Mmọ ẹkeme ndidomo nditọn̄ọ nnyụn̄ n̄ka iso ke edikọk unan oro. They can try to initiate and nurture the healing process. They may try to start and continue to heal. Idahaemi, kere ban̄a ọyọhọ n̄kpọ iba oro ikemede ndikpep nto mme Christian oro ẹkedude uwem ke eyo mme apostle: Mmọ ẹma ẹdu ke ukpeme man ẹkeme ndibọn̄ akam. Consider, now, a second lesson about watchfulness that we can learn from our first - century Christian brothers: They were vigilant with a view to prayers. Now consider a second lesson that we can learn from first - century Christians: They were careful to pray. Jesus eketịn̄ n̄kpọ emi esisịt ini ke mme owo ẹma ẹkeyom enye edi edidem mmọ. Interestingly, this conversation took place not long after the occasion when the people wanted to make Jesus king. Shortly after the people wanted him to be their king, Jesus said this. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Inuaotop emi adade esịm uwem afafaha usụn̄ onyụn̄ esịre, ndien mme andikụt enye iwakke. " Recall Jesus ' illustration that we considered in the preceding article, in which he said: "Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it. " He said: "The gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. " Kamse, didie ke owo ekeme " ndima mbọhọidụn̄ esie nte idemesie ' edieke enye mînyeneke ukpono idemesie? After all, how can a person " love his neighbor as himself ' if he has no respect for himself? After all, how can one " love his neighbor as himself ' if he has no respect for himself? Ke oro ebede, nnyịn imekeme ndifiak ntọn̄ọ ukpepn̄kpọ ke n̄wed Ifiọk. Thereafter, we can resume the study using the Knowledge book. Thereafter, we can resume study in the Knowledge book. Ntem olive nditre ndin̄wụm mbun̄wụm ekpedi n̄kpọ nnama ọnọ ubon Israel. - Deuteronomy 7: 13; Habakkuk 3: 17. Failure of the olive harvest would thus be a disaster for an Israelite family. - Deuteronomy 7: 13; Habakkuk 3: 17. Thus the olive tree would be for the family of Israel. - Deuteronomy 7: 13; Habakkuk 3: 17. N̄wed oro Jeremiah - An Archaeological Companion ọdọhọ ntem: "Gemariah ekedi andinọ Jeremiah ọkpọsọn̄ ibetedem ke ufọkubọn̄ Edidem Jehoiakim. " The book Jeremiah - An Archaeological Companion concludes: "Gemariah was a strong supporter of Jeremiah at the court of King Jehoiakim. " The book Jeremiah - A A Archaeological Companion says: "Gilmariah was the one who supported Jeremiah in the royal court of King Jehoiakim. " 3: 17; Col. 3: 17; Col. 3: 17; Col. Nso iketịbe ke 1914, ndien nso iwụt nte ke Abasi ke akara idahaemi ke Obio Ubọn̄ Eyen esie? What happened in 1914, and what proof is there that God now reigns through the Kingdom of his Son? What happened in 1914, and what shows that God is now ruling in his Son's Kingdom? Nso ke Bible etịn̄ emi owụtde ke akpana ikama Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ nnyịn asana kpukpru ini? What Scriptural principles apply to keeping our Kingdom Hall clean and tidy? What Scriptural reasons do we have for keeping our Kingdom Hall clean? Utu ke oro, enye ekemen edidu esie odomo ye ata anyan ini oro akadade ekesịm Ukwọ oro. Rather, he compared his presence to the much longer period of time that led up to the Flood. Rather, he compared his presence to a long time that led to the Flood. MME IBUOTIKỌ UKPEPN̄KPỌ 2, 3 PAGE 12 - 20 STUDY ARTICLES 2, 3 PAGES 12 - 20 STUDY ARTICLES 2, 3 PAGES 12 - 20 Mbon oro "ẹkabade ẹdi mme andikpep " ke esop ẹyom mbuọtidem ye ọniọn̄ n̄ko. Faith and wisdom are also needed by those who "become teachers " in the congregation. Those who "become teachers " in the congregation also need faith and wisdom. 35: 15, 28. 35: 15, 28. 35: 15, 28. Inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê oro ọsọn̄ adan̄a didie ke ntọn̄ọ, kûyak oro afịna fi. No matter how terrifying that may seem in the beginning, do not worry. No matter how difficult that may be, do not let that disturb you. Didie ke Ikeme Ndika Iso Nnyene "Edu Editie Mbet "? Jehovah "Is Not Partial, " 6 / 1 " Keep On Asking, " 4 / 1 How Can We Maintain "a Waiting Attitude "? Ntem, ete kiet ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini ekpri n̄kpọ, utọ nte okụk, ọbọhọde owo osop ke utọ ufọk oro, se ẹkesinamde ekedi ndidomo utuenikan̄, n̄kpọri isọn̄ nyom. " [ Ndise ke page 21] Inụn̄ ke inyan̄ inụn̄ [ Mme ndise ke page 21] Okụk drachma " Hence, " says one commentator, "when a comparatively small article, like a piece of money, was lost in such a place, the lighting of a lamp, and the sweeping of the house, were the most natural means to be used for its recovery. " Hence, one father says: "When a small amount of money, such as money, escapes away from such a house, what was done was a lamp, and cleaned up the earth. " • Didie ke Asan̄autom Jehovah akanam "ikọ asana ediwak owo "? • How did the Servant "bring a righteous standing to many "? • How did Jehovah's Servant bring "a righteous standing to many "? Emi ama esinam utom okpon, sia akana ẹtịm enye ke udụn̄ m̀mê ke itiat. That made the work difficult, requiring pounding in a mortar or grinding in a hand mill. This required much work, since it was to be stored in a cave or stone. Ke oro ama ekebe, " enye ama ọwọrọ aka ndikan. ' After that, "he went forth conquering. " After that, "he went out conquering. " Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Baba owo kiet emi akabarede ese edem ke enye ama ekesịn ubọk ke ufụn̄isọn̄ ikemeke ndinam utom obio ubọn̄ Abasi. " He said: "No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God. " He said: "No man that has turned his back on a plow and cannot do the work of the kingdom of God. " Ukọbọ emi idịghe ibat ibat kpọt. It has not been limited to a few isolated incidents. This persecution is not limited to just a few. Se Fernando oro iketịn̄de iban̄a esinamde edi oro. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Mmesinịme ikan̄ nnyụn̄ mfahade n̄kpọ ekededi oro mmenyomke kan̄a mfep ke ikan̄. " Fernando, quoted earlier, has adopted this habit, "I turn off lights and unplug appliances that I am not using. " That is what Fernando, quoted earlier, says: "I set a fire and place anything that I do not yet want to eat from the fire. " Mma nnyene ifet ndinọ utịn̄ikọ ediyak nnọ. I was privileged to give the dedication talk. I had the privilege of giving a dedication talk. Mme n̄kpọ ewe ẹkenen̄ede ẹnam enye edi ata Messiah? What were the credentials that made him convincingly the genuine Messiah? What factors actually made him the true Messiah? Owo ikpokotke mbon oro ẹnyịmede akpanikọ eti mbụk ẹnyụn̄ ẹnamde n̄kọri ẹka ndina baptism, mmọ eke mînịmke ke akpanikọ. Individuals who have accepted the truth of the good news and are progressing steadily toward baptism should not be called unbelievers. Those who accept the truth of the good news and make progress to baptism, unbelievers. 6: 1 - 3 - Anie ọkọdọhọ: "Mbufo ẹdi, nnyịn inyọn̄ itiene Jehovah "? 6: 1 - 3 - Who was saying: "Come, you people, and do let us return to Jehovah "? 6: 1 - 3 - Who said: "Come, you people, and let us return to Jehovah "? Didie ke Jehovah an̄wam nnyịn nte owo kiet kiet? How does Jehovah help us as individuals? How does Jehovah help us as individuals? Nso ke akpanam mbak utọ n̄kpọ oro idiwọrọ eyen fo? How and why should we feed on Jehovah's utterances every day? How can you avoid becoming a victim? Didie ndien ntak emi nnyịn ikpokotde mme ikọ Jehovah kpukpru usen? Since Jehovah has named each of the stars, it is reasonable to assume that all of his angelic sons, including the one who became Satan, also have personal names. How, then, should we read Jehovah's words every day? Bible ọdọhọ n̄ko ke Jehovah osio ntantaọfiọn̄ kiet kiet enyịn̄. Oro anam ikere ke enye osio kpukpru angel enyịn̄ n̄ko. Ntre imenịm ke Satan enyene ata enyịn̄. Yet, with Jehovah's help, it is possible to have a strong and happy marriage. The Bible also tells us that Jehovah has used each star to make it clear that he has a personal name. Edi Jehovah ekeme ndin̄wam ebe ye n̄wan ẹnam ndọ mmọ enem onyụn̄ ebịghi. These are being well fed spiritually, and even in this turbulent world, they enjoy a peace that will be surpassed only by that experienced in God's new world. - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Luke 12: 42. But with Jehovah's help, husbands and wives can make their marriage happy and lasting. Ke ẹbọk mmọ ẹmi nte ọfọnde ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit, ndien edi ke obufa ererimbot Abasi kpọt ke ẹdidara emem emi okponde akan enye oro mmọ ẹdarade idem ke ntịme ntịme ererimbot emi. - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Luke 12: 42. What can parents do? These are fed spiritually, and only God's new world will enjoy the greatest peace they enjoy in this troubled world. - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Luke 12: 42. Nso ke mme ete ye eka ẹkeme ndinam? That, though, is a privilege that we must never take for granted. What can parents do? Nnyịn ikpadaha ifet oro mfefere mfefere. The apostle Paul wrote: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " - Romans 12: 19. That opportunity should not be taken lightly. Apostle Paul ekewet ete: "Ẹkûsio usiene ẹnọ idem mbufo, ndima mme ufan mi, edi ẹbọk idem ke usụn̄ ẹnọ iyatesịt Abasi: koro ẹwet ẹte, Jehovah ete, Usiene enyene Mi, Ami nyosio usiene. " - Rome 12: 19. If so, the words recorded at Nehemiah 13: 31 may be of encouragement to you. The apostle Paul wrote: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " - Romans 12: 19. Edieke edide ntre, se idude ke Nehemiah 13: 31 ekeme ndidọn̄ fi esịt. ; Pifer, S. If so, you may find comfort in the words found at Nehemiah 13: 31. ; Pifer, S. These matters will be discussed in the next article. ; Pifer, S. Ẹyeneme emi ke ibuotikọ oro etienede. WHAT would move 24 married couples in the prime of life to leave their families, friends, and familiar surroundings to take up missionary work in foreign lands? This will be considered in the following article. NSO ikponụk ebe ye n̄wan 24 emi ẹdude ke ini nsehe uwem ndikpọn̄ mme ubon, mme ufan, ye mme n̄kann̄kụk emi mmọ ẹmehede man ẹka ẹkenam utom isụn̄utom ke isenidụt? How should we react to harsh speech? WHAT should happen to 24 married couples who are alive to leave family, friends, and surrounding areas where they are familiar to serve as missionaries in foreign lands? Nnyịn ikpanam n̄kpọ didie ke ini owo osụn̄ide nnyịn? How can a person overcome pride and conduct himself "with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior " to him? How should we respond when someone taunts us? Abel ama ọfiọk ke ẹma ẹyom uwa unam? 8 / 1 (b) How do we show our support for the Kingdom today? Abraham knew that he needed to make animal sacrifices, 8 / 15 Didie ke owo ekeme ndikan n̄kohode idem nnyụn̄ nda "nsụhọde - esịt [mbat nte], owo en̄wen ọfọn akan imọ "? This is clearly in harmony with Jehovah's will. - Romans 9: 6 - 13. How can a person conquer pride and view "the haughtiness of the heart as superior "? (b) Didie ke ikeme ndiwụt ke ida inọ Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi? Thriving Spiritually During Gray - Headedness (b) How can we show that we are loyal to God's Kingdom? Emi nte an̄wan̄ade odu ke n̄kemuyo ye uduak Jehovah. - Rome 9: 6 - 13. Mediator. - 1 Timothy 2: 5. This clearly harmonizes with Jehovah's will. - Romans 9: 6 - 13. Ndikọri ke N̄kan̄ Eke Spirit ke Ini Usọn̄ When does one become a "slave in the Lord "? Spiritual Growth in Times of Old Immanuel. - Matthew 1: 23. The young ones in the congregation are such a blessing from Jehovah. Immanuel. - Matthew 1: 23. Ini ewe ke owo akabade edi "ofụn ke Ọbọn̄ "? So how can single Christians today - whether brothers or sisters, young in age or up in years, single by choice or because of circumstances - make the most of their situation in life? When does one become "a slave in the Lord "? N̄kpri nditọ ke esop nnyịn ẹdi enọ Abasi. The accounts mentioned above should give you something that Martha had. Young children in our congregation are gifts from God. Ntre didie ke mme Christian oro mîdọhọ ndọ mfịn - edide irenowo m̀mê iban, n̄kparawa m̀mê n̄kani owo, mbon oro ẹmekde - mek nditre m̀mê mbon oro idaha mmọ mîyakke - ẹkeme ndinen̄ede mbọ ufọn itie unana ndọ mmọ? Note what Luke recorded about the way Jesus prayed on the evening before he died. So how can single Christians today - whether men or women, young or old, choose not or those who do not - benefit greatly from their singleness? Mme mbụk Bible oro inemede iban̄a mbon oro ẹkenamde ẹset akpana anam fi enịm ke mme owo ẹyeset ukem nte Martha ekenịmde. Tomoyoshi and Nobuko now serve at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. As you have seen in the Bible accounts about the resurrected ones, you too can have confidence in the resurrection. Kop se Luke ekewetde aban̄a nte Jesus ọkọbọn̄de akam mbubịteyo oro mbemiso ẹkewotde enye. How can we cultivate the kind of courage that will enable us to keep our integrity during these difficult times? Notice what Luke wrote about Jesus ' prayer that evening before his death. Tomoyoshi ye Nobuko ẹnam utom idahaemi ke ibuot itieutom ofụri ererimbot Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Brooklyn ke New York. Gambling differs from a legitimate transaction or purchase in that the player wants to win money that other players lose. Tomoyoshi and I now serve at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndinyene orụk uko oro ekemede ndinam nnyịn isọn̄ọ ida ke mme ini afanikọn̄ emi? He even shares his privileges with them. How can we develop the kind of courage that can help us to remain steadfast during these difficult times? Mbre mfọniso itiehe nte ndinam mbubehe, sia mme ebre - mbre mfọniso ẹsiyom ndidia okụk owo. Jesus ' words indicate that "living water " symbolizes the provisions from God for life, as explained in his Word, the Bible. Gambling is much more than an undertaking, since gambling is involved in winning people's resources. Enye abuana ifetutom esie ye mmọ. As resurrected ones come to know their Creator, the knowledge of Jehovah will truly cover the earth. He shares his privilege of service with them. Ikọ Jesus owụt ke "odu - uwem mmọn̄ " oro ada aban̄a mme ndutịm oro Abasi anamde man idu uwem, nte ẹnamde an̄wan̄a ke Ikọ Abasi, kpa Bible. When he restores successive generations of people to life in his new world, they will be able to trace their family tree and personally get to know their ancestors. Jesus ' words show that the "living waters " refer to God's provisions for life, as explained in God's Word, the Bible. Nte mbon oro ẹnamde ẹset ẹdidide ẹdifiọk Andibot mmọ, ke akpanikọ, ifiọk Jehovah ọyọyọhọ ererimbot. 1932 As resurrected ones come to know their Creator, surely the earth will certainly be filled with knowledge of Jehovah. Ke ini enye edinamde mme owo emi ẹkemanade ke nsio nsio ini ẹset, mmọ ẹyekeme ndifiọk ubon mmọ ye mme ete ete mmọ. Today, demonic influence continues to promote human cruelty, as was foretold in the Bible: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. When he resurrects people who differ from time to time, they will be able to get to know their family and their ancestors. 1932 (b) Why do the officers fail to arrest Jesus? 1932 Mfịn, odudu mme demon aka iso anam mme owo ẹbak ibak, kpa nte ẹkebemde iso ẹtịn̄ ke Bible ẹte: "Ndiọkeyo ẹyedu ke mme akpatre usen. Upon concluding the study of that publication, they used the brochure What Does God Require of Us? Today, the influence of the demons continues to be cruel, as foretold in the Bible: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. (b) Ntak emi mme isụn̄utom ẹkpude ndimụm Jesus? Marriage involves sacrifices. (b) Why have missionaries failed to arrest Jesus? Ke enye ama okokụre ediye uduot ekpri n̄wed oro, ẹma ẹbe ẹdụk ediye uduot ekpri n̄wed Nso ke Abasi Oyom Oto Nnyịn? Upon being cured, the leper no doubt could see Jehovah's hand in what Jesus did. After the release of that brochure, the brochure What Does God Require of Us? Ndọ oyom n̄waidem. [ Picture on page 31] Marriage requires self - sacrifice. Ke ẹma ẹkekọk enye, enye ama ọfiọk ke Jehovah ọkọnọ Jesus odudu ada ọkọk imọ. He did not seek to be leader of Israel. When he was healed, he knew that Jesus was healed by Jehovah. [ Ndise ke page 31] The answer has to do with the date of the manuscript. [ Picture on page 31] Enye ikoyomke ndidi adausụn̄ Israel. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 27 - 31 He did not want to be Israel's leader. Ibọrọ mbụme emi enyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye ini emi ẹkewetde akani uwetn̄kpọ emi. The Hebrew word translated "vanity " refers to something empty, futile, meaningless, of no substance, or of no lasting value. The answer to this question has to do with the dating of the manuscript. IBUOTIKỌ UKPEPN̄KPỌ 4 PAGE 27 - 31 But loving parents will try to protect you from association with youths who do not respect God's standards. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 27 - 31 Ikọ Hebrew oro ẹkabarede " ikpîkpu n̄kpọ ' ọwọrọ ukpọk - ukpọk n̄kpọ, n̄kpọ oro mînyeneke ufọn, emi mîwọrọke n̄kpọ, oro mînyeneke nsọn̄ọ, m̀mê se mînyeneke ufọn oro ebịghide. Those who have oversight need to exercise particular care to be modest and not abuse their authority. The Hebrew word translated "vanity " means empty, useless, disloyal, or lasting value. Edi, edima ete ye eka fo ẹyedomo ndikpeme fi mbiọn̄ọ edidụk nsan̄a ye mme uyen oro mîkponoke mme edumbet Abasi. Praying to Jehovah as well as reading specific scriptures has made me stronger spiritually and kept my spirits up. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 11; Psalm 145: 18; 2 Corinthians 4: 8, 9, 16. Yet, your loving parents will try to protect you from associating with young people who do not respect God's standards. Mbon oro ẹnyenede mbiomo edise enyịn ẹkpenyene nditịm n̄kpeme man ẹwụt nsụkidem ẹkûnyụn̄ ẹda odudu mmọ ẹnam n̄kpọ ke idiọk usụn̄. 5 Children Need Discipline Those who have the responsibility of oversight should be careful to display modesty and do not abuse their authority. Ndibọn̄ akam nnọ Jehovah nnyụn̄ n̄kot mme itie Bible emi ẹsidọn̄de mi esịt anam n̄kop inemesịt nnyụn̄ nnen̄ede n̄kpere Abasi. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 11; Psalm 145: 18; 2 Corinth 4: 8, 9, 16. In 1977 that was adjusted, and wives began to travel with their husbands. Praying to Jehovah and reading Bible verses that bring me joy and a close relationship with God. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 11; Psalm 145: 18; 2 Corinthians 4: 8, 9, 16. Oyom Ẹtụnọ Nditọwọn̄ For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost to you than for your whole body to be pitched into Gehenna. Children Need to Be Born Edi ke 1977, ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndiyak. However, for this to be a continuous source of joy and praise to Jehovah, all such new ones need to "go on walking in union with [Christ], rooted and being built up in him and being stabilized in the faith. " But in 1977, it began to be allowed. Koro etetịm ọfọn afo nditaba kiet ke otu ndido idemfo akan nditop fi ofụri idem nduọk ke Gehenna. She looks up birth announcements in a local newspaper and then calls on the new parents with My Book of Bible Stories. For it is more beneficial for you to lose one of your members than to cast your whole body into Gehenna. Nte ededi, man emi aka iso ndidi ntak idatesịt ye itoro ọnọ Jehovah, oyom kpukpru utọ mbufa owo oro " ẹka iso ẹsan̄a ke Christ, ẹmụm n̄kam, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkọri ẹdaha ẹda ke Enye, ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọdiọn̄ ẹsọn̄ọ ẹda ke mbuọtidem. ' In his holy ones [God] has no faith, and the heavens themselves are actually not clean in his eyes. How much less so when one is detestable and corrupt, a man who is drinking in unrighteousness just like water! " For this to continue to be a cause of joy and praise to Jehovah, however, all such new ones need to "go on walking in union with Christ, rooted and being built up in him and being stabilized in the faith. " Enye esise n̄wedmbụk n̄kpọntịbe n̄kann̄kụk man oyom ntọt aban̄ade nseknditọ emi ẹmanade, ndien ekem akama N̄wed Mi eke Mme Mbụk Bible aka ekese mbufa ete ye eka emi. Why was his self - assessment so faulty? He looks at local newspapers to locate information about newborn babies, and then he goes to visit them with My Book of Bible Stories. Enye ama adian do ete: "Sese, [Abasi] ibuọtke idem esie ye edisana ikọt esiemmọ, mme heaven inyụn̄ isanake ke enyịn esiemmọ: N̄wan̄wa ediso se idehede inyụn̄ ibiarade, kpa owo emi ọn̄wọn̄de idiọk ido nte mmọn̄! " From the 13th to the 17th century, fear of witches swept across Europe and reached North America with the European colonists. He added: "Look! [God] has not put faith in his holy people, and the heavens themselves have not become unclean in his own eyes. Ntak emi ekikere akabian̄ade enye? Yet, as the 20th century progressed, the carnage expanded. Why was it deceived? Ọtọn̄ọde ke ọyọhọ isua ikie 13 esịm ọyọhọ isua ikie 17, ndịk ifọt ama atara esịm Europe ye Edem Edere America onyụn̄ atara esịm mme idụt oro mbon Europe ẹkekarade. Therefore, to help their children develop a lasting, loving relationship with Jehovah, parents do well to encourage them to develop the habit of studying God's Word. From the 13th century to the 17th century, fear of witchcraft spread to Europe and North America and spread to countries dominated by Europe. Edi, ibat mbon oro ẹkekpan̄ade ke ekọn̄ ama enen̄ede ọdọk ke ọyọhọ isua ikie 20. However, the people ignored Noah's warning message. Yet, the number of people who died in war increased in the 20th century. Ke ntre, man mme ete ye eka ẹn̄wam nditọ mmọ ẹnyene ima ima itie ebuana oro ebịghide ye Jehovah, mmọ ẹnyene ndisịn udọn̄ nnọ nditọ mmọ ẹsikpep Ikọ Abasi. How Would You Answer? Therefore, for parents to help their children develop a loving and lasting relationship with Jehovah, they are to encourage their children to study God's Word. Nte ededi, mme owo oro ẹma ẹfụmi etop emi Noah ọkọnọde nte ntọt. Clearly, such widely differing views cannot all be correct. However, people ignored Noah's message as warning. Didie ke Afo Ọkpọbọrọ? " God wants to awaken our deaden [ed] and indifferent conscience, " declared a Catholic priest when 79 people died in a stampede in Manila, Philippines. How Would You Answer? Idịghe kpukpru ekikere emi ẹnen. Be loyal, faithful. Not all of this is correct. Oku Catholic kiet ọkọdọhọ ke ini ẹkefịkde owo 79 ke ikpat ẹwot ke Manila ke Philippines, ete: "Abasi oyom ndinam mbon emi esịt ama okodoro ufiọn ẹfiọk ke imọ do. " If you are sure that the answers to those questions are yes, you have found a good companion with whom to enjoy your leisure activities. - Read Psalm 119: 63; 2 Cor. One Catholic priest observed that when a 79 - year - old man was killed in Manila in the Philippines, he said: "God wants to make those who have come to know that he is there. " Nam akpanikọ. At the time - and for years after that - I thought I had to be strong for my little sister, so I buried my emotions. Be faithful. Edieke afo etịmde enịm ke mme ibọrọ mbụme oro ẹdi ih, afo omokụt eti nsan̄a emi edidade idara mme edinam unọ idem inemesịt. - Kot Psalm 119: 63; 2 Cor. 13, 14. (a) All dedicated Christians are encouraged to consider what? If you are convinced that the answers to those questions are yes, you see a good partner that will bring happy recreation. - Read Psalm 119: 63; 2 Cor. N̄kekere ke ana mmụm idem n̄kama man n̄keme ndin̄wam ekpri eyeneka mi. Ntre n̄kanam nte ke se itịbede oro inen̄ekede ifịna mi. I share the satisfaction that Julián feels as a result of his valuable service in behalf of the brothers, and I have found that Jehovah never fails us, even though each day may bring a new challenge. I felt that I had to control my temper so that I could help my younger brother, so I didn't feel that the situation was far from me. 13, 14. (a) Ẹsịn udọn̄ ẹnọ kpukpru mme Christian oro ẹma ẹkeyak idem ẹnọ Abasi ẹte ẹkere ẹban̄a nso? Many students of God's Word have greatly benefited from consulting maps of Bible lands. 13, 14. (a) All dedicated Christians are encouraged to consider what? Mmetiene Julián n̄kop uyụhọ oro enye okopde nte utịp eti utom oro enye anamde ke ibuot nditọete, ndien mmokụt nte ke akananam Jehovah ikpụhu nnyịn, idem okposụkedi usen kiet kiet ekemede ndida obufa n̄kpọ - ata ndi. In 1909, C. I have experienced the satisfaction that he feels as a result of his fine work in behalf of the brothers, and I have seen that Jehovah never fails us, even though each day can bring a new challenge. Ediwak nditọ ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ẹmenen̄ede ẹbọ ufọn ẹto edise mme n̄wed ndise obio oro ẹsiakde ke Bible. Regrettably, I discontinued my Bible study. Many Bible students have greatly benefited from observing maps mentioned in the Bible. Ke 1909, C. What thought - provoking words of commendation and counsel the glorified Jesus Christ spoke to the three of the seven congregations in Asia Minor that we have considered! In 1909, C. Mma ntre ndikpep Bible ye Mme Ntiense. Then Jehovah opened up the Red Sea, led Israel through it, and drowned Pharaoh and his military force. I stopped studying the Bible with the Witnesses. Se nnyịn inemede emi ẹdi mme ikọ itoro ye item oro ẹnamde owo ekere n̄kpọ, emi Jesus Christ oro ẹnọde ubọn̄ eketịn̄de ọnọ esop ita ke otu esop itiaba oro ẹkedude ke Asia Minor. Of course not! These are expressions of commendation and thought - provoking counsel made by Jesus Christ, who gave glory to three congregations in Asia Minor. Ekem Jehovah ama abahade Ididuot Inyan̄, anam nditọ Israel ẹsan̄a ẹbe, onyụn̄ anam mmọn̄ ọtọ ofụk Pharaoh ye udịmekọn̄ esie. To be happy, we need to turn away from those who ridicule or even ignore God's laws. Then Jehovah parted the Red Sea, drove the Israelites through, and caused the waters to come upon Pharaoh and his army. Iwọrọke ntre! the Edenic promise. Not at all! Man ikop inemesịt, ana ifep mbon oro ẹsakde m̀mê ẹkam ẹfụmide mbet Abasi. For instance, what if we (or a family member) were stricken by a serious illness or we were faced with some injustice? To be happy, we must avoid those who ridicule or ignore God's commandments. un̄wọn̄ọ ke Eden. In fact, when both mates profess to be Christians and yet their marriage fails, observers may think that such individuals do not really practice what they preach. - Rom. 2: 21 - 24. The promise in Eden. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, nso ke idinam edieke nnyịn m̀mê owo nnyịn ọdọn̄ọde idiọk idiọk, m̀mê ẹfịkde nnyịn? Love for our marriage mate helps us to endure "tribulation " that even happily married couples have and helps strengthen our marriage. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. For example, what will we do if we or our loved one is sick or oppressed? Ke nditịm ntịn̄, ke ini ndọ mbon emi ẹdọhọde ke idi Christian abiarade, mme owo ẹkeme ndikere ke mmọ inamke se mmọ ẹsikwọrọde. - Rome 2: 21 - 24. But one thing that their rebellion did not do was change Jehovah God's purpose for the earth. 2: 21 - 24. Ima oro imade ebe m̀mê n̄wan nnyịn esinam iyọ "ukụt " oro idem mme ọdọ ndọ oro ẹkopde inemesịt ẹsiyọde, ndien emi esinam ndọ nnyịn etetịm enem. - 1 Corinth 7: 28. How Would You Answer? Love for our mate helps us to cope with "tribulation " that even happy married couples endure, which strengthens our marriage. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. Edi nsọn̄ibuot mmọ ikokpụhọke uduak Jehovah Abasi kaban̄a isọn̄. 16, 17. But their rebellion did not change Jehovah God's purpose for the earth. Didie ke Afo Ọkpọbọrọ? Happy Are Those Hungering for Righteousness How Would You Answer? 16, 17. We heard all of that from our room upstairs. 16, 17. Inemesịt Edi Eke Mmọ Eke Ẹkopde Biọn̄ Edinen Ido Later, though, the sentences were changed to 20 - year prison terms. Happy Are Those Who Listen to Righteousness Do ke ikesịne ikop ofụri editịm oro. Those words of 17th - century British historian Edward Herbert underscore one reason why we need to be forgiving toward others: Sooner or later, we may need to ask others to forgive us. There we were in attendance at the entire system of things. Edi owo ikowotke aba mmọ, ẹma ẹkabade ẹbiere n̄kpọkọbi isua 20 ẹnọ mmọ. Jesus will not pass other food items to them, but he will have much more to tell his faithful followers on this momentous night. Instead, they were sentenced to 20 years in prison. Emi owụt ke akpana isifen inọ owo sia idụhe owo emi ọfọnde ama, oro mîsiduehe owo. We can all increase our appreciation for Jehovah's standards by striving to understand why he had certain accounts preserved in the Scriptures for us. This shows that we should be forgiving because no imperfect person is prone to sin. N̄kukụre se Jesus ọnọde mbet esie edi oro, edi enyene ediwak n̄kpọ emi enye editịn̄de ye mbet esie okoneyo emi. Purpose of Study Articles That is all that Jesus has given his disciples, but he has much to say to his disciples on this night. Kpukpru nnyịn imekeme ndinen̄ede n̄wụt esịtekọm mban̄a mme edumbet Jehovah ebe ke ndidomo ndifiọk ntak emi enye akanamde ẹwet ndusụk mbụk ẹnịm ke N̄wed Abasi ẹnọ nnyịn. Furthermore, we remember to pray for our fellow believers. All of us can deeply appreciate Jehovah's principles by striving to understand why he had recorded certain accounts for us in the Scriptures. Uduak Mme Ibuotikọ Ukpepn̄kpọ There the servant recounted in detail his search for a wife for Abraham's son. Purpose of Study Articles Ke adianade do, nnyịn itreke ndisịn nditọete nnyịn ke akam. " How, ' you may ask, " could Jehovah continue to bless King David after David committed adultery with Bath - sheba and then caused the death of her husband, Uriah? ' In addition, we do not hold back from praying for our brothers. Do ke asan̄autom oro okobụk ọyọhọ ọyọhọ nte imọ ikoyomde n̄wan inọ eyen Abraham. Like the physical growth of a child, spiritual growth is gradual and is not immediately discerned. There the servant buried fully how he was looking for a wife for Abraham's son. Afo emekeme ndibụp ete, " Ntak emi Jehovah akakade iso ọdiọn̄ Edidem David ke David ama ekesịn efịbe ye Bath - sheba onyụn̄ anam ẹwot Uriah ebe esie? ' In like manner today, a person's conscience can be affected by the attitude of those around him. You may wonder, " Why did Jehovah continue to bless King David after David committed adultery with Bath - sheba and caused her husband, Uriah, to be killed? ' Ukem nte n̄kọri eyenọwọn̄, n̄kọri eke spirit esidi sụn̄sụn̄ ndien owo isisọpke ikụt. He felt that these doctrines blasphemed God. Like a child, spiritual growth is slow and often unseen. Kpasụk ntre, nte mme owo ẹdude uwem ke ebiet oro owo odụn̄de ekeme nditụk nte ubieresịt esie anamde n̄kpọ. His overriding desire to carry out his God - given preaching commission. - 1 Cor. Similarly, the way people live where they live can affect the way their conscience acts. Enye ama ọfiọk ete ke mme ukpepn̄kpọ emi ẹma ẹsuene Abasi. Parents, Protect Your Precious Inheritance, 4 / 1 He knew that these teachings dishonored God. Uko esie okoto ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ emi enye ekenyenede ndinam utom ukwọrọikọ emi Abasi ọkọnọde enye. - 1 Cor. I was excited and afraid at the same time. His courage was due to his intense desire to fulfill his God - given commission. - 1 Cor. Esịt ama enem mi, ndịk onyụn̄ anam mi. Some reject it or avoid it, even when it is at their doorstep. I was happy and afraid. Ndusụk owo ẹsịn m̀mê ẹfụmi enye, idem ke ini enye odude ekpere mmọ. However, thousands followed them there. Some reject or ignore it, even when it is near. Edi ata ediwak owo ẹtiene mmọ. And we've also found mildness to be very important. " Yet, the majority of mankind have followed them. Nditie ifụre ifụre ọfọn n̄ko. " This foremost apostate has pursued a relentless course of resistance to "the God of truth. " Be mild - tempered too. " Ata akpa owo mfiakedem emi ke aka iso ndibiọn̄ọ "Abasi akpanikọ. " What happened to Elijah as he "went ascending in the windstorm "? The first apostate one continues to oppose "the God of truth. " Nso iketịbe inọ Elijah ke ini enye " ọkọdọkde heaven ke idio '? We parted with that in mind, but sad to say, she passed away the following July. What happened to Elijah when he " ascended to heaven in the windstorm '? Nnyịn ima inyọn̄ọ ye oro ke ekikere, edi edi n̄kpọ mfụhọ nditịn̄, enye ama akpa ke July oro eketienede. Recall the beautiful words of King David in describing the unique and lofty position that Jehovah alone occupies. We left with that in mind, but sadly, he died in the following July. Edidem David ama etịn̄ mme n̄kpọ oro ẹwụtde ke Jehovah okon̄ akan, ke enye inyụn̄ inyeneke mbiet. In 1915, Sarah Ferguson was right, " There was more harvest work to be done. ' - From our archives in Brazil. King David described Jehovah as superior and unique. Se Sarah Ferguson ọkọdọhọde ke 1915 ama enen, " Idọk okosụk okpokpon. ' - Oto Itieutom Ubon N̄kani N̄kpọ Nnyịn ke Brazil. What could you possibly give him that he does not already possess? In 1915, Sarah Ferguson declared: "The harvest was great. " - From our archives in Brazil. Nso ke afo ọkpọnọ enye oro enye mîkenyeneke - nyene? (a) What happened when David attempted to bring the Ark to Jerusalem? What would you give him less than a yoke? (a) Nso iketịbe ke ini David okodomode ndimen ekebe ediomi nnyọn̄ Jerusalem? After the thunder the heavens made a noise so great and horrible that I thought the last day had come; so I reined in for a moment, while a shower of hail began to fall without a drop of water.... (a) What happened when David tried to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem? Ke ọkpọsọn̄ edikpot emi ama okodobo, enyọn̄ ama anam enyene - ndịk uyom tutu n̄kere ke ererimbot ọmọn̄ esịm utịt; ntre mma ntuak nda kan̄a esisịt, ke adan̄aemi edịmitiat emi mîsan̄ake ye ntọi mmọn̄ baba kiet ekedepde.... First, note that this animal does not leave itself vulnerable to attack. In the heat of the furnace, the heavens became so terrible that I thought the world was about to end; so I stood for a little while, while the hail had not yet gone with any drop of water.... Ti ete ke unam emi isitiehe ke ndueidem. I said, "I don't know anybody in China. " Remember that the beast does not become complacent. Edi se ẹsion̄ode ẹdi idahaemi iyakke nnyịn inyene ini inam akpan n̄kpọ.... To make our advancement manifest to all persons, we will make every reasonable effort to prepare for and benefit fully from theocratic education provided at congregation meetings, at assemblies in the circuit, and at district, national, and international conventions. - 1 Timothy 4: 15; Hebrews 10: 23 - 25. But modern technology prevents us from devoting our time to more important activities.... Mma ndọhọ enye ke ndiọn̄ọke owo ndomokiet ke China. No amount of satanic opposition will ever prevent Jehovah's Witnesses from giving Jehovah the exclusive worship that he deserves. I told him that I didn't know anyone in China. Man inam kpukpru owo ẹkụt n̄kọri nnyịn, nnyịn iyesịn ofụri ukeme nditịm idem nnọ nnyụn̄ mbọ ufọn ọyọhọ ọyọhọ nto ukpepn̄kpọ ukara Abasi oro ẹnọde ke mme mbono esop, ke mme mbono circuit, mme mbono district, mme mbono ofụri idụt, ye mme mbono ofụri ererimbot. - 1 Timothy 4: 15; Mme Hebrew 10: 23 - 25. Why Jesus let Thomas but not Mary Magdalene touch him, 12 / 1 To make our advancement manifest to all, we will do our utmost to prepare for and benefit fully from theocratic instruction at congregation meetings, assemblies, district conventions, and international conventions. - 1 Timothy 4: 15; Hebrews 10: 23 - 25. Idụhe adan̄a ubiọn̄ọ oro Satan adade edi emi edikpande Mme Ntiense Jehovah ndinọ Jehovah san̄asan̄a utuakibuot oro enye odotde. Tertullian (writer of the second and third centuries C.E.) told of the kindness that they showed toward orphans, the poor, and the elderly. No amount of opposition caused by Satan is the violation of Jehovah's Witnesses to give Jehovah exclusive devotion. Ndọn̄esịt Ẹnọde Mbon Ukụt, 2 / 15 Nte Iwụtde ke Imama Abasi, 3 / 1 In sharp contrast, years earlier, Joshua set a fine example when he told the Israelites: "If it is bad in your eyes to serve Jehovah, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... Show Loving - Kindness to Those Who Belong to God, 4 / 15 Tertullian (ewetn̄wed ọyọhọ isua ikie iba ye ikie ita E.N.) ama etịn̄ aban̄a mfọnido oro mmọ ẹkewụtde nditọakpa, mme ubuene, ye mbonusọn̄. Having God's view of people also means preaching to all, regardless of their circumstances. Tertullian (second and third centuries C.E.) described the kindness they showed toward orphans, the poor, and the elderly. Edi Joshua emi okodude uwem ediwak isua mbemiso eyo mmọ iketiehe ntre; enye ama enịm eti uwụtn̄kpọ ke ini enye ọkọdọhọde nditọ Israel ete: "Edieke ọdiọkde mbufo ke enyịn ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah, mbufo ẹmek mfịn emi enye emi mbufo ẹdinamde n̄kpọ esie... But what is your greatest responsibility? But Joshua, a contemporary of his day, set a fine example when he told the Israelites: "If it is bad in your eyes to serve Jehovah, you today choose whom you will serve him... Ndise mbon en̄wen nte Abasi esede mmọ esịne n̄ko ndikwọrọ ikọ nnọ kpukpru owo, inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê nso idi idaha mmọ. It is a tremendous help when we are dealing with problems or are making decisions about our choice of friends, entertainment, employment, dress, and so forth. God's view of others also includes preaching to all people, regardless of their circumstances. Edi nso idi akakan mbiomo mbufo? In Bethel there are neither social distinctions nor feelings of superiority because of one's assignment. But what is your greatest responsibility? Ikọ Abasi esinen̄ede an̄wam nnyịn ke ini inyenede mfịna, onyụn̄ anam ifiọk orụk ufan oro ikpemekde, nte ikpọnọde idem inemesịt, orụk utom oro ikpanamde, nte ikpesịnede n̄kpọ, ye ntre ntre eken. In turn, such knowledge makes their love grow even stronger despite their imperfections. God's Word exerts great help in dealing with problems, including entertainment, employment, dress, and so on. Owo inamke asari ke Bethel, owo inyụn̄ idaha idem ke n̄kpọ ke ntak ebiet emi owo anamde utom. (b) Of what can we be sure as to God's Kingdom? There is no partiality at Bethel, no matter where a person serves. Ndifiọk kiet eken ayanam mmọ ẹtetịm ẹma idemmọ kpa ye unana mfọnmma. Thus, people out of all nations would come to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Knowing one another will help them to develop a strong bond with one another despite their imperfections. (b) Nso ke ifiọk iban̄a Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi? I recall that she died at home and that my grandparents were there. (b) What do we know about God's Kingdom? Ntem, mme owo ẹtode kpukpru idụt ẹyekabade ẹdi mme mbet Jesus Christ. I quit school in tenth grade and eventually moved away from my hometown and from the gang. Thus, people of all nations will become disciples of Jesus Christ. Ke nteti se iketịbede usen oro. However, despite my being very withdrawn, they kindly and patiently persisted in visiting me in order to teach me about the Bible. I still remember what happened that day. Mma ntre n̄wed ke ini n̄kodude ke n̄wed inan̄ ke sekọndri, nnyụn̄ n̄kpọn̄ obio nnyịn ye n̄ka ubiatibet oro n̄ka usụn̄ oyom. At times, he was the only elder caring for over 100 publishers. During my four years in high school, I quit school, and I left my village and a gang that was too far away. Kpa ye oro, mmọ ẹma ẹfọn ido, ẹnyene ime, ẹnyụn̄ ẹka iso ẹsidikpep mi Bible. • How do we teach others to observe what Jesus commanded? Yet, they were kind, patient, and diligent students of the Bible with me. Ke ndusụk esop emi enye okodude, enye ikpọn̄ ekedi ebiowo, edi mme asuanetop ẹma ẹwak ẹbe ikie. wondered Osman. His curiosity piqued, Osman took the book home and read it in one sitting. In some congregations where he lived, he was the only elder, but there were over a hundred publishers. • Didie ke nnyịn ikpep mbon en̄wen ndinam se Jesus eketemede? " There were... four thousand givers of praise to Jehovah on the instruments that David said " I have made for giving praise. ' " - 1 CHRONICLES 23: 4, 5 • How do we teach others to follow Jesus ' direction? Ke emi edemerede enye udọn̄, Osman ama ada n̄wed oro ọnyọn̄ ufọk onyụn̄ okokot enye okụre ke ebe kiet. Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command and try to reach people with the Bible's message, no matter where they live. Impressed, Osman returned home with the book and read it over again. " Tọsịn inan̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹdi mme [anditoro] Jehovah ke n̄kpọ emi ami (David) n̄kanamde, nte ẹda ẹtoro. " - 1 CHRONICLES 23: 5 Niurka shares what she has learned with others " Four thousand thousand are [Jehovah's] praisers in the thing I did, as I did. " - 1 CHRONICLES 23: 5 Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹnam ewụhọ Jesus emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹsịn ukeme man ẹkwọrọ etop Bible emi ẹnọ mme owo ke ebiet ekededi oro mmọ ẹdụn̄de. Elders want erring ones to return to Jehovah Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command and work hard to reach people wherever they live. Niurka abuana se enye ekpepde ye mbon en̄wen " Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. " - Matthew 7: 15 Niurka shares what she is learning with others Mbiowo ẹyom anamidiọk afiak etiene Jehovah The Canon of Ptolemy Elders seek a sinner back to Jehovah " Ẹkpeme idem ye mme prọfet nsu emi ẹfọrọde ikpa erọn̄ ẹdi ke ọtọ mbufo, edi ke esịt esịt ẹdide ndiọi wolf. " - Matthew 7: 15 WHEN Jesus Christ gave his Sermon on the Mount, he included a model prayer that summarized his main teaching. " Guard yourselves against false prophets that come to you in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. " - Matthew 7: 15 N̄wed Ptolemy He stated: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Ptolemy's canon KE INI Jesus Christ ọkọkwọrọde ikọ ke obot, enye ama esịn uwụtn̄kpọ akam oro eketịn̄de akpan n̄kpọ oro enye ekekpepde ibio ibio. Such pressure is not conducive to spiritual progress; rather it tears one down. " WHEN Jesus Christ preached in the Sermon on the Mount, he included a brief model of prayer. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: " Udia Mi edi ndinam uduak Andidọn̄ Mi, nnyụn̄ mma utom Esie. ' About 46 C.E. when Paul and Barnabas delivered "a relief ministration " from Antioch to Jerusalem to allay the effects of a famine, they took an interest in Mark. He said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Utọ nsịnudọn̄ oro inamke owo anam n̄kọri ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit; utu ke oro, enye akam ananam owo okop mmemidem ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi. " More suffering is being inflicted on children in other ways. Such encouragement does not make spiritual progress; rather, it only makes a person weak to serve God. " Ke n̄kpọ nte isua 46 E.N., ke ini Paul ye Barnabas ẹkemende "n̄kpọ un̄wam " ẹto Antioch ẹsọk nditọete ke Jerusalem ke ntak akan̄, mmọ ẹma ẹkekụt Mark do ẹnyụn̄ ẹma enye. * Pedro says: "When talking about spiritual matters, the heart and emotions are involved. About 46 C.E., when Paul and Barnabas brought "a relief supplies " from Antioch for the sake of famine, they found Mark and welcomed him. Nditọwọn̄ ẹkụt ndutụhọ efen efen ke mme usụn̄ en̄wen. What will help us to draw comfort from the Bible's resurrection accounts? In other ways, children experience additional suffering. * Pedro ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini ẹnemede mme n̄kpọ eke spirit, esịt ye ntụk ẹbuana. • In making decisions, why should we keep our relationship with God foremost in mind? * Pedro says: "When discussing spiritual matters, both heart and heart are involved. Nso idinam nnyịn ikop ndọn̄esịt ke ini ikotde mme mbụk ẹban̄ade ediset ke n̄kpa ke Bible? The prison warden there said: "The social importance of a choice that leads to better behavior toward all should be encouraged, both for the benefit of the prison community and for all society. " What will bring us comfort when we read accounts of the resurrection? • Ke ini inamde mme ubiere, ntak emi ikpebemde iso iti itie ebuana nnyịn ye Abasi? (b) How does our knowing Jehovah remove any doubt about his actions? • When making decisions, why should we first remember our relationship with God? Ekpeme ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ọkọdọhọ ete: "Enen̄ede ọfọn ẹsịn udọn̄ ẹnọ n̄kpọ ekededi oro anamde owo odu eti uwem, oro edidade ufọn ọsọk mbon n̄kpọkọbi ye ofụri n̄kaowo. " Soon thereafter, Marc and Paula received an assignment to serve as special pioneers in a small congregation in an isolated part of Canada. The jailer observed: "It is especially important to encourage anything that makes a person upright, that will benefit the prisoners and the whole society. " (b) Didie ke nnyịn idida mbụk emi edieke inen̄erede ifiọk Jehovah? Would You Welcome a Visit? (b) How will we use this account if we come to know Jehovah better? Esisịt ini ke oro ebede, ẹma ẹnọ Marc ye Paula ẹkenam utom akpan asiakusụn̄ ke ekpri esop kiet ke nsannsan ebiet ke Canada. Jehovah's Witnesses are politically neutral. Shortly thereafter, Marc and Paula were assigned to serve as special pioneers in a small congregation in Canada in a remote area. Nte Afo Akpama Ẹdise Fi? Abraham and Sarah were willing to leave behind the comforts of Ur Would You Welcome a Visit? Mme Ntiense Jehovah isisịnke idem ke mbubehe ukara. The above principles governing love are not mere theory to Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses do not take sides in political affairs. Abraham ye Sarah ẹma ẹnyịme ndikpọn̄ inem inem uwem ke Ur A word picture compares one concept with another. Abraham and Sarah were willing to leave a comfortable life in Ur Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹnam ewụhọ Jesus oro ọdọhọde mmọ ẹma kiet eken. Keeping calm or losing our temper can directly or indirectly affect our Christian ministry (See paragraph 14) Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command to love one another. Uwụtn̄kpọ esida n̄kpọ kiet odomo ye n̄kpọ en̄wen. Thus, even in our dress and grooming, we can show that we want to " walk in modesty with our God. ' - Mic. A word picture compares one thing to another. Nte inamde n̄kpọ ke ini esịt ayatde nnyịn ekeme ndinam mme owo ẹkop ukwọrọikọ nnyịn m̀mê etre ndikop (Se ikpehe 14) Persecuted Christians are world conquerors Our reaction when we are upset may cause others to hear our message or listen (See paragraph 14) Ntem, yak ọfọn̄ oro imekde ndisịne ye nte ikamade idem owụt ke iyom " ndisụhọde idem nsan̄a ye Abasi nnyịn. ' - Mic. Well, those people did not realize that they had to choose between the worship of Jehovah and the worship of Baal. Therefore, let our choice of dress and grooming reflect the need to "be modest in walking with our God. " - Mic. Mme Christian oro ẹkọbọde ẹkan ererimbot But Jehovah in his mercy allowed Adam and Eve to live out their lives and bear offspring. Christians who persecute the world Nte ededi, mbon oro ikọfiọkke ke mmimọ inyene ndimek m̀mê idikpono Jehovah m̀mê Baal. Louis, Missouri, was special. The people, however, did not realize that they had to choose whether to worship Jehovah or Baal. Ke ntak mbọm, Jehovah ama ayak Adam ye Eve ẹka iso ẹdu uwem ẹnyụn̄ ẹnyene nditọ. Surely, then, Jesus must hate to hear the lies that are spread about his Father - lies such as that God is indifferent to human suffering and that God wants us to suffer. Mercifully, Jehovah allowed Adam and Eve to live and have children. Louis ke Missouri ekedi ata akpan mbono ọnọ mi. But how will God bring an end to all suffering? Louis, Missouri, was the most important meeting for me. Ntre, esibiak Jesus ndikop ẹsude nsu ẹdian Ete esie, utọ nte owo ndidọhọ ke Abasi idọn̄ke enyịn ke ufen emi mme owo ẹbọde ye nte ke enye oyom nnyịn ibọ ufen. Soon, joyful music will fill the King's palace, and heavenly throngs will sing out: "Praise Jah, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king! So it is painful for Jesus to hear lies about his Father, such as the fact that God is indifferent to human suffering and that he wants us to suffer. Edi Abasi edinam didie inam kpukpru ufen etre? Jesus prayed for his murderers. But how will God eliminate all suffering? Idibịghike ẹmọn̄ ẹkop edinem ikwọ ke ufọk ubọn̄ Edidem, ndien mbon heaven ẹyekwọ ẹte: "Mbufo ẹtoro Jah, koro Jehovah Abasi nnyịn, kpa Ata Ọkpọsọn̄, ọmọtọn̄ọ ndikara nte edidem. 10: 21, 22. Soon a beautiful song will be heard in the royal house of the King, and those in the heavens will cry out: "Praise Jah, you people, for Jehovah our God, has begun to rule as king. Jesus ama ọbọn̄ akam aban̄a mbon oro ẹkewotde enye. Again she was arrested and imprisoned - this time for ten years. Jesus prayed for those who put him to death. 10: 21, 22. Thus, we had many opportunities to give a witness. 10: 21, 22. Ẹma ẹfiak ẹmụm enye, ndien isan̄ enye emi ẹkebiere n̄kpọkọbi isua duop ẹnọ enye. It is easy to become so concerned with food, clothing, and shelter that the more important things are neglected or even forgotten. He was again arrested, and this time he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Ntem, nnyịn ima inyene ediwak ifet ndinọ ikọ ntiense. By and large, however, Jehovah's people today have succeeded in following Peter's exhortation. Thus, we had many opportunities to give a witness. Edi mmemmem n̄kpọ owo ndikere kpukpru ini mban̄a udia, ọfọn̄, ye ebiet udakibuot tutu ẹfụmi m̀mê ẹfre ata akpan n̄kpọ. This publication is not for sale. It is easy to think about food, clothing, and shelter so much that we ignore or forget very important things. Nte ededi, ikọt Jehovah mfịn nte otu ẹnam item Peter emi. You will certainly benefit. However, Jehovah's people today as a group follow Peter's counsel. N̄wed emi idịghe unyam. (For fully formatted text, see publication) This publication is not for sale. Ke akpanikọ afo ọyọbọ ufọn. Knut relates: "It took time to adjust to the new environment and culture. You will surely benefit. (Ama oyom ndikụt nte enye enen̄erede etie, se n̄wed) You will find it in the next article. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Knut ọdọhọ ete: "Ama ada mi ini mbemiso n̄kekemede ndimehe ye obufa ebiet emi ye ido mmọ. In turn, a clean conscience enabled him to approach Jehovah in prayer and to enjoy " the peace of God that excels all thought and that guards our hearts and mental powers. ' " It took me some time before I was able to adjust to their new location and culture, " says Katherine. Oyokụt ibọrọ mbụme emi ke ibuotikọ oro etienede. Parents work hard to provide for their children. You will find the answers in the following article. Ndien emi ama anam enye enyene esịt eke mîbiomke enye, emi akanamde enye ekeme ndisibọn̄ akam nnọ Jehovah nnyụn̄ nnyene " emem Abasi emi akande kpukpru ekikere onyụn̄ ekpemede esịt ye ukeme ukeren̄kpọ nnyịn. ' So when Adam sinned and began to die as God said he would, all mankind was sentenced to death along with him. As a result, he had a clean conscience, which enabled him to pray to Jehovah and to enjoy "the peace of God that excels all thought and guard our hearts and our mental powers. " Mme ete ye eka ẹsinam utom ọkpọsọn̄ man ẹnyene se ẹnọde nditọ. How can we cope with such things as personal weaknesses and financial or health problems? Parents work hard to provide for their children. Ntre ke ini Adam akanamde idiọkn̄kpọ onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọde ndikpa nte Abasi ọkọdọhọde, ẹma ẹbiere ikpe n̄kpa ẹnọ ofụri ubonowo ndikpa ye enye. Posters, newspaper ads, as well as 710,000 handbills were used, and a total of 4,800 attended the three lectures in Japan's capital. So when Adam sinned and began to die as God had said, death was sentenced to death for all mankind. Didie ke ikeme ndiyọ mme mmeme nnyịn, unana okụk, m̀mê unana nsọn̄idem? Everyone appreciates being able to make personal choices, including the choice of religious affiliation. How can we cope with our limitations, financial, or health problems? Ẹma ẹda n̄wedmbụk n̄kpọntịbe ẹkot mme owo, ẹdian n̄wedikot ke usụn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnọ mme owo n̄wedikot 710,000 ke ubọk. [ Picture on page 13] People were invited by newspapers, printed on the road, and handed down 70,000 invitations. Kpukpru owo ẹsima edieke ẹkemede ndinam mme ọkpọkpọ edimek, esịnede edimek ido ukpono. Tucson, AZ Convention Center, 260 S. Everyone enjoys making personal choices, including choice of religion. [ Ndise ke page 13] A true Christian, therefore, is one who follows the teachings and instructions of Jesus, the Founder of Christianity, totally and unconditionally. [ Picture on page 13] November 30 - December 2, 2007 The new arrivals, although unable to understand what was being said, slowly began to realize that it had something to do with them. Spanish July 20 - 22, July 27 - 29, August 3 - 5, August 10 - 12 Ke ntem, ata Christian edi owo emi anamde kpukpru se Jesus Christ ekekpepde onyụn̄ enịmde mme ewụhọ esie ketket kpukpru usen. 146: 9. Thus, a true Christian is a man who does all that Jesus Christ taught and observe his commandments closely every day. Okposụkedi emi nditọete inan̄ emi mîkokopke usem German, nte enye osụk etịn̄de ikọ, mmọ ẹma ẹdifiọk ke ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a mmimọ. Appreciative humans have always concerned themselves with God's works. Although the deaf did not understand German, as he was speaking, they realized that they were talking about them. 146: 9. 14: 8; Ps. 146: 9. Mme owo oro ẹwụtde esịtekọm ẹsitịn̄ enyịn kpukpru ini ke mme utom Abasi. Anointed Christians zealously began to seek out and bring into their association these fellow worshipers from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues. People who are grateful always give attention to God's works. 14: 8; Ps. Pharaoh suffers defeat at the Red Sea 14: 8; Ps. Mme Christian oro ẹyetde aran ẹma ẹsịn ifịk ẹtọn̄ọ ndiyom nnyụn̄ ntan̄ ekemmọ mme andituak ibuot emi ẹtode kpukpru obio, ye esien, ye idụt, ye usem mbok. I leaned on my own understanding, which I now know was ridiculous because I knew nothing. " Anointed Christians zealously began to search for and gather fellow worshipers from all nations, tribes, and peoples, and tongues. Ẹma ẹkan Pharaoh ke Ididuot Inyan̄ Paul writes: "He... has his priesthood without any successors. Pharaoh was defeated in the Red Sea N̄keberi edem ke asian mi, edi mmọfiọk idahaemi ke ekedi ata nditen̄ sia mmen̄kọfiọkke n̄kpọ ndomokiet. " Jesus was equally willing to serve his own disciples. I relied on my own understanding, but I now realize that it was absurd because I knew nothing. " Paul ewet ete: "Enye... enyene idaha oku eke mîkemeke ndikpụhọde. As he learned the truth about basic Bible doctrines, he shared his newly acquired knowledge with his congregation. Paul writes: "He... has a priest who cannot change. Jesus ama enyịme n̄ko ndinam n̄kpọ nnọ mme mbet esie. " These couples don't get gridlocked in their separate positions, " says the book Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage. Jesus was also willing to serve his disciples. Nte enye ekekpepde mme akpan ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, enye ama esida mbufa n̄kpọ emi enye ekekpepde mi ekekpep mbon ufọkabasi mmọ. They are likely moved by their concern and deep affection for you. As he studied basic Bible truths, he used the new things he taught me to teach his parishioners. N̄wed kiet emi ẹkotde Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage ọdọhọ ke utọ ebe ye n̄wan oro isiyakke mfịna oro ọsọn̄ ubọk tutu edi se mmọ mîmaha ndinam emem. As Paul says, Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal "in the night in which [Jesus] was going to be handed over " by Judas Iscariot to the Jewish religious leaders who pressured the Romans to impale Christ. According to the book Ten Lessons to Change Your Marriage, such a couple become so overwhelmed with problems that they do not want to make peace. Se inamde mmọ ẹnọ mbufo item akam edi sia mmọ ẹkerede ẹban̄a ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄erede ẹma mbufo. Why did Ananias and Sapphira merit God's disapproval, and what is the lesson for us? They have given you their counsel in prayer because they care and deeply love you. Nte Paul ọdọhọde, Jesus ọkọtọn̄ọ Udia Mbubịteyo Ọbọn̄ " ke okoneyo oro Judas Iscariot akadade Jesus ọnọ ' mme adaiso ido ukpono mme Jew emi ẹkenyịkde mbon Rome ndikọn̄ Christ ke eto n̄wot. Rutherford. According to Paul, Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal "in the night of Judas Iscariot for Jesus ' betrayal " of the Jewish religious leaders who forced the Romans to put Christ to death on a stake. Ntak emi Abasi akayatde esịt ye Ananias ye Sapphira, ndien nso ke ikpep ito emi? Thus, the Bible records Jesus ' illustration in which an ungrateful slave was handed over to "the jailers, " or in some translations," the tormentors. " Why did God become angry with Ananias and Sapphira, and what do we learn from this? Rutherford ọkọsọn̄ọde asua ọnọ imọ. 20, 21. (a) Why did the Pharisees condemn Jesus ' disciples? Rutherford. Bible obụk uwụtn̄kpọ oro Jesus ọkọnọde aban̄a nte ẹkeyakde idiọk ofụn ẹsịn ke ubọk "mme ekpeme ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi, " m̀mê" mme anditụhọde owo, " nte ndusụk Bible ẹsịnde. Noah had the responsibility of helping his family to survive the Flood. The Bible relates Jesus ' illustration of how a wicked slave was delivered into the hands of "the prison guards, " or" the prisoners, " as some Bible did. 20, 21. (a) Ntak emi mme Pharisee ẹkebiomde mme mbet Jesus ikpe? In his letter to the Romans, he writes: "Let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another. " 20, 21. (a) Why did the Pharisees condemn Jesus ' disciples? Ekedi utom Noah ndin̄wam ubon esie ọbọhọ Ukwọ oro. Hence, when contemplating medical treatment, we are wise to seek reliable information rather than putting "faith in every word. " It was Noah's duty to help his family survive the Flood. Paul ekewet ete: "Ẹyak nnyịn ibịne mme n̄kpọ oro ẹnamde emem odu ye mme n̄kpọ oro ẹbọpde kiet eken. " Are you as earnest and as open with Jehovah when you speak to him about your failings? Paul wrote: "Let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another. " Ntem, ke ini iyomde ndibọ usọbọ, oyowụt ọniọn̄ nnyịn ndiyom ntọt oro ẹkemede ndiberi edem utu ke ndise "kpukpru ikọ ke akpanikọ. " When the king came back into the room and saw Haman pleading with Esther on her couch, he angrily accused Haman of attempting to rape the queen in the king's own home. Hence, when we seek medical attention, we are wise to look for reliable information rather than to see "every word in the truth. " Edieke anamde idiọkn̄kpọ, ndi emesitịn̄ ofụri ofụri nte etiede fi ke idem ọnọ Jehovah? Some of us have grown old and are not happy about that. If you have sinned, do you pour out your heart to Jehovah? Ndien ke ini edidem odụkde edikụt Haman ọduọde ana ke n̄kpana Esther ekpe enye ubọk, esịt ọdọdiọn̄ ayat edidem, enye onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke Haman oyom ndidan̄ ọbọn̄ an̄wan ke n̄kanubọk ke ufọk imọ. Is the Truth Bearing Fruit in Those You Teach? And when the king caught sight of Haman's bed in Esther's bed, he broke the king's anger and said that Haman wanted to rape the queen in his home. Ndusụk nnyịn imọkọri isọn̄ inyụn̄ ikopke inemesịt iban̄a oro. Was the young king influenced by counselors who had no regard for true worship? Some of us grow to the earth and are unhappy about it. Ndi Akpanikọ ke On̄wụm Mfri ke Idem Mbon Oro Afo Ọnọde Ukpep? Does God have a name? Is the Truth Bearing Fruit in Those You Teach? Ndi mme ọnọitem emi mîmaha Abasi ẹkenam ekpri edidem emi ọkpọn̄ Abasi? The answers can teach us much. Did God - fearing counselors turn the young king away from him? Ndi Abasi enyene enyịn̄? But when Hannah spent time thinking about what it would be like when she took her son Samuel to serve at the tabernacle, she had a basis for her mental picture. Does God have a name? Ibọrọ mbụme emi ẹkeme ndikpep nnyịn ekese. The apostle Peter wrote two letters to anointed Christians, whom he called "the ones chosen. " The answers to these questions can teach us much. Edi ke ini Hannah eketiede ekere usen emi imọ idimende Samuel eyen imọ akanam n̄kpọ Abasi ke tent utuakibuot, enye ekekere se ikemede nditịbe - n̄kpọ emi enye ama ekebebiere ndinam nnọ Abasi. Albert Einstein, whose work benefited others, said: "The value of a man... should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. " However, when Hannah thought about the day she would spend her son Samuel's life at the tabernacle, she thought about what she wanted to do - her decision to serve God. Apostle Peter ama ewet leta iba ọnọ mme Christian oro ẹyetde aran, emi enye okokotde "mbon oro ẹmekde. " " Honor Jehovah with your valuable things. " - Prov. 3: 9 (See paragraph 11) The apostle Peter wrote two letters to anointed Christians, whom he called "the chosen ones. " Albert Einstein, emi utom esie akadade ufọn ọsọk mbon efen, ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹkpenyene ndikụt... ufọn emi owo enyenede ke se owo ọnọde idịghe ke se owo ekemede ndibọ. " it was very good. " Albert Einstein, whose work benefited others, said: "You should find... the blessing that a person has on what he can give and not in what he can receive. " " Da ọsọn̄urua inyene fo... kpono Jehovah. " - N̄ke 3: 9 (Se ikpehe ekikere 11) They were Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, and Shemida. 3: 9 (See paragraph 11) ẹfọn etieti. " Millions of Scenarios were given away free. It was very good. " Mmọ ẹkedi Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, ye Shemida. (Read.) They were Mahena, Asriel, Shechem, and Shem stretched out. Ẹma ẹnọ mme owo ediwak miliọn n̄wed emi ke mfọn. Likewise, these loyal companions of the anointed find immense satisfaction in assisting honesthearted ones to come to a knowledge of the truth. Millions of these books were distributed free of charge. (Kot.) I will say to Jehovah: " You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I will trust. ' " (Read.) Mme anam - akpanikọ ufan mbon emi ẹyetde aran mi ẹkop inemesịt n̄ko ndin̄wam mbon oro ẹnyenede esịt akpanikọ ẹdi ẹdifiọk akpanikọ. God warned the first man, Adam, that in the day he sinned he would positively die. These faithful anointed friends are also happy to help honesthearted ones come to know the truth. Nyọdọhọ Jehovah, nte, Ubọhọ mi, ye ọkpọsọn̄ ebiet mi; Abasi mi, nyọbuọt idem mi ye enye. " Although created perfect, Adam needed to respect the physical limits imposed upon him by his Creator. I will say to Jehovah: " My refuge and my stronghold, my God, I will trust in him. ' " Abasi ama odụri Adam, akpa owo emi ẹkebotde, utọn̄, ete ke enye ayakpa ke usen emi enye anamde idiọkn̄kpọ. If we persist in doing this, it will result in unity among God's people, allowing them to speak, as it were, with the same accent. - 1 Cor. God warned the first man, Adam, that he would die on the day of his sin. Okposụkedi emi Adam ọkọfọnde ama ke ini ẹkebotde enye, enye ekenyene ndinam ibet oro Andibot ekenịmde. Whether we are young or old, we can ask ourselves these questions: " Do I notice changes in myself that indicate that I am moving toward becoming a spiritually - minded person? Although Adam was created perfect, he had to obey the Creator's laws. Edieke iyịrede ke ndinam emi, emi ayanam ikọt Abasi ẹdiana kiet, ndien ke ntre anam mmọ ẹnyene uyoikọ kiet. - 1 Cor. Singing is an act by which one can express one's faith and love for God. By doing so, we promote unity among God's people and thus contribute to the unity of God's people. - 1 Cor. Edide idi n̄kpri m̀mê ikpọ owo, ọkpọfọn ibụp idem nnyịn ite: " Ndi nte ndude uwem idahaemi owụt ke mmama n̄kpọ Abasi n̄kan akpa? 4 / 1 Scroll to Codex, 6 / 1 Whether we are young or old, we do well to ask ourselves: " Do my present life reflect my love for spiritual things? Owo ekeme ndida ikwọ n̄wụt adan̄a mbuọtidem oro enye enyenede ye ima oro enye amade Abasi. In 1950, Giuseppe Tubini and I were invited to attend the 16th class of the missionary school of Gilead. A person may use music to illustrate the depth of his faith and love for God. Ntak Ayakde Idiọkido Odu - o? As of May 1, 2000, the lease for the auditorium was terminated. Why Allow Wickedness? Ke 1950, ẹma ẹkot mi ye Giuseppe Tubini ididụk ọyọhọ otu 16 ke ufọkn̄wed isụn̄utom Gilead. Why? In 1950, Giuseppeini and I were invited to attend the 16th class of Gilead. Ọtọn̄ọde ke May 1, 2000, owo ikenyịmeke aba ndinọ mmọ itie oro ẹda ẹnịm mbono esop. What can result from our faithful course? Starting on May 1, 2000, the site was canceled. Ntak - a? THE young man was a fugitive. Why? Nso ikeme ndidi utịp usụn̄ uwem edinam akpanikọ nnyịn? A VAST inland section of Australia is affectionately known as the outback. What may result from our faithful course? AKPARAWA emi ekedi owo nyon̄. But I found out that life seldom turns out the way we expect. A YOUNG man was a fugitive. ẸSIWAK ndikot akamba esịt esịt ikpehe Australia obio - in̄wan̄. Some of our friends and loved ones may have served God for decades and are well along in years. A large part of Australia is often called a remote part of the country. Edi mma ndikụt ke n̄kpọ isiwakke nditịbe nte nnyịn ikekerede. Foregleams of God's Kingdom Become a Reality But I realized that things didn't happen as much as we expected. Ekeme ndidi ndusụk ufan ye mbonima nnyịn ẹnam n̄kpọ Abasi ke ediwak iduọk isua ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹsọn̄ ke emana. How will a waiting attitude help someone struggling with a personal problem? Some of our friends and loved ones may have been serving God for decades and are very old. N̄kukụt Aban̄ade Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi Osu Persecution indicates that Satan and his world are angry with you because you serve Jehovah. A vision of God's Kingdom Fulfilled Didie ke edu edibet edin̄wam owo oro an̄wanade ye ọkpọkpọ mfịna? 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14. How will a waiting attitude help a person who is struggling with personal problems? Ndikọbọ fi ọwọrọ ke Satan ye ererimbot esie ẹyat esịt ye afo ke ntak emi anamde n̄kpọ Jehovah. According to the book The Sacred Earth, by Brian Leigh Molyneaux, this globe came into existence because of " a great cosmic explosion ' millions of years ago. Being persecuted means that Satan and his world are angry with you for serving Jehovah. 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14. Apparently, that gave him renewed vigor to finish the fight. - 1 Samuel 14: 24 - 27. 4: 6 - 11; 5: 4, 6, 14. N̄wed oro The Sacred Earth, emi Brian Leigh Molyneaux ewetde ọdọhọ ke isọn̄ emi ọkọwọrọ edidu ke ekondo ama " okotop obomo ' ke ediwak miliọn isua oro ẹkebede. We Need to Know Who God Is The book The Sacred Earth, edited by Brian Leigh Michaux, states that the earth came to be "cut the ground " for centuries. Etie nte oro ama ọnọ enye odudu esịt ndika iso n̄n̄wana ekọn̄ n̄kụre. - 1 Samuel 14: 24 - 27. Then you can be sure that you will see the day when negative feelings are gone for good! - Psalm 37: 29. That likely gave him the strength to continue fighting. - 1 Samuel 14: 24 - 27. Oyom Nnyịn Ifiọk Enye Emi Abasi Edide 8, 9. We Need to Know the One Who Is God Do afo emekeme ndinen̄ede nnịm ke oyokụt usen emi mme etikwo etikwo ekikere ẹditrede taktak! - Psalm 37: 29. On being returned to Pharaoh's daughter, Moses was educated "in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. " Then you can be sure that you will see a day when negative thoughts will permanently end! - Psalm 37: 29. 8, 9. Why can you be sure of this? 8, 9. Ke ẹma ẹkeda ẹsọk adiaha Pharaoh, ẹma ẹkpep Moses "ofụri ifiọk nditọ Egypt. " Remember, "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " Upon being brought to Pharaoh's daughter, Moses was instructed "all the wisdom of the Egyptians. " Ntak emi afo ekemede ndinịm emi ke akpanikọ? 10: 11. Why can you be sure of this? Ti, " Abasi okpon akan esịt nnyịn, onyụn̄ ọfiọk kpukpru n̄kpọ. ' BRAMPTON, ON (Chinese only), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2594 Highway 7 W. Remember, "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " 10: 11. Granted, it is not easy for us imperfect humans to live up to our dedication to our perfect God, Jehovah. 10: 11. MGBOKO UMUORIA 12 (Ikọmbakara) Just think! LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Imọfiọk ke imemke utom nnyịn mme anana - mfọnmma owo ndinam se ikọn̄wọn̄ọde ke ini ikayakde idem inọ Jehovah Abasi, emi edide mfọnmma. [ Footnotes] Of course, it is not easy for imperfect humans to live up to our dedication to Jehovah God, who is perfect. Kamse! If you reason with your children, they will realize that you discipline them out of love. - Proverbs 22: 15; 29: 19. Just imagine! [ Mme Ikọ idakisọn̄] For example, a person with leprosy came to him and said: "If you just want to, you can make me clean. " [ Footnotes] Edieke afo ọkọkde ibuot ye nditọ fo, mmọ ẹyefiọk ẹte ke afo otụnọ mmimọ ke ntak oro afo amade mmimọ. - Mme N̄ke 22: 15; 29: 19. Instead of seeking God's help as he had when facing the Ethiopian invasion, Asa sought human help. If you work with your children, they will know that you discipline them because you love them. - Proverbs 22: 15; 29: 19. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, owo emi ọdọn̄ọde akpamfia ama edi edidọhọ enye ete: "Edieke afo akam amade, emekeme ndinam mi nsana. " The words of 1 Peter 5: 9 came home to me: "[Know] that the same things in the way of sufferings are being accomplished in the entire association of your brothers in the world. " For example, a leper came and said to him: "If you just want to, you can make me clean. " Utu ke Asa ndinam nte enye akanamde ke ini mbon Ethiopia ẹkedide ekọn̄ ye enye, enye ọkọdọhọ owo an̄wam imọ. I have every reason to be happy because drawing near to God has been good for me. - As told by Sarah Maiga. Instead of acting as he did when the Ethiopians attacked him, Asa asked for help. Mme ikọ 1 Peter 5: 9 ẹma ẹnyene se ẹwọrọde ẹnọ mi: " Ẹfiọk ẹte kpa utọ ndutụhọ emi ke ọyọyọhọ ke otu nditọ - ete mbufo emi ẹdude ke ererimbot. ' Our appreciation for the ransom should keep us busy with "deeds of godly devotion. " The words of 1 Peter 5: 9 had meaning for me: "You know that the same things in the way of sufferings are being accomplished in the entire association of your brothers in the world. " Ke akpanikọ, ndisan̄a n̄kpere Abasi ọfọn ye ami onyụn̄ anam esịt enen̄ede enem mi. - Nte Sarah Maiga obụkde. However, there is more to it. Yes, drawing close to God is good for me and brings me great joy. - As told by Sarah Maiga. Esịtekọm oro inyenede iban̄a ufak ekpenyene ndinam nnyịn isịn ifịk inam "mme edinam uten̄e Abasi. " I came to realize that growth requires change. Appreciation for the ransom should move us to be zealous in carrying out "the deeds of godly devotion. " Nte ededi, mme n̄kpọ efen oro anade inam ẹdu. CAMEROON However, there are other things that we must do. Mma ndikụt ke nte owo okponde aka, ntre ke n̄kpọ edikpụhọde ke uwem esie. 12 LANDS AND PEOPLES I realized that the size of my adult life had changed. CAMEROON About 500 years after Nimrod's time, Jehovah organized the descendants of faithful Abraham into the nation of Israel to serve as His witness on earth. CAMEROON 12 MME OBIO YE MME OWO From my vantage point at Bethel, I have been blessed to witness outstanding spiritual growth in the Philippines. 12 LANDS AND PEOPLES N̄kpọ nte isua 500 ke eyo Nimrod ama ekebe, Jehovah ama etịm mme andito ubon anam - akpanikọ Abraham esịn ke idụt Israel ndinam n̄kpọ nte ntiense Esie ke isọn̄. 12, 13. (a) Why did Jesus ' apostles have good reason to believe that the holy spirit could help them? Some 500 years after Nimrod's day, Jehovah organized faithful descendants of Abraham into the nation of Israel to serve as His witness on earth. Ke ntak itie emi nnamde utom ke Bethel, mmokụt ke ata ediwak owo ke Philippines ẹdi ẹdikpono Jehovah. Solomon died in 997 B.C.E. As a result of my Bethel assignments, I have seen that most in the Philippines have come to serve Jehovah. 12, 13. (a) Ntak emi mme apostle Jesus ẹkenyenede nti ntak ndinịm ke edisana spirit ama ekeme ndin̄wam mmimọ? The Greek expression rendered "power over death " in some translations and" means to cause death " in the New World Translation is "kraʹtos tou tha·naʹtou. " 12, 13. (a) Why did Jesus ' apostles have sound reasons for believing that the holy spirit was able to help them? Enye akakpa ke isua 997 mbemiso Christ edimana. Use the Bible to reach the heart He died in 997 B.C.E. Edieke owo fo osụk ekemede nditịn̄ ikọ onyụn̄ enyịmede nditịn̄ mban̄a se enye ediyomde ẹnam ẹnọ imọ, ọkpọfọn ẹbụp enye m̀mê enye oyom anie ebiere se ẹkpenamde edieke enye mîkemeke nditịn̄ ikọ aba. " I am open to getting married when I meet the right person. If your loved one is still able to speak and be willing to talk about what he or she will need, it would be wise to ask him who will decide what to do if he is not able to speak. Ikọ Greek oro ẹkabarede "odudu ndiwot owo " ke ndusụk edikabade ye" ekemede ndida n̄kpa ndi " ke New World Translation edi "kraʹtos tou tha·naʹtou. " Suggested Bible reading for December: The Greek word rendered "the power to kill " in some translations and" to cause death " is "raʹtou·naʹtou. " Da Bible sịm esịt eyenọwọn̄ Remember, the storm clouds of Armageddon are swiftly approaching. Take the Bible to the heart of a child Mmeben̄e idem ndidọ ebe ini ekededi oro n̄kụtde owo eke odotde. COVER SUBJECT | LIFE AFTER DEATH - IS IT POSSIBLE? Whenever I see someone who is deserving, I am ready to marry. Itie Bible emi okpokotde ke December: (5) Hartman, E. Suggested Bible reading for December: Ti ete ke Armageddon enen̄ede ekpere. When they reviewed the record at the end of the designated period, they were surprised at the number of meetings they had missed. Remember, Armageddon is at hand. IBUOTIKỌ MAGAZINE EMI | NDI MME AKPAN̄KPA ẸKEME NDIFIAK NDU UWEM? Parents, Children - Communicate With Love COVER SUBJECT LIFE AFTER DEATH - IS IT POSSIBLE? (5) Hartman, E. 19, 20. (a) For what reason should wives be in subjection to their husbands? (5) Hartman, E. Ke ini mmọ ẹkedụn̄ọrede n̄wetnnịm n̄kpọ oro ke utịt ini emi mmọ ẹkenịmde, idem ama akpa mmọ ndikụt ibat mbono esop emi mmọ ẹketabade. He urged his followers living in the last days to be vigilant, saying: "You do not know on what day your Lord is coming " and" the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it. " When they looked into the record at their conclusion of the system of things, they were surprised to see the number of meetings they lost. Mme Ete ye Eka ye Nditọ - Ẹnam Nneme Mbufo Enem He confused their language so that they could not communicate with one another. Parents and Children - Make Your Communication Enjoyable 19, 20. (a) Ntak emi anade iban ẹsụk ibuot ẹnọ mme ebe mmọ? Even so, they had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years along with the rest of the Israelites. 19, 20. (a) Why do wives need to be in subjection to their husbands? Enye ọkọdọhọ mmọ ete: "Mbufo [ifiọkke] usen eke Ọbọn̄ mbufo edidide, " afiak ọdọhọ mmọ ete ke" hour emi mbufo mîkereke, Eyen owo eyedi. " 15: 15, 16. - From our archives in Portugal. He told them: "You do not know on what day your Lord is coming, " and then he tells them that" an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Enye ama etịmede usem mmọ, ntre mmọ ikekemeke ndikop se kiet eken eketịn̄de. My assignment arrived in May 1939 - Brazil! He confused their language, so they could not listen to each other's words. Kpa ye oro, mmọ ẹma ẹtiene nditọ Israel eken ẹyo ke wilderness isua 40. It is no wonder, therefore, that those who serve in foreign - language congregations feel greatly rewarded. Yet, for 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. Mmọ " ẹkedi mme asan̄autom Christ Jesus ẹnọ mme idụt. ' - Rome 15: 15, 16. - Oto itieutom ubon n̄kani n̄kpọ nnyịn ke Portugal. Jehovah's active force - the force behind the creation of the universe - can be made available to you if you wish. 15: 15, 16. - From our archives in Portugal, they "were servants of Christ Jesus to the nations. " - Rom. 15: 15, 16. Ẹma ẹnọ mi efakutom ke May 1939 - enye ekedi Brazil! Discipline should be considered not simply punishment but a means of training us in the way of righteousness. In May 1939 - it was Brazil! Mmọdo, idịghe n̄kpọ n̄kpaidem mbon oro ẹnamde utom ke mme esop usem esenidụt ẹsinen̄erede ẹkop uyụhọ. Some especially enjoy the Gospels, which paint a beautiful picture of Jehovah's personality as reflected in his Son. It is not surprising, therefore, that those serving in foreign - language congregations find great satisfaction. Jehovah ekeme ndinọ fi anamutom odudu esie - odudu emi enye akadade obot ekondo - edieke afo oyomde. " Keep Your Eyes Ahead of the Night Watches " was the theme of the talk delivered by Michael Burnett, one of the Gilead School instructors. Jehovah can give you his active force - the power he used to create the universe - if you want it. Nnyịn ikpadaha ntụnọ nte sụk edinọ ufen edi ikpada enye nte usụn̄ oro ẹdade ẹnọ nnyịn ukpep edinen ido. * Discipline should not be viewed as just punishment but as a means of teaching us righteousness. Ndusụk owo ẹnen̄ede ẹma mme Gospel, koro mmọ ẹtịn̄ n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Jesus, enye emi anamde nnyịn inen̄ede ifiọk Jehovah. What can we learn about clothing from God's Law to the Israelites? The Gospels are highly esteemed by some, for they refer to Jesus, the one who has made us more intimately acquainted with Jehovah. Ndien mmọ ẹkesibahade enye ẹsịn ke ikpehe ita, hour inan̄ inan̄. When they died, they had no prospect of benefiting from Christ's ransom sacrifice. And they divided it into three sections, four hours. * He received assistance from Christian elders and mental - health professionals. * Nso ke Ibet oro Abasi ọkọnọde nditọ Israel aban̄a usịnen̄kpọ ekpep nnyịn? Winnenden is a prosperous and idyllic town, flanked by vineyards and orchards. What can we learn from God's Law to the Israelites about dress? Ke ini mmọ ẹkekpan̄ade, mmọ ikenyeneke idotenyịn ndibọ ufọn nto uwa ufak Christ. Gift Annuity: A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby one transfers money or securities to a designated corporation that is used by Jehovah's Witnesses. When they died, they did not have the prospect of benefiting from Christ's ransom sacrifice. Mbiowo esop Abasi ẹma ẹn̄wam enye, mme dọkta ẹma ẹnyụn̄ ẹtiene ẹn̄wam enye. For him this is the one and sole God. " The elders helped him, and the doctors helped him. Winnenden edi ifụre ifụre obio uforo oro enyenede mme in̄wan̄ vine ye mme in̄wan̄ mfri. " To help the son of my Bible student appreciate what it was like to use a scroll in Bible times, we printed out the book of Isaiah after deleting the chapter and verse numbers. Winnen is the security of a prosperous city that has vineyards and vineyards. Enye ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ ke Jesus ada nte Abasi. " Young David, the future king of Israel, called God his "share in the land of the living ones. " Jesus is the only one whom he considers to be God. " Brọda Y.T., ke Japan ọdọhọ ete: "Man in̄wam eyen owo ukpepn̄kpọ Bible mi okụt nte ẹkesisọn̄de ndikụbọde ikpan̄wed ke eyo Bible, ima isọhi kpukpru ibuot ye ufan̄ikọ ifep ke n̄wed Isaiah inyụn̄ imịn̄ enye ntre ke anyan ikpan̄wed. • How Jesus comes to the rescue of Adam's descendants can be compared to a wealthy benefactor who pays off a company's debt (incurred by a dishonest manager) and reopens the factory, thus benefiting its many employees. - The Watchtower, February 15, 1991, page 13. Brother Y.T., in Japan, says: "To help my Bible student to see how difficult it was to apply the scroll in Bible times, we had to avoid all chapters and verses out of Isaiah's book and to print it on a long scroll. Ekpri David, emi nte ini akakade ekedide edidem Israel, ọkọdọhọ ke Abasi edi "udeme [imọ] ke isọn̄ mme odu - uwem. " his skin? Young David, who later became king of Israel, referred to God as "his inheritance in the land of the living ones. " • Ẹkeme ndimen usụn̄ oro Jesus anyan̄ade nditọ Adam ndomo ye ọfọnido owo inyene kiet emi ekpede isọn usiakifia (emi etubom utom oro mînamke akpanikọ ekesịnde usiakifia oro) onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọde ntak eberede usiakifia oro, ntem adade ufọn ọsọk ediwak mbonutom usiakifia oro. - Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, February 15, 1991, page 13. What can lead to adultery? • Jesus ' way of protecting Adam's offspring might be likened to a rich man who hires a debt (a faithful company) and thus benefits many of the company's employees. - The Watchtower, February 15, 1991, page 13. ikpaidem? (b) How did this woman's spiritual brothers and sisters support and encourage her? skin? Nso ikeme ndinam owo esịn efịbe? Christian parents wisely provide their children from infancy with a strong spiritual environment What could cause a person to commit adultery? (b) Didie ke nditọete eke spirit n̄wan emi ẹkenọ enye un̄wam ye nsịnudọn̄? These articles examine Psalms 111 and 112, which complement each other. (b) How did her spiritual brothers provide help and encouragement? Mme ete ye eka oro ẹdide Christian ẹda eti ibuot ẹnam nditọ mmọ ẹnyene eti idaha eke spirit toto ke nsek When parents are loyal to each other, there is a good possibility that this quality will rub off on their children. Christian parents wisely instill spiritual values in their children from infancy Ibuotikọ iba emi ẹneme Psalm 111 ye Psalm 112, emi ẹsan̄ade kiet. Rather, Jehovah's abilities, moral qualities, and standards support his purpose. These articles discuss Psalm 111 and Psalm 112, which are closely linked. Ke ini mme ete ye eka ẹnamde akpanikọ ẹnọ kiet eken, edu emi iditreke ndibe nditọ mmọ. " Certificate of Divorce, " 9 / 1 When parents are faithful to each other, this quality will surely help to rear their children. Utu ke oro, ukeme, nti edu, ye mme edumbet Jehovah ẹsan̄a ẹkekem ye uduak esie. • What prevented the Israelites in Moses ' day as well as some first - century Christians from entering into God's rest? Rather, Jehovah's abilities, qualities, and principles are in harmony with his will. Nsiondi Eke Ukpepn̄kpọ Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, 1 / 15 Few problems in a marriage can be solved unless both partners work together and support each other. Jehovah's Witnesses Are the Supreme One, 8 / 15 • Nso ikọbiọn̄ọ nditọ Israel ke eyo Moses ye mme Christian eyo mme apostle ndidụk nduọkodudu Abasi? We loved our new assignment, and we felt at home immediately. • What prevented the Israelites in Moses ' day and early Christians from entering God's rest? Edieke mme ọdọ ndọ ẹn̄wamde kiet eken ẹnyụn̄ ẹdianade kiet ẹnam n̄kpọ, mmọ ẹyekọk ata ekese mfịna ke ndọ mmọ. " You must stand before Caesar, " an angel later told Paul. If marriage mates support each other and work together, they will be able to solve most problems in their marriage. Nnyịn ima ima obufa utom nnyịn, ndien enye ama emehe nnyịn usọp usọp. How do you account for their existence? We loved our new assignment, and it quickly became clear to us. Angel ama ọdọhọ Paul ete: "Afo enyene ndida ke iso Caesar. " Commenting on Matthew 24: 14, one theologian wrote these dire words: "This verse is one of the most important in all the Word of God... An angel told Paul: "You must stand before Caesar. " Nte afo emekeme ndinam an̄wan̄a nte mmọ ẹkesan̄ade ẹdidu? If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Can you explain how they came into existence? Ekpep ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono kiet ekewet ntem aban̄a Matthew 24: 14: "Kiet ke otu ata akpan ufan̄ikọ N̄wed Abasi edi emi... The Devil had a malicious attitude and a sinister objective. Regarding Matthew 24: 14, one theologian wrote: "One of the most important verses of Scripture is this... Edieke afo edimade ndinyene n̄kaiso ntọt m̀mê edimade owo edi ufọk fo edinịm ukpepn̄kpọ Bible mfọn ye afo, mbọk wet n̄wed nọ ẹsọk Watch Tower, P.M.B. 1090, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, mîdịghe nọ ẹsọk nnennen adres oro odude ke page 2. Not once did I hear her say, " I wish we could settle down and have our own home. ' If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Edi akaka ndidọk ubi. In his speech to the Sanhedrin, Stephen said of Abraham: "After his father died, God caused him to change his residence to this land in which you now dwell. " But he goes on to go. Akananam enye ikọdọhọke ite, " Ubaha ikpetrede utom emi ndien inyụn̄ ikọtọn̄ọ ubon nnyịn. ' We believe Jehovah's promise that his loyal people will survive his great day and be brought into the new world. He never said, " I wish we could stop and start our family. ' Ke ikọ oro enye eketịn̄de ọnọ Sanhedrin, Stephen ama etịn̄ aban̄a Abraham ete: "Ke ini ete esie ama akakpa, Abasi osio enye do, ada enye edi ke isọn̄ emi mbufo ẹdụn̄de ke esịt ke emi. " Attend the Memorial of Jesus ' death. In his words to the Sanhedrin, Stephen said of Abraham: "When his father died, God took him there, and he brought him to the land in which you were dwelling. " Nnyịn imenịm un̄wọn̄ọ Jehovah oro nte ke mme anam - akpanikọ ikọt esie ẹyebọhọ akwa usen esie ẹnyụn̄ ẹbe ẹdụk obufa ererimbot. But Jehovah does more than just notice our distress. We trust Jehovah's promise that his faithful people will survive his great day and enter into the new world. Dụk Editi n̄kpa Jesus. In order not to "show off, " I did not want to take a taxi to the home where I was to stay, so I would walk to my accommodations. Attend the Memorial of Jesus ' death. Jehovah esikụt afanikọn̄ nnyịn onyụn̄ anam n̄kpọ aban̄a oro. 3: 18. Jehovah notices our situation and responds. Ami n̄kesimen mbiomo mi ke idemmi n̄ka ebiet emi ndidụn̄de. N̄kesidụkke taxi n̄ka ufọk emi ndidụn̄de mbak iditie nte n̄wụt idem. What is the greatest privilege for baptized Christians? I carried my burden on my own, and I went to a house where I lived, where I would not be able to show myself. 3: 18. For example, in one country some Witnesses have endured almost 20 years of imprisonment because of maintaining their neutrality. 3: 18. Nso idi akakan ifet oro mme Christian oro ẹnade baptism ẹnyenede? COVER SUBJECT | WHAT IS TRUE SUCCESS? What is the greatest privilege that baptized Christians have? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke idụt kiet, ẹma ẹdọn̄ ndusụk Mme Ntiense ke ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ke se ikperede ndisịm 20 ke ntak emi esịt mmọ mîyakke mmọ ẹdụk ekọn̄. Would You Welcome a Visit? For example, in one country some Witnesses were in prison for nearly 20 reasons because of their conscientious refusal of military service. IBUOTIKỌ IKPAEDEM | NSO ISINAM OWO EDI N̄KPỌ? CHILDREN happily playing with their loving parents - who does not enjoy watching such a scene? COVER SUBJECT WHAT IS A COMMON OBJECTION? Nte Afo Akpama Ẹdise Fi? When we gather to observe the Memorial of Jesus ' death on Thursday, April 5, 2012, these Bible teachings will be on our minds. Would You Welcome a Visit? ANIE mîsimaha ndise nte nditọwọn̄ ẹbrede mbre ye ete ye eka mmọ idara idara? 16, 17. (a) What practical measures can married Christians take at the workplace to send a clear signal that they are not available romantically? WHO is not interested in seeing children play with their parents joyful memories? Ke ini isopde idem ndidụk Editi n̄kpa Jesus ke Thursday, April 5, 2012, iyeti mme ukpepn̄kpọ Bible emi. How can we be sure of that? When we meet for the Memorial of Jesus ' death on Thursday, April 5, 2012, we will remember these Bible teachings. 16, 17. (a) Nso ye nso ke mme Christian emi ẹdọde ndọ ẹkpenam ke itieutom man ẹwụt ke mmimọ iyomke mbre ima? Would you like to learn more about serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers in your own country or abroad? 16, 17. (a) What can married Christians do to show that they are not interested in sports? Nnyịn isan̄a didie ifiọk emi? For those who love Jehovah, however, their sacred service comes before everything else. How do we know that? Ndi akpama ndifiọk mme n̄kpọ en̄wen mban̄a ndinam utom ke ebiet emi ẹnen̄erede ẹyom mme asuanetop Obio Ubọn̄ ke idụt mbufo m̀mê ke idụt en̄wen? Job maintained his fear of God even when confronted with three false friends Would you like to learn more about serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers in your country or abroad? Edi utom Abasi edi akakan n̄kpọ ọnọ mbon oro ẹmade Jehovah. Nonspiritual goals could lull us into spiritual sleep, or we might adopt a materialistic attitude. But God's service is of utmost importance to those who love Jehovah. Job ama aka iso enyene mbak Abasi idem ke ini okosobode ye ufan abian̄a ita The apostle Paul acknowledged that there were differences in viewpoint among Christians in Rome. Job maintained his godly fear even when facing three false companions Mme utịtmbuba obụkidem ẹkeme ndinam nnyịn iyet idap ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit, mîdịghe nnyịn imekeme ndinyene edu uma - inyene. Therefore, what God has yoked together [in marriage] let no man put apart. " Material goals can make us drowsy spiritually, or we can develop a materialistic spirit. Apostle Paul ama ọdọhọ ke mme Christian ke Rome ẹkekere n̄kpọ ke nsio nsio usụn̄. (4) Romo, R. The apostle Paul pointed out that Christians in Rome thought differently. Ke ntre, se Abasi ama akadian [ke ndọ] yak baba owo kiet okûdianade. " Procrastination tempts her, and she falls into its trap. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " (4) Romo, R. But when she turned her back on Jehovah God and our family values, I felt that I was a total failure. (4) Romo, R. Efiọn esịbe odụk enye ekikere, enye onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọ efiọn. Why not approach them with renewed zeal and show them that Jesus Christ is indeed the promised Messiah, God's means of salvation? It breaks into his mind, and he begins to slow down. Edi ke ini enye eketrede ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah Abasi onyụn̄ etrede ndikpono mbet ubon, eketie mi nte ke kpukpru se n̄kanamde ọkọwọrọ ikpîkpu. Expendable and Disposable But when she stopped serving Jehovah God and failed to respect family rules, I felt that everything I did was futile. Edieke edide ntre, mbọk fiak bịne mmọ idahaemi nyụn̄ nen̄ede nam mmọ ẹfiọk ke Jesus Christ edi ata Messiah oro ẹken̄wọn̄ọde, kpa enye emi Abasi adade ọnọ ubonowo edinyan̄a. Likewise, hardworking wives appreciate hearing upbuilding words from their husbands. If so, please come back to them now and give them clear evidence that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah, the one through whom God has provided for mankind's salvation. Ndi Ẹkeme Ndida Uwem Nnam nte Ẹmama? What will help you to preach with boldness, as Jesus did? Can You View Life as After Death? Ọfọn isisọn̄ọ mmọ idem n̄ko. Ke ini ebe otorode n̄wan esie ke se enye anamde, emi esisọn̄ọ n̄wan esie idem. Research suggests that this happens when your ENS sends " happy signals ' to your brain, starting a chain reaction that makes you feel better. This may explain why people tend to eat so - called comfort food when feeling stressed. When a husband commends his wife for what she is doing, she is encouraged. Nso idin̄wam fi ọkwọrọ ikọ uko uko nte Jesus ọkọkwọrọde? Roving through the pages of the Bible, they have come to acquire true knowledge. What will help you to imitate Jesus ' courage in our ministry? Ntaifiọk ke ẹdụn̄ọde nte ẹkpenamde idem owo esision̄o mmọn̄ibọk emi ọkpọkọm owo idiaha utọ udia oro man ẹkpeda ifiọk oro ẹn̄wam mbon emi ẹsitiede mfụhọ mfụhọ kpukpru ini. The righteous include "a great crowd " who" come out of the great tribulation. " Researchers have found that even if they do not eat such a food so as to provide practical assistance to those who suffer from depression, they may be able to do so regularly. Sia mmọ ẹyọrọde ke Bible, mmọ ẹmedi ẹdinyene ifiọk akpanikọ. So we kept our contact with our son to absolutely necessary family business. " Because of their Bible record, they have come to an accurate knowledge of truth. Ndinen owo emi esịne "akwa otuowo " emi" [ẹditode] akwa ukụt ẹwọn̄ọ. " How can we protect ourselves from Satan's propaganda? These righteous ones include the "great crowd " who will" come out of the great tribulation. " Ntem, nnyịn ikesinyeneke mbubehe ndomokiet ye eyen nnyịn oro ibọhọke edi n̄kpọ ufọk emi anade ẹkot enye ẹsịn. " THEY DISPLAYED FAITH AND COURAGE Thus, we did not have any business with our son unless it was a house to be invited. " Nso ke ikpanam mbak Satan edibian̄a nnyịn? Instead of granting their request, Rehoboam threatens to place an even heavier load on them. How can we avoid being deceived by Satan? MMỌ ẸMA ẸWỤT MBUỌTIDEM YE UKO For that reason, J. THEY BY FAITH AND COURAGE Utu ke ndinam eben̄e mmọ, Rehoboam akam ọdọhọ ke imọ idinam ọkpọnọ mmọ etetịm odobi. Specifically, the earth has an abundance of liquid water; it is located at the right distance from the sun; and it contains the right mixture of atmospheric gases, including large amounts of oxygen. Instead of granting their request, Rehoboam says that he would make his yoke heavier. Oro edi ntak J. What admonition recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 12, 13 did Paul give? That is why J. Mmọn̄ odu barasuene ke isọn̄; isọn̄ ikpereke inyụn̄ iyomke usụn̄ ikpọn̄ utịn ikaha; ofụm oro onyụn̄ odude ke isọn̄ ekem ye se mme odu - uwem n̄kpọ ẹyomde. (b) What questions should we consider? The earth's water is abundant; the earth is falling apart and is not too far off from the sun; and the atmosphere is in harmony with the necessities of life. Nso item oro ẹwetde ke 1 Corinth 10: 12, 13 ke Paul ọkọnọ? However, the foremost way in which God draws us to himself and we are drawn to him is through the love he expresses by means of the ransom. What counsel recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 12, 13 did Paul give? Nditie n̄kere mban̄a se Jehovah adade esop esie anam edi ke ufọn nnyịn. Two Women Who Spoke Up Meditating on what Jehovah has done through his organization is for our benefit. Edi ufak edi akakan n̄kpọ emi Abasi adade anam nnyịn ikpere enye, kpa emi n̄ko ke enye ada owụt ke imama nnyịn. I sought out one of the Witnesses and plied her with questions. The ransom, on the other hand, is an expression of God's love. Iban Iba Emi Ẹketịn̄de Ekikere Mmọ Someone Is Out There - But Who? Two Women Who Made Their Mind Mma nyom owo mmọ kiet n̄kụt nnyụn̄ mbụp enye ediwak mbụme. Orange St. I wanted one of them to see and ask him a number of questions. Mmanie Ẹdụn̄ ke Obio Mme Spirit? Since the Bible record of weddings does not stress music and dancing, should this not guide a couple who plan a wedding that will honor Jehovah? Who Are in the Spirit Realm? IGWURUTA ALI 3 (Abua) And the caregiver's situation might change, making it necessary to review the current arrangements. LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Sia mbụk Bible emi aban̄ade mme udianndọ mîdorike nsọn̄uyo ke ikwọ ye unek, nte emi ikpedịghe n̄kpọ ndausụn̄ inọ eren ye n̄wan ẹmi ẹdiomide ndinam udianndọ oro edikponode Jehovah? On the other hand, God's Word states: "He that is pursuing righteousness and loving - kindness will find life, righteousness and glory. " Since the Bible account about weddings does not insist on music and dancing, would this not be a guiding guide for a man and a woman who planned to make a wedding that pleases Jehovah? Ndien edieke n̄kpọ okpụhọrede ye eyen emi esisede aban̄a ete ye eka mi, ọkpọfọn ofụri ubon ẹfiak ẹneme se ẹkpenamde. Consider also this fact: Having been born as imperfect sinners, we are in a position to experience the profound joy we feel when God forgives us our errors. And if the parent's primary concern differs from the child, the whole family would do well to discuss the needs of the family. Mmọ ndikesịn ndinyịme Jehovah ebiere n̄kpọ ọnọ mmimọ anam nnyịn ibọ ufen inyụn̄ ikpan̄a, sia idide nditọ mmọ. " You heard that it was said: " You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy, ' " said Jesus. Their refusal to accept Jehovah's gift of free will resulted in suffering and death, as their children were. Sia ikadade - da idiọkn̄kpọ imana, esịt esinen̄ede enem nnyịn ndifiọk ke Abasi efen mme idiọkn̄kpọ nnyịn. Her name was Apun Mambetsadykova, and she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Because we have inherited sin, it is heartwarming to know that God has forgiven our sins. Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Mbufo ẹma ẹkop ẹte ẹkedọhọ ẹte, " Afo enyene ndima mbọhọidụn̄ fo nnyụn̄ nsua owo eke asuade fi. ' It means to appeal to the moral consciousness of the child in such a way that it influences his actions. Jesus said: "You heard that it was said, " You must love your neighbor and hate the one hating you. ' Ndineme nneme ye Mme Ntiense Jehovah ini oro ekedi edue - ukot - akpa - itọn̄! He proudly set up an immense image - perhaps representing himself - on the plain of Dura. Talking to Jehovah's Witnesses at that time was risky! Edi ọwọrọ ndida mbukpek nnam eyen fo ọfiọk se ifọnde ye se idiọkde man an̄wam enye odu eti uwem. William recalls that a traveling overseer once told him, "Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. " But it means using persuasion to help your child develop a sense of right and wrong in order to improve his personality. Enye ama atan̄ idem emen akamba mbiet - iso ọfọn adade aban̄a idemesie - okowụk ke Unaisọn̄ Dura. What is it? He allowed himself to be swallowed up by a huge image - perhaps a symbol of himself - on the Plains of Dura. William eti se esenyịn emi asan̄ade - san̄a eketịn̄de ye enye ini kiet. Would gleaning suffice? William remembers what a traveling overseer said to him at one time. Ewe enọ edi oro? Then, during his earthly ministry, Jesus used prayer as his means of communicating his feelings to his Father in heaven. What is that gift? M̀mê imọ idisụk isan̄a ntem itan̄ nyọhọ - nsụhọ ke in̄wan̄ owo. Jesus helped deserving ones to escape cruel domination by the demons. - Mark 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. Whatever the case, there would be three gleanings in the fields. Ke ini enye edide edidu ke isọn̄ ọkwọrọ ikọ, enye ama esibọn̄ akam ọnọ ete esie ke heaven etịn̄ nte etiede imọ ke idem. On Saturday, October 6, the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was held at the Jersey City, New Jersey, Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States. During his ministry on earth, he prayed to his father in heaven to express his feelings. Jesus ama an̄wam mbon oro ẹkedotde ẹbọhọ mme demon emi ẹkesitụhọrede mmọ. - Mark 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. Why did God's Word so deeply touch the king's heart? Jesus helped deserving ones to escape demon victims. - Mark 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. Ke Saturday, October 6, ẹma ẹnịm mbono ofụri isua eke Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, ke Ufọk Mbono Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Jersey City, New Jersey, United States. In other words, people want to be equal with those above them on the social scale; but not many would be willing to limit their privileges and advantages by granting equality to those they consider to be below them. On Saturday, October 6, the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was held at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Jersey City, New Jersey, the United States. Ntak emi Ikọ Abasi okotụkde esịt edidem ntotụn̄ọ ntotụn̄ọ ntre? I was only 12 at the time. Why did God's Word touch the heart of the king so deeply? Ke ikọ efen, mmọ ẹsiyom ndidi ukem ukem ye mbon oro ẹkponde itie ẹkan mmọ ke n̄kaowo; edi ediwak owo idinyịmeke ndisụhọde idaha mmọ ke ndinyịme ndidi ukem ukem ye mbon oro mmọ ẹdade nte ke ẹsụhọde ẹkan mmimọ. And can you imagine their curiosity when the missionaries brought along a tape recorder? In other words, they want to be equal to those who are superior to society; yet, many would not be willing to reduce their position by agreeing to be the same as those whom they consider to be the remaining. N̄kedi isua 12 ini oro. [ Box on page 8] I was 12 years old. Ndi emekeme ndikere nte eketiede mmọ ke idem ke ini mme isụn̄utom ẹkedade ukwak ubre kaset ẹdi? And eventually, all of faithful mankind who do not have a heavenly hope will enjoy "the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Only the peaceable can have such a hope. Can you imagine how they felt when the missionaries brought on an tape? [ Ekebe ke page 8] Rather, he began with this thrilling assurance: "We have been declared righteous as a result of faith, [so] let us enjoy peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. " [ Box on page 8] Ndien nte ini akade, kpukpru owo ke otu anam - akpanikọ ubonowo oro mînyeneke idotenyịn eke heaven ẹyenyene "ubọn̄ eke nditọ Abasi. " In a nuclear event, go to the lowest internal part of your building to reduce exposure to radiation. Eventually, all faithful humans with no heavenly hope will enjoy "the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Utu ke oro, enye akada inem inem un̄wọn̄ọ emi ọtọn̄ọ: "Ẹkebat nnyịn ke edinen ke ntak mbuọtidem, [ntem] ẹyak nnyịn idu ke emem ye Abasi ebe ke Ọbọn̄ nnyịn Jesus Christ. " The young ruler's decision was not wise. Rather, he began this heartwarming promise: "We were declared righteous by faith, and we were reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. " Edieke mfịna edide idiọk ofụm emi ekemede ndiwot owo, n̄kpri - unam - udọn̄ọ emi asan̄ade ke ofụm, m̀mê n̄kpọ ntre, beri usụn̄ ye window ufọk fo nyụn̄ sịri ndudu ekededi emi odude ke ufọk fo mbak idiọk ofụm oro idibe idụk. Our faith in Jehovah's ability to read hearts and to draw to himself those whom he chooses should prevent us from judging others, both in our territory and in our congregation. If there is a danger that can cause death, the insects who walk through the wind, or the like, shut the door and windows and wipe out any holes in your home so that the air does not fall into the air. Akparawa oro ekedide andikara do ikanamke eti ubiere. Visits we made to countries where the work was under ban actually were a source of encouragement to us. The young ruler did not make a wise decision. Sia idiọn̄ọde ke Jehovah ọfiọk se isịnede owo ke esịt, ke enye esinyụn̄ emek mbon emi enye odụride adian idem, ikpanaha ikpe ikpe inọ nditọete nnyịn m̀mê mme owo ke efakutom nnyịn. When the Israelites urged him to make a god for them, he did so. Knowing that Jehovah can read hearts and that he chooses those whom he draws to himself, we should not judge fellow believers or individuals in our territory. Ndika n̄kese mme n̄kọk itieutom ke nsio nsio idụt ke ini emi ukara ẹkekpande utom nnyịn ama enen̄ede esịn udọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn. As mentioned at the outset, she hugged me tightly and urged me: "Now keep strong. " Visiting branch offices in various countries during the ban of our work was very encouraging. Nditọ Israel ẹma ẹdọhọ enye anam abasi ọnọ mmimọ, enye onyụn̄ anam. As a result, populations with different languages, religions, and thinking patterns have sprung up in various parts of the earth. The Israelites asked him to serve their gods, and he did. Ndien nte n̄ketịn̄de ke ntọn̄ọ, enye ama afat mi onyụn̄ ọdọhọ mi ete: "Kûyak idem enyek fi. " The Joys of Walking in Integrity And as mentioned at the outset, he embraced me and said to me: "Do not be afraid. " Nte utịp, mme owo oro ẹkenyenede nsio nsio usem, ido ukpono, ye usụn̄ ukere n̄kpọ ẹma ẹyọhọ nsio nsio ikpehe isọn̄. How Much Longer for the Wicked? 2 / 1 Jehovah Empowers the Tired One, 12 / 1 As a result, people of different languages, religion, and thought - provoking ways were filled with various parts of the earth. Idatesịt Edisan̄a ke Eti Ido He writes: "Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " Joy Will Walk in Goodness Ererimbot Oro Unana Idotenyịn Mîdụhe, 9 / 15 You would likely build up your immune system and stay away from people who are contagious. We must do the same in a spiritual sense. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Enye ekewet ete: "Christ ama akam okụt ukụt kaban̄a mbufo, [ọkpọn̄] uwụtn̄kpọ enịm ọnọ mbufo man ẹtiene nde ikpat esie ketket. " Are you, for example, alert to the danger posed by insidious doubts? He wrote: "Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " Etie nte afo akpada editịbe oro mîdiyakke udọn̄ọ oro ebe fi ukponyụn̄ usan̄ake - san̄a ukpere mbon oro ẹkemede ndinọ fi udọn̄ọ oro. " His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. " You would likely use an event that would interfere with your husband's illness and would not be near those who could give you the disease. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, nte afo emesidu ke edidemede aban̄a n̄kpọndịk emi mme abian̄a abian̄a eyịghe ẹkamade? People who mourn, who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and who are conscious of their spiritual need are aware of the importance of having a good relationship with the Creator. For example, do you stay alert to the dangers of deceptive doubts? " Edisịnen̄kpọ esie afia nte snow, idet ibuot esie onyụn̄ etie nte afia idet erọn̄. " It is one thing for Isaiah's prophecy to state that others would account Christ as "stricken by God " but quite another for the prophecy to foretell:" Jehovah himself took delight in crushing him. " " His outer garments are white like snow, and his hair is like white wool. " Mbon oro ẹtuan̄ade, ẹkopde biọn̄ ye nsatitọn̄ edinen ido, emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹfiọkde ke imebuene ke spirit, ẹfiọk ufọn edinyene eti itie ebuana ye Andibot. To this day, grandparents and parents can learn much from Lois and Eunice. Those who mourn, hunger and thirst for righteousness, and who know that poverty in spirit, know the importance of having a good relationship with the Creator. Ekeme ndidi ikpaha nnyịn idem ke ini ntịn̄nnịm ikọ Isaiah ọdọhọde ke mme owo " ẹkese ẹte ke Abasi ọtọ ' Jesus udọn̄ọ, edi ekeme ndikpa nnyịn idem ndikop Isaiah ọdọhọde ke "Jehovah ama enye ndinuak. " " What are the apparent advantages and disadvantages of the options before you? " We may not be surprised when Isaiah's prophecy says that people "look to God " Jesus, but we may be surprised to hear Isaiah say that" Jehovah took delight in crushing him. " Tutu esịm emi, mme ete ye eka, mme ete - ete, ye mme eka - eka ẹkeme ndikpep n̄kpọ nto Lois ye Eunice. Why can present - day Christian women be referred to as "a large army "? - Ps. To this day, parents, parents, and mothers can learn from Lois and Eunice. " Nso idi eti ye idiọk oro ẹdude ke se afo oyomde ndimek? " If Jehovah and Jesus decide to do something extra for others, they do you no wrong. " What is good and bad that you want to choose? " Ntak emi ẹdọhọde ke iban emi ẹbakde Abasi mfịn ẹdi "akwa udịm "? - Ps. Jehovah examines it. Why are God - fearing women described as "a large army "? - Ps. Edieke Jehovah ye Jesus ẹnọde mbon en̄wen mme n̄kpọ efen efen, mmọ inamke fi idiọk ndomokiet. As the man had heard the name Abraham before, he nodded enthusiastically. If Jehovah and Jesus give others more, they do not cause any harm to you. Jehovah esidomo ndamban̄a esịt. 38: 7 - 13; 39: 15 - 18. Jehovah examines the figurative heart. Ke ini ete emi okopde enyịn̄ oro, Abraham, enye ama otop ibuot ye idatesịt. Our selfish tendencies might well distort the conscience. When the man heard the name, Abraham, gave him reason with joy. 38: 7 - 13; 39: 15 - 18. Employees who are unwilling to make such sacrifices for their company risk losing their jobs. 38: 7 - 13; 39: 15 - 18. Emi ekeme ndinam ubieresịt abian̄a nnyịn. In 1949, when I was 13 years old, our family immigrated to Brazil, Mother's home country, and settled in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. This can lead to a treacherous conscience. Ndien emi esinam idem emem mbonutom, anam mmọ ẹdọn̄ọ, inyụn̄ iyakke mmọ ẹkop inemesịt. Let us respond to Jehovah's training by applying the good things he is now supplying to make us completely equipped as teachers of God's Word! As a result, workers are weakened, physically, and spiritually. Ke 1949, ke ini n̄kedide isua 13, ubon nnyịn ama ọwọrọ aka Brazil, isọn̄ emana Mama, onyụn̄ akanam idụn̄ ke esịt obio Rio de Janeiro. What were the advantages of the codex over the scroll? In 1949, when I was 13, my family moved to Brazil, my homeland, and we settled in Rio de Janeiro. Ẹyak nnyịn ibọ ukpep oro Jehovah ọnọde ebe ke ndida nti n̄kpọ oro enye ọnọde nnyịn idahaemi ndinam nnyịn iben̄e idem ke kpukpru nde nte mme andikpep Ikọ Abasi nsịn ke edinam! 11, 12. Let us take advantage of the training Jehovah provides by applying the good things he has now given us to be prepared in all respects as teachers of God's Word! Nso ikanam codex ọfọn akan anyan ikpan̄wed emi ẹsitatde - tat? Youths - " Keep Your Eyes on the Things Unseen ' Why was the codex superior to that of a scroll? 11, 12. For example, in the wake of last year's terrorist attack in New York City, one Christian sister was sharing Psalm 46: 1, 11 with the people she met in her ministry. 11, 12. Mme Uyen - " Ẹdọn̄ Enyịn ke Mme N̄kpọ Oro Owo Mîkwe ke Enyịn ' He told the assembly: " Move away, please, from the tents of these wicked men and do not touch anything that belongs to them, so that you may not be swept away in all their sin. ' Young Ones - " Pay Attention to the Things That Are Invisible " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke etienede edinam oyomonsia isua oko ke New York City, Christian eyenete an̄wan kiet akabuana Psalm 46: 1, 11 ye mme owo oro enye okosobode ke an̄wautom. I had received a letter saying that he had recently moved out here and wanted to continue his discussion of the Bible with the Witnesses. For example, following a terrorist attack last year in New York City, a Christian sister associated Psalm 46: 1, 11 and those she met in the field ministry. Ndien enye ọdọhọ ofụri esop ete: " Mbọk, mbufo ẹdaha ke mbọhọ tent mme idiọkowo emi, ẹkûnyụn̄ ẹtụk n̄kpọ baba kiet eke ẹnyenede mmọ, mbak ẹdisobo mbufo ẹfep ke ntak idiọkn̄kpọ mmọ. ' So when the apostle Philip asked Jesus: "Show us the Father, " Jesus could rightly say:" He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " And he said to the whole congregation: " Please, please, go up to the tents of the wicked ones, and do not touch the whole thing that belongs to them, that you may not be annihilated for their sins. ' N̄kọbọ leta emi ọkọdọhọde ke enye ọkọwọrọ ndondo emi edidụn̄ mi, ndien ke enye oyom ndika iso n̄kpep Bible ye Mme Ntiense Jehovah. What does the Bible have to say in this regard? I received a letter stating that she had recently moved to my home and that she wanted to continue studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Ntre, ke ini apostle Philip ọkọdọhọde Jesus ete: "Wụt nnyịn Ete, " Jesus ama enen ndidọhọ enye ete:" Owo eke okụtde mi okụt Ete n̄ko. " He knew what was in Job's heart and provided the counsel that Job needed. So when the apostle Philip told Jesus: "See us our Father, " Jesus rightly said to him:" He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " Nso ke Bible etịn̄ ke afan̄ emi? The brothers who were called up were court - martialed and usually received a sentence of from two to four years. What does the Bible say in this regard? Enye ama ọfiọk se ikodude ke esịt Job onyụn̄ ọnọ item oro Job okoyomde. " They should not dwell in your land, " God warned regarding the Canaanites, "that they may not cause you to sin against me. In case you should serve their gods, it would become a snare to you. " He knew what was in Job's heart and gave Job's counsel. Esopikpe mbonekọn̄ ẹkesikpe ikpe nditọete oro ẹkesịnde ndinam utom ekọn̄ ndien ẹma ẹsiwak ndibiere n̄kpọkọbi ọtọn̄ọde ke isua iba esịm inan̄ nnọ mmọ. " God Does Not Dwell in Handmade Temples ' The military authorities tried the brothers who had refused to serve in the military and were often sentenced to two and four years in prison. Abasi okodụri nditọ Israel utọn̄ aban̄a mbon Canaan ete: "Kûyak mmọ ẹdụn̄ ke isọn̄ fo, mbak mmọ ẹdisịn fi edue mi: afo ama anam n̄kpọ mme abasi mmọ, iditreke ndidi afia eke omụmde fi. " What problem arose in the first century? Concerning the Canaanites, God warned: "Do not let them dwell in your land, that they may not lead you into sin. You may certainly prove to be a snare to you. " " Abasi Idụn̄ke ke Mme Temple eke Ubọk Owo Ẹnamde ' In time, however, Lene's poor health required that we move to a warmer climate. " God Does Not dwell in Menic Temples " Nso mfịna ikodu ke akpa isua ikie? Note the expression used three times here - "adequately qualified. " What problem existed in the first century? Nte ini akakade, akana iwọrọ ikodụn̄ ke n̄kan̄ emi eyo ofiopde ekpri sia idem ama edifịna n̄wan mi idiọk idiọk. Her name was Ignacia. In time, I had to move to a tropical climate, which threatened my wife's health. Tịm fiọk ikọ oro ẹdade ẹtịn̄ ikọ utịm ikata mi - " editịm ndot. ' Solomon continues: "Everyone shrewd will act with knowledge, but the one that is stupid will spread abroad foolishness. " Note the expression here used three times - "the system of things. " Enye ekekere Ignacia. Yes, cultivating love for God and a healthy fear of him - not fear of torment in hell - can motivate us to do God's will in order to enjoy lasting happiness. His name was Kaia. Solomon aka iso ete: "Kpukpru ọniọn̄ owo ẹyenam n̄kpọ ke ifiọk: edi ndisịme ayarade ebiọ. " [ Footnote] " The shrewd one acts with knowledge, " continues Solomon, "but the foolish one exposes his own foolishness. " Ke akpanikọ, ndima Abasi nnyụn̄ mbak enye - idịghe ndikop ndịk mban̄a ikan̄ hell - ekeme ndinam nnyịn inam uduak Abasi man ikop idatesịt ke nsinsi. The head of David's three most valiant men was Jashobeam, or Josheb - basshebeth. Indeed, love of God and fear of him - not fear of hellfire - can move us to do God's will to rejoice forever. [ Ikọ Idakisọn̄] When speaking about the end of the present system, Jesus said: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man. " [ Footnote] David ama enyene iren ita oro ẹkenen̄erede ẹnyene uko, ndien Jashobeam, m̀mê Josheb - basshebeth ekedi etubom iren ita emi. Besides, personal opinion is not always a reliable guide. David had three very courageous men, and Kashe, or Joshe - shea, who served as the head of the three men. Jesus eketịn̄ ntem aban̄a utịt editịm n̄kpọ emi: "Ẹdu ke edidemede, ndien, kpukpru ini ẹnam n̄kpeubọk man mbufo ẹkpekeme ndibọhọ kpukpru n̄kpọ emi ẹditịbede, nnyụn̄ nda ke iso Eyen owo. " It went on: "Nevertheless, there are good things that have been found with you. " Regarding the end of this system of things, Jesus said: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man. " Ke ẹsiode oro ẹfep, idịghe kpukpru ini ke ekikere idemowo esinen. In other words, adverse judgment was coming. Besides that, it is not always a matter of personal opinion. Enye ama aka iso ete: "Edi ẹmekụt nti n̄kpọ ke idem fo. " " The True Vine " He continued: "But the good things you have seen in you. " Ke nditịn̄ ke usụn̄ efen, ubiomikpe mmọ ama ekpere! The Bible emphasizes that Jehovah, the Great Timekeeper, is not slow. In other words, their judgment was imminent! " Ata Vine " Samuelson), Mar. " A Real Vine " Bible ọsọn̄ọ etịn̄ ke Jehovah, kpa Akwa Ekpeme Ini, inuọnke ke ndinam un̄wọn̄ọ esie. Many may find the choice to serve the true God difficult to make. The Bible stresses that Jehovah, the Great Timekeeper, is not slow in carrying out his promise. Ekeme ndisọn̄ ediwak n̄kparawa owo ndimek ndinam n̄kpọ ata Abasi. As a result, the reader can feel confident that he or she is reading "correct words of truth " as they were inspired by our Creator, Jehovah God. - Ecclesiastes 12: 10. Many young people may find it difficult to choose to serve the true God. Emi anam mme owo emi ẹkotde obufa Bible emi ẹfiọk ke se mmimọ ikotde ẹdi "nnennen ikọ akpanikọ " emi Andibot nnyịn, kpa Jehovah Abasi ọkọnọde odudu spirit esie ẹwet. - Ecclesiastes 12: 10. Gilead students reenact one of their preaching experiences As a result, these new Bible readers have come to appreciate that what they call "the accurate word of truth " from our Creator, Jehovah God. - Ecclesiastes 12: 10. Nditọ ufọkn̄wed ẹwụt nte ikọkwọrọde ikọ YOUR DEFENSE: Limit contact with disease - carrying insects by staying indoors when they are active or by wearing protective clothing, such as long sleeves and long trousers. The students ' presentation of the ministry SE AKPANAMDE: Kûdu ke ebiet emi ọbọn̄ ye mme n̄kpọ eken oro ẹkemede ndinọ owo udọn̄ọ ẹdude, mîdịghe sịne anyan - ubọk - ọfọn̄ ye anyan ọfọn̄ukot man n̄kpọ idita fi. God created angels long before man's appearance. WHAT YOU CAN DO: Do this exercise not only in the presence of a prince but also in the privacy of a patient's illness or in the long - distance steps to reach your feet. Abasi ama obobot mme angel anyan ini mbemiso enye obot owo. Pilate was capable of using force. Long before God created man, he created angels. Pilate ama ekeme ndida odudu mbịn mmọ. Jehovah is just as reasonable in what he expects of us. Pilate was able to expel them with power. Kpasụk ntre, Jehovah idọn̄ke nnyịn se isọn̄de ikan nnyịn. [ Picture on page 23] In a similar way, Jehovah has not given us what is beyond our reach. [ Ndise ke page 23] " As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it. " - PROV. [ Picture on page 23] Itie oro ọdọhọ ke "Abasi ekemenede enye enịm ke itie emi okon̄de onyụn̄ ọnọ enye enyịn̄ oro okon̄de akan kpukpru enyịn̄ efen. " The verse says: "God exalted him [Jesus] to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name. " It says: "God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name. " NSO ke afo esikere ke ini okopde ikọ oro "ntụnọ "? WHAT comes to mind when you hear the word "discipline "? WHAT do you think of when you hear the word "discipline "? Ke ẹma ẹkenọ utịn̄ikọ oro, owo 2,000 ẹma ẹka ẹkekwọrọ ikọ, ndusụk owo ẹka ẹyom usụn̄ ẹkesịm n̄kpọ nte kilomita 72. Two thousand delegates responded by sharing in a special "Service Day, " visiting homes up to 45 miles (72 km) away from the convention site. After the talk, 2,000 were assigned to preach, some reaching some 65 miles [80 km] away. Jesus " Ama Ikọt Esiemmọ Tutu Esịm Akpatre ' Jesus " Loves His Own to the End ' Jesus "Loved His Servants to the End " 13: 6 - 9) Nte ini akakade, ke ini ukara Rome, mme Jew oro ẹkenanade mbuọtidem ẹma ẹdiọk tutu ẹwot Messiah oro ẹken̄wọn̄ọde! 13: 6 - 9) Later, under Roman domination, the faithless Jews went so far as to kill the promised Messiah! 13: 6 - 9) In time, during Roman times, faithless Jews were so wicked that the promised Messiah was killed! Ndi Owo Ama Akpa, Esie Okụre? Jehovah Will Sustain You, 12 / 15 Is There Hope for the Dead? Edi ke mma n̄kenen̄ede mbọn̄ akam ediwak ini, mma n̄kpụhọde. " However, after many intense prayers, I began a turnaround. " But after much prayer, I changed. " (b) Nso ke ana kpukpru mbon emi ẹkerede enyịn̄ ẹdian Abasi ẹnam? (b) What responsibility rests on all who bear God's name? (b) What must all who bear God's name do? • Didie ke nnyịn ibọ ufọn ito ndika iso nsana ke ido uwem? • How do we benefit by remaining morally clean? • How do we benefit from keeping morally clean? Mi ke " ikọ Job etre. ' - Job 31: 35, 40. Thus, " the words of Job came to an end. ' - Job 31: 35, 40. Here "the word of Job ends. " - Job 31: 35, 40. (b) Mme mbụme ewe ke idineme ke ibuotikọ emi? (b) What questions will we consider in this article? (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Sia nnyịn ikadade idiọkn̄kpọ idimana, nnyịn idi mme asua Abasi. In our sinful state, from birth we were enemies of God. Since we have inherited sin, we are God's enemies. 5, 6. 5, 6. 5, 6. Nso Inam Mme Owo Ẹkere ke Esidi Abasi Anam Eti Anam Idiọk? Why Do People Say That God Is Cruel? Why Do People feel that God Is Cruel? Nditọete emi ẹkekọpde udia ẹkekọp usan udia 30,000 ke hour kiet. Servers dished out 30,000 meals an hour. One hour C.E., some of the brothers suffered from a food bottle in the kitchen. Ndusụk owo ẹkeme ndidọhọ ke Jodie ekesesịme ke ndinam akpanikọ ntre. Some people would likely say that Jodie was foolish for being so honest. Some may say that it was too much for Jodie to be honest. Ntak emi afo ekpenyenede udọn̄ ke n̄wed emi owo mîkadaha odudu spirit Abasi iwet mi - e? Why should you be interested in this noninspired composition? Why should you be interested in a book that is not inspired by God? (b) Nso eti uwụtn̄kpọ ke mmọ ẹnịm ẹnọ kpukpru nnyịn? (b) In what respect are they a fine example for all of us? (b) What fine example do they set for all of us? Afo emekeme ndikụt nte enyenede ufọn ndikama n̄wed m̀mê babru ke ini afo okotde Bible. You may find it helpful to have a notebook or some paper handy when you read the Bible. You may find it beneficial to use literature or paper when you read the Bible. Utọ nneme emi ayanam owo emi ọbọde ukpep enen̄ede ekere aban̄a mbon en̄wen utu ke ndikere mban̄a utom. Having such conversations with the learner as part of his training will help him to focus more on people than on rules. Such conversations will help a learner to focus more on others rather than on work. Nte Jesus asan̄ade ke Samaria, Galilee, Judea, ye mme ebiet emi ẹdude ke edem usiahautịn Jordan ọkwọrọ ikọ, ekpep mme owo n̄kpọ, onyụn̄ anam mme utịben̄kpọ, " ediwak owo ẹtiene enye, ẹnyụn̄ ẹbuọt idem ye enye. ' - John 10: 41, 42. As Jesus travels through Samaria, Galilee, Judea, and the land east of the Jordan - preaching, teaching, and performing powerful works - " many people come to him and put faith in him. ' - John 10: 41, 42. As Jesus traveled through Samaria, Galilee, Judea, and other parts of the Jordan, teaching and performing miracles, "many have followed him and put faith in him. " - John 10: 41, 42. Ndiọi mbụk oro ikopde kpukpru usen ẹwụt ke ibịghike, nti n̄kpọ ke ẹdi The bad news we hear every day proves that good things are coming soon The bad news we hear each day shows that good things are soon to come Kpa idaha oro ke n̄keti ke ikpanaha Christian an̄wana ye mbon efen - ọkpọkọm ke mbre mbuba! All of a sudden, it dawned on me that a Christian should not fight with others - even in a sport! At the same time, I recall that a Christian should not fight against others - even in sports! Ke adianade ye edinọ okụk nte enọ, mme usụn̄ enọ efen ẹdu oro ẹkemede ndida nnam utom Obio Ubọn̄ ke ofụri ererimbot. In addition to outright gifts of money, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. In addition to outright gifts of money, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Ẹkọm Jehovah Abasi Israel, emi ọdọn̄de fi, ete edisobo ye ami mfịn emi: ẹnyụn̄ ẹkọm eti ibuot fo, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkọm fi emi akpande mi, ete n̄kûdue isop iyịp. " - Ufan̄ikọ 32, 33. He responds: "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! And blessed be your sensibleness, and blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt. " - Verses 32, 33. " Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me, " she says, "and blessed be your sensibleness, and blessed be you who have restrained me from entering into bloodguilt. " - Verse 32, 33. Didie ke ikeme ndikpono mbon oro ẹdade ke ibuot esop Abasi mfịn? How can we show respect for modern - day representatives of the Christian congregation? How can we show respect for those taking the lead among God's people today? " Koro kpukpru owo ẹma ẹnam idiọkn̄kpọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹtaba ubọn̄ Abasi. " Because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " " Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Mma nsian enye nte: "Mmenyenyene mmọ nan̄a. " Yes, I have these books, " I said. " I don't have them, " I told him. Ntaifiọk ẹkụt ke ediwak uyen ẹsikere ke ima idodụk utom, ke kpukpru n̄kpọ ẹditie nte ẹketiede ke ufọk - ke iyenyene kpukpru se iyomde ekpededi mmimọ inamke n̄kpọ ndomokiet ke itieutom. Researchers have noted a disturbing trend: Many young adults are entering the workforce with a marked sense of entitlement - an attitude in which they expect success, even if they have done little or nothing to earn it. Science has found that many youths feel that they are working all day long and hard at home - that they will have everything they need even if they are not at work. Ọyọhọ iba, Jehovah ama ọsọn̄ọ Moses idem ke nditịn̄ kiet ke otu n̄kpọ emi enyịn̄ esie ọwọrọde: "Ami Nyakabade Ndi Se Ndikabarede Ndi. " Second, Jehovah inspired confidence by explaining one aspect of the meaning of his name: "I Will Become What I Choose to Become. " Second, Jehovah strengthened Moses by referring to one of his own name as saying: "I Will Become What I Will Become. " Mme bodisi oro ẹma ẹtuak ẹda ẹbụp mi ẹban̄a oro, ẹdọhọde ke ami mbon n̄wed emi ibet akpande ke ufọk ubon n̄kpọ eren emi. The police stopped and questioned me about it, accusing me of putting illegal literature in this man's warehouse. The police stopped me and asked about it, claiming that I had been condemned in the home of the man. Eyenete kiet emi akanamde utom ke Itieutom Unọ Mbụk ke mbono ke Prague ọdọhọ ete: "Ke usenubọk Sunday, akwa owo bodisi emi ekesede aban̄a mme bodisi oro ẹkenọde ẹdinam utom ke itiembono oro ama edi ebịne nnyịn. A brother who worked at the News Service Department at the Prague convention relates: "On Sunday morning, the officer in charge of the policemen assigned to the convention visited us. " On Sunday morning, I was approached by a police officer who was assigned to serve at the convention, " says a brother who worked at the Art Department in Prague. Ndi ọmọfiọk se kpukpru emi ọwọrọde? Do you take to heart the meaning of that? Do you know what all of this means? ▪ Tie Kere Nte Jehovah Amade Nnyịn ▪ Meditate on Jehovah's Enduring Love ▪ Meditate on Jehovah's Love Milton Hamilton, anam - ndutịm Kọmiti N̄kọk Itieutom ama ọdọhọ ete: "Ye akwa udịmowo emi, ẹsikụre efakutom nnyịn oro se iwakde ibe miliọn owo 47 ẹdụn̄de n̄kpọ nte ini kiet ke ọfiọn̄. " " With this tremendous army, " stated Branch Committee coordinator Milton Hamilton, "our territory of over 47 million people is covered about once a month. " Milton Hamilton, coordinator of the Branch Committee, stated: "To this great multitude, our territory is completed with over 47 million people living about once a month. " Kûyak ntan̄idem ọbiọn̄ọ fi. Do not allow pride to get in the way. Do not let pride hinder you. Mme uwụtn̄kpọ emi ẹwụt in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ nte ke eset Abasi ekesinam n̄kpọ ye ikọt esie kpukpru ini nte otu oro ẹtịmde - tịm. These examples clearly show that in the past God has always dealt with his people as an organized group. These examples clearly show that God always dealt with his people as a well - organized group. Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Idịghe uyo ikpọn̄ ke ana owo ada odu uwem, edi edida kpukpru ikọ eke ẹwọrọde Jehovah ke inua odu. " Jesus said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. " Jesus said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. " " Ẹnyene Eti Ubieresịt " " Hold a Good Conscience " " Hold a Good Conscience " Ke ini ẹkewade uwa emem, ẹkesinọ Jehovah iyịp ye ikpọn̄ unam oro, ke adan̄aemi oku ye andinọ ẹkesitade idem unam. In the communion sacrifice, the blood and the fat of the animal were offered to Jehovah, while portions of the meat were consumed by the priests and the offerer. When the communion sacrifice was offered, Jehovah provided the blood and the fat of the beast, while the priest and the offerer prepared themselves. Utom ukwọrọikọ esie oro akasan̄ade ye utịben̄kpọ akwa odudu, utọ nte ukọkudọn̄ọ ye edibịn mme demon nduọn̄ọ, ama ebịghi ke isua iba. His preaching activity went on for two years, accompanied by extraordinary works of power, such as miraculous healings and the casting out of demons. His preaching work with great power, such as healing and escaping demons, lasted for two years. Ukara ẹma ẹnam Nditọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Bible n̄kpọ nte mmọ ẹkedọhọde. As representatives of the Watch Tower Society, Brothers Rutherford, Van Amburgh, and six others were arrested. According to the government, the Bible Students were recognized as being instructed. Ndi emeti ini emi akan̄wamde owo emi mînyeneke n̄kpọ, m̀mê ini emi ekenen̄erede akpan̄ utọn̄ ọnọ ufan fo etịn̄ se ifịnade enye? Or perhaps when you gave of yourself by listening as a friend poured out his or her heart? Do you remember when someone in need helped someone who was poor or when you listened carefully to your friend's concerns? Ndon Mari, owụtde ufọk mbat Ruins of Mari, showing unbaked mud - brick construction Ruins of Mari, show houses of mud Kop se Abasi ọkọdọhọde Abraham ke ini enye mîkamaha ndinam se n̄wan esie ọkọdọhọde. He should not insist on his way simply because he is the family head. Note what God told Abraham when he refused to do what his wife had said. Toto ke ata eset, mme owo ke nsio nsio ebiet ẹma ẹsikere utọ n̄kpọ emi. Since early times, people from both Eastern and Western cultures have pondered such questions. From earliest times, people in many parts of the world wondered about this. ; Ashford, C. ; Ashford, C. ; Ashford, C. Kpa ye oro kpukpru ebiet ekịmde, afo aka iso asan̄a sia ọmọdiọn̄ọ ke eyo eyesiere nte ini akade. But you know that if you keep traveling toward the end of the tunnel, you will again see light. Even in the dark, you keep walking because you know that in the long run, the weather will grow just as soon as it is. Ntre n̄ko ke edi ye mme Ufọk Mbono nnyịn. That is also true of our Assembly Halls. The same is true of our Assembly Halls. Mma nnam usụn̄ nneme ita oro n̄wụt do. There I demonstrated that three - point presentation. I made the three lines of conversation that I had shown there. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Deborah onyụn̄ etiene enye ọdọk. " We read: "Deborah also went up with him. " The Bible says: "As for her, she got up and went up with her. " Ndammana ifiọk an̄wam nnyịn ndinam n̄kpọ mbe item m̀mê mbet oro ẹnọde. Common sense enables us to do more than simply follow a set of detailed instructions or rules. Common sense helps us to go beyond the counsel or disciple - making. \ \ \ Ediwak mme akabade Bible ẹdọhọ ke ikọ oro ke Ecclesiastes 2: 8 aban̄a iban, emi ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a nte n̄wan kiet ndien ekem ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a nte ediwak iban. Many Bible translators take the phrase at Ecclesiastes 2: 8 to refer to women, expressed in singular and then the plural or superlative degree. Many Bible translators agree that the expression at Ecclesiastes 2: 8 refers to women, described as one woman and then referred to as a number of women. Mme ikọ oro ẹsụk ẹdodu ke udiana psalm, Ps 2 ufan̄ikọ 7, ke mme Bible oro inyenede mfịn. In Bibles today, those words still appear in the second psalm, Ps 2 verse 7. Those words are still in the second psalm, Ps 2 verse 7, in our Bibles today. Ke ndidu uwem ekekem ye uduak esie. We can bring our life into harmony with his will and ways. By living in harmony with his will. Mma ntọn̄ọ ndidu etịme etịme uwem ke ini n̄kedide isua duop kpọt. I started to go wayward when I was only ten years old. When I was ten, I became involved in immoral conduct. (b) Nso ke akpanam mbak udûtịmede esịt ukaha? The Bible gives two basic reasons why attaining peace has been so elusive. (b) What can you do to reduce anxiety? Bible ọnọ akpan ntak iba oro mîyakke ubonowo enyene emem. While silence can be a virtue, there is also "a time to speak. " The Bible gives two basic reasons why mankind's peace is disrupted. Okposụkedi emi ọfọnde ndidop uyo, "ini eke ẹtịn̄de ikọ " onyụn̄ odu. Staying out of politics in order to preach the only true hope for mankind does not prevent true Christians from helping others in practical ways. Although silence is important, there is also "a time to speak. " Nditre ndibuana ke mbre ukara man ẹkwọrọ n̄kukụre ata idotenyịn ẹnọ ubonowo ibiọn̄ọke ata mme Christian ndin̄wam mbon efen ke nti usụn̄. Jesus displayed the fruitage of the spirit throughout his ministry. Not having a share in politics in order to preach the only true hope for mankind does not prevent true Christians from helping others in good ways. Jesus ama owụt ke imọ imenyene mbun̄wụm spirit ke ofụri ini oro enye ọkọkwọrọde ikọ ke isọn̄. COVER SUBJECT | IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH - 5 THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus showed that he had the fruitage of the spirit. IBUOTIKỌ MAGAZINE EMI | N̄KPỌ ITION EMI AKPANAMDE MBAK UDUSỌP UDỌN̄Ọ Peace and righteousness will prevail forever: Under Christ's rulership, lawlessness will be a thing of the past. COVER SUBJECT HOW TO SELF - CONTROL Kpukpru owo ẹdidu ke emem sia idiọkn̄kpọ ididụhe aba: Idiọkn̄kpọ ididụhe aba ke ini ukara Christ. 15, 16. (a) What thrilling events will take place during the Thousand Year Reign? Under Christ's rule, all will live in peace because sin will be no more; wickedness will be no more. 15, 16. (a) Nso ndinem n̄kpọ ẹdida itie ke Tọsịn Isua Ukara Christ? We cannot be dogmatic on this point, of course, but it is worth noting that in his prehuman existence, Jesus served as "the Word, " the special Spokesman to Jehovah's servants. - John 1: 1. 15, 16. (a) What thrilling events will take place during Christ's Millennial Reign? Nnyịn ikemeke ndisọn̄ọ ndọhọ ke angel emi ekedi Jesus, edi imọfiọk ke mbemiso Jesus ekedide isọn̄, ke ẹkesikot enye "Ikọ, " oro edi, akpan owo emi esitịn̄de ikọ ke ibuot Jehovah ọnọ mme asan̄autom Esie. - John 1: 1. Throughout modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses have preached the good news of the Kingdom in a greater fulfillment of Matthew 24: 14. We cannot say that this angel was Jesus, but we know that before Jesus came to earth, he was called "the Word, " that is, the primary spokesman of Jehovah. - John 1: 1. Ke eyomfịn, Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkwọrọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ ke edisu Matthew 24: 14 ke usụn̄ okponde akan. Therefore, by means of the Bible, he has in effect introduced himself to you by saying: "I am Jehovah. In modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses preach the good news of the Kingdom in the larger fulfillment of Matthew 24: 14. Ntre, enye ada Bible anam fi ọdiọn̄ọ owo emi imọ idide. Se se enye ọdọhọde mi: "Ami ndi Jehovah. But like Phinehas, elders must be ready to be decisive and courageous. Therefore, by means of the Bible, he helps you to know who he is and what he says: "I am Jehovah. Edi, ukem nte Phinehas, ana mbiowo ẹben̄e idem ndinam n̄kpọ ye iwụk ye uko. We are all like that disappointed archer. Yet, like Phinehas, elders must be ready to act decisively and courageously. Kpukpru nnyịn itie nte otop - eduat oro okokụtde edikpu do. Indeed, what does his resurrection mean for us? We are all like the archer who was disappointed there. Nso ufọn ke Jesus ndikeset anam ọnọ nnyin? Did all that bloodshed settle the matter? How does the resurrection of Jesus affect us? Ndi akpakịp owo oro mmọ ẹkewotde ama ọkọk mfịna oro? 6: 33. Did the majority of the people they executed solve the problem? 6: 33. He was driven to the depths of poverty and despair. 6: 33. Imọfiọk ke Satan akanam ete mbon utọ ibak oro. Another translation of Romans 3: 25 reads: "This showed that God always does what is right and fair. " Satan, of course, was responsible for such cruel actions. Edikabade efen akabade Rome 3: 25 ntem: "Emi okowụt ke Abasi esinam se inende inyụn̄ idotde kpukpru ini. " He would bless the nation only if the leaders treated the lowly and the poor with kindness and consideration. Another translation renders Romans 3: 25: "This means that God always does what is right and fair. " Idụt oro edibọ edidiọn̄ Jehovah n̄kukụre edieke mme andikara ẹfọnde ido ẹnyụn̄ ẹtuade mbon n̄kpọnnam ye mme ubuene mbọm. Our maintaining a regular program of Bible reading, even when we are out of our routine, can serve to anchor us spiritually. - Joshua 1: 7, 8; Colossians 2: 7. That nation would receive Jehovah's blessing only if the rulers were kind and merciful to the poor. Nnyịn ndimụm ndutịm edikot Bible ofụri ini n̄kama, idem ke ọwọrọde ọkpọn̄ ndutịm ofụri ini nnyịn, ekeme ndimụm nnyịn n̄kama ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. - Joshua 1: 7, 8; Colossae 2: 7. A New Study Aid! Our maintaining a regular program of regular Bible reading, even from our regular schedule, can sustain us spiritually. - Joshua 1: 7, 8; Colossians 2: 7. Obufa Un̄wam Ukpepn̄kpọ! In your previous congregation, you had grown "roots " as you developed cherished friendships and settled into a familiar spiritual routine. A New Study Aid! Ama onyụn̄ emehe ye nte ẹsinamde n̄kpọ ke akani esop fo. He made diligent use of Pamphilus ' magnificent library. Your former congregation was familiar with the way you acted. Enye ama esịn ifịk ke ndida akamba itie ubon n̄wed Pamphilus n̄kpep n̄kpọ. Though a Christian may mourn dead loved ones, he knows that the dead are unconscious. He applied himself to the use of the large library for the study. Okposụkedi emi Christian ekemede ndifụhọ ke ini owo esie akpade, enye ọdiọn̄ọ ke mme akpan̄kpa ifiọkke n̄kpọ ndomokiet. Do not be afraid to portray sex as a wonderful gift from God that he or she can enjoy in the future as a married person. Although a Christian may grieve at the loss of a loved one, he realizes that the dead are unconscious. Nam enye okụt ke emenen̄ede ọfiọk ke enye eyebet tutu ọdọ ndọ mbemiso anamde idan̄. One Bible reference work suggests that the Greek word translated "discipline " might be rendered" child development. " Let your child know that he will wait until he or she gets married before engaging in sex. Ataifiọk emi anamde ndụn̄ọde aban̄a Bible ọkọdọhọ ke ikọ Greek oro ẹkabarede "ntụnọ " ekeme ndiwọrọ n̄ko ndibọk eyenọwọn̄ ke usụn̄ emi edinamde enye edi ọdiọn̄ọ - idem - owo. Even in a household where the husband is an exemplary servant of God, a Christian wife realizes that she needs to continue to work hard to build up and maintain her own spirituality. According to a Bible scholar, the Greek word translated "discipline " can also refer to rearing a child in a way that leads to maturity. Idem ke ubon emi ebe edide asan̄autom Abasi oro enịmde eti uwụtn̄kpọ, n̄wanndọ Christian ọyọfiọk ete ke oyom imọ ika iso ikọri inyụn̄ imụm idaha eke spirit imọ ikama. What a discovery - undoubtedly the original copy of the Law! Even in the family of a exemplary servant of God, a Christian wife will realize that she needs to grow and maintain her spirituality. Nso ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ ke ẹfiọhọ ntem - nte eyịghe mîdụhe emi edi akpasarade n̄wed Ibet! Do not ignore your feelings. What a precious discovery - no doubt the original book of the Law! Nam se esịt fo ọdọhọde anam. The changes that we have to face may cause us some worry and apprehension. Do what your heart urges you to do. Esịt ekeme nditịmede, mîdịghe ọduọ nnyịn edieke n̄kpọ mîtiehe aba nte ekesitiede. Jesus Christ spoke of a certain calamity involving 18 people who were killed when a tower fell on them. When things do not change, we may become discouraged or lose our sense of security. Jesus Christ ama etịn̄ aban̄a n̄kpọ mmọn̄eyet oro eketịbede ọnọ owo 18 emi ẹkekpan̄ade ke ini tọwa ọkọduọde ọtọ mmọ. • How do we demonstrate our love for Jesus? Jesus Christ described the sad experience of 18 men who died when a tower fell upon them. • Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndiwụt ima emi nnyịn imade Jesus? They thus chose sisters who of their own initiative had already taken up full - time service. • How can we demonstrate our love for Jesus? Ntem mmọ ẹkemek nditọete iban emi ẹkedụkde utom uyọhọ ini ke idemmọ. A businessman from Sarajevo who witnessed the horrors of the ethnic hatred in Bosnia declared: "After a year of the Bosnian war I believe Satan pulls the strings. Thus they chose Christian women who took up the full - time ministry themselves. Anam mbubehe kiet otode Sarajevo oro okokụtde mme enyene - ndịk edinam usua eke ekpụk ke Bosnia ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ke ekọn̄ ama akan̄wana isua kiet ke Bosnia, mmenịm ke akpanikọ ke Satan edi ntak ofụri mfịna emi. Next, Ella was placed in solitary confinement for three days. " After a year in Bosnia, I believe that Satan is responsible for all these problems, " said a businessman from Sarajevo, who observed the terrible ethnic acts of ethnic hatred in Bosnia. Ekem ẹma ẹsịn Ella ke ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ke usen ita. Praying together will help you keep a calm heart. - Prov. 14: 30. Then Ella was put in prison for three days. Ndibọn̄ akam ọtọkiet ekeme ndinam esịt ana fi sụn̄. - N̄ke 14: 30. The Devil cannot prevent the resurrection of those who are in Jehovah's memory 14: 30. Devil ikemeke ndikpan Jehovah ndinam mbon oro Enye etide ẹset * Wise parents try to instill a wholesome fear in their offspring, warning them again and again of surrounding dangers. The Devil cannot prevent Jehovah from resurrecting the dead * Mme enyene - ọniọn̄ ete ye eka ẹsidomo ndinam nditọ mmọ ẹnyene eti mbak, ẹtọtde mmọ ndien ndien ẹban̄a mme n̄kpọndịk oro ẹdude ke n̄kann̄kụk. Becoming a spiritual person is very important. * Wise parents strive to instill in their children a healthy fear, often reporting the local dangers. Ndinyene spirit Abasi edi n̄kpọ n̄kpa ye uwem. In other Bible translations, the word for "beggarly " is rendered" useless, " "bankrupt, "" destitute, " and "miserable. " Having God's spirit is a matter of life and death. Jehovah ọyọdiọn̄ nnyịn ke usụn̄ oro nnyịn mîkpekereke - kere! • Was Jewish ritual bathing a forerunner of Christian baptism? Jehovah will reward us in unexpected ways! • Ndi uyere mme Jew ekedi ntọn̄ọ baptism Christian? Hence, husbands are required to exercise their headship, not in a selfish way, but in a loving way. • Was the bathing of the Jews the early Christian baptism? Ke ntre, oyom mme ebe ẹkama ubon mmọ ke ima, idịghe ndinam n̄kpọ ke ufọn idemmọ kpọt. It is vital that we never adopt the bigotry so common in this world. Husbands, therefore, need to exercise love, not just their own interests. Inaha nnyịn isari iban nte ẹnamde ke ererimbot emi. * Instead, use discernment and ask yourself, " What positive steps can I take to help a friend or a relative through one of the most difficult transitions in life? ' In today's world, we must not show partiality to women. * Utu ke oro, da mbufiọk bụp idemfo ete, " Nso ke n̄kpanam man n̄n̄wam ufan m̀mê iman mi ọyọ se iwọrọde enye? ' It was something that had never taken place before, something totally unprecedented. * Instead, tactfully ask yourself, " What can I do to help a friend or a relative cope with his or her situation? ' Ekedi n̄kpọ oro akananam mîtịbeke, n̄kpọ oro mînyeneke mbiet. So it can be a real challenge for you to maintain exemplary conduct despite being surrounded by this wicked environment. It was something never experienced, something beyond compare. Mmọdo, imọfiọk ke imemke utom inọ mbufo ndidu edisana uwem ke utọ idiọk ererimbot emi. Some copies of it contain the name Jehovah in its Hebrew form. Therefore, it is not easy for you to be morally clean in this troubled world. Abisi Hebrew inan̄ emi adade ọnọ enyịn̄ Abasi ama esịne ke ndusụk edikabade emi. Background globe: NASA / The Visible Earth (http: / / /); polar bear: © Bryan and Cherry Alexander Photography Some of these translations contained four Hebrew letters representing God's name. Background globe: NASA / The Visible Earth (http: / / /); polar bear: © Bryan and Cherry Alexander Photography Until then, how important it is that each of us maintain a positive spirit! Backgroundlo: NASA / The Visible Earth (pttp): / / / Abrameaaaaaaaaaaaaasta /); Kamlar bear: © and Eziziman Alexander Photography Mbemiso ini oro edide edisịm, edi akpan n̄kpọ didie ntem kpukpru nnyịn ndinyene in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ edu! Those who place emphasis on godly devotion are "safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 19. Before that time comes, how important it is for all of us to maintain a positive attitude! Mbon oro ẹdoride nsọn̄uyo ke uten̄e Abasi "ẹn̄wana ẹyom eti isọn̄ ẹnọ idem mmọ ke ini iso, man mmọ ẹkpemụm uwem eke edide ata uwem ẹkama. " - 1 Timothy 6: 19. Hence, Christian women "keep silent " by refraining from trying to assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. Those who stress godly devotion "earnestly look for a fine foundation for themselves in the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 19. Ntem, Christian iban "ẹdu ke ndopuyo " ke nditre ndinam mme n̄kpọ oro irenowo ẹkpenamde nnyụn̄ nnọ esop ukpep. Righthearted people could then respond to his preaching work and take steps that would bring them God's approval. Hence, Christian women "keep silent " by not taking into consideration the responsibilities of men and teaching the congregation. Emi ama anam mbon oro ẹnyenede eti esịt ẹkpan̄ utọn̄ ẹkop ukwọrọikọ esie ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam mme n̄kpọ oro ẹdinamde mmọ ẹnyene unyịme Abasi. However, he worked hard to overcome the problem, and on one Sunday afternoon in 1927, at the age of 14, he announced to his father that he was ready to accompany him in the door - to - door preaching activity. This gave righthearted ones the opportunity to listen to his message and to do things that would help them to gain God's approval. Edi enye ama enen̄ede esịn ukeme man akan mfịna emi, ndien ke uwemeyo Sunday kiet ke 1927, ke ini enye ekedide isua 14, enye ama asian ete esie ete ke imọ imeben̄e idem nditiene enye n̄ka ukwọrọikọ eke enyịnusụn̄ ke enyịnusụn̄. Many churches of Christendom teach that God is a Trinity, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But he worked hard to overcome this problem, and on a Sunday afternoon in 1927, he told his 14 - year - old father that he was ready to go to the door - to - door ministry. Ediwak ufọkabasi Christendom ẹkpep ẹte ke Abasi edi Ita - ke - Kiet, oro esịnede Abasi Ete, Abasi Eyen, ye Abasi Edisana Spirit. Peter's example can help us to cultivate a spirit of self - sacrifice. Many churches of Christendom teach that God is a Trinity, including God the Father, the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Uwụtn̄kpọ Peter ekeme ndin̄wam nnyịn inyene edu n̄waidem. Elders and other mature Christians may have to adjust the thinking of brothers weighed down with problems, and in this, such counselors can learn much from the book of Job. - Galatians 6: 1; Hebrews 12: 12, 13. Peter's example can help us to develop a self - sacrificing spirit. Ekeme ndiyom mbiowo ye mme Christian eken oro ẹkọride ẹsịm ọyọhọ idaha ẹnen̄ede ekikere nditọete oro ẹsobode ekese mfịna, ndien oyom mme ọnọitem emi ẹkpep ekese n̄kpọ ẹto n̄wed Job man ẹkeme ndinam emi. - Galatia 6: 1; Mme Hebrew 12: 12, 13. That same earnestness should be evident, states Paul, in the way overseers serve as teachers and carry out "a ministry. " Mature elders and other mature Christians may need to correct the feelings of brothers who face many problems, and these counselors need to learn much from the book of Job in order to do so. - Galatians 6: 1; Hebrews 12: 12, 13. Paul ọdọhọ ke akpana mbiowo ẹsịn ifịk n̄ko ẹkpep mme owo n̄kpọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam utom mmọ ke esop. Cain rejected this loving counsel and murdered his brother. Paul explains that elders too should be diligent in teaching others and in carrying out their responsibilities in the congregation. Cain ama esịn ima ima item emi onyụn̄ owot eyeneka esie. Consider what the next article has to say on this subject. Cain rejected this loving counsel and killed his brother. Kere ban̄a se ibuotikọ oro etienede etịn̄de aban̄a n̄kpọ emi. Maseiso at the door of her home with the missionary who studied the Bible with her Consider what the following article has to say on this subject. Maseiso ada ke enyịnusụn̄ ufọk esie ye isụn̄utom oro ekekpepde enye Bible There were no doubt many times when he had hundreds, even thousands, of observers. Maseiso standing at the front door with the missionary who studied the Bible with her Nte eyịghe mîdụhe, ama esidu ini oro ata ediwak owo ẹkedude ye enye. PAGE 24 • SONGS: 12, 69 No doubt, there was times when most people were with him. PAGE 24 • IKWỌ: 12, 69 Of course, you may have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. PAGE 24 • SONGS: 12, 69 Ekeme ndidi ke osụk enyenyene mme n̄kpọ en̄wen emi akpamade ndifiọk mban̄a Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Questions From Readers Perhaps you still want to know more about Jehovah's Witnesses. Mme Mbụme Ẹtode Mme Andikot His Bible study, meeting attendance, and the love of the congregation helped him make good spiritual progress. Questions From Readers Ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, edidụk mme mbono esop, ye ima oro esop ẹkemade enye ẹma ẹn̄wam enye enen̄ede anam n̄kọri eke spirit. God's Word says: "For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, namely, to break up the works of the Devil. " Bible study, meeting attendance, and love from the congregation helped him to make fine spiritual progress. Ikọ Abasi ọdọhọ ete: "Ẹkeyarade Eyen Abasi kaban̄a uduak emi, oro edi, man abiat mme utom Devil. " They knew firsthand that Jesus was one of many children born to Mary. God's Word states: "For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, namely, to break up the works of the Devil. " Mmọ ẹma ẹfiọk ke Jesus ekedi akpa ke otu ediwak nditọ oro Mary akamande. Homosexual unions, unmarried couples living together, and easy divorces prove that he is having much success in this regard. They knew that Jesus was the first of many of Mary's children. Mme adan̄ ukemuduot, iren ye iban oro mîdọhọ ndọ ndidụn̄ ọtọkiet, ye edisio ndọ ifụre ifụre, ẹwụt ke Satan ke okụt unen. The Bible reveals that 144,000 people will be "bought from the earth " and will serve as" priests " and "kings over the earth. " The limits of homosexuality, men and women who are not married to live together, and the freedom of marriage are evidence of Satan's success. Bible ọdọhọ ke " ẹdep owo 144,000 ẹsio ke isọn̄ ' ndien ke mmọ ẹyekara nte "mme oku, " mmọ n̄ko" ẹyekara isọn̄ nte ndidem. " And what can we learn from Jesus about receiving God's spirit and resisting the spirit of the world? The Bible says that 144,000 will be "bought from the earth " and will rule as" priests " and "rule as kings over the earth. " Ndien nso ke ikeme ndikpep nto Jesus mban̄a edibọ spirit Abasi nnyụn̄ mbiọn̄ọ spirit ererimbot? Then I put into action a plan to get a Bible. And what can we learn from Jesus about receiving God's spirit and opposing the spirit of the world? Ekem mma ndiomi nte ndisan̄ade nnyene Bible. How did anointed Christians early in the 20th century show their awareness of the time? Then I arranged to have a Bible. Didie ke mme Christian emi ẹkeyetde aran ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ iduọk isua 1900 ẹkewụt ke imọfiọk utọ ini emi mmimọ idude? That prophet would be the promised "seed. " How did anointed Christians in the early 1900 ' s show that they knew when they were present? Prọfet oro edidi "mfri " oro Abasi ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde. So the question is, What should be the quality of our service to God? - 2 Corinthians 10: 17, 18. The prophet would be God's promised "seed. " Ntre mbụme edi, Orụk utom emi nnyịn inamde inọ Abasi ekpetie didie? - 2 Corinth 10: 17, 18. At times, we are corrected by Jehovah's reminders. So the question is, What kind of service we have in God's service? - 2 Corinthians 10: 17, 18. Ke ndusụk idaha, mme n̄kpọ editi Jehovah ẹsinen̄ede nnyịn. No. At times, we are greatly distressed by Jehovah's reminders. Ihih. However, this trend toward greater religious individualism is not without danger. No. Nte ededi, ọkpọkpọ ido ukpono enen̄ede edi n̄kpọndịk. Zeal for pure worship helped finance theocratic projects in Bible times, and the same is true today - to Jehovah's glory. - Ex. However, personal religion is very dangerous. Ekesinenem mmọ nditịp n̄kpọ man ẹda ẹbọp mme itie utuakibuot emi ẹdinamde ẹtoro Jehovah. Se nnyịn isinyụn̄ inamde edi oro mfịn. - Ex. [ Footnote] They were happy to contribute to the construction of places of worship that bring praise to Jehovah. - Ex. [ Ikọ Idakisọn̄] Have I adapted my approach accordingly? [ Footnote] Ndi mmanam usụn̄ utọn̄ọ nneme mi ada ekekem? With each revolution of its wheels, the chariot could cover great distances. Do I adjust my approach? Chariot emi esika usụn̄ oyom ini ekededi emi wheel esie oyụtde. Relates Gregorio: "When we arrived here, there were only four Witnesses. The chariot is looking after each wheel. Gregorio ọdọhọ ete: "Ntiense inan̄ kpọt ẹkedu mi ke ini ikedide. LONG BEACH, CA, Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. " When we arrived, there were only four deaf Witnesses, " says Gregorio. MGBOKO UMUORIA 1 (Igbo) To the south, only some nine miles (14 km) of water separates mainland Spain from the African continent. S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Spanish only), Cow Palace, 2600 Geneva Ave. Mmọn̄ emi abaharede Spain ye Africa edi n̄kpọ nte itiat usụkkiet kpọt. There is no place in the spiritual paradise for greed, immorality, and selfishness. The water between Spain and Africa is only about nine miles (U.S.). Idiọkitọn̄, oburobụt ido, ye ibụk idụhe ke paradise eke spirit. Loyalty to God's Arrangements Greed, immorality, and selfishness are not found in a spiritual paradise. Ndinen̄ede Mbere ye Ndutịm Abasi In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus describes what it takes to be happy. Truly Supporting God's Provisions Ke ọwọrọetop Ukwọrọikọ esie Oro ke Obot, Jesus etịn̄ se inamde owo okop inemesịt. Baptism at Pentecost 33 C.E. symbolized dedication? 5 / 15 In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explains what makes a person happy. Se inyụn̄ ikụtde edi oro mfịn. " Distractions, " said The Watchtower of September 15, 1958, "will likely increase as this world nears its doom. " The same is true today. Edinen owo ama ndifen ndudue mbon en̄wen. Enye eben̄e idem ndikpe ubọk nnyụn̄ ntua n̄kpọfiọk ke ini enye ke idemesie eduede. He is ready to apologize and make amends when he himself is in the wrong. A righteous person is ready to forgive the faults of others, and he is ready to apologize and regret them when he himself errs. Mma nnam edida san̄asan̄a mi an̄wan̄a. " I explained my neutral stand. " I explained my neutral stand. " Ẹkedọhọ mmọ " ẹsitịbi isọn̄ ẹfụk ifuọ ' mmọ. They had to " cover their excrement ' in the ground. They were to " cover the dung ' of the ground. Psalm 33: 5 ọdọhọ ke Jehovah "amama edinen ido ye unenikpe. " Jehovah "is a lover of righteousness and justice, " says Psalm 33: 5. At Psalm 33: 5, we read that Jehovah "loves righteousness and justice. " Mme ubomisọn̄ ekọn̄ ẹma ẹwụri ọkọ ẹbe ẹdụk ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi. Tanks crushed the fence and burst into the camp. A military car broke through the prison. Usen kiet, nditọete iban iba emi ẹtode England, emi mîkọdiọn̄ọke ndisem French, ẹma ẹsobo ekpemeufọk emi akayatde esịt etieti. One day, two English sisters who knew very little French found themselves face - to - face with an aggressive concierge who asked them whom they wanted to see. One day, two English sisters who did not know French met a irateius. Anie Ọkọdọn̄ Ntantaọfiọn̄ Oro? " Who Sent the " Star '? " Who sent the Daystar? " Ke Japan, enyeneufọk ye esenowo esie ẹma ẹsuene eyenete nnyịn ke an̄wautom. In Japan, for example, a certain Witness faced ridicule from both a householder and his guest. In Japan, a householder and her visitor mistreated our brother in the field ministry. Ekem, nnyịn ima inọ uyo emi ke nsịtnsịt udomo ẹsọk ekemmọ mme andinịm ke akpanikọ oro ẹkedude ke ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi. " Then we sent the rolls in small amounts to imprisoned fellow believers. " Then we gave it in a small way to fellow believers who were in prison. " Siak mme ufọkn̄wed en̄wen oro inyenede. Name some of the other schools that have helped qualified Witnesses to grow spiritually. What other schools do we have? Nte Mme Christian Ẹkpenyene Ndifịbe Ufụp? Should Christians Be Jealous? Should Christians Be Zealous? Ndi akpan uduak odu ọnọ ofụri ubonowo? Is there a single universal purpose for mankind? Is there a definite purpose for all mankind? Akwa edidem ikanamke Cyrus etubom kpọt, edi ama anam enye edi esenyịn Egypt, enyenede odudu ndikara mme andikara n̄kann̄kụk oro. The emperor made Cyrus not just patriarch but prefect of Egypt, with authority over its local rulers. Not only did the emperor, Cyrus the leader of Egypt, but he was authorized to rule over the local rulers. Nso kaban̄a nnyịn? What about us? What about us? Ntak emi ẹkemede ndidọhọ ke esop Christian oro ẹyetde aran ẹdi edisana, ndien didie ke emi otụk "mme erọn̄ en̄wen "? Why can it be said that the Christian congregation of anointed ones is sacred, and what effect does this have on the "other sheep "? Why can it be said that the anointed Christian congregation is holy, and how does this affect the "other sheep "? Ufọk esidọn̄ Hannah, edi nte enye adiande idem ye nditọete ke esop mmọ iyakke emi afịna enye. Hannah copes with homesickness by focusing her attention on the brothers and sisters in their congregation. Hannah misss her home, but her association with the brothers in her congregation has affected her. 133: 1 - 3. 133: 1 - 3. 133: 1 - 3. Ndien ke ata nnennen ini - oro edi, ke isua 29 E.N. - isua 483 tọn̄ọ ẹkenọ uyo oro, ẹma ẹda edisana spirit ẹyet Jesus eyen Nazareth aran ke ini enye akanade baptism, enye onyụn̄ akabade edi Messiah. Exactly 483 years later - in 29 C.E. - Jesus of Nazareth was anointed by holy spirit at his baptism and thus became the Messiah. And at just the right time - in 29 C.E. - 483 years after the bread was given, Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with holy spirit at his baptism and became the Messiah. Nte afo emekeme ndibọ item Bible? Can you benefit from the Bible's advice? Can you accept Bible - based counsel? Nnyịn ima ikpep nte edide akpan n̄kpọ ndinịm ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ye mbon oro ẹnyenede udọn̄. We also learned the importance of conducting home Bible studies with interested people. We learned how important it is to conduct Bible studies with interested ones. Ke adan̄aemi ndusụk owo ke akpa isua ikie ẹkesụkde mme asan̄autom oro ẹkamade ifetutom uyo, mbon eken ẹkesụk uyo ẹban̄a se Jesus ekekpepde. Whereas some in the first century murmured against appointed servants, others were murmurers against Jesus ' teachings. While some in the first century murmured against appointed ministers, others murmured about what Jesus taught. Jesus n̄ko ama etịn̄ aban̄a Paradise isọn̄. Jesus too spoke about an earthly paradise. Jesus also spoke of Paradise on earth. Ekem ye nnennen ifiọk ntaifiọk, kpukpru n̄wed esie ẹnyụn̄ ẹdu ke n̄kemuyo. It is in accord with accurate science, and its books are harmonious. Then with accurate science, all its books are in harmony. ▪ Se ufan fo oyomde oyokpụhọde ke ini ẹkụrede ndidụn̄ọde enye idem ẹnyụn̄ ẹtọn̄ọde usọbọ. ▪ Needs will vary as your friend moves from diagnosis to treatment. ▪ The needs of your friend will be different when you make a self - examination and begin medical examination. Ndi Idiọkn̄kpọ Akpa Ete ye Eka Nnyịn Enen̄ede Ebe Nnyịn? Tainted by Original Sin? Does Our First Parents Really Mean to Us? Jehovah edi mfọnmma Ete nnyịn. In Jehovah, we have a perfect Father. Jehovah is our perfect Father. Se Isịnede May 15, 2012 Table of Contents Table of Contents Enye okụt ke idịghe imọ ikpeteme aba eyen imọ se enye akpanamde, edi ke enye akpakam eteme mmimọ. Mary saw that it was no longer her place to direct her son; rather, she and others should take direction from him. He sees that he or she no longer tells his son what to do, but he should instruct them. Nso en̄wen ke Bible ọdọhọ? What else can we learn from the Bible? What else can we learn from the Bible? Ke ini emi okosude ke akpa ini ke idem ikọt Isaiah, enye ọkọwọrọ ke nseknditọ ke idụt oro ẹma ẹdu ke ifụre. When this was first fulfilled on Isaiah's people, it meant that the babes in the land were safe. When Isaiah was first fulfilled in his people, he meant that infants in that land were safe. Man osụhọde ekọmurua udia ubon, enye ọtọ se enye ekemede onyụn̄ edep n̄kpọ ye ntịn̄enyịn. - N̄ke 31 Ufan̄ikọ 14, 16. To reduce the family food bill, she grows what she can and shops carefully. - Pr 31 Verses 14, 16. To reduce the value of the family meal, he sits down and buys attention. - Prov. 31 Verses 14, 16. EDIEKE ẹkpedọhọde fi asiak mme itie N̄wed Abasi emi Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹnen̄erede ẹfiọk ẹsinyụn̄ ẹwakde ndida n̄kwọrọ ikọ, ndi Rome 5: 12 ekpedi akpa itien̄wed emi akpasiakde? IMAGINE you wanted to list Bible verses that Jehovah's Witnesses know well and use often. Would Romans 5: 12 be high on your list? IF YOU were asked to interpret scriptures that Jehovah's Witnesses are well - educated and often use in the preaching work, would you have asked them to be the first text for the first time? Mma mbiere nditọn̄ọ utom usiakusụn̄ ofụri ini kpa ye emi n̄kenyenede nditọ iba ye n̄wan ndise mban̄a. Even with the added responsibility of rearing them, we decided that I would be able to begin regular pioneering. Although I had two children and a wife to care for, I decided to enter the regular pioneer service. Edi owo akpanam n̄kpọ emi edinamde enye akanam idan̄, emi ekeme ndida enye ibuot. But yielding to other enticements - especially those leading to sexual immorality - can bring tragic consequences. On the other hand, a person would be tempted to engage in sexual misconduct that could lead to his life. " Esịne - Ufọt Obufa Ediomi " " The Mediator of a New Covenant " " The Mediator of the New Covenant " Ke leta oro ẹkenọde ẹsọk mme esop, otu ukara ekewet ete: "Edisana spirit okụt ete ọfọn, nnyịn inyụn̄ ikụt ite ọfọn, nditre ndibiom mbufo mbiomo en̄wen ke idem, ke mîbọhọke n̄kpọ ifan̄ emi ẹnyenede ndinam; ete mbufo ẹbet mme n̄kpọ eke ẹwade ẹnọ ndem, ye iyịp, ye unam eke ẹyịride - yịri, ẹnyụn̄ ẹtre use; ẹma ẹkpeme idem ke n̄kpọ emi, ọyọfọn ye mbufo. " - Utom 15: 28, 29. In a letter to the congregations, the governing body wrote: "The holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. " - Acts 15: 28, 29. In a letter to the congregations, the governing body wrote: "The holy spirit has seen good and has made sure that it is good, not to bear any other responsibility for you, except for a few things having to do; for you yourselves to abstain from the things sacrificed to idols, blood and animal that are unclean, and to abstain from fornication. " - Acts 15: 28, 29. Nnyịn imada enyịn nnyịn ikụt nte Jehovah an̄wamde ikọt esie. " " We saw with our own eyes how Jehovah helps his people. " We see how Jehovah helps his people. " Edieke mûyomke ndikama isọn, " kûyak usụn̄ uwem fo asan̄a ye ima okụk. ' - Mme Hebrew 13: 5. To avoid the burden of living beyond your means, "let your way of life be free of the love of money. " - Hebrews 13: 5. To avoid debt, "let your way of life be free of the love of money. " - Hebrews 13: 5. Ini nnyịn ebiet ini oro Noah ye ubon esie ẹkebọpde akamba ubom oro ekenịmde mmọ uwem ebe akwa Ukwọ. Ours is a period similar to the time when Noah and his family constructed the gigantic ark that preserved them through the great Flood. Our time is similar to the time when Noah and his family built a huge ark that preserved them through the great Flood. ke ufan̄ isua kiet. magazine for a year. Within a year. Ke ofụri emana, ọfiọn̄ emedemede mme owo udọn̄ onyụn̄ akpa mmọ idem. Down through the ages, the moon has inspired and amazed humans. Throughout history, the moon has raised interest and surprises. IKPAEDEM: Ndikwọrọ ikọ ke Albarracín, ekpri obio - in̄wan̄ ke ufọt ufọt Spain. COVER: Preaching in the small rural town of Albarracín in central Spain. COVER: Preaching in Alracín, a small village in central Spain. Owoekọn̄ oro ikafiakke ibụp iban̄a n̄kpri n̄wed oro - etie nte enye ama efre ofụri ofụri aban̄a mmọ! The soldier never asked for the booklets - it was as if he had completely forgotten about them! The soldier never repeated those booklets - perhaps completely forgotten about them! Emi ẹyeti nnyịn ke ofụri isua emi nte ke ikọt Jehovah ke ẹkwọrọ eti mbụk "ke ofụri isọn̄. " - Matt. Through the course of the year, this will remind all of us that Jehovah's people are preaching the good news "in all the inhabited earth. " - Matt. This will remind us throughout the years that Jehovah's people are preaching the good news "in all the inhabited earth. " - Matt. Nte ededi, enye ekedi ọbọn̄ oro ẹkekponode ke Israel. Nevertheless, he was a respected chieftain in Israel. However, he was a respected prince in Israel. N̄wed ukabadeikọ kiet ọdọhọ ke mbon Hebrew ẹsitịn̄ eke mmọ ntem: "Edieke ikọ akpade shekel kiet, ndidop uyo akpa shekel iba. " According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, its Hebrew equivalent is: "If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two. " According to one dictionary, the Hebrews use the words: "If a word loses one shekel, silence is more than two shekels. " 4: 8 - 10. 4: 8 - 10. 4: 8 - 10. Ka Iso Nyene Idotenyịn Maintain a Positive Attitude Maintain Hope David ekewet ete: "Koro enye ọfiọkde nte iborode; emeti ete ke nnyịn idi ntan. " " He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust, " wrote David. David wrote: "He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust. " Imesidomo ndinọ mmọ se inanade mmọ. Instead, we seek to provide for their physical needs. We try to provide for them. Barak ye owo tọsịn duop esie ẹma ẹnam nte ẹketemede. Barak and his ten thousand men obeyed. Barak and his ten thousand men did just as they had commanded. Ndusụk ini, Bible esimen mme andikara isọn̄ odomo ye enyọn̄ m̀mê mme edibotn̄kpọ oro ẹdude ke ikpaenyọn̄. The Bible sometimes likens the ruling powers on earth to the heavens or to heavenly bodies. The Bible sometimes likens human rulers to heavens or heavenly creatures. Bible ọdọhọ ke eyetịbe. - Isa. This appealing mental picture is based on Scriptural truths about the future. - Isa. The Bible promises a future. - Isa. Unana, ukwọrọikọ, ye Bible ẹkedi akpan n̄kpọ ke uwem Vaudès. Poverty, preaching, and the Bible were at the heart of Vaudès ' life. Vaudès ' life was characterized by poverty, preaching, and the Bible. Kere ban̄a asari eke orụk oro odude mfịn. Consider the present - day problem of racial prejudice. Consider the type of prejudice that exists today. Fillion emi edide eyen France, ọkọdọhọ ke ufan̄ikọ emi enen̄ede enyene ebuana ye Abasi ndisu mme un̄wọn̄ọ esie. Fillion observed that this declaration is closely associated with the accomplishment of divine promises. IN A French - speaking verse, France's son Fiocli stated that this verse is closely related to God's fulfillment of his promises. Jehovah ada mme asan̄autom esie kiet kiet ke ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ. Jehovah views each one of his servants as precious. Jehovah values each of his servants. G. G. G. (b) Didie ke obufa ewụhọ emi anam ifiọk nte Abasi adade uwem ye iyịp? (b) How did new circumstances reveal God's thinking? (b) How does this new commandment illustrate God's view of life and blood? Ntem, nte akwan̄a ndimen idem nnyịn ndomo ye mbon efen? Is it wrong, then, to compare ourselves with others? So is it wrong to compare ourselves with others? Edi, David ikedehedei iyak se mbon en̄wen ẹkenamde anam enye etre ndima Jehovah. But David never allowed the conduct of others to dampen his love for Jehovah. Yet, David never gave up on what others did cause him to lose his love for Jehovah. Ke ndusụk idaha, ndusụk owo - idem ke otu mme anam - akpanikọ asan̄autom Jehovah - ẹsin̄wana ye ekikere unana edinyene ufọn. At times, some - even among faithful servants of Jehovah - struggle with feelings of worthlessness. At times, some - even among Jehovah's faithful servants - struggle with feelings of worthlessness. Enye akanam emi ke ntak nnyịn emi idide mme anamidiọk. He did so for sinners like us. He did so because of our sinful nature. " Jehovah asua ọnọ Israel ye Judah ' ete ẹkabade ẹkpọn̄ mme idiọk usụn̄ mmọ, edi mmọ "ẹsọn̄ obot itọn̄ mmọ. " " Jehovah kept warning Israel and Judah " to turn back from their bad ways, but they "kept hardening their necks. " " Jehovah censures Israel and Judah ' to turn back from their bad ways, but they "speak to their throat. " Satan ama ada ikọ en̄wen edi. The Devil raised yet another issue. Satan used another expression. " Ndisọp ndikop ikọ ' ọwọrọ ndikop se eyen fo etịn̄de ye nte enye etịn̄de n̄kpọ oro. To be "swift about hearing " means being attentive not only to what your child says but also to how he or she says it. " Hearing " means listening to your child's words and words. Didie ke andituak ibuot nnọ Jehovah ekeme ndifiọk se enye mîdịghe? How can a worshiper of Jehovah determine what he is not? How can a worshipper of Jehovah discern what he is not? Ndi Abasi ama anam ndudue ndidọhọ ke Daniel eketie nte Noah ye Job? Was God's confidence in Daniel misplaced? Was it wrong for God to say that Daniel was like Noah and Job? Mme Ukeme Oro Satan Esịnde Ndibiat Nsọn̄ọnda Nnyịn Satan's Attempts to Break Our Integrity Satan's Efforts to destroy Our Integrity Mme Mbụme N̄wed Abasi Oro Ẹbọrọde: Scriptural Questions Answered: Scriptural Questions Answered: Emi ekeme ndisụk esịt onyụn̄ ọnọ nsọn̄idem. This can have a calming and healing effect. This can be both soothing and healthy. KE OFỤRI ererimbot, ẹtịm ẹfiọk nte Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsịnde ifịk ẹnam utom ukwọrọikọ mmọ eke ufọk ke ufọk. WORLDWIDE, the persistence with which Jehovah's Witnesses engage in their house - to - house ministry is well - known. THROUGHOUT the world, Jehovah's Witnesses are well - known for their house - to - house ministry. Ami ye Evelyn an̄wan mi mfịn With Evelyn today With my wife, Evelyn [ Mme Ikọ Idakisọn̄] [ Footnotes] [ Footnotes] Akana mme Christian ke Galatia ẹdụn̄ọde nte mbuọtidem mmọ okponde ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹdara ifụre emi mmọ ẹnyenede ke ntak emi ẹnamde n̄kpọ Abasi. Christians in Galatia needed to check on the depth of their faith and to appreciate their spiritual freedom. Christians in Galatia needed to examine the quality of their faith and enjoy their spiritual security. Mme ete ye eka ẹdide Christian ẹfiọk ẹte ke Ikọ Abasi etịn̄ akpanikọ ke ini ọdọhọde ete: "Idahaemi kan̄a kpukpru ntụnọ itiehe inem - inem, edi ababiak; edi ke ukperedem, enye on̄wụm mfri emem ọnọ mmọ emi ẹkebede ke nsịn̄ede esie, kpa mfri edisana ido. " - Mme Hebrew 12: 11; Mme N̄ke 13: 24. Christian parents know that God's Word is true when it says: "No discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous; yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness. " - Hebrews 12: 11; Proverbs 13: 24. Christian parents know that God's Word says the truth when it says: "Now all discipline is not good, but grievous; but afterward it yields peaceable fruit to those passing through it, holy fruit. " - Hebrews 12: 11; Proverbs 13: 24. Ntak edi oro, edieke ami ndide, nyanam ẹti mme utom eke enye osụk anamde, asan̄ade akprak inua etịn̄ ndiọi ikọ adian nnyịn. " That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us with wicked words. " That is why, if I come, I will remember his works which he goes on doing, bringing forth bad things against us. " Ekeme ndidi esinam okwo ke mbubreyo m̀mê mbemiso odụkde idap. You might find that this can be done early in the evening or before you go to bed. Perhaps you do in the evening or before you go to bed. Edieke oyomde ndifiọk n̄kpọ en̄wen, se page 170 - 173 ke n̄wed oro Nso ke Bible Enen̄ede Ekpep? For more information, see pages 170 - 173 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? For more information, see pages 170 - 173 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Edieke afo edimade ndinyene n̄kaiso ntọt m̀mê edimade owo edi ufọk fo edinịm ukpepn̄kpọ Bible mfọn ye afo, mbọk wet n̄wed nọ ẹsọk Watch Tower, P.M.B. 1090, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, mîdịghe nọ ẹsọk nnennen adres oro odude ke page 2. 6 / 15 How to Approach the "Hearer of Prayer, " 9 / 1 If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus ke idemesie ayarade nte Abasi esikerede n̄kpọ ye nte enye esinamde n̄kpọ ye mbon en̄wen, koro Jesus owụtde edu Ete esie ke mfọnmma usụn̄. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Jesus ' own example reveals God's thinking and dealings with others, for Jesus perfectly reflected his Father's personality. Robert: Mmokụt se etịn̄de. Jesus ' own example reveals how God thinks and how he deals with others, for Jesus reflects his Father's personality perfectly. Robert: I see. ▪ Ediwak owo ẹkot ikọ Jesus emi ọnọde ndọn̄esịt mi: "Abasi ama enen̄ede ama ererimbot tutu enye ọnọ ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ edibon Eyen esie, man owo ekededi eke ọbuọtde idem ye enye okûtak edi enyene nsinsi uwem. " Robert: I see your point. ▪ Many refer to Jesus ' comforting words: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Idahaemi Lucaris ekenyene ndika mme ufọkutom umịn̄n̄wed ke Geneva. ▪ Many have read Jesus ' comforting words: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Lucaris now had to go to the printing facilities in Geneva. Edi ibat ibat " ẹsinịm idem ke eti owo ẹkaha ' inyụn̄ inyịmeke mme edinen̄ede emi. Lucaris now had to use printing presses in Geneva. On the other hand, few are "lovers of themselves " and do not accept these refinements. IKWỌ: 121, 63 A few become "righteous overmuch " and resent the changes. SONGS: 121, 63 Enye esinen̄ede akpan̄ utọn̄ onyụn̄ ọfiọk se iketịbede. SONGS: 121, 63 He listens carefully and knows what happened. Emi ọwọrọ ke ndusụk owo ẹkere ke Bible edi n̄wed eset emi mîkemeke ndin̄wam nnyịn mfịn. He listens well and gets a sufficient grasp of the facts. This implies that some people feel that the Bible is an ancient book that cannot help us today. IBUOTIKỌ MAGAZINE EMI | NAM NTI N̄KPỌ EMEHE FI In other words, some see the Bible as hopelessly outdated. COVER SUBJECT HOW TO HARNESS YOUR CHILDREN Ndi oro anam idem emem fi? COVER SUBJECT | HOW TO HARNESS YOUR HABITS Does that discourage you? 8 Mme Ntịn̄nnịm Ikọ Oro Ẹdisude ke Mîbịghike Should that discourage you? 8 Foretelling Our Soon Tịn̄ nte ẹkemede ndida N̄wed Abasi ke mbufiọk n̄n̄wam eyen ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ọkọri. 8 Foretelling Our Immediate Future Explain how the Scriptures can be used tactfully to help a Bible student to progress. Ntem esịt mmọ aka iso odobi. Illustrate how a tactful use of the Scriptures may help Bible students to make progress. Thus their heart continues to become heavy. Paul eketịn̄ akpanikọ, Timothy ama enen̄ede ekere aban̄a mme owo. So their heart remains in an unresponsive state. Paul was truthful, and Timothy showed genuine interest in others. emi ọwọrọde "nso idi emi? " Yes, Timothy cared about people. " Now "? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, n̄wed Ediyarade etịn̄ aban̄a "angel inan̄ " emi" ẹkeben̄ede mmọ idem ẹnịm ẹnọ hour ye usen ye ọfiọn̄ ye isua " - kpa ubatini emi nnyịn ikemede ndifiọk. meaning "what is it? " For example, the book of Revelation speaks of "four angels " who" were ready to prepare them for the hour and the moon and the year " - a chronology that we can know. Isụn̄i oro ẹkesụn̄ide isọn̄ ọkọwọrọ ke edidi ata ọkpọsọn̄ utom nditọ n̄kpọ ke esịt. For example, the book of Revelation refers to "the four angels " who" have been prepared for the hour and day and month and year " - units of time we can understand. The curse pronounced on the ground meant that it would be a real challenge for children. Ndi ọwọrọ ke owo ndomokiet idinamke akpanikọ inọ Abasi kpukpru ini ye ke kpukpru idaha? In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. And thorns and thistles it will grow for you. " Does this mean that no one will remain faithful to God at all times and under all circumstances? * Mma ntịn̄ se n̄kpepde emi nnọ n̄wan mi, ndien enye ama etre ndika ufọkabasi. Will no human remain loyal to God under all conditions and at all times? * I told my wife what I was learning, and she stopped attending church. Ndusụk isua ke ukperedem Paul ama ewet ete: "Mmenyene ukeme ndinam kpukpru n̄kpọ ke odudu andisọn̄ọ mi idem. " - Philippi 4: 13. * I shared these points with my wife, and she immediately stopped attending church. Some years later Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Philippians 4: 13. Se apostle oro okokụtde onyụn̄ okopde ama ayarade ekese aban̄a nsinsi uduak Abasi, ke ntem ọnọde kpukpru ata Christian ifiọk eke spirit ye ekemini nsịnudọn̄. - Ediyarade 1: 1, 9, 10. Some years later Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Philippians 4: 13. The apostle's experience and hearing revealed much about God's eternal purpose, thus providing spiritual and timely encouragement to all true Christians. - Revelation 1: 1, 9, 10. Ndi Bible Ekpep ke Abasi Edi Ita - ke - Kiet? What the apostle saw and heard revealed much about God's eternal purpose, thus providing spiritual enlightenment and timely encouragement for all true Christians. - Revelation 1: 1, 9, 10. Is the Trinity a Bible Teaching? Noah ọkọbọhọ Ukwọ ke ntak emi enye ọkọbuọtde idem ye Abasi. Noah survived the Deluge because of his faith. Noah survived the Flood because he trusted in God. CEPHALONIA CEPHALONIA MENLINONIA Emi esinem Abasi esịt. It is pleasing to God. This pleases God. Ata akpan mbụme akam edi, Ndi ukpepn̄kpọ Jesus ke ọnọnọ iban ifụre mfịn? Nte Jesus Akadade Iban And more important, do his teachings still have a liberating influence on women today? The most important question is, Is Jesus ' teaching still applicable to women's freedom today? Ke ntre, ikpakpaha nnyịn idem nte n̄wedmbụk n̄kpọntịbe Switzerland oro Neue Zürcher Zeitung ọkọtọtde ke 2002 ete ke "mbuọtidem oro mme owo ẹkenyenede ke idem kiet eken omosụhọde ke ediwak isua idahaemi ke mme idụt uforo n̄kan̄ Edem Usoputịn. " Therefore, we need hardly be surprised that the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported in 2002 that "in Western industrial countries, relationships of mutual trust have been on the wane for decades. " Therefore, we should not be surprised as the newspaper Swisss Zeitung announced in 2002 that "the faith that people had in one another has decreased for years in Western lands. " Edi okposụkedi ukpepn̄kpọ mi ke ufọkn̄wed ntaifiọk ọkọnọde mi ifụre, mma ntaba edidianakiet ye ifụre eke ubon oro ifiọk otode Ikọ Abasi kpọt ekemede ndinọ nnyịn. " But although my university studies gave me a sense of security, I missed the family unity and the security that only knowledge from God's Word can give us. " But although my studies at the university gave me security, I lost the unity and family freedom that only God's Word can offer us. " Ntak edi oro ọfọnde ẹbabak ẹtịm idem ẹnyụn̄ ẹbiere se ẹdinamde. Still, we can make certain preparations and advance decisions. That is why it is important to prepare for and decide what to do. Ndien Psalm 34: 20 ọdọhọ ete: "[Abasi] ekpeme kpukpru mme ọkpọ esie; baba kiet ke otu mmọ ibụn̄ọke. " And Psalm 34: 20 states: "[God] is guarding all the bones of that one; not one of them has been broken. " And Psalm 34: 20 states: "[God] is guarding all his bones; none of them are broken. " [ Ndise ke page 19] [ Picture on page 19] [ Picture on page 19] Mmọ isinyụn̄ ibreke mbre emi ekemede ndida owo ibuot, koro uwem edi enọ Abasi. - Kot Psalm 36: 9. In addition, they do not risk their life for sport, because life is a gift from God. - Read Psalm 36: 9. They also refrain from playing a key role in life, for life is a gift from God. - Read Psalm 36: 9. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke Nazi Germany, mmọ ẹma ẹsịn ndibiat mme edumbet Christian ndien ukara Nazi ikoyomke mmọ. In Nazi Germany, for example, they refused to compromise Christian principles and therefore were not acceptable according to Nazi ideology. In Nazi Germany, for example, they refused to compromise Christian principles and the Nazis did not want them. Mmọ ifeheke man ẹbọ utịp idaha unana n̄kpa. They are not running for the prize of immortality. They do not fear to suffer the consequences of death. Ntak Emi Mme Ntiense Jehovah Ẹsikwọrọde Ikọ ke Ufọk ke Ufọk? The tables have turned, and a two - year - old may not take well to the change without protest - perhaps in the form of a tantrum. Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Preach From House to House? Emi esinam enye ọtọn̄ọ ntịme. If you are a wife, are you loving and supportive of your husband? The result? Edieke afo edide n̄wan, nte afo amama onyụn̄ ọnọ ebe fo ibetedem? When Saul was identified, however, he could not be found. If you are a wife, do you love and support your husband? Edi ke ini ẹkesiakde Saul, owo ikekwe enye. It is vital that we do not become like the sinful Israelites of Hosea's day, thinking that we can compensate for wrongdoing by offering such spiritual sacrifices to God. But when Saul was mentioned, he was not found. Nnyịn ikpenyeneke nditie nte mme anam - idiọk nditọ Israel eyo Hosea, ke ndikere ke nnyịn imekeme ndida uwa eke spirit oro iwade inọ Abasi mi mfụk idiọkn̄kpọ. But more is needed if we are to maintain inner peace. We should not be like the wicked Israelites of Hosea's day, thinking that we can cover my sins with the spiritual sacrifices we make. Edi odu n̄kpọ efen oro anade ifiọk edieke iyomde esịt aka iso ana nnyịn sụn̄. Still, Isaac did not minimize Rebekah's feelings. But there is something else that we need to know if we want to maintain our peace of mind. Kpa ye oro, Isaac ikofụmike ikọ Rebekah. What an overconfident and prideful attitude! Yet, Isaac did not ignore Rebekah's words. Mmọ ẹma ẹbuọt idem ẹkaha ke idemmọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹtan̄ idem. A reference work for Bible translators notes that the Greek word rendered "earnestly seeking " does not mean" going out to find " but, rather, implies coming to God "in worship. " They put their trust in themselves and became haughty. N̄wed emi mme akabade n̄wed ẹsidade ẹnam utom ọdọhọ ke Ikọ Greek emi ẹkabarede "ẹnen̄erede ẹyom enye " iwọrọke ndiyom Abasi nte owo oyom n̄kpọ emi okosopde, edi ọwọrọ ndisịn idem n̄kpono Abasi. True mercy requires that we use our tongue in a chaste, peaceable, and reasonable way. A reference work for translators says that the Greek verb translated "earnestly seeking " does not mean wanting God to look for a lost one but to focus on serving him. Man inen̄ede itua mme owo mbọm, oyom ida edeme nnyịn itịn̄ nti ikọ ye mmọ, itie emem emem, inyụn̄ inam n̄kpọ ke eti ibuot ye mmọ. Here are some Scriptural principles that have helped violent individuals to change: In order to show mercy to others, we need to use our tongue to speak well to them, to be peaceable, and to act wisely with them. Se itienede mi ẹdi ndusụk edumbet N̄wed Abasi oro ẹn̄wamde mbon afai ndinam ukpụhọde: As we considered in the preceding article, Christians must resist the anti - God spirit of the world. Following are some Scriptural principles that help violent people to adjust: Nte nnyịn ikenemede ke ibuotikọ oro ekebemde iso, ana mme Christian ẹbiọn̄ọ spirit ererimbot oro edide isio ye spirit Abasi. In fact, a public meeting is held each week, focusing on a Bible - based theme that is of interest both to regular members of the congregation and to visitors. As we discussed in the preceding article, Christians must resist the spirit of the world that is contrary to God's spirit. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, ẹsinịm an̄wan̄wa mbono esop kpukpru urua, emi ẹsinemede ibuotikọ Bible oro ebehede mbon oro ẹsidụkde mbono esop kpukpru ini ye isenowo. CLASS STATISTICS In fact, public meetings are held each week, where Bible topics are discussed for those who attend meetings regularly with strangers. IDAHA OTU of February 8, 1994, pages 3 - 10. CLASS STATISTICS eke February 8, 1994, page 3 - 10. That is evident both from the specific medical language that Luke used in his Gospel and in the book of Acts and from the way he focused on Jesus ' healings of others. of February 8, 1994, pages 3 - 10. Sia enye ekedide abiausọbọ, enye ama esiwak nditịn̄ mban̄a nte Jesus ekesikọkde mme owo udọn̄ọ. The speaker noted: "Speaking the pure language involves not only believing the truth and teaching it to others but also harmonizing our conduct with God's laws and principles. " As a physician, he often referred to Jesus ' healing work. Etịn̄ikọ ama ọdọhọ ete: "Ndisem edisana usem idịghe sụk edisọn̄ọ mmụm akpanikọ n̄kama ye edida enye n̄kpep mbon en̄wen, edi abuana n̄ko ndinam edu uwem nnyịn odu ke n̄kemuyo ye mme mbet ye mme edumbet Abasi. " However, Christians who have truly received this anointing do not demand special attention. The speaker said: "The pure language is more than simply believing the truth and teaching it to others, but it also involves bringing our conduct into harmony with God's laws and principles. " Nte ededi, ata mme Christian oro Abasi emekde isiyomke ẹnọ mmimọ san̄asan̄a ukpono. When Mary told Joseph that she was pregnant, he intended to break off their engagement. True Christians, however, do not expect special honor. Ke ini Mary ọkọdọhọde Joseph ke imọ imoyomo, Joseph ama aduak ndibiat ediomi ndọ oro mmọ ẹkenamde. " Who is this woman? " When Mary told Joseph that she was pregnant, Joseph intended to destroy the marriage covenant. " N̄wan emi edi anie? " Moses ' faith in "the One who is invisible " helped him when the Israelites were in peril after they left Egypt. " Who is this woman? " Mbuọtidem oro Moses ekenyenede ke "Enye emi enyịn owo mîkwe " akan̄wam enye ke ini nditọ Israel ẹkedude ke nnanenyịn ke ẹma ẹkekpọn̄ Egypt. It was comparable to that of the psalmist David, who sang: "One thing I have asked from Jehovah - it is what I shall look for, that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the pleasantness of Jehovah and to look with appreciation upon his temple. " - Psalm 27: 4. Moses ' faith in "the One who is invisible " helped him when the Israelites were in sore straits after leaving Egypt. Se enye okoyomde ekedi ukem ye se David, andiwet Psalm ọkọkwọde ete: "Mmeben̄e Jehovah n̄kpọ kiet, ndien nyoyom enye; nte ndụn̄ ke ufọk Jehovah ke ofụri uwem mi, man nse uyai Jehovah, nnyụn̄ ntịm mbụp ke temple esie. " - Psalm 27: 4. They can be found on in many languages. His concern was similar to those of the psalmist David, who sang: "One thing I have asked from Jehovah, and I will search for him; as I reside in the house of Jehovah all my life, that I may look upon the pleasantness of Jehovah and ask in his temple. " - Psalm 27: 4. Ibuotikọ emi odu ke nsio nsio usem ke To illustrate how love can be properly directed by "accurate knowledge, " consider the fundamental truth stated at Acts 10: 34, 35:" God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " This article appears in various languages on Ke ndinam an̄wan̄a nte " nnennen ifiọk ' ekemede ndinam ẹnen̄ede ẹnam n̄kpọ ke ima, kere ban̄a isọn̄ akpanikọ oro ẹtịn̄de ke Utom 10: 34, 35 ẹte: "Abasi iten̄eke owo enyịn: edi ke kpukpru idụt Enye adadara owo ekededi eke abakde Enye onyụn̄ anamde nti ido. " God's Word encourages us to focus on positive things rather than on what might have been or what we should have done. Explaining how "the accurate knowledge " can cause us to act in a loving way, consider the fundamental truth mentioned at Acts 10: 34, 35:" God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " Ikọ Abasi esịn udọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn ete ikere iban̄a nti n̄kpọ oro ikpanamde utu ke ndikere mban̄a se ẹkpekenamde m̀mê se akpakanade inam. " Praised be the God... who encourages us in all our trials. " - 2 COR. 1: 3, 4, ftn. God's Word encourages us to focus on positive things rather than on what should have been done or done. " Itoro enyene Abasi... emi ọdọn̄de nnyịn esịt [m̀mê emi ọsọn̄ọde nnyịn idem] ke kpukpru ukụt nnyịn. " - 2 COR. 1: 3, 4. No other nation could make that claim! " Blessed be God... who comforts us in all our trials. " - 2 COR. 1: 3, 4. Idụhe idụt efen oro ekekemede nditịn̄ ntem! SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR THE DOCTOR No other nation could say that! MME MBỤME ẸMI ẸKPEBỤPDE ABIAIBỌK Like Jesus, early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR THE DOCURE Ukem nte Jesus, akpa mme Christian ẹketuak ibuot uko uko ẹnọ Jehovah ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄. Others may feel as did John, in the United States. Like Jesus, the early Christians courageously worshiped Jehovah alone. Ekeme ndinyụn̄ ntie ediwak owo nte etiede John emi odụn̄de ke United States. Whom do you see at this place of worship? Perhaps many feel like John, who lives in the United States. Mmanie ke okụt do? She sought asylum in Denmark, across the Baltic Sea. Whom do you see there? Enye ama ebe Inyan̄ Baltic okoyom ubọhọ ke Denmark. Jesus asked him, as well as James and John, to keep on the watch while He prayed. She had crossed the Baltic Sea to find refuge in Denmark. Jesus ama ọdọhọ enye ye James ye John ẹdu ke ukpeme ke adan̄aemi imọ ibọn̄de akam. How happy we all can be that we have had the privilege of seeing the results of this symbolic " collecting out ' of the weeds in our time! Jesus invited him and James and John to stay awake while he prayed. Ndi esịt inemke nnyịn nditiene n̄kụt se itịbede ke ini ẹsatde mbiet emi ke ndamban̄a usụn̄ ẹsion̄o? No, he was not righteous in that sense. Does it not warm our heart to see what happens when the weeds are planted in a figurative sense? Idịghe ke usụn̄ oro ke enye ekedi edinen. Needless to say, I tried very hard not to sin. " - Arline. Not in that way was righteous. Emi ama esinam nnen̄ede ndomo nditre ndinam idiọkn̄kpọ. " - Arline. ; Fryer, J. As a result, I tried hard not to do anything wrong. " - Arline. ; Fryer, J. Tidiness means that everything is in its proper place. ; Ferer, J. Ndinịm asana ọwọrọ ndibon kpukpru n̄kpọ ke nnennen itie. Pioneers realize that their privilege of service is not the result of any special merit on their part. Keeping clean means putting everything in the proper place. Mme asiakusụn̄ ẹfiọk ke ifetutom oro mmimọ inyenede idịghe ke ntak emi mmimọ ifọnde ikan mbon en̄wen. And who gave you this authority? " Pioneers recognize that their privilege is not because they are superior to others. n̄ko, anie okonyụn̄ ọnọ Fi odudu emi? " There the apostle Paul quotes from Haggai 2: 6, which speaks of God's "rocking the heavens and the earth. " And who gave you this authority? " Do apostle Paul okot oto Haggai 2: 6, emi ọdọhọde ke Abasi " eyenyen̄e ikpaenyọn̄ ye isọn̄. ' He was hardly alone in feeling as he did. The apostle Paul then quotes Haggai 2: 6, which says that God "will rock the heavens and the earth. " Ata ediwak owo ẹsikere ntre n̄ko. Sabbath. - Acts 15: 28, 29. Most people feel the same way. ẹnịm Sabbath eke urua ke urua. - Utom 15: 28, 29. We found Mr. Vaughn, and he invited us to a meal with him and his wife. A weekly Sabbath. - Acts 15: 28, 29. Ima ika ikokụt Ete Vaughn, ndien enye ama ọdọhọ ekem nnyịn idise imọ ye n̄wan imọ. How will you feel as you survey the scene? We met the Father, and he invited us to visit him and his wife. Editie fi ke idem didie nte esede akanade paradise oro? By having full faith in the ransom provision of Christ, we put ourselves in Jehovah's hands, so to speak. How do you feel as you look forward to that paradise? Edieke ibuọtde idem ọyọhọ ọyọhọ ke uwa ufak Christ, ọwọrọ ke imayak uwem nnyịn isịn Jehovah ke ubọk. What would they do? By exercising complete faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, we have dedicated our lives to Jehovah. Nso ke mmọ ẹkenam? [ Picture on page 7] What did they do? [ Ndise ke page 7] By contrast, this same passage shows that God intended for a child eventually to "leave his father and his mother. " [ Picture on page 7] Matthew 19: 5 ọdọhọ ke Abasi okoyom eyen " ọkpọn̄ ete ye eka esie. ' He said: "The true God that answers by fire is the true God. " According to Matthew 19: 5, God wanted a child to "flee from [his] parents. " Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Abasi emi edidade ikan̄ ọbọrọ edi Abasi. " [ Picture on page 13] He said: "The God who will answer the fire is God. " [ Ndise ke page 13] She was left with a houseful of younger children, whom she could barely feed. [ Picture on page 13] Nnyịn nditọwọn̄ kpọt ikosụhọ ke ufọk ye Mama. Ikesimemke ndikụt udia ndia. Selfish desires are like land mines hidden under the road we walk on. We had only children left home with Mother, and it was not always easy to find food to eat. Mme udọn̄ idemowo ẹtie nte bọm oro ẹbụkde ke isọn̄ ke usụn̄ oro isisan̄ade. How Hannah Found Peace Personal desires are like the explosion of land mines in the area where we live. Se Ikọnọde Hannah Emem I read a lot. What Hannah's View of Peace Mma nsikot ekese n̄wed. Your making such a request may move you to ask Jehovah to help you to avoid doing or saying anything that would dishonor his holy name. I read a lot of books. Ke ima ikọbọn̄ utọ akam emi, nnyịn idiyomke ndinam m̀mê nditịn̄ n̄kpọ ndomokiet emi ekemede ndisuene edisana enyịn̄ Abasi. (See opening picture.) (b) What will we discuss in this article? After such a prayer, we would not want to do or say anything that would dishonor God's holy name. (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) (b) Nso ke idineme ke ibuotikọ emi? Why Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah? (See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? Ntak Emi Ayakde Idem Ọnọ Jehovah? Well, on Nisan 13, as the day drew near " on which the passover victim was to be sacrificed, ' Christ told Peter and John: "Go and get the passover ready for us to eat. " Why dedicated Yourself to Jehovah? Ke Nisan 13, ke ekperede usen "emi anade ẹwot unam uwa passover, " Christ ama ọdọhọ Peter ye John ete:" Ẹka ẹketịm passover ẹben̄e ẹnịm ẹnọ nnyịn man nnyịn idia. " How could someone follow Adam's wrong example? On Nisan 13, near the day of "the Passover sacrifice of the Passover, " Christ told Peter and John:" Go and make provision for us to eat. " Didie ke owo ekeme nditiene idiọk uwụtn̄kpọ Adam? If he was personally acquainted with Adam, Enoch could have obtained some information about God's dealings with the first human couple in Eden. How can one follow Adam's poor example? Edieke ekpedide enye ama emehe ye Adam, Enoch ọkpọkọbọ ndusụk ntọt ke nte Abasi akanamde n̄kpọ ye akpa eren ye n̄wan oro ke Eden. 8, 9. If he had been acquainted with Adam, Enoch could have had some information on how God dealt with the first human couple in Eden. 8, 9. She always remembers Jehovah's promise of a new world, where all sick ones will be healed. " 8, 9. Kpukpru ini enye esiti un̄wọn̄ọ Jehovah aban̄ade obufa ererimbot, ini oro ẹdinamde kpukpru mbon udọn̄ọ ẹkop nsọn̄idem. " (1 Corinthians 2: 16) He always remembers Jehovah's promise of a new world, when all sick people will be healed. " (1 Corinth 2: 16) Timothy pursued fine goals (1 Corinthians 2: 16) Timothy ama ebịne nti utịtmbuba He was so determined to finish his God - assigned work that no opponent - human or demon - could deter him. Timothy pursued worthwhile goals Enye ama enen̄ede ebiere ndikụre utom oro Abasi ọkọnọde enye tutu andibiọn̄ọ ndomokiet - edide owo m̀mê demon - ikekemeke ndikpan enye. 6 / 15 He was determined to finish his God - given assignment until no opposer - whether a person or a demon - could prevent him. Isọn, 11 / 1 In the next article, we will examine Jehovah's dealings with Israel's King Ahab as well as the apostle Peter's experience in Syrian Antioch. 11 / 15 Ke ibuotikọ oro etienede, iyeneme nte Jehovah akanamde n̄kpọ ye Edidem Ahab emi akakarade Israel. Iyonyụn̄ ineme se apostle Peter akanamde ke Antioch ke Syria. ; Rodríguez, F. In the following article, we will consider how Jehovah dealt with King Ahab of Israel and what the apostle Peter did in Syrian Antioch. ; Rodríguez, F. I was so angry with my sister. ; Rodríguez, F. Esịt ama etetịm ayat mi ye Carmen. The apostle John writes: "I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True... Carmen and I became even more angry. Apostle John ewet ete: "N̄kụt nte ẹbererede heaven; ndien sese, afia enan̄ - mbakara, Andidoro enye ke edem ekere Anam - akpanikọ ye Ata Akpanikọ... Consider further ways we can prove our loyalty to God. The apostle John writes: "I saw the heavens opened up, and, look! a white horse, the one bearing his name is faithful and true... Ẹyak ineme usụn̄ en̄wen emi ikemede ndiwụt ke ida ye Jehovah. Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God's way of doing things. Let us consider another way in which we can show our loyalty to Jehovah. Se isiwakde ndidi ntak utọ nsụkuyo oro esidi unana edifiọk usụn̄ oro Abasi anamde n̄kpọ. Together we serve at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in St. Often the reason for such murmuring is a lack of understanding of God's way of doing things. Nnyịn mbiba inam utom ke n̄kọk itieutom Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke St. Upbringing and Education Both of us serve at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in St. Edibọk ye Edinọ Ukpep Manifest Loving - Kindness and Trueness Raising and Training Wụt Ima - Mfọnido ye Akpanikọ We may glean helpful information and practical suggestions from articles published in The Watchtower and Awake! Show Loving - Kindness and Truth Imekeme ndida ifiọk ye ekikere nto mme ibuotikọ oro ẹdude ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme ye Awake! In one poem about a dispute over rulership, Baal defeats El's favorite son, the sea - god Yamm. From the articles in The Watchtower and Awake! Ke uto kiet aban̄ade en̄wan itie ukara, Baal akan edima eyen El, Yamm, kpa abasi inyan̄. For many in the world, life revolves around material things - a good salary, a nice home, or the latest high - tech devices. In one poem about political conflicts, Baal was more than a beloved Elm, Yammm, the god of the sea. Mme ubọkn̄ka fo ẹkere ke owo ndinyene ediye ufọk, utom emi ẹkpede eti okụk, m̀mê mbufa fon, kọmputa ye n̄kpọ ntre edi akpan n̄kpọ. Just as Isaiah and Micah prophesied, we are going up to "the mountain of Jehovah " together. Your peers think that it is important to have a nice home, a well - paying job, or a new cell phone, and the like. Nnyịn ke isan̄a kiet " idọk obot Jehovah ' kpa nte Isaiah ye Micah ẹketịn̄de. Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah, 11 / 15 Like Isaiah and Micah, we are walking in "the mountain of Jehovah. " Se ntaifiọk ẹyomfịn ẹkụtde ọsọn̄ọ emi. Modern research supports this conclusion. This is evident by what scientists have seen. Ẹkesikot Peter Simon, m̀mê Simeon, tutu esịm usen oro. Until that day, Peter was known by the name Simon, or Simeon. Peter was called Simon, or Simeon, until that day. Ndikot Bible anam nnyịn ifiọk mme n̄kpọ emi Jehovah anamde, anam inen̄ede imehe ye enye inyụn̄ ima enye. It also deepens our appreciation for Jehovah's endearing ways, causing us to love him even more. Reading the Bible helps us to understand Jehovah's ways, to get to know him better and to love him. Rita otode Rio de Janeiro, ama esima ndika ufọkn̄wed ke ini ekedide eyenọwọn̄. As a child, Rita, from Rio de Janeiro, liked going to school. Rita from Rio de Janeiro, who enjoyed attending school when she was a child. Ke ini esịt owo, ekpụt, m̀mê edidiana ekpa enyenede mfịna mfịn, mbiausọbọ ẹsisio ndido emi ke idem owo emi mîdọn̄ọke ẹsịn ke idem owo emi ọdọn̄ọde. Jesus ikanamke ntre. To perform such acts of compassion, Jesus needed no organ donors for transplants. When a person's heart, kidneys, or liver problems today, doctors have removed this part of a patient's body. Ẹkabade ndusụk ebetọ ikọ mme usem oro ẹkedade ẹwet Bible ẹtiene nte ẹsibonde ikọ ke mme usem emi, edi edieke ndikabade mmọ ntre mîdin̄wan̄ake owo, ẹtịn̄ se mmọ ẹwọrọde. When the original - language idioms make sense in other languages, they are rendered literally. Some of the languages used in the Bible have been translated into use, but only if the interpretation is difficult to grasp. Ke Bible, "ndinịm baptism " edi ukem ye" ndibụk ke mmọn̄. " In the Bible, "to baptize " is the same as" to immerse. " In the Bible, "the baptism " is equal to" immersion in water. " Nte iketịn̄de ke ntọn̄ọ, ke ini enye akadade okụt isenowo ita oro, enye ama ọsọsọp anam n̄kpọ man ese aban̄a mmọ. As mentioned at the outset, when Abraham caught sight of the three visitors, he immediately set out to accommodate their needs. As mentioned at the outset, when he caught sight of the three visitors, he immediately took action to care for them. Oyom kpukpru nnyịn " isiak afan̄ eke enende inọ ikpat nnyịn. ' All of us need to "keep making straight paths for [our] feet. " All of us need to " set straight paths for our feet. ' Ofụn oro akam ọnọ nnyịn New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The "slave " even provided the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The slave even gives us the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Ẹfiọk "ekikere Christ, " ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpep ndikere nnyụn̄ nnam n̄kpọ nte Christ. - 1 Cor. They became familiar with "the mind of Christ, " understanding and imitating his way of thinking and acting. - 1 Cor. Know "the mind of Christ, " and learn to think and act like Christ. - 1 Cor. Se Akpanamde Man Aka Iso Okop Idatesịt ke Utom Jehovah How to Maintain a Positive Viewpoint How to Maintain Joy in Jehovah's Service Ke akpanikọ, Jehovah emi ọnọde utịn utọ odudu oro ọyọnọ nnyịn odudu ikeme ndiyọ n̄kpọ ekededi oro ọwọrọde nnyịn. Can anyone doubt that the One who "fuels " the sun can give us the strength we need to cope with any problem? Yes, Jehovah, who gives such power, will give us the strength to endure anything that may befall us. Sia mmọ ẹnyenede ekikere Abasi, mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹfiọk ke mîbịghike, ererimbot emi ọmọn̄ ebe efep. Because they adopt God's viewpoint, they are fully aware of how dim this world's prospects really are. Because they have God's thinking, they are confident that soon this world will end. [ Ndise ke page 26] 15: 53, 54. [ Picture on page 26] Enye ama okop nte uyo obụpde enye ete: "Saul, Saul, ntak emi afo ọkọbọde mi? " He heard a voice ask: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? " "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? " he heard. Nsidọhọ mmọ ke nyom ndinen̄ede ndu uwem ekekem ye idem oro n̄kayakde nnọ Abasi. My answer is that I truly want to live up to my dedication to God. I tell them that I really want to live up to my dedication to God. Ami ye Cloris ima isan̄a kiet inam utom circuit. I continued in the circuit work together with Cloris. We served together in the circuit work. SE AFO EKEMEDE NDINAM IDAHAEMI WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW WHAT YOU CAN DO Ke adan̄aemi inamde isan̄, nnyịn ikesinyene ndibiom ndodobi n̄wed ukabadeikọ, ekpatisan̄, ye mme ekpat eken nsan̄a. While traveling, we had to carry the heavy dictionaries, besides our suitcase and other bags. While traveling, we had to carry a heavy dictionary, a suitcase, and other suitcases. Ke adan̄aemi enye edịbede ke ikọt, enye ọn̄wọn̄ọ ke edieke Abasi anyan̄ade imọ, ke imọ idisio akpa eyen imọ Manirakiza, emi ọwọrọde "Abasi Edi Andinyan̄a. " While hiding in a field, the man vows that if God saves him, he will call his firstborn Manirakiza, meaning "God Is the Savior. " While he is hidden from the people, he promises that if God rescues him, he will carry out his first child so that he might saveiza, meaning "God Is a Savior. " Page Edịp ye Duopeba Page Thirty - Two Page Thirty - Two Sia enye enyenede ọyọhọ mbuọtidem ke Jehovah idem tutu esịm n̄kpa, enye ọsọn̄ọ ebiere nte Job ekebierede, ete: "Ndisioho mfọn - mma ke idem mi mfep tutu ndikpa. " - Job 27: 5. Having implicit trust in Jehovah even to death, he displays the same determination as did Job, who said: "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself! " - Job 27: 5. Because he has complete confidence in Jehovah even to the point of death, he has upheld Job's resolve: "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself! " - Job 27: 5. [ Ndise ke page 30] [ Picture on page 30] [ Picture on page 30] Yak inọ uwụtn̄kpọ ise: Ndusụk ntaifiọk ẹdọhọ ke enyene ndusụk edu emi esịnede - sịne owo ke iyịp, utọ nte iyatesịt. Consider a comparison: Some experts say that certain behavioral traits, such as aggression, may have a biological cause. To illustrate: Some scientists say that there are some qualities that include blood transfusions, such as anger. Edieke isụhọrede idem isan̄a ke usụn̄ Jehovah, enye ọyọnọ nnyịn uko ye odudu. If we humbly walk in Jehovah's ways, he will give us courage and strength. If we humbly walk in Jehovah's ways, he will give us courage and strength. Mme owo ẹnọ ediwak ekikere n̄ko ẹban̄a se itịbede inọ ukpọn̄ ke ini owo akpade. There are also various ideas about what happens to the soul when a person dies. There are also many suggestions about what happens to the soul when a person dies. • Ewe mbụk n̄kpọntịbe ndondo emi onụk ediwak owo ndinen̄ede n̄kere nte ke Jesus ama enen̄ede odu ke isọn̄? • What recent news item has moved many to give more thought to the reality that Jesus walked the earth? • What recent news has moved many to consider seriously that Jesus really existed on earth? Eren Emi Ekenịmde Eti Uwụtn̄kpọ ke Ndinyịme Edinen̄ede An Exemplary Man Who Accepted Correction A Man Who Set a Good Example in Willingness N̄wed oro Our Slavic Bible ọdọhọ ke nditọeka iba emi "ẹkenyene ndision̄o uwak mbufa ikọ ndi... The work Our Slavic Bible states that the two brothers "had to create many new words and expressions... According to the book Our Slav Bible, these two brothers were "to produce many new words... N̄kpa an̄wan mi ekedi kiet ke otu n̄kponn̄kan idomo oro akanam nsobode, ndien emi ama enen̄ede abiak mi. That was a devastating blow - one of the greatest trials of my life. My wife's death was one of the greatest tests I have ever faced, and this hurt me deeply. Nnyịn ikodụn̄ ye eka ebe mi tutu Bobby ebe isua 2, ndien Eddie ekedi isua 12 ini oro. We continued to live with my mother - in - law until Bobby was just over 2 years old, by which time Eddie was 12. We lived with my mother until Bobby was 2, and Eddie was 12 years old at that time. 16, 17. (a) Ntak emi nnyịn ikpekerede iban̄a uduak Jehovah ke ini iyomde ndinam ubiere? 16, 17. (a) Why should we consider Jehovah's will when we make decisions? 16, 17. (a) Why should we consider Jehovah's purpose when making decisions? Jesus eketịn̄ ata nnennen nnennen ete: "Baba owo kiet ikemeke nditiene mi ibọhọke Ete, emi ọkọdọn̄de mi, odụri enye edi. " In very direct terms, Jesus stated: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Jesus plainly said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Ẹyak nnyịn ikere iban̄a ndusụk usụn̄ en̄wen oro spirit Abasi akanamde utom ke akpa isua ikie onyụn̄ anamde ke eyo nnyịn. Let us consider some other ways in which God's spirit was active in the first century and is active in our day. Let us consider some other ways in which God's spirit operated in the first century and act in our day. Ekem mmọ ẹma ẹmen mi ye Mama ẹka ufọk nnyịn, ndien emi edi akpa ini oro mmọ ẹkedụn̄ọrede ufọk nnyịn. Then they took Mother and me back to our house, which they searched for the first time. Then they took Mother and me to our home, and this was their first visit to our home. Mma n̄kpep n̄ko mban̄a idotenyịn nsinsi uwem ke Paradise isọn̄. I also learned about the hope of everlasting life in Paradise on earth. I also learned about the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth. Paul ewet ete, "Kûsọn̄ọ uyo ukụt ndudue unọ ebiowo. " Through their publications and their witnessing work, they encourage their neighbors to be law - abiding. Paul writes, "Do not severely criticize an elder. " Tọn̄ọ ke 1919 emi ẹkemekde ofụn emi, ediwak miliọn owo emi ẹsemde nsio nsio usem ke ẹdụk ẹdi esop Abasi, ke ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpep mmọ ikọ Abasi. " Do not severely criticize an older man, " Paul writes. Since 1919, the slave class has been appointed by millions of people who speak different languages into the Christian congregation and are teaching them God's word. Ekọn̄, ubiatibet, ye mme afanikọn̄ eken ẹsisịm ediwak ikọt Abasi. Since the appointment of the faithful slave in 1919, millions of "domestics " of all languages have been gathered into God's organization and are being spiritually fed. Many of God's people face wars, crime, and other calamities. Mmọ mbiba ẹwụt in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ nte Abasi asuade mme anamidiọk.... Many of God's people have been victims of crime, war, and other injustices. Both clearly show how God hates sinners.... Ami nsụk nda idemmi nte ekpri eyenan̄wan oro amade mbụk Noah. " Both together show most clearly what displeasures God has manifested against sinners.... I still think of myself as a little girl who likes the story of Noah. Usan n̄kukwak emi ẹdade okpoho ẹnam ekedi orụk n̄kpọmbre en̄wen emi ẹmiade - mia. Deep down, I'm still that little girl so in love with the story of Noah. The metal instruments made of copper were another type of metal instrument that beat me. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, kere ban̄a utuenikan̄ Tiffany. Bronze cymbals made an even sharper sound. Cymbals were discs of two sizes. For example, consider Tiffany's lamp. Ẹma ẹkabade Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme emi inikiet inikiet ẹnyụn̄ ẹmịn̄ mmọ. As an example, consider the Tiffany lotus lamp. The Watchtower was immediately translated and printed. Ke Peter ama ekekpere utịt uwem esie ke n̄kpọ nte isua 64 E.N., enye ama esịn udọn̄ ọnọ ekemmọ mme andinịm ke akpanikọ, ete: "Ẹsịn ofụri ukeme man ke akpatre [Abasi] okpokụt mbufo nte ẹnanade ntọi ẹnyụn̄ ẹnanade ndo ẹnyụn̄ ẹdude ke emem. " They were immediately translated, stencils were prepared, and copies were printed. Toward the end of his life in about 64 C.E., Peter urged fellow believers: "Do your utmost to be found finally by [God] spotless and unblemished and in peace. " Edi akpanikọ, ke ndusụk ini owo ekeme ndinam idaha esie ke n̄kan̄ obụkidem ọfọn akan, edi oro idịghe ata ifụre. In about 64 C.E., as the end of his life was approaching, Peter encouraged his fellow believers: "Do your utmost to be found finally by [God] spotless and unblemished and in peace. " Granted, at times a person may be able to improve his fleshly condition, but that is not true. Ke ini ke ini, tie ye eyen fo nam wụt se enye akpanamde - oro edi, emekeme ndinam nte afo edi owo afanikọn̄, ndien eyen fo etịn̄ se enye akpanamde ke ini ọnọde enye afanikọn̄. Of course, sometimes a person may improve his position materially, but that does not mean real security. From time to time, show your child what to do - that is, you can do as you are in trouble, and your child tells you what to do when dealing with a difficult situation. N̄ko - n̄ko, mmọ ẹnyịme ndibot mme udi nnọ mme prọfet nnyụn̄ mbana mmọ man mme owo ẹkụt utom imaesịt mmọ, idem okposụkedi mmọ ẹdide "nditọ mmọ emi ẹkewotde mme prọfet. " - Matthew 23: 13 - 15, 23 - 31. From time to time, why not make such rehearsals part of your Family Worship evening? Family worship provides opportunity for parents to emphasize the benefits of having spiritual goals. Furthermore, they are willing to open up places for the prophets and care for them to see their work willingly, even though they are "the sons of those who have killed the prophets. " - Matthew 23: 13 - 15, 23 - 31. Ke mme utọ idaha oro, se David akadade odudu spirit Abasi ewet eyesịn udọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn. Furthermore, they are willing to build tombs for the prophets and decorate them to draw attention to their own deeds of charity, even though they "are sons of those who murdered the prophets. " - Matthew 23: 13 - 15, 23 - 31. Under such circumstances, the inspired words of David will encourage us. Ndien, ke akpanikọ, mme ikọ oro ẹwetde ke Isaiah 60: 17 ẹnyene se ẹwọrọde: "Nyada gold ndinịm ke itie okpoho, nyada silver ndinịm ke itie ukwak, ye okpoho ke itie eto, ye ukwak ke itie itiat: ndien nyanam mbọn̄ fo ẹdi emem, nyonyụn̄ nnam mme andikara fi ẹdi edinen ido. " In such circumstances, the inspired words of David are encouraging: "Being under [God's] anger is for a moment, being under his goodwill is for a lifetime. And, indeed, the words recorded at Isaiah 60: 17 have meaning: "Instead of the copper I shall bring in gold, and instead of the iron I shall bring in silver, and instead of the wood and instead of the stones I shall appoint peace as your overseers and righteousness as your task assigners. " ; Rodgers, G. And meaningful, indeed, are the words recorded at Isaiah 60: 17: "Instead of the copper I shall bring in gold, and instead of the iron I shall bring in silver, and instead of the wood, copper, and instead of the stones, iron; and I will appoint peace as your overseers and righteousness as your task assigners. " ; $6, G. Ndida ewe item apostle Peter nsịn ke edinam ekeme ndin̄wam nnyịn ika iso isana ke ido uwem? ; Rodgers, G. Applying what counsel of the apostle Peter can help us to remain morally clean? Ke akpanikọ, nnyịn iyomke edeme nnyịn " ọsọp nte ofụt eke ekịmde, ' m̀mê ndida enye nsụn̄i mme owo nnyụn̄ mbiat mmọ. Applying what admonition from the apostle Peter can help us to remain morally clean? Indeed, we do not want our tongue to be "as sharp as the stabs of a sword, " or to mislead others and corrupt them. Ke kpukpru emi, David ama owụt ke imọ ikabak ata Abasi. - 1 Samuel 18: 9, 11, 17; 24: 2. Indeed, never would we want our tongue to be "sharpened like a razor, " using it to inflict painful wounds with abusive or degrading speech. In all of this, David twice proved to be the true God. - 1 Samuel 18: 9, 11, 17; 24: 2. Ntak ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a enye nte Christ emi ẹkekọn̄de ke eto? Through all of this, David showed that he feared the true God. - 1 Samuel 18: 9, 11, 17; 24: 2. Why is it referred to as the Christ impaled? FEBRUARY 18 - 24, 2013 Why the depiction of the Christ impaled? FEBRUARY 18 - 24, 2013 Nso ke Jesus okobụp Peter m̀mê enye ama akan imọ? FEBRUARY 18 - 24, 2013 What did Jesus ask Peter if he denied him? Mmọ ẹma ẹsụhọde idem ẹnyịme item, ẹnam mme ukpụhọde oro ẹkeyomde, ndien ẹka iso ẹwụt idemmọ nte idide mme n̄wọrọnda asan̄autom Abasi. To what was Jesus referring? They humbly accepted the counsel, made the necessary changes, and kept proving themselves to be outstanding servants of God. Ke Ukraine, ediwak owo ẹsisasan̄a ẹka mbono esop, ntre mmọ ẹsinyene ini ndineme nneme nnyụn̄ nsịn udọn̄ nnọ kiet eken. They humbly accepted counsel, made needed changes, and went on to prove themselves outstanding servants of God. In Ukraine, many people travel to the meetings, so they spend time talking and encouraging one another. Ndien enye ọduọ ekịbi iso esie ke isọn̄ ke ukot Jesus, ọkọm enye; n̄ko - n̄ko, enye ekedi owo Samaria. " - Luke 17: 11 - 16. In Ukraine, many walk to the meetings, so they have time to talk and encourage one another. And he fell down his face on the ground of Jesus, thanking him, and he was a Samaritan. " - Luke 17: 11 - 16. (a) Nso ke Jesus eketịn̄ aban̄a edinọ enọ? And he fell upon his face at Jesus ' feet, thanking him; furthermore, he was a Samaritan. " - Luke 17: 11 - 16. (a) What did Jesus say about giving? Kaban̄a utọ ibuotikọ oro kiet, Christian an̄wan kiet ekewet ete: "Mmesikot ibuotikọ emi ke ekperede ndidi kpukpru usen, ndien mmọn̄eyet esisụk ọwọwọrọ mi ke enyịn. (a) What did Jesus say about giving? Regarding such an article, one Christian woman wrote: "I read this article nearly every day, and tears come out of my eyes. Edi, nditiene ndausụn̄ Jehovah owụt eti ibuot. Regarding one such article, a Christian sister wrote: "I read the article almost every day, and the tears still well up. Yet, following Jehovah's direction is wise. Ke ini Festus adade itie Felix, mme Jew ẹfiak ẹsịn ikpafak ndinam ẹbiom Paul ikpe ẹnyụn̄ ẹwot enye. Still, trusting Jehovah's guidance has proved to be wise. When Festus replaces Felix, the Jews again refuse to condemn Paul and kill him. Ndi nneme esisọsọp awaha ọkpọn̄ afan̄, anamde ẹtọk ẹnyụn̄ ẹdori owo ikọ? When Felix is replaced by Festus, the Jews renew their efforts to have Paul condemned and executed. Do conversations quickly turn aside from the path, causing reproof and slander? Apostle John ekewet ete: "Abasi ama enen̄ede ama ererimbot tutu enye ọnọ ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ edibon Eyen esie, man owo ekededi eke ọbuọtde idem ye enye okûtak edi enyene nsinsi uwem. " Does the discussion quickly veer off course and deteriorate into a volley of insults and accusations? The apostle John wrote: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Psalm 72: 16 ọdọhọ ete: "Uwak ibokpot ẹyedu ke isọn̄. " The apostle John wrote: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Psalm 72: 16 states: "There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth. " • Mmanie ke ẹkekụt ẹnamde utom nte ofụn emi anamde akpanikọ ke ini ẹkedide ẹdise "temple, " ndien mme inyene ewe ke ẹkemek mmọ ẹse ẹban̄a? " There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth, " says Psalm 72: 16. • Who were seen serving as the faithful slave when they came to the "temple, " and what belongings were appointed to care for? [ Mme Ikọ Idakisọn̄] • At the "temple " inspection, who were found to be acting as a faithful slave, and what belongings were entrusted to them? [ Footnotes] Ke afan̄ emi, Ediyarade 21: 3, 4 ọdọhọ ete: "Sese, ebiet idụn̄ Abasi omodu ye owo.... [ Footnotes] In this regard, Revelation 21: 3, 4 says: "Look! Enye n̄ko ekeme ndinam nnyịn ifep mfịghe uma inyene emi ekemede ndinụk nnyịn nsio ke usụn̄ eke spirit. - 8 / 15, page 21 - 24. In this regard, Revelation 21: 3, 4 says: "Look! It can also help us to avoid the pressures of materialism that can push us off course spiritually. - 8 / 15, pages 21 - 24. Sia edide ntre, esifọn iyom un̄wam Abasi ke ini inamde n̄kpọ ye owo isio uduot, edi odu mme ntak en̄wen emi anade inam oro. It can also enable us to avoid materialistic pressures that might push us off track spiritually. - 8 / 15, pages 21 - 4. That is why we need God's help when dealing with members of the opposite sex, but there are other reasons why we need to do so. Akpa, enye ọkọdọhọ ke Jehovah itịn̄ke akpanikọ inyụn̄ ikarake ke eti usụn̄. The need to deal effectively with such emotions is reason enough for us to seek divine guidance, but there are other motives for doing so. First, he said that Jehovah is truthful and fair. Mmọ ẹsinyụn̄ ẹfiak ẹbọp ufọk nditọete mmọ emi akabiarade mîdịghe ẹtiene ẹnam asana. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ukwọ ama enen̄ede abiat ufọk Sista Gabriela ke Poland. First, he challenged Jehovah's truthfulness and the rightness of his way of ruling. For example, when a flood broke down the home of their brothers and sisters in Poland, the family's home was again damaged. Owo ama ada ke enyọn̄ obot en̄wen ọbọrọ "Brọda! " Gabriela, a sister from Poland whose home was virtually destroyed by a flood, cheered up when brothers from nearby congregations came to her aid. Someone answered "Hey! " Ndikpep Bible ye udọn̄ edikpep mbon en̄wen edi se inọde owo ukpono onyụn̄ ekeme ndinam ẹkop uyụhọ oro ebịghide. From the next mountaintop, a voice answered, "Oh! " Studying the Bible and a desire to teach others is honorable and can lead to lasting satisfaction. Mmenen̄ede n̄kọm eka mi ke emi enye ekekpepde mi akpanikọ Bible, mmonyụn̄ nnyene mbuọtidem ntie mbet ini emi Abasi edinamde "kpukpru n̄kpọ ẹdi mbufa, " ọkọrọ ye ukpasi ukpasi idem mi emi. - Ediyarade 21: 4, 5. Studying the Bible with a desire to teach others is honorable and can be the source of lasting satisfaction. I am so grateful to my mother that she taught me Bible truth, and I have faith in God's time to "make all things new, " as well as to be modest. - Revelation 21: 4, 5. (b) Mme asan̄autom Jehovah ẹyom ndida edeme mmọ nnam n̄kpọ didie? I am so grateful to my mother for teaching me Bible truths, and with confidence I look forward to the near future when God will " make all things new, ' including my little body. - Revelation 21: 4, 5. (b) How do Jehovah's servants want to use their tongue? Idara ama ọyọhọ mi esịt. (b) How do Jehovah's servants desire to use their tongue? I was filled with joy. Kpa ye oro, ke ini ẹsion̄ode m̀mê ẹyomde ndision̄o mme owo ke utom, ẹsiwak ndifan̄a, nsịn ntịme, nnyụn̄ ntre utom. My heart leaped with joy. Even so, when people are fired or expected to be fired, they often argue, argue, and quit. Ẹma ẹsio Papa ke itienna ekikere Dachau ẹmen ẹka eke Mauthausen ke Austria. Nevertheless, when employment is lost or threatened, demonstrations, riots, and strikes often follow. Father was transferred from the Dachau concentration camp to Maut, Austria. Nyabat mmọ, edi mmọ ẹwak ẹkan ntan. " Father was transferred from Dachau to Mauthausen in Austria. I shall count them, but they are more than the grains of sand. " (a) Apostle Paul okokụt ke imọ ikama nso isọn, ndien ntak - a? Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand. " (a) The apostle Paul saw what debts, and why? Ẹkeme ndisịn udọn̄ nnọ nditọwọn̄ ndiwet "mme akpan n̄kpọ, " utọ nte ndiwet idiọn̄ọ ke babru kpukpru ini oro ẹtịn̄de mme ikọ m̀mê ẹsiakde mme enyịn̄ oro ẹmehede. - 3 / 15, page 17, 18. (a) What responsibility did the apostle Paul feel, and why? Children can be encouraged to write "the main things, " such as by writing on paper every time used or by familiar names. - 3 / 15, page 17, 18. O, Jehovah Abasi mbọk sọsọn̄ọ - o! " Children can be encouraged to take "notes, " such as by marking a paper each time familiar words or names are used. - 3 / 15, pages 17, 18. Thank you, O Jehovah God! " Maria: Ọmọfiọk eti mbụme edi oro. Thank you, Jehovah! " Samantha: You know good questions. * Samantha: That's a good question. * " Ke mmọ ẹwatde ubom ẹbehe ke esụk, mmọ ẹkpọn̄ kpukpru n̄kpọ, ẹtiene Jesus. " * " On returning to the beach, they left all things and followed Jesus. " Owo ndisịk ọkpọsọn̄ utom nnịm isikam inamke utom oro emem. " They brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him. " It is not always easy for someone to put off hard work. Adam akanam idiọkn̄kpọ oro, ndien enye ama odot ndibọ ubiomikpe oro - enye ama akpa. A difficult task does not get easier by putting it off. Adam sinned, and he deserved to receive the sentence - he died. Enye ama ọkpọn̄ esop Abasi ke ntak emi enye okoyomde ndidu uwem nte enemde enye. Adam was guilty of that trespass, and he justly received an adverse sentence - he died. He left the organization because he wanted to live a life of pleasure. Koro enye enyene ndida ubọn̄ tutu Enye onụk kpukpru mme asua Esie ke idak ikpat. " - 1 Corinth 15: 24, 25. Wanting to do things her own way, Petra distanced herself from the congregation. For he must rule as king until he has put all his enemies under his feet. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 25. Afo ekere didie? For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 24, 25. What do you think? Nso ikosụn̄ọ ito Jehovah ndiwụt ukpono ke ini Habakkuk okobụpde mbụme? What do you think? What resulted from Jehovah's respectful response to Habakkuk's question? Bible owụt ke Jehovah edi Ete kpukpru nnyịn. What resulted from Jehovah's showing honor when Habakkuk asked a question? The Bible reveals that Jehovah is the Father of all of us. Nditọ Israel oro ẹkesopde idem ke ukot obot oro ẹma ẹkop "ikọ duop " ke ufọt ikan̄ ye obubịt enyọn̄ nte Jehovah akadade angel esie etịn̄ ikọ ọnọ mmọ. The Bible shows that in a sense Jehovah is a Father to all of us. The Israelites gathered at the base of the mountain's feet heard "ten words " between fire and clouds that Jehovah spoke to them through his angel. Nso ndien ke n̄kpetịn̄ mban̄a urua kiet oro n̄kodude ke Ireland? Assembled at the foot of the mountain, the Israelites even heard "the Ten Words " from the midst of the fire and the cloud as Jehovah spoke to them through an angelic representative. What, then, about my last week in Ireland? Ke se ikperede ndisịm isua 2,000 ko ke ini Jesus okodude ke isọn̄, ẹma ẹsịn itiat idakisọn̄ ẹnọ utọ n̄kaowo oro. So, what did I think of my week in Ireland? Almost 2,000 years ago when Jesus was on earth, a foundation for such a society was laid. Ẹma ẹdọhọ mme asiakusụn̄ ẹdụn̄ kiet man mmọ ẹbuana n̄kpọ ẹkûnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹbiat okụk. Almost 2,000 years ago when Jesus was on the earth, the groundwork was laid for such a society. The pioneers were asked to live together so that they could not spend more money. (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) Groups of pioneers were encouraged to live and work together, thus cutting costs. (See opening picture.) 20 "Ẹdọdiọn̄ " Ẹsọn̄ọ Kiet Eken Idem (See opening picture.) 20 "Go Over " to Strengthen One Another Ẹdemede ẹnyụn̄ ẹsio n̄kpo idara! ' - Isaiah 26: 19. 20 Encourage One Another "All the More So " And I cry out joyfully! ' - Isaiah 26: 19. [ Mme Ikọ idakisọn̄] Awake and shout joyfully! " - Isaiah 26: 19. [ Footnotes] Jesus ama ọsọn̄ọ etịn̄ ọnọ mmọ nte ke edisana spirit " ayanam mmọ ẹti kpukpru se Imọ iketịn̄de inọ mmọ. ' [ Footnotes] Jesus assured them that the holy spirit would " bring back to their minds all the things he had told them. ' Nso ikedi utịp? Jesus assured them that the holy spirit would " bring back to their minds all the things he had told them. ' The result? Kpukpru mbon oro ẹmade Abasi ke ẹbet ini emi idiọk ererimbot emi edibede ifep. The outcome? All who love God look forward to the time when this wicked world will pass away. Nso ata eti uwụtn̄kpọ ke Jesus ekenịm ke ndinen̄ede owo? People everywhere who love what is right look forward to the end of this wicked system of things. What excellent example did Jesus set in correcting people? N̄ko - n̄ko, mbon en̄wen ẹkere ke nditre ndinam mme edinam emi ekeme ndinam mbio obio ẹsua ikọt Abasi. How did Jesus set an excellent pattern in correcting wrong attitudes? Furthermore, others feel that refusing to practice them can cause people to hate God's people. Idahaemi Jesus ke akara nte Edidem ke heaven, ndien mme mbet esie ke isọn̄ ke ẹkwọrọ eti mbụk emi ke ofụri ererimbot. - Kot Daniel 7: 13, 14; Matthew 24: 14. Still others have reasoned that refusing to follow custom may prejudice the community against God's people. Jesus is now ruling as King in heaven, and his disciples on earth are preaching the good news worldwide. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14; Matthew 24: 14. Nsu etie nte idiọk udọn̄ọ emi esibede owo. Edieke odụkde ndụk ye owo nsu, emekeme ndikabade ndi owo nsu n̄ko. Nso ke akpanam mbak udûtiene udi owo nsu? Now Jesus is ruling as King in heaven, and his followers on earth are announcing the good news worldwide. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14; Matthew 24: 14. If you become involved with someone who is dishonest, what can you do to avoid becoming a liar? Nso ke nnyịn emi ifiọkde se Jehovah amade inyene ndinam? Thus, dishonesty could be likened to a virus - the more contact you have with a person who is deceitful, the greater your risk of being "infected " with dishonesty yourself. What do we who know what Jehovah requires of us? Eyenerọn̄ ke ada ke Obot Zion, owo tọsịn ikie ye aba - ye - inan̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹda ye enye,... emi ẹkedepde ẹsio ke isọn̄. " - Ediyarade 14: 1 - 3. What responsibility do we as Jehovah's loyal worshippers have? The Lamb is standing on Mount Zion, a hundred andty - four thousand... who have been bought from the earth. " - Revelation 14: 1 - 3. Oro edidi idara idara ifetutom nnyịn edieke iyomde Jehovah, kpa Andidomo esịt. the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty - four thousand... who have been bought from the earth. " - Revelation 14: 1 - 3. That will be our joyful privilege if we seek Jehovah, the Tempter. " MMA nsidụk mme mbono esop Christian ke se ikekperede ndisịm isua kiet, ndien mma nsikop inem nditịn̄ nnọ mbon en̄wen mban̄a Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi, " ntem ke Miguel, emi idahaemi edide kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Edem Usụk America ọdọhọ. That will be our joyous privilege if we search for Jehovah, the Examiner of hearts. " I have attended Christian meetings for nearly a year, and I enjoyed talking to others about God's Kingdom, " says Miguel, now one of Jehovah's Witnesses in South America. Se ikayatde Jehovah esịt ekedi ndiọi udọn̄ mmọ, idiọk idaha esịt mmọ, mmọ ndikesịn Abasi ke ndek, ye ndiketre ndima ekemmọ nditọ Israel. " I HAD attended Christian meetings for nearly a year, and I enjoyed telling others about God's Kingdom, " says Miguel, who is now one of Jehovah's Witnesses in South America. What displeased Jehovah was their bad desires, their bad heart, their rejection of God, and their lack of love for fellow Israelites. Eyen ukpepn̄kpọ Bible kiet ọdọhọ ete: "Mbon Greece, Rome, ye Judea ẹma ẹsinen̄ede ẹma ukpono ẹnyụn̄ ẹsua esuene. What displeased Jehovah were the wrong desires of the people, their wicked heart condition, their irreverent attitude toward God, and their lack of love for fellow Israelites. " Greek, Romans, and Judea were highly esteemed and hated, " says one Bible scholar. Ẹyak ineme nte enye ekesikpan̄de utọn̄ ye se enye ekesinemede aban̄a. " Greeks, Romans, and Judeans all considered honor and shame to be pivotal values in their cultures, " says one scholar. Let us consider how he listened and what he really appreciated. Ndi enye eketịn̄ ye idiọkn̄kpọ emi esịnede enye ke esịt? Let us consider how she listened and what she spoke about. Was he speaking to a sin in his heart? Ntak - a? To an evil quality within himself? Why? Ke ini akasiande Mary aban̄a emana Jesus, angel Gabriel ama etịn̄ ukem ikọ oro Isaiah eketịn̄de. Why? When telling Mary about Jesus ' birth, the angel Gabriel made a similar point. Anana - Utịt Ndutụhọ m̀mê Ikpîkpu Udi? The angel Gabriel echoed Isaiah's proclamation when he announced Jesus ' coming birth to Mary. The End of Suffering or Sheol? Ka iso kpebe Timothy. Unending Torment or Common Grave? Continue to imitate Timothy. Ikebịghike, mma nnyene edidiọn̄ efen nte n̄kedide ndifiọk Katina, anam - akpanikọ Christian an̄wan, emi akamade Jehovah okonyụn̄ enyenede ifịk etieti ke utom ukwọrọikọ. Make it your aim to learn from Timothy. Soon I received another blessing as I came to know Katina, a faithful Christian woman who loved Jehovah and was very zealous in the ministry. Sukhi ọdọhọ ete: "Ndibiere se n̄kpanyamde ye se mmen̄kpanyamke ama ọsọn̄ mi akan nte n̄kekerede. Soon another blessing was added, as I got to know a faithful Christian sister, Katina, who loved Jehovah and was very active in the preaching work. Sukhi says: "The decision to sell money and what I did not sell was more difficult than I expected. Mîdịghe, edieke idem mîsọn̄ke fi, nte afo uduyomke usọbọ oro odotde? " Deciding on which items to keep and which to sell was harder than I expected, " says Sukhi. Or if you are not in good health, would you not want an appropriate treatment? Eyenete an̄wan oro akasan̄ade ye ami ama enyịme ye unana mmen̄e, ndien ami n̄kekemeke ndinam n̄kpọ efen n̄kan nditiene enye. Or if you suffer from a physical ailment, do you not seek adequate medical help? The sister who accompanied me admitted my limitations, and I could not do more than follow him. William Barclay, emi edide akabade a - Bible, ọdọhọ ete: "Sia [apostle John] mîkewetke ebemiso ikọ [ton] mbemiso theos, emi anam enye akabade edi editịn̄ nte n̄kpọ etiede... The sister I was working with accepted without hesitation, and I had no option but to accompany her. William Barclay, a translator of the Bible, says: "Since [the apostle John] did not put the preface before [ton], this made him a subject of... Da enyịn ikike fo se se iketịbede do nte Bible obụkde ete: "Edikem ke ediwak usen ẹma ẹkebe nte Jehovah ọkọnọ Israel nduọk - odudu ẹbọhọ kpukpru mme asua mmọ emi ẹkande mmọ ẹkụk, Joshua ama okonyụn̄ akabade edi akani - eren, onyụn̄ ọsọn̄ eti - eti. Ndien Joshua okot ofụri Israel ye mbiowo mmọ, ye mme ikpọ owo mmọ, ye mme ekpe - ikpe mmọ, ye mme andidaha mmọ, ẹdi, ndien ọdọhọ mmọ, ete, Ami mmakabade nyedi akani, mmonyụn̄ nsọn̄ọ eti - eti. " - Joshua 23: 1, 2. Says Bible translator William Barclay: "Because [the apostle John] has no definite article in front of theos it becomes a description... Note what happened there as recorded in the Bible: "It came about that many days later that Jehovah gave Israel rest from all their enemies around them, and Joshua became an old man and a good man, and he proceeded to call them all older men and older men and judges them, and I came to be with them, and I came to be a better father. " - Joshua 23: 1, 2. Enye ekpep ndiberi edem ke enye. Picture the setting, as described in the Bible: "It came about many days after Jehovah had given Israel rest from all their enemies all around, when Joshua was old and advanced in days, that Joshua proceeded to call all Israel, its older men and its heads and its judges and its officers, and to say to them: " As for me, I have grown old, I have advanced in days. ' " - Joshua 23: 1, 2. She has learned to rely on her. Nso Iditịbe ke Usen Ikpe? She has learned to put her trust in him. What Will Happen on Judgment Day? (b) Mme ata idem n̄kpọ ẹban̄ade un̄wana ẹkpenụk nnyịn ndinam nso? Learn From God's Word (b) The realities of light should move us to do what? Uwa ufak Jesus Christ ayanam kpukpru nnyịn ifọn ima inyụn̄ idi nditọ Abasi. (b) The realities about light should move us to do what? The ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ makes all of us perfect and God's children. Nso ke owo ekeme ndinam mi? ' " - Heb. Through his provision of the ransom, Jehovah will help all of his children to become completely righteous. What can man do to me? ' " - Heb. 1954 - 1956 - N̄kanam utom ekọn̄ United States isua iba What can man do to me? ' " - Heb. 1954 - 1956 - I was serving in the United States for two years Jesus ke idemesie ama ọdọhọ ke ẹdida ekọn̄, akan̄, ye idiọk udọn̄ọ ẹdiọn̄ọ "akpatre ini eyo emi. " 1954 - 1956 - I spent two years in the U.S. Army Jesus himself foretold that "the conclusion of the system of things " would be marked by wars, famines, and pestilences. Ke akpa ini emi nnyịn ikokopde iban̄a enye, se nnyịn ikokopde ama anam nnyịn ima enye. Jesus himself said that "the conclusion of the system of things " would be marked by wars, famines, and pestilences. When we first heard about him, what we heard endeared us to him. Ẹma ẹmek mi ndikanam utom nte asan̄autom n̄kọk itieutom ndise mban̄a utom ukwọrọikọ ke Gold Coast, Togoland (idahaemi Togo), Ivory Coast (idahaemi Côte d'Ivoire), Upper Volta (idahaemi Burkina Faso), ye Gambia. When we first heard about him, we were attracted to him by what we heard. I was appointed to serve as a branch servant in the Gold Coast, Togoland (now Togo) Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire), Ui Burkina Faso (now Burkina Faso), and Ty. Mme n̄kpọ oro Jesus ekesitịn̄de aban̄a ke ini enye ọkọkwọrọde ikọ mi ke isọn̄ ẹwụt ke Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ekenen̄ede ebehe enye. I was being assigned as branch servant to supervise the preaching work in the Gold Coast, Togoland (now Togo), Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire), Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), and The Gambia. Jesus ' words about the time he preached on earth reveal that he was primarily interested in God's Kingdom. (a) Ntak emi nnyịn mîkpayakke idem emem nnyịn edieke isobode edikpu ke ini ke ini? Judging by the things Jesus spoke about during his ministry, we can conclude that the Kingdom of God was close to his heart. (a) Why should we not despair from time to time? Ẹkesikek eto ẹda ẹkọn̄ ubom mbakara ẹnyụn̄ ẹda ẹtem okpoho - kpa oto - obot inyene oro akanamde Cyprus ọwọrọ etop ke eset. (a) Why should occasional disappointments not discourage us? The ancient city of Cyprus was a wooden ship and used for copper - a natural possession made of Cyprus. Etie nte mfịna emi owo mîsiakke ama odu ke ufọt nditọete iban iba, Euodia ye Syntyche, ndien emi ama etịmede emem ofụri esop. Trees were felled not only for building ships but also for use in smelting copper - a natural resource that made Cyprus famous in the ancient world. Likely, there was a problem between two sisters, Euodia and Syntyche, that threatened the peace of the entire congregation. Enye ama enịm mme ebeiso n̄kpọ akpa. An unspecified problem existing between two Christian sisters, Euodia and Syntyche, evidently threatened the peace of an entire congregation. He put first things first. Mbon oro ẹbụkde mbụk mmọ ke ibuotikọ emi kiet kiet ẹto nsio nsio obio ẹkenyụn̄ ẹnyene nsio nsio mfịna. He had his priorities straight. Those who related their stories in each of these articles faced a wide range of challenges. Ẹma ẹsịn Ebọp Queensboro ke ufọt obio Queens ye Manhattan, ẹnyụn̄ ẹsịn Ebọp Manhattan ke ufọt Manhattan ye Brooklyn. The individuals featured in these articles come from various backgrounds. Queens of Queens and Manhattan were built, and the city of Queens was bound to build up the city of Queens and Manhattan in between the city of Mantattan and Brooklyn. 4: 4; 18: 11, 12. The Queensboro Bridge was opened, connecting the borough of Queens with Manhattan, and the Manhattan Bridge was opened, making another connection between Manhattan and Brooklyn. 4: 4; 18: 11, 12. Mme andidụk ẹsikpep nte ẹkpepde owo akpanikọ Bible uforo uforo ke utịn̄ikọ, nnamn̄wụt, ndụn̄ọde, ye ibọrọ otuowo. 4: 4; 18: 11, 12. Visitors learn how to teach Bible truth effectively in public speaking, demonstrations, interviews, and comments. Helen ama etịn̄ ibio ibio aban̄a utom nnyịn mi, ewetde ete: "Ekedi ifet ọnọ nnyịn ndikwọrọ ikọ ke ata ediwak obio ye obio - in̄wan̄. By means of talks, demonstrations, interviews, and audience participation, those in attendance learn to teach Bible truth effectively. Helen summed up my activity, writing: "It was a privilege for us to preach in most towns and villages. Ntre, ima inyam mbubehe nnyịn, inyụn̄ idọhọ ke imeben̄e idem ndika ebiet ekededi emi ẹnen̄erede ẹyom mme ọkwọrọikọ. Helen summarized our activity here, writing: "It was our privilege to preach in dozens of towns and villages. So we sold our business and said that we were ready to go wherever there was a greater need for Kingdom preachers. Uwem Ama Enem Mi, Nkonyụn̄ Nnyeneke Ekese Mfịna A Happy Life With Few Problems My Life Was Happy, and I Did Not Have Many Problems Idụhe utom emi ẹsede ke usụhọde - edide edi ndinịm ebiet asana, ndise mban̄a flawa, nditem udia, ndinam utom ke itie umịn̄n̄wed, m̀mê ke ọfis. Every assignment is important, whether it is cleaning, gardening, cooking, or working in a printery or an office. No simple job - whether cleaning, caring for flowers, cooking, working in the printery, or at the office. Ke adianade do, enye ama enyene ime ekpep n̄kpọ emi edifọnde ye enye, edinyụn̄ inamde enye ọsọsọp enyene utom. Additionally, he patiently developed skills that were practical and that made him readily employable. Furthermore, he patiently learned something that would be good for him and that he immediately found work. Anaedi esịt akpayat fi edieke owo etịn̄de orụk ikọ oro ye afo. If those words were directed at us, we would likely be offended. No doubt you would feel hurt if someone said such things to you. Ke ini idụn̄ọrede ndusụk n̄kpọ oro ẹkedade itie ke ini Saul okokpụhọde ido ukpono onyụn̄ ana baptism, nnyịn imenen̄ede ikụt ke enye ikọdọn̄ke enyịn ke se mbon en̄wen ẹketịn̄de ẹban̄a enye; ọkpọsọn̄ ubiọn̄ọ ikonyụn̄ inamke enye akpa mba. When we examine some of the events surrounding Saul's conversion and baptism, we clearly see that he was not overly concerned about how others judged him; neither did he quit because of severe opposition. When we examine some of the things that took place when Saul changed his religion and was baptized, we clearly see that he was not interested in what others said about him; nor did he give up. Ẹda ikọ oro " adade usụn̄ ' ẹto ikọ Greek, ndien ke ufan̄ikọ emi enye ọwọrọ "ndinụk, ndimen m̀mê ndiyak ẹnụk fi. " The Greek expression rendered "borne along " has the sense" to bear or carry from one place to another, " and it "can be variously rendered: be moved, be driven, let oneself be moved. " The Greek word " road ' is derived from the Greek word, and in this verse it means" bowing down, raising or letting you down. " Ufan̄ikọ 63 ọdọhọ ete: "Enye ọdọhọ [anaedi akada ubọk anam idiọn̄ọ] ẹnọ imọ itiatn̄wed onyụn̄ ewet ete: " John edi enyịn̄ esie. ' " Verse 63 says: "He asked [apparently using gestures] for a tablet and wrote: " John is its name. ' " " He must have made a sign for him, " says verse 63, "and he wrote: " John is his name. ' " Nso ye nso ikeme ndibiat edidianakiet, ndien didie ke Jehovah anam ikan mmọ? What obstacles to unity does Jehovah help us to surmount? What factors can disrupt unity, and how has Jehovah dealt with them? N̄kpọ kiet emi ukara Rome mîkọnọhọ esopikpe mme Jew odudu ndinam ekedi ndiwot mme abiatibet. Ukara Rome ikpọn̄ ẹkenyene odudu ndiwot abiatibet. One limitation imposed on the competence of Jewish courts, however, concerned the execution of criminals - a right that the Romans generally reserved for themselves. One thing that the Romans did not authorize the Jewish courts to execute was the execution of criminal criminals. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, mme n̄kukụt oro ẹwetde ke Ediyarade ẹsu ke "usen Ọbọn̄. " In fact, the fulfillment of the visions recorded in Revelation takes place during "the Lord's day. " In fact, the visions recorded in Revelation are being fulfilled in "the Lord's day. " Kpep Ima ke Ndinịm Uwụtn̄kpọ Teach Love by Example Learn Love by Example Mbụme emi eketie ekikọhọ ekikọhọ. That was a challenging question. This was a delicate question. R. R. R. Mme Ntiense ke New Orleans ẹma ẹn̄wam ke ndinọ mme asiakusụn̄ mme ọfọn̄, okụk ye udia. The Witnesses in New Orleans assisted by giving the pioneers clothes, money, and food. Witnesses in New Orleans helped to provide pioneers with clothing, money, and food. " Mme Eto Jehovah Ẹmeyụhọ, " 1 / 15 Who Are Giving God Glory Today? JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES • Didie ke mbon oro ẹnyịmede mfịn ẹbọ edidiọn̄ ẹto eti mbụk? • How have receptive ones today been blessed by the good news? • How do those who today accept the good news receive blessings? Enye ama ọdọhọ nnyịn ete: "Sia ẹdọhọde ntre, ẹmen enan̄ - mbakara emi ẹtan̄ mbonekọn̄ emi ẹdade unan ẹka ufọkibọk. " When we repeated our story, the general ordered, "Then take a mule and carry the wounded from the battlefield to the hospital. " " Since that is the case, " he told us, "the horse is taken to the hospital with wounded soldiers. " Mme owo ẹsiyọyọhọ ubet mi; ndusụk mmọ ẹsito anyan usụn̄ ẹdise mi. My room is often a hub of activity, with friends coming to see me from near and far. My room is full of people, some from long distances to see me. Jehovah ama eyere akam mi! " Jehovah had answered my prayer! " Jehovah answered my prayers! " Ke ukem ini oro, ima oro Naomi akamade Abasi, edu unana ediyom n̄kpọ n̄kaha, ye ntotụn̄ọ esịtekọm oro enye ekenyenede aban̄a mme ukeme oro Ruth ekesịnde ke ntak esie nte eyịghe mîdụhe ẹma ẹnam edi inem inem n̄kpọ ọnọ Ruth ndin̄wam enye. At the same time, Naomi's love for God, her undemanding nature, and her deep appreciation for Ruth's efforts in her behalf no doubt made it a pleasure for Ruth to assist her. At the same time, Naomi's love for God, a lack of self - interest, and deep appreciation for Ruth's efforts undoubtedly made it a pleasure for Ruth to help her. ▪ Utom ọdọhọ ke ini ndutịme okodude ke temple ke Jerusalem, ke etubom mbonekọn̄ Rome kiet ama omụm Paul ke ntak emi enye ekekerede ke Paul ekedi etubom "owo tọsịn inan̄ emi ẹkamade afaka, " oro ẹken̄wanade ye ukara. ▪ According to the Acts account, during a tumult at the temple in Jerusalem, a Roman military commander took the apostle Paul into custody, believing that he was the leader of a seditious band of "four thousand dagger men. " ▪ According to Acts, when the temple was at the temple in Jerusalem, Paul was arrested by a Roman military commander because he thought that Paul was the chief of "four thousand men who were armed with violence. " Edi ọsọ n̄kpọ ke ndusụk ebiet ndisio eyen enyịn̄ emi enen̄erede enyene se ọwọrọde. In some parts of the world, it is the custom to give a child a name that is full of meaning. It is common in some cultures to name a child with greater significance. Ima - Odudu Oro Onụkde Love - The Motivating Force Love - The Power to Be Remembered Edi Abasi aduak ndinam n̄kpọ ọfọn kpukpru owo. - Kot 2 Peter 3: 13. However, God purposes something better for the human family. - Read 2 Peter 3: 13. But God's purpose is to do good for all. - Read 2 Peter 3: 13. Anaedi oro ama anam emem mmọ ndinyịme item oro enye ọkọnọde mmọ. Yes, a humble greeting can open the way even for a discussion of serious matters. That must have made it easier for them to accept his counsel. Mma nsiwaha ufọk mmọ ke ekperede ndidi kpukpru usenubọk ke usụn̄ uka n̄wed man ntiene mmọ nneme itie Bible usen oro. I dropped by their house almost every morning on my way to school to discuss the day's Bible text with them. At almost every morning, I would go to their home to discuss the Bible text with them that day. Ẹma ẹda mme n̄kpọ un̄wam eken ke ubom ẹdisịm ke usen iba ẹma ẹkebe. " Additional equipment arrived two days later by boat. " Other relief supplies were reached after two days. " Mme nsan̄a ndọ ẹnyene ndikpono nnyụn̄ mma kiet eken: "Yak owo kiet kiet ama n̄wan esiemmọ nte amade idem esie: n̄wan onyụn̄ eten̄e ebe esie. " Marriage mates are to be respectful and loving toward each other: "Let each one of you individually so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. " Marriage mates should respect and love each other: "Let each one love his wife as he does himself; and the wife should fear her husband. " Apostle Paul ekewet ete: "Yak owo eke ekerede ete imọ imọsọn̄ọ ida ekpeme mbak enye ediduọ. " " Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall, " wrote the apostle Paul. The apostle Paul wrote: "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " Owo kiet kiet ekpenyene ndidụn̄ọde se inamde enye ọbuọt idem ke Abasi. Each one should examine his own motive for believing in God. Each individual should examine his faith. Paul ama eti nditọete ke Philippi ete: "Mbufo ẹmefiọk nte [Timothy] okowụtde ke imodot, nte ke enye ama asan̄a ye ami anam utom ọkpọsọn̄ ke ndisuan eti mbụk nte emi eyen asan̄ade ye ete. " Paul reminded the Philippians: "You know the proof [Timothy] gave of himself, that like a child with a father he slaved with me to advance the good news. " Paul reminded the brothers in Philippi: "You know that [Timothy] appeared worthy, that he worked hard with me in spreading the good news as a son with a father. " Ata mbuọtidem ke Jehovah edi otu - ekọn̄ emi ekpemede nnyịn mbak kpukpru se Satan anamde idinam ikpọn̄ Abasi. By having full faith in Jehovah, we carry a large shield that protects us against all the resources Satan brings to bear in order to harm us spiritually. True faith in Jehovah is a shield that protects us from all that Satan has done to protect us from harm. Jehovah Abasi ama ọnọ Israel eset Ibet emi edide ekpedi mmọ ẹma ẹnịm, eyen Israel ndomokiet ikpekebueneke. Jehovah God gave the ancient nation of Israel a body of law that if obeyed would prevent most poverty. Jehovah God gave ancient Israel the laws of the Law that if they had kept them, no Israelite would have no cause for poverty. * Hell oro Jesus ke idemesie akakade, okodu ke m̀mọ̀n̄? * Where was the hell to which even Jesus went? * Where was Hell that Jesus himself went? Edi esịt ama esinem mi ndikwọrọ ikọ nnọ mme owo ke an̄wautom. Ama esinyụn̄ enem mi nte nditọete iban obio oro ẹkesikọmde mi ke ndikedi ndin̄wam mmọ. I was also touched by the many expressions of gratitude from local sisters who often thanked me for coming to help them. But I enjoyed sharing the good news with others in the ministry, and I appreciated the kindness of local sisters who thanked me for coming to help them. Ryan ama aka iso ete: "Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, Mama ama okụt ete ke nnyịn nditọwọn̄ ikodụk nsan̄a ye mme uyen oro ẹnịmde nti uwụtn̄kpọ. " For one thing, " said Ryan, "Mother made sure that we children enjoyed positive peer influence. Ryan continued: "For example, Mother made sure that we children went with exemplary youths. Ke ndade imam mfụmi ikọ esie, mma ndọhọ nte, "Edịm esidep n̄ko ke ebiet emi nnyịn itode. " " Where we come from it rains too, " I said, shrugging off his words with a laugh. When I ignored his comment, I said, "I've also come from where we are from. " Se Sarah ọkọdọhọde ebe esie anam emi ekeme ndikpa nnyịn idem, edi ikedịghe esen n̄kpọ ini oro erenowo ndidọ n̄wan en̄wen m̀mê ndinyene n̄wanesa man aman eyen emi edidide adiakpa esie. It may seem a strange request to us today, but it was not unusual in those times for a man to take a secondary wife, or concubine, in order to produce an heir. What Sarah told her husband to do may surprise us, but it was not unusual for another man to marry or obtain a concubine in order to produce a son who would become his heir. Ndibak Abasi ọwọrọ nditen̄e, n̄kpono, mbuọt idem ke enye nnyụn̄ ntre ndinam n̄kpọ ndomokiet oro ediyatde enye esịt. To fear God means to respect, honor, and trust him, avoiding anything that displeases him. Fearing God means fearing, respecting him, trusting in him and doing nothing that displeases him. Sia Jehovah edide Abasi ndutịm, ọkọrọ ye Abasi emem, nnyịn ikpodori enyịn ndikụt idụt ekededi oro enye akarade nte enyenede eti ndutịm. Since Jehovah is a God of order, as well as a God of peace, we would expect that any nation he ruled would be well organized. Since Jehovah is the God of peace, as well as the God of peace, we should expect to see any nation under his control as a safe arrangement. David ama edikụt ke ikpekedue Abasi, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ Abigail ete: "Ẹkọm fi emi akpande mi, ete n̄kûdue isop iyịp. " - 1 Sam. David came to his senses and said: "Blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt. " - 1 Sam. David found that God did not condemn her, and he told her: "Blessed be you who have restrained me, that I should not consume blood. " - 1 Sam. Edem usen, mme ekpeme ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ẹma ẹyak mi n̄wọrọ ke ubet ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi mi nsan̄a. In the following pages of this publication, you will find helpful information that answers those questions. The next day, the guards let me out of my cell. Mbọk kot se idude ke mme page oro ẹtienede man okụt nte ẹbọrọde mme mbụme emi. [ Picture on page 26] Please read the following pages to see how the answers to these questions are answered. [ Ndise ke page 26] " Train a boy [or, "child; youth, " footnote] in the way he should go; even when he grows old he will not depart from it. " - Proverbs 22: 6. [ Picture on page 26] " Teme eyenọwọn̄ ke usụn̄ emi odotde ye enye; ke ini enye akabarede akani owo, enye idiwọn̄ọkede ikpọn̄ enye. " - Mme N̄ke 22: 6. Now we come to the key question: Why did "the Judge of all the earth " subject mankind to this painful, frustrating existence? " Train a boy in the way he should go; even when he grows old he will not depart from it. " - Proverbs 22: 6. Idahaemi nnyịn imedisịm ata akpan mbụme: Ntak emi "Ebiereikpe ofụri ererimbot " akanamde ubonowo edidu ke idaha oro akamade ubiak mi? Despite her misgivings, Marilyn kissed James and Jimmy good - bye and left for a job overseas. Now we arrive at a very important question: Why did "the Judge of all the earth " make it possible for mankind to remain in this painful situation? Kpa ye oro enye ekenyenede eyịghe, enye ama etịm ebe esie ye Jimmy eyen esie inua, onyụn̄ adaha aka utom ke esenidụt. ; Eade, J. Despite having doubts, she kissed her husband and his son Jimmy and went abroad. ; Eade, J. When she wanted to get baptized, her parents told her, "Become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and you will have to leave our home! " ; Eade, J. Ke ini Eunice okoyomde ndina baptism, ete ye eka esie ẹma ẹdọhọ enye ete: "Idịghe ufọk emi ke edidụn̄ idi Ntiense Jehovah! " Thus he will show himself reasonable. When Eunice was about to get baptized, her parents told her: "This house is not home to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses! " Nọ Ukeme Ukeren̄kpọ Fo Ukpep, 5 / 15 We also now have a new branch office in Lilongwe, and we enjoy an unrestricted flow of fortifying spiritual food. 5 / 1 Ntem enye oyowụt ke imọ imenyene eti ibuot. Are Kenneth and Filomena right to believe that God intervened, whether by means of an angel or by His holy spirit, or active force? He will thus demonstrate his reasonableness. Nnyịn n̄ko imenyene obufa ọfis n̄kọk itieutom ke Lilongwe, imonyụn̄ inyene uwak nti udia eke spirit kpukpru ini. But they were loyal servants of Jehovah, and Paul loved them dearly. - Rom. 16: 1 - 16. We too have a new branch office in Lilongwe, and we have abundant spiritual food at all times. Ndi enen ebe ye n̄wan emi ndidọhọ ke Abasi akada angel m̀mê edisana spirit esie anam mmimọ inyan̄a mma oro? 4, 5. (a) In what great way did Jehovah express his love? Is it proper for this couple to conclude that God used an angel or his holy spirit to rescue them? Edi mmọ ẹkedi mme asan̄autom Jehovah oro ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ẹnam akpanikọ, ndien Paul ama ama mmọ etieti. - Rome 16: 1 - 16. Delegates began calling the convention office, asking, "What should we do about our bus and train reservations? " But they were loyal servants of Jehovah, and Paul loved them very much. - Romans 16: 1 - 16. 4, 5. (a) Ke nso akwa usụn̄ ke Jehovah okowụt ima esie? A family head who imitates Jesus ' watchfulness lets God's Word guide him, especially in trialsome times. 4, 5. (a) In what great way did Jehovah demonstrate his love? Mbon oro ẹkeyomde ndidi mbono oro ẹma ẹkot ọfis Mme Ntiense ke fon ẹbụp m̀mê idinam didie idahaoro ye bọs ye tren oro ima ikekpekpe okụk. • Listen to your spouse. - Proverbs 10: 19 Those who wanted to come to the convention called the Witnesses ' office on the phone and asked how to get along with the bus and the train we had paid off. Ibuot ufọk emi ekpebede nte Jesus okodude ke ukpeme ayayak Ikọ Abasi ada enye usụn̄, akpan akpan ke mme ini idomo. The teaching is not of human origin. A family head who imitate Jesus ' watchfulness will allow God's Word to guide him, especially during trials. • Kpan̄ utọn̄ nọ nsan̄a ndọ fo. - Mme N̄ke 10: 19 Modern - Day Martyrs (Sweden), 2 / 1 • Listen to your mate. - Proverbs 10: 19 Ukpepn̄kpọ emi itoho owo. May to October 2008: Because of weather conditions, we are unable to reach the islands. This doctrine does not originate with man. Ndinam Utom ye Edu N̄waidem (D. Soon the end will come for all opposers of Jehovah's Kingdom. - Revelation 11: 15, 18. Serving With a Spirit of Self - Sacrifice (D. May esịm October 2008: Idiọk enyọn̄ iyakke nnyịn iwọrọ ika mme isuo. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. May to October 2008: Sin forces us to move to islands. Ke mîbịghike, ẹyesobo kpukpru mme andibiọn̄ọ Obio Ubọn̄ Jehovah ẹfep. - Ediyarade 11: 15, 18. [ Picture on page 26] Soon all opposers of Jehovah's Kingdom will be destroyed. - Revelation 11: 15, 18. Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkesio, edi owo imịn̄ke aba. 3 Brilliant Blue of the Pollia Berry: No. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. [ Ndise ke page 26] 4 Foretelling the Messiah [ Picture on page 26] " Eti Enyịn̄ Ọfọn Akan Ediwak Inyene ': No. Therefore, let us pray for God's holy spirit so that we can display faith and other aspects of the spirit's fruitage. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. " Good Name Is Better Than Many Riches ": No. 4 Mme Ntịn̄nnịm Ikọ Oro Ẹban̄ade Messiah And what about now? 4 Messianic Prophecies Ke ntem, ẹyak ibọn̄ akam iben̄e Abasi edisana spirit man ikpenyene mbuọtidem ye mme edu eken emi ẹnamde mbun̄wụm spirit. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. Listen to his own graphic description of what will then take place: "I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. Let us therefore pray for holy spirit to produce faith and other qualities that produce the fruitage of the spirit. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. Ndien nso kaban̄a idahaemi? Paul urged his brothers not to "go on walking just as the nations also walk. " Those people were "past all moral sense, " and" they gave themselves over to loose conduct. " And what about right now? Kpan̄ utọn̄ nte enye etịn̄de in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ aban̄a se ididade itie adan̄aoro: "Nyonyụn̄ nnọ mme utịbe n̄kpọ ke enyọn̄ ye ke isọn̄, iyịp, ye ikan̄, ye nsụn̄ikan̄ ẹbiet adaha. Understandably, she has sometimes found it difficult to attend congregation meetings. Listening to his description of what will then take place: "I shall also give wonderful things in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and smoke like the smoke. Paul ama ekpe nditọete esie ubọk ete "ẹkûka iso aba ẹsan̄a kpa nte mme idụt ẹsan̄ade, " koro" esịt mmọ ama okodoro ufiọn, " mmọ ẹma ẹnyụn̄ "ẹyak idem ẹnọ obukpo ido. " I was confused. Paul urged his fellow believers not to "go on walking just as the nations walked, " for" their hearts were past all moral sense, " and they "let themselves be dedicated to loose conduct. " Emi esinam ọsọn̄ enye ndidụk mbono esop ndusụk ini. " Looking intently ' at Jesus ' example can help us to do the same when others ' faults and imperfections affect us. This sometimes makes it difficult for him to attend meetings. Ibuot ama oyon̄ mi. Praising God, David sings: "Your trueness [is] up to the skies. " I was devastated. " Ndiwụk enyịn nse ' uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus ayanam ika iso ikop idatesịt inyụn̄ ifara ke idem ke ini unana mfọnmma mbon enwen afịnade nnyịn. 11, 12. (a) What is the most important vow we will ever make? " Keeping our eyes on " Jesus ' example will help us to maintain our joy and self - control even when we are troubled by the imperfections of others. David ọkwọ itoro ọnọ Abasi ete: "Akpanikọ fo... esịm ikpa - enyọn̄. " But Jesus was alive! David sings to God: "Your truth is... to the heavens. " 11, 12. (a) Ewe un̄wọn̄ọ okpon akan? 4 11, 12. (a) What vow is greater? Edi Jesus ke okodu ke uwem! We all grew up on my stepfather's tobacco farm. I left home in my teens. But Jesus was alive! 4 In principle, this verse tells us that Jehovah adequately qualifies Christians for the ministry by his Word, his holy spirit, and the earthly part of his organization. 4 Kpukpru nnyịn ikodụn̄ọ ntre inam utom ke in̄wan̄ un̄wọn̄ ebeeka mi. How can you avoid saying something you will later regret? All of us lived in that way and worked on the farm of my brother - in - law. Ufan̄ikọ emi asian nnyịn ke Jehovah ada Ikọ, edisana spirit, ye ikpehe esop esie eke isọn̄ anam mme Christian ẹdot ndinam utom ukwọrọikọ. First, there is a pure - white horse, which symbolizes the righteous warfare of Christ Jesus. This verse tells us that Jehovah is using his Word, holy spirit, and the earthly part of his organization to qualify Christians for the preaching work. Nso idinam fi etre nditịn̄ se edituade n̄kpọfiọk? Rather, we are the children of a loving, intelligent Father. What will help you to stop expressing your regret? Akpa ekedi afia enan̄ - mbakara emi adade aban̄a edinen ekọn̄ emi Christ Jesus edin̄wanade. There are yet other things we can do to endure. The first was a white horse that represents righteous warfare by Christ Jesus. Utu ke oro, nnyịn idi nditọ edima Ete oro enyenede ọniọn̄. According to Jewish tradition, long before Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders discouraged people from using God's name. Instead, we are the children of a loving and wise Father. Mme n̄kpọ en̄wen do emi ẹkemede ndin̄wam nnyịn iyọ. Far from proving to be "a people for [Jehovah's] name, " apostate Christians have even removed the divine name from many of their translations of the Bible. There are other things that can help us to endure. Anyan ini mbemiso Jesus ekedide isọn̄, mme adaiso Ido Ukpono Mme Jew ikayakke mme owo ẹsikot enyịn̄ Abasi. Two North Americans accepted the truth and in time became Christian elders. Long before Jesus came to earth, the Jewish religious leaders opposed the use of God's name. Mmọ ẹsuene Abasi ke ediwak usụn̄. Mmọ ẹtiene ẹnam se mme okpono ndem ẹnamde ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpep mme n̄kpọ emi mîsịneke ke Bible. Such an atmosphere promotes creative thinking, which can make the occasion memorable and enjoyable for all. They have been dishonoring God in many ways, engaging in pagan practices and teachings that are not based on the Bible. Iren iba ẹtode Edem Edere America ẹma ẹbọ akpanikọ, ndien nte ini akakade ẹkabade ẹdi mbiowo Christian. Do others know my stand on unscriptural celebrations and customs as well as on those that may not have a pagan origin but clearly reflect the spirit of the world? ' - 2 Cor. Two men from North America embraced the truth, and eventually they became Christian elders. Utọ idaha oro esinam ẹkeme ndisio n̄kpọ ndi, ndien emi ekeme ndinam kpukpru owo ẹti ẹnyụn̄ ẹma ndutịm emi. According to the Bible, it is possible to have a close personal relationship with God. Such a situation may make it possible for everyone to remember and appreciate this arrangement. Ndi mmọ ẹfiọk n̄ko ke nsitieneke mbuana ke edinam ekededi oro ebietde ererimbot emi ọkpọkọm idịghe mme okpono ndem ẹketọn̄ọ enye? ' - 2 Cor. What do those sites reveal? Do they also know that they do not participate in any act that resembles this world, even if it is not pagan? ' - 2 Cor. Bible ọdọhọ ke mme owo ẹkeme ndidi ufan Abasi. They may feel as helpless as you feel. The Bible teaches that humans can become God's friends. Ndi enyene n̄kpọ ndomokiet emi owụtde ke ẹma ẹsinam emi mi? Elders can also show personal interest in youths by praying for their spiritual well - being. - 2 Tim. Is there any evidence that this was done? Ibifịk ekeme ndibaba mmọ nte ababade fi. Or would some sort of compromise be worked out, with advocates on each side modifying their position until a consensus of sorts was reached? The spirit of the flesh can choke them as you are being crushed. Mbiowo ẹkeme n̄ko ndiwụt ke imenen̄ede ikere iban̄a mme uyen ke ndisibọn̄ akam mben̄e Abasi anam mmọ ẹsọn̄ idem ke esop. - 2 Tim. The land represents the realm of activity of God's people. Elders can also show genuine concern for young people by praying for God's help to strengthen them. - 2 Tim. Mîdịghe, ndi mmọ ẹkpenyịme ndusụk n̄kpọ oro mmọ mînịmke ke akpanikọ, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam mme ukpụhọde sụn̄sụn̄ tutu ẹsịm ubiere? We can imagine the anxiety and stress that this situation caused Joseph. Or were they willing to accept some of the things they do not believe, and did they progressively make changes until they reached a decision? Isọn̄ oro ada aban̄a ebiet oro ikọt Abasi ẹdude ẹnam n̄kpọ Abasi. World events from 1914 onward confirm that the above understanding based on Bible chronology is correct. The earth represents the place in which God's people serve. Kere ban̄a utọ editịmede esịt ye afanikọn̄ oro Joseph okosobode ke ntak emi. In the Philippines, one third of the population live on less than $1 (U.S.) per day, an amount that is often earned in minutes in wealthier nations. Imagine Joseph's anguish and anguish as a result of this. Mme n̄kpọ oro ẹtịbede ke ererimbot ọtọn̄ọde ke 1914 ka iso ẹsọn̄ọ nte ke se nnyịn ifiọkde oro ẹtịn̄de ke enyọn̄ emi, oro ọkọn̄ọde ke ubatini Bible, enen. The only mention of death was in connection with disobedience. World events since 1914 confirm that what we know quoted above, based on Bible chronology, is correct. Ke Philippines, owo kiet ke otu owo ita ada se isụhọrede ikan $1 (U.S.) odu uwem ke usen, emi edide okụk oro ẹsinyenede ke minit ifan̄ ke mme idụt uforo. Consciences differed back then, and they do today. In the Philippines, one of three people spend less than $1 (U.S.) a day living, which is a few minutes of money in developing countries. N̄kụkụre se ikanamde mmọ ẹkpa ekedi nsọn̄ibuot. For all of this, we are grateful and are moved to praise our incomparable Shepherd, Jehovah. Their failure was rebellion. Ubieresịt mme owo ikedịghe ukem ini oro, kpasụk nte mîdịghe mfịn. Jehovah's loving - kindness draws people to him. The conscience of humans was not the same then, as is not today. Imenen̄ede ikọm inyụn̄ itoro Jehovah, kpa anana - mbiet Ekpemerọn̄! But Jesus is not through with them. How grateful we are and praise Jehovah, the incomparable Shepherd! Ima - mfọnido Jehovah esinam mme owo ẹsan̄a ẹkpere enye. He showed Mother some literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's loving - kindness draws people to him. Edi Jesus ibiomke mmọ ikpe ikụre. How can we display decisiveness when " renouncing unrighteousness '? But Jesus does not condemn them. Enye ama owụt eka mi ndusụk n̄wed oro Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsion̄ode. At times, congregation members may get caught up in disputes about trifles and speculative arguments. She showed my mother some publications published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Nso ke ikpanam man isọsọp " iwọn̄ọde ikpọn̄ ukwan̄ido '? It takes tens of thousands of years for such star formations to change significantly. What can we do to "turn away from unrighteousness "? Ndusụk ini, mme andibuana ke esop ẹkeme ndisịn idem ke ndineni mban̄a n̄kpri n̄kpọ ye eyịghe eyịghe eneni. The elders evaluate these factors and then decide accordingly. At times, congregation members may become involved in arguing over minor issues and doubts. Esida ata ediwak tọsịn isua mbemiso utọ otu ntantaọfiọn̄ oro ẹkpụhọrede. Following a 70 - year exile, they returned to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. for the purpose of rebuilding the temple. It takes thousands of years for such a star to change. Ana mbiowo ẹdụn̄ọde mme n̄kpọ emi ndien ekem ẹnam ubiere oro ekemde. Why did you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses? The elders must weigh these matters and then make adequate decisions. Ke ẹma ẹkedu ke ntan̄mfep ke isua 70, mmọ ẹma ẹfiak ẹnyọn̄ọ Jerusalem ke 537 M.E.N. man ẹfiak ẹkebọp temple. Taanach After 70 years of exile, they returned to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. to rebuild the temple. Ntak emi afo ekebierede ndidi Ntiense Jehovah? But the vinedresser said: "Master, let it alone also this year, until I dig around it and put on manure; and if then it produces fruit in the future, well and good; but if not, you shall cut it down. " - Luke 13: 8, 9. Why were you determined to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Taanach 4 Are Miracles Really Possible? - Three Common Objections Taanach Edi ekpeme in̄wan̄ vine ama ọdọhọ ete: "Ọbọn̄ mi, yak enye ada do ke isua emi n̄ko, tutu ntịbi isọn̄ n̄kanade enye n̄kụk, nnyụn̄ nduọn̄ọ mbio ke esịt: ndien edieke enye edin̄wụmde mfri isua efen, ọyọfọn; edi mîn̄wụmke, kpi enye duọk. " - Luke 13: 8, 9. 1: 20. But the vinedresser went on to say: "My lord, let him do this year also, until I have cast the earth around him, and if he should bear fruit, it is good; but it does not bear fruit. " - Luke 13: 8, 9. 4 Ndi Utịben̄kpọ Ẹkeme Nditịbe? - N̄kpọ Ita Emi Ẹsitịn̄de " How long will they not put faith in me for all the signs that I performed in among them? " 4 Is Miracles Really Possible? - Three Common Senses 1: 20. However, the man refused, claiming that doing so would ruin his own inheritance. 1: 20. N̄kpọ oro ama enen̄ede ayat Jehovah esịt anam enye ọdọhọ, ete: "Adan̄a ewe ini ke mmọ ẹdinịm uyo mi ke akpanikọ? How important to think before we speak! That angered Jehovah, saying: "When will they believe my voice? Edi ete emi ọdọhọ ke imọ idifakke mbak idibiat udeme imọ. This was a new experience for them. But this man says that he will not recover from his inheritance. Enen̄ede oyom ikere mbemiso itịn̄de ikọ! God raised Jesus back to life as a glorious spirit creature. - 1 Pet. How important it is for us to think before we speak! Emi ekedi obufa ifiọkutom ọnọ mmọ. Paul was showing that it is appropriate to ask a fellow Christian to pray to God in our behalf. This was a new experience for them. Abasi ama anam Jesus eset nte owo eke spirit emi ẹnọde ubọn̄. - 1 Pet. One of the highlights of our childhood was having full - time servants stay with us. Jesus was resurrected as a spiritual man who gives glory. - 1 Pet. Paul okowụt ke idiọkke ndidọhọ Christian nte nnyịn esịn nnyịn ke akam. Stand Complete With Firm Conviction, 12 / 15 Paul showed that it is not wrong to say that we pray for a Christian. Ke ini n̄kedide uyen, ama enen̄ede enem mi nte nditọete oro ẹnamde utom uyọhọ ini ẹkesidide ẹdidụn̄ ye nnyịn. The debtor fell down and begged: "Be patient with me and I will pay back everything to you. " As a teenager, I was impressed by the company of full - time servants who came to live with us. 12 / 1 Nte Ekpenyene Ndidụn̄ọde Mme Ido Ukpono Efen? When a craftsman sets about his work, he lays out the tools he will need. Should You Trust Other Religions? Akama - isọn ama ọduọ ke isọn̄ ekpe ubọk ete: "Nyene ime ye ami nyekpe fi kpukpru. " So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. He apologized: "Be patient with me all of you. " Ke ini anamutom usọ oyomde nditọn̄ọ utom esie, enye esision̄o mme n̄kpọutom oro enye ediyomde obon. Is it really reasonable to think that moral standards are simply a matter of personal or popular opinion? When a skilled worker wants to start his work, he removes the tools he needs. Ntre mmọ idịghe aba owo iba, edi ẹdi obụk kiet. Are we not moved to be like him in showing kindness to others? - John 13: 15. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Nte enen̄ede owụt ifiọk ndikere ke owo kiet kiet akpada se enye amade m̀mê se ediwak owo ẹmade nte mme edumbet ido uwem? Of course, he will lovingly consult with his wife - to - be on such matters as whom they want to or are able to invite to the wedding feast. Is it really reasonable to think that each individual should pursue his own preferences or popular values? Nte oro ikpanamke nnyịn ifọn ido ye mbon en̄wen? - John 13: 15. When and how did oppressive rule have its start? Should that not move us to show kindness to others? - John 13: 15. Nte ededi, enye oyowụt edikere mban̄a ebe ke ndineme ye n̄wan oro enye oyomde ndidọ mme utọ n̄kpọ nte mbon oro mmọ ẹdikotde m̀mê ibat owo oro mmọ ẹdikemede ndikot usọrọ ndọ. In 1941, I moved to Korea, where I married a kind Russian man named Ivan. However, it will show consideration by discussing with his wife how to marry such things as those to whom they will read or how many would be able to celebrate a wedding feast. Ini ewe ndien didie ke ukara ufịk ọkọtọn̄ọ? Right away, I asked him to take me there. When, then, did injustice begin? Mma n̄wọrọ n̄kodụn̄ ke Korea ke 1941. (a) Why is it helpful to reflect on how Jehovah feels about the particular weakness we may be fighting? In 1941, I moved to Korea. Inikiet inikiet, mma ndọhọ enye emen mi aka do. Do not think that they do not have time for young people. Suddenly, I asked him to take me there. (a) Ntak emi ọfọnde nditie n̄kere nte Jehovah esede mmeme oro nnyịn in̄wanade ndikan? Christ's conquest will be complete when he destroys Satan's wicked system. (a) Why is it important to reflect on Jehovah's view of the weakness we are struggling to overcome? Kûkere ke mmọ idinyeneke ini inọ nditọwọn̄. [ Picture on page 26, 27] Do not assume that they will have little time for children. Christ oyokụre edikan esie ke ini enye edisobode idiọk editịm n̄kpọ Satan. Jesus plainly stated: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " Christ will complete his conquest when he brings an end to Satan's wicked system of things. [ Ndise ke page 26, 27] Who is Jehovah? " [ Picture on pages 26, 27] Jesus ama etịn̄ in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ ete: "Kpukpru owo eke ẹmende ofụt ẹyekpan̄a ke ofụt. " [ Picture on page 9] Jesus plainly stated: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " Anie edi Jehovah? " 1, 2. (a) How are love and faith connected? Who is Jehovah? " [ Ndise ke page 9] " The family member who is the focus of your resentment may be feeling just fine, enjoying life, and perhaps not at all troubled by any of this, " writes Mark Sichel in his book Healing From Family Rifts. [ Picture on page 9] 1, 2. (a) Didie ke ima anam nnyịn ibuọt idem ye Jehovah? with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man [Jesus] happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days [Jehovah God] he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One. 1, 2. (a) How does love help us to trust in Jehovah? Mark Sichel ọkọdọhọ ke n̄wed esie emi ẹkotde Healing From Family Rifts ete: "Ekeme ndidi owo emi afo esịnde ke esịt mi ke ufọk mbufo ke ebre asak, idiọn̄ọke ke afo mi amakpa idiọkesịt. " On the other hand, many people feel that this practice lies at the root of the recent wave of sexual scandals involving clerics of various religions. Mark Sichel said in his book Heling From Family Cantches: "It's possible that you are inside your house, you don't know that you have offended me. " owo eke ebietde eyen owo asan̄a ke obubịt enyọn̄ edi; ẹnyụn̄ ẹyak enye ebe ekesịm Andisọn̄ọ Usen, ndien mmọ ẹda enye ẹdọk ẹdi ke iso Esie. To the host, the matter is urgent. Despite the hour, he goes to a friend's house in order to borrow some bread. A man like a son of man comes in a cloud; and let him pass through to the Ancient of Days, and they come up before him. Edi ndusụk owo ẹdọhọ ke emi anam ediwak ikpọ owo ufọkabasi ẹsisabade nditọwọn̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹdu oburobụt uwem. That includes the complete removal of the distressing effect of death, for the prophecy goes on to say: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. " Some say, however, that this has led many religious leaders to defile children and to engage in immoral conduct. N̄kpọ emi afịna enye etieti tutu enye adaha okoneyo oro aka ufọk ufan esie ọkọdọhọ enye ọbuọt imọ uyo ifan̄. (b) How was this need filled? He was so concerned that on that night he went to his friend's home and asked him to trust him in a few loaves. Oro esịne editre mfụhọ n̄kpa ofụri ofụri, koro ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro aka iso ete: "Akakan Ọbọn̄ Andikara oyonyụn̄ ọkwọhọde mmọn̄eyet efep ke iso kpukpru owo. " Some of God's people who have been attacked by demons have found refuge in Jehovah by calling his name out loud. That includes the complete end of grief, for the prophecy continues: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will wipe away the tears from all faces. " (b) Nso ke ẹkenam man ẹnyene Bible emi? Asami says: "I felt that Katsuro was too easy on our daughter, while he felt that I was being too hard on her. " (b) What was the purpose of this translation? Ndusụk ikọt Abasi oro mme demon ẹfiomode ẹma ẹbọhọ ke ndikot enyịn̄ Jehovah uyo ọwọrọ. Understandably, parents rejoice when children express thoughts and feelings in harmony with righteous standards. Some of God's demons survived by using Jehovah's name. Asami ọdọhọ ete: "Eketie mi nte ke ebe mi ededek adiaha nnyịn, ke ini ebe mi akakam ekerede ke ami mmọsọn̄ ido ye eyen emi n̄kaha. " Therefore, demonstrate your maturity by seeking to be exemplary in all your conduct, avoiding even the "appearance of evil. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 22, King James Version. " It seemed to me that my husband slept on our daughter, " says Asa, "when my husband felt that I was being rude to this child. " Nte an̄wan̄ade, mme ete ye eka ẹsidat esịt ke ini nditọ mmọ ẹtịn̄de mme n̄kpọ oro ẹdude ke n̄kemuyo ye mme ndinen edumbet. He said: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " Clearly, parents rejoice when their children say things that are in harmony with righteous principles. Ke ntre, wụt nte afo ọkọride esịm ọyọhọ idaha ebe ke ndidomo ndidi uwụtn̄kpọ ke ofụri edu uwem fo, efepde n̄kpọ oro akam "ebietde idiọk. " - 1 Thessalonica 5: 22, King James Version. The man said that he would be happy to join them. Therefore, show how mature you are by striving to be an example in all your conduct, avoid the subject of prayer "like a wicked one. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 22, King James Version. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Nyụn̄ ti Andibot fi ke ini afo edide akparawa. " He was encouraging them to make peace. He said: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth. " Eren oro ama ọdọhọ ke iyenem esịt nditiene mmọ n̄ka. In addition, we are encouraged to be reasonable. The man offered to join them. Enye ekesịn udọn̄ ọnọ mmọ ndinam emem. What can we do to correct that situation? It encouraged them to make peace. Ke adianade do, Bible ọdọhọ inyene eti ibuot. Brother Theodore Jaracz delivered a stirring talk entitled "Stand Firm Under Test. " In addition, the Bible encourages us to be reasonable. Nso ke nnyịn ikeme ndinam man inen̄ede idaha oro? Focus on Jehovah's marvelous qualities. What can we do to improve the situation? Brọda Theodore Jaracz ama ọnọ aduai - owo - idem utịn̄ikọ oro ibuotikọ ekedide "Ẹsọn̄ọ Ẹda ke Idak Idomo. " Fill your horn with oil and go. Brother Theodore Jaracz delivered a stirring talk entitled "Stand Firm Under Trials. " Wụk ntịn̄enyịn ke nti edu Jehovah. How Old? Focus on Jehovah's endearing qualities. Sịn aran ke nnụk fo yọhọ da ka. How does a mature Christian's knowledge influence him in everyday life? A mature Christian understands that more is involved than knowledge. Fill your horn with oil and go. Bible Ebịghi Adan̄a Didie? But it is a battle that can be won if we let Jehovah direct our lives. How Long Is the Bible? Didie ke eyenete oro ọkọride esịm ọyọhọ idaha esida ifiọk Ikọ Abasi odu uwem kpukpru usen? The large number of occurrences of the divine name in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures constitutes one of the finest features of the Nott Version. How does a mature Christian live by knowledge of God's Word daily? Edi enye edi en̄wan oro ikemede ndikan edieke nnyịn iyakde Jehovah ada nnyịn usụn̄. Even Jesus always obeyed God. But it is a fight that can be overcome if we allow Jehovah to guide us. Enyịn̄ Abasi ndidu barasuene ke N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew ye eke Greek edi kiet ke otu nti n̄kpọ oro ẹdude ke Nott Version. Thus, a team of astronomers concluded: "One might consider the Moon to act as a potential climate regulator for the Earth. " - Psalm 104: 19. The divine name is freely available in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures but one of the good things available in Nott Version. Jesus ama esikop uyo Abasi. How does the world in general view marriage and divorce? Jesus obeyed God. Ntem, otu mme ekpepn̄kpọ mban̄a ikpaenyọn̄ ẹma ẹberi ikọ mmọ ntem: "Ẹkeme ndida Ọfiọn̄ nte se ikpemede idaha eyo ke Isọn̄. " - Psalm 104: 19. How true! Thus, a group of astronomers shut their words with these words: "The moon could be viewed as a safeguard for the climate of the earth. " - Psalm 104: 19. Didie ke ererimbot ese ndọ ye usiondọ? What are they? How does the world view marriage and divorce? Emi edi ata akpanikọ! It was not so with the Son of God. How true! Nso ke mmọ ẹdi? " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 COR. What are they? Edi Jesus iketiehe ntre. Was there any way that the labor leader, the politician, the street child, the overworked daughter, and the partygoer could attain the inner peace that they sought? Jesus was different. " Idiọk nsan̄a ababiat eti ido. " - 1 COR. When besieged by conflicting emotions, some find it hard to get to the meetings. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 COR. Ndi usụn̄ ekededi ama odu oro adausụn̄ ke utom, ebre - mbre ukara, eyen oro okodụn̄de ke efak, eyenan̄wan oro akakamade ubon, ye aka - usọrọ oro ẹkpekekemede ndinyene emem esịtidem oro mmọ ẹkeyomde? I also developed a quick temper. Was there any way that a leader, a politician, a son living on the street, a family girl, and a party - could have found the peace that they needed? Esisọn̄ ndusụk owo ndidụk mbono esop ke ini esịt etịmerede mmọ. And he inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in the first century: "Keep praying for us, for we trust we have an honest conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - Heb. Some find it difficult to attend meetings when they are troubled. Esịt ama esisọp ayat mi n̄ko. Hans enjoyed drugs, loose women, petty crime, and motorbikes. I also became angry. Enye ama anam apostle Paul ewet leta ọnọ mme Hebrew emi ẹkedide Christian ke eyo esie ete: "Ẹka iso ẹbọn̄ akam ẹban̄a nnyịn, koro nnyịn imenịm ite ke nnyịn imenyene eti ubieresịt, sia nnyịn iyomde ndinam akpanikọ ke kpukpru n̄kpọ. " - Heb. Take, for example, the case of Albert who served in the British Army during World War II and who was captured by the Japanese at the fall of Singapore in 1942. He inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in his day: "Continue praying for us, because we trust that we have a good conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - Heb. Hans ama esida n̄kpọsọn̄ ibọk, ama mme oburobụt iban, abuana ke n̄kpri ubiatibet, onyụn̄ esima ndiwat ọkpọkkpọk moto. Therefore, to be like Christ, we need to know his pattern of thinking and the full range of his personality. Then we need to follow in his footsteps. Hans took drugs, loved immoral women, shared in small crimes, and enjoyed riding motorcycles. Da ke uwụtn̄kpọ, se iketịbede inọ Albert, emi ekedide owo ekọn̄ Britain ke ini Ekọn̄ Ererimbot II, mbonekọn̄ Japan ẹma ẹmụm enye ke adan̄aemi Japan akakande Singapore ke 1942. Over 30 years later, Mirjana is still in full - time service, together with her husband. Consider the case of Albert, who was a British soldier during World War II, when Japan's Japanese troops captured Singapore in 1942. Itie N̄wed Abasi iba emi ẹwụt ke edieke iyomde ndibiet Christ, ke ana ifiọk nte enye esikerede n̄kpọ ye nte enye esinamde n̄kpọ, inyụn̄ ikpebe enye. To make and maintain lasting friendships is a challenge. These two scriptures show that if we want to be like Christ, we need to know his way of thinking and his way of doing things and imitate him. Kpa ye oro edide isua 30 ebe idahaemi, Mirjana ke ananam utom usiakusụn̄ ye ebe esie. What a wonderful expression of enduring love Jacob there demonstrated! Although she has now been in her 30 ' s, Jennyana is serving as a pioneer with her husband. Nditọn̄ọ nnyụn̄ n̄ka iso nnyene itie ufan oro ebịghide edi n̄kpọ - ata. On the contrary, most rebuffed Paul, and some even persecuted him. Developing and maintaining a lasting friendship is a challenge. Nso utịbe utịbe uyarade ima oro ebịghide ke Jacob okowụt ntem! 9: 6, 7. What a marvelous evidence of Jacob's enduring love! Ata ediwak mmọ ikamaha - ma ndikpan̄ utọn̄, ndusụk ẹma ẹkam ẹkọbọ enye. How much time is Jehovah willing to spend listening to your prayers? Most refused to listen, and some even persecuted him. 9: 6, 7. No! 9: 6, 7. Ndi Jehovah esinyene ini akpan̄ utọn̄ ọnọ akam oro ẹbọn̄de ebịghi? For example, I have learned to consult my husband instead of just making my own decisions. " Does Jehovah spend time listening to a long - lasting prayer? Baba! How do those with Christlike love respond to an actual or perceived wrong? Of course not! Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, mmesitịn̄ se nyomde ndinam nnọ ebe mi utu ke ndibiere n̄kpọ ke idemmi. " But what if we were invited to attend and participate in a church wedding of a non - Witness relative? For example, I talk to my husband about what I want to do rather than about my own preferences. " Didie ke mbon oro ẹnyenede ima nte Christ ẹsinam n̄kpọ ke ini owo eduede mmọ? What have we learned about "the mind of Jehovah "? How do those who imitate Christ's love respond when someone offends them? Edi nso ke ikpanam edieke iman nnyịn emi mîdịghe Ntiense okotde nnyịn ndọ esie ke ufọkabasi? As told by Joanna Soans What, though, if unbelieving relatives invite us to marry him in a church? Nso ke ikpep iban̄a "ekikere Jehovah "? As well as looking after her husband and young daughter, during the 17 years of my absence, she had lovingly cared for our father and Aunt Millie, who by this time were elderly and not well. What do we learn about "the mind of Jehovah "? NTE JOANNA SOANS OBỤKDE By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. AS TOLD BY BY BY VENOE Ke adianade ye edise mban̄a ebe esie ye ekpri eyenan̄wan esie, ke isua 17 oro ami mmen̄kodụhe ke ufọk, enye ke ima ima usụn̄ ama ese aban̄a ete nnyịn ye Eyeneka eka nnyịn, emi ẹma ẹkesọn̄, ẹkenyụn̄ ẹdọn̄ọde - dọn̄ọ ini oro. Neither the word "Trinity " nor the concept is found in God's Word. In addition to caring for her husband and his little daughter, for the 17 years I was away, she lovingly cared for our aged parents, who were sick and sick at the time. Edieke mbufo ẹnyenede ima ke otu idem mbufo, kpukpru owo ẹyeda emi ẹfiọk ẹte mbufo ẹdi mbet mi. " - John 13: 34, 35. Expressions of thankfulness help to cultivate good relationships. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. Ikọ oro "Abasi - Ita - ke - Kiet " m̀mê ukpepn̄kpọ oro idụhe ke Ikọ Abasi. I knew her from when I was living at home. The expression "the Trinity " or" Trinity " does not appear in God's Word. Owo emi esikọmde owo ke ini ẹnamde n̄kpọ ẹnọ enye esinyene ediwak ufan. Merten), No. A person who is grateful for serving him has many friends. N̄kọdiọn̄ọ enye toto ke ini n̄kodude ke ufọk. Find Refreshment in Spiritual Things I had known him since I was at home. No. The death of Jesus is linked with the two greatest expressions of love No. Nam N̄kpọ Abasi man Enyene Ata Nduọkodudu It is tantamount to joining in their rebellion against God. Find Refreshment in Spiritual Things N̄kpa Jesus abuana n̄kponn̄kan ima iba oro ẹwụtde From there, I continued home by train, but I had to be back in the camp that very day. Jesus ' death involves two greatest expressions of love Emi edi ukem ye editiene mmọ nsọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi. How much better to follow the counsel of Proverbs 3: 5, 6! This is similar to following them in disobeying God. Do, mma ndụk tren nsịm ufọk, edi n̄kenyene ndifiak nnyọn̄ ndi ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi kpa usen oro. Would You Welcome a Visit? I arrived at the train, but I had to return to prison that same day. Akpakam enen̄ede ọfọn ndinam item oro odude ke Mme N̄ke 3: 5, 6. His family was delighted when he was baptized in symbol of his dedication to God. How much better it is to heed the counsel found at Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Nte Afo Ayadara Ẹdise Fi? • How can we increase the joy we find in our ministry? Would You Welcome a Visit? Ubon esie ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹdat esịt ke ini enye akanade baptism ndiwụt ke imọ imayak idemmọ inọ Abasi. A true friendship cannot flourish without regular communication. His family was overjoyed when he was baptized in symbol of his dedication to God. • Nso ke ikpanam man inen̄ede ikop inem utom ukwọrọikọ? 15, 16. • How can we increase our appreciation for the ministry? Mme ufan emi mîsinemeke nneme iditreke ndidian̄ade. The responsibility to help others is certainly not limited to times when the congregation's peace and unity are threatened. True friends who do not converse will avoid having to do so. 15, 16. Saved From Former Friends? 15, 16. Ke akpanikọ inaha ẹn̄wam mbon en̄wen n̄kukụre ke ini oro n̄kpọ etịmerede emem ye edidianakiet esop. ▪ Ruining of the earth. - Revelation 11: 18. Yes, we must not help others only when the peace and unity of the congregation are threatened. Didie ke Ẹkenyan̄a Saul Ẹsio ke Ubọk N̄kani Ufan Esie? Thus, you will develop heartfelt confidence in "the strength that God supplies. " - 1 Pet. How was Saul Saved in the Hands of His Elderly Friend? ▪ Edisobo isọn̄. - Ediyarade 11: 18. The expression "heavenly places " here does not refer to their promised heavenly inheritance. ▪ Ruining of the earth. - Revelation 11: 18. Ntre ke ẹdikpep ndinyene ọyọhọ mbuọtidem "ke ukeme emi Abasi ọnọde. " - 1 Pet. But Satan's wicked world promotes music that glorifies immorality. So learn to put full faith "in the strength that God supplies. " - 1 Pet. Ikọ oro "mme itie eke heaven " iwọrọke udeme eke heaven oro ẹn̄wọn̄ọde ẹnọ mmọ. A Clear Lesson The term "heavens " does not refer to their heavenly inheritance. Edi idiọk ererimbot Satan emi esịn udọn̄ ọnọ ikwọ oro otorode oburobụt ido. I have had the privilege of helping four people to the point of dedicating their lives to Jehovah. Satan's wicked world, on the other hand, promotes music that promotes immorality. In̄wan̄ - In̄wan̄ Ukpepn̄kpọ They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of men. ' " - Matthew 15: 6 - 9, Holman Christian Standard Bible. A Clear Lesson Mmokop inemesịt ndikpep owo inan̄ Bible tutu mmọ ẹyak idem ẹnọ Jehovah. Should Berossus ' calculations really be viewed as consistently accurate? I am so happy to teach four Bible students that they dedicate their lives to Jehovah. Edi mmọ ẹkpono Mi ikpîkpu, Sia ẹkpepde item owo ke ukpep - n̄kpọ mmọ. " - Matthew 15: 6 - 9, Edisana Ŋwed Abasi Ibom. The apostle Peter said: "I shall be disposed always to remind you of these things, although you know them and are firmly set in the truth that is present in you. " But they honor me, teaching in their teaching. " - Matthew 15: 6 - 9, Contemporary English Version. Ndi nte Berossus akabatde udịm mme andikara Babylon ye ini emi mmọ ẹkekarade ama enen? 1: 3 - 6. Was Berossus ' list of the Babylonian rulers and their reigns correct? Apostle Peter ọkọdọhọ ete: "Nyama nditi mbufo mme n̄kpọ emi kpukpru ini, okposụkedi mbufo ẹfiọkde mmọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ke akpanikọ oro odude mbufo ke esịt. " However, the Scriptures sometimes speak of his doing or causing things, when he, in fact, merely permits them. The apostle Peter said: "I shall always remind you of these things, although you know them and stand firm in the truth that is in your hearts. " 1: 3 - 6. We sisters had to conduct the meetings in the small local congregation. 1: 3 - 6. Nte ededi, ndusụk ini N̄wed Abasi esitịn̄ ikọ nte n̄kpọ eke edide ke Abasi anam n̄kpọ m̀mê edi ntak oro n̄kpọ ẹtịbede, ke ini edide enye akam ayayak mmọ ẹtịbe. 17, 18. However, the Scriptures sometimes speak as if God were acting or why things happen, whether he would allow them to happen. Nnyịn nditọete iban ikesinịm mme mbono esop ke ekpri esop nnyịn. The tabernacle, with its altar for sacrifices, was the center of Jehovah's worship in Israel. Christian sisters conducted meetings in our small congregation. 17, 18. However, some believe Lemuel to be another name for Solomon. 17, 18. Ataya, ye itieuwa esie, ekedi akpan itie utuakibuot Jehovah ke Israel eset. Instead of giving Jehovah the best of their animals, however, people in Malachi's day began to offer those they really did not want themselves. The tabernacle, and its altar, served as the center of Jehovah's worship in ancient Israel. Nte ededi, ndusụk owo ẹkere ke Lemuel edi enyịn̄ efen oro ẹkesikotde Solomon. The second talk included a demonstration of a return visit as the speaker presented the theme "Removing the Veil From Those Blinded. " Some people, however, think that Lemuel is another name known as Solomon. Nte ededi, utu ke ndinọ Jehovah mfọnn̄kan ke otu mme unam mmọ, mme owo ke eyo Malachi ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndinọ mme unam oro mmọ ke idemmọ mîkenen̄ekede iyom. I caught a glimpse of Brother Henschel coming across the arena floor in our direction, and I stopped the orchestra so that I could go and meet him. Instead of giving Jehovah the best of their animals, however, people in Malachi's day began to provide for the animals they themselves did not really need. Ọyọhọ utịn̄ikọ iba ama esịne nnamn̄wụt oro aban̄ade mfiakn̄ka nte etịn̄ikọ ekenemede ibuotikọ oro, "Ke Ndidian̄ade Mbon Oro Enyịn Ekịmde N̄kpan̄. " Above all, Samuel practiced and promoted the true worship of Jehovah. The second talk included an explanation of the return visit as the speaker discussed the theme "Wing Out Those in the Darkness. " Mma nda n̄kụt nte Brọda Henschel asan̄ade ebịne nnyịn ke itie edinam, ndien mma nnam ẹtre ikwọ man n̄kpekeme ndisobo ye enye. Prepare for meetings. I saw Brother Henschel coming to our site, and I stopped singing so that I could meet him. Akan oro, Samuel ama esịn idem atuak ibuot ọnọ Jehovah onyụn̄ esịn udọn̄ ọnọ mbon en̄wen ndinam ntre. How did the crowds react to Jesus ' Sermon on the Mount, and why should you meditate on it? Moreover, Samuel dedicated his life to Jehovah and encouraged others to do so. Tịm idem nọ mbono esop. He said to his opposers: "I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me; if someone else arrived in his own name, you would receive that one. " Prepare for the meetings. Didie ke otuowo ẹkenam n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Ukwọrọikọ Jesus Oro ke Obot, ndien ntak emi ikpetiede ikere enye? An Episcopalian pastor in Florida was quoted as saying: "We don't know anything about heaven except that heaven is where God is. " How did the crowds respond to Jesus ' Sermon on the Mount, and why should we meditate on it? Enye ọkọdọhọ mme andibiọn̄ọ enye ete: "Ami ndi ke enyịn̄ Ete mi, edi mbufo idarake mi; edieke owo efen edide ke enyịn̄ esiemmọ, mbufo ẹyedara enye. " Similarly today, loving - kindness should especially be shown to those in need. He told his opposers: "I am in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me; if someone else comes in his name, you will be joyful in him. " Ẹkedọhọ ke pastọ ufọkabasi Episcopal ke Florida ọkọdọhọ ete: "N̄kukụre n̄kpọ oro ifiọkde iban̄a heaven edi ke enye edi ebietidụn̄ Abasi. " But the facts show otherwise. " The only thing we know about heaven is that it is God's dwelling, " said a local pastor in Florida. Ukem ntre mfịn, ẹkpenyene ndinen̄ede n̄wụt mbon oro ẹdude ke unana ima - mfọnido. Christ has given his anointed brothers on earth what Paul calls "the ministry of the reconciliation. " Similarly today, those in need of loving - kindness should be shown to those in need. Edi uyarade ẹdu ndiwụt ke oro idịghe akpanikọ. • According to Micah 6: 8, what does Jehovah require of us? But there is evidence that this is not true. Jesus Christ ọnọ nditọete esie oro ẹyetde aran, emi ẹdude ke isọn̄ mfịn " utom edinam mme owo ẹfiak ẹtie ke emem ye Abasi. ' Christians can see how vital it is to avoid developing a haughty heart. Jesus Christ has given his anointed brothers on earth today "the ministry of the reconciliation. " • Nte Micah 6: 8 ọdọhọde, nso ke Jehovah oyom oto nnyịn? will discuss 12 secrets of successful families. • According to Micah 6: 8, what does Jehovah require of us? Mme Christian ẹkeme ndikụt nte edide akpan n̄kpọ ndifep ntan̄idem. How true Jehovah's words to Israel: "If you will not listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by taking care to do all his commandments and his statutes..., maledictions must also come upon you and overtake you "! - Deuteronomy 28: 15. Christians can see the importance of avoiding pride. emi etịn̄ n̄kpọ 12 emi ẹsinamde ubon enem. Her childhood home in Haran was far behind her, hundreds of miles to the northeast. This article focuses on 12 factors that contribute to a happy family life. Mme ikọ oro Jehovah eketịn̄de ọnọ Israel ẹdi akpanikọ didie ntem: "Edieke afo mûkopke uyo Jehovah Abasi fo, mûnyụn̄ utịmke unịm kpukpru mbet esie ye mme ewụhọ esie...; kpukpru mme idiọk - n̄kpọ emi ẹyebịne fi "! - Deuteronomy 28: 15. 7: 8 - Why did court officials cover Haman's face? How true Jehovah's words to Israel are: "If you do not listen to the voice of Jehovah your God and you have not kept all his commandments and his regulations...; all these bad things will come upon you "! - Deuteronomy 28: 15. Enye ọkpọn̄ Haran obio mmọ ko ke edem. Two sites were selected for the talks - the towns of Osnabrück and Münster in the German province of Westphalia. He left Haran behind. 7: 8 - Ntak emi mme isụn̄utom ẹkefụkde iso Haman? Do you imagine that he was apprehensive about following in the footsteps of Solomon, who was known for his extraordinary wisdom? 7: 8 - Why was Haman's face covered by messengers? Ẹkemek itie iba ẹnọ nneme oro - obio Osnabrück ye Münster ke mbahade obio ukara Westphalia eke Germany. We invite you to investigate the Bible for yourself to find the answers to these questions and more. Two places for the discussion - the city and Münster in the province of Westphalia, Germany. Ndi emekere ke idem ama enyek Rehoboam m̀mê imọ iyenyene ọniọn̄ nte ete imọ, m̀mê iyonyụn̄ ikeme ndinam se ete imọ akanamde? No one has ever been closer to Jehovah than Jesus, whose confidence in the Creator has never wavered. Do you think that Rehoboam was afraid of losing his father's wisdom and that he would be able to do what his father had done? Mbọk yom usụn̄ fiọk nte Bible ọbọrọde mme mbụme emi ye mme mbụme en̄wen. Solomon returns to Jerusalem, taking the young woman with him; the shepherd follows her. Please find out how the Bible answers these and other questions. Jesus ekpere Jehovah akan, esinyụn̄ ọbuọt idem ye enye kpukpru ini. That is why we so often see people make choices or decisions with all good intentions - only to have them result in suffering, disaster, or tragedy. Jesus has always drawn closer to Jehovah and has exercised faith in him. Solomon ama emen eyenan̄wan emi ọnyọn̄ Jerusalem; ekpemerọn̄ onyụn̄ etiene mmọ. In that year Roman armies, holding high their standards emblazoned with the image of the eagle, swooped down upon Jerusalem to inflict a terrible slaughter. Solomon took the girl to Jerusalem, and the shepherd followed them. Ntak edi oro mme owo ẹsisụk ẹbọde ufen, afanikọn̄ esinyụn̄ esịmde mmọ kpa ye oro edide mmọ ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹtie ẹkere kan̄a mbemiso ẹbierede se mmọ ẹyomde ndinam. I've sometimes found myself thinking, " Why does he want me to understand him when he does not try to understand me? ' " That is why people are suffering, and despite their problems, they have been able to think carefully before deciding what to do. Ke isua oro, udịmekọn̄ Rome oro ẹkekamade ọfọn̄ etakubom oro ẹwetde mbiet ntrukpom ke idem, ẹma ẹbụmede ẹdụk Jerusalem ẹnyụn̄ ẹsobo enye idiọk idiọk. Although this term literally referred to a male who had been castrated, it was also used in a broader sense to refer to any official assigned duties in the court of the king. During that year, Roman armies with a flag painted on an eagle's head made inroads into Jerusalem and destroyed it badly. Ndusụk ini, mmesitie n̄kere ntak emi enye ekerede ke akpana mfiọk se ifịnade imọ ke ini enye mîdọn̄ke enyịn iban̄a se ifịnade mi. " Earnest Efforts Rewarded Sometimes I think about why he feels that he should understand his concerns when he doesn't care about what concerns me. " Okposụkedi ẹkesikotde irenowo emi ẹsiode osio eunuch, ẹma ẹsikot owo emi anamde utom ke okụre edidem eunuch n̄ko. The more he drank, the less capable his brain was of accurately evaluating his condition. Although the men who were taken out of the eunuch were also called a man serving in the courtyard of the court of the king. Mme Utịp Ẹtode Ukeme Ofụri Esịt Ruth fell facedown before Boaz and asked why he had been so kind to her, a foreigner. Results From Earnest Effort Adan̄a nte enye ọkọn̄wọn̄de mmịn, ntre ke mfre esie mîkekemeke aba ndinen̄ede mfiọk nte idem esie etiede. Such bottles were used to hold milk, butter, cheese, or water. The more he drank, the more he could not fully understand his own body. Ruth ama ọduọ ekịbi iso ke isọn̄, onyụn̄ obụp Boaz m̀mê nso inam enye ọfọn imọ emi idide esenowo mfọn ntem. The textbooks are rather old, and the teacher asks us if Switzerland is still as his books describe it. Ruth fell down and asked Boaz why she was a foreigner. Ẹkesida utọ ekpeme oro ẹdọn̄ mmọn̄eba, bọta, cheese, m̀mê mmọn̄. Are we inclined to find fault with Jehovah's people? Such bottles were made of milk, butter, cheese, or water. Enen̄ede ebịghi ẹkemịn̄ mme n̄wed ukpepn̄kpọ oro andikpep oro akamade, enye onyụn̄ obụp nnyịn m̀mê Switzerland osụk etie nte n̄wed imọ ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a enye. What were some of the precious things included in the spiritual heritage of the sons of Israel? For a long time, the teacher's publications were printed, and he asked us if Switzerland were still talking about him. Nte nnyịn imenyene ntụhọ edikụt ndudue nnọ ikọt Jehovah? Without any warning, they had been dragged by a mob to the marketplace to stand before a hastily convened court. Are we inclined to be critical of Jehovah's people? Nso ikedi ndusụk ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ oro ẹkesịnede ke n̄kpọ - akpa eke spirit nditọ Israel? For example, during the first four calendar months of 1999, the Netherlands branch office received four times as many regular pioneer applications as during the same period a year before. What were some of the precious things that were in the spiritual heritage of the Israelites? Ndien esop ẹma ẹbono inikiet inikiet ẹkpe ikpe ẹnọ mmọ. They are held in English, although publications in Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu are also being used. And the court quickly rose up to them. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke akpa ọfiọn̄ inan̄ ke isua 1999, ọfis n̄kọk itieutom Netherlands ama ọbọ mme n̄wed eben̄e utom usiakusụn̄ ofụri ini awak utịm ikanan̄ akan se ọkọbọde ke ukem ikpehe ini oro ke isua emi ekebemde iso. Abraham's faith was made evident by his peace - loving ways. For example, in the first four months of 1999, the Netherlands branch office received more than four times in the same period in the preceding year. Ẹnịm mme ukpepn̄kpọ emi ke Ikọmbakara, okposụkedi ẹsikamade n̄ko mme n̄wed ke usem Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, ye Urdu. Although living in a palace, she was willing to put her own life at risk in behalf of God's people, acting in harmony with his will. These teachings are held in English, although they are also used in Hindi, presenting literature, Inglam, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Narga. Abraham ndikesinam emem ye mbon en̄wen edi usụn̄ kiet emi owụtde ke enye ama enyene mbuọtidem. 16 What We Learn From Jesus - How Spirit Creatures Affect Us One way that Abraham displayed his faith was by making peace with others. Okposụkedi okodụn̄de ke ufọk ubọn̄, enye ama enyịme ndisịn uwem esie ke itiendịk ke n̄kemuyo ye uduak Abasi ke ntak ikọt Esie. Yet, whether we are related to elderly brothers and sisters or not, we take an interest in their welfare. Although living in a royal household, he willingly risked his life in harmony with God's will for the sake of His people. 16 Se Ikpepde Ito Jesus - Nte Mme Angel ye Mme Demon Ẹtụkde Uwem Nnyịn She decides to accompany her husband but not to share in any religious deeds, and she is acting in harmony with her conscience. 16 What We Learn From Jesus - How the Angels Affect Our Lives Nnyịn imekere iban̄a mmọ, edide imabuana n̄kpọ ye mmọ m̀mê ibuanake. After receiving the holy spirit, the apostles give a bold witness. We care about them, whether they are related or not. Ntre, Ruth ebiere nditiene ebe esie n̄ka, edi ebiere ke imọ idibuanake ke edinam utuakibuot ekededi; se ubieresịt esie etemede enye edi oro. Therefore, he did not deserve to die. So Ruth is determined to go with her husband, but she is determined not to participate in any act of worship; that is what her conscience urges her to follow. Mme apostle ẹnọ ikọ ntiense uko uko ke ẹma ẹkebọ edisana spirit. Our faith in the ransom sacrifice of Christ permits us to come out from under the yoke of sin. After receiving holy spirit, the apostles boldly witness. Ntre ikpakanaha enye akpa. At that point, it is often easier to get a conversation under way. So she could not have died. Mbuọtidem oro inyenede ke uwa ufak Christ anam nnyịn ibọhọ ufụn idiọkn̄kpọ. It also destroyed a kind of "heavens " - the people who ruled over that earthly society. Our faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice frees us from the bondage of sin. Enyeneufọk ama ọfọfiọk ntak emi idide, esimem utom ndika iso nneme nneme. Why is God's gift an act of "undeserved kindness "? The householder knew why we were, and communication is not easy. Enye n̄ko ama osobo mme andikara eyo oro, ndien mmọ ke ẹkot enyọn̄ ke itien̄wed emi. Is he doing it to please God? He also destroyed the rulers of that time, and they quoted the above. Ntak emi enọ Abasi emi edide " mfọnido oro owo mîdotke '? What can we learn by comparing John's vision of the wild beast, Daniel's account of the fearsome beast that had ten horns, and Daniel's interpretation of the immense image? Why is God's gift "undeserved kindness "? Ndi enye awa uwa oro man enem Abasi esịt? Rodrigo Borgia was born in 1431 into a prominent family at Játiva, in the kingdom of Aragon, now in Spain. Did he offer that sacrifice in order to please God? Nso ke ikeme ndikpep nto n̄kukụt John oro aban̄ade idiọk unam, n̄kukụt Daniel oro aban̄ade enyene - uten̄e unam emi enyenede nnụk duop, ye se Daniel ọkọdọhọde nte akwa mbiet Nebuchadnezzar adade aban̄a? • How does the Bible show that Jehovah appreciates the faithful service of his intelligent creatures? What can we learn from John's vision of the wild beast, Daniel's vision of the ten - horned wild beast, and what Daniel said about the immense image of Nebuchadnezzar? Rodrigo Borgia akamana ke 1431 odụk ọwọrọiso ubon ke Játiva, ke obio ubọn̄ Aragon, emi odude idahaemi ke Spain. PAGE 7 • SONGS: 108, 129 Rodrigo Borgia was born in 1431 into a prominent family in the province of Rotava, now located in Spain. • Didie ke Bible owụt nte ke Jehovah adara utom mbuọtidem oro mme enyene - ifiọk edibotn̄kpọ esie ẹnamde? " Oh, no, not that religion! • How does the Bible show that Jehovah appreciates the faithful service of his intelligent creatures? PAGE 7 • IKWỌ: 108, 129 While acknowledging that adolescence can be challenging for parents and teenagers alike, one expert on child development states: "Adolescence is not a period of being " crazy ' or " immature. ' PAGE 7 • SONGS: 108, 129 " Ih ih, mmaha ufọkabasi oro! Call to him while he is near. " - Isaiah 55: 6. " No, I don't like that church! Enye ama onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ete: "Owo ikpekereke ke ini uyen edi ini emi uyen esinamde n̄kpọ ntịme ntịme m̀mê nte owo emi mîdiọn̄ọke idem. Reverential fear of Jehovah motivates us to praise him for his goodness. He also said: "If you are young, you should not think of yourself as a turbulent youth. Ẹseme ẹkot enye ke adan̄aemi enye ekperede. " - Isaiah 55: 6. In contrast with Boaz, Nabal failed to listen to Jehovah. While he is near, he will be called. " - Isaiah 55: 6. Ukpono ukpono mbak oro inyenede inọ Jehovah onụk nnyịn nditoro enye kaban̄a eti ido esie. Use good judgment when expressing personal tastes and opinions on matters. Respect for fear of Jehovah moves us to praise him for his goodness. Ke edide isio ye Boaz, Nabal ama okpu ndikop uyo Jehovah. Inside were people of different cultures, backgrounds, and tongues - Aboriginals, Albanians, Australians, Croatians - yet they were happily mingling together. In contrast with Boaz, Nabal failed to obey Jehovah. Nam n̄kpọ ke ọniọn̄ ke ini etịn̄de mme n̄kpọ oro afo amade ye mme ọkpọkpọ ekikere ke mme n̄kpọ. To avoid that kind of spirit, we can remember that Jesus is pictured in the Bible as having "in his right hand seven stars. " Act wisely when expressing your personal preferences and opinions on matters. Mmọ ẹkedọhọ ke ikụt nditọ nnyịn, mbon Albania, ye mbon Croatia nte ẹtiede ntre ẹneme nneme ẹsak imam. He personally listens to our prayers. They said that they saw our children, the Albanians, and the Croatia as they were talking to laugh. Imekeme ndifep utọ edu oro edieke itide ke ẹdọhọ ke Bible ke Jesus akama "ntantaọfiọn̄ itiaba ke ubọk nnasia. " The Bulletin * declared it "almost unbelievable " that the pioneer ranks had tripled from 1927 to 1929. We can avoid such an attitude if we bear in mind that the Bible says that Jesus holds "seven stars at the right hand. " Enye ke idem esiemmọ esikop akam nnyịn. Why Understand the Bible? He himself hears our prayers. Bulletin * ọkọdọhọ ke ama "akpa owo idem " nte ibat mme colporteur awakde utịm ikata ke 1929 akan nte ekedide ke 1927. Reflecting Jehovah's tender consideration, the Law said: "If, though, he cannot afford enough for a sheep, then he must bring as his guilt offering for the sin that he has committed two turtledoves or two young pigeons to Jehovah. " * The Bulletin stated that as the number of colporteurs in 1929, there were three times than it was in 1927. Ntak Emi Okpoyomde Bible An̄wan̄a Fi? What desirable qualities does the individual possess? Why Would You Need a Bible? Man owụt ke Jehovah enen̄ede ekere aban̄a mme owo, Ibet oro ọdọhọ ete: "Ndien edieke ubọk mîkemke enye ke eke n̄kpri ufene, yak enye ada mbomo n̄kuku iba, m̀mê nditọ ibiom iba, ọsọk Jehovah. " Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate efforts to provide quality medical care, and they weigh the risk / benefit ratio of any treatment. To show that Jehovah really cares for people, the Law says: "If his hand is not sufficient for a flock, let him bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to Jehovah. " Nso nti edu ke owo emi enyene? We also treasure the gift of life and our ability to enjoy it. What positive qualities does this person display? Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsidara mme ukeme oro ẹsịnde ndinam nti ibọkusọbọ ẹdu, ndien mmọ ẹsidomo mme n̄kpọndịk ye ufọn oro ẹdude ke usọbọ ekededi. My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring. " - 1 John 3: 17, 18, New Century Version. Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate efforts to provide good medical care, and they weigh the risks and benefits of any treatment. Enem nnyịn n̄ko nte Jehovah ọnọde nnyịn uwem onyụn̄ anamde ikeme ndikop inem uwem. What provisions have been made to keep God's people up - to - date with accurate information? We too are grateful that Jehovah has given us life and makes it possible for us to enjoy life. N̄kpri nditọ mi, ẹyak nnyịn ikûma ke ikọ - inua ye ke edeme, edi yak nnyịn ima ke edinanam ye ke akpanikọ. " - 1 John 3: 17, 18, Edisana Ŋwed Abasi Ibom. As a result, different religions were tolerated, and this evidently facilitated Paul's preaching work there. Even young children, let us love, not in word and with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " - 1 John 3: 17, 18, King James Version. Nso ke ẹnam man ikọt Abasi ẹsikop nnennen se itịbede? Receiving comfort for our hearts. What are some ways in which God's people can be sure of what is happening? Mmọdo, ẹma ẹnyịme nsio nsio ido ukpono do, ndien etie nte emi akanam Paul ekeme ndikwọrọ ikọ do. No longer a mere human mounted on the colt of an ass, Jesus is now a powerful King. Consequently, there were many different religious groups, and it seems that Paul was able to preach there. Ọdọn̄ nnyịn esịt. How was it used? We are comforted. Sia mîdịghe aba owo emi awatde ke ass, Jesus edi okopodudu Edidem idahaemi. (b) How will God's servants react at that time? Since he is no longer riding on an ass, Jesus is now a powerful King. Ẹkesida okụk ẹnam nso ye nso? (See opening image.) What was the purpose of money? (b) Nso ke ikọt Abasi ẹdinam ini oro? 18 Draw Close to God - "The God of All Comfort " (b) What will God's people do at that time? (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) Prayers of thanks. (See opening picture.) Akpanikọ Esịm Nsannsan Ebiet (Tuva Republic, Russia), 7 / 15 During the second century C.E., some started to change the time of the commemoration and the manner in which it was held. Find Delight in Jehovah's Way of Ruling, 7 / 15 18 San̄a Kpere Abasi - "Abasi Kpukpru Ndọn̄esịt " Vaudès responded by quoting Acts 5: 29: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " 18 Draw Close to God - "The God of All Comfort " Akam ekọm. Thus Jehovah has already arranged to bring a permanent end to death and every form of suffering. - 1 John 3: 8. Prayers of thanksgiving. Ke ọyọhọ isua ikie iba E.N., ndusụk owo ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndikpụhọ ini oro ẹkesinịmde Editi ye nte ẹkesinịmde enye. But it was not because of his old age. He still had a lot of energy. In the second century C.E., some began changing the Memorial schedule and the use of it. Vaudès ama ọbọrọ ke ndikot Utom 5: 29: "Nnyịn inyene ndikop uyo Abasi n̄kan uyo owo. " 44,250,000 Vaudès answered by quoting Acts 5: 29: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " Ntem, Jehovah ananam ndutịm man etre n̄kpa ye kpukpru orụk ndutụhọ ofụri ofụri. - 1 John 3: 8. " Let us press on to maturity. " - HEB. Thus, Jehovah has arranged to eliminate death and all forms of suffering. - 1 John 3: 8. Idịghe ntak emi enye ekedide akanieren akanam isan̄ emi ọsọn̄, koro enye okosụk enyenyene odudu. There is another Greek word, xyʹlon, that Bible writers used to describe the instrument of Jesus ' execution. He was not so old that he was old enough, for he was still strong. 44,250,000 What modern - day pursuits can damage our spirituality? 44,20,000 " Ẹyak nnyịn isịn ifịk ikọri isịm ọyọhọ idaha. " - HEB. Why should we avoid offering repetitious prayers? " Let us press on to maturity. " - HEB. Ikọ Greek en̄wen emi mme andiwet Bible ẹkekotde n̄kpọ emi ẹkedade ẹwot Jesus edi xyʹlon. 11: 6. Another Greek Bible writer named Jesus ' execution was xyʹlon. Nso ikeme ndinam nnyịn ikûsịn idem ke n̄kpọ Abasi? Also, one occurrence at Judges 19: 18 was restored as a result of further study of ancient manuscripts. What could cause us to slow down in our service to God? Ntak emi mîfọnke inyene ikọ m̀mê n̄kpọ kiet emi isitịn̄de kpukpru ini emi ibọn̄de akam? Have not millions of people been enticed into enjoying entertainment or sports that glorify violence? Why is it unwise for us to have a speech or something that we say every time we pray? 11: 6. Does God's mercy temper his justice? 11: 6. Ọyọhọ itie itiokiet oro ẹsịnde enyịn̄ emi edi Judges 19: 18, sia ẹkekụt enye ke n̄kani ikpan̄wed Bible eset. • Why should we help people to come to a greater understanding of Jehovah's love? The sixth mention is Judges 19: 18, since it was found in ancient manuscripts. Nte owo ikam itapke ata ediwak owo isịn ke edise edinam unọ idem inemesịt ye mbre mbuba oro ẹtorode afai? However, I ended up in the hospital hallway, and a nurse ushered me back to my bed. Have millions not even been caught up in watching entertainment and sports that praised violence? Nte mbọm Abasi esinam edinen ikpe esie ọfọn ama? The original text of the Bible was written on perishable materials, such as leather and papyrus. Does God's mercy reflect his justice? • Ntak emi ikpan̄wamde mme owo ẹtetịm ẹfiọk akwa ima Jehovah? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania • Why should we help others to deepen their appreciation for Jehovah's great love? Edi utu ke ndisan̄a n̄kesịm ebiet emi window odude, n̄kasan̄a n̄kọwọrọ usụn̄otop ufọkibọk, ndien nurse kiet ama edi edida mi akayak ke bed mi. His ten volumes published about 324 C.E. are considered the most important ecclesiastical history dating from antiquity. But instead of going to the window, I walked to the hospital door, and a nurse came to my bed. Ẹkewet ata akpa Bible ke n̄kpọ emi ekemede ndisọp mbiara, utọ nte ikpaunam ye n̄kukịp. How did Jehovah reply to Moses ' question? The earliest Bible books were written on perishable material, such as leather and papyrus. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania I received no satisfactory answer. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ẹda n̄wed esie oro ekedide eboho duop ẹkenyụn̄ ẹmịn̄de ke n̄kpọ nte 324 E.N. nte ata akpan n̄wed mbụk ufọkabasi emi ebịghide afiak edem ekesịm eset. King Solomon wandered, although he was a member of a nation dedicated to Jehovah and had originally acted in harmony with God - given wisdom. His ten - volume book, which was printed about 324 C.E., is considered the most important book of church history back to ancient times. Jehovah ọkọbọrọ didie mbụme Moses? In the Christian congregation, they rightly expect to find comfort and refreshment. How did Jehovah answer Moses ' question? Owo ikọnọhọ mi eti ibọrọ. Yet, it seems that Korah envied Moses and Aaron and resented their prominence, and this led him to say - wrongly - that they had arbitrarily and selfishly lifted themselves up above the congregation. - Psalm 106: 16. I was not given a satisfying answer. Edidem Solomon ama awaha ọkpọn̄ item Abasi, okposụkedi enye okotode idụt oro akayakde idem ọnọ Jehovah, okonyụn̄ anamde n̄kpọ ke n̄kemuyo ye ọniọn̄ Abasi ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ ini ukara esie. LESS than 30 years after Jesus ' death, the apostle Paul wrote that the good news was being preached in "all creation " under heaven. King Solomon deviated from divine instruction, although he came from a nation dedicated to Jehovah and acted in harmony with divine wisdom at the beginning of his reign. Nte enende, mmọ ẹdori enyịn ndibọ ndọn̄esịt ye nduọkodudu ke esop Christian. What if such flirting is taken more seriously than intended? They rightly look forward to comfort and refreshment in the Christian congregation. Edi, etie nte Korah ekefịbe Moses ye Aaron ufụp onyụn̄ ayat esịt aban̄a idaha mmọ, ndien emi ama osụn̄ọ ke enye ndidọhọ - ke ukwan̄ usụn̄ - nte ke mmọ ẹkemenede idemmọ ke enyọn̄ nte ẹmade ye ke ibụk ẹkan esop Jehovah. - Psalm 106: 16. WATCHFUL FOR DIRECTION ON WHERE TO PREACH Yet, Korah's jealous attitude toward Moses and Aaron apparently resented their situation, and this led to a wrong conclusion - that they could put themselves above Jehovah's organization. - Psalm 106: 16. IKỌYỌHỌKE isua 30 tọn̄ọ Jesus akakpa, apostle Paul ama ewet ete ke ẹma ẹkwọrọ eti mbụk ẹnọ "kpukpru edibotn̄kpọ " ke idak ikpaenyọn̄. By living in a way that gives God glory, you put yourself in harmony with the rest of creation that is praising Jehovah. THE apostle Paul wrote that the good news had been preached "in all creation " under heaven. Nso edieke owo enye eken enyenede ndọ ke ekikere? Starting in 1944, over a thousand unmanned jet planes packed with explosives fell on Kent. What if the other person has a marriage in mind? ẸDU KE UKPEME MAN ẸFIỌK EBIET ORO ẸKPEKWỌRỌDE IKỌ Rafał deals with discouragement in this way: "I try to avoid dwelling on unkind remarks. WHAT TO BE USED Ke ndidu uwem ke usụn̄ oro ọnọde Abasi ubọn̄, afo emetiene mme edibotn̄kpọ eken otoro Jehovah. The Bible record turns away from Samuel at this point and follows the sacred Ark, showing us how the Philistines suffered for taking it and were forced to return it. By living in a way that glorifies God, you have joined other creatures in praising Jehovah. Ọtọn̄ọde ke 1944, ẹma ẹsinam ata ediwak bọmb emi ẹfede nte ubomofụm ẹdiduọ ke Kent. Would You Welcome a Visit? Beginning in 1944, hundreds of thousands of flying bombs were made in Kent. Rafał etịn̄ se imọ isinamde man idem okûmem imọ. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Nsimaha nditie n̄kere ndiọi ikọ oro mme owo ẹtịn̄de. How so? " I don't want to dwell on negative thoughts, " he says. Mbụk emi ọwọn̄ọde ọkpọn̄ Samuel, akabade owụt nte mbon Philistia ẹkebọde ufen ke ntak ekebe ediomi emi mmọ ẹkemende tutu edidi se mmọ ẹfehe ntịm ntịm ẹmen Ekebe mbon ẹkeyak. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own. " The account that turned away from Samuel becomes a symbol of the pain that the Philistines suffered because of the ark of the covenant that they could so far as to prepare for the Ark. Nte Afo Ayadara Ẹdise Fi? 10 The Enteric Nervous System - Your Body's "Second Brain "? Would You Welcome a Visit? Didie ke emi edi ntre? He wrote: "The end of all things has drawn close. How so? [ "Mmọ ẹmedụk afan̄ nsobo; Mmọ idịghe nditọ esie, mmọ ẹnyene ndo, " NW]. " The Bible book of Acts records that en route to Rome, the apostle Paul sailed from Malta to Puteoli on a boat that bore the figurehead "Sons of Zeus. " [ They] have taken the path of destruction; they are not his children, their defect is. " 10 Ndi Imenyene Mfre ke Idịbi? Jehovah performs this miracle, and Gideon seeks and receives confirmation when the sign is reversed - wet ground and a dry fleece. 10 Should We Have Children? Enye ekewet ete: "Utịt kpukpru n̄kpọ ke ekpere. If so, do not conclude that problems cannot be worked out. He wrote: "The end of all things is near. N̄wed Utom ọdọhọ ke apostle Paul ama osio ke Malta aka Puteoli ke ubom emi enyenede idiọn̄ọ "Nditọ Zeus, " ke isan̄ uka Rome. The Bible reminds us: "A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress. " - Proverbs 17: 17. According to the book of Acts, the apostle Paul sailed from Malta to Puteoli, a boat with the mark of "Sons of Zeus, " on his journey to Rome. Jehovah anam utịben̄kpọ emi, edi Gideon oyom idiọn̄ọ efen ke ndidọhọ Abasi anam ideterọn̄ oro ẹnịmde ke ọtọ - ubek ibokpot asat edi mbara ebịt isọn̄; Jehovah anam kpasụk ntre. Just as in the early centuries of Christianity, Satan tries to entice God's servants by means of worldly leisure activities. Jehovah performs this miracle, but Gideon needs to know more about the fact that God has caused the growing wool to cool off from the ground; Jehovah has done the same. Ke edide ntre, kûsọsọp ubiere ke owo ikemeke ndikọk mme mfịna oro. Consider how encouraging it can be for teenagers to become acquainted with pioneers or with the circuit overseer and his wife. If so, do not hastily conclude that those problems are beyond recovery. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Ata ufan amama ufan kpukpru ini, onyụn̄ edi eyeneka emi amanade ọnọ ini nnanenyịn. " - Mme N̄ke 17: 17. This information can later be used to review what took place or to analyze information that can be useful for future trips. The Bible says: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " - Proverbs 17: 17. Kpa nte ẹkedide ke mme ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ isua ikie eke Ido Ukpono Christ, Satan esidomo ndida mme edinam unọ idem inemesịt eke ererimbot emi ntap mme asan̄autom Abasi. For example, according to Bagster's version of the Septuagint, Esther 8: 17 reads: "Many of the Gentiles were circumcised, and became Jews. " Just as in the early centuries of Christianity, Satan tries to exploit God's servants with the entertainment practices of this world. Kere ban̄a nsịnudọn̄ oro mme uyen ẹdibọde edieke mmọ ẹnamde ufan ye mme asiakusụn̄ m̀mê ye esenyịn circuit ye n̄wan esie. [ Credit Line] Think of the encouragement young ones can gain if they make friends with pioneers or with the circuit overseer and his wife. Ke ukperedem, ẹkeme ndida ntọt emi mfiak ndụn̄ọde se iketịbede m̀mê ndidụn̄ọde nyom ntọt emi ekemede ndinyene ufọn ke mme isan̄ ini iso. When I could not attend, I was always eager to know what happened at the meetings. Later, this information may be used to review what happened or to search for information that can be useful in future travels. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke Septuagint eke Bagster, Esther 8: 17 ọdọhọ ete: "Ediwak mme Gentile ẹma ẹna mbobi, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkabade ẹdi mme Jew. " Baptism symbolizes dedication to God and marks one's ordination as a minister In the Septuagint Bagster, for example, Esther 8: 17 says: "Many Gentiles were circumcised and became Jews. " [ Ebiet Ẹdade N̄kpọ Ẹto] Providing Comfort During the Final Days [ Credit Line] Ke ini mmen̄kemeke ndidụk, mma nsinyene ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ ndifiọk nte mbono esop eketiede. And he will help you to keep serving him despite any problems you may have. When I could not enter, I was curious about the nature of the meeting. Baptism edi idiọn̄ọ uyakidem nnọ Abasi ẹnyụn̄ ẹda enye ẹdiọn̄ọ ke ẹdori owo ubọk nte asan̄autom At Genesis 1: 3, we read: "God proceeded to say: " Let light come to be. ' " Baptism is a symbol of dedication to God and a sign that is ordained as a minister Ndidọn̄ Owo Udọn̄ọ Oro Oyomde Ndikpa Esịt SONGS TO BE USED: 168, 21 Comforting the Sick Who Seeks the Heart Ndien enye ayaka iso an̄wam fi anam n̄kpọ esie inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê nso itịbe. Sophia: Because I love her. And he will continue to help you to serve him no matter what challenges you may face. Genesis 1: 3 okot ete: "Ekem Abasi ọdọhọ ete, Yak un̄wana odu: ndien un̄wana odu. " He reminds us: "We all stumble many times. Genesis 1: 3 reads: "God said: " Let there be light, and light come to be. ' " MME IKWỌ ORO ẸDIDADE: 168, 21 Does he feel that he has somehow missed out? SONGS TO BE USED: 168, 21 Sophia: Eka mi ke edi nan̄a. 21: 5, 6. Sophia: It's my mother. Enye eti nnyịn ete: "Kpukpru nnyịn idedue ke ediwak n̄kpọ. When you feel that you are not appreciated, what should you remember about Jehovah? He reminds us: "We all stumble many times. Ndi enye ekere ke enyene se itakde imọ? Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Did he feel that he had what he had lost? 21: 5, 6. " Lady, Even Ladies ," 3 / 15 21: 5, 6. Nso ke ekpeti aban̄a Jehovah ini ekededi oro ekerede ke owo ikwe eti n̄kpọ emi afo anamde? Though healthy and prosperous for most of his life, the Bible character Job observed: "Man, born of woman, is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " - Job 14: 1. What can you keep in mind about Jehovah whenever you feel that you are not looking for the good that you are doing? Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹyema ndinam ibọrọ mbụme emi enen̄ede an̄wan̄a fi. Rather, they were participants, like runners in a race. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Barabbas, 4 / 1 Rather, "the place " refers to the condition or situation into which earth's political rulers and their supporters are led - one of opposition to Jehovah and to" the armies that were in heaven " under the military command of the "King of kings and Lord of lords, " Jesus Christ. - Revelation 19: 14, 16. Barabbas, 4 / 15 Okposụkedi ekenyenede nsọn̄idem ye uforo ke akamba ubak ini uwem esie, Job eke Bible ama ọdọhọ ete: "Owo eke n̄wan amande omụhọ usen, onyụn̄ oyụhọ ukụt. " - Job 14: 1. Job Makes a Retraction Although physically and successfully during his long life, the Bible writer Job said: "Man, born of woman, is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " - Job 14: 1. Utu ke oro, mmọ ẹketetiene ẹfehe mbuba emi. The early Christians of Ephesus and Colossae sang "psalms and praises to God " (literally," hymns "). Instead, they were trying to run the race. Utu ke oro, "ebiet emi " ada aban̄a nte mme andikara ererimbot ye ikọt mmọ ẹdin̄wanade ye Jehovah ye" udịmekọn̄ oro ẹdude ke heaven, " emi "Edidem ndidem ye Ọbọn̄ mbọn̄, " kpa Jesus Christ, adade usụn̄. - Ediyarade 19: 14, 16. Have you not seen that people display such bad traits more than they used to? Rather, "this place " represents the way world rulers and their people will attack Jehovah and their" armies in the heavens, " King of kings and Lord of lords, " Jesus Christ. - Revelation 19: 14, 16. Job Ekpe Ubọk He sees your endurance. Job Took Up Mme akpa Christian ke Ephesus ye Colossae ẹma ẹkwọ "psalm ye itoro ẹnọ Abasi " (ke ata ata usụn̄," hymn "). Love keeps us going and helps us to remain awake. The early Christians in Ephesus and Colossae sang "the melody and the praise of God " (in a literal way,"hym "). Ndi afo ukwe ke mme owo ẹnyene utọ ndiọi edu emi akan nte akanam ẹnyenede? All the barbes were able to read and write, and their training, which took up to six years, was Bible - oriented. Have you not seen that people have such bad habits more than ever before? Enye okụt ime oro afo emede. He said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " He notices your patience. Ima ayanam nnyịn ika iso iyọ onyụn̄ an̄wam nnyịn ndika iso ndu ke ukpeme. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Love will move us to endure and help us to keep on the watch. Kpukpru mme barbes ẹma ẹkeme ndikot n̄wed nnyụn̄ n̄wet n̄kpọ, ndien ubọ ukpep mmọ, emi akadade n̄kpọ nte isua itiokiet, ọkọkọn̄ọ ke Bible. My sister, Joy, was the youngest child, and I was the oldest. All Waldensians were able to read and write, and their education, which lasted about six years, was based on the Bible. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹka iso, ndien, ndibem iso nyom obio ubọn̄ ye edinen ido esie, ndien ẹyedian kpukpru n̄kpọ emi ẹnọ mbufo. " Amaziah told Amos: "O visionary, go, run your way off to the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and there you may prophesy. He said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ El is depicted as a wise, white - bearded old man remote from humanity. . . . . . Joy, udun̄wan ẹka mi ekedi ekperedem, ndien ami n̄kedi adiaha. The most difficult things to change, though, were the practices of my immoral lifestyle. Joy, my second daughter, was the youngest, and I was the daughter. Amaziah ọkọdọhọ Amos ete: "Owo n̄kukụt... 17, 18. (a) In what ways can a couple put spirituality first in their family? Amaziah told Amos: "A vision... Ẹwụt El nte enyene - ọniọn̄ akanieren emi enyenede afia ntan̄ebek onyụn̄ odude oyom usụn̄ ọkpọn̄ ubonowo. Do you think that Cain had a right to make such a decision about life? El is depicted as a discreet elderly man with a white beard and is far away from mankind. Se ikọsọn̄de mi ikan ndinam ekedi nditre oburobụt uwem oro n̄kesidude. The next few psalms speak of God's beautiful qualities, superior thoughts, and wonderful works. My biggest challenge was to break free from my former lifestyle. 17, 18. (a) Ke mme usụn̄ ewe ke ebe ye n̄wan ẹkeme ndinịm mme n̄kpọ eke spirit akpa ke uwem mmọ? I have received letters from friends in Ireland, Britain, and even the United States. 17, 18. (a) In what ways can a couple put spiritual interests first in their lives? Ndi afo ekere ke Cain ama enyene unen ndida uwem owo ntre? Even though material things and money are not harmful in themselves, if our love for them supplants our love for God, then Satan has gained a victory. Do you think Cain had the right to use human life that way? Psalm ifan̄ oro ẹtienede ẹneme ẹban̄a nti edu, ata nti ekikere, ye mme utịbe utom Abasi. My next work assignment was in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The following few psalms discuss positive qualities, positive thoughts, and wonderful works of God. Mme ufan nnyịn ke Ireland, Britain, ye United States ẹsiwet leta ẹnọ mi. Hence, we must ask ourselves, " Are we for or against rule by God? ' I received letters from friends in Ireland, Britain, and the United States. Okposụkedi inyene ye okụk mîdiọkke, edieke imade mmọ ikan Abasi, do Satan akan nnyịn. Se isinamde spirit ererimbot emi enyene "odudu " edi ke mme edinam esie ẹsidọn̄ mbiara obụkidem nnyịn itọn̄. Even so, the National Geographic magazine observes regarding the Phoenicians: "Their writings, mostly on fragile papyrus, disintegrated - so that we now know the Phoenicians mainly by the biased reports of their enemies. While material and financial security are not wrong, it is Satan's goal to corrupt our fleshly desires by cultivating "power beyond what is normal. " Ebiet efen oro ẹkenọde nnyịn ika ekedi Dhaka, Bangladesh. They were powerful Jewish religious leaders - the very ones who had orchestrated Jesus ' death. Our next assignment was Bangladesh, Bangladesh. Ntem, ana nnyịn ibụp idem nnyịn, " Nte nnyịn idada inọ m̀mê ibọbiọn̄ọ ukara Abasi? ' What is the correct view of marriage? Hence, we must ask ourselves, " Do we stand for or accept God's sovereignty? ' Kpa ye oro, National Geographic etịn̄ ntem aban̄a mbon Phoenicia: "Mme n̄wed mmọ, emi ẹkewetde akpan akpan ke n̄kukịp, ẹma ẹdiahade - anam n̄kukụre se ifiọkde iban̄a mbon Phoenicia ẹto ikọ asari emi mme asua mmọ ẹwetde. 22 Did You Know? Nevertheless, regarding the Phoenicians, National practically wrote: "The Phoenicians, whose writings were written mainly in papyrus, have perished - the only thing we know about the Phoenicians ' feelings toward their enemies. Apostle Peter ada ke iso ikpọ owo ido ukpono mme Jew emi ẹbakde ibak etieti. Those answers never really satisfied me, but I had no knowledge of what the Bible really teaches about those things. In front of the Jewish religious leaders, the apostle Peter stands before them. Nso idi nnennen usụn̄ oro ẹkpesede ndọ? They were rich because of their faith and integrity to God. What is the proper view of marriage? 22 Ndi Ama Ọfiọk? A specific computer software program has been designed to help in rendering the New World Translation into new languages, and such translation brings much joy. 22 Did You Know? Se mmọ ẹketịn̄de oro ikọdọn̄ke mi esịt, n̄konyụn̄ mfiọkke m̀mê se Bible etịn̄de edi oro. According to one Asian Development Bank report, nearly a third of the people in the Philippines and over half of those in India live below the poverty line for Asia, which is about $1.35 (U.S.) per day. Those words comforted me, and I did not know what the Bible says. Mmọ ẹma ẹnyene inyene sia ẹkebuọtde idem ẹnyụn̄ ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ye Abasi. And I'm not sure that their 25 - cent answer isn't better than the six - billion - dollar answers we might get from this project. " They were rich because they trusted in God. Ẹdiọn̄ san̄asan̄a ndutịm kọmputa man an̄wam ke ndikabade New World Translation nsịn ke mbufa usem, ndien utọ edikabade emi ada ekese idatesịt edi. Upon learning Bible truth, many immigrants willingly give up jobs in affluent countries and go back to their homeland with the objective of helping their relatives and others spiritually. Special computer programs are designed to help in translating the New World Translation into new languages, and this type of translation brings much joy. Ban̄k kiet ke Asia ọdọhọ ke n̄kpọ nte mbahade ita ke otu mbon Philippines ye se ibede mbahade iba ke otu mbon India inyeneke okụk emi ekemde udia usen mbon Asia emi edide n̄kpọ nte ₦200. PAGE 25 According to one Asian poll, about half of the Philippines and more than half of India's Indian people do not have enough food for the whole day of Asia. N̄kereke ke ndibiat akpakịp biliọn dollar itiokiet mbọp ukwakutom emi ayanam nnyịn ifiọk nte ekondo ye uwem ẹkesan̄ade ẹdidu nte magazine Mme Ntiense Jehovah oro mîkpaha n̄kpọ ndomokiet. " Try the following: I don't think spending six billion dollars on the project would help us to understand how the universe and life came into the magazines of Jehovah's Witnesses that did not die. " Ke ẹma ẹkekpep akpanikọ Bible, ediwak isenowo ẹsinyịme ndikpọn̄ utom mmọ ke mme obio uforo mfiak nnyọn̄ obio emana mmọ man ẹken̄wam ikọtufọk mmọ ye mbon en̄wen ẹkpep n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Jehovah. " Everything is vanity! " says the congregator, who asks: "What profit does a man have in all his hard work at which he works hard under the sun? " After learning Bible truth, many foreigners willingly leave their assignment in prosperous towns to help their family and others learn about Jehovah. PAGE 25 When many disciples abandoned Jesus, he was interested in hearing the viewpoint of his apostles. PAGE 25 Nam emi ise: I also stopped drinking too much. Try this: " Kpukpru n̄kpọ ẹdi ikpîkpu, " ntre ke ọkwọrọikọ ọdọhọ, onyụn̄ obụp ete: "Owo adia nso udori ke ofụri ọkpọsọn̄ utom esie emi enye anamde ke idak utịn? " For some time, we visited them on Thursdays to study the Bible, and their cleric friend visited them on Fridays. " All things are futile, " says the preacher, "and what benefit does a man gain from all his hard work under the sun? " Ke ini ediwak mbet ẹkekpọn̄de Jesus, ama ọdọn̄ enye ndikop se ikedide ekikere mme apostle esie. In that way, we help righthearted ones to see for themselves that we are teaching God's thoughts, not our own. When many disciples left Jesus, he wanted to hear what was his apostles ' thinking. Mma nnyụn̄ ntre n̄ko ndin̄wọn̄ n̄kpọ mbe ubọk. • What is implied if we reject Jehovah's guidance? I also stopped drinking too. Ke ndusụk ini, nnyịn ima isika ndikpep mmọ Bible ke Thursday, ke ini ọkwọrọ ederi ufan mmọ ekesikade ke Friday. Thus, consider: Would God have given humans such remarkable qualities, along with a seemingly limitless potential to develop and enhance them, if he meant for us to live only a few short years? For a time, we were able to conduct a Bible study with them on Thursday, when a friend went on Friday. Emi esinam mbon oro ẹnyenede eti esịt ẹkụt ke idemmọ ke nnyịn ikpep Ikọ Abasi, idịghe ikọ idem nnyịn. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT This helps righthearted ones to see that we are studying God's Word, not our own. • Nso ke ndisịn ndausụn̄ Jehovah ọwọrọ? Why was it to no avail that the Jewish religious leaders read and studied the Bible? • What does it mean to reject Jehovah's guidance? Ndi emekere ke Abasi ọkpọnọ nnyịn utọ ifiọk oro inyenede mi onyụn̄ ọnọ nnyịn ukeme ndika iso n̄kpep mbufa n̄kpọ edieke enye okoyomde nnyịn idu uwem isua ifan̄ kpọt? " Working hard is the best way to work. Do you think that God would give us such knowledge and give us the strength to continue learning new things if he wanted us to live only a few years? SE BIBLE ETỊN̄DE ABAN̄A How we can do this will be the subject of the following article. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Ntak emi mme adaiso ido ukpono mme Jew mîkọbọhọ ufọn ito edikot ye edikpep Bible? How warm and loving the people here are! Why did the Jewish religious leaders not benefit from reading and studying the Bible? " Enen̄ede ọfọn ndisịn idem nnam utom. Alaska, however, does present challenges - not only the changeable weather but also the vast distances. " It is important to work hard. Ẹyeneme nte nnyịn ikemede ndinam emi ke ibuotikọ oro etienede. True happiness does not come from amassing everything that we might want or from living a life of ease and affluence. How we can do this will be considered in the following article. Nditọ idụt emi ẹnem itie etieti! [ Footnotes] What a beautiful place these people are! Nte ededi, Alaska akama mme n̄kpọ - ata - idịghe ke ntak idaha eyo emi ekemede ndikpụhọde kpọt edi n̄ko ke ntak nnyan usụn̄ isan̄. Instead, the wise individual is disciplined in speech. However, Alaska has challenges not only because of climate changes but also on long distances. Idịghe nnyịn ndikọ akpakịp inyene m̀mê ndidu uwem nte ọbọn̄ edinam inyene ata inemesịt. At that time in your life, comfort was never far away. It is not our desire to amass material possessions or to live as a prince to bring true happiness. [ Mme Ikọ idakisọn̄] Even to this day there are places and occasions when they are beaten to death by the rest of the people. " [ Footnotes] Utu ke oro, enyene - ibuot owo afara ke edeme. (b) What may reveal that we have heartfelt respect for all our brothers and sisters? Rather, a wise person restrains his tongue. Edi nte ikponde ika, ntre n̄ko ke uwem nnyịn esitọn̄ọ ndiwak n̄kukọhọ. 4, 5. (a) How does James warn about the danger of being forgetful hearers? But the more advanced we are, the more complicated our life becomes. Idem tutu esịm mfịn mme itie ye mme idaha ẹdu ẹmi mme owo ẹsitịmde mmọ ẹwot. " One of the jobs of an ancient trainer was "to judge the type and number of exercises that were needed for the individual athlete and the particular sport, " notes one scholar. Even today there are places and situations where people kill them. " (b) Nso ikeme ndiwụt ke imokpono kpukpru nditọete nnyịn ke ofụri esịt? The Bible also provides principles that have a bearing on matters of dress and grooming. (b) What can help us to show heartfelt respect for all our brothers and sisters? 4, 5. (a) Didie ke James odụri owo utọn̄ aban̄a n̄kpọndịk edidi mme andikokop emi ẹfrede? Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. 4, 5. (a) How does James warn against the danger of being forgetful hearers? Kpukpru owo ẹkeda - da unana - mfọnmma ye n̄kpa ẹmana ke ntak idiọkn̄kpọ Adam. [ Pictures on page 16] All humans were born imperfection and death because of Adam's sin. Ekpepn̄wed kiet ọdọhọ ke kiet ke otu utom andikpep ke eset ekedi "ndidụn̄ọde mfiọk orụk ye ibat ukpep oro ediyomde ebre mbuba ọbọ ye akpan mbre oro enye edibrede. " In 1638, however, Jesuits and their Orthodox collaborators accused Lucaris of high treason against the Ottoman Empire. One scholar noted that one of the duties of a teacher in ancient times was "to find out what sort and how much training he would need to receive and the main games he played. " Bible ọnọ mme edumbet n̄ko aban̄a ọfọn̄ ye ukamaidem. But Joshua uses a strategy that plays on the overconfidence of the men of Ai, and Joshua takes the city. The Bible also sheds light on dress and grooming. Item: Tie ke ebiet oro uyom mîdụhe. They said: "We are witnesses of all the things he did. " Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. [ Mme ndise ke page 16] He accepted it and supported David even at the risk of his own life. [ Pictures on page 16] Nte ededi, ke 1638, mbon Jesuit ye nsan̄a mmọ ẹmi ẹdide mbon Orthodox ẹma ẹdori Lucaris ikọ ẹte ke ọsọn̄ ibuot ye Obio Ukara Ottoman. Peak number of Witnesses: 883 However, in Almas and their Orthodox associates falsely accused Lucaris of rebelling against the Ottoman Empire. Edi Joshua ada ifiọk un̄wana ekọn̄ esie akan obio oro sia mbon Ai ẹkekerede ke iyakan nditọ Israel mmemmem mmemmem. Rather, his Word states that singleness has certain distinct advantages over marriage. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28, 32 - 35. Joshua, on the other hand, uses his light to conquer the city because the people of Ai felt that it was easier for the Israelites to conquer it. Oro akanam mmọ ẹdọhọ ẹte: "Nnyịn idi mme ntiense iban̄a kpukpru n̄kpọ emi. " Study Jesus ' reverential model prayer, and you will see that particularly significant features of it are the sanctification of Jehovah's name, the coming of his Kingdom, and the accomplishment of his will. That is why they said: "We are witnesses of all these things. " Enye ama enyịme ye oro onyụn̄ ebere ye David, kpa ye oro ndinam ntre akpakadade enye ibuot. Let them present their witnesses to prove themselves right, or let them hear and say, " It is the truth! ' " - Isa. He agreed and supported David, even though doing so would have led him to act. N̄wakn̄kan ibat Mme Ntiense: 883 We Put Jehovah to the Test (P. Most of the Witnesses: 8703 Utu ke oro, Bible ọdọhọ ke onyụn̄ enyene n̄kpọ emi owo emi mîdọhọ ndọ adade ọfọn akan owo emi ọdọde. - 1 Corinth 7: 28, 32 - 35. He never engaged in small talk. On the contrary, the Bible shows that there is something that is better for a single person than for a married person. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28, 32 - 35. Edieke okotde akam emi Jesus ekekpepde mbet esie, oyokụt ke akpan n̄kpọ emi odude ke akam oro edi: ndinam enyịn̄ Abasi asana, Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ndidi, ye ndinam uduak Abasi. Come Visit Bethel! By reading the model prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, you will see the importance of the prayer: the sanctification of God's name, God's Kingdom, and the doing of God's will. Mîdịghe nte mmọ ẹkeme ndinam nnyịn ikop mme akpa n̄kpọ emi ẹditịbede? In the congregation, Sabina found true friends. Or can they warn us about the first things that lie ahead? Mme Obio Mbono "Mme Andikpep Ikọ Abasi, " 5 / 1 Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Akananam enye ikabuanake ke ikpîkpu nneme. In this case, the parallel illustrates that conquering a lion with his bare hands was no more difficult for Samson than had the lion been a mere male kid. He never shared in a mere conversation. Di Dise Bethel! SEE PAGE 9. Visit Bethel! Sabina ama enyene nti ufan ke Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄. ; Dormanen, E. Sabina had good friends at the Kingdom Hall. Idem ke ntịme ntịme ererimbot emi, afo emekeme ndikop inemesịt ke enyenede nnennen ifiọk Bible aban̄a Abasi, Obio Ubọn̄ esie, ye utịbe utịbe uduak esie kaban̄a ubonowo. How so? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Ikọ emi owụt nte ekedide mmemmem n̄kpọ ọnọ Samson ndida ubọk n̄wai ekpe ukem nte owo akpadade ubọk awai eyen ebot. One of her greatest concerns was that she was sometimes unable to focus her mind on her study of the Bible and spiritual matters. These words indicate how easy it was for Samson to stretch his hand around the lion just as a goat would be torn apart by the hands of a goat. SE PAGE 9. Yes, they do. SEE PAGE 9. ; Dormanen, E. Once, he spent an entire night in prayer to God, evidently seeking guidance on a most important decision. - Luke 6: 12, 13. ; Dormanen, E. Didie? It was not always easy, but all these brothers and sisters were willing to make sacrifices to show their love for Jehovah and for people. How? Udọn̄ọ esie ikayakke enye ekeme ndikot Bible onyụn̄ anam n̄kpọ Abasi nte enye ekesinamde. Let us therefore consider how modern science has confirmed David's conclusion that we are "wonderfully made. " His illness prevented him from reading the Bible and serving God as he did. Ih, ẹsin̄wam. Noah's three sons become the progenitors of the entire human race, but his great - grandson Nimrod becomes "a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " Yes, help is done. Isan̄ kiet, enye ama ada ofụri okoneyo ọbọn̄ akam ọnọ Abasi, ndien etie nte enye okoyom ndausụn̄ ndinam ata akpan ubiere. - Luke 6: 12, 13. In our dealings with them, we can act in the spirit of the words: "Strengthen the weak hands, you people, and make the knees that are wobbling firm. " On one occasion, he spent an entire night in prayer to God, perhaps seeking guidance to make a very important decision. - Luke 6: 12, 13. Imemke utom ndinam kpukpru emi, edi kpukpru nditọete emi ẹnyịme ndiyak n̄kpọ atak mmọ man ẹwụt adan̄a nte imade Jehovah ye mme owo. 4: 2; Rom. 15: 4. All of this is not easy, but all of these brothers and sisters are willing to make sacrifices in order to demonstrate the depth of their love for Jehovah and for others. Ke ntre, ẹyak ise nte ifiọk ntaifiọk eyomfịn ọsọn̄ọde ikọ David ke " imenyene ndyọ ' ke nte ẹnamde nnyịn. They usually learned the trade from their father. Let us, therefore, consider how modern science confirms David's words "is wonderfully made. " Nditọiren Noah ita ẹkekabade ẹdi ete ete ofụri ekpụk ubonowo, edi eyen eyeyen esie, Nimrod akabade edi "ata - utop ke iso Jehovah. " Paul counseled Timothy to behave like a respectful son and a caring brother The three sons of Noah became the father of the entire human race, but his grandson Nimrod became "a mighty hunter in the face of Jehovah. " Ke mme edinam nnyịn ye mmọ, nnyịn imekeme ndinam n̄kpọ ekekem ye mme ikọ emi: "Mbufo ẹsọn̄ mmeme ubọk, ẹnyụn̄ ẹsịn odudu ke edọn̄ eke ẹfụmde. " Our schoolmates too treated us with respect. In our dealings with them, we can comply with the words: "Be strong and strong in the knees that are broken. " 4: 2; Rome 15: 4. Jehovah does not pick and choose the trials we face. 4: 2; Rom. 15: 4. Ete mmọ ekesiwak ndikpep mmọ. Now the seventh day was here, and it was different. Their father often taught them. Paul ama eteme Timothy ete okpono n̄kani owo onyụn̄ ada mme uyen nte ndima nditọeka esie What a glorious freedom that is! Paul urged Timothy to show respect for the elderly and to view young ones as beloved brothers Nditọ ufọkn̄wed nnyịn n̄ko ẹma ẹnam n̄kpọ ye nnyịn ukpono ukpono. In the coming new world, he will eventually remove all traces of sin, progressively raising faithful mankind to perfection and a righteous standing. The students too treated us with respect. Jehovah isibiereke utọ idomo oro edisịmde nnyịn. That differs from what Jesus directed his disciples to do. Jehovah does not choose what kind of temptation will come upon us. Emi anam idem enen̄ede emem kpukpru owo ke Jericho ke ini mmọ ẹkopde emi. The remnant of the bride class have been particularly grateful to these "virgin companions " for their zealous help in preaching" this good news of the Kingdom " throughout the inhabited earth. As a result, all in Jericho feel better about hearing this. Idụhe ifụre oro ọfọnde nte ifụre oro spirit Jehovah esinamde owo enyene! She slammed the door and left. The freedom that Jehovah's spirit produces! Ke obufa ererimbot emi enye ọn̄wọn̄ọde, enye oyosio kpukpru idiọkn̄kpọ tutu kpukpru mbon oro ẹbuọtde idem ye enye ẹfọn ẹma. How did this apply to God's dealings with the people of Israel and Judah? In his promised new world, he will do away with all sins until all who exercise faith in him stand complete. Emi okpụhọde ye se Jesus ọkọdọhọde mbet esie ẹnam. He vowed to those people that he would defend them against attackers, and he did. This differs from what Jesus instructed his followers to do. Nsụhọ mbon oro ẹnamde n̄wanndọ ẹnen̄ede ẹkọm "nditọiban emi mîfiọkke erenowo emi ẹsan̄ade " ye n̄wanndọ ke ntak emi mmọ ẹsịnde ifịk ẹn̄wam mmọ ẹkwọrọ" eti mbụk obio ubọn̄ emi " ke ofụri isọn̄. Walk in It " (E. A remnant of brides greatly appreciate the efforts of "the virgin companions " of the bride because of their zealous share in preaching" the good news of the kingdom " throughout the earth. Enye ama ọtọ usụn̄ eberi ke iyatesịt ọwọrọ. They were washed ashore on the island of Malta. He struck the door out of anger. Didie ke emi enyene ebuana ye nte Abasi akanamde n̄kpọ ye Israel ye Judah? However, we also use whatever abilities and other gifts we may have in trying to warm the hearts of our fellow believers with uplifting words and helpful deeds - expressions of God's undeserved kindness. How does this relate to God's dealings with Israel and Judah? Enye ama ọn̄wọn̄ọ ke iyan̄wana ye idụt ekededi emi ẹdide en̄wan ye mmọ, enye ama onyụn̄ anam oro. Heartfelt appreciation motivates us to do this regularly, possibly setting aside something on a weekly basis, as did the early Christians. - 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2. He promised to wage war against any nation that was coming against them, and he did so. " Emi Edi Ọkpọ - Usụn̄ " (E. In fact, almost every time that the Scriptures refer to the end of this system of things, we find the warning to stay awake or to keep on the watch. " This Is the Way " (E. Mmọ ẹma ẹbọhọ ẹkesịm obot ke isuo Malta. [ Footnotes] They arrived at the island of Malta. Nte ededi, nnyịn n̄ko imesida ukeme ye mme enọ eken oro inyenede idomo ndisịn udọn̄ nnọ nditọete nnyịn ke ikọ ye ke edinam - kpukpru emi ẹdi mfọnido Abasi oro owo mîdotke. No other work comes close to the Bible in breadth of distribution and availability. However, we also endeavor to encourage our brothers by word and deed - all of this is God's undeserved kindness. Ntotụn̄ọ esịtekọm esinụk nnyịn ndinam emi kpukpru ini, ndusụk isiode n̄kpọ inịm ke urua ke urua, nte mme akpa Christian ẹkesinamde. - 1 Corinth 16: 1, 2. The destruction of Satan's wicked system will make Christ's presence manifest Deep appreciation moves us to do this regularly, perhaps taking notes weekly, as did the early Christians. - 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2. Ke akpanikọ, ekpere ndidi kpukpru ini oro N̄wed Abasi etịn̄de n̄kpọ aban̄a utịt editịm n̄kpọ emi, ẹsiteme nnyịn ẹte idu ke ukpeme m̀mê ikpeme. For instance, loving Christian elders see the need to be merciful toward fellow believers, " showing mercy with cheerfulness ' when this is appropriate. - Romans 12: 8; James 2: 13; Jude 22, 23. In fact, almost every time the Scriptures speak of the end of this system of things, we are admonished to keep on the watch or to keep on the watch. [ Mme Ikọ Idakisọn̄] What accounted for their joy and courage? - Read Luke 10: 1, 17 - 21. [ Footnotes] Mfịn Bible odu ke se ibede usem 2,800, edide ofụri Bible m̀mê ndusụk ikpehe esie. Stress built up. Today, the Bible is available in whole or in part in over 2,800 languages. Nsobo idiọk editịm n̄kpọ Satan ayanam ẹfiọk edidu Christ What principles should parents apply when disciplining their children? The destruction of Satan's wicked system will identify Christ's presence Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ima ima mbiowo Christian ẹsikụt ufọn editua mme ekemmọ andinịm ke akpanikọ mbọm, " ẹtuade mbọm ke ntatido ' ke ini emi odotde. - Rome 12: 8; James 2: 13; Jude 22, 23. Karen and I believe that Jehovah will soon bring great changes to the earth, but we no longer fear the end. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 2 Peter 3: 11, 12. 12: 8; James 2: 13; Jude 22, 23. Nso ikan̄wam mmọ ẹkwọrọ ikọ uko uko ẹnyụn̄ ẹkop idatesịt ntre? - Kot Luke 10: 1, 17 - 21. The event attracted nearly 500,000 shoppers! What enabled them to preach with boldness and to experience similar joy? - Read Luke 10: 1, 17 - 21. Emi ama anam efịghe mi. Without that context, it may be difficult for you to determine which meaning of the word may apply. As a result, I was under stress. Mme edumbet ewe ke mme ete ye eka ẹkpeda ẹsịn ke edinam ke ini ẹtụnọde nditọ mmọ? As he indicated when instituting the Memorial of his death, his own perfect human life was the sacrifice. What principles should parents apply when disciplining their children? Ami ye n̄wan mi imenen̄ede inịm ke Jehovah ọmọn̄ enen̄ede okpụhọde n̄kpọ ke isọn̄, edi nnyịn ikopke aba ndịk iban̄a utịt. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 2 Peter 3: 11, 12. On April 24, 1993, I was invited to attend the dedication program of a new branch office complex, which included 13 buildings, in Lusaka, Zambia. My wife and I are convinced that Jehovah will soon change things on earth, but we are no longer afraid of the end. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 2 Peter 3: 11, 12. Se ikperede ndisịm mme edep n̄kpọ 500,000 ẹkedep n̄kpọ ke ufọkurua oro! In time, I began to serve as a traveling overseer, visiting the growing number of these congregations and groups throughout the country. Nearly half a million purchase was bought in the store! Ekeme ndisọn̄ fi ndisiak se ikọ oro ọwọrọde edieke mûfiọkke se ẹketịn̄de ẹsiak ikọ oro. She would also have the special privilege of bearing children. You may find it difficult to interpret the meaning of those words if you do not know what was said. Nte enye ọkọdọhọde ke ini ọkọtọn̄ọde Editi n̄kpa esie, mfọnmma uwem esie ekedi uwa oro. Huldah has relayed the word of Jehovah, indicating that the calamities recorded in the newly found book will befall the apostate nation. As he said when instituting the Memorial of his death, his perfect human life was that sacrifice. Ke April 24, 1993, ẹma ẹnọ mi ikot ndidụk edinam ediyak obufa okụre ọfis n̄kọk itieutom, emi ekesịnede ufọk 13, ke Lusaka, Zambia, nnọ. One of the pillars of the Bible's message is that Jesus came to earth to redeem from their sinful condition those exercising faith in him. On April 24, 1993, I was invited to attend the dedication of the newly constructed branch office, which included 13 homes in Okaka, Zambia. Nte ini akakade, mma mfiak ntọn̄ọ utom nte esenyịn oro asan̄ade - san̄a, nsinyụn̄ nsan̄a nse mme esop ye n̄kpri otu emi ke ofụri obio oro. Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Reports Regarding the Discussions of the Royal Saxonian Society of Sciences at Leipzig); Volume 67; May 1, 1915; in the article "Ein astronomischer Beobachtungstext aus dem 37. In time, I resumed my service as a traveling overseer, visiting congregations and small groups throughout the city. N̄wan emi n̄ko ayaman nditọ. By diligent study of the Scriptures and prayerful meditation on them, we can become pure in heart. She too will give birth to children. Huldah ayarade ikọ Jehovah, owụtde nte ke mme idiọkn̄kpọ oro ẹwetde ke n̄wed oro ẹfiọhọde mi ẹyesịm idụt nsọn̄ibuot oro. When meetings in Maya began to be held, she decided to invite him. Huldah reveals Jehovah's word, showing that the sins recorded in the book will reach the rebellious nation. Kiet ke otu akpan ukpepn̄kpọ Bible edi ke Jesus ekedi isọn̄ man edifak mbon oro ẹbuọtde idem ye enye osio ke idiọkn̄kpọ mmọ. HISTORY: DEFRAUDER, GAMBLER One of the fundamental teachings of the Bible is that Jesus came to earth to deliver those who exercise faith in him from their sins. Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Se Ntaifiọk Saxony ke Leipzig ẹkewetde); Eboho 67; May1, 1915; ke ibuotikọ emi, "Ein astronomischer Beobachtungstext * aus dem 37. " Make My Heart Rejoice " Sächch Gesen der Moensen zu Leipzig (See the University of Science in Leipzig); Volume 67; May11); in this article, "Einnomo Beobach Astbach de 37. Ebede ke ndikpep N̄wed Abasi ifịk ifịk nnyụn̄ ntie n̄kere mmọ ke akam, nnyịn imekeme ndinyene edisana esịt. (b) What might cause a Christian to lose sight of his hope? By diligently studying the Scriptures and meditating on them in prayer, we can maintain a pure heart. Ke ini ẹketọn̄ọde ndinịm mme mbono esop ke usem Maya, eyenete emi ama okot ebe esie edi edidụk. Jehovah, though, can do much more, as he did in Jeremiah's day. When meetings were held in Maya, the brother invited her to attend. SE ENYE EKEDIDE: UTỌTỌ YE OWO MBRE MFỌNISO As you might imagine, Mary was deeply disturbed at this and perhaps a little frightened. HISTORY: VIOLENT GANG MEMBER " Dat Mi Esịt " What can you do to encourage a friend who is seriously ill? " Be Joyful With My Heart " (b) Nso ikeme ndinam Christian efre idotenyịn esie? Abraham says: "From the Bible, I learned that all those years spent fighting were wasted. (b) What may cause a Christian to lose his hope? Edi Jehovah ekeme ndinam se ikande oro, nte enye akanamde ke eyo Jeremiah. The winters were long and cold, with many weeks of subzero temperatures and lots of snow. But Jehovah can do more, as he did in Jeremiah's day. Nte eyịghe mîdụhe, ekọm oro ama etịmede Mary esịt onyụn̄ enyek enye idem. 13, 14. Without a doubt, Mary was distressed and terrified. Nso ke afo ekeme ndinam man esịn udọn̄ ọnọ ufan fo emi enen̄erede ọdọn̄ọ? Jehovah helped him to conquer the Philistine giant Goliath and supported David as he came to be celebrated in Israel for his military prowess. What can you do to encourage a friend who is seriously ill? Abraham ọdọhọ ete: "Mma n̄kpep nto Bible nte ke kpukpru isua oro n̄kabiatde n̄n̄wana ekọn̄ ẹketatak. GUYANA Abraham says: "I learned from the Bible that all those years spent fighting were wasted. Ini etuep ẹma ẹsinen̄ede ẹbịt ẹnyụn̄ ẹbịghi, ndien ama esidu ediwak urua emi ẹkesibịtde ẹkan ice, snow ẹnyụn̄ ẹdepde ekese. After many years, Olga's husband started to treat her better because she had been so patient and always showed him respect. The winter was extremely dark and long, and there were weeks worth more than ice and snow. 13, 14. For instance, it may be that a pattern of unkind speech has crept into their marriage and now characterizes it. 13, 14. Jehovah ama anam enye akan Goliath, kpa edikon̄ owo Philistine, onyụn̄ anam kpukpru owo ke Israel ẹtọn̄ọ ndikpono David ke ntak mbufiọk un̄wana ekọn̄ esie. Why? Jehovah gave him victory over the Philistine giant Goliath, and the people in Israel began to respect David for his military prowess. PARAGUAY 16, 17. (a) Although Asa was victorious, what reminder did Jehovah give him? PUATEMALA Nte ini akakade, ebe Olga ikọsọn̄ke ido aba ye enye ke ntak emi enye ekemede ime onyụn̄ okponode enye. John and I made frequent visits to this peaceful site, away from the city's noise and pollution. In time, Olga's husband no longer treated her with patience and respect. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ekeme ndidi idiọk ikọinua ọnyọni odụk ndọ. 2: 3. For example, an unruly tongue may have crept into a marriage. Ntak - a? How do you know? Why? 16, 17. (a) Okposụkedi Asa akakande, nso item ke Jehovah ọkọnọ enye? And rather than regale his listeners with personal stories about life in heaven or the creation of the universe, "he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " 16, 17. (a) Despite Asa's victory, what counsel did Jehovah give him? Ami ye ebe mi ima isiwak ndika obufa ebiet emi, oro uyom ye ofụm oro ẹsabarede mîdụhe, nte esidude ke ikpọ obio. We thank Jehovah that we have been able to encourage each other to endure in his precious work. My husband and I often went to this new location, where there were no noise and airless air, as is common in the cities. 2: 3. Luke 24: 27 says: "Commencing at Moses and all the Prophets he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures. " 2: 3. Afo asan̄a didie ọfiọk? Godly love does not expect perfection from imperfect people. How do you know? Jesus ikesibụkke nte uwem eketiede ke heaven m̀mê nte ẹkebotde ekondo, utu ke oro, enye "[ama atat mme owo] ikike ọyọhọ ọyọhọ man mmọ ẹfiọk se N̄wed Abasi ọwọrọde. " On the contrary, Bible scholar Bruce Metzger wrote: "By the close of the second century,... a high degree of unanimity concerning the greater part of the New Testament was attained among the very diverse and scattered congregations of believers not only throughout the Mediterranean world but also over an area extending from Britain to Mesopotamia. " Instead, Jesus "fully opened up the minds of men to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " Imọkọm Jehovah sia ikemede ndisịn udọn̄ nnọ kiet eken aka iso anam utom Abasi. Just before liberation, this brother narrowly escaped death during the bombardment of the camp where he was being held. Thankfully, we can encourage one another to keep on serving God. Luke 24: 27 ọdọhọ ete: "Enye ọtọn̄ọ ke Moses ye kpukpru mme prophet asian se ẹketịn̄de ẹban̄a Enye ke Idem Esie ke ofụri N̄wed Abasi ọnọ mmọ. " But what can you do if your teenager constantly seems to be irritated by your rules? Luke 24: 27 states: "He began to tell them from Moses and all the prophets what had said about him in all the Scriptures. " Ima Abasi iyomke mfọnmma ito mme anana - mfọnmma owo. The former things have passed away. " God's love does not require perfection from imperfect humans. Utu ke oro, Bruce Metzger, emi edide eyen ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, ekewet ete: "Ke n̄kpọ nte isua 1,800 emi ẹkebede,... kpukpru esop mme andinịm ke akpanikọ oro ẹkesinamde n̄kpọ ke ata nsio nsio usụn̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹsuanade ẹyọhọ ofụri Mediterranean ye mme nsannsan ebiet, ọtọn̄ọde ke Britain tutu esịm Mesopotamia, ẹma ẹdiana kiet ẹnyịme ekese ikpehe Obufa Testament. " * Such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on. - Hebrews 11: 1. Instead, wrote Bible scholar Bruce abundance: "In the third century... all believers who lived in different ways and scattered throughout the Mediterranean and faraway regions from Mesopotamia to Mesopotamia were united in many parts of the New Testament. " Esisịt ini mbemiso enye ekenyenede ifụre, eyenete oro ama ọbọhọ n̄kpa ke ikwa ifụhi ke ini ẹkeduọkde bọmb ke itienna oro enye okodude. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Shortly before his freedom, the brother escaped death in a knife when his camp was destroyed. Nso ke akpanam edieke etiede nte ke kpukpru ibet emi enịmde ayayat nditọ fo? He has "a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it. " What can you do if your teenager seems to be upset by all the rules you set for him? Mme akpa n̄kpọ ẹma ẹbe ẹfep. " The brutality and unscrupulousness of his methods never depressed him. " The former things have passed away. " * Utọ ekikere oro anam ẹbụp ediwak mbụme oro owo mîkemeke ndibọrọ onyụn̄ anam ẹnyene mbuọtidem oro mînyeneke isọn̄. - Mme Hebrew 11: 1. Rather, we are God's creation, made in his own image. * Such thinking raises many unanswered questions and builds faith that does not belong to the earth. - Hebrews 11: 1. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: " Mbufo ẹka ẹkenam kpukpru mme idụt ẹdi mbet Mi, ẹnịm mmọ baptism ẹsịn ke enyịn̄ Ete ye Eyen ye Edisana Spirit: ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpep mmọ ẹnam kpukpru n̄kpọ eke n̄ketemede mbufo: ndien sese, Ami ndodu ye mbufo kpukpru ini, tutu esịm utịt ererimbot. ' - Matthew 28: 19, 20. He is righteous, yes, saved; humble, and riding upon an ass, even upon a full - grown animal the son of a she - ass. " He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Enye enyene " anyan edisọp akan̄kan̄ man ada ekpen̄e mme idụt. ' They know that their confidence is well - founded, a confidence all of us share. He has "a sharp sword against the nations. " Akananam ibak ibak ye oburobụt usụn̄ unam n̄kpọ esie ikanamke enye okop mfụhọ. " By taking these to heart, we can echo the words of the psalmist who stated: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " His vicious and immoral ways never hurt him. " Utu ke oro, Abasi okobot nnyịn ke mbiet esie. Jehovah hates those "loving violence. " Rather, God created us in his image. Enye edi edinen owo emi ẹnyan̄ade; osụhọde idem, onyụn̄ awat ke ass, ke unam emi okponde ọwọrọ, kpa eyen uman ass. " This will safeguard us and help us to continue to be God's friends. He is a righteous man who is saved, humble, and rides upon an ass, a young beast that goes forth out of the ass. " Mmọ ẹkụt ke se mmimọ inịmde edi ata akpanikọ, ndien ke imekeme nditịn̄ uko uko nnọ owo ekededi emi amade ndikop. Were the Anakim descendants of the pre - Flood Nephilim? They have found that their beliefs are true and can speak boldly to anyone who wants to hear. Ke ini nnyịn itiede ikere mme utọ ufan̄ikọ emi ke Bible, nnyịn iyekeme nditiene ntịn̄ ikọ oro andiwet psalm eketịn̄de ete: "Ke uwak ekikere emi odude mi ke esịt ndọn̄esịt fo enem mi esịt. " All the explanations offered to help Osman understand the hellfire doctrine failed to put him at ease. When we meditate on such Bible verses, we will be able to echo the words of the psalmist who said: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of you, your own consolations began to fondle my heart. " Jehovah asua mbon oro " ẹmade afai. ' Eleven - year - old Loïs in Togo says this about her family's determination: "Even though we sometimes have to start our family worship late because of something that has come up during the day, we always have our family worship. " Jehovah hates those who "love violence. " " Edisana esịt " eyekpeme nnyịn onyụn̄ anam ika iso idi ufan Abasi. Let us consider three ways: He strengthens us when we seek his help to resist temptation, he supports us when we have to deal with apathy or outright opposition, and he buoys us up when anxieties weigh us down. " The pure heart " will protect us and preserve our friendship with God. Ndi nditọ Anak oro mmọ ẹkekụtde ẹkedi nditọ Nephilim oro ẹkedude mbemiso ukwọ? The Bible contains a fund of information regarding family authority Did the children they saw were offspring of the Nephilim who lived before the Flood? Ofụri se ẹketịn̄de ndinam ukpepn̄kpọ hell ikan̄ an̄wan̄a Osman ikọnọhọ enye ifụre ekikere. When observing creation, we are impressed with the way all of Jehovah's creative works, small and large, serve a beneficial purpose. Osman's clear explanation of hellfire did not bring him peace of mind. Kop se Loïs emi edide isua 11, emi onyụn̄ odụn̄de ke Togo, etịn̄de mi aban̄a nte ubon mmọ ẹbierede ndisinịm Utuakibuot Ubon: "Imesinịm Utuakibuot Ubon nnyịn kpukpru urua, idem ọkpọkọm n̄kpọ anam itọn̄ọ ke idiọk ini. " In Pr 31 verse 10, "a capable wife " is likened to rare and valuable corals, which in Bible times were obtained only with considerable effort. Regarding family worship, 11 - year - old Los, who live in Togo, says of their family's decision: "We worship our family each week, even if we have a bad start. " Ẹyak ineme usụn̄ ita: Enye esisọn̄ọ nnyịn idem ke ini iyomde un̄wam esie man ikan idomo, enye esin̄wam nnyịn ke ini mme owo mînyeneke udọn̄ ke etop nnyịn m̀mê ke ini ẹbiọn̄ọde nnyịn, ndien enye esisọn̄ọ nnyịn idem ke ini esịt ọduọde nnyịn. Enlightenment, 7 / 1 Let us consider three ways: He sustains us when we need his help to resist temptation, he helps us when people lack interest in our message or when we are opposed, and he sustains us when we are downhearted. Bible ọdọn̄ọ ediwak ntọt ẹban̄ade odudu ukara ke ubon Gratitude: No. The Bible contains many reports of authority in the family Esinem nnyịn ndikụt ke kpukpru n̄kpọ oro Jehovah obotde, n̄kpri ye ikpọ, ẹnyene ufọn. Note how some modern - day prodigals have expressed their appreciation for Jehovah's mercy and the love and support of the congregation. It is heartwarming to see that all of Jehovah's creative works, young and old, are useful. Ke N̄ke 31 ufan̄ikọ 10, ẹmen "enyene - ido an̄wan " ẹdomo ye ọsọn̄urua pearl emi owo mîsisọpke ikụt, emi ẹkesisịnde ọkpọsọn̄ ukeme ke mme ini Bible man ẹnyene. The Witnesses gladly accepted the offer. In Pr 31 verse 10, "an excellent woman " is likened to an easy - to - read pearl that was used in Bible times with great effort. Ẹnen̄ede Ẹnam N̄kọri (Taiwan), 8 / 15 Why is it important for a wife to support her husband in his active involvement in theocratic activities? 12 / 1 Ndisikọm Owo: No. Some go on spending sprees when they feel depressed. Gratitude: No. Ndusụk owo emi ẹketiede nte idiọk udọ ẹdọhọ ke imama nte Jehovah akatuade mmimọ mbọm onyụn̄ amade mmimọ, ye nte nditọete ẹken̄wamde mmimọ. Your continued preaching of the good news of the Kingdom may draw ridicule. Some who were like the prodigal son say that they appreciated Jehovah's mercy and his love for them, and that the brothers helped them. Mme Ntiense oro ẹma ẹnyịme enọ oro ke idatesịt. Good Conduct Bears Fruit The Witnesses gladly accepted the offer. Ntak emi ọfọnde n̄wan an̄wam ebe ke ini ebe esịnde ifịk ke mme edinam esop Abasi? Because they do not exercise justice, they fail to fulfill their commission to protect the flock. Why is it important for a wife to be supportive when husband is active in theocratic activities? Ndusụk owo ẹsisịn idem ke ebeubọk edinam ke ini mmọ ẹkopde mfụhọ. An insightful couple also know that there is "a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. " Some get involved in extreme acts when they are depressed. Afo ndika iso n̄kwọrọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ ekeme ndinam mme owo ẹsak fi. Additionally, more and more people choose to burn incense in their homes simply to enjoy its pleasant aroma. Your continuing to preach the good news of the Kingdom can make you laugh at others. Eti Edu Uwem Ada Nti Utịp Edi There are more people who can be infected. Good Conduct Brings Fine Results Sia mmọ mîkpehe unenikpe, mmọ ẹkpu ndinam utom mmọ edide ndikpeme otuerọn̄. We are free to choose between life and death, good and bad. Because they do not exercise justice, they fail to fulfill their responsibility to shepherd the flock. Ebe ye n̄wan emi ẹnyenede ikike ẹfiọk n̄ko ke odu "ini eke ẹdopde uyo ye ini eke ẹtịn̄de ikọ. " AMARILLO, TX, Civic Center Coliseum, 3rd & Buchanan Sts. A discerning couple also realize that there is "a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. " Adianade do, ata ediwak owo ẹma ndifọp incense ke ufọk mmọ man ẹkop edinem ufuọn̄ esie. 16, 17. Additionally, most people offered incense in their homes to enjoy its sweet - smelling aroma. Nte mme owo ẹwakde, ntre ke ẹmen udọn̄ọ. [ Map on page 16] As many people do, they are being cured. Imenyene ifụre ndimek uwem m̀mê n̄kpa, eti m̀mê idiọk. Rather, he said that he would worship God when his heart moved him to do so and that I was not to push him. We have the freedom to choose life or to die, either for good or for bad. UBOGO 6 (Ikọmbakara) Their forefathers had eaten only manna in the wilderness for 40 years. LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. 16, 17. How could the army of the living God, Jehovah, flee in terror from a mere man - and a pagan at that? 16, 17. [ Ndise obio ke page 16] " Even in old age, " he still enjoys serving Jehovah. [ Map on page 16] Enye ọkọdọhọ ke utu ke oro ke imọ idituak ibuot inọ Abasi ke ini esịt onụkde imọ ndinam ntre, ndien ke inaha ami nnyịk imọ. His dominant quality is love. Instead, he said that he would serve God only when his heart impelled him to do so and that I should not force him to do so. Mme ete ete mmọ ẹkedia manna kpọt ke wilderness ke isua 40. Though Jehovah is patient, he is also just and will not forever tolerate wickedness. Their forefathers ate only manna in the wilderness for 40 years. Ntak emi okpono ndem emi ekpesịnde udịmekọn̄ Jehovah ndịk ke idem - e? 3: 10; 4: 15. Why would this pagan approach serve as a threat to Jehovah's army? Enye osụk okokop inemesịt ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi idem "ke ini usọn̄. " Would you use Bible principles to make important decisions about your employment, family, or worship if modern Bibles were merely flawed copies recorded by humans? He is still happy to serve God even "in the days of old age. " N̄wọrọnda edu esie edi ima. My future looked bright. His outstanding quality is love. Okposụkedi Jehovah enyenede ime, enye n̄ko edi edinen idinyụn̄ iyọhọ idiọkido ke nsinsi. You might be inclined to take offense at the correction. Though Jehovah is patient, he is also righteous and will fill the earth with wickedness forever. 3: 10; 4: 15. Not all who have the hope of living in heaven are part of "the faithful and discreet slave. " 3: 10; 4: 15. Ndi akpada se Bible etịn̄de ebiere utọ utom emi akpanamde, nte akpanamde n̄kpọ ye ubon fo, ye nte okpokponode Abasi edieke ekerede ke Bible oro inyenede mfịn ọyọhọ ye ndudue? Also, you behold and hear how not only in Ephesus but in nearly all the district of Asia this Paul has persuaded a considerable crowd and turned them to another opinion, saying that the ones that are made by hands are not gods. " - Acts 19: 25, 26. Would you use the Bible's advice on how to handle such employment, how to treat your family, and how to respect God if you feel that you have a Bible that is accurate today? Eketie nte nyoforo. Of more value than gold or silver is the treasure that can be found in the pages of God's Word, the Bible. It seemed as if I would prosper. Emekeme ndiyat esịt ke ini ẹnọde fi item. " Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span? " asked Jesus. You may become angry when counsel is given. Idịghe kpukpru mbon oro ẹdoride enyịn ndika heaven ẹdi "ofụn emi anamde akpanikọ onyụn̄ enyenede ọniọn̄. " Did he deny them? Not all who hope to go to heaven are "the faithful and discreet slave. " N̄ko, mbufo ẹmekụt ẹnyụn̄ ẹkop ẹte idịghe ke Ephesus ikpọn̄ edi ekpere ndidi ke ofụri n̄kann̄kụk Asia ke Paul emi anam ata ediwak owo ẹnịm ke akpanikọ onyụn̄ anam mmọ ẹwọn̄ọde ẹnyene ekikere en̄wen, ọdọhọde ete mme abasi eke ẹdade ubọk ẹnam idịghe abasi. " - Utom 19: 25, 26. What makes our time so different from the past? Also, you have seen and heard that Ephesus is not the only place in the district of Asia in which Paul has helped millions to believe and to turn them away from gods. " - Acts 19: 25, 26. Ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ oro odude ke Ikọ Abasi, kpa Bible akan gold m̀mê silver. So Genival decided to sell his home and give the proceeds to the church. The treasure of God's Word, the Bible, is more valuable than gold or silver. Emi akanam Jesus obụp ete: "Anie ke otu mbufo ekeme ndidian cubit kiet ke isua uwem esie ke ntak emi enye okopde editịmede esịt? " " Look at the work; don't look at the workers. " Hence, Jesus asked: "Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span? " Ndi enye ama akan̄ ke imọ ikenyeneke eyịghe? 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. Did he vow that he had no doubt? Nso inam eyo nnyịn okpụhọde ye eset? (b) What is the greatest privilege any human can have? What makes our day different from the past? Ntre Genival ama ebiere ndinyam ufọk esie nnyụn̄ n̄kpọn̄ okụk oro nnọ ufọkabasi. Where you live, which religion promotes the use of God's name? - Read John 17: 26; Romans 10: 13, 14. So Genival decided to sell his home and leave the money for the church. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹse utom mbufo ẹnam; ẹkûse owo. Indeed, "very many are his mercies. " He said: "Pay attention to your work; you do not look for someone. 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. (b) Ewe utom idi n̄kponn̄kan utom emi owo ekededi ekemede ndinam? Publishers and pioneers alike responded to the call, reaching the goal of one million hours in 1938. (b) What work is the greatest responsibility anyone can perform? Ewe ido ukpono ẹsinen̄ede ẹkot ẹnyụn̄ ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a enyịn̄ Abasi ke edem mbufo? - Kot John 17: 26; Rome 10: 13, 14. An influential part of the Athenian press started attacking the Pallis translation, labeling its supporters "atheists, "" traitors, " and "agents of foreign powers " who were bent on destabilizing Greek society. Which religion is especially used and used in your area? - Read John 17: 26; Romans 10: 13, 14. Ke akpanikọ, " mbọm esie awak eti - eti. ' " The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, " declared the apostle John. Indeed, "his mercies are abundant. " [ Ebiet ẹdade ndise ẹto ke page 20] Like the apostle Paul, I can truly say: " For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. ' " - Philippians 4: 13. [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] Mme asuanetop ye mme asiakusụn̄ ẹma ẹsịn ifịk ẹkwọrọ ikọ, ndien ẹma ẹnyene hour miliọn kiet ke 1938. Therefore, caring for my children would be quite a challenge. The publishers and pioneers were active in the preaching work, and an hour was spent in 1938. Ediwak ufọkutom usuanmbụk n̄kpọntịbe Athens ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndibiọn̄ọ edikabade Pallis, ẹkotde mme andima edikabade emi "mbon oro mînịmke ke Abasi odu, "" mbon mbia, " ye "mme isụn̄utom ukara esenidụt " oro ẹkebierede ndibiat obio Greece. What can be learned from the Passover is not just Jehovah's ability to protect his people. A number of Athens's journalists began to oppose the translation of the Bible, called lovers of it "those who do not believe in God, "" traitors, " and "the foreign ambassadors " who were bent on destroying the Greek city. Apostle John ọkọdọhọ ete ke "ofụri ererimbot onyụn̄ esịne ke ubọk andidiọk. " How were they able to solve the problem? " The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, " said the apostle John. Mmekeme nditịn̄ nte apostle Paul eketịn̄de ete: " Mmenyene ukeme ndinam kpukpru n̄kpọ ebe ke enye emi ọnọde mi odudu. ' " - Philippi 4: 13. That intriguing dialogue was the result of a remarkable demonstration of athletic agility by 97 - year - old Jacob. I can say as did the apostle Paul: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. ' " - Philippians 4: 13. Ke ntem, ikememke utom ndikama nditọ mi. It is important, then, that we continue to take in Bible knowledge and become better acquainted with Jesus Christ. Thus, it was not easy for me to raise my children. Idịghe Jehovah ndikpeme ikọt esie edi n̄kukụre se ikpepde ito Passover. If we never " sit in the seat of ridiculers, ' we will avoid the disaster that is sure to befall them. - Proverbs 1: 22 - 27. Jehovah's protection of his people is not limited to what we learn from the Passover. Didie ke mmọ ẹkekọk mfịna emi? Rearing children is a serious challenge for Christian parents. How did they solve the problem? Edemede - owo - udọn̄ nneme emi ekedi utịp ediwụt n̄wọrọnda usọ ke en̄wan oro Jacob oro ekedide isua 97 ke emana akan̄wanade. There the cargoes were loaded on other vessels to continue their journey. This intriguing discussion was the result of an outstanding skill in Jacob's 97 - year - old struggle. Do, edi ata akpan n̄kpọ nnyịn ndika iso n̄kọ ifiọk Bible nnyụn̄ nnen̄ede mfiọk Jesus Christ. For example, time and again Jesus tried to impress upon them the need to be humble. It is, then, vital that we continue to take in accurate knowledge of the Bible and get to know Jesus Christ well. Edieke nnyịn mîdehede " itie ke itie mbon nsahi, ' nnyịn iyọbọhọ nsobo oro mîditreke ndisịm mmọ. - Mme N̄ke 1: 22 - 27. Now is the time to stay close to the Christian congregation If we avoid "the seat of ridiculers, " we will be free of the inevitable destruction that will come upon them. - Proverbs 1: 22 - 27. Edi ata ọkpọsọn̄ n̄kpọ ọnọ mme ete ye eka oro ẹdide Christian ndibọk nditọ. Why should training others in Jehovah's service be important to us? It is very difficult for Christian parents to raise children. Mmọ ẹyedọn̄ mmọ do ke nsụn̄ikan̄ en̄wen ẹka iso ke isan̄ oro. Part of God's purpose for us is that we enjoy life. They would be sent there on another ship to continue the journey. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, Jesus ama esidomo ediwak ini ndikpep mmọ ntak oro okoyomde mmọ ẹsụhọde idem. Jehovah Admonishes Israel For example, Jesus repeatedly tried to teach them why they needed to be humble. Ini edi emi ndisọn̄ọ ndu ke esop Christian For this reason, the apostle Paul counseled Christians: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, " who" humbled himself and became obedient as far as death. " Now is the time to stay in the Christian congregation Ntak emi anade isịn idem inọ mbon en̄wen ukpep? He kindly explained to me what Bethel was like and stressed that sticking close to Jehovah was essential to making a success of life there. Why do we need to train others? Abasi oyom nnyịn ikop inem uwem. Let us examine four of these accounts and consider what they reveal. God wants us to enjoy life. Jehovah Ọnọ Israel Item Preaching to Hard - to - Reach Audiences Jehovah gives instruction to Israel Oro akanam apostle Paul eteme mme Christian ete: "Ẹnyene orụk edu ukere n̄kpọ emi Christ Jesus ekenyenede, " enye ama" osụhọde idem onyụn̄ akabade osụk ibuot tutu osụn̄ọ ke n̄kpa. " When you and your family see the hard work of Bethelites, relief workers, missionaries, and brothers who prepare and organize conventions, appreciation for the worldwide brotherhood will surely grow in your heart. Hence, the apostle Paul urged Christians: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was in Christ Jesus, " he" humbled himself and became obedient as far as death. " Enye ama etịn̄ ke ofụri esịt ọnọ mi nte Bethel etiede onyụn̄ ọsọn̄ọ etịn̄ ete ke edi akpan n̄kpọ ndisọn̄ọ nyịre ye Jehovah man owo okụt unen ke Bethel. We have Jehovah's comforting assurance that human suffering is temporary. She poured out my heart to me the nature of Bethel and emphasized the importance of sticking to Jehovah in order to make a success of Bethel service. Ẹyak nnyịn idụn̄ọde inan̄ ke otu mbụk emi man ise se mmọ ẹyararede ẹban̄a ediset ke n̄kpa. That experience cured me of any fear of man I might have had! Let us examine four of these accounts to see what they reveal about the resurrection. Ndikwọrọ Ikọ Nnọ Mbon Oro Ọkpọsọn̄de Ndisịm " DECLARED RIGHTEOUS " - HOW? Reaching Those Hard to Reach Ke ini afo ye ubon fo ẹkụtde ọkpọsọn̄ utom mbon Bethel, mme anamutom unọ un̄wam, mme isụn̄utom, ye nditọete oro ẹtịmde ikpọ mbono, mbufo ẹyenen̄ede ẹwụt esịtekọm ẹban̄a nditọete ofụri ererimbot. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania When you and your family observe Bethel hard work, relief workers, missionaries, and brothers preparing conventions, you will be deeply grateful for the international brotherhood. Nnyịn imenyene un̄wọn̄ọ Jehovah oro ọnọde ndọn̄esịt nte ke ndutụhọ oro esịmde owo edi ke ibio ini. Table of Contents We have Jehovah's comforting promise that human suffering is temporary. Ifiọk n̄kpọntịbe oro ama ebịn ndịk owo ekededi oro n̄kenyenede efep! Start teaching your child - at an early age - about honesty, integrity, and respect. The experience drew away any fear of anyone I had! DIDIE KE "ẸBAT OWO KE EDINEN "? Even so, we came to appreciate both cultures and their endearing qualities. HOW DOES "A EXCIT HAVE A EXCITT "? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Keep on "comforting one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing. " - 1 Thess. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Se Isịnede If your determination is the same as Micah's, stay close to Jehovah however turbulent the times become. Table of Contents Kpep eyen fo ndisitịn̄ akpanikọ, ndikpono owo, ye ndisọn̄ọ nda nnam se ifọnde. Become Jehovah's Friend Teach your child to be honest, respectful, and firm. Kpa ye oro, nnyịn ima idima ido edinam ye nti edu otu mbiba emi. Jesus did not consider it beneath him to be in subjection to God. Still, we came to love the kindness and the good qualities of both groups. Mmọdo, domo nte ekpekekeme ndinam item Paul emi: " Ka iso dọn̄ kiet eken esịt nyụn̄ nam kiet eken ọkọri, kpa nte osụk anamde. ' - 1 Thess. Similarly, integrity may impress us as a vital quality that will do us and those we love a great deal of good. So strive to follow Paul's counsel: "Keep comforting one another and building one another up, just as you do. " - 1 Thess. Edieke ubiere fo edide ukem ye eke Micah, san̄a kpere Jehovah inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê afanikọn̄ awak adan̄a didie ke ini nnyịn. Are we individually displaying this remarkable quality? If your decision is similar to that of Micah, draw close to Jehovah regardless of how often we may be during our time. Di Ufan Jehovah I, for my part, in the uprightness of my heart have voluntarily offered all these things, and now your people who are on hand here I have enjoyed seeing make offerings voluntarily to you. " Become Jehovah's Friend Jesus ikekereke ke ndisụk ibuot nnọ Abasi ososụhọde imọ itie. The comments of the committee members revealed how much effort is put into caring for the needs of the missionaries, including providing them with adequate housing and health care. Jesus did not consider himself to be a reflection of his obedience to God. Kpasụk ntre, imekeme ndifiọk ke nsọn̄ọnda edi eti edu oro edinyenede ufọn ọnọ nnyịn ye mbon oro imade. How did Paul react? Similarly, we can recognize that integrity is a fine quality that will benefit us and those we love. Ndi nnyịn owo kiet kiet ke iwụt n̄wọrọnda edu emi? Paradise Restored Do we personally display this outstanding quality? Ami n̄katat ubọk mi nnọ kpukpru n̄kpọ emi ke edinen esịt: ndien ke emi ke ndat esịt ndikụt ikọt fo emi ẹdude mi, nte ẹtatde ubọk ẹnọ fi. " Who ordains the ministers? I am opening my hand to all these things in righteousness, and now I am glad to see your people here, as a generous hand is shown to you. " Ikọ mbon kọmiti emi ẹma ẹwụt adan̄a ukeme oro ẹsịnde man ẹse ẹban̄a mme isụn̄utom, esịnede edinọ mmọ eti ufọkidụn̄ ye ibọkusọbọ. What Those in Rome Needed The comments of the committee showed how much effort it takes to care for missionaries, including providing them with suitable homes and medical care. Eketie Paul didie ke idem? He places no significance on racial, ethnic, national, tribal, or linguistic differences. How did Paul feel? Isọn̄ Ayafiak Edi Paradise However, the schedule is demanding, and if he accepts the job, he will be absent for a number of Christian meetings and will miss out on other activities related to true worship. The Earth Will Be Paradise Anie esidori mme asan̄autom emi ubọk? As I accompany my husband in the circuit work, my circle of friends keeps growing. Who forces these slaves to apologize? Se Akanade Mbon Rome Ẹfiọk " Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right? " Roman History - How to Recognize It Ibeheke Jehovah m̀mê owo oto m̀mọ̀n̄, m̀mê onyụn̄ esem ewe usem. Clearly, this heart of ours is of enormous value. It does not matter where Jehovah is from, nor does he speak which language he is. Nte ededi, utom oro ayada ofụri ini esie, ndien edieke enye enyịmede ndinam utom oro, enye eyesifiak ediwak mbono esop Christian idinyụn̄ inamke mme edinam eken oro ẹnyenede ebuana ye utuakibuot akpanikọ. In these "critical times hard to deal with, " there is much that could make you anxious. That work, however, will take full advantage of its time, and if he is willing to do so, he will miss many Christian meetings and not do other activities related to true worship. Nte nsan̄ade ye ebe mi nnam utom circuit, mmaka iso ndinyene ediwak ufan. Like most species of palm tree, the date palm has a striking upright stance. As my husband and I served in the circuit work, I continued to enjoy many friends. " Nte Ebiereikpe ofụri ererimbot idinamke se inende? " Not a single vein, muscle, or other body member is purposeless. " Will the Judge of all the earth not do what is right? " Nte an̄wan̄ade, esịt nnyịn enye emi enen̄ede ọsọn̄ urua. This drama was a pattern of how God would, at great cost to himself, sacrifice his Son, Jesus. - 1 / 1, page 23. Clearly, this is of great value to our heart. Odu ekese n̄kpọ emi ẹkemede ndinam fi etịmede esịt ke "ndiọkeyo emi ọsọn̄de ndiyọ " mi. Since this system of things will soon be destroyed, he should " come home ' without delay. There are many things you can do to reduce anxiety during these "critical times hard to deal with. " Ukem nte ata ediwak uduot eyop, eyop ẹkotde date palm esida ata nnennen. Nevertheless, you may wonder: " How does God watch me? Does he judge me by my appearance, or does he look beneath the surface and really understand who I am? ' Like most colors of palm trees, palm palm palm trees stand straight. Idụhe usan̄aiyịp, esịp, m̀mê mbakidem efen oro mînyeneke ufọn. Therefore, how can we avoid confrontation with those who strongly insist on adhering to funeral customs that displease God? No symbol of blood, muscles, or other worthless parts. Emi okowụt se iditakde Abasi ke ini enye ediwade Jesus Eyen esie. - 1 / 1, page 23. For... the good news we preach did not turn up among you with speech alone but also with power and with holy spirit and strong conviction...; and you became imitators of us and of the Lord. " This demonstrated the value of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. - 1 / 1, page 23. Sia ẹdisobode editịm n̄kpọ emi ke mîbịghike, enye ekpenyene " ndinyọn̄ ndi ufọk ' iwiwa. How do the media, at times, publish the voice of strangers? Since this system is soon to be destroyed, he should " return home ' quickly. Ikebịghike, mmọ ẹma ẹsitịn̄ se mmọ ẹkpepde ke Bible ẹnọ nditọ klas mmọ. Reflect on the honest comments of two young adults who have enjoyed family worship. Before long, they shared with their classmates what they had learned from the Bible. Edi afo emekeme ndikere m̀mê Abasi ese fi didie, m̀mê enye ada fi nte afo etiede, mîdịghe m̀mê enye enen̄ede ọdiọn̄ọ fi? Thus, it was with the absolute conviction of firsthand experience that he said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. You may wonder, though, " How does God feel about you, whether he really understands you? ' Ke ntem, nso ke ikpanam mbak nnyịn idinyene ntuaha ye mbon oro ẹsisọn̄ọde ẹyịre ke mme edinam ubụkowo oro mînọhọ Abasi ubọn̄? However, I feel that this verse applies right now; after all, good people live on earth today. How, then, can we avoid confrontation with those who adhere to pagan funeral customs that dishonor God? N̄kpọ kiet emi akanamde mbonekọn̄ Rome ẹnen̄ede ẹfiọk ndida akan̄kan̄ n̄n̄wana ekọn̄ edi ke mmọ ẹma ẹsikpep idemmọ kpukpru usen nte ẹkpedade akan̄kan̄ ẹn̄wana ekọn̄. Many people, he observed, "believe in God...; they just don't care much about him. " One factor that enabled Roman soldiers to use weapons is that they taught themselves daily as weapons of war. Gospel nnyịn ikedịghe ke ọtọ mbufo nte ikọ ikpọn̄, edi ekedi ke odudu, ye ke Edisana Spirit, ye ke mbụre edikan.... Mbufo ẹma ẹnyụn̄ ẹkabade ẹdi mme andikpebe nnyịn ye mme andikpebe Ọbọn̄. " Thus, walking in accord with the spirit calls for steady spiritual advancement - not spiritual perfection. Our Gospel did not come to you as a word alone, but it was with power and with holy spirit and with pride.... You became imitators of us and of the imitators of the Lord. " Ke ndusụk idaha, didie ke ndutịm usuanetop ẹsisuan uyo isenowo? It thus became a standard text of the Hebrew Scriptures for Bible translators. At times, how do the media exploit the voice of strangers? Kop se uyen iba ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a nte utuakibuot ubon esinemde mmimọ. An elderly anointed Witness who was bedridden in an infirmary once expressed such frustration: "I can't wait till I die and return to work. " Consider what two young people have to say about how family worship brings them delight. Edi n̄kere ke itien̄wed emi ke osu idahaemi sia nti owo mmọmi ẹdụn̄ọ ke isọn̄ emi. One might call storms freak, undirected, uncontrolled occurrences. But I think that this verse is now being fulfilled because these good people are here on earth. Enye ama aka iso ọdọhọ ke ediwak owo "ẹnịm ke Abasi odu...; edi ibeheke mmọ m̀mê anie ke enye edi. " [ Footnote] He went on to say that many people "believe that God exists...; but to whom he is. " Ke ntem, ndisan̄a ke spirit ọwọrọ ndikaka iso nnam n̄kọri eke spirit - idịghe ndifọn mma ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God, are also "one " in the sense that they are in complete agreement as to intentions, standards, and values. Walking by spirit thus means continuing to make spiritual progress - not being perfect spiritually. Ntem, enye ama akabade edi akpan uwetn̄kpọ N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew oro mme akabade Bible ẹsidade ẹkabade Bible. Then we will see when Jesus ' prayer for the Kingdom to come will be answered. Thus, it became the principal text of the Hebrew Scriptures for translators to translate the Bible. Akanian̄wan Ntiense oro ẹyetde aran emi okodude ke nna udọn̄ọ ke itie ukpeme mbon udọn̄ọ ama etịn̄ aban̄a utọ mfụhọ oro ete: "Ọdọn̄ mi ndikpa man n̄kọtọn̄ọ utom. " Chapons / Illustrirte Familien - Bibel nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. A former anointed Witness on a sickbed said of such grief: "I want to die for a job. " Owo ekeme ndikot oyobio ubi ubi n̄kpọntịbe oro owo mîkemeke ndinọ ndausụn̄ m̀mê ndikara. 27 Do Not Let Illness Rob You of Joy One may refer to a stormlike event that cannot provide guidance or control. [ Ikọ Idakisọn̄] Consequently, our attachment to Jehovah is strengthened, and our love for God impels us to continue following Jesus even under challenging circumstances. [ Footnote] Jesus ye Jehovah Abasi Ete esie ẹdi "kiet " n̄ko koro mmọ ẹnyene ukem uduak ye edumbet. Regarding the head of the Christian congregation, Jesus, the Bible prophesied: "He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear. Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God, are also "one flesh " because they have the same purpose and standards. Ekem iyese ini emi ẹdibọrọde akam oro Jesus ọkọbọn̄de eben̄e Obio Ubọn̄ oro ete edi. 16 WAS IT DESIGNED? Then we will consider the time to answer Jesus ' prayer for that Kingdom to come. Chapons / Illustrirte Familien - Bibel nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Although David was using poetic language, in principle, he was right! Chapons / futurerrzen - Maynach der U.Sebung Dr. 27 Kûyak Udọn̄ọ Ọbọ Fi Idatesịt True to that prophecy, before Jehovah destroys this wicked system, the modern - day Elijah class, supported by millions of fellow Christians with an earthly hope, enthusiastically carry on the work of restoring pure worship, exalting the name of Jehovah, and teaching Bible truths to sheeplike ones. 27 Do Not Let Illness Rob You of Joy Nte utịp, nnyịn iyetịm ima Jehovah, ndien ima oro nnyịn imade Abasi oyonụk nnyịn ndika iso ntiene Jesus idem ke ini isobode n̄kpọsọn̄ idaha. What about making it a point - before or after a meeting - to talk with a young person, manifesting your genuine interest? As a result, we will deepen our love for Jehovah, and our love for God will move us to follow Jesus even when we face difficult circumstances. Kop se Bible eketịn̄de mi aban̄a Jesus, emi edide ibuot esop: "Enye idikpehe ikpe itiene se okụtde ke enyịn, idinyụn̄ inọhọ nsuannọ itiene n̄kpọ emi enye okopde. What a powerful indication that the time for the execution of God's judgment is rapidly approaching! Regarding Jesus, the head of the congregation, the Bible says: "He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to what he hears. 16 SE ITỊBEDE KE ERERIMBOT Shortly thereafter, our priest delivered a long sermon in church and read out the names of four men who had died defending the fatherland. 16 WATCHING THE WORLD Se David ekewetde emi enen. (b) to set goals in life? David's words are accurate. Nte ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro owụtde, mbemiso Jehovah osobode idiọk editịm n̄kpọ emi, otu Elijah eyomfịn, oro ediwak miliọn mme ekemmọ Christian oro ẹnyenede idotenyịn eke isọn̄ ẹnọde ibetedem, ke ẹnam utom edifiak n̄wụk edisana utuakibuot ifịk ifịk ye ke ifiopesịt, ẹmenerede enyịn̄ Jehovah ke enyọn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpepde mbon mbieterọn̄ akpanikọ Bible. • In producing Christian fruitage, what goals can you set? As the prophecy shows, before Jehovah destroys this wicked system of things, the modern - day group of Elijah, supported by millions of fellow Christians, is fulfilling the ministry of pure worship with zeal and zeal, raising up the eyes of Jehovah, teaching sheeplike Bible truths. Yak emehe fi ndisineme nneme ye eyenọwọn̄ kiet mbemiso mbono esop ọtọn̄ọ m̀mê ke mbono esop ama akasuana. Others had to change their attitude toward those of another race. Let me explain how you can communicate with a child before or after a Christian meeting. Nso akwa uyarade ke emi edi ntem nte ke Abasi ọyọsọp osobo ererimbot Satan emi! The work The Land and the Book says that Israelite homes had a stairway or ladder to the rooftop, "outside of the house, but within the exterior court. " What powerful proof that God will soon destroy Satan's world! Esisịt ini ke oro ebede, oku nnyịn ama ọkwọrọ ikọ ke ufọkabasi ke anyan ini onyụn̄ okot enyịn̄ iren inan̄ oro ẹkekpan̄ade ke ndin̄wana nnọ obio emana mmọ. Guide them on their way (See paragraphs 13 - 18) Shortly thereafter, our priest preached in church for a long time and used the names of four dead men in defense of their homeland. (b) emek se edinamde inọ Abasi? That afternoon, I gave my first public talk as a circuit overseer. (b) choose what you will do in God's service? • Nso ke akpanam man odu uwem nte Christian? There is no question that the Law was righteous. • What can you do to live as a Christian? Mbon eken ẹkenyene nditre asari. The most widely accepted explanation is that these were the sons of Michal's sister Merab, who married Adriel. Others were to end discrimination. N̄wed oro The Land and the Book ọdọhọ ete ke eberi m̀mê udịghi - ukot ama esidu emi ẹsisan̄ade ẹdọk ọkọm ufọk nditọ Israel, edi ke "ekesidu ke an̄wa, iyomke usụn̄ ikpọn̄ etehe ufọk oro. " How did she respond? The book The Land and the Book says that there was a ladder that led to the roofs of the Israelites ' houses, but it was "on the outside, not far from the house. " Da mmọ usụn̄ ke se mmọ ẹnamde (Se ikpehe ekikere 13 - 18)) In 1975 our seventh child, Vaughn, was born. Guide them in what they do (See paragraphs 13 - 18) Mma nnọ utịn̄ikọ an̄wa uwemeyo usen oro; akpa utịn̄ikọ mi ekedi oro tọn̄ọ ẹkemek mi esenyịn circuit. Or from " toiling and spinning ' to get the clothes they needed? That afternoon I gave my public talk; that was my first talk since I was appointed a circuit overseer. Eyịghe idụhe nte ke Ibet oro ekedi edinen. So use it wisely! " - Pam, age seven. There is no doubt that the Law was righteous. Didie ke Mary akanam n̄kpọ? Those receiving this information accepted and applied it. How did Mary react? Ke 1975 ọyọhọ eyen nnyịn itiaba, Vaughn, ama amana. Jesus suffered persecution, and finally he was put to death. Our seventh child, 1975, was born. Mîdịghe, ndi etie fi nte enye ọkọdọhọ mmọ " ẹkûnam utom ẹnyụn̄ ẹfiak ndidi ' man ẹnyene edisịnen̄kpọ? [ Pictures on page 4] Or do you feel that he told them to "not to work and come back " in order to have clothing? Ntre ẹda enye ẹnam n̄kpọ ke ọniọn̄! " - Pam, isua itiaba. No. So use it wisely! " - Pam, seven years old. Mbon oro ẹkebọde leta emi ẹma ẹnyịme se ẹkewetde ẹnyụn̄ ẹda enye ẹsịn ke edinam. She was brought up according to Jewish tradition. Those who received the letter accepted it and applied it. Ẹma ẹkọbọ Jesus, ẹnyụn̄ ẹwot enye ke akpatre. (3) How can we express our appreciation for Jehovah's patience? Jesus was eventually persecuted and executed. [ Mme ndise ke page 4] (See opening image.) [ Pictures on page 4] Baba. God's inspired Word, the Bible - an unfailingly dependable source of information - promises that life in the future will be truly meaningful. - 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. No. Ẹkekpep enye ukpepn̄kpọ mme Jew toto ke uyen. By no means! From childhood on, he had been taught the Jewish teaching. (3) Didie ke ikeme ndiwụt esịtekọm mban̄a ime Jehovah? I lied if she asked what I used the money for. (3) How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah's patience? (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) These articles explain when God's people came into Babylonian captivity and what efforts anointed Christians made in the late 1800 ' s to understand Jehovah's Word correctly. (See opening picture.) Bible - kpa n̄wed emi ẹkedade spirit Abasi ẹwet ọdọhọ ke uwem eyenen̄ede enyene ufọn ke ini iso, ndien idịghe ọmọfiọk ke Bible isisụhu nsu. - 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. So you jump out of the way of the bus - that is wisdom! The Bible - God's inspired Word says that life will be truly useful in the future, and it does not know that the Bible does not lie. - 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. Baba, iwọrọke ntre! National Show Centre, Cloghran, Swords, County Dublin JULY 25 - 27 Of course not! Mma nsisu nsu ke ini enye obụpde mi se ndidade okụk nnam. They must keep in mind that children are to be brought up in the "discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " I lied when he asked me what to do with money. Ibuotikọ iba emi ẹneme nte ikọt Abasi ẹkesan̄ade ẹdụk ufụn ẹnọ Akwa Babylon ye se nditọete oro ẹyetde ẹkenamde ke 1870 man Ikọ Abasi enen̄ede an̄wan̄a mmọ. • Who today are like "the alien residents " and" the little ones, " and why do they need to read the Bible daily? These articles discuss how God's people came into captivity to Babylon the Great and what was done in the 1870 ' s to help them understand God's Word better. Oro owụt ke emenyene ifiọk. They will bring to an end all of mankind's problems. - Revelation 21: 1 - 4. That shows that you have knowledge. MGBOKO UMUORIA 11 (Igbo) Such a position may have had a bearing on the success of Nehemiah's request to be allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls. S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Spanish only), Cow Palace, 2600 Geneva Ave. Ana mmọ ẹti ẹte ke ẹnyene ndikama nditọ ke "ntụnọ ye item Ọbọn̄. " And we are confident that those who fight against us will not prevail. They must remember that children are to be brought up in "the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " • Mmanie mfịn ẹtie nte "isen owo " ye" nditọwọn̄, " ndien ntak oyomde mmọ ẹkot Bible ke usen ke usen? While noting that Almighty God was feared and Jesus seemed more accessible, Durant states: "One hardly ventured to speak to [Jesus] face to face after so thoroughly ignoring His Beatitudes. • Who today are like "the alien residents " and" the children, " and why do they need to read the Bible daily? Mmọ ẹyeda utịt ẹsọk kpukpru mfịna ubonowo. - Ediyarade 21: 1 - 4. For more information on voyages eastward, see "How Far East Could Missionaries Go? " They will bring an end to all mankind's problems. - Revelation 21: 1 - 4. Eyedi itie oro Nehemiah akakamade ama etịp esịn ke edidem ndinyịme eben̄e oro enye ekeben̄ede ete ẹyak imọ ifiak ika Jerusalem ikọbọp mme ibibene esie. To what extent should elders show honor to others? Nehemiah's office likely contributed to the king's willingness to grant permission to return to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls. Nnyịn imetịm ifiọk nte ke mbon oro ẹn̄wanade ye nnyịn idikanke. " He endured a torture stake, despising shame. " We can be sure that those who fight against us will not prevail. Okposụkedi ọdọhọde ke ẹma ẹnyene ukpono ukpono uten̄e ẹnọ Ata Ọkpọsọn̄ Abasi onyụn̄ etiede nte ke ẹma ẹsinen̄ede ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Jesus, Durant ọdọhọ ete: "Ọkpọsọsọn̄ owo nditịn̄ ikọ ye [Jesus] iso ye iso ke enye ama okofụmi ndinam mme ikọ oro Enye eketịn̄de ke Ukwọrọikọ Esie Oro ke Obot ofụri ofụri. He knows those who belong to him. Although professing reverential reverence for Almighty God and seemingly close to Jesus, Durant says: "I have found it difficult to speak to [Jesus] before him after carrying out his sayings in the Sermon on the Mount. Edieke oyomde ntọt efen efen aban̄a nte ẹkesisan̄ade mmọn̄ mmọn̄ ẹka Asia, se ibuotikọ oro "Mme Isụn̄utom Ẹkekwọrọ Ikọ Ẹkesịm M̀mọ̀n̄ ke Edem Usiahautịn Asia? " What have they learned from serving abroad? For more information on how water was taken to Asia, see the article "How Far East Could Missionaries Go? " Didie ke mbiowo ẹkpekpono mmọ eken? 13: 18. How should elders show respect for others? " Enye ama ọyọ ndutụhọ ke eto, ibatke esuene ke n̄kpọ. " Nearly 40 Witnesses from our congregation traveled there by train. " He endured torture on a torture stake, despising shame. " Enye ọfiọk mbon emi ẹnyenede enye. MY PAST: I was born on Nukulaelae, a beautiful Pacific island that is now part of Tuvalu. He takes note of those who belong to him. Nso ke mmọ ẹkpep ke esenidụt emi? Avoid waste. What have they learned? 13: 18. When Naomi is resurrected to life on earth, she will learn that Ruth, who will also be there, became an ancestress of Jesus, the Messiah. 13: 18. N̄kpọ nte Mme Ntiense 40 ke esop nnyịn ẹma ẹdụk tren ẹka mbono oro. The Israelites would then fall "into the hand of their enemies, " who would come in and pillage the land. - Verse 14. About 40 Witnesses in our congregation boarded a train to the convention. NTE N̄KESIDUDE UWEM: N̄kamana ke Nukulaelae, ediye isuo Pacific emi esịnede idahaemi ke Tuvalu. True, God promises to provide for the needs of those who sincerely worship him. MY PAST: I was born in Nukulaee, a beautiful Pacific island now in Tuvalu. Kûbaha n̄kpọ. Hence, as imitators of God, we should be alert to recognize the efforts of others. " I don't have anything to eat. Ke ini ẹdinamde Naomi eset edidu uwem ke isọn̄, enye eyedikop ke Ruth, emi edidude do n̄ko, ama akabade edi eka ete Jesus, kpa Messiah. The "warming of the climate system is unequivocal, " concluded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). When Naomi was resurrected to life on earth, she would hear that Ruth, who would also be present, became an ancestress of Jesus, the Messiah. Oro ama esinam mmọ ẹduọ ẹdụk "ubọk mme asua mmọ, " emi ẹkesidide ẹdibụme idụt mmọ. - Ufan̄ikọ 14. 14: 24. As a result, they fell into "the hands of their enemies, " who came to deliver their nation. - Verse 14. Imọdiọn̄ọ ke Abasi ọn̄wọn̄ọ ndinọ mbon oro ẹkponode enye ke ofụri esịt se inanade mmọ. However, was he referring to a burning hell of everlasting torment? - Matthew 5: 22. Of course, God promises to provide for those who show wholehearted devotion to him. Ntem, nte mme andikpebe Abasi, nnyịn ikpenyene ndisọsọp n̄kụt mme ukeme oro mbon en̄wen ẹsịnde. Moreover, such feelings of appreciation are not limited to God's dedicated servants. Hence, as imitators of God, we should be quick to note the efforts of others. Itieutom oro ẹsede ẹban̄a idaha eyo ẹdọhọ ke "eyo enen̄ede ofiop. " We wanted the people to know that we were legal and here to stay! " The sun is hot with heat, " reports the sun's weather. 14: 24. He averted disaster by giving a mild reply. 14: 24. Edi ndi Jesus eketịn̄ aban̄a ikan̄ hell emi ẹditụhọrede mme owo ke nsinsi? - Matthew 5: 22. Nice to meet you. But was Jesus referring to a fiery hell that will torture people forever? - Matthew 5: 22. N̄ko, idịghe mme asan̄autom Jehovah kpọt ẹsiwụt esịtekọm ntem. How satisfying it is to see that practically all of those who began to study the Bible 40 years ago - along with their children and grandchildren - have continued to serve Jehovah faithfully! Moreover, such appreciation is shown not only by Jehovah's servants. Nnyịn ikoyom mme owo ẹfiọk ẹte ke ẹnọ nnyịn unyịme nte ekemde ye ibet ndien ke nnyịn iyaka iso idu! Foremost in contributing to the unity enjoyed by Jehovah's Witnesses is their devotion to Jehovah God. We wanted people to know that we were granted legal recognition and that we would remain! Enye ama efep afanikọn̄ ke ndinọ sụn̄sụn̄ ibọrọ. When it has passed, Christ's Millennial Rule will begin. He avoided disaster by answering with a mild answer. Enem mi ndifiọk oro. When a collision appears imminent, these neurons send messages to the wings and legs, prompting the locust to act quickly. I'm glad to know that. Esịt enen̄ede enem mi ndikụt se ikperede ndidi kpukpru mbon oro ẹkekpepde Bible ke isua 40 emi ẹkebede - ọkọrọ ye nditọ ye nditọ nditọ mmọ - ẹkade iso ẹnam akpanikọ ẹnọ Jehovah. You can do the same when it comes to building faith in God's promises. I am so happy to see almost all those with whom I have studied the Bible 40 years ago - as well as their children and grandchildren - remain faithful to Jehovah. Utuakibuot oro Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹtuakde ẹnọ Jehovah Abasi edi akakan n̄kpọ oro anamde mmọ ẹdiana kiet. For example, The Wall Street Journal reports that in one Southeast Asian country, the government runs a "pyramid - style school structure that unabashedly pushes the cream to the top. " The worship that Jehovah's Witnesses render to Jehovah God is the greatest reason for their unity. Armageddon ama ebe, Tọsịn Isua Ukara Christ ọyọtọn̄ọ. For example, it calls covetousness "idolatry. " To covet means to desire what is forbidden, such as another person's possessions. After Armageddon, Christ's Millennial Reign will begin. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, enye ekeme ndifep n̄kpọ ọsọp utịm ikotion akan owo ndikep enyịn. Further details regarding these arrangements will be supplied by the branches that are invited to send delegates to a particular country or countries. In fact, it can avoid five times more quickly than expected. Afo emekeme ndinam ukem oro ke ini edide edisịm edinyene mbuọtidem ke mme un̄wọn̄ọ Abasi. Jehovah God said to him: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. " You can do the same when it comes to faith in God's promises. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, n̄wedmbụk n̄kpọntịbe oro The Wall Street Journal ọdọhọ ke ukara idụt kiet emi odude ke Ufọt Edem Usụk ye Edem Usiahautịn Asia, anam " ndutịm uka n̄wed oro enen̄erede emenede nditọ ufọkn̄wed oro ẹtịmde ẹfiọk n̄kpọ ke enyọn̄. ' But Jehovah blessed me with a Bible student who made wonderful progress. For example, in the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, one country in South and Eastern Asia, has made "a highly educated organization for the students. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, enye okot edisịn esịt ke n̄kpọ owo "ukpono ndem. " With the blessing of the people, Boaz takes Ruth as his wife. For example, he calls covetousness "an idol. " Mme n̄kọk itieutom oro ẹdọhọde ẹnọ mme andidụk ẹkedụk mbono ke akpan idụt m̀mê mme idụt ẹyenọ n̄kaiso ọyọhọ ntọt aban̄ade mme ndutịm emi. Can You Answer? branch offices assigned to delegates in special lands or lands will provide further information on these arrangements. Jehovah Abasi ọkọdọhọ enye ete: " Ẹyak nnyịn inam owo isịn ke mbiet idem nnyịn, ẹtie nte nnyịn. ' In recent years, I have had the privilege to share in the dedication programs of new branch office facilities in the former republics of Yugoslavia - one in Croatia in 1999 and another in Slovenia in 2006. Jehovah God told him: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. " Edi Jehovah ama anam n̄kụt owo emi akamade Ikọ Abasi etieti. All of this calls for the kind of self - sacrifice and dedication manifested by the traveling merchant in Jesus ' parable. But with Jehovah's help, I saw a man who loved God's Word very much. Ye edidiọn̄ mme owo, Boaz ada Ruth nte n̄wan esie. However, further careful study and prayerful meditation indicate that our understanding of Jesus ' words about the faithful and discreet slave needs to be clarified. With the blessing of the people, Boaz views Ruth as his wife. Nte Afo Emekeme Ndibọrọ? Read his account in the next article entitled "The Bible Changes Lives ." Can You Answer? Ke mme isua ndondo emi, mmetiene mbuana ke edinam ediyak mbufa n̄kọk itieutom nnọ Abasi ke n̄kani obio Yugoslavia. Ke 1999, ẹma ẹyak n̄kọk itieutom ke Croatia ẹnọ Abasi, ẹnyụn̄ ẹyak en̄wen ke Slovenia ẹnọ ke 2006. This Bible account helps many Witnesses today to be courageous and refuse to worship the flag of the country where they live. In recent years, I have shared in dedication to God in the dedication of new branch facilities in the former Yugoslavia, in 1999, the branch facilities were dedicated in Croatia to God, and elsewhere in Slovenia in 2006. Kpukpru emi oyom orụk n̄waidem ye nsịnifịk emi owo urua oro ke n̄ke Jesus ekenyenede. What can help us to avoid "the way of sinners "? All of this calls for the kind of self - sacrifice and diligence of the traveling merchant in Jesus ' parable. Edi nte itịn̄de enyịn idụn̄ọde N̄wed Abasi inyụn̄ ibọn̄de akam itie ikere, imedikụt ke oyom ikpụhọde nte ikọ Jesus oro aban̄ade ofụn emi anamde akpanikọ onyụn̄ enyenede ọniọn̄ an̄wan̄ade nnyịn. Why? However, as we examine the Scriptures carefully and prayerfully, we realize that we need to adjust our understanding of Jesus ' words about the faithful and discreet slave. Kot mbụk esie ke page 13 ke magazine emi. Jehovah will put it into the hearts of political leaders to devastate this spiritual harlot. Read her story on page 13 of this magazine. Mbụk mmọ an̄wam ediwak Mme Ntiense Jehovah mfịn ẹnyene uko ẹnyụn̄ ẹsịn ndikọm ọfọn̄ etakubom idụt mmọ. It was like a circus performance to see the suitcases, briefcases, file box, typewriter, and so forth, disappear into that little car. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses today have shown courage and have refused to salute the flag. Nso ikeme ndin̄wam nnyịn mbak idisan̄a ke "usụn̄ mme anam idiọk "? [ Pictures on page 7] How can we avoid being led astray by "the way of the wicked "? Mme owo ẹdọhọ ke nsọn̄ọn̄kpọ ada emi edi ye nte ke ukara ibiatke okụk aba nte ẹkesibiatde ke n̄kpọ ufọkibọk. It is made up of 47 judges - a number equal to the number of countries that signed the European Convention on Human Rights. The economic crisis is widespread and that governments do not spend as much money as they used to be in the hospital. Ntak - a? What was preventing some Christians in Paul's day from entering into God's rest? Why? Jehovah eyesịn ke esịt mme andikara ete ẹsobo ndamban̄a akpara emi. (Read Acts 15: 1, 2.) Jehovah will reside in the hearts of rulers to destroy this symbolic harlot. Ekesidi n̄kpọ ndise ndikụt nte idọn̄de mme ekpatọfọn̄, ekpatisan̄, ekebe udọn̄ n̄wetnnịm n̄kpọ, ukwak utaip n̄wed, ye ntre ntre eken, ke ekpri ubomisọn̄ oro. Such young ones are finding great joy in praising Jehovah at school. It was easy to find a suitcase, a suitcase, a log bag, a written box, a pen, and so on, on the back of the car. [ Mme ndise ke page 7] What a contrast to Jehovah's servants! [ Pictures on page 7] Ebiereikpe 47 ẹdu ke esop oro - ẹsio mmọ kiet kiet ke idụt 47 emi ẹnamde N̄ka Europe Emi Esede Aban̄a Unen Owo. " The beautifully built ships of the Yavanas came with gold and returned with pepper, and Muziris resounded with the noise, " says one poem. There are 47 judges in that congregation - each of them in 47 European countries who are entitled to the European Convention for Human Rights. Nso ikọbiọn̄ọ ndusụk mme Christian ke eyo Paul ndidụk nduọkodudu Abasi? Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. What prevented some Christians in Paul's day from entering into God's rest? (Kot Utom 15: 1, 2.) " Of course he is! " some will immediately say. (Read Acts 15: 1, 2.) Mme utọ uyen emi ẹnen̄ede ẹkop idatesịt nditoro Jehovah ke ufọkn̄wed. These pieces do not dominate; rather, they serve to provide structure and to unify the whole. Such young ones find great joy in praising Jehovah at school. Emi edi ata isio ye mme asan̄autom Jehovah! Unable to finance his journey but determined to take advantage of this favorable opening, 30 - year - old Borrow walked the 112 miles [180 km] from his home in Norwich, doing so in just 28 hours. What a contrast to Jehovah's servants! Uto kiet ọdọhọ ete: "Ata ndiye nsụn̄ikan̄ mme Yavana ẹma ẹda gold ẹdi ẹnyụn̄ ẹda ntokon ẹnyọn̄ọ, ndien Muziris esịn etiti. " Some turn to drugs or binge drinking during their teenage years. One poem states: "The most beautiful ships brought gold and brought it back, and Muziris began to burn it. " Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. While the laity have been taught that they have certain obligations, including the making of contributions for the upkeep of the clergy, most have become little more than passive listeners in the matter of preaching. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Ndusụk owo ẹkeme ndisọsọp mbọrọ, "Ih! How do we know that God will help us to remain faithful? Some may respond immediately, "Yes! Awawa ikọn̄ emi isiwakke ikan flawa; edi mmọ ẹsinam ebek etie nte ẹyomde ẹnyụn̄ ẹmụm enye ẹkama. Planning a "Normal " Life They do not have a piece of flowers, but they make them look for and take hold of it. Sia mîkenyeneke okụk ukpeusụn̄, edi ebierede ndida eti ifet emi nnam n̄kpọ nte ọfọnde, Borrow emi ekedide isua 30 ama ada hour 28 kpọt asan̄a kilomita 180 oto obio emana esie ke Norwich ekesịm London. • How could the first - century disciples find the Messiah? Unable for transportation, but determined to make good use of this opportunity, Borrow, a 30 - year - old man, reached London with only 28 miles [30 km] away. Ndusụk mmọ ẹsitọn̄ọ ndida n̄kpọsọn̄ ibọk mîdịghe ẹn̄wọn̄ mmịn ẹbe ubọk. When a leper told him: "If you just want to, you can make me clean, " Jesus said:" I want to. Some started to use drugs or to abuse alcohol. Ke adan̄aemi ẹkpepde usụhọde mbon ido ukpono nte ke mmọ ẹnyene ndusụk mbiomo, esịnede edinọ etịbe man ẹda ẹse ẹban̄a mme ọkwọrọ ederi, ata ediwak mmọ ẹma ẹkabade ẹdi sụk mme ndebe ndebe andikpan̄ utọn̄ ke se iban̄ade ukwọrọikọ. His Biblical arguments were so persuasive that "many of the Jews and of the proselytes who worshiped God followed Paul and Barnabas " in order to learn more. While teaching ordinary people that they had some responsibilities, including contributions to care for the clergy, most became lukewarm listeners of the preaching work. Isan̄a didie ifiọk ke Abasi ayan̄wam nnyịn ika iso inam akpanikọ inọ enye? Jesus let Cleopas and his companion express themselves. How do we know that God will help us to remain faithful to him? Se Mme Owo Ẹdade nte Uwem The Bible does not tell us how long that will last, but Jesus said: "Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " People's View of Life Ke ọfiọn̄ inan̄ ama ekebe, mma mmek eyenete kiet emi ekedide asiakusụn̄ nte edi nsan̄a ukwọrọikọ mi. By drinking the wine that symbolizes the "blood of the covenant, " the anointed indicate that they have been taken into the new covenant and are receiving the benefits of it. Four months later, I selected a pioneer brother as my partner. • Akpa mbet Jesus ẹkesan̄a didie ẹfiọk ke imokụt Messiah? Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom • How did Jesus ' early disciples know that they had found the Messiah? Ke ini owo akpamfia ọkọdọhọde Jesus ete: "Edieke afo akam amade, emekeme ndinam mi nsana, " Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete:" Mmama. " Persecuted for His Faith " (N. When a leper said to Jesus: "If you just want to, you can make me clean, " Jesus said:" I want to. Nte enye ekesikọkde ibuot ke Bible ama esikpek mme owo ẹnịm se enye etịn̄de ke akpanikọ tutu "ediwak mme Jew ye mme okpono Abasi ke ido mme Jew emi ẹtuakde ibuot ẹnọ Abasi ẹtiene Paul ye Barnabas " man ẹka iso ẹkpep n̄kpọ. Subsequently, any reference to or mention of God was avoided. His reasoning from the Bible influenced people to believe his beliefs that "many Jews and proselytes who worshipped God followed Paul and Barnabas " in order to continue teaching. Jesus ama ayak Cleopas ye nsan̄a esie ẹtịn̄ se isịnede mmọ ke esịt. Where did Jehovah send Amos, and for what purpose? Jesus allowed him and his companions to express their feelings. Bible itịn̄ke nte akwa ukụt emi edibịghide, edi Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Adan̄aoro akwa ukụt oyodu, orụk eke akanam mîdụhe toto ke editọn̄ọ ererimbot tutu esịm emi, eke mîdinyụn̄ idụhe aba. " I am determined to remain loyal to him, but feelings of loneliness often sadden me. " The Bible does not say how long this great tribulation will last, but Jesus said: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Mbon oro ẹyetde aran ndin̄wọn̄ wine emi adade aban̄a "iyịp ediomi " owụt ke ẹda mmọ ẹdisịn ke obufa ediomi, ndien ke mmọ ke ẹbọ ufọn obufa ediomi emi. This move shocked international observers at the trial, since in its application for membership in the Council of Europe, Armenia acknowledged its obligation to "ensure that all Churches or religious communities, in particular those referred to as " non - traditional, ' may practise their religion without discrimination. " Anointed ones who partake of the wine representing "the blood of the covenant " show that they are brought into the new covenant and are benefiting from it. Ẹbat ke Ẹdot Ndida Obio Ubọn̄ Nnyene In the parable, there is a distinct interval between the shout, "Here is the bridegroom! " Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom Tọn̄ọ oro, mmọ inyụn̄ itịn̄ke n̄kpọ iban̄a Abasi ke se ededi oro mmọ ẹnamde. [ Picture on page 26] Since then, they have not spoken about God about anything they do. M̀mọ̀n̄ ke Jehovah ọkọdọn̄ Amos utom, ndien ntak ẹkedọn̄de enye utom emi? 2, 3. Where did Jehovah send Amos to work, and why was he commissioned? Mmebiere ndisọn̄ọ nda nnam akpanikọ nnọ enye, edi ndobo esinam mi n̄kop mfụhọ. " We got in trouble with the authorities. I am determined to remain faithful to him, but loneliness makes me sad. " Edinam emi ama omụm mme owo ke ofụri ererimbot mbọribọ, sia tọn̄ọ nte Armenia eketiene abuana ke N̄ka Europe, enye ama enyịme ke edi mbiomo imọ "ndikụt nte ke kpukpru Ufọkabasi m̀mê mme otu ido ukpono, akpan akpan mbon oro " mîkọn̄ọke ke ido obio, ' ẹkeme ndinam ido ukpono mmọ ye unana asari. " He was away from the family for long periods but returned at regular intervals. Not surprisingly, since Armenia was involved in the Council of Europe, he acknowledged that it was his obligation to "make sure that every Church or religious group, especially those " not based on religion, ' could be marked by prejudice. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ oro Jesus ọkọnọde, ini ama ebe tọn̄ọ ẹkekop ẹfioride ẹte, "Sese ebendọ mi! " But now she would become a humble servant at the tabernacle. In Jesus ' parable, time had passed since he was heard, "Here my bridegroom! " [ Ndise ke page 26] Jesus reflected his Father's personality so perfectly that he could, in effect, say: " If you want to know what my Father is like, just look at me. ' - JOHN 5: 19; 14: 9. [ Picture on page 26] 2, 3. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 6. 2, 3. Ndien mme bodisi ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndiyom nnyịn. At times, I am overwhelmed with feelings of guilt because of my past. And the police began looking for us. Enye ama esikpọn̄ ubon ke anyan ini, edi esidi ufọk ke ini ke ini. He is an associate editor of three international science magazines and has coauthored more than a hundred scientific papers. She had been away from the family for a long time, but occasionally she was home. Edi idahaemi, enye edidu ke tent utuakibuot anam n̄kpọ Abasi. With my mother, and later with my father But now he is serving at the tabernacle. Jesus ekenen̄ede anam n̄kpọ nte Ete esie tutu enye ọdọhọ ete: "Owo eke okụtde mi okụt Ete n̄ko, " oro onyụn̄ etie nte ndidọhọ, " Edieke oyomde ndifiọk nte Ete mi etiede, se se nnamde. ' - JOHN 5: 19; 14: 9. If so, you can well understand some of the hardships that Mary may have faced in Egypt. In imitation of his Father, Jesus said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also, " and that is like saying, " If I want to know how my Father is, what I am doing. ' " - JOHN 5: 19; 14: 9. SE BIBLE ETỊN̄DE: "Esisịt nduọkodudu ọfọn akan ekese ọkpọsọn̄ utom ye edifehe mbịne ofụm. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 6. In what further ways can we imitate Jesus Christ, the greatest Missionary? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 6. Ndusụk ini, esịt esibiom mi mma nti nte n̄kesidude uwem. The Governing Body has encouraged all of us to set aside an evening or other period each week for personal or family study. At times, I was plagued by feelings of guilt. Enye esitiene ewet magazine ifiọk ntaifiọk ita oro ẹsuande ke ofụri ererimbot onyụn̄ etiene ewet ata ediwak n̄wed ifiọk ntaifiọk. As elders, we have discussed how we use the free night to do exactly as the Governing Body has asked - to study with our families. " He shares in writing a vast array of scientific works throughout the world. Ami nda emi ye eka mi, ami ntie emi ye ete mi Neither could later detractors successfully deny Jesus ' miracles. With my mother and me, who are with my father Edieke edide ntre, ndusụk nsọn̄ọn̄kpọ oro Mary okosobode ke Egypt ẹkeme ndin̄wan̄a fi. A Remarkable Musician If so, you may understand some of the hardships that Mary faced in Egypt. Nso idi mme usụn̄ efen oro ikemede ndikpebe Jesus Christ, kpa Akakan Isụn̄utom? SERGIO AND OLINDA are a pioneer couple in their 80 ' s who live in the United States. What are some other ways in which we can imitate the greatest Missionary, Jesus Christ? Otu Ukara ẹsịn udọn̄ ẹnọ kpukpru nnyịn ẹte isio mbubreyo kiet m̀mê ini en̄wen inịm kpukpru urua isitie ikpọn̄ m̀mê ye ubon nnyịn ikpep Ikọ Abasi. During the conversation, you might discuss Mark 10: 29, 30. The Governing Body encourages all of us to set aside one evening or another every week to spend time alone or to study God's Word with our family. Ima ibono ye mbiowo eken ke esop nnyịn ineme nte isidade mbubreyo emi ikpep Bible ye ubon nnyịn, nte Otu Ukara ọkọdọhọde. " That congregation was, in effect, a new nation under Jehovah's governing authority. We gathered together with other elders in our congregation to discuss how we could use this evening to study the Bible with our family, as the Governing Body said. " Mme okụt ndudue oro ẹkewọrọde ẹdi ke ukperedem ikonyụn̄ ikemeke ndineni mme utịben̄kpọ Jesus. She explains: "I feared going into the unknown. Critics later appeared and could not question Jesus ' miracles. N̄wọrọnda Ebre Ikwọ During 2014, the new moon nearest the vernal (spring) equinox will be on March 30, at 8: 45 p.m. A Remarkable Role in Music SERGIO YE OLINDA an̄wan esie ẹdi mme asiakusụn̄ ke United States. Mmọ ẹbe isua 80. The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes has its major fulfillment in our day. SERGI AND his wife, REBEL, has served as pioneers in the United States for over 80 years. Emekeme ndineme se idude ke Mark 10: 29, 30 ke ini obụpde enye mbụme emi. Individual circumstances vary. Perhaps you can consider the words of Mark 10: 29, 30 when you ask him that question. Mmọ ẹdi obufa idụt emi Jehovah akarade. We pray that Jehovah continues to bless and sustain our beloved and courageous brothers and sisters in Russia. They are a new nation under Jehovah's rulership. Perrine ọdọhọ ete: "Ndịk esinam mi ndika ebiet oro mmen̄kaha akpa. Thousands of Christians are happily worshipping Jehovah without a marriage mate, and they find joy in actively assisting others. " Because of fear, " says Perrine, "I am forced to go to an area where I am not dead. Emi ke ẹsikot "obufa ọfiọn̄, " edi owo isikemeke ndikụt enye ini emi ibọhọke ke n̄kpọ nte usen kiet ama ekebe. It is therefore crucial for us to pause at times and ask ourselves, " Really, how persistent are my prayers? ' This is the term "new moon, " but it is not always possible to observe it until about a day or so. Ntịn̄nnịm ikọ emi aban̄ade mme ekpemerọn̄ itiaba ye mbọn̄ itiaita edinen̄ede isu ke eyo nnyịn. His occasional comments are like the few pieces of greenery that are carefully added to a bouquet. The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes will have a profound fulfillment in our day. Sia owo idịghe ukem. showing insight in helping your child? Because humans differ from one person to another. Nnyịn ibọn̄ akam ite Jehovah aka iso ọdiọn̄ onyụn̄ ese aban̄a ndima nditọete nnyịn oro ẹnyenede uko ke Russia. Hence, after reading the brochure, you should confer with your own legal or tax advisers. We pray that Jehovah will continue to bless and care for our courageous brothers in Russia. Ediwak tọsịn mme Christian oro mîdọhọ ndọ ke ẹtuak ibuot ẹnọ Jehovah ke inemesịt, ndien mmọ ẹkop inemesịt ndin̄wam mbon en̄wen. A positive outlook makes it possible for us to enjoy "a feast constantly. " Thousands of single Christians happily worship Jehovah, and they are happy to help others. Mmọdo, ọfọn ndisibụp idem nnyịn ndusụk ini ite, " Adan̄a didie ke ami nsisọn̄ọ nyịre mbọn̄ akam? ' In those cultures where marriages are often arranged and the man and woman hardly know each other before the wedding day, their being conscious of the need to express love verbally to each other will help love to grow and the marriage to flourish. Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves, " How can I persevere in prayer? ' Ikọ oro enye esitịn̄de ke ini ke ini etie nte awawa ikọn̄ ifan̄ oro ẹtịn̄de enyịn ẹdọn̄ ke ebek flawa. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. The words he talks from time to time are like green leaves that are carefully placed in the bundle of flowers. ndida ọniọn̄ n̄n̄wam eyen fo? What can we learn from this? Help your child with practical wisdom? Ndidori enyịn ke n̄kpọ ọyọfọn ayanam idia "usọrọ kpukpru ini. " If this is the case, it would imply that God notices and cares for the bird in its daily activities, not just when it dies. - Matthew 6: 26. Always look forward to enjoying "a good time. " Nte mmọ ẹdomode ndimehe, ọyọfọn ebe ẹsidọhọ n̄wan ke imama enye, n̄wan onyụn̄ anam ntre ye ebe. Se idinamde mmọ ẹkpere edi emi; ndọ mmọ n̄ko eyenem. The Inquisition would soon be turned mercilessly against all the church's opponents. As they try to improve, it may be good for a husband to reassure his wife that he loves her and that he does so. Enye edi kiet ke otu usụn̄ emi ẹdade ẹkpep mme owo Bible ke ofụri ererimbot. Ẹda enọ imaesịt ẹnam utom emi. In 1944, while World War II was still raging, I married Evelyn, the daughter of my pioneer companion Michel Aboud. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Nso ke nnyịn ikeme ndikpep nto emi? If you sense that this is beginning to happen to you or your family, cast your anxiety upon Jehovah and pray that he will help you to grow in love and appreciation. What can we learn from this? Edieke emi edide ntre, ọwọrọ ke Abasi ọfiọk onyụn̄ ese aban̄a inuen emi ke se enye anamde ke usen ke usen, idịghe n̄kukụre ke ini inuen emi akpade. - Matthew 6: 26. Remember that even a once perfect spirit creature sinned because he allowed himself to become filled with pride. If this is the case, God knows and cares for the birds in everyday life, not just when the bird dies. - Matthew 6: 26. Ibịghike Esopikpe Isio Ukpepn̄kpọ ye unana mbọm ọyọwọn̄ọde enyịn ese kpukpru mme andibiọn̄ọ ufọkabasi oro. 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. The Inquisition soon looked at all opposers of the church without compassion. Ke 1944, ke adan̄aemi Ekọn̄ Ererimbot II okosụk ọsọn̄de ubọk, mma ndọ Evelyn, eyen Michel Aboud, nsan̄a usiakusụn̄ mi. What did these experts conclude? In 1944, while World War II was still raging, I married Evelyn, the daughter of Michel Aboud, my pioneer partner. Edieke afo ọfiọkde ete ke emi ọtọn̄ọ nditịbe nnọ fi m̀mê ubon fo, top editịmede esịt fo nọ Jehovah nyụn̄ bọn̄ akam ete enye an̄wam fi ọkọri ima ye esịtekọm. Notice that Jesus did not say to mull over what others have done to us in the past and then repay in kind. If you realize that this has begun to happen to you or to your family, turn your anxieties to Jehovah and pray that he help you to grow in love and appreciation. N̄kọ emeti ke ntan̄idem akanam angel kiet ọsọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi kpa ye oro enye ọkọfọnde ama. And Judah and Israel continued to dwell in security, everyone under his own vine and under his own fig tree. " - 1 Kings 4: 20, 25. After all, pride led one angel to rebel against God even though he was good. 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. He foretold a time when there would be such anguish among nations that they would not know the way out and men would become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the earth. 18: 7, 8, 15 - 19. Nso ke ntaifiọk emi ẹketịn̄? The Bible says: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. What did these experts say? Fiọk ete ke Jesus ikọdọhọke nnyịn itie ikere se mbon en̄wen ẹkenamde nnyịn ke ini edem ndien ekem isio mmọ usiene. But he went further. Notice that Jesus did not tell us to consider what others did in the past and then to retaliate. Ndien Judah ye Israel ẹdụn̄ ke ifụre, kpukpru owo ke idak vine mmọ ye eto fig mmọ. " - 1 Ndidem 4: 20, 25. 5: 28, 29. And Judah and Israel reside in security, everyone under his vine and under his fig tree. " - 1 Kings 4: 20, 25. Enye ama ebem iso etịn̄ aban̄a ini emi editịmede esịt edimụmde mme idụt isọn̄ ke ntak nnanenyịn, idem edinyụn̄ eyemerede mme owo oto ndịk ye edikama enyịn nse se idiwọrọde inọ ekondo. SONGS: 72, 119 He foretold a time when anxieties overwhelmed the nations of the earth because of distress, and people are puzzled by fear and the use of the eyes of what will happen to the universe. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Abasi inamke asari, edi ke kpukpru idụt enye enyenyịme owo eke abakde enye onyụn̄ anamde edinen ido. " - Utom 10: 34, 35. These four illustrate instinctive wisdom. The Bible says: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. Edi iketreke do. In spite of the mountain of testimony provided by all those who have proved their integrity to Jehovah throughout the centuries, Satan has not stopped taunting Jehovah as he did in the days of the righteous man Job. But it did not stop there. 5: 28, 29. Why the World Is Sick 5: 28, 29. IKWỌ: 72, 119 THE Bible often mentions money. SONGS: 72, 119 Mme edibotn̄kpọ inan̄ emi ẹnyene ibuot etieti. 12 The Bible Changes Lives These four creatures are wise. Kpa ye akpakịp uyarade oro kpukpru mbon oro ẹmụmde nsọn̄ọnda mmọ ẹkama ke Jehovah ke ediwak isua ikie emi ẹkebede ẹnọde, Satan iduọkke odudu ke ndisụn̄i Jehovah kpa nte enye akanamde ke eyo edinen owo oro Job. Carol and Mildred find joy in comforting others Despite the abundant evidence that all loyal ones have maintained their integrity to Jehovah over the centuries, Satan has not rested on speaking abusively of Jehovah just as he did in the days of the righteous man Job. Ntak Emi Afanikọn̄ Ọyọhọde Ererimbot Ntem No. Jephthah meant that he would devote the one whom he met to the exclusive service of God, a provision of the Mosaic Law. Why So Much Troubles in the World ẸSIAK okụk ediwak ini ke Bible. (b) What questions can young ones ask themselves? The Bible contains a lot of money. 12 Bible Okpụhọde Mme Owo 1: 1 - 3; Isa. 12 The Bible Changes Lives Ndidọn̄ mbon en̄wen esịt esinam esịt enem Carol ye Mildred He may have been Prince Hezekiah of Judah. Another source of joy to Carol and Mildred N̄wan̄ansa - o! Se Jephthah eketịn̄de ọkọwọrọ ke iyayak owo ekededi oro ediwọrọde edisobo ye imọ inọ man anam n̄kpọ Abasi ọyọhọ ọyọhọ, kpa se Ibet Moses ekenyịmede. During the reign of King Solomon, the nation of Israel enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity. Not at all! Jephthah's words meant that he would let anyone who came out to meet him in order to serve God fully, as did the Mosaic Law. (b) Mme mbụme ewe ke mme uyen ẹkpebụp idemmọ? It contains an important message. (b) What questions should young ones ask themselves? 1: 1 - 3; Isa. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 1: 1 - 3; Isa. Etie nte enye ekedi Ọbọn̄ Hezekiah eke Judah. Such love has been demonstrated in a remarkable way at times of racial unrest and political turmoil. It seems that he was the Lord of Hezekiah of Judah. Idụt Israel ama enyene emem ye uforo ke ini ukara Edidem Solomon. This fact is emphasized by another illustration given by Jesus, that of the prodigal son. - Read Luke 15: 11 - 32. Under the rule of King Solomon, the nation of Israel enjoyed peace and prosperity. Enye ọdọn̄ọ ata akpan etop. When Jesus resurrected him, Lazarus came out from the tomb a living, breathing human. He has a very important message. emi Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsiode. There he hangs - alive but helpless - until Joab kills him by driving three shafts into his heart. - 2 Sam. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Mmọ ẹsinen̄ede ẹwụt utọ ima emi ke ini ntịme odude ke ufọt orụk iba ye ke ini ndutịme odude ke ukara. Awareness that Jesus had appeared to him and " laid hold on him ' and commissioned him as "apostle to the nations " profoundly transformed Saul's life. Such love is especially evident when there are between two and political conflicts. Uwụtn̄kpọ idiọk udọ emi Jesus ọkọnọde owụt ke se itịn̄de emi ekeme nditịbe. - Kot Luke 15: 11 - 32. In fact, they may use ridicule to try to force you to act in the same way as they do. Jesus ' illustration of the prodigal son shows that this is possible. - Read Luke 15: 11 - 32. Ke ini Jesus akanamde enye eset, Lazarus ọkọwọrọ ke udi edi nte odu - uwem owo, emi okotde ibifịk. HISTORY: DANCE CLUB SECURITY GUARD When Jesus resurrected him, Lazarus came out of the grave as a living person, breathing. Enye ama ọkọn̄ọ do - ikpaha inyụn̄ ikemeke ndinyan̄a idem - tutu Joab edi edida eduat ita ekịm enye ke esịt owot. - 2 Sam. In July 1938 the Society told us that the Dutch government had issued a warning that Witnesses who were German nationals were no longer allowed to preach. There he was dead and unable to save himself - so that Joab came and struck him with three spears in his heart. - 2 Sam. Ndifiọk nte ke Jesus ama owụt enye idem onyụn̄ " omụm enye akama ' onyụn̄ osio enye ọdọn̄ nte "apostle mme Gentile " ama okpụhọde uwem Saul akamba akamba. The only way that people can fully grasp the good news about God and his purpose is by studying the Bible. Knowing that Jesus appeared to him and "took hold of him " and sent him as" the apostles of the nations " changed Saul's life. Mmọ ẹkeme ndisak fi man etiene anam se mmọ ẹnamde. But Adam eventually decided to stop working with God, and the result was great suffering for him and all his descendants. - Genesis 3: 17 - 19, 23. They may ridicule you in order to do what they do. UTỌ OWO EMI N̄KEDIDE: ANDIKPEME UFỌKUNEK This Jewish priest and historian states that Annas, a Jewish high priest who continued to wield political influence, "convened the judges of the Sanhedrin [the Jewish high court] and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ. " - Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200. HISTORY: REJEKEK Ke July 1938, N̄ka ama asian nnyịn ete ke ukara Netherlands ama ọtọt ete ke owo inyịmeke Mme Ntiense oro ẹdide mbon Germany ẹkwọrọ ikọ aba. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. In July 1938, the Society informed us that the Netherlands government had been banned by German Witnesses. Ndikpep Bible edi n̄kukụre usụn̄ emi eti mbụk emi aban̄ade Abasi ye uduak esie ekemede ndin̄wan̄a mme owo. BAKERSFIELD, CA (Spanish only), Centennial Garden Arena, 1001 Truxtun Ave. Studying the Bible is the only way that people can understand the good news about God and his purpose. Nte ini akakade, Adam ama etre nditiene Abasi nnam utom, ndien emi ama anam enye ọbọ ufen etieti. Ntak edi oro kpukpru nnyịn ibọde ufen mfịn. - Genesis 3: 17 - 19, 23. She died in 2005, at the age of 98. Later, Adam stopped working with God, and he suffered a lot, and that is why all of us suffer. - Genesis 3: 17 - 19, 23. Eyen Jew emi ekedide oku ye ewetmbụk eset, ọkọdọhọ ke Annas, akwa oku mme Jew, ama enyene odudu etieti, ndien ke enye ama osop mme ebiereikpe Sanhedrin onyụn̄ ada owo emi ekerede James, eyeneka Jesus emi ẹkotde Christ, edi iso mmọ. - Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200. Adam, a husband, father of three, and an elder, explains what helps him: "I strive to lead a simple life. A Jewish priest and historian said that Annas, the high priest of the Jewish high priest, was greatly influenced, and after he assembled judges of the Sanhedrin and took the man James, the brother of Jesus Christ, before them. - Jewish Antiquities, 200, 200. emi Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsiode. [ Footnote] published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Enye ama akpa ke isua 2005, ke ini enye ekedide isua 98. For example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many heartbreaking problems if we avoid drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and a violent life - style. He died in 2005, at 98 years of age. Adam enyene nditọ ita, onyụn̄ edi ebiowo. 905 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Adam has three children, and he serves as an elder. [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] Nonetheless, this vicious spirit fosters deceit and seduction. [ Footnote] Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, nnyịn imekeme ndikpeme idem nnyịn ye mbonima nnyịn mbiọn̄ọ afanikọn̄ oro ẹkamade iduọesịt edieke nnyịn ifepde edida n̄kpọsọn̄ ibọk ke idiọk usụn̄, edin̄wọn̄ n̄kpọsọn̄ mmịn mbe ubọk, etịme etịme ido idan̄, ye uwem afai. Adequate Preparation for Baptism For example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from harmful problems if we avoid drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, and violence. 905 ․ " What can I say? " she now remarks. 905 . . . . . Edi abak - ibak owo eke spirit emi esịn udọn̄ ọnọ abian̄a ye etabi. This natural progression from hearing the Word of God to exercising faith in his Son, Jesus Christ, puts us in line for everlasting life. But this vicious spiritual man promotes deception and temptation. Nditịm Idem Edifọn Edifọn Nnọ Baptism Like William Whiston and another respected scholar, Isaac Newton, Emlyn found that the Bible does not support the Trinity doctrine as reflected in the Athanasian Creed. Preparing for Baptism Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Nso ke n̄kpetetịn̄? For example, in South Africa most Witnesses still live in areas that were set apart for their race - be it affluent suburbs, black townships, or areas where people of mixed race once had to live. " What can I say? " he says. Edikop Ikọ Abasi ada esịm edibuọt idem ke Eyen esie, Jesus Christ, ndien emi anam nnyịn inyene idotenyịn nsinsi uwem. See the article "The Mystery of the Gates " in The Watchtower of August 15, 1988. Listening to God's Word leads to exercising faith in his Son, Jesus Christ, and this gives us the prospect of everlasting life. Whiston ama okpono Emlyn onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke enye edi "akpa ye akpan owo emi ekpepde se mme Christian ke eset ẹkekpepde. " For example, a congregation on one Pacific island rented a hall for the Memorial. Whileston respected Emlyn and described him as "the dead and the dead who were teaching the things taught by Christians in the past. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, enyene ini emi ukara South Africa mîkenyịmeke mfia, mbubịt, ye mbon emi ẹtode nsio nsio orụk ẹdụn̄ kiet. Ediwak Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsụk ẹdụn̄ ke ebiet emi ukara ẹkebaharede ẹnọ orụk mmọ. John commends Gaius for "doing a faithful work " in assisting visiting brothers. For example, at one time South African government rejected whites, blacks, and ethnic groups, many of Jehovah's Witnesses still live in a divided land. Se ibuotikọ oro "Ndịben̄kpọ eke Mme Inuaotop " ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme eke August 15, 1988. Here the pronoun cannot refer to the closest antecedent - Jesus. See the article "The Secret of the Gate " in the August 15, 1988, issue of The Watchtower. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, esop kiet ke isuo Pacific ẹma ẹbọ ufọk kiet ndida nnịm Editi. 3, 4. (a) Moses had what fears? For example, one congregation on the Pacific island rented a house for the Memorial. John otoro Gaius aban̄a "utom akpanikọ " oro enye anamde ndin̄wam nditọete oro ẹtode - to ẹdi. Likewise, he willingly supplies information that can keep us mentally and emotionally healthy. John commends Gaius for his "faithful work " in helping brothers who come from. Mi, owo ikemeke ndidọhọ ke ikọ oro, "utọ owo oro " ada aban̄a Jesus - sia ẹsiakde enyịn̄ esie ukperedem. Joshua, who lived in the mid - second millennium B.C.E., mentions a Canaanite city called Kiriath - sepher, which means "Town of the Book " or" Town of the Scribe. " - Joshua 15: 15, 16. Here, the expression "this " refers to Jesus - since his name is later mentioned. 3, 4. (a) Nso ikanam ndịk anam Moses? Rather, he found a legitimate basis for commending Herod. 3, 4. (a) What fears did Moses have? Enye enyịme n̄ko ndinọ nnyịn item oro ekemede ndinam esịt ye ekikere nnyịn ẹna sụn̄. 92: 14, 15. He also accepts counsel that can soothe our mind and heart. Joshua, emi okodude uwem ke iduọk isua 1500 M.E.N. etịn̄ aban̄a obio Canaan kiet ẹkotde Kiriath - sepher, emi ọwọrọde "Obio N̄wed " m̀mê" Obio Ewetn̄wed. " - Joshua 15: 15, 16. God is not partial. Joshua, a contemporary of the 16th century B.C.E., speaks of a Canaanite city called centered on the name of the Canaanites, meaning "the Book " or" the Codex. " - Joshua 15: 15, 16. Utu ke oro, enye ama enyene se adade otoro Herod. We all realize that God's servants today cannot escape tests. Instead, he had something to commend Herod. 92: 14, 15. Consider a Bible example that illustrates why we must respect our brothers ' freedom to make their own decisions in matters of conscience. 92: 14, 15. Abasi isinamke asari. If Jesus was, in fact, talking about the heavenly resurrection, then his words do not shed any light on whether resurrected ones on earth will be able to marry in the new world. God is not partial. Kpukpru nnyịn imọfiọk ke idụhe nte idomo mîdisịmke mme asan̄autom Abasi mfịn. Another psalm says: "Anyone loving violence [Jehovah's] soul certainly hates. " We all know that there is no trial for God's servants today. Ẹyak ineme uwụtn̄kpọ kiet ke Bible, emi owụtde ntak emi ikpayakde nditọete nnyịn ẹda ifụre emi Abasi ọnọde nnyịn ẹbiere se mmọ ẹdinamde. This makes me feel guilty, even though I don't dwell on them. " Let us consider an example from the Bible that shows why we should allow fellow believers to use their free will. Edi ekpedi ikọ esie akaban̄a mbon emi ẹdisetde ika heaven, ọwọrọ enye inamke nnyịn idiọn̄ọ m̀mê mbon emi ẹdisetde ididu mi ke isọn̄ ẹyedọ ndọ. Or should they refuse to worship it and be thrown into a burning fiery furnace? However, his words apply to those who will be resurrected to heaven, no matter whether those who will be resurrected to life on earth will be resurrected to life on earth. Psalm efen ọdọhọ ete: " Owo eke amade afai, ukpọn̄ Jehovah asasua enye. ' There is little you can do to protect yourself from it. Another psalm says: "He that loves violence, the soul of Jehovah hates him. " Okposụkedi emi mmensitiehe - tie n̄kere mmọ, esịt osụk obobiom mi. " [ Box / Picture on page 12] Although I don't think about them, it's hard for me to lose my temper. " Mîdịghe ndi akpana mmọ ẹtre ndituak ibuot nnọ mbiet oro ndien ẹtomo mmọ ẹdọn̄ ke akwa ikan̄ oro asakde? As a parent loves her child's simple expression, Jehovah appreciates it when we give him our best Or should they stop worshipping the image and throw them into the fiery furnace? N̄ko ke inyeneke se owo ndomokiet ekemede ndinam nnyan̄a idem. Such Kingdom publishers display a real evangelizing spirit. And no one can save himself. [ Ekebe / Ndise ke page 12] All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers. " [ Box / Picture on page 12] Kpa nte eka esiwụtde esịtekọm aban̄a ekpri n̄kpọ oro eyen esie ọnọde enye, Jehovah esiwụt esịtekọm ke ini inamde n̄kpọ inọ enye ke ofụri esịt But when Isaac was possibly 25 years old, Abraham faced a test that went against the natural instincts of a father - God told him to sacrifice his son. Just as a mother appreciates the little she has received from her son, Jehovah appreciates it when we serve him with a complete heart Mme utọ asuanetop Obio Ubọn̄ oro ẹnen̄ede ẹnyene edu owo emi amade ukwọrọikọ. The key, therefore, to appreciating the true meaning of a word picture lies in your identifying and understanding each of these three elements. Such Kingdom publishers have a genuine attitude toward someone who appreciates the preaching work. Ami ndi sụk ekemmọ ofụn nte afo ye nditọete fo. " But Esther surely drew closer to her cousin as he taught her about Jehovah, the merciful God who had rescued His people from trouble many times in the past - and would do so again. I am just fellow workers as you and your brothers. " Edi ke ini Isaac ekedide n̄kpọ nte isua 25, Abasi ama ọdọhọ Abraham awa eyen esie - kpa n̄kpọ oro ete eyen mîkpamaha ndinam. The work of these Christians was from God, not man, and the work of God cannot be overthrown. However, when Isaac was about 25 years old, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son - something that a father would not like to do. Ke ntre, ndifiọk n̄kpọ mbita emi edinam owo enen̄ede ọfiọk se uwụtn̄kpọ ọwọrọde. The unity among Jehovah's Witnesses is evident on such occasions. Therefore, understanding these three things will help you to understand the meaning of an illustration. Edi Esther ama enen̄ede ekpere Mordecai. Mordecai ama onyụn̄ ekpep enye n̄kpọ aban̄a Jehovah, kpa Abasi mbọm emi akanyan̄ade ikọt esie osio ke afanikọn̄ ediwak ini ke eset. Salvation for Those Who Choose the Light, 3 / 1 But Mordecai was very close to Mordecai, and Mordecai taught him about Jehovah, a merciful God who had delivered his people many times in the past. Utom mme Christian emi okoto Abasi, ikotoho owo, ndien idụhe owo oro ekemede nditre utom Abasi. What confidence can God's servants have regardless of how far they may have strayed? This Christian assignment was from God, and no one can stop God's service. Ẹsikụt edidianakiet oro odude ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke mme utọ idaha oro. Indeed, "above the sounds of vast waters, the majestic breaking waves of the sea, Jehovah is majestic in the height. " - Psalm 93: 4. The unity that exists among Jehovah's Witnesses is seen on such occasions. Nso mbuọtidem ke mme asan̄autom Abasi ẹkeme ndinyene inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê mmọ ẹyo adan̄a didie? Cultivate Obedience as the End Draws Near, 10 / 1 What confidence can God's servants have regardless of how far they wander from? Ke akpanikọ, "Jehovah ke enyọn̄ ọmọsọn̄ akan uyom ediwak mmọn̄, kpa n̄kpọsọn̄ aya inyan̄ ibom. " - Psalm 93: 4. We have faith that Jehovah can maneuver matters so that we too have what we need. Indeed, "Jehovah is greater than the sound of many waters, the mighty ones of the sea. " - Psalm 93: 4. Ikpọ Mbono Ofụri Ererimbot eke 2003, 7 / 1 For example, in the case of a husband who is an unbeliever, submitting to his headship in all matters that would not mean violating God's laws or principles may well yield the marvelous reward of her being able to " save her husband. ' JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Nnyịn n̄ko imenịm ke Jehovah ekeme ndinọ nnyịn se iyomde. The Bible says: "Evildoers themselves will be cut off... We too trust that Jehovah can provide what we need. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ndisụk ibuot nnọ ebe oro mînịmke ke akpanikọ ke kpukpru n̄kpọ oro mîtuahake ye ibet m̀mê edumbet Abasi, ekeme ndinyene ata eti utịp emi edide n̄wan ndikeme " ndinyan̄a ebe esie. ' The Bible teaches something different. For example, submission to an unbelieving husband in everything that does not conflict with God's laws or principles can have a positive effect on a woman's ability to " walk with her husband. ' Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Ẹyesịbe mme anamidiọk ẹfep... " In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 1. The Bible says: "The wicked themselves will be cut off... Bible ikpepke ntre. The Bible explains that God created humans with the ability to exercise free will. The Bible does not say so. " Ndiọkeyo emi ọsọn̄de ndiyọ oyodu ke mme akpatre usen. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 1. And how we look forward to the day when the last enemy, death, "is to be brought to nothing "! " Critical times hard to deal with will be here. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 1. Bible ọdọhọ ke Abasi ikobotke owo nte ukwakutom emi anamde sụk se ẹkebotde enye ẹnọ, edi ke enye okobot nnyịn ke usụn̄ emi ikemede ndimek se iyomde ndinam. He also helps care for the microphones and performs other tasks. The Bible tells us that God did not create humans simply to do what he created, but he created us in a way we can choose. Ndien nnyịn itie ibet usen oro " ẹdisobode ' n̄kpa ẹfep nte akpatre asua! God's Word says: "When I say to the wicked one: " You will positively die, ' and he actually turns back from his sin and carries on justice and righteousness,... he will positively keep living. And we look forward to the day when "death will be brought to nothing " as the last enemy! Enye esise n̄ko aban̄a ukwak utịn̄ikọ onyụn̄ anam mme n̄kpọ eken. English June 29 - July 1 It also oversees speech equipment and other activities. Ikọ Abasi ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini ndọhọde idiọkowo nte: " Afo udutreke ndikpa, ' ndien enye ọwọn̄ọde ọkpọn̄ idiọkn̄kpọ esie onyụn̄ anam unenikpe ye edinen ido,... enye iditreke ndidu uwem. Jesus said that his followers on earth would be doing something similar during his presence. God's Word says: "When I tell the wicked one: " You will positively die, ' and he will turn away from his sin and do justice and righteousness,... he will by no means keep living. UBOGO 2 (Ikọmbakara) (b) How does Jesus teach us to fear Jehovah? LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Jesus ama ọdọhọ ete ke mme anditiene imọ ẹyenam ukem utom oro ke ini edidu imọ. Jesus said: "A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart, but a wicked man brings forth what is wicked out of his wicked treasure; for out of the heart's abundance his mouth speaks. " Jesus said that his followers would do the same work during his presence. [ Ndise ke page 11] Jehovah is described in the Bible as the God "who cannot lie. " [ Picture on page 11] (b) Didie ke Jesus ekpep nnyịn ndibak Jehovah? God, therefore, "turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " (b) How does Jesus teach us to fear Jehovah? Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Eti owo osion̄o se ifọnde ke nti n̄kpọuto eke ẹdude ke esịt esie, edi idiọkowo osion̄o se idiọkde ke mme idiọk n̄kpọuto esie; koro oto ke uyọhọ esịt inua etịn̄ ikọ. " Thus far, I have been able to help many of my Bible students to experience the power of God's Word in their lives. Jesus said: "A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart, but a wicked man brings forth what is wicked out of his wicked treasure; for out of the heart's abundance his mouth speaks. " Bible ọdọhọ ke Jehovah edi Abasi emi "mîkemeke ndisu nsu. " In her native Poland, Renata had studied theology, Hebrew, and Greek for five years, but she had lost faith. The Bible describes Jehovah as a God who "cannot lie. " Ntre, Abasi ama ọwọn̄ọrede "ntịn̄enyịn esie ọnọ mme idụt ndisio mme owo ke otu mmọ nnọ enyịn̄ esie. " Indeed, the spiritual loss of a loved one is among the most difficult of trials that come upon true worshippers. So God turned his attention "to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " Kan̄a ke emi, mman̄wam ediwak owo ẹdikụt nte Bible enyenede odudu ke uwem mmọ. In most instances, "it turns out to be, not a conversation, but an interrogation: How was school? How about your friends? " In the meantime, I have helped many to see how the Bible exerts power in their lives. Ke Poland obio emana esie, Renata ama ọbọ ukpep ke ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono, usem Hebrew, ye usem Greek ke isua ition, edi enye ama ọduọk mbuọtidem. A disciple named Philip approached him and asked: "Do you actually know what you are reading? " In Poland his hometown, Renata learned a lesson in theology, Hebrew, and Greek for five years, but he lost faith. Ke akpanikọ, iman ndikpọn̄ Jehovah edi kiet ke otu akakan ukụt oro ata mme andituak ibuot nnọ Abasi ẹsikụtde. Daniel is no longer my enemy. Indeed, leaving Jehovah is one of the greatest tribulation experienced by true worshippers. N̄wedmbụk oro iketịn̄de iban̄a ke enyọn̄ emi ọdọhọ ke ediwak ini ke "isidịghe nneme ke ẹsineme, edi ke esidi ndibụp mme utọ mbụme ndụn̄ọde nte: Ufọkn̄wed eketie didie? When attending Christian meetings, how can you ensure that these occasions are truly refreshing? The above - mentioned journal says that "there are times when communication is not done, but it is only natural to ask such questions as these: What was the nature of school? Mbet kiet emi ekerede Philip ama asan̄a ekpere enye onyụn̄ obụp enye ete: "Nte afo emetịm ọfiọk se afo okotde? " Always have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " A disciple named Philip approached him and asked: "Do you actually know what you are reading? " Daniel idịghe aba asua mi. Today, angels do not lead us to honesthearted ones by speaking to us as an angel spoke to Philip and directed him to the Ethiopian eunuch. Daniel is no longer my enemy. Ke ini odụkde mme mbono esop Christian, didie ke afo akpanam mboho emi ẹnen̄ede ẹnọ fi nduọkodudu? What kind of people were in the mob? When you attend Christian meetings, how would you feel about this gathering? Yọhọ "kpukpru ini ke utom Ọbọn̄. " Let us see how we can benefit from considering the available information. Stay busy "in the work of the Lord. " Mfịn, mme angel isitemeke nnyịn ebiet emi idikụtde mbon oro ẹmade akpanikọ nte angel eketemede Philip onyụn̄ ọdọhọ enye okosobo ye eunuch owo Ethiopia. Although we had little income, we were determined to keep on pioneering. Today, angels do not include us where we will find honesthearted ones as the angel directed Philip to meet the Ethiopian eunuch. Mmanie ẹkesịne ke otu mbon ntịme oro? [ Credit Line] Who were included in the mob? Ẹyak ise se ikemede ndikpep nto mbụk oro ifiọkde. In his letter to the Romans, he stated: "There is eagerness on my part to declare the good news. " Let us see what we can learn from the account we know. Okposụkedi nnyịn mîkenyeneke okụk, nnyịn ima ibiere ndika iso nnam utom usiakusụn̄. The bus is crowded, but there it is again. Although we did not have enough money, we were determined to continue pioneering. [ Ebiet Ẹdade N̄kpọ Ẹto] Could he have thought that diplomacy or militaristic maneuvering would deliver a more favorable outcome than would turning to God for help? [ Credit Line] Ke leta oro enye ekewetde ọnọ ẹsọk mbon Rome, enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ke n̄kan̄ mi, mmeben̄e idem ndikwọrọ gospel. " Let him go on his journey! " In his letter to the Romans, he said: "On my side, I am ready to preach the good news. " Bọs ọyọhọ ye mme owo, edi n̄kpọ oro afiak ọkọn̄ enye. Is Jesus Christ that one? Take full advantage of others, but the matter is restored. Okûdi Asa ekekere ke ndinọ Edidem Ben - hadad ubọkedem akan̄wana ye Edidem Baasha eyekpe imọ akan ndiberi edem ke Jehovah? Through inherited sin, we all transgress in word, deed, and thought or we fail to do what we should do. Might Asa have felt that giving King Ben - hadad a bribe against Baasha would give him a victory against Jehovah? Mbọk ẹyak enye aka uwa esie! " Concerning it, English archaeologist Austen Layard wrote: "The wild bull, from its frequent representation in the bas - reliefs, appears to have been considered scarcely less formidable and noble game than the lion. Please let him go to his sacrifice! " Ndi Jesus Christ edi Messiah? Still, when I was about 14, I got baptized in a local creek - dipped three times for the Trinity! Is Jesus Christ the Messiah? Ke ntak ndammana idiọkn̄kpọ, kpukpru nnyịn idedue ke ikọ inua, edinam, ye ekikere mîdịghe nnyịn imesikpu ndinam mme n̄kpọ oro akpanade nnyịn inam. My son was very happy when, some time later, our circuit overseer asked him, "Why don't you become a regular pioneer, Gary? " Because of inherited sin, we all stumble in words, deeds, and thoughts or fail to do things that we should do. Austen Layard, eyen England emi edide ọdọkisọn̄ nyom n̄kpọeset, ekewet ntem aban̄a editịm: "Nte ẹsiwakde ndiwet editịm ke mbuwed, etie nte ẹkeda enye nte ata enyene - ndịk unam emi ẹsinyụn̄ ẹbịnde ikọt ẹyom ukem nte lion. When money becomes the object of our affection rather than merely a means to get things done, we become susceptible to all sorts of moral temptations, including lying, theft, and treachery. Regarding this system of things, English archaeologist Austen Latenard wrote: "As often as it is often written in the design, it appears that it was considered a formidable beast and burned up like a lion. Kpa ye oro, mma nna baptism ini ndide isua 14. Ẹma ẹnyịni mi ikata ke edịk. (b) Why should we prepare now to remain neutral? Even so, I was baptized when I was 14. Esịt ama enen̄ede enem enye ke ini esenyịn circuit okobụpde enye ete, "Gary, nso inam mûdịghe asiakusụn̄ ofụri ini? " Sanderson, G. How happy she was when the circuit overseer asked him, "Gary, why don't you serve as a regular pioneer? " Ke ini okụk akabarede edi n̄kpọ oro imade utu ke ndidi se idade inyene se iyomde, nnyịn imekeme ndiduọ ndụk kpukpru orụk idomo, esịnede usu nsu, uyịp inọ, ye ubian̄a abian̄a. However, when asked what that Kingdom is, most people answer, in effect, "I don't know, " or their answer is vague and uncertain. When money becomes a matter of personal preference rather than material possessions, we may fall into every sort of temptation, including lying, stealing, and fraud. (b) Ntak emi ikpọtọn̄ọde idahaemi iben̄e idem man ikeme ndida san̄asan̄a? [ Pictures on page 4, 5] (b) Why should we prepare now to remain neutral? Sanderson, G. Recall that when Jehovah forgives, he forgets our sins in the sense that he does not thereafter hold them against us. Sanderson, G. Edi ima ibụp mmọ se Obio Ubọn̄ oro edide, ediwak mmọ ẹsidọhọ ke mmimọ ifiọkke, mîdịghe ibọrọ mmọ isitịmke in̄wan̄a owo. They like to give advice, relate their own experiences, or present their viewpoint instead of giving a listening ear to what others have to say. But we asked them what the Kingdom is, many say that they do not know, or they do not fully understand it. [ Mme ndise ke page 4, 5] Surely, then, we can forgive the occasional offense others commit against us. [ Pictures on page 4, 5] Ti ete ke ini Jehovah efende ọnọ nnyịn, ke enye esifre mme idiọkn̄kpọ oro sia enye idifiakke imia nnyịn ufen ke ntak idiọkn̄kpọ oro. 5: 16. Remember that when Jehovah forgives, he forgets those sins because he will not hold us back from doing so. Mmọ ẹsima ndinọ owo item, ndibụk ifiọk n̄kpọntịbe mmọ, m̀mê ndinọ ekikere idemmọ utu ke ndikpan̄ utọn̄ n̄kop se mbon en̄wen ẹyomde nditịn̄. Thus, I was able to appreciate his solution by means of the Messianic Kingdom and avoid the vanity of life without God. They enjoy giving counsel, sharing their experiences, or offering their own ideas instead of listening to what others want to say. Do, ke akpanikọ, nnyịn imekeme ndifen idiọkn̄kpọ oro mbon en̄wen ẹsinamde nnyịn ke ini ke ini. She was deeply hurt when she saw this happening and tactfully tried to warn him of the dangerous path he was treading. Surely, then, we can forgive the sins of others from time to time. 5: 16. " I openly tell my children, " says Sarah, "about the choices I made. 5: 16. Ntem, mma ndiọn̄ọ usọbọ oro enye ọnọde ebe ke Obio Ubọn̄ Messiah nnyụn̄ mbọhọ ikpîkpu uwem oro mbon oro mîfiọkke Abasi ẹdude. Why would it be wise for us to examine our study habits? Hence, I knew his treatment by means of the Messianic Kingdom and escaped the futility of life that those who do not know God. Esịt ama enen̄ede ayat n̄wan emi ke ini enye okokụtde emi, enye ama onyụn̄ odomo ndida mbufiọk ntọt ebe esie mban̄a idiọk afan̄ oro enye okodụkde. The platform was huge and had an impressive backdrop of 144 large pillars. This woman was deeply hurt when she saw it, and she tried to use her husband's tactful counsel on the wrong path. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Mmesitịn̄ utọ uwem emi n̄kodude nnọ nditọ mi. Yet, how could anyone become superior to God? " " I often share my experiences with my children, " she says. Ntak emi ọfọnde idụn̄ọde nte isikpepde n̄kpọ? Jesus was willing to sacrifice his life for us. Why should we examine our study methods? Mbot utịn̄ikọ ama okpon etieti ndien ndiye ikpọ adaha 144 ẹkemụm efe mbono oro ẹkama. Can You Explain? High Priest 144 stood up to hold of the hall. Ndi emekere ke enyene owo emi okponde itie akan Abasi? " Regarding " the spirit we show, ' what are you personally determined to do? Do you think there is someone greater than God? " Jesus ama enyịme ndiwa uwem esie nnọ nnyịn. That is what happened to Robert. Jesus willingly gave his life for us. Nte Afo Emekeme Ndinam An̄wan̄a? Does this mean that God will replace the earth with a new one? Can You Explain? Nso ke afo ebiere ndinam mban̄a " edu emi nnyịn iwụtde '? Is the Bible of any help in dealing with such grief? What are you determined to do about "the spirit we show "? Oro edi se iketịbede inọ Robert. 1, 2. That is what happened to Robert. Ndi emi ọwọrọ ke Abasi oyosobo isọn̄ emi efep obot obufa? The accusation seems to reveal a belief among the Jewish leaders that Baruch exerted considerable influence over Jeremiah. Does this mean that God will destroy the new earth? Ndi Bible ekeme ndin̄wam owo ọyọ mfụhọ emi? ; Bouqué, S. Can the Bible help a person to cope with this grief? 1, 2. From the book Bildersaal deutscher Geschichte 1, 2. Edori ikọ emi odomo ndiwụt ke ikpọ owo mme Jew ẹma ẹnịm ke Baruch akanam Jeremiah anam se enye akanamde. What kind of training did Jesus receive before being sent to earth? This accusation indicates that the Jewish leaders believed that Baruch acted in harmony with Jeremiah's actions. ; Bouqué, S. The End of the Jewish System of Things ; Bouqué, S. Ẹda ẹto n̄wed oro Bildersaal deutscher Geschichte For example, the high divorce rate in many lands gives evidence of widespread disloyalty. From the book Billes de Gever Nso ukpep ke Jesus ọkọbọ mbemiso ẹkenọde enye edi isọn̄? And I was appalled, because what I was reading [in the Gospel accounts] was not legend and it was not naturalistic fiction. What training did Jesus receive before he was sent to earth? Utịt Editịm N̄kpọ Mme Jew The kingdom of Israel did not escape divine judgment The end of the Jewish system of things Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, nte usiondọ awakde ke ediwak idụt owụt nte unana edinam akpanikọ atarade. This was the world in which Noah lived. For example, the increase in divorce in many countries reflects the widespread spread of dishonesty. Ndien idem ama akpa mi, koro se ami n̄kokotde ke [mme mbụk Gospel] ikedịghe n̄ke ikonyụn̄ idịghe ikpîkpu mbụk. Sufficient time would have to pass, careful observation would be required, and right conclusions would have to be drawn in order for the issue to be settled. To my surprise, what I read in [the Gospel accounts] was neither myth nor fiction. Obio ubọn̄ Israel ikọbọhọke ubiereikpe Abasi Why? The kingdom of Israel would not escape God's judgment Nte ererimbot eyo Noah eketiede edi oro. Yet, another tragedy was just around the corner. That was the situation of the world of Noah's day. Eneni enye emi eyenen̄ede oyom ini, onyụn̄ oyom ẹtịn̄ enyịn ẹse nte n̄kpọ akade iso, man ẹfiọk owo emi enende. How did some first - century Christians manifest a spirit like that of Satan? This issue will require time, effort, and attention to determine who is right. Ntak - a? [ Picture on page 29] Why? Edi, n̄kpọ mmọn̄eyet efen ke akasan̄a ekpere. ; Geraghty, B. Yet, another tragedy was imminent. Didie ke ndusụk Christian akpa isua ikie ẹkenyene edu ebietde eke Satan? Consider what happened to two teenage sisters in Uruguay. How did some first - century Christians reflect Satan's attitude? [ Ndise ke page 29] 17, 18. (a) Why did the apostles at times have difficulty grasping Jesus ' teaching on humility? [ Picture on page 29] ; Geraghty, B. WHEN Jehovah brings an end to the present wicked system of things at Armageddon, how will upright individuals fare? ; Geraghty, B. Kere ban̄a se iketịbede inọ n̄kpri nditọeka iba ke Uruguay. For example, the International Herald Tribune made this observation about the European Union: "Rivalry and mistrust remain basic patterns of European politics. Consider the case of two young brothers in Uruguay. 17, 18. (a) Ntak emi se Jesus ekekpepde mme apostle aban̄a nsụhọdeidem ekesisọn̄de ndin̄wan̄a mmọ? Consider, too, the traveling overseers and their wives, the men and women who serve as volunteers at the offices of the Watch Tower Society, and the pioneers who minister to the congregations. 17, 18. (a) Why were the apostles ' teachings about humility difficult to understand? NSO iditịbe inọ nti owo ke ini Jehovah edisobode idiọk editịm n̄kpọ emi ke Armageddon? Eve was perfectly suited to be Adam's complement - in caring for their garden home and the animals, in producing children, and in providing the intellectual stimulus and support of a true companion. - Genesis 1: 26 - 30. WHAT will happen to righteous ones when Jehovah destroys this wicked system of things at Armageddon? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, International Herald Tribune eketịn̄ ntem aban̄a N̄ka Europe: "Ndomoidem ye unana mbuọtidem ẹdi akpan edu mbre ukara Europe. This too can loom as a stumbling block. Regarding the Council of Europe, for example, the International Herald Debe said: "The experiment between pride and lack of faith is an important feature of the European politics. Kere n̄ko ban̄a mme esenyịn oro ẹsan̄ade - san̄a ye iban mmọ, iren ye iban oro ẹnamde utom unyịmesịt ke mme ọfis Watch Tower Society, ye mme asiakusụn̄ oro ẹnamde utom ẹnọ mme esop. Unlike animals, we have an innate need to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Think, too, of traveling overseers and their wives, male and female serving in the Watch Tower Society's branch offices, and pioneers serving in congregations. Eve ama enen̄ede odot ndidi andinam Adam ekem - ke ndise mban̄a in̄wan̄ ebietidụn̄ mmọ ye mme unam, ke ndision̄o nditọ ndi, ye ke ndidemede ukeme ukere n̄kpọ esie nnyụn̄ nnọ enye ibetedem eke ata nsan̄a. - Genesis 1: 26 - 30. What is happening in fulfillment of Zephaniah 3: 9? Eve was better qualified to be Adam's Maker - to care for their garden and animals, to produce children, and to stimulate her thinking ability and to support her partner. - Genesis 1: 26 - 30. Emi n̄ko ekeme ndidi n̄kpọ iduọ. Are there ways in which we can make additional sacrifices for the Kingdom? This too can be a stumbling block. Sia nnyịn mîdịghe unam, kpukpru nnyịn imesiyom ndifiọk ntak emi idude uwem. Remember, in the same verse in which James urges Christians to "draw close to God, " he also exhorts:" Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones. " - James 4: 8. Because we are not animals, all of us want to know why we are here. Nso itịbe ke ndisu Zephaniah 3: 9? In recent times, a significant way to promote pure worship by the use of language has been through Bible translation. What happens in fulfillment of Zephaniah 3: 9? Ndi enyene mme usụn̄ en̄wen emi ikemede ndiwa idem kaban̄a Obio Ubọn̄? (Compare Job 1: 6; 2: 1; 38: 4, 7.) Are there other ways to prepare for the Kingdom? Ti ete ke kpasụk ufan̄ikọ oro James esịnde udọn̄ ọnọ mme Christian ete "ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Abasi, " ke enye eteme n̄ko ete:" Ẹyet ubọk mbufo ẹsana, mbufo mme anam - idiọk; ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam esịt mbufo ẹsana, mbon esịt iba. " - James 4: 8. To do so, he exploits the most direct route into our hearts and minds - through our senses, particularly our eyes and ears. Recall that in the same verse that James encourages Christians to "draw close to God, " he also urges:" Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, and you must cleanse yourselves of two hearts. " - James 4: 8. Ke mme isua oro ẹbede mi, ikọt Abasi ẹkabade Bible ẹsịn ke nsio nsio usem man ẹn̄wam ediwak owo ẹdifiọk Jehovah. [ Blurb on page 12] Over the years, God's people have translated the Bible into various languages to help many people come to know Jehovah. (Men Job 1: 6; 2: 1; 38: 4, 7 domo.) Of course, that does not mean that such ones are content to let others carry their load. (Compare Job 1: 6; 2: 1; 38: 4, 7.) Enye esida mme ndido oro ẹnen̄erede ẹnyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye esịt ye ekikere nnyịn, akpan akpan enyịn ye utọn̄, abiat nnyịn. After he had studied for some time, Kingsley decided to enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School. He uses organs that are closely connected with our mind and heart, listening to our eyes and ears, destroying us. [ Se Ẹwetde ke Ikpọ Abisi ke page 12] Rather, he treated all the workers as those having a right to a living. [ Blurb on page 12] Nte ededi, oro iwọrọke ite ke enenem mme utọ owo oro ndiyak mbon en̄wen ẹbiom mbiomo mmimọ. [ Footnote] However, that does not mean that such individuals are happy to delegate their responsibilities. Ke Kingsley ama ekekpep n̄kpọ ke ọfiọn̄ ifan̄, enye ama esịn enyịn̄ ke Ufọkn̄wed Utom Ukara Abasi. Bill and Linda Schneider, the couple who visited me, were a delightful pair. After a few months of study, Kingsley enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School. Edi nte enye akakam anamde n̄kpọ ye mmọ okowụt ke imọdiọn̄ọ ke kpukpru mmọ ẹnyene ubon ndise mban̄a. Consider also the case of Samuel, whose brother was murdered just 150 feet [50 m] from their father's house. But the way he dealt with them showed that all of them have a family to care for. [ Ikọ Idakisọn̄] How can you follow the course of Jehoshaphat? [ Footnote] Bill ye Linda Schneider, mme ọdọ ndọ oro ẹkedide ẹdise mi, ẹma ẹnem itie etieti. 1: 22. Bill and Linda Scherder, who came to visit me, enjoyed a warm atmosphere. Kere ban̄a se iketịbede n̄ko inọ Samuel, emi ẹkewotde eyeneka esie ẹkpere ufọk mmọ. Extra - Biblical sources show that the privileged classes contemptuously called the uneducated masses ʽam ha·ʼaʹrets, or "people of the land. " Consider also the case of Samuel, whose brother was murdered near his home. Didie ke afo ekeme ndikpebe Jehoshaphat? Consider also the matter of sexual immorality. How can you imitate Jehoshaphat? 1: 22. Some servants of God have made such comments about finding a marriage mate. 1: 22. Ndusụk n̄wed ẹdọhọ ke mme ọwọrọiso owo ye mme adaiso ido ukpono mme Jew ẹkesikot mbon emi mîfiọkke n̄wed ʽamha·ʼaʹrets, oro edi "mbio obio. " Christians around the globe rejoiced to receive Worship the Only True God, which is designed to be studied with new ones after they have completed their study of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life; the other new book is Draw Close to Jehovah, which focuses on Jehovah's qualities and dealings. Some reference works indicate that prominent individuals and Jewish leaders used the book of ʽamha·ʼaʹma, namely, "a lot of refuse. " Kere n̄ko ban̄a oburobụt ido idan̄. Like Noah, however, we fear Jehovah, not men. We know that he alone gives everlasting life. - Luke 12: 4, 5. Think, too, of sexual immorality. Ndusụk nditọete nnyịn ẹsitịn̄ utọ ikọ emi. In 1995, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses discussed an article that included this counsel: Some brothers and sisters have expressed similar sentiments. Mme Christian ke ofụri ekondo ẹma ẹkop idatesịt ndibọ n̄wed oro Tuak Ibuot nọ Ata Abasi Kierakiet, emi ẹtịmde man ẹda ẹkpep n̄kpọ ye mbufa owo ke mmọ ẹma ẹkekụre ukpepn̄kpọ ke n̄wed Ifiọk Oro Adade Osịm Nsinsi Uwem; obufa n̄wed enye eken edi San̄a Kpere Jehovah, emi owụkde ntịn̄enyịn ke mme edu Jehovah ye mme edinam esie. From the foregoing discussion, you can see why you should never be caught unawares. Christians around the globe were delighted to receive the book Worship the Only True God, prepared to study with new ones after they completed their study of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life; the other book Draw Close to Jehovah, who focuses on his personality and qualities. Ukem nte Noah, nnyịn ibakke owo, ibak Jehovah, sia enye ikpọn̄ ekeme ndinọ nnyịn nsinsi uwem. - Luke 12: 4, 5. Following a visit from Albert Lloyd six months later, a congregation was established, with Jack Chadwick as the presiding overseer. Like Noah, we imitate the fear of man, the fear of Jehovah, because he alone can give us everlasting life. - Luke 12: 4, 5. Ke 1995, mme esop Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹma ẹneme ibuotikọ oro ẹkemịn̄de ke Utom Obio Ubọn̄ Nnyịn (nsiondi eke United States) oro ekesịnede item emi: They were baptized in 1934. In 1995, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses discussed an article published in Our Kingdom Ministry (The United States) that included this advice: Otode se ẹnemede emi, afo emekeme ndikụt ntak emi Satan mîkpedehede imen fi ke ndueidem. This conclusion is based on Deuteronomy 1: 15, which says: "So I [Moses] took the heads of your tribes... and put them as heads over you, chiefs of thousands and chiefs of hundreds and chiefs of fifties and chiefs of tens and officers of your tribes. " From the foregoing, you can see why Satan would never try to trap you. Ke Albert Lloyd ama ekedi edise mmọ ke ọfiọn̄ itiokiet ke ukperedem, ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ esop, ẹnyụn̄ ẹmek Jack Chadwick nte esenyịn oro etiede ibuot. Jesus Set the Pattern of Humility After Albert Lloyd visited them six months later, a congregation was formed, and Jack Chadwick was appointed presiding overseer. Mmọ ẹma ẹna baptism ke 1934. Checks sent to the above address should be made payable to "Watchtower. " In 1934 they were baptized. Se inamde ẹtịn̄ emi edi se idude ke Deuteronomy 1: 15, emi ọdọhọde ete: "Ndien [ami, Moses] nda ikpọ owo mme esien mbufo... nnịm mmọ ke mbọn̄ mbufo, mme etubom mme tọsịn, ye mme etubom mme ikie, ye mme etubom mme aba ye duop, ye mme etubom mme duop, ye mme andidaha owo [m̀mê, mme adaidaha] ke mme esien mbufo. " [ Pictures on page 15] This is what is stated at Deuteronomy 1: 15, which says: "I [Moses] proceeded to take the older men of your tribes... and I proceeded to appoint them as princes and chiefs and chiefs and chiefs of ten chiefs and ten officers [or men] of yours. " Jesus Enịm Uwụtn̄kpọ Nsụhọdeidem " It Was Not Easy for Me to Make the Needed Changes. " - DAVID HUDSON Jesus Sets the Example of Humility [ Mme ndise ke page 15] That is so today too. [ Pictures on page 15] " Ikememke Mi Utom Ndikpụhọde. " - DAVID HUDSON The Bible teaches that Jehovah God intended something far better for us. - Genesis 1: 28. " It wasn't easy to Change. " - DAVID HUDSON Ukem oro ke edi n̄ko mfịn. What the Bible promises will come true, and you can enjoy its fulfillment. The same is true today. Bible ọdọhọ ke Jehovah Abasi akaduak ata eti uwem ọnọ nnyịn. - Genesis 1: 28. What does being baptized in the name of the holy spirit mean to you? The Bible assures us that Jehovah God gave us the best way of life. - Genesis 1: 28. Oyụhọde ye se enyenede God has also given humans the opportunity to demonstrate their loyalty to his sovereignty. Be content with what you have Se Bible ọn̄wọn̄ọde ẹyesu, ndien eyenem fi ndikụt nte mmọ ẹsude. Music, which David loved so much and which filled him with happiness, sometimes caused problems. What the Bible promises will come true, and you will be thrilled to see their fulfillment fulfilled. Ndusụk owo ẹkere ke ima idu. To do that, she gave the boys milk, sugar, and coffee. Some believe that there is love. Nso ke ndina baptism ke enyịn̄ edisana spirit ọwọrọ? The apostle Paul foretold that our time would be characterized by people who have "no natural affection. " What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit? N̄ko, Abasi ọnọ mme owo ifet ndiwụt ke mmimọ ida inọ ukara imọ. THE Bible states that certain areas of the Promised Land were forested and that trees were "plentiful. " Furthermore, God has given humans an opportunity to uphold his sovereignty. Ikwọ, emi edide n̄kpọ emi David ekenen̄erede ama, emi ekesinyụn̄ ọnọde enye inemesịt, ama esisịn enye ke mfịna ndusụk ini. Even in Brooklyn, Lloyd's heart was very much in the Japan field, and he was always talking of the experiences that we had had there. The music, which David dearly loved and appreciated, sometimes troubled him. Enye ama ọnọ mmọ uwụtn̄kpọ oro akanamde n̄kpọ emi enen̄ede an̄wan̄a mmọ. [ Diagram / Maps on page 16] He gave them an illustration that filled their hearts with meaning. Apostle Paul ama ebem iso etịn̄ ete ke ẹdida mme owo oro " ẹnanade ima uduot owo, ' ẹdiọn̄ọ ini nnyịn. When I was eight years old, my parents sold their home and shops, built a small mobile home, and moved to Colorado to serve where the need was greater. The apostle Paul foretold that people who "have no natural affection " would be marked by our time. BIBLE ọdọhọ ke ndusụk itie ke Isọn̄ Un̄wọn̄ọ ekedi akai akai, ke eto ama "enen̄ede awak. " The Bible shows that young people are often very effective in praising Jehovah. THE Bible reports that some places in the Promised Land were forest, after the tree was "more abundant. " Idem ke Brooklyn, esịt Lloyd ekenen̄ede owụhọ ke an̄wautom Japan, ndien enye ama esitịn̄ kpukpru ini aban̄a mme ifiọkutom oro nnyịn ikenyenede do. That is true. Even in Brooklyn, Lloyd's heart was focused on the field ministry, and he always spoke about the experiences we had there. [ Ndise / Ndise obio ke page 16] Similarly, to use the Bible to see a defect, such as selfishness, we should do more than read it casually or use it to see someone else's faults. [ Diagram / Map on page 16] Ke ini n̄kedide isua itiaita, ete ye eka mi ẹma ẹnyam ufọk ye itieurua mmọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹbọp ekpri ufọkisan̄. Nnyịn ima iwọrọ ika Colorado, sia ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹyom mme ọkwọrọikọ do. God blessed the repentant spirit of his anointed servants in 1919 and gave them increase. When I was eight years old, my parents sold their home and owned a small trailer and moved to Colorado, where there was a great need for preachers. Bible owụt ke mme uyen ẹsiwak ndinen̄ede n̄kụt unen ke nditoro Jehovah. HOW IS THE BIBLE DIFFERENT? The Bible shows that young people are often very successful in praising Jehovah. Mmọ ẹtịn̄ akpanikọ. Or would love for Jehovah and deep appreciation for his magnificent qualities move you to continue to walk in all his ways? They tell the truth. Ntre n̄ko, edieke iyomde ndida Bible nse m̀mê imọtọn̄ọ ndibụk ibụk, inaha ikot Bible enyọn̄ enyọn̄, m̀mê ndikot nyom ndudue mbon en̄wen. For that reason, there are many who, like David, are faced with emotional, mental, or physical suffering - especially those who are trying to please God. Similarly, if we want to use the Bible to check ourselves on the subject of selfishness, we must not read the Bible above, or read the faults of others. Jehovah ama ọdiọn̄ edu edikabade esịt mme asan̄autom esie oro ẹyetde aran ke 1919 onyụn̄ anam mmọ ẹtọt. Would such powerful works be impossible for Almighty God - the One who is described as having an "abundance of dynamic energy "? In 1919, Jehovah blessed the repentant attitude of his anointed servants and warned them. DIDIE KE BIBLE ANANA MBIET? It is one thing to imagine bringing to life a person who recently died. HOW IS THE BIBLE DIFFERENT? Mîdịghe nte ima oro afo amade Jehovah ye ntotụn̄ọ esịtekọm oro enyenede aban̄a ata nti edu esie ẹyenam fi aka iso asan̄a ke kpukpru usụn̄ esie? All these different individuals were God's friends. - Hebrews 12: 1. Or will your love for Jehovah and your deep appreciation for his superlative qualities move you to continue in all his ways? Ke ntak oro, ediwak owo - akpan akpan mbon oro ẹdomode ndinem Abasi esịt - ẹsikop mfụhọ ye editịmede esịt, ẹnyụn̄ ẹbọ ufen ukem nte David. You would expect God's Word to be unique, and the Bible is. To that end, many - especially those who endeavor to please God - experience sorrow and anxiety, and they suffer as did David. Ndi mme utọ utom odudu oro ẹkpesọn̄ ẹkan Ata Ọkpọsọn̄ Abasi - kpa Enye emi ẹdọhọde ke " nsọn̄idem esie okpon '? Think about what this means. Are such powerful works more than Almighty God - the One who is described as "full of power "? Isọn̄ke ndinịm ke Abasi ekeme ndinam mbon oro mîbịghike ẹkekpa ẹset. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon said that he had "sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth. " It is not hard to believe that God can resurrect those who have died. Kpukpru mmọ ẹkedi ufan Abasi. - Mme Hebrew 12: 1. Donizete says: "Fathers need to show how much they treasure their own relationship with God. They were all friends of God. - Hebrews 12: 1. Edieke owo ọdọhọde ke idụhe n̄wed emi ebietde Bible, owo oro etịn̄ akpanikọ koro idụhe. 6: 11, 12. If a person says that no book is like the Bible, that person is honest because it does not exist. Kere se emi ọwọrọde. It is not clear whether he mentioned the ruse used to obtain the birthright, but after hearing "all these things, " Laban said:" You are indeed my bone and my flesh. " Consider what this means. Solomon ọdọhọ ke n̄wed Ecclesiastes ke imọ ima " idụn̄ọde iyom ndinem ikọ man inyụn̄ iwet nnennen ikọ akpanikọ. ' What was the quality of God's work? Solomon states that in the book of Ecclesiastes, he "searched for gracious words to speak and to write the correct words of truth. " Donizete ọdọhọ ete: "Oyom mme ete ẹwụt ke mmimọ imenen̄ede ida itie ebuana mmimọ ye Abasi ke akpan n̄kpọ. However, parents find that providing spiritual instruction for their children is not without its challenges. Donizete says: "It is necessary for fathers to show that they really value their relationship with God. 6: 11, 12. The Bible says: "The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences. " - Proverbs 27: 12. 6: 11, 12. Itịmke in̄wan̄a m̀mê Jacob ama etịn̄ nte enye akasan̄ade ọbọ itie akpan, edi ke enye ama okokop "kpukpru " se iketịbede, Laban ama ọdọhọ ete:" Afo edi kpasụk ọkpọ mi, ye obụk mi. " (a) What lesson do we learn from what happened to Joseph? Whether Jacob made a specific request, he heard "all the things " that had happened, Laban said:" You are my bones and my flesh. " Utom Abasi eketie didie? The Bible says: What was the nature of God's work? Edi mme ete ye eka ẹfiọk n̄ko ke imemke ndinọ nditọ ukpep. But Jacob did not; nor did he on the birth of another son. But parents also realize that training children is not always easy. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Owo mbufiọk ada okụt afanikọn̄ edịbe; edi ọkọi ebe aka onyụn̄ ọkọbọ ufen. " - Mme N̄ke 27: 12. Comforting Terminally Ill, 5 / 1 Communicating With Adolescents, 8 / 1 The Bible says: "The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences. " - Proverbs 27: 12. (a) Se iketịbede inọ Joseph ekpep nnyịn nso? Give an example. (a) What do we learn from Joseph's experience? Bible ọdọhọ ete: He and his wife had studied the Bible with a family - father, mother, and two teenage daughters - who had a large house. The Bible says: Edi oro ikanamke Jacob ama enye idem ke enye ama akaman udọ. Recently, a 40 - year - old man, whom we will call Jack, lost his beloved wife to cancer. But that did not make Jacob feel loved even after he gave birth to his second son. " Anie Enyene Ọniọn̄ ye Ifiọk ke Otu Mbufo? " 3 / 15 Two weeks after our arrival, I made that difficult journey to the neighboring village to preach all by myself. Who Is God? 2 / 1 Nọ uwụtn̄kpọ kiet ise. We should take some time to analyze our priorities in life. Give an example. Enye ye n̄wan esie ẹma ẹkpep ubon kiet Bible - ete, eka, ye nditọiban iba - emi ẹkenyenede akamba ufọk. Unless we adhere to his righteous standards, we will not remain sanctified before him. He and his wife studied the Bible with one family - the father, the mother, and the two daughters - who had a large house. Jack edi isua 40, ndien enye ọdọhọ ke imọ imesinen̄ede ikop ndobo ndusụk ini. AROUND the world, young Witnesses of Jehovah are finding ways to praise God at school - by means of both their speech and their conduct. Jack is 40 years old and says that he feels very lonely at times. Ke urua iba ẹma ẹkebe, mma nsan̄a ikpọn̄ nte n̄kebemde iso ntịn̄ n̄ka ndikwọrọ ikọ ke obio - in̄wan̄ oro okodude ekpere. " What did you pray about? " she asked. Two weeks later, I walked alone as I first continued to preach in a nearby village. Ọfọn kpukpru nnyịn ida ini idụn̄ọrede se idide ebeiso n̄kpọ ke uwem nnyịn. The message that Jesus taught was truly refreshing; it was "good news. " It is good for all of us to make time for setting priorities in our life. Edieke nnyịn mînamke ndinen edumbet Abasi, nnyịn idikaha iso idi mbon emi enye adian̄arede enịm ọnọ idemesie. How is it that the holy spirit plays a pivotal role in theocratic appointments? If we ignore God's righteous standards, we will not remain sanctified. MME uyen Ntiense Jehovah ke ofụri ererimbot ke ẹyom usụn̄ nditoro Abasi ke ufọkn̄wed - ke ikọ ye ke edinam mmọ. He grew spiritually and attracted the attention of responsible brothers. JEHOVAH'S young Witnesses around the world are looking for ways to praise God at school - both in their speech and in their conduct. Enye ama obụp mmọ ete, "Nso ke ẹkebọn̄ ẹban̄a? " IMAGINE that you are a Christian living in Jerusalem in 66 C.E. " What did you have in mind? " he asked. " Eti mbụk " oro Jesus ọkọkwọrọde ama enen̄ede enem mme owo. These two articles will help us to keep Jehovah's day close in mind. The "good news " that Jesus preached touched people's hearts. Didie ke edi nte ke edisana spirit enyene akpan udeme ke mme edimek eke ukara Abasi? [ Picture on page 18] How is it that the holy spirit plays a key role in theocratic appointments? Enye ama anam n̄kọri ke esop, mbon esop mmọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹma enye. Jehovah greatly values such faithful endurance. He made fine progress in the congregation, and the members of his congregation loved him. DA NTE ke edi Christian, odụn̄ ke Jerusalem, ndien isua 66 eyo mme apostle edi emi. 14, 15. (a) What evidence of justice do we find in Jehovah's sentence upon mankind? IMAGINE that you are a Christian, living in Jerusalem, and this is the year 66 of the first century. Ibuotikọ iba emi ẹyenam iti ke usen Jehovah enen̄ede ekpere. He too asked for a study. These two articles will remind us that Jehovah's day is near. [ Ndise ke page 18] The Bible assures us: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it. " [ Picture on page 18] Jehovah ifreke mbon oro ẹyọde se ededi oro esịmde mmọ ke ntak enyịn̄ imọ. The sophistication of this chemical operation is mind - boggling. Jehovah does not forget those who endure because of his name. 14, 15. (a) Nso iwụt ke Jehovah ama enen ke ndikayak ubonowo osụk idem ọnọ ikpîkpu n̄kpọ? This has broadened my outlook on life and brought me much joy. 14, 15. (a) What shows that Jehovah was justified in dedicating mankind to futility? Enye n̄ko ama ọdọhọ ẹkpep imọ Bible. Imagine their surprise. She too requested a Bible study. Bible ọn̄wọn̄ọ ọnọ nnyịn ete: "Abasi edi anam - akpanikọ, idinyụn̄ iyakke ẹdomo mbufo ẹbe se mbufo ẹkemede ndiyọ, edi enye oyosio usụn̄ ubọhọ ọnọ mbufo ke ini idomo man mbufo ẹkeme ndiyọ enye. " Millions of people throughout the world have evaluated the facts and have become convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses alone are practicing the true religion. The Bible assures us: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, enyene nsen emi odude nnyịn ke nsia. Do Not Be Put Off by Occasional Disappointment For example, there are cells in our brain. Kere nte idem akakpade mmọ. Where did Jesus ' qualifications come from? Imagine their surprise. Ediwak miliọn owo ke ofụri ererimbot ẹdụn̄ọde mme akpanikọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹnyịme ẹte ke Mme Ntiense Jehovah kpọt ẹnam ido ukpono akpanikọ. Jehovah has set a specific limit for wickedness, and he will act right on time. - Isa. Millions around the world are searching for truth and agree that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion. Kûyak Edikpu eke Ini ke Ini Anam Idem Emem Fi How is Jehovah's wisdom revealed in the cycles that sustain life? Do Not Be Late in Times of Distress Mme n̄kpọ oro ẹkenamde Jesus odot ẹketo m̀mọ̀n̄? ← 606.25 years → ← 1,913.75 years → Where did the works of Jesus come from? Jehovah emenịm akpan ini emi enye editrede idiọkido, ndien enye edinam ntre ke ata nnennen ini. - Isa. (b) With what disposition did Samuel fulfill his assignment to anoint Saul? Jehovah has set a specific time when he will bring an end to wickedness, and he will do so at just the right time. - Isa. Didie ke ẹkụt ọniọn̄ Jehovah ke mme n̄kpọ oro ẹnamde mme odu - uwem n̄kpọ ẹka iso ẹdu uwem ke isọn̄? Who has the knowledge and determination to protect and restore the environment? How is Jehovah's wisdom seen in the cycles that sustain life on earth? ← Isua 606.25 → ← Isua 1,913.75 → It was their example that instilled in me the desire to be a missionary. ←25 years.25 B.C.E. ← B.C.E. (b) Didie ke Samuel akanam se Abasi ọkọdọn̄de enye? What effect does the Kingdom good news have on those who accept it? (b) How did Samuel respond to God's direction? Anie enyene ifiọk ye iwụk ndikpeme nnyụn̄ mfiak ndiọn̄ isọn̄? And Jehovah's prophecies never fail, for "God... cannot lie. " Who is wise and firm in protecting and restoring the earth? Eti uwụtn̄kpọ mmọ akanam nyom ndidi isụn̄utom. Disturbed by the current trend, many wish that the holiday season could be a time for deep religious reflection and wholesome family association. Their good example made me want to become a missionary. Didie ke eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ otụk mbon oro ẹnyịmede ndikop? Then she trivialized the Bible's view of sexual immorality and insisted that we resume our relationship. How does the Kingdom good news affect those who respond? Ndien akananam mme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ Jehovah ikpụhu, koro "Abasi... mîkemeke ndisu nsu. " How can he perceive what God's will is in this regard? And Jehovah's prophetic words have never failed, for "God... cannot lie. " Sia nte ẹnamde n̄kpọ idahaemi afịnade ediwak owo, mmọ ẹtua ubaha nte ẹkpedade ini nduọkodudu ẹnen̄erede ẹtie ẹkere ẹban̄a mme n̄kpọ ido ukpono ẹnyụn̄ ẹdade ẹnyene inem inem mboho ubon. In the Bible, discipline is often presented in an appealing light, at times alongside knowledge, wisdom, love, and life. Because many are plagued now, they wish to spend more time on religious matters and to enjoy happy family gatherings. Ekem enye ama ọtọn̄ọ ndida se Bible etịn̄de aban̄a use nnam mbubru onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ifiak ikodu nte ikesidude. But "it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying. " Then he began to make fun of what the Bible says about fornication and told us to return to our home. Didie ke enye ekeme ndifiọk se idide ekikere Abasi ke n̄kpọ emi? " Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work. " How can he perceive God's view on this matter? Ndusụk ini, ẹsisiak ntụnọ, ifiọk, ọniọn̄, ima, ye uwem ke ukem ufan̄ikọ Bible. Tsa·raʹʽath also affected clothing and houses. The Bible sometimes includes discipline, knowledge, wisdom, love, and life. Edikem " n̄wan ọkọbọ enye kpukpru usen ke ikọ esie, onyụn̄ eyịre enye, onyụn̄ ayat enye esịt, tutu enye oyom ndikpa. ' The Bible says: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love. " - Ephesians 5: 1, 2. It came about that "the woman came after him every day and kept sticking to him and became enraged against him until he wanted to die. " Ephesus 4: 28 ọdọhọ ete: "Yak eyịp inọ okûyịp aba, edi utu ke oro yak enye anam ọkpọsọn̄ utom, ada ubọk esie anam eti utom. " Their inheritance was not quite the same as that of the other tribes. Ephesians 4: 28 states: "Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work. " Tsa·raʹʽath ama esidu ke ọfọn̄ ye ufọk n̄ko. Millions regularly recite Jesus ' model prayer in church. Tsa·raʹtha was also in garments and houses. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Ẹdi mme andikpebe Abasi, nte ndima nditọ, ẹnyụn̄ ẹka iso ẹsan̄a ke ima. " - Ephesus 5: 1, 2. Jesus said: "Which one of you, if his son asks for bread, will hand him a stone? The Bible says: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love. " - Ephesians 5: 1, 2. Udeme mmọ ikedịghe ata ukem ye eke mme esien eken. They separated themselves from ritual impurity by a philosophy of special piety, applying temple laws of priestly holiness to the ordinary situations of daily life. Their inheritance was not exactly the same as that of other tribes. Ediwak miliọn owo ẹsibọn̄ akam uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus emi kpukpru ini ke ufọkabasi. When Jesus saw people of his day being "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd, " he did not just feel pity. He "started to teach them many things. " Millions regularly repeat Jesus ' model prayer in church. Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Anie ke otu mbufo ọkpọnọ eyen esie itiat ke ini eben̄ede enye uyo? 1: 23. Jesus said: "Who of you will give his son a stone when he asks for bread? Mmọ ẹma ẹda ukpepn̄kpọ akwaifiọk aban̄ade san̄asan̄a edinam ido ukpono ẹdian̄ade idemmọ ẹkpọn̄ ndek ndek ido edinam, ẹdade mme ibet temple ẹban̄ade mme oku ndinịm idem asana ẹdibuan ye mme idaha ke uwem eke usen ke usen. With true humility, David said: "Who am I and who are my kinsfolk, my father's family, in Israel, so that I should become son - in - law to the king? " They separated themselves from the unclean practices of religion, using the temple laws regarding ritual cleansing and the standards of daily life. Ke ini Jesus okokụtde nte "ẹfiomode ẹnyụn̄ ẹsuande " mbon eyo esie" nte erọn̄ eke mînyeneke andikpeme, " enye ikawan̄ke - wan̄ ubọk ise mmọ ite, mbọm - o, edi ama "ọtọn̄ọ ndikpep mmọ ediwak n̄kpo. " Hence, when Matthew here spoke of "Jeremiah, " he was referring to an entire section of Scripture called by the name of its first book. When Jesus saw people "skinned and thrown about " those in his day" as sheep without a shepherd, " he did not simply see them, but "he began teaching them many. " 1: 23. After a couple more visits, Margaret asked me, "Do you know what God's name is? " 1: 23. Ye ata nsụhọdeidem, David ama ọdọhọ ete: "Ami ndi anie? uwem mi onyụn̄ edi nso, ye orụk ete mi ke Israel, eke ami n̄kpedide ukot edidem? " Why must we keep on moving ahead with Jehovah's organization? With genuine humility, David said: "Who am I? Who is my life, and what sort of life am I in Israel, that I should be like the feet of the king? " Ntem, ke ini Matthew akasiakde "Jeremiah, " enye eketịn̄ aban̄a otu N̄wed Abasi oro ẹdade enyịn̄ akpa n̄wed ke otu oro ẹkot. You might wonder how you can find protection. Thus, when Matthew mentioned "Jeremiah, " it was referring to a group of Scripture that used the first of them to read. Usen kiet, ke ini enye ekedide edikpep eka mi Bible, enye ama obụp mi ete: "Ndi ọmọfiọk enyịn̄ Abasi? " The "healthful words " are" those of our Lord Jesus Christ " - true Christian teachings. One day when she came to study the Bible with Mother, she asked me: "Do you know God's name? " Ntak emi anade isan̄a ikpat kiet ye esop Jehovah? She began to attend Christian meetings regularly and abandoned her unscriptural practices. Why do we need to keep pace with Jehovah's organization? Afo emekeme ndikere m̀mê nso ke ikpanam mbak Satan edinam fi n̄kpọ. The apostle Paul used a Greek word related to lei·tour·giʹa with reference to Israel's priests. You may wonder, " How can we avoid being influenced by Satan? ' " Mbiet nti ikọ " ẹdi ikọ "Ọbọn̄ nnyịn Jesus Christ " - kpa ata ukpepn̄kpọ Christian. That elder had good reasons for asking that question. " The pattern of healthful words " is the word " Our Lord Jesus Christ " - the true Christian faith. Enye ama ọtọn̄ọ ndidụk mme mbono esop Christian kpukpru ini onyụn̄ ọkpọn̄ mme edinam esie oro mîkekemke ye N̄wed Abasi. Paul wrote: "Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian... He began attending Christian meetings regularly and left his unscriptural practices. Apostle Paul akada ikọ Greek oro enyenede ebuana ye lei·tour·giʹa etịn̄ aban̄a mme oku Israel. 1, 2. (a) How has man's knowledge of the heavens and the earth increased over time? The apostle Paul used the Greek word relating to lei·tour·giʹa to Israel's priests. Enyene se inamde ebiowo emi obụp mbụme emi. Imitate God's Perfect Example For good reason, the elder raises this question. Paul ekewet ete: " Ẹsio akani owo ye mme edinam esie ẹduọk, ẹnyụn̄ ẹmen obufa owo ẹsịne, emi ẹnamde edi obufa ebe ke nnennen ifiọk nte asan̄ade ekekem ye mbiet Owo oro okobotde enye, emi Greek m̀mê Jew, edina mbobi m̀mê unana edina mbobi, esenowo, owo Scythia mîdụhe ke enye. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Paul wrote: "Clothe yourselves with the old personality and its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, whether of the Greek or Jew, to be circumcised or to be circumcised, a foreigner, to the Scythians. 1, 2. (a) Didie ke ifiọk oro owo enyenede aban̄a ekondo ye isọn̄ okpon nte ediwak isua ẹbede? This is especially important during times of distress. 1, 2. (a) How has man's knowledge of the universe and of the earth increased over the years? Ana isịn ukeme ikpep n̄kpọ iban̄a Abasi " And there were people of the same religion on opposite sides of the war killing one another. We must put forth effort to learn about God Kpebe Mfọnmma Uwụtn̄kpọ Abasi Nevertheless, Sargon's records refer to the deportation of 27,290 Israelites to places in the Upper Euphrates and Media. Imitate God's Perfect Example ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ How a Christian Husband Honors His Wife . . . . . Enen̄ede ọfọn ikpere nditọete nnyịn ke esop inyụn̄ in̄wam kiet eken, akpan akpan ke ini afanikọn̄. " The body keeps on clamoring for the drug day after day. " It is especially important to be close to our brothers and sisters in the congregation and to help one another, especially during difficult times. " Ndien mme owo ẹdude ke ukem ido ukpono ẹma ẹdu ke n̄kan̄ mbiba ke ekọn̄ oro ẹwotde kiet eken. So, because they were at disagreement with one another, they began to depart. " " Then there were people of the same religion on both sides of the battle that killed one another. Nte ededi, mme n̄wetnnịm n̄kpọ Sargon ẹtịn̄ ke ẹma ẹtan̄ nditọ Israel 27,290 ẹka mme obio emi ẹkedude ke Enyọn̄ Enyọn̄ Euphrates ye Media. A FINE crowd of 6,635 from 52 lands was present at the graduation program of the 115th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead on September 13, 2003. However, Sargon's records mention that the Israelites were taken from 27,290 to cities in The Watchtower of Euphrates and Media. Nte Ebe Okpokponode N̄wan Esie Over the centuries, all of Adam and Eve's descendants have become sick, have grown old, and have eventually died. A Husband's Respect for His Wife Esinen̄ede ọdọn̄ owo ndin̄wọn̄ kpukpru usen. " For some, the Internet has become a fascinating toy instead of a helpful tool. It's a constant desire to drink each day. " Ndien sia ekikere mmọ mîsan̄ake ukem, mmọ ẹsuana. " Visitors marveled at the beauty. And because their thinking is not similar, they are scattered. " NDIYE owo 6,635 emi ẹtode idụt 52 ẹkedu ke edinam ukụre ukpep ọyọhọ otu 115 eke Ufọkn̄wed Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme Ukpep Bible eke Gilead oro ẹkenịmde ke September 13, 2003. It can be likened to a mirror. AT THE graduation of the 115th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead held on September 13, 2003. Tọn̄ọ ẹkebot owo, kpukpru nditọ Adam ye Eve ẹduọ udọn̄ọ, ẹsọn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpan̄a. From Jehovah this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes '? From the beginning of man's history, all of Adam and Eve's offspring have experienced sickness, aging, and death. Intanet edidi n̄kpọmbre ọnọ ndusụk owo, utu ke ndidi eti n̄kpọutom. They would not be open to any agreement, displaying an unwillingness to become reconciled to other people. The Internet is a toys for some, not a good tool. Idem ama akpa isenowo aban̄a nte n̄kann̄kụk emi eyede. Nothing. The visitors were amazed at the beauty of the surroundings. Ẹkeme ndimen enye ndomo ye ukụtiso. Dalia and her mother have continued to make spiritual progress. It can be compared to a mirror. Emi oto Jehovah, enye onyụn̄ edi utịben̄kpọ ke enyịn nnyịn '? On the contrary, those courageous brothers and sisters "keep conquering the evil with the good. " This is from Jehovah, and he is wonderful in our eyes? Enye ama ọdọhọ n̄ko ke mme owo idinyeneke nsọn̄ọnda, idinyịmeke ndidụk ediomi, oro edi, idimaha ndinam emem ye mbon en̄wen. KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WILL FILL THE EARTH He also said that humans would be disloyal, not open to the agreement, but to peace with others. Inamke n̄kpọ ndomokiet. In the Czech Republic, a 12 - year - old girl had to prepare a book report. Nothing. Dalia ye eka esie ẹka iso ndinam n̄kọri ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. As Jehovah's present - day servants, we may suffer adversity as David did. Dalia and her mother continue to make spiritual progress. Utu ke oro, mme uko uko nditọete emi "ẹka iso ẹda nti n̄kpọ ẹkan idiọk ubọk. " Some thought that he was hard on me, but I learned so much from him. Instead, these courageous brothers "keep conquering the evil with the good. " IFIỌK ABASI ỌYỌYỌHỌ ISỌN̄ For this reason Paul counsels: "Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith. " THE END OF GOD'S WORD Ke Czech Republic, ẹkedọhọ n̄kaiferi isua 12 etịn̄ mme akpan n̄kpọ ẹtode n̄wed ekededi. In the same letter, Paul said: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " In the Czech Republic, a 12 - year - old girl was told to explain important lessons from any book. Nte mme asan̄autom Jehovah mfịn, nnyịn imekeme ndisobo afanikọn̄ nte David okosobode. International tourists from each of these two countries spent about $84 billion (U.S.). As Jehovah's servants today, we can face adversities as David did. Ndusụk owo ẹkekere ke enye ọkọsọsọn̄ ido ye ami, edi mma n̄kpep ekese n̄kpọ nto enye. I WAS born in Oppenau, Germany, in 1911, just three years before the outbreak of World War I. Some thought that he was rude to me, but I learned much from him. Ke ntak emi Paul ọnọ item ete: "Ẹti mmọ emi ẹkedade mbuot usụn̄, emi ẹketịn̄de ikọ Abasi ẹnọ mbufo. Ẹtịm ẹse se uwem mmọ ọwọrọde ke akpatre, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpebe mbuọtidem mmọ. " The apostle Paul referred to this when he wrote: "When I was a babe, I used to speak as a babe, to think as a babe, to reason as a babe; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the traits of a babe. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 11. For this reason Paul admonishes: "Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who spoke the word of God, carefully observing what their lives are, and imitate their faith. " Paul ọkọdọhọ Timothy ke leta oro ete: "San̄a ye Mark di, koro enye ọfọn ye ami ke ndisan̄a utom. " In patriarchal times, the wheat that people commonly grew was emmer wheat, which produced grains that did not easily separate from the chaff. In that letter, Paul told Timothy: "Be with Mark, for he is good for me by ministering. " Mbon Germany ẹkebiat biliọn dollar 84, mbon America ẹbiat biliọn dollar 83. By the time Jesus came to earth, Jewish religious thinking and practices had strayed far from what was taught in the inspired Scriptures. Germans spent 84 billion dollars, U.S.A. N̄KAMANA ke Oppenau, Germany, ke 1911, isua ita kpọt mbemiso Ekọn̄ Ererimbot I akasiahade. Yet, throughout human history, God has designated specific groups of people as belonging to him in a special way. I WAS born in Opmiau, Germany, in 1911, just three years before World War I broke out. Apostle Paul eketịn̄ aban̄a emi ke ini enye ekewetde ete: "Ke ini n̄kedide eyenọwọn̄, ntịn̄ ikọ nte eyenọwọn̄, n̄kere ekikere nte eyenọwọn̄, nnyụn̄ nneni eneni nte eyenọwọn̄; edi mma n̄kabade n̄kpon, mmokụre ye ido uyen. " - 1 Corinth 13: 11. However, their methods differed from ours. Regarding this, the apostle Paul wrote: "When I was a child, I used to speak as a babe, to think as a babe, to reason as a babe, and to speak as a babe; but as a babe I have become great, I have done away with the traits of a babe. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 11. Ini oro, mme owo ẹkesima nditọ wheat emi ẹkotde emmer; ndien ama esisọn̄ ndidian̄ade ikpọk esie. Similarly, in the case of the widow's son, it was life that returned to the boy. - 1 Kings 17: 23. At the time, wheat were usually born in wheat, and it was difficult to separate from its shells. Ke ini Jesus ekedide isọn̄, ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono ye edinam mme Jew ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹkpụhọde ye se idude ke N̄wed Abasi emi ẹkenọde spirit Abasi ẹda ẹwet. Sadly, some would not give up their comfortable life. When Jesus came to earth, the teachings and practices of the Jews were quite different from the inspired Scriptures. Edi toto ke eset, Jehovah esimek ndusụk owo nte akpan inyene esie. He even felt " ashamed and embarrassed to raise up his face ' to Jehovah. - Ezra 9: 1 - 6. Throughout history, however, Jehovah has chosen some as his special property. Edi nte mmọ ẹkenamde okpụhọde ye nte nnyịn isinamde mfịn. Present arguments in a clear and logical manner. But their response is different from the way we do today. Ukem ntre, uwem akafiak edidụk eyen ebeakpa oro ke idem. - 1 Ndidem 17: 23. Consider also the example of a family in Japan. Similarly, the life of the widow's son returned to him. - 1 Kings 17: 23. Edi ndusụk nditọete ikenyịmeke ndiyak inyene mmọ atak. Boys will both tire out and grow weary, and young men themselves will without fail stumble, but those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. Some brothers, however, refused to give up their possessions. Bụt ama akam anam enye ndimenede iso nse ' Jehovah. - Ezra 9: 1 - 6. How can we make sure that our decisions conform to God's loving purpose? He was even ashamed to raise his eyes to Jehovah. - Ezra 9: 1 - 6. Tịn̄ ikọ ke usụn̄ oro an̄wan̄ade owo, onyụn̄ esịnede ifiọk. There is no doubt that death is an enemy. Speak with clarity and understanding. Ubon kiet ke Japan ẹma ẹkpep obufa usem n̄ko. Could we also unintentionally be "kicking against the goads "? A family in Japan also learned a new language. Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndikụt nte ke mme ubiere nnyịn ẹsan̄a ẹkekem ye ima ima uduak Abasi? [ Box / Picture on page 13] How can we make sure that our decisions are in harmony with God's loving purpose? Kpukpru nnyịn imọdiọn̄ọ ke n̄kpa edi ata idiọk asua. A highly maneuverable ship called a trireme sails at full power. All of us know that death is a formidable enemy. Nte nnyịn n̄ko imekeme ke ndudue "nditịgha ukịm - enan̄ "? While most Christians today do not suffer to the extent that Job did, tribulations of different kinds do afflict them. Can we too be critical of "the goads "? Ete kiet emi enyenede nditọ iba ke Japan ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ami ye n̄wan mi imesinen̄ede ibiat ini ye nditọ nnyịn. Later that evening after Jesus had dismissed Judas Iscariot, who was about to betray him, a heated argument erupted among the 11 apostles. A father who has two children in Japan said: "My wife and I used to spend most of our time with our children. [ Ekebe / Ndise ke page 13] So according to the Bible, the 70 years was a period of bitter punishment for Judah, and God used the Babylonians as the instrument for inflicting this severe chastisement. [ Box / Picture on page 13] Ubom mbakara emi enen̄erede emem utom ndiwat, ke awat odudu odudu. Now, God's appointed King is ruling in the midst of his enemies. A ship that is very easy to drive is driven by energy. Okposụkedi ata ediwak Christian mfịn mîkwe ndutụhọ nte Job okokụtde, nsio nsio orụk ukụt ẹsịm mmọ. [ Picture on page 29] Although most Christians today are not suffering as Job did, they face various forms of tribulation. Nte ini akakade ke mbubịteyo oro ke Jesus ama ekebịn Judas Iscariot, emi okoyomde ndida enye nnọ, ọkpọsọn̄ eneni ama edemede ke otu apostle 11 emi. Husbands and wives who express appreciation for each other strengthen their relationship. Later that evening after Jesus expelled Judas Iscariot, who wanted to betray him, a heated dispute arose among the 11 apostles. Ke ntre, Bible ọdọhọ ke isua 70 oro ekedi ini emi Jehovah akadade mbon Babylon amia ikọt esie ata ọkpọsọn̄ ufen. We cannot go to the point of disobeying God or violating our Christian neutrality. - Read 1 Peter 2: 13 - 17. Therefore, the Bible says that during those 70 years, Jehovah used the Babylonians to punish his people with severe plagues. Ke mbiara ererimbot emi adianarede ọkpọn̄ Abasi mi, Messiah ke anam uduak Ete esie. One such person was Abraham. In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is doing his Father's will. [ Ndise ke page 29] Gregory of Nazianzus and John Chrysostom (meaning "Golden - Mouthed ") in Greek as well as Ambrose of Milan and Augustine of Hippo in Latin were consummate orators, masters of the most respected and popular art form of their time. [ Picture on page 29] Ebe ye n̄wan emi ẹsiwakde ndikọm kiet eken ẹsinen̄ede ẹkop inem ndọ mmọ. After considering the facts, the board obliged the church to announce that the cause of the problem had been, not the Witnesses, but the president of the church. A married couple who often greet each other enjoy each other very much. Edi nnyịn isinamke n̄kpọ emi edinamde nnyịn isọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi m̀mê ikûda san̄asan̄a. - Kot 1 Peter 2: 13 - 17. From studying the Bible, I began to realize that I needed to change my thinking. But we do not do anything that would cause us to rebel against God or to remain neutral. - Read 1 Peter 2: 13 - 17. Abraham ekedi kiet ke otu mmọ. The roots of this separation seem to date back to when Jeroboam established idol worship in the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. One such man was Abraham. Gregory eke Nazianzus ye John Chrysostom (emi ọwọrọde "Inua o - Gold ") ke usem Greek ọkọrọ ye Ambrose eke Milan ye Augustine eke Hippo ke Latin ẹkedi ata nti mme etịn̄ikọ, kpa nta ke ido utịn̄ikọ oro ẹkekponode ẹkan okonyụn̄ ọwọrọde etop akan ke eyo mmọ. Lessons for Us: Gregory of Nazianzus and John kingdom (meaning "A Golden ") in Greek as well as in Milan and Augustine of Hippo in Latin were excellent speakers, most influential and most famous in their day. Ke ẹma ẹkekụt akpanikọ, ukara ẹma ẹdọhọ ikpọ owo ufọkabasi ẹkedọhọ mbon ufọkabasi mmọ ke ata akwaowo mmọ ekesịn mfịna oro ke idịghe Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkesịn. 24: 13. Upon finding the truth, the authorities told their parishioners that the problem was not Jehovah's Witnesses. Mma n̄kụt ke mmenyene ata nditọete ndien! Food intolerance may cause stomach pain, bloating, gas, cramps, headaches, skin rash, tiredness, or a general feeling of malaise. I could see that I had genuine brothers and sisters! Etie nte usua emi ọkọtọn̄ọ ke ini emi Jeroboam ọkọtọn̄ọde ukpono ndem ke obio ubọn̄ esien Israel duop ke edem edere. For Jehovah's will to be accomplished, timing was important. This hatred evidently began when Jeroboam started idol worship in the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. Se Nnyịn Ikpepde: However, his name also appears a number of times in other contemporary historical records. Lessons for Us: 24: 13. " Today I finished reading the 2002 Yearbook. 24: 13. Nsio nsio udia ẹkeme ndifịna owo. The Israelites were clearly in the wrong. There may be various foods that affect a person. Enyene mme n̄kpọ oro akanade ẹnam mbemiso Ukwọ oro. For more information about the way of life outlined in the Bible, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Before the Flood, something was to be done. Ke ẹsiode Bible ẹfep, ẹtịn̄ n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Pontius Pilate ke ndusụk n̄wed mbụkeset emi ẹkewetde ini oro. Service in Africa Apart from the Bible, Pontius Pilate is mentioned in certain historical documents back then. " Mfịn ke n̄kụre ndikot 2002 Yearbook. This loving God assures his worshippers: "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " - Hebrews 13: 5. " Today I read the 2002 Yearbook. Se mmọ ẹkenamde oro ama ọdiọk etieti. That choice - the rejection of the rule of God - has placed the world of mankind in the hands of God's enemy, Satan. What they had done was cruel. Ke oyomde ntọt efen efen aban̄a usụn̄ uwem oro Bible etemede, se ibuot 12 ke n̄wed Nso ke Bible Enen̄ede Ekpep? In a letter of appreciation for a convention, one family wrote: "The program really reached our hearts. For more information on the way of life outlined in the Bible, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Utom ke Africa • On what basis will those who will live forever on earth be judged? Service in Africa Kop se Abasi ima ọdọhọde mme asan̄autom esie mi: "Ndidehedei n̄kpọn̄ fi, ndinyụn̄ nsịnke fi. " - Mme Hebrew 13: 5. Tomohiro was taught Bible truth by his mother. God lovingly tells his servants: "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " - Hebrews 13: 5. Emi anam ubonowo ọduọ odụk ubọk Satan emi edide asua Abasi. Would you not agree that this assurance is faith - strengthening? As a result, mankind fall into the hands of Satan, God's enemy. Mmọ ẹkewet ẹte: "Se ẹkenemede ama enen̄ede otụk nnyịn. How does Revelation 17: 9 - 11 supply evidence that we are living in the time of the end? They wrote: "What was said really impressed us. • Nso ke ẹdida ẹbiere ikpe ẹnọ mbon oro ẹdidụn̄de ke isọn̄ ke nsinsi? (b) What shows that the officers were not the only ones who were impressed with Jesus ' teaching? • What will be judged by those who will live forever on earth? Eka Tomohiro ekekpep enye akpanikọ Bible. Physical sleep is a gift, explained Brother Lett. A mother taught her Bible truth. Ndi ukereke ke enye ekeme ndin̄wam fi ọyọ ke ini enyenede akamba mfịna? Rather, as we teach such ones, we ought to emphasize the importance of building a personal relationship with God. Would you not agree that he can help you to cope with a serious problem? Didie ke Ediyarade 17: 9 - 11 ọnọ uyarade nte ke nnyịn idu uwem ke utịt ini? Like those prophets, we too have a God - given work, which must be brought to completion before the end of the present system of things. How does Revelation 17: 9 - 11 give evidence that we are living in the time of the end? (b) Nso iwụt ke idịghe mme isụn̄utom oro kpọt ke ukpepn̄kpọ Jesus okotụk? In harmony with those principles, Jehovah's Witnesses do not charge for their literature or for Bible instruction. (b) What shows that the missionaries were not the only ones affected by Jesus ' teaching? Brọda Lett ama anam an̄wan̄a ete ke idap edi enọ. 1: 2; Heb. Brother Lett explained that sleep is a gift. Utu ke oro, ke ini ikpepde mmọ Bible, ikpenyene ndin̄wam mmọ ẹfiọk ntak emi ọfọnde mmọ ẹdi ufan Jehovah. We wanted to walk in His ways. " Rather, when studying the Bible with them, we should help them to understand why it is important to have a personal relationship with Jehovah. Ukem nte mme prọfet oro, Abasi ọnọ nnyịn utom oro anade ikụre mbemiso editịm n̄kpọ emi esịmde utịt. Is it proper to approach God in prayer without saying something like "in Jesus ' name "? Like those prophets, God has assigned us a work that must be completed before the end of this system of things. Mme itie N̄wed Abasi emi ẹsinam Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkûnyanyam mme n̄wed mmọ ẹkûnyụn̄ ubọ okụk ke Bible oro mmọ ẹsikpepde owo. The invitation to come and "take life's water free " issues from whom? These Bible verses make it difficult for Jehovah's Witnesses not to sell their literature and do not pay for their Bible education. 1: 2; Heb. It said: "While these verses are not stated in medical terms, Witnesses view them as ruling out transfusion of whole blood, packed RBCs [red blood cells], and plasma, as well as WBC [white blood cell] and platelet administration. " 1: 2; Heb. Nnyịn ikoyom ndisan̄a ke usụn̄ Esie. " Early copies of the Septuagint contained, not Kyʹri·os, but the divine name in the form יהוה. We wanted to walk in his ways. " Ndi odot ndibọn̄ akam nnọ Abasi ye unana edida mme ikọ nte "ke enyịn̄ Jesus "? The whole earth will be a paradise Is it proper to pray to God without using words as "in Jesus ' name "? Anie ọdọhọ ẹkot mme owo " ẹdin̄wọn̄ mmọn̄ uwem ke mfọn '? SEE PAGE 23. Who invites people to "take life's water free "? Se mmọ ẹkewetde ọkọdọhọ ete: "Okposụkedi owo mîkadaha usem ibọkusọbọ iwet mme ufan̄ikọ emi, Mme Ntiense ẹda ke mme ufan̄ikọ emi ẹkpan edikịm ofụri iyịp, mme ndatndat nsen iyịp, ye mmọn̄ iyịp, ye afia nsen iyịp ọkọrọ ye nsen oro anamde iyịp oboho, nsịn ke idem. " Would we react as Job did if a fellow Christian kindly told us that we were giving evidence of a faulty attitude? What they wrote: "Although not used medicine to record these verses, the Witnesses hold back from transfusions of whole blood, red cells, and blood cells, as well as blood cells, and platelets. " Owo ikewetke Kyʹri·os ke mme akpasarade nsiondi Septuagint, edi ẹkewet enyịn̄ Abasi ntem יהוה. Tulsa, OK The Tetragrammaton, not Kyʹri·os, was used in the original copies of the Septuagint, but God's name יהוה. Ofụri isọn̄ ayakabade edi paradise A fellow committee member always accompanies me. The entire earth will be transformed into a paradise SE PAGE 23. That is our conscience. SEE PAGE 23. Nte nnyịn ikpanam n̄kpọ nte Job akanamde edieke ekemmọ Christian ke mfọnido asiande nnyịn ete ke nnyịn imenyene ukwan̄ edu? Indeed, mildness is a godly trait; Jehovah values it highly. Should we react as Job did if a fellow Christian kindly tells us that we have a wrong attitude? Ekemmọ andibuana ke kọmiti oro esisan̄a ye ami kpukpru ini. Some of those benefits are that I now have many genuine friends, a life full of purpose, and true happiness. The members of the committee regularly accompany me. Oro edi ubieresịt nnyịn. • How do the elderly "produce fruit "? That is our conscience. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, ifụre ifụre ido edi edu Abasi; Jehovah abat enye ke ata akpan n̄kpọ. In addition, Jehovah helped Job to see His power by telling him about some of the amazing things He created. In fact, mildness is a godly quality; Jehovah values it. Ndusụk ufọn oro edi ke mmenyene ediwak nti ufan idahaemi, ndu eti uwem, nnyụn̄ nnen̄ede n̄kop inemesịt. FORT WORTH, TX, Fort Worth Convention Center, 1111 Houston St. Some of those benefits are that I now have many good friends, a better life, and a happier life. • Didie ke mbonusọn̄ " ẹn̄wụm mfri '? Floriano satisfied all my requirements! • How do older ones " bear fruit '? Ke adianade do, Jehovah ama anam Job ọfiọk ndusụk ikpọ n̄kpọ oro imọ ikobotde, man enye okụt adan̄a nte imọ inyenede odudu. If she does divorce him, then she is free to marry another. In addition, Jehovah revealed to Job some of the great things he had created, in order to see how powerful he was. BENIN CITY 3 (Ikọmbakara) Do you? LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Floriano ama esịm kpukpru n̄kpọ oro n̄koyomde nto owo oro n̄kpamade ndidọ! However, if married, she and her husband should make such a decision only after discussing the matter and carefully weighing all the factors involved. - Proverbs 14: 15. Floriano reached everything I wanted from someone I would like to marry! Edieke enye ọwọrọde ndọ, do enye enyene unen ndidọ owo en̄wen. We sold much of what we owned. If she is divorced, then she has the right to marry someone else. Nso kaban̄a fi? 6: 2. What about you? Edi edieke enye ọdọde ndọ, enye ye ebe esie ẹnyene ndineme mban̄a n̄kpọ emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹkere ẹban̄a kpukpru n̄kpọ oro ẹbuanade mbemiso ẹnamde utọ ubiere oro. - Mme N̄ke 14: 15. How did the apostle Paul help those Christians? But if she is married, she and her husband must discuss the matter carefully and consider all the factors involved before making such a decision. - Proverbs 14: 15. Ima inyam ata ediwak se ikenyenede. Paul answered that question when he wrote: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. " We sold most of our possessions. 6: 2. Did the crowning of High Priest Joshua make him a king? 6: 2. Didie ke apostle Paul akan̄wam mmọ? She took care of them in addition to preaching the good news. How did the apostle Paul help them? Paul ama ọbọrọ mbụme oro ke ini enye ekewetde ete: "Kpukpru owo ẹsụk idem ẹnọ mme enyene - odudu emi ẹkarade; koro odudu idụhe ke mîtoho Abasi; ndien mme enyene - odudu emi ẹdude kemi, edi Abasi ekenịm mmọ [" ke ukeuke itie mmọ, " NW]. " O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Paul answered that question when he wrote: "Let every man be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; and the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. " Ndi ndiyara Joshua emi edide akwa oku anyanya ọwọrọ ke ẹmek enye edidem n̄ko? It is not simply a matter of their losing interest in living on earth. Does wearing the high priest Joshua mean that he is also chosen as king? Enye ama ese aban̄a mmọ ke adianade ye utom edikwọrọ eti mbụk. Arrested by the Gestapo, April 1939 He cared for them in addition to the work of preaching the good news. Afo akpakam akpan̄ utọn̄ ke mme ewụhọ mi! (Clue: Read 2 Samuel 13: 28, 29. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! N̄kpọ enye emi idịghe owo mîmaha ndidu uwem ke isọn̄, enye ọdọhọ ke ẹyet imọ aran ndika heaven. Decades later, Jesus ' early disciples "were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria " because of persecution. This is not a person's desire to live on earth, but he says that he is anointed to heaven. Mme Ndedịbe Bodisi ẹmụm mi ke April 1939 [ Pictures on page 16, 17] The Gestapo arrested me in April 1939 (Kot 2 Samuel 13: 28, 29. Daily he was buffeted by tests of faith because he obediently announced God's judgment messages. (Read 2 Samuel 13: 28, 29. Ke ata ediwak isua ama ekebe, ukọbọ ama anam mme mbet Jesus "ẹsuana ke ofụri ikpehe Judea ye Samaria. " I WAS born in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A., on December 10, 1936, the oldest of four children. Centuries later, persecution forced Jesus ' disciples to "hate in all Judea and Samaria. " [ Mme ndise ke page 16, 17] I was relieved when Mrs. Koda spoke to me in Japanese. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Enye ama esisobo ediwak idomo mbuọtidem ke usen ke usen sia enye okokopde uyo Abasi onyụn̄ atan̄ade ubiereikpe esie. This was so that we would trust, not in ourselves, but in the God who raises up the dead. He daily faced many tests of faith because he obeyed God and proclaimed his judgment. N̄KAMANA ke December 10, 1936, ke obio Wichita, ke Kansas, U.S.A. Nnyịn idi owo inan̄, ndien ami ndi akpan. SEE PAGES 24 - 25. I WAS born on December 10, 1936, in the city of Kyoto, Kansas, U.S.A., and I was the eldest son. Esịt ama osụhọde mi ke ini Mma Koda ekesemde usem Japanese ye ami. The fight is on between them, and we will be on the winning side only if we keep in step with Jehovah's organization. When Mrs. Koda spoke Japanese with me. Emi ekedi man nnyịn ikûbuọt idem ke idem nnyịn, edi ibuọt ke Abasi emi anamde mme akpan̄kpa ẹset. Among other things, the Bible shows where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. This was in order for us not to put our trust in ourselves, but we trust in the One who raised the dead. SE PAGE 24 - 25. When Naaman is healed, he is so happy that he wants to give Elisha gifts of gold, silver, and fine clothes. SEE PAGES 24 - 25. En̄wan ke aka iso ke ufọt mmọ, ndien nnyịn ididu ke n̄kan̄ oro akande edieke ikade iso ndisan̄a ikpat kiet ye esop Jehovah. [ Pictures on page 26] The fight continues between them, and we will be on the other side if we continue to keep in step with Jehovah's organization. Ke adianade ye mme n̄kpọ eken, Bible owụt ebiet oro nnyịn itode, ntak emi nnyịn idude mi, ye ebiet emi nnyịn ikade. Encourage the student to ask questions and to tell you when he does not fully understand some point. - Mark 4: 10; 9: 32, 33. In addition to other things, the Bible reveals where we belong, why we are here, and where we go. Ke Elisha ama akada odudu Abasi ọkọk Naaman udọn̄ọ, esịt enem Naaman tutu enye ọnọ Elisha gold, silver, ye ndiye ọfọn̄. With this in mind, think about the position of those whom the householder found late in the day and who therefore worked for only one hour. After Elisha used God's power to heal Naaman, Naaman is so happy that he gives Elisha gold, silver, and beautiful clothes. [ Mme ndise ke page 26] Doing so can also help us to make good decisions and can enable us to stay on the path to life. [ Pictures on page 26] Sịn udọn̄ nọ eyen ukpepn̄kpọ ndibụp mme mbụme nnyụn̄ nsian fi ke ini ndusụk n̄kpọ mîn̄wan̄ake enye ọyọhọ ọyọhọ. - Mark 4: 10; 9: 32, 33. Present - day Christians face a similar challenge because the long night of Satan's wicked system of things is now at the darkest point in its history. Encourage the student to ask questions and tell you that he does not fully understand them. - Mark 4: 10; 9: 32, 33. Ye emi ke ekikere, kere nte n̄kpọ eketiede ye mbon emi enyeneufọk oro okokotde ke mbubreyo ete ẹdinam utom, emi ẹkenyụn̄ ẹnamde utom hour kiet kpọt. The Bible describes just such a government - God's Kingdom, the government for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. With this in mind, imagine what it was like for those whom the householder called on the evening to work and who worked just one hour. Ndinam emi ekeme n̄ko ndin̄wam nnyịn inam nti ubiere inyụn̄ ika iso isan̄a ke usụn̄ uwem. JANUARY 21 - 27, 2013 Doing so can also help us to make wise decisions and keep on walking in the way of life. Idaha mme Christian etie ntre mfịn sia okoneyo idiọk editịm n̄kpọ Satan ekpere usiere. In recent years, we have expanded our ministry by contacting people at places other than their homes. That is true of Christians today because the night of Satan's wicked system is near. Bible etịn̄ aban̄a ukara emi udia - inọ mîdidụhe, oro edi, Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi, kpa ukara emi Jesus ekekpepde mme mbet esie ete ẹsibọn̄ akam ẹben̄e. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. As a result, their faith in Jehovah and their trust in him became stronger! The Bible speaks of a government free of corruption - God's Kingdom, a government that Jesus taught his disciples to pray for. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. JANUARY 21 - 27, 2013 I also wanted to be well - equipped to explain Bible truth to my friends and family. JANUARY 21 - 27, 2013 Ke mme isua ndondo emi, nnyịn imatat utom ukwọrọikọ nnyịn ebe ke ndika mbịne mme owo ke mme itie efen ke ẹsiode ufọk mmọ ẹfep. Abraham now sleeps in death, awaiting a resurrection to life on earth under God's Messianic Kingdom. - Hebrews 11: 8 - 10, 13. In recent years, we expanded our ministry by reaching out to people outside their homes. Emi ama anam mmọ ẹdọdiọn̄ ẹnyene mbuọtidem ẹnyụn̄ ẹberi edem ye Jehovah! Soon we enjoyed results. This strengthened their faith and reliance on Jehovah! N̄konyụn̄ nyom ndinam ikọtufọk mi ye mme ufan mi ẹfiọk se Bible ekpepde. Job confidently hopes that his stay in Sheol will be temporary and that Jehovah will not forget him. I also wanted to help my family and friends learn what the Bible teaches. Abraham edede idahaemi ke n̄kpa, ebetde ediset ke n̄kpa ndidu uwem ke isọn̄ ke idak Obio Ubọn̄ Messiah Abasi. - Mme Hebrew 11: 8 - 10, 13. [ Map on page 25] Abraham now sleeps in death, awaiting a resurrection to life on earth under God's Messianic Kingdom. - Hebrews 11: 8 - 10, 13. Ikebịghike, nnyịn ima inyene utịp. Jehovah's thoughts "are more than even the grains of sand " Before long, we were rewarded. Job enen̄ede ọdiọn̄ọ ke imọ idisịneke ke udi ke nsinsi, ke Jehovah idifreke imọ. Later he was led before the Sanhedrin and questioned by the high priest. Job well knows that he will not remain in the grave forever, that Jehovah will never forget him. [ Ndise obio ke page 25] Some have the joy of witnessing to foreigners who are hearing the good news for the first time [ Map on page 25] Ekikere Jehovah "ẹwak ẹkan ntan " Jesus Christ is sure to address all the root causes of human problems and of the evils that beset us. Jehovah's thoughts "are more than the grains of sand " Ekem ẹma ẹda enye ẹka iso Sanhedrin, akwa oku onyụn̄ afak enye mbụme. King David of ancient Israel had confidence in Jehovah's loving care. Then he was brought before the Sanhedrin, and the high priest gave him a question. Ndusụk owo ẹnyene ifet edikwọrọ ikọ nnọ isenowo oro akanam mîkopke eti mbụk His name means "My God Is He. " Some have the privilege of preaching to strangers who have never heard the good news Jesus Christ oyosio kpukpru se idide ntak mfịna ubonowo efep ye mme afanikọn̄ oro nnyịn isobode. Meanwhile, as we walk in Jehovah's ways, we find accomplishment in setting and then attaining Christian goals. Jesus Christ will eliminate all the causes of mankind's problems and the difficulties we face. Edidem David Israel eset ama enyene mbuọtidem ke ima ima usụn̄ oro Jehovah esikerede aban̄a owo. A Lesson for Each of Us King David of ancient Israel exercised faith in Jehovah's loving concern for humans. Koro enyịn̄ esie ọwọrọ "Enye Edi Abasi Mi. " They do not need to know the names of every member of that group and follow each one of them. Because his name means "He Is My God. " Kan̄a ke emi, nte nnyịn isan̄ade ke usụn̄ Jehovah, nnyịn iyokụt unen ke ndinịm nnyụn̄ nsịm mme utịtmbuba Christian. In what ways have you benefited physically because of applying God's Word in your life? Meanwhile, as we walk in Jehovah's ways, we will succeed in setting and attaining Christian goals. Se Nnyịn Owo Kiet Kiet Ikpepde Which Religion Should You Choose? Lessons for Us Ufọn idụhe mmọ ndifiọk enyịn̄ kpukpru mbon oro ẹyetde aran, nnyụn̄ ntiene mmọ owo kiet kiet. To help you make an insightful examination, "the faithful and discreet slave " has published very specific articles. They do not need to know the names of all anointed ones and follow them individually. Mme ufọn ewe ke n̄kan̄ eke ikpọkidem ke afo enyene ke ntak edida Ikọ Abasi nsịn ke edinam? Never Cease Growing in Your Appreciation, 2 / 1 What physical benefits do you enjoy because of applying God's Word? Ewe Ido Ukpono ke Afo Ekpemek? Giving proof of maturity, however, involves more than acquiring perceptive powers. Which Religion Do You Choose? " Ofụn emi anamde akpanikọ onyụn̄ enyenede ọniọn̄ " emịn̄ mme akpan ibuotikọ emi ẹnemede n̄kpọ emi man an̄wam fi odụn̄ọde idemfo. If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses for one, or read it online at The "faithful and discreet slave " has published important articles designed to help you examine yourself. Ẹkpep Nditọ Mbufo Ẹma Abasi, 9 / 15 It is also worth noting that much of what Jesus said and did while on earth is not recorded in the Gospel accounts. God's Kingdom - What Is Its Meaning? Nte ededi, ndiwụt ke nnyịn imọkọri isịm ọyọhọ idaha esịne n̄kpọ akan edinyene ukeme ufiọk n̄kpọ. Without a doubt, Jehovah is "vigorous in power. " - Read Isaiah 40: 26. However, proof that we are progressing to maturity involves more than having perceptive powers. Edieke mûnyeneke bible, dọhọ mme ntiense jehovah ẹnọ fi idem kiet, mîdịghe kot ke ikpehe intanet emi Such experiences strengthened my appreciation for Jehovah's unfailing support of those who pursue Kingdom interests. If you don't have a Bible, ask the witnesses for a copy, or read it online at N̄kpọ en̄wen emi mîkpanaha ifre edi ke idịghe kpukpru se Jesus eketịn̄de onyụn̄ anamde ke ẹkewet ke mme mbụk Gospel. It is true that Jesus, as a perfect man, could have been the source of billions of perfect descendants. Another factor that we must bear in mind is that not all that Jesus said and did was recorded in the Gospel accounts. Ke akpanikọ, Jehovah enen̄ede " ọsọn̄ odudu '! - Kot Isaiah 40: 26. Marketplace Witnessing Truly, Jehovah is "mighty in power "! - Read Isaiah 40: 26. Kpukpru emi anam ntetịm mma Jehovah sia enye isitreke ndin̄wam mbon oro ẹsịnde idem ẹnam n̄kpọ esie. He explained: "More frequent visits by Watchtower representatives may help the prisoners to develop socially desirable qualities, suppressing aggression among them. " All of this strengthens my love for Jehovah because he never fails to help those who are zealous in his service. Ẹma ẹnọ ekikere ẹte ke mfọnmma owo oro, Jesus, okpokobon ediwak biliọn mfọnmma nditọ. Her way of doing things is marked by prudence and economy. It was suggested that the perfect man, Jesus, could produce billions of perfect children. Ndinọ Ikọ Ntiense ke An̄waurua To what is mildness of temper closely related, and why do we need this quality in our relationships with others? Witnessing in the marketplace Enye ọkọbọrọ ete: "Mme andida ke ibuot Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme ndidi ndien ndien ekeme ndinam mbon n̄kpọkọbi ẹnyene nti edu, onyụn̄ akpan mmọ ndiyom kiet eken ikọ. " 3: 18. He replied: "The representatives of The Watchtower are repeatedly capable of displaying good qualities toward the prisoners, and they are focused on seeking one another. " Enye esitetie ekere n̄kpọ mbemiso anamde inyụn̄ ibiatke okụk ntịme ntịme. After the fighting was over, our neighbors came and thanked us for their safety. He looks forward to doing things and destroys money. Ifụre ifụre ido enyene n̄kpet n̄kpet ebuana ye ewe edu, ndien ntak emi nnyịn iyomde edu emi ke itie ebuana nnyịn ye mbon en̄wen? KING DAVID has ruled Israel for some time, but he now faces a perilous situation. Mildness is closely related to what quality, and why do we need it in our relationship with others? 3: 18. I learned afterward that he was a homosexual and had abused others. 3: 18. Ke ekọn̄ oro ama okokụre, mbọhọidụn̄ nnyịn ẹma ẹdikọm nnyịn sia mmọ mîkakpaha. He was always very mild, even when he was upset. After the war, our neighbors greeted us because they did not exist. EDIDEM DAVID amakara Israel ebịghi, edi idahaemi afanikọn̄ esịm enye. ; Pisko, D. KING DAVID has ruled over Israel for a long time, but he is now in trouble. Ke oro ebede mma ndifiọk nte ke enye edi adan̄ ukemuduot ndien ke enye ama esisabade mbon efen. " DADDY, how do you know so much? " Afterward I realized that she was a homosexual and that she sexually abused others. Enye ekesitie ifụre ifụre kpukpru ini, idem ke ini esịt akayatde enye. The full weight of a Scriptural point may strike you in a deeply personal way. He was always calm, even when he was angry. ; Pisko, D. How, though, did the Jews come to worship in synagogues? ; Pisko, D. " PAPA, esinanam didie ọdiọn̄ọ kpukpru n̄kpọ? " He did this by taking the lead and by appealing to their hearts. " HOW do you know everything? " Emi ekeme ndinam se N̄wed Abasi etịn̄de osụhọde odụk fi esịt onyụn̄ enen̄ede otụk fi. " It was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, " said the apostle Peter. This may impress on your mind and heart what the Scriptures say. Edi mme Jew ẹketọn̄ọ didie ndituak ibuot ke synagogue? And as a man of faith, he prayed frequently. How, though, did the Jews begin to worship in the synagogue? Enye akanam emi ke ndinọ mmọ ndausụn̄ nnyụn̄ nsịn udọn̄ nnọ mmọ. Impartiality is another of Jehovah's endearing qualities. He did this by directing and encouraging them. Apostle Peter ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ikedịghe ke nditiene nsunsu mbụk emi ẹdade mbufiọk ẹtịbi ke nnyịn ikanam mbufo ẹfiọk odudu ye edidu Ọbọn̄ nnyịn Jesus Christ. " I feel so very privileged. The apostle Peter said: "It was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Ndien enye ama esibọn̄ akam kpukpru ini sia enye ọkọbuọtde idem ye Abasi. The Bible does not teach that we are helpless victims of our fleshly desires And he always prayed because he trusted in God. Editre ndinam asari edi eti edu Jehovah en̄wen. 21 Draw Close to God - Can God Feel Regret? To avoid partiality is another fine quality of Jehovah. Mmenen̄ede mma ifet oro. The musical arrangements make for most enjoyable listening. I cherish that privilege. Bible ikpepke nte ke nnyịn imanana un̄wam kaban̄a mme udọn̄ obụkidem nnyịn 14, 15. The Bible does not teach that we are vulnerable to our fleshly desires 21 San̄a Kpere Abasi - Ndi Abasi Ekeme Nditua N̄kpọfiọk? Regarding life in Israel, the Scriptures say: "[In those days] pathways had no traffic, and the travelers of roadways would travel by roundabout pathways. 21 Draw Close to God - Can God Feel Regret? Ikwọ emi enem etieti. We would use knives and baseball bats to attack a crowd of 20 or more people. It is beautiful. 14, 15. Let's analyze those words. 14, 15. Kaban̄a nte uwem eketiede ke Israel, N̄wed Abasi ọdọhọ ete: " Ke mme usen oro, mme ọkpọusụn̄ ẹkena ikpîkpu: ndien mbonisan̄ ẹkesan̄a ke n̄kwan̄a - n̄kwan̄a usụn̄. One Sunday, armed policemen surrounded us. Regarding the nature of life in Israel, the Scriptures say: "In those days the roadways were in vain, and the travelers walked straight. Ima isida ikwa ye eto in̄wana ye otuowo emi ẹwakde ẹsịm owo 20 m̀mê akande oro. Josiah is eager to hear every word of the book. We used knives and timber to attack a crowd of 20 or more people. Yak ineme itien̄wed emi ise. The Solomon Islands are known as the Happy Isles, and our service here over the past decade has indeed been a happy time. Let us consider these accounts. Ke Sunday kiet, mme bodisi oro ẹkekamade ikan̄ ẹma ẹkan nnyịn ẹkụk. How fitting, then, the exhortation: "Set your heart upon your ways "! One Sunday, we were surrounded by a gun. Josiah enyene ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ ndikop kpukpru ikọ n̄wed oro. Down to earth and hospitable, yet independent, these people add a special touch to the uniqueness of the area. Josiah is eager to hear all the words of that book. Ẹdiọn̄ọ Solomon Islands nte Isuo Inemesịt, ndien ini oro inamde utom mi ke se iwakde ikan isua duop emi ẹbede enen̄ede edi ini inemesịt. Many feel that Christmas gift - giving brings more stress, not more happiness. The Solomon Islands are known as the Happy Island, and the more than ten years have been a happy time. Do, item emi odot didie ntem: "Mbufo ẹtịm ẹkere usụn̄ mbufo "! In the short time he has left, that wicked "god of this system of things " is trying to make anyone who loves Jehovah give up doing His will. How appropriate, then, is this counsel: "Keep your way in mind "! Mme owo ẹmi ẹtịp ẹsịn ke ndinam ikpehe emi edi n̄wọrọnda ebe ke ndinyene in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ edu ye mfọnido, edi ẹdade ke idem. The apostle Paul begged God to remove the thorn from his flesh. These individuals contribute to making this aspect unique by cultivating a positive and kind attitude and by being independent. Ediwak owo ẹkere ke ndinọ owo enọ ke ini Christmas esisan̄a ye editịmede esịt utu ke inemesịt. You see, in our culture it is all right for a girl to pioneer straight from school, but a boy is expected to become financially secure first, and then he can think about pioneering. Many feel that the giving of gifts at Christmas is accompanied by anxiety rather than unhappiness. Ke ekpri ibio ini oro osụhọde ọnọ enye, idiọk "abasi eyo emi " ke odomo ndinam owo ekededi oro amade Jehovah etre ndinam uduak Esie. Purpose of Study Articles During that short time left for him, the wicked "god of this system of things " is trying to tempt any who love Jehovah to stop doing His will. Ikpọkọsọn̄ke Jehovah ndibem iso ndọhọ enye ke imọ imenyene odudu m̀mê ọniọn̄. If so, you must continue to sow what is good by walking with God and living in harmony with his righteous standards. It was not easy for Jehovah to tell him that he had power or wisdom. Apostle Paul ama eben̄e Abasi ete osio imọ n̄kukịm ke obụkidem. How can we identify modern - day Absaloms and guard ourselves against them? The apostle Paul asked God to remove a thorn in the flesh. Omokụt, ke ido obio nnyịn ọfọn eyenan̄wan ndidụk utom usiakusụn̄ ke ndondo oro okụrede ufọkn̄wed, edi ẹsidori enyịn eyeneren ndibem iso nnyene okụk, ndien ekem enye ekeme ndikere mban̄a ndinam utom usiakusụn̄. Why? Clearly, our culture is good for a girl to enter the pioneer service soon after school, but a boy is expected to have money first, and then she may think about pioneering. Nso itịbe? So he sent word to the army, ordering that Uriah return to Jerusalem. What happens? Uduak Mme Ibuotikọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Remember, the elders love us and want us to grow spiritually. Purpose of Study Articles Do, ana afo aka iso ọtọ se ifọnde ebe ke ndisan̄a ye Abasi nnyụn̄ ndu uwem ekekem ye ndinen edumbet esie. The Bible never mentions her name again. Then you must stick to what is good by walking with God and living in accord with his righteous standards. Ikeme ndisan̄a didie mfiọk mbon oro ẹtiede nte Absalom mfịn nnyụn̄ n̄kpeme idem ye mmọ? They became demons. - Jude 6. How can we identify who is like Absalom today and protect them? Ntak - a? The seraphs are standing ever ready to move and to act in carrying out the divine will for them. Why? Ntre enye ama ọdọn̄ ẹkedọhọ mbonekọn̄ ẹte ẹyak Uriah ọnyọn̄ edi Jerusalem. For example, he bluntly told the inhabitants of Jerusalem why he would abandon them to their enemies. So he sent soldiers to let Uriah go to Jerusalem. Mbiowo ẹma nnyịn ẹnyụn̄ ẹyom ndin̄wam nnyịn itetịm ikpere Jehovah. Some of those refer to " contending according to the rules, ' " putting off every weight and looking at the example of Jesus, ' " running the course to the finish, ' and gaining the crown, or prize. - 1 / 1, pages 28 - 30. The elders love us and want to help us draw closer to Jehovah. Bible isiakke enyịn̄ esie aba. However, the Bible reveals a deeper reason for ethnic intolerance. The Bible no longer reveals his name. Mmọ ẹma ẹkabade ẹdi mme demon. - Jude 6. (b) What changed the Tyrians ' attitude toward Israel? They became demons. - Jude 6. Mmọ ẹsidada ke mben̄idem kpukpru ini ndinam se Abasi oyomde mmọ ẹnam. Today, many simply do not want to hear what the Bible says. They always stand on their side to do what God expects of them. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, enye ama etịn̄ ntak in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ ọnọ mme andidụn̄ Jerusalem emi enye okoyomde ndikpọn̄ mmọ nnọ mme asua mmọ. Having grown up amid the filthy and idolatrous ways of this city, they had to fight every day to resist the spirit of that pagan world. For example, he gave clear explanation to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, whom he was about to leave them for their enemies. Ndusụk ke otu mme ufan̄ikọ oro ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a " ndisan̄a ke item n̄n̄wana, ' " ndikpọnọde kpukpru mbiomo nnịm n̄kan̄ kiet nnyụn̄ nse uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus, ' " ndifehe mbuba mma, ' ye ndibọ anyanya, m̀mê utịp. - 1 / 1, page 28 - 30. God wants humans to be happy now and forever Some of those verses refer to "walking in the counsel, "" turning aside from every weight and observing Jesus ' example, " running out the race, ' and receiving a crown, or reward. - 1 / 1, pages 28 - 30. Nte ededi, Bible anam ẹfiọk se inen̄erede idi ntak asari. Later, I was drafted into the U.S. Army and sent to Germany. The Bible, however, identifies the fundamental cause of prejudice. Ọkpọfọn kpukpru nnyịn ikpep ndisinam ntem n̄ko. 12 Questions From Readers It would be good for all of us to learn to do the same. (b) Nso ikanam mbon Tyre ẹkpụhọ nte ẹkenamde n̄kpọ ye Israel? Giving was also not to be done for the purpose of making an outward show. (b) Why did the Tyrians change the way they treated Israel? Ediwak owo mfịn iyomke - yom ndikop etop Bible. As the number of Syriac - speaking Christians increased in the second century, there arose a need for the good news to be translated into their tongue. Many today do not want to hear the Bible's message. Ntre akana nditọ Israel ẹnen̄ede ẹsịn ukeme mbak mmọ iditiene inam se mmọ ẹkesikụtde ke Babylon. Give a Scriptural example showing that God answers prayers. So the Israelites had to work hard to avoid following what they saw in Babylon. Abasi oyom nnyịn ikop inemesịt idahaemi ye ke nsinsi " If anyone wants to be first, " Jesus said, "he must be last of all and minister of all. " God wants us to be happy now and forever Ekem ẹma ẹsịn mi ke utom ekọn̄ United States ẹnyụn̄ ẹnọ mi n̄ka Germany. That song reveals that for a time David did not confess his serious sins, likely involving Bath - sheba. Then I was drafted into the United States and sent to Germany. 12 Mme Mbụme Oro Mme Andikot Ẹbụpde SONGS: 6, 24 12 Questions From Readers N̄ko, uduak edinọ enọ ikedịghe man mbon efen ẹkụt. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS) Also, the purpose of giving was not to be found by others. Isua ifan̄ ke mme apostle ẹma ẹkekpan̄a, mme Christian emi ẹsemde usem Syriac ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndiwak. Ama oyom ẹkabade eti mbụk ẹsịn ke usem mmọ. Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, and Joseph's half brothers were jealous of him. A few years after the death of the apostles, Syriac - speaking Christians needed to produce the good news into their own language. Nọ uwụtn̄kpọ N̄wed Abasi oro owụtde ke Abasi esikop akam. Sincere prayer is one of the ways that we draw close to Jehovah. Give an example of how God hears prayers. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Edieke owo ekededi oyomde ndidi akpa, ana enye edi akpatre onyụn̄ asan̄a utom ọnọ kpukpru mmọ eken. " What, though, if our family discussions repeatedly end up in an argument? He said: "If anyone wants to be first, he must last and minister to all the others. " Psalm oro owụt ke etie nte David ikọsọpke iyarade akwa idiọkn̄kpọ esie ye Bath - sheba. But if you listen to them calmly, you will show that you are genuinely interested in them. That psalm indicates that David apparently did not immediately reveal his serious sin with Bath - sheba. IKWỌ: 6, 24 " Adornment of a King " SONGS: 6, 24 (Se ke ebiet emi okụtde: SE BIBLE EKPEPDE > MME UYEN) It was not an easy time, and we were few in number; but we did not let our hands drop. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS) Joseph ekedi ọyọhọ eyen Jacob 11, ndien nditọete Joseph ẹma ẹfịbe enye ufụp. " Soon, a theologian came to see me and discouraged me from talking to Jehovah's Witnesses. Joseph was the sixth son of Jacob, and Joseph's brothers became jealous of him. Usụn̄ kiet oro nnyịn isan̄ade ikpere Jehovah edi ndibọn̄ akam ke ofụri esịt nnọ enye. God reasoned with Jonah, saying that the prophet was feeling sorry over the death of a mere plant that had grown up overnight, one that Jonah neither planted nor caused to grow. One way we draw close to Jehovah is through heartfelt prayer. Nso ke ikpanam edieke nneme ubon nnyịn esiwakde ndida utọk ndi? If you knew this were to happen, how would you feel? What should we do if our family conversation often leads to misunderstandings? Edi edieke omụmde idem akama, onyụn̄ akpan̄ utọn̄ ọnọ mmọ, emi owụt ke emenen̄ede ama mmọ. Above all, you invite Jehovah's blessing when you patiently strive to inculcate his Word into the heart of your children. On the other hand, by being calm and listening, you show your love for them. " Ubọn̄ Edidem " By contrast, Jesus commended a poor widow whose small contribution was likely not recognized by others. " The Kingdom of the King " Ikememke inọ nnyịn, nnyịn ikonyụn̄ iwakke. Edi nnyịn ikayakke ubọk emem nnyịn. For example, the original words that are usually translated "spirit " can have various meanings, depending on the context in which they are used. It was not easy for us, and we were few, but we did not let our hands drop down. " Ikebịghike, ekpep ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono kiet ama edi edise mi onyụn̄ akpan mi ndinyene nneme ye Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Heidecker / VIREO " Soon one theologian visited me and stopped me to talk to Jehovah's Witnesses. Abasi ama ọdọhọ prọfet oro ete ke enye okop mbọm aban̄a n̄kpa ikpîkpu ekikop emi eketịbede okoneyo kiet, emi mîdịghe enye ọkọtọ m̀mê akanam ọkọri. Their heart's desire is to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. God told the prophet that he was moved with pity for the death of a mere plant that took place one night or that he did not plant. Edieke afo ọkọfiọkde ke emi eyetịbe, ekpetie fi didie ke idem? How can we fulfill the commission to preach and make disciples? If you knew that this would happen, how would you feel? Ke akande kpukpru, afo eben̄e edidiọn̄ Jehovah ke ini afo ke ime odomode ndisịn Ikọ esie ke esịt nditọ fo. 13: 4. Above all, you ask for Jehovah's blessing when you strive to inculcate his Word in your children. Edi Jesus ama otoro ubuene ebeakpa emi etiede nte mme owo ikakam ikwe ekpri se enye ekesịnde ke n̄kpọ usịn okụk. " THE BOOK OF ACTS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME FOR ME " On the other hand, Jesus commended the needy widow who seemed to have little to be found in the treasury chests. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, mme akpasarade ikọ oro ẹsikabarede "spirit " ẹkeme ndiwọrọ ediwak n̄kpọ, etiene se ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a. Sometimes court hearings were held there, as well as community meetings and even assemblies with meals served in connected dining rooms. For example, the original - language words translated "spirit " can mean much, depending on the context. Heidecker / VIREO They Had Abiding Faith Heck / VIREO Enen̄ede ọdọn̄ mmọ ndinọ ọyọhọ ikọ ntiense mban̄a Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi. And "Jah " is the shortened form of" Jehovah. " They are eager to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. Nso idin̄wam nnyịn ikwọrọ ikọ inyụn̄ inam mme owo ẹdi mbet Christ? Humans have a fundamental requirement for sustaining the body - the need for food. What will help us to preach and make disciples of Christ? 13: 4. But how can prayer help you to avoid becoming overwhelmed by disquieting thoughts and anguish? - Ps. 94: 18, 19, ftn. 13: 4. " N̄WED UTOM AN̄WAN̄A MI NDIEN " Unthinking adherence to what previous generations believed and did can, in fact, be dangerous. - Psalm 78: 8; Amos 2: 4. " THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT " Ẹma ẹsibono do ẹkpe ikpe ndusụk ini, ẹdụk mboho obio, ẹnyụn̄ ẹkam ẹnịm mbono emi ẹdade ubet udia oro ẹkebọpde ẹdian ẹdia udia. For example, when you make important decisions, do you first research Bible principles, pray about the matter, and then seek advice from a mature Christian? At times, there was a hearing case, attended a local social gathering, and even held a convention in the dining room. Mmọ Ẹma Ẹnyene Nsinsi Mbuọtidem Eduardo's wife, Ruby, explains: "I had to play two roles - Mom and Dad - and I got used to making most of the family decisions. They Had Lasting Faith Ndien "Jah " edi ibio ibio usụn̄ ndiwet" Jehovah. " What was Jehovah's response to Manasseh's prayers? And "Jah " is a brief reference to" Jehovah. " Oyom owo adia udia man aka iso odu uwem. Give correction when necessary. It takes food to sustain life. 94: 18, 19. Several evenings a week, we showed films produced by Jehovah's organization - each time at a different location. 94: 18, 19. Ke akpanikọ, ndisọn̄ọ nyịre nte mîwụtke eti ibuot ke se emana oro ẹkebemde iso ẹkenịmde ke akpanikọ ẹkenyụn̄ ẹnamde ekeme ndidi n̄kpọndịk. - Psalm 78: 8; Amos 2: 4. Like Jehovah, he must be attentive to the needs of the sheep. Indeed, adhering to what was previously believed and done can be dangerous. - Psalm 78: 8; Amos 2: 4. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke ini ẹnamde mme akpan ubiere, ndi ẹmesibem iso ẹyom mme edumbet Bible, ẹbọn̄ akam ẹban̄a n̄kpọ oro, ndien ekem ẹdọhọ Christian oro ọkọride esịm ọyọhọ idaha ọnọ mbufo item? " I had no goals. For example, when making important decisions, do you first seek Bible principles, pray about the matter, and then ask mature Christians to give advice? Ruby n̄wan Eduardo ọdọhọ ete: "Ami n̄kedi ete ye eka nditọ mi, ama emehe mi ndisinam ubiere ke ufọk. The position of this stand allowed it to be used to address the populace. " I was raised in a household by my parents, " says Ruby's wife, Eduardo. Didie ke Jehovah akanam n̄kpọ aban̄a akam Manasseh? We have seen such prophecies coming true! How did Jehovah respond to Manasseh's prayer? Nen̄ede eyen fo edieke enye anamde ndudue. 35: 33, 34. Focus on your child's shortcomings. Ediwak mbubịteyo ke urua kiet kiet, nnyịn ima isiwụt mme senima oro esop Jehovah osiode - ke nsio nsio itie ke ini kiet kiet. How can we receive Jehovah's forgiveness? Many evenings each week, we showed films that Jehovah's organization had provided - at different times each. Ukem nte Jehovah, ana enye enen̄ede ọfiọk se inanade erọn̄. For example, during the construction of the tabernacle in ancient Israel, Jehovah filled people like Bezalel and Oholiab with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, enabling them to carry out specific artistic and practical tasks. Like Jehovah, he must be fully aware of the needs of the sheep. N̄kenyeneke utịtmbuba ndomokiet. " He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. " - Isaiah 25: 8. I had no goals. Ẹkesida ke n̄kpoto emi ẹtịn̄ ikọ ẹnọ mme owo. And how can parents teach love to their children? The platform was used to reach people. Nnyịn imokụt nte mme utọ ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro ẹsude! One of our contacts was with Ibrahim Shehadi, with whom I had earlier become acquainted through correspondence. We have seen the fulfillment of such prophecies! 35: 33, 34. In what way does it mean our life? 35: 33, 34. Nso ke ikpanam man Jehovah efen ọnọ nnyịn? At that, the man's hearing was restored, and he was able to speak normally. How can we gain Jehovah's forgiveness? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke ini ẹkebọpde ataya ke Israel eset, Jehovah ama ọnọ Bezalel ye Oholiab ọniọn̄, mbufiọk, ye ifiọk ndinam san̄asan̄a utomusọ do. One of the elders has been like a brother or father to me. For example, when the tabernacle was built in ancient Israel, Jehovah blessed Bezalel and Oholiab with wisdom, experience, and experience in special construction. " Enye eyemen n̄kpa emen ke nsinsi, Jehovah Akakan Ọbọn̄ Andikara oyonyụn̄ ọkwọhọde mmọn̄eyet efep ke iso kpukpru owo. " - Isaiah 25: 8. Was there really a conspiracy in the fourth century to suppress these books and alter the four Gospels to exclude important information about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and others? " He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. " - Isaiah 25: 8. Ndien didie ke mme ete ye eka ẹkeme ndikpep nditọ mmọ ndima ima? In doing so, it should become evident that God's sovereignty is right. And how can parents teach their children to love? Kiet ke otu mme owo oro nnyịn ikosobode ekedi Ibrahim Shahadi, oro n̄kemehede ye enye ke mbemiso ebe ke leta. PAGE 24 One of the people we met was Ibrahim Shhan, who had previously been familiar with her by letter. Didie ke enye ọwọrọ uwem ọnọ nnyịn? David is guilty of serious sins. How does it mean life to us? Ndien owo oro ama afiak ekeme ndikop n̄kpọ, enye n̄ko ama ekeme nditịn̄ ikọ ọfọn. About 98 C.E., John, the last surviving apostle, warned of such erroneous teachings and of people "who [were] trying to mislead " faithful Christians. - 1 John 2: 26; 4: 1, 6. And the man could hear again, and he was able to speak well. Kiet ke otu mbiowo etie nte eyeneka m̀mê ete ọnọ mi. The Messiah would have to sacrifice his life! One of the elders is like a brother or father to me. Ndi edi akpanikọ ke ẹma ẹdụk odu ke n̄kpọ nte isua 1,700 emi ẹkebede man ẹdịp mme n̄wed Apocrypha ẹnyụn̄ ẹsiak mmọn̄ ke Gospel mbinan̄ mbak ẹdifiọk mme akpan n̄kpọ oro ẹban̄ade Jesus, Mary Magdalene, ye mbon en̄wen? ▪ Hannah's words about God's "anointed one " are considered prophetic. Is it true that there were some 1,700 years ago in order to hide the apocryphal books and draw water from the four Gospels so that the main facts about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and others would not be found? Emi ayan̄wam nnyịn ikụt ke ukara Abasi ọfọn akan. Nevertheless, being disappointed by a person we trust is not an unusual experience. This will help us to see that God's way of ruling is the best. PAGE 24 IN THE preceding two articles, we learned that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, his face emanated rays that reflected Jehovah's glory. PAGE 24 David anam ikpọ idiọkn̄kpọ. Unless those enjoying the fire supply it with fuel, it will go out. David commits serious sins. Ke n̄kpọ nte isua 98 E.N., John emi ekedide akpatre apostle emi akpakpade ama odụri mme anam - akpanikọ Christian utọn̄ aban̄a utọ nsunsu ukpepn̄kpọ oro, onyụn̄ etịn̄ aban̄a "mmọ oro ẹyomde ndida [mmọ] ntụn usụn̄. " - 1 John 2: 26; 4: 1, 6. It then dawned on me that I had accepted evolution without really questioning it. About 98 C.E., the last apostle John warned faithful Christians against such false teachings and spoke of "those who are seeking to lead them. " - 1 John 2: 26; 4: 1, 6. Messiah ekenyene ndiwa uwem esie. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Do You Feel That You Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved? The Messiah would offer his life. ▪ Ẹda se Hannah eketịn̄de aban̄a "Messiah " nte ntịn̄nnịm ikọ. Likely, your experience was somewhat similar to that of Christians in the first century. ▪ What Hannah said about "Messiah " is considered prophetic. Nte ededi, edi ọsọ n̄kpọ owo oro nnyịn ibuọtde idem ndikpu nnyịn. Those in attendance also received "Pax " pins with a picture of the boy Jesus. Of course, it is common for us to lose our trust. NNYỊN ima ikpep ke ibuotikọ iba oro ẹkebemde iso nte ke ini Moses okosụhọrede ke Obot Sinai, ke ikpa iso esie ama esem nte ubọn̄ Jehovah. One evening, two strangers come to Rahab because they know that she works at a place where visitors can stay. WE learned in the preceding two articles that when Moses descended from Mount Sinai, his face emitted rays as Jehovah's glory. Ikan̄ oro eyenịme edieke mbon emi ẹwebede mîkaha iso idọn̄ ifia. • when organizing a wedding or a reception? Such a fire would come to an end if those who did not keep working hard. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, n̄kekere ke mme ọkpọ unam emi ntaifiọk ẹdọkde ẹsion̄o ke isọn̄ ẹwụt ke n̄kpọ okoforo owo. Brother Knorr assigned me to sit with him at the chairman's table so that I could help him remember the names of newer members of our family. For example, I thought that the evolution of the universe was a symbol of evolution. MBỤME ORO ẸSIWAKDE NDIBỤP MBAN̄A MME NTIENSE JEHOVAH - Ndi Mbufo Ẹkere ke Mbufo Kpọt ke Ẹdinyan̄a? We are living in the very time when those prophecies are in the course of fulfillment. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Are You Called Upon You? Eyedi afo ama enyene ukem ifiọk n̄kpọntịbe mme Christian akpa isua ikie. What Does the Bible Really Teach? Perhaps you had a similar experience of first - century Christians. Ẹma ẹsidian mbon oro ẹkesede "Photo - Drama " ndise ekpri Jesus ke ọfọn̄. ▪ Who was Elijah, and what can we learn from him today? Those who saw the "Photo - Drama " would look at the little Jesus in cloth. Mbubreyo kiet, isenowo iba ẹwaha ufọk Rahab, sia ẹfiọkde ke isenowo ẹsidụn̄ ke ufọk esie. The Law states: "If the slave should insistently say, " I really love my master, my wife and my sons; I do not want to go out as one set free, ' then his master must bring him near to the true God and must bring him up against the door or the doorpost; and his master must pierce his ear through with an awl, and he must be his slave to time indefinite. " - Ex. One evening, two visitors visit Rahab's home, recognizing that guests are living in her home. • ke ini oyomde ndinam ndọ m̀mê usọrọ ndọ? The nation was divided into 12 tribes, each with a designated allotment of land. • when making a wedding or a wedding feast? Brọda Knorr ama ọdọhọ mi nsitie ye imọ ke okpokoro etieibuot man n̄kpan̄wam nditi imọ enyịn̄ mbufa mbonubon nnyịn. The Bible does not say. Brother Knorr invited me to sit with him at the chairman to help me recall the names of our new family members. Ini nnyịn emi ke mme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro ẹsu. Because of an invisible force known as magnetism, the needle of the compass aligns itself with the magnetic field surrounding the earth between its poles. We are now living in fulfillment of those prophetic words. ▪ Anie ekedi Elijah, ndien nso ke nnyịn ikeme ndikpep nto enye mfịn? Is there any realistic hope that the angelic proclamation on the night of Jesus ' birth will be fulfilled? ▪ Who was Elijah, and what can we learn from him today? Ibet ọkọdọhọ ete: "Edieke ofụn oro ọdọhọde ke akpanikọ, ete, Mmama [eteufọk] mi, ye n̄wan mi, ye nditọ mi; nyomke ndiwọrọ ufụn: ndien [eteufọk] esie ada enye ọsọk mme ebiereikpe; onyụn̄ ada enye aka ke itịm, m̀mê obubọk enyịn - usụn̄; ndien [eteufọk] esie ada utịbi - n̄kpọ etịbi enye utọn̄; ndien enye edidi ofụn esie ke nsinsi. " - Ex. She showed me examples of Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled. The Law stated: "If the slave has spoken the truth, I love my master and my wife and my children; I do not want to be enslaved, and he [the master's] master is bringing it to the judges, and he will certainly go to the door or to the door of the eyes; and he that is having a bowed hold of his ear upon it, and he will certainly become his servant to time indefinite. " - Ex. Ẹkebahade mmọ ẹsịn ke esien 12, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnọ esien kiet kiet isọn̄. He was to take his rod and strike the rock in Horeb, and then water would come gushing out. They were included in the tribes of the 12 tribes and each of the tribes of the earth. Bible isiakke. 8 average years in the full - time ministry The Bible does not say. Emi ayanam fi ọfiọk ebiet emi afo akade, edide aka edem usiahautịn, edem usụk, edem usoputịn, m̀mê edem edere. What is it advisable to do if you are contemplating a move to a foreign country to further the Kingdom - preaching work there? This will help you to determine where you are going, whether you go to the east, south, west, or north. Nte idotenyịn enen̄ede odu ke se mme angel oro ẹketịn̄de okoneyo oro Jesus akamanade oyosu? Ezekiel must not speak God's message to the exiles until he receives a report of the destruction of the city from "the escaped one. " - Ezekiel 24: 26, 27. Is there really any hope in what the angels said on the night of Jesus ' birth? Enye ama owụt mi mme prọfesi Bible emi ẹsude. I felt really hurt by their cruel and patronizing remarks. He showed me Bible prophecies that were being fulfilled. Enye ọkọdọhọ Moses ada esan̄ esie akamia itiat ke Horeb ke mmọn̄ ọmọn̄ ọwọrọ. Additionally, legislation specifically intended to reduce corruption often costs much to implement yet accomplishes little. He told Moses to strike down the stones at Horeb on the water. Isua oro ẹdude ke utom uyọhọ ini ke ẹbaharede ukem ukem 13.8 Why did Enoch need faith and courage? 0 average years in the full - time ministry Nso ke owụt eti ibuot ndinam edieke afo ekerede ndiwọrọ n̄ka esenidụt n̄katat utom ukwọrọikọ Obio Ubọn̄? The penalty for that disobedient act was death, as God had clearly stated: "In the day you eat from it you will positively die. " What is the course of wisdom if you are thinking of moving to a foreign country to expand your Kingdom - preaching activity? Inaha Ezekiel etịn̄ etop Abasi ọnọ mbon ntan̄mfep oro ke Babylon tutu "owo eke ọbọhọde " oto Judah editọt enye ke ẹsobo obio oro. - Ezekiel 24: 26, 27. " I found great joy in that form of ministry, " he says. Ezekiel must not deliver God's message to the captives in Babylon until "the one escaping " from Judah would announce it to the city. - Ezekiel 24: 26, 27. Ndisịme ikọ oro mmọ ẹkesitịn̄de ye ami ye ibak oro ẹkesinamde mi ama esinen̄ede abiak mi. It accurately identifies key reasons why people act in ways that they know to be bad. Their foolish words and cruel deeds hurt me deeply. N̄ko, ndibọp ibet emi ẹkerede ke ayanam ẹtre udia - inọ esikpa ediwak n̄kpọ, edi emi isitreke udia - inọ nte ẹkekerede. WHEN MARITAL BONDS ARE THREATENED Moreover, building a law that is thought to be going to cause corruption will cost many things, but it does not stop us from providing food. Ntak okoyomde Enoch enyene mbuọtidem ye uko? To resist demonic forces, we need to be wholehearted in putting on the suit of spiritual armor from God. Why did Enoch need faith and courage? Utịp edinam nsọn̄ibuot oro ekedi n̄kpa, nte Abasi ama eketetịn̄ in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ ete: "Ke usen eke afo adiade ke esịt afo ayakpa n̄kpa. " Egypt hosted a large Jewish community, so Mary and Joseph may have been able to live among their own people. The result of that rebellion was death, as God clearly stated: "In the day you eat from it you will positively die. " Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Ama esinem mi etieti ndika do n̄kọkwọrọ ikọ. Today, there are eight congregations and about 700 Witnesses in Jequié. " I enjoyed serving there, " she says. Enye etịn̄ nnennen akpan ntak emi ẹsinamde mme owo ẹnam se mmọ ẹfiọkde ke ẹdi ndiọi n̄kpọ. Having taken a wife from among his sisters or nieces, he built a city that he named after Enoch, his firstborn son. It clearly explains why people are motivated to do what they know is bad. KE INI MFỊNA ODUDE KE NDỌ This has given me a sense of control. " WHEN THE CHALLENGE IN MARRIAGE Ana ida ofụri esịt imen n̄kpọekọn̄ eke spirit emi Abasi ọnọde isịne edieke anade in̄wana ye odudu mme demon. In the Bible, the word "heart " usually refers to a man's inner self. If we are to fight against the influence of the demons, we must wholeheartedly clothe ourselves with our spiritual armor from God. Akwa obio mme Jew ama odu ke Egypt, ntre ekeme ndidi Joseph ye Mary ẹkedụn̄ ye nditọ edem mmọ. A marriage marked by this kind of love will not fail. The Jewish great city was in Egypt, so Joseph and Mary may have lived among their descendants. Mfịn, esop itiaita ọkọrọ ye n̄kpọ nte Mme Ntiense 700 ẹdu ke Jequié. Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah pointed forward to such a time. Today, there are eight congregations as well as some 700 Witnesses in Jequié. Ke adade kiet ke otu nditọeka esie iban m̀mê nditọ eyeneka esie ọdọ, enye ama aka ọkọbọp obio kiet onyụn̄ ada enyịn̄ Enoch, akpan esie, osio obio oro. Yes, a primary reason for us to pursue peace is that we want to please Jehovah God. Taking one of his sisters or cousins, he went to a city and built the name of Enoch, his firstborn son. Emi esinam n̄kop inemesịt. " F. This brings me happiness. " Ke Bible, "esịt " esiwak ndida mban̄a se owo enen̄erede edi. Jesus ' teaching stressed God's rulership by means of the Kingdom In the Bible, "heart " often refers to what a person really is. Ndọ oro orụk ima emi odude idikpụhu. As for us, we should show appreciation for his love and make an effort to find out what his will is and then do it. A marriage lacking such love will not fail. Ebede ke prọfet esie Isaiah, Jehovah ama anyan ubọk owụt utọ ini oro. Words cannot express the pain Jehovah must have suffered. - John 5: 20; 10: 17. Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah pointed to such a time. Ih, akpan ntak oro anamde nnyịn ibịne emem edi ke iyom ndinem Jehovah Abasi esịt. We show that we want to take care of our conscience when we build up love for and faith in God, together with a wholesome fear of him. Yes, the primary reason for pursuing peace is that we want to please Jehovah God. F. He taught me to slow down, to pause, and to teach. F. Ukpepn̄kpọ Jesus ama odori nsọn̄uyo ke ukara Abasi ebe ke Obio Ubọn̄ So Gehazi's descendants were affected by the consequences of his wrongdoing. Jesus ' teaching emphasized God's rulership through the Kingdom Ntre, ikpenyene ndikọm enye ke ima esie nnyụn̄ nsịn ifịk n̄kpep uduak esie nnyụn̄ nnanam. After all, the temple authorities - the priests, the scribes, and others - were behind the scandalous profit - making business taking place there. Therefore, we should thank him for his love and work hard to learn his will and to do it. Idụhe owo emi ọdiọn̄ọde nte n̄kpa Jesus akabiakde Jehovah eketre. - John 5: 20; 10: 17. That is why they place their unqualified trust in the one who can - Jehovah God. No one knows how Jehovah felt about Jesus ' death. - John 5: 20; 10: 17. Nnyịn iwụt ke imoyom ndikpeme ubieresịt nnyịn ke ini nnyịn ikọride ima inọ inyụn̄ ibuọtde idem ye Abasi, ọkọrọ ye ke ini inyenede eti mbak inọ enye. Then "Jehovah himself turned back the captive condition of Job when he prayed in behalf of his companions, and Jehovah began to give in addition all that had been Job's, in double amount. " - Job 38: 1; 40: 4; 42: 6 - 10. We show our desire to safeguard our conscience when we grow to love and trust in God, as well as when we have a healthy fear of him. Enye ama ekpep mi nditịn̄ ikọ sụn̄sụn̄, nditịn̄ ikọ ntuak nda, ye ndikpep owo n̄kpọ. Photo on right: Aus dem Fundus der MÜNCHNER OLYMPIAPARK GMBH, München He taught me to speak calmly, to speak to others, and to teach them. Ntre, nditọ - nditọ Gehazi ẹma ẹtiene ẹbọ ufen idiọkn̄kpọ esie. To flourish, a flowering plant needs good soil, water, and a proper climate. So Gehazi's sons suffered the consequences of his sin. N̄kọ ọmọfiọk ke ikpọ owo temple - mme oku, mme scribe, ye mmọ eken - ẹkenyene ubọk ke idiọk mbubehe oro ẹkenamde ke temple oro. Astronomer Allan Sandage said: "I find it quite improbable that such order [in the universe] came out of chaos. You know that the temple officials - priests, scribes, and others - were involved in the wicked business that was done in that temple. Ntak edi oro mmọ ẹkọn̄de ofụri mbuọtidem mmọ ke owo emi ekemede nditre - kpa Jehovah Abasi. To prove to himself that auxiliary pioneering was beyond his ability, he applied to serve as an auxiliary pioneer for one month. That is why they place their complete trust in someone who can end - Jehovah God. Ekem "Jehovah osio Job ke itie mbuot ekọn̄ afiak edi, ke ini enye anamde n̄kpe - ubọk ọnọ mme ufan esie: Jehovah onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọ ntak ọnọ Job kpukpru se enye ekenyenede utịm ikaba. " - Job 38: 1; 40: 4; 42: 6 - 10. " How did we cope? Then "Jehovah brought Job back to the place of the captives, when he made supplication for his friends, and Jehovah proceeded to give Job every reason for all that he had. " - Job 38: 1; 40: 4; 42: 6 - 10. Foto ke nnasia: Aus dem Fundus der MÜNCHNER OLYMPIAPARK GMBH, München This article explains how we can avoid being distracted from our watchfulness. Photo at right: Aus Artus der MZIPOCIPOPOPA Flawa oyom eti isọn̄, mmọn̄, ye idaha oro ọfọnde man ọkọri edifọn edifọn. In a sense, Jeremiah lived "in the final part of the days. " To improve properly, you may need clean soil, water, and conditions. Ekpepn̄kpọ mban̄a ikpaenyọn̄ oro Allan Sandage ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ọsọsọn̄ mi ndinịm ke akpanikọ ke utọ ndutịm oro odude [ke ekondo] ekedidu ke ntak ọkpọsọn̄ ndutịme. " Sandra took me along to visit a woman with whom she was studying the Bible. A astronomer named Allan Sandage observed: "It's hard to believe that such a system [in the universe] came into chaos. Sia enye ekekerede ke imọ idikemeke ndinam utom usiakusụn̄ unọ un̄wam, enye ama ọdọhọ inyụn̄ itatabi ise ke ọfiọn̄ kiet kpọt. If it does, do not delay in taking in the precious "knowledge of Jehovah. " Thinking that he could not serve as an auxiliary pioneer, he asked me to taste and taste it for just one month. " Nso ikan̄wam nnyịn ini oro? Later those same crowds wanted to kill Paul and Barnabas. " What helped us at that time? Iyeneme ke ibuotikọ emi se ikpanamde man ika iso idu ke ukpeme. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! In this article, we will consider how we can keep on the watch. Ẹkeme ndidọhọ ke Jeremiah okodu uwem "ke mme akpatre usen. " M. Jeremiah was said to live "in the last days. " " SE N̄KOKOPDE AMA AKPA MI IDEM " " Sandra ama ada mi aka ufọk mma kiet emi enye esikpepde Bible. Consider how you might explain why there is a greater need for deliverance today than ever before. Sandra "DATES OF MY LIFE " took me to the home of a woman with whom she studied the Bible. Edieke edide ntre, kûnam ubịghi; tọn̄ọ ndikọ ọsọn̄urua "ifiọk Jehovah. " For one thing, very little secular literature has been published in the indigenous languages of Mexico. If so, do not delay; start to enjoy "the very knowledge of Jehovah. " Nte ini akakade, kpa otuowo oro ẹkeyom ndiwot Paul ye Barnabas. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Later, the same crowd wanted to kill Paul and Barnabas. Afo akpakam akpan̄ utọn̄ ke mbet mi! We implore our heavenly Father: "Let your name be sanctified. " O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! M. How can we imitate Paul? M. Kere nte ekpetịn̄de ntak emi inen̄erede iyom edinyan̄a idahaemi ikan nte akanam iyomde. It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Consider how you can explain why we need deliverance now more than ever before. Ntak kiet edi koro n̄wed ererimbot ikam iwakke ke usem mme amanaisọn̄ Mexico. asked Zechariah. We too want to know, as this vision directly affects us. For one thing, the world's literature is very limited in Mexico's indigenous language. MME IBUOTIKỌ UKPEPN̄KPỌ EKE MME URUA: [ Box on page 28] STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Imesiben̄e Ete nnyịn eke heaven ite, "yak ẹnam enyịn̄ fo asana. " According to various recommendations, children and adolescents should get at least 60 minutes of moderate - to - vigorous activity every day. We ask our heavenly Father, "Let your name be sanctified. " Didie ke ikeme ndikpebe Paul? That is why Jehovah speaks of the two mountains that result from the splitting of "the Mount of Olives " as being" my mountains. " How can we imitate Paul? Edi Enye emi adade udịm mmọ ọwọrọ ke ibat mmọ, emi onyụn̄ okotde kpukpru mmọ ke enyịn̄. Down Joseph fell! But the One bringing forth the army of them out of number, all of whom are called by name. Ọdọn̄ nnyịn n̄ko ndifiọk sia n̄kukụt emi ebehe nnyịn. Jeremiah is placed "in custody in the Courtyard of the Guard. " We too desire to know because this vision is of interest to us. [ Ekebe ke page 28] What he did in the past gives us basis for confidence. [ Box on page 28] Ntaifiọk ẹdọhọ ke akpana nditọwọn̄ ye mme uyen ẹsisịn̄ede idem ke nsụhọde n̄kaha hour kiet kpukpru usen. He built great cities, such as Babel, and set himself up as a king "in the land of Shinar. " Researchers believe that children and teenagers need to exercise at least one hour each day. Oro esịn Jehovah okot obot iba oro ẹwọrọde ẹto "obot eto olive " ndisiaha," obot mi. " Where did the dove find the leaf? As a result, Jehovah calls these mountains from "the mountain of the olive trees, "" my mountain. " Enye odomo ndiwọrọ ke obube oro, edi ikemeke. The speakers on this three - part symposium highlighted each of the three stages involved in helping people to become believers - spreading the Kingdom message, cultivating interest found, and teaching interested ones to observe what Christ commanded. He tries to get out of the well, but he cannot. " Ẹnịm Jeremiah ke okụre ufọk ukwak. " For example, do you think that a Christian can choose to be born again? " Jeremiah was kept in the courtyard of the iron house. " Se enye akanamde ke eset anam nnyịn inyene mbuọtidem ke enye. Millions who are genuinely pursuing righteousness have dedicated their life to Jehovah and symbolized such dedication by water baptism. What he did in the past gives us confidence in him. Enye ama ọbọp ikpọ obio, utọ nte Babel, onyụn̄ enịm idemesie ke edidem "ke isọn̄ Shinar. " Juan: "A true friend should be able to express his opinions freely but not get upset if you don't agree. " He built cities, such as Babel, and made himself king "in the land of Shinar. " M̀mọ̀n̄ ke ibiom oro akada ikọn̄ oro? (Read Proverbs 18: 24.) Where did the dove find it? Mme etịn̄ikọ ke nneme ikpehe ita emi ẹma ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a kiet kiet ke otu ikpehe ita oro ẹbuanade ke ndin̄wam mme owo ẹkabade ẹdi mme andinịm ke akpanikọ - ndisuan etop Obio Ubọn̄, ndinam udọn̄ oro ẹkekụtde ọkọri, ye ndikpep mbon oro ẹnyenede udọn̄ ndinam se Christ eketemede. What helps her to maintain a simple life? The speakers in these three symposium referred to each of the three aspects involved in helping people to become believers - to spread the Kingdom message, to promote the interest found, and to teach interested ones to do what Christ commanded. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ndi afo ekere ke Christian ekeme ndimek ke idemesie nditọn̄ọ ntak mmana? Noting my interest, Durval asked Antônio Andrade, a full - time minister of Jehovah's Witnesses, to visit me at home. For example, do you feel that a Christian can choose for himself to be born again? Ata ediwak owo oro ẹbịnede edinen ido ke ofụri esịt ẹmeyak uwem mmọ ẹnọ Jehovah ẹnyụn̄ ẹyarade uyakidem mmọ ke baptism mmọn̄. Still, we know that all members of the congregation can have a share in making the meeting programs as upbuilding as possible. Millions who sincerely pursue righteousness have dedicated their lives to Jehovah and symbolized their dedication by water baptism. Juan: "Eti ufan esitịn̄ se enye ekerede aban̄a n̄kpọ, edi iyatke esịt edieke ufan esie mînyịmeke se enye etịn̄de. " However, Augustine twisted the meaning of Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 14: 23, "Compel them to come in, " to mean that it was all right to use force in the work of converting people. Juan: "A good friend tells me what he thinks about something, but he does not become angry if his friend does not agree with what he says. " (Kot Mme N̄ke 18: 24.) [ Footnote] (Read Proverbs 18: 24.) Nso inam enye okûyom ikpọ n̄kpọ? To this day, we continue to talk about the wonderful time we spent with the construction crew. " - Moldova. Why is he not seeking great things? Ke ini Durval okokụtde ke mmenyene udọn̄, enye ama ọdọhọ Antônio Andrade, asan̄autom uyọhọ ini eke Mme Ntiense Jehovah edi ufọk mi edise mi. Hannah's two prayers, recorded at 1 Samuel 1: 11 and 2: 1 - 10, contain a number of outstanding features. When Durval saw my interest, he asked Antônio Andor, a full - time minister of Jehovah's Witnesses, to visit me. Kpa ye oro, nnyịn imọfiọk ke kpukpru owo ke esop ẹkeme nditiene nnam mbono esop nnyịn ẹtetịm ẹdi se ibọpde - bọp. As the afternoon light dispelled the gloom shrouding Golgotha, or Skull Place, Mary grieved for her son. Still, we know that all in the congregation can share in making our meetings upbuilding. Nte ededi, Augustine ama oyụrọde ikọ Jesus oro ẹwetde ke Luke 14: 23, emi ọdọhọde ete, "Nyịk mmọ ẹdụk ẹdi. " Enye ọkọdọhọ ke ikọ emi owụt ke idiọkke ndinyịk mme owo ẹkpụhọde ido ukpono mmọ. " The wages sin pays is death, " wrote the apostle Paul. Augustine, however, distorted Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 14: 23, which says: "I have puzzled them, " he said," It is not wrong to force people to change their religion. " [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] The exertion and the constant roar of the wind and the waves made conversation difficult. [ Footnote] Tutu esịm mfịn emi, nnyịn isụk itetịn̄ iban̄a inem inem itie ebuana oro ikenyenede ye mbon oro ẹkebọpde Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄. " - Moldova. Why All Suffering Is Soon to End, 5 / 15 To this day, we are still talking about the happy association we enjoyed with those who built a Kingdom Hall. " - Moldova. Akam iba oro Hannah ọkọbọn̄de, emi ẹwetde ke 1 Samuel 1: 11 ye 2: 1 - 10, ẹnyene mme n̄wọrọnda n̄kpọ. " I need nothing more. " The two prayers of Hannah, recorded at 1 Samuel 1: 11 and 2: 1 - 10, are unique. Golgotha m̀mê Ebiet N̄kpọkpọrọ emi ekịm okofụkde ọtọn̄ọ ndin̄wan̄a, edi Mary do ke atua eyen esie. When our brain dies, our thoughts perish. Marha or Where the darkness fell, but Mary is weeping over her son. Apostle Paul ekewet ete: "N̄kpọ - eyen - utom idiọk - n̄kpọ edi n̄kpa. " A small child feels safe among strangers when he clutches the hand of his father, since he knows that his father will not let any harm come to him. The apostle Paul wrote: "The wages sin pays is death. " Ukeme oro mmọ ẹkesịnde ndibiọk ye ọkpọsọn̄ uyom ofụm ikayakke mmọ ẹkeme ndineme nneme. Noah's preaching, his work on the ark, and his association with his family kept him busy doing good things that pleased God. Their efforts to resist the noise and noise of the wind prevented them from communicating. Se Mme Uyen Ẹnamde Ẹsitụk Ete ye Eka, 5 / 1 If so, those men were ignoring history as well as prophecy. - Isaiah 9: 1, 2. 5 / 15 Nyomke efen. " In July 1982, we had to pull up stakes and leave Bangladesh. I don't need more. " Ke ini mfre nnyịn akpade, kpukpru se isikerede ẹtak n̄ko. Her father, Domenico, was a dear brother who had managed to help all seven of his children to embrace the truth, despite his being persecuted by the Fascist regime and being sentenced to exile for three years. When our brain dies, everything we think is gone too. Ekpri eyen esinyene ifụre ke odude ye isenowo ke ini enye ọsọn̄ọde omụm ubọk ete esie, sia enye ọfiọkde ke ete imọ idiyakke n̄kpọ ekededi ọnọ imọ unan. Neo - Babylonian Business and Administrative Documents, by Ellen Whitley Moore, published 1935, page 33. A little boy is at home with strangers when he gets hold of his father's hand, knowing that he will not harm him. Noah ama esịn idem ọkwọrọ ikọ, ọkọn̄ ubom, onyụn̄ adian idem ye ubon esie, ndien emi akanam enye aka iso anam nti n̄kpọ oro ẹkenemde Jehovah esịt. 11 / 15 Noah kept busy in the preaching work, building the ark, and strengthening himself with his family, and he continued to do good things that pleased Jehovah. Edieke se ẹtịn̄de emi edide akpanikọ, ọwọrọ ke mmọ ikọdọn̄ke enyịn ke mbụkeset ọkọrọ ye ke ntịn̄nnịm ikọ. - Isaiah 9: 1, 2. After 40 years in Midian, he returned to Egypt as an old man and stood up to the greatest power of the time, Pharaoh, to demand freedom for his brothers. If that is true, they would have ignored history as well as prophecy. - Isaiah 9: 1, 2. Ke July 1982, nnyịn ima ikpọn̄ Bangladesh. Are you trying to improve as a Kingdom proclaimer, perhaps by spending more time in the ministry or by being more effective in it? In July 1982, we left Bangladesh. Domenico ete esie ekedi edima eyenete oro ekesịnde ifịk an̄wam nditọ esie mbitiaba ẹdu ke esop, kpa ye oro ẹkekọbọde enye ke ini ukara Fascist, ẹkenyụn̄ ẹbịnde enye ẹsio ke obio ke isua ita. [ Picture Credit Line on page 29] His father, Malico, was a loving brother who worked hard to assist seven of his children in the congregation, despite being persecuted in Fascist times, and he was expelled from town for three years. Neo - Babylonian Business and Administrative Documents, emi Ellen Whitley Moore, okosiode ke 1935, page 33. As part of God's gift, the earth will become a paradise, the sick will be cured, and the dead will be resurrected. released in 1935, page 33. 11 / 1 We can strengthen our faith by studying the Bible because true faith is based on the evidence and assurances found in God's Word. - Read Hebrews 11: 1, 6. 11 / 15 Ke ama okodu isua 40 ke Midian, enye ama afiak aka Egypt nte akanieren okosobo ye Pharaoh, n̄kponn̄kan andikara ke ini oro, ndiben̄e ẹsana nditọete esie ẹyak. Was this Jehovah's way of assuring Samson that he as a Nazirite was capable of fulfilling his God - given commission? After 40 years in Midian, he returned to Egypt as an elderly ruler to meet Pharaoh, the highest ruler at that time, asking his brothers to release. Ndi ke odomo ndinam n̄kọri ke utom emi, oro edi, ndibịghi ke an̄wautom n̄kan nte ekesibịghide m̀mê ndikpep ndikwọrọ ikọ ọfọn akan nte ekesikwọrọde? In a trialsome situation, David first became angry, then afraid - perhaps even blaming Jehovah for the tragedy. Are you striving to improve in this work, that is, to spend more time in the ministry, or to improve the quality of your ministry? [ Ebiet Ẹdade Ndise Ẹto ke page 29] [ Picture on pages 26, 27] [ Picture Credit Line on page 29] Enọ mfọn Abasi esịne n̄ko Abasi ndinam isọn̄ edi Paradise, ndinam mbon udọn̄ọ ẹkop nsọn̄idem, nnyụn̄ nnam mme akpan̄kpa ẹset. How will Jehovah help you by means of his holy spirit, and what is your determination in this regard? God's gift includes God's gift to restore the earth to a paradise, to heal the sick, and to resurrect the dead. Se idinamde inen̄ede inyene mbuọtidem edi ndikpep Bible, sia mme un̄wọn̄ọ akpanikọ oro ẹdude ke Bible ẹnam owo enyene mbuọtidem. - Kot Mme Hebrew 11: 1, 6. Just as the Greek "New Testament " of Erasmus became the Received Text of the Greek Scriptures (the basis for many translations into other languages), the Hebrew text of the Polyglot provided a master text for the Hebrew - Aramaic Scriptures. The key to having strong faith is to study the Bible, since its promises are based on faith. - Read Hebrews 11: 1, 6. Ndi Jehovah akada emi ọsọn̄ọ Samson idem nte ke enye ekeme ndinam utom oro imọ inọde enye nte Nazirite? You eagerly await the time when food shortages, poverty, suffering, sickness, and death no longer plague mankind. Did Jehovah use this to strengthen Samson's resolve to carry out his vow as a Nazirite? Ke ini idomo ekesịmde enye, David ama ayat esịt ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ, ekem ndịk ama anam enye - ekeme ndidi enye ama akam ọduọhọ Jehovah ke n̄kpọ mmọn̄eyet oro. Jehovah disciplined his ancient people because they did not live up to their expressions of praise During his trials, David became angry at first, and then became afraid - perhaps even he blamed Jehovah for the tragedy. [ Ndise ke page 26, 27] When hungry, David and his men stopped at the tabernacle and ate the loaves of presentation, which had been replaced. [ Picture on pages 26, 27] Didie ke Jehovah ekeme ndida edisana spirit esie n̄n̄wam fi, ndien nso idi ubiere fo ke afan̄ emi? And evangelists from Brazil now hold crusades in various parts of Britain. How can Jehovah use his holy spirit to help you, and what is your determination in this regard? Kpa nte "Obufa Testament " usem Greek eke Erasmus akakabarede edi" Uwetn̄kpọ Oro Ẹnyịmede Kaban̄a N̄wed Abasi Usem Greek (enye emi ẹdade ẹkabarede ẹsịn ke ediwak usem), uwetn̄kpọ usem Hebrew eke Polyglot edi akpan uwetn̄kpọ N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew ye Aramaic. When he activates this, his computer voice proclaims, "The hope of the Bible is that the earth will be a paradise where there will be no more sickness and death, Revelation 21: 4. " Just as Erasmus ' Greek "New Testament " became" an approved text for the Christian Greek Scriptures (the translation of the Greek Scriptures), the Hebrew text of the Polyglot is the principal text of the Hebrew Scriptures and Aramaic Scriptures. Ọdọn̄ fi ndikụt ini emi akan̄, ubuene, ufen, udọn̄ọ, ye n̄kpa mîdidụhe aba. Even if my circumstances do not at the moment allow me to expand my service, am I continuing to cultivate a self - sacrificing spirit? You long for a time when famine, poverty, suffering, sickness, and death will be no more. Jehovah ama otụnọ ikọt esie eke eset koro mmọ mîkodụhe uwem ikekem ye mme ikọ itoro mmọ Stay out of the Danger Zone! Jehovah disciplined his ancient people because they did not live up to their expressions of praise Ke ini ẹkekopde biọn̄, David ye irenowo esie ẹma ẹdụk ataya ẹkedia uyo iso Abasi emi ẹma ẹkemen ẹfep ke iso Jehovah. They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. " - Isaiah 65: 21, 22. When he was hungry, David and his men entered the tabernacle and began eating God's voice before Jehovah. Ndien idahaemi mme ọkwọrọikọ ẹtode Brazil ẹsinam ubịnikọt ido ukpono mmọ ke nsio nsio ikpehe Britain. Few people found much comfort in this strategy for conserving world peace. And present - day Brazilian preachers are engaged in their religious campaign in various parts of Britain. Emem oyodu, ndien udọn̄ọ ye n̄kpa ididụhe aba, Ediyarade 21: 4. " Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Peace will prevail, and sickness and death will be no more, Revelation 21: 4. " Idem edieke idaha mi mîyakke nnam ekese idahaemi ke utom ukwọrọikọ, ndi ami ke n̄ka iso nnyene edu n̄waidem? The brothers at the Brazil branch office were very supportive and assigned us to serve in the Quiririm Congregation in Taubaté, São Paulo State. Even if my circumstances do not allow me to do more in the ministry, am I still displaying a self - sacrificing spirit? Wọrọ Kpọn̄ Ikpehe N̄kpọndịk! Women usually prepared their flour by hand, one of their chores performed early in the day. Turn Away From Danger! Mmọ idibọpke, ndien owo en̄wen odụn̄; iditọhọ, ndien owo efen adia: koro usen ikọt mi ebietde usen eto, ndien edimek ikọt mi ẹyedia se ubọk mmọ ẹnamde. " - Isaiah 65: 21, 22. • Why did Persian Queen Vashti keep refusing to come to the king? They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. " - Isaiah 65: 21, 22. Edi ediwak owo ikereke ke ẹkeme ndida utọ usụn̄ emi nsịn emem. Jesus sets the best example in displaying "godly fear. " Sadly, though, many do not think that such a approach is possible. Nso ebuana ke un̄wana enyene ye ekịm? What role do family members play if a man is to qualify for appointment as a ministerial servant or an elder? What sharing does light have with darkness? Nditọete ke ọfis n̄kọk itieutom Brazil ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹn̄wam ẹnyụn̄ ẹnọ nnyịn ikanam utom ye Esop Quiririm ke Taubaté, São Paulo Stet. If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, this would be an act of disobedience to God. The brothers and sisters in the Brazil branch office were a great help and were assigned to the congregation in 1605, São Paulo State. Iban ẹkesinam ndomuyo mmọ ke idemmọ. Emi ekedi kiet ke otu n̄kpọ emi mmọ ẹkesinamde tụhi - tụhi usenubọk. Both he and Silas started "praying and praising God with song. " Women performed their flour on their own, one of the first things they had done early in the morning. • Ntak emi Vashti Ọbọn̄ An̄wan Persia ekesịnde ndidi iso edidem? 9 countries represented • Why did Queen Vashti refuse to appear before the king? Jesus enịm mfọnn̄kan uwụtn̄kpọ ke ndiwụt "mbak Abasi. " Why were well - known religious leaders drawn to politics? Jesus sets the perfect example in showing "the fear of God. " Nso ke ofụri ufọk ẹkpenam man ibuot ufọk odot ndidi asan̄autom unamutom m̀mê ebiowo? CAMBODIA What can a family head do to qualify as a ministerial servant or an elder? Edieke asan̄autom Jehovah emi ama akayak idem ọnọ enye ọdọde owo emi mînịmke ke akpanikọ, enye ọsọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi. 1: 21. If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, he would rebel against God. Enye ye Silas ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndibọn̄ "akam ẹnyụn̄ ẹtoro Abasi ke ikwọ. " Foretell Future? He and Silas began to pray "with thanksgiving and praise God in song. " Ibat idụt oro ẹtode 9 What parallel do we see between the communion sacrifice and Christian meetings? 9 countries represented Ntak emi ẹkedụride mme ọwọrọiso adaiso ido ukpono ẹdọn̄ ke mbre ukara? Jehovah would use a new nation. Why were prominent religious leaders promoted in politics? GUATEMALA In fact, my dad became my best friend, and I felt free to talk to him about even delicate matters. " GUATEMALA 1: 21. Some who have long served Jehovah wonder about the same thing. 1: 21. Anana Mbiet, 6 / 1 All 450 Baal prophets were then executed at the foot of Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 38 - 40. 9 / 15 Nso mbiet ke nnyịn ikụt ke ufọt uwa emem ye mme mbono esop Christian? We too are fighting a difficult and tiring battle. What similarity do we find between communion sacrifices and Christian meetings? Jehovah ama emek obufa idụt. It was called the Royal Bible because it was sponsored by King Philip, and the Antwerp Polyglot because it was printed in the city of Antwerp, which at the time was a part of the Spanish Empire. Jehovah chose a new nation. N̄kada ete mi nte ata ufan mi, ntre mma nsitịn̄ se mmen̄kpetịn̄ke nnọ enye. " [ Picture on page 25] I viewed my father as my best friend, so I would tell him what I wouldn't tell him. " Ndusụk mbon emi ẹnamde n̄kpọ Jehovah ke ediwak isua ẹsibụp ukem mbụme emi. That slave class, in turn, appoints overseers in the Christian congregation. - Matt. Some who have served Jehovah for decades have asked similar questions. Ẹma ẹwot kpukpru prọfet Baal 450 ke usụhọde Obot Carmel. - 1 Ndidem 18: 38 - 40. Daily association with a wonderful Bethel family is a great blessing. All Baal prophets were killed on humble Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 38 - 40. Nnyịn n̄ko ke in̄wana ekọn̄ emi ọsọn̄de onyụn̄ anamde nnyịn ikpa mba. Here we minister to people who have a love for God and a real thirst for Bible knowledge. We too are engaged in a difficult war and tire out. Ẹkekot Bible emi Bible Edidem koro Edidem Philip ọkọnọ okụk oro ẹkedade ẹtịm enye; ẹkekot enye n̄ko Polyglot Antwerp koro ẹkemịn̄ enye ke obio Antwerp, emi ekedide ikpehe Obio Ukara Spain ini oro. Thus we will have shown how highly we value the gift of life. This Bible was called the King Philip's personal copy because it was also named as the Antwerp Polyglot because it was printed in Antwerp, then part of the Spanish Empire. [ Ndise ke page 25] Scriptural Questions Answered: [ Picture on page 25] Ndien otu ofụn emi emek mme esenyịn ke esop Abasi. - Matt. " Sun and Moon " React And the slave class appoints overseers in the Christian congregation. - Matt. Ndidụn̄ ye utịbe utịbe mbon ubon Bethel edi ata akamba edidiọn̄. Decide what you will and will not tolerate when it comes to conduct with the opposite sex. Living with the wonderful members of the Bethel family is a rich blessing. Ẹma ẹsio ediye uduot ekpri n̄wed oro Dara Uwem ke Isọn̄ ke Nsinsi! But how is it that the spirit "goes out " from a person at the time of his death? The brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! Nnyịn ke isụk ikwọrọ ikọ mi inọ mbon oro ẹmade Abasi ẹnyụn̄ ẹyomde ndikpep Bible. " They hold it atrocious to kill a fellow creature; therefore, war is in their eyes incomprehensible and repulsive, a thing for which their language has no word. " - DESCRIPTION OF THE INUIT PEOPLE OF GREENLAND BY NORWEGIAN EXPLORER FRIDTJOF NANSEN IN 1888. We are still preaching to people who love God and want to study the Bible. Ntem ke nnyịn idiwụt ke ima inen̄ede iwụt esịtekọm iban̄a enọ uwem. Are we avidly pursuing material abundance, which may bring pain to us and to our families? We will thus show that we deeply appreciate the gift of life. Mme Mbụme N̄wed Abasi Oro Ẹbọrọde: How? Scriptural Questions Answered: " Utịn ye Ọfiọn̄ " Ẹnam N̄kpọ Ẹban̄a In what ways can we display compassion and kindness? " The Sun and the Month " About Biere se edinamde ye se mûdunamke ye erenowo en̄wen. How can we improve our effectiveness as teachers? Decide what you will do and what you must not do with someone else. Edi didie ke spirit "ọwọrọ " owo ke idem ke ini enye akpade? So never be anxious and say,... But how does the spirit mean "a person " even when he dies? " Mmọ ẹda ediwot kiet eken nte ata akpatre idiọkn̄kpọ; mmọ inyụn̄ ikwe ntak emi owo akpan̄wanade ekọn̄. Mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹsua ekọn̄; ikọ oro ekọn̄, ikam idụhe - du ke usem mmọ. " - EMI EDI SE FRIDTJOF NANSEN, ANAM - NDỤN̄ỌDE EYEN NORWAY, EKETỊN̄DE KE 1888 ABAN̄A NDITỌ INUIT EMI ẸTODE GREENLAND. I am come... to do your will, O God. " " They consider one another to be a final crime, and they have not seen why a certain soldier is fighting, nor do they hate war; nor do they even fall into their own language. " - FITAITOTOT, ARITOTOTOTA, AROTOA, ARIMOT OF THE BY THE GURIMIMIMIMILA, ARILOMIVES OF THE GALEDOMIVES OF THE EARTH IN THE TRIVES OF THE DEDOTOCIVECIM. Nte nnyịn ye ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ ibịne akpakịp inyene obụkidem, emi ekemede ndida afanikọn̄ nsọk nnyịn ye ubon nnyịn? This will protect us not only from being puffed up with pride but also from being discouraged. Are we eager to pursue an abundance of material riches, which can bring harm to us and to our family? Didie ke enye edinam emi? Self - love may cause us to justify our errors, camouflage bad personality traits, and be blind to our own badness. How will he do this? Didie ke ikeme nditua owo mbọm nnyụn̄ mfọn ido? The word "Armageddon " means" Mountain of Megiddo. " How can we show compassion and kindness? Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndifori ukeme nnyịn nte mme andikpep? People of honest heart need to turn to Jehovah God, the Source of life and light. How can we improve our ability as teachers? Mmọdo ẹkûtịmede esịt ẹdọhọ ẹte,... Righteousness and Salvation So never be anxious and say... mmedi... ndinam uduak fo, O Abasi. " King David of old was eager to "praise the name of God " and" magnify him with thanksgiving. " I am come... to do your will, O God. " Emi idiyakke nnyịn ikohode idem, idinyụn̄ iyakke idem emem nnyịn. Much attention has been given to the spiritual and emotional well - being of those affected. This protects us from being proud and from being discouraged. Ẹyere mmọn̄ edifọn edifọn ke ufọk mbemiso ẹdụkde idap. This is because he was ridiculed for serving God. Before going to bed, water will be well - watered. Uma idem ekeme ndinam nnyịn iwụt ke nnyịn iduehe, anam ifụk ndiọi uwem nnyịn, inyụn̄ ifụmi idiọk ido nnyịn. Proving Our Trust in Jehovah Self - control can lead us to prove ourselves innocent, to cover over our bad ways, and to ignore our errors. Ikọ oro "Armageddon " ọwọrọ" Obot Megiddo. " Questions From Readers The word "Armageddon " means" Mountain of Megiddo. " Oyom mbon esịt akpanikọ ẹwọn̄ọde ẹbịne Jehovah Abasi, Ebiet uwem ye un̄wana ẹtode. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Sincere people need to turn to Jehovah God, the Source of life and light. Edinen Ido ye Edinyan̄a Why were Peter and John effective shepherds? Righteousness and Salvation Edidem David eset ama enyene ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ " nditoro enyịn̄ Abasi ' "nnyụn̄ n̄kpono enye ke ekọm. " And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and lashed against that house, but it did not cave in, for it had been founded upon the rock - mass. King David of old was eager to " laud the name of God ' and to " glorify him with thanksgiving. ' Ẹmenen̄ede ẹdọn̄ mbon oro ẹkesobode unọmọ emi esịt ẹnyụn̄ ẹsọn̄ọ mbuọtidem mmọ. The situation is the same today. Those who experience this tragedy have been comforted and strengthened by their faith. Emi edi koro ẹma ẹsisak enye ke ntak emi enye akanamde n̄kpọ Abasi. He knows that Jehovah will not forget him - or repentant ones among His people. This is because he was mocked because he served God. Ndiwụt Mbuọtidem Nnyịn ke Jehovah Do we not want to serve Jehovah " with our whole strength '? Expressing Our Trust in Jehovah Mme Mbụme Ẹtode Mme Andikot Their experiences demonstrated that when we study and meditate on God's Word, the good things concerning Jehovah God and his Kingdom will fill our heart and will be found on our lips. Questions From Readers MME IBUOTIKỌ EFEN KE NSIONDI EMI: Had I not met her at that time and had I not responded to her invitation to work for her again after the war, I would probably have settled on our farm in the remote village and not had any contact with the missionaries in those early days. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Ntak emi Peter ye John ẹkedide nti ekpemerọn̄? Who will feed them and care for them? Why were Peter and John good shepherds? Edịm onyụn̄ edep, ukwọ edi, ofụm abara onyụn̄ eberi ufọk oro edi enye iduọhọ, koro ẹkebọpde enye ẹdori ke enyọn̄ akamba itiat. Moreover, all baptized servants of Jehovah can enjoy the blessing of "seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness " as part of the globe - encircling Christian brotherhood. - Matt. And the rain poured down, the floods came, and the winds blew and struck against the house, but it did not cave in, for it had been founded upon the rock - mass. Kpasụk ntre ke edi mfịn. Yet, Paul had no morbid fear for his life. The same is true today. Enye ọdiọn̄ọ ke Jehovah idifreke imọ, idinyụn̄ ifreke ikọt Esie oro ẹkabarede esịt. The apostle Peter had a custom of associating only with Jews. He knows that Jehovah will never forget him, and he will not forget his repentant ones. Mmọn̄ọ, n̄kọ akam ọdọdọn̄ nnyịn ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah " ke ofụri ukeme nnyịn. ' ECCLESIASTES 7: 16 After all, we want to serve Jehovah " with all our strength. ' Mme Ifiọkutom mmọ ẹma ẹwụt nte ke ini nnyịn ikpepde inyụn̄ itiede ikere Ikọ Abasi, nti n̄kpọ ẹban̄ade Jehovah Abasi ye Obio Ubọn̄ esie ẹyeyọhọ esịt nnyịn ndien nnyịn iyetịn̄ mme n̄kpọ emi inọ mbon en̄wen. God did not create humans to suffer. Their experiences showed that when we study and meditate on God's Word, we will be filled with good things about Jehovah God and his Kingdom and we will share them with others. Ekpedi n̄kosoboke ye enye ini oro, n̄konyụn̄ nnyịmeke ndikanam utom nnọ enye ke ekọn̄ ama okokụre, eyedi n̄kposụk ndu ke in̄wan̄ nnyịn ke esịt obio - in̄wan̄ oro, ndien n̄kpokosoboke ye mme isụn̄utom ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ ini oro. But the call for 1,000 full - time preachers was optimistic, since only a few hundred attended the meetings of the Bible Students at that time. If I had no contact with him at that time and had refused to serve him after the war, I would likely remain in our village, and I would not join the missionaries at the beginning. Anie idinọ mmọ udia inyụn̄ ise mmọ enyịn? The visit left a deep impression on him; in fact, he was moved to reexamine his own ministry. Who will provide them with food and care? Ke adianade do, kpukpru mme asan̄autom Jehovah oro ẹma ẹkena baptism ke ofụri ererimbot ke ẹdia ufọn ẹto "ndibem iso nyom obio ubọn̄ [Abasi] ye edinen ido esie. " - Matt. Jehovah has given his people satisfying work to do in these last days. Furthermore, all baptized servants of Jehovah worldwide benefit from "seeking first [God's] kingdom and his righteousness. " - Matt. Edi Paul ikefeheke ndịk n̄kpa. Just wait for the storm to pass. But Paul was not afraid of death. Ama emehe apostle Peter ndisinam n̄kpọ ye mme Jew kpọt. What Are the Facts About Christmas? The apostle Peter had already been acquainted with only Jews. ECCLESIASTES 7: 16 One of his goals is to deceive mankind into thinking that his way of governing can bring them true peace. ECCLESIASTES 7: 16 Abasi ikobotke mme owo man ẹdibọ ndutụhọ. The meeting was very successful, and the fellow employee was impressed that Kyle had taken that step. God did not create humans to suffer. Ndiyom mme ọkwọrọikọ uyọhọ ini 1,000 owụt ke mmọ ẹma ẹnyene idotenyịn, sia owo ikie ifan̄ kpọt ẹkesidụk mbono esop Nditọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ini oro. First, it should fit our audience, drawing on circumstances that our listeners can readily relate to. Finding 1,000 full - time ministers showed that they had hope, since only a few attended the meetings of the Bible Students at that time. Se enye okokụtde ama enen̄ede otụk enye; ke nditịm ntịn̄, oro ama anam enye afiak ese nte enye anamde utom ukwọrọikọ esie. Then, touched by the wisdom of God's Law, he said: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength. He was deeply touched by what he saw; in fact, he returned to see how he carried out his ministry again. Jehovah ọmọnọ ikọt esie ọnọ - uyụhọ utom ndinam ke mme ukperedem ini emi. Jehovah was no longer using the centuries - old arrangement for worship that centered on the temple in Jerusalem. Jehovah has given his people a satisfying work to do in these last days. Bet idem osụhọ enye. 2: 16, 17 - Should not the 16th verse begin with the Hebrew letter ayin and the 17th begin with pe to follow the order of the Hebrew alphabet? Instead, wait. Nso ke Ikpọfiọk Iban̄a Christmas? We should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother. " What Are the Facts About Christmas? Utịtmbuba esie kiet edi ndibian̄a ubonowo nnyụn̄ nnam mmọ ẹkere ke usụn̄ edikara imọ ekeme ndida ata emem nsọk mmọ. How can we today show gratitude like that of Caleb and Joshua? One of his goal is to deceive mankind and convince them that his way of ruling can bring true peace to them. Mmọ ẹma ẹkpe emem, ndien owo itieutom mmọ oro ama enen̄ede okop inemesịt nte Kyle ekebierede ndutan̄uyo oro. It was this aspect of conscience that may have helped Joseph to sense beforehand that adultery was wrong and bad - a sin against God. They decided to settle matters quickly, and the workmate Kyle was very happy that she had decided the difference. Akpa, enye ekpenyene ndikem ye otuowo, ẹdade enye ẹto mme idaha oro mme andikpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ nnyịn ẹkemede ndisọp mfiọk. For instance, special pioneers José and Silvia were assigned to the town of Putina, about 30 miles [50 km] from Lake Titicaca. First, it should be in harmony with the audience, based on the circumstances that our listeners might easily know. Enye ama onyụn̄ etịn̄ aban̄a ibet Abasi ete: "Ibet Jehovah ọfọn ama, edemede ukpọn̄. Eugenio showed me from the Bible that we are living in the last days and that God's Kingdom will soon usher in a paradise earth. And concerning God's law, he said: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, raising up the soul. Oro edi, ke owo idisituakke ibuot aba inọ imọ ke temple Jerusalem nte ekesidide ke ediwak isua ke edem. Put off by the heat, noise, and soot, the guards gave the car a cursory inspection and sent me off. That is, for years not to be worshiped again at the temple in Jerusalem. Nnyịn ikpenyene ndima kiet eken; ikûbiet Cain, emi ọkọtọn̄ọde oto andidiọk okonyụn̄ owotde eyeneka esie. " Graceful, upright palm trees were a common sight in Oriental courtyards in Bible times. We should love one another; never like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother. " Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndinyene esịtekọm ukem nte Joshua ye Caleb ẹkenyenede? Jehovah requires that we be holy. How can we imitate Joshua and Caleb? Anaedi utọ ubieresịt emi akanam Joseph ọfiọk ke efịbe ama akwan̄a, ke ikedịghe eti ido uwem, ke okonyụn̄ edi idiọkn̄kpọ oro ẹnamde ẹdian Abasi. Paul advised the Ephesians: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " Such a conscience must have helped Joseph to realize that adultery was wrong, morally, and spiritually. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ẹma ẹnọ mme akpan asiakusụn̄ oro José ye Silvia ẹka obio Putina, oro oyomde usụn̄ ke n̄kpọ nte kilomita 50 ọkpọn̄ Lake Titicaca. " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, " wrote Solomon, "but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want. " For example, the special pioneers José and Silvia were assigned to the town of Naraa, some 50 miles [50 km] from Lake Titicaca. Enye ama owụt mi itie Bible emi ọdọhọde ke nnyịn idu ke mme akpatre usen, ndien ke mîbịghike ke Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ayanam isọn̄ akabade edi paradise. All thanks to Jehovah for providing us with his only - begotten Son - the Greater Moses, David, and Solomon! He showed me from the Bible that we are living in the last days, and soon God's Kingdom will make the earth a paradise. Sia uyom, ufiop, ye nsụn̄ikan̄ ubomisọn̄ oro ẹkefịnade mbon ukpeme oro, mmọ iketịmke ise ubomisọn̄ mi ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọhọ n̄wat mbe. Since ten can represent completeness of an earthly kind, the "ten men " stand for the" great crowd, " brought into association with "the Israel of God, " with whom they form" one flock. " Because the guards were disturbed by the noise, heat, and ships, they did not really watch my car and ordered me to drive. Ndiye eyop emi ẹdade nnennen ẹkeyọyọhọ okụre mbon Edem Usiahautịn ke eyo Bible. Obedience - An Important Childhood Lesson? In Bible times, beautiful palm trees covered the courtyards of the East. Jehovah oyom nnyịn isana. To squelch the rebellion of the five cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela. Jehovah wants us to be clean. Paul ọkọnọ nditọete ke Ephesus item emi ete: "Ẹyat esịt, edi ẹkûnam idiọkn̄kpọ; ẹkûyak utịn osụhọde edisịm mbufo ke idaha iyatesịt, ẹkûnyụn̄ ẹyak ufan̄ ẹnọ Devil. " Many youths have decided to " obey God as ruler ' rather than a non - Witness parent, despite suffering hardship from that parent. Paul counseled the Ephesian Christians: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " Solomon ekewet ete: "N̄kọkibuot owo nsịnifịk itreke ndinyene ufọn, edi kpukpru owo eke ẹnamde n̄kpọ ke ibụmede iditreke ndidu ke unana. " Heed God's Reminders! Solomon wrote: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want. " Ekọm enyene Jehovah emi ọnọde nnyịn ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ edibon Eyen esie emi edide Akamba Moses, David, ye Solomon! And despite his having to endure much hardship and persecution, Paul never lost his zeal. - 2 Cor. Thanks to Jehovah, his only - begotten Son, the Greater Moses, David, and Solomon! Sia duop ekemede ndida nnọ ọyọhọ n̄kpọ ke isọn̄, "owo duop " oro ẹda ẹban̄a" akwa otuowo " oro ẹdade ẹdisịn ke itie ebuana ye "Israel Abasi, " emi mmọ ẹdianade ẹnam" otuerọn̄ kiet. " What rights are included, and how will a better understanding of this provide you with added incentive to maintain Christian morality? Since the ten can refer to the earth's "ten men, " the" great crowd, " who are brought into a relationship with "the Israel of God, " made up of" one flock. " Nsụkibuot - Akpan Ukpepn̄kpọ Ini Uyen? One newspaper recently stated: "The bloodiest and most dangerous disputes today... are wrapped in religion. " Obedience - A Important Lesson in Youth? Man ẹtre nsọn̄ibuot obio ition ẹdide Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, ye Bela. After escorting Lot, his wife, and his daughters out of Sodom, the angels said to them: "Escape to the mountainous region for fear you may be swept away! " To end the five rebellious cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Bela. Ediwak uyen ẹbiere " ndikop uyo Abasi nte andikara ' n̄kan uyo ete m̀mê eka oro mîdịghe Ntiense, kpa ye oro ẹkụtde ukụt ke ubọk ete m̀mê eka oro. He stayed in Corinth "a year and six months, teaching among them the word of God. " Many youths are determined to "obey God as ruler " than an unbelieving Witness parent, despite distress at the hands of the parent. Nam Se Abasi Etide Fi! Can you increase your joy in this exciting activity? Do What God Has Done for You! N̄ko, kpa ye oro n̄kpọ ọkọsọn̄de ye enye, ẹkenyụn̄ ẹkọbọde enye, Paul iketreke ndisịn ifịk n̄kwọrọ ikọ. - 2 Cor. We should fill our minds and hearts with them. And despite hardships and persecution, Paul did not hold back from preaching zealously. - 2 Cor. Unen emi esịne nso, ndien didie ke nditịm mfiọk emi edinam fi enyene ntak efen efen ndika iso mmụm eti ido uwem Christian n̄kama? But all, including older publishers, endeavor to cover the local territory thoroughly. What does this right include, and how will knowing this give you added reason to maintaining Christian morality? N̄wedmbụk n̄kpọntịbe kiet ọdọhọ ke ndondo emi ete: " Ido ukpono edi ntak ndiọkn̄kan utọk ye en̄wan oro ẹn̄wanade mfịn. ' In 1940, Nazi Germany annexed Alsace - Lorraine, and the new regime required all adults to join the Nazi party. Recently, one newspaper reported: " Religion is responsible for the worst conflict and strife that are taking place today. ' Ke mme angel ẹma ẹkeda Lot, n̄wan esie, ye nditọ esie ẹkeyak ke edem obio Sodom, mmọ ẹma ẹdọhọ Lot ẹte: "Bọhọ ka ke obot, mbak ẹdisobo fi. " What "better resurrection " is yet ahead? After the angels took Lot, his wife, and his sons back to the city of Sodom, they told Lot: "Go down to the mountain, that you may not be destroyed. " Enye ama odụn̄ ke Corinth "isua kiet ye ọfiọn̄ itiokiet, ekpep mmọ ikọ Abasi. " What might we ask ourselves regarding our communication with Jehovah? He resided in Corinth "a year and six months, teaching them the word of God. " Ndi emekeme ndinam utom emi etetịm okpon akan nte esinamde? (b) How have you responded to Jesus ' invitation? Can you reach greater goals than you do? (NW) Nnyịn ikpenyene ndidọn̄ mmọ nyọhọ ekikere ye esịt nnyịn. The psalmist sang: "By the word of Jehovah the heavens themselves were made, and by the spirit of his mouth all their army. " We should urge them to fill our mind and heart. Edi kpukpru owo, esịnede mbon oro ẹma ẹkesọn̄, ẹsịn ifịk ẹkwọrọ ikọ ke efakutom mmọ edifọn edifọn. The Bible says: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Yet, all, including elderly ones, zealously preach in their territory. Ke 1940, ukara Hitler ama esịbe Alsace ye Lorraine esịn ke Germany, ndien obufa ukara emi ama oyom kpukpru ikpọ owo ẹdụk n̄ka ukara Nazi. Please read on. In 1940, Hitler's regime broke out with Lorraine in Germany, and the new government wanted all adults to join the Nazi party. Nso idi "ediset ke n̄kpa eke ọfọnde akan "? 28 Our Readers Ask What is "a better resurrection "? Nso ke ikpobụp idem nnyịn iban̄a nte isinemede nneme ye Jehovah? As you may have observed, looking to wealth for happiness is often deceptive. What should we ask ourselves about our communication with Jehovah? (b) Afo anam n̄kpọ didie aban̄a ikot oro Jesus ọnọde fi? Jesus Christ and a group of fellow rulers chosen from mankind make up God's Kingdom (b) How have you responded to Jesus ' invitation? Andiwet psalm ọkọkwọ ete: "Ẹkeda ikọ Jehovah ẹnam enyọn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹda ibifịk inua esie ẹnam kpukpru udịm mmọ. " But by being forgiving, we promote and preserve the unity in the congregation. " By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made of the heavens, and by the breath of his mouth all their army, " sang the psalmist. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Ekikere mme ọsọp - ubọk ẹkọ uwak ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄. " (a) What did Paul say in affirmation of Jesus ' resurrection? The Bible says: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Mbọk kot ibuotikọ oro etienede. He uses direct as well as subtle attacks on the Kingdom message and its messengers to try to stop the work. Please read on. 28 Mbụme Oro Mme Andikot Ẹbụpde The psalmist began by pointing to Jehovah's creatorship as a basis for confidence: "I shall raise my eyes to the mountains. 28 Our Readers Ask Nte afo ekemede ndikụt, esiwak ndidi abian̄a ndikere ke inyene ekeme ndinam owo okop inemesịt. At times, this warning is delivered to a marriage partner who chooses to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. As you can see, it is often unrealistic to think that wealth can bring happiness. Jesus Christ ye otu mme anditiene enye n̄kara emi ẹmekde ẹsio ke otu ubonowo ẹnam Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi If your children are ever to enjoy privileges like these, a basic education is usually a necessity. Jesus Christ and his chosen followers make up God's Kingdom Edi edieke ifende inọ nditọete nnyịn, oro ayanam ofụri esop ẹdiana kiet. The Greek word rendered "gave way to tears " often refers to" a quiet weeping, " while the word used to describe the weeping of Mary and the others may signify "a loud weeping, a wailing. " On the other hand, by forgiving our brothers and sisters, we contribute to the unity of the entire congregation. (a) Nso ke Paul eketịn̄ ndisọn̄ọ ediset ke n̄kpa Jesus? That time, Jesus ' prophecy on the sign of the last days was explained. (a) What did Paul say to strengthen Jesus ' resurrection? Enye oyom ndida usụn̄ ekededi mbiọn̄ọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ ye mme ọkwọrọ eti mbụk. Consider first the Hebrew Scriptures. He wants to use any means to hinder the good news of the Kingdom and preachers of the good news. Sia andiwet psalm ọkọtọn̄ọde ke ndidọhọ ke Jehovah edi Andibot, nnyịn imenyene ntak ndibuọt idem ke Enye: "Mmọn̄ mmenede enyịn mi nse ikpọ obot. How can we be merciful in the use of our tongue? Since the psalmist began by saying that Jehovah is the Creator, we have reason to put faith in Him: "I shall carefully look upon the mountains. Ndusụk ini, se ẹsidọhọde ebe m̀mê n̄wan oro oyomde ndikabade ndi kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah edi emi. Jesus helped his disciples to dwell on what Jehovah had already done for them This is sometimes true of a husband or a wife who wants to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ẹsiwak ndiyom akpan ifiọkn̄wed edieke anade nditọ fo ẹnyene mme utọ ifetutom emi. SEE PAGES 3 - 7. Special education is often required if your children are to have such privileges. Ikọ Greek oro ẹkabarede " nditua eyet ' esiwak ndiwọrọ "ndin̄wek eyet. " Edi enye oro akabarede eyet oro Mary ye mbon eken ẹketuade ekeme ndiwọrọ "ndifiori eyet. " The Bible assures us: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " The Greek word translated "to weep " often means" to weep, " but the grieving one may mean "to weep. " Ẹkeneme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ Jesus oro aban̄ade mme akpatre usen. He was feared because of his violent nature. It was Jesus ' prophecy about the last days. Bem iso kere ban̄a N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew. We also encourage them when they hear us comment and sing from our heart. - Colossians 3: 16. Consider first the Hebrew Scriptures. Didie ke ikeme nditua mme owo mbọm ke nte itịn̄de ikọ ye mmọ? Using blood medically is now common. How can we show mercy in our speech? Jesus ama an̄wam mme mbet esie ẹwụk ekikere ke se Jehovah ama akananam ọnọ mmọ In any case, by doing what we can in the public ministry, we are doing God's work. Jesus helped his disciples to focus on what Jehovah had already done for them SE PAGE 3 - 7. After resigning as city mayor in order to preach God's Kingdom as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he explained why the efforts of sincere people in politics fail. SEE PAGES 3 - 7. Bible ọn̄wọn̄ọ ọnọ nnyịn ete: "Abasi inamke asari, edi ke kpukpru idụt enye enyenyịme owo eke abakde enye onyụn̄ anamde edinen ido. " The Jewish apocryphal writing known as the Wisdom of Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus, (23: 11) likewise states: "A man given to swearing is lawless to the core. " The Bible assures us: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " Ẹkesifefehe enye ke ntak afai afai edu esie. So I took a short course in construction methods. Because of his violent behavior, he became afraid of his violent conduct. Nnyịn imesisọn̄ọ mmọ idem n̄ko ke ini ibọrọde mbụme inyụn̄ ikwọde ikwọ ke ofụri esịt itoro Abasi. - Colossae 3: 16. For a while, they were in fear every night until moving into another house brought some relief. We also encourage them when we answer questions and sing from the heart praises to God. - Colossians 3: 16. Edi ọsọ n̄kpọ mfịn ndida iyịp nsọbọ idem. In a related prophecy, Habakkuk said: "I heard, and my belly began to be agitated; at the sound my lips quivered; rottenness began to enter into my bones; and in my situation I was agitated, that I should quietly wait for the day of distress, for his [God's] coming up to the people [the menacing armies], that he may raid them. " It is common today to use blood transfusions. Ke idaha ekededi, edieke inamde ofụri se ikemede ke utom ukwọrọikọ, nnyịn inam utom Abasi. This results in a happier life. In any case, if we do all we can in the ministry, we are doing God's work. Ke enye ama ekesịn n̄wed ọkpọn̄ utom nte ọbọn̄ obio man ọkwọrọ Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi nte kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah, enye ama anam an̄wan̄a ntak emi ukeme mbon mbre ukara oro ẹnyenede eti esịt ẹsikpude. (Sister Muriel Smith died on April 1, 2002, as this article was being finalized. After rejecting public service to preach God's Kingdom as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he explained why the efforts of sincere politicians fail. N̄wed mme Jew kiet emi ẹkotde Wisdom of the Sirach, m̀mê Ecclesiasticus, (23: 11) ọdọhọ n̄ko ete: "Owo emi esimade ndin̄wọn̄ọ n̄kpọ edi ata idiọkowo. " Yet, Asa basically did not deviate from God's ways, for his heart was "completely devoted " to God. The Jewish book Wisdom of the Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus, also states: "He who is willing to swear is a real person. " Ntre mma n̄kọbọ ukpep ibio ini ke ufọkn̄wed ke nte ẹkemede ndibọp n̄kpọ. Additionally, we must maintain our own spirituality. So I received part - time training at school on how to build. Ndịk ama esinam mmọ kpukpru okoneyo tutu mmọ ẹwọrọ ẹkedụn̄ ke ufọk en̄wen ẹnyụn̄ ẹbọ emem. That journey can lead us to life, whether in heaven or on earth. They were so afraid that they moved to another house and found peace. Habakkuk ama etịn̄ aban̄a en̄wan emi n̄ko: "N̄kop, ndien idịbi mi anam uyom; uyom esie anam n̄kpọkinua mi enyek; mme ọkpọ mi ẹyap; idaha mi anam esịt etịmede mi, ndien nyetie sụn̄ mbet usen nnanenyịn, ntie mbet ini emi enye [Abasi] edidọkde ebịne mme owo [mbonekọn̄ nsobo], man enye an̄wana ye mmọ. " Here's why: Our basic human needs have not changed from the beginning of time. Concerning this conflict, Habakkuk said: "I heard, and my belly I heard; and his sound makes my lips tremble; my bones fly; my condition makes me tremble; and I will gather a day of distress, when [God] comes upon the men of destruction, in order that he may strike them against them. " Emi osụn̄ọ ke uwem inemesịt. Even "a large crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith. " This results in a happy life. (Sista Muriel Smith ama akpa ke April 1, 2002, nte ẹkekperede ndikụre ibuotikọ emi. When we received our visas, we became part of a group of nine missionaries who made the trip to Chile. ( Sister Muriel Smith died on April 1, 2002, as was the end of this article. Edi Asa ama aka iso ọsọn̄ọ ada ye Jehovah onyụn̄ anam n̄kpọ esie "ke ofụri esịt. " Certainly not! But Asa remained loyal to Jehovah and served him "with a complete heart. " Ke adianade do, ana nnyịn ke idem nnyịn ika iso idi ufan Abasi. Do You Remember? In addition, we must remain God's friend. Isan̄ emi edida nnyịn ikesịm nsinsi uwem, edide ke heaven m̀mê ke isọn̄. The Boxer at Rest This time we will lead to everlasting life, either in heaven or on earth. Se inamde ndọhọ ntre edi ke mme akpan n̄kpọ oro nnyịn mme owo iyomde man ika iso idu uwem ikpụhọkede toto ke editọn̄ọ. " To be tempted by the Devil. " That is why we say that our basic needs in order to remain alive have not changed since the beginning. Idem "akwa otu mme oku ẹnyụn̄ ẹtọn̄ọ ndisụk ibuot nnọ akpanikọ. " 4, 5. (a) How does the illustration found at 1 Corinthians 12: 21 - 23 help us to grasp Jehovah's view of human weakness? Even "a great crowd of priests began to be obedient to the truth. " Ke ima ikọbọ n̄wed uka esenidụt, ima idiana ye isụn̄utom itiaba en̄wen oro ẹkenọde ẹka Chile. The Bible warns us not to let our imperfect heart or mere sentiment rule when we are making decisions. After receiving foreign literature, we joined seven other missionaries who were assigned to Chile. Ih, ayan̄wam. Rather, they were warned of the consequences of wrongdoing. Yes, he will. Nte Afo Emeti? One could compare the Bible student and the archaeologist to travelers on roughly parallel routes. Do You Recall? Otopita Emi Ọbọde Nduọkodudu For example, think of Cynthia, quoted earlier, whose husband abandoned her and her two daughters. Hesing the Lord's Rest Bible ọdọhọ ke enye akaka "man Devil okodomo enye. " (student in Russia), 3 / 1 The Bible says that he went "to tempt the Devil. " 4, 5. (a) Didie ke uwụtn̄kpọ oro Paul ọkọnọde ke 1 Corinth 12: 21 - 23 an̄wam nnyịn ifiọk nte Jehovah esede mbon oro idem ememde? [ Pictures on page 15] 4, 5. (a) How does Paul's illustration at 1 Corinthians 12: 21 - 23 help us to understand Jehovah's view of those who are weak? Bible akam odụri nnyịn utọn̄ ete ikûtiene esịt nnyịn ke ini iyomde ndibiere n̄kpọ. Sin appeared in the spirit realm because of the rebellion by an angel, who came to be called Satan (Resister) and Devil (Slanderer). The Bible even warns us not to follow our heart when we are faced with decisions. Utu ke oro, ẹma ẹtọt mmọ ẹban̄a utịp edinam idiọk. Then, consider his watchfulness. Instead, they were warned of the consequences of wrongdoing. Owo ekeme ndimen eyen ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ye ọdọkisọn̄ nyom n̄kpọeset ndomo ye mme akaisan̄ oro ẹsan̄ade ke usụn̄ oro akade ukem ebiet. Boaz, satisfied, now covers himself and drifts off to sleep. A Bible student and archaeologist might be likened to tourists traveling along the same road. N̄kọ ke eteti Cynthia oro ebe ekefehede ọkpọn̄ ye nditọ iba? Read in your Bible how Jehovah protected David from the fearsome giant Goliath. Did you remember her husband's escape with two children? Clark), 2 / 1 " The chronological and geographical statements are more accurate and reliable than those afforded by any other ancient documents. " - A SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, BY ROBERT D. Clark), 3 / 1 [ Mme ndise ke page 15] Likewise, neither will Jehovah do any such thing to the earth and its inhabitants, for "God is love. " - 1 John 4: 8. [ Pictures on page 15] Idiọkn̄kpọ ama owụt idem ke obio mme spirit ke ntak nsọn̄ibuot angel kiet, oro ẹkedikotde Satan (Andibiọn̄ọ) ye Devil (Ọdọk - Edidọk). Rather, the expression "Holy of Holies " refers to the heavenly sanctuary of God - the heavenly Most Holy - in the great spiritual temple of Jehovah. Sin manifested itself in the spirit realm because of the rebellion of an angel, who called Satan (Resister) and the Devil (Slanderer). Kere n̄ko ban̄a nte enye eketiede ese se iditịbede. How did some respond to Ezekiel's words, and how is a similar thing happening today? Consider, too, what he looked forward to. Ke okopde uyụhọ, Boaz ofụhọ ọfọn̄ ana ede idap. Elders in the congregation, knowing that they are not in competition with one another, cooperate and work closely together as a body. Happily, Boaz feels good enough to sleep. Kot ke Bible fo kop nte Jehovah ekekpemede David osio ke ubọk okopidem Goliath oro mme owo ẹkefehede - fehe. You too may find that in response to your persistent prayers, "the God of all comfort " will give you the courage and the strength to cope. - 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4; Romans 12: 12. Notice how Jehovah protected David from the giant Goliath. " Bible itiehe nte mme n̄wed eset eken, enye etịn̄ n̄kpọ ke nde ke nde nte n̄kpọ emi okonyụn̄ etịbede onyụn̄ asiak ebiet emi n̄kpọ emi eketịbede. " - A SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, EMI ROBERT D. Why? " The Bible is not like other ancient writings, and it does describe things as if they were in a situation and point out where this happened. " - ACITOVESTSTSTIVEST BY THE GICOLD BY FITIC AS D. Jehovah idinyụn̄ isoboke isọn̄ ye mme andidụn̄ ke esịt, koro "Abasi edi ima. " - 1 John 4: 8. My marriage has improved, and I am happy that I can use my experiences to help others. And Jehovah will not bring the earth and its inhabitants into it, for "God is love. " - 1 John 4: 8. Utu ke oro, ikọ oro "Ata Edisana " ada aban̄a edisana ebiet Abasi eke heaven - Ata Edisana eke heaven - ke akwa temple Jehovah eke spirit. All around, though, was wild country. Rather, the expression "the Most Holy One " refers to God's sanctuary in heaven - the Most Holy of heaven - in Jehovah's great spiritual temple. Didie ke ndusụk owo ẹkenam n̄kpọ ẹban̄a mme ikọ Ezekiel, ndien didie ke ukem oro etịbe mfịn? A neighbor comes over to see what is happening. How did some respond to Ezekiel's words, and how is that similar today? Sia mbiowo ke esop ẹfiọkde ke mmimọ imiaha mbuba ye kiet eken, mmọ ẹsidiana kiet ẹnam utom nte otu. Adam and Eve would demonstrate their subjection to God if they obeyed his command not to eat from that tree. Because elders in the congregation know that they are not competitive, they work together as a group. Edieke ọkọbọde ke akam, afo n̄ko emekeme ndikụt ke "Abasi kpukpru ndọn̄esịt " ọyọnọ fi odudu ye ukeme ndiyọ. - 2 Corinth 1: 3, 4; Rome 12: 12. " Always be rejoicing. If you persist in prayer, you too can see that "the God of all comfort " will give you strength and strength to endure. - 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4; Romans 12: 12. Ntak - a? Remember, too, that the disciple - making work is a group effort. Why? Mmonyụn̄ n̄kop inemesịt nte ke mbon en̄wen ẹkeme ndikpep n̄kpọ nto mbụk uwem mi. When facing a disagreement, will you seek God's direction? I am happy that others can learn from my life story. Edi akai ama odu akanade obio oro. The early codex did not look much like the books of today, but as with most other inventions, it was developed and modified according to the needs and preferences of those who used it. But there was a forest around the city. Mbọhọidụn̄ mmọ ọwọrọ edi ndise se itịbede. Appropriate indeed is the Bible's advice: "More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " Their neighbor comes to see what is happening. Adam ye Eve ẹkpekesụk ibuot ẹnọ Abasi edieke mmọ ẹkpekenamde ewụhọ esie oro ọkọdọhọde ẹkûdia mfri eto oro. Dr. If Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command not to eat from the tree's fruit, they would disobey him. " Ẹdat esịt kpukpru ini. Implicit Trust in God's Promises " Always be rejoicing. Ti, n̄ko, ete ke utom edinam mbet edi utom otu. This is evident from a comparison of Psalm 2: 7 with Acts 13: 32, 33 and Hebrews 1: 5; 5: 5. Remember, too, that the disciple - making work is a team. Ndi emesiyom ndausụn̄ Abasi ke ini eneni edemerede? Green new grass may look pretty, but the blades soon shrivel and die. Do you seek God's guidance when an issue arises? N̄wed eset emi iketiehe nte n̄wed eyomfịn, edi ukem nte ediwak n̄kpọ oro ẹsiode ẹdi, mbon oro ẹkedade enye ẹnam n̄kpọ ẹma ẹfori ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam enye ekekem ye se mmọ ẹkeyomde. The fulfillment of that promise required that Jesus die and be brought back to life. - Gen. Unlike the modern - day books, this codex was quite different, but like many of the things produced, those who made it were improved and made according to their needs. Item Bible emi odot didie ntem: "Tịm kpeme esịt fo kan kpukpru se ekpemede; koro uwem otode enye. " He lovingly provides "mercy and... undeserved kindness for help at the right time. " How appropriate this Bible principle is: "More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " Dr. May we pray constantly, follow the leadings of the holy spirit, and always listen closely to Jehovah's voice. Dr. Ndibuọt Idem Ọyọhọ Ọyọhọ ke Mme Un̄wọn̄ọ Abasi Along the way, we were able to arrange for a Bible study with a lady who lives in the city. Trusting in God's Promises Ẹkụt emi ke ndimen Psalm 2: 7 ndomo ye Utom 13: 32, 33 ye Mme Hebrew 1: 5; 5: 5. While he was in Ephesus, his foes may have thrown him into the arena to fight wild beasts. This is evident from the comparison of Psalm 2: 7 with Acts 13: 32, 33 and Hebrews 1: 5; 5: 5. Awawa ikọn̄ ekeme ndiye, edi mmọ ẹsisọp ndiyemede nnyụn̄ n̄kpa. Isaiah lived more than three centuries before Aristotle's day and thousands of years before science provided compelling evidence on this subject. The green leaves can be beautiful, but they are quick to weaken and die. Akana Jesus akpa onyụn̄ eset man se ẹken̄wọn̄ọde oro osu. - Gen. * In any event, with Jehovah's blessing, Gideon carried out his assignment, and in time he was used by God to liberate Israel from the Midianites. - Judges 6: 25 - 27. Jesus was to die and be resurrected to fulfill that promise. - Gen. Ima esinam enye owụt " mbọm ye mfọnido oro owo mîdotke eke ẹdin̄wamde nnyịn ke nnennen ini. ' And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit... before the coming of the great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah. " - Joel 1: 1; 2: 28, 29, 31; Acts 2: 17, 18, 20. Love moves him to show "the compassion and undeserved kindness that will help us at the right time. " Jehovah Edi Ebietidụn̄ Nnyịn, 3 / 15 What sort of persons indeed! JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Ana ibọn̄ akam kpukpru ini, iyak spirit Abasi ada nnyịn usụn̄, inyụn̄ inen̄ede ikpan̄ utọn̄ ikop uyo Jehovah kpukpru ini. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. We must regularly pray, let God's spirit guide us, and always listen to Jehovah. Ke usụn̄ unyọn̄, ima idiomi ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ye n̄wan kiet emi odụn̄de ke akwa obio. Out of love, Jehovah God yearns to resurrect the dead, especially faithful ones, like upright Job. On the way home, we arranged a Bible study with a woman living in a city. Ke adan̄aemi enye okodude ke Ephesus, ekeme ndidi mme asua esie ẹma ẹtop enye ẹsịn ke an̄wambre man an̄wana ye ndiọi unam. This was the situation of Herbert and Gertrud - both Jehovah's Witnesses - for over 40 years. While in Ephesus, his enemies may have threw him into the arena to fight wild beasts. Isaiah okodu uwem ke n̄kpọ nte isua ikie ita mbemiso eyo Aristotle, ye ke ata ediwak isua mbemiso ntaifiọk ẹkemede nditịn̄ nnennen nnennen nte ekondo etiede. I still remember the paramedics taking him away. Isaiah lived about three centuries before Aristotle's time and centuries before scientists could accurately explain the nature of the universe. * Ke idaha ekededi, ye edidiọn̄ Jehovah, Gideon ama anam utom esie, ndien nte ini akakade Abasi ama ada enye ndinyan̄a Israel nsio ke ubọk mbon Midian. - Judges 6: 25 - 27. The same region of present - day Turkey still produces dried figs of excellent quality. * In any case, with Jehovah's blessing, Gideon did his work, and in time God used him to deliver Israel from the hand of the Midianites. - Judges 6: 25 - 27. Ndi Mme Ntiense Jehovah Ẹsibọ Usọbọ Ufọkibọk? Furthermore, the rest of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. Do Jehovah's Witnesses Hospital Information Services? Nyonyụn̄ n̄n̄wan̄a spirit mi ke eyo oro nnọ ifịn - iren ye ifịn - iban mbufo... ke akwa usen Jehovah emi enyenede ndịk mîka - idịghe. " - Joel 1: 1; 2: 28, 29, 31; Utom 2: 17, 18, 20. A pioneer named Bobbi pleaded: "We need more support during the week. " And I shall pour out my spirit in those days to the slaves - men and your daughters... on the great day of Jehovah that proved to be fear - inspiring. " - Joel 1: 1; 2: 28, 29, 31; Acts 2: 17, 18, 20. Emi enen̄ede owụt orụk owo emi nnyịn ikpedide. Quiet fell on the Sea of Galilee. How well this shows what kind of person we should be! N̄wakn̄kan ke otu nsụhọ ẹnen̄ede ẹsọn̄, ndien ibat mmọ ẹmi ẹdide ata mbon oro ẹyetde aran ke ekpekpri nte mme isua ẹbede. Some of these occasionally come to Christian meetings, such as the observance of the Lord's Evening Meal or sessions of a district convention. The majority of the remnant are older, and the number of those who are genuine anointed over the years is relatively small. Enen̄ede ọdọn̄ Jehovah Abasi ndinam mbon oro ẹkpan̄ade ẹset, akpan akpan mbon oro ẹkenamde akpanikọ ẹnọ enye, utọ nte Job emi ekedide edinen owo. Muriel replied: "My husband and I regularly study the Bible with our children, and we try to apply in our lives what we learn. Jehovah God is eager to resurrect those who have died, especially those loyal to him, such as the righteous man Job. Se iketịbede ke se ibede isua 40 inọ Herbert ye Gertrud - emi ẹdude ke esop Mme Ntiense Jehovah - edi oro. What is one way we can find refreshment while on vacation? That has happened for over 40 years to Herbert and Gertrud - members of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nsụk nteti nte mbon ufọkibọk ẹkemende ete mi ẹwọrọ. Be patient and understanding. I still remember the condition of my father - in - law hospital staff. Ke ẹsụk ẹnyenyene ata nti uduot nsat fig ke n̄kann̄kụk oro ke Turkey eyomfịn. A talk given at the convention of Bible Students at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1922 urged listeners to " advertise the King and his kingdom. ' The quality of dried figs still exists in modern - day Turkey. Akan oro, ẹyesobo ikpehe eken oro osụhọde ke "Akwa Babylon, " kpa ukara ererimbot eke nsunsu ido ukpono. Some people get divorced hoping to make their life better, while others want to remain married but cannot make their spouse stay. Moreover, the rest of that part will be destroyed in "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. Asiakusụn̄ emi ekerede Bobbi ọdọhọ ete: "Imesiyom mme owo ẹtiene nnyịn ẹwọrọ an̄wautom ke ufọturua. " The Law as stated at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 could have been regarded as applying only to an area occupied by the Israelites. " We want people to join us in the field service on midweek, " says a pioneer named Jau. Inyan̄ Galilee ama odobo ana sụn̄ - n̄. Yes, as we vigorously exert ourselves in following the Christ, we enjoy such rich and lasting blessings as peace of mind, satisfaction, contentment, God's approval, and the prospect of everlasting life. - 1 Tim. The Sea of Galilee calmed down. Ndusụk mmọ ẹsidụk mme mbono esop Christian, utọ nte edinam Udia Mbubịteyo Ọbọn̄ m̀mê ndusụk ikpehe edinam mbono district, ke ini ke ini. This adjusts what was stated on this subject in "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of August 15, 1990, page 30. Some attend Christian meetings, such as the observance of the Lord's Evening Meal or certain features of the district convention, occasionally. Muriel ama ọbọrọ ete: "Ami ye ebe mi imesikpep nditọ nnyịn Bible kpukpru ini, nnyịn imesinyụn̄ idomo ndida se ikpepde ke Bible nsịn ke edinam. Then let us show our gratefulness for these dear "fellow workers for the kingdom of God. " Muriel replied: "My husband and I regularly study the Bible with our children, and we try to apply what we learn from the Bible. Tịn̄ n̄kpọ kiet oro ikpadade ini nduọkodudu nnyịn inam man ikop inemesịt. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ What is one way to enjoy our leisure time? Ekeme ndida ini mbemiso mbufo mbiba ẹfiak ẹdiana kiet nte ẹkesidianade. • How is our advancement manifest in our conduct and chasteness? It may take time for both of you to strengthen your bond. Kiet ke otu utịn̄ikọ emi ẹkenọde ke 1922 ke akamba mbono Nditọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ke Cedar Point ke Ohio, ke U.S.A., ama esịn udọn̄ ọnọ mbon emi ẹkedụkde ete " ẹtan̄a, oro edi, ẹnam mme owo ẹfiọk Edidem ye obio ubọn̄ esie. ' Psalm 118: 22 pointed to what outstanding event? One of the talks given in 1922 at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., urged those in attendance to " advertise, the King and his kingdom. ' Ndusụk owo ẹsikere ke ima iwọwọrọ ndọ, ke n̄kpọ ọyọfọn ye mmimọ. * Mbon eken ẹkpema ndika iso ndọ ebe mmọ, edi ebe imaha ndidọ mmọ aba. (b) What questions will we consider in this study? Some people feel that they are free to marry, * while others want to remain committed to their marriage. Enye ama ewet enyịn̄ ufọkutom insurance emi ẹsede n̄kpọ ẹban̄a moto ete oro ada adaha ke ini ete oro okosụk ofioride n̄kpo. He himself warned that Satan the Devil would quickly oversow "weeds, " or false Christians, among the" fine seed, " or genuine Christians, that Jesus planted during his ministry. He wrote the insurance department to take the car up while the man was crying out. Ekeme ndidi ẹkeda ke Ibet oro ẹwetde ke Leviticus 25: 23, 24 ekenyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye isọn̄ oro nditọ Israel ẹkedụn̄ọde kpọt. The disobedience of Satan and our first parents brought imperfection, violence, death, sorrow, and suffering to all mankind. - Romans 5: 12. The Law recorded at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 may have applied only to the land where the Israelites lived. Nte isụk isịnde ifịk itiene Christ, imenen̄ede inyene emem ye ifụre, ikop idatesịt, iyụhọ ye se inyenede, ifiọk ke Abasi ama nnyịn, inyụn̄ idori enyịn ndinyene nsinsi uwem. - 1 Tim. Similar appearances of the Virgin Mary are said to have taken place in Lourdes, France, in 1858, and in Fátima, Portugal, in 1917. As we strive to follow Christ, we enjoy peace and security, joy, contentment, knowledge of God's love, and the prospect of everlasting life. - 1 Tim. Emi okpụhọ se ẹketịn̄de ẹban̄a n̄kpọ emi ke "Mme Mbụme Ẹtode Mme Andikot " ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme eke August 15, 1990, page 30. With the death of Joshua and the other older men, however, there began a 300 - year period of vacillation between true worship and false, leading up to the days of Samuel the prophet. This changed what was said on the subject "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of August 15, 1990, page 30. Ke edide ntre, ẹyak iwụt esịtekọm oro inyenede iban̄a ndima "nsan̄a [nnyịn emi] ke utom obio ubọn̄ Abasi. " Not only is he "the Judge of all the earth " but he is also the Supreme Lawgiver, as well as the King of eternity. If so, let us show our appreciation for this "fellow workers for the kingdom of God. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ However, according to the historical evidence, they had heeded Jesus ' warning given 37 years earlier. . . . . . • Nso ke ikpanam man mme owo ẹkụt n̄kọri nnyịn ke edu uwem ye ke edisana ido? 17: 1. • How can we make our advancement manifest in conduct and chasteness? Nso ke Psalm 118: 22 ekebem iso etịn̄? Here Moses describes God's existence as stretching in two directions. What did Psalm 118: 22 foretell? (b) Mme mbụme ewe ke idibọrọ ke ibuotikọ emi? Part of the blame for wickedness lies with humans. (b) What questions will we consider? Jesus ke idemesie ama ọtọt ete ke Satan kpa Devil ọyọsọsọp edisuan "mbiet, " m̀mê nsunsu Christian ke otu" eti n̄kpasịp, " m̀mê ata mme Christian, emi imọ ikọtọde ke ini imọ ikọkwọrọde ikọ. We now had the privilege of accompanying them to their new assignment. Jesus himself warned that Satan the Devil would immediately exploit "the weeds, " or imitation Christians among" the fine seed, " or true Christians, whom he had preached. Nsọn̄ibuot Satan ye eke akpa ete ye eka nnyịn ẹkeda unana mfọnmma, afai, n̄kpa, mfụhọ, ye ndutụhọ ẹsọk ofụri ubonowo. - Rome 5: 12. (See opening picture.) Satan and our first parents brought imperfection, violence, death, sorrow, and suffering to all mankind. - Romans 5: 12. Ẹdọhọ ke Edisana Mary ama owụt mme owo idem n̄ko ke Lourdes, France, ke 1858, ye ke Fátima, Portugal, ke 1917. 9: 16 - Who is "the human covenanter " of the new covenant? It has been said that the Holy Mary also appeared in Loma, France, in 1858 and in Fátma, Portugal, in 1917. Edi ke ufan̄ isua 300 ke Joshua ye n̄kani owo eken ẹma ẹkekpan̄a, tutu esịm eyo prọfet Samuel, ekesidi idụt Israel ẹma ẹtuak ibuot ẹnọ ata Abasi ndusụk ini, ẹtuak ẹnọ ndem ndusụk ini. ▪ God promises that his people will build their own houses, live in security, and "be joyful forever. " - Isaiah 65: 17 - 24. However, within 300 years Joshua and others died, down to the days of the prophet Samuel, the nation of Israel at times worshipped the true God. Enye n̄ko edi "Ebiereikpe ofụri ererimbot, " Akakan Ọnọ - Ibet, ọkọrọ ye Nsinsi Edidem. The second article shows how we can pursue peace. He is also "the Judge of all the earth, " the Supreme Lawgiver, as well as the Eternal King. Edi nte mbụk ọdọhọde, mmọ ẹma ẹnam item oro Jesus ọkọnọde mmọ isua 37 ke mbemiso. * All life on our globe depends on the energy generated by atomic reactions on the sun. But according to tradition, they took to heart Jesus ' counsel 37 years earlier. 17: 1. Nearly everyone feels lonely at times. 17: 1. Ikọ Moses emi owụt ke Abasi odu ke n̄kan̄ mbiba. It was Mother, however, who raised us to love God and to respect the Bible. Moses ' words show that God is on both sides. Mme owo ẹtiene ẹnam idiọkido odu ke isọn̄. (b) What heartwarming description do we find at Psalm 92: 12 - 15? Humans also promote wickedness on earth. Nnyịn ima inyene akwa ifet editiene mmọ n̄ka efakutom mmọ. In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus foretold the spiritual nighttime that would result from the apostasy. We had the privilege of accompanying them to their assignment. (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) A child - rearing concept that has been skillfully promoted is called quality time. (See opening picture.) 9: 16 - Anie edi "owo emi anamde ediomi, " m̀mê anam - ediomi emi edide owo, ke obufa ediomi? His opponent, overcome by pain, submitted the very moment before Arrhachion died. 9: 16 - Who is "the one making the covenant, " or a human covenant, in the new covenant? ▪ Abasi ọn̄wọn̄ọ ke ikọt imọ ẹyebọp ufọk idemmọ, ẹdụn̄ ke ifụre, ẹnyụn̄ " ẹbre ke nsinsi. ' - Isaiah 65: 17 - 24. " It was this awareness of God's love that enabled me to endure what certainly was the worst trial I had ever faced. " ▪ God promises that his people will build their own house, live in security, and "go on to time indefinite. " - Isaiah 65: 17 - 24. Ọyọhọ ibuotikọ inan̄ owụt nte nnyịn ikemede ndibịne emem. When the cathedral was built in 1834, those of the diocese of St. The fourth article shows how we can pursue peace. * Kpukpru uwem ke ekondo nnyịn ẹberi edem ke odudu oro atọm ọnọde utịn. I became strong and peaceful. " * All life in our planet depends on the energy that happens to the sun. Iwakke owo emi mîsikopke ndobo ndusụk ini. What a fine example Shaphan and his family set in using their influential position in support of both true worship and faithful Jeremiah! Few are immune to loneliness at times. Nte ededi, Mama ekekpep nnyịn ndima Abasi nnyụn̄ n̄kpono Bible. 14, 15. Mother, however, taught us to love God and to respect the Bible. (b) Nso inem inem ikọ ke nnyịn ikụt ke Psalm 92: 12 - 15? We rejoice as we forge friendships with people from other lands, accepting cultural differences and possibly even learning the languages of others. (b) What heartwarming expression do we find at Psalm 92: 12 - 15? Ke ini Jesus ọkọnọde uwụtn̄kpọ oro aban̄ade mbiet ye wheat emi edide eti n̄kpasịp, enye ama etịn̄ aban̄a ini emi mbon mfiakedem mîdiyakke ẹdiọn̄ọ m̀mê mmanie ẹdi ikọt Abasi. " O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me, " he wrote. When Jesus gave the illustration of the wheat and the fine seed, he referred to a time when apostates would not see who was God's people. Ediwak owo ẹdọhọ ke edieke ẹbiatde esisịt ini edifọn edifọn ye nditọ, ke oro ekem. Clearly, David was a man of spiritual depth who truly appreciated Jehovah's spiritual provisions and relished every morsel of spiritual truth that God revealed. Many believe that if they spend a little time properly with their children, that is enough. Ọkpọsọn̄ ubiak ama anam owo oro ekesịnde Arrhachion afiaitọn̄ enyịme ke enye akan imọ, ndien kpa ke ebe oro, Arrhachion ama akpa. When they were serving congregations nearby, they sometimes invited me to go with them in the ministry. Because of excruciating pain, the man who threw lots admitted that he was beyond him, and he died. Ima Abasi emi ama anam mi nyọ se ikedide ndiọkn̄kan idomo oro akanam nsobode. " What is one reason why we want to develop the "art of teaching "? This love of God enabled me to endure what was the worst trial I faced. " Ke ini ẹkebọpde akwa ufọkabasi emi ke 1834, etie nte mme adaiso ido ukpono Catholic ke St. When Daniel and his companions were exiled, the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them "the language of the Chaldeans. " When the church was built in 1834, it seems that the Catholic religious leaders in St. Mma n̄kop odudu nnyụn̄ nnyene ifụre. " What have archaeologists ' efforts revealed? I was strong and secure. " Nso eti uwụtn̄kpọ ke Shaphan ye ubon esie ẹkenịm ntem ke ndida odudu ukara mmọ nnọ utuakibuot akpanikọ ye anam - akpanikọ Jeremiah ibetedem! Surely we are eager to show our appreciation to Jehovah for the honor of being his people. What a fine example Shaphan and his family set in supporting true worship and faithful Jeremiah! 14, 15. He instructed Moses to tell the Israelites: "On your coming into the land where I am bringing you, it must also occur that when you eat any of the bread of the land, you should make a contribution to Jehovah. " 14, 15. Imesikam ikpep usem mmọ edieke ikemede, isinyụn̄ isarike mmọ ke ntak emi mmọ mînamke n̄kpọ nte ẹsinamde ke edem nnyịn. At first, Mary was disturbed and "began to reason out what sort of greeting this might be. " We even learn the language of the local people and treat them impartially because they do not act in their own way. Enye ekewet ete: "O Jehovah, afo omodụn̄ọ mi, omonyụn̄ ọfiọk. He also wrote: "How I do love your law! He wrote: "O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me. Ke akpanikọ, David ekedi ata owo Abasi oro ekenen̄erede owụt esịtekọm aban̄a mme enọ eke spirit oro Jehovah ọkọnọde, onyụn̄ enen̄ede adat esịt ndida kpukpru ikọ akpanikọ oro Abasi ayararede ndu uwem. Jehovah's Witnesses rejoice when a Bible student accepts the truth and progresses to the point of water baptism. Indeed, David was a real man of God who truly appreciated Jehovah's spiritual provisions and was delighted to live by all the truths that God reveals. Mmọ ẹma ẹsikot mi ndisan̄a ye mmimọ n̄kwọrọ ikọ ini ekededi emi mmọ ẹdide ẹdise mme esop oro ẹkekperede nnyịn. You might tactfully ask them: "Are you happier since you stopped attending meetings? They invited me to join them in the preaching work whenever they visited nearby congregations. Nso idi ntak kiet emi oyomde nnyịn ifori "usọ unọ ukpep "? Have anxieties of life, materialism, or persecution affected them? What is one reason why we need to develop the "art of teaching "? Ke ini ẹkemende Daniel ye ufan esie ita ẹka Babylon, mbon Babylon ẹma ẹkpep mmọ "usem mbon Chaldea " man ẹnam mmọ ẹdu uwem nte mmimọ. What is that? When Daniel and his three companions were taken captive to Babylon, the Babylonians taught them "the tongues of the Chaldeans " so that they could live their lives. Nso ke ukeme mme ọdọkisọn̄ nyom n̄kpọeset ayarade? How do we know that the "other sheep " will share in the universal rejoicing over the marriage of the Lamb? What has archaeologists revealed? Enen̄ede ọdọn̄ nnyịn ndiwụt Jehovah ke enem nnyịn nte enye anamde nnyịn idi ikọt esie. In fact, sometimes while dusting the coffee table when no one was looking, I picked up the Awake! We are eager to show Jehovah that we are happy that he has made us his people. Enye eketeme Moses ndidọhọ nditọ Israel ete: "Ke adan̄aemi mbufo ẹdụkde ke isọn̄ emi ndade mbufo ndụk ke esịt; ndien ama ekem, ke ini mbufo ẹdiade udia isọn̄ oro, mbufo ẹmenede edimenede uwa ẹnọ Jehovah. " The fields of a sluggard quickly become full of weeds and nettles. He directed Moses to tell the Israelites: "When you enter into the land where I am bringing you into it, then you must take up a sacrifice to Jehovah. " Ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ, ikọ emi ama etịmerede Mary esịt onyụn̄ anam enye "ọtọn̄ọ ndikere se orụk ekọm emi ọkpọwọrọde. " Although we will hear no words from heaven, we will see Jehovah's love expressed in nature, in the provision of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, and in other ways. At first, Mary was distressed and "began to think about what sort of thanksgiving would be. " Enye ama ewet n̄ko ete: "Mmama ido fo didie! It will not be a reuniting of conscious spirits with resurrected bodies that have decomposed and may even have been absorbed into other living organisms. He also wrote: "How I do love your law! Esinem nnyịn ke ini owo oro ikpepde Bible enyịmede se Bible ekpepde, ekem ana baptism. SOLOMON was instructed to oversee one of the most important construction projects of all time - that of the temple in Jerusalem. We rejoice when a person with whom we study the Bible accepts what it teaches and then gets baptized. Emekeme ndida usọ mbụp mmọ ete: "Ndi mbufo ẹmenen̄ede ẹkop inemesịt tọn̄ọ ẹketre ndisidụk mme mbono esop? Job also saw many of God's invisible qualities in the visible creation. You might tactfully ask them: " Have you been so happy since you stopped attending meetings? Ndi ekikere uwem emi, uma - inyene, m̀mê ukọbọ afịna mmọ? The last recorded incident in Pilate's career was another conflict. Are they troubled by the anxieties of life, materialism, or persecution? Nso idi oro? If problems arise, it can be harder to resolve them. What is that? Nnyịn isan̄a didie ifiọk ke "mme erọn̄ en̄wen " ẹyetiene mbon heaven ẹdara ndọ Eyenerọn̄? The angels "began shouting in applause " when they saw all that God had done. How do we know that the "other sheep " will share in welcoming the marriage of the Lamb? Ke nditịm ntịn̄, ndusụk idaha ke adan̄aemi n̄kwọhọrede okpokoro ke ufọtufọk nnyịn, ke ini owo ndomokiet mîdụhe, mma nsimen magazine Awake! John Larson, printery overseer, said: "There was such a happy spirit of cooperation. In fact, at times while singing a table in our living room, when no one was there, I joined the magazine Awake! Mbiet ye mbaraekpe ẹsọsọp ẹfụk in̄wan̄ ifem. • With what are we entrusted? The green grass and thistles quickly cover the field of laziness. Okposụkedi nnyịn mîdikopke uyo otode heaven, nnyịn iyokụt ima Jehovah ke mme n̄kpọ oro enye okobotde, ke enye ndikọnọ uwa ufak Jesus, ye ke mme usụn̄ efen. His Word, the Bible, sets the record straight. Although we will not listen to the voice of a voice from heaven, we will experience Jehovah's love in the things he has made, in giving Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, and in other ways. Enye ididịghe edifiak nda mme spirit oro ẹfiọkde n̄kpọ ndian ye mme ikpọkidem oro ẹma ẹkediahade emi ẹnamde ẹset ẹnyụn̄ ẹkemede ndidi ẹma ẹkam ẹbuaha ye mme odu - uwem n̄kpọ eken. When? It will not be a restoration of knowledge and body that had already been resurrected and perhaps even mixed with other living things. JEHOVAH ekemek Solomon ete ese enyịn ke ata akpan utom, oro edi, ndibọp temple ke Jerusalem. □ Luke 19: 45 - 48 JEHOVAH appointed Solomon to focus on the most important work - the construction of the temple in Jerusalem. Mme n̄kpọ oro Jehovah okobotde ama anam Job ọfiọk utọ Abasi emi Jehovah edide. Instead of concentrating on how a willful sinner might be removed, Isaiah describes the living conditions that will prevail in the new world. Jehovah's creations helped Job to understand the kind of God Jehovah is. Akpatre n̄kpọ oro ẹwetde ẹban̄a Pilate ekedi en̄wan n̄ko. Translation team preparing publications in Low German (See paragraph 10) The final mention of Pilate was also a struggle. Edieke mfịna odude, ekeme ndisọn̄ ndikọk mfịna oro. The convention chairman warmly welcomed the delegates with the talk "Be Instructed, You Teachers of God's Word. " If a problem arises, it may be difficult to resolve the problem. Mme angel " ẹma ẹkwọ ke uyo kiet ' ke ini mmọ ẹkekụtde kpukpru se Abasi anamde. Many churchgoers no longer believe that all these things are wrong. When angels saw all that God has done, they " cried out in unison. ' John Larson, esenyịn ufọk umịn̄n̄wed ọkọdọhọ ete: "Mbonutom ẹma ẹdiana kiet ẹnam utom ke idatesịt. • How has the Teacher book helped parents teach their children? " They worked together joyfully, " said printery overseer John Larson. • Nso ke ẹnọ nnyịn? OAKLAND, CA (TENTATIVE), Oakland / Alameda County Arena, 7000 Coliseum Way. • What are we given? Edi owo emi ekerede n̄kpọ ntem idiọn̄ọke Abasi. All rights reserved. However, a person with such thinking does not know God. Ini ewe? I read one after another and found them to be very interesting and informative. When? ▪ Jehovah etie ke □ Luke 19: 45 - 48 For their part, they promised: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. " □ Luke 19: 45 - 48 Utu ke ndiwụk ntịn̄enyịn ke nte ẹdisiode anamidiọk emi okoide - koi anam idiọk ẹfep, Isaiah obụk mme idaha udu uwem oro ẹdidude ke obufa ererimbot. Many women today imitate Mary's fine example. Rather than focusing on the removal of the willful sinner, Isaiah presents life's conditions in the new world. Ke ẹkabade n̄wed ke usem emi ẹkotde Low German (Se ikpehe ekikere 10) How should Christians view these customs? translated into German (See paragraph 10) Etieibuot okpokoro mbono oro ama ada utịn̄ikọ oro "Ẹbọ Ukpep, Mbufo Mme Andikpep Ikọ Abasi, " ọkọm mme andidụk ufiop ufiop. Abraham showed that he loved his God. The chairman of the convention delivered the talk "Take Education, You Teachers of God's Word, " warmly welcomed the delegates. Ediwak mme aka ufọkabasi idaha aba mme orụk n̄kpọ oro ẹkpande ke Ibet Duop nte idiọkn̄kpọ. Today, spiritual instruction begins when a man accepts a Bible study. Many churchgoers no longer view such things as sins forbidden in the Ten Commandments. • Didie ke n̄wed Andikpep an̄wam mme ete ye eka ndinọ nditọ mmọ ukpep? (4) Tirion, A. • How does the Teacher book help parents to train their children? Ẹmụm Ofụri Unen Ẹkama. AGE: 45 All rights reserved. Mma nsikot mmọ kpukpru, ndien mmọ ẹma ẹsinem etieti ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpep owo n̄kpọ. CONDITIONAL - DONATION TRUST ARRANGEMENT I called them all, and they enjoyed teaching. Ke n̄kan̄ mmọ, mmọ ẹma ẹn̄wọn̄ọ ẹte: "Iyanam kpukpru se Jehovah ọdọhọde. " To benefit from God's promises, though, we must understand the role Jesus Christ plays in our salvation and exercise faith in him. On their side, they promised: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. " Ediwak iban mfịn ẹkpebe eti uwụtn̄kpọ Mary. However, for the Bible writers just quoted, a feeling of awe ran deep. Many wives today imitate Mary's fine example. Mme Christian ẹkpese mme edinam emi didie? Nicholas, mentioned at the outset, did this. How should Christians view these customs? Abraham ama owụt ke imama Abasi. I Am Making All Things New " 11 Abraham demonstrated his love for God. Mfịn, ẹtọn̄ọ ndinọ owo ukpep eke spirit ke ini enye enyịmede ukpepn̄kpọ Bible. How may we imitate Jesus ' willingness to trust his disciples? Today, spiritual training begins when it allows for a Bible study. (4) Tirion, A. So why did man's hope have to be rediscovered? (4) Tirion, A. ISUA EMANA: 45 Though my father died during a conflict, I have no wish to take revenge on those responsible. " AGE: 45 NDUTỊM ẸNAMDE ẸNỌ SE ẸNỊMDE KE UBIỌN̄ Also, people in general cannot explain why mankind has a strong desire to live forever. CONDITIONAL - DONATION ARRANGEMENT Nte ededi, man ibọ ufọn ito mme un̄wọn̄ọ Abasi, ana nnyịn ifiọk udeme oro Jesus Christ enyenede ke nnyịn ndinyene edinyan̄a inyụn̄ ibuọt idem ye enye. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? To benefit from God's promises, however, we must recognize the role of Jesus Christ in our salvation and trust in him. Nte ededi, amaedi mme andiwet Bible oro ẹkotde ẹto ke enyọn̄ emi, n̄kpọ ndinyene mmọ ndyọ ekedi obot mmọ. And think how it adds impact to the comment about men of faith: "Time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gideon [and others who] from a weak state were made powerful, became valiant in war. " However, when Bible writers quoted from the above, they were created in a fascinating way. Nicholas, oro iketịn̄de iban̄a ke ntọn̄ọ, ama anam emi. The articles examine how Jehovah provided escape for his servants in Bible times and how he does so for us. Nicholas, mentioned at the outset, did this. Mmanam Kpukpru N̄kpọ Ẹdi Mbufa " 11 First among the events is the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. I Have Made All Things New " 11 Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndikpebe unyịme Jesus ndiberi edem ke mbet esie? This has been dubbed the decade's (1990 ' s) most horrific hate crime. How can we imitate Jesus ' willingness to trust his disciples? Ntak emi akanade ẹfafiak ẹwụt ke owo oyodu uwem ke nsinsi mi ke isọn̄? * Why did you need to confirm that you will live forever on earth? Okposụkedi ete mi akakpade ke ini en̄wan, ami nduakke ndisio mbon oro ẹkewotde enye usiene. " Jesus ' resurrection had a profound impact on his disciples. Although my father died during fights, I was not going to take vengeance on those who killed him. " Ediwak owo ikemeke nditịn̄ ntak emi mme owo ẹsiyomde ndidu uwem ke nsinsi. And their vigilance would take on greater urgency as the end of the present wicked system of things approached. Jesus told his disciples: "Keep on the watch, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming [to execute judgment on Satan's world]. " - Mark 13: 35, 36. Many people cannot explain why people want to live forever. Nnyịn ifreke ukpụhọde oro esop Abasi ẹkenamde ke isua ifan̄ emi ẹbede man inyene ini inim utuakibuot ubon m̀mê ida ikpep idem nnyịn n̄kpọ. The work progressed very slowly, possibly because of squabbling or the lack of interest on the part of the revisers. Over the years, we do not forget the organizational adjustments we have made in order to have time for family worship or personal study. NSO KE BIBLE EKPEP? 34: 18, 19. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? Ndien kere nte oro anamde se ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a iren mbuọtidem enen̄ede enyene se ọwọrọde: "Ini ididụhe ami ndibụk mbụk Gideon, ye [mbon eken emi ẹkewọn̄ọde] ẹkpọn̄ mmem - idem ẹkabade ẹkop idem, ẹwọn̄ọ ẹdi uko ke ekọn̄. " That is why the apostle Peter wrote: "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because... the spirit of God... is resting upon you. " - 1 Pet. And imagine how that applies to men of faith is significant: "I will not be able to relate to Gideon's story, and [those who have deviated from discouragement], turn out for courage in battle. " Ibuotikọ mbiba emi ẹneme nte Jehovah akanyan̄ade ikọt esie ke eyo emi ẹkewetde Bible ye nte enye anyan̄ade nnyịn mfịn. Finally, the sun dispersed the mist to reveal dozens of islets scattered around the bay, as beautiful as emeralds on blue velvet. These articles discuss how Jehovah delivered his people in Bible times and how he has preserved us today. Akpa edi ini emi Obio Ubọn̄ Messiah ọkọtọn̄ọde ndikara. Such a tremendous project would have overwhelmed any shipbuilder of ancient times. The first time the Messianic Kingdom began ruling. Ẹkekot emi ndiọkn̄kan usua eke iduọk isua oro (iduọk isua 1990). I know of others who search the dustbins for food. This was called the worst enemy of that decade (c. 1990 ' s.) * Yet, Moses had faith; he could " see ' Jehovah leading them. * Jesus ndikeset ama enyene ufọn etieti ọnọ mbet esie. It is no different today. Jesus ' resurrection was of great value to his disciples. Ọyọfọn mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹdu ke ukpeme akpan akpan nte idiọk editịm n̄kpọ emi enen̄erede ekpere utịt, koro Jesus ọkọdọhọ mbet esie ete: "Ẹdu ke ukpeme, koro mbufo mîfiọkke ini emi eteufọk edidide [edibiere ikpe ọnọ ererimbot Satan]. " - Mark 13: 35, 36. One hour later, the woman e - mailed the sister, saying that she had read part of the Bible book and wanted to know more. Especially should they be watchful as the end of this wicked system of things, for Jesus told his disciples: "Keep on the watch, because you do not know when the master will come and judge the world of Satan. " - Mark 13: 35, 36. Utom emi ikọsọpke, etie nte utọk m̀mê unana udọn̄ mme andidụn̄ọde ekedi ntak. My wife started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. The work was slow, perhaps an argument or a lack of interest for the residents. 34: 18, 19. We recognize that he is the Supreme One and that we are subject to him. 34: 18, 19. Oro akanam apostle Peter ewet ntem ete: "Edieke ẹsuenede mbufo ke ntak enyịn̄ Christ, mbufo ẹkop inemesịt, koro... spirit Abasi... omodoro mbufo ke idem. " - 1 Pet. Consider his dealings with the God - fearing Ethiopian Ebed - melech, a contemporary of Jeremiah and a servant in the household of unfaithful King Zedekiah of Judah. Hence, the apostle Peter wrote: "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because... the spirit of God is resting upon you. " - 1 Pet. Ke akpatre, utịn ama asiaha eyo onyụn̄ an̄wan̄a, ndien emi ama anam n̄kụt ediwak ndiye isuo emi ẹyọhọde itụn̄ inyan̄ibom oro. Today, Jehovah has also had his people give ample notice of what lies ahead. Finally, the sun rose and became clear to me, and this gave me a glimpse of the many beautiful islands surrounding the ocean. Utọ akwa utom oro akpakanam ọkọn̄ - ubom ekededi ke eset ndịk. Take, for example, the case of Joyce, a Christian sister in the United States. Such a task would have been dangerous - any ship in ancient times. Mmesikụt mme owo ẹkade itie uduọn̄ọ mbio ẹkeyom udia. While You Are Young, Choose to Serve Jehovah I see people going to public places to search for food. Edi, Moses ama enyene mbuọtidem; enye ama " okụt ' ke Jehovah ada mmimọ usụn̄. To our delight, Don Steele was in the same class. Yet, Moses had faith; he "found " Jehovah's guidance. Ukpụhọde idụhe mfịn. ROCHESTER, NY, Blue Cross Arena, 100 Exchange Blvd. Today, there is no difference. Ke hour kiet ama ekebe, mma oro ama ọnọ enye etop ete ke imọtọn̄ọ ndikot n̄wed emi, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke ikpama ẹdikpep imọ Bible. 8 HELP FOR THE FAMILY One hour later, the woman told her that she had begun reading the book and offered to study the Bible with her. Ekem n̄wan mi ama ọtọn̄ọ ndikpep Bible ye Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Terra - cotta figurine of a mother goddess found in an Israelite grave Then my wife began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Nnyịn imọfiọk ke enye edi Ata Edikon̄ ye Andikara nnyịn. Otherwise, they will not be displaying Jesus ' mental attitude. We know that he is our Most High and Sovereign. Ekeme ndidi mbon mmọ ẹkekpep enye ediwak n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Jehovah. Nevertheless, by willingly training those who are reaching out for responsibility in the congregation, experienced shepherds can help them progress more quickly. His relatives may have taught him many things about Jehovah. Kere se enye akanamde ye Ebed - melech, owo Ethiopia oro akabakde enye, emi okodude uwem ukem ini ye Jeremiah, emi okonyụn̄ edide asan̄autom ke ufọk Zedekiah, kpa idiọk edidem Judah. CHARITABLE PLANNING Consider what he did to Ebed - melech, a Ethiopian man who lived at the same time with Jeremiah, who was a servant in the house of Zedekiah, the wicked king of Judah. Mfịn n̄ko, Jehovah ama ọtọtọn̄ọ anyan ini ko etịn̄ se iditịbede ke ini iso ọnọ ikọt esie. When is the Lamb's marriage due to take place? Likewise today, long ago Jehovah foretold what would happen to his people. Da Joyce emi edide Christian an̄wan ke United States ke uwụtn̄kpọ. If you battle sexually immoral desires, are you avoiding any movies, websites, or activities that may trigger unclean thoughts? Consider Joyce, a Christian woman in the United States. Ẹmek Ndinam N̄kpọ Jehovah ke Ini Ẹdide N̄kparawa What a pleasure to hear the experiences they had had before I was even born! When You Are Young, Choose to Serve Jehovah Esịt ama enem nnyịn n̄ko ke ini ikokụtde Don Steele ke ufọkn̄wed oro! of October 22, 1976, page 11. And how happy we were when we saw Don Steele in that school! MGBOKO UMUORIA 1 (Igbo) It is pleasing to Jehovah when the materially poor are impelled to give cheerfully. - 2 Cor. S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Spanish only), Cow Palace, 2600 Geneva Ave. 8 SE IDIN̄WAMDE UBON magazines contain many life stories each year. 8 HELP FOR THE FAMILY Mbiet eka abasi oro ẹdade mbat ẹbot oro ẹkekụtde ke udi eyen Israel Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him. " The image of a silver goddess found in the tomb of Israel Edieke ẹyakde, mmọ idinyeneke edu ukere n̄kpọ Jesus. " After that talk, " says Matthew, "I couldn't stop thinking about Russia, so I prayed to Jehovah specifically about my desire to move there. " If allowed, they would not have the mental attitude of Jesus. Kpa ye oro, mme ekpemerọn̄ oro ẹnyenede mbufiọk ẹkeme ndin̄wam mbon oro ẹnyanarede ẹbịne mme ifetutom ke esop ẹnam n̄kọri usọp usọp ebe ke ndinyịme ndinọ mmọ ukpep. Salt Sea Nevertheless, experienced shepherds can help those reaching out for privileges in the congregation to make rapid progress by accepting training for them. ENỌ EMI ẸDIOMIDE - DIOMI Never before in my life has a calendar moved me to tears. " - Cassandra, United States. CHARITABLE PLANNING Ini ewe ke ẹdinam ndọ Eyenerọn̄? Such love "is a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 14. When does the marriage of the Lamb take place? Edieke an̄wanade nditre ndisikere mban̄a idan̄, ndi emetre ndise fim, m̀mê ndika ikpehe Intanet emi ẹsisiode oburobụt ndise? For instance, for two years Ji Hye, who lives in East Asia, worked at a high - pressure job while pioneering. If you struggle to stop thinking about sex, have you stopped viewing movies, or visit pornographic Internet sites? Ekenem didie ntem ndikop ifiọkutom oro mmọ ẹkenyenede idem mbemiso n̄kamanade! They form a worldwide brotherhood of compassionate people who are convinced that very soon cruelty will end. How satisfying it must have been to hear their experiences even before I was born! eke October 22, 1976, page 11. However, a couple of days later, he asked if I would agree to an assignment in the Netherlands. October 22, 1976, page 11. Esidat Jehovah esịt ke ini mbon oro mînyeneke n̄kpọ ẹtienede ẹtịp n̄kpọ ke idatesịt. - 2 Cor. The account says that "they immediately moved away. " Jehovah takes delight in the joy of those who lack nothing to contribute to it. - 2 Cor. ẹsidọn̄ọ ekese mbụk eyouwem ke isua ke isua. You can rightly view them as such because all individuals who hope in them will be sorely disappointed. - Read Isaiah 28: 15, 17. Many life stories have been published each year. Kpukpru mbon oro ẹtiede ẹbet enye ẹyekop inemesịt. " Bethel means "House of God, " and Bethel homes are the places of residence of Christian volunteers serving at the headquarters and at the branch offices of the Watch Tower Society. Happy are all those waiting for him. " Matthew ọdọhọ ete: "Ke eyenete oro ama okokụre utịn̄ikọ esie, Russia ama ọtọn̄ọ ndidụk mi esịt tutu ntọn̄ọ nditịn̄ nnọ Jehovah ke ọdọn̄ mi ndika n̄kodụn̄ do n̄n̄wam esop. " I suffer from severe arthritis and have had both hips and both knees replaced. Matthew relates: "When the brother finished his talk, Russia began to enter my heart until I began telling Jehovah about my desire to move there to help the congregation. " Inyan̄ Inụn̄ Even at night, when the danger of surprise attack is the greatest, David is not afraid to go to sleep. Salt Sea Akananam n̄wed usenọfiọn̄ ndomokiet itụkke mi ntre tutu mmọn̄eyet asiaha mi ke enyịn. " - Cassandra, United States. However, it is one thing to know Jehovah's promise but quite another to be convinced that he will act in our behalf. No calendar has ever caused me so much tears in my eyes. " - Casra, United States. Utọ ima oro edi "se ibọpde uwem adiana inam ọfọn ama. " - Colossae 3: 14. * Such love is "a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 14. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, Ji Hye emi odụn̄de ke Edem Usiahautịn Asia, ama anam utom isua iba ke ebiet emi adade ini esie etieti ke adan̄aemi akanamde utom usiakusụn̄. Most did endure, but a few were diverted from "the path of righteousness. " - Proverbs 12: 28; 2 Timothy 4: 10. For example, Ja Hye, who lives in East Asia, served for two years while pioneering. Mmọ ẹnam otu nditọete ofụri ererimbot, emi ẹnyenede esịtmbọm, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnịmde ke ibịghike ibak eyetre. However, in the true Christian congregation, giving is a source of much joy. They make up a worldwide brotherhood of fellow believers who are compassionate and who believe that cruelty will soon end. Nte ededi, ke n̄kpọ nte usen iba ẹma ẹkebe, enye ama obụp mi m̀mê nyama ndikanam utom ke Netherlands. So the two of us eat together once a week at his workplace. About two days later, however, he asked me if I would like to serve in the Netherlands. Itien̄wed Abasi oro ọdọhọ ete: "Kpa idaha oro, mmọ ẹdaha. " Paul even asked Jesus: "What shall I do, Lord? " That scripture says: "At once they left. " Afo emenen ndise mmọ ntre koro idotenyịn kpukpru mbon oro ẹdoride enyịn ke mmọ ayakpa mfụhọ. - Kot Isaiah 28: 15, 17. Keys to Family Happiness You are right to see them that way because all who hope in them will be disappointed. - Read Isaiah 28: 15, 17. Bethel ọwọrọ "Ufọk Abasi, " ndien mme ufọk Bethel ẹdi mme ufọkidụn̄ mme Christian oro ẹnamde utom unyịmesịt ke ibuot itieutom ye ke mme ọfis n̄kọk itieutom Watch Tower Society. Adam, however, lost his sonship when he rebelled against his Maker. Bethel means "God's House, " and Bethel homes are volunteer homes at headquarters and at branch offices of the Watch Tower Society. Ata idiọk ewan̄kọ anam mi; ẹma ẹsiak mi idem ẹkpụhọ ekikoi ye edọn̄ mbiba. Table of Contents I had to admit that I had to undergo severe arthritis; I had to wash my knees and both knees. Idem ke okoneyo, emi ẹkemede ndinam owo ibak ke unana idotenyịn, David ikopke ndịk ndide idap. Jehovah accepted that sacrifice as "a corresponding ransom for all. " Even at night, when someone may be tempted to act unjustly, David is not afraid to sleep. Nte ededi, edi n̄kpọ kiet ndifiọk un̄wọn̄ọ Jehovah edi edi n̄kpọ efen ndinịm ke akpanikọ nte ke enye ayanam n̄kpọ ke ibuot nnyịn. Has it not been delightful to reflect on some of Jesus ' appealing qualities? Of course, it is one thing to know Jehovah's promise that he will act in our behalf. * Should we hold ourselves completely aloof from those who do not share our faith? * Ata ediwak ke otu mmọ ẹma ẹyọ mme idaha emi, edi ibat ibat owo ke otu mmọ ẹma ẹwaha ẹkpọn̄ "usụn̄ edinen ido. " - Mme N̄ke 12: 28; 2 Timothy 4: 10. But they " did not become ashamed of the witness about their Lord, taking their part in suffering evil for the good news. ' Most of them endured these cases, but a few of them turned away from "the way of righteousness. " - Proverbs 12: 28; 2 Timothy 4: 10. Edi ndinọ enọ ẹsinam mme Christian ẹkop inemesịt. " A business person can easily begin to adopt dishonest practices, perhaps because of the pressure to meet company goals or to survive in a competitive world, " he says. However, giving makes Christians happy. Ntre nnyịn mbiba imesidia udia ọtọkiet ini kiet ke urua ke itieutom esie. Understanding the real source of injustice can especially help us when hardship hits close to home. So both of us eat together each week at his workplace. Paul ama obụp Jesus ete: "Nnyene ndinam nso, Ọbọn̄? " While in London, I met Albert Schroeder. Paul asked Jesus: "What must I do, Lord? " Ukpọhọde Inemesịt Ubon If you were hurt by someone you believed in - perhaps because of lies or broken promises - your trust may have been shattered. Keys to Family Happiness Adam ikedịghe aba eyen Abasi ke ntak emi enye ọkọsọn̄de ibuot ye Abasi. Saul was now ready to listen. Adam was no longer a son of God because of his disobedience to God. Se Isịnede In fact, the Bible, particularly in the book of Proverbs, encourages the pursuit of the right kind of knowledge and wisdom. Table of Contents Jehovah ama enyịme uwa oro nte "n̄kemn̄kem ufak ke ibuot kpukpru owo. " He loved his disciples so much that he willingly died for them. Jehovah accepted the sacrifice as "a corresponding ransom for all. " Ese didie kpukpru se inemede emi iban̄a Jesus? Mediterranean Sea How do you feel about Jesus? Ndi ọwọrọ ke nnyịn ikpasan̄ake - san̄a ikpere mbon oro mînịmke se nnyịn inịmde ke akpanikọ? Similarly, your conduct will have a bearing on whether others view you as a suitable marriage mate. Are we not drawn to people who do not share our beliefs? Edi " bụt ikanamke mmọ ndidi ntiense nnọ Ọbọn̄ mmọ, edi ẹtiene ẹbiom ukụt kaban̄a eti mbụk. ' Maintain your conduct fine among the nations. " - 1 Pet. But "they were not ashamed to bear witness to their Lord, but they had to suffer for the sake of the good news. " Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Owo emi anamde mbubehe ekeme ndisọsọp ntọn̄ọ ndidia inọ. Emi ekeme ndidi sia enye oyomde ndinam mbubehe esie aka iso esene mîdịghe man mme anam - mbubehe eken ẹdikan enye. First let us take a closer look at that Bible account. " The one making a business may quickly start eating, " she says, "because he wants to keep his business and to keep the rest of the business. Ndifiọk ntak mfịna ererimbot emi ekeme ndinen̄ede n̄n̄wam fi ke ini ukụt. What blessings do we already enjoy? Knowing the reason for this world's problems can have a profound effect on you during times of distress. Mma n̄kụt Brọda Albert Schroeder ke London, ke England. The original writers and those who copied the texts recorded the inspired messages on perishable materials, such as papyrus and leather. I saw Brother Albert Schroeder in London, England. Edieke owo emi afo ọkọbuọtde idem akanamde se iyatde fi - edide okosu nsu m̀mê etre ndinam se ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde - anaedi emi ama anam ọsọn̄ fi ndibuọt idem ye owo. • Psalm 119: 128 If you were hurt by someone you trusted - whether lying or by keeping a promise - you likely found it a challenge to trust someone. Saul ama eben̄e idem idahaemi ndikpan̄ utọn̄. Our minds cannot fully grasp the depth of God's wisdom and knowledge any more than an infant can understand all the ways of a parent. Saul was now ready to listen. Ke akpanikọ, Bible, akpan akpan ke n̄wed Mme N̄ke, esịn udọn̄ ọnọ edibịne nnennen ifiọk ye eti ibuot. If they come to know and love Jehovah, their education will be truly rewarding and the instruction they receive will last forever. In fact, the Bible, especially in the book of Proverbs, encourages pursuing accurate knowledge and wisdom. Enye ama enen̄ede ama mme mbet esie tutu enyịme ndikpa nnọ mmọ. " " Bring all the tenth parts into the storehouse, that there may come to be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this respect, ' Jehovah of armies has said, " whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. ' " - Malachi 3: 10. He loved his disciples so much that he was willing to die for them. Inyan̄ Mediterranean Some lapse into minor sin - even repeatedly - because of some weakness. Mediterranean Sea Ukem ntre, ido fo eyenyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye mbon efen ndise fi nte nsan̄a ndọ oro odotde. Do be exalted above the heavens, O God; let your glory be above all the earth. " Similarly, your conduct will affect others ' view of you as a suitable marriage mate. Ẹka iso ẹnyene eti edu uwem ke otu mme idụt. " - 1 Pet. How can children be helped to develop good study habits? Maintain fine conduct among the nations. " - 1 Pet. Akpa kan̄a, yak ise se Bible etịn̄de. Since Jehovah is the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present, " every real, lasting blessing originates with our loving Creator. First, consider what the Bible says. Mme edidiọn̄ ewe ke inyene idem idahaemi? We can compare the trained conscience to the warning lights on an automobile's instrument panel. What blessings do we enjoy even now? Ata akpa mbon oro ẹkewetde Bible ye mbon oro ẹkefiakde ẹsion̄o enye ẹwet ẹkewet etop emi Abasi ọkọnọde odudu spirit ẹda ẹwet mi ke mme n̄kpọ uwet n̄kpọ oro ẹkemede ndibiara, utọ nte n̄kukịp ye ikpaunam. European Court Upholds Conscientious Objection (V. The earliest Bible writers and copyists wrote these inspired messages on perishable documents, such as papyrus and leather. • Psalm 119: 128 Paul said that in the last days, men would be "lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " • Psalm 119: 128 Nnyịn ikemeke ndinen̄ede mfiọk adan̄a nte ọniọn̄ ye ifiọk Abasi ẹtụn̄ọde, ukem nte nsekeyen mîkemeke ndifiọk kpukpru n̄kpọ mban̄a ete ye eka esie. By 1933 the Great Depression was being felt worldwide. We cannot be certain of the depth of God's wisdom and knowledge, just as a baby cannot know everything about his parents. Edieke mmọ ẹfiọkde ẹnyụn̄ ẹmade Jehovah, se ẹkpepde ẹnyụn̄ ẹtemede mmọ ẹyenen̄ede ẹnyene ufọn ẹnyụn̄ ẹbịghi ke nsinsi. Although the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses that we belong to may be made up of individuals from many different ethnic groups and cultures, we "love one another. " When they come to know and love Jehovah, their teachings and advice will prove to be of great value and lasting value. " Mbufo ẹda kpukpru ọyọhọ mbak duop ẹdisịn ke ufọk unịm - n̄kpọ, man udia odu ke ufọk mi, ndien ẹda emi ẹdomo mi, Jehovah mme udịm ọdọhọ, m̀mê ami ndiberekede window heaven nnọ mbufo, nnyụn̄ n̄n̄wan̄a nti n̄kpọ nnọ mbufo, tutu akaha. " - Malachi 3: 10. Still, God's overall assessment was that Asa's heart "was complete with Jehovah all his life. " " From every tenth one of you should go into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and by this you may be put to the test, ' Jehovah of armies has said, " whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. ' " - Malachi 3: 10. Ndusụk owo ẹsinam n̄kpri idiọkn̄kpọ - ẹkam ẹsinam ediwak ini - ke ntak emi ẹmemde. Those who lost their lives at sea will also return to life at that time. Some commit minor sins - even a number of times - because of weakness. O Abasi, menede idem fo ke enyọn̄: yak ubọn̄ fo akan ofụri isọn̄. " If so, how can you learn more about that Kingdom? Let your kingdom become greater than all the earth. " Didie ke ẹkeme ndin̄wam nditọ ẹsikpep Bible? Thereafter, Jehovah restored Job's health. How can children be helped to study the Bible? Sia Jehovah edide Andinọ "kpukpru eti edinọ ye kpukpru enọ eke ẹfọnde ẹma, " kpukpru ata edidiọn̄ oro ẹbịghide ẹto ima ima Andibot nnyịn. How foolish! " - Dawn, now 22. Since Jehovah is the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present, " all lasting blessings come from our loving Creator. Nnyịn imekeme ndimen ubieresịt oro Bible ọnọde ukpep ndomo ye mme ikan̄ oro ẹdude ke iso esịt ubomisọn̄, emi ẹsinọde ntọt ẹban̄a nsio nsio n̄kpọ. Thus, we "know " the truth in the fullest sense when we make it our way of life. We can compare the Bible - trained conscience to the fire in front of the car, which provides information on various matters. Ntak Emi Usụn̄ Emi Ẹkewotde Enye Akanamde Mme Jew Ẹtuak Ukot Ẹduọ, 5 / 1 Extra - Biblical tradition claims that Clopas, or Alphaeus, the husband of one of the women mentioned at John 19: 25, was the brother of Joseph, Jesus ' adoptive father. Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah? Paul ọkọdọhọ ke mme owo ẹyema "inemesịt utu ke ndima Abasi " ke mme akpatre usen emi. May it be our resolve during the coming year and throughout eternity to obey God as Ruler at all costs! Paul said that in these last days, people would be happy " rather than lovers of God. ' Ke 1933, n̄kpọ ama enen̄ede ọsọn̄ ke ofụri ererimbot. So Much to Learn The whole world was in 1933. Okposụkedi emi mbon emi ẹdude ke esop Mme Ntiense Jehovah oro nnyịn idude ẹtode nsio nsio ekpụk ye ebiet, nnyịn isụk " imama kiet eken. ' [ Footnote] Although those in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses with whom we belong from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, we still "love one another. " Kpa ye oro, Jehovah ọkọdọhọ ke Asa " akanam n̄kpọ imọ ke ofụri esịt ke ofụri eyouwem esie. ' Cultural differences may be involved. Yet, Jehovah said that Asa "kept serving him with all his heart all the days of his life. " Ke ini oro, mme akpan̄kpa oro inyan̄ akadade ẹyefiak ẹdidu uwem. Bible scholars acknowledge that God's personal name appears in the Old Testament, or Hebrew Scriptures. At that time, the dead on the sea would return to life. Edieke edide ntre, didie ke afo ekpekpep mme n̄kpọ en̄wen aban̄a Obio Ubọn̄ emi? I had only 40 dollars, a used bicycle, and a new briefcase. If so, how can you learn more about this Kingdom? Ke oro ebede, Jehovah ama anam idem afiak ọsọn̄ Job. The timely talk "Abhor the Worldly Plague of Pornography " showed us how to cope with that debasing threat to our spirituality. Thereafter, Jehovah restored Job's health. Mma nsịme tutu! " Why? I was so tired! " Ntem, nnyịn " ifiọk ' akpanikọ etịm ọfọn ke ini idade enye idu uwem. But did Jesus not tell the evildoer that he would be with him in heaven that very day? Hence, we "know " the truth better when we apply it. Mbụk mme Jew ọdọhọ ke Clopas, m̀mê Alphaeus, emi ọkọdọde kiet ke otu iban oro ikasiakde ke John 19: 25, ekedi eyeneka Joseph ebe eka Jesus. Shortly after our arrival there, the missionary who served in Africa visited our congregation, as mentioned at the outset. According to Jewish tradition, the birth of a married couple mentioned at John 19: 25, was Joseph's brother Joseph, the brother of Jesus ' mother - in - law. Nnyịn ikpakam ibiere ndikop uyo Abasi nte Andikara ke isua 2006 emi ye ke nsinsi nsinsi, inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê nso itịbe! Should adult Christians feel that it is demeaning for them to read publications directed to young people? May we be determined to obey God as Ruler in 2006 and forever, come what may! Mma Nnyene Ekese N̄kpọ Ndikpep 5 Is It Possible to Be Honest in a Corrupt World? I Have Much to Learn [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] Often at Brother Knorr's side, Brother Henschel traveled to over 150 countries, visiting and encouraging Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, especially missionaries and those in branch offices. [ Footnote] Ekeme nditiene ido obio. Yes, we can really get to know God! It can be followed by culture. Nditọ ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ẹnyịme ke enyịn̄ Abasi odu ke Akani Testament. Ancient scribes changed this verse to say "my soul, " as if referring to Jeremiah. Scholars agree that God's name appears in the Old Testament. N̄kenyene dollar 40 kpọt, akani enan̄ukwak, ye obufa ekpatubọk. Finally, let us consider the example of Paul. I had only 40 dollars, an old bicycle, and a new briefcase. Ekemini utịn̄ikọ oro "Nen̄ede Sua Akama - N̄kpa Ndise Idan̄ eke Ererimbot Emi " ama owụt nnyịn nte ikpọbiọn̄ọde oburobụt n̄kpọ oro esịnde idaha eke spirit nnyịn ke itiendịk mi. So watch the people who are watching you, be aware of your surroundings, and do not dull your senses or impair your judgment by overdrinking or misusing drugs. The timely talk "Be Impressed by the World Health Care " showed us how to resist this spiritually dangerous danger. Ntak - a? We never forget the apostle Paul's warning that "bad associations spoil useful habits, " even useful habits that we have had for many years. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Why? Edi ndi Jesus ikọdọhọke enye ke enye oyodu ye imọ ke heaven kpa usen oro? These are listed below. But did Jesus not promise him that he would be with him in heaven that very day? Ibịghike ke ima ikesịm do, isụn̄utom oro akanamde utom ke Africa ama edi edise esop nnyịn, nte n̄kobụkde ke ntọn̄ọ. Aubrey de Grey, a Cambridge University geneticist engaged in life - extension research, observes: "People with a good education and the time to use it never get bored today and can't imagine ever running out of new things they'd like to do. " Soon after our arrival, a missionary serving in Africa visited our congregation, as described at the outset. Ndi akpana ikpọ owo ẹkere ke ufọn idụhe ndikot mme n̄wed emi? Luke 4: 27 Should older ones feel that reading these publications is unnecessary? 5 Ndi Owo Ekeme Nditie Idiaha Inọ ke Ererimbot Emi? Moreover, David organized thousands of Levites into divisions of service and donated a large amount of gold and silver for temple construction. - 1 Chronicles 17: 1, 4, 11, 12; 23: 3 - 6; 28: 11, 12; 29: 1 - 5. 5 Is It Possible to Be Honest in This World? Sia ekesiwakde ndisan̄a ye Brọda Knorr, Brọda Henschel ama aka se iwakde ibe idụt 150, akade ekese onyụn̄ esịnde udọn̄ ọnọ Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke ofụri ererimbot, akpan akpan mme isụn̄utom ye mbon oro ẹdude ke mme ọfis n̄kọk itieutom. Jesus ' well - known words, recorded at John 3: 16, tell us: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Since we often traveled with Brother Knorr, Brother Henschel visited more than 150 countries and encouraged Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, especially the missionaries and those in the branch offices. Ke akpanikọ, nnyịn Imekeme ndinen̄ede mfiok Abasi! He recognized the need to serve God "with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, " and he found joy in doing so. Yes, we can truly believe in God! Mme scribe ẹkekpụhọde ufan̄ikọ emi ẹkabade ẹwet "ukpọn̄ mi, " man etie nte Jeremiah eketịn̄ aban̄a idemesie. Sisera obviously did not know Jael! In line with Jeremiah's description of himself, the scribes changed the rendering "my soul. " Ke akpatre, ẹyak ineme iban̄a uwụtn̄kpọ Paul. How can families maintain peace in the household? Finally, let us consider Paul's example. Se m̀mê owo ke asan̄a fi ke edem, nyụn̄ se owo emi asan̄ade fi ke iso ye ke n̄kan̄. Kûyak mmịn m̀mê ọkpọsọn̄ ibọk ọbọ fi ibuot tutu udiọn̄ọke ebiet emi odude ye se akpanamde. There they saw a map of Russia with large areas of unassigned territory. See if someone is walking behind you, and do not allow yourself to be distracted by alcohol or drug abuse until you know where you are going and what to do. Nnyịn idehede ifre item oro apostle Paul ọkọnọde nte ke "idiọk nsan̄a ababiat eti ido, " ọkpọkọm nti ido oro ikenyenede ke ediwak isua. - 1 Corinth 15: 33. Our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah, has provided his written Word to guide us in all matters. We never forget the apostle Paul's counsel that "bad associations spoil useful habits, " even if the values we had over the years. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Ẹwet mme usụn̄ emi ke idak emi. 13: 17. These are listed below. Aubrey de Grey, ekpepn̄kpọ mban̄a nsenubon ke Ufọkn̄wed Ntaifiọk Cambridge oro akanamde ndụn̄ọde aban̄a edidu anana - utịt uwem, ọdọhọ ete: "Mfịn, uwem isidehedei ifek mbon oro ẹnen̄erede ẹfiọk n̄wed ẹnyụn̄ ẹnyenede ini ndida se mmọ ẹkpepde nsịn ke edinam, ndien mmọ isinanake mbufa n̄kpọ oro mmọ ẹmade ndinam. " Climatology is admittedly a complex science. Aubrey de Grey, a University of Cambridge University who conducted endless life, says: "Today life will never be boring and have time to apply what they learn, and they will not be satisfied with the new things they want to do. " Luke 4: 27 We do so because we love him and long for his name to be sanctified. Luke 4: 27 Akan oro, David ama abahade tọsịn mme Levite ọnọ nsio nsio utom onyụn̄ etịp ediwak gold ye silver ọnọ ẹda ẹbọp temple. - 1 Chronicles 17: 1, 4, 11, 12; 23: 3 - 6; 28: 11, 12; 29: 1 - 5. Jehovah God " will make wars cease to the ends of the earth. ' Moreover, David divided thousands of Levites for various services and contributed many gold and silver to the construction of the temple. - 1 Chronicles 17: 1, 4, 11, 12; 23: 3 - 6; 28: 11, 12; 29: 1 - 5. Se Jesus eketịn̄de ke John 3: 16 anam idiọn̄ọ enọ oro. Ata ediwak owo ẹdiọn̄ọ se itie N̄wed Abasi emi ọdọhọde. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Abasi ama enen̄ede ama ererimbot tutu enye ọnọ ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ edibon Eyen esie, man owo ekededi eke ọbuọtde idem ye enye okûtak edi enyene nsinsi uwem. " 5, 6. Jesus ' words recorded at John 3: 16 highlight that gift: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Enye ama ọfiọk ke oyom inam n̄kpọ Abasi ke "ofụri esịt, ye ke ima ukpọn̄, " ndien enye ama adat esịt ndinam ntre. How do Christian elders follow the example set by God, as recorded at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? He knew that he needed to serve God "with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, " and he was delighted to do so. Edi Sisera idiọn̄ọke Jael! However, the project was to be undertaken in the middle of their planting season. But Sisera did not know Jael! Nso ke ubon ẹkpenam man emem odu ke ufọk? An Honest People Brings Praise to Jehovah What can a family do to make peace at home? Mmọ ẹma ẹsan̄a ntre ẹkese n̄kọk itieutom Russia ke 2007 ẹnyụn̄ ẹkụt map emi owụtde mme itie mme itie ke Russia emi owo mîbahakede inọ esop ndomokiet. Then we will discuss how to reach a student's heart. They visited the Russian branch in 2007 and found a map showing unassigned places in Russia. Ima ima Ete nnyịn eke heaven, Jehovah, ọmọnọ Ikọ esie oro ẹwetde - wet man ada nnyịn usụn̄ ke kpukpru n̄kpọ. Those putting full trust in Jehovah and his Kingdom thrive in a heartwarming security now and look forward to complete security in the future. Our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah, has provided his written Word to guide us in everything. 13: 17. The Results of Digging Deep 13: 17. Imemke utom ndifiọk nte idaha eyo editiede. Look in the Bible at Acts chapter 20, verses 7 to 12, and see what happened. It is not easy to determine how the climate will be. Nnyịn inam emi sia imade enye inyụn̄ iyomde ẹnam enyịn̄ esie asana. Can You Explain? We do this because we love him and want to sanctify his name. Jehovah Abasi " ayanam ekọn̄ etre tutu esịm ke utịt ekondo. ' Our inheritance of sin is also the underlying cause of sickness. Jehovah God "will bring an end to wars throughout the earth. " 5, 6. SONGS TO BE USED: 224, 214 5, 6. Didie ke mbiowo Christian ẹkpebe Abasi nte ẹwetde ke Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Have we? How do Christian elders imitate God's example as recorded at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Edi ẹkeyom nditọn̄ọ utom oro ke ata ini utọ. Bearing in mind such reasonable and Scriptural standards will help us to recognize people we can trust. But at such times, the task was about to start. Mbon Oro Ẹnamde Akpanikọ Ẹda Itoro Ẹsọk Jehovah Annual festivals, such as the Festival of Booths, were occasions for offering thanks to Jehovah Faithful Ones Bring Praise to Jehovah Ama ekem, iyeneme nte ikemede ndisịm esịt eyen ukpepn̄kpọ. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Finally, we will consider how we can reach the student's heart. Mbon oro ẹnyenede ọyọhọ mbuọtidem ke Jehovah ye ke Obio Ubọn̄ esie ẹdu ke ifụre idahaemi ẹnyụn̄ ẹdori enyịn ndinyene ọyọhọ ifụre ke ini iso. For example, if your list of bad habits includes watching too much TV and your list of good habits includes keeping in touch with loved ones, you could resolve: " Instead of immediately turning on the TV when I get home from work each day, I will contact a friend or a relative and catch up. ' Those who have complete confidence in Jehovah and his Kingdom are now secure and look forward to complete freedom in the future. Utịp Editịbi Isọn̄ Otụn̄ọ [ It] does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. The Prize, though, Is Sure Kụbọde Bible fo ka Utom ibuot 20, ufan̄ikọ 7 esịm 12 man okop se iketịbede. Saúl felt especially devastated, since his grandfather's death brought back all the pain he had felt upon losing his own father. Turn your Bible to Acts chapter 20, verses 7 through 12 in order to hear what happened. Nte Afo Emekeme Ndinam An̄wan̄a? The psalmist sang: "Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act. " - Psalm 37: 5. Can You Explain? Idiọkn̄kpọ oro ikadade imana esinam idọn̄ọ n̄ko. (Read Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) It is also possible for us to suffer from inherited sin. MME IKWỌ ORO ẸDIKWỌDE: 224, 214 * - Colossians 3: 5 - 7. SONGS TO BE USED: 160, 214 Nte nnyịn imanam oro? Still, each year tens of thousands are doing so. Do we? Ndikere mban̄a nti idaha N̄wed Abasi emi ayan̄wam nnyịn ndifiọk owo oro nnyịn ikemede ndibuọt idem. We would probably be more receptive. Reflecting on these Scriptural standards will help us to know whom we can trust. Mme usọrọ eke isua ke isua, utọ nte Usọrọ Mme Ataya, ẹkedi ini ndinọ Jehovah ekọm They come to talk to me about goodness and universal love.... The annual festivals, such as the Festival of Booths, were a time to give thanks to Jehovah OTO ITIEUTOM UBON N̄KANI N̄KPỌ NNYỊN Do you make time to read it each day? - 1 Peter 1: 24, 25. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, edieke ekewetde ke emesise TV akaha, onyụn̄ ewet ke akpama ndisikot mbon mbufo, ini ekededi oro ọnyọn̄de utom edi, bem iso nyene nneme ye ufan m̀mê iman fo utu ke ndisọsọp ndomo TV. Edieke aduakde ndinam kpukpru n̄kpọ ini kiet, udûkemeke ndinam ndomokiet. Wholesome Recreation That Refreshes For example, if you were writing too much TV and wrote that you would like to call your loved ones, speak first to your friend or relative instead of quickly trying to do something. Iyomke ufọn esiemmọ, iyatke esịt. For their stubborn course, Israel had to be severely disciplined. He does not need his own interests, nor does he become provoked. N̄kpa emi ama anam idem enen̄ede emem eyen mi, sia emi ama anam enye eti nte n̄kpa ete esie akabiakde enye. What, then, went wrong? This loss made my son feel very discouraged, for it reminded him of the pain that his father's death caused him to suffer. Andiwet psalm ọkọkwọ ete: "Kpat usụn̄ fo nọ Jehovah, nyụn̄ buọt idem fo ye enye, ndien enye ayanam. " - Psalm 37: 5. These instructions were for all Christians, so they apply to all of us today, whether we hope to live forever in heaven or on earth. " Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act, " sang the psalmist. - Psalm 37: 5. (Kot Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) Sensing this personal interest of Jehovah proved very comforting to Svetlana, the young prostitute mentioned in the preceding article. (Read Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) * - Colossae 3: 5 - 7. However, let us take a closer look at the lives of those Bible characters. * - Colossians 3: 5 - 7. Kpa ye oro, ediwak tọsịn owo ẹsinam ntre kpukpru isua. Instead, by deferring to the One with greater authority, Jesus set a beautiful example in modesty - and he showed that he was not equal to God. Yet, thousands of people do so each year. Ekeme ndidi afo eyenen̄ede akpan̄ utọn̄ ọnọ enye. 25 Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals? You may be more inclined to listen to him. Mmọ ẹsidi ẹditịn̄ ẹnọ mi ẹban̄a eti ido ye ima unana asari.... That, of course, was not so. They have come to tell me about goodness and impartiality.... Ndi afo emesifak ifet okot enye kpukpru usen? - 1 Peter 1: 24, 25. In addition to pointing out the importance and benefits of being spiritually - minded, the apostle Paul had much to say about what true spirituality is. Do you buy out time each day for it? - 1 Peter 1: 24, 25. Eti Edinam Unọ Idem Nduọkodudu Oro Anamde Owo Okop Inem This is a trial that the survivor may not have expected to face in this system of things. A Fine Recreation That Is Happy Ke ntak nsọn̄ibuot nditọ Israel, Abasi ama enen̄ede otụnọ mmọ. Not at all. Because of Israel's disobedience, God corrected them. Nso ndien ikedi mfịna? Copper: As mentioned, IUDs seem to make it difficult for sperm to survive passing through the uterus to reach an egg. What, then, was the problem? Ntem, ana kpukpru nnyịn, edide idori enyịn ndidu uwem ke heaven m̀mê ke isọn̄, inịm ewụhọ emi. (Read 1 Kings 10: 23 - 27.) Hence, all of us, whether we hope to live in heaven or on earth, must obey this command. Ndifiọk ọkpọkpọ udọn̄ emi Jehovah enyenede mi ama enen̄ede ọdọn̄ Svetlana esịt, ekpri akpara oro ẹkesiakde ke ibuotikọ oro ekebemde iso. The Need to Be Long - Suffering Knowledge of this personal need from Jehovah brought great comfort to Svetlana, the young harlot mentioned in the preceding article. Edi ẹyak itịm ise nte iren ita emi ẹkedude uwem. One is by improving your personal share in the field ministry. But let us take a closer look at how these three men lived. Edi Jesus ndidọhọ ke Enye emi okponde akan enyene ndinam n̄kpọ emi, enye ekenịm eti uwụtn̄kpọ ke idịghe kpukpru n̄kpọ ke imọ ikeme ndinam - enye okonyụn̄ owụt ke imọ idịghe n̄ka ye Abasi. (b) Why is effective use of the Scriptures on home Bible studies so important? However, by saying that the greatest One must do this, Jesus set a fine example - and he showed that he is not equal to God. 25 Mme Uyen, Ndi ke Ẹnam Se Idin̄wamde Mbufo Ẹtetịm Ẹkpere Abasi? Trevor and Emily, who served in Malawi before being invited to the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, feel similarly. 25 Young People, Are You Building for Your Relationship With God? Nte ededi, oro ikedịghe akpanikọ. Jesus ' half brother James also recognized the impact that our speech can have on our worship. However, that was not true. Apostle Paul ama owụt ke ọfọn ndima n̄kpọ eke spirit onyụn̄ etịn̄ ekese aban̄a se ndima n̄kpọ eke spirit ọwọrọde. [ Footnote] The apostle Paul showed the importance of cultivating spirituality and sharing much about what it means to love spiritual things. Idụhe owo emi okpoyomde ebe m̀mê n̄wan esie akpa ọkpọn̄ enye. " Excellent Woman " (Ruth), 6 / 15 No one wants his or her mate to leave him. Baba - o. (b) What goals can be set at an early age? No. IUD emi ẹdade copper ẹnam: Nte ima iketetịn̄, IUD isiyakke nsene aka akadiana ye nsen eyen emi odude ke itie eyen. This sometimes happens as the children get older. Such IUDs include copper: As mentioned earlier, IUDs prevent sperm from forming an egg in the uterus. (Kot 1 Ndidem 10: 23 - 27.) We warmly invite you to hear the answers at this year's three - day convention presented by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Read 1 Kings 10: 23 - 27.) Oyom Ẹnyene Anyanime God is obviously pleased to back those who are proud to be "a people for his name. " Need to Be Long - Suffering Usụn̄ kiet edi ndinam n̄kọri ke utom ukwọrọikọ fo. Although some believe that he came from Spain, his name suggests that he belonged to the tribe of the Pontii - Samnite nobles from southern Italy. One way is by making advancement in your ministry. (b) Ntak emi enen̄erede ọfọn ẹda Bible ẹnọ ukpep nte ọfọnde ke ini inịmde ukpepn̄kpọ Bible? And David's trusted adviser Ahithophel betrayed him. (b) Why is it important to use the Bible effectively when conducting home Bible studies? Mmọ ẹfiọk ke ndinyịme nditọ mmimọ ẹnam se mmọ ẹmade iwọrọke ke imama mmọ, mmọ isinyụn̄ inọhọ nditọ mmọ se ẹyomde ke ntak mmọ ẹtuade, ẹtọhọde, m̀mê ẹbụmerede iyatesịt. How is the Christian to respond? They know that accepting their children does not mean that they love them, nor do they shield their children from their weeping, strife, or screaming. Mmọ ẹma ẹnam utom ke Malawi mbemiso ẹkekade Ufọkn̄wed Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme Ukpep Bible eke Gilead. Soon after my brief visit to Brooklyn, I returned to Switzerland and prepared for the zone work. Before going to the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, they served in Malawi. James eyeneka Jesus n̄ko ama ọfiọk ke se itịn̄de ekeme ndinam Abasi enyịme m̀mê esịn utuakibuot nnyịn. We can fill our lives with sacred service by reading and meditating on God's Word every day, by praying incessantly, by striving to be at all the meetings, and by taking every opportunity to give a witness. - Ps. Jesus ' half brother James also knew that what we say could affect God's view of our worship. [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] The Bible often refers to sowing, reaping, threshing, winnowing, and grinding grain. [ Footnote] " Mme Ọfiọkn̄kpọ Owo Ita, " 12 / 15 Contemplate how God views you, draw closer to him, and focus on your hope for the future. " Three Wise Men, " 12 / 1 (b) Nso ke afo ekpemek ndinam ini edide uyen? [ Box on page 8] (b) What would you choose to do as a youth? Emi esitịbe ndusụk ini nte nditọ ẹkọride ẹkponi. Who is the principal promoter of false religion, and how is he described in the Bible? This sometimes happens as children grow up. Imokot fi ite edikop ibọrọ mbụme emi ke mbono usen ita emi Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹdinịmde. During one Christmas break, I looked at the stack of magazines and concluded that if I paid for these, I should read at least some of them to see what they had to say. You are cordially invited to attend the three - day meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nte an̄wan̄ade, Abasi enem esịt ndida ye mbon oro ẹdatde esịt ndidi " ikọt enyịn̄ Esie. ' " God is incomprehensible. " - Philo of Alexandria, first - century philosopher. Clearly, God is pleased with those who rejoice to be "a people for his name. " Okposụkedi ndusụk owo ẹkerede ke enye okoto Spain, enyịn̄ esie owụt ke enye okoto ubon mme Pontii - ubon mme enyene - n̄kpọ owo ke usụk usụk Italy. How do subjects of the Kingdom pay back "God's things to God "? Although some think that it was from Spain, his name indicates that he was a descendant of Pontii - a wealthy family in southern Italy. Ndien Ahithophel ọnọitem David, emi David ekeberide edem ama ada David ọnọ. The willing support given to anointed Christians by their companions of the other sheep was foretold by the prophet Isaiah. And David's trusted counselor Ahithophel supported David. Didie ke Christian akpanam n̄kpọ aban̄a emi? But what we do know is that God uses his angels to help people spiritually. How should a Christian react? Ke mma n̄kodu ke Brooklyn ke ibio ini, mma mfiak n̄ka Switzerland n̄keben̄e idem nnọ utom zone. Later in that chapter, Paul wrote: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against... wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " After a short stay in Brooklyn, I returned to Switzerland to prepare for zone work. Emi esịne ndikot Bible kpukpru ini nnyụn̄ ntie n̄kere se ikotde, ndibọn̄ akam kpukpru ini, ndisịn ukeme ndụk kpukpru mbono esop, nnyụn̄ ndomo ndikwọrọ ikọ nnọ kpukpru owo oro isobode. - Ps. In this encouraging passage, Jehovah's words recorded in Isa 30 verse 20 may have reminded his people that when they rebelled against him, he was, in effect, hidden from them. This includes reading the Bible regularly and meditating on what we read, praying regularly, making every effort to attend Christian meetings, and endeavoring to share it with all those we meet. - Ps. Bible esiwak nditịn̄ mban̄a edisuan n̄kpasịp, ukpen̄e, edidịghi ye edisak wheat m̀mê barley, ye edikọk mme n̄kpọ emi. ; Guzmán, Y. The Bible often refers to sowing, harvesting, and wheat or barley, as well as to healing them. Tie kere nte Abasi esede fi, san̄a kpere enye, nyụn̄ wụk ekikere ke idotenyịn ini iso. That "little flock " will finally number 144,000. Meditate on how God views you, draw close to him, and focus on the future. [ Ekebe ke page 8] How to Show Respect (marriage): No. [ Box on page 8] Anie edi akpan owo emi esịnde udọn̄ ọnọ nsunsu ido ukpono, ndien Bible ọdọhọ ke enye edi nso? Instead, we will confidently rely on the Bible's counsel. Who is the primary promoter of false religion, and what does the Bible say about it? Ke ini nduọkodudu Christmas kiet, mma nse otu magazine oro nnyụn̄ mbiere nte sia n̄kadade okụk ntobo mmọ, ke ana ami ke nsụhọde n̄kaha n̄kot ndusụk mmọ man n̄kụt se idọn̄ọde ke mmọ. " Robert and I belonged to the same church, yet we went to war against each other. At the Christmas holiday, I checked the magazine and decided that since I gave them money, I would have to read at least some of them so that I could see what they were wearing. " Owo ikemeke ndidiọn̄ọ Abasi. " - Philo, ataifiọk eyo mme apostle. He attended banquets. " God cannot be known. " - Philo, an expert in the first century. Didie ke mbon oro ẹdude ke idak ukara Obio Ubọn̄ ẹnọ "Abasi mme n̄kpọ eke ẹnyenede Abasi "? He accepted God's correction, made a retraction, and repented. How do subjects of the Kingdom give "God's things to God "? Prọfet Isaiah ama ebem iso etịn̄ ke mme erọn̄ en̄wen ẹyen̄wam nsan̄a mmọ oro ẹdide mme Christian oro ẹyetde aran. Please check with Jehovah's Witnesses locally for the exact time and place. The prophet Isaiah foretold that the other sheep would help their anointed Christian companions. Edi se ifiọkde edi ke Abasi esinam mme angel ẹn̄wam mbon emi ẹyomde ndifiọk n̄kpọ mban̄a enye. Others use funerals as an opportunity to make a "showy display " of their social and economic status. But what we know is that God uses angels to help those who want to know about him. Ekem, Paul ama ewet kpasụk ke ibuot n̄wed oro ete: "Nnyịn imenyene en̄wan ndin̄wana, idịghe ye obụk ye iyịp, edi in̄wana ye... ndiọi spirit ke enyọn̄. " Think, too, of Hannah and how her rival wife, Peninnah, "vexed her sorely " because Hannah was barren. Then, in the same chapter, Paul wrote: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against... wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " Ke itien̄wed oro ọnọde nsịnudọn̄ mi, anaedi ikọ Jehovah oro ẹwetde ke Isa 30 ufan̄ikọ 20 ama eti ikọt Jehovah ke enye ama edịp mmọ iso esie ke ini mmọ ẹkesọn̄de ibuot ye enye. Spurred on by such support, Seraphim bought printing paper and negotiated with a printer. In that encouraging passage, Jehovah's words recorded in Isa 30 verse 20 must have reminded Jehovah's people that he had hidden his face from them when they rebelled against him. ; Guzmán, Y. Make sure, though, that when you receive some needed help, you do so in the right spirit. ; Gou, Y. " Ekpri otuerọn̄ " oro edidi owo 144,000 ke ofụri ofụri. This is an important aspect of our worship, but it can easily be neglected. The "little flock " would be 144,000 in general. N̄kọp Emi Enyenede N̄kam: No. On the other hand, we should be careful not to become too lenient with ourselves, using our perceived limitations as an excuse for slowing down more than is necessary in the Christian ministry. Table of Contents: No. Utu ke oro, nnyịn idiberi edem ke item Bible. What modern - day reality has called for adjustments in our witnessing work? Instead, we rely on the Bible's counsel. Ami ye Robert ikesika ukem ufọkabasi, edi nnyịn ima in̄wana ekọn̄ ye kiet eken. With the guidance Jehovah provides in his Word, we will stay on the road to life. Robert and I went to the same church, but we fought with one another. Enye ama esika usọrọ. Do they affect our life today? She attended a party. Enye ama enyịme ntụnọ oro Abasi ọkọnọde enye, ekpe ubọk, onyụn̄ akabarede esịt. If one of Jehovah's Witnesses practices what is bad, however, it is likely that friends and acquaintances will become aware of this. He accepted God's discipline, apologized, and repented. Mbọk bụp Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke edem mbufo nnennen ini ye ebiet. The adult eagle sometimes spreads out its wings for hours in order to shield its offspring. Please check with Jehovah's Witnesses locally for the exact time and place. Ediwak owo ẹsida edinam ubụkowo nte ifet ndida " n̄wụt idem ' nnyụn̄ n̄wụt idaha mmọ ke n̄kann̄kụk. Once they are married, their differences often lead to arguments. Many view funerals as an opportunity to " exhibit themselves ' and show their position in the community. Kere, n̄ko, ban̄a Hannah, ye nte Peninnah n̄wan ufụp esie " okotụhọrede enye ' koro Hannah ekedide ada. [ Footnote] Consider, too, Hannah, and Elkanah's jealous wife, Peninnah, who "began to torment her " because Hannah was barren. Emi ama anam Seraphim edep babru umịn̄n̄wed onyụn̄ ekpe urua ye owo oro edimịn̄de inọ enye. He gave Peter "the keys of the kingdom. " As a result, Seraphim purchased a printing press and paid a copy of it. Ọfọn inịm ke owo nnyịn oro ọkọkpọn̄de Jehovah ayafiak etiene enye. Those taught by Jehovah form a true international brotherhood We can be sure that the one who left Jehovah will return to him. Kụt ete ke ọbọ un̄wam oro oyomde ke eti esịt. The writings also show that initially the Brethren engaged in preaching. Make sure that your sincere assistance is accepted. Emi edi akpan ubak utuakibuot nnyịn, edi ẹkeme ndifụmi enye mmemmem mmemmem. What is more, wives are to be in subjection to their husbands and children to their parents. This is an important part of our worship, but it can easily be ignored. Edi nnyịn ikponyụn̄ inịmke utịtmbuba oro ekpride akaha inọ idem nnyịn, ida mmeme oro ikerede nte inyenede nte isọn̄ nditehede ube nte mîdotke ke utom ukwọrọikọ. With great feeling she said: "Rather than portraying God as being so far above us mere mortals, you seem to bring him right into our midst like a dear friend. On the other hand, we should not be too busy to set reasonable goals for ourselves, using our perceived limitations as an excuse to slow down in the ministry. Nso n̄kpọ oro etịbede mfịn oyom inam ukpụhọde ke nte inamde utom unọ ikọ ntiense? It is also important to teach children that they can make friends with older people as well as with peers. What modern - day situation calls for adjustments in our witnessing work? Ndausụn̄ oro Jehovah adade Ikọ esie ọnọ nnyịn ayan̄wam nnyịn ika iso isan̄a ke usụn̄ oro adade esịm uwem. Lower your risk of premature death. The guidance that Jehovah provides through his Word will help us to keep on walking on the road to life. Ndi se mmọ ẹnamde ẹtụk nnyịn mfịn? David writes: "You arrange before me a table in front of those showing hostility to me. With oil you have greased my head; my cup is well filled. " Does what they do affect us today? Edieke Ntiense Jehovah anamde idiọkn̄kpọ, mme ufan ye mbon esie ẹyesụk ẹdiọn̄ọ. Despite his repeated request that they pray, they fell asleep three times in the garden of Gethsemane. If one of Jehovah's Witnesses has committed a sin, his friends and friends will still be aware of it. Ndusụk ini ntrukpom esitat mba esie ke ediwak hour man ekwi nditọ esie. Ask a learner, " What are your spiritual goals? ' Sometimes an eagle soars its wings for hours to protect its young. Erenowo ye n̄wan nditre ndikere n̄kpọ nnyụn̄ nnam n̄kpọ ukem ukem esinam mmọ ẹnyene n̄kpri ndutan̄uyo ke mmọ ẹma ẹkedọ ndọ. No enemy has been able to silence this mighty, courageous army. - Romans 8: 31. A husband and wife who fail to think and act the same way may cause them to have minor disagreements after they get married. [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] Zebedee is a fisherman, and James and John are too. [ Footnote] Enye ọkọnọ Peter "mme ukpọhọde obio ubọn̄. " Sixteen years ago, I became a baptized Witness. He gave Peter "the keys of the kingdom. " Mbon oro Jehovah ọnọde ukpep ẹtie nte ata nditọeka ke ofụri ererimbot " My husband picks me up from work at 7: 00 p.m., " says Sue, who has been married a short time. Those whom Jehovah trains are part of a worldwide brotherhood N̄wed oro ama owụt nte ke Nditọete oro ẹma ẹsikwọrọ ikọ ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ. In the late 1970 ' s, we moved from Louisville to Shelbyville, Kentucky, to serve in a congregation where there was a need. The book showed that the brothers preached early in the preaching work. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ana iban ẹsụk ibuot ẹnọ ebe mmọ, nditọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹsụk ibuot ẹnọ ete ye eka mmọ. However, they can entice men and women to engage in various forms of sexual perversion. For example, wives need to be in subjection to their husbands and children and be in subjection to their parents. Enye ama ọdọhọ ye akwa inemesịt ete: "Utu ke ndiwụt ke Abasi enen̄ede odu oyom usụn̄ ọkpọn̄ nnyịn mme owo, etie nte mbufo ẹmeda enye ẹdisịn ke otu nnyịn nte edima ufan. " Most couples report money as a top problem, no matter how much they have, " says the book Fighting for Your Marriage. He said with great appreciation: "Instead of proving that God is far away from us people, you seem to have taken him into our midst as a loving friend. Edi akpan n̄kpọ n̄ko ndikpep nditọ nte ke mmọ ẹkeme ndinam ufan ye ikpọ owo ọkọrọ ye ubọkn̄ka mmọ. Amos thus showed that the oceans are the main source of earth's rain. It is also important to teach children that they can make friends with older ones as well as with their peers. Ayafiak odu uwem ebịghi. Exercise Your Perceptive Powers Soon there will be a long life. David ewet ete: "Afo eyebri okpokoro ọnọ mi ke iso mme asua mi: ayada aran eyet mi ke ibuot; cup mi ọyọhọ ọduọi. " spirit in taking up challenging assignments in Jehovah's service. David writes: "In front of my enemies you will set a table for me, and with my head you will anoint me. My cup is full of oil. " Kpa ye oro enye eketịn̄de ediwak ini ete mmọ ẹbọn̄ akam, mmọ ẹma ẹde utịm ikata ke In̄wan̄ Gethsemane. • Who is the "servant " mentioned in Isaiah's prophecies, and how do we know? Although he repeatedly said that they should pray, they spent three times in the garden of Gethsemane. Bụp owo emi ọnọde ukpep ete, " Didie ke aduak ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi? ' During my summer vacations, they shared with me to the best of their ability what they were learning from the Bible. Ask the learner, " How is it that you want to serve God? ' Asua ndomokiet ikemeke ndikịbi uko uko mme ọkwọrọ Obio Ubọn̄ emi inua. - Rome 8: 31. I was transferred to the village of Vaya, 125 miles [200 km] away. No enemy can courageously silence these Kingdom preachers. - Romans 8: 31. Zebedee ete James ye John ekedi ọkọiyak, ntre n̄ko ye nditọ esie emi. The book of Revelation likens "the prayers of the holy ones " to incense in that acceptable prayers rise to Jehovah like a sweet - smelling and pleasant odor. James and John were fishermen, and so did their sons. Mma nna baptism nte kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke isua 16 emi ẹbede. English August 10 - 12, August 17 - 19, August 24 - 26 For the past 16 years, I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sue emi ọdọde ndọ ndondo emi ọdọhọ ete: "Ebe mi esidi edimen mi ke itieutom ke n̄kanika itiaba mbubreyo. In fact, we enjoy the protection of the most secure and loving home imaginable, one that is discerned through eyes of faith. " My husband came to take me to work at 7: 00 p.m. Ke utịt utịt iduọk isua 1970, nnyịn ima iwọrọ ikpọn̄ Louisville ika Shelbyville, Kentucky, ndikan̄wam esop oro okoyomde un̄wam. On July 6, 1949, we were herded into cattle cars. In the late 1970 ' s, we moved to Shelville, Kentucky, to help the congregation who needed help. Nte ededi, mmọ ẹkeme nditap mme owo ẹnam nsio nsio orụk obukpo idan̄. The result? However, they may lure people into various forms of sexual misconduct. N̄wed oro ẹkotde Fighting for Your Marriage ọdọhọ ke "ata ediwak ebe ye n̄wan ẹdọhọ ke okụk esiwak ndisịn mfịna ke ndọ mmimọ, inamke n̄kpọ m̀mê inyene awak didie. Mary and the Gregory sisters began pioneering and accepted an assignment in northern Virginia. According to the book Fing for Your Marriage, "many couples say that money often contributes to problems in their marriage, regardless of possessions. Ntem, Amos ama owụt ke edịm esinen̄ede oto mmọn̄ inyan̄ibom. From age 40 to 80, he was a shepherd in Midian. Thus, Amos showed that the water source of the ocean is vast. Nọ Ukeme Ufiọk N̄kpọ Fo Ukpep Like an inflated balloon, it had the appearance of solidity, but there was no substance to it. Train Your Perceptive Powers Mfịn, ediwak ikọt Abasi ẹnyene edu Isaiah emi, idem ke ini ẹnọde mmọ utom emi etiede nte ọsọn̄. Instead, they try to make a positive, spiritual, nonpolitical contribution in the way that Jesus and his first - century disciples did. Today, many of God's people have shown the attitude of Isaiah, even when they receive challenging assignments. • Anie edi "owo mi " oro ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a ke Isaiah, ndien nnyịn isan̄a didie ifiọk? For instance, three centuries after Isaiah, in the days of the prophet Malachi, the Israelites offered blemished animals. • Who is "my servant " mentioned in Isaiah, and how do we know? Mmọ ẹma ẹsisịn ofụri ukeme mmọ ẹkpep mi se mmọ ẹkekpepde ke Bible ke ini ndide ufọk ke utren̄wed. On one occasion, a group of relatives - no doubt including Jesus ' brothers - decided to go and "seize " Jesus. They did their best to teach me what they had learned from the Bible while at home at school. Ẹkenọ mi n̄ka obio Vaya, emi oyomde usụn̄ kilomita 200 ọkpọn̄ akani ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi oro n̄kodude. Is Satan right? I was assigned to the town of Vayaaya, about 200 miles [300 km] away from my former prison. N̄wed Ediyarade ọdọhọ ke "akam ndisana owo " etie nte incense sia akam emi ẹkopde esidọk ebịne Jehovah nte edinem utebe. 3, 4. (a) Why has Jehovah shown patience in carrying out his purpose for the earth? According to the book of Revelation, "the prayer of the holy ones " is like incense because a prayer coming up to Jehovah is like a sweet - smelling odor. October 19 - 21, 2007 The Israelites even "tried to fool him with their mouth; and with their tongue they tried to lie to him. " English July 19 - 22, July 27 - 29, August 3 - 5, August 10 - 12 Mmọ ẹnyene ebietidụn̄, edi owo ikemeke ndikụt ebietidụn̄ emi ke enyịn. Ndien idụhe ebietidụn̄ emi ọfọnde onyụn̄ enemde nte ebietidụn̄ emi. And he certainly never ignored God's Word in favor of human tradition. They have a place of dwelling, but they cannot find it in their own eyes, and there is no place to live where it is safe and pleasant. Ke July 6, 1949, ẹma ẹtan̄ nnyịn ẹdọn̄ ke tren umen enan̄. How does God's holy spirit help to set us free? On July 6, 1949, we were loaded onto the train. Nso ikedi utịp? These are (1) our message of hope, (2) the success of our search, and (3) our peace - making attitude as harvest workers. The result? Mary, Gladys, ye Grace ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ utom usiakusụn̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹka ndinam utom ke edem edere Virginia. From a military standpoint, that seemed a disastrous move. Mary, Gladys, and Grace began pioneering and went to serve in northern Virginia. Enye ekedi ekpemerọn̄ ke Midian, ọtọn̄ọde ke ini enye ekedide isua 40 esịm 80 ke emana. Now, if Jesus is the one who suffered and died for us, giving up his life in our behalf, why does the verse speak of the ransom as "the gift God gives "? He was a shepherd in Midian, from his 40 - 80 - year - old age. Ukem nte bloblo oro efịtde, enye eketie nte n̄kpọ oro ọsọn̄de idem, edi oro mîkenyeneke ufọn ndomokiet. Have I considered sharing more fully in the lifesaving work of declaring the good news, perhaps as a full - time Kingdom proclaimer? Like Piblo, it looked as if it were strong, but it had no value. Utu ke oro, mmọ ẹdomo ndinọ eti un̄wam eke spirit oro mînyeneke n̄kpọ ndinam ye ukaraidem ukem nte Jesus ye mme mbet esie eke akpa isua ikie ẹkenamde. • Who are some fine examples of courage? Rather, like Jesus and his first - century disciples, they strive to provide positive spiritual help to political political independence. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke isua ikie ita ẹma ẹkebe tọn̄ọ Isaiah akakpa, nditọ Israel ẹma ẹda unam eke ẹbiomode ndo ẹdiwa ẹnọ Abasi ke eyo prọfet Malachi. Do Not Make God Feel Hurt For example, three centuries after Isaiah's death, the Israelites presented a defective animal to God in the days of the prophet Malachi. Isan̄ kiet, iman Jesus, emi etiede nte ata nditọeka Jesus ẹkesịne do, ẹma ẹyom ndika n̄komụm enye. And he told his disciples that they too were beloved. On one occasion, Jesus ' relatives, who may have been Jesus ' half brothers, also wanted to arrest him. Ndi Devil enen? 2: 12. Is the Devil right? 3, 4. (a) Ntak emi Jehovah enyenede ime ke nte enye osude uduak esie kaban̄a isọn̄? (b) Why did the time for Christ's presence seem distant to Newton? 3, 4. (a) Why is Jehovah patient in the outworking of his purpose for the earth? Nditọ Israel ẹma ẹkam "ẹbian̄a enye ke inua mmọ, ẹnyụn̄ ẹsu nsu ẹnọ enye ke edeme mmọ. " Aside from any such benefits, how do you know that your sincere prayers are actually heard by Jehovah? Even the Israelites "did not deliver him by their mouth, and by their tongue they kept lying to him. " Akananam enye iyakke item owo anam enye ofụmi Ikọ Abasi. For example, at James 5: 7 - 11, we find that Job is used as an example to motivate Christians to endure hard times and as a comforting reminder that Jehovah rewards such endurance. He never let human tradition cause him to ignore God's Word. Didie ke edisana spirit Abasi ekeme ndinam nnyịn inyene ifụre? 62,787,000 How can God's holy spirit help us to enjoy freedom? Mmọ emi ẹdi (1) etop idotenyịn nnyịn, (2) unen oro ikụtde ke ediyom nnyịn, ye (3) emem emem edu nnyịn nte mme anamutom idọk. So I continued teaching as a pastor, but I avoided the church's false doctrines. These are (1) our message of hope, (2) success in our search for us, and (3) our peace as harvest workers. Ke ekikere owoekọn̄, oro eketie nte isan̄ n̄kpa. When I told Mother what my teacher was doing, she reminded me of the Biblical account of the three young Hebrews before the image set up by the king of Babylon. In view of a soldier's view, that seemed like a journey to death. Kere ise, edieke edide Jesus ọkọbọ ufen onyụn̄ akpa ọnọ nnyịn, ntak emi Bible ọdọhọde ke ufak edi "enọ oro Abasi ọnọde "? select the correct words? After all, if Jesus suffered and died for us, why does the Bible refer to the ransom as "a gift from God "? Nte ami mmekere mban̄a edibuana ọyọhọ ọyọhọ ke utom unyan̄a uwem eke editan̄a eti mbụk, isọ - ọfọn nte anditan̄a Obio Ubọn̄ uyọhọ ini? Others do so during their lunch break. Am I concerned about having a full share in the lifesaving work of declaring the good news, often as a full - time Kingdom proclaimer? • Mmanie ẹnịm nti uwụtn̄kpọ uko? How can you prepare for baptism? • Who are fine examples of courage? Kûyat Abasi Esịt He reflects on the verses and thinks: " Jehovah sees the bad things people do even in private. Do Not Grieve God Ndien enye ama asian mme mbet esie ete ke ẹma mmọ n̄ko. With them out of the way, people who take delight in Jehovah's law will be greatly blessed. And he told his disciples that they too were loved. 2: 12. We can have complete confidence that they will be fulfilled. 2: 12. (b) Ntak emi Newton ekekerede ke ini edidu Christ edidi ke ini iso? Father had his first contact with the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, in 1922. (b) Why did Newton feel that Christ's presence would come in the future? Edi Jehovah esikpan̄ utọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn ke ini ibọn̄de akam. Isan̄a didie ifiọk emi? When counseled, Saul should have let his heart be softened, allowing himself to be shaped by the Great Potter. But how does Jehovah listen to us when we pray? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, James 5: 7 - 11 ọdọhọ mme Christian ẹkpebe Job emi ọkọyọde ukụt, ke Jehovah ọyọdiọn̄ nnyịn edieke inamde oro. Granted, many of us have made life - transforming changes to become subjects of God's Kingdom. For example, James 5: 7 - 11 encourages Christians to imitate Job, who endured tribulation, confident that Jehovah will bless us if we do so. 62,787,000 Jesus warned against what human tendency? 62,787,000 Ntem mma n̄ka iso ndi pastọ, edi n̄kpepke aba mme nsunsu ukpepn̄kpọ ufọkabasi. Paolo and I enjoyed spending time with them in spiritual conversations as well as in recreation, which for Paolo usually meant playing soccer. So I continued to be a pastor, but I no longer learned the false doctrines of the church. Ke ini n̄kasiande eka mi se andikpep oro ekesinamde, enye ama eti mi mbụk Bible oro aban̄ade n̄kparawa Hebrew ita emi ẹkedade ke iso mbiet oro edidem Babylon okowụkde. When I told Sussan that I wanted to cut my hair, her curiosity got the best of her. She said, "I'm going with you to see what this Kingdom Hall is all about! " When I told my mother what the teacher had done, she reminded me of the Bible account about the three Hebrew youths standing before the image issued by the king of Babylon. ifiọk se ikpetịn̄de? Distressed Sisters Who "Built the House of Israel " How can we be sure of what we should say? Mbon en̄wen ẹsinam oro ke ini nduọkodudu uwemeyo. We do not approve of "halfhearted ones, " even as Jesus disapproves of lukewarm professing Christians today. Others do so during their lunch break. Didie ke ekpeben̄e idem ndina baptism? They were correct. How can you prepare for baptism? Edi nte enye ekerede aban̄a mme ufan̄ikọ oro, enye ọdọhọ idemesie ete: " Jehovah esikụt idiọkn̄kpọ oro mme owo ẹnamde, idem mbon oro ẹdịbede - dịbe ẹnam. He appeared to all his apostles. But as he reflects on those verses, he says to himself: "Jehovah notices the error of the people, even the hidden ones. Ke ẹma ẹkesobo mmọ ẹfep, mme owo oro mbet Jehovah adatde mmọ esịt ẹyebọ akpakịp edidiọn̄. [ Blurb on page 5] After their destruction, individuals whose delight is in Jehovah's law will reap rich blessings. Nnyịn imekeme ndinyene ọyọhọ mbuọtidem nte ke mmọ ẹyesu. They do so by "rendering [God] sacred service day and night. " - Revelation 7: 15 - 17. We can have complete confidence that they will be fulfilled. Ke 1922, ete mi ama osobo ye Nditọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, nte ẹkediọn̄ọde Mme Ntiense Jehovah ini oro. What assignment had we been given? In 1922, my father met the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known. Ke ini ẹkenọde enye item, akpakana enye okop item oro onyụn̄ ayak Akwa Oboteso enen̄ede enye. While God does not miraculously cure anyone today, he does grant the sufferer the wisdom and fortitude needed to deal with his condition. Bear in mind that when weighed down with trials, David turned to Jehovah. When he received counsel, he should have obeyed that counsel and let the Great Potter correct him. Ediwak nnyịn imokpụhọde nte ikesidude uwem man idot ndidụk Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi. It is the last of his inspired writings. Many of us have made changes in our lives to qualify for God's Kingdom. Nso udọn̄ oro mme owo ẹnyenede ke Jesus okodụri owo utọn̄ aban̄a? We would travel to the Kingdom Hall with sad faces, " recalls one family member, "but we returned joyful. " What interest did Jesus give? Ama esinem mi ye ebe mi nditie ye mmọ nneme mme n̄kpọ eke spirit nnyụn̄ nnọ idem nduọkodudu, ndien enye ama esitiene mmọ ebre bọl. They have no doubt that he is the Creator of all things. My husband and I enjoyed spending time together talking to them about spiritual matters and recreation, and he joined them in ball games. Ke ini n̄kọdọhọde Sussan ke mmọn̄ mfat idet mi, enye ama oyom ndifiọk se ikpanamde mfat idet, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ete, "Mmọn̄ ndi ndise se ẹsinamde ke Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ oro! " Basically, because of the following three unwholesome influences. When I said that I was going to cut my hair, she wanted to know what to do with my hair, saying, "I'm going to see what is done at the Kingdom Hall! " Nditọeka Oro Mîkokopke Inemesịt "Ẹkebọp Ufọk Israel " Be Creative Happy Brothers " built the House of Israel " Nnyịn imaha "mbon esịt iba, " ukem nte Jesus mîmaha mbon oro ẹdọhọde ke idi Christian mfịn edi oro ẹtiede ndebe ndebe. A person with faith in God focuses on the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises, confident that they are as good as done. Like those who claim to be Christians today, we hate "two indecisive men, " even as Jesus does today. Mmọ ẹma ẹnen. It is not demeaning for a Christian wife to be like Sarah. They were right. Enye ama owụt kpukpru mme apostle esie idem. It is the time to perceive ever more clearly what God's will is for us. He appeared to all his apostles. [ Se Ẹwetde ke Ikpọ Abisi ke page 5] What evidence can you point to that world conditions have worsened since 1914? [ Blurb on page 5] Ke " ndinam edisana utom nnọ Abasi uwemeyo ye okoneyo. ' - Ediyarade 7: 15 - 17. Perhaps, though, Paul meant that his way of life - not any literal marks - identified him as a Christian. In " rendering sacred service day and night. ' - Revelation 7: 15 - 17. Ewe efakutom ke ẹkenọ nnyịn ika? I was deeply moved and felt the urgency to tell others about the good news of God's Kingdom. - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 24: 14. To what territory were we assigned? Okposụkedi emi Abasi mîkọkke owo udọn̄ọ mfịn ke utịbe utịbe usụn̄, enye esinọ mbon udọn̄ọ ọniọn̄ ye ukeme ndiyọ. Instead of switching on the rice cooker, we had to chop wood and cook over a fire. Although God does not miraculously heal people today, he does give them wisdom and strength to endure. Leta oro edi akpatre n̄wed eke odudu spirit emi enye ewetde. ; Perez, M. That letter is the last inspired book he wrote. Nnyịn ikesifofụhọ ika Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄, edi ikesinyọn̄ ye idatesịt. " Who were these people? We felt frustrated at the Kingdom Hall, but we returned home with joy. " Mmọ inyeneke eyịghe ndomokiet nte ke enye edi Andibot kpukpru n̄kpọ. Parenting in today's dangerous world can bring untold "mental distress, " but fathers and mothers can take comfort in knowing that the Bible acknowledges the challenge they face. They have no doubt that he is the Creator of all things. Imọn̄ itịn̄ ntak ita idahaemi. Idiọkn̄kpọ edi ntak. Sports can be fun and exciting. We will now consider three reasons why bad things happen. Nam Enye Enyene Inem CLASS STATISTICS Make It Enjoyable Owo emi ọbuọtde idem ye Abasi esinen̄ede ekere nte mme un̄wọn̄ọ Abasi ẹdisude, onyụn̄ enen̄ede enịm mmọ ke akpanikọ tutu etie enye ke idem nte ke mme un̄wọn̄ọ oro ẹkam ẹsosu ẹma. If we are inclined to express quick disapproval of a brother's conscientious course of action, how wise it would be to ask ourselves Paul's question above! A person who trusts in God is deeply concerned about the fulfillment of God's promises, and he is so convinced that he feels that those promises have already been fulfilled. Christian an̄wan isụhọkede idemesie itie edieke enye etiede nte Sarah. 4 - 6. (a) For what third reason are Jehovah's Witnesses zealous? A Christian woman does not humble herself if she is like Sarah. Edi akam edi ini nditịm mfiọk se Abasi oyomde oto nnyịn. With warmth and a touch of humor, he congratulated the students on surviving the rigors of the Gilead course and reassured them of the likelihood of surviving this exciting day. But prayer is the time to get to know what God requires of us. Mme uyarade ewe ke afo ekeme ndisio n̄wụt ndisọn̄ọ nte ke mme idaha ẹtetịm ẹdiọk toto ke 1914? 8, 9. What evidence can you highlight that conditions have become worse since 1914? Ekeme ndidi ikọ Paul ọkọwọrọ nte ke usụn̄uwem esie - idịghe ata ata mbọn - akanam ẹdiọn̄ọ enye nte Christian. 11 / 15 Paul may have meant that his life - style - was not literal princes - helped to identify him as a Christian. Ama otụk mi ntotụn̄ọ ntotụn̄ọ mma nnyụn̄ n̄kụt nte edide usọp usọp ndikwọrọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi nnọ mbon efen. - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 24: 14. ; Lojan, M. I was impressed by the depth of my deep love and the urgency of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom to others. - Matthew 6: 9, 10; 24: 14. Ikesisiak ifia ida item udia utu ke ndidomo eso ilektrik emi ẹsidade ẹtem edesi. However, it was too late for Abigail to think about such things. We made wood for cooking instead of using the electric pot for cooking rice. ; Perez, M. I thought that Judge Rutherford was some preacher in Adelaide, and I had little interest. ; Perez, M. Mmanie ẹkedi orụk esie? High places are removed there and in the other cities, and idolatrous priests are sacrificed on the very altars where they have officiated. - 1 Kings 13: 1 - 4; 2 Kings 23: 4 - 20. Who were his people? Edi mme ete ye eka, mbọk ẹsọn̄ esịt ke Abasi ọdiọn̄ọ se mbufo ẹsobode. After I had served my sentence, I happily continued pioneering. But parents, please assure you that God knows what you are experiencing. Mbre mbuba ekeme ndinem etieti. THE story is not a pretty one. sports can be fascinating. IDAHA OTU Elders, for instance, are appointed by holy spirit. CLASS STATISTICS Edieke isisọpde ibiere ke se eyenete anamde ifọnke, ọfọn ibụp idem nnyịn mbụme Paul oro. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages. If we are critical of a fellow believer, we do well to ask ourselves such questions. 4 - 6. (a) Nso idi ọyọhọ ntak ita anamde Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹnyene ifịk? " When you hold a precious and delicate vase, you must not grasp it too firmly, or it may crack. 4 - 6. (a) What is the third reason for zeal among Jehovah's Witnesses? Enye ama anam ekpri mbubru, ọkọm nditọ ufọkn̄wed oro ke mmọ ndikesịn idem n̄kpep n̄kpọ tutu ẹkụre Ufọkn̄wed Gilead kpa ye oro mîkememke utom, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke ibịghike usen emi osụk enyekde mmọ idem mi ọmọn̄ ebebe. A Queen Takes an Interest in the Bible She had a small sense of humor, thanking the students for their hard work until Gilead School was completed, and said that they would soon pass away. 8, 9. Consider some of Paul's wise counsel. 8, 9. Kpeme Mbak Edibian̄a Fi, 9 / 1 That Kingdom is the means by which God will accomplish his purpose for mankind. 10 / 15 ; Lojan, M. Like a precise navigational computer, their trained conscience keeps them right on the track of loyal obedience to God. - Philippians 3: 8. ; Lojan, M. Edi ini Abigail nditie n̄kere se ikanamde enye ọdọ Nabal ama ebe. I thought of the Shinto priest who years earlier had urged me to do the same. However, Abigail did not hesitate to reflect on why she married Nabal. N̄kekere ke Judge Rutherford ekedi ọkwọrọikọ n̄kann̄kụk ke Adelaide, ntre n̄kenyeneke udọn̄. How does she feel about their decision? I thought Judge Rutherford was a local preacher in Adelaide, so I was not interested. Osion̄o mme edikon̄ ebiet do ye ke mme obio eken, onyụn̄ awa mme oku ndem kpa ke itieuwa oro mmọ ẹkenamde utom. - 1 Ndidem 13: 1 - 4; 2 Ndidem 23: 4 - 20. The Bible provides an abundance of valuable principles relating to problems faced by children. There are high places and cities, where the priests were serving on their altar. - 1 Kings 13: 1 - 4; 2 Kings 23: 4 - 20. Ke n̄kpọkọbi ọfiọn̄ iba oro ẹkebierede ẹnọ mi ama okokụre, mma nnem esịt ndika iso nsiak usụn̄. They took a clear stand for Jehovah and against unrighteousness. After I had been sentenced to two months in prison, I was happy to continue pioneering. MBỤK emi inemke. A sad statistic affecting family life has to do with abortion. FROM this point, I'm not happy. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, edisana spirit esimek mbiowo. " A great crowd " of people from all nations will survive "the great tribulation, " which will end with the war of Armageddon. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. For example, elders are appointed by holy spirit. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini akamade ata ọsọn̄urua omụk emi edide ọtọ akpa, edimụm enye eyen eyen, ufịkke - fịk enye ukaha mbak edisiaha. Upon examining the case, he becomes convinced that the accused is innocent. She says: "When you have a precious gem that comes to the river, you have not given birth to a son or a child, and you have not given him too much to watch. Ọbọn̄ An̄wan Enyene Udọn̄ ke Bible Jesus is the Mediator of that covenant, and by his death, he provided the sacrifice needed to validate it. - Luke 22: 20; Heb. A Queen Needs a Bible Kere ban̄a ndusụk ọniọn̄ ọniọn̄ item Paul. Morris III, D. Consider some of Paul's wise advice. Obio Ubọn̄ oro ke Abasi edida anam se enye akaduakde aban̄a ubonowo. In what ways are many aged ones today manifesting a spirit like that of Anna? That Kingdom is the means by which God will carry out his purpose for mankind. Ukem nte kọmputa ubomofụm oro enyenede nnennen ntọt, ubieresịt mmọ oro ẹnọde ukpep an̄wam mmọ ẹka iso ẹsan̄a ke ọyọhọ n̄kopitem nnọ Abasi. - Philippi 3: 8. All of us can benefit from the advice that was imparted, as we work zealously in the spiritual harvest. Like a computer that has accurate information, their trained conscience helps them to keep on walking fully in obedience to God. - Philippians 3: 8. Mma nti ke se oku Shinto kiet okonyụn̄ ọdọhọde nnam edi oro ke ini n̄kodude ke ufọkn̄wed. How does Satan try to make God's laws appear burdensome? I remembered that this was what a Shinto priest asked me to do when I was in school. Ndi enye atua n̄kpọfiọk nte mmọ ẹkewọrọde ẹka do? The obvious conclusion for a Christian who recognizes Jehovah as his Master is that serving Him should have priority in his life. Did he regret their move? Bible ọnọ akpakịp nti edumbet oro ẹnyenede ebuana ye mme mfịna oro nditọ ẹsisobode. A MERE glance at news headlines confirms that we live in "times of distress. " The Bible provides a wealth of practical principles that apply to the problems that children face. Mmọ ẹma ẹwụt ke ida inọ Jehovah, ke mmimọ imaha ukwan̄ido. " The houses were pillaged ' in that injustices and brutality were heaped upon these and other innocent integrity keepers. They showed that they were loyal to Jehovah and that they did not practice unrighteousness. Idiọk otu kiet otụkde uwem ubon enyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye usion̄o idịbi. Science has answers to all kinds of questions. One poor family life has to do with abortion. " Akwa otuowo " emi ẹtode kpukpru idụt ẹyebọhọ "akwa ukụt, " ndien akwa ukụt emi editre ke ekọn̄ Armageddon. - Ediyarade 7: 9, 14. Proverbs 16: 6 states: "In the fear of Jehovah one turns away from bad. " The "great crowd " of people of all nations will survive" the great tribulation, " and the great tribulation will end during the war of Armageddon. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Enye odụn̄ọrede edori ikọ oro onyụn̄ okụt ke owo oro iduehe. A few among us have the hope of ruling with Christ in heaven. He examines the charges and sees that no one is innocent. Jesus edi Esịne - Ufọt ediomi oro, ndien n̄kpa esie edi uwa oro ẹkeyomde man ẹsọn̄ọ ediomi oro. - Luke 22: 20; Heb. The English word "witchcraft " comes from the Old English" wicce " and "wicca, " referring to female and male practitioners respectively. Jesus is the Mediator of the covenant, and his death is a sacrifice needed to establish that covenant. - Luke 22: 20; Heb. Morris III, D. In some lands, the government provides welfare for the needy. Morris III, D. Didie ke ediwak n̄kani owo mfịn ẹbiet Anna? IN RECENT months, lovers of righteousness around the globe learned how to give glory to God as they convened at the "Give God Glory " District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses. How do many older ones today compare with Anna? Kpukpru nnyịn imekeme ndibọ ufọn nto item oro ẹkenọde mmọ, nte nnyịn isịnde ifịk inam utom idọk eke spirit. Not all Christians will experience severe persecution. All of us can benefit from the counsel given to them, as we zealously share in the spiritual harvest work. Didie ke Satan odomo ndinam etie nte ibet Abasi ododobi owo mbiomo? Jehovah did this solely for our benefit, not for personal gain. How does Satan try to make God's law seem to be burdensome? Christian emi ekpebede Jesus onyụn̄ adade Jehovah nte Eteufọk esie ekpenyene ndinịm utom Abasi nte akpa n̄kpọ ke uwem esie. In the same way, if you know what your goals are, making good decisions becomes easier. A Christian who imitates Jesus and views Jehovah as his Master should put God's service first in his life. IKPÎKPU editop enyịn nse mme ibuotikọ mbụk n̄kpọntịbe ọsọn̄ọ ke nnyịn idu uwem ke "ini nnanenyịn. " " Just as I have loved you, " he said. THE fact that we are living in "a time of distress " is not too late. Ẹma "ẹbụme mme ufọk " sia ẹma ẹfiomo ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam n̄kpọ ibak ibak ye mmọ ye mbon eken oro ẹkesọn̄ọde ẹda. How are the words of Revelation 12: 9 regarding the Devil being fulfilled today, and what will soon happen to him? Because they had been cruelly treated and treated with others who were loyal, they were "cut off to the houses. " Ntaifiọk ẹkeme ndibọrọ mbụme emi aban̄ade nsio nsio n̄kpọ ke uwem. ; Toevs, S. Scientists may answer questions about life's wide ranges. Mme N̄ke 16: 6 ọdọhọ ete: "Ndibak Jehovah anam owo ọwọn̄ọde ọkpọn̄ idiọk. " While Satan seeks to devour, Jehovah "does not desire any to be destroyed. " Proverbs 16: 6 states: "The fear of Jehovah is what makes one turn away from bad. " Ibat ibat owo ke otu nnyịn ẹnyene idotenyịn edikara ye Christ ke heaven. (Read Psalm 68: 19.) Few of us have the hope of ruling with Christ in heaven. Ẹda Ikọmbakara oro ẹkabarede "ifọt " ke Ikọ Efịk ẹto Akani Ikọmbakara oro" wicce " ye "wicca, " ẹmi ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a iban ye iren ẹmi ẹkamade ifọt. Yet, even if this estimate is correct, it would not be long enough to represent the life span of Jehovah's firstborn Son! The English word "House " in English is derived from the so - called Old English word" genic " and "Malcca, " referred to by women and witches. Ke ndusụk idụt, ukara esise aban̄a mme ubuene. We cannot expect to do as well as Jesus did in this regard, but can we work at improving the extent to which we show mildness of temper? In some lands, the government cares for the poor. KE MME ọfiọn̄ ndondo emi, mme andima edinen ido ke ofụri ekondo ẹma ẹkpep nte ẹkpenọde Abasi ubọn̄ ke mme Mbono District "Ẹnọ Abasi Ubọn̄ " eke Mme Ntiense Jehovah oro mmọ ẹkedụkde. 17 Joseph of Arimathea Takes a Stand IN THE recent months, lovers of righteousness worldwide learned how to glorify God at the "Give God Glory " District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses. Idịghe kpukpru Christian ẹdisobo ata ọkpọsọn̄ ukọbọ. Our devotion is not blind; we have come to know Jehovah - his qualities, standards, and purposes. Not all Christians experience severe persecution. Jehovah ikobotke isọn̄ ke ufọn idemesie, okobot ọnọ nnyịn. What helped them to succeed? Jehovah did not create the earth for its own good, and he made it for us. Kpasụk ntre, edieke ọfiọkde se aduakde ndinam, idisọn̄ke fi ndimek m̀mê ewe ke edinam. If a man would give all the valuable things of his house for love, persons would positively despise them. " Similarly, knowing what you want to do will make it easier for you to choose which course you will choose. Bible ọdọhọ mme ebe ẹma iban mmọ. Madison St. The Bible tells husbands to love their wives. Didie ke mme ikọ Ediyarade 12: 9 ẹban̄ade Devil ẹsu mfịn, ndien ke mîbịghike nso iditịbe inọ enye? We will also avoid being "led astray from the faith " by greed or the love of money. How are the words of Revelation 12: 9 being fulfilled today, and what will soon happen to him? ; Toevs, S. We too want to keep feeding our mind with the faith - strengthening Word of God. ; Toevs, S. Ke adan̄aemi Satan oyomde owo ndisobo, Jehovah "iyomke baba owo kiet atak. " The way the name Xerxes appears in the Persian inscription, when transliterated into Hebrew, is almost identical to the way it appears in the Hebrew text of the book of Esther. While Satan wants to destroy, Jehovah "does not desire any to be destroyed. " (Kot Psalm 68: 19.) 1: 31. (Read Psalm 68: 19.) Edi, idem edieke ubatini emi edide nnennen, enye idiniọn̄ke nte uniọn̄ ini uwem akpa edibon Eyen Jehovah! Stand Complete With Firm Conviction Yet, even if this chronology is accurate, it will not be as certain as the length of the life of Jehovah's firstborn Son! Nnyịn idikemeke ndinen̄ede nsụhọde esịt nte Jesus okosụhọrede, edi nte imekeme ndikpekpep? Human history testifies to these truths. - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Like Jesus, we cannot be truly humble, but can we learn? 17 Joseph Owo Arimathea Idịbeke Aba God gave Job double what he had lost, and he lived a long, happy life. 17 Joseph of Arimathea Nnyịn ituakke ibuot nnan nnan; nnyịn imọfiọk Jehovah - mme edu, edumbet, ye uduak esie. Personally, we may not be in a position to make such a move, but we can imitate Jesus by always doing our best in the ministry. We do not worship blind people; we know Jehovah - his qualities, principles, and purposes. Nso ikan̄wam mmọ? On the one hand, we may be taken in by individuals who are outwardly appealing but inwardly unscrupulous. What helped them? Owo ọkpọnọ kpukpru ọsọn̄urua inyene ufọk esie kaban̄a ima, ẹkpesịn mmọ ke ndek. " * Alcohol misuse is frequently a factor in verbal and physical abuse, in assaults and murder, in car accidents and work - related injuries, as well as in a host of health problems. Each one will give orders to his own precious house for love, to be despised. " Nnyịn n̄ko iyefep ndiyak idiọkitọn̄ m̀mê ima okụk anam " iyo ikpọn̄ mbuọtidem. ' How can we develop our perceptive powers so as to know how to please Jehovah even when he has not given specific direction in a matter? We too will avoid allowing greed or love for money to lead us "to leave the faith. " Nnyịn n̄ko iyom ndika iso nda Ikọ Abasi oro ọsọn̄ọde mbuọtidem owo mbọk esịt nnyịn. How easy it is for humans to err in their assessment of others! We too want to continue to feed our heart by means of God's Word that strengthens our faith. Ke ini ẹsiode enyịn̄ Xerxes oro ẹkụtde ke uwetn̄kpọ mbon Persia ẹwet ke usem Hebrew, onyụn̄ aka nditie nte Ahasuerus oro ẹwetde ke usem Hebrew ke n̄wed Esther. Are you willing to forgo your personal preferences in your choice of fashion? When Xerxes ' name appears in the Persian text in Hebrew, he goes to be like Ahasuerus written in the Hebrew book of Esther. 1: 31. * 1: 31. Ẹfọn Ẹma, Ẹnyụn̄ Ẹtịm Ẹfiọk Jehovah's Word Soars in "the Land of the Eagle " Stand Complete and With Firm Conviction Mbụk ọsọn̄ọ akpanikọ emi. - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. In 1950, George and I were invited to attend the 16th class of Gilead. History confirms this fact. - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Abasi ama ọnọ Job kpukpru se enye akatabade utịm ikaba, enye onyụn̄ odu anyan uwem ye uwem inemesịt. After reading a tract left with him, one man looked for the pioneers the next day and offered to help them distribute more tracts. God gave Job all that he had lost twice, and he lived a long and happy life. Ekeme ndidi nnyịn idikemeke ndinam nte mmọ, edi imekeme ndikpebe Jesus ke ndinam ofụri ukeme nnyịn ke utom ukwọrọikọ. By applying this one standard, we can identify which ancient writings are truly from God. We may not be able to do as they do, but we can imitate Jesus in doing our best in the ministry. Ke n̄kan̄ kiet, nnyịn imekeme ndima mbon oro ẹtiede nte ẹye ke enyọn̄ enyọn̄ edi ẹdide mme oburobụt owo ke esịt esịt. • What precautions can help one to keep from forming a romantic attachment outside the marriage? On the one hand, we can show love for those who seem to be beautiful in the heavens but are immoral in the heart. Edin̄wọn̄ mmịn mbe ubọk esiwak ndinam ẹtọk owo, ẹyịbi owo, ẹn̄wana ye owo, ẹwot owo ke unọmọ ubomisọn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹda unan ke itieutom, ọkọrọ ye akpakịp mfịna eken. 12 - 14. The abuse of alcohol often causes a person to be taunted, struck, killed, and injured in a car accident, and injured in the workplace, as well as many other problems. Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndifori ukeme ufiọk n̄kpọ nnyịn man ifiọk nte ikpenemde Jehovah esịt idem ke ini enye mînọhọ ndausụn̄ nnennen nnennen ke n̄kpọ? In times of crisis or when someone is in need, we do not hesitate to "work what is good " to our neighbors or our Christian brothers. How can we develop our perceptive powers so as to know how to please Jehovah even when he does not give proper guidance in matters? Edi mmemmem didie ntem mme owo ndinam ndudue ke nte mmọ ẹsede mbon en̄wen! Death and destruction lay along the coastline. How easy it is for people to make mistakes in their attitude toward others! Ndi oyosion̄o idem ọkpọn̄ ọfọn̄ oro amade edieke etiede nte ke enye ayanam owo atuak ukot ọduọ? What reasonable standards of trustworthiness should I expect of myself and others? ' Will you isolate yourself from a garment that you love if it appears to cause stumbling? * Deliverance by God's Kingdom Is at Hand! * Ikọ Jehovah Ọkọri ke "Idụt Ntrukpom " For example, some people in Asia associate red with good fortune and celebration, but in parts of Africa, red is the color of mourning. Jehovah's Word Becomes "the Land of the Eagle " Ke 1950, ẹma ẹkot mi ye George ẹte ididụk ọyọhọ otu 16 eke Gilead. For some reason he likened them to a king and a priest. In 1950, George and I were invited to attend the 16th class of Gilead. Ke ama okokot tract oro ẹkenọde enye, eren kiet ama oyom mme asiakusụn̄ oro ke ndan̄nsiere onyụn̄ ọkọdọhọ ke iyom ndin̄wam mmọ ndisuan mme tract oro. But Jesus wanted people to place their hope elsewhere. After reading the tract given him, a man wanted the pioneers the next day and said that he wanted to help them distribute the tracts. Ke ikerede iban̄a n̄wed oro enemede ima Abasi, nnyịn imekeme ndidiọn̄ọ n̄wed eset oro enen̄erede oto Abasi. Afterward he wrote: "I got three shocks all in one week... In view of the book discussing God's love, we can understand a book that really comes from God. • Nso ikeme ndin̄wam owo okûnyene udọn̄ idan̄ ke idem owo oro mîdịghe nsan̄a ndọ esie? Did they join the armed forces there, say "Heil Hitler!, " and salute the swastika flag? • What can help a person to avoid developing a romantic interest in someone outside his marriage? 12 - 14. One of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ukraine, where the Kingdom - preaching work was under ban for over 50 years, observed: "The situation in which Jehovah's Witnesses found themselves should not be evaluated merely in the context of human relations.... 12 - 14. Ke ini afanikọn̄ m̀mê ke ini owo odude ke unana, nnyịn isitreke " ndifọn ido ' ye mbọhọidụn̄ nnyịn m̀mê nditọete nnyịn. Nevertheless, when the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth? " - Luke 18: 1 - 8. When disaster strikes or in need, we refuse to "work what is good " toward our neighbor or fellow believers. England, Great Britain [ Picture on page 6] England, Great Britain Mme owo ẹma ẹkpan̄a, ediwak n̄kpọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹtak. Nevertheless, faithful Jews, such as Daniel and his three companions, refused to be molded by the world of Babylon. People died, and many things perished. Nso idaha oro owụtde eti ibuot kaban̄a edidi se ẹbuọtde idem ke n̄kpoyom nto idemmi ye mbon en̄wen? ' Literal camel and needle?, 5 / 15 What reasonable position toward being trusted in me and others? ' Edinyan̄a Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi Emekpere! * These helpers, from among the "other sheep, " provide valuable support to the Governing Body. Deliverance by God's Kingdom Is at Hand! Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, owo mbakara ekeme ndidi ama okokụt ndatndat n̄kpọ, enye ada emi nte mfọnọn̄kpọ, edi obubịt owo edida nte ibọk. Luther taught that the bread and the wine coexist with, rather than transform into, the flesh and blood of Jesus. For example, a white person may have found a red object, viewing it as a gift, but a black person sees it as a medicine. Enye ọkọdọhọ ke mmọ ẹda ẹban̄a edidem ye oku. Yes, you can walk in wisdom and escape disaster if you use God's Word to guide you, much as you would consult a road map before beginning a trip. - Psalm 119: 105. He said that they represented a king and a priest. Edi enyene n̄kpọ en̄wen oro Jesus okoyomde mme owo ẹkere ẹban̄a. What did God's loyal ones in the northern kingdom do when Jeroboam set up calf worship in Israel? But there was something else that Jesus wanted people to think about. Ke oro ebede, enye ekewet ete: "N̄kpọ ita oro ẹkenemde mi esịt ẹma ẹtịbe ke urua kiet... The result is that cruel and selfish people can change their ways and become kind and peaceable. Afterward, he wrote: "The three happy events took place for a week... Ndi mmọ ẹma ẹdọhọ "Edinyan̄a Enyene Hitler!, " ẹnyụn̄ ẹkọm ọfọn̄ etakubom mbon Nazi? [ Picture on page 21] Did they say "Heil Hitler " and salute the flag of the Nazis? Kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Ukraine, emi ẹkekpande utom edikwọrọ Obio Ubọn̄ ke se ibede isua 50 ọkọdọhọ ete: "Mme Ntiense Jehovah ikpesehe ukọbọ mmọ nte n̄kpọ eke otode owo... King Solomon, who worked hard and enjoyed all the riches and comforts that life had to offer, came to this conclusion: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. One of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ukraine, who had been banned for over 50 years in the Kingdom - preaching work, said: "Jehovah's Witnesses should not be watching over their persecution as if from men... Edi, ke ini Eyen owo edidide, nte enye ayakam okụt mbuọtidem ke isọn̄? " - Luke 18: 1 - 8. It had one application for special pioneering and another for circuit work. Wow! But when the Son of man arrives, will he really find faith on the earth? " - Luke 18: 1 - 8. [ Ndise ke page 6] The fact that they weren't announcing it to others was helpful too. [ Picture on page 6] Edi, nditọ Israel emi ẹkemade Abasi, utọ nte Daniel ye mme ufan esie ita ikamaha nditiene mbon Babylon nnam se mmọ ẹnamde. After she adopted a more positive outlook, Yvette too found people who wanted to study the Bible. However, faithful Israelites, such as Daniel and his three companions, refused to follow the Babylonian ways. 6 / 1 Why? 6 / 15 * Nditọete emi ẹdi "mme erọn̄ en̄wen, " ndien mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹn̄wam Otu Emi Ẹsede Ẹban̄a Utom Nnyịn. The "other sheep " attend the Memorial as respectful observers * These brothers are "other sheep, " who are actively supporting the Governing Body. Ukpepn̄kpọ mbiba emi inen̄ekede ikpụhọde ye kiet eken. Putting on and keeping on the new personality is an ongoing process for all Christians until we are able to do so to the full. These two teachings are not very different. Ih, afo emekeme ndisan̄a ke ifiọk nnyụn̄ mbọhọ afanikọn̄ edieke afo ayakde Ikọ Abasi ọnọ fi ndausụn̄, ukem nte afo okpoyomde ndausụn̄ oto n̄wed ndise usụn̄ mbemiso akade isan̄. - Psalm 119: 105. Do they feel that they are missing out on something? Yes, you can walk by knowledge and experience if you allow God's Word to guide you, just as you would need guidance from a map before traveling. - Psalm 119: 105. Nso ke mbon obio ubọn̄ edem edere oro ẹkesọn̄ọde ẹda ye Abasi ẹkenam ke ini Jeroboam ọkọtọn̄ọde utuakibuot eyen enan̄ ke Israel? (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) What did the people of the northern kingdom do when Jeroboam introduced calf worship in Israel? Ikọ Abasi esinam mbon emi ẹsikerede ẹban̄a idemmọ kpọt ẹnyụn̄ ẹbakde ibak ẹkpụhọde ẹkabade ẹfọn ido ẹnyụn̄ ẹtie emem emem. (Read Micah 6: 8.) God's Word makes it possible for those who are selfish and aggressive to change their ways to be kind and peaceable. [ Ndise ke page 21] 3: 4, 5; 16: 15. [ Picture on page 21] Edidem Solomon, oro akanamde utom ọkpọsọn̄ okonyụn̄ enyenede ekese inyene ye n̄kpọ udu uwem, ọkọdọhọ ete: "Bak Abasi, nyụn̄ nịm mbet esie: koro emi edi eke kpukpru owo. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. " Let all... screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you. " - Ephesians 4: 31. King Solomon, who worked hard and had so much materially and materially, said: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Ẹma ẹsịn n̄wed eben̄e utom akpan asiakusụn̄ ye eke utom circuit ke efọkn̄wed oro. Although the Phoenicians became successful merchants, they could be ruthless. The envelope was applied to special pioneer and circuit work. Se Matthew etịn̄de aban̄a ubon emi Jesus okotode okpụhọde ye eke Luke. Millions still labor in bondage Matthew's account of Jesus ' genealogy differs from that of Luke. Mma nnyụn̄ mma nte mmọ mîkasan̄ake itịn̄ se iwọrọde mi inọ mbon en̄wen. He still comes to the defense of those who, like Deborah, Barak, and the brave soldiers of ancient Israel, put their faith and trust in Him. I also appreciated how they did not share their feelings with others. Ke enye ama ọkọtọn̄ọ ndinyene in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ edu, Yvette n̄ko ama okụt mme owo oro ẹkemade ndikpep Bible. Together, write down what boundaries you can set and how you will protect them while still showing honor for your parents. After he developed a positive attitude, Yette also found people who loved to study the Bible. Ntak - a? One of those reminders was the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Why? Mme "erọn̄ en̄wen " isitaha uyo inyụn̄ in̄wọn̄ wine Editi, edi ẹsitie ukpono ukpono ẹse The One seated upon the throne looked "like a jasper stone. " The "other sheep " do not partake of the Memorial emblems but respectfully attend Ana kpukpru nnyịn ika iso ikpep ndinyene nti edu tutu emehe nnyịn. In view of what you have seen and experienced, you have very likely asked, " Why does God permit wickedness? ' All of us must continue to cultivate godly qualities until we become accustomed to it. Ndi mmọ ẹkere ke enyene se itakde mmimọ? We can do so in prayer when we are deeply touched by something we read in his Word, the Bible. Do they feel that they have something to lose? (Kot 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) As matters turned out, it seems unlikely that the camels were extremely thirsty. (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) (Kot Micah 6: 8.) When Christians display godly traits, however, this can have a very good effect. (Read Micah 6: 8.) 3: 4, 5; 16: 15. The Hebrew word translated "mercy " may refer to" bowels " and is closely related to the term for "womb. " 3: 4, 5; 16: 15. " Ẹsion̄o kpukpru... mfiori ye ikọ isụn̄i ẹfep ke idem mbufo. " - Ephesus 4: 31. The need for strong faith was another topic that Jesus often discussed with his disciples. " Let all... screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you. " - Ephesians 4: 31. Okposụkedi mbon Phoenicia ẹkenen̄erede ẹfiọk mbubehe, mmọ ẹma ẹnana esịtmbọm. Thus, "God may be all things to everyone. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 28. Though the Phoenicians were well - known, they were not cold. Ẹsịn ata ediwak owo ke ufụn mfịn A great wind blew. Millions of people are being enslaved today Enye osụk an̄wan̄wam mbon oro ẹbuọtde idem ye enye ukem nte enye akan̄wamde Deborah, Barak, ye mbonekọn̄ Israel oro ẹkenyụn̄ ẹbuọtde idem ye Enye. After we leave, the householders might talk about our call for hours or days, even where no one opened the door to us! He still helps those who put faith in him, just as he did Deborah, Barak, and the Israelite army who exercised faith in Him. Ẹdiana kiet ẹwet adan̄a nte mme ete ye eka mbufo ẹkpenọhọde ke ndọ mbufo ye nte mbufo ẹdinamde se ẹwetde edi ẹsụk ẹkpono mmọ. (See opening picture.) Together, write down how much your parents ought to give in to your marriage and how you will apply the material in your marriage. Kiet ke otu n̄kpọ oro enye eketide ekedi mbụk aban̄ade Joseph ye n̄wan Potiphar. The city of Corinth is situated near the western edge of this vital strip of land. One of the things she remembered was the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Enye emi etiede ke ebekpo oro ekebiet "itiat jasper. " All who " do the will of God whole - souled ' contribute to extending it. The One seated on the throne was like "stone. " Ke ntak se afo okokụtde ye se ikọwọrọde fi, enen̄ede etie nte afo ama obụp ete, " Ntak emi Abasi ayakde idiọkido odu - o? ' Moving away may solve certain problems, but it would probably create other challenges. Because of what you have seen and experienced, you may have asked, " Why does God permit wickedness? ' Nnyịn imekeme ndinam ntre ke akam ke ini n̄kpọ emi nnyịn ikotde ke Ikọ esie, kpa Bible, enen̄erede otụk nnyịn. It was because Peter and the other disciples were certain that Jesus was alive and was directing the work that God wanted done. We can do so in prayer when we read in his Word, the Bible, are deeply moved. Etie nte itọn̄ ikenen̄ekede isat mme camel oro. The food you swallow is likely to contain potentially harmful bacteria. It seems that the camels were not completely separated. Edi ke ini mme Christian ẹnyenede nti edu, emi ekeme ndinen̄ede nnyene ufọn. When the famine came, Joseph's family, who lived many miles away, needed food. But when Christians display good qualities, this can be very beneficial. Ikọ Hebrew oro ẹkabarede "mbọm " ekeme ndida mban̄a" nsia " onyụn̄ enyene n̄kpet n̄kpet ebuana ye ikọ oro adade ọnọ "idịbi. " How should parents demonstrate their trust in God if their child is disfellowshipped? The Hebrew word translated "tender mercies " can refer to" heart " and is closely associated with the word for "bor. " Jesus ama esiwak n̄ko nditi mbet esie ke akpana mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹnyene mbuọtidem. " What We Learn From Jesus " will feature basic Bible teachings in a simple format. Jesus also reminded his disciples that they should have strong faith. Ntem, " Abasi eyedi kpukpru n̄kpọ. ' - 1 Corinth 15: 28. Instead of interfering, she decided to let Jenny deal directly with the teacher. Thus, "God will be all things. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 28. Akwa oyobio ama adaha. What Has Happened to Hellfire? A violent storm ensued. Idem ke mme ufọk oro owo mîkeberekede usụn̄, ke ima ikọnyọn̄, mme enyene - ufọk ẹkeme ndibiat ini ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a edidi nnyịn! 6: 13; 1 John 5: 19. Even in private homes, when we left, householders may spend time talking about our visit! (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) This statement may make one wonder whether the Bible teaches the resurrection or the doctrine of an immortal soul. (See opening picture.) Obio Corinth ada ekpere edem usoputịn akpan ekpri anyan anyan isọn̄ emi. " Haters of what is good and lovers of badness " persist in perverting justice. The city of Corinth stands close to the western side of the isthmus. Kpukpru mbon oro " ẹnamde uduak Abasi ke ofụri esịt ' ẹtịp ẹsịn ke n̄kọri emi. This term does not occur in the Bible but is found in Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Targums. All who " do God's will with all their heart ' contribute to this growth. Ndiwọrọ idụn̄ ekeme ndikọk ndusụk mfịna, edi eyedi enye ekeme ndidemede mme mfịna efen efen. He too faced numerous trials and tests, but through them all, he never lost his joy. Some problems may arise, but perhaps they may arise further problems. Peter ye mbet eken ẹma ẹdiọn̄ọ ke Jesus eset, ke enye ke ada mmimọ usụn̄ ikwọrọ ikọ. This will signal Jehovah's time to act. Peter and other disciples knew that Jesus had been raised from the dead and that he was directing them to preach. Edieke n̄kpri unam udọn̄ọ ẹdude ke udia emi nnyịn idiade, n̄kpọ oro ẹkotde "ọyọhọ mfre iba " mi ekeme ndinam idịbi osio nnyịn mîdịghe anam ikpọhi. SEE PAGES 9 - 11. If we are fed by insects, the "second brain " can cause our body or our body to die. Ke ini akan̄ oro ọkọtọn̄ọde, ubon mme Joseph emi ẹkedụn̄de ẹyom usụn̄ ẹma ẹyom udia. You may at some time have asked yourself whether your life is meaningful. When the famine began, Joseph's family, who lived far away, needed food. Didie ke mme ete ye eka ẹkeme ndiwụt ke imọbuọt idem ye Jehovah ke ini ẹsiode eyen mmọ ẹfep ke esop? They patiently tried to help me, but I rejected all their efforts. How can parents show that they trust in Jehovah when a child is disfellowshipped? Akpatre edidi "Se Ikpepde Ito Jesus, " ndien ikpehe enye emi oyowụt mme akpan ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ke usụn̄ oro ememde. Loving Jehovah with all one's heart, soul, and mind, and loving one's neighbor as oneself. The last "What We Learn From Jesus, " and this section will point out basic Bible teachings in a weak way. Utu ke enye ndisịn idem ke mfịna oro, enye ama ọdọhọ eyen esie ekenyene nneme ye andikpep. Instead of being guided by the wisdom and standards of this world, let us be determined to walk in God's upright ways. Instead of getting involved in the problem, he asked his son to speak with the teacher. Nso Itịbe inọ Hell Ikan̄? By constantly adjusting ourselves to live in accord with such counsel, we will avoid being distracted and we will be able to grow in our "love of the Father. " What Is Brought to Hell? 6: 13; 1 John 5: 19. I was leading a pleasure - seeking, immoral life but felt very empty. 6: 13; 1 John 5: 19. Ikọ emi ekeme ndinam owo ekere m̀mê Bible ekpep ediset ke n̄kpa m̀mê ekpep ke ukpọn̄ ikpaha ke nsinsi. Such thinking might lead us to seek out what we already determined were among "the weak and beggarly " elements of this world. Those words may make a person wonder whether the Bible teaches the resurrection or teaches that the soul survives death. " Mbon emi ẹsuade eti n̄kpọ, ẹnyụn̄ ẹmade idiọkn̄kpọ ' ẹkọbọ ke ndikwan̄a ikpe. He especially started praying regularly. " Those who hate what is good and love what is bad " face persecution in the face of condemnation. Ikọ emi idụhe ke Bible edi ẹkụt enye ke edikabade N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew ke usem Aramaic, kpa edikabade emi ẹkotde n̄ko Targum. Study Article 4 PAGES 21 - 25 This expression is not found in the Bible but is found in Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Targum. Enye n̄ko ama osobo ata ediwak idomo, edi ke kpukpru idomo oro, enye ikọduọkke idatesịt esie. Such fine young people show wisdom beyond their years. He also suffered many trials, but in each case, he never lost his joy. Emi edidi ini Jehovah ndinam n̄kpọ. Another believes that when you die you cease to exist, totally and completely. This will be Jehovah's time to act. SE PAGE 9 - 11. Even our appearance and dress can indicate that we respect those to whom we preach. SEE PAGES 9 - 11. Ekeme ndidi emesikere ndusụk ini m̀mê nso idi ufọn uwem emi afo odude. Could not Jehovah simply override our wrong inclinations to the point that we could display godly qualities with minimal effort? At times, you may wonder, " What is the purpose of your life? ' Mmọ ẹma ẹdomo ndin̄wam mi, edi n̄kenyịmeke. No wonder so many people - even those who profess to be Christian - feel free to ignore what it says on subjects like honesty, sexual morality, and so forth. They tried to help me, but I did not. Edi ndima Jehovah Abasi ke ofụri esịt, ke ofụri ukpọn̄, ye ke ofụri ekikere nnyịn, ndinyụn̄ mma mbọhọidụn̄ nnyịn nte idem nnyịn. We do not dive in to rescue them. But to love Jehovah God with our whole heart, with our whole soul, and with our whole mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Utu ke ndiyak ọniọn̄ ye mme idaha ererimbot emi ẹda nnyịn usụn̄, ẹyak ibiere ndisan̄a ke ndinen usụn̄ Abasi. The Bible Survived Attempts to Alter Its Message 6 Instead of allowing the wisdom and standards of this world to guide us, let us be determined to walk in God's righteous ways. Edieke nnyịn mîmaha ererimbot, mme n̄kpọ ererimbot idibọhọ nnyịn ini oro ikpadade inam n̄kpọ Jehovah. The apostle Paul wrote: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " If we do not love the world, the things of the world will rob us of the time we spend in Jehovah's service. Mma nsinam se ededi oro n̄kekerede ke ayanam n̄kop inemesịt, ndu oburobụt uwem, edi n̄kokopke inem uwem. After all, everyone does! I did whatever I thought would be a happy, immoral life, but I couldn't enjoy life. Nditie ntua ubaha ekeme ndinam ifiak ikoyom mme ndisịme n̄kpọ oro mînyeneke ufọn, oro ima ikosion̄o idem ikpọn̄. A special blessing for them has been to serve at Bethel with their daughter and son - in - law and, for some weeks, with the husband's parents, who also worked on the Warwick project. Nevertheless, if we were to cry again and again for valueless things, we were willing to give up. Enye ama ọtọn̄ọ ndisibọn̄ akam kpukpru ini onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọ ndinen̄ede mma Jehovah, ndien emi ama an̄wam enye ama ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi onyụn̄ ọkọri ke esop Abasi. (b) What motivates you to persevere in fine works? He began to pray regularly and began to love Jehovah deeply, which helped him to grow spiritually and to grow spiritually. Ibuotikọ Ukpepn̄kpọ 4 PAGE 21 - 25 " The Wounds of a Friend " Study Article 4 PAGES 21 - 25 Utọ nti n̄kparawa owo emi ẹnyene eti ibuot oro akande isua emana mmọ. 5: 11. Such young ones possess wisdom that surpasses their age. Owo en̄wen enịm ete ke ini afo akpade ke afo udụhe aba uwem. Mary: Do you mean that I should not have my birthday party? Another person believes that when you die, you are no longer alive. Idem nte ikamade idem ye usịnen̄kpọ nnyịn ẹkeme ndiwụt ke imokpono mbon oro ikwọrọde ikọ inọ. [ The Netherlands '] audacious position on morals and euthanasia is already being attributed by some observers to its sudden dechristianization. " Even the way we dress and dress can show respect for those to whom we preach. Ntak emi Jehovah esiyakde nnyịn idomo ke idem nnyịn ndikpụhọde mînyụn̄ idaha odudu esie ikpụhọde nnyịn inikiet inikiet? Build yourself up by regularly reading the Bible, preparing for and attending Christian meetings, sharing in the field ministry, and praying for the strength to endure. Why does Jehovah allow us to put forth personal effort to change and change us right away? Imosụk ise ata ediwak owo - idem mbon oro ẹdọhọde ke idi Christian - ẹsikerede ke imenyene unen ndifụmi se Bible etịn̄de aban̄a utọ n̄kpọ nte edinam akpanikọ, edisana ido, ye ntre ntre eken. In March 1947, just a few weeks after my graduation as a missionary from the eighth class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, then located in South Lansing, New York, U.S.A., I was on my way to my foreign assignment - faraway Singapore. Little wonder that most - even professed Christians - have the right to ignore what the Bible says about honesty, chastity, and so forth. Nnyịn isinịmke idụk mmọn̄ man ikanyan̄a mmọ. How do principles differ from laws? We do not believe in water to save them. Bible Osụk Ododu Kpa ye Oro Ẹkedomode Ndikpụhọ N̄kpọ 6 The psalmist, for example, prayed to Jehovah: "Incline my heart to your reminders, and not to profits. The Bible Still Survived 6 Apostle Paul ekewet ete: "Ke akpanikọ, kpukpru owo eke ẹyomde ndidu uwem uten̄e Abasi ke ebuana ye Christ Jesus ẹyesobo ukọbọ n̄ko. " Limit displays of affection with the children in their mother's presence. The apostle Paul wrote: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Sụhọde idem nyịme ke afo n̄ko emekeme ndinam ndudue, sia idụhe eke ọfọnde ama. With Maud Koda and her husband. Be humble and open to admit that you too can make mistakes, since no imperfect person is perfect. Adiaha Brọda oro odu ke Bethel ye ebe esie. Ndien ete ye eka Brọda oro ẹma ẹtiene ẹkenam utom do ke ufan̄ urua ifan̄. Ama enem mmọ tutu ndidu kiet ke Bethel. Show respect for their training and experience, confidence in their ability, and gratitude for their efforts. The sister was at Bethel with her husband, who had been serving there for a few weeks, and they enjoyed being one at Bethel. (b) Nso inam oyom ndika iso nnam nti utom? Jesus delighted in doing Jehovah's will and lived up to his Father's expectations. (b) Why is it important to keep on doing good works? " Mme Unan eke Ufan Ọnọde " Jehovah has always provided teachers for his people. " The Healings of a Friend's Friendships " Jehovah ama anam enye ye Simeon emi ekedide "edinen owo " ẹnam mme owo ẹfiọk ke nsekeyen oro edidi Messiah m̀mê Christ oro Abasi ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde. - Luke 2: 25 - 38. You can contact them locally or find valuable information at their Web site, Jehovah made it clear to him and Simeon, "righteous and righteous " that the newborn would be the promised Messiah, or Christ. - Luke 2: 25 - 38. 5: 11. How that decision benefited them! 5: 11. Monica: Ndi ikọ fo ọwọrọ ke ikpanaha nnam usọrọ usen emana mi? He had come to Athens to study at the merchant marine college, and we took him with us to a convention. Mary: Do you mean that you should not celebrate my birthday? Ndusụk mme anam ndụn̄ọde ẹdọhọ ke [mbon Netherlands] ẹwọn̄ọ ẹkpọn̄ Ido Ukpono Christ ke ntak uko uko idaha mmọ ke n̄kpọ aban̄ade ido uwem ye edida mbọm ntre uwem mme owo oro ẹdọn̄ọde tutu inyeneke idotenyịn edidu uwem. " Today, angels are helping people to benefit from the good news that Jesus ' followers are preaching. - Read Revelation 14: 6, 7. Some researchers say that [the Netherlands] turn away from Christianity because of their courageous stand on moral and merciful behavior until there is no hope of living. " Sikot Bible kpukpru usen, sitie kan̄a kpep se ẹdinemede ke mbono esop, dụk mbono esop, ka ukwọrọikọ, nyụn̄ bọn̄ akam dọhọ Jehovah an̄wam fi ọyọ. Spiritual food is now available in one form or another in over 700 languages. Regularly read the Bible daily, meditate on what will be discussed at congregation meetings, attend Christian meetings, participate in the field ministry, and pray to Jehovah to help you endure. Ke March 1947, urua ifan̄ ke mma n̄kokụre ukpep nte isụn̄utom ke ọyọhọ otu itiaita eke Ufọkn̄wed Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme Ukpep Bible eke Gilead emi ẹkenịmde ini oro ke South Lansing, ke New York, ke U.S.A., mma ndaha utom ukwọrọikọ ke Singapore. Can you explain the significance of the transfiguration? In March 1947, a few weeks after graduating as a missionary from the eighth class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead held in South Lansing, New York, U.S.A. Didie ke mme edumbet ẹkpụhọde ye mme ibet? Their prime goal is simply to survive from one day to the next. How are principles distinguished from laws? Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, andiwet psalm ọkọbọn̄ akam ọnọ Jehovah ete: "Nam esịt mi ebịne uyo fo; kûyak ebịne udori. If we have to put up with someone having a "tricky tongue, " we can take comfort in knowing that Jehovah will set matters straight in his due time. For example, the psalmist prayed to Jehovah: "Make my heart pass on to your word; do not seek gain. Kûwak ndifat nditọ esie nnyụn̄ nnam nte edi eka mmọ ke iso esie. Making Whole - Souled Sacrifices for Jehovah, 1 / 15 Meeting Today's Adversities With Courage, 10 / 15 Be careful not to hug her children and pretend to be their mother in front of her child. Ye Mma Maud Koda ye ebe esie. In the same way, Jehovah rejected Abinadab, Shammah, and four others of their brothers. With Maud Koda and her husband. Kọm mmọ ke ofụri nti utom oro mmọ ẹnamde. A compelling reason to be selective about knowledge is that our present life span is so short. Commend them for all their fine works. Jesus ama adat esịt ndinam uduak Jehovah onyụn̄ odu uwem ekekem ye se ete esie okoyomde oto enye. Pigeons or doves were an acceptable sacrifice of the poor; yet, the price even of these birds had become prohibitive. Jesus delighted to do Jehovah's will and lived in harmony with what his father expected of him. Jehovah esinọ ikọt esie mme andikpep kpukpru ini. Your child's response may be a pleasant surprise. Jehovah always provides for his people. Afo emekeme ndikụt Mme Ntiense emi ẹdude ke edem mbufo mîdịghe aka ikpehe Intanet nnyịn emi, / efi. The presence is invisible to human eyes. You may contact local Witnesses or visit our website, Ubiere oro ọkọfọn ye mmọ didie ntem! Did Peter believe that Jesus had been resurrected? How well that decision proved to be for them! Enye ekedi Athens ndibọ ukpep ke ufọkn̄wed mme awat nsụn̄ikan̄ mbiomo, ndien nnyịn ima ida enye ika akamba mbono. Here is another reason you can be sure of the resurrection hope. Jehovah is the God of truth. He was in Athens to receive training at the missionary school, and we took him to a convention. Mme angel ke ẹn̄wam mme owo mfịn ẹdia ufọn eti mbụk oro mme anditiene Jesus ẹkwọrọde. - Kot Ediyarade 14: 6, 7. On more than one occasion, Jehovah expressed love for his Son and approval of him. Angels are helping people today to benefit from the good news that Jesus ' followers preach. - Read Revelation 14: 6, 7. Idahaemi nnyịn imenyene mme n̄wed ye mme vidio ke se iwakde ibe usem 700. 3: 17. Now we have literature and videos in over 700 languages. Nte afo emekeme ndinam se edikpụhọde mbiet ọwọrọde an̄wan̄a? During the long period of the monarchy, few kings showed exclusive devotion to Jehovah. Can you explain the meaning of the transfiguration? Mmọ ẹkụt ukụt tutu ẹdikam ẹkere nte ikpodude uwem isiere eyo. Those raised will have the prospect of growing to human perfection and never having to die again. They suffer so much that they do not have to worry about how we live in the day. Edieke edide ke iyọ owo emi enyenede "edeme nsu, " edi n̄kpọ ndọn̄esịt ndifiọk ke Jehovah eyenen̄ede se ikwan̄ade ke edikem ini esie. Can you imagine how Jesus ' work as a carpenter influenced his appearance? If we endure "the tongue of the lie, " it is comforting to know that Jehovah will correct matters in his own due time. Ndi Mme Christian Ẹma Ẹfehe Ẹwọrọ ke Judea Mbemiso Isua 70 E.N.? Is it not fascinating, though, that the Bible offers a description of the universe that fits in so well with modern science? Did Christians Flee in Judea before 70 C.E.? Ntre n̄ko ke Jehovah ekesịn Abinadab, Shammah, ye nditọiren Jesse inan̄ eken. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah God performed the miracle of transferring the life of his heavenly Son to the womb of the Jewish virgin Mary so that he could be born as a perfect human. In the same way, Jehovah rejected the four other sons of Jesse. Akpan ntak oro nnyịn ikpasatde - sat ifiọk oro ikọde edi ke uwem oro idude idahaemi omụhọ etieti. Doing so, we make Jehovah's heart glad. - Proverbs 27: 11. Our primary reason for being selective is that our present life is short - lived. Abasi ama enyịme mme ubuene ẹsiwa ibiom, edi ẹma ẹnyam ibiom ọsọn̄ urua akaha tutu mme ubuene ikekemeke aba ndidep. Why? God allowed the poor to sacrifice doves, but they sold doves so valuable that the poor could no longer afford. Nte eyen fo edinamde n̄kpọ ekeme ndinen̄ede n̄kpa fi idem. At the first - floor level, a wooden gallery ran around the wall, providing access to rooms reserved for family use. Your child's reaction may be most surprising. Owo ikwe edidu Christ ke enyịn. I could take on many patients and make a lot of money, but doing so would cut into our spiritual life. Christ's presence is not visible. Ndi Peter ama enịm ke ẹma ẹnam Jesus eset? Enriched by Jehovah Did Peter believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead? Ntak en̄wen emi akpanamde enịm ke mme akpan̄kpa ẹyeset edi ke Jehovah edi Abasi akpanikọ. We do not find in the Holy Scriptures that the holy spirit should be called a God or a Person; nor do the apostolic teachings show that. " Another reason to believe in the resurrection is that Jehovah is the God of truth. Jehovah ama etịn̄ ediwak ini ete ke imama Eyen imọ, ke imonyụn̄ inyịme enye. For example, while using public transportation or waiting for others, take advantage of the time by catching up on reading or by planning the rest of your day. Jehovah repeatedly said that he loved his Son and that we accepted him. 3: 17. In the Scriptures, Jehovah tells us much more about the kind of God he is. 3: 17. Ke anyan ini ukara ndidem, ibat ibat ndidem ẹkenọ Jehovah san̄asan̄a utuakibuot. Thus, the faithful ones in Judah heeded Isaiah's exhortation: "Trust in Jehovah, you people, for all times, for in Jah Jehovah is the Rock of times indefinite. " For a long time, the number of kings gave Jehovah exclusive devotion. Nte ini akade, mbon oro ẹnamde ẹset ẹyenyene ifet ndifọn mma nnyụn̄ ndu uwem ke nsinsi. IN THESE unstable times, political, financial, and social analysts study history and modern trends in an effort to predict the future. In time, resurrected ones will have the opportunity to be perfect and to live forever. Ndi emekeme ndikere nte Jesus ndinam utom nte anamusọ eto okotụkde nte enye eketiede? Like Jacob and Rachel of old, let us cultivate the spirit of an earnest contender and prevail over Satan's machinations. Can you imagine how Jesus felt about serving as a carpenter? Edi ndi idem ikpaha fi ndikụt nte Bible etịn̄de se ntaifiọk eyomfịn ẹnyụn̄ ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a ekondo? Therefore, it is not surprising that the Gospel writers remembered and recorded some of the same events. But do you not marvel at how the Bible describes modern science and what it says about the universe? Jehovah * Abasi akada edisana spirit esie anam utịben̄kpọ emi. Enye ama osio uwem esie ke heaven edisịn ke idịbi Mary, n̄kaiferi Jew emi mîkọfiọkke erenowo, man enye aman Jesus nte mfọnmma owo. Humility helped me adjust to a job that pays less than a quarter of my former salary but is adequate for my family's needs. " By means of his holy spirit, Jehovah God transferred his life from heaven to the womb of the virgin Mary, the Jewish virgin, to love Jesus as a perfect human. Ke ndinam ntre, nnyịn inam esịt Jehovah adat. - Mme N̄ke 27: 11. • "My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations " By doing so, we make Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Ntak - a? No human had ever experienced such a resurrection before. Why? Ẹkeda eto ẹnam etehe oro akakanade ibibene ubet enyọn̄ okụk, anamde ẹkeme ndisan̄a ndụk mme ubet oro ẹkenịmde san̄asan̄a ẹnọ mbonubon. He was rolling on the floor holding his stomach. The exterior of the upper room was made of wood, making it possible for family members to travel into separate rooms. Mma n̄keme ndisisọbọ ediwak owo nnyụn̄ nnam ediwak okụk, edi oro ikpayakke nnyịn inam mme n̄kpọ eke spirit nte ikpanamde. The ENS also supervises safety functions. I was able to treat many people with a lot of money, but that would not allow us to pursue spiritual goals. Jehovah Ama Ọdiọn̄ Enye How do you react when the elders find it necessary to give such a talk? Jehovah Blesses Him Idụhe itie ndomokiet ke Edisana N̄wed Abasi emi ọdọhọde ke ẹkpenyene ndikot edisana spirit Owo m̀mê Abasi; mme apostle ikonyụn̄ ikpepke oro. " Love moved Jesus to sacrifice his time, energy, and personal comfort in order to help others. Nowhere do the Holy Scriptures say that the holy spirit should be called a person or God; neither did the apostles teach that. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke ini esịnede ke ubomisọn̄ m̀mê etiede ebet owo, da ini oro kere se edinamde usen oro, mîdịghe da ini oro kot n̄wed. To learn the truth, early Christians met as congregations, often in private homes. For example, when you are in a car or wait, meditate on it or take time to read it. Ke N̄wed Abasi, Jehovah asian nnyịn ediwak n̄kpọ efen efen aban̄a utọ Abasi emi enye edide. 4, 5. (a) What was the "gift " referred to in Jesus ' statement recorded at Matthew 5: 23, 24? In the Scriptures, Jehovah reveals much more about his personality. Ntem, mme anam - akpanikọ ke Judah ẹma ẹnam item Isaiah oro: "Mbufo ẹbuọt idem ye Jehovah ke nsinsi; koro Jah Jehovah edide nsinsi itiat. " However, I was amazed that Jehovah had given us this help by means of an opposer who obviously read our literature! Hence, faithful ones in Judah heeded Isaiah's exhortation: "Trust in Jehovah to time indefinite, for to time indefinite Jah Jehovah is the Rock of times indefinite. " KE EYO emi mînyeneke iwụk mi, ntaifiọk ẹkpep se iketịbede ke eset ẹnyụn̄ ẹse nte n̄kpọ etiede idahaemi man ẹfiọk se iditịbede ke ini iso. WHEN Jesus was on earth, the crowds were enthralled by the things he said and amazed by the miracles he performed. DURING this uncertain period, scientists have learned what has happened in the past and have seen how things have turned out for the future. Ukem nte Jacob ye Rachel eke eset, ẹyak nnyịn ikọri ifịk ifịk edu ebietde eke ebre mbuba inyụn̄ ikan mme n̄kari Satan. Doing so is far from easy. Like Jacob and Rachel of old, let us cultivate a zealous spirit like that of a athlete and overcome Satan's machinations. Mmọdo, ikpaha nnyịn idem nte mme andikewet Gospel emi ẹketide ẹnyụn̄ ẹwet ndusụk n̄kpọ ukem ukem. It would be inconsistent if our sense of justice and righteousness caused us to imagine that those same qualities could somehow be lacking in Jehovah. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Gospel writers were quick to remember and write some things in the same way. Nsụhọdeidem ama an̄wam mi nnam ukpụhọde nnyụn̄ nnam utom oro edikpede mi se mîyọhọke mbahade inan̄ ke se n̄kesibọde. Edi ekpri se ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpede mi idahaemi ekem se ndade nse mban̄a ubon mi. " Godly Wisdom - How Is It Manifested? Humility helped me to adjust and fulfill my less than a fourth - percent job, but it was only a small amount of what I received now and enough to provide for my family. " • "Ebe (m̀mê n̄wan) mi inamke se akpanade enye anam " The words of our yeartext for 2003 give this heartwarming answer: "He will draw close to you. " • "My husband (or wife) doesn't care what he should do " Idụhe owo oro akanam ẹnamde eset ntre mbemiso ini oro. " In what way have we polluted you? " the priests asked. No human has ever lived that way before. Enye ke okomụm idịbi amian̄a ke isọn̄. 4: 4, King James Version; Rom. 7: 14. He was holding an unborn stomach to the ground. Ntak edi oro nsen emi ẹsin̄wanade ye n̄kpri unam udọn̄ọ awakde ke idịbi nnyịn akan. Leticia and Hermilo That is why cells are more prone to disease than they are in our womb. Afo edinam didie n̄kpọ ke ini mbiowo ẹnọde utọ utịn̄ikọ emi? (a) What does "the arrow that flies by day " seem to denote, and how do we react to it? How will you respond when elders give such a talk? Ima akanam Jesus ada ini ye odudu esie an̄wam mbon efen, idem anamde emi ke ini oro enye ọkpọduọkde odudu. Carry On as Kingdom Citizens! Love moved Jesus to use his time and energy to help others, even when he did so in his bones. Man ẹkpep akpanikọ, akpa mme Christian ẹma ẹsisop idem nte esop, ediwak ini ke mme ufọk owo. His deepest emotional wounds began to heal. To learn the truth, early Christians met as a congregation, often in private homes. 4, 5. (a) Nso ikedi "enọ " oro Jesus eketịn̄de aban̄a ke Matthew 5: 23, 24? After spending a few months preaching on the smaller islands of the Bahamas, we set sail for the Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands, which extend some 500 miles (800 km) from the Virgin Islands near Puerto Rico and stretch almost to Trinidad. 4, 5. (a) What was the "gift " mentioned at Matthew 5: 23, 24? Idem ama akpa mi ndikụt nte Jehovah akadade owo oro mîmaha ukwọrọikọ nnyịn, edi emi esikotde n̄wed nnyịn, an̄wam nnyịn! Two Pastors Who Appreciated Russell's Writings To my surprise, Jehovah used someone who did not love our preaching work, but reading our publications to help us! KE INI Jesus okodude ke isọn̄, idem ama akpa otuowo aban̄a se enye eketịn̄de ye mme utịben̄kpọ oro enye akanamde. As he turns back into the valley, he says, "It looks OK; we'll try for a landing. " WHEN Jesus was on earth, the audience was surprised by what he said and the miracles he performed. Ndinam oro idịghe ifia ubọk kiet. He is likely to focus his attention on those approaching baptism as well as on newly baptized ones. Doing so is not easy. Ekpedi ndisịme edieke ifiọk oro inyenede iban̄a se inende ye se ifọnde akpanamde nnyịn ikere ke Jehovah oro akakam ọnọde nnyịn ifiọk emi ifiọkke se inende ye se ifọnde. Men of Humble Origin Translate (Tahitian), 7 / 1 It would be foolish if our knowledge of what is right and what is good for us to consider that Jehovah, the Source of this knowledge, did not know what is right and what is right. Eti Ibuot Emi Otode Abasi - Didie ke Ẹwụt Enye? 8 HELP FOR THE FAMILY Wisdom From God - How Is It Expressed? Mme ikọ ibuotikọ nnyịn eke isua 2003 ẹnọ inem inem ibọrọ emi: "Enye ayasan̄a ekpere mbufo. " Sarah is the only woman in the Bible whose age at the time of her death is included in the inspired record. Our yeartext for 2003 gives this heartwarming answer: "He will draw close to you. " Mme oku ẹma ẹbụp ẹte: "Nnyịn ida nso isabade fi? " See the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References, Appendix 1A "The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures, " p. The priests asked: "What are we to defile you? " 4: 4, Edisana Ŋwed Abasi Ibom; Rome 7: 14. According to Daniel chapter 6, how did Daniel act courageously, and with what result? 4: 4, King James Version; Romans 7: 14. Leticia ye Hermilo Russell recounted that the "audiences were very attentive " to the subject" The Oath - Bound Promise " about Abraham's faith and the future blessings for mankind. Leticia and Helo (a) Eyedi "idan̄ eke efede ke uwemeyo " ada aban̄a nso, ndien didie ke nnyịn inam n̄kpọ iban̄a enye? I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " (a) What does "the arrow that is flying in the afternoon " likely represent, and how do we respond to it? Didie ke Ẹkesinọ Leta Ẹsọk Mme Owo ke Eyo Bible? [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] What was the theme of a Letter to People in Bible Times? Ikpọ unan esie eke ntụk ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndikpan̄a. Jesus rejected that temptation, but he later described the Devil as "the ruler of the world. " Her emotional wounds began to fade. Ke ima ikọkwọrọ ikọ ke n̄kpri isuo Bahamas ke ọfiọn̄ ifan̄, ima ika Leeward Islands ye Windward Islands. Mme isuo emi ẹniọn̄ ke itiat 500 m̀mê kilomita 800, ẹtọn̄ọde ke Virgin Islands emi ekperede Puerto Rico tutu ẹkesịm Trinidad. Yes, instead of shouldering his responsibility to make a decision regarding Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate lets others decide for him. After a few months of preaching in the Bahamas, we went to Leeward Islands and the Solomon Islands, which lay about 500 miles [500 km] away from the village near Puerto Rico until 16 miles [500 km] away. Pastọ Iba Emi Ẹkedade Mme Uwetn̄kpọ Russell ke Ọsọn̄urua N̄kpọ The Lunar New Year celebrations include many popular customs that pay respect to or honor numerous household gods and deities, such as the god of the door, the god of the earth or guardian spirit, the god of wealth or fortune, and the god of the kitchen or stove. Two Fathers Who Treasure Russell's Writings Ke ini enye afiakde ese unaisọn̄, enye ọdọhọ ete: "Ọfọn, imọn̄ ibehe. " Since we do not even want to come close to committing unforgivable sin, we need to remember what Paul said about not grieving the spirit. When he looks again at the lowlands, he says: "It's going well, and it'sn't enough. " Enye esinen̄ede ama ndidomo mbon emi ẹsụk ẹben̄ede idem ndina baptism ye mbon emi ẹnade baptism obufa. I talked to him, and he gave me some books to read. He is eager to test those who are still ready to be baptized with newly baptized ones. Mme Usụhọde Owo Ẹkabade Bible (Tahitian), 7 / 1 Human rights legislation has helped to break down some class barriers. The Bible Changes Lives, 7 / 15 8 SE IDIN̄WAMDE UBON How could a Christian sister win over her unbelieving husband? 8 HELP FOR THE FAMILY Sarah edi n̄kukụre an̄wan emi Bible asiakde isua emana esie ke ini enye akakpade. Bethlehem was crowded and Mary needed somewhere private to give birth, but the only place available was a stable. Sarah was the only woman mentioned in the Bible when she died. Se N̄wetndian Ikọ 1 ke Edikabade Eke Obufa Ererimbot Ikọ Efịk, emi ibuotikọ edide, "Enyịn̄ Abasi ke N̄wed Abasi Usem Hebrew, " p. Why should we love Jehovah? The appendix of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, entitled "The Name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures, " pp. Daniel ibuot 6 ọdọhọ ke nso ke Daniel akanam uko uko, ndien nso ikedi utịp? Yet, this did not prevent Jehovah from wanting us as his friends. According to Daniel chapter 6, what contributed to Daniel's courage, and with what result? Russell ọkọdọhọ ke mme owo ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹkpan̄ utọn̄ ini imọ ikenemede iban̄a nte Abraham ọkọbuọtde idem ye Abasi ye se Abasi aduakde ndinam nnọ ubonowo. See the brochure What Happens to Us When We Die? Russell said that when he considered Abraham's faith and God's purpose for mankind, people listened attentively. Ami ndodu ye mbufo kpukpru usen tutu esịm utịt editịm n̄kpọ emi. " Now Is Time for Decisive Action, 12 / 15 I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " [ Ebiet Ẹdade Ndise Ẹto ke page 20] How happy we can be that through God's Word we can discern the true identity of the holy ones and learn how he will use them to the eternal benefit of mankind! [ Picture Credit Line on page 20] Jesus ama esịn utọ enọ oro. Ekem enye ama ọdọhọ ke Devil edi "andikara ererimbot emi. " During my teenage years in New Jersey, I met Marion Neff, one of eight children in a Presbyterian family that I enjoyed visiting. Jesus rejected such a gift and later identified the Devil as "the ruler of this world. " Ih, utu ke Pontius Pilate ndibiom mbiomo idemesie nnyụn̄ mbiere ẹsana Jesus Christ ẹyak, enye ayak mbon en̄wen ẹnam ubiere ẹnọ enye. Yes, Jeremiah delighted in the fact that God's name had been called upon him, and His words were precious to the prophet. Yes, rather than Pontius Pilate carry his own load of responsibility and is determined to release Jesus Christ, he allows others to make decisions for him. Usọrọ Obufa Isua China esịne ediwak ọsọ edinam emi ẹsidade ẹkpono ediwak abasi ubon, utọ nte abasi enyịnusụn̄, abasi isọn̄ m̀mê spirit ukpeme, abasi inyene m̀mê mfọniso, ye abasi itie utem udia m̀mê mfiọk mbakara. For about six months, Leonardo was unable to cry. Lunar New Year contains many popular rites that honor many family gods, such as the door god of the doorway, the god of the earth or the spirit of protection, the god of wealth, and the god of the kitchen or the stove. Akpana isiti ikọ Paul emi aban̄ade ndiyat spirit Abasi esịt kpukpru ini sia nnyịn iyomke - yom ndinam n̄kpọ ekededi emi Abasi mîdifenke inọ nnyịn. Lessons for Us: We should constantly bear in mind Paul's words about grieving God's spirit because we do not want to do anything that would never be forgiven by God's spirit. Mma n̄kenyene nneme ye enye nnyụn̄ ndọhọ enye ọnọ mi n̄wed mmọ n̄kokot. The new covenant is discussed in chapter 14 of the book God's Word for Us Through Jeremiah. I contacted him and asked him to give me their literature to read. Mme ibet ẹban̄ade mme unen owo ẹn̄wam ndisụhọde ndusụk ubahade. Someone suggested: "Tommy Mitchell! Human laws have helped to reduce certain divisions. Didie ke eyenete an̄wan ekeme ndinam ebe esie edikpono Jehovah? What am I truly striving for? How can a sister win her husband's respect for Jehovah? Mme owo ẹkeyọyọhọ Bethlehem, Mary onyụn̄ oyom ebiet ndiman eyen, edi ufọk ufene ekedi n̄kukụre ebiet oro okodude. Jesus never shrank back from fulfilling his commission as he felt proper. Bethlehem was surrounded by people, and Mary wanted to give birth, but the family was the only place there. Ntak emi ikpamade Jehovah? • What effect did persecution have on the early Christians? Why should we love Jehovah? Edi emi ikakpanke enye ndidụri nnyịn ndian idem man idi ufan esie. Jehovah is aware of it, and he does not merely ignore wrongdoing. - Proverbs 15: 3; Habakkuk 1: 13. But this did not prevent him from bringing us into his friendship. Se ediye uduot ekpri n̄wed oro Nso Itịbe inọ Nnyịn ke Ini Nnyịn Ikpade? I refuse to retire. " See the brochure What Happens to Us When We Die? Mbuọtidem Esinụk Fi Anam N̄kpọ? [ Pictures on page 20] Faith Move You to Action? Nnyịn ikeme ndikop inemesịt didie ntem nte ke Ikọ Abasi anam nnyịn ikeme ndifiọk mbon emi ndisana owo ẹnen̄erede ẹdi inyụn̄ ifiọk nte Abasi edidade mmọ anam n̄kpọ ke nsinsi ufọn ubonowo! In this publication, he gave clear Scriptural proof as to why Jesus could not be the Supreme God. How happy we can be that God's Word enables us to identify those who truly are and understand how God will use them to benefit mankind forever! Ke mme isua uyen mi ke New Jersey, mma nsobo ye Marion Neff, kiet ke otu nditọ itiaita oro ẹdude ke ubon Presbyterian kiet oro n̄kesimade ndika esen nnọ. For travelers to receive hospitable treatment from their fellow Israelites, it was often sufficient to sit down in the public square of a city and await an invitation. In my teenage years in New Jersey, I met Marion Neff, one of the eight children in a Presbyterian family who wanted to be hospitable. Ih, Jeremiah ama okop inemesịt nte ke ẹkot enyịn̄ Abasi ẹdian imọ, ndien ikọ Abasi ekedi ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ ọnọ prọfet emi. Why and how did Herod mistreat the Christians, including Peter? Yes, Jeremiah was pleased that God's name had been called upon him, and God's word was of great value to the prophet. N̄kpọ nte ọfiọn̄ itiokiet ẹma ẹbe, Leonardo ikosụk ikemeke nditua. To find out more about why God allows suffering and what he will do about it, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Some six months later, Leonardo still could not cry. Mme Ukpepn̄kpọ Ẹdude ẹnọ Nnyịn: Where was Adam before God formed him from the dust of the ground and gave him life? Lessons for Us: Ẹneme obufa ediomi ke ọyọhọ ibuot 14 ke n̄wed oro Ikọ Emi Abasi Adade Jeremiah Etịn̄ Ọnọ Nnyịn. In a final test, God will release from the abyss Satan the Devil, who will have been confined there for a thousand years. The new covenant is discussed in the 14th chapter of the book God's Word for Us Through Jeremiah. Owo ama ọnọ ekikere ete: "Tommy Mitchell! On that occasion the Father spoke personally from heaven: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " Someone suggested: "Tommy Mitchell! Nso ke ami nnen̄ede mbịne? A Christian recognizes that his or her decision could also affect others. What am I primarily pursuing? Jesus iketreke ndinam utom esie ke usụn̄ oro enye ekekerede ke odot ndinam. Then, referring to his family, he continued: "As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. Jesus did not fail to carry out his commission in a way that he felt qualified to do. • Nso utịp ke ukọbọ ekenyene ke idem akpa mme Christian? What is this city? • What effect did persecution have on the early Christians? Jehovah ọfiọk aban̄a idiọkn̄kpọ oro, isinyụn̄ ifụmike idiọk edinam. - Mme N̄ke 15: 3; Habakkuk 1: 13. In what way will "every eye " see him? Jehovah knows about that sin and does not ignore wrongdoing. - Proverbs 15: 3; Habakkuk 1: 13. Nditreke enye. " Yet, the hope of future relief from suffering does not remove the difficulties of life now. I shall not hold back it. " [ Mme ndise ke page 20] " Sight is the most seductive sense of all, " states a leading European marketing expert. [ Pictures on page 20] Ke n̄wed esie emi, enye ama ada Ikọ Abasi owụt ke Jesus ikemeke - keme ndidi Akakan Abasi. So in conclusion, the master asked: "Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own things? " In this book, he showed from God's Word that Jesus could never be the Supreme God. N̄kukụre se akaisan̄ ke Israel eset ekenyenede ndinam man ekemmọ eyen Israel ada enye ọnyọn̄ ufọk ekedi ndisụhọde ntie ke an̄wa obio mbet owo oro edidọhọde enye edi ufọk. Elders who unselfishly shepherd the flock of God are a source of spiritual refreshment to Jehovah's people. A traveler in ancient Israel had to do only to lead a fellow Israelite home but to stay outside the city of the law. Nso ikanam Herod ofiomo mme Christian esịnede, Peter, ndien didie ke enye akanam oro? * Clearly, it is imperative that you provide for your wife - physically, emotionally and, most important of all, spiritually. What caused Herod to abuse Christians, Peter, and how did he do so? Edieke oyomde ndifiọk n̄kpọ efen mban̄a ntak emi Abasi ayakde ibọ ufen tutu esịm emi ye se enye edinamde aban̄a emi, se ibuot 11 ke n̄wed Nso ke Bible Enen̄ede Ekpep? Observing God's reminders helps to set us apart from this wicked world. For more information about why God allows suffering and what he will do about it, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? M̀mọ̀n̄ ke Adam okodu mbemiso Abasi adade ntanisọn̄ obot enye onyụn̄ ọnọde enye uwem? Jesus answered: "Feed my little sheep. " - John 21: 15 - 17. Where was Adam before God made him from the dust of the ground and gave him life? Ẹyekọbi Satan kpa Devil ke editụn̄ọ ukpe ke tọsịn isua. Ekem Abasi oyosio enye ke editụn̄ọ ukpe man enye odomo mme owo akpatre udomo. Did he really mean that God's Kingdom is found in human hearts? Satan the Devil will then be abyssed for a thousand years, and God will remove him from the abyss so that he can test the final test. Ke idaha oro Ete esie ama etie ke heaven etịn̄ ete: "Emi edi edima Eyen Mi, emi esịt enemde Mi eti - eti ye Enye. " In the minds of just and loving people, it is a repelling thought! On that occasion his Father spoke from heaven: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " Christian ọfiọk ke se imọ ibierede ndinam ekeme nditụk mbon en̄wen n̄ko. Still, Christians look for opportunities to show love for one another, expressing that love in practical ways that are in harmony with Bible principles. - James 1: 27; 1 John 3: 18; 4: 7 - 11. A Christian knows that his decisions affect others too. Ekem enye ama etịn̄ aban̄a ubon esie ete: "Ama edi ami ye ufọk mi, nnyịn iyanam n̄kpọ Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. It is Jehovah's will that "all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Then he said of his family: "As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. Obio emi edi nso? Mature Christians know from experience that greater happiness comes from giving. What is this city? Didie ke "kpukpru enyịn " ẹdikụt enye? 12, 13. (a) What is hyperbole? How will "all eyes " see him? Edi ndidori enyịn ke ufen ididụhe ke ini iso inamke nnyịn itre ndibọ ufen idahaemi. Why is it no wonder that Jesus was intimately acquainted with creation? However, the prospect of suffering in the future does not stop us from suffering now. Ata ekpepn̄kpọ mban̄a unyamurua ke Europe ọdọhọ ete: "Idụhe se ibian̄ade owo nte enyịn. One writer estimates that "each fruit - bearing [palm] tree will have yielded two or three tons of dates as tribute to its owners in the course of its lifetime. " " There is nothing wrong with deception in Europe, " says a professor of commerce in Europe. Ke akpatre, ete oro ama obụp ete: "Nte ibet inyịmeke ami ndida mme n̄kpọ mi nnam se mmade? " MY PAST: I grew up in a rural village in the Ohangwena region of northern Namibia. Finally, the man asked: "Is it not lawful for me to do what I please? " Mbiowo emi ke unana ibụk ẹbọkde udịmerọn̄ Abasi ẹnọ ikọt Jehovah nduọkodudu. They are the ones to whom Jehovah has given the pure language. These elders unselfishly feed God's flock to Jehovah's people. * Nte an̄wan̄ade, oyom ọnọ n̄wan fo mme n̄kpọ eke obụk, eke ntụk, ndien ke akam edide akpan n̄kpọ akan, mme n̄kpọ eke spirit oro enye oyomde. This couple commented on how well - behaved the young children at the Kingdom Hall are. * Clearly, your wife needs physical, emotional, and more important, spiritual needs. Ndikpeme mme n̄kpọ editi Abasi an̄wam ndidian̄ade nnyịn n̄kpọn̄ idiọk ererimbot emi. There were many paths, and we got lost several times. Observing God's reminders helps to separate us from this wicked world. Jesus ọdọhọ enye ete: "Bọk n̄kpri erọn̄ mi. " - John 21: 15 - 17. Jerónimo, a traveling overseer in Mexico, says that he studies each issue of The Watchtower as soon as it becomes available. Jesus said to him: "Feed my little sheep. " - John 21: 15 - 17. Ndi ikọ esie ẹkenen̄ede ẹwụt ke Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi odu owo ke esịt? Be assured, however, that the One who "gives power to the tired one and full might to those lacking strength " can give you whatever you need to carry on. Did his words really prove that God's Kingdom is a person's heart? Ke ekikere ndinen owo oro ẹnyenede ima, enye edi ekikere oro anamde mmọ ẹdian̄ade ẹkpọn̄ Abasi! Upon seeing the faithful example of the Nazirites and the prophets, those Israelites should have been ashamed and should have been moved to change their ways. In view of the love of righteous ones, it is a thought that alienates them from God! Kpa ye kpukpru emi, mme Christian ẹkpenyene ndiyom ifet ndiwụt kiet eken ima, ẹnamde - nam ima mmọ ẹwụt ke usụn̄ oro ekemde ye mme edumbet Bible. - James 1: 27; 1 John 3: 18; 4: 7 - 11. Some years ago, Stephanie, now in her late 20 ' s and also from the United States, took a close look at her circumstances and thought: " I'm in good health and have no family obligations. Despite all of this, Christians should look for opportunities to express love to one another, making their love manifest in a way that harmonizes with Bible principles. - James 1: 27; 1 John 3: 18; 4: 7 - 11. Edi uduak Jehovah nte "kpukpru owo ẹnyene edinyan̄a, ẹnyụn̄ ẹsịm ifiọk akpanikọ. " - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. He says, "Long, long ago, God made the earth and everything in it, and he made the sun, the moon, and the stars. " It is Jehovah's will that "all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Mme Christian oro ẹma ẹkekọri ẹsịm ọyọhọ idaha ẹnen̄ede ẹfiọk ke inemesịt okpon ke ndinam n̄kpọ nnọ mbon en̄wen. What example of faith and courage do we have in Rahab? Mature Christians are keenly aware of the happiness that comes from serving others. 12, 13. (a) Nso idi ikọ oro anamde n̄kpọ enyene udobi? How can we have peace of mind while undergoing distresses? 12, 13. (a) What is hyperbole? Ntak emi mîdịghe n̄kpọ n̄kpaidem nte ke Jesus ama enen̄ede emehe ye mme n̄kpọ obot? Then he helped make other spirit creatures, the material universe, and finally, humans. Why is it not surprising that Jesus was intimately acquainted with creation? Ewetn̄wed kiet ọdọhọ ke kpukpru eyop ẹsision̄o ediwak ifen ke ofụri eyouwem mmọ ẹnọ andinyene mmọ. " Do not expect tantrums to disappear overnight, especially if you have given your child reason to believe that his behavior will sway you. One writer says that every date palm leaves many forgiveness for its owner. " NTE N̄KESIDUDE UWEM: N̄kokpon ke obio - in̄wan̄ Ohangwena ke edem edere Namibia. Illustrate. MY PAST: I grew up in the village of Ohanga, northern Namibia. Mmọ ẹdi mbon emi Jehovah ọnọde edisana usem. Just as nourishing food strengthens the physical body, feeding our mind on Christ's thinking fortifies our spirituality. They are the ones Jehovah has given the pure language. N̄wan ye ebe emi ẹma ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a usụn̄ nte n̄kpri nditọwọn̄ oro ẹkedude ke Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ ẹkenyenede ido. One of Tingmei's close friends is Ruiwen. The couple spoke of ways in which young children at the Kingdom Hall were shown courtesy. Ima ikụt ediwak afan̄ ke obot oro, inyụn̄ isop usụn̄ ediwak ini. Tired but Not Tiring Out We found many paths in the mountain, and several times we covered the road. Jerónimo, esenyịn oro asan̄ade - san̄a ke Mexico ọdọhọ ke esidi ima ibọbọ Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, imọtọn̄ọ ndikpep. [ Blurb on page 5] Jerónimo, a traveling overseer in Mexico, says that it was time to study The Watchtower. Edi ana iti ke " Enye emi ọnọde owo oro akpade mba odudu, onyụn̄ anamde owo eke mînyeneke ọkpọsọn̄ odudu ọyọhọ ye ukeme ' ọyọnọ nnyịn odudu ika iso inam n̄kpọ esie. How grateful we are that Jehovah has given us spiritual treasures, which include (1) God's Kingdom, (2) our lifesaving ministry, and (3) the precious truths found in his Word! But we must bear in mind that "the One giving power to the tired one will keep on serving him with power and strength. " Mme uwụtn̄kpọ edinam akpanikọ mme Nazirite ye eke mme prọfet ẹkpekenyene ndinam nditọ Israel ẹkop bụt ẹnyụn̄ ẹkpụhọde usụn̄ mmọ. Then likely the child will come to want to serve Jehovah, despite attempts of the Devil to stop him. - Proverbs 22: 6; 27: 11; John 3: 16. The examples of faithful Nazirites and prophets should have caused the Israelites to suffer shame and change their ways. Ke isua ifan̄ emi ẹkebede, Stephanie emi otode United States, onyụn̄ edide n̄kpọ nte isua 28 ama ekere ete: " Idahaemi ke n̄kpenen̄ede nsịn idem nnam n̄kpọ Jehovah sia nnyeneke ebe m̀mê eyen, inyụn̄ inyeneke se inamde mi. ' Enclosed were 106 crocheted hats! A few years ago, Stephanie, from the United States and at the age of 28 wondered: " Now I really need to serve Jehovah because I have no husband or son or daughter and have nothing to do with my life. ' Enye ọdọhọ eyen esie ete, "Anyan ini ko, Abasi okobot isọn̄ ye kpukpru se idude ke isọn̄; enye okobot utịn ye ọfiọn̄ ye ntantaọfiọn̄. " when facing adversity? He tells his son, "For a long time, God created the earth and all the things on the earth; he created the sun and the stars. " Didie ke Rahab ekenịm uwụtn̄kpọ mbuọtidem ye uko ọnọ nnyịn? Jehovah's Witnesses are not doomsday prophets. How did Rahab set a pattern of faith and courage for us? Didie ke ikeme ndinyene ifụre ke ini nnanenyịn? The clean Christian congregation must not be corrupted by people who brush aside God's standards. How can we find security in times of distress? Jesus ama edimana nte nsekeyen onyụn̄ okpon akabade akwa owo. The same is true of marching in patriotic parades. Jesus was born as a baby and grew up to be a great man. Kûkere ke eyen fo ọmọn̄ ọsọsọp etre ntịme akpan akpan edieke esinọde enye se ededi oro enye oyomde ke ini enye esịnde ntịme. Why can it be said that Peter was truly loyal? Do not assume that your child is quick to give up, especially if he is in control of his every need. Nọ uwụtn̄kpọ. But he does not have to start that way. Illustrate. Ukem nte eti udia esinamde idem ọsọn̄ nnyịn, ndikpep nte Christ esikerede n̄kpọ ayanam nnyịn itetịm ikpere Jehovah. Consider some other reasons why we might be critical of others. Like a good diet of food, learning how Christ thinks will draw us closer to Jehovah. Ruiwen edi kiet ke otu n̄kpet n̄kpet ufan Tingmei. For the life story of Emmanuel Lionoudakis, see The Watchtower, September 1, 1999, pages 25 - 29. VENEwen is one of the closest friends. Ẹkop Mmemidem edi Ikpọtke Who were the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures? Discouragement Is Negative [ Se Ẹwetde ke Ikpọ Abisi ke page 5] They dismiss it as an illusion, an unrealistic dream for gullible people. [ Blurb on page 5] Enem nnyịn etieti nte enye ọnọde nnyịn mme n̄kpọuto, utọ nte (1) Obio Ubọn̄ esie, (2) utom ukwọrọikọ emi ẹdidade inyan̄a mme owo, ye (3) akpanikọ oro ikpepde ke Bible! They encouraged him to throw his burden on Jehovah and stressed that the most important thing was to please God. How grateful we are that he has given us treasures, such as (1) his Kingdom, (2) the preaching work that will save people, and (3) the truths we have learned from the Bible! Do, eyen oro ekeme ndiyom ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah kpa ye ukeme oro Devil esịnde nditre enye. - Mme N̄ke 22: 6; 27: 11; John 3: 16. How would Abraham deal with this delicate situation? The child may then want to serve Jehovah despite the Devil's attempts to stop him. - Proverbs 22: 6; 27: 11; John 3: 16. Enye ama ọnọ itam 106 ẹsọk nditọete! (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) He sent 106 hats to the brothers! • ke ini enyenede mfịna? Think of a game you have played, such as a board game or a particular sport. • when faced with problems? Mme Ntiense Jehovah idịghe mme ọkwọrọ nsobo. No one should put his confidence in any element of this old world, as the recent turmoil in the world's financial system vividly demonstrates. Jehovah's Witnesses are not preachers of destruction. Esop Abasi edi edisana esop, ntre inaha ẹyak mme idiọkowo ẹsabade enye. No sound person would welcome it. God's organization is a clean organization, so we must not allow bad people to defile it. Ukem oro ke edi ye editiene nnam isan̄ ufreidụt. " A son is wise where there is a father's discipline, but the ridiculer is one that has not heard rebuke, " states Proverbs 13: 1. The same is true of following a national journey. Ntak ikemede ndidọhọ ke Peter ama enen̄ede ọsọn̄ọ ada? On arriving, they encountered another crowd. Why can we say that Peter was truly loyal? Edi ediwak owo ikpamaha ndikọtọn̄ọ ke akpatre nse, edi ẹkpekam ẹma nditọn̄ọ ke ntọn̄ọ nse. [ Picture on page 29] Sadly, though, many would not want to start looking at the outset. Kere ban̄a mme n̄kpọ en̄wen emi ẹkemede ndinam isikụt ndudue inọ mbon en̄wen. The Qumran sect had traditions different from those of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Consider other factors that can make us critical of others. Oyokụt mbụk eyouwem Brọda Emmanuel Lionoudakis ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme eke September 1, 1999, page 25 - 29. [ Mme ndise ke page 24] His accountant suggests that he claim a tax deduction for the "purchase " of expensive computer equipment. See the life story of Brother Emmanuel Lionoudakis in The Watchtower of September 1, 1999, pages 25 - 29. Mmanie ẹkewet N̄wed Abasi Christian Usem Greek? But they were used differently. Who were the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures? Mmọ ẹdọhọ ke enye ikemeke nditịbe onyụn̄ edi abian̄a emi ẹbian̄ade mbon oro ẹsinịmde kpukpru n̄kpọ ke akpanikọ. Consider Long - Term Consequences They claim that he is not able to do so and is a fraud that deceives people who believe all things. Mmọ ẹma ẹdọhọ enye otop mbiomo esie ọnọ Jehovah, ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọhọ enye ke ata akpan n̄kpọ edi ndinem Jehovah esịt. That translation was printed shortly after Lucaris ' death in 1638. They told him to throw his burden on Jehovah, and they told him that it was important to please Jehovah. Nso ke Abraham akpanam ke idaha emi etiede afanikọn̄ afanikọn̄ mi? Ephraem quotes extensively from a second - century work called the Diatessaron. What would Abraham do in this difficult situation? (Kot Ikwọ Solomon 4: 7, 11.) " I drew close to my Bible students and felt the deep joy of seeing them become faithful servants of Jehovah. (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) Kere ban̄a mbre emi esimade, yak idọhọ nsa obukpọk, nsa isọn̄, kad, m̀mê n̄kpọ ntre. By going to another land, they may be able to supply their family with modern conveniences. Think about a games you enjoy, a board, a board, a card, a card, or something like that. Ke ndondo emi, kpukpru owo ẹkụt nte mbubehe ẹduọde ke ererimbot, ntre, ikpanaha nnyịn ikọn̄ mbuọtidem nnyịn ke ererimbot emi. There is no doubt that Jehovah provides needed comfort for his servants. In recent times, we should not put our trust in the world around us. Idụhe enyene - ibuot owo emi akpamade ndikpa. When that nation made good choices, obeying Jehovah's commands, Jehovah protected them. No wise person would want to die. Mme N̄ke 13: 1 ọdọhọ ete: "Eyen eti ibuot okop item [" ọbọ ntụnọ, " NW] ete esie: edi ọsọn̄ - enyịn ikopke nduari. " (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) Proverbs 13: 1 states: "The son of wisdom is listening to the discipline of his father, but the one listening to reproof is not listening. " Akpa, mbụk emi esịne ke Bible. Joseph, an elder and father of a young son and daughter, says: "Like all Bible studies, the family study should be enjoyable, something everyone looks forward to. First, this account is recorded in the Bible. [ Ndise ke page 29] Instead, someone would sit next to them and write notes on a sheet of paper to help them understand what was being said. [ Picture on page 29] N̄ka Qumran ama enyene mme ido edinam oro ẹkekpụhọrede ye eke mme Pharisee ye mme Sadducee. Claudete was among those who experienced such a loss. The Qumran Society had customs that differed from that of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Abatokụk esie ama eteme enye ete esịn n̄wed ọdọhọ ukara ke imedep ata ọsọn̄urua kọmputa man ẹsụhọrede urua tax oro enye esikpede. They took us into their home, which was tiny but clean. His letter advised him to accept the government's offer of a very expensive computer so that he could pay only taxes. Edi ẹkesida mmọ ẹnam n̄kpọ ke nsio nsio usụn̄. Since Jehovah gave holy spirit to Solomon, surely he will not withhold his holy spirit from those seeking to please him today. They were used in a variety of ways. Kere Ban̄a Utịp Anyan Ini Since he was an excellent and trusted worker, his employer respected his wishes. Focus on the Long - Suffering Ẹkemịn̄ edikabade oro ibio ibio ini ke Lucaris ama akakpa ke 1638. What does it mean to "observe the oneness of the spirit "? That translation was printed temporarily after Lucaris ' death in 1638. Ephraem okot ediwak ini oto n̄wed eke ọyọhọ isua ikie iba oro ẹkotde Diatessaron. WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU LEARNED ABOUT... Ephraem quotes several times from the second - century Diatessaron. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Mma nsinen̄ede n̄kpere nditọ ukpepn̄kpọ mi idem, ama esinyụn̄ enem mi ndikụt mmọ ẹkabarede ẹdi Mme Ntiense Jehovah. The temple of God is holy, which temple you people are. " She says: "I was very close to my students, and I enjoyed seeing them become Jehovah's Witnesses. Ke ndiwọrọ n̄ka idụt en̄wen, mmọ ẹkeme ndinọ mme ubon mmọ mme n̄kpọ udu uwem eyomfịn oro ẹnamde uwem enem. Of course, not all unexpected events are bad. By moving abroad, they may provide materially for their families living in modern times. Ke akpanikọ, Jehovah esinọ mme asan̄autom esie ndọn̄esịt oro mmọ ẹyomde. During this difficult period of human history, what Jesus foretold is being fulfilled. Yes, Jehovah provides the comfort his servants need. Jehovah ama ekpeme idụt oro ke ini mmọ ẹkemekde ndinam se ifọnde, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnamde ewụhọ Jehovah. Is "unprecedented interdependence " a reliable basis for hope in a future of true peace and lasting security? Jehovah protected the nation when they chose to do what was right and obeyed Jehovah's command. (Kot Matthew 23: 37, 38.) Corruption has grown so widespread and sophisticated that it threatens to undermine the very fabric of society. (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) Joseph, ebiowo onyụn̄ edide ete ekpri eyeneren ye eyenan̄wan, ọdọhọ ete: "Ukem nte kpukpru ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, ukpepn̄kpọ ubon ekpenyene nditie inem inem, kpa n̄kpọ oro kpukpru owo ẹdoride enyịn ẹban̄a. A spirit of generous giving motivates Witnesses and others who assist with the expansion and construction work in a financial way. Joseph, an elder who is a young son and daughter, says: "Like all Bible studies, the family study should be enjoyable, something that all hope for. Edi ke owo oro ekesitiede ekpere mmimọ ekesiwet se ẹtịn̄de ke babru ọnọ mmimọ man ifiọk se ẹkpepde. I eventually graduated from Cambridge University. But the person who lived close to them wrote down a note to help them understand what was being taught. Claudete esịne ke otu emi. In your own words, how would you describe the prophecy recorded at Micah 4: 1 - 4? Claudete is one of these. Ufọk oro ekedi ekpri, edi ama asana etieti. I was baptized in February 2001. The house was simple, but it was very clean. Sia Jehovah ọkọnọde Solomon edisana spirit, ke akpanikọ enye iditreke ndinọ mbon oro ẹyomde ndinem enye esịt edisana spirit esie mfịn. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Since Jehovah gave Solomon holy spirit, he will certainly give holy spirit to those who want to please him today. Sia enye ekedide ata eti owoutom oro ẹberide edem, eteutom esie ama enyịme ye enye. Then, to our surprise, we received a letter inviting us to serve at the South Africa branch office near Johannesburg beginning July 1, 1964. As a trusted worker, his employer agreed with him. Nso ke "ndimụm edidianakiet eke spirit n̄kama " ọwọrọ? We learn the answers to those questions by considering the arrangement of cities of refuge in ancient Israel. What does it mean to "observe the oneness of the spirit "? WET SE EKPEPDE ABAN̄A... As discussed in the preceding article, you are in a unique position to make Jehovah's heart rejoice. WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU LEARNED ABOUT... Temple Abasi edi edisana, mbufo ẹnyụn̄ ẹdi temple oro. " When the woman heard that Jesus was healing the sick, she joined the crowd surrounding him, saying: "If I touch just his outer garments I shall get well. " God's temple is holy, and you are the temple. " Edi idịghe kpukpru n̄kpọntịbe unana idotenyịn ọdiọk. By using such methods of charitable giving, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits. If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. But not all unforeseen events are bad. Se Jesus eketịn̄de ke osu ke idiọk ini emi idude uwem mi. The Bible provides satisfying answers to these questions. Jesus ' words have proved true during the critical time of my life. Nte mme owo " ndinen̄ede ndiana kiet ke ofụri ererimbot ' ayanam ẹnyene ata emem ye ifụre oro ebịghide. Be Yielding, Be Balanced As people "stand close together in all the world, " true and lasting peace and security will result. N̄wo enen̄ede atara onyụn̄ awak n̄kukọhọ tutu enye ekpere ndiwụri ofụri ndutịm n̄kaowo. That prayer was in harmony with Jehovah's will, as became evident a little later. Corruption is so widespread and complex that it almost destroys the entire human system. Edu ntatubọk esinụk Mme Ntiense ye mbon en̄wen ndida okụk n̄n̄wam ke utom editat ye ubọpn̄kpọ. Eventually, the nation lost that unique relationship with God. A generous spirit moves Witnesses and others to help out in the expansion and construction work. Ekem mma n̄kụre Ufọkn̄wed Ntaifiọk Cambridge. Think of it this way. Then I graduated from Cambridge University. Didie ke afo ekpetịn̄ ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro ẹwetde ke Micah 4: 1 - 4 ke ikọ idemfo? By means of a dream, God told Joseph of Nazareth, the adoptive father of Jesus, to flee to Egypt with his wife and child. How would you apply the prophecy recorded at Micah 4: 1 - 4 in your own words? Ntem mma nna baptism ke February 2001. However, Keiko admits: "The biggest obstacle for me was smoking. So in February 2001, I was baptized. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Jesus talks late into the night, imparting to his disciples precious knowledge from God. . . . . . Ekem, idem ama akpa nnyịn ke ini ikọbọde leta oro ọkọdọhọde idi n̄kọk itieutom South Africa emi okodude ekpere Johannesburg iditọn̄ọ utom ke July 1, 1964. Altar: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma Then, to our surprise, we received a letter inviting us to the South Africa branch near Johannesburg to start working on July 1, 1964. Iyekeme ndibọrọ mme mbụme emi edieke idiọn̄ọde se ikanamde Jehovah ọdọhọ ẹnịm mme obio ubọhọ ke Israel. For instance, some olive trees in the Mediterranean region are said to be from one to two thousand years old. We will consider these questions in order to understand why Jehovah commanded the cities of refuge in Israel. Nte ẹkenemede ke ibuotikọ oro ekebemde iso, afo odu ke n̄wọrọnda idaha ndinam esịt Jehovah adat. 11: 6. As discussed in the preceding article, you are in a unique position to make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Ke ini eyenan̄wan emi okokopde ke Jesus ke ọkọk mme owo udọn̄ọ, enye ama asan̄a odụk otuowo emi ẹkekanarede Jesus ẹkụk, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ete: "Mma n̄kam ntotụk ekpedi ekụra esie nyokop nsọn̄idem. " 6: 9 - 13. When she heard that Jesus was healing the sick, she went into a crowd surrounded by Jesus, saying: "I even would have to touch his outer garments if I would get well. " Edieke oyomde ntọt efen efen, emekeme ndinyene nneme ye N̄kọk Itieutom Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Nigeria, edide ke ndiwewet m̀mê ke ndikot ke telefon, ke adres emi ẹwetde ke idak emi, mîdịghe emekeme ndinyene nneme ye n̄kọk itieutom emi esede aban̄a idụt mbufo. For this reason, first - century Christians were well - known for readily paying taxes, even though a substantial amount went to the support of the military. For more information, you may contact the Charitable Planning Office, either in writing or by telephone, at the address listed below, or you may contact the branch office that serves your country. Bible ọbọrọ mme mbụme emi ke usụn̄ oro ọnọde uyụhọ. Usually, adultery is not a spontaneous, impulsive act. The Bible provides satisfying answers to these questions. Ma Ndinyịme Nnọ, Nyene Eti Ibuot We fear to displease Jehovah because we treasure his friendship. Be Yielding, Be Balanced Akam mmọ ama odu ke n̄kemuyo ye uduak Jehovah, nte ẹkekụtde in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ esisịt ini ke oro ebede. In Jehovah's power, Jesus will resurrect the dead and thus nullify death itself. Their prayers were in harmony with Jehovah's will, as evident soon thereafter. Nte ini akakade, idụt Israel ẹma ẹtaba san̄asan̄a itie ebuana oro mmọ ẹkenyenede ye Abasi. The apostle Paul describes Jehovah * as "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials. " In time, the nation of Israel lost their special relationship with God. Da enye ntem. Some 4,000 years later, Jesus Christ repeated this marital standard for all of his followers. Use it in that way. Abasi ama onyụn̄ ọdọhọ Joseph ete Jesus ke ndap ete emen n̄wan ye eyen esie efehe aka Egypt. Surely he sees in this printery the precious qualities of his people - their love, faith, and obedience. In a dream, God told Joseph to take his wife and son to flee to Egypt. Nte ededi, Keiko enyịme ete: "N̄kponn̄kan n̄kpọ oro ọkọbiọn̄ọde mi ekedi edin̄wọn̄ sika. It can be powerfully persuasive. " - Colossians 4: 6. However, Keiko admits: "My biggest obstacle was smoking. Jesus ama ekpep mbet esie n̄kpọ aban̄a Abasi tutu eyo ọsọn̄. How did the Mosaic Law reflect Jehovah's reasonableness? Jesus taught his disciples about God late into the night. Itieuwa: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma Do you have anything to say? " Altar: Sopza Archeologica di Roma Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ẹdọhọ ke ndusụk eto olive emi ẹdude ke ikpehe Mediterranean ẹdu uwem tọn̄ọ ke isua tọsịn kiet ẹsịm iba. This includes the guidance provided in the 4th chapter of Proverbs. For example, some olive trees in the Mediterranean have been preserved for two thousand years. 11: 6. Are you doing all you can to help fellow Christians remain steadfast? 11: 6. 6: 9 - 13. Jesus kept on preaching, so that on the last day of the festival, once more "many put faith in him. " 6: 9 - 13. Akpa mme Christian ẹma ẹsikpe tax okposụkedi emi ẹkesidade ndusụk okụk tax emi ẹn̄wana ekọn̄, ndien mme owo ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹdiọn̄ọ emi. Tim: I already have the best leader. The early Christians paid taxes even though some of these taxes were used to wage war, and this was well - known. Owo isisịnke efịbe ke mbuari. Why Study the Bible? An act of adultery is not automatically taken. Nnyịn imesibak ndiyat Jehovah esịt koro nnyịn idade itie ufan ye enye ke ọsọn̄urua n̄kpọ. PAGE 7 • SONGS: 114, 113 We fear displeasing Jehovah because we treasure his friendship. Jehovah ọyọnọ Jesus odudu ndinam mme akpan̄kpa ẹset ndien ke ntem osobode n̄kpa ke idemesie. Replica of the temple column Jehovah will empower Jesus to resurrect the dead and thus experience death himself. Apostle Paul ọkọdọhọ ke Jehovah * edi "Abasi kpukpru ndọn̄esịt, emi ọdọn̄de nnyịn esịt ke kpukpru ukụt nnyịn. " They made sacrifices to the molten calf and called the occasion "a festival to Jehovah. " The apostle Paul described Jehovah * as "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials. " N̄kpọ nte isua 4,000 ke ukperedem, Jesus Christ ama afiak etịn̄ idaha ndọ emi ọnọ kpukpru mme anditiene enye. This statement shows that anointed Christians, "partakers of the heavenly calling, " must put forth constant effort to prove that they reflect Jehovah's view of holiness in every aspect of their lives. Some 4,000 years later, Jesus Christ repeated this marriage to all his followers. Ke akpanikọ, se enye okụtde ke ufọk umịn̄n̄wed emi edi ọsọn̄urua edu ikọt esie - ima, mbuọtidem, ye nsụkibuot mmọ. [ Pictures on page 16] In fact, what he finds in this printery is the precious quality of his people - their love, faith, and obedience. Enye ekeme ndinen̄ede ntie mbukpek mbukpek. " - Colossae 4: 6. Therefore, try to determine ahead of time what these will be. He can be very persuasive. " - Colossians 4: 6. Didie ke Ibet Moses okowụt ke Jehovah enyene eti ibuot? What, though, awaits people who have been misled by Christendom's clergy and by clerics of other forms of false religion? How did the Mosaic Law show Jehovah's reasonableness? Nso ke enyene nditịn̄? " They worry that they will not know what to say. What do you have to say? " Emi esịne ndausụn̄ oro ẹnọde ke Mme N̄ke ibuot 4. She says: "One Saturday, I prayed to Jehovah specifically about pioneering. This includes direction given in Proverbs chapter 4. Ndi afo ke anam kpukpru se ekemede ndin̄wam ekemmọ mme Christian ndisọn̄ọ nda? Using heartfelt entreaty and sound logic, Paul convincingly " reasoned with others from the Scriptures. ' Are you doing everything you can to help fellow Christians to maintain integrity? Jesus ama aka iso ndikwọrọ ikọ, ntre ke akpatre usen usọrọ oro, ini kiet efen, "ediwak owo ẹbuọt idem ye Enye. " AP Photo / Daniel Maurer Jesus continued preaching, so on the last day of the festival, once again, "many put faith in him. " Eyo: Mmenyenyene adausụn̄ oro ọfọnde akan kpukpru mme adausụn̄. Does the Bible account of Mary's unique role justify her being venerated? Tim: I have a better leader than all leaders. Ntak Emi Afo Ekpekpepde Bible? Also, that spirit would produce fruitage, such as love, joy, and peace, which in turn would promote unity among them. - Acts 15: 28; Galatians 5: 22, 23. Why Should You Study the Bible? PAGE 7 • IKWỌ: 114, 113 It means getting to know how God views matters and being attentive to his feelings. PAGE 7 • SONGS: 114, 113 Mbiet adaha temple oro By June 2004 we had been happily married for 54 years, 47 of them at the Brooklyn headquarters. The temple sanctuary Mmọ ẹma ẹwa uwa ẹnọ editara mbiet eyen enan̄ oro ẹnyụn̄ ẹkot edinam oro "usọrọ Jehovah. " What is made possible as a result of Jesus ' sacrifice? They offered sacrifices to the statue of the calf and referred to it as "the festival of Jehovah. " Ikọ emi owụt ke ana mme Christian oro ẹyetde aran, oro edi "mme andibuana ke ikot eke heaven, " ẹnen̄ede ẹsịn ukeme ndiwụt ke imese ndisana n̄kpọ nte Jehovah esede, ke kpukpru usụn̄ uwem mmọ. Jesus likewise emphasized this point when his disciples returned from a preaching tour. These words indicate that anointed Christians, "those in the heavenly calling, " strive to show that they share Jehovah's view of sacred things in all their ways. [ Mme ndise ke page 16] Gabriel and Elizabeth acknowledged Mary's outstanding privilege as the one who was to bear the Messiah, but the thought of praying to her is alien to the Scriptures. [ Pictures on page 16] Ke ntre, domo ndida n̄kụt se mme utịp emi ẹdidide. * - 1 Kings 18: 18 - 45. Therefore, try to see what the consequences are. Edi nso iditịbe inọ mbon oro mme ọkwọrọ ederi Christendom ye mme andikpep nsunsu ido ukpono eken ẹtụnde usụn̄? I politely told her that I wished to see the High Commissioner. But what will happen to those who have been misled by Christendom's clergy and other false teachers? Mmọ ẹsikere ke mmimọ ifiọkke se iditịn̄de. Before long, she knew that this was the kind of life she really wanted to pursue. They feel that they do not know what to say. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Saturday kiet, mma mbọn̄ akam nnọ Jehovah mban̄a utom usiakusụn̄. Paul reminded them of the method he had used: "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. " " One of them, " she says, "I prayed to Jehovah about pioneering. Paul ama esiwak ndida mbukpek n̄kọk ibuot ke usụn̄ oro anamde mme owo ẹnịm se enye okotde ọnọ mmọ ke N̄wed Abasi. If you are among them, you are to be commended. Paul often used persuasion in a way that moved people to believe what he was reading to them in the Scriptures. AP Photo / Daniel Maurer SONGS: 141, 134 AP Photo / Daniel Maurer Nte Bible nditịn̄ mban̄a san̄asan̄a itie oro Mary enyenede akpanam ẹtuak ibuot ẹnọ enye? Set as a goal something more rewarding than wealth and possessions. Should the Bible refer to Mary's unique role in worship? Ke adianade do, spirit oro oyosion̄o mme utọ mbun̄wụm nte ima, idatesịt, ye emem, ndien oro ayanam edidianakiet odu ke otu mmọ. - Utom 15: 28; Galatia 5: 22, 23. The Christmas Spirit All Year Round? In addition, the spirit will produce such fruitage as love, joy, and peace, and that will contribute to unity among them. - Acts 15: 28; Galatians 5: 22, 23. Enye ọwọrọ ndidomo mfiọk nte Abasi esede mme n̄kpọ nnyụn̄ nnọ ntịn̄enyịn ke mme ekikere esie. We may live in a place where people do not expect us to take sides in politics. It means striving to understand God's view of things and to pay attention to his thoughts. June 2004 akanam inem inem ndọ nnyịn isua 54, ndien nnyịn ikabiat isua 47 ke otu oro ke ibuot itieutom Brooklyn. While a bribe is given to pervert justice or for other dishonest purposes, a tip is an expression of appreciation for services rendered. June 2004 was a happy marriage for 54 years, and we spent 47 years at Brooklyn headquarters. Nso ke uwa Jesus anam ẹkeme ndinyene? " Be consistent in applying Bible principles in everyday life. What does Jesus ' sacrifice make possible? Jesus ama anam n̄kpọ emi an̄wan̄a n̄ko ke ini mbet esie ẹkenyọn̄de ukwọrọikọ ẹdi. And how their faces shone with happiness! " Jesus also made this clear when his disciples returned from the preaching work. Gabriel ye Elizabeth ẹketịn̄ ẹban̄a san̄asan̄a ifet oro Mary ekenyenede nte owo emi edimande Messiah, edi amaedi ndibọn̄ akam nnọ enye, utọ n̄kpọ oro idụhe ke N̄wed Abasi. But the question is, How does Jesus ' sacrifice make everlasting life possible? Gabriel and Elizabeth described Mary's unique role as the Messiah's heir, but it was not in the Scriptures. * - 1 Ndidem 18: 18 - 45. Belief in Jesus ' resurrection motivates us to do God's will. * - 1 Kings 18: 18 - 45. Enye ama okot enye ke fon. Shepherd my little sheep.... She phoned him. Ikebịghike, enye ama edikụt ke utọ uwem emi ọyọfọn ye imọ. " He acted rather as if he were converting Christianity into what he thought most likely to be accepted by his subjects as a catholic [universal] religion, than as if he had been converted to the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene, " says the book The Non - Christian Cross. Soon he realized that such a course would benefit him. Paul ama eti mmọ nte imọ ikanamde emi: "[N̄ketreke] ndisian mbufo n̄kpọ ekededi eke odorode mbufo udori n̄konyụn̄ ntreke ndikpep mbufo n̄kpọ an̄wan̄wa ye ke ufọk ke ufọk. " Jehovah also used dictation when precise wording was crucial. Paul reminded them of how he did this: "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. " Ke nsonso oro, owo ikanamke n̄kpọ ye enye nte ẹkenamde ye Blessing. When our decisions reflect such careful and prayerful thought, then we are following in Christ's footsteps. At first, Blessing was not treated as did Blessing. Edieke afo edide kiet ke otu mmọ, amanam etieti. Neither is it a charm, or a talisman - as if we could shut our eyes, let our Bible fall open at random, and then expect the answer to our question to appear on the page before us. If you are one of them, you are truly doing so. IKWỌ: 141, 134 That man, who had a Hindu background, was impressed by the way Ryan dressed and how he expressed himself. SONGS: 141, 134 Yom n̄kpọ emi ọfọnde akan okụk ye inyene. We are wise to imitate his attitude, particularly when reaching out for privileges in the congregation. Look for things that are better than money and possessions. Nte Ẹsiwụt Edu Christmas Kpukpru Ini? Notice that Jesus does not say that different types of seed are being used. Do You Always Show the Christmas Spirit? Ekeme ndidi idụn̄ ke ebiet oro owo mîsifịnake nnyịn itiene isịn idem ke mbubehe ukara. He also stated that if I did decide to return to Canada, I might never be invited to Gilead again and that in time, I would probably be assigned back to the field in Canada. Perhaps we live in areas where we face opposition to political issues. Ke adan̄aemi ẹsinọde ubọkedem man ẹkwan̄a ikpe m̀mê kaban̄a mme unana edinam akpanikọ en̄wen, enọ edi ediwụt esịtekọm ke utom emi owo anamde. Why are large social events not advisable? While bribery is offered to justify justice or to other dishonest practices, it is a gift to be grateful for a job performed by someone. Jürgen emi iketịn̄de iban̄a ọkọdọhọ ete, "Tiene mme edumbet Bible ke kpukpru se anamde. But he missed out on all of that. Jürgen, mentioned earlier, said, "Keep in mind Bible principles in all things. Ndien esịt ekesinem mmọ didie ntem! " If so, you have had one of life's most painful experiences. And how they felt! " Edi, didie ke uwa ufak Jesus ekeme ndinam nnyịn idu uwem ke nsinsi? What was it like for her to bear so much responsibility in such a setting? How, though, can the ransom make it possible for us to live forever? Nnyịn ndinịm ke Jesus ama eset anam inam uduak Abasi. Shortly thereafter, his wife telephoned Alexandra and told her to come to the hospital, as her husband was in a critical state. We can be sure that Jesus was resurrected to do God's will. Kpeme mme erọn̄ Mi.... To them, witchcraft lives only in the realm of the imagination - old hags dressed in hooded cloaks who add bats ' wings to a bubbling caldron, turn people into frogs, and soar through the night sky on broomsticks as they cackle maliciously. Shepherd my sheep.... N̄wed emi, The Non - Christian Cross ọdọhọ ke "Constantine iketieneke mme ukpepn̄kpọ Jesus eyen Nazareth edi ke okoyom ndikpụhọde Ido Ukpono Christ nnam edi ido ukpono ofụri owo, man mme okpono ndem emi enye akakarade ẹnyịme nditiene ndụk. " Jehovah's Witnesses are well - known for helping fellow believers. The book The No - Christian Cross states that "the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth was not in harmony with the teachings of Jesus from Nazareth but with the conversion of Christianity, in order to be acceptable to pagan religions. " Enyene mme ini emi ikọ emi Jehovah oyomde ẹwet edide akpan n̄kpọ, ntre enye etetịn̄ kpukpru se enye oyomde ẹwet. It will take complete control of the world's affairs and remove all opposers of God's Kingdom. - Daniel 2: 44. There are times when Jehovah's requirements are specific, so he asks that all his requirements be made known. Ke ini ubiere oro inamde owụtde ke ima ibọn̄ akam inyụn̄ inen̄ede itie ikere se Jesus akpanamde, do nnyịn imetiene nde ikpat Christ. These included a linen undergarment, a white robe, a woven sash, a blue sleeveless coat, and the embroidered ephod and breastpiece, together with a turban and its shining gold plate. When the decisions we make show that we prayerfully meditate on what Jesus would do, then we follow in Christ's footsteps. Enye inyụn̄ idịghe ibọk n̄kpeme idem - nte n̄kpọ eke ẹdọhọde ke imekeme ndibọp enyịn n̄kụbọde Bible n̄ka page ekededi, idoride enyịn ndikụt ibọrọ mbụme nnyịn ke page oro ikụbọrede. What ongoing situation did Paul have to endure, and in what ways might such a situation affect us? And it is not a medicine - as if we can open the Bible to any page, looking forward to finding the answers to our questions on the page. Nte Ryan ekesịnede n̄kpọ ye nte enye eketịn̄de ikọ ama enen̄ede otụk owo Hindu emi. Jesus once acted to protect his disciples during a violent storm. Ryan's manner of dress and speech had a profound effect on this Hindu man. Ọfọn ikpebe enye, akpan akpan ke ini inyanarede ibịne ifetutom ke esop. In each of the years 1935 and 1936, some 6,500 pieces of Bible literature were placed in Albania. We do well to imitate him, especially when we reach out for privileges in the congregation. Tịm fiọk ke Jesus ikọdọhọke ke ẹkesuan nsio nsio orụk n̄kpasịp. The closer we get to a friend, the more likely we are to see his flaws. Notice that Jesus did not say that there were different kinds of seed. Enye ama ọdọhọ n̄ko ke edieke nnyịmede ndifiak nnyọn̄ Canada, ke ekeme ndidi owo idifiakke ikot mi ndidụk Ufọkn̄wed Gilead aba, ndien n̄ko ke ekeme ndidi nte ini akade ẹyedọhọ n̄kpọn̄ n̄kọk itieutom n̄kanam utom Abasi ke ebiet en̄wen. " By their fruits you will recognize those men. " He also said that if I agreed to return to Canada, I might never again receive an invitation to attend Gilead School again, and eventually I might be asked to leave the branch office to serve God elsewhere. Ntak emi mîfọnke ndidiomi mboho akwa otu? The proud, the rich, and the hypocritical viewed these requirements as too difficult to fulfill. Why is it unwise to arrange large gatherings? Edi enye ama ataba kpukpru oro. Some of those to whom I refused entry or whom I threw out of the club waited outside to try to take revenge. But he lost all of that. Edieke edide ntre, ọwọrọ ata enyene - ndịk n̄kpọ ọwọrọ fi oro. To the unfaithful one he apportions out our own fields. ' " If so, you are in a very dangerous situation. Etie enye didie ke idem ndikama utọ akamba utom oro? " Full - time service has enabled me to enjoy life to the full. How does he feel about handling such a weighty responsibility? Esisịt ini ke oro ebede, n̄wan esie ama okot Alexandra ke urụk ukopikọ onyụn̄ ọdọhọ yak enye edi ufọkibọk, sia ebe imọ odu ke ata idiọk idaha. Otherwise a Christian's hope of keeping his soul alive could be seriously endangered. Shortly thereafter, his wife phoned Alexandra and invited her to a hospital, since her husband was in a very difficult situation. Ye mmọ, ifọt edi sụk n̄kpọ oro ẹkerede - kere - n̄kaniban ifọt ẹmi ẹsịnede ndodobi ewụra ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọn̄de mme mba n̄kpekpem ke eso emi efịtde, ẹnam mme owo ẹkabade edọn̄, ẹnyụn̄ ẹfe ke ọkpọ - ayan̄ ke ekịm okoneyo ke ẹsak ubi ubi imam. " Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - JAS. To them, witchcraft is just a thought - provoking figure of witchcraft that is wearing a heavy garment and puts the wings of the six - shouldered pots of an iron pot, causing people to kneel down, and fly in the dark night. Mme owo ẹnen̄ede ẹdiọn̄ọ nte Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsin̄wamde nditọete mmọ. Wet - Nursing Contracts The way Jehovah's Witnesses help their brothers is well - known. Enye eyenen̄ede ese aban̄a se ikade iso ke ererimbot onyụn̄ osion̄o kpukpru mme andibiọn̄ọ Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi efep. - Daniel 2: 44. At James 4: 8, the Bible urges us: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " He will take good care of what is going on in the world and remove all opposers of God's Kingdom. - Daniel 2: 44. Mmọ ẹma ẹsisịne ọfọn̄ idakidem emi ẹdade linen ẹnam, afia ewụra, ubọpisịn oro ẹdọkde - dọk, blu - blu anana - ubọk kod, ephod oro ẹkekịmde ẹsịn fansi, ye mbana ikpanesịt, ọkọrọ ye mbọbọ ibuot emi ẹketebede nsem nsem gold ẹdian. His children, on the other hand, may view him as the loving, generous father that he is. They wore linen, white linen, having a woven coat, a blue - white coat, a woven coat, and a breastplate, as well as the head's head wearing gold. Nso mfịna ke Paul ekenyene ndiyọ, ndien ke mme usụn̄ ewe ke utọ mfịna oro ekeme ndisịm nnyịn? Like the ship's pilot, they speak from experience. What challenges did Paul face, and in what ways might we be affected? Jesus ama ekpeme mme mbet esie ke ini idat idat oyobio ekesịmde mmọ ke akpa. The message of the Bible is priceless and should be available to all who want it. When a violent storm struck them in the first place, Jesus protected his disciples. Ẹma ẹnịm n̄kpọ nte n̄wed Bible 6,500 ke Albania ke isua 1935 ye 1936, ke ẹbaharede ukem ukem. (Read 1 Corinthians 9: 25 - 27.) About 63 Bible books were placed in Albania in 1935 and 1936. Nte ikperede ufan nnyịn idem, ntre ke idikụt mme ebiet emi enye mînamke ọfọn. Bible studies are generally conducted with individuals or small groups of people. The closer we are, the more we will find areas where he is not doing well. " Mbufo ẹdida mfri mmọ ẹfiọk mmọ. " They Lived as "Temporary Residents " " By their fruits you will recognize them. " Mbon ntan̄idem, mme imọ owo, ye mbon mbubịk ẹkekere ke se Jesus eketịn̄de emi ọsọn̄ akaha. SEE PAGE 31. The proud, the rich, and the hypocrites felt that Jesus ' words were too difficult. Ndusụk mbon emi mmen̄kesiyakke ẹdụk ye mbon emi n̄kesibịnde nsio ẹma ẹsida ke an̄wa ẹbet mi man ẹsio mi usiene. [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] Some of the people I did not want to be caught in the open room, waiting for me to retaliate. onyụn̄ edeme in̄wan̄ nnyịn ọnọ owo nsọn̄ ibuot. " Associate new things learned with previous knowledge. And the tongue of our field is against the man of disobedience. " Utom uyọhọ ini anam mi nnen̄ede n̄kop inemesịt. • How does the example of Jesus show that fear of God is related to love of God? Full - time service has brought me great joy. Mîdịghe ntre, imekeme nditaba idotenyịn oro inyenede ndika iso ndu uwem. Centuries ago, the psalmist David fervently petitioned God: "Make me know your own ways, O Jehovah... Otherwise, we could lose our hope for the future. " Ẹbiọn̄ọ Devil, ndien enye eyefehe ọkpọn̄ mbufo. " - JAS. T. " Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - JAS. Ediomi Ndinam Utom nte Edep As foretold, Jesus " was despised and considered to be of no account ' by those who refused to believe the evidence. Fulfilling Our Place of Service Bible esịn udọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn ke James 4: 8 ete: "Ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Abasi, ndien enye ayasan̄a ekpere mbufo. " Hence, we honor him when we strive to make others happy. The Bible encourages us at James 4: 8: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Edi nditọ esie ẹkeme ndikam nda enye nte ata eti ete oro esitatde ubọk ọnọ owo n̄kpọ, sia se enye edide edi oro. I studied electronic engineering at the University of Genoa, and then I did doctoral research in robot design. But her children may even view her as an excellent father who is generous, since that is what she is. Ukem nte andinọ nsụn̄ikan̄ ndausụn̄, mmọ ẹnyene mbufiọk. 32: 9 - 12. Like a ship's pilot, they are tactful. Ikọ Abasi idịghe unyam sia idụhe eke ekpekemede ndidep. One meaning of compassion is "to suffer together. " God's Word is not a sale because no one could afford it. (Kot 1 Corinth 9: 25 - 27.) Finally, we need to consider the question of common sense. (Read 1 Corinthians 9: 25 - 27.) Ẹsiwak ndikpep owo kiet kiet Bible, mîdịghe owo iba, ita, m̀mê akande oro, ẹtie kiet ẹkpep. This too is a blessing. Each person is often conducting a Bible study, or two, three, or more, for each study. Mmọ Ẹkedu Uwem nte "Mme Odudụn̄ " Gideon and his men chased the Midianites and their allies all night long for about 32 kilometers (20 miles)! They Lived as "temporary residents " SE PAGE 31. In Hebrew, the masculine gender or the feminine gender usually identifies whether the reference is to a male or to a female. SEE PAGE 31. [ Ebiet Ẹdade Ndise Ẹto ke page 3] * Note that this psalm says that everlasting life on earth is to be a reward for "the meek. " [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] Da mbufa n̄kpọ oro afo ekpepde buan ye akani ifiọk fo. Satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce God's servants. Use new information that you have learned to relate to your former understanding. • Didie ke uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus owụt nte ke mbak Abasi enyene ebuana ye ima oro imade Abasi? There is one man in the Bible whom Jehovah personally described as his friend - the patriarch Abraham. • How does Jesus ' example show that fear of God is linked to love for God? Ke ediwak isua ikie emi ẹkebede, David andiwet psalm ama eben̄e Abasi ifịk ifịk ete: "Wụt mi usụn̄ fo, O Jehovah... By then, it may have been well past midnight. Centuries ago, the psalmist David earnestly asked God: "Make me know your own ways, O Jehovah... T. Describe some problems that can arise in the workplace, and comment on how they may be handled with kindness. T. Kpasụk nte ẹketịn̄de ẹnịm, mbon oro mîkamaha ndinịm uyarade oro " ẹma ẹsịn Jesus, ikonyụn̄ idaha enye ke n̄kpọ. ' Since then, many of us have proved for years that we are determined to keep our heart complete toward Jehovah. Just as it was foretold, those who refused to believe the evidence " rejected Jesus and despised him. ' Nnyịn ndinam se ikekeme man inam mme owo ẹkop inemesịt owụt ke imokpono Jehovah. The inhabitants of the earth will rejoice in the near future. By doing all we can to make others happy, we show that we honor Jehovah. N̄kesikpep mban̄a ukwakutom ke Ufọkn̄wed Ntaifiọk Genoa, ekem ntọn̄ọ ndinam ndụn̄ọde mban̄a nte ẹkpenamde owo ukwak enen̄ede anam n̄kpọ nte ata owo. Feelings of inadequacy, of course, are normal. I studied with robots at the University of Genoa, and then I began to study the subject of physical design. 32: 9 - 12. Now they must humbly do loving things for one another. 32: 9 - 12. Mbọm ọwọrọ n̄ko "ndiyak se ibiakde mbon en̄wen etiene abiak nnyịn. " What is the individual publisher's role in making disciples of people of "all the nations "? On the other hand, compassion also means "to overlook the pain of others. " Ke akpatre, oyom ineme n̄kpọ iban̄a ndammana ifiọk. Why should I pay higher prices when I can get things at a lower cost? Finally, we need to consider common sense. Emi n̄ko edi edidiọn̄. What did Balaam do, and against what must all Christians be on guard? This too is a blessing. Gideon ye mbonekọn̄ esie ẹma ẹbịne mme asua mmọ ke n̄kpọ nte kilomita 32 m̀mê itiat 20, ke ofụri okoneyo. Why? Gideon and his men pursued their enemies some 20 miles [30 km] or 20 miles [30 km] through the whole night. Edi, ẹkeme ndida ndusụk ikọ oro mmọ ẹnyenede ẹnọ erenowo ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a erenowo ye n̄wan. I have hope of seeing my mother again and getting to know her in perfect health on a paradise earth. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Yet, some of their statements may be used to describe a man and a woman. Fiọk ete ke psalm emi ọdọhọ ke nsinsi uwem ke isọn̄ edi utịp oro ẹdinọde "mbon nsụkidem. " Summary: Esau sells his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob. Note that this psalm describes everlasting life on earth as a reward for "the meek ones. " Ke anyan ini idahaemi, Satan amada mbon mfiakedem ndibian̄a mme asan̄autom Abasi. " We carried several boxes of relief supplies with us, " says Craig Tucker, a member of the Branch Committee. For a long time, Satan has used apostates to mislead God's servants. Owo kiet odu ke Bible emi Jehovah ke idemesie okokotde ufan esie - ete ekpụk oro Abraham. Do you face a conflict of loyalties? One is in the Bible that Jehovah himself called his friend - the patriarch Abraham. Anaedi ama ebe ufọt okoneyo mmọ ẹtisịm do. ▪ The account in Acts says that Peter stayed "for quite a few days... in Joppa with a certain Simon, a tanner, " who had" a house by the sea. " By the middle of the night, they must have remembered it. Tịn̄ ndusụk mfịna oro ẹkemede ndidemede ke itieutom, nyụn̄ tịn̄ nte ẹkemede ndida mfọnido mbiere mmọ. She had searched for answers to her religious questions but had not found satisfaction in her church. Describe some challenges that may arise at work, and explain how kindness can influence them. Toto ke ini oro, ediwak nnyịn imowụt ke ediwak isua ke imenen̄ede ibiere ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah ke ofụri esịt. First, we "will by no means follow " a stranger. Since then, many of us have shown that we have been determined to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Mme andidụn̄ isọn̄ ẹyedat esịt ke n̄kpet ini iso. It may take your child longer to complete a task than you would wish. The inhabitants of the earth will rejoice in the near future. Nte ededi, edi ndammana n̄kpọ owo ndikere ke imọ idikemeke ndibiom mbiomo asan̄ade ye edina baptism. The program concludes with a song, and a congregation member is assigned to offer a final prayer. It is normal, however, to think that he will not be able to carry responsibility for baptism. Akana mmọ ẹkpebe Jesus, ẹsụhọde idem ẹnam n̄kpọ ẹnọ kiet eken. " I had to start rebuilding my spiritual and family life. " They needed to imitate Jesus, humbly serving one another. Nso idi udeme asuanetop kiet kiet ke ndinam mme mbet ke "kpukpru idụt "? Memorial season: The period of time before, during, and shortly after the Memorial. What is the role of each publisher in making disciples in "all the nations "? Ntak emi n̄kpabiatde ediwak okụk ke n̄kpọ emi edide mmemurua ke ebiet en̄wen? If that is true in your case, why not seek the help of an experienced Christian who knows you well? Why should I spend more money on a smaller location? Nso ke Balaam akanam, ndien nso ke ana kpukpru mme Christian ẹkpeme ẹbiọn̄ọ? Jesus also assured them that God would back them up as long as they relied on Him for help and strength. What did Balaam do, and what must all Christians guard against? Ntak - a? Paul exposed Peter's double standard. - Galatians 2: 11 - 14. Why? Mmenịm ke nyafiak n̄kụt eka mi ke Paradise ke ini idem edisọn̄de enye. - 2 Peter 3: 13. 1 - 3. I hope I will see my mother again in Paradise when she will recover. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Se mbụk emi aban̄ade: Esau an̄yam itie akpan esie ọnọ Jacob eyeneka esie. All the evidence unearthed thus far confirms that the site of Jezreel was a major Israelite center in the period of the Iron Age. Summary: Esau bears his birthright to his brother Jacob. Craig Tucker, owo Kọmiti N̄kọk Itieutom ọdọhọ ete: "Nnyịn ima itan̄ ediwak ekebe oro ẹkedọn̄de n̄kpọ un̄wam. People who die are acquitted of, or pardoned for, their sins. " We packed up a number of boxes that were sent to help, " says Craig persons of the Branch Committee. Ndi omosobo idaha oro anamde ekere m̀mê ọkpọsọn̄ọ ada ye anie? There he tells Peter: "If it is my will for [John] to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? " Have you faced a situation that has caused you to wonder who is loyal? ▪ Bible ọdọhọ ke Peter ama "odu ata ediwak usen ke Joppa ye owo kiet emi ekerede Simon, akwatikpa, " emi " ekenyenede ufọk ke mbeninyan̄. ' PUBLISHERS ▪ The Bible says that Peter "came to be many days in Joppa with a man named Simon, a tanner, " who had" a house on the seashore. " Enye ama esibụp ekese mbụme aban̄a se ẹkekpepde enye ke ufọkabasi mmọ, edi mbon ufọkabasi mmọ ikekemeke ndinọ enye nnennen ibọrọ. Or did God have something else in mind when he created the earth and put humans on it in paradise conditions? He asked many questions about what he had been taught in his church, but his parishioners could not give him the right answer. Akpa, nnyịn " iditieneke esenowo tutu amama. ' The right column shows a translation of the meaning First, we will "follow the course of hospitality. " Ekeme ndida eyen fo ini ndikụre utom oro ọnọde enye. Only tiny amounts of perfume or oil could be extracted from the various flowers, fruits, leaves, resins, or bark. It may take time for your child to finish his job. Ẹsida ndutịm emi ẹkeberi ke ikwọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọhọ owo esop ọbọn̄ akam ediberi. Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds, 11 / 15 The program concludes with a song and was directed to a congregation to pray in a closing prayer. Akana mfiak n̄kere mban̄a n̄kpọ Abasi nnyụn̄ n̄kere mban̄a ubon mi. " Isaiah's words about darkness covering the earth were first fulfilled when Judah lay desolate and her people were in exile in Babylon. I needed to give more attention to spiritual matters and to my family. " Edieke etiede fi ntre, dọhọ eyenete emi enyenede mbufiọk oro ọfiọkde fi an̄wam fi. (b) What does the Bible say about Jehovah and his quality of justice? If you feel that way, ask an experienced fellow believer for help. Jesus ama ọn̄wọn̄ọ ọnọ mmọ n̄ko ke Abasi ọyọnọ mmọ ibetedem edieke mmọ ẹben̄ede Enye un̄wam ye ukeme. MESOPOTAMIA Jesus also assured them that God would support them if they asked him for help and strength. Paul ama owụt nte ke Peter odu uwem esịt iba. - Galatia 2: 11 - 14. In such instances, the flag is simply an emblem of the State, and raising or lowering it among other routine tasks is a matter for personal decision based on the dictates of one's Bible - trained conscience. Paul indicated that Peter lived a double life. - Galatians 2: 11 - 14. 1 - 3. Unrest and migration marked Eurasia during the 11th century B.C.E. 1 - 3. Kpukpru n̄kpọ ẹmi ẹbụhọrede kan̄a ke emi ẹsọn̄ọ nte ke Jezreel ekedi akpan iwụk ebiet Israel ke iduọkini Emana Udom - Ukwak. Nevertheless, Jesus accomplished more with regard to true worship than anyone else has ever done. All the details that have not yet been broken confirm that Jezreel was an important center for Israel during the time of the Nativity. Ikpe idiọkn̄kpọ etebe mbon emi ẹma ẹkekpa. According to that agreement, rafts of cedar and juniper logs were to be brought to Israel by sea from Lebanon and used in the construction of the temple. The penalty for sin is for those who have already died. Enye asian Peter do ete: "Edieke nyomde [John] osụk odu tutu ndi, nso mbubehe ke enyene do? " This did not escape the attention of the German soldiers, who began to question Esther. He tells Peter there: "If I want [John] to remain until I am, what business is there? " MME ASUANETOP If you have lost your mate, strive to deal with your loss one day at a time. You do not know what benefit or encouragement a new day can bring. PUBLISHERS Mîdịghe ndi Abasi ama enyene n̄kpọ efen ke ekikere ke ini enye okobotde isọn̄ onyun̄ esịnde mme owo ke esịt ke paradise? It has been observed that while some appear to be overly strict as to what is proper behavior while attending congregation meetings, others may be too casual at the Kingdom Hall. Or did God have something further in mind when he created the earth and put it inside a paradise? Nnasia owụt nte ẹkabarede se ikọ ọwọrọde (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Right shows the rendering of a word's word Ata ekpri ufuọn̄n̄kpọ m̀mê aran ke ẹkesikeme ndisio ke mme flawa, mfri, ikọn̄, mbabak, m̀mê ikpọketo. Nabopolassar A tiny aroma of spices or oil was used to produce flowers, fruit, leaves, greens, or resinous bark. Emekeme Ndinen̄ede Ndụri Mme Owo Utọn̄? 10 / 15 Though perfect, he still had to grow from babyhood through childhood and adolescence to adulthood, all the while learning. " Do Not Be Afraid, ' 12 / 1 Mme ikọ Isaiah ẹban̄ade ekịm ndifụk isọn̄ ẹkenyene akpa edisu ke ini Judah akanade ndon, ikọt esie ẹkenyụn̄ ẹdude ke ntan̄mfep ke Babylon. He says: "Man is not an animal, and is therefore always in control of his own destiny. " Isaiah's words about covering the land would have an initial fulfillment when Judah was desolate, and his people were taken captive in Babylon. (b) Nso ke Bible etịn̄ aban̄a Jehovah ye edinen ikpe esie? Matters came to a head when Shishak reached Jerusalem, where Rehoboam reigned. (b) What does the Bible say about Jehovah and his justice? MESOPOTAMIA • Even if we are depressed, why should we always trust in Jehovah? MEOTAOTAMIA Ke mme utọ idaha oro, ọfọn̄ etakubom edi sụk idiọn̄ọ Ukara, ndien edikot m̀mê edisụhọde enye ke adianade ye mme utom ofụri usen eken edi ọkpọkpọ ubiere ọkọn̄ọde ke se ubieresịt oro Bible ọnọde ukpep etemede. In what ways has Jehovah given us hope? In such cases, the flag is merely a symbol of the State, and reading or humiliation in addition to other activities is a personal decision based on the Bible - trained conscience. Ndutịme ye uwọrọidụn̄ ẹkedi ọsọ n̄kpọ ke Europe ye Asia ke ọyọhọ isua ikie 11 M.E.N. Instead, Paul would have to rely on God's power to help him cope with his "thorn in the flesh. " The confusion and revolution were common in Europe and Asia in the 11th century B.C.E. Kpa ye oro, idụhe eke anamde se Jesus akanamde ke ufan̄ isua ifan̄ oro. It was similar in our next assignment - Columbus, Mississippi. Yet, no one has done what Jesus did during those few years. Ediomi oro owụt ke ẹkenyene ndibọp ekpat eto cedar ye juniper ke Lebanon nda mbe inyan̄ nsọk Solomon man ẹkeda ẹbọp temple Jerusalem. Jewish religious leaders held that "the sons of your people " and" your fellow " referred to Jews only. The covenant shows that the temple would have to be built by a cedar tree and the faith in Lebanon for Solomon. Edi mbonekọn̄ Germany ẹkesụk ẹfọfiọk ẹnyụn̄ ẹtọn̄ọ ndibụp enye mbụme. From the beginning of his leadership, Joshua had a written record of God's Word. However, German soldiers still knew and began asking questions. Edieke n̄wan m̀mê ebe fo akpade, kûfịna idem uban̄a nte n̄kpọn̄ editiede, sia udiọn̄ọke un̄wam m̀mê nsịnudọn̄ emi edibọde n̄kpọn̄. Wise parents will " buy out time ' to meet this challenge. If you have lost a mate in death, do not worry about the future, for you do not know how or the encouragement you will receive tomorrow. Nnyịn isikọn̄ke iyịre ke ana kpukpru owo ẹsịne ọfọn̄ m̀mê ẹkama idem nte nnyịn iyomde, nnyịn isinyụn̄ inamke nte idu ke ufọk nnyịn. No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " We do not insist on dress or grooming, and we do not pretend to be in our home. (Kot Mme Hebrew 11: 17 - 19.) A Self - Sacrificing Spirit (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Nabopolassar Nabopolassar A man named Cleveland had just returned home from work when one of Jehovah's Witnesses called on him. Nabopolassar Mmọ Ẹma Ẹyom Mfafaha Inuaotop (Edidianakiet Nditọete), 12 / 15 There is also a lasting solution. Why So Much Suffering? 1 / 1 Okposụkedi ekedide mfọnmma, enye ekenyene ndisụk n̄kọri nto ke ini nsek mbe nsịm ini uyen nnyụn̄ nto ini akparawa nsịm akwa owo, ọbọde ukpep ke adan̄a ofụri ini oro. She immediately called at the address, but no one was at home. Although perfect, he had to progress as a teenager and from his youth to adulthood, being trained throughout the years. Ndusụk owo inyeneke mmọn̄ oro awakde ekem, inyụn̄ inyeneke suọp ye n̄kpọ eken oro ẹsidade ẹnam ebiet asana. The large shield of faith (See paragraphs 12 - 14) Some do not have enough water and no soap and other cleaning materials. Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Owo idịghe unam, ntre enye esikeme ndibiere ini iso esie. " As the family head, the husband has the authority and responsibility to correct family members, including his wife. He says: "Man is not animal, so he can determine his future. " Ama ọdiọk enyịn ini Shishak ekedide en̄wan ye Jerusalem emi Rehoboam eketiede akara. The righteous one does not simply avoid lies; he actually hates them. At the time of the siege of Rehoboam's rule, however, the name of Shi Eilus became increasingly critical. • Idem edieke isobode mfịna, ntak emi ikpọbuọtde idem ye Jehovah kpukpru ini? " At that moment, we did not need words. • Even if we face problems, why should we always trust in Jehovah? Nso ke Jehovah ọn̄wọn̄ọ ọnọ nnyịn? 8 / 1 " Be Hospitable, " 1 / 15 Can Cope With Any Trial! What assurance does Jehovah give us? Utu ke oro, Paul ekenyene ndiberi edem ke odudu Abasi man an̄wam enye ọyọ "n̄kukịm ke obụkidem " esie. Why is fire an appropriate illustration of the power of the tongue? Rather, Paul had to rely on God's power to help him endure his "thorn in the flesh. " Nnyịn ima isobo ukem oro ke efakutom efen oro ẹkenọde nnyịn ika - Columbus, Mississippi. How comforting to know that Jehovah's love exceeds that of any human parent! We found the same thing in another territory we were assigned to - Columbus, Mississippi. Mme adaiso Ido Ukpono Mme Jew ẹkedọhọ ke "nditọ obio fo " ye" mbọhọidụn̄ fo " ẹdi mme Jew kpọt. Continue Dwelling With Them Jewish religious leaders claimed that "the sons of your people " and" your neighbor " were only Jews. Toto ke ini emi Joshua ọkọtọn̄ọde ndida ikọt Abasi usụn̄, enye ama osion̄o Ikọ Abasi ewet ke idemesie. The rule that the computer should be placed in a common area of the house still has merit. From the start of leading God's people, Joshua wrote God's Word for himself. Mme ete ye eka oro ẹnyenede eti ibuot " ẹyedep ifet ' man ẹsịm n̄kpọ - ata emi. And the One seated on the throne said: " Look! Wise parents will " buy out time ' to reach this challenge. Baba owo kiet inyeneke ima eke okponde akan enye emi, owo ndikpayak uwem esie nduọk kaban̄a mme ufan esie. " Life in God's new world will not be like today's unsatisfying existence. No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " Edu N̄waidem How can we maintain a proper view of money and pride? A Self - Sacrificing Spirit Kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah ama awaha ekese eren kiet emi ekerede Cleveland, emi mîkebịghike ọkọnyọn̄ utom edi. But what are the benefits of such a search? - Psalm 19: 7 - 10; Proverbs 3: 13 - 18. One of Jehovah's Witnesses visited a man named Cleveland, who had recently returned home from work. Ini ke edi emi mme owo mîdikopke aba ndịk, esịt mîdinyụn̄ itịmekede owo aba. • How did Paul benefit from regular personal study of the Scriptures? The time will come when people will no longer be afraid, nor will they be anymore. Enye ama aka ufọk oro ye unana ubiatini, edi owo ikodụhe ke ufọk. What did John mean by those words? He went to the house without delay, but there was no one at home. Ẹda mbuọtidem ẹsịne nte akwa otuekọn̄ (Se ikpehe 12 - 14) He lived up to the meaning of the name Timothy, "One Who Honors God. " Faith is considered a large shield (See paragraphs 12 - 14) Sia ebe edide ibuot ufọk, enye enyene unen onyụn̄ edi mbiomo esie ndinen̄ede mbonubon esie, esịnede n̄wan esie. With regard to the word here translated "cling, " one Bible scholar states that" the language indicates a very close and intimate relationship. " As family head, a husband is responsible and is responsible for correcting his family, including his wife. Ikụreke ke edinen owo nditre nsu; enye asasua nsu. Instead, it depends on Jehovah's undeserved kindness, which he extends toward humble, honesthearted people who are conscious of their spiritual need. Not only is a righteous man bringing an end to falsehood; he hates a lie. " Nnyịn ikoyomke ikọ ndomokiet ini oro. But what awaits Jesus cannot be avoided. " We did not want any words at that time. Christ - Enye Emi Kpukpru Ntịn̄nnịm Ikọ Ẹban̄ade, 1 / 15 He hides the truth from "wise and intellectual ones " - worldly - wise and learned ones who in their pride and self - reliance feel no need for his help. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Ntak emi Bible emende edeme odomo ye ikan̄? He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God, with whom there is no injustice. Why does the Bible liken the tongue to a fire? Ọnọ ndọn̄esịt didie ntem ndifiọk ke ima oro Jehovah amade nnyịn okpon akan eke ete m̀mê eka ekededi! Jehovah does not bless disobedience and rebellion. - Numbers 12: 1, 2, 9 - 11. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah's love for us is greater than that of any parent! Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi - Obufa Ukara Isọn̄, 10 / 15 It may help to take inventory of our habits and possessions, putting off unnecessary weights. God's Kingdom - What Is Its Meaning? Ẹka Iso Ẹdụn̄ ye Mmọ She proved herself a capable ruler, providing the nation with one of the more peaceful periods under Hasmonaean rule (76 - 67 B.C.E.). Keep Living With them Imọdiọn̄ọ ke ọfọn ẹnịm kọmputa ke ebiet emi kpukpru owo ẹkemede ndikụt. For there exists the man whose hard work has been with wisdom and with knowledge and with proficiency, but to a man that has not worked hard at such a thing will be given the portion of that one. Of course, using computer software is important. Ndien Enye emi etiede ke ebekpo ọdọhọ ete: " Sese! What role can parents play in preparing their children for marriage? And the One seated on the throne said: " Look! Uwem oro ididude ke obufa ererimbot Abasi iditiehe nte ikpîkpu uwem oro idude idahaemi. Sometimes a boy will mass forward an explicit photo of a girl either to entertain his friends or to retaliate after a breakup. Life in God's new world will not be like the futility of life now. Didie ke ikeme ndikụt nte ke okụk ye ntan̄idem idian̄akede nnyịn ikpọn̄ Jehovah? Sharing the Christian Hope in Senegal How can we make sure that money and pride separate us from Jehovah? Edi nso idi mme ufọn utọ edidụn̄ọde nyom oro? - Psalm 19: 7 - 10; Mme N̄ke 3: 13 - 18. For centuries, theologians speculated that God's garden was still in existence somewhere. But what are the benefits of such searching for that? - Psalm 19: 7 - 10; Proverbs 3: 13 - 18. • Didie ke Paul ọkọbọ ufọn oto ọkpọkpọ edikpep N̄wed Abasi kpukpru ini? They have had many sleepless nights, even rushing him to the hospital when he has a diabetic crisis. • How did Paul benefit from regular personal study of the Scriptures? Nso ke mme ikọ John oro ẹkewọrọ? Smoke came from the air vents, and our high - rise office erupted in flames. " - Joshua. What did John's words go out? Timothy ọwọrọ "Enye Emi Okponode Abasi, " ndien enye ama onyụn̄ odu uwem ekekem ye enyịn̄ esie. She said that she wanted to dedicate her life to Jehovah and get baptized. Timothy means "He Who honors God, " and he lived in harmony with his name. Ke ebuana ye ikọ oro ẹkabarede mi nte "ẹyịre, " eyen ukpepn̄kpọ Bible kiet ọdọhọ ke" ikọ oro ẹdade mi owụt ata n̄kpet n̄kpet ye ntotụn̄ọ itie ebuana. " A few days after the book was delivered, the sister telephoned the man again. In connection with the word here rendered "cling, " one Bible scholar says that" the word used here denotes a close and intimate relationship. " Edi akam edi mfọnido Jehovah oro owo mîdotke, emi enye ọnọde mbon nsụhọdeidem oro ẹnyenede esịt akpanikọ, kpa mbon oro ẹkerede ẹban̄a unana mmọ ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. So all of us need to ask ourselves: " Is my sword trusty, or is it rusty? But it is Jehovah's undeserved kindness, which he gives to humble ones, those conscious of their spiritual need. Edi se inade ibet Jesus idịghe se ẹkemede ndifep. Because of inherited sin and imperfection, maintaining moral cleanness requires effort. But what is in store for Jesus ' law is not what can be avoided. Enye isiyakke "mbon ọniọn̄ ye ikike " ererimbot emi, oro ntan̄idem mmọ anamde mmọ ẹkere ke mmimọ iyomke Abasi, ẹfiọk imọ. The nations are challenged: "Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances " and prepare for war. He does not allow this world's "wise and intellectual ones, " whose pride makes them feel that they do not need God. Enye ama ọfiọk ke Jehovah edi edinen Abasi, emi mîsikpehe ukwan̄ikpe. Solomon's father, King David, often meditated on God's masterpieces. He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God, who is never unjust. Jehovah imaha ntụtutọn̄ ye nsọn̄ibuot. - Numbers 12: 1, 2, 9 - 11. We felt comforted to know that soon under God's Kingdom rule, there will never again be famine, and multitudes who died so tragically will be restored to life on a paradise earth. Jehovah hates disobedience and disobedience. - Numbers 12: 1, 2, 9 - 11. Nnyịn imekeme ndikụt ufọn edidụn̄ọde mme edu ye inyene nnyịn, ikpọnọrede mme mbiomo oro mîdotke ibon n̄kan̄ kiet. 2: 5 - 11. We can benefit from examining our habits and possessions, putting off unnecessary responsibilities. Enye ama owụt idem nte andikara emi enyenede ukeme, ọnọde idụt oro kiet ke otu n̄kponn̄kan ini emem ke idak ukara Hasmon (76 - 67 M.E.N.). Your children may react similarly if they come to you for advice but all you have on the "menu " is a list of stern warnings. He proved himself to be a capable ruler, giving the nation one of the greatest peace under the Hasmonaean reign of 67 - 67 B.C.E.). Koro enyenede owo eke akanamde n̄kpọ ke eti - ibuot, ye ke ifiọk, ye ke ikike; ndien enye enyene ndida udeme esie nnọ owo eke mîkanamke n̄kpọ ke esịt. A large root system also enables a tree to obtain sufficient water and nutrients from the soil. For he that has acted with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, and he must take possession of his inheritance to the one who has not done it. Nso udeme ke mme ete ye eka ẹkeme ndinyene ke nditịm nditọ mmọ idem nnọ ndọ? Their presence adds stability to the congregation they associate with. What role can parents play in preparing their children for marriage? Ndusụk n̄kparawa ẹsinọ utọ ndise emi ẹsọk mme ufan mmọ man ẹsak, mîdịghe man abiak n̄kaiferi oro ọkọkpọn̄de mmọ. What counsel is found at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16? Some young people bring such images to friends to laugh, to hurt the younger ones who have left them. Ndibuana Idotenyịn Christian ke Senegal ARABIA Sharing the Christian hope in Senegal Ke ata ediwak isua ko ke edem, mme ekpep ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono ẹkedọhọ ke in̄wan̄ emi okosụk ododu. You labor to put nutritious food on the table. Over the centuries, theologians claimed that the garden was still in existence. Udọn̄ọ esie isiyakke mmọ ẹde idap ediwak ini, mmọ ẹsikam ẹmen enye ẹka ufọkibọk ndusụk okoneyo ke ini idem enen̄erede afịna enye. Proverbs 2: 1 - 5 urges each of us to "keep searching for " understanding and discernment as though we were looking for" hid treasures. " Her illness often prevents them from sleeping, even taking her to a hospital for some nights when she is worried. Nsụn̄ikan̄ ama ọyọhọ kpukpru ebiet, ndien ikan̄ ama odụk ọfis nnyịn. " - Joshua. You have likely observed that many tend to view changes in a negative light. The ship was full of ships, and fire came into our office. " - Joshua. Enye ọkọdọhọ ke iyom ndiyak uwem imọ nnọ Jehovah nnyụn̄ nna baptism. S. He said that he wanted to dedicate his life to Jehovah and get baptized. Usen ifan̄ ke ẹma ẹkenọ enye n̄wed oro, eyenete an̄wan emi ama afiak okot ete oro. Wives of elders are appreciated for their supportive spirit. A few days after the publication, the sister read again. Ntre oyom kpukpru nnyịn ibụp idem nnyịn: " Nte ofụt mi ọsọp, mîdịghe nte enye ata n̄karafan̄? Rather, they consider themselves " fellow workers for the joy of their brothers. ' So all of us need to ask ourselves: " Is my sword sharp, or does it really rule? Imemke utom ndidu edisana uwem, koro nnyịn ikadada idiọkn̄kpọ imana. A sobering parallel to our day can be drawn. It is not easy to remain morally clean, for we are born with sin. Enye okot mmọ en̄wan ete: "Mbufo ẹda n̄kpọ ufụn̄ - isọn̄ mbufo ẹdom ofụt, ẹnyụn̄ ẹda ikwa udiọn̄ - eto mbufo ẹdom eduat " ẹnyụn̄ eben̄e idem ẹnọ en̄wan. He gave us the capacity to reflect his qualities and moral standards, his sense of right and wrong. Referring to them, he says: "You have taken your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning shears " and are ready for fight. Edidem David, ete Solomon, ama esiwak nditie n̄kere mme utịbe utịbe edibotn̄kpọ Abasi. She adds: "That training helped me to develop perseverance. King David, the father of Solomon, often meditated on God's wonderful works. Ima ibọ ndọn̄esịt nditi nte ke Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ama akara isọn̄ ke mîbịghike, ke akan̄ ididụhe aba, ndien ke ẹyenam ediwak mbon emi ẹkpan̄ade idahaemi ẹset ẹdidu uwem ke Paradise isọn̄. 4, 5. We were comforted to remember that soon God's Kingdom was ruling over the earth and that many who now die will be resurrected to life on a paradise earth. 2: 5 - 11. Modestly acknowledging that we cannot accomplish God's work in our own strength glorifies him and also shows balance on our part. 2: 5 - 11. Ukem n̄kpọ emi ekeme nditịbe nnọ fi edieke etịn̄de sụk se editịbede inọ eyen fo edieke enye mînamke item fo. So if our Bible reading and study habits leave much to be desired, it would be good to make a personal analysis to see how our time is spent. The same could happen to you if you were to tell your child only what would happen if he did not follow your counsel. Ikpọ orụn̄ n̄ko ẹsinam eto enyene mmọn̄ ye udia oro ekemde oto isọn̄. What are some benefits of having upbuilding conversations with others? Great roots also give plants sufficient water and food for the earth. Mmọ ẹtịp ẹsịn ke nsọn̄idem esop oro mmọ ẹbuanade. When Paul spoke of God's resting from His work, he was apparently referring to what is stated at Genesis 2: 2, where we read: "By the seventh day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made. " They contribute to the well - being of the congregation they share. Nso item ke ẹnọ ke 1 Corinth 7: 10 - 16? Do we carefully heed this good counsel so that we are spiritually protected? What counsel is found at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16? ARABIA Are you among them? ARABIA Mbufo ẹmesinam utom ọkpọsọn̄ man ubon ẹnyene eti udia. The wisdom found in God's inspired Word is "a tree of life " for those who seize and apply it. - Prov. 3: 13 - 18. You work hard to provide a good food for the family. Mme N̄ke 2: 1 - 5 ọdọhọ owo nnyịn kiet kiet ete " ika iso iyom ' asian ye mbufiọk nte n̄kpọ eke iyomde "n̄kpọuto eke edịbede. " ; Tuynman, C. Proverbs 2: 1 - 5 urges each of us to "keep seeking " knowledge and understanding as if" searching for hid treasures. " Ekeme ndidi omokụt ke ediwak owo ẹkere ke n̄kpọ ama okpokpụhọde, ọwọrọ ke ọdiọk. Peter had just referred to symbolic "heavens " - human governments that are lifted up or exalted above their subjects. You may have noticed that many people believe that the change is bad. S. Many refuse to go out at night or to let their children play outside unattended - day or night. S. Ẹdara iban mbiowo ke ndinyene edu edinọ ibetedem. Crossing Bridges in the Comarca Christian women are appreciated for having a supportive spirit. Utu ke oro, mmọ ẹse idemmọ nte " nsan̄a utom kaban̄a idatesịt nditọete mmọ. ' What was the result? Rather, they view themselves as "fellow workers for the joy of their brothers. " Ukem n̄kpọ emi ọmọn̄ onyụn̄ etịbe ke eyo nnyịn. First, we are helped to develop peace by reading God's inspired Word regularly. Something similar is about to happen in our time. Enye okobot nnyịn man ikeme ndinyene mme edu esie nnyụn̄ mfiọk se inende ye se ikwan̄ade. For example, the Law made provisions to ensure that orphans and widows were cared for. He created humans to reflect his qualities and to distinguish both right and wrong. Ukpep oro mmọ ẹkenọde nnyịn do ama an̄wam mi. An Example of Honesty The training they gave me there helped me. 4, 5. None of these changes were easy to make. 4, 5. Ndisụk idem nnyịme ke nnyịn ikemeke ndinam utom Abasi ke ukeme idem nnyịn ọnọ Abasi ubọn̄ onyụn̄ owụt ke nnyịn imenyene eti ibuot. For instance, Who subjected the creation to futility? Humbly acknowledging that we cannot serve God out of our own ability to glorify God and that we are wise. Ntre edieke edu edikot ye edikpep Bible nnyịn mîfọnke, ọkpọfọn ndidụn̄ọde idem nnyịn ọkpọkpọ man ikụt nte isibiatde ini nnyịn. May that be true of all who take the lead among God's people today, in fact, of all Christians who serve him loyally. So if our Bible reading and study habits do not trouble us, it would be wise to examine ourselves personally to see how much time we spend. Nso idi ndusụk ufọn oro nti nneme ẹkemede ndinyene? For such individuals in the domain of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel, however, conditions could not have been worse. What are some of the benefits that good communication can offer? Ke ini Paul eketịn̄de aban̄a Abasi ndidop utom Esie, eyedi enye eketịn̄ aban̄a se ẹwetde ke Genesis 2: 2, emi nnyịn ikotde ite: "Abasi onyụn̄ anam utom esie emi enye akanamde, okụre ke ọyọhọ usen itiaba; ndien ke ọyọhọ usen itiaba enye odop kpukpru utom esie emi enye akanamde. " Some succumbed to the pressures and distractions of daily life and failed to make the spiritual advancement that would have fortified them. When referring to God's silence, Paul likely referred to the words recorded at Genesis 2: 2, where we read: "God proceeded to do his work that he did, on the seventh day, and on the seventh day he rested from all his works that he had done. " Ndi imesinam nti item emi mbak nnyịn ididuọ idụk afia Satan? The Gospel writer Luke confirms that Jesus commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " Do we heed these wise counsel so that we do not fall prey to Satan's snares? Ndi afo emesịne ke otu mmọ? After examining some of our confiscated magazines, one guard exclaimed: " If you continue to read them, you will be invincible! ' Are you one of them? Ọniọn̄ oro odude ke Ikọ Abasi eke odudu spirit edi "eto uwem " ọnọ mmọ eke ẹmụmde enye ẹkama ẹnyụn̄ ẹdade enye ẹsịn ke edinam. - N̄ke 3: 13 - 18. The following year, a preliminary translation of the entire Bible was completed. The wisdom contained in God's inspired Word is "the tree of life " to those taking hold of it and applying it. - Prov. 3: 13 - 18. ; Tuynman, C. Indeed, it is imperative to heed Jesus ' admonition to " follow him continually ' and to " seek first the kingdom. ' - Matt. ; Maynman, C. Peter ama ebebem iso asiak ndamban̄a "enyọn̄ " - kpa mme ukara owo emi ẹmenerede ke enyọn̄ ẹnyụn̄ ẹkon̄de ẹkan mbon oro mmọ ẹkarade. In fact, 1 Kings 18: 3 tells us: "Obadiah himself had proved to be one greatly fearing Jehovah. " Peter had already mentioned the figurative "heavens " - human governments raised up and higher than their subjects. Ndusụk owo isiwọrọke an̄wa okoneyo, isinyụn̄ iyakke nditọ mmọ ẹbre mbre ikpọn̄ - edide okoneyo m̀mê uwemeyo. Meanwhile, we endure in an obedient course, keeping our integrity. Some do not go out overnight, nor do their children get involved in sports - whether at night or at night. Ndikan Mme N̄kpọ Ubiọn̄ọ ke Comarca Despite the Israelites ' repeated failure to "come back " to Jehovah, they were urged to" search for Jehovah, and keep living. " Overcoming Obstacles at Comarca Ndi ukpụhọde emi ama enyene ufọn? LONG BEACH, CA, Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Ocean Blvd. Britain JUNE 8 - 10 Did this change work work? Akpa, ndikot Ikọ Abasi kpukpru usen esin̄wam nnyịn inyene emem. 2: 7, 8. First, daily reading God's Word helps us to find peace. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, Ibet oro ama anam ndutịm ndikụt nte ke ẹse ẹban̄a nditọakpa ye mme ebeakpa. Why not encourage them to make a practice of thanking their teachers? For example, the Law made arrangements to ensure that orphans and widows were cared for. Uwụtn̄kpọ Edinam Akpanikọ Not asking for help could prove fatal. An Example of Loyalty Ikememke utom ndinam mme ukpụhọde emi. * Sisters take turns staying with Sannie so that Johan can go to meetings and in the ministry. Making these changes was not easy. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, Anie akanam ekondo osụk idem ọnọ ikpîkpu n̄kpọ? When young people look with dismay or alarm at society, they are agreeing - knowingly or unknowingly - with the Bible. For example, who made the universe subject to futility? Akpakam edi ntre ye kpukpru mbon emi ẹdade usụn̄ ke otu ikọt Abasi mfịn, ke nditịm ntịn̄, ye kpukpru Christian emi ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ẹnam n̄kpọ Abasi! Jehovah's sentiments toward the wayward nation of Israel are vividly portrayed by what takes place in Hosea's marriage. May that be true of all who take the lead among God's people today, in reality, and in all Christians who serve God faithfully! Ke edide isio, uwem ama enen̄ede ọsọn̄ ye utọ mbon oro, emi ẹkedụn̄de ke obio ubọn̄ esien Israel duop. Instead, the Bible says that "all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth " are his. - Luke 4: 5, 6. On the contrary, life was difficult for such people, who lived in the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. Ndusụk mmọ ẹma ẹtọn̄ọ ndidu uwem nte mme Jew eken inyụn̄ inamke n̄kọri eke spirit oro akpakanamde mbuọtidem mmọ ọsọn̄. Consider the incident that occurred at Mount Sinai, where Moses was receiving the Law, including the Ten Commandments. Some started to live as other Jews and did not make spiritual progress that would strengthen their faith. Luke andiwet Gospel ọsọn̄ọ nte ke Jesus ama owụk ete: "Ẹka iso ẹnam emi ke nditi Mi. " In the Bible, that expression often means an unknown number, without suggesting that it is immense. The Gospel writer Luke confirms that Jesus commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " Ke ini owoekọn̄ kiet okokotde ndusụk magazine nnyịn oro ukara ẹkebọde, enye ama ọdọhọ ete: " Edieke mbufo ẹkade iso ndikot mme n̄wed emi, owo ndomokiet idikemeke ndinam mbufo ẹtre ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi! ' 10, 11. When a soldier called some of our magazines, he said: " If you continue reading these publications, no one can stop you from serving God! ' Ẹma ẹkpere ndikụre utom ke ofụri Bible edem isua oro. [ Picture on page 19] The entire Bible was almost completed that year. Ke akpanikọ, enen̄ede odot inam item Jesus emi ọdọhọde " ika iso itiene imọ ' inyụn̄ " ibem iso iyom obio ubọn̄. ' - Matt. Jesus said: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Surely we are wise to heed Jesus ' admonition to " follow him continually ' and " keep seeking first the kingdom. ' - Matt. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, 1 Ndidem 18: 3 ọdọhọ ete: " Ndien Obadiah abak Jehovah eti - eti. ' " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. In fact, 1 Kings 18: 3 says: "At that time Obadiah feared Jehovah very much. " Edi inyene ndika iso n̄kop uyo, ika iso isọn̄ọ ida. [ Credit Line] But we need to keep on listening, keeping our integrity. Okposụkedi nditọ Israel mîkamaha " ndifiak ntiene ' Jehovah, ẹma ẹsịn udọn̄ ẹnọ mmọ ẹte "ẹyom Jehovah, ẹnyụn̄ ẹdu uwem. " In God's view, blood represents life. Although the Israelites refused to "return to Jehovah, " they were urged to "search for Jehovah and keep living. " IGWURUTA ALI 8 (Ikọmbakara) Applying a similar principle can help us when we are making important decisions. LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. 2: 7, 8. Those who have done so have reaped rich dividends spiritually, as shown by the following experiences. - Proverbs 19: 17. 2: 7, 8. Mbọk ẹsịn udọn̄ ẹnọ nditọ mbufo ẹsikọm mme andikpep mmọ. How delightful it was to get to know their future mate! Please encourage your children to greet their teachers. Ọdọn̄ọ udọn̄ọ oro ekeme ndikpa edieke mûsọpke uyom un̄wam. Are You Letting Jehovah Be Your Share? The disease may die if I do not feel helpless. * Nditọete iban ẹsika ẹketie ye Sannie man Johan akpaka mbono esop ye an̄wautom. The word is shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. * Christian women travel with Sannie to attend meetings and field service with Johan. Ke ini n̄kparawa owo ẹtịmerede esịt m̀mê ẹkopde ndịk ẹban̄a n̄kaowo, mmọ - edide ẹfiọk m̀mê ifiọkke - ẹnyịme ye se Bible etịn̄de. But goodness involves something more. When young people are worried or afraid of society, they - whether they know or not - agree with what the Bible says. Se itịbede inọ ndọ Hosea enen̄ede owụt nte Jehovah adade otụtutọn̄ idụt Israel. He lived with his aunt, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, who encouraged him to study the Bible. Hosea's marriage has clearly seen Jehovah's view of the wayward nation of Israel. Bible ọdọhọ ke enye enyene "kpukpru mme obio ubọn̄ isọn̄. " - Luke 4: 5, 6. If you have accepted the call to "come! " are you determined to say, "Come! "? The Bible says that he has "all the kingdoms of the earth. " - Luke 4: 5, 6. Kere ban̄a n̄kpọntịbe oro akadade itie ke Obot Sinai, emi Moses ọkọbọde Ibet, esịnede Ibet Duop. No doubt, the majority of people with whom you study the Bible will quickly be able to answer the printed questions, using the information in the corresponding paragraphs. Consider an incident that took place at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Law, including the Ten Commandments. Ke Bible, ikọ oro esiwak ndiwọrọ ibat oro owo mîfiọkke, ye unana edinọ ekikere mban̄a akwa ibat. " This is some cause for encouragement, " the report states. In the Bible, that word often means a limited number, without feeling about great numbers. 10, 11. For example, do not try to force your child to read aloud what he or she has written on the pages entitled "My Journal " or in any of the other interactive portions of the book. 10, 11. [ Ndise ke page 19] What is the wrong motive for doing the preaching work? [ Picture on page 19] Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ami mmọnọ mbufo obufa ibet, nte mbufo ẹma kiet eken; kpa nte n̄kamade mbufo, nte mbufo n̄ko ẹma kiet eken. In addition to the enemy nations, Jephthah also had challenges with his own brothers and the leaders of Israel. Jesus said: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. " Jehovah ọmọfiọk mmọ eke ẹnyenede enye. " - 2 TIM. Paul puts it this way: "You were once darkness, but you are now light in connection with the Lord. Go on walking as children of light, for the fruitage of the light consists of every sort of goodness and righteousness and truth. " " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. [ Ebiet Ẹdade N̄kpọ Ẹto] What trait (s) does Ahab manifest in verse 4? [ Credit Line] Abasi ada iyịp nte uwem. But bearing witness to the truth required more of Jesus than preaching and teaching. God views blood as a life - style. Ukem oro ke ikpanam ke ini iyomde ndinam akpan ubiere. And the book The Theology of Tertullian notes: "[It was] a curious blend of juristic and philosophic ideas and terms, which enabled Tertullian to set out the trinitarian doctrine in a form which, despite its limitations and imperfections, supplied the framework for the later presentation of the doctrine at the Council of Nicaea. " The same can be said of us when we make important decisions. Mbon oro ẹnamde ntre ẹbọ ekese utịp ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit, nte mme ifiọkutom oro ẹtienede mi ẹwụtde. - Mme N̄ke 19: 17. What should marriage partners not do to each other? Those who do so enjoy rich spiritual rewards, as the following experiences show. - Proverbs 19: 17. Ekenem didie ntem ndifiọk owo oro mmọ ẹdidọde! Among them are a clean conscience and the satisfaction of being trusted by others. What a pleasure it was to know who they were getting married! Ndi Afo ke Ada Jehovah nte Udeme Fo? How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Do You View Jehovah as Your Share? Ediwak owo ẹnyene ukwan̄ ekikere ẹban̄a se Armageddon edide, ke ini mbon eken mîfiọkke - fiọk se enye edide. " A woman of charm is the one that takes hold of glory, " says the wise king, "but the tyrants, for their part, take hold of riches. " Many have mistaken ideas about what Armageddon is, when others do not know what it is. Edi eti ido abuana n̄kpọ en̄wen n̄ko. It may have been on that occasion that he said: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " But virtue also involves something else. Enye okodụn̄ ye eyeneka eka esie an̄wan edide kiet ke otu Mme Ntiense Jehovah, ndien n̄wan oro ama esịn udọn̄ ọnọ enye ndikpep Bible. While still young, likely in their teens, these four found themselves in the royal court of King Nebuchadnezzar. She lived with her aunt, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and she encouraged her to study the Bible. Edieke edide ama enyịme ikot emi, onyụn̄ " edi, ' ndi emebiere ndikot mbon en̄wen ẹtiene " ẹdi '? Since Jehovah has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, he surely takes no delight in the loss of any of his servants. If you have accepted this invitation and have " come, ' are you determined to invite others to "come "? Anaedi ata ediwak owo oro afo ekpepde Bible ẹsisọsọp ẹda se ẹwetde ke ikpehe ekikere ẹbọrọ mme mbụme oro ẹmịn̄de - mịn̄. The Witnesses also disseminate a message of well - founded hope, stressing that in the near future, God's Kingdom will remove all sickness. - Isaiah 33: 24. Most of the people you study the Bible quickly answer printed questions. Ntọt oro ọdọhọ ete: "Emi edi n̄kpọ nsịnudọn̄. However, by means of the resurrection, Jehovah will expose all such lies for what they are. The report says: "This is an encouragement. Edi ẹkûdomo ndinyịk mmọ ẹkot se mmọ ẹkewetde ẹnọ mbufo. An hour later, he called again, mentioning that they had not yet met, and he suggested that they resolve the issues together. But do not try to force them to read what they have written for you. Mme ọkwọrọ ederi Christendom ẹda ukwọrọikọ ẹnam nso? However, as one reference work points out, "the custom in Rome and Alexandria was to observe the resurrection on the following Sunday, " calling it Resurrection Passover. What is accomplished by Christendom's clergy? Ke adianade ye mfịna emi, nditọete Jephthah ye mbiowo Gilead ẹma ẹfịna enye uwem. We can imitate Paul by acknowledging negative attitudes or wrong beliefs that we encounter and then by skillfully introducing "good news of something better. " In addition to this, Jephthah's brothers and older men of Gilead troubled him. Paul ekesịn enye ke usụn̄ emi ete: "Mbufo ẹkedi ekịm totoko, edi ẹmewọrọ ẹdi un̄wana ke Ọbọn̄ ke emi: ẹsan̄a nte nditọ un̄wana (koro mfri eke otode un̄wana esịne ke kpukpru nti ido ye edinen ido ye akpanikọ). " Are there ways that you personally can expand your share in this lifesaving ministry? Paul put it this way: "You were also darkness, but you have walked as sons of light in all righteousness and truth. " Ufan̄ikọ 4 owụt ke Ahab edi nso utọ owo? What can we learn from the example of Jacob? According to verse 4, what kind of man is Ahab? Edi nditie ntiense nnọ akpanikọ ama oyom n̄kpọ efen efen oto Jesus akan edikwọrọ ikọ ye edinọ ukpep. WHY, though, would anyone want to change his religion or belief? But bearing witness to the truth required more of Jesus than preaching and teaching. Ndien n̄wed oro The Theology of Tertullian ọdọhọ ete: "[Ekedi] esen esen edimen ibet mbuak ye mme ekikere ye ukpepn̄kpọ akwaifiọk akanam Tertullian ekeme ndikpep ukpepn̄kpọ abasi - ita - ke - kiet ke ido oro ọkọdiọn̄de usụn̄ ọnọ edikpep ukpepn̄kpọ oro ke ukperedem ke Esop Nicaea, kpa ye oro enye ekenyenede mme ndudue. " That scripture shows that some first - century Christians at one time had some of the same bad habits that I had developed. And the book The Theology of Tertullian says: "It was not unusual to mix the law with philosophical ideas and philosophies that enabled Tertullian to teach the doctrine of the Trinity - in a manner that was a way to teach the lesson later in Nicaea, despite his errors. " Nso ke ebe ye n̄wan mîkpanamke kiet eken? Why is the study of God's Word important for us? How should a husband and wife view each other? Ndusụk ufọn edi edisana ubieresịt ye edifiọk ke mbon en̄wen ẹnyene mbuọtidem ke idem nnyịn. 105: 14, 15. Some benefits are a clean conscience and a sense of confidence in others. Nditua afai nnọ fi, ndien unyan̄ake! Where appropriate, Jehovah's Witnesses have gone to the media to explain the facts. How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Enyene - ọniọn̄ edidem oro ọdọhọ ete: "Ediye an̄wan omụm ubọn̄ akama: kpa nte nyara owo [" mbon ufịk, " NW] ẹmụmde inyene ẹkama. " Our hope for the future is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus. The wise king says: "The woman kept holding fast the glory, just as the men of oppression have taken hold of riches. " Anaedi nditọwọn̄ ẹma ẹtiene ẹdu do. Etie nte ini oro ke Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹka ẹkenam mme owo ke kpukpru idụt ẹdi mbet mi, ẹnịm mmọ baptism ke enyịn̄ Ete ye Eyen ye edisana spirit, ẹkpep mmọ ẹnam kpukpru n̄kpọ eke n̄ketemede mbufo. " (a) In what way does love help us to be long - suffering, and what counsel does the apostle Paul give in this regard? Young ones must have been present at that time when Jesus said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Ke ini mmọ ẹkesụk ẹdide nditọwọn̄, ẹma ẹtan̄ mmọ mbinan̄ ẹka ufọk ubọn̄ Edidem Nebuchadnezzar. American Spirit Images / age fotostock While they were still children, four were taken to the royal palace of King Nebuchadnezzar. Sia Jehovah mîsinemke esịt ke n̄kpa idiọkowo, ke akpanikọ, enye idimaha ndikụt nte owo ekededi ke otu asan̄autom esie atakde. Let us imagine that a Witness named Cameron has come to the home of a man named Jon. Since Jehovah takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, surely he will not want to see anyone among his servants suffer. Mme Ntiense emi ẹsuan n̄ko etop ata idotenyịn, ẹsọn̄ọ ẹnam mme owo ẹfiọk ke Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi eyetre kpukpru udọn̄ọ ke ini iso. - Isaiah 33: 24. Nonetheless, it seems that both men were honesthearted and sincere, and they came far closer to the truth than most. These Witnesses also spread the message of true hope, emphasizing that God's Kingdom will bring an end to all sickness in the future. - Isaiah 33: 24. Nte ededi, Jehovah ayanam mme owo ẹset ke n̄kpa man ayarade Satan nte osu nsu. Is it your goal each month to teach the Word of God to others, trying to move their heart to serve God? However, Jehovah will resurrect the dead to expose Satan as a liar. Obufa esenyịn emi ikayatke esịt ye enye, edi ikonyụn̄ ifreke iban̄a n̄kpọ emi. Enye ama ayak hour kiet ebe, ekem afiak okot enye ete ke ikpama mmimọ isobo sia mmimọ mîsoboke akanam. In the news media and academic circles, religion is under attack. The new overseer did not become bitter at all, but he did not give up on the matter, and then he again said that he would have to meet them because they had never experienced it before. Nte ededi, nte n̄wed ndụn̄ọde kiet ọdọhọde, "ekedi ido ke Rome ye Alexandria nditi ediset ke n̄kpa Christ ke Sunday oro eketienede, " ẹnyụn̄ ẹkot enye Passover Ediset ke N̄kpa. Christians, especially youths, should not be so preoccupied with bodybuilding, sports, music, entertainment, hobbies, travel, aimless conversations, and the like, that they have little time for spiritual pursuits. According to one reference work, however, "it was the custom of Rome and Alexandria to commemorate Christ's resurrection on the next Sunday, " and it was called the Passover of the Resurrection. Imekeme ndinam se Paul akanamde oro edieke ikwọrọde ikọ inọ mbon oro mîmaha ndikop m̀mê mbon oro ẹsatde ẹyịre ke nsu oro ẹkekpepde mmọ. Imekeme ndida se ifiọkde iban̄a mmọ n̄n̄wam mmọ ẹma ndikop "eti mbụk eti n̄kpọ. " When Jehovah's Witnesses find humble people who do not know about Jehovah and his Kingdom, should they withhold the good news from such individuals because some religion claims authority over them? We can do that by preaching to those who do not listen to the false teachings taught by Paul, we can use what we know about them to respond to "the good news of the good news. " Ndi usụn̄ ndomokiet odu emi afo ekemede ndinen̄ede nsịn idem ke utom unyan̄a uwem emi? There may have been a grain of truth in his mentioning a "medical " appointment, but would you say that he was being honest? Is there any way you can get more involved in this lifesaving work? Nso ke ikeme ndikpep nto Jacob? There are over 96,000 publishers preaching the good news, and 229,726 attended the Memorial in 2013 - that is 1 out of every 48 inhabitants of that island nation. What can we learn from Jacob's example? NTE ededi, ntak emi owo ekededi okpoyomde ndikpụhọ ido ukpono m̀mê edinịm ke akpanikọ esie? How Elders Show That They Care Why, though, would anyone want to change his religion or his belief? Itie N̄wed Abasi oro owụt ke ndusụk mme Christian ke eyo Paul ẹma ẹsinam ndusụk ndiọi n̄kpọ oro n̄kesinamde. In recent years the branch has been working very hard to produce several publications in FSL on DVD. Those verses show that some Christians in Paul's day had done some bad things. Ntak emi edide ata akpan n̄kpọ ndikpep Ikọ Abasi? In his Word, Jehovah provides direction to help people maintain strong, happy families. Why is studying God's Word so important? 105: 14, 15. Albert D. 105: 14, 15. Ke ebiet emi odotde, Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsika ufọkutom usuanetop man ẹkenam se idide akpanikọ ẹn̄wan̄a. He said: "Every priest takes his station from day to day to render public service [a form of lei·tour·giʹa] and to offer the same sacrifices often. " Where appropriate, Jehovah's Witnesses go to the media to explain the truth. Ediset ke n̄kpa Jesus ọsọn̄ọ idotenyịn nnyịn. What can we look forward to if we continue to serve Jehovah whole - souled? The resurrection of Jesus strengthens our hope. (a) Ke nso usụn̄ ke ima an̄wam nnyịn ndinyene anyanime, ndien nso item ke apostle Paul ọnọ ke afan̄ emi? Visitors to the city center are still reminded of these horrific events of almost 500 years ago. How? By the three iron cages that hang from the church tower. (a) In what way does love help us to be long - suffering, and what counsel does the apostle Paul give in this regard? American Spirit Images / age fotostock Lucaris made commendable efforts to have the Bible be the authority on church doctrine and to educate people about its teachings American spirit Images / age fotostock Nte ededi, etie nte iren iba emi ẹma ẹnyene esịt akpanikọ, ndien mmọ ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹkpere akpanikọ ẹkan nte ediwak owo ẹkekperede. " Uncleanness " covers a wide range of serious sins. Of course, these two men seemed to have a sincere heart, and they were closer to the truth than many were. Ndi emebiere ndinam emi kpukpru ọfiọn̄ nnyụn̄ n̄n̄wam mme owo ẹdinam n̄kpọ Abasi ke ofụri esịt? [ Box / Picture on page 8, 9] Are you determined to do this every month and to help others to serve God wholeheartedly? Ke ẹda ndutịm usuanetop ye ifiọkn̄wed ẹn̄wana ye ido ukpono. Because of what lies in store for Babylon the Great, God lovingly warns: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. " Notice the word "if, " mentioned twice. The media are at war with religion by means of the media and the educational system. Mme Christian, akpan akpan mme uyen, ikpesịnke idem ke edisịn̄ede idem, mbre mbuba, ikwọ, unọ idem inemesịt, mme edinam oro mmọ ẹmade, ukaisan̄, ikpîkpu nneme, ye mme n̄kpọ ntre, tutu mmọ inyeneke ini ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi. Yes, with Jehovah's help, a good heart can be acquired. Christians, especially young ones, should refrain from indulging in activities, sports, entertainment, activities that they like, travel, talking, and so forth that they do not have time to serve God. Ke ini Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkụtde mbon nsụkidem emi mîfiọkke iban̄a Jehovah ye Obio Ubọn̄ esie, nte akpana mmọ ẹtre ndibụk eti mbụk nnọ utọ mbon oro koro ndusụk ido ukpono ẹdọhọde ke mmimọ inyene mmọ? Miraculously, Jesus had looked into Nathanael's heart, thereby learning much about him. When Jehovah's Witnesses observe meek ones who do not know Jehovah and his Kingdom, should they stop sharing the good news with such ones because some religions claim that they belong to them? Edi, ndi se inamde enye oyom ndifiak utom edi oro? Does God's spirit work on all his servants in the same way? But does that make him want to return? Edi idahaemi, mme asuanetop ẹbe 96,000, owo 229,726 ẹkedụk Editi ke 2013. Oro ọwọrọ ke owo kiet ke otu owo 48 ke idụt oro ẹkedụk. Knowing that our deceased loved ones in God's memory are asleep in death and awaiting a resurrection can give us solace and kindle our desire to carry on with life. Today, over 96,000 publishers attended the Memorial,726, in 2013, in which one of the 48 people in that country attended. Nte Mbiowo Ẹkemede Ndiwụt ke Mmimọ Imekere Iban̄a " The ships of Tarshish crossed the seas for your trade. " - EZEKIEL 27: 25, THE JERUSALEM BIBLE How Elders Can Show Loving Care Ke isua ifan̄ emi ẹbede, n̄kọk itieutom emi enen̄ede esịn ifịk ndision̄o mme n̄kpọ ke DVD Usem Idiọn̄ọ Mbon France. (b) How should we respond if we are reviled? Over the years, this branch has intensified its efforts to produce French Sign Language Sign Language. Jehovah ada Bible eteme mme owo nte ẹkpekopde inemesịt ẹnyụn̄ ẹdiana kiet ke ubon. Indeed, in 1998 the work of the Witnesses was granted legal recognition in Kyrgyzstan. Through the Bible, Jehovah provides advice on how to find happiness and harmony in the family. Albert D. 5: 22, 23. Albert D. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Kpukpru oku ẹda ẹnam [utom ufọn, NW; orụk ikọ oro lei·tour·giʹa] ke usen ke usen ẹnyụn̄ ẹwak ndiwa orụk uwa kiet. " Joyous and Thankful Despite Loss (N. He said: "All the priests perform the public service; the kind of word lei·tour·giʹa] day after day and often sacrifices of one kind. " Ntak emi ikpakade iso ibuọt idem ye Jehovah inyụn̄ inam n̄kpọ esie ke ofụri esịt? By means of God's Kingdom, the Bible's promise will come true: "Hope in Jehovah and keep his way... Why should we continue to trust in Jehovah and serve him with a complete heart? Efọk ukwak ita emi ẹkọn̄ọde ke tọwa ufọkabasi ẹsụk ẹteti isenowo emi ẹkade ufọt obio oro mme enyene - ndịk n̄kpọntịbe oro ẹkedade itie ke n̄kpọ nte isua 500 emi ẹkebede. The spiritually mature brother selected to give the talk will inform all attending that the couple are married by reason of the registration that just took place. The three iron leaves of the tower still bring back to the center of the terrible events that took place some 500 years ago. Lucaris ama esịn ukeme oro odotde itoro ndinam Bible edi n̄wed emi mme ukpepn̄kpọ ufọkabasi ẹkọn̄ọde ye ke ndikpep mme owo mban̄a mme ukpepn̄kpọ esie 10: 1 - 10. Lucaris made appropriate efforts to make the Bible a book based on church doctrines and to teach people about his teachings Sia mbon eyo Jesus ẹkesikerede ke Abasi esinọ owo ufen ke ntak idiọkn̄kpọ esie, anaedi idem ama akpa mbet Jesus ke ini enye ọkọdọhọde mmọ ke idịghe idiọkn̄kpọ owo oro m̀mê eke ete ye eka esie akanam enye edi nnan. The love of God flourishes among Jehovah's people, and our ranks are growing every year. Since people in Jesus ' day may have felt that God punished people for their sins, Jesus ' disciples must have been surprised when he told them that it was not the sin of the man or of his parents that made him blind. " Mbubiam ido " abuana ata ediwak ikpọ idiọkn̄kpọ. 5: 19. " Uncleanness " involves numerous serious sins. [ Ekebe / Ndise ke page 8, 9] She also put the court ladies under oath not to try to arouse in her love for anyone other than the shepherd boy. [ Box / Picture on page 8, 9] Se iditịbede inọ Akwa Babylon anam Abasi odụri mme owo utọn̄ ete: "Mbufo ikọt mi ẹwọn̄ọ ke esịt esie, edieke mbufo mîyomke nditiene mbuana ke mme idiọkn̄kpọ esie, edieke mbufo mînyụn̄ iyomke nditiene mbọ mme ufen esie. " Samantha: I see what you're getting at. To Babylon the Great, God warns: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. " Ih, ye un̄wam Jehovah, ẹkeme ndinyene eti esịt. Rather than imparting miraculous linguistic abilities, the spirit can heighten our desire to communicate with people who do not speak our language. Yes, with Jehovah's help, a good heart can be found. Jesus ke utịbe utịbe usụn̄ ama odụn̄ọde esịt Nathanael, ke ntre ọfiọkde ekese aban̄a enye. One Bible verse that especially struck me was 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Jesus miraculously searched the heart of Nathanael, thereby learning more about him. Ndi spirit Abasi esinam utom ke idem kpukpru mme asan̄autom Abasi ke ukem usụn̄? This will help you to train your "perceptive powers " and to develop discernment. Does God's spirit operate in the same way on all of God's servants? Ndifiọk ke mbonima nnyịn oro Abasi editide ẹdede ẹnyụn̄ ẹbet ẹnam mmimọ iset ekeme ndidọn̄ nnyịn esịt onyụn̄ anam nnyịn inyene udọn̄ ndika iso ndu uwem. During the first month, we studied 11 hours every day. Knowing that faithful ones who are sleeping and who are awaiting a resurrection can bring us comfort and fill us with the need to keep on living. " Ubom mbakara Tarshish edi ibibene fo ye urua fo. " - EZEKIEL 27: 25 Jehovah's Restored People Praise Him Earth Wide, 2 / 15 " The ships of Tarshish are your walls and your weeks. " - EZE HEL 27: 25 (b) Ikpanam n̄kpọ didie ke ini ẹsụn̄ide nnyịn? For almost three years, they accompanied Jesus on his preaching tours and received training as evangelizers. (b) How should we respond when being reviled? Ke 1998, ukara ẹma ẹdinyịme ke imenyene unen ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi ke Kyrgyzstan. (2) The packets contained literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, mostly Watchtower study articles, including some from 1947. In 1998, the authorities admitted that they had the right to serve God in Kyrgyzstan. 5: 22,23. 1 / 1 5: 22,333,33. MME NTIENSE JEHOVAH By not giving up, however, we can prove that we are "the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul. " - Hebrews 10: 39. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Bible ọdọhọ ke Abasi ayada Obio Ubọn̄ esie osu un̄wọn̄ọ esie emi: "Dori enyịn ke Jehovah nyụn̄ tiene usụn̄ esie... Still, she engages in other forms of sexual intimacy with him. The Bible says that by means of his Kingdom, God will fulfill his promise: "Hope in Jehovah and follow his ways... Eyenete oro ama ọkọkọri esịm ọyọhọ idaha ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit, emi mmọ ẹmekde ẹte ọnọ utịn̄ikọ oro, ayasian kpukpru owo oro ẹdụkde utịn̄ikọ oro ke n̄wed ndọ oro eren ye n̄wan emi ẹkebọde owụt ke mmọ ẹdọdọ ndọ. Like a shepherd in Israel, Jehovah leads His sheep A spiritually mature brother, whom they choose to give the talk, will explain to all who attend the talk in the marriage book that the couple received for their marriage. 10: 1 - 10. Together with the bride class, let those of us who have an earthly hope keep on saying, "Come! " 10: 1 - 10. Ikọt Jehovah ke ẹdọdiọn̄ ẹma enye. And I have to admit that I listened to your message only because of a nine - year - old boy, because of Samuel. " Jehovah's people are already drawn to him. 5: 19. Does God Have an Organization? 5: 19. Enye ama onyụn̄ owụk iban esa ete ẹkûdomo ndidemede udọn̄ ima ke esịt imọ nnọ owo en̄wen ke ebede ekpri ekpemerọn̄. Yes, each member of the congregation can contribute to the well - being and growth of the congregation. And he commanded the women of the staff not to try to awaken love in his heart to someone else after the shepherd boy. Maria: Ọtọn̄ọ ndin̄wan̄a mi ndien. It is wise to seek and consider carefully the advice of older, experienced ones. Samantha: I see. Utu ke ndinọ nnyịn utịbe utịbe ukeme ndisem nsio nsio usem, edisana spirit ekeme ndinam enen̄ede ọdọn̄ nnyịn ndinyene nneme ye mme owo oro ẹsemde usem en̄wen. " Those who are determined to be rich, " wrote the apostle Paul, "fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. " Instead of giving us miraculous powers to speak different languages, the holy spirit can strengthen our desire to communicate with people who speak another language. Itie Bible emi ekenen̄erede odụk mi ọkpọ ekedi 2 Corinth 7: 1. Now Saul was "disputing with the Greek - speaking Jews, " or" the Hellenists, " boldly witnessing to them. That scripture was 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Emi ayanam ọnọ "ukeme ufiọk n̄kpọ " fo ukpep onyụn̄ enyene mbufiọk. A mother of five says: "Pioneering has helped all my children to develop a much closer relationship with Jehovah, has improved their personal study habits, has helped them learn how to manage their time wisely, and has helped them learn to put spiritual things first in their lives. This will help you to train your "perceptive powers " and to develop discernment. Ke akpa ọfiọn̄ oro, nnyịn ikada hour 11 kpukpru usen ikpep usem oro. The "Caesar " whom the chief priests publicly embraced on that occasion was the despised Roman Emperor Tiberius, a hypocrite and a murderer. During the first month, we spent 11 hours each day learning the language. Ndikụt Unen ke Ini Uyen, 8 / 15 Referring to the Christ, the apostle Paul wrote: "Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. " JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Mmọ ẹma ẹsan̄a ye Jesus ke n̄kpọ nte isua ita emi enye ọkọkwọrọde ikọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹbọ ukpep nte mme ọkwọrọ eti mbụk. One was Eunice Colin. For nearly three years, they accompanied Jesus in his preaching and teaching as evangelizers. (2) N̄wed Mme Ntiense Jehovah, akpan akpan mme ibuotikọ ukpepn̄kpọ Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, emi esịnede eke 1947, ke ẹkebọp ke ekwo emi. A shrine to this virgin was built on the foundation of Tonantzin's temple. (2) The book of Jehovah's Witnesses, especially articles in The Watchtower, including those in 1947, was built in this package. Ebiet Emi Ido Ukpono Christ Ọkọkọride (Italy), 6 / 15 Then you can draw your own informed conclusions. Gilead Graduations, 6 / 1 Nte ededi, ebede ke nditre ndikpa mba, nnyịn imekeme ndiwụt ite ke nnyịn "idi mmọ emi ẹbuọtde idem isịm edinyan̄a ukpọn̄. " - Mme Hebrew 10: 39. [ Blurb on page 9] By not giving up, however, we can show that we are "the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul. " - Hebrews 10: 39. Enye onyụn̄ anam erenowo oro ntre. Nso ke mmọ ẹnam oro? In conclusion, Airen states: "We did not suffer when we were a poor family - we never went hungry. And he does just that, and what does he do to the man? Jehovah ada mme erọn̄ Esie usụn̄ ukem nte ekpemerọn̄ ke Israel The aim of Jesus ' counsel was to help a brother in a spirit of love. Like a shepherd in Israel, Jehovah leads his sheep Ẹyak kpukpru nnyịn emi inyenede idotenyịn ndidu uwem mi ke isọn̄ idiana ye otu an̄wanndọ idọhọ ite, "Di! " You might make it your goal to read the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation meditatively once every year. Let all of us who have the hope of living here on earth cooperate with the bride class say, "Come! " Ntịn̄ akpanikọ, n̄kakpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ mbufo ke ntak eyeneren isua usụkkiet - oro edi, ke ntak Samuel. " 21: 12, 13. To be honest, I listened to you for nine years - that is, because of Samuel. " Ndi Abasi Enyene Esop? How did the Son of God manifest humility during his prehuman existence? Does God Have a Organization? Ih, kpukpru owo ke esop ẹkeme ndinam esop ọsọn̄ idem onyụn̄ ọkọri. After two and a half years at Waterfall Bay, we completed our work contract and were approved to stay in the country. Yes, all in the congregation can make the congregation strong and grow. Ọfọn isika ibịne ikpọ owo oro ẹma ẹkenam n̄kpọ esop Abasi ẹbịghi, ikọbọ item. Among other things, by means of them, God " satisfies people with food and fills their hearts with gladness. ' We do well to consult older ones who have served God faithfully. Apostle Paul ekewet ete: "Mbon oro ẹbierede ndinyene inyene ẹduọ ẹdụk idomo ye ekpọ ye ediwak ndisịme ye idiọk udọn̄, emi ẹdụride mme owo ẹsịn ke nsobo ye nditaha. " In time, she remarried. The apostle Paul wrote: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. " Idahaemi, Saul "ekeneni eneni ye mme Jew oro ẹsemde usem Greek, " onyụn̄ ọnọ mmọ ikọ ntiense uko uko. However, waiting for happy events - perhaps a wedding, the birth of a child, or a reunion with people we love - can fill us with anticipatory joy long before the day of fulfillment. Now Saul has "a sharp argument with the Greek - speaking Jews " and gives them a bold witness. Eka nditọ ition ọdọhọ ete: "Utom usiakusụn̄ an̄wam kpukpru nditọ mi ẹnyene n̄kpet n̄kpet itie ebuana ye Jehovah, anam mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹsịn idem ke ọkpọkpọ ukpepn̄kpọ, an̄wam mmọ ẹfiọk nte ẹkpedade ini mmọ ẹnam n̄kpọ ọniọn̄ ọniọn̄, onyụn̄ an̄wam mmọ ẹkpep ndinam mme n̄kpọ eke spirit ẹdi ebe iso n̄kpọ ke uwem mmọ. [ Picture on page 28] " Pioneering helps all my children to develop a close relationship with Jehovah, " says a mother of five, "that helps them to get more involved in personal study, helping them to determine how to use their time wisely, and to train them to keep spiritual matters ahead of their own. " Caesar " oro mbọn̄ oku ẹkenyịmede an̄wan̄wa ke edi edidem mmimọ ekedi Tiberius Akwa Edidem Rome, kpa owo mbubịk ye owotowo, emi mme owo ẹkedade nte obukpo owo. The Grief of the Righteous The "Caesar, " approved by the chief priests, was Roman Emperor Tiberius, a hypocritical and murderer, considered to be trumpets. Apostle Paul ọkọdọhọ ke Christ "ke ẹtịm ẹdịp ofụri inyene ọniọn̄. " Do not be quick to conclude that it is time to start living as if everything were back to normal. The apostle Paul described Christ as "carefully concealed in all the treasures of wisdom. " Kiet ke otu mmọ ekedi Eunice Colin. This knowledge also makes it easier to bear the pain that we experience when losing a close friend or a relative in death. One of them was Eunice Colin. Ẹma ẹbọp itieuwa ẹnọ Edisana Mary emi ke itiat oro ẹkedade ẹbọp temple Tonantzin. 133: 1 - 3. The sanctuary of the Holy Mary was erected on a stone building of the temple. Ekem afo emekeme ndisịm ubiere ke idemfo ke ama ekenyene ifiọk emi. God's declaration to Moses should also motivate us to be forgiving, for Jehovah is ready to forgive. Then you can reach your own conclusion after you have acquired this knowledge. [ Se Ẹwetde ke Ikpọ Abisi ke page 9] In extreme situations, however, a Christian would have to decide whether it is advisable to separate or not. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 13. [ Blurb on page 9] Airen afiak ọdọhọ ete: "Nnyịn ikọbọhọ ufen m̀mê ndina biọn̄ ke ini nnyịn mîkenyeneke n̄kpọ. " To you I raise my eyes, you who are enthroned in the heavens. " - PS. " We did not suffer or hunger when we were poor, " says one third. Jesus ọkọnọ item emi man an̄wam nnyịn ikeme ndida ima mbiere mfịna. Since Jesus would not be drinking literal wine in heaven, he obviously had in mind the joy sometimes symbolized by wine. Jesus gave that counsel so that we can handle problems with love. Emekeme ndinam edi utịtmbuba fo ndikot nnyụn̄ ntie n̄kere se okotde ke N̄wed Abasi ọtọn̄ọde ke Genesis esịm Ediyarade ini kiet kpukpru isua. At that critical time, a parent needs to assume a new role - that of an authority figure who gives clear direction as to what is expected of the child. You can make it your goal to read and meditate on what you read from Genesis to Revelation each year. 21: 12, 13. That does not mean that we may leave the providing of material needs to chance or that we should refuse to work. 21: 12, 13. DIDIE KE AFO ỌKPỌBỌRỌ? Didie ke Eyen Abasi okosụhọde idem ke ini emi enye okodude ke heaven? However, Ella has strong faith in Jehovah. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Ke ima ikodu ke Waterfall Bay ke isua iba ye ubak, utom nnyịn ke itie usiaketo oro ama okụre, ndien ukara ẹma ẹnyịme nnyịn ika iso idu ke idụt oro. Hypocrisy, on the other hand, will ultimately prove death - dealing to those who practice it. After two and a half years, our work at the sawmill was finished, and the authorities allowed us to stay in the country. Abasi esida utịn ye edịm anam nnyịn inyene " udia barasuene onyụn̄ anam esịt nnyịn ọyọhọ ye idatesịt. ' He did not realize that even now, he could be in a spiritual paradise. By means of the sun and rain, God gives us " plenty of food and fills [our] hearts with joy. " Nte ini akakade, eka mi ama ọdọ ebe en̄wen. WHEN persecution flared after Stephen's martyrdom, many of Jesus ' disciples fled Jerusalem. In time, my mother married another husband. Nte ededi, nditie mbet mme inem inem n̄kpọntịbe - eyedi udianndọ, emana eyen, m̀mê edifiak ndiana ye mbonima nnyịn - ekeme ndinam nnyịn inyene akwa idatesịt ye ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ anyan ini mbemiso usen oro enye etịbede. Doubtless, spiritual concerns were their priority. - Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. However, waiting for exciting events - perhaps a wedding, a child, or a return to our loved ones - can bring us great joy and a keen interest long before that day. [ Ndise ke page 28] The apostle Paul may have alluded to a tree when he explained that Christians should "go on walking in union with him [Christ], rooted and being built up in him and being stabilized in the faith. " [ Picture on page 28] Ndinen Owo Ẹfụhọ Why should we be on guard respecting ridiculers? The Righteous Suffer 4 Diọn̄ọ Ini Emi Akpanamde N̄kpọ. Kûsọsọp ukere ke ini ekem nditọn̄ọ ndidu uwem nte ẹkesidude. It shows how Jesus successfully opposed Satan and points out how we too can do so. 4 Resist the urge to adapt to a new lifestyle. Ifiọk emi an̄wam nnyịn n̄ko ikeme ndiyọ ubiak editaba n̄kpet n̄kpet ufan m̀mê iman nnyịn ke n̄kpa. You can meet people who share your love for what is right at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. This knowledge also helps us to endure the painful loss of a close friend or relative in death. 133: 1 - 3. Writing to his Christian brothers in Corinth, Paul said: "For my part, I will most gladly spend and be completely spent for you. " 133: 1 - 3. Se Abasi akatan̄ade ọnọ Moses ekpenyene n̄ko ndinụk nnyịn ndifen nnọ, koro Jehovah esidu ke mben̄eidem ndifen nnọ. Earnest prayer for God's help will enable us to repudiate wrong desires and pursue righteousness and godly devotion amid this wicked system of things. God's declaration to Moses should also move us to forgive, for Jehovah is ready to forgive. Edi edieke ebe enen̄erede ọdiọk n̄wan ukama, n̄wan oro ekeme ndibiere m̀mê ọyọfọn ika iso iyọ m̀mê idian̄ade itie. Ebe emi ukem n̄kpọ emi ọwọrọde ekeme ndinam ntre n̄ko. - Kot 1 Corinth 7: 10 - 13. Was this pagan ruler really willing to accept and act upon the truth? On the other hand, if a husband or a wife has serious faults, he may decide whether it is wise to endure or not. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 13. " Mmemenede enyịn mi nse fi, O afo emi odụn̄de ke mme heaven. " - PS. Jehovah installed his Son as his Messianic King in the heavens in 1914. " I look at you, O you who live in the heavens. " - PS. Sia Jesus mîdin̄wọn̄ke ata ata wine ke heaven, an̄wan̄a nte ke enye ekenyene idatesịt ke ekikere, oro ẹsidade ẹtịn̄ ẹban̄a wine ndusụk ini. One of them spotted a restaurant offering falafel - tasty ground chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, and other vegetables served with pita bread. Since Jesus would not drink literal wine in heaven, it is clear that he had joy in mind, sometimes referred to wine. Idahaemi ndien ke ana ete m̀mê eka ọtọn̄ọ ndinam eyen oro ọdiọn̄ọ ke ana enye esinam se imọ idọhọde. Rocket attacks, clashes of armed militias, and terrorist bombings are frequent occurrences. Now a parent must begin to convince the child that he or she is responsible for what he says. Oro iwọrọke ke nnyịn idinyene n̄kpọ udu uwem ke utịbe utịbe usụn̄ m̀mê ke nnyịn ikpanamke utom. Take note of sterling examples of brothers and sisters whose lives reflect their joy in keeping on the watch as well as letting their light shine. That does not mean that we will have something miraculous or that we should not work. Nte ededi, Ella enyene ọkpọsọn̄ mbuọtidem ke Jehovah. Let us try to see things from Jehovah's point of view, not just our own. Ella, however, has strong faith in Jehovah. Ke n̄kan̄ eken, mbubịk ido ayada n̄kpa ọsọk mbon oro ẹnyenede enye. Near the end of Paul's long and hazardous journey to Rome, he met up with some brothers in Puteoli and later with others who had traveled to meet him. On the other hand, hypocrisy will bring death to those who belong to it. Enye ikọfiọkke nte ke idem idahaemi, imọ imekeme ndidu ke paradise eke spirit. But all Witnesses share with others the good news that they have learned. He did not realize that even now, he could be in a spiritual paradise. KE INI ukọbọ akasiahade ke Stephen ama akakpa n̄kpa usụn̄ Abasi, ediwak mbet Jesus ẹma ẹfen̄e ẹkpọn̄ Jerusalem. What work does Jesus commence in Galilee? WHEN opposition arose after Stephen died as a martyr, many of Jesus ' disciples fled to Jerusalem. Edi akpanikọ ke n̄kpọ Abasi ekedi akpa n̄kpọ ke uwem mmọ. - Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. Some friends suggested that Eva and I return home to care for her. Of course, spiritual things were the first thing in their lives. - Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. Ekeme ndidi apostle Paul ekenyene eto ke ekikere ke ini enye ọkọdọhọde ke mme Christian ẹkpenyene " ndisan̄a ke Christ, mmụm n̄kam, nnyụn̄ n̄kọri ndaha nda ke Enye, nnyụn̄ ndọdiọn̄ nsọn̄ọ nda ke mbuọtidem. ' 24 Imitate Their Faith - He Endured Despite Disappointments The apostle Paul may have had trees in mind when he said that Christians should "go on walking in union with Christ, rooted and growing up in him and being stabilized in the faith. " Ntak emi nnyịn ikpekpemede idem ye mbon nsahi? They authorized and supervised the writing of subsequent copies. - Deuteronomy 17: 18, 19; 31: 10, 11. Why should we guard against ridiculers? Owụt nte Jesus ọkọbiọn̄ọde Satan uforo uforo, onyụn̄ owụt in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ nte ikemede ndibiọn̄ọ enye n̄ko. Silver coin with Alexander the Great depicted as a Greek deity It shows how Jesus successfully opposed Satan and clearly showed how we can resist him. Emekeme ndikụt mbon emi ẹtienede ẹma se inende ke Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Perhaps Solomon fooled himself into thinking that Jehovah would overlook his disobedience as long as he also continued to offer sacrifices at the temple. You can find honesthearted ones at a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Enye ama esida ini esie an̄wam nditọete. Enye ọkọdọhọ nditọete ke Corinth ete: "Koro ami mmenen̄ede n̄kop idatesịt ndiyak kpukpru se nnyenede nnọ nnyụn̄ nyak idem mi ofụri ofụri nnọ ukpọn̄ mbufo. " Spiritual Values, 4 / 15 He spent his time helping the brothers in Corinth, saying: "For I am proud of all that I have and that I give your whole soul. " Akam ofụri esịt oro ibọn̄de iyom un̄wam Abasi ayan̄wam nnyịn ndibịn ndiọi udọn̄ mfep nnyụn̄ mbịne edinen ido ye uten̄e Abasi ke idiọk editịm n̄kpọ emi. One of Jehovah's Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me. Our heartfelt prayers for God's help will help us to rid themselves of wrong desires and to pursue righteousness and godly devotion in this wicked system of things. Ndi owo ukara emi mîkedịghe okpono Abasi mi ama eben̄e idem ndinyịme akpanikọ nnyụn̄ nnam akpanikọ? In line with that, Jesus said: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. " - Matthew 6: 19, 20. Was this non - religious man ready to accept the truth and be honest? Jehovah ọkọnọ Eyen esie ubọn̄ nte Edidem emi edide Messiah ke heaven ke 1914. Aleah, mentioned earlier, says, "We have created an atmosphere of open communication by trying not to overreact when our children tell us things that we find troubling. " Jehovah enthroned his Son as the Messianic King in heaven in 1914. Owo mmọ kiet ama ada okụt itie emi ẹsinyamde falafel, oro edi, udia emi ẹsibuakde tomato, oyịm, ọkọti, ye ndusụk ikọn̄ ẹda ẹta uyo emi ẹkotde pita. The point of James ' illustration is made clear in verse 6. One of them found a place of falafel, a dish of rice, onions, beans, and certain vegetables in which the bread was baked. IDEM enyek ofụri ererimbot mfịn aban̄a se ikade iso ke n̄kann̄kụk Palestine. Sometimes young ones get tired, so fathers need to put forethought into the material chosen and take time to prepare well. THE world today is terrified of what is happening in the area of Palestine. Sikpep n̄kpọ to nditọete emi uwem mmọ owụtde ke enenem mmọ ndika iso ndu ke ukpeme nnyụn̄ nnam un̄wana mmọ ayama. Nonetheless, he did return to his family fishing business for some time before Jesus called him. Learn from brothers whose lives reflect their desire to keep on the watch and to let their light shine. Ẹyak idomo ndise n̄kpọ nte Jehovah esede, idịghe nte nnyịn isede. They just find it difficult, even impossible, to accept the thought that supernatural forces could be at work. Let us try to see things from Jehovah's point of view, not from our own perspective. Ke ekperede utịt enyene - ndịk anyan isan̄ emi Paul akanamde aka Rome, enye ama osobo ye ndusụk nditọete ke Puteoli ndien ekem osobo ye mbon efen ẹmi ẹkenamde isan̄ ẹdi ndisobo ye enye. No. Near the end of his long journey to Rome, Paul met some brothers in Puteoli and then met others who had come to meet him. Edi kpukpru Mme Ntiense ẹsibuana eti mbụk emi mmọ ẹkpepde ye mbon en̄wen. Such a study is vital for Christian overseers, "that [their] heart may not exalt itself above [their] brothers. " But all Witnesses share the good news they teach with others. Nso utom ke Jesus ọtọn̄ọ ke Galilee? In this regard, consider the words of Proverbs 12: 11: "The one cultivating his ground will himself be satisfied with bread, but the one pursuing valueless things is in want of heart. " What commission does Jesus begin in Galilee? Ndusụk ufan nnyịn ẹma ẹdọhọ mi ye n̄wan mi ẹte inyọn̄ idise enye enyịn. Rather, he immediately responded with the words: "It is written. " Some friends asked my wife and me to return to visit her. 24 Kpebe Mbuọtidem Mmọ - Enye Ama Aka Iso Anam N̄kpọ Abasi kpa ye Afanikọn̄ Under the Law that God gave to the nation of Israel, however, a transgressor could have his sins forgiven by sacrificing an animal to Jehovah. 24 Imitate Their Faith - He Endured in God's Service Despite Disappointments Mmọ ẹma ẹsinọ unyịme ẹnyụn̄ ẹse ẹban̄a edifiak nsion̄o ibet n̄wet. - Deuteronomy 17: 18, 19; 31: 10, 11. Since Jehovah is our Creator, loyalty to him rightly takes precedence over all other claims to our loyalty. They willingly and cared for various legal matters. - Deuteronomy 17: 18, 19; 31: 10, 11. Okụk oro ẹwụtde Akwa Alexander nte abasi Greece Then you watch my roadway. " The money depicting Alexander the Great as a god of Greece Ekpedi enye ama ekere ntre, akabian̄a idemesie. Nevertheless, Elihu did not join the three "comforters " in wrongly concluding that God was punishing Job for his sins. Had he reasoned that way, he deceived himself. Anie ke Ẹkeme Ndibuọt Idem? Do you set aside time each day to read the Bible? Who Can Be Trusted? Owo kiet emi edide Ntiense Jehovah ama enyịme ndikpep mi Bible. You can learn to talk with your teenager. One of Jehovah's Witnesses accepted a Bible study with me. Ke n̄kemuyo ye oro, Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹkûbon n̄kpọ - uto ẹnịm ẹnọ idem ke isọn̄, ke ọtọ nte uta - n̄kpọ ye n̄karafan̄ ẹbiatde n̄kpọ, inọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹbụn̄de, ẹdụk, ẹyịp: edi ẹbon n̄kpọ - uto ẹnịm ẹnọ idem ke heaven, ke ọtọ nte uta - n̄kpọ ye n̄karafan̄ mîbiatke n̄kpọ, inọ mînyụn̄ ibụn̄ke, idụk, iyịp. " - Matthew 6: 19, 20. " THE harvest is great, but the workers are few. In harmony with that, Jesus said: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal. " - Matthew 6: 19, 20. Aleah oro ikebemde iso itịn̄ iban̄a ọdọhọ ete: "Nnyịn imanam nditọ nnyịn ẹkeme ndisitịn̄ ikọ in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ ye nnyịn ebe ke ndimụm idem n̄kama ke ini mmọ ẹtịn̄de n̄kpọ oro ayatde nnyịn esịt. " Those with a humble status in life work side by side with those who may be viewed by some as upper class. Aleah, mentioned earlier, says: "We have made it easier for our children to speak openly to us by controlling our temper. " James ekemen edeme odomo ye ikan̄. Why are you resolved to keep your eyes on the prize? James likened the tongue to a fire. Ekeme ndikak nditọwọn̄ nditie itie kiet n̄kpep n̄kpọ ke anyan ini, ntem ete ekpenyene nditie n̄kere se idinemde nditọ esie. She added: "And yet at present I know that as many things as you ask God for, God will give you. " Children may get tired of spending a long time studying, so a father should meditate on what his children will enjoy. Nte ededi, ke ndusụk ini, enye ama afiak aka akanam utom ukọiyak oro ubon mmọ ẹkesinamde mbemiso Jesus akafiakde okot enye. Do we have everything we need to make wise decisions that please Jehovah? At times, though, he returned to the fishing business prior to Jesus ' call. Se idude edi nte ke ọsọsọn̄ mmọ ndinịm, m̀mê ndinyịme nte ke ẹkeme ndida odudu oro akande eke owo nnam mme utọ utịben̄kpọ oro. As the delay in publishing the scrolls from Cave 4 extended from years to decades, an outcry was heard from a number of scholars. The fact is that they find it difficult to believe, or to acknowledge that such miracles are possible. Ihih. Number of countries represented: 6 No. Utọ ukpepn̄kpọ oro edi ata akpan n̄kpọ ọnọ mme esenyịn Christian, " man mmọ ẹdimenede esịt mmọ ẹkan nditọ - ete mmọ. ' [ Footnote] Such study is of utmost importance to Christian overseers, " so that they may lift their hearts above their brothers. ' Kop se Mme N̄ke 12: 11 (NW) etịn̄de aban̄a emi: "Owo eke ofụn̄de isọn̄ esie oyoyụhọ udia, edi owo eke ebịnede ikpîkpu n̄kpọ anana ibuot. " If you attend meetings regularly, you could become like a father, mother, brother, or sister to someone in the congregation. Regarding this, Proverbs 12: 11 states: "He that is plowing his ground will satisfy his food, but he that is pursuing valueless things is in want of heart. " Edi enye ama ọsọsọp ọdọhọ Satan ete: "Ẹwet ẹte. " What did Jesus mean? But he immediately said to Satan: "It is written. " Edi ke Ibet oro Abasi ọkọnọde idụt Israel, anamidiọk ama esiwa unam ọnọ Jehovah man enye efen mme idiọkn̄kpọ esie. Never underestimate your importance and influence. But in God's Law to the nation of Israel, a sinner offered animal sacrifices to Jehovah in order to forgive his sins. Sia Jehovah edide Andibot, nte enende, edinam akpanikọ nnọ enye edi ebeiso n̄kpọ ọnọ kpukpru n̄kpọ en̄wen ekededi oro oyomde edinam akpanikọ nnyịn. In the past, what was our understanding of the timing of the great tribulation? Since Jehovah is the Creator, loyalty to him is the center of everything else that demands our loyalty. Ndien afo ọdiọn̄ọ usụn̄ mi. " To carry out this educational work, Jehovah's Witnesses publish nearly one and a half billion Bibles, books, magazines, and other Bible study aids each year - in some 700 languages! And you know my ways. " Nte ededi, Elihu ikadianake ye "mbon ndọn̄esịt " ita oro ke ndisịm ukwan̄ ubiere nte ke Abasi ọkọnọ Job ufen ke ntak mme idiọkn̄kpọ esie. Such examples provide valuable lessons about attitudes and actions to imitate and to avoid. Elihu, however, was not content with the three "comforters " by reaching the wrong conclusion that God punished Job for his sins. Ndi emenyene ini emi esikotde Bible kpukpru usen? Study together Bible - based articles from The Watchtower and Awake! that pertain to marriage. Do you schedule regular Bible reading? Edi emi iwọrọke ite ke ukemeke ndineme nneme ye eyen fo aba. Regarding the Messiah, Zechariah prophetically wrote: "Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. But this does not mean that you cannot speak to your child anymore. JESUS ọkọdọhọ ke Luke 10: 2 ete: "Idọk okpon, edi mme anamutom iwakke. Only by striving with all our heart to conform to God's righteous standards will we be found fully pleasing to him. " The harvest is great, " said Jesus, "but the workers are few. Mbon oro ẹdude ke usụhọde idaha ẹnam utom ọtọkiet ye mbon oro ndusụk owo ẹsede nte mme ọwọrọiso owo. The prophet Isaiah foretold: "It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. " Those in humble circumstances work closely with those viewed as celebrities. Ntak emi mûkpayakke n̄kpọ ndomokiet anam fi okûbọ utịp? 18 Should the Name Jehovah Appear in the New Testament? Why should you let nothing deprive you of the prize? Enye ama adian do ete: "Edi ke emi mmọfiọk nte ke adan̄a ediwak n̄kpọ eke afo eben̄ede Abasi, Abasi ọyọnọ fi. " Soon, they create more and more opportunities to be together, and seemingly innocent and ostensibly accidental encounters become more frequent. He added: "Now I know that as long as you ask God, he will give you God. " Ndi imenyene kpukpru n̄kpọ oro ẹdin̄wamde nnyịn ibiere n̄kpọ emi edinemde Jehovah esịt? How the Bible's Answer Brings Real Peace of Mind Do we have everything that will help us to make decisions that please Jehovah? Nte edisio mme ikpan̄wed ẹtode Abaitiat Ọyọhọ 4 ekebịghide ọtọn̄ọde ke isua ifan̄ kpọt esịm ediwak iduọk isua, ediwak nditọ ukpepn̄kpọ ẹma ẹyat esịt. For reference, they consulted an Italian translation made by Swiss theologian Giovanni Diodati, as well as the Greek Septuagint and a precious old Hebrew Bible manuscript. As the release of the 4th century B.C.E. by the release of the scrolls from the 4th century B.C.E., many scholars became angry. Ibat idụt oro ẹtode: 6 God's Word foretold the resurrection. Number of countries represented: 6 [ Ikọ Idakisọn̄] What is included in your efforts to show kindness in your ministry? [ Footnote] Edieke afo esidụkde mbono esop kpukpru ini, emekeme ndidi ete, eka, m̀mê eyeneka owo ke esop mbufo. Was the Gibeonite ruse just a means to avoid execution? If you attend Christian meetings regularly, you may be a father, a mother, or a brother in your congregation. Nso ke ikọ Jesus ọkọwọrọ? " They Are Bread to Us. " What did Jesus mean? Kûdedei ukere ke udukemeke ndikpep nditọ fo n̄kpọ. Remember, it is your responsibility to nourish, encourage, and refresh his sheep. Never underestimate the ability to teach your children. Ke ini edem, ikesida akwa ukụt didie? 4 / 1 Why Jews Stumbled by Manner of Death, 5 / 1 In the past, how was the great tribulation viewed? Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹsimịn̄ Bible, mme n̄wed, magazine, ye mme n̄kpọ eken oro ẹsidade ẹkpep mme owo Bible n̄kpọ nte idem biliọn kiet ye ubak kpukpru isua ke n̄kpọ nte usem 700. I was taken to prison, and as it turned out, I was to face a cruel interrogation. Jehovah's Witnesses produce Bibles, books, magazines, and other Bible - based publications each year in some 700 languages. Mbụk emi owụt nnyịn nti edu oro ikpekpebede ye mbon oro ikpọsọnde. (b) What purpose did the Sabbath serve? This account shows us fine qualities that we can imitate and those to whom we should be. Ẹdiana kiet ẹkpep mme ibuotikọ oro ẹkọn̄ọde ke Bible emi ẹban̄ade ndọ ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme ye Awake! Till this day, what has set true Christians apart from imitation Christians? Together you study Bible - based articles on marriage in The Watchtower and Awake! Nnyịn isinam emi man ikọm Jehovah ke se enye anamde ọnọ nnyịn, inyụn̄ iti usen n̄kpa Jesus nte enye ọkọdọhọde. Megan: Hi, Shirley. It was so good to see you at the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ last week. We do this by thanking Jehovah for what he has done for us, remembering the day of Jesus ' death. Zechariah ama ewet ntịn̄nnịm ikọ aban̄a Messiah ete: "O eyenan̄wan Zion, dara etieti. I was happy to be a member of the Hong Kong Bethel family, but I was finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the heat and humidity. Concerning the Messiah, Zechariah wrote: "Rejoice, O daughter of Zion. Nnyịn idinen̄ede inem Abasi esịt n̄kukụre edieke idomode ke ofụri esịt ndida mme edumbet esie ndu uwem. But he lost his appetite and had a high fever. Only if we sincerely strive to live by his standards will we please God. Prọfet Isaiah ama ebem iso etịn̄ ete: "Ama ekem ke utịt eyo, obot ufọk Jehovah oyowụhọ ke enyọn̄ ikpọ obot, onyụn̄ okon̄ akan n̄kpri obot; ndien kpukpru mme idụt ẹyebụn̄ọ ẹdụk ke esịt. " It looked like sign language. The prophet Isaiah foretold: "It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. " 18 Ndi Akpana Enyịn̄ Jehovah Odu ke Obufa Testament? Generally, the seaborne preachers were met with a combination of curiosity, warmth, and traditional island hospitality. 18 Should Jehovah's Name Be appears in the New Testament? Mmọ ẹyeyom usụn̄ ẹnam n̄kpọ emi edinamde mmọ ẹdu kiet. We did, and over that cup of coffee, I witnessed to him. They will find ways to maintain unity. Nte Ibọrọ Oro Bible Ọnọde Anamde Esịt Enen̄ede Ana Fi Sụn̄ More than ten of them eventually became dedicated worshipers of Jehovah. How the Bible's Answer Brings Real Peace of Mind Mmọ ẹma ẹsise nte ẹkekabarede ndusụk n̄kpọ ke mme Bible en̄wen, utọ nte Septuagint usem Greek, akani Bible usem Hebrew, ye Bible usem Italian emi Giovanni Diodati eyen Switzerland akakabarede. If Jesus had satisfied the pangs of hunger without considering the repercussions, Satan would have succeeded in getting Jesus to compromise his integrity. They observed how some other translations, such as the Greek Septuagint, an old Hebrew Bible, and Italian Bible translated by Giovovovio, Switzerland. N̄wed Abasi ama ọdọdọhọ ke Jesus eyeset. I have heard about it, " I said. The Scriptures foretold that Jesus would rise. Nso ke oyom nte esịnde ukeme ndifọn ido ke utom ukwọrọikọ? About 3,000 listeners accepted the Christian message and were baptized. What do you need to do as you strive to be kind in the ministry? Ndi n̄kari mbon Gibeon ekedi man ẹbọhọ nsobo kpọt? How can we show respect for the decisions of others? Was the Gibeonites ' tricks merely to escape destruction? " Mmọ Ẹtie Nte Udia Ẹnọ Nnyịn. ' (Read Genesis 19: 21, 22.) " They Provide Our Food for Us. " Mbiowo emi ẹtuade erọn̄ Abasi mbọm idikarake - kara mmọ. Where can we find the answers? Elders who show compassion to God's sheep do not rule over them. Ẹma ẹda mi ẹka ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ẹnyụn̄ ẹbụp mi ata n̄kpọsọn̄ mbụme. An examination of these Bible accounts shows, however, that in each case, there are three major distinguishing factors. I was taken to prison and interrogated very much. (b) Nso ikedi uduak Sabbath? Then meditate on the reasons and the scriptures that support them. (b) What was the purpose of the Sabbath? Nso ke ẹnen̄ede ẹda ẹdiọn̄ọ ata mme Christian tutu esịm emi? STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 6 - 10 What is the basic mark of true Christians down to this day? Mercy: Stella, esịt ama enem mi ndikụt fi ke Editi n̄kpa Jesus Christ urua oko. They Searched for the Cramped Road Megan: Shirley, I was thrilled to see you at the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death last week. Mma n̄kop inemesịt nditiene mbuana ke otu ubon Bethel ke Hong Kong, edi ama enen̄ede ọsọn̄ mi ndiyọ ufiop ye mbịtmbịt ofụm oro okodude do. In various ways these verses make this basic point: Sow righteousness and reap its reward. I was happy to be part of a Bethel family in Hong Kong, but it was very difficult for me to cope with the heat and cold air there. Edi enye ikekemeke aba ndidia udia, onyụn̄ enyene ọkpọsọn̄ ufiopidem. It can also put one in a restless, dreamy state of mind at night, depriving one of sweet sleep. But he could no longer eat, and he had severe fever. Se enye akanamde eketie nte usem idiọn̄ọ. What would world conditions be like if God forever refrained from taking action? What he did seemed to be sign language. Nte ido mmọ edide, mmọ ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹdara mme ọkwọrọikọ emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹtat ubọk ẹkama mmọ. But how do you come to know the mind of someone who lived on earth 2,000 years ago? Naturally, they welcomed these preachers warmly and generously. Nnyịn mbiba ima ikeyet ubọk, ndien mma n̄kwọrọ ikọ nnọ enye nte ikosụk in̄wọn̄de kọfi. Rivoire also began translating Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence into Italian. We both broke their arms, and I witnessed to him while we were in coffee. Se iwakde ibe owo duop ẹma ẹkabade ẹdi mme andituak ibuot nnọ Jehovah oro ẹma ẹkeyak idem ẹnọ. Kingdom Proclaimers Report More than ten became dedicated worshipers of Jehovah. Edieke Jesus okpokoyụhọde ọkpọsọn̄ biọn̄ oro ọkọdọn̄de enye ye unana edikere mban̄a se ididide utịp, Satan okpokokụt unen ke ndinam Jesus ọduọk nsọn̄ọnda esie. Buckingham), 6 / 1 If Jesus were to satisfy his hunger without considering the outcome, Satan would have succeeded in breaking Jesus from his integrity. Mmokop mban̄a oro. " Our loving Father wants us to follow the pathways of righteousness; yet, he does not force us to change the course we are on. I have come to know that. " N̄kpọ nte owo 3,000 emi ẹkekopde etop emi ẹma ẹbọ akpanikọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹna baptism. Without doubt, all of us will face some sort of disappointment in the future. Some 3,000 people who heard the message accepted the truth and were baptized. Ntak emi ikpayakde mbon en̄wen ẹmek se mmọ ẹmade ndinam? Those who are conscious of their spiritual need are happy because they draw close to Jehovah, "the happy God, " and he gives them something vital for happiness - hope. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Why should we allow others to choose what they want to do? (Kot Genesis 19: 21, 22.) His key contribution to Christendom turned out to be a theory upon which later writers built the doctrine of the Trinity. (Read Genesis 19: 21, 22.) M̀mọ̀n̄ ke nnyịn ikeme ndikụt ibọrọ? " THE word of God is alive and exerts power. " Where can we find the answers? Edi edieke enen̄erede odụn̄ọde mme itie Bible emi, oyokụt akpan n̄kpọ ita oro ẹsisan̄ade ye nsobo Abasi. 4 QUESTION: What is the Kingdom of God? However, if you carefully examine these Bible verses, you will find three key elements that lead to God's destruction. Ekem tie kere mmọ. Learn From Those Who Rejected Jesus Then meditate on them. IBUOTIKỌ UKPEPN̄KPỌ 1 PAGE 6 - 10 Jehovah's heart is saddened. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6; Deuteronomy 32: 4, 5. STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 6 - 10 Mmọ Ẹma Ẹyom Mfafaha Inuaotop How different their attitude toward lowly human creatures is from that of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God! They Needed the narrow Gate Ke nsio nsio usụn̄, mme ufan̄ikọ emi ẹsọn̄ọ ẹwụt akpan n̄kpọ emi: Tọ edinen ido nyụn̄ dọk utịp esie. 1, 2. (a) What are three spiritual treasures that Jehovah has given to us? (b) What will we consider in this article? In various ways, these verses emphasize this vital fact: Sow righteousness and reap its fruitage. Oro ekeme n̄ko ndinam owo akpa ekikere ke okoneyo, inyụn̄ ikemeke ndide idap inem inem. Ann would start the study if I was late, and I took over as soon as I arrived. That can also stimulate a person's mind on the night, and it cannot be a good night's sleep. Ererimbot emi ekpetie didie edieke Abasi akpayakde enye aka iso ntem ke nsinsi nsinsi? " At once Abigail hastened, " we read. What would this world be like if God allowed him to continue living forever? Edi afo edinam didie ọfiọk ekikere owo emi okodude uwem ke isọn̄ ke isua 2,000 emi ẹkebede? David made his problems a subject of fervent prayer, but he also understood the value of taking practical steps to deal with the cause of the anxiety. But how can you relate to the viewpoint of the man who lived on earth 2,000 years ago? Rivoire ama ọtọn̄ọ n̄ko ndikabade Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence nsịn ke usem Italian. The sons of the patriarch Jacob hated their brother Joseph so much that they sold him into slavery. Rivoire also began to translate Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence into Italian. Ntọt Mme Anditan̄a Obio Ubọn̄ How are kindness and love linked? Kingdom Proclaimers Report Edima Ete nnyịn oyom isan̄a ke usụn̄ edinen ido; edi kpa ye oro, enye inyịkke - nyịk nnyịn itre ndinam se iduakde. Not only will this bring us happiness but it will also make us recipients of Jehovah's mercy. - Acts 20: 35; James 2: 13. Our loving Father wants us to walk in the path of righteousness, but he does not force us to stop carrying out our plans. Eyịghe idụhe nte ke kpukpru nnyịn iyosobo edikpu ke ini iso. How do we know when the Lord's Evening Meal should be held, and what meaning should it have for all of us? No doubt all of us will have to face disappointments in the future. Mbon oro ẹfiọkde unana mmọ ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit ẹkop inemesịt sia mmọ ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Jehovah, "Abasi inemesịt, " enye onyụn̄ ọnọ mmọ akpan n̄kpọ oro ekemede ndinam owo okop inemesịt - oro edi, idotenyịn. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. How does reflecting on Jesus ' ministry enhance our love for God? Those conscious of their spiritual need are happy because they draw close to Jehovah, "the happy God, " and he provides a vital source of happiness - hope. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Akpan n̄kpọ oro enye eketịpde esịn ke Christendom ama akabade edi ukpepn̄kpọ oro mme ewetn̄wed ke ukperedem ẹkedade ẹsọn̄ọ ukpepn̄kpọ Abasi - Ita - ke - Kiet. David's liaison with Bath - sheba produced a son. His main contribution in Christendom became a doctrine later supported the Trinity doctrine. " IKỌ Abasi enyene uwem, onyụn̄ ananam n̄kpọ. " Thus, security becomes associated with their advertised product and the big city. " THE word of God is alive and exerts power. " 4 MBỤME: Nso idi Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi? They even dubbed 1986 the International Year of Peace, although that year did not live up to its name. 4 QUESTION: What is God's Kingdom? Kpep N̄kpọ to Mbon Oro Ẹkesịnde Jesus Awake and cry out joyfully, you residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of mallows, and the earth itself will let even those impotent in death drop in birth. " Learn From Those Who Rejected Jesus Utọ n̄kpọ emi esibiak Jehovah etieti. - Kot Genesis 6: 5, 6; Deuteronomy 32: 4, 5. How would you have reacted? Jehovah is deeply hurt. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6; Deuteronomy 32: 4, 5. Nte mmọ ẹkesinamde n̄kpọ ye mme usụhọde owo okpụhọrede didie ntem ye nte Akakan Andikara ofụri ekondo, kpa Jehovah Abasi, esinamde! When Brother Knorr began to take the lead among the Witnesses worldwide in 1942, he kept Brother Henschel as his assistant. How different their attitude toward ordinary people is from that of the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God! 1, 2. (a) Siak n̄kpọuto ita emi Jehovah ọnọde nnyịn. (b) Nso ke idineme ke ibuotikọ emi? The dictionary continues: "Even amongst the Romans the crux (Latin, from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole. " 1, 2. (a) What three treasures has Jehovah given us? (b) What will we consider in this article? Ann esitọn̄ọ ukpepn̄kpọ emi edieke nnyọn̄de ndi ke idiọk ini, ndien mmesibọ enye n̄kpep ke ndondo oro nnyọn̄de ndisịm. But suddenly, the weather changed. Ann begins the study if I arrive late, and I have learned that soon I come home. N̄wed Abasi ọdọhọ ete: "Ndien Abigail awara. " Scriptural Questions Answered: The Scriptures say: "She quickly got up. " Nditọ Jacob ẹma ẹsua Joseph eyenete mmọ tutu ẹnyam enye nte ofụn. A Full and Meaningful Life Jacob's sons hated Joseph so much that he was sold into slavery. Didie ke mfọnido ye ima ẹnyene ebuana? In a recent survey in the United States, 75 percent of all first - year university students described their principal goal in life as being "financially very well off. " How is kindness and love related? Emi ayanam nnyịn ikop inemesịt inyụn̄ idi mbon oro Jehovah atuade mbọm. - Utom 20: 35; James 2: 13. Greenspan highlights the marked contrast between the world situation before 1914 and what followed: As a result, we will be happy and merciful to Jehovah. - Acts 20: 35; James 2: 13. Isan̄a didie ifiọk ini emi ẹkpenịmde Udia Mbubreyo Ọbọn̄, ndien nso ufọn ke enye ekeme ndinyene nnọ kpukpru nnyịn? Gilgal How do we know when the Lord's Evening Meal should be observed, and how can it benefit all of us? Didie ke nditie n̄kere utom Jesus anam ima oro imade Abasi ọdọdiọn̄ okpon? [ Picture on page 14] How does meditating on Jesus ' ministry increase our love for God? David ye Bath - sheba ẹma ẹnyene eyen ke ẹma ẹkesịn efịbe. That purpose was developing progressively when the aged apostle John was allowed to peer through a visionary opened door in heaven. David and Bath - sheba had a child after committing adultery. Ntem, ifụre edikabade enyene ebuana ye n̄kpọurua mmọ oro ẹsuande etop ẹban̄a onyụn̄ enyene ebuana ye akwa obio. According to Greek scholar W. Thus, freedom of translation is related to their advertising and is associated with the city. Mmọ ẹkekam ẹkot 1986 Isua Emem Ofụri Ererimbot, okposụkedi emi mîkedịghe ntre. Gold of Ophir, 6 / 1 They even referred to 1986 International Peace, although this was not so. Mbufo emi ẹdụn̄de ke ntan ẹdemede, ẹkwọ: koro mbara ikọn̄ edide mbara fo, ndien isọn̄ ayaman mme okpo. " • What confidence do all Christians have? You, who reside in the dust, cry out: " For the dew is your dew, and the earth itself will give up dead bodies. ' " Didie ke afo akpakanam n̄kpọ? He explained that the town belonged to him and forbade me to preach there. How would you have reacted? Ke ini Brọda Knorr ọkọtọn̄ọde ndida usụn̄ ke otu Mme Ntiense ke ofụri ererimbot ke 1942, enye okosụk ada Brọda Henschel nte udiana esie. The way to unending life is open. When Brother Knorr began taking the lead among the Witnesses worldwide in 1942, he still used Brother Henschel as his assistant. N̄wed emi aka iso ete: "Idem ke otu mbon Rome, crux (ikọ Latin emi ẹdade cross ẹto) etie nte ekedi anyan eto. " As a consequence, a perverted, counterfeit Christianity appeared on the world stage. The same reference work continues: "Even among the Romans, tauxux (a Latin word derived from the cross) seems to have been a long wooden tree. " Edi enyọn̄ ama etịmerede inikiet inikiet. And all of us are subject to the ravages of old age and natural disasters. But there was a sudden turn of clouds. Mme Mbụme N̄wed Abasi Oro Ẹbọrọde: What care should an elder exercise if a Christian wants to talk to him about a dispute with a fellow believer? Scriptural Questions Answered: Ata Inem Uwem When addressing the overseers of the first - century congregation in Ephesus, the apostle Paul pointed out that holy spirit had appointed them overseers "to shepherd the congregation of God. " A Real Life Ndụn̄ọde oro ẹkenamde ke ndondo emi ke United States owụt ke owo 3 ke otu nditọ ufọkn̄wed ntaifiọk 4 emi ẹdude ke akpa isua ubọ ukpep ẹnịm "edinen̄ede nnyene okụk " nte ata akpan utịtmbuba. Instead, God guided Paul through northwestern parts of Asia Minor to Troas on the coast. A recent survey in the United States found that 3 out of 4 college students in the first year of high school put "the greatest amount of money " as an important goal. Greenspan ama etịn̄ nte ererimbot idahaemi okpụhọrede ye ererimbot emi okodude mbemiso 1914. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " - Matt. Greenpan described the world today as different from that of the world in the first century B.C.E. Gilgal The Mosaic Law forbade leaving a criminal to hang all night on the execution stake. Gilgal [ Ndise ke page 14] 16, 17. [ Picture on page 14] Uduak oro ọkọtọn̄ọ sụn̄sụn̄ ke ini ẹkeyakde akanieren apostle John ada okụt inuaotop heaven oro ẹkebererede ke n̄kukụt. In fact, no reasonable person should be attracted to or attached to Baal. That purpose gradually began when the aged apostle John receives a vision opened to the heavenly gate. Ataifiọk usem Greek emi ekerede W. More important, you prove to God that you honor his arrangement of marriage, and your actions will bring him great pleasure. - 1 Peter 2: 19. Greek expert W. 2 / 15 The trees spoken of are described as planted "by streams of water " or" by the waters, " not by just one river or stream. 2 / 1 • Nso ke kpukpru mme Christian ẹnen̄ede ẹnịm? It was not dependent on seniority or experience. • What do all Christians really believe? Enye ama asian mi ke obio emi edi efakutom imọ onyụn̄ ọdọhọ n̄kûkwọrọ ikọ do. Jesus took time for children He told me that this city was his territory and urged me not to preach there. Ndi akpama ndidu uwem ke nsinsi? Perhaps there is in your congregation a brother whose speech and actions irritate you. Would you like to live forever? Nte utịp, ukwan̄ ye nsunsu Ido Ukpono Christ ama ọwọrọ owụt idem ke ererimbot. Jesus Christ too suffered persecution. As a result, the wrong and false Christianity appeared in the world. Ndien kpukpru nnyịn isosobo mme afanikọn̄ ini usọn̄ ye mme oto - obot afanikọn̄. The great tribulation will reach its climax with the destruction of all the governments of this old world and all those who side with them against God's Kingdom. And all of us face the calamities of old age and natural disasters. Nso ke ebiowo akpanam edieke Christian oyomde ndineme ye enye mban̄a mfịna emi enyenede ye eyenete? Jehovah God has appointed his Son, Jesus Christ, to oversee the Kingdom. What if a Christian elder wants to talk to him about a problem with a fellow believer? Ke ini apostle Paul eketịn̄de ikọ ọnọ mme esenyịn ke esop eyo mmọ ke Ephesus, enye ama ọdọhọ ke edisana spirit ekemek mmọ nte mme esenyịn "ete ẹkpeme esop Abasi, emi enye ekedepde ke iyịp Eyen esie. " How should we view our stewardship? When addressing overseers in the congregation in Ephesus, the apostle Paul said that the holy spirit appointed them overseers "to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son. " Abasi ama ada Paul usụn̄ ebe edere n̄kan̄ usoputịn Asia Minor aka Troas emi odude ke mbeninyan̄. How you benefit: God promises you everlasting life if you truly come to know him. God directed Paul through the northwestern part of Asia Minor to Troas, on the seashore. Koro ọkpọnọ mi ememem, mbiomo mi onyụn̄ efefere. " - Matt. See Daniel 4: 23 - 25. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " - Matt. Ibet Moses ama akpan okpo abiatibet oro ẹkeyịrede ndikọn̄ọ ke eto ke ofụri okoneyo. What have Jehovah's servants always had to do? The Mosaic Law prohibited a man's dead body of criminals who had spent the whole night on a stake. 16, 17. This is not to say that the road is easy. 16, 17. Emekeme ndikere n̄ko ke ikpanaha ọdiọn̄ọ - idem - owo ndomokiet ọkpọn̄ Jehovah okokpono Baal. Indeed, true Christians have the kind of love for one another that goes beyond casual friendship and mutual respect. You might also think that it would be unthinkable for anyone to abandon Jehovah's worship of Baal. Akande oro, oyowụt Abasi ke imokpono ndutịm ndọ emi enye ọkọtọn̄ọde, ndien ayanam esịt enen̄ede enem enye. - 1 Peter 2: 19. In fact, the first time they met, Jesus predicted that Peter would display rocklike qualities in his life. Moreover, we show God that we respect the arrangement of marriage that he instituted, and he will be richly pleased. - 1 Peter 2: 19. Ẹdọhọ ke ẹtọ eto emi "ke mben akpa mmọn̄ " m̀mê" ke mben mmọn̄. " What can we do to keep our thinking straight? The tree is said to be sown "by streams of water " or" by the waters. " Edimek oro ikọkọn̄ọke ke ediwak isua ke utom m̀mê mbufiọk oro enye ekenyenede. Control Your Future? That choice did not depend on years of work or experience. Jesus ama abiat ini ye nditọwọn̄ Finally, he turned to us and said, "It's safe to leave now. " With that he escorted us to our bicycles and bade us good - night. Jesus spent time with children Ekeme ndidi odu eyenete ke esop mbufo emi mûmaha nte enye esitịn̄de ikọ onyụn̄ anamde n̄kpọ. * Perhaps you have a brother in your congregation who does not like the way he speaks and acts. Ẹma ẹkọbọ Jesus Christ n̄ko. Of course, we do not want to become obsessed with the Devil or allow superstitious fear of him to paralyze us. Jesus Christ was also persecuted. Akwa ukụt edisịm utịt ke ini ẹdisobode kpukpru ukara ye kpukpru mbon oro mîdaha inọ Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi. Consider just a few of the blessings that await them under God's Kingdom. The great tribulation will end when all governments and all those who do not support God's Kingdom will be destroyed. Jehovah Abasi emek Jesus Christ Eyen esie nte Adaibuot ukara Obio Ubọn̄ emi. (Col. Jehovah God has appointed his Son, Jesus Christ, as the Head of the Kingdom. Nnyịn ikpese didie utom emi inamde inọ Abasi? 29 A Mild Temper - The Way of Wisdom How should we view our service to God? Nte afo ọbọde ufọn: Abasi ọn̄wọn̄ọ ke iyanam fi odu uwem ke nsinsi edieke afo ọdiọn̄ọde imọ. Jehovah sent Elijah to her for the sake of both the woman and the prophet. How you benefit: God has promised you eternal life if you know him. Se Daniel 4: 23 - 25. How can we show others that it is practical and beneficial to heed Jehovah's reminders? See Daniel 4: 23 - 25. Nso ke mme asan̄autom Jehovah ẹnyene ndinam kpukpru ini? Even so, "not everyone who drinks regularly has a drinking problem, " states the U.S. National Institutes of Health, "and not all problem drinkers drink every day. " What must Jehovah's servants do regularly? Emi iwọrọke ke kpukpru n̄kpọ edidi ata mmemmem mmemmem. TODAY, when so many things threaten our well - being, it is natural to look for someone or something that will provide security. This does not mean that everything is so easy. Ke akpanikọ, ata mme Christian ẹnyene orụk ima emi mîdịghe ikpîkpu edima nnyụn̄ n̄kpono kiet eken. The Bible also promises a resurrection for the dead. Indeed, true Christians have a form of love that is not merely a feeling of love and respect for one another. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, akpa ini oro Jesus okokụtde Peter, enye ama etịn̄ ikọ emi owụtde ke Peter ọyọsọn̄ọ ada nte akamba itiat. That may simply reinforce their reluctance. In fact, when Jesus first saw Peter, he spoke out indicating that Peter would remain steadfast as a rock - mass. Nso ke nnyịn ikeme ndinam man ikere n̄kpọ nte enende? According to the book, she refused to renounce her beliefs and found comfort from the Scriptures during her final days. What can we do to keep our thinking straight? Matheakis), 7 / 1 Are the two of you guided by this Bible principle, and are you making genuine efforts to follow it? Matheakis), 10 / 1 Ekem, enye ọdọhọ ete, "Usụn̄ ọfọn ndien, mbọk yak ndida mbufo n̄kayak, " onyụn̄ ada nnyịn akayak ke ebiet oro ikobonde enan̄ukwak, ọkọm nnyịn unyọn̄. He knows man's makeup - his needs, his interests, and his desires. Next, he says, "It's good to go over, please, " and take us to the place where we were carrying a bicycle, and say good - bye. * All in attendance were assured that their faith would be increased and that their personal relationship with Jehovah would be strengthened. * Nte ededi, nnyịn iyomke ndiwụk ekikere ke Devil m̀mê ndiyak mme nsunsu ekikere ẹban̄ade enye ẹnam nnyịn ikop ndịk. If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. For more information, select the link "Make a Donation to Our Worldwide Work " at the bottom of the home page on, or contact the branch office. However, we do not want to be intimidated by the Devil or by superstitions. Yak ineme edidiọn̄ ifan̄ emi idibọde ke ini emi Abasi edikarade isọn̄ emi. Young men can also reach out by working to qualify to enter the "large door that leads to activity " in various features of full - time service. Consider just a few examples of how God's Kingdom will rule over the earth. (Col. Those in what has been called the determinist camp believe strongly that our genes play a decisive role in our susceptibility to various diseases. (Colol. 29 Owo Emi Enyenede Ifụre Ifụre Ido Enyene Ọniọn̄ How can this be avoided? 29 A Mild - Tempered Man Is Wise Jehovah ọkọdọhọ Elijah aka ebịne enye ke ufọn mmọ mbiba. In whom was God's promise of the Seed fulfilled, and why do you so answer? Jehovah directed Elijah to go to him for the good of both of them. Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndiwụt mbon efen nte ke odot onyụn̄ ọfọn ndikpeme mme n̄kpọ editi Jehovah? Conviction will help you to be bold, although you may be timid by nature. How can we show others that it is appropriate and beneficial to observe Jehovah's reminders? Kpa ye oro, Itieutom Unam Ndụn̄ọde Nsọn̄idem Eke United States ọdọhọ ete: "Idịghe kpukpru mbon oro ẹsin̄wọn̄de mmịn kpukpru ini ẹnyene mfịna mmịn, inyụn̄ idịghe kpukpru mbon oro ẹnyenede mfịna mmịn ẹsin̄wọn̄ mmịn kpukpru ini. " The disciple James tells us frankly: "All such taking of pride is wicked. " Even so, the U.S. Research Institute states: "There is no problem for all who drink at all times, and not for all who have problems with alcohol. " KE EYOMFỊN emi ediwak n̄kpọ ẹsịnde mfọnọn̄kpọ nnyịn ke itiendịk, edi ndammana n̄kpọ ndiyom owo m̀mê n̄kpọ oro edinọde ukpeme. Here, "being safeguarded " literally means" being kept under watch. " IN THE danger of many factors, it is natural to seek someone or something to protect. Bible ọn̄wọn̄ọ n̄ko ete ke ẹyenam mme akpan̄kpa ẹset. He was the very first missionary of Jehovah's Witnesses to come to Japan. The Bible also promises that the dead will be raised up. Oro ekeme ndinam Ikọ Abasi odorode mmọ. When those first hired realized this, they complained. As a result, they may feel under pressure from God's Word. N̄wan esie ikenyịmeke, edi ada Ikọ Abasi ọdọn̄ idem esịt tutu esịm usen emi ẹwotde enye. What emotions do you sense in Elijah's voice as he addresses the Baal prophets? His wife did not accept it, but she took comfort from God's Word until the day of his execution. Nte edumbet Bible emi akara mbufo mbiba, ndien nte mbufo ke ẹsịn ofụri ukeme ndinam enye? At last, I found answers to fundamental questions that my church had not been able to give me. Has this Bible principle influenced both of you, and are you doing your best to do it? Enye ọfiọk nte mme owo ẹtiede - se owo oyomde, se owo amade, ye se idọn̄de owo. This often involves our being yielding. He understands people's desires, desires, and desires. Ẹma ẹn̄wọn̄ọ ẹnọ kpukpru mme andidụk ẹte ke mbuọtidem mmọ ọyọkọri ye nte ke ọkpọkpọ itie ebuana mmọ ye Jehovah ọyọsọn̄. The plaque at the Areopagus commemorating Paul's speech All in attendance were assured that their faith would grow and that their personal relationship with Jehovah would be firmly established. Edieke oyomde ntọt efen efen, ka ebiet oro ẹwetde "Nọ Enọ Fo Mi Ẹda Ẹnam Utom Abasi ke Ofụri Ererimbot, " emi odude ke isọn̄ isọn̄ akpa page / efi, mîdịghe nyene nneme ye N̄kọk Itieutom Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Contrast the rule of God's Kingdom with human rule. For more information, go to the site "Give Your Gift to God's Service Worldwide, " on page, or contact the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. N̄kpọ en̄wen emi ekemede ndinam n̄kparawa ẹdot ndikama ifetutom edi ndinam n̄kpọ man ẹdot ndidụk utom uyọhọ ini ekededi. In what ways can elders draw on the talents and experience of older ones? Another way to qualify for privileges is to take steps to qualify for the full - time ministry. Mbon oro ẹnịmde ẹte ke mme edinam owo ẹkọn̄ọ ke akan̄a ẹnen̄ede ẹnịm ke nsenubon nnyịn ẹnyene akpan udeme ke ndinam nnyịn idọn̄ọ nsio nsio udọn̄ọ. 2: 35 - How was "a long sword " to be run through Mary's soul? Those who believe that man's actions are deeply convinced that our genes play a vital role in healing us from various diseases. Edi nso ke akpanam mbak ekikere fo ediyo ke ini okotde n̄wed? To honor one's wife means to treat her lovingly, with respect and dignity. What, though, can you do to keep your mind from reading? Mfri oro Abasi ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde okosu anie ke idem, ndien ntak emi afo ọbọrọde ntre? King David was a disappointment when he committed adultery and then had the woman's husband killed. To whom was God's promised Seed fulfilled, and why do you answer so? Idem edieke edide owo bụt, afo eyenyene uko edieke enen̄erede ọfiọk se enịmde. Instead of being granted full exemption, however, my father was registered as exempt "from Combatant Service only. " Even if you are shy, you will be courageous if you really know what you believe. James mbet Christ ama etịn̄ in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ ete: "Kpukpru mbụre eke ẹtiede ntre ẹdiọk. " KATHERINE grew up in the United States and at age 16 was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The disciple James plainly stated: "Everyone that is so proud is bad. " Ikọ oro " ẹkpeme mbufo ' ke ata ata usụn̄ ọwọrọ "ẹtie ẹse. " The Dead Sea Scroll "Commentary on Nahum " mentions" the Lion of Wrath " who "hanged men alive, " which may refer to the above - mentioned incident. The expression "keep watch " literally means" keep awake. " Enye ekedi ata akpa isụn̄utom Mme Ntiense Jehovah ndidi Japan. However, because of my mother's teachings, I had deep respect for the elderly man who studied the Bible with me and for the spiritual understanding he shared. He was the very first missionary of Jehovah's Witnesses to come to Japan. Mbon oro ẹkenamde utom toto ke usenubọk ẹma ẹyat esịt. As you do so, you will be rewarded with joy and satisfaction because you are imitating the Great Disciple Maker. Those who worked from morning were angry. Afo ekere ke Elijah enịm didie uyo etịn̄ ikọ ye mme prọfet Baal? Not even the threat of death dampens our zeal as harvest workers. What tone do you sense in Elijah's voice with the prophets of Baal? Ke akpatre, mma nnyene ibọrọ nnọ mme akpan mbụme oro ufọkabasi nnyịn mîkekemeke ndibọrọ. The apostle Peter encourages us: "As newborn infants, form a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word, that through it you may grow to salvation. " Finally, I found answers to important questions that our church could not answer. Emi esiyom inyịme inọ owo. Above all, love for God motivated Jesus to preach and to teach. This calls for yielding. Itiatn̄wed oro etide owo ukwọrọikọ Paul ke Areopagus When everyone in the class agreed with this viewpoint, Stephanie felt compelled to defend her Bible - based position. The tablet reminds Paul of the preaching work on the Areopagus Nso idi ukpụhọde ukara Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ye ukara owo? If performed with the right motive - to show gratitude and give thanks - these acts of sacred service are acceptable to God. What is the political change of God's Kingdom and human governments? Mme usụn̄ ewe ke mbiowo ẹkeme ndida mbufiọk ye ukeme mbonusọn̄ nnam n̄kpọ? This must have touched their heart deeply because they soon became tireless and courageous proclaimers of the Kingdom good news to distant parts of the earth, to which fact the book of Acts amply testifies. - Acts 1: 8; Colossians 1: 23. In what ways can elders use the experience and abilities of older ones? 2: 35 - Didie ke ẹkeda "anyan akan̄kan̄ " ẹkịm Mary? So instead of being selfish, Jonathan became David's friend and kept his promise to him. 2: 35 - How was Mary stabbed with "a sword "? Owo ndinọ n̄wan esie ukpono ọwọrọ ndinam n̄kpọ ye enye ke ima ima usụn̄ nnyụn̄ nnọ enye uku. Mum cried with joy, Dad quickly arranged for the change, and I learned the importance of supporting the Kingdom work financially. To honor his wife means to treat her in a loving and dignified manner. Edidem David ama okpu Jehovah ke ndikesịn efịbe nnyụn̄ n̄wot ebe eyenan̄wan oro. (See opening picture.) King David failed Jehovah by committing adultery and killing the girl. Nte ededi, utu ke ndisio enye ofụri ofụri mfep ke utom ekọn̄, ẹkesio ete mi ẹfep ke "Utom Un̄wana Ekọn̄ kpọt. " If it did and he accidentally touched a dead body, how could he start over a lifelong Naziriteship that began with his birth? Instead of removing it completely from military service, however, my father was expelled from "the works of the battle alone. " Enye ama ana baptism onyụn̄ akabade Ntiense Jehovah ke ini ekedide isua 16. When we are guided and spiritually sustained by Jehovah's holy spirit, we do not wither away, becoming unfruitful or spiritually dead. At 16 years of age, she was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ikpan̄wed Inyan̄ Inụn̄ oro "Commentary on Nahum " (Se Ẹtịn̄de Ẹban̄a N̄wed Nahum) asiak" Ekpe Ifụtesịt " oro "ọkọkọn̄de mme odu - uwem owo ke eto, " emi ekemede ndidi etịn̄ aban̄a n̄kpọntịbe oro ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a ke enyọn̄ emi. • What provisions does Jehovah make for the spiritual protection of his people? The Dead Sea Scrolls, "Satary on Nahum, " (See the book Nahum) mention the" lions " that are the source of life on a stake, " which may refer to an event described above. Edi ke ntak emi eka mi ekekpepde mi ndikpono ikpọ owo, mma nnen̄ede n̄kpono akanieren oro ekekpepde mi Bible nnyụn̄ nnen̄ede mma ifiọk Abasi emi enye ekekpepde mi. It seemed to him that he was always getting into trouble. But because Mother taught me to respect older ones, I had deep respect for the older man who studied the Bible with me and developed a deep love for the God he taught me. Nte anamde oro, afo oyokop idatesịt ye uyụhọ sia ekpebede Akwa Anam - Mbet. Unintimidated, Jesus expelled the many demons that held the man in their control. As you do so, you will find joy and satisfaction in imitating the Great Disciple Maker. Idem ndịghe n̄kpa inamke ifịk nnyịn nte mme anamutom idọk etek. Now I can die in peace! " Even death does not make us zealous as harvest workers. Apostle Peter esịn udọn̄ ọnọ nnyịn ete: "Nte nsek - nditọ, [ẹkọri ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ ẹnọ, NW] ata mmọn̄ - eba Spirit, man mbufo ẹda enye ẹkọri ẹsịm edinyan̄a. " (Read Hebrews 6: 10 - 12.) The apostle Peter urges us: "As newborn infants, form a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word, that through it you may grow to salvation. " Ima Abasi ekenen̄ede anam Jesus ọkwọrọ ikọ onyụn̄ ekpep mme owo n̄kpọ. With upbuilding new information available and a life filled with good things, they will no longer be distressed by the bad things of the past. God's love moved Jesus to preach and teach. Ke ini kpukpru owo ke ubet ukpepn̄kpọ oro ẹkenyịmede ekikere emi, ama ọdọn̄ Stephanie nditịn̄ mban̄a se enye enịmde ke akpanikọ, oro ọkọn̄ọde ke Bible. We cut the grass. When everyone in the classroom accepted this suggestion, Stephanie wanted to talk about her Bible - based beliefs. Edieke ẹnamde ye eti uduak - oro edi, man ẹwụt esịtekọm - Abasi esinyịme mme utom emi ẹnamde ẹnọ enye mi. Some consider Alhazen to be "the father of the modern scientific method. " If you do so with good intentions - to show your gratitude - God accepts your service to him. Anaedi emi ama enen̄ede otụk mmọ esịt koro ikebịghike mmọ ẹma ẹkabade ẹdi mbon oro ẹkenyenede ifịk ye uko nditan̄a eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ tutu esịm utịt ererimbot, ndien n̄wed Utom enen̄ede ọsọn̄ọ emi. - Utom 1: 8; Colossae 1: 23. Thus, a Jewish proverb affirmed: "Angareia is like death. " This must have touched their heart because soon they became zealous and fearless proclaimers of the good news of the Kingdom to the most distant part of the earth. - Acts 1: 8; Colossians 1: 23. Utu ke Jonathan ndiyom usụn̄ nte ikpedide edidem, enye ama anam ufan ye David inyụn̄ ikpọn̄ke enye nte enye ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde. After she found out about her father's request, Adryana prayed to Jehovah to give her an opportunity to visit Bethel. Instead of seeking ways to be king, Jonathan made friends with David and never abandoned him. Mmọn̄eyet idatesịt ama asiaha Mama ke enyịn, ndien Papa ama ọsọsọp ọdọhọ ẹnọ enye trọ iba, mma nnyụn̄ n̄kpep nte edide akpan n̄kpọ nditịp okụk nda n̄n̄wam utom Obio Ubọn̄. Depending on your circumstances, it may be advisable to look into getting at least some part - time help from health - care professionals or community agencies if available. Mother had tears of joy in her eyes, and Dad immediately asked for two trucks, and I learned how important it is to support the Kingdom work. (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) [ Picture on page 10] (See opening picture.) Edieke ibet oro ọkpọkọbọpde enye, ndien enye edue otụk okpo, didie ke enye akpakafiak ọtọn̄ọ utom Nazirite esie oro ọkọtọn̄ọde ke emana? Jehovah's Witnesses are organized to preach the good news and to make disciples. If that law had kept him alive, how did he return to his early Nazirite service? Ke ini edisana spirit Jehovah adade nnyịn usụn̄ onyụn̄ ọsọn̄ọde nnyịn idem, nnyịn idiyemekede, oro edi, nnyịn idinanake mfri m̀mê ndikpa ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. In less than a month, we moved to Denver, and two weeks later, in July 1975, my wife and I were baptized. When Jehovah's holy spirit guides and strengthens us, we will not lack spiritual seed or death. • Mme ndutịm ewe ke Jehovah anam man ọnọ ikọt esie ukpeme eke spirit? 1 / 15 • What provisions has Jehovah made to provide spiritual protection for his people? Eketie enye nte n̄kpọ eke enye ekesidụkde afanikọn̄ kpukpru ini. Those who have received "a spirit of adoption as sons " are God's spirit - begotten children. He felt as if he were always in trouble. Jesus ama adaha uko uko ekebịn kpukpru ndedehe spirit oro osion̄o enye ke idem. 1: 1, 3. Jesus courageously expelled him from every unclean spirit. Idahaemi mmekeme ndikpa ke emem! " 1: 4. Now I can die peacefully! " (Kot Mme Hebrew 6: 10 - 12.) In addition, Jesus devoted himself to the work of preaching and teaching the good news. (Read Hebrews 6: 10 - 12.) Mbufa n̄kpọ oro mmọ ẹdikpepde ye obufa uwem oro ọyọhọde ye nti n̄kpọ idiyakke ndiọi n̄kpọ oro ẹketịbede ẹtịmede mmọ esịt. Fractions from plasma The new things they will learn with a life filled with good things will help them to avoid being disturbed by the bad things that have happened. Nnyịn imesitem efak. Then she moved to a different area, and the Witness lost contact with her. We love to clean up the street. Ndusụk owo ẹdọhọ ke Alhazen edi akpa ataifiọk emi ekesitịmde odụn̄ọde ifiọk ntaifiọk nte ẹnamde mfịn. We do not expect miraculous affirmation such as Gideon received, but we can draw abundant guidance and reassurance from God's Word and through his spirit - directed congregation. In fact, Alhazen is thought to be the first expert in scientific research today. Do, n̄ke mbon Jew kiet ọsọn̄ọ emi, ete: "Angareia ebiet n̄kpa. " That would violate the fundamental principle of justice. One Jewish proverb, then, confirmed this, saying: "A man namedgara is like death. " Ke ini ọkọfiọkde se ete esie okoyomde ndinam nnọ enye, Adryana ama ọbọn̄ akam ọnọ Jehovah ete ọnọ imọ ifet ndika n̄kese Bethel. • What can cause a person to become haughty? Realizing what her father wanted to do for her, Adryana prayed to Jehovah for the privilege of visiting Bethel. Emekeme ndisika n̄kọbọ un̄wam nto mbiausọbọ mîdịghe aka itieutom oro ẹsisede ẹban̄a owo, edieke odude ke edem mbufo. BỤP IDEMFO ETE... That is, assurance that our God and Life - Giver has the ability to bring a dead person back to life. If you are in your area, why not turn to doctors for help? [ Ndise ke page 10] (Read Revelation 11: 15 - 18.) [ Picture on page 10] Jeremiah Iketreke Ndinam N̄kpọ Jehovah He asks: " What does the Bible say? ' Jeremiah Did Not Want to Serve Jehovah Ẹtịm esop Mme Ntiense Jehovah ntem man mmọ ẹkwọrọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi ẹnyụn̄ ẹnam mme owo ẹdi mbet Christ. " Draw close to God, " urged the disciple James, "and he will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. Jehovah's Witnesses are organized to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and to make disciples of Christ. Ke se isụhọrede ikan ọfiọn̄ kiet, nnyịn ima iwọrọ ika Denver, ndien urua iba ke ukperedem, ke July 1975, ami ye n̄wan mi ima ina baptism. Therefore they are surprised and impressed to see us knocking on their doors, and they usually give us a hearing ear. In less than a month, we moved to Denver, and two weeks later, in July 1975, my wife and I were baptized. (Joseph), 11 / 1 Identifying the relevant Bible principle can thus strengthen our conscience and help us make the right decision. 11 / 15 Mme Christian emi ndikot Abasi Abba owụt nte Abasi adade mmọ ke enye ama ọkọnọ mmọ " spirit emi anamde ẹda mmọ ẹnyene nte nditọ. ' " When people want to become true Christians, it is a complicated and expensive process. Christians who say Abba God show by means of whom he has given them "a spirit that gives them as sons. " 1: 1, 3. The Bible account tells us what happened: "It came about on that night that the angel of Jehovah proceeded to go out and strike down a hundred and eighty - five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. 1: 1, 3. 1: 4. Indeed, the ransom is the key that unlocks the door to the fulfillment of God's original purpose. 1: 4. Jesus ama esisịn idem n̄ko ọkwọrọ eti mbụk ọnọ mme owo onyụn̄ ekpep mmọ n̄kpọ. Also available at Jesus also zealously preached the good news to others and taught them. NDIBIERE ẹto mme ẹto mfia ẹto mme nsen ẹto mmọn̄ iyịp or, " What are we to drink? ' AS TOLD BY white cells are derived from blood plasma Ekem enye ama ọwọrọ okodụn̄ ke ebiet efen, ndien Ntiense oro ikekwe enye aba. Then there is deception in religious matters. Then she moved to another location, and the Witness had lost contact with her. Nnyịn idorike enyịn Abasi ndiwụt nnyịn utịbe utịbe idiọn̄ọ nte okowụtde Gideon, edi imekeme ndinyene ekese ndausụn̄ ito Ikọ Abasi ye esop esie oro spirit adade usụn̄. He wanted to distance us from the Witnesses. We do not expect God to show us miraculous signs of Gideon, but we can draw much guidance from God's Word and his spirit - directed organization. Edieke ekpedide ntre, oro ọkpọwọrọ ke Jehovah ke idemesie akabiat n̄kpọ. Loss of My Dear Mate If so, then Jehovah himself intervened. • Nso ikeme ndinam owo atan̄ idem? Therefore, while it is good to receive love, it is also very healthy to show love for others. • What can make a person proud? Emi owụt ke Jehovah emi ọnọde nnyịn uwem enyene odudu ndinam mme owo ẹset. 12, 13. Clearly, Jehovah, the Source of life, has the power to resurrect the dead. (Kot Ediyarade 11: 15 - 18.) I go out when that happens - I can't bear listening to the children when they cry for food. " (Read Revelation 11: 15 - 18.) Enye esima ndibụp mi ete: " Nso ke Bible etịn̄ aban̄a n̄kpọ emi? ' 14, 15. " What does the Bible say about this? ' James mbet eyen Abasi ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Abasi, ndien enye ayasan̄a ekpere mbufo. " - James 4: 8. " NO GREATER burden can be born [e] by an individual than to know no one cares or understands. " The disciple James said: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. Ke ntre idem akpa mmọ onyụn̄ otụk mmọ esịt ndikụt nte nnyịn ikọn̄de usụn̄ufọk mmọ, ndien mmọ ẹsiwak ndikpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ nnyịn. Even so, my childhood was not a happy one. Therefore, they marvel at how we knock on their door, and they usually listen to us. Ndidiọn̄ọ edumbet Bible oro enyenede ebuana ye ubiere nnyịn ekeme ndisọn̄ọ ubieresịt nnyịn onyụn̄ an̄wam nnyịn inam eti ubiere. " Mark Well the Ravens. " Recognizing Bible principles related to our decision can strengthen our conscience and help us make a wise decision. Ke ini mme owo ẹyomde ndidi ata Christian, se mmọ ẹsinyenede ndinam esiwak n̄kukọhọ onyụn̄ oyom ediwak okụk. In keeping with the poetic writing style of the original text, more chapters are now in poetic format When people want to be true Christians, their choices are often complex and more money is required. Bible asian nnyịn se iketịbede ete: "Edikem ke okoneyo oro angel Jehovah ọwọrọ, okowot tọsịn, tọsịn owo ke itie ikie ye anan̄ ye ition ke nna - ekọn̄ Assyria: ndien adan̄aemi mmọ ẹbakde ẹdemede ke usenubọk, sese, kpukpru mmọ ẹdi okpo. " Today, the Jewish Festival of Purim is traditionally preceded by the Fast of Esther. The Bible tells us what happened: "It came about on that night that the angel of Jehovah went out, killing a hundred and five thousand men in the camp of Assyria; and when they got up early in the morning, look! they all were dead. " Ke akpanikọ, Jesus ndikedi ndikpa anam uduak Abasi ekeme ndisu. Paul reasoned with the Jews in their synagogue and with people on hand in the marketplace in Athens. Yes, Jesus ' sacrificial death makes God's purpose possible. N̄wed emi odu n̄ko ke / efi. 5 / 1 Questions to Ask God, 5 / 1 Also available at m̀mê, " Nnyịn idin̄wọn̄ nso? ' Then, these prophetic promises will surely apply in our case: "[Jehovah] will exalt you to take possession of the earth. or, " What are we to drink? ' Ndien abian̄a odu ke mme n̄kpọ ẹban̄ade ido ukpono. But may I ask, just what do you mean by "holy ghost "? And there is deception in religious matters. Enye ikoyomke nnyịn ikpere Mme Ntiense. According to the account found in Genesis chapter 50, the physicians took the customary 40 days to prepare the corpse. He did not want us to be close to the Witnesses. N̄kpa Edima Nsan̄a Mi • Why are Bible prophecies rather than predictions by futurologists or astrologers to be trusted? My Dear Companion Mmọdo, ke adan̄aemi ọfọnde ẹwụt nnyịn ima, nnyịn ndiwụt mbon efen ima edi n̄ko n̄kpọ oro ọnọde nsọn̄idem. But it can be compared to one in many ways. Therefore, while it is good for us to show love, our showing love to others is also a healthy thing. Andibot nnyịn enyene ifiọk etieti. At the same time, they learned to shoulder responsibility. Our Creator is very intelligent. 12, 13. So we can be sure that he will always love, value, and appreciate his loyal servants. - Ex. 12, 13. Mmesiwọrọ ke ufọk n̄kpọ ama etetie ntem sia nsikemeke nditie n̄kụt nte nditọ mi ẹtuade biọn̄. " Brad: No. I would come out of the house because I couldn't see my children crying. " 14, 15. The Greek word rendered "tribulation " basically means the distress, affliction, or suffering that results from the pressures of our circumstances in life. 14, 15. " IDỤHE se isibiakde inyụn̄ isọn̄de ndiyọ nte owo ndifiọk ke idụhe eke ekerede aban̄a imọ m̀mê eke ọfiọkde nte etiede imọ ke idem. " Young ones do well to lean on Jehovah in all that they do. " NO ONE is hurt and hard to cope with the reality that nobody cares about you or understands how you feel. " Kpa ye ofụri emi, n̄kenen̄ekede n̄kop inemesịt ke ini n̄kedide uyen. In other words, he was the Protector of those whose rights were not safeguarded by a father or a husband. Despite all of this, I was very happy when I was young. " Ẹtịm Ẹse Mme Raven. " [ Picture Credit Lines on page 5] " See the Inspired Things. " Ẹwet ediwak ibuot ke Bible emi nte uto man ẹtie nte mbon oro mme andiwet Bible ẹkewetde • How does the example of Jehovah and of Jesus move you to honor others? Many chapters of this Bible contain poetic format to be likened to Bible writers Mfin, ẹsinim utre udia Esther mbemiso Usọrọ Purim Mme Jew. But what will you do when the end comes? " fifi, Esther's fast before the Jewish Festival of Festivals is celebrated. Paul ama ebuen ikọ ye mme Jew ke synagogue mmọ ọkọrọ ye mme owo oro ẹkedude ke an̄waurua ke Athens. Our personal appearance says much about us. Paul reasoned with the Jews in their synagogue as well as with people in the marketplace in Athens. Do, mme ikọ ntịn̄nnịm un̄wọn̄ọ emi ke akpanikọ ẹyenyene n̄kpọ ndinam ye nnyịn: "[Jehovah] eyemenede fi enịm ke enyọn̄ man ada isọn̄ enyene. A significant number of angels joined Satan's rebellion. Then these prophetic promises will surely apply to us: "[Jehovah] will exalt you to take possession of the earth. Edi yak mbụp ise, afo ọdọhọ ke nso idi edisana spirit? But they did not quit. But let me ask myself, What do you say is the holy spirit? Nte ekemde ye mbụk oro odude ke Genesis ibuot 50, nte ido ekedide mbiaibọk ẹma ẹda usen 40 nditịm okpo oro nnịm. He did so even though he was surrounded by false worshipers and may have been ridiculed by members of the royal court. According to the account in Genesis chapter 50, the doctors customarily used 40 days to prepare the body. • Ntak ẹkpeberide edem ke mme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ Bible utu ke mme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro mme ekpepn̄kpọ mban̄a ini iso m̀mê mme asiak - ntantaọfiọn̄ ẹtịn̄de? Surely such self - sacrifice and endurance please Jehovah! • Why can Bible prophecies be trusted rather than future predictions or astrologers? Edi, ẹkeme ndimen enye ndomo ye masịn ke ediwak usụn̄. All the same, those conversations allowed us to introduce ourselves and explain the importance of our Bible - based work. Yet, it can be likened to a machine in many ways. Ke ukem ini oro, mmọ ẹma ẹkpep ndibiom mbiomo. What if Someone Does Not Keep Integrity? At the same time, they learned to bear responsibility. Ntre imenịm ke enye ayaka iso ndima nnyụn̄ n̄kere mban̄a kpukpru mbon oro ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ye enye. - Ex. During a period of mourning, your child will look to you for direction, support, and answers. So we can be sure that he will continue to show love and concern for all who remain loyal to him. - Ex. Brad: Baba. Do You Remember? Brad: No. Ikọ Greek oro ẹkabarede "ukụt " enen̄ede ọwọrọ nnanenyịn, afanikọn̄, m̀mê ndutụhọ oro otode mfịghe uwem. While the results remain to be seen, Brother Brumley spoke hopefully of the impact that the Court's ruling may have on cases in other lands. The Greek word translated "tribulation " literally means distress, trouble, or suffering derived from the stress of life. Mme uyen ẹkpenyene ndiberi edem ke Jehovah ke kpukpru se mmọ ẹnamde. Their comforting, practical counsel and instruction from God's Word may be just what we need to strengthen our resolve enough to overcome our weakness. - James 5: 14 - 16. Young ones should rely on Jehovah for everything they do. Oro ọwọrọ ke enye esikpeme mbon emi mînyeneke owo. Ini kiet, ebeakpa emi ekedide n̄wan prọfet ama akama owo isọn. The angel explained: "Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end. " On one occasion, she was a widow who was a prophet's wife. [ Ebiet Ẹdade Ndise Ẹto ke page 5] She was writing to congratulate me on completing 60 years in the full - time ministry. [ Picture Credit Line on page 5] • Didie ke uwụtn̄kpọ Jehovah ye eke Jesus onụk fi ndikpono mbon efen? People could see the priests and smell the burning sacrifices. • How does the example of Jehovah and Jesus move you to honor others? Mbufo ẹdinyụn̄ ẹnam didie ke utịt esie? " Paul mentioned to Timothy how important it was for Christian women to "adorn themselves in well - arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind. " And how will you do at the end of his life? " Mme owo ẹsida se nnyịn isịnede ye nte ikamade idem ẹfiọk utọ owo emi nnyịn idide. What can you do to protect yourself? Humans are generally identified by what we dress and how we feel about ourselves. Ata ediwak angel ẹma ẹtiene Satan ẹsọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi. Imagine the feelings that must have prevailed! Millions of angels joined Satan in his rebellion against God. Edi mmọ ikakpaha mba. He or she also suffers the effects of inherited imperfection. But they did not give up. Enye ama anam oro okposụkedi okodude ke ufọt mme andituak ibuot nnọ nsunsu abasi, onyụn̄ etie nte mbon ufọk edidem ẹma ẹsisak enye nsahi. As Elijah splashed along those 19 miles (30 km) to Jezreel, it may have seemed to him that a real turning point had come at last. Ahab would have to change! He did so even though he was in the midst of false worshipers, and he may have been mocked by members of the royal household. Ke akpanikọ, utọ n̄waidem ye ime oro ẹnem Jehovah esịt! Ask yourself, " Do I really know the truth? Such sacrifices and endurance are indeed pleasing to Jehovah! Nte ededi, nneme oro ama esin̄wam nnyịn inam mmọ ẹfiọk mme owo oro nnyịn idide ye nte utom edikpep mme owo Bible oro inamde edide akpan n̄kpọ. Then, when the boy is of legal age, he begins to drive the car as his father gives him further instruction. That conversation, however, enabled us to identify people we are and to teach people the Bible to whom we are doing. Nso ke Ẹkpenam Edieke Owo Mîkọsọn̄ọke Ida? Spirituality Is Vital How Can You Resist Peer Pressure? Ke ini owo mbufo akpade, eyen fo oyoyom ndausụn̄ ye un̄wam, onyụn̄ oyom ọbọrọ mme mbụme imọ. If we have a valid reason for complaint, this has not escaped Jehovah's notice. When a loved one dies, your child needs guidance and support, and he needs to answer his questions. Nte Afo Emeti? are distributed, along with some in English, German, and Italian. Do You Recall? Okposụkedi oro owo mîkebiereke ikpe oro kan̄a, Brọda Brumley ama etịn̄ uko uko aban̄a ufọn emi ubiereikpe Esop oro ekemede ndinyene ke mme ikpe oro ẹkotde nnyịn ke mme idụt en̄wen. Although he thought that Jehovah would not listen to his prayer, he prayed anyway and asked for forgiveness. Although the case had not yet been settled, Brother Brumley spoke boldly about the value of the Court's ruling in other lands. Eti item ye ndausụn̄ mmọ oro ẹtode Ikọ Abasi mi, oro ẹnọde ndọn̄esịt, ẹkeme ndidi sụk se nnyịn iyomde man inen̄ede isọn̄ọ ubiere nnyịn ndikan mmeme nnyịn. - James 5: 14 - 16. 45: 16 - 20. Their wise counsel and guidance from God's Word, which gives comfort, can be merely what we need in order to strengthen our resolve to overcome our weakness. - James 5: 14 - 16. Angel oro ama ọdọhọ ete: "Daniel, ka okwo, koro ẹmedịp ikọ emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹfịk ufịkn̄kpọ ke esịt tutu esịm utịt ini. " The other sheep feel blessed for what they have learned from anointed ones and are impelled to share their Scriptural education with still others who desire to serve Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 10. The angel said: "Daniel, go with you, for these words have been sown and seal up until the time of the end. " Enye ekewet emi ndikọm mi ke ini n̄kọyọhọde isua 60 ke utom ukwọrọikọ uyọhọ ini. It was manna, the bread that Jehovah had promised them. - Exodus 16: 4, 13 - 15. He wrote this to greet me when I was 60 years old in the full - time ministry. Mme owo ẹma ẹkeme ndikụt mme oku nnyụn̄ n̄kop utebe mme uwa oro ẹkefọpde. Paul made it clear that the required sacrifices did not turn the Israelites into perfect, sinless humans. The priests could see the priests and listen to the burning offerings. Paul ọkọdọhọ Timothy ke ọfọn iban emi ẹdide Christian "ẹbana idem ke ndisịne ọfọn̄ eke etịmde odot, ye nsụkidem ye eti ibuot. " If the Bible had provided a list of acceptable styles of dress and grooming, it would now be out - of - date in that regard. Paul told Timothy that it is good for Christian women "to adorn themselves in well - arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind. " Nso ke afo ekeme ndinam man ekpeme idemfo? [ Footnotes] What can you do to protect yourself? Nnyịn idiọn̄ọke se ikanamde mmọ ẹnịm utọ n̄kpọ oro. Stress - related factors linked to depression may include parental divorce or separation, the death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse, a serious accident, illness, or a learning disability - especially if a child feels rejected as a result. We do not know why they felt that way. Enye edi anana - mfọnmma owo kpa nte nnyịn idide. Were they puzzled or mystified? He is as imperfect as we are. Ekeme ndidi nte Elijah osụk efehede kilomita 30 aka Jezreel, enye ekere ke sia ẹma ẹkewot mme prọfet Baal, ke n̄kpọ ọmọn̄ okpụhọde ye nte ke Ahab oyokpụhọde, akpan akpan ke enye ama okokụt se iketịbede. Second, we must reveal what is in our own heart. Perhaps Elijah was fleeing some 30 miles [30 km] to Jezreel, thinking that the execution of Baal's prophets was about to differ from that of Ahab, especially after he had seen what had happened. Bụp idemfo ete, " Ndi mmenen̄ede mfiọk akpanikọ? But whether they remain or not, their spiritual rescue has proved to be much more significant than Alexander Selkirk's rescue. Ask yourself, " Do I really know the truth? Ndien ke ini enye okponde ekem ndiwat moto, enye ọtọn̄ọ ndiwat, ndien ete esie etetie eteme enye nte akpawatde. Deuteronomy 30: 11 - 20 And when he gets enough to drive, he starts to drive, and his father gives him some instructions. Idaha eke Spirit Edi Akpan N̄kpọ Is it simply a matter of justice? Spirituality Vital Jehovah ọfiọk ini emi inyenede eti ntak ndiseme eseme. Paul wrote: "We continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor, and your endurance because of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father. " Jehovah knows when we have a valid reason for complaint. Ndusụk ẹkedi ke Ikọmbakara, ke usem German, ye ke usem Italian. • How should a believing wife treat her unbelieving mate? Some were English, German, and Italian. Okposụkedi emi enye ekekerede ke Jehovah idikopke akam imọ, enye ama osụk ọbọn̄ akam eben̄e edifen nnọ. But do you know what God's Kingdom is and what it will do for mankind? Although he felt that Jehovah would not hear his prayer, he still prayed for forgiveness. 45: 16 - 20. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death. " - Philippians 2: 5 - 8. 45: 16 - 20. Mme erọn̄ en̄wen ẹnem esịt ke ukpep oro mmọ ẹbọde ẹto mbon oro ẹyetde aran, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnyịme ndibuana se mmọ ẹkpepde ye mbon oro ẹmade ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah. - Ediyarade 7: 9, 10. We are aware that many children with this same disease die despite receiving chemotherapy and blood transfusions. The other sheep rejoice in the training they receive from the anointed and are willing to share what they have learned with those who want to serve Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 10. Ekedi manna, kpa udia oro Jehovah ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde ndinọ mmọ. - Exodus 16: 4, 13 - 15. Most people think of a prophet as someone who foretells the future, but that is only part of a prophet's responsibility. It was manna, a food that Jehovah promised them. - Exodus 16: 4, 13 - 15. Paul ama anam an̄wan̄a nte ke mme uwa oro ẹkedọhọde ẹwa ikekemeke ndinam nditọ Israel ẹfọn ẹma, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnana idiọkn̄kpọ. Yes, Paul did more than preach sermons. Paul explained that the sacrifices required could not make the Israelites perfect, without sin. Edieke Bible ekpeketịn̄de orụk ọfọn̄ oro ikpesịnede ye nte ikpakamade idem, utọ ibet oro ekpedi n̄kpọeset idahaemi. Men appointed to teach fellow Christians had to "hold fast to the sure and trustworthy Word of God. " If the Bible were to tell us what kind of clothing we should wear and how to dress, that would have been true now. [ Mme Ikọ Idakisọn̄] Has it helped youths to remain firm in the faith? [ Footnotes] Edi ọsọsọn̄ ndidiọn̄ọ akpan n̄kpọ kiet emi esinamde mfụhọ owo akabade udọn̄ọ. We do well to imitate Jesus in this regard. However, it is difficult to identify one important factor that causes depression to develop into a chronic illness. Ndi mmọ ẹma ẹkere m̀mê nso ke enye etetịn̄? Rather, he will teach obedient humans his ways, helping them to turn around from harmful thoughts and actions. Did they wonder what he had said? Udiana, ana itịn̄ se idude nnyịn ke esịt. In order to support ourselves while preaching full - time, John and I had a small business at the New Jersey shore, preparing breakfast for fishermen. Second, we must express what is in our heart. Edi, edide mmọ ẹsụhọ do mme isụhọke, ubọhọ eke spirit mmọ edi ata akpan n̄kpọ akan ubọhọ Alexander Selkirk. Yamauchi. Yet, whether they remain there, their spiritual refuge is more important than Alexander Selkirk. Deuteronomy 30: 11 - 20 Jehovah also energized Habakkuk so that he might complete his assignment as prophet. Deuteronomy 30: 11 - 20 Ndi edi ikpîkpu edinam se inende? For years they had only two copies of older books - not even a Bible. Is it simply a course of right? Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Nnyịn [itreke] nditi utom mbuọtidem mbufo ye utom ima mbufo ye ime mbufo oto ke ntak idotenyịn mbufo ke Ọbọn̄ nnyịn Jesus Christ ke iso Abasi ye Ete nnyịn. " ; Riedel, A. He said: "We remember your faithful work and your loving labor and your endurance because of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father. " • Didie ke n̄wan emi ebe mîdụhe ke esop Abasi akpanam n̄kpọ ye ebe esie? The context of Paul's words is not explicit in spelling out the point of similarity. • How should a wife in the congregation treat her husband? Edi ndi afo ọmọfiọk se Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi edide ye se enye edinamde ọnọ ubonowo? " [Jesus] was buried, and rose again; the fact is certain, because it is impossible. " But do you know what God's Kingdom is and what it will do for mankind? Akan oro, ke ini enye okokụtde idemesie ke mbiet owo, enye osụhọde idem onyụn̄ akabade osụk ibuot tutu osụn̄ọ ke n̄kpa, ih, n̄kpa ke eto ndutụhọ. " - Philippi 2: 5 - 8. Among them strutted the 450 prophets of Baal, full of pride and burning hatred for Elijah, Jehovah's prophet. Moreover, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " - Philippians 2: 5 - 8. Nnyịn imọfiọk ite ke ediwak nditọwọn̄ oro ẹdọn̄ọde ukem udọn̄ọ emi ẹsikpan̄a kpa ye edikịm mmọn̄ibọk ye iyịp nsịn ke idem. In more modern times, scientists have thought that light consists of tiny particles. We know that despite chemotherapy and blood transfusions, many children who suffer from the same disease have died. Ediwak owo ẹsikere ke prọfet esitịn̄ ntịn̄nnịm ikọ kpọt, edi emi idịghe n̄kukụre se prọfet esinamde. There it says: "The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time. " Many feel that the prophet is the only one who utters prophecy, but this is not all that the prophet does. Ih, Paul ama anam se ikande edikwọrọ ikọ. What practical lesson do we learn from... Yes, Paul did more than preach. Mbiowo emi ẹkemekde ẹte ẹkpep mme ekemmọ Christian n̄kpọ ẹkenyene " ndisọn̄ọ mmụm ikọ akpanikọ n̄kama. ' His undeserved kindness has given us the prospect of deliverance from sin and imperfection through the promised Seed. Elders appointed to teach fellow Christians were to " hold fast to the word of the truth. ' Nte enye an̄wam mme uyen ndisọn̄ọ nda ke mbuọtidem? These fig cakes were convenient, nourishing, and delicious. Has he helped young people to maintain their integrity in the faith? Ọkpọfọn ikpebe Jesus ke afan̄ emi. Some detected revealing omissions, such as his failure to mention the anti - Semitism that was associated with atrocities at Auschwitz. In this regard, we do well to imitate Jesus. Edi enye eyekpep mbon emi ẹkopde uyo esie n̄kpọ onyụn̄ an̄wam mmọ ẹkpọn̄ idiọk ekikere ye idiọk edinam. The Bible answers at Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " But he will teach those who obey him and help them to abandon bad thoughts and actions. Man ikeme ndise mban̄a idem nnyịn ke adan̄aemi ikwọrọde ikọ uyọhọ ini, ami ye John ima inyene ekpri mbubehe ke mbenesụk New Jersey, itemde udia usenubọk inọ mme ọkọiyak. I also try to surround myself with positive people, and I try to be there for others. " To care for ourselves while in the full - time ministry, John and I owned a small business on the coast of New Jersey, preparing breakfast for fishermen. Edwin M. Bombs fell around our pioneer home, and we had to keep a constant watch for incendiary devices. Edwin M. Jehovah ama ọnọ Habakkuk n̄ko odudu man enye ekpekeme ndikụre utom esie nte prọfet. We are wise to take stock of ourselves to be sure that our words and actions give evidence that we are directed by holy spirit and are producing its fruitage. Jehovah also empowered Habakkuk so that he could complete his ministry as a prophet. Ke ediwak isua mmọ ẹkenyene n̄kani n̄wed iba kpọt - ikakam inyeneke - nyene Bible. If a medical problem is at the root of our anxious state, it would be prudent to give attention to it, although such matters are for personal decision. For years they had only two old books - even without a Bible. ; Riedel, A. I attempted to talk to him about Jehovah and His wonderful promises for the future, but he was unresponsive. ; Riedel, A. Se Paul enemede itịn̄ke in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ se usen Jehovah ye inọ ẹdade ẹbiet kiet eken. When was the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures released, and what are two outstanding features of it? Paul's discussion does not clearly describe Jehovah's day and the difference between each other. " Ẹma ẹbụk [Jesus], enye ama onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọ ntak eset; akpanikọ oro ana in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄, koro oro ikemeke nditịbe. " What about the idea that material things, including the earth, are evil? " [Jesus] was buried, and he was raised up again; that truth is clear, for that cannot happen. " Prọfet Baal 450 ẹsịne ke otu emi, ke ẹsan̄a ntan̄idem ntan̄idem, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹsua Elijah prọfet Jehovah. True, they were sinful. Among these are 450 prophets of Baal who are walking presumptuously and bitterly hate Jehovah's prophet Elijah. Ke mme isua ndondo emi, ntaifiọk ẹkere ke un̄wana edi n̄kpri mben̄e odudu. How important is love in a marriage? In recent years, scientists have felt that light is a small amount of energy. Itie oro ọdọhọ ete: "Ekpri ayakabade edi tọsịn, esisịt oyonyụn̄ akabade edi ọkpọsọn̄ idụt: ami Jehovah nyanam enye awara ke ekem ini esie. " 95: 10, 11. It says: "The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time. " Nso akpan n̄kpọ ke ikpep ito... 5, 6. What important lesson do we learn from... Mfọnido esie oro owo mîdotke ọnọ nnyịn idotenyịn ndibọhọ idiọkn̄kpọ ye unana - mfọnmma ebe ke Mfri oro ẹken̄wọn̄ọde. He also knew that releasing Jesus would cause trouble, something he wanted to avoid. His undeserved kindness gives us the prospect of surviving sin and imperfection - through the promised Seed. Mme inịn̄înịn̄e uyo ẹdade fig ẹnam mi ẹma ẹsifere owo ke idem ndita, ẹnọ nsọn̄idem, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnem. 15: 7. The cakes made by my fig cakes were a burden on the body, for the sake of health, and for the enjoyment of pleasantness. Ndusụk owo ẹkedọhọ ke enyene ndusụk n̄kpọ emi enye okokoide - koi esịn nditịn̄, utọ nte enye nditre nditịn̄ mban̄a nte usua oro ẹkesuade mme Jew eketịpde esịn ke ibak oro ẹkenamde ke Auschwitz. Their plumage takes on a metallic appearance in the golden sunlight. Some said that he deliberately refused to say some things, such as refusing to talk about the Jews ' hatred for the cruelty at Auschwitz. Bible ọnọ ibọrọ ke Mme N̄ke 27: 11 ete: "Eyen mi, nyene ibuot, nyụn̄ dat mi esịt, man n̄kụt se ndibọrọde owo eke osụn̄ide mi. " In some cases, children are being raised in materialistic families. The Bible answers at Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Mmesinyụn̄ ndomo ukeme ndidu ye mbon oro ẹkopde inemesịt, nnyụn̄ ndomo ndin̄wam mbon efen. " They stood at the front door and talked to the two visitors for what seemed like hours. And I try to be with people who are happy, and I try to help others. " Ẹma ẹsiduọk mme bọmb ẹkpere ufọkidụn̄ mme asiakusụn̄ nnyịn, ndien kpukpru ini nnyịn ikenyene ndidu ke ukpeme mbak enyịmikan̄. Jehovah is "an examiner of the heart. " Our pioneer homes were broke apart, and we had always had to be on guard against burning missiles. Ọfọn itie ikere se isinamde man ifiọk m̀mê nte isitịn̄de ikọ inyụn̄ idude uwem ẹwụt ke edisana spirit ada nnyịn usụn̄, ye nte ke nnyịn ke in̄wụm mbun̄wụm esie. Clearly, Jehovah's patience does not mean that he is simply waiting for time to pass. It is good to reflect on what we do to determine whether our speech and conduct prove that we are led by holy spirit and that we are producing its fruitage. Edieke udọn̄ọ edide ntak editịmede esịt nnyịn, oyowụt eti ibuot ndinọ enye ntịn̄enyịn, okposụkedi ẹnyenede ndinam ọkpọkpọ ubiere ke mme utọ n̄kpọ ntre. Third, if Jesus ' words about the resurrection and getting married apply to the heavenly resurrection, does this mean that those who come back in the earthly resurrection will be able to marry? If sickness is the cause of our anxiety, it will be wise to give attention to it, although personal decisions are to be made in such matters. Mma nsidomo ndineme n̄kpọ mban̄a Jehovah ye mme utịbe utịbe un̄wọn̄ọ Esie kaban̄a ini iso nnọ ebe mi, edi enye ikamaha ndikop. All of us need the encouragement that our meetings provide. I tried to talk about Jehovah and His wonderful promises about the future to my husband, but he refused to listen. Ini ewe ke ẹkesio New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, ndien nso idi n̄wọrọnda ikpehe esie iba? Thus, Insight on the Scriptures explains that "the fatty things " here" refers to rich portions, things not skinny or dry, but luscious, including tasty items prepared with vegetable oils. " When was the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures released, and what is its two outstanding aspects? Nso kaban̄a ekikere oro ẹnọde nte ke isọn̄ nnyịn ye kpukpru se idude ke esịt, ẹdiọk? Young Christians who applied such counsel progressed in their appreciation for their loving heavenly Father and received his blessing. What about the idea that our earth and all that is in it is bad? Edi akpanikọ, mmọ ẹkedi mme anamidiọk. God even made their son Solomon Israel's next king. - 1 Chron. Of course, they were sinners. Ntak emi ọfọnde ebe ye n̄wan ẹma kiet eken? You have proved yourselves rebellious in behavior with Jehovah from the day of my knowing you. " - Deuteronomy 9: 15 - 24. Why is it important for marriage mates to love each other? 95: 10, 11. * 95: 10, 11. 5, 6. What Is God's Name? 5, 6. Enye ama onyụn̄ ọfiọk n̄ko ke ndisana Jesus nyak ayada afanikọn̄ edi, kpa n̄kpọ oro enye mîkoyomke. " Sin " refers to a moral and spiritual deficiency that has been transmitted to us from our first parents, and it has physical consequences. He also knew that Jesus ' release would bring disaster, something that he did not want. 15: 7. How do Bible principles relate to those facts? 15: 7. Ntan̄ mmọ ẹsinen̄ede ẹsem ke ini utịn̄ asiahade. While trying to be "peaceable with all men, " what should we keep in mind? When the sun rises, their dust flows high. Ndusụk nditọ ẹmana ke ufọk emi ẹmade inyene. Alex, a brother in Britain who has long suffered from depression, said: "Talking to Jehovah in prayer and listening to him by reading his Word has been a lifeline for me. " Some children are born in a materialistic home. Mmọ ẹma ẹda ke enyịnusụn̄ ẹneme nneme ye isenowo iba ke ata anyan ini. We hope that they may still return to Jehovah. - Luke 15: 17 - 24. They spoke to two strangers from door to door for a long time. Jehovah edi "andidụn̄ọde esịt. " The arriving early and staying late. " Jehovah is "the examiner of hearts. " Ime Jehovah iwọrọke ke enye awawan̄ ubọk etie ebet ini ekem. More important, though, is that Jehovah noticed Timothy. Jehovah's patience does not mean that his hands are waiting for the appointed time. Ọyọhọ ita, ekpedi ikọ Jesus akaban̄a mbon emi ẹdisetde ika heaven, ndi ọwọrọ ke mbon oro ẹdisetde ididu mi ke isọn̄ ẹyedọ ndọ? At the end of the day, the unused hours are gone forever. Third, should Jesus ' words about those who are resurrected to heaven mean that resurrected ones will live on earth? Se ẹsinemede ke Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ enyene ufọn ọnọ kpukpru nnyịn. Imagine Peter's sensation as he found solid footing beneath him and then stood on top of the waters. The program at Kingdom Halls has meaning for all of us. Ntem, Insight on the Scriptures ọdọhọ ke "isek " oro ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a mi" edi isek isek udia, idịghe n̄kpọ oro asatde - sat, edi edi ndinem udia, emi esịnede udia oro ẹdade aran ẹtem. " It was pointed out at this meeting, held in Switzerland, that contrary to popular opinion, the mortality rate of patients who received blood transfusions is actually higher than that of patients who did not. Thus, Insight on the Scriptures says that the "good - for - nothing " referred to here is" a banquet of well - oiled dishes, not of dry dishes, but of delicious foods, including food prepared for oil. " Mme uyen oro ẹdide Christian emi ẹnamde item emi ẹsinen̄ede ẹma Jehovah ẹnyụn̄ ẹbọ edidiọn̄ esie. Both men later expressed how they felt about Jehovah's record in fulfilling his every promise. Christian youths who follow this counsel treasure their love for Jehovah and his blessing. Abasi ama akam anam Solomon eyen mmọ edidem Israel. - 1 Chron. So why have you tricked me? " In fact, God even made their son Solomon king over Israel. - 1 Chron. Mbufo ẹsụk ẹsọsọn̄ ibuot ye Jehovah, toto ke usen emi n̄kọfiọkde mbufo. " - Deuteronomy 9: 15 - 24. Because they are determined to continue fearing Jehovah, serving him with awe - filled wonder and reverential obedience. Thank you, from the day I knew you. " - Deuteronomy 9: 15 - 24. * For instance, a Shunammite woman regularly received the prophet Elisha into her home. * Abasi Ekere Didie? * What Does God Think? " Idiọkn̄kpọ " edi mbiara ido ye mbiara idaha eke spirit oro akpa ete ye eka nnyịn ẹkeyakde ẹnọ nnyịn, ndien enye ada ndiọi utịp edi. " You're even too stupid to die! " he shouted, removing the gun from my temple. " Sin " is moral corruption and spiritual corruption that our first parents gave us, and it brings bad consequences. Didie ke mme ndụn̄ọde emi ẹkem ye mme edumbet Bible? When the Philistine giant Goliath challenged the Israelites in combat, Eliab, along with the other men of Israel, cowered in fear. - 1 Samuel 17: 11, 28 - 30. How do these findings measure up to Bible principles? Nso ke nnyịn mîkpefreke nte idomode ndidu "ke emem ye kpukpru owo "? MOSES had been reared in the household of Pharaoh and had been educated in the wisdom esteemed by the nobility of Egypt. What should we bear in mind as we strive to be "peaceable with all men "? Alex, eyenete kiet ke Britain, emi okopde ọkpọsọn̄ mfụhọ ke anyan ini, ọdọhọ ete: "Ndibọn̄ akam nnọ Jehovah nnyụn̄ n̄kpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ enye ke ndikot Ikọ esie ẹnen̄ede ẹn̄wam mi. " (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 35.) Alex, a longtime brother in Britain, says: "Pray to Jehovah and listening to him by reading his Word really helped me. " Ọfọn iti ke ererimbot emi ye se idude ke ererimbot idiyakke inam se Jehovah amade inyụn̄ ikere n̄kpọ nte enye esikerede. " For God knows that in the very day of your eating from [the tree of the knowledge of good and bad] your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " We do well to remember that both the world and the things in the world will prevent us from conforming to Jehovah's thinking and thinking. Imenịm ke mmọ ẹkeme ndifiak ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah usen kiet. - Luke 15: 17 - 24. On the other hand, if we respond to such challenges by finding new ways to show love, we shine "the true light " and dispel spiritual darkness. They may also be able to return to Jehovah's service one day. - Luke 15: 17 - 24. Edika utom ke ini ye edidu mbịghi. " Afterward, the zealous preaching of the apostles continued to bear more fruit. But I'm going to work for a while and for a long time. " Se ifọnde ikan edi ke Jehovah n̄ko ama okụt se Timothy akanamde. CAPPADOCIA Most important, Jehovah saw what Timothy did. Ke utịt usen oro, kpukpru hour oro mûkadaha unam n̄kpọ aka taktak. Although he is almighty, Jehovah rules the congregation with love. At the end of the day, every hour you did not go to an animal for all time. Kere nte eketiede Peter ke idem ke ini enye ọkọsọn̄ọde ada ke enyọn̄ mmọn̄ oro onyụn̄ okụt ke imọ iden̄ke. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Imagine how Peter must have felt when he stood up on the water and saw that he was not sleeping. Ẹma ẹtịn̄ ke mbono emi ẹkenịmde ke Switzerland mi, ẹte ke edide isio ye ekikere ediwak owo, ibat mbon udọn̄ọ emi ẹkebọde edikịm iyịp nsịn ke idem oro ẹkpan̄ade ẹnen̄ede ẹwak ẹkan mbon udọn̄ọ emi mîkọbọhọ edikịm iyịp nsịn ke idem. on page 6 of this issue. At this convention in Switzerland, it was said that in contrast with the views of many, the number of patients who received blood transfusions was far more common than the patients who did not accept blood transfusions. Nte ini akakade, iren mbiba oro ẹma ẹtịn̄ nte mmọ ẹkesede nte Jehovah esisude un̄wọn̄ọ esie kpukpru ini. Another popular teaching is that God is not interested in us; thus, we do not need to be interested in him. In time, both men expressed how they felt about the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises at all times. ke nso ndien ke abian̄a mi ntem? " No man can do that. So, then, what is this deception in my case? " Koro mmọ ẹbierede ndika iso mbak Jehovah nnyụn̄ nnam n̄kpọ nnọ enye ke uten̄e ye ukpono. Before we could put our request in the mail, however, a Witness knocked on our door and offered us that very book. Because they are determined to continue fearing Jehovah and serving him with awe and respect. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, n̄wan Shunem kiet ama esiwak ndikama prọfet Elisha esen ke ufọk esie. The Bible says that godly wisdom is chaste and free from hypocrisy. For example, a Shulammite woman often used the prophet Elisha as a guest in her home. * Even in antiquity, this palace was considered one of the marvels of the world. * Enye ama ofiori ete: "Afo emesịme akan se ẹwotde, " onyụn̄ owụhọde mi ikan̄ efep ke utaisịp. Rather than committing our time and resources to the illusions, or mirages, of this system of things and its gods, let us grow in knowledge of the God who is real and trust in him with all our heart. - Proverbs 3: 1 - 6; John 17: 3. " As for you, " he shouted, "you have come off the side of the slaughter, " and I have fallen off the fire. Ke ini Goliath, edikon̄ owo Philistine oro akamiade ata un̄wana ekọn̄ ye nditọ Israel, Eliab, adianade ye iren Israel eken ẹma ẹkop ndịk. - 1 Samuel 17: 11, 28 - 30. His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed. " When Goliath, the Philistine giant attacked the Israelites, Eliab, and other Israelite men. - 1 Samuel 17: 11, 28 - 30. ẸKEBỌK Moses ke ufọk Pharaoh, ẹkenyụn̄ ẹnọ enye ukpep akwaifiọk oro ẹkesinọde nditọ ufọk ubọn̄ Egypt. She died on August 11. Moses was placed in Pharaoh's household, and he was trained with philosophy that honored the royal household of Egypt. (Kot 1 Corinth 7: 32 - 35.) What a vivid prophetic picture verses 4 to 9 paint of the worldwide expansion that has taken place since 1919! (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 35.) " Koro Abasi ọmọfiọk ete, ke usen eke mbufo ẹdiade [eto ifiọk eti ye idiọk], ndien enyịn mbufo ẹyetara; mbufo ẹyenyụn̄ ẹtie nte Abasi, ẹfiọk eti ye idiọk. " Around the world, salt is used as a preservative. " For God knows that in the very day you eat from [the tree of the knowledge of good and bad] your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " Edi edieke iyomde mbufa usụn̄ ndiwụt owo emi ima, ọwọrọ ke imayama nte "ata un̄wana " emi ebịnde ekịm eke spirit efep. When some of their expectations about what would happen in 1914 did not come about, what did they do? On the other hand, if we want to show love to this person, love will grow as "the true light " removes spiritual darkness. Mme apostle ẹma ẹsịn ifịk ẹkwọrọ ikọ, mbufa owo ẹnyụn̄ ẹdụk esop. As matters turn out, their life depends on their doing so. The apostles zealously preached, and new ones became members of the congregation. CAPPADOCIA Always Trust in Jehovah! CAPPADOCIA Okposụkedi enye edide ata ọkpọsọn̄, Jehovah akara esop ke ima. Is Jehovah attracted to festivals that the churches present as Christian but that originally honored false gods? Although he is almighty, Jehovah exercises his headship over the congregation in love. Idem ke ntịme ntịme ererimbot emi, afo emekeme ndinyene inemesịt oto nnennen ifiọk Bible aban̄ade Abasi, Obio Ubọn̄ esie, ye utịbe utịbe uduak esie kaban̄a ubonowo. JEHOVAH is the perfect Father. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. ke page 6 ke magazine emi. He provided only one wife for Adam. on page 6 of this issue. Ọsọ ukpepn̄kpọ en̄wen edi ke Abasi inyeneke udọn̄ ke idem nnyịn; ke ntem, ke ufọn idụhe nnyịn ndiyom enye. Not long before touring Bethel, Alberto had visited the seminary where his brother - in - law served as a priest. Another common concept is that God is not interested in us; hence, we have no need to search for him. Idụhe eke ekpekemede ndinam emi. Hence, being busy in our ministry can have a stabilizing effect on our Christian course. No one can do that. Nte ededi, mbemiso ikesịnde eben̄e nnyịn ke itie ubọ n̄wed, Ntiense kiet ama ọkọn̄ usụn̄ufọk nnyịn onyụn̄ ọnọ nnyịn n̄wed oro. Says Choong Keon: "We made up our minds to stop " watching and looking ' and to start " sowing and reaping ' instead. " Before we left our application, however, a Witness knocked on our door and handed us the book. Bible ọdọhọ ke ọniọn̄ eke otode enyọn̄ edi edisana inyụn̄ isan̄ake ye mbubịk. The same is true of Jonah. According to the Bible, the wisdom from above is holy and without hypocrisy. Idem ke eset, ẹkeda ufọk ubọn̄ emi nte kiet ke otu n̄kpọ ndyọ ke ererimbot. A concrete reality, it will remain the only government in existence. Even in ancient times, this royal house was considered one of the world's wonders. Utu ke ndiyak ini ye inyene nnyịn nsịn ke mme abian̄a abian̄a n̄kpọ, m̀mê mme mbukpọn̄ n̄kpọ, editịm n̄kpọ emi ye mme abasi esie, ẹyak nnyịn ikọri ke ifiọk ata Abasi inyụn̄ ibuọt idem ye enye ke ofụri esịt nnyịn. - Mme N̄ke 3: 1 - 6; John 17: 3. The challenge, then, is to try to identify specific weaknesses before they become spiritual stumbling blocks. Instead of devoting our time and resources to false things, or seasons, this system of things and its gods, let us grow in knowledge of the true God and trust in him with all our heart. - Proverbs 3: 1 - 6; John 17: 3. Ukara esie edi nsinsi ukara emi mîdibehe ifep, obio ubọn̄ esie onyụn̄ edi obio ubọn̄ oro owo mîdisoboke. " The truth is that Jehovah's day is fast approaching, and we must keep in expectation of it. His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin. " Enye akakpa ke ọyọhọ usen 11 ke ọfiọn̄ August. At any rate, Peninnah, who was deeply jealous of Hannah, found many ways to make her rival suffer. He died on the 11th day of August. Nso in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ ntịn̄nnịm ndise ke ufan̄ikọ 4 esịm 9 ẹwụt ntem kaban̄a n̄kọri ofụri ererimbot oro adade itie toto ke 1919! We can build our lives on what the Bible says. What a vivid picture of the development of the worldwide expansion that has taken place since 1919! Ke ofụri ererimbot, ẹda inụn̄ nte se ikpande n̄kpọ ndibiara. Motivated by love, members of the congregation are energized to find ways to serve. Around the world, salt is viewed as a means of corruption. Ke ini ndusụk n̄kpọ emi mmọ ẹkedoride enyịn ke ẹyetịbe ke 1914 mîketịbeke, nso ke mmọ ẹkenam? Confronted by God's Spirit When some of the events they hoped would happen in 1914, what did they do? Se iketịbede ama owụt ke ndinam emi ama anyan̄a mmọ. And while some might find it hard to express sentiment, the result can yield much more than money in the bank. " What happened proved that this action saved them. Buọt Idem ye Jehovah Kpukpru Ini His self - sacrificing spirit left him little time for himself, but he was happy to minister to others. Always Trust in Jehovah Ndi Jehovah ama usọrọ oro mme ufọkabasi ẹsinamde etie nte usọrọ Christian, ke ini edide ẹkesinam mmọ ẹnọ mme nsunsu abasi? What world did the apostle Paul have in mind when he said: "[God] chose us in union with him before the founding of the world "? Did Jehovah approve of the church's celebration as a Christian festival, when they were made to false gods? JEHOVAH edi mfọnmma Ete. 10 / 15 Man and Woman - Dignified Roles, 1 / 15 JEHOVAH is a perfect Father. Enye ọkọnọ Adam n̄wan kiet kpọt. The events of the last few centuries have wrought tremendous changes in society and in people's mentality. He gave only one woman, Adam. Mbemiso Alberto akakade ekese Bethel, enye ama akaka ufọkn̄wed ukpep utom oku emi eyeneka an̄wan esie edide oku. Can we be more precise? Before visiting Bethel, Alberto attended a seminary with his sister, a priest. Ntem, ndiyọhọ ke utom ukwọrọikọ nnyịn ekeme ndinam isọn̄ọ ida ke usụn̄ uwem Christian nnyịn. While imprisoned in Rome about 65 C.E., the "aged man " Paul found himself practically alone. Thus, having a full share in our ministry can help us to remain steadfast in our Christian way of life. Choong Keon ọdọhọ ete: "Ima ibiere ke nnyịn iditiehe - tie aba " ise ' n̄kpọ emi, ke ana itọn̄ọ " nditọ n̄kpọ man inyene se idikpen̄ede. ' " Upon his return to Jerusalem, though, Nehemiah found that the priesthood was not being supported, nor was the Sabbath law being observed. " We decided not to watch " the matter again, " says Choong Keon, "that we had to " sow with a view to success. ' " Ntre ke edi ye Jonah. (a) What reason for preaching is found at John 15: 8? The same is true of Jonah. Obio Ubọn̄ emi edi ata ukara, kpa n̄kukụre ukara emi edikarade isọn̄. Jesus and John the Baptizer experienced such a challenge. This Kingdom is a real government, the only government ruling over the earth. Mmọdo, oyom isịn ọkpọsọn̄ ukeme man ifiọk akpan mmeme oro owo enyenede mbemiso oro akabarede edi n̄kpọ iduọ ọnọ enye ke n̄kan̄ eke spirit. Beware of Fleshly Thinking Therefore, it takes great effort to recognize a specific weakness before becoming a stumbling block to him spiritually. Edi se idude edi ke usen Jehovah enen̄ede asan̄a ekpere, ndien ana iben̄e idem itie ibet enye. In the last century, a fragment was found that contains portions of John's Gospel. However, the fact is that Jehovah's day is rapidly approaching, and we need to be prepared for it. M̀mê ekedi ntre m̀mê idịghe, Peninnah ama enen̄ede efịbe Hannah onyụn̄ oyom ediwak usụn̄ nditụhọde n̄wan ufụp esie. Illustrate how time and spiritual development might affect a Christian's conscience and decisions. Whether that was true or not, Peninnah actually committed Hannah's adultery and sought a number of ways to torment her jealous wife. Nnyịn ikpenyene ndida se Bible ekpepde ndu uwem. Mercy therefore involves feelings of tender compassion that are deep inside a person. We should base our lives on what the Bible teaches. Ima esinam mme andibuana ke esop ẹyom mme usụn̄ ndinam n̄kpọ nnọ mbon en̄wen. He can also foresee the future, being "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, " My own counsel will stand. ' " Love moves members of the congregation to look for ways to serve others. Spirit Abasi Ọbiọn̄ọ Enye " Under such circumstances, " says a wife in Germany, "silence can hurt your partner. " God's Spirit Disciplines Him Ndien idem okposụkedi esisọn̄de ndusụk owo nditịn̄ ekikere mmọ, ndinam emi ekeme ndinen̄ede nnyene ufọn akan okụk oro owo enyenede ke itie unịm okụk. ' One Flock, One Shepherd And even though some find it difficult to express their feelings, doing this can be more useful than money that belongs to a bank. ' Edu n̄waidem emi enye ekenyenede ikayakke enye enyene ekese ini ndida nnam n̄kpọ idemesie, edi enye ama okop inemesịt ndinam n̄kpọ nnọ mbon en̄wen. A handbook for Bible translators says that this expression may be rendered "those who have nothing good to look forward to. " His self - sacrificing spirit allowed him to devote more time to personal pursuits, but he found joy in serving others. Ewe ererimbot ke apostle Paul ekenyene ke ekikere ke ini enye ọkọdọhọde ete: "Abasi ekemek nnyịn ke Enye ndien ediwụk adaha ererimbot "? [ Picture on page 15] What world did the apostle Paul have in mind when he said: "God appointed us in union with him and the founding of the world "? Iban - Ẹnen̄ede Ẹkpono Mme Ebe Mbufo, 2 / 15 Happiness From Giving (contributions), 11 / 1 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Se iketịbede ke isua ikie ifan̄ emi ẹbede ẹnen̄ede ẹkpụhọde ererimbot ye nte mme owo ẹkerede n̄kpọ. I was able to pull her out of that mess, but her shoes remained stuck in the mud. The past few centuries have changed the world and its way of thinking. Ndi imekeme ndisiak ata nnennen isua? On the other hand, some have carried matters to an extreme and have become perfectionists. Can we predict the exact year? Ke nditịm ntịn̄, "akani owo " oro Paul okodu ikpọn̄ ke ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi ke Rome ke n̄kpọ nte 65 E.N. Gary learned to make fuel out of corn, build a metal wood - burning stove, and construct a self - sufficient house. In fact, Paul was the only "old man " in Rome about 65 C.E. Nte ededi, ke enye ama akafiak aka Jerusalem, enye ama okụt ke owo ikọnọhọ mme oku ibetedem, n̄ko ke owo ikenịmke Sabbath. " My father destined me in early childhood for the study of literature, for which I had so keen an appetite that from my twelfth year scarcely ever did I leave my studies for my bed before the hour of midnight, " Milton recalled. However, when he returned to Jerusalem, he saw that the priests were not supported, and the Sabbath was not observed. (a) John 15: 8 ọdọhọ ke nso idi ntak emi isikwọrọde ikọ? A number of us in attendance wondered if the school would require a great deal of education as a condition for enrollment. (a) According to John 15: 8, why do we preach? Ẹma ẹbiat Jesus ye John Andinịm Owo Baptism enyịn̄ n̄ko. When the woman in the van saw her, the sister started to explain the nature of our Bible educational work. Jesus and John the Baptizer were also defamed. Kpeme Idem Biọn̄ọ Ekikere Obụkidem Illustrate. Beware of the Flesh's View Ke n̄kpọ nte isua ikie emi ẹkebede, ẹma ẹfiọhọ mbai ikpan̄wed emi ẹkewetde ndusụk se idude ke Gospel John. He carefully listened to me as I explained my position and then told me that I still had time to reconsider my decision before facing the enlistment committee. In the first century C.E., fragments bearing certain writings were found in the Gospel of John. Tịn̄ nte n̄kọri eke spirit oro Christian anamde nte ini akade ekemede nditụk ubieresịt ye mme ubiere esie? (Read Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 8; Luke 6: 45.) Explain how Christian spiritual growth can eventually affect his conscience and his decisions? Ke ntre mbọm abuana owo ndinyene ima ima esịtmbọm. Then she entered the change of life. She admitted that she felt devastated, for she realized that her desire would not be satisfied in this system of things. Compassion therefore involves tender compassion. Enye n̄ko ekeme ndifiọk se iditịbede ke ini iso, sia enye edide " Enye emi asiakde akpatre ke akpa, ndien ke eset asiak se mînamke kan̄a, ete ke uduak imọ ẹyeda. ' But what if you entered into a marriage arrangement unwisely? He can also know what the future holds, since he is "the One telling the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done, that his will will will will be done. " N̄wan kiet ke Germany ọdọhọ ete: "Ndopuyo esiyayat owo. To those serving Jehovah God, though, the Bible promises an inner contentment - "the peace of God. " A woman in Germany says: "Being silent brings pain to one's heart. Otuerọn̄ Kiet, Ekpemerọn̄ Kiet Let us imagine that a Witness named Michelle has come to the home of a woman named Sophia. One Flock, One Shepherd N̄wed kiet emi mme akabade Bible ẹsidade ẹnam utom ọdọhọ ke ẹkeme n̄ko ndikabade ikọ emi nte "mbon emi mînyeneke idotenyịn. " Try, then, to do two things. According to one reference work, this expression can also be translated "those who have no hope. " [ Ndise ke page 15] Ezekiel, who is in his early 20 ' s, says: "In the past, I was like someone who is driving a car without any destination in mind. [ Picture on page 15] Ubiereikpe Jehovah Esịm Mme Idiọkowo, 11 / 15 Then they were flogged. Good News for People of All Nations, 11 / 1 Mma ndụri enye nsio ke mbat oro, edi ikpaukot esie ama obụhọ do. One sister commented: "By preaching the good news of God's Kingdom, we... can help to rescue persons from sure death in the coming world catastrophe. " I pulled him out of the mud, but his sandals were buried there. Ke n̄kan̄ eken, ndusụk owo ẹnam n̄kpọ ẹbe ubọk ndien ẹkabade ẹdi mme oyom mfọnmma. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. On the other hand, some have responded and have become imperfect. Gary ama ekpep nte ẹsiode aranikan̄ ke ibokpot, anam mfiọk man ada ifia abara ikan̄, onyụn̄ ọbọp ufọk oro ọdọn̄ọde kpukpru se mmọ ẹyomde. • Is it proper for a Christian to have the body of a dead loved one embalmed? Gary learned how oil was sold on grain, made it possible for him to carry wood and build a house that they needed. Enye ọkọdọhọ: "Ete mi eketịm mi idem toto ke ini n̄kedide eyenọwọn̄ ndikpep nsio nsio n̄wed, ndien sia n̄kenen̄erede mma ukpepn̄kpọ emi, toto ke ini n̄kedide isua 12, mma nsikpep n̄wed tutu 12 okoneyo. " You fill that need not only by what you say but what you do. He said: "My father prepared me ever since I was a child to study various publications, and since I had so much love for these studies, since I was 12 years old and studied until 12 nights. " Nsinam esịt ọdiọkde fi ntre n̄ko n̄ko? What will the "little flock " do in heaven? Why do you feel similarly? Ediwak nnyịn ima ikere m̀mê ufọkn̄wed oro ama oyom owo enen̄ede ọfiọk n̄wed man odot ndidụk. No wonder the Bible strongly condemns false religion! Many of us wondered if the school required an education in order to qualify. Ke ini n̄wan oro ekesịnede ke ubomisọn̄ mbiomo oro okokụtde enye, eyenete nnyịn ama ọtọn̄ọ ndinam enye ọdiọn̄ọ nte isinamde utom unọ ukpep Bible nnyịn. Yes, I am still tearing things apart and then putting them back together again. When the woman in the truck saw her, our brother began to let her know how to apply our Bible education work. Nọ uwụtn̄kpọ. But how would just a few accomplish so much work? Illustrate. Udiana etubom ama enen̄ede akpan̄ utọn̄ okop nte nnamde idaha mi an̄wan̄a, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke ini osụk ododu ami ndifiak n̄kere ubiere mi mbemiso ẹdade mi ẹka iso kọmiti oro esisịnde owo enyịn̄. To turn people away from what the Bible teaches and to weaken faith and trust in Jehovah. The second principal listened carefully to my position and said that it was still time for me to reflect on my decision before I continued my appointment. (Kot Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 8; Luke 6: 45.) Whether we have the heavenly hope or the earthly hope, Satan certainly has no interest in our welfare. (Read Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 8; Luke 6: 45.) Enye ọdọhọ ke ama afịna imọ ata etieti ke ini imọ ikebede isua uman eyen, sia imọ ima idiọn̄ọ ke imọ idimanke eyen aba ke idiọk ererimbot emi. When my husband came home, we took Andreas to the doctor. She recalls that when she was over the age of childbearing, she felt guilty because she knew that she would no longer have a child in her old world. Edi nso ke akpanam edieke ekerede ke ikpakanaha ọdọ owo oro ọdọde idahaemi? How did he react? What, though, if you feel that you should not marry a man who is now married? Nte ededi, Bible ọn̄wọn̄ọ ndinọ mbon oro ẹnamde n̄kpọ Jehovah Abasi uyụhọ - kpa "emem Abasi. " 9: 36, 37; 10: 17; 13: 18, 19, 25; 14: 25; 19: 20, 32 - 36; 20: 16, 17; 24: 13. However, the Bible promises satisfying those who serve Jehovah God - "the peace of God. " Ẹyak ida ke Ntiense emi ekerede Michelle aka ufọk mme Sophia. It was late at night, and a man was taking some books from a shelf, including the book Creation in Swedish. Let us imagine that a Witness named Michelle has come to the home of a woman named Sophia. Do, domo ndinam n̄kpọ iba. What accounts for these remarkable changes? Then try to do two things. Ezekiel emi edide n̄kpọ nte isua 22 ọdọhọ ete: "N̄kesidu uwem nte owo emi awatde moto edi inyeneke akpan itie emi enye akade. " Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah; he has said to me: " You are my son... Ezekiel, now in his mid - 20 ' s, says: "I used to live as a driver without any specific destination. Ekem ẹma ẹmia mmọ. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Then they were flogged. Eyenete an̄wan kiet ọkọdọhọ ete: " Edieke ikwọrọde eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi, nnyịn imekeme ndinyan̄a mbon oro ẹkpekpan̄ade ke ini ẹdisobode ererimbot emi. ' In his second role, the Messiah would... One sister said: " If we preach the good news of God's Kingdom, we can save those who should be saved when this world is destroyed. ' Enye n̄ko etịn̄ ke Jesus edi Edidem Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi, ke enye ke akara idahaemi ke heaven. Ẹketọn̄ọ ndisio magazine emi ke 1879. Enye ikpepke owo mbre ukara. How can we choose a question that is tailored to a householder's interest? This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. • Nte enen Christian nditịm okpo andibuana ke ubon nnịm? Be Determined to "Let Your Brotherly Love Continue "! • Is it proper for a Christian to prepare a family member? Se afo etịn̄de ye se anamde ayan̄wam ubon fo ẹma Jehovah. It opened at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Strängnäs. Your words and actions will help your family to love Jehovah. Nso ke "ekpri otuerọn̄ " emi ẹdinam ke heaven? As in the past, all sacrifices that are made in support of true worship will result in great joy and in blessings from Jehovah. What will the "little flock " do in heaven? Enen̄ede an̄wan̄a ntak emi Bible enen̄erede obiom nsunsu ido ukpono ikpe! All I can say is that God is there. How clear it is that the Bible condemns false religion! Omokụt do, ke n̄kpọkpọk n̄kpọ nsuan nnyụn̄ mfiak ndiọn̄. The Egyptians later subjected them to brutal slave labor, but true to God's promise, within a period of four overlapping generations from the time they entered Egypt, these descendants of Abraham were liberated from Egyptian bondage. Clearly, there is something to distribute and repair. N̄kpọ en̄wen emi Jehovah ọkọdọhọde Zechariah etịn̄ ama anam mmọ ẹnịm ke mmimọ iyekeme ndinam utom oro mma. When Paul was in prison bonds, the Philippians not only sent him material gifts but also dispatched their personal envoy Epaphroditus. Zechariah's next words assured them that they would be able to accomplish that work fully. Ke akpanikọ, Satan ye mme demon ke ẹtụn mme owo usụn̄. Jehovah helps us to cope with our trials Indeed, Satan and the demons are misleading people. Satan iyomke n̄kpọ ọfọn nnyịn, edide inyene idotenyịn ndidu ke heaven m̀mê ke isọn̄. Caring individuals have often shown selfless dedication in the service of others. Satan wants the best for us, whether we have the hope of living in heaven or on earth. Ke ini ebe mi ọkọnyọn̄de edi, nnyịn ima imen Andreas ika ufọk abiausọbọ. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus showed that the key to success in all human relations is unselfish love. When my husband returned, we took Andreas to the doctor's home. Nso ke enye akanam? A Historic Annual Meeting What did he do? 9: 36, 37; 10: 17; 13: 18, 19, 25; 14: 25; 19: 20, 32 - 36; 20: 16, 17; 24: 13. Why not? 9: 36, 37; 10: 17; 13: 18, 19, 25; 14: 25; 19: 20, 32 - 36; 20: 16, 17; 24: 13. Ke okoneyo, mma n̄kụt ete kiet osion̄ode n̄wed ke itie ubonn̄wed, esịnede n̄wed Creation ke usem Swedish. Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their respective countries. At night, I saw a man producing literature in the library, including the book Creation in Swedish. Ntak ẹnamde emi? God will not merely dry off such tears; he will wipe them out completely by removing the causes of unwanted tears - suffering and sorrow. Why is this done? " Yak ntịn̄ mban̄a ewụhọ Jehovah; enye ọmọdọhọ emi, ete, Afo edi eyen mi. Department of Energy photograph " Let me speak about the commandment of Jehovah; he has said this: " You are my son. ' Edi kpa editọn̄ọ emi ke ẹkebem iso ẹkot ukpepn̄kpọ Abasi - Ita - ke - Kiet. As if scales fell from her eyes, she now saw clearly that Jehovah - the Creator of heaven and earth and the Father of Jesus Christ - is the true God. - Isaiah 42: 8; Jeremiah 10: 10 - 12. But the very beginning was first called the Trinity doctrine. Se se Jesus enyenede ndinam mi nte Messiah ke heaven: Rebekah proved to be an outstanding wife, whom Isaac dearly loved. - Genesis 24: 3, 4, 7, 14 - 21, 67. Consider what Jesus has to accomplish as the Messiah in heaven: Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndimek mbụme oro ekemde ye udọn̄ enyeneufọk? I felt a measure of joy in knowing that I was making Jehovah happy. How can we choose a question that is tailored to the interests of the householder? " Ẹyak Ima Nditọete Mbufo Osụk Akaka Iso "! 13 - 15. " Let Your Brotherly Love Continue "! Ẹkeberede edinam oro ke Ufọkmbono Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke Strängnäs. Philistines now overpowered Samson, blinded him, and put him in prison. - Judges 16: 18 - 21. THAT event was held at the Sträch Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Stünänäs. Kpa nte ekedide ke eset, kpukpru uwa oro ẹwade man ẹnọ ido ukpono akpanikọ ibetedem ẹsida akwa idatesịt ye edidiọn̄ Jehovah ẹsọk mme owo. 7, 8. As in times past, all the sacrifices offered to support true worship bring great joy and blessing to the people. N̄kukụre se n̄kemede nditịn̄ edi nte ke Abasi mmọdo. Mankind will not die off from pollution, lack of food and water, or a global pandemic. I can only say that God exists. Nte ini akakade, nditọ Egypt ẹma ẹnyịk mmọ ẹnam ọkpọsọn̄ utom nte ifụn, edi nte Abasi ọkọn̄wọn̄ọde, ke ufan̄ emana inan̄ tọn̄ọ nte mmọ ẹkedụk Egypt, ẹma ẹfak mme andito ubon Abraham emi ẹsion̄o ke ufụn Egypt. What should be our determination? The Egyptians later forced them to toil as slaves, but as God had promised, four generations after they entered Egypt, the descendants of Abraham were redeemed from slavery in Egypt. Ke ini Paul okodude ke ufọk - n̄kpọkọbi, nditọete Philippi ikọnọhọ enọ n̄kpọ obụkidem kpọt ẹsọk enye, edi ẹma ẹsio n̄ko isụn̄utom mmọ, Epaphroditus ẹdọn̄. 1 Jehovah is the Supreme One. While Paul was in prison, the Philippians sent him not only material gifts but also their missionary, Epaphroditus. Jehovah esin̄wam nnyịn iyọ mme idomo nnyịn Abraham presented the matter to God. Jehovah helps us to endure our trials Mme owo oro ẹkerede ẹban̄a ẹsiwak ndiwụt anana - ibụk n̄waidem ke utom mbon en̄wen. The Bible account of Achan illustrates the power of greed. People who are concerned often display unselfish self - sacrificing service in the service of others. Ke n̄kpọ nte isua 2,000 emi ẹkebede, Jesus ama owụt ke ima oro mîsan̄ake ye ibụk esinen̄ede anam owo okụt unen ke itie ebuana oro owo enyenede ye mbon en̄wen. But after working with Jehovah's Witnesses in connection with an international convention, the same official observed: "Now I see normal, smiling people... Some 2,000 years ago, Jesus showed that unselfish love makes a person truly successful in human relationships with others. Enịm - Mbụk Mbono Ofụri Isua Their work is certainly not limited to what might be considered major languages. A History - Making Meeting Ntak - a? Moving Further Afield Why? Ke ọfiọn̄ kiet kiet, mme esop ẹsinọ okụk emi aka n̄kọk itieutom Mme Ntiense Jehovah emi esede aban̄a idụt mmọ. In the communion sacrifice, all the fat - around the intestines, the kidneys, the appendage upon the liver, and the loins, as well as the fatty tail of the sheep - was offered to Jehovah by being burned, made to smoke on the altar. Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their respective countries. Abasi edinam emi ke nditre kpukpru ukụt ye ufen ke isọn̄ emi. These figures of speech help us to see that the elders provide needed spiritual help and refreshment. God will do so by bringing an end to all suffering and suffering on this earth. Department of Energy Although I miss him very much, I am comforted by the fact that he is in good hands, and I know that Jehovah will remember him along with millions of others in the resurrection. - John 5: 28, 29. Demos of Siberia Nte n̄kpọ eke n̄kpan̄ akadian̄arede ke enyịn esie ọduọ, idahaemi enye okụt in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ nte ke Jehovah - Andibot enyọn̄ ye isọn̄ ye Ete Jesus Christ - edi ata Abasi. - Isaiah 42: 8; Jeremiah 10: 10 - 12. What It Means for Us As a result, he now finds clear evidence that Jehovah - the Creator of heaven and of the Father of Jesus Christ - is the true God. - Isaiah 42: 8; Jeremiah 10: 10 - 12. Rebekah ekedi n̄wọrọnda n̄wan, emi Isaac ekenen̄erede ama. - Genesis 24: 3, 4, 7, 14 - 21, 67. We are likely to suffer pain in life. Rebekah was an outstanding woman, whom Isaac dearly loved. - Genesis 24: 3, 4, 7, 14 - 21, 67. Mmọ Ẹma Ẹyọ N̄kukịm ke Obụkidem Mmọ, 2 / 15 Giving one - hour talks presented a new challenge, but we went ahead with full trust in Jehovah, and he blessed our efforts. Hope for the Dead, 2 / 1 Esịt ama enem mi nditre sia mma mfiọk ke se nnamde enem Jehovah esịt. Nevertheless, we can have every confidence in Jesus ' wise advice: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' I was happy to quit because I knew that I was pleasing to Jehovah. 13 - 15. " Frankly, balancing work and family responsibilities is very hard, especially when you have young children, " admits Cristina, a mother of two young girls. 13 - 15. Mme Philistine ẹma ẹdi ẹdimụm Samson, ẹtịbi enye enyịn, ẹnyụn̄ ẹsịn enye ke ebuka. - Judges 16: 18 - 21. We can learn to do things better over a period of time. The Philistines came to arrest Samson, blinded him, and put him in stocks. - Judges 16: 18 - 21. 7, 8. He is a God of blessings. " 7, 8. Mme owo idikpaha ima ke ntak emi ẹsabarede isọn̄, ofụm, ye mmọn̄, ke ntak emi udia ye eti mmọn̄ mîdụhe, m̀mê ke ntak idiọk udọn̄ọ. • Why is buying out time so important when training children? People will not grow cold because of pollution, air, and water, because of food and fresh water, nor because of sickness. Nso ikpedi ubiere nnyịn? That view prevailed for many centuries. What should be our determination? 1 Jehovah edi Ata Ọkpọsọn̄. True Worship Advances 1 Jehovah is the Almighty. Abraham ama emen mfịna emi enịm Abasi ke iso. Bombings, terrorist attacks, murders, assaults, shootings, and rapes make up but a fraction of such incidents. Abraham put the matter before God. Mbụk Achan ke Bible owụt nte idiọkitọn̄ ọdiọkde. To appease them, Lucaris had the original text and the modern rendering printed in parallel columns, adding only a few notes. The Bible account of Achan illustrates the dangers of greed. Edi ke ama akanam utom ye Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke ebuana ye akamba mbono ofụri ererimbot, akwa owo ukara oro ama ọdọhọ ete: "Idahaemi mmokụt mme ata owo, oro ẹtiede imam imam... The sons of Israel are reminded of an important lesson they learned in the wilderness: "Not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah's mouth does man live. " But after serving Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the international convention, the official said: "Now I see real people, who laugh... Idịghe mme usem emi ẹnen̄erede ẹfiọk kpọt ke mmọ ẹkabade. As discouraged as Elijah was, he traveled to Mount Horeb to receive instruction from Jehovah. It is not limited to languages that are widely known for their translation. Ndika Iso ke An̄wautom " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' Maintaining the Field Ministry Ke uwa emem, ẹkesiwa kpukpru ikpọn̄ - oro ẹkedude ẹkanade nsia, ekpụt, edidiana ekpa, ye isịn, ọkọrọ ye ikpọn̄ ikpọn̄ isịm erọn̄ - ẹnọ Jehovah ebe ke ndifọp enye ke ikan̄ ke itieuwa. The mayor, along with his children and two wives, came to the Memorial. In the communion sacrifice, all the fats - the kidneys, the liver, and the wrestling alone - were offered to Jehovah by burning it on the altar. Ntak emi isikopde uyo mbiowo? Speak! Some who are learning a new language may hesitate to speak it because they are shy or afraid to make mistakes. Why do we obey the elders? Okposụkedi ntabade enye ata idiọk idiọk, mmenyene ndọn̄esịt nte ke Jehovah enyene enye ke ekikere, ndien mmọfiọk nte ke Jehovah eyeti enye ọkọrọ ye ediwak miliọn mbon efen ke ediset ke n̄kpa. - John 5: 28, 29. [ Footnote] Although I lost her very much, I am comforted that Jehovah has her in mind, and I know that Jehovah will remember her as well as millions of others in the resurrection. - John 5: 28, 29. Se Emi Ọwọrọde Ọnọ Nnyịn Or does the Bible standard of sticking faithfully to one's mate still make good sense? What It Means to Us Ekeme ndidi imesisobo mfịna. At eight years of age, Alexa wrote a letter to her class explaining why she could not take part in their Christmas celebration. We may have to contend with problems. Ikememke utom ndinọ utịn̄ikọ ke hour kiet, edi ima isịn idem inam emi inyụn̄ iberi edem ọyọhọ ọyọhọ ke Jehovah, ndien enye ama ọdiọn̄ ukeme nnyịn. Published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. It was not easy to give a talk for an hour, but we worked hard to do so and rely fully on Jehovah, and he blessed our efforts. Edi imenen̄ede ifiọk ke ata eti item ke Jesus ọkọnọ emi ete: "Ẹkûtịmede esịt ẹdọhọ ẹte, " Nnyịn ididia nso? ' Our inheritance from him has produced " weakness of the flesh. ' But we can be certain that Jesus gave this wise advice: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' Cristina emi enyenede n̄kpri nditọiban iba ọdọhọ ete: "Ke akpanikọ, enen̄ede ọsọn̄ ndinam utom mbakara nnyụn̄ nse n̄kpọ mban̄a ubon, akpan akpan ke ini enyenede n̄kpri nditọ. With all the dishes she had to prepare and all the duties she had to carry out for her guests, she became more and more anxious and distracted. Cristina, a mother of two girls, says: "In fact, working secularly and caring for family matters, especially when you have young children. Nnyịn imekeme ndinam mme n̄kpọ ke usụn̄ oro ọfọnde akan nte ini ebede. Imagine the joy of the publishers when in 2015, six need - greaters from Germany and the Netherlands moved in to support them! We can do things in a better way than time passes. Utu ke oro, enye edi Abasi edidiọn̄. " " Sons of the Prophets, " 10 / 1 Rather, it is a blessing. " • Ntak emi edidep ifet enen̄erede edi akpan n̄kpọ ke ini inọde nditọ ukpep? 9: 24. • Why is training children so important? Se ediwak owo ẹkenịmde edi oro ke ediwak isua. For instance, there is a five - page preface that is proving to be very helpful in starting home Bible studies. For many years, that is what many believed. Utuakibuot Akpanikọ Ọkọri What led me to this experience, and how did it affect my life? True Worship Makes Progress Emi esịne editop mme bọmb, mme edinam oyomonsia, uwotowo, imia, utopikan̄, ye edidan̄ owo ke n̄kanubọk. Jesus did not focus on this tempting offer. He did not let his heart entertain wrong desires. These include throwing bombs, terrorism, murder, hunting, and rape. Man anam esịt enem mmọ, Lucaris ama anam ẹmịn̄ akpa uwetn̄kpọ ye nte ẹsịnde enye ke usem eyomfịn ke ukem ikpan̄wed emi kiet asakde iso ese enye eken, ẹwetde sụk ibat ibat akpan n̄kpọ ẹdian. So when our eldest brother, Tauno, told us about a paradise earth without injustice, our hearts were touched. To make their spirits happy, Lucaris printed the first and in modern languages similar to one of the scrolls burning before the other, bearing only a few important things. Enye onyụn̄ eti nditọ Israel ata akpan ukpepn̄kpọ oro mmọ ẹkekpepde ke wilderness: "Idịghe uyo ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ ke owo ada odu uwem, ke edi kpukpru se itode Jehovah ke inua ke owo ada odu uwem. " Clouds of Intolerance Gather He also reminds the Israelites of the fundamental truths they learned in the wilderness: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every expression of Jehovah's mouth. " Kpa ye oro Elijah okokopde mmemidem, enye ama anam isan̄ aka Obot Horeb ndikọbọ item nto Jehovah. (See opening image.) Despite Elijah's discouragement, he traveled to Mount Horeb to take counsel from Jehovah. " Eyen Enyịme Ndiyarade Ete ' (a) How did Jesus indicate that he needed the quality of watchfulness? " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' Ọbọn̄ obio oro ama asan̄a ye nditọ esie ye iban esie iba edi Editi. The book The Bible as It Was argues: "The stories, psalms, laws, and prophecies that have reached us today as part of the Bible must therefore have been copied many, many times even within the biblical period itself.... The mayor came with his children and two daughters at the Memorial. Ndusụk owo oro ẹkpepde obufa usem ẹkeme ndimen̄e ndisem enye ke ntak o - bụt m̀mê ke ntak emi ẹfehede ndinam ndudue. 15 A Letter From Haiti Some who learn a new language may be reluctant to speak it out of shame or out of fear of mistake. [ Ikọ idakisọn̄] We disembarked in Alexandria, and I soon acclimatized to the Middle - East life - style. [ Footnote] Mîdịghe nte osụk esesịne ifiọk nditiene idaha Bible oro nte owo ọsọn̄ọ adiana ye nsan̄a esie ke edinam akpanikọ? See Awake! Or is it still wise to follow the Bible's standard of sticking loyally to one's mate? Ke edide isua 8 ke emana, Alexa ama ewet leta ọnọ mme nsan̄a ubet ukpepn̄kpọ esie, anamde an̄wan̄a ntak emi enye mîkemeke nditiene mmọ ndia usọrọ Christmas. A traveling overseer may give us some helpful Scriptural counsel on a particular aspect of Christian living. At 8 years of age, Alexa wrote a letter to his classmates, explaining why he cannot share in celebrating Christmas. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., osio. " Hallelujah, " explains one Bible dictionary, is a "word used by the writers of various psalms to invite all to join them in praising Jehovah. " Published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. N̄kpọ - akpa oro nnyịn ikọbọde ito enye ada " unana ukeme ke obụkidem ' edi. The account at 1 Kings 7: 26 refers to the sea as containing "two thousand bath measures " of water used by the priests, whereas the parallel account at 2 Chronicles 4: 5 speaks of it as containing" three thousand bath measures. " The heritage we received from him brings "power in the flesh. " Kere nte enye anamde kpukpru n̄kpọ ikpọn̄ - etem emi, etem oko - man ada akama isen, ndien n̄kpọ emi akak mma mbon, esịt onyụn̄ etịmede enye. A good number, though, adopted the Bible's high moral standards, and the congregation grew in number. Think of her doing all she does - a cook - in order to carry the guests, to ease her stress, and to ease her anxiety. Kere nte esịt ekenemde mmọ ke ini nditọete itiokiet ẹketode Germany ye Netherlands ẹka do ke 2015! As soon as the need arose, he foreordained a special agency - the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ - that he would use in connection with the redemption of mankind from Adamic sin. Imagine their joy when six brothers from Germany and the Netherlands moved there in 2015! Iban Mmọ Ẹsikwọrọ Ikọ? I was always impressed by the love and interest the Witnesses showed while taking care of their hospitalized Christian brothers. Women Have Women Ministers? 9: 24. In direct contrast, disobedience to parents elicits divine disapproval. - Romans 1: 30, 32. 9: 24. Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, enye enyene ebemiso ikọ emi edide page ition, ndien emi enen̄ede an̄wam ndida ntọn̄ọ ukpepn̄kpọ Bible. Why is this significant? For example, he has a five - page statement that plays a vital role in starting a Bible study. N̄kasan̄a didie ndidu ke utọ itie emi, ndien uwem mi eketie didie ke oro ebede? To show that none of his followers should elevate themselves above fellow believers, Jesus said: "You, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. How did I come to be in this situation, and how did my life turn out for the better? Ubon Ndidu Ọtọkiet Hence, it can be developed and cultivated as one learns more about God, the Creator, and comes closer to him. A Family Together Ete mbon ikọdọn̄ke enyịn ke mme n̄kpọ emi m̀mê ndiyak idiọk ekikere odụk enye esịt. Soon I was addicted to alcohol. He was not interested in these things or allowing bad thoughts to touch his heart. Ntem, ama enen̄ede enem nnyịn ke ini Tauno akpaneka nnyịn ọkọdọhọde ke Paradise oyodu ndien ke afanikọn ididụhe aba. Should it be demolished? Thus, we were thrilled when our older brother, Tau, said that Paradise would be a paradise and there would be no more trouble. Idiọn̄ọ Usua Ido Ukpono Ọtọn̄ọ Ndiwụt Idem He then took the vital step of getting baptized in symbol of his dedication to Jehovah. A Sign of Religious Hatred Begins (Se akpa ndise ibuotikọ emi.) Ardently desiring divine direction, Jephthah vows to God: "If you without fail give the sons of Ammon into my hand, it must also occur that the one coming out, who comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon, must also become Jehovah's, and I must offer that one up as a burnt offering. " (See opening picture.) (a) Didie ke Jesus okowụt ke oyom imọ idu ke ukpeme? What Is a Lie? (a) How did Jesus show that he needed to keep on the watch? N̄wed emi, The Bible as It Was ọdọhọ ete: "Etie nte ẹkesifafiak ẹsion̄o mme mbụk, mme psalm, mme ibet ye mme ntịn̄nnịm ikọ oro ikụtde ke Bible ẹwet ediwak ini idem ke eyo Bible.... Reached by Bible Truth The book The Bible as Was: "Just as it looks back on stories, psalms, laws, and prophecies found in the Bible many times in Bible times.... 15 Leta Haiti He developed three practical thoughts from Isaiah 30: 18 - 21. 15 A Letter From Haiti Nnyịn ima ikebehe ke Alexandria, ndien ikebịghike mma n̄kpụhọde nda ekekem ye usụn̄ uwem Ufọt Ufọt Edem Usiahautịn. a woman lying at his feet! " - Ruth 3: 8. We arrived in Alexandria, and soon I adjusted to the Middle East. Se Awake! 29 C.E., the Messiah arrives See Awake! Esenyịn oro asan̄ade - san̄a ekeme ndida N̄wed Abasi nnọ nnyịn item mban̄a uwem nnyịn nte mme Christian. How You Can Be Successful A traveling overseer may offer us Scriptural counsel on our Christian life. N̄wed ukabadeikọ Bible kiet ọdọhọ ke "Hallelujah " edi" ikọ emi mme andiwet psalm ẹkedade ẹkot kpukpru owo ẹte ẹditiene mmimọ ẹtoro Jehovah. " Even so, he saw that their motives were good, saying: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Matt. One Bible dictionary defines "Hallelujah " as" the words used by the psalmist to invite everyone to join them in praising Jehovah. " Akpa Ndidem 7: 26 ọdọhọ ke ẹkesidọn̄ "tọsịn gallon [mmọn̄] efụt (oro edi, tọsịn bath mmọn̄ iba) " ke n̄kpọdiọhọ mmọn̄ oro mme oku ẹkesikamade ẹyet n̄kpọ, ke adan̄aemi ukem mbụk oro ke 2 Chronicles 4: 5 ọdọhọde ke enye ama ekeme ndikama" tọsịn bath [mmọn̄] ita. " That verse clearly shows how Jesus was principally moved to express his pity. According to 1 Kings 7: 26, "the two thousand bath measures of water (about two thousand gallons) " were used in the pool used by the priests, while the same account at 2 Chronicles 4: 5 states that it was" able to carry three thousand bath measures. " Nte ededi, ediwak owo ẹma ẹnyịme n̄kokon̄ idaha ido uwem Bible, ndien esop ama ọkọri ke ibat. " Jesus has been a horse that different people have ridden in a lot of different directions, " said David Tracy of the University of Chicago. However, many accepted the high moral standards of the Bible, and the congregation prospered. Enye ama emek akpan esop ke ndondo oro enye okokụtde ke odot ẹnam oro - oro edi Obio Ubọn̄ Messiah emi Jesus Christ edikarade - esop emi ke Enye edida afak ubonowo osio ke idiọkn̄kpọ Adam. He also awakened in Eve a proud, selfish longing to be like God. He appointed an important congregation as soon as he saw fit to do so - the Messianic Kingdom under the rule of Jesus Christ - through the redeeming of mankind from the sin of Adam. Ima ye udọn̄ oro Mme Ntiense ẹkewụtde ke ini mmọ ẹkpemede nditọete Christian mmọ ke ufọkibọk ama esitụk mi kpukpru ini. Another letter said: "The time once spent looking up words and explaining expressions is now spent gaining an understanding of the cited scriptures and how they tie into the lesson. " The love and interest shown by the Witnesses when they constantly protected their Christian brothers in the hospital. Ke edide ata isio ye oro, nsọn̄ibuot ye ete ye eka anam owo etre ndinyene unyịme Abasi. - Rome 1: 30, 32. He reigned for over 50 years, from the late ninth to the early eighth century B.C.E. In sharp contrast, rebellion against parents has caused a person to lose God's approval. - Romans 1: 30, 32. Nso ke emi ọwọrọ? In all their activities, humans were to reflect his qualities, such as justice, wisdom, and love. What does that mean? Man owụt nte ke mbet imọ ndomokiet ikpenyeneke ndimenede idem ke enyọn̄ n̄kan mme ekemmọ andinịm ke akpanikọ, Jesus ama ọdọhọ ete: "Ẹkûyak ẹkot mbufo, ẹte, Rabbi; koro Kiet edi Andikpep mbufo, kpukpru mbufo ẹnyụn̄ ẹdi nditọ - ete. As noted in the first two paragraphs of this article, Jehovah used an angel to deliver his message to the apostle John. Showing that none of his disciples should lift themselves above fellow believers, Jesus said: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Nte ikpepde iban̄a Abasi inyụn̄ inen̄erede isan̄a ikpere enye, ntre ke idikpep ndifọn ido ye kpukpru owo. Neither I nor my friends owned a dress shirt, a pair of dress slacks, or dress shoes. The more we learn about God and draw closer to him, the more we will learn to be kind to everyone. Ikebịghike, mma n̄kabade owo mmịn. Seawater covers about 71 percent of the earth's surface. Soon I became an alcoholic. Ndi akpana ẹwụri enye? The reason? Should it be destroyed? Ekem enye ama anam akpan usio - ukot oro edide ndina baptism nte uyarade ediyak idemesie nnọ Jehovah. 11, 12. (a) How did Jesus respond to those who sought to distract him from his work? He then took the important step of baptism as an evidence of his dedication to Jehovah. Nte Ẹkesidade Ikan̄ Ọkpọ Ẹn̄wana Ekọn̄ ke Eset, 5 / 1 We Are "Wonderfully Made " Jehovah Is Our Share, 5 / 15 Sia Jephthah enen̄erede oyom ndausụn̄ Jehovah, enye akan̄a ọnọ Abasi ete: "Edieke afo edidade nditọ Ammon esịn mi ke ubọk, ama ekem, andiwọrọ eke ediwọrọde ke enyịn - usụn̄ ufọk mi, idi ndisobo ye ami, ke adan̄aemi nditode ke ọtọ nditọ Ammon mfiak ndi ke ifụre, iditreke ndinyene Jehovah, ndien nyawa enye ke edifọp uwa. " ▪ Religious hypocrites. - 2 Timothy 3: 5. With keen interest in Jehovah's guidance, Jephthah vowed: "If you give the Ammonites into my hand, then the one coming out of the door of my house to meet me, whereas from the sons of Ammon you will not return to security, to Jehovah, and to give him a burnt offering. " Nso Idi Nsu? They are diligently searching for people who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " - Acts 13: 48. What Is False? Akpanikọ Bible Esịm Nnyịn Many today have resolved in their heart to stay single for this reason, and others do well to be a source of encouragement to them. Bible Truth Reaches Us Enye ama osio n̄kpọ ita owụt ke Isaiah 30: 18 - 21. Consequently, we are not deceived into following a wrong course. He pointed out three lines of evidence at Isaiah 30: 18 - 21. n̄wan anade ekpere enye ukot! " - Ruth 3: 8. Would You Welcome a Visit? The woman is lying near her feet! " - Ruth 3: 8. Isua 483 (ntịn̄nnịm urua 69) The two following articles will show how Jehovah's spirit can direct us to teach with skill and preach with constancy. 483 years (c. 69 weeks) Nte Afo Ekemede Ndikụt Unen Avoiding drunkenness, sexual immorality, tobacco, and addictive drugs helps us to safeguard our health. - Proverbs 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. How You Can Be Successful Kpa ye oro, enye ama ọfiọk ke mmọ ẹnyene eti esịt, onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ete: "Spirit, ke akpanikọ, enyịme, edi obụkidem ememem. " - Matt. If pursuing a form of recreation will mean neglecting such important activities as personal Bible study, family worship, attending Christian meetings, or sharing in Kingdom preaching, it is not worth the price. Yet, he recognized their sincerity and said: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Matt. Ufan̄ikọ oro owụt in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ nte okonụkde Jesus ke akpan ndiwụt mbọm esie. Again he declared Jesus innocent. That verse clearly shows how Jesus was moved primarily to show his compassion. David Tracy eke University of Chicago ọdọhọ ke nsio nsio owo ẹnyene ediwak nsio nsio ekikere ẹnyụn̄ ẹtịn̄ nsio nsio n̄kpọ ẹban̄a Jesus ye se enye eketịn̄de onyụn̄ anamde. Author and film historian Tim Dirks described the "Photo - Drama " as" the first major screenplay which incorporated synchronized sound (recorded speech), moving film, and magic lantern color slides. " David The University of Chicago says that there are many conflicting ideas and conflicting ideas about Jesus and what he said and did. Enye n̄ko ama anam Eve atan̄ idem oyom ndikabade ntie nte Abasi. He found, though, that the "godly devotion " of the Athenians was misdirected. He also made Eve proud to become like God. Emi owụt ke ediwak mme Christian emi ẹkesisemde usem Syriac ẹma ẹsikot Diatessaron. When appropriate, why is it wise to explain the reasons for a parental rule or decision? This indicates that many Syriac - speaking Christians used the Diatessaron. Ẹkewet ke leta en̄wen ẹte: "Ida ini oro ikesidade iyom ikọ ke n̄wed ukabadeikọ idụn̄ọde mme itie N̄wed Abasi idahaemi inyụn̄ ise nte mmọ ẹnyenede ebuana ye se ikpepde. " 6: 10 - 13. In another letter, we read: "In our search for a dictionary, we can examine scriptures now and see how they relate to what we have learned. " JEHOVAH Abasi Kpọt Ekeme Ndinyan̄a Isọn̄, 1 / 1 Above all, Barzillai was determined to put God's interests ahead of his own. - Matthew 6: 33. 10 / 15 Enye ama akara ke se ibede isua 50, ọtọn̄ọde ke utịt utịt ọyọhọ isua ikie usụkkiet tutu esịm ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ ọyọhọ isua ikie itiaita M.E.N. " The bitumen mortar - one of the first uses of southern Iraq's vast oil fields - is still visible between the burnt bricks, " says the author. He ruled for over 50 years, from the end of the ninth century to the beginning of the eighth century B.C.E. Mme owo ẹkenyene ndiwụt mme edu esie, utọ nte unenikpe, ọniọn̄, ye ima ke kpukpru edinam mmọ. ● "The Word. " His qualities, such as justice, wisdom, and love were to be manifested in all their dealings. Nte ikenemede ke akpa ye udiana ikpehe ekikere ibuotikọ emi, Jehovah ama ada angel otobo apostle John etop. What Is the Holy Spirit? As discussed in the preceding two aspects of this article, Jehovah used an angel to deliver the apostle John's message. Ami ye mme ufan mi ikenyeneke siọt, ọfọn̄ukot, m̀mê ikpaukot emi ẹkemede ndisịne n̄ka n̄kpọ. Your house is on fire, and you have just minutes to escape! My friends and I did not have a shirt, a pair of shoes, or a pair of shoes that could be used to dress. Oro edi, edieke ẹbaharede ofụri isọn̄ ke itie duop, se ikande mbahade itiaba edi mmọn̄. Russell could not have correctly understood the meaning of the symbolic scarlet - colored wild beast mentioned at Revelation 17: 9 - 11, since the organizations that the beast represents, namely, the League of Nations and the United Nations, did not even exist until after his death. That is, if the entire earth is covered ten times, more than seven percent are water. Ntak - a? About 200 years in advance - long before the king was born - the Hebrew prophet Isaiah mentioned Cyrus by name and described how he would conquer the mighty city of Babylon. Why? 11, 12. (a) Nso ke Jesus akanam aban̄a mbon oro ẹkeyomde ndiwọn̄ọde ntịn̄enyịn esie n̄kpọn̄ utom esie? Then, in 2005, I was appointed as a court of appeals judge in the court of São Paulo. 11, 12. (a) What did Jesus do about those who wanted to distract him from his work? " Nnyịn Imenyene Ndyọ ' We strive to imitate Jehovah by turning our eyes and ears - our full attention - toward our brothers, especially those who approach us for help. " We Are Powerful " ▪ Ẹnam nte idi mme eten̄e Abasi. - 2 Timothy 3: 5. For 41 days and nights, I had been caught in the middle of a prison uprising. ▪ Be God - fearing. - 2 Timothy 3: 5. Mmọ ke ẹsịn ifịk ẹyom mbon oro "ẹnyenede eti esịt ndinyene nsinsi uwem. " - Utom 13: 48. What was the corresponding ransom that satisfied justice? They eagerly seek out those "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " - Acts 13: 48. Ediwak owo mfịn ẹbiere ke esịt mmọ nditre ndidọ ndọ ke ntak emi, ndien ọkpọfọn mbon en̄wen ẹsisịn udọn̄ ẹnọ mmọ. When Jehovah sees a heart that is responsive to Bible truth, he uses his spirit to help the individual to grasp and apply that truth in his life. Many today have decided that their heart is determined not to get married because of this, and it is important for others to encourage them. Emi esinam ikûdụk idiọk afan̄. Considering what is stated there will give us "insight for doing good. " This helps us to avoid harmful paths. Nte Afo Ayadara Ẹdise Fi? Regular reading of the Bible and study of Bible - based publications help us to keep our minds centered on spiritual matters. Would You Welcome a Visit? Ndien ke ọyọhọ ibuotikọ ukpepn̄kpọ iba ye ita, iyeneme nte spirit Jehovah ekemede ndinam nnyịn ida usọ ikpep mme owo n̄kpọ, isinyụn̄ ikwọrọ ikọ kpukpru ini. If we become skilled in the use of that "sword, " then when we face temptations, we will be able to cut through what may appear to be harmless, or even appealing, and expose it as a death - dealing trap of the wicked one. And in the second and third study article, we will consider how Jehovah's spirit can motivate us to use our skills to teach others and always preach. Edieke nnyịn mîkpaha mmịn, mînamke oburobụt ido idan̄, mîdaha un̄wọn̄, ye n̄kpọsọn̄ ibọk oro ẹnọde owo mbumehe, nnyịn iyokop nsọn̄idem. - Mme N̄ke 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 Corinth 7: 1. Herald the message far and wide. If we do not drink, avoid sexual immorality, use tobacco, and drug abuse, we will be healthy. - Proverbs 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Edieke ndinọ idem nduọkodudu edinamde owo ofụmi mme utọ akpan n̄kpọ nte ọkpọkpọ ukpepn̄kpọ Bible, utuakibuot ubon, edidụk mbono esop mme Christian, m̀mê edibuana ke edikwọrọ Obio Ubọn̄, ọwọrọ ke ifọnke. Baptism opens the door to many blessings; it also involves responsibility. If recreation allows a person to ignore such points as personal Bible study, family worship, attendance at Christian meetings, or participation in Kingdom preaching, it would be wrong. Ekem afiak ọdọhọ ke imọ ikwe ndudue ke idem Jesus. I really appreciated all the brothers and sisters with whom I had the privilege to work. Then he added that he did not find fault in Jesus. Tim Dirks emi esiwetde mbụkeset oro aban̄ade fim ọdọhọ ke "Photo - Drama " ekedi" ata akpa fim emi ẹkenamde uyo owo, ndiye ndise slide, ye ndise oro owụtde nte mme owo ẹnamde nsio nsio n̄kpọ, asan̄a kiet. " People who wanted to get to know Jehovah had to be put on a waiting list! " The "Photo - Drama " refers to the" first motion pictures, slides, slides, and motion pictures that show a wide range of personalities, " says historian Timcals. Esidi enye ama etịm mi ama enye ekpe mi ubọk. The longer we walk with Jehovah, the deeper our modesty should become. He kindly apologized to me. Enye ama ọfiọk ke unana ifiọk anam mbon Athens " ẹnam n̄kpọ ẹnọ mme nsunsu abasi. ' Future for Mankind, 4 / 1 He knew that ignorance moves the Athenians to " serve false gods. ' Ntak emi ọfọnde ete ye eka ẹsidọhọ nditọ mmọ ntak emi mmọ ẹnamde ubiere m̀mê ẹnịmde ibet? You too can cope with similar trials. Why is it important for parents to ask their children why they make decisions or obey laws? 6: 10 - 13. Unlike imperfect mothers, who may fail to show compassion for their helpless infant, Jehovah will never fail or forget to show compassion for his worshippers in need. 6: 10 - 13. Akan oro, enye ama ebiere ndinịm n̄kpọ Abasi akpa. - Matthew 6: 33. What can help you overcome such negative thinking? Moreover, he was determined to put spiritual interests first. - Matthew 6: 33. Andiwet magazine emi ọdọhọ ke "mbat itai edi kiet ke otu akpa n̄kpọ emi ẹkedade aranisọn̄ oro ẹkesiode ke Iraq ẹnam, ndien ke ẹsụk ẹkokụt mbat itai ke kọrikọri emi ikan̄ ama akata. How can we strengthen our conviction that Jehovah's sovereignty is best? According to the author of this magazine, "the bonds of bitumen are one of the first things that have been extracted from Iraq and are still found in the mud. ● "Ikọ. " • What is "the last enemy, " and how is it to be brought to nothing? ● "The Word. " Nso Idi Edisana Spirit? Certain days of their festivals were called holy conventions or solemn assemblies, indicating the sacred nature of these gatherings. What Is the Holy Spirit? Ikan̄ ke ata ufọk fo, ndien afo enyene minit ifan̄ kpọt ndifehe n̄wọrọ! Later, even during World War II, he served as a traveling overseer. You slept in your house, and you have only a few minutes to flee! Russell ikpekemeke ndidiọn̄ọ nnennen se ndamban̄a ididuot unam oro ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a ke Ediyarade 17: 9 - 11 ọwọrọde, sia mme esop oro unam emi adade aban̄a, oro edi, Esop Ediomi Mme Idụt ye Edidiana Mme Idụt, mîkakam idụhe tutu ke enye ama akakpa. Such literature deals with family life, customs, religion, science, and many other subjects. Russell could not know exactly what the symbolic scarlet beast referred to at Revelation 17: 9 - 11 would mean, since the beasts represented by the wild beast, namely, the League of Nations and the United Nations, had not existed until his death. N̄kpọ nte isua 200 mbemiso ẹkekande Babylon, prọfet Isaiah ama etịn̄ ke edidem emi edikande Babylon edikere Cyrus onyụn̄ etịn̄ nte enye edikande akwa obio oro. After all, if Jesus ' words do indeed constitute a command, he would be ordering us to do something beyond our control. Some 200 years before Babylon's conquest, the prophet Isaiah foretold that Cyrus would be defeated by the king who would conquer the city. Ekem ke 2005, ẹma ẹmek mi ayaraiwat ke esop usion̄o ikpe São Paulo. Not long after that busy time, Jesus led his apostles and some disciples on a long trek northward. Then in 2005, I was appointed a judge in the São Paulo court. Nnyịn iwụt ke ikpebe Jehovah ke ndise eyenete oro etịn̄de ikọ ọnọ nnyịn nnyụn̄ n̄kpan̄ utọn̄ n̄kop se enye etịn̄de - oro edi, ndinọ eyenete nnyịn ọyọhọ n̄kpan̄utọn̄, akpan akpan edieke enye oyomde un̄wam. You made those decisions on the basis of your deep love for Jehovah and an earnest desire to help others who wanted to serve him. We imitate Jehovah by looking at a brother who speaks to us and by listening to what he says - to give our brother our full attention, especially if he needs help. Ke ufan̄ ọfiọn̄ kiet ye ubak, n̄kodu ke otu mbon n̄kpọkọbi emi ẹkesịnde ntịme ẹnyụn̄ ẹsọn̄de ibuot. He refused to give in to temptation and stood firm for what he knew to be right. Within a month and a half, I was among the rebel prisoners. Didie ke ufak emi ẹkekpede ekedi n̄kemn̄kem ufak? " Do not be quick to take offense. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. How was the ransom a corresponding ransom? Ke ini Jehovah okụtde owo emi amade akpanikọ emi Bible ekpepde, enye esida spirit esie anam Ikọ Abasi an̄wan̄a owo oro, onyụn̄ an̄wam enye ekeme ndinam se enye ekpepde. God will give mankind a good government that will bring freedom from all causes of suffering. - Read Daniel 2: 44. When Jehovah observes a person who loves Bible truth, he uses his spirit to help him understand God's Word, and he is able to apply it in his life. Ndikere mban̄a se ẹwetde do ọyọnọ nnyịn " ọniọn̄ ndinam eti. ' By attending Christian meetings regularly despite your grief, you will be able to tap into a vital source of instruction and encouragement. Meditating on what is written there will help us to "keep doing good. " Edikot Bible ye edikpep mme n̄wed oro ẹkọn̄ọde ke Bible kpukpru ini ẹn̄wam ndinam ekikere nnyịn owụhọ ke mme n̄kpọ eke spirit. On the way back, whenever we came near a clump of bushes or trees, he pulled out his gun and rode ahead to inspect the area. Bible reading and regular study of Bible - based publications help to keep our minds fixed on spiritual things. Edieke nnyịn inyenede usọ ke ndida "ofụt " oro nnam n̄kpọ, ke ini nnyịn isobode mme idomo, nnyịn iyekeme ndikan mme n̄kpọ oro ẹtiede nte ikemeke ndinọ unan, m̀mê idem ẹdemerede udọn̄, ndien iyayarade enye nte akama - n̄kpa afia andidiọk. Grateful for Those Taking the Lead If we are skilled at using "the sword, " when we are faced with trials, we will be able to overcome seemingly harmful desires, and we will conceal him as a deadly trap. Ẹtan̄a etop oro ke kpukpru itụn̄ ye inụk. He then adds that the Apocryphal books should be shunned. - Revelation 22: 18, 19. The message is spread in every corner of the corner. Kpa ye oro baptism asan̄ade ye mbiomo, uyen emi anade baptism ọyọbọ ediwak edidiọn̄. Later, the apostle Paul mentioned "fellow workers " who had" striven side by side with [him] in the good news. " Although baptism is a responsibility, a young person baptized will receive many blessings. Mma nnen̄ede n̄kpono nditọete iren ye iban oro n̄kenyenede ifet ndinam utom ye mmọ. [ Pictures on page 12, 13] I had deep respect for the brothers and sisters I had the privilege of working with them. Mme owo emi ẹkeyomde ndikpep n̄kpọ man ẹfiọk Jehovah ẹkenyene ndibebet tutu ekem ini mmọ! What we know of Rebekah moves us to admire her. Those who wanted to learn to know Jehovah had to wait until their turn! Nte isan̄ade ye Abasi ibịghi, ntre ke ikpetetịm isụhọde idem. In time, he (or she) will likely accept true worship. ' The more we walk with God for a long time, the greater our humility will be. Nte Mbiowo Ẹnọde Nditọete Iren Ukpep, 4 / 15 Kingdom Proclaimers Report JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Afo n̄ko emekeme ndiyọ. " The Fruitage of the Spirit " Glorifies God You can do the same. Oro edi, ke kpa ye emi ekaeyen ekemede ndifre nsekeyen emi enye amande, mbọm eyen emi mînyụn̄ inamke enye, ke imọ Jehovah ikemeke - keme ndifre ikọt imọ nnyụn̄ ntre nditua mmọ mbọm. He will give us the wisdom we need to cope with the trial and help us to keep in focus the great issue, Jehovah's sovereignty, that is behind the unjustified hatred brought against his servants. That is, even though a mother may forget her baby, she has no compassion for her child, Jehovah can never forget his people and show them compassion. Nso ke akpanam man etre utọ editịmede esịt oro? Jesus looked at matters spiritually, and he firmly responded: "It is written, " Man must not live by bread alone. ' " - Luke 4: 4; Matthew 4: 4. What can you do to break free from such anxiety? Nso ke ikpanam man itetịm inịm ke ukara Jehovah ọfọn akan? In public they pretended to be devoted to God, but in private they were full of badness. How can we strengthen our conviction that Jehovah's way of ruling is the best? • Nso idi "akpatre usua, " ndien didie ke ẹdisobo enye? YEAR BORN: 1928 • What is "the last enemy, " and how will it be destroyed? Ẹkekot ndusụk usen usọrọ mmọ edisana esop, emi owụtde ke mme mboho emi ẹkedi ndisana. By all means, then, let us work to preserve a healthy, positive spirit in the congregation. Some days were called the sacred assembly, which indicates that these gatherings were sacred. Ke ukperedem, idem ke ini Ekọn̄ Ererimbot II, enye ama anam utom nte esenyịn oro asan̄ade - san̄a. He himself struggled with "a thorn in the flesh, " and he endured bitter persecution throughout his ministry. Later, even during World War II, he served as a traveling overseer. Mme utọ n̄wed oro ẹsineme ẹban̄a uwem ubon, mme ido edinam, ido ukpono, ifiọk ntaifiọk, ye mme ibuot nneme eken. In time, through such diligent efforts, he became a fine public speaker. Such publications have discussed family life, religious, scientific, and other subjects. Edieke ikọ Jesus ekpenen̄erede edi ewụhọ, ọkpọwọrọ ke enye owụk nnyịn inam n̄kpọ oro nnyịn mîkemeke ndinam. Is your opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses based on impressions or on facts? If Jesus ' words were really a command, he would have commanded us to do something that we cannot do. Esisịt ini ke mme n̄kpọ emi ẹma ẹkebe, Jesus ama ada mme apostle ye ndusụk mbet asan̄a anyan isan̄ aka n̄kan̄ edem edere. Day the Black Belt Came Untied, 12 / 1 Shortly after these events, Jesus took the apostles and some disciples on a long journey to the north. Akanam mme ubiere emi ke ntak emi amade Jehovah etieti onyụn̄ enyenede ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ ndin̄wam mbon en̄wen ẹtiene ẹdinam n̄kpọ esie. Ants are organized into colonies, and in most colonies three types of ants can be found: queens, males, and workers. These decisions were made because they loved Jehovah so much and were eager to help others to serve him. Enye ikọduọhọ ke ini ẹkedomode enye, edi ama ọsọn̄ọ ada anam se inende. When we follow Jehovah's guidance, we are seeking refuge with the God who cannot fail. He did not blame when he was being tested, but he remained firm for what was right. " Kûyak esịt awara ndiyat fi. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. There's nothing that adds that special touch like a personal name. " Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. Ukara emi oyosio kpukpru se inamde owo okụt ndutụhọ. Ndi oro idịghe eti mbụk? - Kot Daniel 2: 44. This: As Jehovah's servants, we have nothing to fear from our enemies. Is that not good news? - Read Daniel 2: 44. Edieke odụkde mme mbono esop kpukpru ini kpa ye se ifịnade fi, eyekeme ndinyene ata eti item ye nsịnudọn̄. You can understand the Bible! If you regularly attend congregation meetings despite problems, you will be able to find practical counsel and encouragement. Ke usụn̄ unyọn̄, ke ini ikperede ebiet emi ofụhọde m̀mê emi eto awakde, enye oyosio ikan̄ esie awat ebe iso ekese nte usụn̄ etiede. All - including agnostics - were born with a conscience. On the way home, when we approach a nearby place of mourning or abundant trees, he will save his fire from ahead of time to time. Wụt Esịtekọm Ban̄a Mbon Oro Ẹdade Usụn̄ ke Esop We can only imagine David's fervent prayers as he stooped in the dry riverbed on the valley floor and collected five small, smooth stones. Show Appreciation for Those Taking the Lead Ekem enye adian do ete ke ẹkpenyene ndisịn mme abian̄a abian̄a n̄wed. - Ediyarade 22: 18, 19. How happy I was that I could be with Mother on that occasion and share my confidence with her! Then he added that deceptive writings should be included. - Revelation 22: 18, 19. Nte ini akakade, apostle Paul ama etịn̄ aban̄a "nsan̄autom " esie emi" ẹkesan̄ade ye [enye] ẹn̄wana ẹban̄a eti mbụk. " For example, none of us wanted to be in another study group simply for personal reasons, and no one complained that the meetings were too far away or too late. The apostle Paul later spoke of his "fellow workers " who" walked with [him] in defense of the good news. " [ Mme ndise ke page 12, 13] " You and your partner, Eileen Mahoney, agreed to go anywhere in the world, " and Ireland was certainly included in that. [ Pictures on page 12, 13] Se nnyịn ifiọkde iban̄a Rebekah anam nnyịn ima enye. Really, no one can prevent God from fulfilling this promise and all his other heartening promises. What we know about Rebekah endears us to him. Nte ini akade, ekeme ndidi enye eyenyịme utuakibuot akpanikọ. ' Leaving one's hereditary possession and moving into Jerusalem involved personal expense and some disadvantages. In time, he may come to embrace true worship. ' Ntọt Mme Anditan̄a Obio Ubọn̄ But instead of becoming arrogant and opinionated, he remained humble and modest, always giving due credit to Jehovah. Kingdom Proclaimers Report " Mbun̄wụm Spirit " Ọnọ Abasi Ubọn̄ How can you help them? " The Fruitage of the Spirit " Glorifies God Enye ọyọnọ nnyịn eti ibuot oro iyomde man iyọ idomo, onyụn̄ an̄wam nnyịn man iwụk ntịn̄enyịn ke akwa eneni, oro edi, itie edikara Jehovah, emi anamde ẹsua mme asan̄autom esie ke unana ntak. How? He will give us the wisdom we need to endure trials, and he will help us to focus on the great issue, Jehovah's sovereignty, which causes unjustified hatred upon his servants. Jesus ekese mme n̄kpọ ke enyịn eke spirit, ndien enye ama ọbọrọ uko uko ete: "Ẹma ẹwet ẹte, idịghe uyo ikpọn̄ ke owo edida odu uwem. " - Luke 4: 4; Matthew 4: 4. The disciple James wrote: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. " Jesus looked at spiritual things, and he confidently replied: "It is written, " Man must live, not on bread alone. ' " - Luke 4: 4; Matthew 4: 4. Ke eferife mmọ ẹkesinam nte idi mbon oro ikponode Abasi, edi ke ndịbe mmọ ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹdiọk. Living forever? In public, they pretended to be worshippers of God, but in their private eyes they were very bad. ISUA AKAMANADE: 1928 Habakkuk was very agitated - understandably so. YEAR BORN: 1928 Mmọdo, ẹyak isịn ofụri ukeme inam esop aka iso enyene eti edu. As Jesus ' brothers grew, they would be able to accept their share of family responsibilities. Let us, then, work hard to maintain a positive spirit in the congregation. Enye ke idemesie ama an̄wana ye "n̄kukịm ke obụkidem, " ndien enye ama ọyọ ndotndot ukọbọ ke ofụri ini utom ukwọrọikọ esie. Jesus was using the wine in the cup as a representation, or symbol, of his own blood. He himself contended with "a thorn in the flesh, " and he endured bitter persecution throughout his ministry. Nte ini akakade, ebede ke mme utọ ifịk ifịk ukeme oro, enye ama akabade edi eti ọnọ utịn̄ikọ an̄wa. Some have repeatedly been forced to leave their dwellings. In time, by such diligent efforts, he became a fine public talk. Ndi se afo ekerede aban̄a Mme Ntiense Jehovah edi akpanikọ m̀mê onyụn̄ ẹnịm se mme owo ẹtịn̄de? Though the judging and separating will be done "when the Son of man arrives in his glory, " the preaching work is providing people today with the opportunity to recognize Christ's spiritual brothers and thus to work in support of them for their own eternal salvation. - Matthew 25: 31 - 46. Is your concern for Jehovah's Witnesses a certainty or a belief in what others say? Abasi Ọfọn ye Ami (B. Wait before reacting. God Has Been Merciful to Me (B. Nnuene ẹdi ke utọ ke utọ - akpaisọn̄, nduọhọabak, utaokpo, n̄kakat, nyọyọhi, ata, odom ọkọkiyịp, iyọn̄, ye ebu. What will God do? In such a case, the yoke is made up of a walled lion, a lion, a cult, a gardener, a ant, and the brain. Ke ini itienede ndausụn̄ Jehovah, emi ọwọrọ ke imoyom Abasi emi mîkemeke ndikpu nnyịn edi ebiet ubọhọ nnyịn. (b) How can we build integrity, as exemplified by Jesus? By following Jehovah's direction, we need a God who cannot fail us but is a refuge for us. Enyịn̄ mmọ anam mbụk mmọ okûtie nte n̄ke. [ Picture on page 24] Their names make them different from myths. Se ikpepde edi emi: Nte mme asan̄autom Jehovah, nnyịn ikpenyeneke ndikop ndịk ndomokiet mban̄a mme asua nnyịn. Why should you reject the very thought of practicing sin? The lesson is this: As Jehovah's servants, we should not be afraid of our enemies. Ih, Bible ekeme ndin̄wan̄a fi! I am from Cotonou, a large city in Benin. Yes, you can understand the Bible! Kpukpru owo - esịnede mme andidọhọ ke owo idiọn̄ọke m̀mê Abasi odu m̀mê idụhe - ẹkedada ubieresịt ẹmana. Is it possible for us to forgive and cover over the minor failings of our brothers? All - including those who deny that there is a God or that he exists - are born with a conscience. Anaedi enye ama ọbọn̄ akam ke ini akade akatan̄ n̄kpri ndọdọnọ itiat ition ke itịghede mmọn̄. Failure to show honor to her could hinder his prayers. He may have prayed when he finally carried five smooth stones in the torrent valley of water. Esịt ekenem mi didie ntem ndidu ye Mama ke usen oro enye akakpade nnyụn̄ nsian enye ke mmenyene mbuọtidem ke idotenyịn esie! Yet, I held no grudge against him; I was just thankful that I had a personal relationship with God. How happy I was to be with Mother on the day she died and tell her that I had faith in her hope! Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, owo nnyịn ndomokiet ikoyomke ndidụk otu ukpepn̄kpọ en̄wen ke ntak ọkpọkpọ mbubehe m̀mê ndiseme ke ebiet oro isidụkde mme mbono esop ẹyom usụn̄ ẹkaha m̀mê ke eyo esikụt akaha. It is unwise to believe everything presented as truth in the media. For example, none of us wanted to attend another class because of personal matters or to complain about where we attend meetings too far and too late. Enye ama ọbọrọ mi ete: "Ih ih, Afo ye Eileen Mahoney nsan̄a fo ẹma ẹnyịme ke iyaka ebiet ekededi ke ererimbot, " ndien Ireland edi kiet ke otu ebiet oro. What is known as Bedell's Bible includes both his work and William Daniel's earlier work. " No, " he replied, "you and your companion Moleah agreed to go anywhere in the world, " and Ireland was one of those places. Ke akpanikọ, owo ndomokiet ikemeke ndikpan Abasi ndisu un̄wọn̄ọ emi ye kpukpru un̄wọn̄ọ esie eken oro ẹnọde nsịnudọn̄. Spiritual Growth Among the Young Indeed, no one can stop God from fulfilling this promise and all his other encouraging promises. Owo ndikọkpọn̄ inyene esie n̄wọrọ n̄ka Jerusalem ama abuana ubiatokụk ye ntakurua. In the following centuries, the Vulgate gradually supplanted the Vetus Latina Hispana. A person's leaving his possessions to Jerusalem involved expense and loss. Ẹma ẹnọ enye ikpọ itie ke Babylon ke ntak emi enye ọkọfiọkde n̄kpọ etieti. The Bible says: "The thing that David had done appeared bad in the eyes of Jehovah. " He was given positions of authority in Babylon because he knew very well. Didie ke afo ekeme ndin̄wam mmọ? Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit. How can you help them? Didie ke enye edinam emi? The Law prescribed the arrangement for approach to God through an appointed priesthood. How will he do this? James ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹbat ẹte edi n̄kpọ ọyọhọ idatesịt, nditọete, ke ini nsio nsio idomo ẹsịmde mbufo, sia ẹfiọkde ẹte orụk mbuọtidem mbufo emi ẹma ẹkedomo ẹse anam ime ọwọrọ edi. " In some lands it is difficult to find interested ones. James said: "Consider it all joy, brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. " Ndidu uwem ke nsinsi? What might influence our view of those who need assistance in the congregation? Living forever? Habakkuk ama okop nyekidem etieti - an̄wan̄a ntak ekedide ntre. How did Judas betray Jesus, and with what has Judas ' name become synonymous? Habakkuk felt very nervous - that is why it was. Nte nditọeka Jesus ẹkekọride ẹkponi, mmọ ẹma ẹtiene ẹnam udeme mmọ ke ubon. Even my Bible lay open on my bedside table! As Jesus ' siblings grew older, they did their part in the family. Jesus akada wine oro ekesịnede ke cup nte idiọn̄ọ, m̀mê ndamban̄a, iyịp esie. On the other hand, she may decide not to go, reasoning that the emotional pressure of the circumstances could prove to be too much for her, perhaps causing her to compromise godly principles. Jesus used the wine in the cup as a sign, or symbolic, of his blood. Ẹnyịk ndusụk mmọ ndiwọrọ n̄kpọn̄ mme itieidụn̄ mmọ ediwak ini. Of course, praying to resist temptation at any time during his encounter would have been valuable. Some of them drift away from their homes several times. Okposụkedi ẹdinamde ubiereikpe ye edibahade "ke ini Eyen Owo edidide ke ubọn̄ esie, " utom ukwọrọikọ ọmọnọ mme owo ifet mfịn ndidiọn̄ọ nditọete Christ eke spirit ndinyụn̄ nnam utom ndinọ mmọ ibetedem kaban̄a nsinsi edinyan̄a mmọ. - Matthew 25: 31 - 46. Both Adam and Eve thus misused their free will and sinned by disobeying God. Although judgment and separating "when the Son of man arrives in his glory, " the preaching work has given people today the opportunity to recognize Christ's spiritual brothers and to support them for their everlasting salvation. - Matthew 25: 31 - 46. Bet kan̄a mbemiso etịn̄de ikọ m̀mê anamde n̄kpọ. Snow is also vital, watering and fertilizing the ground, replenishing rivers, and insulating plants and animals from freezing temperatures. Instead, wait before you speak or act. Nso ke Abasi edinam? Neither should you hesitate to get baptized if you qualify. What will God do? (b) Didie ke ikpọtọn̄ọ ndinyene nsọn̄ọnda nte Jesus? At times, we may feel that we are accomplishing little. (b) How do early integrity as Jesus begin? [ Ndise ke page 24] Those with the responsibility of helping young ones, however, know that appropriate oversight is absolutely necessary. [ Picture on page 24] Ntak mûkpokohokoi uyịre ke edinam idiọkn̄kpọ? Therefore, he takes time to investigate the situation at hand. Why not deliberately engage in wrongdoing? NTE N̄KESIDUDE UWEM: Nto Cotonou, akwa obio kiet ke Benin. Faced with such a manifestation of strength and support, lions rarely attack even young elephants. MY PAST: I was from Cotonou, a city in Benin. Ndi imekeme ndifen nnyụn̄ mfụk n̄kpri ndudue nditọete nnyịn? The tallest trees in the world are usually found growing together in forests, where individual trees support one another. Can we forgive and cover over minor faults of our brothers? Abasi ekeme nditre ndikop akam owo edieke enye mîkponoke n̄wan esie. In 60 - 61 C.E., Paul was able to speak of the "good news " that was" bearing fruit and increasing in all the world " and that had been "preached in all creation that is under heaven. " God may not listen to a man's prayers if he does not honor his wife. Edi n̄kadaha enye udu; n̄kakam nnenem esịt ke ntak ọkpọkpọ itie ebuana oro n̄kenyenede ye Abasi. We urge you young ones, then: Do not hesitate to praise Jehovah! But I did not visit him; I did not even rejoice because of my personal relationship with God. Iwụtke eti ibuot ndinịm kpukpru n̄kpọ oro ẹtịn̄de ke ndutịm usuanetop. Preaching to well - off Parisians was intimidating, but I was able to study the Bible with numerous humble ones. It is not wise to believe everything presented in the media. Se ẹdiọn̄ọde idahaemi nte Bible Bedell esịne se William Daniel ye Bedell ẹkekabarede. What a wonderful privilege it is to "come to be known by God, " the Supreme Ruler of the universe! What is now known as Bedell's Bible contains what William Daniel and Bedell translated. Mme Uyen Ẹnam N̄kọri eke Spirit 15 Maintain Your Zeal for the Ministry Youths Make Spiritual Progress Ekem Vulgate emi ama edida itie nsio nsio Bible usem Latin emi mme Christian ẹkesiode ke Spain. This would result in spiritual illumination "before men, " or for the benefit of mankind. The Vulgate then replaced the Latin text of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Spain. Bible ọdọhọ ete: "N̄kpọ oro David akanamde ntre ayat Jehovah esịt. " Jesus also helped his listeners to avoid the snare of immorality. The Bible says: "The thing that David did so was displeasing to Jehovah. " Kpukpru n̄kọk ke idem Mi eke mîn̄wụmke mfri, Enye esịbe efep; ndien kpukpru n̄kọk eke on̄wụmde mfri, Enye ọdiọn̄, man on̄wụm mfri awak akan. Since first - century Christians were now "God's people, " did God fight in their behalf, so as to free them from Roman oppression? Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit. Ibet oro ama etịn̄ nte ẹkpesan̄ade ẹkpere Abasi ebe ke mme oku oro enye ekemekde. Among other things, you can learn more about "the good news of the Kingdom of God, " including how it will eliminate government corruption. The Law described how to draw close to God through his appointed priests. Ke ndusụk idụt edi ọkpọsọn̄ n̄kpọ ndikụt mbon oro ẹnyenede udọn̄. In 1914 the nations became embroiled in a world war In some lands it is difficult to locate interested ones. Nso ikeme ndinam itọn̄ọ ndise nditọete nnyịn emi ẹsiyomde un̄wam ke idiọk usụn̄? What evidence of good organization existed in Israel when God instructed his people to enter the Promised Land? What may start to look at our brothers and sisters who are in need of help in a wrong way? Didie ke Judas akada Jesus ọnọ, ndien nso ke ndikot owo Judas ọwọrọ? In 1968 there were 5,400 publishers of the good news in Venezuela. How did Judas betray Jesus, and what does it mean to call Judas? Bible mi okosụk ana in̄wan̄ nte n̄kenịmde ke okpokoro oro ekperede bed mi! Millions of households lost electricity. I still found it hard to believe in the table next to my bed! Ke n̄kan̄ eken, enye ekeme ndibiere nditre ndika, ekerede nte ke mfịghe eke ntụk oro mme idaha oro ẹdidemerede oyokpon akaha ọnọ imọ, ndusụk anamde imọ ibiat mme edumbet Abasi. We should also be peaceable, avoiding aggressiveness or actions that would disrupt peace. On the other hand, he may decide not to go, feeling that the emotional stress of those situations will greatly affect him, perhaps making him compromise godly principles. Edi akpanikọ ke ọkpọkọfọn edieke enye ọkpọkọbọn̄de akam man akan idomo ke ini ekededi ke ini enye okosobode ye n̄wan oro. Alex admitted: "When you lose your mate, your mind is flooded with negative thoughts. " Of course, it would have been good for him to pray to resist any temptation when he met the woman. Ke ntem, Adam ye Eve ikadaha ifụre umek n̄kpọ mmọ inam n̄kpọ ke eti usụn̄; mmọ ẹma ẹnam idiọkn̄kpọ ke ndisọn̄ ibuot ye Abasi. Like God, we desire that people of all sorts attain to repentance and salvation; that is why we preach to them. Thus, Adam and Eve did not misuse their free will; they sinned in disobeying God. Snow enyene ufọn n̄ko, ebịt onyụn̄ anam isọn̄ ọfọn n̄kpọ, anam mme akpa ẹka iso ẹnyene mmọn̄, inyụn̄ iyakke idaha eyo ebịt mme eto ye unam akaha. He warned of an even greater threat - apostasy. Snow is also useful, and cooling is vital for the soil, enabling rivers to retain water, and prevent temperatures from lowering moisture and meat. Kpasụk ntre n̄ko, afo ukpenyeneke ndimen̄e ndina baptism edieke odotde. • How do the letter to the Hebrews and the words of Peter confirm the hope of everlasting life on earth? Similarly, you should not hesitate to get baptized if it is appropriate. Ke ndusụk idaha, ekeme nditie nnyịn ke idem nte ke nnyịn inamke ekese. What are these? At times, we may feel that we do not do so much. Nte ededi, mbon oro ẹsisede nditọwọn̄ enyịn ẹfiọk ke nditọwọn̄ ẹnen̄ede ẹyom ukpeme. The Law about this states: "To the day after the seventh sabbath you should count, fifty days, and you must present a new grain offering to Jehovah. Out of your dwelling places you should bring two loaves as a wave offering. Of course, those who take the lead in child care realize that children really need protection. Ke ntre, enye ayada ini odụn̄ọde idaha oro enye odude. Obviously, we cannot be approached if we are not available. Therefore, he will take time to examine his situation. Ke ini mme lion ẹsobode utọ idaha oro, mmọ isiwakke ndin̄wana idem ye nditọ enen. From past experience, the people of Simeulue had learned to recognize an approaching tsunami by the change in the sea. When lions meet such a situation, they rarely fight against the children. Ẹsiwak ndikụt mme eto oro ẹniọn̄de ẹkan ke ererimbot ẹkọride ọtọkiet ke akai, ndien eto kiet kiet esinọ kiet eken un̄wam. [ Map on page 30, 31] The oldest trees in the world grow together in the forest, and each tree provides help for one another. Ke 60 esịm 61 E.N., Paul ama ọdọhọ ke "gospel " ama " on̄wụm mfri onyụn̄ ọdọdiọn̄ ọkọri ke ofụri ererimbot ' ye nte ke ẹma ẹkwọrọ gospel emi" ẹnọ kpukpru owo ke idak ikpa - enyọn̄. " other faithful servants of Jehovah? In 60 to 61 C.E., Paul said that "the good news " was" bearing fruit and increasing in all the earth " and that this good news had been preached "to all creation that is under heaven. " Do, nnyịn imesịn udọn̄ inọ mbufo mme uyen ite: Ẹkûmen̄e nditoro Jehovah! It seems that pirates called it The Bottom because they thought it was at the bottom of a volcanic crater. On September 28, 2003, volunteers from Florida, U.S.A., went to Saba and remodeled a building nearby, which now serves as the Kingdom Hall. We urge you young ones: Do not hesitate to praise Jehovah! Ndikwọrọ ikọ nnọ mme imọ owo ke Paris ama esisịn owo ndịk ke idem, edi mma n̄kpep Bible ye ata ediwak mbon oro ẹkesụhọrede idem. PAGE 3 Preaching to the rich in Paris was intimidating, but I studied the Bible with a number of humble people. Edi ata akamba n̄kpọ ukpono Jehovah emi edide Akakan Andikara ofụri ekondo ndifiọk nnyịn! Polycarp was willing to die a martyr's death rather than renounce his Christian faith. How privileged we are to be known by Jehovah, the Sovereign Lord of the universe! 15 Ka Iso Sịn Ifịk Kwọrọ Ikọ How we react to adjustments in the worldwide Christian congregation and decisions made by those taking the lead in it has a bearing on our being known by Jehovah. 15 Keep On Preaching Emi ayanam un̄wana eke spirit ayama ke "iso owo, " m̀mê ke ufọn ubonowo. " I was terrified, " she says. This will shed spiritual light on "the faces of men, " or for the benefit of mankind. Jesus n̄ko ama an̄wam mme andikpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ enye ndifep afia oburobụt ido. Are your prayers like sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? Jesus also helped his listeners to avoid the snare of immorality. Sia mme Christian eyo mme apostle ẹkedide "ikọt Abasi, " ndi Abasi ama an̄wana ọnọ mmọ man osio mmọ ke ubọk mbon Rome? How can we tell? Since first - century Christians were "God's people, " did God defend them in order to free them from Roman oppression? Kiet ke otu se edikpepde edidi "eti mbụk obio ubọn̄ Abasi, " ndien emi esịne nte Abasi editreke udia - inọ ke ukara. He "tolerated... vessels of wrath " to prepare the" vessels of mercy " - the wheat class. One of the things to teach will be "the good news of the Kingdom of God, " which includes God's eliminating corruption. Mme idụt ẹma ẹsịn idem ke ekọn̄ ererimbot ke 1914 Now Sarah is raising two children of her own. The nations became involved in world wars in 1914 Didie ke Abasi eketịm ikọt esie mbemiso mmọ ẹkedụkde Isọn̄ Un̄wọn̄ọ? How? How were God's people organized before they entered the Promised Land? Ke 1968 mme asuanetop eti mbụk 5,400 ẹkedu ke Venezuela. Paul had a successful ministry in Beroea, but Jews came and aroused the populace. In 1968 there were 5,400 publishers of the good news in Venezuela. Ikan̄ ilektrik ikodụhe ke ediwak miliọn ufọk. Jehovah did not require the manslayer to be judged again for the same case; nor was the avenger of blood permitted to enter the city and take the fugitive's life. There were no electricity in millions of homes. Oyom itie emem emem n̄ko, itre ndinam n̄kpọ ekọn̄ ekọn̄, m̀mê ndinam n̄kpọ oro ekemede ndibiat emem. It poses different questions and has a different emphasis. There is also a need to be peaceable, to refrain from taking up arms, or to do something that can disrupt peace. Alex ọdọhọ ete: "Nsan̄a fo ama akpakpa, edikere ntịme. " Two serve as judges, two as kings; two are obedient to Jehovah, two are not. Alex says: "Because you have died, I'm worried. " Kpa nte ọdọn̄de Abasi, ọdọn̄ nnyịn n̄ko ndikụt ke kpukpru orụk owo ẹkabarede esịt ẹnyene edinyan̄a; ntak edi oro isikwọrọde ikọ inọ mmọ. " He that is pursuing righteousness and loving - kindness will find life, righteousness and glory. " - PROVERBS 21: 21. As we look to God, we also want to see that all sorts of people should repent and be saved, but that is why we preach to them. Enye ama ọdọhọ mmọ ke se ikam idiọkde ikan emi ke edi - oro edi, mfiakedem. By 1994, she had reduced her work schedule enough to enroll as a pioneer. He told them that it was even worse - apostasy. • Didie ke n̄wed Mme Hebrew ye se Peter ekewetde, ẹwụt ke mme owo ẹyedu nsinsi uwem mi ke isọn̄? Did You Know? • How do the books of Hebrews and Peter show that people will live forever on earth? Nso idi mme n̄kpọ emi? All of us have an inborn tendency to be selfish, and this inclination may stifle expressions of thanks. What are these requirements? Ibet oro ẹkenọde kaban̄a emi ọdọhọ ete: "Tutu ekem ke edem usen ọyọhọ sabbath itiaba, mbufo ẹdibat usen aba ye duop; ndien ẹwa obufa inuak - udia ẹnọ Jehovah. Still, Adam "listened to [his] wife's voice. " The Law given regarding this stated: "Even then on the seventh day of the sabbath, you will count no more days and ten days, and a new grain offering to Jehovah will be offered to Jehovah. Nditọete idimaha ndidi ndineme nneme ye nnyịn edieke etiede nte ke nnyịn inyeneke ini. Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You, June Our brothers and sisters will not want to talk to us if we seem to be too busy. Se iketịbede inọ mbon Simeulue ke eset ama anam mmọ ẹdiọn̄ọ nte inyan̄ esitiede ke ini akwa mbufụt inyan̄ibom oyomde ndiwọrọ. In a sense, some are. The lives of residents of the ancient city of Sime helped them to understand what the sea is like when the tsunami move on. [ Ndise obio ke page 30, 31] Mind the Spirit and Live! [ Map on page 30, 31] mme asan̄autom Jehovah eken ẹkebuọtde? PAGE 18 Other servants of Jehovah put their trust? Ke September 28, 2003, mme anamutom unyịmesịt ẹtode Florida, U.S.A., ẹma ẹka Saba ẹkediọn̄ ufọk kiet do, ndien idahaemi enye edi Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄. What, though, is involved in training children? On September 28, 2003, volunteers from Florida, U.S.A., visited Saba and now serves as a Kingdom Hall. PAGE 3 She wanted to share in the ministry during this entire special week of activity. PAGE 3 Polycarp ama enyịme ndikpa n̄kpa usụn̄ Abasi utu ke ndikan̄ mbuọtidem. Do not shout at your child. Polycarp was willing to die a martyr rather than compromise. Nte nnyịn inamde n̄kpọ iban̄a mme ukpụhọde oro ẹnamde ke esop Christian ofụri ererimbot ye nte inamde iban̄a ubiere mbon emi ẹdade usụn̄ ekeme ndinam Jehovah ọfiọk m̀mê etre ndifiọk nnyịn. MOBILE, AL, Civic Center, 401 Civic Center Dr. Our response to changes in the worldwide Christian congregation and our response to decisions made by those taking the lead may reveal to Jehovah whether we are known. Enye ọdọhọ ete, "Nsia ama oyomo mi. According to this, the Devil, a name meaning "slanderer, " was" a liar and the father of the lie. " " I was pregnant, " she says. Ndi akam fo ẹsitie nte edinem ufuọn̄ incense ke iso Jehovah? Giuseppe Banchetti Are your prayers like sweet - smelling incense before Jehovah? Nnyịn ikeme didie ndifiọk? Yes, Jehovah gave Israel "the inheritance of the nations. " How can we be sure? Enye ọyọ "mme eso iyatesịt " man eben̄e" mme eso mbọm, " oro edi, otu wheat, enịm ọnọ ubọn̄. What a relief it will be for all who break free from the secret ruler of this world and his authority! He will bind up "ss of anger " to ask for" vessels of mercy, " that is, the wheat class, for glory. Sarah enyene nditọ iba idahaemi. On what basis might we reach that conclusion? Now Sarah has two children. Didie? Suddenly you sense that someone is following you. How? Utom ukwọrọikọ Paul ama enyene uforo ke Beroea, edi mme Jew ẹma ẹdi ẹdisịn nsọk ẹnọ mme owo ẹsịn ntịme. Though they loved their parents, sons and daughters would leave them to get married and form new households. Paul's ministry was effective in Beroea, but the Jews came to stir up mob violence. Ke ini ẹbierede ke owo ekededue owot owo, Jehovah ikenyịmeke ẹfiak ẹkpe ikpe esie aba; osio usiene iyịp ikonyụn̄ inyeneke unen ndidụk obio ubọhọ n̄kosio enye n̄wot. Helped to Overcome Shyness (R. Ulrich), 6 / 1 When the unintentional manslayer was judged to be killed, Jehovah refused to return his case; and there was no right for him to enter the city of refuge. Enye obụp isio isio mbụme ndien se enye adade ke akpan n̄kpọ edi isio. Through Jephthah, Jehovah delivers Israel from the Ammonites. He asks a different question, and his priorities are different. Iba ke otu mme adausụn̄ emi ẹdi mme ebiereikpe, iba eken ẹdi ndidem; iba ẹkop item Jehovah, iba eken ikopke. Ask yourself: " Does my way of life indicate that I truly know Jehovah? Two of these leaders are judges, two others are kings; two are obedient to Jehovah. " Owo eke etienede eti ido ["edinen ido, " NW] ye ima oyokụt uwem, ye eti ido ye ubọn̄. " - MME N̄KE 21: 21. 10 Did You Know? " He that is pursuing righteousness and love will see life and righteousness and glory. " - PROVERBS 21: 21. Etisịm 1994, enye ikesikaha aba utom kpukpru usen man ekeme nditọn̄ọ utom ukwọrọikọ ofụri ini. How can we be of help to a brother or a sister who is interested in getting married but who has not been able to do so? By 1994, he had stopped working every day to take up the full - time ministry. Ndi Ama Ọfiọk? As we wait for God's Kingdom to take control of every affair under the sun, may we seek his help in cleansing our heart. Did You Know? Kpukpru nnyịn ikadada ibụk imana, ndien emi ekeme ndinam ọsọn̄ ndikọm owo. By our conduct. We are all born selfish and may find it difficult to greet others. Kpa ye emi Adam ọkọdiọn̄ọde ke se n̄wan imọ anamde ọdiọk, Adam ama ọbọ enye mfri oro adia. THE Antioch congregation had seen some problems, but the disagreement between the apostles Paul and Barnabas was of a different nature. Although Adam knew that what his wife had done was wrong, Adam took the fruit and ate it. Mfọnido Abasi Anam Iwọrọ ke Ufụn, Dec. Concerning a repentant wrongdoer in Corinth, Paul wrote: "You should kindly forgive and comfort him, that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad. Jehovah's Way of Ruling Vindicated, Dec. Ke usụn̄ifiọk kiet, ke ẹnyịk ndusụk owo. Hard Work - Is It Outdated? In a sense, some have been forced. Kere N̄kpọ Spirit Ndien Du Uwem! " I know that the Bible says that we should " buy out the opportune time ' for spiritual matters, " says Jon, a Christian in his late 20 ' s. Think of the Spirit and Live! PAGE 18 Obtaining life's necessities requires that we make some plans for the future. PAGE 18 Nte ededi, nso ke edibọk nditọ abuana? The answers to those questions will help you to see whether your decision to get baptized is your personal desire. What, though, does raising a child involve? Enye okoyom ndibuana ke utom ukwọrọikọ ke ofụri akpan urua utom emi. [ Box / Picture on page 10] He wanted to share in the preaching work throughout this special week. Kûduat enye. With the all - powerful Jehovah as their God, why should they fear? Do not ignore him. Nte asan̄ade ekekem ye ikọ emi, Devil, enyịn̄ oro ọwọrọde "ọdọk - edidọk, " ekedi" osu - nsu, ye ete nsu. " What a kind, forgiving spirit! According to these words, the Devil, the name meaning "false slanderer, " was" a liar and the father of the lie. " Giuseppe Banchetti So if a person keeps the Sabbath in Fiji on Saturday, members of his religion in Samoa, just 711 miles [1,145 km] away, would be working because it is Friday there. Giuseppe Banchetti Ih, Jehovah ama ọnọ Israel "udeme mme idụt. " And in Germany the scientific community was aghast when researchers recently discovered "one of the most scandalous cases of fraud in German science. " Yes, Jehovah gave Israel "the hereditary possession of the nations. " Kere nte uwem edinemde mbon emi mîyakke ndedịbe andikara ererimbot emi akara mmimọ. Even King Solomon succumbed to pressure from his many foreign wives. Imagine the happiness of those who do not let themselves be influenced by this world's secret ruler. Nso inam idọhọ ntre? I began to pioneer on September 20, 1941, and served in various locations in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. Why? Nte osụk asan̄ade, etie fi nte ke owo ke asan̄a etiene fi. Holy Spirit and the Earth As you walk along, you feel that someone is coming to you. Kpa ye emi nditọ ẹdimade ete ye eka mmọ, mmọ ẹyekpọn̄ ete ye eka mmọ ẹkedọ ndọ ẹnyụn̄ ẹtọn̄ọ ubon mmọ. So it is with dispensing knowledge. While the children will love their parents, they will leave their parents and their families. Mme Ibọk Ẹdade Iyịp Ẹnam, 6 / 15 They want us to be ourselves. " Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah? Jehovah ada Jephthah anyan̄a nditọ Israel osio nditọ Ammon ke ubọk. • Why should we pray in faith and with reverence? Jehovah uses Jephthah to deliver the Ammonites. Bụp idemfo ete: " Ndi nte ndude uwem owụt ke mmenen̄ede mfiọk Jehovah? FAMILY WORSHIP and Bible study are essential if children are to be brought up "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Ask yourself: " Does my lifestyle reflect that I really know Jehovah? Didie ke nnyịn ikeme ndin̄wam eyenete oro enyenede udọn̄ ndidọ ndọ edi oro mîkemeke kan̄a ndinam ntre? Surely Rebekah is designated for Isaac. How can we help a brother who is interested in getting married but who is not yet able to do so? Nte nnyịn itiede ibet Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi edikara kpukpru n̄kpọ ke idak utịn, ẹyak iyom un̄wam Abasi man inam esịt nnyịn asana. How do we know that the warning to "keep on the watch " applies to true Christians? As we await God's Kingdom to rule over all things under the sun, let us seek God's help to cleanse our hearts. Nte idude uwem ediwụt emi. Money has a tendency to create feelings of self - sufficiency. This will be evident in the way we live. MFỊNA ama esidu ke esop Antioch, edi eneni oro okodude ke ufọt apostle Paul ye Barnabas okonyụn̄ edi mfịna en̄wen. Professor Lüdemann maintains that the resurrected Christ who appeared to the apostle Peter was a vision resulting from Peter's overwhelming grief and guilt for having denied Jesus. THE congregation in Antioch had a problem, but the dispute between the apostles Paul and Barnabas was another problem. Paul ekewet ntem aban̄a anamidiọk ke Corinth emi akakabarede esịt: "Mbufo ẹkpenyene ndifen nnọ enye nnyụn̄ ndọn̄ enye esịt, man ke usụn̄ ekededi ekikak mfụhọ edimen utọ owo oro emen. A number of nonnative Witnesses have learned Wayuunaiki, and their assistance is greatly appreciated. Regarding a repentant sinner in Corinth, Paul wrote: "You should forgive him and comfort him, that somehow you may not be swallowed up by such a man. Ndi Ọkpọsọn̄ Utom Edi N̄kpọeset? Introducing Jesus to his disciples, John declared: "See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! " - John 1: 29. Is Archaeological Work? Jon, * Christian emi edide isua 28 ọdọhọ ete: "Mmọfiọk ke Bible ọdọhọ ke akpana " idedep ifet ' ida inam mme n̄kpọ eke spirit. She never allowed us to mix with those whom the Bible describes as bad associations, whether outside or inside the congregation. Jon, * a 28 - year - old Christian, says: "I know that the Bible says that we should " buy out the opportune time ' for spiritual activities. Oyom inam ndutịm inọ ini iso edieke anade inyene mme n̄kpọ udu uwem. He may come back to his "proper senses out from the snare of the Devil. " If we are to have material needs, we need to make plans for the future. Nte afo ọbọrọde mbụme emi edin̄wam fi ọfiọk m̀mê afo ke idemfo ebiere ndina baptism. As noted earlier, those who perish in this final war will be those who refuse to "obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Your answer to that question will help you to determine whether you personally are making the decision to get baptized. [ Ekebe / Ndise ke page 10] Do not become downhearted, and do not give up! [ Box / Picture on page 10] Ntak emi nditọ Israel ẹkpefehede ndịk ke ini edide mmọ ẹnyene Jehovah, Ata Ọkpọsọn̄, nte Abasi? But in the end Jonah did go to Nineveh. Why should the Israelites fear when they belong to Jehovah, the Almighty, as God? Nso eti edu edifen nnọ owo ke emi edi ntem! Pharaoh needed to find a man both "discreet and wise " to oversee the gathering of the land's surplus grain into storehouses during the seven years of plenty and then to distribute that surplus to the needy during the ensuing famine. What a fine attitude to forgive! Ke ntre, edieke owo enịmde Sabbath ke Fiji ke Saturday, mbon ido ukpono mmọ ke Samoa, emi edide kilomita 1,145 kpọt, ẹdisụk ẹnanam utom sia edide Friday do. Henryk observes: "Engaging in the field service helps me to work on my personality. Therefore, if a person has observed the Sabbath in Fiji on Saturday, members of their religion in Samoa, only 1,124, will continue to work because it is Friday. Ndien ke Germany ama akpa ntaifiọk idem ke ini mme anam ndụn̄ọde ke ndondo emi ẹkeyararede "kiet ke otu ndiọkn̄kan edinam n̄wo ke ifiọk ntaifiọk Germany. " I saw clearly that I could not keep my job and at the same time retain a clean conscience. - 1 Peter 3: 21. And in Germany, scientists were surprised when recent researchers revealed "one of the worst acts of corruption in German science. " Ediwak isen iban Edidem Solomon ẹma ẹkam ẹtap enye ke idemesie ẹsịn ke ukpono nsunsu abasi. Commonly translated "Jehovah, " the divine name comes from a Hebrew verb that can describe action and can be translated" to become. " Many foreign wives of King Solomon even lured him into false worship. N̄kọtọn̄ọ ndisiak usụn̄ ke September 20, 1941, mma nnyụn̄ nnam utom ke nsio nsio itie ke Colorado, Kansas, ye Nebraska. Kevin admitted, "Learning to control my temper was actually harder than quitting my old vices! " I began pioneering on September 20, 1941, and I served in various locations in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska. Edisana Spirit ye Isọn̄ According to Luke 12: 6, 7, Jesus also said: "Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Holy Spirit and Earth Ntre ke edi n̄ko ye edisuan ifiọk. A boat took one end of the dragnet from the beach out to sea and circled back to shore, enclosing the fish. The same is true of spreading knowledge. Mmọ ẹsima nnyịn itịn̄ se isịnede nnyịn ke esịt. " Some believers pray to Mary or to other entities, such as angels and individuals, who are revered as "saints. " They like to tell us what is in our heart. " • Ntak emi ikpọbọn̄de akam ukpono ukpono inyụn̄ inyene mbuọtidem ke Abasi ọyọbọrọ akam nnyịn? Also, he was to be in the line of King David. - Gen. • Why should we pray respectfully and trust that God will answer our prayers? UTUAKIBUOT UBON ye ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ẹdi akpan n̄kpọ edieke anade ẹkama nditọ "ke ntụnọ ye ke item Jehovah. " Ahab, bedecked in royal finery, was a greedy, weak - willed apostate. FAMILY and Bible study are vital if children are to be brought up "in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " Ke akpanikọ, Rebekah enyene Isaac. It seemed as if I were lost on top of a mountain shouting for help, but there was nobody who could hear me, no one who could lead me to safety. " - Eva, a recently divorced woman. Rebekah certainly has Isaac. Nnyịn isan̄a didie ifiọk ke ata mme Christian ke ẹkedọhọ "ẹdu ke ukpeme "? Reduce your expenses. How do we know that true Christians were told to "keep on the watch "? Okụk enyene ntụhọ edinam owo ọbuọt idem ke idemesie. [ Pictures on page 23] Money has a tendency to trust in one's own ability. Prọfesọ Lüdemann ọsọn̄ọ ọdọhọ ete ke Christ oro ẹnamde eset emi apostle Peter okokụtde ekedi n̄kukụt oro okotode Peter ndidu ke ọkpọsọn̄ mfụhọ ye ubiomikpe ke ntak edikan̄ Jesus. Doing that work wholeheartedly is a fine way to show that we love our heavenly Father and that we are truly dedicated to him. - 1 John 5: 3. " The resurrection of the resurrected Christ whom the apostle Peter saw was a vision of Peter's intense grief and guilt because of his victory over Jesus, " says Professor Mann. Ediwak Mme Ntiense oro mîtoho do ẹkpep usem Wayuunaiki, ndien mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹn̄wam etieti. WHEN CONFRONTING ANOTHER LOSS Many non - Witnesses have learned Wayuunaiki, and they have been very supportive. Ke emende Jesus owụt mme mbet esie, John ama ọdọhọ ete: "Sese, Eyen - erọn̄ Abasi emi emende mme idiọk - n̄kpọ ererimbot efep "! - John 1: 29. Many prejudices have been overcome by Witnesses who, sometimes for many years, put up with sarcastic remarks or outright opposition from people with whom they associated at work or at school. Using Jesus to show his disciples, John said: "See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! " - John 1: 29. Enye ikedehedei iyak idụk ndụk ye mbon oro Bible okotde ndiọi nsan̄a, edide ke esịt esop m̀mê ke an̄wa. COVER SUBJECT | HOW TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY He never allowed himself to associate with those whom the Bible calls bad associations, whether inside or outside the congregation. Eyen oro ekeme " ndinyan̄a idem nsio ke afia eke Satan akadade omụm enye. ' The spread of first - century Christianity clearly included more than what we read of in Acts of Apostles. The child can "deliver himself from the snare of Satan. " Nte ima iketetịn̄, mbon emi "mîsụkke ibuot inọ eti mbụk Ọbọn̄ nnyịn Jesus " ke ekọn̄ emi ediwot. Consider what is happening in the United States. As noted earlier, those who "do not obey the good news of our Lord Jesus " in this battle have been killed. Kûkpa mba, kûnyụn̄ utre ndisịn udọn̄ nnọ mmọ ẹtiene Jesus! In his counsel on the use of the tongue, Jesus ' half brother James said: "If anyone does not stumble in word, this one is a perfect man, able to bridle also his whole body. " Do not give up, and do not hesitate to encourage them to follow Jesus! Edi Jonah ama osụk aka Nineveh ke akpatre. If your situation is somewhat similar to Josué's unrealistic dream, can you change your plans? But Jonah finally went to Nineveh. Akana nte Pharaoh oyom "owo emi enyenede ọniọn̄ ye eti ibuot " man enye ekpese enyịn ke nte ẹditan̄de udia ke isua eduek itiaba oro ibon man ẹkpedeme ẹnọ mme owo ke ini akan̄. Thereafter, Jesus could plead with Jehovah on behalf of those exercising faith in his sacrifice and assist them to serve God with everlasting life in view. Pharaoh's search for "a wise and understanding man " was to focus on how he would eat during the seven - year harvest in order to save people from famine. Henryk ọdọhọ ete: "Utom ukwọrọikọ anam mi nnyene nti edu. What does this revealing account teach us about the mind of Christ? Henryk says: "The ministry gives me fine qualities. Ke ima ikoyom ubom emi ke ọfiọn̄ ita, n̄kpọ ama etịbe emi mîkayakke inam se ikaduakde. Throughout my life, Jehovah has strengthened me by means of his Word. After three months of searching, something changed. Mma n̄kụt in̄wan̄în̄wan̄ nte ke ndikemeke ndika iso ke utom mi ndien ke ukem ini oro n̄ka iso ndinyene edisana ubieresịt. - 1 Peter 3: 21. Does the Bible Foretell the Future? I saw clearly that I could not continue my work and at the same time continue to enjoy a clean conscience. - 1 Peter 3: 21. Enyịn̄ oro Jehovah oto ikọ Hebrew emi ọwọrọde "ndikabade ndi, " onyụn̄ owụt se owo ekemede ndinam. Jesus commanded his followers to teach others about what they had learned. Jehovah's name comes from a Hebrew word that means "to prove to be, " and it reveals what one can do. Kevin ọkọdọhọ ete: "Idem ama akpa mi ndikụt ke emem mi utom nditre ndiọi edu eken akan nditre ndisọp ndiyat esịt. " Jehovah later affirmed that promise. " To my surprise, " says Kevin, "I found it easier to avoid other bad habits than to control my temper. " Jesus ọkọdọhọ n̄ko ke Luke 12: 6, 7 ete: "Nte owo inyamke akadan̄abasi ition ke n̄kpri okudọk iba? 10: 3, 4. Jesus also said at Luke 12: 6, 7: "Do not five sparrows sell for two small coins of small value? Mbon emi ẹdade do ke mbeninyan̄ ẹyedụri iyịre oro ẹdọk obot, ẹsion̄o iyak emi iyịre oro omụmde ẹbon ke esụk ẹnyụn̄ ẹtọn̄ọ ndisat. It allows members of the Governing Body to spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood. Those standing on the shore would pull the net up to the mountain, hauling the net onto the beach, and begin to dry. Ndusụk mme aka ufọkabasi ẹsibọn̄ akam ẹnọ Mary mîdịghe ẹbọn̄ ẹnọ mme angel ye mbon emi mmọ ẹsikotde Saint, oro edi, "ndisana owo. " Yet, studying the Bible was so satisfying that I continued my studies and association with the Witnesses. Some churchgoers pray to Mary or to the angels and to those called Saint, that is, "saints. " Enye ekenyene n̄ko ndito ubon Edidem David. - Gen. Then he pointed across the valley, saying: " There, to your left, lie the ruins of Socoh. ' He was also a descendant of King David. - Gen. Ahab ekesịne ediye ọfọn̄ ubọn̄, ọdiọk itọn̄, anana uko, onyụn̄ edi owo mfiakedem. For a number of weeks, the one attending will live in close association with boys and teachers who are not worshippers of Jehovah. Ahab was well - dressed, greedy, courageous, and apostate. N̄ketie nte owo emi osopde usụn̄ onyụn̄ okụtde idemesie ke enyọn̄ obot ndien enye ada do ofiori oyom eke an̄wamde enye, edi idụhe eke okopde onyụn̄ edide edinyan̄a enye. " - Eva emi mîbịghike ndọ esie akasuana. Local authorities were waiting for us. I felt like a lost man on a mountain and began to cry out for help, but no one heard about him and was about to save him. " - Eva, whose marriage was soon gone. Ẹsụhọde ibatokụk oro ẹbiatde. The Spanish congregation here has been taking good care of me ever since, for which I am most grateful. Be humble about the amount spent. [ Mme ndise ke page 23] Why was little said about our enemy prior to the arrival of the Messiah? [ Pictures on page 23] Edieke inamde utom emi ke ofụri esịt, oro eyenen̄ede owụt ke imama Ete nnyịn eke heaven, inyụn̄ iyak idem ofụri ofụri inọ enye. - 1 John 5: 3. Family worship can play a large role in building your child's faith in this regard. By doing so wholeheartedly, we will surely show that we love our heavenly Father and are fully devoted to him. - 1 John 5: 3. KE INI N̄KATABADE OWO EN̄WEN For most of the day, my mother was not around to protect us children. WHEN I DOES NOT LOVE Mme Ntiense oro ẹyọde mme ndek ndek ikọ m̀mê ata ata ubiọn̄ọ otode mme owo oro mmọ ẹdụkde nsan̄a ke itieutom m̀mê ke ufọkn̄wed, ndusụk ini ke ediwak isua, ẹkan ediwak asari. Tiny instruments called geolocators were attached to a number of birds. Witnesses who have endured unclean words or outright opposition from people they attend at work or in school, sometimes for many years, have overcome prejudice. IBUOTIKỌ MAGAZINE EMI | SE AKPANAMDE KE INI ESỊT ETỊMEREDE FI My joints became more deformed, and I suffered more pain. COVER SUBJECT HOW TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY Ana in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ ke Ido Ukpono Christ ama ọkọri ke akpa isua ikie akan nte ikotde ke Utom Mme Apostle. Brother Pierce's appointment as a member of the Governing Body was announced on October 2, 1999, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Clearly, Christianity flourished in the first century than we read in Acts of Apostles. Kere ban̄a se itịbede ke United States. (Ecclesiastes 1: 1 - 6: 12) Consider what has happened in the United States. Ke item ọkọnọde aban̄a nte ẹkpekamade edeme, James eyeneka Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Edieke owo ekededi mîduehe ke ikọ - inua, enye ọfọn ama, onyụn̄ ekeme ndikara ofụri idem esie nde. " " The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life, " says the Bible. In response to the use of tongue, Jesus ' half brother James said: "If anyone does not stumble in word, he is perfect and able to bridle also his whole body. " Edieke idaha fo ke ndusụk udomo ebietde idotenyịn Josué oro akakpade mfụhọ, nte emekeme ndikpụhọde mme utịtmbuba fo? We can do the same. If your situation is somewhat similar to that of Josué, can you change your goals? Ke oro ebede, Jesus ama ekeme ndinam n̄kpeubọk nnọ Jehovah ke ibuot mbon oro ẹnyenede mbuọtidem ke uwa esie onyụn̄ an̄wam mmọ ẹnam n̄kpọ Abasi ye idotenyịn ndinyene nsinsi uwem. She decides to try to eliminate the sarcasm and angry words that she sometimes uses when she speaks to her husband and others. Thereafter, Jesus was able to plead with Jehovah in behalf of those who exercise faith in his sacrifice and to help them serve God with the prospect of everlasting life. Nso ke mbụk emi ayararede n̄kpọ mi ekpep nnyịn aban̄a ekikere Christ? National Show Centre, Cloghran, Swords, County Dublin Canada JUNE 13 - 15 What does this account teach us about the mind of Christ? Jehovah ada Ikọ esie ọsọn̄ọ mi idem ke ofụri eyouwem mi. Personal Study That Equips Us as Teachers Through his Word, Jehovah has sustained me throughout my life. Ndi Bible Esitịn̄ Ini Iso? Average years in truth: 17.8 Does the Bible Foretell the Future? Jesus ama owụk mme anditiene enye ete ẹkpep mbon en̄wen se imọ ikekpepde mmọ. Reason for Caution Jesus commanded his followers to teach others what he had taught them. Jehovah ama afiak ọsọn̄ọ un̄wọn̄ọ oro. Brothers in appointed positions of responsibility must especially set an example. Jehovah confirmed that promise again. 10: 3, 4. Reading the Bible book named after Queen Esther and articles about her may well strengthen our faith. 10: 3, 4. Enye ayak mbon Otu Ukara ẹyak ekese ini ẹsịn ke nditịm udia eke spirit ndien ke n̄kan̄ eken, ẹse ẹban̄a udọn̄ n̄kpọ eke spirit nditọete ofụri ererimbot. We did not wish our own will to be done; so when we found out that we were expecting the wrong thing in October, 1914, then we were glad that the Lord did not change His Plan to suit us. He allows members of the Governing Body to devote more time to preparing spiritual food and on the other hand, caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood. Edi mma nnen̄ede n̄kop inem ndikpep Bible tutu n̄ka iso ndikpep n̄kpọ ye Mme Ntiense nnyụn̄ mbuana ye mmọ. The religions of Christendom generally claim to believe the Bible. But I enjoyed studying the Bible so much that I continued to study with the Witnesses and to associate with them. Ekem enye anyan ubọk ke itịghede oro onyụn̄ ọdọhọ nnyịn ete: " Ndon obio Socoh edi oko ke ufien nnyịn, ndien ndon Azekah edi oko ke nnasia. He himself says: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One guiding you in the way you should walk. " Then he pointed to the valley and said to us: "The city ruins of the city have come down to our left, and on the right is a desolate waste. Eyen ufọkn̄wed emi edidu ediwak urua ye nditọwọn̄ ye mme andikpep emi mîdịghe mme andituak ibuot nnọ Jehovah. How did two Christian couples benefit from making a study of kindness? The student will spend many weeks with children and teachers who are not worshipers of Jehovah. Mbon ukara ẹkedada ẹbet nnyịn. At the next convention, on December 16, 1977, I was baptized. The authorities were waiting for us. Nditọete ke esop Spanish mi ẹkama mi tutu tọn̄ọ n̄kọwọrọ ndi; mmesikọm mmọ etieti ke se mmọ ẹnamde ẹnọ mi. " I just want the pain to stop! " wept Jayne. The Spanish congregation has been so supportive that since I have returned, I thank them for what they have done for me. Nso ikanam Jehovah okûnen̄ede utịn̄ n̄kpọ uban̄a asua nnyịn emi mbemiso Messiah edi? Their plans were made, but before leaving they asked Jeremiah to pray in their behalf and seek direction from Jehovah. What enabled Jehovah not to give up on our enemy before the coming of the Messiah? Utuakibuot Ubon ekeme ndinen̄ede n̄n̄wam nditọ mbufo ẹnam emi. Then, in the next article, we will discuss this question of vital importance to each one of us: How can we identify the few through whom Christ feeds us today? Family worship can do much to help your children to do so. Eka mi ikesiwakke ndidu ke ufọk nse mban̄a nnyịn. Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign for yet another reason. He exercises his authority with perfect justice. My mother rarely stayed at home to care for us. Enyene ekpri n̄kpọ emi ẹketoride inuen emi ke idem man ẹfiọk m̀mê itiat ifan̄ ke enye esife. POPULATION Some of these little things were made up of a bird to determine whether a few stones were about to fly. Ama enem mi ndinyọn̄ mbịne ete ye eka mi kpa ye emi idem mîkosụk isọn̄ke mi. The Witness met the couple years later and found that they were now his spiritual brother and sister. I was happy to return to my parents despite my poor health. Ke mbono ofụri isua Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania emi ẹkenịmde ke October 2, 1999, ẹma ẹtịn̄ ẹnọ kpukpru owo ke ẹmek Brọda Pierce ẹsịn ke Otu Emi Ẹsede Ẹban̄a Utom Mme Ntiense Jehovah. Although all of us are imperfect, we can apply Jesus ' counsel because he does not expect more of us than we can do, and neither does our heavenly Father. At the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania held on October 2, 1999, Brother Pierce was informed of Brother Pierce's appointment as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Ecclesiastes 1: 1 - 6: 12) 15, 16. (Leviticus 1: 1 - 6: 12) Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Utịp nsụkesịt [m̀mê, nsụhọdeidem] ye eke uten̄e Jehovah edi inyene, ye ukpono, ye uwem. " Christian meetings also play a vital role in our skillful use of God's Word. The Bible says: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " Se nnyịn ikpanamde edi emi. " If I have come to the end of my life, I truly hope I have been faithful to Jehovah. This is what we should do. Enye ebiere ke imọ idisitịn̄ke aba ikọ isa isa ye ebe imọ ye mbon en̄wen, ke imọ idinyụn̄ itịn̄ke aba uyat uyat ikọ ye owo. Therefore, any offering was to be postponed if a person remembered that his brother had something against him. He is determined not to speak disparagingly of his husband and others, and he will no longer speak harshly to others. OTA 9 (Ikọmbakara) and "What Future for the Sheep and the Goats? " LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Ọkpọkpọ Ukpepn̄kpọ Oro Etịmde Nnyịn Idem nte Mme Andikpep " Immediately the maiden rose and began walking. " Personal Study That equips Us as Teachers Isua ẹdude ke akpanikọ ke ẹbaharede ukem ukem: 17.8 Yes, God's warning is aimed at people who are disturbed by hurtful teachings and who want God's favor - people like Gaffar and Hediye, mentioned earlier. Average years in truth: 17.8 Ntak Ndidu ke Ukpeme The good news is, you can avoid the pitfalls - and even enjoy the benefits - of this new chapter in your life. A Basis for Protection Nditọete ẹmi ẹkamade ifetutom akpan akpan ana ẹdi uwụtn̄kpọ. But who were Luke's other sources? Brothers in responsible positions especially must be examples. Ke ini ikotde mbụk Esther ọbọn̄an̄wan ke Bible ye ke mme n̄wed nnyịn, emi ekeme ndinam itetịm ibuọt idem ye Abasi. • Why should we desire that Jehovah examine us? As we read the Bible stories of Esther the queen and our publications, we can strengthen our faith. Nnyịn ikoyomke ẹnam uduak nnyịn; ntre ke ini nnyịn ikokụtde ke nnyịn ikodori enyịn ke se mîkenenke ke October, 1914, do nnyịn ima idat esịt ndifiọk ke Ọbọn̄ ikokpụhọkede Uduak Esie man ekem ye ekikere nnyịn. There was a lot of history in this house. We did not want to do our will; so when we saw that we hoped in October, 1914, there we were delighted to learn that the Lord did not change his will to fit our thinking. Mme ido ukpono Christendom ẹdọhọ ke imenịm Bible ke akpanikọ. Husbands, Imitate Christ's Love! Christendom's religions claim to believe the Bible. Jehovah ọdọhọ ete: "Ami Jehovah, ndi Abasi fo, Enye emi ekpepde fi man afo ọbọ ufọn, Enye emi anamde fi asan̄a ke usụn̄ emi afo akpasan̄ade. " Our honest behavior brings glory to Jehovah Jehovah says: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. " Didie ke irenowo iba ye iban iba oro ẹdide Christian ẹkebọ ufọn edikpep mban̄a mfọnido? What is more, this was no brief setback. How did two Christian men and women benefit from learning about kindness? Ntre, mma nna baptism ke December 16, 1977. The ideas and plans of imperfect humans come and go, but the psalmist fittingly reminds us: "The decisions of Jehovah will stand forever; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation. " On December 16, 1977, I was baptized. Jayne ama atua ete: "Yak ubiak emi etre mi nan̄a! " As Mary traveled with Joseph and Jesus, she may have wondered if the officiating priest would make some special acknowledgment of Jesus ' future role. Jayne cried out: "Let this pain stop me! " Mmọ ẹma ẹnam ndutịm, edi mbemiso ẹkpọn̄de mmọ ẹma ẹdọhọ Jeremiah ọbọn̄ akam ke ibuot mmimọ onyụn̄ oyom ndausụn̄ Jehovah. Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters. They made arrangements, but before leaving them, Jeremiah asked Jeremiah to pray in their behalf and to seek Jehovah's guidance. Ndien ke ibuotikọ oro etienede, iyọbọrọ mbụme emi enen̄erede ebehe owo nnyịn kiet kiet mi: Didie ke ikeme ndifiọk ibat ibat owo emi Christ adade ọnọ nnyịn udia mfịn? There the rebellious angel who later became known as Satan the Devil enticed the first woman, Eve, to put her own desires ahead of Jehovah's command not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. And in the next article, we will consider this question to be of great interest to each of us: How can we know who is being fed by Christ today? N̄kpọ en̄wen emi anamde Jehovah odot ndikara ekondo edi ke enye esikpe unenikpe. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Another reason why Jehovah has the right to rule is that he is just justice. IBATOWO May the swallow help you to appreciate Jehovah's house of worship. POPULATION Ediwak isua ke ukperedem Ntiense emi ama osobo ye ebe ye n̄wan emi onyụn̄ edifiọk ke mmọ idahaemi ẹkedi nditọete imọ eke spirit. No one around her seemed to be looking for the case. Years later the Witness met this couple and realized that they were now her spiritual brothers and sisters. Nnyịn imekeme ndinam item Jesus okposụkedi emi idide mme anana mfọnmma, koro enye ye Ete nnyịn eke heaven isiyomke n̄kpọ ito nnyịn ikan se ikemede ndinam. After Abraham arrived there, Jehovah said that Abraham's offspring, not Abraham himself, would receive the land as an inheritance. We can apply Jesus ' counsel even though we are imperfect, for he and our heavenly Father want nothing more than we can do. 15, 16. As we partake of nourishing spiritual food, are we not moved to "cry out joyfully because of the good condition of the heart "? 15, 16. Mme mbono esop Christian n̄ko ẹnyene akpan udeme ke nnyịn ndida Ikọ Abasi nnam n̄kpọ usọ usọ. This highly respected Court admits very few of the cases presented to it. Christian meetings also play a vital role in our skillful use of God's Word. " Edieke edide utịt uwem mi edi emi, mmenen̄ede nnyene idotenyịn nte ke mma nnam akpanikọ nnọ Jehovah. So Luke traces Jesus ' natural lineage "according to the flesh, " through his biological mother, Mary. " If this is the end of my life, I am confident that I was faithful to Jehovah. Ke ntre, akana ẹyak enọ ekededi ẹnịm edieke owo etide ke eyenete imọ enyene ikọ ye imọ. By obeying the Bible's wise counsel, you can protect yourself against Satan's evil machinations. - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18. Therefore, any gift was to be trusted if a person remembered that his brother had something against him. ye "Nso Ini Iso Idu Inọ Erọn̄ ye Ebot? " The scrolls describing the rules and beliefs of the Qumran sect make very clear that there was not just one form of Judaism in the time of Jesus. and "What Is the Future for the sheep and the goats? " " Kpa idaha oro n̄kaiferi emi adaha ke enyọn̄ onyụn̄ ọtọn̄ọ ndisan̄a. " Divination, astrology, and magic were widely practiced in Ugarit. " The woman immediately got up and began walking. " Abasi etịn̄ ikọ emi ọnọ mbon oro nsunsu ukpepn̄kpọ ufọkabasi afịnade, edi emi ẹsụk ẹmade enye - mme owo nte Gaffar ye Hediye emi iketịn̄de iban̄a ke ntọn̄ọ. By all means, then, let us continue to worship God in a clean spiritual state and maintain a close relationship with him. God expresses those words to people who have been influenced by false religious teachings, but it is still a matter of interest in him - as has been described at the outset. Kpa ye oro n̄kpọ etiede ntem, enyene se ekemede ndinam man ẹfiak ẹdiana kiet ẹnyụn̄ ẹkop inem ndọ mbufo. God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. " Yet, there is something you can do to strengthen and strengthen your marriage. Edi mmanie en̄wen ẹkenọ Luke ntọt? " You don't have to agree with everything your spouse says or believes, but you have to be honestly open to considering his or her position, " writes marriage counselor John M. But who else gave Luke information? • Ntak emi nnyịn ikpoyomde Jehovah odụn̄ọde nnyịn? As noted earlier, in the first century, all were involved in the vital preaching work. • Why should we search for Jehovah to examine us? Mme Ebe, Ẹkpebe Ima Christ! Even setting small realistic goals that are within reach of nearly every family member can yield rich dividends. Husbands, Imitate Christ's Love! Edinam akpanikọ nnyịn esinọ Jehovah ubọn̄ Therefore, before such scriptures are read out loud, the one conducting the meeting should give all in attendance sufficient time to look up these scriptures and to follow along as the verses are read. Our faithfulness glorifies Jehovah Idịghe ufen usen kiet ke ekedi. However, a child born from a levirate union would have retained the hereditary possession of the deceased man. It was not a day of torment. Andiwet psalm ọkọdọhọ ete: "Uduak Jehovah ayada ke nsinsi; ekikere esịt esie ododu ọtọn̄ọde ke emana kiet tutu esịm emana efen. " During 2018, we will be reminded of this important truth every time we attend a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. The psalmist said: "The will of Jehovah will stand forever; the thoughts of his heart are from one generation to another. " Nte mmọ ẹsan̄ade ẹka, anaedi Mary ama ekere m̀mê oku emi ediwade uwa oro ayanam mme owo ke temple ẹfiọk utọ owo oro Jesus edidide. We regularly wrote to each other, but I had not seen Mum for seven years. As they walked along, Mary may have wondered whether the priest to offer the sacrifice would make known to others at the temple what kind of person Jesus would come. Ọsọn̄ibuot angel, emi ẹkedide ẹdidiọn̄ọ nte Satan kpa Devil, ama atap Eve do ete ada se idọn̄de enye nte ebeiso n̄kpọ akan ewụhọ oro Jehovah okowụkde mmọ ete ẹkûdia mfri eto kiet. IS THAT OBJECTION VALID? A rebellious angel, who later came to be known as Satan the Devil, seduced Eve into putting her desire ahead of Jehovah's command not to eat from one tree. Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkesio. We stay close to our brothers. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Yak se ekpepde aban̄a akadan̄abasi anam fi ama ndisika ufọk Jehovah. Filmmakers had mounted a hand - cranked camera on the front of a moving cable car and trained it on the bustling thoroughfare ahead. Let what you learn about the sparrows move you to visit Jehovah's house. Iketiehe nte ke owo baba kiet ke okoyom efọk n̄kpọ oro. Jesus reflects his Father's personality so perfectly that observing the Son is like seeing the Father. It seemed that no one was looking for the nest. Ke Abraham ama ekesịm do, Jehovah ama ọdọhọ ete ke nditọ Abraham, idịghe Abraham ke idemesie, ẹdibọ isọn̄ oro ẹda ẹnyene. * Then in 1996 we were given a similar assignment in the Fiji branch, where we were able to give support to the translation work being done in the Fijian, Kiribati, Nauruan, Rotuman, and Tuvaluan languages. After Abraham arrived, Jehovah said that Abraham's descendants, not Abraham himself, would inherit the land. Nte isinụkke nnyịn " ndikwọ ke idatesịt ' ke ntak oro idiade eti udia eke spirit? No doubt you are confronted with such people every day. Do we not be moved to "cry out joyfully " because we enjoy nourishing spiritual food? Esop emi ẹnen̄erede ẹkpono mi esinyịme ata ibat ibat kpọt ke otu ikpe oro ẹdade ẹka do. Young ones are prone to act on impulse or to give in to "the desires incidental to youth. " This highly respected organization has responded to only a few of those cases. Ọwọrọ Luke eketịn̄ aban̄a ubon emi Mary eka Jesus okotode. " An answer, when mild, turns away rage, " says Proverbs 15: 1. Evidently, Luke was referring to the family of Jesus ' mother, Mary. Edieke anamde se Bible etịn̄de emi, Satan idikemeke ndida n̄kari esie ntap fi. - Ephesus 6: 11 - 18. Following his arrest, trial, and impalement, Jesus is resurrected. If you apply the Bible's counsel, you can avoid being seduced by Satan's schemes. - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18. Mme ikpan̄wed oro ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a mme ibet ye mme edinịm ke akpanikọ n̄ka Qumran ẹnam enen̄ede an̄wan̄a nte ke idịghe orụk Ido Ukpono Mme Jew kiet kpọt okodu ke eyo Jesus. First I studied with Stoyan and then with Totka, a very kind Witness. The scrolls and beliefs of the Qumran sect make it clear that there was not only one kind of Judaism in Jesus ' day. Ubreidiọn̄, edisiak ntantaọfiọn̄, ye mfọni ẹkedi ọsọ edinam ke Ugarit. SONGS TO BE USED: 8, 107 The practice of divination, astrology, and magic was common in Ugarit. Do, ẹyak idomo nte ikekeme ndika iso ntuak ibuot nnọ Abasi ke edisana idaha eke spirit inyụn̄ ika iso inyene ata eti itie ebuana ye enye. The boundaries that Jehovah has set for his intelligent creatures are for their benefit and protection. By all means, then, let us continue to worship God in spiritual cleanness and maintain a good relationship with him. Abasi ama owụk Adam ete: "Ama edi eto ifiọk, eti ye idiọk, kûdia ke esịt: koro ke usen eke afo adiade ke esịt afo ayakpa n̄kpa. " " For a long time, my feelings of inadequacy prevented me from returning to serve the brothers as an overseer. God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. " Nte ima iketetịn̄, ke eyo mme apostle, akpan utom oro kpukpru mmọ ẹkenamde ekedi utom ukwọrọikọ. Even today, qualified men who serve as elders in the Christian congregation are taught, not to "lord it over " their fellow believers, but to protect, refresh, and comfort them. - Matthew 20: 25 - 28; Isaiah 32: 2. As mentioned earlier, in the first century, the main work of all of them was the preaching work. Ndinịm ọkpọkọm n̄kpri n̄kpri utịtmbuba oro ata ediwak owo ke ubon ẹkemede ndisịm ekeme ndida ekese ufọn ndi. It is surely the One who created life in the first place. Keeping in mind even minor goals that most in the family can achieve can bring rich rewards. Mmọdo, mbemiso ada ukpepn̄kpọ ọdọhọde ẹkot mme itie N̄wed Abasi emi, enye ekpenyene ndinọ kpukpru owo ini oro ekemde ndikụbọde mme itie N̄wed Abasi man ẹkpetiene ẹse nte ẹkotde mmọ. In Somalia, there were various difficulties. Hence, prior to a study of these scriptures, the conductor should give everyone sufficient time to read scriptures so that he can follow them as they read them. Edi ke ini eyenete ebe esie emende enye ọdọ obon eyen ọnọ eyenete esie emi ama akakpa, inyene akpan̄kpa emi ikesikpọn̄ke ubon emi ke ntak eyen oro. " Mainstream Christians have long considered Genesis stories such as Adam and Eve to be allegories, " states a letter to the editor of Time. However, when her husband married her for a deceased brother, she did not leave the family because of her son's loss. Ibuotikọ isua 2018 eyesinam iti emi kpukpru ini oro idụkde mbono esop. Judah Maccabee sought Jewish independence Our yeartext for 2018 will remind us of this every time we attend meetings. Nnyịn ima isiwet kiet eken kpukpru ini, edi n̄kekwe Mama ke isua itiaba. Their dispute concerned a third missionary - Mark. We corresponded regularly, but I did not see Mother for seven years. NDI MMỌ ẸNEN? My book bag seems heavier these days, so I lighten it by taking out any books I may not need at the meeting. IS THAT OBJECTION VALID? Man inen̄ede idiana ye nditọete nnyịn. The "Hearer of prayer " has promised to provide his servants with whatever they need to remain faithful to him. To strengthen our relationship with our brothers and sisters. Mme andinam fim emi ẹkekama ukwak usio ndise ẹsịne ke ekpri tren emi awatde ke urụk ke ufụmenyọn̄ ẹsio kpukpru se ikade iso ke efak. How do we do that? The film manufacturers sat on the back of a small train on the floor and removed everything on the street. Jesus okodu uwem ata ukem ukem nte Ete esie. Ntre ndikụt enye onyụn̄ etie nte ndikụt Ete esie. To move troops quickly, good roads were needed, and the Romans were skilled at building them. So like his Father, Jesus lived a perfect life, and it is like seeing him and seeing his Father. Ekem ke 1996, ẹma ẹdọhọ nnyịn ika n̄kọk itieutom Fiji ikekpep nditọete nte ẹkpekabarede n̄wed ẹsịn ke usem Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Rotuma; edi ikosụk ikakabade n̄wed isịn ke usem Tuvalu. Three Apostles Who Could Not Keep Awake Then in 1996, we were assigned to the Fiji branch office to teach the brothers how to translate into Fiji, Kiribati, Nlama, Rmama, but we still translated into Tuvaluan. Ekeme ndidi emesisobo ye utọ mbon emi kpukpru usen. In his warning against the misuse of freedom, Peter also pointed out the objective. You may encounter such ones every day. Mme uyen ẹnyene edu edinam n̄kpọ ntiene ntụk m̀mê ndiyak idem nnọ "idiọk itọn̄ ini uyen. " Our friendship with him is of utmost importance because being his friends makes us friends of Jehovah too. Young people have a spirit of action to conform to emotions or to "the desires incidental to youth. " Mme N̄ke 15: 1 ọdọhọ ete: "Sụn̄ - sụn̄ ibọrọ akabade ifiopesịt efep. " When John Sempey heard that I was going to Northern Ireland, he asked me to call on his younger sister, Nellie, as she had shown some interest in Bible truth. Proverbs 15: 1 states: "An answer, when mild, turns away rage. " Ẹnam Jesus eset ke ẹma ẹkemụm, ẹkpe ikpe ẹnọ, ẹnyụn̄ ẹwot enye. In 1986 we were off to Côte d'Ivoire, where we served in the traveling work. Jesus is resurrected after his arrest, trial, and execution. Stoyan ekebem iso ekpep mi Bible, ekem Totka edikpep. Listening attentively to the discourse may move you to show love for your neighbors by sharing with them what you have learned about Jehovah's love and his grand purpose for mankind. Heyan first studied the Bible with me, and then Tottka. MME IKWỌ ORO ẸDIKWỌDE: 8, 107 The Pharisees, in contrast, were reluctant to extend mercy. SONGS TO BE USED: 8, 107 Mme n̄kpọ oro Jehovah ọdọhọde nnyịn inam ye mbon oro enye ọdọhọde nnyịn ikûnam ẹdi ke ufọn nnyịn. Emi esikpeme nnyịn. I WAS born Florence Chulung on September 18, 1937, in the Aboriginal Oombulgurri Community in the remote Kimberley Plateau region of Western Australia. What Jehovah tells us to do with those whom he urges us to avoid are for our good. Mma n̄kere ke ata anyan ini ke ndotke ndinam n̄kpọ nnọ nditọete mi, ndien emi ikayakke mi nnam n̄kpọ man mfiak ndi ebiowo. Help your child think about the character traits for which he or she would like to be known. For a long time, I felt unworthy to serve my brothers and sisters, and this prevented me from serving again as an elder. Idem mfịn emi, ẹteme iren oro ẹdotde, emi ẹdide mbiowo ke esop Christian ẹte " ẹkûbre odudu ' ye ekemmọ mme andinịm ke akpanikọ, edi ẹkpeme, ẹnam mmọ ẹkop inem, ẹnyụn̄ ẹdọn̄ mmọ esịt. - Matthew 20: 25 - 28; Isaiah 32: 2. Mme andidu ke idak Obio Ubọn̄ emi ẹdi ndinen owo. Jehovah wants our faith in him to be built on evidence and sound reasoning, not on human philosophy or religious traditions. Even today, qualified men in the Christian congregation are admonished not to be "lording it over " their fellow believers, to be careful, to make them happy, and to comfort them. - Matthew 20: 25 - 28; Isaiah 32: 2. Ke akpanikọ, edi Enye Emi okobotde uwem. The congregations that we were assigned to visit stretched from the city of Los Angeles down to the Mexican border. The One who created life is, in fact, the Source of life. Ima inyene ediwak mfịna ke Somalia. This was one of the few events that was recorded by all four Gospel writers. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. In Somalia we had many problems. Leta kiet oro ẹkewetde ẹnọ ewetn̄wed magazine Time ọdọhọ ete: "Ebịghi ediwak ikpọ ufọkabasi Christendom ẹkedọhọ ke mme utọ mbụk Genesis nte eke Adam ye Eve ẹdi n̄ke. " Talk freely about loved ones who have died, including relatives whom your child has never met. One letter to the author of Time magazine states: "Many of Christendom's major churches felt that Genesis's stories as if Adam and Eve were legends. " Judah Maccabee ama oyom nda - ke - idem ọnọ mme Jew Yielding to Jehovah's Direction Judah Maccabee needed independence from the Jews Isụn̄utom emi ekekerede Mark ekesịn kpukpru emi. Egyptologist K. Mark was rejected by a missionary named Mark. Etie nte ekpat n̄wed mi enen̄ede edobi mi ndikama idahaemi, ntre mmesinam enye efere ebe ke ndision̄o mme n̄wed ekededi oro mmendiyomke ke mbono esop. Would you have been appalled, horrified? My bag seems to have been heavier than I could now carry, so I made it easier by producing any literature that I could not attend at the meetings. Jehovah ọn̄wọn̄ọ ọnọ ikọt esie ke imọ iyokop akam mmọ iyonyụn̄ inọ mmọ se ededi emi edin̄wamde mmọ ẹka iso ẹtuak ibuot ẹnọ imọ. Quite often, the crowd and the disciples were amazed and astounded at Jesus ' powerful works. - Mark 2: 12; 4: 41; 6: 51; Luke 9: 43. Jehovah assures his people that he will listen to their prayers and will give them anything that will help them to remain loyal to him. Didie ke ikeme ndinam oro? The Bible book of Acts tells us that there were about 120 persons present when holy spirit was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost. How can we do that? Mme Christian ẹma ẹsisan̄a ke usụn̄ emi ẹkesiakde ẹbe ikpọ akai, desat, ye ikpọ obot ẹka ẹkekwọrọ ikọ ke nsio nsio ebiet. Thus, living things provide countless examples of complexity, symmetry, and beauty that bespeak design of the highest level. Christians traveled along the road through forests, deserts, and mountains to preach in various parts of the world. Apostle Ita Oro Mîkekemeke Ndikpeme Of course, we do not want our meetings to resemble Christendom's church services. Three Apostles That Could Not Be safeguarded Ke ini Peter ọkọdọhọde ikûda ifụre nnyịn unam se mîfọnke, enye ama etịn̄ n̄ko se ikpadade ifụre nnyịn inam. Teaching Children Humility When Peter warned against misuse of our freedom, he also told us what to do with our freedom. Edi ata akwa ukpono ndidi ufan Jesus, koro oro ọwọrọ ndidi ufan Jehovah n̄ko. Instead of obeying Jehovah's command to wipe out the hostile Amalekites and destroy their possessions, Saul captured their king and kept their best animals. What a privilege it is to be friends of Jesus, for that means having a close relationship with Jehovah. Ke ini John Sempey okokopde ke mmọn̄ n̄ka Northern Ireland, enye ama ọdọhọ mi n̄kekpep n̄kpọ ye Nellie eyeneka esie an̄wan emi ekenyenede udọn̄ ke ukpepn̄kpọ Bible. They had guns and even ropes, and I must say that we were scared. When John Sey heard that I was going to Northern Ireland, he asked me to study with his sister Nellie, who was interested in Bible study. Ke 1986, ẹma ẹnọ nnyịn ika Côte d'Ivoire ikasan̄a ise mme esop. SHOW PERSONAL INTEREST In 1986 we were transferred to Côte d'Ivoire to visit congregations. Edieke enen̄erede akpan̄ utọn̄ okop se ẹdikwọrọde ke itie oro, ọyọdọn̄ fi nditịn̄ nnọ mbọhọidụn̄ fo nte Jehovah amade mme owo ye se enye aduakde ndinam nnọ nnyịn. Many youths have relatively few family responsibilities and have health and vigor to tackle challenging assignments. If you listen carefully to the program, you will want to tell your neighbor how Jehovah loves people and what he intends to do for us. Mme Pharisee ikesimaha nditua owo mbọm. Indeed, many find it hard to believe that a loving God would torment sinners forever in hellfire. The Pharisees were not inclined to show compassion. ẸKESIO mi Florence Chulung ke ini n̄kamanade ke September 18, 1937, ke Obio Australia oro ẹkotde Oombulgurri, ke nsannsan Unaisọn̄ Obot Kimberley, ke Edem Usoputịn Australia. [ Box on page 22] I WAS born on September 18, 1937, in the Australian outback, on the remote Plain of Kilari, Western Australia. Nam eyen fo ekere m̀mê nso utọ owo ke enye oyom ndidi. ; Ruiz, C. Make your child wonder what kind of person he wants to be. Se idiọkde - diọk ikan oro edi ke Jehovah ikamaha enye aba. Our brothers, even those who are in poor economic situations, are like the Macedonians who were in "deep poverty " and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously. - 2 Cor. Even worse, he lost Jehovah's favor. Jehovah oyom nnyịn ibuọt idem ye imọ ke ntak uyarade oro ikụtde inyụn̄ idade eti ukeme ukere n̄kpọ nnyịn inam n̄kpọ, idịghe ke ntak akwa ifiọk owo m̀mê ukpepn̄kpọ ido ukpono. Is the battle worth the price? Jehovah wants us to trust in him because of the evidence we see and use our sound thinking ability, not because of advanced age or theology. Mme esop oro ẹkenọde nnyịn isan̄a ikese ẹkedu ọtọn̄ọde ke obio Los Angeles tutu esịm adan̄a Mexico. Perhaps you received little love and encouragement. The congregations to which we were assigned were located from the neighboring part of Los Angeles to the border of Mexico. Emi ekedi kiet ke otu n̄kpọntịbe ifan̄ oro mme andiwet Gospel mbinan̄ ẹkewetde ẹban̄a. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. Our hearts sank as we realized that we were again trapped in a Communist zone. This was one of the few events recorded by the four Gospels. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. Neme ban̄a mbon mbufo emi ẹkekpade, esịnede mbon emi eyen fo mîdiọn̄ọke; kûdịp enye n̄kpọ ndomokiet. No, Jesus was not a tight - lipped martinet. Talk about your loved ones, including those who are unfamiliar with your child. Ndinyịme Ndausụn̄ Jehovah This situation illustrates that we face a number of decisions that may affect - either for good or for bad - our spirituality and our relationship with Jehovah. Accepting Jehovah's Guidance Ete K. The Ban - A Test of Faith and Ingenuity K. Nte mbọribọ ye ndịk ẹkpekenam fi? " On arriving in Jerusalem he made efforts to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a disciple. " Would you have been apprehensive and afraid? Ata ediwak ini, idem ama esikpa otuowo ye mme mbet aban̄a utom odudu oro Jesus akanamde. - Mark 2: 12; 4: 41; 6: 51; Luke 9: 43. How clearly that new name defined the primary activity of all of those bearing that name! Very often, crowds and disciples were amazed at Jesus ' powerful work. - Mark 2: 12; 4: 41; 6: 51; Luke 9: 43. N̄wed Utom eke Bible asian nnyịn ete ke n̄kpọ nte owo 120 ẹkedu ke ini ẹken̄wan̄ade edisana spirit ẹduọk mme mbet ke Pentecost. This was a sensitive issue, one that threatened to cause divisions in the congregation. The Bible book of Acts tells us that there were about 120 persons when holy spirit was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost. Ntem, mme edibotn̄kpọ ẹnọ anana - ibat uwụtn̄kpọ kaban̄a nte n̄kpọ ẹwakde n̄kukọhọ, ẹdade ukem ukem, ẹnyụn̄ ẹyede, emi ẹwụtde ke ẹkebobot n̄kpọ ke mfọnmma usụn̄. When I returned, one policeman entered our study area and took everything he could see with the Watchtower logo on it, including the literature in my witnessing bag and my Bible. Thus, creation provides innumerable examples of how complex, balanced, and beautiful things are expressed in creation's design. Nte ededi, nnyịn iyomke mme mbono esop nnyịn ẹtie nte mme edinam ufọkabasi Christendom. November 17 - 23, 2008 However, we do not want our meetings to be like the church services of Christendom. Nte Ekpekpepde Eyen Fo Ndisụhọde Idem He wrote: "There is eagerness on my part to declare the good news also to you there in Rome, " and," I shall depart by way of you for Spain. " How to Cultivate Humility Utu ke Saul ndikop uyo Jehovah nsọhi mbon Amalek emi ẹkesọn̄de ido mfep nnyụn̄ nsobo kpukpru inyene mmọ, enye ama omụm edidem mmọ onyụn̄ enịm nti unam mmọ uwem. When the Bible speaks of "chief priests, " it means present and past high priests and members of those families qualified to fill higher offices of the priesthood in the future. - Matthew 21: 23. Instead of obeying Jehovah's command to wipe out the Amalekites and destroy all their possessions, Saul captured their king and preserved their good beasts. Mmọ ẹma ẹkama ikan̄ ye urụk, ndien nnyene nditịn̄ nte ke ndịk ama anam nnyịn. More than ever, we learned to put our complete trust in Jehovah. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. They carried a gun and a cord, and I had to say that we were afraid. NNEN̄EDE NYENE UDỌN̄ KE IDEM MME OWO " After one argument, when my feelings had calmed down, I apologized to my son for my emotional outburst. DISCIPEITY IS NO MORE Ediwak uyen inen̄ekede inyene mbiomo ubon, mmọ ẹkop nsọn̄idem, ẹnyụn̄ ẹnyene odudu ndinam n̄kpọsọn̄ utom. Paul emphatically refuted the accusation, writing: "But God can be relied on that what we say to you is not " yes ' and yet " no. ' " Many youths are less responsible for family responsibilities, health, and physical strength. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, ọsọsọn̄ ediwak owo ndinịm ke Abasi ima oyotụhọde mme anamidiọk ke nsinsi ke ikan̄ hell. 30: 21. In fact, it is difficult for many to believe that a God of love will punish sinners eternally in a fiery hell. [ Ekebe ke page 22] 8 The New Birth - How Does It Take Place? [ Box on page 22] ; Ruiz, C. So at 365, Enoch may still have looked fairly vibrant, like a man who had much of his life yet ahead of him. ; Ruiz, C. Mmọ ẹma ẹnọ n̄kpọ ke ofụri esịt. - 2 Cor. But open communication gives parents the opportunity to help their children develop reasoning ability. They were unselfish. - 2 Cor. Nte ekọn̄ emi odot ye se iditakde? Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. " Is this battle worth the cost? Eyedi emi ama anam ekere ke uwọrọke n̄kpọ. Many people reason that as long as the money belongs to the gambler and he does not become addicted, there is nothing wrong with gambling. Perhaps this made you think of liberation. Esịt ama ọduọ nnyịn ndifiọk ke mbon Communist ẹmọn̄ ẹfiak ẹkara nnyịn. As you would expect of a message that is truly from God for all mankind, this book is available in far more languages than any other book ever written. We were devastated to learn that the Communists were about to rule us again. Ke akpanikọ, Jesus ikedịghe ọsọn̄ido ọnọ - ntụnọ. As our Exemplar, "the Christ did not please himself. " In fact, Jesus was not harsh in administering discipline. Idụhe usen emi nnyịn mîsibiereke n̄kpọ. Se ibierede ekeme ndinam nnyịn itetịm ikpere Jehovah, mîdịghe adian̄ade nnyịn ọkpọn̄ enye. [ Picture on page 25] Our decisions can affect our relationship with Jehovah or our relationship with him. Ukpan - Idomo Mbuọtidem ye Mbufiọk Jesus thus proved to be the principal part of the "seed " of God's" woman. " - Gen. Under ban - Tests of Faith and Discernment " Ke esịmde Jerusalem [Saul] esịn ukeme ndidian idem ye mme mbet; edi kpukpru mmọ ẹfefehe enye, koro mmọ mînịmke ke akpanikọ ite enye edi mbet. " God has made humans "wiser than even the flying creatures of the heavens, " says Job 35: 11. " Upon reaching Jerusalem [Saul] proceeded to make an effort to associate with the disciples, but all of them did not accept him, because they did not believe that he was a disciple. " Obufa enyịn̄ oro enen̄ede owụt akpan utom emi kpukpru mbon oro ẹkerede enyịn̄ oro ẹdinamde. Paul explained that the tabernacle was merely "a shadow of the heavenly things " and that Jesus became the Mediator of" a better covenant " than that mediated by Moses. That new name clearly emphasizes the vital role of all those who bear that name. N̄kpọ emi ama oyom ndisịn mfịna ke esop Corinth. The same is true today. This situation threatened the congregation in Corinth. Ke ini n̄kafiakde ndi, bodisi kiet ama odụk itie oro isitiede ikpep n̄kpọ onyụn̄ emen kpukpru n̄kpọ oro enye okokụtde ẹnyenede idiọn̄ọ Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, esịnede mme n̄wed ye Bible oro ẹkedọn̄ọde ke ekpat ukwọrọikọ mi. We soon became engaged, and following Father's return from the 1931 convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Columbus, Ohio, we were married. When I returned, a policeman entered a place to study and took everything he saw in The Watchtower, including books and Bibles that contained in my bag. November 17 - 23 Just think - billions of people are deceived by this one false doctrine! November 17 - 23, 2009 Enye ekewet ete: "Ntre ke n̄kan̄ mi mmenyene ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ nditan̄a eti mbụk n̄ko nnọ mbufo ke Rome, " ndien" nyọkpọn̄ mbufo n̄ka Spain. " " God is not partial, " the Bible tells us, "but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. " He wrote: "So I am eager to declare the good news in Rome, " and" I will leave you to Spain. " Odudu Ikọ Abasi ke Ubon Hindu As they grew up, Jehovah was with them. The Power of God's Word in Hindu Family Ke ini Bible etịn̄de aban̄a "mbọn̄ oku, " enye ọwọrọ n̄kani akwa oku ye akwa oku oro okosụk akamade ukara ye mbonubon mmọ emi ẹdotde ndida itie akwa oku ke ini iso. - Matthew 21: 23. If so, what is the solution to the many problems today that stem from greed, lack of natural affection in families, loose morals, ignorance, and other corrosive factors eating away at the fabric of society? When the Bible speaks of "chief priests, " it refers to the former high priests and the high priest who still respected the government and their future family members worthy of the high priesthood. - Matthew 21: 23. Nnyịn ima inen̄ede ikpep ndibuọt idem nnyịn ofụri ofụri ye Jehovah. - Mme N̄ke 3: 5, 6. How can this help us as public instructors of the good news? We learned to trust in Jehovah completely. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Kenji ke Japan ọdọhọ ete: "Mma ntọhọ ye eyen mi. The second, like it, is this, " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " I had an argument with my daughter, " says Japannns, "and I was angry with my daughter. Enye ekewet ete: "Edi ẹkeme ndiberi edem ke Abasi nte ke ikọ oro nnyịn iketịn̄de inọ mbufo idịghe Ih ndien ekem edi Ihih. " " Watch Out for Leaven of Pharisees, ' 5 / 15 He wrote: "But God can be trusted that our words to you are not Yes and yet No. " 30: 21. Betty, a caring girl, was two years older than I was. 30: 21. 8 Owo Esisan̄a Didie Amana Obufa? [ Footnotes] 8 How Does the New Birth Be Born? Ntre, ke ini Enoch ekedide isua 365, enye okosụk ọsọsọn̄ idem nte akparawa emi mîtọn̄ọke - tọn̄ọ uwem kan̄a. One of three daughters, she lost her father during World War I. So when Enoch was 365 years old, he remained strong as a young man who had not yet begun to live. Edi in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ nneme ọnọ mme ete ye eka ifet ndin̄wam nditọ mmọ ẹkeme ndikere n̄kpọ. Likewise, Zlatko's former military associates viewed as traitors any who refused to fight on their side. But open communication is open enough for parents to help their children to think. Idem mmọ ẹkeme ndifre, edi ami ndifreke fi. " If possible, arrange for a Witness who speaks their language to visit them. Even these women can forget, yet I myself shall not forget you. " Ediwak owo ẹkere ke inyeneke se idiọkde ke mbre mfọniso ama akam edi owo ada okụk esie ebre, ndien edi ke mbre oro imeheke - mehe enye. She later adopted him. Many feel that gambling is nothing wrong when it comes to winning money and that it is not easily understood. Nte afo okpodoride enyịn aban̄a etop oro Abasi ọnọde ofụri ubonowo, n̄wed emi odu ke ata ediwak usem akan n̄wed efen ekededi oro akanam ẹwetde. We might add that a ruler who could end poverty for all would have to be a world ruler because extreme poverty is often the result of international inequality. As you would look forward to God's message to all mankind, this book is available in more languages than any other book ever written. Christ emi ekenịmde uwụtn̄kpọ ọnọ nnyịn "ikenemke idemesie esịt. " Besides strengthening our faith, reviewing how the Bible has endured through the ages deepens our love for Jehovah. Christ, the model for us, "does not please himself. " [ Ndise ke page 25] Like humans, the angels also have free moral agency; they are not robots. [ Picture on page 25] Ntem, Jesus edi akpan ubak "mfri "" n̄wan " Abasi. - Gen. A former unbelieving husband states: "When the believing mate starts to let those lovely qualities shine, you do not know what is going on in the unbeliever's mind and heart. Thus, Jesus is the primary part of the "seed " of God's" woman. " - Gen. Job 35: 11 ọdọhọ ke Abasi "anam nnyịn inyene ibuot ikan inuen enyọn̄. " The Kingdom will also eradicate sin from obedient humankind and in time make the earth into a global paradise, thus eliminating every single trace of satanic rule. - Romans 8: 20, 21; Revelation 19: 17 - 21. " God has made us wiser than the flying creatures of heaven, " states Job 35: 11. Paul ama anam an̄wan̄a ke tent utuakibuot ekedi "mbukpọn̄ n̄kpọ eke heaven " ye nte ke Jesus ama akabade edi Esịne - Ufọt" ediomi eke ọfọnde akan " enye oro Moses ekedide esịne - ufọt. (a) What did Jesus do when his disciples demonstrated human weakness? Paul explained that the tabernacle was "a shadow of the heavenly things " and that Jesus became the Mediator of" the covenant better than " that of Moses. Ukem oro ke edi mfịn. If your parents are devoted servants of God, likely there is a regular program of family Bible study in your home. The same is true today. Ikebịghike nnyịn ima idiomi ndidọ ndọ, ima inyụn̄ idọ ndọ ke Papa ama ọkọnyọn̄ akamba mbono oro Mme Ntiense Jehovah ẹkenịmde ke Columbus, Ohio, ke 1931. Do you know what Jehovah did? - He confused the language of people so that they could not understand one another. Soon we were planning to get married, and after Father's return to a convention held in Columbus, Ohio, in 1931. Kere ban̄a oro - ẹda nsunsu ukpepn̄kpọ emi ẹbian̄a ediwak biliọn owo! After that, she never stopped coming. Imagine - misleading the billions of people with this false teaching! Bible anam nnyịn ifiọk ke "Abasi inamke asari, edi ke kpukpru idụt enye enyenyịme owo eke abakde enye onyụn̄ anamde edinen ido. " Jesus clearly identified Satan as the one responsible for the evil state of human affairs. The Bible assures us that "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " Mmọ ẹketọn̄ọ ke n̄kpri ẹma Jehovah. Pioneers Spearhead the Work They began to love Jehovah as little ones. Ke edide ntre, nso idi usọbọ inọ ediwak mfịna mfịn oro ẹtode idiọkitọn̄, unana ima uduot owo ke ubon, oburobụt ido, unana ifiọk, ye mme n̄kpọ eken emi ẹbiatde ndutịm n̄kaowo? We read: "Moses did so before the eyes of the elders of Israel. " If so, what is the solution to many problems today derived from greed, the lack of affection within the family, immorality, ignorance, and other things that damage society? Didie ke emi ekeme ndin̄wam nnyịn ke ini ikwọrọde eti mbụk? This publication is not for sale. How can this help us when we preach the good news? Udiana, eke ebietde enye, edi emi, " Afo enyene ndima mbọhọidụn̄ fo nte idemfo. ' 2: 24, 25. The second, like it, is this: " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' 6 / 1 Because John was immersing Jews in symbol of their repentance over sin against the Law. 6 / 15 Betty ama ọfọn ido; enye ọkọsọn̄ọ mi ke isua iba. Our discussion of the resurrection leaves some questions unanswered. Betty was kind; she supported me for two years. [ Mme Ikọ idakisọn̄] Further information regarding the identity of "the man of lawlessness " can be found in The Watchtower, February 1, 1990, pages 10 - 14. [ Footnotes] Enye ekedi kiet ke otu nditọiban ita ndien ete esie ama akpa ke Ekọn̄ Ererimbot I. Obedience is a serious matter with God. He was one of three daughters, and his father died during World War I. Kpasụk ntre, akani nsan̄a un̄wana ekọn̄ Zlatko ekesise owo ekededi oro esịnde ndida ke n̄kan̄ mmọ n̄n̄wana ekọn̄ nte andibiọn̄ọ. Show appreciation for the fine efforts and positive qualities of fellow worshippers. Similarly, a former warrior Zllllko was looking for anyone refusing to take their stand against them as an opposer. Edieke ikemede, idiomi man Ntiense oro esemde usem mmọ akpaka ebịne mmọ. " Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, " Jesus said, "and all these other things [including food, drink, and clothing] will be added to you. " If possible, make plans to contact the Witness who speaks their language. Do ke adiaha Pharaoh okokụt enye onyụn̄ ada enye nte eyen esie. He told the first lie and deceived Eve so that she disobeyed Jehovah. There Pharaoh's daughter found him and treated him as her son. Imekeme ndidian do n̄ko nte ke ana andikara emi akara ofụri ererimbot man enye ekeme nditre se isinamde ndusụk idụt ẹnen̄ede ẹbuene - oro edi, idụt kiet ndinyene n̄kpọ emi mmọ eken mînyeneke. * This round - trip of some 40 miles [60 km] is likely made on foot. We can also add that the ruler must control the world so that he can eliminate the causes of poverty - one country in which others do not have it. Ndidiọn̄ọ nte Bible asan̄ade odu esịm mfịn anam ibuọt idem ye Jehovah inyụn̄ inen̄ede ima enye. Jehovah and Jesus take forgiveness very seriously. Knowing the truth about the Bible today gives us reason to trust in Jehovah and deepen our love for him. Ukem nte mme owo, mme angel n̄ko ẹnyene ifụre ndimek n̄kpọ nnọ idem; mmọ idịghe ukwakutom. If so, this article can help you come to terms with your loss. Like humans, angels have free will; they are not robots. Ebe emi mîkenịmke ke akpanikọ ini kiet ko ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini Christian enen̄erede owụt nti edu, afo udufiọkke se owo oro mînịmke ke akpanikọ do ekerede. The first step he must take is to "repent... and turn around. " One unbelieving husband once says: "When a Christian expresses genuine qualities, you don't know what the unbelieving person feels. Obio Ubọn̄ emi n̄ko ayanam okopitem ubonowo ọbọhọ idiọkn̄kpọ ndien nte ini akade, enye ayanam ofụri isọn̄ akabade edi paradise, ke ntre, ọsọhide kpukpru ukara Satan efep. - Rome 8: 20, 21; Ediyarade 19: 17 - 21. (b) What qualities did Peter say we should look for in ourselves? This Kingdom will also free obedient mankind from sin and, in time, transform the whole earth into a paradise, thus eliminating all of Satan's rule. - Romans 8: 20, 21; Revelation 19: 17 - 21. (a) Nso ke Jesus akanam ke ini idem ekememde mme mbet esie? Procrastination proved to be very costly for this student. (a) What did Jesus do when his disciples were tired? Edieke ete ye eka fo ẹdide mme asan̄autom Abasi emi ẹyakde idem ẹnọ, anaedi mbufo ẹmenyene ndutịm ukpepn̄kpọ Bible ubon ofụri ini. In what sense is there no stumbling block for those loving Jehovah's law? If your parents are dedicated servants of God, you likely have a regular family Bible study program. Ndi ọmọfiọk se Jehovah akanamde? - Enye ama etịmede usem mmọ mbak mmọ ẹdikop se kiet eken etịn̄de. I entered the house and explained why I was there. Do you know what Jehovah did? - He confused their language so that they could not listen to each other. Toto ke usen oro, enye ifiakke mbono esop. In time, the couple in South America were weighing leaving their assignment to return home. Since that day, he has not missed a meeting again. Jesus ama etịn̄ in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ ke Satan anam n̄kpọ etie ntem ye ubonowo. Indeed, those serving where the need is greater encounter challenges in their new territory, but they also experience the deep joy that comes from sharing the good news with people who are responsive to the Kingdom message. Jesus clearly identified Satan's reaction to mankind. Mme Asiakusụn̄ Ẹda Usụn̄ ke Utom Ukwọrọikọ What craft did Jesus learn, and in Bible times, what did working at this trade involve? Pioneers in the Ministry Bible ọdọhọ ete: "Moses anam ntre ke iso mbiowo Israel. " Good communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. The Bible says: "Moses did just so before the older men of Israel. " N̄wed emi idịghe unyam. The 59 - year - long prophetic career of Hosea, which began in 804 B.C.E., stretches into this time of turmoil. This publication is not for sale. 2: 24, 25. Sea of Galilee 2: 24, 25. Sia enye ekenịm mme Jew baptism ndiwụt ke mmọ ẹkabade esịt ke ndikabiat Ibet. No longer will there be strife and struggle over the earth's resources. Because he baptized the Jews to prove their repentance by breaking the Law. Se inemede iban̄a ediset ke n̄kpa ibọrọke kpukpru mbụme ẹban̄ade ediset ke n̄kpa. Whose birthday? What we have considered about the resurrection does not answer all questions about the resurrection. Ẹkeme ndikụt ntọt efen efen kaban̄a se ẹdade ẹdiọn̄ọ "owo eke edide ata abiat - ibet " ke Enyọn̄ - Ukpeme, February 1, 1990, page 10 - 14. Almost 20 percent of Africans were expected to be using the Internet by the end of 2014, according to the International Telecommunication Union. Additional information can be found on the identifying mark of "the real legal entity " in The Watchtower, February 1, 1990, pages 10 - 14. Abasi abat nsụkibuot ke ata akpan n̄kpọ. We too might feel apprehensive as we contemplate an obstacle that we are facing now or one that we may encounter in the future. God considers obedience very important. Dara se nditọete ẹnamde nyụn̄ toro mmọ ke nti edu mmọ. A Little Girl With a Big Heart Enjoy and commend fellow believers for their fine qualities. Enye ọkọdọhọ ete: "Ẹka iso, ndien, ndibem iso nyom obio ubọn̄ ye edinen ido esie, ndien ẹyedian kpukpru n̄kpọ emi [oro edi, se edidiade, se edin̄wọn̄de, ye se edisịnede] ẹnọ mbufo. " From its humble beginnings, the task of translating God's Word into Swahili has continued on for over 150 years. He said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things [men] will be added to you. " Enye ama osu ata akpa nsu emi akanam ẹsude onyụn̄ abian̄a Eve anam ọsọn̄ ibuot ye Jehovah. Mary: Hi, John. I would like to invite you to my birthday party. He told the first lie ever spoken and deceived Eve into disobeying Jehovah. Etie nte ẹsisan̄a ke ukot ẹka Shiloh emi edide n̄kpọ nte kilomita 60 uka ye unyọn̄ọ. How did he show his faithfulness? It seems that on foot to Shiloh, about 60 miles [50 km] away. Jehovah ye Jesus ẹyom nnyịn isifen inọ owo. Yet, it does offer a number of guiding principles that reveal how God feels about gambling. Jehovah and Jesus want us to be forgiving. Edieke edide ntre, ibuotikọ emi ayan̄wam fi. This unity brings Jehovah's favor. If so, this article will help you. Akpa usio - ukot oro anade enye anam edi " ndikabade esịt nnyụn̄ mfiak edem. ' Today, the churches and their ministers have lost the respect and support of the masses. The first step to take is to " repent and turn around. ' (b) Nso ke apostle Peter ọkọdọhọ inam? What could happen if we failed to guard against pride? (b) What counsel did the apostle Peter give? Efiọn ada akwa afanikọn̄ ọsọk eyen ufọkn̄wed emi. This message corresponds to the locusts ' tails that have "stings like scorpions " and the horses of a cavalry, whose" tails are like serpents. " The student's life has been affected by serious problems. Ntak emi ikemede ndidọhọ ke mbon oro ẹmade ibet Jehovah ikwe n̄kpọ iduọ baba kiet? They ought to show that they want erring ones to return to Jehovah. Why can we say that those who love Jehovah's law find no stumbling block? Mma ndụk ufọk oro nnyụn̄ ntịn̄ se ikadade mi idi. Jesus responded that his accusers would see him "sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. " I entered the house and explained the purpose of my visit. Enye oro odude ke Paraguay ama ekere m̀mê akpana imọ ye n̄wan imọ ikpọn̄ utom mmimọ ifiak inyọn̄ ufọk. I make sure that I've read all the material published for young people. The man in Paraguay wondered if he and his wife should leave their assignment and return home. Mbon emi ẹsiwọrọde ẹkedụn̄ ke ebiet emi ẹnen̄erede ẹyom mme ọkwọrọikọ ẹsinyene mfịna, edi esịt esinen̄ede enem mmọ ndikwọrọ ikọ nnọ mbon emi ẹtiede - tie ẹbet mme ọkwọrọikọ. (Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters [History of the Popes From the End of the Middle Ages]) "His private life is absolutely indefensible... Those who move to areas where there is a greater need are, but they find great joy in sharing the good news with those who eagerly look forward to the Kingdom - preaching work. Nso ubọkutom ke Jesus ekekpep, ndien ke mme ini Bible, nso ke ndinam utom emi akabuana? But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is crouching at the door, and its craving is to dominate you; but will you get the mastery over it? " What did Jesus teach, and in Bible times, what was involved? Eti nneme edi iyịp - uwem ọnọ itie ebuana ekededi. I still share these comments with others who lose their mate, and they too have been comforted by Nathan's advice. Good communication is blood - life itself giving any relationship. Isua 59 oro Hosea anamde utom prọfet, ọkọtọn̄ọ ke isua 804 M.E.N., tutu edisịm ini ndutịme emi. Without fail, Jehovah provides what we need in order to fulfill our disciple - making commission and to accomplish our ministry worldwide. - 2 Timothy 4: 5. The 59 years that Hosea has served as a prophet, began in 997 B.C.E., until this turbulent period arrived. Akpa Galilee ▪ Have you seen nativity scenes or plays that depict three kings, or wise men, visiting the newborn baby Jesus as he lay in a manger? First of Galilee Owo idisin̄wanake en̄wan isọn̄ aba ke ntak aranisọn̄ ye mme n̄kpọ ntre. Opposition from outside was to be accompanied by a degree of friction from within the congregation. The earth will not be fought again because of the oil and the like. Usen emana anie? Although women cultivate more than half the world's crops, in many countries they have no legal right to own property or inherit land. Whose age? N̄ka oro ẹsede n̄kpọ ẹban̄a nte mme owo ke ofụri ererimbot ẹnemede nneme ke fon ye Intanet ẹdọhọ ke ẹkekere ke owo 20 ke otu kpukpru owo 100 ke Africa ẹdisidụk Intanet etisịm utịt isua 2014. REGULAR FEATURES According to a report on how people around the world talk on phone and Internet sites, 20 percent of Africa's population have been on the Internet by the end of 2014. Se idinen̄erede in̄wam fi edi ndikpep mban̄a Jesus man ọfiọk nte ekpetịn̄de ikọ emi edin̄wamde mme owo. What would you say? What really helps you to learn about Jesus so that you can understand how you can use your tongue to help others. Nnyịn imekeme n̄ko ndikop ndịk ke ini ikerede iban̄a ubiọn̄ọ oro isobode idahaemi m̀mê enye oro idisobode ke ini iso. It would have been carried by Kohathite Levites on their shoulders, as God had clearly instructed. We can also be afraid when we consider the opposition we now face or the one we will face in the future. Ekpri Eyenan̄wan Emi Atatde Ubọk • What things weigh us down spiritually? A Little Girl With a Big Heart Isua 150 ebe tọn̄ọ ẹketọn̄ọ ndikabade Bible ke usem Swahili. Nevertheless, this stand for righteousness brings God's people today much inner peace and happiness. - 1 Peter 3: 14. Over 150 years have begun to translate the Bible into Swahili. Monica: Sam, idịghe eyedi usọrọ usen emana mi? Would you not, rather, think of your loved ones? Mary: Sam, not coming to my birthday party? Didie ke enye akanam emi? By recording these prophecies, the Bible writers put their credibility - and that of the Scriptures - on the line. How? Edi se Bible etịn̄de anam ifiọk nte Abasi adade mbre mfọniso. 2: 8. But what the Bible says helps us to understand God's view of gambling. Edidianakiet emi anam mmọ ẹnyene mfọn Jehovah. Her granddaughter married a fine brother, and they too are serving as special pioneers. This unity gives them Jehovah's favor. Mfịn, mme owo ikponoke inyụn̄ inọhọ aba ufọkabasi ye mme asan̄autom mmọ ibetedem. (Read Matthew 16: 13 - 17.) Today, people do not respect and support their churches and servants. Nso ikeme nditịbe edieke itan̄de idem? Serving Jehovah God has given our lives real purpose and meaning. What can happen if we are proud? Etop emi etie nte isịm n̄kukun̄kpọyọriyọ oro enyenede " ifọt oro esitopde owo nte ikpeyen ' ye nte enan̄ - mbakara, oro " isịm ebietde urụkikọt. ' He knew that Jesus had been raised from the dead, and he summarized the evidences for the Corinthians, namely, "that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up the third day according to the Scriptures; and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. " This message is like that of a locust swarm that has "a branded as a scorpion " and as a horse," like a serpent. " Akpana mmọ ẹnam n̄kpọ ndiwụt ke iyom anamidiọk emi afiak etiene Jehovah. Considering the foregoing will help make the account come alive. They should take action to prove that they want to return to Jehovah. Jesus ama ọdọhọ ke mbon oro ẹdoride imọ ikọ ẹyekụt nte " imọ itiede ke ubọk nnasia odudu inyụn̄ idide ke obubịt enyọn̄. ' What angelic support do Jehovah's Witnesses receive in their worldwide ministry? Jesus said that those falsely accused will see " sitting at his right hand and coming in the clouds. ' Mmesikot kpukpru n̄kpọ oro esop Abasi ẹsion̄ode ẹnọ mme uyen. Do You Recall? I read everything that God's organization has provided for young people. (Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters [Mbụk Mme Pope Ọtọn̄ọde ke Ntọn̄ọ Ntọn̄ọ Eyo Ntatenyịn]) "Owo ikemeke ndifen kpukpru se enye ekesinamde... The early Christians did not risk their lives merely to bear witness about a wise teacher who was murdered. (Gitz der Pänchus Mem des Meltches [The Popes] From the Source of the Middle Ages] " cannot forgive everything he did... Edi edieke mûkabakede esịt unam se ifọnde, idiọkn̄kpọ ke ana ebet fi ke enyịnusụn̄, ndien enen̄ede ọdọn̄ enye ndimụm fi; ndi afo eyekeme ndikan enye? " At these gatherings, are we not regularly reminded of the nearness of the day of Jehovah? But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is lying at the door, and he is eager to catch you; will you succeed? " Mmesibuana mme ikọ item emi ye mbon oro ẹtabade nsan̄a ndọ mmọ ke n̄kpa, ndien mmọ n̄ko ẹsibọ ndọn̄esịt ẹto item oro Nathan ọkọnọde mi. How can we come to know Jehovah better over time? I take to heart the words of these and those who have lost their mates in death, and they also derive comfort from Nathan's counsel. Ye unana edikpu, Jehovah esinọ se nnyịn iyomde man inam utom ukwọrọikọ nnyịn ke ofụri ererimbot. - 2 Timothy 4: 5. What have many in Christendom been taught about sexual relations, and how does that compare with what the Bible teaches? Without fail, Jehovah provides what we need in order to carry out our worldwide preaching work. - 2 Timothy 4: 5. Anie Ọkọdọn̄ Ntantaọfiọn̄ Oro? ▪ Ndi akanam omokụt ndise emana Jesus, m̀mê ndise emi ẹwụtde mme ọfiọkn̄kpọ owo ita emi ẹkade ẹkese Jesus ke usịnudia ufene? He wanted to avoid making painful mistakes. Who sent the stars? ▪ Have you ever seen pictures of Jesus ' birth, or pictures depicting three wise men who visit Jesus in a manger? Ubiọn̄ọ otode an̄wa ekenyene ndisan̄a ye ndusụk udomo ntuaha ke esịt esop. Nevertheless, their negative response should not deter you. Opposition from outside was to go with a few lines of contradictions within the congregation. Okposụkedi emi edide iban ẹtọ in̄wan̄ ẹkan ke ofụri ererimbot, ke ediwak idụt, iban inyeneke unen ndinyene isọn̄ m̀mê ufọk. Every individual will have to answer to him for his or her beliefs and actions. Although women are the most productive land in the world, in many lands women do not have the right to have land or home. MME IBUOTIKỌ OFỤRI INI But most important, Jehovah's Word counts Samson among those strong in faith. - Hebrews 11: 32 - 34. REGULAR FEATURES Didie ke ọkpọbọrọ? Bitterly, I raised many objections. What would you say? Edi mme Levite ẹtode ubon Kohath ẹkpekebiom enye ke afara mmọ, nte Abasi eketemede in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄. Suddenly I was rolling down a slope out of control, and I crashed into a parked car. But the Kohathite Levites could carry him on their shoulders, as God had clearly commanded. • Nso ye nso ikeme ndinam idem emem nnyịn tutu nnyịn ikemeke aba ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi? When Jesus observed her dropping "two small coins of very little value " in a temple treasury chest, did he view her and her contribution as worthless? • What factors can cause us to become so discouraged that we can no longer serve God? Kpa ye oro, ikọt Abasi ndida nnọ edinen ido anam mmọ ẹnen̄ede ẹnyene emem ye inemesịt mfịn. - 1 Peter 3: 14. In one case, reports a bulletin from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an 18 - year - old girl "committed suicide after a nude photo she had transmitted via her cell phone to her boyfriend also was sent to hundreds of teenagers in her school. Yet, by means of righteousness, God's people enjoy abundant peace and happiness today. - 1 Peter 3: 14. Utu ke oro, nte afo ukpukereke uban̄a mbonima fo? Michel de l'Atalaye, Haiti. Rather, do you not care about your loved ones? Mme prọfesi emi ẹnam mme owo ẹkeme ndidụn̄ọde nse m̀mê kpukpru se Bible etịn̄de ẹdi akpanikọ. Relate an experience that illustrates the truthfulness of Matthew 11: 28 - 30. These prophecies enable people to examine the accuracy of all that the Bible says. 2: 8. This seemed to pose an insurmountable problem for some congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, for they lacked the financial resources to construct a suitable Kingdom Hall. 2: 8. Eyen adiaha esie ama ọdọ eti eyenete eren, mmọ n̄ko ẹdi mme akpan asiakusụn̄. Once you can perform a task well, look for ways to improve - doing it faster or better. Her daughter married a fine brother, and they are also special pioneers. (Kot Matthew 16: 13 - 17.) Other procedures or tests involving an individual's own blood are not so clearly in conflict with God's stated principles. (Read Matthew 16: 13 - 17.) Ndinam n̄kpọ Jehovah Abasi anam ikop uyụhọ onyụn̄ anam uwem nnyịn enyene se ọwọrọde. But he also acted wisely and spoke to David in a kind way. Serving Jehovah God brings contentment and gives meaning to our lives. Enye ama onyụn̄ emen emi owụt mbon Corinth ke ndiwet emi: "Christ ama akpa kaban̄a mme idiọkn̄kpọ nnyịn nte N̄wed Abasi ọdọhọde; nte ke ẹma ẹbụk enye, ye nte ke ẹma ẹnam enye eset ke ọyọhọ usen ita nte N̄wed Abasi ọdọhọde; ye nte ke enye ama owụt Cephas idem, ekem owụt mbet duopeba. " In holding her up as an example for his disciples, he noted that her small gift represented "all of what she had, her whole living. " - Mark 12: 41 - 44. He also showed it to the Corinthians: "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised up on the third day according to the Scriptures; and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. " Ndikere mban̄a se ẹnemede emi ayanam mbụk emi ẹnen̄ede edi ata idem n̄kpọ. And how can you share in that joy? Considering the context will make the account very real. Didie ke mme angel ẹsin̄wam Mme Ntiense Jehovah ke akwa utom ukwọrọikọ oro mmọ ẹnamde ke ofụri ererimbot? Today, warnings from Jehovah may come in the form of a Bible account, Bible - based publications, or kind advice from a fellow Christian. How do angels support Jehovah's Witnesses in their worldwide preaching work? Nte Afo Emeti? How will we react when a weaker Christian arrives at the Kingdom Hall? Do You Recall? Jesus ndiset ke n̄kpa ekedi akpan ukpepn̄kpọ mme Christian. Because of our imperfection, it is a struggle to do what is right. Jesus ' resurrection was a fundamental Christian teaching. Ke mme mboho emi, nte owo isitịghi nnyịn kpukpru ini iban̄a nte usen Jehovah ekperede? Regarding the welfare of her son, what can worry a mother more than revelries and debaucheries in the proverbial wine, women, and song? At these gatherings, do we not always remember the nearness of Jehovah's day? Didie ke ikeme ndinen̄ede mfiọk Jehovah nte ini akade? In time, Wiktor became disturbed about the effect that his pursuit of the sport was having on his spirituality. In time, how can we come to know Jehovah better? Nso ke ẹkpep ediwak owo ke Christendom ẹban̄a ebuana idan̄, ndien didie ke oro atuaha ye se Bible ekpepde? The Bible contains clear instructions to the nation of Israel about the amount God required them to give. What have many taught in Christendom about sexual relations, and how does that conflict with what the Bible teaches? Enye ikoyomke ndinam ata idiọk ndudue. Very likely, we feel uncomfortable around a constant murmurer and try to distance ourselves from him. He did not want to make serious mistakes. Edi ikpanaha ayak idiọk ikọ mmọ anam idem emem fi. We can derive another lesson from Jesus ' illustration. However, you do not have to be discouraged by their bad words. Kpukpru owo ẹyebọrọ mbụme ẹban̄a se mmọ ẹkenịmde ke akpanikọ ẹkenyụn̄ ẹnamde. Humility, not prideful ambition, should characterize your life. - Matt. Everyone will answer questions about what they believed and did. Edi ata akpan n̄kpọ edi ke Ikọ Jehovah abat Samson esịn ke otu mbon oro ẹkenyenede ọkpọsọn̄ mbuọtidem. - Mme Hebrew 11: 32 - 34. Millions of sincere people venerate images as part of their worship. It is important that Jehovah's Word count Samson among those who had strong faith. - Hebrews 11: 32 - 34. Edi, n̄kamaha se enye ekenemede, ntre mma mbụp enye ediwak mbụme. It is a unique spiritual environment shared with fellow believers, who are at peace with Jehovah God and with one another. However, I didn't like what she was discussing, so I asked her many questions. Ke ini enye akatuakde ada ete iwet n̄kpọ, n̄kpọitie oro ama ewere emen mi ọkọtọ ke moto kiet emi akanade ke mbenusụn̄. Despite the reproach people heap on his name, Jehovah has waited patiently for the right time to act. When he stopped to play, he picked me up on a car on the sidewalk. Ke ini Jesus okokụtde nte mma emi "esịnde okudọk okụk iba " ke ekebe etịbe temple, ndi Jesus ama esuene enye onyụn̄ ọdọhọ ke etịbe esie ekpri akaha? Baba - o. As the God - fearing parent of Mephibosheth and a loyal friend to David, Jonathan would not have taught his young son to aspire to royal power. When Jesus saw the woman " selling two coins of very little value " in the temple contribution, did Jesus reproach her and say that she was too little? Mbon FBI ke America ẹma ẹdụn̄ọde se ikanamde n̄kaiferi isua 18 owot idem. Think about yourself as we examine some truths that involve every Christian. In the United States, 18 - year - old U.S.A. studied what led to the death of a 18 - year - old girl. Michel de l'Atalaye, Haiti. After all, he was a mature, spirit - anointed Christian, chosen to be "an apostle to the nations. " Michel de l'lay, Haiti. Nọ uwụtn̄kpọ oro owụtde ke se Matthew 11: 28 - 30 etịn̄de edi akpanikọ. How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty toward Moses? Illustrate the truthfulness of Matthew 11: 28 - 30. Emi eketie nte n̄kpọ oro ndusụk esop Mme Ntiense Jehovah mîdikemeke ndinam, sia mmọ mîkenyeneke okụk ndibọp Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ oro odotde. 44: 28. This was like something that some congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses could not do, since they did not have enough money to build a suitable Kingdom Hall. Ke ini ọfiọkde ndinam n̄kpọ, kpep ndinam nsọp ubọk m̀mê ndinam ọfọn akan nte ekesinamde. Like the many other cures Jesus performed, it reflected God's sincere love for suffering mankind and confirmed the trustworthiness of His promise to bring an end to all human sickness and suffering in His due time. - Isaiah 33: 24. When you learn to do something, learn to do more than you do. Mme usụn̄ usọbọidem m̀mê ndomonse eken oro ẹbuanade iyịp enyene - idem inen̄ekede ituaha ye mme edumbet oro Abasi ọkọnọde. But Ralph continued as a special pioneer. Other medical or medical procedures involving blood do not directly contradict God's standards. Edi enye ama ada mbufiọk etịn̄ ikọ ye David isueneke - suene enye. 6, 7. Yet, she tactfully spoke to David without shame. Ke ndidọhọ mbet esie ẹkpebe ebeakpa emi, enye ama owụt ke ekpri etịbe oro ebeakpa emi ekesịnde ekedi "ofụri se enye akpadade odu uwem. " - Mark 12: 41 - 44. Think of Habakkuk, who asked: "How long must I call for help before you listen, before you save us from violence? " By telling his disciples to imitate this widow, she showed that the widow's small contribution was "the whole thing she had to do with her life. " - Mark 12: 41 - 44. Ndien nso ke akpanam man etiene okop utọ inemesịt emi? Should the Ninevites resume their wicked ways, God's judgment would be upon them. And how can you make such a life more satisfying? Enye esida Bible, mme n̄wed ye mme vidio esop Abasi, ye nditọete nnyịn ọnọ nnyịn item. Despite various assaults on the Bible, it has been preserved. Through his Word, the Bible, the publications, and the spiritual food we receive from Jehovah's organization. Nnyịn ikpanam n̄kpọ didie ke ini Christian oro idem ememde edide Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄? The fact is, we can find evidence of Jesus ' existence in what secular historians wrote about him and his followers. How should we respond when a Christian who is weak comes to the Kingdom Hall? Unana mfọnmma esinam ọsọn̄ ndinam se inende. 5, 6. Human imperfection makes it difficult to do what is right. Kaban̄a mfọnọn̄kpọ eyen esie, nso ikeme ndifịna eka n̄kan mme uyom uyom usọrọ ye etịme etịme ido ke wine, iban, ye ikwọ? The following week the traveling overseer served the congregation in the area where Hamunyari lived. Regarding her son's welfare, what may be the concern of a mother than the noisy parties and revelries of wine, women, and songs? Edi ama afịna Wiktor nte mbre mbuba oro okotụkde itie ebuana esie ye Jehovah. Paul's words to the congregation in Thessalonica are therefore most timely: "This is what God wills, the sanctifying of you, that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those nations have which do not know God. " But Wiktor was concerned about how his relationship with Jehovah affected his relationship with him. Bible etịn̄ in̄wan̄ - in̄wan̄ se Abasi okoyomde nditọ Israel ẹsinọ. Many at that convention had already been spreading the Kingdom good news. Yet, they now felt infused with a new sense of purpose. The Bible leaves no doubt about what God required of the Israelites. Enen̄ede etie nte isinemke nnyịn ndidu n̄kpere owo oro esisụkde uyo kpukpru ini, imesinyụn̄ idomo ndifep enye. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Very likely, we find it difficult to be close to someone who always says, and we try to avoid it. Nnyịn imekeme ndikpep n̄kpọ efen nto uwụtn̄kpọ Jesus. They believe the Bible's promise that the same factors that unite them in worship today will soon unite all obedient mankind. We can learn another lesson from Jesus ' example. Yak kpukpru owo ẹkụt ke emenen̄ede osụhọde idem, ke udịghe owo ntan̄idem. - Matt. Fornication was no sin to the people. Let all note that you are truly humble and that you are not proud. - Matt. Ata ediwak owo ẹsikpono ndisọi mbiet, ndien mmọ ẹnam emi ke ofụri esịt. Indeed, what a privilege we have to be "God's fellow workers " in this worldwide teaching work! - 1 Corinthians 3: 9. Most people respect images, and they do so wholeheartedly. Paradise emi edi san̄asan̄a idaha eke spirit emi mbon oro ẹdude ke emem ye Jehovah Abasi ye ekemmọ nditọete, ẹnyenede ke ofụri ererimbot. " In Jehovah I Do Trust " This Paradise is a unique spiritual condition enjoyed by those who are at peace with Jehovah God and with fellow believers worldwide. Kpa ye emi mme owo ẹsuenede enyịn̄ Jehovah, enye enyene ime ebet nnennen ini ndisobo ererimbot emi. God reassured Habakkuk that He had an appointed time to bring an end to suffering. - Habakkuk 2: 2, 3. Despite the reproach of Jehovah's name, Jehovah patiently await the end of this system of things. Nte ete Mephibosheth oro akabakde Abasi ye ufan akpanikọ David, Jonathan ikpekekpepke ekpri eyen esie ndinyene udọn̄ edibọ odudu ubọn̄. Although such gatherings are happy occasions, one Witness admits: "It is a joy to see the self - sacrifice and loyalty of fellow Witnesses who adapt to different circumstances. As David's God - fearing father, Mephibosheth, his little son Jonathan did not want to receive glory. Kere ban̄a idemfo nte nnyịn idụn̄ọrede ndusụk akpanikọ oro ẹbuanade kpukpru Christian. Golden Rule Practical, 12 / 1 Happiness, 3 / 1 Consider yourself as we examine some truths related to all Christians. Idem n̄kpọ, n̄kọ enye ekedi Christian oro ẹyetde aran, emi ọkọride esịm ọyọhọ idaha, ẹkenyụn̄ ẹmekde ẹte edi " apostle ọnọ mme idụt. ' The sword apparently had no crosspiece. After all, he was a mature anointed Christian and was appointed as "a apostle to the nations. " Didie ke Jehovah akanam akpanikọ ọnọ Moses? Who can rightfully refute Christ's defense of his followers or successfully challenge God's favorable judgment of his faithful ones? How did Jehovah prove loyal to Moses? 44: 28. Immobilized, I needed more than ever to be sustained by Jehovah. 44: 28. Ukem nte ediwak udọn̄ọ eken oro Jesus ọkọkọkde, enye ama owụt ima ofụri esịt oro Abasi amade ubonowo oro okụtde ndutụhọ onyụn̄ ọsọn̄ọ nte un̄wọn̄ọ Esie nditre kpukpru udọn̄ọ ye ndutụhọ owo ke edikem ini Esie edide se ẹkemede ndiberi edem. - Isaiah 33: 24. Do You Remember? Like many other diseases that Jesus healed, he expressed God's heartfelt love for suffering and strengthened his promise to end all sickness and suffering when His due time is reliable. - Isaiah 33: 24. Edi Ralph ama aka iso nte akpan asiakusụn̄. Jesus warned that these very things would stumble, choke, and ensnare some of his followers. Ralph, on the other hand, continued as a special pioneer. 6, 7. Name has been changed. 6, 7. Kere ban̄a Habakkuk, emi okobụpde ete: "Adan̄a didie ke nditua nyom un̄wam, ndien afo ukopke? Pita bread is today one of the typical breads of Bethlehem. Consider Habakkuk, who asked: "How long will I cry for help, and you do not hear? Edieke mbon Nineveh ẹkpekefiakde ẹnam idiọkido oro, Abasi akpakamia mmọ ufen oro. Because one cannot fully grasp the meaning of God's Word without His help. If the Ninevites returned to do so, God would hold them accountable. Kpa ye emi nsio nsio owo ẹkedomode ndisobo Bible mfep, Abasi anam enye aka iso odu. Imagine a web enlarged in scale until it is the size of a net used on a fishing boat. Despite attempts to destroy the Bible, God has preserved it. Se idude edi nte ke nnyịn imekeme ndikụt uyarade ke Jesus ama odu ito se mme ewetmbụk ererimbot ẹkewetde ẹban̄a enye ye mme anditiene enye. To be sure, Jehovah does observe and carefully examine each of us. The fact is that we can see evidence of Jesus ' existence in the writings of secular historians about him and his followers. 5, 6. Your loyalty to Jehovah may increase the likelihood that the disciplined one will repent and return to Jehovah. 5, 6. Urua oro eketienede, esenyịn oro ama ekese esop oro odude ke edem mme Hamunyari. No wonder many felt drawn to Jesus, convinced that he would lighten their load! The following week, the overseer visited the congregations in the area of Hamunyari. Ke ntre, mme ikọ oro Paul ekewetde ọnọ ẹsọk esop ke Thessalonica ẹnen̄ede ẹdi ekemini: "Emi edi uduak Abasi, ete mbufo ẹkpekabade ẹsana, ete mbufo ẹnyụn̄ ẹbet use; kpukpru owo ke otu mbufo ẹnyụn̄ ẹfiọk ndikama n̄wan esie ke edisana ido ye ke ido ukpono, idịghe ke ọkpọsọn̄ udọn̄ idiọk itọn̄, nte mme Gentile emi mîfiọkke Abasi ẹnamde. " We can be confident that the good news of God's Kingdom will be preached before the end of this wicked system arrives. Therefore, Paul's words to the congregation in Thessalonica are very timely: "This is the will of God, that you may be holy and abstain from fornication, and that all of you may know how to treat his wife with holiness and religion, not from the desires of the nations that do not know God. " Ediwak mbon emi ẹkedụkde mbono oro ẹma ẹtọtọn̄ọ ndikwọrọ eti mbụk, edi mbono oro ama anam mmọ ẹbiere ndisịn idem n̄kwọrọ eti mbụk. Jehovah wants us to make the right choices, and his Word, the Bible, tells us how we can do that. Many in attendance were able to start preaching the good news, but that assembly encouraged them to be zealous in preaching the good news. Idem ke ntịme ntịme ererimbot emi, afo emekeme ndinyene inemesịt oto nnennen ifiọk Bible aban̄ade Abasi, Obio Ubọn̄ esie, ye utịbe utịbe uduak esie kaban̄a ubonowo. No. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Mmọ ẹnịm un̄wọn̄ọ Bible oro owụtde ke mme n̄kpọ oro ẹnamde mmọ ẹdiana kiet mfịn ke utuakibuot ẹyedian kpukpru okopitem ubonowo ọtọkiet ke mîbịghike. Rutherford, who was then overseeing the work, gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners to their rooms. They believe the Bible's promise of unity today that all obedient mankind will soon be united in worship. Mbon obio emi ikadaha use nte idiọkn̄kpọ. But the important thing for lovers of Jehovah is that they serve him faithfully to the end of their days. The local people did not view fornication as a sin. Nso akwa ifet ke edi ntem ndidi "nsan̄autom Abasi " ke utom unọ ukpep ofụri ererimbot emi! - 1 Corinth 3: 9. What a privilege to provide a listening ear along with helpful counsel whenever we can! What a privilege it is to be "God's fellow workers " in this global educational work! - 1 Corinthians 3: 9. " Mbuọt Idem Mi ye Jehovah " When we engage in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work, we are doing just what the apostle Paul wrote about, this time quoting Isaiah: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things! " " Be Ready for Jehovah " Abasi ama ọdọn̄ Habakkuk esịt onyụn̄ anam enye ọdiọn̄ọ ke imọ imenịm ini emi idinamde ufen etre. - Habakkuk 2: 2, 3. Although Luke is not named in Acts, certain passages use the pronouns "we, "" our, " and "us, " indicating that he participated in some of the events described in the book. God comforted Habakkuk and assured him that he believed in the time to end suffering. - Habakkuk 2: 2, 3. Ami nda emi n̄kpere ọyọhọ udịghi - ukot 125 " Let them praise the name of Jehovah, for his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven. " - Psalm 148: 12, 13. I am standing near the 125th steps Okposụkedi mme utọ mbono emi ẹsidide ini inemesịt, Ntiense kiet ọdọhọ ete: "Esinem etieti ndikụt nditọete nnyịn ẹwade idem, ẹsọn̄ọde ẹda ẹnyụn̄ ẹdade uwem nte mmọ ẹkụtde. Jehovah's decision to destroy Jerusalem and Judah and exile the nation for 70 years to Babylon - information that Jehovah revealed that same year and perhaps included in the roll - must have shocked Baruch. While such gatherings are pleasant, one Witness says: "It is a pleasure to see our brothers displaying self - sacrifice, sticking to their conduct and conduct. Emesikere ke Ẹda Fi ke Usụn̄ En̄wen? The Bible shows that Christians desiring to approach Jehovah in prayer ought to do so in Jesus ' name. Do You Feel Taking the Lead in Another Way? Nte an̄wan̄ade, ikwa oro ikenyeneke uberi ubọk. Clearly, Jesus wants us to be like him and not judge others by their outward appearance. Clearly, the knife did not have your own hands. Anie ekeme ndifan̄a nte enende nte ke Christ idaha inọ mme anditiene enye mîdịghe anie ekeme ndikụt unen ke nditọhọ ye Abasi ke enye ndibat mme anam - akpanikọ ikọt esie ke edinen? In recognition of Jehovah's authority, eventually "the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. " Who can rightly deny that Christ does not stand for his followers or who can successfully stand against God by counting his faithful people righteous? Sia mmen̄kekemeke ndimenede idem, mma nnen̄ede nyom Jehovah omụm mi akama n̄kan nte akanam nyomde. He was able to help four people to dedication and baptism during his first few years of pioneering. Since I could not raise myself, I desperately wanted Jehovah to sustain me more than ever before. Nte Afo Emeti? Everything God does benefits others. Do You Recall? Jesus ama ọtọt ke mme n̄kpọ emi ẹyenam ndusụk mme anditiene imọ ẹtuak ukot ẹduọn̄ọ, ẹyenyụn̄ ẹbaba m̀mê ẹdi ekpọ ẹnọ mmọ. On the other hand, if a certain leisure activity is made up of "ingredients " that are wholesome in Jehovah's eyes, then such recreation may well be beneficial and refreshing to you. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; read Philippians 4: 8. Jesus warned that these things would cause some of his followers to stumble and would choke or distribute or distribute to them. Ẹkpụhọ enyịn̄. They sawed planks and hauled straw and put up tents, shower stalls, and toilets. Name has been changed. Uyo kiet emi ẹwakde ndikụt ke Bethlehem edi enye emi ẹkotde pita. Our goal is to reach hearts and attract people to the truths we so love. One simple voice that appears in Bethlehem is the one called phom. Koro owo ikemeke nditịm mfiọk se Ikọ Abasi ọwọrọde ye unana un̄wam Abasi. He strapped on his sword in 1914 and was victorious over Satan and his demons, whom he hurled out of heaven to the vicinity of the earth. - Rev. Because the meaning of God's Word cannot be fully understood. Kere ban̄a n̄kpan̄utue oro ẹnamde atara tutu enye okpon nte iyịre oro ẹsikamade ke ubom ẹkọ iyak. The area's rich pastures contributed to this. Consider the so - called House House's neck that it is largely attached to a net attached to a boat. Ke nditịm ntịn̄, Jehovah esise onyụn̄ etịm odụn̄ọde nnyịn owo kiet kiet. " The sting producing death is sin, " says 1 Corinthians 15: 56. In fact, Jehovah sees and examines us individually. Afo ndisọn̄ọ nda ye Jehovah ekeme ndinam owo oro ẹtụnọde do ọsọp akabade esịt afiak etiene Jehovah. They initially felt anxious. Your loyalty to Jehovah can move the repentant one to return to Jehovah. Imosụk ise ediwak owo ẹkesikade ẹbịne Jesus sia mmọ ẹma ẹnịm ke enye ayanam mbiomo mmimọ efere. Earlier in his letter to the Romans, Paul described people who reflected "a disapproved mental state. " Little wonder that many came to Jesus because they felt that he would lighten their load. Nnyịn imekeme ndinịm ke ẹyekwọrọ eti mbụk Obio Ubọn̄ Abasi emi mbemiso idiọk editịm n̄kpọ emi esịm utịt. This is indeed cause for great satisfaction! We can be confident that the good news of God's Kingdom would be preached before this wicked system ends. Jehovah oyom imek ndinam nti n̄kpọ, ndien Ikọ esie, kpa Bible, eteme nnyịn nte ikpanamde oro. Because of official restrictions on our ministry, we had to be resourceful. Jehovah wants us to choose to do good, and his Word, the Bible, advises us how to do so. Baba. Thus, humility protects innocent ones from spiritual disaster. No. Rutherford, emi ekedide isua 50 ini oro, okonyụn̄ edide andise mban̄a utom Mme Ntiense Jehovah, ama enyịme ye idatesịt ndimen mbiomo mme andidụk mbono n̄kayak ke mme ubet mmọ. Could you help them view Jehovah as a Friend, who not only provides their physical and spiritual necessities but also cares about their emotional needs? - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Rutherford, then 50 - year - old and director of the work of Jehovah's Witnesses, gladly moved the delegates to their rooms. Edi se idide akpan n̄kpọ inọ mme andima Jehovah edi mmọ ndinam n̄kpọ esie ke edinam akpanikọ tutu esịm utịt uwem mmọ. So do many today. But what is important to lovers of Jehovah is that they faithfully serve him to the end of their lives. Nso akwa ifet ke edi ntem ndikpan̄ utọn̄ nnọ owo nnyụn̄ nnọ eti item ini ekededi oro ikemede! These will be discussed in the following article. What a privilege it is to listen to and offer wise counsel whenever possible! Ke ini nnyịn ibuanade ke utom edikwọrọ Obio Ubọn̄ ye edinam mbet, nnyịn inam ukem ukem se apostle Paul ekewetde aban̄a, okotde isan̄ enye emi oto Isaiah, ete: "Ikpat mmọ ẹmi ẹdade etop nti n̄kpọ ẹye adan̄a didie! " Very soon, that government will exercise its rule right here over all the earth. When we share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work, we do just as the apostle Paul wrote about it, quoting this time from Isaiah: "How come those who are bringing good news of something better! " Okposụkedi owo mîsiakke enyịn̄ Luke ke Utom, ndusụk ufan̄ikọ ẹda mme utọ ikọ nte "nnyịn, " emi owụtde ke enye ama etiene abuana ke ndusụk n̄kpọntịbe emi ẹtịn̄de ẹban̄a ke n̄wed oro. (a) How would you describe first - century lamps? Although Luke is not mentioned in Acts, some verses view such terms as "ours, " indicating that he was involved in certain events mentioned in the book. Andiwet psalm ọkọkwọ ete: "N̄kparawa, ye nditọ - iban; n̄kani iren, ye nditọwọn̄: yak mmọ ẹtoro enyịn̄ Jehovah: koro enyịn̄ esie ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ okon̄de; ubọn̄ esie emenede akan isọn̄ ye enyọn̄. " - Psalm 148: 12, 13. The psalmist likens "the sayings of Jehovah " to" silver refined in a smelting furnace of earth, clarified seven times. " " You young men and women, " sang the psalmist, "let them praise the name of Jehovah, for his name alone is higher than the earth and the heavens. " - Psalm 148: 12, 13. Anaedi ama akpa Baruch idem Jehovah ndikebiere ke iyosobo Jerusalem ye Judah inyụn̄ iyak ẹda idụt oro ẹka ntan̄mfep isua 70 ke Babylon; isua oro enye ekewetde akpa n̄wed esie ke Jehovah akayararede n̄kpọ emi, ndien etie nte ẹma ẹwet emi n̄ko ẹsịn ke n̄wed. Then, three men arrived - Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar - ostensibly to offer Job comfort. Baruch must have been surprised to conclude that Jehovah would destroy Jerusalem and Judah and allow the nation to be taken captive to Babylon, the year when he wrote his first book that Jehovah revealed it. Bible owụt ete ke mme Christian oro ẹyomde ndibọn̄ akam nnọ Jehovah ẹkpenyene ndinam ntre ke enyịn̄ Jesus. He continues to cause his will and purpose to be realized The Bible shows that Christians who want to pray to Jehovah should do so in Jesus ' name. Omokụt do ke Jesus oyom nnyịn ikpebe imọ inyụn̄ itre ndida se ikụtde ke enyịn mbiere se owo edide. [ Credit Lines] Clearly, Jesus wants us to imitate him and stop judging by what appears to our eyes. Man owụt ke Jehovah edi ibuot ọnọ imọ, ke mîbịghike "[Jesus Christ] ke idemesie n̄ko oyosụk idem ọnọ [Jehovah] emi akanamde kpukpru n̄kpọ ẹdu enye ke idak, man Abasi ekpedi kpukpru n̄kpọ ọnọ kpukpru owo. " What could you do to help them reach out for such goals? To prove that Jehovah is head of him, soon "Jesus Christ himself will also subject himself to [Jehovah] who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. " Enye ama an̄wam owo inan̄ ẹyak idem ẹnọ Abasi ẹnyụn̄ ẹna baptism ke akpa isua ifan̄ oro enye akanamde utom usiakusụn̄. The thought of going from door to door made me physically ill. " He helped four people to dedicate themselves to God and got baptized during his first few years of pioneering. Kpukpru n̄kpọ oro Jehovah anamde edi ke ufọn kpukpru owo. Happy at last, Beatriz now teaches others about how to find happiness. Everything Jehovah does is for the benefit of all mankind. Edi edieke edinam unọ idem inemesịt ọfọnde ke enyịn Jehovah, do orụk unọ idem nduọkodudu oro ekeme ndinyene ufọn onyụn̄ enem fi. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; kot Philippi 4: 8. But such freedom requires a sense of responsibility as we fulfill our Christian obligations. But if entertainment is acceptable in Jehovah's eyes, then such recreation can have meaning and happiness. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; read Philippians 4: 8. Mmọ ẹma ẹkpok eto ye nnyanyan̄a ẹda ẹbọp tent, itie uyeremmọn̄ ye itie uken̄idem. A person who ate bread with someone was thought to be his friend. They cut down trees and reeds and constructed tents, bathrooms and toilets. Utịt mbuba nnyịn edi ndisịm esịt nnyụn̄ ndụri mme owo ndi akpanikọ oro nnyịn inen̄erede ima. Do not give in just because he is making a spectacle. The end of our race is to reach the heart and to draw people to the truths we truly love. Enye ọkọbọbọ akan̄kan̄ esie ke 1914, ama onyụn̄ akan Satan ye mme demon esie, osion̄o mmọ ke heaven ọduọn̄ọ ke isọn̄. - Edi. And let us ask Jehovah to help us keep contributing to the unity of his people! He had already given his sword in 1914 and defeated Satan and his demons, cast them down from heaven to earth. - Rev. Ediwak mbiet oro ẹkedude do ẹkenam mme unam emi ẹye idem. How does Jehovah protect those who love and obey him? Many of the icons there were attractive to the animals. Akpa Corinth 15: 56 ọdọhọ ete: "Ifọt n̄kpa edi idiọkn̄kpọ. " Obviously, our prayers cannot be superficial if we wish to draw close to God. " The penalty for death is sin, " says 1 Corinthians 15: 56. Idem ama enyek mmọ ke nsonso oro. " There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. 18: 24 (See paragraph 7) At first, they were nervous. Ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ leta emi Paul ekewetde ọnọ ẹsọk mbon Rome, enye ama etịn̄ aban̄a mbon emi ẹnyenede "idiọk ekikere. " Let us take a look at the experiences of some who have followed such counsel and successfully handled financial challenges. Early in his letter to the Romans, Paul spoke of those who have "a bad mind. " Ke akpanikọ, emi anam owo enen̄ede okop inemesịt! Droves of people from war zones and economically depressed areas have moved to more stable places, seeking a materially secure way of life. What a source of happiness! Sia ukara ama okodori ukpan ke utom ukwọrọikọ nnyịn, akana nnyịn inam n̄kpọ ye mbufiọk. Patricia's goal was to reach Spain. Since the government had banned our preaching work, we had to act discreetly. Emi esinam enye ebiere n̄kpọ nte enye ebierede. Could you rehearse with your little child such greetings as "good morning, "" good afternoon, " "good evening, " or whatever is customary where you live? As a result, he is more determined than ever. Nte ẹmekeme ndinam mmọ ẹda Jehovah nte Ufan, emi ọnọde n̄kpọ eke obụk ye eke spirit, onyụn̄ ekerede n̄ko aban̄a nte etiede mmọ ke idem? - Philippi 4: 6, 7. God "will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. " - Isaiah 25: 8. Could they be able to make Jehovah their Friend, who provides both physical and spiritual needs, as well as their feelings? - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Ediwak nnyịn imesinam n̄waidem n̄ko. Capital: Bishkek Many of us also make sacrifices. Ẹyeneme emi ke ibuotikọ oro etienede. His desire was to serve God in the full - time pioneer service, but he also enjoyed his study of medicine. This will be considered in the following article. Obio Ubọn̄ oro ayakara ofụri isọn̄ emi ke mîbịghike. Beatings and intimidation became the order of the day. Soon that Kingdom will rule over the entire earth. (a) Utuenikan̄ akpa isua ikie eketie didie? ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds (a) What was the appearance of the first - century ship? Andiwet psalm ekemen "ikọ Jehovah " odomo ye" silver eke ẹtarade ke eso mbat, eke ẹdụhọde utịm ikatiaba. " Jesus was truly the most successful man who ever walked the earth. The psalmist likened "the word of Jehovah " to" silver that melt into clay, which has been added seven times. " Ekem Eliphaz, Bildad, ye Zophar ẹma ẹdi ndidọn̄ Job esịt. They had no good news to declare to the poor. Then Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar came to comfort Job. Idụhe eke ekemede ndinam Jehovah okûnam se enye aduakde ROCHESTER, MN, Mayo Civic Center Arena, 30 2nd Ave. All of us can do Jehovah's will [ Mme Ebiet Ẹdade N̄kpọ Ẹto] Much of our effectiveness in the ministry depends, not on the number of scriptures we read, but on the way we reason on and explain those we do read. [ Credit Lines] Nso ke akpanam man an̄wam mmọ ẹsịm utọ utịtmbuba emi? Having endurance means more than just bearing up under hardship and remaining resolute. What can you do to help them reach that goal? Ekikere edisan̄a ke enyịnusụn̄ ke enyịnusụn̄ ama esinam mi ndọn̄ọ. " Not at all! The door - to - door thought made me sick. " Ke okopde inemesịt ke akpatre, idahaemi Beatriz esikpep mbon en̄wen nte ẹkemede ndikop inemesịt. " In my most difficult times, " she says, "I would just call on God's name and break down in tears. Happily in the long run, yourself now teaches others how to be happy. Edi oyom utọ ifụre oro asan̄a ye edu edibiom mbiomo nte nnyịn ibiomde mme mbiomo Christian nnyịn. " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - HEBREWS 6: 10. But such freedom is required to bear responsibility as we carry our Christian responsibilities. Ẹkeda owo emi atade uyo ye owo nte ufan esie. Now imagine if the man in charge had paid the original group first and these had departed immediately. He was regarded as his friend. Edieke enye esịnde ntịme ke otu owo, men enye wọrọ. Those who have acquired construction skills may share in the Kingdom Hall building program. If he gets into a mob, move him out. Ẹyak inyụn̄ iben̄e Jehovah ite an̄wam nnyịn inam mme n̄kpọ emi ẹdin̄wamde nnyịn ika iso idiana kiet. Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place " And let us pray that Jehovah will help us to do things that will help us to remain united. Didie ke Jehovah esikpeme mbon oro ẹmade ẹnyụn̄ ẹkopde uyo esie? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. How does Jehovah protect those who love and obey him? Ke ntem, ikpanaha akam nnyịn etie eto eto edieke iyomde ndisan̄a n̄kpere Abasi. However, was the fine gift of free will to be used without limits? Therefore, our prayers should not be mechanical if we want to draw close to God. " Odu ufan emi adianade owo akan eyeneka. " - N̄ke 18: 24 (Se ikpehe ekikere 7) My parents planned to give me what they considered to be the best start in life. " There is a friend who is better than a brother. " - Prov. 18: 24 (See paragraph 7) Ẹyak ikop se mbon emi ẹnamde item Bible emi ẹnyụn̄ ẹdiade ufọn esie ẹtịn̄de. Consider just a few reasons. Let us listen to those who apply this Bible principle and benefit from it. Akpakịp owo emi ẹtode mme ebiet emi ẹn̄wanade ekọn̄ ye mme idụt unana ẹmewọrọ idụn̄ ẹka mme ebiet emi n̄kpọ ẹfọnde, sia ẹyomde ebiet emi mmọ ẹkemede ndinyene n̄kpọ udu uwem. Esther heard of his distress and sent clothes to him, but Mordecai refused to take comfort. The vast majority of people from neighboring countries have moved to areas where there is a need for more living. Patricia okoyom ndika Spain. ALL BLIND PEOPLE WILL RECEIVE SIGHT. Patricia wanted to go to Spain. Ndi afo emekeme ndinam ndomonse ye nditọ fo mban̄a mme utọ ekọm nte "emesiere - o, "" mmọkọm - o, " "tie do - o, " m̀mê orụk ekọm en̄wen ekededi oro ẹsikọmde owo ke edem mbufo? The true God "felt regret over, " or changed his mind about, the calamity that he had spoken of, and he" did not cause it. " Can you test your children's appreciation for such expressions as "ure, "" thank you, " " or any other kind of greeting that comes from you? Abasi "eyemen n̄kpa ke nsinsi; Ọbọn̄ Jehovah [oyonyụn̄] ọkwọhọde kpukpru iso mmọn̄eyet efep. " - Isaiah 25: 8. My First Missionary Assignment God "will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. " - Isaiah 25: 8. Ibuot Obio: Bishkek Teach Your Children Head of the city: Bishém Udọn̄ esie ekedi ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi ke utom usiakusụn̄ uyọhọ ini, edi enye ama ama ukpepn̄kpọ ibọkusọbọ esie n̄ko. We can treasure the parent, mate, or friend who prevents us from going places we should not go, from seeing things we should not see, or from doing things we should not do. His desire was to serve God in the full - time pioneer ministry, but he also took delight in his medical teaching. Imia ye ndịghe ẹma ẹkabade ẹdi ọsọ n̄kpọ. Those words of Moses were likely familiar to Peter's audience. Violence and threats became commonplace. ▪ Mme Ekpemerọn̄, Ẹkpebe Mme Akakan Ekpemerọn̄ Boys in single - mother families seem to be especially at risk of educational disadvantage, suicide, and juvenile crime. ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds Jesus ke akpanikọ ekedi owo oro okokụtde unen akan owo ekededi oro akanam odude uwem ke isọn̄. We must, then, love kindness and learn to display it. Jesus surely was the most successful man who ever lived on earth. Mmọ ikenyeneke eti mbụk ndikwọrọ nnọ mme ubuene. Jesus ' reply to Peter was firm: "Get behind me, Satan! " They had no good news to preach to the poor. Idịghe ndikot ediwak itie N̄wed Abasi esinam ukwọrọikọ nnyịn enen̄ede enyene ufọn, edi edi nte inamde mme itie oro ikotde an̄wan̄a ye nte ikọkde ibuot ye owo. And millions of others who look forward to life on earth have joined them. It is not just reading a number of scriptures that make our ministry more effective, but it is the way we use them to reason and to reason with someone. Ndinyene ime akan ikpîkpu ediyọ n̄kpọsọn̄ idaha nnyụn̄ n̄ka iso nsọn̄ọ nda. The apostle John quotes Jesus as saying: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Patience involves more than merely enduring difficult circumstances and maintaining integrity. N̄wan̄ansa - o! Frequently, the living conditions in lands to which they are sent are not as materially advanced as what they were used to. Far from it! Enye ọdọhọ ete: "Ke ini esịt enen̄erede etịmede mi, mmesikot enyịn̄ Abasi nnyụn̄ tọn̄ọ nditua. Being an integrity - keeper is not a simple matter; it calls for earnest prayer. " When I feel anxious, " she says, "I have read God's name and have started to cry. " Abasi ikwan̄ake nte efrede utom ye ima eke mbufo ẹwụtde ẹban̄a enyịn̄ esie. " - MME HEBREW 6: 10. There is a need for more than 11,000 Kingdom Halls in developing nations, where finances are limited. " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - HEBREWS 6: 10. Kere ise, edieke esenyịn utom oro ekpekebemde iso ekpe akpa mbonutom oro ndien mmọ ẹnyọn̄ọ ke ndondo oro, ndi mmọ ikpokokopke uyụhọ? " The beauty of Israel " - the glory and power it enjoyed while Jehovah's blessing was upon it - was thrown down with the destruction of Jerusalem and the desolation of Judah. - Isaiah 55: 9. After all, if the former traveling overseer paid the first workers and they returned immediately, would they not be satisfied? Mbon oro ẹnyenede ifiọk ubọpn̄kpọ ẹkeme nditiene mbọp Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄. What provision did Jehovah make for those with limited means? Those with construction skills may be able to support Kingdom Hall construction. Jehovah Ayarade "Mme N̄kpọ Eke Ẹditịbede ke Mîbịghike " Paul further says: "Be minded the same way toward others as to yourselves. " Jehovah Reveals "The Things Soon to End " Ibọhọke ẹsiak Bible en̄wen, mme itie N̄wed Abasi oro ẹkotde ẹsịn ke magazine emi ẹto Edisana N̄wed Abasi - Edikabade Eke Obufa Ererimbot. " Jehovah was with me like a terrible mighty one, " Jeremiah said. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Nte ededi, nte ẹkenyene ndida eti enọ ifụre uduak nnam n̄kpọ ye unana edinyene adan̄a? For example, at the time of the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah instructed Moses to collect half a silver shekel from every registered Israelite, as a "contribution to Jehovah. " - Exodus 30: 12 - 16. However, was the gift of free will to be used without limits? Ete ye eka mi ẹma ẹyom n̄ka ufọkn̄wed ntaifiọk man nnyene eti utom nnam. Let us humbly acknowledge that we do not understand everything that he does. My parents wanted to pursue higher education in order to get a good job. Se ndusụk ntak mi. On the other hand, the UNESCO document cited earlier recognized "the essential unity of the human race and consequently the fundamental equality of all human beings and all peoples. " Consider some reasons. Ke ini Esther okopde ke Mordecai ke eseme ye ọfọn̄ ntuan̄a ke idem, enye ọnọ ọfọn̄ ẹsọk Mordecai, edi enye inyịmeke ndibọ. 44: 1; Rom. 15: 4. When Esther learns that Mordecai is weeping and sackcloth, she sends Mordecai a garment to Mordecai, but she refuses to accept it. ẸYENAM KPUKPRU MME NNAN ẸKỤT USỤN̄. During the final period of the "ancient world " that perished in the Flood, Noah was a faithful" preacher of righteousness. " NO ONE WILL BE TERRIVE. Abasi ama "akabade esịt, " m̀mê okpụhọde ekikere esie aban̄a idiọkn̄kpọ oro enye ọkọdọhọde ke iyanam mbon Nineveh, ndien" enye etre, inamke. " BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The wisdom from above is... not hypocritical. " - James 3: 17. God "felt regret, " or changed his view of the sins that he said would bring to Nineveh, and" he did not do it. " Akpa Efakutom Oro Ẹkenọde Mi Both lists include the names of such well - known figures as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and finally Adam. My First Assignment Kpep Nditọ Fo Sadly, I did not find the man I was looking for. Teach Your Children Nnyịn ikpenyene ndinen̄ede mma ete m̀mê eka, nsan̄a ndọ m̀mê ufan, oro ọbiọn̄ọde nnyịn ndika mme itie oro mîkpanaha ika, etrede nnyịn ndise mme n̄kpọ oro mîkpanaha ise, m̀mê etrede nnyịn ndinam mme n̄kpọ oro mîkpanaha nnyịn inam. Are we fully satisfied with the way we carry out our assigned tasks? We should cherish parental authority, a spouse, or a friend, who prevents us from going to places where we should not go, neglecting our view of things that we must not see, or avoid doing things that we must not do. Anaedi otuowo oro Peter eketịn̄de ikọ ọnọ ẹma ẹnen̄ede ẹmehe ye ikọ Moses. Why? The crowd to whom Peter spoke must have been well - acquainted with Moses ' words. Etie nte nditọiren oro ẹtode mme ubon oro eka ọbọkde nditọ ikpọn̄ ẹsinen̄ede ẹdu ke idaha edinana ifiọkn̄wed, ediwot idem, ye edibuana ke ubiatibet n̄kpri owo. They have eagerly availed themselves of this mode of concealing their identity, and have thus perpetuated their sway over the minds and lives of many. " The sons of single - parent families appear to be in a position of education, suicide, and participation in the crimes of young ones. Do, ana nnyịn ima mfọnido inyụn̄ ikpep ndiwụt enye. Proverbial sayings, or parables, were among Jesus ' effective means of teaching. Then we must be loving - kindness and learn to show it. Edi Jesus ama ọsọn̄ọ asua ọnọ enye ete: "Da mi ke edem, Satan! " Harmful Effects of Self - Importance But Jesus firmly rebuked him, saying: "Get behind me, Satan! " Ata ediwak mbon en̄wen emi ẹdoride enyịn ndidu uwem mi ke isọn̄ ẹtiene mmọ ẹkwọrọ etop emi. The earth is to become what God purposed - a paradise. Millions of others with an earthly hope share in this message. Apostle John ọkọdọhọ ke Jesus ọkọdọhọ ete: "Abasi ama enen̄ede ama ererimbot tutu enye ọnọ ikpọn̄ - ikpọn̄ edibon Eyen esie, man owo ekededi eke ọbuọtde idem ye enye okûtak edi enyene nsinsi uwem. " What about Mary's husband, who became Jesus ' adoptive father? The apostle John said of Jesus: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Ediwak ini, mme idaha udu uwem ke mme idụt oro ẹnọde mmọ ẹkenam utom ẹsisụhọde ẹkan eke idụt oro mmọ ẹtode. It is challenging to pursue a godly course in the face of trials that beset us in this evil and troubled world. Often, the conditions of living in lands where they are assigned are greater than those of the country where they come from. Idịghe mmemmem n̄kpọ ndisọn̄ọ nda ye Abasi, ntre oyom ibọn̄ akam ke ofụri esịt. have confidence that God will rescue you? Maintaining integrity to God is not easy, so it is vital that we offer heartfelt prayers. Ẹyom se iwakde ibe Ufọkmbono Obio Ubọn̄ 11,000 ke mme idụt oro ẹtọn̄ọde - tọn̄ọ uforo, emi okụk ananade. There are, therefore, compelling reasons to love our God and to let that love grow. More than 11,000 Kingdom Halls are needed in developing lands where money is scarce. Ẹma ẹsio "uyai Israel " - oro edi, ubọn̄ ye odudu oro enye ekenyenede ke adan̄aemi Jehovah okosụk odude ye enye - ẹduọk ke isọn̄ ke ini ẹkesobode Jerusalem ye Judah. - Isaiah 55: 9. Would you like to hear about it? - " The pleasantness of Israel " - that is, its glory and power while Jehovah was still with him - was hurled down to the ground when Jerusalem and Judah were destroyed. - Isaiah 55: 9. Didie ke Jehovah ekekere aban̄a mme ubuene? From God's standpoint, there are still too many men. How did Jehovah feel about the poor? Paul aka iso ete: "Ẹkere ẹban̄a kiet eken ke ukem usụn̄ oro ẹkerede ẹban̄a idem mbufo. " Then, as we express our love for God in words and deeds, others will observe it and may be drawn to Jehovah. - Read Psalm 104: 33, 34. Paul continues: "consider one another in the same way that you care for yourselves. " Jeremiah ọkọdọhọ ete: "Jehovah odu ye ami nte owo uko eke enyenede ndịk. " Therein Reimarus entertained profound doubts about the historicity of the Gospels. Jeremiah said: "Jehovah is with me as a mighty one. " Ke uwụtn̄kpọ, ke ini ẹkebọpde tent utuakibuot, Jehovah ama ọdọhọ Moses ọbọ kpukpru nditọ Israel oro ẹkesịnde enyịn̄ ke n̄wed ubak shekel nte "etịbe Jehovah. " - Exodus 30: 12 - 16. One way he offers help is by giving us the hope that he will soon put an end to all wickedness throughout the whole earth. For example, at the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah commanded Moses to obtain a copy of all the Israelites who had been enrolled in the book of a portion of the shekel as "the days of Jehovah. " - Exodus 30: 12 - 16. Ẹyak isụhọde idem inyịme ke nnyịn ifiọkke kpukpru se Jehovah anamde. " But I was, ' you tell yourself. Let us humbly admit that we do not know all that Jehovah has done. Edi n̄wed UNESCO emi iketịn̄de iban̄a ke ntọn̄ọ ntọn̄ọ ọdọhọ ke "ọfọn kpukpru owo ẹdiana kiet onyụn̄ ọfọn ẹda kpukpru owo ukem ukem. " 24: 42, 44. However, as mentioned at the outset, "the unity and balance of all people is good for all. " 44: 1; Rome 15: 4. 44: 1; Romans 15: 4. Ke mme akpatre usen eke "ererimbot eset " oro ẹkesobode ke Ukwọ, Noah ekedi" ọkwọrọ edinen ido " oro ekenyenede mbuọtidem. In the last days of "the present world " destroyed in the Flood, Noah was" a preacher of righteousness. " SE BIBLE ETỊN̄DE: "Ọniọn̄ eke otode enyọn̄... isan̄ake ye mbubịk. " - James 3: 17. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The wisdom from above... is not hypocritical. " - James 3: 17. N̄wed mbiba emi ẹsiak mme utọ owo oro ẹnen̄erede ẹfiọk nte Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, ye Adam. Both references mention such individuals as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and Adam. Inemke mi nditịn̄ ke n̄kekwe ete oro n̄koyomde. I am not happy to say that I did not see the man I was looking for. Nte nnyịn imenen̄ede ikop uyụhọ ke usụn̄ oro inamde utom nnyịn? Are we truly content in the way we carry out our ministry? Ntak - a? Why? Mme n̄ke, m̀mê mme uwụtn̄kpọ, ẹkedi ndusụk nti usụn̄ oro Jesus ekesidade ọnọ ukpep. The parables, or illustrations, were some of the effective ways in which Jesus taught. Ndiọi Utịp Edida Idem ke Akpan N̄kpọ Evil Results of Becoming Self - importance Isọn̄ emi ayakabade edi se Abasi okoyomde enye edi - Paradise. The earth will become a paradise for God's purpose. Nso kaban̄a ebe Mary, oro akakabarede edi ete emi ekemende Jesus akama? What about Mary's husband, who became Jesus ' adoptive father? Imemke utom ndinam n̄kpọ Abasi ye ofụri idomo emi ẹsịmde nnyịn ke idiọk ererimbot emi. Serving God with all our trials is not easy. enịm ke Jehovah ayanyan̄a fi? Are you convinced that Jehovah will deliver you? Ke ntre, nti ntak ẹdu ndima Abasi nnyịn nnyụn̄ nyak ima oro okpon. Therefore, there are sound reasons for loving our God and allowing that love to grow. Ndi akpama ndikop mbụk emi? - Would you like to hear about it? - Edi Abasi ọdọhọ ke mbonekọn̄ ẹsụk ẹwawak ẹkaha. However, God says that soldiers are still making too many sacrifices. Ndien ke ini itịn̄de ikọ inyụn̄ inam n̄kpọ oro ẹwụtde ke imama Abasi, mbon en̄wen ẹyekụt ẹnyụn̄ ẹsan̄a ẹkpere Jehovah. - Kot Psalm 104: 33, 34. And when we speak and act in harmony with our love for God, others will see and draw close to Jehovah. - Read Psalm 104: 33, 34. Ke n̄wed oro Reimarus ama owụt akwa eyịghe emi enye enyenede nte ke mme Gospel idịghe mbụk akpanikọ. In the book Remardus expressed his strong doubts that the Gospels are not true. Nditi emi an̄wam nnyịn isọn̄ọ ida inam se ikọn̄wọn̄ọde inọ enye. Keeping this in mind helps us to keep our word. Mmokop se etịn̄de. ' I've heard what I've said. ' 24: 42, 44. 24: 42, 44.