana idia ruhaia momokani lasi, to, "Tuari Gaukarana sibona amo " idia ruhaia. Iosepa ena kakana 10 be ia dekenai idia mama badina edia tamana ese ia lalonamo henidia. Immediately we started making plans to move on to a more important work. Aigupito taudia edia harihari bada karana be hahenamo, Iehova ena amo, Farao ena amo lasi. Maoromaoro palani ai karaia mai anina bada gaukarana ta ai karaia totona. Over the centuries, genuine anointed ones grew as "wheat " in a field of" weeds, " or false Christians. Ita diba nao gado Gima Kohorona be lagani 1879 ai idia halasia matamaia. Lagani handred momo lalodiai, horoa taudia be ava dikadia eiava Keristani koikoidia edia uma gabu dekenai idia tubu daekau. That is natural. Danu, lauma helaga ena heduru amo Petero be taunimanima edia koikoi karadia ia gwauraia hedinarai. Unai be momokani. At times, children may question the right of parents to reprove them. Hedibagani ia vara gwauraia neganai. Nega haida, natudia ese tama sina edia maoro idia henanadailaia diba. What was their response? Unai dainai unai kara namodia dalana do oi laloa lou, bona oiemu lalona do oi giroa. " Dahaka idia karaia? The spiritual program there was indeed upbuilding and faith strengthening. Iosepa ena kakadia 10 be ia dekenai idia mama, badina edia tamana ese ia ia ura henia bada. Unai lauma program ese emai abidadama ia hagoadaia bada. Has your upbringing or environment exposed you to national or regional loyalties? Maoromaoro palani ai karaia mai anina bada gaukarana do ai karaia totona. Emu famili o noho dalana ese ia hahedinaraia oi be bese abia isi karana oi laloa bada, a? It really happens that way. It's hard to imagine it, if you have not experienced it. Lagani handred momo lalonai, "ava, " eiava Keristani koikoi taudia, edia huanai horoa taudia korikoridia be" uiti " bamona idia tubu. Momokani, unai bamona oi laloa be auka, bema unai oi mamia lasi. Upon finding and greeting Saul, Ananias laid his hands on him. Unai be vaia taunimanima edia kara. Anania ese Saulo ia davaria bona hanamoa neganai, iena imana ia atoa ia dekenai. She enrolled in a Chinese - language course, served with a Chinese group, and set the goal of moving to Taiwan, which goal she realized in September 2008. (Aonega Herevadia 29: 15) Nega haida, natudia ese tama sina idia hamaoroa idia be maoro lasi matahakani idia henia totona. Ia be China gado ena kosi ta dekenai ia vareai, China grup ta ida ia gaukara, bona September 2008 ai Taiwan dekenai ia lao, unai tahua gauna ia hagugurua. (b) As a Christian baptized in Jesus ' name, what obligation do you have? Dahaka idia karaia? (b) Iesu ena ladanai bapatiso oi abia neganai, emu maduna be dahaka? He did in Noah's day, and he will in our day. - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. Lauma gaudia idia laloa momo dainai egu abidadama ia hagoadaia bada. Noa ena negai ia karaia, bona hari iseda negai danu ia be unai bamona do ia karaia. - 2 Petero 3: 3 - 7. For instance, a newspaper columnist reported that his seven - year - old son came home from school and excitedly told his father that a school friend had come across an Internet site showing naked women performing sex acts. Emu noho gabuna ai taunimanima be bese abia isi karana idia karaia dainai, oi danu be unai lalohadai oi abia, a? Hegeregere, niuspepa torea tauna ta ia gwau, ena natuna mero ena mauri lagani 7 be sikuli amo ia giroa ruma dekenai bona mai moale ida ena tamana ia hamaoroa, sikuli turana ta be Internet dekenai matabodaga karadia ia karaia. It can be a real challenge for young ones to show kindness to fellow students. Bema oi dekenai unai ia do vara lasi, unai oi lalopararalaia be auka. Matamata taudia ese edia sikuli turadia dekenai hebogahisi idia hahedinaraia be mai ena hekwarahi. Why do misunderstandings occur? Anania ese Saulo ia davaria bona ia hanamoa murinai, iena imana ruaosi be iena latanai ia atoa. Dahaka dainai lalohadai kereredia idia vara? 8, 9. Ia be China gado dibaia ena klas ta dekenai ia lao, China gado grup ta ia bamoa bona abia hidi ia karaia Taiwan dekenai do ia lao. Bena, September 2008 ai ena tahua gauna ia guguru. 8, 9. No, none of these things are evil in themselves. (b) Oi be Iesu ladanai oi bapatiso dainai, dahaka oi karaia be namo? Lasi. 2 CHRONICLES 6: 29, 30 (Isaia 55: 10, 11) Noa ena negai unai ia karaia, bona iseda negai danu unai bamona do ia karaia. - 2 Petero 3: 3 - 7. 2 SIVARAI 6: 29, 30 " It turned out that the brother's father had been a strict disciplinarian. Hegeregere, niuspepa torea tauna ta ia gwau, ena natuna mero ena mauri lagani be 7 bona sikuli amo ia giroa mai neganai, mai moale ida ena tamana ia hamaoroa, ena sikuli turana be Internet dekenai kopina kavakava hahinedia ia itaia, matabodaga karadia idia karaia. Ia gwau: "Gabeai, tadikaka ena tamana ena kara be auka. Later, Jacob's first son by his favored wife, Rachel, was Joseph. Matamata taudia be sikuli turadia dekenai hebogahisi idia hahedinaraia be ia auka. Gabeai, Iakobo ena natuna ginigunana, Rahela, ese ia ura henia bada hahinena, be Iosepa. Timothy was a young man who made good use of his singleness. Dahaka dainai taunimanima ese lalohadai kererena idia abia? Timoteo be mero matamata bona ena headava lasi maurina ia moalelaia. What do some people think about God? 8, 9. Taunimanima haida ese Dirava be edena bamona idia laloa? Young Timothy must have displayed a maturity beyond his years. Lasi, unai bamona gaudia ta be ia dika lasi. Timoteo be lagani momo lalonai lo Keristani tauna ai ia lao vadaeni. The Memorial campaign, the Memorial itself, and the calls we later make on those who attended may provide us with the opportunity to help sincere truth - seekers to understand the answer to that important question. 2 SIVARAI 6: 29, 30 Memorial hebouna, Memorial, bona gabeai ita lao henia taudia dekenai dala ia kehoa hereva momokani idia tahua taudia ese unai mai anina bada henanadai edia haere idia lalo - pararalaia totona. BEING imperfect, we are prone to make mistakes. Lau davaria unai tadikaka ena tamana ena matahakani dalana be auka herea. ITA be goevadae lasi dainai, kerere ita karaia diba. Contribute to the Well - Being of the Congregation Gabeai, Iakobo ese ena lalokau hahine, Rahela, amo ia havaraia natuna ginigunana be Iosepa. Kongrigeisen ai Kara Namo Hahedinaraia He was once part of Jehovah's heavenly family as a perfect spirit son of God. Timoteo be ena headava lasi maurina ia moalelaia. Guna ia be Iehova ena guba ruma bese lalonai ia noho, bona ia be Dirava ena natuna goevadaena ta. That question has been asked by many people. Dirava momokanina idia tomadiho henia taudia ibounai be Paradaiso ai mauri goevadaena do idia moalelaia bada. Taunimanima momo ese unai henanadai idia henia. Unlike other covenants, in which Jehovah is one of the parties to the covenant, this is a personal covenant between Jesus and his anointed followers. Taunimanima haida be Dirava dekenai dahaka idia laloa? Iehova be kontraka ma ta ida kontraka ta ia karaia lasi, to Iesu bona ena horoa tadikaka ida kontraka ta ia karaia. We need to guard against the spirit of the world because if it succeeds in molding our outlook and attitude, likely we will make our own desires of paramount importance. Mero matamata Timoteo be lo Keristani tauna ena kara ia hahedinaraia. Namona be tanobada ena laloa dalana ita dadaraia, badina bema iseda lalohadai bona kara ita hamaoromaoroa, iseda ura gaudia be mai anina bada. Likewise, our personal appearance - whether during leisure time or in the ministry - can either enhance or diminish the appeal of the message we preach. Kudou - maoro taudia ese unai mai anina bada henanadai ena haere idia diba totona, namona be Memorial pepapepa hariharilaia gaukarana ita durua, Memorial hebouna ita lao, bona unai hebou idia mai taudia ita vadivadi henia. Unai hegeregerena, iseda toana - moale karadia eiava haroro gaukara ai - ese iseda haroro gaukara ia hanamoa eiava hadikaia diba. Young Israelites, therefore, did not need to dedicate their lives to Jehovah. They were born as members of God's dedicated people. ITA BE goevadae lasi dainai, kerere ita karaia diba. Unai dainai, Israela natudia idia vara neganai, Iehova dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia be anina lasi. How so? Kongrigeisen Oi Durua Edena dala ai? * - Hebrews 10: 26 - 31. Nega ta lalonai, ia be guba dekenai Iehova ena ruma bese lalonai, Dirava ena lauma natudia goevadaena ta. * - Heberu 10: 26 - 31. His public discourses recorded in the Bible give evidence of how convincing a speaker he was. Unai henanadai be taunimanima momo ese idia henia. Baibel lalonai iena pablik tok ese ia hahedinaraia ia be hereva henia tauna namona. There are also numerous ways for us to show love for our neighbor. Iesu ia gwau, "Egu Tamana be lau ida Basileia ta totona kontraka ia karaia hegeregerena " neganai, ia be Iehova ese ia ida ia karaia kontrakana ia herevalaia. Dala idauidau ai iseda dekena taudia dekenai lalokau ita hahedinaraia diba. God heard his request for favor and restored him to the kingship in Jerusalem. Namona be tanobada ena lauma amo ita gimaia, badina bema ia hegeregerena ita laloa matamaia, do ita laloa iseda ura gaudia sibona be mai anina bada. Dirava ese ena noinoi ia kamonai bona Ierusalema dekenai king dagina ia henia lou. Let us not keep the people in ignorance, but let us proclaim the truth in no apologetic or hidden manner. " Danu, iseda toana - ita laga - ani eiava haroro gaukara ita karaia neganai - ese ita harorolaia sivaraina ena namo ia habadaia eiava ia hamaragia diba. Namo lasi taunimanima ita diba lasi, to namona be hereva momokani ita gwauraia loaloa lasi eiava hehuni dalana ai ita hunia lasi. " The Scriptures actually speak of a glory that God confers on humans. (Deuteronomi 14: 1, 2) Israela taudia edia natudia be unai gwauhamata besena lalonai idia vara dainai, Iehova dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia lasi. Baibel ese Dirava ese taunimanima dekenai ia henia hairai ia herevalaia. No human knows the "day and hour " when that will come. Edena dala ai? " Dina bona hora " ta be unai nega ia diba lasi. Bruce observes: "One of the strong points in the original apostolic preaching is the confident appeal to the knowledge of the hearers; they not only said, " We are witnesses of these things, ' but also, " As you yourselves also know '. " * - Heberu 10: 26 - 31. Peter ia gwau: " Aposetolo taudia edia negai ia noho haroro herevana badana ta be kamonai taudia ese idia abia dae dibana; sibona lasi, to idia gwau, " Ita danu be unai hereva ita gwauraia hedinarai, ' to ita diba oi danu be unai oi diba. ' " Jesus was resurrected to be "the chief cornerstone " (See paragraphs 8, 9) Iena haroro herevadia Baibel lalonai ese idia hahedinaraia iena hereva ese kamonai taudia edia lalona ia veria. Iesu ia toreisi lou neganai, ia be "nadi badana " ai ia lao (Paragraf 8, 9 itaia) In a long race, such as a marathon, the finish line is not in sight at first. Danu, ita ese dala idauidau ai eda dekena taudia ita lalokau henia diba. Heau helulu daudauna lalonai, heau helulu ena heau helulu be guna bamona lasi. Furthermore, do we "pray continually " and thereby show our dependence on Jehovah? Iehova ese Manase ena guriguri ia kamonai bona Ierusalema dekenai ia giroa diba bona ena king dagina ia abia lou. Danu, hanaihanai "guriguri " ita gwauraia bona unai amo ita hahedinaraia Iehova ita abidadama henia, a? Like Pavlos and Sofia, many parents throughout the world do their best to give their children a good start in life. Mani taunimanima ita hadibaia namonamo, to hereva momokani be mai hemarai ida eiava hunia dalanai ita harorolaia lasi. " Unai hegeregerena, tanobada hegegemadai tama sina momo be edia natudia dekenai mauri namona idia henia. It was hard at times, though, to hear them say that they did not agree with some aspect of the truth. Yet, we learned what was really in their hearts. After we reasoned with them, they would be satisfied with Jehovah's thinking on matters. To, Dirava ese ta dekenai hairai ia henia totona, unai tauna amo dahaka kara ia tahua? To, nega haida ai kamonai idia be hereva momokani ena kahana haida idia abia dae lasi, to idia ida ai herevahereva murinai, Iehova ena lalohadai idia abia dae. If we are to avoid self - deception, there are some helpful suggestions we need to keep in mind. Iehova be inai tanobada dikana do ia haorea negana ia makaia vadaeni, to unai "dina bona hora " be ta ia diba lasi. Bema ita ura lasi sibona ita koia, heduru herevadia haida ita laloatao be namo. What hope, then, is there for an end to violence? Bruce ia gwau: "Aposetolo idia haroro matamaia neganai, taunimanima edia lalona idia ania goadagoada; idia gwau, " Ai ese unai gaudia ibounai ai gwauraia hedinarai, ' bona, " umui be unai umui diba '. " Vadaeni, dagedage karadia haorea totona dahaka helaro ia noho? PETERSBURG, FL, Bayfront Center, 400 1st St. Iesu ia toreisi lou bona "kona nadi badana " ai ia lao (Paragraf 8, 9 itaia) SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Well, we cannot properly teach others if we have not first taught ourselves. Heau helulu daudauna lalonai ia heau tauna be matamanai heau helulu ena laini dokona do ia itaia lasi. Bema ita sibona ita hadibaia lasi, ma haida ita hadibaia namonamo diba lasi. He himself set the prime example, giving his only - begotten Son "in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Ita be nega ibounai ita "guriguri noho, " bona ita hahedinaraia Iehova dekenai ita tabekau, a? Ia be haheitalai hereadaena, badina iena Natuna tamona sibona ia henia "unai amo ia idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai be do idia mase lasi, to mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. " It impels us to "slave for one another. " Pavlos bona Sofia bamona, tanobada hegegemadai tama sina momo idia gaukara goada, edia natudia edia mauri be badina aukana latanai idia haginia totona. Ita ia hagoadaia " ta ta do ita durua ' totona. Bethany Ai moale bada, badina emai natudia kekeni be haisikuli idia haorea murinai, maoromaoro painia gaukara idia matamaia, bona gaukara ma haida idia karaia danu, sibodia idia naria totona. Betania And he gave his Father the credit for his teachings and wisdom. Sibona ita koia lasi totona, heduru herevadia haida ita laloatao be namo. Bona ena hahediba herevadia bona aonega dainai ena Tamana ia hanamoa. However, that obedient generation gradually died out and was replaced by a generation that "did not know Jehovah or the work that he had done for Israel. " (Ieremia 10: 23) Vadaeni, dahaka helaro ia noho dagedage karana haorea totona? To, unai kamonai taudia be metairametaira idia mase bona "Lohiabada idia diba lasi, bona ia ese Israela taudia totona ia karaia gauna idia diba lasi. " WE TEND to imitate those whose personality and ways we admire. Badina taunimanima haida do ita hadibaia namonamo diba lasi bema ita sibona ita hadibaia guna lasi. ITA ese edia kara bona kara ita ura henia taudia edia kara ita tohotohoa. Paul zealously spread the Kingdom message throughout Asia Minor and into Europe, establishing and revisiting many congregations. Iehova be haheitalai hereadaena, badina "iena Natuna tamona sibona ia vara, ia henia vadaeni ita dekenai, do idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai be do idia mase lasi, to mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. " Paulo be mai ura bada ida Asia Minor bona Europe dekenai Basileia ena sivarai namona ia harorolaia, bona kongregesen momo ia vadivadi henia lou. Christian wives who keep in humble submission to their husbands imitate the congregation in recognizing and observing the headship principle. Ita ia hagoadaia " ta ta dekenai durua ita henia totona. ' Mai manau ida edia adavana idia badinaia Keristani hahine ese kongregesen ena kwara dagina idia matauraia bona idia badinaia. 15, 16. (a) What incorrect reasoning may hold some young ones back from getting baptized? Betania 15, 16. (a) Matamata taudia haida be dahaka lalohadai kererena idia abia dainai bapatiso idia abia lasi? What desires should a Christian not cultivate? Bona iena hadibaia daladia bona aonega dainai iena Tamana ia hanamoa. Keristani tauna ese edena ura ia hahedinaraia lasi be namo? Let everyone with a willing heart bring a contribution for Jehovah. " Oibe, Israela taudia ese Lohiabada idia badinaia noho, ela bona edia gunalaia taudia, tau badadia, idia mase ore. Mai edia kudouna ibounai ida idia ura henia taudia ibounai ese Iehova dekenai kontribusen idia henia be namo. " CAN YOU EXPLAIN? NEGA momo ita ura edia kara be namo taudia ita tohotohoa. ANINA OI ABIA DIBA, A? What does that word bring to your mind? Paulo be Asia Minor bona Europe tanodia ai, sivarai namona ia harorolaia goadagoada. Kongrigeisen momo ia haginidia bona ia vadivadi henidia. Unai hereva dainai dahaka oi laloa? Yes, Moses reminded the people that Jehovah was constant and unchanging in his love and care for them. Mai manau ida edia tatau henunai idia noho Keristani hahine ese kongrigeisen idia tohotohoa, idia ese kwara dagina idia matauraia. Oibe, Mose ese Israela taudia ia hadibaia Iehova be hanaihanai ia noho hegaegae idia ia lalokau henia bona naria totona. If you get irritated and try to find another route, you might get lost. 15, 16. (a) Dahaka lalohadai kerere dainai matamata taudia haida ese bapatiso idia abia lasi? Bema oi badu bona dala ma ta oi tahua, reana do oi boio. Judges chapter 6 relates that Jehovah's angel visited Gideon at Ophrah. Keristani tauna ese edena ura idauidau ia habadaia lasi be namo? Gunalaia Taudia karoa 6 ia gwau, Iehova ena aneru ese Gideona ia vadivadi henia. What, then, is our motive for doing this work? Harihari gaudia idia ura idia henia taudia ibounai ese... do idia mailaia. " Vadaeni, dahaka dainai unai gaukara ita karaia? Once a year a traveling overseer visits the island. ANINA OI GWAURAIA DIBA, A? Lagani ta ta ai, loaloa naria tauna ta ese motumotu ia vadivadi henia. What is Jesus doing today, and what questions arise? Unai hereva dainai dahaka oi laloa? Hari Iesu be dahaka ia karaia noho, bona edena henanadai idia vara? One of the teenagers who had been drifting away from the truth thanked Fabian and Isabel for helping her to "get going again. " Oibe, Mose be Israela taudia ia hadibaia Iehova ena lalokau bona naria karana be ia haidaua diba lasi. Matamata tauna ta be hereva momokani amo ia hure oho, unai dainai Isabel bona Isabel ese ia idia tanikiu henia, badina ia ese ia durua "do ia giroa lou " totona. The wounds that ethnic groups in the region inflicted upon one another in the 1940 ' s helped to pave the way for the war in the Balkans in the 1990 ' s. To, oi haheauka lasi dainai dala kwadogina ta oi tahua, bena oi boio, bona oi ura lao gabuna dekenai oi ginidae leiti. Lagani 1940 lalodiai, tano idauidau taudia ese ta ta dekenai idia havaraia dika ese dala ia kehoa tuari lalonai idia vareai totona. The man claimed to be a prophet of Jehovah. Gunalaia Tauna bukana karoa 6 ese ia hahedinaraia, Iehova ena aneru be Opera dekenai Gideona ia vadivadi henia. Unai tauna ia gwau ia be Iehova ena peroveta tauna. But I have never refused one yet, and I do not intend to start. " To, dahaka dainai haroro gaukara ita karaia? To lau ura lasi tau ta ia noho, bona lau ura lasi unai lau karaia. " 4: 9 - 12. Lagani ta ta lalonai, sekit naria tauna be nega tamona unai motumotu ia vadivadi henia. 4: 9 - 12. Do not become envious of the man of violence, nor choose any of his ways. " - Proverbs 3: 28 - 31. Hari, Iesu be dahaka gaukara ia karaia noho, bona edena henanadai idia vara? Umui ese dagedage taudia do umui mama henia lasi, bona iena dala do umui abia hidi lasi. " - Aonega Herevadia 3: 28 - 31. What about the situation in the Christian congregation today? Idia ta be guna ia manoka, to Fabian bona Isabel ia tanikiu henia, badina idia ese ia idia durua ia goada lou totona. Hari inai negai, Keristani kongregesen be edena bamona? What was the basis for their stand? Lagani 1940 murinai, unai gabu dekenai idia noho bese idauidau ese ta ta dekenai idia havaraia dika ese dala ia kehoa lagani 1990 murinai Balkan tanodia dekenai tuari ia vara totona. Dahaka dainai idia gini goada? As we strive to see ourselves and others the way Jehovah does, we can be sure of his help. Unai tau burukana ese ia hamaoroa ia be Iehova ena peroveta tauna danu. Iehova ese ita bona ma haida ia karaia dalana ita itaia neganai, ita diba momokani ia ese ita do ia durua. It is just as the Bible says: "Has one found a good wife? One has found a good thing. " Matamata tadikaka bona taihu idia gaukara goada, masini badadia amo unai buka bona magasin idia printaia bona hakapua hebou totona. Baibel ia gwau: "Hahine namona ta ese gau namona ta ia davaria, a? " For example, you may also wonder about whether you will marry, whom you might marry, and how you will earn a living. To gaukara ta lau do dadaraia lasi, bona lau ura lasi unai kara do lau hamatamaia. " Hegeregere, reana do oi laloa edena bamona do oi headava, daika do oi adavaia, bona edena bamona moni gaukara do oi abia. Give examples. 4: 9 - 12. Haheitalai gwauraia. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates. " Dagedage taudia do oi mama henia lasi. Edia mauri daladia ta danu do oi ura henia lasi. " - Aonega Herevadia 3: 28 - 31. Do lau mai, noho namonamo, bona dika momokani do idia davaria lasi taudia, be do lau hadikaia lasi. Idia ibounai be magu koua gabudia, geiti lasi gabudia, eiava geiti lasi gabudia dekenai do idia noho. " Some have eliminated certain hobbies and nonessential personal projects To hari ia noho Keristani kongrigeisen be edena bamona? Haida ese moale karadia bona anina lasi gaukara haida idia kokia Still, we can be courteous, and we should treat all people with dignity and human kindness. Dahaka dainai? To, namona be mai hemataurai bona hemataurai ida taunimanima ibounai ita kara henia. " WHERE IS MY PLACE? ' Iehova ena lalohadai hegeregerena ita bona ma haida ita laloa neganai, ita diba momokani Ia ese ita do ia durua. " EGU EGU EGU MAURI BE NAMO, ' A? ' Nearly everyone enjoys sharing his experiences in life. Unai be Baibel ese ia gwauraia bamona: "Hahine [" namona ," NW] do ia adavaia tauna ese, gau namona ia davaria inai. " Kahirakahira ibounai be ena mauri lalonai ia davaria ekspiriens idia moalelaia. Donations of cash, jewelry, or other valuable personal property. Include a letter indicating that the cash or the item is an outright donation. Hegeregere, abia hidi do oi karaia oi headava o lasi, daika do oi adavaia bona edena moni gaukara do oi abia. Taunimanima ese moni idia henia diba, trust fund ai do ia noho totona. How will the experience on earth of the future kings and priests benefit them as rulers? Haheitalai gwauraia. Edena dala ai vaira negana ai tanobada ena king bona hahelaga taudia ese namo do idia davaria? OGDEN, UT, Dee Events Center, 4450 S. Harrison Blvd. Badina idia be mai hanua magudia lasi, mai edia magu iduaradia lasi, mai edia auri ba loka gaudia lasi. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Is that true of your prayers? Haida ese idia moalelaia karadia bona anina lasi gaukara haida idia atoa siri Emu guriguri be unai bamona, a? Alan is not elderly, but he has the ability to conceive of experiences he has not had. Petero ia gwau: "To Dirava idia diba lasi taudia edia vairanai, kara namodia do umui karaia. Alan be ia buruka lasi, to ia dekenai idia vara gaudia ia lalopararalaia diba. (b) What is produced by a wheat stalk? " OREA LALONAI EGU GAUKARA BE DAHAKA? ' (b) Uiti auna ese dahaka ia havaraia? When he was 22 years old, Jehovah's Witnesses invited Alejandro to study the Bible, and he agreed. Momo ese unai kara idia moalelaia. Ena mauri lagani be 22 neganai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia boiria Baibel idia stadilaia totona, bona ia abia dae. AUGUST 5 - 11, 2013 Bema oi ura ma hereva haida oi diba, namona be ataiai ia noho adres dekenai revareva oi torea. AUGUST 5 - 11, 2013 (See opening image.) Vaira negana ai 144,000 taudia be dahaka do idia karaia? (Laulau ginigunana itaia.) Which side of the contrast would others think represents me? ' DARWIN, NT, Marrara Indoor Stadium, Abala Rd, Marrara. Ma haida edia lalohadai lau dekenai be edena bamona? ' With this most powerful force backing us up in our determination to oppose the Devil, we will be able to come off victorious. Emu guriguri dalana be unai bamona danu, a? Unai siahu badana ese ita ia durua Diabolo ita tuari henia totona, unai amo do ita kwalimu. We shun dishonesty because a complete stone - weight, a just weight signifying honesty, delights Jehovah. Herevana Alan be ia matamata, to ia buruka neganai do ia abia hemami ia laloa. Koikoi karana ita dadaraia, badina nadi ta - metau gauna ta - ena metau be bada, ia be kara momokani, Iehova ia hamoalea. In addition, our Web site reports on special programs, such as Gilead graduations and the annual meeting, and it keeps our global brotherhood informed about natural disasters and legal developments that affect Jehovah's people. (b) Uiti auna ese dahaka ia havaraia? Danu, iseda Web sait ese program badadia, hegeregere Gilead gradueisen bona lagani ena hebou, ia herevalaia, bona iseda tanobada hegegemadai tadikaka oreana ese idia vara disasta bona idia vara dika badadia dainai Iehova ena taunimanima dekenai idia vara gaudia idia hadibaia noho. To help us answer that, let us first examine what God's house is today. Then we will consider Bible examples of faithful men who manifested zeal for it. Ena mauri lagani be 22 neganai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese Alejandro dekenai Baibel stadi idia herevalaia, bona unai ia abia dae. Unai ita haerelaia totona, namona be hari Dirava ena ruma ena anina ita tahua guna, bena Baibel ese ia herevalaia abidadama taudia haida edia sivarai do ita itaia. They both dedicated themselves to Jehovah and were baptized in November 2004. AUGUST 5 - 11, 2013 Idia ruaosi be Iehova dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia bona November 2004 ai bapatiso idia abia. Today, even before Jehovah's war against the wicked, many suffer severe distress. (Laulau ginigunana herevalaia.) Hari danu, Iehova ese kara dika taudia ia do tuari henia lasi neganai, momo be hisihisi bada idia davaria. This could have been the mental and emotional distress caused by opposers and "false brothers. " Unai siri hegeregerena, ma haida ese lau idia itaia neganai, idia laloa lau be edena bamona tauna? ' Unai ese inai taudia bona "tadikaka koikoidia " edia lalona bona lalo - metau ia havaraia diba. After the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon in 537 B.C.E., Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua (or Jeshua) supervised the laying of the foundation of the new temple in 536 B.C.E. Bema lauma helaga ena heduru ita abia bona Diabolo ita tuari henia, ita be do ita kwalimu momokani. Lagani 537 B.C.E. ai, Iuda taudia be Babulonia ena igui hesiai amo idia giroa lou murinai, Gavana Serubabele bona Hahelaga Tauna Badana Iosua (lagani 700 B.C.E. ai dubu helaga matamatana haginia gaukarana ia gunalaia. In order to help us learn this kind of patience, the Bible encourages us to meditate on the example of a farmer. Kara koikoi ita dadaraia badina Iehova ese sikele maoromaoro, kara momokani ia laulaulaia gauna, ia moalelaia. Unai bamona haheauka karana ita dibaia totona, Baibel ese ita ia hagoadaia biru tauna ena haheitalai ita laloa dobu totona. Consequently, a heart filled with gratitude moves us to serve God with all our strength, means, and abilities. Hegeregere, Gilead sikuli ena gradueisen bona lagani ena hebou. Danu, tanobada hegegemadai Iehova ena taunimanima be disasta idia davaria, eiava edia inai taudia ese kota dekenai idia abia lao sivaraidia ita halasia danu. Unai dainai, tanikiu karana ese ita ia doria mai iseda goada, goada, bona diba ibounai ida Dirava ita hesiai henia totona. Paul says: "These things became our examples, for us not to be persons desiring injurious things, even as they desired them. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 6. Unai henanadai ena haere ita diba totona, namona be hari inai negai Dirava ena ruma be dahaka, ita tahua guna. Paulo ia gwau: "Unai gaudia be iseda haheitalai ai do idia lao, badina be ita ese dika gaudia do ita ura henia lasi, idia ura henia gaudia bamona. " - 1 Korinto 10: 6. However, if we are among "the good ones, " we can be sure that Jehovah takes note of our acts of faithfulness. Edia mauri be Iehova dekenai idia gwauhamatalaia bona November 2004 ai idia bapatiso. To, bema ita be "kara namo taudia, " ita diba momokani Iehova be iseda abidadama karadia ia itaia. Mercedes helped out by doing cleaning jobs. Hari inai negai, Iehova ena tuari kara dika taudia dekenai ia do vara lasi neganai, momo ese hisihisi idia ania. Ia ese moni gaukara ia hagoevaia dainai heduru ia abia. 3, 4. Reana unai gauna be ia idia dagedage henia taudia bona "varavara koikoi taudia " ese idia havaraia hemami dikana bona lalo - metau. 3, 4. He asked: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? " Lagani 537 B.C.E. ai, Iuda taudia be Babulonia ena igui amo idia giroa lou neganai, Gavana Serubabele bona Hahelaga Tauna Badana Iosua (eiava Iesua) ese lagani 536 B.C.E. ai, dubu helaga matamatana ena badina haginia gaukarana idia gunalaia. Ia henanadai: "Taunimanima haida umui hadibaia, to dahaka dainai umui sibona umui hadibaia lasi? " Consider another example. GWAUHAMATA HEREVANA AMO EMU HEREVA OI HAMOMOKANIA Mani haheitalai ma ta ita laloa. When the Ridgeways arrived in Turin, we rented an apartment together. Unai bamona haheauka karana ita dibaia totona Baibel ese ita ia hagoadaia biru tauna ena haheitalai do ita laloa. Siahu negana ia ginidae neganai, ai rentaia ruma ta ai rentaia hebou. Even if people are interested in what the Bible says, they do not always feel that it is necessary to study God's Word with us. Unai dainai, ita ura bada iseda goada ibounai, kohu idauidau, bona diba ita gaukaralaia Dirava ita hesiai henia totona. Ena be taunimanima be Baibel ena hereva idia ura henia, to nega haida idia laloa Dirava ena Hereva stadilaia karana be anina lasi. Do you look for opportunities to serve others? Paulo ia gwau: "Unai kara ia vara be ita dekenai toa ta bamona, gau dikadia do ita ura henia lasi, idia ese idia ura henia bamona. " - 1 Korinto 10: 6. Ma haida hesiai henia daladia oi tahua, a? [ Pictures on page 29] To, bema ita be "kara namodia " taudia huanai ita noho, ita diba Iehova ese iseda abidadama karadia ia itaia. [ Pictures on page 29] 18: 1, 14. To, Mercedes be gabu hagoevaia moni gaukara ia karaia. 18: 1, 14. It depicts only the five that ruled from Daniel's time forward and that had significant dealings with God's people. 3, 4. Unai laulau ese Daniela ena nega ai idia lohia taudia faiv sibona ia herevalaia, bona unai ese Dirava ena taunimanima ia durua bada. He wrote: "" When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men. '... Ia henanadai: "Oibe, taunimanima haida umui hadibaia, to dahaka dainai umui sibona umui hadibaia lasi? " Ia gwau: "Ia daekau lao neganai, ia ese igui hesiai taudia ia abia lao, bona harihari gaudia be taunimanima dekenai ia henia.... You probably also do all you can to avoid exposing yourself to viral or bacterial infection. Sivarai ma ta mani ita laloa. Danu, namona be oi hekwarahi emu gorere hanamoa dalana oi gwauraia hedinarai totona. Primarily to the Eternal King and Universal Ruler, Jehovah God. Carl bona Joanne be Turin ai idia ginidae neganai, ruma ta ai rentaia hebou. Ia be King bona Guba bona Tanobada edia Lohia Badana, Iehova Dirava. Life stories of these faithful servants of Jehovah have appeared in earlier issues of The Watchtower. Ena be idia ura Baibel ena hereva idia kamonai, to idia dekenai Baibel stadilaia karana be anina lasi. Guna, Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia edia mauri sivaraina be Gima Kohorona dekenai idia halasia. There she worked as a manager for several international companies. Dala oi tahua ma haida oi hesiai henia totona, a? Unuseniai ia be intanesinol kampani haida edia bosi ai ia lao. In contrast with religious leaders and nominal Christians associated with the churches of Christendom, Jehovah's servants stood firm, refusing to violate Bible principles. [ Pictures on page 29] Iehova ena hesiai taudia be Kerisendom ena dubu gunalaia taudia bona sibodia idia gwauraia Keristani taudia amo idia idau, idia gini goada, bona Baibel ena hakaua herevadia idia utua lasi. What further teachings does Jesus lovingly impart to his 11 faithful apostles, and how does he prepare them for his imminent departure? 18: 1, 14. Iesu be mai lalokau ida ena aposetolo taudia 11 dekenai dahaka hadibaia hereva ma haida ia henia, bona edena dala ai ia hegaegae ia idia rakatania totona? What will Gog's attack cause Christ to do, with what result? (Dan. 2: 31 - 45) To, unai kaivakuku ese Daniela ena nega bona hari Dirava ena taunimanima idia inai henia basileia badadia 5 sibona ia laulaulaia. Goga ena dagedage karadia dainai Keriso be dahaka do ia karaia, bona dahaka ia vara? In certain prayers, you can praise Jehovah as Jeremiah did. Ia gwau: "" Atai dekenai ia daekau lao neganai, abia mauri mai guia taudia momo ia danu ia abia lao. Bona harihari gaudia taunimanima dekenai ia henia. '... Guriguri haida lalonai, Ieremia bamona Iehova oi hanamoa diba. Later, three false comforters accused him of misconduct. Danu, gau ibounai do oi karaia vairasi eiava gaigaigaigai maragidia ese idia havaraia gorere oi abia lasi totona. Gabeai, koikoi turadia toi idia gwau ia be kara dika ia karaia. Hence, we considered the material for congregation meetings as a family. Lau ura iena sivarai be do ia noho daudau, dina do ia noho daudau bamona. Unai dainai, kongrigeisen heboudia ai ita herevalaia gaudia be ruma bese ta bamona. But then, just when you have about finished unpacking, you see the pillar lifting - and you have to start packing again! Unuseniai, ia be kampani badadia haida ai bosi gaukara ia karaia. To, idia kokia gwauraia neganai, oi itaia daika ese ori ia abia isi - bona oi haboua lou be namo! I'll never forget what happened one evening when I was returning home. Iehova ena hesiai taudia idia gini goada bona Baibel ena hakaua herevadia utua karana idia dadaraia, bona unai dainai tomadiho gunalaia taudia bona sibodia be Keristani taudia idia gwauraia Kerisendom ena dubu idauidau dekenai idia lao taudia amo idia idau. Hanuaboi ta ruma dekenai lau giroa lou neganai ia vara gauna lau laloaboio diba lasi. 1, 2. Iena abidadama aposetolo taudia dekenai, Iesu be mai lalokau ida dahaka hadibaia herevadia ma haida ia henia, bona kahirakahira idia do ia rakatania dainai, edena dala ai idia ia hegaegaelaia? 1, 2. In one Central Asian country, Witnesses met a retired officer of the former state security agency. Goga ena dagedage karana dainai Keriso be dahaka do ia karaia, bona dahaka do ia vara? Central Asia tanona ta ai, Witnes taudia ese guna idia haginia kampani ena ofesa ta idia hedavari henia. Some will be resurrected to immortal spirit life in the heavens to rule with Christ as kings and priests over the earth. 51: 1 - 12) Guriguri haida lalonai, Iehova oi hanamoa diba Ieremia ia karaia bamona. Haida be guba dekenai mase diba lasi maurina do idia abia bona Keriso ida king bona hahelaga gaukara do idia karaia. IMAGINE that you are about to embark on a long journey by automobile. Gabeai, iena koikoi turadia toi ese idia hamaoroa ia be kara dika haida ia karaia dainai, Dirava ese ia panisia. MANI oi laloa, oi be motuka amo gabu daudauna ta oi lao diba. They did not allow themselves to be distracted. Unuseniai kongrigeisen be lasi dainai, kongrigeisen heboudia be famili stadi bamona ai karaia. Idia ura lasi gau ta ese edia lalona ia veria. As the world's end draws near, it is urgent that we "hope in Jehovah and follow his way. " - Ps. 37: 34. To, kohu ibounai oi kokia murinai, oi itaia ori ia marere, vadaeni ma kohu oi udaia haragaharaga! Tanobada ena dokona be kahirakahira dainai, gau badana be " Iehova dekenai ita naria noho, bona iena dala dekenai do ita raka. ' - Sal. 37: 34. The thrilling events of 100 years of Kingdom rule assure us that Jehovah is in control and that his purpose for the earth will be fulfilled. Adorahi ta ruma dekenai lau giroa lou neganai ia vara gauna lau laloaboio diba lasi. Basileia ena lohia lagani 100 lalonai do idia vara gaudia ese ita idia hadibaia, Iehova be ia lohia noho bona ena ura tanobada totona be do ia guguru. Perhaps the more important question is, If such a standard exists, would you delight in and abide by it? 1, 2. Henanadai badana be inai: Bema unai bamona taravatu ta ia noho, do oi moale unai taravatu oi badinaia totona, a? Jehovah has provided this spiritual food in great variety - from "milk, " basic Bible teachings, to" solid food, " deeper spiritual information. Central Asia ena tano ta ai, Witnes taudia ese guna gavamani ena sekuriti dipatmen ai ia gaukara ofesa ta idia davaria. Iehova ese unai lauma aniani be dala idauidau ai ia henia - Baibel ena hahediba hereva badadia, "aniani aukana, " lauma dalanai ia henia. However, training and using our Christian conscience is not just a mental activity. Haida be lauma tauanina ai do idia toreisi lou bona guba dekenai Keriso ida king bona hahelaga gaukara do idia karaia, bona tanobada do idia lohiaia. To, iseda Keristani lalomamina ita hadibaia bona gaukaralaia sibona be hegeregere lasi. Smooth out the course of your foot, and may all your own ways be firmly established. MANI oi laloa, oi be emu motuka amo gabu daudau dekenai do oi lao. Oiemu raka dalana do oi laloa namonamo, bona oiemu dala ibounai do oi badinaia namonamo. What can we learn from God's past acts of deliverance? Idia ura lasi gau ta ese edia hesiai gaukara ia hadikaia. Dirava ese guna ia karaia gaudia amo dahaka ita dibaia? Hope can protect our thinking too. Tanobada ena dokona ia kahirakahira noho lalonai, gau badana be "Lohiabada dekenai do oi naria, iena dala dekenai do oi raka. " - Salamo 37: 34. Helaro ese iseda laloa dalana ia gimaia diba danu. (b) What factors should a Christian consider when contemplating divorce? Basileia ia lohia laganidia 100 lalonai idia vara gaudia ese idia hahedinaraia, Iehova be ena lohia siahuna ia gaukaralaia noho, bona ena ura tanobada totona be do ia guguru momokani. (b) Headava hadokoa karana ia vara neganai, Keristani tauna ese dahaka gaudia ia laloa be namo? Jesus warned that if we do not hear, or accept, God's Word "with a fine and good heart, " we will not" retain " it. Reana mai anina bada henanadai be inai: Bema unai bamona taravatu ia noho, do oi moalelaia bona badinaia, a? Iesu ia gwau, bema ita kamonai lasi o ita abia dae lasi, Dirava ena Hereva be "mai ena laloa maoromaoro, bona mai ena kudouna ibounai " ida do ita" dogoatao lasi. " Daniel was able to overcome the unclean habit of smoking, as well as to stop wild partying and alcohol abuse. Iehova ese inai lauma aniani be dala idauidau ai ia hegaegaelaia - "rata, " unai be Baibel ena hahediba hereva badadia bona" aniani korikori " be lauma hereva dobudia. Daniel be kuku ania karana ia hadokoa diba, bona matabodaga bona kekero muramura gaukaralaia kerere karana ia hadokoa danu. What will you do if your child makes a serious mistake? To, unai be hemami maorona, a? Bema emu natuna be kerere badana ta ia karaia, dahaka do oi karaia? The cutting up of "Union " meant breaking up the theocratic bond of brotherhood between Judah and Israel. To, lalomamina ita hadibaia namonamo dainai, gau namodia momo ita karaia diba. " Dadaraia " ena anina be Iuda bona Israela taudia huanai ia noho tiokratik lalotamona karana do ia hadikaia. Provide regular reassurance, and encourage questions and open communication. Mai laloa maoromaoro danu gau do oi itaia noho. Hagoadaia herevadia oi henia hanaihanai, bona henanadai oi henia bona herevahereva namonamo. (b) What personality traits develop in those who imbibe "the spirit of the world "? Idaunegai Dirava ese ia karaia hahemauri karadia amo dahaka ita dibaia? (b) "Tanobada ena lauma " ena kara haida be dahaka? Most servants of God today have not had to endure beatings or imprisonment because of their preaching activities. Helaro be eda lalona ia gimaia diba. Hari inai negai, Dirava ena hesiai taudia momo be edia haroro gaukara dainai dibura ruma ai idia atodia lasi eiava dibura ruma ai idia atodia lasi. In evaluating ourselves, we should recognize that circumstances change. (b) Bema Keristani tauna ia ura ena headava ia hadokoa, dahaka ia laloa guna be namo? Sibona eda kara ita tahua neganai, namona be ita lalo - parara iseda noho dalana be ia idau. Like Jesus Christ and faithful young Timothy, you will make your heavenly Father and your earthly parents happy. Iesu ia gwau, bema ta be "mai kudou namo ida " Dirava ena Hereva ia kamonai lasi o ia abia dae lasi, unai herevadia do " ia laloatao ' diba lasi. Iesu Keriso bona kamonai matamata tauna Timoteo bamona, emu guba Tamana bona emu tama sina do oi hamoalea. When you conduct a home Bible study or make return visits on interested ones, how can you teach with simplicity? Daniel ese kuku ania karana ia hadokoa diba, bona pati dikadia lao henia karana bona kekero muramura ia gaukaralaia kava karana ia hadokoa diba danu. Baibel stadi oi karaia eiava kamonai taudia oi lou henia neganai, edena dala ai auka lasi dalanai oi hadibaia diba? The Golden Rule - It Is Practical Dahaka do oi karaia bema emu natuna be kerere badana ta ia karaia? Ma Haida Kara Namo Henia Ena Hakaua Herevana - Ia be mai Anina Bada Jeremiah's appreciation of the vital importance of his message and of his God - given assignment made him responsive to Jehovah's encouragement. Bona "Haboua Tamona " ena au ia utua anina be guna Iuda bona Israela taudia huanai ia noho lalotamona ia hadikaia. Ieremia be ia harorolaia sivaraina bona Dirava ese ia henia gaukarana ia laloa bada dainai, Iehova ena hagoadaia herevana ia abia dae. In the first century of our Common Era, the Jews divided the daylight into 12 hours, counting from sunrise. Namona be nega ibounai ia oi durua daladia oi tahua, bona oi hagoadaia ia henanadai bona ia herevahereva totona. Aposetolo edia negai, Iuda taudia ese dina ena diari be hora 12 lalonai idia haria, dina ia daekau kahana amo ela bona dina ia diho. That convention was a turning point for me. (b) "Tanobada ena lauma " idia abia taudia ese edena kara idia hahedinaraia? Unai hebouhebou ese egu mauri ia haidaua momokani. (Isaiah 13: 1 - 35: 10) Hari, haroro gaukara dainai Dirava ena hesiai taudia momo be pulisi ese dibura ruma ai idia do atoa lasi o dagedage idia do davaria lasi. (Isaia 13: 1 - 35: 10) Much of what he said is self - explanatory, though putting it into practice can be challenging. Danu, reana iseda mauri dalana ia idau, hegeregere ita gorere, ita buruka eiava maduna ma haida dainai, eda goada be guna bamona lasi. Ena be ia gwauraia gaudia momo be sibona ena namo laloa bada karana, to ia badinaia be mai ena hekwarahi. When Pharisees came to him and brought up the subject of divorce, Jesus made clear Jehovah's standard for marriage. Iesu Keriso bona kamonai matamata tauna Timoteo bamona, emu guba Tamana bona emu tanobada tama sina do oi hamoaledia. Farisea taudia be Iesu dekenai idia mai bona edia headava idia hadokoa neganai, Iesu ese Iehova ena taravatu headava dekenai ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. Fishermen go fishing when they can catch fish. Baibel stadi oi karaia eiava kamonai taudia oi lou henia neganai, edena bamona auka lasi dalanai oi hadibaia diba? gwarume idia abia neganai, haoda taudia be haoda taudia ai idia lao. If we have distanced ourselves from Jehovah, we can take steps to correct matters, to return to a close, warm relationship with him. Ma Haida Kara Namo Henia Ena Hakaua Herevana Ita Badinaia Noho Diba Bema ita be Iehova amo ita daudau, dala ita karaia diba unai hekwakwanai ita hamaoromaoroa, bona Ia ita tura henia totona. Develop and nurture it. (Ieremia 20: 11) Ieremia ia lalo - parara ia harorolaia sivaraina bona Dirava amo ia abia gaukarana be mai anina bada dainai, Iehova ese ia hagoadaia neganai ia gaukara noho. Iseda mauri ita hanamoa bona ita naria namonamo. He told his apostles: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another. " Iuda taudia idia gwau dina be hora 12 lalonai ia diari, unai be dina ia daekau negana amo hora idia duahia matamaia. Iena aposetolo taudia ia hamaoroa: "Taravatu matamatana lau henia umui dekenai, inai bamona: Umui ta ta dekenai do umui lalokau henia. " " Be Peaceable With All Men " Unai hebouhebou ese lau ia hagoadaia bada. " Taunimanima Danu mai Maino Danu Do Umui Noho " The ark of the covenant was not made ready until about the end of 1513 B.C.E. (Isaia 13: 1 - 35: 10) Taravatu mauana idia hegaegaelaia lasi ela bona 1513 B.C.E. ena dokona. On the basis of Psalm 119: 60, 61, what confidence do we have? Ia gwauraia hereva momo ita lalo - pararalaia haraga diba, to reana ita badinaia be mai ena hekwarahi. Salamo 119: 60, 61 ena hereva hegeregerena, dahaka ita diba momokani? Others worry that enjoying themselves might amount to a betrayal, so they refuse to go out or to meet other people. Farisea taudia be headava hadokoa karana idia herevalaia dainai, Iesu ese Iehova ena taravatu headava dekenai ia gwauraia. Ma haida idia laloa idia be idia heudahanai diba, unai dainai idia ura lasi ma haida idia hedavari henia. What example from the Mosaic Law illustrates Jehovah's feelings toward his people? Haoda taudia be gwarume idia abia diba negadiai idia lao. Mose ena Taravatu ese edena dala ai Iehova ena lalohadai ena taunimanima dekenai ia hahedinaraia? Rexall Place, Northlands Park, 7424 118th Ave. Iamesi ese ita ia hagoadaia, " Dirava dekenai do ita raka kahirakahira lao, vadaeni ia ese ita dekenai do ia raka kahirakahira mai. ' Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Those "obedient to the faith " thus" go on walking in the truth. " Unai diba oi habadaia bona hagoadaia. " Abidadama dekenai idia raka ' taudia be "hereva momokani ena dala dekenai idia raka noho. " 978 - 1050 C.E.) had her husband Romanus III murdered and wanted to marry her lover and would - be Emperor Michael IV, she hastily summoned Patriarch Alexius to the palace. Iena aposetolo taudia ia hamaoroa ia gwau: "Taravatu matamatana lau henia umui dekenai, inai bamona: Umui ta ta dekenai umui lalokau henia. " 978 - 109 C.E. ai, ena adavana be Roma tauna badana, Mikaela, ia ura ena adavana ia alaia bona king ai do ia lao. After obtaining permission from the teachers, she asked each class of students if any of them were Mapuche. " Taunimanima Danu mai Maino Danu Do Umui Noho " Tisa taudia ese gwaumaoro idia abia murinai, stiuden ta ta ia nanadaia bema idia ta be Map taudia. Returning the excess payment proved easier said than done. (Deuteronomi 10: 1) Badina unai nega amo ela bona lagani 1513 B.C.E., Taravatu Mauana be idia do gaukaralaia lasi. Ena davana be bada, to ia auka lasi. Accordingly, a true Christian heeds the closing verse of Romans chapter 12: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Salamo 119: 60, 61 dainai, dahaka ita diba momokani? Unai dainai, Keristani tauna korikorina be Roma 12: 12 ena hereva ia badinaia, ia gwau: "Namo lasi dika ese umui do ia halusia, to umui ese kara namo dekena amo dika do umui halusia. " By saying something surprising about your hope, you may be able to get people to express their view. Ma haida idia laloa reana moale karadia idia karaia neganai, edia adavana idia matauraia lasi, unai dainai nega momo idia ura lasi gabu ma ta idia lao o ma haida idia hedavari henia. Oiemu helaro oi herevalaia neganai, taunimanima edia lalohadai oi gwauraia diba. We stand atop a mound of dirt at the bus stop in order to board more easily. Mose ena taravatu amo edena haheitalai ese ia hahedinaraia, Iehova be ena taunimanima ia laloa bada? Basi dekenai ai gini, unai amo basi stopu dekenai ai ginidae haraga diba. • Why is it unwise to be overly preoccupied with the future? Unai dainai, "Iesu ena dala idia abia dae " taudia be " hereva momokani ena dala dekenai idia raka noho. ' • Dahaka dainai vaira negana ita laloa momo be aonega karana lasi? [ Box / Picture on page 20] 978 - 1050 C.E.) ese ena adavana Romanus Ihatoina ia alaia mase bona ia ura ia lalokau henia tauna, King Michael Ihahanina ai do ia lao tauna, ia adavaia neganai, karaharaga ia ese Bisop Alexius be ena ruma badana dekenai ia boiria. [ Box / Picture on page 20] But during that time, how will the superiority of Jehovah's way of ruling be demonstrated? Ia itaia taihu be ena bosi ena kara auka karana ia badulaia dainai, unai ese hekwakwanai ia habadaia sibona. To unai negai, edena dala ai Iehova ena lohia dalana ese Iehova ena lohia dalana ena namo do ia hanaia? All of this seems to harmonize with the long - standing tradition that Mark penned his Gospel in Rome. Tisa amo gwaumaoro ia abia murinai, ia ese klas ta ta ia vadivadi henia bona ia henanadai bema stiuden haida be Mapuche taudia. Toana be unai gaudia ibounai be Roma ai Mareko ese ena Evanelia bukana ia torea negana ena sene herevadia ida idia hegeregere. Although separated by rivers, borders, languages, and distance, they are concerned about one another, so they are quick to act when someone falls into need. - James 1: 22 - 27. Gavamani dekenai unai idia henia kava monina ia henia giroa lou be ia hekwarahi bada. Ena be sinavai idia parara, gado, gado, bona gabu daudau amo idia parara, to idia ta ta idia laloa bada, unai dainai bema ta ia ura heduru ia abia, karaharaga kara ta idia karaia haraga be namo. - Iamesi 1: 22 - 27. We will if we have courage like that of Paul's nephew. - John 7: 1; 15: 13; Matthew 24: 14; 28: 18 - 20. Keristani tauna korikorina be Roma karoa 12 ena hereva dokona do ia badinaia, ia gwau: "Namo lasi dika ese umui do ia halusia, to umui ese kara namo dekena amo dika do umui halusia. " Do ita boga - auka bema Paulo ena kakana ena gari lasi karana ita tohotohoa. - Ioane 7: 1; 15: 13; Mataio 24: 14; 28: 18 - 20. A month before the burglary took place, Riana had started a Bible study with two Antandroy men. Bema oi laloa gauna be unai bamona oi kikilaia, unai ese ruma tauna ia durua ena lalohadai ia herevalaia totona. Riana be hua ta ia do abia lasi neganai, Riana bona ena tatau rua ida Baibel stadi ia hamatamaia. 5, 6. Basi naria gabuna dekenai ai be ororo maragina ta latanai ai gini bena basi dekenai ai guia. 5, 6. Or should she follow what she was learning from the Bible and risk possible financial hardship as well as the scorn of some people? • Dahaka dainai vaira negana sibona ita laloa momo be aonega karana lasi? Eiava Baibel amo ia dibaia gaudia do ia badinaia bona moni ena hekwakwanai do ia davaria bona taunimanima haida ese do idia kirikirilaia, a? When Jehovah executes his judgment upon this system of things, money will have no value whatsoever. [ Box / Picture on page 20] Iehova ese inai tanobada dikana ia hahemaoro henia neganai, moni be anina lasi. Zechariah faithfully carried out his priestly duties, and both of them kept God's Law to the best of their ability. To unai nega lalonai, edena dala ai do ia hedinarai Iehova ena lohia dalana be hereadae? Sekaraia be mai abidadama ida ena hahelaga gaukara ia karaia, bona idia ruaosi ese Dirava ena Taravatu be edia diba hegeregerena idia badinaia. Do not underestimate the value of your prayers with and for a bereaved fellow Christian. Unai ibounai ese idia hamomokania Mareko ese ena Evanelia bukana be Roma ai ia torea. Namona be oi laloatao, emu guriguri karana be mai anina bada oi bona emu Keristani tadikaka taihu totona. As directed by the elders, we may be blessed with the privilege of helping certain new ones, even as Aquila and Priscilla "expounded the way of God more correctly " to Apollos. - Acts 18: 24 - 26. Ena be sinavai, tano hetoana, gado, bona daudau ese ia hapararadia, to idia ese idia ta ta idia laloa momo, unai dainai ta be heduru ia abia be namo neganai, karaharaga heduru idia henia. - Iamesi 1: 22 - 27. Elda taudia ese ita idia hakaua neganai, ita ese kamonai matamata taudia haida ita durua diba, Akwila bona Prisikila bamona, "Dirava ena dala be maoromaoro momokani. " - Kara 18: 24 - 26. How we will enjoy that! Oibe, unai ita karaia diba bema ita gari lasi, Paulo ena taihuna ena natuna merona ia karaia bamona. - Ioane 7: 1; 15: 13; Mataio 24: 14; 28: 18 - 20. Unai be moale bada gauna! Visualize the scene. Hua ta gunanai, raskol taudia be edia ruma lalonai idia do vareai lasi neganai, Riana be Antandroy tatau rua ida Baibel stadi ia karaia. Dahaka oi itaia? The reality, though, is that campaigns and elections are prone to corruption, even in so - called developed countries. 5, 6. To momokani, ena be tano ma haida ai gavamani ese gaukara idauidau idia karaia, to tano ma haida dekenai unai idia karaia be auka. Jairo's eyes always light up when I read him the Bible's promise: "The lame will leap like the deer, and the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy. " Eiava, ia ese Baibel ena hadibaia herevadia do ia badinaia, ena be unai bamona ia karaia neganai ena pei do ia maragi bona haida ese do idia kirikirilaia? Jairo ena matana be hanaihanai Baibel ena gwauhamata ia duahia neganai, ia gwau: "Edia aena idia dika taudia, be do idia roho lao, gari lasi, bona hereva diba lasi taudia, be mai moale danu do idia boiboi. " Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, let those in the midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter into her. " Iehova ese inai tanobada dikana ia hahemaoro henia neganai, moni be siahu lasi taunimanima ia hamauria totona. Unai neganai Iudea dekenai idia noho taudia be ororo dekenai do idia heau lao, bona hanua lalonai idia noho taudia be ia dekenai do idia raka vareai lasi. " What a blessing it will be when all inhabitants of the earth love God and their neighbor! Idia ruaosi be Iehova idia tomadiho henia taudia. Tanobada taudia ibounai ese Dirava bona edia dekena taudia idia lalokau henia neganai, unai be hahenamo badana! Leigh St. Iseda guriguri ese idia lalohisihisi noho tadikaka taihu ia hagoadaia diba danu. OCTOBER 11 - 13 40: 15 - 41: 34. Ma danu, nega haida reana elda ta ese ita idia noia ma ta ita durua totona - Prisikila bona Akwila be Apolo dekenai "Dirava ena dala ibounai idia hadibaia maoromaoro " bamona. - Kara 18: 24 - 26. 40: 15 - 41: 34. During our studies, we anticipated receiving a foreign assignment. Unai be moale bada gauna! Emai stadi lalonai, ai laloa tano ma ta dekenai do ai lao. It includes all forms of illicit sexual relations outside of Scriptural marriage. Dahaka oi itaia? Baibel ese ia taravatua mahuta hebou karadia ibounai ia herevalaia danu. After the Abrahamic covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman. To, kempein bona eleksen negadiai korapsen ia vara danu. Aberahamo kontrakana ia guguru murinai, Iehova ese hahine ena garana dekenai mai anina bada gaudia ia hahedinaraia. Had he been free, he could have searched for it. Hanaihanai Jairo ia moale bema ia dekenai Baibel ena gwauhamata lau duahia: "Aena idia dika taudia be do idia roho bona mavaru, bona hereva diba lasi taudia, be mai moale bada do idia boiboi. " Bema unai ia karaia lasi, ia ese unai gauna ia tahua diba. A dynamic Jewish leader, Judah Maccabee, of a family known as the Hasmonaeans, led a rebel army that freed the temple from Greek hands. Unai neganai Iudea dekenai idia noho taudia be ororo dekenai do idia heau lao be namo bona Ierusalema lalonai idia noho taudia be unai gabu do idia rakatania, bona badina hanuadia dekenai idia noho taudia be ia dekenai do idia vareai lasi. " Iuda gunalaia tauna mai ena siahu, Iuda ena ruma bese tauna ta, ese gwau - edeede ami oreana ta, be Greek taudia edia imana amo ia ruhaia. Forced from Israel's throne, David has reason to be despondent. Tanobada ai taunimanima ibounai ese Iehova bona edia dekena taudia do idia lalokau henia be hahenamo badana! Davida be Israela ena king amo ia heau mauri dainai, ia lalohisihisi bada. Our God - given work of Kingdom proclamation is a privilege beyond compare. 40: 15 - 41: 34. Dirava ese ia henia Basileia harorolaia gaukarana be hahenamo ta. The prophet Samuel told King Saul that the time had come for Jehovah to execute judgment on the Amalekites. Egu taihuna Doris be Gilead Sikuli klas namba 13 ia lao, bona Brazil dekenai misinari gaukara ia karaia. Peroveta tauna Samuela ese King Saulo ia hamaoroa Iehova ese Amaleka taudia do ia hahemaoro henia negana ia ginidae vadaeni. Further, think of the blessing that we have in our multiracial brotherhood! Eiava, Baibel ena taravatu ia utua mahuta hebou karadia. Danu, iseda tadikaka oreana lalonai ita abia hahenamo mani oi laloa! (b) Why should we be attuned to the unfolding of Jehovah's purpose? Aberahamo kontrakana ia guguru matamaia murinai, metairametaira Iehova ese hahine ena garana ena sivarai haida ia hahedinaraia. (b) Dahaka dainai Iehova ena ura ita badinaia be namo? For instance, husbands show loyalty to their heavenly King by the Christlike way they treat their wives and children. Bema idia koua lasi, ia be ena aniani ia tahua diba. Hegeregere, tatau be Keriso ese edia adavadia bona natudia ia kara henia dalana amo idia hahedinaraia edia King idia badinaia. What can result from our faithful course? Iuda gunalaia tauna goadana, Judah Maccabee, Hasmonaean besena amo, ese gwau - edeede taudia edia ami ta ia hakaua lao bona dubu amo Greek taudia idia lulua. Iseda kamonai karana dainai dahaka ia vara diba? First and second - hand accounts of extraordinary events... Abesaloma ese Davida be ena terona amo ia lulua dainai, Davida ia daradoko. Ginigunana bona iharuana be, hoa karadia idia vara... 17, 18. Dirava ese ia henia Basileia harorolaia gaukarana be gaukara hereadaena. 17, 18. Yet, whether we have been dedicated servants of God for years or for a comparatively short time, we should continually take in solid spiritual food. Peroveta tauna Samuela ese King Saulo ia hamaoroa Iehova be Amaleka taudia do ia hadikaia ore. To, herevana ita be lagani momo lalonai Dirava ena gwauhamata hesiai taudia eiava nega kwadogi lalonai sibona ita noho, namona be hanaihanai lauma aniani korikori ita abia. At the end of his ministry, he said to his disciples: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace. Danu, bese idauidau tadikaka oreana lalonai ita noho ena hahenamo mani oi laloa! Iena haroro gaukara dokonai, ena hahediba taudia dekenai ia gwau: "Maino umui lau rakatania, lauegu maino lau henia umui dekenai. Indecision can place us in grave danger. (b) Dahaka dainai Iehova ena ura ia guguru dalana ita laloa bada be namo? Bema ita naria namonamo lasi, dika do ita davaria diba. Another Witness in Hawaii studies the Bible once a week with the owner of a shoe - repair shop. Hegeregere, tatau be edia guba King Keriso idia badinaia dainai, edia adavana bona natudia idia kara namo henia. Hawaii dekenai, Witnes tauna ma ta be pura ta lalonai sitoa ena biaguna ida Baibel stadi ia karaia. King David wrote: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " Iseda kamonai karana amo dahaka do ia vara? King Davida ia gwau: "Egu lalona ia hekwarahi momo neganai, oi ese lau oi hagoadaia, bona egu lauma oi hamoalea noho. " The "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Idia be hoa karadia edia sivarai, unai kara idia itaia taudia bona unai sivarai idia kamonai taudia idia gwauraia gaudia... " Baibel be Dahaka Ia Hadibaia? " Children get a very powerful and damaging kind of sex education from marketers and the popular culture. " 17, 18. Natudia be mai siahu bada ida bisinesi karadia bona kastom karadia amo idia mai dibana idia abia. " Whether scientific developments will have any real impact on the human life span remains to be seen. To, herevana ita be lagani momo lalonai o hari sibona Dirava ita hesiai henia, gau badana be lauma "aniani korikorina " do ita abia noho. Ena be saiens taudia idia vara gaudia ese taunimanima edia mauri idia haidaua momokani diba lasi, to ita itaia diba. Why is it good news for people to learn that they can pray to Jehovah? Iena hesiai gaukara ena dokonai, ena hahediba taudia dekenai ia gwau: "Maino umui dekenai lau rakatania, lauegu maino lau henia umui dekenai. Dahaka dainai taunimanima ese sivarai namona idia kamonai be namo, unai amo do idia diba Iehova idia guriguri henia diba? God has determined that prayers be addressed to him in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, who said: "No matter what you ask the Father in my name he might give it to you. " - John 15: 16; 1 Timothy 2: 5. Lalorua tauna be hekwakwanai momo ia davaria diba. Dirava ese ena lalona ia hadaia iena Natuna, Iesu Keriso, dekenai do ia guriguri, ia gwau: "Lauegu Tamana ena ladanai gau ibounai umui noia neganai, ia ese umui dekenai do ia henia. " - Ioane 15: 16; 1 Timoteo 2: 5. Other Bible versions render the original Hebrew word with such expressions as "careless ease " (American Standard Version)," smugness " (The New American Bible), and "complacency. " Hawaii dekenai, Witnes taihu ma ta be pura tamona lalonai nega tamona tamaka karaia sitoa ena biaguna ida Baibel idia stadilaia. Baibel ma haida ai Heberu gado herevana idia hahanaia "hereva namo herea, " hegeregere Buka Helaga (New International Version)," The New American Bible, " New American Bible), bona ma haida edia anina idia hahedinaraia. " Love moves him to make the sun shine upon all kinds of men - righteous and unrighteous. King Davida ia gwau: "Egu lalona ia hekwarahi momo neganai, oi ese lau oi hagoadaia, bona egu lauma oi hamoalea noho. " Lalokau dainai dina ese taunimanima idauidau - kara maoromaoro bona kara maoromaoro lasi taudia - ia hadiaria. Additionally, God's Son, Jesus Christ, gave his followers this challenging, though thrilling, command: "Go,... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Websait ai ia noho kahana ladana "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Danu, Dirava ena Natuna, Iesu Keriso, ese ena murinai idia raka taudia dekenai inai hahegani ia henia: "Do umui lao, bese ibounai be diba tahua taudia do umui halaoa, bona Tamana, Natuna, bona Lauma Helaga ena ladanai do umui bapatiso henia idia dekenai. Bona idia dekenai do umui hadibaia, umui dekenai lau henia hereva ibounai be do idia badinaia. How has Jehovah used his angels to come to our rescue? Bisinesi taudia bona matabodaga taudia edia mauri dalana amo natudia be diba kererena idia abia. " Edena dala ai Iehova ese ena aneru ia gaukaralaia ita idia hamauria totona? Not asking for God's help could be fatal. To, ita diba lasi bema idia davaria gaudia ese ita do ia durua ita mauri daudau totona eiava lasi. Dirava ena heduru noia lasi karana ese mase ia havaraia diba. The men were deeply respectful. Dahaka dainai taunimanima ese Iehova idia guriguri henia diba karana idia dibaia be moale gauna? Unai tatau be hemataurai bada idia hahedinaraia. Those asleep in the grave but who are in God's memory will be resurrected, not to heaven, but to life on a cleansed earth. Iesu ia gwau: "Lauegu ladana dekenai Tamana do umui noia gaudia ibounai, be ia ese do ia henia umui dekenai. " - Ioane 15: 16; 1 Timoteo 2: 5. Iehova Dirava be nega ibounai ia hegaegae dainai, bema dala maorona ai Ia ita guriguri henia, do ia kamonai. Mase guria gabuna dekenai idia mahuta taudia be do idia toreisi lou, guba dekenai lasi, to tanobada goevana dekenai do idia mauri. Since Jehovah set out such details in the Law to instruct the Israelites on how to become clean, holy, and acceptable to him, does it not behoove Christians today to consider carefully how they measure up in this regard? Baibel haida ese unai Heberu gado herevana idia tore hanai, "laloa momo lasi karana " (American Standard Version)," sibona ena diba ia laloa bada karana " (The New American Bible), bona "sibona ena lalona ia hegeregere karana. " Iehova ese Taravatu amo Israela taudia dekenai goeva, helaga, bona ia abia dae dalana ia hadibaia dainai, hari inai negai Keristani taudia ese unai gaudia idia laloa namonamo be namo, ani? How will having the mind of Christ affect your daily life? Iena lalokau dainai dina be taunimanima idauidau - kara maoromaoro bona kara maoromaoro lasi taudia - dekenai diari ia henia. Keriso ena laloa oi abia dainai, dina ta ta ai dahaka do oi karaia? Not long thereafter, we combined these studies into one study with an attendance of some one dozen people. Danu, Dirava ena Natuna, Iesu Keriso, ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia haganidia, ia gwau: "Umui lao, bese ibounai taudia be hahediba taudia ai umui halaoa, bona Tamana, Natuna, bona lauma helaga ladanai idia do umui bapatisoa, bona idia umui hadibaia, umui lau hamaoroa gaudia ibounai be do idia badinaia. Daudau lasi murinai, unai stadi ibounai be taunimanima momo ida ai stadilaia hebou. The Best Is Yet to Come! Edena dala ai Iehova ese ena aneru ia gaukaralaia ita idia naria totona? To, mai Anina Bada Gauna ta Ia Mai! Clearly, this command requires that parents have meaningful, spiritual conversations with their children. Bema Dirava ena heduru ita noia lasi, dika bada do ita davaria. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, tama sina ese unai hahegani idia badinaia totona, edia natudia ida lauma gaudia idia herevalaia be namo. Thus, in line with medical facts, Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood or of any of its four primary components. Unai tatau ese hemataurai karana idia hahedinaraia. Unai dainai, medikol hereva momokanidia hegeregerena, Witnes taudia ese rara ibounai eiava ena kahana badadia hani henia hanai karana idia dadaraia. Think of that if you are ever tempted to violate God's command not to associate with your disfellowshipped relatives. Guria gabuna lalonai idia mahuta taudia, to Dirava ia laloatao taudia, do idia toreisi lou, guba dekenai lasi, to tanobada goevana ai do idia mauri. Mani oi laloa, bema oi ura Dirava ena hahegani oi utua, emu varavara oi bamoa lasi be namo. Governments for their part step up programs designed to rally the support of the populace. Iehova be Taravatu lalonai unai hadibaia herevadia momo ia henia Israela taudia do idia goeva, helaga, bona Dirava ia abia dae karadia idia dibaia totona. Unai dainai, hari Keristani taudia idia tahua bema idia be unai bamona eiava lasi be maoro, ani? Gavamani taudia ese program idauidau idia haginia, unai amo taunimanima idia durua diba. Jesus said: "Practice giving, and people will give to you. " " Keriso ena lalohadai ita abia " neganai, unai ese edena dala ai ita ia durua? Iesu ia gwau: "Henia kara do umui manadalaia, vadaeni taunimanima ese umui dekenai do idia henia. " The ransom makes possible the gathering of 144,000 to serve as kings and priests with Christ in heaven. Gabeai, idia ibounai 12 be nega tamona ai stadi henia. Mauri davalaia boubouna dainai 144,000 taudia be Keriso ida guba dekenai king bona hahelaga gaukara do idia karaia. 1: 21, 22; 1 Pet. Mauri Hereadaena be Gabeai Do Ia Vara! 1: 21, 22; 1 Pet. Let the account come to life. Umui emui natudia dekenai inai Taravatu do umui hadibaia goada, ruma dekenai umui noho neganai, bona dala dekenai umui raka neganai. Edia hemami be edena bamona? What evidence is there that bricks were made in ancient Egypt? Unai dainai, medikol dalanai idia hamomokania gaudia hegeregerena, Witnes taudia ese rara eiava ena kahana badadia foa idia abia hanai karana idia dadaraia. Dahaka ese ia hamomokania idaunegai Aigupito dekenai nadi idia karaia? I prayed silently and remembered the Bible counsel: "An answer, when mild, turns away rage. " Bema oi mamia idia atoa siri varavara ta oi ura hereva henia, namona be unai sivarai oi laloa. Egu lalona dekenai lau guriguri bona Baibel ena sisiba lau laloatao, ia gwau: "Mai manau danu ia haere tauna, ese badu ia koua noho. " In Benin, Africa, a teenage Christian faced an unusual type of pressure. Gavamani be ia gaukara goada taunimanima ibounai ese idia durua diba daladia idia hegaegaelaia. Benin ai, Keristani matamata tauna ta be hahetoho momo ia davaria. (b) how we want to act within the congregation? Iesu ia gwau: "Taunimanima dekenai do umui henia lao, vadaeni [taunimanima] ese do [idia] henia umui dekenai. " (b) Edena dala ai kongrigeisen lalonai ita ura kara ta ita karaia? What privileges did the apostle Peter enjoy, and how did he demonstrate courage? Mauri davalaia boubouna dainai, Dirava ese taunimanima 144,000 ia haboudia, bona idia be Keriso ida guba dekenai king bona hahelaga gaukarana do idia karaia. Aposetolo Petero be dahaka hahenamo ia moalelaia, bona edena dala ai gari lasi karana ia hahedinaraia? You can read some of their experiences in the series "The Bible Changes Lives, " found on 1: 21, 22; 1 Pet. Edia ekspiriens haida be ai oi duahia diba. What does Isaiah 49: 15 teach us about mercy? Edia hemami be edena bamona? Isaia 49: 15 ese hebogahisi karana dekenai dahaka ia hadibaia? Soon, Jehovah will make an even grander name for himself than he did when he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia idaunegai Aigupito ai biriki idia karaia? Daudau lasi murinai, Iehova ese Israela taudia be Aigupito amo do ia hamauria neganai, Iena ladana badana do ia abia isi. For this reason, "God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 10 - 12. Egu lalona dekenai lau guriguri bona Baibel ena hakaua herevana ta lau laloatao, ia gwau: "Mai manau danu ia haere tauna, ese badu ia koua noho. " Unai dainai, "Dirava ese kara dika ena siahu be idia dekenai ia henia, unai amo idia ibounai ese hereva momokani do idia abia dae lasi, badina be hereva momokani idia abia dae lasi, to kara dika do idia moalelaia. " - 2 Tesalonika 2: 10 - 12. Yes, let us declare the good news with eagerness! Africa, Benin dekenai, Keristani matamata ta be hahetoho idauna ta ia davaria. Oibe, namona be mai eda ura bada ida sivarai namona ita harorolaia! Likely to forestall any resentment, he asked: "Well, then, have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth? " - Galatians 4: 16. (b) edena dala ai kongrigeisen lalonai ma haida do ita kara henia? Reana uda ibounai dekenai ia lao, ia henanadai: "Oi dekenai hereva momokani lau gwauraia dainai, lau be emu inai tauna ai lau lao, a? " - Galatia 4: 16. What do you really know about Jehovah's Witnesses? Aposetolo Petero be dahaka hahenamo ia abia, bona edena dala ai gari lasi karana ia hahedinaraia? Iehova ena Witnes taudia dekenai dahaka oi diba momokani? He will neither desert you nor leave you entirely. " Idia haida edia ekspiriens be kahana ladana "Baibel ese Mauri Ia Haidaua " dekenai oi davaria diba, unai be ai. Ia ese umui do ia negea lasi, bona umui do ia rakatania lasi. " (Read James 3: 9, 10.) Isaia 49: 15 be hebogahisi karana dekenai dahaka ia hahedinaraia? (Iamesi 3: 9, 10 duahia.) And if we tell others how much we have benefited from our personal study of the Bible, we may encourage them to obtain such benefits by being diligent students of the Scriptures. To, kahirakahira Ia ese kara ma haida do ia karaia, bona bese ibounai do idia diba ia be siahu ibounai Diravana. (Ese. Bona bema ita ura ma haida dekenai Baibel stadilaia karana amo namo bada ita abia, namona be idia ita hagoadaia Baibel idia stadilaia namonamo totona. Recognizing their need for continued comfort, Jesus promised: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper [or, comforter] to be with you forever. " Inai anina be, hereva momokani do idia abia dae lasi, bona kara dika karaia totona idia moale bada. Dirava ena Kota Badana lalonai, edia kerere momokani ena davana do idia davaria. ' - 2 Tesalonika 2: 10 - 12. Iesu ia diba ma haida ese idia do idia hagoadaia be namo, unai dainai ia gwauhamata: "Lau ese Tamana do lau noia, ia ese Durua Tauna ta do ia henia umui dekenai, umui dekenai do ia noho hanaihanai. " 1, 2. Oibe, namona be mai ura bada ida sivarai namona ita harorolaia! 1, 2. It may be surprising to some that Jehovah God, the highest and most glorious one in the universe, is the ultimate example of humility. Toana be edia hemami dikana ia koua totona ia henanadai: "Edena bamona? Hereva momokani umui dekenai lau hamaoroa dainai, lau umui dagedage henia, a? " - Galatia 4: 16. Reana haida idia hoa badina guba bona tanobada ai Iehova Dirava, atai herea bona hairai bada herea tauna, be manau karana dekenai haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia. Maybe we can talk about that on another visit. Iehova ena Witnes taudia dekenai dahaka oi diba? Reana vadivadi ma ta dekenai unai ita herevalaia diba. What freedom awaits all who stay on the path to life? Ia ese umui do ia negea lasi, ia ese umui do ia rakatania lasi. " Mauri ia lao henia dalana dekenai idia raka noho taudia ibounai ese dahaka ura kwalimu do idia abia? The walls were smoothed and plastered with a mixture of cow dung and ashes, providing a hard finish that lasts for years. (Iamesi 3: 9, 10 duahia.) Lagani momo lalonai unai magu ena haba idia moru bona boromakau ena kopina bona kahu amo idia koua, bona unai ese lagani momo lalonai unai magu ena heau dalana ia koua. Our imperfect heart might even cause us to wonder whether Jehovah is pleased with our efforts. Bona bema Baibel stadilaia karana amo ita abia namo be ma haida dekenai ita herevalaia, idia do ita hagoadaia Baibel idia stadilaia namonamo totona. Ita be goevadae lasi taudia dainai, reana do ita laloa Iehova be iseda hekwarahi ia moalelaia eiava lasi. As foretold at Proverbs 4: 18, Jehovah's people have come to see their way clearly under the bright sunlight of truth from God's prophetic word. Iesu ia itaia namona be edia lalona ia hagoadaia noho, unai dainai ia gwauhamata: "Lau ese Tamana do lau noia, ia ese Durua [eiava, lalona hagoadaia] Tauna ta do ia henia umui dekenai, umui dekenai do ia noho hanaihanai. " Aonega Herevadia 4: 18 ena peroveta herevana hegeregerena, Iehova ena taunimanima be Dirava ena peroveta herevana amo edia raka dalana idia itaia namonamo. " From time indefinite to time indefinite Jehovah is God. ' 1, 2. " Nega ibounai Lohiabada be Dirava. ' When we are about to consider Scriptural material, we should first ask in prayer for holy spirit to guide us. Reana haida idia hoa badina Iehova, atai herea momokani ia noho bona hairai herea Diravana, be manau karana ia haheitalaia tauna hereadaena. Baibel ita stadilaia neganai, namona be lauma helaga ena heduru totona ita guriguri guna. Grew, for example, appreciated the ransom provided by Jesus, but he did not understand that it was a "corresponding ransom, " that is, the perfect human life of Jesus given in exchange for the lost perfect human life of Adam. Lau giroa neganai, unai do ita herevalaia. Hegeregere, Grew be Iesu ese ia henia mauri davalaia boubouna ia laloa bada, to ia laloparara lasi unai mauri davalaia boubouna be "mauri davana, " unai be Iesu ena mauri goevadaena, Adamu ena mauri goevadaena unai, ia henia lou totona. " People do not despise a thief just because he commits thievery to fill his soul when he is hungry, " we are reminded. Dahaka ita karaia be namo ura kwalimu ita abia totona? Baibel ia gwau: "Taunimanima ese henaohenao tauna idia inai henia lasi, badina ia hitolo neganai, henaohenao taudia ese iena mauri idia hahonua. " If that happens to us, how will we react? Haba dekenai boromakau ena kukuri bona lahi ena kahu amo idia mikisia plasta idia atoa, bona unai gauna ia auka bona lagani momo lalonai do ia noho. Bema ita dekenai unai ia vara, dahaka do ita karaia? We stand at the threshold of the promised new world. Iseda goevadae lasi kudouna ai reana ita daradara bema Iehova ese iseda hekwarahi ia abia dae eiava. Gwauhamata tanobada matamatana kahirakahira ai ita gini. But even if the situation is what we think it is, consider this: For a while, a serious wrong existed in the Corinthian congregation, a congregation that Jehovah cared for. Aonega Herevadia 4: 18 ena peroveta herevana hegeregerena, Iehova ena taunimanima be Dirava ena peroveta herevana amo ia mai diari momokanina dainai, edia dala idia itaia goevagoeva diba. Herevana iseda noho dalana be edena bamona, to mani inai ita laloa: Nega sisina lalonai, Korinto kongregesen lalonai kerere badana ta ia noho, Iehova ese ia naria kongregesen ta ia noho. Jehovah had already shown loving - kindness to Abraham. Iehova be noho hanaihanai Diravana, bona " unai bamona do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. ' Iehova ese Aberahamo dekenai hebogahisi mai lalokauna ia hahedinaraia vadaeni. Once a year, on Atonement Day, the high priest " laid both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confessed over it all the errors of the sons of Israel, and he put them upon the head of the goat and the goat carried upon itself all their errors into a desert land. ' Baibel ia herevalaia bukana ta ita stadilaia gwauraia neganai, namona be lauma helaga totona ita guriguri guna, ita ia durua totona. Lagani ta ta ai, Kara Dika ena Davana Karaia Dinana ai, hahelaga tauna badana ese " nanigosi edia kwarana dekenai ia atoa, Israela taudia edia kara dika ibounai ia gwauraia hedinarai, bona nanigosi ena kwarana dekenai ia atoa, edia kara dika kokia totona. ' While Peter is still speaking, a bright cloud overshadows them and a voice out of the cloud says: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him. " - Matthew 17: 1 - 6. Hegeregere, Grew ese Iesu ia henia boubou gauna ia abia dae, to ia lalo - parara lasi unai boubou gauna be "mauri davana korikorina, " anina be Iesu ese ia henia goevadae maurina be Adamu ese ia haboioa goevadae mauri ena gabuna ia abia. Petero ia hereva noho lalonai, ori badana ta ese idia ia koua bona ori amo idia ia koua, ia gwau: "Inai be lauegu Natuna, egu lalokau, lau moale bada ia dekenai. " - Mataio 17: 1 - 6. Consistently, then, are we submitting to theocratic direction now? Ita ia hadibaia, ia gwau: "Hitolo dainai tau ta ese aniani ia henaoa neganai, taunimanima ese unai tau idia gwauraia dika momokani lasi. " Hari inai negai, tiokratik dalana ita badinaia noho, a? In the same way, if you know what your goals are, making good decisions becomes easier. Bema unai ia vara ita dekenai, dahaka do ita karaia? Unai hegeregerena, bema emu tahua gaudia oi diba, abia hidi maorodia oi karaia be auka lasi. In such a case, how can we imitate God's love? 45: 4, 5) Tanobada matamatana be kahirakahira do ia vara. Unai bamona negadiai, edena dala ai Dirava ena lalokau ita tohotohoa diba? Lithuania 6 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Ena be unai ia vara, to mani inai ita laloa: Ena be Korinto kongrigeisen be Iehova ese ia laloa bada, to unai kongrigeisen lalonai kerere badana ta ia vara, bona toana be nega sisina daudau lalonai idia hamaoromaoroa lasi. Ontario 6 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Shirley: No, I guess I haven't. Iehova ese Aberahamo dekenai hebogahisi mai lalokauna ia hahedinaraia vadaeni. Shirley: Lasi. Sennacherib sent a delegation to Jerusalem to demand that city's surrender. Lagani ta ta ai, Kara Dika Ena Davana Karaia Dinana ai, hahelaga tauna badana "ese iena imana ruaosi nani ena kwarana dekenai do ia atoa, bona Israela edia kara dika ibounai, bona edia kara kerere ibounai do ia gwauraia hedinarai. Senakeriba ese Ierusalema dekenai idia lao taudia ia siaia unai hanua ena boubou gauna idia noia totona. Make known to me the way in which I should walk, for to you I have lifted up my soul. " Iena hereva do umui kamonai henia. " - Mataio 17: 1 - 6. Lauegu raka dalana do oi diba, bona lau ese oi do lau hamauria. " By doing so, we will find refreshment for our souls and will enjoy the loving care of our heavenly Father forever. - Matt. Vadaeni, hari ita be Iehova amo ia mai hakaua herevadia ita badinaia noho, a? Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, laga - ani do ita abia bona iseda guba Tamana ese mai lalokau ida ita do ia naria ela bona hanaihanai. - Mat. How do you feel about that? Unai hegeregerena, bema emu tahua gaudia oi diba, do ia auka lasi abia hidi maorona oi karaia totona. Unai be edena bamona oi laloa? They are places where God's people can thrive emotionally. To, edena dala ai Dirava ena lalokau ita tohotohoa diba? Idia noho gabudia ese Dirava ena taunimanima edia lalona ia hagoadaia diba. It is governed by principle, but it is so rich in affection that it draws believers closer together than even fleshly ties can. Lithuania 6 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Ena be hakaua herevadia ese ita idia biagua, to lalokau dainai ita tura henia namonamo diba. " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 32. Shirley: Reana ia lalohisihisi. " Hereva momokani do umui diba, bona hereva momokani ese umui do ia ruhaia. " - IOANE 8: 32. Jeroboam II Senakeriba ese ena tuari orea ta ia siaia Israela taudia idia oda henia bona Ierusalema ena siti be idia ese do idia abia. Ieroboama Iharuana No. Unai dainai egu lao dala namona, mani lau dekenai do oi hedinaraia. " Lasi. The example of what happened to Moses reinforces the importance of this in our mind and heart. Unai bamona ita karaia neganai do ita moale bona iseda guba Tamana ese ita do ia lalokau henia ela bona hanaihanai. - Mat. Mose dekenai ia vara gauna ese iseda lalona bona kudouna dekenai ia noho mai anina bada gauna ia hahedinaraia. (b) When identifying the true religion, what is the pivotal question? Unai kara be edena bamona oi laloa? (b) Tomadiho momokanina ita diba neganai, dahaka henanadai badana ia vara? Why should we fear Jehovah, and what fine example do we have in this regard? Unai bamona gabudia dekenai Dirava ena taunimanima idia hetura namonamo bona goada idia abia. Dahaka dainai Iehova ita gari henia be namo, bona unai kara dekenai dahaka haheitalai namona ita hahedinaraia? Visit Hakaua herevana ese unai lalokau ia biagua, to ena hebogahisi be bada herea dainai abidadama taudia ia hatamonaia momokani, varavara ida be unai bamona lasi. Oi lao If God reveals how the invisible part of his organization functions, would he not want us to understand how "each part does its work " on earth? " Hereva momokani be do umui diba, bona hereva momokani ese umui do ia ruhaia. " - IOANE 8: 32. Bema Dirava ese ena orea ena gaukara dalana ia hahedinaraia, tanobada ai ena "gaukara " ta ta do ita lalopararalaia lasi, ani? Upon hearing of Israel's success against Jericho and Ai, however, the men of Gibeon trick Joshua into making a covenant of peace with them. Ieroboama Iharuana To, Israela taudia be Ieriko bona Ai idia tuari henia neganai, Gibeona tatau idia kamonai Iosua be idia ida maino gwauhamatana ta ia karaia. And I will let myself be found by you... Lasi. Lau ese umui do lau davaria... However, opposition soon mounted against their construction project. Mose dekenai ia vara gauna ese ita dekenai mai anina bada gauna ia hadibaia. To, daudau lasi murinai, edia haginia gaukara idia koua toho. For instance, we must shun "lofty eyes " or any other display of pride. (b) Tomadiho momokanina dibaia totona, mai anina bada henanadai be dahaka? Hegeregere, hekokoroku eiava heagi karadia ma haida ita dadaraia be namo. As historian Emil Schürer put it, once a political dynasty was established by the Hasmonaeans, "their central concern was no longer with the fulfilment of the Torah [Jewish Law] but with the preservation and extension of their political power. " Dahaka dainai Iehova ita gari henia be namo, bona unai dekenai daidia edia kara be haheitalai namona? Histori torea tauna, noho gabuna ia gwau, guna Hasmonaean lohia taudia ese politikol besena ta idia haginia neganai, "idia laloa taravatu [Taravatu] be anina lasi, to edia siahu bona politikol siahuna idia laloa bada lasi. " He diligently studied the Holy Scriptures so that he could quote them, defend them, and explain them. Inai maua oi skenia, eiava oi lao / ho. Mai ena ura bada ida Buka Helaga ia stadilaia namonamo, unai amo idia ia durua, gimaia, bona gwauraia hedinarai diba. Reading the Bible daily and meditating on what we read can help to guard our minds against immoral thoughts. Dirava ese ena guba oreana ena gaukara dalana be ita dekenai ia hahedinaraia hegeregerena, ia ura ena tanobada oreana ena "gaukara ta ta " ita diba danu. Dina ta ta ai Baibel ita duahia bona laloa dobu neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua matabodaga lalohadai ita dadaraia totona. 5: 12, 13. (Iosua 10: 2) To, Israela taudia ese Ieriko bona Ai hanua taudia idia halusia ena sivarai idia kamonai neganai, Gibeona taudia be Iosua idia koia, idia ura idia ida maino gwauhamatana idia karaia. 5: 12, 13. Nearly four centuries before Cyrus ' conquest of Babylon, King Jehoshaphat of Judah faced the combined armies of Ammon and Moab. Momokani umui ese lau do umui davaria,... Iuda ena King Iehosapata be Babulonia ia do abia lasi neganai, Amono bona Moaba edia tuari taudia ia tuari henidia. But now we may ask: How has Jehovah become King in our day? (Esr. 3: 10 - 13) To daudau lasi, edia gaukara dainai dagedage idia davaria. To reana sibona ita nanadaia: Hari inai negai, edena dala ai Iehova be King ai ia lao? Covetousness is a strong desire for something we do not possess. Hegeregere, "hekokoroku toana " eiava hekokoroku idia hahedinaraia karadia ibounai ita dadaraia be namo. Kohu ura henia dikadika karana be ita abia gauna lasi. One of the highlights in my life was the privilege of being assigned to attend the convention in Tuvalu in 2011. Histori torea tauna, Emil Schürer, ia gwau Hasmonaean taudia ese politikol oreana idia haginia murinai, "idia lalo - hekwarahilaia bada gauna ia haidaua, Torah [Iuda Taravatudia] hagugurua karadia idia laloa guna lasi, to politikol dalanai edia siahu dogoatao bona habadaia karadia idia laloa guna matamaia. " Lagani 2011 ai, Tuvalu ena hebouhebou dekenai lau lao be hahenamo ta. That verse had a literal fulfillment in the case of Jesus. Ia ese hanaihanai Toretore Helagadia ia stadilaia, unai dala amo siri maorodia ia gwauraia, bona ma haida vairanai edia anina ia herevalaia bona hahedinaraia goevagoeva. Unai siri be Iesu dekenai ia guguru momokani. David was aware that Jehovah already knew him thoroughly - everything that he thought, said, or did was within the scope of his Maker's view. Hanaihanai Baibel ita duahia bona ita laloa dobu karana ese ita ia durua diba lalohadai dikadia ita dadaraia totona. Davida ia diba Iehova be ia ia ia diba namonamo - ia laloa gaudia ibounai, ia gwauraia herevadia, eiava ia karaia gaudia ibounai be iena Havaraia Tauna ena lalohadai hegeregerena idia vara. One, now called the Theocratic Ministry School, was to be conducted in all congregations to train individual Witnesses to preach and make disciples. 5: 12, 13. Hari, Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli idia gwauraia, kongregesen ibounai lalonai Witnes taudia ta ta do idia hadibaia haroro bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana idia karaia totona. In his teenage years, his conduct and choice of associates left much to be desired. Lagani 400 gunanai, Sairasi ese Babulonia ia do abia lasi neganai, Amono bona Moaba taudia idia ura Iuda ena King Iehosapata idia tuari henia. Iena mauri lagani be 13 neganai, ena kara bona turadia edia abia hidi karana ia ura henia bada. Perhaps like Saul you remember the time when you realized that to have God's favor, you needed to modify long - held religious views. To, reana do ita henanadai: Hari, Iehova be edena dala ai King ai ia lao? Reana Saulo bamona, oi diba nega daudau lalonai Dirava ena lalonamo oi abia totona, namona be tomadiho lalohadai idauidau oi dadaraia. I have a consistently positive outlook on life. Kohu momo ura dikadika kara ["mataganigani, " BHğ] be hegeregere kaivakuku tomadiho henia kara bamona. Hanaihanai egu mauri lalonai lalohadai maorona lau abia. For Christ's true followers, that involves their whole way of life, including their attitude toward money, secular work, entertainment, worldly customs and celebrations, and marriage and other relationships with fellow humans. Egu hahenamo ta be lagani 2011 ai Tuvalu ena hebouhebou ta dekenai lau lao. Keriso murinai idia raka taudia momokanidia dekenai, edia mauri ibounai lalonai moni, moni gaukara, moale karadia, tanobada ena moale karadia, bona headava aria ma haida idia laloa bada. May we continue to show our appreciation for their hard work through our willing cooperation, our obedience, and our submission. (Salamo 34: 20) Unai siri be Iesu dekenai ia guguru. Namona be mai eda ura ida ita gaukara hebou, kamonai karana ita hahedinaraia, bona ita badinaia karana amo ita hahedinaraia idia ita laloa bada. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is God an Impersonal Force? (Salamo 139: 23, 24) Davida ia diba Iehova ese ia Ia diba namonamo - ia laloa gaudia, ia herevalaia gaudia bona ia karaia gaudia ibounai be iena Havaraia Tauna ese ia itaia diba. BAIBEL BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Dirava be Lau Ia Laloa Bada, A? Are you able and willing to strengthen your brothers? Ginigunana be Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli, ia be kongregesen ibounai dekenai idia karaia bona unai amo Witnes taudia idia hadibaia haroro bona hadibaia taudia halaoa gaukarana idia karaia totona. Oi be mai emu ura ida emu tadikaka oi hagoadaia, a? In what ways are we helped within the Christian congregation? Iena matamata negana lalonai, iena kara bona ia abia hidi turadia be namo lasi. Edena dala ai Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai heduru ita abia diba? Our conscience thus is an evidence of God's love for us and of his desire that humans be united in doing good. Reana Saulo bamona, nega ta oi laloatao, unai nega lalonai oi lalo - parara Dirava ena lalo - namo oi abia totona, nega daudau oi dogoatao tomadiho lalohadaidia oi haidaua be namo. Unai dainai, iseda lalomamina ese ia hamomokania Dirava be ita ia lalokau henia bona ia ura taunimanima idia gaukara hebou kara namodia idia karaia totona. Values of the First Century Lau be hanaihanai lalohadai maorona mauri dekenai lau abia. Aposetolo Taudia Edia Negai Idia Hegeregere Gaudia How? Keriso murinai idia raka taudia momokanidia be moni dekenai, moni gaukara, moale karadia, tanobada ena kastom o aria idauidau, headava bona taunimanima kara henia daladia dekenai, Dirava ena lalohadai idia badinaia. Edena dala ai? Now, I'm sure you would agree that for something to be no more, it had to exist in the first place. [ Picture on page 28] To hari, lau abia dae gau ma ta ia noho lasi dainai, unai be egu gabu ginigunana ai lau noho be namo. " Where I grew up, " says Luca, who was raised in a Western European land, "people felt that looking after children was a wife's job. " Unai dainai idia ida ita gaukara hebou, ita kamonai henidia bona ita badinaia amo iseda tanikiu karana ita hahedinaraia. Ia gwau: "Lau tubu daekau gabuna ai, West Europe tanona ai, taunimanima idia laloa natudia idia naria murinai, edia moni gaukara idia karaia. " Why? OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is God an Impersonal Force? Dahaka dainai? When the chief priests and the scribes see this and they hear the boys in the temple crying out, "Save, we pray, the Son of David! " Oi hegeregere bona oi ura emu tadikaka do oi hagoadaia, a? Hahelaga taudia badadia bona taravatu hadibaia taudia ese unai idia itaia bona dubu lalonai idia noho memero idia kamonai neganai, idia boiboi, idia gwau, "Davida ena Natuna e, ai guriguri! " Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE STUDY TOOLS. Keristani kongregesen lalonai, edena dala idauidau ai ita idia durua? BIBLE TEACHINGS BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. If someone seems to be attacking your belief in creation, you may tactfully shift the responsibility to him. Iseda lalomamina ese ia hahedinaraia, Dirava be ita ia lalokau henia bona ia ura taunimanima idia lalotamona bona kara namodia idia karaia. Bema ta be Dirava ese ia havaraia gaudia ia abidadama henia lasi, reana dala namona ai emu maduna ia dekenai oi haidaua diba. How can the hope of the resurrection comfort us even now? Iesu Ena Negai Idia Noho Taudia ese Idia Laloa Bada Gaudia Hari inai negai, edena dala ai toreisi lou helarona ese ita ia hagoadaia diba? We should avoid companionship with whom, and why? Edena dala ai? Daika ita bamoa lasi be namo, bona dahaka dainai? Diotrephes was slandering John and deserved to be called to account for it. Reana inai hereva do oi abia dae, bema gau ta do ia ore, anina be unai gauna be guna ia noho. Diotrepe be Ioane ena ladana ia hadikaia bona unai kara dainai idia boiria be maoro. When the Voice of a Stranger Was First Heard Western Europe tanona ai ia bada tauna, Luca, ia gwau: "Lau bada tanona ai, taunimanima idia laloa natudia naria karana be hahine ena gaukara. " Tau ta Ena Gadona Ia Kamonai Matamaia Neganai Both were full of appreciation and joy at being present for the convention in Lisala. Dahaka dainai? Unai hebouhebou totona idia lao neganai, idia moale bada bona idia moale bada. The first of these two articles considers Jesus ' parables of the vine and of the sower and explains what they teach us about our preaching work. Hahelaga taudia bona taravatu hadibaia taudia ese unai idia itaia, bona dubu dekenai memero idia boiboi, "Davida ena natuna ita hanamoa! " Stadi ginigunana ai, Iesu ese vain bona hadohado tauna ena parabole bona iseda haroro gaukara ia herevalaia dalana do ita herevalaia. People who indulge in pornography often cover up their habit. They are secretive and deceitful. Kahana ladana BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE STUDY TOOLS henunai oi itaia. Ponografi laulaudia idia itaia taudia be nega momo edia kara dikadia idia hunia bona koikoi karadia idia karaia. We cannot confirm that first - century Jews understood Daniel's prophecy about the Messiah as we do. Bema Dirava ese gau ibounai ia havaraia herevana dainai ta be oi ida ia hepapahuahu, namona be mai manau ida ia oi hanamoa. Ita diba lasi aposetolo edia negai idia noho Iuda taudia be Daniela ena peroveta herevana idia lalopararalaia. Somehow that knowledge reached Abraham and touched his heart. Hari inai negai danu, edena dala ai toreisi lou helarona ese ita ia hagoadaia diba? Aberahamo be unai diba ia abia bona ena kudouna ia hamarerea. Anna's remark had been completely misinterpreted, and all of her efforts to assure her friend that she intended no harm proved fruitless. Edena bamona taudia ita bamoa lasi be namo? Bona dahaka dainai? Anna ena hereva be ia kerere momokani, bona ena turana ia hamaoroa dika ta do ia davaria lasi. The Bible contains God's standards, which are like a blueprint. Ia ese mai hereva dika bona koikoi danu aiemai kara ia maumauraia noho. " Baibel lalonai Dirava ena taravatu idia noho, bona unai taravatu be hegeregere. (b) What questions will we now consider? Idau Tauna Ena Gadona Idia Kamonai Negana Ginigunana (b) Edena henanadai edia haere do ita tahua? 13: 1. Idia ruaosi idia moale bona idia tanikiu badina Lisala ena hebouhebou dekenai idia noho. 13: 1. The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. Stadi ginigunana be Iesu ese ia gwauraia parabole vain bona uhe hadoa tauna, bona edia anina iseda haroro gaukara dekenai ia herevalaia. Emu gabu ai idia noho Witnes taudia be mai moale ida oi dekenai hebou ena taim bona adres do idia hadibaia. • Why could apostasy not silence the preachers of the good news? Ponografi itaia momo taudia be nega momo hunia gabudiai unai kara dikana idia karaia, bona ma haida dekenai idia herevalaia lasi. • Dahaka dainai aposteit taudia ese sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana idia koua diba lasi? While godly mercy does not compromise justice, Jehovah is slow to anger and patiently gives wrongdoers sufficient time to attain to repentance. Ita diba lasi bema Iuda taudia be Daniela ese Mesia ia perovetalaia herevana idia lalopararalaia - ita ese ita lalopararalaia hegeregerena - eiava lasi. Dirava ena hebogahisi karana ese kara maoromaoro badinaia karana ia koua lasi, to Iehova be ia badu haraga lasi bona mai haheauka ida kara dika taudia dekenai nega ia henia idia helalo - kerehai totona. Even in countries where the Kingdom work is banned, Christians find ways to keep on preaching the good news. Ita diba momokani lasi, to reana Aberahamo be unai dala amo Iehova ia dibaia. Ena be tano haida dekenai Basileia harorolaia gaukarana idia taravatua, to Keristani taudia ese dala idia tahua sivarai namona idia harorolaia noho totona. [ Picture on page 20] Ia ese Anna ena hereva ibounai ia laloa kerere, bona Anna ese ena turana ia hamaoroa loulou ia ura lasi ia hadikaia, to ena hekwarahi ibounai be anina lasi. [ Picture on page 20] It was the beginning of the end for the Hasmonaean kingdom. Baibel ai Dirava ena taravatu idia noho. Unai be Hasmonaean basileia ena matamana. However, I felt that it was our way of showing loyalty to God's Kingdom. (b) Edena henanadai do ita herevalaidia? To, lau mamia Dirava ena Basileia ita badinaia be namo. And he did! " 13: 1. Bona unai bamona ia karaia! " I no longer crave the immoral, materialistic lifestyle I used to lead. Emu gabu ai idia noho Witnes taudia be mai moale ida taim bona hebou gabuna do idia gwauraia. Matabodaga karadia lau ura henia lasi, bona kohu momo tahua karana lau dadaraia. How can reflecting on our relationship with Jehovah and with our fellowman help us to cultivate humility? • Dahaka dainai hereva momokani negea taudia ese sivarai namona idia harorolaia taudia idia koua diba lasi? Edena dala ai iseda hetura karana Iehova ida bona iseda dekena tauna ida ita laloa dobu karana ese ita ia durua ita manau totona? From his rooftop, he saw beautiful Bath - sheba bathing herself. Dirava ena hebogahisi karana ese ena kota maoromaoro karana ia hadikaia lasi. Bataseba ena ruma ena guhi amo ia itaia ia digu noho. This book promotes communication in other ways as well. Ena be tano haida dekenai gavamani ese haroro gaukara idia taravatua, to Iehova ena Witnes taudia be dala idauidau ai sivarai namona idia harorolaia noho. Inai buka ese dala ma haida ai herevahereva karana ia hagoadaia danu. Some of those mates have met other members of the Christian congregation. [ Picture on page 26] Unai headava taudia haida be Keristani kongregesen taudia ma haida idia hedavari henia. He noted that while this is a happy time in many ways for Jehovah's people, it is also a serious, sobering time. Hasmonaean basileia hamorua negana ia matamaia. Ia gwau Iehova ena taunimanima dekenai unai be moale negana, to unai be nega namona ita laloa maoromaoro totona. Yes, seeking first God's righteousness results in a harmonious relationship with Jehovah that, in turn, leads to our very salvation. - Rom. 3: 23, 24. To, lau mamia unai dala amo ai ese Dirava ena Basileia badinaia karana ai hahedinaraia. Oibe, Dirava ena kara maoromaoro ita tahua guna neganai, unai ese iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ia hagoadaia bona ita ia hamauria. - Roma 3: 23, 24. To satisfy my spiritual hunger, I began attending services at different churches. Bona ia karaia! " Lauma dalanai lau hitolo dainai, dubu idauidau dekenai lau lao matamaia. We should not assume that only those who have very comfortable homes are in a position to help; they may already have done so many times. Hari matabodaga karadia, bona kohu o moni momo tahua karadia lau ura henia lasi. Namo lasi ita laloa ruma namodia dekenai idia noho taudia sibona be heduru idia henia diba; reana nega momo unai idia karaia vadaeni. Indeed, dignity should be evident at all times and in everything we say and do. Edena dala ai iseda hetura karana Iehova bona iseda dekena taudia ida ita laloa karana ese ita ia durua diba manau karana ita habadaia totona? Oibe, nega ibounai hemataurai ita hahedinaraia be namo. What a powerful answer Valentina gave to Satan, who claimed that humans will not remain loyal to God in the face of trials! Iena ruma guhina dekena amo hahine hairaina, Bataseba, ia digu neganai, ia itaia. Satani dekenai haere goadana ia henia, ia gwau taunimanima be hahetoho idia davaria neganai, Dirava do idia badinaia noho lasi! Though the youths readily complied and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation. Inai buka be matamata taudia ia durua edia tama sina ida gau ma haida idia kikilaia hebou totona. Ena be matamata taudia be unai bamona haheitalai idia badinaia bona idia moalelaia, to gabeai kongrigeisen idia rakatania. Hence, Jesus gave them detailed instructions before sending them out. Idia haida ese Keristani kongrigeisen taudia haida idia hedavari henidia. Unai dainai, Iesu ese idia ia do siaia lasi neganai, idia dekenai hadibaia herevadia ia henia. He began to abuse her physically. 3: 12, NW) Ia gwau ena be inai nega ai gau momo dainai Iehova ena taunimanima idia moale, to mai anina bada gaudia haida danu idia vara noho. Ena tauanina ia hadikaia matamaia. SEE PAGE 3. Hiri Motu Baibel dekenai unai hereva be idia hahanaia, "Lohiabada do umui hanamoa. " RAU 3 ITAIA. People still malign God by blaming him for their suffering - even though it may be due to their own bad ways. (Aon. 21: 21) Oibe, Dirava ena kara maoromaoro ita tahua guna neganai, iseda hetura karana Iehova ida do ia namo bona hahemauri do ita abia. - Roma 3: 23, 24. Taunimanima ese Dirava idia gwauraia dika badina edia hisihisi dainai ia idia gwauraia dika - ena be edia kara dika dainai Dirava ese idia ia gwauraia dika. Other scholars, however, argue that although the domestication of camels became a factor of importance about the end of the second millennium, this does not mean that camels were not used earlier. Lau ura Dirava lau dibaia dainai, dubu idauidau dekenai lau lao. To, diba bada taudia ma haida idia gwau, ena be kamelo ena ruma be lagani 1,000 ena dokona ai ia vara, to unai ese ia hahedinaraia lasi kamelo be guna idia gaukaralaia lasi. This faithful patriarch asked Jehovah about an heir, saying: "What will you give me, seeing that I am going childless? " Namo lasi ita laloa mai edia ruma namodia taudia sibona ese heduru idia henia diba; reana idia be nega momo unai idia karaia vadaeni. Unai abidadama bese kwarana tauna ese Iehova ia nanadaia, ia gwau: "Dahaka do oi henia lau dekenai, do lau itaia lau be natudia lasi? " The anointed remnant love their companions and are happy to know that the Bridegroom's Father, Jehovah, has granted these other sheep on earth the privilege of joining in the jubilation over the heavenly marriage of the Lamb. Momokani, nega ibounai, eda hereva bona kara amo hemataurai ita hahedinaraia be namo. Horoa orena taudia be edia bamodia idia lalokau henia bona idia moale badina idia diba Headava Matamata Tauna, Iehova, ese unai mamoe idaudia be tanobada ai ia henia guba Natuna ena headava idia durua totona. 6 - 8. (a) Relate the illustration of the widow and the judge. (b) How did Jesus apply this illustration? Valentina ese ia hahedinaraia Satani be koikoi tauna, badina Satani ia gwau hisihisi lalonai taunimanima be Dirava do idia rakatania! 6 - 8. (a) Vabu bona kota biaguna ena parabole mani oi gwauraia. (b) Iesu be edena dala ai unai haheitalai ia gaukaralaia? With these symbolic provisions, "the nations, " or family groups of mankind, will be completely cured of the imperfection inherited from Adam. Ena be unai matamata taudia idia mai bona unai nega idia moalelaia, to edia hebamo bona lalo - ani karadia dainai gabeai kongregesen idia rakatania vaitani. Unai gaudia, "bese ibounai, " eiava taunimanima edia orea, ese Adamu amo ita abia kara dika dainai do idia hanamoa momokani. With initiative and effort, you can help your children to be well educated. Unai dainai, Iesu ese ia hadibadia namonamo guna bena ia siaidia. Namona be oi hekwarahi emu natudia oi durua edukeisen namona idia abia totona. At the inauguration of the temple in 1026 B.C.E., and in harmony with the promise Jehovah made to Abraham, Solomon observed that people of all nations would join in praising Jehovah. Ena tau ese ia dagedage henia matamaia. Lagani 1026 B.C.E. ai dubu helaga idia hahelagaia neganai, bona Iehova ese Aberahamo dekenai ia karaia gwauhamatana hegeregerena, Solomona ia itaia bese ibounai be Iehova do idia hanamoa hebou. Its inspired counsel protects you from the deadly effects of practicing sin. RAU 3 ITAIA. Dirava ena lauma amo ia vara sisibana ese kara dika karaia karana amo oi ia gimaia. 3: 9. Taunimanima be hisihisi idia abia neganai Dirava idia samania koikoi noho - ena be sibona edia kara dika dainai idia hisihisi. 3: 9. 10, 11. Diba bada taudia ma haida idia gwau, ena be lagani 3,000 bamona gunanai taunimanima ese kamelo idia naria matamaia, to reana kamelo naria karana be idaunegai idia hamatamaia. 10, 11. There is a valuable lesson in all of this. Aberahamo be Iehova ia nanadaia: "Lau be natuna lasi. Edena bamona lau dekenai hanamoa do oi habadaia? " Unai sivarai ibounai amo mai anina bada gauna ta ita dibaia. " Practice Giving " Unai horoa orena taudia be edia durua taudia idia lalokau henia. Bona idia moale badina Headava Matamata Tauna ena Tamana, Iehova, ese unai "mamoe ma haida " ia abia hidi Mamoe Natuna ena headava idia moalelaia totona. " Henia Kara Do Umui Karaia " Yet, he consistently showed himself to be a wonderful example in coping with infirmity, slander, and disappointments, not letting such rob him of joy. - 2 Sam. 6 - 8. (a) Vabu ta bona kota biaguna ta edia parabole mani oi gwauraia. (b) Iesu ese unai parabole be edena bamona ia herevalaia? To, hanaihanai ia hahedinaraia ia be gorere, samania herevadia, bona lalohisihisi ia haheaukalaia, unai ese ia hamoalea lasi. - 2 Sam. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body? Unai siri ese ita ia hadibaia bese helagana ese tanobada besedia do ia durua bona Adamu amo idia abia kara dika do ia kokia. To, inai henanadai ia vara: Hari, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ena dairekta taudia edia gaukara ena badina be Baibel ese ia gwauraia hedinarai, a? Nimrod built great cities, but he did so in opposition to Jehovah. Mai emu ura bona goada ida oi durudia neganai, emu natudia oi durudia diba edukeisen namona idia abia totona. Nimiroda ese siti badadia ia haginia, to Iehova ia inai henia. Much of the entertainment industry today has the characteristics of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. Lagani 1026 B.C.E. ai, Solomona ese dubu helaga ia hahelagaia neganai ia gwauraia guriguri ese ita ia durua, Iehova ena lalohadai bese idauidau dekenai ita lalopararalaia totona. Hari inai negai idia karaia moale karadia momo be idaunegai Sodoma bona Gomora edia kara. As more caves were searched, other scrolls and thousands of scroll fragments were found. Baibel lalonai idia noho sisiba be Iehova amo, bona ita idia gimaia ita kara dika lasi totona. Lokua toretoredia bona lokua toretoredia tausen momo idia tahua noho lalonai, lokua toretoredia ma haida idia davaria. In 1958 we received a letter that changed our lives. 3: 9. Lagani 1958 ai, revareva ta ai abia bona unai revareva ese emai mauri ia haidaua. The highly symbolic book of Revelation depicts the Devil as "a great fiery - colored dragon. " 10, 11. Apokalupo bukana ese ia hahedinaraia Diabolo be "lahi badana. " Anointed Christians are those principally addressed in that chapter. Unai amo mai anina bada gaudia ita dibaia diba. Horoa Keristani taudia be unai karoa lalonai idia noho hereva badadia. The disciple James tells us why we should make mercy an essential quality in our lives. " Henia Kara Do Umui Manadalaia " Hahediba tauna Iamesi ese ita ia hamaoroa dahaka dainai hebogahisi ita hahedinaraia be namo. Of course, others would soon join them. Herevana unai hekwakwanai ia davaria, to ia haheauka bona ia moale. - 2 Sam. Momokani, ma haida be daudau lasi murinai idia danu do idia lao. " The works of the flesh " would also be ever - present dangers. - Gal. Vadaeni, hari be inai henanadai ia vara: Baibel ese ia hahedinaraia badina dainai Hakaua Oreana taudia sibona be Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ena dairekta taudia ai idia lao diba, a? " Tauanina ena kara " ese dika bada ia havaraia diba. - Gal. What helped David remain humble? Nimiroda be siti badadia ia haginia, to Iehova ia dagedage henia. Dahaka ese Davida ia durua ia manau totona? Bible's View of Sex, 11 / 1 Hari muvi bona miusiki momo ai, taunimanima edia kara be guna Sodoma bona Gomora taudia edia kara bamona. " Dirava Ena Basileia be Do Ia Gini, " 11 / 15 For all of this, we are truly thankful. Kohua ma haida idia tahua namonamo neganai, lokua toretoredia ma haida bona edia kahana maragidia tausen momo idia davaria. Unai ibounai dainai, tanikiu korikorina ita abia. WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE Lagani 1958 ai, emai mauri ia haidaua revareva ta ai davaria. BAIBEL AMO DAHAKA DAINAI ITA DIBAIA DIBA? If Satan tried to upset the first - century congregation, we can be sure that he wants to disrupt the peace of the congregation today. Laulau herevadia ena buka Apokalupo ese Diabolo ia gwauraia "huala badana ta, kakakaka gauna. " Bema Satani ia ura aposetolo edia negai ia noho kongrigeisen ia habadua, namona be ita diba hari inai negai ia ura kongrigeisen ena maino ia hadikaia. In God's Word we find specific commands that we as Jehovah's people need to obey. Unai karoa ese horoa Keristani taudia ia herevalaia. Dirava ena Hereva lalonai hahegani haida ita davaria, ita be Iehova ena taunimanima dainai ita kamonai be namo. Being faithful and honest in all things calls for honesty at our place of employment. Iamesi ese ita ia hamaoroa dahaka dainai ma haida ita hebogahisi henidia be mai anina bada. Gau ibounai dekenai kara momokani bona momokani ita hahedinaraia totona, moni gaukara gabuna dekenai kara momokani ita hahedinaraia be namo. And he is at the side of our merciful Father to plead in our behalf. Oibe, daudau lasi ma haida be idia do idia bamoa. Bona iseda hebogahisi Tamana be ita totona ia noinoi. We, of course, want to be careful to " mind our own business ' and not to " meddle in other people's affairs. ' Danu, "tauanina ena kara dikadia " ese Keristani taudia idia hakaua kerere diba. - Gal. Momokani, namona be ita naria namonamo, " iseda bisinesi ita laloa noho ' bona " taunimanima edia kara bamona do ita karaia lasi. ' suggests that if a classmate asks: "Why don't you believe in evolution? " 18: 18) Dahaka dainai Davida ia manau? Unai ese ia hahedinaraia bema ena klas turana ta ia henanadai: "Dahaka dainai evolusen oi abia dae lasi? " (a) What example of trusting Jehovah's wisdom rather than his own did Jesus set? Laki Gadara, 4 / 1 (a) Edena dala ai Iesu be Iehova ena aonega ia abidadama henia to sibona ena aonega ia abidadama henia lasi? How do we benefit when we heed divine instruction? Unai heduru ibounai dainai, idia ai tanikiu bada. Dirava ena hadibaia herevadia ita badinaia neganai, dahaka namo ita davaria? Jehovah has done more than just promise protection. BAIBEL AMO MA DAHAKA ITA DIBAIA? Iehova be ita ia gimaia sibona lasi, to gau ma haida ia karaia danu. They do not look beyond immediate pleasure to the future joy of "the real life. " Bema Satani be aposetolo edia negai ia noho kongrigeisen lalonai badu ia havaraia, vadaeni ita diba, ia ura hari kongrigeisen ena maino ia hadikaia danu. Idia be "mauri korikorina " ena moale idia laloa bada lasi. (a) When was justice meted out in the first century? Ita be Iehova ena taunimanima dainai, Baibel ai idia noho hahegani idauidau ita badinaia be namo. (a) Aposetolo edia negai, edena negai kota maoromaoro idia karaia? Ocean Blvd. Mai momokani ida gau ibounai ita karaia maoro ena anina be, gaukara gabuna dekenai ita kara maoro danu. SEPTEMBER 28 - 30 Elijah had faced enemies greater than Jezebel, but suddenly he became so discouraged that he wanted to die. Unai nega ai, Israela taudia milioni toi bamona be Aigupito idia rakatania. Elia ena inai taudia ese Iesebele idia dagedage henia bada, to karaharaga ia lalo - manoka dainai ia ura ia mase. Why must we not look to the financial system for security? Bona ia be iseda hebogahisi Tamana ena badinai ia helai bona ita dainai ia noinoi. Dahaka dainai moni ena hekwakwanai ita laloa momo lasi be namo? The Main Issue - Sovereignty Momokani, ita ura lasi " ma haida edia mauri ai idia vara gaudia lalonai do ita vareai, ' eiava " ita kikilaia. ' Sivarai Iharuana - Lohia Siahuna Hereadaena What, though, do the symbols in these three introductory verses stand for? ese ia hahedinaraia bema emu klas turana ta be oi ia nanadaia: "Dahaka dainai oi be evolusen lalohadaina oi abia dae lasi? " To, unai siri toi ese dahaka idia laulaulaia? But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " (a) Iesu be Iehova dekenai ia tabekau karana amo dahaka ita dibaia? Do umui lalokau henia, vadaeni do umui noho hebou namo herea, mai laloa tamona danu. " Similarly, the title "Long - Suffering " has been changed to" Exercise Patience, " and the lyrics have been adjusted accordingly. Iehova ese ita ia hadibaia gaudia ita badinaia neganai, dahaka namo ita abia? Unai hegeregerena, inai hereva "hisihisi " idia haidaua bona" haheauka " idia haidaua, bona unai bamona hereva idia haidaua. (c) How are you affected by Jehovah's reassurances? Iehova be ita ia naria totona ia gwauhamata sibona lasi. (c) Iehova ena sisiba dainai emu hemami be edena bamona? According to Jesus, the celebration included "a music concert and dancing. " - Luke 15: 23, 25. Idia ese hari idia abia diba moalena sibona idia laloa, to vaira negana ai do idia abia diba "mauri korikori " idia laloa lasi. Iesu ia gwau, unai aria lalonai " miusiki bona mavaru idia gadaralaia. ' - Luka 15: 23, 25. Dishonest gain will be of no avail, as the psalmist makes clear: "Do not be afraid because some man gains riches, because the glory of his house increases, for at his death he cannot take along anything at all; his glory will not go down along with him himself. " (a) Edena nega ai kara dika taudia edia "davana karaia negana " ia ginidae? Salamo torea tauna be koikoi karana amo namo do ia abia lasi, ia gwau: "Taunimanima haida do umui gari henia lasi, badina idia ese kohu momo do idia abia. Badina be iena ruma ena hairai be do ia bada lao, bona iena hairai be do ia ore diba lasi. Unlike gold, silver, or many gemstones, pearls are produced by living things. OCTOBER 5 - 7 Golo, siliva, eiava dava bada nadidia momo be mauri gaudia ese idia karaia. To them, being mild - tempered is a flaw. Elia ena inai taudia gunadia haida edia dika ese Iesebele ena dika idia hanaia, to karaharaga Elia ia lalo - manoka momokani bona ia ura ia mase. Idia laloa manau be kerere. Making "the stone " the Head of the corner involved exalting him as King - Designate. - Ephesians 1: 19, 20. Dahaka dainai moni dekenai ita tabekau be aonega karana lasi? Unai nadi badana ena Kwarana ese ia abia isi bona King ai ia halaoa. - Efeso 1: 19, 20. Naturally, those resurrected on earth will be raised in human bodies. Idia Hepapahuahulaia Gauna Badana - Lohia Siahuna Maorona Momokani, tanobada ai do idia toreisi lou taudia be do idia toreisi lou. However, we need to have a proper view of their shortcomings and weaknesses. To unai hamatamaia siridia toi lalonai idia noho peroveta laulaudia edia anina korikori be dahaka? To, namona be edia kerere bona manoka gaudia ita laloa maoromaoro. 13 Questions From Readers Bona unai gaudia sibona lasi, to lalokau be dabua bamona do umui hahedokilaia danu, badina ia be taunimanima ia hatamonaia gauna hereadaena. " 13 Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai (b) When did Lot make mention of Jehovah's loving - kindness? (c) Iehova ena gwauhamata ese edena bamona oi ia durua diba? (b) Edena negai Lota ese Iehova ena hebogahisi mai lalokauna ia herevalaia? In despair Sandra attempted to kill herself. Iesu ia gwau, unai moale karana lalonai "gita bona mavaru edia regena " idia kamonai. - Luka 15: 23, 25. Sandra ia lalometau bada dainai, ia ura sibona ia hamasea. Because you are standing complete and with firm conviction "in all the will of God. " Salamo torea tauna ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva koikoi dalanai idia abia kohu ese namo ia havaraia lasi, ia gwau: "Bema tau ta be mai ena kohu bona moni momo, bona iena ruma bona kohu ia habadaia momokani neganai, do oi hoa lasi bona mama henia lasi. Badina be do ia mase neganai, gau ta do ia abia lao lasi. Iena ruma bona kohu namona, be ia danu do idia diho lasi. " Badina oi gini goada bona mai emu abidadama ida "Dirava ena ura ibounai lalonai " oi gini goada. What needs will we consider? Ia be golo, siliva eiava tano ena nadi hairaidia bamona lasi, badina unai nadi be mauri gaudia ese idia havaraia. Dahaka ita karaia be namo? I made new friends, and before long I felt very happy and much at home. " Idia laloa lalo - manau be kerere ta. Tura matamatadia lau davaria, bona daudau lasi murinai lau moale bada bona egu ruma dekenai lau noho. " [ Picture on page 23] (Salamo 118: 23) Unai "nadi " be ruma ena Kona Nadi Badana ai ia halaoa anina ta be Keriso ia abia isi King ai do ia lao totona. - Efeso 1: 19, 20. [ Picture on page 23] By means of them, we also receive discipline, or moral training. Danu, tanobada dekenai toreisi lou idia abia taudia be tanobada tauanina do idia abia. Danu, idia amo matahakani, eiava kara maoromaoro ita abia. The time period during which "this generation " lives seems to correspond to the period covered by the first vision in the book of Revelation. To, namona be edia kerere o manoka gaudia dekenai lalohadai maorona ita abia. Apokalupo bukana ese ia herevalaia "inai uru " ena nega be matahanai ginigunana ida ia hegeregere. " The climax came when our opponents were awarded a penalty shot in one game. 13 Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai " Aiemai inai taudia be gadara ta lalonai idia pidia mase neganai, unai dika ia bada ia lao. This brother had learned that Nathan Knorr, who became a member of the Governing Body, readily accepted points in the 1925 Watch Tower article "Birth of the Nation, " even though some others questioned them. (b) Dahaka ia vara bena Lota ese Iehova ena hebogahisi mai lalokauna ia herevalaia? Unai tadikaka ia kamonai Nathan Knorr, Hakaua Oreana tauna ta ai ia lao tauna, be lagani 1925 ena Gima Kohorona ena hereva badadia haida ia abia dae, ena be haida ese idia henanadai henidia. A Book Most Young People Do Without Sandra ia lalohisihisi dainai sibona ia hamasea toho. Matamata Taudia ese Idia Karaia Diba Lasi Bukana To see, let us first examine uses of the term "congregation " in God's Word. Badina oi gini goada bona "Dirava ena ura ibounai " oi diba namonamo. Unai ita lalopararalaia totona, mani Baibel lalonai inai hereva "kongrigeisen " ita tahua guna. Evidently, Jehoiada had succeeded in encouraging the young king to study and obey God's Law. Inai stadi ese dahaka do ia hahedinaraia? Ia hedinarai, Iehoiada ese king ia hagoadaia Dirava ena Taravatu ia stadilaia bona badinaia totona. During that time, "the wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron. " [ Picture on page 3] Noemi bona João Paulo, Ascurra, Santa Catarina Unai nega ai, "taunimanima idia noho lasi tanona, bona tano kaukauna be do idia moale, bona tano kaukauna be do idia tubu namonamo. " No doubt Satan's purposes are served as the divorce rate soars, marriage is dispensed with in favor of living together, and marriages between homosexuals are tolerated. [ Picture on page 9] Ita daradara lasi, Satani ena ura be headava hadokoa karana ia bada ia lao, headava idia abia dae, bona headava hapararaia karadia idia koua lasi. How will it be "split at its middle " and become two mountains? Idia ese ita dekenai matahakani eiava kara maoromaoro daladia idia hadibaia. Edena dala ai ia be ororo rua ai do ia lao? Hence, regular Bible study helps us to develop faith that serves as a bulwark against the influence of wicked spirits. - Psalm 91: 4; 1 John 5: 5. Elihu ena hereva ese Dirava be edena bamona ia herevalaia? Unai dainai, Baibel stadilaia hanaihanai karana ese ita ia durua abidadama ita hagoadaia totona, unai amo lauma dikadia edia siahu ita koua diba. - Salamo 91: 4; 1 Ioane 5: 5. How well do you listen to your spouse? Unai "taudia " edia noho negana be Apokalupo bukana ena matahanai ginigunana ia guguru negana ida ia hegeregere. Emu adavana ena hereva oi kamonai namonamo, a? F. Unai dainai, hanaihanai lau treinini goadagoada bona egu turadia lau laloa bada lasi. F. The wise king also lists some practices to shun, saying: "Do not say to your fellowman: " Go, and come back and tomorrow I shall give, ' when there is something with you. Unai tadikaka ia laloatao Nathan Knorr, gabeai Hakaua Oreana ena memba ta ai ia lao tauna, be lagani 1925 ai The Watchtower ena atikol ta ladana, "Birth of the Nation " (" Bese ta Ena Vara ") ena hereva ia abia dae, ena be haida ese idia abia dae lasi. Aonega king ese kara haida ia herevalaia danu, ia gwau: "Oiemu badibadinai tauna dekenai oi hereva henia lasi, oi gwau, " Oi giroa mai neganai, oi dekenai gau ta do lau henia. ' Paul looked to God for help and could say: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him [Jehovah] who imparts power to me. " Matamata Taudia Momo ese Idia Laloa Bada Lasi Bukana Paulo be heduru totona Dirava dekenai ia tabekau bona ia gwau diba: "Lau dekenai siahu ia henia Diravana amo goada lau abia gau ibounai lau karaia totona. " If we confess the specific sin to Jehovah, he will mercifully forgive us through the office of our High Priest, Jesus Christ. Haere ita abia totona, mani Dirava ena Hereva ese "kongrigeisen " ia gaukaralaia daladia idauidau ita laloa. Bema Iehova dekenai iseda kara dika ita gwauraia hedinarai, ia ese iseda Hahelaga Tauna Badana, Iesu Keriso, amo ita do ia gwauatao. • Who has the primary responsibility for preparing new spiritual food? Toana be Iehoiada ese unai king matamatana ia hagoadaia namonamo dainai, ia be Dirava ena Taravatu ia stadilaia bona badinaia. • Daika be mai ena maduna lauma aniani matamata ia hegaegaelaia totona? However, birds are naturally cautious, skittish creatures, difficult to trap. Unai nega lalonai, "taunimanima idia noho lasi tanona, bona tano kaukauna be do idia moale, bona palauapalaua be unai tano dekenai do idia tubu namonamo. " To, manu be nega momo idia naria namonamo, animal idia naria namonamo, tarapu lalonai idia moru garina. When we saw the invitation to attend the second class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, we thought, " They made a mistake! Tanobada ai momo be Diabolo ena ura karadia idia karaia noho, hegeregere haida edia headava ia parara, o idia headava lasi to idia noho hebou kava sibona, o tau be ma tau ta ia adavaia, o hahine be ma hahine ta ia adavaia. Ai itaia unai boiboi herevana be Watchtower Bible School of Gilead ena klas iharuana dekenai ai lao neganai, ai laloa, " Idia be kerere ta idia karaia! I had met Ralph on several occasions, and we became better acquainted during the large convention in Washington, D.C., held May 30 - June 3, 1935. Edena dala ai "Olive Ororo be do ia parara, kahana kahana do ia lao, " bena ororo rua ai do ia lao? Nega haida Ralph lau hedavari henia, bona Washington, D.C. dekenai idia karaia distrik hebouhebou badana dekenai ai diba namonamo. How did the apostle Paul view his privilege of preaching? Unai dainai, Baibel stadilaia hanaihanai karana ese iseda abidadama ia hagoadaia bona lauma dikadia ita koua diba. - Salamo 91: 4; 1 Ioane 5: 5. Aposetolo Paulo ese haroro gaukara ena hahenamo be edena bamona ia laloa? Whatever the cause, how encouraging it is to know that Jehovah's faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it! Emu adavana ia hereva neganai oi kamonai namonamo, a? Herevana dahaka ia vara, to ita moale badina idaunegai Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia be mai gari lasi ida iseda lalona dekenai unai henanadai tamona idia gwauraia, bona Dirava ese idia ia gwauraia dika lasi! He appealed to the Israelites, saying: "Turn back, please, every one from his bad way. " F. Ia ese Israela taudia ia noia, ia gwau: "Iena dala dekena amo do umui raka siri. " The former things have passed away. " Aonega king tauna ese ita dadaraia be namo karadia haida ia hahedinaraia danu, ia gwau: "Bema oiemu badibadina dekenai ia noho tauna, be hari dina oi durua diba neganai, do oi hamaoroa lasi, " Do oi naria ela bona kerukeru. ' Badina be gau gunadia be idia ore vadaeni. " Thus, with the help of holy spirit, many have been able to quit smoking or taking drugs. Paulo ese Dirava amo heduru ia tahua bona ia gwau diba: "Lau dekenai goada ia henia Diravana dainai, lau be mai egu goada gau iboudiai karaia totona. " Unai dainai, lauma helaga ena heduru amo, momo be kuku ania karana eiava drag ania karana idia hadokoa vadaeni. Clearly, we must be careful to avoid lies, for Jehovah hates "a false tongue. " Bema ita karaia gwauhamatana ta ita makohia bona Iehova dekenai ita gwauraia hedinarai, ia ese ita do ia hebogahisi henia bona eda kerere do ia gwauatao. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, namona be ita naria namonamo, badina Iehova ese "hereva koikoi " ia inai henia. At the same time, however, we also strive to imitate Paul by looking for opportunities to "impart some spiritual gift " to fellow believers. - Read Romans 1: 11, 12; 10: 13 - 15. • Lauma aniani matamatadia hegaegaelaia gaukarana be daika ena maduna? To danu, namona be Paulo ita tohotohoa, bona dala ita tahua iseda tadikaka dekenai "Dirava ena harihari gauna " ita henia totona. - Roma 1: 11, 12; 10: 13 - 15 duahia. He lost appreciation for his privilege of service and went " seeking great things for himself. ' Aniani bona boubou karaia totona idia abia danu. Iena hesiai gaukara ia laloa bada lasi bona " ia sibona totona gau namo herea ia tahua. ' In 2008 we joined our daughter in the regular pioneer service. Watchtower Bible School of Gilead ena klas iharuana dekenai ai idia boiria pepana ai itaia neganai, ai laloa, " Idia kerere! Lagani 2008 ai, emai natuna kekeni ida regula painia gaukara ai karaia. Although rendering such assistance may require effort on our part, the Scriptures assure us that "with such sacrifices God is well pleased. " - Heb. Lau bona Ralph be nega momo ai hedavari vadaeni, bona Washington, D.C. dekenai, May 30 - June 3, 1935 ai idia karaia hebouhebou badana ai, emai turana karana ai habadaia. Ena be unai bamona heduru ita abia totona ita hekwarahi be namo, to Baibel ia gwau "Dirava ese unai bamona boubou karadia ia moalelaia. " - Heb. To this day, some pottery is still made by hand, the potter working very closely with his material. Iehova ese ita ia henia gaukarana be mai anina bada herea, unai dainai namo lasi ita laloa ia be ma gaukara haida bamona. Ema bona hari, uro haida be idia do karaia noho, uro karaia tauna be ena kohu ida ia gaukara hebou. Christine wisely numbered our luggage so as not to overlook an item when scurrying from one bus to the next. Herevana ena badina be dahaka, to ita moale badina guna Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia danu be unai bamona idia henanadai, bona Dirava ese idia ia gwauraia dika lasi! Christine be mai aonega ida emai sutkeisi ia duahia, unai amo basi ma ta amo emai kohu ia kokia diba. Finally, the vessel came to rest on a mountain. (2 Sivarai 36: 15, 16) Israela taudia ia noia, ia gwau: "Emui lalodia do umui giroa, umui ta ta ibounai emui kara dika bona kerere do umui rakatania. " Dokonai, ororo ta dekenai idia laga - ani. On one occasion, Jesus met mourners carrying the body of a young man out of the city for burial. Badina be gau gunadia be idia ore vadaeni. " Nega ta, Iesu ese hanua amo ia raka - lasi tau matamata ta ena tauanina be guria totona ia abia lao. A fine way to do this is to provide transportation in the field ministry and to and from the meetings for those needing it. Lauma helaga ena heduru dainai, momo ese kuku bona drag abia karana idia rakatania vadaeni. Dala namona be haroro gaukara ai bona hebou dekenai idia lao taudia ita durua. For example, when healing a disabled person who had been bent double for 18 years, he said: "Woman, you are released from your weakness. " Momokani, namona be ita naria namonamo bona koikoi ita dadaraia, badina be Iehova ese "uduna mai ena koikoi " ia inai henia. Hegeregere, lagani 18 lalonai aena dika tauna ta ia hanamoa neganai, ia gwau: "Emu manoka gauna amo oi idia ruhaia. " The Internet makes pornographic material more available than ever and has increased the number affected by this terrible plague. To danu, Paulo bamona, ita hekwarahi Dirava ia henia harihari gaudia haida amo tadikaka bona taihu ita hagoadaia totona. - Roma 1: 11, 12; 10: 13 - 15 duahia. Intanet ese ponografi ia habadaia bona unai dika bada ia havaraia. It frightened me. " Iena hesiai gaukara ena namo ia laloaboio bona " gau namo herea ia sibona totona ia tahua. ' Lau gari dikadika. " Years later, she likely recounted vivid memories concerning this and other events of Jesus ' early life to the Gospel writers. - Luke 2: 41 - 52. Lagani 2008 ai edia natuna kekeni ida regula painia gaukara idia matamaia. Lagani haida murinai, Evanelia Bukadia idia torea taudia dekenai unai bona Iesu ena mauri lalonai idia vara gaudia ma haida ia laloatao. - Luka 2: 41 - 52. As we have seen, Satan is powerful, vicious, and deceptive. Momokani, ena be gorere taudia naria totona ita hekwarahi bada, to Baibel ese ita ia hadibaia "inai bamona karadia be boubou gaudia bamona, Dirava ese ia moalelaia gaudia. " - Heb. Ita itaia vadaeni, Satani ena siahu be bada, ia dagedage, bona ia koikoi. " Your Leader Is One, the Christ, " 9 / 15 Hari danu, uro haida be imana amo idia karaia, uro karaia tauna be unai ia karaia namonamo. " Emui Hakaua Tauna Do Umui Hanamoa, " 9 / 15 Jehovah required that the Israelites assemble in Jerusalem for three seasonal festivals each year - the Festival of Unfermented Cakes, the Festival of Weeks (later called Pentecost), and the Festival of Booths. Christine be mai aonega ida emai sutkeisi dekenai namba ia atoa, unai amo basi ta amo ma ta dekenai ai lao haraga neganai gau ta do ai laloaboio lasi. Iehova ia ura Israela taudia be lagani ta ta ai aria toi totona Ierusalema dekenai idia hebou - Pasova Ariana, Pura Edia Aria, bona Au Raurau Ruma Maragidia Aria. 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. Vadaeni, lagatoi be ororo dekenai ia helai. 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. Therefore I brought him forth before you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, in order that, after the judicial examination has taken place, I might get something to write. Nega ta, Iesu ia itaia idia taitai taudia ese hanua amo mase tauna ta idia huaia lao idia guria totona. Unai dainai lau ese umui emui vairana dekenai lau hakaua mai, bona umui vairanai ia noho King Agripa ena vairanai, unai dainai kota ena hereva lau tahua namonamo murinai, toretore ta lau abia diba. They felt a part of the study, and it gave them a chance to express themselves. Hegeregere, bema oi be mai emu motuka, reana ma haida be haroro gabudia o hebou dekenai oi abidia lao diba. Idia mamia stadi ena kahana ta ia noho, bona unai ese dala ia kehoa idia haere totona. However, it is important to note that only the priests together with the nonpriestly Levites were responsible for teaching the nation. - 2 Chron. Hegeregere, lagani 18 lalonai ena doruna ia kwaidu hahinena ia hanamoa neganai, ia gwau: "Hahine e, emu gorere amo oi lau ruhaia. " To, mai anina bada gauna be hahelaga taudia bona hahelaga lasi Levi taudia sibona ese bese idia hadibaia. - 2 Siv. Regarding his invisible presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus said: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Intanet dainai ponografi laulau momo idia hedinarai, bona momo ese idia itaia. Iesu be ena noho negana bona inai tanobada ena dokona ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Hisihisi bada herea do idia vara, Dirava ese tanobada ia karaia nega dekena amo hisihisi unai bamona idia vara lasi ia mai bona harihari, gabeai danu unai bamona ta do ia vara lasi. " God's Kingdom is a real government, one that will last forever. Unai ese lau ia hagaria. " Dirava ena Basileia be gavamani korikorina ta, bona unai gavamani be do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. Christians differ in the extent to which they have made progress in learning what God says, in being sensitive to his thinking, and in applying such to their decisions. Lagani haida murinai, reana Maria be Evanelia Bukadia idia torea taudia dekenai unai sivarai bona Iesu ena sivarai ma haida ia kikilaia. - Luka 2: 41 - 52. Keristani taudia be Dirava ena hereva idia dibaia noho lalonai, iena lalohadai idia lalopararalaia, bona edia abia hidi idia badinaia. (See box on page 17.) Inai stadi ai ita herevalaia bamona, Satani be mai ena siahu, ia be dagedage bona koikoi tauna. (Rau 17 ai ia noho maua itaia.) He did this by breaking a loaf of unleavened bread, and passing it to each of his 11 faithful apostles, he said: "This means my body which is to be given in your behalf. Iehova ia ura Israela taudia be lagani ta ta ai Ierusalema dekenai do idia hebou, aria toi idia karaia totona. Unai aria edia ladana be: Hatubua Lasi Paraoa Ariana, Pura Edia Aria (gabeai idia gwauraia Pentekoste) bona Au Raurau Ruma Maragidia ena Aria. Ia ese hatubua lasi paraoa ia makohia bona ena aposetolo taudia 11 dekenai ia henia, ia gwau: "Lauegu tauanina be inai, umui totona do ia henia. " I always do the things pleasing to him, " said Jesus. 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. Iesu ia gwau: "Iena ura be nega ibounai lau karaia. " 1, 2. Inai dainai lau laloa do lau siaia lao. To Paulo totona lau be hereva maoromaoro ta lau torea diba lasi lauegu biaguna dekenai. Unai dainai lau hakaua mai vadaeni umui emui vairanai, bona oi vairanai danu, King Agripa e. 1, 2. Though she had been angry at Tohru, when Yoko understood his family background and saw her own frailties, she made a serious effort to see the good in her husband. Idia mamia stadi lalonai idia be mai edia kahana ta, bona sibodia edia lalohadai idia gwauraia hedinarai. Ena be Tohru be Tohru dekenai ia badu, to iena ruma bese taudia edia noho dalana ia lalo - pararalaia bona sibona ena tauanina ena goada ia itaia neganai, ia hekwarahi bada ena adavana ena namo ia itaia totona. He referred to it as "the re - creation. " - Matthew 19: 28. To, laloatao hahelagaia taudia bona hahelagaia lasi Levi taudia sibona be bese taudia hadibaia ena maduna idia huaia. - 2 Siv. Ia gwau unai be "gau ibounai karaia matamata ena nega. " - Mataio 19: 28. When Jesus sent out the 70 disciples, he did so "by twos. " Iesu ese nega dokona ia perovetalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Unai nega ai hisihisi badana do ia vara, tanobada ena matamaia negana amo ema bona hari, unai bamona hisihisi ta ia vara lasi, bona gabeai danu do ia vara lasi. " Iesu ese hahediba taudia 70 ia siaia neganai, unai bamona ia karaia. Clearly, Jehovah is pleased with those who put their complete trust in him. Dirava ena Basileia be gavamani korikorina ta bona do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iehova be ia idia abidadama henia momokani taudia dekenai ia moale. A properly trained conscience exercises a powerful influence for good in the Christian congregation. Keristani taudia edia diba ena bada Dirava ena hereva, ena laloa dalana dekenai be idauidau, bona unai diba hegeregerena abia hidi idia karaia dalana danu be idauidau. Iseda lalomamina ita hadibaia namonamo neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai kara namodia ita karaia totona. " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics? " - MATT. (Rau 17 dekenai ia noho mauana itaia.) " Hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro, iena biaguna ese ia abia hidi, iena ruma do ia naria tauna, be daika? " - MAT. He had some firm counsel to give to certain congregations in Asia Minor, but notice how he went about it. Iesu ese hatubua lasi paraoa ia makohia bona ena aposetolo taudia 11 dekenai ia henia, bena ia gwau: "Inai be egu tauanina ia laulaulaia, umui totona do lau henia. Ia be mai ena goada ida Asia Minor ai idia noho kongrigeisen haida dekenai sisiba aukana ia henia, to ia karaia dalana ia itaia. S. Ia gwau: "Iena ura be nega ibounai lau karaia. " S. So how can we reach out to more men in our ministry? 1, 2. Vadaeni, edena dala ai haroro gaukara ai tatau ma haida ita durua diba? My husband seems to be interested in just the end result. " Ena be Yoko be Tohru dekenai ia badu, to ia ese Tohru ena ruma bese edia noho dalana bona sibona ena manoka ia itaia neganai, ia hekwarahi bada ena adavana dekenai idia noho kara namodia ia itaia totona. Toana be egu adavana be dokona sibona ia laloa. " 1950 1 Unai nega ia gwauraia " gau ibounai karaia matamata negana. ' - Mataio 19: 28. 1 1950 Shortly after Jesus ' baptism, Satan tried to entice Jesus to pursue selfish desires rather than to keep Jehovah as the most important Person in his life. Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia 70 be "rua rua dekena amo ia siaia. " Iesu ia bapatiso murinai, Satani ia ura Iesu ia dibagania sibona ena ura ia dadaraia totona, to iena mauri lalonai Iehova ia laloa bada. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel your servants, to whom you swore by yourself, in that you said to them, "I shall multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have designated I shall give to your seed, that they may indeed take possession of it to time indefinite. " ' Hari ita diba momokani, Iehova be ia idia abidadama henia taudia dekenai ia moale. Namona be Aberahamo, Isako bona oiemu hesiai taudia oi gwauhamata henidia, idia dekenai oi gwau, " Oiemu garana be guba ena hisiu bamona do lau habadaia, bona inai tano ibounai, be oi dekenai do lau henia. ' When "unreasonable men " oppose us, of what can we be confident? Lalomamina hadibaia namonamo karana ese kongrigeisen dekenai namo ia havaraia. " Hesiai taudia " ese ita idia dagedage henia neganai, dahaka ita diba momokani? If the soul dies and is unconscious, how could it suffer "eternal fire " or even the pain of everlasting separation from God? " Igui hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro, ena Biaguna ese ia abia hidi ena hesiai taudia do ia naria... tauna be daika? " - MAT. Bema souli ia mase bona gau ta ia diba lasi, edena dala ai "lahi " eiava Dirava amo do idia parara ela bona hanaihanai hisihisi do ia mamia? It enables one to be at peace with Jehovah God, with fellow humans, and with oneself. Asia Minor ai idia noho Kongrigeisen haida ia sisiba henidia, to ia karaia dalana mani ita laloa. Unai ese ta ia durua Iehova Dirava ida maino ai ia noho, taunimanima ida, bona ia sibona ida maino ai ia noho totona. Genuine love is not easily provoked and "does not keep account of the injury, " as though we were making entries in a ledger when others do something unloving. Fiji Lalokau korikorina be ia badu haraga lasi bona "dika ia laloatao lasi, " hegeregere ita ese ma haida ita lalokau henia lasi. Emotions have been crushed by harsh words. Edena dala ai tatau momo ita haroro henia diba? Hereva aukadia ese lohia tauna ena lalona ia hahisia bada. Moral breakdown and increase in crime and violence are evident. To, egu tau be unai hekwakwanai ese ia havaraia gauna sibona ia ura ia herevalaia. Kara maoromaoro badinaia karana ia bada ia lao bona taravatu utua karadia bona dagedage karadia idia bada idia lao. The importance of this is highlighted in the third example we will consider: the first - century siege of Jerusalem. 1950 1 Mani inai haheitalai toi ita laloa: Aposetolo edia negai Ierusalema idia koua hegege neganai, unai be mai anina bada. For example, a brother may desire to serve as an elder in the congregation or to be assigned parts at assemblies and conventions. Iesu ia bapatiso murinai, Satani ese ena lalona ia veria sibona ena ura do ia atoa guna, bona ena mauri lalonai Iehova do ia laloa bada lasi. Hegeregere, reana tadikaka ta ia ura kongrigeisen lalonai elda maduna ia abia eiava hebouhebou badadia bona maragidia dekenai ia lao. 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 2. Oiemu hesiai taudia Aberahamo bona Isako bona Iakobo mani oi laloa, oi sibona mai gwauhamata metauna oi hamaorodia, oi gwau, " Umui emui tubudia do lau hanamodia, vadaeni do idia momo herea, guba ena hisiu be momo herea bamona. Bona unai tano ibounai, lau gwauhamata henia do lau henidia tano, be umui emui tubudia dekenai do lau henia. Unai tano be idia edia tano ela bona hanaihanai. ' " 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 2. Background, pages 3 - 5 and 8: Courtesy of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Idia laloa namonamo lasi taudia ese ita idia inai henia neganai, dahaka ita diba momokani? Titus, rau 3 - 5 bona 8: Courtesy of Art's Court, Washington, D.C.E., D. When a person really does find Jehovah, he realizes that "God is a Spirit, " invisible to human eyes. Bema mase tauna be tano dekenai ia giroa lou bona ita itaia lasi, vadaeni hel ena lahi dekenai hisihisi ia ania herevana be koikoi, ani? Ta ese Iehova ia davaria neganai, ia lalo - parara "Dirava be Lauma, " taunimanima ese idia itaia diba lasi. I BECOME A "BETHEL BOY " Unai kara dainai ta be Iehova Dirava ida, taunimanima ida, bona sibona ida maino ia abia diba. " EGU KARA DO UMUI KARAIA " (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) Lalokau korikori ia hahedinaraia tauna be ia badu haraga lasi bona "ta ena kerere ia laloatao noho lasi " - hegeregere ma haida ese ia idia kara dika henia neganai, edia kerere be lista ta ai ia torea lasi. (1 Korinto 10: 13 duahia.) " NOT to be read without the presence of a priest. " Ta ena hereva aukadia ese ma ta ia hahisia diba. " Namo lasi pris tauna ta vairanai oi duahiduahi. " What about today? Kara dikadia, raskol bona dagedage karadia idia hedinarai momo. Hari be edena bamona? Investigation of the site has revealed that the two pools were divided by a dam. Inai sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia, Iehova be ia diba edena dala ai gau ta do ia vara iena ura ia hagugurua totona. Unai Web sait ena heau dalana ese ia hahedinaraia unai uro rua be geiti ta ese idia hapararaia. Our attendance demonstrates that we support God's sovereignty. Namona be ia gaukara goada, unai amo do ia hegeregere maduna ia abia totona. Ita hahedinaraia Dirava ena lohia siahuna ita abia isi. This need not - and should not - be the case in the Christian congregation. 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 2. Namo lasi Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai unai bamona ita karaia. Examining these accounts closely will give us insight into Jehovah's personality and show us how we may benefit from his molding. Background, pages 3 - 5 and 8: Courtesy of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Unai sivarai ita stadilaia namonamo neganai, Iehova ena kara do ita lalopararalaia bona do ita hahedinaraia edena dala ai iena hamaoromaoroa karana amo namo ita abia diba. Yet, they were influenced by certain ones manifesting the wicked spirit of Balaam and Jezebel, who by means of sexual immorality and Baal worship acted as corrupting influences in ancient Israel. Ta ese Iehova ia davaria neganai, ia lalo - parara "Dirava be lauma, " taunimanima ese idia itaia diba lasi. To, idia ese Balama bona Iesebele edia kara dikadia idia hahedinaraia, idia be idaunegai Israela dekenai matabodaga bona Bala tomadiho henia karadia idia karaia. Abraham and Sarah were called upon to leave behind their homeland to pursue true worship and await the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise. " BETELE MERONA " AI LAU LAO Aberahamo bona Sara be edia tano idia rakatania tomadiho momokani idia badinaia bona Iehova ena gwauhamata idia hagugurua totona. (Read Proverbs 27: 11.) (Sal. 34: 7; 91: 11) Satani ia gwau taunimanima be hahetoho lalonai Dirava do idia dadaraia. (Aonega Herevadia 27: 11 duahia.) Keeping Life Simple to Serve Jehovah " PRIS tauna ta ia noho lasi neganai oi duahia lasi. " Emu Mauri Lalonai Iehova Oi Hesiai Henia Noho 18, 19. (a) How was Abram able to rescue Lot? (Salamo 73: 24, NW) Hari be edena bamona? 18, 19. (a) Edena dala ai Aberamo ese Lota ia hamauria diba? I first visited Cambodia when I was 19. Ita hahedinaraia Dirava ena lohia siahuna ita abia dae. Egu mauri lagani be 19. Paul learned the secret of contentment Keristani kongrigeisen lalonai unai bamona ia vara lasi be namo - bona do ia vara lasi. Paulo ese lalona ia hegeregere mamina davaria dalana ia dibaia 5: 3 - 7. Unai Baibel sivaraidia ese ita idia durua Iehova ena kara do ita diba namonamo, bona iena matahakani amo do ita abia namo ita lalopararalaia totona. 5: 3 - 7. What can be said about the religious situation that exists today? To, idia be Balama bona Iesebele, matabodaga bona Bala tomadiho karadia amo idaunegai Israela taudia idia hadikaia taudia, edia kara dikadia idia hahedinaraia taudia haida ese idia veria. Hari inai negai tomadiho dekenai ia vara gauna be edena bamona ita gwauraia diba? Actually, "there is no searching out of his understanding. " Ma danu, Iehova ese Aberahamo bona Sara ia hamaorodia Uru hanuana do idia rakatania, tomadiho momokani do idia badinaia bona iena gwauhamata ia hagugurua negana do idia naria. Momokani, "iena lalo - parara ia tahua lasi. " The spirit of the world is unacceptable in a Christian home. (Aonega Herevadia 27: 11 duahia.) Keristani taudia be tanobada ena laloa dalana idia abia dae lasi. Jehovah told Ezekiel: "His blood I shall ask back from your own hand. " - Ezek. Auka Lasi Maurina Karaia Iehova Hesiai Henia Totona Iehova ese Esekiela ia hamaoroa: "Iena rara be oi dekena amo do lau noia lou. " - Ese. Second, Jesus never taught that anyone suffers after death. 18, 19. (a) Edena dala ai Aberamo ese Lota ia hamauria diba? Iharuana be, Iesu ia gwau lasi ta ia mase murinai ta ia hisihisi. Hence, if we grow to love the things in the world, even things that may not in themselves be wrong, we are on a dangerous course. Egu mauri lagani be 19 neganai, nega ginigunana Cambodia lau vadivadi. Unai dainai, bema tanobada gaudia ita ura henia bada, bona kerere ta ita karaia lasi, ita be dika ita davaria diba. • What is involved in " being modest in walking with God '? Paulo ese lalona ia hegeregere mamina davaria dalana ia dibaia vadaeni • " Mai manau danu Dirava danu ita raka ' ena anina be dahaka? In addition, Jehovah decreed that if a man killed an animal for food, he was to pour out its blood and cover it with dust, "for the life of every sort of flesh is its blood. " 5: 3 - 7. Ma danu, Iehova ia gwau bema tau ta ese aniani totona animal ta ia alaia, ena rara be tano dekenai do ia bubua bona tano dekenai do ia negea lao, badina "taunimanima ibounai edia mauri be rara sibona. " When faced with a health problem, each adult Christian must "carry his own load " of responsibility in choosing treatment. Hari inai negai, tomadiho ita herevalaia neganai dahaka ita gwau diba? Keristani tau badadia be gorere ta idia davaria neganai, namona be idia ta ta ese heduru idia abia hidi gwauraia neganai, "sibona ena metau do idia huaia. " Andrew and John were deported, and with World War II looming, all British subjects were advised to leave. Iehova ia diba gaudia ibounai be ta ese ia davaria diba lasi. Andrea bona Ioane idia siaia lao bona Tanobada Tuarina Iharuana idia gwauraia neganai, Britain taudia ibounai idia hamaoroa unai gabu do idia rakatania. May we never lose sight of the grand privilege of partaking of "produce " and sharing it with others! Danu, namo lasi Keristani ruma besena ese inai tanobada ena lalohadai dikadia idia badinaia. Namona be ita laloaboio lasi, paraoa ita ania bona ma haida ida ita gaukara hebou be hahenamo badana! This name has to do with Jesus ' new office and privileges. Iehova be Esekiela dekenai ia gwau: "Lau be do lau gwau unai tau ena mase be oiemu kerere dainai. " - Ese. Unai ladana be Iesu ena dagi bona hahenamo ma haida ida idia gaukara hebou. Thanks to Jehovah's description of His grandeur, Job understood much more clearly his own position in relation to the Creator. Iharuana be, Iesu ia gwau lasi mase murinai ta ese hisihisi ia abia. Iehova ese ena siahu bada herea ia herevalaia dainai, Iobu ia laloparara Havaraia Tauna be sibona ena dagi ia laloa bada. In giving his Son as a ransom for delivering obedient mankind from sin and death, Jehovah satisfied his just and righteous standards. Unai dainai, bema tanobada gaudia ita ura henia, ena be haida be idia dika lasi, to ita be dika ita davaria diba. Iehova ese ena Natuna be mauri davalaia boubouna bamona ia henia kamonai taudia be kara dika bona mase amo ia hamauridia totona, unai amo Iena kara maoromaoro taravatudia idia badinaia diba. 4: 11 - 13. • " Mai manau danu Dirava ida ita raka ' ena anina be dahaka? 4: 11 - 13. It was like a treasure hunt! A shoe box and a red ribbon became Rahab's house with a scarlet cord. Danu, Iehova ese taravatu ia atoa bema Israela tauna ta be aniani totona animal ta ia alaia, namona be ena rara be tano dekenai do ia bubua bona tano amo ia koua, "badina be mauri gaudia ibounai edia mauri be rara. " (Lev. Unai be dava bada nadina ta bamona, maua ta ladana Rahaba ena ruma be varo kakakakana ai ia lao. WHEN Jesus was on earth, he set a perfect example of self - sacrifice. Keristani taudia idia gorere neganai, " ibounai ta ta sibona ena metau, ena metau do ia huaia ' bena medikol heduru maorona ia abia hidi. IESU be tanobada ai ia noho neganai, sibona ena ura ia dadaraia. If you get baptized, this will be an excellent start in serving the true God. Gavamani ese Andrew bona John idia siaia lou edia gabu dekenai, bona Tanobada Tuarina Iharuana ia mai kahirakahira dainai, Britain taudia ibounai idia hadibaia edia tano dekenai do idia giroa lou totona. Bema bapatiso oi abia, unai be nega namona Dirava momokanina oi hesiai henia totona. Why and how should we work to overcome differences? Namona be unai "huahua " ania bona hariharilaia ena hahenamo ita laloa maragi matamaia lasi! Dahaka dainai bona edena dala ai hepapahuahu ita hanaia diba? ; Mourlhou, F. Tau ta be unai ladana ia diba lasi, Iesu sibona ia diba. ; Sogers, F. " I have now been a pioneer in my town for four years, and I can see how wise it was to follow the direction given. (Iobu 42: 2) Iehova be Iobu dekenai ia hahedinaraia Ia be siahu ibounai Diravana, unai amo Iobu ia laloparara Havaraia Tauna ese ia ia hereaia. " Lau be lagani foa lalonai egu taoni dekenai painia gaukara lau karaia vadaeni, bona lau itaia Dirava ese ia henia hakaua herevadia lau badinaia be aonega karana. The Bible provides a word of warning. Kamonai taudia be kara dika bona mase amo ia hamauria totona ena Natuna ia henia karana amo, Iehova ese ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ia badinaia. Baibel ese ita dekenai hadibaia herevana ta ia henia. Hence, Satan increasingly uses a method that he likely feels will offer a greater chance of weakening our faith. 4: 11 - 13. Unai dainai, Satani be dala idauidau ia gaukaralaia iseda abidadama ia hamanokaia totona. To reach that goal, it is vital that we allow his counsel or discipline to mold us, so that we become individuals who are pleasing to him! Hegeregere, tamaka ena boksi ta bona varo kakakakana ta ai gaukaralaia Rahaba ena ruma ia laulaulaia totona. Unai tahua gauna ita hagugurua totona, gau badana be iena sisiba o matahakani ese ita ia hamaoromaoroa, unai amo ia idia hamoalea taudia ai ita lao diba! © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania IESU be tanobada ai ia noho neganai, sibona ena ura dadaraia karana ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Since then, world conditions have steadily worsened. Bema bapatiso oi abia, unai ese oi do ia hagoadaia Dirava momokanina ena hesiai gaukara oi karaia totona. Unai nega amo ema bona hari, tanobada ena toana ia dika ia lao. Tristram noted: "I once watched a shepherd playing with his flock. " Taravatu goevadaena " be tano momo edia taravatu amo ia idau. Blessing ia gwau: "Nega ta lau itaia, mamoe naria tauna ta be ena mamoe ida ia gadara. Paragraph 14: This is an adjustment to our understanding of Matthew 13: 42. Dahaka dainai hekwakwanai idia vara neganai ita hamaoromaoroa haraga, bona edena dala ai unai ita karaia diba? Paragraf 14: Inai be iseda lalo - parara Mataio 13: 42 dekenai ia haidaua. You will never have to see them again. " ; Mourlhou, F. Idia do oi itaia lou lasi. " A science encyclopedia says: "The nature and origin of the ice nuclei, which are necessary to induce freezing of cloud droplets at temperatures about - 40 ° F (- 40 ° C), are still not clear. " - Psalm 147: 16, 17; Isaiah 55: 9, 10. " Lagani 4 egu taoni ai painia gaukara lau karaia vadaeni, bona unai hakaua dalana lau badinaia dainai lau moale. Saiens tauna ta ia gwau: "Tanobada ena hodahoda bona tubutubu gaudia edia tubu dalana be mai anina bada, unai dainai dina ena siahu be ia do hedinarai lasi. " - Salamo 40: 16, 17; Isaia 55: 9, 10. Elders need to maintain the purity of the congregation and must base their judgment on God's Word as well as on the direction of "the faithful and discreet slave. " Baibel ese hadibaia herevana ta ia henia. Namona be elda taudia ese kongrigeisen ia goeva noho bona Dirava ena Hereva bona "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " ena hakaua herevadia hegeregerena hahemaoro do idia karaia. While encouraging us to take an unselfish personal interest in people, it reminds us not to be busybodies. - Philippians 2: 4; 1 Peter 4: 15. Unai dainai, Satani be iseda abidadama ia hadikaia diba dalana ta ia gaukaralaia momo. Ena be ita ia hagoadaia taunimanima edia namo ita laloa bada totona, to ita ia hadibaia ita bisi bada lasi totona. - Filipi 2: 4; 1 Petero 4: 15. Her mildness sets a pattern for all who serve Jehovah today. - 1 Samuel 25: 36 - 42. Unai dainai, namona be iena sisiba bona matahakani ita abia dae, iseda kara ita hamaoromaoroa bena unai amo Iehova do ita hamoalea! Hari, iena lalo - manada ese Iehova idia hesiai henia taudia ibounai dekenai dala ia kehoa. - 1 Samuela 25: 36 - 42. Hence, "the twelve tribes of Israel, " whom those on the heavenly thrones judge, evidently represent the world of mankind who are outside that royal, priestly class, as pictured by the 12 tribes on Atonement Day. - Lev., chap. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Unai dainai, "Israela iduhu 12 " be hahelaga taudia bona Kara Dika Ena Davana Karaia Dinana ai idia noho taudia ia laulaulaia. - Lev. Pharaoh's magic - practicing priests were powerless to stop them. Unai nega amo ema bona hari, tanobada dekenai idia vara gaudia idia dika momokani. Farao ena meamea karadia idia karaia hahelaga taudia be idia koua diba lasi. Psalm 51 shows the anguish of his guilt and the depth of his repentance. Tristram ia gwau: "Nega ta mamoe naria tauna ta lau itaia, ena mamoe serina ida ia gadara. Salamo 51 ese ia hahedinaraia ena kara dika dainai ia lalohisihisi bona ia helalo - kerehai momokani. He provides us with Bible principles that always work, but we must apply what we learn. Paragraf 14: [5] Inai be Mataio 13: 42 dekenai ita abia diba matamatana. Ia ese Baibel ena hakaua herevadia be hanaihanai ita dekenai ia henia, to ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia be namo. Having a positive attitude will help us to be zealous and enthusiastic for the ministry. Bona unai dika ena hisihisi do oi mamia lou lasi. " Lalohadai namona ita abia neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua mai eda ura bada ida haroro gaukara ita karaia totona. In connection with the resurrection, the Bible says: "Death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. " Saiens ensaiklopidia ta ia gwau: "Aisi ia havaraia gauna maragina tamona, ori ena ranu be - 40 ° C ai aisi ai do idia lao totona ia be mai anina bada gauna, to ena anina bona ena matamaia dalana idia do lalo - pararalaia goevagoeva lasi. " - Salamo 147: 16, 17; Isaia 55: 9, 10. Baibel ese toreisi lou karana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Mase bona hel ese idia lalonai idia noho taudia idia hamauria. " When we thank our Father for the good things that come our way, we focus on our blessings. Edena dirava ena hesiai gaukara do umui karaia? " - IOS. Iseda Tamana ita tanikiu henia, badina ia ese ita dekenai gau namodia momo ia henia. Apart from what happened to the nation of Israel as a whole, the Bible contains real - life experiences of individuals who were overtaken by jealousy, immorality, greed, or pride. Elda taudia ese kongrigeisen ena goeva idia laloa bada be namo, bona edia hahemaoro karana lalonai, Baibel bona "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " ena hakaua herevadia idia gaukaralaia be namo. Baibel ese Israela besena dekenai ia vara gauna sibona ia gwauraia lasi, to mama, matabodaga, eiava hekokoroku karadia dainai idia vara taudia edia sivarai ia gwauraia danu. The question of who is greater, however, stems from a desire to know where people stand in the ranks of power and influence. Ita ia hagoadaia ma haida edia namo ita tahua, to idia dekenai idia vara gaudia lalonai ita vareai kava eiava ita tahua momo lasi. - Filipi 2: 4; 1 Petero 4: 15. To, taunimanima idia ura siahu bona siahu idia abia taudia idia diba daika ese unai henanadai ia henia. And that will not be merely for a short while. Iehova idia hesiai henia taudia ibounai dekenai iena lalo - manada be haheitalai namona. - 1 Samuela 25: 36 - 42. Bona unai be nega kwadogina sibona lasi. Why should we open ourselves to their ways by listening to debasing music, watching corrupting entertainment, or exposing ourselves to pornographic material? To, Baibel ena hakaua herevadia ita badinaia neganai, ita do ia durua Dirava ita abidadama henia noho totona. - 1 Ioa. Dahaka dainai miusiki dikadia ita kamonai henia, moale karadia dikadia ita raraia, eiava matabodaga gaudia ita itaia be namo? My wife and I were able to attend their graduation. Farao ena meamea pris taudia be unai hisihisi idia koua diba lasi. Lau bona egu adavana be edia gradueisen dekenai ai lao diba. Later, back at the Jordan, Elisha struck the waters with Elijah's garment, calling out: "Where is Jehovah, the God of Elijah? " (2 Samuela 12: 13) Salamo 51 ese ena lalohisihisi bada bona ena helalo - kerehai toana ia hahedinaraia. Gabeai, Ioridane Sinavaina dekenai Elisaia ese Elia ena dabua ia botaia bona ia boiboi: "Lohiabada, Elia ena Dirava be edeseni? " While he was in Ephesus, his foes may have thrown him into the arena to fight wild beasts. Danu, Baibel amo hakaua hereva namodia ia henia. Salamo torea tauna ia gwau, Dirava ena taravatu ese ia dekenai aonega ia henia, bona unai " aonega ese ia idia tuari henia taudia edia aonega ia hereaia ' bona " ena hadibaia taudia ibounai edia diba ia hereaia. ' Efeso dekenai ia noho neganai, ena inai taudia ese ia idia doria dagedage animal ia tuari henia totona. Subsequently, Adam joined his wife in what amounted to a rebellion against God's rightful rule and good direction. Bema lalohadai maorona ita abia, unai ese ita do ia durua haroro gaukara ita goadalaia totona. Gabeai, Adamu be ena adavana ida Dirava ena lohia dalana maorona bona ena hakaua dalana namona idia gwau - edeede henia. How so? Baibel be toreisi lou ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Davara lalonai idia mase vadaeni taudia be davara ese idia ia henia daekau lou. Edena dala ai? It was described as "too little to get to be among the thousands of Judah. " Bema gau namodia ita abia dainai iseda Tamana ita tanikiu henia, ita abia hahenamodia ita laloa bada. Idia gwauraia "Iuda taudia tausen momo huanai ia maragi herea. " Moreover, there are all the Gittites - Ittai and his 600 warriors. - 2 Sam. Baibel be Israela besena ibounai dekenai ia vara gauna sibona ia gwauraia lasi to mama, matabodaga, mataganigani, bona hekokoroku ese ia hamorudia taudia edia sivarai ia gwauraia danu. Danu, Itai bona ena tuari taudia 600 idia noho. - 2 Sam. What is God's dominant quality, and how does knowing this make you feel about him? To, inai henanadai daika be bada, ia vara badina taunimanima idia ura diba daika be mai ena siahu bona ladana bada. Dirava ena kara badana be dahaka, bona unai kara dainai edena bamona ia oi laloa? [ Picture on page 31] Bona unai be nega kwadogina sibona lalonai lasi. [ Picture on page 31] And those with similar preferences in recreation often spend much time together. Unai bamona taudia edia lalona veria karana totona dala ita kehoa bona miusiki dikana ita kamonai, dika idia havaraia diba muvini piksa ita itaia, eiava matabodaga sivaraidia bona laulaudia idia hahedinaraia bukadia ita raraia be namo lasi, ani? Bona moale karadia idia ura abia hidi taudia be nega bada idia haorea hebou. What should Christians refrain from doing? Lauegu adavana bona lau be edia kosi haorea dinana dekenai ai lao. Keristani taudia ese dahaka idia karaia lasi be namo? Travel agencies offer trips to exotic destinations, often in the company of people with a worldly outlook. Gabeai, Ioridane sinavai ai, Elisaia ese Elia ena dabua amo ranu ia botaia, bona ia boiboi: "Lohiabada, Elia ena Dirava be edeseni? " Loaloa oreadia be gabu daudaudia dekenai idia lao, nega momo tanobada ena lalohadai idia badinaia taudia ida idia lao. He died as a ransom that we may live. Do idia gwau idia be tau badadia momokani. " Ia be mauri davalaia boubouna bamona ia mase. Isaiah foretold: "In that day you will certainly say: " Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! Reana Efeso dekena ia noho neganai, iena inai taudia ese steidiam dekenai idia negea, uda sisia ida ia heatu totona. Isaia ia peroveta: "Unai dina dekenai do umui gwau: " Lohiabada do umui tanikiu henia! The focus will then shift to what Matthew went on to describe: "[Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my" blood of the covenant, " which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. ' " Edena bamona unai ia vara? Mataio ese ia herevalaia gauna be inai: "Iesu ese kapusi ta ia abia bona ia tanikiu henia, ia henia idia dekenai, ia gwau, " Inai kapusi do umui inua, badina be lauegu rarana do umui bubua, taunimanima momo edia dika gwauatao totona. ' So Esau despised the birthright. " - Gen. Unai hanua idia gwauraia, " Betelehema Eparata, Iuda ena hanua ibounai edia huanai ia be maragi momokani. ' Unai dainai Esau ese vara guna ahuna ia dadaraia. " - Gen. Consider the following scenario: A person is seeking to borrow money in connection with his business plans and offers you a large profit if you lend him funds. Bona ia itaia, Israela taudia sibona ese ia idia bamoa lasi, to Kerete bona Pelete taudia ibounai, bona Gata tauna Itai bona ia idia bamoa tuari taudia 600 danu be ia idia bamoa. - 2 Sam. Mani inai haheitalai oi laloa: Tau ta ia ura ena bisinesi ia gaukaralaia moni ia abitorehai bona oi dekenai moni bada ia henia. Some point to the Bible in order to justify their vengeful attitude. Dirava ena kara badana be dahaka, bona unai oi diba dainai emu hemami be edena bamona? Haida be Baibel amo edia badu ena badina idia gwauraia hedinarai, unai amo edia kara ena maoro idia gwauraia hedinarai diba. Trust in Jehovah is fundamental to coping with the situation of widows and orphans. [ Picture on page 31] Iehova abidadama henia karana be mai anina bada vabu bona tama sina lasi maragidia edia noho dalana ita haheaukalaia totona. In this article, we will consider the greatest of these two commandments. Eiava haida idia bamoa momo badina idia ida moale karadia idia karaia hebou. Inai stadi ai, unai hahegani rua do ita herevalaia. However, the information applies to both males and females. Keristani taudia ese dahaka idia karaia lasi be namo? To, unai hereva be mai anina tatau bona hahine dekenai. Why can we have conviction like that of David? Hegeregere, turist edia loaloa dalana idia hegaegaelaia bisinesi ese holidei gabudia mai hairaidia idia advatais, bona unai ese emu lalona idia veria tanobada taudia ida oi lao totona. Dahaka dainai Davida ena abidadama ita tohotohoa diba? Deep faith and godly fear moved Noah and his family to do as God commanded. Do ia hahedinaraia Keriso be mauri davalaia boubouna bamona ia mase, unai amo mauri hanaihanai ita abia diba. Noa bona ena ruma bese be abidadama bona Dirava gari henia karana ese edia lalona ia veria Dirava ena hahegani idia badinaia totona. Another Witness patient said of the elders who visited her: "When they came toward my bed in the intensive care unit, I knew that no matter what happened from that point on, I could bear it. Isaia ia peroveta ia gwau: "Unai dina dekenai do umui gwau, " Lohiabada [" Iehova, " NW] do umui hanamoa,... iena ladana do umui boiboi henia. Witnes taihu ma ta be mai haheauka ida ia vadivadi henia elda taudia ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Unai nega amo ema bona hari, lau diba herevana dahaka ia vara, to unai lau haheaukalaia diba. On the contrary! Ia gwau: "[Iesu ese] kapusi ta ia abia bona Dirava ia tanikiu henia murinai, idia dekenai ia henia, ia gwau: " Inai kapusi amo umui ibounai umui inua, badina inai be egu rara, ia be" kontraka ena rara " ia laulaulaia, taunimanima edia kara dika gwauatao totona do ia bubua. ' " Lasi! With faith in Jehovah's way of doing things and the principles that he has kindly provided, we can make wise decisions and prove ourselves steady in all our ways. - Jas. Esau ese iena vara guna ena hanamoa, be unai bamona dala dekenai ia negea. " - Gen. Bema Iehova ese ita dekenai ia henia hakaua herevadia ita abidadama henia, abia hidi maorodia do ita karaia bona ita badinaia noho. - Iam. SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 38 Mani inai oi laloa: Tau ta ia ura moni ia abiatorehai iena bisinesi ia haginia totona, bona ia gwau bema oi ese moni oi heniatorehai, oi dekenai atoakau moni badana do ia henia lou. ANE: 136, 38 The earthly part of Jehovah God's organization is likewise on the move. Haida idia gwau ta ena kerere davana idia karaia lou karana be Baibel ena hereva bamona. Iehova Dirava ena tanobada oreana danu be unai bamona. Eight posada parties are held from December 16 through December 23. Lohiabada ese, vabu bona tamana sinana lasi maragidia ia naria noho. " December 16 ia lao 23 ai idia karaia pati 8 be December 23 ai idia karaia. The answer surely is mind - boggling. MA HAIDA Haere be inai: Iseda lalona ena matana amo ita itaia diba lasi gauna. Ezekiel, who is in his early 20 ' s, says: "In the past, I was like someone who is driving a car without any destination in mind. Inai stadi lalonai, ita be taravatu ginigunana do ita herevalaia. Esekiela, ena mauri lagani be 20 bamona, ia gwau: "Guna lau be motuka taria tauna bamona. What prompted a mature Christian elder to make such an error in judgment - one that could have divided the congregation? To, inai kahana be mai anina bada hahine dekenai danu. Dahaka ese lo Keristani elda tauna ia durua unai bamona kerere ia hamaoromaoroa totona? © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Dahaka dainai Davida ia abia lalohadai goadana ita abia diba danu? © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Having in mind these three reasons for showing consideration for single parents, let us now see what you can do to help and how you can be sure that the assistance you provide will be practical. Dirava abidadama henia bona gari henia karana ese Noa bona ena ruma bese ia durua Dirava ena oda ibounai idia badinaia totona. (Gen. 6: 22; Heb. Adavana lasi tama eiava sina laloa bada ena badina toi ita laloa neganai, mani ita itaia edena dala ai heduru oi henia diba bona edena dala ai unai ese oi do ia durua. According to one tradition, Nicodemus took a stand for Jesus, got baptized, became a target of Jewish persecution, was removed from his position, and was finally banished from Jerusalem. Ia gorere Witnes ma ta ese ia idia vadivadi henia elda taudia ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "ICU wodi dekenai egu bedi kahirakahira idia mai neganai, lau diba herevana dahaka do ia vara, do lau haheauka diba. sene herevana ta ia gwau, Nikodemo be Iesu ena gini siri karana ia abia dae, ia bapatiso, Iuda taudia ese idia dagedage henia, iena dagi amo idia kokia, bona gabeai Ierusalema amo idia lulua. Noah's preaching evidently included a call for repentance and a warning of coming destruction. Lasi! Noa ena haroro gaukara lalonai, taunimanima idia helalo - kerehai bona dika do ia vara ena hadibaia herevana idia gwauraia. • What is the very best education? Bema Iehova ena dala ita abidadama henia bona ia henia hakaua herevadia ita badinaia, abia hidi maorodia do ita karaia bona iseda kara amo do ita hahedinaraia ita gini goada. - Iam. • Edukeisen hereadaena be dahaka? • What does 1 Corinthians 15: 29 mean when it speaks of some "being baptized for the purpose of being dead ones "? ANE: 136, 58 • Korinto Ginigunana 15: 29 ena anina be dahaka? A lecture about history, however, may quickly bore young minds. Iehova Dirava ena tanobada oreana be unai bamona danu. To, sivarai ta ese matamata taudia edia lalona ia veria haraga diba. We had a horse - drawn carriage with curtains at the windows, so that regardless of the weather, we could attend church Sunday morning. December 16 ia lao December 23 lalonai posada pati 8 idia karaia. Emai motuka be uindo amo idia veria mai, unai dainai dina ia siahu neganai, Sunday dabai dubu dekenai ai lao diba. Or do you think his laws are there to make us happy and to protect us? " Idia be momo herea. Eiava oi laloa iena taravatu be ita ia hamoalea bona gimaia diba, a? " When provoked by others, we need to learn to "yield place to the wrath. " Ezekiel, ena mauri lagani 20 bamona, ia gwau: "Guna, lau be motuka ia taria bona ia lao henia gabuna ia diba lasi tauna bamona. Ma haida edia lalona ita hahisia neganai, namona be "badu gabuna dekenai [ita] lao. " We will take the lead in showing them honor. Dahaka dainai unai elda goadana be unai bamona ia karaia, ena be ia diba unai ese kongrigeisen ia hapararaia diba? Idia ita matauraia karana do ita gunalaia. Even some opposers acknowledge this fact. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Dagedage taudia haida danu be unai idia abia dae. Among such ones are Hannah, Elijah, Hezekiah, and Daniel. Adavana lasi tama eiava sina ita lalodia bada ena badina toi ita herevalaia vadaeni, hari do ita tahua edena dala ai idia ita durua diba, bona edena bamona do ita diba ita karaia karana ese idia ia durua. Unai bamona taudia haida be Hana, Elia, Hesekaia, bona Daniela. For some 20 years, Irene has worked hard in that language field. Taunimanima edia sivarai ta ia gwau, Nikodemo be Iesu murinai ia raka matamaia, ia bapatiso, Iuda taudia ese idia dagedage henia, ena dagi idia kokia, bona gabeai Ierusalema amo idia lulua. Lagani 20 mai kahana lalonai, horoa taudia be unai gado ai idia gaukara goada. How can we avail ourselves of God's help? Noa ese helalo - kerehai bona do ia vara dika badana ena hadibaia herevana ia harorolaia. Edena dala ai Dirava ena heduru ita abia diba? ▪ Yes, it could. • Hahediba dalana namona be edena? ▪ Oibe. That spirit, or "air, " pervades Satan's world. • Korinto Ginigunana 15: 29 ia gwau haida be "bapatiso idia abia mase taudia totona " ena anina be dahaka? Unai lauma, eiava "guba " be Satani ena tanobada ia laulaulaia. How can Christians be a blessing to one another? Natu momo be idia ura lasi guna gaudia edia sivarai idia kamonai. Edena dala ai Keristani taudia be ta ta dekenai hahenamo idia abia diba? He reminded Christians that Jehovah views "the wisdom of the wise men " and the" intelligence of the intellectual men " of the day as foolish. Ai dekenai hosi ese ia veria loaloa gauna mai uili ia noho bona dabua ese ena uindo ia koua; unai dainai, herevana keru eiava siahu to ai be Sunday dabai guriguri dekenai ai lao diba. Ia ese Keristani taudia ia hadibaia Iehova ese "aonega taudia edia aonega " bona" aonega taudia edia aonega " be kavakava bamona ia laloa. From Nazareth, the hill of Sepphoris can be seen, rising almost 400 feet [120 m] above the valley floor. Eiava oi laloa Dirava ese ena taravatu ia atoa badina ia ura ita moale bona ita ia naria totona, a? " Nasareta amo, ororo ia daekau neganai, ororo ena bada be mita 400 bamona. First, spend adequate time with your mate. Idia dekenai hemataurai ita hahedinaraia. Gau ginigunana be, nega oi atoa emu adavana ida oi noho hebou totona. For the past 55 years, the Korean peninsula has been one of Asia's political flash points. Ita idia inai henia taudia haida be unai idia abia dae danu. Idia hanaia lagani 55 lalodiai, Asia ena politikol orea maragina ta be Korea dekenai ia noho. Some of these pronouncements were fulfilled in the sixth century B.C.E., but all of them have either been fulfilled since 1919 C.E. or are now in the course of fulfillment. Idia haida be Hana, Elia, Hesekaia, bona Daniela. Unai hereva haida be lagani 600 B.C.E. ai idia guguru, to idia ibounai be lagani 1919 amo ema bona hari idia guguru vadaeni. It is he that has made us, and not we ourselves. " Lagani 20 lalonai, Irene be unai grup ida ia gaukara. Ia ese ita ia karaia, bona ita sibona lasi. " Yes, he taught those with him to be humble, but he also provided an object lesson for them by washing their feet. Reana, Iehova ese dala ia karaia ita ia hahisia gauna do ia kokia, eiava ita dekenai goada ia henia unai hisihisi ita haheaukalaia totona. Oibe, ia hadibaia taudia idia manau be namo, to edia aena ia huria karana amo gau ta ita dibaia. And God's name appeared only a few times in the text, whereas ancient Bible manuscripts contained the divine name thousands of times. ▪ Oibe. Bona Dirava ena ladana be nega haida ia hedinarai, to idaunegai Baibel maniuskrip ese Dirava ena ladana idia hahedinaraia. Why is Jehovah's rulership the best possible? Unai lauma, o hodahoda, be Satani ena tanobada ia hahonua bamona. Dahaka dainai Iehova ena lohia dalana be hereadae? In each case, he works hard to meet the qualifications needed to care for added responsibility in the congregation. Edena dala ai Keristani taudia be ta ta dekenai idia heduru heheni diba? Idia ta ta dekenai, ia gaukara goada kongrigeisen ena maduna ma haida ia huaia totona. We invite you to read the Bible's answers to those questions in the following two articles. Ia ese Keristani taudia ia hamaorodia, Iehova ena vairanai unai negai idia noho "aonega taudia edia aonega " bona" diba bada taudia edia diba " be kavakava. Oi ai noia atikol gabedia rua ai unai henanadai edia haere oi duahia totona. ; Corona, V. Nasareta amo be Seporis ena ororo oi itaia diba, ena lata be mita 120 bamona. ; Korona, V. Jehovah laughs at the boasting and confusion of the nations in their foolish course against him. Dala ginigunana be, nega oi atoa emu adavana ida oi noho hebou totona. Iehova be ia idia kamonai henia lasi besedia edia hemataurai lasi karana dainai ia kiri. You need clearly defined goals. Lagani 55 idia hanaia vadaeni lalonai, Korea tanona dekenai be tuari ia vara. Tahua gaudia oi gwauraia hedinarai namonamo. Scriptural Questions Answered: Unai peroveta hereva haida be lagani 600 B.C.E. murinai idia guguru, to momo be lagani 1919 C.E. ai o kahirakahira do idia guguru. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: Yet, when that unrighteous man heard Jesus preach about the Kingdom, he recognized the excelling value of what he was hearing and took immediate action. Ia sibona ese ita ia karaia, bona ita be iena. " To, unai kara dika tauna be Iesu ese Basileia ia harorolaia neganai, ia lalo - parara ia kamonai gaudia be mai anina bada bona karaharaga kara ta ia karaia. Learn about God's Kingdom now, so that you can enjoy living under its righteous rule forever! - 1 John 2: 17. Edena bamona unai ita diba? Hari Dirava ena Basileia oi dibaia, unai amo ena kara maoromaoro lohia henunai oi noho hanaihanai diba! - 1 Ioane 2: 17. On the other hand, some parents have found ways to instruct their children in their native tongue while attending meetings at a foreign - language congregation or group. Oibe, ia ida idia noho taudia ia hadibaia idia manau be namo, to ia hadibaia totona edia aena ia huria. To, tama sina haida be dala idia tahua edia gado ai edia natudia idia hadibaia totona, unai amo idau gado kongrigeisen heboudia dekenai idia lao diba. Expressions like those portray spirituality in a favorable way. Danu, Dirava ena ladana be nega haida sibona ia hedinarai, ena be idaunega Baibel maniuskrip lalonai unai ladana be nega tausen momo idia torea. Unai bamona hereva namodia be dala namona ai idia gwauraia. For example, increased emphasis has been placed on building up our spirituality through personal Bible reading, having a Family Worship evening, as well as being regular in meeting attendance and in the ministry. Dahaka dainai Iehova be Lohia Tauna maorona? Hegeregere, sibona eda Baibel duahiduahi amo iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ita hagoadaia, Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho ita karaia, bona hanaihanai hebou dekenai ita lao bona haroro gaukara ita karaia. Questions Draw Us Closer to Jehovah Kongrigeisen ai unai maduna ta ta ia huaia totona, ia gaukara goada be namo. Henanadai Momo ese Ita Idia Durua Iehova Kahirakahira Ita Lao Totona In defense, the woman "screamed, but there was no one to rescue her. " Umui ai noia Baibel ena haere inai henanadai dekenai be inai atikol rua dekenai do umui duahia. Unai hahine ia haere, "to tau ta ese ia hamauria diba lasi. " Thus, it was not a temporary decision. ; Corona, V. Unai dainai, unai be abia hidi aukana lasi. This Genesis account presents Satan as cunning, as one who spins lies with the intention of deceiving the unwary. Eve certainly succumbed to his deceit. (Salamo 59: 5 - 8) Kavakava dalanai Iehova idia tuari henia besedia edia hekokoroku bona daradara karadia ia kirikirilaia. Unai sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia Satani be koikoi tauna, koikoi dalanai Heva ia koia bamona. The Waldenses were singled out for persecution because of their preaching from the Scriptures Emu mauri lalonai moale korikorina oi davaria totona, tahua gaudia oi atoa be namo. Waldens taudia be Baibel amo edia haroro gaukara dainai dagedage idia davaria Or perhaps you thought that you and your mate would spend most of your time together or that the two of you would work out every disagreement in a smooth, mature manner. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: Eiava reana oi laloa oi bona emu adavana be nega bada do umui haorea, eiava umui ruaosi be mai lalotamona ida umui gaukara hebou. G. To, unai kara maoromaoro lasi tauna ia kamonai Iesu be Basileia ia harorolaia neganai, ia kamonai herevana ia abia dae bona maoromaoro ena kara ia haidaua. G. Paul's warning about false stories is part of his first letter to Timothy, a Christian overseer who was charged with preserving the purity of the congregation and helping fellow believers to remain faithful. Namona be hari, Dirava ena Basileia oi dibaia, unai amo oi ese unai kara maoromaoro lohia siahuna henunai, mauri hanaihanai do oi moalelaia! - 1 Ioane 2: 17. Paulo ese sivarai koikoidia be Timoteo dekenai ia siaia revareva ginigunana lalonai ia torea, ia gwau kongrigeisen ia goeva bona tadikaka taihu ia durua edia abidadama idia dogoatao noho totona. Instead, someone would sit next to them and write notes on a sheet of paper to help them understand what was being said. Ena be tama sina haida be idau gado kongrigeisen o grup dekenai idia lao, to dala idia karaia edia gado ai edia natudia idia hadibaia totona. To, ta be pepa ta dekenai do ia helai bona pepa ta do ia torea, idia do ia durua idia gwauraia gaudia idia lalo - pararalaia totona. He is a married elder with three children. Ataiai idia noho hereva ese idia hahedinaraia, bema Dirava ena lauma ese ita ia hakaua, iseda mauri be do ia namo. Ia be elda ta mai ena natudia toi. Is it valuable and important for the younger generation? Hegeregere, eda hetura karana Iehova ida ia goada totona, iena orea ese nega ibounai ita ia hagoadaia Baibel duahiduahi bona Ruma Bese ena Tomadiho ita karaia, bona hebou bona haroro do ita lao hanaihanai. Matamata taudia dekenai unai be mai anina bada, a? We encouraged our black brothers to be patient. Henanadai ese Ita Idia Durua Iehova Kahirakahira Ita Lao Totona Emai korema tadikaka ai hagoadaia idia haheauka totona. They will rule with Jesus in heaven! - Ephesians 1: 8 - 12. Unai hahine "ia boiboi bada, to tau ta ese ia durua lasi. " Idia be Iesu ida guba dekenai do idia lohia! - Efeso 1: 8 - 12. Of course, both husband and wife still need to honor their parents, and often that entails giving them attention. Unai dainai, iseda gwauhamata be nega kwadogina totona lasi. Momokani, tau bona hahine ese edia tama sina idia matauraia be namo, bona nega momo unai idia karaia be namo. Furthermore, love of God requires our obedience. Genese bukana ena sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia, Satani be mai aonega ida idia gima lasi taudia ia koia. Danu, Dirava ita lalokau henia totona, kamonai karana ita hahedinaraia be gau badana. Maria's parents were proud of their daughter's decision to make an unreserved dedication to Jehovah and to get baptized. Walden taudia be idia hahisidia totona taunimanima edia huana amo idia abia hidi badina Baibel idia harorolaia Maria ena tama sina idia moale badina edia natuna kekeni be Iehova dekenai ena mauri ibounai ia gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso ia abia. Of course, to impress Bible truths on a child's mind, you need to do more than conduct a weekly family study. Eiava reana oi laloa, oi bona emu adavana ese nega bada do umui atoa umui ruaosi umui noho hebou o dala namona ai hekwakwanai umui hamaoromaoroa hebou totona. Momokani, Baibel ena hereva momokani be natuna ena lalona dekenai oi atoa totona, wiki ta ta ai ruma bese stadi oi karaia sibona be hegeregere lasi. Later back in Zaire, he started pioneering, and he presently serves as a member of the Branch Committee. G. Gabeai, Madrid dekenai painia gaukara ia hamatamaia, bona hari ia be Brens Komiti ena memba ta. You may recall other examples of the good that can come about when Witnesses manifest appropriate respect for public officials, rendering them the honor that the Bible says Christians should give them. Paulo ese elda tauna Timoteo ia tore henia neganai, ia hamaoroa sivarai koikoidia amo kongrigeisen ia gimaia be namo. Witnes taudia ese gavamani ena gaukara taudia matauraia karana dekenai haheitalai namodia ma haida oi laloatao diba, bona Baibel ia gwau Keristani taudia ese idia hahedinaraia hemataurai karana idia hahedinaraia be namo. Questions From Readers To, ta be taia kudima taudia badinai ia helai bona tok ena hereva be pepa ta dekenai ia torea, unai amo idia ia durua tok idia lalopararalaia totona. Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai That view ignores this fact: A child's mind is like an empty bucket waiting to be filled. Unuseniai, moni gaukara davaria be auka, bona momo be edia moni gaukara idia haboioa lasi totona, edia bosi edia hereva idia kamonai sibona. Unai lalohadai be inai: Natuna ena lalona be dava bada gauna ta bamona. Mary's resentment could build, and with the passage of time, she might think that her husband is totally callous to her feelings. Matamata taudia dekenai ia be mai anina bada bona gau badana, a? Maria be ia badu dikadika dainai, reana do ia laloa ena adavana be ena hemami ia laloa lasi. What is the context of Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 16: 10? Tadikaka ai hagoadadia idia haheauka be namo. Luka 16: 10 ai, Iesu ena hereva ena badina ma haida be dahaka? For example, when he observed the poor spiritual condition of fellow Jews, "he felt pity for them. " Idia be Iesu ida guba dekenai do idia lohia! - Efeso 1: 8 - 12. Hegeregere, ia itaia Iuda taudia be lauma dalanai idia ogogami neganai, "ia bogahisihisi idia dekenai. " Why should we lose our prospect for everlasting life and happiness? " Momokani, tau bona hahine ese edia tama sina do idia matauraia noho be namo, anina be do idia lalodia bada bona durudia. Dahaka dainai mauri hanaihanai bona moale ita haboioa be namo? " One from their midst was no longer content with praising Jehovah but desired to be worshipped. Danu, Dirava dekenai iseda lalokau ita hahedinaraia dalana ta be, Ia ita badinaia. Edia huanai ta be Iehova hanamoa karana ia moalelaia lasi, to ia ura taunimanima ese ia do idia tomadiho henia. The most intimate way to cultivate an appreciation for Jehovah is through personal prayer to him each day. Maria ena tama sina be idia moale badina edia natuna kekeni be abia hidi ia karaia Iehova dekenai ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso do ia abia. Iehova tanikiu henia dalana hereadaena be dina ta ta ai ia dekenai ita guriguri. Could he make a dedication to God in such circumstances? To unai sibona lasi, namona be ia ida gau haida oi karaia. Unai bamona negadiai, Dirava dekenai ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia diba, a? We may glean helpful information and practical suggestions from articles published in The Watchtower and Awake! Gabeai, Benjamin be Zaire dekenai ia giroa lou neganai, painia gaukara ia hamatamaia, bona hari, ia be Brens Komiti tauna ta. Gima Kohorona bona Awake! " Making snide remarks, innuendos, or jokes about your wife will only crush her confidence, destroy her trust, and damage your marriage. " - Brian. Haroro gaukara amo taunimanima ita durua Dirava ida maino idia karaia bona mauri hanaihanai idia abia totona. " Bema emu adavana oi hereva dika henia, o oi hevaseha henia, unai ese ena abidadama do ia hagoadaia, ena abidadama do ia hadikaia, bona emu headava do ia hadikaia. " - B. Though they met with opposition everywhere they preached, Jehovah blessed their ministry, so that by about the year 60 C.E., Paul could write that the good news was being preached "in all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23. Oibe, Witnes taudia ese gavamani ena gaukara taudia dekenai hemataurai idia hahedinaraia neganai, namo ia vara diba. Momokani, Baibel ese Keristani taudia ia haganidia unai idia karaia totona. Ena be gabu ibounai dekenai idia haroro, to Iehova ese edia haroro gaukara ia hanamoa dainai, lagani 60 C.E. bamona ai, Paulo ia gwau sivarai namona be "tanobada ibounai dekenai ai harorolaia vadaeni. " - Kolose 1: 23. Yet, nothing - " no weapon formed against us ' - has stopped our Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Duahia Taudia Edia Henanadai To, gau ta ese iseda Basileia harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana ia koua lasi. In this way, God's Kingdom is the means by which Jehovah sanctifies his name, clearing it of all the lying reproach of Satan and wicked humans. - Ezekiel 36: 23. Baketi lalonai gau ta ia noho lasi hegeregerena, natudia edia lalona danu be unai bamona. Unai dala amo, Dirava ena Basileia be Iehova ese ena ladana ia hahelagaia, unai amo Satani bona kara dika taudia ese idia gwauraia dika gaudia ibounai ia hahedinaraia. - Esekiela 36: 23. We follow the course of hospitality and show genuine fellow feeling. Mary be ena adavana dekenai do ia moale lasi, bona nega ia hanaia lalonai, reana do ia laloa ena adavana ese ena hemami ia laloa lasi. Heabidae karana ita hahedinaraia bona ma haida dekenai heabidae karana ita hahedinaraia. You are attending, not a modern sporting event, but one held some 2,000 years ago on the Isthmus of Corinth. Luka 16: 10 ena badina siridia dekenai, Iesu ese dahaka hereva ia gwauraia? Oi be hari inai negai spot gadara ta oi karaia lasi, to lagani 2,000 gunanai, Korinto taudia momo be unai bamona idia karaia. Why not talk to the circuit overseer to see whether you might be able to assist? Hegeregere, nega ta ai, ia itaia Iuda taudia be Dirava amo idia daudau bamona bona, "ia bogahisihisi idia dekenai. " Sekit naria tauna oi hereva henia diba, unai amo do oi diba bema oi be hegeregere heduru oi henia totona, ani? • How was it complimentary for Solomon to describe a wife as "a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat "? Dahaka dainai ita ese eda mauri hanaihanai helarona bona moale ita haboioa? " • Solomona ese hahine ta ia gwauraia "lalokau bona bogahisihisi ororo nanigosi " be edena bamona ia herevalaia? With what result? Unai nega lalonai, aneru ta be ia ura lasi Iehova ia hanamoa, to ia ura taunimanima ese ia do idia tomadiho henia. Unai dainai dahaka ia vara? Why must we guard against the problem that affected the congregation at Ephesus, and how can we do so? Dala hereadaena be Iehova laloa bada karana oi habadaia totona be dina ta ta ai ia dekenai oi guriguri. Dahaka dainai Efeso kongrigeisen ena hekwakwanai dainai ita naria namonamo be namo, bona edena dala ai unai ita karaia diba? Nadab / Baasha / Elah Bema ia be unai bamona ia karaia, oi laloa Dirava ia gwauhamata henia be maoro, a? Mesopotamia / Basa Gaining insight into God's Word does not depend on intellect or worldly education, which tend to foster pride. Baibel ena hakaua herevadia be ita ia durua medikol heduru dala maorodia ita abia hidi totona. (Aon. 2: 6) Gima Kohorona bona Awake! Dirava ena Hereva lalo - pararalaia karana be tanobada ena aonega eiava edukeisen amo ita abia lasi, badina unai ese hekokoroku karana ia havaraia. In Colombia temporary special pioneers went to preach among the Wayuu Indians. " Emu hahine hadikaia o kirikirilaia herevadia oi gwauraia neganai, ia be oi do ia trast diba lasi, bona headava do oi hadikaia. " - Brian. Florida ai, spesel painia taudia be nega sisina lalonai taoni ta ladana, Waye dekenai idia lao, haroro gaukara idia karaia totona. The management showed appreciation for all of this by putting the Witnesses on the priority list so that they would have the first opportunity to rent the building the following year. Ena be idia haroro gabudia ibounai dekenai dagedage idia davaria, to Iehova ese edia hesiai gaukara ia hanamoa dainai, lagani 60 C.E. bamona ai, Paulo ia gwau diba sivarai namona be "tanobada ibounai dekenai " idia harorolaia vadaeni. - Kolose 1: 23. Unai kampani naria taudia ese unai ibounai idia laloa bada, badina Witnes taudia dekenai lista idia atoa, unai amo lagani ta murinai ruma idia rentaia diba. Even as a fugitive, David exalted Jehovah's name Hegeregere, aposteit bona hevaseha herevadia idia gwauraia, eda gaukara idia taravatua, ita idia dagedage henia bona hamasea. Davida be heau mauri tauna dainai, Iehova ena ladana ia abia isi Moreover, "if we make the statement: " We have no sin, ' we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. " Unai dala ai, Dirava ena Basileia be Iehova ena ladana hahelagaia dalana, bona ia amo Satani bona kara dika taudia ibounai edia hadikaia herevadia do ia haorea. - Esekiela 36: 23. Ma ia gwau: "Bema ita be kara dika ta ita karaia lasi, ita be sibona ita koia noho, bona hereva momokani be ita dekenai ia noho lasi. " He decided that it would be easier to produce a completely new translation than to correct the old one. Heabidae karadia do ita hahedinaraia bona iseda tadikaka taihu edia hemami do ita laloa bada. Ena lalona ia hadaia gado matamata do ia hahanaia, to unai tau buruka do ia hamaoromaoroa be auka. He alone has the power and the will to deliver his servants from any bad situation. Oi be hari inai negai idia karaia spot gadara lasi, to lagani 2,000 bamona gunanai Korinto ena Isthmus ai idia karaia spot gadara dekenai oi noho. Ia sibona be mai ena siahu bona dika idauidau amo ena hesiai taudia do ia hamauria. As you regularly read and study the Bible, consider your response to what it says and give thought to how you can apply it to your circumstances; then you are allowing Jehovah to talk to you through his Word. Sekit naria tauna oi hereva henia diba, unai amo do oi diba edena kongrigeisen oi durua diba. Baibel oi duahia bona stadilaia hanaihanai neganai, namona be unai hereva oi laloa namonamo bona emu noho dalana hegeregerena Iehova oi hereva henia dalana oi laloa. 13, 14. • Solomona ese headava hahine ia gwauraia "oi ura henia dia hahinena bona oi moale henia ororo nanigosi, " edena bamona unai be hereva namona? 13, 14. The elder listened empathetically without being judgmental and expressed loving concern for the brother and his family. Bona dahaka do ia vara? Elda tauna be tadikaka bona ena ruma bese ia hahemaoro henidia lasi, to ia kamonai namonamo bona idia ia lalokau henia. Yes! Dahaka dainai Efeso kongregesen ia hadikaia hekwakwanai dekenai ita naria namonamo be namo, bona edena bamona unai ita karaia diba? Oibe! LIFE STORY Nadaba / Basa / Elaha MAURI SIVARAINA They would be arrogant and fierce. To, Iehova ena hariharibada dainai, Dirava idia laloa bada kudou - maoro taudia ese Baibel idia lalopararalaia diba. Idia be do idia hekokoroku bona do idia dagedage. I was so nervous that my legs were shaking each time I went out. Colombia dekenai, nega sisina lalonai spesel painia gaukara idia karaia taudia be Wayuu Indian taudia dekenai idia lao bona idia haroro henidia. Lau gari bada dainai, nega ta ta egu aena idia hisihisi bada. Gagik relates: "My income dropped by about half, so it was a challenge to provide for my family. Unai gabu naria taudia ese unai gaukara ibounai idia laloa bada, bona unai idia hahedinaraia totona Witnes taudia edia ladana be pepa ta dekenai idia torea, lagani gabena ai unai gabu do idia gaukaralaia diba totona. Grik ia gwau: "Egu moni gaukara amo lau idia hadokoa, unai dainai egu ruma bese naria totona be ia auka. He refused to give in to temptation and stood firm for what he knew to be right. " Bema ita gwau: " Ita dekenai kara dika be lasi, ' ita be sibona ita koia noho bona hereva momokani be ita dekenai ia noho lasi. " Ia ura lasi hedibagani lalonai ia moru bona ia gini goada. The Law made it clear as never before that the Israelites were imperfect. Ia gwau namona be Baibel gunana do idia hamaoromaoroa lasi to Baibel matamatana do idia hahanaia badina unai ese gaukara do ia hamaragia. Taravatu ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva Israela taudia be goevadae lasi taudia. Think about it. Iena siahu be bada bona ia ura iena taunimanima be dika amo do ia hamauridia. Mani oi laloa. Of course, viewers generally realize that these portrayals are mere fiction or fantasy. Baibel oi duahia bona stadilaia neganai, oi ia durua dalana bona emu mauri lalonai do oi badinaia dalana oi laloa; unai amo Iehova be iena Hereva amo oi ia hereva henia noho. To, nega momo tahua gaukara idia karaia taudia idia lalo - parara unai bamona sivarai be gori sibona. THE apostle John's statement found at 1 John 3: 1 is truly worthy of our deep and appreciative reflection. 13, 14. APOSETOLO Ioane ena hereva 1 Ioane 3: 1 dekenai ita laloa dobu be namo. It presents us with true accounts of the lives of Bible characters. Elda be tadikaka ia hahemaoro henia haraga lasi, to ia hahedinaraia ia ese tadikaka bona ena famili ia laloa bada. Ia lalonai Baibel ese ia herevalaia taudia edia sivarai idia noho. 5: 23, 24. Oibe! 5: 23, 24. Yes, in the long run. Mauri Sivaraina Oibe, nega daudau lalonai do idia heau. Perhaps feeling offended, especially for his men, David was about to strike back violently. Do idia hekokoroku bona dagedage. Reana Davida ia badu dikadika badina ena tatau ese ia idia dagedage henia. How could kindness make him feel better? Nega momo haroro lau lao neganai, lau gari dainai egu aena idia heudeheude. Edena dala ai hebogahisi karana ese ena hemami ia hanamoa diba? Malachi 3: 18 foretold: "You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. " Gagik ia gwau: "Egu pei be ia diho momokani, unai dainai egu ruma bese naria totona, lau hekwarahi sisina. Malaki 3: 18 ia peroveta: "Kara maoromaoro tauna bona dika momokani tauna, Dirava ia hesiai henia tauna bona Dirava ia hesiai henia lasi tauna, edia idau do umui itaia lou momokani. " We can then " raise ourselves erect because our deliverance is getting near. ' Ia be hahetoho ia hanaidia, ia gini goada bona kara maoromaoro ia badinaia. Bena " ita toreisi diba, badina iseda hahemauri be ia kahirakahira vadaeni. ' He was looking at God's Word when the evangelizer Philip asked him: "Do you actually know what you are reading? " Taravatu ese ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva Israela taudia be kara dika taudia. Evanelia tauna Filipo ese ia nanadaia: "Oi diba dahaka oi duahia, a? " This book of reliable prophecy is the Bible. Mani oi laloa. Unai peroveta herevadia be Baibel. It is as if God were behind us, speaking in our ear the words: "This is the way. Walk in it. " Oibe, momo idia diba unai program ai idia hahedinaraia gaudia be laulau sibona. Unai be hegeregere Dirava be ita dekenai ia hereva, ia gwau: "Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " THERE was a man who seemed to have everything - wealth, prestige, good health, and a happy family life. APOSETOLO IOANE ese 1 Ioane 3: 1 ai ita ia hagoadaia Iehova ena lalokau bada ita laloa totona. ENA be tau ta be mai ena kohu, ladana bada, gorere, bona moale ruma bese maurina ia noholaia, to ia be kohu momo tauna. The Bible, however, is our primary tool. Taunimanima korikoridia edia sivarai ia gwauraia. To, Baibel be iseda tulu badana. Avoiding traditional customs has proved to be a challenge for some, especially in lands where honoring the dead is considered extremely important. 5: 23, 24. Tano haida dekenai taunimanima ese kastom karadia idia dadaraia be auka, badina mase taudia matauraia karana be mai anina bada. Inducing someone to part with money or property on false pretenses. Oibe! Moni o kohu ura henia dikadika karana ese ta ena lalona ia veria koikoi karadia ia karaia totona. Yet, opportunities to meet a potential mate among fellow believers may be few. Reana, Davida be iena tatau ia hebogahisi henidia dainai, ia ura Nabala ia tuari henia. To, dala ia kehoa iseda tadikaka taihu ita hedavari henia totona. Job was just and merciful in dealing with his servants. Edena dala ai ena hemami be hebogahisi karana ese ia hanamoa diba? Iobu be ena hesiai taudia ia kara henia neganai, ia be hebogahisi bona hebogahisi tauna. From every bad path I have restrained my feet, for the purpose that I may keep your word. " Malaki 3: 18 ia gwau: "Unai neganai lauegu kara ena idau do umui itaia lou, kara maoromaoro taudia dekenai edena bamona do lau karaia, bona kara dika taudia dekenai edena bamona do lau karaia. Dala dikadia ibounai dekena amo lau raka siri, badina be lau ese oiemu hereva lau badinaia noho. " " Keep your eyes open, " was the advice Jesus gave to those in his day who were confronted with religious hypocrisy. Bena, ita ese " eda kwarana do ita abia isi, badina be iseda hamauria be ia kahirakahira vadaeni. ' Iesu ese ena negai idia noho koikoi taudia ia sisiba henidia, ia gwau: "Emui matana do umui kehoa noho. " Such intimacy can rightly fill emotional and physical needs. Ia be Dirava ena Hereva ia duahia noho lalonai, evanelia tauna Filipi ese ia nanadaia: "Oi duahia gaudia oi lalopararalaia, a? " Unai bamona hetura karana be hemami bona tauanina dalanai ia honu diba. Samuel had not yet come to know Jehovah intimately, as he would later when serving as Jehovah's spokesman. Unai peroveta buka namona be Baibel. Samuela be Iehova ia do diba namonamo lasi, gabeai Iehova ena hereva gwauraia tauna ai do ia lao. He has begun to study, and they have several spiritual goals that they are trying to attain, including the goal of baptism. Ia be hegeregere Dirava ena gadona ita kamonai, iseda taiana dekenai ia gwau: " Dala be inai, ia dekenai do oi raka. ' Ia stadi matamaia, bona lauma dalanai tahua gaudia haida idia atoa, hegeregere bapatiso ena tahua gauna. 4 / 1 TAU ta be mai ena kohu momo, ia be ladana bada tauna, ia gorere lasi, bona mai ena ruma bese namona. 4 / 15 " God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. " To, eda tulu badana be Baibel. " Dirava be taunimanima edia toana ia laloa lasi, to bese ibounai lalonai ia idia gari henia bona kara maoromaoro idia karaia taudia be ia ese ia abia dae. " David's example can surely instill courage in Christians today who may fall into serious sin. Taunimanima haida dekenai kastom karadia dadaraia karana be mai ena hekwarahi, unai be momokani mase taudia matauraia karana idia laloa bada tanodia dekenai. Davida ena haheitalai ese hari inai negai kara dika badadia lalonai idia moru Keristani taudia ia durua diba. The Bible plainly says: "Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them! " Ta be koikoi dalanai ma ta ena lalona ia veria ena moni o kohu ia abia totona. Baibel ese unai ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva, ia gwau: "Daba neganai idia toreisi haraga taudia ese kekero muramura do idia tahua noho, ela bona hanuaboi momokani, uaina ese edia mauri ia hadikaia ore vadaeni! " Heeding God's moral laws serves as a protection from sexually transmitted diseases. To, orea lalonai idia adavaia diba taudia be momo lasi. Dirava ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia badinaia karana ese mahuta hebou karana amo idia vara gorere idauidau amo ita ia gimaia diba. In fact, God's Word, the Bible, holds false religion responsible for "the blood... of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. " Iobu ese ena hesiai taudia be mai maoromaoro bona hebogahisi ida ia kara henidia. Momokani, Dirava ena Hereva, Baibel, ese tomadiho koikoi ena maduna be "tanobada dekenai idia alaia taudia ibounai edia rara... ia henia. " Was Satan manipulating matters behind the scenes, trying to prevent Sarah from bearing Abraham's seed? Lau ese kara dikadia dekena amo lau raka siri noho, badina be lau ura Dirava ena hereva do lau kamonai henia. " Satani ia ura Sara ena garana ia koua, a? In describing the real - life experience of Jesus ' disciples as they struggled to cross the Sea of Galilee in a boat, the Gospel writer Mark says that they were "hard put to it in their rowing, for the wind was against them. " Iesu ese inai sisiba, "emui matana umui kehoa, " be iena negai idia noho taudia ia henidia badina tomadiho kara koikoidia idia vara dainai. Evanelia bukana ia torea tauna Mareko ese Iesu ena hahediba taudia ese Galilea Gohuna idia hanaia totona idia hekwarahi bada karana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau idia be "edia aena dekenai idia atoa, lai ese idia ia koua totona. " The fine results encouraged the brothers to repeat the campaign the following week, during the visit of the circuit overseer. To, Dirava be matabodaga hemarai karadia ia moalelaia lasi. Unai ese tadikaka ia hagoadaia wiki vairai sekit naria tauna ena vadivadi lalonai unai gaukara do idia karaia lou. Are You "Kicking Against the Goads "? Unai nega ai Samuela be Iehova ia do diba goevagoeva lasi, gabeai Iehova ena hereva gwauraia tauna ai ia lao negana ai Iehova ia diba goevagoeva hegeregerena. " Umui Gima Noho, " A? He could see that their course and choices in life put them on "slippery ground. " Ena tau ia stadi matamaia, bona idia ruaosi be tahua gaudia haida idia atoa, unai tahua gauna ta be bapatiso. Ia itaia edia mauri lalonai idia karaia abia hidi ese "tano ia hanamoa. " Marcello used the Bible to explain the requirements for baptism, after which we prayed and went to the river Adda, where I was baptized. Dubovinsky), 10 / 15 Marc ese Baibel ena taravatu bapatiso totona ia gaukaralaia, unai murinai ai guriguri bona sinavai badinai ai ginidae, unuseniai bapatiso lau abia. You can cover any or all of the lessons at a pace that suits you. To bese ibounai lalonai, Dirava dekenai idia gari, bona kara maoromaoro idia karaia taudia, be Dirava ese do ia abia dae. " Unai oi karaia totona, gau ta o gau ibounai oi karaia diba. What is the lesson for us? Davida ena haheitalai ese hari inai negai kara dika dainai idia moru Keristani taudia ia hagoadaia diba. Unai amo dahaka ita dibaia? Although the traveling work in isolated areas was taxing at times, the humble brothers who lived there were so appreciative of our visits and so hospitable in sharing their modest homes with us that we always thanked Jehovah that we could be with them. Baibel ia gwau: "Momokani, do umui dika! Umui ese daba maragi neganai umui toreisi noho, uaina bona bia do umui inua totona. Bona umui helai noho, bona inua noho ela bona hanuaboi momokani, ela bona umui kekero momokani. Umui be dika! " Ena be gabu daudaudia dekenai loaloa gaukara idia karaia, to unuseniai ai noho manau tadikaka be mai moale ida emai vadivadi bona heabidae karana idia laloa bada, bona hanaihanai Iehova ai tanikiu henia badina idia ida ai gaukara hebou diba. Will those who died recently be raised near the start of Christ's Thousand Year Reign and be welcomed by loved ones who know them? Dirava ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ita badinaia dainai lebulebu karadia ese idia havaraia goreredia amo sibona ita gimaia. Keriso ena Lagani 1,000 Lohia Negana ia matamaia neganai idia mase taudia be do idia toreisi lou bona edia lalokau turadia ese do idia welkam henidia, a? Consider the example of Stephanie, a 19 - year - old regular pioneer. Baibel ia gwau tomadiho koikoi ese "tanobada ai idia alaia mase taudia ibounai edia rara " idia bubua. Ana, ena mauri lagani be 19, be regula painia gaukara ia karaia. Why do we need to pay constant attention to ourselves? Oi laloa Satani be hunia dalanai Abimeleka ia gaukaralaia, badina ia ura lasi Sara be Aberahamo ena garana ia havaraia, a? Dahaka dainai hanaihanai sibona eda kara ita tahua be namo? The sister explained that it was right to pay for the ticket, even for just one stop. Evanelia torea tauna Mareko ese Iesu ena hahediba taudia be bouti lalonai Galilea Gohuna idia hanaia totona idia hekwarahi ena sivarai ia gwauraia neganai, ia gwau idia "bara hekwarahi bada, badina lai be edia vaira dekenai ia mai. " Taihu ia gwau, davana do idia abia be maoro, badina ta ese ia hadokoa be maoro. What should we remember if we are enticed by the snare of materialism? Edia gaukara ese anina namona ia havaraia dainai, unai ese tadikaka ia hagoadaia wiki vaira ai, sekit tauna ena vadivadi neganai, unai teritori idia karaia lou totona. Kohu momo ura henia karana ena tarapu ese ita ia tarapua neganai, dahaka ita laloatao be namo? 14, 15. Oi ese "Ikoko Matana Oi Moia, " A? 14, 15. If you have not already done so, the next time one of Jehovah's Witnesses calls at your home, why not welcome this good news being brought to you? Ia itaia, kara dika taudia edia dala be "dedidedi gabudia " bamona. Bema oi be unai bamona oi karaia lasi, gabeai Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta be emu ruma dekenai oi ia boiria, namona be unai sivarai namona oi abia dae, ani? While the apostle Paul was staying in Caesarea, the prophet Agabus told him that if he continued on to Jerusalem, he would end up being arrested. Tadikaka Marcello be Baibel amo bapatiso ena anina ia herevalaia, ai guriguri bena Adda Sinavaina dekenai lau ia bapatisoa. Aposetolo Paulo be Kaisarea dekenai ia noho neganai, peroveta tauna Mikaia ese ia hamaoroa bema Ierusalema dekenai ia noho, ia do idia dogoatao ela bona do idia dogoatao. Sticking with those who are guided by God - given wisdom will help us to "stand firm in the faith " during these very difficult times. Bema oi ura, unai buka ena karoa ibounai o karoa haida sibona oi stadilaia diba, bona emu laloparara hegeregerena oi stadi diba. Dirava amo ia mai aonegana idia abia taudia ita bamoa neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua inai nega aukadia lalonai " abidadama dekenai ita gini goada ' totona. Yet, real love is not just something we feel. It is characterized and defined by action, not sentiment. Unai amo dahaka ita dibaia? To, lalokau korikorina be iseda hemami sibona lasi, to kara amo ita hahedinaraia danu. Her grief was so intense that not long after her husband's death, she experienced temporary blindness. Ena be nega haida gabu daudau dekenai loaloa gaukara ai karaia be mai ena hekwarahi, to Iehova ai tanikiu henia badina unuseniai idia noho manau tadikakadia be emai vadivadi idia moalelaia bona edia heabidae karana dainai edia ruma maragidia dekenai idia ida ai noho diba dainai. Ena adavana ia mase bena daudau lasi murinai, ia lalohisihisi bada. According to Hosea 12: 6, what is required in order for us to go on walking with God? Reana do ita henanadai: Hari sibona idia mase taudia be Keriso ena Lagani 1,000 Lohia Negana ia matamaia negana ai do idia toreisi lou bona edia lalokau taudia ese do idia welkam henia, a? Hosea 12: 6 ena hereva hegeregerena, Dirava danu ita raka noho totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Israel pulls away from Kadesh, and Aaron dies at Mount Hor. Mauri lagani 19 painia taihu ta ena ladana Stephanie ena sivarai mani ita laloa. Israela taudia be Kadesi amo idia raka - lasi, bona Arona be Sinai Ororona ai ia mase. Wilson A. Dahaka dainai ita sibona ita naria namonamo be namo? Wilson A. Thus, those said to be in Hades are in the same situation as those said to be in Sheol. To, taihu ia gwau herevana idia be gabu daudau idia lao lasi, to basi ena davana ia karaia be maoro. Unai dainai, Hades dekenai idia lao taudia danu be Sheol dekenai idia lao. It was not until 1989, when he had been a Witness for some 34 years, that the first sign - language congregation in the United States was formed in New York City. Bema kohu ura henia karana ese iseda lalona ia veria, dahaka ita laloatao be namo? Lagani 1989 ia do abia lasi neganai, United States ena New York City dekenai saini gado kongrigeisen ginigunana idia haginia. My brother Bob and his wife, Iris, had become Witnesses in 1958. 14, 15. Lagani 1958 ai, egu tadina Bob bona ena adavana, Doris, be Witnes taudia ai idia lao. Now I feel similar joy as I see their children also growing in knowledge of God. Bema unai sivarai oi do kamonai lasi, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be emu ruma dekenai idia vadivadi neganai, mani unai sivarai namona oi kamonai. Hari lau moale badina lau itaia edia natudia be Dirava idia diba namonamo. In fact, why not pray about such things with your children before they leave for school, perhaps after considering the daily text together? Hesiku karana ese dika ia havaraia diba. Momokani, sikuli dekenai oi do lao lasi neganai, emu natudia ida unai bamona gaudia umui gurigurilaia be namo, reana dina ena siri umui laloa murinai, umui guriguri hebou be namo, ani? And at one time, those who are now older used the energy of their youth to accomplish heavy work. Aposetolo Paulo be Kaisarea dekenai ia noho neganai, peroveta tauna Agabo ese ia hamaoroa, bema ia be Ierusalema dekenai ia lao, ia do idia dogoatao bona hadiburaia, bona do idia hamasea danu. Bona nega ta, buruka taudia be edia matamata negana ena goada idia gaukaralaia gaukara metaudia idia hagugurua totona. What, though, does becoming slaves of God and of Christ involve? Dirava amo ia mai aonega ese ia hakaua taudia ita bamoa neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua inai nega dikadia ai " iseda abidadama dekenai ita gini goada. ' To, Dirava bona Keriso edia hesiai taudia ai ita lao ena anina be dahaka? They have considerable Bible knowledge as well as experience in Christian living. To lalokau korikori be hemami ta sibona lasi, ia be iseda kara amo ita hahedinaraia diba. Idia ese Baibel ena diba bona Keristani mauri dalana dekenai diba bada idia abia. Hence, we also have power - albeit to a limited extent. Ena adavana ia mase daudau lasi murinai, ena lalohisihisi ia bada herea dainai, nega sisina lalonai ia matakepulu. Unai dainai, ita be mai iseda siahu - siahu bada herea. The vision of a throne in its position in heaven follows. Dirava ida ita raka noho totona, Hosea 12: 6 be dahaka ia gwau? Guba dekenai terona ta ia itaia. Evidently, then, Joseph died when Jesus was still a relatively young man. Israela taudia be Kadesi idia rakatania, bona Arona be Horo Ororona dekenai ia mase. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iesu be tau matamata neganai, Iosepa ia mase. What is "the sin that easily entangles us "? Wilson A. " Ita idia guia kara dika " be dahaka? Although he was wrapped in cloth, concern was shown when the stone closing his tomb was to be rolled away. Unai dainai, Hades dekenai idia noho taudia be Sheol dekenai idia noho taudia bamona. Ena be ia be dabua latanai idia kwatua, to iena guria gabuna idia koua neganai, idia laloa momo. Observing evidence of God in creation is like hearing the footsteps of someone approaching behind a closed door. You know that someone is there, but who is it? Ia be lagani 34 lalonai hereva momokani dekenai ia noho, bona lagani 1989 ai, United States, New York dekenai sain gado kongrigeisen ginigunana idia haginia. Dirava ese gau ibounai ia havaraia dalana ita itaia neganai, ita diba tau ta be iduara dekenai ia gini noho, to ia be daika? Pisac was a stronghold of the ancient Inca Empire. Lagani 1958 ai, egu tadina Bob bona ena adavana Iris, be Witnes taudia ai idia lao. Ia be idaunegai Inc. Basileiana ena gimaia gauna ta. What gave Moses the courage to appear before Pharaoh repeatedly? Hari danu lau moale badina edia natudia danu idia durua Dirava ena aonega dekenai idia tubu daekau totona. Dahaka ese Mose ia durua Farao vairanai gari lasi karana ia hahedinaraia totona? According to that verse, upon Solomon's death his son Rehoboam became king at age 41, his mother being "Naamah the Ammonitess. " Emu natudia be sikuli dekenai idia do lao lasi neganai, dina ena siri umui kikilaia murinai, unai gaudia umui gurigurilaia hebou be namo, ani? Unai siri ena hereva hegeregerena, Solomona ena natuna Rehoboama ena mauri lagani be 41 neganai, ena sinana be " Amono taudia edia king ai ia lao. " Jehovah is our prime example of empathy. To, burukadia be konstraksen gaukara idauidau idia diba momo, unai dainai tulu idauidau idia gaukaralaia diba bona idia karaia gaudia edia toana be namo herea. Iehova be ma haida edia hemami ia laloa bada. One father of three children writes: "What we have been doing is mostly based on the Bible reading. (Deuteronomi 10: 12, 13) To, Dirava bona Keriso edia hesiai taudia ai ita lao ena anina be dahaka? Natudia toi edia tamana ta ia gwau: "Baibel duahia karana amo ai karaia gaudia be momo herea. Although the first human couple were willful sinners, Jehovah allowed them to produce children. Emu hekwakwanai oi ura hamaoromaoroa, o abia hidi ta oi ura karaia, oi idia durua diba badina umui be kongrigeisen tamona taudia, oi bona emu hekwakwanai idia diba namonamo danu. Ena be Adamu bona Heva be mai edia ura ida kara dika idia karaia, to Iehova ese idia dekenai gwaumaoro ia henia natudia idia havaraia totona. However, he wants us to do more than merely exist. We need to eat to keep on living. Unai dainai ita danu be mai eda siahu - ena be iseda siahu be mai ena hetoana. To, ia ura ita mauri noho sibona be hegeregere lasi. Why is it a challenge to put God's laws into practice? Iharuana be, Ioane ese guba dekenai helai gabuna badana ta ia itaia. Dahaka dainai Dirava ena taravatu badinaia karana be mai ena hekwarahi? How can we see Jehovah and his hand today? Unai dainai, reana Iesu be mero matamata neganai, Iosepa ia mase. Hari inai negai, edena dala ai Iehova bona ena imana ita itaia diba? Berry Center Arena, 8877 Barker Cypress Rd. Ita "ia guia kara dika " be dahaka? Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Paul too urged us to "continue putting up with one another. " Ena be dabua amo idia kumia, to ena guria gabuna ena nadi idia kokia gwauraia dainai haida idia laloa momo. Paulo ese ita ia hagoadaia " ta ta dekenai do ita haheauka noho. ' Thy will be done in earth. " - Matthew 6: 10, King James Version. Mani inai haheitalai oi laloa: Oi kamonai tau ta be iduara kahirakahira ia raka mai noho, to oi diba lasi ia be daika? Tanobada dekenai do idia karaia. " - Mataio 6: 10, NW. Simply focus on what is essential to clarifying the point under consideration. Pisac be idaunegai Inca Basileiana ena gabu badana. Unai hereva edia anina ita lalo - pararalaia totona, mai anina bada gaudia ita herevalaia be namo. Back in the first century, many had the attitude "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " Dahaka ese Mose ia hagoadaia bena mai gari lasi ida Farao vairanai ia lao loulou? Aposetolo edia negai, momo be " ita aniani bona ita inuinu, badina kerukeru do ita mase. ' But for their day - to - day worship, the local synagogue served their needs, whether they lived in Palestine or in one of the many Jewish colonies that were established abroad. 9: 30) Iena sinana be "Namaha, Amono hahine. " To dina ta ta ai, unai gabu ena sinagoga ese edia dabu gaudia ia henia, herevana Palestine ai eiava Iuda taudia momo be gabu ma ta dekenai idia noho. So keep the doing of God's will in your prayers and plans. Iehova be unai kara ia haheitalaia tauna hereadaena. Unai dainai, emu guriguri bona palani lalonai Dirava ena ura oi karaia noho. Paul therefore used slavery as an illustration to bolster his powerful argument about a person's choice of submission either to sin or to righteousness. - Romans 6: 16 - 20. Tama ta mai ena natuna toi ia gwau: "Emai ruma bese tomadiho lalonai, ai be Baibel duahiduahi ai karaia. Unai dainai Paulo be igui hesiai tauna bamona ia gaukaralaia, ta ese kara dika eiava kara maoromaoro badinaia karana ia herevalaia totona. - Roma 6: 16 - 20. Then the class broke out in a generous round of applause. Ena be tau bona hahine ginigunadia be mai edia ura ida idia kara dika, to Iehova ese maoromaoro idia ia hadikaia lasi dainai natudia idia havaraia diba. Bena klas taudia ese edia imana idia patapataia neganai, edia imana idia patapataia. Also contributing to this were the provisions made by the Governing Body to instruct the elders in their duties, including the training of them in judicial matters. 1: 20) Hegeregere Iehova ese tanobada ia havaraia neganai, animal bona tubutubu gaudia idauidau ia havaraia, ita noho namonamo bona ita moale. Danu, Hakaua Oreana ese elda taudia ia hadibaia, hahemaoro gaukara idia karaia totona. The helmet of salvation. Dahaka dainai Dirava ena taravatu ita badinaia be mai ena hekwarahi? Hahemauri ena kwara gauna. What a contrast to Jehovah's servants! Edena dala ai hari ita ese Iehova bona ena siahu ita itaia diba? Unai be Iehova ena hesiai taudia edia kara amo ia idau momokani! And what further anguish he must have suffered when she bore two illegitimate children from her fornication! - Hosea 1: 2 - 9. 1: 1 - 3; Kara 17: 11 duahia.) Bona ena adavana ia heudahanai lasi natudia rua ia havaraia neganai, reana ia lalohisihisi bada! - Hosea 1: 2 - 9. Romans 5: 12 explains: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " Paulo ese ita ia hagoadaia iseda kara dika do ita haheaukalaia heheni noho. Roma 5: 12 ia gwau: "Tau tamona dekena amo kara dika be tanobada dekenai ia vareai, bona kara dika ese mase ia mailaia. Bona unai dainai mase be taunimanima ibounai dekenai ia hanaia lao, badina ibounai be mai edia kara dika. " What arrangements for performing sacred music were made in David's day? Oiemu ura gauna tanobada dekenai do ia vara. " - Mataio 6: 10. Davida ena negai, edena dala ai miusiki helagadia idia karaia? Jehovah's promise through Isaiah continues: "The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. " Namona be point ia durua herevadia sibona ita herevalaia. Isaia amo Iehova ena gwauhamata be ma ia gwau: "Kara gunadia be do idia laloa lou lasi, do idia laloaboio momokani. " He has promised a priceless future reward that reveals the depth of his generosity and love - everlasting life in Paradise on earth. Aposetolo edia negai, momo idia laloa, "namona be ita aniani bona ita inuinu badina kerukeru do ita mase. " Ia ese vaira negana namona ia gwauhamatalaia, unai ese ia hahedinaraia iena hariharibada bona lalokau be bada herea - tanobada Paradaisona ai mauri hanaihanai do ita abia. Having such conversations with the learner as part of his training will help him to focus more on people than on rules. Herevana idia be Palestine eiava tano idaudia ma haida dekenai idia noho, to dina ta ta ai, edia gabu ena sinagoga dekenai idia lao idia tomadiho totona. Tadikaka ida unai bamona herevahereva karana ese ia do ia durua taunimanima edia taravatu ia laloa bada totona. They acted like common gangsters. Unai dainai, oi guriguri o palani oi karaia neganai, namona be Dirava ena ura oi laloaboio lasi. Idia be raskol taudia edia kara bamona idia karaia. God's declaration to Moses should also motivate us to be forgiving, for Jehovah is ready to forgive. Unai dainai Paulo ese unai gaukara ena haheitalai ia gaukaralaia, unai amo ia hahedinaraia ta be kara dika eiava kara maoromaoro ena hesiai gaukara ia karaia totona, abia hidi do ia karaia. - Roma 6: 16 - 20. Dirava ese Mose dekenai ia gwauraia herevana ese ita ia hagoadaia danu ma haida edia dika ita gwauatao totona, badina Iehova ia noho hegaegae iseda dika ia gwauatao totona. MADISON, WI, Alliant Energy Center Memorial Coliseum, 1881 Expo Mall E. Vadaeni, klas taudia be idia moale dainai edia imana idia patapataia. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Younger ones greatly benefit from elderly Christians Unai ia vara ena badina ta be Hakaua Oreana ese dala idia karaia elda taudia be edia maduna huaia totona do idia hadibadia, hegeregere hahemaoro gaukaradia dekenai diba idia abia danu. Matamata taudia be Keristani buruka taudia amo heduru bada idia abia Nevertheless, we still need to grow in faith and knowledge "to a full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " Hahemauri ena kwara gauna. To, namona be iseda abidadama bona diba be "taunimanima badadia bamona, Keriso ena bada hegeregerena danu do ita abia. " During his prehuman existence as "the Word, " Jesus may have been God's Spokesman who guided the Israelites through the wilderness. To Iehova ena hesiai taudia be idau! Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, ia be Dirava ena hereva gwauraia tauna, reana tano gagaena dekenai Israela taudia ia hakaua. 4: 18; John 16: 12. Bona unai kara dainai tamana lasi natudia rua ia abia neganai, unai ese Hosea ena lalona ia hahisia bada! - Hosea 1: 2 - 9. 4: 18; Ioa. 16: 12. Some of those may indeed be parts of the Bible that simply were described in terms unfamiliar to modern readers. Roma 5: 12 ia gwau: "Tau tamona dekena amo kara dika be tanobada dekenai ia vareai, bona kara dika ese mase ia mailaia. Bona unai dainai mase be taunimanima ibounai dekenai ia hanaia lao, badina idia ibounai be idia kara dika vadaeni. " Reana unai Baibel ena kahana haida be hari inai negai duahia taudia ese idia diba lasi Baibel ena kahana haida sibona. Isaiah is commissioned to go and speak "again and again " to those who neither understand nor want any knowledge. Davida ese palai dubuna ai Levi taudia haida dekenai dahaka gaukara ia henia? Isaia ia abia maduna be do ia lao bona "hereva do [ia] gwauraia lou " bona lalo - parara lasi taudia bona diba lasi taudia dekenai do ia hereva. Megan has been able to share the good news from ship to ship and to preach to fishermen from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vanuatu. Isaia amo Iehova ma ia gwauhamata: "Kara gunadia be do idia laloa lou lasi, do idia laloaboio momokani. " Megan be bouti amo sivarai namona be bouti amo ia lao bouti amo ia lao bouti dekenai, bona unuseniai haoda taudia, India, Philippines, Philippines, Thailand, bona Vanmy dekenai ia haroro diba. In dealing with different audiences, Paul manifested remarkable resourcefulness. Ia gwauhamata edia davana be, vaira negana ai tanobada Paradaisona dekenai do idia mauri hanaihanai - unai ese ia hahedinaraia Ia be hariharibada bona lalokau Diravana. Paulo be taunimanima idauidau ia kara henia neganai, ia hahedinaraia ia be taunimanima idauidau ia laloa bada. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Unai oi herevalaia neganai, tadikaka matamata do ia itaia unai gaukara be idia hadibaia dainai ia karaia lasi, to taunimanima ia laloa bada dainai ia karaia. Baibel siridia be Nega Matamata Baibel, bona Hiri Motu Buka Helaga amo, to bema Motu Buka Helağa amo ai hahanaia, edia murinai BHğ ai torea, bona New World Translation Baibel amo ai hahanaia neganai, edia murinai NWT ai torea. " Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " - PROVERBS 14: 15. Idia be raskol taudia bamona. " Hereva ibounai ia abidadama henia lasi tauna ese, iena raka dalana ia laloa namonamo noho. " - AONEGA HEREVADIA 14: 15. Why is the prospect of the marriage of Christ to his bride thrilling for all true Christians? Dirava ena hereva Mose dekenai ese ita ia hagoadaia ma ta ena kerere ita gwauatao totona, badina Iehova ia gini hegaegae iseda kerere gwauatao totona. Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia momokanidia ibounai ese Keriso ena headava do idia moalelaia? Jehovah said that Abraham was his "friend. " - Isaiah 41: 8. Mai anina bada gauna be Iehova ena turana namona ai ita lao dalana ia kehoa. Iehova ia gwau Aberahamo be "iena turana. " - Isaia 41: 8. Jacintho soon accepted Bible truth and later became a member of the branch staff. Matamata taudia be Keristani buruka taudia amo namo bada herea idia abia Daudau lasi murinai, Jo be Baibel ena hereva momokani ia abia dae bona gabeai brens opesi ena memba ta ai ia lao. Like most young women, I yearn to have a partner in life. To, namona be ita ibounai ese eda diba bona abidadama ita habadaia noho "ela bona tau badana bamona ai ita lao, " anina be lo Keristani taudia ai ita lao. Hahine matamatadia momo bamona, lau ura egu mauri lalonai turana ta lau davaria. Especially is this true of Bible knowledge. Guba dekenai Iesu be "Hereva, " bona reana Dirava ese ia gaukaralaia taunimanima idia noho lasi tano dekenai Israela taudia ia hakaua totona. Baibel amo unai be momokani. It stands to reason, then, that forgiveness is an important facet of love, which is "a perfect bond of union. " 4: 18; Ioa. 16: 12. Unai dainai, ta ena dika gwauatao karana be lalokau karana badana, bona unai be "taunimanima ia hatamonaia gauna hereadaena. " Why? Idia torea herevadia haida be Baibel ena buka haida amo idia abia, to idia gaukaralaia ladadia be hari ita lalopararalaia lasi. Dahaka dainai? Why should you imitate them when you can follow the perfect example of our Leader? Dirava ese Isaia ia hagania do ia giroa lou bona kamonai lasi taudia do ia hadibadia loulou totona. Iseda Hakaua Tauna goevadaena ena haheitalai oi tohotohoa neganai, dahaka dainai idia oi tohotohoa be namo? In those days, many Germans lived in that area. Megan be Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, bona Vanuatu amo idia mai haoda taudia momo ia haroro henidia vadaeni. Unai nega ai, German taudia momo be unai gabu dekenai idia noho. • What have you learned from the examples of Moses and Asaph? Paulo be taunimanima idauidau ia hereva henia neganai, edia noho dalana hegeregerena ia hereva henidia. • Mose bona Asapa edia haheitalai amo dahaka oi dibaia? Even Jesus was held of little account and was despised by men, but that did not affect the way Jehovah viewed him. Baibel siridia be Nega Matamata Baibel, bona Hiri Motu Buka Helaga, Bible Society of Papua New Guinea ese ia karaia gauna amo, to bema Motu Buka Helağa amo ai hahanaia, edia murinai BHğ ai torea, bona New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures amo ai hahanaia neganai, edia murinai NWT ai torea. Iesu danu be taunimanima ese idia matauraia lasi bona idia dadaraia, to unai ese Iehova ena lalohadai ia haidaua lasi. Explain why it may have been difficult for Moses to carry out his assignment. " Mai ena lalona kehoa lasi tauna ese, hereva ibounai ia hamomokania noho, to laloa kehoa tauna ese, iena raka dalana ia laloa namonamo noho. " - AONEGA HEREVADIA 14: 15. Dahaka dainai Mose ese ena hesiai gaukara ia karaia be auka? Jesus chose to live in humble circumstances unencumbered by many material things. Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia ibounai be Keriso bona ena adavana edia headava idia moalelaia? Iesu be kohu momo maurina ia noholaia. New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis, Volume 4, pages 205 - 7. Iehova ia gwau Aberahamo be iena "turana. " - Isaia 41: 8. Buka ta (The International Dictionary of the Old Testament), Volium 4, 2001, Volium 4 - 7 itaia. Being blind to their own shortcomings, they actually brought condemnation upon themselves. Daudau lasi murinai, Jacintho be Baibel ena hereva momokani ia abia dae bona gabeai brens tauna ta ai ia lao. Idia be sibona edia kerere idia laloa momo dainai, idia laloa idia be kerere ta do idia karaia lasi. Help your children to develop a close relationship with Jehovah (See paragraphs 17, 18) Kekeni matamatadia momo bamona lau danu lau ura headava. Emu natudia oi durua Iehova idia tura henia namonamo totona (Paragraf 17, 18 itaia) Yes, Jehovah wants us to be joyful, our hearts filled with "good cheer. " - Acts 14: 16, 17. Baibel ena diba dekenai unai be momokani. Oibe, Iehova ia ura ita moale, badina iseda kudouna be "gau namodia " amo ia honu. - Kara 14: 16, 17. Learn the meanings of unfamiliar expressions. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia, Dika gwauatao karana be lalokau ena kara badana ta, unai be "hatamonaia gauna hereadaena. " Idia diba lasi herevadia edia anina oi dibaia. Typically, one spouse says something that irritates the other. To ia goada noho. " Nega momo, tau o hahine ta ia gwau ma ta ese ma ta ia habadua. While political issues stir people up, divide them, and provoke senseless violence, we maintain our peace and unity. Idia oi tohotohoa be badina lasi bema oi ese iseda Hakaua Tauna ena haheitalai goevadaena oi tohotohoa diba, ani? Ena be politikol hepapahuahu dainai taunimanima idia heai, hapararaia, bona dagedage karadia idia vara, to maino bona lalotamona ai ita noho. Jehovah is the Source of holy spirit. Unai nega ai, German taudia momo be unuseniai idia noho. Iehova be lauma helaga ena Badina. The orders from Jehovah are upright, causing the heart to rejoice. " - Psalm 19: 7, 8. • Mose bona Asapa edia haheitalai amo dahaka oi dibaia? Lohiabada ena Taravatu be idia maoromaoro vadaeni. " - Salamo 19: 7, 8. In the Jewish synagogue there was a bench of elders, before whom trials of this kind were brought. " (Aonega Herevadia 21: 2) Taunimanima ese Iesu idia laloa maragi bona idia dadaraia, to Iehova ena laloa dalana ia haidaua lasi. Iuda taudia edia sinagoga lalonai, unai bamona hahetoho idia do davaria lasi neganai, elda taudia idia helai noho. " Most worry about the future and have no hope. They search for the meaning of life. Namona be oi abia dae momokani unai abia hidi ese emu mauri do ia "hanamoa. " Idia be vaira negana idia lalohekwarahilaia bada bona mauri ena anina idia tahua. No, that is not wise. Iesu be kohu momo lasi maurina ia noholaia. Lasi. How tragic it would be if we were to fail to keep on the watch! New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis, Volium 4, rau 205 - 7. Bema ita gima lasi, dika bada do ita davaria! 21 "To Obey Is Better Than a Sacrifice " Idia laloparara lasi idia be mai edia kerere dainai, edia hereva amo idia sibodia idia hahemaoro henia. 21 "Dirava Badinaia Karana ese Boubou Karana Ia Hereaia " Although Paul loved Jehovah, there were times when he found it a struggle to do what was right. (Had. 9: 7; 10: 19) Oibe, Iehova ia ura iseda "kudouna ia hamoalea. " - Kara 14: 16, 17. Ena be Paulo be Iehova ia lalokau henia, to nega haida ia davaria kara maoromaoro ia karaia be auka. His first creation was his only - begotten spirit Son, who is called "the Word " because he is God's principal spokesman. Ita lalopararalaia lasi herevadia edia anina ita dibaia diba. Ia havaraia gaudia ginigunadia be iena Natuna tamona sibona, idia gwauraia "Hereva " badina ia be Dirava ena hereva gwauraia tauna badana. Insight can help you to protect your children from spiritual harm. Vaia, ta ena hereva ese ma ta ia habadua. Aonega karana ese oi ia durua diba emu natudia be lauma dalanai oi gimaia totona. Why are Jehovah's promises a source of great comfort? 17: 12; 57: 20, 21; Apo. 13: 1) Ena be politikol dainai taunimanima idia badu, idia parara, bona dagedage karadia idia havaraia, to ita be maino bona lalotamona ita havaraia. Dahaka dainai Iehova ena gwauhamata herevadia ese ita idia hagoadaia bada? To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves the country. Iehova be lauma helaga ena Badina. Emu tano ai Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia gaukaralaia ofesi ta ena ladana oi dibaia totona, mani emu tano ena brens ofesi oi tore henia. He further complained: "Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. " Unai Taravatu idia badinaia taudia ese, moale idia davaria noho. " - Salamo 19: 7, 8. Ma ia gwau: "Tau ta ese iena gau ibounai do ia negea, iena mauri do ia dogoatao totona. " When Evans explained why, the officer told me to help myself to the food in the refrigerator. Iuda taudia edia dubu ai elda taudia haida idia noho, bona taunimanima ese edia hekwakwanai be idia dekenai idia laohaia bona idia ese idia hamaoromaoroa. " Evans ese unai ena badina ia gwauraia hedinarai neganai, ofesa ese lau ia hamaoroa geiti dekenai aniani do lau abia. Earlier, Israelites viewed the ark of the covenant as a charm that would protect them in battle. Momo be vaira negana idia lalohekwarahilaia dainai, idia mamia helaro be lasi, bona idia mauri noho ena badina idia tahua. Guna, Israela taudia idia laloa Taravatu Mauana be moale gauna, badina tuari lalonai idia do ia gimaia. (b) In what practical ways can you train new publishers and young ones to show love for their brothers and sisters? Lasi, unai be aonega karana lasi. (b) Edena dala ai pablisa matamatadia bona matamata taudia oi hadibaia diba edia tadikaka bona taihu idia lalokau henia totona? All the same, Janny made the room nice and cozy. Bema ita gima lasi, dika bada do ita davaria. Unai ibounai lalonai, Janny ese daiutu namona ia karaia bona ia kiri hebou. [ Pictures on page 23] 21 Kamonai Karana ese Boubou Karana Ia Hereaia [ Pictures on page 23] At the command of Festus, the Christian apostle Paul was brought into their presence. Ena be Paulo ese Iehova ia lalokau henia, to nega haida kara maoromaoro ia karaia totona be ia auka. Festo ena oda hegeregerena, aposetolo Paulo be idia ida ia noho. By expressing conflicting feelings, such as regrets, guilt, or anger, the bereaved person takes a crucial step toward acceptance of his or her new circumstances. Ia karaia tauna ginigunana be iena Natuna, Iesu. Baibel ese Iesu ia gwauraia "Hereva, " badina ia be Dirava ena hereva gwauraia tauna badana. Ia lalometau tauna be ena hemami ia gwauraia hedinarai, hegeregere ia lalohisihisi, o ia badu, unai dainai dala ia karaia ena noho dalana ia abia dae totona. And show yourselves thankful. " - COLOSSIANS 3: 15. Iena lalokau ese hanaihanai oiemu lalona ia hamoalea dikadika be namo. " Bona tanikiu kara do umui hahedinaraia. " - KOLOSE 3: 15. What will protect us from the trap of negative speech even if we experience injustice in the congregation? Laloa kehoa ese oi do ia durua, emu natuna be kara mirodia amo oi gimaia totona. Ena be kongrigeisen lalonai kara gageva ita davaria, to dahaka ese ita do ia gimaia? Brothers gathered in the Mordvinia, Russia, labor camp to observe the Memorial in 1957 Dahaka dainai Iehova ena gwauhamata ese ia lalometau tauna ia hagoadaia diba? Tadikaka be lagani 1957 ai Memorial hebouna idia karaia totona, Russia, Russia, dekenai idia hebou. Following Scriptural guidelines, the two brothers met time and again but without finding a solution to the problem. Idia gaukaralaia ofesi ena ladana oi diba totona, emu tano ai ia noho Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia brens ofesi oi tore henia diba. Baibel ena hakaua herevadia idia badinaia dainai, unai tadikaka rua be nega momo idia hedavari lou, to hekwakwanai hanamoa dalana idia davaria lasi. Do not hastily conclude that this is the case. Satani ma ia gwau: "Tau ta ese iena gau ibounai do ia negea, iena mauri do ia dogoatao totona. " Namo lasi oi laloa unai be momokani. Concerning such faithful servants of Jehovah, Paul said: "In faith all these died, although they did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them afar off and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " - Heb. Evans ese ofesa dekenai egu sivarai ia gwauraia neganai, ofesa ese lau ia hamaoroa frisa lalonai idia noho aniani lau ania diba. Paulo ese Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Idia ibounai be edia abidadama dainai idia mase, to idia ese unai gwauhamata ena guguru idia itaia lasi, bona idia abia dae idia be idau tano taudia bona do idia noho daudau lasi. " - Heb. The next time an elder visits you, take advantage of the opportunity to draw on his wisdom and benefit from his advice. (Ier. 7: 1 - 4) Matamanai, idia laloa taravatu mauana be tuari lalonai idia do ia gimaia. Gabeai, elda ta ese oi ia vadivadi henia neganai, namona be ena aonega bona sisiba amo namo oi abia. Along with the political and religious elements, the greedy commercial system, represented by "the merchants " of Revelation 18: 3, constitutes part of Satan's world. (b) Edena dala ai pablisa matamatadia bona matamata taudia oi durua diba? Unai bisinesi oreadia bona tomadiho oreadia, bisinesi oreadia, bona Apokalupo 18: 3 ese ia herevalaia " hoihoi taudia " be Satani ena tanobada ena kahana ta. The Bible says: "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " - Psalm 37: 11. To, Janny ese unai daiutu ia hagoevaia namonamo. Baibel ia gwau: "Manau taudia ese noho gabuna tano do idia abia, do idia helai namonamo, mai moale bona mai maino danu. " - Salamo 37: 11. The Shipping Department packages all these requested items and arranges transport to the appropriate addresses. [ Pictures on page 23] Buka Dipatmen ia naria tauna ese unai gaudia ibounai ia noia bona dala ia karaia unai adres maorona dekenai ia lao totona. All who are anointed with God's spirit are part of the faithful and discreet slave class, but those making up the Governing Body oversee the spiritual feeding. - 6 / 15, pages 22 - 24. Festo ena oda hegeregerena, Keristani aposetolo tauna Paulo idia hakaua vareai. Dirava ena lauma amo idia horoa taudia ibounai be hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro oreana ena kahana ta, to Hakaua Oreana ese lauma aniani idia naria taudia. - 6 / 15, rau 22 - 24. Bildad follows Eliphaz, using language that is more biting. Vabu o dogae be adavana ia mase dainai ia lalohisihisi bona ena kerere o badu ia gwauraia hedinarai neganai, unai ese ia hahedinaraia ia abia dae hari ena noho dalana be do ia idau. Biledada be Elipasa murinai ia lao, bona unai gado ia gaukaralaia momo. Complying with God's requirements benefits us in similar ways - and we certainly do not find it burdensome to do his will. Bona Dirava do umui tanikiu henia. " - KOLOSE 3: 15. Unai bamona dala idauidau ai Dirava ena taravatu ita badinaia karana ese ita do ia durua - bona ita davaria iena ura ita karaia be auka lasi. Especially appropriate, then, is the apostle Paul's counsel to Timothy: "Guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' Ma ta ena ladana ita hadikaia lasi totona, dahaka ese ita do ia gimaia? Unai dainai, aposetolo Paulo ena sisiba Timoteo dekenai be maoro, ia gwau: "Dirava ese umui dekenai ia henia gauna do umui naria namonamo. Hereva kavakava, Dirava ena laloa idia badinaia lasi taudia edia hepapahuahu dekena amo do umui raka siri. They probably lack an understanding of Jehovah's other qualities, such as his holiness, justice, wisdom, and love. Lagani 1957 ai, tadikaka ese Russia, Mordvinia ena dibura kamepa ai Memorial hebouna idia karaia Reana Iehova ena kara ma haida, hegeregere ia helaga, hahemaoro goeva, aonega bona lalokau idia lalo - pararalaia lasi. political elements of Satan's system will suddenly turn on false religion and wipe it out. Unai tadikaka rua be Baibel ena hakaua herevadia idia badinaia bona nega momo idia herevahereva hebou, to unai hekwakwanai idia hamaoromaoroa lasi. Satani ena tanobada ena politikol oreadia be tomadiho koikoi do idia rakatania bona do idia hadikaia ore. However, we benefit from his leadership only when we accept it. Unai bamona lalohadai oi abia haraga lasi. To, iena hakaua dalana ita abia dae sibona neganai, namo do ita davaria. " WHEN I listened to the experiences of my friends who served in areas where there was a great need for pioneers, I longed to taste that joy too, " says Sylviana, a pioneer in her mid - 20 ' s. To idia ese daudau amo unai gaudia idia itaia bona mai moale ida idia abia dae, bona taunimanima vairanai idia gwau idia be idau taudia bona unai tano dekenai do idia noho daudau lasi. " - Heb. LAU bona egu turadia be painia taudia be momo lasi gabudia dekenai idia gaukara ena ekspiriens lau kamonai neganai, lau ura bada unai moale lau mamia danu. " Leah's experience may remind you of a similar situation that confronted a young Israelite girl who had been taken captive to Syria. Unai dainai, elda ta be oi ia vadivadi henia neganai, namona be ena aonega herevadia o sisiba oi kamonai. Leah ena sivarai ese reana oi do ia hadibaia, Suria dekenai idia abia lao Israela kekeni matamata ta dekenai unai bamona hekwakwanai ta ia vara. During the second world war, coal was a commodity of national importance. Politikol bona tomadiho oreadia, bona mataganigani bisinesi oreadia, Apokalupo 18: 3 ese ia herevalaia "hoihoi taudia " unai, be Satani ena tanobada ena kahana. Tanobada tuarina iharuana lalonai, ami taudia be bese badana ta idia tuari henia. He may have believed that his daughters would not be desired by the crowd because of the homosexual lust of the Sodomites. Baibel ia gwau: "Manau taudia ese noho gabuna tano do idia abia, do idia helai namonamo, mai moale bona mai maino danu. " - Salamo 37: 11. Reana ia laloa ena natuna kekeni be tatau ese do idia ura henia lasi, badina unai tatau be matabodaga karadia idia karaia. Why do we need to "keep on the watch " and" keep ready "? Buka Siaia Dipatmen (Shipping Department) ese kongrigeisen edia oda ia abia neganai, unai oda hegeregerena buka bona magasin be boksi ai idia udaia, bona kongrigeisen ena adres maorona dekenai idia siaia lao. Dahaka dainai ita "gima noho " be namo? By the end of World War I in 1918, Jehovah's servants could see that God had condemned Christendom and all the rest of false religion. Dirava ese ena lauma amo ia horoa taudia ibounai be hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona kara maoromaoro oreana taudia, to Hakaua Oreana taudia be lauma aniani halasia gaukarana idia gunalaia. - 6 / 15, rau 22 - 4. Lagani 1918 ai Tanobada Tuarina Ginigunana ia ore neganai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia idia itaia Dirava ese Kerisendom bona tomadiho koikoi ibounai ia gwauraia dika. Similarly, Christians remain neutral in the political affairs of the nations of the world. Unai murinai Biledada be hemataurai lasi dalanai ia hereva. Unai hegeregerena, Keristani taudia be tanobada ena politikol karadia amo idia gini siri. What about the planned massacre of the Jews? 6: 6 - 9) Unai hegeregerena, Dirava ena taravatu ita badinaia ese ita dekenai namo do ia havaraia bona iena ura ita badinaia be auka lasi. Iuda taudia idia hamasea totona palani idia karaia be edena bamona? Today both husband and wife serve at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Inai bamona taudia edia diba be aonega koikoi sibona. Inai aonega koikoi ese haida ia koia vadaeni. Idia gwau, " Ai ese aonega ai davaria vadaeni. ' Hari, tau bona hahine be Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia hedikwota dekenai idia gaukara. In a trialsome situation, David first became angry, then afraid - perhaps even blaming Jehovah for the tragedy. Reana idia be Iehova ena kara badadia ma haida, hegeregere helaga, hahemaoro goeva, aonega, bona lalokau idia lalopararalaia lasi. Hahetoho ia davaria neganai, Davida ia badu guna, bena ia gari - reana unai dika dainai Iehova ia gwau - edeede henia. His counsel was motivated by genuine love. - John 13: 1. boiboi herevana idia halasia murinai, tanobada gavamanidia ese tomadiho koikoi oreadia ibounai do idia tuari henidia bona haorea vaitani. Iena sisiba ese lalokau korikorina ia hahedinaraia. - Ioane 13: 1. Echo the Shepherd when giving advice. To, ena hakaua siahuna amo namo do ita abia bema ita abia dae. Sisiba oi henia neganai, mamoe naria tauna oi noia oi ia durua totona. Aaron was not a weakling. MAURI lagani 25 painia taihu ta, Sylviana, ia gwau: "Egu turadia be painia momo lasi gabudia dekenai idia haroro, bona edia ekspiriens lau kamonai neganai, lau ura bada idia mamia moalena lau mamia danu. " Arona be ia manoka lasi. For example, religious leaders taught for centuries that their Latin versions contained the authentic Bible text. Leah ena ekspiriens dainai reana oi ese Suria dekenai idia abia lao Israela kekenina ta dekenai ia vara gauna oi laloa. Hegeregere, tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese lagani handred momo lalodiai idia hadibaia, edia Latin Baibel lalonai Baibel ena hereva momokanidia idia noho. Now a father of two lively girls, Serge explains how they set a new goal as a couple. He says: "Not being able to serve abroad, we made up our minds to be " missionaries ' in our own country. Hamel), 4 / 1 Hari mai moale ida edia tahua gauna matamatana ia herevalaia, ia gwau: " Idau tano ai misinari gaukara ai karaia diba lasi dainai, ai be emai tano dekenai misinari gaukara ai karaia. ' For one thing, it should remind us of what the apostle Paul wrote to his fellow servant Timothy: "While I am coming, continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching.... Unuseniai coal mine ia noho bona Tanobada Tuarina Iharuana lalonai, coal be mai anina bada. Unai dainai, namona be aposetolo Paulo ese ena tadikaka Timoteo dekenai ia torea herevana ita laloa lou, ia gwau: "Lau mai neganai, do umui noho hegaegae, taunimanima vairanai do umui duahiduahi noho, hagoadaia herevadia do umui gwauraia noho.... But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! Sodoma hanua tatau edia kara be tatau idia sihari henia dainai, reana Lota ia laloa unai tatau ese ena natuna kekenidia do idia ura henia lasi. To hari mai abidadama ida ia ita hesiai henia be mai anina bada! And according to Mic 6 verse 12, "their tongue is tricky. " Dina ibounai ia ese lauegu iduara dekenai ia gini noho. Bona siri 12 ena hereva hegeregerena, "edia malana be koikoi. " To the congregation in Colossae, the apostle Paul wrote: "You children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is well - pleasing in the Lord. " - Colossians 3: 18 - 20. Dahaka dainai ita "gima noho " bona" noho hegaegae " be mai anina bada? Aposetolo Paulo ese Kolose kongrigeisen ia tore henia, ia gwau: "Umui natudia e, gau ibounai dekenai emui tama sina do umui kamonai henia, badina Lohiabada ese unai kara ia moalelaia. " - Kolose 3: 18 - 20. JEHOVAH'S people are no strangers to adversity of one type or another. Lagani 1918 ai, Tanobada Tuarina Ginigunana ia ore neganai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia idia itaia diba Dirava ese Kerisendom bona tomadiho koikoi ibounai ia gwauraia dika vadaeni. IEHOVA ena taunimanima be idia diba lasi dahaka do idia karaia. (b) What reassurance did Joshua receive? Unai hegeregerena, Keristani taudia be inai tanobada besedia edia politikol karadia amo idia gini siri. (b) Iosua be dahaka hagoadaia herevana ia abia? A graduate of the 42nd class of Gilead, he served as a missionary in Senegal, Africa, then for 19 years in the circuit work in Canada. To Iuda taudia hamasea ore palanina be edena bamona? Gilead klas namba 42 ia haorea tauna ta be Senegal, Africa dekenai misinari gaukara ia karaia, bena lagani 19 lalonai Canada dekenai sekit gaukara ia karaia. If you read material that contains a great many difficult or out - of - date words that you do not know, you are not likely to enjoy reading it. Hari, unai tau bona ena adavana be Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia hedikwota badana dekenai idia gaukara noho. Bema unai buka lalonai hereva aukadia momo oi duahia eiava oi diba lasi herevadia oi duahia, do oi moale lasi. Obtaining such knowledge has helped many to develop sound morals, to abandon ruinous lifestyles, to strengthen family life, and to nurture a personal relationship with the Bible's Author. Hedibagani ia vara neganai, Davida ia badu, bena ia gari - reana unai dika dainai ia gwau unai be Iehova ena kerere. Unai diba abia karana ese momo ia durua kara maoromaoro taravatudia idia badinaia, mauri dikana idia rakatania, ruma bese idia hagoadaia, bona Baibel ia Torea Tauna idia tura henia namonamo totona. How does holy spirit contribute to our freedom? 13: 1. Edena dala ai lauma helaga ese ita ia durua iseda ura kwalimu ita gaukaralaia namonamo totona? With my goals in mind, I earnestly prayed to Jehovah for guidance, and I was able to make progress without being distracted. " Namona be Iehova ita tohotohoa. Egu tahua gaudia lau laloa bada dainai, Iehova lau guriguri henia lau ia hakaua totona, bona lau hegeregere lasi unai lau karaia totona. " He wisely feared Herod's successor, Archelaus, who was likewise vicious and murderous. To, Arona be lalogoada tauna. Mai aonega ida Heroda ena gabu ia abia tauna, Heroda, ia gari henia, badina ia be dagedage bona ala - ala tauna. Is he a robber or wicked and depraved in his life and manners? ' Hegeregere, lagani momo lalonai dubu gunalaia taudia ese taunimanima idia hadibaia edia Latin gado Baibel ai be hereva maorodia idia noho. Ia be dagedage o matabodaga karadia ia karaia, a? ' As a shepherd is conscious of the particular needs of each sheep in his flock and stands ready to attend to them, Jehovah is aware of the needs of those in the congregation and is happy to provide the required care. Hari Serge be mai ena natuna kekeni namodia rua, bona ia bona adavana ese tahua gauna matamatana idia abia hidi karana ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Tano idauna ta ai misinari gaukarana ai karaia diba lasi dainai, emai lalona ai hadaia emai tano dekenai " misinari ' gaukara do ai karaia bona gado idauna ta ena grup ai bamoa. " Mamoe naria tauna be ena mamoe ta ta edia dabu gaudia ia diba dainai, Iehova be kongrigeisen taudia edia dabu gaudia ia diba bona mai moale ida ia durudia. (See opening picture.) Unai dainai namona be aposetolo Paulo ese ena bamona, Timoteo dekenai ia torea herevana ita laloa, ia gwau: "Buka Helaga taunimanima dekenai do oi duahia, sisiba goada do oi henidia, bona hadibaia gaukara do oi goadalaia noho, ela bona lau ginidae.... (Laulau ginigunana herevalaia.) Youths Praise Jehovah, 3 / 15 Hari, mai abidadama ida ia ita hesiai henia be gau badana! Matamata Taudia E, Iehova Hesiai Henia, 3 / 15 What had distracted them? Bona siri 12 ena hereva hegeregerena, idia "hereva koikoi. " Dahaka ese edia lalona ia veria? How is that? Aposetolo Paulo be Kolose kongregesen dekenai ia gwau: "Memero, kekeni e, nega ibounai emui tamana bona sinana do umui kamonai henia, badina inai kara be Dirava ia ura henia. " - Kolose 3: 18 - 20. Edena dala ai? Hence, one who wants to learn Jesus ' teachings today needs to remember that there is a difference between agreeing with them and actively embracing them, thus reducing stress. IEHOVA ena taunimanima be hekwakwanai idauidau idia davaria. Unai dainai, hari inai negai, bema ta ia ura Iesu ena hahediba herevadia ia dibaia, namona be ita laloatao idia ida ita lalotamona bona edia hereva ita abia dae be auka lasi. He was amazed that we had come all the way from La Paz. (b) Iosua be dahaka hagoadaia herevana ia abia? Ia hoa badina ai be Laris amo gau momo ai dibaia. Disregarding such traditions, Jesus allowed Joanna and the other believing women to accompany his group. Ia be Gilead ena klas namba 42 tauna ta, bona Senegal, Africa dekenai, misinari gaukara ia karaia, gabeai Canada dekenai lagani 19 lalonai sekit gaukara ia karaia. Iesu be unai bamona kastom karadia ia dadaraia dainai, ia ese Ioana bona abidadama hahine ma haida ia koua lasi iena orea taudia idia bamoa totona. " Moral standards have been lost through greed, " he said. Bema oi duahia gauna amo hekwakwanai momo oi davaria eiava guna idia gaukaralaia herevadia oi diba lasi, emu duahiduahi do oi moalelaia lasi. Ia gwau: "Kara maoromaoro taravatudia be mataganigani dainai idia boio. " (See paragraphs 15, 16) Momo be Baibel amo diba maorona idia abia dainai, unai ese idia ia durua namo bona dika idia diba totona, edia kara dikadia idia rakatania, edia famili maurina idia moalelaia, bona Baibel ia Havaraia Tauna idia tura henia. (Paragraf 15, 16 itaia) Just as the ancient Jews were released from literal captivity in Babylon, so Jehovah's modern - day people were freed from captivity to Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Lauma helaga ese edena dala ai ita ia ruhaia diba? Idaunegai Iuda taudia be Babulonia ena igui amo idia ruhaia hegeregerena, hari inai negai Iehova ena taunimanima be Babulonia Badana, tanobada ena tomadiho koikoi ibounai, idia rakatania. Running away is sometimes considered cowardly, but physically removing ourselves from a situation is often the wise course to take. Lauegu tahua gaudia lau laloa noho lalonai, mai momokani ida Iehova lau guriguri henia lau ia hakaua totona, bona gau ta ese egu lalona ia koua lasi, to lau goada lau lao. " Nega haida ita gari, to iseda tauanina amo ita kokia be aonega karana. Singing is part of our worship. Ia ese Heroda ena gabu ia abia tauna, Akelao, dagedage bona ala - ala tauna ia gari henia. Ane abia karana be iseda tomadiho ena kahana ta. The following chapter warns against practices and attitudes that jeopardize our relationship with Jehovah. Ia be henaohenao tauna o iena mauri bona iena kara idia dika eiava idia gageva, a? ' Henunai ia noho karoa ese iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ia hadikaia diba karadia bona karadia dekenai sisiba ia henia. Do we strive to take in all the spiritual food we receive and meditate on it? Mamoe naria tauna be hanaihanai ia noho hegaegae ena mamoe ta ta edia ura gaudia ia henia bona ia naria. Unai hegeregerena, Iehova danu be ia noho hegaegae kongrigeisen taudia ia durua totona. Ita hekwarahi lauma aniani ibounai ita abia bona laloa dobu totona, a? ENGLISH July 2 - 4, July 9 - 11, July 16 - 18 (Laulau ginigunana herevalaia.) ENGLISH August 6 - 8 You can see from such details that people at that time toiled long and hard to keep living. Idia be dahaka gaudia idia laloa bada? Unai sivarai amo oi itaia, unai negai idia noho taudia be nega daudau lalonai idia hekwarahi idia mauri noho totona. And though Job finally died, he is sure to have a resurrection into God's new world. - Job 42: 12 - 17; Ezekiel 14: 14; John 5: 28, 29; 2 Peter 3: 13. Edena dala ai? Bona ena be Iobu ia mase, to ia be Dirava ena tanobada matamatana ai do ia toreisi lou. - Iobu 42: 12 - 17; Esekiela 14: 14; Ioane 5: 28, 29; 2 Petero 3: 13. Still, when you are suffering with no relief in sight, you may wonder: " Does God really love me? Unai dainai, hari inai negai Iesu ena hadibaia herevadia ia ura dibaia tauna ia laloatao be namo, Iesu ena hereva abia dae karana be idau bona ena hereva badinaia bona unai amo lalo - hekwarahi hamaragia karana be idau. To, hisihisi oi davaria neganai, reana do oi laloa: " Dirava be lau ia lalokau henia, a? In time, Bahram and his wife were able to locate a congregation where their native tongue was spoken, and thereafter they made swift progress. Ia hoa bada badina ai be La Paz amo ai mai, ia ai vadivadi henia totona. Gabeai, edia gado korikorina idia herevalaia kongrigeisen ta idia davaria, bona unai murinai idia goada idia lao. Moreover, certain Gentile Christians, whose religious background likely never included dietary prohibitions, may have been puzzled that anyone would make an issue over food. To Iesu be unai kastom karana ia laloa lasi, Ioana bona abidadama hahine ma haida be ia idia bamoa. Danu, Idau Bese Keristani taudia haida, edia tomadiho dalana dainai idia mase lasi, reana idia daradara ta ese aniani do ia abia lasi. Jesus will soon reverse the effects of the other three horsemen Ia gwau: "Mataganigani dainai kara maoromaoro taravatudia be idia boio. " Kahirakahira Iesu ese hosi guia taudia toi edia dika do ia kokia So enraged was Herod when the astrologers did not report back to him that he ordered all the male children two years of age and younger in and around Bethlehem to be killed. - Matthew 2: 16. (Paragraf 15, 16 itaia) Unai dainai Heroda ia badu, badina hisiu stadilaia babalau taudia be ia dekenai idia giroa lou lasi. - Mataio 2: 16. I eventually married and had children, but I was the one who made all the decisions in my family. Idaunegai Iuda taudia be Babulonia ena igui idia rakatania hegeregerena, hari inai negai Iehova ena taunimanima be Babulonia Badana, tanobada ena tomadiho koikoi ibounai, ena igui idia rakatania. Gabeai lau headava bona mai egu natudia, to lau be egu ruma bese lalonai abia hidi ibounai lau karaia. To gain God's approval and blessing, they should keep focused on the assurance that we read at Hebrews 11: 6: "Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Nega haida taunimanima idia laloa ta ia heau be manoka karana, to nega momo hedibagani amo ita heau siri be aonega dalana. Dirava ena lalonamo bona hahenamo abia totona, namona be Heberu 11: 6 ai ia noho hagoadaia herevana idia laloatao, ia gwau: "Dirava kahirakahira ia lao tauna be Dirava ese do ia abia dae, vadaeni ia idia tahua taudia ibounai, be davana namona Dirava ese do ia henidia. " My eldest sister, Dorothy, and I were dismissed from the classroom during these sessions. Ane abia karana be iseda tomadiho ena kahana badana ta. Egu kakana roboana, Dorothy, bona lau be unai sikuli dekenai ai lao. They will survive "the great tribulation " as part of the" great crowd. " Karoa 6 ese iseda hetura karana Iehova ida do idia hadikaia karadia dekenai ita ia sisiba henia. Idia be "hisihisi badana " amo do idia roho mauri, bona" hutuma bada herea " taudia bamona do idia roho mauri. Since then, Jehovah has educated me, and I have become more tactful when I preach and teach. - Col. 32: 8) Nega ita atoa ita abia buka bona magasin ibounai ita duahia bona laloa dobu totona, a? Unai nega amo, Iehova be lau dekenai diba ia henia, bona lau haroro bona hadibaia neganai mai hemataurai ida lau hereva. - Kol. As with Shiphrah and Puah, Jehovah is fully aware of the deeds of such excellent, courageous women, and he will demonstrate his love for them by preserving their names in his "book of life, " provided they endure faithfully to the end. - Philippians 4: 3; Matthew 24: 13. Unai gaudia amo oi itaia diba unai nega lalonai idia noho taudia be hora momo idia hekwarahi, edia mauri durua gaudia idia abia totona. Sipora bona Pua hegeregerena, Iehova be unai bamona kara namodia ia diba namonamo, gari lasi hahine edia ladana be ena "buka " lalonai do ia atoa, unai amo ia hahedinaraia ia be mai abidadama ida ia haheauka ela bona dokona. - Filipi 4: 3; Mataio 24: 13. Does obeying this law deprive us of anything good? Bona ena be gabeai Iobu ia mase, to do ia toreisi lou momokani Dirava ena tanobada matamatana ai. - Iobu 42: 12 - 17; Esekiela 14: 14; Ioane 5: 28, 29; 2 Petero 3: 13. Unai taravatu badinaia karana ese gau namona ta ita dekenai ia koua, a? This makes it easier for newly interested ones to begin attending meetings. " To, nega daudau lalonai hisihisi oi davaria bona hanamoa gauna ta oi itaia lasi neganai, reana oi laloa: " Dirava ese lau ia lalokau henia, a? Unai dainai kamonai matamata taudia be hebou dekenai idia lao matamaia be auka lasi. " He arranged for Watchtower and Awake! Gabeai, idia ese edia gado idia gaukaralaia kongregesen idia davaria, bona unai nega amo lauma dalanai idia tubu haraga. Dala ia karaia Gima Kohorona bona Awake! 1922 Danu, Idau Bese Keristani taudia haida, edia tomadiho gunana ese aniani ta ania lasi taravatuna ia atoa lasi, be reana ma haida ese aniani idia hepapahuahulaia karana dainai idia hoa. 1922 Just as Jehoshaphat and his people gathered together to seek Jehovah's guidance, let us not neglect regular attendance at congregation meetings along with our brothers and sisters. Kahirakahira Iesu ese unai hosi guia taudia toi ese idia havaraia dika ibounai do ia haorea Iehosapata bona ena taunimanima be Iehova ena hakaua dalana idia tahua hebou hegeregerena, namona be hanaihanai kongrigeisen heboudia bona tadikaka taihu ida ita hebou. Second, we supplicate Jehovah in prayer to open the heart of sincere ones. Unai dainai, ia ese oda ia henia Betelehema bona ena badina hanuadia dekenai, mauri lagani rua bona unai lagani idia do abia lasi memero ibounai idia alaia mase totona. - Mataio 2: 16. Gau iharuana be, Iehova ita noia kudou - maoro taudia edia kudouna ia kehoa totona. In reply Jesus said to them: ..." Gabeai lau headava bona natudia lau havaraia, to ruma bese lalonai abia hidi ibounai be lau ese lau karaia. Iesu be idia dekenai ia haere, ia gwau: "Umui... 8, 9, 21. Oibe, bema ita ura Dirava ena lalonamo bona hanamoa ita abia, namona be Heberu 11: 6 ai ia noho hereva ita laloatao, ia gwau: "Dirava kahirakahira ia lao tauna ia abia dae be namo Dirava be ia noho bona Dirava ese mai momokani ida ia idia tahua taudia edia davana do ia henia. " 8, 9, 21. It is recorded in chapters 5 through 7 of Matthew's Gospel, and similar information is presented at Luke 6: 20 - 49. Unai bamona negana ta ai, lau bona egu kakana, Dorothy, be klasrum amo idia lulua. Ia be Mataio karoa 5 ia lao 7 lalonai ia noho, bona Luka 6: 20 - 49 ai unai bamona sivarai ia noho danu. A fellow missionary and I were in our assignment in Paraguay, South America, when the house we were in was surrounded by an angry mob shouting: "Our god is a bloodthirsty god, and he wants the blood of the gringos. " Idia be " hisihisi badana ' amo do idia roho mauri " hutuma bada herea ' taudia. Emai misinari turana ta bona lau be South America dekenai ai noho neganai, hutuma ese idia boiboi henia, idia gwau: "Aiemai dirava be rara, bona ia ura rara ia ura henia. " Our desire was to continue serving in Portugal. Unai nega amo, Iehova ese lau ia hadibaia namonamo dainai, mai aonega ida haroro bona hadibaia gaukara lau karaia. - Kol. Ai ura Portugal dekenai do ai gaukara noho. Obviously, we can neither fear God nor love him if we do not know him. Sipora bona Pua ia kara henidia hegeregerena, Iehova ese inai bamona boga - auka hahine namodia edia kara ia laloa bada, bona bema mai abidadama ida idia haheauka ela bona dokona, ena lalokau idia dekenai ia hahedinaraia totona edia ladana be "mauri buka " lalonai do ia torea. - Filipi 4: 3; Mataio 24: 13. Momokani, Dirava ita gari henia eiava lalokau henia diba lasi bema ia ita diba lasi. Study Article 5 PAGES 21 - 25 Unai taravatu ita badinaia dainai gau namona ta ita reaia, a? Stadi 5 RAU 21 - 25 These writings, combined with the Hebrew Scriptures, completed the Bible canon. Unai ese kamonai matamata taudia edia hebou mai henia dalana ia kehoa. " Unai toretore rua, Heberu Revarevadia danu, ese Baibel bukadia idia haorea. Thus, the evildoer could not have been in heaven with Jesus that day. Ia ese dala ia karaia Watchtower bona Awake! Unai dainai, unai kara dika tauna be Iesu ida guba dekenai idia noho lasi. How Does God's Spirit Operate Today? 1922 Edena Dala ai Hari Dirava Ena Lauma ese Ita Ia Hakaua? One Bible reference work suggests that the Greek word translated "discipline " might be rendered" child development. " Iehosapata bona ena taunimanima be idia hebou Iehova ena heduru idia noia hegeregerena, namona be iseda tadikaka taihu ida hanaihanai kongrigeisen heboudia dekenai ita lao. Baibel buka ta ese ia hahedinaraia Greek herevana idia hahanaia "vara " ena anina be" natuna ia tubu. " • How does the peace of the Christ help us to handle anxiety? Iharuana: Guriguri amo Iehova ita noia kudou - maoro taudia edia lalona ia kehoa totona. • Keriso ena maino ese edena dala ai ita ia durua lalo - hekwarahi ita hanaia totona? Can this type of oppression be overcome, or is corruption inescapable? Iesu ese ia haere idia dekenai, ia gwau, ..." kara maoromaoro taudia boiria totona lau mai lasi, to kara dika taudia edia lalona do idia giroa totona lau mai. ' Unai bamona dagedage karadia ita hanaia diba, a? How can we imitate Jesus in showing courage? 8, 9, 21. Edena dala ai Iesu ena gari lasi karana ita tohotohoa diba? Then I can devote more time to meditating on what I read so as to learn important lessons. " Evanelia bukana Mataio karoa 5 ia lao 7 ai unai sivarai ia noho, bona Luka 6: 20 - 49 ai ia torea danu. Bena nega bada lau atoa diba lau duahia gaudia lau laloa dobu totona, unai amo mai anina bada gaudia lau dibaia diba. " The point of Jesus ' questions should have been obvious to Peter. Hutuma ese ruma idia hagegea bona mai badu ida idia boiboi: "Aiemai dirava be rara bada ia ura henia diravana, bona unai nao taudia edia rara ia ura henia. " Iesu ena henanadai ena anina Petero dekenai ita lalopararalaia be namo. Jehu in Secular History Emai ura bada be Portugal dekenai ai gaukara noho. Ieserele Ena Histori Lalonai Iehu Why is what we set our mind on a serious issue? Momokani, bema Iehova ita diba lasi, ia do ita gari henia bona lalokau henia diba lasi. Dahaka dainai hekwakwanai badana ta ita laloa be namo? Three days after the outbreak of World War II in 1939, he was ordered to sign his military induction slip. Stadi 5 RAU 21 - 25 Lagani 1939 ai Tanobada Tuarina Iharuana ia vara bena dina toi murinai, ia idia oda henia ena ami do ia rakatania. The ultimate personification of evil, Satan stands in bitter opposition to Jehovah, who personifies love. Unai toretoredia, bona Heberu Revarevadia, be Baibel ena buka korikoridia. Satani be Iehova ia gwau - edeede henia, badina Iehova ia lalokau henia. Further, Jehovah gives power to his servants when they carry out their ministry. Unai dainai, unai kara dika tauna be unai dina ai Iesu ida guba dekenai ia noho diba lasi. Danu, Iehova ese ena hesiai taudia dekenai siahu ia henia edia haroro gaukara idia karaia totona. For the Christians who had fled to the mountains, heeding Jesus ' instructions meant saving their lives. Hari Inai Negai Dirava Ena Lauma be Edena Dala Dekenai Ia Gaukara? Ororo dekenai idia heau lao Keristani taudia dekenai, Iesu ena hadibaia herevadia idia badinaia ena anina be edia mauri idia haboioa lasi. Jehovah God takes no delight in punishing those who become unfaithful to him. Baibel ia herevalaia bukana ta ia gwau, idia hahanaia Greek herevana "matahakani " be reana" natuna ena tubu dalana " ia herevalaia. Iehova Dirava be ia idia kamonai henia lasi taudia ia panisia neganai, ia moale lasi. There is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account. • Edena dala ai, Keriso ena maino ese ita ia durua lalo - hekwarahi ita hanaia totona? Ita daradara lasi unai sivarai be momokani. " To repent " means "to change one's mind " with regard to bad conduct, because of regret. Unai dainai iena adavana dekenai, iena sinana do ia kara namo henia ena badina ia gwauraia. " Helalo - kerehai " ena anina be " ta ena lalona do ia haidaua kara dika ia karaia totona, badina ia helalo - kerehai dainai. Folake said that she also looks forward to the time when God, by means of his Kingdom, will do away with all sickness. Unai bamona hisihisi ita hanaia diba, eiava kara gageva amo ita heau siri diba lasi, a? Folake ia gwau danu, Dirava ese ena Basileia amo gorere ibounai do ia haorea negana ia naria noho. • What challenges might prevent some from conducting Bible studies? Edena dala ai Iesu ena gari lasi karana ita tohotohoa diba? • Haida be Baibel stadi idia karaia lasi totona, dahaka hekwakwanai idia davaria? Jesus maintained his integrity and upheld Jehovah's sovereignty under the severest of tests, dying as a faithful servant of his Father. Bena nega bada lau atoa, lau duahia gaudia lau laloa dobu totona. " (Sal. Iesu be hahetoho badadia ia davaria neganai, Iehova ena lohia siahuna ia badinaia noho bona ena Tamana ena kamonai hesiai tauna bamona ia mase. (Joseph), 11 / 1 " Iesu ena henanadai edia anina be Petero ia diba. 11 / 15 At times, however, they have been misrepresented. Toretore ma Haida To nega haida, idia ese ma haida idia gwauraia dika. Both words mean "Anointed One. " Dahaka dainai sibona iseda kara ita tahua be mai anina bada? Unai hereva ruaosi edia anina be " Horoa Tauna. ' Rather than questioning the integrity of our brothers, we ought to dismiss such talk silently or ask the accuser, if he is reasonable, whether he is really sure that there is a basis for his remarks. Lagani 1939 ai, Tanobada Ibounai Tuarina Iharuana ia matamaia bena dina toi murinai, oda idia henia ami ai ia vareai gwauhamata pepana ia sainia totona. Namo lasi iseda tadikaka edia kara maoromaoro ita henanadailaia, to namona be unai hereva ita dadaraia eiava samania tauna ita nanadaia, bema ia be mai ena maoro ena hereva ia hamomokania totona. SUPPORTERS of interfaith, however, view the matter quite differently. Kara dika tauna badana Satani, be lalokau bada Diravana Iehova ia gwau - edeede henia. To, tomadiho idauidau idia gaukara hebou karana be idau. How did Jesus indicate that love was the essence of Jehovah's laws? Danu, Iehova ena hesiai taudia ese iena gaukara idia karaia neganai Ia ese idia ia hagoadaia. Edena dala ai Iesu ia hahedinaraia Iehova ena taravatu be lalokau? [ Footnote] To, Iesu ena sisiba idia badinaia Keristani taudia be idia roho mauri. [ Footnote] Even those who have stumbled by committing serious sin can return to Jehovah. Iehova Dirava ese ia idia rakatania taudia panisidia karana ia moalelaia lasi. Kara dika badana idia karaia taudia danu be Iehova dekenai idia giroa lou diba. ENGLISH May 21 - 23, May 28 - 30, June 4 - 6, June 11 - 13, July 2 - 4, July 9 - 11, July 16 - 18, August 20 - 22, August 27 - 29, September 3 - 5 RUSSIAN August 6 - 8 Unai idaunegai sivaraina dekenai ita daradara be anina lasi. ENGLISH August 6 - 8 (SIGN LANGUAGE also) 19: 6. " Helalo - kerehai " ena anina be "ta ese iena lalona ia haidaua " bona ia karaia kara dikadia dainai ia sori. 19: 6. In giving direction to fellow believers, elders provide encouragement and counsel based either on the Scriptures themselves or on Scriptural principles. Folake ia gwau, ia moale danu badina kahirakahira Dirava ena Basileia ese gorere ibounai do ia haorea. Elda taudia ese tadikaka taihu dekenai Baibel ena hakaua herevadia eiava Baibel ena hakaua herevadia amo idia henia sisiba idia henia. She states: "The disease has paralyzed my body, but it has not paralyzed my mind. • Pablisa haida be dahaka hekwakwanai idia davaria? Ia gwau: "Unai gorere dikana ese egu tauanina ia hamanokaia, to egu lalona ia manoka lasi. (b) What are some of God's qualities that you appreciate? Ena be Iesu be hahetoho aukadia ia davaria, to Iehova ia badinaia bona ena lohia siahuna ia abia isi ela noho bona ia mase. (b) Dirava ena kara haida oi laloa bada, a? She was entirely subject to her husband, and completely at his mercy. " Little), 5 / 15 Ia be ena adavana henunai ia noho, bona ia hebogahisi henia bada. " Job's flesh became covered with maggots, and his skin formed crusts, blackened, and dropped off. To nega haida, taunimanima ese Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia laloa kerere. Iobu ena tauanina be au amo idia koua, bona ena kopina amo idia karaia dabua, dabua koremadia, bona momoru ia karaia. Let us examine two topics that are considered in the Require brochure in order to see how we can expand our understanding and be able to answer in more detail - especially if someone raises such questions as, Who is God, and what was Jesus really like? - Exodus 5: 2; Luke 9: 18 - 20; 1 Peter 3: 15. Unai hereva rua edia anina be "Horoa Tauna. " buklet lalonai idia noho hereva rua do ita tahua, unai amo do ita itaia edena bamona iseda lalo - parara ita habadaia bona haere ita henia diba - bema tau ta be Dirava, ia be daika, bona Iesu be edena bamona? - Esodo 2: 18 - 20; Luka 3: 15; 1 Petero 3: 15. Jewelry or other valuables may be donated as well. Namo lasi iseda tadikaka ita laloa kerere, to namona be unai bamona samania koikoi tauna ena hereva ita dadaraia. Eiava ita nanadaia bema ia herevalaia gauna be ia hamomokania diba. Bema oi ura ma hereva haida oi diba, namona be ai gwauraia vadaeni adres dekenai revareva oi torea. His crowning, though, made him a prophetic type of the Messiah. DUBU idauidau idia gaukara hebou (interfaith) karana idia sapotia taudia edia lalohadai be unai bamona lasi. To, ia abia korona dainai Mesia ia perovetalaia. Consider what those words meant to Jesus ' first - century listeners. Edena bamona Iesu ese ia hahedinaraia lalokau be Iehova ena taravatu ena badina badana ta? Iesu ena hereva ena anina aposetolo edia negai idia noho kamonai taudia dekenai mani ita laloa. They do not raise argumentative questions that could challenge the authority of those who teach. [ Footnote] Idia ese hadibaia taudia edia siahu idia hepapahuahulaia lasi. After the Flood, there was a saying: "Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " Kara dika badana ese ia hamorua taudia danu be Iehova dekenai idia giroa lou diba. Abata murinai, Noa ia gwau: "Unai bamona danu, Nimiroda ese Lohiabada ia dagedage henia. " They also served as role models for a younger generation of champions. 19: 6, BHḠ. Danu, matamata taudia dekenai haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. In the beginning of this article, we raised three "when " questions. Elda taudia be hanaihanai Baibel amo tadikaka taihu idia hagoadaia bona hakaua. Inai stadi ena matamanai, henanadai toi ita henia. " Trust in Jehovah and do what is good... and act with faithfulness. " - PS. Ia gwau: "Celebral apoplexy gorere dainai egu tauanina ia paralais, to egu lalona ia paralais lasi. " Lohiabada dekenai do oi abidadama, bona kara namo do oi karaia,... bona mai abidadama ida do oi kara. " - SAL. Jehovah's Witnesses therefore recognized the need for a Bible translation that faithfully presented what is in the original inspired writings. (b) Dirava ena kara namodia haida be dahaka? Unai dainai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia laloparara, Dirava ena lauma amo ia vara toretore ginigunadia lalonai idia torea Baibel be mai kamonai ida idia hahanaia be namo. Jehovah declares: "In my ardor, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak.... Ia be nega ibounai ena tau ena siahu henunai ia noho bona ena ura sibona ia karaia. " Iehova ia gwau: "Egu badu ena lahi dekena amo, lau ese hereva do lau gwauraia.... The Charitable Planning Office should be informed of and receive a copy of any relevant document pertaining to any of these arrangements. (Iobu 2: 7) Iobu ena tauanina be gaigai maragidia amo ia honu, bona ena kopina ai toto momo idia vara, idia korema, bona kopina idia kokia kava. Bema oi ura ataiai ia noho dala ta dekenai ma diba haida oi abia, namona be IBSA dekenai revareva oi siaia. 7 See the Name in the Valley Namona be Dahaka Ita Karaia? buklet lalonai idia noho kahana rua ita itaia, unai amo iseda lalo - parara habadaia dalana do ita itaia bona haere do ita henia namonamo diba - hegeregere bema ta ese inai henanadai ia henia, Dirava be Daika, bona Iesu be edena bamona tauna? - Esodo 5: 2; Luka 9: 18 - 20; 1 Petero 3: 15. 7 Kourana ai Ladana Ia Noho I make laundry and household soap at home. Mai dava bada herahera gaudia eiava dava bada gaudia idaudia danu idia henia diba. Ruma dekenai egu dabua bona ruma bese lau huria. Paul adds: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil... To king ai ia lao neganai, ia be Mesia ia laulaulaia. Paulo ma ia gwau: "Dirava ese ia henia tuari dabua ibounai do umui kwatua, vadaeni do umui goada, Satani ena koikoi karadia do umui koua.... Later, Maria dedicated her life to the Hearer of prayer in order to serve him. Iesu ena hereva idia kamonai henia taudia ginigunadia dekenai, unai hereva ena anina mani ita laloa. Gabeai, Maria ese ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia bona guriguri ia kamonai henia, unai amo ia hesiai henia diba. (Read Hosea 4: 11 - 13.) Kongrigeisen lalonai hadibaia gaukara idia karaia tadikaka edia hereva idia hepapahuahulaia lasi. (Hosea 4: 11 - 13 duahia.) But I drew close to God, and he comforted me. Abata murinai, labana tauna goadana ta ladana Nimiroda be Iehova ia inai henia. (Gen. To Dirava kahirakahira lau lao, bona lau ia hagoadaia. The next article will deal with what questions? Gadara ai do idia kwalimu taudia matamata ese edia kara idia tohoa. Hereva gabena ese edena henanadai do ia haerelaia? I felt terrible, so I wrote a brief letter saying that I deeply regretted what I had done and felt that it would be best for me to be transferred out of his office. Ita herevalaia vadaeni gaudia amo, dahaka diba matamatana ita abia? Lau lalohisihisi bada, unai dainai revareva kwadogina ta lau torea, lau karaia gauna dainai lau lalohisihisi bada bona lau laloa lau be hegeregere iena opesi amo do lau lulua totona. What proves that Jesus has deep love for humans? " Iehova dekenai do oi abidadama, bona kara namo do oi karaia,... bona mai momokani ida do oi kara. " - SAL. Dahaka ese ia hamomokania Iesu be taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada? In response, Brother Rutherford wrote, quoting Isaiah 51: 16: "I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people. " Unai dainai Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia lalo - parara namona be Baibel ta ese toretore helagadia ginigunadia edia hereva do ia hahedinaraia maoromaoro momokani. Tadikaka Rutherford be unai hereva ia torea neganai, Isaia 51: 16 ena hereva ia gwauraia lou, ia gwau: "Egu hereva be uduna dekenai lau atoa vadaeni. Job's integrity led him to accept the reproof readily. Iehova ia gwau: "Egu badu ena siahu dainai, lau ese lau gwauraia inai:... Iobu be kara maoromaoro ia karaia dainai, sisiba ia abia dae haraga. Their reactions in various situations provide examples for those Christians who today are faced with trials and persecution. 7 Ladana ta Engadine Valley Ai Hari inai negai Keristani taudia be hahetoho bona dagedage idia davaria neganai, edia kara amo haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. Because of her limited knowledge of sign language, Eva understood very little of what was said at the meeting. Ruma dekenai dabua huria bona digu sopu lau karaia. Eva be saini gado ia diba namonamo lasi dainai, hebou dekenai idia herevalaia gaudia ia lalo - pararalaia namonamo lasi. It may seem a small thing, but to the mother and father, it is a milestone, a moment full of promise for the future. Paulo be ma ia gwau: "Dirava ese ia henia tuari dabua ibounai do umui kwatua, vadaeni do umui goada, Satani ena koikoi karadia do umui koua.... Toana be gau maragina ta ia vara, to sinana bona tamana dekenai unai be mai anina bada vaira negana totona. If we do our part, Jehovah promises that he will " finish our training, ' helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities. - 1 Pet. Gabeai, Maria ese ena mauri ia gwauhamatalaia guriguri ia Kamonai Diravana dekenai, ia hesiai henia totona. Bema unai bamona ita karaia, Iehova ia gwauhamata " iseda treinini do ia haorea, ' ita do ia durua manau bona Dirava ena kara ma haida ita hahedinaraia totona. - 1 Pet. Imitate the way Jesus Christ dealt with his disciples, part of his future bride class, while he was on earth. (Hosea 4: 11 - 13 duahia.) Iesu Keriso ese ena hahediba taudia, iena headava matamata kekeni oreana taudia unai, ia kara henia dalana tohotohoa. In addition, a number of Scriptural errors that have crept into many other translations have been removed. To Dirava kahirakahira lau lao, bona ia ese lau ia hagoadaia. Danu, Baibel momo ai idia hahanaia kerere haida be idia kokia. ENGLISH June 5 - 7, July 3 - 5 Edena henanadai be stadi gabena ai do ita herevalaia? ENGLISH August 17 - 19 In what special activity have God's people eagerly shared, and with what result? Egu hemami ia dika dainai revareva kwadogina ta amo lau hadibaia egu kerere dainai lau sori bada, bona lau laloa iena ofesi amo lau idia kokia be namo. Dirava ena taunimanima be dahaka gaukara badana idia karaia, bona dahaka ia vara? One day Satan challenges Job's integrity before God. Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be taunimanima ia lalokau henia bada? Dina ta Satani ese Iobu ena Dirava badinaia karana ia tohoa. Here I am stationed at a fountain of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. Unai dainai, Tadikaka Rutherford ese revareva ia siaia bona Isaia 51: 16 ena hereva ia gwauraia, ia gwau: "Lau ese egu hadibaia hereva be emu uduna dekenai lau atoa vadaeni, bona egu imana amo oi lau naria, guba lau karaia totona, bona tanobada ena badina nadina lau atoa totona, bona Siona be lauegu besena lau gwauraia totona. " Unuseniai lau be ranu guri badinai lau gini, bona hanua ena tatau edia natudia kekeni be ranu dekenai idia raka mai noho. That was God's purpose for the human race. - Genesis 1: 27 - 29; 2: 15. (Iobu 42: 6) Iobu ena lalo - maoromaoro ese ia durua mai ena ura ida ena sisiba ia abia dae totona. Unai be Dirava ena ura taunimanima totona. - Genese 1: 27 - 29; 2: 15. What does Jehovah always provide for his servants, and what must we do to benefit? Dala idauidau ai idia haheauka be haheitalai namona inai nega ai hahetoho bona dagedage idia davaria Keristani taudia ese idia badinaia totona. Iehova be hanaihanai ena hesiai taudia dekenai dahaka ia henia, bona dahaka ita karaia be namo? Yet, there are sound reasons for not giving up on a marital bond that is weakening. Eva ena diba taia kudima taudia edia gado dekenai be bada lasi dainai, hebou dekenai idia herevalaia gaudia edia anina ibounai ia abia namonamo lasi. To, badina namodia haida dainai headava ia manoka diba. A shepherd in ancient Israel used a long curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. Ita dekenai reana unai be gau maragina sibona, to tama sina dekenai beibi ia raka matamaia be mai anina bada gauna. Idaunegai Israela ai, mamoe naria tauna ta be nega daudau lalonai ena mamoe ia hakaua. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4.) Bema unai ita karaia, Iehova ia gwauhamata ia ese iseda "treinini do ia hagugurua, " unai amo manau bona kara namodia ma haida ita hahedinaraia diba. - 1 Pet. (1 Timoteo 1: 3, 4 duahia.) (b) What suggestions have other parents offered? Iesu Keriso be tanobada ai ia noho neganai, ena hahediba taudia, vaira negana ai ena headava matamata kekeni oreana taudia haida unai, ia kara henia dalana oi tohotohoa. (b) Tama sina ma haida be dahaka heduru herevadia idia henia? Understandably, a married couple need time so that they can pursue spiritual and other activities together. - Matt. Danu, haida ese idia hahanaia Baibel lalonai idia noho hadibaia hereva koikoidia, be New World Translation Baibel lalonai do oi davaria lasi. Unai dainai, headava tau bona hahine be nega idia atoa be namo, unai amo edia hetura karana Iehova ida bona gaukara ma haida idia karaia hebou diba. - Mat. The Witness invites him to continue the discussion at the nearby Kingdom Hall, where a Bible study is immediately started in the brochure What Does God Require of Us? PALAUAN August 22, 23 Witnes tauna ese ia boiria Kingdom Hall kahirakahira ai idia herevahereva noho totona, bona maoromaoro Dirava Ia Ura Dahaka Ita Karaia? buklet ai Baibel stadi idia hamatamaia. 6: 9. Dirava ena taunimanima be mai edia ura bada ida dahaka gaukara namona ta idia karaia, bona dahaka ia vara? 6: 9. It will make your ministry interesting. Dina ta Satani ese Iobu ena Dirava badinaia karana ia tohoa. Emu haroro gaukara do oi moalelaia. Meditating on such an account surely brings you great comfort. Bema ia gwau, " Namo, oi inua, bona oiemu kamelo dekenai danu ranu do lau henia. ' Unai sivarai oi laloa dobu neganai, unai ese oi ia hagoadaia bada. Often, however, this strategy backfires because it draws God's people even closer together in the bonds of Christian love and moves many of them to greater zeal. Unai be Dirava ena ura taunimanima totona. - Genese 1: 27 - 29; 2: 15. To, nega momo unai palani be mai anina bada, badina unai ese Dirava ena taunimanima edia hetura karana Keristani lalokau henia karana ia hagoadaia bona idia momo ia veria haroro gaukara idia goadalaia totona. (b) What step must honesthearted ones take? Iehova ese edena dala ai ena hesiai taudia ia durua, bona namo ita abia totona dahaka ita karaia be namo? (b) Kudou - maoro taudia ese dahaka abia hidi idia karaia be namo? Referring to yet another factor that fortified his integrity, David said: "I have not sat with men of untruth; and with those who hide what they are I do not come in. Bema oi laloa emu headava be do ia dika, oi hesiku lasi, to namona be oi hekwarahi emu headava oi hanamoa lou totona. Davida ese ena abidadama ia hagoadaia gauna ma ta ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Lau ese kara maoromaoro koikoi taudia danu lau helai noho lasi, bona kara koikoi taudia danu, be lau haboua tamona lasi. A very unlikely one - "seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes "! Israela taudia edia negai, mamoe naria taudia be itotohi o au latana ta idia gaukaralaia edia mamoe oreana idia hakaua totona. Ta - "mamoe naria taudia 7 " - be" gunalaia taudia 8 "! Isaiah - already dedicated to Jehovah - was volunteering for an additional privilege of service. (1 Timoteo 1: 3, 4 duahia.) Isaia - Iehova dekenai iseda mauri ita gwauhamatalaia vadaeni - be hesiai gaukara ena hahenamo ma ta. FEW people have to contend with more demands on their time and energy than single parents do. Ita diba, headava taudia ruaosi be nega do idia atoa famili stadi, Baibel duahiduahi, hebou, haroro gaukara bona gaukara ma haida idia karaia hebou totona. - Mat. TAUNIMANIMA momo idia hekwarahi edia nega bona goada bada idia gaukaralaia totona, to adavana lasi tama eiava sina be unai bamona idia karaia lasi. Scriptural Questions Answered: Witnes tauna ese ia boiria, kahirakahira ia noho Kingdom Hall dekenai ia mai bona idia herevahereva namonamo totona, bona unuseniai Dirava Ia Ura Dahaka Ita Karaia? Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: How is it possible to receive such guidance? 6: 9. Edena dala ai unai bamona hakaua herevadia ita abia diba? I am making all things new. ' " - Psalm 37: 9, 29; Revelation 21: 3 - 5. Unai ese emu haroro gaukara do ia hanamoa bona do oi moale. Gau ibounai lau hamatamataia noho. ' " - Salamo 37: 9, 29; Apokalupo 21: 3 - 5. The stress of dealing with the injustices of Satan's world can wear us down. Unai bamona sivarai oi laloa dobu neganai, oi do ia hagoadaia bada. Satani ena tanobada ese ia davaria hekwakwanai idauidau dainai ita lalomanoka diba. Or think of the apostle Paul, who openly confessed: "For the good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. " To, nega momo unai ese Dirava ena taunimanima edia lalokau bona edia ura ia habadaia Dirava idia hesiai henia noho totona. Eiava aposetolo Paulo oi laloa, ia gwau: "Lau ura lasi karadia lau karaia, to kara dikadia lau karaia lasi. " Cain's "works were wicked, but those of his brother were righteous. " (b) Kudou - maoro taudia be dahaka do idia karaia be namo? Kaino ena "kara be dika, to iena tadina ena kara be maoromaoro. " Haiti, 12 / 15 Davida be ena kara maoromaoro badinaia karana ia hagoadaia gauna ma ta ia herevalaia: "Koikoi taudia danu lau helai noho lasi, bona kara maoromaoro koikoi taudia danu, be lau haboua tamona lasi. Haiti, 12 / 15 The Amen. Ia ese tuari oreana idauna ta do ia gaukaralaia - "mamoe naria taudia 7 " bona" taunimanima gunalaia taudia 8 "! Amen. Dispose of things you do not use, and pay off debts. (Isaia 6: 8) Isaia - Iehova dekenai iena mauri ia gwauhamata henia vadaeni tauna - be gaukara ma haida karaia totona ia volantia. Oi gaukaralaia lasi gaudia oi negea, bona abitorehai abitorehai oi henia lasi. Ask yourself: " Is my forgiveness within reach of people who have wronged me, even repeatedly? GAU momo ese adavana lasi tama eiava sina edia nega bona goada ia haorea diba. Sibona oi nanadaia: " Lau idia kara dika henia taudia edia dika lau gwauatao diba, a? SPANISH July 17 - 19, July 24 - 26, July 31 - August 2 Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: ENGLISH August 17 - 19 Yes, Jehovah will correct everything that is wrong, doing so in a way that is far beyond our expectations. To ena ruma bese ena mauri dalana be edena bamona? Oibe, Iehova ese iseda ura gaudia ibounai do ia hamaoromaoroa. Jesus said: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man. " 17: 5; 23: 3) Edena dala ai Iehova ena heduru ita abia diba? Iesu ia gwau: "Do umui noga noho, bona nega ibounai do umui guriguri, inai dika ibounai dekena amo do umui heau mauri, vadaeni Taunimanima ena Natuna ena vairana dekenai do umui gini. " S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Portuguese sessions also), Cow Palace, 2600 Geneva Ave. " - Salamo 37: 9, 29; Apokalupo 21: 3 - 5. TAHITI (French gado sibona), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, P.K. Does God Approve of Polygamy? Satani ena tanobada ai idia vara kara gagevadia ita itaia neganai, ita lalohisihisi bona ita lalomanoka. Dirava Ia Moale, A? Reflecting on such blessings, we realize how precious our service to God really is. Bona kara dikadia lau ura lasi karaia neganai, be lau karaia inai. " Unai hahenamo ita lalodia neganai, ita laloparara iseda hesiai gaukara Dirava dekenai be mai anina bada. To accomplish this work, the organization has kept before us the importance of expanding our ministry. Kaino ena "kara be kerere, to iena tadina ena kara be maoromaoro. " Unai gaukara ita hagugurua totona, iseda haroro gaukara ita habadaia noho be gau badana. About that time, my mother moved to London and accepted a Bible study from John E. Amen. Unai nega ai, egu sinana be London dekenai ia lao bona John E. I left the shrine and put myself in Jehovah's hands. Oi gaukaralaia diba lasi kohu negea, bona emu abitorehai davana oi karaia. Dubu lau rakatania bona Iehova ena imana dekenai lau atoa. Matthew 1: 25 states that Joseph "had no intercourse with her until she gave birth to a son. " Sibona oi nanadaia: " Ena be nega momo haida ese egu lalona idia hahisia, to edia dika lau gwauatao, a? Mataio 1: 25 ia gwau Iosepa "be ia ida ia mahuta hebou lasi ela bona mero ta ia vara. " Getting to know Jehovah's thinking through Bible study can help us to perceive what God would want us to do in a particular situation. TOK PISIN December 11 - 13 (SIGN LANGUAGE also) Baibel stadilaia karana amo Iehova ena lalohadai ita dibaia neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua Dirava ena ura ita lalopararalaia totona. We must keep up our guard, for the thinking and attitudes of Satan's world may seem plausible on the surface. Unai dainai, Petero ena hereva be maoro, ia gwau: "Dirava ese ia gwauhamata vadaeni, guba matamata bona tanobada matamata do ia havaraia. Namona be ita naria namonamo, badina Satani ena tanobada ena lalohadai bona kara dekenai ita naria namonamo. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Iesu ia gwau: "Do umui naria, bona nega ibounai do umui guriguri, vadaeni inai dika ibounai dekena amo do umui heau mauri, vadaeni Taunimanima ena Natuna ena vairana dekenai do umui gini. " IEHOVA ENA WITNES TAUDIA As teachers in the congregation, overseers should be conscious of the need to rid themselves of negative attitudes. Adavana Momo Adavaia Karana Be Dirava Ese Ia Abia Dae, A? Kongrigeisen lalonai elda taudia be hadibaia taudia dainai, namona be idia diba lalohadai kereredia idia kokia be namo. Choose the right time to explain your beliefs Unai bamona hahenamodia ita laloa neganai, ita lalo - parara Dirava ita hesiai henia be dava bada gauna. Nega maorona oi abia hidi emu abidadama oi gwauraia hedinarai totona Our ultimate survival depends, not on " silver or gold..., but on the precious blood of Christ. ' Unai gaukara hagugurua totona, iseda orea ese iseda hesiai gaukara habadaia karana be hanaihanai ia gwauraia. Ita roho mauri totona, " siliva eiava golo dekenai lasi, to Keriso ena dava bada rarana ita abidadama henia be namo. ' Normally, this privilege would go to the tribe of Reuben, Jacob's firstborn. Unai lagani tamona ai, egu sinana be London dekenai ia mai, bona tadikaka John E. Nega momo, unai hahenamo be Rubena ena iduhu dekenai do ia lao, Iakobo ena vara guna natuna roboana. Why might some individuals deserve to be honored, and what will we now discuss? Unai dubu lau rakatania bona Iehova lau badinaia. Dahaka dainai haida ita matauraia be maoro, bona hari dahaka do ita herevalaia? What are some examples of harmful proselytism? Mataio 1: 25 ia gwau, "Iosepa be Maria danu nega tamona idia mahuta lasi, ela bona Maria ese iena natuna ia abia. " Tomadiho orea ena memba ai ita lao ena haheitalai haida be dahaka? Our heeding divine counsel will likewise bring us eternal blessings. - Proverbs 3: 1 - 6. (Aon. 3: 5 - 7) Baibel stadilaia karana amo Iehova ena ura do ita lalopararalaia bona ena ura hegeregerena abia hidi do ita karaia. Dirava ena sisiba ita badinaia neganai, hahenamo momo do ita abia ela bona hanaihanai. - Aonega Herevadia 3: 1 - 6. Since life is short, we should "count our days. " To namona be ita naria namonamo, ita ura lasi tanobada ena lalohadai ita abia dae. Reana, nega haida do ita laloa edia hereva be momokani. Mauri be kwadogi dainai, namona be "iseda mauri dinadia do ita laloa lou. " I approached Marvin Holien, a longtime family friend who had experience in serving as a traveling overseer, and I asked him: "Grace is young and lacks experience. IEHOVA ENA WITNES TAUDIA Lau be lagani momo lalonai loaloa naria gaukara ia karaia ruma besena lau bamoa, bona lau nanadaia: "Oi be matamata bona gau momo oi diba lasi. She took sensible initiatives, such as obtaining food for Naomi and herself, but she also followed Naomi's instructions. - Ruth 2: 2, 22, 23; 3: 1 - 6. Kongrigeisen ai, hadibaia gaukara idia karaia elda taudia ese lalohadai kereredia idia dadaraia danu be namo. Naomi bona ia sibona totona aniani ia abia, to Naomi ena hadibaia herevadia ia badinaia danu. - Ruta 2: 2, 22, 23; 3: 1 - 6. Instead, he focused his mind and heart on his blessed relationship with Jehovah. Nega maorona ai Baibel oi herevalaia To, ena hetura karana Iehova ida ia laloa bada. The experiences of Devon and Gabriel raise an intriguing question, Is speaking in tongues as done in some churches today really from God? Hahemauri abia dalana be " siliva o golo lasi, ' to "Keriso ena rarana. " Hari, dubu haida dekenai gado idauidau ai hereva karana be Dirava amo ia mai, a? Hebrews 13: 4 and 1 Corinthians 6: 9 establish that God disapproves of both adultery and fornication (Greek, por·neiʹa). Nega momo, unai hahenamo be Rubena ena iduhu ese ia abia be namo, badina ia be Iakobo ena vara guna natuna. Heberu 13: 4 bona 1 Korinto 6: 9 ese idia hahedinaraia, Dirava ese heudahanai bona sihari kava (Greek gado, por·neiʹa), ia inai henia. Our preaching work and our conventions bring us before the public eye. Dahaka dainai ta dekenai hemataurai do ita hahedinaraia, bona inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Iseda haroro gaukara bona hebouhebou badadia ese dala idia kehoa taunimanima vairanai ita haroro totona. No. Dika idia havaraia tomadiho orea ena memba ai halaoa toho karadia haida be dahaka? Lasi. What a profound impact that would have had on eyewitnesses! Dirava ena sisiba ita badinaia neganai, idia noho hanaihanai hahenamo idauidau do ita abia. - Aonega Herevadia 3: 1 - 6. Unai ese Iesu ena lalona ia veria bada! Soon after Gary's return, we became involved in the activities of a loving congregation, and I was baptized in 1974. Mauri be ia kwadogi dainai, iseda " mauri dinadia ita duahia ' be namo. Gary ia giroa lou murinai, ai be lalokau kongrigeisen ena gaukara idauidau ai karaia matamaia, bona lagani 1974 ai bapatiso lau abia. Because of sin, what feelings are common among God's faithful servants? Lau ese Marvin Holien lau hereva henia, ia be emai famili ena turana ta, bona lagani momo lalonai sekit gaukara ia karaia. Lau gwau: "Grace be do matamata bona sekit gaukara ia manada lasi. Kara dika dainai, Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia edia hemami be edena bamona? Through his provision of the ransom, Jehovah will help all of his children to become completely righteous. Ia ese mai aonega ida kara idauidau ia karaia, hegeregere ia bona Naomi totona aniani ia abia, to Naomi ena sisiba ia badinaia danu. - Ruta 2: 2, 22, 23; 3: 1 - 6. Iehova ese ena mauri davalaia boubouna amo ena natudia ibounai do ia durua kara maoromaoro taudia ai idia lao totona. " They are no part of the world. " - JOHN 17: 16. Iena lalona bona kudouna ai iena hetura karana Iehova ida ia laloa bada. (Lev. 17: 16. Or will a nation be born all at once? Devon bona Gabriel dekenai idia vara gaudia ese henanadai badana ta ia havaraia, hari inai negai dubu haida dekenai gado idauidau ai hereva karana be Dirava amo eiava? Eiava bese ta be nega tamona do ia vara, a? Another fine example is that of Saul, who became the apostle Paul. Heberu 13: 4 bona 1 Korinto 6: 9 ese idia hahedinaraia Dirava be heudahanai bona sihari kava karadia (Greek, por·neiʹa) ia badu henia. Haheitalai namona ma ta be Saulo, ia be aposetolo Paulo ai ia lao. Soon afterward, the relationship between Pat and me deteriorated, and I took our baby and walked out. Iseda haroro gaukara bona iseda hebouhebou dainai taunimanima ese ita idia itaia diba. Daudau lasi murinai, Pat bona lau huanai ia vara hetura karana ia dika, bona egu beibi lau abia bona lau raka oho. SPANISH July 2 - 4, July 9 - 11, July 23 - 25 Lasi. ENGLISH August 27 - 29 (b) In what way can the law of loving - kindness help a husband safeguard his tongue? Ia vara gauna idia itaia taudia ibounai be idia hoa bada! (b) Edena dala ai hebogahisi - mai - lalokauna ese tau ia durua diba ena malana ia gimaia totona? Such a spirit would cause division; it would not bring peace. Gary ia giroa murinai, ai ese kongrigeisen namona ta ai bamoa, bona lagani 1974 ai bapatiso lau abia. Unai bamona laloa dalana ese hepapahuahu do ia havaraia; maino do ia havaraia lasi. When We Face Injustice Kara dika dainai, Dirava ena hesiai taudia momo be dahaka idia laloa? Kara gageva Ita Davaria Neganai Revelation 6: 5, 6 Mauri davalaia boubouna amo, Iehova ese iena natudia ibounai do ia durua idia be goevadae taudia ai idia lao totona. Apokalupo 6: 5, 6 24: 3. 17: 16. 24: 3. Nearly 4,000 years ago, Esau and his twin brother, Jacob, were born to Isaac and Rebekah. Isaia ia gwau: "Bese ta be nega sisina lalonai do idia havaraia, a? Lagani 4,000 gunanai, Esau bona ena kakana Iakobo be Isako bona Rebeka dekenai idia vara. Adam and Eve did have the freedom to choose whether they would obey God or not. Haheitalai namona ta be Saulo, gabeai ia be aposetolo Paulo ai ia lao. Adamu bona Heva be mai edia ura kwalimu dainai, abia hidi idia karaia Dirava do idia kamonai henia eiava lasi. July 26, 2010 - August 1, 2010 Gabeai, lau bona Pat emai hetura karana ia dika dainai, ia lau rakatania bona emai natuna lau abia. July 26, 2010 - August 1, 2010 Why do true Christians need to resist any temptation to do so? ENGLISH July 30 - August 1 Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia momokanidia ese hedibagani idia dadaraia be namo? 8: 27 - 30. (b) Edena dala ai hebogahisi - mai - lalokauna ese tau do ia durua ena hereva dalana ia naria namonamo totona? 8: 27 - 30. Three of us - Paul Bruun, Raymond Leach, and I - were assigned to the Philippines. Unai bamona kara ese kongregesen do ia hapararaia; maino do ia havaraia lasi. Ai toi - Paul, Lily, bona lau - be Philippines dekenai idia siaia. Then the righteous one will sprout. Kara Gageva Idia Vara Neganai Bena kara maoromaoro tauna do ia tubu. Nonetheless, one Tuesday morning, I began my journey to attend a Christian assembly in Wamblán, a small town in northern Nicaragua. Apokalupo 6: 5, 6 To, daba ta, Tuesday ai, lau laolao matamaia bona Nicaragua ena not kahanai ia noho taoni maragina ta dekenai lau lao. That involves a commitment - you feel an obligation to care about your friend. 24: 3. Unai ena anina be gwauhamata oi karaia - oi mamia emu turana oi naria be namo. Having Jehovah as his share meant more to Asaph than the material sustenance he received as a Levite. Lagani 4,000 gunanai, Rebeka ese hekapa, Esau bona ena tadina Iakobo ia havaraia. Asapa be Levi tauna dainai, Iehova ese ia dekenai ia henia tauanina durua gaudia ia hereaia. Looking closely at Christ's course of faithfulness, which culminated in his sacrifice, will help both anointed Christians and their other sheep companions to continue serving Jehovah faithfully and to avoid " giving out in their souls. ' - Compare Galatians 6: 9. Adamu bona Heva dekenai unai ura kwalimu ia noho abia hidi do idia karaia Dirava do idia badinaia eiava lasi. Keriso ena abidadama dalana, ena boubou gauna, ese horoa Keristani taudia bona mamoe idaudia do ia durua mai abidadama ida Iehova idia hesiai henia noho bona " edia mauri idia gimaia ' noho totona. - Galatia 6: 9 sekea. 1, 2. (a) Why did Moses react as he did when he saw an Egyptian mistreat a Hebrew? July 26, 2010 - August 1, 2010 1, 2. (a) Dahaka dainai Mose ia itaia Aigupito tauna ta ese Aigupito tauna ta ia kara dika henia neganai, Mose be dahaka ia karaia? No, we may not literally forget past mistakes, but we need not constantly berate ourselves for them. Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia idia koikoi lasi be namo? Lasi, reana kerere gunadia do ita laloaboio lasi, to namo lasi idia dainai ita badu. When preaching from house to house, we can use questions to arouse interest, paving the way for us to talk about God's Kingdom. 8: 27 - 30. Ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai ita haroro neganai, henanadai ita gaukaralaia diba Dirava ena Basileia ita herevalaia totona. Did Satan physically take Jesus to the temple to tempt him? Ai toi - lau, Paul Bruun, bona Raymond Leach - be Philippines dekenai idia siaia. Satani be dubu helaga dekenai Iesu ia dibagania, a? Should we conclude, though, that the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great results in the death of all the former members of those religions? Apparently not. Bena unai negai kara maoromaoro tauna do ia tubu. To, ita gwau diba Babulonia Badana idia hadikaia ore neganai, unai tomadiho gunadia ibounai be do idia mase, ani? It adds: "This explanation... was adopted by succeeding Western theologians, and millenarianism in its earlier shape no longer received support. " To, Tuesday dabai egu laolao lau hamatamaia, Nicaragua ena taoni maragina ladana Wamblán dekenai lau lao, Keristani hebouhebou ta ai karaia totona. Ma ia gwau: "Unai hereva... be America tomadiho stadilaia taudia ese idia abia dae, bona guna tomadiho stadilaia taudia ese idia abia dae lasi. " He began to talk about the Bible's hope of a resurrection. Unai ena anina be gwauhamata ta oi karaia - oi abia dae emu maduna be emu turana ena namo do oi laloa badana. Baibel ena helaro toreisi lou dekenai ia herevalaia matamaia. [ Picture on page 21] Unai dainai Asapa ia gwau "lau be hegeregere momokani " neganai, ia be tauanina durua gaudia sibona ia herevalaia lasi. [ Picture on page 21] Hence, it is under the direction of the Governing Body that qualified men are appointed to serve in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Matamana amo, Keriso be mai abidadama ida ena gaukara ia karaia ela bona ia mase. Unai sivarai stadilaia namonamo karana ese horoa Keristani taudia bona mamoe idaudia do ia durua, mai abidadama ida Iehova do idia hesiai henia noho bona do idia " hesiku lasi. ' - Galatia 6: 9 hahegeregerea. Unai dainai, Hakaua Oreana ena hakaua henunai, tatau haida idia abia hidi Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia kongregesen tanobada hegegemadai lalonai hesiai gaukara idia karaia totona. * The father recalls: "I had prayed for Jehovah to protect her. 1, 2. (a) Mose ia itaia Aigupito tauna ta ese Heberu tauna ta ia kara dika henia neganai, dahaka dainai Aigupito tauna ia alaia mase? * Tamana ia gwau: "Iehova lau noia lau do ia gimaia totona. I pray for self - control, though, and this helps to keep my mind from wandering. " Momokani, eda kerere gunadia do ita laloaboio be auka, to namo lasi unai kerere dainai ita lalohisihisi noho. To, sibona egu ura biagua totona lau guriguri, bona unai ese lau ia durua egu lalona lau biagua noho totona. " Peter, Andrew, James, and John paid rapt attention as Jesus cast his prophetic gaze far, far into the future. Ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai haroro gaukara ita karaia neganai, henanadai ita gaukaralaia diba taunimanima edia ura ita habadaia totona, unai amo dala ita kehoa diba Dirava ena Basileia ita herevalaia. Petero, Andrea, Iamesi, bona Ioane ese Iesu ena peroveta herevadia be vaira negana ai do idia vara gaudia idia itaia neganai, idia laloa namonamo. Who of us would heed such a sign? Satani ese Iesu ia dibagania neganai, dubu helaga korikorina dekenai ia hakaua lao, a? Daika ese unai toa do ia badinaia? To do that, we need to guard against negative influences that could cause us not to be alert and vigilant with respect to Jesus ' coming. Emu Lalona Oi Hadibaia Noho Unai ita karaia totona, namona be ita naria namonamo bona Iesu ena mai ita matauraia. The apostle Paul preached extensively throughout the Roman Empire. To, do ita gwau lasi, Babulonia Badana idia hadikaia neganai, tomadiho koikoi taudia ibounai do idia mase. Aposetolo Paulo be Roma Basileia ena gabu momo dekenai ia haroro. A man who could hear the program in his home over the loudspeakers from the assembly site wrote to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses: "I am very happy about the release of this Bible. Unai buka be ma ia gwau: "Unai hereva... be tomadiho stadilaia taudia matamatadia ese idia abia dae, bona ta be Lagani 1,000 Lohia Negana ena lalohadai maorona ia hadibaia lasi. " Hebouhebou gabuna amo unai program ia kamonai tauna ta be Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia brens opesi dekenai revareva ia torea, ia gwau: "Lau moale bada badina inai Baibel idia halasia. Since this varies from one individual to another, the Scriptures do not stipulate an age. Ia ese Baibel amo toreisi lou helarona ia herevalaia. Unai be ta ta edia kara amo ia idau dainai, Baibel ese mauri lagani ta ta ia gwauraia lasi. He supervised temple worship as well as what may be called a temple police force. [ Picture on page 29] Ia ese dubu bona pulisi oreana ia gunalaia. How much that spiritual help was appreciated! Unai dainai, Hakaua Oreana ena hakaua herevadia henunai, lauma dalanai idia goada tadikaka idia abia hidi, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia tanobada hegegemadai kongregesen lalodiai hesiai gaukara idia karaia totona. Unai ese lauma dalanai lau ia durua bada! IN TODAY'S world, few people enjoy waiting for someone or something. It tests their patience. * Tamana ia gwau: "Lau guriguri Iehova ese egu natuna ia naria totona. HARI inai tanobada ai, taunimanima haida sibona be edia haheauka karana dainai hahetoho idia davaria. Walk in it, you people. " To, Iehova lau noia lau do ia durua egu lalona lau biagua totona, unai amo lau duahia gauna sibona lau laloa. " " Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " In the major fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy, "the day of Jehovah " is a period of time characterized by" great tribulation. " Iesu be vaira negana ia perovetalaia neganai, idia be idia kamonai namonamo. Malaki ena peroveta herevana ia guguru negana badana ai, "hisihisi badana " do ia vara. So from the arrangement of the cities of refuge, we learn Jehovah's view of sin, sinners, and repentance. Momokani, Keristani tauna do ia ura lasi unai dala ia badinaia. Unai dainai heau mauri hanuadia amo, Iehova ena lalohadai kara dika, kara dika, bona helalo - kerehai karana dekenai ita dibaia. Although I was just a boy, these men let me accompany them in the preaching work and started me thinking about serving Jehovah full - time. Unai ita karaia totona, gau badana be iseda gima noho karana idia hadikaia gaudia ita dadaraia bona Iesu ena mai ita naria. Ena be lau be mero sibona, to haroro gaukara ai idia lau bamoa bona Iehova lau hesiai henia matamaia. Instead, we pray that Jehovah God will not permit us to succumb when someone tempts us to disobey Him. Ia be Roma ena sitisen ta dainai, ia be mai ena maoro danu. To, bema ta ese ita ia dibagania Iehova ita gwau - edeede henia totona, Iehova Dirava ese ita do ia koua lasi. [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] Tau ta be ena ruma dekenai ia noho bona hebouhebou gabuna ena laud - spika amo program ia kamonai diba, bena Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia brens opesi ia tore henia, ia gwau: "Unai Baibel umui halasia dainai lau moale bada. [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] PAGE 16 Taunimanima ta ta be idauidau dainai, Baibel ese mauri lagani ta ia gwauraia lasi. RAU 16 What do most of the world's religions teach about what happens to us when we die? Ia be dubu ena tomadiho gaukaradia bona dubu ena pulisi taudia edia gaukara ia naria danu. Tanobada ena tomadiho momo ese ita mase neganai dahaka ia vara ita dekenai? 4: 3 - 7. Unai elda ena heduru dainai tadikaka ia moale bada! 4: 3 - 7. (b) What steps must we take prior to baptism? HARI, inai tanobada ai, taunimanima momo be tau ta eiava gau ta idia naria totona idia haheauka diba lasi. (b) Bapatiso ita do abia lasi neganai, dahaka ita karaia be namo? For instance, how genuine was the attachment of Idumaean King Herod - who tried to have the infant Jesus killed - to the divinely inspired Law of Moses? - Matthew 2: 1 - 18. (Isa. Hegeregere, King Heroda - Iesu ia hamasea gwauraia tauna - be edena dala ai ia hahedinaraia ia be Dirava ena lauma amo Mose ena Taravatu ia torea? - Mataio 2: 1 - 18. Jesus resurrected Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, in front of a crowd of mourners - no doubt including the man's family, friends, and neighbors. Malaki ia perovetalaia " Iehova ena dina ' ena hagugurua negana badana ai, "hisihisi bada herea " ese unai nega do ia hahedinaraia. Iesu ese Lasaro, dina foa lalonai ia mase vadaeni tauna, ia hatorea isi lou, hutuma vairanai - unai be tau ena ruma bese, turadia, bona dekena taudia. By setting balanced goals, we have a sense of achievement despite our limitations. Unai dainai unai heau mauri hanuadia amo ita be Iehova ena lalohadai kara dika, kara dika taudia, bona helalo - kerehai karana dekenai ita diba. Bema tahua gaudia namodia ita atoa, do ita mamia iseda goada be mai ena hetoana. Historian Gabriel Audisio explains that their insistence on public preaching became the decisive issue in the church's attitude toward the Waldenses. Ena be lau be mero maragina sibona, to unai taudia idia ura idia lau bamoa haroro gaukara dekenai bona Iehova ena ful - taim hesiai gaukara lau laloa matamaia. Histori torea tauna Gabriel ia gwau, taunimanima momo idia ura haroro gaukara idia karaia dainai, dubu taudia edia lalohadai Waldens taudia dekenai be hepapahuahu badana ai ia lao. So, what compelling reasons are there to attend Christian meetings? Bona namona be ita guriguri Iehova Dirava ese ita do ia gimaia, unai amo hedibagani lalonai do ita moru lasi. Unai dainai, dahaka badina idauidau dainai Keristani heboudia dekenai ita lao be namo? False religion misrepresents God and distorts the teachings of his Word. [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] Tomadiho koikoi ese Dirava ena ladana idia hadikaia bona ena Hereva ena hahediba herevadia idia hagagevaia. Instead, as a punishment, all of the Witnesses were imprisoned in one barracks. RAU 16 To, dibura ruma tamona lalonai idia noho Witnes taudia ibounai be panisi idia abia dainai, dibura ruma tamona lalonai idia atodia. What are some lessons that Jesus taught by using hyperbole? Tomadiho momo idia gwau ita mase neganai dahaka ia vara ita dekenai? Iesu ese hereva aukadia ia gaukaralaia karana amo dahaka ita dibaia? The instructors, curriculum, and practical counsel convinced me of Jehovah's loving concern and of his desire to help me to succeed in my Bethel service. " 4: 3 - 7. Tisa, tisa, bona sisiba namodia ese lau idia durua egu Betele gaukara lau karaia namonamo totona. " In Flanders, in the north of Belgium, people speak the same language as in the Netherlands. (b) Bapatiso ita do abia lasi neganai, dahaka kara haida ita karaia guna be namo? Belgium ena not kahanai, taunimanima be Netherlands gado tamona idia gaukaralaia. Thus they may feel freer to ask for your help if they need some medicine from the pharmacy, or the like. Hegeregere, Idumea tauna King Heroda - beibi Iesu ia hamasea toho tauna - be Dirava ese Mose amo ia henia Taravatu ia badinaia momokani, a? - Mataio 2: 1 - 18. Unai dainai, reana nega bada do idia atoa emu heduru idia noia totona, bema gorere hanamoa muramura ta, eiava unai bamona muramura ta idia abia be namo. She comments: "I poured out my heart to Jehovah and begged him to help me cope with my dreadful loss. " Lasaro be ia mase bona dina foa murinai Iesu ese ia hatorea isi lou, bona idia taitai noho taudia momo be unai idia itaia - reana unai taudia be iena ruma bese taudia, turadia, bona dekena taudia. Ia gwau: "Iehova dekenai egu lalohekwarahi lau gwauraia bona lau noia lau do ia durua egu gorere dikana lau haheaukalaia totona. " Was Paul's exemplar, Jesus Christ, in any way unreliable? Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, ena be gau haida dekenai ita hegeregere lasi, to ita moale badina ma gau haida ita karaia guguru diba. Paulo ena vairana ena toana be Iesu Keriso ese ia gwauraia dalana amo ia idau, a? That means giving careful attention to every facet of Christian life. Histori torea tauna Gabriel Audisio ia gwau Waldens taudia ese taunimanima dekenai idia haroro goadagoada dainai, dubu ese idia ia ura henia lasi. Unai ena anina be Keristani mauri daladia ibounai ita laloa namonamo. I said: " I shall make confession over my transgressions to Jehovah. ' Dahaka badina namodia dainai Keristani heboudia ita lao henidia be namo? Lau gwau: " Lau ese Lohiabada dekenai egu kara dika do lau gwauraia hedinarai. ' From the time he was created, the Son had an intimate relationship with his Father. Tomadiho koikoi ese Dirava ia gwauraia kerere bona iena Hereva lalonai idia noho hahediba herevadia idia hagagevaia. Dirava ese ia havaraia negana amo, Natuna be ena Tamana ida hetura karana namona ia abia. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Unai Witnes taudia panisia totona, idia ibounai be dibura ruma ta dekenai idia atoa. BAIBEL ESE MAURI IA HAIDAUA Jesus wanted his disciples to be moved by their own love of precious truths regarding God, not by dread of their instructor. Iesu ese anina habadaia momokani herevadia ia gaukaralaia karana amo dahaka gaudia haida ia hadibaia? Iesu ia ura ena hahediba taudia be Dirava idia lalokau henia dainai hereva momokani idia ura henia, to edia hadibaia tauna idia gari henia lasi. After his resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples by the Sea of Galilee. Emai tisa taudia, idia hadibaia gaudia bona edia sisiba ese idia hamomokania, Iehova be lau ia lalokau henia bona ia ura lau ia durua egu Betele gaukara lau karaia namonamo. " Iesu ia toreisi lou murinai, Galilea Gohuna ai ena hahediba taudia dekenai ia hedinarai. 15: 1 - 6 - Why did Jehovah plague Azariah (Uzziah, 15: 6, footnote) with leprosy? Flanders, Belgium ena hanua ta dekenai idia herevalaia gado be Netherlands taudia edia gado hegeregerena. 15: 1 - 6 - Dahaka dainai Iehova ia lalohisihisi? When I gave my supervisor my reason for not applying for the position, she commended me for my faith. " Unai dainai, bema muramura hoihoilaia gabuna amo muramura idia abia be namo, eiava unai bamona gauna ma ta ia vara, reana do idia hemarai lasi to oiemu heduru do idia noia. Egu bosi dekenai dagi lau henia lasi ena badina lau henia neganai, egu abidadama dainai lau ia hanamoa. " [ Picture on page 6] Ana ia gwau: "Egu hemami ibounai be Iehova dekenai lau gwauraia bona ia lau noia egu adavana ena mase lau haheaukalaia totona. " [ Picture on page 6] The traveling overseer next asks the person: "Have you ever thought about any of these questions? " Iesu Keriso be gau haida dekenai ia koikoi, a? Loaloa naria tauna ese unai tauna ia nanadaia: "Oi be nega ta unai henanadai ta oi laloa, a? " Stéphane started to study the Bible with me. [ Picture on page 15] Ia be lau ida Baibel ia stadilaia matamaia. Let us see. Anina be iseda mauri lalonai ita karaia gaudia ibounai do ita laloa namonamo be gau badana. Mani ita itaia. Then, Jehovah provided a vivid demonstration of his power. Lau gwau, " Lauegu kerere, be Lohiabada ena vairanai do lau gwauraia hedinarai, ' vadaeni oi ese lauegu kara dika oi gwauatao. " Bena, Iehova ese ena siahu ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ want us to be happy as we perform our sacred service. Tanobada dekenai ia do mai lasi neganai, Iesu be Dirava ese taunimanima ia kara henia dalana ia itaia. Iehova Dirava bona Iesu Keriso idia ura iseda hesiai gaukara helagana ita karaia neganai, do ita moale. Each person should think the matter through. BAIBEL ESE MAURI IA HAIDAUA Namona be idia ta ta ese unai idia laloa. " Nothing can hinder Jehovah from saving by many or by few, " said Jonathan. Iesu ia ura iena hahediba taudia ese edia hadibaia tauna idia gari henia dainai lasi, to Dirava idia hahedinaraia hereva momokanidia idia lalokau henia dainai, kara ta idia karaia. Ionatana ia gwau: "Gau ta ese taunimanima momo eiava haida sibona ese Iehova idia koua diba lasi. " Cease from your own understanding. Have you caused your eyes to glance at it, when it is nothing? Iesu ia toreisi lou murinai, Galilea Gohuna ai ena hahediba taudia dekenai ia hedinarai. Sibona emu diba dekenai oi tabekau dainai, emu matana amo gau ta oi itaia lasi, a? In fact, the Waldensian movement had lost much of its initial zeal centuries earlier. 15: 1 - 6 - Dahaka dainai Iehova ese Usaia dekenai lepera gorerena ia henia? Momokani, Waldens oreana be lagani handred momo gunanai ena haroro goadagoada karana ia haboioa. This marks the end of the period of the Judges and the beginning of the era of human kings. Bona egu bosi dekenai unai dagi lau abia dae lasi ena badina lau herevalaia neganai, ia ese Dirava lau abidadama henia karana ia hanamoa. " Unai ese Hahemaoro Taudia edia nega bona tanobada ena king edia nega ena dokona ia hahedinaraia. That required faith and good works - both absolutely essential to please God and gain everlasting life. - John 3: 16, 35, 36. [ Picture on page 6] Unai dainai abidadama bona kara namodia - gau badana be Dirava ita hamoalea bona mauri hanaihanai ita abia. - Ioane 3: 16, 36. The Hebrew Scriptures contain scores of Messianic prophecies. Loaloa naria tauna ese ruma tauna ia nanadaia: "Oi be nega ta inai henanadai ta oi laloa, a? " Heberu Revarevadia lalonai Mesia idia perovetalaia herevadia momo idia noho. Jehovah had just caused the waters of the Jordan River to be dammed up. Stéphane ese Baibel amo lau ia stadi henia matamaia. Iehova ese Ioridane Sinavaina ena ranu ia bubua sibona. What action would the King of eternity take toward this rebel king and his efforts to thwart God's purpose to "fill the earth "? Namona be unai ita herevalaia. Dahaka do ia karaia unai gwau - edeede king bona ia hekwarahi Dirava ena ura "tanobada ena gabu ibounai dekenai " ia koua totona? Regarding the work among Polish immigrants in France, see the article "Jehovah Brought You to France to Learn the Truth, " in the August 15, 2015, issue of The Watchtower. (Esodo 19: 5, 8) Bena, Iehova ese dala ta ai ena siahu ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. France ai idia noho Poland taudia edia gaukara ia herevalaia neganai, The Watchtower, August 15, 2015, ena atikol ladana "Iehova ese Oi Ia Durua Hereva Momokani Oi Dibaia Totona, " itaia. Of course, they cannot read our minds. Iehova Dirava bona Iesu Keriso idia ura eda hesiai gaukara ita moalelaia. Momokani, iseda lalona idia duahia diba lasi. David, who has also officiated at many weddings, comments: "Grooms may not be used to taking the lead and are commonly not sufficiently involved in the wedding preparations. " Ita ta ta ese unai henanadai ta ta do ita laloa namonamo. Danu, Davida be headava momo lalonai idia vara gaudia ia herevalaia, ia gwau: "Nega momo headava aria hegaegaelaia totona palani idia karaia lasi. " An Invitation to a Special Talk 12: 22) Unai dainai tuari tauna ma ta ia hamaoroa: "Lohiabada ia ura hamauria kara ia karaia neganai, taunimanima momo, o taunimanima momo lasi, be idia koua diba lasi. " Umui Ta Ta Do Umui Hagoadaia Hereva Namona Ta Idia Herevalaia Totona 4: 9. Bema oi be aonega, unai bamona do oi karaia lasi, Badina kohu momo be do idia ore haraga diba, ugava manu ese ena hanina ia abia isi, bona ia roho lao haraga bamona. " 4: 9. Why did she think so? To momokani, Waldens oreana ese matamanai ia hahedinaraia ura badana be lagani handred gunanai ia haboioa vadaeni. Dahaka dainai unai bamona ia laloa? If Jehovah is real to us, how will that be reflected in the personal decisions that we make? Unai nega amo Hahemaoro Taudia edia nega ia doko bona king taudia edia nega ia matamaia. Bema Iehova be ita dekenai ia noho momokani, edena dala ai ita karaia abia hidi ese unai do ia hahedinaraia? It is the gift of God. " Unai bamona ita karaia totona, namona be Iesu ita abidadama henia bona kara namodia ita karaia - unai dala badadia rua amo Dirava ita hamoalea bona mauri hanaihanai ita abia diba. - Ioa. 3: 16, 35, 36. Inai be Dirava ena harihari gauna. " The aim of the aforementioned campaign was to expose this paradox and to highlight the risks implicit in such arbitrary taxation and in proposed laws that would undermine religious freedom for all. Heberu Toretoredia lalonai Mesia ena peroveta herevadia be momo. Unai boiboi herevana idia halasia ena badina badana be unai kara do idia hahedinaraia, bona unai kara dainai idia vara dika idauidau do idia herevalaia, bona idia gwau tomadiho ese taunimanima ibounai dekenai ura kwalimu do ia henia lasi. Amos prophesied primarily against what nation, and what forms of oppression existed there? Oibe, Iehova ese Ioridane Sinavaina ia hakaukaua. Amosa ese edena bese ia perovetalaia, bona edena dala ai dagedage karadia idia vara? Gideon's victory over the Midianites is another account that brings distances to the fore. (Gen. 10: 8 - 12) Noho hanaihanai King, Iehova ia ura taunimanima be "tanobada gabu ibounai dekenai do idia noho, " to Nimiroda ia ura unai palani do ia hadikaia. Iehova be ia dekenai dahaka ia karaia? Gideona ese Midiana taudia ia halusia karana amo gau ma ta ita dibaia. A notable characteristic of the fruitage of the spirit is its stability. Joy, the second aspect we will consider, exemplifies this resilience. France ai idia noho Poland taudia ese idia karaia gaukarana oi diba totona, August 15, 2015, Gima Kohorona, ena atikol ladana, "Iehova ese France Dekenai Umui Ia Mailaia Hereva Momokani Dibaia Totona " itaia. Lauma helaga ena huahua ta be moale, ena kahana iharuana, ese unai ia hahedinaraia. My friend LaVonne overheard this and interjected, "Yes, she is. " Momokani, ita laloa gaudia idia diba lasi. Egu turana be unai hereva ia kamonai bona ia gwau, "Oibe, ia be unai bamona. " Clearly, then, loyal servants of Jehovah - such as David, Solomon, John the Baptizer, and even the perfect man Jesus Christ - displayed modesty. Headava momo ia karaia tauna ma ta, David ia gwau: "Headava tatau be maduna huaia karana idia manadalaia lasi dainai, headava ena palani karaia karana idia durua momokani lasi. " Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iehova ena kamonai hesiai taudia - hegeregere Davida, Solomona, Ioane Bapatiso, bona goevadae tauna Iesu Keriso - be manau karana idia hahedinaraia. Love Righteousness With All Your Heart Inai Spesel Tok Dekenai Oi Ai Boiria Mai Emu Kudouna Ibounai ida Kara Maoromaoro Oi Ura Henia They converse in English and Norwegian. 4: 9. Idia be English bona English gado ai idia hereva. (b) How was Jesus ' parable fulfilled after 1914, and with what result? Dahaka dainai unai bamona ia laloa? (b) Edena dala ai Iesu ena parabole be lagani 1914 murinai ia guguru, bona dahaka ia vara? Daily, Jehovah's people were being arrested and brought before the courts. Bema ita abia dae Iehova be ia noho momokani, abia hidi ita karaia neganai edena bamona unai ia hedinarai? Dina ta ta ai, Iehova ena taunimanima idia dogoatao bona kota vairanai idia hakaua lao. Is Jehovah real to them? Ita ibounai ese iseda gaukara ena anina do ita moalelaia, do ita aniani bona inuinu. Idia dekenai Iehova be ia noho momokani, a? " WHO is God? ' Ai gwauraia vadaeni pepapepa hariharilaia karana ena badina be idia ura unai kara gageva, haida be sibona edia ura hegeregerena takisi moni idia gogoa karana, bona tomadiho dalanai iboudiai edia ura kwalimu idia hadikaia taravatudia ese idia havaraia dika idia hahedinaraia. " DIRAVA be daika? ' An article by the American Psychological Association even suggests that "anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. " Amosa be edena bese dekenai peroveta herevana ia gwauraia, bona unuseniai dahaka kara dika idia karaia? American Association ena hereva ta ese ia hahedinaraia, "taunimanima edia hemami be idauidau, nega momo edia hemami be namo herea. " He also performed a miracle at the request of an army officer, apparently a non - Jew. Gideona ese Midia taudia ia halusia karana be sivarai ma ta, gabu ena daudau ita laloa totona. Danu, ia ese hoa karana ta ia karaia, ami ofesa ta, Iuda lasi tauna ta, ena noinoi dekenai. However, they coped with their problems and led productive lives. Moale be lauma helaga ena huahua ta, bona herevana dahaka hekwakwanai ita davaria, ita moale noho diba. To, edia hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaia bona anina namona idia havaraia. He likely worshiped the moon - god named Sin - a popular deity in Ur. To egu turana ladana LaVonne be emai hereva ia kamonai bena ia gwau, "Oibe, ia be painia. " Toana be unai hua ena dirava ladana Uru - ia tomadiho henia. August 22 - 28, 2011 Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Iehova idia abidadama henia momokani taudia - hegeregere Davida, Solomona, Ioane Bapatiso, bona tau goevadaena Iesu Keriso danu - ese manau idia hahedinaraia. August 22 - 28, 2011 Jehovah then split the sea apart by means of a strong east wind, "converting the sea basin into dry ground. " Mai Kudouna Ibounai ida Kara Maoromaoro Ura Henia Bena Iehova ese davara be ist kahana amo ia hapararaia, unai amo " davara be tano kaukau dekenai ia lao. ' Absolutely not! To idia herevahereva neganai, English bona Norway gado idia gaukaralaia. Lasi! The Witnesses showed me from the Bible why humans on their own can never succeed in completely eliminating injustice and violence. (b) Edena dala ai Iesu ena parabole be lagani 1914 murinai ia guguru, bona dahaka namo ia havaraia? Witnes taudia be Baibel amo lau idia hadibaia dahaka dainai taunimanima ese kara gageva bona dagedage karadia idia haorea diba lasi. Or what if someone - like Diotrephes in the first century - sows seeds of discord? Dina ta ta ai, Iehova ena taunimanima idia dogoatao bona kota vairanai idia abia lao. Eiava bema aposetolo edia negai ia noho Diotrepe bamona, hepapahuahu ena uhe ia hadoa be edena bamona? " I Set the Pattern for You " Idia abia dae Iehova be momokani ia noho, a? " Umui Dekenai Dala Lau Hahedinaraia " Yes, Jehovah God is actively involved in our work as teachers of his Word. " DIRAVA be daika? ' Oibe, Iehova Dirava be ita ia durua iena Hereva hadibaia taudia ai ita lao totona. When Jesus told his listeners to "stop being anxious about [their] lives, " it was the same as telling them to" stop worrying. " American Psychological Association ena atikol ta ia gwau: "Ita badu be kerere lasi, unai be taunimanima edia kara. " Iesu ese kamonai taudia ia hamaoroa " edia mauri idia laloa momo lasi ' neganai, unai be hegeregere idia ia hamaoroa " do idia laloa momo lasi. ' Did the injustices make Joseph bitter? Danu ia ese Iuda lasi ami ofesa tauna ena noinoi dainai hoa karana ta ia karaia. Unai kara gageva dainai Iosepa ia badu, a? 1, 2. To, edia hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaidia bona edia mauri lalonai anina idia havaraia. 1, 2. I find that I must strengthen my personal convictions before I can adequately teach someone else. " Ia be hua diravana Sin - Uru hanua lalonai momo ese idia tomadiho henia diravana unai - ia tomadiho henia. Lau itaia sibona egu diba dekenai lau tabekau be namo, gabeai ma haida lau hadibaia diba. " The apostle Peter urged elders not to be "lording it over those who are God's inheritance, but [to become] examples to the flock. " August 22 - 28, 2011 Aposetolo Petero ese elda taudia ia hagoadaia " Dirava ena harihari gauna idia abia taudia do idia biagua auka lasi, to mamoe oreana dekenai haheitalai namona do idia hahedinaraia. ' [ Picture on page 23] " Hanuaboi ena hora ibounai be lai ia toa, bona davara be tano kaukau Lohiabada ese ia halaoa. [ Picture on page 23] These questions will be answered in the next article. Lasi momokani! Unai henanadai be hereva gabena ese do ia haerelaia. IT HAPPENED in August 1936. The location was the Swaziland Royal Kraal, or compound. Witnes taudia ese Baibel amo idia hahedinaraia dahaka dainai taunimanima be hegeregere lasi kara gageva bona dagedage idia haorea totona. UNAI gabu be August 1936 ai ia noho. In time, he hopes to be spiritually qualified to serve as an overseer. Eiava bema ta be Diotrepe bamona heai ia havaraia, be edena bamona? Gabeai, ia ura lauma dalanai do ia hegeregere bona naria tauna ena maduna do ia abia. At two o'clock in the morning, Witnesses in some congregations begin the distribution outside train stations and factories and then at airports. " Dala Lau Hedinarai Vadaeni Umui Dekenai " Daba rua o'klok ai, Witnes taudia haida be trein bona faktori steiseni murimurinai idia hariharilaia matamaia. Why is walking with God the very best course? Oibe, Iehova Dirava ena Hereva hadibaia gaukarana ita karaia neganai, ita ia durua noho. Dahaka dainai Dirava ida ita raka be dala hereadaena? However, my father had no tolerance for any religion. Iesu be ia idia kamonai henia taudia ia hamaoroa, "namo lasi [edia] mauri totona idia lalohekwarahi, " unai be hegeregere idia ia hamaoroa do idia laloa momo lasi. To, egu tamana be tomadiho ta dainai ia haheauka lasi. But some Jews, and later many non - Jews, took note of these events and evaluated them correctly. Iosepa ese ia davaria dagedage karadia dainai ia badu, a? To Iuda taudia haida, bona gabeai Iuda lasi taudia momo, ese unai sivarai idia kamonai namonamo. God's Word states: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above. " 1, 2. Baibel ia gwau: "Gau namodia ibounai, bona harihari gaudia namodia momokani ibounai, be Dirava dekena amo idia diho mai. " I do not know Jehovah at all and, what is more, I am not going to send Israel away. " Lau davaria, stadi ta lau hadibaia namonamo totona, namona be lau dibaia gaudia lau abidadama henia momokani namonamo guna. " Lau be Lohiabada lau diba lasi, bona gau ma haida danu, lau ese Israela do lau siaia lao lasi. " Why? Aposetolo Petero ese elda taudia dekenai inai sisiba, ia henia: "Mai hekokoroku danu bamona [Dirava ena] orea do umui gunalaia lasi, to emui kara namodia do umui hedinaraia, vadaeni emui kara bamona do idia karaia. " Dahaka dainai? Sudden sharp sounds reverberated like rifle shots. [ Picture on page 23] Mai regena bada ida ipidi edia regena bamona. Learn how we can listen to Jehovah's voice despite interference from Satan and from our own sinful inclinations. Davara Kakakakana 1513 B.C.E. Iesu ia toreisi lou 33 C.E. Ena be Satani bona iseda goevadae lasi tauanina ena ura dikadia ese ita idia hahisia, to Iehova ena gadona ita kamonai dalana do ita dibaia. Is just transferring such a man an example of proper tolerance? AUGUST 1936 ai, Swaziland Royal Kraal o king ena hanua ai gau ta ia vara. Unai bamona tauna be haheauka karana dekenai haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia, a? The unnamed composer of the first psalm begins his inspired song with the words: "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones. " Gabeai, reana elda maduna ia abia diba. Salamo ena ane ginigunana ia torea tauna ia gwau: "Kara dika taudia edia sisiba ia badinaia lasi tauna be ia moale. " What a grand privilege it is to make known God's name so that others may call upon it in order to be saved! - Psalm 83: 18; Romans 10: 13. Kongregesen haida dekenai, Witnes taudia ese dabai 2: 00 a.m. ai, trein steiseni bona faktori bona gabeai peleini diho gabudia dekenai pepapepa idia hariharilaidia matamaia. Dirava ena ladana ita harorolaia be hahenamo badana, unai amo ma haida ese hahemauri do idia abia! - Salamo 83: 18; Roma 10: 13. Unlike myths, the Bible includes names and dates as well as genealogical and geographical details in its historical accounts. Dahaka dainai Dirava ida ita raka be dala hereadaena? Baibel lalonai bese ladadia bona tubudia edia ladadia idia noho lasi, to Baibel ese ia sivarailaia taudia edia ladana ia gwauraia danu. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. To, egu tamana be tomadiho iboudiai ia abia dae lasi. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia karaia. How can we display our gratitude and esteem for the older men - elders, or overseers - in the congregation? To Iuda taudia haida, bona gabeai Iuda lasi taudia momo danu, be unai kara idia itaia bona idia laloa maoromaoro. Edena dala ai elda taudia o elda taudia dekenai iseda tanikiu karana ita hahedinaraia diba? On the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus and his 12 apostles assembled in an upper room in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, commemorating the Israelites ' deliverance from Egypt. Baibel ia gwau: "Gau namodia ibounai, bona harihari gaudia namodia momokani ibounai, be Dirava dekena amo idia diho mai. " Nisan 14, 33 C.E. hanuaboina ai, Iesu bona ena aposetolo taudia 12 be Ierusalema ena atai daiutuna ta dekenai idia hebou, Pasova ariana idia moalelaia totona. Writing to fellow Christians, the apostle Paul described it as a "tutor leading to Christ. " Israela taudia lauegu imana dekena amo dohore lau negea, badina be dahaka? Aposetolo Paulo be Keristani tadikaka ia tore henidia neganai, ia gwau ia be "naria tauna bamona Keriso dekenai ia hakaua mai. " Mother tried to bring us children up by Christian principles. Dahaka dainai? Egu sinana ia ura emai natudia be Keristani hakaua herevadia idia badinaia. No, most did not. Regerege idauidau be ipidi ena regena bamona. Lasi. What points will we consider in this study? Inai stadi ai do ita itaia edena dala ai Iehova ita kamonai henia noho diba, ena be Satani ena koikoi karadia bona iseda ura dikadia ese Iehova kamonai henia karana idia koua toho. Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Although Isaac and Rebekah could not change what Esau had done, God gave them the wisdom, courage, and strength to remain faithful to Him. Unai bamona tauna idia siaia lao gabu ma ta dekenai be haheauka karana ena haheitalai maorona, a? Ena be Isako bona Rebeka ese Esau ena kara idia haidaua diba lasi, to Dirava ese idia dekenai aonega, gari lasi, bona goada ia henia Ia idia badinaia noho totona. We have been given a precious gift - the knowledge of the truth. Ena ladana ita diba lasi tauna ese Salamo ena karoa ginigunana ia torea, ia ese inai hereva amo ena ane ia hamatamaia, ia gwau: "Inai bamona taudia be idia moale momokani: Idia ese kara dika taudia edia sisiba, bona edia laloa idia abia dae lasi. " Ita dekenai harihari gauna namona ta ia henia - hereva momokani ena diba. And when you join in singing a Kingdom song, when you make a comment or handle a student assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School, your contribution adds to our joy. Dirava ena ladana ita hahedinaraia, unai amo ma haida ese iena ladana do idia boiboilaia diba bona do idia mauri be iseda hahenamo badana! - Salamo 83: 18; Roma 10: 13. Bona Basileia anedia oi abia neganai, Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli ai stiuden ta oi hereva henia eiava tok ta oi henia neganai, emu moale oi habadaia. 9: 7. Baibel be gori hegeregeredia lasi, Baibel lalonai be ladana, deit, bese taudia edia ladana edia lista bona gabu ta ta ena idaunegai sivaraidia idia noho. 9: 7. Boldness in speaking up about your beliefs. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia karaia. Oi abia dae gaudia be mai gari lasi ida oi herevalaia. How do you react to hypocrisy? Edena dala ai kongregesen lalonai tatau badadia - elda, eiava naria taudia - totona iseda tanikiu bona hemataurai karana ita hahedinaraia diba? Koikoi karana be edena bamona oi laloa? That view prevailed for many centuries. Nisan 14, 33 C.E. ena hanuaboi ai, Iesu bona ena aposetolo taudia 12 be atai daiutuna Ierusalema dekenai idia hebou, Israela taudia be Aigupito idia rakatania negana ena aria, Pasova, idia karaia totona. Lagani handred momo lalonai unai lalohadai ia kwalimu. What is needed in order for us not to tire out, and what will we consider in this article? Aposetolo Paulo be Keristani taudia ia tore henidia neganai, ia gwau Taravatu be "naria tauna bamona, ia mai bona Keriso ia ginidae. " Ita hesiku lasi totona dahaka ita karaia be namo, bona inai stadi lalonai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Would You Welcome a Visit? BAIBEL ENA HEREVA MOMOKANIDIA LAU DIBAIA MATAMAIA Oi Ura ta ese Oi Ia Vadivadi Henia, A? QUESTION: Do leaders of this religion like to be called by honorific titles and seek prominence in the community, or do they obey Jesus ' command to avoid doing so? Lasi, momo be unai idia karaia lasi. HENANADAI: Inai tomadiho gunalaia taudia idia ura ladana bada idia abia bona dagi ladana bada idia tahua, eiava Iesu ena hahegani idia badinaia unai bamona idia karaia lasi totona, a? By listening, you are acting in a humble way, and the one speaking is being shown respect and loving consideration. Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Bema mai manau ida oi hereva, bona oi hereva henia tauna ese hemataurai bona lalokau ia hahedinaraia. On April 12, 1987, while my wife was preaching in front of our house, a heavy iron door swung shut behind her, hurling her onto the sidewalk, seriously injuring her. Ena be Isako bona Rebeka be Esau ia karaia karana idia haidaua diba lasi, to Dirava ese aonega, boga - auka, bona goada ia henia dainai, idia be Iehova idia badinaia. April 12, 1987 ai, egu adavana be emai ruma vairanai ia haroro noho lalonai, ruma ena iduara badana ta ia koua bona ia raka - lasi. What examples do we have of servants of God who refused to compromise their integrity, and what gave them the strength to do so? Dirava ese ita dekenai dava bada harihari gauna ta ia henia. Dirava idia badinaia lasi taudia edia haheitalai amo dahaka ita dibaia, bona dahaka ese idia ia hagoadaia unai bamona idia karaia totona? Remembering that study is work and requires mental effort, it is also good to adopt an appropriate posture. Bona Basileia anena oi abia, haere oi henia, eiava Tiokratik Haroro Sikuli ai kahana ta oi karaia neganai, kongregesen ena moale oi habadaia. Unai stadi ita karaia totona, namona be ita gaukara goada bona ita laloa namonamo. They came with the idea of serving along with the local brothers, helping them in the preaching work. " 9: 7. Edia lalohadai be unai gabu dekenai idia noho tadikaka ida idia gaukara hebou, haroro gaukara idia durua totona. " What is that? Mai gari lasi ida oi abia dae gaudia oi herevalaia. Unai be dahaka? Talk to them. " Kara koikoi dainai oi be edena bamona oi kara? Idia oi hereva henia. " In June of 2001, a tropical storm caused massive flooding in Texas, U.S.A., damaging thousands of homes, including hundreds of homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Lagani momo lalodiai, momo be unai lalohadai idia abia dae. June 2001 ai, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. dekenai lai gubana ese ruma tausen momo ia hadikaia, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia ruma handred momo danu. (Genesis 11: 10 - 23: 20) Ita hesiku lasi totona dahaka ita karaia be namo? (Genese 11: 10 - 23: 20) TUCSON, AZ (Spanish only), Convention Center, 260 S. Oi Ura ta ese Oi Ia Vadivadi Henia, A? SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Instead, " the wicked surround the righteous, ' circumventing the legal measures intended to protect the innocent. HENANADAI: Inai tomadiho gunalaia taudia idia ura dagi ladadia idia abia bona taunimanima ese idia matauraia bada, a? Eiava Iesu ena sisiba idia badinaia dainai dagi idia tahua lasi, a? To, "kara maoromaoro taudia idia gini goada, ' idia ura kerere lasi taudia idia gimaia. [ Picture on page 24] Paulo be lagani toi mai kahana Efeso dekenai haroro gaukara ia karaia. [ Picture on page 24] 8, 9. Momokani, kamonai namonamo karana be mai anina bada. 8, 9. Who set the most outstanding example of enduring trials, and what helped him to do so? Lagani 1987, April 12 ai, egu adavana be emai ruma vairanai ia haroro neganai, auri iduara metauna ta be ena murinai ia koua, raka gabuna dekenai ia negea diho, bona dika bada ia davaria. Daidia be hahetoho haheaukalaia karana dekenai haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia, bona dahaka ese ia durua unai bamona ia karaia totona? Later, he entered the temple with the blood of the bull, passed through the doors that separated the courtyard from the Holy and then through the curtain separating the Holy from the Most Holy. Edia abidadama idia nega lasi taudia haida be daika, bona edia goada be edeseni amo idia abia? Gabeai, unai boromakau natuna ena rara amo dubu lalonai ia vareai bona Helaga Herea Gabuna amo ia raka - lasi bena Helaga Herea Gabuna amo Helaga Herea Gabuna amo ia hapararaia. An appreciative heart helps us to go on despite any distressing events that we may face. - Eph. 5: 20; read Philippians 4: 6, 7. Ita laloatao stadi be gaukara, bona eda lalona do ita gaukaralaia dainai, namona be eda helai dalana ia namo. Ena be hekwakwanai idauidau ita davaria, to mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida unai ita laloa bada neganai, unai ese ita ia durua ita haheauka totona. - Efe. 5: 20; Filipi 4: 6, 7 duahia. What will we discuss in this article? To idia mai badina idia ura unai gabu ai idia noho tadikaka ida do idia gaukara hebou, bona haroro gaukara do idia durua. " Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Their speech, their actions, their dress, perhaps even their appearance may be somewhat different. Unai be dahaka? Edia hereva dalana, edia dabua toana, bona toana be idau. Consider how the military chiefs in Israel showed their gratitude after an armed conflict with the Midianites. Idia ida ita herevahereva. " Israela ena tuari biaguna badana ese Midiana taudia ia tuari henia murinai, edia tanikiu karana ia hahedinaraia dalana mani ita laloa. Many Christian hosts decide to serve alcoholic drinks only if they can personally oversee what their guests are served or consume. June 2001 ai, lai gubana ese Texas, U.S.A. dekenai abata badana ia havaraia, ruma tausen momo idia hadikaia, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia ruma handred momo danu. Keristani taudia momo be kekero muramura idia inua diba bema edia vadivadi taudia ese idia henia eiava idia ania gaudia idia naria. WHEN someone has done well at an assigned task or has displayed a remarkable Christian quality, he deserves praise. (Genese 11: 10 - 23: 20) Bema ta be gaukara ta ia karaia namonamo eiava Keristani kara namona ta ia hahedinaraia, namona be ia hanamoa. A pink ballot means that a statement resembles something Jesus might have said. LABASA (Sedira) (Fiji gado), Subrail Park, Labasa. Unai ena anina be Iesu ena hereva ta be reana gau ta ida ia hegeregere. By means of the preaching work and by means of holy spirit, Jehovah is drawing sheeplike individuals, "the desirable things of all the nations. " To, "dika taudia ese kara maoromaoro taudia edia dala idia koua noho, " kara maoromaoro taudia durua taravatudia idia laloa maragi. Iehova be haroro gaukara bona lauma helaga amo mamoe bamona taudia ta ta, "bese ibounai edia kohu namodia " unai, ia boiria noho. Yes, he did. [ Picture on page 24] Oibe. Holy spirit also produces in them the fruitage of the spirit - love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self - control. 8, 9. Danu, lauma helaga ese idia ia durua lauma helaga ena huahua - lalokau, moale, maino, haheauka, hebogahisi, kara maoromaoro, abidadama momokani kara, manau, tauanina ena ura koua karana - idia hahedinaraia totona. Even as occurred when the apostles were still present, some fall into a practice of serious sin. Hahetoho haheaukalaia karana dekenai, daika be haheitalai hereadaena, bona dahaka ese ia durua? Aposetolo taudia idia noho neganai danu, haida be kara dika badadia idia karaia. Could you help them find a job as a remote worker to enable them to stay in their assignment? Paulo ia abia dae Keristani taudia ese idia abia dae gaudia be momokani. Idia oi durua diba gaukara ta idia davaria, unai amo edia asainmen idia karaia noho diba, a? Define kindness, and cite examples of it. Ia gwau: "Sivarai Namona dainai, inai kara ibounai lau karaia noho. Hebogahisi namona ita hahedinaraia, bona unai kara dekenai haheitalai namona ita hahedinaraia. Socrates developed a mode of teaching known as the Socratic method. Gabeai, dubu lalonai unai boromakau tau ena rara ia abia vareai, ariara gabuna bona Helaga Gabuna huanai idia noho iduara ia hanaia bona Helaga Gabuna bona Helaga Herea Gabuna ia hapararaia dabua ia hanaia. Tertullian ia ura diba momo ia abia dainai, ia gwau ia be sene taudia edia dala ia badinaia. Why not become better acquainted with them and decide for yourself whether they truly have God's backing? Iehova tanikiu henia karana ese ita ia durua ita haheauka, herevana hekwakwanai badadia idia vara. - Efe. 5: 20; Filipi 4: 6, 7 duahia. Namona be idia oi diba namonamo bona abia hidi oi karaia, bema idia be Dirava ena heduru idia abia eiava lasi. These will be discussed in the following article. Inai stadi ai dahaka do ita herevalaia? Hereva gabena ese unai do ia herevalaia. Jesus was "full of undeserved kindness and truth " and" there was no deception in his mouth. " To, edia kara namodia amo haida ese do idia itaia idia be taunimanima namodia. Iesu be "hebogahisi hereadaena bona hereva momokani dekenai ia honu " bona" iena uduna dekenai koikoi ta ia noho lasi. " The following day, the commander took Paul before the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin. Israela taudia edia sivarai mani ita laloa. Unai dina murinai, tuari biaguna ese Paulo be Iuda taudia edia kota badana, Sanhedrin dekenai, ia hakaua lao. Did she reason that she had been born into the Jewish religious system and that she wanted to remain loyal to the traditions of her forefathers? Keristani taudia momo be kekero muramura idia atoa bema idia sibona ese idia naria bona edia vadivadi taudia dekenai idia henia. Ia laloa ia be Iuda tomadihona lalonai ia vara bona ia ura ena sene taudia edia sene karadia ia badinaia noho, a? As time passes, your experience will grow, and your joy will increase. BEMA ta be oi henia gaukarana ia karaia namonamo o Keristani kara namona ta ia hahedinaraia, ia oi hanamoa be namo. Nega ia hanaia lalonai, emu diba do ia bada ia lao, bona emu moale do ia bada. In the world today, what is one common attitude that we must guard against? Oibe, Dirava ese umui ia gimaia noho hahemauri umui abia totona, unai hahemauri be nega dokona ai do ia hedinarai. Hari inai negai, edena kara ta dainai ita naria namonamo be namo? B. Idia makaia pink gauna anina be unai hereva be Iesu ena hereva bamona. B. • How can Christian youths and adults demonstrate that they treasure their place in God's arrangement? Iehova be haroro gaukara bona lauma helaga amo mamoe bamona taudia, "bese ibounai edia kohu namodia " unai, be ia dekenai ia veria mai. (Hag. • Edena dala ai Keristani matamata taudia bona taunimanima badadia ese idia hahedinaraia Dirava ena dala dekenai edia kahana idia laloa bada? Our attendance gives Jehovah what he deserves. Oibe. Iehova dekenai iseda dabu gaudia ita henia. As such, he was humbly submitting to the authority of the first - century Christian governing body. Danu, lauma helaga be elda taudia ia durua lauma huahua - lalokau, moale, maino, haheauka, bogahisihisi, kara maoromaoro, abidadama momokani kara, manau, bona boga auka - idia havaraia totona. Unai dainai, aposetolo edia negai ia noho Keristani hakaua oreana ena siahu ia matauraia. I immediately recognized the picture, since Grandpa sent me a copy of it well over 50 years ago. Aposetolo edia negai, Keristani taudia haida be kara dikadia haida idia karaia loulou. Maoromaoro unai laulau lau itaia, badina Tubuna tau ese lagani 50 gunanai lau dekenai kopi ta ia siaia. Was the new covenant limited to Jews and Jewish proselytes? Edia asainmen idia moalelaia totona, idia totona moni gaukara ta oi tahua, a? Unai kontraka matamatana be Iuda bona Iuda tomadihona idia abia dae Iuda taudia sibona totona, a? But do money and possessions bring lasting happiness? Hebogahisi karadia haida be dahaka? To moni bona kohu ese moale hanaihanai ia mailaia, a? Megan: You're right - it doesn't seem fair. Ta Ta Ita Laloa Bona Hagoadaia Megan: Oibe. Make sure you witness to him before he leaves. " Socrates ese hadibaia dalana ta ia hamatamaia, idia gwauraia Socrates dalana. Ia do rakatania lasi neganai, ia do umui gwauraia hedinarai. " How did Jesus set an example of submission to God? Namona be idia oi diba namonamo bona oi sibona ese oi itaia idia be momokani Dirava ena heduru idia abia eiava lasi. Edena dala ai Iesu be Dirava ia badinaia? Gregory of Tours ' account, written almost a century later, is viewed as a conscious effort to identify Clovis with Constantine, the first Roman emperor to accept "Christianity. " Hereva gabena ese unai do ia hahedinaraia. Lagani 100 C.E. murinai, Gregory ena sivarai idia torea neganai, idia laloa Clovis bona Constantine, Roma ena Pavapava ginigunana, be "Keristani tomadiho " abia dae totona idia hekwarahi. First, renew your appreciation, that is, refresh your mind regularly as to why you value each truth that Jehovah has taught you, even those you learned many years ago. Iesu be "bogahisihisi kara bona hereva momokani dekenai ia honu momokani " bona" hereva koikoi be nega ta ia gwauraia lasi. " Gau ginigunana be, Iehova ese lagani momo gunanai oi ia hadibaia hereva momokani oi laloa bada ena badina oi laloa lou neganai, unai ese emu lalona ia hagoadaia. Why did Paul make such a statement? Unai dina murinai, tuari biaguna ese Paulo ia hakaua lao Iuda taudia edia kota badana, Sanhedrin dekenai. Dahaka dainai Paulo be unai bamona ia hereva? Last Saturday's hero is next season's has - been. Ia gwau ia be Iuda tomadihona do ia rakatania lasi bona sene karadia do ia karaia noho, badina ia tubu daekau negana amo unai kara ia manadalaia vadaeni, a? Saturday ena ladana namona be gabeai do ia hedinarai. Even when we find ourselves dealing with the same problems over and over again, "let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due time we will reap if we do not tire out. " Lagani idia hanaia lalonai, emu diba haroro gaukara dekenai do ia bada bona do oi moalelaia. Ena be hekwakwanai ita davaria loulou, to " kara namodia ita karaia noho be namo, ita hesiku lasi, badina bema ita manoka lasi, nega korikori ai huahua do ita abia. ' He was the last of eight sons. Hari inai negai, edena bamona karadia dekenai ita naria namonamo? Ia be natudia 8 amo ia be ginigabena. That was where the Jewish religious leaders wanted Jesus to remain forever - lifeless in that tomb. B. Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia idia ura Iesu be do ia noho hanaihanai - unai guri lalonai mauri lasi maurina unai. Allen and countless others have been where you are now and have either cut down on alcohol or have cut it out altogether. • Edena dala ai Keristani taudia maragidia bona badadia ese idia hahedinaraia kongrigeisen ai edia kahana idia moalelaia? Allen bona ma haida be hari oi noho gabuna dekenai idia noho bona alkahol inua karana idia hadokoa eiava idia hadokoa vaitani. WHEN 12 - year - old Jesus courageously spoke to the religious leaders in Jerusalem, "all those listening to him were in constant amazement at his understanding and his answers. " Iehova ita hamoalea. IESU ena mauri lagani be 12 neganai, mai gari lasi ida Ierusalema dekenai tomadiho gunalaia taudia ia hereva henia, "ia idia kamonai henia taudia ibounai be iena diba bona iena haere dekenai idia hoa bada. " Then she asked her mother, "Now that you are baptized, how do you feel? " Mai manau ida Keristani ginigunadia edia nega lalonai ia noho hakaua oreana ena siahu henunai ia gaukara. Bena ena sinana ia nanadaia, "Hari oi bapatiso, emu hemami be edena bamona? " Housework, schoolwork, secular work, shopping, and the like might on the surface seem to have little to do with spiritual concerns. Maoromaoro unai laulau ena toana lau diba, badina lagani 50 mai kahana gunanai Tubuna tau ese unai laulau ta ia siaia lau dekenai. Ruma - ta - ruma - ta gaukara, moni gaukara, sitoa, bona toana be lauma gaudia dekenai gau momo idia hegeregere lasi. The Scriptures urge young people to remember their Creator. Gwauhamata matamatana lalonai be Iuda taudia bona Iuda tomadiho idia abia dae taudia sibona totona, a? Baibel ese matamata taudia ia hagoadaia edia Havaraia Tauna idia laloatao totona. Man of Humility and Courage (Jonah), 1 / 1 To oi laloa moni bona kohu ese moale korikorina ia mailaia, a? Mai Gari Lasi ida Iehova Hesiai Henia, 1 / 15 The "gifts in men " also include members of Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders - all of whom have been appointed by holy spirit. Megan: Henanadai namona. Danu, "harihari gaudia taunimanima dekenai " be Brens Komiti, loaloa naria taudia, bona kongrigeisen elda taudia - idia ibounai be lauma helaga ese ia abia hidi. To allow his intelligent creatures to experience a similar joyful and gratifying feeling of accomplishment, Jehovah has assigned them pleasant and satisfying work. Inai gabu ia do rakatania lasi neganai, ia oi haroro henia be namo. " Iehova ese ena taunimanima dekenai unai bamona moale bona moale mamina ia henia totona, idia dekenai gaukara namona ia henia. What dangers exist when refugees (a) are fleeing? Iesu be edena dala ai Dirava kamonai henia karana ia hahedinaraia? Dahaka dika ia vara diba (a) refiuji taudia idia heau mauri totona? Moreover, we will not compromise or water down our firm adherence to God's standards of righteousness. Lagani 100 murinai, Gregory of Tours ' ia torea sivaraina lalonai ia hekwarahi Clovis bona Constantine, "Keristani tomadiho " ia abia dae Roma king ginigunana, ia hahegeregerea totona. Danu, Dirava ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ita badinaia neganai, do ita gini auka eiava ranu do ita inua lasi. Illustrations can be chosen from many other sources, including animate and inanimate objects, household items, or a current event well - known in the community. Gau ginigunana be, emu laloa bada karana oi hamatamataia, anina be Iehova ese oi dekenai ia hadibaia hereva momokanidia, lagani momo gunanai oi dibaia gaudia danu, oi laloa bada ena badina oi laloa loulou. Haheitalai ma haida, hegeregere mauri lasi gaudia, ruma bese gaudia, eiava hari idia vara gaudia ma haida amo idia abia hidi diba. (a) Who are "the things in the heavens " mentioned by Paul? Dahaka dainai Paulo be unai hereva ia gwauraia? (a) Paulo ese ia herevalaia "guba gaudia " be daidia? Clearly, a change was to occur. Inai lagani ai ia taga tauna be vaira lagani ai ena moni ibounai ia haboioa diba. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, gau ta do ia idau. In the meantime, the damage had been done. Herevana, iseda mauri ai, ita davaria hekwakwanai be idia idau lasi, namona be "ita hesiku lasi kara namodia ita karaia totona, badina bema ita hesiku lasi, nega korikori ai ita ese huahua do ita abia. " To unai ia do vara lasi neganai, unai dika idia vara. Gentile Christians could now become " sharers of the olive's root of fatness. ' - Romans 11: 17. Memero 8 amo ia be dokona. Idau Bese Keristani taudia be " olive ena ramuna ' ai idia lao diba. - Roma 11: 17. That correct perspective is important if we are to keep our eyes on this big issue and take our stand for Jehovah's righteous rule. Iuda tomadiho gunalaia taudia idia ura Iesu be unai guri gabuna dekenai do ia noho hanaihanai. Unai lalohadai maorona ita abia be gau badana, bema unai hepapahuahu badana ita itaia noho bona Iehova ena lohia siahuna ita abia isi. " THE LAMB " OPENS SIX OF THE SEVEN SEALS Allen bona ma haida be guna kekero taudia, to alkahol inua momo karana idia hamaragia o hadokoa vaitani. " EGU " KARA DO IDIA NOHO ' [ Picture on page 31] IERUSALEMA dekenai, lagani 12 merona Iesu be mai gari lasi ida dubu gunalaia taudia danu ia herevahereva neganai, "iena hereva idia kamonai taudia ibounai be iena diba bona iena haere dekenai idia hoa bada. " [ Picture on page 31] After discussing the recommendations with the local body of elders, the circuit overseer has the responsibility of appointing the elders and ministerial servants in the congregations in his circuit. Bena ena sinana ia nanadaia, "Hari oi bapatiso vadaeni dainai, emu mamina be edena bamona? " Sekit naria tauna be elda oreana ida ia herevahereva murinai, kongrigeisen lalonai elda bona hesiai taudia abia hidi ena maduna ia huaia. What choice have Christians made? Badina idia be Dirava hesiai henia gaukaradia lasi. To, iseda hetura karana Iehova ida ia goada totona, namona be dina ta ta ai ita karaia gaudia do ita laloa namonamo. Keristani taudia be dahaka abia hidi idia karaia? We must therefore be resolute in resisting illicit sexual temptations, which are especially common in this immoral world. Baibel ese matamata taudia ia hagoadaia edia Havaraia Tauna idia laloa totona. Unai dainai, namona be inai matabodaga tanobadana lalonai idia vara matabodaga karadia ita dadaraia. Parents can also refer to Bible - based material designed specifically to help them train their children to appreciate the benefits of respecting the authority of the Scriptures. Buruka Taudia Ita Matauraia, 5 / 15 Danu, tama sina ese Baibel idia herevalaia bukadia amo edia natudia idia durua diba, Baibel ena siahu taudia matauraia karana ena namo idia laloa bada totona. (a) The early Christians were advocates of what government? Unai "harihari gaudia, " be Brens Komiti taudia, loaloa naria taudia, bona kongrigeisen elda taudia, idia ibounai be lauma helaga ese ia abia hidi. (a) Keristani taudia ginigunadia be edena gavamani idia laloa bada? What moved one psalmist to compose a heartfelt prayer? Buka haida danu unuseni be boromakau kopina dekena amo idia karaia, idia danu mani oi mailaia. " Dahaka dainai salamo torea tauna ta be mai kudouna ibounai ida ia guriguri? And how can we show our appreciation for having access to God's Word in a language we can understand? 135: 6; Ioa. 5: 17) Iehova ia ura taunimanima bona aneru ese edia gaukara do idia moalelaia danu, unai dainai idia dekenai gaukara namodia ia henia. Bona edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia Dirava ena Hereva be gado ta ai ita lalopararalaia diba? All rights reserved. Refiuji taudia be dahaka dika idia davaria diba (a) idia heau neganai? All rights reserved. 22, 23. (a) Why will a young Christian often make choices that others do not understand? [ Picture on page 19] 22, 23. (a) Dahaka dainai Keristani matamata tauna be ma haida ese idia lalo - pararalaia lasi abia hidi ia karaia diba? Before calling to check on him, my husband and I would pray that Jehovah help us not to respond in kind to angry reactions. Danu, ita ese Dirava ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia ita badinaia goadagoada karana ita rakatania lasi o hamanokaia lasi. Lau bona egu adavana be ia ai do tahua lasi neganai, ai guriguri Iehova ese ai do ia durua ai badu haraga lasi totona. Then I stopped studying, engaging in the ministry, and attending meetings. Gabu idauidau momo amo haheitalai oi abia hidi diba, hegeregere idia mauri bona mauri lasi gaudia amo, ruma gaudia, eiava emu gabu dekenai idia vara gaudia edia sivarai badadia oi gaukaralaia diba. Bena stadi, haroro gaukara, bona hebou lao henia karana lau hadokoa. For your name and for your memorial the desire of the soul has been. " (a) Paulo ese ia gwauraia "guba taudia " be daidia? Badina be umui emui ladana bona emui kudouna dekenai idia noho gaudia ibounai be mai emui ura danu. " Abram's days were active; he had much to do in managing his flocks and his servants. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva unai bese ena gabu be ma ta ese do ia abia. Aberamo ena nega be ia gaukara goada; iena mamoe bona hesiai taudia ia naria namonamo. 1, 2. (a) Why are young Christians winning the fight against wicked spirit forces? To unai idia do hahedinaraia lasi neganai, dika ia vara vadaeni. 1, 2. (a) Dahaka dainai Keristani matamata taudia be lauma dikadia idia tuari henia? The inspired record indicates that Noah's sons were already grown and married when God commanded Noah to build the ark. Idau Bese Keristani taudia be " Iuda taudia danu goada bona mauri namona idia abia nega tamona. ' - Roma 11: 17. Dirava ese Noa ia hagania lagatoi do ia karaia neganai, Noa ena natudia be idia bada vadaeni bona idia headava. While we wait for these momentous events to happen, let us accept direction from those appointed to take the lead in Jehovah's organization. Unai be mai anina bada, bema ita ura Iehova ena kara maoromaoro lohia dalana ita durua. Unai mai anina bada negana ita naria noho lalonai, namona be Iehova ena orea idia gunalaia taudia edia hakaua herevadia ita abia dae. The Israelites were Jehovah's chosen people, and he wanted them to draw close to him. " MAMOE ENA NATUNA " ESE BUKA KOUA TOANA NAMBA 6 IA KEHOA Israela taudia be Iehova ese ia abia hidi besena, bona ia ura ia kahirakahira idia lao. Behind you they will walk; in fetters they will come over, and to you they will bow down. [ Picture on page 31] Oiemu murina dekenai do idia raka; idia be do idia raka hanaia, bona do idia tui diho, bona oi do idia tomadiho henia. Her good conduct can influence him to consider what it is that motivates her to behave in such a fine manner. Unai murinai sekit tauna be elda oreana ida ia herevahereva bona ena sekit lalonai elda bona hesiai taudia matamatadia ia abia hidi. Iena kara namodia dainai, ena lalona ia veria diba kara namodia ia karaia totona. (b) How did the apostle Paul muster up boldness to speak to the Thessalonians? Keristani taudia be dahaka idia karaia vadaeni? (b) Edena dala ai aposetolo Paulo be mai gari lasi ida Tesalonika taudia ia haroro henia? [ Footnote] Unai dainai, ena be taunimanima ibounai be matabodaga karadia idia karaia, to namona be ita hekwarahi matabodaga karadia ita dadaraia totona. [ Footnote] Many are the advantages of having money. (Genese 6: 22; Aonega Herevadia 13: 20; Mataio 6: 33; 1 Korinto 15: 33; Filipi 4: 8, 9) Danu, tama sina ese natudia durua totona idia karaia Baibel idia herevalaia bukadia amo heduru idia abia bena edia natudia idia durua Baibel ena siahu matauraia karana amo idia abia namo idia laloa bada totona. Momo be moni amo namo idia davaria. There are two new nuclear powers. (a) Keristani taudia ginigunadia ese edena gavamani idia abia isi? Tanobada ena niuklia bomu matamatadia rua idia noho. " God is love, " and he wants his servants to serve him out of love. Dahaka ese salamo torea tauna ena lalona ia veria Salamo 83 ia torea totona? " Dirava be lalokau " bona ia ura ena hesiai taudia be lalokau dainai ia idia hesiai henia. The final pages tell of the time when death will be brought to nothing and God will restore Paradise to the earth. Bona Dirava ena Hereva be ita lalopararalaia gado ai ia noho dainai, edena bamona iseda tanikiu karana ita hahedinaraia diba? Rau ginigabena ese mase do ia ore negana bona Dirava ese tanobada Paradaisona do ia havaraia negana ia herevalaia. When clergymen make such comments, they are actually blaming God for the bad things that happen. All rights reserved. Dubu gunalaia taudia be unai bamona idia hereva neganai, idia vara dika dainai Dirava idia gwau - edeede henia. On the other hand, in an exceptional instance, Cornelius and his household were anointed by holy spirit even before they were baptized. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. 22, 23. (a) Dahaka dainai nega momo Keristani tauna matamatana ese ia abia hidi gaudia dainai ma haida idia daradara? To, idia do bapatiso lasi neganai, Korenelio bona ena ruma bese be lauma helaga ese ia horodia. - Kara 10: 44 - 48. What blessing and priceless gift do Jehovah's people enjoy during this "time of the end "? Ia ai do vadivadi henia lasi neganai, lau bona egu adavana be Iehova ena heduru ai noia, unai amo mai badu ida iena hereva do ai haloua lasi. Inai "dokona negana " lalonai, Iehova ena taunimanima be dahaka hahenamo bona dava bada harihari gauna idia moalelaia? 2, 3. Egu stadi karana lau hadokoa, lau haroro lasi, bona hebou lao henia karana lau hadokoa. 2, 3. If we feel that we could improve in this regard, let us pray for Jehovah's holy spirit and then work in harmony with our prayers. Badina aiemai ura momokani be, oiemu ladana be mataurai, bona hanamoa do ia abia. " Bema ita laloa unai kara ita hanamoa diba, namona be Iehova ena lauma helaga totona ita guriguri bona iseda guriguri hegeregerena ita kara. Doing so will surely help us to endure trials. Aberamo ena gaukara be bada; ena animal bona ena hesiai taudia ia naria. Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, ita do ia durua hahetoho ita haheaukalaia totona. (b) Why is setting aside an evening for study essential? 1, 2. (a) Dahaka dainai Keristani matamata taudia be lauma dikadia tuari henia karana amo idia kwalimu noho? (b) Dahaka dainai hanuaboi ai stadi totona ita hegaegae be gau badana? Those Jews of old lacked that, to their detriment. Baibel ia gwau Dirava ese Noa ia hamaoroa lagatoi do ia haginia neganai, Noa ena natudia be idia bada bona idia headava vadaeni. Idaunegai Iuda taudia be unai bamona idia karaia lasi dainai, dika bada idia davaria. How can we benefit from Bible accounts about Abner, Absalom, and Baruch? Unai gaudia ita naria noho lalonai, namona be Iehova ena orea idia gunalaia taudia edia hakaua herevadia ita badinaia. Edena dala ai Baibel lalonai Abesaloma, Abesaloma, bona Baruku edia sivarai ese ita idia durua? This gives them a clean standing before Jehovah and places them under obligation to "cleanse [themselves] of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear. " Israela taudia be Iehova ena abia hidi besena, bona Ia ura idia be ia kahirakahira idia lao. Unai dainai, Iehova vairanai bona gabu idia goeva be gau badana, unai amo " tauanina bona lauma hamiroa karadia ibounai do idia hadokoa, bona Dirava do idia gari henia. ' Jesus ' statement also includes those who mourn because of the detestable conditions that prevail in the earth. Mai edia seini danu, umui emui murinai do idia raka. Iesu ena hereva ma ta be inai: Tanobada ai idia noho kara dikadia dainai idia taitai taudia be dika bada idia davaria dainai idia taitai. Mature Christians recognize that a key to following godly principles is wanting to know how Jehovah feels about a matter. Hahine ena kara namona ese adavana ena lalona ia veria diba, bena tau do ia laloa dahaka dainai ena hahine be kara namodia ia hahedinaraia. Lo Keristani taudia idia diba Dirava ena hakaua herevadia badinaia karana be mai anina bada, badina idia ura Iehova ena hemami gau ta dekenai idia diba. Jews "From Every Nation " at Pentecost 33 C.E.? 12 / 1 (b) Edena dala ai Paulo be goada ia abia Tesalonika taudia ia hereva henia totona? " Umui Ta Ta Do Umui Lalokau Henia, " 12 / 15 What positive aspect is there to the bleak picture presented at 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 3? [ Footnote] Timoteo Iharuana 3: 1 - 3 ese ia herevalaia gau namona ta be dahaka? They merely "wished to preach and teach. " Moni ita abia ena namo be momo. Idia ese " haroro bona hadibaia gaukara ' sibona idia karaia. What if you are still reluctant to throw it out after a year? Niuklia kohudia idia karaia tanodia matamatadia be rua. Bema oi ura lasi lagani ta murinai oi rakatania, dahaka do oi karaia? Let us now examine these. " Dirava be lalokau, " bona ia ura ena hesiai taudia be lalokau dainai ia idia hesiai henia. Mani unai gaudia ita herevalaia. Trusting in Jehovah is not a matter of mere words. To Baibel buka ginigabena be mase do ia ore dalana bona Dirava ese tanobada Paradaisona do ia havaraia dalana ia herevalaia. Iehova abidadama henia karana be hereva sibona amo lasi. Why can it be said that the romantic love between a husband and his wife is blessed? To momokani, dubu gunalaia taudia be unai bamona idia hereva neganai, idia gwau Dirava ese unai dika ia havaraia. Dahaka dainai ita gwau diba tau bona hahine huanai lalokau ia noho be hahenamo badana? Vine, the figurative heart stands for "man's entire mental and moral activity, both the rational and the emotional elements. " Ma danu, Korenelio bona ena ruma bese be bapatiso idia do abia lasi neganai, lauma helaga idia abia. - Kara 10: 44 - 48. Vine, laulau dalanai kudouna be "taunimanima edia lalona bona kara ibounai ia laulaulaia. " The Colonial Center, 801 Lincoln St. Iehova ena taunimanima ese inai "dokona negana " ai dahaka hahenamo bona dava bada harihari gauna idia moalelaia? Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. " To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever. " - REV. 2, 3. " terona dekenai ia helai Diravana bona Mamoe Natuna edia hanamoa bona hairai be do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. " - APOK. Exercising his authority as God's Son, he fearlessly "entered into the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. " Bema ita laloa unai ita hanamoa diba, namona be Iehova ena lauma helaga abia totona ita guriguri bena iseda guriguri hegeregerena ita kara. Ia be Dirava ena Natuna dainai, mai gari lasi ida "Dubu Helaga lalonai ia vareai bona hoihoi taudia ibounai ia lulua, bona moni idia senisia taudia edia pata bona pune manu idia hoihoilaia taudia edia pata ia negea diho. " Still, it is a fight we can win if we trust in Jehovah and make him our secure dwelling. Unai bamona ita karaia neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua hahetoho ita haheaukalaia totona. To, bema Iehova ita abidadama henia bona iseda noho gabuna ita gimaia, ita kwalimu diba. • What lesson do we learn from Jesus ' illustrations of the sparrows and of the numbering of the hairs of our head? (b) Dahaka dainai Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho ita karaia hanaihanai be mai anina bada? • Iesu ena haheitalai amo dahaka ita dibaia? What avenues of preaching are open to us that we may need to explore further? Iuda taudia be Dirava ena hahenamo idia abia lasi dainai, dika idia davaria. Edena dala idauidau ai haroro gaukara ita karaia diba? 55: 22. Abinere, Abesaloma, bona Baruku amo dahaka ita dibaia? 55: 22. Jesus paid his life as the ransom price for mankind. Vadaeni Dirava ena vairanai do idia noho namonamo, mai goeva bona mai gari danu. ' Iesu ese ena mauri ia bouboulaia taunimanima totona. In years past, we have gladly given of our time, energy, and resources to find those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " Iesu ena hereva ese inai tanobada ai idia vara gau dikadia dainai idia lalohisihisi taudia ia herevalaia danu. Idia hanaia laganidia lalonai, mai moale ida iseda nega, goada, bona kohu ita gaukaralaia "mauri hanaihanai idia ura kudou - maoro taudia " ita tahua totona. Be Zealous for Jehovah's House! Lo Keristani taudia idia lalo - parara, Dirava ena hakaua herevadia badinaia dala badana ta be, Iehova ena hemami gau idauidau dekenai idia dibaia be namo. Iehova Ena Ruma Totona Oi Gaukara Goada! That study had a profound spiritual effect on me. Emu Malana Gaukaralaia Namonamo, 12 / 15 Unai stadi karana ese lau ia durua bada. Communication through prayer is the foundation of a close relationship with God. Timoteo Iharuana 3: 1 - 3 ese ia herevalaia gaudia ese edena lalohadai namona ia henia? Guriguri amo herevahereva karana be Dirava tura henia karana ena badina. [ Footnote] Iesu ese unai hereva momokani ia hagugurua bona taunimanima dekenai gau korikorina ai ia halaoa. [ Footnote] By studying it, he gained wisdom, insight, and understanding. Edia "ura badana be haroro bona hadibaia. " Unai buka ia stadilaia neganai, aonega, lalo - parara, bona lalo - parara ia abia. Matthew says that the army officer himself entreated Jesus because the man made his request through the elders, who served as his mouthpiece. To bema lagani ta ia ore bona oi ura lasi unai gauna oi negea, be edena bamona? Mataio ia gwau ami ofesa be Iesu ia noia, badina unai tauna be elda taudia amo ena noinoi gauna ia henia. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand. " - Isa. Namona be hari unai ita herevalaia. Ai be raro bamona, bona oi be raro gaukaralaia tauna bamona, ai be oi ese oi karaia gaudia ibounai edia gaukara. " - Isa. The Bible says: "Fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. Iehova ita abidadama henia karana be uduna amo ita gwauraia herevadia sibona lasi. Baibel ia gwau: "Tamana bona sinana e, emui natudia do umui habadua lasi, to Lohiabada ena hadibaia hereva idia dekenai do umui hadibaia. " - Efeso 6: 4. In addition to the restoration that has resulted in a spiritual paradise today, the time is fast approaching when our planet will become a physical paradise. Dahaka dainai ita gwau diba headava taudia ese idia davaria lalokauna be hahenamo ta? Hari inai negai lauma paradaisona idia hanamoa lou sibona lasi, to iseda tanobada be paradaiso ai do ia lao negana ia mai noho danu. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Vine ese ia torea diksenari ladana An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words ena hereva hegeregerena, laulau dalanai kudouna ena anina be "tau ta ena lalohadai bona kara ibounai, ia badinaia lalohadai bona hemami ibounai. " © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania This updates what was published in the August 15, 1983, Watchtower, pages 14 - 19. " Terona latanai ia helai Tauna bona Mamoe Natuna dekenai, hahenamo, hemataurai, hairai, bona siahu do idia noho ela bona hanaihanai. " - APOK. Unai ese August 15, 1983, Gima Kohorona, rau 14 - 19 ai idia halasia gaudia ia haidaua. It is not the amount we contribute that reflects our gratitude to Jehovah. Ia be Dirava ena Natuna dainai, mai gari lasi ida dubu Helaga dekenai "ia raka vareai, vadaeni unuseni idia hoihoi taudia ibounai ia luludia murimuri dekenai. Moni idia senisia taudia edia pata, bona pune manu idia hoia taudia edia helai gaudia ia bubua. " Ita henia kontribusen ese Iehova tanikiu henia karana ia hahedinaraia lasi. Why must parents help their children to acquire the habit of studying God's Word? To, Satani ita halusia diba, bema Iehova ita abidadama henia bona ia be iseda noho gabuna namona ai ita halaoa. Dahaka dainai tama sina ese edia natudia idia durua Dirava ena Hereva stadilaia karana idia manadalaia totona? The boy thinks about this for a few moments and then asks, "Daddy, who made God? " • Iesu ena haheitalai bisini manu dekenai, bona Dirava ese iseda kwarana ena huina ibounai ia duahia haheitalaina amo dahaka ita dibaia? Unai mero be nega sisina lalonai unai ia laloa bona ia henanadai, "Daika ese Dirava ia karaia? " When the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Lingala was released at the convention, those in the audience literally jumped for joy, and some shed tears. Edena haroro daladia, reana ita do tohoa lasi daladia, ita tahua diba? Unai hebouhebou ai, New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures idia halasia neganai, helai taudia idia moale, bona idia tai. Lessons for Us: 55: 22. Ita Dibaia Gaudia: What is the world's population, and how many are counted as members of certain religions? Iesu ena mauri ia henia, taunimanima edia mauri ena davana karaia totona. Tanobada taudia be dahaka idia karaia noho, bona momo idia gwau tomadiho haida be dahaka? your very enemies are in an uproar; and the very ones intensely hating you have raised their head. Idia hanaia laganidia lalonai, ita be mai moale ida eda nega, goada bona kohu ita henia "mauri hanaihanai idia ura kudou - maoro taudia " ita davaria totona. Oiemu inai taudia be idia boiboi noho, bona oi idia badu henia taudia ese edia kwarana oi abia isi noho. From a military standpoint, that seemed a disastrous move. Iehova Ena Ruma Ita Ura Henia Bada! Tuari taudia edia lalohadai ese dika bada ia havaraia. How is the preaching of the good news connected with God's purpose for humankind? Unai stadi ese egu abidadama ia hagoadaia danu. Edena dala ai sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana ese Dirava ena ura taunimanima totona ia hahedinaraia? Family worship provides opportunity for parents to emphasize the benefits of having spiritual goals. Iseda hetura karana Dirava ida ia goada totona, namona be hanaihanai guriguri amo ia ida ita herevahereva. Ruma bese ena tomadiho negana be nega namona tama sina ese lauma dalanai tahua gaudia idia atoa ena namo idia hahedinaraia totona. Of course, we do not want our meetings to resemble Christendom's church services. [ Footnote] Momokani, ita ura lasi Kerisendom ena dubu taudia edia kara bamona ita karaia. (b) What will enable us to make the right choices and win our fight against discouragement and distractions? Ia be Dirava ena Hereva ia stadilaia dainai, ia aonega bona gau idauidau ia lalopararalaia namonamo. (b) Dahaka ese ita do ia durua abia hidi maorodia ita karaia bona lalomanoka bona lalona veria gaudia ita dadaraia totona? Jesus said that there is happiness both in giving and in receiving. Mataio ia gwau tuari lohia tauna sibona ese Iesu ia noia badina tau badadia amo iena noinoi ia gwauraia, idia be iena gwaukau taudia. Iesu ia gwau henia karana bona abia karana be moale gauna. A United Nations report estimated that every year at least 45 million unborn babies are deliberately aborted. Ai be raro bamona, bona oi be raro gaukaralaia tauna bamona. Oi ese ai oi karaia vadaeni. " - Isa. United Nations ena ripoti ta ia gwau, lagani ta ta ai beibi milioni 45 bamona be mai edia ura ida idia vara. An easy target, Uriah died in the battle, just as David had planned. Baibel ia gwau: "Tamana... e, emui natudia do umui habadua lasi, to Lohiabada ena hadibaia hereva idia dekenai do umui hadibaia. " - Efeso 6: 4. Davida be palani ia karaia hegeregerena, Uria be tuari lalonai ia mase. This information was included in the Scriptures for our benefit. Hari inai negai, hanamoa lou karana dainai lauma paradaiso ia vara, to iseda tanobada be paradaiso korikorina ai do ia lao negana ia kahirakahira momokani danu. Unai hereva be Baibel lalonai idia torea, iseda namo totona. The precious unity described in Ezekiel is clearly evident each year as the anointed remnant and the "other sheep " gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death! © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Esekiela ese ia herevalaia lalotamona karana be lagani ta ta ai horoa orena taudia bona "mamoe idaudia " taudia ese Keriso ena mase laloatao hebouna idia karaia! Moreover, you will learn to have empathy for the one learning Jehovah's ways. Inai diba matamata be August 15, 1983, Watchtower, rau 14 - 19 ai idia halasia herevana amo ia idau. Danu, Iehova ena dala ia dibaia tauna dekenai emu hemami do oi gwauraia hedinarai. However, we did have to " disown ourselves ' to become followers of Christ and wholehearted servants of Jehovah. Ita henia moni ena bada ese iseda tanikiu Iehova dekenai ia hahedinaraia lasi. To, namona be ita hekwarahi Keriso murinai ita raka bona mai iseda kudouna ibounai ida Iehova ita hesiai henia totona. Fittingly, Jehovah's Witnesses willingly render honor to public servants, even as it may be expected and as may be customary in the land. Dahaka dainai tama sina ese natudia idia durua Baibel stadi karana idia manadalaia totona? Unai dainai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be mai edia ura ida taunimanima ibounai dekenai hemataurai idia hahedinaraia, herevana unai tano taudia edia kastom bona kastom be idauidau. Thus, by his miracles, Jesus proved that he and his Father have the desire to undo the pain of sickness and death. Mero be nega sisina unai ia laloa bena ia henanadai, "Tamagu, daika ese Dirava ia karaia? " Unai dainai, Iesu be hoa karadia ia karaia neganai, ia hahedinaraia ia bona ena Tamana idia ura gorere bona mase idia haorea. I have more insight than all my teachers, because I ponder over your reminders. Unai hebouhebou dekenai, New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures be Lingala gado dekenai idia halasia neganai, hebouhebou dekenai idia noho taudia be mai moale bada ida idia roho, bona haida idia tai. Egu diba ese, egu hadibaia taudia ibounai edia diba ia hereaia noho, badina lau ese oiemu hadibaia hereva lau laloa noho. " LIKE a lily among thorny weeds, so is my girl companion among the daughters. " Ita Dibaia Gaudia: " EGU natuna kekeni be ava ginigini huanai ia noho, unai dainai egu turana kekeni be egu turana. " " While men were sleeping, " says Jesus. Tanobada dekenai idia noho taudia edia namba be hida, bona tomadiho idauidau edia namba be hida? Iesu ia gwau: "Taunimanima idia mahuta noho lalonai. " (Read Psalm 19: 7 - 11.) Oi itaia, oi dekenai idia tuari henia gwauraia taudia, ese tuari totona idia toreisi noho. (Salamo 19: 7 - 11 duahia.) FROM OUR COVER Tuari taudia edia lalohadai dekenai, unai be dika do idia davaria dalana. RAU 1 AMO How does he feel about mankind? Edena dala ai haroro gaukara ese Dirava ena ura ia hagugurua? Taunimanima be edena bamona ia lalodia? He said: "You both expressed sympathy for those in prison and joyfully took the plundering of your belongings, knowing you yourselves have a better and an abiding possession. " Ruma bese ena tomadiho ese dala ia kehoa tama sina be natudia idia durua, Iehova kahirakahira idia lao bona Iena hesiai gaukara idia goadalaia totona. Ia gwau: "Umui ruaosi dibura ruma ai idia noho taudia dekenai hebogahisi umui hahedinaraia, bona mai moale ida emui kohu idia dadia taudia umui abia lao, badina umui diba umui be mai emui kohu namona, bona umui be mai emui kohu. " Nathan's story made David furious. Oibe, ita ura lasi iseda hebou be Kerisendom taudia edia hebou bamona. Natana ena sivarai dainai Davida ia badu dikadika. Lyman's daily involvement in her care was an example of devotion that was inspiring to all, especially to those who saw Lyman lovingly pushing the wheelchair on the sidewalks of the neighborhood as Crystal presented The Watchtower and Awake! (b) Dahaka ese ita do ia durua, unai amo abia hidi maorodia ita karaia diba, bona do ita lalomanoka lasi? Lyman be dina ta ta ai ia karaia gaukara amo ia hahedinaraia ia be taunimanima ibounai ia laloa bada, unai dainai Watchtower bona Awake! * Later, while I was still serving as a missionary in Thailand, he asked me to marry him, and I accepted his proposal. Iesu ia gwau, henia karana bona abia karana be mai ena moale. * Gabeai, Thailand ai misinari gaukara lau do karaia noho lalonai, lau ia noia ia lau adavaia totona, bona iena ura lau abia dae. Also, make it your goal to read the entire Bible. United Nations ena ripoti ia gwau lagani iboudiai beibi milioni 45 be mai edia ura ida bogana lalonai idia hamasea. Danu, namona be emu tahua gauna be Baibel ibounai oi duahia. These articles will show how Noah and his family, Moses, and Jeremiah kept themselves ready to carry out their assignments and will become eyewitnesses to the fulfillment of God's promises. To, Uria be ena ruma dekenai ia giroa lasi. Inai stadi rua ese Noa bona ena ruma bese, Mose, bona Ieremia do idia hahedinaraia edena dala ai idia noho hegaegae edia hesiai gaukara idia karaia totona, bona Dirava ena gwauhamata do idia guguru. " Guard your feet whenever you go to the house of the true God, " says Solomon, "and let there be a drawing near to hear. " Unai hereva be Buka Helaga lalonai idia torea iseda namo totona. Solomona ia gwau: "Dirava ena Dubu Helaga dekenai do umui raka vareai neganai, emui aena do umui naria namonamo. (b) What special relationship did Jesus enjoy with Jehovah throughout the course of his ministry on earth? 37: 24, 25) Esekiela ese ia gwauraia lalotamona karana be lagani ta ta ai ita itaia. Oibe, horoa taudia bona "mamoe ma haida " be Keriso ena mase laloatao ena Memorial totona idia hebou neganai unai ita itaia! (b) Iesu be tanobada ai ena hesiai gaukara ibounai lalonai Iehova ida edena bamona hetura karana namona ia moalelaia? Moreover, "the hand of the princes and the deputy rulers has proved to be foremost in this unfaithfulness. " Ma danu, ia ura Iehova ena kara ia dibaia tauna be mai laloparara bona hebogahisi ida oi durua diba. Danu, "King bona lohia taudia edia siahu be bada herea inai abidadama lasi karana dekenai. " Answering his own question, he wrote: "Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! " - Romans 7: 24, 25. To, " sibona eda ura ita laloa lasi, ' bena Iesu murinai ita raka bona mai kudouna ibounai ida Iehova ita hesiai henia. Sibona ena henanadai ia haerelaia neganai, ia gwau: "Iesu Keriso, iseda Lohiabada amo Dirava lau tanikiu henia! " - Roma 7: 24, 25. Psalm 2 has an initial fulfillment in David's day. Unai hegeregerena, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be mai moale ida gavamani ena gaukara taudia dekenai hemataurai idia hahedinaraia. Salamo karoa 2 be nega ginigunana Davida ena negai ia guguru. Yes, he can use imperfect humans to do great works despite their weaknesses. Unai dainai Iesu ena hoa karadia ese ia hamomokania, ia bona iena Tamana idia ura gorere bona mase ese idia havaraia hisihisi do idia haorea. Oibe, ena be goevadae lasi taudia be mai edia manoka gaudia, to ia gaukaralaia diba gaukara badadia ia karaia totona. Consider the example that our Leader set for young ones. Lauegu diba ese, egu hadibaia taudia ibounai edia diba ia hereaia noho, badina be lau ese Dirava ena hadibaia hereva lau laloa noho, ma lau laloa noho. Iseda Hakaua Tauna ese matamata taudia totona ia hahedinaraia haheitalai mani ita laloa. Many blessings await those who enter the full - time service (See paragraphs 11 - 13) " HAHINE edia huanai egu lalokau hahine be, sosana palauapalaua, ava ginigini edia huanai bamona. " Ful - taim hesiai gaukara lalonai idia vareai taudia ese hahenamo momo do idia abia (Paragraf 11 - 13 itaia) You know that Jesus was tortured and impaled. Iesu ia gwau: "Taunimanima idia mahuta neganai. " Oi diba Iesu be hisihisi bona au dekenai idia kokoa kau. So we can be thoroughly confident that if we manifest true faith, he will in our case prove to be a Rewarder. (Salamo 19: 7 - 11 duahia.) Unai dainai ita diba momokani bema abidadama momokanina ita hahedinaraia, ita dekenai davana namona do ia henia. What could I do? RAU MATAMANA AMO Dahaka do lau karaia? We are not serving to impress men by what we accomplish in Jehovah's service. Ia ese taunimanima ia laloa bada, a? Ita be Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai ita karaia gaudia amo taunimanima ita veria lasi. 13, 14. Unai buka ese peroveta taudia, Iesu, bona ena hahediba taudia edia hadibaia daladia ia hahedinaraia. 13, 14. For example, the July 2009 Awake! Ia gwau: "Umui ese dibura ruma lalonai idia koua taudia umui bogahisihisi henidia. Bona emui kohu be haida ese idia dadia neganai, edia kara umui haheaukalaia mai moale danu. Hegeregere, July 2009 Awake! What Is the Key to Success? Dina ta ta iboudiai Lyman ese Crystal ia naria karana be badinaia karana ena haheitalai namona ia idia dibaia taudia ibounai dekenai. Bona Lyman ese mai ena lalokau ida kahirakahira idia noho taudia edia raka lao raka mai daladia dekenai Crystal ena uilisea ia doria bona Crystal ese raka hanai taudia dekenai Watchtower bona Awake! Ita Kwalimu Totona Dahaka be mai Anina Bada? What example did the apostle Paul set for fellow Christians, and what counsel did he give? * Gabeai, lau be Thailand dekenai misinari gaukara lau do karaia lalonai, Allan ese lau ia noia ia lau adavaia totona, bona lau abia dae. Aposetolo Paulo be dahaka haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia Keristani taudia dekenai, bona dahaka sisiba ia henia? The Nephilim were the hybrid offspring of illicit unions between women and materialized renegade angels. - 1 Peter 3: 19, 20. Danu, Baibel ibounai duahia haorea karana be emu tahua gauna ai oi halaoa. Nefilim be hahine bona gwau - edeede anerudia edia natudia. - 1 Petero 3: 19, 20. Like a savage lion, Satan has often made open, frontal attacks by means of violence, imprisonment, or ban. Inai stadi ese do idia hahedinaraia Noa, ena ruma bese, Mose bona Ieremia be idia noho hegaegae Dirava ena ura idia karaia totona, bona idia ese Dirava ena gwauhamata idia guguru negana idia itaia. Satani be laiona mai ena dagedage bamona, nega momo dagedage karadia, dibura rumadia, eiava gavamani ese idia koua dagedage karadia amo dala ia kehoa. 4, 5. Hadibaia hereva kamonai totona do oi raka vareai be namo. " 4, 5. Within a year of leaving home to work in the Customs and Excise office in London, I felt that I could not fulfill my dedication to God by continuing in the civil service. (b) Tanobada dekenai ena hesiai gaukara ia karaia negana ibounai lalonai Iesu ena hetura karana Iehova ida be edena bamona? Lagani ta lalonai, London ena hanua maragidia bona maragidia dekenai egu ruma dekenai lau giroa lou neganai, lau mamia egu gwauhamata Dirava dekenai lau hagugurua diba lasi. Excuses, 10 / 15 Ma danu, "inai kara dika idia karaia guna taudia be lohia taudia bona taunimanima gunalaia taudia. " Matamata Taudia E, Umui Goada Umui Lao, 10 / 15 The same is true of Jonah. Sibona be unai henanadai ena haere ia henia neganai, ia gwau: "Dirava lau tanikiu henia, ia ese lau ia hamauria, Iesu Keriso dekena amo. " - Roma 7: 24, 25. Iona dekenai unai bamona ia vara danu. When Written, 6 / 1 Salamo 2 ia guguru negana ginigunana be Davida ia lohia neganai. Iehova ese Oi Ia Durua Dalana, 6 / 15 How easy it would have been for Abram to feel bitter about his situation! Rather, he took practical steps to provide for his family. Oibe, herevana ita goevadae lasi bona eda manoka gaudia be dahaka, to Iehova be ita ia gaukaralaia diba Iena gaukara ita hagugurua totona. Aberamo ia lalohisihisi bada, to dala ia karaia ena ruma bese ia naria totona. Thus we display unselfish love for God and for our neighbor. Iseda Hakaua Tauna ese matamata taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia haheitalai mani oi laloa. Unai amo ita hahedinaraia Dirava bona iseda dekena taudia ita lalokau henia. ; Manning, C. Ful - taim hesiai gaukara idia ura karaia taudia be hahenamo momo do idia abia (Paragraf 11 - 13 itaia) ; lalona veria dalanai, C. What inestimable privilege should we not forget? Oi diba Iesu idia hahisia bona au dekenai idia hamasea. Dahaka hahenamo badana ita laloaboio lasi be namo? As you show respect for others and take a personal interest in them, it is more likely that they will respond in kind. (Isa. 55: 11) Unai dainai, ita diba momokani bema Dirava ita abidadama henia, ia ese ita dekenai davana namona do ia henia. Ma haida oi matauraia bona edia namo oi laloa bada neganai, unai ese idia do ia durua kara namodia idia karaia totona. Brothers Albert Schroeder and Maxwell Friend were two of our instructors, and our class of 108 students included 40 anointed ones. Dahaka do lau karaia? Albert Schroeder bona Maxwell be emai tisa taudia rua, bona emai klas taudia ibounai be 40. When faced with difficulties and problems, let us not fixate on what may appear to have been positive things in the past - perhaps even before we came to a knowledge of the truth. Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai ita karaia gaudia be taunimanima ese idia itaia totona ita karaia lasi. Hekwakwanai bona hekwakwanai ita davaria neganai, namo lasi guna hereva momokani ita do diba lasi neganai idia vara gaudia ita laloa loulou. In 1955, I attended international conventions in Germany, France, and England. 13, 14. Lagani 1955 ai, Germany, France, bona England ena intanesinol hebouhebou dekenai lau lao. I step forward with an outstretched hand. Hegeregere, July 2009 Awake! Lau moale badina egu imana lau gaukaralaia namonamo. The beauty of the surroundings paled in comparison with the radiant joy on the faces of those present. Kwalimu Ena Ki be Dahaka? Unai gabu ena hairai be hari idia noho taudia ese idia moalelaia moalena ida ia hahegeregerea. Barry and Heidi have five children. Edena dala ai Paulo be haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia ena Keristani tadikaka totona? Barry bona Ramon edia natudia be faiv. She died the same day as those perverted inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Taunimanima ai idia lao gwau - edeede anerudia be hahine danu idia mahuta hebou, bona Nefilim natudia idia havaraia. - 1 Petero 3: 19, 20. Sodoma bona Gomora taudia be dina tamona lalonai idia mase. (Read Luke 14: 27 - 30.) Laiona hegeregerena, Satani ese gavamani ia gaukaralaia iseda haroro gaukara idia taravatua, dibura ruma ai ita idia atoa, eiava iseda inai taudia ese ita idia dagedage henia. (Sal. (Luka 14: 27 - 30 duahia.) Here, Jehovah protects people who say, in effect: " You are my God in whom I will trust. ' 4, 5. Unuseniai, Iehova ese taunimanima ia gimaia, idia gwau: " Oi be egu Dirava, lau ese oi do lau abidadama henia. ' What is the key to our Christian unity? Ruma lau rakatania bena kahirakahira lagani ta London dekenai Customs bona Excise opesi ai lau gaukara murinai, lau mamia bema gavamani gaukarana lau karaia noho egu gwauhamata Iehova dekenai do lau hagugurua lasi. Iseda Keristani lalotamona karana dekenai, dahaka be mai anina bada? Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Not Use the Cross in Worship? Grenada, 10 / 1 Dahaka Dainai Iehova Ena Witnes Taudia ese Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho Idia Gaukaralaia Lasi? While most cultures offer some examples of virtue, at least in their mythological heroes and stories, the Bible contains abundant true examples. Iona dekenai unai be momokani danu. Ena be tano momo dekenai kara namo ena haheitalai haida idia gwauraia, to edia gori sivaraidia bona gori sivaraidia be momo, to Baibel lalonai haheitalai namodia momo idia noho. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Aberamo ese ena noho dalana dainai ia maumau lasi, to dala ia tahua ena ruma bese ia naria totona! STADI EDIA BADINA When was the last time that I gave sincere commendation to a family member or a fellow believer? ' GAUKARA ITA KARAIA NAMONAMO BE MAI ANINA BADA Edena negai ruma bese tauna ta o tadikaka ta dekenai hanamoa hereva lau gwauraia? ' Even so, few would ever see some of the stunning works they produced. ; Manning, C. To, taunimanima haida sibona ese idia karaia hoa karadia haida do idia itaia. Many cards that I now cherish included verses from the Bible. " Dahaka hahenamo badana ita laloaboio lasi be namo? Hari lau moalelaia kadi momo lalonai be Baibel siri haida idia noho. " Then they develop into plants that sprout heads of grain. Tadikaka Albert Schroeder bona Maxwell Friend be emai hadibaia taudia rua, bona emai klas taudia ibounai 108 amo 40 be horoa taudia. Bena uiti tubutubu gaudia ai idia tubu. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have an active share in a work that had its beginning in the first century. Hekwakwanai idia vara neganai, namo lasi ita gwau, guna hereva momokani ita do diba lasi neganai, mauri be namo herea. Ita be Iehova ena Witnes taudia dainai, aposetolo edia negai ia matamaia gaukarana ita durua noho. Give examples. Lagani 1955 ai, Germany, France, bona England dekenai, intanesinol hebouheboudia totona lau lao. Haheitalai gwauraia. He rejected Saul for his disobedience. Lau raka lao ia lau hedavari henia totona. Ia ese Saulo ena kamonai lasi karana dainai ia dadaraia. To enjoy true happiness, of course, we must walk in God's law and observe his orders. Unai gabu ai idia noho taudia edia moale toadia ena hairai ese unai gabu ena hairai ia hereaia. Momokani, moale korikori ita davaria totona, Dirava ena taravatu hegeregerena ita raka bona ena oda ita badinaia be namo. Even when near exhaustion, they drop the food into the gaping beaks of their hatchlings, who swallow it and usually clamor for more. Barry bona Heidi edia natudia be 5. Ena be idia hesiku bada, to aniani be edia aniani ena bada hegeregerena lasi, bona nega momo unai aniani ia ania bona ia namo lou diba. What changes in speech and conduct may we need to make? Mani oi laloa, Sodoma bona Gomora taudia idia mase dinana ai, ia danu ia mase. Edena dala ai iseda hereva bona kara ita haidaua be namo? As a result, the millions living there are rather isolated, mostly unaffected by events and developments outside their territory. (Luka 14: 27 - 30 duahia.) Unai dainai, taunimanima milioni momo be edia teritori ai idia vara gaudia bona idia vara gaudia dainai idia noho lasi. He mustered up the courage to follow Scriptural advice, and he spoke with his friend Leonardo, asking what he had done to upset him. Inai hereva, " iseda Dirava, ita abidadama henia ' idia gwauraia taudia be Iehova ese do ia gimaia. Mai gari lasi ida Baibel ena sisiba ia badinaia, bona ena turana Leonardo ida ia herevahereva, bona ia nanadaia dahaka ia karaia dainai ia lalohisihisi. She died in 2005, at the age of 98. Lalotamona ia noho totona lalokau be mai anina bada. Lagani 2005 ai, ena mauri lagani be 98 neganai ia mase. If a person sees the truth about God's purposes, he can then begin to cast off false religious ideas and cleanse himself of unclean practices. Dahaka Dainai Iehova Ena Witnes Taudia be Edia Tomadiho Lalonai Korosi Idia Gaukaralaia Lasi? Bema ta be Dirava ena ura dekenai hereva momokani ia itaia, gabeai tomadiho koikoi edia hahediba herevadia do ia dadaraia bona miro karadia do ia karaia lasi. Such a dilemma is not entirely imaginary. Ena be tano idauidau ai kara namo taudia edia haheitalai haida idia gwauraia, reana edia gori sivarai taudia be unai bamona, to Baibel lalonai taunimanima korikoridia edia haheitalai momo idia noho. Unai bamona hekwakwanai be nega momo ia vara lasi. Jesus was reviled while suffering on the torture stake, for Matthew reports: "The passersby began speaking abusively of him, wagging their heads and saying: " O you would - be thrower - down of the temple and builder of it in three days, save yourself! STADI EDIA BADINA Iesu be au dekenai hisihisi ia abia neganai, ia hereva dika henia, badina Mataio ia gwau: "Idia raka hanai taudia ese ia dekenai idia hereva dika, edia kwarana idia atoa diho, bona idia gwau, " Umui be Dubu Helaga umui haginia, bona dina toi murinai umui ese do umui hamauria! So when someone rejects belief in God, is he not simply exchanging one type of faith for another? Egu famili eiava kongrigeisen ai ta ese gaukara namona ia karaia dainai, ia dekenai hanamoa herevana lau gwauraia, a? ' Unai dainai ta ese Dirava ia abidadama henia lasi neganai, ia be abidadama tamona tauna sibona lasi, ani? I have lived honestly ever since. 31: 1 - 11) Idia karaia gau namodia be momo ese idia itaia lasi. Unai nega amo ema bona hari, lau be mai momokani ida lau noho. As we study the Scriptures and endeavor to apply what we learn, Jehovah's spirit helps us to grow in wisdom, discernment, understanding, knowledge, judgment, and thinking ability. Lau dekenai idia noho kadi momo lalonai Baibel ena siri namodia idia noho. " Baibel ita stadilaia bona ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia neganai, Iehova ena lauma helaga ese ita ia durua aonega, laloa kehoa, laloa kehoa, bona laloa maoromaoro karana ita habadaia totona. 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. Bema medu ia diho, ia hadoa gaudia be idia tubu daekau bona rau idia atoa. 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. Polish brothers and sisters in France on their way to a convention. Ita Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese ita karaia gaukarana be aposetolo taudia edia nega amo ia matamaia. France ai Poland tadikaka taihu be hebouhebou ta dekenai idia lao. Jesus said: "The one who has endured to the end [the end of his present life or the end of this wicked system of things] will be saved. " Haheitalai ta gwauraia. Iesu ia gwau: "Ia haheauka ela bona dokona tauna be do ia mauri. " We do not try to go it alone, and we do not ignore that appointment, for we trust in Jehovah's arrangement. Saulo ena gwau - edeede karana dainai, ena king dagina ia kokia. Namo lasi ita sibona ita noho, bona unai abia hidi ita dadaraia, badina Iehova ena dala ita abidadama henia. (b) Relate an experience showing the folly of disregarding Jehovah's laws and principles. To momokani, moale korikorina ita mamia totona, Dirava ena taravatu hegeregerena ita raka bona iena oda ita badinadia be gau badana. (b) Iehova ena taravatu bona hakaua herevadia badinaia lasi karana ena ekspiriens ta oi gwauraia. What form of sacred service have many young people enjoyed? Ena be idia hesiku bada vadaeni, to aniani be edia natudia edia uduna ai idia atoa, bona natudia be unai aniani idia hadonoa bona nega momo aniani ma haida totona idia taitai. Matamata taudia momo be edena hesiai gaukara helagana idia moalelaia? Jesus ' view of recognition was obviously very different from that of others. Iseda hereva bona kara haida ita haidaua be gau badana, a? Iesu ena lalohadai hanamoa karana dekenai be ma haida edia amo ia idau. Spurred on by the urgency of the times and concern for his loved ones, however, he went home. Unai dainai, idia vara gaudia bona kara matamatadia ese unuseniai idia noho taunimanima milioni haida edia mauri idia haidaua lasi. To, karaharaga ena lalokau taudia ia laloa bada dainai, edia ruma dekenai ia lao. Leaving one's hereditary possession and moving into Jerusalem involved personal expense and some disadvantages. Ena lalona ia hagoadaia Baibel ena sisiba do ia badinaia, bona ena turana Leonardo ida ia kiki, ia nanadaia dahaka ia karaia ia habadua totona. Ta ese ena tano ia rakatania bona Ierusalema dekenai ia lao, sibona ena moni bona gau haida karaia totona. (b) What is worth more to God than sacrifices and offerings? Lagani 2005 ai ena mauri lagani be 98 neganai ia mase. (b) Dirava dekenai boubou gaudia bona harihari gaudia edia namo ese dahaka namo ia hereaia? While not equal in experience or ability, Governing Body members would be equal in responsibility. Bema tau ta be Dirava ena ura ia hahedinaraia hereva momokanina ia dibaia, ia ese tomadiho koikoi ena lalohadai idauidau do ia negea bona kara mirodia amo sibona do ia hagoevaia diba. Ena be gau haida dekenai iseda diba be hegeregere lasi, to Hakaua Oreana taudia be mai edia maduna danu. Paul's coworker Silas was a source of encouragement. Unai bamona hekwakwanai ia vara momokani diba. Paulo ena gaukara turana Sila be goada tauna. Do we share Jesus ' view of those who have become set in their lawless course? Iesu be hisihisi auna dekenai ia noho neganai, taunimanima ese idia hereva dika henia. Mataio ia gwau: "Idia raka hanai taudia be ia idia hereva dika henia bona edia kwarana idia davea, idia gwau: " Oi gwau dubu helaga do oi hadikaia bona dina toi lalonai do oi haginia lou, vadaeni oi sibona oi hamauria! Iesu ena lalohadai taravatu utua karadia lalonai idia vareai taudia dekenai ita abia dae, a? Because those pagan astrologers gave the family such costly gifts, they now had assets that might help them in the sojourn ahead. Unai dainai, ta be Dirava abidadama henia karana ia dadaraia neganai, unai be hegeregere abidadama ta ia rakatania bona ma ta ia abia dae, ani? Unai hisiu stadilaia babalau taudia ese ruma bese dekenai unai dava bada harihari gaudia idia henia dainai, hari idia be mai edia kohu namodia vaira negana ai idia do ia durua totona. How can children be helped to develop good study habits? Unai nega amo lau be mai kara maoromaoro ida lau noho. Edena dala ai natudia ita durua diba stadi namonamo karana idia habadaia totona? Yet, even though we are active in the congregation, we still need to be aware of a potential risk to our heart condition. Ena be unai king 4 be idia kerere, to Iehova ese idia ia lalonamo henia, badina ia itaia idia be mai kudouna ibounai ida ia idia hesiai henia. Ena be kongrigeisen lalonai ita goada ita lao, to namona be ita diba dahaka gaudia ese iseda kudouna idia hadikaia diba. Urgency and Zeal Compared How may zeal be described? Baibel ita stadilaia bona ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia totona ita hekwarahi neganai, Iehova ena lauma helaga ese ita do ia durua aonega, laloa kehoa, laloparara, diba, hahemaoro karadia ita habadaia totona. Iseda haroro gaukara ita goadalaia totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? (Read Luke 17: 24 - 29.) It is of interest to note that Matthew 24: 23 - 27 directly links the same point with the sign of Christ's presence. 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. Ita moale badina ita itaia Mataio 24: 23 - 27 ese Keriso ena noho negana ena toana ia herevalaia danu. Although Jesus was perfect and his parents were imperfect, as a child he obeyed them. Poland tadikaka bona taihu France ai be hebouhebou dekenai idia lao. Ena be Iesu be goevadae bona ena tama sina be goevadae lasi, to ia ese idia ia kamonai henia. " I was amazed, " he says. Iesu ia gwau: "To ia haheauka ela bona dokona tauna [ela bona ia mase o ela bona inai tanobada dokona] be do ia mauri. " Ia gwau: "Lau hoa bada. Develop and Maintain the Pioneer Spirit Ita ura lasi sibona eda ura dekenai ita kara, eiava ia abia hidi taudia ita dadaraia, badina Iehova ese ia abia hidi dalana ita abidadama henia. Painia Gaukara Oi Hanamoa Bona Karaia Noho Regarding those who would enjoy that restoration of true worship, Zephaniah foretold that Jehovah would save them and rejoice over them. (b) Iehova ena taravatu bona hakaua herevadia badinaia lasi karana ese ia havaraia dika ena ekspiriens ta gwauraia. Sepanaia ese tomadiho momokani haginia lou karana idia moalelaia taudia ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau Iehova ese idia do ia hamauria bona idia do ia hamoalea. There is virtually nothing that people have been through that these king - priests have not also experienced. Matamata taudia ese edena hesiai gaukara idia moalelaia? Unai king ena hahelaga taudia be gau ta idia diba lasi. " Safeguard Your Heart " Iesu ese ta hanamoa karana ia laloa dalana be haida ese idia laloa dalana amo ia idau. " Oiemu Kudouna Oi Gimaia " Scriptural Questions Answered: To unai tauna ia diba nega dokona ai ita noho bona ena lalokau taudia ia laloa bada dainai, ena tano dekenai ia giroa lou. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: On the basis of Christ's sacrifice, Jehovah forgives the sins of those who exercise faith. Tau ta ese ena bese ena kohu ia rakatania bona Ierusalema dekenai ia lao neganai, ena laolao ena davana be sibona do ia karaia bona reana dika ia davaria diba. Keriso ena boubou dainai, Iehova ese abidadama taudia edia kara dika ia gwauatao. " There is no answer from God, " as far as they are concerned. (b) Gabua boubou bona boubou gaudia be Iehova ese ia laloa bada lasi, to dahaka ia laloa bada? Idia laloa momo hegeregerena, "Dirava ese haere ta do ia henia lasi. " As Jehovah's slave, the house of Israel was neither faithful nor discreet. Ena be Hakaua Oreana taudia edia diba be idauidau, to edia maduna be hegeregere. Israela taudia be Iehova ena hesiai taudia dainai, idia be kamonai bona kara maoromaoro taudia lasi. What can we do? Paulo ia bamoa tauna Sila be ma haida ia hagoadaia. Dahaka ita karaia diba? When she told me that she and her husband were Jehovah's Witnesses, I was delighted. Ita be Iesu bamona, edia kara dika amo idia helalo - kerehai lasi taudia ita bamoa lasi, a? Lau ia hamaoroa ia bona ena adavana be Iehova ena Witnes taudia neganai, lau moale bada. Imagine the pain of one young wife when she learned that her Christian husband had been unfaithful to her while working overseas. Unai hisiu stadilaia babalau taudia ese dava bada kohudia idia henia dainai, Iosepa bona ena famili be idia hegeregere Aigupito ai idia noho bona sibona idia naria totona. Mani oi laloa, hahine matamata ta ia kamonai ena Keristani adavana be tano ma ta dekenai ia gaukara neganai, ia lalohisihisi bada. Satan's world is making a mockery of the role of husband and father. Edena dala ai tama sina ese natudia idia durua Baibel stadilaia namonamo karana do idia manadalaia totona? Satani ena tanobada ese tau bona ena tamana edia gaukara ia kirikirilaia. In 1996, as I sat at his bedside, holding his hand and crying bitterly, I told him how sorry I was for all that I had done and that I loved him so much. Ena be Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai ita bisi, to namona be ita naria namonamo gau haida ese iseda hesiai gaukara idia hadikaia garina. Lagani 1996 ai, ena bedi badinai lau helai bona lau tai dikadika, to lau hamaoroa lau karaia gaudia ibounai dainai lau sori bona ia lau lalokau henia bada. On what basis do we draw this conclusion? Iesu ena kara ese dahaka ia hahedinaraia? Dahaka dainai unai bamona ita hereva? Picture the seaside scene that we read about at Luke 5: 1 - 11. Mani oi laloa, Mataio 24: 23 - 27 ena sivarai lalonai Iesu be ena noho negana ena toana ia herevalaia neganai, unai hereva ia gwauraia lou. Mani Luka 5: 1 - 11 ai ia noho davara oi laloa. What does it mean to walk in Jehovah's name? Herevana Iesu be goevadae bona ena tama sina be goevadae lasi taudia, to Iesu be idia ia kamonai henia. Iehova ena ladana ai ita raka ena anina be dahaka? It really makes it easy to understand what I am reading. Matamanai ita herevalaia tauna, Amit, ia ura Baibel ia tahua namonamo. Lau duahia gauna lau lalopararalaia be auka. When Jerusalem falls 18 months later, Ezekiel's message once again takes on a new theme: the glorious restoration of true worship. Painia Urana Habadaia Bona Dogoatao noho Hua 18 murinai, Ierusalema ia moru neganai, Esekiela ese hereva matamata ta ia gwauraia lou: Tomadiho momokani haginia lou gaukarana. I do not take credit for these changes in my personality. Rather, I believe that they are testimony to the transforming power of the Bible. - Hebrews 4: 12. Sepanaia ena peroveta herevana amo ia hahedinaraia Iehova ena tomadiho momokani do idia haginia taudia be ia ese do ia hamauridia bona idia dekenai do ia moale. Egu kara lau hanamoa lasi, to lau abia dae idia ese Baibel ena siahu idia hahedinaraia. - Heberu 4: 12. Now they were assured that the sacrifices they had made thus far had not been in vain. Taunimanima dekenai idia vara gaudia ibounai be unai king bona hahelaga taudia idia mamia vadaeni gaudia. Hari idia diba idia karaia boubou gaudia be anina lasi. • Which fear will never be done away with, and why? Taunimanima ese tau ena toana idia itaia, to Lohiabada ese tau ena kudouna ia itaia. " • Edena gari karana be do ia ore lasi, bona dahaka dainai? Paul urged his fellow believers: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Baibel Henanadaidia Edia Haere: Paulo ese ena tadikaka ia hagoadaia: "Umui ta ta do umui lalokau henia, tadikaka edia lalokau ta ta dekenai bamona. Putting forth conscientious effort to cultivate these qualities will help us to be "more likable both from Jehovah's standpoint and from that of men. " Keriso ese ia henia boubou gauna amo Iehova ese abidadama taudia edia kara dika ia gwauatao. Bema ita gaukara goada unai kara namodia ita hahedinaraia totona, unai ese ita do ia durua " Iehova ena lalohadai bona taunimanima edia lalohadai ita abia dae ' totona. When preparing for Christian meetings, we do well to look up the cited Scriptures and to try to discern how each applies to the subject at hand. Idia peroveta to "anina do ia vara lasi. " Keristani heboudia totona ita hegaegae neganai, namona be Baibel ena hereva ita tahua namonamo bona ita tahua edena dala ai unai hereva ta ta be mai anina bada. How can we today develop a courageous attitude? Israela taudia be Iehova ena hesiai taudia, to idia be Iehova idia kamonai henia lasi bona kara maoromaoro idia karaia lasi. Edena dala ai hari inai negai gari lasi karana ita hahedinaraia diba? Some are valued in the millions of dollars. Dahaka ita karaia diba? Haida be moni milioni momo abia karana idia laloa bada. Only Jehovah can make an accurate "estimate of hearts. " Lau ia hamaoroa ia bona ena adavana be Iehova ena Witnes taudia neganai, lau moale bada. Iehova sibona ese "taunimanima edia kudouna ia hamarerea bada " diba. Could you too learn a foreign language and help other people learn about Jehovah? Ia kamonai iena tau be tano ma ta dekenai gaukara totona ia lao neganai, unuseniai ma ta ida ia heudahanai. Oi danu be gado ma ta oi dibaia bona ma haida oi durua Iehova idia dibaia totona, a? Jehovah says: "I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more. " Tanobada taudia be tau o tama ena maduna idia kirikirilaia. Iehova ia gwau: "Lau ese edia kara dika do lau gwauatao, bona edia kerere do lau laloa lou lasi. " We felt like complete strangers. Lagani 1996 ai, ena bedi badinai lau helai, iena imana lau dogoatao bona lau tai bada, ia lau hamaoroa lau karaia gaudia dainai lau sori bona ia lau lalokau henia bada. Ai be idau tano taudia bamona. Even so, the United States was allowed to grow mighty, protected by British naval power. Edena bamona unai ita diba? Ena be unai ia vara, to United States taudia edia namba ia bada daekau, Britain ena siahu ese ia gimaia. After the final test at the end of the Millennium, will it be possible for humans to sin and die? Luka 5: 1 - 11 ai ia noho sivaraina hegeregerena, kone dekenai idia vara gaudia mani oi laloa. Lagani 1,000 dokonai hahetoho ginigabena ia ore murinai, taunimanima be kara dika bona mase do idia abia diba, a? Kindness is displayed when we show interest in others by means of friendly and helpful words and acts. " Iehova ena ladanai ita raka ' totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Hebogahisi ita hahedinaraia bema ma haida ita kara namo henia bona hereva bona kara namodia amo ita durudia. How grateful we are that God gives us faith and strength to stand firm against the chief wicked one, Satan, who will soon be abyssed like a roaring but toothless lion fit only for destruction! - 1 Pet. Ia gwau: "Lau mamia inai magasin be lau totona idia torea. Ita moale badina kahirakahira Dirava ese ita dekenai abidadama bona goada ia henia, kara dika tauna badana, Satani, ita dadaraia totona! - 1 Pet. Why can we hope in the resurrection? Hua 18 murinai Ierusalema ia moru neganai, Esekiela ese ia gwauraia sivaraina be inai: Tomadiho momokani do idia haginia lou. Dahaka dainai toreisi lou helarona ita abia dae diba? In time, nine members of Bill's family became servants of Jehovah. Do lau gwau lasi, sibona egu goada dekena amo egu mauri lau haidaua, to lau abia dae momokani Baibel ena hereva be mai ena siahu ta ena mauri ia haidaua totona. - Heberu 4: 12. Gabeai, Bill ena bese taudia 9 be Iehova ena hesiai taudia ai idia lao. Earlier, Jesus had said to Philip: "Be my follower. " Hari idia diba momokani, idia ese gau ibounai idia halusia kava lasi. Guna, Iesu be Filipo dekenai ia gwau: "Egu murinai do oi raka. " STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 3 - 7 • Edena gari be do ia boio lasi, bona dahaka dainai? STADI 1 RAU 3 - 7 The seeming success of evildoers may even prompt feelings of envy. Paulo be ena tadikaka ia hagoadaia: "Umui ta ta do umui lalokau henia, tadikaka edia lalokau ta ta dekenai bamona. Kara dika taudia idia kwalimu neganai, reana do idia mama. 14, 15. What can be said about approach to Jehovah by (a) anointed Christians? Ita hekwarahi unai bamona kara namodia ita hahedinaraia neganai, Iehova bona taunimanima ese ita do idia ura henia. (1 Sam. 14, 15. (a) Horoa Keristani taudia ese Iehova dekenai dahaka idia karaia diba? Should adult Christians feel that it is demeaning for them to read publications directed to young people? Keristani heboudia totona ita hegaegae neganai, Baibel siridia ita itaia bona edia anina ta ta ita lalopararalaia toho. Namona be Keristani taudia badadia idia laloa matamata taudia dekenai buka bona magasin duahia karana be kerere, a? 17, 18. Hari inai negai, edena dala ai boga - auka karana ita hahedinaraia diba? 17, 18. Now, how did Jesus respond when two of his apostles desired positions of prominence? Haida edia davana be kina milioni momo mai kahana. Iesu ena aposetolo taudia rua idia ura dagi badadia idia abia neganai, Iesu be dahaka ia karaia? After our wedding, Esther and I lived outside Bethel. Iehova sibona ese "oiemu laloa gaudia ia tohoa " diba. Emai headava murinai, Esther bona lau be Betele murimurinai ai noho. To gain wisdom, we must also keep listening to Jehovah by regularly studying and applying his Word. Oi danu be gado ma ta oi dibaia bona ma haida oi durua Iehova idia diba totona, a? Aonega ita abia totona, namona be hanaihanai Iehova ita kamonai henia bona ena Hereva ita badinaia. In addition, holy spirit manifested itself in Christians themselves, producing godly qualities, such as love. Iehova ia gwau: "Lau ese edia kara dika do lau gwauatao, bona edia kerere do lau laloa lou lasi. " Danu, lauma helaga ese Keristani taudia ia durua, Dirava ena kara namodia hegeregere lalokau idia hahedinaraia totona. But what is involved in Christian dedication? - Leviticus 19: 2; Matthew 24: 13. Ariara hahinena be mai ena siahu ida king momo do ia biagua, bona ena ura do idia karaia noho. To Keristani gwauhamata ena anina be dahaka? - Levitiko 19: 2; Mataio 24: 13. Until the final hour - and to the extent they can - they will announce the arrival of the day of Jehovah's judgment. Ai mamia momokani ai be unai gabu taudia lasi. Ela bona dokona - bona Iehova ena hahemaoro dinana do idia gwauraia hedinarai. Nevertheless, willingness and perseverance bring fine fruitage. United States be basileia badana ai ia lao neganai, Britain ese ia koua lasi. To, mai ura bada bona hesiku lasi ida huahua namona ia havaraia. Imagine that! Herod had Peter chained between 2 guards, with 16 guards working in shifts day and night to make sure that this apostle did not escape. Lagani 1,000 ena dokona ai, hahetoho ginigabena murinai taunimanima be do idia kara dika bona mase, a? Mani oi laloa, Heroda ese Petero be gadi taudia 2 dibura ruma ai ia atoa, bona dina bona hanuaboi ai gadi taudia 16 idia gaukara goada unai aposetolo tauna idia hamauria totona. 8, 9. (a) What experiences highlight the value of using the Bible in our ministry? Haida edia namo ita tahua, tura henidia, bona heduru karadia o hereva namodia ita henia be hebogahisi karadia. 8, 9. (a) Edena ekspiriens ese haroro gaukara ai Baibel gaukaralaia karana ena namo idia hahedinaraia? Out of his great love, Jehovah willingly paid for the lifesaving "treatment " we need, so that by means of Jesus" all will be made alive. " (1 Sam. 16: 7) Ita moale badina Dirava ese ita dekenai abidadama bona goada ia henia, unai amo Satani ena hahetoho idauidau ita dadaraia diba. Ia be ia boiboi bada isena lasi laiona ta bamona, kahirakahira guri dobu masemasena lalonai do idia negea diho, bona do idia hamasea! - 1 Pet. Iehova ita lalokau henia bada dainai, mai eda ura ida hahemauri ita abia be namo, unai amo Iesu amo "taunimanima ibounai do idia mauri. " To some degree. Note what Paul said on the matter of eating foods that might seem to have been sacrificed to idols. Dahaka dainai toreisi lou helarona ita abia dae diba? Paulo ese kaivakuku dekenai idia bouboulaia aniani ia herevalaia dalana mani ita itaia. With John at a convention in Lae, New Guinea, 1973 Unai nega ai, Bill ena ruma bese taudia 9 be Iehova ena hesiai taudia ai idia lao. Lagani 1973 ai, lau bona John be Lae, New Guinea ena hebouhebou ta dekenai ai lao Before accepting an invitation or taking on a commitment, he consults with his wife and then decides, taking into consideration their mutual interests. Matamanai, Iesu be Filipo dekenai ia gwau: "Lauegu murinai oi raka mai. " Ta ese ia boiria eiava gwauhamata ta ia do abia dae lasi neganai, ena adavana ida ia herevahereva bena edia ura gaudia ia laloa guna. What shows that the first - century Christian congregation was organized? STADI 1 RAU 3 - 7 Dahaka ese ia hahedinaraia aposetolo edia negai Keristani kongrigeisen idia haginia? The reply Jesus gave was most enlightening: "Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but it was in order that the works of God might be made manifest in his case. Toana be kara dika taudia edia kwalimu karana ese mama ena mamina ia havaraia diba. Iesu ena haere ese taunimanima momo edia lalona ia hadiaria, ia gwau: "Unai tau eiava iena tama sina idia kara dika lasi, to Dirava ese ia karaia vadaeni gaudia be iena vairanai do idia hedinarai. Although she did not know what the outcome would be, Hannah experienced inner peace. 14, 15. (a) Horoa Keristani taudia be edena dala ai Iehova idia guriguri henia? Ena be Hana ia diba lasi dahaka do ia vara, to lalo - maino ia mamia. Granted, each Christian needs to develop that quality to the full, but it is especially important for elders to be approachable. To Keristani taudia badadia do idia laloa unai bamona pablikeisen be idia totona lasi be maoro, a? Momokani, Keristani taudia ta ta ese unai kara idia habadaia be namo, to elda taudia ese idia hereva henia be gau badana. The servant no doubt hoped that his heartfelt recounting of the incident would convince Bethuel and his son Laban that Jehovah was behind this mission. 17, 18. Hesiai tauna be mai ena kudouna ibounai ida unai sivarai ia gwauraia neganai, ia diba Iehova be unai gaukara ia karaia. In view of the world's problems, what is the course of true wisdom? Iesu ena aposetolo taudia rua be dagi totona idia hepapahuahu neganai, Iesu be edena bamona ia haere? Tanobada ena hekwakwanai idauidau dainai, aonega dalana be dahaka? Special Public Discourse, 4 / 1 Ai headava murinai, lau bona Esther be Betele dekenai ai noho lasi. Matamata Taudia E, Iehova Hesiai Henia Gaukarana Umui Laloa Bada, 4 / 15 All could praise God "with one mouth " if they maintained the proper mental attitude toward one another. (1 King Taudia 3: 11, 12; Iamesi 1: 5 - 8) Danu, aonega ita abia totona, namona be hanaihanai Iehova ena Hereva ita stadilaia bona badinaia karana amo, ia ita kamonai henia noho. Idia ibounai ese "hereva tamona " amo Dirava idia hanamoa diba bema ta ta dekenai lalohadai maorona idia dogoatao noho. Second, Jesus ended his reply by referring to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - faithful patriarchs who are in line to be resurrected to life on earth. - Luke 20: 37, 38. Lauma helaga be Keristani taudia dekenai ia hedinarai danu, Dirava ena kara idauidau, hegeregere lalokau, ia havaraia. Iharuana be, Iesu ese Aberahamo, Isako, bona Iakobo ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau idia be tanobada ai do idia toreisi lou. - Luka 20: 37, 38. We know that soon all true worshippers will face the foretold attack of Gog of Magog and the "fear - inspiring day of Jehovah. " To Keristani gwauhamata ena anina be dahaka? - Levitiko 19: 2; Mataio 24: 13. Ita diba kahirakahira Iehova idia tomadiho henia taudia ibounai be Magoga tauna Goga bona "Lohiabada ena Dina badana " do idia tuari henia. But no effort is too great when so much is at stake. Ela bona hora ginigabena - bona edia goada ena bada hegeregerena - Iehova ena kota dinana ena mai do idia gwauraia hedinarai. To, gau badana be ita hekwarahi unai ita karaia totona. The Answer To bema mai emu ura ida oi haheauka, anina namona do ia vara. Haere On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Mani oi laloa: Heroda ese Petero be seini amo ia guia bona gadi rua ese idia gimaia, gadi ibounai 16 be dina bona hanuaboi Petero idia naria, ia heau lasi totona! Unai dainai do umui hegaegae, badina be umui laloa lasi horana ai, Taunimanima ena Natuna do ia mai. " How is DNA common to all these things? 8, 9. (a) Edena ekspiriens ese idia hahedinaraia haroro gaukara lalonai Baibel ita duahia be mai anina bada? Edena dala ai DNA be unai gaudia ibounai ia herevalaia? We were impressed by a beautiful panorama - the majestic and jagged mountain called El Yunque (The Anvil), carpeted as if with dark - green velvet, and in the background, a clear, blue sky bordered by masses of white clouds. Iehova ena lalokau bada dainai, ita dekenai mauri hanaihanai abia dalana ia kehoa. Unai dainai Iesu amo "taunimanima ibounai be mauri do idia abia. " Ai hoa bada - unai ororo ena hairai bona ena ororo ataiai ia noho ororo mai hairaidia (eiava ese emai lalona ia veria dainai, ai hoa bada, hegeregere keru bada, keru bada, bona ori kurokuro edia hetoana ai itaia. During the 2000 service year, this land saw a peak of 112,720 publishers. Paulo ena hereva kaivakuku dekenai idia bouboulaia aniani dekenai mani ita laloa. Hesiai laganina 2000 ena hesiai laganina lalonai, unai tano ai pablisa taudia edia namba be 113,000 ia hanaia. The article read: "To those so situated that they can give one - half or more of their time exclusively to the work of the Lord, we have a plan to suggest..., viz: That you go forth into large or small cities, according to your ability, as Colporteurs or Evangelists, seek to find in every place the earnest Christians, many of whom you will find possessed of a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge; to these seek to make known the riches of Our Father's grace, and the beauties of His word. " Lau bona John lagani 1973 ai, Lae, New Guinea ena hebouhebou ta ai Unai magasin ia gwau: "Idia noho taudia ese Lohiabada ena gaukara sibona dekenai edia nega bada idia henia diba, unai dainai ai ese palani ta ai karaia... siti badadia dekenai do umui lao, bona Dirava ena hereva do umui tahua goadagoada. How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong? Vadaeni oi ese hereva momokani do oi hadibaia maoromaoro, bona Dirava ena vairanai do oi hemarai lasi. " Edena dala ai Aberahamo bona ena ruma bese edia abidadama ia goada noho? Jehovah would have helped Saul too. Haida ese idia boiridia eiava gaukara ta ia ura karaia neganai, ena adavana ida ia herevalaia guna bena idia lalotamona neganai, abia hidi idia karaia diba. Iehova ese Saulo ia durua danu. I was born on October 15, 1926. Aposetolo edia negai, Keristani kongrigeisen be dala maorona ai gau ibounai idia karaia. Lau be October 15, 1926 ai lau vara. It is easy to reason: "I do not need to study as seriously as the newer ones. Unai hereva Iesu ia gwauraia, vadaeni tano dekenai ia kanudi, iena kanudi dekenai kopukopu sisina ia karaia, vadaeni matakepulu tauna ena matana ruaosi dekenai ia dahua. Reana do oi gwau: "Lau be matamata taudia bamona stadi karana lau laloa bada lasi. She was hedged about as if by an impenetrable thicket, so that they were unable to get any help to her. After a three - year Assyrian siege, her capital city, Samaria, fell in 740 B.C.E., and the ten - tribe kingdom was never reestablished. Ena be ia diba lasi dahaka do ia vara, to unai ia laloa momo lasi. Lagani 740 B.C.E. ai, Samaria ena siti badana, Samaria, be lagani 740 B.C.E. ai ia moru, bona iduhu 10 amo ta ese ia idia durua diba lasi. Yes, making "public declaration for salvation " is a powerful way to show that we have faith in our heart. - Read Romans 10: 10. Momokani, Keristani taudia ibounai dekenai unai kara be mai anina bada. Oibe, " hahemauri ita gwauraia ' neganai, ita hahedinaraia iseda kudouna ita abidadama henia. - Roma 10: 10 duahia. 6: 18. Dokonai, unai hesiai tauna ia gwau: "Unai dainai mani oi hereva, lauegu biaguna dekenai do oi bogahisihisi, bona hanamoa kara ia dekenai do oi karaia. 6: 18. Jesus did not want his disciples to lose their peace and happiness, so he warned them about the death - dealing effects of prolonged wrath. Tanobada ena hekwakwanai idia bada idia lao dainai, aonega karana be dahaka? Iesu ia ura lasi ena hahediba taudia be maino bona moale idia haboioa, unai dainai nega daudau lalonai idia badu. What Biblical examples of serving where the need is greater can benefit older Christians today? Pablisa be Momo Lasi Gabudiai Oi Haroro, 4 / 15 Hari inai negai, edena Baibel sivaraidia ese buruka taudia idia durua diba? Socrates led a simple life, and Antisthenes an austere one. Idia ibounai ese mai "hereva tamona " ida Dirava idia hanamoa diba, bema dala maorona ai idia ta ta idia laloa. Ben ese kohu momo lasi maurina ia noholaia, bona Anti Millie be gau ta dekenai ia moale lasi. For a time it appeared that the modern - day witness work "to the most distant part of the earth " was going to fail. - Revelation 11: 7 - 10. Unai abidadama taudia be tanobada ai do idia toreisi lou. - Luka 20: 37, 38. Nega sisina lalonai toana be hari inai negai "tanobada ena daudau momokani gabudia dekenai " sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana do ia ore. - Apokalupo 11: 7 - 10. 15: 12; 16: 15, 21, 23. Ita diba kahirakahira, Magoga tauna Goga ese tomadiho momokani taudia ibounai do ia hadikaia toho bona "Lohiabada ena dina " do ia ginidae. 15: 12; 16: 15, 21, 23. How did the new covenant make it possible for both Jews and Gentiles to become part of spiritual Israel, and how many would be in the new covenant? To ita gwau diba lasi hekwarahi ta be anina lasi badina gau badana ta ia noho. Edena dala ai kontraka matamatana ese dala ia kehoa Iuda taudia bona Idau Bese taudia be lauma Israela taudia ai idia lao totona, bona hida be unai gwauhamata matamatana lalonai do idia noho? I sank so low that I even violated God's law. Haere Idia Davaria Lau lalohisihisi bada dainai Dirava ena taravatu lau utua. Keep drawing close to him. Unai dainai, do umui hegaegae, badina be Taunimanima ena Natuna do ia mai ena hora be umui diba lasi. " Ia kahirakahira oi lao. As a result, special arrangements were made to respect the consciences of the four Hebrews. Edena dala ai gau ibounai be mai edia DNA? Unai dainai, dala idia karaia Heberu memero foa edia lalomamina idia matauraia totona. For the length of their Naziriteship, they abstained from the use of products of the vine, especially wine. Ena sinana bona tubuna hahine ese idia hadibaia goevagoeva dainai ia abia dae Keristani tomadiho dalana be tomadiho korikorina. Idia be Nasiri taudia dainai, idia ese vain, uaina, idia gaukaralaia lasi. 15, 16. Ai itaia gaudia hairaidia dainai ai hoa - nadi momo ororo badana ladana El Yunque (The Anvil) ia noho, ena kala be hegeregere grin dabuana amo idia koua, ena murinai guba be bulu bona goeva momokani, bona ori idia kurokuro. 15, 16. Jesus is "the Amen " to all the divine promises. Lagani 2000 ena hesiai laganina lalonai, unai tano ena pablisa ibounai edia namba badana be 112,720. Iesu be Dirava ena gwauhamata ibounai edia " Amen. " They are not harming anyone! " Unai hereva lalonai tadikaka taihu idia boiria edia nega ibounai o kahana idia gaukaralaia haroro gaukara totona, bona kolpota o painia taudia ai do idia lao. Idia noidia gabu ibounai do idia lao Dirava idia lalokau henia Keristani korikoridia idia tahua, bona idia dekenai Dirava bona Baibel ena hereva momokani do idia hadibaia. Idia ese tau ta idia hadikaia lasi! " " I saw all that the brothers and sisters did to bring relief and encouragement to those who needed help. Edena dala ai Aberahamo bona ena ruma bese ese edia abidadama idia hagoadaia? Lau itaia tadikaka taihu ibounai be heduru idia ura abia taudia idia durua bona hagoadaia. What about Jehovah's favored people as a whole? Appropriately, David concludes his inspired composition with the words: "Salvation belongs to Jehovah. (Gun. To, Iehova ese ia lalonamo henia taudia ibounai be maoro dainai, Davida ese Dirava ena lauma amo ia torea herevana ia hadokoa, ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese ita do ia hamauria. Then in 1944 the Society began to print the American Standard Version of 1901, which uses the divine name. Lau be October 15, 1926 ai lau vara, bona March 1940 ai, Dover, ena hebouhebou ai lau bapatiso. Bena lagani 1944 ai, Society ese American Standard Version Baibel idia printaia matamaia, unai ladana be Dirava ena ladana idia gaukaralaia. God knows our feelings as well. When we are "broken at heart " or" crushed in spirit, " he draws near to us. Inai bamona oi laloa be auka lasi: "Matamata taudia bamona lau stadi goadagoada be anina lasi. Dirava be iseda hemami bona "lalohisihisi " ia diba dainai, ita kahirakahira ia mai. He alerts us to the dangers of this system of things. Lagani toi lalonai Asuria taudia ese idia koua hegege, gabeai lagani 740 B.C.E. ai Israela ena hanua badana, Samaria idia hadikaia, bona iduhu 10 basileiana be ia gini lou lasi. Ia ese inai nega oromana ena dika gaudia ia herevalaia. Jehovah's power is revealed in two shields that keep us safe - the earth's atmosphere and its magnetic field. Sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana amo " hahemauri do ita abia, ' unai amo iseda abidadama ita hahedinaraia. - Roma 10: 10 duahia. Iehova ena siahu be dala rua ai ia hahedinaraia, ita ia gimaia - tanobada ena hodahoda bona ena hodahoda be mai ena siahu. Sons [and daughters as well] are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward. " 6: 18. [ Natuna] bona natuna kekeni danu be Iehova ena harihari gauna, bona sinana ena huahua be ia ese ia havaraia. " And how can we avoid being overreached by the Devil? Iesu ia ura ena hahediba taudia huanai moale bona maino ia noho dainai, ia ese ta badu henia noho (eiava hemaka karana) ena davana dikana ia gwauraia. Bona edena dala ai Diabolo ena tarapu ita dadaraia diba? For some, fleshly desires crowd out spiritual goals even now, close to our entry into the new system. Baibel lalonai daidia edia sivarai ese tadikaka taihu badadia idia durua diba, pablisa momo lasi gabudia ai idia haroro? Hari inai negai, tauanina ena ura dikadia be lauma dalanai tahua gaudia idia atoa lasi, unai dainai ita be tanobada matamatana lalonai ita vareai. Why can the word of God affect us the way it affected Jeremiah? Socrates be gau momo laloa lasi mauri dalana ia noholaia, bona Antisthenes be moale laloa lasi mauri dalana ia noholaia. Dahaka dainai Dirava ena hereva ese Ieremia ia durua diba? The apostle Peter was responsible for another one, that of the Christian woman Dorcas (Tabitha). Nega sisina lalonai toana be unai "tanobada ena kahana ibounai " haroro gaukarana be do ia doko. - Apokalupo 11: 7 - 10. Aposetolo Petero be idia ta ta totona maduna ia abia, unai be Doreka (eiava Doreka). May to October 2008: Because of weather conditions, we are unable to reach the islands. 15: 12; 16: 15, 21, 23. Namona be October 2008: Bema medu ia diho, motumotu dekenai ai lao diba lasi. No one could object that any humans who are destroyed eternally at that time did not have a chance or that their wrong course was due to imperfection. Edena dala ai kontrakana matamatana ese dala ia kehoa Israela bona Idau Bese taudia be lauma Israela ai idia lao totona, bona edia namba be hida? Tau ta ia gwau diba lasi unai nega ai do idia mase hanaihanai taudia be goevadae lasi taudia. Noah's sons evidently appreciated the need to do Jehovah's will. Lau moru momokani bona Dirava ena taravatu lau utua danu. Noa ena natudia idia moale badina Iehova ena ura idia karaia. " We... are under obligation to receive such persons hospitably, " says the apostle, "that we may become fellow workers in the truth. " - 3 John 5 - 8. Iehova kahirakahira oi lao noho. Aposetolo Ioane ia gwau: "Ita be mai iseda maduna unai bamona taudia ita abia dae totona, unai amo hereva momokani lalonai do ita gaukara hebou. " - 3 Ioa. 5 - 8. Some have read it from cover to cover many times. Unai dainai, dala idaudia idia karaia unai Heberu memero foa edia lalona ena mamina idia matauraia totona. Haida ese unai buka be nega momo idia duahia. How can we pay constant attention to our ministry, and why should we? Nasiri gwauhamata henunai idia noho lalonai, vain huahua amo idia karaia gaudia, hegeregere uaina idia inua lasi. Edena dala ai iseda haroro gaukara ita laloa bada diba, bona dahaka dainai? How is Jesus ' approach now different from what it was earlier, and why? 15, 16. Edena dala ai Iesu ena kara be guna ia vara gauna amo ia idau, bona dahaka dainai? The history of Jehovah's modern - day servants confirms that those events took place. Iesu be Dirava ena gwauhamata ibounai edia "Amen. " Hari inai negai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia edia sivarai ese ia hamomokania unai gaudia idia vara. In fact, close association evidently caused their mutual love to grow. (a) What does love involve? Idia be ta idia hadikaia lasi! " Momokani, idia hebamo heheni dainai edia lalokau ia bada ia lao (a) lalokau ena anina be dahaka? Regarding the form of the verb rendered "is misleading " at Revelation 12: 9, one reference work says that it" indicates a continuous action that has become a habitual character. " Sheryl ma ia gwau: "Lau itaia tadikaka taihu ese heduru bona hagoadaia hereva idia henia. Apokalupo 12: 9 ese inai hereva "koikoi " be inai bamona ia herevalaia, ia gwau:" Ia karaia noho karana ese ia hahedinaraia ia be kara dika tauna. " Glorify God "With One Mouth " Ia be Iehova ena taunimanima ia laloa danu, unai dainai ena ane dokonai, ia gwau: "Lohiabada e, oi sibona ese ai oi hamauria diba. " Dirava ese Ia Hanamoa " There would have been no need for a new heavenly government. Bena lagani 1944 ai, Society ese lagani 1901 ena American Standard Version Baibel ia printaia matamaia, ia ese Dirava ena ladana ia gaukaralaia. Guba gavamanina matamatana ta ia noho be anina lasi. To what extreme did Solomon offend Jehovah? Dirava be iseda hemami ia diba bona ita "lalohisihisi " neganai, ia be ita kahirakahira ia noho. Solomona ese Iehova be edena bamona ia habadua? By doing that, you will gain true happiness, the best quality of life now, and the hope of getting "a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 Tim. Namona be Iehova dekenai iseda kerere ita gwauraia bona kongregesen elda taudia dekenai ita lao heduru abia totona. Unai bamona oi karaia neganai, moale korikori do oi davaria, hari mauri namona do oi moalelaia, bona " mauri korikorina do oi dogoatao auka. ' - 1 Tim. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 20, 75 Ia ese dika hanaia daladia be ita dekenai ia hadibaia. RAU 18 • ANE: 20, 75 If it is a safe haven, it will help your children to face their daily challenges. Tanobada idia gimaia gaudia rua, magneti siahuna (magnetic field) bona tanobada ia hagegea hodahoda o atmosphere ese Iehova ena siahu idia hahedinaraia. Bema ia be gabu namona, unai ese emui natudia do ia durua dina ta ta ai idia davaria hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaia totona. With the help of God's spirit, they discerned that "the appointed times of the nations " began with the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. and that those" times " were 2,520 years in length. Iseda natudia be Dirava ena harihari gauna ita dekenai. Dirava ese ita dekenai ia henidia, bona idia ese ita idia hanamoa noho. " Dirava ena lauma helaga ena heduru amo idia lalo - parara, lagani 607 B.C.E. ai Ierusalema idia hadikaia neganai, "idau bese edia nega " ia matamaia. He demonstrated such faith and confidence in Jehovah on a daily basis. Bona edena dala amo Satani ena tarapu dekenai do ita moru lasi? Unai bamona abidadama bona Iehova abidadama henia karana be dina ta ta ai ia hahedinaraia. Being guided by it could bring us serious trouble. Hari inai negai danu, ena be kahirakahira tanobada matamatana ai do ita vareai, to haida be tauanina ena ura ese lauma dalanai edia tahua gaudia ia koua. Ita ia hakaua dainai hekwakwanai badadia ita davaria diba. Following the inauguration of the Memorial, the apostles become involved in a heated argument over which one of them is the greatest. Paulo be Heberu taudia ia tore henia neganai, ia gwau: "Dirava ena hereva be ia mauri noho, bona ia be mai ena siahu. Memorial idia hahelagaia murinai, aposetolo taudia idia hepapahuahu, daika be bada. We also traveled by train, by ship, and on horseback. Aposetolo Petero danu ese Keristani hahinena Doreka (Tabita) ia hatorea isi lou. Danu, trein, bouti, bona bouti amo ai lao. In fact, all of us can prove loyal to Jehovah by respecting those to whom he gives authority. - 1 Cor. May ia lao October 2008: Lai bona hurehure be bada dainai, motumotu ma haida dekenai ai lao diba lasi. Momokani, ita ibounai be Iehova ita badinaia diba bema siahu idia abia taudia ita matauraia. - 1 Kor. Jehovah told Elijah: "Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the calamity during his lifetime. Ta ia gwau diba lasi unai neganai mase hanaihanai idia abia taudia be nega idia henia lasi eiava idia be goevadae lasi dainai kara kererena idia karaia. Iehova ese Elia ia hamaoroa: "Lauegu vairana dekenai ia manau dainai, lau ese dika do lau mailaia lasi. How is keeping busy in God's service a protection? Noa ena natudia idia diba Iehova ena ura idia karaia be namo. Edena dala ai Dirava ena hesiai gaukara ita karaia goadagoada karana ese ita ia gimaia? (b) What have many Bible translations done regarding God's name? Badina unai dekena amo, Dirava ena hereva momokani durua totona do ita gaukara hebou namonamo. " - 3 Ioa. 5 - 8. (b) Baibel momo ese Dirava ena ladana be edena bamona idia herevalaia? Jon: Yes. Taunimanima haida ese Baibel ibounai idia duahia bona nega momo unai bamona idia karaia vadaeni. Jon: Oibe. In figurative language, the psalmist set out the fundamental truth that faithful servants of God can continue to progress, flourish, and prosper spiritually, even if they are declining physically. Edena dala ai iseda haroro gaukara ita laloa noho, bona dahaka dainai unai ita karaia be namo? Salamo torea tauna be laulau dalanai ia hahedinaraia, Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia be idia goada noho, edia tauanina ia goada noho, bona lauma dalanai idia goada noho diba, herevana tauanina dalanai idia manoka. He declares them righteous as "sons " and deals with them as if they were perfect. Edena dala ai Iesu ena kara hari be guna amo ia idau, bona dahaka dainai? Ia gwau idia be kara maoromaoro taudia bona idia be goevadae taudia bamona idia kara henidia. Marriage and Parenthood in This Time of the End, 4 / 15 Iehova ena hereva hegeregerena, hahine ena garana orena taudia be haroro gaukara idia goadalaia lou. Dokona Ia Mai Kahirakahira Lalonai, Dirava Hesiai Henia Noho, 4 / 15 Do You Recall? (a) Bema ita ura Dirava ese ita do ia lalokau henia, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Oi Laloatao, A? Additionally, true Christians proclaim the Kingdom of God as man's only hope for everlasting life on a paradise earth. Buka ta ese Apokalupo 12: 9 dekenai inai hereva, "ia koia noho, " be inai bamona ia herevalaia," ena anina be unai kara ia hadokoa lasi bona ia manadalaia karana ai ia lao. " Danu, Keristani taudia momokanidia be tanobada paradaisona ai mauri hanaihanai do idia abia helarona idia harorolaia. PAGE 24 " Mai Emui Hereva Tamona " ida Dirava Umui Hanamoa RAU 24 What an upbuilding program the annual meeting proved to be! Guba gavamani matamatana ta idia abia be anina lasi. Unai lagani ena hebou ese lau ia hagoadaia bada! All the days of my service I would wait, till my release should come. " Solomona be dahaka kara dikana ia karaia? Egu hesiai gaukara dinadia ibounai do lau naria, ela bona egu ruhaia negana ia ginidae. " Why are you encouraged to know how God's spirit operated upon... Unai umui karaia neganai, hari mauri namona do umui moalelaia bona nega vaira ai "mauri korikorina " do umui abia. - 1 Tim. Dahaka dainai oi idia hagoadaia Dirava ena lauma helaga be oi dekenai ia gaukara dalana oi diba totona... The overseer spoke with enthusiasm about his own service at Bethel when he was a young man. RAU 18 • ANE: 20, 75 Unai naria tauna be tau matamata neganai Betele ai mai ena ura bada ida ena hesiai gaukara ia herevalaia. That is what he did, and he now serves as a zealous elder in one of the larger congregations in the Dakar area. Bema emu ruma be gabu namona, vadaeni unai ese emu natuna do ia durua dina ta ta ai ia davaria hahetoho ia haheaukalaia totona. Unai bamona ia karaia, bona hari ia be unai gabu ena kongregesen badana ta dekenai elda gaukara ia karaia. (Read Luke 22: 28 - 30.) Dirava ena lauma ena heduru dainai, idia lalo - parara lagani 607 B.C.E. ai Ierusalema idia hadikaia neganai "idau bese edia nega " ia matamaia, bona unai" nega " ena lata be lagani 2,520 hegeregeredia. (Luka 22: 28 - 30 duahia.) When Moses asked to see His glory, Jehovah responded: "You are not able to see my face, because no man may see me and yet live. " Nega ibounai Iehova dekenai unai bamona abidadama ia hahedinaraia danu. Mose ese Iehova ia noia ena hairai ia itaia totona neganai, Iehova ia gwau: "Lauegu vairana be oi itaia diba lasi, badina tau ta ese lau do ia itaia lasi, to do ia mauri. " When we attend assemblies and conventions, our dress needs to be appropriate and modest rather than reflect the extreme styles that may be common in the world. Bema unai dina gauna ita badinaia sibona, hekwakwanai ita davaria diba. Hebouhebou badadia bona maragidia dekenai ita lao neganai, namona be iseda dabua be mai hemataurai bona manau ida ita hahedokilaia, to tanobada taudia edia sitaelo ita hahedinaraia lasi. Jesus helps us to realize that Jehovah is the one who makes the truth grow in the hearts of "rightly disposed " ones. Iesu ese Memorial ia hamatamaia murinai, aposetolo taudia be mai badu ida daika ia bada idia hepapahuahulaia. Iesu ese ita ia durua bena ita lalo - parara Iehova be hereva momokani ia abia dae tauna bona " kudou - maoro taudia edia kudouna ia hamarerea. ' " DISTRACTED driving is an epidemic and it seems to be getting worse every year. " Trein, bouti, bona hosi amo ai loaloa danu. " LAGANI ta ta ai motuka taria namonamo karana be ia dika ia lao noho. " There are some qualities that Jehovah especially values. Momokani, Iehova amo maoro idia abia taudia ibounai ita matauraia be namo, iseda ruma bese ai bona kongrigeisen ai danu. - 1 Kor. Iehova be kara namodia haida ia laloa bada. Jehovah immediately reacted to that new situation by using an alternate "route " to achieve his purpose. Iehova ese Elia ia siaia lou, hahemaoro herevana ma ta ia gwauraia totona. Iehova be maoromaoro unai hekwakwanai ia hamaoromaoroa totona, ena ura ia hagugurua totona, hereva ta ia gaukaralaia. His body was offered as a perfect sacrifice, and his blood was poured out the next afternoon of the same Jewish day, Nisan 14. Dahaka dainai Dirava ena hesiai gaukara lalonai ita bisi karana ese ita ia gimaia? Iena tauanina be boubou gauna goevadaena bamona idia henia, bona adorahi ai Iuda taudia, Nisan 14 ai, iena rara idia bubua. Nonetheless, you have likely seen that having a conscience that functions like an inner witness bearer does not mean that a person will follow its guidance. (b) Baibel hahanaia taudia momo be Dirava ena ladana dekenai dahaka idia karaia? To, reana oi itaia lalona ena mamina ia gaukara namonamo tauna be ena lalona ena mamina ia badinaia lasi. Origen - How Teaching Affected Church, 7 / 15 Jon: Oibe. Origen - Dirava Ena Hadibaia Dalana, 7 / 15 Those proving effective may receive permanent assignments. (Salamo 92: 13, 14) Unai siri amo, Salamo torea tauna be inai hereva badana ia hamomokania: Ena be Dirava ena hesiai taudia idia buruka, to Iehova idia hesiai henia bona anina namona idia havaraia noho diba. Unai ese anina namona do ia havaraia ela bona hanaihanai. Spirit - anointed ones have been eager to train their other sheep companions for increased responsibilities before leaving them to be glorified along with Jesus Christ. (Ieremia 31: 31 - 34) Idia ia gwauraia maoromaoro, iena " natudia, ' bona ia kara henidia, hegeregere idia goevadae vadaeni. Horoa taudia be mai edia ura ida mamoe idaudia dekenai maduna ma haida idia henia, unai amo Iesu Keriso ida hairai do idia abia. I love to attend our international conventions, where emphasis is put on learning about our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and Bible truth. Oi Laloatao, A? Lau ura iseda intenesenel hebouhebou dekenai lau lao, unuseniai iseda guba Tamana, Iehova, bona Baibel ena hereva momokani lau dibaia. • By what means does Christ lead his congregation on earth? Danu, Keristani taudia momokanidia ese Dirava ena Basileia idia harorolaia, idia hahedinaraia ia be tanobada paradaisona lalonai mauri hanaihanai do ita abia dalana tamona. • Edena dala ai Keriso ese tanobada ai ena kongrigeisen ia gunalaia? True, most ministers have additional ways to serve, which may differ from one Christian to another. RAU 24 Momokani, haroro taudia momo be dala ma haida ai hesiai gaukara idia karaia diba, bona unai be Keristani taudia ta ta edia kara amo ia idau. That was a wise move; that day thousands lost their lives because of their idolatry. Unai program ese tadikaka taihu ia hagoadaia momokani! Unai be aonega karana; unai dina ai taunimanima tausen momo be kaivakuku idia tomadiho henia dainai edia mauri idia haboioa. Strengthen your friendship with Jehovah God through regular study and prayer. Lauegu hesiai dinadia ibounai do lau naria, ela bona lau oi ruhaia. " Stadi bona guriguri hanaihanai karana amo emu hetura karana Iehova Dirava ida oi hagoadaia. Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. As you read the scriptures, imagine that you are part of the event. Ia gwau, lagani 30 gunanai, haroro ai idia ruaosi idia gaukara hebou neganai, sekit tadikaka be ena matamata neganai Betele ai ia gaukara ena sivarai be mai moale ida ia gwauraia. Karaia Dalana: Inai eksasais be regerege lasi gabunai oi karaia neganai, namona be oi laloa oi be unai sivarai lalonai oi noho bamona. These campaigns have been particularly helpful to housebound members of the congregation who are unable to leave their homes. Ia be unai bamona ia karaia, bona hari mai goada ida Dakar ena kongregesen badana ta lalonai elda gaukara ia karaia. Unai gaukara idauidau ese kongrigeisen taudia ia durua edia ruma idia rakatania lasi totona. For instance, " Judah and Israel dwelt in security ' during Solomon's reign. (Luka 22: 28 - 30 duahia.) Hegeregere, Solomona ena lohia negana lalonai, "Iuda bona Israela taudia be mai gari lasi ida idia noho. " The defect of sin from Adam was inevitable. All are subject to it. Mose ese Iena hairai do ia itaia totona ia noia neganai, Iehova ena haere be inai: "To lauegu vairana be oi dekenai do lau hedinaraia lasi, badina be bema tau ta ese lauegu vairana ia itaia neganai, unai tau be do ia mase. " Adamu amo ia mai kara dika ena davana be mase. Because Jacob wanted a blessing from Jehovah God. Sekit hebouhebou bona rijinol hebouhebou ita lao neganai, namona be hemataurai dabua namodia ita hahedokilaia, to namo lasi inai tanobada taudia edia sitaelo dabuadia ita hahedokilaia. Badina Iakobo ia ura Iehova Dirava amo hahenamo ta ia abia. In Japan, for example, a certain Witness faced ridicule from both a householder and his guest. Iesu ese ita ia durua ita laloparara Iehova ese "kudou - maoro taudia " edia kudouna ai hereva momokani ia hatubua. Hegeregere, Japan dekenai, Witnes tauna ta be ruma tauna bona ena vadivadi tauna ese idia kirikirilaia. The apostle Paul himself experienced Jehovah's strengthening care in a wide variety of circumstances. UNITED STATES ena gavamani tauna ta ia gwau: "Motuka taria taudia be dala idia itaia lasi dainai, aksiden momo idia vara, bona lagani ta ta ai unai hekwakwanai ia bada ia lao. " Aposetolo Paulo be mauri daladia idauidau amo Iehova ena heduru ia mamia. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Bema ita ura Iehova ese ita ia diba, kara namodia do ita hahedinaraia be namo. (Sal. Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia karaia. I worked in the convent infirmary. To, iseda mauri lalonai ita davaria hekwakwanai ita hanaia totona, ita boga auka bona gari lasi be namo. Ruma dekenai lau gaukara. What about us? Maoromaoro Iehova be dala idauna ia abia hidi iena ura ia hagugurua totona. Ita be edena bamona? To illustrate, consider again the example of food. Iuda taudia edia dina, Nisan 14, ai iena tauanina be boubou gauna goevadaena ta bamona ia henia, bona adorahi ai iena rara ia bubua. Mani aniani ena haheitalai ita laloa lou. [ Picture on page 23] Ena be taunimanima be mai edia lalomamina, to unai ese ia hahedinaraia lasi edia lalomamina do idia badinaia. [ Picture on page 23] Does he notice what I am going through? Bena lagani toi murinai, idia gaukara namonamo taudia be do idia abia hidi spesel painia gaukara idia karaia noho totona. Ia ese lau dekenai do idia vara gaudia ia itaia, a? Sing to Jehovah! Lau ese oiemu siahu lau herevalaia noho neganai, lau dekenai do oi noho, bona oiemu goada be gabeai do idia vara besedia, dekenai do lau gwauraia hedinarai. " Iehova Dekenai Ane Abia! It is the Kingdom that millions have been taught to pray for in these familiar words: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Intanesinol hebouhebou lau moalelaidia, badina unuseniai iseda guba Tamana, Iehova bona Baibel ena hereva momokani dibaia karana idia herevalaia. Unai Basileia ese taunimanima milioni momo ia hadibaia inai hereva idia diba totona: "Aiemai Tamana e, guba dekenai oi noho, oiemu ladana do ai hahelagaia. A psalmist sang: "Who is like Jehovah our God, him who is making his dwelling on high? • Keriso be edena dala ai ena kongrigeisen tanobada ai ia gunalaia? Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Lohiabada, iseda Dirava, be daika, ia ese iena Dubu Helaga ia haginia noho? But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " Momokani, haroro taudia momo ese dala idauidau ai hesiai gaukara idia karaia, bona reana Keristani ta ena gaukara be Keristani ma ta ena gaukara amo ia idau. To hari Keriso be mase amo ia toreisi lou vadaeni, mase lalonai idia mahuta taudia amo ia toreisi lou tauna ginigunana. " So I began to make an effort to get better acquainted with the brothers and sisters in the congregation - and it worked! Unai dina ai, Dirava ese taunimanima tausen momo ia hamasedia, badina idia be kaivakuku idia tomadiho henia. Unai dainai, lau hekwarahi kongrigeisen tadikaka taihu lau diba namonamo totona - bona unai gaukara lau karaia! (b) What should we be interested in knowing? Mose ena hetura karana Iehova ida be ia goada dainai, Iehova ese ia gaukaralaia Iena ura ia hagugurua totona. (b) Dahaka ita diba be namo? As the family head, Noah gladly devoted time and loving attention to his household. Karaia dalana: Baibel siridia oi duahia neganai, namona be oi laloa oi be unai sivarai lalonai oi noho. Noa be ruma bese kwarana dainai, mai moale ida nega bona lalokau ida ena ruma bese ia naria. This Bible book was written about 628 B.C.E. Unai bamona lau karaia dainai, unai ese kongrigeisen lalonai idia noho gorere o buruka taudia ia durua bada. Unai buka be lagani 669 B.C.E. bamona ai idia torea. To be sure, the death of someone we love is "a time to weep. " Hegeregere, Solomona ena lohia negana ai, "Iuda bona Israela taudia be mai maino danu idia noho. " Momokani, ita lalokau henia tauna ena mase be "nega ta do ia taitai. " And at that time, may he remember to show mercy to those who love him! Ita ibounai be Adamu amo kara dika ita abia hanai dainai, do ita mase. Bona unai nega ai, reana ia laloatao ia idia lalokau henia taudia dekenai hebogahisi do ia hahedinaraia! Jesus plainly stated: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " Badina Iakobo ia ura Iehova Dirava amo ahuna ta ia abia. Iesu ia gwau: "Tuari kaia idia abia taudia ibounai be tuari kaia amo do idia mase. " Does your Yes mean Yes? Haheitalai ta be inai: Japan ai, ruma tauna ta bona ena vadivadi turana be tadikaka ta idia hevasehalaia. Oibe, emu hereva ena anina be oibe, a? To continue in the pioneer work became quite a challenge, but we were determined not to quit. Ia ese umui do ia naria, emui goada ia hanaia dibagani ese umui do ia pidia garina. Bona dibagani ia mai neganai, emui dala ta do ia kehoa. Painia gaukara ai karaia noho be mai ena hekwarahi, to emai lalona ai hadaia do ai lao lasi. Encourage one another Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese e karaia. Umui Ta Ta Do Umui Hagoadaia They do so even in lands where their public ministry is not yet legally registered. Lau be nan edia hospital ai lau gaukara. Ena be tano haida dekenai edia haroro gaukara be gavamani ese ia taravatua lasi, to tano haida dekenai unai bamona idia karaia danu. That wonderful experience reminded me of the importance to keep preaching because we never know where or when the truth will take root. Ita be edena bamona? Unai ekspiriens namona ese lau ia hadibaia haroro gaukara ita karaia noho be mai anina bada, badina hereva momokani be edeseni eiava edena negai do ia tubu. In the illustration about the separating of the sheep from the goats, Jesus clearly states that he takes personally the way we treat his brothers. Mani aniani ena haheitalai ita laloa lou. Iesu ese mamoe bona nanigosi hapararaia karana ena haheitalai ia gwauraia neganai, ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva iena tadikaka ita kara henia dalana ia laloa bada. One morning I called by mistake at the home of someone who was opposed to the truth. [ Picture on page 10] Daba ta lau idia boiria hereva momokani ia dadaraia tauna ena ruma dekenai lau noho totona. The 12th article declares that the church can stray, mistaking the false for true, but the light of the holy spirit may rescue it through the labors of faithful ministers. Lau davaria hisihisi ia itaia, a? Atikol 12 ia gwau, dubu be ia boio diba, to lauma helaga ena diari ese kamonai hesiai taudia edia gaukara ia durua diba. In a revelation to the apostle John toward the close of the first century, the glorified Jesus Christ delivered a message to the congregation located in Laodicea, Asia Minor. Iehova Dekenai Ane Abia! Aposetolo edia negai ia noho aposetolo Ioane dekenai ia hedinarai neganai, hairai tauna Iesu Keriso ese Laodikea, Asia Minor, dekenai ia noho kongregesen dekenai sivarai ta ia henia. With God's blessing and help, the work will be done, notwithstanding a host of distracting influences, obstacles, and opposing forces from religious and political elements, designed to impede the progress of this global teaching program. 72: 8) Momokani, Basileia henunai do idia noho kara maoromaoro taudia be mauri hanaihanai tanobada dekenai do idia moalelaia. Dirava ese unai gaukara do ia hanamoa bona durua dainai, tanobada hegegemadai tomadiho bona politikol karadia do idia koua. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.... Taunimanima milioni momo idia hadibaia unai Basileia idia gurigurilaia totona, idia diba vadaeni herevadia do idia gaukaralaia, inai bamona: "Aiemai Tamana e, guba dekenai oi noho, oiemu ladana do ai hahelagaia. Unai dainai, Dirava ese ia hakapua taudia, be taunimanima ese do idia hapararaia lasi.... How did Jehovah discipline Shebna, and with what result? Salamo torea tauna ta ia gwau: "Daika be Lohiabada iseda Dirava hegeregerena? Edena dala ai Iehova ese Sebina ia matahakani henia, bona dahaka ia vara? I told Carmen that I might not be able to handle Haiti physically or emotionally. To momokani, Keriso be mase amo ia toreisi lou, ia be mase lalonai idia mahuta taudia amo ia toreisi lou [huahua ginigunadia] tauna ginigunana. " Carmen lau hamaoroa Haiti dekenai tauanina eiava hemami dalanai do lau naria diba lasi. Then you have to set a good example. Unai amo tura namodia momo lau davaria bona daudau lasi murinai egu hebogahisi mamina ia ore! " Bena haheitalai namona oi hahedinaraia be namo. Apostates can present yet another threat to our spirituality. (b) Ita ura dahaka ita diba be namo? Aposteit taudia ese iseda hetura karana Iehova ida idia hadikaia diba. So it is not surprising that Habakkuk asked: "How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help? " Noa be ruma bese ena kwarana dainai, nega ia atoa ena ruma bese be mai ena lalokau ida ia naria totona. Unai dainai Habakuku ia henanadai: "Lohiabada e, nega momo oi dekenai lau boiboi vadaeni. " [ Map / Picture on page 18] Unai Baibel buka be lagani 628 B.C.E. bamona ai Habakuku ese ia torea. [ Map / Picture on page 18] Above all, we enjoy an intimate friendship with our Creator, Jehovah God, who loves those who are "clean in heart. " (Hadibaia Tauna 3: 1, 4) Momokani, ita lalokau henia tauna ta ia mase neganai, unai be "taitai " negana. Mai anina bada gauna be, iseda Havaraia Tauna, Iehova Dirava, ida iseda hetura karana namona ita moalelaia, ia ese "kudouna lalonai idia goeva " taudia ia lalokau henia. But how comforting it is to know that God will call and those in his memory will answer! Bona unai neganai, mani ia idia lalokau henia taudia do ia laloatao bona hebogahisi henia! To, ita moale badina ita diba Dirava ese ia laloatao taudia bona ia laloatao taudia do ia boiria! Can I employ it in teaching or advising others based on the Scriptures? ' - Joshua 1: 8. Iesu ia gwau goevagoeva: "Tuari kaia idia iusilaia taudia ibounai, be tuari kaia dekenai do idia mase. " Baibel amo ma haida lau hadibaia o durua diba, a? ' - Iosua 1: 8. • How can personal conflicts among Christians be resolved? Oiemu "Oibe " be" Oibe, " a? • Edena dala ai Keristani taudia huanai hepapahuahu idia vara diba? When you and your spouse are caught up in a disagreement, do your words hurt or do they heal? Painia gaukara ai karaia noho be mai ena hekwarahi, to emai lalona ai hadaia do ai rakatania lasi. Bema oi bona emu adavana huanai hepapahuahu ta ia vara, emu hereva eiava hanamoa hereva oi gwauraia, a? " Where words abound, sin will not be wanting. " Heabidae karana hahedinaraia " Hereva momo idia gwauraia neganai, kara dika be do ia ura lasi. " (b) What can we learn from the case of a man named Emanuel? Ena be tano haida ai gavamani ese edia haroro gaukara ia do rejista lasi, to unuseniai danu unai idia karaia. (b) Tau ta ladana headava ena sivarai amo dahaka ita dibaia? In ancient Israel, the incense that was regularly offered on Jehovah's altar had to be carefully and precisely prepared. Unai ekspiriens ese lau ia hagoadaia haroro gaukara lau laloa bada totona, badina ita diba lasi edeseniai o edena nega ai ta be hereva momokani do ia abia dae. Idaunegai Israela dekenai, Iehova ena boubou patana dekenai idia bouboulaia bonana namo muramurana idia hegaegaelaia namonamo be namo. 2, 3. (a) Who was Jehovah's first creation? Mamoe bona nanigosi hapararaia haheitalaina lalonai, Iesu ia gwau iena horoa tadikakana ita kara henia be ia ita kara henia bamona. 2, 3. (a) Iehova ese ia havaraia tauna ginigunana be daika? Unwanted pregnancies often lead them to abortions or perhaps into premature and unhappy marriages. Dina ta lau be hereva momokani ia dadaraia tauna ta ena ruma dekenai lau lao. Idia rogorogo lasi dainai, nega momo bogana lalonai natuna idia hamasea eiava edia headava idia moalelaia lasi. The final talk on this part of the program was delivered by Mark Noumair, who served as a missionary in Kenya before becoming a Gilead instructor. Kahana namba 12 ia gwau, ekalesia ia kerere diba, reana idia laloa koikoi gauna be gau momokanina, to abidadama hesiai taudia edia hekwarahi dainai lauma helaga ena diari ese edia laloa ia hamaoromaoroa diba. Unai program ena hereva dokona be Mark Morris ese ia henia, ia be Kenya dekenai misinari gaukara ia karaia ela bona Gilead hadibaia tauna ai ia do lao lasi neganai. At that time, Paul took Timothy with him on his missionary journey. Lagani 96 C.E. ai, matahanai ta lalonai Ioane ese hairai bada ia abia tauna Iesu Keriso ia itaia Laodikea kongrigeisen, Asia Minor dekenai ia sisiba henia. Unai nega ai, Paulo ese Timoteo be ena misinari laolao lalonai ia bamoa. Name has been changed. Bardet ena tahua gaukara amo ia davaria Grik gado ai inai hereva ton (ia be) be taunimanima edia ladana vairanai idia torea, bona Josephus be unai dala ia badinaia. Ladana ai haidaua. May all of us, then, take to heart Jesus ' words: "Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. " - Matthew 25: 13. Dirava ena hahenamo bona heduru amo unai gaukara ita karaia diba, ena be tomadiho bona politikol oreadia be gau idauidau idia gaukaralaia ita idia veria, koua bona idia dagedage henia tanobada hegegemadai lalonai ita karaia gaukarana idia koua totona. Unai dainai, namona be ita ibounai ese Iesu ena hereva ita laloatao, ia gwau: "Unai dainai do umui gima noho, badina dina bona hora be umui diba lasi. " - Mataio 25: 13. (Read Isaiah 11: 6 - 9.) Dirava ese ia hakapua taudia, be taunimanima ese do idia hapararaia lasi. '... (Isaia 11: 6 - 9 duahia.) The anointed followers of Christ, who serve God faithfully and die in corruptible human bodies, are resurrected as something more than spirit creatures having everlasting life. Edena dala ai Iehova be Sebina ia matahakani henia, bona dahaka ia vara? Keriso murinai idia raka horoa taudia, mai abidadama ida Dirava idia hesiai henia bona mase amo idia toreisi lou taudia, be lauma taudia sibona lasi, to mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. Of whom shall I be in dread? " Carmen lau hamaoroa, reana tauanina eiava hemami dalanai do lau hegeregere lasi Haiti dekenai lau lao. Daika garina do lau gari? " While we wait for that Kingdom to act, each one of us can " sow seed in righteousness ' by refusing to condone or practice corruption. Vadaeni haheitalai namona oi hahedinaraia be namo. Unai Basileia ita naria noho lalonai, ita ta ta be "kara maoromaoro ena uhe " ita hadoa diba bema ita ura lasi kara gageva eiava kara gageva ita abia dae lasi. As the Israelites lived in booths for a few days, anointed ones know that they are mere "temporary residents " in this ungodly world. Hereva momokani negea taudia be lauma dalanai ita idia hadikaia diba danu. Israela taudia be dina haida lalonai ruma lalonai idia noho neganai, horoa taudia idia diba inai tanobada dikana lalonai, idia be "noho daudau lasi taudia. " Finally, they sold him as a slave and cruelly led their father to believe that Joseph was dead. Habakuku ese ia gwauraia henanadai dekenai ita hoa lasi, ia gwau: "Edena negai lauegu boiboi do oi kamonai? " Gabeai, idia ese Iosepa be igui hesiai tauna bamona idia hoihoilaia bona idia dagedage henia dainai, idia abia dae Iosepa be ia mase vadaeni. Furthermore, there may on occasion be a need to adjust the Family Worship period because of another spiritual event. [ Map / Picture on page 18] Danu, nega haida ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho negana ita haidaua be namo, badina lauma dalanai gau ma ta ia vara. Since Jesus was sinless, he was not baptized to symbolize repentance. Bona gau badana be, iseda Havaraia Tauna, Iehova Dirava ida eda hetura karana ita moalelaia, badina ia be "kudouna ia goeva " taudia ia lalokau henia. Iesu be kara dika tauna dainai, bapatiso ia abia lasi helalo - kerehai toana ia hahedinaraia totona. Before starting a family, he had work to do, caring for his fields or crops. To ita diba momokani Dirava do ia boiboi bena ia laloatao taudia ibounai be do idia haere, bona unai ese ita ia hagoadaia momokani! Ruma bese ta ia do hamatamaia lasi neganai, ia gaukara, ena uma o uma aniani ia naria. [ Pictures on page 16] Baibel amo ma haida lau hadibaia eiava sisiba henia neganai, inai hereva lau gaukaralaia diba, a? ' - Iosua 1: 8. [ Pictures on page 16] No matter how eloquent Apollos was, he needed instruction. • Edena dala ai Keristani taudia huanai idia vara hepapahuahu idia hamaoromaoroa diba? Herevana Apolo be edena bamona ia hereva, to ia hadibaia be namo. Husbands - Recognize Christ's Headship (Aonega Herevadia 12: 18) Bema oi bona emu adavana be gau ta dekenai umui hepapahuahu neganai, emu hereva ese emu adavana ia hadikaia eiava ia hanamoa, a? Tatau E, Keriso Ena Kwara Dagina Umui Diba Yes, they have heeded God's urgent appeal respecting false religion: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. " - Revelation 18: 4. " Hereva be momo neganai, kara dika do ia noho. " Oibe, idia ese Dirava ena noinoi tomadiho koikoi dekenai idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Lauegu bese taudia e, bema umui ura lasi ia ida kara dika umui karaia hebou, bona bema umui ura lasi ia danu hisihisi umui abia hebou. " - Apokalupo 18: 4. Moreover, the victims ' own efforts to concentrate on positive thoughts will help them to experience "the peace of God that excels all thought. " - Philippians 4: 6 - 9. (b) Emanuel ena haheitalai amo dahaka ita dibaia? Danu, idia hekwarahi lalohadai namodia idia abia totona, unai ese idia do ia durua "Dirava ena maino, laloparara ibounai ia hereaia gauna " idia mamia totona. - Filipi 4: 6 - 9. SONGS: 23, 138 Ia hahedinaraia Iehova ese ia abia dae guriguri be unai bamona. ANE: 23, 138 We discovered some priceless truths when we first began to associate with God's people. 2, 3. (a) Daika be Iehova ese ia havaraia guna? Matamanai, Dirava ena taunimanima ai bamoa matamaia neganai, dava bada hereva momokanidia haida ai davaria. The faithful prophet Daniel saw a vision in which Jehovah delegated ruling authority to his Son. Idia rogorogo kava dainai, nega momo bogana lalonai natuna idia hamasea eiava karaharaga idia headava bena gabeai idia moale lasi. Abidadama peroveta tauna Daniela ese matahanai ta lalonai Iehova ese ena Natuna dekenai siahu ia henia karana ia itaia. Furthermore, some may feel like one sister, who said: "We are hardwired to want love and companionship. " Unai program ena kahana ena hereva ginigabena be Mark Noumair ese ia henia, Gilead ai ia do hadibaia matamaia lasi neganai, Kenya dekenai misinari gaukara ia karaia. Ma danu, reana haida edia hemami be taihu ta bamona, ia gwau: "Ai ura heheni bona tura namodia ai davaria be auka. " And that is true of tribulation related to married life or to family life. Badina idia itaia ia be Iehova ena hesiai gaukara idauidau ia goadalaia. Bona headava eiava ruma bese maurina dekenai unai be hisihisi badana. Our objective was to reach villages high in the Bolivian Andes. Ladana ai haidaua. Emai tahua gauna be Bolivia ena Andes hanua badana dekenai do ai lao. They also find comfort in knowing that the resurrection will restore to life many who have lost their lives through violence. Namona be ita ibounai ese Iesu ena hereva ita badinaia, ia gwau: "Unai dainai, do umui naria namonamo noho. Badina dina bona hora be umui diba lasi. " - Mataio 25: 13. Danu, idia moale badina idia diba toreisi lou karana ese dagedage amo idia mase taudia momo do ia hamauria lou. Both men later expressed how they felt about Jehovah's record in fulfilling his every promise. (Isaia 11: 6 - 9 duahia.) Gabeai, tatau rua ese Iehova ena gwauhamata ibounai hagugurua karana dekenai edia hemami idia gwauraia hedinarai. SONGS TO BE USED: 8, 107 Bona do ia mase diba gauna ese mase diba lasi gauna do ia halaoa. " Keriso ena murinai idia raka horoa taudia be mai edia abidadama ida Dirava idia hesiai henia ela bona idia mase. ANE: 8, 107 During that time, Laurie and I got married and prepared to continue our traveling lifestyle. Daika garina do lau gari? " Unai nega lalonai, ai headava bona ai hegaegae emai loaloa gaukara ai karaia noho totona. Why can you expect to enjoy the animals in the new world? Basileia ese kara ta do ia karaia totona ita naria noho lalonai, bema kara gageva ita abia dae lasi bona ita karaia lasi, ita ta ta ese " kara maoromaoro ena uhe do ita hadoa ' diba. Dahaka dainai oi ura tanobada matamatana ai animal oi moalelaia? What did Jesus mean by that? Israela taudia be au raurau ruma maragidia ai dina haida idia noho, unai hegeregerena horoa taudia be "idau taudia " bamona inai tanobada dikana lalonai idia noho. Iesu ena hereva ena anina be dahaka? Stupidity is portrayed as a loud, undisciplined, and ignorant woman. (Gen. 37: 4 - 11, 23 - 28, 31 - 33) Lagani momo murinai, edia kerere idia lalopararalaia bona idia gwau: "Momokani, ita kerere vadaeni iseda tadina dainai. Unai hereva ese ia hahedinaraia hahine ena bogana be ia siahu bada, ena bogana ia hamarerea, bona ia be diba bada hahinena. How Obedience "Is Better Than a Sacrifice " Nega haida sekit tauna ia vadivadi o hebouhebou badadia dainai, haida be edia Ruma Bese ena Tomadiho negana idia haidaua diba. Kamonai Karana ese " Boubou Karana Ia Hereaia ' Many have found that serving Jehovah fully during youth also helped them to have a more successful marriage. Iesu be mai ena kara dika lasi dainai, iena bapatiso ese helalo - kerehai toana ia hahedinaraia lasi. Momo idia davaria matamata negana ai Iehova idia hesiai henia karana ese idia ia durua edia headava ia namo totona. I listened breathlessly. Ruma bese ta ia do hamatamaia lasi neganai, iena maduna be uma gabu do ia karaia bona uhe do ia hadoa. Lau laga - ani neganai, lau kamonai namonamo. Study Article 3 PAGES 12 - 16 [ Pictures on page 10] Stadi 3 RAU 12 - 16 Sadly, Israel did not prove faithful to their God, Jehovah. Ena be Apolo be mai aonega ida ia hereva, to diba ma haida ia abia be namo. Madi, Israela taudia be edia Dirava, Iehova, idia badinaia lasi. Jehovah is described in the Bible as the God "who cannot lie. " Tatau E - Keriso Ena Kwara Dagina Umui Tohotohoa Baibel ese Iehova ia gwauraia "koikoi diba lasi " Diravana. 3: 9. Oibe, idia ese Dirava ena hadibaia herevana - tomadiho koikoi rakatania herevana - idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Lauegu orea taudia e, ia dekena amo do umui raka siri, ia danu do umui kara dika hebou garina, bona ia danu panisi do umui abia hebou garina! " - Apokalupo 18: 4. 3: 9. How did Jehovah draw us to true worship? (Iobu 29: 12; 1 Tesalonika 5: 14) Ma danu, dika idia davaria taudia idia hekwarahi hagoadaia gaudia namodia idia laloa totona, unai ese idia do ia durua " taunimanima edia diba ia hanaia momokani ' mainona, Dirava amo, be do idia mamia. - Filipi 4: 6 - 9. Edena dala ai Iehova ese tomadiho momokani dekenai ita ia veria mai? Like a luxuriant fruit tree "planted by the waters " or in an irrigated orchard, Jeremiah never " left off from producing fruit. ' ANE: 23, 138 Ieremia be au namona ta bamona, " sinavai ena huahua ia rakatania lasi. ' (Ier. Did this mean freedom for every literal slave? Baibel ita stadilaia matamaia neganai, dava bada hereva momokani haida ita dibaia. Unai ena anina be igui hesiai tauna korikorina ena ura kwalimu be mai ena hetoana, a? The Bible says: "The one trusting in his riches - he himself will fall. " To ma haida edia lalohadai be inai taihu ena bamona, ia gwau: "Emai lalona ai hadaia ta do ai lalokau henia eiava tura henia lasi. " Baibel ia gwau: "Iena kohu ia abidadama henia tauna, be do ia moru. " People who do not share our faith may feel a special loyalty to their country, tribe, or culture or even to their national sports team. Vadaeni dahaka dainai iseda headava o famili lalonai hisihisi ita davaria? Iseda abidadama idia abia dae lasi taudia be reana do idia laloa edia tano, iduhu, eiava edia spot gadara lalonai badinaia karana be hahenamo badana. For example, Cain murders his righteous brother Abel. Emai ura badana be, Bolivia ena Andes ororodia dekenai idia noho hanua taudia do ai haroro henia. Hegeregere, Kaino ese ena kara maoromaoro tadikakana Abela ia alaia mase. Even though the expressions reflect the Oriental setting of some 3,000 years ago and may appear strange to today's readers, they are full of meaning, and the feelings they convey are not foreign to us. Nega gunadia lau laloa lou bona Iehova ese lau dekenai ia henia hahenamo lau laloa neganai, egu hemami be salamo torea tauna bamona, ia gwau: "Lohiabada do oi hanamoa,... Ena be unai hereva be lagani 3,000 gunanai idia torea bona hari inai negai idia noho taudia dekenai ia hedinarai, to edia anina be idau, bona edia hemami be idau. If the faithful members of the family have the proper attitude toward their disfellowshipped relative and they are endeavoring to honor the Scriptural counsel concerning association with him, there would seem to be no reason for concern. - 1 Cor. Bona dagedage karadia dekenai edia mauri idia haboioa taudia ibounai do ia hatoreisia lou, unai ese edia lalona ia hagoadaia danu. Bema ruma bese taudia ese edia varavara atoa siri karana dekenai lalohadai maorona idia abia bona idia hekwarahi Baibel amo idia abia sisiba idia matauraia, vadaeni unai ita laloa bada be namo. - 1 Kor. Such trust, however, is more than just a feeling. Idia davaria hitolo be Amosa ese ia perovetalaia, ia gwau: "Nega be ia mai noho, lau ese emui tano dekenai hitolo do lau havaraia. To, unai bamona abidadama be hemami ta sibona lasi. During our supplications, we may be comforted by recalling things said in God's Word. Gabeai, Iosua bona Kaleba idia hahedinaraia Iehova be ena gwauhamata ibounai ia hagugurua Diravana. Iseda guriguri lalonai, Dirava ena Hereva lalonai idia gwauraia herevadia ita laloa lou karana ese ita do ia hagoadaia. know the holy writings? ANE: 8, 107 Toretore helagadia oi diba, a? How those words must have pleased Jesus! Unai negai, lau bona Laurie ai headava bona emai loaloa ai karaia lou. Unai hereva ese Iesu ia hamoalea bada! The lender became alarmed and demanded that the backer repay the entire loan. Dahaka dainai oi laloa diba tanobada matamatana lalonai animal do oi moalelaidia? Unai abiatorehai tauna ia gari bona ia noinoi abiatorehai tauna ena abiatorehai ibounai do ia haloua. What is the real reason that the sprout withers in the second type of soil mentioned in Jesus ' illustration? Iesu ena hereva ena anina be dahaka? Dahaka dainai Iesu ese ia gwauraia tano iharuana ai tubutubu gauna ia mase? Welcome to the Best Way of Life! Boiboi bada, bona sibona ena kara bona hereva ia biagua lasi hahinena be kavakava ia laulaulaia. Mauri Dala Hereadaena Dekenai Umui Ai Tanikiu Henia! The man was also renowned for his wisdom. Kamonai Karana "ese Boubou Karadia Ia Hereaia " Dalana Danu, taunimanima momo idia diba ia be aonega tauna. Moreover, "love is patient and kind.... Danu, matamata negana ai Iehova idia hesiai henia taudia momo be edia headava idia moalelaia. Danu, "lalokau be ia boga - auka, bona ia hebogahisi.... Do you long for just a taste of their so - called freedom? Unai sivarai lau kamonai neganai lau lalohekwarahi. Oi ura edia ura kwalimu oi moalelaia, a? The representations of cherubs in the tabernacle and in Solomon's temple primarily served as a picture of the heavenly cherubs. Stadi 3 RAU 12 - 16 Palai dubu bona Solomona ena dubu ai idia noho kerubi edia laulau be kerubi anerudia edia laulau. You too can be certain that Jehovah knows you personally. To, gabeai Israela besena ese edia Dirava, Iehova idia badinaia lasi. Oi danu oi diba momokani Iehova be oi ia diba. How, though, can we cultivate and demonstrate the mind of Christ in our dealings with others? Baibel ese Iehova ia gwauraia, "Ia koikoi diba lasi Diravana. " Edena dala ai ma haida dekenai Keriso ena laloa ita hahedinaraia diba? ; Madsen, N. Paulo ia gwau, " Iuda taudia bona Grik taudia danu be kara dika henunai idia noho. ' - Roma 3: 9. ; Williamssen, N. Prayer may help us to discern what about our desire to reach out for service privileges? Edena dala ai Iehova ese tomadiho momokani dekenai ita ia veria mai? Reana guriguri karana ese ita do ia durua hesiai gaukara ena maduna idauidau ita abia totona, a? For example, suppose we are studying the chapter "Why Living a Godly Life Brings Happiness, " in the Knowledge book. 17: 7, 8. " Sinavai badinai idia hadoa " au huahua bamona, Ieremia be huahua namodia momo ia havaraia. Hegeregere, Diba bukana ia gwau: "Dahaka Dainai Mauri Hanaihanai Ita Abia? " What could give rise to " foolish debates, ' and how can Christian elders set a good example? Iesu ia mai ena badina be taunimanima be dibura ruma amo do ia ruhaia totona, a? Dahaka ese hepapahuahu ia havaraia diba, bona edena dala ai elda taudia ese haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia diba? The growth of God's word in all the earth is closely linked to the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Baibel ia gwau: "Iena moni bona kohu ia abidadama henia tauna... do ia moru. " Tanobada hegegemadai, Dirava ena hereva ia bada daekau karana be Keriso Iesu ena mauri davalaia boubouna ida idia hakapua. This does not seem to be the case. Taunimanima momo be edia tano, iduhu taudia, kastom karadia eiava edia spot gadara taudia idia laloa bada bona edia ladana idia abia isi. Unai be momokani lasi. * Hegeregere, Kaino ese ena tadina, kara maoromaoro tauna Abela, ia alaia mase. * 5, 6. Ena be unai "lalokau herevadia " be lagani 3,000 gunanai idia torea bona idia gaukaralaia herevadia be hari amo ia idau. To unai hereva edia anina bona idia hahedinaraia hemami ita lalopararalaia diba. 5, 6. But what is it that drew Jesus there, a perfect man without physical defect? Bema famili taudia be lalohadai maorona idia badinaia, bona Baibel ena sisiba hegeregerena atoa siri merona idia bamoa kava lasi, vadaeni Kingdom Hall lalonai ia be ena famili ida ia helai be kerere lasi. - 1 Kor. To, Iesu ia mai neganai, goevadae tauna ta ia noho, a? Jesus spoke of "the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches, " which can" choke the word " of God and make a person "unfruitful " with respect to the good news. To, unai bamona abidadama be hemami ta sibona lasi. Iesu ese "inai nega oromana ena lalohekwarahi gaudia bona taga ena koikoi siahuna " ia herevalaia neganai, ia ese" Dirava ena hereva " ia koua diba bona sivarai namona ia matauraia. The book of Revelation leaves no doubt as to the source of the persecution of Jesus ' followers, stating: "The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test. " Ita guriguri goadagoada neganai, Dirava ena Hereva ia gwauraia gaudia laloa lou karana ese iseda lalona ia hagoadaia diba. Apokalupo bukana ese Iesu murinai idia raka taudia idia dagedage henia ena badina ia hahedinaraia, ia gwau: "Satani ese umui haida dibura ruma dekenai do ia koua, umui do ia dibagania. " So it is bound to happen that the Egyptians will see you and will say, "This is his wife. " Toretore Helagadia oi diba? Unai dainai Aigupito taudia ese oi do idia itaia bona do idia gwau, "Inai be iena adavana. " 4: 1 - 3. " Sivarai Namona do oi harorolaia... 4: 1 - 3. It is sufficient to have reasonable confidence in a writer's general trustworthiness; if that is established, there is an a priori likelihood that his details are true.... Reana Iesu be unai hereva dekenai ia moale! Bema toretore tauna ena hereva ita abia dae momokani, ita gwau diba ia be gau ta ia do vara lasi neganai, ita abidadama henia be namo.... The Bible counsels: "A shrewd person sees danger and hides himself, but the naive keep right on going and suffer for it. " - Prov. Moni heniatorehai tauna ia badu bona durua tauna ia oda henia abiatorehai monina ibounai do ia henia. Baibel ia gwau: "Aonega tauna ese dika ia itaia noho, bona ia hunia noho, to laloa kehoa lasi tauna ese, dika do ia davaria. " - Aon. A fire can be a welcome light in the dark, and it can warm our body and heat our food. Iesu ese ena haheitalai lalonai ia gwauraia tano iharuana lalonai, tubutubu gauna ia mase ena badina korikorina be dahaka? Lahi ese dibura lalonai ita ia welkam henia diba, bona iseda tauanina bona siahu ia hasiahua diba. You could, for example, say to a householder: "Many people say that every person has an immortal soul, yet note what God's Word says here. " Ena aonega dainai momo ese ia idia diba. Hegeregere, ruma tauna oi hamaoroa diba: "Taunimanima momo idia gwau taunimanima ibounai be mai edia mase diba lasi soulina, to Dirava ena Hereva ese ia gwauraia gauna mani oi laloa. " And as we contemplate the promises of wonderful things Jehovah will yet do, we also search for ways to express appreciation. " Danu, "lalokau be ia boga - auka, bona ia hebogahisi.... Bona Iehova ese do ia karaia gau namodia ita laloa neganai, tanikiu karana ita hahedinaraia diba daladia ita tahua danu. " These are unrealistic imaginations, daydreams, idle mind wanderings. Oi ura idia abia moalena sisina sibona oi mamia, a? Unai be lalohadai kererena. Still, the king was sure that God would sustain him on his sickbed. Inai hereva "hadibaia goada " anina be gwauraia loulou. To, king ia diba momokani Dirava ese ia do ia naria. He proved to the ultimate degree that a perfect man can maintain "godly devotion " and uphold God's sovereignty despite the severest of tests imposed by Satan. Palai dubu bona Solomona ena dubu lalonai idia noho kerubi ese guba kerubi idia laulaulaia. Ena be Satani ese hahetoho badadia ia havaraia, to ia hamomokania goevadae tauna be Dirava ia badinaia noho bona Dirava ena lohia siahuna ia abia isi noho diba. During a Bible study, it is important to read and explain at least some of these cited scriptures. (Salamo 139: 1, 2) Namona be oi danu oi diba momokani Iehova be oi ia diba. Baibel stadi lalonai, unai siri haida ita duahia bona gwauraia hedinarai be gau badana. They, however, were not the first to die. Their son Abel was. To, ma haida ita kara henidia neganai, Keriso ena laloa be edena bamona ita habadaia bona hahedinaraia diba? To, edia natuna Abela ia mase guna lasi. Identifying Impediments to Progress ; Madsen, N. Lau Goada Lau Lao Dalana Even when he rode into Jerusalem six days before his death and was hailed as King of the Jews, Jesus differed greatly from rulers of the world. Guriguri karana ese edena dala ai ita ia durua kongrigeisen lalonai maduna abia karana dekenai lalohadai maorona ita abia totona? Ena be dina 6 Ierusalema dekenai ia vareai bona Iuda taudia edia King ai ia lao, to Iesu be tanobada ena lohia taudia amo ia idau. That more than made up for the inconveniences of living out of a suitcase. (Aonega Herevadia 20: 5) Hegeregere, reana ita be Diba bukana lalonai inai karoa, "Kara Maoromaoro ese Moale Ia Havaraia, " ita stadilaia. Unai ese sutkeisi ena hekwarahi sibona ia hanaia lasi. Says The World Book Encyclopedia: "A man and woman who marry hope to share a sexual relationship and a permanent romantic attraction. " Marthe be edena dala ai heduru ia abia? Buka ta (The World Book Encyclopedia) ia gwau: "Tau bona hahine be mahuta hebou urana idia abia bona idia ura heheni. " Can we show love for our brothers even if we do not know them personally? Aposteit karana sibona lasi, to gau ma haida ese kongrigeisen ena maino idia hadikaia diba. Ena be iseda tadikaka taihu ita diba lasi, to idia dekenai lalokau ita hahedinaraia diba, a? History reveals that Christians had many enemies. Tanobada hegegemadai Dirava ena hereva ia bada daekau karana dekenai, Iesu Keriso ena mauri davalaia boubouna be mai anina. Histori ese ia hahedinaraia Keristani taudia be dagedage taudia momo. Recently, during one such two - day campaign, the Witnesses were able to place 650 magazines, 99 brochures, and 25 books on Bible topics! Lasi, unai bamona ia vara lasi. Vanegai, Witnes taudia be dina ta ta ai magasin siks, buklet 99, bona Baibel herevalaia bukadia 25,000,000 idia hariharilaia! By consenting to be "pierced for our transgression " and" crushed for our errors, " Christ carried our sins upon the stake and died in our place. * Keriso ese unai gwau - edeede karana ia abia dae bona "iseda kara dika dainai ia hisihisi " bona" iseda kerere dainai ia lalohisihisi, " unai dainai iseda kara dika ia huaia bona iseda gabu dekenai ia mase. However, his murderous spirit has permeated this world. 5, 6. To, iena ala - ala karana be inai tanobada amo ia honu momokani. If a child is unsure about some teaching, try not to react too strongly or to respond as if you were on the defensive. Herevana Iesu be goevadae tauna bona ia gorere lasi, to dahaka dainai unuseni ia lao? Bema natu ta be hadibaia hereva haida ia diba lasi, namo lasi ia oi hereva auka henia eiava oi hereva auka henia. 1: 9; 1 Tim. Unai dainai Iesu ia gwau, "tanobada ena laloa metau idauidau bona kohu ura henia dikadika " karana ese" Dirava ena hereva idia koua " bona sivarai namona be "anina lasi " gauna ai ia lao diba. 1: 9; 1 Tim. Speak Truth With Governmental Authorities (Iobu 1: 12; 2: 6, 7; Ioane 8: 37, 44; 13: 27) Apokalupo bukana ese Iesu ena murinai idia raka taudia dagedage henia karana ena badina ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva, ia gwau: "Satani ese umui haida dibura ruma dekenai do ia koua, umui do ia dibagania. " Gavamani Ena Gaukara Taudia Dekenai Hereva Momokani Gwauraia Elijah and Elisha worked hard to build up the people spiritually. Aigupito taudia ese oi idia itaia neganai do idia gwau, "Ia be Aberamo ena adavana. " Elia bona Elisaia idia gaukara goada lauma dalanai taunimanima idia hagoadaia totona. Kindness Melts Bitterness, 6 / 15 Modern - Day Aztecs, 3 / 1 4: 1 - 3. " Dirava Ena Hereva Badinaia Taudia, " 3 / 15 How should love for God be expressed? Mai badina dainai toretore tauna ta ena hereva ita hamomokania be ia hegeregere; bema unai ia vara, toana be ia hamomokania ia torea gauna ena kahana maragidia ta ta be momokani.... Edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia Dirava ita lalokau henia? Karen: Great, I'll see you then. Baibel ia gwau: "Aonega tauna ese dika ia itaia noho, bona unai dika dekena amo ia raka siri, to aonega lasi tauna, be unai dika dekenai do ia raka lao, bona gabeai hisihisi do ia davaria. " - Aon. Karen: Namo, oi do lau itaia. The widow then told Elijah: "Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovah's word in your mouth is truth. " - 1 Ki. Dibura lalonai lahi ena diari ita ura henia, bona ita ia durua ita keru lasi totona bona iseda aniani ia hasiahua. Bena vabu ese Elia ia hamaoroa: "Hari lau diba oi be Dirava ena tau, bona Lohiabada ena hereva be momokani. " - 1 Kin. TULSA, OK, Tulsa Convention Center, 100 Civic Center. Reana ruma tauna dekenai do oi gwau: "Momo idia gwau, taunimanima ta ta be mai edia mase diba lasi soulina, to mani ita itaia Baibel be dahaka ia gwau. " Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Jehovah can make you strong, just as he has me. " Iehova ese gabeai do ia karaia gau namo hereadia ena gwauhamata ita laloa neganai, ita be dala haida ita tahua iseda tanikiu karana hahedinaraia totona. " Iehova ese oi do ia hagoadaia, lau dekenai ia karaia bamona. " It is hearing and heeding the Bible, not just having one, that builds faith Idia be oi abia diba lasi to oi ura henia kava gaudia, lalohadai kava gaudia, anina lasi gaudia lalohadailaia karana. Baibel ita kamonai henia bona ita badinaia neganai, iseda abidadama ia hagoadaia sibona lasi, to abidadama ia hagoadaia danu When Jesus ' apostles were sent forth as harvest workers, they heeded his instruction to be "cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves. " 12: 7 - 14) To King Davida ia diba Dirava ese ena gorere negana ai ia do ia durua. Iesu ena aposetolo taudia be anina haboua taudia ai idia lao neganai, idia ese iena hadibaia herevadia idia badinaia, ia gwau: "Umui be gaigai bamona do umui hedinarai, pune manu bamona. " There are also more unusual views. Ia hamomokania Satani ena hahetoho lalonai, goevadae tauna be Iehova ena " dala ia badinaia ' bona Dirava ena lohia siahuna ia abia isi noho diba. Danu, lalohadai idauna ma haida idia noho. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Baibel stadi ta ita karaia neganai, idia gwauraia siridia haida ita duahia bona edia anina ita hahedinaraia be gau badana. . . . . . Now, all must decide whether they believe that God's way of doing things is superior to Satan's or vice versa. To, dia idia se mase guna, a natudia Abel e mase guna. Hari, namona be ibounai idia abia dae Dirava ena dala ese Satani ena kara ia hereaia. • Who recognize the sign of Jesus ' presence and understand what it means? (2 Samuela 12: 13) Davida be Iehova vairanai ena kara ena maoro ia hamomokania toho lasi o ma haida dekenai kerere ia atoa toho lasi. • Daidia ese Iesu ena noho negana ena toana idia itaia bona idia lalo - pararalaia ena anina be dahaka? To keep the lines of communication open, family members must listen - really listen - to one another. - Read James 1: 19. Oi Goada Oi Lao Dalana Idia Koua Gaudia Oi Diba Herevahereva namonamo dalana ia noho totona, ruma bese taudia ese ta ta idia kamonai henia be gau badana. - Iamesi 1: 19 duahia. Would he have continued to be favorably known by Jehovah? Iesu be Ierusalema dekenai ia vareai bona Iuda taudia edia King bamona idia hanamoa neganai, unai be dina 6 idia do noho bena do ia mase neganai, ia be tanobada edia lohia siahu taudia amo ia idau momokani. Iehova ese do ia lalonamo henia noho, a? The same can be said of many couples today. Unai bamona ai karaia dainai, emai sekit gaukara ai moalelaia. Hari inai negai, headava taudia momo danu be unai bamona idia karaia diba. EARLY MINISTRY (Nahumu 1: 3) Unai dainai, Iehova ena haheauka be manoka ena toana lasi bona ia be mai ena hetoana. HARORO GAUKARA In April of that year, Father received a letter from the Watch Tower Society's office in Magdeburg. Unai lalokau dainai tau bona hahine idia headava, bona momo idia ura unai lalokau be do ia noho hanaihanai. Unai lagani ena April ai, Tamagu ese Watch Tower Society ena opesi Watch Tower Society amo revareva ta ia abia. It is a secret place because unbelievers cannot discern it. Iseda tadikaka ita lalokau henia diba, herevana idia ita diba lasi, a? Ia be hehuni gabuna badina abidadama lasi taudia ese idia lalo - pararalaia diba lasi. What will help us to become more empathetic? Histori lalonai idia vara gaudia ese idia hahedinaraia, Keristani taudia edia inai taudia be momo. Dahaka ese ita do ia durua ma haida edia hemami ita laloa bada totona? If we are associated with a congregation like the one in ancient Smyrna, on what issue should our attention be focused? Vanegai, unai bamona haroro gaukarana ta, dina rua lalonai idia karaia gauna, lalonai Witnes taudia ese Baibel idia herevalaia magasin 650, buklet 99, bona buka 25 idia hariharilaia! Bema ita be idaunegai Semurana kongrigeisen ita bamoa, dahaka ita laloatao be namo? Solomon directed the following words to young ones: "Know that on account of [your actions] the true God will bring you into judgment. " Keriso ese sibona ena tauanina dekenai, iseda kara dika ia huaia, satauro ena latanai. Solomona ese matamata taudia dekenai inai hereva ia gwauraia: "Oiemu kara dainai do oi diba, Dirava ese oi do ia kota henia. " Jesus Knew What to Say Momokani, iena ala - ala lalohadaina be inai tanobada ia hadikaia vadaeni. Iesu ese Hereva Matamata Ia Gwauraia When will God destroy evil on earth? Bema emu natuna be oi hadibaia herevana ta ia lalopararalaia lasi, namo lasi oi kara auka o mai badu ida oi hereva. Edena negai Dirava ese tanobada ai dika do ia haorea? Really, if your teen never learns to make decisions for himself while at home, how will he know how to make them after he leaves? 1: 9; 1 Tim. Momokani, bema emu natuna be ruma ai abia hidi ia karaia diba lasi, edena dala ai do ia diba edena dala ai abia hidi maorodia ia karaia diba? Jesus ' Miracles - A Preview of Global Healing Gavamani Dekenai Hereva Momokani Gwauraia Iesu Ena Lalohadai - Hanamoa Karana Ta I also learned to lubricate the car and change oil to save money. Idia ese peroveta taudia ma haida idia treinia, reana grup ai idia haria, gaukara ta ta idia karaia totona. Danu, motuka bona oela hanamoa dalana lau dibaia, unai amo moni lau haboua diba. Poor hearing? Farisea Taudia Edia Hatubua Muramura, 5 / 15 Ogogami Taudia Idia Kamonai, A? Foremost among the "fine works " outlined in God's Word for Christians is the lifesaving work of Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making. Edena dala ai Dirava ita lalokau henia be namo? Dirava ena Hereva ese Keristani taudia totona ia gwauraia "kara namodia " ta be Basileia harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana. To Timothy, Paul wrote: "I was shown mercy [so] that by means of me as the foremost case Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his long - suffering for a sample of those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life. " Karen: Namo herea, vadaeni pura vaira do ita hedavari. Paulo ese Timoteo ia tore henia, ia gwau: "Keriso Iesu ese lau ia hebogahisi henia dainai, iena haheauka lau dekenai ia hahedinaraia, unai amo ia idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai be mauri hanaihanai do idia abia. " About a year and a half after that convention, we attended Gilead School and were assigned to serve in Ecuador, South America. Iehova be mai moale ida unai ahuna ia henia, badina hahetoho idauidau lalonai Iesu be Dirava ia badinaia ela bona ia mase. Unai hebouhebou ia ore bena lagani ta mai kahana murinai, Gilead Sikuli dekenai ai lao bona ai idia siaia Ecuador, South America dekenai ai gaukara totona. In addition, we followed a diligent program every Monday night of studying the lesson in the Watchtower magazine and doing our Bible reading. Elia dekenai ia gwau: "Harihari lau diba oi be Dirava ena tau momokani, bona Lohiabada ese iena hereva oiemu uduna dekena amo ia gwauraia momokani! " - 1 Kin. Danu, Monday hanuaboi ibounai Gima Kohorona magasin ai stadilaia bona emai Baibel duahiduahi ai karaia. They are to do so lovingly, not lording it over the flock. Iehova ese lau ia hagoadaia hegeregerena, oi do ia hagoadaia danu. " Idia be mai lalokau ida unai bamona do idia karaia, bona mamoe oreana do idia biagua auka lasi. Because she was skilled in her craft, such professionals as doctors and teachers ordered clothes from her. Baibel ta abia karana lasi, to Baibel ena hereva kamonai bona kamonai henia karana ese abidadama ia havaraia Ia be gaukara momo ia diba dainai, doketa bona tisa taudia ese ia idia oda henia dabua do ia hahedokilaia. Moses taught the Israelites to assemble together adults and "little ones. " Iesu ese anina haboua totona ena aposetolo taudia ia siaia neganai, ena hadibaia herevana idia badinaia bona " idia aonega gaigai bamona, bona idia dagedage lasi, pune manu bamona. ' Mose ese Israela taudia ia hadibaia taunimanima badadia bona "natudia " do idia haboua. What Christian Maturity Is To lalohadai idaudia momo idia noho. Lo Keristani Taudia ai Ita Lao Ena Anina The apostle Paul was inspired to write: "Not that we of ourselves are adequately qualified to reckon anything as issuing from ourselves, but our being adequately qualified issues from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Aposetolo Paulo be Dirava ena lauma amo inai hereva ia torea, ia gwau: "Ai be sibona emai diba dekenai ai hegeregere lasi, to ai hegeregere momokani, Dirava sibona ese ai dekenai diba ia henia, vadaeni inai gaukara ai karaia diba. " Even if God permits some of us to die under Satan's attacks, we can be confident that God will undo whatever harm is brought upon us. Hari, namona be taunimanima ibounai ese idia abia dae Dirava ena lohia dalana be maoro. Ena be Dirava ese ita haida ia koua lasi Satani ena hahetoho lalonai ita mase totona, to ita diba momokani Dirava ese ita dekenai idia vara dika ibounai do ia haorea. What will mark the transition from human rule to Kingdom rule? • Daidia be Keriso ena noho negana ena toana idia itaia bona lalopararalaia? Taunimanima edia lohia dalana amo dahaka do ia vara? Thus, by applying what we learn, we show that we have not simply heard Jehovah's voice but also listened to it. Idia herevahereva namonamo totona, famili taudia idia kamonai heheni namonamo be gau badana. - Iamesi 1: 19 duahia. Unai dainai, ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia neganai, ita hahedinaraia Iehova ena gadona ita kamonai sibona lasi, to ita kamonai danu. God " will yearn for the work of his hands, ' keenly desiring to resurrect Job. Paulo dekenai hereva momokani harorolaia gaukarana be hahenamo badana. Dirava ia ura dikadika Iobu ia hatorea isi lou. How can we avoid being overwhelmed by life's adversities? Iehova ese Aberahamo do ia tura henia noho, a? Edena dala ai mauri ena hekwakwanai idauidau ese ita idia hametaua lasi diba? 104: 15; Matt. Hari, headava taudia momo edia mauri be unai bamona. 104: 15; Mat. As a teacher, how did Jesus differ from the religious leaders of his day? HARORO GAUKARA IA HAMATAMAIA Iesu be hadibaia tauna dainai, edena dala ai iena negai idia noho tomadiho gunalaia taudia amo ia idau? It is our privilege to follow Jesus ' example of helping people to come to know and worship Jehovah, the God of freedom. Unai lagani ena hua April lalonai, Tamagu be Watch Tower Society ena opesi Magdeburg dekena amo revareva ta ia abia. Taunimanima ita durua Iehova, ura kwalimu ia henia Diravana, idia dibaia bona tomadiho henia totona be hahenamo badana. And for what? " 15: 1, 2; 121: 5) Unai be hehuni gabuna badina abidadama lasi taudia be unai gabu idia diba lasi. Bona dahaka dainai? " What if married life proves to be more challenging than expected? Dahaka ese ita do ia durua tadikaka edia noho dalana ita lalopararalaia totona? Dahaka do ia vara bema headava taudia idia laloa edia mauri be mai ena hekwarahi? When was the major fulfillment of Zephaniah's restoration prophecy to take place, and how do we know this? Bema ita noho kongregesen be idaunegai Semurana kongregesen bamona, edena hepapahuahu ita laloa be namo? Sepanaia ena hanamoa lou peroveta herevana ena guguru negana badana be edena negai ia guguru, bona edena bamona unai ita diba? Immediately after Jesus Christ finished celebrating his last Passover with his apostles, he instituted a meal that would memorialize his sacrificial death. Solomona be matamata taudia dekenai inai ia gwauraia: "Do oi laloaboio lasi, inai kara ibounai dainai Dirava ese oi do ia kota henia. " (Had. Iesu Keriso be ena aposetolo taudia ida Pasova ginigabena ia karaia murinai, aniani ia hamatamaia bona ena mauri ia bouboulaia. Those godly youths maintained spiritual cleanness and thus set a fine example. Iesu be Haroro Herevana Hamatamaia Dalana Ia Diba Unai Dirava idia badinaia matamata taudia be lauma dalanai idia goeva noho bona haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. * Hence, he left his wife and moved in with Monika, who had abandoned her husband. Edena negai Dirava ese kara dika do ia haorea? * Unai dainai, ena adavana ia rakatania bona Blessing ida ia lao, ia be ena adavana ia rakatania. (4) Kato, T. Momokani, bema natumu na ruma ai e nohomu lalonai ğau ta baine abia hidi karana basio hadibaia namonamo, umui baine rakatanimui neganai baine hekwarahi bada herea. (4) Dusen, T. Since the first century, countless individuals have turned from indifference or total opposition to Christianity to absolute certainty that it is the true religion. Iesu Ena Hoa Karadia - Tanobada ai Do ia Vara Hanamoa Karana Idia Laulaulaia Aposetolo edia nega amo ema bona hari, taunimanima momo be Keristani tomadiho momokanina idia dadaraia eiava dagedage henia bada. There was no escape. Danu, motuka ena gris bona oela haidaua dalana lau dibaia moni ai negea lasi totona. Lasi. Being a shepherd involves hard work. Ta ia kamonai namonamo lasi, a? Elda tauna ai oi lao totona oi gaukara goada be namo. Now more than ever, we need to keep on the watch. Baibel ese ia gwauraia "gaukara namodia " amo mai anina bada gauna be: Basileia harorolaia bona hahediba taudia halaoa gaukarana. Hari inai negai, ita gima noho be gau badana. Today, we feel the same love for and obligation toward our neighbor. Paulo be Timoteo dekenai ia gwau: "Dirava ese lau ia bogahisihisi henia ena badina be inai: Keriso ia ura iena haheauka, be lau dekena amo do ia hedinaraia namonamo, taunimanima ibounai edia vairana dekenai. Hari inai negai, iseda dekena taudia dekenai lalokau bona maduna be unai bamona ita laloa danu. Jesus said: "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. " Lagani ta mai kahana murinai, ai be Gilead Sikuli dekenai ai lao bona Ecuador, South America dekenai ai idia siaia. Iesu ia gwau: "Lohiabada oiemu Dirava do oi tomadiho henia, ia sibona dekenai hesiai gaukara helagana do oi karaia. " Yet, they are enduring, and we greatly appreciate their presence and participation. Danu, Monday hanuaboi ibounai Gima Kohorona magasin ai stadilaia bona Baibel duahiduahi ai karaia. To, idia haheauka noho, bona edia noho negana bona haere karana ita laloa bada. Lucía could hardly open her eyes. Hari danu, kongrigeisen elda taudia idia abia hidi " mamoe orea idia naria namonamo ' totona. Lucía ese ena matana ia kehoa diba lasi. Like Abner, Absalom sought to kill David, even though he knew that Jehovah had appointed David as Israel's king. - 2 Sam. Ia be turituri ia diba namonamo dainai, doketa bona tisa taudia edia dabua ia turidia danu. Abesaloma bamona, Abesaloma ia ura Davida ia hamasea, ena be ia diba Iehova ese Davida ia abia hidi Israela ena king ai ia lao totona. - 2 Sam. Furthermore, we are personally convinced that carrying out such activities is God's will for us. (Hadibaia Tauna 5: 1) Mose ese Israela taudia ia hadibadia tau, hahine bona "memero bona kekeni " do idia haboua. Danu, ita diba momokani unai bamona gaukara ita karaia neganai, Dirava ena ura do ita karaia. Jesus Christ stressed the value that God places on humans by saying: "Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Lo Keristani Tauna ese Dahaka Ia Karaia be Namo? Iesu Keriso ese ia hahedinaraia Dirava ese taunimanima edia noho gabuna ia laloa bada, ia gwau: "Tau maragidia ese moni maragimaragi rua idia hoia, ani? What greater gift could you impart? Aposetolo Paulo be Dirava ena lauma amo inai ia torea, ia gwau: "Ai sibona inai gaukara ai karaia be ai hegeregere lasi. Unai dainai ai sibona be aonega taudia ai gwauraia diba lasi. Edena harihari gauna hereadaena oi henia diba? How did Jesus set a good example for parents? Ena be Satani be ena dagedage karadia amo ita haida ia hadikaia bona Dirava ese ia koua lasi, to ita diba momokani Dirava ese unai hisihisi ibounai do ia haorea momokani. Edena dala ai Iesu ese tama sina dekenai haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia? In Togo, after the construction of one hall, the responsible ones of a local charismatic church wanted to know why Jehovah's Witnesses were able to construct their own buildings while the church had to hire people for this purpose! Basileia ena lohia ese taunimanima edia lohia ena gabu ia abia negana ia makaia gauna be dahaka? Togo ai, Kingdom Hall ta idia haginia murinai, unai gabu ena dubu naria taudia idia ura diba dahaka dainai Iehova ena Witnes taudia be sibodia edia ruma idia haginia, to dubu ese taunimanima idia abia hidi unai gaukara idia karaia totona! One reason to undergo baptism is that Jesus commissioned his followers to "make disciples..., baptizing them. " Unai dainai, ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia karana amo ita hahedinaraia Iehova ena gadona ita kamonai henia. Bapatiso ita abia ena badina ta be, Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hagania " diba tahua taudia do idia halaoa, bona bapatiso do idia abia. ' You likely share their desire to attend congregation meetings regularly. (Iobu 14: 13 - 15, NW) Dirava ese " ena imana edia gaukara do ia ura dikadika, ' anina be ia ura bada Iobu do ia hatorea isi lou. Reana oi ura kongrigeisen heboudia dekenai oi lao hanaihanai. Jehovah has become a real person to me, and I know that he has my best interests at heart. " Ita lalomanoka lasi totona, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Iehova be lau dekenai ia noho momokani, bona lau diba ia ese egu namo ia laloa bada. " Nevertheless, this stand for righteousness brings God's people today much inner peace and happiness. - 1 Peter 3: 14. 104: 15; Mat. To, kara maoromaoro badinaia karana ese hari inai negai Dirava ena taunimanima dekenai lalomaino bona moale ia mailaia. - 1 Petero 3: 14. He needs to see it demonstrated by our attitude and actions. Edena dala ai hadibaia tauna Iesu be tomadiho gunalaia taudia amo ia idau? Namona be iseda lalohadai bona kara amo unai ia hahedinaraia. It has oversight of printeries and properties owned and operated by the various corporations used by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ita ura Iesu ena haheitalai ita tohotohoa bona taunimanima ita durua Iehova, ura kwalimu ia henia Diravana, idia dibaia bona tomadiho henia totona. Ia be Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia gaukaralaia kampani idauidau ese idia naria bona naria. Some of their needs are (1) his love, (2) a positive example, (3) a happy environment, (4) education in spiritual values, (5) discipline, (6) protection. - 10 / 1, pages 18 - 21. Oibe, ia davaria, badina... iena lalona be namo. Edia dabu gaudia haida be inai: (1) ena lalokau, (2) haheitalai namona, (3) lauma gaudia laloa bada karana, (4) matahakani henia karana, (3) sibona gimaia karana. - 10 / 1, rau 18 - 21. Give Jehovah the opportunity to grant you future privileges Ena badina be dahaka? " Iehova dekenai dala oi kehoa vaira nega ena hahenamo oi abia totona To whatever extent Abraham did that before reaching Hebron, he certainly was more familiar with the Promised Land than most of us. Bema headava lalonai hekwakwanai momo idia vara be edena bamona? Aberahamo be Heberona dekenai ia do lao lasi neganai, ia be Gwauhamata Tanona ia diba namonamo, guna bamona lasi. We are wise to heed Jesus ' counsel and to " clothe ourselves with lowliness of mind. ' - Colossians 3: 12; 1 Corinthians 1: 31. Sepanaia ena hanamoa lou peroveta herevana ena guguru negana badana be edena negai, bona dahaka dainai unai ita diba? Aonega dalana be Iesu ena sisiba ita badinaia bona " ita manau. ' - Kolose 3: 12; 1 Korinto 1: 31. (a) How does our love for Jehovah and Jesus motivate us in the preaching work? Iesu Keriso be ena hahediba taudia ida ena Pasova ariana ginigabena ia karaia murinai, maoromaoro ena mauri bouboulaia karana laloatao totona aria ta ia karaia. (a) Edena dala ai iseda lalokau Iehova bona Iesu dekenai ese ita ia hagoadaia haroro gaukara ita karaia totona? Gideon was told to demolish his father's altar to Baal and to cut down the sacred pole that stood alongside it. Unai Dirava idia badinaia matamata taudia ese edia lauma dalana idia gimaia, bona haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. Gideona ia hamaoroa ena tamana ena boubou patana be Bala dekenai do ia utua bona ia badinai ia gini au helagana do ia utua. By maintaining peace with our brothers and sisters, we contribute to the unity and joy of the congregation. - Read Colossians 3: 12 - 14. * Unai dainai, iena adavana ia rakatania bona Monika, ia danu be ena adavana ia rakatania hahinena, ida idia noho hebou. Iseda tadikaka taihu ida maino ai ita noho neganai, kongrigeisen lalonai lalotamona bona moale do ia noho. - Kolose 3: 12 - 14 duahia. When her son, John, was born, Zechariah could not speak because he had been struck with speechlessness for questioning God's angel. (4) Kato, T. Sekaraia ena natuna, John, ia vara neganai, ia hereva diba lasi badina Dirava ena aneru ia nanadaia. I also learned to play the piano, and music and ballroom dancing became my hobbies. Aposetolo taudia edia nega amo, taunimanima momo be guna Keristani tomadiho idia dadaraia eiava idia dagedage henia, to hari idia diba ia be tomadiho momokanina. Danu, miusiki gadaralaia dalana lau dibaia, bona mavaru karaia dalana lau manadalaia. To illustrate: You insist that your children be educated because their education is important and you hope to instill in them a love for learning. (Eso. Haheitalai ta be inai: Oi ura emu natudia be edukeisen namona idia abia badina edia edukeisen be mai anina bada bona oi ura idia oi durua idia dibaia gaudia idia ura henia totona. This angered church leadership and caused the progressive movement to break away. Elda taudia be idia hekwarahi bada. Unai dubu gunalaia taudia idia badu bona edia gaukara idia hadokoa. And she provided ample food supplies to David, who would be the next king, and to his men. Hari danu ita gima noho be gau badana. Bona Davida dekenai aniani momo ia henia, ia be king ai do ia lao, bona ena tatau dekenai aniani momo ia henia. " How can I endure life here? ' Hari inai nega lalonai, iseda dekena tauna be unai bamona ita lalokau henia bona ita ura ita durua. " Edena dala ai iniseniai lau haheauka diba? ' We feel sure that our regular and heartfelt prayers helped the children to view Jehovah as their loving heavenly Father. Iesu ia gwau: "[Iehova] oiemu Dirava dekenai do oi tomadiho henia, ia sibona ena ura do oi karaia. " Ai diba momokani emai guriguri bona mai kudouna ibounai ida emai natudia ai durua Iehova be edia lalokau guba Tamana bamona idia laloa totona. Thus, while Jehovah expressed his righteousness through the Law, he did so with the people's welfare and eternal salvation in mind. To idia haheauka, bona ita moale bada badina idia be hebou totona idia mai bona kahana haida idia durua. Unai dainai, ena be Iehova ese Taravatu amo ena kara maoromaoro ia hahedinaraia, to taunimanima edia namo bona mauri hanaihanai ia laloa. Unlike the ten other spies, these two faithful men brought back a positive report. Lucía ena matana ia kehoa diba lasi. Unai abidadama tatau rua be spai taudia 10 bamona lasi, to sivarai namona idia mailaia. " Turn the other cheek. ' - MATTHEW 5: 39. Ma danu, ia ura iena tamana ia hamasea, ena be ia diba Iehova ese Davida be Israela ena king ai ia halaoa. - 2 Sam. " Dala Oi kehoa. ' - MATAIO 5: 39. But regarding those attacking his faithful servants, Jehovah says: "He that is touching you is touching my eyeball. " Bona danu, ita laloparara momokani Dirava ena ura be ita ese Iena hesiai gaukara do ita karaia. (Sek. To, Iehova ese ena abidadama hesiai taudia idia dagedage henia taudia ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Oi ese egu matana nadinadina oi dogoatao noho. " (See opening image.) Dirava ese taunimanima ia laloa bada herea karana be Iesu ese ia gwauraia hedinarai, ia gwau: "Manu maragidia 5 edia davana be toea rua sibona, ani? (Laulau ginigunana itaia.) Thus, Jehovah told them: "You have turned aside from the way. Oi henia harihari gauna ta ese unai ia hereaia diba lasi, ani? Unai dainai, Iehova ese idia ia hamaoroa: "Oi ese dala oi rakatania vadaeni. Many teenagers claim that this practice is harmless because it is not sexual intercourse. Iesu be edena bamona haheitalai namona tama sina totona ia hahedinaraia? Matamata taudia momo idia gwau unai kara be dika lasi, badina unai kara be mahuta hebou karana lasi. We concluded that for this reason, Jehovah allowed Babylon the Great to take them captive for a short time. Togo ai, Kingdom Hall ta idia haginia murinai, sene dubuna ta ena gunalaia taudia idia ura diba dahaka dainai Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese edia ruma idia haginia diba to dubu ma haida ese taunimanima dekenai moni idia henia unai gaukara idia karaia totona! Ai laloa Iehova ese gwaumaoro ia henia Babulonia Badana ese idia do ia abia lao nega sisina lalonai Babulonia Badana ena igui henunai idia noho totona. Her marriage eventually ended in divorce, although she had put many years of effort into trying to save it. Bapatiso ita abia ena badina ta be Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia ia hamaoroa " bese ibounai be diba tahua taudia do idia halaoa, bona do idia bapatisoa. ' Ena be lagani momo lalonai ia hekwarahi unai headava ia hadokoa totona, to ena headava ia hadokoa lasi. Or if you are a parent, you can request that God's spirit help you to discipline your children, not in anger, but in love. Reana oi danu be hebou lao henia karana oi moalelaia. Eiava bema oi be tama o sina ta, oi noinoi diba Dirava ena lauma helaga ese oi do ia durua emu natudia oi matahakani henia totona, to mai lalokau ida oi matahakani henidia. 5: 12. Iehova be turana korikorina lau dekenai, bona lau diba ia ese egu namo ia tahua. " 5: 12. Elderly Daniel knew that the dead are at rest, with no "planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave. " To, kara maoromaoro totona idia gini goada karana ese hari inai negai Dirava ena taunimanima dekenai maino bona moale bada ia mailaia. - 1 Petero 3: 14. Daniel ia diba mase taudia be laga - ani lalonai idia laga - ani, "mase taudia edia gabu ta dekenai, diba bona aonega be lasi. " Jesus referred to the holy spirit as a "helper " at John 14: 26. " ITA LALOKAU HEHENI BONA KARA NAMODIA ITA KARAIA " Ioane 14: 26 ai, Iesu ia gwau lauma helaga be " durua tauna ' bamona. Then, in 1993, John died of a heart attack. Ia be Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia gaukaralaia koporeisen idauidau ese idia biagua printa gabudia bona ruma o tano ia naria. Bena, lagani 1993 ai, Ioane be kudou gorerena dainai ia mase. Elders in every land honor traveling overseers, who are appointed by the Governing Body Kongrigeisen elda taudia ese ma haida idia matauraia dalana ta be, namo lasi tadikaka idia noia idia karaia diba lasi gaudia idia karaia totona. Tano ibounai dekenai, loaloa naria taudia matauraia karana be Hakaua Oreana ese ia abia hidi. Seven hundred years before Christ, Jehovah referred to the entire nation of Israel as "my witnesses " and" my servant whom I have chosen. " Namona be dala oi karaia nega vairai Iehova ese hesiai gaukara haida be oi dekenai ia henia totona Keriso ia do vara lasi neganai, Iehova ese Israela besena ibounai ia gwauraia "egu witnes taudia " bona" lauegu hesiai tauna. " " Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son, " wrote Paul. Herevana Aberahamo be edena tano dekenai ia loaloa ela bona Heberona dekenai ia ginidae, to ia be Gwauhamata Tanona ia diba namonamo, ita be unai bamona lasi. Paulo ia gwau: "Lohiabada ese ia lalokau henia taudia, be ia matakani henidia noho. How real is God's Kingdom to us? Aonega dalana be Iesu ena sisiba ita badinaia bona " manau be dabua bamona do ita atoa. ' - Kolose 3: 12; 1 Korinto 1: 31. Dirava ena Basileia korikorina be edena bamona ita dekenai? Man has neither the wisdom nor the foresight to rule himself without help, and the only help that has real value comes from God (a) Iehova bona Iesu edia lalokau ese edena dala ai ita ia hagoadaia? Taunimanima be aonega bona sibona idia lohiaia diba lasi, to Dirava amo ia mai heduru korikorina sibona idia abia It also pleased him to know that the value of his perfect life could be offered to God as a ransom to buy us back from slavery to sin and death. Gideona ia hamaoroa iena tamana ena boubou patana Bala dekenai do ia hadikaia bona ia badinai ia gini au helagana ia utua diho be gau badana. Danu, ia moale badina ia diba ena mauri goevadaena ena davana be Dirava dekenai ia henia, unai amo kara dika bona mase amo ita ia hoia lou diba. Paul's reasoning regarding the Law was unassailable. (Gen. 50: 15 - 21) Bema eda tadikaka bona taihu ida maino ita karaia, kongrigeisen lalonai lalotamona bona moale do ia noho. - Kolose 3: 12 - 14 itaia. Paulo ese Taravatu ia herevalaia dalana be koikoi. What else could Alex do? Edia natuna Ioane ia vara neganai, Sekaraia be ia hereva diba lasi badina ia ese Dirava ena aneru ena hereva ia hamomokania lasi. Alex be dahaka ia karaia diba? We must refuse to focus our mind on any activity that Jehovah condemns. Danu, piano gadaralaia dalana lau dibaia, bona miusiki bona mavaru be lau ura henia gaudia ai idia lao. Namona be Iehova ese ia gwauraia dika karadia ita laloa momo lasi. Today, we likewise must glorify Jehovah God "with one mouth " as a united group of his people. Unai hegeregerena, oi ura emu natuna be hebou maragidia bona badadia amo " Iehova ena sisiba ' ia kamonai. Oibe, Iehova amo idia abia dibana ese idia ia hamauria diba. Hari inai negai danu, namona be mai lalotamona ida Iehova Dirava ita hanamoa. (The New English Bible) In this sense, easygoingness is linked to laziness and carelessness and thus to stupidity or foolishness. Unai ese dubu ena gunalaia gaudia ia habadua bona unai lalohadai matamata tahua oreana taudia ese dubu idia rakatania. (The New English Bible) Unai dala ai, mahuta hebou karana be gaukara goadagoada karana ida idia hakapua, unai amo kavakava eiava kavakava karana. How can others help immigrant parents and their children? Bona Davida, king dagina do ia abia tauna, bona ena tatau dekenai aniani haida ia henia. Edena dala ai ma haida ese idau tano amo idia mai tama sina bona edia natudia idia durua diba? (a) In his Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say about our spiritual need? Lau tai bona egu lalonai lau gwau, " Iniseniai hahetoho do lau haheaukalaia diba eiava? ' (a) Iesu ena Haroro Herevana Badana lalonai, lauma dalanai iseda dabu gaudia be edena bamona ia herevalaia? " He was raised up. " - MATT. Ai diba emai kudouna ibounai ida ai gwauraia loulou guriguridia ese emai natudia idia durua dainai, idia laloa Iehova be edia lalokau guba Tamana. " Ia toreisi lou. " - MAT. Meditate upon them. Unai dainai, Iehova ese unai Taravatu amo iena kara maoromaoro ia hahedinaraia, bona ia karaia neganai taunimanima edia namo bona do idia abia diba mauri hanaihanai ia laloa noho. Idia oi laloa dobu. Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions Unai abidadama taudia rua be spai taudia ten bamona lasi, badina idia ruaosi be ripoti namona idia gwauraia. Kara Namo amo Emu Badinaia Karana Oi Hahedinaraia Still, members of the great crowd are determined to avoid "fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these. " - Gal. " Emu vairana laurina danu oi henia. ' - MATAIO 5: 39. To, hutuma bada taudia be edia lalona idia hadaia "heudahanai, kara mirodia, matabodaga karadia, kaivakuku tomadiho henia kara, meamea, heai, mama, hepapahuahu, hepapahuahu, kekero, bona unai bamona gaudia ma haida " do idia dadaraia. - Gal. Yet, I felt privileged and blessed to have been there. To, Iehova ese iena abidadama taudia idia ura tuari henia taudia be inai bamona ia gwauraidia: "Umui ia daua toho tauna ese egu matana nadinadina ia daua toho. " To, unuseniai lau noho dainai, hahenamo momo lau abia. This would mean being motivated, not by mistrust and pettiness, but by a positive attitude and a generous heart. (Laulau ginigunana itaia.) (b) Edena dala ai Isaia 61: 6 ena peroveta herevana ia guguru? Unai ena anina be ta ese sibona ena ura ia laloa bada lasi, to lalohadai namona bona hariharibada karana amo unai ia hahedinaraia. Focus on the Goodness of Jehovah's Organization Unai dainai Iehova ese idia ia hamaoroa: "To hari umui hahelagaia taudia ese dala maorona dekena amo umui raka siri vadaeni. Iehova Ena Orea Ena Namo Laloa Bada Pharaoh believed that the Israelites had walked into a trap, and his army was about to attack them. Matamata taudia (edia mauri lagani be 13 ia lao 19 taudia) momo idia gwau, unai kara ese dika ta do ia havaraia lasi, badina ia be mahuta hebou karana lasi. Farao ia abia dae Israela taudia be tarapu lalonai idia raka, bona ena tuari oreana ese idia do ia tuari henia. For example, when a bomb killed 18 youths in a terrorist attack, a grieving woman shouted, "We should give it back to them a thousand times! " Unai badina dainai, ita laloa Babulonia Badana ese idia be nega kwadogina lalonai ia guidia, bona Iehova be unai ia koua lasi. Hegeregere, terorist taudia ese matamata taudia 18 idia hamasea gwauraia neganai, taitai hahinena ta ia boiboi, "Ai henia be namo! " Hardly! Lagani momo ia hekwarahi ena headava ia hanamoa totona, to gabeai ena headava ia dika. Lasi! " What Sort of Persons Ought You to Be! " 7 / 15 Hegeregere, bema oi be elda ta, lauma helaga ena heduru oi noia diba, unai amo Baibel amo ma haida oi sisiba henia neganai, lalokau dalanai do oi karaia. " Umui be Edena Bamona Do Umui Noho? " Eventually, the nation lost that unique relationship with God. Iena adavana, Adamu, danu be unai gwau - edeede dalana ia abia hidi. - Roma 5: 12. Gabeai, unai bese ese Dirava tura henia karana idauna ia haboioa. Only the peaceable can have such a hope. (Dan. 12: 13) Daniela ia diba mase taudia be idia laga - ani noho, bona "mase taudia edia gabu,... dekenai be kara ta lasi, laloa ta lasi, diba bona aonega ta lasi. " Maino karaia taudia sibona ese unai helaro idia abia diba. If a brother appears to be disengaged, changing the direction of his thinking will take much effort and patience, but it can be done. Ioane 14: 26 ai, Iesu ia gwau lauma helaga be "Durua Tauna. " Bema tadikaka ta be ena kara ia haidaua, ena lalohadai do ia haidaua bona do ia haheauka, to ia karaia diba. Basis for Trust in Jehovah Bena lagani 1993 ai, John be kudou gorerena (heart attack) amo ia mase. Iehova Abidadama Henia Ena Badina Additional Rewarding Privileges Tanobada hegegemadai elda ibounai be Hakaua Oreana ese ia abia hidi loaloa naria taudia idia matauraia Hahenamo Ma Haida How should we respond when confronted with apostasy? Lagani 700 gunanai Keriso ia do vara lasi neganai, Iehova ese Israela besena ibounai ia gwauraia ena "hereva hamomokania taudia " bona " ia abia hidi, ena hesiai [" tauna ," NW] gaukara do idia karaia ' totona. Hereva momokani negea karana dekenai dahaka ita karaia be namo? 16, 17. (a) Why are we not entirely free of anxiety? Paulo ia gwau: "Iehova ese ia lalokau henia tauna ia matahakani henia, momokani, ia ese iena natuna ai ia halaoa taudia ibounai ia panisia. " 16, 17. (a) Dahaka dainai nega haida ita lalohekwarahi lasi? Talk to God about the degree to which you have advanced toward being "complete, " full - grown, mature. Ita dekenai Dirava ena Basileia be gau korikorina ta, a? Oiemu mauri lagani ia bada ia lao lalonai, Dirava oi hereva henia. It is easy to become so concerned with food, clothing, and shelter that the more important things are neglected or even forgotten. Taunimanima dekenai aonega bona vaira negana itaia diba karana ia noho lasi dainai sibodia idia lohiaia diba lasi bona mai anina bada heduru korikorina be Dirava sibona amo ia mai Reana aniani, dabua, bona ruma ita laloa momo dainai, mai anina bada gaudia ita laloa bada lasi. He knew that his followers needed the same alertness - not just then but in the future. Iesu ia moale badina Dirava dekenai ia henia boubou goevadaena ese kara dika bona mase ena igui amo ita ia ruhaia diba. Ia diba ia murinai idia raka taudia danu be unai bamona gima karana idia abia be namo - unai negai sibona lasi, to vaira negana ai danu. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 28 - 32 Paulo ese Taravatu ena anina ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. STADI 4 RAU 28 - 32 Those who become Jesus ' followers in our day require patient instruction. - John 14: 9. Alex be ma dahaka ia karaia diba? Hari inai negai, Iesu ena murinai idia raka taudia idia haheauka be namo. - Ioane 14: 9. However, this realization comes too late. Iseda lalona ai Iehova ese ia taravatua karadia do ita laloa lasi. To, unai peroveta herevana ia guguru negana be ia leiti vadaeni. When many of the disciples left off following Jesus because they did not understand one of his teachings, it was Peter who spoke up in behalf of the 12 apostles and said: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? Hari danu, ita be Iehova Dirava ena lalo - tamona taudia dainai gau badana be " mai hereva tamona ' ida ia ita hanamoa. Hahediba taudia momo be Iesu ena hahediba hereva ta idia lalopararalaia lasi dainai, Petero be aposetolo taudia 12 totona ia hereva bona ia gwau: "Lohiabada e, ai be daika dekenai do ai lao? 60: 4, 8, 13; Acts 17: 24; Heb. (The New English Bible) Unai dala dekenai, lalo - hekwarahi lasi karana be lahedo bona ma gau haida laloa bada lasi karana danu ia hakapua, unai dainai kavakava bona aonega lasi karana ida idia hakapua danu. 60: 4, 8, 13; Kara 17: 24; Heb. She prayed to Jehovah about the matter, and High Priest Eli said to her: "May the God of Israel grant your petition. " Tano ma ta amo idia mai tama sina bona edia natudia be edena bamona ita durua diba? Ia ese Iehova ia guriguri henia, bona Hahelaga Tauna Badana Eli ese ia hamaoroa: "Israela ena Dirava ese oiemu noinoi gauna oi dekenai do ia henia. " Of course, doing so exposed her to risks. (a) Iesu ena Haroro Herevana Badana lalonai, do ita abia lauma gaudia be edena bamona ia gwauraia? Momokani, unai bamona ia karaia dainai dika ia davaria diba. We can gain further insight into the tenderness of our heavenly Father by closely considering how the Son of God conducted himself when on the earth. " Ia be ia toreisi lou vadaeni. " - MAT. Iseda guba Tamana ena hebogahisi karana dekenai diba ma haida ita abia totona, namona be tanobada ai Dirava ena Natuna ese ia karaia gaudia ita stadilaia namonamo. He sees his modern - day servants as "the precious things of all the nations. " Iehova ena heduru negadia oi lalodia loulou. Ia itaia hari inai negai ena hesiai taudia be "bese ibounai edia kohu namodia. " Here I worked briefly in the Service Department and then for a time shared in teaching branch personnel and traveling overseers. Kara Namodia amo Oiemu Badinaia Karana Oi Hamomokania Unuseniai Haroro Naria Dipatmen dekenai lau gaukara bona nega sisina lalonai brens naria taudia bona loaloa naria taudia lau hadibaia. 2: 4 - 8. Hutuma bada taudia be edia lalona idia hadaia inai bamona kara do idia karaia lasi: "Heudahanai, kara mirodia, matabodaga, kaivakuku tomadiho henia kara, meamea, heai, mama, badu, sibona ena ura tahua kara, hepapahuahu, orea hapararaia kara, laloa dikadia, kekero, lebulebu, bona unai bamona kara ibounai. " - Gal. 2: 4 - 8. Actually, all who are led by holy spirit can exercise self - control and can thus avoid immorality, vulgar speech, or anything else that could result in Jehovah's disapproval. To, lau dekenai unai be hahenamo ta bona lau moale unuseniai lau noho. Momokani, lauma helaga ese ia hakaua taudia ibounai be sibona idia biagua diba, unai amo matabodaga, hereva mirodia, eiava gau ma ta ese Iehova ena lalona ia hahisia diba. Saul greedily took the spoil instead of destroying it as God had commanded. Paulo ese Korinto taudia ia hagoadaia, tadikaka lalokau henia karana do idia habadaia totona. Saulo be mai mataganigani ida unai kohu ia abia, to Dirava ena hahegani ia utua lasi. " Whatever you are doing, work at it whole - souled. " - Col. " Inai oiemu Ruma ena lalonai, gau namodia momo idia noho. " Herevana dahaka umui karaia, mai emui kudouna ibounai ida do umui karaia. " - Kol. Rather than wondering about what kind of entertainment, shopping facilities, technology, or transportation the Kingdom will provide, imagine yourself enjoying the fulfillment of these words: "" The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. Farao ia laloa Israela taudia be dala lasi idia heau mauri totona bona iena tuari oreana ese do idia tuari henidia. Namo lasi oi laloa edena bamona moale karadia, sitoa, kohu, eiava Basileia ena gaukara idauidau be do idia guguru, to namona be inai hereva oi laloa: "" uda sisia bona mamoe natuna be sibona do idia ubua, laiona ese rei kakoro ia ania bamona. Can you picture that? Hegeregere, terorist taudia haida ese bomu amo matamata taudia 18 idia hamasea neganai, hahine ta be mai taitai ida ia boiboi, "Edia natudia iboudiai ita hamasea be namo! " Unai oi itaia diba, a? I always want to say, " Thank you, Jehovah, for permitting me to be there. ' " Oibe! Hanaihanai lau gwau, " Iehova e, oi lau tanikiu henia, badina lau be unuseniai lau noho. ' " He erected altars to false gods, offered up his own sons in sacrifice, practiced spiritism, and put a carved image in Jehovah's temple. Daudau lasi murinai, Israela besena ese edia hetura karana hereadaena Dirava ida idia haboioa. Ia ese dirava koikoidia dekenai boubou patadia ia haginia, ena natuna memerodia ia bouboulaia, babalau karadia ia karaia, bona Iehova ena dubu helaga lalonai kaivakuku ta ia atoa. If some in Colossae were not yet spiritually full - grown, or mature, that needed to be their goal. Bema tadikaka ta be ia ura lasi gaukara ma haida ia karaia, ena lalohadai ia haidaua totona oi gaukara goada bona haheauka be namo. Bema Kolose taudia haida be lo Keristani taudia ai idia do lao lasi, namona be edia tahua gauna be edia tahua gauna. And what a fine example of reverence Simeon set for God's servants today! Iehova Ita Abidadama Henia Ena Badina Bona Simeona be haheitalai namona hari inai negai Dirava ena hesiai taudia dekenai! Even those who do not know the true God often show compassion. Hahenamo Ma Haida Dirava momokanina idia diba lasi taudia danu be nega momo hebogahisi idia hahedinaraia. In reality, people who have the same birthday do not have the same traits; one's birth date reveals nothing about his or her personality. Aposteit herevadia ita kamonai neganai, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Momokani, unai vara dinana tamona ai idia vara taudia edia kara be tamona lasi; ta ena vara dinana ena deit ta ese ena kara eiava ena kara ia hahedinaraia lasi. Mere was still a schoolgirl when she first heard the Kingdom message in 1964. 16, 17. (a) Dahaka dainai gau momo ita lalohekwarahilaia? Ia be lagani 1964 ai Basileia ena sivarai ia kamonai neganai, ia moale bada. 11: 1. Oi "goada, " tau badana, eiava lo tauna ai oi lao dalana be Dirava dekenai oi gwauraia be namo. 11: 1. They report: "We have no fear of sea - front witnessing, business territory, or any other challenge we may come up against because we know that Jehovah is always with us. " Aniani, dabua, bona ruma totona idia lalohekwarahi taudia be mai anina bada gaudia idia laloaboio diba. Idia gwau: "Ai be davara - ruma - ta haroro gaukara, bisinesi teritori, eiava hekwakwanai ma haida ai gari henia lasi, badina ai diba Iehova be hanaihanai ai ida ia noho. " 24: 6 - Why was seizing "a hand mill or its upper grindstone as a pledge " likened to seizing" a soul "? Idia hamasea gwauraia hanuaboina ai, ia ura lasi ia mahuta to ia gima bona ena guba Tamana badinai ia noho. 24: 6 - Dahaka dainai inai hereva "siahu " be" mauri " ida ia hegeregere? Paul here sought to gain a hearing ear by quoting poets whom the Athenians knew and accepted. STADI 4 RAU 28 - 32 Unuseniai Paulo ese Atena taudia edia gado ia diba bona ia abia dae tauna ena hereva ia gwauraia. Yet, this construction has turned our fear into joy. Danu, mai haheauka ida Iesu murinai idia raka kamonai taudia ita hadibaia. - Ioane 14: 9. To, unai haginia gaukarana ese emai gari ia habadaia. In the spirit of this counsel, the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses is also conducted openly. To, unai lalo - parara karana ia leiti. Unai sisiba hegeregerena, Iehova ena Witnes taudia edia gaukara be taunimanima vairanai idia karaia danu. Rather than merely trying to suppress such feelings, take the matter to Jehovah in prayer - repeatedly if necessary. Hahediba taudia momo ese Iesu idia rakatania, badina iena hadibaia herevana ta idia lalo - pararalaia lasi neganai, Petero be aposetolo taudia 12 totona ia hereva bona ia gwau: "Lohiabada e, ai be daika dekenai do ai lao? Unai bamona hemami oi koua sibona lasi, to guriguri amo Iehova dekenai unai oi gurigurilaia - bema unai bamona oi karaia loulou be namo. Still, remember what the wise man wrote: "Gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " 60: 4, 8, 13; Kara 17: 24; Heb. To, aonega tauna ia gwau: "Kara maoromaoro taudia edia mauri dinadia, be do idia momo, bona buruka taudia edia huina kurokuro, be matauraia gauna. " * How important it is to share in the ministry regularly so that we are available to do our part in finding those desiring to "worship the Father with spirit and truth "! - John 4: 23, 24. Iehova ia guriguri henia bona Hahelaga Tauna Badana Eli ese ia hamaoroa: "Israela ena Dirava ese oiemu noinoi gauna oi dekenai do ia henia. " * Hanaihanai haroro gaukara ita karaia be gau badana, unai amo " lauma bona momokani dekena amo Tamana idia ura henia taudia ' ita davaria diba! - Ioane 4: 23, 24. What were the prospects of those invited to be in the new covenant? Momokani, unai ia karaia dainai dika ia davaria diba. Kontraka matamatana lalonai do idia vareai taudia be dahaka hahenamo do idia abia? All servants in the congregation were to be appointed theocratically under the oversight of "the faithful and discreet slave. " Tanobada ai Iesu ese ia karaia gaudia ita stadilaia namonamo neganai, iseda guba Tamana ena lalokau karana do ita diba. Kongrigeisen ai idia noho hesiai taudia ibounai be tiokratik dalanai tiokratik dalanai idia abia hidi, "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " ena hakaua henunai. Contrast that with the costs of an unwillingness to forgive - poor health, broken relationships, stress, and difficult communication. Ia itaia iena hesiai taudia be "bese ibounai edia kohu namodia " bamona. (Hag. Bema ta be ia ura lasi ma haida edia dika ia gwauatao, ia gorere, ena hetura karana ia hadikaia, ia lalo - hekwarahi, bona herevahereva namonamo karana ia hadikaia, unai be mai ena hekwarahi. For example, paying attention to apostate propaganda can becloud our thinking and blind us to the value of the spiritual "food at the proper time " made available by Jehovah through" the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. Lau be nega sisina lalonai Haroro Naria Dipatmen dekenai lau gaukara, bona nega haida brens naria taudia bona loaloa naria taudia lau hadibaia. Hegeregere, aposteit taudia edia lalohadai koikoidia ita kamonai neganai, Iehova ese "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " amo ia halasia lauma aniani ena namo ita laloa maragi diba. - Mat. They decided to sell their home and goods to fund their full - time ministry. 2: 4 - 8. Edia lalona idia hadaia edia ruma do idia hoihoilaia bona ful - taim hesiai gaukara do idia durua. Spanish July 20 - 22, July 27 - 29 Oibe, lauma helaga ese edia mauri dala ia hakaua taudia ibounai idia boga auka be namo, unai amo idia ese matabodaga, hereva mirodia, o Iehova ese ia inai henia karadia ma haida idia dadaraia diba. English July 20 - 22 No wonder advertisers bombard us with images that are cleverly designed to make the greatest visual impact and stimulate desire for their goods or services! Ia gwau: "Tadikaka e, lalohadai maorona ita abia taudia be Dirava ena palani dainai ita lalohisihisi lasi. Unai dainai, kohu tahua taudia ese laulau dikadia idia gaukaralaia ita idia veria totona, unai amo edia kara namodia eiava gaukara namodia karaia urana ia habadaia diba! How to Make Good Friends Ia mataganigani dainai Dirava ese ia hamaoroa do ia hamasea gaudia ia abia mauri. Tura Namodia Davaria Dalana What an error she made by entertaining a wrong desire, instead of dismissing it from her mind or discussing matters with her family head! - 1 Corinthians 11: 3; James 1: 14, 15. " Herevana dahaka umui karaia, mai emui kudouna bona goada ibounai ida do umui karaia. " - Kol. Ia be lalohadai kererena ia abia dainai, ena ruma bese ida unai ia herevalaia lasi! - 1 Korinto 11: 3; Iamesi 1: 14, 15. Anxieties of life rob many of peace Basileia ese edena bamona moale karadia, sitoa rumadia, taunimanima ese do idia havaraia gaudia, eiava loaloa gaudia do oi laloa momo lasi be namo, to inai hereva ia guguru negana oi laloa be namo, ia gwau: "Uda sisia bona mamoe natuna be do idia aniani hebou, laiona ese rei kakoro do idia ania, boromakau edia kara bamona. Mauri ena lalo - hekwarahi ese maino ia hadikaia She writes: "I spent almost all of this time in prayer to Jehovah. Unai oi laloa diba, a? Ia gwau: "Unai nega lau gaukaralaia Iehova lau guriguri henia totona. Jonah's response to Jehovah's mercy was surprising. Nega momo lau ura gwau, " Iehova e, tanikiu bada, badina unai hebouhebou dekenai lau noho. ' " Iona be Iehova ena hebogahisi karana dekenai ia hoa. One brother who shares in building Kingdom Halls and assisting those affected by natural disasters states that it is hard to describe the satisfaction he receives from serving in these ways. Ia ese dirava koikoi edia boubou patadia ia haginia, iena natuna memero ia bouboulaidia, meamea bona babalau karadia ia karaia, bona Iehova ena dubu helaga dekenai kaivakuku ia atoa. Tadikaka ta be Kingdom Hall haginia bona disasta idia vara kava taudia durua karana ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau unai dala amo ia abia moalena ita herevalaia be auka. (Read Psalm 119: 37; Matthew 5: 28, 29; Colossians 3: 5.) Bema Kolose taudia haida be lauma dalanai idia do tau badadia, eiava lo taudia, lasi, unai totona idia hekwarahi be namo. (Salamo 119: 37; Mataio 5: 28, 29; Kolose 3: 5 duahia.) How dangerous it is to think that one can step out of bounds with impunity! Dirava ia matauraia tauna Simeona ena haheitalai namona ese hari Dirava ena hesiai taudia ia durua bada! Bema ta ia laloa panisi ia abia diba lasi, unai be dika momokani! Baptisms took place in rivers, while bathers basked in the sun nearby. 1: 27) Baibel lalonai, hebogahisi idia hahedinaraia taudia edia sivarai momo idia noho. Bapatiso be sinavai dekenai ia vara, bona dina badinai idia gini taudia be ranu lalonai idia diho. Pollution ruins the environment. To unai be momokani lasi, badina dina tamona dekenai idia vara taudia edia kara be hegeregere lasi; ta ena vara dinana ese ena kara ia hahedinaraia lasi. Gabu ena toana ia dika ia lao. Although I regret that for many years I didn't really know God, I am very happy that now I know the God I worship. Lagani 1964 ai, Mere be ia sikuli noho neganai, nega ginigunana Basileia ena sivarai ia kamonai. Ena be lagani momo lalonai Dirava lau diba lasi, to lau moale badina hari lau tomadiho henia Diravana lau diba. Jehovah sent Elijah to Ahab. 11: 1. Iehova ese Elia be Ahaba dekenai ia siaia. Then all went out to search for the missing money and found it near the place where the purse had been found. Idia gwau: "Kone ai eiava bisinesi teritori ai haroro gaukarana dainai, eiava ai davaria diba hekwakwanai ma ta dainai ai gari lasi, badina ai diba hanaihanai Iehova be ai ida ia noho. " Bena ibounai idia lao unai paosi idia davaria gabuna dekenai moni idia tahua totona. Relatives and friends are often keen to pass on their suggestions. 24: 6 - Dahaka dainai tau ta ese ena abiatorehai ena davana totona ma ta ena "uiti moia nadi rua " ia abia karana be hegeregere ta ena" mauri " ia kokia bamona? Nega momo turadia bona turadia be edia lalohadai idia gwauraia hedinarai namonamo diba. What a privilege we have to hold high the name of Jehovah, to maintain integrity, and to make the heart of Jehovah rejoice! Paulo be Atena taudia ese iena hereva idia kamonai totona, idia diba bona abia dae gaudia ia gwauraia. Iehova ena ladana ita abia isi, ita gini goada, bona Iehova ita hamoalea be hahenamo badana! Some unscrupulous storekeepers took advantage of the general unfamiliarity with the new system to shortchange their customers. To, inai konstraksen ese emai gari be moale gauna ai ia halaoa. Kara gageva taudia haida be unai nega matamatana idia diba namonamo lasi dainai, edia hoihoi gaudia hoia haraga karana idia manadalaia. " It's hard to believe that more people have died from suicide than homicide, but it's a sad fact, " reports U. Unai hakaua herevana hegeregerena, Iehova ena Witnes taudia danu be taunimanima vairanai edia hesiai gaukara idia karaia. U.S.A. ia gwau: "Taunimanima momo idia abia dae sibona idia hamasea lasi, to unai be lalohisihisi gauna. He had all in the audience turn to Proverbs 1: 7, which states: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. " Namona be unai bamona hemami oi koua toho sibona lasi, to Iehova dekenai guriguri amo oi gwauraia - reana oi gwauraia loulou be namo. Ia ese helai taudia ibounai dekenai Aonega Herevadia 1: 7 ena hereva ia gwauraia, ia gwau: "Lohiabada gari henia kara be aonega hamatamaia ena dala. " The apostle John wrote: "I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. To, aonega tauna ia torea herevana oi laloatao, ia gwau: "Kara maoromaoro taudia edia mauri dinadia, be do idia momo, bona buruka taudia edia huina kurokuro, be matauraia gauna. " Aposetolo Ioane ia gwau: "Mase taudia lau itaia, ladana bada bona ladana maragi taudia, terona vairanai idia gini, bona lokua toretoredia idia kehoa. The seventh king, the Anglo - American World Power, has come into existence. * Haroro gaukara ita karaia hanaihanai be gau badana, unai amo idia ura "mai Lauma bona mai momokani danu Tamana do idia tomadiho henia " taudia tahua gaukara ita durua diba! - Ioa. 4: 23, 24. King namba 7, Anglo - America Basileia Badana, be ia vara vadaeni. A father from Greece wrote: "My wife and I are delighted that our three children were baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses during their adolescence. Kontraka matamata taudia be dahaka hahenamo do idia abia? Greece tamana ta ia gwau: "Lau bona egu adavana ai moale badina emai natudia toi be Iehova ena Witnes taudia ai idia lao. IN 1886, one hundred copies of Millennial Dawn, Volume I, left the Bible House in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., bound for Chicago, Illinois. " Hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai, bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " henunai, kongrigeisen ena hesiai taudia ibounai be tiokratik dalanai do idia abia hidi. LAGANI 100 bamona gunanai, lau ese Bible Student taudia edia buka ta, Volium tamona, Volume I, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., dekenai lau rakatania. Douglas. To bema haida edia dika ita gwauatao lasi, do ita lalohisihisi bona ita gorere. Unai ese eda hetura karana ma haida ida do ia hadikaia. SEPTEMBER 22 - 24 Second, in addition to the tithing requirement, Jehovah arranged for the Israelites to make voluntary contributions. Hegeregere, aposteit taudia ese idia halasia herevadia ita duahia neganai, Iehova ese "hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro " amo " nega korikori ai ia henia aniani ' do ita dadaraia. - Mat. Iharuana be, Iehova ese dala ia karaia Israela taudia ese harihari gaudia idia henia totona. He made me feel safe. " Idia ese edia ruma bona kohu idia hoihoilaia, edia ful - taim hesiai gaukarana idia durua totona. Ia ese lau ia durua dainai lau mamia lau be hegeregere lasi. " Like Timothy, who served with the apostle Paul, those accepted for Bethel service must have a good standing in the congregation. Oibe, unai dainai bisinesi taudia be edia kohu hoihoilaia totona, aonega dalanai iseda matana ia veria dalana idia gaukaralaia, unai amo ita ura edia kohu ita hoia o edia kampani dekenai ita lao! Timoteo bamona, aposetolo Paulo ida Betele gaukara idia karaia taudia be kongrigeisen lalonai idia gini goada. With very few exceptions, our Christian brothers chose to remain in God's love, being willing to face death if necessary. Tura Namodia Oi Davaria Dalana Iseda Keristani tadikaka be Dirava ena lalokau lalonai idia noho totona, mai edia ura ida mase idia haheaukalaia be namo. No One Can Serve Two Masters, 4 / 15 Iena kerere badana be unai ura kererena ia laloa noho, bona iena lalona dekena amo ia kokia lasi eiava ena ruma bese kwarana ida ia herevalaia lasi! - 1 Korinto 11: 3; Iamesi 1: 14, 15. Iehova Ena Hesiai Taudia Ai Umui Lao, 4 / 15 What must we do if doubts should arise? Mauri ena lalohekwarahi idauidau ese iseda maino ia hadikaia diba Bema daradara ia vara, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Cherish your hope, ponder over it, make it real in your mind and heart - and share it generously with others! Ia gwau: "Unai nega ibounai lalonai lau be Iehova dekenai lau guriguri. Emu helaro oi laloa dobu, oi laloa dobu, emu lalona bona kudouna ai ia noho momokani - bona mai hariharibada ida ma haida dekenai oi herevalaia! When Herod died, the angel told Joseph to return to Israel, "for those who were seeking the soul of the young child [were] dead. " (Iona 4: 1) Iona ese Iehova ena hebogahisi ia laloa dalana be hoa gauna. Heroda ia mase neganai, aneru ese Iosepa ia hamaoroa Israela dekenai do ia giroa lou, "badina be natuna maragina ena mauri idia tahua taudia be idia mase. " This was followed by a period of exchange whereby Protestant communities shared ideas with the Waldenses. Tadikaka ta be Kingdom Hall haginia bona disasta gabudiai heduru ia henia dainai ia moale bada. Unai murinai, Protestan taudia be Waldens taudia edia lalohadai idia abia dae. How much more so that is true of maintaining our spiritual health and strength! - Hebrews 5: 12 - 14. (Salamo 119: 37; Mataio 5: 28, 29; Kolose 3: 5 duahia.) Lauma dalanai bona goada ita dogoatao noho be gau badana! - Heberu 5: 12 - 14. She had become spiritually weak right under my nose, and I was too concerned about all my privileges even to notice it. " Namo lasi ita laloa ta ese Dirava ena taravatu ia utua neganai, panisi do ia abia lasi! Egu udu bibina henunai lauma dalanai ia manoka ia lao, bona egu hahenamo ibounai danu lau laloa bada lasi. " (b) What can help us to offer heartfelt prayers? Bapatiso be sinavai lalonai idia karaia, bona digudigu taudia momo be miri dekenai idia hekure. (b) Dahaka ese ita ia durua diba mai kudouna ibounai ida Dirava ita guriguri henia totona? David restrained Abishai, asking: "Who is it that has thrust his hand out against the anointed of Jehovah and has remained innocent? " - 1 Samuel 26: 9, 12. Tanobada hadikaia karadia idia karaia. Davida ese Abisai ia koua, ia henanadai: "Lohiabada ese ia abia hidi king totona tauna be daika? Ia be kerere lasi? " - 1 Samuela 26: 9, 12. Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, page 662, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ena be lau lalohisihisi badina lagani momo lalonai Dirava lau dibaia namonamo lasi, to lau moale badina lau tomadiho henia Diravana be hari lau diba. [ Footnotes] Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia bukana, Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, rau 661 itaia. We must work hard to reflect the thinking of Jehovah and preserve peace with others who truly love God. - Isaiah 55: 8, 9. Iehova ese Elia be Ahaba dekenai ia siaia. Namona be ita hekwarahi Iehova ena lalohadai ita hahedinaraia bona Dirava idia lalokau henia momokani taudia ida maino ai ita noho totona. - Isaia 55: 8, 9. In connection with fulfilling "the righteous requirement of the Law, " Paul also brings out the matter of walking in accord with the spirit. Vadaeni, ibounai idia lao unai moni idia tahua totona, bona paosi idia davaria gabuna dekenai idia davaria. Paulo ese "Taravatu ena kara maoromaoro taravatudia " ia badinaia neganai, lauma helaga ena ura hegeregerena ita raka karana ia herevalaia danu. If you are an elder, though, what about the flock? Nega momo varavara bona turadia idia ura edia lalohadai idia gwauraidia. To, bema oi be elda ta, mamoe oreana be edena bamona? Yet, the apostle Peter admonished his fellow Christians to be "awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt! Ita moale badina Iehova ena ladana helagana ita hanamoa, ita abidadama henia noho, bona ena lalona ita hamoalea! To, aposetolo Petero ese ena Keristani tadikaka ia hagoadaia " Iehova ena dina do idia naria bona laloa noho, ' unai amo guba be lahi ese do ia araia ore bona guba bona tanobada gaudia be do idia siahu momokani! Today, new Kingdom publishers usually receive training in the ministry, but that was not always so. Taunimanima be unai dala matamatana idia diba namonamo lasi dainai, mataganigani sitoa naria taudia haida ese hoihoi taudia idia koia, edia moni ena senisi maorona idia henia lasi. Hari, pablisa matamatadia be nega momo haroro gaukara ai treinini idia abia, to unai be nega momo ia vara lasi. 4, 5. (a) Why is it not difficult to know how Jesus dealt with people who had problems? U. 4, 5. (a) Dahaka dainai Iesu ese hekwakwanai idia davaria taudia ia kara henia dalana ita diba be auka lasi? But so has man's ability to diagnose, control, and treat disease. Unai program idia kamonai taudia ibounai ia noia Aonega Herevadia 1: 7 (NW) idia kehoa, badina unai siri ia gwau Dirava gari henia karana be diba ena matamana. To taunimanima be unai bamona gorere idia davaria diba lasi. Jehovah had warned Adam that partaking of the forbidden fruit would result in death - and it did. Aposetolo Ioane ia gwau: "Mase taudia, ladana bada taudia bona ladana maragi taudia be lau itaia, helai gabuna badana ena vairanai idia gini. Iehova ese Adamu ia hadibaia Dirava ese ia taravatua au huahua do ia ania neganai, Adamu be do ia mase - bona unai bamona do ia karaia. He said to Pilate: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. " Unai siri ese ia herevalaia king namba 7 be Anglo - America, ia be iseda nega ai ia lohia basileia badana ta. Pilato dekenai ia gwau: "Hereva momokani gwauraia hedinarai totona lau vara, bona lau mai inai tanobada dekenai. " Jehu Champions Pure Worship Tama ta Greece amo, ia gwau: "Lau bona egu adavana ai moale, badina emai natudia toi be edia matamata negana lalonai bapatiso idia abia bona Iehova ena Witnes taudia ai idia lao. Iehu be Tomadiho Momokani Ia Abia Dae How should we view our assignments to preach and to build up our brothers? Lagani 1886 ai, Millennial Dawn ena volium 1 bukadia ibounai 100 be Bible House Allegheny, Pennsylvania amo Chicago, Illinois dekenai idia siaia lao. Iseda haroro gaukara bona iseda tadikaka hagoadaia gaukarana be edena bamona ita laloa be namo? Israel's inhabitants could provide evidence of a repentant return to Jehovah by displaying loving - kindness, by exercising justice, and by " hoping in God constantly. ' OCTOBER 4 - 6 Israela taudia idia helalo - kerehai neganai, idia hahedinaraia idia be Iehova dekenai idia giroa lou, hahemaoro goeva idia karaia, bona " nega ibounai Dirava idia abidadama henia. ' For what? Gau iharuana be, kohu 10 amo karoa ta idia henia sibona lasi, to Iehova ese dala ia karaia danu Israela taudia ese edia ura hegeregerena harihari gaudia idia henia totona. Dahaka totona? Roanoke, VA Ia ese lau dekenai gari lasi mamina ia havaraia. " daudau lasi murinai, aposetolo Paulo ese Timoteo ia hamaoroa: "Do oi toreisi, Most of the time, they sat us down and just talked to us, Mom sometimes with tears in her eyes, trying to reach our heart. Timoteo, aposetolo Paulo ida ia gaukara hebou tauna hegeregerena, Betele gaukara totona idia abia dae taudia be kongregesen dekenai idia be haheitalai namodia. Nega momo ai idia helai bona ai idia hereva henia, nega haida Sinagu be mai tai ida ai ia hereva henia, ia ura emai kudouna ia hamarerea. • Love for Jehovah can give us the courage to endure what trials? Iseda Keristani tadikaka be abia hidi idia karaia Dirava ena lalokau lalonai do idia noho, mase garina idia gari lasi, haida sibona be idau. • Iehova ita lalokau henia dainai, dahaka hahetoho ita haheaukalaia diba? Widows and Widowers - What Do They Need? Bema daradara gaudia be iseda lalona dekenai idia vara, dahaka ita karaia be namo? Vabu Bona Vabu - Dahaka Idia Abia be Namo? Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in Moses ' day? Emu vaira negana ena helaro oi laloa dobu, bona emu kudouna bona lalona ai ia be gau korikorina ta bamona oi laloa - bona ma haida dekenai unai oi herevalaia! Mose ena negai, kwadi ese Aigupito idia hadikaia, a? Starting in the 2015 service year, those two schools were combined, forming the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Herod e mase neganai, aneru ese Iosepa ma e hamaoroa Israela bae lou lao totona, "badina be mero marağina iala - masena e tahuava taudia na vada e mase. " Lagani 2015 ena hesiai laganina amo, unai sikuli rua be Basileia Evanelia Sikuli idia hamatamaia. How did God come to be viewed as "awful and distant "? Unai murinai Protestan taudia bona Waldens taudia ese edia lalohadai idia hadibaia heheni. Edena dala ai Dirava be "noho daudau lasi gabuna " ai ia lao? Another way that you can help people understand the importance of these critical times and the consequences of the decisions they make is by improving your teaching ability. Vadaeni, lauma dalanai unai bamona ita laloa be gau badana momokani, ita gorere lasi bona ita goada noho totona! - Heberu 5: 12 - 14. Taunimanima oi durua inai nega dikana lalonai idia davaria hekwakwanai idia lalopararalaia dalana ma ta be inai: Emu hadibaia dalana oi hanamoa neganai, namo do oi davaria. At the conclusion of her presentation, Malwina stated: "There is another reason why we call at your home. Lau bisi bada dainai lau itaia lasi, egu adavana ena hetura karana Iehova ida be ia manoka ia lao. ' Iena hereva dokonai ia gwau: "Emui ruma dekenai umui ai vadivadi henia ena badina ma ta ia noho. During the rebuilding of the temple, Jehovah told the Jews in Jerusalem to meditate on what they were doing in behalf of the building work. (b) Dahaka ese ita ia durua diba guriguri namodia ita gwauraia totona? Dubu helaga haginia gaukarana idia hamatamaia neganai, Iehova ese Ierusalema dekenai idia noho Iuda taudia ia hamaoroa unai dubu haginia gaukarana totona do idia karaia gaudia do idia laloa dobu. Since the rebels anticipated a military attack, they made careful preparations to defend themselves. To Davida ese Abisai ia koua bona ia gwau: "Bema tau ta ese Saulo ia hadikaia, Lohiabada ese unai tau do ia hadikaia momokani. " - 1 Samuela 26: 9, 12. Unai gwau - edeede taudia idia laloa tuari do ia vara dainai, idia hegaegae namonamo sibodia idia gimaia totona. Photo by Josh Mathes, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, rau 662, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. Photo by Ios, United States Ena Kota Badana Dinana Hence, forced baptisms of those lacking faith based on accurate knowledge of God's Word are valueless and contrary to the commission Jesus gave his true followers. - Hebrews 11: 6. Gau badana be ita hekwarahi Iehova ena lalohadai ita hahedinaraia totona bona Dirava idia lalokau henia taudia ida maino ai ita noho. - Isaia 55: 8, 9. Unai dainai, Dirava ena Hereva amo diba maoromaoro idia abia lasi taudia edia bapatiso be anina lasi bona Iesu ese ena murinai idia raka taudia dekenai ia henia hahegani amo ia idau. - Heberu 11: 6. Nevertheless, Jehovah will help you care for your many responsibilities if you call upon him in faith. Paulo ia gwau namona be lauma helaga ena ura hegeregerena ita raka noho, unai amo ita abia goevadae lasi gorerena amo ita namo diba. To, bema mai abidadama ida Iehova oi guriguri henia, Ia ese oi do ia durua emu maduna idauidau oi huaia totona. We must also accept the guidance of God's inspired Word when we are called upon to make important decisions in life. Ta ese umui ia doria dainai lasi, to sibona emui ura dainai do umui karaia. Danu, iseda mauri lalonai mai anina bada abia hidi ita karaia neganai, Dirava ena Hereva ena hakaua herevadia ita abia dae be namo. They are protected in Jehovah's memory. (Sepanaia 1: 15) Momokani, unai bamona dina do oi ura lasi oi itaia! To, aposetolo Petero ese Keristani taudia ma haida ia hadibaia "Dirava ena Dina do umui naria noho, bona do ia ginidae haraga totona do umui gaukara goada noho. Iehova ena laloatao karana ese idia ia gimaia. Similarly, the psalmist Ethan wrote: "Happy are the people who know the joyful shouting. Guna pablisa matamatadia dekenai haroro daladia idia hadibaia lasi, hari idia karaia bamona. Unai hegeregerena, salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Mai moale danu ane idia abia taudia be idia moale. Eating, drinking, marrying, being given in marriage - what was wrong with that? 4, 5. (a) Dahaka dainai Iesu ese mai edia hekwakwanai taudia ia kara henia dalana ita diba be auka lasi? Headava lalonai aniani, inuinu, inuinu kekero, bona headava - unai be kerere, a? LIFE STORIES To taunimanima edia diba danu ia bada ia lao, unai dainai gorere idauidau edia badina idia davaria bona idia hanamoa diba. MAURI SIVARAINA Repentance Brings Forgiveness Matamanai, Dirava ese Adamu ia hagania bema taravatua au huahua ia ania do ia mase, bona Iehova ena hereva be ia vara momokani. Helalo - kerehai Karana ese Dika Ia Gwauatao Paul says: "It is well not to eat flesh or to drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles. " Pilato dekenai ia gwau: "Hereva momokani gwauraia hedinarai totona lau vara, bona lau mai inai tanobada dekenai. " Paulo ia gwau: "Bema tauanina ena ura umui karaia lasi, o uaina umui inua momo, unai ese emui tadikaka do ia hahekwakwanaia lasi. " That spirit also brings back to our mind Scriptural thoughts that we need in order to resist temptation. Iehu Gari Lasi Tauna Danu, unai lauma ese ita ia durua hedibagani ita dadaraia totona. He told them: "Clear the way for the people. Sivarai namona ita harorolaia bona tadikaka ita durua gaukarana be edena bamona ita laloa be namo? Idia ia hamaoroa: "Taunimanima do umui lalokau henia. Civic Center Coliseum, 710 Williamson Rd. NE (Hosea 12: 6) Israela taudia be helalo - kerehai toana idia hahedinaraia bona Iehova dekenai idia giroa diba bema ta ta idia lalokau henia, kota maoromaoro karadia idia badinaia, bona " Dirava idia naria noho. ' Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. DOES this sound familiar? Dahaka ita naria? OI BE unai oi diba, a? 5, 6. Lasi, to nega momo, ai ida idia helai bona ai idia sisiba henia sibona, bona nega haida Mama be mai matana ranu ida ai ia hereva henia, ia ura ena hereva ai lalopararalaia. 5, 6. What type of rule can we expect from the King of the Kingdom? • Iehova ita lalokau henia dainai, lalogoada ita abia diba edena hahetoho ita haheaukalaia totona? Edena bamona lohia dalana be Basileia ena King amo do ita abia diba? Even the best human leaders are unable to solve all problems. Vabu Bona Dogae Dahaka Heduru Idia Ura? Taunimanima edia gunalaia taudia namodia danu ese hekwakwanai ibounai idia haorea diba lasi. How could persecution bring happiness? Mose ena negai, kwadi momo herea ese Aigupito taudia dekenai dika bada idia havaraia, ani? Edena dala ai dagedage karana ese moale ia havaraia diba? Regardless of how long we have been in the truth, we must tell others about Jehovah's organization. Lagani 2015 ena hesiai laganina ai, unai sikuli rua idia atoa hebou bona idia gwauraia Basileia Evanelia Sikuli. Herevana ita be lagani hida hereva momokani lalonai ita noho, to namona be ma haida dekenai Iehova ena orea ita herevalaia. Why is it vital that Christians stay awake spiritually? Dahaka dainai taunimanima idia laloa Dirava be dagedage tauna bona gabu daudau ai ia noho? Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia idia noga noho be gau badana? Younger ones might not remember all the counsel they received, but they will remember how others spoke to them. Bema oi ura taunimanima oi durua idia laloparara dahaka dainai hari nega be mai anina bada o abia hidi ena namo bona dika idia diba totona, namona be emu hadibaia karana oi hanamoa. Matamata taudia ese idia abia sisiba ibounai do idia laloatao lasi, to ma haida ese idia dekenai idia gwauraia dalana do idia laloatao. Will you forgive and confirm your love for those judged to be repentant? Ena hereva ena dokonai, Malwina ia gwau: "Emui ruma dekenai ai mai ena badina ma ta be inai. Ma haida edia dika do oi gwauatao bona oi hahedinaraia idia helalo - kerehai taudia oi lalokau henia, a? (Read 2 Samuel 7: 12, 16.) (Aon. 3: 27) Iuda taudia be Ierusalema ena dubu helaga idia haginia lou neganai, Iehova ese ia hamaorodia idia karaia gaukarana do idia laloa namonamo. (Hag. (2 Samuela 7: 12, 16 duahia.) • How have receptive ones today been blessed by the good news? Dagedage dibura taudia idia diba ami taudia do idia mai idia danu idia heai totona, unai dainai idia hegaegae namonamo. • Hari kamonai taudia be edena dala ai sivarai namona idia abia dae? Think again, though, about what Peter said to the crowd. Photo by Josh Mathes, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States To, Petero ese hutuma dekenai ia gwauraia herevana mani oi laloa lou. Wicked spirits use fascination with the occult to lure and ensnare people with the aim of diverting them from worshipping Jehovah. Unai dainai, Dirava ena Hereva idia diba maoromaoro lasi bona idia abidadama lasi taudia fosia bapatiso idia abia totona be anina lasi, bona Iesu murinai idia raka taudia momokanidia dekenai ia henia gaukarana ia badinaia lasi. - Heberu 11: 6. Lauma dikadia ese babalau bona meamea karadia amo taunimanima idia veria Iehova idia tomadiho henia lasi totona. Then he confidently answered: "All the days of my compulsory service I shall wait, until my relief comes. To, mai abidadama ida Iehova oi guriguri henia neganai, Ia ese oi do ia durua emu maduna idauidau oi huaia totona. Bena mai lalo - goada ida ia haere: "Egu gaukara ena nega ibounai do lau naria noho, ela bona egu laga - ani do ia mai. Widely known for their public ministry, they fulfill Jesus ' words: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " Danu, eda mauri lalonai abia hidi badadia ita ura karaia neganai, Baibel ena sisiba ita badinaia be namo. Taunimanima momo be edia haroro gaukara idia diba dainai, Iesu ena hereva idia hagugurua, ia gwau: "Basileia ena Sivarai Namona be tanobada ibounai dekenai do idia harorolaia. " True worshippers today do not reach out for personal gain from Jehovah's service. Iehova ese edia ladana ia laloatao, Iena lalona dekenai ia gimadia bamona. Hari inai negai, tomadiho momokani taudia idia ura lasi Iehova ena hesiai gaukara idia karaia. " Cause me to turn back, and I shall readily turn back, for you are Jehovah my God. " 16: 7, 27) Unai hegeregerena, salamo torea tauna Etana ia gwau: "Ane dekena amo oi idia tomadiho henia taudia, be mai edia moale momokani danu. " Lau dekenai do oi giroa lou, bona lau ese oiemu Dirava dekenai do lau giroa lou. " He or she may even want to join with you in learning about Jehovah. Aniani, inuinu, bona headava - unai kara be kerere, a? Reana ia ura Iehova oi dibaia. Before long, they were conducting 23 Bible studies. Dirava ese Helalo - Kerehai Tauna Ena Dika Ia Gwauatao Daudau lasi murinai, idia be Baibel stadi 23 idia karaia. Christendom Imitates Israel Paulo ia gwau: "Dala maorona be inai, vamu do ita ania lasi, uaina do ita inua lasi, bona iseda varavara tauna ta do ita hamorua totona kara ta do ita karaia lasi. " Kerisendom ese Israela Ia Tohotohoa Jehovah's Witnesses also are a peace - loving international brotherhood - truly a new world society. Hedibagani ita dadaraia totona, lauma helaga ese Baibel ena hagoadaia herevadia be iseda lalona ai do ia atoa. Danu, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be maino tanobada matamatana lalonai idia noho. Since boasting in Jehovah is so important in this confused and disoriented world, what can assist us to maintain a wholesome pride in our God and a strong sense of Christian identity? Ia hamaorodia: "Emui bese taudia edia raka lou mai dalana ta do umui karaia. Iehova ita heagilaia be mai anina bada dainai, dahaka ese ita ia durua diba iseda Dirava ita heagilaia bona Keristani toana goadana ita hahedinaraia totona? Meditating on the words of Solomon's inauguration prayer will enhance our appreciation for these and other aspects of God's personality. UNAI bamona sivarai ta guna oi kamonai, a? Solomona ia gwauraia gurigurina ita laloa dobu neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua unai guriguri bona Dirava ena kara ma haida ita laloa bada totona. They also need to teach others about God's name and qualities. 5, 6. Danu, ma haida dekenai Dirava ena ladana bona ena kara idia hadibaia be namo. According to a 2012 survey in the United States, one third of those surveyed thought that astrology was "sort of scientific, " and 10 percent said that it was" very scientific. " Ita diba Basileia ena King be edena bamona do ia lohia? Lagani 2012 ai, United States dekenai tahua gaukarana ta idia karaia neganai, tahua gaukara ta idia karaia, unai tahua gaukara idia karaia taudia toi toi amo ta ta idia gwau sene taudia edia lalohadai be "taunimanima edia lalohadai hegeregerena, " bona 10 pesen idia gwau saiens taudia be saiens taudia. 1: 15. Danu, lagani 1914 amo, taunimanima edia gavamani ese Dirava ena Basileia idia inai henia. 1: 15. Whenever we need guidance, we can "take notice of " Jehovah by consulting his Word to find out his view of matters. Gabeai, reidio amo Basileia ena sivarai idia halasia, bona taunimanima milioni momo ese idia kamonaia. Bema ita ura heduru ita abia, namona be Baibel amo Iehova ena lalohadai ita tahua. Indeed, no matter what apostates may say to the contrary, the real aim of intruders is "to steal and slay and destroy. " To edena dala ai dagedage karana ese moale ia mailaia diba? Momokani, herevana aposteit taudia edia hereva be idau, to edia ura korikorina be " do idia henaoa bona do idia alaia mase. ' Liam replied: "It is not my age but my love for Jehovah that should be the determining factor. Keristani taudia momokanidia ibounai ese ma haida dekenai Iehova ena orea idia herevalaia be namo. Ia gwau: "Egu mauri lagani be bada lasi, to Iehova lau lalokau henia badina lau ura ia lau lalokau henia. The same word could be used to describe plowing a straight furrow across a field. Dahaka dainai Keristani taudia idia noga noho be gau badana? Unai hereva tamona ita gaukaralaia diba tano makohia gauna ta ita herevalaia totona. That, too, was a lie. Matamata taudia be reana sisiba herevadia ibounai do idia laloatao lasi, to haida ese idia hereva henia dalana do idia laloatao. Unai danu be koikoi herevana. Spiritual light originates with Jehovah, and spiritual darkness cannot be associated with him. Bema elda idia laloa kerere tauna be ia helalo - kerehai, oi be unai tauna ena dika do oi gwauatao bona lalokau henia noho, a? Lauma diarina be Iehova amo ia mai, bona lauma diburana be ia ida ita hakapua diba lasi. As a child, I understood very little at meetings. (2 Samuela 7: 12, 16 duahia.) Lau maragi neganai, hebou dekenai lau lalopararalaia namonamo lasi. ULRICH • Hari inai negai sivarai namona idia abia dae taudia ese dahaka hahenamo idauidau idia abia? U.S. Accordingly, Jesus encouraged his disciples to "keep on asking " for Jehovah's help because" the Father in heaven " will "give holy spirit to those asking him. " Petero ese hutuma dekenai ia gwauraia haroro herevana mani ita laloa lou. Unai dainai, Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia ia hagoadaia Iehova ena heduru totona do idia noinoi noho, badina "Tamana guba dekenai ia noho ese Lauma Helaga be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henidia. " Here the phrase is linked to geographical growth. Lauma dikadia be babalau bona meamea taudia idia gaukaralaia taunimanima idia tarapua bona Iehova do idia tomadiho henia lasi. Unai hereva be tubutubu gaudia edia tubu dalana ida ia hegeregere. 5: 3; Phil. Do lau naria noho, ela bona inai hisihisi bona hekwarahi idia ore. 5: 3; Fili. That question, she noted, reflected a cynical attitude, as if saying: " Truth? What is that? Taunimanima momo ese edia haroro gaukara idia diba, bona Iesu ena hereva idia hagugurua: "Basileia ena Sivarai Namona be tanobada ibounai dekenai do idia harorolaia. Vadaeni unai murinai, dokona be do ia ginidae. " Unai henanadai dainai, ia gwau: "Hereva momokani be dahaka? Hence, do not give up, even if you have not recently found many receptive ones. Hari, tomadiho momokani taudia be gau ta idia abia totona Iehova idia hesiai henia lasi. Unai dainai, ena be kamonai taudia momo oi davaria lasi, to oi hesiku lasi. Thus, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " " Ai do oi hakaua mai lou. Unai dainai, Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia ia hadibaia Dirava dekenai inai bamona do idia guriguri: "Oiemu Basileia do ia mai, oiemu ura gauna tanobada dekenai do ai karaia, guba dekenai idia karaia bamona. " With those words, Jehovah took it upon himself to become a secure dwelling for Abraham and for his descendants. Bona, reana do ia ura oi ia bamoa Iehova umui dibaia totona. Unai hereva amo, Iehova ese Aberahamo bona ena bese taudia ia gimaia. They assigned a village to me, and I would go there by myself and preach on my own from house to house and also make return visits on interested ones. Daudau lasi, idia be Baibel stadi 23 idia karaia. Hanua ta dekenai lau idia siaia, bona sibona egu ruma - ta - ruma - ta ai lau haroro bona kamonai taudia lau lou henia danu. Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope? Kerisendom ese Israela Ia Tohotohoa Mauri Hanaihanai Tanobada Dekenai - Keristani Helaro ta, A? These enemies caused Jesus intense mental, emotional, and physical pain. Ia vara gauna dainai, Iakobo ena lalohekwarahi ia ore. Unai inai taudia ese Iesu ena lalona, hemami, bona tauanina ena hisihisi idia havaraia. Having done so, the now resurrected and enthroned Jesus is in a position to give salvation to all who meet God's requirements. - Revelation 12: 10. Iehova ena Witnes taudia danu be maino idia ura henia tanobada ibounai tadikaka oreana - momokani idia be tanobada matamata oreana. Unai ia karaia murinai, ia toreisi lou bona Iesu be Dirava ena taravatu idia badinaia taudia ibounai dekenai hahemauri do ia henia. - Apokalupo 12: 10. A prophecy about this says: "In the days of those kings [human rulerships] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [his heavenly government in the hands of Christ] that will never be brought to ruin.... Idia be "guba matamata " - Dirava ena Mesia Basileiana - bona" tanobada matamata " - Iehova idia tomadiho henia kara maoromaoro taudia ese edia gabuna do idia abia. Peroveta herevana ta ia gwau: "Unai basileia namba 4 [guba gavamani] ena nega lalonai, guba ena Dirava ese basileia ta [Keriso ena guba gavamanina] do ia haginia, inai basileia be do idia hadikaia diba lasi ela bona hanaihanai.... Jon: Yes, it says that "the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind. " Cameron: Right. Solomona ese dubu hahelagaia negana ai ia gwauraia gurigurina laloa dobu karana ese iseda lalona do ia veria Iehova bona ena kara ma haida ita laloa bada totona. Jon: Oibe, Cameron ia gwau: "Ataiai Momokani Diravana be taunimanima edia basileia lalonai ia lohia noho. " How does the slave class train appointed men? Danu, Dirava ena ladana bona ena kara be ma haida dekenai do idia hadibaia. Edena dala ai hesiai tauna oreana ese tatau idia hadibaia? He extolled Jehovah, saying: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, his loving - kindness is superior toward those fearing him. " Lagani 2012, United States ai, tahua gaukarana ta amo idia davaria, taunimanima ibounai amo 33 pesen idia gwau, hisiu stadilaia babalau taudia be reana "saiens bamona, " bona 10 pesen idia abia dae ia be" saiens ena kahana badana ta. " Iehova ia hanamoa, ia gwau: "Guba ese tanobada ia hereaia noho, bona iena lalokau ese, Dirava dekenai idia gari taudia ia hereaia noho. " This "firstborn of all creation " is" the Word, " or Spokesman, of God and was used by Jehovah in making all other things. - Col. 1: 15. Unai "gau ibounai ia do vara lasi neganai, " ia be Dirava ena Hereva, eiava hereva gwauraia tauna, bona Iehova ese gau ibounai ia karaia. - Kol. There we waited six days for a boat to take us to Waterfall Bay. (Sal. 73: 24) Heduru ita ura abia neganai, Baibel duahia karana amo Iehova ena "laloa " ita dibaia diba. Unuseniai dina siks ai naria bouti ta dekenai ai idia abia lao totona. Aware of the need for such help, the apostle Peter wrote: "If anyone ministers, let him minister as dependent on the strength that God supplies. " Momokani, herevana aposteit taudia be dahaka idia gwau, to edia ura korikorina be idia " henaohenao, alaia, bona hadikaia ore. ' Aposetolo Petero ia diba unai bamona heduru idia abia be namo dainai, ia gwau: "Bema haroro taudia ta ese Dirava amo goada ia abia, namona be Dirava ena hesiai gaukara do ia karaia. " (b) What course is recommended at Proverbs 6: 1 - 5? Liam ia haere: "Egu mauri lagani be herevana to egu lalokau Iehova dekenai be mai anina bada. (b) Aonega Herevadia 6: 1 - 5 ena hereva be dahaka? Out of the belly of Sheol, Jonah cried for help, and Jehovah heard his voice. ' Unai hereva tamona ita gaukaralaia diba tano geia maoromaoro karana ita gwauraia hedinarai totona. Sheol ena bogana dekena amo, Iona be heduru totona ia boiboi, bona Iehova ese ena gadona ia kamonai. ' This longest book of the Bible contains beautifully composed songs that recount God's wonderful qualities and mighty acts and relate numerous prophecies. Unai danu be koikoi. Inai Baibel bukana ese Dirava ena kara badadia bona ena peroveta herevadia momo ia gwauraia. ; 2 Pet. Lauma diarina be Iehova amo ia mai, bona ia bona lauma dibura ita gwauraia hebou diba lasi. ; 2 Pet. What are some factors that can lead to feelings of disappointment? Lau be maragi dainai, hebou ai idia herevalaia gaudia lau lalopararalaia namonamo lasi. Dahaka gaudia haida ese lalohisihisi idia havaraia diba? As a result of Paul's skillful defense, a ruler was affected by the penetrating power of God's Word. ULRICH ESE IA SIVARAILAIA Paulo be ena hereva ia abia dae dainai, lohia tauna ta be Dirava ena Hereva ena siahu amo unai ia karaia. In view of his past record of faithfulness, those who love him and obey him can trust that he will keep this twofold promise regarding trials they may face: (1) He will not allow any trial to develop to a point that would make it impossible to bear, and (2) "he will... make the way out " for them. (Salamo 86: 7) Unai hegeregerena, Iesu ese iena hahediba taudia ia hagoadaia Iehova ena heduru totona " do idia noinoi ' noho, badina "Tamana guba dekenai ia noho ese Lauma Helaga be idia noinoi taudia dekenai do ia henidia. " Iena abidadama karana dekenai, ia idia lalokau henia bona kamonai henia taudia be inai gwauhamata rua do idia badinaia: (1) Ia ese dala do ia kehoa lasi hahetoho idia haheaukalaia totona, bona (2) "dala do ia kehoa lasi. " If a certain type of work is plainly in conflict with Scriptural requirements, most of us quickly respond to the direction provided through the faithful and discreet slave class. Unai hereva ia hahedinaraia Dirava ena hereva be gabu momo dekenai do ia lao. Bema gaukara ta be Baibel ena taravatu ida ia hegeregere lasi, ita momo be hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona mai ena kara maoromaoro oreana ese ia henia hakaua herevadia ita badinaia haraga. While still a teenager, he became enslaved to cocaine and heroin. 5: 3; Fili. Ia do matamata neganai, ia be ladana bada bona ladana bada tauna ai ia lao. Noah walked with the true God. " Agata ena hereva lalonai ia hahedinaraia, Pilato ena henanadai be hevaseha dalana ai ia henia, ia gwau, " Hereva momokani, ia be dahaka? Noa be Dirava momokanina ida ia raka. " No imperfect human can meet Jehovah's perfect standards. Unai dainai, ena be taunimanima momo idia kamonai lasi, to oi hesiku lasi. Goevadae lasi taudia ta ese Iehova ena taravatu goevadaena ia badinaia diba lasi. How does Jehovah do this? Unai dainai, Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia dekenai Dirava guriguri henia dalana ia hadibaia: "Oiemu Basileia do ia mai, oiemu ura gauna tanobada dekenai do ai karaia, guba dekenai idia karaia bamona. " Edena dala ai Iehova ese unai ia karaia? How was Jesus able to maintain his joy in the face of trials, and how does imitating him benefit Christians today? Iehova ia gwauhamata Aberahamo bona ena tubudia do ia hanamoa bona gimaia, bona Ia ese unai gwauhamata ia hagugurudia. Edena dala ai Iesu be hahetoho negadiai moale ia dogoatao diba, bona hari inai negai edena dala ai Keristani taudia ia tohotohoa? 6: 10. Idia ese hanua ta ena teritori idia henia lau dekenai, bona lau sibona be ruma ta ruma ta dekenai lau haroro bona kamonai taudia lau lou henidia. 6: 10. In doing such things, they "have made Jehovah weary. " Mauri Hanaihanai Tanobada Dekenai - Keriso ese Ia Hadibaia Helarona Unai bamona idia karaia neganai, "Lohiabada ese idia dekenai goada ia henia. " J. Iesu ena inai taudia ese Iesu ena lalona bona tauanina idia hahisia bada. J. His skull was fractured, and the doctors were not sure that they could save his life. Unai ia karaia murinai, hari ia toreisi lou bona lohia siahuna ia abia vadaeni tauna Iesu ese Dirava vairanai idia hegeregere taudia ibounai ia hamauria diba. - Apokalupo 12: 10. Ena gorere ia bada ia lao, bona doketa taudia idia diba lasi iena mauri idia haboioa diba. [ Pictures on page 8] Daniela ia gwau: "Unai basileia [tanobada gavamani] namba 4 ena nega lalonai, guba ena Dirava ese basileia ta [Iena gavamani, Keriso ena imana ai Ia atoa gauna] do ia haginia, inai basileia be do idia hadikaia diba lasi ela bona hanaihanai.... [ Pictures on page 8] " Of Great Value in the Eyes of God " Jon: Oibe, ia hahedinaraia Ataiai Momokani Dirava be taunimanima edia basileia ia biagua danu. " Dirava Ena Matana ai Ia be mai Anina Bada " Paul thus puts "uncleanness... with greediness " in the same category as loose conduct. Edena dala ai hesiai tauna oreana be idia abia hidi taudia idia hadibaia? Unai dainai Paulo ese " mai mataganigani ida kara mirodia ' ia herevalaia. As a parent, do you not have a similar goal spiritually? Davida ese Iehova ia hanamoa, ia gwau: "Dirava ese ia dekenai idia gari taudia, be ia lalokau henia momokani. Oi be tama o sina ta dainai, emu tahua gauna be unai bamona, ani? Why do you agree with what the apostle John wrote, as recorded at 1 John 5: 3? 10: 13; Iuda 9) Unai "vara guna Natuna " be" Hereva, " o Dirava ena hereva ia Gwauraia Tauna bona Iehova ese ia gaukaralaia gau ibounai ia havaraia totona. - Kol. Dahaka dainai 1 Ioane 5: 3 ena hereva oi abia dae? He regularly visited them in their homes but not just when they had problems. Unuseniai dina 6 bouti ai naria, Waterfall Bay dekenai ai lao totona. Hanaihanai edia ruma dekenai ia vadivadi henidia, to hekwakwanai idia davaria neganai sibona lasi. How thankful we are that love - "a perfect bond of union " - prevails among us regardless of our background or national origin! Petero ia diba unai heduru ita abia be namo dainai, ia gwau: "Bema tau ta ena diba be taunimanima durua, vadaeni inai diba, Dirava ese ia henia gauna do ia gaukaralaia mai ena goada ibounai, taunimanima durua totona. " Ita moale badina unai lalokau - "taunimanima ia hatamonaia gauna hereadaena " - be ita huanai ia noho - herevana iseda bese o tano taudia! John the Baptizer was "a burning and shining lamp " in that prior to his unjust imprisonment by Herod, he had fulfilled his divine commission to prepare the way for the Messiah. (b) Aonega Herevadia 6: 1 - 5 ena sisiba be dahaka? Heroda ese Ioane Bapatiso ia do kota henia lasi neganai, Ioane Bapatiso be "lahi ia araia noho, bona lamepa ia hadiaria " neganai, Dirava ese ia hagania Mesia ena dala ia hegaegaelaia totona. You will be surprised how much better almost any problem seems after you have had a good night's sleep! " Mase gabuna ena dobu gabuna dekena amo, durua totona Iehova dekenai ia boiboi, bona Ia ese Iona ia kamonai henia. ' Hanuaboi ai oi mahuta namonamo murinai, do oi hoa bada! " After a few more visits, it became obvious that although she had a positive, happy spirit, Betty was suffering from poor health. Baibel lalonai Salamo bukana ena karoa be momo herea. Unai buka ese Dirava ena kara namodia, siahu karadia bona peroveta herevadia momo ia gwauraia. Idia vadivadi momo murinai, ia laloparara ia be lalohadai namona ia abia, ena be ia gorere momo lasi. Just as the farmer first prepares the soil by using a plow before sowing seed, Ezra prayerfully prepared his heart to receive the word of God. 5: 11; 2 Pet. Biru tauna ginigunana ese uhe ia do hadoa lasi neganai tano ia hegaegaelaia hegeregerena, Esera be mai guriguri ida ena kudouna ia hegaegaelaia Dirava ena hereva ia abia dae totona. Why should all of God's servants take note of Paul's words? Edena gaudia dainai lalohisihisi ia vara diba? Dahaka dainai Dirava ena hesiai taudia ibounai ese Paulo ena hereva idia laloa be namo? DO YOU encounter opposition to your faith - perhaps at work, at school, in the family, or because of restrictions imposed by the State? Paulo ese ena maoro hamomokania toho karana ia gwauraia namonamo dainai, Dirava ena Hereva ena siahu ese lohia tauna ta ena lalona ia veria. ISEDA abidadama dainai dagedage oi davaria - reana gaukara gabunai, sikuli gabunai, ruma bese lalonai, eiava gavamani ese ia taravatua dainai, a? This divine declaration alerts us to the need to imitate Jehovah by being merciful and gracious. (Ios. 23: 14) Guna ia idia abidadama henia taudia edia sivarai ese idia hahedinaraia, ia idia lalokau henia bona kamonai henia taudia idia diba momokani hedibagani idia davaria neganai, Dirava be inai do ia karaia: (1) Ia ese dala do ia kehoa lasi edia goada ia hereaia hedibagani idia davaria totona, bona (2) idia totona "dala do ia kehoa. " Unai Dirava ena hereva ese ita ia hadibaia hebogahisi bona hariharibada karana amo Iehova ita tohotohoa be namo. Second, some who have served as elders for decades have been forced by advancing age or health problems to reduce the work load they are carrying in the congregation. Bema moni gaukara ta be Baibel ena hakaua herevadia hegeregerena lasi, ita momo be hesiai tauna mai ena kamonai bona kara maoromaoro ese idia henia sisiba ita badinaia. Gau iharuana be, lagani momo elda gaukara idia karaia taudia haida be idia buruka o gorere dainai, kongrigeisen lalonai maduna idauidau idia huaia lasi. Conditions deteriorate as disobedient angelic sons of God take women as wives and produce violent giants called Nephilim. Ia matamata neganai, ia be cocaine bona heroin o drag ia gaukaralaia momo. Dirava ena gwau - edeede anerudia ese hahine idia adavaia bona idia gwau - edeede henidia. Have you signed a business contract or filled out an application form for theocratic privileges? Noa be Dirava momokanina ida ia raka. " Oi ese bisinesi kontraka ta oi sainia eiava tiokratik gaukara ta totona aplikeisen oi hahonua, a? In this regard, Jesus ' earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, set an outstanding example. Goevadae lasi taudia ibounai be hegeregere lasi Iehova ena taravatu maoromaorodia idia badinaia totona. Unai dainai, Iesu ena tama sina, Iosepa bona Maria, be haheitalai namona. 18: 2. Edena dala ai Iesu ese hahetoho lalodiai ia moale noho diba, bona hari inai negai Keristani taudia ese iena kara idia tohotohoa neganai dahaka namo idia abia? 18: 2. What are some things that people vainly trust in for security? 6: 10. Taunimanima ese noho namo totona idia tabekau lasi gaudia haida be dahaka? Especially should love be manifested within a Christian family and particularly between husband and wife. Unai bamona idia karaia neganai " Iehova ia hesiku. ' Keristani ruma bese lalonai bona tau bona hahine huanai lalokau ia noho be namo. Yet, Jesus said that we should seek righteousness. J. To, Iesu ia gwau kara maoromaoro ita tahua be namo. We today could be tested as those early disciples were. Unai aksiden lalonai ena kwarana ia makohi dainai, doketa taudia idia diba lasi do ia mauri eiava lasi. Hari inai negai, unai hahediba taudia ginigunadia bamona hahetoho ita davaria diba. How can spiritual advancement help you if you marry? [ Pictures on page 8] Bema oi headava, edena dala ai lo Keristani tauna ai oi lao diba? Little wonder that a report of the case in The Daily Telegraph described the guilty general practitioner as the "" Devil ' doctor. " " Namo Bada Herea Dirava Ena Vairanai " Unai dainai ita hoa lasi dina ta ta ai The From the People dekenai ia vara sivaraina ta ese ia hahedinaraia, dubu gunalaia taudia be kerere idia karaia bona idia gwau idia be "Satani ena doketa. " " WHEAT " AND "WEEDS " GROW TOGETHER Unai siri dekenai Paulo ese inai hereva, "mai edia ura dikadika ida kara mirodia... idia karaia " be lebulebu mai matabodaga karana ida ia gwauraia hebou. " EDENA BAMONA DO OI HAERE "? Basis for Belief, 8 / 1 34: 13, 14.) Tama sina e, umui be unai bamona umui karaia danu, a? Iehova ese Oi Ia Durua Dalana Oi Abia Dae, A? The prime reason for the Jews ' return was the restoration of true worship in Jerusalem. Dahaka dainai oi be aposetolo Ioane ese 1 Ioane 5: 3 dekenai ia torea herevana ida oi lalo - tamona? Iuda taudia idia giroa lou ena badina badana be Ierusalema dekenai tomadiho momokani idia haginia lou. Therefore, Absalom should have known that Jehovah had not chosen him as David's successor. - 2 Sam. Bona nega momo tadikaka ia vadivadi henia, hekwakwanai idia davaria negadia ai sibona lasi. Unai dainai, Abesaloma ia diba Iehova ese ia abia hidi lasi Davida ena gabu ia abia totona. - 2 Sam. Are you using this tool on Bible studies? Ita moale badina herevana iseda noho dalana o bese be idau, to ita ia "hatamonaia gauna hereadaena " be lalokau! Oi ese inai tulu oi gaukaralaia Baibel stadi oi hamatamaia totona, a? In view of this account, why would God inspire Peter to call Lot a "righteous man "? Ioane Bapatiso be "lamepa bamona ia araia, bona ia diari noho " badina Heroda ese koikoi dalanai dibura dekenai ia do atoa lasi neganai, Ioane be Dirava ese ia henia gaukarana, Mesia ena dala do ia hegaegaelaia gaukarana unai, ia hagugurua. Unai sivarai dainai, dahaka dainai Dirava ese Petero do ia durua Lota ia gwauraia "kara maoromaoro tauna "? PUBLISHERS Hanuaboi ena mahuta namona murinai, emu hemami be unai hekwakwanai oi hanai diba! " PABLISA TAUDIA John's three letters contain further gems of truth. Vadivadi haida murinai, ia hedinarai goevagoeva ena be Betty ia moale, to ia be mai ena gorere. Ioane ena revareva toi lalonai hereva momokani ena dava bada gaudia ma haida idia noho. Some families read a portion of the Bible after a meal Nega momo Baibel ia gwau Iehova be ena "lalona ia giroa. " Ruma bese haida be aniani murinai Baibel ena kahana ta idia duahia There were 100 students in the class, and the course lasted five months. Biru tauna ia do hadohado lasi neganai ia ese ena tano do ia makohia bona hegaegaelaia guna bamona, Esera be mai guriguri ida iena kudouna ia hegaegaelaia Dirava ena hereva ia abia totona. Sikuli dekenai stiuden ibounai 100 idia noho, bona hua ima idia ore vadaeni. Since we are united as "members belonging to one another, " we certainly should not be devious or deliberately try to mislead our fellow worshippers, for that is the same as lying to them. Dahaka dainai ita ibounai ese Paulo ena hereva ita lalopararalaia be namo? Ita be "tauanina tamona taudia " dainai, namo lasi ita koikoi eiava mai eda ura ida iseda tadikaka ita hakaua kerere, badina idia dekenai ia koikoi bamona. Espen and Janne live in an affluent European country. EMU abidadama dainai dagedage oi davaria - reana gaukara gabunai, sikuli dekenai, ruma bese lalonai, eiava gavamani ena taravatu dainai, a? United States ena taga bada tanona ta ai, headava taudia momo idia noho. As the foretold "Prince of Peace, " Jesus will establish world peace and security. Dirava ena hereva ese ita ia hamaoroa namona be Iehova ena hebogahisi bona hariharibada ita tohotohoa be namo. Iesu ese "Maino ena Lohia " ia perovetalaia hegeregerena, tanobada be maino bona noho namo do ia havaraia. Is something robbing you of happiness? Gau iharuana be, lagani momo lalonai elda gaukara idia karaia taudia haida be buruka o gorere dainai kongregesen lalonai edia gaukara ena maduna idia hamaragia. Gau ta ese emu moale ia kokia, a? The effects of the cursed ground, with its thorns and thistles, were so keenly felt by Adam's descendants that Noah's father, Lamech, spoke of "the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed. " Gwau - edeede aneru ese tanobada kekenidia idia adavaia bona dagedage tatau badadia, Nefilim taudia unai, idia havaraia dainai dika be ia bada ia lao. Adamu ena tubudia, Lameka, ese tano ia hadikaia bona ena ava ginigini bona ava ginigini ese idia havaraia dika be bada herea dainai, Noa ena tamana, Lameka, ese "Lohiabada ese tano ia hadikaia vadaeni hisihisi " ia herevalaia. Our growth also involves drawing closer to Jehovah as our Friend and Father. Danu, bema oi be bisinesi kontraka ta oi sainia, eiava kongrigeisen o orea ena gaukara idauidau karaia totona aplikeisen fom oi atoa, namona be emu gwauhamata oi badinaia. Danu, iseda hetura karana iseda Turana bona Tamana kahirakahira ita lao be namo. Jesus then quoted the words about Adam and Eve recorded at Genesis 2: 24. Iehova matauraia karana dekenai, Iosepa bona Maria be haheitalai namodia. Bena Iesu ese Genese 2: 24 ai Adamu bona Heva edia hereva ia gwauraia. Wisdom and discernment are godly qualities. (Lesbian hahine be unai dala idia gaukaralaia danu.) Aonega bona laloa kehoa be Dirava ena kara. Jehovah answered those questions, proving to us two things: (1) He wants his Word proclaimed "among the islands far away, " and (2) he wants those whom the world views as" humble and lowly " to take refuge in his name. - Jer. 18: 2. Iehova ese unai henanadai ia haerelaia, bona ita dekenai inai gaudia rua ia hahedinaraia: (1) Ia ura ena Hereva be " motumotu daudau dekenai " ia harorolaia, bona (2) ia ura tanobada taudia ese iena ladana dekenai" manau bona manau taudia " be iena ladana dekenai do idia heau mauri. - Ier. (Swaziland), 8 / 15 Taunimanima ese noho namo idia davaria totona, edena gaudia haida idia abidadama henia kava sibona? 8 / 15 Conditions had reached the point where " the wicked surrounded the righteous and justice was perverted. ' Keristani ruma bese lalonai bona headava tau bona hahine huanai lalokau idia hahedinaraia be gau badana. Kara dika taudia be " kara maoromaoro taudia idia hagegea bona kota maoromaoro idia hagagevaia. ' He spoke of the time when such terrible events would no longer happen and said that all could draw closer to the God of comfort through accurate knowledge from the Bible. To, Iesu ia gwau kara maoromaoro ita tahua be namo. Unai dika badadia do idia vara negana ia herevalaia bona ia gwau taunimanima ibounai be Baibel amo diba maoromaoro idia abia neganai, Dirava kahirakahira idia lao diba. Paul was not content with just being at peace with others. Hari, ita danu be unai hahediba taudia bamona, hahetoho ita davaria diba. Paulo be ma haida ida maino ai ia noho sibona lasi. The apostle Paul showed compassion even for violent opposers. Keriso ena kara oi tohotohoa neganai, edena dala ai unai ese emu headava maurina ia durua? Aposetolo Paulo be dagedage taudia dekenai hebogahisi ia hahedinaraia danu. In addition, more Bibles have been needed for use in preaching and personal study. Unai dainai, ita hoa lasi The Daily Telegraph ese unai sivarai ia ripotilaia neganai, unai doketa badana idia gwauraia "" Diabolo ' doketa. " Danu, Baibel idia gaukaralaia haroro gaukara bona sibona eda stadi idia karaia totona. 6: 16. " AVA DIKADIA " BONA "WITI " IDIA TUBU 6: 16. 13, 14. 10 / 15 13, 14. Meanwhile, I studied English with a view to expanding my service. Iuda taudia idia giroa lou ena badina badana be tomadiho momokani idia haginia lou totona. Unai nega lalonai, English gado lau stadilaia bona lau ura egu hesiai gaukara lau habadaia. I WAS born in Ilocos Norte, Philippines, on December 10, 1968, the seventh of ten children. Unai dainai, Abesaloma ia diba ia be tamana ena king dagina do ia abia lasi. - 2 Sam. LAU be December 10, Samuela, Philippines dekenai lau vara, natudia ten amo lau be namba 7 ai lau vara. Graceful, upright palm trees were a common sight in Oriental courtyards in Bible times. Oi be Baibel stadi oi karaia totona, unai tulu oi gaukaralaia, a? Grace, pama audia be Baibel negadiai idia noho ariara gabuna ta ai idia noho. Whereas the masses of mankind walk in darkness, we joyfully keep on walking in God - given spiritual light. - 1 John 1: 6, 7. Unai sivarai dainai, dahaka dainai Dirava ese Petero ia hasiahua bena Lota ia gwauraia "kara maoromaoro tauna "? Taunimanima hutuma be dibura lalonai idia raka neganai, mai moale ida Dirava ese ia henia lauma diarina lalonai ita raka noho. - 1 Ioane 1: 6, 7. He was no longer the man I had married. " PABLISA TAUDIA Ia be guna lau adavaia tauna lasi. " The Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, tried to entrap Jesus with a question about the resurrection and brother - in - law marriage. Ioane ese ia torea revareva toi ai mai anina bada herevadia idia noho. Sadukea taudia, toreisi lou idia abia dae lasi taudia unai, ese Iesu dekenai toreisi lou bona tadikaka dekenai henanadai ta idia henia. 17 - 19. (a) In what ways can we test ourselves? Ruma bese haida be aniani murinai, edia Baibel duahiduahi idia karaia 17 - 19. (a) Edena dala ai ita sibona ita tohoa diba? What is modesty? Klas dekenai stiuden ibounai be 100, bona sikuli be hua ima lalonai ai karaia. Manau karana ena anina be dahaka? In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Umui ibounai ta ta dekenai hereva momokani do umui gwauraia, badina ita ibounai be Keriso ena tauanina tamona ena kahana taudia. " Ita be "tauanina tamona ena kahana taudia " dainai, namo lasi eda kara eiava hereva koikoi amo eda tadikaka ita hakaudia kerere. Oi karaia gaudia ibounai lalonai, Lohiabada do oi laloa, vadaeni ia ese dala maorona, be oi dekenai do ia hadibaia. " (Read Philippians 4: 8.) Indeed, may we continue to echo the prayer of the psalmist: "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless. " Espen bona Janne be Europe ena taga tanona ta ai idia noho. Momokani, namona be salamo torea tauna ena guriguri ita gwauraia loulou, ia gwau: "Mani lau do oi durua, lau ese anina lasi gaudia do lau itaia lasi. " 133: 1. Baibel ese ia perovetalaia hegeregerena, "Maino ena Lohia, " Iesu ese tanobada dekenai maino bona noho namo do ia mailaia. 133: 1. When people make a habit of being courteous, problems with others are minimized and often disappear. But the opposite is also true. Gau ta ese emu moale ia hadikaia, a? Taunimanima be hemataurai karana idia manadalaia neganai, ma haida ida hekwakwanai idia laloa bada lasi bona nega momo edia kara idia haidaua danu. She's my sister. Tano be au ginigini bona ava ginigini amo ia honu dainai, Adamu ena bese taudia idia hekwarahi bada uma gabu idia karaia totona, unai dainai Noa ena tamana, Lameka ia gwau, "Lohiabada ese tano ia hadikaia [" gwauraia dika, " NW] vadaeni... iseda imana edia gaukara, bona iseda hekwarahi. " Ia be egu taihuna. However, the situation is different when a regular, scheduled Bible study is being conducted in a home and a dedicated, baptized male is present. EMU HETURA KARANA DIRAVA IDA OI HAGOADAIA To, dina ta ta ai Baibel stadi be ruma ta dekenai idia karaia bona edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia neganai, bapatiso tadikaka idia noho danu. " May the God of peace... equip you with every good thing to do his will. " - HEBREWS 13: 20, 21. " Unai hereva ia gwauraia murinai, Iesu be Dirava ese Adamu bona Heva dekenai ia gwauraia herevana Genese 2: 24 dekenai ia gwauraia. " Maino Diravana... ese gau namodia ibounai umui dekenai do ia henia, iena ura umui karaia totona. " - HEBERU 13: 20, 21. Again, Choong Keon and Julie felt as if these words were directed just to them. Aonega bona laloa kehoa be Dirava ese ia hahedinaraia karadia. Ia gwau: "Unai hereva be idia sibona ese idia abia hidi. Just as delay at harvesttime could lead to the wasting of crops, neglect in carrying out the preaching work could result in the loss of lives. Iehova ese unai henanadai ia haerelaidia, badina gau rua ia henia: (1) Ia ura iena Hereva be daudau gabudia idia noho motumotu dekenai do ia lao, bona (2) ia ura " manau taudia bona hekokoroku lasi taudia ' be ena ladana dekenai idia tabekau. - Ier. Biru taudia be uma aniani idia abia haraga lasi dainai, haroro gaukara idia rakatania bona edia mauri idia haboioa diba. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. Dahaka Dainai Ita Gwauraia Dirava ena Natuna? Moni idia senisia taudia edia moni ia henaoa bona edia pata ia makohia. The reversal of aging. - Job 33: 25. Dika ia bada ia lao, badina dika taudia ese kara maoromaoro taudia edia dala idia koua bona kota maoromaoro dalana idia hagagevaia. Idia buruka idia lao taudia edia mauri ia idau. - Iobu 33: 25. The vast and reliable wisdom found in the Bible also indicates that the book is from a Source higher than man. Unai bamona kara dikadia do idia vara lasi negana ia herevalaia bona ia gwau taunimanima iboudiai ese Baibel amo diba maorona idia abia diba bona goada ia henia Diravana kahirakahira idia lao diba. Baibel lalonai idia noho aonega herevadia ese idia hahedinaraia danu unai buka be tau hereadaena amo ia mai. How Mary spoke. Paulo ia laloa ma haida ida maino ia karaia be ia hegeregere lasi, to ia ura kara ma ta ia karaia. Maria be edena bamona ia hereva? For example, King David was inspired to say of Jehovah: "You kept me screened off in the belly of my mother.... Aposetolo Paulo be dagedage taudia dekenai hebogahisi ia hahedinaraia danu. Hegeregere, King Davida be Iehova ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Oi ese egu sinana ena bogana dekena amo lau oi kokia.... So that tells us that this prophecy is not only about Nebuchadnezzar. To danu, haroro bona sibona ena stadi totona Baibel momo idia abia be namo. Unai dainai ita gwau diba unai peroveta herevana be Nebukanesa sibona lasi. Jehovah had told Hosea that his wife - to - be would "chase after her passionate lovers. " Note the plural - "lovers. " 6: 16. Iehova ese Hosea ia hamaoroa iena adavana - "ia idia lalokau henia taudia " - be" iena ura sibona do idia tahua. " But as used in the Bible, it includes our mental inclination, attitude, and power of reason. 13, 14. To Baibel lalonai idia gaukaralaia hegeregerena, iseda laloa dalana, lalohadai, bona siahu be mai ena badina. [ Footnote] " Kara Maoromaoro Taudia be... [ Footnote] Therefore, hope is not just incidental to faith; it is an essential element of faith. Danu, egu haroro gaukara durua totona, English gado lau dibaia. Unai dainai, helaro be abidadama ena lebulebu karadia sibona lasi; to abidadama be mai anina bada. The spiritual prosperity that Jehovah's servants enjoy in these last days is the direct result of having him " in their midst ' as their all - powerful God. LAU be December 10, 1968 ai, lau vara, Ilocos Norte, Philippines dekenai. Ai natudia 10 amo lau be namba 7. Inai nega dokona ai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia be lauma dalanai idia noho namo, badina " edia huanai ia noho tauna ' - siahu ibounai Diravana - ese ia hakaudia. How does it relate to the Bible's theme? Baibel negadia ai, Orient tanodia edia ariara momo dekenai toana namo pama audia idia gini. Edena dala ai unai hereva be Baibel ena sinado badana ida ia hegeregere? PAGE 12 • SONGS: 108, 24 Oibe, ena be momo be dibura lalonai idia raka, to ita be hereva momokani ena diari lalonai ita noho. - 1 Ioa. 1: 6, 7. ITA BE MAI EDA AHUNA NAMONA RAU 12 • ANE: 21, 24 What is certain to befall the wicked in our time? Ai headava matamata neganai ia hahedinaraia karadia be ia hahedinaraia lou lasi. " Iseda nega lalonai kara dika taudia dekenai dahaka do ia vara? Some 2,000 imprisoned Witnesses had died, over 250 by execution. Sadukea tomadiho taudia be toreisi lou helarona idia abia dae lasi, bona idia ese Iesu idia tarapua totona toreisi lou bona nakimi adavaia karana idia henanadailaia. Dibura ruma ai idia atoa Witnes taudia 2,000 bamona idia mase vadaeni, bona idia hamasea. How We Can Have Strength to Endure 17 - 19. (a) Ita ta ta sibona dekenai dahaka henanadai ita henia be namo? Ita Haheauka Diba Dalana Those who live by God's Word have the prospect of seeing with their own eyes the fulfillment of such thrilling prophecies as the one recorded at Isaiah 11: 9, which says: "They [humankind] will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " Manau karana be dahaka? Dirava ena Hereva lalonai idia noho taudia ese edia matana amo Isaia 11: 9 ena peroveta herevadia idia itaia, ia gwau: "Lauegu ororo helagana dekenai idia noho taudia ese, dika ta do idia davaria lasi. The child should learn that the course of wisdom is to obey God's commandments. - Proverbs 6: 16 - 19; Hebrews 13: 4. Oi karaia gaudia ibounai lalonai, Lohiabada do oi laloa, vadaeni ia ese dala maorona, be oi dekenai do ia hadibaia. " Namona be natuna ia diba aonega dalana be Dirava ena taravatu do ia badinaia. - Aonega Herevadia 6: 16 - 19; Heberu 13: 4. When you show genuine interest in the well - being of others, they are drawn to you. Iena hereva be diari, ia ese eda dala ia hadiaria noho. ' Ma haida edia namo oi laloa bada neganai, idia be oi kahirakahira do idia mai. Like Job and Moses of old, they can "see God " with eyes of faith. Oibe, namona be salamo torea tauna ena guriguri do ita gwauraia noho: "Mani lau do oi durua, lau ese anina lasi gaudia do lau [raraia] lasi. " Iobu bona Mose bamona, idia be mai abidadama ida " Dirava idia itaia ' diba. • Will responsible ones control its distribution? 133: 1. • Maduna idia huaia taudia ese edia gaukara do idia karaia namonamo, a? How tragic it is when someone gets so deeply involved in business enterprises that he sacrifices the truly important things, such as Christian association, sacred service, moral principles, and family responsibilities! Taunimanima be unai kara idia manadalaia neganai, hekwakwanai badadia idia vara lasi o idia ore haraga. Bema tau ta be bisinesi karadia lalonai ia vareai momo, ia ese mai anina bada gaudia, hegeregere Keristani hebamo karana, hesiai gaukara, kara maoromaoro taravatudia, bona ruma bese maduna idauidau ia dadaraia, dika bada do ia davaria! Robert: Yes, I've never heard that idea at my church. Ia be egu tadina. Robert: Oibe, nega ta unai lalohadai be egu dubu dekenai lau kamonai lasi. But because he was very involved in his work, he progressed only to a certain point in his Bible study. To, ruma dekenai idia karaia hanaihanai Baibel stadi lalonai ia gwauhamata bapatiso tauna ta ia noho be idau. To ena gaukara ia karaia goadagoada dainai, ia goada ia lao bona Baibel ia stadilaia. 10 - 12. (a) How may Satan have used bait to trap his angelic brothers? " Inai maino Diravana ese gau namodia ibounai umui dekenai do ia henia,... vadaeni umui ese iena ura do umui karaia. " - HEBERU 13: 20, 21. 10 - 12. (a) Edena dala ai Satani ese hedibagani ia gaukaralaia ena aneru ia tarapua totona? God's name was miraculously inscribed several times on the stone tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. Unai negai danu, Choong Keon bona Julie idia mamia unai tadikaka be idia ia hereva henia bamona. Dirava ena ladana be hoa dalanai nadi palaka dekenai idia torea, bona nega momo Taravatu Ten lalonai idia torea. Esther went on: "We have been sold, I and my people, to be annihilated, killed and destroyed. Uiti be nega korikori ai idia gogoa lasi neganai, uiti ena anina namodia idia dika diba. Eseta ma ia gwau: "Ai idia hoihoilaia, lau bona egu bese taudia idia hamasea ore. Rio Rancho, NM Bona moni senisia taudia edia koini ia bubudia bona edia pata ia girodia. AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 2 Pray for more faith. Buruka taudia do idia matamata lou. - Iobu 33: 25. Abidadama totona oi guriguri. Seeing this, Origen's mother hid his clothes to prevent him from leaving home. Peroveta tauna Isaia be ena nega ai idia noho taudia ia nanadaia: "Daika ese Dirava ena Lauma ena dala ia diba? Origen ena sinana be unai ia itaia neganai, ena dabua ia hunia, unai amo ruma ia rakatania lasi. Reasons to Remember Jehovah Maria ese ia herevalaia gaudia. Iehova Ita Laloatao Ena Badina Idauidau An exemplary wife helps the family to "stay awake " by assisting her husband in the spiritual education of the children. Hegeregere, King Davida ese Iehova ia herevalaia neganai ia gwau: "Lauegu sinana ena bogana dekenai lau oi atoa vadaeni.... Hahine namona ese ruma bese ia durua idia "noga noho " totona, bona lauma dalanai edia natudia hadibaia karana dekenai ena adavana idia durua. 2: 17. To, Dirava ese taunimanima ia lohiaia karana ia herevalaia danu. 2: 17. Following that convention, Ted returned to Australia and I went back to Vancouver, but we kept in touch by letter. Iehova ese Hosea ia hamaoroa do ia adavaia hahinena be "ia ura henia tatau edia murinai do ia heau lao. " Unai hebouhebou murinai, Ted be Australia dekenai ai giroa lou, to revareva amo ai idia dogoatao. [ Picture on page 31] Baibel ai inai hereva "lalona " be iseda lalohadai bona laloa maoromaoro karana ia herevalaia. [ Picture on page 31] Just before the destruction of Sodom, Jehovah's angels escorted Lot and his family out of the city. [ Footnote] Sodoma idia do hadikaia lasi neganai, Iehova ena aneru ese Lota bona ena ruma bese be unai hanua amo idia hakaua raka - lasi. The purpose of that question is not to arouse skepticism but to strengthen your faith. Matana dekenai ita itaia lasi, to iseda lalona ia diba momokani, inai gauna do ita abia. " Unai henanadai ena badina be emu abidadama hagoadaia totona lasi, to oi abia dae momokani unai henanadai ese emu abidadama do ia hagoadaia. " These Are the True Christians " Hari dina dokodia ai, Iehova ena hesiai taudia be lauma dalana ai idia taga bona unai idia moalelaia diba badina be edia siahu ibounai Diravana be idia "dekenai ia noho. " " Idia be Keristani Taudia momokanidia " They used their time and energy to proclaim Jehovah's warning message. Ena anina Baibel ena sinado dekenai be edena bamona? Edia nega bona goada idia gaukaralaia Iehova ena hadibaia herevana idia harorolaia totona. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. RAU 12 • ANE: 108, 24 Ena be inai tanobada dikana lalonai ita noho, to Dirava, iena Basileia, bona iena ura namona taunimanima totona be Baibel amo oi dibaia neganai moale oi davaria diba. When I look back, I am confident that our work - John's and mine - has not been in vain. Iseda nega lalonai idia noho kara dika taudia dekenai dahaka do ia vara momokani? Lau laloa lou neganai, lau diba momokani emai gaukara - Ioane ena gaukara bona lauegu - be anina lasi. Jehovah especially delights in providing for the needs of his faithful worshippers. Dibura dekenai idia atoa Witnes taudia 2,000 bamona be idia mase, bona 250 mai kahana idia alaia mase. Iehova be mai moale ida ia idia tomadiho henia taudia edia dabu gaudia ia henia. The effective use of illustrations. Haheauka Totona Goada Abia Dalana Haheitalai gaukaralaia namonamo. Why should you get baptized? Dirava ena Hereva hegeregerena idia noho taudia edia helaro be edia matana amo inai bamona peroveta herevadia namodia, Isaia 11: 9 (NW) lalonai ia noho gauna bamona, edia guguru negana do idia itaia. Ia gwau: "[Taunimanima] ta do idia hahisia lasi eiava do idia hadikaia lasi, egu ororo helagana ibounai dekenai; badina be tanobada be Iehova dibaia karana amo do ia honu, davara be ranu amo ia honuhonudae bamona. " Dahaka dainai bapatiso oi abia be namo? In 1954, some Witnesses took offense when no black speakers were on the program at a number of district assemblies. Namona be natuna idia hadibaia Dirava ena oda herevadia idia badinaia be aonega dalana. - Aonega Herevadia 6: 16 - 19; Heberu 13: 4. Lagani 1954 ai, Witnes taudia haida be distrik hebouhebou haida dekenai tok idia henia lasi neganai, idia badu. Why can you be confident that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the right message? Bema mai momokani ida ma haida edia ura oi laloa, oi dekenai do idia mai. Dahaka dainai oi abia dae momokani Iehova ena Witnes taudia be sivarai namona idia harorolaia noho? Or did they have the sort of faith exemplified by the widow? (Isaia 64: 8) Iobu bona Mose hegeregerena, edia abidadama ena matana amo " Dirava idia itaia ' diba. Eiava edia abidadama be vabu ena bamona, a? How can we cope with anxiety, and why? • Maduna idia huaia namonamo taudia be unai do idia biagua, a? Edena dala ai lalo - hekwarahi ita haheaukalaia diba, bona dahaka dainai? Anna's love for Jehovah was recorded in the Scriptures. Madi, bema ta ese iena bisinesi karadia lalonai ia vareai momokani dainai mai anina bada gaudia ia dadaraia, hegeregere Keristani hebamo, hesiai gaukara helagana, kara maoromaoro taravatudia, bona iena maduna ruma bese lalonai, unai be dika! Ana ena lalokau Iehova dekenai be Baibel lalonai ia noho. When the Jewish rebels, known as the Zealots, sought refuge inside the temple fortress, Roman soldiers began to undermine the temple wall. Robert: Oibe, unai lalohadai be nega ta egu dubu dekenai lau kamonai lasi. Unai gwau - edeede Iuda tuari taudia, idia gwauraia Iuda taudia, be dubu lalonai idia heau mauri neganai, Roma tuari taudia ese dubu ena magu idia hadikaia matamaia. It records accurate history, not myth. To ena moni gaukara dekenai ia bisi bada dainai, ia stadilaia bukana ia haorea lasi. Unai sivarai be gori sibona lasi. Going to the top of a mountain affords you an elevated view and a place of safety. 10 - 12. (a) Edena dala ai Satani ese hedibagani ia gaukaralaia aneru momo ia tarapua totona? Ororo dekenai oi raka lao neganai, unai ese oi ia durua oi laloa maoromaoro bona gabu namona ta dekenai oi noho totona. A great crowd of potential disciples from all parts of the land were present. 2: 4, 5, BHḡ) Dirava ese Mose dekenai Taravatu Ten ia henia neganai, hoa dalanai ena ladana be nadi palakadia rua ai ia torea. Unai tano ena kahana ibounai amo hahediba taudia hutuma idia noho. For the other eight, see 1 Kings 17: 21 - 23; 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37; 13: 21; Mark 5: 35, 41 - 43; Luke 7: 11 - 17; 24: 34; John 11: 43 - 45; Acts 9: 36 - 42. Eseta ma ia gwau: "Tau ta ese gwauhamata hereva ia ha - aukaia momokani, lau bona egu bese taudia do ia alaia ore momokani. Ma 8: 21 - 23; 2 King Taudia 4: 32 - 37; 13: 21; Mareko 5: 35, 41 - 43; Luka 7: 11 - 17; Ioane 11: 43 - 36; Kara 9: 43 - 42. That is why Brother Frost said that until you have learned the language, speaking English with you is VERBOTEN. " Abidadama totona oi guriguri. Unai dainai Tadikaka Frost ia gwau, oi be English gado oi dibaia ela bona oi ida English gado oi dibaia. " 12: 11. Origen ena sinana be unai ia itaia dainai, Origen ena dabua ia hunia, ruma ia rakatania lasi totona. 12: 11. What will replace the stresses we feel now? Iehova Ita Laloatao Ena Badina Haida Hari ita mamia lalohisihisi gaudia edia gabu be dahaka? As you do, Jehovah will bless you. Hahine namona be ena tau ia durua edia natudia be Baibel amo ia hadibaia, unai amo ruma bese be idia "noga noho. " (Aon. Unai bamona oi karaia neganai, Iehova ese oi do ia hanamoa. • In what sense can God make you rich? 2: 17. • Edena dala ai Dirava ese oi dekenai kohu momo ia henia diba? So, then, if we are reasonable, we will be able to take a balanced look at our circumstances. Unai hebouhebou murinai, Ted be Australia dekenai ia giroa lou, bona lau giroa Vancouver dekenai. To revareva amo ta ta ai tore henia. Unai dainai, bema ita laloa maoromaoro, iseda noho dalana do ita laloa namonamo diba. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. [ Picture on page 31] Mani oi laloa, doketa ta ese oi ia hamaoroa gorere dikana ta ia abia tauna oi hereva henia lasi totona. As we walk with God, he delivers us from Satan's world, guides us by means of his Word and his organization, and protects us as a group when we are under attack by opposers. Iehova ese Sodoma ia do hadikaia lasi neganai, iena aneru ese Lota bona ena ruma bese taudia be unai hanua amo idia hakaua siri. Dirava ida ita raka neganai, ia ese Satani ena tanobada amo ita ia hamauria, iena Hereva bona ena orea amo ita ia hakaua, bona iseda inai taudia ese ita idia dagedage henia neganai ita ia gimaia. Although Ahaziah managed to escape, Jehu later tracked him down and had him killed too. - 2 Ki. Unai henanadai ese Dirava dekenai emu abidadama karana do ia hagoadaia. Ena be Ahasaia ia heau mauri, to gabeai Iehu ia heau bona ia hamasea danu. - 2 Kin. [ Footnote] " Idia be Keristani Taudia Korikoridia " [ Footnote] Why and how has Jehovah shown undeserved kindness toward all mankind? Edia nega bona goada idia gaukaralaia Iehova ena hadibaia herevadia idia harorolaia totona. Dahaka dainai bona edena dala ai Iehova ese taunimanima ibounai dekenai hebogahisi hereadaena ia hahedinaraia? Consider warfare. Ena be inai tanobada dikana lalonai ita noho, to Dirava, iena Basileia, bona iena ura namona taunimanima totona be Baibel amo oi dibaia neganai moale oi davaria diba. Tuari mani oi laloa. How did she get there? Unai laganidia lau laloa neganai, lau diba momokani emai gaukara - John ena bona lauegu - be ai karaia kava lasi. Unuseniai dahaka ia vara? What did we do to deserve such a wonderful blessing? Iehova ia ura ena hesiai taudia edia dabu gaudia ia henia. Unai hahenamo namona dainai dahaka ita karaia be namo? Through it God says to us: "This is the way. Haheitalai gaukaralaia namonamo. Dirava amo ia gwau: "Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. 9, 10. (a) Toward the end of Hebrews chapter 10, we read what encouragement by Paul? Dahaka dainai oi bapatiso be namo? 9, 10. (a) Heberu karoa 10 ena dokona kahanai, Paulo ese edena hagoadaia herevana ia duahia? Some have reasoned that since Jesus told his disciples "all you are brothers, " there should be no positions of authority in the Christian congregation. Lagani 1954 ena distrik hebouhebou haida ai, Witnes taudia haida idia lalohisihisi, badina korema tadikaka be tok idia henia lasi. Haida idia laloa Iesu ese ena hahediba taudia ia hamaoroa "umui ibounai be tadikaka, " unai dainai Keristani kongregesen lalonai siahu ia noho be anina lasi. SONGS TO BE USED: 121, 134 Dahaka dainai oi abia dae Iehova ena Witnes taudia be sivarai maorona idia harorolaia noho? ANE: 121, 134 Jehovah God gave the tree that unique name to denote his exclusive right to decide what is good and what is bad for his creatures. Eiava edia abidadama be vabu ena abidadama bamona, a? Iehova Dirava ese unai ladana ta ia henia, unai amo ia hahedinaraia ia sibona be mai ena maoro dahaka be namo bona dahaka be dika ia abia hidi totona. Jesus also said that love for one another would be the quality that would identify true Christians. Lalohisihisi negadiai dahaka do ita karaia bona dahaka dainai? Danu, Iesu ia gwau ta ta lalokau henia karana be Keristani taudia momokanidia edia kara ta. The first call to gather the bride class went out when Jesus and his followers began preaching in 29 C.E., and it continued till 33 C.E. Ana ese Iehova ia lalokau henia karana ena sivarai be Baibel lalonai idia torea. Lagani 29 C.E. ai, Iesu bona ena murinai idia raka taudia idia haroro matamaia neganai, headava matamata kekeni idia haboua guna, bena lagani 33 C.E. ai ia haroro matamaia ela bona lagani 33 C.E. ai. How can you make such occasions personally refreshing? Gwau - edeede Iuda taudia be dubu helaga ai idia komu neganai, Roma tuari taudia ese dubu helaga ena haba idia hamakohia bona idia vareai. Unai nega ai, Keristani taudia be Iesu ena peroveta herevana idia laloa. Edena dala ai unai bamona negadia ai laga - ani oi abia diba? For many years, there was only one elder. Ororo ena atai momokani oi daekau neganai gabu ibounai do oi itaia bona dika ta do oi davaria lasi. Lagani momo lalonai, elda tamona sibona ia noho. They publish and distribute Bible literature in 413 languages. To, iena hahediba taudia ai idia lao diba taudia hutuma bada herea, unai tano ena gabu idauidau amo, be idia noho danu. Idia ese Baibel bukadia be gado 413 ai idia printaia bona hariharilaia. All congregations are to have a body of elders. Idia vara toreisi lou 8 dibaia totona, 1 King Taudia 17: 21 - 23; 2 King Taudia 4: 32 - 37; 13: 21; Mareko 5: 35, 41 - 43; Luka 7: 11 - 17; 24: 34; Ioane 11: 43 - 45; Kara 9: 36 - 42 itaia. Kongrigeisen ibounai be elda oreana ta. Still, have we not observed acts of benevolence, perhaps benefiting from such? Unai dainai, Tadikaka Frost ia gwau nao gado ai umui do ai hereva henia be VERBOTEN. " To, unai bamona kara ese namo ia havaraia, ani? He was no longer dead, as his enemies believed. 12: 11. Ia be mase amo ia toreisi lou lasi, iena inai taudia ese idia abidadama henia hegeregerena. How could Jesus Christ - now a glorious immortal spirit creature in heaven - rise in these small human organs? Hisihisi ibounai ia ore neganai iseda hemami be do edena bamona? Edena dala ai Iesu Keriso - hari guba dekenai mase diba lasi laumana - be unai tauanina ena kahana maragina lalonai ia toreisi lou diba? He represents God's fellow workers, those who proclaim the Kingdom good news. Unai umui karaia neganai, Iehova ese umui do ia hanamoa. Ia ese Dirava ida idia gaukara hebou taudia, Basileia ena sivarai namona idia harorolaia taudia unai, ia laulaulaia. Hardships and difficulties may discourage us. Unai amo ia hahedinaraia iena diba, goada bona noho dalana ia laloa namonamo. Hisihisi bona metau idauidau dainai reana ita lalo - manoka diba. Earlier Job gave too much attention to himself and others. Iena sisiba do oi badinaia, a? Iobu be guna ia sibona bona ma haida ia laloa bada. Second, Jesus made it clear that there is just one God who must be worshipped when he said "him alone, " not" us, " which he would have said if he were part of a Trinity. Dirava ida ita raka neganai, Satani ena tanobada amo ita ia hamauria, iena Hereva bona iena orea amo ita ia gunalaia, bona iseda orea be eda inai taudia ese idia hadikaia neganai ia gimaia. Iharuana be, Iesu ia gwau ia sibona ia tomadiho henia be namo, to bema Toi Tamona ena kahana ta ai ia lao, Dirava sibona ia tomadiho henia be namo. Periodically, however, Bethelites may have extra duties. Ena be Ahasaia ia heau boio, to Iehu ese gabeai ia davaria bona ia alaia mase. - 2 Kin. To, Betele taudia edia maduna be momo. Onesmus accepted a personal Bible study. [ Footnote] Onesmus be sibona ena Baibel stadi ia abia dae. This old olive tree is surrounded by slips of young branches Dahaka dainai bona edena dala ai Iehova ese taunimanima ibounai dekenai hebogahisi hereadaena ia hahedinaraia? Unai olive auna be rigi matamatadia edia huanai ia noho After prayerful examination, you may find that making some adjustments in your schedule or lifestyle will allow you to pioneer. Tuari mani ita laloa. Mai guriguri ida oi laloa namonamo murinai, reana do oi davaria emu sediual eiava noho dalana idia haidaua gaudia haida oi haidaua karana ese oi do ia durua painia gaukara oi karaia totona. A gardener may use a variety of tools to prepare his garden to receive seed. To, edena bamona unai gabu dekenai ia lao? Reana biru tauna ese tulu idauidau ia gaukaralaia ena uma ia hegaegaelaia totona, uhe ia abia totona. * Dahaka ita karaia dainai, unai hahenamo namona ita abia? * It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Unai dainai, Baibel ena namo dekenai ita tabekau momokani diba. Taunimanima edia mauri dalana, be idia sibona ese idia naria lasi, bona taunimanima ta lasi ese iena mauri ia biagua noho. " We do this by studying each aspect as it is revealed through the pages of the Bible and discussed in our Christian publications. 9, 10. (a) Heberu karoa 10 ena dokonai Paulo be dahaka hagoadaia herevana ia gwauraia? Unai ita karaia totona, Baibel bona iseda buka bona magasin amo ita dibaia kahana ta ta ita stadilaia be namo. Then she spoke to the king's messengers, saying: "Yes, the men did come to me, and I did not know from where they were. Haida idia laloa gwaukau taudia idia noho be anina lasi, badina Iesu ia gwau ita "ibounai be tadikaka. " Bena king ena gwaukau taudia ia hereva henia, ia gwau: "Oibe, unai tatau be lau dekenai idia mai, bona lau diba lasi edeseni idia noho. They will be replaced by "new heavens " - God's Messianic Kingdom - and" a new earth " - a righteous human society of true worshippers. ANE: 121, 134 Idia be "guba matamata " - Dirava ena Mesia Basileiana bona" tanobada matamata " - tomadiho momokani taudia unai - ese edia gabu do idia abia. Like Jesus, they chose the state of singleness so that they could devote themselves to Kingdom service. (Genese 2: 16, 17) Iehova Dirava ese unai au dekenai ladana idauna ta ia atoa, ia hahedinaraia ia havaraia gaudia dekenai dahaka be namo bona dahaka be dika be ia sibona do ia abia hidi diba. Iesu bamona, headava lasi maurina idia abia hidi, unai amo Basileia ena hesiai gaukara idia karaia diba. Are such people really pleasing to God if their hearts do not motivate them to take in accurate knowledge of him and to apply that knowledge by turning away from sinful practices? Danu, Iesu ia gwau ta ta lalokau henia karana be Keristani korikoridia edia kara. Unai bamona taudia ese Dirava idia hamoalea momokani bema edia kudouna ese idia ia doria lasi Dirava idia dibaia bona kara dika idia rakatania totona, a? Still, realizing that God's "will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth, " local Jehovah's Witnesses yearned to have Bible publications in their own language. Headava matamata kekeni ena orea taudia haboua totona, Iesu bona iena murinai idia raka taudia ese boiboi herevana ginigunana be lagani 29 C.E. ia lao lagani 33 C.E. ai idia boiboilaia. To, ita laloparara Dirava ena ura be "taunimanima ibounai ese mauri do idia davaria, bona hereva momokani do idia diba. " Unai dainai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia idia ura edia gado ai Baibel bukadia idia abia. Rather, he esteemed his spiritual privileges "as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt. " Edena dala ai Keristani heboudia oi moalelaia diba? To, ia ese ena lauma ahuna ia laloa bada dainai, "Aigupito ena dava bada gaudia ia hereaia. " If you have ever felt discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories, you will relate to the apostle Paul. Lagani momo lalonai elda tamona sibona ia noho. Bema nega ta oi lalo - manoka, aposetolo Paulo dekenai oi gwauraia diba. With Moses in the lead, the nation of Israel and a vast mixed company, perhaps totaling 3,000,000 people, left Egypt. Lau bada neganai, Betele dekenai do lau lao bona do lau gaukara goada. " Mose ese Israela besena ia gunalaia lalonai, Israela besena bona kaivakuku tomadiho henia taudia momo, reana taunimanima 3,000,000, be Aigupito idia rakatania. How can you enrich your Family Worship evening? Kongregesen iboudiai dekenai elda oreana ia noho be namo. Edena dala ai Ruma Bese Ena Tomadiho negana oi hanamoa diba? Dedication vow (See paragraph 10) To, ita itaia taunimanima haida be ma haida dekenai hebogahisi karadia idia karaia noho, bona unai amo namo ita davaria danu. Gwauhamata (Paragraf 10 itaia) Why did David refuse to allow Saul to be killed? Ena be iena inai taudia idia laloa ia mase noho, to Iesu be ia mauri lou vadaeni. Dahaka dainai Davida ia ura lasi Saulo ia hamasea? And not to be forgotten is the pleasant conversation around the dining tables at mealtimes. Edena dala ai Iesu Keriso - hari mase diba lasi lauma tauna mai hairaina guba dekenai - be taunimanima edia kudouna maragina lalonai do ia toreisi diba, a? Dala be lasi. Bona aniani negadiai aniani gabuna badinai idia helai taudia edia herevahereva namona ita laloaboio lasi be namo. 10: 17, 18 - Why did Jesus correct a certain man for calling Him "Good Teacher "? Ia be Dirava ida idia gaukara hebou taudia ia laulaulaia, idia ese Basileia ena sivarai namona idia harorolaia. 10: 17, 18 - Dahaka dainai Iesu ese tau ta ia sisiba henia "Hadibaia Tauna Namona " ia gwauraia totona? One way is through our preaching activity. Metau bona hekwakwanai idauidau ese eda abidadama idia hamanokaia diba. Dala ta be iseda haroro gaukara amo. The early Christians doubtlessly benefited from his words to the Sanhedrin, but they did not forget that Jesus ' words about his followers being persecuted were also true. Guna, Iobu ese ia sibona bona ma haida ia laloa momo. Keristani taudia ginigunadia be Sanhedrin taudia dekenai ena hereva amo namo idia abia, to idia laloaboio lasi Iesu ena hereva idia badinaia taudia idia dagedage henia karana dekenai be momokani danu. Consider the context. Iharuana be, Iesu ese inai hereva "ia sibona, " ia gwauraia neganai, ia hahedinaraia ia do idia tomadiho henia lasi. Mani badina siridia ita laloa. Try to take practical steps toward reaching your goal. To, nega haida Betele taudia be gaukara ma haida idia karaia danu. Namona be dala oi tahua emu tahua gauna oi hagugurua totona. Why are God's people quite different from most people today? Onesmus be Baibel stadi ia abia dae. Dahaka dainai hari momo be Dirava ena taunimanima amo idia idau? Generally speaking, it is good to read those scriptures that provide the basis for our beliefs. Inai olive au gunana be rigi matamatadia ese idia gegea Nega momo, ita abia dae gaudia dainai unai siri ita duahia be namo. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, and the Assyrians had the reputation of being very cruel. Iehova dekenai oi gurigurilaia murinai, reana do oi itaia emu mauri lalonai gau haida oi haidaua be namo, unai amo oi painia diba. Nineva be Asuria ena siti badana, bona Asuria taudia be dagedage taudia. An Exemplary Man Who Accepted Correction Biru tauna be uhe hadoa totona uma ia hegaegaelaia neganai, ia ese tulu idauidau ia gaukaralaia. Sisiba Ia Henia Haheitalai Namona Ta But teachers of religion have twisted Bible teaching; as a result, many people despair of ever understanding it. - Acts 20: 29, 30. * To tomadiho hadibaia taudia be Baibel ena hahediba hereva koikoidia idia hadibaia; unai dainai, momo be idia lalo - metau. - Kara 20: 29, 30. Use good sense. Adamu ena nega amo ela bona lagani 6,000 idia ore lalonai, taunimanima edia sivarai ese Ieremia ena hereva idia hamomokania: "Lohiabada e, lau diba taunimanima edia mauri dalana, be idia sibona ese idia naria lasi, bona taunimanima ta lasi ese iena mauri ia biagua noho. " Laloa maoromaoro. How does Jehovah lead us today? Namona be lauma helaga ena hakaua dalana ita badinaia, bona Baibel bona Keristani bukadia ma haida lalonai unai huahua ta ta ita stadilaia. Hari inai negai, Iehova ese edena dala ai ita ia hakaua? An inspired psalmist declared: "Remember the word to your servant, for which you [Jehovah] have made me wait. Bena king ena hesiai taudia dekenai ia gwau: "Momokani, unai tatau be lau dekenai idia mai, to edeseni idia mai gabuna lau diba lasi. Salamo torea tauna ta ia gwau: "Lohiabada e, oi ese lau oi naria noho. " Perfecting Holiness in God's Fear " Dahaka ese harihari idia noho guba - gavamani dikadia bona tanobada - kara dika taudia edia gabu do idia abia? " Dirava Dekenai Do Umui Gari Lasi " Charity, 6 / 1 Iesu bamona, idia ese headava lasi maurina idia abia hidi, unai amo edia nega bada be Basileia ena hesiai gaukara idia karaia diba. 6 / 15 However, their motive is pure, and Jehovah is using them to supply us with Bible study aids to build up our faith in God's Word and promises. Bema unai bamona taudia be mai kudouna ibounai ida, Dirava ena diba maoromaoro idia abia lasi bona unai diba idia badinaia bona kara dikadia idia dadaraia lasi, oi laloa idia ese Dirava idia hamoalea, a? To, edia ura be ia goeva, bona Iehova ese idia ia gaukaralaia Baibel stadi durua bukadia amo iseda abidadama Dirava ena Hereva bona gwauhamata dekenai idia hagoadaia totona. As in early Christian times, a small group of spirit - anointed overseers make up the Governing Body of Christ's followers on earth today. To, unai gabu dekenai idia noho Iehova ena Witnes taudia be idia lalo - parara "Dirava ia ura taunimanima ibounai ese mauri do idia davaria, bona hereva momokani do idia diba, " unai dainai idia ura Baibel idia herevalaia bukadia be edia gado dekenai idia abia. Keristani taudia ginigunadia edia negai, lauma helaga ese ia horoa naria taudia haida be hari tanobada ai Keriso ena murinai idia raka taudia edia Hakaua Oreana idia badinaia. They hold that truth - especially moral and spiritual truth - is not absolute but relative and ever changing. To, Mose ia laloa Dirava ese ia henia maduna be mai anina bada, bona "Aigupito ena kohu momo do ia abia be dika. " Idia abia dae momokani hereva momokani - kara maoromaoro bona lauma dalanai - be hereva momokani badana lasi to ia idau momokani. So seek help to understand what you are reading. Aposetolo Paulo bamona, reana nega ta ai oi lalomanoka badina emu teritori ai oi haroro to momo idia kamonai lasi. Unai dainai, namona be oi duahia gauna oi lalo - pararalaia toho. When she heard the news, she went into a state of shock. (Eso. 11: 1 - 10; 12: 12) Mose ese Israela besena bona taunimanima ma haida, reana edia namba be 3,000,000 bamona be Aigupito amo ia hakaudia. (Eso. Sivarai ia kamonai neganai, ia hoa bada. We know that Jesus did not come to earth to give us health, wealth, and a long life in this world. Edena dala ai Ruma Bese ena Tomadiho karaia dalana umui hanamoa diba? Ita diba Iesu be tanobada dekenai ia mai lasi ita dekenai tauanina, kohu, bona mauri daudau ia henia totona. Jesus was not misled. Bapatiso gwauhamatana (Paragraf 10 itaia) Iesu idia hakaua kerere lasi. Regarding the latter, he said: "One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind. " Dahaka dainai Davida ia ura lasi Saulo idia alaia? Unai taudia ia herevalaia neganai, ia gwau: "Dina ta ta ibounai, kota taudia ibounai, ta ta ibounai, be mai edia laloa tamona. " Matthew's account indicates that Jesus ' zeal on that occasion was not limited to cleansing the temple. Bona aniani teibolo dekenai herevahereva namonamo karana be mai anina bada gauna danu. Mataio bukana ese ia hahedinaraia, unai nega ai Iesu be mai ena ura bada ida dubu helaga ia hagoevaia sibona lasi. Although we today are not privileged to witness such miraculous events, we can learn much from them. 10: 17, 18 - Dahaka dainai tau ta be Iesu ia boiria "Hadibaia Tauna Namona " neganai, Iesu ese ena lalohadai ia hamaoromaoroa? Ena be hari unai hoa karadia ita itaia lasi, to idia amo gau momo ita dibaia diba. • What ancient examples testify that God's "word " always has" certain success "? Inai stadi ai, unai ita karaia diba daladia rua do ita herevalaia. • Edena haheitalai ese idia hahedinaraia Dirava ena "hereva " be hanaihanai anina namona ia havaraia? For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. Gamaliela ena kara dainai tomadiho gunalaia taudia ese edia palani hegeregerena idia hamasedia lasi, to unai ese dagedage karana ia koua vaitani lasi, badina be sivarai lalonai ia gwau: "Kaunsolo ese Gamaliela ena hereva idia kamonai henia, vadaeni aposetolo idia boiria idia mai, bona ibounai idia dadabaia. Unai oi diba totona, namona be sibona emu lalohadai amo Baibel ena peroveta herevana ta oi gwauraia lasi. At the same time, parents can observe the attitude, deportment, and ability of their children. Mani inai oi laloa. Danu, tama sina ese edia natudia edia lalohadai, hemami, bona edia diba idia itaia diba. Let us consider two areas of life where we need courage: in our family and in the congregation. Namona be gau haida oi karaia oiemu tahua gauna oi hagugurua totona. Iseda ruma bese bona kongrigeisen lalonai, boga - auka ita hahedinaraia daladia rua mani ita herevalaia. " Critical times hard to deal with " are here. Dahaka dainai hari inai negai Dirava ena taunimanima be taunimanima ma haida amo idia idau? Inai siri ia gwau: "Nega aukadia do umui davaria. " What facts indicate the current appropriateness of the warning about certain TV programming? Oibe, iseda hadibaia herevadia idia hamomokania siridia ita duahia be namo. Dahaka gaudia ese idia hahedinaraia TV program haida edia sisiba be maoro? Am I seeking association with others whose hearts are unified in true worship? Nineva be Asuria ena hanua badana, bona Asuria taudia be dagedage bada taudia. Tomadiho momokani lalonai mai lalo - tamona ida ma haida lau bamoa, a? 5: 12. Sisiba Ia Abia Dae Tauna Namona 5: 12. Though our Creator directed these questions to Job, they clearly have a bearing on our attitude, our existence, and our future. To, dubu ena hadibaia taudia ese Baibel ena hereva idia mogea dainai, taunimanima momo idia laloa Baibel ena hereva do idia lalopararalaia lasi. - Kara 20: 29, 30. Ena be iseda Havaraia Tauna ese Iobu dekenai unai henanadai ia henia, to iseda lalohadai, iseda noho dalana, bona vaira negana dekenai idia hedinarai goevagoeva. Whether people show interest in our message or not, our attitude plays a key role in our finding delight in the ministry. Nega momo unai bamona bisinesi karadia be koikoi. Herevana taunimanima be ita harorolaia sivaraina idia laloa bada eiava lasi, to iseda kara amo ita hahedinaraia haroro gaukara ita moalelaia. If so, let your mind and heart continue to be influenced by "the perfect law that belongs to freedom. " Hari inai negai, Iehova ese edena bamona ita ia hakaua? Bema oibe, namona be "taravatu goevadaena, ura kwalimu gauna unai, " ese emu lalona bona kudouna do ia veria noho. If you do, you will gain Jehovah's approval. Salamo 119 ia torea tauna ese Iehova ia hamaoroa: "Lohiabada e, lau, oiemu hesiai tauna dekenai oi henia gwauhamata, be mani do oi laloatao. Bema unai bamona oi karaia, Iehova ese oi do ia lalonamo henia. How did death enter the human family? " Dirava Vairanai Do Ita Noho Namonamo, mai Goeva Bona mai Gari Danu " Edena dala ai mase be taunimanima edia mauri lalonai ia vareai? She Drew "Conclusions in Her Heart " (Mary), 10 / 1 To edia ura ia goeva, bona Iehova ese idia ia gaukaralaia ita dekenai Baibel stadi durua gaudia idia henia totona, iseda abidadama Dirava bona ena gwauhamata dekenai idia hagoadaia totona. Iehova Ena Hesiai Taudia Ai Umui Lao, 10 / 15 I also take pleasure in conducting Bible discussions at morning worship before breakfast. Keristani taudia ginigunadia edia nega bamona, hari inai negai danu tanobada ai Keriso ena murinai idia raka taudia haida sibona be Hakaua Oreana taudia. Danu, daba ai hebou ia do matamaia lasi neganai, mai moale ida Baibel herevalaia karana lau moalelaia. Really, gaining and applying wisdom is for your lasting good. Idia laloa hereva momokani - kara maoromaoro badinaia karana bona tomadiho daladia - be hanaihanai idia idau. Momokani, aonega abia bona badinaia karana be oiemu namo totona. They are thankful for all that Jehovah has done for them by means of his Son, including the extending of forgiveness on the basis of Christ's shed blood. Unai dainai oi duahia gauna oi lalopararalaia totona heduru oi tahua be namo. Iehova ese ena Natuna amo idia totona ia karaia gaudia ibounai dainai ia idia tanikiu henia, bona Keriso ese ia bubua rarana amo edia kara dika ia gwauatao danu. Jesus was an excellent example in this regard. Unai sivarai ia kamonai negana ginigunana ai, ia hamomokania lasi. Iesu be haheitalai namona. During a severe drought in Israel, Jehovah provided Elijah with food and water. Ita diba Iesu be inai tanobada ai eda gorere ia hanamoa, eda kohu ia habadaia, bona ita mauri daudau totona ia mai lasi. Israela ai medu bada ia diho neganai, Iehova ese Elia dekenai aniani bona ranu ia henia. Similarly, a Christian's figurative heart requires shielding from the power of sin. To, Iesu ia moru lasi. Unai hegeregerena, Keristani tauna ena kudouna ese kara dika ena siahu amo ita ia gimaia be namo. If an elder reminds you of safety rules and standards, therefore, accept his counsel. Unai dainai Paulo ese sisiba ia henia, ia gwau: "Tau ta ia laloa, dina ta ese dina ma haida ia hereaia, bona ma ta ia laloa, dina ibounai be hegeregere. Namona be ta ta idia diba momokani idia abia dae gaudia be maoro. " Unai dainai, bema elda ta ese oi ia sisiba henia, namona be iena sisiba oi abia dae. The Bible also gives counsel that helps people to rid themselves of bad habits. Mataio ena sivarai ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be dubu helaga ia hagoevaia sibona lasi. Danu, Baibel ena sisiba ese taunimanima ia durua edia kara dikadia idia rakatania totona. Thessalonica was then a bilingual city; its inhabitants spoke Greek and a form of Slavic. Ena be hari inai negai ita ese unai bamona hoa karadia ita itaia lasi, to idia amo gau momo ita dibaia diba. Unai neganai Tesalonika be siti maragina ta; unuseniai idia noho taudia be Greek gado idia herevalaia bona Slavic gado idia badinaia. By joyfully " enduring under tribulation, ' Paul and Silas served as fine examples for their brothers in Philippi and elsewhere. • Edena idaunegai sivarai ese idia hahedinaraia Dirava ena "hereva " be hanaihanai" anina do ia havaraia "? Paulo bona Sila be mai moale ida " hisihisi lalonai idia haheauka ' dainai, Filipi bona gabu ma haida ai idia noho tadikaka dekenai haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. There are 863 zealous preachers of God's Kingdom in Senegal. Lau headava murinai Iehova ena Witnes hahinena ta lau hereva henia, bona karaharaga lau laloparara ia herevalaia gaudia be Baibel ena hereva momokani. Senegal dekenai, Dirava ena Basileia idia harorolaia goadagoada taudia ibounai be 8. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Edia hereva be lamepa, dibura gabuna ia hadiaria bamona, ela bona daba ia rere, bona daba ena hisiu bada ese emui kudouna lalonai do ia toreisi. Ia be tanobada ibounai dekenai Baibel hadibaia gaukarana ia durua, bona taunimanima edia kontribusen moni amo ai naria. Jehovah authorizes the death penalty for murder and establishes the rainbow covenant, promising never to bring another Deluge. Danu, tama sina ese edia natudia edia lalohadai, kara, bona diba idia itaia. Iehova ese ala - ala karana ena davana ia henia bona unai gwauhamata ia hamomokania, bona ia gwauhamata Abata ma ta do ia mailaia lasi. One of them was called Golden - Mouthed; another, Great. Iseda famili bona kongrigeisen lalonai ita boga - auka danu be mai anina bada. Mani unai ita herevalaia. Idia ta be ma haida kara namo henia karana. He thus became the figurative father of all who would put faith in the promised Seed. (Isaia 60: 2) Hari ita noholaia negana be "metau dikadia " amo ia honu. Unai amo ia be gwauhamata Garana do idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai edia tamana ai ia lao. As a result, she is frequently asked such questions as, " What does it mean to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? ' Dahaka ese ia hamomokania televisen drama itaia karana ese dika ia havaraia? Unai dainai, nega momo henanadai momo ia henia, " Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta ai ita lao ena anina be dahaka? ' Being forgiving does not mean that we condone offenses or allow others to take unfair advantage of us. Tomadiho momokani ai edia kudouna ia tamona taudia edia hebamo lau ura henia, a? Ita gwau lasi ma haida edia dika ita gwauatao neganai, namo lasi ita laloa idia ese ita idia kara namo henia lasi. According to one scholar, whether Jesus spoke in a popular form of Hebrew or in Aramaic, the term he used for "Father " is akin to the intimate expressions of an infant, " a child's word. ' 5: 12. Diba bada tauna ta ia gwau, Iesu be Aramia gado eiava Aramia gado ai ia hereva neganai, inai hereva "Tamana " ia gaukaralaia, beibi maragina ena hereva ia gwauraia totona. Who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause? " Ena be iseda Havaraia Tauna ese unai henanadai be Iobu dekenai ia henia, to iseda lalohadai, iseda noho, bona iseda vaira negana dekenai, idia be mai anina bada. Daika ese guba ena kona nadi ia atoa, daba ena hisiu idia boiboi hebou, bona Dirava ena natudia ibounai idia boiboi? " The choice facing Sarah may sound foreign to us. Herevana taunimanima idia kamonai o lasi, to iseda haroro gaukara ita moalelaia totona, lalohadai maorona ita abia be namo. Sara ese ia abia hidi gauna be reana idau tano taudia dekenai do ia gwauraia. In Denmark, Silvia was taken to a refugee camp, and she immediately started looking for Jehovah's Witnesses. Bema oibe, namona be "taravatu goevadaena, ura kwalimu gauna unai, " ese emu lalona bona kudouna ia biagua. Denmark dekenai, Silvia be refiuji kamepa dekenai idia abia lao, bona maoromaoro Iehova ena Witnes taudia ia tahua matamaia. And as his worshipers, surely we are determined to walk in the name of Jehovah our God to all eternity. Unai bamona oi karaia neganai, Iehova do ia moale. Bona ita be ia ita tomadiho henia dainai, iseda lalona ita hadaia Iehova iseda Dirava ena ladana ai do ita raka ela bona hanaihanai. Absolutely! Edena dala ai mase be taunimanima dekenai ia hanaia? Oibe! Why did he not mention that it would be decades before all four generals would establish themselves over different parts of Alexander's empire? Mamoe Orea amo Idia Raka Siri Taudia Durua, 11 / 15 Dahaka dainai ia gwau lasi Alesana ena basileia ena kahana idauidau do idia haginia? " Never Has Another Man Spoken Like This, " 9 / 1 Danu, Betele ena daba tomadiho negadia ai seamani gaukara lau moalelaia. Matamata Taudia E, Umui Goada Umui Lao, 9 / 15 Mary's son was called "the Nazarene, " which served to identify him as the Jesus who came from Nazareth. Momokani, ita abia aonega ese hari bona nega vaira ai ita do ia durua. Maria ena natuna idia gwauraia " Nasareta tauna, " bona unai ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be Nasareta amo ia mai. If Sarah had said that she was his wife, Abraham might have been killed and thus could not have produced the offspring whom God had promised him. - wp17.3, pp. 14 - 15. Iehova ese iena Natuna amo idia totona ia karaia gaudia, hegeregere Keriso ena rara amo edia dika ia gwauatao dainai idia tanikiu henia bada. Bema Sara ia gwau ia be iena adavana, reana Aberahamo do ia hamasea bona Dirava ese ia gwauhamatalaia garana do ia havaraia lasi. - BIBLE rau 14 - 15. Why are we grateful that Jehovah is "slow to anger "? Unai kara dekenai Iesu ese haheitalai namona ia hahedinaraia. Dahaka dainai Iehova ita tanikiu henia be namo? 4: 11. Israela taudia dekenai hitolo bada ia vara neganai, Iehova be Elia dekenai ia hereva hegeregerena ia vara. 4: 11. The next day, the pioneers were able to find more permanent quarters that became their center of operations. Kemena ena auri dabua be tuari tauna ese ia hahedokilaia, ena kudouna ia gimaia totona. Murina dinana ai, painia taudia ese edia gaukara gabudia ma haida idia davaria. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] 22: 3) Bema elda ta be oi dekenai seifti ena taravatu ia gwauraia, namona be iena sisiba oi abia dae. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] My father, who was devastated by the death of my mother and newborn brother, left me with his widowed dad and moved to a distant city for employment. Baibel ese danu taunimanima ia durua idia manadalaia karadia dikadia idia hadokoa totona. Egu tamana, egu sinana bona tadina mero matamatana ia mase dainai, lau ia rakatania bona daudau lasi taoni ta dekenai lau lao. Thus, Today's English Version pointedly renders this verse: "Don't build your house and establish a home until your fields are ready, and you are sure that you can earn a living. " Unai negai, Thessalonica be gado rua siti; unai hanua dekenai idia noho taudia ese Greek bona Slavic gado idia herevalaia. Unai dainai, hari English Version Baibel ia gwau: "Emui ruma do umui haginia noho kava lasi ela bona emui uma idia noho, bona umui diba emui moni gaukara be mai ena hekwarahi. " With such a clear indication of Jehovah's will, Paul immediately accepted the invitation. Paulo bona Sila be mai moale ida hisihisi idia haheaukalaia dainai, edia tadikaka Filipi ai bona gabu ma haida dekenai, haheitalai namona idia hahedinaraia. Paulo ese Iehova ena ura ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva dainai, maoromaoro unai boiboi herevana ia abia dae. But they truly love one another, and they pray for the support of holy spirit as they cultivate this quality. Senegal dekenai mai goada ida Dirava ena Basileia idia harorolaia taudia be 863. To idia lalokau heheni momokani, bona lauma helaga ena heduru totona idia guriguri neganai, unai kara idia habadaia. In Satan's third attempt to draw Jesus away from doing God's will, "the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Ia be tanobada ibounai dekenai Baibel hadibaia gaukarana ia durua, bona taunimanima edia kontribusen moni amo ai naria. Satani ese dala ihatoina ai Iesu ia veria Dirava ena ura ia karaia lasi totona, to "Satani ese ororo bada herea dekenai ia hakaua lao, bona tanobada ena basileia ibounai bona edia hairai ia hahedinaraia. " 6: 14. Iehova ia gwau ala - ala ena davana be mase bona kevau amo ia gwauhamata Abata Badana ta do ia havaraia lou lasi. 6: 14. What is involved in parents ' being like shepherds? Idia ta ena ladana be Golo Uduna; ma ta be Basil Badana. Tama sina ese mamoe naria taudia bamona idia kara ena anina be dahaka? In effect, we will see our Grand Instructor, Jehovah, and will hear a word behind us saying: "This is the way. Walk in it. " - Isaiah 30: 20, 21. (Genese 22: 18) Unai dainai, laulau dalanai gwauhamata Garana idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai edia tamana ai ia lao. Momokani, iseda Hadibaia Tauna Badana, Iehova, do ita itaia, bona do ita gwau: "Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " - Isaia 30: 20, 21. If the "earth " represents a new society of people in the Jews ' homeland, what are the" new heavens "? Unai dainai, nega momo sikuli turadia idia henanadai, " Iehova ena Witnes tauna ta ai oi lao ena anina be dahaka? ' Bema "tanobada " be Iuda taudia edia tano matamatana ia laulaulaia, vadaeni" guba matamata " be dahaka? Asa was blessed for his resolve and courage. Namo lasi ita laloa ma haida edia dika ita gwauatao anina be, edia kara dika ita abia dae, eiava ita ura idia ese ita be unai bamona do idia kara henia. Asa be ena lalona ia hadaia bona ia boga - auka dainai, Iehova ese ia hanamoa. Think back on your years in the truth. Diba bada tauna ta ia gwau, herevana Iesu be Heberu eiava Aramia gado amo inai hereva "Tamana " ia gwauraia, to ia gaukaralaia herevana bona beibi ese tamana do ia boiria ladana be idia hegeregere. Mani oi laloa, oi be lagani momo lalonai hereva momokani lalonai oi noho. He said: "Look! Now is the especially acceptable time. Daika ese tanobada ena kona nadi ia atoa? Unai dina ena daba neganai, daba ena hisiu be idia ane abia hebou, bona guba ena aneru ibounai, be mai moale danu idia boiboi. " Ia gwau: "Hari dina be moale negana. They might discuss whether with additional help the parents can safely remain in their own home. Sara do ia karaia abia hidi be reana ia idau ita dekenai. Reana idia ese tama sina edia heduru amo sibona edia ruma dekenai idia noho namonamo diba eiava lasi do idia herevalaia. Young people in the congregation benefit themselves if they focus on pleasing Jehovah. Denmark dekenai, Silvia idia abia lao heau mauri taudia edia kamepa ta dekenai, bona maoromaoro Iehova ena Witnes taudia ia tahua matamaia. Bema kongrigeisen lalonai matamata taudia be Iehova idia hamoalea, namo do idia davaria. Blood as Medicine Bona ita be ia ita tomadiho henia taudia dainai, momokani iseda lalona ita hadaia iseda Dirava Iehova ena ladana ai do ita raka ela bona hanaihanai. Rara be bogana Lalonai Ia Noho God - given courage helps us to endure persecution. Oibe! Dirava ese ia henia boga - auka karana ese ita ia durua dagedage ita haheaukalaia totona. The Hebrew and Greek Bible words translated "perfect " often mean" complete, " "mature, " or" faultless " according to standards set by an authority. Dahaka dainai ami jeneral foa ese lagani momo murinai Alesana Badana ena basileia do idia lohiaia ena sivarai ia gwauraia lasi? Heberu bona Greek gado herevadia idia hahanaia "kara maoromaoro, " ena anina be" kerere lasi, " eiava "kara maoromaoro lasi. " Yes, we expect to be ridiculed for abstaining from blood, but we choose to be obedient to God. Maria ena natuna idia gwauraia "Nasareta tauna, " unai ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be Nasareta amo ia mai. Oibe, ita ura ita idia kirikirilaia badina rara ita dadaraia, to ita ura Dirava ita kamonai henia. How does being dedicated to God benefit us? Bema Sara ia gwau ia be Aberahamo ena adavana, reana Aberahamo do idia hamasea bona Dirava ese ia gwauhamatalaia natuna do ia havaraia lasi. - wp17.3, rau 14 - 15. Dirava dekenai ita gwauhamata karana ese edena dala ai ita ia durua? But being part of the congregation does not in itself guarantee our personal integrity. Dahaka dainai ita moale Iehova be " badu dekenai ia haraga lasi '? To kongrigeisen lalonai ita noho karana ese ia hamomokania lasi ita be kara maoromaoro ita karaia noho. With my father's threat ringing in my ears, I decided to leave. 4: 11. Egu tamana ena hereva dainai, egu lalona lau hadaia do lau lao. How does humility affect our attitude toward Jehovah's organization? Murina dinana ai, unai painia taihudia ese idia noholaia rumana idia davaria, unai gabu dekenai idia haroro diba totona. Edena dala ai manau karana ese ita ia durua Iehova ena orea ita laloa bada totona? Our faith could weaken, and we could "become sluggish, " doing less for Jehovah than our circumstances allow. - Heb. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] Iseda abidadama ia manoka diba, bona iseda noho dalana hegeregerena Iehova ita hesiai henia diba. - Heb. So use your God - given responsibility to establish and maintain a spiritual routine. Egu sinana bona tadina merona idia mase neganai, egu tamana ia lalometau bada. Unai dainai, Dirava ese oi dekenai ia henia maduna oi gaukaralaia tomadiho karadia oi haginia bona badinaia noho totona. I told my wife and children to hide among the nearby banana trees. Unai dainai, Baibel ta (Today's English Version) lalonai Aonega Herevadia 24: 27 be inai bamona idia torea: "Emu ruma oi do haginia lasi bona ruma bese oi do hamatamaia lasi neganai emu uma idia hegaegae guna, bona oi diba momokani tauanina durua gaudia oi abia diba. " Egu adavana bona natudia lau hamaoroa kahirakahira idia noho au huanai do idia hunia. 45: 16 - 20. Toana be unai be Iehova ena ura, unai dainai Paulo be maoromaoro unai boiboi herevana ia abia dae. 45: 16 - 20. Most of us know from experience that the unwilling flesh often tries to extinguish the fire of a willing spirit. To idia ta ta idia lalokau henia momokani, bona unai kara idia habadaia lalonai, lauma helaga ena heduru abia totona idia guriguri. Ita momo ita diba tauanina ena ura idia dadaraia taudia be mai edia ura ida lahi idia habodoa toho. Solomon had a throne set to the right of his own and listened to what his elderly mother, Bath - sheba, had to tell him. - 1 Kings 2: 19, 20. Satani ia ura Iesu ia veria Dirava ena ura do ia rakatania, unai dainai hedibagani ihatoina ai, "ororo bada herea ta ena atai dekenai ia hakaua daekau, " bona" tanobada edia basileia ibounai mai edia hairaina " be Iesu dekenai ia hahedinaraia. Solomona be king dagina ia abia bona ena sinana, Bataseba, ena hereva ia kamonai. - 1 King Taudia 2: 19, 20. The Gestapo put me on its most - wanted list. 6: 14. Gestapo taudia ese lau dekenai lista momo idia henia - idia ura henia. In reality, true value is determined by what we perceive to be our greatest need. Edena dala ai tama sina be mamoe naria taudia bamona? Momokani, mai anina bada gauna be iseda ura gaudia ita abia be namo. In these verses, what fine advice we have against " going surety, ' or making an unwise financial commitment, in behalf of others! Unai be hegeregere, iseda Hadibaia Tauna Badana, Iehova ita itaia bona iseda murina kahana amo hereva ta ita kamonai, ia gwau: "Dala be inai, ia dekenai do umui raka lao. " - Isaia 30: 20, 21. Unai siri lalodiai, ita idia sisiba henia namona be " do ita naria namonamo, ' eiava moni amo gwauhamata kererena ita karaia, ma haida totona! 20: 27 - 48. Bema "tanobada " be edia tano dekenai idia giroa lou Iuda besena matamatana ia laulaulaia, vadaeni" guba matamata " be edena bamona? 20: 27 - 48. Pioneers George Rollston and Arthur Willis stop to fill up their car's radiator. - Northern Territory, 1933 15: 13) Asa be dala maorona ia badinaia dainai Iehova ese ia hanamoa. George Blessing bona Arthur Brian be edia motuka idia hahonua lasi, to lagani 1933 ai, edia motuka idia hahonua. - NOVEMBER 2 - 4. What can you say about the spirituality of Priscilla and Aquila? Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Iehova e, daika ena siahu be oiemu siahu hegeregerena? " Prisikila bona Akwila edia abidadama be edena bamona oi gwauraia diba? Why is it so important to guard against bad associations in these critical last days? Lagani momo lalonai hereva momokani lalonai oi noho mani oi laloa. Dahaka dainai inai nega dokona lalonai hebamo dikadia dekenai ita naria namonamo be gau badana? In pre - Christian times "a cloud of witnesses, " beginning with Abel, ran the race of endurance, often in the face of overwhelming odds. Dirava ena hariharibada ita abia ena nega namona be harihari! Keriso ia do vara lasi neganai, "witnes orea ta, " Abela, be haheauka ena heau helulu lalonai ia heau matamaia. True, we sometimes feel tired and become ill, yet we are happy when we reflect on the results of our ministry. Tama sina be sibodia edia ruma ai idia noho be hegeregere, eiava lasi? Momokani, nega haida ita hesiku bona ita gorere, to iseda haroro gaukara ena anina ita laloa neganai, ita moale. " She was expecting someone older, " María Isabel says with a grin. Bema matamata taudia ese abia hidi maorodia idia karaia Iehova idia hanamoa totona, namo do idia davaria. María Isabel be tau burukana ta ida ia gwau: "Ia be tau burukana ta ia naria. Using the Bible effectively in the ministry is not just a matter of quoting scriptures. Rara be Muramura Totona Idia Gaukaralaia Haroro gaukara ai Baibel gaukaralaia namonamo karana be siri ena hereva badana ta sibona lasi. If the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple was not important, they would not have made the difficult journey of some 1,000 miles (1,600 km) through a harsh land. Dirava ese ia henia boga - auka be ita do ia durua dagedage ita haheaukalaia totona. Bema Iehova ena dubu helaga haginia lou gaukarana be mai anina bada, edia laolao be kilomita 1,000 bamona tano aukana dekenai do idia karaia lasi. In this connection, recall that in the past, Jehovah revealed to his ancient people that obedience was even more important than animal sacrifices. Heberu bona Grik Herevadia idia hahanaia "goevadae " anina be taravatu hegeregerena gau ta be ia " goevadae momokani ' bona " kerere ta be lasi. ' Idaunegai, Iehova ese ena taunimanima dekenai ia hahedinaraia kamonai karana be mai anina bada animal edia boubou ia hereaia. Our own close relationship with God helps us to remain faithful to him. Oibe, ita diba rara ita abia lasi dainai ma haida ese ita do idia hereva dika henia, to eda lalona ita hadaia Dirava do ita badinaia. Iseda hetura karana Dirava ida ese ita ia durua ia ita badinaia noho totona. Pryce Hughes Edgar Clay and Pryce Hughes, who later served as branch overseer in Britain, worked on a dam in Wales. Edena dala ai Dirava dekenai ita gwauhamata karana ese ita ia durua? Pryce Hughes bona Pryce Hughes be Britain ena brens naria gaukara idia karaia. Why, possibly, did Paul tell the Corinthians that "love is long - suffering "? To ita be kongrigeisen ta lalonai ita noho dainai, ita gwau lasi ita be Dirava ita badinaia noho. Dahaka dainai Paulo ese Korinto taudia ia hamaoroa, "lalokau be ia boga - auka "? At that time, part of the Vivarium library is believed to have been transferred to the Lateran library in Rome. Egu tamana be unai hereva ia gwauraia murinai, ruma lau rakatania. Unai nega ai, dava bada laiberi ena kahana ta be Roma ena laiberi iharuana dekenai idia abia lao. In our time too, God's eyes are "roving about through all the earth, " and he is ready" to show his strength " in our behalf. Dahaka dainai Dirava ena orea lalonai idia noho taudia idia hekokoroku lasi be namo? Iseda negai danu, Dirava ena matana be "tanobada ena kahana ibounai ia itaia noho, " bona ia noho hegaegae ita totona" ena goada do ia hedinaraia " totona. [ Pictures on page 25] Iseda abidadama ia manoka diba, bona do ita "hesiku, " bona iseda goada hegeregerena Dirava ena hesiai gaukara do ita karaia lasi. - Heb. [ Pictures on page 25] But he did say that faithful servants of God can prepare for and cope with such tempestuous adversities and crises. Hegeregere: Emu natuna be sikuli dekenai oi siaia, badina oi ura diba ia abia. To ia gwau, Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia be unai bamona hekwakwanai bona lalometau idia haheaukalaia diba. I went to parties and nightclubs whenever I could. Egu adavana bona natudia lau hadibaia biku au edia badinai idia hunia totona. Lau be pati badadia bona maragidia dekenai lau lao, ena be lau hegeregere lasi. Anyone who does not trust firmly in Jehovah might think differently. 45: 16 - 20. Iehova ia abidadama henia lasi tauna ena lalohadai be idau. What did Daniel prophesy would happen in our day? Ita momo ita diba iseda tauanina ia hesiku karana ese nega momo iseda ura bada karana ia koua toho. Daniela ia peroveta iseda nega ai dahaka do ia vara? Clearly, the Bible is a book most young people do without. Solomona ese terona ta iena idibana kahanai ia atoa bona iena sinana burukana, Bataseba, ena hereva ia kamonai. - 1 King Taudia 2: 19, 20. Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Baibel be matamata taudia momo ese idia karaia diba lasi bukana. Anointed Christians today, having been counted worthy to receive a Kingdom, eagerly look forward to ruling during Judgment Day. Gestapo taudia ese lau idia atoa idia tahua momo taudia edia lista dekenai. Hari inai negai, horoa Keristani taudia be idia hegeregere Basileia ta idia abia totona, bona mai edia ura bada ida Kota Badana Dinana ai do idia lohia negana idia naria noho. " Yes, I have these books, " I said. Gau ta be mai anina bada, bema ita laloa unai gauna ita abia lasi neganai do ita hegeregere lasi. Lau gwau: "Oibe, inai buka lau abia vadaeni. " Such good association will encourage you to act wisely. - Prov. Unai siri ese sisiba namona ia henia ma haida edia abiatorehai davana ita karaia " gwauhamatana ' ita dadaraia totona! Unai bamona hebamo namona ese oi do ia hagoadaia mai aonega ida oi kara totona. - Aon. In that regard, ones with weighty responsibilities do well to follow the example set by Paul. 20: 27 - 48. Unai dainai, maduna badadia idia huaia taudia ese Paulo ena haheitalai idia tohotohoa be namo. Yes. Painia tadikaka George Rollston bona Arthur Willis be edia motuka ena redieita idia hahonua. - Northern Territory, 1933 Oibe. Love moves us to honor the name of Jehovah, no matter how limited we may feel. Prisikila bona Akwila edia lauma dalana be edena bamona oi gwauraia diba? Lalokau dainai Iehova ena ladana ita abia isi, herevana iseda hemami be edena bamona. At 10: 00 a.m., the chairman of the program, Anthony Morris of the Governing Body, welcomed the audience. Dahaka dainai inai nega dikana lalonai hebamo dikadia ita dadaraia be namo? 10: 00 a.m. ai, Hakaua Oreana ena seamani, Anthony Morris, ese helai taudia ia welkam henia. Their son Michael remembers: "Tuesday night we had a congregation meeting in our home. Abela ena nega amo ela bona Keriso ia vara negana, "witnes taudia hutuma bada ori ta bamona " (NW) be mai edia haheauka ida idia raka, herevana nega momo unai dainai dika idia davaria. Edia natuna Michael ia gwau: "Dina ta ta ai emai ruma dekenai kongrigeisen hebouna ta ai karaia. • When especially should we pray about temptations? Ena be nega haida ai hesiku o ai gorere, to emai haroro gaukara ese ia havaraia anina namona ai laloa neganai ai moale. • Hedibagani totona edena negai ita guriguri be namo? Mildness is a remarkable quality that combines pleasantness with power. María Isabel be mai kiri ida ia gwau: "Unai hahine ia laloa taunimanima badana ta do ia itaia. " Lalo - manada be siahu ida ita gaukara hebou karana namona ta. Still, that did not stop Paul from training others. Haroro gaukara ai Baibel ita gaukaralaia namonamo karana be Baibel siri ita duahia sibona lasi. To, unai ese Paulo ia koua lasi ma haida ia treinia totona. " Congregation " - In Other Senses Bema idia dekenai Iehova ena dubu haginia gaukarana be anina lasi, idia be kilomita 1,600 bamona do idia laolao lasi. " Kongregesen " - Gau Ma Haida She showed clear evidence of spirituality in her beautiful expressions of praise when she visited the home of her relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth. Ita laloatao, Iehova ese guna Israela taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia, kamonai karana ese animal boubou karadia ia hereaia. Ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva ia ese ena varavara Sekaraia bona Elisabeta edia ruma ia vadivadi henia neganai, lauma dalanai hanamoa herevadia ia gwauraia. Despite his insistence on obedience, Jehovah is well aware of the limitations of imperfect humans. Ita sibona eda hetura karana Dirava ida ese ita ia durua Ia ita abidadama henia noho totona. Ena be Iehova ia ura kamonai karana ia hahedinaraia, to ia diba goevadae lasi taudia edia goada be mai ena hetoana. In answer the one named Cleopas said to him: " Are you dwelling as an alien by yourself in Jerusalem and so do not know the things that have occurred in her in these days? ' Edgar Clay bona Pryce Hughes, gabeai ia be Britain ena brens ovasia ai ia lao, be Wales dekenai ranu idia haboua magu haginia gaukarana idia karaia. Ia haere, ia gwau: "Oi be Ierusalema dekenai idau tauna bamona oi noho, bona inai nega ai idia vara gaudia oi diba lasi, a? ' in the Portuguese language. Reana dahaka dainai Paulo ese Korinto taudia dekenai ia gwau " lalokau be davana henia ia laloa lasi '? Portuguese gado ai. Ocean Blvd. MADISON, WI, Alliant Energy Center Memorial Coliseum, 1881 Expo Mall E. Unai nega ai, Vivarium laiberi ena kohu haida be Roma ena Lateran laiberi dekenai idia abia lao. SYDNEY, NSW (New Guinea Pidgin gado sibona), Assembly Hall, 100 Raby Rd, Catherine Field. Hardly. Hari danu, Dirava ena matana be "tanobada ena kahana ibounai idia itaia noho, " bona ia be ia noho hegaegae ita ia" hagoadaia totona. " (2 Siv. Lasi. PENTECOST 33 C.E. was a milestone in the history of Jehovah's people on earth. A radical change took place. [ Pictures on page 25] LAGANI 33 C.E. ai, Iehova ena taunimanima edia histori lalonai gau momo idia idau. When contemplating the prospect of preaching from house to house, more than a few of us once thought, " That is something I could never do. ' (Salamo 34: 19; Iamesi 4: 13 - 15) Lasi, to ia gwau Dirava ena abidadama hesiai taudia be do idia hegaegae unai bamona hekwakwanai idia haheaukalaia totona. Ruma - ta - ruma - ta haroro gaukara ena helaro ita laloa neganai, nega haida sibona ita laloa, " Lau karaia diba lasi gauna ta lau karaia diba lasi. ' His scheming son Absalom has had himself declared king, and David has been forced to leave Jerusalem. Pati gabudia bona klab dekenai lau lao. Abesaloma ena palani be king ai do ia lao, bona Davida ia doria Ierusalema ia rakatania totona. 4: 23; 24: 14. Elda taudia ese tama eiava sina sibona ruma besedia idia gimaia, unai amo hebamo dikana idia dadaraia (Paragraf 17, 18 itaia) 4: 23; 24: 14. Because of implicit trust in Jehovah and heartfelt love for him, each year thousands are moved to make a dedication and get baptized. To Iehova ia abidadama henia lasi tauna ena lalohadai be idau. Lagani ta ta ai, taunimanima tausen momo be Iehova idia abidadama henia bona mai kudouna ibounai ida ia idia lalokau henia dainai, edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso idia abia. In contrast with the cruel conditions we faced in the camp, our barracks was like a clean island surrounded by a filthy sea. Daniela ese iseda nega ia herevalaia neganai, dahaka ia perovetalaia? Ai be dibura kamepa ai idia vara dagedage karadia bamona lasi, emai dibura ruma be davara ese ia hagegea motumotu goevana bamona. What problems among the Jews deeply troubled Nehemiah? Ia hedinarai goevagoeva, Baibel be matamata taudia momo ese idia laloa bada lasi bukana. Nehemia be dahaka hekwakwanai ia davaria? I said, "That's fine, but I am not going into the army. " Hari horoa taudia idia ura bada Basileia do idia abia, bona Kota Badana Dinana ai do idia lohia. Lau gwau: "Unai be namo, to lau be tuari lalonai do lau vareai lasi. " What is the meaning of Jesus ' illustration of the mustard grain? Lau gwau: "Lau dekenai unai buka idia noho. Mastadi uhena ena parabole ena anina be dahaka? Many others, though, were good examples. Unai bamona hebamo namona ese oi do ia hagoadaia kara maorona oi karaia totona. - Aon. To, ma haida be haheitalai namodia. BILLINGS, MT, MetraPark Arena, 308 6th Ave. Unai bamona ia karaia elda tauna be Paulo ena haheitalai ia tohotohoa. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The end of this entire system of things is not far off. Oibe. Inai tanobada dikana ena dokona be daudau lasi. Zealous for Jehovah's House Lalokau ese ita ia durua Iehova ena ladana ita matauraia totona, herevana ita laloa gaukara momo ita karaia diba lasi. Iehova Ena Ruma Idia Haroro Goadagoada We learned that Jehovah * God hates dishonest practices, so we decided to change our lifestyle. Daba 10 o'klok dekenai, program ena seamani, Hakaua Oreana tauna ta Anthony Morris be helai taudia ia welkam henidia. Ai diba Iehova Dirava ese koikoi karadia ia inai henia, unai dainai emai lalona ai hadaia emai noho dalana do ai haidaua. In all such situations, we should let God's Word be a lamp to our foot. Edia natuna, Michael ia do laloatao gauna ta be inai: "Tuesday hanuaboi ai, kongrigeisen ena hebou ta be emai ruma dekenai ai abia. Unai bamona negadiai, namona be Dirava ena Hereva be lamepa bamona ita ia hakaua. Moved by the large, mostly Polish attendance, Brother Rutherford told them: "Jehovah brought you to France to learn the truth. • Dahaka dainai nega maorona ai ita guriguri be mai anina bada? Tadikaka Rutherford be Poland taudia edia lalona ia hamarerea dainai, idia ia hamaoroa: "Iehova ese France dekenai oi ia hakaua mai hereva momokani oi dibaia totona. " We " tasted ' the brothers ' hospitality, " said Jean - David, mentioned earlier. (Aonega Herevadia 25: 15, NW) Lalo - manada be kara namo hereana ta, hemami namona ia havaraia bona ia be mai ena siahu. Matamanai ita herevalaia taihuna, Jean - David ia gwau: "Tadikaka edia heabidae karana ai mamia. " When Jerusalem was under the Assyrian threat, Hezekiah's prime concern was that her overthrow would bring reproach on Jehovah's name. Ena be unai ia vara, to unai ese Paulo ia koua lasi ma haida ia hadibaia totona. Asuria taudia ese Ierusalema idia hadikaia gwauraia neganai, Hesekaia ia laloa momo gauna be Iehova ena ladana do ia hadikaia. Having the correct view of what befell him helped David to respond properly to adversity. " Kongrigeisen " - Ena Anina Ma Haida Davida dekenai ia vara gauna dekenai lalohadai maorona ese ia durua hekwakwanai ia haheaukalaia totona. What will result when we attain "the peace of God "? Iena varavara Sekaraia bona Elisabeta ia vadivadi henidia neganai, ia gwauraia hanamoa herevadia ese unai idia hamomokania. " Dirava ena maino " ita abia neganai, dahaka do ia vara? Consider some real - life experiences that prove that we can wait for Jehovah's day with endurance and undiminished faith. Ena be Iehova ia ura ia ita kamonai henia, to ia diba goevadae lasi taudia edia goada be mai ena hetoana. Mani ekspiriens haida ita laloa, idia hahedinaraia Iehova ena dina ita naria noho mai haheauka bona abidadama ida. Then, after reporting the length of Enoch's life - which, while long compared with our life span, was short for those days - the record says: "Enoch kept walking with the true God. Vadaeni idia ta, ena ladana be Kleopa, ese ia haere henia, ia gwau, " Oi be Ierusalema dekenai sibona oi noho, unai dainai inai gaudia idia vara be oi diba lasi, a? ' Bena, Enoka ena mauri lagani - ena daudau be iseda mauri ena daudau ida ia hahegeregerea murinai - Baibel ia gwau: " Enoka be Dirava momokanina ida ia raka noho. Your children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment, but they learn your language primarily by frequently interacting with you in your language. ena kopi tausen momo do ia abidia mai danu. Reana emu natudia be sikuli ai bona edia noho gabudia dekenai gado do idia dibaia, to emu gado idia dibaia totona, nega momo emu gado ai idia herevahereva be namo. In the same way, if our speech is unduly vague or indirect, it may well be confusing or misleading. Lasi, ia be mai ena kerere. Unai hegeregerena, bema iseda hereva be anina lasi, reana do ita daradara. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [present rulerships], and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " - Daniel 2: 44. PENTEKOSTE 33 C.E. be dina badana Iehova ena taunimanima totona, badina unai dina ai mai anina bada gauna ta ia vara. Bona unai basileia ese basileia ibounai do ia hamakohia, bona haorea momokani, bona ia sibona do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. " - Daniela 2: 44. So Paul's statement about being a Pharisee must have had limitations, and the Pharisees present must have understood Paul's words in that context. Matamanai, nega ginigunana ruma - ta - ruma - ta haroro gaukara ita laloa neganai, reana ita gwau, " Do lau karaia diba lasi. ' Unai dainai Paulo ena hereva Farisea tauna ena gaukara be mai ena hetoana, bona reana Farisea taudia ese Paulo ena hereva idia lalo - pararalaia. When Abraham's servant went on a long journey to Mesopotamia, he "took ten camels from the camels of his master. " Ena natuna Abesaloma be sibona king ai ia halaoa, bona Davida be Ierusalema amo ia heau. Aberahamo ena hesiai tauna be Mesopotamia dekenai ia lao neganai, " kamelo 10 ia abia, iena biaguna ena kamelo dekena amo. " He may even refuse to do any further work on the project! 4: 23; 24: 14. Reana gaukara ma haida do ia karaia lasi! Our goal is to reach hearts and attract people to the truths we so love. Lagani ta ta ai, taunimanima tausen momo be Iehova idia abidadama henia momokani bona idia lalokau henia dainai, ia dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso idia abia. Iseda tahua gauna be taunimanima edia kudouna do ita veria ita lalokau henia hereva momokani idia abia dae totona. That is so much better than conveying the impression that we have given up on them, whereupon they may give up on themselves. Ena be dibura kamepa ai dagedage bada ai davaria, to ai noho dibura rumadia ai naria namonamo bona idia goeva. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia ita be idia dekenai ita hesiku, to idia hesiku diba. Afterward, a lady who had seen the program commented: "It was so clear who had the spirit of God. " Iuda taudia huanai dahaka hekwakwanai ese Nehemia idia hahisia bada? Unai murinai, program ia itaia hahinena ta ia gwau: "Dirava ena Lauma ia abia tauna be ia hedinarai goevagoeva. " In his letters to Timothy and Titus, Paul outlined the standards to be met by overseers and ministerial servants. [ Credit Line] Paulo ese Timoteo bona Tito dekenai ia siaia revareva lalonai, naria taudia bona hesiai taudia ese idia badinaia taravatudia ia herevalaia. " For people to search out their own glory, is it glory? " - Proverbs 25: 27. Lau gwau: "Unai be namo, to ami lalonai do lau vareai lasi. " " Badina taunimanima ese sibodia edia hairai do idia tahua, a? " - Aonega Herevadia 25: 27. In today's world, obsessed as it is with the physical, giving priority to one's spirituality is a challenge. Mastadi uhena ena parabole ena anina be dahaka? Hari inai negai, tauanina ena ura gaudia laloa momo karana be mai ena hekwarahi. I was only 12 at the time. (Genese 10: 8, 9) To, momo be haheitalai namodia idia hahedinaraia. Unai nega ai egu mauri lagani be 12 sibona. (b) How has this article refined our understanding of the parable of the talents? Inai tanobada dikana ena dokona be kahirakahira. (b) Edena dala ai inai stadi ese ita ia durua talent parabolena ita lalopararalaia totona? For locations of various places mentioned in the book of First Samuel, see pages 18 - 19 of the brochure "See the Good Land, " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Iehova Ena Ruma Ia Ura Henia Dikadika Samuela Ginigunana bukana ese gabu idauidau ia herevalaia totona, "See the Good Land, " buklet ena rau 18 - 19 itaia, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. There will be an attack on God's people. The war of Armageddon will occur, followed by the abyssing of Satan and his demons. - 9 / 15, page 4. Stadi karana amo ai diba Iehova * Dirava be koikoi karadia ia inai henia, unai dainai emai mauri dalana ai haidaua. Aramagedono tuarina do ia vara, unai murinai Satani bona ena demoni be guri dobu masemase lalonai do idia negea diho. - 9 / 15, rau 4. Think about how you would respond to these questions: Why do I believe that God exists? Unai bamona negadiai, namona be Dirava ena Hereva be lamepa bamona ita ia hakaua. Mani inai henanadai oi laloa: Dahaka dainai lau abia dae Dirava ia noho? 14: 31 - 34. Tadikaka Rutherford be hutuma ia itaia neganai, idia momo be Poland taudia, ia gwau: "Iehova ese France dekenai umui ia mailaia hereva momokani dibaia totona. 14: 31 - 34. The timely talk "Abhor the Worldly Plague of Pornography " showed us how to cope with that debasing threat to our spirituality. Tadikaka Jean - David ia gwau: "Ai ese tadikaka taihu edia heabidae karana ai " mamia ' momokani. " Nega korikori ai idia henia tok ese ia hahedinaraia edena dala ai iseda hetura karana Iehova ida idia hadikaia diba gaudia ita haheaukalaia diba. Jenny * says: Ryan's mother wasn't shy about expressing her disapproval of me. Ierusalema be Asuria taudia ese idia hadikaia gwauraia neganai, Hesekaia ia lalohekwarahilaia gauna badana be unai ese Iehova ena ladana do ia hadikaia. Jenny * ia gwau: Ryan ena sinana be lau dekenai ia moale lasi. The new mother's time and attention may be focused on caring for her child. Davida be ia dekenai idia vara gaudia dekenai lalohadai maorona ia abia, unai ese ia durua hekwakwanai neganai ia laloa namonamo totona. Reana sinana matamata ena nega bona ena natuna naria karana do ia laloa bada. 11, 12. (a) Why does Jehovah's justice draw us to him? Bema "Dirava ena maino " ita abia, dahaka namo do ia vara? 11, 12. (a) Dahaka dainai Iehova ena kota maoromaoro karana ese ita ia veria mai? " Because on account of the Lord's work he came quite near to death, exposing his soul to danger, that he might fully make up for your not being here to render private service to me. " Badina unai ekspiriens ese idia hamomokania, eda abidadama ia goada noho bona ita haheauka diba ela bona Iehova ena dina ia ginidae. " Lohiabada ena gaukara dainai, kahirakahira ia mase, unai dainai iena mauri ia atoa diho, dika do ia davaria garina, vadaeni ia ese egu hesiai gaukara do ia karaia diba lasi. " Judah certainly cannot escape Jehovah's adverse judgment. (Genese 5: 22) Baibel ese Enoka ena mauri lagani ia gwauraia murinai ma ia gwau: "Enoka be Dirava momokanina ida ia raka noho. Iuda taudia be Iehova ena hahemaoro aukana amo idia heau mauri diba lasi. The Greek philosopher Plato leaned toward thinking that it can. Reana emu natudia be sikuli ai o ma haida amo gado matamata do idia dibaia, to bema nega ibounai emu gado ai idia oi hereva henia, idia be emu gado do idia diba. Greek aonega tauna Plato ia laloa unai ia vara diba. Certain Bible translations thus refer to "John the Immerser " and" John the dipper. " Unai hegeregerena, bema taunimanima dekenai gau ta ita gwauraia hedinarai namonamo lasi, idia ita hadaradaraia eiava hakaua kerere diba. Unai dainai Baibel haida idia hahanaia neganai, inai hereva "Ioane " bona" Ioane " idia gaukaralaia. The assembly again complains against Moses and Aaron. Their reason? Bona unai basileia ese basileia ibounai [hari idia lohia gavamanidia] do ia hamakohia, bona haorea momokani, bona ia sibona do ia noho ela bona hanaihanai. " - Daniela 2: 44. Unai hebouhebou ai Mose bona Arona idia maumau lou, a? What may children learn from listening to their parents ' prayers? Unai dainai Paulo ena hereva, "Lau be Farisea tauna, " ese ia hahedinaraia lasi Paulo be Farisea tauna korikorina ta, bona Sanhedrin dekenai idia noho Farisea taudia be reana Paulo ena hereva idia lalopararalaia. Natudia be edia tama sina edia guriguri idia kamonai karana amo dahaka idia dibaia? Jehovah sees more than our failings. (Gen. 12: 16) Aberahamo ena hesiai tauna be Mesopotamia dekenai ia lao neganai, "iena biaguna ena kamelo ibounai 10 ia abia. " Iehova be iseda kerere ia itaia sibona lasi. We have many Scriptural examples that show how godly fear moved individuals to do what was right in various trying circumstances. Reana ia gwau Kingdom Hall haginia gaukarana do ia durua lasi! Baibel lalonai Dirava gari henia karana ena sivarai momo idia noho, bona unai ese ia hahedinaraia edena dala ai Dirava idia gari henia taudia be hahetoho idauidau ai kara maoromaoro idia karaia. Children too need to stay calm. Iseda tahua gauna be taunimanima edia kudouna ita hamarerea bona ita lalokau henia hereva momokanidia dekenai edia lalona ita veria. Natudia danu idia badu lasi be namo. Under what circumstances can God's utterances be a lamp to our foot? Unai bamona ita kara henidia be namo, badina ita ura lasi idia mamia ita be idia ita lalokau henia lasi, bona idia lalohisihisi garina. Edena bamona negadiai Dirava ena hereva be lamepa bamona ita ia hakaua diba? He says: "Spiritism dominates life in our area. Gabeai, unai program ia itaia hahine ta ia gwau: "Ia hedinarai goevagoeva daidia be Dirava ena lauma idia abia. " Ia gwau: "Iseda gabu dekenai, gavamani ese taunimanima edia mauri ia biagua. Whatever the case, we can be sure of this: They lacked loyalty to Jehovah and his appointed king. Paulo ena revareva Timoteo dekenai bona Tito dekenai be naria taudia bona hesiai taudia edia taravatu idauidau idia gwauraia. Herevana dahaka, namona be inai ita diba: Iehova bona ia abia hidi king idia badinaia lasi. She boldly spoke to her mistress, Naaman's wife, about Jehovah's prophet in Israel. " Oi sibona dekenai, hanamoa momo do oi tahua be namo lasi. " - Aonega Herevadia 25: 27. Mai gari lasi ida Namana ena adavana, Namana, be Israela dekenai Iehova ena peroveta tauna ia herevalaia. While we may be able to do little else for those dear brothers, we can help the ones in our own congregation who are undergoing trials. Inai tanobada ai, taunimanima be tauanina ena toana eiava kohu idia laloa bada dainai, lauma gaudia atoa guna karana be auka. Ena be unai lalokau tadikakadia totona gau maragidia ita karaia diba, to iseda kongregesen lalonai hahetoho idia davaria noho taudia ita durua diba. This, in turn, strengthens our faith in our heavenly Father. Bena Davida ena palani hegeregerena, edia inai taudia ese Uria idia hamasea. Unai ese iseda abidadama iseda guba Tamana dekenai ia hagoadaia. She relates: "It was then that I finally realized that Jehovah is real and that he loves me personally very, very much. " Unai neganai egu mauri lagani be 12 sibona. Ia gwau: "Gabeai lau laloparara Iehova be ia noho momokani bona lau ia lalokau henia bada. " Do you, however, exercise the same care when it comes to remaining "healthy in faith "? (b) Edena dala ai inai stadi ese ita ia durua talent parabolena ita lalopararalaia totona? To, oi danu be emu " abidadama oi dogoatao auka ' noho lalonai unai bamona oi karaia, a? Over 2,500 years ago, the prophet Daniel was inspired to foretell the outcome for human governments in conflict with God's purpose, writing: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. Samuela Ginigunana bukana ese ia gwauraia gabu idauidau oi diba totona, "See the Good Land " buklet ena rau 18 - 19 itaia, Iehova ena Witnes taudia ese idia halasia. Lagani 2,500 gunanai, peroveta tauna Daniela be Dirava ena ura ia perovetalaia, ia gwau: "Unai basileia namba 4 ena nega lalonai, guba ena Dirava ese basileia ta do ia haginia, inai basileia be do idia hadikaia diba lasi ela bona hanaihanai. In contrast with fleshly - minded individuals, they try to bring all their ways into harmony with Jehovah's standards. Aramagedono tuarina do ia vara, bena Keriso ese Satani bona ena demoni be guri dobu masemase lalonai do ia negedia. - 9 / 15, rau 4. Idia be tauanina gaudia idia laloa bada taudia bamona lasi, idia hekwarahi Iehova ena taravatu idia badinaia totona. Earlier, Moses had told them: "Sons you are of Jehovah your God.... For you are a holy people to Jehovah your God. " Inai henanadai edia haere mani oi laloa: Dahaka dainai lau abia dae Dirava be ia noho? Guna, Mose ese idia ia hamaoroa: "Lohiabada, emui Dirava, ese umui ia hahelagaia vadaeni. " The book of Judges is replete with accounts of humans who "from a weak state were made powerful. " 14: 31 - 34. Gunalaia Taudia bukana ese "manoka taudia " edia sivarai ia gwauraia lou. Hold Fast to Wisdom and Discernment Hari mai anina bada herevana, "Tanobada Ena Matabodaga Sivarai Bona Laulau Negea Momokani, " ese lauma dalanai ita dekenai dika do idia havaraia gaudia ita dadaraia daladia ia hahedinaraia. Aonega Bona Laloa Kehoa Tahua Noho Could he not see the seriousness of his conduct? Jenny * ia gwau: Ryan ena sinana be ia hemarai lasi, lau dekenai ia moalelaia lasi gaudia ia gwauraia hedinarai totona. Ia itaia ena kara be mai anina bada, ani? " My initial reaction was one of disbelief. Reana sinana ese ena nega bada do ia atoa edia beibi ia naria totona. Ia gwau: "Matamanai lau hoa. Jesus needed no further credentials. 11, 12. (a) Dahaka dainai Iehova ena hahemaoro maoromaoro karana ese ia kahirakahira dekenai ita ia veria lao? Iesu be unai bamona ia hereva lasi. A religious title such as "Rabbi, " which means" Teacher, " "tends to engender pride and a sense of superiority in those who obtain it, and envy and a sense of inferiority in those who do not; and the whole spirit and tendency of it is contrary to the " simplicity that is in Christ, ' " noted the Bible scholar Albert Barnes. " Badina be Keriso ena gaukara totona Epafrodito kahirakahira ia mase. Iena mauri ia negea gwauraia, lau dekenai durua totona, bona umui karaia diba lasi durua gauna, be ia ese do ia karaia totona. " Tomadiho ena dagi ladana ta, "Hadibaia Tauna, " ena anina be" hekokoroku karana bona ia idia ura henia lasi taudia edia kara ia hereaia; bona ta ese ena lalohadai ia abia dae lasi; bona ia lalo - hekwarahi lasi; bona Baibel ia diba momo tauna Albert ena lalohadai ia abia dae lasi; bona ia gwau ia be auka lasi tauna bona Baibel ia diba lasi tauna. ' " We need it just to survive, and we can use it well in Jehovah's service. Iuda be Iehova ena kota karana dekena amo do ia heau boio lasi. Namona be ita roho mauri, bona Iehova ena hesiai gaukara lalonai ita gaukaralaia namonamo diba. [ Picture on page 10] Greek aonega tauna Plato ia laloa idia karaia diba. [ Picture on page 10] You feel much closer to the hub of that organization, and this makes it very exciting. " Baibel haida ese ranu lalonai ia "Hadihoa Tauna Ioane " bona" ranu henunai ia atoa diho tauna Ioane " idia herevalaia. Oi mamia oi be unai orea ena heau dalana oi diba namonamo, bona unai ese lau ia hamoalea bada. " ONE day a Pharisee approached Jesus and asked: "Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? " Ranu be lasi dainai Israela taudia ese Mose bona Arona idia maumauraia lou. Dina ta Farisea tauna ta be Iesu dekenai ia lao bona ia henanadai: "Taravatu dekenai edena taravatu be hereadae? " Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand. " Natudia be edia tama sina edia guriguri kamonaia karana amo dahaka idia dibaia? Idia lau duahia toho neganai, idia be miri momo herea bamona. " How much better, though, it is for each of us to be firmly resolved not to come anywhere near that dangerous position. Iseda ura bona lalohadai ia itaia danu. To, namona be iseda lalona ita hadaia unai dagi dikana kahirakahira ita noho lasi totona. Some translators suggest that the verse should read, "with truth as a belt tight around your waist. " To bese ibounai lalonai, Dirava dekenai idia gari, bona kara maoromaoro idia karaia taudia, be Dirava ese do ia abia dae. " Gado hahanaia taudia haida idia gwau unai siri idia duahia be namo, "hereva momokani ena beleta be emu gabana dekenai oi kwatua bamona. " Thus, no unnecessary financial burden would be on the congregation. Natudia danu idia haheauka bona idia badu haraga lasi be namo. Unai dainai, kongrigeisen lalonai moni ena metau be bada lasi. Some adults are also shy about singing at the meetings. Edena bamona hahetoho idia vara neganai, Dirava ena hereva be lamepa bamona ita ia hakaua diba? Taunimanima badadia haida danu be hebou dekenai ane abia karana dekenai idia hemarai. Wrong to bet small amounts? Ini e gwau toma: "Emai gabu ai, babalau karadia na bada. Oi laloa ia be anina lasi, a? Surely we would not want to do anything to bring such sorrow to our heavenly Father. Herevana Abesaloma ena hereva idia abia dae ena badina be dahaka, to ita dibaia gauna be inai: Idia be Iehova bona ia horoa king idia badinaia lasi. Momokani, ita ura lasi gau ta ita karaia iseda guba Tamana dekenai unai bamona lalohisihisi ia havaraia totona. Indeed, there was no letup as far as hardship was concerned. Ia ese Namana ena adavana vairanai, Iehova ena peroveta tauna Israela ai ia noho ena sivarai ia gwauraia. Momokani, hekwakwanai momo idia vara noho. Within three months all was set straight. To, iseda kongrigeisen lalonai, hekwakwanai idia davaria tadikaka ita durudia diba. Hua toi lalonai unai idia hamaoromaoroa. Forgetfulness Breeds Ingratitude Bona unai ese iseda abidadama eda guba Tamana dekenai ia hagoadaia. Laloaboio Lasi Karana ese Moale Ia Havaraia Establishing priorities can move us to find more time for Kingdom interests, including personal study. Ia gwau: "Unai negai lau mamia Iehova be ia noho momokani bona lau ia lalokau henia bada. " Mai anina bada gaudia ita atoa guna neganai, unai ese ita do ia durua nega bada ita atoa Basileia ena gaukara idauidau ita karaia totona, sibona eda stadi ita karaia totona. Jehovah is both the personification of love and the Source of it. " Abidadama dekenai do oi gini goada ' totona, unai bamona oi karaia danu, a? Iehova be lalokau bona ena Badina. Coping With Grief Ia gwau: "Unai basileia namba 4 ena nega lalonai, guba ena Dirava ese basileia ta do ia haginia, inai basileia be do idia hadikaia diba lasi ela bona hanaihanai. Lalometau Hanaia Dalana And why? Bona edia kara ibounai lalonai Iehova ena taravatu idia badinaia, to sibona ena ura idia tahua taudia be unai bamona lasi. Bona dahaka dainai? PAGE 27 Nega sisina gunanai, Mose ese idia ia hamaoroa: " Umui be Lohiabada emui Dirava ena bese taudia, Dirava ena bese helagana. ' RAU 27 These sayings of Jesus can improve our life now and give us the hope of a happy future. Gunalaia Taudia bukana ese "idia manoka to ma idia goada " lou taudia momo ia herevalaia. Iesu ena hereva ese hari iseda mauri ia hanamoa diba bona ita dekenai vaira negana ena helaro ia henia. Paul states that God has distributed to each member of the congregation "a measure of faith. " Bena, Solomona ese Dirava ida hetura karana goadana havaraia totona aonega bona laloa kehoa edia anina ia gwauraia hedinarai. Paulo ia gwau, Dirava ese kongrigeisen taudia ta ta dekenai "abidadama " ia henia. Is their response predetermined? Iena kara ese do ia havaraia dika ia lalohadailaia, a? Edia haere be dahaka? Happy at last, Beatriz now teaches others about how to find happiness. Ia gwau: "Lau hamomokania diba lasi. Hari, elda taudia ese moale davaria dalana be ma haida dekenai idia hadibaia. Endurance and self - control are also vital. Iesu be gwaumaoro ma ta ia abia be anina lasi. Haheauka bona sibona biagua karana be mai anina bada danu. God's Loving - Kindness Brings Relief and Protection Badina be umui emui Hadibaia Tauna be tamona sibona, bona umui ibounai be tadikaka. " Baibel ia tahua tauna Albert Barnes ia gwau tomadiho dagi ladana hegeregere "Rabi, " ena anina be" Hadibaia Tauna, " "ese idia abia taudia dekenai hekokoroku bona idia be bada lalohadaina ia havaraia, bona idia abia lasi taudia dekenai mama bona idia be maragi lalohadaina ia havaraia; bona unai lalohadai bona ura ibounai be " Keriso ena manau karana ' amo ia idau momokani. " Dirava Ena Hebogahisi mai Lalokauna ese Ita Ia Durua Bona Gimaia • How may it be possible to help someone who is hesitant about returning to the congregation? 26: 1) Unai hegeregerena, moni be heduru gauna. • Bema ta ia ura kongrigeisen dekenai ia giroa lou, edena dala ai ia ita durua diba? We urge you to take a few minutes and read those scriptures in your own Bible. [ Picture on page 10] Oi ai hagoadaia miniti haida lalonai unai siri oi duahia bona duahia totona. Those prayers reach God instantly. Orea dekenai, emu mamina be gaukara badana idia karaia gabuna ai oi noho bona unai ese moale ia havaraia. " Unai guriguri be Dirava dekenai idia gwauraia haraga. Such training would include showing the less experienced publisher how to (1) prepare and practice a presentation, (2) engage a householder or a passerby in conversation, (3) offer literature, (4) follow up interest, and (5) start a Bible study. DINA ta Farisea tauna ta ese Iesu ia nanadaia: "Taravatu dekenai, edena taravatu be hereadae? " Unai bamona hadibaia karana ese ia hahedinaraia unai pablisa be (1) ia hegaegae bona herevahereva, (2) ruma tauna ida ia herevahereva, (3) buka bona magasin ia abia, ia ura henia, bona (5) Baibel stadi ia hamatamaia. Secret 11 Industriousness Bema idia lau duahia neganai, idia be kone miri idia momo herea bamona. " Dala 11 Gaukara Hebou How did events on Atonement Day foreshadow the role that Jesus plays? Gau badana be ponografi laulau ibounai ita dadaraia. Kara Dika Ena Davana Karaia Dinana ai idia vara gaudia ese edena dala ai Iesu ena gaukara ia laulaulaia? As you thus focus on benefits that you personally have received from following Jehovah's instructions, you will increase your appreciation for patience. - Ps. To, Iesu be sibona ena mauri ia henia taunimanima momo ia hamauria totona. - Mat. Iehova ena hadibaia herevadia badinaia karana amo oi abia namo oi laloa neganai, haheauka karana do oi habadaia. - Sal. " Fifty books weigh forty pounds, " (18 kg) admitted The Watch Tower, making deliveries "too great a strain, " especially for sisters. Gado hahanaia taudia haida idia gwau, unai siri be inai bamona idia torea be namo, "hereva momokani be beleta bamona emu gabana dekenai oi kwatua. " The Watch Tower ia gwau: "Idia torea bukadia edia metau be kilogram 4 bamona, " bona unai ese taihu momo dekenai dika bada ia havaraia. He demands and is worthy of exclusive devotion. Unai amo kongrigeisen idia hametaua kava lasi. Ia ura ia sibona do ia tomadiho henia. Now it is essential to keep on taking in rich spiritual food so that we maintain a steadfast heart as Jehovah's dedicated servants. Taunimanima badadia haida danu be idia hemarai hebou dekenai ane idia abia totona. Hari, Iehova ena gwauhamata hesiai taudia bamona lauma aniani namona ita abia noho be gau badana. With what result? Momokani, ita ura lasi ita karaia karana ta amo eda guba Tamana ena lalona do ita hahisia. Unai dainai dahaka ia vara? Both of them are his. Oibe, hisihisi be ia doko lasi. Idia ruaosi be iena. When might we start to think or act immodestly? Consider a few of the warning signs. Iosepa Ena Kakana be Iosepa Dekenai Idia Mama Edena negai unai toa haida ita laloa matamaia o ita hekokoroku diba? How can we show appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's holy name? Hua toi lalonai unai ibounai idia hamaoromaoroa. Edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia diba Dirava ena ladana helagana ita abia dainai ita moale? This requires that they maintain neutrality in political or social matters. Dirava Laloaboio Karana ese Gwau - Edeede Ia Havaraia Unai ena anina be politikol eiava politikol karadia lalonai idia vareai lasi. What can you do to let your light shine in the neighborhood? Mai anina bada gaudia ita atoa guna neganai, nega do ia noho Iehova ena hesiai gaukara, hegeregere sibona eda stadi ita karaia totona. Dahaka oi karaia diba emu dekena taudia dekenai emu diari oi hahedinaraia totona? 19, 20. (a) As we get deeper into the last days, what can we be certain that Satan will try to do? Iehova be lalokau Diravana bona lalokau ena Badina. 19, 20. (a) Inai nega dokona lalonai, Satani be dahaka do ia karaia? Apr. Lalometau Haheaukalaia Dalana Jan. Ever since Adam's fall into sin, Jehovah has not failed to look for the good in humans. Dahaka dainai? Adamu ia kara dika negana amo ema bona hari, Iehova be taunimanima edia namo ia tahua lasi. " The things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, " said Jesus, "and those things defile a man. RAU 27 Iesu ia gwau: "Tau ta ese iena uduna dekena amo ia mai gaudia, be iena uduna dekena amo idia mai noho. It expresses Jesus ' sensitive concern for his followers. Unai haroro herevana ese iseda mauri ia hanamoa diba, hari bona vaira negana ai danu. Unai ese ia hahedinaraia Iesu be ia murinai idia raka taudia ia laloa bada. In contrast, Jesus declared: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you. " Salamo torea tauna ia gwau: "Lau ese egu mauri dalana do lau naria namonamo, bona egu uduna ena hereva danu do lau naria, kara dika do lau karaia lasi totona. To, Iesu ia gwau: "Umui dekenai idia badu henia taudia do umui lalokau henia, bona umui dekenai idia dagedage henia taudia dainai do umui guriguri. " So in what way is Jesus unique when he is referred to as "the Amen "? Danu, Paulo ia gwau: "Dirava ese umui ta ta dekenai abidadama ia henia hegeregerena. " Unai dainai, Iesu idia gwauraia " Amen " neganai, edena dala ai ia idau? Now they are prouder than ever to be part of God's organization. " Edia kara be Dirava ese ia abia hidi vadaeni, a? Hari idia be Dirava ena orea lalonai idia noho dainai idia moale bada. " A similar zealous spirit is observed among Jehovah's Witnesses today. Hari Beatriz ia moale bada, bona ma haida ia durua edena bamona moale idia davaria diba. Hari inai negai, Iehova ena Witnes taudia be unai bamona kara idia hahedinaraia danu. * Use a concordance to find scriptures referring to mercy. Haheauka bona sibona biagua karana be mai anina bada danu. * Baibel siri ta oi gaukaralaia hebogahisi karana ia herevalaia totona. " You must love your neighbor as yourself. " - MATT. Dirava Ena Hebogahisi mai Lalokauna amo Ita Ia Ruhaia Bona Gimaia " Namona be emu dekena tauna oi lalokau henia, oi sibona oi lalokau henia hegeregerena. " - MAT. Some Witnesses shared in the ministry for years, but over time their faith in Jehovah weakened, and they stopped associating with the Christian congregation. • Edena dala ai kongrigeisen dekenai ia giroa lou totona ia gari tauna ita durua diba? Witnes taudia haida be lagani momo lalonai haroro gaukara idia karaia, to edia abidadama Iehova dekenai ia manoka, bona Keristani kongregesen idia bamoa lasi. How can we demonstrate our love in practical ways? (Isaia 11: 6 - 9; 35: 5 - 7; 65: 21 - 23) Oi ai hagoadaia, mani miniti haida lalonai emu Baibel amo unai siri oi duahia totona. Edena dala ai iseda lalokau ita hahedinaraia diba? What of the expression: "There is a drinking, but not to the point of getting intoxicated "? Edia guriguri be maoromaoro Dirava dekenai idia lao. Inai hereva: "Kekero muramura idia inua noho, to kekero muramura idia inua lasi " ena anina be dahaka? His secular work, for example, may involve economic competition with other individuals or businesses producing similar products or offering similar services. Ia ese pablisa do ia hadibaia, edena dala ai (1) hamatamaia herevadia ia hegaegaelaia bona praktislaia, (2) ruma tauna o dala amo ia raka hanai tauna ta ia hereva henia, (3) magasin ia hariharilaia, (4) kamonai tauna ia lou henia, bona (5) Baibel stadi ia hamatamaia. Hegeregere, reana iena moni gaukara be taunimanima ma haida eiava bisinesi taudia ma haida ida bisinesi ia karaia. We have good reason to feel similarly. Dala 11 Gaukara Goada Badina namona dainai ita danu be unai bamona ita laloa. Later, Josué received a letter from Javier explaining what had moved him to accept the truth. Kara Dika Ena Davana Karaia Dinana ai idia karaia gaudia ese edena dala ai Iesu ena mase ia laulaulaia? Gabeai, Pliny ese revareva ta ia abia bona hereva momokani ia abia dae ena badina ia herevalaia. He said, "Everyone who wants to be a Shinto priest should read this book. " Unai hahenamo idauidau oi laloa neganai, do oi laloparara oi haheauka noho be mai ena namo. - Sal. Ia gwau: "Bema ta ia ura Shinto pris tauna ai ia lao, unai buka ia duahia be namo. " Afterward, Samuel and Saul walked down to the prophet's house, talking as they went. The Watch Tower ia gwau: "Buka 50 edia metau be kilogram 18 " bona taihu dekenai unai be" metau bada herea. " Unai murinai, Samuela bona Saulo be peroveta tauna ena ruma dekenai idia raka lao, bona idia raka lao neganai idia hereva. Still, the idea comes across very clearly with the contrast " not irritating them but raising them in the mental - regulating of Jehovah. ' Iehova ia ura, taunimanima be Ia sibona idia tomadiho henia. To, unai lalohadai be " idia do ia habadua lasi, to Lohiabada ena hadibaia hereva idia dekenai do ia hadibaia. ' 3: 13 - 15. Hari gau badana be unai mai digara lauma aniani ita abia noho, bena mai eda abidadama kudouna ida Iehova do ita hesiai henia noho diba. 3: 13 - 15. So he urges them: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches, so that when such fail, they [Jehovah and Jesus] may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places. " Bena dahaka ia vara? Unai dainai idia ia hagoadaia, ia gwau: "Kara maoromaoro lasi taga dekena amo umui do umui raka siri, unai amo [Iehova] bona Iesu ese umui emui gabu dekenai do idia abia lao. " " Love... does not look for its own interests. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. 14: 4, 5, NW. " Lalokau be sibona ena namo ia tahua lasi. " - 1 Korinto 13: 4, 5. Some newcomers realized to their surprise that their move forced them to ask themselves, " Do I truly love "the whole association of brothers "? ' - 1 Pet. Iseda lalohadai bona kara amo edena bamona ita hahedinaraia diba ita be ita hekokoroku? Matamata taudia haida idia hoa badina idia ura sibodia idia nanadaia, " Keristani taudia ibounai lau lalokau henia, a? ' - 1 Pet. The apostle Paul wrote these words to faithful Christians living in Thessalonica. Edena dala ai ita hahedinaraia Iehova ena ladana ita abia dainai ita moale? Aposetolo Paulo ese Tesalonika ai idia noho abidadama Keristani taudia dekenai unai hereva ia torea. That latter fact gives some Christians reason to pause and consider. Unai ena anina be politikol bona taunimanima ese idia karaia kara idauidau amo idia gini siri. Unai hereva ese Keristani taudia dekenai badina haida ia henia idia laga - ani bona laloa namonamo totona. In 1914, Jesus Christ - pictured as riding a white horse - was given his heavenly crown. Edena dala ai emu neiba dekenai hereva momokani ena diari oi hahedinaraia diba? Lagani 1914 ai, Iesu Keriso be hosi kurokurona ta ia guia - guba dekenai ena korona ia abia. As the Most High and the Creator of humankind, he is in the best position to end the "cycles of violence. " 19, 20. (a) Inai nega dikana lalonai, ita diba Satani be dahaka do ia karaia toho? Ia be Ataiai Momokani Diravana bona taunimanima ia Havaraia Tauna dainai, ia be hegeregere " dagedage ia koua diba lasi ' totona. Jehovah has not delegated to anyone else the responsibility of listening to each and every prayer that his servants direct to him as their heavenly Father. Apr. Iehova ese tau ta dekenai maduna ia henia lasi ma ta ese ena hesiai taudia ta ta bona edia guba Tamana do ia kamonai henia totona. How? Adamu ia kara dika negana amo ema bona hari, Iehova be taunimanima edia namo ia do tahua noho. Edena dala ai? • Dedication to God and baptism result in what blessings? Hegeregere, kudouna amo idia mai gaudia be lalohadai dikadia, ala - ala, heudahanai, matabodaga karadia, henaohenao, hereva koikoi, Dirava ena ladana hadikaia herevadia. " - Mat. • Dirava dekenai gwauhamata ita karaia bona bapatiso ita abia neganai, dahaka hahenamo ita davaria? Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind Unai ese Iesu ena hebogahisi ia murinai idia raka taudia dekenai ia hahedinaraia. Isaia Ena Peroveta Herevana - Diari Taunimanima Ibounai Totona What will help us to resist "the temporary enjoyment of sin "? Iena hahediba taudia be idia dekenai idia badu taudia do idia lalokau henia. Dahaka ese ita do ia durua "kara dika ena moale, nega sisina do ia noho gauna " ita dadaraia totona? What did Job and Abraham know about death and resurrection? 49: 7) Bema Iesu be "Amen, " vadaeni edena dala ai unai be dagi hereadaena? Iobu bona Aberahamo be mase bona toreisi lou dekenai dahaka idia diba? It does not become provoked. Hari idia moale bada, badina idia be Dirava ena orea lalonai. " Lalokau be ia badu haraga lasi. The prophet Zephaniah of Judah predates both Nahum and Habakkuk. Hari inai negai Iehova ena Witnes taudia danu be unai bamona ura idia hahedinaraia. Iuda ena peroveta tauna Sepanaia ese Nahumu bona Habakuku ia hanamoa. See the salvation of Jehovah: Salvation will be the reward for all those who hold to their position of Christian integrity and who trust in Jehovah for deliverance. * Do oi itaia, nega haida Iehova be panisi ia hamaragia, bona hebogahisi bada ia hahedinaraia. Iehova ena hahemauri karana ita itaia: Kara maoromaoro idia badinaia bona Iehova idia abidadama henia taudia ibounai be hahemauri do idia abia. He was acting on Jehovah's behalf in a just execution. " Namona be emu dekena tauna oi lalokau henia, oi sibona oi lalokau henia hegeregerena. " - MAT. Ia be Iehova ena oda ia badinaia ela bona idia hamasea. There is no shortage of work in God's organization today. Witnes taudia haida be lagani momo lalonai haroro gaukara idia karaia, to metairametaira edia abidadama Iehova dekenai ia manoka ia lao, bena Keristani kongrigeisen bamoa karana idia hadokoa. Hari inai negai, Dirava ena orea lalonai gaukara be momo herea. Whom would the Master use to do the harvesting? Edena dala ai iseda lalokau ita hahedinaraia diba? Biaguna ese daidia do ia gaukaralaia gogoa gaukarana idia karaia totona? To benefit from it, however, we must take the time to study it and apply what we learn. New World Translation ai inai hereva: "Uaina umui inua to umui kekero lasi, " ena anina be dahaka? To, unai kara amo namo ita abia totona, namona be nega ita atoa ita stadilaia bona ita dibaia gaudia ita badinaia totona. Why Ask Abraham to Sacrifice Son? Haheitalai ta be, reana ia karaia moni gaukara be kampani ma haida ida idia kara helulu, badina edia bisinesi eiava idia hoihoilaia kohu be hegeregere. Dahaka Dainai Aberahamo Ita Guriguri Henia Natuna Ia Boubou Henia Totona? " I am not good enough. " (2 King Taudia 6: 14 - 17) Badina namona dainai unai bamona ita lalo - goada diba. Ia gwau: "Lau be anina lasi. " The effectiveness of that spiritual suit of armor depends not only on its initial quality but also on regular maintenance. Gabeai, Javier ese revareva ta amo Josué dekenai hereva momokani ia abia dae ena badina ia herevalaia. Unai tuari dabua ese lauma dalanai ia atoa tuari dabua ena heau dalana ia hanamoa sibona lasi, to hanamoa karadia danu ia havaraia be namo. ; Baumann, D. Ia gwau: "Idia ura Shinto pris ai idia lao taudia ibounai be inai buka idia duahia be namo. " ; Brian, D. What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be? Unai murinai, Samuela bona Saulo be peroveta tauna ena ruma dekenai idia raka lao, bona idia raka noho lalonai idia herevahereva. Oi be Edena Bamona Tauna ai Oi Ura Oi Lao? He says: "During our family worship, my wife and I do research to find answers to objections and opinions people express. To, unai hereva ena anina ia hedinarai namonamo totona, Paulo ia gwau, " natudia umui habadua lasi, to idia tubu noho lalonai, Iehova ena matahakani bona sisiba amo idia umui hadibaia. ' Ia gwau: "Emai ruma bese ena tomadiho ai karaia neganai, lau bona egu adavana be hereva aukadia bona taunimanima edia lalohadai ai tahua. " I Will By No Means Leave You " 3: 13 - 15. " Lau ese Umui Do Lau Rakatania Lasi " Draw Close to God Unai dainai idia ia hamaoroa: "Kara maoromaoro lasi taga amo turadia umui karaia, bena idia ore neganai, idia [Iehova bona Iesu] ese noho hanaihanai gabudia dekenai umui do idia abia dae. " Dirava Kahirakahira Oi Lao Soon, though, you may face trials that will test your faith and resilience. " Lalokau be sibona ena gau ia tahua lasi. " - 1 Korinto 13: 4, 5. To daudau lasi murinai, hahetoho do oi davaria bona emu abidadama do ia goada noho. Likewise, the work and the love we show for Jehovah will never be forgotten. Kongrigeisen matamatana dekenai idia lao taudia haida be sibona idia nanadaia, " Lau be "tadikaka oreana ibounai " lau lalokau henia, a? ' - 1 Pet. Unai hegeregerena, iseda gaukara bona Iehova dekenai ita hahedinaraia lalokauna do ita laloaboio lasi. HATRED OF GREED AND IMMORALITY Paulo ia gwau: "Ai ese Sivarai Namona ai mailaia umui dekenai, hereva sibona dekenai lasi, to Lauma Helaga ena siahu dekenai danu. IDIA URA BONA IDIA URA HENIA Adam and Eve's disobedience teaches us a vital lesson Unai hereva dokona dainai, Keristani taudia be IVF dalana idia do abia hidi lasi neganai, idia laloa namonamo guna. Adamu bona Heva edia gwau - edeede karana amo mai anina bada gauna ta ita dibaia 1: 28; 2: 18. Lagani 1914 ai, Iesu Keriso be hosi kurokurona ta latanai ia helai, bona Dirava ese ia dekenai korona ia henia. 1: 28; 2: 18. 14, 15. (a) How can we personally benefit from the lesson behind the illustration of the leaven? Ia be Atai Herea Momokani Diravana bona Havaraia Tauna dainai, ia ese "dagedage karana ena heau dalana " ia haorea diba. 14, 15. (a) Hatubua muramura ena parabole amo dahaka namo ita abia? The presumptuous person boldly takes liberties without having the authorization to do so. Iehova be iena hesiai taudia edia guba Tamana dainai, ia dekenai idia gwauraia guriguri ibounai kamonai henia ena maduna be ta dekenai ia henia lasi. Hekokoroku tauna be mai gari lasi ida unai bamona ia karaia lasi. • In times of distress, how can we find delight in doing God's will? To edena dala ai unai ita hanaia diba? • Lalohisihisi negadiai, edena dala ai mai moale ida Dirava ena ura ita karaia diba? Can we simplify our lives or reduce distractions so that we can give more attention to the all - important preaching work? • Dirava dekenai edia mauri idia gwauhamatalaia bona bapatiso idia abia taudia be dahaka hahenamo idauidau idia abia? Iseda mauri lalonai gau momo ita haidaua diba, unai amo haroro gaukara ita laloa bada diba, a? A Secure Future Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind Vaira Negana Namona The Bible book of Ruth is all that and more. Dahaka ese ita do ia durua "kara dika ena moale, nega sisina do ia noho gauna " ita dadaraia totona? Ruta bukana be unai sibona lasi. 6) What a marvelous provision Jehovah has made for us through the ransom sacrifice of his dear Son! - Isa. Unai dainai Paulo be Kolose taudia dekenai ia gwau: "Guriguri... ai hadokoa lasi. Iehova ese ena Natuna lalokauna ena mauri davalaia boubouna amo dala namo hereana ta ia karaia! - Isa. One evening I told a sister about my decision to ask for an annulment. Momokani, Babulonia taudia idia abia dae ta ia mase murinai, iena lauma be gabu ta dekenai ia mauri noho. Adorahi ta ai, taihu ta dekenai egu abia hidi lau herevalaia. No, his loving compassion for the people was a key motivation for his sharing the good news with them. Lalokau be ia badu haraga lasi. Lasi, ia ese taunimanima ia hebogahisi henia dainai, idia dekenai sivarai namona ia harorolaia. Jesus Christ was the greatest Missionary. Nahumu bona Habakuku idia do peroveta lasi neganai, Iuda ena peroveta tauna Sepanaia be peroveta gaukara ia karaia guna. Iesu Keriso be Misinari Tauna hereadaena. Eventually, "the goods were enough for all the work to be done, and more than enough. " - Ex. Iehova ena kwalimu do idia itaia: Edia Keristani kara maoromaoro idia dogoatao taudia ibounai bona hahemauri totona Iehova dekenai idia tabekau taudia edia ahuna be mauri. Gabeai, "kara namodia ibounai idia karaia be hegeregere, bona gaukara ena bada be hegeregere lasi. " - Eso. We hope that our prayers will help a little. " Elia be Iehova ena ura ia badinaia bona kota maoromaoro ia karaia. Ai laloa emai guriguri ese ta do ia durua lasi. " Study Article 3 PAGES 18 - 22 Hari Dirava ena orea lalonai gaukara be bada herea. Stadi 3 RAU 18 - 22 [ Footnote] Biaguna ese daika do ia gaukaralaia uiti ia utua totona? [ Footnote] What might explain why some people react this way? To, ena sisiba ese ita idia durua totona, namona be nega ita atoa unai gaudia ita stadilaia bona badinaia totona. Dahaka dainai taunimanima haida be unai bamona idia karaia? Every day, we are confronted with perplexing situations that require that we make decisions. " Lau be hegeregere lasi. " Dina ta ta ai, ita be abia hidi ita karaia diba lasi. Similarly, we would not invest our lives in pursuit of a vague hope. Vadaeni nega dikana ia ginidae neganai, do umui tuari mai goada danu. Do umui tuari noho ela bona tuari ena dokona, bona unai neganai do umui gini goada noho. " Unai hegeregerena, namo lasi ita laloa iseda mauri be anina lasi. She readily accepted a Bible study. Edia mase dina dekenai, idia ura do idia karaia gaudia be do idia doko. " Baibel stadi ia abia dae. That is a way to seek righteousness, and it protects us from developing an independent spirit. ; Baumann, D. Unai dala amo kara maoromaoro ita tahua, bona ita ia gimaia sibona eda ura ita badinaia lasi totona. Certainly. Oi be Edena Bamona Tauna ai Oi Ura Oi Lao? Oibe. What blessing did one brother receive for putting the Kingdom first? Ia gwau: "Emai ruma bese tomadihona ai, lau bona egu adavana be taunimanima ese idia gwauraia koua herevadia haerelaia daladia dekenai hetahu ai karaia. Tadikaka ta be Basileia ia atoa guna dainai, dahaka hahenamo ia abia? " He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - HEBREWS 11: 6. " Lau ese Umui Do Lau Negea Lasi " " Dirava kahirakahira ia lao tauna be do ia abia dae ia be momokani ia noho, bona Dirava idia tahua taudia ibounai, be davana namona Dirava ese do ia henidia. " - HEBERU 11: 6. Recall that Jehovah helped Moses by providing him with holy spirit and with a partner, his brother, Aaron. Dirava Kahirakahira Oi Lao Laloatao, Iehova ese lauma helaga amo Mose ia durua dainai, ia bona ena kakana Arona ia naria. Moses, "by far the meekest " of all men, saw God's glory and enjoyed an intimate relationship with him. To, oiemu abidadama bona goada do idia tohoa gaudia do oi davaria danu. Mose, "manau " taudia ibounai edia huanai, Dirava ena hairai ia itaia bona ia ida hetura karana namona ia moalelaia. Do not feel that as soon as you receive some responsibility in the congregation, you need to use it to change course - to do things in a way that is completely different from the way they were done before. 6: 14) Unai hegeregerena, Iehova ese ita karaia gaukarana bona ita hahedinaraia lalokauna do ia laloaboio lasi. - Heb. Namo lasi oi laloa kongrigeisen lalonai maduna haida oi abia neganai, emu kara oi haidaua guna be namo. How can we resist pressure to do something wrong? MATAGANIGANI BONA MATABODAGA KARADIA DADARAIA Edena dala ai kara dika karaia urana ita dadaraia diba? The fact of the resurrection became a central part of Christian faith. Adamu bona Heva edia kamonai lasi karana ese ita dekenai mai anina bada gauna ta ia hadibaia Toreisi lou helarona be Keristani abidadama ena kahana badana ta ai ia lao. Without protecting his head, a soldier in Bible times could easily lose his life in battle. 1: 28; 2: 18. Baibel negadiai, tuari tauna ta be ena kwarana ia gimaia lasi dainai, tuari lalonai ena mauri ia haboioa haraga diba. Life stories of these faithful servants of Jehovah have appeared in earlier issues of The Watchtower. 14, 15. (a) Hatubua muramura ena parabole amo dahaka namo ita abia? Guna, Iehova ena abidadama hesiai taudia edia mauri sivaraina be Gima Kohorona dekenai idia halasia. 17: 9. (Salamo 19: 13) Hekokoroku tauna ese gwaumaoro ia do abia lasi neganai, mai aonega lasi ida kara ta ia karaia. 17: 9. Despite many hardships, he preached the good news without letup until his arrest in May 1942. • Lalohisihisi negadiai, edena dala ai mai moale ida Dirava ena ura ita karaia noho diba? Ena be hekwakwanai momo ia davaria, to sivarai namona ia harorolaia noho ela bona May 1942 ai ia idia dogoatao. Through the leafy dome, sunlight cast lacy patterns on the men's frock coats. Emu noho dalana oi haidaua, unai amo emu haroro gaukara oi habadaia diba, a? Au ena tubu dalana amo, dina ena diari ese taunimanima edia tauanina ena toana ia hahedinaraia goevagoeva. Can we imagine the hatred and grief that must linger in the hearts of those who survive such conflicts? Vaira Negana Namona Unai bamona tuari amo idia roho mauri taudia edia kudouna dekenai inai heheni bona lalohisihisi karadia idia noho, a? Because we have an inborn tendency to selfishness that we inherited from our forefather Adam. Baibel bukana Ruta ese unai sivarai bona ma haida ia herevalaia. Badina ita be sibona eda namo ita laloa bada dainai, ita be Adamu amo ita vara. First, all members of your family can read over the contrasts. Oibe, Iehova ese ena lalokau Natuna ena boubou gauna amo iseda kara dika ia gwauatao diba! - Isa. Gau ginigunana be, emu ruma bese taudia ibounai ese ma gau ta ena idau idia duahia diba. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Hanuaboi ta, unai pepa do lau kokia lalohadaina be taihu ta dekenai lau gwauraia. Bona guriguri mai abidadama ese gorere tauna do ia hanamoa, bona Iehova ese ia do ia hatorea isi. In those years, most Witnesses had to make great personal sacrifices to attend the few conventions held in Mexico. Lasi, to taunimanima ia lalokau henidia bona hebogahisi henidia dainai, idia dekenai sivarai namona ia harorolaia. Unai lagani lalodiai, Witnes taudia momo be sibona edia ura idia dadaraia Mexico ena hebouhebou maragidia dekenai idia lao totona. Some names in this article have been changed. Iesu Keriso be Misinari Tauna badana. Ladana haida ai haidaua. Keeping in mind our objectives, we politely turned down these and other offers. - 2 Timothy 2: 4. Gabeai, "idia henia gaudia be hegeregere momokani, unai gaukara ibounai karaia totona, bona gau haida idia noho kava. " - Eso. Iseda tahua gaudia ita laloa noho neganai, mai hemataurai ida unai gaudia bona harihari gaudia ma haida ita dadaraia. - 2 Timoteo 2: 4. Bona ai diba emai guriguri ese oi do ia durua danu. " Stadi 3 RAU 18 - 22 [ Footnotes] Dahaka dainai haida be unai bamona idia hereva? Dina ibounai lalonai, lalo - hekwarahi gaudia ita davaria bona unai dainai abia hidi ta ita karaia be namo. Unai hegeregerena, ita ura lasi ita diba lasi gaudia ita tahua goadagoada. Mai ena ura ida Baibel stadi ia abia dae. Unai amo ita be kara maoromaoro ita tahua, bona unai ese ita do ia gimaia sibona ita laloa bada lasi totona. Oibe. Tadikaka ta be Basileia ia tahua guna dainai, dahaka hahenamo ia davaria? Bona unai tau ena abidadama be inai bamona: Dirava idia tahua taudia ibounai, be davana namona Dirava ese do ia henidia. " - HEBERU 11: 6. Laloatao, Iehova be Mose dekenai gau rua ia henia: Lauma helaga bona ena kakana Arona. (Eso. Mose, "tanobada taudia ibounai edia huanai ia sibona be manau herea " tauna, ese Dirava ena hairai ia itaia bona Ia ida ia hetura namonamo. Namo lasi oi laloa kongrigeisen ai maduna oi abia neganai, emu ura hegeregerena gau haida oi karaia diba, anina be guna idia karaia hegeregerena oi badinaia lasi. Edena dala ai taunimanima edia laloani herevadia ita dadaraia diba? Unai toreisi lou be Keristani taudia edia abidadama ena badina badana ta. Baibel negadiai, tuari taudia be kwara gauna idia karaia, edia kwarana idia gimaia totona. 17: 9. Herevana ena mauri ia auka, to sivarai namona harorolaia gaukarana ia hadokoa lasi ela bona May 1942 ai, idia dogoatao. Dina ena diari be au raurau ena ataiai dainai, rau edia laulau be tatau edia siedi ai idia hedinarai. Tuari amo idia roho mauri taudia edia lalona dekenai ia noho inai henia mamina bona lalohisihisi ita laloa diba, a? Badina ita be Adamu ena natudia dainai, iseda kudouna dekenai sibona laloa bada urana ia noho. Namona be famili ibounai ese unai siri idia duahia guna. Idia ese ia dainai do idia guriguri, bona ia dekenai dehoro do idia atoa, Lohiabada ena ladana dekenai. Unai negadiai, Mexico ai idia noho Witnes taudia momo be hebouhebou dekenai idia lao totona, abia hidi badadia idia karaia. Ladana haida ai haidaua. To inai gabu dekenai ai mai ena badina ai laloa dainai, dala namona ai idia ai hadibaia unai gaukara do ai karaia lasi. - 2 Timoteo 2: 4.