>>en<< Ella llevaba puesta una camisa de hombre la cual no le quedaba. She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her. She was wearing a man's shirt that wasn't left. >>en<< Nyt voimme kaikki rentoutua. Now we can all relax. Now we can all relax. >>en<< Olin nälkäinen. I was hungry. I was hungry. >>es<< What will you do on Friday? ¿Qué harás el viernes? ¿Qué harás el viernes? >>en<< Tom never should've told you that. Tom never should have told you that. Tom never should have told you that. >>en<< Minä käyn elokuvateatterissa keskimäärin kaksi kertaa kuukaudessa. On an average, I go to the movies twice a month. I go to the movie theater on average twice a month. >>en<< Tom soñó que había ganado el concurso, pero que su premio había sido robado. Tom dreamed that he had won the contest, but that his prize had been stolen. Tom dreamed that he had won the contest, but that his prize had been stolen. >>en<< Tom said he was planning to get smashed tonight. Tom said that he was planning to get smashed tonight. Tom said that he was planning to get smashed tonight. >>en<< Μάικ, πώς πάει; Mike, how's it going? Mike, how's it going? >>en<< Te ette saa ikinä tietää, ellette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. >>en<< Huoltoasema on yhden kilometrin päässä. A gas station is one kilometer ahead. The maintenance station is a mile away. >>en<< It's not impossible. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. >>en<< Tom pensó que lo que llevaba Mary puesto no era apropiado para una fiesta formal. Tom thought what Mary was wearing wasn't appropriate for a formal party. Tom thought that what Mary was wearing was not appropriate for a formal party. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know I shouldn't have done that. I know Tom didn't know I shouldn't have done that. I know Tom didn't know I shouldn't have done that. >>en<< Jään tänne hetkeksi. I'll stay here for a bit. I'll stay here for a minute. >>en<< Tom can't do that alone. Could you please help him? Tom can't do that by himself. Could you please help him? Tom can't do that alone. >>en<< I realize that Tom could force you to do that. I realize Tom could force you to do that. I realize Tom could force you to do that. >>en<< Pienso que tu trabajo es muy bueno. I think your work is very good. I think your job is very good. >>es<< Tom's problem is that he lives in his own bubble. El problema de Tom es que él vive en su propia burbuja. El problema de Tom es que vive en su propia burbuja. >>el<< He told his son an interesting story. Διηγήθηκε στον γιό του μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία. Είπε στον γιο του μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία. >>en<< You should have kept it secret. You should've kept it secret. You should have kept it secret. >>es<< Be still. No te muevas. Quédate quieto. >>en<< Ella casi se desmayó. She almost fainted. She almost fainted. >>en<< Polifemo, hijo de Neptuno, tenía un solo ojo en la frente. Polyphemus, son of Neptune, had only one eye in the front. Polyphemer, son of Neptune, had one eye on his forehead. >>fi<< Don't forget to take my things out of storage! Älä unohda ottaa tavaroitani varastosta! Älä unohda viedä tavaroitani varastosta! >>el<< He improved his results. Βελτίωσε τα αποτελέσματά του. Βελτιώθηκε τα αποτελέσματα του. >>es<< She has never seen him. Ella nunca le ha visto. Nunca lo ha visto. >>fi<< I will never throw away my Playstation. En heitä ikinä pois Playstationiani. En koskaan hävitä Playstationiani. >>en<< Tom invirtió todo su dinero en la compañía que Mary y su padre manejaban. Tom invested all his money in the company that Mary and her father managed. Tom invested all his money in the company Mary and her father handled. >>es<< They're insane. Están molidos de la cabeza. Están locos. >>en<< Mi hermano en Kioto se hizo profesor. My brother in Kyoto became a teacher. My brother in Kyoto became a teacher. >>es<< The police ordered the suspect to drop his gun. El policía le ordenó al sospechoso que soltara su arma. La policía ordenó al sospechoso que tirara su arma. >>es<< The horse is thirsty. El caballo tiene sed. El caballo tiene sed. >>en<< ¿Recuerdas esa vez que fuimos juntos a Boston? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Remember that time we went to Boston together? >>en<< Ella misma le ayudó porque nadie más lo haría. She herself helped him because no one else would. She helped him herself because no one else would. >>en<< Es imposible hacerle entender la nueva teoría. It is impossible to get him to understand the new theory. It's impossible to make him understand the new theory. >>en<< They said that they didn't cry. They said they didn't cry. They said that they didn't cry. >>fi<< Tom wants a bigger office. Tom tahtoo suuremman toimiston. Tom haluaa isomman toimiston. >>es<< Would that have made it better? ¿Eso se hubiera hecho mejor? ¿Eso lo habría hecho mejor? >>es<< She was getting ready for leaving home. Ella estaba preparándose para salir de casa. Se estaba preparando para irse de casa. >>en<< Tom habla francés tan bien como Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. >>el<< I'm Ricardo. Είμαι ο Ρίχαρδος. Είμαι ο Ρικάρντο. >>en<< Liivisi on nurinperin, sinun täytyy kääntää se ympäri. You need to reverse your vest, it's back to front. You have to turn it around. >>fi<< I was your mother's first boyfriend. Olin äitisi ensimmäinen poikaystävä. Olin äitisi ensimmäinen poikaystävä. >>es<< It's your problem, not mine. Es tu problema, no el mío. Es tu problema, no el mío. >>en<< Retiró $100 de su cuenta. He drew $100 from his account. He retired $100 from his account. >>es<< Πέτυχα μια καλή δουλειά. Conseguí un buen trabajo. Tengo un buen trabajo. >>en<< I hope I don't regret doing that. I hope that I don't regret doing that. I hope I don't regret doing that. >>es<< Denial is one of the strongest human defence mechanisms. La negación es uno de los mecanismos de defensa humanos más fuertes. La negación es uno de los mecanismos de defensa humana más fuertes. >>es<< You can come with us. Puedes venir con nosotros. Puedes venir con nosotros. >>es<< I'm just about finished with the report. Estoy casi listo con el reporte. Estoy a punto de terminar con el informe. >>en<< I thought I'd give it another try. I thought that I'd give it another try. I thought I'd give it another try. >>el<< Put in a little more sugar. Βάλε λίγη ακόμα ζάχαρη. Βάλε λίγο παραπάνω ζάχαρη. >>en<< No siempre es fácil. It's not always easy. It's not always easy. >>en<< I think Tom didn't go to the party with Mary. I think that Tom didn't go to the party with Mary. I think that Tom didn't go to the party with Mary. >>es<< I like neither of the pictures. Ninguna de esas pinturas me gusta. No me gustan las fotos. >>en<< Los domingos por la tarde suelo salir de compras. I usually go shopping on Sunday afternoon. Sunday afternoon I usually go shopping. >>el<< The stars came out. Τα αστέρια βγήκανε. Τα αστέρια βγήκαν έξω. >>en<< A mí me parece muy difícil. It seems very difficult for me. It seems very difficult to me. >>es<< Doctors use medical equipment. Los doctores ocupan equipo médico. Los médicos usan equipo médico. >>fi<< I arrived here about five o'clock. Tulin tänne noin viideltä. Tulin tänne noin viideltä. >>fi<< Él me miró a los ojos. Hän katsoi minua silmiin. Hän katsoi minua silmiin. >>en<< Tykkäätkö asuu täällä? Do you like living here? Do you like living here? >>en<< Ήμαστε στο ίδιο λεωφορείο. We were on the same bus. We were on the same bus. >>fi<< Veamos cómo reacciona Tom a eso. Katsotaan, miten Tomi reagoi siihen. Katsotaan, miten Tom reagoi siihen. >>en<< La chica lee con su abuelo. The girl is reading with her grandfather. The girl reads with her grandfather. >>es<< We have a little water. Tenemos un poco de agua. Tenemos un poco de agua. >>es<< I didn't know you spoke French. No sabía que hablaras francés. No sabía que hablabas francés. >>en<< Un anciano yacía muerto en el camino. An old man lay dead on the road. An old man lay dead on the way. >>el<< Are you asking me to stay? Μου ζητάτε να μείνω; Μου ζητάς να μείνω; >>en<< Esto es muy grande. This is really big. This is really big. >>en<< We need cleaner sources of energy. We need cleaner energy sources. We need cleaner sources of energy. >>en<< It isn't clear which of them wanted that. It's not clear which of them wanted that. It isn't clear which of them wanted that. >>en<< I know that Tom isn't a baby anymore. I know Tom isn't a baby anymore. I know Tom isn't a baby anymore. >>es<< Socially awkward people tend to develop insecurities. La gente que es poco social tiende a desarrollar inseguridades. Las personas socialmente incómodas tienden a desarrollar inseguridades. >>es<< Olen vihainen sinulle. Estoy enojado contigo. Estoy enojado contigo. >>es<< Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away. Tráeme un plato limpio y llévate el sucio. Tráeme un plato limpio y llévame el sucio. >>es<< I'm not as rich as I once was. No soy tan rico como era. No soy tan rico como una vez. >>es<< Mη φοβάσαι, αυτή η αρρώστια δεν κολλάει. No tengas miedo, esa enfermedad no es contagiosa. No tengas miedo, esta enfermedad no se atasca. >>es<< It has been twenty years since I saw you last. La última vez que te vi fue hace veinte años. Han pasado veinte años desde que te vi por última vez. >>fi<< She really is a good lay. Hän todella on hyvä pano. Hän on todella hyvä maja. >>en<< Me gustaría besar a Mary. I'd like to kiss Mary. I'd like to kiss Mary. >>en<< Ay si pudiera hablar francés. If only I could speak French. Oh, if I could speak French. >>es<< None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. Ninguno de los compañeros de Tom se ofrecieron a ayudarle. Ninguno de los compañeros de clase de Tom se ofreció a ayudarlo. >>es<< I've found another job. Encontré otro trabajo. Encontré otro trabajo. >>en<< Tom should've been upset. Tom should have been upset. Tom should have been upset. >>el<< Do you want me to tell her? Θες να της πω; Θέλεις να της το πω; >>en<< If Tom had had enough money, he would have gone to Boston with Mary. If Tom had had enough money, he would've gone to Boston with Mary. If Tom had had enough money, he would have gone to Boston with Mary. >>fi<< I will eat. Minä tulen syömään. Minä syön. >>en<< Una niña está tocando flauta. A girl is playing the flute. A girl's playing flute. >>es<< Her legs are long. Sus piernas son largas. Sus piernas son largas. >>en<< Ellos adoran el dólar todopoderoso. They worship the almighty dollar. They worship the almighty dollar. >>fi<< We got dressed. Pukeuduimme. Olimme pukeutuneet. >>el<< Boston is a big city. Η Βοστώνη είναι μεγάλη πόλη. Η Βοστόνη είναι μεγάλη πόλη. >>en<< Vesi on miellyttävän viileää. The water is nice and cool. The water is pleasantly cool. >>fi<< You are absolutely right. Olet täysin oikeassa. Olet aivan oikeassa. >>en<< Everyone but Tom and Mary knew that they didn't need to go to Boston. Everyone except Tom and Mary knew that they didn't need to go to Boston. Everyone but Tom and Mary knew they didn't need to go to Boston. >>en<< Él fue mandado a volar por un camión. He was knocked down by a truck. He was sent to fly by a truck. >>en<< I have never laughed so hard in my life. I've never laughed so hard in my life. I have never laughed so hard in my life. >>fi<< There are many department stores and supermarkets in Shinjuku. Shinjukussa on monia tavarataloja ja valintamyymälöitä. Shinjukussa on monia osastokaupat ja supermarketit. >>en<< El anciano estaba sentado, rodeado por los niños. The old man sat surrounded by the children. The elder was sitting, surrounded by the children. >>es<< I enjoy talking with you. Aprecio hablar contigo. Me gusta hablar contigo. >>en<< Nobody knew that Tom couldn't speak French. No one knew that Tom couldn't speak French. Nobody knew Tom couldn't speak French. >>es<< I can't remember where I hid my money. No puedo recordar dónde escondí mi dinero. No recuerdo dónde escondí mi dinero. >>en<< Él no pudo hacer nada salvo mirar. He could do nothing but watch. He couldn't do anything but look. >>fi<< Cool! Päheetä! Siistiä! >>es<< He has a good knowledge of French. Él tiene un buen dominio del francés. Tiene un buen conocimiento del francés. >>en<< El papel se quema fácilmente. Paper burns easily. The paper burns easily. >>en<< Ο Τομ έκλεψε το δαχτυλίδι του. Tom stole his ring. Tom stole his ring. >>el<< Teach us something new. Διδάξτε μας κάτι καινούριο. Δίδαξε μας κάτι καινούργιο. >>en<< I know that Tom doesn't know he shouldn't be doing that here. I know Tom doesn't know he shouldn't be doing that here. I know Tom doesn't know he shouldn't be doing that here. >>en<< You must've been asleep. You must have been asleep. You must've been asleep. >>fi<< He left an hour ago. Hän lähti tunti sitten. Hän lähti tunti sitten. >>en<< La mamá se quedó en el coche mientras papá iba de compras. Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car while Dad was shopping. >>es<< Αυτό το ασανσέρ μπορεί να μεταφέρει δέκα άτομα σε μια στιγμή. Este ascensor es capaz de llevar a 10 personas a la vez. Este ascensor puede transportar a diez personas en un momento. >>en<< Είναι λευκή. She's white. She's white. >>el<< My email address has changed. Η διεύθυνση email μου έχει αλλάξει. Η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου μου άλλαξε. >>en<< I know that Tom is a fairly decent golfer. I know Tom is a fairly decent golfer. I know Tom is a fairly decent golfer. >>es<< Bread is made from flour, water, and often yeast. El pan se fabrica con harina, agua, y añadiendo frecuentemente levadura. El pan está hecho de harina, agua y a menudo levadura. >>es<< Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. No olvides pegar el sello a la carta. No te olvides de poner un sello en tu carta. >>en<< I know that Tom knows you knows how to do that. I know Tom knows that you knows how to do that. I know Tom knows you know how to do that. >>en<< Ojalá nos ayudara nuestro padre. Would that our father were here to help us. I wish our father would help us. >>fi<< Oh, the streetlights have turned on. Oho, katulamput ovat menneet päälle. Katuvalot ovat sytyttäneet. >>en<< Tengo malas noticias. I've got bad news. I've got some bad news. >>en<< Es trabajo sucio. It's dirty work. It's dirty work. >>es<< He often doesn't come to school. Falta a la escuela a menudo. A menudo no viene a la escuela. >>en<< I think Tom dyes his hair. I think that Tom dyes his hair. I think Tom dyes his hair. >>el<< I went to the park with Mary yesterday. Χθες πήγα στο πάρκο με τη Μαίρη. Πήγα στο πάρκο με τη Μαίρη χθες. >>es<< Betty has a sweet voice. Betty tiene una voz dulce. Betty tiene una voz dulce. >>es<< My voice is hoarse from a cold. Tengo la voz ronca por un resfriado. Mi voz está ahumada de un resfriado. >>en<< Ήσασταν ένοχες. You were guilty. You were guilty. >>en<< Mi hija venía a verme con frecuencia. My daughter came to see me from time to time. My daughter came to see me often. >>en<< Olen liian vanha tähän maailmaan. I'm too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. >>en<< Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed that Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed that Mary wouldn't be at the party. >>fi<< Tom became fairly fluent in French after about three years of intense study. Tomin ranskasta tuli melko sujuvaa kolmen vuoden intensiivisen opiskelun jälkeen. Tomi tuli melko sujuva ranskaksi noin kolme vuotta kestäneen tutkimuksen jälkeen. >>en<< I don't think this is working. I don't think that this is working. I don't think this is working. >>en<< She doesn't speak English. She does not speak English. She doesn't speak English. >>en<< Tom told me Mary was tired. Tom told me that Mary was tired. Tom told me that Mary was tired. >>fi<< How do you like Kyoto? Mitä mieltä olette Kiotosta? Pidätkö Kiotosta? >>es<< The sky is clear almost every day. El cielo está despejado casi todos los días. El cielo está despejado casi todos los días. >>fi<< He bought that house because his wife liked it. Hän osti talon, koska hänen vaimonsa piti siitä. Hän osti sen talon, koska hänen vaimonsa piti siitä. >>en<< I don't think we should tell Tom what Mary did. I don't think that we should tell Tom what Mary did. I don't think we should tell Tom what Mary did. >>en<< Tuo ei tarkoita mitään. That doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. >>en<< Estoy tan emocionado. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. >>en<< I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. I didn't even know that you had a boyfriend. I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. >>es<< This kind of book is of no use to us. Este tipo de libros no nos sirve. Este tipo de libro no nos sirve de nada. >>es<< I know Tom is happy. Sé que Tom está contento. Sé que Tom es feliz. >>es<< No me llamo "tú", me llamo Ricardo. No me llamo "tú". Me llamo Ricardo. No me llamo "tú", me llamo Ricardo. >>fi<< The politician proposed reforms to Congress. Poliitikko ehdotti uudistuksia kongressille. Poliitikko ehdotti uudistuksia kongressille. >>en<< Hän ei syönyt eilen pizzaa. He didn't eat pizza yesterday. He didn't eat pizza yesterday. >>en<< Tengo un cuchillo afilado. I have a sharp knife. I've got a sharp knife. >>en<< El turismo es importante para la economía de mi país. Tourism is important to the economy of my country. Tourism is important to my country's economy. >>es<< Could you send me a picture of you? ¿Podrías mandarme una foto tuya? ¿Podrías enviarme una foto tuya? >>en<< Είναι οχτώ παρά τέταρτο. It's quarter to eight now. It's eight to four. >>en<< I suspect Tom is doing that now. I suspect that Tom is doing that now. I suspect that Tom is doing that now. >>en<< Where is your house? Where's your house? Where is your house? >>es<< I hope you're not planning on wearing that dress to the party. Espero que no estés planeando llevar ese vestido a la fiesta. Espero que no planees llevar ese vestido a la fiesta. >>fi<< She appears to have a lot of friends. Hänellä näyttää olevan paljon ystäviä. Hänellä näyttää olevan paljon ystäviä. >>en<< ¿Con quién hablo ahora? Who am I currently speaking to? Who am I talking to now? >>fi<< You must forgive me. Sinun täytyy antaa minulle anteeksi. Sinun täytyy antaa minulle anteeksi. >>en<< Mä asun Bostonis. I'm living in Boston. I live in Bostonis. >>es<< The race seemed to never end. La carrera parecía no acabar nunca. La carrera parecía nunca terminar. >>fi<< A fox is a wild animal. Kettu on villieläin. Kettu on villi eläin. >>en<< ¿A qué hora empiezas a trabajar? What time do you start work? What time do you start working? >>en<< Sinä aina laulat. You always sing. You always sing. >>fi<< He is the tallest in his class. Hän on pisin luokallaan. Hän on luokkansa korkein. >>en<< They said that that was their favorite store. They said that was their favorite store. They said that that was their favorite store. >>en<< María no sabía que decir. María didn't know what to say. Mary didn't know what to say. >>en<< We're not here to have fun. We are not here to have fun. We're not here to have fun. >>en<< ¿Qué habéis hecho? What've you done? What have you done? >>es<< What is your favorite prayer? ¿Cuál es tu oración favorita? ¿Cuál es tu oración favorita? >>es<< I can't see you. No puedo verte. No puedo verte. >>es<< What's the name of the girl we saw at the festival? ¿Cómo se llama la chica que vimos en el festival? ¿Cómo se llama la chica que vimos en el festival? >>en<< Tom and Mary both feel the same way about that. Both Tom and Mary feel the same way about that. Tom and Mary both feel the same way about that. >>en<< Tom sanoi olevansa kiireinen. Tom said that he was in a hurry. Tom said he was busy. >>en<< Isäni on erään liikkeen johtaja. My father manages a store. My father is the leader of a movement. >>en<< Yo quiero vivir una vida feliz. I want to live a happy life. I want to live a happy life. >>es<< I've got to go to the men's room. Tengo que ir al baño de hombres. Tengo que ir a la habitación de los hombres. >>fi<< What language is spoken in France? Mitä kieltä puhutaan Ranskassa? Mitä kieltä puhutaan Ranskassa? >>en<< We are baking cookies. We're baking cookies. We are baking cookies. >>en<< No acertó con la casa. He couldn't find the house. He didn't make it right with the house. >>es<< What was the best present you got last Christmas? ¿Cuál fue el mejor regalo que obtuviste la Navidad pasada? ¿Cuál fue el mejor regalo que obtuviste la Navidad pasada? >>en<< Los pájaros solían cantar en los árboles. The birds used to sing in the trees. Birds used to sing in trees. >>el<< Your husband is cheating on you. Ο σύζυγός σας σας απατά. Ο άντρας σου σε κοροϊδεύει. >>es<< No one can separate them. Nadie los puede separar. Nadie puede separarlos. >>en<< I want to go to Australia once more before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia once more before my passport expires. >>en<< I knew that Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that if he tried to. I knew Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that if he tried. I knew Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that if he tried to. >>fi<< I'm too young to die. Olen liian nuori kuolemaan. Olen liian nuori kuolemaan. >>el<< When are you going to come? Πότε θα έρθεις; Πότε θα έρθεις; >>en<< Tom said that he hopes you like to do that. Tom said that he hopes that you like to do that. Tom said that he hopes you like to do that. >>el<< Something was wrong. Κάτι δεν πήγαινε καλά. Κάτι πήγε στραβά. >>en<< Tom doesn't know that I hardly ever do that. Tom doesn't know I hardly ever do that. Tom doesn't know that I hardly ever do that. >>el<< Ποιος είν' ο δάσκαλός σας; Ποιος είναι ο δάσκαλός σας; Ποιος είν' ο δάσκαλός σας; >>en<< Deberías hacer lo honorable y resignarte. You should do the honorable thing and resign. You should do what's honorable and resign yourself. >>es<< I've read many kinds of books. He leído muchos tipos de libro. He leído muchos tipos de libros. >>es<< I'm sorry. That's all I really remember. Lo siento. Eso es todo lo que realmente recuerdo. Lo siento, eso es todo lo que recuerdo. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they're discouraged. Tom and Mary told me they're discouraged. Tom and Mary told me they're discouraged. >>en<< Tom ei työskentele. Tom isn't working. Tom doesn't work. >>en<< Tom said he thought that it would be a big mistake to tell Mary about what had happened. Tom said that he thought that it would be a big mistake to tell Mary about what had happened. Tom said that he thought it would be a big mistake to tell Mary about what had happened. >>en<< I know that Tom wasn't planning to do that. I know Tom wasn't planning to do that. I know Tom wasn't planning to do that. >>en<< ¿Podrías ayudarnos después de la escuela? Could you help us after school? Could you help us after school? >>es<< What's the reason that made you call me? ¿Con qué razón me llamaste? ¿Cuál es la razón por la que me llamaste? >>fi<< I come from a planet called Earth. Olen kotoisin planeetalta nimeltään Maa. Tulin planeetalta nimeltä Maa. >>en<< ¿Por qué paraste? Why did you quit? Why did you stop? >>el<< We loved her. Την αγαπούσαμε. Την αγαπούσαμε. >>fi<< Everyone is ready. Kaikki ovat valmiina. Kaikki ovat valmiita. >>en<< Aina kun puhun isäni kanssa, tajuan että hänellä on paljon enemmän kokemusta kuin minulla. Whenever I talk to my father, I realize that he has a lot more experience than I do. Every time I talk to my father, I realize he has a lot more experience than I do. >>es<< Let's try something. Permíteme intentarlo. Vamos a intentar algo. >>en<< Tom put his shirt on. Tom put on his shirt. Tom put his shirt on. >>en<< Sí, enséñanos tus t... raducciones... Yeah, show us your t... ranslations... Yes, show us your t... raductions... >>fi<< I know where that is. Tiedän, missä tuo on. Tiedän, missä se on. >>es<< Olisiko parempi aloittaa aikaisin? ¿Sería mejor empezar temprano? ¿Es mejor empezar temprano? >>en<< Tom said he's upset. Tom said that he's upset. Tom said that he's upset. >>es<< I'm buying meat and vegetables. Estoy comprando carne y verduras. Voy a comprar carne y verduras. >>en<< I'm lucky that I'm still able to do that. I'm lucky that I can still do that. I'm lucky that I'm still able to do that. >>en<< Estoy confundida. I'm confused. I'm confused. >>en<< You aren't permitted to do that. You're not permitted to do that. You aren't permitted to do that. >>en<< Allí había un puente. There was a bridge there. There was a bridge there. >>es<< I'm not blaming anyone. No estoy culpando a nadie. No estoy culpando a nadie. >>en<< Sólo quiero ayudar a Tom. I just want to help Tom. I just want to help Tom. >>en<< Tomi on menettänyt tajuntansa. Tom is passed out. Tom has lost consciousness. >>es<< Our country has a glorious history. Nuestro país tiene una historia gloriosa. Nuestro país tiene una historia gloriosa. >>es<< I've been looking for that all day. Me he pasado todo el día buscándolo. He estado buscando eso todo el día. >>es<< He's talking on the telephone. Él está hablando por teléfono. Está hablando por teléfono. >>es<< The elephant is liked by little children. A los niñitos les gusta el elefante. Al elefante le gustan los niños pequeños. >>en<< ¿Hay alguien aquí? Is anybody here? Is anyone here? >>en<< No tengo sitio en mis estanterías para un libro más. I don't have any more room on my shelves for any more books. I have no place in my shelves for one more book. >>fi<< I am going back. Minä menen takaisin. Menen takaisin. >>en<< Mañana viajaré a París. I'm travelling to Paris tomorrow. I'll travel to Paris tomorrow. >>en<< Älä heitä kiviä! Don't throw rocks! Don't throw rocks! >>en<< I don't think I need to tell Tom why I did that. I don't think that I need to tell Tom why I did that. I don't think I need to tell Tom why I did that. >>es<< I can't find my girlfriend's clitoris. No puedo encontrar el clítoris de mi amiga. No puedo encontrar el clítoris de mi novia. >>en<< Ella salió del cuarto sin despedirse. She left the room without saying goodbye. She left the room without saying goodbye. >>en<< Realmente necesitas a una mujer. You really need a woman. You really need a woman. >>en<< Mä tykkään taateleista. I like dates. I like lorries. >>en<< Por favor, vayan abajo. Please come downstairs. Please go downstairs. >>en<< El Cristianismo y el Islam son dos religiones diferentes. Christianity and Islam are two different religions. Christianity and Islam are two different religions. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know that I couldn't do that. I know Tom didn't know that I couldn't do that. I know Tom didn't know that I couldn't do that. >>es<< My father has lived in Nagoya for 30 years. Mi padre ha vivido en Nagoya por treinta años. Mi padre ha vivido en Nagoya durante 30 años. >>el<< Then the street was very quiet. Τότε ο δρόμος ήταν πολύ άδειος. Τότε ο δρόμος ήταν πολύ ήσυχος. >>el<< Who is the owner of this car? Ποιος είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης αυτού του αυτοκινήτου; Ποιος είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης αυτού του αυτοκινήτου; >>es<< Kansas is smack dab in the middle of the US. Kansas está justo en el centro de los EE.UU. Kansas es un azote en medio de Estados Unidos. >>en<< Miksi Tom ei halua puhua Marin kanssa? Why doesn't Tom want to talk with Mary? Why doesn't Tom want to talk to Mari? >>en<< Te voy a cocinar una deliciosa cena. I'm going to cook you a nice dinner. I'm gonna cook you a delicious dinner. >>en<< Le diré a los otros. I'll go tell the others. I'll tell the others. >>es<< I knew Tom would say something stupid. Sabía que Tom diría algo tonto. Sabía que Tom diría algo estúpido. >>es<< I dislike big cities. No me gustan las grandes ciudades. No me gustan las grandes ciudades. >>el<< How tall are you? Τι ύψος έχεις; Πόσο ψηλά είσαι; >>es<< Minua ei oikein huvita syödä mitään tänään. No tengo ganas de comer nada hoy. No tengo ganas de comer nada hoy. >>en<< Good night, everyone! Good night, everybody. Good night, everyone! >>en<< ¿De dónde viniste exactamente? Where exactly did you come from? Where exactly did you come from? >>en<< I didn't know that Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves. I didn't know Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves. I didn't know Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves. >>el<< I'm good at giving advice. Είμαι καλή στις συμβουλές. Είμαι καλός στην παροχή συμβουλών. >>es<< Tom iski minua läppärilläni päähän. Nyt se on rikki. Tom me pegó en la cabeza con mi portátil. ¡Ahora está roto! Tom me golpeó en la cabeza con mi portátil, y ahora está roto. >>fi<< I am getting crazy according to everyone. Olen kaikkien mielestä tulossa hulluksi. Menen hulluksi kaikkien mukaan. >>es<< Get out of my bed. Fuera de mi cama. Sal de mi cama. >>en<< I knew that Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that. I knew Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that. I knew Tom would be able to convince Mary to do that. >>en<< Πείτε της ότι είμαι εδώ Tell her that I'm here. Tell her I'm here. >>en<< Quiero ser un doctor, un enfermero o un profesor. I want to be a doctor or a nurse or a teacher. I want to be a doctor, a nurse, or a teacher. >>en<< Podría salvarte la vida. It may save your life. I could save your life. >>es<< His son became a famous pianist. Su hijo se convirtió en un famoso pianista. Su hijo se convirtió en un famoso pianista. >>en<< Me alegra que disfrutes esquiando, pero supongo que tan solo no es lo mío. I'm glad you enjoy skiing, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea. I'm glad you enjoy skiing, but I guess it's just not my thing. >>fi<< Tom bought his mother flowers. Tomi osti äidilleen kukkia. Tom osti äitinsä kukkia. >>en<< Haz tú solo tus cosas. Take care of your own affairs yourself. You just do your things. >>fi<< Are you seriously thinking about going? Harkitsetteko tosissanne menemistä? Oletko tosissasi ajatellut lähteä? >>fi<< My room is always clean. Huoneeni on aina siisti. Huoneeni on aina puhdas. >>fi<< I'm a bit short of money now. Minulla on vähän rahat vähissä. Nyt minulla on vähän rahaa. >>en<< Nadie quiere que él venga. Nobody wants him to come. No one wants him to come. >>es<< When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous. Cuando yo hojeé un cuaderno de jardinería, estaba sorprendido de cuantas eran marcadas como venenosas. Cuando miré en un libro de jardinería me sorprendió cuántos estaban marcados como venenosos. >>es<< I prefer to eat something else. Prefiero comer otra cosa. Prefiero comer algo más. >>en<< El criminal salió de la casa con los brazos en alto. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal left the house with his arms up. >>fi<< He made up a story about the king. Hän sepitti kertomuksen kuninkaasta. Hän keksi tarinan kuninkaasta. >>es<< Tom is a decent guy. Tomás es un hombre decente. Tom es un hombre decente. >>en<< Haluaisitko tanssia kanssani? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? >>es<< Me desabroché los cordones de los zapatos. Me solté los cordones de los zapatos. Me desabroché los cordones de los zapatos. >>en<< No juego al tenis tan bien como Tom. I can't play tennis as well as Tom. I don't play tennis as well as Tom. >>fi<< No falta nada. Mitään ei puutu. Ei mitään puuttuvaa. >>fi<< You know what I'm doing. Sinä tiedät mitä minä olen tekemässä. Tiedät, mitä teen. >>es<< He was more loyal than I had guessed. Es más leal de lo que había supuesto. Era más leal de lo que había imaginado. >>es<< No one agreed with him. Nadie estaba de acuerdo con él. Nadie estuvo de acuerdo con él. >>es<< A good friend will stand by you through thick and thin. Un buen amigo estará a tu lado en los buenos momentos y en los malos. Un buen amigo estará a tu lado a través de la espesa y delgada. >>en<< I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I thought that I was going to have a heart attack. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. >>en<< I knew Tom wouldn't be able to find a babysitter on such short notice. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to find a babysitter on such short notice. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to find a babysitter on such short notice. >>es<< Many people only speaks one language. Mucha gente habla solo un idioma. Muchas personas sólo hablan un idioma. >>en<< ¿Por qué la luna está tan grande esta noche? Why is the moon so big tonight? Why is the moon so big tonight? >>en<< El carácter obligatorio de la escolaridad es rara vez analizado en la multitud de trabajos dedicados al estudio de las varias maneras de desarrollar en los niños el deseo de aprender. The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn. The compulsory nature of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of work dedicated to studying the various ways to develop the desire to learn in children. >>en<< Nunca se es demasiado viejo para aprender. No one is too old to learn. You're never too old to learn. >>en<< I know that Tom will eventually give up and let somebody else do that. I know Tom will eventually give up and let somebody else do that. I know Tom will eventually give up and let somebody else do that. >>es<< You're better than me. Eres mejor que yo. Eres mejor que yo. >>en<< Tom no sabe lo que quiere Mary. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants. >>en<< La niña salió herida de gravedad en el accidente de tránsito. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was seriously injured in the traffic accident. >>en<< Tom said that would probably never happen. Tom said that probably would never happen. Tom said that it would probably never happen. >>en<< I think Tom is careless. I think that Tom is careless. I think that Tom is careless. >>es<< He was honest, strong, and willing to make decisions. Él fue honesto, fuerte y decidido para tomar decisiones. Estaba honesto, fuerte y dispuesto a tomar decisiones. >>el<< Where's the toothbrush? Πού είναι η οδοντόβουρτσα; Πού είναι η οδοντόβουρτσα; >>en<< What's the meaning of this sentence? What is the meaning of this sentence? What's the meaning of this sentence? >>es<< Tom was glad he didn't have to live in Boston for more than a year. Tom estaba contento de no tener que vivir en Boston durante más de un año. Tom estaba contento de que no tuviera que vivir en Boston por más de un año. >>en<< ¿Cómo que se te cayó el cazo en la olla? ¿Ahora cómo vamos a servir a los sin techo? What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot? How are we going to serve the homeless now? Now how are we going to serve the homeless? >>en<< Tomilla on takki yllään. Tom is wearing a jacket. Tom's wearing a jacket. >>en<< I thought Tom wouldn't be here. I thought that Tom wouldn't be here. I thought that Tom wouldn't be here. >>en<< Tom said that Mary needs to be more careful. Tom said Mary needs to be more careful. Tom said that Mary needs to be more careful. >>en<< Olvidé que eres la mejor amiga de Tom. I forgot you're Tom's best friend. I forgot you're Tom's best friend. >>en<< Me alegro de verte de nuevo. I'm glad to see you again. It's good to see you again. >>fi<< I found this movie very interesting. Olin sitä mieltä että tämä filmi oli valtavan kiinnostava. Mielenkiintoinen elokuva. >>es<< Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Es la zapatilla más cara que haya visto. Esos son los zapatos más caros que he visto. >>es<< Fuck you all to hell! ¡Váyanse todos a la mierda! ¡Vete a la mierda! >>en<< No quiero ir solo. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. >>en<< Siitä seuraa ongelma. That causes a problem. There's a problem. >>en<< What were you doing this time last year? What were you doing at this time last year? What were you doing this time last year? >>en<< Tom käveli niin nopeasti kuin voi saadakseen hänet kiinni. Tom walked as fast as he could to catch up with Mary. Tom walked as fast as he could to catch him. >>en<< Pensé que Tom al menos comprendería la situación. I thought Tom would at least understand the situation. I thought Tom would at least understand the situation. >>el<< I'm pretty drunk right now. Είμαι στουπί τώρα. Είμαι πολύ μεθυσμένος αυτή τη στιγμή. >>es<< Tom sat down at the kitchen table. Tom se sentó a la mesa de la cocina. Tom se sentó en la mesa de la cocina. >>en<< ¿Cómo tienes pensado llegar a casa? How do you plan to get home? How do you plan on getting home? >>en<< Los chinos son grandes trabajadores. The Chinese are a hard-working people. The Chinese are great workers. >>en<< Tom said he's not going to sing. Tom said that he isn't going to sing. Tom said that he's not going to sing. >>en<< Cada uno tenía un problema con Sami. Everybody had a problem with Sami. Everyone had a problem with Sami. >>el<< You're Canadian, aren't you? Είστε Καναδέζοι· έτσι δεν είναι; Είσαι Καναδός, έτσι δεν είναι; >>fi<< Whose pizza is this? Kenen pizza tämä on? Kenen pizza tämä on? >>es<< The window opened. La ventana se abrió. La ventana se abrió. >>es<< He did it without me knowing. Lo ha hecho sin que yo lo sepa. Lo hizo sin que yo lo supiera. >>en<< Tom no sabe cómo es Mary. Tom doesn't know what Mary is like. Tom doesn't know how Mary is. >>el<< I don't remember inviting you here. Δεν θυμάμαι να σε είχα προσκαλέσει. Δεν θυμάμαι να σε καλώ εδώ. >>es<< There is not enough bread for so many thieves. No hay pan para tanto chorizo. No hay suficiente pan para tantos ladrones. >>es<< Sparta always leaned toward war, Athens, toward politics. Esparta siempre se inclinó a la guerra, Atenas, a la política. Sparta siempre se inclinaba hacia la guerra, Atenas, hacia la política. >>fi<< I have no money. Minulla ei ole rahaa. Minulla ei ole rahaa. >>en<< Esto es culpa mía. This is my fault. This is my fault. >>en<< El Sr. Tanaka sabe tocar bien el piano. Mr. Tanaka can play the piano well. Mr. Tanaka knows how to play the piano. >>en<< Me pregunto qué le habrá hecho cambiar de idea. I wonder what could have made him change his mind. I wonder what made him change his mind. >>es<< How can you be so cynical? ¿Cómo podés ser tan cínico? ¿Cómo puedes ser tan cínico? >>en<< Le dan miedo los gatos. He's afraid of cats. He's scared of cats. >>en<< Tom said he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom said that he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom said that he owes Mary a lot of money. >>en<< Él viajó alrededor del mundo. He traveled around the world. He traveled around the world. >>en<< Who taught Tom to dance? Who taught Tom how to dance? Who taught Tom to dance? >>en<< I know that Tom is a lot smarter than I am. I know Tom is a lot smarter than I am. I know Tom is a lot smarter than I am. >>fi<< My father used to read me bedtime stories when I was a kid. Isäni tapasi lukea minulle iltasatuja, kun olin lapsi. Isäni luki minulle sängyssä tarinoita, kun olin lapsi. >>es<< Είμαι ακόμη ανύπαντρος. Todavía soy soltero. Todavía estoy soltero. >>en<< Ιταλός δεν είναι; Isn't he Italian? He's Italian, isn't he? >>es<< I missed you very much yesterday. Ayer te eché mucho de menos. Te extrañé mucho ayer. >>en<< Ehkä sinun pitäisi rangaista minua Maybe you should punish me. Maybe you should punish me. >>fi<< How many times a month do you write your mother? Monestiko kuukaudessa kirjoitat äidillesi? Montako kertaa kuukaudessa kirjoitat äidillesi? >>en<< I'm sorry I even tried. I'm sorry that I even tried. I'm sorry I even tried. >>en<< Yo vivía en Roma. I lived in Rome. I lived in Rome. >>el<< I married a Canadian. Παντρεύτηκα Καναδή. Παντρεύτηκα έναν Καναδό. >>en<< I know that Tom isn't a very good golfer. I know Tom isn't a very good golfer. I know Tom isn't a very good golfer. >>en<< Madridilaiset ovat outoja. People from Madrid are weird. The Madridians are weird. >>fi<< You're not a woman. Et ole nainen. Et ole nainen. >>es<< Tom is very capable. Tom es muy capaz. Tom es muy capaz. >>fi<< Do you speak English? Osaatteko te englantia? Puhutko englantia? >>fi<< What time do you eat lunch? Monelta syötte lounasta? Mihin aikaan syöt lounasta? >>en<< Busca la palabra en el diccionario. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look for the word in the dictionary. >>es<< Tell them what I told you. Diles lo que yo te dije. Diles lo que te dije. >>es<< He may well get angry with her. Puede que se enoje con ella. Puede enojarse con ella. >>en<< Él arrancó una de sus barbas. He plucked one of his few strands of beard. He started one of his beards. >>en<< Olet aika filosofi. You're quite a philosopher. You're quite a philosopher. >>en<< I don't think Tom would be angry if you did that. I don't think Tom would be mad if you did that. I don't think that Tom would be angry if you did that. >>fi<< "Do you have a pen?" "Yes." "Onko sinulla kynää?" "On." "Onko sinulla kynä?" "Kyllä." >>fi<< As for me, I'm a rather simple person. Minä puolestani olen sangen suoraviivainen henkilö. Minä olen melko yksinkertainen ihminen. >>es<< I saw Christine here yesterday. Ayer vi aquí a Christine. Vi a Christine aquí ayer. >>es<< Yes, it happens sometimes. Sí, sucede a veces. Sí, a veces sucede. >>es<< Have you ever recruited foreign workers? ¿Alguna vez has contratado trabajadores extranjeros? ¿Alguna vez has reclutado trabajadores extranjeros? >>en<< Jos teet itse omat vaatteesi, siitä syntyy säästöä. If you make your own clothes, it will save you money. If you make your own clothes, there'll be savings. >>en<< ¿Qué le pasó a mi puerta? What happened to my door? What happened to my door? >>fi<< We're moving in the right direction. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan. Siirrymme oikeaan suuntaan. >>en<< Tom tietää mitä on oikeasti meneillään. Tom knows what's really going on. Tom knows what's really going on. >>en<< Tiene que haberte sido duro. It must've been tough for you. It must have been hard for you. >>el<< Tom gave Mary a banana. Ο Τομ έδωσε στη Μαίρη μια μπανάνα. Ο Τομ έδωσε στη Μαίρη μια μπανάνα. >>en<< Tom didn't trust anybody and nobody trusted him. Tom didn't trust anyone and no on trusted Tom. Tom didn't trust anyone and nobody trusted him. >>en<< Minusta on ihanaa istuskella rannalla. I love sitting on the beach. I think it's wonderful to sit on the beach. >>fi<< I got shampoo in my eyes and it hurts. Shampoota meni silmiini ja se polttaa. Minulla on shampoo silmissäni ja se sattuu. >>es<< How was I supposed to know? ¿Cómo iba a saberlo? ¿Cómo iba a saberlo? >>fi<< Tom seldom breaks his promise. Tom pettää harvoin lupauksensa. Tom harvoin rikkoo lupaustaan. >>en<< Tenemos que regar las flores. We need to water the flowers. We have to water the flowers. >>es<< You look great in these photos. Luces muy bien en estas fotos. Te ves genial en estas fotos. >>en<< Estoy ladrando como un perro. I am barking like a dog. I'm barking like a dog. >>fi<< The boy dreamed of going on an Antarctic expedition. Poika unelmoi menevänsä Etelänavan tutkimusmatkalle. Poika unelmoi antarktisesta retkestä. >>es<< I have a message for you from your father. Tengo un mensaje de tu padre para ti. Tengo un mensaje para ti de tu padre. >>en<< En Colombia prevalecen las costumbres católicas. In Colombia, Catholic customs prevail. Catholic customs prevail in Colombia. >>es<< Who knows Tom is here? ¿Quién sabe que Tom está aquí? ¿Quién sabe que Tom está aquí? >>el<< I can't reach the top shelf unless I stand on a chair. Δε φτάνω το πάνω ράφι εκτός αν πατήσω σε καρέκλα. Δεν μπορώ να φτάσω στο πάνω ράφι αν δεν στέκομαι στην καρέκλα. >>fi<< My water broke. Minun lapsiveteni poistui. Veteni hajosi. >>en<< You should let Tom know that you need to do that. You should let Tom know you need to do that. You should let Tom know that you need to do that. >>es<< Jack ei tehnyt yhtään virhettä matematiikan kokeessa. Jack no cometió ningún error en el examen de matemática. Jack no cometió ningún error en la prueba de matemáticas. >>es<< I'm not very polite. No soy muy educado. No soy muy amable. >>fi<< I contributed. Minä osallistuin työhön. Minä panin panokseni. >>el<< O Toμ και η Μαίρη βλέπουν τηλεόραση. Ο Τομ και η Μαίρη παρακολουθούν τηλεόραση. O Τομ και η Μαίρη βλέπουν τηλεόραση. >>en<< Hän pesee autoa. She washes the car. He's washing the car. >>fi<< Tom caught a big fish. Tom sai kiinni ison kalan. Tom sai ison kalan. >>el<< I left for London. Έφυγα για Λονδίνο. Έφυγα για το Λονδίνο. >>es<< Tom murdered his own father. Tomás asesinó a su propio padre. Tom asesinó a su propio padre. >>en<< Sami estaba en apuros. Sami was in trouble. Sami was in trouble. >>en<< Minulla on kreikkalaisesta mytologiasta kertova myyntimenestys. I have a bestseller about Greek mythology. I have a sales success on Greek mythology. >>es<< Sun ääni on ihan outo. Mikä on hätänä? Tienes la voz rara, ¿qué ha pasado? Tu voz es muy extraña. ¿Qué pasa? >>en<< Πες μου πού πονάει. Tell me where it hurts. Tell me where it hurts. >>es<< Wrong. Equivocada. Incorrecto. >>fi<< You should study in an efficient manner. Sinun täytyy opiskella tehokkaasti. Sinun pitäisi tutkia tehokkaasti. >>el<< You'll be free. Θα 'σαι ελεύθερη. Θα είσαι ελεύθερος. >>el<< I need a ladder. Χρειάζομαι μια σκάλα. Χρειάζομαι μια σκάλα. >>es<< Do you want us to work late tonight? ¿Quieres que nosotros trabajemos hasta tarde esta noche? ¿Quieres que trabajemos hasta tarde esta noche? >>en<< Meillä on aikaa huomisaamuun asti. We have until tomorrow morning. We have time until tomorrow morning. >>en<< Él pidió una felación. He requested a blow job. He asked for a felation. >>en<< Ella se abandonó al placer. She abandoned herself to pleasure. She abandoned herself to pleasure. >>en<< Ella ha vivido sola desde que murió su esposo. She has lived alone ever since her husband died. She has lived alone since her husband died. >>fi<< The men are all asleep. Kaikki miehet nukkuvat. Miehet nukkuvat. >>en<< Miksi vaivautua korjaamaan sitä? Why bother fixing it? Why bother to fix it? >>es<< I just want to say good luck. Solo quiero decir buena suerte. Sólo quiero decir buena suerte. >>en<< Lato oli tyhjä. The barn was empty. The barn was empty. >>en<< Μισεί το τρέξιμο. She hates running. He hates running. >>en<< Me gustaría que Quim Monzó me firmara el libro, pero me da vergüenza pedírselo. I would like Quim Monzó to sign my book, but I'm embarrassed to ask. I'd like Quim Monzó to sign the book, but I'm ashamed to ask you. >>es<< I think I'm gonna shit myself. Creo que me voy a hacer en los pantalones. Creo que voy a joderme. >>es<< Has the jury reached a verdict? ¿Ha alcanzado un veredicto el jurado? ¿Ha llegado el jurado a un veredicto? >>en<< Tom halusi auttaa Maria tekemään oikein. Tom wanted to help Mary do the right thing. Tom wanted to help Mary do the right thing. >>en<< Tú y yo vamos juntos. You and I are going together. You and I go together. >>en<< I know that Tom is a terrible father. I know Tom is a terrible father. I know Tom is a terrible father. >>fi<< My French is a little rusty. Ranskani on vähän ruosteessa. Ranskalainenni on vähän ruosteinen. >>en<< They told me that they're jealous. They told me they're jealous. They told me that they're jealous. >>en<< Él tiene cuatro móviles. He has four mobile phones. He's got four cell phones. >>en<< Siéntese aquí y caliéntese. Sit down here and warm yourself. Sit here and warm up. >>es<< I suppose you want to ask me where I was yesterday afternoon. Supongo que quieres preguntarme dónde estuve ayer por la tarde. Supongo que quieres preguntarme dónde estuve ayer por la tarde. >>en<< Ole kiltti ja tule tästä kahden viikon päästä. Please come again two weeks from today. Please come here in two weeks. >>es<< I need a place to sit. Necesito un lugar donde sentarme. Necesito un lugar para sentarme. >>fi<< It seems like you don't know what to do. Vaikuttaa siltä, ettet tiedä mitä tehdä. Et taida tietää, mitä tehdä. >>en<< Solo podía esperar a verlo con sus propios ojos. He could only wait to see it with his own eyes. I could only wait to see him with his own eyes. >>en<< Ya desde hace mucho tiempo que Tom no lavaba ropa, así que él buscaba en su ropa sucia para ver si había algo lo suficientemente limpio que pudiera ponerse. Tom hadn't washed clothes in a long time, so he searched through his dirty clothes to see if there was something clean enough to wear. Tom hadn't washed clothes for a long time, so he was looking in his dirty clothes to see if there was anything clean enough to wear. >>fi<< Ella tiene más de veinte años. Hän on yli kaksikymmentävuotias. Hän on yli 20-vuotias. >>en<< I thought I could help you. I thought that I could help you. I thought I could help you. >>el<< Tom liked Mary. Η Μαίρη άρεσε στον Τομ. Ο Τομ συμπαθούσε τη Μαίρη. >>es<< Why am I doing this you ask? Because I can. ¿Que por qué estoy haciendo esto, me preguntas? Porque puedo. ¿Por qué hago esto que me preguntas? >>en<< Είμαι εξαντλημένη. Πάω για ύπνο. I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed. >>es<< Our dog seldom bites. Nuestra perra rara vez muerde. Nuestro perro rara vez morde. >>en<< Mä asuin täällä ennen. I used to live here. I used to live here. >>es<< I don't believe he could do that. No creo que pudiera hacer eso. No creo que pudiera hacer eso. >>fi<< It looks perfect. Se näyttää täydelliseltä. Se näyttää täydelliseltä. >>en<< Sydämeni on ranskalainen, mutta perseeni on kansainvälinen! My heart is French, but my ass is international! My heart is French, but my ass is international! >>es<< I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website. Paso unas pocas horas al día manteniendo mi sitio web. Paso unas horas al día manteniendo mi sitio web. >>en<< Lo acusé de hacer trampa. I accused him of cheating. I accused him of cheating. >>en<< Hemos dado comida a esas familias. We have supplied those families with food. We've given those families food. >>en<< I don't know if Tom and Mary are good at swimming or not. I don't know whether Tom and Mary are good at swimming or not. I don't know if Tom and Mary are good at swimming or not. >>en<< Tom wants all the same things Mary wants. Tom wants all the same things Mary does. Tom wants all the same things Mary wants. >>fi<< Tom is the creator of the popular mobile game "Happy Squirrels." Tomi on suositun, Happy Squirrels -nimisen mobiilipelin kehittäjä. Tom on suosittu mobiilipeli "Happy Squirrels". >>en<< Trae a tu amigo. Bring along your friend. Bring your friend. >>es<< He says he met my father. Él dice que conoció a mi padre. Dice que conoció a mi padre. >>es<< How old were you when you fell in love for the first time? ¿Qué edad tenías cuando te enamoraste por primera vez? ¿Cuántos años tenías cuando te enamoras por primera vez? >>en<< Meidän on lykättävä lähtöämme. We have to postpone our departure. We have to postpone our departure. >>en<< Tom said he didn't think Mary was busy. Tom said that he didn't think Mary was busy. Tom said that he didn't think Mary was busy. >>en<< Päiväkirjan pitäminen on hyvä tapa. Keeping a diary is a good habit. Keeping the diary is a good way. >>en<< Oletko hyvissä väleissä Tomin kanssa? Are you on good terms with Tom? Are you having a good time with Tom? >>fi<< You can trust him to keep his word. Voit luottaa siihen, että hän pitää sanansa. Voit luottaa häneen, että hän pitää sanansa. >>fi<< Blue whales are the largest animals that have ever lived on Earth. Sinivalas on maailman kaikkien aikojen suurin eläinlaji. Siniset valaat ovat suurimmat eläimet, jotka ovat koskaan eläneet Maassa. >>es<< It is a disease that can't be prevented. Es una enfermedad que no puede prevenirse. Es una enfermedad que no se puede prevenir. >>en<< Do you watch television? Do you watch TV? Do you watch television? >>en<< He ihailivat kukkulan laelta upeita maisemia. They admired the fine view from the hill. They admired the beautiful landscapes on the hill. >>es<< He put his room in order. Él ordenó su cuarto. Puso su habitación en orden. >>en<< Anoté su número de teléfono en mi agenda. I took down her telephone number in my notebook. I posted his phone number on my schedule. >>en<< Él realmente me echó la bronca. He really ticked me off. He really threw my bronch. >>en<< I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know anybody named Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. >>el<< You can't have your cake and eat it too. Δύο καρπούζια κάτω από μια μασχάλη δε χωράνε. Δεν μπορείς να φας και την τούρτα σου. >>el<< I like Occitan culture. Ο οξιτανικός πολιτισμός μου αρέσει. Μου αρέσει ο Οκτιτανικός πολιτισμός. >>en<< I awoke before dawn. I woke up before dawn. I awoke before dawn. >>en<< He really gets on my nerves. He really irritates me. He really gets on my nerves. >>en<< Yo no vi nada. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. >>en<< I thought Tom's plan was a good one. I thought that Tom's plan was a good one. I thought that Tom's plan was a good one. >>en<< No he sido el único que lo ha solucionado, pero les daré las gracias en tu nombre. I wasn't the one who fixed it, but I'll pass along your thanks. I haven't been the only one who's solved it, but I'll thank them on your behalf. >>fi<< Show yourself. Näyttäydy. Näytä itsellesi. >>en<< Η νοσοκόμα θα μου κάνει ένεση. The nurse will give me an injection. The nurse will inject me. >>el<< This is a family tradition. Αυτή είναι μια οικογενειακή παράδοση. Αυτή είναι μια οικογενειακή παράδοση. >>es<< Tom and Mary are as different as night and day. Tom y Mary son diferentes como la noche y el día. Tom y María son tan diferentes como la noche y el día. >>es<< Who designed the White House? ¿Quién diseñó la Casa Blanca? ¿Quién diseñó la Casa Blanca? >>en<< Θα τον πάρω. I'll take it. I'll take him. >>en<< I don't think I should've left so early. I don't think that I should've left so early. I don't think I should've left so early. >>es<< He disappeared again. Él volvió a desaparecer. Desapareció de nuevo. >>es<< La ciencia es su religión. La ciencia es su filosofía de vida. La ciencia es su religión. >>en<< Harmi, etten pääse mukaan. It is regrettable that I can't go with you. Too bad I can't go with you. >>es<< What a beautiful picture! ¡Qué foto más bonita! ¡Qué hermosa foto! >>en<< Hei, onko kaikki hyvin? Hey, is everything all right? Hey, are you all right? >>en<< Esta música es de los cuarentas. This music is from the 40s. This music is from the fortieth. >>en<< Το κορίτσι πίνει τσάι τώρα. The girl is drinking tea now. The girl's drinking tea now. >>es<< Even though he has turned twenty, he's still too timid to chat with girls. A pesar de que ya cumplió veinte años, todavía es demasiado tímido para hablar con las chicas. Aunque ha cumplido veinte años, sigue siendo demasiado tímido para hablar con las chicas. >>es<< There is nothing you can do for him. No hay nada que puedas hacer por él. No hay nada que puedas hacer por él. >>en<< El teatro no solía abrir los martes. The theater didn't use to open on Tuesdays. The theater didn't open on Tuesdays. >>fi<< It is not good to borrow money from him. Ei ole hyvä asia lainata häneltä rahaa. Ei ole hyvä lainata häneltä rahaa. >>en<< Estoy seguro de que podemos llegar a un acuerdo. I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I'm sure we can reach an agreement. >>es<< Your room number, please? Su número de habitación, por favor. ¿Su número de habitación, por favor? >>en<< Θα τον βρούμε. We'll find it. We'll find him. >>en<< Kuistilla nukkuu koira. A dog is sleeping on the porch. There's a dog sleeping on the porch. >>fi<< The second lesson is very simple. Toinen oppitunti on erittäin yksinkertainen. Toinen opetus on hyvin yksinkertainen. >>es<< Tom went to the Australian embassy to get a visa. Tom fue a la embajada australiana a conseguir una visa. Tom fue a la embajada australiana para obtener una visa. >>en<< Ακόμη πιστεύετε τον Τομ; Do you still believe Tom? Do you still believe Tom? >>el<< Where have you seen these women? Πού έχετε δει αυτές τις γυναίκες; Πού τις είδες αυτές τις γυναίκες; >>en<< Do you have a hammer I can borrow? Do you have a hammer that I can borrow? Do you have a hammer I can borrow? >>fi<< I've forgotten the name. Olen unohtanut nimen. Unohdin nimen. >>es<< What has he done? ¿Qué ha hecho? ¿Qué ha hecho? >>es<< Ella estaba atemorizada de viajar sola. A ella le daba miedo viajar sola. Ella estaba atemorizada de viajar sola. >>en<< Olen todella huolissani sinusta. I'm very worried about you. I'm really worried about you. >>es<< Tom shared his soup with me. Tomás compartió su sopa conmigo. Tom compartió su sopa conmigo. >>en<< Tässä on mun tyttöystävä. This is my girlfriend. This is my girlfriend. >>el<< I shouldn't be laughing. Δε θα 'πρεπε να γελάω. Δεν θα έπρεπε να γελάω. >>fi<< We played chess. Pelasimme šakkia. Pelasimme shakkia. >>en<< Mary le pidió a Tom que apagase el ordenador y preparase la cena. Mary asked Tom to turn off the computer and prepare dinner. Mary asked Tom to turn off the computer and prepare dinner. >>el<< How big is the company? Πόσο μεγάλη είναι η εταιρία; Πόσο μεγάλη είναι η εταιρεία; >>en<< ¿Lo queréis? Do you want it? Do you want him? >>es<< She has ten children. Ella tiene diez hijos. Tiene diez hijos. >>es<< Mitä sä teet? ¿Qué haces? ¿Qué estás haciendo? >>en<< Tom on liian itsevarma. Tom is overconfident. Tom is too confident. >>en<< Πες τες ότι έρχομαι. Tell them I'm coming. Tell them I'm coming. >>en<< El insecto es chiquito, pero muy peligroso. This insect is tiny, but very dangerous. The insect is small, but very dangerous. >>es<< No matter how angry he was, he would never resort to violence. Sin importar cuan enfadado estuviera, él nunca recurría a la violencia. No importa lo enojado que esté, nunca recurriría a la violencia. >>en<< En realidad yo no estaba interesado. I wasn't really interested. Actually, I wasn't interested. >>es<< I learned a lot this week. Aprendí mucho esta semana. Aprendí mucho esta semana. >>en<< Todo el mundo le quiere. Everybody loves him. Everybody loves him. >>es<< I thought we were going to talk. Pensé que íbamos a hablar. Pensé que íbamos a hablar. >>en<< I know what you could've done. I know what you could have done. I know what you could've done. >>en<< La joven se mantuvo en silencio. The young girl remained silent. The young lady remained silent. >>es<< I have no idea what this is. No tengo ni idea de qué es esto. No tengo ni idea de lo que es esto. >>en<< ¡No me hablen! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! >>es<< Do you know any Finnish tongue-twisters? ¿Conoces algún trabalenguas en finés? ¿Conoces a algún tutor de lengua finlandesa? >>es<< Her grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old. La abuela de ella vivió hasta los 88 años. Su abuela vivió para tener ochenta y ocho años. >>en<< Estoy cantando con mis niños. I am singing with my children. I'm singing with my kids. >>fi<< You scared me. Pelotit minua. Pelästytit minut. >>en<< La ciencia no ha resuelto todos los problemas de la vida. Science has not solved all the problems of life. Science has not solved all the problems of life. >>es<< I speak Lakota. Yo hablo lakota. Habla Lakota. >>es<< I know nothing about Linux. No sé nada sobre Linux. No sé nada de Linux. >>es<< The man you met at the station is my father. El hombre con el que se encontró en la estación es mi padre. El hombre que conociste en la estación es mi padre. >>es<< The doctor told me that I should eat less. El médico me dijo que debería comer menos. El médico me dijo que debía comer menos. >>en<< Ella a menudo iba al teatro cuando estaba en Londres. She would often go to the theater when she was in London. She often went to the theater when she was in London. >>en<< Tom said he thought he'd forgotten something. Tom said he thought that he'd forgotten something. Tom said that he thought he'd forgotten something. >>es<< Who abducted Persephone? ¿Quién raptó a Perséfone? ¿Quién secuestró a Persephone? >>es<< He isn't perfect. No es perfecto. No es perfecto. >>en<< Η Μαίρη είναι χήρα. Mary is a widow. Mary's a widow. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me they'd call you later. Tom and Mary told me that they'd call you later. Tom and Mary told me they'd call you later. >>en<< Ella me enseñó a hacer una página en Internet. She taught me how to make a web site. She taught me to make a page on the Internet. >>en<< No eres una buena persona. Lo sabes, ¿no? You are not a good person. You know that, right? You're not a good person, you know that, right? >>en<< I don't think I can do everything I've been asked to do. I don't think that I can do everything I've been asked to do. I don't think I can do everything I've been asked to do. >>fi<< The more I know him, the more I like him. Mitä paremmin häneen tutustun sitä enemmän pidän hänestä. Mitä enemmän tunnen hänet, sitä enemmän pidän hänestä. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't want to do that alone. I know Tom didn't want to do that alone. I know Tom didn't want to do that alone. >>fi<< Espero que puedas evitar todos los errores estúpidos que los aficionados comúnmente cometen. Toivon, että voit välttää kaikki typerät virheet, joita amatöörit yleensä tekevät. Toivon, että pystyt välttämään kaikki typerät virheet, joita amatöörit yleensä tekevät. >>fi<< You all have two books. Teillä kaikilla on kaksi kirjaa. Teillä kaikilla on kaksi kirjaa. >>en<< Tenemos suerte de que no sea lunes. We're lucky it's not Monday. We're lucky it's not Monday. >>en<< Tom said that he didn't know Mary was going to have to do that on her own. Tom said that he didn't know that Mary was going to have to do that on her own. Tom said that he didn't know Mary was going to have to do that on her own. >>fi<< Pude ayudarla. Pystyin auttamaan häntä. Pystyin auttamaan häntä. >>en<< I don't think Tom knows what I'm planning to do. I don't think Tom knows what I'm planning on doing. I don't think that Tom knows what I'm planning to do. >>en<< Un coche blanco me ha estado siguiendo durante las últimas dos horas. A white car has been tailing me for the last two miles. A white car has been following me for the last two hours. >>fi<< Laughing is really good for you. Nauraminen on erittäin hyväksi. Nauraminen on todella hyvä sinulle. >>en<< Elämä on kuin maraton, jossa lyhyet voitot ja tappiot eivät yksinään ole merkityksellisiä. Life is like a marathon, where short-term gains and losses are not significant in and of themselves. Life is like a marathon where short profits and losses alone are not significant. >>en<< Necesito tu ayuda cada vez más. I need your help more and more. I need your help more and more. >>es<< Everyone's looking for me. Todos me están buscando. Todos me están buscando. >>es<< I was tired of his long talk. Estaba aburrido de su larga cháchara. Estaba cansado de su larga charla. >>fi<< This is my umbrella, not Tom's. Tämä on minun sateenvarjoni, ei Tomin. Tämä on minun sateenvarjoni, ei Tomin. >>fi<< Our teacher will return from abroad in August. Opettajamme palaavat ulkomailta elokuussa. Opettajamme palaa elokuussa ulkomailta. >>es<< Tom asked Mary to open the door. Tom le pidió a María que abra la puerta. Tom pidió a María que abriera la puerta. >>es<< Tom has been to this park with Mary at least a dozen times. Tom ha estado con Mary en este parque al menos doce veces. Tom ha estado en este parque con Mary al menos una docena de veces. >>en<< Tienen que leer esto. You've got to read this. You have to read this. >>en<< I think I'll stay in Australia for another week. I think that I'll stay in Australia for another week. I think I'll stay in Australia for another week. >>es<< Who wears the sunglasses? ¿Quién lleva gafas de sol? ¿Quién usa las gafas de sol? >>fi<< Tom doesn't care who Mary goes out with. Tom ei välitä kenen kanssa Mary seurustelee. Tom ei välitä, kenen kanssa Mary tapailee. >>en<< Usted fue torturada. You were tortured. You were tortured. >>es<< She types well. Ella teclea bien. Ella es un buen tipo. >>es<< Not being tall isn't a disadvantage. No ser alto no es una desventaja. No ser alto no es una desventaja. >>en<< ¿La vas a invitar a ella a la fiesta? Are you going to invite her to the party? Are you going to invite her to the party? >>en<< ¿Cuándo terminaste el trabajo? When did you finish the work? When did you finish the job? >>es<< Do what you believe is right. Haz lo que creas correcto. Haz lo que creas que es correcto. >>en<< Déjame oír tu sincera opinión. Let me hear your frank opinion. Let me hear your honest opinion. >>en<< El pájaro carpintero está alimentando a su pareja. The woodpecker is feeding its mate. The carpenter's feeding his partner. >>es<< No one believed what you said. Nadie creyó lo que dijiste. Nadie creyó lo que dijiste. >>en<< That piece is not in the public domain. That's not a public domain piece. That piece is not in the public domain. >>en<< What is the delay? What's the delay? What is the delay? >>es<< Swim as much as you like. Nadad cuanto queráis. Nadar tanto como quieras. >>en<< I think that book isn't so interesting. I think that that book isn't so interesting. I think that book isn't so interesting. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they'd like to study French. Tom and Mary say that they'd like to study French. Tom and Mary say they'd like to study French. >>en<< Tom le retorció el cuello a la gallina. Tom wrung the chicken's neck. Tom twisted the chicken's neck. >>en<< He obtenido mi licencia este verano. I got my license this summer. I got my license this summer. >>es<< I gave him some helpful advice. Le di algunos consejos útiles. Le di un consejo útil. >>en<< Tule sisälle. Enter. Come in. >>en<< Long time, no see. Long time no see. Long time, no see. >>en<< Είσαι θυμωμένη μαζί μου; Are you angry at me? Are you mad at me? >>el<< My dog is smaller than yours is. Το σκυλί μου είναι μικρότερο απ' το δικό σου. Ο σκύλος μου είναι μικρότερος από τον δικό σου. >>es<< He stands out among the painters of his time. Él destaca entre los pintores de su tiempo. Se destaca entre los pintores de su época. >>es<< Why is that good? ¿Por qué eso es bueno? ¿Por qué es eso bueno? >>en<< Mitä tekisimme ilman heitä? What would we do without them? What would we do without them? >>en<< Indonesian ja Puolan liput ovat samankaltaisia. There are similarities between the Indonesian and Polish flags. The flags of Indonesia and Poland are similar. >>es<< Nothing's been changed. Nada ha cambiado. Nada ha cambiado. >>es<< He can read English easily. Él puede leer inglés fácilmente. Puede leer inglés fácilmente. >>el<< I have to leave now. Πρέπει να φύγω τώρα. Πρέπει να φύγω τώρα. >>fi<< Käytätkö nykyistä teknologiaa? Käytätkö nykyaikaista teknologiaa? Käytätkö nykyistä teknologiaa? >>fi<< Tom will always love you. Tom rakastaa sinua aina. Tom rakastaa sinua aina. >>en<< La temperatura bajó en hartos grados. The temperature fell several degrees. Temperature declined to enough degrees. >>fi<< Tom habló demasiado. Tomi puhui liikaa. Tom puhui liikaa. >>en<< Mi padre tendrá cuarenta pronto. My father will be forty soon. My father will be forty soon. >>en<< Useat tuhannet ihmiset joutuivat ilman kuljetusta onnettomuuden johdosta. Several thousand people were deprived of transportation by the accident. Several thousands of people were left without transport due to an accident. >>fi<< Tom le pasó a María un vaso de vino tinto. Tom ojensi Marylle lasillisen punaviiniä. Tom antoi Marialle lasillisen punaviiniä. >>en<< La vida no es fácil. In life there are ups and downs. Life is not easy. >>es<< Let's talk about Paola. Hablemos de Paula. Hablemos de Paola. >>en<< Tom tenía constancia de ello. Tom knew. Tom had a record of it. >>fi<< I'd say we have a problem. Sanoisin, että meillä on ongelma. Sanoisin, että meillä on ongelma. >>en<< I doubt that Tom can swim. I doubt Tom can swim. I doubt Tom can swim. >>el<< Papá no come mucha fruta. Ο μπαμπάς δεν τρώει πολλά φρούτα. Ο μπαμπάς δεν τρώει πολλά φρούτα. >>en<< Tal vez no seas tan imbécil como das a entender. Maybe you're not as stupid as you sound. Maybe you're not as stupid as you understand. >>fi<< I know where you're going. Tiedän, minne olette matkalla. Tiedän, minne olet menossa. >>en<< Tom said that he didn't think that Mary should've done that. Tom said he didn't think that Mary should've done that. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary should have done that. >>es<< The dog growled at a little boy. El perro le gruñó al niñito. El perro gritó contra un niño. >>en<< Tom realized that doing that wasn't going to be easy. Tom realized doing that wasn't going to be easy. Tom realized that doing that wasn't going to be easy. >>en<< En el ayuntamiento hay muchas oficinas del gobierno municipal. Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall. There are many municipal government offices in the city hall. >>en<< Αυτός ήταν πολύ κουρασμένος. He was very tired. He was very tired. >>el<< Tom has money. Έχει χρήματα ο Τομ. Ο Τομ έχει λεφτά. >>es<< Look carefully, or you will miss Jane's mother. Mira con atención, o no verás a la madre de Jane. Mira atentamente, o extrañarás a la madre de Jane. >>en<< Yumi es buena jugando tenis. Yumi is good at playing tennis. Yumi's a good tennis player. >>en<< Mikä on uuden ystäväsi nimi? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? >>en<< Onko tämä yksi sinun luomuksistasi? Is this one of your creations? Is this one of your creations? >>en<< ¿Cumples diecisiete años el próximo mes? Will you be seventeen next month? You're seventeen next month? >>fi<< It belongs to Tom. Se on Tomin omaisuutta. Se kuuluu Tomille. >>en<< Tom said he might possibly win. Tom said that he might possibly win. Tom said that he might possibly win. >>en<< Hänellä leikkaa hyvin. He is intelligent. He's doing a good cut. >>el<< "What will he order at the restaurant?" "I think some sushi." Τι σκοπεύει να παραγγείλει στο εστιατόριο; Εγώ σκεφτόμουν κάτι σε σούσι. "Τι θα παραγγείλει στο εστιατόριο;" "Νομίζω λίγο σούσι." >>es<< People who drink alcoholic beverages are not allowed to enter. Está prohibida la entrada a personas que consuman bebidas alcohólicas. Las personas que beben bebidas alcohólicas no pueden entrar. >>es<< You drank too much. Tomaron demasiado. Bebiste demasiado. >>en<< Είσαι απρόβλεπτη. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable. >>fi<< Tom and Mary watched a documentary about squirrels. Tomi ja Mari katsoivat oravista kertovan dokumentin. Tomi ja Mary katsoivat oravista dokumenttia. >>fi<< Just stand there. Seiso vain siellä. Seiso siinä. >>en<< ¿Qué número calza usted? What size shoes do you wear? What number are you wearing? >>fi<< She resolved to work as a volunteer. Hän paneutui työhön vapaaehtoisena. Hän päätti työskennellä vapaaehtoisena. >>en<< Los pasajeros también tienen que ponerse el cinturón. Passengers also have to put their seatbelts on. Passengers also have to put on the belt. >>en<< ¿Voy por el camino correcto? Am I on the right road? Am I going the right way? >>es<< Complete the questionnaire. Rellene el cuestionario. Completar el cuestionario. >>en<< Soy uno de sus alumnos. I'm one of your students. I'm one of his students. >>en<< Mikä sinun nimesi on, poikaseni? What's your name, son? What's your name, son? >>fi<< You need to be more patient. Sinun täytyy olla kärsivällisempi. Sinun täytyy olla kärsivällisempi. >>fi<< He achieved his aim at last. Hän saavutti tavoitteensa vihdoinkin. Hän saavutti vihdoin tavoitteensa. >>fi<< Call security! Soita turvallisuuteen! Soita turvamiehelle! >>en<< Hiukset ja järki eivät viihdy samassa päässä. Hair and nous don't fit in one head. Hair and sense don't like it in the same head. >>en<< Nadie debe abandonar a sus amigos. No one should desert his friends. No one should abandon his friends. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that Mary was at school. Tom said he thought that Mary was at school. Tom said that he thought that Mary was at school. >>fi<< I forgot my password. Unohdin salasanani. Unohdin salasanani. >>es<< Tom isn't much of a drinker. Tom no toma mucho. Tom no es muy bebedor. >>en<< I know that's my ticket. I know that that's my ticket. I know that's my ticket. >>en<< Así que estamos ahorrando para comprarlos. So we are saving up in order to buy them. So we're saving to buy them. >>en<< Lo agradecería. I'd appreciate it. I'd appreciate it. >>en<< I know that Tom used to be a cattle rancher. I know Tom used to be a cattle rancher. I know Tom used to be a cattle rancher. >>en<< ¿Por qué no tengo novio? Why don't I have a boyfriend? Why don't I have a boyfriend? >>es<< If you keep spending money like that, you'll be broke before you know it. Si sigues gastando dinero así te vas a quedar sin blanca sin darte cuenta. Si sigues gastando dinero así, estarás roto antes de que lo sepas. >>en<< No conozco a esta mujer. I don't know this woman. I don't know this woman. >>fi<< Did you say something? Sanoitko sinä jotain? Sanoitko jotain? >>en<< La tierra es demasiado pequeña. The Earth is too small. The land is too small. >>en<< Deberían ser un poco más tolerantes. You should be a little more tolerant. They should be a little more tolerant. >>fi<< She likes him. Hän tykkää hänestä. Hän pitää hänestä. >>es<< I am going to introduce you to my family. Te voy a presentar a mi familia. Voy a presentarte a mi familia. >>en<< I should've seen this coming. I should have seen this coming. I should've seen this coming. >>en<< Tom thought we'd all die together. Tom thought that we'd all die together. Tom thought that we'd all die together. >>fi<< Cats and dogs are animals. Kissat ja koirat ovat eläimiä. Kissat ja koirat ovat eläimiä. >>en<< Jos se on myyty loppuun, niin unohda se. If it's sold out, then just forget it. If it's sold out, forget it. >>fi<< Soy el último que lo vio. Olen viimeinen, joka näki hänet. Olen viimeinen, joka näki hänet. >>es<< We won't let you down. No te decepcionaremos. No te decepcionaremos. >>en<< I didn't hurt anybody. I didn't hurt anyone. I didn't hurt anybody. >>es<< Is there a bus stop nearby? ¿Hay alguna parada de autobús cerca de aquí? ¿Hay una parada de autobús cerca? >>es<< He wet the towel with water. Mojó la toalla con agua. Se mojó la toalla con agua. >>en<< Πείτε τους γιατί δεν μπορείτε να πάτε. Tell them why you can't go. Tell them why you can't go. >>en<< ¿Terminaste de leer la novela? Have you finished reading the novel? You finished reading the novel? >>en<< Onnellista uuttavuotta! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! >>es<< Tom is too good for Mary. Tom es demasiado bueno para María. Tom es demasiado bueno para María. >>en<< Μόνοι οι συνειδητοί μαθητές ήρθαν στη διάλεξη. Only the conscientious students came to the lecture. Only the conscious students came to the lecture. >>en<< Tom on kiusannut minua kuukausien ajan. Tom has been bullying me for months. Tom has been bullying me for months. >>en<< Cierra la puerta, por favor. Close the door please. Close the door, please. >>en<< Hänellä on rintasyöpä. She has breast cancer. He's got breast cancer. >>en<< Tom cayó y se hizo daño. Tom fell down and hurt himself. Tom fell and got hurt. >>en<< I think Tom is likely to be there tonight. I think Tom will likely be there tonight. I think that Tom is likely to be there tonight. >>en<< La audiencia aplaudió cuando el concierto había terminado. The audience clapped when the concert was over. The audience applauded when the concert was over. >>en<< Voy a la playa. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. >>es<< My father likes pizza very much. A mi padre le gusta mucho la pizza. A mi padre le gusta mucho la pizza. >>en<< ¡Esto no funciona! This doesn't work! This isn't working! >>en<< Estoy en contra del matrimonio. I'm against the marriage. I'm against marriage. >>es<< I don't want you to tell anyone. No quiero que se lo digas a nadie. No quiero que se lo digas a nadie. >>es<< He has never played golf. Él nunca ha jugado a golf. Nunca ha jugado golf. >>es<< I asked twenty friends to the party. Invité a veinte amigos a la fiesta. Le pregunté a veinte amigos a la fiesta. >>en<< Syö vain ihan vapaasti, mitä jääkaapista löytyy. Please feel free to eat anything in the fridge. Just eat freely what's in the fridge. >>en<< Vakuutut pian siitä, että olen oikeassa. You will soon be convinced I am right. You'll be sure I'm right soon. >>es<< I got what I needed. Conseguí lo que necesitaba. Tengo lo que necesitaba. >>en<< Visité muchas partes de Inglaterra. I visited many parts of England. I visited many parts of England. >>el<< We need to sort things out. Πρέπει να διευθετήσουμε τα πράγματα. Πρέπει να ξεκαθαρίσουμε τα πράγματα. >>en<< Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn't do that again. Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that again. Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that again. >>es<< Tom was starving to death. Tom se estaba muriendo de hambre. Tom estaba muriendo de hambre. >>es<< She hated vanilla. Ella odiaba la vainilla. Odiaba a la vainilla. >>en<< I know Tom knows that he's not supposed to do that. I know Tom knows that he isn't supposed to do that. I know Tom knows that he's not supposed to do that. >>en<< Tämä tarkoittaa nollaa. This means nil. This means zero. >>es<< I know that it is highly unlikely that anyone would be willing to help me. Sé que es muy poco probable que alguien esté dispuesto a ayudarme. Sé que es muy poco probable que alguien esté dispuesto a ayudarme. >>en<< Tomin alibi on vahvistettu. Tom's alibi has been corroborated. Tom's alibi has been confirmed. >>el<< Δε θα πάμε βόλτα, αν έχει κακό καιρό. Δε θα πάμε βόλτα, αν ο καιρός είναι κακός. Δε θα πάμε βόλτα, αν έχει κακό καιρό. >>es<< My father likes his job. A mi padre le gusta su trabajo. A mi padre le gusta su trabajo. >>es<< Tom knows a good Chinese restaurant not too far from his office. Tom conoce un buen restaurante chino no muy lejos de su oficina. Tom conoce un buen restaurante chino no muy lejos de su oficina. >>es<< I learned about Greek culture. Aprendí sobre la cultura griega. Aprendí sobre la cultura griega. >>en<< Tom no irá a menos que Mary vaya con él. Tom won't go unless Mary goes with him. Tom won't go unless Mary goes with him. >>en<< I needed to know that you were OK. I needed to know you were OK. I needed to know that you were OK. >>en<< I wasn't surprised that Tom didn't have to do that. I wasn't surprised Tom didn't have to do that. I wasn't surprised Tom didn't have to do that. >>en<< Είστε φιλόδοξες. You're ambitious. You're ambitious. >>en<< ¡No me digas cómo tengo que hacer mi trabajo! Don't tell me how to do my job! Don't tell me how I have to do my job! >>fi<< I'll be back on Monday. Palaan maanantaina. Palaan maanantaina. >>en<< Tom le dijo a Mary todo lo que sabía sobre el asunto. Tom has told Mary all he knows about the matter. Tom told Mary everything he knew about the matter. >>es<< How much does he spend per month? ¿Cuánto gasta al mes? ¿Cuánto gasta por mes? >>fi<< The party walked down the mountain. Ryhmä käveli alas vuorta. Juhlat kävelivät vuorelle. >>en<< Tengo lo que quiero. I have what I want. I got what I want. >>el<< This is a sentence. Αυτή είναι μια πρόταση. Αυτή είναι μια πρόταση. >>en<< No podría haberlo expresado mejor. I couldn't have expressed it better. I couldn't have expressed it better. >>en<< Oh, por supuesto, estudié inglés en la escuela. Pero no fue hasta hace un par de años o tres que realmente empecé a tomármelo en serio. Oh, sure, I studied English in my school days. But it wasn't until two or three years ago that I really started taking it seriously. Oh, of course, I studied English at school, but it wasn't until a couple of years or three ago that I really started taking it seriously. >>es<< He is better today than yesterday. Hoy está mejor que ayer. Hoy es mejor que ayer. >>en<< Tom said that Mary knew John might need to do that. Tom said that Mary knew that John might need to do that. Tom said that Mary knew John might need to do that. >>es<< What are you thinking of? ¿En qué estás pensando? ¿En qué estás pensando? >>es<< You can go. Puedes irte. Puedes irte. >>es<< How are you doing? I haven't seen you for an age! ¿Cómo te va? ¡Cuánto tiempo sin verte! ¡No te he visto desde hace una edad! >>en<< Desconozco esta parte de la ciudad. This part of the city is strange to me. I don't know this part of the city. >>en<< ¿Por qué me quieres? Why do you love me? Why do you love me? >>es<< Nothing can stop you. Nada puede detenerte. Nada puede detenerte. >>en<< Yo como y leo al mismo tiempo. I eat and read at the same time. I eat and read at the same time. >>es<< Short hair really suits her. El cabello corto le viene muy bien. El pelo corto le queda bien. >>en<< Quería hacer lo correcto. I wanted to do the right thing. I wanted to do the right thing. >>es<< Can you cook an omelette? ¿Puedes cocinar un omelet? ¿Puedes cocinar una tortilla? >>en<< Δεν παίξαμε καλά. We didn't play well. We didn't play well. >>en<< Este joven llegará lejos en esta profesión. That young man is going to go far in this profession. This young man will come far in this profession. >>en<< Tom said that he thought we might have a problem. Tom said that he thought that we might have a problem. Tom said that he thought we might have a problem. >>en<< I didn't know that you were sick, so I didn't visit you in the hospital. I didn't know you were sick, so I didn't visit you in the hospital. I didn't know that you were sick, so I didn't visit you in the hospital. >>en<< Σύντομα θα 'ναι έτοιμο. It'll be ready soon. It'll be ready soon. >>en<< Do you believe that there's a possibility that Tom will do that? Do you believe that there's a possibility Tom will do that? Do you believe that there's a possibility that Tom will do that? >>en<< Syökää! Eat! Eat! Eat! >>el<< Tom has a soft voice. Ο Τομ έχει απαλή φωνή. Ο Τομ έχει απαλή φωνή. >>es<< Leave! ¡Fuera de aquí! ¡Fuera! >>en<< Mañana nuestro profesor vuelve a Inglaterra. Tomorrow our professor is going back to England. Tomorrow our teacher returns to England. >>fi<< I don't have any sisters. Minulla ei ole siskoja. Minulla ei ole sisaria. >>en<< Hemos de decir la verdad. We have to tell the truth. We have to tell the truth. >>en<< Estaba lloviendo cuando nos fuimos, pero para cuando llegamos estaba soleado. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived it was sunny. >>fi<< We weren't involved in that. Emme ottaneet osaa siihen. Emme olleet mukana siinä. >>fi<< It's become dark. Would you turn on the light? On tullut pimeä. Voisitko laittaa valot päälle? Voisitteko sytyttää valon? >>en<< Tom ei ollut koskaan aikaisemmin nähnyt Maryä hiukset alhaalla. Tom had never before seen Mary with her hair down. Tom had never seen Mary's hair down before. >>fi<< By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. Antamalla meidän tietoomme oppimattomien mielipiteitä journalismi pitää meidät yhteydessä yhteisön tietämättömyyteen. Annamalla meille kouluttamattoman mielipiteet, journalismi pitää meidät yhteydessä yhteisön tietämättömyyteen. >>en<< Mis dos padres fallecieron. Both of my parents have passed away. My two parents died. >>es<< Please wake me up at six tomorrow. Por favor, mañana despiértame a las seis. Por favor, despiertame mañana a las seis. >>el<< Tom asked Mary not to go alone. Ο Τομ ζήτησε από την Μαίρη να μην πάει μόνη της. Ο Τομ ζήτησε από τη Μαίρη να μην πάει μόνη της. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary was frustrated. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was frustrated. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was frustrated. >>en<< Quiere hablar con usted. He wants to talk to you. He wants to talk to you. >>es<< There's nothing good on television. No dan nada bueno por la tele. No hay nada bueno en la televisión. >>en<< Lo primero que tienes que hacer es darte un baño. The first thing you have to do is take a bath. The first thing you have to do is give you a bath. >>en<< Tengo que ayudar a mamá. I have to help my mother. I have to help Mom. >>en<< Sé que no sé. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. >>es<< I like Japanese food. Me gusta la comida japonesa. Me gusta la comida japonesa. >>en<< Tom no me prestará el dinero que necesito. Tom won't lend me the money I need. Tom won't lend me the money I need. >>en<< Tom tietää minusta kaiken. Tom knows all about me. Tom knows everything about me. >>es<< She talked childishly. Ella habló de manera infantil. Ella habló infantilmente. >>fi<< A Thomas le gusta Anna, pero a Anna no le gusta Thomas. Thomas pitää Annasta mutta Anna ei pidä Thomasista. Thomas pitää Annasta, mutta Anna ei pidä Thomasista. >>en<< Toivon sinun voivan tulla näihin juhliin. I hope you will be able to come to this party. I hope you can come to this party. >>en<< Tiene buena pinta. It looks appetizing. It looks good. >>en<< I thought Tom was good. I thought that Tom was good. I thought that Tom was good. >>en<< Tom said that he thought I was dead. Tom said that he thought that I was dead. Tom said that he thought I was dead. >>es<< The new government has financial troubles. El nuevo gobierno tiene problemas financieros. El nuevo gobierno tiene problemas financieros. >>en<< Πείτε τες τη θεωρία σας. Tell them your theory. Tell them your theory. >>es<< I already read all the Harry Potter books. Ya he leído todos los libros de Harry Potter. Ya leí todos los libros de Harry Potter. >>el<< Don't pull another rope. Μην τραβάς άλλο το σκοινί. Μην τραβήξεις άλλο σκοινί. >>es<< Tom watches at least one movie a day. Tom mira al menos una película al día. Tom ve al menos una película al día. >>en<< Käske heidän aloittaa. Tell them to start. Tell them to start. >>en<< I'm only a man. I am only a man. I'm only a man. >>en<< Puhelin se vaan on mahtava laite. The telephone is one wonderful device. The phone's just a great device. >>es<< The girl wanted to, but could not, tell him the truth. La chica quería, pero no podía, decirle la verdad. La chica quería, pero no podía, decirle la verdad. >>es<< I thought you said you lived in Boston. Creía que habías dicho que vivías en Boston. Pensé que dijiste que vivías en Boston. >>en<< ¿Tienen un menú especial para vegetarianos? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? Do you have a special menu for vegetarians? >>es<< I don't want spaghetti again tonight. No quiero espagueti otra vez esta noche. No quiero espaguetis de nuevo esta noche. >>en<< I have loved you since I first met you. I've loved you since I first met you. I have loved you since I first met you. >>en<< Tom no le dijo a nadie que había comprado un anillo de diamantes para Mary. Tom didn't tell anyone that he'd bought a diamond ring for Mary. Tom didn't tell anyone that he had bought a diamond ring for Mary. >>en<< Es muy bueno. It's very good. It's very good. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary was better at French than he was. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was better at French than he was. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was better at French than he was. >>es<< One man's trash is another man's treasure. La basura de un hombre es el tesoro de otro. La basura de un hombre es el tesoro de otro hombre. >>es<< Don't eat hard foods. No coma cosas duras, por favor. No comas comida dura. >>en<< Él es un mentiroso. He's a liar. He's a liar. >>fi<< Why are you doing this? Miksi te teette näin? Miksi teet tämän? >>es<< Which is your bag? ¿Cuál es tu bolso? ¿Cuál es tu bolso? >>es<< I'm starved. Estoy muerto de hambre. Me muero de hambre. >>en<< Tom said Mary knew he might be required to do that. Tom said that Mary knew he might be required to do that. Tom said that Mary knew that he might be required to do that. >>en<< ¿Por qué estás loco por mi? Why are you mad at me? Why are you crazy about me? >>es<< Thank you very, very much! ¡Muchísimas gracias! ¡Muchas gracias! >>en<< El niño de escondió tras la puerta. The boy hid behind the door. The boy hid behind the door. >>el<< Everyone gossips. Όλοι κουτσομπολεύουν. Όλοι κουτσομπολεύουν. >>en<< I hope that Tom doesn't cause a scene again. I hope Tom doesn't cause a scene again. I hope Tom doesn't cause a scene again. >>en<< Tämä linna on kaunis. This castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. >>fi<< Is that really what you think? Tuotako ajattelet? Niinkö sinä oikeasti luulet? >>fi<< What an exciting time to be alive. Tämä on kyllä jännää aikaa olla elossa. Mikä jännittävä hetki olla elossa. >>en<< Él no se irá por mucho tiempo. He won't be gone long. He won't leave for long. >>en<< Rämenainen on sukua haltijaneidoille, jotka ovat tunnettuja, sillä heistä lauletaan lauluja ja maalataan kuvia. The Marsh Woman is related to the elf maidens, who are well-known, for songs are sung and pictures painted about them. Ramenainen is a relative to the women who are known, because they sing songs and paint pictures. >>fi<< If you make your own clothes, it will save you money. Jos teet vaatteet omin käsin, säästät rahaa. Jos teet omat vaatteesi, se säästää sinulle rahaa. >>es<< I think that Tom is kind. Creo que Tom es amable. Creo que Tom es amable. >>es<< At times the train doesn't arrive on time. A veces no llega el tren a tiempo. A veces el tren no llega a tiempo. >>el<< Tom will stay in Boston with us next week. Ο Τομ θα μείνει με μας στη Βοστόνη απ' την επόμενη βδομάδα. Ο Τομ θα μείνει στη Βοστώνη μαζί μας την επόμενη εβδομάδα. >>fi<< 'Philosophy' is a Greek word that means the love of wisdom. Filosofia on viisauden rakastamista tarkoittava kreikan sana. 'Philosofia' on kreikkalainen sana, joka tarkoittaa viisauden rakkautta. >>fi<< You'll never know unless you try. Yrittämättä ei saa ikinä tietää. Et saa tietää, ellet yritä. >>es<< Put aside those fears. Deseche usted esos temores. Dejar a un lado esos miedos. >>en<< Lleva ropa abrigada. Wear warm clothes. He's wearing warm clothes. >>en<< Él me preguntó dónde vivía mi tío. He asked me where my uncle lived. He asked me where my uncle lived. >>el<< The dog fell asleep on top of the blanket. Ο σκύλος αποκοιμήθηκε πάνω στη κουβέρτα. Ο σκύλος κοιμήθηκε πάνω από την κουβέρτα. >>en<< Nadie vino salvo Mary. No one came except Mary. No one came but Mary. >>el<< Mr. Jackson teaches us French. Ο κύριος Τζάκσον μας διδάσκει Γαλλικά. Ο κ. Τζάκσον μας διδάσκει γαλλικά. >>en<< I think Tom would be sensible about that. I think that Tom would be sensible about that. I think that Tom would be sensible about that. >>es<< Tom is really good at math. Tom es realmente bueno en matemáticas. Tom es muy bueno en matemáticas. >>en<< No romperá nunca su promesa. He will never break his promise. He'll never break his promise. >>en<< Estaba en el extranjero por aquel entonces. I was overseas at the time. I was abroad at the time. >>en<< Este es mi diccionario. This is my dictionary. This is my dictionary. >>es<< I didn't have any problems. No tuve ningún problema. No tuve ningún problema. >>en<< La piel de los animales está cubierta de pelo. The skin of animals is covered with hair. The skin of the animals is covered with hair. >>en<< No sé por qué vinimos aquí. I don't know why we came here. I don't know why we came here. >>en<< Rakastaminen on niin ihanaa. To love someone is so wonderful. Love is so wonderful. >>fi<< Tom tried to revive Mary. Tomi yritti elvyttää Maria. Tom yritti elvyttää Maryn. >>en<< Saco mi perro a pasear, llueva o haga buen tiempo. I take my dog for a walk, rain or shine. I take my dog out for a walk, rain, or make a good time. >>en<< Jotta asiat olisivat vielä entistäkin vaikeampia, hän ei ole edes tietoinen siitä, että hän ärsyttää naapureitaan. To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying his neighbors. To make things even more difficult, he is not even aware that he irritates his neighbors. >>en<< Tom is screaming at somebody in his office. Tom is screaming at someone in his office. Tom is screaming at someone in his office. >>fi<< Tom sat by the window. Tom istui ikkunan ääressä. Tom istui ikkunan vieressä. >>en<< Englanti on tämänpäivän maailmassa erittäin tärkeä kieli. English is a very important language in today's world. England is a very important language in today's world. >>en<< ¿Me ayudas a buscar mis llaves? Would you help me look for my keys? Can you help me find my keys? >>es<< The ice has melted. El hielo se ha derretido. El hielo se ha derretido. >>fi<< Are you seriously thinking about going? Harkitsetteko te vakavissanne menemistä? Oletko tosissasi ajatellut lähteä? >>es<< Take as much as you like. Toma cuanto quieras. Toma lo que quieras. >>en<< El lenguaje profano usado en las redes de televisión hace que muchos padres con niños pequeños no quieran suscribir cable. The profane language used on network television makes many parents with young children not want to subscribe to cable. The profane language used in television networks makes many parents with young children do not want to subscribe to cable. >>en<< Tom said Mary could do that. Tom said that Mary could do that. Tom said that Mary could do that. >>es<< The infinite! No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man. El infinito! Ninguna otra cuestión nunca ha impresionado tan profundamente el espíritu del hombre. ¡El infinito! Ninguna otra pregunta ha movido tan profundamente el espíritu del hombre. >>fi<< El presidente de Francia visitará Japón el mes que viene. Ranskan presidentti vierailee Japanissa ensi kuussa. Ranskan presidentti vierailee Japanissa ensi kuussa. >>fi<< Can I offer you some advice? Voinko tarjota sinulle neuvoa? Voinko tarjota neuvoja? >>es<< They lived in peace. Ellos vivieron en paz. Vivían en paz. >>en<< ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? Do you want milk and sugar? >>es<< Does Tom have a cat? ¿Tom tiene un gato? ¿Tom tiene un gato? >>en<< Tom hasn't yet told us what he needs to do. Tom hasn't told us what he needs to do yet. Tom hasn't told us what he needs to do yet. >>es<< There is an urgent need for social change. Se requiere con urgencia un cambio social. Hay una necesidad urgente de cambio social. >>en<< El padre pedía venganza contra el hombre que desfloró a su hija. The father asked for revenge against the man who deflowered his daughter. The father demanded revenge against the man who defiled his daughter. >>en<< She's always finding fault with me. She is always finding fault with me. She's always finding fault with me. >>en<< Minä myös. Me too. Me too. >>en<< Una vez, Cristóbal Colón descubrió un barco lleno de marineros difuntos... y educadamente, los ignoró. Christopher Columbus once discovered an entire ship of deceased sailors... and politely ignored it. Once, Christopher Columbus discovered a ship full of deceased sailors... and politely ignored them. >>en<< Tom oli Maryn lapsipuoli. Tom was Mary's stepchild. Tom was Mary's daughter-in-law. >>en<< Anna minulle aseesi. Give me your weapons. Give me your gun. >>fi<< Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Anna kun esittelen sinut herra Brownille. Esittelen teidät herra Brownille. >>en<< Este camino lleva a la estación. This road leads to the station. This road leads to the station. >>es<< Look, my dog is not as dirty as yours. Mira, mi perro no está tan sucio como el tuyo. Mira, mi perro no es tan sucio como el tuyo. >>en<< Ojalá hubiera aprendido esto en el colegio. I wish I had learned this in school. I wish I'd learned this at school. >>en<< Es entretenido jugar al fútbol después de clases. It is fun playing football after school. It's fun to play football after class. >>es<< Was the cliffhanger a downer or did it whet your appetite for more? ¿Fue el suspense desalentador o te abrió el apetito para más? ¿El acantilado fue un acantilado o te hizo sentir más apetito? >>en<< Miten ranskantunti sujui? How was the French class? How was the French hour? >>en<< Törmäsin ystävääni. I ran into my friend. I met my friend. >>en<< Sami aún está en el cuarto. Sami is still in the room. Sami's still in the room. >>en<< Te olette kadottaneet teidän marmorikuulanne. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your marble gum. >>es<< Do you want to go to the movies? ¿Queréis ir al cine? ¿Quieres ir al cine? >>en<< No la quiero ver nunca más. I never want to see her again. I don't want to see her anymore. >>es<< Don't waste your money. No malgastes tu dinero. No pierdas tu dinero. >>en<< Tapasin sattumalta entisen tyttöystäväni Portugalissa. By chance I met my ex-girlfriend in Portugal. I accidentally met my ex-girlfriend in Portugal. >>en<< La soga no era lo suficientemente fuerte para soportarlo. The rope wasn't strong enough to support him. The rope wasn't strong enough to stand it. >>en<< Tom jamás fue el mismo después de eso. Tom was never the same after that. Tom was never the same after that. >>fi<< The plants suffered damage from the frost. Pakkanen vahingoitti kasveja. Kasveja vahingoitettiin jäätelöstä. >>en<< Soy un gato. Aún no tengo nombre. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I'm a cat, I haven't got a name yet. >>es<< I filled a vase with water. Le puse agua al florero. Llené un jarrón con agua. >>es<< I was awake most of last night. Estuve despierto la mayor parte de la noche pasada. Estuve despierto la mayor parte de anoche. >>en<< I don't think Tom likes it. I don't think that Tom likes it. I don't think that Tom likes it. >>es<< I am so tired that I can't study. Estoy tan cansado que no puedo estudiar. Estoy tan cansado que no puedo estudiar. >>el<< No serious injuries have been reported. Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί σοβαροί τραυματισμοί. Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί σοβαρές βλάβες. >>es<< I think we're ready to go there. Creo que estamos listos para ir allí. Creo que estamos listos para ir allí. >>es<< Tom seems to have disappeared. Parece que Tom ha desaparecido. Tom parece haber desaparecido. >>es<< And you, how are you? Y vosotros, ¿cómo estáis? Y tú, ¿cómo estás? >>en<< Näytät ihan friikiltä. You look like a freak. You look like a freak. >>en<< Tom said he thought I didn't look like I was enjoying myself. Tom said he thought that I didn't look like I was enjoying myself. Tom said that he thought that I didn't look like I was enjoying myself. >>es<< Hänelle annettiin hienoin koulutus, mitä rahalla voi saada. Él recibió la mejor educación que él dinero puede comprar. Le dieron la mejor educación que se puede obtener con el dinero. >>fi<< Follaron toda la noche. Ne nussi koko yön. He naivat koko yön. >>es<< Tom wants to be admired. Tom quiere ser admirado. Tom quiere ser admirado. >>en<< ¿Por qué estáis cabreadas conmigo? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? >>en<< Tom ei tiennyt, mistä Mari puhui. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what Mari was talking about. >>en<< I handed the letter to Tom. I handed Tom the letter. I handed the letter to Tom. >>en<< It's no secret that Tom doesn't like you. It's no secret Tom doesn't like you. It's no secret that Tom doesn't like you. >>en<< Tomi on minun poikani. Tom is my son. Tom is my son. >>en<< Se peruutettiin. It was canceled. It was cancelled. >>en<< Tengo que dejar de fumar. I have to quit smoking. I have to stop smoking. >>fi<< Do you like French wine? Pidätkö ranskalaisesta viinistä? Pidätkö ranskalaisesta viinistä? >>en<< Näytät todella komealta. You look very handsome. You look really handsome. >>en<< Soitan matkapuhelimesta. I'm calling from a cell phone. I'm calling from the cell phone. >>en<< Él gritó "¡fuera!". He shouted, "Get out!" He shouted "out!" >>es<< She will cope with all the work. Ella se hará cargo de todo el trabajo. Ella se encargará de todo el trabajo. >>fi<< It's raining cats and dogs. Sataa kuin Esterin perseestä. Se sataa kissoja ja koiria. >>en<< Se le cayó la salchicha al suelo. He dropped the sausage on the ground. He dropped his sausage on the ground. >>en<< Δεν είναι ακριβό. It isn't expensive. It's not expensive. >>es<< Vaikuttaa siltä, että Jane nauttii juhlista. Parece que Jane está disfrutando de la fiesta. Parece que a Jane le gusta la fiesta. >>es<< Little girls in general are fond of dolls. A las niñas pequeñas en general les gustan las muñecas. A las niñas en general les gustan las muñecas. >>es<< Wealthy older men often marry younger trophy wives. Hombres ricos suelen casarse con jóvenes mujeres trofeo. Los hombres mayores ricos a menudo se casan con esposas de trofeos más jóvenes. >>es<< How did you get in my house? ¿Cómo te metiste en mi casa? ¿Cómo entraste en mi casa? >>es<< I'd do anything for you. Haría cualquier cosa por ustedes. Haría cualquier cosa por ti. >>fi<< A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar. Ihminen ei ole ikinä totuudenmukaisempi kuin silloin kun hän myöntää olevansa valehtelija. Mies ei koskaan ole rehellisempi kuin kun hän tunnustaa itsensä valehtelijaksi. >>en<< Cayeron en la cuenta de que debían hacerlo. They realized that they should do that. They fell into the account that they had to. >>es<< Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom guardó algunas cosas en mi casa. Tom escondió algunas cosas en mi casa. >>en<< Minun täytyi tehdä ylitöitä eilen. I had to work overtime yesterday. I had to work overtime last night. >>en<< I thought Tom had already gone home. I thought that Tom had already gone home. I thought that Tom had already gone home. >>en<< Puede ser caro. It can be expensive. It can be expensive. >>en<< I don't think I know the man who's playing the drums. I don't think that I know the man who's playing the drums. I don't think I know the man who's playing the drums. >>en<< La distancia fue más grande que yo esperé. The gap was bigger than I expected. The distance was bigger than I expected. >>es<< With the travel voucher, trips are cheaper and I can make free transfers. Con el bono de transporte los viajes me salen más baratos y puedo hacer transbordo gratis. Con el vale de viaje, los viajes son más baratos y puedo hacer transferencias gratuitas. >>en<< He riitelevät paljon. They argue a lot. They fight a lot. >>el<< I don't wanna go back. Δε θέλω να γυρίσω πίσω. Δεν θέλω να γυρίσω πίσω. >>fi<< Let me know when you find out what it is. Anna minun tietää, kun keksit mikä se on. Kerro, kun saat selville, mikä se on. >>en<< Llegó a casa sano y salvo. He came home safe. He came home safe and safe. >>en<< Y la gente venía constantemente a ser bautizada. And people were constantly coming to be baptized. And people were constantly coming to be baptized. >>el<< We were totally exhausted from the five-hour trip. Ήμασταν εντελώς εξαντλημένοι από τις πέντε ώρες ταξίδι. Είχαμε εξαντληθεί εντελώς από το ταξίδι των πέντε ωρών. >>en<< Tom rakastaa lapsia. Tom loves kids. Tom loves children. >>en<< Tom is still sleeping on the couch. Tom is still sleeping on the sofa. Tom is still sleeping on the couch. >>en<< Nukukko sää? Are you asleep? Is the weather asleep? >>fi<< When I started school I had a teacher who took a sympathetic and open minded approach. Kun aloitin koulun, minulla oli opettaja, jolla oli myötämielinen ja avoin asenne. Kun aloitin koulun, minulla oli opettaja, joka suhtautui myötätuntoisesti ja avoimesti. >>fi<< Tom is a good team player. Tom on hyvä joukkuepelaaja. Tom on hyvä joukkuepelaaja. >>en<< Tom said he'd be thirteen next month. Tom said that he'd be thirteen next month. Tom said that he'd be thirteen next month. >>es<< What time does it start? ¿A qué horas empieza? ¿A qué hora empieza? >>fi<< I try to do it once a week. Yritän tehdä sen kerran viikossa. Yritän tehdä sen kerran viikossa. >>fi<< The price is going up. Hinta on nousemassa. Hinta nousee. >>en<< Pieni hetki. Hold on, please. Just a minute. >>fi<< You weren't fair. Et ollut reilu. Et ollut reilu. >>fi<< Sarah Bernhardt was a French stage actress. Sarah Bernhardt oli ranskalainen teatterinäyttelijä. Sarah Bernhardt oli ranskalainen näyttelijä. >>es<< You should've visited Boston. Deberías haber visitado Boston. Deberías haber visitado Boston. >>en<< ¿A quién invitarían? Who'd you invite? Who would they invite? >>en<< Minun tekee mieli vielä yhtä olutta. I feel like another beer. I feel like one more beer. >>es<< In the past the world was thought to be flat. En el pasado se pensaba que la Tierra era plana. En el pasado se pensaba que el mundo era plano. >>es<< Tom stole all of Mary's money. Tom le robó todo su dinero a Mary. Tom robó todo el dinero de María. >>en<< Él es su amigo. He is his friend. He's his friend. >>en<< Es muy tarde, por cierto. It's too late anyway. It's too late, by the way. >>en<< You may leave if you want to. You may leave if you want. You may leave if you want to. >>en<< Kaikki vihaavat häntä. Everybody hates her. Everyone hates him. >>es<< I know I deserve this. Sé que merezco esto. Sé que me lo merezco. >>en<< Joko käyttäjänimi tai salasana on virheellinen. Either your user name or password is incorrect. Whether the username or password is wrong. >>en<< Tom said he wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor. Tom said that he wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor. Tom said that he wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor. >>en<< Women are brighter than men. Women are cleverer than men. Women are brighter than men. >>en<< Minä luen sitä kirjaa. I read the book. I'm reading that book. >>en<< Él nos dio una descripción detallada de sus experiencias en África. He gave us a detailed account of his experiences in Africa. He gave us a detailed description of his experiences in Africa. >>en<< Hoy puedes comer tanto como quieras. Today you can eat as much as you want. Today you can eat as much as you want. >>en<< En tiennyt, missä olisin voinut mennä bussin kyytiin. I didn't know where to get the bus. I didn't know where I could take the bus. >>en<< Tom tiene un extraño sentido del humor. Tom has a strange sense of humor. Tom has a strange sense of humor. >>fi<< A Japanese businessman bought the artwork for 200 million yen. Japanilainen liikemies osti taideteoksen 200 miljoonalla jenillä. Japanilainen liikemies osti taideteoksen 200 miljoonalle jenille. >>en<< Miksi sinä olit heidän seurassaan? Why were you with them? Why were you with them? >>fi<< This is too expensive! Se on liian kallis! Tämä on liian kallista! >>en<< Everyone went to Australia except Tom. Everybody went to Australia except Tom. Everyone went to Australia except Tom. >>en<< ¿Cómo nos sentimos hoy? How are we feeling today? How do we feel today? >>en<< Onko se uusi valokuva? Is it a recent picture? Is that a new picture? >>es<< Modern Greek has many loans from French. El griego moderno tiene muchos préstamos del francés. El griego moderno tiene muchos préstamos de francés. >>en<< ¿Tenemos que esperarlos aquí? Must we wait for them here? Do we have to wait here? >>es<< Do you agree about that? ¿Estás de acuerdo con eso? ¿Estás de acuerdo con eso? >>en<< Tomi tuli tänään aikaisin kotiin. Tom came home early today. Tom came home early today. >>en<< Jos Taivaassa ei ole koiria, niin minä haluan mennä sinne, minne ne menevät. If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. If there are no dogs in heaven, I want to go where they go. >>en<< Lo hablaré con Marty y veré que piensa él. I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks. I'll talk to Marty and see what he thinks. >>es<< What does Tom have in his hand? ¿Qué tiene Tom en su mano? ¿Qué tiene Tom en la mano? >>en<< Tom said he's not going to do that. Tom said that he's not going to do that. Tom said that he's not going to do that. >>en<< Me pregunto si la cena está lista. I wonder if dinner is ready. I wonder if dinner's ready. >>en<< Mario está tan enfermo que apenas puede moverse. Mario is so sick that he can barely move. Mario's so sick he can barely move. >>en<< No puedo permitirme aceptar tu oferta. I cannot bring myself to accept your offer. I can't afford to accept your offer. >>en<< You didn't know that Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves, did you? You didn't know Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves, did you? You didn't know Tom and I were supposed to do that by ourselves, did you? >>en<< Tom will give us everything we asked for. Tom is going to give us everything we asked for. Tom will give us everything we asked for. >>es<< I tried to write down everything he said. Intenté escribir todo lo que él dijo. Intenté escribir todo lo que dijo. >>fi<< You look busy. Vaikutat kiireiseltä. Näytät kiireiseltä. >>en<< ¡Vamos a tener un bebé! We're going to have a baby. We're having a baby! >>es<< Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe. Preocuparse es como pagar una deuda que no tienes. Preocuparse es como pagar una deuda que no debes. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom could help me. I wonder if Tom could help me. I wonder if Tom could help me. >>en<< They said that they prefers to stay at home. They said they prefers to stay at home. They said they prefers to stay at home. >>en<< El desayuno se sirve a las siete. Breakfast is served at seven a.m. Breakfast is served at seven o'clock. >>en<< Necesito esos documentos. I need those documents. I need those documents. >>es<< I used to play tennis. Solía jugar al tenis. Solía jugar al tenis. >>en<< Voy a vender mi carro. I'm going to sell my car. I'm gonna sell my car. >>en<< I think Tom will be pretty mad when he finds out that the painting he bought is a fake. I think that Tom will be pretty mad when he finds out that the painting he bought is a fake. I think that Tom will be pretty mad when he finds out that the painting he bought is a fake. >>en<< No estoy seguro de querer ver esto. I am not sure that I want to see that. I'm not sure I want to see this. >>es<< Bob lost interest in rock music. Bob perdió su interés en la música rock. Bob perdió el interés por la música rock. >>en<< A Tom siempre le gustaste. Tom always liked you. Tom always liked you. >>es<< I just want to help. Solo quiero ayudar. Sólo quiero ayudar. >>el<< You should be on my side. Θα έπρεπε να 'σαι με το μέρος μου. Θα έπρεπε να είσαι με το μέρος μου. >>es<< Those were without a doubt memories from my past life. Sin duda alguna, esos eran recuerdos de mi vida pasada. Esos eran sin duda recuerdos de mi vida pasada. >>es<< Tonight belongs to the fireflies and the bats—and the werewolves. Esta noche pertenece a las luciérnagas y a los murciélagos... y a los hombres lobo. Esta noche pertenece a las moscas de fuego y a los murciélagos, y a los hombres lobos. >>en<< Hän korjasi verkon. She fixed the net. He fixed the network. >>en<< I thought you said I couldn't do that. I thought that you said I couldn't do that. I thought you said I couldn't do that. >>es<< When Shishir comes out to translate, it's best to remain indoors. Cuando Shishir sale a traducir, es mejor quedarse adentro. Cuando Shishir sale a traducir, es mejor permanecer dentro. >>el<< Don't let her drive your car. Μην την αφήσεις να οδηγήσει το αυτοκίνητό σου. Μην την αφήσεις να οδηγήσει το αμάξι σου. >>es<< He lied to us. Él nos mintió. Nos mintió. >>es<< The children don't have school today. Hoy los niños no tienen clase. Los niños no tienen escuela hoy. >>el<< We talked. Μιλήσαμε. Μιλήσαμε. >>fi<< I won't tell anyone unless you want me to. En kerro kenellekään, ellet niin halua. En kerro kenellekään, ellet halua minun kertovan. >>en<< No le regocijó con sus clases. He did not enjoy his lessons. He didn't rejoice with his classes. >>es<< I'm counting on your help. Cuento con tu ayuda. Cuento con tu ayuda. >>es<< This potato salad wants boiled eggs. Le falta huevo duro a esta ensalada rusa. Esta ensalada de patata quiere huevos hervidos. >>en<< Es fácil cortar queso con un cuchillo. It's easy to cut cheese with a knife. It's easy to cut cheese with a knife. >>el<< I want to be free. Θέλω να είμαι ελεύθερος. Θέλω να είμαι ελεύθερος. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom enjoys doing that. I wonder if Tom enjoys doing that. I wonder if Tom enjoys doing that. >>en<< Como vivo cerca de la escuela, vuelvo a casa a comer. Because I live near the school, I come home for lunch. As I live near school, I go home to eat. >>es<< Tango is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire. El tango es la expresión vertical de un deseo horizontal. Tango es la expresión vertical de un deseo horizontal. >>es<< Tom's involvement in the bank robbery is yet to be established. Aún está por establecerse si Tom estuvo involucrado en el asalto al banco. Todavía no se ha establecido la participación de Tom en el robo bancario. >>fi<< Sä alat pikkuhiljaa vituttamaan mua. Sä alat vähitellen vituttaa mua. Sä alat pikkuhiljaa vituttamaan mua. >>en<< Heräsin seitsemältä. I got up at seven. I woke up at 7:00. >>en<< Me esperó hasta que llegué. She waited for me until I arrived. He waited until I got here. >>en<< Pocas personas asistieron a la reunión. Few people attended the meeting. Few people attended the meeting. >>fi<< Tom told Mary that she shouldn't walk alone after dark. Tom sanoi Marille, ettei tämän pitäisi kävellä yksinään pimeän tulon jälkeen. Tom kertoi Marylle, ettei hänen pitäisi kävellä yksin pimeyden jälkeen. >>es<< He was unable to completely give up on his hopes of marrying her. Él era incapaz de abandonar completamente sus esperanzas de casarse con ella. Era incapaz de renunciar completamente a sus esperanzas de casarse con ella. >>en<< Sinun täytyy kertoa Tomille mitä tapahtui. You need to tell Tom what happened. You have to tell Tom what happened. >>es<< That's not a question. No es una pregunta. Esa no es una pregunta. >>en<< I didn't realize that Tom was from another country. I didn't realize Tom was from another country. I didn't realize Tom was from another country. >>en<< Laiha mies lepäsi pyhäkön varjossa. The thin man took a rest in the shade of a shrine. A thin man rested in the shadow of the sanctuary. >>fi<< Can someone please delete this sentence? Thanks. Voisiko joku poistaa tämän lauseen? Kiitos. Voiko joku poistaa tämän lauseen? >>en<< El Señor Smith tiene la costumbre de hacer una caminata todos los días en la mañana. Mr. Smith makes it a rule to take a walk every morning. Mr. Smith has the habit of walking every day in the morning. >>fi<< A lot of policemen guarded the hall. Useat poliisit vartioivat hallia. Monet poliisit vartioivat käytävää. >>es<< Seen at a distance, the rock looks like a human face. De lejos las rocas se parecen a una cara humana. Vido a una distancia, la roca parece una cara humana. >>en<< A mí me pasó exactamente lo mismo. The exact same thing happened to me. It happened to me exactly the same thing. >>fi<< The least you could do is to answer me. Voisit sinä ainakin vastata minulle. Vähintä, mitä voisit tehdä, on vastata minulle. >>en<< Ella está dotada de belleza. She is endowed with beauty. She's full of beauty. >>en<< I promise that I'll protect you. I promise I'll protect you. I promise that I'll protect you. >>en<< I thought Tom might have a hammer I could borrow. I thought that Tom might have a hammer I could borrow. I thought that Tom might have a hammer I could borrow. >>es<< What would you do if you won the lottery? ¿Qué harías si ganaras la lotería? ¿Qué harías si ganaras la lotería? >>es<< Do you want me to teach you that song? ¿Querés que te enseñe esa canción? ¿Quieres que te enseñe esa canción? >>en<< No fue culpa nuestra... todos tuvimos que hacerlo. It wasn't our fault... We all had to do it. It wasn't our fault... we all had to. >>en<< Ο Πάολο βρέθηκε νεκρός. Paolo was found dead. Paolo was found dead. >>es<< Her fingers danced over the keyboard. Sus dedos brincaban por el teclado. Sus dedos bailaban sobre el teclado. >>en<< Estoy haciendo negocios a gran escala. I am doing business on a large scale. I'm doing big-scale business. >>es<< He will have written a letter. Habrá escrito una carta. Él habrá escrito una carta. >>en<< Las lesiones por accidentes de tránsito son un problema importante de la salud pública y una de las principales causas de muerte. Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death. Road accident injuries are a major public health problem and one of the main causes of death. >>fi<< I'll be staying. Minä aion jäädä. Minä jään. >>fi<< ¿Dónde están mis relojes? Missä minun kelloni ovat? Missä kelloni ovat? >>en<< Vamos a hablar en Skype. Let's talk on Skype. Let's talk on Skype. >>es<< I thought that was kind of strange. Pensé que eso era algo extraño. Pensé que era algo extraño. >>en<< La asociación aún está lejos de estar bien organizada. The association is still a far cry from being well organized. The partnership is still far from being well organized. >>es<< En comparación con este, ese es mucho mejor. En comparación con este, ese es lejos mejor. En comparación con este, ese es mucho mejor. >>fi<< Vi que su madre le riñó. Näin hänen äitinsä kurittavan häntä. Näin hänen äitinsä munuaisen. >>es<< Tom knows that Mary doesn't know the answer. Tom sabe que Mary no sabe la respuesta. Tom sabe que María no sabe la respuesta. >>es<< You'll be killed! ¡Les matarán! ¡Te matarán! >>en<< Your hair is beautiful. Your hair's beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. >>en<< ¿Está usted cómodo? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? >>en<< Quiero otra taza de té. I want another cup of tea. I want another cup of tea. >>en<< Ella dividió la torta en cinco porciones. She divided the cake into five pieces. She divided the cake into five portions. >>fi<< Can someone tell me where the keyboard is? Voiko joku kertoa minulle missä näppäimistö on? Voiko joku kertoa, missä näppäimistö on? >>es<< Federico said that he would help us finish the painting. Federico dijo que nos ayudaría a terminar la pintura. Federico dijo que nos ayudaría a terminar la pintura. >>es<< I don't really need another car. Realmente no necesito otro carro. Realmente no necesito otro coche. >>en<< Kävin parturissa tänään. I got my hair cut today. I went to the barber today. >>es<< He was delighted after he visited his wife in the train station. Él estaba encantado después de visitar a su esposa en la estación de trenes. Estaba encantado después de visitar a su esposa en la estación de trenes. >>es<< That's how it was. Así es como era. Así fue. >>fi<< Me gusta la nieve. Mä tykkään lumest. Pidän lumesta. >>es<< While I am nibbling away, I listen to the news. Mientras estoy picoteando, escucho las noticias. Mientras me estoy alejando, escucho las noticias. >>en<< Odotan saavani yhden. I'm looking into getting one. I'm expecting to get one. >>en<< El barco echó el ancla en el puerto. The ship dropped anchor in the harbor. The ship threw the anchor at the port. >>es<< Hiffaatko? ¿Ya te cayó el veinte? ¿Hiffas? >>es<< Tom is volunteering to help. Tom se ofrece a ayudar. Tom está voluntaria para ayudar. >>en<< I don't think you need to be doing this. I don't think that you need to be doing this. I don't think you need to be doing this. >>es<< There is heavy traffic on this road. Hay mucho tráfico en este camino. Hay un gran tráfico en esta carretera. >>fi<< Tom wasn't able to sleep on the bus. Tomi ei saanut unta bussissa. Tom ei kyennyt nukkumaan bussissa. >>en<< Δε μου αρέσει καθόλου αυτή η πόλη. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this town at all. >>es<< When are you coming to Melbourne again? ¿Cuándo vendrán nuevamente a Melbourne? ¿Cuándo volverás a Melbourne? >>es<< What book did you buy? ¿Qué libro habéis comprado? ¿Qué libro compraste? >>en<< Laita roskasi ulkona oleviin roska-astioihin. Please put your waste in the bins outside. Put your trash in the trash containers outside. >>en<< Ήμουν μόνος. I was alone. I was alone. >>es<< Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. En Navidad, Papa Noel trae regalos a los niños. Santa Claus trae regalos a los niños para Navidad. >>en<< Vuestro perro está aquí. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. >>en<< Ella es orgullosa de su habilidad para cocinar. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. She's proud of her cooking skills. >>en<< No es un cuarto muy grande, pero es hermoso. It's not a big room, but it's beautiful. It's not a big room, but it's beautiful. >>en<< Pubi on suosittu kokoontumispaikka, jossa juoda olutta. A pub is a popular gathering place in which to drink beer. Pubi is a popular meeting place to drink beer. >>en<< Quiero reunirme con él para ver si me da o no información útil. I want to meet him to see whether or not he gives me useful information. I want to meet him to see if he gives me or not useful information. >>es<< Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American. Los padres de Mariko se oponen rotundamente a que se case con un norteamericano. Los padres de Mariko se oponen enérgicamente a que se case con un estadounidense. >>es<< He consented to help the old lady. Aceptó ayudar a la anciana. Consintió ayudar a la anciana. >>en<< Estábamos sudando con el calor. We were sweating in the heat. We were sweating with the heat. >>es<< The stock market is up. Los mercados financieros están en alza. El mercado de valores se ha levantado. >>fi<< I saw Tom kissing John's wife. Näin Tomin pussailevan Jonin vaimon kanssa. Näin Tomin suutelevan Johnin vaimoa. >>en<< I could've caught that bus. I could have caught that bus. I could've caught that bus. >>en<< Un perro feroz atacó a la niña. A fierce dog attacked the girl. A fierce dog attacked the girl. >>en<< Am I the only one who thinks this isn't right? Am I the only one who thinks that this isn't right? Am I the only one who thinks this isn't right? >>es<< Is this mine? ¿Es mío éste? ¿Esto es mío? >>fi<< Tienes que confiar en mí. Sinun täytyy luottaa minuun. Sinun täytyy luottaa minuun. >>en<< Έβρεξε την περασμένη εβδομάδα. It rained last week. It rained last week. >>en<< ¿Qué lengua extranjera estudias en tu escuela? What foreign language do you study in your school? What foreign language do you study in your school? >>en<< Stay away from him! Stay away from him. Stay away from him! >>es<< In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work... En 1912 murió el sastre austriaco Franz Reichelt al saltar del primer piso de la Torre Eiffel para probar su nuevo invento, el traje paracaídas, que no funcionó... En 1912, el sastre austriaco Franz Reichelt murió saltando del primer piso de la Torre Eiffel mientras probaba su nueva invención, el abrigo de paracaídas, que no funcionó... >>el<< I will be here until you return. Θα είμαι εδώ μέχρι την επιστροφή σου. Θα είμαι εδώ μέχρι να γυρίσεις. >>es<< I want to work. Quiero trabajar. Quiero trabajar. >>en<< Tomi sanoo, että se on kiireellinen asia. Tom says it's urgent. Tom says it's an urgent matter. >>es<< I don't know when I will arrive. No sé cuándo llegaré. No sé cuándo llegaré. >>es<< He was unsure of what to do. Él dudaba qué hacer. No estaba seguro de qué hacer. >>es<< I'm on the phone. Estoy en el teléfono. Estoy al teléfono. >>es<< Tom misses you. Tom te echa de menos. Tom te echa de menos. >>es<< Call me at my office. Llámame a la oficina. Llámame a mi oficina. >>es<< Would you like me to massage your chest? ¿Quieres que te dé un masaje en el pecho? ¿Quieres que masajee tu pecho? >>en<< Kalligrafian opettelu on hauskaa. Learning calligraphy is fun. It's fun to learn Kalligraphy. >>en<< Alguien me ha robado el pasaporte. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. >>en<< Voisitpa jäädä. I wish you could stay. I wish you could stay. >>es<< She will help me choose myself a new car. Ella me ayudará a elegir un auto nuevo. Ella me ayudará a elegir un coche nuevo. >>es<< He looked me in the eye. Él me miró a los ojos. Me miró a los ojos. >>es<< You know the rules. Ustedes conocen las reglas. Ya conoces las reglas. >>fi<< There is only one can of meat left. Jäljellä on ainoastaan yksi säilyketölkki lihaa. Jäljelle jää vain yksi lihapullo. >>es<< Tom usually stays at five-star hotels. Tom suele quedarse en hoteles de cinco estrellas. Tom suele alojarse en hoteles de cinco estrellas. >>fi<< Gender violence goes hand-in-hand with authoritarianism. Sukupuoleen perustuva väkivalta kulkee yhdessä autoritarismin kanssa. Sukupuolten väkivalta kulkee käsi kädessä autoritarismin kanssa. >>es<< He scolded her. Él la riñó. La resentió. >>en<< Haluaisitko lisää kaljaa? Would you like some more beer? Would you like some more beer? >>en<< Tomemos una decisión definitiva. Let's make a final decision. Let's make a final decision. >>en<< Τα Γαλλικά δεν είναι δύσκολη γλώσσα. French isn't a difficult language. French is not a difficult language. >>en<< Antes de llegar a la intersección debe reducir la velocidad. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Before you reach the intersection you must reduce the speed. >>en<< El valor es una excelente virtud. Courage is an excellent virtue. Value is an excellent virtue. >>en<< He ovat molemmat kuolleet. They're both dead. They're both dead. >>en<< I don't think Tom is competitive enough. I don't think that Tom is competitive enough. I don't think that Tom is competitive enough. >>en<< Lähdin kotoa seitsemältä. I left home at seven. I left home at 7:00. >>en<< Ranskan kielen sana "chat" tarkoittaa "kissa". The French word 'chat' means 'cat'. The French word "chat" means "cat". >>fi<< When riding a bus or a train, you need to pay the fare. Bussissa tai junassa pitää maksaa matkasta. Kun ratsastat bussissa tai junassa, sinun täytyy maksaa maksu. >>en<< I just want you to know I don't believe you. I just want you to know that I don't believe you. I just want you to know I don't believe you. >>es<< Hän vaihtoi nimensä. Él se cambió el nombre. Cambió de nombre. >>es<< Sateenkaaressa on seitsemän väriä. El arcoíris tiene siete colores. Hay siete colores en el arco iris. >>en<< Llegamos tarde por tu culpa. It's because of you that we were late. We're late because of you. >>en<< Él estaba de buen humor. He was in good spirits. He was in a good mood. >>en<< Αυτή η χώρα είναι πολύ φτωχή. This country is very poor. This country is very poor. >>es<< A good idea came to him. Se le ocurrió una buena idea. Una buena idea vino a él. >>es<< The captain commanded silence. El capitán mandó guardar silencio. El capitán ordenó silencio. >>en<< Necesito un par de zapatos nuevos. I need a new pair of shoes. I need a couple of new shoes. >>en<< Πού είναι τα κλειδιά σας; Where are your keys? Where are your keys? >>fi<< Let me out, somebody. I'm locked in. Päästäköön joku minut ulos. Olen lukittu sisään. Päästä minut ulos, olen lukossa. >>fi<< Tom had a life insurance policy. Tomilla oli henkivakuutussopimus. Tomilla oli henkivakuutus. >>fi<< I don't feel like it. Minua ei huvita. En halua. >>en<< That's not what we want. That isn't what we want. That's not what we want. >>en<< Mucha gente en África habla francés. Many people in Africa speak French. A lot of people in Africa speak French. >>en<< No te detestan. They don't despise you. They don't hate you. >>en<< Tom thought Mary would be drunk, but she seemed sober. Tom thought that Mary would be drunk, but she seemed sober. Tom thought that Mary would be drunk, but she seemed sober. >>es<< A three-handed monster came out of the wardrobe. Un monstruo de tres manos salió del armario. Un monstruo de tres manos salió del armario. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know that we weren't supposed to do that by ourselves. I know Tom didn't know that we weren't supposed to do that by ourselves. I know Tom didn't know that we weren't supposed to do that by ourselves. >>fi<< I'm giving you one last chance. Anna sinulle vielä yhden mahdollisuuden. Annan sinulle viimeisen mahdollisuuden. >>es<< They're with me. Ellos están conmigo. Están conmigo. >>es<< What made you think you had to do that? ¿Qué te hizo pensar que tenías que hacer eso? ¿Qué te hizo pensar que tenías que hacer eso? >>en<< Kuinka monta joulukorttia kirjoitit viime vuonna? How many Christmas cards did you write last year? How many Christmas cards did you write last year? >>en<< I know I have to help you tomorrow. I know that I have to help you tomorrow. I know I have to help you tomorrow. >>en<< Solo quisiera encontrar a Tom y hablar con él. I'd just like to find Tom and talk to him. I just wanted to find Tom and talk to him. >>en<< I know that Tom would allow me to do that. I know Tom would allow me to do that. I know Tom would allow me to do that. >>es<< Tell her that I am fed up of her lies. Dile que estoy harta de sus mentiras. Dile que estoy harto de sus mentiras. >>fi<< This table is made of wood. Tämä pöytä on puuta. Tämä pöytä on tehty puusta. >>en<< Pensé que tú habrías pasado la noche en Boston. I thought you'd stay overnight in Boston. I thought you would have spent the night in Boston. >>es<< In unity is strength. En la unión está la fuerza. En la unidad es fuerza. >>en<< ¿A qué hora comienza la escuela? What time does school begin? What time does school start? >>en<< Hei, rauhoitu nyt. Hey, relax. Hey, calm down. >>en<< I think you shouldn't have followed Tom's advice. I think that you shouldn't have followed Tom's advice. I think you shouldn't have followed Tom's advice. >>en<< Toda la gente lleva abanicos. Everyone is carrying fans. All people wear fans. >>es<< I wanted to hear Tom confess. Quería que Tom confesara. Quería oír a Tom confesar. >>en<< Estoy bastante seguro de que Tom no sabe nadar. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't know how to swim. I'm pretty sure Tom can't swim. >>en<< Por favor enséñame el alrededor. Please show me around. Please show me around. >>es<< "Do you think he will come?" "I hope not." "¿Crees que vendrá?" "Espero que no." "¿Crees que vendrá?" "Espero que no." >>es<< There was no one that did not admire the boy. No había nadie que no admirara al joven. No había nadie que no admirara al niño. >>es<< That might help. Eso podría ayudar. Eso podría ayudar. >>es<< My mother gave me what I wanted for lunch. Mi madre me dio lo que quería de almuerzo. Mi madre me dio lo que quería para almorzar. >>en<< Tom said that he thought you'd probably do that. Tom said he thought you'd probably do that. Tom said that he thought you'd probably do that. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they believe they can do that. Tom and Mary say that they believe they can do that. Tom and Mary say they believe they can do that. >>en<< Os acostumbraréis rápido al clima frío. You'll all get used to the cold climate in no time. You'll get used to the cold weather fast. >>en<< Minä en tiennyt, että tulisitte olemaan täällä. I didn't know you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. >>es<< There is only one can of meat left. Sólo queda una lata de carne. Sólo queda una lata de carne. >>es<< I will never make that mistake again. Nunca más cometeré ese error. Nunca volveré a cometer ese error. >>en<< I thought Tom was upset. I thought that Tom was upset. I thought that Tom was upset. >>en<< El dinero no crece en los árboles. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow in the trees. >>en<< Δεν έχω έναν σκύλο. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. >>fi<< Jalkapallo on Brasilian suosituin urheilulaji. Brasiliassa jalkapallo on suosituin urheilulaji. Jalkapallo on Brasilian suosituin urheilulaji. >>en<< Tom would've eaten more if he'd had time. Tom would've eaten more if he'd had time to. Tom would have eaten more if he had time. >>en<< Nos reunimos en el punto indicado. We met at the designated spot. We meet at the right point. >>en<< Δε φαίνεται να είναι Καναδός ο Τομ. Tom doesn't seem to be a Canadian. Doesn't seem to be Canadian, Tom. >>en<< Sinun pitäisi mennä pian. You should be going soon. You should go soon. >>en<< Istu, ja ota hetki rennosti. Sit down and take it easy for a while. Sit down and relax. >>en<< They said that they never agreed to do that. They said they never agreed to do that. They said that they never agreed to do that. >>en<< I'm not convinced Tom and Mary are telling the truth. I'm not convinced that Tom and Mary are telling the truth. I'm not convinced that Tom and Mary are telling the truth. >>es<< You've spilt your coffee. Se te cayó el café. Has escupido tu café. >>es<< A good businessman knows how to make money. Un buen hombre de negocios sabe cómo hacer dinero. Un buen hombre de negocios sabe cómo ganar dinero. >>es<< Tom knows who they are. Tomás sabe quienes son ellos. Tom sabe quiénes son. >>en<< Estos platos no mantienen el calor muy bien. These dishes don't retain heat very well. These dishes don't keep the heat very well. >>fi<< Lamento llegar tarde. Anteeksi kun tulen myöhässä. Anteeksi, että myöhästyin. >>en<< Στον Τομ αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια. Tom likes games. Tom likes toys. >>en<< No regresó por añoranza, sinó porque se estaba quedando sin dinero. He came back not because he was homesick, but because he was running short of money. He didn't come back for longing, but because he was running out of money. >>fi<< Tengo un amigo. Minulla on ystävä. Minulla on ystävä. >>es<< Serkkuni on vähän minua vanhempi. Mi primo es un poco mayor que yo. Mi primo es un poco mayor que yo. >>en<< Onko ketään hereillä? Is anybody awake? Is anyone awake? >>fi<< De poco a poco me está comenzando a gustar Ken. Alan vähitellen pitää Kenistä. Vähitellen olen alkanut pitää Kenistä. >>en<< Oletko lukenut Tomin uuden kirjan? Have you read Tom's new book? Have you read Tom's new book? >>en<< I don't think it'll be all that difficult. I don't think that it'll be all that difficult. I don't think it'll be all that difficult. >>en<< Olenko minä veljeni vartija? Am I my brother's keeper? Am I my brother's guard? >>el<< Tom isn't laughing. Ο Τομ δε γελάει. Ο Τομ δεν γελάει. >>es<< Did anybody see you? ¿Alguien te vio? ¿Alguien te vio? >>en<< Kesäisin leikkaan vaatteita räätälinliikkeessä. In the summers, I cut clothes at the tailor's shop. I'd cut out some clothes in the tailor store in summer. >>fi<< I don't believe that. En usko tuota. En usko tuota. >>fi<< I lived next door to Tom three years ago. Asuin Tomin seinänaapurina kolme vuotta sitten. Asuin Tomin vieressä kolme vuotta sitten. >>en<< Somos una pareja feliz que ha estado junta por más de veinte años. We are a happy couple who've been together for more than twenty years. We're a happy couple who's been together for over twenty years. >>es<< I started getting ready. Empecé a preparame. Empecé a prepararme. >>en<< Tom said he knew Mary might not be permitted to do that by herself. Tom said that he knew Mary might not be permitted to do that by herself. Tom said that he knew that Mary might not be permitted to do that by herself. >>fi<< I'll travel across Europe by bicycle this summer. Matkustan Euroopan halki polkupyörällä tänä kesänä. Matkustan ympäri Eurooppaa polkupyörällä tänä kesänä. >>fi<< Todo lo que tengo es un libro. Kaikki mitä minulla on, on eräs kirja. Minulla on vain kirja. >>en<< ¿Qué pasó con el resto de la comida? What happened to the rest of the food? What happened to the rest of the food? >>en<< I don't think we can wait until tomorrow. I don't think that we can wait until tomorrow. I don't think we can wait until tomorrow. >>en<< Acabo de volver a casa. I just got back home. I just got home. >>en<< Hän on kasvissyöjä, joten hän söi tofua kalkkunan sijaan. She's vegetarian, so she ate tofu instead of turkey. He's a vegetarian, so he ate tofu instead of turkey. >>el<< Tom is studying French. Ο Τομ διαβάζει Γαλλικά. Ο Τομ μελετά γαλλικά. >>es<< Κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την μηχανή. El motor no anda bien. Algo está mal con la máquina. >>es<< Do you see any policeman over there? ¿Ves la figura de algún policía ahí enfrente? ¿Ves a algún policía ahí? >>en<< Tuli levisi nopeasti. The fire spread rapidly. The fire spread fast. >>en<< ¿Por qué me lastimarías? Why would you hurt me? Why would you hurt me? >>fi<< Here is the book. Tässä on kirja. Tässä on kirja. >>en<< I think Tom is taking a nap. I think that Tom is taking a nap. I think that Tom is taking a nap. >>en<< Θέλει να μας εντυπωσιάσει με τα Βερβέρικά του. He wants to impress us with his Berber. He wants to impress us with his Berlin. >>en<< Tuomari määräsi hänet vuodeksi vankilaan. The judge sentenced him to a year in prison. The judge ordered him to go to jail for a year. >>fi<< I won't be at home at all today. En ole ollenkaan kotona tänään. En ole kotona tänään ollenkaan. >>en<< Kummista pidät enemmän, Jättiläisistä vai Lohikäärmeistä? Which do you like better, the Giants or the Dragons? Which one do you like more, giants or dragons? >>en<< Me cuesta pronunciar la palabra. It is difficult for me to pronounce the word. It's hard for me to pronounce the word. >>en<< Los sueños de Tom se hicieron realidad. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams came true. >>en<< Aprenderás a hacerlo tarde o temprano. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You'll learn to do it sooner or later. >>en<< Πείτε της ότι είμαι απασχολημένος. Tell her I'm busy. Tell her I'm busy. >>en<< Tal vez podríamos juntarnos alguna vez y almorzar. Maybe we could get together sometime and have lunch. Maybe we could get together sometime and have lunch. >>es<< I wonder if a human will ever be cloned. Me pregunto si algún día se llegará a clonar a un ser humano. Me pregunto si algún hombre será clonado. >>en<< Tämä on minun ongelmani. This is my problem. This is my problem. >>fi<< Welcome back, Tom. We've missed you. Tervetuloa kotiin, Tom. Meillä oli sinua ikävä. Tervetuloa takaisin, Tom. >>es<< I is an other. Yo es otro. Yo soy otra. >>en<< Tu respuesta nos es lo que sea menos satisfactoria. Your answer is anything but satisfactory to us. Your answer is what's less satisfying. >>es<< This dish goes very well with sake. Este plato se acompaña muy bien con sake. Este plato va muy bien con el sake. >>en<< I am not the least bit worried. I'm not the least bit worried. I am not the least bit worried. >>el<< Your father will not buy it. Ο πατέρας σας δε θα τ' αγοράσει. Ο πατέρας σου δεν θα το αγοράσει. >>en<< Tomi ei ole koskaan käynyt ulkomailla. Tom has never been abroad. Tom has never been abroad. >>en<< ¡Caramba!, ¡qué sabroso se ve eso! Wow, that looks tasty. Oh, my God, how tasty that looks! >>en<< Tom said the report was false. Tom said that the report was false. Tom said that the report was false. >>en<< La pluma que Sara me dio no es azul. The pen Sarah gave me is not blue. The pen Sara gave me is not blue. >>en<< I know Tom might not do what he's supposed to do. I know Tom might not do what he's supposed to. I know that Tom might not do what he's supposed to do. >>en<< Αγόρασε ένα παιχνίδι για το παιδί της. She bought a toy for her child. She bought a game for her child. >>es<< This watch wants mending. Hay que arreglar este reloj. Este reloj quiere arreglarse. >>en<< La conferencia terminó a las cinco. The conference ended at five. The conference ended at five. >>en<< She has gone to America. She has gone to the United States. She has gone to America. >>es<< We hate the rules. Odiamos las normas. Odiamos las reglas. >>en<< Voisitko herättää minut huomenna aamukuudelta? Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Can you wake me up tomorrow morning? >>en<< Me compré tres muebles. I bought three pieces of furniture. I bought three furniture. >>es<< The festival starts October 20th. El festival comienza el veinte de octubre. El festival comienza el 20 de octubre. >>en<< Nunca juegues aquí. Never play here. Never play here. >>en<< There isn't any hope. There is no hope. There isn't any hope. >>es<< The girl is jumping. La niña está saltando. La chica está saltando. >>en<< Haré lo que me apetezca. I'll do what I please. I'll do whatever I want. >>fi<< You're not a killer and neither am I. Sinä et ole tappaja enkä ole minäkään. Et ole tappaja, enkä minäkään. >>fi<< The police will put you behind bars for twenty years. Poliisi laittaa sinut telkien taakse kahdeksikymmeneksi vuodeksi. Poliisi laittaa sinut vankilaan 20 vuotta. >>en<< My bicycle has a flat tire. My bicycle has a flat. My bicycle has a flat tire. >>en<< Tom asked Mary to do something that she knew she shouldn't do. Tom asked Mary to do something she knew that she shouldn't do. Tom asked Mary to do something she knew she shouldn't do. >>en<< I'm afraid we don't have any left. I'm afraid that we don't have any left. I'm afraid we don't have any left. >>es<< Is there anywhere I can go to find a flea market? ¿Hay algún sitio donde pueda ir para encontrar un mercadillo? ¿Hay algún lugar donde pueda ir a buscar un mercado de pulgas? >>es<< Is there anybody in there? ¿Hay alguien ahí dentro? ¿Hay alguien ahí? >>es<< Ένα συν δύο ίσον τρία. Uno más dos es igual a tres. Uno más dos equivalen a tres. >>es<< We have some rose bushes in front of our house. Tenemos unos cuantos rosales delante de nuestra casa. Tenemos algunos arbustos de rosa delante de nuestra casa. >>en<< Come mientras esté caliente. Eat while it's warm. Eat while it's hot. >>en<< I don't believe anything Tom says. I don't believe anything that Tom says. I don't believe anything Tom says. >>es<< I don't like you very much. No me caes demasiado bien. No me gustas mucho. >>es<< She is exact in all the instructions she gives. Ella es muy precisa en todas las instrucciones que da. Ella es exacta en todas las instrucciones que da. >>fi<< Is it true that Tom lived in Boston for three years? Onko se totta, että Tomi asui Bostonissa kolmen vuoden ajan? Onko totta, että Tom asui Bostonissa kolme vuotta? >>fi<< I'll be right back with your drinks. Tulen pian takaisin juomienne kanssa. Palaan pian juomaanne. >>en<< I don't think that I need to tell Tom that he needs to study harder. I don't think I need to tell Tom he needs to study harder. I don't think I need to tell Tom that he needs to study harder. >>fi<< Could you tell me your name again? Voisitko kertoa nimesi uudelleen? Kertoisitko nimesi taas? >>fi<< Tom posted a video of himself singing and dancing on YouTube and it went viral. Tom lähetti YouTubeen itsestään videon tanssimassa ja laulamassa ja se alkoi levitä nopeasti. Tom julkaisi videon itsestään laulamisesta ja tanssimisesta YouTubessa ja se meni viraliseksi. >>es<< Why didn't she come? ¿Por qué no vino? ¿Por qué no vino? >>es<< My father was satisfied with the result. Mi padre se quedó satisfecho con el resultado. Mi padre estaba satisfecho con el resultado. >>fi<< You all did well. Te kaikki pärjäsitte hyvin. Te kaikki pärjäsitte hyvin. >>en<< Tom le dijo a la jueza que lo sentía. Tom told the judge he was sorry. Tom told the judge he was sorry. >>en<< Luotan sinuun. I am counting on you. I trust you. >>en<< Vaivuin tajuttomuuteen. I sank into unconsciousness. I moved to unconsciousness. >>en<< Parecía haber estado enfermo. He seemed to have been ill. He seemed to have been sick. >>es<< Most seagulls are carnivorous. La mayoría de la gaviotas son carnívoras. La mayoría de las gaviotas son carnívoras. >>fi<< Toda la nación quiere paz. Koko kansakunta tahtoo rauhaa. Koko kansakunta haluaa rauhan. >>en<< Tom said that he thought Mary probably wouldn't want to do that. Tom said he thought Mary probably wouldn't want to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary probably wouldn't want to do that. >>es<< I'm wrong, am I not? Me equivoco, ¿verdad? Me equivoco, ¿no? >>en<< No espero ganar. I don't expect to win. I don't expect to win. >>fi<< Tom blushed a little. Tom punastui vähän. Tomi kutistui hieman. >>en<< Trabajamos en una fábrica. We work in a factory. We work at a factory. >>es<< I have nowhere to go. No tengo adónde ir. No tengo adónde ir. >>en<< Ο Τομ θα μείνει με μας στη Βοστόνη απ' την επόμενη βδομάδα. Tom will stay in Boston with us next week. Tom's been staying with us in Boston next week. >>en<< Meg oli ainoa tyttö, jolla oli farkut jalassa. Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans. Meg was the only girl with jeans on her feet. >>fi<< I'm pretty sure Tom lied to Mary. Mä oon aika varma, et Tomi valehteli Marille. Olen melko varma, että Tom valehteli Marylle. >>en<< Creo que me estoy volviendo loca. I think I'm going crazy. I think I'm going crazy. >>es<< I think that the train will be here soon. Creo que el tren llegará aquí pronto. Creo que el tren llegará pronto. >>es<< What does Tony do? ¿Qué hace Tony? ¿Qué hace Tony? >>en<< Δεν είστε ευπρόσδεκτοι εδώ. You're not welcome here. You're not welcome here. >>es<< Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance. Japón está lleno de ciudades hermosas. Kioto y Nara, por ejemplo. Japón está lleno de hermosas ciudades. Kyoto y Nara, por ejemplo. >>en<< Juguemos ajedrez. Let's play chess. Let's play chess. >>en<< Πόσο κάνει ένα μήλο; How much is an apple? How much is an apple? >>en<< Ha estado ocupada preparándose para su viaje a los Estados Unidos. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the USA. He's been busy preparing for his trip to the United States. >>en<< "Dios es nuestra salvación," dijo el sacerdote. "God is our salvation," said the priest. "God is our salvation," the priest said. >>es<< Why did you join the Army? ¿Por qué se unieron al ejército? ¿Por qué te uniste al ejército? >>es<< You're not my friend anymore. Ya no eres mi amigo. Ya no eres mi amigo. >>es<< They lied. Ellos mintieron. Mentieron. >>en<< Yhdysvaltalaiset ovat yleensä puheliaita. Americans on the whole are a talkative people. The U.S. people are usually talking. >>es<< The game is still being played. El partido todavía se está jugando. El juego sigue siendo jugado. >>en<< Kaikki meni kauheasti pieleen. Everything went horribly wrong. Everything went awkwardly wrong. >>en<< Käytkö mielelläsi koulussa? Do you like going to school? Would you like to go to school? >>en<< Uimarannoilla on vähemmän tungosta syyskuussa. The beaches are less crowded in September. There's less in the bathing areas in September. >>es<< Let's take the 4:10 train. Tomemos el tren de las 4:10. Tomemos el tren de las 4:10. >>en<< I don't think this food is fit to eat. I don't think that this food is fit to eat. I don't think this food is fit to eat. >>en<< Ella ha muerto en un accidente de avión. She died in a plane crash. She died in an airplane accident. >>en<< You know that's got to be done today, don't you? You know that that's got to be done today, don't you? You know that's got to be done today, don't you? >>es<< Hän on vaihtanut nimensä. Él se cambió el nombre. Ha cambiado de nombre. >>en<< De vez en cuando ella llega tarde a la escuela. She's sometimes late for school. From time to time she's late for school. >>en<< It would be hard to do that again. It would be difficult to do that again. It would be hard to do that again. >>el<< How many of them were there? Πόσα απ' αυτά ήταν εκεί; Πόσοι από αυτούς ήταν εκεί; >>en<< It's not that far. It isn't that far. It's not that far. >>en<< Te olette vastuussa siitä, mitä olette tehneet. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. >>es<< Time flies when you're having fun. El tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes. El tiempo vuela cuando te estás divirtiendo. >>es<< Were you home yesterday? ¿Estuviste en casa ayer? ¿Estuviste en casa ayer? >>fi<< Please sign your name on the contract. Allekirjoita sopimus. Allekirjoita nimesi sopimukseen. >>fi<< They said they're exhausted. He sanoivat, että he ovat uuvuksissa. He sanoivat olevansa uupuneet. >>en<< I know Tom was unhappy. I know that Tom was unhappy. I know that Tom was unhappy. >>en<< I am buying a new car. I'm buying a new car. I am buying a new car. >>es<< I couldn't eat fish when I was a child. Cuando era niño no podía comer pescado. No podía comer pescado cuando era niño. >>fi<< Tom's room isn't very clean. Tomin huone ei ole kovin siisti. Tomin huone ei ole kovin puhdas. >>es<< Christianity has done a great deal for love by making it a sin. El Cristianismo hizo mucho por el amor convirtiéndolo en pecado. El cristianismo ha hecho mucho por amor haciéndolo un pecado. >>en<< Tom le dijo su edad a Mary. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary his age. >>en<< Este coche italiano tiene tres ruedas. This Italian car has three wheels. This Italian car has three wheels. >>en<< Esto es inmoral. This is immoral. This is immoral. >>en<< I believe you both know Tom. I think you both know Tom. I believe you both know Tom. >>es<< What did you eat for lunch today? ¿Qué comiste hoy de almuerzo? ¿Qué comiste hoy? >>en<< Someone will do that. Somebody will do that. Someone will do that. >>en<< Tom said he didn't want to eat leftovers again. Tom said that he didn't want to eat leftovers again. Tom said that he didn't want to eat leftovers again. >>es<< Mow the lawn. Cortad el césped. Mueve el césped. >>es<< His wish was to go to America. Su deseo era ir a Estados unidos. Su deseo era ir a América. >>es<< No es oro todo lo que reluce. No todo lo que reluce es oro. No es oro todo lo que reluce. >>fi<< No one died. Kukaan ei kuollut. Kukaan ei kuollut. >>es<< I want milk. Quiero leche. Quiero leche. >>en<< Convencer a Tom de hacer lo correcto fue difícil. Convincing Tom to do the right thing was hard. Convincing Tom to do the right thing was difficult. >>en<< I assume you'll be investigating this. I assume that you'll be investigating this. I assume you'll be investigating this. >>en<< You think that Tom is a crook, don't you? You think Tom is a crook, don't you? You think Tom is a crook, don't you? >>es<< The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. La Biblia nos dice de amar a nuestros vecinos, y también a nuestros enemigos; probablemente porque en general son las mismas personas. La Biblia nos dice que amemos a nuestros vecinos, y también que amemos a nuestros enemigos; probablemente porque son generalmente la misma gente. >>es<< She said goodbye. Ella dijo adiós. Ella dijo adiós. >>en<< No dormí anoche. I didn't sleep last night. I didn't sleep last night. >>fi<< How many margaritas have you drunk? Montako margaritaa olet juonut? Montako margaritaa olet juonut? >>en<< Ella no está corriendo. She isn't running. She's not running. >>es<< Everyone has stopped working. Todos han dejado de trabajar. Todo el mundo ha dejado de trabajar. >>fi<< Tom is going to be here all day, isn't he? Eikös Tomi aiokin olla täällä koko päivän? Tomi tulee olemaan täällä koko päivän. >>en<< I cannot tolerate naughty children. I can't stand naughty children. I cannot tolerate naughty children. >>en<< No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida arrepintiéndome de ello. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. >>en<< El precio depende de la talla. The price depends on the size. The price depends on the size. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom wants to buy one of those. I wonder whether Tom wants to buy one of those or not. I wonder if Tom wants to buy one of those. >>en<< Te encargo este trabajo. I'll leave this work to you. I'll take this job from you. >>en<< That is a depressing thought. That's a depressing thought. That is a depressing thought. >>es<< She was there in the morning. Ella estaba ahí en la mañana. Estaba allí por la mañana. >>en<< Tomilla meni aika hyvin. Tom was doing pretty well. Tom went pretty well. >>fi<< We solved both problems. Ratkaisimme molemmat ongelmat. Ratkaisimme molemmat ongelmat. >>en<< Eres mi sol. You are my sunshine. You're my sun. >>en<< ¿Estás loca? Are you mad? Are you crazy? >>fi<< I really don't remember. En tosiaankaan muista. En todellakaan muista. >>es<< I usually read while I eat. Yo usualmente leo mientras como. Normalmente leo mientras como. >>en<< No te quejes. Tienes que ir. Don't complain. You have to go. Don't complain, you have to go. >>en<< Necesito mis gafas. I need my glasses. I need my glasses. >>en<< Μπορείτε να δανειστείτε το αυτοκίνητό μου. You may borrow my car. You can borrow my car. >>es<< I remember what you said. Me acuerdo de lo que dijiste. Recuerdo lo que dijiste. >>en<< No necesito una excusa. I don't need an excuse. I don't need an excuse. >>en<< I've heard that both Tom and Mary have dropped out of school. I've heard that Tom and Mary have both dropped out of school. I've heard that both Tom and Mary have dropped out of school. >>fi<< Tom's room wasn't clean. Tomin huone ei ollut siisti. Tomin huone ei ollut puhdas. >>en<< Hänen toimensa ansaitsee kunnioitusta. Her action deserves respect. His actions deserve respect. >>en<< No quiero comer una langosta viva. I don't want to eat a live lobster. I don't want to eat a lobster alive. >>es<< I was too tired to walk any more. Estaba demasiado cansado para seguir caminando. Estaba demasiado cansado para caminar más. >>es<< She showed him the photo. Ella le mostró la foto. Ella le mostró la foto. >>fi<< He is busy. Hänellä on tekemistä. Hän on kiireinen. >>en<< It isn't possible to please everybody. It's not possible to please everybody. It isn't possible to please everybody. >>en<< Today is not my day. Today's not my day. Today is not my day. >>en<< Mary siguió a su amigo hasta el hotel ya que ella no conocía bien el área. Mary followed her friend to the hotel because she didn't know the area well. Mary followed her friend to the hotel as she did not know the area well. >>en<< En realidad traté de hacerlo una vez. I actually tried to do that once. I actually tried to do it once. >>es<< Have you found an answer to this question? ¿Alguna vez has encontrado una respuesta a esta pregunta? ¿Ha encontrado una respuesta a esta pregunta? >>en<< Tom told me he wasn't angry. Tom told me that he wasn't angry. Tom told me that he wasn't angry. >>es<< She is married to an American. Ella está casada con un americano. Está casada con un americano. >>en<< Tom doesn't know he's going to be fired. Tom doesn't know that he's going to be fired. Tom doesn't know he's going to be fired. >>en<< I didn't think Tom would be able to talk Mary into doing that. I didn't think that Tom would be able to talk Mary into doing that. I didn't think that Tom would be able to talk Mary into doing that. >>en<< I thought I put it right there. I thought that I put it right there. I thought I put it right there. >>en<< Onko se totta, että ette olleet täällä eilen? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here yesterday? >>en<< No es obvio. It's not obvious. It's not obvious. >>el<< Where were you in 2003? Πού ήσασταν το 2003; Πού ήσουν το 2003; >>es<< Rain was pattering on the roof. La lluvia batía el tejado. La lluvia estaba murmurando en el techo. >>es<< She scared the cat away. Ella ahuyentó al gato. Ella asustaba al gato. >>en<< ¡Te quiero un montón! I love you bunches. I love you a lot! >>es<< I'm two years younger than him. Soy dos años menor que él. Soy dos años más joven que él. >>es<< Okay, let's wait a little longer. De acuerdo, esperemos un poco más. Bien, esperemos un poco más. >>en<< ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? >>en<< Onko hänellä lapsia? Does she have children? Does he have children? >>en<< ¿Sabes a qué hora cierra la tienda? Do you know what time the shop is closed? Do you know what time the store closes? >>es<< Is this a public or private company? ¿Esta compañía es pública ó privada? ¿Es esto una empresa pública o privada? >>es<< "Do you mind if I use your phone?" "No, please go ahead." ''¿Te importa si ocupo tu celular?'' ''No, por favor, adelante''. "¿Te importa si uso tu teléfono?" "No, por favor adelante." >>en<< Ο θείος μου μένει κοντά στο σχολείο. My uncle lives next to the school. My uncle lives near school. >>es<< The door is locked at nine o'clock. La puerta se cierra con llave a las nueve. La puerta está cerrada a las nueve. >>en<< Los borrachos a menudo hacen cosas estúpidas. Drunk people often do stupid things. The drunk often do stupid things. >>en<< Lääkäri kertoi potilaalleen mistä hänen sairaudessaan on kysymys. The doctor informed his patient of the name of his disease. The doctor told his patient what his illness was all about. >>en<< Tom could've become an excellent surgeon, but instead became a mediocre psychologist. Tom could have become an excellent surgeon, but instead became a mediocre psychologist. Tom could have become an excellent surgeon, but instead became a mediocre psychologist. >>es<< Hold on tight. Sujétalo fuerte. Aguanta fuerte. >>es<< She put her glasses back on. Ella se puso de vuelta sus lentes. Ella volvió a poner sus gafas. >>fi<< She went to a movie the other day. Hän kävi hiljattain elokuvissa. Hän meni elokuviin. >>en<< Tom käänsi oikean vilkun päälle. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom turned on the right glance. >>en<< I don't think Tom knows Mary is here. I don't think that Tom knows Mary is here. I don't think that Tom knows Mary is here. >>en<< Όποιος βιάζεται σκοντάφτει . Haste is waste. Whoever's in a hurry is stumbling. >>en<< ¿Qué piensas de la nueva película? What do you think of the new movie? What do you think of the new movie? >>en<< Tämä asento saa minut tuntemaan itseni erittäin haavoittuvaiseksi This position makes me feel extremely vulnerable. This position makes me feel extremely vulnerable. >>en<< Nací en 1960. I was born in 1960. I was born in 1960. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom is tired. I wonder whether Tom is tired or not. I wonder if Tom is tired. >>en<< They said that they'd get there early. They said they'd get there early. They said they'd get there early. >>en<< Olisinpa ottanut sateenvarjon mukaan. I should've brought an umbrella. I wish I'd brought the umbrella. >>en<< Feliz Pascua. Happy Easter! Happy Easter. >>en<< Minusta olisi ihanaa tehdä niin. I'd love to do it. I'd love to do that. >>es<< It's not evening yet. Todavía no es de noche. Aún no es de noche. >>fi<< This product comes with a five-year warranty. Tässä tuotteessa on viiden vuoden takuu. Tuote tulee viiden vuoden takuulla. >>en<< He saivat hopeamitalin. They won the silver medal. They got a silver mill. >>es<< Tom continued to honk the horn. Tom continuó haciendo sonar la bocina. Tom siguió hundiendo el cuerno. >>en<< La biblioteca obtuvo muchos libros nuevos. The library obtained many new books. The library got a lot of new books. >>en<< ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando llamé esta mañana? What were you doing when I called this morning? What were you doing when I called this morning? >>es<< Is Monday too late? ¿Es muy tarde el lunes? ¿El lunes es demasiado tarde? >>fi<< Let's eat supper. Syödään illallista. Syödään illallista. >>es<< I'm going to drink a glass of milk before I go to bed. Voy a tomar un vaso de leche antes de irme a la cama. Voy a beber un vaso de leche antes de ir a la cama. >>fi<< Do you want a lawyer? Tarvitsetko sinä lakimiestä? Haluatko asianajajan? >>es<< How can I solve this problem? ¿Cómo puedo solucionar este problema? ¿Cómo puedo resolver este problema? >>en<< Olen onnekas. I'm lucky. I'm lucky. >>en<< Tom said he didn't plan to do that. Tom said he didn't plan on doing that. Tom said that he didn't plan on doing that. >>en<< No hay nada más importante que la amistad. There's nothing more important than friendship. There's nothing more important than friendship. >>es<< These shoes don't fit my feet. Estos zapatos no se ajustan a mi pie. Estos zapatos no encajan en mis pies. >>en<< He's piss drunk. He's sloshed. He's piss drunk. >>es<< He is going to write a letter. Él va a escribir una carta. Va a escribir una carta. >>en<< I don't think Tom knows how many hours he's going to have to wait. I don't think that Tom knows how many hours he's going to have to wait. I don't think that Tom knows how many hours he's going to have to wait. >>es<< But Dima would never wear the glasses. Suddenly, his body went limp and he collapsed to the floor. Pero Dima no se pondría nunca esas gafas. De repente, su cuerpo perdió toda su energía y se cayó redondo al suelo. Pero Dima nunca usaría las gafas. De repente, su cuerpo se extinguió y se derrumbó al suelo. >>en<< Olen jo tehnyt sen. I have done it already. I've already done it. >>es<< People ought to work. La gente debería trabajar. La gente debería trabajar. >>es<< On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji. En días sin nubes se puede ver el Monte Fuji. En un día claro, puedes ver al Monte Fuji. >>es<< You don't need to come to the office, you can take the day off. No hace falta que venga a la oficina, puede tomarse el día libre. No tienes que venir a la oficina, puedes tomarte el día libre. >>en<< Tom said he's concerned. Tom said that he's concerned. Tom said that he's concerned. >>en<< Yo no quiero abrir la ventana. I don't want to open the window. I don't want to open the window. >>es<< Podés ubicarme en este número. Podís ubicarme en este número. Podés ubicarme en este número. >>en<< ¡A que no sabes dónde estuve anoche! I bet you can't guess where I was last night! You don't know where I was last night! >>en<< El juego ya casi termina. The game's almost over. The game is almost over. >>fi<< Tom had a very long day. Tomilla oli hyvin pitkä päivä. Tomilla oli pitkä päivä. >>en<< Tom knew Mary told everybody she was going to go to Boston. Tom knew Mary told everyone she was going to go to Boston. Tom knew that Mary told everyone she was going to go to Boston. >>en<< Él se suicidó ingiriendo veneno. He committed suicide by taking poison. He killed himself by ingesting poison. >>es<< We all must abide by laws to live in any society. Todos debemos acatar las leyes para vivir en cualquier sociedad. Todos debemos respetar las leyes para vivir en cualquier sociedad. >>en<< Tom tiende a perder las cosas. Tom tends to lose things. Tom tends to lose things. >>es<< I am a professor of Spanish. Soy profesor de español. Soy profesor de español. >>en<< Se parece a un papión. You look like a baboon. It looks like a papion. >>en<< I wonder whether we'll ever see Tom again. I wonder whether or not we'll ever see Tom again. I wonder if we'll ever see Tom again. >>es<< I want to please you. Quiero complacerte. Quiero complacerte. >>fi<< Tom always has a backpack slung over his shoulder. Tomilla on aina selkäreppu hartioillaan. Tomilla on aina reppu olkapäässään. >>en<< En tiedä tuleeko hän tänä iltana. I don't know if he'll come tonight. I don't know if he's coming tonight. >>en<< Syytän Tomia tästä kaikesta. I blame Tom for all of this. I blame Tom for all this. >>en<< Conozco muchas palabras en francés pero me es difícil combinarlas en oraciones. I know a lot of French words, but it's difficult for me to combine them into sentences. I know a lot of French words but it's hard for me to combine them in prayers. >>es<< I like fruits such as oranges and apples. Me gustan las frutas como la naranja o la manzana. Me gustan frutas como naranjas y manzanas. >>es<< Tom was arrested on Monday. Tom fue detenido el lunes. Tom fue arrestado el lunes. >>fi<< Tom subió a Youtube un video de sí mismo bailando y cantando, y rápidamente comenzó a difundirse. Tom lähetti YouTubeen itsestään videon tanssimassa ja laulamassa ja se alkoi levitä nopeasti. Tom nousi Youtubelle videon itsestään tanssien ja laulaen, ja nopeasti alkoi levitä. >>es<< I saw her yesterday. La vi ayer. La vi ayer. >>en<< I don't think Tom knows whether Mary can do that or not. I don't think that Tom knows whether Mary can do that or not. I don't think that Tom knows whether Mary can do that or not. >>en<< Cuando cae la noche, los babuinos vuelven a los árboles para dormir, a salvo de los merodeadores nocturnos. When darkness falls, the baboons return to the trees to sleep, safe from night prowlers. When the night falls, the babuinos return to the trees to sleep, safely from the nightly roamers. >>es<< Tom sanoo, että hän voi hankkia sinulle sen mitä tarvitset. Tom dice que él puede conseguirte lo que necesitas. Tom dice que puede conseguirte lo que necesitas. >>en<< Esto no es hebreo. Es yidis. This is not Hebrew. It's Yiddish. This isn't Hebrew, it's Yidis. >>fi<< There's a dead body under the cherry tree! Kirsikkapuun alla on ruumis! Ruumis on kirsikkapuun alla! >>en<< I thought that you said that you'd do that tomorrow. I thought you said that you'd do that tomorrow. I thought that you said that you'd do that tomorrow. >>en<< Te va a gustar, créeme. You'll like it, believe me. You're gonna like it, believe me. >>en<< Δεν μπορείτε να κάνετε τίποτα. You can't do anything. You can't do anything. >>en<< Mi respuesta es definitiva. My answer is final. My answer is final. >>en<< Hänet karkoitettiin maanpetturuudesta eräälle saarelle. He was exiled to an island for the crime of high treason. He was expelled from treason to an island. >>es<< The government makes us pay tax. El gobierno nos hace pagar impuestos. El gobierno nos hace pagar impuestos. >>en<< We're candid. We are candid. We're candid. >>el<< Pull your car out a bit, I can't back my car out. Τράβα λίγο το αμάξι σου, δε μπορώ να βγάλω το δικό μου έξω. Βγάλε το αμάξι σου έξω λίγο, δεν μπορώ να κάνω πίσω το αμάξι μου έξω. >>en<< ¿Están en París? Are they in Paris? Are you in Paris? >>es<< Mitä haluat syödä lounaaksi? ¿Qué quieres de almuerzo? ¿Qué quieres almorzar? >>fi<< Trabajo tres horas cada domingo por la mañana. Minä työskentelen kolme tuntia joka sunnuntaiaamu. Työskentelen kolme tuntia sunnuntaiaamuna. >>en<< Muista, että aika on rahaa. Remember that time is money. Remember, time is money. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they were going to Boston. Tom and Mary told me they were going to Boston. Tom and Mary told me they were going to Boston. >>es<< His older brother is two years older than I. Su hermano mayor tiene dos años más que yo. Su hermano mayor es dos años mayor que yo. >>fi<< No me gustaba. En tykännyt siitä. En pitänyt siitä. >>es<< The bird is in the sky. El pájaro está en el cielo. El pájaro está en el cielo. >>en<< Ella entornó sus ojos en exasperación. She rolled her eyes in exasperation. She overwhelmed her eyes in exasperation. >>en<< El autor tiene setenta años, pero no es menos productivo que cuando tenía veinte años menos. The author is seventy, but he's no less productive than he was twenty years ago. The author is seventy years old, but he is no less productive than when he was twenty years younger. >>fi<< The story about Tom eating my cat isn't true. Tarina siitä, että Tom olisi syönyt kissani, ei ole totta. Tarina Tomista ei ole totta. >>es<< I can relate with people from different nations and culture thanks to my foreign experience. Me puedo relacionar con gente de naciones y culturas distintas gracias a mi experiencia en el extranjero. Puedo relacionarme con personas de diferentes naciones y culturas gracias a mi experiencia extranjera. >>en<< I'm from Asia. I am from Asia. I'm from Asia. >>es<< You'll be in my heart today and always. Estarás en mi corazón hoy y siempre. Estarás en mi corazón hoy y siempre. >>en<< Saksa tunnetaan runoilijoiden ja ajattelijoiden maana. Germany is known for being the country of poets and thinkers. Germany is known as the country of poets and thinkers. >>en<< Quiero enviar una carta por avión a Polonia. I want to send an airmail letter to Poland. I want to send a letter by plane to Poland. >>en<< Tom thought Mary was unimpressed. Tom thought that Mary was unimpressed. Tom thought that Mary was unimpressed. >>en<< Tom and Mary swore that they wouldn't do that. Tom and Mary swore they wouldn't do that. Tom and Mary swore they wouldn't do that. >>fi<< You try too hard. Yrität liian kovasti. Yrität liian kovasti. >>es<< He extracted salt from seawater through crystallization. Él extrajo sal del agua del mar a través de cristalización. Extrajo sal del agua del mar a través de la cristalización. >>es<< Olen hyvässä kunnossa. Estoy en forma. Estoy en buenas condiciones. >>es<< In my country, it's difficult to learn German. En mi país, es difícil aprender alemán. En mi país, es difícil aprender alemán. >>en<< En voi sietää häntä. I can't stand him. I can't stand him. >>es<< The police have caught him. Le ha cogido la policía. La policía lo atrapó. >>en<< ¿Qué desearía comer hoy? What would you like to eat today? What would you like to eat today? >>es<< He spoke too fast for the student. Él habló demasiado rápido para el alumno. Habló demasiado rápido para el estudiante. >>en<< Tarde o temprano me acostumbraré. I'll get used to it sooner or later. Sooner or later I'll get used to it. >>es<< My parents met each other in the mountains. Mis padres se conocieron en las montañas. Mis padres se conocieron en las montañas. >>fi<< He took a coin out of his pocket. Hän otti kolikon taskustaan. Hän otti kolikon taskustaan. >>en<< Δεν είστε ευπρόσδεκτος εδώ. You aren't welcome here. You're not welcome here. >>en<< Kaikki nauroivat, myös Tom. Everyone laughed, including Tom. Everyone laughed, including Tom. >>el<< Do you think it will last long? Πόσο νομίζεις ότι θα κρατήσει; Νομίζεις ότι θα διαρκέσει πολύ; >>es<< I was able to catch the last train because I walked very quickly. Pude coger el último tren porque caminé muy deprisa. Pude coger el último tren porque caminaba muy rápido. >>es<< I just don't know what to say. Simplemente no sé qué decir. No sé qué decir. >>en<< Ο πατέρας σου δε θα τ' αγοράσει. Your father will not buy it. Your father won't buy it. >>es<< Her explanation was to the point. Su explicación fue pertinente. Su explicación fue hasta el punto. >>fi<< You shouldn't indulge that child. It will make him very selfish. Sinun ei pitäisi lelliä lasta. Hänestä tulee todella itsekäs. Se tekee hänestä itsekkään. >>en<< Los que sufren de hambre en África necesitan una ayuda urgente. Those who are suffering from hunger in Africa need urgent help. Those suffering from hunger in Africa need urgent help. >>en<< Ellos me odian. They hate me. They hate me. >>en<< Olisi typerää sanoa kyllä. It would be stupid to say yes. It would be stupid to say yes. >>es<< What are you thinking of? ¿En qué están pensando? ¿En qué estás pensando? >>es<< My birthday is in November. Mi cumpleaños es en noviembre. Mi cumpleaños es en noviembre. >>fi<< It will only hurt a little. Se sattuu vain vähän. Se sattuu vain vähän. >>es<< People that can't hear or speak are deaf-mute. Various devices currently exist that can help to correct this problem. Las personas que no pueden ni oír ni hablar son sordomudas. Actualmente existen varios dispositivos que pueden ayudar a corregir este problema. Las personas que no pueden oír o hablar son sordas. Actualmente existen varios dispositivos que pueden ayudar a corregir este problema. >>en<< Tom said that he knew that you wouldn't win. Tom said he knew that you wouldn't win. Tom said that he knew you wouldn't win. >>es<< He asked for my permission to use the phone. Él me pidió permiso para utilizar el teléfono. Pidió mi permiso para usar el teléfono. >>en<< Tiedätkö miten paljon kello on? Do you know what time it is? Do you know how much time it is? >>es<< She began to sweat. Ella empezó a sudar. Comenzó a sudar. >>en<< Esto no es exactamente sano. This is not exactly healthy. This isn't exactly healthy. >>fi<< Fly. Lentäkää. Lennä. >>es<< Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Los pájaros usualmente se levantan temprano por la mañana. Los pájaros suelen despertar temprano por la mañana. >>fi<< I didn't think you'd be interested. En uskonut, että olisit kiinnostunut. En uskonut, että olisit kiinnostunut. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they were thrilled. Tom and Mary told me they were thrilled. Tom and Mary told me they were thrilled. >>en<< I am not quite sure if we can meet your requirements. I'm not quite sure if we can meet your requirements. I am not quite sure if we can meet your requirements. >>en<< Me opiskelemme englantia koulussa. We study English at school. We're studying English at school. >>el<< Tom will starve. Ο Τομ θα λιμοκτονήσει. Ο Τομ θα πεινάσει. >>en<< El precario pescador primerizo, pescaba perezoso peligrosos peces emponzoñados pero pronto paró para pelar pésoles. The first-time precarious fisherman, lazily fished dangerous poisonous fish, but soon stopped to shell peas. The precarious first fisherman fished dangerous lazy fish but soon stopped to peel pésols. >>es<< I'm here with someone. Estoy aquí con alguien. Estoy aquí con alguien. >>en<< Τις αγαπήσαμε. We loved them. We loved them. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they need to find someone to help them. Tom and Mary say they need to find somebody to help them. Tom and Mary say they need to find someone to help them. >>es<< This island belonged to France in the 19th century. Esta isla perteneció a Francia en el siglo XIX. Esta isla pertenecía a Francia en el siglo XIX. >>es<< The drawings Lyod has made show people from the 14th century. Los dibujos que Lyod ha hecho muestran gente del siglo XIV. Los dibujos Lyod ha hecho mostrar a la gente desde el siglo XIV. >>en<< It's not too late to change your mind. It isn't too late to change your mind. It's not too late to change your mind. >>es<< Do you have renaissance paintings? ¿Ustedes tienen pinturas del renacimiento? ¿Tienes pinturas de renacimiento? >>es<< That looks like the work of a virus. Este parece ser el efecto de un virus. Eso parece el trabajo de un virus. >>es<< I am ashamed of my son's conduct. Estoy avergonzado de la conducta de mi hijo. Me avergüenza la conducta de mi hijo. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they're homesick. Tom and Mary say that they're homesick. Tom and Mary say they're homesick. >>en<< Με πιστεύουν. They believe me. They believe me. >>es<< Many animals were drowned in the flood. Muchos animales se ahogaron en la inundación. Muchos animales fueron ahogados en la inundación. >>en<< Añadir frases a una base de datos maestra con el propósito de unir a la gente por medio del lenguaje es a la vez brillante y ambicioso. Adding sentences to a master database for the purpose of bringing people together through language is both brilliant and ambitious. Adding phrases to a master database for the purpose of joining people through language is at the same time brilliant and ambitious. >>en<< Tom está estimando cuánto dinero va a necesitar para terminar la casa. Tom is estimating how much money he'll need to finish the house. Tom is estimating how much money he's gonna need to finish the house. >>en<< Mennään naimisiin. Marry me. Let's get married. >>es<< Life is but an absurd dream. La vida no es más que un sueño sin sentido. La vida es sólo un sueño absurdo. >>el<< This elevator is out of order. Αυτός ο ανελκυστήρας είναι εκτός λειτουργίας. Αυτό το ασανσέρ είναι εκτός τάξης. >>en<< Tom ei tiedä mitä Marille tapahtui. Tom doesn't know what happened to Mary. Tom doesn't know what happened to Mari. >>es<< My grandfather died three years ago. Mi abuelo murió hace tres años. Mi abuelo murió hace tres años. >>en<< Tomi ei puhu mielellään asiasta. Tom doesn't like to talk about it. Tom is not happy to talk about it. >>en<< Los suministros de petroleo no son infinitos. Supplies of oil are not infinite. Oil supplies are not infinite. >>es<< I don't know what love is. Yo no sé lo que es el amor. No sé qué es el amor. >>en<< It's not easy to get there from here. It isn't easy to get there from here. It's not easy to get there from here. >>es<< Tomi pitää suklaasta. A Tom le gusta el chocolate. A Tom le gusta el chocolate. >>en<< Tuo saattaa onnistua. That might actually work. That might work. >>en<< They told me that they're exhausted. They told me they're exhausted. They told me they're exhausted. >>fi<< Although Tom is sick, he plans to get his homework done on time. Siitä huolimatta että Tom on kipeänä, hän aikoo saada läksynsä valmiiksi ajallaan. Vaikka Tom on sairas, hän aikoo tehdä läksynsä ajoissa. >>en<< Πιστεύω ότι το να βλέπεις τηλεόραση είναι χάσιμο χρόνου. I think watching TV is a waste of time. I think watching TV is a waste of time. >>es<< Her help was just what the doctor ordered. Su ayuda calzó como guante. Su ayuda era exactamente lo que el médico ordenó. >>en<< Ellos han olvidado que tengo una llave para aquella puerta. They forgot I got a key to that door. They've forgotten that I have a key to that door. >>en<< Revisa a fondo los arbustos donde el enemigo podría estar escondiéndose. Investigate thoroughly the bushes where the enemy may be hiding. Check the bushes thoroughly where the enemy might be hiding. >>es<< He is wearing sunglasses. Él está usando lentes. Lleva gafas de sol. >>en<< Kukaan ei pidä sodasta. Nobody likes war. No one likes war. >>en<< Mi padre consintió mi ida al extranjero. My father consented to my going abroad. My father agreed to go abroad. >>en<< Él cantó desafinado. He sang off key. He sang definite. >>es<< In the two years he spent as a professor of Spanish in Paris, he trod a dangerous path with the French authorities. En los dos años que trabajó como profesor de español en París, recorrió un camino peligroso con las autoridades francesas. En los dos años que pasó como profesor de español en París, tropezó un camino peligroso con las autoridades francesas. >>en<< Cada quien recibió un regalo. They each received a present. Everyone who received a gift. >>en<< Ζω στην Τουρκία. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. >>en<< ¿Por qué no le pedimos consejo a él? Why don't we ask his advice? Why don't we ask him for advice? >>en<< I want you to find out if Mary is planning to come here by herself. I want you to find out if Mary is planning on coming here by herself. I want you to find out if Mary is planning to come here by herself. >>fi<< It's none of your business. Ei kuulu sinulle. Se ei kuulu sinulle. >>en<< Es demasiado temprano para irse a la cama. It is too early to go to bed. It's too early to go to bed. >>es<< This is a spotted dog. Esto es un perro manchado. Este es un perro manchado. >>es<< I'm a translator. Soy traductor. Soy un traductor. >>fi<< That's a problem. Se on ongelma. Se on ongelma. >>en<< Olen varma, että Tom ei tarkoittanut sitä. I'm sure Tom didn't mean it. I'm sure Tom didn't mean it. >>es<< I got up early yesterday. Ayer me levanté pronto. Me levanté temprano ayer. >>en<< Nämä banaanit eivät ole kypsiä. These bananas are not ripe. These bananas aren't mature. >>en<< Tiedätkö miten tämä sana lausutaan? Do you know how to pronounce this word? Do you know how to say this word? >>es<< I've lost about 80 cents. He perdido alrededor de 80 céntimos. He perdido unos 80 centavos. >>fi<< You made a promise. Sinä lupasit. Sinä lupasit. >>es<< It's down that street, on the left. Está bajando esa calle, a la izquierda. Está por esa calle, a la izquierda. >>en<< Mi hermano menor es más alto que yo. My younger brother is taller than I. My younger brother is taller than me. >>en<< Siento como que comprendo tus sentimientos. I feel like I understand your feelings. I feel like I understand your feelings. >>en<< I don't think Tom has to say anything. I don't think that Tom has to say anything. I don't think that Tom has to say anything. >>es<< Didn't I tell you Tom would like the gift? ¿No te dije que a Tom le iba a gustar el regalo? ¿No te dije que a Tom le gustaría el regalo? >>en<< Decidió estudiar derecho. He decided to study law. He decided to study law. >>fi<< I know you know I know. But does she know that you know I know? Minä tiedän, että tiedät, että tiedän. Mutta tietääkö hän, että sinä tiedät, että minä tiedän? Tiedän, että tiedän, mutta tietääkö hän, että tiedät, että tiedän? >>en<< I think Tom waited until Mary got there. I think that Tom waited until Mary got there. I think that Tom waited until Mary got there. >>en<< Ποτέ δε νοιαστήκατε για μένα. You never cared about me! You never cared about me. >>fi<< Intentadlo otra vez. Yrittäkää uudestaan. Kokeilkaa uudestaan. >>en<< Levantarse pronto es bueno para la salud. It is good for the health to get up early. Getting up soon is good for health. >>en<< ¿Sois chinos? Are you Chinese? Are you Chinese? >>en<< Tom said Mary was planning on doing that by herself. Tom said Mary was planning to do that on her own. Tom said that Mary was planning to do that by herself. >>en<< I know that Tom usually does that in the afternoon. I know Tom usually does that in the afternoon. I know Tom usually does that in the afternoon. >>en<< He eivät aina tottele vanhempiaan. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always obey their parents. >>es<< Είμαι πολύ ευτυχισμένος να σε ξαναδώ. Estoy muy feliz de volver a verte. Estoy muy contento de verte de nuevo. >>es<< Tom is our French teacher. Tom es nuestro profesor de francés. Tom es nuestro profesor francés. >>es<< It made me forget about my problems. Me hizo olvidarme de mis problemas. Me hizo olvidar mis problemas. >>es<< Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong fue el primer astronauta en caminar sobre la luna. Neil Armstrong fue el primer astronauta en caminar en la luna. >>fi<< How many apples do you want me to buy? Kuinka monta omenaa haluat, että ostan? Montako omenaa haluat minun ostavan? >>fi<< Tom es un activista de los derechos humanos. Tomi on ihmisoikeusaktivisti. Tom on ihmisoikeusaktivisti. >>en<< Luulen, että Tom saattaa oikeastaan haluta jonkun tappavan hänet. I think Tom might actually want someone to kill him. I think Tom might actually want someone to kill him. >>fi<< ¿Me podría dar un mapa del metro, por favor? Saisinko metrokartan, kiitos. Saisinko kartan metrosta? >>es<< Olen iloinen, että se ilahduttaa sinua. Me alegra que te haga feliz. Me alegra que estés contento. >>en<< Minulla on luokkakaveri, jolla on moottoriveneajokortti. I have a classmate who has a motorboat license. I have a classmate with a driver's license. >>es<< Our country is running short of energy resources. A nuestro país se le están agotando los recursos energéticos. Nuestro país carece de recursos energéticos. >>es<< The water evaporates. El agua se evapora. El agua se evapora. >>fi<< Tom is just trying to help. Tomi yrittää vain auttaa. Tom yrittää vain auttaa. >>en<< Soy consciente de ello. I'm aware of it. I'm aware of that. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom would like to play poker with us. I wonder whether Tom would like to play poker with us or not. I wonder if Tom would like to play poker with us. >>en<< Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home! Welcome to our home. >>en<< Eres nuestra única esperanza. You are our only hope. You're our only hope. >>es<< The prince fell in love with a woodcutter's daughter. El príncipe se enamoró de la hija de un leñador. El príncipe se enamoró de la hija de un cortador de madera. >>fi<< I no longer need it. En enää tarvitse sitä. En tarvitse sitä enää. >>es<< Watch out for cars when you cross the street. Cuidado con los coches cuando cruces la calle. Cuidado con los coches cuando cruces la calle. >>es<< Mathematics are the foundation of all sciences. Las matemáticas son el fundamento de todas las ciencias. Las matemáticas son la base de todas las ciencias. >>es<< The river flows through the town. El río fluye a través de la ciudad. El río fluye a través de la ciudad. >>en<< ¿Qué ocurrió durante ese día memorable? What happened on that memorable day? What happened during that memorable day? >>en<< Aceptaremos tus condiciones. We'll accept your conditions. We'll accept your terms. >>en<< Puedo hacerlo solo. I can do it myself. I can do it alone. >>en<< Πρέπει να 'ναι του Τομ ο αδερφός. He must be Tom's brother. It must be Tom's brother. >>es<< Go back to your seat. Vuelve a tu sitio. Vuelve a tu asiento. >>en<< ¿Qué pasará ahora conmigo? What's going to happen to me now? What happens to me now? >>en<< No tengo preocupaciones. I've got no worries. I don't have any worries. >>fi<< This restaurant serves authentic French cuisine. Tässä ravintolassa tarjoillaan aitoa ranskalaista ruokaa. Tämä ravintola palvelee aitoa ranskalaista keittiötä. >>en<< Esta agua es buena para beber. This water is good to drink. This water is good for drinking. >>en<< Tommin mukaan Mari voi hyvin. Tom said that Mary was well. Todd says Mari's fine. >>en<< Tom estará trabajando el lunes. Tom will be at work on Monday. Tom will be working on Monday. >>en<< El nuevo sitio web de Tatoeba usará una "hiper" base de datos propia, un motor de búsqueda "hecho desde cero", y funcionará en un servidor tatoebux-OS con una CPU tatoetel hecha completamente de tatoebio. The new Tatoeba website will use a home-made "hyper" database, a "made-from-scratch" search engine, and will run on a tatoebux-OS server with a tatoetel CPU made entirely out of tatoebium. Tatoeba's new website will use its own "hyper" database, a search engine "made from scratch", and will operate on a Tatoebux-OS server with a CPU tatoetel made entirely of tatoebio. >>el<< My aunt gave me a book for Christmas. Η θεία μού μου έδωσε ένα βιβλίο για τα Χριστούγεννα. Η θεία μου μου έδωσε ένα βιβλίο για τα Χριστούγεννα. >>es<< He was nearly run over by a car. Estuvieron a punto de atropellarle. Casi lo atropelló un coche. >>en<< A todos los estudiantes se les olvidó leer ese libro. All the students forgot to read that book. All the students forgot to read that book. >>es<< Everyone is coming with us. Todo el mundo viene con nosotros. Todo el mundo viene con nosotros. >>es<< Who's your favorite hockey player? ¿Quién es tu jugador de hockey favorito? ¿Quién es tu jugador de hockey favorito? >>en<< Voy a estar en casa el próximo lunes. I'm going to be home next Monday. I'll be home next Monday. >>en<< Hän on kummallinen persoona. He is a strange person. He's a strange person. >>en<< Minä kävin useissa kaupoissa etsimässä kirjaa. I went to many shops to look for the book. I went to a lot of stores looking for a book. >>en<< ¿Estás feliz? Are you happy? Are you happy? >>fi<< Don't worry. I won't tell Tom. Älä huoli. En kerro Tomille. Älä huoli, en kerro Tomille. >>es<< I can't sleep because of the noise. No puedo dormir por el ruido. No puedo dormir por el ruido. >>es<< I think to clearly distinguish opinion from fact is important. Creo que es importante distinguir claramente una opinión de un hecho. Creo que distinguir claramente la opinión de los hechos es importante. >>en<< Él leyó un libro escrito en inglés. He read a book written in English. He read a book written in English. >>es<< The dog jumped over the fence. El perro saltó la cerca. El perro saltó sobre la cerca. >>en<< Μ' αρέσει να γράφω στα Γαλλικά. I like to write in French. I like writing French. >>en<< ¿Cómo pudo vivir en esa pobreza? How did he make his living in such poverty? How could he live in that poverty? >>es<< Where's Tom's umbrella? ¿Dónde está el paraguas de Tom? ¿Dónde está el paraguas de Tom? >>en<< Deberías ir y hacerlo, tal como dijiste que harías. You should go ahead and do it, just like you said you would. You should go and do it, just like you said you would. >>es<< I have no wish to live in a large city. No tengo ningún deseo de vivir en una gran ciudad. No tengo ningún deseo de vivir en una gran ciudad. >>es<< I don't care for wine. No me gusta el vino. No me importa el vino. >>en<< Tom says he plans on staying in Australia as long as he can. Tom says that he plans to stay in Australia as long as he can. Tom says he plans to stay in Australia as long as he can. >>en<< Está muy orgulloso de su motocicleta personalizada. He's very proud of his custom motorcycle. He's very proud of his personalized motorcycle. >>en<< Tom no sabe lo que Mary espera que haga. Tom doesn't know what Mary hopes he does. Tom doesn't know what Mary expects me to do. >>es<< Workers of all lands, unite! ¡Trabajadores de todos los países, uníos! Trabajadores de todas las tierras, ¡únanse! >>en<< Pensé que ella no aparentaba más de 30 años. I thought she didn't look a day over 30. I thought she didn't look more than 30 years old. >>es<< What's the largest city in Germany? ¿Cuál es la ciudad más grande de Alemania? ¿Cuál es la ciudad más grande de Alemania? >>en<< Tom and Mary told everyone that they were cold. Tom and Mary told everyone they were cold. Tom and Mary told everyone they were cold. >>en<< Tom is not all there. Tom isn't all there. Tom is not all there. >>el<< Τί θα έκανες αν έβλεπες ένα φάντασμα; Τι θα έκανες αν έβλεπες ένα φάντασμα; Τί θα έκανες αν έβλεπες ένα φάντασμα; >>fi<< Tom decided to quit smoking. Tom päätti lopettaa tupakoinnin. Tom päätti lopettaa tupakoinnin. >>en<< Poikkesin tänne pyytääkseni anteeksi. I came by to apologize. I broke out here to apologize. >>es<< Tom squeezed the lemon. Tom exprimió el limón. Tom apretó el limón. >>fi<< This may not be coincidental. On mahdollista, että tämä ei ole yhteensattumaa. Tämä ei ehkä ole sattumaa. >>fi<< Can you show it to us? Voitko näyttää sen meille? Voitko näyttää sen meille? >>fi<< Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. Joka päivä he tappoivat laaman pitääkseen Aurinkojumalan onnellisena. Joka päivä he tappoivat liekin tehdäkseen Auringon jumalan onnelliseksi. >>en<< Kuinka monenlaisia vihanneksia kasvatat puutarhassasi? How many kinds of vegetables do you grow in your garden? How many vegetables do you grow in your garden? >>en<< This is the first time Tom has ever been late. This is the first time that Tom has ever been late. This is the first time Tom has ever been late. >>en<< Tom es la clase de tipo que discute por diversión. Tom is the kind of guy that argues for fun. Tom is the kind of guy who argues for fun. >>es<< What you are saying is absolutely wrong. Lo que dices es absolutamente incorrecto. Lo que estás diciendo está totalmente equivocado. >>en<< Πρέπει να μάθεις Γαλλικά. You have to learn French. You need to learn French. >>en<< Estoy creciendo rápido. I am growing up fast. I'm growing fast. >>en<< He kuuntelivat silloin tällöin klassista musiikkia. They listened to the classical music sometimes. They listened to classical music every once in a while. >>en<< Tenemos que recuperar el tiempo perdido. We must make up for lost time. We have to regain lost time. >>es<< Everyone seems to be short of money these days. En estos tiempos todo el mundo parece andar falto de dinero. Parece que todo el mundo no tiene dinero en estos días. >>en<< Haluatko keitetyn munan aamiaiseksi? Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? You want a cooked egg for breakfast? >>en<< Fill the bucket up. Fill up the bucket. Fill the bucket up. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know how much time it would take him to do that. I know Tom didn't know how much time it would take him to do that. I know Tom didn't know how much time it would take him to do that. >>es<< We have to look after our parents. Tenemos que cuidar a nuestros padres. Tenemos que cuidar a nuestros padres. >>en<< Dimos por hecho que aprobaría el plan. We took it for granted that he would approve of the plan. We made it clear that I would approve of the plan. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they weren't single. Tom and Mary said that they weren't single. Tom and Mary said that they weren't single. >>en<< Tom said he wanted to study French. Tom said that he wanted to study French. Tom said that he wanted to study French. >>fi<< Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong. Joskus olen oikeassa ja joskus väärässä. Joskus olen oikeassa ja joskus väärässä. >>en<< El cierre de la escuela fue debido a la niebla. The closing of school was due to the snow. The school's closure was due to the fog. >>es<< The villagers were offhand with us. Los paisanos fueron bruscos con nosotros. Los aldeanos estaban fuera de nuestras manos. >>fi<< Tom has never seen Mary so angry. Tom ei ole koskaan nähnyt Marya niin vihaisena. Tom ei ole koskaan nähnyt Maryä niin vihaisena. >>es<< My parents approved of my marrying Mary. Mis padres aprobaron mi matrimonio con Mary. Mis padres aprobaron mi matrimonio con María. >>fi<< I look forward to it. Odotan sitä innolla. Odotan innolla sitä. >>en<< Mi padre cumplirá cuarenta años en breve. My father will soon be forty years old. My father will be 40 in a while. >>en<< Hetkinen! Hold on there. Wait! >>en<< Su inglés mejorará con el paso del tiempo. His English will improve in the course of time. Your English will improve with the passing of time. >>en<< De las dos muchachas, es la más joven. Of the two girls, she is the younger. Of the two girls, she's the youngest. >>en<< Tom tuvo un ataque de nervios. Tom had an attack of nerves. Tom had a nervous attack. >>es<< I saw that he came. Él vio que venía. Vi que venía. >>es<< I wonder who has come. Me pregunto quien llegó. Me pregunto quién ha venido. >>en<< No tienes que preocuparte de eso, ¿vale? You don't have to worry about that, OK? You don't have to worry about that, okay? >>en<< El padre de ella es un inglés de clase media. Her father is a middle-class English man. Her father is a middle-class Englishman. >>es<< How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? ¿Cuánto se da de propina en España? ¿Cuánto dejas para dar una propina en España? >>en<< Tom said he'd be embarrassed to do that. Tom said that he'd be embarrassed to do that. Tom said that he'd be embarrassed to do that. >>es<< Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. La vida se asemeja a una novela más a menudo de lo que las novelas se parecen a la vida. La vida se parece a una novela más a menudo que las novelas se parecen a la vida. >>es<< Who on earth are you? ¿Quién demonios eres? ¿Quién demonios eres tú? >>es<< English is difficult to learn. El inglés es difícil de aprender. El inglés es difícil de aprender. >>en<< I doubt Tom will be surprised. I doubt that Tom will be surprised. I doubt that Tom will be surprised. >>es<< Tom is one of my best friends. Tom es uno de mis mejores amigos. Tom es uno de mis mejores amigos. >>en<< I wonder if Tom and Mary are really happy here. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are really happy here. I wonder if Tom and Mary are really happy here. >>es<< I always thought Tom and Mary were a good couple. Siempre pensé que Tom y Mary eran una buena pareja. Siempre pensé que Tom y Mary eran una buena pareja. >>en<< He selviytyvät. They will survive. They'll survive. >>es<< You shouldn't eavesdrop. Tú no deberías fisgonear. No deberías esquivarte. >>en<< Es agradable trabajar con el señor Norton. Mr. Norton is pleasant to work with. It's nice working with Mr. Norton. >>en<< Después de una larga discusión finalmente cedí. After a long argument, I finally gave in. After a long discussion I finally gave up. >>en<< Tapasin hänet kolme vuotta sitten. I met him three years ago. I met him three years ago. >>en<< Teidän talonne on todella moderni. Your house is very modern. Your house is really modern. >>en<< Los hombres no verán las cosas tal como son sino como quisieran que fueran. Men will not look at things as they really are, but as they wish them to be. Men will not see things as they are but as they want them to be. >>en<< A pesar de la importancia del sueño, su propósito es un misterio. Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery. Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery. >>es<< Los dos coches involucrados en el accidente quedaron totalmente destrozados. Los dos automóviles involucrados en el accidente quedaron totalmente destrozados. Los dos coches involucrados en el accidente quedaron totalmente destrozados. >>fi<< If there's no solution, then there's no problem. Jollei ole ratkaisua, niin ei ole ongelmaakaan. Jos ei ole ratkaisua, ei ole ongelmaa. >>en<< How did Tom know that Mary would be here? How did Tom know Mary would be here? How did Tom know that Mary would be here? >>fi<< He could not help but think about Mary. Hän ei voinut olla ajattelematta Maria. Hän ei voinut muuta kuin ajatella Mariaa. >>en<< ¿Conocéis un buen restaurante? Do you know a good restaurant? Do you know a good restaurant? >>es<< The buds began to open. Los capullos empezaron a abrirse. Los brotes comenzaron a abrirse. >>es<< It might be time for Atheists to start knocking on doors too, to spread their message of happiness to the world. Tal vez los ateos también deberían comenzar a golpear las puertas de los demás para promulgar su mensaje de felicidad a la gente. Quizás sea hora de que los ateos también empiecen a tocar las puertas, para difundir su mensaje de felicidad al mundo. >>en<< Se ha quedado en ese hotel desde hace cinco días. He's been staying at that hotel since five days ago. He's been staying in that hotel for five days. >>fi<< El equilibro de la naturaleza es muy frágil. Luonnon tasapaino on hyvin hauras. Luonnon tasapaino on hyvin hauras. >>en<< O Toμ εξαφανίστηκε. Tom disappeared. Tom's gone. >>fi<< Please tell me your address. Voisitko kertoa minulle osoitteesi? Kerro osoitteesi. >>en<< Veníamos a pedir perdón. We came to apologize. We were here to apologize. >>en<< Tom realized there was a good chance that he might get killed. Tom realized that there was a good chance he might get killed. Tom realized there was a good chance that he might get killed. >>en<< Tom said the noise didn't bother him. Tom said that the noise didn't bother him. Tom said that the noise didn't bother him. >>fi<< You're home pretty early. Olet kotona melko aikaisin. Olet kotona aikaisin. >>en<< Solo hemos llegado a darnos besos. We have just gotten to first base. We've only come to kiss each other. >>fi<< The alchemists in their search for gold discovered many other things of greater value. Alkemistit, kultaa etsiessään, keksivät monen monistuista arvokkaampaa asiaa. Alkemistit löysivät kultaa etsiessään monia muita arvokkaita asioita. >>en<< Ask someone else to pay for that. Ask somebody else to pay for that. Ask someone else to pay for that. >>en<< Tom said that Mary knew he might not be permitted to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew that he might not be permitted to do that by himself. Tom said that Mary knew that he might not be permitted to do that by himself. >>es<< Mr Yoshida is too severe with his children. El señor Yoshida es demasiado severo con sus hijos. El Sr. Yoshida es demasiado severo con sus hijos. >>es<< We don't hear a thing. No oímos nada. No oímos nada. >>en<< No creo lo que acabas de decir. I don't believe you just said that. I don't believe what you just said. >>en<< They say that they didn't plan to do that. They say they didn't plan to do that. They say that they didn't plan to do that. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they think it isn't possible. Tom and Mary say they think it's not possible. Tom and Mary say they think it's not possible. >>en<< Juguemos a las cartas. Let's play cards. Let's play cards. >>es<< My country is far away from Japan. Mi país está muy lejos de Japón. Mi país está muy lejos de Japón. >>en<< Minä haluan olla tohtori. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. >>es<< He ran as fast as he could. Él corrió tan rápidamente como pudo. Corrió tan rápido como pudo. >>en<< I could've stopped doing that if I'd wanted to. I could have stopped doing that if I'd wanted to. I could've stopped doing that if I'd wanted to. >>en<< Su madre tenía tres hijos, de los cuales él era el más joven. His mother had three sons, of whom he was the youngest. His mother had three children, of which he was the youngest. >>en<< Tom said he was unaware of any problems. Tom said he wasn't aware of any problems. Tom said that he was unaware of any problems. >>en<< Tengo que preocuparme del conejo. I have to look after the rabbit. I have to worry about the rabbit. >>en<< Lentokone oli juuri noussut. The plane has just taken off. The plane had just risen. >>en<< ¿Eras tú consciente de eso? Were you aware of that? Were you aware of that? >>en<< I suspect Tom can't do that without some help. I suspect that Tom can't do that without some help. I suspect that Tom can't do that without some help. >>en<< Es el padre de la novia. He is father to the bride. He's the bride's father. >>es<< I don't know whether to smile or cry. No sé si reír o llorar. No sé si sonreír o llorar. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary was correct. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was correct. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was correct. >>en<< Tom said that he wanted those, so I gave them to him. Tom said he wanted those, so I gave them to him. Tom said that he wanted those, so I gave them to him. >>fi<< I bought a pound of meat the other day. Ostin paunan lihaa vähän aikaa sitten. Ostin litran lihaa viime yönä. >>en<< I have gained weight. I've gained weight. I have gained weight. >>en<< ¿Cuánto cuesta ese computador? How much is that computer? How much does that computer cost? >>fi<< Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. On aika vaikeata leikata kakku yhtä suuriin paloihin. Kakun leikkaaminen tasavertaisiin kappaleisiin on melko vaikeaa. >>el<< I fell into the water. Έπεσα μες στο νερό. Έπεσα στο νερό. >>fi<< Shall we dance? Tanssitaanko? Tanssitaanko? >>en<< Tom no tiene un registro criminal. Tom doesn't have a criminal record. Tom doesn't have a criminal record. >>en<< Tengo algo que discutir contigo. I have something to talk over with you. I have something to discuss with you. >>en<< Perheesi odottaa sinua. Your family's waiting for you. Your family is waiting for you. >>en<< Ήταν κανένας μες στ' αμάξι; Was there anybody in the car? Was anyone in the car? >>es<< Jokaisella kansalla on sellainen hallitus, jonka se ansaitsee. Cada nación tiene el gobierno que merece. Cada pueblo tiene un gobierno que merece. >>en<< Ήταν αρκετά τυχερός να προλάβει το τρένο. He was fortunate enough to catch the train. He was lucky enough to catch the train. >>en<< Kielikuvia ei pidä ottaa kirjaimellisesti. Metaphors aren't meant to be taken literally. You don't have to take language images literally. >>fi<< Ahora estoy muy feliz de estar embarazada. Nyt olen tosi iloinen siitä, että olen raskaana. Olen iloinen siitä, että olen raskaana. >>en<< Tom and Mary thought they'd be safe there. Tom and Mary thought that they'd be safe there. Tom and Mary thought they'd be safe there. >>en<< En tajunnut hänen vitsiään. I didn't get his joke. I didn't realize his jokes. >>es<< He got ahead of me. Él me ha adelantado. Se adelantó de mí. >>el<< How many oranges did Tom eat? Πόσα πορτοκάλια έφαγε ο Τομ; Πόσα πορτοκάλια έφαγε ο Τομ; >>es<< Tom isn't fighting, is he? Tom no está peleando, ¿verdad? Tom no está peleando, ¿verdad? >>en<< Olet hyvä mies. You're a good man. You're a good man. >>fi<< I can wait. Voin odottaa. Voin odottaa. >>es<< Se riippuu tuolin koosta. Eso depende del tamaño de la silla. Depende del tamaño de la silla. >>en<< I didn't know you were going to do that by yourself. I didn't know that you were going to do that by yourself. I didn't know you were going to do that by yourself. >>en<< Las filas de personas que esperaban recibir comida eran más largas que antes. The lines of people waiting for food were longer than before. The ranks of people who expected to receive food were longer than before. >>fi<< I don't think Tom understands what you're saying. En usko, että Tom ymmärtää, mitä sanot. Tom ei taida ymmärtää, mitä tarkoitat. >>en<< Last night I puked. Last night I barfed. Last night I puked. >>es<< A boy and a girl are sitting on the fence. Un niño y una niña están sentados sobre la cerca. Un niño y una chica están sentados en la cerca. >>en<< Te diré la verdad ahora. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth now. >>en<< No había una larga fila en el estadio. There was not a long queue at the stadium. There wasn't a long line in the stadium. >>fi<< A building with high ceilings and huge rooms may be less practical than the colorless block of offices that takes its place, but it often fits in well with its surroundings. Rakennus, jossa on korkeakattoiset ja valtavat huoneet, saattaa olla vähemmän käytännöllinen kuin se väritön toimiston järkäle, joka sen tilalle rakennetaan, mutta vanha rakennus sopii usein hyvin ympäristöönsä. Talo, jossa on korkeat katot ja valtavat huoneet, voi olla vähemmän käytännöllistä kuin sen sijainnin värittömät toimistot, mutta se sopii usein hyvin sen ympäristöön. >>es<< Beautiful weather, isn't it? Bonito el tiempo, ¿no? Hermoso clima, ¿no? >>el<< Tom drove the car. Ο Τομ οδήγησε τ' αμάξι. Ο Τομ οδηγούσε το αυτοκίνητο. >>fi<< Don't be that worried. Älä murehdi noin paljon. Älä ole niin huolissasi. >>fi<< He baked her a red cake shaped like a heart. Hän leipoi punaisen, sydämen muotoisen kakun. Hän leipäili punaista kakkua kuin sydän. >>en<< ¿Tienen muchos amigos? Do you have many friends? Do you have many friends? >>en<< Pysykää poissa. Stay back. Stay away. >>el<< Let's sing some English songs together. Ας τραγουδήσουμε μαζί μερικά αγγλικά τραγούδια. Ας τραγουδήσουμε μερικά Αγγλικά τραγούδια μαζί. >>en<< ¿Eras tú anoche en televisión? Was that you on TV last night? Was that you on TV last night? >>fi<< There used to be a castle on the hill. Kukkulan päällä oli aikoinaan linna. Siellä oli ennen linna kukkulalla. >>en<< Descartes pensaba que la mente y el cuerpo se unían en la glándula pineal. Descartes thought that the mind and body were joined in the pineal gland. Descartes thought that the mind and body were joining in the pineal gland. >>en<< Detesto cuando Tom hace eso. I hate when Tom does that. I hate when Tom does that. >>en<< Ella llegó tarde como siempre. She arrived late as usual. She's late as usual. >>en<< Es un bar de mala muerte. It is a dive bar. It's a bad-death bar. >>el<< Tom ate nothing. Ο Τομ δεν έφαγε τίποτα. Ο Τομ δεν έφαγε τίποτα. >>en<< Kaikki tietävät, että Tom osaa puhua ranskaa hyvin. Everybody knows Tom can speak French well. Everyone knows Tom can speak French well. >>en<< The police think that Tom acted alone. The police think Tom acted alone. The police think that Tom acted alone. >>es<< That, of course, does not mean that they are right. Por supuesto, eso no quiere decir que ellos tengan razón. Eso, por supuesto, no significa que tengan razón. >>fi<< Tom inherited the family business. Tom peri perheyrityksen. Tom peri perheyrityksen. >>fi<< ¿Eso es un murciélago? Onko se lepakko? Onko tuo lepakko? >>en<< I suspect Tom knows who Mary's boyfriend is. I suspect that Tom knows who Mary's boyfriend is. I suspect that Tom knows who Mary's boyfriend is. >>fi<< Mary started screaming at the top of her lungs. Mari alkoi huutaa niin lujaa kuin ääntä pääsi. Mary alkoi huutaa keuhkoissaan. >>en<< I think Tom is fantastic. I think that Tom is fantastic. I think that Tom is fantastic. >>en<< El inglés no es mi lengua nativa. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my native language. >>fi<< This is my favourite movie. Tämä on lempielokuvani. Tämä on lempielokuvani. >>en<< Minä saatan tilata pizzan. I might order a pizza. I might order a pizza. >>es<< I think it true. Creo que es verdad. Creo que es verdad. >>fi<< He asked me to do it. Hän pyysi minua tekemään sen. Hän pyysi minua tekemään sen. >>en<< Tomi mursi vasemman nilkkansa rugby-ottelussa. Tom broke his left ankle during a rugby match. Tom broke his left ankle at the rugby match. >>en<< Tom is a well-rounded individual. Tom is a well-rounded person. Tom is a well-rounded individual. >>en<< Tom knew that I was depressed. Tom knew I was depressed. Tom knew that I was depressed. >>fi<< I have changed. Minä olen muuttunut. Olen muuttunut. >>en<< I called my wife to let her know that I'd be late for dinner. I called my wife to let her know I'd be late for dinner. I called my wife to let her know that I'd be late for dinner. >>es<< He's hiding something. Él está escondiendo algo. Está escondiendo algo. >>en<< En ole kuullut tuota vitsiä ikuisuuksiin. I haven't heard that joke in ages. I haven't heard that joke in eternity. >>es<< I was asked to do this. Me pidieron que hiciera esto. Me pidieron que hiciera esto. >>en<< No quiero que me usen. I don't want to be used. I don't want them to use me. >>en<< Tom must be frightened. Tom has to be frightened. Tom must be frightened. >>en<< Tom said he'd think about my suggestion. Tom said that he'd think about my suggestion. Tom said that he'd think about my suggestion. >>fi<< Go away! Lähe lätkimään siitä. Mene pois! >>en<< Hän halusi ymmärtää. She wanted to understand. He wanted to understand. >>en<< Puedo caminar día y noche. I can walk day and night. I can walk day and night. >>en<< Είδαμε πολλά πλοία στο λιμάνι. We saw many ships in the harbor. We've seen a lot of ships in the harbor. >>fi<< If you didn't exist, then I would invent you. Jos et olisi olemassa, keksisin sinut. Jos et olisi olemassa, keksin sinut. >>en<< Täällä teitä odottaa vain kurja, kunniaton kuolema. Only miserable and inglorious death awaits you here. You're just waiting here for a miserable, dishonorable death. >>es<< Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. No olvides traer utensilios de cocina como cuchillos y ollas. No te olvides de traer utensilios de cocina como cuchillos y ollas de cocina. >>en<< Tom and Mary both know you don't swim very well. Tom and Mary both know that you don't swim very well. Tom and Mary both know you don't swim very well. >>es<< I want my children to have the best of everything. Quiero que mis hijos tengan lo mejor. Quiero que mis hijos tengan lo mejor de todo. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary wouldn't do that. Tom told me that he thought that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom told me that he thought that Mary wouldn't do that. >>es<< I went to the bank to take out money. Fui al banco para sacar dinero. Fui al banco a sacar dinero. >>es<< I am crazy about you. ¡Estoy loca por ti! Estoy loco por ti. >>en<< Tom told everybody at work that he was going to retire. Tom told everyone at work that he was going to retire. Tom told everybody at work that he was going to retire. >>fi<< Vampires change shape. Vampyyrit muuttavat muotoaan. Vampyyrit muuttuvat. >>es<< The shop did not want him. En la tienda no le admitían. La tienda no lo quería. >>en<< Panetko pahaksesi, jos laitan radion päälle? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? >>fi<< We walked along a narrow path. Kävelimme kapeaa polkua myöten. Kävelimme pitkin kapeaa polkua. >>es<< Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore. Desde que Mario me mintió, ya no me hablo con él. Desde que Mario me mintió, ya no hablo con él. >>en<< Did Tom know you weren't going to do that? Did Tom know that you weren't going to do that? Did Tom know that you weren't going to do that? >>en<< Buenos días, ¿cómo está usted? Good morning, how are you doing? Good morning, how are you? >>en<< Grecia es un país antiguo. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. >>en<< Hymyile elämälle! Face life with a smile! Smile to life! >>en<< Minä juon kahvin. I'm drinking the coffee. I'll have coffee. >>en<< ¿Por qué estás celoso de mí? Why are you jealous of me? Why are you jealous of me? >>es<< He is among the ten most popular on the planet. Él está entre los diez más populares del planeta. Es uno de los diez más populares del planeta. >>en<< Betty se los cargó a todos. Betty killed them all. Betty loaded them all. >>fi<< Mi hermano puede correr muy rápido. Veljeni pystyy juoksemaan todella nopeasti. Veljeni voi juosta liian nopeasti. >>es<< Let's have another beer. Pidamos otra cerveza. Vamos a tomar otra cerveza. >>en<< Missäköhän Tomi asuu? I wonder where Tom lives. I wonder where Tom lives. >>fi<< Ese libro se vende bien. Se kirja myy hyvin. Kirja myydään hyvin. >>en<< You know I'm not supposed to do that, don't you? You know that I'm not supposed to do that, don't you? You know I'm not supposed to do that, don't you? >>en<< Ο Τομ διδάσκει στο Χάρβαρντ. Tom teaches at Harvard. Tom teaches Harvard. >>es<< When it's hot, I go swim. When it rains, I like to play chess. Si hace calor, voy a nadar. Cuando llueve, me gusta jugar al ajedrez. Cuando hace calor, voy a nadar, cuando llueve, me gusta jugar al ajedrez. >>en<< La bondad debería entregarse a todos. Kindness should be given to everyone. Goodness should be delivered to all. >>en<< ¿Por qué esperar al lunes? Why wait until Monday? Why wait till Monday? >>en<< Hän suunnittelee asuvansa hotelli Orientalissa. She plans to stay at the Oriental Hotel. He plans to live in a hotel in Oriental. >>es<< He shut the door and went upstairs. Él cerró la puerta y subió las escaleras. Cerró la puerta y subió. >>en<< Mary no ha comido todavía. Mary hasn't had her lunch yet. Mary hasn't eaten yet. >>el<< ¿Te gusta la nieve? Σ' αρέσει το χιόνι; Σου αρέσει το χιόνι; >>es<< Tom is still in Boston. Tom todavía está en Boston. Tom todavía está en Boston. >>en<< Deja el pasado atrás y preocúpate por el presente. Leave the past behind and take care of the present. Leave the past behind and worry about the present. >>es<< The palace has a tall tower. El palacio tiene una alta torre. El palacio tiene una torre alta. >>es<< When the rock singer appeared on the stage, the audience at the concert clapped loudly. Cuando el cantante de rock apareció en el escenario, la audiencia del concierto ovacionó. Cuando el cantante de rock apareció en el escenario, el público en el concierto aplaudió fuertemente. >>es<< Turn down the television. Baja el volumen de la tele. Baja la televisión. >>en<< Tomi ei ole läsnä. Tom isn't present. Tom is not present. >>en<< No tienes que decirlo de una forma tan despectiva. You don't need to say it in such derogatory terms. You don't have to say it in such a disrespectful way. >>es<< This size doesn't fit me. Esta talla no me queda. Este tamaño no me encaja. >>es<< He could get no more money. Él no podía conseguir más dinero. No podía conseguir más dinero. >>es<< People who talk about themselves all the time bore me. La gente que siempre habla de sí misma me aburre. La gente que habla de sí misma me aburrió todo el tiempo. >>el<< Tell them we'll be ready. Πείτε τες ότι θα είμαστε έτοιμες. Πες τους ότι θα είμαστε έτοιμοι. >>es<< Tom went blind. Tom se quedó ciego. Tom se quedó ciego. >>en<< Ha comprado en la librería un libro escrito en inglés. He has bought a book written in English in the book store. He bought in the bookstore a book written in English. >>es<< That almost happened to us, too. Eso casi nos pasa también a nosotros. Eso casi nos pasó a nosotros también. >>es<< He doesn't resemble either of his parents. No se parece a ninguno de sus padres. No se parece a ninguno de sus padres. >>fi<< Why is the moon so big tonight? Miksi kuu on niin suuri tänä yönä? Miksi kuu on niin iso tänä iltana? >>es<< When are you returning to Italy? ¿Cuándo vas a volver a Italia? ¿Cuándo vas a volver a Italia? >>es<< You can set the white of an egg by boiling it. Puedes hacer la clara del huevo cociéndola. Puedes poner el blanco de un huevo hirviéndolo. >>en<< La sopa necesita más sal. The soup needs more salt. Soup needs more salt. >>en<< Aloin opiskella ranskaa kolme vuotta sitten. I started studying French three years ago. I started studying French three years ago. >>es<< They stated their objections. Ellos declararon sus objeciones. Declararon sus objeciones. >>el<< When does the bakery open? Πότε ανοίγει ο φούρνος; Πότε ανοίγει το φούρνο; >>en<< Usvaverho peitti näköalamme. A curtain of mist blocked our view. The weed curtain covered our sights. >>en<< Tom uskoo, että maailmankaukkeudessa on oikeasti yksitoista ulottuvuutta. Tom believes that the universe really has eleven dimensions. Tom believes that there are actually eleven dimensions in the world. >>en<< Θέλετε ένα από αυτά; Do you want one of them? You want one of these? >>en<< Este niño quiere amigos con los que jugar. That child wants some friends to play with. This kid wants friends to play with. >>en<< Ellos estaban muy emocionados. They were very excited. They were very excited. >>en<< Él era el hombre de sus sueños. He was a man who was the very picture of her ideals. He was the man of his dreams. >>en<< Φόρεσε μια μάσκα. She wore a mask. Put on a mask. >>en<< I thought you weren't coming back. I thought that you weren't coming back. I thought you weren't coming back. >>fi<< I would like to give him a present for his birthday. Haluaisin antaa hänelle jonkin syntymäpäivälahjan. Haluaisin antaa hänelle lahjan syntymäpäivälahjaksi. >>en<< Tom toca el órgano en nuestra iglesia. Tom plays organ at our church. Tom plays the organ in our church. >>en<< Listo, de acuerdo. Done, agreed. Ready, all right. >>fi<< Ella cuidó de los niños. Hän huolehti lapsista. Hän huolehti lapsista. >>en<< Tom luovutti luottokorttinsa. Tom handed over his credit card. Tom gave up his credit card. >>en<< He kaksi eivät tule keskenään toimeen. Those two don't get along. The two of them don't get along with each other. >>en<< Saattaa olla mahdotonta saada täysin virheetön korpus johtuen tämänkaltaisen yhteistyöhön perustuvan ponnistuksen luonteesta. Jos me kuitenkin kannustamme jäseniä antamaan työpanoksensa heidän äidinkielellään kirjoitettujen lauseiden muodossa ennemmin kuin tekemään kokeiluita kielillä, joita he opiskelevat, saatamme pystyä minimoimaan virheet. It may be impossible to get a completely error-free corpus due to the nature of this kind of collaborative effort. However, if we encourage members to contribute sentences in their own languages rather than experiment in languages they are learning, we might be able to minimize errors. It may be impossible to obtain a completely incorrect corpus because of the nature of such an effort based on cooperation. However, if we encourage members to contribute to their work in the form of written sentences in their mother tongue rather than experimenting in the languages they study, we may be able to minimize errors. >>fi<< Did Marika translate any comic books from Japanese into Finnish? Käänsikö Marika yhtään sarjakuvakirjaa japanista suomeksi? Käänsikö Marika sarjakuvia japanilaisista suomeksi? >>en<< I know that Tom isn't a very healthy person. I know Tom isn't a very healthy person. I know Tom is not a very healthy person. >>en<< Muutaman minuutin kävely toi meidät puistoon. A few minutes' walk brought us to the park. A few minutes walk brought us to the park. >>en<< Sin contar a Tom, no conocía a nadie ahí. Except for Tom, I didn't know anyone there. Without telling Tom, I didn't know anyone there. >>en<< Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Tom could've told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. >>en<< Kirjapainon keksiminen on historian merkittävin tapahtuma. The invention of printing is the greatest event in history. The invention of the book print is the most important event in history. >>fi<< The stars came out. Tähdet tulivat esiin. Tähdet tulivat ulos. >>en<< Ryhdytäänpä sitten tositoimiin. Let's get down to business. Then let's take real action. >>en<< Tomi pääsi pois vankilasta viime kuussa. Tom was released from prison last month. Tom got out of prison last month. >>es<< Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Cualquier cosa que digas puede y será usada en tu contra ante un tribunal. Cualquier cosa que diga puede y será usada en su contra en un tribunal. >>es<< They burned some coal. Ellos quemaron algún carbón. Quemaron un poco de carbón. >>en<< ¿Puedo ver a Tom un momento? Can I see Tom a moment? Can I see Tom for a second? >>es<< I'm very impressed by your work. Estoy muy impresionado con tu trabajo. Estoy muy impresionado por su trabajo. >>es<< I can't stop you. No te puedo parar. No puedo detenerte. >>en<< I thought that you said you'd still like to do that. I thought that you said that you'd still like to do that. I thought that you said you'd still like to do that. >>en<< La teoría sin práctica no servirá de nada. Theory without practice will be no use. The unpractice theory won't do anything. >>en<< El castillo es hermoso. The castle is beautiful. The castle is beautiful. >>en<< I thought you lived with your family. I thought that you lived with your family. I thought you lived with your family. >>es<< This is more important! ¡Esto es más importante! ¡Esto es más importante! >>es<< Kids like to play. A los chicos les gusta jugar. A los niños les gusta jugar. >>es<< He is wearing pyjamas. Él anda en pijamas. Lleva pijamas. >>fi<< Someday I'll beat you. Joku päivä voitan sinut. Jonain päivänä voitan sinut. >>fi<< Please stop! Ole kiltti ja lopeta! Pysähdy! >>es<< I'm not busy today. Hoy no estoy ocupada. No estoy ocupado hoy. >>es<< What will they do to us? ¿Qué harán con nosotros? ¿Qué nos harán? >>es<< He yielded to my advice. Él siguió mi consejo. Se rindió a mi consejo. >>fi<< Tom's home burned down in 2013. Tomin koti paloi poroksi vuonna 2013. Tomin koti paloi vuonna 2013. >>fi<< Welcome to the big leagues. Tervetuloa isojen pelurien joukkoon. Tervetuloa suuriin liigaan. >>en<< I am living a nightmare. I'm living a nightmare. I am living a nightmare. >>es<< There is a television in the room. Hay un televisor en el cuarto. Hay una televisión en la habitación. >>en<< Ella bajó a desayunar a las ocho. She came down to breakfast at eight. She went down to breakfast at 8:00. >>es<< I seek my own truth. Busco mi propia verdad. Busco mi propia verdad. >>en<< Tom said he's done all of that already. Tom said that he's done all of that already. Tom said that he's done all of that already. >>fi<< How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? Kuinka kauaksi aiot jäädä tänne Brasiliaan? Kauanko aiotte jäädä tänne Brasiliaan? >>es<< I was leaving for Paris the next morning. Yo salía hacia París la mañana siguiente. Me iba a París a la mañana siguiente. >>en<< I don't think Tom has everything he wants. I don't think that Tom has everything he wants. I don't think that Tom has everything he wants. >>en<< Tomilla ei ole pitkään odotettavaa. Tom doesn't have long to wait. Tom doesn't have much to wait for. >>en<< What're the chances Tom will know the answer? What're the chances that Tom will know the answer? What's the chances that Tom will know the answer? >>es<< It's time to work now. Let's get down to business. Es hora de trabajar. Empecemos con el trabajo. Es hora de trabajar ahora. >>en<< Mary said she isn't planning on doing that. Mary said she isn't planning to do that. Mary said she isn't planning on doing that. >>en<< Tom said it wasn't necessary. Tom said that it wasn't necessary. Tom said that it wasn't necessary. >>en<< Siempre está perdiendo su pañuelo. She is always losing her handkerchief. He's always losing his handkerchief. >>fi<< I'd like to have a coffee. Haluaisin kahvin. Haluaisin kahvia. >>el<< You'll be happy. Θα 'στε ευτυχισμένη. Θα είσαι ευτυχισμένη. >>es<< How did you get into my room? ¿Cómo entraste en mi habitación? ¿Cómo entraste en mi habitación? >>es<< Please let me know when I should get off. Haga el favor de avisarme cuando debo bajar. Por favor, házmelo saber cuando deba irme. >>en<< Por favor, escuche lo que tengo que decir. Please listen to what I have to say. Please, listen to what I have to say. >>en<< Palomiehen kasvot olivat synkät, kun hän tuli ulos palavasta talosta. The firemen's face was grim when he came out of the burning house. The face of the fireman was dark when he came out of the burning house. >>fi<< Tom says he's planning to buy a gift for Mary. Tommi sanoo, että hän suunnittelee lahjan ostamista Marille. Tomi aikoo ostaa lahjan Marylle. >>en<< Parece que él es feliz. It seems that he's happy. Looks like he's happy. >>en<< Tomi näytti vaivaantuneelta. Tom looked uncomfortable. Tom seemed troubled. >>en<< Él intentó en vano hacer feliz a su mujer. He tried to make his wife happy, but in vain. He tried in vain to make his wife happy. >>es<< He started a new life. Él empezó una vida nueva. Comenzó una nueva vida. >>es<< In any case, we'll go. De todas maneras iremos. En cualquier caso, nos iremos. >>es<< According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring. Según esta revista, mi actriz favorita se casará con un músico de jazz la próxima primavera. Según esta revista, mi actriz favorita se casará con un músico de jazz la próxima primavera. >>el<< You won't be alone. Δε θα 'σαι μονάχος. Δεν θα είσαι μόνος. >>en<< He oído hablar de ti. I've heard about you. I heard about you. >>el<< You must go home. Πρέπει να πάτε σπίτι. Πρέπει να πας σπίτι. >>en<< Le pregunté a ella qué pasó, pero no quiso decirme. I asked her what happened, but she wouldn't tell me. I asked her what happened, but she didn't want to tell me. >>fi<< Should I try it? Pitäisikö minun yrittää sitä? Pitäisikö minun kokeilla? >>en<< Un astuto cazador, Cristóbal Colón, una vez se puso una caperuza roja y se adentró en el bosque. Sin dudarlo, atrajo al Gran Lobo Malvado, lo atrapó y se llevó a rastras al lobo que gritaba de vuelta a su barco. A wily hunter, Christopher Columbus once donned a red riding hood and went into the forest. Without a doubt, he attracted the Big Bad Wolf, grabbed him, and dragged the screaming wolf back to his ship. A clever hunter, Christopher Columbus, once put on a red caperuza and entered the woods. Without hesitation, he attracted the Great Malvado Wolf, caught him and dragged to traces the wolf who shouted back to his boat. >>el<< I'm not well. Δεν είμαι καλά. Δεν είμαι καλά. >>en<< Tom should've told me about that earlier. Tom should have told me about that earlier. Tom should have told me about that earlier. >>el<< Mr. White soon began to feel guilty. Ο κύριος Γουάιτ σύντομα άρχισε να αισθάνεται ένοχος. Ο κ. Γουάιτ σύντομα άρχισε να αισθάνεται ένοχος. >>fi<< They like the idea. He pitävät ajatuksesta. He pitävät ajatuksesta. >>en<< I think we're making good progress. I think that we're making good progress. I think we're making good progress. >>en<< I think Tom is a great guy. I think that Tom is a great guy. I think that Tom is a great guy. >>es<< Don't get too excited. No te emociones demasiado. No te excitas demasiado. >>en<< En voi maalata tätä taloa yhdessä päivässä. I cannot paint this house in one day. I can't paint this house in one day. >>fi<< What Tom told you was a lie. Se mitä Tom kertoi teille, oli vale. Se, mitä Tom sanoi sinulle, oli valetta. >>en<< Compré el libro ayer. I bought the book yesterday. I bought the book yesterday. >>en<< Ο Θωμάς έδωσε εντολές. Tom gave orders. Thomas gave orders. >>en<< Τον επόμενο μήνα θα γίνω δεκαέξι χρόνων. I'll be sixteen years old next month. Next month, I'll be sixteen years old. >>es<< Unohditko ostaa munia? ¿Te olvidaste de comprar huevos? ¿Olvidaste comprar huevos? >>en<< Odio viajar. I hate traveling. I hate traveling. >>es<< Do you think she still looks at my pictures? ¿Crees que todavía mira mis fotos? ¿Crees que sigue mirando mis fotos? >>es<< This firm manufactures cars at the rate of two hundred per day. Esta compañía fabrica doscientos autos por día. Esta empresa fabrica coches a un ritmo de doscientos por día. >>en<< I know I haven't lived the model life. I know that I haven't lived the model life. I know I haven't lived the model life. >>es<< Do you know where the girl lives? ¿Usted sabe dónde vive la chica? ¿Sabes dónde vive la chica? >>en<< Tom admitted that he didn't eat the cake that his girlfriend had baked for him. Tom admitted he didn't eat the cake that his girlfriend had baked for him. Tom admitted that he didn't eat the cake that his girlfriend had baked for him. >>es<< His parents go to church every Sunday. Sus padres van a la iglesia todos los domingos. Sus padres van a la iglesia todos los domingos. >>es<< Andy must have practiced very hard. Andy ha de haber practicado mucho. Andy debe haber practicado muy duro. >>es<< When will you come? ¿Cuándo vendrás? ¿Cuándo vendrás? >>en<< Le abrí mi corazón. I bared my soul to her. I opened my heart to him. >>en<< Hänet tapettiin miekalla. He was killed with a sword. He was killed with a sword. >>es<< What natural foods help curb the appetite? ¿Qué alimentos naturales ayudan a frenar el apetito? ¿Qué alimentos naturales ayudan a frenar el apetito? >>es<< Why don't we take him a bottle of wine? ¿Por qué no le traemos una botella de vino? ¿Por qué no le tomamos una botella de vino? >>en<< El barrio donde él nació está lejos de aquí. The village in which he was born is far from here. The neighborhood where he was born is far from here. >>es<< You've got three weeks. Tienes tres semanas. Tienes tres semanas. >>es<< I have to go even if it rains. Tengo que ir aunque llueva. Tengo que irme incluso si llueve. >>en<< Tom quiere que nos lleves a la escuela. Tom wants you to take us to school. Tom wants you to take us to school. >>en<< Deberías leer esto. You should read this. You should read this. >>en<< Los perros tienen un agudo sentido del olfato. Dogs have a keen sense of smell. Dogs have an acute sense of smell. >>en<< Estoy seguro de que Tom se quejará. I'm sure Tom will complain. I'm sure Tom will complain. >>en<< I asked Mary when she was planning to go to Boston. I asked Mary when she was planning on going to Boston. I asked Mary when she was planning to go to Boston. >>en<< I'm glad that you succeeded. I'm glad you succeeded. I'm glad that you succeeded. >>en<< No esperaba que fuera tan grande. I did not expect it to be that big. I didn't expect it to be that big. >>en<< Parece sospechoso. It looks suspicious. He seems suspicious. >>el<< ¿Cree usted en el Mal de ojo? Πιστεύετε στο μάτι; Πιστεύετε στο κακό του ματιού; >>en<< Mistä urheilusta sinä pidät eniten? What sport do you like best? What kind of sport do you like most? >>en<< I don't think Tom knows anything about folk music. I don't think that Tom knows anything about folk music. I don't think that Tom knows anything about folk music. >>es<< He won't know. No lo sabrá. No lo sabrá. >>en<< Jumala loi ihmisen omaksi kuvakseen. God created man in his own image. God created a man for his own image. >>fi<< Six of them are burning. Kuusi heistä palaa. Kuusi heistä on palamassa. >>en<< Κανείς δε σας αγαπάει όσο εγώ. No one loves you as much as I do. Nobody loves you as much as I do. >>el<< We have an obligation to do it. Έχουμε υποχρέωση να το κάνουμε. Έχουμε υποχρέωση να το κάνουμε. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know that he'd never be able to do that. I know that Tom didn't know he'd never be able to do that. I know Tom didn't know that he'd never be able to do that. >>en<< Älä pukeudu kuin lutka. Don't dress like a slut. Don't dress like a slut. >>es<< Though he knew the truth, he told us nothing. Aunque él sabía la verdad, no nos dijo nada. Aunque sabía la verdad, no nos dijo nada. >>en<< Estoy harto de todas las quejas de Tom. I'm fed up with all of Tom's complaints. I'm sick of all Tom's complaints. >>el<< Do you want me to read this out loud to you? Θέλετε να σας το διαβάσω δυνατά; Θέλεις να σου το διαβάσω δυνατά; >>fi<< Missä sinun koulusi on? Missä sinun koulusi sijaitsee? Missä sinun koulusi on? >>en<< Tuota... Taloni ei ole tarpeeksi iso. Well... My house isn't big enough. Well, my house isn't big enough. >>el<< I often play football after school. Συχνά παίζω ποδόσφαιρο μετά το σχολείο. Συχνά παίζω ποδόσφαιρο μετά το σχολείο. >>en<< Pitäkäähän kivaa! Have fun! Have fun! >>es<< The bribery came to light. El soborno salió a la luz. El soborno llegó a la luz. >>es<< Don't you add some sugar? ¿No le agregás un poco de azúcar? ¿No agregas azúcar? >>es<< This is not a one word sentence. Ésta no es una frase de una sola palabra. Esta no es una frase de una palabra. >>en<< No sé nada de música. I know nothing about music. I don't know anything about music. >>el<< This bicycle is mine. Αυτό το ποδήλατο είναι δικό μου. Αυτό το ποδήλατο είναι δικό μου. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they were terrified. Tom and Mary told me they were terrified. Tom and Mary told me that they were terrified. >>es<< We have already forgiven you. Ya te hemos perdonado. Ya te hemos perdonado. >>es<< I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. Hablo un poco de galéico escocés. Hablo un poco de Gaelic escocés. >>es<< It would be a pity if such a word disappeared. Sería una pena que una palabra así desapareciera. Sería una lástima si esa palabra desapareciera. >>en<< ¿Por qué estás usando mi abrigo? Why are you wearing my coat? Why are you wearing my coat? >>es<< I regret saying that you were wrong. Me arrepiento de haber dicho que estabas equivocado. Lamento decir que te equivocaste. >>en<< Tengo dieciséis años. I am sixteen years old. I'm 16 years old. >>en<< Mañana estaré ocupado. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. >>en<< Él recolectó un montón de estampillas. He collected a lot of stamps. He collected a lot of stamps. >>es<< Cuando llegué a casa, percibí que había perdido mi billetera. Cuando llegué a casa, noté que había perdido mi billetera. Cuando llegué a casa, percibí que había perdido mi billetera. >>en<< He is always spoiling for a fight. He is always itching to pick a fight. He is always spoiling for a fight. >>en<< They are happy. They're happy. They are happy. >>en<< Tom's not in his bed. Tom isn't in his bed. Tom isn't in his bed. >>en<< ¿Oyes eso? Can you hear that? You hear that? >>es<< We all know what happened here. Todos nosotros sabemos lo que aquí ocurrió. Todos sabemos lo que pasó aquí. >>fi<< How do I know if a girl is interested in me? Miten tiedän, onko tyttö kiinnostunut minusta vai ei? Mistä tiedän, onko tyttö kiinnostunut minusta? >>en<< Both Tom and Mary got here late. Tom and Mary both got here late. Both Tom and Mary got here late. >>en<< The store has been liquidated. It's closed for good. The store is closed for good. It's been liquidated. The store has been liquidated. lt's closed for good. >>es<< I've never seen anyone like you. Nunca he visto a nadie como tú. Nunca he visto a nadie como tú. >>en<< Onko teillä ranskaa puhuvia työntekijöitä? Do you have any French-speaking employees? Do you have any French-speaking workers? >>en<< Minä en voi purra. Minulla ei ole hampaita. I cannot bite. I have no teeth. I can't bite, I don't have teeth. >>es<< Luna is a reliable person. Luna es una persona de fiar. Luna es una persona confiable. >>en<< It's not polite to point at others. It isn't polite to point at others. It's not polite to point at others. >>en<< ¿Dónde está el hospital? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? >>es<< I don't know which button to push. No sé qué botón pulsar. No sé qué botón empujar. >>en<< ¿Qué haces despierta tan temprano? What are you doing up this early? What are you doing awake so early? >>en<< Sin aire, el hombre no puede existir. Men can not exist without air. Without air, man cannot exist. >>en<< I didn't know that what we were doing was against the law. I didn't know what we were doing was against the law. I didn't know that what we were doing was against the law. >>es<< I don't understand a word of what he's saying. Yo no entiendo una palabra de lo que él está diciendo. No entiendo ni una palabra de lo que está diciendo. >>fi<< I got him to take my picture. Sain hänet ottamaan kuvan minusta. Sain hänet ottamaan kuvani. >>fi<< The rumor isn't true. Huhu ei ole totta. Huhu ei ole totta. >>en<< Ο Τομ έβαψε την πόρτα μπλε. Tom painted the door blue. Tom painted the door blue. >>es<< In fact, he didn't go to the church. En realidad, él no fue a la iglesia. De hecho, no fue a la iglesia. >>en<< Tom said he didn't want to be seen with Mary. Tom said that he didn't want to be seen with Mary. Tom said that he didn't want to be seen with Mary. >>en<< Tom is liked by everyone. Everyone likes Tom. Tom is liked by everyone. >>en<< I'm glad no one's around. I'm glad that nobody's around. I'm glad no one's around. >>en<< ¿Por dónde queda la playa? Which way is the beach? Where's the beach? >>es<< Don't worry, you did well. No se preocupen, lo hicieron bien. No te preocupes, lo hiciste bien. >>es<< It looks appetizing. Me levanta el apetito. Parece apetitoso. >>fi<< Raise your hand before you answer. Nosta kätesi ennen kuin vastaat. Nosta kätesi, ennen kuin vastaat. >>en<< I didn't think Tom needed to do that yesterday. I didn't think that Tom needed to do that yesterday. I didn't think that Tom needed to do that yesterday. >>es<< At last, she has brought the plan into effect. Al final ella llevó a cabo el plan. Por fin, ha puesto en práctica el plan. >>es<< I am married and I have a daughter. Estoy casado y tengo una hija. Estoy casada y tengo una hija. >>en<< Ganaron las chicas. The girls won. The girls won. >>es<< I paid R$2600.00 for these speakers. Pagué R$ 2600,00 por estos parlantes. Pagué R$2600.00 por estos oradores. >>es<< My father's car is new. El auto de mi padre es nuevo. El coche de mi padre es nuevo. >>en<< No tengo ganas de ir y además ya es muy tarde. I don't want to go, and besides it's too late. I don't want to go, and it's too late. >>es<< Mul on paljon rahaa. Tengo mucho dinero. Tengo mucho dinero. >>en<< Tom didn't tell Mary he wanted to do that. Tom didn't tell Mary that he wanted to do that. Tom didn't tell Mary that he wanted to do that. >>en<< Espero que estés muy bien. I hope that you are very well. I hope you're doing great. >>en<< Hän haluaa tulla simultaanitulkiksi. She wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. He wants to become a simultaneous stumbling block. >>en<< Ήταν εκτεθειμένος σε πολλούς κινδύνους. He was exposed to many dangers. He was exposed to many dangers. >>fi<< ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Mikä sinun lempiruokasi on? Mikä on lempiruokaasi? >>en<< Había un cartel que decía, "Prohibido pisar el césped." There was a sign saying, "Keep off the grass." There was a poster that said, "Forbidden to step on the lawn." >>fi<< The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Henki on altis, mutta liha on heikko. Henki on halukas, mutta liha on heikko. >>es<< I always play by the rules. Siempre juego según las reglas. Siempre toco de acuerdo a las reglas. >>en<< Se kuulostaa minusta oudolta. It sounds strange to me. It sounds strange to me. >>es<< Let's try once more. Tratemos una vez más. Intentémoslo una vez más. >>fi<< ¿Qué enseña Tom? Mitä Tomi opettaa? Mitä Tom opettaa? >>es<< She can't explain what happened. Ella no puede explicar qué sucedió. No puede explicar lo que pasó. >>en<< Tomilla ei ollut mitään syötävää eilen. Tom had nothing to eat yesterday. Tom had nothing to eat yesterday. >>en<< Ostitko koiran? Did you buy a dog? Did you buy a dog? >>es<< We made pancakes for breakfast. Hacemos panquecillos calientes para desayunar. Hicimos panqueques para desayunar. >>en<< Estaba muy perturbada por la noticia de la muerte de su amante. She was very agitated at the news of her lover's death. She was very disturbed by the news of her lover's death. >>fi<< At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. 22-vuotiaana rakastuin pomooni. 22-vuotiaana rakastuin pomoni kanssa. >>el<< The problem is you're not Canadian. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν είσαι Καναδή. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δεν είσαι Καναδός. >>es<< I am not guilty and I am not a bad person. Yo no soy culpable y no soy una mala persona. No soy culpable y no soy una mala persona. >>en<< Esta no es mi especialidad. This is not my specialty. This isn't my specialty. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Boston was a safe city. Tom told me he thought that Boston was a safe city. Tom told me that he thought Boston was a safe city. >>es<< I never wear a jacket. Nunca me pongo chaqueta. Nunca llevo una chaqueta. >>en<< Tom said he didn't like the taste of beer. Tom said that he didn't like the taste of beer. Tom said that he didn't like the taste of beer. >>es<< This material will wear very well. Este género es de mucha duración. Este material se pondrá muy bien. >>en<< There's a possibility you'll have to do that. There's a possibility that you'll have to do that. There's a possibility you'll have to do that. >>en<< Desde el sábado a la noche no puedo pensar en otra cosa. I can't think about anything else since Saturday night. From Saturday to night I can't think of anything else. >>en<< Ας παίξουμε. Let's play. Let's play. >>es<< I don't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful. No recomiendo comer en aquel restaurante. La comida es repugnante. No recomiendo comer en ese restaurante, la comida es horrible. >>es<< You didn't need to come. No tenías para qué venir. No tenías que venir. >>en<< No creo que estés loco. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. >>en<< Tom thought I might be required to do that. Tom thought that I might be required to do that. Tom thought that I might be required to do that. >>en<< I don't think Tom will like the soup I made. I don't think Tom will like the soup that I made. I don't think that Tom will like the soup I made. >>en<< Asegúrate de tener el cerebro encendido antes de poner la boca en marcha. Make sure the brain is engaged before putting the mouth in gear. Make sure your brain is on before you start your mouth. >>en<< No hay duda de que ella vendrá pronto. No doubt she will come soon. There's no doubt she'll be here soon. >>es<< I can't always understand everything you say. No siempre logro entender todo lo que dices. No siempre entiendo todo lo que dices. >>en<< Lavá los platos. Wash the dishes. I wash the dishes. >>es<< It had to happen somewhere. Tenía que pasar en algún lado. Tenía que pasar en algún lugar. >>el<< I can read English, but I can't speak it. Μπορώ να διαβάσω Αγγλικά, αλλά δεν μπορώ να τα μιλήσω. Μπορώ να διαβάσω Αγγλικά, αλλά δεν μπορώ να το πω. >>es<< This kind of proposal can't be rejected. ¡No se rechaza ese tipo de propuesta! Este tipo de propuesta no puede ser rechazada. >>en<< Do you really think Tom is insecure? Do you really think that Tom is insecure? Do you really think that Tom is insecure? >>en<< I thought that you said that I couldn't do that. I thought you said that I couldn't do that. I thought that you said that I couldn't do that. >>es<< Our talk about the sexuality of flies could offend some people. Nuestra charla respecto a la sexualidad de las moscas podría escandalizar a algunas personas. Nuestra charla sobre la sexualidad de las moscas podría ofender a algunas personas. >>es<< You must pay in advance. Tiene que pagar por adelantado. Debes pagar por adelantado. >>fi<< My shoes are too small. Kenkäni ovat liian pienet. Kenkäni ovat liian pienet. >>es<< You may go. Pueden irse. Puede irse. >>en<< I know Tom isn't planning on going to Australia with you. I know that Tom isn't planning on going to Australia with you. I know that Tom isn't planning on going to Australia with you. >>en<< Es un gran paso. It's a big step. It's a big step. >>fi<< You take things too seriously. Sinä otat asiat liian vakavasti. Otat asiat liian vakavasti. >>es<< A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. La sonrisa es la curva más bella del cuerpo de una mujer. Una sonrisa es la curva más hermosa del cuerpo de una mujer. >>es<< I respect you for what you have done. Te respeto por lo que has hecho. Te respeto por lo que has hecho. >>en<< Πού ήσασταν το 2003; Where were you in 2003? Where were you in 2003? >>en<< It's hot today. It is hot today! It's hot today. >>es<< Are you speaking to me? ¿Estás hablando conmigo? ¿Me estás hablando? >>es<< Miksi nimenomaan nämä? ¿Por qué precisamente estas cosas? ¿Por qué estas cosas? >>es<< "Hello, who is this?" "Hola, ¿quién es?" "Hola, ¿quién es?" >>es<< Did you know there are carnivorous tortoises? ¿Sabías que hay tortugas carnívoras? ¿Sabías que hay tortugas carnívoras? >>en<< I'm a lot taller than Tom. I'm a lot taller than Tom is. I'm a lot taller than Tom. >>es<< I can't tell Tom the truth. No le puedo decir la verdad a Tom. No puedo decir la verdad a Tom. >>es<< This is the end. Este es el fin. Este es el fin. >>es<< We teachers are human just like you students. Nosotros, los profesores, somos humanos, igual que vosotros, estudiantes. Nosotros los maestros somos humanos como ustedes estudiantes. >>es<< Don't feel so bad. There's always someone worse off than you. No te sientas tan mal. Siempre hay alguien que está peor que tú. No te sientas tan mal, siempre hay alguien peor que tú. >>es<< He ovat autossa. Están en el auto. Están en el auto. >>fi<< No, soy inglés. Ei, olen englantilainen. Ei, olen englantilainen. >>es<< That's none of your business. Eso no es asunto tuyo. Eso no es asunto tuyo. >>fi<< The storm did great harm to the crop. Myrsky teki pahaa vahinkoa viljalle. Myrsky aiheutti suuria vahinkoja viljalle. >>en<< I thought I'd stay a little longer. I thought that I'd stay a little longer. I thought I'd stay a little longer. >>fi<< Tom wants to come to Boston with us. Tom haluaa tulla Bostoniin meidän kanssamme. Tom haluaa tulla Bostoniin kanssamme. >>es<< He wants these shirts washed. Él quiere que se laven estas camisas. Quiere lavar estas camisas. >>en<< Tom said he'd rather die than do that. Tom said that he'd rather die than do that. Tom said that he'd rather die than do that. >>en<< Apuesto a que lo puedo hacer mejor que él. I bet I can do better than him. I bet I can do better than him. >>en<< You should give a good example to your children. You should set a good example for your children. You should give a good example to your children. >>en<< Las nubes están oscureciéndose; va a llover. The clouds are getting darker; it's going to rain. The clouds are getting dark; it's gonna rain. >>en<< Betty fue la primera chica en venir a la fiesta. Betty was the first girl who came to the party. Betty was the first girl to come to the party. >>es<< We should be careful what we say. Deberíamos ser cuidadosos con lo que decimos. Debemos tener cuidado con lo que decimos. >>en<< Tomi piirsi kuvan oravasta. Tom drew a picture of a squirrel. Tom drew a picture of the squirrel. >>en<< Nos encantan los picnics. We love picnics. We love picnics. >>fi<< Está en el tren. Hän on junassa. Hän on junassa. >>es<< His childhood was harsh. Su niñez fue dura. Su infancia era dura. >>en<< Tom told me he had never been to Boston. Tom told me that he had never been to Boston. Tom told me that he had never been to Boston. >>fi<< I followed Tom. Seurasin Tomia. Seurasin Tomia. >>en<< I think that Tom is the one who should make that decision. I think that Tom is the one that should make that decision. I think that Tom is the one who should make that decision. >>el<< Do you have any? Έχεις κανένα; Έχεις καθόλου; >>en<< Tänään sataa. Missä sateenvarjoni on? It's raining today. Where is my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? >>es<< Would you like us to go to the game together? ¿Querés que vayamos juntos a ver el partido? ¿Quieres que vayamos juntos al juego? >>en<< Odotetaan täällä kunnes hän palaa. Let's wait here till he comes back. We'll wait here until he gets back. >>en<< Είστε αδύναμη. You're weak. You're weak. >>es<< What shoes are too small? ¿Qué zapatos son demasiado pequeños? ¿Qué zapatos son demasiado pequeños? >>en<< Conoces tus derechos. You know your rights. You know your rights. >>en<< Olemme naapureita. We're neighbors. We're neighbors. >>en<< Tom said Mary knew she might have to do that on her own. Tom said that Mary knew that she might have to do that on her own. Tom said that Mary knew that she might have to do that on her own. >>en<< Minä en elä Suomessa. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. >>en<< Yo nací y crecí aquí. I was born and brought up here. I was born and grew up here. >>fi<< Your hair is longer than mine. Tukkasi on pidempi kuin minun. Hiuksesi ovat pidemmät kuin minun. >>fi<< Does my dog look fat to you? Näyttääkö koirani sinusta lihavalta? Näyttääkö koirani lihavalta? >>el<< Please tell them to leave. Σε παρακαλώ, πες τους να φύγουν. Σε παρακαλώ πες τους να φύγουν. >>en<< I know that Tom knows why I had to do that. I know Tom knows why I had to do that. I know Tom knows why I had to do that. >>en<< Tom is going to let Mary do that. Tom is going to allow Mary to do that. Tom is going to let Mary do that. >>en<< I thought Tom had paid Mary, but apparently I was wrong. I thought that Tom had paid Mary, but apparently I was wrong. I thought that Tom had paid Mary, but apparently I was wrong. >>es<< The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds. El campo de aviación en la isla está ahora cubierto de maleza. El aeródromo de la isla ahora está cubierto de malas hierbas. >>en<< He is a real gentleman. He's a real gentleman. He is a real gentleman. >>es<< Did you do it by yourself? ¿Lo hizo usted solo? ¿Lo hiciste tú solo? >>en<< No le hagas caso. Don't mind him. Don't listen to him. >>fi<< Hercules is the Latinized form of the name of the most famous Greek legendary hero, Heracles. Herkules on latitinalisoitu muoto maineikkaimman kreikkalaisen legendain sankarin, Herakleen, nimestä. Herkules on kuuluisimman kreikkalaisen legendaarisen sankarin Heraclesin nimi. >>fi<< Baptists reject infant baptism. Baptistit kieltäytyvät hyväksymästä lapsikastetta. Kastajat hylkäävät lapsen kasteen. >>es<< I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. No estoy enfadado contigo; simplemente decepcionado. No estoy enojado contigo, sólo estoy decepcionado. >>fi<< No tenían fuentes de energía alternativa. Heillä ei ollut mitään vaihtoehtoista energialähdettä. Heillä ei ollut vaihtoehtoisia energialähteitä. >>es<< I don't know who you are. No sé quiénes sois. No sé quién eres. >>en<< I didn't know that Tom had so much money. I didn't know Tom had so much money. I didn't know Tom had so much money. >>es<< The doctor is concerned. El doctor está preocupado. El médico está preocupado. >>en<< Ellos me miraron y sonrieron. They looked at me and smiled. They looked at me and smiled. >>en<< Ellos están vacíos. They're hollow. They're empty. >>en<< No hagas dos cosas a la vez. Don't do two things at once. Don't do two things at once. >>es<< Sami is still in the room. Sami todavía está en la habitación. Sami sigue en la habitación. >>en<< Hola, soy Mike. Hey, I'm Mike. Hi, it's Mike. >>en<< ¡Esto no funcionará! This won't work! This won't work! >>en<< You know I can do it. You know that I can do it. You know I can do it. >>fi<< This is of interest to me. Tämä on mielenkiintoista minulle. Tämä on kiinnostavaa minulle. >>es<< Man is the only animal that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then, eventually, he becomes polite. El hombres es el único animal que aprende siendo hipócrita. Él finge ser educado y entonces, al final, acaba volviéndose educado. El hombre es el único animal que aprende siendo hipócrita, fingiendo ser cortés y luego, finalmente, se vuelve cortés. >>en<< Tom said it's what he wasn't doing that made the coach angry. Tom said that it's what he wasn't doing that made the coach angry. Tom said it's what he wasn't doing that made the coach angry. >>en<< Mitä tekisit, jos sinulla olisi vaikkapa kymmenentuhatta dollaria? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if you had ten thousand dollars? >>es<< I remember that guy. Me acuerdo de ese hombre. Recuerdo a ese tipo. >>fi<< Tom often leaves everything to the last minute. Tomi jättää usein asiat viime tinkaan. Tom jättää usein kaiken viimeiseen hetkeen. >>en<< I was convinced that I didn't need to do that. I was convinced I didn't need to do that. I was convinced that I didn't need to do that. >>es<< Tom liked the film a lot. A Tom le gustó mucho la película. A Tom le gustaba mucho la película. >>fi<< El libro está sobre la mesa. Kirja on pöydällä. Kirja on pöydällä. >>en<< Θα κλάψει ο Τομ. Tom'll cry. Tom's gonna cry. >>fi<< Do it again! Tee se uudestaan! Tee se uudestaan! >>en<< Hay lugar. There's room. There's room. >>en<< He eivät olleet siellä. They weren't there. They weren't there. >>es<< I hope something bad doesn't happen to us. Espero que no nos ocurra algo malo. Espero que algo malo no nos pase. >>en<< Yo acepto eso. I accept that. I accept that. >>en<< No pude obtener otra copia del libro. I couldn't get another copy of the book. I couldn't get another copy of the book. >>en<< Ellas vinieron de lejos. They came from far away. They came from afar. >>es<< I had a great time with you last night. Anoche me lo pasé muy bien con vosotros. Lo pasé genial contigo anoche. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom was able to do that. I wonder whether or not Tom was able to do that. I wonder if Tom was able to do that. >>en<< Si dejo de estar en contacto, informen a la policía, ¿vale? If I drop out of contact, let the police know, OK? If I stop being in touch, let the police know, okay? >>en<< Tom sanoi, että hän haluaa ottaa meistä muutamia kuvia. Tom said he wanted to take some pictures of us. Tom said he wants to take a few pictures of us. >>en<< Πού είναι οι στρατιώτες; Where are the soldiers? Where are the soldiers? >>el<< Tom works at Harvard. Ο Τομ δουλεύει στο Χάρβαρντ. Ο Τομ δουλεύει στο Χάρβαρντ. >>en<< Mä oon nyt tosi väsyny. I'm very tired now. I'm really tired now. >>es<< The leaves of the tree turned yellow. Las hojas del árbol se volvieron amarillas. Las hojas del árbol se volvieron amarillas. >>es<< I'm a party animal. Soy un fiestero. Soy un animal de fiesta. >>en<< Tom said that he thought you'd win. Tom said that he thought that you'd win. Tom said that he thought you'd win. >>en<< Do Tom and Mary know that wish they'd leave? Do Tom and Mary know wish they'd leave? Do Tom and Mary know that wish they'd leave? >>es<< I sat back down. Volví a sentarme. Me senté de vuelta. >>en<< No puede ni leer mucho menos escribir. He can neither read nor write. He can't even read much less writing. >>en<< Tu padre extorsionó a los yakuza. Your dad shook down the yakuza. Your father extorted the Yakuza. >>en<< Tom told me that he wasn't planning on doing that. Tom told me that he wasn't planning to do that. Tom told me that he wasn't planning on doing that. >>en<< Hänen toimistonsa on kaupungin keskustassa. Her office is located in the center of the town. His office is in the city center. >>el<< Where do you want to eat? Πού θέλεις να φας; Πού θέλεις να φας; >>el<< Tell her I won't be there. Πες της ότι δε θα 'μαι εκεί. Πες της ότι δεν θα είμαι εκεί. >>en<< Πες τους ότι δεν το χρειάζεσαι. Tell them you don't need it. Tell them you don't need it. >>en<< En ole varma, onko se uros vai naaras. I'm not sure if it's a male or a female. I'm not sure if it's a male or a female. >>en<< Sé porqué hay tanta gente que le encanta partir madera. I know why there are so many people who love chopping wood. I know why there are so many people who love to break wood. >>en<< Päästäkää hänet vapaaksi! Release him! Let him go! >>es<< The meeting went on until noon. La reunión tuvo lugar hasta el mediodía. La reunión continuó hasta el mediodía. >>en<< That song is not in the public domain. That's not a public domain song. That song is not in the public domain. >>fi<< I don't expect help. En oleta saavani apua. En odota apua. >>en<< ¿Necesitas el libro? Do you need the book? Do you need the book? >>el<< Mario and Luigi are brothers. Ο Μάριο και ο Λουίτζι είναι αδέρφια. Ο Mario και ο Luigi είναι αδέρφια. >>es<< I bought an Apple mouse. It's only 69 €! Me compré un mouse de Apple. ¡Costó apenas 69 euros! Compré un ratón de Apple. ¡Son sólo 69 €! >>en<< Soplaba un viento frío. A cold wind was blowing. It was blowing a cold wind. >>en<< No puedo cerrar esta puerta. Está rota. I can't close this door. It's broken. I can't close this door. >>en<< That's disgusting. That is disgusting. That's disgusting. >>en<< Lo mejor para Tom es no dejarlo solo en ese estado de ánimo. It's best for Tom not to be left alone in that frame of mind. The best thing for Tom is not to leave him alone in that mood. >>en<< Como estoy enfermo, no iré contigo. As I am sick, I will not go with you. Since I'm sick, I'm not going with you. >>es<< She lives in the country. Ella vive en el país. Vive en el país. >>en<< I know that won't happen again. I know that that won't happen again. I know that won't happen again. >>en<< I have lived here since I was a boy. I've lived here since I was a boy. I have lived here since I was a boy. >>en<< Ο Τομ ήθελε να πάει στην Αυστραλία. Tom wanted to go to Australia. Tom wanted to go to Australia. >>es<< Tom is a house painter. Tomás es un pintor. Tom es un pintor de la casa. >>fi<< Definitely! Ehdottomasti! Ehdottomasti! >>en<< Tom knows you're the one that started this. Tom knows that you're the one that started this. Tom knows you're the one who started this. >>en<< Δεν καταλαβαίνω. I don't get it. I don't understand. >>en<< Ο Τομ άρχισε να μιλάει. Tom started to talk. Tom started talking. >>es<< Tom finished off the ice cream. Tom acabó con todos los helados. Tom terminó con el helado. >>en<< Tom said that he thought he might be required to do that by himself. Tom said that he thought that he might be required to do that by himself. Tom said that he thought that he might be required to do that by himself. >>es<< Which language is spoken in the United States of America? ¿Qué lengua se habla en los Estados Unidos de América? ¿Qué idioma se habla en los Estados Unidos de América? >>en<< No les quedaba dinero. They had no money left. They didn't have any money left. >>en<< Tengo que ir a casa. I have to go home. I have to go home. >>en<< El producto nuevo me decepcionó. I was disappointed with the new product. The new product disappointed me. >>es<< More than 10,000 people signed the petition. Más de diez mil personas firmaron la petición. Más de 10.000 personas firmaron la petición. >>en<< Dependemos de usted. We depend on you. We're up to you. >>es<< This problem is akin to the one we had last year. Este problema es similar al que tuvimos el año pasado. Este problema es similar al que tuvimos el año pasado. >>en<< ¡No soy gorda! I am not fat! I'm not fat! >>es<< She asked him to stay, but he didn't want to. Ella le pidió que se quedara, pero él no quería. Le pidió que se quedara, pero no quería. >>es<< Sit here, you'll feel better. Siéntate aquí, te sentirás mejor. Siéntate aquí, te sentirás mejor. >>es<< Of the two girls, she is the younger. Ella es la más joven de las dos niñas. De las dos chicas, ella es la más joven. >>en<< They told everyone that they were exhausted. They told everyone they were exhausted. They told everyone that they were exhausted. >>en<< Tom thinks Mary has probably not done that yet. Tom thinks Mary probably hasn't done that yet. Tom thinks that Mary probably hasn't done that yet. >>en<< En voi uskoa, että on jo kesä. I can't believe it's summer already. I can't believe it's already summer. >>fi<< The child pretended to cry so it could get some sympathy. Lapsi itki krokotiilinkyyneliä kerätäkseen sympatiaa. Lapsi teeskenteli itkevänsä saadakseen myötätuntoa. >>es<< Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans. Si ellos hubieran sabido lo que estaba a punto de suceder, ellos habrían cambiado sus planes. Si hubieran sabido lo que iba a suceder, habrían cambiado sus planes. >>en<< El pollo estaba seco. The chicken was dry. The chicken was dry. >>es<< Yesterday I met Marie. Ayer me encontré con Mary. Ayer conocí a Marie. >>es<< Nothing is certain but death and taxes. Nada es inevitable excepto la muerte y los impuestos. Nada es seguro sino la muerte y los impuestos. >>es<< The French revolution was a bourgeois revolt. La revolución francesa fue una revuelta burguesa. La revolución francesa fue una rebelión burguesa. >>el<< Tom told us some jokes. Ο Τομ μας είπε μερικά αστεία. Ο Τομ μας είπε μερικά αστεία. >>fi<< El refrigerador está muy vacío. Jääkaappi on ihan tyhjä. Jääkaappi on tyhjä. >>en<< Tom le preguntó a Mary si acaso le enseñaría francés a su hijo. Tom asked Mary if she would teach his son French. Tom asked Mary if she might teach her son French. >>es<< Tarvitsen uuden polkupyörän. Necesito una bicicleta nueva. Necesito una bicicleta nueva. >>en<< Su pelo gris la hace parecer más vieja. Her gray hair makes her look older than her age. Her grey hair makes her look older. >>es<< Who are you laughing at? ¿De quién te ríes? ¿De quién te ríes? >>el<< Tom gives us money. Ο Τομ μας δίνει λεφτά. Ο Τομ μας δίνει χρήματα. >>fi<< Darkness still covered the valley. Pimeys peitti yhä laaksoa. Pimeys peitti laakson. >>es<< He plays tennis every day. Él juega tenis todos los días. Juega al tenis todos los días. >>en<< Todo va tal como lo planeamos. Everything is going well with our plan. Everything goes as planned. >>en<< Los experimentos son llevados en un laboratorio. Experiments are carried out in a laboratory. The experiments are carried in a lab. >>fi<< Tom helps me in French. Tom auttaa minua ranskassa. Tom auttaa minua ranskaksi. >>en<< Tom podía leer antes de empezar a ir a la escuela. Tom could read before he started going to school. Tom could read before he started going to school. >>en<< Acababa de terminar los deberes cuando vino a visitarme. I had just finished my homework when he visited me. I was just finishing my homework when he came to visit me. >>en<< Δεν ξέρω γιατί το κάνουν αυτό. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. >>fi<< A plane crashed into a mountain. Kone törmäsi vuoreen. Lentokone törmäsi vuoriin. >>en<< I suspect Tom has passed away. I suspect that Tom has passed away. I suspect that Tom has passed away. >>es<< Sometimes I doubt your intelligence. A veces dudo de tu inteligencia. A veces dudo de tu inteligencia. >>fi<< Do you remember him? Muistatteko hänet? Muistatko hänet? >>en<< Mi hermana menor se casó antes de los 20. My younger sister got married in her teens. My younger sister married before she was 20. >>es<< Maybe we have to say it. Quizá tengamos que decirlo. Tal vez tengamos que decirlo. >>en<< Tom was stabbed by somebody on the subway. Tom was stabbed by someone on the subway. Tom was stabbed by someone on the subway. >>en<< Anne no vendrá a nuestra fiesta. Anne will not come to our party. Anne won't come to our party. >>en<< Are Tom and Mary doing the same thing? Are Tom and Mary eating the same thing? Are Tom and Mary doing the same thing? >>en<< Tommy, ¿puedes oírme? Tommy, can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? >>en<< Pesen käteni siitä. I wash my hands of it. I'll wash my hands from it. >>en<< El mercado repuntó al alza. The market rallied. The market blew up. >>fi<< All of us talk in English. Kaikki me puhumme englantia. Puhumme englantia. >>en<< El que lucha contra los monstruos tiene que procurar no convertirse en uno, ya que, cuando se mira durante demasiado tiempo a un abismo, el abismo también os observa. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. The one who fights the monsters has to try not to become one, because, when you look for too long at an abyss, the abyss also observes you. >>en<< Ésa es la mujer que te quiere ver. That's the woman who wants to see you. That's the woman who wants to see you. >>fi<< The baby has presumably swallowed the pacifier. Vauva lie niellyt tutin. Vauva on luultavasti nielty pakastin. >>en<< ¿Son los conejos más lindos que las ardillas? Are rabbits cuter than squirrels? Are the rabbits nicer than the squirrels? >>es<< We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. Todos nosotros somos imperfectos. No podemos esperar un gobierno perfecto. Todos somos imperfectos, no podemos esperar un gobierno perfecto. >>en<< No las deje solas. Don't leave them alone. Don't leave them alone. >>en<< Tom said he isn't mad at Mary. Tom said that he isn't mad at Mary. Tom said that he's not mad at Mary. >>en<< I already plan on doing that. I already plan to do that. I already plan on doing that. >>en<< Olen rakastunut häneen. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with him. >>en<< Tom said he didn't really expect anyone to do that. Tom said that he didn't really expect anyone to do that. Tom said that he didn't really expect anyone to do that. >>es<< Tom lives near a beach, so he goes swimming almost every day in the summer. Tom vive cerca de una playa, así que en verano va a nadar casi todos los días. Tom vive cerca de una playa, así que va a nadar casi todos los días en verano. >>en<< After the rain, fair weather. There is a downhill after every uphill. After the rain, fair weather. >>en<< Si no hubiera sido por la ayuda de su padre, él habría fracasado en los negocios. If it had not been for his father's help, he would have failed in business. If it hadn't been for your father's help, he would have failed in business. >>fi<< He wants me to help him with a school project. Hän haluaa minun auttavan häntä kouluprojektissa. Hän haluaa, että autan häntä kouluprojektissa. >>en<< Mi madre hace galletas los domingos. Mother bakes cookies on Sundays. My mother makes cookies on Sundays. >>es<< I can't stay long. I have plans. No puedo quedarme mucho. Tengo planes. No puedo quedarme mucho, tengo planes. >>en<< Tom katsoi asialistaa. Tom looked at the agenda. Tom looked at the agenda. >>en<< Elämä on liekki, joka alati polttaa itsensä loppuun, mutta leimahtaa uuteen loistoon aina kun vauva syntyy. Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born. Life is a flame that always burns itself, but marks the new splendor every time the baby is born. >>en<< Sídney es mejor que Melbourne. Sydney is better than Melbourne. Sydney's better than Melbourne. >>en<< Gracias por su consideración. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your consideration. >>es<< None of these are mine. Ninguna de éstas es mía. Ninguno de estos son míos. >>es<< How much time do you intend to stay in Oxford? ¿Cuánto tiempo piensas quedarte en Oxford? ¿Cuánto tiempo planea quedarse en Oxford? >>es<< What time is it, anyway? ¿Qué hora es, por cierto? ¿Qué hora es, de todos modos? >>en<< Pensé que éramos bienvenidos aquí. I thought we were welcome here. I thought we were welcome here. >>en<< I don't think that matters much. I don't think that that matters much. I don't think that matters much. >>en<< Olet puoliksi oikeassa. You're half right. You're half right. >>en<< Tom fue rodeado por una horda de fanáticas mujeres chillando. Tom was surrounded by a horde of screaming fangirls. Tom was surrounded by a horde of fanatic women screaming. >>fi<< I'm left-handed. Olen vasenkätinen. Olen vasenkätinen. >>en<< A Tom le gusta mucho Mary. Tom likes Mary very much. Tom really likes Mary. >>es<< I couldn't take my eyes off of you from the minute I entered this room. No he podido quitar mis ojos de ti desde que he entrado en la habitación. No podía quitarte los ojos desde el momento en que entré en esta habitación. >>en<< They said that they'll do that for you. They said they'll do that for you. They said they'll do that for you. >>en<< Et näytä kovin innostuneelta. You don't look very excited. You don't look very excited. >>en<< Tras la tormenta, el mar estaba en calma. After the storm, the sea was calm. After the storm, the sea was calm. >>es<< Stop the car. Pará el coche. Detener el coche. >>es<< We always go to bed late when we visit a foreign country. Siempre nos acostamos tarde cuando visitamos un país extranjero. Siempre nos vamos a la cama tarde cuando visitamos un país extranjero. >>es<< Opinions vary from person to person. Las opiniones varían de una persona a otra. Las opiniones varían de persona en persona. >>en<< Dios no existe. God doesn't exist. God doesn't exist. >>es<< The little girl said that she saw the statue of the dinosaur move. La niñita dijo que vio la estatua del dinosaurio moverse. La niña dijo que vio la estatua del movimiento del dinosaurio. >>en<< Miksi minä odottaisin? Why should I wait? Why would I wait? >>el<< Do you like oranges? Σ' αρέσουν τα πορτοκάλια; Σου αρέσουν τα πορτοκάλια; >>es<< He received a good education. Él recibió una buena educación. Recibió una buena educación. >>es<< Don't leave me! ¡No me abandones! ¡No me dejes! >>en<< No me opongo a la ilegalización de las armas. I'm not against outlawing guns. I am not opposed to the illegalization of weapons. >>en<< Tom no esperaba que María viniera tan temprano por la mañana. Tom hadn't expected Mary to come so early in the morning. Tom didn't expect Mary to come so early in the morning. >>en<< Te doy este dinero. I'll give you this money. I'll give you this money. >>en<< Ντράπηκαν από το συμβάν. They were embarrassed by the incident. They were embarrassed by the incident. >>en<< Tom realized that we had to do that. Tom realized we had to do that. Tom realized that we had to do that. >>es<< Hugs! ¡Un abrazo! ¡Abrazos! >>es<< Tom and Mary are very old friends. Tom y Mary son muy viejos amigos. Tom y Mary son muy viejos amigos. >>es<< You're fucking with me. Me estás cagando. Estás jodiendo conmigo. >>en<< El ratón entró corriendo al agujero. The mouse ran into the hole. The mouse ran into the hole. >>en<< Tom said he wasn't having a good time. Tom said that he wasn't having a good time. Tom said that he wasn't having a good time. >>fi<< After a while, Tom started to believe his own lies. Vähän ajan päästä Tomi alkoi uskoa omia valheitaan. Jonkin ajan kuluttua Tom alkoi uskoa omia valheitaan. >>fi<< Gas is a little cheaper with self-service, now that deregulation is kicking in. Bensa on hieman halvempaa itsepalvelussa nyt kun säännöstelyn purkaminen alkaa vaikuttaa. Kaasu on hiukan halvempi itsepalvelun kanssa, nyt kun sääntelyn purkaminen potkii. >>es<< The defence attorney achieved a plea deal of ILS 5 million. El procurador de la defensa alcanzó un acuerdo negociado con el ILS por 5 millones. El abogado de la defensa logró un acuerdo de demanda de 5 millones de ILS. >>en<< They told me that they weren't sick anymore. They told me they weren't sick anymore. They told me that they weren't sick anymore. >>en<< Please wait for five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Please wait for five minutes. >>en<< Tähän keittoon käytettävä suola on valkoista, ei vaaleanpunaista. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. The salt used for this soup is white, not pink. >>en<< Πιστεύετε ότι οι άνθρωποι είναι ικανοί ν' αλλάξουν; Do you believe that people are capable of change? Do you think people are capable of changing? >>en<< ¿Cuánto cuestan estos anteojos? How much do these glasses cost? How much do these glasses cost? >>es<< Jiro is not here. Jiro no está aquí. Jiro no está aquí. >>es<< I have been more than once intoxicated, my passions have always bordered on extravagance: I am not ashamed to confess it; for I have learned, by my own experience, that all extraordinary men, who have accomplished great and astonishing actions, have ever been decried by the world as drunken or insane. Yo he estado intoxicado más de una vez, mis pasiones siempre han bordeado con la extravagancia: no estoy avergonzado de confesarlo; pues yo he aprendido, en mi propia experiencia, que todos los hombres extraordinarios que han logrado grandes y asombrosas hazañas, siempre han sido despreciados por el mundo como borrachos o locos. He estado más de una vez embriagado, mis pasiones siempre se han limitado a la extravagancia: no me avergüenzo de confesarlo; porque he aprendido, por mi propia experiencia, que todos los extraordinarios hombres, que han realizado grandes y asombrosos actos, han sido jamás criticados por el mundo como borrachos o locos. >>en<< I know Tom doesn't know that Mary knows how to do that. I know Tom doesn't know Mary knows how to do that. I know that Tom doesn't know that Mary knows how to do that. >>fi<< The clock is slow. Aika kulkee hitaasti. Kello on hidas. >>es<< I'm starting to learn German. Estoy empezando a aprender alemán. Estoy empezando a aprender alemán. >>en<< Τον παντρεύτηκα. I married him. I married him. >>fi<< La plata es un astuto encantador; el oro ejerce una atracción irresistible. Hopea hukuttelevi, kulta kuihauttelevi. Hopea on viehättävä nöyrä; kulta vetää vastenmielistä vetoa. >>es<< How can you just stand there and do nothing while your countrymen are slaughtered? ¿Cómo puede quedarse ahí sin hacer nada mientras sus compatriotas mueren masacrados? ¿Cómo puedes quedarte ahí y no hacer nada mientras tus compatriotas son asesinados? >>en<< Tämä läppäri on kevyt. This laptop is light. This laptop is light. >>el<< He tossed his dirty clothes on the floor. Πέταξε τα βρώμικα ρούχα του στο πάτωμα. Πέταξε τα βρώμικα ρούχα του στο πάτωμα. >>el<< Tom came to Japan from Australia. Ο Τομ ήρθε στην Ιαπωνία απ' την Αυστραλία. Ο Τομ ήρθε στην Ιαπωνία από την Αυστραλία. >>es<< Estrogen is a hormone. El estrógeno es una hormona. El estrógeno es una hormona. >>en<< Μπορώ να κάτσω εδώ; Can I sit here? Can I sit here? >>en<< El trabajo ahora está en progreso. The work is now in progress. The work is now in progress. >>en<< If I'd known Tom's address, I would've visited him. If I'd known Tom's address, I would have visited him. If I'd known Tom's address, I would have visited him. >>en<< ¿Cuándo le convendría venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When should you come? >>en<< Nuestra ciudad sufre por una carencia de servicios de transporte que operan las 24 horas. Our city suffers from a lack of 24 hour transit service. Our city suffers from a lack of 24-hour transport services. >>el<< ¡Ve con Dios! Πήγαινε με το Θεό! Πήγαινε στο Θεό! >>en<< Un tal Sr Brown vino para verte cuando estabas fuera. A Mr Brown came to see you when you were out. A Mr. Brown came to see you when you were out. >>en<< Esto fue lo que él dijo. This is what he said. This is what he said. >>es<< I can start tomorrow. Puedo empezar mañana. Puedo empezar mañana. >>en<< Jääkaapissa on pullo. There is a bottle in the fridge. There's a bottle in the fridge. >>en<< I think Tom is helpful. I think that Tom is helpful. I think that Tom is helpful. >>en<< Cada mañana a él le gusta dar un paseo. Every morning he would go for a walk. Every morning he likes to take a walk. >>en<< Tom said Mary is probably still in Boston. Tom said that Mary is probably still in Boston. Tom said that Mary is probably still in Boston. >>en<< It won't be the first time that Tom's been late. It won't be the first time Tom's been late. It won't be the first time Tom's been late. >>en<< Estoy descalzo. I'm barefoot. I'm barefoot. >>es<< Virhe korjattiin. El error ha sido corregido. El error fue corregido. >>es<< Most people won't notice that. La mayoría de la gente no se dará cuenta de eso. La mayoría de la gente no se dará cuenta de eso. >>en<< I know that I did that pretty badly. I know I did that pretty badly. I know that I did that pretty badly. >>el<< Did you ring him yesterday? Τον πήρες τηλέφωνο χθες; Του τηλεφώνησες χθες; >>en<< Vitsailetko vai oletko vakavissasi? Are you joking, or are you serious? Are you kidding or are you serious? >>en<< Solo quiero descansar. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. >>en<< Tom sulki keittiön oven. Tom shut the kitchen door. Tom closed the kitchen door. >>es<< What is my room number? ¿Cuál es mi número de habitación? ¿Cuál es mi número de habitación? >>en<< Palvelin ei ollut toiminnassa. The server was down. The server wasn't working. >>en<< Mañana tenemos que levantarnos temprano. Tomorrow we have to get up early. Tomorrow we have to get up early. >>en<< Tu historia es más divertida que la del vendedor. Your story is funnier than the saleman's. Your story is more fun than that of the seller. >>en<< Tom fijó la alarma del reloj despertador a las 6:00 a.m. Tom set the alarm clock to go off 6:00 a.m. Tom set the alarm on the alarm clock at 6:00 a.m. >>en<< It seemed Tom and Mary were sick. It seemed that Tom and Mary were sick. It seemed that Tom and Mary were sick. >>en<< Es una bella puesta de sol, ¿no es así? It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it? It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it? >>en<< I wonder if Tom and Mary are still lost. I wonder whether Tom and Mary are still lost. I wonder if Tom and Mary are still lost. >>fi<< Were you with her that evening? Olitko sinä hänen kanssaan sinä iltana? Olitko hänen kanssaan sinä iltana? >>es<< We have only one chance. Solo tenemos una oportunidad. Sólo tenemos una oportunidad. >>fi<< You're egotistical. Olet itsekeskeinen. Olet itsekäs. >>es<< Morning! ¡Buenas! ¡Buenos días! >>en<< Tom lleva tres años estudiando francés. Tom has been studying French for three years. Tom has been studying French for three years. >>en<< I know that you aren't serious. I know you aren't serious. I know that you aren't serious. >>en<< Tom pulsó el botón. Tom pushed the button. Tom pressed the button. >>en<< Hay principios gramáticos involucrados. There are grammatical principles involved. There are grammar principles involved. >>en<< Hänellä on koira ja kuusi kissaa. He has a dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. >>en<< Éste es el mismo libro que querías. This is the very book you wanted. This is the same book you wanted. >>fi<< He was tired, but he kept working. Hän oli väsynyt, mutta jatkoi työskentelyä. Hän oli väsynyt, mutta hän jatkoi työtä. >>es<< External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. Calor y frío externos tenían poca influencia sobre Scrooge. Ninguna calidez podría calentarlo, ningún clima invernal podría enfriarlo. El calor exterior y el frío tuvieron poca influencia en Scrooge. Ninguna calidez podía calentar, sin clima de lluvia lo calmaba. >>en<< Mitä vitun väliä! Big fucking deal! What the fuck does it matter? >>en<< La única persona que pudo haber hecho esto es Tom. The only person who could have done this is Tom. The only person who could have done this is Tom. >>es<< We remember he doesn't like dogs. Nos acordamos de que no le gustan los perros. Recordamos que no le gustan los perros. >>en<< Tom weighs about three kilograms more than I do. Tom weighs about three kilograms more than me. Tom weighs about three kilograms more than I do. >>en<< Yo disfruto jugar ajedrez. I enjoy chess. I enjoy playing chess. >>es<< She tuned her television set to Channel 6. Sintonizó el Canal 6. Ella sintonizó su televisor en el Canal 6. >>en<< ¿Nos veremos otra vez? Will you let me see you again? Will we see you again? >>en<< Haluatko ottaa sen? Do you want to take it? You want to take it? >>en<< ¿Adónde van a ir en sus vacaciones? Where are you going to go on your vacation? Where are you going on your vacation? >>fi<< Can you write? Pystytkö sinä kirjoittamaan? Osaatko kirjoittaa? >>es<< It seems that many people don't know the difference between "loose" and "lose". Parece que mucha gente no sabe la diferencia entre "loose" y "lose". Parece que muchas personas no saben la diferencia entre "perdida" y "perdida". >>es<< Me quedo aquí hasta que vuelvas. Te espero aquí hasta que vuelvas. Me quedo aquí hasta que vuelvas. >>es<< He was attracted by her smile. Fue atraído por su sonrisa. Fue atraído por su sonrisa. >>es<< Dry wood burns well. La madera seca arde bien. La madera seca se quema bien. >>es<< I'm learning Irish slowly. Estoy aprendiendo irlandés lentamente. Estoy aprendiendo irlandés lentamente. >>el<< Are you texting them? Τις στέλνετε μήνυμα; Τους στέλνεις μήνυμα; >>fi<< We all have a tendency to think that the world must conform to our prejudices. The opposite view involves some effort of thought, and most people would die sooner than think — in fact they do so. Me tapaamme ajatella, että maailman tulee sopeutua ennakko-odotuksiimme. Päinvastainen teko vaatisi hiukan ajattelua ja monet ennemmin kuolisivat kuin ajattelisivat — itse asiassa juuri niin he tekevät. Meillä kaikilla on taipumus ajatella, että maailman täytyy noudattaa ennakkoluulojamme, ja päinvastainen näkemys liittyy jonkinlaiseen ajatteluponnisteluun, ja useimmat kuolevat aikaisemmin kuin ajattelevat – itse asiassa he tekevät niin. >>en<< Tomilla on kauniit siniset silmät. Tom has beautiful blue eyes. Tom has beautiful blue eyes. >>en<< Tom told everyone that he was suspicious. Tom told everybody that he was suspicious. Tom told everyone that he was suspicious. >>fi<< By chance, I met your brother on the street. Tapasin sattumalta veljesi kadulla. Tapasin veljesi kadulla. >>en<< Πάνε τρία χρόνια από τότε που πέθανε ο πατέρας μου. It's been three years since my father died. It's been three years since my father died. >>es<< I think we'll need more money. Creo que necesitaremos un poco más de dinero. Creo que necesitaremos más dinero. >>es<< Tom is in love with me. Tom está enamorado de mí. Tom está enamorado de mí. >>en<< Tom está esperando ver qué ocurrirá. Tom is waiting to see what will happen. Tom is waiting to see what will happen. >>en<< They said that they'd come to the wedding. They said they'd come to the wedding. They said they'd come to the wedding. >>es<< The fact cannot be denied. Ese hecho no puede ser negado. No se puede negar el hecho. >>en<< Veri koostuu puna-, ja valkosoluista, verihiutaleista sekä plasmasta. Blood consists of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and plasma. Blood consists of red, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. >>es<< I'll take you wherever you want to go and buy you whatever your heart desires. Te llevaré adonde quieras ir y te compraré lo que tu corazón desee. Te llevaré a donde quieras y te compraré lo que tu corazón desee. >>fi<< It's not at all uncommon. Se ei ole ollenkaan harvinaista. Se ei ole kovin harvinaista. >>en<< Apaga las luces del árbol de Navidad cuando salgas de casa. Turn the Christmas tree lights off when you leave the house. Turn off the Christmas tree lights when you get out of the house. >>es<< You should have kept your mouth shut. Deberías haber mantenido la boca cerrada. Deberías haber mantenido la boca cerrada. >>en<< Hoy en día no se pueden comprar muchas cosas con un dólar. Nowadays, you can't buy much for a dollar. Nowadays, many things can't be bought with a dollar. >>en<< Onko tuo minun mukini? Is that my mug? Is that my cup? >>es<< I like watermelon. Me gusta la sandía. Me gusta la sandía. >>el<< Good is stronger than evil. Το καλό είναι ισχυρότερο του κακού. Το καλό είναι δυνατότερο από το κακό. >>en<< Mucha gente joven en ese país no tiene trabajo. Many young people are out of work in that country. A lot of young people in that country don't have a job. >>fi<< I'm feeling a little blue today. Tunnen oloni hieman apeaksi tänään. Tunnen oloni siniseksi tänään. >>en<< Este día ha sido excepcionalmente agotador. This day has been exceptionally tiring. This day has been exceptionally exhausting. >>en<< Averigua lo que piensa hacer Tom este fin de semana. Find out how Tom plans to spend his weekend. Find out what Tom's going to do this weekend. >>es<< Where do you work? ¿Dónde trabajas? ¿Dónde trabajas? >>es<< What sport do you think is the most dangerous? ¿Cuál piensas que es el deporte más peligroso? ¿Qué deporte crees que es el más peligroso? >>el<< Someone is lying. Κάποιος λέει ψέματα. Κάποιος λέει ψέματα. >>en<< Si lo escuchas lo suficientemente cerca, podrás oírlo. If you listen closely enough you'll be able to hear it. If you listen close enough, you can hear it. >>es<< Thank you for the help. Gracias por la ayuda. Gracias por la ayuda. >>en<< Su vestimenta es la de un caballero, pero su forma de hablar y su comportamiento son los de un payaso. His dress is that of a gentleman but his speech and behavior are those of a clown. His dress is that of a gentleman, but his way of speaking and his behavior are those of a clown. >>en<< Trabaja como profesor de educación física. He works as a gym teacher. He works as a professor of physical education. >>en<< Didn't you know that Tom was planning to attend today's meeting? Didn't you know Tom was planning to attend today's meeting? Didn't you know Tom was planning to attend today's meeting? >>en<< El invierno será arduo. The winter will be severe. Winter will be arduous. >>en<< I don't think Tom knows what I'm planning on doing. I don't think that Tom knows what I'm planning to do. I don't think that Tom knows what I'm planning on doing. >>en<< Sellainen henkilö kuin Tom osaa varmaankin uida. A person like Tom probably knows how to swim. Someone like Tom probably knows how to swim. >>es<< I really can't do that. Realmente no puedo hacer eso. Realmente no puedo hacer eso. >>el<< They disappeared. Εξαφανίστηκαν. Εξαφανίστηκαν. >>en<< El amor no garantiza un matrimonio exitoso. Love doesn't guarantee a successful marriage. Love does not guarantee a successful marriage. >>es<< The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago. La historia me recuerda a una experiencia que tuve hace mucho tiempo. La historia me recuerda una experiencia que tuve hace mucho tiempo. >>fi<< You should've come to the party. Sinun olisi pitänyt tulla juhliin. Sinun olisi pitänyt tulla juhliin. >>en<< Μεγάλωσα σ' εκείνη τη γειτονιά. I grew up in that neighborhood. I grew up in that neighborhood. >>es<< Teidän täytyy tehdä kuten sanon. Debes hacer lo que yo diga. Tienen que hacer lo que les digo. >>en<< Tom casi olvidó llevar un paraguas con él. Tom almost forgot to take an umbrella with him. Tom almost forgot to carry an umbrella with him. >>en<< I should've done my homework instead of playing games. I should have done my homework instead of playing games. I should've done my homework instead of playing games. >>es<< This medicine will do you good. Esta medicina te hará bien. Este medicamento te hará bien. >>es<< I stopped coughing after two days. Yo paré de toser luego de dos días. Dejé de toser después de dos días. >>en<< Tom and Mary stayed longer than they'd planned. Tom and Mary stayed longer than they'd planned to. Tom and Mary stayed longer than they'd planned. >>el<< Tom teaches me French. Ο Τομ μου μαθαίνει Γαλλικά. Ο Τομ μου διδάσκει γαλλικά. >>en<< Μάθε Ιταλικά. Learn Italian. Learn Italian. >>en<< La suerte me ha favorecido en esta competencia. Luck has been on my side in this competition. Lucky has favored me in this competition. >>en<< Tom es quien ayudó a Mary con los deberes. Tom is the one who helped Mary with her homework. Tom is the one who helped Mary with the homework. >>en<< Nada más llegar al pueblo, fue derecho a verla. On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her. Just getting to the village, it was right to see her. >>es<< Do you want some beer? ¿Quieres un poco de cerveza? ¿Quieres una cerveza? >>en<< Is there a reason Tom shouldn't be told? Is there a reason that Tom shouldn't be told? Is there a reason why Tom shouldn't be told? >>en<< No quiero parecer insensible. I don't want to seem insensitive. I don't want to look insensitive. >>en<< You knew that Tom told Mary he wasn't going to do that, didn't you? You knew Tom told Mary he wasn't going to do that, didn't you? You knew Tom told Mary that he wasn't going to do that, didn't you? >>en<< En tiedä miksi näen vaivaa kanssasi. I don't know why I bother with you. I don't know why I'm bothering you. >>es<< I wonder who named this ship. Me pregunto quién bautizaría a este barco. Me pregunto quién nombró a esta nave. >>en<< No es para tomarse a risa que él no se haya podido graduar este año en la universidad. It is no laughing matter that he couldn't graduate from university this year. It's not to laugh that he couldn't graduate this year in college. >>en<< Pasé corriendo en frente de ellos. I ran past them. I ran in front of them. >>es<< They caught up with us quickly. Nos alcanzaron muy pronto. Nos atraparon rápidamente. >>en<< Hän poisti suomut kalasta. He scaled a fish. He removed the squirrels from the fish. >>fi<< Stay inside. Pysykää sisällä. Pysy sisällä. >>en<< ¿Podrías poner esta bolsa en otra parte? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Could you put this bag somewhere else? >>es<< I want to eat. Quiero comer. Quiero comer. >>fi<< I love my dog. Rakastan koiraani. Rakastan koiraani. >>fi<< Let them have a taste of their own medicine. Anna niiden maistaa omaa lääkettään. Anna heidän maistaa omaa lääkettään. >>el<< Wait for me in the car. Περίμενέ με μες στο αυτοκίνητο. Περίμενέ με στο αυτοκίνητο. >>fi<< Mary wore a silk blouse. Mary piti silkkipuseroa. Maryllä oli silkkipusero. >>el<< Let me finish. Άφησε με να τελειώσω. Επιτρέψτε μου να τελειώσω. >>en<< I thought Tom lived with you. I thought that Tom lived with you. I thought that Tom lived with you. >>fi<< Él dejó de fumar porque su mujer e hijos se lo pidieron. Hän lopetti polttamisen, koska hänen vaimonsa ja lapsensa pyysivät sitä. Hän lopetti tupakoinnin, koska hänen vaimonsa ja lapset pyysivät sitä. >>en<< Usualmente los estudiantes prefieren las actividades de club a las clases académicas. More often than not, students prefer club activities to academic classes. Students usually prefer club activities to academic classes. >>en<< Tom knows Mary can't speak French very well. Tom knows that Mary can't speak French very well. Tom knows that Mary can't speak French very well. >>en<< Comparé esta imagen con esa imagen. I compared this picture with that picture. I matched this image with that image. >>es<< Maria is in no condition to make a decision. María no está en condiciones de tomar una decisión. María no está en condiciones de tomar una decisión. >>es<< Please do not open the windows. No abra las ventanas, por favor. Por favor, no abra las ventanas. >>en<< El burro hablando de orejas. The pot calling the kettle black. The donkey talking about ears. >>en<< Tom said that he knew that he might be permitted to do that by himself. Tom said he knew that he might be permitted to do that by himself. Tom said that he knew that he might be permitted to do that by himself. >>es<< I know what to do. Sé lo que tengo que hacer. Sé qué hacer. >>en<< Este es un asunto que nos concierne a todos. It's a matter that concerns all of us. This is a matter that concerns us all. >>en<< I think Tom is still poor. I think that Tom is still poor. I think that Tom is still poor. >>en<< Estoy soltero. I'm single. I'm single. >>en<< En ymmärtänyt hänen vitsiään. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand his jokes. >>en<< ¿Qué podría contarles a ustedes de Olga que ya no sepan? What can I tell you about Olga that you don't already know? What could I tell you about Olga that you don't know anymore? >>el<< I didn't need you. Δε σας χρειάστηκα. Δεν σε χρειαζόμουν. >>es<< She hugs trees. Ella abraza árboles. Ella abraza árboles. >>en<< The pulse ox sensor couldn't get a good oxygen saturation reading because Tom's hands were so cold. The pulse ox sensor couldn't get a good O2 sat reading because Tom's hands were so cold. The pulse ox sensor couldn't get a good oxygen saturation reading because Tom's hands were so cold. >>en<< Tom viene aquí casi todos los fines de semana. Tom comes here almost every weekend. Tom comes here almost every weekend. >>en<< I would've never done that. I would have never done that. I would've never done that. >>es<< Don't believe what she says. No te creas lo que dice. No creas lo que dice. >>en<< Jopa isoäitini osaa tekstata. Even my grandma can send an SMS. Even my grandmother can text. >>en<< No, mitä laatikossa on? Well, what's in the box? Well, what's in the box? >>el<< You tried. Προσπαθήσατε. Προσπάθησες. >>en<< Tú eres un poco más alto que yo ¿verdad? You're a bit taller than I am, aren't you? You're a little higher than me, aren't you? >>fi<< Take aim at the target. Tähtää maaliin. Tarkista kohde. >>es<< The mother told her daughter to put those toys away. La madre le dijo a su hija que pusiera en orden aquellos juguetes. La madre le dijo a su hija que dejara esos juguetes. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary was lucky. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was lucky. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was lucky. >>en<< Una pelota de béisbol entró volando por la ventana. A baseball came flying through the window. A baseball came in flying out the window. >>es<< They never tell a lie. Ellas no mienten nunca. Nunca mienten. >>es<< It depends on the context. Depende el contexto. Depende del contexto. >>el<< Después del semáforo, gire a la derecha. Στο φανάρι στρίψτε δεξιά. Μετά τον φανό, στρίψτε δεξιά. >>es<< She is writing a new book this year. Está escribiendo un libro este año. Está escribiendo un nuevo libro este año. >>en<< ¡Me muero de hambre! I'm dying of hunger. I'm starving! >>es<< That explains everything. Eso explica todo. Eso lo explica todo. >>en<< Tom no tiene tiempo para ayudaros. Tom doesn't have time to help you. Tom doesn't have time to help you. >>en<< Hän tekee kärpäsestä härkäsen. Tuo kirjoitusvirhe ei ole niin paha kuin hän väittää. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. That typo really isn't as bad as he claims. He's making the fly a bull, and that writing mistake isn't as bad as he says. >>fi<< I'd like to kiss you. Haluaisin suudella teitä. Haluaisin suudella sinua. >>en<< I wonder whether we could talk Tom into donating some money. I wonder whether or not we could talk Tom into donating some money. I wonder if we could talk Tom into donating some money. >>en<< Todos los días aprendo cosas nuevas. I learn new things every day. Every day I learn new things. >>fi<< Do you have a lighter? Onko sinulla tulta? Onko sinulla sytytin? >>en<< Mi madre me pidió que pusiera la mesa. My mother asked me to set the table. My mother asked me to put the table. >>en<< Jopa pieninkin lapsi tietää tuollaisen asian. Even the smallest child knows that kind a thing. Even the youngest child knows that. >>en<< Haces bien en difundir tus descubrimientos. You do well in spreading your discoverings. You do well to spread your discoveries. >>fi<< Tom can speak French and English. Tom osaa puhua ranskaa ja englantia. Tom voi puhua ranskaa ja englantia. >>es<< He cannot have done such a silly thing. No puede haber hecho semejante tontería. No puede haber hecho una cosa tan tonta. >>es<< The heretic was burned at the stake. El hereje fue quemado en la hoguera. El hereje fue quemado en la apuesta. >>en<< What color is this? What colour is this? What color is this? >>en<< Nosotros pretendemos investigar ese asunto. We intend to look into that matter. We intend to investigate that matter. >>en<< Somos dos de la misma clase. We are two of a kind. We're two of the same kind. >>el<< I can't even remember where I bought this. Ουτε καν θυμάμαι από που το αγόρασα αυτό. Δεν μπορώ καν να θυμηθώ που το αγόρασα αυτό. >>en<< Älä rankaise Tomia siitä. Don't punish Tom for that. Don't punish Tom for that. >>en<< Te lo tengo dicho. I have told you it. I've told you. >>es<< I'm swamped with work. Estoy agobiado con el trabajo. Estoy empapado con el trabajo. >>en<< No sé qué pasó. I don't know what's happened. I don't know what happened. >>en<< Pitääkö Tom vielä yhteyttä Mariin? Does Tom still keep in touch with Mary? Does Tom still have to contact Mari? >>es<< The radio had warned us that there was a risk of flooding. La radio nos advirtió que allí había riesgo de inundación. La radio nos había advertido que había un riesgo de inundación. >>fi<< You shouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place. Teidän ei olisi pitänyt mennä niin vaaralliseen paikkaan. Sinun ei olisi pitänyt mennä vaaralliseen paikkaan. >>es<< Not one of them was there. Ninguno de ellos estaba. Ninguno de ellos estaba allí. >>en<< Deberías hacer ejercicio. You should get some exercise. You should exercise. >>en<< Voi olla, että Tomilla on jotain tekemistä asian kanssa. Tom might have something to do with that. Tom might have something to do with it. >>en<< Todavía estoy acá. I'm still here. I'm still here. >>en<< Creo que esta es la mejor forma de hacerlo. I think this is the best way to do it. I think this is the best way to do it. >>en<< Has hecho bien en ir. You were right to go. You did good to go. >>el<< My favourite colour is orange. Πορτοκαλί, το αγαπημένο μου χρώμα. Το αγαπημένο μου χρώμα είναι πορτοκαλί. >>en<< Parece que fuera hace frío. It looks cold outside. Looks like it's cold. >>en<< ¿Puedo volverte a llamar en veinte minutos? Can I call you back in twenty minutes? Can I call you back in 20 minutes? >>en<< Casi saqué todo el puntaje. I almost got a perfect score. I almost got the whole score. >>en<< Σου ταιριάζει. That looks good on you. It suits you. >>en<< Minut sekoitetaan usein veljeeni. I am often confused with my brother. I'm often mixed up with my brother. >>es<< How embarrassing for us all. Qué vergüenza para todos nosotros. Qué vergonzoso para todos nosotros. >>en<< Tuve que ir ahí solo. I had to go there alone. I had to go there alone. >>es<< Your guitar is better than mine. Su guitarra es mejor que la mía. Tu guitarra es mejor que la mía. >>en<< I think Tom will be unimpressed. I think that Tom will be unimpressed. I think that Tom will be unimpressed. >>en<< Me gustaría salir contigo. I'd like to go out with you. I'd like to go out with you. >>fi<< King John murdered most of his rivals before they could strike. Kuningas Juhana murhasi useimmat vastustajistaan, ennen kuin nämä ehtivät iskeä. Kuningas John murhasi suurimman osan kilpailijoistaan, ennen kuin he voisivat hyökätä. >>en<< No sé por dónde empezar. I don't know where to start. I don't know where to start. >>en<< Δεν βιάζομαι. I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a hurry. >>en<< Tomin suunnitelma on aika hyvä. Tom's plan is quite good. Tom's plan is pretty good. >>en<< Hän tunsi samoin kuin minä. She felt the same way as I did. He felt the same way I did. >>es<< Tom is a doctor and also a novelist. Tom es médico y también novelista. Tom es médico y también novelista. >>fi<< We're done for the night. Olemme valmiita tältä illalta. Olemme valmiita yöksi. >>es<< I don't have enemies. No tengo enemigos. No tengo enemigos. >>en<< Ya que es la boda de mi amigo cercano, tengo que asistir. Since it is the wedding of my close friend I have to attend it. Since it's my close friend's wedding, I have to attend. >>en<< Μιλούσα στον εαυτό μου στα Βερβέρικα. I was speaking to myself in Berber. I was talking to myself in Berlin. >>fi<< Be nice to her. Ole kiltti hänelle. Ole kiltti hänelle. >>es<< The war had united the American people. La guerra había unido a los americanos. La guerra había unido al pueblo americano. >>en<< Se on ensimmäisessä kerroksessa. It's on the ground floor. It's on the first floor. >>en<< Hän nojasi muuria vasten. He leaned against the wall. He leaned against the wall. >>el<< ¿Cuánto mides de alto? Τι ύψος έχεις; Πόσο ψηλά μετράς; >>fi<< Will you wait a minute? Odotatko hetken? Odota hetki. >>es<< You must hurry up. Tienes que darte prisa. Tienes que darte prisa. >>es<< Tom has a lot more money than I have. Tom tiene mucho más dinero que yo. Tom tiene mucho más dinero que yo. >>en<< Se les ocurrió un plan después de una larga discusión. They came up with a plan after a long discussion. They came up with a plan after a long discussion. >>es<< His teeth are white like a pearl. Sus dientes son blancos como perlas. Sus dientes son blancos como una perla. >>es<< I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness. Espero sinceramente que te recuperes pronto de tu enfermedad. Espero sinceramente que pronto se recuperen de su enfermedad. >>es<< The girl in the picture is smiling. La niña en la foto está sonriendo. La chica de la foto está sonriendo. >>en<< Imagina que tú eres verdaderamente un mal poeta. Imagine that you are veritably a bad poet. Imagine you're really a bad poet. >>fi<< Tom is attentive. Tom on tarkkaavainen. Tom on tarkkaavainen. >>en<< La arqueología es una ciencia que estudia las actividades y los cambios de seres humanos por medio del estudio de los restos dejados por ellos. Archeology is a science that studies the activities of human beings and their changes through the study of the traces left by them. Archaeology is a science that studies the activities and changes of human beings through the study of the remains left by them. >>en<< I know that Tom wouldn't be doing that if he didn't have to. I know Tom wouldn't be doing that if he didn't have to. I know Tom wouldn't be doing that if he didn't have to. >>en<< Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be divorced. Tom told Mary that she should stop pretending to be divorced. Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be divorced. >>en<< No salí por miedo a resfriarme. I didn't go out for fear of catching cold. I didn't get out of fear of getting cold. >>en<< Tom died in Australia when he was thirty years old. Tom died in Australia at the age of thirty. Tom died in Australia when he was thirty years old. >>fi<< Do you think there's a hell? Uskotko sinä, että helvetti on olemassa? Luuletko, että helvetissä on? >>fi<< Do you follow me? Pysytkö mukana ajatuksenjuoksussani? Seuraatko minua? >>en<< La casa vieja la demolieron. The old house was demolished. The old house was demolished. >>el<< I like art. Μου αρέσει η τέχνη. Μου αρέσει η τέχνη. >>en<< I have been very busy this week. I've been very busy this week. I have been very busy this week. >>en<< Onko se vakavaa? Is it bad? Is that serious? >>es<< This kind of dog exists only in Japan. Este tipo de perro existe solo en Japón. Este tipo de perro sólo existe en Japón. >>es<< Tom remembered. Tom recordó. Tom lo recordó. >>es<< I stayed at home all day instead of going to work. Me quedé en casa todo el día en lugar de ir a trabajar. Me quedé en casa todo el día en lugar de ir a trabajar. >>en<< Él no está asegurado. He's uninsured. He's not insured. >>es<< I keep on not understanding. Sigo sin entender. Sigo sin entenderlo. >>es<< I can't tell you how to pronounce the word. No sé decirte cómo se pronuncia la palabra. No puedo decirte cómo pronunciar la palabra. >>en<< I knew Tom would lie to us about that. I knew that Tom would lie to us about that. I knew that Tom would lie to us about that. >>en<< Tom said Mary was glad he got there early. Tom said that Mary was glad he got there early. Tom said that Mary was glad he got there early. >>en<< ¿Le gusta el té? Do you like tea? Do you like tea? >>es<< He doesn't tan. Él no se pone moreno. Él no broncea. >>en<< Aprieta el botón verde y la luz se prende. Push the green button, and the light goes on. Press the green button and the light is on. >>en<< I didn't tell Tom I was going to Australia. I didn't tell Tom that I was going to Australia. I didn't tell Tom I was going to Australia. >>fi<< Tom wondered how many times Mary was going to run around the track. Tom mietti, kuinkakohan monta kertaa Mari aikoo juosta juoksuradan ympäri. Tom ihmetteli, montako kertaa Mary aikoi juosta radan ympäri. >>fi<< Tom could tell you. Tomi vois kertoo teille. Tom voisi kertoa sinulle. >>en<< Es un libro genial. This is a great book. It's a great book. >>fi<< Tom never talked about it much. Tom ei koskaan puhunut paljon siitä. Tom ei puhunut siitä paljon. >>en<< La enfermera daño un vaso sanguíneo. The nurse hit a blood vessel. The nurse hurts a blood vessel. >>es<< He traveled west by train. Él viajó al oeste en tren. Viajó al oeste en tren. >>el<< The dogs were happy. Τα σκυλιά ήταν ευτυχισμένη. Τα σκυλιά ήταν ευτυχισμένα. >>es<< Which country are you from? ¿De qué país eres? ¿De qué país eres? >>en<< Tienes que ayudarla. You have to help her. You have to help her. >>es<< The slope of the ground made it difficult to construct the road. La inclinación del terreno hacía difícil la construcción de la carretera. La pendiente del suelo hacía difícil construir el camino. >>es<< If it isn't broken, don't fix it. No lo arregles si no está roto. Si no está roto, no lo arregles. >>en<< Tom pelkää korkeita paikkoja. Tom is afraid of heights. Tom is afraid of high places. >>en<< Bienaventurados los puros de corazón. Blessed are the pure in heart. Blessed are the pure of heart. >>en<< Disculpe, ¿dónde están los huevos? I'm sorry, but where are the eggs? Excuse me, where are the eggs? >>es<< He said he had been to Hawaii before. Dijo que ya había estado en Hawái antes. Dijo que había estado en Hawaii antes. >>el<< We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. Πρέπει να βιαστούμε αν θέλουμε να φτάσουμε στην ώρα μας στο σταθμό. Πρέπει να βιαστούμε αν θέλουμε να φτάσουμε στο σταθμό εγκαίρως. >>el<< He missed the last train. Έχασε το τελευταίο τρένο. Έχασε το τελευταίο τρένο. >>en<< Dimos el primer paso, ahora sólo hay que continuar. We gave the first step, now we just have to keep going. We took the first step, now we just have to continue. >>en<< Cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >>es<< Those who look outward dream, but those who look inward awaken. Aquellos que miran hacia fuera sueñan, pero aquellos que miran hacia el interior despiertan. Los que miran hacia afuera sueñan, pero los que miran hacia adentro despiertan. >>en<< ¿Por qué Tom no quiere ir? Why doesn't Tom want to go? Why doesn't Tom want to go? >>es<< He was cured of his bad habits. Él fue curado de sus malos hábitos. Fue curado por sus malos hábitos. >>fi<< Can we do that? Voimmeko me tehdä sen? Voimmeko tehdä sen? >>es<< I guess I'm not as smart as you. Imagino que no soy tan listo como vosotras. Supongo que no soy tan inteligente como tú. >>en<< Debes hacer tus deberes, te guste o no. You must do your duty, whether you like it or not. You must do your homework, whether you like it or not. >>en<< I know that Tom doesn't know I did that. I know Tom doesn't know that I did that. I know Tom doesn't know I did that. >>en<< Δεν είναι παντρεμένος. He isn't married. He's not married. >>en<< Hay dos millas de aquí al parque. It is two miles from here to the park. There's two miles from here to the park. >>es<< I know that Mike likes basketball. Sé que a Mike le gusta el baloncesto. Sé que a Mike le gusta el baloncesto. >>en<< Podía contestar a todas las preguntas. I was able to answer all the questions. I could answer all the questions. >>en<< Tom said that he hoped Mary would come to his concert. Tom said that he hoped that Mary would come to his concert. Tom said that he hoped that Mary would come to his concert. >>fi<< I‘m ironing my handkerchiefs. Silitän nenäliinojani. Rautailen käsiraudojani. >>en<< Soy grande. I'm big. I'm big. >>en<< Tom said that he thought Mary was the first one to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary was the first one to do that. Tom said that he thought that Mary was the first to do that. >>en<< Tom normalmente les echa mostaza y ketchup a sus completos. Tom usually puts mustard and ketchup on his hot dogs. Tom usually throws mustard and ketchup on their full ones. >>es<< He made a bad decision. Él tomó una mala decisión. Él tomó una mala decisión. >>fi<< What do you think is the second tallest mountain in Japan? Tiedätkö sitä, että mikä on Japanin toiseksi korkein vuori? Mikä on Japanin toiseksi korkein vuori? >>es<< As long as I breathe, I hope. Mientras respiro, espero. Mientras respire, espero. >>en<< Et kyllä usko, mitä löysin. You won't believe what I found. You won't believe what I found. >>fi<< We're fortunate to have Tom here. Olemme onnekkaita, että Tomi on meillä täällä. Olemme onnekkaita saadessamme Tomin tänne. >>fi<< Hän on kiltti ihminen. Hän on ystävällinen ihminen. Hän on kiltti ihminen. >>el<< What are Tom's chances of winning? Ποιές είναι οι πιθανότητες του Τομ να κερδίσει; Ποιες είναι οι πιθανότητες του Τομ να κερδίσει; >>en<< ¿Habla usted italiano? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? >>el<< I didn't think doing that would be that easy. Δε κατάλαβα ότι θα 'ταν τόσο εύκολο να το κάνω. Δεν πίστευα ότι θα ήταν τόσο εύκολο να το κάνω αυτό. >>es<< The exception proves the rule. La excepción confirma la regla. La excepción prueba la regla. >>en<< ¿Qué escribió Shakespeare? What did Shakespeare write? What did Shakespeare write? >>es<< Who told you about this? ¿Quién te habló de esto? ¿Quién te habló de esto? >>es<< This mountain has an altitude of 3,000 meters. Esta montaña tiene una altitud de 3.000 metros. Esta montaña tiene una altitud de 3.000 metros. >>en<< I don't think Tom will be nervous about that. I don't think that Tom will be nervous about that. I don't think that Tom will be nervous about that. >>en<< I know that Tom knows that I want to do that. I know Tom knows that I want to do that. I know Tom knows that I want to do that. >>en<< Habrá claros. There will be bright spells. It'll be clear. >>en<< Trata de aprovechar tu tiempo. Try to make good use of your time. Try to take advantage of your time. >>en<< Tom estudia todo el tiempo, pero jamás parece aprender nada. Tom is always studying, but he never seems to learn anything. Tom studies all the time, but it never seems to learn anything. >>en<< Tom ei alkanut opiskella ranskaa kuin vasta 30-vuotiaana. Tom didn't begin to study French until he was thirty years old. Tom didn't start studying French until he was 30. >>en<< Él tomó un libro de la repisa. He took a book off the shelf. He took a book from the shelf. >>en<< I think Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. I think that Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. I think that Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. >>en<< Προσπαθήστε να μην το σκέφτεστε. Try not to think about it. Try not to think about it. >>en<< Tom knows that he's not going to win. Tom knows that he isn't going to win. Tom knows he's not going to win. >>en<< Quería hablar más, pero ella me colgó. I wanted to talk more, but she just hung up on me. I wanted to talk more, but she hung me. >>es<< We weren't talking about you. No estábamos hablando de ti. No estábamos hablando de ti. >>en<< Παρακαλώ! You are welcome! Please! >>en<< El que a hierro mata a hierro muere. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. The one who kills iron dies. >>en<< Πες στον Τομ ότι είμαι στην Αυστραλία. Tell Tom that I'm in Australia. Tell Tom I'm in Australia. >>fi<< Do you have a dictionary with you? Onko sinulla sanakirja mukana? Onko sinulla sanakirjaa? >>fi<< Everyone stayed standing. Kaikki jäivät seisomaan. Kaikki jäivät seisomaan. >>es<< He's very sweet. Es muy dulce. Es muy dulce. >>en<< Jokaisena päivänä he tappoivat laaman pitääkseen Aurinkojumalan onnellisena. Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. Every day they killed the flock to keep the Sun god happy. >>en<< Pidättekö enemmän keväästä vai syksystä? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? Do you like spring or autumn more? >>en<< Todo el mundo cantaba, excepto yo. Everybody was singing except me. Everybody sang except me. >>es<< Everyone has what he deserves. Todo el mundo tiene lo que se merece. Todo el mundo tiene lo que se merece. >>el<< I thought that Tom was Canadian. Νόμιζα πως ο Τομ ήταν Καναδέζος. Νόμιζα ότι ο Τομ ήταν Καναδός. >>en<< No me importa si ella vive en la ciudad o en el campo. It doesn't matter to me whether she lives in the city or in the countryside. I don't care if she lives in the city or in the countryside. >>en<< Ακόμη μελετάει. He is still studying. He's still studying. >>en<< I'm not wholly convinced that you're right. I'm not wholly convinced you're right. I'm not wholly convinced that you're right. >>es<< Can you come with us? ¿Puedes venir con nosotros? ¿Puedes venir con nosotros? >>en<< I didn't think Tom would be last. I didn't think that Tom would be last. I didn't think that Tom would be last. >>fi<< You might be interested to know that Tom has a Ph.D. Sinua saattaa kiinnostaa tietää, että Tomilla on tohtorin tutkinto. Saatat olla kiinnostunut siitä, että Tomilla on tohtori. >>en<< Tengo un impulso de comprar algo. I have an urge to buy something. I have an urge to buy something. >>fi<< The irrational conversation continued. Epäjohdonmukainen keskustelu jatkui. Järkemätön keskustelu jatkui. >>en<< Τα υποτίμησα. I underestimated them. I underestimated them. >>fi<< It's not worth waiting for. Se ei ole odottamisen arvoista. Se ei ole odotuksen arvoista. >>es<< If it were not for air and water, nothing could live. Si no fuese por el aire y el agua, nada podría vivir. Si no fuera por el aire y el agua, nada podría vivir. >>en<< Un tal Henri quiere verle. Henry wants to see you. A certain Henri wants to see you. >>el<< Life is beautiful. Η ζωή είν' ωραία. Η ζωή είναι όμορφη. >>en<< Necesito dinero en efectivo. I need cash. I need cash. >>en<< Why did you tell me that Tom lives in Boston when he actually lives in Chicago? Why did you tell me Tom lives in Boston when he actually lives in Chicago? Why did you tell me Tom lives in Boston when he actually lives in Chicago? >>es<< Tomi piilotti kirjan tyynynsä alle. Tom escondió el libro debajo de su almohada. Tom escondió el libro debajo de su almohada. >>en<< En saa yhteyttä Tomiin. I can't get in touch with Tom. I can't get in touch with Tom. >>es<< I know I did the right thing. Sé que hice lo correcto. Sé que hice lo correcto. >>es<< You need more practice. Necesitas más práctica. Necesitas más práctica. >>es<< That bicycle is too small for you. Esa bicicleta es demasiado pequeña para ti. Esa bicicleta es demasiado pequeña para ti. >>en<< Debemos mantener las tradiciones familiares. We must keep up the family traditions. We must maintain family traditions. >>es<< How do you feel today? ¿Cómo se siente hoy? ¿Cómo te sientes hoy? >>fi<< She smiled. Hän hymyili. Hän hymyili. >>en<< Hazlo ahora para que no te olvides. Do it now, so you don't forget it. Do it now so you don't forget. >>en<< Adoro enseñar español a los pequeños. I love teaching kids Spanish! I love teaching Spanish to the little ones. >>en<< Todavía no sé cómo es. I don't know what it's like yet. I still don't know what it's like. >>en<< Usted es un poco más alto que yo ¿verdad? You're a little taller than I am, aren't you? You're a little higher than me, aren't you? >>es<< I can do that if you let me. Puedo hacer eso si me dejas. Puedo hacerlo si me dejas. >>en<< I think Tom said he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. I think that Tom said he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. I think Tom said that he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. >>en<< Suosittelen tätä kirjaa. I recommend this book. I recommend this book. >>es<< The water began to boil. El agua empezó a hervir. El agua comenzó a hervir. >>en<< Ήσουνα απασχολημένη. You were busy. You were busy. >>en<< On tapahtunut niin paljon kaikkea. On kuin maailma olisi kääntynyt päälaelleen. So much has happened. It's as if the whole world is flipped upside down. There's been so much going on, and it's like the world has turned on top of it. >>es<< I can't believe my eyes. No puedo creer lo que veo. No puedo creer mis ojos. >>es<< You're going to be in trouble and it's my fault. Por mi culpa vais a tener problemas. Vas a estar en problemas y es mi culpa. >>es<< Is that what you want, Tom? ¿Es eso lo que tú quieres, Tom? ¿Es eso lo que quieres, Tom? >>en<< I don't think we should lock the door. I don't think that we should lock the door. I don't think we should lock the door. >>en<< Tom said that he wished that he hadn't given any money to Mary. Tom said he wished that he hadn't given any money to Mary. Tom said that he wished that he hadn't given any money to Mary. >>el<< Say it in French. Πες το στα Γαλλικά. Πες το στα γαλλικά. >>en<< Tom said he really wanted to be here, but he had to stay in Australia. Tom said that he really wanted to be here, but he had to stay in Australia. Tom said that he really wanted to be here, but he had to stay in Australia. >>es<< It's Tom's job. Es la tarea de Tom. Es el trabajo de Tom. >>en<< Lakkaa häiritsemästä isääsi. Stop bothering your father. Stop bothering your father. >>el<< You won't be alone. Δε θα είσαι μόνη. Δεν θα είσαι μόνος. >>en<< Sattuiko ketään? Did anyone get hurt? Is anyone hurt? >>es<< Do you have African elephants? ¿Tienen elefantes africanos? ¿Tienes elefantes africanos? >>en<< Solo tengo unas pocas preguntas. I just have a few questions. I just have a few questions. >>es<< His car got no more than fourteen miles. Su coche no tendría más de catorce millas. Su coche no tiene más de 14 millas. >>en<< Ella trató de verse mucho más joven de lo que era en realidad. She tried to look much younger than she really was. She tried to look much younger than she was actually. >>es<< She's got a Turkish boyfriend. Ella tiene un novio turco. Tiene novio turco. >>es<< Tom didn't want Mary to go out with other guys. Tom no quería que Mary saliera con otros tipos. Tom no quería que Mary saliera con otros tipos. >>en<< Minun pitäisi kertoa Tomille. I should tell Tom. I should tell Tom. >>en<< Te toca a ti fregar los platos, ayer lo hice yo. It's your turn to do the washing up. I did it yesterday. It's up to you to wash the dishes, I did it yesterday. >>es<< This is better by far. Esto está mucho mejor. Esto es mejor por mucho tiempo. >>es<< Spread the word! ¡Extiende la palabra! ¡Difunda la palabra! >>en<< Ο Τομ είναι το αφεντικό της Μαίρης. Tom is Mary's boss. Tom is Mary's boss. >>fi<< I'm studying French and web design. Opiskelen ranskaa ja web-suunnittelua. Tutkin ranskaa ja verkkosuunnittelua. >>en<< Él nunca ríe. He never laughs. He never laughs. >>en<< Tom no tiene hambre pero Mary sí. Tom isn't hungry, but Mary is. Tom is not hungry but Mary is. >>es<< She finished ironing the clothes a few minutes ago. Ella terminó de planchar la ropa hace unos minutos. Terminó de planchar la ropa hace unos minutos. >>en<< Va a volver a pasar otra vez. It's going to happen again. It's gonna happen again. >>es<< Αυτός δεν μπορούσε να καταλάβει τη φράση. Él no lograba entender la frase. Él no podía entender la frase. >>en<< Me alegré de verla. I was happy to see her. I was glad to see you. >>en<< Fue urgente. It was urgent. It was urgent. >>es<< I'm a little touched. Estoy un poco conmovido. Estoy un poco conmovido. >>en<< ¿Qué dijo tu mamá? What did your mom say? What did your mom say? >>en<< Es muy talentoso. He's very talented. He's very talented. >>es<< These books are mine. Estos libros son míos. Estos libros son míos. >>es<< The cow goes "moo" and the cat goes "meow." La vaca hace "muuu" y el gato "miau". La vaca va "moo" y el gato "meow". >>es<< No one was ever able to solve the riddle. Nadie fue capaz de resolver el acertijo. Nadie fue capaz de resolver el acertijo. >>es<< There's a big gunfight in the middle of the movie and the sheriff gets killed. Hay un gran tiroteo en mitad de la película y el sheriff acaba muerto. Hay un gran tiroteo en el medio de la película y el sheriff es asesinado. >>en<< Tom and Mary say that they want to come with us. Tom and Mary say they want to come with us. Tom and Mary say they want to come with us. >>en<< El coche es lento. The car is slow. The car's slow. >>en<< Mi hermano pequeño está viendo la tele. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother is watching TV. >>en<< ¿Existen realmente los fantasmas? Do ghosts really exist? Do ghosts really exist? >>es<< There is nothing I like so much as the smell of roses. Nada me gusta tanto como el aroma de las rosas. No hay nada que me guste tanto como el olor de las rosas. >>en<< Voinko lainata tätä? Can I borrow this? Can I borrow this? >>es<< Tom dozed off in French class. Tom se quedó dormido en la clase de francés. Tom se durmió en la clase francesa. >>es<< Melting polar icecaps could also contribute to an increase in sea levels. El derretimiento de los casquetes polares también podría contribuir al aumento del nivel del mar. La fusión de las cápsulas polares de hielo también podría contribuir a un aumento de los niveles del mar. >>en<< They say that they like horror movies. They say they like horror movies. They say that they like horror movies. >>es<< Tom looks like he's a bit tired. Tom se ve que está un poco cansado. Tom parece que está un poco cansado. >>en<< Odottakaa viisi minuuttia. Wait five minutes, please. Wait five minutes. >>fi<< Está totalmente oscuro. On täysin pimeää. Se on täysin pimeää. >>en<< Yo soy profesor. I am a professor. I'm a teacher. >>en<< "Tuleeko hän?" " Ei, en luule." "Is he coming?" "No, I don't think so." "Is he coming?" "No, I don't think so." >>es<< I've lived here my entire life. He vivido aquí toda mi vida. He vivido aquí toda mi vida. >>fi<< They were there. He olivat siellä. He olivat siellä. >>es<< I was just reading the newspaper. Solo estaba leyendo el periódico. Estaba leyendo el periódico. >>en<< Tiedän, minne olet matkalla. I know where you're going. I know where you're going. >>fi<< Do you hear something? Kuuletteko te jotakin? Kuuletko jotain? >>en<< I don't think Tom is in Boston. I don't think that Tom is in Boston. I don't think that Tom is in Boston. >>en<< Lo vi desde la ventana. I saw it from the window. I saw it from the window. >>en<< Deberíais pedirle perdón a Tom. You should apologize to Tom. You should apologize to Tom. >>es<< She is no longer what she was five years ago. Ya no es lo que era hace cinco años. Ella ya no es lo que era hace cinco años. >>es<< The police have caught the murderer. La policía cogió al asesino. La policía ha atrapado al asesino. >>en<< Conozco a la chica. I know the girl. I know the girl. >>en<< No quiero que Tom se pierda el autobús. I don't want Tom to miss the bus. I don't want Tom to miss the bus. >>en<< Tengo miedo a las alturas. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. >>en<< Tom and I lived in Australia a long time. Tom and I lived in Australia for a long time. Tom and I lived in Australia a long time. >>en<< Ya estoy buscando mis lentes de nuevo. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm already looking for my glasses again. >>es<< That shop has many customers. Esa tienda tiene muchos clientes. Esa tienda tiene muchos clientes. >>en<< Todas las casas en la ciudad estaban vacías. All the houses in town were empty. All the houses in the city were empty. >>fi<< ¿Ya te cayó el veinte? Tajuutko? Pudotitko jo 20? >>en<< Yo no era tan fuerte como mi padre. I was not as strong as my father. I wasn't as strong as my father. >>es<< Tom likes to tell dirty jokes. A Tom le gusta contar chistes verdes. A Tom le gusta contar chistes sucios. >>en<< Ella es amable con todo el mundo. She is friendly to everybody. She's kind to everybody. >>el<< Talk about yourself, please. Μίλα για τον εαυτό σου, σε παρακαλώ. Μίλα για τον εαυτό σου, σε παρακαλώ. >>fi<< ¿Cómo se llama vuestra hija? Mikä on teidän tyttärenne nimi? Mikä tyttärenne nimi on? >>en<< Rakas joulupukki. Haluaisin jouluksi tyttöystävän. Dear Santa Claus: For Christmas I would like a girlfriend. Dear Santa, I'd like a girlfriend for Christmas. >>es<< Si te duermes en el tren puedes acabar en Francia. Si te quedas dormido en el tren puedes terminar en Francia. Si te duermes en el tren puedes acabar en Francia. >>en<< Tom denies that he cried. Tom denies he cried. Tom denies that he cried. >>es<< What's your favorite breakfast food? ¿Cuál es tu desayuno favorito? ¿Cuál es tu comida de desayuno favorita? >>en<< Haluatko sokeria kahviisi? Do you want some sugar in your coffee? You want some sugar for your coffee? >>en<< Tom and Mary said they'd been careful. Tom and Mary said that they'd been careful. Tom and Mary said that they'd been careful. >>es<< I am buying a new umbrella. Voy a comprar un paraguas nuevo. Estoy comprando un nuevo paraguas. >>fi<< You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. Pitäisi keskittyä tiehen kun ajaa. Keskity tielle, kun ajat. >>en<< ¡Cierra la pinche puerta! Close the fucking door! Close the door! >>en<< Me gustan los perros más que los gatos, ya que los primeros son más fieles que los segundos. I like dogs better than cats, because the former are more faithful than the latter. I like dogs more than cats, as the first ones are more faithful than the second ones. >>fi<< Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Musiikki ilmaisee sen, mitä ei voi sanoa, ja josta on mahdotonta vaieta. Musiikki ilmaisee sitä, mitä ei voida sanoa ja jossa on mahdotonta olla hiljaa. >>en<< ¿Es más caro comer saludable? Is eating healthy more expensive? Is it more expensive to eat healthy? >>fi<< Tom's resting. Tom lepää. Tom lepää. >>en<< I know Tom is going to try to arrive on time. I know that Tom is going to try to arrive on time. I know that Tom is going to try to arrive on time. >>en<< Kuinka monta kirjaa luette kuukaudessa? How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read in a month? >>en<< It would've been easy to do that. It would have been easy to do that. It would've been easy to do that. >>en<< Tom sanoi, ettei hän saanut henkeä. Tom said that he couldn't breathe. Tom said he couldn't breathe. >>fi<< I was absent from school because I had a cold. Olin flunssan takia poissa koulusta. Olin poissa koulusta, koska minulla oli kylmä. >>en<< Don't you know I'm your boss? Don't you know that I'm your boss? Don't you know I'm your boss? >>es<< Tell me the time when you will come. Dígame a qué hora vendrá. Dígame el momento en que venga. >>es<< We must pay attention to environmental problems. Debemos prestar atención a los problemas medioambientales. Debemos prestar atención a los problemas ambientales. >>es<< I think it was a misunderstanding. Creo que fue un malentendido. Creo que fue un malentendido. >>es<< He lives in a flat. Él vive en un apartamento. Vive en un apartamento. >>fi<< Tom always wants to have his own way. Tom haluaa aina kaiken menevän oman mielensä mukaan. Tom haluaa aina olla omalla tavallaan. >>es<< He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best. Él no sabe nadar en absoluto, pero esquiando es el número uno. No puede nadar en absoluto, pero cuando se trata de esquiar, es el mejor. >>es<< A farewell party was held for Mr. Smith. Una fiesta de despedida fue hecha para el señor Smith. Se celebró una fiesta de despedida para el Sr. Smith. >>es<< Can you tell me what day it is today? ¿Podría decirme qué día es hoy? ¿Puedes decirme qué día es hoy? >>en<< Tomi pitää minusta. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. >>en<< Mary dedicó la canción a su amiga de la infancia, que falleció hace unos 15 años sin siquiera haber llegado a los 25 años de edad. Mary dedicated the song to her childhood friend, who passed away about 15 years ago not even reaching the age of 25. Mary dedicated the song to her childhood friend, who died about 15 years ago without even reaching the age of 25. >>es<< Do you understand me? ¿Me entiendes? ¿Me entiendes? >>en<< Derramé una lágrima cuando vi el desgarrón en mi vestido. I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my dress. I spilled a tear when I saw the tear in my dress. >>en<< Debes cumplir tus promesas. You should make good on your promises. You must fulfill your promises. >>en<< Es posible que llueva mañana. It may rain tomorrow. It may rain tomorrow. >>en<< Tom told me you've been to Australia before. Tom told me that you've been to Australia before. Tom told me you've been to Australia before. >>es<< How many firemen were there? ¿Cuántos bomberos había? ¿Cuántos bomberos había? >>en<< Tienes que llegar a la escuela antes de las nueve. You should arrive at school before nine. You have to get to school before 9:00. >>en<< ¿Podés decirme que le pasó a Tomás? Can you tell me what happened to Tom? Can you tell me what happened to Thomas? >>en<< Él, al igual que yo, es miembro del club. He as well as I is a member of the club. He, like me, is a member of the club. >>fi<< Soy traductor certificado. Olen tutkinnonsuorittanut kääntäjä. Olen sertifioitu kääntäjä. >>es<< There's Tom. Ahí está Tom. Ahí está Tom. >>en<< Tom said Mary knew she might not have to do that by herself. Tom said that Mary knew she might not have to do that by herself. Tom said that Mary knew that she might not have to do that by herself. >>fi<< You took it as offensive, even though that was not at all my intention. I meant it as something funny, but you didn't see it like that. Pidit sanomaani loukkauksena, vaikka se ei ollut lainkaan tarkoituksenani. Pyrin olemaan hauska, mutta sinä näit asian ihan toisin. Tarkoitin sitä hauskaksi, mutta et nähnyt sitä noin. >>en<< Huele como si algo se estuviese quemando en la cocina. It smells like something is burning in the kitchen. Smells like something was burning in the kitchen. >>en<< Hänen oikea silmänsä on sokea. Her right eye is blind. His right eye is blind. >>es<< There were hundreds of birds on the lake. Había cientos de pájaros en el lago. Había cientos de aves en el lago. >>es<< Tämä omena maistuu todella happamalta. Esta manzana sabe muy amarga. Esta manzana tiene un sabor muy ácido. >>fi<< I will return at 6:30. Palaan puoli seitsemältä. Palaan kello 18.30. >>es<< The tines of the fork are bent. El tenedor tiene torcidos los dientes. Las tinas del tenedor están dobladas. >>es<< Up to last week, I hadn't received a reply. No recibí respuesta hasta la semana pasada. Hasta la semana pasada, no había recibido respuesta. >>es<< My father drives a very old car. Mi padre conduce un coche muy viejo. Mi padre conduce un coche muy viejo. >>es<< Now I have two fiancées. Ahora tengo dos prometidas. Ahora tengo dos prometidos. >>en<< I know that Tom is a better teacher than Mary is. I know that Tom is a better teacher than Mary. I know Tom is a better teacher than Mary is. >>es<< I'm afraid the doctor is out. Me temo que el doctor no está. Me temo que el doctor está fuera. >>en<< He hecho muchas cosas que no debería. I've done many things I shouldn't have. I've done a lot of things I shouldn't. >>en<< No volveré a dejaros solos. I'll never leave you alone again. I'll never leave you alone again. >>es<< Do you feel like going swimming? ¿Tiene usted deseos de ir a nadar? ¿Tienes ganas de nadar? >>en<< Yo sabía que tú no ibas a caer en eso. I knew you wouldn't fall for it. I knew you weren't going to fall into that. >>en<< Minulla on säännöllinen lääkitys. I am on medication. I have regular meds. >>en<< No soy celosa. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. >>el<< Are the shops open today? Είναι ανοιχτά σήμερα τα καταστήματα; Τα καταστήματα είναι ανοιχτά σήμερα; >>en<< Tom kävi Bostonissa 2003. Tom went to Boston in 2003. Tom went to Boston in 2003. >>es<< Are you out of your mind? ¿Se te ha ido la cabeza? ¿Estás loco? >>es<< Are the stores closed on Sunday in England? ¿Las tiendas están cerradas los domingos en Inglaterra? ¿Las tiendas están cerradas el domingo en Inglaterra? >>en<< Λατρεύω το βοδινό. I love beef. I love beef. >>fi<< Did you eat breakfast today? Söitkö sinä tänään aamupalaa? Söitkö aamiaista tänään? >>en<< Soy Samuel. I am Samuel. I'm Samuel. >>fi<< Tom wasn't able to swim. Tom ei kyennyt uimaan. Tom ei kyennyt uimaan. >>en<< I know that Tom doesn't know anyone who does that I know Tom doesn't know anyone who does that I know Tom doesn't know anyone who does that >>en<< Tom and Mary said they didn't like beer. Tom and Mary said that they didn't like beer. Tom and Mary said that they didn't like beer. >>en<< Uudestaan. Again. Again. >>en<< I suspect Tom and Mary are in Boston now. I suspect that Tom and Mary are in Boston now. I suspect that Tom and Mary are in Boston now. >>en<< Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω κανέναν πια. I can't believe anyone anymore. I can't believe anyone anymore. >>es<< I'd like a word with them. Me gustaría hablar con ellos. Me gustaría hablar con ellos. >>en<< Tom kävi eilen Marin luona kylässä. Tom visited Mary yesterday. Tom visited Mar in the village yesterday. >>es<< The work I'm doing now requires originality. El trabajo que hago ahora requiere de originalidad. El trabajo que estoy haciendo ahora requiere originalidad. >>es<< You should read the newspapers in order to keep up with the times. Deberías leer los periódicos para estar al día. Deberías leer los periódicos para mantenerte al día con los tiempos. >>es<< He told me that he was hungry. Me dijo que tenía hambre. Me dijo que tenía hambre. >>es<< That salesman was persistent in asking me to buy a car. Este vendedor insistía que le comprara un coche Ese vendedor era persistente en pedirme que comprara un coche. >>es<< I have something to show you. Tengo algo que enseñarte. Tengo algo que mostrarte. >>en<< Con la más profunda ternura dijo ella, "¿Estás bien?" She said with deepest tenderness, "Are you all right"? With the deepest tenderness she said, "Are you all right?" >>en<< Está muy limpio. He's very clean. It's very clean. >>en<< I knew that Tom was almost deaf, so I spoke as loudly as I could. I knew Tom was almost deaf, so I spoke as loudly as I could. I knew Tom was almost deaf, so I spoke as loudly as I could. >>fi<< It belonged to Tom. Se oli Tomin omaisuutta. Se kuului Tomille. >>es<< Επιτέλους είναι Παρασκευή. ¡Es viernes por fin! Por fin es viernes. >>es<< Do you speak English? - Not yet, that's my first lesson! ¿Hablas inglés? -Todavía no, ¡esa es mi primera lección! - ¡Todavía no, esa es mi primera lección! >>en<< I cannot go to the party, but thank you for inviting me all the same. I can't go to the party, but thank you for inviting me all the same. I cannot go to the party, but thank you for inviting me all the same. >>en<< Pohjimmaltaan olet ehdottoman oikeassa. Basically, you're absolutely right. Basically, you're absolutely right. >>en<< Ας μάθουμε γαλλικά. Let's study French. Let's learn French. >>en<< Tom dijo que se sintió mal sobre lo que había hecho. Tom said he felt bad about what he'd done. Tom said he felt bad about what he had done. >>es<< The bill was approved by an overwhelming majority. El proyecto de ley fue aprobado por una abrumadora mayoría. El proyecto de ley fue aprobado por una mayoría abrumadora. >>fi<< You look so pale. Sinä näytät niin kalpealta. Näytät niin kalpealta. >>es<< I need a taxi to the airport. Necesito un taxi que vaya al aeropuerto. Necesito un taxi al aeropuerto. >>es<< I speak a few languages. Hablo unas pocas lenguas. Hablo algunos idiomas. >>es<< Beer is not really so unhealthy, at least in moderation. La cerveza no es tan perjudicial, al menos con moderación. La cerveza no es realmente tan insalubrable, al menos en moderación. >>en<< It might be hard to do that. It might be difficult to do that. It might be hard to do that. >>en<< It isn't too difficult to learn French. It's not too difficult to learn French. It isn't too difficult to learn French. >>el<< Tell them I'm sick. Πείτε τους ότι είμαι άρρωστη. Πες τους ότι είμαι άρρωστος. >>fi<< Tom was sitting cross-legged on his bed, typing on his laptop. Tom istui risti-istunnassa sängyllään kirjoittamassa kannettavallaan. Tom istui risteytettynä sängyllään, kirjoittamassa tietokoneelleen. >>fi<< His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water. Hänen uusi omistajansa vei hänet korkealle kalliolle meren äärelle, laittoi kiven hänen kaulansa ympäri, sitoi köyden toiseen hänen takajaloistaan, tönäisi häntä ja heitti hänet veteen. Hänen uusi omistajansa vei hänet meren ulottumattomalle kalliolle, laittoi kiven niskaansa, sitoi köyden yhdelle hänen takajalkansa, työnsi hänet ja heitti hänet veteen. >>es<< What causes that? ¿Qué causa eso? ¿Qué causa eso? >>es<< Tell me where you live. Dime dónde vives. Dime dónde vives. >>en<< En uskonut, että se olisi oikeasti olemassa. I didn't think it really existed. I didn't think it would really exist. >>en<< El accidente fue provocado por una cierta estrella de cine conduciendo ebria. The accident was due to the drunken driving of a certain film star. The accident was caused by a certain movie star driving drunk. >>es<< Does that mean we're in trouble? ¿Significa eso que estamos en problemas? ¿Eso significa que estamos en problemas? >>en<< Tomilla menee hyvin. Tom is doing all right. Tom's doing fine. >>en<< Tätä ei ole kokeiltu ikinä aikaisemmin. This has never been tried before. This has never been tried before. >>es<< Tomi oli rohkea sotilas. Tom era un soldado de mucho coraje. Tom era un soldado valiente. >>es<< I know exactly who Tom plans to marry. Sé exactamente con quién planea casarse Tom. Sé exactamente a quién planea casarse Tom. >>en<< Nykyisellä hallituksella on monia ongelmia. The present government has many problems. The current government has many problems. >>es<< Hell is other people. El infierno son los otros. El infierno es otra gente. >>es<< I am not fat! ¡No soy gorda! ¡No estoy gorda! >>en<< Para de quejarte y haz lo que te dicen. Stop complaining and do as you're told. Stop complaining and do what they tell you. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they were glad to help. Tom and Mary said that they were glad to help. Tom and Mary said that they were glad to help. >>en<< Koko matkan tänne taivalsin. Kuule sanottavani, väittäisin. I came all this way. You could at least listen to what I have to say. Listen to me, I'd say. >>en<< I almost died upon hearing this. I almost died after hearing this. I almost died upon hearing this. >>en<< I thought Tom didn't have a driver's license yet. I thought that Tom didn't have a driver's license yet. I thought that Tom didn't have a driver's license yet. >>en<< Layla es una chica bonita. Layla is a pretty girl. Layla's a pretty girl. >>en<< Tom could've waited longer. Tom could have waited longer. Tom could have waited longer. >>fi<< Su padre come ahí dos veces a la semana. Hänen isänsä syö täällä kaksi kertaa viikossa. Hänen isänsä syö siellä kahdesti viikossa. >>en<< I didn't know you were the first one to do that. I didn't know that you were the first one to do that. I didn't know you were the first one to do that. >>en<< Tom pyysi Marya katsomaan sitä. Tom asked Mary to take a look at it. Tom asked Mary to see it. >>en<< Cuanto menos sepa, mejor. The less she knows, the better. The less I know, the better. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that I wanted to do that. Tom said he thought I wanted to do that. Tom said that he thought that I wanted to do that. >>en<< Tom said that he thought Mary was unhappy in Australia. Tom said he thought Mary was unhappy in Australia. Tom said that he thought that Mary was unhappy in Australia. >>fi<< Tom wanted to marry his true love, Mary. Tom halusi mennä naimisiin tosirakkautensa, Marin, kanssa. Tom halusi naida tosi rakkautensa, Mary. >>es<< Tobacco smoke causes cancer. El humo del tabaco produce cáncer. El humo de tabaco causa cáncer. >>en<< Hän yllättyi veren näkemisestä. He was surprised at the sight of blood. She was surprised to see blood. >>es<< Tom was somewhat doubtful. Tom estaba algo dudoso. Tom era un poco dudoso. >>en<< Cuanto más ascendíamos, más frío hacía. The higher we went, the colder it became. The more we ascended, the colder it was. >>en<< Me temo que pueda llover mañana. I'm afraid it may rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it might rain tomorrow. >>es<< Tom went to the library to study. Tom fue a estudiar a la biblioteca. Tom fue a la biblioteca a estudiar. >>en<< A Tom le encanta escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves climbing mountains. >>el<< The school is farther than the station. Το σχολείο βρίκεται πιο μακρυά από τη στάση. Το σχολείο είναι πιο μακριά από τον σταθμό. >>en<< Él tiene muchos libros sobre historia. He has a lot of books on history. He has a lot of books about history. >>en<< Perdón por haberte molestado. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'm sorry I bothered you. >>en<< Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary ought to have done that. Tom said he doesn't think that Mary ought to have done that. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary should have done that. >>en<< ¿Qué es esta mierda? What is this shit? What's this shit? >>fi<< How beautiful you are! Oletpa sinä kaunis! Kuinka kaunis olet! >>en<< Tom said that he's glad that nobody was injured in the accident. Tom said that he's glad nobody was injured in the accident. Tom said that he's glad that nobody was injured in the accident. >>en<< El magnetismo es la ciencia de las propiedades de los imanes. Magnetism is the science of the properties of magnets. Magnetism is the science of magnet properties. >>en<< I told everyone I wanted to learn French. I told everybody that I wanted to learn French. I told everyone I wanted to learn French. >>en<< Kuinka vaikeaa se on? How hard is it? How hard is it? >>en<< Annoin Tomille kyydin Bostoniin. I gave Tom a ride to Boston. I gave Tom a ride to Boston. >>en<< Were all your children born in Australia? Were all of your children born in Australia? Were all your children born in Australia? >>fi<< Tom pushed Mary out of the room. Tom työnsi Maryn huoneesta. Tom työnsi Maryn ulos huoneesta. >>en<< Let's buy Tom this cap. Let's buy this cap for Tom. Let's buy Tom this cap. >>en<< ¡Estoy muy enamorado! I'm so in love! I'm so in love! >>en<< Δε φαίνεται να 'ναι Καναδός ο Τομ. Tom doesn't seem to be a Canadian. Tom doesn't seem to be Canadian. >>en<< Ahí es donde iremos. That's where we'll go. That's where we're going. >>es<< Which album could it be? ¿Qué álbum podría ser? ¿Qué álbum podría ser? >>es<< Olet kaunis. Estás guapa. Eres hermosa. >>en<< I thought I made it clear what you were supposed to do. I thought that I made it clear what you were supposed to do. I thought I made it clear what you were supposed to do. >>es<< Unfortunately, the report is true. Desafortunadamente, el reporte es verdadero. Lamentablemente, el informe es cierto. >>fi<< Kill them, for the Lord knows those who are His. Tappakaa kaikki, sillä kyllä Herra omansa tunnistaa. Tappakaa heidät, sillä Herra tuntee ne, jotka ovat Hänen. >>en<< ¿Han ordenado el correo? Has the mail been sorted? Have you ordered the mail? >>es<< It's easier to make money when you already have some. Es más fácil hacer dinero cuando ya tienes algo. Es más fácil ganar dinero cuando ya tienes algo. >>es<< She became fluent in English after about a year. Ella hablaba fluido inglés después de un año aproximadamente. Se volvió fluida en inglés después de un año. >>en<< Debió haber comprado algunos lápices. He should have bought some pencils. He must have bought some pencils. >>en<< Minun täytyy oppia ranskaa. I must learn French. I have to learn French. >>el<< Do you think you could help me weed the garden this afternoon? Νομίζεις ότι θα μπορούσες να με βοηθήσεις να βγάλω τα αγριόχορτα απ' τον κήπο το απόγευμα; Μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις με το χόρτο του κήπου σήμερα το απόγευμα; >>en<< El médico me dijo que dejara de fumar. My doctor told me to quit smoking. The doctor told me to stop smoking. >>en<< La ropa mojada se me pega al cuerpo. The wet clothes stick to my skin. My wet clothes stick to my body. >>fi<< I spoke French to Tom. Puhuin ranskaa Tomille. Puhuin ranskaa Tomille. >>en<< I know that Tom is a little paranoid. I know Tom is a little paranoid. I know Tom is a little paranoid. >>en<< Me puse del lado de ellos en la discusión. I took sides with them in the argument. I got on their side in the discussion. >>en<< Estás completamente loco. You're completely crazy. You're completely crazy. >>en<< Tom said that Mary wasn't able to win. Tom said Mary wasn't able to win. Tom said that Mary wasn't able to win. >>es<< Πενήντα οικογένειες ζουν σε αυτό το μικρό χωριό. Cincuenta familias viven en este pequeño pueblo. Cincuenta familias viven en este pequeño pueblo. >>es<< A full moon is shining bright in the sky. La luna llena está brillando en el cielo. Una luna llena brilla en el cielo. >>fi<< They caught the robbers red-handed. He saivat ryöstäjät kiinni itse teossa. He saivat ryöstäjät punaisella kädellä. >>en<< Envidio tu belleza. I envy you your beauty. I envy your beauty. >>en<< ¿Usted tiene un abrigo y un sombrero? Do you have a coat and a hat? Do you have a coat and a hat? >>en<< Donde las palabras fallan, la música habla. Where words fail, music speaks. Where words fail, music speaks. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that Mary enjoyed the party. Tom said he thought that Mary enjoyed the party. Tom said that he thought that Mary enjoyed the party. >>es<< He saw a UFO flying last night. Vio un OVNI volando anoche. Vio un OVNI volando anoche. >>el<< Tell them thanks. Πείτε τους ευχαριστώ. Πες τους ευχαριστώ. >>en<< I wonder whether there's really any possibility that Tom will do that. I wonder whether there's really any possibility Tom will do that. I wonder if there's really any possibility that Tom will do that. >>en<< I didn't know that Tom would be nervous doing that. I didn't know Tom would be nervous doing that. I didn't know Tom would be nervous doing that. >>es<< The company exploited its workers with low pay. La compañía explotaba a sus trabajadores con bajos salarios. La empresa aprovechó a sus trabajadores con bajos salarios. >>es<< She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her. Ella cambió tanto que no la reconocí. Ella había cambiado tanto que no podía reconocerla. >>fi<< Prefiero quedarme en casa que ir sola. Pysyn mieluummin kotona kuin menen yksin. Ennemmin jään kotiin kuin menen yksin. >>en<< Tom said Mary knew she might have to do that by herself. Tom said that Mary knew that she might have to do that by herself. Tom said that Mary knew that she might have to do that by herself. >>en<< Yo no creo que sea bueno. I don't think it's good. I don't think it's good. >>es<< They have full confidence in their leader. Ellos tienen plena confianza en su líder. Tienen plena confianza en su líder. >>en<< Ella no sale de la habitación, porque no quiere pillar otro resfriado. She won't leave the room, because she doesn't want to catch another cold. She doesn't leave the room because she doesn't want to catch another cold. >>fi<< Tom really speaks French well. Tom tosiaankin puhuu hyvin ranskaa. Tom puhuu todella hyvin ranskaa. >>en<< Este libro es mío, no suyo. This is my book, not yours. This book is mine, not yours. >>es<< Ahora tengo que irme. Debo irme ahora. Ahora tengo que irme. >>en<< Tom tenía su llave colgando en una cadena alrededor de su cuello. Tom had his key dangling around his neck on a chain. Tom had his key hanging on a chain around his neck. >>el<< We aren't burning anything. Δεν καίμε τίποτα. Δεν καίμε τίποτα. >>en<< Ο Τομ θα περιμένει τη Μαίρη. Tom will be waiting for Mary. Tom's waiting for Mary. >>en<< Aion katsoa TV:tä tänä iltana. I am going to watch TV this evening. I'm gonna watch TV tonight. >>es<< The mother is looking for a babysitter. La madre busca una niñera. La madre está buscando una niñera. >>es<< The flame went out. La llama se extinguió. La llama se apagó. >>en<< Más a menudo, los criminales son tan ingenuos como niños. Mostly criminals are as naive as children. More often, criminals are as naive as children. >>en<< Probaré mi suerte. I'll try my luck. I'll try my luck. >>en<< Tom said you're a terrible roommate. Tom said that you're a terrible roommate. Tom said you're a terrible roommate. >>es<< Didn't it ever occur to them that they would be punished? ¿Nunca se les ocurrió que les castigarían? ¿No se les ocurrió que serían castigados? >>fi<< You had far better stay here. Sinun olisi paljon parempi jäädä tänne. Sinun olisi parasta jäädä tänne. >>es<< The poor cat was run over by a truck. El pobre gato fue atropellado por un camión. El pobre gato fue atropellado por un camión. >>es<< I'll wait another five minutes. Esperaré cinco minutos más. Esperaré otros cinco minutos. >>en<< I don't think I'd make a very good spy. I don't think that I'd make a very good spy. I don't think I'd make a very good spy. >>en<< Kuka sanoi, että voisit mennä aikaisin kotiin? Who said you could go home early? Who said you could go home early? >>en<< Voi kun voisin elää tehden vain mitä haluaisin. I wish I could live my life doing only what I wanted to do. Oh, when I could live doing all I wanted to do. >>es<< I'm not going to go there. No voy a ir allí. No voy a ir allí. >>fi<< Sonó el móvil de Tom. Tomin kännykkä soi. Tomin kännykkä soi. >>en<< Where's the nearest bus stop? Where is the nearest bus stop? Where's the nearest bus stop? >>en<< No estás en tu sano juicio tú. You're not in your right mind, you. You're not in your right mind. >>fi<< Don't you see Tom? Etkö sinä näe Tomia? Etkö näe Tomia? >>el<< I will take it. Θα τον πάρω. Θα το πάρω. >>es<< In Portuguese, the article is used in some cases and omitted in others. En portugués, el artículo se usa en unos casos y se omite en otros. En portugués, el artículo se utiliza en algunos casos y se omite en otros. >>fi<< Make sure the chef is skilled before ordering fugu. Varmista keittiömestarin kyvykkyys ennen kuin tilaat pallokalaa. Varmista, että kokki on pätevä ennen kuin tilaat fugua. >>es<< He gave a speech about Alzheimer's disease. Él dio un discurso sobre el mal de Alzheimer. Él dio un discurso sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer. >>en<< Tomi antoi Marin maksaa laskun. Tom let Mary pay the bill. Tom let Mari pay the bill. >>en<< Tom started getting angry the minute Mary started doing that. Tom started getting mad the minute Mary started doing that. Tom started getting angry the minute Mary started doing that. >>es<< I can't believe that you enjoyed that movie. No puedo creer que disfrutaras esa película. No puedo creer que te haya gustado esa película. >>en<< Tom knows he has to help Mary tomorrow. Tom knows that he has to help Mary tomorrow. Tom knows that he has to help Mary tomorrow. >>en<< Necesito mirarlo ahora. I need to see it now. I need to look at it now. >>en<< ¿Es una buena idea comer menos carne? Is eating less meat a good idea? Is it a good idea to eat less meat? >>en<< Deberías quedarte aquí por algunos días. You should stay here a few days. You should stay here for a few days. >>en<< Ο Τομ είναι δημοφιλής. Tom is popular. Tom's popular. >>fi<< Will you have dinner with me? Lähtisitkö illalliselle kanssani? Tuletko syömään kanssani? >>en<< I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know that your father had passed away. I didn't know your father had passed away. >>en<< El político agitó a los trabajadores. The politician stirred up the workers. The politician shook the workers. >>en<< ¿Qué vas a hacer más tarde esta noche? What are you gonna do later tonight? What are you gonna do later tonight? >>es<< He bought something for Mary. Él le compró algo a María. Compró algo para Mary. >>es<< Cut the cheese into thin slices or into little cubes. Corta el queso en rodajas finas o en cubos. Cortar el queso en rebanadas delgadas o en cubos pequeños. >>en<< ¿Cómo se llama tu hermana? What's your sister's name? What's your sister's name? >>es<< I don't speak fast. No hablo deprisa. No hablo rápido. >>en<< Pensé que mantendrías a Tom aquí hasta que yo regresara. I thought you were going to keep Tom here until I got back. I thought you'd keep Tom here until I came back. >>en<< Με έσωσες. You saved us. You saved me. >>en<< Tom must've run all the way home. Tom must have run all the way home. Tom must have run all the way home. >>es<< Take the time to reflect. Toma el tiempo para reflexionar. Tómese el tiempo para reflexionar. >>fi<< Tom became interested in music because his neighbor was quite a musician. Tom kiinnostui musiikista, koska hänen naapurinsa oli melkoinen muusikko. Tom kiinnostui musiikista, koska hänen naapurinsa oli melkoinen muusikko. >>en<< Si mañana llueve ella no vendrá. If it rains tomorrow, she will not come here. If tomorrow rains, she won't come. >>es<< Where exactly is Tom? ¿Dónde está exactamente Tom? ¿Dónde está Tom exactamente? >>en<< Él no pudo ir a la fiesta por estar enfermo. Because he was ill, he could not go to the party. He couldn't go to the party because he was sick. >>fi<< The building whose roof you can see over there is our church. Rakennus, jonka katto näkyy tuolla, on meidän kirkkomme. Rakennus, jonka katon näet tuolla, on kirkkomme. >>en<< Olen iloinen, että nautit laskettelemisesta, mutta luulenpa ettei se ole minun juttuni. I'm glad you enjoy skiing, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea. I'm glad you enjoyed counting, but I don't think that's my thing. >>es<< Tom didn't understand the question. Tom no ha entendido la pregunta. Tom no entendió la pregunta. >>en<< This is not a discovery, everybody knows it! That is not a discovery, everybody knows it! This is not a discovery, everybody knows it! >>en<< Tiedätkö yhtään ranskalaisia lauluja? Do you know any French songs? Do you know any French songs? >>es<< I'm used to no one liking me. Estoy acostumbrada a no gustarle a nadie. No estoy acostumbrada a nadie que me guste. >>en<< ¿Quién se cree que es? Who does she think that she is? Who do you think it is? >>en<< Tom thought he would help out. Tom thought that he would help out. Tom thought that he would help out. >>en<< Olemme yhtä mieltä. We agree. We agree. >>en<< Tom is better at playing the trombone than Mary. Tom is better at playing the trombone than Mary is. Tom is better at playing the trombone than Mary. >>es<< That would be suicidal. Ello sería suicida. Eso sería suicida. >>fi<< Mr So-and-So is dead. Why would I bother going to his funeral since, I am certain, he won't come to mine? Herra se-ja-se on kuollut. Miksi minun pitäisi vaivautua menemään hänen hautajaisiinsa, sillä olen varma, että hän ei tule minun hautajaisiini. Miksi häiritsen hänen hautajaisiinsa, koska hän ei varmasti tule minun luokseni? >>fi<< Mi hijo todavía no sabe contar. Poikani ei osaa vielä laskea. Poikani ei osaa vielä laskea. >>fi<< Did we do well? Pärjäsimmekö hyvin? Pärjäsimmekö hyvin? >>en<< Koettamatta sinä et saa ikinä tietää. You'll never know unless you try. Without trying, you'll never know. >>en<< I thought that you said that you didn't do that. I thought you said that you didn't do that. I thought that you said that you didn't do that. >>es<< Tom likes having people around. A Tom le gusta estar rodeado de gente. A Tom le gusta tener gente alrededor. >>fi<< Tom stood in line. Tom seisoi jonossa. Tom seisoi linjalla. >>el<< Πέφτει το ταβάνι να με πλακώσει. Δε με χωράει το σπίτι. Πέφτει το ταβάνι να με πλακώσει. >>es<< The curry was very delicious. El curry estaba deliciosísimo. El curry estaba muy delicioso. >>en<< Cometió muchos errores al escribir el informe. She made many mistakes in typing the report. He made many mistakes when writing the report. >>fi<< The trial is not open to the public. Oikeudenkäynti ei ole avoin yleisölle. Oikeudenkäynti ei ole avointa yleisölle. >>es<< We like to learn foreign languages. Nos gusta aprender idiomas extranjeros. Nos gusta aprender lenguas extranjeras. >>es<< They were shorthanded. Estaban faltos de personal. Estaban cortos de mano. >>en<< Kiipeä. Climb. Get up. >>fi<< Tom is as tall as Mary. Tomi on yhtä pitkä kuin Mari. Tom on yhtä korkea kuin Mary. >>en<< Tom me pidió que hablara más lento. Tom asked me to speak more slowly. Tom asked me to talk slower. >>fi<< What's Australia's third largest city? Mikä on Australian kolmanneksi suurin kaupunki? Mikä on Australian kolmas suurin kaupunki? >>en<< Didn't you know that I was hoping that Tom would do that? Didn't you know that I was hoping Tom would do that? Didn't you know that I was hoping Tom would do that? >>en<< Quieres ver una película francesa, ¿verdad? You want to see a French movie, right? You want to watch a French movie, right? >>es<< Aquel atardecer, después de merendar, los muchachos se reunieron en el cobertizo de Mary. Aquel atardecer, tras merendar, los chicos se reunieron en el cobertizo de Mary. Aquel atardecer, después de merendar, los muchachos se reunieron en el cobertizo de Mary. >>fi<< Why were you absent yesterday? Miksi olit poissa eilen? Miksi olit poissa eilen? >>en<< A partir de ahora podré dormir tranquilamente. As of now I'll be able to sleep peacefully. From now on I can sleep quietly. >>en<< Esta vez ganamos nosotros. This time we won. This time we won. >>en<< El que en la arena mete su cabeza hoy, sus dientes rechinará mañana. He who buries his head in the sand today will grind his teeth tomorrow. Whoever puts his head in the sand today, his teeth will peel tomorrow. >>es<< Please call me at eight tomorrow morning. Llámame mañana a las ocho de la mañana, por favor. Por favor llámame a las ocho de la mañana. >>en<< Las televisión muestra violencia que influencia a los jóvenes más que nada. Television shows violence, which influences, above all, younger people. Television shows violence that influences young people more than anything. >>en<< I am aware of the fact. I'm aware of the fact. I am aware of the fact. >>fi<< The village is now different from what it used to be. Kylä on nyt erilainen kuin ennen. Kylä on nyt erilainen kuin ennen. >>en<< Las empresas deben pagar un salario justo a sus empleados. Businesses should pay a fair wage to their employees. Companies must pay a fair wage to their employees. >>en<< Hän vaikuttaa olleen köyhä nuorena. He seems to have been poor when he was young. Looks like he was a poor young man. >>en<< ¿Entonces adónde voy? So where do I go? So where am I going? >>fi<< British English differs from American English in many ways. Brittienglanti eroaa amerikanenglannista monella tapaa. Brittiläinen englanti eroaa amerikkalaisesta englannista monin tavoin. >>es<< She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses. Ella dijo que bailaría conmigo si le llevaba rosas rojas. Dijo que bailaría conmigo si traía sus rosas rojas. >>en<< No era mi intención hacer eso. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. >>en<< Él es en cierto modo un genio. He is a genius in a sense. He's kind of a genius. >>en<< Tomás se mordió el labio. Tom chewed his lip. Thomas bit his lip. >>es<< He's a master of provocation. Es un maestro de la provocación. Es un maestro de provocación. >>en<< ¿Puedes enamorarte de alguien con quien jamás te has encontrado? Can you fall in love with someone you have never met? Can you fall in love with someone you've never met? >>en<< Tom and Mary said they didn't remember my name. Tom and Mary said that they didn't remember my name. Tom and Mary said that they didn't remember my name. >>en<< Descubriendo que el asesino de su padre estaba en Italia, Tom tenía miedo de ir allá. Hearing that his father's killer was in Italy, Tom was afraid to go there. Finding out that his father's killer was in Italy, Tom was afraid to go there. >>en<< They told everyone that they were well. They told everyone they were well. They told everyone that they were well. >>en<< I don't think that'll happen to us. I don't think that that'll happen to us. I don't think that'll happen to us. >>en<< La guerra es un negocio. No es de extrañar que nunca haya habido paz. War is a business. It's no wonder there has never been peace. War is a business, it's no wonder there's never been peace. >>en<< No podías escoger. You couldn't choose. You couldn't choose. >>es<< The rocket ought to have reached the moon by now. El cohete ha de haber llegado a la luna ya. El cohete debería haber llegado a la luna ya. >>es<< I love whatever is cute. Me gusta todo lo que es bonito. Me encanta lo que sea lindo. >>en<< Onpa kaunista! How beautiful! It's so beautiful! >>es<< After a storm comes a calm. Después de la tormenta viene la calma. Después de que una tormenta llegue una calma. >>en<< ¡Esta explicación no significa nada! This explanation doesn't mean anything! This explanation means nothing! >>es<< The village lies on the border between the coastal and mountain regions. El pueblo se encuentra en la frontera entre la región costera y de montaña. El pueblo se encuentra en la frontera entre las regiones costeras y montañosas. >>en<< Tom said that he thought he'd forgotten to lock the door. Tom said he thought he'd forgotten to lock the door. Tom said that he thought he'd forgotten to lock the door. >>el<< This one is free. Αυτός εδώ είναι δωρεάν. Αυτός είναι ελεύθερος. >>es<< How could we govern others when we cannot govern ourselves? ¿Cómo podremos gobernar a otros si no podemos gobernarnos a nosotros mismos? ¿ Cómo podríamos gobernar a los demás cuando no podemos gobernar nosotros mismos? >>el<< It's good to dream. Είναι καλό να ονειρεύεσαι. Είναι καλό να ονειρεύεσαι. >>fi<< I'm a tennis player. Olen tenniksen pelaaja. Olen tennispelaaja. >>es<< Tom is much better than you. Tom es mucho mejor que vos. Tom es mucho mejor que tú. >>en<< I hope Tom doesn't lose his voice. I hope that Tom doesn't lose his voice. I hope that Tom doesn't lose his voice. >>es<< She was asked to account for her conduct. Se le pidió que rindiera cuentas de su conducta. Se le pidió que le explicara su conducta. >>en<< Tom casi nunca se queja con el jefe. Tom hardly ever complains to the boss. Tom almost never complains to the boss. >>en<< Mi hermano menor está mirando la televisión. My younger brother is watching TV. My younger brother is watching TV. >>en<< Pohdin silloin tällöin onko tämä maailma vain jonkun päässä, ja hän uneksii meidät kaikki oleviksi. Ehkä se joku olen jopa minä. Sometimes I wonder if this world is just in someone's head, and he dreams us all into existence. Perhaps it's even me. Sometimes I wondered if this world was just someone's head, and he dreamed of us all being, maybe that someone's even me. >>en<< Tom told me he'd walk home. Tom told me that he'd walk home. Tom told me that he'd walk home. >>es<< I saw a dog. Vi un perro. Vi a un perro. >>es<< Tom wondered how many times Mary had been arrested. Tom se preguntaba cuántas veces María había sido arrestada. Tom se preguntó cuántas veces había arrestado a María. >>en<< Busqué una moneda en mi bolsillo para llamar por teléfono. I searched in my pocket for a coin to make a phone call. I looked for a coin in my pocket to call on the phone. >>es<< Did you thank him? Did you say thank you? ¿Le diste las gracias? ¿Le has dado las gracias? >>en<< Él huyó con otra mujer. He ran off with another woman. He ran away with another woman. >>fi<< We saw him walk across the street. Näimme hänen ylittävän kadun. Näimme hänen kävelevän kadun toisella puolella. >>en<< Tom said you wanted to go to Boston with us. Tom said that you wanted to go to Boston with us. Tom said that you wanted to go to Boston with us. >>fi<< The library is eighty years old. Se kirjasto on kahdeksankymmentä vuotta vanha. Kirjasto on 80-vuotias. >>es<< I like to eat. Me gusta comer. Me gusta comer. >>es<< Mr Brown is our financial adviser. El señor Brown es nuestro consejero financiero. El Sr. Brown es nuestro asesor financiero. >>en<< Sen järven vesi on hyvin kylmää. The water of the lake is very cold. The water in that lake is very cold. >>fi<< Näytä, että matriisi on diagonalisoituva. Todista, että matriisi on diagonalisoituva. Näytä, että matriisi on diagonalisoituva. >>en<< Ovesi ei ollut lukossa. Your door was unlocked. Your door wasn't locked. >>es<< No sooner had I hung up than the phone started ringing again. Justo al colgar el teléfono, volvió a sonar. No antes de que me colgara que el teléfono empezó a sonar de nuevo. >>fi<< Do you see my point? Ymmärrätkö pointtini? Ymmärrätkö, mitä tarkoitan? >>en<< They said that they weren't mad anymore. They said they weren't mad anymore. They said they weren't mad anymore. >>en<< Pero la suerte ya estaba echada. However, the die had already been cast. But luck was already thrown out. >>es<< This is my book, not yours. Este libro es mío, no de ustedes. Este es mi libro, no el tuyo. >>el<< She is helping him. Τον βοηθάει. Τον βοηθάει. >>es<< I was used to eating like a pig. Yo estaba acostumbrado a comer como un cerdo. Estaba acostumbrada a comer como un cerdo. >>en<< I know that Tom could've done that for Mary if he'd wanted to. I know Tom could've done that for Mary if he'd wanted to. I know Tom could have done that for Mary if he'd wanted to. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary had been courteous. Tom told me he thought that Mary had been courteous. Tom told me that he thought that Mary had been courteous. >>el<< He wants to know the truth. Αυτός θέλει να ξέρει την αλήθεια. Θέλει να μάθει την αλήθεια. >>en<< ¿Cómo funcionan los ordenadores? How do computers work? How do computers work? >>es<< She sent me an urgent telegram. Ella me envió un telegrama urgente. Me envió un telegrama urgente. >>en<< Tom sabe dónde está escondido el dinero. Tom knows where the money is hidden. Tom knows where the money is hidden. >>en<< Estoy muy confundida. I'm very confused. I'm so confused. >>en<< El juego consiste en quedarse el mayor tiempo posible sin moverse. The game consists of staying the longest possible time without moving. The game consists of staying as long as possible without moving. >>fi<< Levanta la mano si tienes alguna pregunta. Viittaa, jos sinulla on kysymys. Nosta kätesi, jos sinulla on kysyttävää. >>es<< Give him the benefit of the doubt. Otórgale el beneficio de la duda. Dale el beneficio de la duda. >>es<< Tom takes online courses. Tom toma clases en línea. Tom toma cursos en línea. >>fi<< The money should be distributed to those in need. Raha tulisi jakaa heille, jotka ovat sen tarpeessa. Raha olisi jaettava tarpeellisille. >>es<< Narkomaani kuoli huumeen yliannostukseen. El adicto murió de sobredosis. Mi drogadicto murió por sobredosis de drogas. >>en<< I know that Tom knows that Mary didn't do that. I know Tom knows Mary didn't do that. I know Tom knows that Mary didn't do that. >>en<< I've suffered as much as you. I've suffered as much as you have. I've suffered as much as you. >>en<< Tom could've done that faster by himself. Tom could have done that faster by himself. Tom could have done that faster by himself. >>en<< I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I just want you to know I'm here for you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. >>en<< Tykkään todella paljon peleistä. I love games. I really like games. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they'd never want to do that. Tom and Mary said that they'd never want to do that. Tom and Mary said that they'd never want to do that. >>en<< ¡Estás un poco retrasado! You are a little late! You're a little late! >>en<< Nää ois avaruusolentoja. Let's pretend we are aliens. These are aliens. >>es<< He wears socks and shoes. Él lleva calcetines y zapatos. Lleva calcetines y zapatos. >>es<< How does he bring up his children? ¿Cómo educa a sus hijos? ¿Cómo trae a sus hijos? >>en<< The present I got from Tom was the best. The gift I got from Tom was the best. The present I got from Tom was the best. >>en<< Eikö sinulla ole yhtään rahaa? Don't you have any money? You don't have any money? >>es<< Tom found Mary a job not too far from where she lives. Tom le encontró a Mary un trabajo no demasiado lejos de donde ella vive. Tom encontró a María un trabajo no muy lejos de donde vive. >>es<< You're like your sister. Eres como tu hermana. Eres como tu hermana. >>es<< He is indifferent to what others say. A él le importa un pito lo que otros digan. Él es indiferente a lo que otros dicen. >>el<< Tom had three dogs. Ο Τομ είχε τρεις σκύλους. Ο Τομ είχε τρία σκυλιά. >>es<< Why don't you accept that? ¿Por qué no lo aceptas? ¿Por qué no aceptas eso? >>en<< Este autobús te llevará al museo. This bus will take you to the museum. This bus will take you to the museum. >>es<< I can't go to work today. Hoy no puedo ir a trabajar. No puedo ir a trabajar hoy. >>es<< What must you do now? ¿Qué tienes que hacer ahora? ¿Qué tienes que hacer ahora? >>es<< I will come back next week. Volveré la próxima semana. Volveré la semana que viene. >>en<< Montako laskuopin kirjaa on jäljellä? How many arithmetic books are left? How many checkbooks are left? >>el<< Try to keep yourself warm. Προσπάθησε να διατηρείς τον εαυτό σου ζεστό. Προσπαθήστε να κρατήσετε τον εαυτό σας ζεστό. >>fi<< What does a Sovietologist study? Mitä sovjetologi tutkii? Mitä sosialisti tutkii? >>en<< Estos hombres están acostumbrados al trabajo duro. These men are used to hard work. These men are used to hard work. >>en<< Minulla ei ole rahaa, jolla ostaa se kirja. I have no money to buy the book with. I don't have any money to buy that book. >>fi<< Everyone knew the song. Jokainen tunsi laulun. Kaikki tiesivät sen laulun. >>en<< Vayan al tomar agua. Go get a drink of water. Go on when you drink water. >>en<< Παίζετε μπάσκετ; Do you play basketball? You guys playing basketball? >>en<< ¿Tengo que guardar cama? Must I stay in bed? Do I have to keep a bed? >>el<< I have something to tell them. Έχω κάτι να τους πω. Έχω κάτι να τους πω. >>en<< Koti on kahden mailin päässä. The house is two miles off. The house is two miles away. >>es<< You attend all the meetings. Ustedes asisten a todas las reuniones. Asiste a todas las reuniones. >>en<< It's difficult for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. It's hard for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. It's difficult for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. >>en<< Είναι ένα πολύ επικίνδυνο σύστημα. It's a very dangerous system. It's a very dangerous system. >>en<< Tom thinks Mary will be present at today's meeting. Tom thinks that Mary will be present at today's meeting. Tom thinks that Mary will be present at today's meeting. >>en<< Él sólo escucha bandas de rock de los años cincuenta. He only listens to rock bands from the fifties. He only listens to rock bands from the 1950s. >>es<< Είναι ζήτημα ζωής και θανάτου. Es un asunto de vida o muerte. Es cuestión de vida y muerte. >>en<< Tom admitted he didn't want to do that. Tom admitted that he didn't want to do that. Tom admitted that he didn't want to do that. >>en<< Ο Τομ επέστρεψε στην Αυστραλία. Tom returned to Australia. Tom returned to Australia. >>fi<< Es mejor preguntárselo a él. On paras kysyä sitä häneltä. Kysy häneltä. >>en<< Tengo dolor de estómago después de las comidas. My stomach aches after meals. I have stomach pain after meals. >>es<< Every day he says something different. Cada día dice una cosa distinta. Cada día dice algo diferente. >>el<< Are you leaving, too? Φεύγεις κι εσύ; Φεύγεις κι εσύ; >>es<< This might not be a genuine diamond. Puede que no sea un diamante auténtico. Esto no puede ser un auténtico diamante. >>en<< Sólo una persona sobrevivió al accidente. Only one person survived the accident. Only one person survived the accident. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom thought it was a bad idea to do that. I wonder if Tom thought it was a bad idea to do that. I wonder if Tom thought it was a bad idea to do that. >>en<< ¡A tu salud! To your health! Cheers! >>el<< He does not smoke. Δεν καπνίζει. Δεν καπνίζει. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom knows how to play the flute. I wonder whether Tom knows how to play the flute or not. I wonder if Tom knows how to play the flute. >>en<< Voy a leer tu libro con mucho cuidado. I will read your book with great care. I'm going to read your book very carefully. >>en<< Tu éxito en la empresa depende de tu esfuerzo. Your success in the enterprise depends on your effort. Your success in the company depends on your effort. >>es<< Söin juuri äsken sushia ja join olutta. Acabo de comer sushi y beber cerveza. Acabo de comer sushi y de tomar cerveza. >>es<< He asked the president to do something. Le pidió al presidente que hiciera algo. Le pidió al presidente que hiciera algo. >>es<< She brought up the three children alone. Ella crió sola a los tres niños. Ella creció a los tres niños solos. >>fi<< Are we disturbing you? Häiritääksme teitä? Häiritsemmekö sinua? >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary was short. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was short. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was short. >>en<< Tomi ei ole tehnyt mitään hävettävää. Tom has done nothing to be ashamed of. Tom hasn't done anything embarrassing. >>en<< Wake up! Wake up. Wake up! >>en<< Tom says everyone he usually hangs out with speaks French. Tom says everybody he usually hangs out with speaks French. Tom says everyone he usually hangs out with speaks French. >>en<< Mitä tämä tarkoittaa? What does this mean? What does this mean? >>en<< Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo. We're running out of time. We're running out of time. >>en<< Minä olen tottunut tähän. I'm accustomed to this. I'm used to this. >>en<< Αν μπορείς να διαβάσεις αυτό, τότε μπορείς να μιλήσεις μια γλώσσα. If you can read this, it means that you can speak one language! If you can read this, then you can speak a language. >>en<< Everyone knew Tom was the one who did that. Everybody knew Tom was the one who did that. Everyone knew that Tom was the one who did that. >>en<< ¿Cuándo será su boda? When will her marriage ceremony be held? When will your wedding be? >>es<< He doesn't eat anything other than fruit. Él no come nada más que fruta. No come nada más que fruta. >>es<< Modern technology gives us many things. La tecnología moderna nos da muchas cosas. La tecnología moderna nos da muchas cosas. >>en<< Tom knows I can't come today. Tom knows that I can't come today. Tom knows I can't come today. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they'd likely do that. Tom and Mary said that they'd likely do that. Tom and Mary said that they'd probably do that. >>en<< Ο Τομ δε μίλησε στην αστυνομία. Tom didn't talk to the police. Tom didn't talk to the police. >>en<< Μείνετε ακίνητα. Stay still. Stay still. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they're hesitant to do that. Tom and Mary said that they're hesitant to do that. Tom and Mary said they're hesitant to do that. >>en<< No pongas palabras en mi boca que no he dicho. Don't put words in my mouth that I haven't said. Don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say. >>en<< Él intentó en vano levantar la piedra. He tried in vain to lift up the stone. He tried in vain to lift the stone. >>en<< Miksi sinä sen teit? Why did you do that? Why did you do it? >>es<< Yesterday I hit on a good idea. Ayer se me ocurrió una buena idea. Ayer me di cuenta de una buena idea. >>en<< Tom, atrapado y solo al comienzo de sus oraciones, no podía acostumbrarse al creciente distanciamiento de Mary. Tom, stranded alone at the beginning of sentences, couldn't get used to the growing estrangement of Mary. Tom, caught and only at the beginning of his prayers, could not get used to Mary's growing distance. >>en<< Pensaba que Tom estaba con vos. I thought Tom was with you. I thought Tom was with you. >>en<< Tom said he assumed you wouldn't do that. Tom said that he assumed you wouldn't do that. Tom said that he assumed you wouldn't do that. >>es<< Is the tap water in Australia drinkable? ¿Es potable el agua del grifo en Australia? ¿El agua de grifo en Australia es potable? >>en<< I thought you weren't supposed to do that anymore. I thought that you weren't supposed to do that anymore. I thought you weren't supposed to do that anymore. >>en<< Tom le preguntó a Mary si la cena estaba lista. Tom asked Mary if dinner was ready. Tom asked Mary if dinner was ready. >>es<< What time does your plane leave? ¿A qué hora sale tu avión? ¿A qué hora se va tu avión? >>es<< His parents did not sympathize with his hope to become a journalist. Sus padres no simpatizaban con su deseo de ser periodista. Sus padres no simpatizaban con su esperanza de convertirse en periodista. >>fi<< He's stupid. Hän on tyhmä. Hän on tyhmä. >>en<< Hablar mucho de uno mismo también puede ser una manera de encubrirse. To talk about oneself a great deal can also be a means of concealing oneself. Talking a lot about yourself can also be a way to cover up. >>en<< Hän pitää bileet ensi viikolla. She will give a party next week. He's having a party next week. >>en<< Tom said that he thought Mary would be interested. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be interested. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be interested. >>es<< I have three sisters. Tengo tres hermanas. Tengo tres hermanas. >>es<< I can't find Tom. He hasn't already gone and left, has he? No encuentro a Tom. Él aún no se ha marchado, ¿no? No puedo encontrar a Tom, ya no se ha ido y se ha ido, ¿verdad? >>es<< What foods should a diabetic not eat? ¿Qué alimentos no debiera ingerir un diabético? ¿Qué alimentos no debe comer un diabético? >>es<< I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. Perdí mi paraguas. Tengo que comprar uno nuevo. He perdido mi paraguas, debo comprar uno nuevo. >>es<< I know! And let me also say that Keiko is a SECOND cousin of mine. ¡Lo sé! Y deja que te diga que Keiko es mi prima SEGUNDA. Y permítanme también decir que Keiko es un primo mío. >>en<< Este es justo el libro que quiero leer. This is the very book that I want to read. This is just the book I want to read. >>es<< Él tiene 24 años. Él tiene veinticuatro años. Él tiene 24 años. >>en<< Tom said he doesn't think Mary does that very often. Tom said that he doesn't think Mary does that very often. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary does that very often. >>en<< I know that Tom knew he didn't need to do that. I know Tom knew he didn't need to do that. I know Tom knew that he didn't need to do that. >>en<< Las rebajas acaban el lunes. The sale ends on Monday. The discounts end on Monday. >>en<< I'm better than you. I am better than you. I'm better than you. >>en<< I could've done that better. I could have done that better. I could've done that better. >>en<< I didn't know that you'd already bought eggs. I didn't know you'd already bought eggs. I didn't know that you'd already bought eggs. >>en<< Mi padre lee el periódico mientras desayuna. My father reads the newspaper while he eats breakfast. My father reads the paper while breakfast. >>en<< Hauska tavata. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. >>es<< Milloin voidaan sanoa, että henkilöllä on alkoholiongelma? ¿Cuándo se puede decir que una persona tiene problemas con el alcohol? ¿ Cuándo se puede decir que la persona tiene un problema con el alcohol? >>en<< Tom thinks he's better than everyone else. Tom thinks that he's better than everyone else. Tom thinks he's better than everyone else. >>en<< Tom goes fishing every chance he gets. Tom goes fishing every chance that he gets. Tom goes fishing every chance he gets. >>en<< Si fuera tú, trabajaría más diligentemente. If I were you, I'd work harder. If I were you, I'd work more diligently. >>fi<< You have to get some rest. Sinun täytyy levätä. Sinun täytyy levätä. >>fi<< Replace it. Korvaa se. Korvaa se. >>en<< Huoneessa ei ollut huonekaluja. The room was bare of furniture. There were no furniture in the room. >>fi<< Tom wanted to ask Mary how old she was, but he thought that maybe he shouldn't. Tom halusi kysyä Marylta kuinka vanha hän oli, mutta hän ajatteli ettei hänen ehkä pitäisi. Tom halusi kysyä Maryltä, kuinka vanha hän on, mutta hän luuli, ettei ehkä pitäisi. >>el<< Acabo de llegar. Μόλις έφτασα. Μόλις ήρθα. >>es<< A national campaign for energy saving is underway. Una campaña nacional para el ahorro de energía está en marcha. Se está llevando a cabo una campaña nacional de ahorro de energía. >>fi<< That's a good idea! Se on hyvä ajatus! Hyvä idea! >>en<< Dile a Tom que fue un error. Tell Tom it was a mistake. Tell Tom it was a mistake. >>es<< She is not as tall as he. Ella no es tan alta como él. No es tan alta como él. >>en<< Quiero comprar piñas. I want to buy pineapples. I want to buy pineapples. >>en<< Esta aspiradora mete mucho boche. This vacuum cleaner makes a lot of noise. This vacuum cleaner sucks a lot. >>en<< Tengo que ir a Boston. I have to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. >>es<< Everybody knows where Australia is. Todo el mundo sabe dónde está Australia. Todo el mundo sabe dónde está Australia. >>es<< I bought two cotton shirts. Compré dos camisas de algodón. Compré dos camisas de algodón. >>es<< The German domination didn't last very long. La dominación alemana no duró mucho tiempo. La dominación alemana no duró mucho. >>en<< La señora Wood era muy buena cocinera. Mrs. Wood was a very good cook. Mrs. Wood was a very good cook. >>fi<< The bus was ten minutes late. Bussi oli kymmenen minuuttia myöhässä. Bussi oli kymmenen minuuttia myöhässä. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that wasn't going to happen. Tom said he thought that wasn't going to happen. Tom said that he thought that wasn't going to happen. >>en<< ¿Cómo están todos? How are you all? How are you all? >>en<< No me casé con él por ser rico. I didn't marry him because he is rich. I didn't marry him for being rich. >>en<< Tomi teeskenteli, että häntä oli loukattu. Tom pretended to be insulted. Tom pretended to have been hurt. >>en<< Sinun täytyy vain odottaa. All you need to do is wait. You just have to wait. >>en<< Hän on huono puhuja. He is a bad speaker. He's a bad speaker. >>es<< It is considered impossible to travel back to the past. Se considera imposible viajar al pasado. Se considera imposible regresar al pasado. >>es<< It's a catchy song. Esta canción es pegajosa. Es una canción pegajosa. >>en<< Olen tulossa toimistoon tänä iltapäivänä. I'm coming into the office this afternoon. I'm coming to the office this afternoon. >>en<< Tom sufre de daño cerebral. Tom is brain damaged. Tom suffers from brain damage. >>es<< Κατά φωνή κι ο γάιδαρος. Hablando del rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma. En voz alta, el asno. >>es<< This scene delights me. Esta escena me encanta. Esta escena me encanta. >>en<< Fue el escritor más célebre de su tiempo. He was the most famous writer of his day. He was the most famous writer of his time. >>en<< Hän syö. He is eating. He's eating. >>en<< No le pidas ningún favor. Don't ask him for any favors. Don't ask him for any favors. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they were ready. Tom and Mary told me they were ready. Tom and Mary told me they were ready. >>es<< Living on my own, I really miss my mom's cooking. Viviendo solo, realmente extraño la comida de mi mamá. Viviendo por mi cuenta, realmente echo de menos la cocina de mi madre. >>en<< Sí, estoy apurada. Yes, I'm in a hurry. Yeah, I'm in a hurry. >>en<< I think that Tom knows how much time he'll need to do that. I think Tom knows how much time he'll need to do that. I think Tom knows how much time he'll need to do that. >>es<< I don't want to do what I'm planning to do, but I have no choice. No quiero hacer lo que planeo hacer, pero no tengo alternativa. No quiero hacer lo que planeo hacer, pero no tengo elección. >>en<< Ella parece estar involucrada en ese caso de asesinato. She seems to be involved in that murder case. She seems to be involved in that murder case. >>en<< En halua mennä naimisiin kanssasi. I won't marry you. I don't want to marry you. >>fi<< I'd like to talk to you some more. Haluaisin puhua kanssasi vähän enemmän. Haluaisin puhua kanssasi lisää. >>es<< Hurt people hurt people. Las personas heridas hieren a otras personas. Lastimar a la gente. >>en<< Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Thank you very much! >>es<< When you love what you do, it shows. Cuando amas lo que haces, se nota. Cuando te encanta lo que haces, se muestra. >>en<< Tomin kuuluisi kertoa Marille kaikki, mitä hän ja Joni tekivät. Tom ought to tell Mary all about what he and John did. Tom should tell Mari everything he and Joni did. >>es<< They live apart. Ellos viven separados. Viven separados. >>en<< Mónica sí estudia mucho. Monica does study a lot. Monica does study a lot. >>en<< Los hombres de aquella cultura consideran atractivas a las mujeres que tienen el cuello extremadamente largo. For men of that culture, women with extremely long necks are considered attractive. Men of that culture consider women who have an extremely long neck attractive. >>en<< Tienes que haberlos perdido. You must've lost them. You must have lost them. >>en<< Sait Tomin itkemään. You made Tom cry. You made Tom cry. >>en<< Debería llevar puesta una corbata. I should've worn a tie. I should wear a tie. >>en<< Le voy a ver mañana. I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. >>en<< El kotava es una lengua construida. Kotava is a constructed language. Kotava is a built language. >>en<< Sinun täytyy auttaa minua. You have to help me out. You need to help me. >>en<< Vive y deja vivir. Live and let live. Lives and lets live. >>en<< Tom no me está ayudando. Tom isn't helping me. Tom isn't helping me. >>es<< Tell her that I am combing my hair. Dile que estoy peinándome. Dile que me estoy peinando el pelo. >>en<< Prueba la tarta. Try the cake. Try the cake. >>en<< Don't speak unless you're spoken to. Don't speak unless you are spoken to. Don't speak unless you're spoken to. >>en<< Siempre tenemos una opción. We always have a choice. We always have a choice. >>en<< Mi hijo siempre ha sido muy independiente. My son has always been very independent. My son has always been very independent. >>en<< Tom said Mary thought he might be required to do that the next time he travels. Tom said Mary thought that he might be required to do that the next time he travels. Tom said that Mary thought that he might be required to do that the next time he travels. >>fi<< She's jealous and irrational. Hän on mustasukkainen ja järjetön. Hän on mustasukkainen ja järjetön. >>es<< Tom, stranded alone at the beginning of sentences, couldn't get used to the growing estrangement of Mary. Tom, atrapado y solo al comienzo de sus oraciones, no podía acostumbrarse al creciente distanciamiento de Mary. Tom, arrasado solo al principio de las frases, no podía acostumbrarse al creciente distanciamiento de María. >>fi<< He drinks his coffee black every time. Hän juo kahvinsa aina mustana. Hän juo kahvinsa mustaa joka kerta. >>en<< Pat se deshizo de su ropa y saltó al agua. Pat stripped off his clothes and dived in. Pat got rid of his clothes and jumped into the water. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they knew this would happen. Tom and Mary said that they knew this would happen. Tom and Mary said that they knew this would happen. >>en<< No tengo tiempo para ayudarla. I don't have time to help her. I don't have time to help her. >>es<< Once I retire, I will dedicate my whole time to Tatoeba. Cuando me jubile, dedicaré todo mi tiempo a Tatoeba. Una vez que me retire, dedicaré todo mi tiempo a Tatoeba. >>en<< Rehellisyys ei ole aina paras toimintatapa. Honesty isn't always the best policy. Honesty is not always the best way to act. >>en<< I'm sure that Tom wants to do that again. I'm sure Tom wants to do that again. I'm sure Tom wants to do that again. >>en<< Tom está leyendo en su litera. Tom is on his bunk reading. Tom is reading in his locker. >>en<< Me quedo en casa casi todas las noches. I'm at home almost every night. I stay home almost every night. >>es<< You can't imagine how happy I was. No te puedes imaginar lo feliz que me puse. No puedes imaginar lo feliz que era. >>es<< "Dostoyevsky is dead." "I object! Dostoyevsky's immortal!" "Dostoyevski ha muerto" "¡Protesto! ¡Dostoyevski es inmortal!" ¡Dostoyevsky está muerto! ¡Me opongo al inmortal de Dostoyevsky! >>es<< I felt my heart beat violently. He sentido cómo mi corazón latía violentamente. Sentí que mi corazón latía violentamente. >>en<< Yrität liian kovasti. You try too hard. You're trying too hard. >>en<< ¿A dónde vamos primero? Where are we going first? Where are we going first? >>en<< Necesito dejar un mensaje. I need to leave a message. I need to leave a message. >>en<< I know that Tom would do that by himself. I know Tom would do that by himself. I know Tom would do that by himself. >>es<< Tom is always very busy. Tom está siempre muy ocupado. Tom siempre está muy ocupado. >>en<< Él conoce a Mary. He knows Mary. He knows Mary. >>es<< I cannot fan myself with Taninna's magazine. She would get mad at me. No puedo abanicarme con la revista de Taninna. Ella se enojaría conmigo. No puedo admirarme con la revista de Taninna. >>es<< Etsin työtä. Busco un trabajo. Estoy buscando trabajo. >>es<< Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests. Los seleccionados tendrán que enfrentar extensas pruebas médicas y psicológicas. Los seleccionados tendrán que enfrentarse a amplias pruebas médicas y psicológicas. >>el<< Un garañón es un caballo macho. Ένας επιβήτορας είναι ένα αρσενικό άλογο. Ένα γουρούνι είναι ένα αρσενικό άλογο. >>es<< To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. Para reducir el riesgo de incendio o descarga eléctrica, no exponga este aparato a la lluvia o humedad. Para reducir el riesgo de incendio o choque eléctrico, no exponga este aparato a la lluvia o la humedad. >>en<< Tom told me he found something in the garden that I might be interested in. Tom told me that he found something in the garden that I might be interested in. Tom told me that he found something in the garden that I might be interested in. >>fi<< Mum, what is the address of Father Christmas? I would like to send him a letter. Äiti, mikä on joulupukin osoite? Haluaisin lähettää hänellä kirjeen. Äiti, mikä on isä joulun osoite? >>en<< Hay vidas en peligro. There are lives at stake. There are lives in danger. >>en<< He tenido una charla agradable con Tom. I had a nice chat with Tom. I had a nice chat with Tom. >>en<< De repente comenzó a llover. It suddenly started raining. Suddenly it started raining. >>en<< Tom tiene muchos amigos viviendo en Boston. Tom has many friends living in Boston. Tom has many friends living in Boston. >>en<< Estoy completamente confundida. I'm completely confused. I'm completely confused. >>en<< ¿Qué haces fuera de la cárcel? What are you doing out of jail? What are you doing out of jail? >>en<< Te garantizo que te encontraré un trabajo. I guarantee I'll get you a job. I guarantee I'll find you a job. >>en<< Tom told me he'd go to Australia in October. Tom told me that he'd go to Australia in October. Tom told me that he'd go to Australia in October. >>en<< I didn't know Tom was a teacher. I didn't know that Tom was a teacher. I didn't know that Tom was a teacher. >>en<< Something must have gone wrong. Something must've gone wrong. Something must have gone wrong. >>fi<< I'm addicted. Olen koukussa. Olen riippuvainen. >>en<< Mi mamá va a hacer diez lotes de galletas de chocolate para la fiesta de mañana. My mom will be making ten batches of chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow's party. My mom's gonna make ten lots of chocolate cookies for tomorrow's party. >>es<< I miss it. Lo echo de menos. Lo echo de menos. >>es<< That's where we saw Tom last year. Ahí es donde vimos a Tom el año pasado. Ahí es donde vimos a Tom el año pasado. >>fi<< I do not support the theory that one has to study Latin in order to understand English better. En tue teoriaa, että ymmärtääkseen englantia paremmin pitäisi opiskella latinaa. En kannata teoriaa, jonka mukaan on opittava latinaa ymmärtääkseni englantia paremmin. >>es<< Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? ¿Tienes alguna idea acerca del porqué de la desaparición de Tom? ¿Tienes idea de por qué Tom desapareció? >>fi<< No sabía que Tom tenía un sobrenombre. En tiennyt, että Tomilla on lempinimi. En tiennyt Tomin nimestä. >>fi<< You haven't eaten anything. Sinä et ole syönyt mitään. Et ole syönyt mitään. >>es<< Can you see that small house? ¿Puedes ver esa pequeña casa? ¿Puedes ver esa pequeña casa? >>en<< Osaatko puhua ranskaa? Do you know how to speak French? Can you speak French? >>el<< You are naughty. Είστε άτακτες. Είσαι άτακτη. >>en<< Tom said he wanted to see if Mary could do that. Tom said that he wanted to see if Mary could do that. Tom said that he wanted to see if Mary could do that. >>fi<< The silkworm is spinning a thread. Silkkitoukka kehrää lankaa. Silkkimato pyörii lankaa. >>en<< I thought that you said that you didn't know anyone in Boston. I thought you said that you didn't know anyone in Boston. I thought that you said that you didn't know anyone in Boston. >>es<< I'm afraid I have internal bleeding. Me temo que tengo hemorragia interna. Me temo que tengo hemorragia interna. >>en<< Haukkuva koira ei pure. Dogs that bark don't bite. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no >>en<< Κατάγονται απ' το Πεκίνο. They come from Beijing. They're from Beijing. >>fi<< Tom wiped his spectacles. Tom puhdisti silmälasinsa. Tom pyyhki silmälasit. >>en<< Tiesin, että tulisit pelastamaan minut. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come to save me. >>es<< I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. A veces creo que Dios sobrestimó sus capacidades al crear al hombre. A veces pienso que Dios, al crear al hombre, sobreestimó su habilidad. >>en<< No está mal para empezar. Not bad for a start. It's not bad to start with. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary was reliable. Tom told me he thought that Mary was reliable. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was reliable. >>en<< Zafé en el examen, aprobé sin estudiar. I passed the exam without studying. Zaffe in the exam, I passed without studying. >>es<< She needs a cab. Ella necesita un taxi. Necesita un taxi. >>en<< Tom said that he thought he could pass the test. Tom said he thought that he could pass the test. Tom said that he thought that he could pass the test. >>en<< En halua tietää. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. >>en<< Tom told me he thought that Mary was still doing that. Tom told me he thought Mary was still doing that. Tom told me he thought that Mary was still doing that. >>es<< I think you know her. Creo que usted la conoce. Creo que la conoces. >>en<< ¿Puedo tenerlo? Can I have it? Can I have it? >>es<< He is too much of a coward to attempt it. Él es demasiado cobarde para intentarlo. Es demasiado cobarde para intentarlo. >>en<< Tom tiene un armario grande en su dormitorio. Tom has a large closet in his bedroom. Tom has a large wardrobe in his bedroom. >>en<< El homicida se refugió en la montaña. The murderer hid in the mountains. The homicide took refuge in the mountain. >>en<< It's not likely that Tom will do that tomorrow. It's not likely Tom will do that tomorrow. It's not likely Tom will do that tomorrow. >>en<< Tom wondered what Mary was planning to make for dinner. Tom wondered what Mary was planning on making for dinner. Tom wondered what Mary was planning to make for dinner. >>en<< El cielo está despejado y el sol, brillante. The sky is clear and the sun is bright. The sky is clear and the sun is bright. >>es<< You should ask for a refund. Deberías pedir el reembolso. Deberías pedir un reembolso. >>es<< I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. No me gusta el olor del perfume que María está llevando hoy. No me gusta el olor del perfume que Mary lleva hoy. >>es<< They must've made a mistake. Se tienen que haber equivocado. Deben haber cometido un error. >>es<< I don't want to do that anymore. Ya no quiero hacer eso. Ya no quiero hacer eso. >>fi<< I hate this place. Vihaan tätä paikkaa. Vihaan tätä paikkaa. >>es<< I don't want to get involved in that sort of thing. No me quiero involucrar en ese tipo de cosas. No quiero involucrarme en ese tipo de cosas. >>es<< The show was well attended. La función tuvo una buena acogida. El espectáculo estuvo bien asistido. >>es<< Δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος; ¿No hay otra manera? ¿No hay otra manera? >>fi<< ¿Por qué mentiste? Miksi sinä valehtelit? Miksi valehtelit? >>es<< Tom seldom wins arguments. Tom casi nunca gana discusiones. Tom rara vez gana argumentos. >>en<< A Tom no le gusta la forma de hablar de Mary. Tom doesn't like the way Mary talks. Tom doesn't like the way to talk about Mary. >>en<< Voinko olla sinun ystäväsi? Can I be your friend? Can I be your friend? >>en<< Olipa kerran kuningas, jolla oli kaunis tytär. Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. Once upon a time, there was a king with a beautiful daughter. >>en<< Tomi oli äkäinen viime yönä. Tom was cranky last night. Tom was awkward last night. >>es<< When the lanes are dry like this, a curveball ends up in the gutter. Cuando los carriles están secos así, algo inesperado termina en el arroyo. Cuando los carriles están secos así, una bola de curvas termina en el alcantarillado. >>en<< Älä syö minun ranskalaisiani. Don't eat my french fries. Don't eat my French. >>en<< Ο Τομ ισχυρίζεται ότι δεν το έκανε αυτό. Tom claims he didn't do that. Tom claims he didn't do that. >>es<< My Tuesdays are stuffed with classes. Mis martes están atiborrados de clases. Mis martes están llenos de clases. >>fi<< I had nan with tea for breakfast. Sain teetä ja naanleipää aamiaiseksi. Nanilla oli teetä aamiaiseksi. >>es<< Do you want to go to dinner today? ¿Quieres ir hoy a cenar? ¿Quieres ir a cenar hoy? >>en<< No hay nada como el verano y helados. There is nothing like summer and ice cream. There's nothing like summer and ice cream. >>en<< Kolme upseeria haavoittui. Three officers were wounded. Three officers were wounded. >>es<< I need to charge my cell phone. Necesito cargar mi celular. Tengo que cargar mi móvil. >>en<< I knew that Tom wasn't a very good teacher. I knew Tom wasn't a very good teacher. I knew Tom wasn't a very good teacher. >>fi<< We were fortunate. Me olimme onnekkaita. Olimme onnekkaita. >>en<< I didn't know that Tom had already bought milk. I didn't know Tom had already bought milk. I didn't know Tom had already bought milk. >>es<< We knew she wouldn't be able to come. Sabíamos que ella no podría venir. Sabíamos que no podía venir. >>fi<< Don't touch me. Älkää koskeko minuun. Älä koske minuun. >>en<< I greased Tom's palm. I crossed Tom's palm with silver. I greased Tom's palm. >>es<< I can take care of Tom. Puedo cuidar de Tom. Puedo cuidar de Tom. >>es<< Sheila and I are old friends. Sheila y yo somos viejos amigos. Sheila y yo somos viejos amigos. >>en<< Sinun ei kuuluisi syödä täällä. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't have eaten here. >>en<< Σε παρακαλώ, δώσε μου αυτό το βιβλίο. Please give me this book. Please give me this book. >>fi<< No puedo volver con ellos. En voi mennä takaisin heidän kanssaan. En voi palata heidän luokseen. >>fi<< I came as soon as I found out. Tulin niin pian kuin sain selville. Tulin heti kun kuulin. >>en<< Vanha mies lepäsi puun varjossa. An old man was resting in the shade of the tree. The old man rested in the shade of the tree. >>en<< Minä syön runsaasti porkkanoita. I eat a lot of carrots. I eat lots of carrots. >>en<< ¡Qué suerte tienes! You lucky devil! You're lucky! >>fi<< What about her? Mitä hänestä? Entä hän? >>fi<< We swam in the lake. Uimme järvessä. Uimme järvellä. >>en<< I could've simply refused to do that. I could have simply refused to do that. I could've simply refused to do that. >>fi<< Fly. Lennä. Lennä. >>en<< Tom se tomará un par de días la próxima semana. Tom is taking a couple of days off next week. Tom will take a couple of days next week. >>en<< Tom ei halunnut antaa Marin odottaa liian pitkään. Tom didn't keep Mary waiting too long. Tom didn't want to let Mari wait too long. >>es<< You must come back before nine o'clock. Debes volver antes de las nueve en punto. Debes volver antes de las nueve. >>en<< Tom said it was too early to go home. Tom said that it was too early to go home. Tom said it was too early to go home. >>fi<< It wasn't Tom who lit the campfire. Ei se ollut Tom joka sytytti leiritulen. Se ei ollut Tom, joka sytytti tulipalon. >>es<< Onko sinulla suurempaa kulhoa? ¿Tienes un tazón más grande? ¿Tienes un tazón más grande? >>fi<< Can you tell me? Voitko kertoa minulle? Voitko kertoa minulle? >>es<< My boyfriend still hasn't met my parents. Mi novio todavía no conoce a mis padres. Mi novio todavía no ha conocido a mis padres. >>es<< Tom pinched me. Tomás me pellizco. Tom me pintó. >>es<< Who are you? ¿Quién sos? ¿Quién eres? >>en<< Nunca he visto a Tom tan enojado. I've never seen Tom this upset before. I've never seen Tom so angry. >>es<< We better hurry. Es mejor que nos apuremos. Será mejor que nos apresuremos. >>es<< Living in a large city has many advantages. Vivir en una gran ciudad tiene muchas ventajas. Vivir en una ciudad grande tiene muchas ventajas. >>fi<< I immediately stopped laughing. Lopetin välittömästi nauramisen. Lopetin nauramisen heti. >>es<< The whole family frowned on the match. Toda la familia desaprobaba el matrimonio. Toda la familia frunció el partido. >>en<< Opin uuden sanan tänään. I learned a new word today. I learned a new word today. >>en<< Él río se vuelve poco profundo en ese punto. This river becomes shallow at that point. He river becomes little deep at that point. >>en<< Siinä vasta kimmoketta! That's an inspiration. That's what I'm talking about. >>fi<< Tom appears to be a bit nervous. Tom vaikuttaa olevan vähän hermostunut. Tomi näyttää hermostuneelta. >>en<< No puedo entender ni una palabra. I can't hear a word. I can't understand a word. >>en<< Estoy interesado en el inglés. I am interested in English. I'm interested in English. >>es<< She went on speaking. Ella continuó hablando. Ella siguió hablando. >>es<< Come and sit by me. Ven y siéntate a mi lado. Ven y siéntate conmigo. >>es<< Where's the love? ¿Dónde está el amor? ¿Dónde está el amor? >>es<< Why am I still here? ¿Por qué estoy todavía aquí? ¿Por qué sigo aquí? >>en<< I think what they're doing is wrong. I think that what they're doing is wrong. I think what they're doing is wrong. >>el<< Mary has beautiful eyes. Η Μαίρη έχει όμορφα μάτια. Η Μαίρη έχει όμορφα μάτια. >>en<< Tom and Mary both got three weeks' detention. Both Tom and Mary got three weeks' detention. Tom and Mary both got three weeks' detention. >>en<< Älkää potkaisko sitä koiraa! Don't kick the dog! Don't kick that dog! >>en<< No tengo nada que decirle. I've got nothing to say to him. I have nothing to tell you. >>en<< ¿Dónde está la oficina de información turística? Where is the tourist information office? Where's the tourist information office? >>en<< Missä Tom leikkautti hiuksensa? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom cut his hair? >>es<< Su belleza lo encantó. Su belleza lo embrujó. Su belleza lo encantó. >>es<< Tom doesn't know if Mary remembers him. Tom no sabe si Mary se acuerda de él. Tom no sabe si Mary lo recuerda. >>en<< Tom tyhjensi veden pullosta ennen kuin hän täytti sen raikkaalla vedellä. Tom emptied the water out of the bottle before he refilled it with fresh water. Tom emptied the water from the bottle before he filled it with fresh water. >>es<< Does your brother like basketball? ¿A tu hermano le gusta el baloncesto? ¿A tu hermano le gusta el baloncesto? >>en<< Federico dijo que nos ayudaría a terminar la pintura. Federico said that he would help us finish the painting. Frederick said he'd help us finish the painting. >>en<< I know that Tom is still determined to do that. I know Tom is still determined to do that. I know Tom is still determined to do that. >>en<< Esta noche habrá luna llena. There will be a full moon tonight. There will be a full moon tonight. >>en<< Emme pääse pakenemaan. We won't be able to escape. We can't get away. >>en<< Tom opiskelee ranskaakin. Tom is also studying French. Tom is also studying French. >>fi<< She was ill for a long time. Hän oli pitkään sairaana. Hän oli sairas kauan. >>es<< I'm not tired. No estoy cansada. No estoy cansado. >>en<< He's getting used to the situation. He's getting used to that situation. He's getting used to the situation. >>en<< Minä pidän ruoanlaitosta. I like cooking. I like cooking. >>es<< It was a terrible day. Fue un día terrible. Fue un día terrible. >>en<< Él gana el triple que yo. He earns three times as much as I. He wins the triple I do. >>es<< Minua on pyydetty antamaan sinulle viesti. Me pidieron que te entregara un mensaje. Me han pedido que te dé un mensaje. >>en<< En usko tähän vähääkään. I don't believe any of this. I don't believe this much. >>es<< He didn't do any work. Él no hizo ningún trabajo. No hizo ningún trabajo. >>en<< Es mejor que no hacer nada. It's better than doing nothing. It's better than not to do anything. >>en<< Tom me dijo que no debería nadar ahí. Tom told me I shouldn't swim there. Tom told me I shouldn't swim there. >>en<< Nauti ny vittu musiikista! Enjoy the fucking music! Enjoy the fucking music! >>el<< It wasn't a pleasant experience. Δεν ήταν ευχάριστη εμπειρία. Δεν ήταν ευχάριστη εμπειρία. >>es<< Cooking pasta is easy. Cocinar pasta es fácil. Cocinar pasta es fácil. >>en<< Me alegro de haberlos invitado. I'm glad I invited you. I'm glad I invited you. >>en<< Pysy aivan paikallasi. Stay absolutely still. Stay right there. >>en<< «Ven a bailar conmigo.» «Creía que no me lo pedirías nunca.» "Let's dance together." "I thought you'd never ask." "Come and dance with me." "I thought you would never ask." >>es<< Everyone nodded in agreement. Todo el mundo asintió de acuerdo. Todo el mundo asintió de acuerdo. >>en<< Katso tätä. Look at this. Look at this. >>es<< Tom fell asleep watching TV. Tom se quedó dormido viendo televisión. Tom se quedó dormido viendo la televisión. >>en<< ¿Te gusta el agua de coco? Do you like coconut water? Do you like coconut water? >>en<< Älä sekoita astrologiaa ja astronomiaa. Don't confuse astrology with astronomy. Don't mix astrology and astronomy. >>el<< What size shoes do you wear? Τι νούμερο παπούτσι φοράτε; Τι μέγεθος παπούτσια φοράς; >>el<< I didn't laugh. Δε γέλασα. Δεν γέλασα. >>en<< Las reglas de gramática y ortografía se tienen que romper para que una lengua evolucione. The rules of grammar and spelling have to be broken in order for a language to evolve. The grammar and spelling rules have to be broken for a language to evolve. >>es<< I made a snap judgment. Emití un juicio precipitado. Hice un juicio rápido. >>es<< Never be this late again. Nunca vuelvas a retrasarte tanto. Nunca vuelvas a llegar tan tarde. >>en<< I know we have what it takes. I know that we have what it takes. I know we have what it takes. >>en<< Aviomieheni menehtyi taisteltuaan sairauttaan vastaan pitkän aikaa. My husband passed away after having fought against his illness for a long time. My husband died after fighting his illness for a long time. >>en<< You know that Tom should do that, don't you? You know Tom should do that, don't you? You know Tom should do that, don't you? >>en<< ¿Quién es tu amigo? Who is your friend? Who's your friend? >>en<< Voisitteko te kertoa minulle mitä on tapahtumassa? Would you mind telling me what's happening? Can you tell me what's going on? >>en<< Ha ido a la tienda. He went to the store. He went to the store. >>fi<< This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen. Tämä on kaunein järvi, jonka olen koskaan nähnyt. Tämä on kaunein järvi, jonka olen koskaan nähnyt. >>en<< Preferiría morir antes que rendirme. I would rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than give up. >>fi<< Have you ever read the Constitution of Japan? Oletko koskaan lukenut Japanin perustuslakia? Oletko lukenut Japanin perustuslakia? >>en<< Kohtaus oli kauhea. It was a horrible scene. The scene was terrible. >>en<< Minä yllätin heidät. I caught them by surprise. I surprised them. >>en<< I know that Tom is a creep. I know Tom is a creep. I know Tom is a creep. >>en<< Tom said Mary has to do that before John gets here. Tom said that Mary has to do that before John gets here. Tom said that Mary has to do that before John gets here. >>fi<< I'm winning. Olen voittamassa. Minä voitan. >>el<< You are a good journalist. Είσαι καλός δημοσιογράφος. Είσαι καλός δημοσιογράφος. >>es<< What have you got there in your pocket? Qué tiene usted ahí en el bolsillo? ¿Qué tienes ahí en tu bolsillo? >>el<< How was your weekend? Πως πήγε το Σαββατοκύριακο; Πώς ήταν το σαββατοκύριακο σου; >>fi<< According to the paper, it will snow tomorrow. Sanomalehden mukaan huomenna sataa lunta. Lehden mukaan se luntaa huomenna. >>fi<< There's still one more question that you haven't yet answered. On vielä yksi kysymys, johon et ole vielä vastannut. Vielä yksi kysymys, jota et ole vielä vastannut. >>en<< Yo no se los he dado a Tom todavía. I haven't given them to Tom yet. I haven't given them to Tom yet. >>es<< Take off your jacket if you're warm. Quítese la chaqueta si tiene calor. Quítate la chaqueta si estás caliente. >>es<< Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Agregue la miel, el jugo de limón, las almendras picadas y las manzanas picadas. Añadir la miel, el jugo de limón, las almendras cortadas y las manzanas cortadas. >>en<< Es mejor tomarte el tiempo que apurarte y cometer errores. It is better to take your time than to hurry and make mistakes. It's better to take the time than to hurry and make mistakes. >>en<< I don't think anybody really expected you to help. I don't think that anyone really expected you to help. I don't think anybody really expected you to help. >>fi<< I am married and have two children. Olen aviossa ja minulla on kaksi lasta. Olen naimisissa ja minulla on kaksi lasta. >>en<< I think Tom will be busy tomorrow afternoon. I think that Tom will be busy tomorrow afternoon. I think that Tom will be busy tomorrow afternoon. >>es<< I hope it's better tomorrow. Espero que mañana esté mejor. Espero que sea mejor mañana. >>en<< Rosettan luotain Philae on laskeutunut onnistuneesti 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko -komeetalle. Rosetta's probe, Philae, has successfully landed on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta's bullet Philae has successfully landed to 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. >>en<< They're not as cute as they used to be. They aren't as cute as they used to be. They're not as cute as they used to be. >>en<< Liikenne tukkeutui maanvyörymän takia. Traffic was blocked by a landslide. The traffic was blocked because of the landslide. >>es<< Tom had nothing to do yesterday. Tom no tenía nada que hacer ayer. Tom no tenía nada que hacer ayer. >>fi<< ¿Por qué no quieres venir al cine conmigo? Miksi et halua tulla kanssani elokuviin? Mikset halua tulla elokuviin kanssani? >>es<< Please help me with my homework. Por favor, ayúdame con mi tarea. Por favor, ayúdame con mis deberes. >>el<< When I grow up, I'm going to be a pilot. What do you want to be? Όταν μεγαλώσω εγώ θα γίνω πιλότος. Εσύ τι θες να γίνεις; Όταν μεγαλώσω, θα γίνω πιλότος. >>en<< Pyysin Tomia kääntymään. I asked Tom to turn around. I asked Tom to turn. >>es<< Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom es uno de mis amigos íntimos. Tom es uno de mis amigos más cercanos. >>es<< We went down by elevator. Bajamos en el ascensor. Bajamos por el ascensor. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they felt very humiliated. Tom and Mary said that they felt very humiliated. Tom and Mary said that they felt very humiliated. >>en<< Υπάρχουν πολλές μεγάλες πόλεις στη Βραζιλία. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. There are many large cities in Brazil. >>fi<< You can rely on her. Voit luottaa häneen. Voit luottaa häneen. >>en<< Tom tiene que hacer algunas compras. Tom has some shopping to do. Tom has to make some shopping. >>es<< I've never been a good swimmer. Nunca he sido un buen nadador. Nunca he sido un buen nadador. >>en<< Kuinka vanha Tom on? How old is Tom? How old is Tom? >>es<< Who is this man? ¿Quién es este hombre? ¿Quién es este hombre? >>es<< Reading is the kind of habit that once acquired is never lost. La lectura es la clase de hábito que no se pierde una vez adquirido. La lectura es el tipo de hábito que una vez adquirido nunca se pierde. >>en<< El diablo me obligó a hacerlo. The Devil made me do it. The devil made me do it. >>es<< He began to abase the man behind his back. El comenzó a humillar el hombre a su espalda. Empezó a derribar al hombre detrás de su espalda. >>en<< Coleccionamos sellos de todas partes del mundo. We collect stamps from all around the world. We collect stamps from all over the world. >>en<< I doubt Tom will admit he was wrong. I doubt that Tom will admit he was wrong. I doubt that Tom will admit that he was wrong. >>es<< I can't allow that. No puedo permitir eso. No puedo permitirlo. >>en<< Esto es de plástico. That is plastic. This is plastic. >>es<< What car do you like more? ¿A usted, qué coche le gusta más? ¿Qué coche te gusta más? >>en<< Αγκαλιάστε τον Τομ. Hug Tom. Hold Tom. >>es<< I'll have it done before 2:30. Lo tendré listo antes de las dos y media. Lo haré antes de las 2:30. >>en<< Tomás es viticultor. Tom is a viticulturist. Thomas is a wine grower. >>es<< It was really windy. Hacía mucho viento. Fue muy vientoso. >>es<< Sounds good to me. A mí me suena bien. Me suena bien. >>es<< We've reached a stalemate in our relationship. Hemos llegado a un impasse en nuestra relación. Hemos alcanzado un estancamiento en nuestra relación. >>fi<< When the rain stops, we'll go for a walk. Kun sade lakkaa, menemme kävelylle. Kun sade pysähtyy, menemme kävelylle. >>en<< Olemme suuria viestijöitä. We are the great communicators. We're great communicators. >>es<< He is taller than I. Él es más alto que yo. Él es más alto que yo. >>fi<< El baño está desocupado. Vessa on vapaa! Kylpyhuone on työtön. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she needs to do that. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she needs to do that. I wonder if Tom has told Mary that she needs to do that. >>el<< It won't be hard. Δε θα είναι δύσκολο. Δεν θα είναι δύσκολο. >>es<< Suostun sopimukseen. Acepto los términos. Acepto el acuerdo. >>es<< Tom and Mary saw themselves in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Tom y María se vieron al espejo que colgaba en la pared. Tom y María se vieron en el espejo que estaba colgando en la pared. >>en<< They put their boots on. They on put their boots. They put their boots on. >>en<< I think we should've left ten minutes ago. I think we should have left ten minutes ago. I think we should've left ten minutes ago. >>es<< You remember that, don't you? ¿Se acuerda de eso, verdad? Lo recuerdas, ¿verdad? >>en<< I haven't written a letter to Tom in a long time. I haven't written Tom a letter in a long time. I haven't written a letter to Tom in a long time. >>en<< Tom se fue hace cinco minutos. Tom left five minutes ago. Tom left five minutes ago. >>fi<< Soon after, it began to rain. Pian sen jälkeen alkoi sataa. Pian sen jälkeen alkoi sataa. >>fi<< This school was founded in 1970. Tämä koulu perustettiin vuonna 1970. Tämä koulu perustettiin vuonna 1970. >>en<< Devuélvele el dinero inmediatamente. Return the money to him at once. Give him back the money immediately. >>fi<< I'm trying to sleep. Mä yritän nukkuu. Yritän nukkua. >>el<< We all want to know why. Όλες θέλουμε να μάθουμε το γιατί. Όλοι θέλουμε να μάθουμε γιατί. >>es<< Come as fast as you can. Ven tan rápido como puedas. Ven tan rápido como puedas. >>es<< The mysteries will be cleared up when the chest is finally opened. Los misterios serán aclarados cuando el cofre finalmente se abra. Los misterios se limpiarán cuando el pecho finalmente se abra. >>el<< They never came. Ποτέ δεν ήρθαν. Δεν ήρθαν ποτέ. >>es<< Where am I supposed to be right now? I can't find anyone in my group. ¿Dónde debería estar ahora? No puedo encontrar a nadie de mi grupo. No puedo encontrar a nadie en mi grupo. >>es<< Tom is already here. Ya está aquí Tom. Tom ya está aquí. >>en<< Tom se suicidió tirándose de un puente. Tom committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Tom committed suicide by throwing himself off a bridge. >>es<< Para hacerlo más transparente añaden más plomo al cristal usado para vasos y ventanas. Para hacerlo más transparente al cristal usado para vasos y ventanas le añaden más plomo. Para hacerlo más transparente añaden más plomo al cristal usado para vasos y ventanas. >>es<< That was no ordinary storm. Esa no fue una tormenta ordinaria. Eso no fue una tormenta ordinaria. >>en<< Tom culpó a Mary por todos sus problemas. Tom blamed Mary for all his problems. Tom blamed Mary for all his problems. >>en<< I doubt that Tom really has time to do that today. I doubt Tom really has time to do that today. I doubt Tom really has time to do that today. >>en<< Quiero irme a casa. I want to go home. I want to go home. >>en<< ¿Qué hora sería cuando salimos del restaurante? What time would it be when we leave the restaurant? What time would it be when we left the restaurant? >>en<< Mary es toda una divina, ¿no te parece? Mary is a real charmer, isn't she? Mary's a whole divine, don't you think? >>en<< Anna minun hoitaa puhuminen. Let me do the talking. Let me talk. >>es<< De aquí en adelante debemos ir con precaución. A partir de aquí debemos ir con precaución. De aquí en adelante debemos ir con precaución. >>fi<< Tom wishes to speak with you. Tom haluaa puhua kanssasi. Tom haluaa puhua kanssasi. >>es<< Do you have a receipt? ¿Tiene usted una factura? ¿Tienes un recibo? >>en<< Tiene muchos bienes. He has a great deal of property. He's got a lot of assets. >>es<< I don't adhere to any particular political tendency. Yo no me apego a ninguna tendencia política en particular. No me adhiero a ninguna tendencia política en particular. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know that you didn't do that. I know that Tom didn't know you didn't do that. I know Tom didn't know that you didn't do that. >>en<< I knew Tom wouldn't be back. I knew that Tom wouldn't be back. I knew that Tom wouldn't be back. >>es<< What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Lo que es bueno para uno, es bueno para otro. Lo que es salsa para el ganso es salsa para el gander. >>el<< I need his name. Χρειάζομαι τ' όνομά του. Χρειάζομαι το όνομά του. >>es<< Tom doesn't feel much like talking right now. Tom no siente muchas ganas de hablar ahora mismo. Tom no tiene mucho gusto de hablar ahora mismo. >>en<< Voy a ir. I'm going to go. I'm going. >>es<< Learning to speak a foreign language well takes a lot of time. Aprender a hablar bien otro idioma lleva mucho tiempo. Aprender a hablar un idioma extranjero bien lleva mucho tiempo. >>en<< No tenías que haber revelado el secreto. You ought not to have disclosed the secret. You didn't have to reveal the secret. >>en<< Deja de morderte las uñas. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your nails. >>es<< A priest skillfully drew a picture of a priest on a folding screen. Un sacerdote dibujó hábilmente una imagen de otro sacerdote en una pantalla plegable. Un sacerdote sacó hábilmente una foto de un sacerdote en una pantalla plegable. >>es<< En realidad jamás he visto una jirafa. En realidad nunca he visto una jirafa. En realidad jamás he visto una jirafa. >>es<< The musician is enjoying great popularity both in Japan and in America. El músico disfruta de mucha popularidad tanto en Japón como en Estados Unidos. El músico está disfrutando de una gran popularidad tanto en Japón como en América. >>es<< Tom wants to make Mary happy. Tom quiere hacer feliz a Mary. Tom quiere hacer feliz a María. >>es<< She does nothing but cry. No hace más que llorar. Ella no hace nada más que llorar. >>el<< Tell them you can't do it. Πέστε τους ότι δεν μπορείτε να το κάνετε. Πες τους ότι δεν μπορείς να το κάνεις. >>en<< Hän on todella älykäs, eikö totta? She's really smart, isn't she? He's really smart, isn't he? >>en<< Hizo ademán de decir algo, pero mejor se quedó callado. He made as if to say something, but instead kept quiet. He also said something, but he'd better be quiet. >>en<< Astronautti on maata ympäröivällä kiertoradalla. The astronaut is in orbit around the Earth. The astronaut is in the surrounding orbit. >>fi<< Why did you decide to study French? Miksi sinä päätit opiskella ranskaa? Miksi päätit opiskella ranskaa? >>es<< How do you beat it? ¿Cómo lo pasa usted? ¿Cómo lo ganas? >>fi<< You're very good-natured. Olet erittäin sopuisa. Olet hyvin luonnollinen. >>en<< Tom told me that he was free. Tom told me he was free. Tom told me that he was free. >>en<< Pitäisikö Skotlannin olla itsenäinen? Should Scotland be an independent country? Should Scotland be independent? >>en<< I didn't know Tom knew French. I didn't know that Tom knew French. I didn't know that Tom knew French. >>en<< Είναι όμορφη. She is beautiful. She's beautiful. >>fi<< You're damn right. Olet pirun oikeassa. Olet helvetin oikeassa. >>en<< Ο Τομ έδωσε καλή συμβουλή στη Μαίρη. Tom gave Mary sound advice. Tom gave Mary good advice. >>en<< Estamos bastante de acuerdo. We're pretty much in agreement. We're quite in agreement. >>es<< We aren't alone. No estamos solas. No estamos solos. >>en<< I should've left a note for Tom. I should have left a note for Tom. I should have left a note for Tom. >>en<< Tom told Mary that he could come on any day other than Monday. Tom told Mary that he could come on any day but Monday. Tom told Mary that he could come on any day other than Monday. >>es<< Have you ever got pregnant? ¿Usted se quedó embarazada alguna vez? ¿Alguna vez te has quedado embarazada? >>en<< ¡Qué oso! What a shame! What a bear! >>es<< I'd like to see that. Me gustaría verla. Me gustaría ver eso. >>en<< Tomás ni se dio cuenta de que María se habría ido. Tom didn't even notice that Mary had left. Thomas didn't even realize that Mary would have gone. >>es<< Tom removed his wet socks. Tomás se quitó los calcetines mojados. Tom le quitó los calcetines húmedos. >>es<< It is ten degrees below zero now. Hace diez grados bajo cero ahora. Ahora está diez grados por debajo de cero. >>en<< Suecia tiene su propia lengua. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. >>el<< You're incredible. Είστε απίστευτη. Είσαι απίστευτος. >>en<< Él tiene un buen dominio del francés. He has a good knowledge of French. He has a good mastery of French. >>en<< Haluan todella nähdä Pisan kaltevan tornin. I really want to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I really want to see Pisa's ticking tower. >>es<< I am not going to betray you. No te traicionaré. No voy a traicionarte. >>fi<< That made me cry. Se sai minut itkemään. Se sai minut itkemään. >>fi<< ¿Por qué traes a una mujer que ni siquiera conozco a mi casa? Miksi tuot naisen, jota en edes tunne, talooni? Miksi tuot naisen, jota en edes tunne? >>es<< I should tell Tom everything. Debería decirle todo a Tomás. Debería decirle todo a Tom. >>en<< Me gusta el pollo. I love chicken. I like chicken. >>en<< Siskoni itkee usein. My sister often cries. My sister's crying a lot. >>en<< Bueno, vamos a almorzar. Well, let's have lunch. Well, let's have lunch. >>en<< Tom thinks that Mary doesn't know that John can do that. Tom thinks Mary doesn't know that John can do that. Tom thinks that Mary doesn't know that John can do that. >>en<< Me emme nähneet yhtään tienviittaa. We didn't see any signs. We didn't see any road references. >>en<< Are Tom and Mary your kids? Are Tom and Mary your children? Are Tom and Mary your kids? >>en<< Tom said that he thought that I wouldn't be able to do that. Tom said he thought I wouldn't be able to do that. Tom said that he thought that I wouldn't be able to do that. >>en<< Pagaré por esto. I'll pay for this. I'll pay for this. >>el<< Who knows? Ποιος ξέρει; Ποιος ξέρει; >>es<< That sounds really interesting. Eso suena interesante. Eso suena muy interesante. >>en<< Tilanne on räjähdysherkkä. It's a volatile situation. The situation is explosive. >>en<< I don't think you need to tell Tom everything. I don't think that you need to tell Tom everything. I don't think you need to tell Tom everything. >>el<< I've just arrived in Boston. Μόλις έφτασα στη Βοστώνη. Μόλις έφτασα στη Βοστώνη. >>en<< Tom and Mary say that they're not sleepy. Tom and Mary say that they aren't sleepy. Tom and Mary say they're not sleepy. >>es<< You could have done it. Podrías haberlo hecho. Podrías haberlo hecho. >>en<< I know that Tom can't do that without some help. I know Tom can't do that without some help. I know Tom can't do that without some help. >>es<< I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. Encontré una solución, pero la encontré tan rápido que no puede ser la correcta. Encontré una solución, pero la encontré tan rápido que no puede ser la solución correcta. >>en<< Tom está determinado a hacer algo. Tom is determined to do something. Tom is determined to do something. >>es<< A woman's tongue is her sword. La lengua de una mujer es su espada. La lengua de una mujer es su espada. >>el<< I believe it's my duty to protect these children. Πιστεύω ότι είναι καθήκον μου να προστατεύσω αυτά τα παιδιά. Πιστεύω ότι είναι καθήκον μου να προστατεύσω αυτά τα παιδιά. >>en<< Τι; What? What? >>en<< Ο γιος μου είναι πιο ψηλός από μένα. My son is taller than me. My son is taller than me. >>fi<< Some kids had balloons. Joillain lapsilla oli ilmapalloja. Joillakin lapsilla oli ilmapalloja. >>en<< Tom should've been able to do that without any help. Tom should have been able to do that without any help. Tom should have been able to do that without any help. >>es<< Everything is going to be alright tomorrow. Mañana todo irá bien. Todo va a estar bien mañana. >>en<< El hielo se derritió. The ice melted. The ice melted. >>en<< Estuvo nublado todo el día hoy. It was cloudy all day long today. It was cloudy all day today. >>en<< Tomi, kunnioitan sinua. I respect you, Tom. Tom, I respect you. >>en<< La suma de los cuadrados de los catetos es igual al cuadrado de la hipotenusa. The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The sum of the squares of the cathetes is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. >>en<< Insistieron en que el criminal fuera castigado. They insisted on the criminal being punished. They insisted that the criminal be punished. >>en<< I suspect Tom and Mary aren't hungry. I suspect that Tom and Mary aren't hungry. I suspect that Tom and Mary are not hungry. >>es<< Can you do bookkeeping? ¿Tú puedes hacer contabilidad? ¿Puedes hacer la contabilidad? >>en<< Nos gusta jugar en el barro. We like to play in the mud. We like to play in the mud. >>es<< Tom speaks five languages, but doesn't know how to be polite in any of them. Tom habla cinco idiomas, pero no sabe como ser educado en ninguno de ellos. Tom habla cinco idiomas, pero no sabe cómo ser educado en ninguno de ellos. >>es<< I'd approve both things. Aprobaría ambas cosas. Aprobaría las dos cosas. >>es<< I recall less and less of my childhood. Recuerdo mi niñez cada vez menos. Recuerdo cada vez menos mi infancia. >>en<< Todo es divertido siempre que le pase a otra persona. Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. Everything's fun whenever it happens to someone else. >>en<< Lo tradujo palabra por palabra. She translated it word for word. He translated it word by word. >>en<< ¿Alguna vez has contratado trabajadores extranjeros? Have you ever recruited foreign workers? Have you ever hired foreign workers? >>en<< Είμαι πολύ απογοητευμένος. I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed. >>en<< Käykää kiinni vaan. Help yourself, please. Just grab it. >>es<< How is it that you're always so full of energy? ¿Cómo es que siempre estás tan lleno de energía? ¿Cómo es que siempre estás tan lleno de energía? >>en<< Odio cuando el pelo tapa el drenaje. I hate it when hair clogs the drain. I hate when the hair covers the drainage. >>en<< ¡El rey tenía una corona azul extraña! The king had a weird blue crown! The king had a strange blue crown! >>en<< Mary let me know that she planned on doing that. Mary let me know that she planned to do that. Mary let me know that she planned on doing that. >>en<< Suelo pasarme todo el día sin hacer nada los domingos. I usually spend the whole day idly on Sunday. I usually spend all day doing nothing on Sundays. >>en<< Mä tunnistin sen kasvot. I recognized his face. I recognized her face. >>en<< Tom tuijotti Marya, joka istui koulun eteen pysäköidyssä koulubussissa. Tom was staring at Mary who was sitting on the school bus that was parked in front of the school. Tom was staring at Mary who sat in front of the school parked on a school bus. >>es<< Emily kirjoittaa kirjeen. Emily está escribiendo una carta. Emily está escribiendo una carta. >>en<< I suspect Tom is dead. I suspect that Tom is dead. I suspect that Tom is dead. >>es<< He couldn't make up his mind which course to follow. Él no conseguía decidir qué dirección tomar. No podía decidir qué camino seguir. >>fi<< Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Tinkimättä yleisyydestä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan kohti nollaa. Ilman yleisyyttä voidaan sanoa, että sekvenssi lähentyy nollaan. >>es<< Destiny is sometimes cruel. A veces el destino es cruel. El destino a veces es cruel. >>es<< This hotel can accommodate 700 guests. Este hotel puede alojar 700 invitados. Este hotel cuenta con 700 huéspedes. >>en<< Ei ole mikään ihme, että hän kieltäytyi tarjouksestasi. No wonder he refused your offer. No wonder he refused your offer. >>es<< I'm no different from any other father. No soy distinto de cualquier otro padre. No soy diferente de ningún otro padre. >>fi<< Tom did twenty pushups. Tom punnersi kaksikymmentä kertaa. Tom teki 20 työntöä. >>en<< Η πόλη είναι μεγάλη. The city is big. The city's big. >>en<< Me encanta ver el baloncesto. I love watching basketball. I love seeing basketball. >>es<< What don't you like? ¿Qué no te gusta? ¿Qué no te gusta? >>en<< Tom said that he's glad that he could do that. Tom said he's glad that he could do that. Tom said that he's glad he could do that. >>en<< Oletko avuntarpeessa? Are you in need of help? Are you in need of help? >>el<< I have no idea what to wear. Δεν έχω ιδέα τι να φορέσω. Δεν έχω ιδέα τι να φορέσω. >>es<< Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Bájate en la siguiente parada y toma un bus hacia el aeropuerto. Baja en la siguiente parada y toma un autobús en dirección al aeropuerto. >>en<< ¿Cómo es posible que un ser con joyas tan sensibles como los ojos, esos instrumentos musicales encantados como los oídos, y tal arabesco fabuloso de los nervios como el cerebro puede experimentar en sí mismo nada menos que un dios? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? How is it possible that a being with jewels as sensitive as the eyes, those enchanted musical instruments like the ears, and such fabulous arabiscus of nerves as the brain can experience in itself nothing but a god? >>el<< Quizá lo encontremos. Ίσως το βρούμε. Ίσως το βρούμε. >>en<< I didn't know that Tom and Mary were planning to do that. I didn't know that Tom and Mary were planning on doing that. I didn't know Tom and Mary were planning to do that. >>es<< Vaikuttaa siltä, että minulla on väärä numero. Parece que tengo que el número incorrecto. Parece que tengo el número equivocado. >>en<< I'm afraid I can't let you leave. I'm afraid that I can't let you leave. I'm afraid I can't let you leave. >>en<< Homma on hoidettu. The work is done. It's done. >>es<< No, I'm not a teacher. I'm only a student. No, no soy maestro. Soy solo un estudiante. No, no soy profesor, sólo soy estudiante. >>en<< Tom would've done that by himself if Mary hadn't volunteered to help him. Tom would have done that by himself if Mary hadn't volunteered to help him. Tom would have done that by himself if Mary hadn't volunteered to help him. >>fi<< Tom ha estado en películas y en la televisión. Tom on ollut elokuvissa ja TV:ssä. Tom on ollut elokuvissa ja televisiossa. >>en<< Τι φοράτε συνήθως; What do you usually wear? What do you usually wear? >>en<< Olen pahoillani, etteivät asiat toimineen sinun ja Tomin välillä. I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Tom. I'm sorry things didn't work between you and Tom. >>en<< Yo nací el 10 de octubre de 1972. I was born on October 10th, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. >>en<< Este es el primer tomo de una serie sobre la filosofía moderna. This is the first volume of a series on modern philosophy. This is the first volume of a series on modern philosophy. >>fi<< Have you spoken to your parents about this? Oletko puhunut vanhemmillesi tästä? Oletko puhunut tästä vanhemmillesi? >>en<< I know that Tom wants to do that here. I know Tom wants to do that here. I know Tom wants to do that here. >>es<< I don't dare ask the boss to borrow the car. No me atrevo a pedirle al jefe prestado el coche. No me atrevo a pedirle prestado al jefe el coche. >>es<< Tom didn't know how to answer Mary's question. Tom no sabía como responder la pregunta de Mary. Tom no sabía cómo responder a la pregunta de María. >>en<< No fumas, ¿verdad? You don't smoke, do you? You don't smoke, do you? >>en<< El abuso de drogas puede conducir a impulsividad y agresividad. Abusing drugs can lead to impulsivity and aggression. Drug abuse can lead to impulsiveness and aggressiveness. >>en<< La Virgen María es la madre de Jesús. The Virgin Mary is Jesus' mother. The Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus. >>fi<< Are you working? Teetkö sinä töitä? Oletko töissä? >>en<< Είμαι σε δίαιτα τρεις βδομάδες τώρα. I've been on a diet for three weeks. I've been on a diet for three weeks now. >>es<< To what degree can we trust him? ¿Hasta qué punto podemos confiar en él? ¿Hasta qué punto podemos confiar en él? >>en<< ¿Está bien si me siento aquí? Is it OK if I sit here? Is it okay if I sit here? >>fi<< That's where I work. Työpaikkani on tuolla. Työskentelen siellä. >>en<< Este mismo debe ser su paraguas. This just has to be his umbrella. This must be his umbrella. >>en<< Tämän on varmasti kirjoittanut joku, joka osaa hyvin englantia. Someone who knows English well must have written this. This must have been written by someone who knows very well English. >>en<< Tienen que haberse equivocado. They must've made a mistake. They've got to be wrong. >>en<< Kuuntele tää laulu, Tomi. Listen to this song, Tom. Listen to this song, Tomi. >>es<< The blind men walked slowly. Los hombres ciegos caminaron lentamente. Los ciegos caminaron lentamente. >>fi<< Tom tiene mala vista. Tomilla on huono näkö. Tomilla on huono näkemys. >>en<< Todos lucen preocupados. Everyone looks worried. Everyone looks worried. >>en<< Tiedän, mitä teit viime yönä. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. >>en<< Minä olen Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. >>el<< It's late. Είναι αργά. Είναι αργά. >>en<< I figured out how to do that on my own. I figured out how to do that by myself. I figured out how to do that on my own. >>es<< He reached out for the sugar that was on the table. Él alcanzó el azúcar que estaba sobre la mesa. Se acercó por el azúcar que estaba sobre la mesa. >>en<< ¿Cuál es tu nombre de chica favorito? What's your favorite girl's name? What's your favorite girl's name? >>es<< I'd rather throw it away than give it to him. Preferiría regalarlo que dárselo a él. Prefiero tirarlo fuera de dárselo. >>en<< ¿Por qué está mi padre en la cocina? Why is my father in the kitchen? Why is my father in the kitchen? >>es<< Old and crippled, he had courage enough to do the work. A pesar de ser viejo y tullido, tuvo el valor suficiente para hacer el trabajo. Viejo y asolado, tenía el coraje suficiente para hacer el trabajo. >>en<< Mi esposa acaba de limpiar la mesa. My wife has just cleared the table. My wife just cleaned the table. >>en<< Tengo la salud de un toro. I'm as healthy as a horse. I have a bull's health. >>en<< La verdad, no quiero ir con ellos. To tell the truth, I don't want to go with them. Actually, I don't want to go with them. >>es<< He blamed others for his own failure. Culpó a otros por su propio fracaso. Él culpó a otros por su propio fracaso. >>en<< Tom said he'll wait. Tom said that he'll wait. Tom said that he'll wait. >>es<< Tell me which of the two cameras is the better one. Dime cuál de las dos cámaras es la mejor. Dime cuál de las dos cámaras es la mejor. >>en<< How many litres does it take to fill a hot tub? How many liters does it take to fill a hot tub? How many litres does it take to fill a hot tub? >>en<< Se on minun CD:ni, eikö olekin? It's my CD, isn't it? It's my CD, isn't it? >>en<< No sé por dónde empezar. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. >>en<< I knew that you wouldn't have to stay in Australia as long as you thought you'd have to stay. I knew you wouldn't have to stay in Australia for as long as you thought you'd have to stay. I knew that you wouldn't have to stay in Australia as long as you thought you'd have to stay. >>en<< Do you know the real reason Tom isn't here? Do you know the real reason that Tom isn't here? Do you know the real reason that Tom isn't here? >>en<< Eikö? Right? You don't? >>es<< She read the book all night. Ella leyó el libro toda la noche. Ella leyó el libro toda la noche. >>en<< Dijo que cada reunión debería iniciarse con una oración. He said each meeting should begin with a prayer. He said that each meeting should begin with a prayer. >>es<< Put me through to the boss, please. Ponme con el jefe, por favor. Póngame con el jefe, por favor. >>en<< Οι πιο πολλές απ' αυτές είναι Καναδέζες. Most of them are Canadians. Most of them are Canadians. >>en<< Esta mañana tengo frío. I feel cold this morning. I'm cold this morning. >>es<< The animals were restless. Los animales están intranquilos. Los animales estaban inquietos. >>en<< Tengo un sueño. I have a dream. I have a dream. >>es<< I spoke to the principal himself. Hablé con el director en persona. Hablé con el propio director. >>en<< Μ' αρέσει αυτό το τραγούδι. I like this song. I like this song. >>en<< ¿Creen que ella aún piense en mí? Do you think she still thinks about me? Do you think she's still thinking about me? >>en<< Tom on se, joka on syyllinen. Tom is the guilty one. Tom is the one who's guilty. >>es<< How many people did you see in the park? ¿Cuánta gente viste en el parque? ¿Cuánta gente viste en el parque? >>en<< Nunca sabemos cuando la aventura se meterá en nuestras vidas, pero cuando lo haga, debemos atraparla. We never know when adventure will step into our lives, but when it does, we must seize it. We never know when the adventure will get into our lives, but when it does, we must catch it. >>fi<< A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Yhteiskunta ilman uskontoa on kuin laiva ilman kompassia. Yhteiskunta ilman uskontoa on kuin laiva ilman kompassia. >>fi<< I'm sixteen years old. Olen kuusitoistavuotias. Olen 16-vuotias. >>en<< Deja que lo sienta. Let me feel it. Let me feel it. >>fi<< It's cold. I want to hibernate. Onpa kylmä. Haluaisin käydä talviunille. Haluan hibernoitua. >>fi<< Judaism is more like Christianity than it is like Buddhism. Juutalaisuus on lähempänä kristinuskoa kuin budhalaisuutta. Juutalaisuus on enemmän kuin kristillisyys kuin buddhalainen. >>en<< Tämä esitys on liian rohkea teini-ikäisille. This show is too racy for teenagers. This show is too brave for teenagers. >>fi<< The more I think of it, the less I like it. Mitä enemmän mietin sitä, sitä vähemmän pidän siitä. Mitä enemmän ajattelen sitä, sitä vähemmän pidän siitä. >>en<< Mitä onni merkitsee sinulle? What is happiness to you? What does luck mean to you? >>fi<< Because of inflation, salaries can't keep up with the high cost of living. Inflaation takia palkat eivät pysy mukana korkeiden elinkustannusten tasalla. Inflaation takia palkat eivät kestä elinkustannuksia. >>es<< I've eaten my sandwich. He comido mi sándwich. He comido mi sándwich. >>en<< It did not last long at all. It didn't last long at all. It did not last long at all. >>es<< Nothing's going to change my love for you. Nada cambiará mi amor por ti. Nada va a cambiar mi amor por ti. >>en<< I don't think that it's very likely Tom will drive all the way to Boston by himself. I don't think that it's very likely that Tom will drive all the way to Boston by himself. I don't think it's very likely that Tom will drive all the way to Boston by himself. >>en<< Quien sólo vive para sí, está muerto para los demás. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. Whoever lives only for himself is dead for others. >>es<< The crown of this hat is too high. La copa de este sombrero es demasiado alta. La corona de este sombrero es demasiado alta. >>es<< The patient showed the doctor his tongue. El paciente mostró su lengua al doctor. El paciente mostró al médico su lengua. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary would be home on October 20th. Tom told me he thought Mary would be home on October 20th. Tom told me that he thought that Mary would be home on October 20th. >>es<< You will see, if you look, that those words have an immediate and a much wider context. Tú verás, si observas, que esas palabras tienen un contexto inmediato y uno mucho más amplio. Verás, si miras, que esas palabras tienen un contexto inmediato y mucho más amplio. >>en<< Él siempre conduce su auto demasiado rápido. He always drives his car too fast. He always drives his car too fast. >>en<< Tom said he'd expected Mary to get home on Monday. Tom said that he'd expected Mary to get home on Monday. Tom said that he'd expected Mary to get home on Monday. >>el<< I wasn't at that meeting. Δεν ήμουν σ' εκείνη τη συνάντηση. Δεν ήμουν σε εκείνη τη συνάντηση. >>fi<< Tom is a good neighbor. Tom on hyvä naapuri. Tom on hyvä naapuri. >>en<< ¿Cómo es que tú eres siempre tan energético? How come you're always so energetic? How come you're always so energetic? >>en<< Estoy acostumbrado a vivir solo. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. >>en<< Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Pink is not just for girls. >>es<< Πού μένεις; ¿Dónde vives? ¿Dónde vives? >>en<< Oli pimeää, enkä nähnyt mitään. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. It was dark, and I didn't see anything. >>es<< If you are tied up now, I'll call you back later on. Si ahora estás ocupado, te llamaré de vuelta más tarde. Si estás atado ahora, te llamaré más tarde. >>en<< ¿Mary vive al lado del conductor de autobús con el que trabajó John? Does Mary live next door to the bus driver who John worked with? Does Mary live next to the bus driver John worked with? >>en<< Ni sé por dónde empezar. I hardly know where to begin. I don't even know where to start. >>en<< ¿Me puedo ir a mi casa? May I go home? Can I go home? >>fi<< Eso es porque eres niña. Tämä johtuu siitä, että olet tyttö. Se johtuu siitä, että olet pikkutyttö. >>en<< ¿Y usted? And you? And you? >>es<< Let's help him so that he will succeed. Vamos a ayudarlo para que tenga éxito. Vamos a ayudarlo para que tenga éxito. >>en<< Soy capaz de conducir un coche. I am able to drive a car. I'm capable of driving a car. >>es<< He didn't dare take a step further; he knew that once he crossed the doorstep there would be no going back. No se atrevía a dar un paso más, sabía que en cuanto cruzase la puerta no habría vuelta atrás. No se atrevió a dar un paso más; sabía que una vez que cruzara la puerta no volvería. >>en<< Te voy a meter una paliza que te vas a enterar. I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. I'm gonna beat you up and you're gonna find out. >>es<< How much does my debt amount to? ¿A cuánto asciende mi deuda? ¿Cuánto es mi deuda? >>fi<< Is it true you're moving to Boston? Onko se totta, että muutat Bostoniin? Onko totta, että muutat Bostoniin? >>fi<< I've got to get going. Minun pitää mennä. Minun on mentävä. >>en<< El Rey del Este tenía un hermoso jardín, y en el jardín había un árbol que daba manzanas de oro. The King of the East had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree that bore golden apples. The King of the East had a beautiful garden, and in the garden there was a tree giving golden apples. >>en<< Onko sinulla kipuja? Do you have any pain? Do you have any pain? >>en<< Lo que ahora quiero no es dinero sino tiempo. What I want now is not money, but time. What I want now is not money, but time. >>es<< Why are you jealous of me? ¿Por qué estás celoso de mí? ¿Por qué estás celosa de mí? >>en<< Mi novio parece serio. My boyfriend seems serious. My boyfriend seems serious. >>en<< No es de extrañar que asociemos los murciélagos con los lugares oscuros. No wonder we associate bats with dark places. No wonder we associate bats with dark places. >>es<< You're something else. Eres la leche. Eres otra cosa. >>en<< ¿Cuándo se lo preguntaste a Tom? When did you ask Tom? When did you ask Tom? >>fi<< His score on the test today is twice what he got yesterday. Hänen pisteensä testissä tänään ovat kaksi kertaa sen verran kuin hän sai eilen. Hänen pisteensä testissä tänään on kaksinkertainen, mitä hän sai eilen. >>en<< Por favor envíeme una respuesta tan pronto reciba este correo. Please send me a reply as soon as you receive this mail. Please send me an answer as soon as you receive this mail. >>en<< Ella estaba siempre practicando piano. She was always practicing the piano. She was always practicing piano. >>en<< They claim that they have telepathic powers. They claim they have telepathic powers. They claim that they have telepathic powers. >>fi<< He is eating. Hän syö. Hän syö. >>es<< It is true that she teaches French at school. Es verdad que ella enseña francés en la escuela. Es cierto que enseña francés en la escuela. >>es<< Sign here, please. Firme usted aquí, por favor. Firma aquí, por favor. >>en<< Όλα της τα παιδιά γεννήθηκαν με σύνδρομο Ντάουν. All of her children were born with Down syndrome. All her children were born with Down syndrome. >>en<< Tom told me he thought that this book was interesting. Tom told me that he thought that this book was interesting. Tom told me that he thought this book was interesting. >>en<< Necesito espacio. I need space. I need space. >>es<< Which one do you want, this one or that one? ¿Cuál quieres, éste o aquél? ¿Cuál quieres, esta o esa? >>en<< Yo no puedo conducir. I can't drive. I can't drive. >>en<< Se creía que la producción estaría embrujada ya que cada actor que había representado el rol principal se había enfermado. The production was believed to be jinxed as every actor playing the lead role has fallen ill. It was believed that production would be haunted as each actor who had played the main role had become ill. >>en<< I don't think Tom was frightened by that. I don't think that Tom was frightened by that. I don't think that Tom was frightened by that. >>en<< Hemos fijado nuestras tarifas para los próximos tres años. We have fixed our fees for the next three years. We have set our rates for the next three years. >>en<< La punta de la lanza fue bañada en un veneno mortal. The tip of the spear was dipped in a deadly poison. The spear tip was bathed in a deadly poison. >>fi<< F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. Heksadesimaali F on yhtä suuri kuin 15. F heksadesimaalissa on yhtä suuri kuin 15. >>el<< Why are you so disappointed? Γιατί είσαι τόσο απογοητευμένος; Γιατί είσαι τόσο απογοητευμένος; >>es<< I like that movie too. También me gusta esa película. También me gusta esa película. >>en<< Conforme pasa el tiempo, el dolor se desvanece. As time goes on, grief fades away. As time passes, the pain fades. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary had beem suspended. Tom told me that he thought that Mary had beem suspended. Tom told me that he thought that Mary had beem suspended. >>en<< ¿Crees que él se parece a su padre? Do you think he resembles his father? Do you think he looks like his father? >>en<< Έχει δίκιο; Is he right? Is he right? >>en<< ¡Qué máquina maravillosa! What a wonderful machine! What a wonderful machine! >>en<< Sinä et saa koskaan tietää, jos sinä et koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't. >>en<< Oletko ystäväni? Are you my friend? Are you my friend? >>en<< Escuchamos abrir la puerta. We heard the door open. We heard the door open. >>fi<< Believe those who are seeking truth and doubt those who have found it. Usko totuutta etsiviin, ja epäile heitä, jotka ovat sen löytänyt. Usko ne, jotka etsivät totuutta ja epäilevät niitä, jotka ovat löytäneet sen. >>en<< Tom laittoi radion päälle. Tom turned on the radio. Tom put on the radio. >>es<< She asked me to take care of the boy when she's away. Ella me pidió que cuidara del niño cuando se fuera. Me pidió que cuidara al chico cuando se fuera. >>es<< You're entitled to the truth. Tienes derecho a la verdad. Tienes derecho a la verdad. >>en<< You should've helped Tom do that. You should have helped Tom do that. You should have helped Tom do that. >>fi<< Estás herida. Olet haavoittunut. Olet loukkaantunut. >>es<< She gave me mouth to mouth and saved my life. Ella me hizo el boca a boca y me salvó la vida. Me dio boca a boca y me salvó la vida. >>en<< I think Tom has some friends in Boston. I think that Tom has some friends in Boston. I think that Tom has some friends in Boston. >>en<< Él cayó limpio en la trampa. He was fairly caught in the trap. He fell clean on the trap. >>en<< Ella quiere ser una heroína. She wants to be a heroine. She wants to be a hero. >>en<< Naapurissa asuva mies on Maryn rakastaja. The man who lives next door is Mary's lover. The man in the neighborhood is Mary's lover. >>en<< Lo hizo por el bien de la sociedad. He did it for the good of the community. He did it for the sake of society. >>en<< Rakastan häntä. I love her. I love him. >>en<< Si la naturaleza humana está evolucionando, pues no es mucho más rápida que el perfil geológico de la Tierra. If human nature is evolving, it's not much faster than the geological profile of the Earth. If human nature is evolving, it is not much faster than the geological profile of the Earth. >>en<< Tom is homesick. Tom's homesick. Tom is homesick. >>en<< Teidän on välttämättömästi käytävä lääkärissä. It is necessary that you see a doctor. You need to go to a doctor. >>es<< Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad, conforme a la ley y en juicio público en el que se le hayan asegurado todas las garantías necesarias para su defensa. Toda persona acusada de un delito penal tiene derecho a ser presuntamente inocente hasta que haya sido declarada culpable de conformidad con la ley en un juicio público en el que haya tenido todas las garantías necesarias para su defensa. >>es<< Do you need something? ¿Necesitás algo? ¿Necesitas algo? >>en<< Muistatko minun nimeni? Do you remember my name? Do you remember my name? >>en<< Tom realized that doing that was going to be difficult. Tom realized doing that was going to be hard. Tom realized that doing that was going to be difficult. >>en<< ¿Qué significado tiene esta frase? What is the meaning of this sentence? What does this phrase mean? >>es<< It wasn't until long after they got married that Tom found out that Mary was wanted for murder. No fue hasta mucho tiempo después de que se casaran cuando Tom descubrió que Mary estaba buscada por asesinato. No fue hasta mucho después de que se casaran Tom se enteró de que María fue buscada por asesinato. >>es<< This door can't be opened in any way. No hay manera de abrir esta puerta. Esta puerta no se puede abrir de ninguna manera. >>en<< They'll get all the help that they need. They'll get all the help they need. They'll get all the help that they need. >>en<< Tom said he wanted to be there before 2:30. Tom said that he wanted to be there before 2:30. Tom said that he wanted to be there before 2:30. >>es<< Jane didn't play tennis, did she? Jane no jugó tenis, ¿cierto? Jane no jugó al tenis, ¿verdad? >>es<< Could you please tell me again where you put the key? ¿Podrías decirme nuevamente dónde pusiste la llave, por favor? ¿Podría decirme de nuevo dónde puso la llave? >>en<< Lleve dos. Bring two. Take two. >>en<< Τα βλέπετε; Do you see them? Do you see them? >>el<< Según su opinión, sí. Σύμφωνα με την άποψή του, ναι. Σύμφωνα με την άποψή σας, ναι. >>es<< I will ask him where he went last Sunday. Le preguntaré a dónde fue el domingo pasado. Le preguntaré a dónde fue el domingo pasado. >>en<< Tom said that he'd be late. Tom said he'd be late. Tom said that he'd be late. >>en<< Acabo de regresar de un largo viaje. I've just come back from a long trip. I just got back from a long trip. >>en<< Estarás allí de nuevo pronto. You will be there again soon. You'll be there again soon. >>es<< You must be seen by a doctor. Te tiene que ver un doctor. Debe ser visto por un médico. >>en<< Tom and I are both a little busy right now. Both Tom and I are a little busy right now. Tom and I are both a little busy right now. >>en<< I think Tom and Mary are secretly married. I think that Tom and Mary are secretly married. I think that Tom and Mary are secretly married. >>es<< I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon. Estoy deseando verte de nuevo pronto. Estoy ansioso por volver a verte pronto. >>es<< María subió de peso. María engordó. María subió de peso. >>en<< Miksi Tom ei ole täällä tänään? Why isn't Tom here today? Why isn't Tom here today? >>es<< I am a Christian woman. Soy una mujer cristiana. Soy una mujer cristiana. >>en<< Vaikutat olevan rehellinen mies. You seem to be an honest man. You seem to be an honest man. >>en<< Tom is on the wrestling team, too. Tom is on the wrestling team as well. Tom is on the wrestling team, too. >>es<< Few students can read Latin. Pocos estudiantes saben leer en latín. Pocos estudiantes pueden leer latín. >>es<< Does your father get home early? ¿Tú padre vuelve a casa temprano? ¿Tu padre llega temprano a casa? >>el<< When was the last time you did something for the first time? Think about it. Πότε ήταν η τελευταία φορά που έκανες κάτι για πρώτη φορά; Σκέψου το. Πότε ήταν η τελευταία φορά που έκανες κάτι για πρώτη φορά; >>en<< ¿De verdad piensas que los peces no sienten dolor? Do you really think that fish don't feel pain? Do you really think fish don't feel pain? >>es<< According to Tom, you weren't in class today. Según Tomás vos no estuviste hoy en la clase. Según Tom, no estabas en clase hoy. >>en<< El dueño de esta casa es el Señor Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. The owner of this house is Lord Yamada. >>en<< Meillä on oltava jotakin jonka puolesta elää. We must have something to live for. We need to have something to live for. >>en<< La televisión está arruinando la vida en familia. Television is ruining family life. TV's ruining family life. >>es<< You can not miss it. No podéis perdéroslo. No puedes perderlo. >>en<< No es buena idea despertar a una serpiente dormida. It's not good to wake a sleeping snake. It's not a good idea to wake a sleeping snake. >>en<< Quiero quedarme aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. >>en<< ¿Puedes olerlo? Can you smell it? Can you smell it? >>es<< You can probably guess what happens though. Sin embargo puede usted imaginarse qué pasa, probablemente. Probablemente puedas adivinar lo que pasa. >>es<< The small animal gave off a bad smell. El pequeño animal emanaba un mal olor. El animal pequeño dio un mal olor. >>fi<< She seldom goes out. Hän menee harvoin ulos. Hän tuskin pääsee ulos. >>en<< ¿Puedo usar el teléfono? Can I use the phone? Can I use the phone? >>el<< We want Tom. Θέλουμε τον Τομ. Θέλουμε τον Τομ. >>es<< Mary's doctor advised her to exercise. El médico de Mary le aconsejó que hiciera ejercicio. El médico de Mary le aconsejó hacer ejercicio. >>es<< Tom is a thirteen-year-old boy. Tom es un chico que tiene trece años. Tom es un niño de trece años. >>en<< Ένιωσα μία αμηχανία με τόσους ανθρώπους να με παρατηρούν. I felt nervous with so many people watching me. I felt an embarrassment with so many people watching me. >>en<< Kenen auto tämä on? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? >>es<< Tom told Mary to be more careful. Tom le dijo a Mary que sea más cuidadosa. Tom le dijo a María que fuera más cuidadosa. >>en<< Osaako Marika lukea ja kirjoittaa japania? Can Marika read and write Japanese? Does Marika know how to read and write Japanese? >>fi<< We have only one chance. Meillä on vain yksi mahdollisuus. Meillä on vain yksi mahdollisuus. >>en<< Tom said that he knew Mary wouldn't be able to do that. Tom said he knew Mary wouldn't be able to do that. Tom said that he knew that Mary wouldn't be able to do that. >>en<< Solo lo usé una vez. I only used it once. I only used it once. >>en<< Tom siempre está serio. Tom is always serious. Tom is always serious. >>en<< ¿Por qué tardas tanto? What's taking you so long? What's taking you so long? >>es<< People from Madrid are lunatics. Los madrileños son unos locos. Las personas de Madrid son locas. >>en<< Mary va a comer a ese restaurante un día sí y otro no. Mary goes to that restaurant for lunch every other day. Mary's going to eat at that restaurant one day yes and another not. >>en<< Ahora el baño esta ocupado. The bathroom is occupied now. Now the bathroom's busy. >>en<< ¡Es inútil si no lo haces con ritmo! It's useless if you don't do it with rhythm! It's useless if you don't do it with rhythm! >>es<< The night is still young. La noche aún es joven. La noche aún es joven. >>en<< I think you should let Tom know that you don't like Mary. I think you should let Tom know you don't like Mary. I think you should let Tom know that you don't like Mary. >>en<< Hän pitää enemmän ranskasta kuin saksasta. He likes French more than German. He likes French more than German. >>en<< I've already told Tom I plan on staying in Australia for three more weeks. I've already told Tom I plan on staying in Australia for another three weeks. I've already told Tom I plan on staying in Australia for three more weeks. >>en<< Festejamos toda la noche. We partied all night. We celebrated all night. >>en<< No puedo arreglar esta máquina. Es muy difícil. I cannot fix this machine. It's very difficult. I can't fix this machine. >>en<< Le escribo para expresarle mi insatisfacción. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction. I write to express my dissatisfaction. >>el<< She is happy. Είναι χαρούμενη. Είναι ευτυχισμένη. >>fi<< Some people watched TV serials every evening. Jotkut ihmiset katsoivat TV-sarjoja joka ilta. Jotkut katsoivat TV-sarjaa joka ilta. >>es<< I have two daughters and two sons. Tengo dos hijas y dos hijos. Tengo dos hijas y dos hijos. >>en<< Ella tiró de la puerta para abrirla. She pulled the door open. She threw it out the door to open it. >>es<< We didn't talk yesterday. Ayer no hablamos. No hablamos ayer. >>en<< I didn't think Tom would do something like that. I didn't think that Tom would do something like that. I didn't think that Tom would do something like that. >>en<< Él alcanzó la manzana. He reached for the apple. He reached the apple. >>en<< Miksi sitä pidettäisiin seksistisenä? Why would that be considered sexist? Why do you think it's a sexist? >>es<< The unclaimed items were sold off at auction. Los objetos que no se reclamaron se vendieron en la subasta. Los artículos no reclamados fueron vendidos en la subasta. >>en<< ¿Cuesta mucho aprender francés? Is French hard to learn? Is it too hard to learn French? >>es<< Tom ei noussut koneeseen. Tom no se subió al avión. Tom no se subió al avión. >>en<< En koskaan opettanut kenellekään mitään. I've never taught anyone anything. I never taught anyone anything. >>el<< Did you tell them? Τους είπατε; Τους το είπες; >>en<< El sentido común no es tan común. Common sense is not that common. The common sense is not so common. >>en<< Το τρένο είναι νωρίς. The train is early. The train's early. >>en<< Siempre trabaja duro. He always works hard. He always works hard. >>en<< I think Tom could've done that. I think Tom could have done that. I think that Tom could have done that. >>en<< Pulsa el botón, por favor. Push the button, please. Press the button, please. >>fi<< The timid creatures of the field, the simple flowers of the bush and garden, grew and withered in their destined terms: and all upon the fierce and bloody battle-ground, where thousands upon thousands had been killed in the great fight. Maan arat oliot, mutkattomat puskain ja puutarhain kukat, kasvoivat ynnä kuihtuivat ajallaan: yltympäriinsä tuimalla ja hurmeisella tantereella, jolla tuhatmäärin ihmisiä oli kaatunut suuressa taistelussa. Kentän häpeälliset luomukset, pensaan ja puutarhan yksinkertaiset kukat, kasvoivat ja kuivuivat heidän määräaikojensa mukaan; ja kaikki villi ja verinen taistelukenttä, jossa tuhansia tuhansia oli tapettu suuressa taistelussa. >>es<< Monica doesn't study a lot. Mónica no estudia mucho. Monica no estudia mucho. >>es<< I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. Yo soy tan ingenioso que a veces no entiendo ni una sola palabra de lo que estoy diciendo. Soy tan inteligente que a veces no entiendo una sola palabra de lo que estoy diciendo. >>en<< ¿Puede ser cierta esta noticia? Can this news be true? Can this news be true? >>en<< Sinä et ole helppo löytää. You're not easy to find. You're not easy to find. >>en<< La colina estaba cubierta de nieve. The hill was all covered with snow. The hill was covered in snow. >>es<< Man the harpoons! ¡A los arpones! ¡Hombre los arpones! >>es<< I'll stand up for what I believe in and won't yield to any threats. Defenderé aquello en lo que creo y no cederé ante ninguna amenaza. Voy a defender lo que creo y no cederé a ninguna amenaza. >>es<< She came back an hour later. Ella regresó una hora tarde. Volvió una hora después. >>el<< Were you happy? Ήσασταν ευτυχισμένοι; Ήσασταν ευτυχισμένοι; >>es<< He acquired Russian quickly. Él dominó rápidamente el ruso. Adquirió ruso rápidamente. >>en<< Cierra todas las puertas y ventanas. Close all the doors and windows! Close all the doors and windows. >>es<< It was beautiful to see how they moved with so much coordination. Era hermoso ver cómo se movían con tanta coordinación. Era hermoso ver cómo se movían con tanta coordinación. >>en<< Tom's a dope. Tom is a dope. Tom's a dope. >>en<< Pese heti kätesi. Wash your hands right now. Now wash your hands. >>en<< Su sangre es roja. Your blood is red. His blood is red. >>en<< Kerro minulle, miksi sinä haluat mennä sinne. Tell me why you want to go there. Tell me why you want to go there. >>en<< Estoy mirando para comprar para mi novia. I'm shopping for my girlfriend. I'm looking to buy for my girlfriend. >>en<< Va a ser otro día caluroso. It's going to be another hot day. It's gonna be another hot day. >>en<< He construido una casa nueva. I built a new house. I built a new house. >>el<< She spends a lot of money on shoes. Ξοδεύει πολλά χρήματα για παπούτσια. Ξοδεύει πολλά λεφτά στα παπούτσια. >>en<< Did you get your girlfriend a souvenir? Did you get a souvenir for your girlfriend? Did you get your girlfriend a souvenir? >>es<< You'll have to do it, whether you like it or not. Tendrás que hacerlo, te guste o no. Tendrás que hacerlo, te guste o no. >>en<< Esperemos que el próximo año sea mejor. Let's hope next year will be better. Let's hope that next year will be better. >>en<< It must've been fun. It must have been fun. It must've been fun. >>en<< Tom said he never saw Mary on that day. Tom said that he never saw Mary on that day. Tom said that he never saw Mary on that day. >>es<< "If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?" "Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early." "Si estás cansado, ¿por qué no vas a dormir?" "Porque si voy a dormir ahora, me voy a despertar muy temprano." "Si estás cansado, ¿por qué no te vas a dormir?" "Porque si me voy a dormir ahora me despertaré demasiado temprano". >>es<< Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller. Debido a los modernos sistemas de comunicación y transporte, el mundo se está volviendo pequeño. Debido a los sistemas modernos de comunicación y transporte, el mundo se está reduciendo. >>es<< Please tell me how to get to the airport. Por favor, dime cómo llegar al aeropuerto. Por favor, dime cómo llegar al aeropuerto. >>en<< Ellos necesitan estudiar. They need to study. They need to study. >>en<< Si es así, no debería ser ningún problema, ¿me equivoco? If so, it shouldn't be any problem at all, should it? If so, it shouldn't be a problem, am I wrong? >>en<< A beard does not make a philosopher. A beard doesn't make a philosopher. A beard does not make a philosopher. >>en<< You should've learned that in school. You should have learned that in school. You should've learned that in school. >>fi<< You're not as stupid as you look. Et ole niin typerä kuin miltä näytät. Et ole niin tyhmä kuin näytät. >>en<< Esa chica gorda consume demasiados alimentos azucarados. That fat girl consumes too much sugary food. That fat girl eats too many sugary foods. >>el<< Tell him you can't do it. Πέστε του ότι δεν μπορείτε να το κάνετε. Πες του ότι δεν μπορείς να το κάνεις. >>en<< Oletko saanut shekin? Have you received the cheque? Have you got a check? >>fi<< I'm not from here. En ole kotoisin täältä. En ole täältä. >>en<< Hablaré con usted cuando esté desocupado. I'll talk with you when I'm not busy. I'll talk to you when I'm out of work. >>es<< Ruusut ovat punaisia. Las rosas son rojas. Las rosas son rojas. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they're through doing that. Tom and Mary said that they're through doing that. Tom and Mary said that they're through doing that. >>en<< Se on sinulle oikein. It serves you right. It's right for you. >>en<< Estoy loco por esa cámara. I'm dying for that camera. I'm crazy about that camera. >>en<< Tomi oli huutamassa. Tom was yelling. Tom was screaming. >>en<< No pudieron nadar porque hizo mal tiempo. They couldn't swim because of bad weather. They couldn't swim because it was a bad time. >>en<< Κάνω πολλές ερωτήσεις. I ask a lot of questions. I'm asking a lot of questions. >>en<< Tom said that he didn't think would happen. Tom said he didn't think would happen. Tom said that he didn't think it would happen. >>en<< Στρίψε αριστερά. Turn left. Turn left. >>en<< ¿Qué clase de empleo busca usted? What type of job are you looking for? What kind of job are you looking for? >>el<< No sé qué hacer de cenar. Δεν ξέρω τι να φτιάξω για βραδινό. Δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω για δείπνο. >>en<< Gracias nuevamente por todo. Thanks again for everything. Thank you again for everything. >>en<< I know that Tom is almost finished. I know Tom is almost finished. I know Tom is almost finished. >>es<< I'm not in favor of this plan. No estoy a favor de este plan. No estoy a favor de este plan. >>es<< Everything came out okay in the end. Todo resultó bien. Todo salió bien al final. >>es<< Before long, the moon came out. No trascurrió mucho antes de que apareciera la luna. Antes de mucho, salió la luna. >>el<< Do you have a car? Έχεις αυτοκίνητο; Έχεις αμάξι; >>en<< Se kuulostaa oudolta. It sounds strange. That sounds weird. >>en<< Didn't you know that Tom and Mary often eat together? Didn't you know Tom and Mary often eat together? Didn't you know Tom and Mary often eat together? >>es<< Απόλαυσα κολύμβηση. Disfruté nadar. Disfruté de nadar. >>es<< Can you wait about an hour? ¿Puedes esperar más o menos una hora? ¿Puedes esperar una hora? >>el<< Tom and I are Canadians. Ο Τομ κι εγώ είμαστε Καναδοί. Ο Τομ κι εγώ είμαστε Καναδοί. >>es<< I'm not complaining. Yo no me quejo. No me quejo. >>en<< He's at the office. He is at the office. He's at the office. >>en<< Él es conocido en el país entero. He is known to the entire country. He's known in the whole country. >>fi<< Your door's unlocked. Ovesi ei ole lukossa. Ovi on auki. >>en<< ¿Cómo sabe usted que Tom está ahí? How do you know Tom is there? How do you know Tom is there? >>fi<< Tom wiped the table. Tom pyyhki pöydän. Tom pyyhki pöydän. >>en<< Tom on hyvännäköinen mies. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom is a good-looking man. >>fi<< Try it once again. Yritä vielä kerran uudelleen. Kokeile vielä kerran. >>en<< Tom said he didn't think Mary had ever been to Boston. Tom said that he didn't think Mary had ever been to Boston. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary had ever been to Boston. >>en<< We'll see you Monday. We'll see you on Monday. We'll see you Monday. >>es<< I hate her parents. Odio a sus padres. Odio a sus padres. >>es<< Venezuelans speak with a very musical cadence. Los venezolanos hablan con una cadencia muy musical. Los venezolanos hablan con una cadencia muy musical. >>en<< Solo quiero tomar algo de aire fresco. I just want to get a little fresh air. I just want some fresh air. >>en<< Minuakin väsyttää vähäsen. I'm kind of sleepy, too. I'm a little tired, too. >>en<< Tom encontró un tesoro. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a treasure. >>en<< A Tom le hicieron caer en una trampa. Tom was lured into a trap. Tom got caught in a trap. >>en<< Se parece a su madre. He resembles his mother. He looks like his mother. >>en<< Como Vasilissa era la más grande belleza de toda la aldea, su madrastra y sus hijas la envidiaban y odiaban. Because Vasilissa was the greatest beauty in the whole village, her stepmother and her two daughters envied and hated her. As Vasilissa was the greatest beauty in the whole village, her stepmother and daughters envyed her and hated her. >>en<< Trabajar en grupos grandes es terriblemente frustrante. Work in large groups is terribly frustrating. Working in large groups is terriblely frustrating. >>es<< Women are physically weaker than men. Las mujeres son físicamente más débiles que los hombres. Las mujeres son físicamente más débiles que los hombres. >>en<< Ella volvió después de más o menos media hora. She came back in about thirty minutes. She came back after about half an hour. >>en<< Anna minun tutustuttaa sinut hyvään hammaslääkäriin. Let me introduce you to a good dentist. Let me get you to know a good dentist. >>es<< Don't phone me when I'm at the office. No me telefonees cuando estoy en la oficina. No me llames cuando esté en la oficina. >>es<< Let's order the lobster! I've heard that's the specialty dish here. ¡Pidamos la langosta! He oído decir que es la especialidad de aquí. ¡Pongamos la langosta! He oído que es el plato especial aquí. >>es<< Have a nice flight. ¡Que tengas un buen vuelo! Que tengas un buen vuelo. >>es<< Come sit with us. Ven a sentarte con nosotros. Ven a sentarte con nosotros. >>fi<< I'll never see you again. Minä en näe sinua enää koskaan. En näe sinua enää koskaan. >>es<< I saw a house whose roof was red. Vi una casa de techo rojo. Vi una casa cuyo techo estaba rojo. >>en<< Ellos están tan cansados como nosotros. They're as tired as we are. They're as tired as we are. >>fi<< You'll never know unless you try. Yrittämättä ette saa ikinä tietää. Et saa tietää, ellet yritä. >>en<< ¿Y el feminismo, qué piensas del feminismo? And feminism, what do you think about feminism? And feminism, what do you think of feminism? >>es<< My work is my passion. Mi trabajo es mi pasión. Mi trabajo es mi pasión. >>en<< Myös äitini on opettaja. My mother is a teacher, too. My mother's a teacher, too. >>es<< I just found a solution for the problem. Acabo de encontrar una solución para el problema. Acabo de encontrar una solución para el problema. >>fi<< I didn't feel like going. Minua ei huvittanut mennä. En halunnut lähteä. >>es<< What do you have for breakfast? ¿Qué desayunas? ¿Qué tienes para desayunar? >>en<< Tom said that he doesn't think Mary wants to do that again. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary wants to do that again. Tom said that he doesn't think Mary wants to do that again. >>fi<< I'd really like to go swimming this afternoon. Haluaisin kovasti mennä uimaan tänään iltapäivällä. Haluaisin mennä uimaan iltapäivällä. >>en<< I think Tom is still breathing. I think that Tom is still breathing. I think that Tom is still breathing. >>es<< I can't walk fast, but I can walk for a long time. No puedo caminar rápido, pero puedo hacerlo por un largo tiempo. No puedo caminar rápido, pero puedo caminar por mucho tiempo. >>en<< Tom seemed to be unwilling to tell us what had happened. Tom didn't seem to be willing to tell us what had happened. Tom seemed to be unwilling to tell us what had happened. >>en<< I thought it best for him to say nothing about the matter. I thought that it best for him to say nothing about the matter. I thought it best for him to say nothing about the matter. >>en<< Minulla on kovin kuumeinen olo. I feel very feverish. I'm feeling really hot. >>en<< El consumo de alcohol aumenta cada año. Alcohol consumption is increasing every year. Alcohol consumption increases every year. >>en<< Preferiría quedarme aquí que ir allí. I'd rather stay here than go there. I'd rather stay here than go there. >>en<< La chica es ciega de nacimiento. The girl is blind from birth. The girl is blind from birth. >>en<< No hay mucha diferencia entre ambos. There isn't much difference between the two. There's not much difference between the two. >>en<< ¿Quedan aún lobos por esta zona? Are there still wolves around here? Are there still wolves around this area? >>en<< Tu trabajo es asegurarte de que Tom haga bien su trabajo. Your job is to make sure Tom does his job right. Your job is to make sure Tom does his job well. >>es<< How many moles of the compound are in this mixture? ¿Cuántos moles del compuesto químico hay en esta mezcla? ¿Cuántos moles del compuesto están en esta mezcla? >>en<< No digas palabrotas o te voy a lavar la boca con jabón. Don't curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Don't say words or I'm gonna wash your mouth with soap. >>es<< I'd like to get to know you better. Me gustaría conocerte mejor. Me gustaría conocerte mejor. >>en<< Mari osti hameen ja puseron. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Mari bought a skirt and a sweater. >>es<< Tom insists on eating fruit every day. Tom insiste en comer fruta todos los días. Tom insiste en comer fruta todos los días. >>es<< She is my dream girl. Ella es mi mujer ideal. Ella es mi chica soñada. >>en<< Hän oli syntymäasussaan. She was as naked as the day she was born. She was in her birth outfit. >>en<< Mary lleva la tira de tiempo sin lavar su coche. Mary hasn't washed her car in ages. Mary's been taking the time strip without washing her car. >>en<< Yo ya sé cómo hacerlo. I already know how to do that. I already know how to do it. >>en<< I didn't know that Tom was a child psychologist. I didn't know Tom was a child psychologist. I didn't know Tom was a child psychologist. >>es<< So that's what it's all about! ¡Con que de eso se trata todo! ¡Así que de eso se trata todo! >>en<< Ymmärrän sanat mutta en merkitystä. I understand the words but not the meaning. I understand the words, but it doesn't matter. >>es<< Please come into the room one by one. Por favor, pasen al cuarto uno por uno. Por favor, ven a la habitación uno por uno. >>en<< Fuimos al museo. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. >>en<< Hoy es sábado y mañana será domingo. Today is Saturday and tomorrow will be Sunday. Today is Saturday and tomorrow will be Sunday. >>en<< Mi interés está en el futuro, porque ahí es donde pasaré el resto de mi vida. My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there. My interest is in the future, because that's where I'll spend the rest of my life. >>en<< Voimme tulla toimeen oikein hyvin ilman sinua. We can get along very well without you. We can get along very well without you. >>en<< Tom and Mary said that they were really sure that they could do that. Tom and Mary said they were really sure they could do that. Tom and Mary said that they were really sure they could do that. >>es<< Voitko varata istumapaikan minulle? ¿Me puedes guardar un puesto? ¿Puedes reservarme un asiento? >>en<< I was surprised when Tom told me he didn't need to do that. I was surprised when Tom told me that he didn't need to do that. I was surprised when Tom told me that he didn't need to do that. >>es<< Can't we start over? ¿No podemos empezar de nuevo? ¿No podemos empezar de nuevo? >>es<< She was amused at the joke. A ella le hizo gracia la broma. Estaba divertida con el chiste. >>el<< It was empty. Ήταν άδεια. Ήταν άδειο. >>es<< I just got here. Acabo de llegar aquí. Acabo de llegar. >>en<< Tom knows that Mary will likely do the opposite of what he advises her to do. Tom knows Mary will likely do the opposite of what he advises her to do. Tom knows that Mary will probably do the opposite of what he advises her to do. >>es<< Hay dos tipos de magos: los que admiten que usan trucos y los que aseguran que hacen magia. Ambos tipos se llevan fatal. Hay dos tipos de magos: los que reconocen que usan trucos y los que afirman que hacen magia. Ambos grupos se llevan mal entre ellos. Hay dos tipos de magos: los que admiten que usan trucos y los que aseguran que hacen magia. >>en<< Mañana te devuelvo el dinero que me prestaste. Tomorrow, I'll return the money you lent me. I'll give you back the money you borrowed from me tomorrow. >>en<< Habíamos ido a ver el teatro de sombras más temprano esa noche. We had gone to watch the shadow puppets earlier that night. We had gone to the shadow theater earlier that night. >>en<< Tom said his specialty is economics. Tom said that his specialty is economics. Tom said that his specialty is economics. >>en<< Mi madre era noruega, y mi padre danés. Todavía no tenía cinco años cuando me di cuenta que los idiomas diferian uno del otro. My mother was Norwegian, and my father was Danish. It was not till I was five that I learned that they spoke two separate languages. My mother was Norwegian, and my Danish father. I was still not five years old when I realized that languages differed from one another. >>es<< Call me up at seven in the morning. Levántame a las siete de la mañana. Llámame a las siete de la mañana. >>en<< ¿Cuándo quieres hacer esto? When do you want to do this? When do you want to do this? >>en<< Haré cualquier cosa para hacerte feliz. I'll do anything to make you happy. I'll do anything to make you happy. >>es<< I'm going to have a beer. Me voy a tomar una cerveza. Voy a tomar una cerveza. >>es<< What happened here? ¿Qué pasó aquí? ¿Qué pasó aquí? >>en<< Deberías lograr que tus ideas correspondan con la realidad. You should make your ideas correspond with reality. You should get your ideas to match reality. >>en<< I don't think I know the boy sitting over there. I don't think that I know the boy sitting over there. I don't think I know the boy sitting over there. >>es<< What's that little blinking light? ¿Qué es esa lucecita intermitente? ¿Qué es esa luz parpadeante? >>en<< ¿Tienes algo más que decir? Do you have anything further to say? Do you have anything else to say? >>fi<< It helped me a lot. Se auttoi minua suuresti. Se auttoi minua paljon. >>es<< Alice might have been there yesterday, but we didn't see her. Tal vez Alicia estuvo ahí ayer, pero nosotros no la vimos. Alice pudo haber estado allí ayer, pero no la vimos. >>en<< Brush your teeth twice a day at least. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brush your teeth twice a day at least. >>fi<< The guards searched Tom's cell. Vartijat tutkivat Tomin sellin. Vartijat tutkivat Tomin sellin. >>es<< Milloin illallinen tarjoillaan? ¿A qué hora es la comida? ¿Cuándo se sirve la cena? >>es<< How have you come? ¿Como habéis llegado? ¿Cómo has venido? >>es<< He's kicking me! ¡¡Él está pateándome!! ¡Me está pateando! >>en<< I wish I could do more. I wish that I could do more. I wish I could do more. >>es<< You don't have to work so hard. No tenéis que trabajar tanto. No tienes que trabajar tan duro. >>es<< I can imagine how you felt. Puedo imaginar cómo te sentiste. Me imagino cómo te sentías. >>fi<< Their house is very modern. Heidän talonsa on hyvin moderni. Heidän talonsa on hyvin moderni. >>en<< Anteeksi, puhutko sinä englantia? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? >>en<< Onko jotain sellaista tapahtunut, mistä minun pitäisi tietää? Has something happened that I should know about? Did something like that happen that I should know about? >>es<< He couldn't adapt to new circumstances. Él no pudo adaptarse a nuevas circunstancias. No podía adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias. >>en<< Minun täytyy käydä miestenhuoneessa. I have to go to the men's room. I need to go to the men's room. >>en<< No quiero ir fuera. I don't want to go outside. I don't want to go outside. >>fi<< I think phosphoric acid has the same color and consistency as coconut oil. Uskoakseni fosforihappo on väriltään ja koostumukseltaan kuin kookosöljyä. Luulen, että fosforihapon väri ja johdonmukaisuus ovat samat kuin kookosöljy. >>en<< Yo soy Anthony. I am Anthony. I'm Anthony. >>en<< Tom said he was glad to be here. Tom said that he was glad to be here. Tom said that he was glad to be here. >>en<< Tom jamás querría herirte. Tom would never want to hurt you. Tom would never want to hurt you. >>fi<< Estuvimos hablando hasta las dos. Me juteltiin kahteen saakka. Juttelimme toisillemme asti. >>en<< Tom said he thought that could happen in Australia, too. Tom said that he thought that could happen in Australia, too. Tom said that he thought that could happen in Australia, too. >>en<< Tom said that he knew that he could win. Tom said he knew that he could win. Tom said that he knew that he could win. >>fi<< Should I fill in this form now? Pitäisikö minun nyt täyttää tämä lomake? Pitäisikö minun täyttää tämä lomake nyt? >>es<< "Onko sinulla kalaa?" " Kyllä on." "¿Tienes pescado?" "Sí tengo." "¿Tienes pescado?" "Sí". >>en<< Mitä on tapahtunut? What's going on? What happened? >>fi<< The prancing chestnut mare whinnied as she tried to get rid of the rider. Takajaloillaan tanssahteleva rautias tamma hirnahteli, kun se yritti päästä eroon ratsastajasta. Hän yritti päästä eroon ratsastajasta. >>fi<< Should we try it? Pitäisikö meidän yrittää sitä? Kokeillaanko sitä? >>en<< Él no le regaló un ramo de rosas pero la invitó a tomar un café y habló con ella. He didn't give her a bucket of roses, but he took her out for a coffee and talked to her. He didn't give her a bouquet of roses but invited her to have a coffee and talked to her. >>en<< Nos hicimos amigos de por lo menos diez estadounidenses. We made friends with at least ten Americans. We became friends with at least ten Americans. >>es<< Tom paid a lot of money for that guitar. Tom pagó un montón de dinero por esa guitarra. Tom pagó mucho dinero por esa guitarra. >>fi<< Go upstairs right now and clean your room. Mene heti yläkertaan siivoamaan huoneesi. Mene yläkertaan ja siivoa huoneesi. >>en<< Quiero averiguar qué se va a poner María para el baile. I want to find out what Mary is going to wear to the dance. I want to find out what Mary's gonna put on for the dance. >>fi<< I thought you already had an iPhone. Minä luulin, että sinulla oli jo iPhone. Luulin, että sinulla on jo iPhone. >>en<< Haluaisitko mennä teatteriin tänä iltana? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Would you like to go to the theater tonight? >>es<< He is a successful lawyer. Él es un abogado de éxito. Es un abogado exitoso. >>es<< He is in the bathroom. Está en el cuarto de baño. Está en el baño. >>en<< Vanhempani ja minä emme ole läheisiä. My parents and I aren't close. My parents and I are not close. >>es<< I'd like to live in Australia. Me gustaría vivir en Australia. Me gustaría vivir en Australia. >>es<< This is very bad. Esto está muy malo. Esto es muy malo. >>en<< They say they aren't sure that they're ready. They say they aren't sure they're ready. They say they aren't sure that they're ready. >>es<< I have to take my medicine every six hours. Me debo tomar mi medicina cada seis horas. Tengo que tomar mi medicina cada seis horas. >>fi<< Tom will win again, I'm pretty sure. Olen aika varma, että Tomi voittaa uudestaan. Tom voittaa taas, olen melko varma. >>en<< La Guerra es el infierno. War is hell. War is hell. >>en<< Meidän lienee parasta nyt lähteä. I guess we should leave now. I think we'd better go now. >>en<< Βιάσου! Hurry up. Hurry! >>en<< ¿Marika ha visitado alguna vez Japón? Has Marika ever visited Japan? Has Marika ever visited Japan? >>en<< Tom está de vacaciones en Australia. Tom is on vacation in Australia. Tom is on vacation in Australia. >>es<< Please buy a few apples. Por favor, compra algunas manzanas. Por favor, compra algunas manzanas. >>en<< I thought that you said that you had been asked to do that. I thought you said that you had been asked to do that. I thought that you said that you had been asked to do that. >>fi<< I think she's going to be sick. Luulen, että hän oksentaa. Luulen, että hän sairastuu. >>es<< I don't remember what I have to do. No recuerdo lo que tengo que hacer. No recuerdo lo que tengo que hacer. >>en<< Hyvä aviomies tekee hyvän vaimon. A good husband makes a good wife. A good husband makes a good wife. >>en<< No es claro si ella estará o no de acuerdo. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It's not clear whether or not she will agree. >>en<< Does Tom have a lot of friends? Does Tom have lots of friends? Does Tom have a lot of friends? >>fi<< I admire his talent. Ihailen hänen lahjakkuutaan. Ihailen hänen lahjakkuuttaan. >>en<< Haluan puhua ranskaa. I want to speak French. I want to speak French. >>en<< Ο Τομ άρχισε να ιδρώνει. Tom began to sweat. Tom started sweating. >>en<< Last night I puked. Last night I ralphed. Last night I puked. >>en<< Logro soportar tiempo frío, pero no tiempo caluroso. I can tolerate cold weather but not hot weather. I can handle cold weather, but not hot weather. >>en<< Hän söi neljänneksen kakusta. He ate a fourth of the cake. He ate a quarter of the cake. >>en<< Minulla on pientä kuumetta. I have a slight fever. I have a little fever. >>en<< Posteriormente ella comenzó a gritar y a romper floreros. Yo, en cambio, tranquilamente abandoné el apartamento y me fui a tomar una taza de té con Mary. Subsequently, she started screaming and breaking vases. I, in turn, nonchalantly left the apartment, and went to have tea with Mary. Later she started screaming and breaking flowers. I, instead, quietly left the apartment and went to have a cup of tea with Mary. >>en<< Tom kai odottaa. Tom is probably waiting. Tom's probably waiting. >>es<< Tom might have stolen Mary's camera. Tom podría haber robado la cámara de Mary. Tom podría haber robado la cámara de Mary. >>es<< That's a beautiful necklace. Ese es un collar hermoso. Es un hermoso collar. >>en<< No le hables cuando esté estudiando. Don't talk to him while he's studying. Don't talk to him when I'm studying. >>en<< Si te lo dije en confianza, ¿por qué se lo contaste a Jane? I told you that in confidence, so why did you tell Jane about it? If I told you in confidence, why did you tell Jane? >>en<< No hay sal. There's no salt. There's no salt. >>en<< Olet tehnyt sen väärin. You've done it wrong. You've done it wrong. >>es<< Alice has a flower on her head. Alicia tiene una flor en su cabeza. Alice tiene una flor en su cabeza. >>en<< Tom was lucky that there was someone there to help him. Tom was lucky that there was somebody there to help him. Tom was lucky that there was someone there to help him. >>en<< Quiero una pieza individual si es posible. I want a single room if possible. I want an individual piece if possible. >>es<< Never press this button. Jamás apretes este botón. Nunca presione este botón. >>fi<< I was surprised to hear of his failure. Olin hämmästynyt kuullessani hänen epäonnistumisestaan. Yllätyin hänen epäonnistumisestaan. >>en<< Estoy feliz de que ganaron. I am glad that you have succeeded. I'm glad they won. >>fi<< Do you have Tom's phone number? Onko sinulla Tomin puhelinnumeroa? Onko sinulla Tomin puhelinnumero? >>en<< Tom on täydellinen isä. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect father. >>es<< Did you tape that concert? ¿Usted grabó ese concierto? ¿Has grabado ese concierto? >>es<< He was lying on the grass. Él estaba tumbado en la hierba. Estaba acostado en la hierba. >>en<< ¿Tienes una luz? Have you got a light? Do you have a light? >>en<< ¿Cuánto tendrás que esperar? How long will you have to wait? How long will you have to wait? >>fi<< The baseball game was called off due to rain. Pesäpallo-ottelu peruutettiin sateen vuoksi. Baseball-peli lopetettiin sateen takia. >>en<< I thought that you knew that Tom was a coal miner. I thought that you knew Tom was a coal miner. I thought you knew Tom was a coal miner. >>en<< We have not yet discussed which method is better. We haven't yet discussed which method is better. We have not yet discussed which method is better. >>en<< ¿Sabes por qué es importante esta fecha? Do you know why this date is important? Do you know why this date is important? >>es<< The doctor examined the patients. El médico examinó a los pacientes. El médico examinó a los pacientes. >>en<< I don't think Tom is good enough for you. I don't think that Tom is good enough for you. I don't think that Tom is good enough for you. >>es<< She suggested that I write to him at once. Ella sugirió que le escribiera de inmediato. Ella sugirió que le escribiera de inmediato. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that it would be better if we didn't do that. Tom said he thought that it would be better if we didn't do that. Tom said that he thought it would be better if we didn't do that. >>en<< Σε ποιον το έδωσες; Whom did you give it to? Who did you give it to? >>en<< Podría ser cualquiera. It could be anyone. It could be anyone. >>el<< Do you want them? Τις θες; Τους θέλεις; >>fi<< Estoy viendo la televisión. Katselen televisiota. Katson televisiota. >>en<< Ο Τομ έκλεισε την ομιλία του μ' ένα όμορφο τραγούδι. Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song. Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song. >>es<< She waited for you for two hours. Ella os esperó durante dos horas. Ella te esperó dos horas. >>en<< Aunque Tom tiene más de treinta años, todavía actúa como si fuese un adolescente. Even though Tom is over thirty, he still acts like a teenager. Although Tom is over 30 years old, he still acts as if he was a teenager. >>es<< There's the perk of letting you join communities for paying members. Ahí está la ventaja de permitir que te unas a comunidades de pago para miembros. Hay el beneficio de dejarte unirte a las comunidades por pagar a los miembros. >>en<< Αγαπώ τους γονείς μου. I love my parents. I love my parents. >>en<< Tom's polite. Tom is polite. Tom's polite. >>en<< I think Tom won't mind if we're a little late. I think that Tom won't mind if we're a little late. I think that Tom won't mind if we're a little late. >>en<< Täydellisyyden yli parantuminen ei ole helppo työ. Improving upon perfection is not an easy job. Improvement over perfection is not an easy job. >>es<< That dog is big. Ese perro es grande. Ese perro es grande. >>en<< They told me that they'd wait and see. They told me they'd wait and see. They told me that they'd wait and see. >>el<< Why didn't you help Tom? Γιατί δε βοήθησες τον Τομ; Γιατί δεν βοήθησες τον Τομ; >>en<< Tom debería estar orgulloso de esto. Tom should be proud of this. Tom should be proud of this. >>en<< Todavía no se cuál es mi dirección. Me voy a quedar donde mi amiga por un tiempo. I don't know my address yet, I'm going to stay with my friend for a while. I still don't know what my address is. >>el<< They are approaching. Πλησιάζουν. Πλησιάζουν. >>fi<< Tom was stunned. Tomi oli järkyttynyt. Tomi oli hämmästynyt. >>en<< No sabía que Tom no estaba en casa. I didn't know that Tom wasn't at home. I didn't know Tom wasn't home. >>en<< Tomi näyttää nauttivan ihmisten solvaamisesta. Tom seems to enjoy insulting people. Tom seems to enjoy overthrowing people. >>en<< Perhe söi päivällisen yhdessä. The family ate dinner together. The family ate dinner together. >>en<< Vapauta hänet! Let him go! Release him! >>es<< She sat on the bed as her mother braided her hair. Ella se sentó en la cama mientras su madre le trenzaba el pelo. Se sentó en la cama mientras su madre bronceaba su cabello. >>en<< Te ette taidakaan uskoa että minä olen oikeassa. You don't think I'm right, do you? I don't think you believe I'm right. >>fi<< Creo que entiende de qué hablo. Luulen, että tiedät mitä tarkoitan. Taidat ymmärtää, mistä puhun. >>fi<< ¿Vienes con nosotros? Tuletko kanssamme? Tuletko mukaamme? >>en<< No soy muy listo. I'm not very smart. I'm not very smart. >>en<< Tom quiere abrir su propio restaurante. Tom wants to open his own restaurant. Tom wants to open his own restaurant. >>es<< She explained to him why she was late for his party. Ella le explicó por qué llegó tarde a su fiesta. Ella le explicó por qué llegó tarde a su fiesta. >>es<< It is not surprising that he was elected mayor. No es de sorprenderse que saliera electo alcalde. No es de extrañar que fuera elegido alcalde. >>es<< I've got everything that you want. Tengo todo lo que quieres. Tengo todo lo que quieres. >>en<< Tom subía las escaleras de a dos escalones. Tom took the stairs two at a time. Tom was climbing the stairs from two steps. >>fi<< La caja que encontré estaba vacía. Löytämäni rasia oli tyhjä. Löysin laatikon tyhjäksi. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they saw someone climbing over the fence. Tom and Mary say they saw somebody climbing over the fence. Tom and Mary say they saw someone climbing over the fence. >>es<< Why aren't you already on board the ship? ¿Por qué no estás todavía a bordo del barco? ¿Por qué no estás ya a bordo de la nave? >>fi<< He chuckled. Hän myhäili. Hän nauroi. >>en<< Has trabajado duro. You've worked hard. You've worked hard. >>en<< Tronco, está buena de narices. Dude, she's hot! Tronco, she's good at nose. >>en<< Tom says he doesn't plan to go anywhere tomorrow. Tom says he doesn't plan on going anywhere tomorrow. Tom says he doesn't plan to go anywhere tomorrow. >>en<< I wonder whether Tom will get here on time. I wonder whether Tom will get here on time or not. I wonder if Tom will get here on time. >>en<< Éste es el restaurante en el que suelo comer. This is the restaurant that I often eat at. This is the restaurant I usually eat in. >>en<< Ο Τομ έχει βάψει τα μαλλιά του μαύρα. Tom has dyed his hair black. Tom's painted his black hair. >>en<< Tom se mudará de la casa de sus padres. Tom will move out of his parents' house. Tom will move from his parents' house. >>en<< Πουλάνε λουλούδια σ' αυτό το μαγαζί; Do they sell flowers at this store? They sell flowers in this store? >>en<< ¿Puedo pedirte un favor? Can I ask you a favor? Can I ask you a favor? >>fi<< Parecen fotografías. He näyttävät olevan valokuvaajia. Ne näyttävät valokuvista. >>en<< Tengo buenas noticias para usted. I have good news for you. I have good news for you. >>en<< Haga el favor de encender la luz. Please turn on the light. Please turn on the light. >>en<< Pido disculpas por lo que dije. I apologize for what I said. I apologize for what I said. >>en<< Italialaiset juovat usein kahvia. The Italians often drink coffee. The Italians often drink coffee. >>es<< Everything is upside down. Todo está cabeza abajo. Todo está al revés. >>en<< Pahoin pelkään, että se on hieman liian optimistista. I'm afraid that's being a little too optimistic. I'm afraid it's a little too optimistic. >>es<< Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak English. No tengas miedo de cometer errores cuando hables en inglés. No tengas miedo de cometer errores cuando hables inglés. >>fi<< The publishers of that newspaper are very liberal. Sen sanomalehden kustantajat ovat todella liberalistisia. Sen sanomalehden julkaisijat ovat hyvin liberaali. >>en<< Θέλουμε να είμαστε οι καλύτερες. We want to be the best. We want to be the best. >>en<< I know that Tom is after me. I know Tom is after me. I know Tom is after me. >>en<< Su madre estaba en lo correcto His mother was right. His mother was right. >>en<< Te rindes con demasiada facilidad. You give up too easily. You give up too easily. >>en<< Mary es una muchacha muy trabajadora. Mary is a hardworking girl. Mary's a very hard-working girl. >>en<< Ustedes pueden venir juntos. You can come together. You guys can come together. >>fi<< Hänet erotettiin virastaan, koska hän oli laiskuri. Hänet irtisanottiin virastaan, koska hän laiskotteli. Hänet erotettiin virastaan, koska hän oli laiskuri. >>fi<< Why do some people burp after they eat? Miksi jotkut ihmiset röyhtäisevät syömisen jälkeen? Miksi jotkut räjähtävät syömisen jälkeen? >>fi<< I keep a diary every day. Kirjoitan päiväkirjaani joka päivä. Pidän päiväkirjan joka päivä. >>en<< They said that they might win. They said they might win. They said that they might win. >>en<< ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva ir desde aquí a la estación? How long does it take from here to the station? How long has it taken to go from here to the station? >>es<< I'm pretty tipsy right now. Ahora mismo estoy bastante achispado. Estoy muy nerviosa ahora mismo. >>en<< Perdió a su padre cuando tenía tres años. He lost his father when he was three years old. He lost his father when he was three. >>fi<< Deberías venir a clases a tiempo. Sinun pitäisi tulla tunnille ajoissa. Sinun pitäisi tulla tunnille ajoissa. >>en<< Los doctores llevaban mascarillas blancas en la nariz y la boca. The doctors wore white masks over their mouths and noses. The doctors wore white masks on the nose and mouth. >>en<< Hän on sen arvoinen, että hänestä tulee joukkueemme kapteeni. He is worthy to be captain of our team. He deserves to become captain of our team. >>en<< Tom denied he had anything to do with the theft. Tom denied that he had anything to do with the theft. Tom denied that he had anything to do with the theft. >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary was conservative. Tom told me he thought that Mary was conservative. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was conservative. >>en<< Tom said he didn't feel threatened. Tom said that he didn't feel threatened. Tom said that he didn't feel threatened. >>fi<< Is this your red pencil? Onko tämä sinun punainen kynäsi? Onko tämä punainen kynäsi? >>en<< Tom said I didn't look like either of my parents. Tom said that I didn't look like either of my parents. Tom said that I didn't look like either of my parents. >>el<< When will breakfast be ready? Πότε θα είναι έτοιμο το πρωινό; Πότε θα είναι έτοιμο το πρωινό; >>en<< Aquí es donde Tom quiere vivir. This is where Tom wants to live. This is where Tom wants to live. >>en<< Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. Tom is my friend. >>en<< I couldn't do everything that I wanted to do. I couldn't do everything I wanted to do. I couldn't do everything that I wanted to do. >>en<< He entendido el rompecabezas. I've figured out the puzzle. I understand the puzzle. >>es<< How short life is! ¡Qué corta es la vida! ¡Qué corta es la vida! >>en<< El éxito engendra éxito. Success breeds success. Success results in success. >>es<< The concert lasted about three hours. El concierto duró alrededor de tres horas. El concierto duró unas tres horas. >>en<< Tom told everyone that he'd decided not to do that. Tom told everybody he'd decided not to do that. Tom told everyone that he'd decided not to do that. >>en<< ¿Qué piso es? Which floor is it? What floor is it? >>es<< I'd like to buy a Picasso. Me gustaría comprar un Picasso. Me gustaría comprar un Picasso. >>fi<< The lake was frozen. Järvi oli jäässä. Järvi oli jäätynyt. >>es<< I can't afford the time to travel. No encuentro tiempo para viajar. No puedo permitirme el tiempo para viajar. >>en<< Tom makasi tajuttomana jalkakäytävällä. Tom was lying unconscious on the sidewalk. Tom was unconscious in the foot aisle. >>en<< Tom and Mary say they're not concerned. Tom and Mary say they aren't concerned. Tom and Mary say they're not concerned. >>es<< I stepped aside so that he could come in. Me hice a un lado para que él entrara. Me alejé para que pudiera entrar. >>en<< Estoy decepcionado de que él no esté aquí. I'm disappointed that he's not here. I'm disappointed that he's not here. >>es<< If it rains the day after tomorrow, I'll stay at home. Si llueve pasado mañana, me quedaré en casa. Si llueve el día siguiente, me quedaré en casa. >>en<< Everyone here knows you don't eat pork. Everybody here knows you don't eat pork. Everyone here knows you don't eat pork. >>en<< Todos los hombres son buenos en el fondo de su corazón. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All men are good at the bottom of their heart. >>en<< Adondequiera que vayas, no triunfarás sin perseverancia. Wherever you may go, you can't succeed without perseverance. Wherever you go, you won't win without perseverance. >>en<< Tomi on vähän minua pidempi. Tom is a bit taller than me. Tom is a little longer than me. >>en<< Tom descubrió que Mary había salido con su mejor amigo. Tom discovered that Mary had dated his best friend. Tom discovered that Mary had dated her best friend. >>en<< I was told Tom now lives in Australia. I was told that Tom now lives in Australia. I was told that Tom now lives in Australia. >>en<< Tom is the only Canadian I invited to my party. Tom is the only Canadian that I invited to my party. Tom is the only Canadian I invited to my party. >>en<< Δε μένω στη Βοστώνη. I don't live in Boston. I don't live in Boston. >>en<< Cuando Oliver empezó a conducir, él parecía no entender los riesgos involucrados. When Oliver started driving, it seemed that he didn't understand the risks involved. When Oliver started driving, he didn't seem to understand the risks involved. >>fi<< I can't let that happen. En voi antaa sen tapahtua. En voi antaa sen tapahtua. >>es<< Tom died with a gun in his hand. Tom murió con un arma en la mano. Tom murió con una pistola en la mano. >>fi<< Tom doesn't like controversy. Tom ei pidä väittelyistä. Tom ei pidä kiistasta. >>en<< Traje el mío, ¿trajiste el tuyo? I brought mine. Did you bring yours? I brought mine, did you bring yours? >>en<< Apuesto a que lo puedo hacer mejor que ella. I bet I can do better than her. I bet I can do better than her. >>fi<< I want Tom to be happy. Haluan, että Tom on onnellinen. Haluan Tomin olevan onnellinen. >>es<< Pass me the pen. Préstame el bolígrafo. Pásame el bolígrafo. >>en<< Tom told me he's getting married. Tom told me that he's getting married. Tom told me that he's getting married. >>fi<< Yukio Mishima killed himself in 1970. Yukio Mishima teki itsemurhan vuonna 1970. Yukio Mishima tappoi itsensä vuonna 1970. >>en<< Tom viene a verme de vez en cuando. Tom comes and sees me once in a while. Tom comes to see me from time to time. >>en<< Siskoni näki sen omin silmin. My sister saw it with her own eyes. My sister saw it with her own eyes. >>en<< I know that Tom knows that Mary doesn't have to do that. I know that Tom knows Mary doesn't have to do that. I know Tom knows that Mary doesn't have to do that. >>en<< Conocí a todos aquellos muchachos. I knew every one of those guys. I met all those boys. >>es<< There are billions of stars in the universe. Hay miles de millones de estrellas en el universo. Hay miles de millones de estrellas en el universo. >>en<< Declaro a Allan nuestro vicepresidente. I declare Allan as our vice president. I declare Allan our vice president. >>es<< What can't you do? ¿Qué no puedes hacer? ¿Qué no puedes hacer? >>en<< Hän on usein poissa koulusta. He is often absent from school. He's often out of school. >>es<< I felt naked in a strange world. I felt as perhaps a bird may feel in the clear air, knowing the hawk wings above and will swoop. Me sentía desnuda en un mundo extraño. Sentí como tal vez un pájaro puede sentir en el aire despejado, conociendo las alas del halcón por encima y que se lanzará. Me sentí desnudo en un mundo extraño. Me sentí como si un pájaro pudiera sentirse en el aire claro, conociendo las alas del halcón arriba y caerá. >>en<< El jarrón mojado dejó una marca en la mesa. The wet vase left a mark on the table. The wet vase left a mark on the table. >>en<< ¿Pensáis que estoy gordo? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm fat? >>fi<< Sodium hydroxide is quite hygroscopic. Lipeä on varsin hygroskooppista. Natriumhydroksidi on melko hygroskooppinen. >>fi<< It is extremely hot and humid in Bali in December. Balilla on joulukuussa todella kuumaa ja kosteaa. Se on erittäin kuuma ja kostea Balissa joulukuussa. >>en<< Τι τρώνε οι άνθρωποι για πρωϊνό στην Αυστραλία; What do people eat for breakfast in Australia? What do people eat for breakfast in Australia? >>en<< Voy a leer el horóscopo, que es mejor. I'm going to read the horoscope, which is better. I'm going to read the horoscope, which is better. >>en<< Tom está vendiendo su oveja. Tom is selling his sheep. Tom is selling his sheep. >>fi<< Many people believe acupuncture can cure diseases. Monet ihmiset uskovat akupunktuurin voivan parantaa sairauksia. Monet uskovat, että akupunktio voi parantaa sairauksia. >>en<< Tom gave Mary an expensive watch. Tom gave an expensive watch to Mary. Tom gave Mary an expensive watch. >>en<< Algún día me olvidaréis. You'll forget about me someday. Someday you'll forget me. >>es<< Tom kicked the trash can. Tom pateó el tacho de basura. Tom pateó la lata de basura. >>en<< Tom told me he thought that Mary was from Boston. Tom told me he thought Mary was from Boston. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was from Boston. >>en<< Os proporcionaremos todo lo que necesitéis. We'll furnish you with everything you need. We will provide you with everything you need. >>en<< Mä rakastan mun uutta työtä. I love my new job. I love my new job. >>es<< I want to learn how to say this word in Arabic. Quiero aprender a decir esta palabra en árabe. Quiero aprender a decir esta palabra en árabe. >>en<< Tom said he walked home by himself. Tom said that he walked home by himself. Tom said that he walked home by himself. >>en<< Μεγάλωσε στην Αυστραλία. She grew up in Australia. He grew up in Australia. >>el<< In autumn the leaves turn yellow. Το φθινόπωρο τα φύλλα γίνονται κίτρινα. Το φθινόπωρο τα φύλλα γίνονται κίτρινα. >>es<< Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Tom se quitó los lentes y se frotó los ojos. Tom le quitó las gafas y le frotó los ojos. >>en<< ¿Qué es esto que estás diciendo? What is this that you're saying? What are you saying? >>en<< Esta estatua le pertenece a Tomás. This statue belongs to Tom. This statue belongs to Thomas. >>el<< Weddings are expensive. Οι γάμοι είναι ακριβοί. Οι γάμοι είναι ακριβοί. >>fi<< You are the tallest of us all. Olet meistä kaikista pisin. Olet meistä kaikista korkein. >>en<< Kuinka paljon kello on nyt Bostonissa? What time is it now in Boston? How much time is it now in Boston? >>es<< I can't say. No lo puedo decir. No puedo decir. >>el<< You seem disappointed. Φαίνεστε απογοητευμένος. Φαίνεσαι απογοητευμένος. >>en<< Él susurró "No la molestes. Ella está trabajando ahora mismo". "Don't disturb her. She is at work right now" he whispered. He whispered "Don't bother her. She's working right now." >>es<< I'll see to it that you get a raise after the first year. Me encargaré de que usted obtenga un aumento después del primer año. Me aseguraré de que obtengas un aumento después del primer año. >>es<< We're looking for somebody who is well versed in French. Nosotros buscamos a alguien que sea versado en el francés. Estamos buscando a alguien que esté bien versado en francés. >>en<< Sain Playstation Vitan lahjaksi. I received a Playstation Vita as a gift. I got Playstation Vita for a present. >>en<< El rey se quitó sus ropas. The king got undressed. The king took off his clothes. >>en<< Haluaisitko kuulla tarinan Paul Bunyanista? Would you like to hear the story about Paul Bunyan? Would you like to hear a story about Paul Bunyan? >>en<< There's a chance that'll work. There's a chance that that'll work. There's a chance that'll work. >>es<< Yesterday morning, I wrote her a letter. Le escribí una carta ayer por la mañana. Ayer por la mañana, le escribí una carta. >>en<< Pidämme Tomia silmällä. We'll watch Tom. We'll keep an eye on Tom. >>en<< No sabía dónde estabas. I didn't know where you were. I didn't know where you were. >>en<< I don't think this city is as safe as it used to be. I don't think that this city is as safe as it used to be. I don't think this city is as safe as it used to be. >>en<< Ranska on hänen äidinkielensä. French is her first language. France is his mother tongue. >>en<< Tom may be through doing that. Tom might be through doing that. Tom may be through doing that. >>fi<< Quiero ir a las montañas. Minä haluan mennä vuorille. Haluan mennä vuorille. >>en<< Cuál flor es azul? Which flower is blue? Which flower is blue? >>en<< Puhu hitaasti, kiitos. Speak slowly, please. Talk slowly, please. >>es<< The bus has a delay of ten minutes. El autobús tuvo un retraso de diez minutos. El autobús tiene un retraso de diez minutos. >>es<< Jotka eivät tunne vieraita kieliä, eivät tiedä mitään omastaan. Los que no saben nada de las lenguas extranjeras no saben nada de sí mismos. Los que no conocen las lenguas extranjeras no saben nada de las suyas. >>en<< No podemos subsistir sin comida. We can't exist without food. We can't stand without food. >>es<< I got this bicycle for free. Obtuve gratis esta bicicleta. Tengo esta bicicleta gratis. >>fi<< She's more experienced than me. Hän on kokeneempi kuin minä. Hän on kokeneempi kuin minä. >>en<< What is his age? How old is he? What is his age? >>en<< Nada puede justificarlo por su comportamiento tan grosero. Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior. Nothing can justify it because of his so rude behavior. >>en<< I didn't know you were planning to get married. I didn't know that you were planning to get married. I didn't know you were planning to get married. >>es<< She wants to buy a present for her boyfriend. Ella quiere comprarle un regalo a su novio. Quiere comprar un regalo para su novio. >>en<< Me siento como si estuviera soñando. I feel as if I were dreaming. I feel like I'm dreaming. >>es<< I trust him completely. Confío plenamente en él. Confío en él por completo. >>en<< Lo entiendes, ¿verdad? You understand, right? You understand, don't you? >>en<< I think Tom could do that now. I think that Tom could do that now. I think that Tom could do that now. >>es<< I'll give the room a good cleaning. Le haré una buena limpieza a la habitación. Le daré a la habitación una buena limpieza. >>en<< Tom promised he wouldn't speak French. Tom promised that he wouldn't speak French. Tom promised that he wouldn't speak French. >>es<< Let me give you several other reasons why you should do that. Déjame darte varias otras razones por las que deberías hacer eso. Permítanme darles otras razones por las que deben hacerlo. >>es<< I must say that they didn't really seem surprised. Debo decir que en realidad no parecían sorprendidos. Debo decir que no parecían sorprendidos. >>es<< There's a lot of furniture in the room. Hay un montón de muebles en la habitación. Hay un montón de muebles en la habitación. >>en<< Kaikki pitäisi tehdä siististi. Everything should be done neatly. Everything should be done nicely. >>fi<< I study many languages. Minä opiskelen monia kieliä. Olen opiskellut monia kieliä. >>en<< Mitä se sanoo? What does it say? What does that say? >>es<< Friday's behaviour shows his total submission and devotion to Robinson, because the Englishman saved him from the cannibals. El comportamiento de Viernes muestra su total sumisión y devoción hacia Robinson porque el inglés le salvó de los caníbales. El comportamiento del viernes muestra su total sumisión y devoción a Robinson, porque el inglés lo salvó de los caníbales. >>en<< Llegué a la casa y lo primero que hice fue quitarme los zapatos. I got home and the first thing I did was taking my shoes off. I got to the house and the first thing I did was take my shoes off. >>el<< En su cara estaba dibujada la alegría. H χαρά ήταν ζωγραφισμένη στο πρόσωπό του. Η χαρά ήταν ζωγραφισμένη στο πρόσωπό του. >>en<< Estoy seguro de que Tom será capaz de manejar este trabajo. I'm sure Tom will be able to handle this job. I'm sure Tom will be able to handle this job. >>es<< Mr. Smith had three sons who became engineers. El Sr. Smith tenía tres hijos que se convirtieron en ingenieros. El Sr. Smith tenía tres hijos que se convirtieron en ingenieros. >>fi<< Estos zapatos le pertenecen a ella. Nämä kengät kuuluvat hänelle. Nämä kengät kuuluvat hänelle. >>en<< Tom said he hadn't intended to shoot anyone. Tom said he hadn't intended to shoot anybody. Tom said that he hadn't intended to shoot anyone. >>es<< I have no comment. No tengo comentarios. No tengo comentarios. >>fi<< Thoughts are expressed by means of words. Ajatuksia ilmaistaan sanojen kautta. Ajatukset ilmaistaan sanoilla. >>es<< I heard a Japanese nightingale. Oí un ruiseñor japonés. Escuché un japones nocturno. >>en<< La policía pondrá un ojo en el hombre que piensan que es el criminal. The police will keep an eye on the man they think is the criminal. The police will put an eye on the man who thinks he's the criminal. >>en<< Eso debería complacer a todas. That should please everyone. That should please everyone. >>en<< Tom says that when he did that, Mary started crying. Tom says when he did that, Mary started crying. Tom says that when he did that, Mary started crying. >>en<< No puedo gastar ni un yen. I can't afford to waste a single yen. I can't spend a yen. >>en<< They say that they just want to be happy. They say they just want to be happy. They say that they just want to be happy. >>fi<< Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union. Yhä edelleen, monta vuotta kylmän sodan jälkeen, syvä katkeruus saksalaisten ja venäläisten välillä jatkuu, erityisesti Neuvostoliiton valtaamilla alueilla. Jo vuosia kylmän sodan jälkeen saksalaisten ja venäläisten välillä on vielä paljon katkeruutta, erityisesti Neuvostoliiton miehittämillä alueilla. >>fi<< Please do not smoke here. Ole hyvä äläkä tupakoi täällä. Älä polta täällä. >>en<< Θέλετε να γίνετε διάσημη; Do you want to become famous? Do you want to be famous? >>en<< He tekivät junassa tilaa vanhalle rouvalle. They made room for the old lady on the train. They made room on the train for the old lady. >>en<< Does Tom know that you want to do that today? Does Tom know you want to do that today? Does Tom know that you want to do that today? >>en<< ¿Cómo reaccionó con la noticia? What was her reaction to the news? How did you react to the news? >>en<< Είναι αντισυνταγματικό. It is unconstitutional. It's unconstitutional. >>en<< Esta caja es muy pesada, así que no puedo con ella. This box is very heavy, so I can't carry it. This box is too heavy, so I can't get it. >>en<< Él es cadete. He's a junior employee. He's a cadet. >>fi<< I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. Miten ilahduttavaa tehdä tuttavuutta kanssanne. Olen innoissani tutustumisestanne. >>es<< I went to America last fall. Fui a Estados Unidos el otoño pasado. Fui a América el otoño pasado. >>en<< Tom works at a store not too far from where he lives. Tom works at a store that isn't too far from where he lives. Tom works at a store not too far from where he lives. >>fi<< My mother plays the piano well. Minun äitini osaa soittaa pianoa hyvin. Äitini soittaa pianoa hyvin. >>en<< Mikä pitää sinut jalkeilla näin myöhään? What keeps you up so late? What keeps you up so late? >>en<< I don't think Tom knows why Mary is here. I don't think that Tom knows why Mary is here. I don't think that Tom knows why Mary is here. >>fi<< Don't worry. It's perfectly normal. Älä huoli. Se on täysin normaalia. Älä huoli, se on täysin normaalia. >>fi<< You seem to be tired. Näytät väsyneeltä. Näytät väsyneeltä. >>es<< Tom is staying. Tomás se queda. Tom se queda. >>en<< Olen tullut takaisin viikko sitten, mutta kärsin vieläkin aikaeroväsymyksestä. I've been back for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag. I've been back a week ago, but I still have a time difference. >>en<< Suiza es famosa por su belleza escénica. Switzerland is famous for its scenic beauty. Switzerland is famous for its scenic beauty. >>fi<< Después del domingo viene el lunes. Sunnuntaita seuraa maanantai. Sunnuntai tulee maanantaina. >>en<< Tú eres el amor de mi vida. You're the love of my life. You are the love of my life. >>fi<< Did you try the cake that Tom baked? Maistoitko Tomin leipomaa kakkua? Kokeilitko sitä kakkua, jonka Tom leipäili? >>en<< Lo salvaje del hombre no puede erradicarse del todo. The savage in man is never quite eradicated. The wildness of man cannot be completely eradicated. >>es<< In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too. En la mayoría de los casos, la gente, incluso la más vil, es mucho más ingenua y sencilla de lo que nosotros asumimos. Y esto también aplica para nosotros. En la mayoría de los casos, las personas, incluso las más viles, son mucho más ingenuas y simples de lo que suponemos que son. Y esto también es cierto de nosotros mismos. >>en<< Πηγαίνω στο σχολείο το Σάββατο. I go to school on Saturday. I'm going to school on Saturday. >>en<< El arte de ser sabio es el arte de saber qué pasar por alto. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. >>es<< One should always make the most of one's opportunities. Siempre hay que aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades. Siempre hay que aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades. >>en<< ¡El tiempo es un tirano! Time is a tyrant! Time is a tyrant! >>fi<< Tom es un mentiroso. Tomi on valehtelija. Tom on valehtelija. >>en<< Αυτά είναι τα παπούτσια του Τομ; Are these Tom's shoes? These are Tom's shoes? >>en<< Älä anna minun pidätellä sinua. Don't let me detain you. Don't let me hold you. >>es<< He walked through the forest. Caminó por el bosque. Caminó por el bosque. >>es<< They're coming. Vienen. Ya vienen. >>en<< ¿Qué estudia la sovietóloga? What does a Sovietologist study? What does the sovietologist study? >>es<< She asked him to open the window. Ella le pidió que abriera la ventana. Le pidió que abriera la ventana. >>fi<< You should take an umbrella with you this morning. Kannattaa ottaa sateenvarjo mukaasi tänä aamuna. Ota sateenvarjo tänä aamuna. >>en<< "Ganon on vallannut Koridain." "Mahtavaa! Käyn hakemassa välineistöni!" "Ei ole aikaa. Miekkasi riittää." "Varmastiko? Minulle on varmaankin viiden-kuuden retken edestä tavaraa tuolla. Voisin—" "Aikaa ei ole. Hae miekkasi." "Mutta minulla on kahdeksan pussillista pommeja—" "Vain miekka on tarpeellinen." "Voinko edes—" "Voitat Ganonin heittämällä kirjan. Nyt siihen pirun matolle!" "Ganon've seized Koridai." "Great! I'll grab my stuff!" "There is no time. Your sword is enough." "You sure? I've got like five or six quests' worth of stuff in the back. I could—" "We do not have the time. Go get your sword." "But I've got eight pouches of bombs—" "All you need is your sword." "Can I just—" You defeat Ganon by throwing a book. Now get on the freaking carpet!" "Ganon has taken over Koridain." "Superb! I'm going to get my equipment!" "I don't have time. "Your sword is enough." "Surely?" "I'm sure I've got five-six trips in there. "I could..." "I don't have time. I've got your sword." "But I've got eight bags of bombs." "Only the sword is necessary." "Can I at least win Ganon by throwing the book." >>fi<< Tom kicked off his sneakers. Tom potki pois lenkkarit jaloistaan. Tom potkaisi kengät irti. >>es<< This box is made of tin. Esta caja está hecha de lata. Esta caja está hecha de lata. >>en<< Síganlo a Tomás. Follow Tom. Follow him to Thomas. >>en<< Tom said he doesn't plan to go hunting again. Tom said that he doesn't plan to go hunting again. Tom said that he doesn't plan to go hunting again. >>en<< Meillä on paljon puhuttavaa. We have plenty to talk about. We have a lot to talk about. >>en<< Miten Tomi kuoli? How did Tom die? How did Tom die? >>el<< Today is my wedding anniversary. Σήμερα είναι η επέτειος του γάμου μου. Σήμερα είναι η επέτειος του γάμου μου. >>es<< I think I need help. Creo que necesito ayuda. Creo que necesito ayuda. >>es<< When I came home, Tom was studying. Cuando llegué a casa, Tom estaba estudiando. Cuando llegué a casa, Tom estaba estudiando. >>en<< Tomin täytyy jakaa huone veljensä kanssa. Tom has to share a room with his brother. Tom has to share a room with his brother. >>es<< You didn't touch it, did you? No lo has tocado, ¿no? No lo tocaste, ¿verdad? >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary would be discreet. Tom told me he thought Mary would be discreet. Tom told me that he thought that Mary would be discreet. >>en<< No hace falta que hagáis eso. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do that. >>es<< Did you do well in the exam? ¿Te fue bien en el examen? ¿Lo hiciste bien en el examen? >>en<< Olet ollut suurenmoinen. You've been great. You've been great. >>es<< What do you have there? ¿Qué tiene usted ahí? ¿Qué tienes ahí? >>fi<< I have the feeling that my French isn't improving much. Minulla on sellainen tunne, että ranskani ei tule juurikaan paremmaksi. Minusta tuntuu, ettei ranskani parane paljon. >>es<< I am going to have a good day. Hoy tendré un buen día. Voy a tener un buen día. >>es<< He doesn't like sports. Me neither. A él no le gusta el deporte. Y a mí tampoco. A él no le gustan los deportes. >>fi<< Te estoy muy agradecido. Minä olen hyvin kiitollinen sinulle. Olen todella kiitollinen. >>es<< You have to put more coal in the stove. Hay que poner más carbón en la estufa. Tienes que poner más carbón en la estufa. >>en<< A John no le importa una mierda su ropa. John doesn't give a shit about his clothes. John doesn't give a shit about his clothes. >>en<< Is there any truth to that rumor? Is there any truth to that rumour? Is there any truth to that rumor? >>en<< Tomi, tee jotakin. Teltassa on käärme! Tom, do something. There's a snake inside the tent! Tom, do something, there's a snake in the tent! >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary had been unfair. Tom told me he thought that Mary had been unfair. Tom told me that he thought that Mary had been unfair. >>fi<< Tom speaks French better than me. Tom puhuu ranskaa paremmin kuin minä. Tom puhuu ranskaa paremmin kuin minä. >>es<< Ken wants to be a baseball player. Ken quiere ser jugador de béisbol. Ken quiere ser un jugador de béisbol. >>en<< Olkaa hyvä ja soittakaa, jos haluatte puhua minulle. If you want to speak to me, please call me up. Please call me if you want to talk to me. >>en<< Kuulin vaimean äänen lähistöiltä. I heard a faint sound nearby. I heard a quiet voice in the vicinity. >>en<< I don't think Tom would be worried about something like that. I don't think that Tom would be worried about something like that. I don't think that Tom would be worried about something like that. >>el<< Let's begin. Ας αρχίσουμε. Ας ξεκινήσουμε. >>es<< Why didn't you eat? ¿Por qué no comisteis? ¿Por qué no comiste? >>el<< Who was here? Ποιος ήταν εδώ; Ποιος ήταν εδώ; >>en<< Haluan syödä jotain korealaista ruokaa, joka ei ole tulista eikä mausteista. I want to eat some Korean food that isn't hot and spicy. I want to eat some Korean food that's not from fire or spices. >>en<< Esta manzana sabe muy amarga. This apple tastes very sour. This apple tastes so bitter. >>en<< Son las tres. It's three o'clock. It's three o'clock. >>en<< Ya pagué la primera lección. I've already paid for the first lesson. I already paid the first lesson. >>fi<< The talks will last three days. Keskustelut kestävät kolme päivää. Keskustelu kestää kolme päivää. >>en<< Algunos de mis amigos fuman. Some of my friends smoke. Some of my friends smoke. >>en<< Cuando Tom miró la manzana que se estaba comiendo se dio cuenta que se había comido medio gusano. When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a worm. When Tom looked at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a worm. >>en<< Menin kauppakeskukseen ystävieni kanssa. I went to the mall with my friends. I went to the mall with my friends. >>en<< It's not at all impossible. It isn't at all impossible. It's not at all impossible. >>en<< Vení a tomar el té conmigo. Come and have tea with me. I came to have tea with me. >>en<< Me alegro de que ellos hayan reparado la calefacción, pero ahora hace demasiado calor. I'm glad that they fixed the heating system, but now it's too hot. I'm glad they repaired the heating, but now it's too hot. >>fi<< By the way, I saw him yesterday. Muuten, näin hänet eilen. Näin hänet eilen. >>en<< En koskaan sanonut, että se tulisi olemaan helppoa. I never said it was going to be easy. I never said it would be easy. >>en<< Su marido vive en Tokio ahora. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband lives in Tokyo now. >>en<< Vuosittain julkaistaan paljon kirjoja. A lot of books are published every year. A lot of books are published annually. >>en<< Tomi ei ole enää vankilassa. Tom is no longer in jail. Tom is no longer in prison. >>es<< Blood pressure is important as a barometer of health. La presión arterial es importante como barómetro de la salud. La presión arterial es importante como barómetro de salud. >>fi<< Bread and games. Leipää ja sirkushuveja. Leipää ja pelejä. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they didn't have enough time. Tom and Mary said that they didn't have enough time. Tom and Mary said that they didn't have enough time. >>en<< Tom said he wanted me to do that tomorrow. Tom said that he wanted me to do that tomorrow. Tom said that he wanted me to do that tomorrow. >>en<< Hän tuntee kymmenen kertaa niin monta englannin sanaa kuin minä. She knows ten times as many English words as I do. He knows ten times as many English words as I do. >>en<< ¡Aquí estamos! Here we are! Here we are! >>es<< Judging from how the sky looks, we'll be having fine weather. A juzgar por la apariencia del cielo, vamos a tener buen clima. A juzgar por cómo se ve el cielo, tendremos un buen tiempo. >>fi<< I'm going to the cinema. Olen menossa elokuviin. Menen elokuviin. >>en<< Το ίδιο μου κάνει. It makes no difference to me. That's what it does to me. >>es<< She lives in a small house. Ella vive en una casa chica. Ella vive en una pequeña casa. >>en<< En tarvitse vuodetta. I don't need a bed. I don't need a bed. >>en<< Él vio claramente la fotografía. He saw the picture clearly. He clearly saw the photograph. >>en<< Lo oí todo. I heard every word. I heard everything. >>en<< ¿Alguna vez te has rascado la espalda con un rascaespalda hecho en Japón? Have you ever scratched your back with a backscratcher made in Japan? Have you ever scratched your back with a scratch made in Japan? >>en<< Él cedió a la presión. He yielded to pressure. He gave up on the pressure. >>en<< No puedo resolver este problema. I cannot solve this problem. I can't solve this problem. >>en<< Tom said that he thought that I was flaky. Tom said he that thought I was flaky. Tom said that he thought that I was flaky. >>fi<< Help yourself to the fruit. Ota hedelmiä, jos maistuu. Auta itseäsi hedelmiin. >>en<< Por suerte nadie fue asesinado. Luckily nobody got killed. Luckily no one was killed. >>fi<< I'll be busy next week. Olen kiireinen ensi viikolla. Minulla on kiire ensi viikolla. >>en<< Veritahrojen analysointi on keskeistä, kun selvitetään, mitä rikospaikalla tapahtui. Blood spatter analysis plays an important role in determining what has happened at a crime scene. The analysis of blood stains is crucial when we find out what happened at the crime scene. >>es<< China is working to modernize its weapons program. China está trabajando para modernizar su programa de armamento. China está trabajando para modernizar su programa de armas. >>es<< I think she's innocent. Creo que es inocente. Creo que es inocente. >>en<< Ο Τομ δεν είναι πολύ νέος· έτσι δεν είναι; Tom isn't too young, is he? Tom isn't too young, is he? >>en<< Creo que ya es hora de que siga adelante. I think it's time for me to move on. I think it's time for me to move on. >>es<< I know what Tom did. Sé lo que Tom ha hecho. Sé lo que Tom hizo. >>en<< No debes menospreciar un consejo de tus padres. You must not look down upon parents' advice. You shouldn't despise a parent's advice. >>en<< ¿Qué no sabe Tom? What doesn't Tom know? What doesn't Tom know? >>en<< Tom terminará de cumplir su sentencia el próximo mes. Tom will finish serving his sentence next month. Tom will finish his sentence next month. >>en<< It's not so much to ask. It isn't so much to ask. It's not so much to ask. >>es<< Tom doubts if Mary will come to his birthday party. Tom duda si Mary acudirá a su fiesta de cumpleaños. Tom duda si Mary vendrá a su fiesta de cumpleaños. >>en<< Él debe tomar agua. He has to drink water. He must drink water. >>es<< Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas, literarias o artísticas de que sea autora. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y materiales resultantes de toda producción científica, literaria o artística de la que sea autor. >>el<< I can't marry Tom. Δεν μπορώ να παντρευτώ τον Τομ. Δεν μπορώ να παντρευτώ τον Τομ. >>en<< ¿Y qué? No me importa. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. >>en<< Θα 'πρεπε να τον βοηθήσεις. You should help him. You should help him. >>es<< Tell her that I am dyeing my hair. Dile que me estoy tiñendo el pelo. Dile que estoy teñindo mi cabello. >>en<< Te equivocas, eso no es lo que dije. You are wrong. That is not what I said. You're wrong, that's not what I said. >>en<< Tom said he wouldn't try to do that anymore. Tom said that he wouldn't try to do that anymore. Tom said that he wouldn't try to do that anymore. >>el<< I need a good dictionary. Χρειάζομαι ένα καλό λεξικό. Χρειάζομαι ένα καλό λεξικό. >>fi<< Mary's parents can't stand Tom. Marin vanhemmat eivät voi sietää Tomia. Maryn vanhemmat eivät kestä Tomia. >>en<< ¿Está abierto ya? Is it already open? Is it open yet? >>es<< You are my children. Vosotros sois mis niños. Ustedes son mis hijos. >>en<< Tom said he thought Mary might not be allowed to do that by herself. Tom said that he thought Mary might not be allowed to do that by herself. Tom said that he thought that Mary might not be allowed to do that by herself. >>en<< Mojó la toalla con agua. He wetted his towel with water. He wet the towel with water. >>es<< Rio de Janeiro is perfectly safe as long as you stay out of the dangerous areas. Río de Janeiro es perfectamente segura siempre que evites las zonas peligrosas. Río de Janeiro es perfectamente seguro mientras se mantenga fuera de las zonas peligrosas. >>es<< Henry wants to see you. Henry quiere verte. Henry quiere verte. >>en<< Πες του να περιμένει. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. >>es<< Sinulla ei ole mahdollisuuttakaan. No tienes oportunidad. No tienes oportunidad. >>es<< Estaré allí sobre las 10:00. Estaré allí más o menos a las 10:00. Estaré allí sobre las 10:00. >>en<< Laita televisio kovemmalle. Turn up the TV. Put the TV on harder. >>es<< I borrow them from the city library. Los tomé prestado de la biblioteca municipal. Los pido prestados de la biblioteca de la ciudad. >>fi<< The cat is liked. Kissasta pidetään. Kissa pitää siitä. >>es<< She was angry. That is why she remained silent. Estaba enfadada. Por eso se quedó callada. Estaba enojada, por eso se quedó callada. >>es<< He is really a Hercules. Él realmente es un Hércules. Él es realmente un Hércules. >>en<< Solo quiero agradecerle por su trabajo. I would just like to thank all of you for your work. I just want to thank you for your work. >>en<< We are not hiring anymore. We're not hiring anymore. We are not hiring anymore. >>en<< I don't think Tom is the one who wrote this report. I don't think that Tom is the one who wrote this report. I don't think that Tom is the one who wrote this report. >>es<< You had better do as the doctor advised you. Haz lo que el doctor te dijo. Tuviste que hacer lo que el médico le aconsejó. >>fi<< I am going. Olen menossa. Minä lähden. >>en<< No creo que nadie haya vivido en esta casa en años. I don't think that anyone has lived in this house for years. I don't think anyone's lived in this house in years. >>en<< Creo que usted tiene razón. I think that you're right. I think you're right. >>es<< You're too skinny! You need to eat more. ¡Estás en los huesos! Tienes que comer más. Tienes que comer más. >>fi<< I was at a movie theater. Kävin elokuvissa. Olin elokuvateatterissa. >>en<< Tom should've been an actor. Tom should have been an actor. Tom should have been an actor. >>en<< Todo está yendo muy rápido. Everything is going too fast. Everything's going very fast. >>fi<< Tom had to run an errand. Tomin oli mentävä asioille. Tomin piti tehdä tehtävä. >>en<< Puedo hacerlo sin tu ayuda. I can do it without your help. I can do it without your help. >>fi<< Could I see you tonight? Voimmeko tavata tänä iltana? Saanko nähdä sinut tänä iltana? >>en<< Tom said he doesn't go camping anymore. Tom said that he doesn't go camping anymore. Tom said that he doesn't go camping anymore. >>en<< I thought maybe I could help you. I thought that maybe I could help you. I thought maybe I could help you. >>en<< Tunnen heidän tuskansa. I feel their pain. I know their pain. >>en<< Tomi hukkasi kenkänsä. Tom lost his shoes. Tom lost his shoes. >>es<< I was hurt by many people. Fui lastimado por mucha gente. Mucha gente me lastimó. >>es<< They gave us a lot to eat. Nos dieron mucho que comer. Nos dieron mucho que comer. >>en<< Tom quería pasar el resto de su vida en Estados Unidos. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in the United States. >>fi<< I'll join you later. Liityn joukkoonne myöhemmin. Tulen myöhemmin. >>es<< We used to play in the park. Solíamos jugar en el parque. Solíamos jugar en el parque. >>en<< No llegaremos a Londres antes de que anochezca. We'll never reach London before dark. We won't get to London before nightfall. >>en<< Yo aquí presente ofrezco mi renuncia. I hereby tender my resignation. I presently offer my resignation. >>en<< Ella es más inteligente que él. She's smarter than him. She's smarter than him. >>fi<< They will run. Ne juoksevat. He juoksevat. >>en<< I will not sell my soul. I won't sell my soul. I will not sell my soul. >>es<< She fell down the ladder. Ella se cayó de la escalera. Se cayó por la escalera. >>el<< Tom's sleeping. Ο Τομ κοιμάται. Ο Τομ κοιμάται. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary was exhausted. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was exhausted. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was exhausted. >>es<< Tom needs some rest. Tom necesita algo de descanso. Tom necesita descansar. >>en<< I knew Tom wouldn't like Mary. I knew that Tom wouldn't like Mary. I knew that Tom wouldn't like Mary. >>fi<< You know I'm different. Sinä tiedät, että olen erilainen. Tiedät, että olen erilainen. >>en<< Tom really should've stayed where he was. Tom really should have stayed where he was. Tom really should have stayed where he was. >>en<< Está claro que él vendrá aquí. It is certain that he will come here. It's clear he'll come here. >>en<< Tom said he expected Mary to help him. Tom said that he expected Mary to help him. Tom said that he expected Mary to help him. >>es<< What more could one ask for? ¿Qué más podría uno pedir? ¿Qué más se puede pedir? >>en<< Deberías decirle a Tom que Mary no está planeando ir. You should tell Tom that Mary isn't planning to go. You should tell Tom that Mary's not planning to go. >>es<< Tom and Mary need to learn to work together. Tom y María necesitan aprender a trabajar juntos. Tom y María necesitan aprender a trabajar juntos. >>es<< Are you for the war or against it? ¿Estás a favor o en contra de la guerra? ¿Estás a favor de la guerra o en contra de ella? >>en<< Piru saattaa olla orava, mutta kaikki oravat eivät ole piruja. The devil may be a squirrel, but not all squirrels are the devil. The devil may be a squirrel, but all the squirrels are not a devil. >>es<< What would you do if you were rich? ¿Qué harías si fueras rico? ¿Qué harías si fueras rico? >>es<< She may not come here tomorrow. Puede que mañana no venga. Puede que no venga aquí mañana. >>en<< Pasó unos meses en Escocia. He spent a few months in Scotland. He spent a few months in Scotland. >>es<< I just want to go to sleep. Solo quiero ir a dormir. Sólo quiero ir a dormir. >>es<< There is a solution to every problem. Hay una solución para cada problema. Hay una solución a cada problema. >>en<< Tenemos el mismo problema. We have the same problem. We have the same problem. >>es<< That would have been worse! ¡Eso habría sido peor! ¡Eso habría sido peor! >>fi<< I'd probably lose. Minä todennäköisesti häviäisin. Olisin luultavasti hävinnyt. >>es<< Tom is very happy to see Mary. Tom está muy feliz de ver a Mary. Tom está muy contento de ver a María. >>en<< En ole enää yhtä vahva kuin ennen. I'm not as strong as I used to be. I'm not as strong as I used to be. >>es<< I want to cry. Quiero llorar. Quiero llorar. >>es<< Tom certainly didn't intend to tell Mary the truth. Ciertamente Tom no tenía la intención de contarle a Mary la verdad. Tom ciertamente no tenía intención de decir a María la verdad. >>es<< Tom doesn't have much time. Tom no tiene mucho tiempo. Tom no tiene mucho tiempo. >>es<< Every time I read this book, I find something new. Cada vez que leo este libro descubro algo nuevo. Cada vez que leo este libro, encuentro algo nuevo. >>en<< Realmente no depende de mí. It's not really up to me. It doesn't really depend on me. >>en<< ¿Ahora puedo irme? Can I leave now? Can I go now? >>es<< Se ei ole totta. Eso no es cierto. Eso no es cierto. >>en<< Keski-ikäinen nainen selkäreppu selässään näytti etsivän istumapaikkaa. A middle-aged woman with a knapsack on her back seemed to be looking for a place to sit down. A middle-aged woman on her backpack seemed to be looking for a seat. >>en<< Tom lost his sight in an accident. Tom lost his eyesight in an accident. Tom lost his sight in an accident. >>en<< It's alright! It's all right! It's alright! >>es<< She stopped to smoke a cigarette. Ella se detuvo a fumar un cigarrillo. Se detuvo a fumar un cigarrillo. >>en<< Extraño ese lugar. I miss that place. I miss that place. >>es<< Si vas a la biblioteca puede que te encuentres con Tom. Puede que te encuentres con Tom si vas a la biblioteca. Si vas a la biblioteca puede que te encuentres con Tom. >>en<< Fui a Boston el mes pasado. I went to Boston last month. I went to Boston last month. >>en<< Después de la lluvia, el sol apareció de entre las nubes. After the rain, the sun emerged from the clouds. After the rain, the sun appeared from the clouds. >>es<< Χήρα είναι η γυναίκα της οποίας ο άντρας έχει πεθάνει. Una viuda es una mujer cuyo marido ha fallecido. La viuda es la mujer de la que el hombre ha muerto. >>en<< Tom näki päiväunia tunnilla. Tom was daydreaming in class. Tom had a day's sleep in class. >>es<< You'd better go. Mejor vete. Será mejor que te vayas. >>en<< Tom guardó algunas cosas en mi casa. Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom saved some things in my house. >>en<< Francamente, no tuve suficiente confianza para invitar a María a almorzar conmigo. Frankly, I didn't have the confidence to ask Mary to have lunch with me. Frankly, I didn't have enough confidence to invite Mary to lunch with me. >>en<< Está temblando de nuevo. Si no me vuelves a ver, ten presente que te amo. It's shaking again. If you don't see me again, keep in mind that I love you. If you don't see me again, keep in mind that I love you. >>en<< I didn't even know Tom was going to be there. I didn't even know that Tom was going to be there. I didn't even know that Tom was going to be there. >>en<< No hay nadie que no desee la paz. There are no people who don't desire peace. There's no one who doesn't want peace. >>en<< Olen kuullut sinusta. I've heard of you. I've heard about you. >>en<< Nos quedamos en silencio. We kept quiet. We're quiet. >>fi<< We must protect our children. Meidän pitää suojella lapsiamme. Meidän on suojeltava lapsiamme. >>en<< En la oscuridad, ella le pudo oír a él y a sus invitados charlar y reír. In the darkness, she could hear him and his guests chatting and laughing. In the dark, she could hear him and his guests chat and laugh. >>el<< This is Tom's dog. Αυτό είναι το σκυλί του Τομ. Αυτός είναι ο σκύλος του Τομ. >>en<< Tom eligió pasar las Navidades con Mary en vez de con su familia. Tom chose to spend Christmas with Mary rather than with his family. Tom chose to spend Christmas with Mary instead of his family. >>es<< Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. La democracia es la peor forma de gobierno, con excepción de todas las otras que se ha probado. La democracia es la peor forma de gobierno, excepto todos los demás que han sido probados. >>el<< Voy con retraso sobre lo previsto. Πάει πίσω από αρχικό πλάνο. Είμαι καθυστερημένος σχετικά με την πρόβλεψη. >>en<< I know that Tom doesn't know why you want me to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why you want me to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why you want me to do that. >>fi<< Maybe some other time. Ehkä toiste. Ehkä joskus toiste. >>fi<< Without water, no creature could live. Mikään ei elä ilman vettä. Ilman vettä mikään olento ei voisi elää. >>en<< I don't think that anybody really wants to do that. I don't think anyone really wants to do that. I don't think that anybody really wants to do that. >>el<< I forced him to carry the suitcase. Τον ανάγκασα να κουβαλήσει τη βαλίτσα. Τον ανάγκασα να φέρει τη βαλίτσα. >>fi<< Tom speaks French as well as Mary. Tom puhuu ranskaa yhtä hyvin kuin Mari. Tom puhuu ranskaa ja Mariaa. >>es<< I was obviously a little distracted! ¡Obviamente estaba un poco distraído! ¡Evidentemente estaba un poco distraído! >>en<< Yo me haré cargo de ti cuando seas viejo. I will take care of you when you are old. I'll take care of you when you're old. >>es<< I was made to wait for over 30 minutes. Me hicieron esperar más de media hora. Me hicieron esperar más de 30 minutos. >>fi<< Esto nunca va a terminar. Tämä ei lopu ikinä. Tämä ei koskaan lopu. >>fi<< I'd rather be his whore than your wife. Olisin mieluummin hänen huoraan kuin vaimosi. Olisin mieluummin hänen huoransa kuin vaimosi. >>en<< I think neither Tom nor Mary has done that. I don't think either Tom or Mary has done that. I think neither Tom nor Mary has done that. >>es<< Could you please put this book on the top shelf? ¿Puedes, por favor, poner este libro en el estante superior? ¿Podría poner este libro en el estante superior? >>fi<< Tom will have to undergo several months of rehabilitation after leaving hospital. Tomin täytyy käydä läpi usean kuukauden mittainen kuntoutus, kun hän lähtee sairaalasta. Tomi joutuu kokemaan useita kuukausia kuntoutusta sen jälkeen, kun hän on lähtenyt sairaalasta. >>fi<< You said you'd help her. Sanoit auttavasi häntä. Sanoit auttavasi häntä. >>es<< Te olette saksalaisia, eikö niin? Sois alemanas, ¿verdad? Ustedes son alemanes, ¿verdad? >>es<< Tom ticks off points on his fingers. Tom marcó puntos sobre sus dedos. Tom le quita puntos en los dedos. >>en<< Syömme lounasta yhdessä puoli yhdeltä. We'll eat lunch together at 12:30. We'll have lunch together at 1:30. >>en<< Minulla on vielä kolme tuntia ennen koneeni lähtöä. I still have three hours before my plane leaves. I still have three hours before my plane leaves. >>es<< I'm already married. Ya estoy casada. Ya estoy casada. >>es<< What do you actually do in the office? ¿Qué haces realmente en la oficina? ¿Qué haces en la oficina? >>en<< Venga por aquí. Walk this way. Come this way. >>en<< Ο Τομ είναι ο καλύτερος παίκτης στην ομάδα. Tom is better than any other player on the team. Tom is the best player on the team. >>es<< Viime sunnuntaina menin Marin kanssa kirjastoon. El domingo pasado, Mary y yo fuimos juntos a la biblioteca. El domingo pasado fui a la biblioteca con Mari. >>en<< Nyt olen tosi vanha mies. Now I'm a real old man. Now I'm a real old man. >>en<< Queremos informarle sobre las siguientes reducciones de precio. We wish to advise you of the following price reductions. We want to inform you about the following price reductions. >>en<< I think Tom is ready. I think that Tom is ready. I think that Tom is ready. >>en<< ¿A dónde tenemos que ir? Where do we need to go? Where do we have to go? >>en<< Tom could've protected Mary. Tom could have protected Mary. Tom could have protected Mary. >>es<< Never say that. Nunca digas eso. Nunca digas eso. >>es<< I hope you practiced your solo. Espero que hayas practicado tu solo. Espero que hayas practicado tu solitario. >>en<< Creo que es hora de que me mude a los suburbios. I think it's time for me to move to the suburbs. I think it's time I moved to the suburbs. >>en<< Tom thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Tom thinks that he's smarter than everyone else. Tom thinks he's smarter than everyone else. >>en<< Me lo dijo todo. He told me everything. He told me everything. >>en<< De cualquier forma sos linda. You're beautiful in every way. Anyway, you're cute. >>en<< Se voi olla vaarallista. That may be dangerous. It could be dangerous. >>en<< La música es un regalo de Dios. Music is a gift from God. Music is a gift from God. >>el<< Tell them why. Πέστε τες γιατί. Πες τους γιατί. >>en<< What convinced you Tom wasn't guilty? What convinced you that Tom wasn't guilty? What convinced you that Tom wasn't guilty? >>en<< Tom said that he had given a book to Mary. Tom said he had given Mary a book. Tom said that he had given a book to Mary. >>es<< He was too short to get at the grapes. Él era demasiado bajo para alcanzar las uvas. Era demasiado corto para llegar a las uvas. >>en<< Muchas gracias por haberme invitado. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. >>fi<< Me without you is like a body with no soul. Minä ilman sinua on kuin ruumis ilman sielua. Minä ilman sinua olen kuin ruumis, jolla ei ole sielua. >>en<< I knew that Tom would be reluctant to do that. I knew Tom would be reluctant to do that. I knew Tom would be reluctant to do that. >>en<< Tom and Mary told me that they were unemployed. Tom and Mary told me they were unemployed. Tom and Mary told me they were unemployed. >>en<< Él siempre llega tarde a clases. He's always late for class. He's always late for class. >>es<< I'm troubled by this birth-mark. Esta marca de nacimiento me acompleja. Estoy preocupado por esta marca de nacimiento. >>en<< No puedo dejar de pensar en ti. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about you. >>en<< Él dejó la escuela la semana pasada. He quit school last week. He left school last week. >>fi<< First cousins have one set of grandparents in common. Serkuilla on yhdet yhteiset isovanhemmat. Ensimmäiset serkkut ovat yhdessä isovanhempia. >>fi<< Kick! Potkaiskaa! Painu helvettiin! >>en<< Tomás sabía que María estaba en lo cierto. Tom knew Mary was right. Thomas knew that Mary was right. >>en<< Cuando el gato sale, los ratones hacen fiesta. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When the cat comes out, the mice are partying. >>fi<< This fish has a bad smell. Tässä kalassa on paha haju. Tässä kalassa on huono haju. >>en<< Missä rannekelloni ovat? Where are my watches? Where are my bracelets? >>en<< ¿Cuánto mide este lápiz? How long is this pencil? How much is this pencil? >>el<< I wonder where Tom is now. Αναρωτιέμαι πού να είναι τώρα ο Τομ. Αναρωτιέμαι πού είναι ο Τομ τώρα. >>en<< A friend of mine said he met you yesterday. A friend of mine said that he met you yesterday. A friend of mine said he met you yesterday. >>en<< El hombre joven vive en una casa vieja. The young man lives in an old house. The young man lives in an old house. >>en<< Tom pyysi Maria karkaamaan kanssaan. Tom asked Mary to run away with him. Tom asked Mary to run away with him. >>en<< La parte superior de la montaña está cubierta de nieve. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The top of the mountain is covered with snow. >>el<< You're not thirty. Δεν είσαι τριάντα. Δεν είσαι τριάντα. >>fi<< What's the highest mountain in the world? Mikä on maailman korkein vuori? Mikä on maailman korkein vuori? >>en<< Mä oon aika varma, et Tomi valehteli Marille. I'm pretty sure Tom lied to Mary. I'm pretty sure Tom didn't lie to Mari. >>en<< Se oli aika hauskaa. It was pretty funny. It was kind of fun. >>es<< We know very well what our chances are. Sabemos muy bien cuales son nuestras chances. Sabemos muy bien cuáles son nuestras posibilidades. >>en<< Esta es una teoría importante. This is an important theory. This is an important theory. >>es<< We have no problem as far as the house is concerned. No tenemos ningún problema en tanto en cuanto la casa está involucrada. No tenemos ningún problema en lo que respecta a la casa. >>en<< Nuestro perro entierra sus huesos en el jardín. Our dog buries its bones in the garden. Our dog burys his bones in the garden. >>fi<< You two had a fight today, didn't you? Te kaksi riitelitte tänään, eikö niin? Teillä molemmilla oli tappelu tänään, eikö niin? >>en<< Tom told me he thought Mary was tough. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was tough. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was tough. >>es<< I'll give Tom a hand. Le voy a dar una mano a Tomás. Le daré una mano a Tom. >>es<< He was disappointed. Él estaba decepcionado. Estaba decepcionado. >>fi<< He had to work even on Sunday. Hänen oli pakko tehdä töitä jopa sunnuntaina. Hänen täytyi työskennellä sunnuntainakin. >>en<< I suspect Tom will be back. I suspect that Tom will be back. I suspect that Tom will be back. >>en<< Τα λέμε τον Οκτώβριο. See you in October. See you in October. >>en<< Cathy dejó de recoger flores. Cathy stopped picking flowers. Cathy stopped collecting flowers. >>en<< Tervetuloa meidän kotiimme. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. >>en<< ¿Volverás mañana? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? >>en<< I wonder whether Tom would really do that. I wonder if Tom would really do that. I wonder if Tom would really do that. >>es<< Slender and form-fitting with a high cut, the new qipao contrasted sharply with the traditional one. Delgado y ajustado a la forma con un corte alto, el nuevo qipao contrastó marcadamente con el tradicional. Esbelto y conformado con un corte alto, el nuevo qipao contrastó agudamente con el tradicional. >>en<< ¿Sabes quién es ella? Do you know who she is? Do you know who she is? >>en<< El Sr. Smith es un conocido de ella. Mr Smith is an acquaintance of hers. Mr. Smith is one of her acquaintances. >>fi<< I've been studying French at school. Olen opiskellut ranskaa koulussa. Olen opiskellut ranskaa koulussa. >>en<< ¿Puedo ir afuera? Can I go outside? Can I go outside? >>en<< En tiedä mihin tämä kuuluu. I don't know where this belongs. I don't know where this belongs. >>en<< Minusta on hauskaa puhua ranskaa. I like speaking French. I think it's fun to speak French. >>en<< Kuinka pitkään olit siellä? How long did you stay? How long were you there? >>en<< You're very talented. You are very talented. You're very talented. >>es<< She went out with her friends. Ella salió con sus amigos. Salió con sus amigos. >>en<< Creo que la pareja se enfrenta a una prueba que tienen que superar juntos. I think the couple is faced with a challenge that they will have to overcome together. I think the couple faces a test they have to overcome together. >>fi<< We're watching TV. Katsomme telkkaria. Katsomme televisiota. >>es<< The water of the lake is very cold. El agua del lago está muy fría. El agua del lago es muy fría. >>en<< I wonder if Tom is rich. I wonder whether Tom is rich. I wonder if Tom is rich. >>en<< Tom es el que ayudó a Mary con sus deberes. Tom is the one who helped Mary with her homework. Tom is the one who helped Mary with her homework. >>fi<< It's raining. Sataa. Sataa. >>en<< I know I could've done better. I know I could have done better. I know I could've done better. >>en<< Does someone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Does someone here speak French? >>en<< Su hermano está casado, pero no tiene hijos. His brother is married but he hasn't any children. His brother is married, but he has no children. >>es<< You're very beautiful. Estás muy linda. Eres muy hermosa. >>en<< Ven y únetenos. Come and join us. Come and join us. >>en<< I know that Tom is almost as tall as I am. I know Tom is almost as tall as I am. I know Tom is almost as tall as I am. >>en<< Tom told me he thought that Mary was cute. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was cute. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was cute. >>fi<< Why did you change your mind? Miksi muutit mielipidettäsi? Miksi muutit mielesi? >>en<< Minulla on sellainen tunne, että saat sen työpaikan. I have a feeling you'll get the job. I have a feeling you'll get that job. >>el<< We tricked them. Τις ξεγελάσαμε. Τους ξεγέλασα. >>en<< Te queremos tanto. We love you so much. We love you so much. >>es<< Paitsi kirjojen lainausta kirjastot tarjoavat lukuisia muita palveluita. Las bibliotecas ofrecen varios otros servicios aparte de prestar libros. Aparte de citar libros, las bibliotecas ofrecen muchos otros servicios. >>fi<< I owe you a big apology. Olen sinulle velkaa suuren anteeksipyynnön. Olen anteeksipyynnön velkaa. >>en<< Is there any chance you'll come back to Australia again this year? Is there any chance that you'll come back to Australia again this year? Is there any chance you'll come back to Australia again this year? >>en<< Olen sinua rikkaampi. I'm richer than you. I'm richer than you. >>en<< I know Tom isn't that stupid. I know that Tom isn't that stupid. I know that Tom isn't that stupid. >>es<< I didn't mean to be disrespectful. No fue mi intención ser irrespetuoso. No quería ser irrespetuoso. >>en<< Necesitás más práctica. You need more practice. You need more practice. >>en<< I don't think I'll ever be able to do that. I don't think that I'll ever be able to do that. I don't think I'll ever be able to do that. >>es<< I can't remember if Tom works with the deaf or the blind. No recuerdo si Tomás trabaja con sordos o con ciegos. No recuerdo si Tom trabaja con los sordos o los ciegos. >>en<< Tom and Mary said they weren't thirty. Tom and Mary said that they weren't thirty. Tom and Mary said that they weren't thirty. >>es<< He is nothing. Él no es nada. Él no es nada. >>en<< Tom is about the same height as Mary. Tom is about the same height as Mary is. Tom is about the same height as Mary. >>en<< Te daré el helado cuando te hayas comido todas las zanahorias. I'll give you the ice cream after you eat all the carrots. I'll give you the ice cream when you've eaten all the carrots. >>es<< "99 kopeks," Dima stated proudly. "I need 99 kopeks." –99 kopeks –le informó Dima orgulloso– necesito 99 kopeks. "99 kopeks", dijo Dima con orgullo. "Necesito 99 kopeks." >>en<< Mitähän tekisin, jos teetä ei olisi olemassa? What would I do if tea didn't exist? What would I do if there wasn't any tea? >>en<< Independientemente de la edad, cualquiera puede solicitarlo. Regardless of age, everybody can apply for it. Regardless of age, anyone can apply. >>en<< Ilmapallon pinta ei ole euklidinen avaruus, eikä siksi noudata euklidisen geometrian sääntöjä. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the balloon is not an euclide space and therefore does not comply with the rules of the euclide geometry. >>el<< I want a green one. Θέλω ένα πράσινο. Θέλω ένα πράσινο. >>fi<< Do you speak Italian? Puhutko italiaa? Puhutko italiaa? >>es<< I told him, once for all, that I would not marry him. Le dije de una vez por todas que no me casaré con él. Le dije, de una vez por todas, que no me casaría con él. >>en<< Su habitación está siempre desordenada. His room is always out of order. His room is always messed up. >>en<< Tom deserves the same chance we gave Mary. Tom deserves the same chance that we gave Mary. Tom deserves the same chance we gave Mary. >>es<< Never forget this, please. Nunca se olvide de eso, por favor. Nunca olvides esto, por favor. >>en<< Tämä on todella tärkeää meille. This is very important to us. This is really important to us. >>en<< Ninguno en la fiesta me era conocido. I didn't know anyone at the party. None at the party was known to me. >>es<< Tom was stupid enough to believe what Mary said. Tom era bastante estúpido por creer lo que dijo María. Tom era lo suficientemente estúpido como para creer lo que María dijo. >>el<< Ve la tele mientras plancha. Βλέπει τηλεόραση ενώ σιδερώνει. Δείτε την τηλεόραση όσο σιδερώνει. >>el<< The knife on the table wasn't sharp enough to cut the meat, so I used my pocket knife. Το μαχαίρι στο τραπέζι δεν ήταν αρκετά κοφτερό για το κρέας και έτσι χρησιμοποίησα το σουγιά μου. Το μαχαίρι στο τραπέζι δεν ήταν αρκετά αιχμηρό για να κόψει το κρέας, οπότε χρησιμοποίησα το μαχαίρι της τσέπης μου. >>en<< Envidia a todos sus amigos. He envies all his friends. He envy all his friends. >>en<< Tom tarvitsi vähän rahaa ostaakseen jotakin Marylle. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. >>en<< Tom said Mary was likely to be puzzled. Tom said that Mary was likely to be puzzled. Tom said that Mary was likely to be puzzled. >>en<< En voi vastata kysymykseenne. I can not answer your question. I can't answer your question. >>es<< You were careless in your action. Tú fuiste descuidado en tu actuar. Estuviste descuidado en tu acción. >>es<< Me molemmat nauroimme. Los dos nos reímos. Los dos nos reímos. >>es<< That's too bad. Eso es una lástima. Qué lástima. >>es<< We only have three hours. Solo tenemos tres horas. Sólo tenemos tres horas. >>en<< Ο φίλος σου είναι εδώ. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. >>en<< Tom halusi tietää kuinka paljon kello on. Tom wanted to know the time. Tom wanted to know how much time it is. >>es<< I am a United States citizen. Soy un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Soy ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. >>en<< Vamos a explorar todos los planetas que giran alrededor del Sol. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. Let's explore all the planets that turn around the Sun. >>fi<< Everyone dreams. Kaikki unelmoivat. Kaikki unelmoivat. >>fi<< The water turned to ice. Vesi jäätyi. Vesi muuttui jääksi. >>es<< I wish my father had lived longer. Ojalá mi padre hubiera vivido mucho más. Ojalá mi padre hubiera vivido más tiempo. >>en<< Hänestä on mukavaa laittaa ruokaa perheelleen. He likes cooking for his family. He thinks it's nice to make food for his family. >>es<< Right after my arrest I was interrogated several times. Inmediatamente seguido de mi arresto, fui interrogado varias veces. Justo después de mi arresto fui interrogado varias veces. >>en<< Tom said he's not looking for a relationship. Tom said he isn't looking for a relationship. Tom said that he's not looking for a relationship. >>fi<< How do you like it? Mitä tykkäät siitä? Miltä se maistuu? >>en<< Tom said that he didn't think that Mary could keep John from doing that. Tom said he didn't think that Mary could keep John from doing that. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary could keep John from doing that. >>fi<< It's a little big. Se on vähän iso. Se on vähän iso. >>en<< I didn't think Tom took us seriously. I didn't think that Tom took us seriously. I didn't think that Tom took us seriously. >>es<< There was a lot at stake. Había mucho en riesgo. Hubo mucho en juego. >>en<< They got their notebooks out. They got out their notebooks. They got their notebooks out. >>en<< ¿Qué quieres que diga? What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say? >>es<< Schools must pay more attention to language learning and to literature. Las escuelas tienen que prestar más atención al aprendizaje de lenguas y a la literatura. Las escuelas deben prestar más atención al aprendizaje de idiomas y a la literatura. >>fi<< He is said to be honest. Hänen sanotaan olevan rehellinen. Hänen sanotaan olevan rehellinen. >>fi<< Are you going to the party? Menettekö siihen juhlaan? Menetkö juhliin? >>en<< Mary tiene buenas piernas. Mary has nice legs. Mary has good legs. >>es<< I have no one to turn to for advice. No tengo a nadie a quien acudir para que me aconseje. No tengo a nadie a quien acudir por consejo. >>en<< Pero, ¿recibiste los mensajes? But have you received the messages? But did you get the messages? >>en<< I didn't know that Tom wouldn't be able to do that for me. I didn't know Tom wouldn't be able to do that for me. I didn't know Tom wouldn't be able to do that for me. >>fi<< Have a little of this cake. Maistapa vähän tätä kakkua. Ota tämä kakku. >>en<< ¿Deberíamos levantarnos temprano? Should we get up earlier? Should we get up early? >>es<< That book contains useful ideas. Ese libro encierra ideas útiles. Ese libro contiene ideas útiles. >>en<< Tom no está acostumbrado a andar descalzo. Tom isn't used to walking barefooted. Tom is not used to walking barefoot. >>en<< Teidän talonne on hyvin moderni. Your house is very modern. Your house is very modern. >>en<< Tom couldn't believe that someone wanted to kill him. Tom couldn't believe somebody wanted to kill him. Tom couldn't believe that someone wanted to kill him. >>es<< She is no less clever than her sister. Ella no es menos lista que su hermana. No es menos inteligente que su hermana. >>es<< We should remain here. Deberíamos quedarnos aquí. Deberíamos quedarnos aquí. >>el<< Don't be so hard on your son. Μην είσαι τόσο σκληρός με το γιο σου. Μην είσαι τόσο σκληρός με τον γιο σου. >>fi<< Mods sure have it difficult. It's like "Here, have a bit of power, do what you have to", and all the garbage gets thrown at you. Palstanvalvojien osa ei ole helppo. Sanotaan vain: "Otappa tästä rahtunen valtaa ja tee mitä täytyy", ja sitten viskataan roskavuori niskaan. "Tässä on vähän voimaa, tehdä mitä pitää", ja kaikki roskat heitetään päällesi. >>fi<< Paljon kiitoksia. Suurkiitokset! Paljon kiitoksia. >>en<< No hay que ser así. It doesn't have to be like this. You don't have to be like that. >>en<< No eres canadiense, ¿verdad? You're not Canadian, are you? You're not Canadian, are you? >>en<< ¿Quién puede decir lo que pasará en el futuro? Who can tell what will happen in the future? Who can say what will happen in the future? >>fi<< The evidence doesn't support the claim. Todisteet eivät tue väitettä. Todisteet eivät tue väitettä. >>es<< You cannot buy that judge. No se puede sobornar a ese juez. No puedes comprar a ese juez. >>en<< Dios los cría y ellos se juntan. Birds of a feather flock together. God raise them and they come together. >>en<< He menevät naimisiin ensi kuussa. They will get married next month. They're getting married next month. >>es<< Los humanos no queremos darnos cuenta de que lo mejor para seguir adelante es lo peor para el estilo de vida que unos pocos se han sacado de la manga para el Primer Mundo. Los seres humanos rehusamos darnos cuenta de que lo mejor para seguir adelante es lo peor para el estilo de vida que unos pocos se han sacado de la manga para el Primer Mundo. Los humanos no queremos darnos cuenta de que lo mejor para seguir adelante es lo peor para el estilo de vida que unos pocos se han sacado de la manga para el Primer Mundo. >>en<< Yo he estado trabajando en una biblioteca desde enero. I have been working in the library since January. I've been working in a library since January. >>en<< I don't think that anybody can help me anymore. I don't think that anyone can help me anymore. I don't think that anybody can help me anymore. >>fi<< He deserves to be beaten with a stick twenty-five times. Hän ansaitsee tulla kepillä pieksetyksi 25 kertaa. Hän ansaitsee 25-kerran lyönnin. >>es<< The machine features some ventilation slots. La máquina dispone de unas ranuras para la ventilación. La máquina cuenta con algunas ranuras de ventilación. >>fi<< Please go to school. Mene kouluun, ole ystävällinen. Mene kouluun. >>en<< Älä ole noin naiivi. Stop being so naive. Don't be so naive. >>en<< Jim dejó París ayer. Jim left Paris yesterday. Jim left Paris yesterday. >>el<< Tell us why. Πείτε μας γιατί. Πες μας γιατί. >>en<< Nykyään on todella yleistä kuulla ihmisten sanovan: "Tuo nyt on aika loukkaavaa", ihan kuin se antaisi heille tiettyjä oikeuksia. Se on vain valitusta. Sillä ei ole merkitystä, ei tarkoitusta, eikä perusteita saada kunnioitusta lauseena. "Tuo on minusta loukkaavaa." Niin, mitä vittu sitten? It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what? Nowadays it's really common to hear people say, "That's time offensive," as if it would give them certain rights. It's just a complaint. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have grounds for respect as a sentence. "That's offensive to me." Yeah, what the fuck is it? >>en<< Preguntémosle a un agente de viajes. Let's ask a travel agent. Let's ask a travel agent. >>en<< En minä tiedä, että pystynkö siihen, mutta yritän. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm trying. >>en<< Tom told me he was unafraid. Tom told me that he wasn't afraid. Tom told me that he was unafraid. >>el<< Is it blue? Είναι μπλε; Είναι μπλε; >>en<< I thought that you said that I have to do that. I thought you said that I have to do that. I thought that you said that I have to do that. >>es<< You're not the only one! ¡No eres el único! ¡Tú no eres el único! >>en<< I don't think that anyone disputes that. I don't think that anybody disputes that. I don't think that anyone disputes that. >>es<< Πού είναι η έξοδος κινδύνου; ¿Dónde está la salida de emergencia? ¿Dónde está la salida de peligro? >>en<< Tom knew that I was going to win. Tom knew I was going to win. Tom knew that I was going to win. >>en<< Tom knows he's partly to blame. Tom knows that he's partly to blame. Tom knows that he's partly to blame. >>fi<< Well, should we get started? No, pitäisikö meidän aloittaa? Aloitetaanko? >>en<< Su hija no cocina bien. Her daughter is not a good cook. Your daughter doesn't cook well. >>en<< Dame una mano con mi tarea, por favor. Please give me a hand with my homework. Give me a hand with my homework, please. >>es<< Tom wasn't able to do what he wanted to do. Tom no fue capaz de hacer lo que quería hacer. Tom no pudo hacer lo que quería. >>es<< That's never going to happen. Eso nunca va a pasar. Eso nunca va a pasar. >>en<< Älä unohda, että hyviä työpaikkoja sattuu vain harvoin kohdalle tänä päivänä. Don't forget that good jobs are very hard to come by these days. Don't forget that good jobs rarely happen today. >>es<< The rooster crows, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" in the morning. "¡Quiquiriquí!" canta el gallo por la mañana. Los cuervos de gallo, "¡Cock-a-doodle-doo!" por la mañana. >>en<< ¿Qué vas a hacer ahora? What are you going to make now? What are you gonna do now? >>en<< ¿De verdad tienes billetes gratis para el concierto? Do you really have free tickets for the concert? Do you really have free tickets for the concert? >>es<< I know where you live. Sé dónde vive. Sé dónde vives. >>fi<< I should have taken the money. Minun olisi pitänyt ottaa rahat. Minun olisi pitänyt ottaa rahat. >>en<< Tom no parece muy feliz. Tom doesn't look too happy. Tom doesn't seem very happy. >>es<< Hän näytti sairaalta. Él lucía enfermo. Parecía enferma. >>en<< Tom told me that he thought Mary was desperate. Tom told me he thought that Mary was desperate. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was desperate. >>en<< Tom said Mary likes to do that. Tom said that Mary likes to do that. Tom said that Mary likes to do that. >>en<< The door bell has rung. The doorbell rang. The door bell has rung. >>en<< Why do you suspect that Tom was the one who did that? Why do you suspect Tom was the one who did that? Why do you suspect Tom was the one who did that? >>en<< Tom se dio cuenta de que Mary no estaba escuchando. Tom realized Mary wasn't listening. Tom realized that Mary wasn't listening. >>en<< Luulen että olemme yhä Puolassa. I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland. >>fi<< I have a little money with me now. Minulla on vähän rahaa mukanani. Minulla on nyt vähän rahaa mukanani. >>es<< It's very far from here. Está muy lejos de aquí. Está muy lejos de aquí. >>fi<< It's hard to say no to Tom. On vaikeaa sanoa ei Tomille. On vaikea kieltää Tomia. >>en<< Además, puedo volar. Also, I can fly. Besides, I can fly. >>el<< What do you do? Τί κάνεις; Τι κάνεις; >>en<< Lo hizo él mismo. He himself did it. He did it himself. >>en<< Tomi on kuuluisa. Tom is a celebrity. Tom is famous. >>es<< Since I started wearing glasses myself, I started liking the anime where the protagonists wear glasses. Desde que yo mismo comencé a usar gafas, me empezó a agradar el anime en donde los protagonistas usan gafas. Desde que empecé a llevar gafas yo mismo, empecé a gustar el anime donde los protagonistas usaban gafas. >>en<< I am waiting for my driver. I'm waiting for my driver. I am waiting for my driver. >>en<< I thought I performed well. I thought that I performed well. I thought I performed well. >>fi<< You don't need to worry about it. Sinun ei tarvitse olla siitä huolestunut. Sinun ei tarvitse huolehtia siitä. >>es<< He bought me a new dictionary. Él me ha comprado un nuevo diccionario. Me compró un nuevo diccionario. >>es<< He put aside the book. Él puso el libro a un lado. Él puso a un lado el libro. >>en<< ¿Hay algún líquido u objetos punzantes en tu equipaje? Are there any liquids or sharp objects in your luggage? Is there any liquid or punctuating objects in your luggage? >>en<< Voin suojella Tomia. I can protect Tom. I can protect Tom. >>es<< I hope she's wrong. Espero que esté equivocada. Espero que esté equivocada. >>es<< Hän puhuu sujuvasti ranskaa. Habla un francés fluido. Habla bien francés. >>es<< I know him for a man of ability. Le conozco por ser un hombre habilidoso. Lo conozco por un hombre de habilidad. >>es<< I don't need your charity. No necesito tu caridad. No necesito tu caridad. >>en<< Él no está avergonzado de que su padre sea pobre. He is not ashamed of his father being poor. He's not ashamed that his father is poor. >>es<< I would like you to come with me. Tengo ganas de que vengas conmigo. Me gustaría que vinieras conmigo. >>en<< Él estaba aquí entonces. He was here at that time. He was here then. >>en<< How did you know I wanted to go to Boston? How did you know that I wanted to go to Boston? How did you know I wanted to go to Boston? >>es<< Instead of eating vegetables, he puts them in a blender and drinks them. En vez de comer verduras, él las pone en la licuadora y se las bebe. En lugar de comer verduras, las pone en una mezcla y las bebe. >>en<< Trata de mejorar tu inglés. Try to improve your English. Try to improve your English. >>en<< ¿Qué salsas usan los abjasios? Which sauces do the Abkhazians use? What sauces do the Abkhazs use? >>es<< The vagabond, when rich, is called a tourist. Si un vagabundo es rico, se le llama turista. El vagabundo, cuando es rico, se llama turista. >>en<< I'm glad we didn't wait any longer. I'm glad that we didn't wait any longer. I'm glad we didn't wait any longer. >>en<< ¿Dónde está la estación de tren? Where is the train station? Where's the train station? >>es<< Mind your own business! ¡Meteos en vuestros asuntos! ¡Cuidado con tus propios asuntos! >>fi<< I'm not arguing with you. En minä kinastele. En riitele kanssasi. >>el<< Tell them that I'm here. Πέστε τους ότι είμαι εδώ Πες τους ότι είμαι εδώ. >>en<< Minulla oli kiireinen aamu. I had a busy morning. I had a busy morning. >>es<< He was sound asleep. Él estaba profundamente dormido. Estaba dormido. >>fi<< Release him! Vapauttakaa hänet! Vapauta hänet! >>en<< Vaara on ilmeisesti ohi. The danger is apparently over. Looks like the danger's over. >>en<< Koko luokan täytyi opetella runo ulkoa. Everyone in the class has to learn the poem by heart. The whole class had to learn poetry outside. >>es<< That was very harsh. Eso fue muy rudo. Eso fue muy duro. >>en<< Los chetos me la bajan. I can't stand annoying rich people. The chets put it down. >>es<< Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien. Diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cientos. >>en<< Είναι πολύ πικάντικο για μένα. It's too spicy for me. It's too spicy for me. >>en<< Tom said that he didn't think that Mary would enjoy that movie. Tom said he didn't think that Mary would enjoy that movie. Tom said that he didn't think that Mary would enjoy that movie. >>en<< Dios escuchó mis oraciones. God listened to my prayers. God heard my prayers. >>en<< Te sanoitte, että auttaisitte häntä. You said you'd help her. You said you'd help him. >>en<< Minun pitää selittää yksi juttu. There's something I need to explain. There's something I need to explain. >>es<< Have you ever had a nosebleed in summer? ¿Alguna vez te ha sangrado la nariz en verano? ¿Alguna vez tuviste una hemorragia nasal en el verano? >>es<< The food is fresh and healthy. La comida es fresca y saludable. La comida es fresca y saludable. >>en<< Miten se auttaa? How does that help? How does that help? >>en<< Hän on ostamassa kirjoja kirjakaupassa. She is buying books in the bookstore. He's buying books at the bookstore. >>en<< Varios inmigrantes ilegales aparecieron muertos no muy lejos del cruce de la frontera. Several illegal immigrants were found dead not far from the border crossing. Several illegal immigrants appeared dead not far from the border crossing. >>en<< A Tom no le podía importar menos lo que María pensara. Tom couldn't care less what Mary thinks. Tom couldn't care less what Mary thought. >>en<< Él no creía que nadie haya tenido el derecho a actuar así. He did not believe anyone had the right to do so. He didn't believe that anyone had the right to act like that. >>es<< Tom says he can't put up with this noise any longer. Tom dice que ya no puede soportar este ruido. Tom dice que ya no puede soportar este ruido. >>en<< Presidenttiä on vaikea lähestyä. The president is difficult to approach. It's hard to reach the President. >>es<< A submarine can travel over and under the water. Un submarino puede viajar sobre y bajo el agua. Un submarino puede viajar por y bajo el agua. >>en<< El lago Poyang es el lago más grande de agua dulce en China. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. Lake Poyang is the largest freshwater lake in China. >>fi<< Let's wait here until he turns up. Odotetaan täällä kunnes hän ilmestyy paikalle. Odotetaan täällä, kunnes hän ilmestyy. >>en<< ¿Estáis listos para volar? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? >>en<< No puedo ver. I can't see. I can't see. >>en<< Είναι από την Ελλάδα. They're from Greece. He's from Greece. >>en<< Conozco a los dos. I know both of them. I know both of you. >>en<< Las cuatro estaciones del año son: primavera, verano, otoño e invierno. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. The four seasons of the year are: spring, summer, autumn and winter. >>el<< He trusted you. Σε εμπιστεύτηκε. Σε εμπιστεύτηκε. >>en<< Buen trabajo, Tom. Good work, Tom. Good job, Tom. >>en<< It's not nearly as cold today as I thought it was going to be. It isn't nearly as cold today as I thought it was going to be. It's not nearly as cold today as I thought it was going to be. >>es<< Can I ask a question? ¿Puedo hacer una pregunta? ¿Puedo hacer una pregunta? >>fi<< Please go to the Surgery Department. Mene kirurgiselle osastolle. Mene leikkausosastolle. >>es<< Life is but an empty dream. La vida no es más que un sueño sin sentido. La vida no es más que un sueño vacío. >>es<< Tom on vielä sairaalahoidossa. Tom aún está hospitalizado. Tom aún está en el hospital. >>en<< Νομίζεις πως αυτό είναι αστείο; Do you think this is a joke? You think that's funny? >>en<< Estuve pensando en ti el día de hoy. I was thinking about you earlier today. I've been thinking about you today. >>en<< Που μένει αυτός; Where does he live? Where does he live? >>el<< Emily stole my heart. Η Αιμιλία μου έκλεψε την καρδιά. Η Έμιλι έκλεψε την καρδιά μου. >>en<< Φίλησέ με, Τομ. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. >>en<< Tom tietää missä sinä olet. Tom knows where you are. Tom knows where you are. >>es<< A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. Un bebé es la opinión de Dios de que la vida debe continuar. Un bebé es la opinión de Dios de que la vida debe continuar. >>en<< Έφτασα. I arrived. I'm here. >>en<< Τους ξεγελάσαμε. We tricked them. We fooled them. >>es<< Please let me say something. Déjame por favor decir algo. Por favor, déjame decir algo. >>en<< No me llamo "chicos". My name is not "You guys". I'm not called "boys." >>es<< What's that letter about? ¿De qué se trata esa carta? ¿De qué se trata esa carta? >>es<< Why are you so insecure? ¿Por qué es tan inseguro? ¿Por qué eres tan inseguro? >>fi<< Tom died because of me. Tom kuoli takiani. Tom kuoli minun takiani. >>fi<< I hope that the exam is easy. Toivottavasti koe on helppo. Toivottavasti koe on helppo. >>es<< He sent the letter back unopened. Él devolvió la carta sin abrirla. Él envió la carta de nuevo sin abrir. >>fi<< The thief got in without being noticed. Varas pääsi sisään huomaamatta. Varas pääsi sisään huomaamatta. >>es<< Follow his example. Siga su ejemplo. Siga su ejemplo. >>en<< ¿Te has mareado alguna vez en un avión? Have you ever felt dizzy on a plane? Have you ever been dizzy on a plane? >>el<< My father didn't eat dinner yet. Ο πατέρας μου δε δείπνησε ακόμα. Ο πατέρας μου δεν έφαγε ακόμα. >>en<< Bienvenidas a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. >>en<< No vi a nadie. I didn't see anybody. I didn't see anyone. >>fi<< I can't do it again. En voi tehdä sitä uudelleen. En pysty siihen enää. >>en<< Tahtoisitko jotakin syötävää? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? >>fi<< I'm trying to get this door open. Minä koetan saada tätä ovea auki. Yritän avata oven. >>es<< Tom lit the fire. Tom encendió el fuego. Tom encendió el fuego. >>en<< I never should've mentioned it. I never should have mentioned it. I never should've mentioned it. >>fi<< What does she want in return? Mitä hän haluaa vaihdossa? Mitä hän haluaa vastineeksi? >>en<< I thought that Tom would be willing to do that. I thought Tom would be willing to do that. I thought Tom would be willing to do that. >>en<< Es difícil para mi padre dejar la bebida. It's hard for my father to give up drinking. It's hard for my father to leave the drink. >>en<< Tom won't let anyone but Mary drive his car. Tom won't let anybody except Mary drive his car. Tom won't let anyone but Mary drive his car. >>fi<< I hurt my knee. Minä satutin polveni. Satutin polveni. >>fi<< La gente puede elegir entre tú y yo. Ihmiset voivat valita joko sinut tai minut. Ihmiset voivat valita meidän välillämme. >>en<< Hän maalasi seinän punaiseksi. She painted the wall red. He painted the wall red. >>fi<< She went upstairs to her room. Hän meni yläkertaan huoneeseensa. Hän meni yläkertaan huoneeseensa. >>es<< He presented me to his brother. Me presentó a su hermano. Me presentó a su hermano. >>el<< The snow was making it hard to see. Το χιόνι δυσκόλευε τη δυνατότητα να δεις. Το χιόνι ήταν δύσκολο να το δεις. >>en<< Ilman sinun apuasi en olisi voinut tehdä sitä. Had it not been for your help, I could not have done it. Without your help, I couldn't have done it. >>en<< Él trató de suicidarse porque había perdido el amor de ella. He tried to kill himself because he lost her love. He tried to kill himself because he had lost her love. >>en<< Θέλω μια κουβέρτα. I want a blanket. I want a blanket. >>fi<< Did you study French yesterday? Opiskelitko ranskaa eilen? Opiskelitko eilen ranskaa? >>en<< We are going to a dance tomorrow. We're going to a dance tomorrow. We are going to a dance tomorrow. >>en<< Yhä vähemmän ihmisiä työskentelevät ylläpitääkseen kasvavaa määrää valtion tuilla eläviä. Fewer and fewer people are working to support more and more people living on government benefits. Less and less people work to maintain a growing number of people living with state aid. >>en<< Tom thinks I'm stupid. Tom thinks that I'm stupid. Tom thinks I'm stupid. >>el<< Tom taught us a lot. Ο Τομ μας δίδαξε πολλά. Ο Τομ μας έμαθε πολλά. >>en<< Sinuna en tekisi niin. If I were you, I wouldn't do it. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. >>en<< Does anybody in the audience have any questions? Does anyone in the audience have any questions? Does anybody in the audience have any questions? >>es<< You cannot walk the streets in such a strange outfit. Tú no puedes ir por las calles con tal extraño conjunto. No puedes caminar por las calles con un atuendo tan extraño. >>en<< I know that Tom didn't know why you wanted me to do that. I know Tom didn't know why you wanted me to do that. I know Tom didn't know why you wanted me to do that. >>es<< Tomilla on serkku nimeltään Mary. Tom tiene una prima de nombre María. Tom tiene un primo llamado Mary. >>en<< Jokin huolestuttaa heitä. Something's worrying them. They're worried about something. >>en<< "Kuinka siskosi voi?" "Sisarukseni ei tunnusta binääristä sukupuolijaottelua eikä siksi halua tulla kutsutuksi siskokseni." "How's your sister?" "My sibling is non-binary, and they don't appreciate being called my sister." "How can your sister?" "My sister doesn't confess binary sex division and that's why she wants to be called my sister." >>en<< Tomás comió torta. Tom ate cake. Tom ate cake. >>el<< Tom will forgive you. Θα σας συγχωρήσει ο Τομ. Ο Τομ θα σε συγχωρήσει. >>en<< Meg siempre actúa de forma generosa. Meg always acts generously. Meg always acts generously. >>en<< Hemos intentado todo. We have tried everything. We've tried everything. >>en<< Nuestro vuelo sale a mediodía, y llegará a Okinawa a la 1:30. Our plane leaves at noon, arriving in Okinawa at 1:30. Our flight leaves at noon, and he arrives at Okinawa at 1:30. >>fi<< This man is dead. Tämä mies on menehtynyt. Tämä mies on kuollut. >>es<< The separatists are stealing the symbols of the Black Spring events in which they never participated. Los separatistas se están haciendo con los símbolos de la Primavera Negra en la que nunca participaron. Los separatistas están robando los símbolos de los eventos de la Primavera Negra en los que nunca participaron. >>es<< Do you like the city? ¿Te gusta la ciudad? ¿Te gusta la ciudad? >>fi<< He stayed at a hotel. Hän yöpyi hotellissa. Hän asui hotellissa. >>es<< One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large convention. Un fin de semana todos los hoteles de la ciudad estuvieron llenos porque hubo una gran convención. Un fin de semana todos los hoteles de la ciudad estaban llenos porque había una gran convención. >>fi<< Tom tried to get the window open. Tomi yritti avata ikkunan. Tom yritti avata ikkunan. >>fi<< I was having a bath when the telephone rang. Olin juuri kylvyssä, kun puhelin pirisi. Kylpysin, kun puhelin soi. >>en<< Είστε μέλος σε κάποιο γυμναστήριο; Do you have a gym membership? Are you a member of a gym? >>en<< You should've declined the invitation. You should have declined the invitation. You should've declined the invitation. >>en<< Sinun täytyy uskoa minua. You have to believe me. You have to believe me. >>en<< Haluaisin mennä elokuviin. I'd like to go to the movies. I'd like to go to the movies. >>fi<< Tom doesn't actually speak much French. Tom ei oikeastaan puhu paljonkaan ranskaa. Tom ei oikeastaan puhu paljon ranskaa. >>es<< They are on good terms with each other. Ellos se llevan bien. Están en buenas condiciones el uno con el otro. >>en<< Tom said it's not over. Tom said that it's not over. Tom said it's not over. >>en<< Mary es bonita ¿verdad? Mary is beautiful, isn't she? Mary's pretty, isn't she? >>es<< I never imagined that you would say that. Nunca imaginé que dirías esto. Nunca imaginé que dirías eso. >>en<< ¿Quién se lo va a decir a Tom? Who's going to tell Tom? Who's gonna tell Tom? >>fi<< Tom looks very happy. Tom näyttää hyvin onnelliselta. Tom näyttää hyvin onnelliselta. >>en<< La experiencia lo dice todo en estos casos. Experience talks in these cases. Experience says everything in these cases. >>en<< Lo hice porque se me ordenó. I did that because I was ordered to. I did it because I was ordered. >>en<< Me sentía desnuda en un mundo extraño. Sentí como tal vez un pájaro puede sentir en el aire despejado, conociendo las alas del halcón por encima y que se lanzará. I felt naked in a strange world. I felt as perhaps a bird may feel in the clear air, knowing the hawk wings above and will swoop. I felt naked in a strange world. I felt like maybe a bird can feel in the air clear, knowing the wings of the hawk above and that will be thrown. >>es<< Which ball is white? ¿Qué pelota es blanca? ¿Qué pelota es blanca? >>fi<< There is only one can of meat left. Siellä on jäljellä vain yksi säilykepurkki lihaa. Jäljelle jää vain yksi lihapullo. >>en<< You know Tom can't speak French very well, don't you? You know that Tom can't speak French very well, don't you? You know that Tom can't speak French very well, don't you? >>en<< Πίνεις πράσινο τσάι; Do you drink green tea? Do you drink green tea? >>en<< I think Tom is motivated to do that. I think that Tom is motivated to do that. I think that Tom is motivated to do that. >>en<< Tomi odottaa autossaan Maria. Tom is in his car waiting for Mary. Tom is waiting in his car, Maria. >>en<< Los poetas escriben poemas. Poets write poems. The poets write poems. >>en<< Älä unohda sulkea ovea. Don't forget to close the door. Don't forget to close the door. >>es<< You're wearing my hat. Llevas puesto mi sombrero. Estás usando mi sombrero. >>es<< Mom is now in heaven. Mamá ahora está en el cielo. Mamá está ahora en el cielo. >>en<< Hänen täytyy olla yli kuudenkympin. He must be over sixty. He must be over sixty. >>es<< The teacher listened attentively to my explanation. El profesor escuchó atentamente mi explicación. El maestro escuchó atentamente mi explicación. >>en<< Tom said that he knew Mary was happy. Tom said that he knew that Mary was happy. Tom said that he knew Mary was happy. >>en<< ¡Bienvenido al infierno! Welcome to hell! Welcome to hell! >>en<< Ella cantó mejor que él. She sang better than he. She sang better than him. >>en<< Näin Tomin osuvan Mariin. I saw Tom hit Mary. I saw Tom hit Mari. >>en<< No quiero limpiar caca de perro. I don't wanna clean up dog shit. I don't want to clean up dog poop. >>en<< Ella se aburrió rápidamente. She got bored quickly. She got bored quickly. >>el<< I speak German. Μιλάω Γερμανικά. Μιλάω Γερμανικά. >>en<< La madera seca se quema bien. Dry wood burns well. Dry wood burns well. >>el<< She is twenty years old. Είναι είκοσι ετών. Είναι είκοσι χρονών. >>en<< Marin antama kirja oli Tomista aika tylsä. Tom found the book Mary had given him quite boring. The book given by Mari was pretty boring to Tom. >>es<< Things have become so expensive! ¡Todo se ha puesto tan caro! ¡Las cosas se han vuelto tan caras! >>es<< I thought you already have a job. Pensé que ya tenías un empleo. Pensé que ya tenías un trabajo. >>en<< They know that they have to speak French. They know they have to speak French. They know that they have to speak French. >>es<< Do you think I'm too tall? ¿Piensas que soy demasiado alto? ¿Crees que soy demasiado alto? >>es<< Everyone quieted down. Todos bajaron la voz. Todo el mundo se calló. >>en<< Tom se perdió en el bosque. Tom lost his way in the woods. Tom lost himself in the woods. >>en<< Se le ha urgido a Japón cambiar su política diplomática. Japan has been urged to alter her diplomatic policies. Japan has been urged to change its diplomatic policy. >>en<< Ruoki koira. Please feed the dog. Food dog. >>fi<< I like to keep it simple. Mä tykkään pitää asiat yksinkertaisina. Pidän siitä yksinkertaisena. >>es<< De joven Mary aseguraba que el dinero era la raíz de todos los males humanos; no obstante lo cual, a los cuarenta y pocos, acabó siendo ejecutiva jefe de una multinacional. De joven Mary aseguraba que el dinero era la raíz de todos los males humanos; a pesar de lo cual, a los cuarenta y pocos años, llegó a ser ejecutiva jefe de una multinacional. De joven Mary aseguraba que el dinero era la raíz de todos los males humanos; no obstante lo cual, a los cuarenta y pocos, terminó siendo ejecutivo jefe de una multinacional. >>en<< Jos ravitsee itseään pelkällä toivolla, voi kuolla nälkään. While feeding only on hope, you can die of hunger. If you feed yourself with just hope, you can starve to death. >>es<< After the meal, I asked for the bill. Tras la comida, pedí que me dieran la cuenta. Después de la comida, pedí la factura. >>en<< They're in the car. They are in the car. They're in the car. >>en<< Guardaré el dinero para la próxima vez. I'll save the money for the next time. I'll save the money for next time. >>fi<< The country was unable to pay its debts. Valtio ei kyennyt maksamaan velkojaan. Maa ei pystynyt maksamaan velkaansa. >>es<< There is a big hole in your stocking. Hay un hoyo grande en tu calcetín. Hay un gran agujero en tu media. >>es<< Are they here? ¿Están ellas aquí? ¿Están aquí? >>en<< They said that they planned on going. They said they planned on going. They said they planned on going. >>es<< There's no space in the room for another bed. No hay espacio en el cuarto para otra cama. No hay espacio en la habitación para otra cama. >>en<< I also don't think Tom needs to do that. I also don't think that Tom needs to do that. I also don't think that Tom needs to do that. >>es<< How do you operate this machine? ¿Cómo se maneja esta máquina? ¿Cómo operas esta máquina? >>en<< No puedo lidiar con esto ahora. I just can't deal with this now. I can't deal with this now. >>fi<< ¿Puedo trabajar a tiempo parcial? Voinko tehdä töitä osa-aikaisesti? Voinko työskennellä osa-aikaisesti? >>es<< I will go to see him instead of you. Voy a verle en tu lugar. Iré a verlo en lugar de ti. >>el<< You did this intentionally! Το έκανες επίτηδες! Το έκανες σκόπιμα! >>es<< I read four new books. Leí cuatro libros nuevos. Leí cuatro libros nuevos. >>es<< That helps a lot. Ha sido una gran ayuda. Eso ayuda mucho. >>en<< ¿El inglés es más difícil que el japonés? Is English harder than Japanese? Is English harder than Japanese? >>en<< No puedo soportar el calor. I can't take the heat. I can't stand the heat. >>es<< There were many things that needed to be done before we could leave. Había muchas cosas que hacer antes de que pudiéramos irnos. Había muchas cosas que debían hacerse antes de que pudiéramos irnos. >>en<< Estás cansado. Yo también estoy cansado. You're tired. I'm also tired. You're tired, I'm tired, too. >>en<< Mieluummin kuolisin. I'd rather die. I'd rather die. >>es<< Are you going to sit with me? ¿Te vas a sentar conmigo? ¿Vas a sentarte conmigo? >>en<< Cuento contigo. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. >>el<< What's your favorite color? Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου χρώμα; Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου χρώμα; >>en<< Ο Τομ δε θέλει να μάθει Γαλλικά. Tom doesn't want to learn French. Tom doesn't want to learn French. >>en<< Είναι δύσκολο να είσαι τερματοφύλακας; Is it hard being a goalie? Is it hard to be a warden? >>es<< It's easy to make friends, but hard to get rid of them. Hacer amigos es fácil, pero es difícil deshacerse de ellos. Es fácil hacer amigos, pero difícil deshacerse de ellos. >>en<< No eres mejor recordando cosas de lo que soy yo. You are no better at remembering things than I am. You're not better remembering things than I am. >>en<< Él puede predecir el futuro. He can predict the future. He can predict the future. >>fi<< Tom is finding his new job very demanding, and he often finds it difficult to find time for his family. Tomin mielestä hänen uusi työnsä on hyvin vaativa ja hänellä on usein vaikeaa löytää aikaa perheelleen. Tom löytää uuden työnsä erittäin vaativaksi, ja hän usein on vaikea löytää aikaa perheelleen. >>en<< Είναι Ουκρανή. She's Ukrainian. It's Ukrainian. >>es<< Kuka tahansa tuleekaan, en päästä häntä sisään. Quienquiera que venga, no lo dejaré entrar. Cualquiera que venga, no lo dejaré entrar. >>en<< Deberías tener en cuenta que ella es mucho más joven que tú. You must keep in mind that she's much younger than you. You should keep in mind that she's much younger than you. >>en<< Τι ώρα σε βολεύει; What time is good for you? What time does it suit you? >>en<< Teidän on tehtävä se heti paikalla. You must do it at once. You have to do it right there. >>en<< Me siento como un niño que de pronto descubre que Papá Noel no existe. I feel like a kid who suddenly realizes that Santa Claus doesn't exist. I feel like a boy who suddenly discovers that Santa doesn't exist. >>en<< ¿Por qué Tom no quería hacer eso? Why did Tom not want to do that? Why didn't Tom want to do that? >>en<< Tom said no decision had been made. Tom said that no decision had been made. Tom said that no decision had been made. >>es<< Take what you want. Toma lo que quieras. Toma lo que quieras. >>es<< Φυσικά. Por supuesto. Por supuesto. >>en<< ¿Alguna vez te ha traicionado un buen amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Has a good friend ever betrayed you? >>el<< Él tiene un coche. Αυτός έχει ένα αυτοκίνητο. Έχει αμάξι. >>en<< El animal está comiendo. The animal eats. The animal is eating. >>fi<< Please answer in French. Vastaa ranskaksi. Vastaa ranskaksi. >>en<< Kumarruin poimimaan kynän. I bent over to pick up the pen. I bowed to pick up the pen. >>fi<< I just told Tom that I wanted to help him clean the garage. Kerroin juuri Tomille, että halusin auttaa häntä autotallin siivoamisessa. Sanoin Tomille, että halusin auttaa häntä siivoamaan autotallin.