Maria hat Elke den Freund weggenommen. Mary stole Alice's boyfriend. Mary took Alice's boyfriend away. Tom bat seinen Lehrer um Rat. Tom asked his teacher for advice. Tom asked his teacher for advice. Kanntet ihr Tom nicht? Didn't you know Tom? Didn't you know Tom? So würde ich es tun. That's how I would do it. That's how I'd do it. Tom bewunderte Marias Mut wirklich sehr. Tom really admired Mary's courage. Tom really admired Mary's courage. Wenn du einmal reingegangen bist, kommst du nie wieder raus. Once you go in, you'll never come out again. Once you've walked in, you'll never get out. Ich frage ihn jetzt, wie der Unfall passiert ist. I'll ask him how the accident happened. I'm gonna ask him how the accident happened. Ist es so eilig? Is it that urgent? Is it in such a hurry? Dreh dich um und schließ die Augen. Turn around and close your eyes. Turn around and close your eyes. Einfach lächeln und glücklich sein. Just smile and be happy. Just smile and be happy. Wir müssen ihr dieses dumme Vorhaben ausreden. We must talk her out of this foolish plan. We have to talk her out of this stupid scheme. Du könntest sehr tief fallen. You stand to lose everything. You could fall very deep. Hector kommt aus Peru. Er ist Peruaner. Hector is from Peru. He is Peruvian. Hector's from Peru, he's a Peruvian. Ich habe noch nie von Tatoeba gehört. I have never heard of Tatoeba. I've never heard of Tatoeba. Ich werde es nicht zulassen, dass du das tust. I will not let you do it. I'm not gonna let you do this. Ärzte haben in der Regel keine Ausbildung in Kindererziehung. Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. Doctors usually have no education in child rearing. Ihr beiden kennt euch, nehme ich an. I assume the two of you know each other. You two know each other, I suppose. Du kannst nicht verlieren. You cannot lose. You can't lose. Tu bitte nichts Gefährliches! Please don't do anything dangerous. Please don't do anything dangerous! Das Seil ist unter der Belastung gerissen. The rope broke under the strain. The rope is torn under the load. Sind alle Türen abgeschlossen? Are all the doors locked? Are all doors locked? Tom ist nicht glücklich hier zu sein. Tom is not happy to be here. Tom isn't happy to be here. Lasst uns unsere Arbeit zu Ende bringen! Let's wind up our work. Let's finish our work! Ich war überrascht, als ich das sah. I was surprised when I saw that. I was surprised when I saw this. Danke, dass du mir diese Gefälligkeit erwiesen hast! Thank you for doing me this favor. Thank you for showing me this kindness! Es gibt auf deine Frage keine Antwort. Your question has no answer. There's no answer to your question. Ich habe gesündigt. I've sinned. I have sinned. Der Adler ist ein Raubvogel. The eagle is a bird of prey. The eagle is a bird of prey. Du solltest aufhören zu rauchen. You should give up smoking. You should stop smoking. Tom läuft mit bloßem Oberkörper herum. Tom is barechested. Tom is walking around with his bare torso. Tom ist ein ausgezeichneter Lehrer. Tom is an excellent teacher. Tom is an excellent teacher. Es könnte bereits zu spät sein. It might be too late. It could already be too late. Bob eilte nach Hause, um das Fernsehprogramm zu sehen. Bob hurried home in order to watch the TV program. Bob hurried home to watch the TV program. Ich habe von 18 Uhr bis Mitternacht gearbeitet. I worked from six PM until midnight. I worked from 6:00 to midnight. Aber wir haben gar nichts gemeinsam. But we don't have anything in common at all. But we have nothing in common. Hast du einen Fön mitgenommen? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you take a hair dryer? Tom sagte, er könne keine vernünftige Wohnung finden. Tom said he couldn't find a decent place to live. Tom said he couldn't find a decent apartment. Sie bemerkte in der Ferne ein Ruderboot. She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance. She noticed a rowing boat in the distance. Was haben Sie gesagt? Könnten Sie es bitte wiederholen? What did you say? Could you please say it again? What did you say? Could you please repeat it? Das Problem war zu viel für mich. The problem was too much for me. The problem was too much for me. Scott war der erste Mensch, der den Pol erreichte. Scott was the first man to reach the pole. Scott was the first man to reach the pole. Es ist jetzt genau drei Uhr. It is exactly three o'clock now. It's exactly three o'clock now. Es ist immer gut, die Wahrheit zu kennen. It is always good to know the truth. It's always good to know the truth. Kannst du dich erinnern, was das Mädchen, mit dem ich gestern Abend zusammen war, anhatte? Do you remember what the girl who was with me last night was wearing? Do you remember what the girl I was with last night was wearing? Ich möchte in Boston sein. I want to be in Boston. I want to be in Boston. Bist du sicher, dass alles okay ist? Are you sure everything's OK? Are you sure everything's okay? Tom ist ein durchschnittlich aussehender Typ. Tom is an average-looking guy. Tom is an average-looking guy. Niemand weiß, was demnächst geschehen wird. Nobody knows what will happen next. No one knows what will happen soon. Im Grunde gefällt mir dein Plan. I basically like your plan. I basically like your plan. Ich dachte, Sie würden auf mich warten. I thought that you were going to wait for me. I thought you were waiting for me. Es geschieht noch immer. It's still happening. It's still happening. Ich würde wollen, dass du da bist. I'd like you to be there. I'd want you to be there. Mein Vater hat ein neues Auto gekauft. My father bought a new car. My father bought a new car. Ich habe schon lange nichts Chinesisches mehr gegessen. I haven't eaten Chinese food in a long time. I haven't eaten Chinese in a long time. In Wirklichkeit hält alles nur mit Panzerband und Kabelbinden zusammen. In reality, it is only held together by duct-tape and zip-ties. In reality, everything only holds together with armored tape and cable ties. Ihre Haut war warm. Her skin was warm. Her skin was warm. Es regnet bald. Sieh dir mal die schwarzen Wolken an! It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. It's raining soon, look at the black clouds. Sie haben viel Gutes getan. You've done a lot of good. You've done a lot of good. Wieso machst du dir so viele Sorgen? Why do you worry so much? Why are you so worried? Die Russen wissen alles über Bären. Russians know everything about bears. The Russians know all about bears. Tom hat Mary aus dem Becken gezogen. Tom pulled Mary out of the pool. Tom pulled Mary out of the pool. Ich sitze in der Patsche. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. Ich sehe deine Katze im Garten. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie müde seien. Tom and Mary told John they were sleepy. Tom and Mary told John that they were tired. Sagen Sie das noch einmal, bitte. Say it again, please. Say that again, please. Die jüngsten Fortschritte in der Medizin sind bemerkenswert. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Sie ließ mich eine halbe Stunde warten. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She kept me waiting for half an hour. Dieses Werkzeug ist sehr nützlich. This tool is of great use. This tool is very useful. Sie wissen nicht einmal, wieso. They don't even know why. You don't even know why. Du hast doch gesagt, Tom würde dich nicht mögen. I thought you said Tom didn't like you. You said Tom didn't like you. Du schuldest mir noch weitere dreißig Dollar. You owe me another thirty bucks. You owe me another thirty dollars. Durch die Kälte gefror das Wasser in den Rohren. The cold froze the water in the pipes. The cold froze the water in the pipes. Ich bin genauso groß wie mein Vater. I'm as tall as my father. I'm as tall as my father. Ich kann es nicht aushalten zu sehen, wie Tiere gedemütigt werden. I can't stand to see animals be teased. I can't stand to see animals humiliated. Die Marines bezwangen die kommunistischen Streitkräfte schnell. The Marines quickly defeated the communist forces. The Marines quickly defeated the Communist forces. Haben Sie alle Rechnungen bezahlt? Have you paid all the bills? Did you pay all the bills? Er führte seine Forschung für weitere zehn Jahre fort. He continued his research for a further ten years. He continued his research for another ten years. Ich habe nie gewollt, dass all dies geschieht. I never wanted all this to happen. I never wanted this to happen. Ihr habt meine Frage noch nicht beantwortet. You haven't answered my question yet. You haven't answered my question yet. Maria war erstaunt, wie genau Tom ihre Gefühle erahnte. Mary was amazed at how precisely Tom sensed how she was feeling. Mary was amazed at how exactly Tom sensed her feelings. Klaviermusik beruhigt die Psyche. Piano music soothes the soul. Piano music calms the psyche. Helfen wir einander! Let's help each other! Let's help each other! Ich möchte gerne telefonieren. I'd like to make a phone call. I'd like to make a phone call. Du hast sie wohl verloren. You must have lost them. You must have lost her. „Guten Tag, Tom!" – „Guten Tag, Maria!" "Hi, Tom!" "Hi, Mary!" "Good day, Tom!" "Good day, Mary!" Ich habe noch nie jemanden sterben gesehen. I've never seen anybody die. I've never seen anyone die. Maria ist ein böses Mädchen. Mary is a bad girl. Mary is a bad girl. Bin ich im Team inbegriffen? Am I included in the team? Am I included in the team? Ich muss wieder zu Kräften kommen. I need to regain my strength. I have to get my strength back. Diogenes lobte häufig jene, die kurz davorstanden zu heiraten, es aber doch nicht taten. Diogenes would frequently praise those who were about to marry, and yet did not marry. Diogenes often praised those who were about to get married but did not. Ich frage mich, ob Tom überhaupt lesen und schreiben kann. I wonder if Tom is illiterate. I wonder if Tom can even read and write. Ich habe es mir wieder anders überlegt. I've changed my mind again. I've changed my mind. Tom drückte sich in gutem Englisch aus. Tom expressed himself in good English. Tom expressed himself in good English. Brich ihm nicht das Herz! Don't break his heart. Don't break his heart! Ich wusste einfach nicht, was ich sagen sollte. I just didn't know what to say. I just didn't know what to say. Stehlen ist unrecht. Stealing is wrong. Stealing is wrong. Ihre Erläuterung des Problems ergab keinen Sinn. Her explanation of the problem made no sense. Their explanation of the problem made no sense. Tom war schon weg, als wir dort ankamen; Maria hingegen war noch da. Tom was gone by the time we got there, but Mary wasn't. Tom was already gone when we got there, while Mary was still there. Tom nahm die Zeitung in die Hand und las die Überschriften. Tom picked up the newspaper and read the headlines. Tom took the paper in his hand and read the headlines. Nichts ist so kostbar wie die Liebe. Nothing is as precious as love. Nothing is as precious as love. Sie betrachtete ihre Nägel. She stared at her nails. She looked at her nails. Das ist wohl ein Geheimnis. It's a secret, I guess. I guess that's a secret. Es dauert nicht sehr lange. It doesn't take very long. It won't take long. Tom war früher ein Mamakind. Tom used to be a mama's boy. Tom used to be a mama child. Ändere nichts an einer Siegermannschaft! Never change a winning team. Don't change a winning team! Wir wollen mal sehen womit wir es zu tun haben. Let's see what we're dealing with. Let's see what we're dealing with. Das ist nicht mein Buch. This is not my book. This isn't my book. Tom wurde Polizist. Tom became a policeman. Tom became a cop. Wir neigen zu der Annahme, dass die meisten Hunde beißen. We are inclined to think that most dogs bite. We tend to believe that most dogs bite. Ich hasse diesen Film. I hate this film. I hate this movie. Sie tat nur so, als ob sie schliefe. She was only pretending to be asleep. She just pretended to be asleep. Sie lag vollkommen falsch. She was completely wrong. She was completely wrong. Sie sind verlobt. They're engaged. You're engaged. Mein Wecker hat heute Morgen nicht geklingelt. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. My alarm clock didn't ring this morning. Was hat das zu bedeuten? What is the meaning of this? What does that mean? Ich wette, Sie haben recht. I bet you're right. I bet you're right. Das Dach brennt. The roof is on fire. The roof's on fire. Könnten wir einen Tisch im Freien bekommen? Could we have a table outside? Could we get an outdoor table? Tom hofft, dass es Mary rasch besser geht. Tom hopes Mary will get well soon. Tom hopes Mary gets better quickly. Weißt du noch, was Kati bei der Party anhatte? Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Remember what Kati was wearing at the party? Du kannst nicht tanzen, nicht wahr? You can't dance, can you? You can't dance, can you? Ich habe nur drei Dutzend Kekse gebacken. I only made three dozen cookies. I only baked three dozen cookies. Das Messer durchstach ihm die Lunge. The knife punctured his lung. The knife pierced his lungs. Wie könnte ich es ändern? How could I help it? How could I change it? Die Geschworenen betraten den Gerichtssaal. The jurors came into the courtroom. The jury entered the courtroom. Ich weiß nicht, was ich ohne euch getan hätte. I don't know what I would have done without you. I don't know what I would have done without you. Überlass das uns! Leave it to us. Leave it to us! Es stimmt, was Sie sagen. What you say is right. It's true what you're saying. Wo hast du sie gesehen? Where did you see them? Where did you see her? Das ist ein Fluss, der nie erforscht worden ist. It's a river that has never been explored. This is a river that has never been explored. Tom machte sehr deutlich, was er wollte. Tom made it quite clear what he wanted. Tom made very clear what he wanted. Du musst zum Friseur gehen. You need a haircut. You have to go to the hairdresser. Seitdem habe ich Tom nicht gesehen. I haven't seen Tom since then. I haven't seen Tom since. Tom hat ein paar Freunde, die gut Französisch sprechen. Tom has a couple of friends who speak French well. Tom has some friends who speak French well. Aus dem Stegreif kann ich dir das nicht sagen, aber ich kann versuchen, es für dich in Erfahrung zu bringen. I can't tell you off the top of my head, but I can try and find out for you. I can't tell you that from the grip, but I can try to find out for you. Die Relativitätstheorie ist sogar für Menschen, die sich gut in den Wissenschaften auskennen, schwer verständlich. The theories of relativity can seem recondite even for people who are well versed in the sciences. The theory of relativity is difficult to understand even for people who are well versed in the sciences. Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch allein sei. It's not good that man should be alone. It's not good that man is alone. Tom sang mit den Kindern, die um das Lagerfeuer herum saßen. Tom was singing with the children sitting around the campfire. Tom sang with the children sitting around the campfire. Vergiss nicht, diesen Brief abzuschicken. Don't fail to mail this letter. Don't forget to send this letter. Ich kann nicht gut unter Druck arbeiten. I don't work well under pressure. I can't work well under pressure. Hast du je einem Bettler Geld gegeben? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Have you ever given money to a beggar? Seither hat er seine ganze Seele in sein Werk gesteckt. Since then he had put his whole soul into his work. Since then, he has put his whole soul into his work. Sie ist von Natur aus schwach. She is weak by nature. She's naturally weak. Die Flucht war nicht weniger als ein Wunder. The escape was nothing less than a miracle. The escape was no less than a miracle. Sie handelt instinktiv. She's acting on instinct. She's instinctive. Ich glaube nicht, dass Tom je Französisch gelernt hat. I don't think Tom has ever studied French. I don't think Tom has ever learned French. Tom kann nicht gewinnen. Tom can't win. Tom can't win. Er hat ihnen schon lange nicht mehr geschrieben. He hasn't written to them in a long time. He hasn't written to them in a long time. Was hast du für ein Problem? What's your beef? What's your problem? Warum willst du nicht zur Schule gehen, Tom? Why don't you want to go to school, Tom? Why don't you go to school, Tom? Tom nahm am Rennen teil. Tom took part in the race. Tom participated in the race. Sie essen sehr selten Fleisch. They eat meat very rarely. They very rarely eat meat. Dem Spiel zuzuschauen hat Spaß gemacht. I enjoyed watching the game. Watching the game was fun. Es waren keine Eintrittskarten für die Freitagvorstellung verfügbar. There were no tickets available for Friday's performance. There were no tickets available for the Friday performance. Das Klima wird immer wärmer. The climate is getting warmer. The climate is getting warmer. Angeln ist hier verboten. Fishing is prohibited here. Fishing is forbidden here. Habt ihr euch schon daran gewöhnt, im Studentenwohnheim zu wohnen? Have you got used to living in the dorm? Have you gotten used to living in the dorm? Wir sind das Land der Clowns? We are the country of clowns? We're the land of clowns? Ich wünsche mir nur Gesundheit. Health is all I want. I just wish for health. Jeder sollte sich zumindest ein Gedicht aussuchen und dieses auswendig lernen. Everyone should choose at least one poem and learn it by heart. Everyone should at least choose a poem and memorize it. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Tom für intelligent gehalten wird. I can't believe that people think Tom is intelligent. I can't believe Tom is considered intelligent. Tom dachte, er hätte jede Menge Zeit, seinen Flug zu erreichen, aber es klappte gerade noch mit Müh und Not. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his plane, but he only just made it by the skin of his teeth. Tom thought he had plenty of time to catch his flight, but it just worked out with hardship and hardship. Selbstmord ist ein Akt der Rache an sich selbst, und ich persönlich habe nichts gegen mich. Suicide is an act of revenge against yourself, and I personally have nothing against myself. Suicide is an act of revenge on itself, and I personally have nothing against myself. Nichts passiert. Nothing's going on. It's all right. Einen Wolf kann man nicht zähmen. You cannot tame a wolf. You can't tame a wolf. Tom schien sich nicht bewusst zu sein, dass Mary das tun musste. Tom didn't seem to be aware that Mary needed to do that. Tom didn't seem to realize Mary had to do that. Tom hat sich erholt. Tom recovered. Tom has recovered. Diese Kamera ist unerlässlich, wenn ich nach Osaka fahre. I really need this camera for my trip to Osaka. This camera is essential when I go to Osaka. Sie sah die Nachrichten. She saw the news. She saw the news. Es ging mir nicht gut. I was not feeling well. I didn't feel well. Es war schade, dass Tom nicht zu unserer Party kommen konnte. It was a pity that Tom couldn't come to our party. It was a pity that Tom couldn't come to our party. Mein Ohr juckt. My ear is itching. My ear itches. Ich werde im April anlässlich der Hochzeit meines Cousins in New Orleans sein. I will be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. I'll be at my cousin's wedding in New Orleans in April. Entschuldigung! Ohne Wasabi bitte! Excuse me, without wasabi, please. Excuse me, without Wasabi, please. Tom hat diesen Kasten hergestellt. This box was made by Tom. Tom made this box. Warst du gestern Nachmittag in der Bibliothek? Were you at the library yesterday afternoon? Were you in the library yesterday afternoon? Marias ständiges Gemecker ging Tom nach einiger Zeit reichlich auf die Nerven. Mary's constant nagging really got to Tom after a while. After some time, Tom puffed up a lot with Mary's constant bragging. Könnten Sie den Preis ein wenig senken? Could you knock a little off the price? Could you cut the price a little bit? Wir sind auf dem Heimweg. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Dieser Fahrstuhl geht nur bis zum 6. Stock. This elevator does not go above the sixth floor. This elevator only goes up to the sixth floor. Keiner kann dir helfen. No one can help you. No one can help you. Ich finde dich wirklich süß. I think you're very cute. I think you're really cute. Großmutter betreut tagsüber die Kinder. Grandmother looks after the children during the day. Grandma takes care of the children during the day. Auf Tom können wir uns verlassen. We can count on Tom. We can rely on Tom. Die Zwillinge haben sich Masern eingefangen. The twins have come down with measles. The twins caught measles. Sie blieb fünf Tage länger. She extended her stay by five days. She stayed five days longer. Du kannst diesen Wagen benutzen. You can use this car. You can use this car. Man hat mein Fahrrad gestern gestohlen. My bike was stolen yesterday. My bike was stolen yesterday. Mein Freund hatte mehr Glück als ich. My friend was luckier than me. My friend was more lucky than I was. Ich würde gern schwimmen gehen. I should like to go for a swim. I'd like to go swimming. Vielleicht fahre ich nächsten Monat nach Boston. I may go to Boston next month. Maybe I'll go to Boston next month. Tom prahlt schon den ganzen Vormittag damit. Tom has been bragging about it all morning. Tom has been bragging about it all morning. Ich habe den Rest des Tages geschlafen. I slept the rest of the day. I slept the rest of the day. Sie stehen unter Eid. You are under oath. You're under oath. Tom hat kein bisschen gelernt. Tom didn't study at all. Tom didn't learn a bit. Tom hört gewöhnlich klassische Musik. Tom usually listens to classical music. Tom usually listens to classical music. Ich nehme mir morgen Nachmittag frei. I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off. I'll take my day off tomorrow afternoon. Ich bin noch nie jemandem wie ihm begegnet. I've never met anybody like him. I've never met anyone like him before. Kann ich nach draußen spielen gehen, wenn ich das Buch gelesen habe? May I go out to play when I have read this book? Can I go outside when I read the book? Er musste darüber lachen. He couldn't help laughing at it. He had to laugh about it. Tom hat es uns gegeben. Tom gave it to us. Tom gave it to us. Wir müssen weit gehen. We have a long way to go. We have to go far. Sieh aus dem Fenster. Look out your window. Look out the window. Wir vermissen euch sehr. We miss you very much. We miss you very much. Tom hatte eine verheerende Neuigkeit. Tom had devastating news. Tom had a devastating news. Heutige Katzen fressen keine Mäuse. Modern cats don't eat mice. Today's cats don't eat mice. Kazuo ist ein ehrgeiziger junger Mann. Kazuo is an ambitious young man. Kazuo is an ambitious young man. Tom ist ein Rapper. Tom is a rapper. Tom is a rapper. Tom hat sich ein Fertiggericht gemacht. Tom ate a TV dinner. Tom made himself a ready dish. Wo sind bitte die Toiletten? Excuse me, where is the toilet? Where are the toilets, please? Der Zug fährt um vierzehn Uhr dreißig ab. The train leaves at 2:30 p.m. The train leaves at fourteen thirty. Tom kann nicht glauben, dass Maria das gerade gesagt hat. Tom can't believe Mary just said that. Tom can't believe Mary just said that. Ich werde versuchen, es auf Französisch zu sagen. I'll try to say it in French. I'll try to say it in French. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, warum ich dort war. I can't remember why I was there. I can't remember why I was there. Maria sagte, dass sie noch nicht müde sei. Mary said that she's not sleepy yet. Mary said she wasn't tired yet. Heute Nachmittag wird es regnen. It is going to rain this afternoon. This afternoon it will rain. Ob er wohl in Schwierigkeiten steckt? Do you think he's in trouble? I wonder if he's in trouble. Tom ist empfindlich. Tom is delicate. Tom is sensitive. Wir kauften ein neues Haus für achtzigtausend Dollar. We purchased a new house for eighty thousand dollars. We bought a new house for eighty thousand dollars. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie das tun werden. Tom and Mary told John they'd do that. Tom and Mary told John that they'd do that. Raus aus den Federn! Rise and shine! Get out of the way! Er kann nicht aufhören zu lachen. He can't stop laughing. He can't stop laughing. Maria sagte Tom, sie halte Johannes für unzuverlässig. Mary told Tom that she thought John was undependable. Mary told Tom that she thought John was unreliable. Sie will keine Kinder. She doesn't want to have children. She doesn't want children. Es muss einen besseren Weg geben, dies zu tun. There must be a better way of doing this. There must be a better way to do this. Schreib mir nicht so lange Briefe. Don't write me such long letters. Don't write me letters for so long. Ich habe meinen Eltern versprochen, sie wenigstens einmal alle drei Monate zu besuchen. I promised my parents I would visit them at least once every three months. I promised my parents I'd visit them at least once every three months. Wie kann man gutes Englisch vom schlechtem unterscheiden? How can you tell good English from bad English? How can you distinguish good English from bad? Sie ist verrückt nach mir. She's crazy about me. She's crazy about me. Tom meinte, er wisse nicht, wo Maria ihr Rad gekauft habe. Tom said he doesn't know where Mary bought her bicycle. Tom said he didn't know where Mary bought her bike. Hornissen sind besser als ihr Ruf. Hornets are better than their reputation. Hornets are better than their reputation. Sie heiratete einen Bankangestellten. She married a bank clerk. She married a bank clerk. Tom wird nie erfahren, dass Sie es waren, der es mir gesagt hat. Tom will never know it was you who told me. Tom will never know that it was you who told me. Es macht mir nichts aus, durch den Regen zu gehen. I don't mind walking in the rain. I don't mind walking through the rain. Kommst du aus England? Are you from England? Are you from England? Am 30. Januar 1968 startete der Việt Cộng die Tết-Offensive. The Viet Cong launched the Tet offensive on January 30, 1968. On January 30, 1968, the Vi-T-C-ng launched the T-T-Offensive. Dieses neue Medikament kann bei Ihrer Genesung helfen. This new medicine may aid your recovery. This new medicine can help with your recovery. Das ist ja süß! That's so sweet. That's sweet! Es besagt nichts. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't say anything. Sein Wagen ist zwei Jahre alt. His car is two years old. His car is two years old. Vielleicht kennst du Tom. You may know Tom. Maybe you know Tom. Tom und Maria haben zwei Kinder adoptiert, deren Eltern bei einem Selbstmordattentat ums Leben kamen. Tom and Mary adopted two children whose parents had been killed by a suicide bomber. Tom and Mary adopted two children whose parents died in a suicide bombing. Tom wusste nicht mehr, wo er seine Brille hingelegt hatte. Tom forgot where he put his glasses. Tom didn't know where he had put his glasses. Ich habe keine Idee, warum das so ist. I have no idea why it is so. I have no idea why that is. Ich hätte meine Zeit nicht daran verschwenden sollen, mir diesen Film anzusehen. I shouldn't have wasted my time watching that movie. I shouldn't have wasted my time watching this movie. Ich nehme an, Sie haben das bereits Korrektur gelesen. I assume you've proofread this already. I assume you've already read this correction. Hebe deine rechte Hand. Raise your right hand. Raise your right hand. Habt ihr heute Unterricht? Do you have school today? Do you have lessons today? Tom glaubt, dass alle Asiaten gleich aussähen. Tom thinks that all Asians look the same. Tom thinks all Asians look the same. Deine Lippen sind so sanft wie die Oberfläche eines Kaktus. Your lips are soft like the surface of a cactus. Your lips are as soft as the surface of a cactus. Tue das Gute und wirf es ins Meer. Do good and throw it in the sea. Do the good and throw it into the sea. Du hast kein gutes Gedächtnis! You've got a poor memory! You don't have a good memory! Ihr müsst nach Hause gehen. You must go home. You have to go home. Der Kuchen schmeckt süß. The cake tastes sweet. The cake tastes sweet. Meine Augen spielen mir einen Streich. My eyes are tricking me. My eyes are playing tricks on me. Es gibt zwischen Buenos Aires und New Jersey einen zweistündigen Zeitunterschied. There's a two hour time difference between Buenos Aires and New Jersey. There is a two-hour time difference between Buenos Aires and New Jersey. Als ich das Foto von meiner Schwester sah, war ich erstaunt, wie alt sie geworden war. When I saw my sister's photo, I was astonished at how old she'd become. When I saw the photo of my sister, I was amazed at how old she had become. Ein paar Ersatzbatterien zur Hand zu haben ist niemals eine schlechte Idee. Having a few extra batteries handy is never a bad idea. Having a few spare batteries at hand is never a bad idea. Mache deine Ideen und Gedanken nicht zu deinem Gefängnis. Do not make your ideas and thoughts your prison. Don't make your ideas and thoughts your prison. Er kann das Problem nicht lösen. He does not know how to solve the problem. He can't solve the problem. Ich verlor Montag meine Arbeit. I lost my job on Monday. I lost my job on Monday. Wo sind Sie hingegangen? Where have you gone? Where did you go? Sie kam mit Tränen in den Augen herein. She came in with tears in her eyes. She came in with tears in her eyes. Ihr solltet in allem euer Bestes geben. You should do your best in everything. You should do your best in everything. Ich muss dieses Kleid anprobieren. I have to try on this dress. I have to try this dress on. Ich ging zum Flughafen, um meinen Vater zu treffen. I went to the airport to meet my father. I went to the airport to meet my father. Ich musste meinen Backenzahn ziehen. I must brush my back teeth. I had to pull my cheek tooth. Du brauchst dich nicht sofort zu entscheiden. You don't have to make a decision now. You don't have to make up your mind right now. Seit jener Zeit ist Weinen verboten. Since that time, crying has been forbidden. Since that time, crying has been forbidden. Sie sind verhaftet! You're under arrest. You're under arrest! Ich habe keine Freunde, die mich unterstützen. I have no friends supporting me. I don't have any friends to support me. Du solltest dich bei Papa dafür entschuldigen, dass du nicht pünktlich zum Mittagessen wieder zu Hause warst. You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper. You should apologize to Dad for not being home on time for lunch. Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Schneide es mitten durch. Cut it in half. Cut it through in the middle. Wir arbeiten um des Friedens willen. We are working in the interest of peace. We work for peace's sake. Sagen Sie mir bitte noch einmal, wie das geht. Please tell me again how to do this. Please tell me again how to do that. Mit 15 ist er von zu Hause ausgerissen. When he was 15, he ran away from home. He ran away from home when he was 15. Das gehört nicht dir. That's not yours. It's not yours. Hat Tom dich schon einmal geküsst? Has Tom ever kissed you? Has Tom ever kissed you? Tom kaufte Maria einen Fahrschein. Tom bought a ticket for Mary. Tom bought Mary a ticket. Bringen Sie ihm das Buch zurück! Take this book back to him. Bring the book back to him! Es macht nichts, wann du kommst. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you come. Hast du letzte Nacht genug geschlafen? Did you sleep enough last night? Did you sleep enough last night? Er ist Ungar. He's Hungarian. He's Hungarian. Nachdem ich alle Türen verriegelt hatte, bin ich schlafen gegangen. After I locked all the doors, I went to bed. After I locked all the doors, I went to sleep. Tom möchte wissen, wann du nach Hause kommst. Tom wants to know when you're coming home. Tom wants to know when you're coming home. Tom saß auf einer einsamen Insel fest. Tom was marooned on a deserted island. Tom was stuck on a deserted island. Ist irgendetwas davon wahr? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Kannst du aufstehen? Can you stand up? Can you get up? Tom möchte noch Kaffee. Tom wants more coffee. Tom wants some more coffee. Dieses Pilaf-Reisgericht schmeckt großartig. This pilaf tastes great! This Pilaf rice dish tastes great. Das habe ich selbst gemacht. I made it myself. I did it myself. Es ist fast sechs Uhr. It's almost six. It's almost six o'clock. Ich weiß, wer ihr seid. I know who you are. I know who you are. Drückt mir die Daumen! Wish me luck! Keep your fingers crossed! Tom ist ein Liedermacher. Tom is a singer-songwriter. Tom is a songwriter. Tom geht großzügig mit seiner Zeit um. Tom is generous with his time. Tom is generous in his time. Tom weiß genau, wie Sie sich fühlen. Tom knows just how you feel. Tom knows exactly how you feel. Das kommt bei uns immer wieder vor. That happens to us all the time. That happens again and again with us. Du solltest die Fünf nehmen. You should take the number 5 bus. You should take the five. Tom unterhält sich gerade mit jemandem. Tom is talking to someone. Tom is talking to someone right now. Jedes Jahr zahlt Moskau einen Tribut in Höhe von 2 Milliarden Dollar an die Tschetschenische Republik ein, damit sie ein Teil von Russland bleibt. Every year Moscow pays a tribute of 2 billion dollars to the Chechen Republic to keep it part of Russia. Every year, Moscow pays a tribute of $2 billion to the Chechen Republic so that it remains a part of Russia. Was wirst du Tom sagen? What are you going to say to Tom? What are you going to say to Tom? Dieses Phänomen ist sehr leicht zu erklären. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. Und dann traf er ein Mädchen, das sein Leben für immer veränderte. And then he met a girl who changed his life forever. And then he met a girl who changed his life forever. Er begrüßte seinen Freund durch Handschlag. He shook hands with his friend. He greeted his friend by handshake. Du darfst es nicht berühren. You mustn't touch it. You can't touch it. Ich denke nicht, dass er ein großer Schauspieler ist. I don't think he's a great actor. I don't think he's a big actor. Wir sind jetzt wieder verbunden. We're back online now. We're back together now. Tom ließ niemanden ins Haus. Tom wouldn't let anybody in the house. Tom didn't let anyone in the house. Geben Sie mir Ihre Hand. Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Es war klug von ihm, den Schirm mitzunehmen. It was wise of him to take his umbrella. It was wise of him to take the umbrella. Sie ist in guter körperlicher Verfassung. She's in good physical condition. She's in good physical condition. Tom hat gute Nacht gesagt. Tom said goodnight. Tom said good night. Nur damit ihr's wisst: ich bin ein FBI-Agent! Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent. Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent! Ich will mehr davon. I want more of that. I want more of it. Toms Tochter ist krank. Tom's daughter is sick. Tom's daughter is sick. Reykjavík ist die Hauptstadt von Island. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland. Ich denke, dass du es bereuen wirst, wenn du die Schule schmeißt. I think you'll regret it if you drop out of school. I think you'll regret it when you quit school. Es ist schon neun Uhr. It's already nine o'clock. It's already nine o'clock. Tom ist statt Mary gegangen. Tom went instead of Mary. Tom left instead of Mary. Tom und Maria halfen, so gut sie konnten. Tom and Mary did all they could do to help. Tom and Mary helped as well as they could. Wenn du das nächste Mal zu mir kommst, zeige ich dir das Buch. Next time you come to see me, I will show you the book. Next time you come to me, I'll show you the book. Der Soldat opferte sein eigenes Leben, um seinen Freund zu retten. The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. The soldier sacrificed his own life to save his friend. Weine nicht, weil etwas vergangen ist! Lächle, weil es geschehen ist! Don't cry / For the good times gone. / Smile instead / While they're still going on. Don't cry because something has passed! Smile because it has happened! Es ist schön zu sehen, dass unsere Mühen nicht umsonst waren. It's good to see that our efforts were not in vain. It's nice to see that our efforts were not in vain. Eine Welt ohne Anime wäre wie eine Waschmaschine ohne Internetzugang. The world without anime would be like a washing machine without Internet access. A world without anime would be like a washing machine without Internet access. Er weiß, wie man einen Lastwagen fährt. He knows how to drive a truck. He knows how to drive a truck. Die Party war in vollem Gange, als er sie verließ. The party was in full swing when he left. The party was in full swing when he left her. Glaubst du, dass unser Schicksal bestimmt wird von den Sternen? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you think our fate is determined by the stars? Was gut für dich ist, ist gut für mich. What is good for you is good for me. What's good for you is good for me. Er ist vor drei Jahren gestorben. He died three years ago. He died three years ago. Ich rannte auf dem Laufband und schwitzte. I sweated on the treadmill. I ran on the treadmill and sweated. Was hat er gestern getan? What did he do yesterday? What did he do yesterday? Diese Theorie wird allgemein anerkannt werden. The theory will find general acceptance. This theory will be widely accepted. Du gehst mir auf die Nerven. You annoy me. You're getting on my nerves. Wie ist dieses Missverständnis überhaupt entstanden? How did this misunderstanding ever arise? How did this misunderstanding even come about? Tom sagte, dass er gut schwimmen könne. Tom said that he could swim well. Tom said that he could swim well. Dieser Klub ist nur für Mitglieder. This club is for members only. This club is for members only. Es gibt in Boston viele gute Gasthäuser. There are many good restaurants in Boston. There are many good restaurants in Boston. Könntest du mal hingehen und nachsehen, ob mit Tom alles in Ordnung ist? Could you go and see if Tom is OK? Could you go and see if Tom's all right? Die Substanz kann auch Pflanzen vernichten. The substance can also destroy plants. The substance can also destroy plants. Die Hauptstadt der Niederlande ist Amsterdam. The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Die Architektur interessiert mich letztlich nicht die Bohne. Was ich will, sind ein bequemes Arbeitszimmer und ein bequemes Schlafzimmer. The architecture... I don't really care about it. I just want a comfortable study and comfortable bedroom. In the end, I am not interested in the architecture of the bean. What I want is a comfortable study and a comfortable bedroom. Tom hat kein Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Ich bin fassungslos. Tom is so irresponsible. I can't believe it. Tom has no sense of responsibility. I'm stunned. Ich kann mir ein Leben ohne Bücher nicht vorstellen. I can't imagine living a life without books. I can't imagine a life without books. Es gibt den Zug um zehn Uhr. There is the train at 10 o'clock. There's the train at ten o'clock. Ich verstehe nicht wie. I don't see how. I don't understand how. Du bist sehr furchtsam. You're very timid. You're very scary. Tom sagt, dass er heute Abend keine Lust auf Bier hat. Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight. Tom says he doesn't feel like beer tonight. Vier plus drei ist sieben. Four plus three is seven. Four plus three is seven. Das ist eine meiner größten Ängste. This is one of my greatest fears. This is one of my biggest fears. Wenn Sie die Kiste überfüllen, wird der Boden aufgehen. If you stuff the box too full, the bottom will fall out. If you fill the box, the floor will open. Wenn ich schon heirate, dann einen berühmten Mann. If I marry, I do want to marry a famous man. If I'm getting married, it's a famous man. Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen. Easy come, easy go. It's like winning. It's like wrestling. Wer an andere hohe Ansprüche stellt, sollte auch an sich selbst hohe Ansprüche stellen. If you're so demanding of others, you should also be demanding of yourself. Those who place high demands on others should also place high demands on themselves. Der Mann, den du dort gestern gesehen hast, war Herr Braun. The man that you saw there yesterday was Mr. Brown. The man you saw there yesterday was Mr. Braun. Tom lernte seine Frau während seines Studiums in Frankreich kennen. Tom met his wife when he was studying in France. Tom met his wife during his studies in France. Die Zeitschrift erscheint zweimal pro Monat. The magazine is issued twice a month. The magazine is published twice a month. Tom ist niedergeschlagen, weil seine Freundin ihn verlassen hat. Tom is depressed because his girlfriend left him. Tom is depressed because his girlfriend left him. Fällen Sie diese Bäume nicht! Don't cut down those trees. Don't fall these trees! Ich möchte ein paar Tage mit Tom verbringen. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. I want to spend a few days with Tom. Maria sprang ins Schwimmbecken. Mary jumped into the pool. Mary jumped into the pool. Glaubst du, dass wir pünktlich ankommen? Do you think we'll get there on time? Do you think we'll arrive on time? Wo ist die Toilette? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Die Klinge des Messers ist scharf. The knife has a very sharp edge. The blade of the knife is sharp. Bescheidenheit ist die Kunst, andere herausfinden zu lassen, wie wichtig man ist. Modesty is the art of allowing others to discover how important you are. Modesty is the art of letting others find out how important you are. Sie trifft sich mit meinem Bruder. She's dating my brother. She's meeting my brother. Leck mich am Arsch. Kiss my ass. Fuck you. Denken Sie darüber nach, was Sie wollen. Think about what you want. Think about what you want. Tom schien zu wissen, was er tat. Tom seemed to know what he was doing. Tom seemed to know what he was doing. Könnte ich wohl ein Messer und eine Gabel bekommen? Could I have a knife and fork, please? Could I have a knife and a fork? Ich habe Meg letzte Woche in Kyōto getroffen. I met Meg in Kyoto last week. I met Meg last week in Kyoto. Ich bin in keiner Gefahr. I'm not in any danger. I'm in no danger. Dieses Diagramm spiegelt die Abnahme der Rohölimporte wider. This figure is a mirror of the decrease in imports of crude oil. This graph reflects the decline in crude oil imports. Tom hat mich über drei Stunden warten lassen. Tom kept me waiting for more than three hours. Tom kept me waiting for over three hours. Wir hatten gestern eine Prüfung. We had an examination yesterday. We had a test yesterday. Der Name der Gaststätte lautet „Altes Europa". The name of the restaurant is "Old Europe". The name of the restaurant is "Old Europe". Sie hat das Geld zur Bank gebracht. She put the money in the bank. She brought the money to the bank. Tom leidet an chronischen Schmerzen. Tom suffers from chronic pain. Tom is suffering from chronic pain. Vor Kälte bangt mich's nicht, doch ich kann keine Hitze leiden. I'm not afraid of cold, but I can't stand heat. I'm not afraid of the cold, but I don't like the heat. Tom saß unter einem Baum und zeichnete etwas in sein Notizbuch. Tom sat under a tree, sketching something in his notebook. Tom sat under a tree and drew something in his notebook. Tom und Maria geben Kindern Klavierunterricht. Tom and Mary give piano lessons to children. Tom and Mary teach piano to children. Darüber hinaus weiß ich nichts. Beyond this I know nothing. Beyond that, I don't know anything. Ich würde es sehr begrüßen, wenn ich ein Exemplar des Buches bekommen könnte. I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of the book. I would very much appreciate it if I could get a copy of the book. Wo finde ich das Besucherzentrum? Where can I find the visitor center? Where can I find the visitor center? Die Unterseeboote versenkten viele Schiffe. The submarines sank a lot of ships. The submarines sunk many ships. Ich habe mir seinen Namen und seine Adresse eingeprägt. I memorized his name and address. I memorized his name and address. Tom und ich nahmen uns etwas zu essen. Tom and I helped ourselves to something to eat. Tom and I took something to eat. Nimm meine Brille. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Wusstest du, dass Tom und Maria verheiratet sind? Did you know Tom and Mary were married? Did you know Tom and Mary were married? Es freut mich immer, dich zu sehen. It's always so nice to see you. It's always nice to see you. Können Sie es beheben? Are you able to solve it? Can you fix it? Tom hat den Kühlschrank geöffnet. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the refrigerator. Dieser Käsekuchen war zu süß. This cheesecake was too sweet. This cheesecake was too sweet. Er ist der wertvollste Spieler in unserem Team. He's the most valuable player on our team. He's the most valuable player on our team. Meine Großmutter wohnt allein in einem riesigen alten Haus. My grandmother lives alone in a huge, old house. My grandmother lives alone in a huge old house. Geben Sie mir die Schlüssel! Give me the keys. Give me the keys! Ich habe zwei Kreditkarten. I have two credit cards. I have two credit cards. Räumen Sie den Tisch ab. Clear off the table. Clear the table. Tom rollte seine Yogamatte aus. Tom rolled out his yoga mat. Tom rolled out his yoga mat. Im Dorf war nichts zu hören. The village was silent. There was nothing to hear in the village. Verstehst du, worauf ich hinauswill? See what I mean? Do you understand what I'm getting at? Du hast recht. Ich werde ein Taxi nehmen. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a cab. Es ist schön, dass du zu Hause bist! It's good to have you home. It's nice that you're home! Verschwinde aus meinem Leben! Get out of my life! Get out of my life! Ich habe von Yumi geträumt. I dreamed about Yumi. I was dreaming about Yumi. Sie hatte Anne ermahnt, auf jeden Fall um 5 Uhr den Tee bereitzuhalten. She had told Anne to be sure and have tea ready at five o'clock. She had admonished Anne to be ready for tea at 5 a.m. Ich kann Ihnen helfen. I can help you. I can help you. Ich habe noch nie etwas gewonnen. I've never won anything before. I've never won anything before. Ich will nur meine Ruhe haben. All I want is peace and quiet. I just want to be calm. Mahle diesen Kaffee sehr fein! Grind this coffee very fine. Mill this coffee very fine! Du kannst ihn nicht am Trinken hindern. You can't prevent him from drinking. You can't stop him from drinking. Ich möchte in diesem Jahr die Chinesische Mauer besuchen. I would like to visit the Great Wall this year. I'd like to visit the Chinese Wall this year. Lass Tom bitte in Ruhe! Leave Tom alone, please. Please leave Tom alone. Man isst sehr spät in Spanien. People dine very late in Spain. You eat very late in Spain. Nein danke, ich schaue nur. No, thank you. I am just looking. No, thank you. I'm just looking. Du weißt, wovon ich rede! You know what I am talking about. You know what I'm talking about! Er erzählte mir, dass er es noch einmal sehen möchte. He told me that he would see it once more. He told me that he wanted to see it again. Warum kümmerst du dich nicht um deine eigenen Angelegenheiten? Why don't you tend to your own affairs? Why don't you take care of your own business? Es ist der Mühe wert. It's well worth the trouble. It's worth the effort. Möge das Glück euch hold sein! May fortune smile upon you. May happiness be good to you! Du siehst traurig aus. Was ist los? You look sad. What's wrong? You look sad. Was meinst du, wird sie es tun? What do you think, is she going to do it? What do you think she's gonna do? Warum habt ihr hier parkiert? Why have you parked here? Why did you park here? Wenn er nicht kommt, was machst du dann? If he doesn't come, what will you do then? If he doesn't come, what do you do? Bist du damit fertig? Have you finished it? Are you done with this? Entschuldigt! Ich habe euch beide verwechselt! I'm sorry. I got you two mixed up. Excuse me, I've confused you both! Maria hält sich für klüger als alle anderen. Mary thinks she's smarter than everyone else. Mary thinks she's smarter than everyone else. Lassen Sie mich meine Brieftasche holen! Let me get my wallet. Let me get my wallet! Wir benötigen keine Hilfe. We have no need for assistance. We don't need any help. Er ist alles andere als gutaussehend. He is anything but handsome. He's anything but handsome. Was habt ihr von ihr bekommen? What did you get from her? What did you get from her? Wobei ist der Fehler aufgetreten? When did the error occur? What caused the error? Der Hund meines Nachbarn ist tot. My neighbor's dog is dead. My neighbor's dog is dead. Tom sah so aus, als stünde er kurz davor, aus dem Fenster zu springen. Tom looked like he was ready to jump out a window. Tom looked like he was about to jump out the window. Ich weiß, Sie sind enttäuscht von mir. I know you're disappointed in me. I know you're disappointed in me. Tom sagte, er habe nicht vor, dort zu sein. Tom said he doesn't plan to be there. Tom said he wasn't planning on being there. Tom und Maria scheinen glücklich und zufrieden. Tom and Mary seem perfectly happy. Tom and Mary seem happy and satisfied. Ich bete in meinem Zimmer. I am praying in my room. I pray in my room. War Tom pünktlich da? Did Tom arrive on time? Was Tom there on time? Ich komme mit dir mit, wenn ich mein Mittagessen aufgegessen habe. I will go with you after I have eaten my lunch. I'll come with you when I eat my lunch. Tom ist geduldig und lernwillig. Tom is patient and is willing to learn. Tom is patient and willing to learn. Der Sänger ist unter den Jugendlichen beliebt. The singer is popular among young people. The singer is popular among young people. Es ist nicht zerbrochen. It didn't break. It's not broken. Ich liebe Sie nicht. I don't love you. I don't love you. Tom ist der Einzige hier, der groß genug ist, um das oberste Regal heranzukommen. Tom is the only one here who's tall enough to reach the top shelf. Tom is the only one here who's big enough to get the top shelf. Tom schwimmt sehr gern, genau wie du. Tom loves swimming, just like you do. Tom likes to swim, just like you. Vor meinem Haus ist ein kleiner Garten. There is a small garden in front of my house. There's a small garden in front of my house. Willst du mit jemandem reden? Do you want to talk to someone? Do you want to talk to someone? Tom hat den ganzen Morgen an seinem Schreibtisch gearbeitet. Tom was working at his desk all morning. Tom worked on his desk all morning. Tom hat eine Menge Unrat angehäuft, seit er in dieses Haus gezogen ist. Tom has accumulated a lot of junk since he's moved into this house. Tom has piled up a lot of dirt since he moved into this house. Ist es blau? Is it blue? Is it blue? Ich habe es noch nicht bekommen. I haven't got it yet. I haven't got it yet. Darf ich euer Telefon benutzen? Can I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Mir schmeckten der Sauerkirschenstrudel und der Strudel mit Nussfüllung. I liked the sour cherry strudel and the nut filled strudel. I tasted the sour cherries strudel and the strudel with nut filling. Wenn ich meine Brieftasche nicht bis morgen zurückbekomme, werden Köpfe rollen! If I don't get my wallet back by tomorrow, heads will roll! If I don't get my wallet back by tomorrow, heads will roll! Tom würde dem Lehrer oft Streiche spielen. Tom would often play jokes on the teacher. Tom would often play tricks on the teacher. Würdest du mir vielleicht verraten, warum du hier bist? Would you mind telling me why you're here? Would you tell me why you're here? Tom kann sich nicht erinnern, das Licht ausgeschaltet zu haben. Tom doesn't remember turning off the light. Tom can't remember turning off the light. Er war nicht groß genug, um die Decke zu berühren. He wasn't tall enough to get at the ceiling. He wasn't big enough to touch the ceiling. Die Haustür war auf. The front door was open. The front door was open. Weißt du, warum sie so wütend ist? Do you know the reason why she is so angry? Do you know why she's so angry? Diese Schuhe sind etwas groß. These shoes are a little loose. These shoes are a little big. Tom sagte Mary die Wahrheit. Tom told Mary the truth. Tom told Mary the truth. Könnt ihr Französisch sprechen? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Weck ihn nicht. Don't wake him up. Don't wake him up. Ich finde, dein Englisch ist schon viel besser geworden. I think your English has gotten a lot better. I think your English has gotten much better. Alle lachten und amüsierten sich. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. Everyone laughed and had fun. Tom hatte einen Arbeitsunfall. Tom had an accident at work. Tom had a work accident. Ich war gewohnt, vor dem Zubettgehen Krimis zu lesen. I used to read detective stories before going to bed. I was used to reading thrillers before going to bed. Sie räumte ein, dass meine Ausführungen der Wahrheit entsprachen. She acknowledged that my statement was true. She admitted that my remarks corresponded to the truth. Ich hab eine Blinddarmentzündung. I have appendicitis. I have appendicitis. Gibt es denn sonst niemanden, der euch helfen kann? Isn't there anyone else who can help you? Is there anyone else who can help you? Tom saß im Schneidersitz auf dem Bett. Tom sat cross-legged on the bed. Tom sat in the tailor's seat on the bed. Sie sind vor einer Woche aus England gekommen. They arrived from England a week ago. They came from England a week ago. Tom reichte Maria eine Schachtel mit Papiertaschentüchern. Tom handed Mary a box of tissues. Tom handed Mary a box of paper towels. Er winkte ihr zu. He waved at her. He waved to her. Seid ihr glücklich? Are you happy? Are you happy? Sie gaben eine Reihe von Konzerten. They gave a series of concerts. They gave a series of concerts. Sie zogen jede Möglichkeit in Betracht. They took every possibility into consideration. They considered every possibility. Das Schwein wird fett. The pig is growing fat. The pig's getting fat. Fragen Sie mich alles, was sie wollen! Ask me anything you want. Ask me anything they want! Tom wird enttäuscht sein. Tom will be disappointed. Tom will be disappointed. Wir müssen Tom finden, bevor er eine Dummheit begeht. We need to find Tom before he does something stupid. We have to find Tom before he commits any stupidity. Es macht Tom nichts aus, Mary ab und zu zu helfen. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary once in a while. Geben Sie Beispiele! Give examples. Give examples! Ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen, was Sie tun sollen. I can't tell you what to do. I can't tell you what to do. Sie machte sich daran, den Aufsatz zu schreiben. She set about writing the essay. She started writing the essay. Die Gleichgültigkeit ist wie das Eis an den Polen: Sie tötet alles. Indifference is like the ice on the poles: it kills everything. The indifference is like the ice on Poland: it kills everything. Ich muss Sie um einen großen Gefallen bitten. I have a big favor to ask. I'm gonna have to ask you a big favor. Der neue Plan beruht auf unseren Ideen. The new plan is based on our idea. The new plan is based on our ideas. Kann ich ein paar Fragen stellen? May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask a few questions? Tom möchte hier sein. Tom wants to be here. Tom wants to be here. Wenn die Sonne nicht wäre, würden wir alle sterben. If it were not for the sun, we would all die. If it wasn't for the sun, we'd all die. Besser spät als nie! Better late than never. Better late than never! Sie betreiben einen Fährdienst über den Fluss. They run a ferry service across the river. They operate a ferry service across the river. Eines Tages werden die USA eine Frau zum Präsidenten wählen, ... und das wird nicht ohne sein. Someday the USA will elect a woman president, and it won't be pretty. One day, the U.S. will elect a woman as president, and that won't be without it. Ein Stück Brot reichte nicht, seinen Hunger zu stillen. A piece of bread was not enough to satisfy his hunger. A piece of bread was not enough to satisfy his hunger. Die Verbindung zur Besatzung riss vor kurzem ab. The communication recently has been lost with the team. The connection to the crew broke down recently. Sie haben es verdient, die Wahrheit zu erfahren. You deserve to know the truth. You deserve to know the truth. Warum hast du zwei Autos? Why do you have two cars? Why do you have two cars? Der australische Schauspieler Andy Whitfield ist verstorben. The Australian actor, Andy Whitfield, has passed away. The Australian actor Andy Whitfield died. Sie sind gestern sicher hier angekommen. They arrived here safely yesterday. I'm sure you arrived here yesterday. Gibt es das Übernatürliche? Does the supernatural exist? Is there the supernatural? Sobald du den Fluss überquert hast, bist du in Sicherheit. Once across the river, you are safe. Once you cross the river, you'll be safe. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten, Elke irre sich. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was mistaken. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice was wrong. Tom kam die Treppe herunter. Tom came downstairs. Tom came down the stairs. Wen kümmert es, was mit Tom passiert? Who cares what happens to Tom? Who cares what happens to Tom? Ich kann nicht wie ein Pferd wiehern. Ich bin ein Esel! I cannot neigh like a horse. I'm a donkey! I can't look like a horse, I'm a donkey! Ich hoffe, wir bekommen weiße Weihnachten. I hope we have a white Christmas. I hope we get white Christmas. Das hätte ich sein können. It could have been me. That could have been me. Wann sollte ich aufhören, meinem Hund Futter für Welpen zu geben? When should I stop feeding my dog puppy food? When should I stop feeding my dog for puppies? Das Kind zeichnete ein Kugeldreieck. The child drew a spherical triangle. The child drew a bullet triangle. Es hat Tom das Leben gekostet. It cost Tom his life. It cost Tom his life. Tom wollte Maria nicht sagen, wie alt er war. Tom wouldn't tell Mary how old he was. Tom didn't want to tell Mary how old he was. Wir sollten wohl Tom fragen. We should probably ask Tom. We should probably ask Tom. Sie zieht gerne die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. She likes to attract attention. She likes to draw attention to herself. Ich möchte Dir einfach nah sein. I just want to be near you. I just want to be close to you. Das liebe ich an dir, Tom. That's what I love about you, Tom. I love that about you, Tom. Tom hat mir nicht alles gesagt. Tom didn't tell me everything. Tom didn't tell me everything. Das ist doch sonnenklar. It's as clear as day. It's clear. Du hattest Albträume. You had nightmarish dreams. You had nightmares. Hast du den Unterschied zwischen diesen zwei Fotos entdeckt? Did you find the difference between these two photos? Did you discover the difference between these two photos? Wer wird deiner Meinung nach der nächste Präsident der USA? Who do you think is going to be the next president of the United States? Who do you think will be the next president of the United States? Sie haben ihn nach Nordamerika geschickt. They sent him to North America. They sent him to North America. Tom wusste nicht mit Sicherheit, wann Maria käme. Tom didn't know for certain when Mary was going to arrive. Tom didn't know for sure when Mary was coming. Ich konnte seine Frage beantworten. I could answer his question. I was able to answer his question. Wir müssen uns immer an die Regeln halten. We always have to obey the rules. We always have to follow the rules. Er liebt das Fischen. He loves fishing. He loves fishing. Ich hätte ihn küssen sollen, als sich mir die Gelegenheit dazu bot. I should've kissed him when I had the chance. I should have kissed him when I had the opportunity. Sie machten sich über meine Kleider lustig. They made fun of my clothes. They made fun of my clothes. Unsere Probleme sind nichts, verglichen mit ihren. Our problems are nothing compared to hers. Our problems are nothing compared to theirs. Ich kann nicht ohne dich sein. I can't be without you. I can't be without you. Wer wird den Apfel essen? Who will eat the apple? Who's gonna eat the apple? Die Milch ist übergekocht. The milk boiled over. The milk is overcooked. Endlich ist es Freitag. Finally, it's Friday. It's finally Friday. Der Raum war dunkel. The room was dark. The room was dark. Was ich euch zu sagen habe, ist sehr wichtig. What I have to tell you is very important. What I have to tell you is very important. Tom zeichnete einen Delphin. Tom drew a picture of a dolphin. Tom drew a dolphin. Ich muss mich nicht so anhören wie ein Muttersprachler. Ich will nur fließend sprechen können. I don't need to sound like a native speaker, I just want to be able to speak fluently. I don't have to listen like a native speaker, I just want to be able to speak fluently. Ich bin nicht so reich, wie ich gerne wäre. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. I'm not as rich as I'd like to be. Nicht Information, sondern Kommunikation ist es, was die Welt verändert. What changes the world is communication, not information. Not information, but communication is what changes the world. Tom ist am falschen Bahnhof ausgestiegen. Tom got off at the wrong station. Tom got off at the wrong station. Siehe im Handbuch nach, um den Kühlschrank zu reparieren. Refer to the instructions to fix the refrigerator. See the manual to repair the fridge. Die ukrainischen Sicherheitskräfte versuchen, die Städte und Dörfer zwischen Donezk und Luhansk zu besetzen, um diese beiden wichtigen Städte voneinander abzuschneiden. The Ukrainian security forces are trying to occupy the towns and villages between Donetsk and Luhansk in order to cut off those two important cities from each other. The Ukrainian security forces are trying to occupy the cities and villages between Donetsk and Luhansk to cut these two important cities apart. Tom scheint heute nicht unglücklich zu sein. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy today. Tom doesn't seem unhappy today. Das ist eine Banane. That's a banana. It's a banana. Es scheint niemand mehr den Mumm zu haben, das zu tun. No one seems to have the guts to do that anymore. No one seems to have the guts to do that anymore. Sie fragten Frau Lincoln, wo sie wünsche, dass ihr Mann begraben werde. They asked Mrs. Lincoln where she wanted her husband buried. They asked Mrs. Lincoln where she wanted her husband to be buried. Tom war gestern Nachmittag mit Maria hier. Tom was here with Mary yesterday afternoon. Tom was here with Mary yesterday afternoon. Ich möchte dir helfen. I would like to help you. I want to help you. Was empfehlt ihr mir? What do you recommend to me? What do you recommend? Warum kann ich nicht bei Ihnen bleiben? Why can't I stay with you? Why can't I stay with you? Das ist eine merkwürdige Frage. That's a weird question. That's a strange question. Ich kaufe nicht viel Süßigkeiten. I don't buy a lot of candy. I don't buy much candy. Als ich all das sah, konnte ich nur den Kopf schütteln und resigniert schweigen. When I saw all that, I could only shake my head in silent resignation. When I saw all this, all I could do was shake my head and remain silent. Tom hat Maria beim Rauchen erwischt. Tom caught Mary smoking a cigarette. Tom caught Mary smoking. Die schweren Eichentische waren mit schneeweißem Linnen bedeckt. The heavy oak tables were covered with snow-white linen. The heavy oak tables were covered with snow-white linen. Du solltest auch gehen! You should go too! You should go too! Wissen Sie zufällig wie man von hier in das Stadzentrum kommt? Do you happen to know how to get downtown from here? Do you happen to know how to get to the city center from here? Am nächsten Bahnhof stiegen fast alle aus dem Zug aus. At the next station, nearly everyone got off the train. Almost all of them left the train at the nearest station. Darf ich ein Foto machen? May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? Sie scheint viele Freunde zu haben. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have a lot of friends. Was denkt Tom darüber? What does Tom think of this? What does Tom think about it? Ich bin nur vorbeigekommen, um etwas abzuholen. I just stopped by to pick something up. I just came by to pick up something. Was hast du hier zu suchen? Das ist mein Zimmer! What are you doing here? This is my room. What are you doing here? Tom hat das Bild gefunden, das er suchte. Tom found the picture he was looking for. Tom found the picture he was looking for. Wir treffen uns um halb drei bei mir. We're meeting at my place at 2:30. I'll meet you at my house at 6:30. Ich sagte ihm, dass diese zehntausend Eichen in dreißig Jahren großartig aussehen würden. I told him that those ten thousand oaks would look grand in thirty years. I told him that these ten thousand oaks would look great in thirty years. Ich bin auch fremd hier. I'm a stranger here myself. I'm a stranger here, too. Wir haben keinen Tee mehr. We're out of tea. We're out of tea. Wir haben das Haus grün angestrichen. We painted the house green. We painted the house green. Die Meldung wurde nicht bestätigt. The news was not confirmed. The report has not been confirmed. Tom vergisst selten etwas. Tom seldom forgets to do anything. Tom rarely forgets anything. Das Pferd ist weiß. The horse is white. The horse is white. Na klar, werde ich gehen. Of course I'll go. Sure, I'll go. Tom gehorcht seinen Eltern nicht immer. Tom doesn't always obey his parents. Tom doesn't always obey his parents. Soll ich wirklich gehen? Do you really want me to leave? Do you really want me to go? Sie hätten die ganze Operation gefährden können. You could've jeopardized the entire operation. You could've compromised the whole operation. Tom freute sich hämisch. Tom gloated. Tom was very happy. Tom wird in dieser Woche in Bezug auf das Problem nichts unternehmen können. Tom won't be able to do anything about the problem this week. Tom won't be able to do anything about the problem this week. Du hast mich nicht zu Wort kommen lassen. You didn't let me answer. You didn't let me speak. Er ist sehr verständnisvoll. He's very understanding. He's very understanding. Tom hat das wahrscheinlich letzten Montag getan. Tom probably did that last Monday. Tom probably did this last Monday. Bedroht Sie dieser Mann? Is this man threatening you? Is this man threatening you? „Was ist denn aus dem Geld geworden, das ich dir gegeben habe?" – „Das habe ich ausgegeben." "What happened to the money I gave you?" "I spent it." "What happened to the money I gave you?" "I spent it." Tom fing an, ein Stück Papier, das Maria ihm gegeben hatte, auseinanderzufalten. Tom started to unfold the piece of paper Mary handed him. Tom started folding a piece of paper that Mary had given him. So ist das Leben. That's how life is. That's life. Von der Spitze des Hügels gesehen, ist die Insel sehr schön. Seen from the top of the hill, the island is very beautiful. Seen from the top of the hill, the island is very beautiful. Du kannst PS2-Spiele auf dem PC spielen, indem du einen Emulator verwendest. You can play PS2 games on a PC using an emulator. You can play PS2 games on your PC by using an emulator. Wir haben viele Hausaufgaben. We have a lot of homework. We have a lot of homework. Ich hätte gern einen Stadtplan. I'd like a city map. I'd like a map. Amerika liebt dich. America loves you. America loves you. Tom trank gestern sehr viel. Tom drank a lot yesterday. Tom drank a lot yesterday. Tom hat zugegeben, dass er ein Dieb war. Tom admitted that he was a thief. Tom admitted that he was a thief. Kaninchen essen gern Karotten. Rabbits like to eat carrots. Rabbits like carrots. Als sie die furchtbare Nachricht hörte, fiel sie in Ohnmacht. She fainted when she heard the terrible news. When she heard the terrible news, she fainted. Warum studierst du nicht Französisch? Why don't you study French? Why don't you study French? Weißt du, was es war? Do you know what it was? You know what it was? Die beiden Sätze ergeben beide Sinn. The two sentences are both coherent. The two sentences make both sense. Tom zog den Schlüssel aus der Tür. Tom removed the key from the door. Tom pulled the key out of the door. Wozu hast du Füße? What do you have your feet for? What do you have feet for? Sie erlangen das Besitzrecht, indem Sie dafür bezahlen. You establish the property right by paying for it. You get the right of ownership by paying for it. Tom wandte seinen Blick ab. Tom glanced away. Tom turned his gaze away. Ich möchte noch ein bisschen schlafen. I want to sleep a little longer. I'd like to get some more sleep. Habt ihr mich angerufen? Did you phone me? Did you call me? Sie waren nicht beeindruckt. They were not impressed. You weren't impressed. Die Ärztin war der Ansicht, der Puls des Patienten sei ein bisschen zu hoch. The doctor thought that the patient's pulse was a little fast. The doctor thought the patient's pulse was a little too high. Ich habe mir gerade ein Paar neue Schuhe gekauft. I just bought a new pair of shoes. I just bought a pair of new shoes. Tom und Maria scheinen sich gut zu amüsieren. Tom and Mary seem to be enjoying themselves. Tom and Mary seem to be having a good time. Tom möchte in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters treten. Tom wants to follow in his dad's footsteps. Tom wants to follow his father's footsteps. Thomas hat eine Halbschwester. Thomas has a half-sister. Thomas has a half sister. Das Buch ist hier. The book is here. The book is here. Katzen haben Angst vor Wasser. Cats are afraid of water. Cats are afraid of water. Können wir nicht später darüber reden? Can't we talk about this later? Can't we talk about this later? Ein Gentleman würde so etwas nicht machen. A gentleman would never do something like that. A gentleman wouldn't do that. Ihm dürstet es nach Ruhm. He is thirsty for fame. He's thirsty for glory. So macht Tom es. That's how Tom does it. That's how Tom does it. Wusstet ihr, dass er eine Eigentumswohnung gekauft hat? Did you know that he bought a condominium? Did you know he bought a condominium? „Ich bin bereits verheiratet", antwortete Maria. "I'm already married," replied Mary. "I am already married," Mary replied. Rom ist eine alte Stadt. Rome is an old city. Rome is an old city. Ich habe gerade herausgefunden, dass mich mein Freund betrogen hat. I just found out that my boyfriend has been stepping out on me. I just found out that my friend cheated on me. Die Großmutter schloss die knarrende Gartentür. The grandmother closed the creaking garden gate. The grandmother closed the creaking garden door. Jetzt ist es Zeit für mich, ins Bett zu gehen. It's now time for me to go to bed. Now it's time for me to go to bed. Tom wurde Anfang letzter Woche sein Wagen gestohlen. Tom had his car stolen early last week. Tom was stolen his car early last week. Bitte erzähle mir von deiner Reise. Please tell me about your trip. Please tell me about your trip. Tom hat dir doch sicher mitgeteilt, dass Maria auch auf die Feier kommen wollte. I'm sure Tom told you Mary wanted to come to the party, too. I'm sure Tom told you Mary wanted to come to the party. Übersetzen ist nicht annähernd so einfach, wie viele Leute vielleicht glauben. Translating is not nearly as easy as many people might think. Translation is not nearly as easy as many people might think. Ich habe es mir aufgeschrieben. I wrote it down. I wrote it down. Wir haben zur Zeit Blaubeeren, Brombeeren, Kirschen, Erdbeeren, Pfirsiche und Nektarinen. Right now, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. We currently have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. Ich versuchte, Gleichgültigkeit vorzutäuschen. I tried to feign indifference. I tried to fake indifference. „Seine Zehen riechen gar deliziös", dachte der Hund. "His toes smell good," thought the dog. "His toes smell delicate," thought the dog. Ich wollte kein Aufhebens davon machen. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't want to make a fuss about it. Tom starrte Mary ausdruckslos an. Tom stared at Mary with a blank expression. Tom stared at Mary without expression. Krümel wurde von Katrin aufgezogen. Cookie was raised by Kate. Krummel was raised by Katrin. Wer eine Idee hat, dem reicht auch der Küchentisch. Even the kitchen table is a good enough desk if you have an idea. If you have an idea, the kitchen table is enough. Arbeiter der Welt, vereinigt euch! Workers of the world, unite! Workers of the world, unite! Tom machte einen ziemlich aufgeregten Eindruck. Tom seemed to be pretty excited. Tom made a pretty excited impression. Tom setzte sich neben Maria auf den Kofferraum. Tom sat next to Mary on the tailgate. Tom sat down on the trunk next to Mary. Ihr Benehmen ist nicht würdig eines Gentleman. Your conduct doesn't become a gentleman. Your behavior is not worthy of a gentleman. Diese Brücke ist sehr schön. That bridge is very beautiful. This bridge is very beautiful. Tom wollte nicht, dass Maria mit seinen Kindern spielte. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his kids. Tom didn't want Mary to play with his children. Ich habe mir vorgenommen, täglich zwanzig Sätze auf Tatoeba zu schreiben. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I intend to write twenty sentences on Tatoeba every day. Was soll ich tun, Tom? What am I going to do, Tom? What do you want me to do, Tom? Ich find's gut, dass du mir das ins Gesicht sagst. I appreciate your telling me this face-to-face. I'm glad you said that to my face. Ich interessiere mich sehr für Fußball. I'm really into football. I'm very interested in football. Wir haben nicht erwartet, dass du hier sein würdest. We didn't expect you to be here. We didn't expect you to be here. Ich weiß, dass du gerade viel durchmachst. I know you're going through a lot right now. I know you're going through a lot right now. Deine Angeberei geht mir langsam auf dem Geist. I'm tired of your bragging. Your bragging is getting on my mind. Sie hat ihm ihr Alter verraten. She told him her age. She told him her age. Reiben Sie sich mit Sonnenschutzcreme ein, bevor Sie nach draußen gehen! Apply sunscreen before you go outdoors. Rub yourself in with sunscreen before you go outside! Beruhige dich! Calm down. Calm down! „Fürchten Sie sich vor etwas?" fragte ich. "You are afraid of something?" I asked. "Are you afraid of something?" I asked. Er verurteilte Brown zum Tod durch den Strang. He sentenced Brown to be hanged. He condemned Brown to death by the strand. Sie war eifersüchtig, weil er mit einem anderen Mädchen sprach. She was jealous from him talking to another girl. She was jealous because he was talking to another girl. Drei wurden zu lebenslänglicher Haftstrafe verurteilt. Three were sentenced to life in prison. Three were sentenced to life imprisonment. Ich war Toms Lehrling. I was Tom's apprentice. I was Tom's apprentice. Tom wird sich freuen, euch zu sehen. Tom will be pleased to see you. Tom will be happy to see you. Tom und Maria halten sich am Schwimmbecken auf. Tom and Mary are hanging out by the pool. Tom and Mary stop at the pool. Wie lange braucht man bis zum Bahnhof? How long does it take to get to the station? How long does it take to get to the station? Könnten Sie Tom nach Hause fahren? Could you drive Tom home? Could you drive Tom home? Der Zufallssatz bei Tatoeba gefällt mir. Er bereitet Freude durch seine Zufälligkeit! I like Tatoeba's random sentence. It's fun because it's random! I like the random sentence at Tatoeba. He brings joy by his randomness! Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie nicht müde sind. Tom and Mary told John they weren't sleepy. Tom and Mary told John that they weren't tired. Der Herstellungsprozess wurde optimiert. The manufacturing process has been streamlined. The manufacturing process has been optimized. Vielleicht mag sie dich ja auch. Maybe she likes you, too. Maybe she likes you, too. Ich bin kein Marathonläufer. I'm not a marathon runner. I'm not a marathon runner. Ich wünschte, ich könnte fließender Französisch. I wish I could speak French more fluently. I wish I could be more fluent in French. Liebst du ihn? Do you love him? Do you love him? Tom hat eine Erdnussallergie. Tom is allergic to peanuts. Tom has a peanut allergy. Warum haben Sie Angst? Why are you afraid? Why are you scared? Seine Bemerkungen über ihre schlechte Fahrweise hat sie ihm übel genommen. She resented his remarks about her poor driving. She resented his remarks about her bad driving. Von wegen! You must be joking! I don't know! Sie fehlten uns. We missed them. We missed them. Vielleicht sollte ich einfach zu Hause bleiben. Maybe I should just stay home. Maybe I should just stay home. Ich war ein bisschen nervös. I was a little nervous. I was a little nervous. Dieser Wagen hat über hundert Pferdestärken. This car has more than a hundred horsepower. This car has over a hundred horsepowers. Ruf deine Schwestern. Call your sisters. Call your sisters. Er spricht sehr schnell. He speaks very fast. He speaks very quickly. Mary spielt Klavier. Mary plays the piano. Mary plays the piano. Alkoholkonsum Minderjähriger ist ein ernstzunehmendes Problem. Underage drinking is a serious problem. Alcohol consumption by minors is a serious problem. Was mich angeht, so habe ich nichts dagegen. As far as I am concerned, I have no objection. As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind. Tom weiß nicht, wo Mary den Schulabschluss gemacht hat. Tom doesn't know where Mary graduated from. Tom doesn't know where Mary graduated from school. Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie sich an mich erinnern. I don't know if you remember me. I don't know if you remember me. Benutze keine Worte, deren Bedeutung du nicht genau kennst. Don't use any words whose meanings you don't know well. Don't use words whose meaning you don't know exactly. Er verlangte ihren Personalausweis. He asked her for her ID. He asked for her identity card. Ich wollte eigentlich morgen mit Tom zu Mittag essen, aber er sagte, er wäre nicht in der Stadt. I wanted to have lunch with Tom tomorrow, but he told me he'd be out of town. I actually wanted to have lunch with Tom tomorrow, but he said he wasn't in town. Sprache und Kultur lassen sich nicht voneinander trennen. Language and culture can't be separated. Language and culture cannot be separated. Unser Schulleiter ist Amerikaner. The principal of our school is an American. Our headmaster is American. Es ist schon zwei Jahre her, dass er nach Japan gekommen ist. It has been two years since he came to Japan. It's been two years since he came to Japan. Die Gefahr eines Erdbebens ist gering. There is little danger of an earthquake. The danger of an earthquake is low. Erst als sie daheim angekommen waren, fühlten sie sich in Sicherheit. Not until they had arrived home did they feel safe. It wasn't until they got home that they felt safe. Tom hat einen Hut für Maria gekauft. Tom bought a hat for Mary. Tom bought a hat for Mary. Mary kaufte einen Rock und eine Bluse. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Bei Tom musste der Blinddarm entfernt werden. Tom has had his appendix removed. Tom had to remove the appendix. Ich habe mir nicht die Haare gewaschen. I didn't wash my hair. I didn't wash my hair. Wasser ist die Essenz des Lebens. Water is the essence of life. Water is the essence of life. Er schien nie irgendetwas zu erreichen. He never seemed to accomplish anything. He never seemed to achieve anything. Er ist viel jünger als Tom. He's much younger than Tom. He's much younger than Tom. Genau das habe ich gemeint. That's exactly what I meant. That's what I meant. Die sind ja beide so unglaublich süß! They're both incredibly cute! They're both so incredibly cute! Es reut mich, was ich gesagt habe. I regret what I said. I'm glad what I said. Wir lasen das Buch alle der Reihe nach. Each of us read the book in turn. We read the book all in a row. Glück kann man nicht kaufen. You cannot buy happiness. You can't buy happiness. Fassen Sie sich kurz. Be brief. Take a moment. Tom, darf ich dich mal draußen sprechen? Tom, may I speak to you outside? Tom, can I talk to you outside? Tom lässt sich nicht gern wie ein Kind behandeln. Tom doesn't like being treated like a child. Tom doesn't like being treated like a child. Besuche mein Profil bei Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Visit my profile on Facebook. Die Polizei bedeckte die Leiche mit einem Tuch. The police covered the body with a sheet. The police covered the body with a cloth. Wo ist der Eingang? Where is the entrance? Where's the entrance? Der Große Schneesturm von 1888 war einer der schwersten in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. The Great Blizzard of 1888 was one of the most severe blizzards in the history of the United States. The Great Snowstorm of 1888 was one of the heaviest in the history of the United States. Die Uhr geht nicht. The watch doesn't work. The clock's not working. Seine Erkältung ist bestimmt besser geworden. He must have gotten over his cold. His cold must have gotten better. Es ist schön, ein bekanntes Gesicht zu sehen. It's nice to see a familiar face. It's nice to see a familiar face. Ich überlasse Ihnen alles, was die Party betrifft. I will leave everything about the party up to you. I'll leave everything to you about the party. Auf dem Tisch steht ein Ventilator. There's a fan on the table. There's a fan on the table. Sie ist für mich wie eine Schwester. She's like a sister to me. She's like a sister to me. Maria putzt sich zu besonderen Anlässen gern heraus. Mary likes to dress up on special occasions. Mary likes to clean herself up on special occasions. Wie war dein Tag? How was your day? How was your day? Ich bin beleidigt. I'm offended. I'm offended. Aus dem Schornstein stieg Rauch auf. Smoke was rising from the chimney. Smoke rose from the chimney. Tom und Maria lügen. Tom and Mary are lying. Tom and Mary are lying. Ich muss die Katze heute baden. I have to bathe the cat today. I have to bathe the cat today. Jeder Reporter schickte seine Berichte mit möglichst geringer Verzögerung. Every reporter sent his stories with the least possible delay. Each reporter sent his reports with as little delay as possible. Wir fanden seine Geschichte sehr unterhaltsam. His story was highly amusing to us. We found his story very entertaining. Gerade sah ich, dass Esperanto Deutsch überholte und nun den vierten Platz hat. Sehr gut! I've just seen that Esperanto has overtaken German, and now has the fourth place. Very good! I just saw that Esperanto overtook German and now has the fourth place. Very good! Er isst nichts außer Obst. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He doesn't eat anything but fruit. Was mache ich nur ohne Tom? What am I going to do without Tom? What do I do without Tom? Ich freue mich darauf, Sie im April zu treffen. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. I'm looking forward to meeting you in April. Er drehte den Hahn auf, und es kam ein Wasserstrahl heraus. He turned on the faucet and a jet of water came out. He turned the tap open, and a stream of water came out. Wegen dir habe ich Probleme mit meinem Blutdruck. Because of you, I'm having problems with my blood pressure. I'm having trouble with my blood pressure because of you. Die Mädchen pflückten auf der Wiese Blumen. The girls gathered flowers in the meadow. The girls picked flowers on the meadow. Schach ist ein sehr schwieriges Spiel. Chess is a very difficult game. Chess is a very difficult game. Das Tier gab ein Quieken von sich. The animal made a squeaking sound. The animal gave a squeak. Ich suche ein Geschenk für meinen Vater. I'm looking for a gift for my father. I'm looking for a gift for my father. Du hast das oft genug selbst gesagt. You've often said so yourself. You've said that yourself often enough. Lassen wir das Mittagessen aus! Let's skip lunch. Let's skip lunch! Weder Gott noch Herr. Neither God nor Master. Neither God nor Lord. Tom war auf allen meinen drei Hochzeiten. Tom came to all three of my weddings. Tom was at all my three weddings. Schönen Muttertag! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Die Regierung war gezwungen, die Außenpolitik zu ändern. The government was obliged to make changes in its foreign policy. The government was forced to change foreign policy. Er und ein Kollege, der später nach China ging, übersetzten das Neue Testament auf Chinesisch. He and a colleague who went to China later translated The New Testament into Chinese. He and a colleague who later went to China translated the New Testament into Chinese. Diese Fahne ist sehr schön. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Tom war Zeuge des Anschlags. Tom witnessed the assault. Tom witnessed the attack. Was glotzt du denn so? Who are you staring at? What are you looking at? Soldaten müssen ihre Befehle befolgen. Soldiers must carry out their orders. Soldiers must follow their orders. Deutsch ist eine synthetische Sprache. German is a synthetic language. German is a synthetic language. Rette mich, Herr, vor meinen Freunden. Mit meinen Feinden komm ich schon selber klar. Save me, Lord, from my friends, I will deal with my enemies myself! Save me, Lord, from my friends. I can handle my enemies myself. Der Plan wird morgen umgesetzt. The plan will be brought into effect tomorrow. The plan will be implemented tomorrow. Er konnte die Informationen durch das Lesen des Briefes bekommen. He could get the information by reading the letter. He could get the information by reading the letter. Nachdem wir zwei Stunden diskutiert hatten, wurden wir uns einig. We arrived at an agreement after two hours' discussion. After two hours of discussion, we agreed. Fossile Brennstoffe wird es nicht ewig geben. Fossil fuels won't be available forever. Fossil fuels will not exist forever. Tom erkannte, dass das ein Problem sein könnte. Tom realized that could be a problem. Tom realized that could be a problem. Tom lachte sarkastisch. Tom laughed sarcastically. Tom laughed sarcastically. Der Grund, dass wir zwei Ohren und nur einen Mund haben ist, dass wir mehr zuhören und weniger sprechen sollten. The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is so that we may listen more and talk less. The reason we have two ears and only one mouth is that we should listen more and speak less. Tom trägt eine gefälschte Rolex. Tom wears a fake Rolex. Tom is wearing a fake Rolex. Du bist der einzige, der solche Fragen stellt. You're the only one who asks those kinds of questions. You're the only one asking such questions. Das ist Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. Tom wird nicht verhungern. Tom won't starve. Tom won't starve to death. Mein Bruder und ich teilten uns ein Zimmer. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared a room. Du wirst bald gesund. You'll be better soon. You'll be all right soon. Ich erkläre die Regeln. I am explaining the rules. I'll explain the rules. Die Frage ist, ob er den Brief lesen wird oder nicht. The question is whether he'll read the letter or not. The question is whether he will read the letter or not. Es ist angenehm, unter dem Baum zu schlafen. It is pleasant to sleep under the tree. It is pleasant to sleep under the tree. Ich möchte rund um die Welt reisen. I'd like to travel around the world. I want to travel around the world. Tom wird nicht zurücktreten. Tom won't resign. Tom won't resign. Das Weltenende naht. The end of the world is coming. The end of the world is approaching. Ich wasche nicht gern ab. I don't like to wash dishes. I don't like to wash off. Was mache ich, wenn Tom anruft? What do I do if Tom calls? What do I do if Tom calls? Im Haus spukt es. The house is haunted. It's haunted in the house. Kann eine Uniform Klassenunterschiede ausschließen? Does a uniform eliminate class difference? Can a uniform rule out class differences? Warum tust du so, als ob du mich nicht kennen würdest? Why are you acting like you don't know me? Why do you pretend you don't know me? Tom konnte sich nicht verteidigen. Tom couldn't defend himself. Tom couldn't defend himself. Deswegen will ich, dass Tom geht. This is why I want Tom to go. That's why I want Tom to leave. Die Religion ist eine Tochter der Hoffnung und der Angst, die der Unwissenheit die Natur des Unbekannten erklärt. Religion is a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. Religion is a daughter of hope and fear, which explains the nature of the unknown to ignorance. Tom ist ahnungslos. Tom is clueless. Tom is clueless. Es tut mir leid, dass ich das gemacht habe. I'm not sorry that I did this. I'm sorry I did this. Dies ist mein Personalausweis. This is my I.D. card. This is my identity card. Mach bitte das Fenster auf! Open the window, please. Open the window, please! Es scheint niemand zu wissen, wer hier das Sagen hat. No one seems to know who's in charge. Nobody seems to know who's in charge here. Zu Befehl, Herr Oberst! Sir, yes, sir! Yes, sir. Nimm den kürzesten Weg nach Paris! Take the shortest route to Paris. Take the shortest way to Paris! In diesem Hotel herrscht eine gemütliche Stimmung. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. In this hotel there is a cozy atmosphere. Ich mache niemals einen Ausgleichssport. I never do any exercise. I never do a balancing sport. Dieses Jahr ist ein wichtiges Jahr für mich. This year is an important year for me. This year is an important year for me. Einige Hundehalter fragen sich, ob sie ihren Hunden genug zu fressen geben. Some dog owners wonder if they are feeding their dogs enough. Some dog owners wonder if they give their dogs enough to eat. Er hat die Augen seines Vaters. He has his father's eyes. He has his father's eyes. Es gibt drei Grundfarben und neun Mischfarben, also in Summe zwölf Farben. There are three primary colours and nine secondary colours for a total of twelve colours. There are three basic colors and nine mixed colors, i.e. twelve colors in total. Der Eintopf, den Tom gekocht hatte, schmeckte mir nicht besonders. I didn't really like the stew that Tom made. I didn't like the stew Tom had cooked. Ich beneide dich um deine Gesundheit. I envy your good health. I envy you for your health. Die Olympischen Spiele finden alle vier Jahre einmal statt. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games are held once every four years. Wenn du irgendwelche Probleme mit Tatoeba entdeckst, schieb die Schuld ruhig auf Sysko. If you discover any problems on Tatoeba, you should go ahead and blame Sysko. If you discover any problems with Tatoeba, blame yourself on Sysko. Vielleicht kann ich euch helfen. Perhaps I can help you. Maybe I can help you. Du musst mehr lernen. You must study more. You have to learn more. Tom wird sich ändern. Tom'll change. Tom will change. Was zur Hölle geht hier vor? What the hell is going on here? What the hell is going on? Sie haben es mir angeboten. They offered it to me. You offered it to me. Tom kopierte alle Daten seiner internen Festplatte auf eine externe. Tom copied all the files on his internal hard disk to an external hard disk. Tom copied all the data of his internal hard drive to an external one. Tom wird es nie wissen. Tom will never know. Tom will never know. Ich wünsche mir ein Boot, das mich weit weg von hier bringt. I want a boat that'll take me far away from here. I wish for a boat that would take me far away from here. Du kannst doch fließend Französisch, oder? You're fluent in French, right? You can speak French fluently, can't you? Tom sagte Maria, dass er glaube, Johannes sei zu Hause. Tom told Mary that he thought John was home. Tom told Mary that he thought John was home. Weißt du, warum das passiert? Do you know why that happens? Do you know why this is happening? Sie kennt ihre Nachbarn nicht. She doesn't know her neighbors. She doesn't know her neighbors. Wir wissen nicht, was es ist. We don't know what it is. We don't know what it is. Ich wohne und arbeite in Mexiko. I live and work in Mexico. I live and work in Mexico. Diese zwei Linien schneiden sich unter einem rechten Winkel. These two lines cut across each other at right angles. These two lines intersect at a right angle. Der Junge, der Gitarre spielt, ist mein Bruder. The boy playing the guitar is my brother. The boy playing guitar is my brother. Sie widmete ihr ganzes Leben dem Studium der Physik. She devoted her entire life to the study of physics. She devoted her whole life to studying physics. Sie trinkt nicht. She doesn't drink. She doesn't drink. Stellen Sie sich nicht dumm! Don't play dumb. Don't be stupid! Ich glaub, ich verstehe das. I think I understand it. I think I understand. Es gibt in Deutschland etwa eine Million Millionäre. There are about 1 million millionaires in Germany. There are about one millionaires in Germany. Es gibt nicht nur Schwarz und Weiß. Not everything is black and white. There's not only black and white. Tom blieb cool. Tom remained cool. Tom stayed cool. Das versteht sich von selbst. That goes without saying. That goes without saying. Der Wald war sehr dunkel und sie konnte nicht umhin, aus Furcht zu zittern. The wood was very dark, and she could not help trembling from fear. The forest was very dark and she could not help trembling out of fear. Wer ist die Frau dort? Who is that woman over there? Who's the woman there? Ich gebe nicht auf. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. Es ist niemand hier gewesen. There's been no one here. No one's been here. Ich erinnere mich an den Brief. I remember the letter. I remember the letter. In Ägypten regnet es weniger als in Japan. They have less rain in Egypt than in Japan. In Egypt it rains less than in Japan. Frag Maria mal, ob sie Französisch spricht! Ask Mary if she can speak French. Ask Maria if she speaks French! Ich fand auch sämtliche Briefe, die er meiner Mutter je geschrieben hatte. I also found every letter he had ever written to my mother. I also found all the letters he had ever written to my mother. Auf den Straßen ist es nachts nicht sicher. The streets are not safe at night. It's not safe on the streets at night. Der Prinz fragte das kleine Mädchen, warum es weine. The prince asked the little girl why she was crying. The prince asked the little girl why she was crying. Beeil dich, dann kommst du pünktlich zur Schule. Hurry up, and you'll be in time for school. Hurry up, you'll get to school on time. Ja, könnte man so sagen. Yes, it could be said. Yeah, you could say that. Wie drückt man null durch einen regulären Ausdruck aus? How is Null expressed as a regular expression? How do you express zero by a regular expression? Habe ich zu viel gesagt? Did I say too much? Did I say too much? Er ist nett. He is nice. He's nice. Möchtest du fernsehen? Would you like to watch TV? Do you want to watch TV? Was ist das Thema dieses Romans? What's the theme of the novel? What is the theme of this novel? Tom hat nach Marias Darbietung nicht geklatscht. Tom didn't clap after Mary's performance. Tom didn't clap after Mary's performance. Es hat keinen Sinn, eine Kamera mitzubringen. There's no point in taking a camera. There's no point in bringing a camera. Machen wir diesem Blödsinn ein Ende! Let's end this nonsense. Let's put an end to this nonsense! Wir alle sind zur Party gegangen, abgesehen von Joe. We all went to the party except Joe. We all went to the party, except for Joe. Ich werde dich nie im Stich lassen. I'll never let you down. I'll never let you down. Tom trinkt Wasser. Tom is drinking water. Tom drinks water. Die Blumen wiegten sich im Wind. The flowers were swaying in the wind. The flowers weighed in the wind. Es war eine gute und interessante Nacht. It was a good and interesting night. It was a good and interesting night. Möchtet ihr euch uns auf ein paar Drinks anschließen? Do you want to join us for some drinks? Would you like to join us for a few drinks? Du streitest nur um des Streites willen. You're arguing just to argue. You're fighting only for the sake of the fight. Ich hätte gern noch etwas Wasser. I would like some more water. I'd like some more water. Tom legte seine Kleidung weg. Tom put away his clothes. Tom put his clothes away. Ich lade jeden ein, der kommen möchte. I'll invite whoever wants to come. I invite everyone who wants to come. Du wirst dich wie zu Hause fühlen. You'll feel at home. You'll feel at home. Keime kann man nur unter dem Mikroskop sehen. Germs are visible only under the microscope. Germs can only be seen under the microscope. Ich stehe gerade auf dem Flughafen. Right now I'm at the airport. I'm at the airport right now. Tom ist ein sehr schlechter Fahrer. Tom is a very poor driver. Tom is a very bad driver. Der See ist für seine Wasserverschmutzung berüchtigt. The lake is notorious for its contamination. The lake is notorious for its water pollution. Hätte ich deine Telefonnummer gekannt, hätte ich dich angerufen. Had I known your telephone number, I would have called you. If I'd known your phone number, I'd have called you. Kennen Sie diese Leute? Do you know those people? Do you know these people? Möchtest du eine Tasse Milch? Would you like a cup of milk? Would you like a cup of milk? Tom nahm sein Mobiltelefon heraus, um einen Schnappschuss von sich zu machen. Tom took out his cell phone so that he could take a selfie. Tom took out his mobile phone to take a snapshot of himself. So etwas ist noch nie passiert. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It's never happened before. Sie schlug ihren Freund ins Gesicht. She slapped her friend in the face. She slapped her boyfriend in the face. Er vermisste seinen Kuss. He missed his kiss. He missed his kiss. Ich bin am 5. März 1977 in Osaka geboren. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. I was born on March 5, 1977 in Osaka. Warum geben Sie vor, mich nicht zu kennen? Why are you pretending you don't know me? Why don't you pretend you don't know me? Tom wachte in der Nacht mit einem brennenden Schmerz mitten in der Brust auf. Tom woke up in the night with a burning pain in the middle of his chest. Tom woke up at night with a burning pain in the middle of his chest. Bitte steh auf und stell dich vor! Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Please get up and introduce yourself! Maria wusste, dass sie beobachtet wurde. Mary knew she was being watched. Mary knew she was being watched. Sie brachte ihre Ideen zu Papier. She put down her thoughts on paper. She put her ideas on paper. Ich freue mich, dass ich Ihnen helfen konnte. I'm glad I could help you. I'm glad I could help you. Es lohnt sich nicht mehr zu arbeiten. It's not worth it to work anymore. It's not worth working anymore. Er führte sein Pferd zum Tor. He walked his horse to the gate. He led his horse to the gate. Mein Großvater hatte eine goldene Uhr bekommen, als er in Rente ging. My grandfather was given a gold watch when he retired. My grandfather had a gold watch when he retired. Tom war unwahrscheinlich mutig. Tom was amazingly courageous. Tom was incredibly brave. Im Lichte dieser Tatsachen könnte es nötig sein, unsere Theorie zu überarbeiten. In the light of these facts, it may be necessary to revise our theory. In the light of these facts, it may be necessary to revise our theory. Was halten Sie von meiner Theorie? What do you think of my theory? What do you think of my theory? Er greift hart gegen das Verbrechen durch. He's tough on crime. He's cracking down on the crime. Tom kannte die Regeln nicht. Tom didn't know the rules. Tom didn't know the rules. Wie benutze ich das? How do I use this? How do I use that? Ich lache nicht gerne. I don't like to laugh. I don't like to laugh. Tom liehe Ihnen Geld, wenn er welches hätte. Tom would lend you money if he had any. Tom would lie to you if he had any. Kommen Sie aus dem Wasser. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. Vergessen Sie nicht abzuschließen, wenn sie gehen. Don't forget to lock up when you leave. Don't forget to lock up when they leave. Ich habe viele Feinde. I have many enemies. I have many enemies. Tom zahlt jeden Monat etwas mehr Geld auf sein Sparkonto ein. Tom adds a little money to his savings account each month. Tom pays a little more money into his savings account every month. Trautes Heim, Glück allein! There is no place like home. Sweet home, happiness alone! Tom ist einer meiner besten Schüler. Tom is one of my best students. Tom is one of my best students. Dies ist das Bild, welches er malte. That is the picture that he painted. This is the picture he painted. Tom hat Angst vor Minderheiten. Tom is afraid of marginalized people. Tom is afraid of minorities. Seine Familie liebt es wirklich, jeden Tag Fernsehen zu gucken. His family really loves watching television every day. His family really loves watching TV every day. Ihre Klassenkameraden machten sich über sie lustig. Her classmates made fun of her. Her classmates made fun of her. Alle Freunde Toms lachten mich aus. All of Tom's friends laughed at me. All Tom's friends laughed at me. Glauben Sie, dass wir gewinnen? Do you think we'll win? Do you think we'll win? So hat sie es gern. That's the way she likes it. That's how she likes it. Er hat mehr Bücher als ich. He has more books than I do. He has more books than I do. Dies sind Werte, die wir alle teilen. Those are values that we all share. These are values that we all share. Es hat mich zu Tränen gerührt. It moved me to tears. It moved me to tears. Pizza ist mein Lieblingsessen. Pizza is my favorite food. Pizza is my favorite food. Ich verwechsele John immer mit seinem Zwillingsbruder. I always confuse John and his twin brother. I always confuse John with his twin brother. Interessiert daran, uns zu treffen und über eine mögliche Zusammenarbeit zu beraten? Does it interest you to meet and discuss a possible collaboration? Does it interest us to meet and discuss possible cooperation? Tom stellte sich den Leuten hinter dem Schalter vor. Tom introduced himself to the people behind the counter. Tom introduced himself to people behind the switch. Mit der Zeit mochten die Leute ihre Bilder. People came to like her paintings. In time, people liked their pictures. Warum sorgst du dich so um Tom? Why are you so worried about Tom? Why are you so worried about Tom? Tom kletterte schnell auf den Baum. Tom quickly climbed up the tree. Tom quickly climbed up the tree. Er ist auf einer Bananenschale ausgerutscht. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped on a banana shell. Vor einem halben Jahr fühlte er sich frei wie ein Vogel. He felt free as a bird half a year ago. Half a year ago, he felt free like a bird. Wir machen mit vielen Ländern Geschäfte. We are doing business with many countries. We do business with many countries. Wie wird das Wort betont? How is the word accented? How is the word emphasized? Ich habe nur zwei Stunden geschlafen. I only slept two hours. I only slept for two hours. Die Blume ist gelb. The flower is yellow. The flower is yellow. Die Katze frisst. The cat eats. The cat eats. Sie sind so groß wie meine Schwester. You are as tall as my sister. You're as tall as my sister. Der alte Mann lebt allein. The old man lives by himself. The old man lives alone. Ich liebe dich mehr als du mich. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. Diese Geschichte zu lesen dauert eine gute halbe Stunde. It takes just over half an hour to read this story. Reading this story takes a good half an hour. Da haben wir erfahren, dass die Hauptpost brannte und sie unseren Präsidenten entführt hatten. That's when we learned that the main post office was on fire and that they had kidnapped our president. We learned that the main post was on fire and that they had abducted our president. Wir sind nicht sehr weit gekommen. We didn't get far. We didn't get very far. Sie nahm sein Angebot an. She took up his offer. She accepted his offer. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das tun würde. I don't think I'd do that. I don't think I'd do that. Kannst du ein gutes koreanisches Restaurant empfehlen? Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant? Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant? Ich glaube, ich habe euch jetzt alles gesagt. I believe I have now told you everything. I think I've told you everything now. Die Trainerin von Wayde van Niekerk ist eine 74 Jahre alte Urgroßmutter. Wayde van Niekerk's coach is a 74 years old great-grandmother. The coach of Wayde van Niekerk is a 74-year-old great-grandmother. Du kommst gerade richtig, kannst du bitte das neue Modell ausprobieren? You come right in time. Can you please test the new model? You're in the right place, can you please try the new model? Ich bin in der Schule. I'm in school. I'm at school. Ich habe immer wieder in seinem Büro angerufen, aber keiner antwortete. I called his office again and again, but no one answered. I kept calling his office, but no one answered. Das ist einer meiner Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr. That's one of my New Year's resolutions. This is one of my intentions for the New Year. Ich freue mich wirklich für dich. I am truly happy for you. I'm really happy for you. Bitte bringen Sie die Sache beim nächsten Treffen ein! Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting. Please bring the matter to the next meeting! Ich habe einen Lastwagen. I have a lorry. I got a truck. Die Prinzessin war einem Prinzen verlobt, der gar ferne lebte. The princess was betrothed to a prince who lived a great way off. The princess was engaged to a prince who lived far away. Ich gehe für dich einkaufen. I'll do the shopping for you. I'll go shopping for you. Tom sollte davon erfahren. Tom should hear about this. Tom should know about it. Dieses Krankenhaus wird von der Stadt betrieben. This hospital is run by the city. This hospital is run by the city. Keiner weiß jemals wirklich, was hinter geschlossenen Türen vor sich geht. No one ever really knows what goes on behind closed doors. No one ever really knows what's going on behind closed doors. Aber wie willst du entscheiden, was wichtig ist und was nicht? But how are you going to decide what is important, and what isn't? But how do you decide what's important and what's not? Tom startete den Wagen. Tom started up the car. Tom started the car. Mein Mandant hätte nie festgenommen werden sollen. My client never should've been arrested. My client should never have been arrested. Schreiben Sie den Betrag auf den Scheck in Buchstaben und in Zahlen. Write the amount on the check in letters as well as figures. Write the amount on the check in letters and numbers. Tom sollte inzwischen angekommen sein. Tom should've arrived by now. Tom should have arrived by now. Es war ihm unmöglich, das Problem zu lösen. It was impossible for him to solve the problem. It was impossible for him to solve the problem. Es handelt sich um eine demokratische Regierung. It's a democratic government. It is a democratic government. Am Tage ihrer Hochzeit sind alle Bräute schön. All brides are beautiful on their wedding days. All the brides are beautiful on the day of their wedding. Die Regierung sollte ihre Armee ein für alle Mal stärken! The government should strengthen their army once and for all! The government should strengthen its army once and for all! Das Geld bekam Farbflecken, nachdem der Geldautomat geknackt wurde. The money got stained after the cash dispenser was forced. The money got paint stains after the ATM was cracked. Es war sehr dunkel in der Mine. It was very dark inside the mine. It was very dark in the mine. Ein Liter Milch enthält ungefähr dreißig Gramm Protein. A liter of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. One litre of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. Dieser ist von mir. This one's from me. This one's mine. Der ganze Schaden geht auf den Sturm zurück. All this damage is the result of the storm. All the damage goes back to the storm. Tom macht fast nie einen Fehler. Tom almost never makes a mistake. Tom almost never makes a mistake. Der Brief trägt eine verkehrte Anschrift. This letter is wrongly addressed. The letter has a wrong address. Er versuchte mit aller Kraft, den Bogen zu spannen und den Pfeil so weit wie möglich zu schießen. He tried with all his might to stretch the bow and shoot the arrow as far as possible. He tried with all his strength to stretch the bow and shoot the arrow as far as possible. Wie viele Zigaretten darf ich zollfrei mitnehmen? How many cigarettes am I allowed to take back duty free? How many cigarettes can I take off duty-free? Sie ist meine einzige richtige Freundin. She's my only real friend. She's my only real friend. Tom wusste eine Menge. Tom knew a lot. Tom knew a lot. Ich ging in Toms Zimmer. I went into Tom's room. I went to Tom's room. Verschwinde aus meinem Bett! Get out of my bed. Get out of my bed! Es wird Tag für Tag immer kälter. It is getting colder and colder day by day. It's getting colder and colder every day. Du weißt doch, dass ich dir nie weh täte. You know I would never hurt you. You know I'd never hurt you. Dies ist das Haus, in dem ich als Kind gelebt habe. This is the house where I lived when I was a child. This is the house where I lived as a child. Ich finde es schlimm, dass sie das Gerücht kolportierten. I think it's awful, that they're spreading rumors. I think it's bad that they colported the rumor. Er war eine Woche nicht in der Schule. He was absent from school for a week. He wasn't in school for a week. Die Strömung dieses Flusses ist zu stark, als dass man darin schwimmen könnte. The river flows too fast to swim in. The current of this river is too strong to swim in. Dieser Ritus ist Teil ihrer Religion. This rite is part of their religion. This rite is part of their religion. Ich wünschte, ich wäre in Boston. I wish I were in Boston. I wish I was in Boston. Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt. He was sentenced to death. He was sentenced to death. Mach das Beste, was du kannst! Do the best you can! Do the best you can! Das Kleid ist aus reiner Seide. The dress is pure silk. The dress is made of pure silk. Er macht es nicht mehr lange. He's on his last legs. He won't be long. Der Plural von „Pferd" lautet „Pferde". The plural of "horse" is "horses." The plural of "horse " is "horses. Lösen wir dieses Problem zusammen! Let's solve this problem together. Let's solve this problem together! Dachtet ihr, ich würde das nicht bemerken? Did you think I wouldn't notice? You think I wouldn't notice? „Armer Junge!", sagte der alte Dichter noch einmal, nahm ihn bei der Hand und führte ihn in seine Kammer. „Komm zu mir, und wir werden dich bald wieder warm bekommen; ich werde dir etwas Wein geben und ein paar Bratäpfel für dein Nachtmahl, mein liebes Kind!" 'Poor boy!' said the old poet again, taking him by the hand, and leading him into his room. 'Come to me, and we'll soon make thee warm again, and I will give thee some wine, and some roasted apples for thy supper, my pretty child!' "Poor boy!" said the old poet again, took him by the hand and led him into his chamber. "Come to me, and we will soon get you warm again; I will give you some wine and some fried apples for your night meal, my dear child!" Ich bin erschöpft. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. Er will nicht, dass ihr es wisst. He doesn't want you to know. He doesn't want you to know. Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen. If you don't listen, you'll have to feel. If you don't want to hear, you have to feel. Stelle sicher, dass du mit diesen neuen Kopfhörern nicht zu laut hörst. Make sure you don't listen too loud with these new earphones! Make sure you don't hear too loud with these new headphones. Bitte misch dich nicht ein, während ich mit ihm spreche. Please don't cut in while I'm talking with him. Please don't interfere while I'm talking to him. Tom hat ein schwarzes Fahrrad. Tom has a black bicycle. Tom has a black bike. Ich ziehe es vor, allein zu arbeiten. I prefer to work on my own. I prefer to work alone. Helen, dies ist mein Cousin. Helen, this is my cousin. Helen, this is my cousin. Wir hatten diesen Sommer viel Regen. We have had much rain this summer. We had a lot of rain this summer. Mir ist nicht nach Feiern zumute. I don't feel like partying. I don't feel like celebrating. Das hängt von dir ab. It depends on you. That depends on you. Der heutigen Zeitung zufolge kam es in der Stadt zu einem Brand. According to today's paper, there was a fire in the city. According to today's newspaper, there was a fire in the city. Woran habe ich nur gedacht? What was I thinking? What was I thinking? Die neue Brücke ist im Bau. The new bridge is under construction. The new bridge is under construction. Ich glaube, Sie haben das hier fallenlassen. I think you dropped this. I think you dropped this. Sie hat 3500 Bücher in ihrer Bibliothek und viele davon sind Erstausgaben. She has 3,500 books in her library and many of them are first editions. She has 3500 books in her library and many of them are first editions. Die Leute machen das nicht. People don't do that. People don't do that. Der Drucker braucht Papier. The printer needs paper. The printer needs paper. Sein Großvater ist vor einem Jahr an Krebs gestorben. His grandfather died of cancer a year ago. His grandfather died of cancer a year ago. Wer hat euch gesehen? Who saw you? Who saw you? Es war für uns eine echte Herausforderung, uns von der Klippe abzuseilen. It was a real challenge for us to go down the cliff on a rope. It was a real challenge for us to get off the cliff. Wenn du dich beeilst, bist du pünktlich. If you hurry up, you will be in time. If you hurry, you'll be on time. Keine Ahnung. Beats me. I don't know. Was haben Sie heute vor? What are you up to today? What are you going to do today? Sag Tom, ich habe keinen Hunger! Tell Tom that I'm not hungry. Tell Tom I'm not hungry. Darüber braucht ihr jetzt nicht nachzudenken. You don't need to think about that now. You don't need to think about that now. Die Wahrheit braucht nicht viele Worte. The truth doesn't need many words. The truth doesn't need many words. Das war unser Plan. That was our plan. That was our plan. Er ist einer meiner Nachbarn. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. Er muss unter allen Umständen aufgehalten werden. He must be stopped at all costs. He must be stopped at all costs. Du nimmst es nicht, oder? You're not taking it, are you? You don't take it, do you? Tom hat viele tolle Ideen. Tom has a lot of great ideas. Tom has a lot of great ideas. Ich bügel meine Taschentücher. I‘m ironing my handkerchiefs. I'm ironing my handkerchiefs. Spricht hier jemand Französisch? Does someone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Du brauchst danach nicht mehr zu suchen. You don't need to look for it anymore. You don't have to look for it anymore. Ich sagte ihm, er solle es lassen, aber er hat es trotzdem gemacht. I told him he should leave it , but he did it anyway. I told him not to do it, but he did it anyway. Der Satz ist gelöscht worden. The sentence has been deleted. The sentence has been deleted. Tom hat eine geräumige Wohnung. Tom's apartment is spacious. Tom has a spacious apartment. Vier mal fünf ist zwanzig. Five fours are twenty. Four times five is twenty. Dir steht schwarz. You look good in black. You look black. Tom braucht einen Gurtverlängerer. Tom needs a belt-lengthener. Tom needs a belt extender. Es ist komisch, dass du nichts über ihre Hochzeit weißt. It is strange that you know nothing about her wedding. It's funny you don't know anything about her wedding. Ich hatte letzte Woche meinen dreißigsten Geburtstag. I had my thirtieth birthday last week. I had my thirtieth birthday last week. Die Katze war unbeeindruckt. The cat was unimpressed. The cat was unimpressed. Tom wurde von der National Science Foundation ein Forschungsstipendium zugesprochen. Tom was awarded a research grant by the National Science Foundation. Tom was awarded a research scholarship by the National Science Foundation. Tom fehlt mir wirklich. I really miss Tom. I really miss Tom. Ich will mir Mühe geben, mit ihnen mitzuhalten. I'll try to keep up with them. I'm trying to keep up with them. Es tut mir leid, dass ihr das hören musstet. I'm sorry you had to hear that. I'm sorry you had to hear that. Ich hoffe, dass das schöne Wetter bis zum Wochenende anhält. I hope this fine weather lasts till the weekend. I hope the nice weather lasts until the weekend. Der Gedanke zählt. It's the thought that counts. The thought counts. Der Vorfall trug sich um Mitternacht zu. The incident took place at midnight. The incident happened at midnight. Als mein Großvater starb, war ich sechs Jahre alt, und ich kann mich kaum an ihn erinnern. When my grandfather died, I was six years old, and I can hardly remember him. When my grandfather died, I was six years old, and I can hardly remember him. In den Wäldern gibt es zahlreiche Vögel. Birds abound in the woods. There are many birds in the woods. Haben die Gäste gegessen? Have the guests eaten? Did the guests eat? Ich hätte gerne Batterien für dieses Gerät. I would like batteries for this device. I'd like batteries for this device. Ich muß mich für die Englischprüfung vorbereiten. I have to prepare for the English test. I have to prepare for the English exam. Ich habe vor zu studieren. I am going to study. I'm going to study. Wir schreien. We're screaming. We're screaming. Das Essen schmeckte wunderbar. The food was wonderful. The food tasted wonderful. Tom und Maria haben ihre Miete nicht bezahlt. Tom and Mary haven't paid their rent. Tom and Mary didn't pay their rent. Du wirst alle diese Daten auswendig lernen müssen. You'll have to learn all these dates by rote. You'll have to memorize all this data. Wo haben Sie die Schlüssel gefunden? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? Warum scheint der Mond nachts? Why does the moon shine at night? Why does the moon shine at night? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glücklich seien. Tom and Mary told John they weren't happy. Tom and Mary told John that they were not happy. Sie möchte Kinder. She wants children. She wants kids. Tom isst gerade zu Abend. Tom is having dinner. Tom is eating dinner right now. Ich ziehe die Zahlung in einer Summe einer Ratenzahlung vor. I prefer payment in full to payment in part. I prefer the payment in a sum of a installment payment. Wir haben diesmal gewonnen. We won this time. We won this time. Das Fernsehen hat uns Spaß gemacht. We enjoyed watching the TV. We enjoyed watching TV. Habt ihr eine Ahnung, wovon ich rede? Have you got any idea what I'm talking about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? Glaubst du, dass du das schaffst? Do you think you're up to it? Do you think you can do this? Kartoffeln, Feigen und Kaffee sind mir die liebsten Nahrungsmittel. Potatoes, figs, and coffee are my favorite foods. Potatoes, figs and coffee are my favorite foods. Der junge Mann, der nicht geweint hat, ist ein Wilder, und der alte Mann, der nicht lacht, ist ein Narr. The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool. The young man who did not weep is a savage, and the old man who did not laugh is a fool. Du musst das nicht für mich tun. You don't have to do this for me. You don't have to do this for me. Im Englischen gibt es einige Lehnwörter aus dem Japanischen. In English there are some words borrowed from Japanese. In English there are some loanwords from Japanese. Es freut mich, dass Sie da sind. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. Tom hat verärgert geklungen. Tom sounded angry. Tom sounded angry. Hast du zu Hause einen Rechner? Do you have a computer at home? Do you have a computer at home? Das Bücherregal ist eingebaut. The bookshelf is built in. The bookshelf is installed. Das ist es, was so toll an Tom ist. That's what's great about Tom. That's what's so great about Tom. Des Weiteren wird ein Wörterbuch vorausgesetzt. Another thing that is required is a dictionary. Furthermore, a dictionary is required. Ich hasse Sie nicht. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Da gibt es nur eine Erklärung. There's only one explanation. There's only one explanation. Ich kann nicht sagen, wie schwer der Schaden ist. I can't tell how bad the damage is. I can't tell you how heavy the damage is. Tom schärfte das Messer. Tom sharpened the knife. Tom sharpened the knife. Habt ihr Tom gehen sehen? Did you see Tom leave? Did you see Tom go? Ich muss etwas erfinden. I need to invent something. I have to invent something. Wir werden schon irgendwie durch den Dschungel kommen. We will get through the jungle somehow. We'll get through the jungle somehow. Lassen wir uns doch etwas Zeit, um darüber nachzudenken! Why don't we take some time to think about it? Why don't we take some time to think about it? Ich möchte, dass du mich in Ruhe lässt. I want you to leave me alone. I want you to leave me alone. Das sind alle Informationen, die wir im Moment benötigen. That's all the information we need right now. That's all the information we need right now. Tom darf das, Maria aber darf das nicht. Tom is permitted to do that, but Mary isn't. Tom can do that, but Mary can't. Wir müssen irgendwas dagegen tun. We need to do something about this. We have to do something about it. Einen Augenblick! Dieser Anruf könnte wichtig sein. Just a second. This call might be important. This call could be important. Tom starb in seinem Wohnzimmer. Tom died in his living room. Tom died in his living room. Jeder der Jungen war begierig, an dem Rennen teilzunehmen. Each of the boys was eager to join in the race. Each of the boys was eager to participate in the race. Er, und nur er, muss gehen. He, and he alone, must go. He, and only him, must go. Ich möchte nur sichergehen, dass das nicht mehr passiert. I just want to make sure that doesn't happen again. I just want to make sure that doesn't happen anymore. Das hat nichts mit mir zu tun. It has nothing to do with me. This has nothing to do with me. Seine Perücke sitzt schief. His wig is skew. His wig is crooked. Das ist das dritte Mal, dass Tom zu spät ist diese Woche. This is the third time Tom has been late this week. This is the third time Tom is late this week. Hat Tom ja gesagt? Did Tom say yes? Did Tom say yes? Was glaubst du, warum Tom das heute machen wollte? Why do you think Tom wanted to do that today? Why do you think Tom wanted to do this today? Ich warte bei mir zu Hause auf dich. I'm waiting for you at my house. I'll wait for you at my house. Bitte schalte den Fernseher aus. Please turn off the TV. Please turn off the TV. Tom ist zurückgetreten. Tom has resigned. Tom resigned. Erdbeersaft ist gut für das Gedächtnis. Strawberry juice is good for the memory. Strawberry juice is good for memory. Sie hat ihn heftig getreten. She kicked him hard. She kicked him hard. Ich habe Tom eingestellt. I hired Tom. I hired Tom. Ich habe keine Freunde, die mir helfen könnten. I have no friends to help me. I don't have any friends to help me. Es ist schwierig, aus diesem Irrgarten herauszukommen. This maze is very hard to get out of. It's hard to get out of this maze. Tom sagt, er wolle keine Freundin. Tom says he doesn't want a girlfriend. Tom says he doesn't want a girlfriend. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann ich das letzte Mal so glücklich gewesen bin. I can't remember the last time I was this happy. I can't remember the last time I was so happy. So lange er ehrlich ist, wird sich jeder beliebige Junge dafür eignen. As long as he is honest, any boy will do. As long as he's honest, any boy will be suitable. Pat geht zu Jims Geburtstagsfeier. Pat's going to Jim's birthday party. Pat's going to Jim's birthday party. Ich habe mich in sie verliebt. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. Können wir mitmachen? Can we join in? Can we join in? Er kaufte sich ein doppelläufiges Gewehr. He bought a double-barreled shotgun. He bought himself a double-running rifle. Ich weiß nicht, wie du das essen kannst. I don't know how you can eat that. I don't know how you can eat this. Ich habe keine Zeit für Besucher. I have no time for visitors. I don't have time for visitors. Ihr Einverständnis ist mir wichtig. Her approval is important to me. Your consent is important to me. Dick kommt manchmal zu spät zum Unterricht. Dick is sometimes late for school. Dick is sometimes late for class. Es lohnt sich nicht, dorthin zu gehen. It isn't worthwhile going there. It's not worth going there. Schreibpapier, bitte! Writing paper, please! Writing paper, please! Dieser Satz steht in der Gegenwart. This sentence is in the present tense. This sentence stands in the present. Tom kommt fast jeden Tag um halb drei nach Hause. Tom gets home almost every day at 2:30. Tom comes home almost every day at 6:30. Wie Tom es versucht hat, Ihnen zu sagen: Sie sind nicht berechtigt, sich hier drinnen aufzuhalten. As Tom tried to tell you, you're not allowed in here. As Tom tried to tell you, you're not entitled to stay in here. Das ist mir bereits bekannt. I already know. I already know that. Ich wollte dich nicht kränken. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to offend you. Er ging an Bord des Flugzeugs. He boarded the airplane. He boarded the plane. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, er hat recht. I'm pretty sure he's right. I'm pretty sure he's right. Tom wohnt in der Bostoner Innenstadt. Tom lived in the center of Boston. Tom lives in downtown Boston. Hast du ein Buch geschrieben? Have you written a book? Did you write a book? Ich habe einen Hund gesehen. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. Er sagte nichts. He said nothing. He didn't say anything. Haben Sie eine Eiszange? Do you have any ice tongs? Do you have an ice plier? Sie steht jeden Morgen um sechs Uhr auf. She wakes up at six every morning. She gets up every morning at six o'clock. In Italien wird fünf Tage in der Woche gearbeitet. They work five days a week in Italy. In Italy, work is done five days a week. Tom kam gestern Morgen an meinem Haus vorbei. Tom came by my house yesterday morning. Tom came past my house yesterday morning. Wagenrennen waren im alten Rom sehr beliebt. Chariot races were popular in ancient Rome. Car races were very popular in ancient Rome. Tom schläft jeden Abend beim Fernsehen ein. Tom falls asleep every night watching TV. Tom falls asleep on TV every night. Welches Netzwörterbuch verwendest du am meisten? Which online dictionary do you use most? Which web dictionary do you use most? Du singst nicht besonders gut. You don't sing very well. You don't sing very well. Ich bin größer als Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm taller than Tom. Tom kann dir morgen eine Antwort geben. Tom can give you an answer tomorrow. Tom can give you an answer tomorrow. Der Flughafen ist ziemlich weit von der Stadtmitte entfernt. The airport is quite far from the city centre. The airport is quite far from the city centre. Ich schaue nur. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Es war ein aufs äußerste grausamer Krieg. It was an extremely cruel war. It was an extremely cruel war. Wie kommen Sie in mein Haus? How did you get into my house? How did you get into my house? Er weiß sehr gut, wie man Menschen täuscht. He knows very well how to deceive people. He knows very well how to deceive people. Ich lasse das Buch für euch bei meinem Nachbarn. I'll leave the book for you with my neighbour. I'll leave the book for you at my neighbor's. Tom fehlte ihnen. They missed Tom. They missed Tom. John fing einen Tiger und schoß zwei Löwen. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. Meine Katze wird begeistert davon sein. My cat will love this. My cat will love it. Die Welt ist in drängender Not derer, die in einer mehr aufgeschlossenen Weise denken. The world is in dire need of those who think in a more open-minded way. The world is in urgent need of those who think in a more open-minded way. Die Kinder spielten mit Holzklötzen. The children played with wooden blocks. The children played with wooden blocks. Ich wünschte, Sie hätten mir das nicht gesagt. I wish that you hadn't told me that. I wish you hadn't told me that. Dafür wirst du bezahlen, Tom! You will pay for this, Tom. You'll pay for that, Tom. Wie haben Sie das ohne unsere Hilfe geschafft? How did you do it without our help? How did you do this without our help? Das ergibt für mich keinen Sinn. This makes no sense to me. That doesn't make any sense to me. „Ich glaube, dass die Menschen von Natur aus gut sind." – „Nun, ich glaube, sie sind von Natur aus schlecht." – „Ihr habt beide unrecht. Sie sind von Natur aus neutral." – „Was? Unmöglich! Die menschliche Natur kann doch nicht so verabscheuungswürdig sein, als dass sie auf eine derart widerwärtige Haltung wie die Neutralität gegründet wäre!" "I believe people are fundamentally good." "Well, I think they're fundamentally evil." "You're both wrong. They're actually fundamentally neutral." "What?! Impossible! Human nature can't possibly be so despicable as to be based on the repugnant attitude that is neutrality." "I believe that people are by nature good." – "Well, I think they are by nature bad." – "You are both wrong. They are by nature neutral." – "What? Impossible! Human nature cannot be so detestable that it is based on such a disgusting attitude as neutrality!" Ich hatte sogar eine Rede geschrieben — nur für den Fall, dass man mich bitten würde, eine zu halten. I even wrote a speech just in case I was asked to give one. I had even written a speech — just in case I was asked to deliver one. Wir haben weitaus mehr Gemeinsamkeiten, als du wahrscheinlich denkst. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. We have much more in common than you probably think. Während er sich in London aufhielt, besuchte er das Britische Museum. While in London, he visited the British Museum. While in London, he visited the British Museum. Er spielt Golf. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Gestern fiel die Temperatur auf minus fünf Grad Celsius. The temperature fell five degrees centigrade below zero yesterday. Yesterday the temperature fell to minus five degrees Celsius. Du weißt ziemlich viel über Sumo. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about Sumo. Sprich ihn doch mal an! Why don't you go talk to him? Why don't you talk to him? Die Behandlung scheint anzuschlagen. The treatment appears to be working. The treatment seems to work. Er ist einflussreich. He is influential. He's influential. Ich will das nicht mehr. I no longer want that. I don't want this anymore. Tom führt ständig Klage über seine Frau. Tom is always complaining about his wife. Tom is constantly suing his wife. Ich war gerade am Bahnhof, um mich von meinem Onkel zu verabschieden. I have just been to the station to see my uncle off. I was just at the station to say goodbye to my uncle. Die Küche ist im Erdgeschoss. The kitchen is on the ground floor. The kitchen is on the ground floor. Ich habe Tom in letzter Zeit kaum gesehen. I haven't seen Tom very much recently. I've hardly seen Tom lately. Du solltest hier nicht essen. You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. Tom ist recht vertrauenswürdig. Tom is pretty trustworthy. Tom is quite trustworthy. Putin sagte, dass es notwendig sei, die Terroristen auf dem Scheißhaus zu erledigen. Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john'. Putin said it was necessary to kill the terrorists in the fucking house. Es ist nicht leicht, mit Kreide zu schreiben. It is not easy to write with chalk. It's not easy to write with chalk. Wissenschaftler haben unlängst in der Antarktis eine Kolonie fliegender Pinguine entdeckt. Scientists have just discovered a colony of flying penguins living in Antarctica. Scientists have recently discovered a colony of flying penguins in Antarctica. Ich hoffe, es funktioniert. I hope it works. I hope it works. Du wusstest das, oder? You knew that, right? You knew that, didn't you? Tom probierte das Popcorn, und da er zu dem Schluss kam, dass es nicht salzig genug war, streute er sich noch etwas Salz darauf. Tom tasted the popcorn and decided it wasn't salty enough, so he sprinkled on some more salt. Tom tried the popcorn, and as he came to the conclusion that it wasn't salty enough, he sprinkled some salt on it. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Tom gerade wortlos gegangen ist. I can't believe that Tom just left without saying anything. I can't believe Tom just left wordless. Warum gehst du mir aus dem Weg? Why have you been avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me? Können wir bei diesem Problem zu einer Einigung kommen? Can we reach a consensus on this issue? Can we come to an agreement on this problem? Ich möchte mit dir zu Abend essen. I'd like to have dinner with you. I want to have dinner with you. Kosovo ist jetzt ein unabhängiger Staat. Kosovo is now an independent country. Kosovo is now an independent state. Das Datum auf dem Kalender war der dreiundzwanzigste September neunzehnhundertvierundsechzig. The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964. The date on the calendar was the twenty-third of September, nineteen hundred and sixty-four. Maria ist eine ganz große Nummer in Hollywood. Mary is a big shot in Hollywood. Mary's a big deal in Hollywood. Für jeden kommt einmal der Zeitpunkt, an dem er von seinem Gewissen eingeholt wird. For everyone comes a time when his conscience catches up with him. For everyone, the time comes when he or she will be caught up in his or her conscience. Das gift'ge Schreien der eifersücht'gen Frau wirkt tödlicher als eines tollen Hundes Zahn. The venom clamours of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a mad dog's tooth. The venomous screams of the jealous woman seem more deadly than a great dog's tooth. Sie konnte nicht verstehen, warum sie kämpften. She could not understand why they fought. She couldn't understand why they were fighting. Wer ist die Frau mit dem braunen Mantel? Who's the woman in the brown coat? Who's the woman with the brown coat? Niemand hat über den Film gesprochen. Nobody talked about the movie. Nobody talked about the movie. Tom hat drei Kuchen gebacken. Tom baked three pies. Tom baked three cakes. Sie schaute untätig aus dem Fenster. She was idly looking out of the window. She looked idle out the window. Es wäre schön, den Sommer in den Bergen zu verbringen. It would be nice to spend the summer in the mountains. It would be nice to spend the summer in the mountains. Sag ihr, ich habe Hunger. Tell her that I am hungry. Tell her I'm hungry. Spaghetti wachsen nicht auf Bäumen. Spaghetti don't grow on trees. Spaghetti doesn't grow on trees. Tom isst zum Frühstück gewöhnlich nur Haferflocken. Tom usually only eats oatmeal for breakfast. Tom usually only eats oatmeal for breakfast. Ist das nicht eigenartig? Isn't that curious? Isn't that weird? Tom hatte Angst, was die Leute denken würden. Tom was afraid of what people would think. Tom was afraid of what people would think. Ich werde sie überraschen. I'll surprise them. I'll surprise her. Es ist nicht einfach, eine Fremdsprache zu lernen. It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It is not easy to learn a foreign language. Großmutter glaubt, dass chinesische Arzneimittel die besten sind. Grandmother believes that Chinese medicines are the best. Grandma believes that Chinese medicines are the best. Sie ist Krankenschwester. She is a nurse. She's a nurse. Es gibt keine Seife. There's no soap. There's no soap. Als sie es hörte, kam sie sofort hierher. She came here as soon as she heard of it. When she heard it, she came here immediately. Die Kinder sind nackt geschwommen. The children were swimming naked. The kids swam naked. Tom hat sein Sandwich nicht fertig essen können. Tom couldn't finish his sandwich. Tom couldn't finish his sandwich. Es ist ein Geschenk für dich. This gift is for you. It's a gift for you. Ich mache mich wohl besser auf den Weg. I guess I'd better leave. I guess I'd better get on my way. Es klingelte plötzlich. The bell rang suddenly. It rang all of a sudden. Tom hob seine Augenbrauen. Tom raised his eyebrows. Tom raised his eyebrows. Was ist ihre größte Inspirationsquelle? What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is their greatest source of inspiration? Tom kann dir dazu Ratschläge geben. Tom can give you advice about that. Tom can give you advice on this. Ich würde das für keinen Preis verkaufen. I wouldn't sell that at any price. I wouldn't sell this for any price. Er führt ein Tagebuch auf Englisch. He keeps a diary in English. He keeps a diary in English. Frauen werden anders beurteilt als Männer. Women are judged differently than men. Women are judged differently than men. Welche Sprachen spricht man in Amerika? What languages are spoken in America? What languages do you speak in America? Tom war ein ungezogenes Kind. Tom was a bad kid. Tom was a naughty kid. Er lag total daneben. He was dead wrong. He was totally wrong. Tom war mein erster fester Freund. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tom was my first boyfriend. Das Unmögliche geschieht bisweilen. Impossible things sometimes happen. The impossible happens sometimes. Und Gott sprach: Es werde Licht. Und es wurde Licht. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God said, Let there be light. And there was light. Tom ertrug die Schmerzen nicht länger. Tom couldn't take the pain any longer. Tom no longer endured the pain. Ich hätte den Mund halten sollen. I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have kept my mouth shut. Ich will Zeit. I want time. I want time. Lass uns hier verschwinden, bevor es zu spät ist! Let's get out of here before it's too late. Let's get out of here before it's too late! Der Pfeil verfehlte weit das Ziel. The arrow fell wide of the mark. The arrow missed the target. Ich fühle mich so gut wie je. I feel as good as I've ever felt. I feel as good as ever. Dichter können ohne Liebe nicht leben. Poets cannot live without love. Poets can't live without love. Das ist das Haus, in dem sie lebte. This is the house she lived in. This is the house she lived in. Ursprünglich waren sie Bauern. Originally they were farmers. Originally, they were farmers. Er sagt, er wolle dich sprechen. He says that he wants to speak with you. He says he wants to talk to you. Ich sagte ihr, er sei mein Freund. I told her he was my boyfriend. I told her he was my friend. Bei Tom zu Hause ist es selbst an kalten Tagen drinnen warm. Tom's house is warm inside even on cold days. At Tom's home, it's warm even on cold days inside. Tom fiel in die Heroinsucht zurück. Tom relapsed on heroin. Tom fell back into heroin addiction. Tom besprach die Einzelheiten mit Maria. Tom discussed the details with Mary. Tom discussed the details with Mary. Darf ich noch ein Stück Kuchen haben? May I have another piece of cake? Can I have another piece of cake? Ich werde dich jede Nacht anrufen. I'll call you every night. I'll call you every night. Ich habe Tom gesprochen. I talked with Tom. I spoke to Tom. Das ist viel Geld. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of money. Was meinst du dazu? What do you think about it? What do you think? Erlauben Sie mir, zu bleiben. Permit me to stay. Allow me to stay. Warte bis das Licht grün wird. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait until the light turns green. Ich möchte dir etwas zeigen. I have something to show you. I want to show you something. Sie war unwillig, ihr Geheimnis zu verraten. She was reluctant to reveal her secret. She was unwilling to reveal her secret. Sie sind dort vor Ihnen angekommen. They arrived there before you. They arrived in front of you. Ich habe es nur des Geldes wegen getan. I only did it for the money. I just did it for the money. Tom hat gesagt, dass Maria das selten tut. Tom said Mary seldom does that. Tom said that Mary rarely does. Ich habe nicht so viel Erfahrung wie Sie. I don't have as much experience as you. I don't have as much experience as you do. Man muss kein Künstler sein, um die Schönheit des Alltäglichen zu entdecken. You don't have to be an artist to find the beauty in everyday life. You don't have to be an artist to discover the beauty of everyday life. Wie kann man am besten einen Hund bestrafen? What's the best way to punish a dog? How is it best to punish a dog? Es ist kompliziert. It's complicated. It's complicated. Lass ihn nicht das Licht ausschalten! Don't let him switch off the light. Don't let him turn off the lights! Sie dürfen die Gemälde nicht berühren! You can't touch the paintings. You can't touch the paintings! Schwer kann es nicht sein – sonst könnten es Frauen nicht machen. It cannot be difficult; otherwise, women could not do it. It can't be hard – otherwise women couldn't do it. Kein Mensch verfügt über ein ausreichend gutes Gedächtnis, um ein erfolgreicher Lügner zu sein. No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. No one has sufficient memory to be a successful liar. Welcher Nationalität sind Ihre Eltern? What is your parents' nationality? What nationality are your parents? Warum seht ihr alle so glücklich aus? Why do you all look so happy? Why do you all look so happy? Schreibt Jimmy einen Brief? Is Jimmy writing a letter? Does Jimmy write a letter? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie meinten, Elke sei nicht wach. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't awake. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't awake. Es gab zwischen uns eine schweigende Vereinbarung, uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen. We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. There was a silent agreement between us to support each other. Er spitzte die Ohren. He pricked up his ears. He pointed his ears. Ich bin für Ihren Vorschlag. I am in favor of your proposal. I am in favour of your proposal. Tom hatte ein Problem mit Mary. Tom had a problem with Mary. Tom had a problem with Mary. Tom hat das Interesse daran verloren, Französisch zu lernen. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom has lost interest in learning French. Sie wird in Zukunft eine berühmte Künstlerin sein. She will be a famous artist in the future. She will be a famous artist in the future. Wie gehen deine Geschäfte? How's your business going? How's your business? Die Schule beginnt um neun Uhr. School starts at nine. School starts at nine o'clock. Gehören die alle dir? Are these all yours? Do they all belong to you? Die Todesstrafe ist endgültig und unumkehrbar. The death penalty is final and irreversible. The death penalty is final and irreversible. Ein Mädchen spielt Querflöte. A girl is playing the flute. A girl plays flute. Ich kann nicht mit Mädchen reden. I can't talk to girls. I can't talk to girls. Passt auf euch auf. Watch yourselves! Take care of yourselves. Alle Erwachsenen waren einmal Kinder. All grown-ups were once children. All adults were once children. Tom war den ganzen Tag auf Schusters Rappen. Tom spent the whole day walking. Tom has been on Schuster's rag all day. Der Beamer funktioniert nicht. The projector doesn't work. The beamer doesn't work. Hat Tom noch etwas gesagt, bevor er starb? Did Tom say anything before he died? Did Tom say anything else before he died? Tom, wenn du nicht gehst, werde ich auch nicht gehen. Tom, if you're not going I'm not going either. Tom, if you don't go, I won't go either. Tom legte sich auf das Bett. Tom laid himself on the bed. Tom lay down on the bed. Wie können wir verhindert, dass das noch mal passiert? How do we prevent this from happening again? How can we prevent this from happening again? Die Dame blieb ruhig. The lady remained silent. The lady remained calm. Der Ozean war ruhig. The ocean was calm. The ocean was calm. Wir werden sehen, wer zuletzt lacht. We'll see who has the last laugh. We'll see who laughs last. Der hochrangige Regierungsvertreter schloss die Möglichkeit einer Parlamentswahl aus. The high-ranking government official ruled out the possibility of a general election. The high-level government representative excluded the possibility of a parliamentary election. Ich möchte, dass ihr dableibt. I want you to stay. I want you to stay there. Ihr seid schöner denn je. You're more beautiful than ever. You're more beautiful than ever. Deutsche Winter sind kalt. German winters are cold. German winters are cold. Kennst du jemanden, dem wir trauen können? Do you know someone we could trust? Do you know anyone we can trust? Heute habe ich viel zu tun. I have a lot to do today. I'm busy today. Tom sagt, er wird darüber nachdenken. Tom says he'll think about it. Tom says he'll think about it. Ich habe heute genug an meinem Deutsch gearbeitet. I worked enough on my German today. I've worked enough on my German today. Der Arzt riet mir, das Rauchen aufzugeben. The doctor advised me to give up smoking. The doctor advised me to quit smoking. Ich habe recht, nicht wahr? I'm right, aren't I? I'm right, isn't I? Gib acht, dass du Toms Gefühle nicht verletzt. Be careful not to hurt Tom's feelings. Make sure you don't hurt Tom's feelings. Oft war sie sehr einsam und traurig, denn ihr Mann war, von ihr fort, in den Krieg gezogen. Often she was very sad and lonely, for her husband had left her to go to war. She was often very lonely and sad, for her husband had gone to war with her. Tom ist zu allen nett gewesen. Tom has been nice to everybody. Tom has been nice to everyone. Sami fragte bei seiner Mutter um Hilfe. Sami asked for his mother's help. Sami asked his mother for help. Letzten Oktober war ich bei Tom. I was with Tom last October. Last October, I was with Tom. Der Polizist meinte, ich wäre 135 gefahren, aber ich fuhr nur 120. The cop said I was going 85, but I was only going 75. The policeman said I drove 135, but I only drove 120. Tom und Maria waren sich sicher, zu dem, worum Johannes sie gebeten hatte, in der Lage zu sein. Tom and Mary were sure they could do what John asked them to do. Tom and Mary were sure of what John had asked them to be able to do. Tom und Maria sind beide schwarzhaarig. Tom and Mary both have black hair. Tom and Mary are both black-haired. Hast du es nicht bemerkt? Didn't you notice it? Didn't you notice? Er ist eine Gefahr für die Gesellschaft. He is a danger to society. He's a threat to society. Ich wollte dorthin gehen. I wanted to go there. I wanted to go there. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, dass Johannes in Boston sei. Mary told Tom that she thought John was in Boston. Mary told Tom that she thought John was in Boston. Tom geht nicht allein. Tom won't go alone. Tom isn't going alone. Sie war in ihn verknallt. She had a crush on him. She was in love with him. Geh dein Auto holen. Go get your car. Go get your car. Kennen Tom und Maria sich? Do Tom and Mary know each other? Do Tom and Mary know each other? Tom wird es lieben, hier zu sein. Tom is going to love being here. Tom will love being here. Kann ich es verwenden? Can I use it? Can I use it? Es gelang Tom, rechtzeitig dort zu sein. Tom managed to get there in time. Tom managed to get there in time. Er hat einen interessanten Beruf, für den er viel arbeiten muss. He has an interesting job, for which he has to work a lot. He has an interesting profession for which he has to work a lot. Sie hätten sich keine günstigere Zeit aussuchen können. You couldn't have picked a better time. You couldn't have chosen a cheaper time. Von wem stammt dieser Einfall? Who had this idea? Who made this idea? Bist du gefahren, als du in Australien gewesen bist? Did you drive when you were in Australia? Did you drive when you were in Australia? Tom hat eine zu große Vorliebe für Butter. Tom likes butter too much. Tom has too much preference for butter. Tom war zu wütend, um zu sprechen. Tom was too angry to speak. Tom was too angry to talk. Es hat keinen Zweck, noch länger auf sie zu warten. There is no use waiting for her any longer. There's no point in waiting for her any longer. Ich habe Französisch studiert. I've studied French. I studied French. Wir werden kämpfen. We'll fight. We're gonna fight. Es gibt nicht genug Wasser. There's not enough water. There's not enough water. Tom isst fast jeden Tag Schokolade. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Ich kann nicht mithalten mit dir, wenn du so schnell gehst. I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. I can't keep up with you if you go so fast. Mag Tom Französisch? Does Tom like French? Does Tom like French? Die Zukunft des Mannes ist die Frau. The future of man is the woman. The man's future is the woman. Ich lieh meinem Freund etwas Geld. I lent my friend some money. I lent my friend some money. Tom wusste nicht, was er tat. Tom didn't know what he was doing. Tom didn't know what he was doing. Tom wird dir auf deine Fragen antworten. Tom will answer your questions. Tom will answer your questions. Du, ich muss gehen. Listen, I have to go. You, I have to go. Wenn ihr es nicht wusstet, wisst ihr es jetzt. If you didn't know, now you know. If you didn't know, you know now. Die sind jung. Lass sie leben! They're young. Let them live! They're young. Ich trinke meinen Kaffe lieber schwach. I'd like my coffee weak. I'd rather drink my coffee weak. „Sind deine Eltern zu Hause?" – „Nur mein Papa." "Are your parents home?" "Only my dad." "Are your parents home?" "Just my dad." Wir gehen ins Kino. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Tom stand vor Maria. Tom stood in front of Mary. Tom stood in front of Mary. Kennt ihr euch in dieser Gegend aus? Do you know this neighbourhood? Do you know each other around here? Kochen Sie den Reis. Cook the rice. Cook the rice. Er ging so weit, mich einen Lügner zu nennen. He went so far as to call me a liar. He went so far as to call me a liar. Juan weiß nicht, dass Maria seine Tochter ist. Juan doesn't know that Maria is his daughter. Juan doesn't know Mary is his daughter. Ich will genau hören, wie Tom es geschafft hat, die alte Karre wieder zum Laufen zu bringen. I'd like to hear exactly how Tom managed to get that old car running again. I want to hear exactly how Tom managed to get the old car back to work. Sein Auto ist wirklich chic. His car is really cool. His car is really chic. Ich bin nicht vorsichtiger als du. I am not more careful than you are. I'm not more careful than you are. Tom, Maria, Johannes und Elke sind untereinander befreundet. Die kennen sich schon seit ihrer Kindheit. Tom, Mary, John and Alice are friends. They've known each other since they were children. Tom, Mary, John and Alice have been friends with each other since childhood. Ihre Tochter kann nicht gut kochen. Her daughter is not a good cook. Your daughter can't cook well. Hattest du als Kind ein Lieblingsbuch? Did you have a favorite book as a child? Did you have a favorite book when you were a kid? Ich denke, Tom ist nicht da. I think Tom is out. I think Tom isn't here. Lass mich nicht im Stich, Tom! Don't fail me, Tom. Don't let me down, Tom. Bitte rufen Sie mich um neun Uhr vormittags an. Please call me at nine AM. Please call me at nine o'clock in the morning. Der Aufwand lohnt sich einfach nicht. It's just not worth the effort. It's just not worth the effort. Die Hälfte der Arten auf der Welt lebt in den tropischen Regenwäldern. Half of the world's species live in tropical rainforests. Half of the species in the world live in tropical rainforests. Klingelt das Telefon? Is the phone ringing? Is the phone ringing? Vergiss nicht, dass ich existiere. Don't forget that I exist. Don't forget that I exist. Vielleicht war Tom derjenige, der Marias Halskette gestohlen hat. Maybe Tom was the one who stole Mary's necklace. Maybe Tom was the one who stole Mary's necklace. Es war unmöglich, den Korken zu ziehen. It was impossible to pull out the cork. It was impossible to pull the cork. Habe ich dich nicht gebeten, das zu lassen? Didn't I ask you not to do that? Didn't I ask you not to do that? Der Winter ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit. Winter is my favourite season. Winter is my favorite season. Das habe ich schon gemacht. I did that already. I've already done that. Wir haben einen Mindestbestellwert von zehn Euro. We have a minimum order value of ten euros. We have a minimum order value of ten euros. Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis bei Weitem nicht zufrieden. I am far from satisfied with the result. I am far from satisfied with the result. Tom rief mich an. Tom called me. Tom called me. Meine Batterie ist fast leer. My battery is almost dead. My battery's almost empty. Die Wunde begann zu bluten. The wound started to bleed. The wound began to bleed. Das gefällt mir nicht. Zeig mir ein anderes. I don't like this. Show me another. I don't like that. Entscheide dich bitte ein für alle Mal! Please make up your mind once and for all. Please make up your mind once and for all! Was ist Quantenkryptographie? What is quantum cryptography? What is quantum cryptography? Wo ist die nächste Toilette? Where is the nearest restroom? Where's the nearest toilet? Tom ist Fußballspieler. Tom is a football player. Tom is a football player. Die Kinder tun mir leid. I feel sorry for the children. I'm sorry about the kids. Gott weiß, dass ich die Wahrheit spreche. God knows I am telling the truth. God knows I'm telling the truth. Das Feuerwerk geht los. The fireworks are starting. Fireworks are starting. Diese Universität wurde 1843 gegründet. This university was founded in 1843. This university was founded in 1843. Was für Bücher lest ihr gerne? What kind of books do you like? What kind of books do you like to read? Ihr habt keinen Ehrgeiz. You're unambitious. You have no ambition. Wann hast du das letzte Mal einen Burrito gegessen? When was the last time you ate a burrito? When was the last time you ate a burrito? Sie ist eine sehr seltsame Person. She's a very strange person. She's a very strange person. Tom kann sich ein Leben ohne Maria an seiner Seite nicht vorstellen. Tom can't imagine living without Mary by his side. Tom can't imagine a life by his side without Mary. Sie sind gute Leute. They're good people. You're good people. Sie kommen überhaupt nicht mehr vorbei. You never come over anymore. They're not coming by at all. In diesem Kleid sehen Sie besser aus. You look better in this dress. You look better in this dress. Wir brauchen jetzt einfach nur ein bisschen Ruhe und Frieden. What we need now is a little peace and quiet. We just need a little peace and quiet now. Sie sind ein Engel! You're an angel! You're an angel! Tom hörte eine Katze, die auf dem Baum miaute. Tom heard a cat meowing in the tree. Tom heard a cat miaute on the tree. Lasst uns in Haus gehen! Let's get in the house. Let's go home! Tom zeigte Maria einige Fotos. Tom showed some photos to Mary. Tom showed Mary some photos. Maria sagte, dass sie lieber zu Hause bliebe. Mary said she'd prefer to stay at home. Mary said she'd rather stay home. Tom erkannte als erster, dass Maria das machen wollte. Tom was the first one to realize that Mary wanted to do that. Tom was the first to realize that Mary wanted to do that. Tom geht selten in die Kirche. Tom seldom goes to church. Tom rarely goes to church. Melden Sie sich. Come forward. Get in touch. Tun Sie meinem Sohn nichts zuleide! Don't hurt my son. Don't hurt my son! Warum wolltest du Anästhesist werden? What made you want to become an anesthesiologist? Why did you want to be an anaesthetist? Ältere erinnern sich noch an das Attentat auf Kennedy. Older people still remember the Kennedy assassination. Elders remember the assassination of Kennedy. Warum konntest du nicht gestern kommen? Why could you not come yesterday? Why couldn't you come yesterday? „Wie alt bist du?" – „Ich bin sechzehn Jahre alt." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "I am sixteen years old." Ich wusste, dass du kommen würdest. I knew you'd come. I knew you'd come. Mir ist nach Weinen zumute, doch ich weiß nicht, warum. I feel like crying, but I don't know why. I feel like crying, but I don't know why. Trinken deine Kinder Milch? Do your children drink milk? Do your kids drink milk? Tun Sie nicht so, als wenn Sie überrascht wären. Don't act surprised. Don't act like you're surprised. Ich vermisse Sie, Tom. I miss you, Tom. I miss you, Tom. Ein so teures Buch kann ich nicht kaufen. I can't buy a book this expensive. I can't buy such an expensive book. Ich habe gehört, es hat sich nicht verändert. I heard it hasn't changed. I heard it hasn't changed. Bist du mit der Zeitung fertig? Are you finished with the paper? Are you done with the paper? Wo hast du dir denn den Kratzer an der Wange zugezogen? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Maria liebt mich nicht. Mary doesn't love me. Mary doesn't love me. Die Polizei hat mich verfolgt. The police have been following me. The police have been following me. Die folgende Passage ist ein Zitat aus einer bekannten Fabel. The following passage was quoted from a well-known fable. The following passage is a quotation from a well-known fable. Sami sieht Layla nicht. Sami doesn't see Layla. Sami doesn't see Layla. Tom fing an, Maria zu bedrohen. Tom began threatening Mary. Tom started threatening Mary. Ihr Vorschlag hat keinen praktischen Nutzen. Your suggestion is of no practical use. Your proposal has no practical use. Mein neues Kleid ist rot. My new dress is red. My new dress is red. Bananen sind gelb. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Ich habe das Abendessen gekocht. I cooked dinner. I cooked dinner. Haben Sie übernatürliche Kräfte? Do you have psychic powers? Do you have supernatural powers? Valentinstag fällt dieses Jahr auf einen Sonntag. This year, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday this year. Ich wünschte, wir hätten das Spiel gewonnen. I wish we had won the game. I wish we had won the game. Ich kann Gewalt nicht ausstehen. I can't stand violence. I can't stand violence. Ich glaube, er wird niemals wiederkommen. I think he will never come back. I think he'll never come back. Ich kenne ihren Vater. I know her father. I know her father. Tom ist phantastisch. Tom is fantastic. Tom is fantastic. Öffne die Türen! Open the doors. Open the doors! Elke schläft gerade in meinem Zimmer. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice's sleeping in my room right now. Ich war nicht auf seiner Beerdigung. I didn't attend his funeral. I wasn't at his funeral. Das Leben zu lieben heißt, Gott zu lieben. To love life is to love God. To love life is to love God. Der Unfall geschah gestern Morgen. The accident occurred yesterday morning. The accident happened yesterday morning. Was täte ich ohne Tom? What would I do without Tom? What would I do without Tom? Ich kümmere mich nicht um das Gerede der Leute. I don't care what people say. I don't care about people's talk. Ich bat Tom um seine Hilfe. I asked Tom to help. I asked Tom for his help. So gefällt er mir besser. I like him better this way. That's how I like him better. Das beweist nichts. That doesn't prove anything. That doesn't prove anything. Tom wäscht sein Auto einmal pro Woche. Tom washes his car once a week. Tom washes his car once a week. Tom und Mary haben denselben Freundeskreis. Tom and Mary have the same group of friends. Tom and Mary have the same circle of friends. Bitte mache ein Milchmixgetränk für mich. Please make a milkshake for me. Please make me a milk mix drink. Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. He who laughs last laughs best. Who laughs last, laughs best. Die internationale Telefonvorwahl für Italien ist 39. The country code for calling Italy is 39. The international telephone code for Italy is 39. Er hielt die Trophäe in die Höhe. He held the trophy up high. He held up the trophy. Ich bin sehr glücklich in Georgien. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Die Vorstellung, dass Gott ein übergroßer weißer Mann mit Rauschebart ist, der im Himmel sitzt und jeden heruntergefallenen Spatz zählt, ist lächerlich. Aber wenn man mit "Gott" die physikalischen Gesetze meint, die das Universum regieren, dann gibt es natürlich einen solchen Gott. The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by 'God' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. The idea that God is an oversized white man with intoxication who sits in heaven and counts every fallen sparrow is ridiculous, but if you mean by "God" the physical laws that govern the universe, then of course there is such a God. Der Bergsteig war unter einer Blätterdecke, weich und leicht, um darauf zu gehen. The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The mountain climb was under a leaf cover, soft and light to walk on. Sie hätte das Geld nicht bezahlen brauchen. She need not have paid the money. She didn't have to pay the money. Tom opferte sich, um seine Familie zu retten. Tom sacrificed himself to save his family. Tom sacrificed himself to save his family. Ich habe nicht so viel Geld wie du. I don't have as much money as you do. I don't have as much money as you do. Toms erste Frau kam aus Boston. Tom's first wife was from Boston. Tom's first wife came from Boston. Er hat eine starke Persönlichkeit. He has a strong personality. He has a strong personality. Ich habe gehört, dass sie hierher gekommen ist. I heard that she came here. I heard she came here. Es ist hier verboten, Wasser zu verschwenden. It's illegal to waste water here. It's forbidden here to waste water. Dieser Whisky ist zu stark. This whisky is too strong. This whisky is too strong. Wissen Sie, dass Erdnüsse tatsächlich keine Nüsse sind? Did you know that peanuts aren't really nuts? Do you know that peanuts are actually not nuts? Sie verbargen sich im Keller. They hid in the cellar. They hid in the basement. Wenn Sie das Buch zu Ende gelesen haben, geben Sie es bitte wieder zurück. When you've finished reading that book, please return it. If you have finished reading the book, please return it. Bitte gib deine Hausarbeit bis zum letzten Tag dieses Monats ab. Please hand in your papers by the last day of this month. Please do your housework by the last day of this month. Er hat seine Geduld mit mir verloren. He lost his temper with me. He lost his patience with me. Tom sagte allen, dass er Angst davor habe, das zu tun. Tom told everybody he was afraid to do that. Tom told everyone that he was afraid to do that. Eine Zufallsvariable ist genau dann fast sicher konstant, wenn ihre Varianz Null ist. A random variable is definitely a constant if the variance is zero. A random variable is almost certainly constant exactly when its variance is zero. Tom tat, was ich von ihm erwartete. Tom did what I expected him to do. Tom did what I expected him to do. Würdest du morgen bitte nach meinem Hund schauen? Would you please look after my dog tomorrow? Would you please look for my dog tomorrow? Es ist Zeit, dass du aufstehst! It is time you should get up. It's time you got up! Tom scheint unorganisiert zu sein. It looks like Tom is disorganized. Tom seems to be unorganized. Sie hatte alles, was sich ein Mädchen wünschen konnte. She had everything a girl could want. She had everything a girl could wish for. Sie hat eine makellose Aussprache. Her accent is perfect. She has an impeccable pronunciation. Sie nahmen an der Versammlung teil. They took part in the assembly. They attended the meeting. Wenn die Sonne scheint, ist die Welt in Ordnung. When the sun shines, all is well with the world. When the sun shines, the world is fine. Schwester, lassen Sie diesen Patienten nicht aus den Augen! Sister, don't let this patient out of your sight. Sister, don't let this patient out of your sight! Meine Schwester ist drei Jahre älter als ich. My sister is three years older than I am. My sister is three years older than me. Geben Sie mir ein Beispiel an. Give me an example. Give me an example. Ich muss es mir überlegen. I'll need to think about it. I have to think about it. Sie ist ein Mädchen ganz nach meinem Geschmack. She's a girl after my own heart. She's a girl to my liking. Wir können nicht zulassen, dass Tom geht. We can't allow Tom to leave. We can't let Tom leave. Tom fuhr mit seiner Freundin einkaufen. Tom went shopping with his girlfriend. Tom went shopping with his girlfriend. Ich kann diese Aufgabe nicht lösen. I can't solve this problem. I can't solve this problem. Was ist dir wichtig? What is important for you? What's important to you? Tom öffnete die Kiste mit einem Brecheisen und nahm eine Stange Dynamit heraus. Tom opened up the crate with a crowbar and took out a stick of dynamite. Tom opened the box with a crowbar and took out a pole dynamite. Tom half Maria, die Juwelen zu stehlen. Tom helped Mary steal the jewels. Tom helped Mary steal the jewels. Ich muss Tom überzeugen. I must convince Tom. I have to convince Tom. Herr Suzuki hielt an jenem Nachmittag eine Rede. Mr. Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon. Mr. Suzuki gave a speech that afternoon. Wir müssen etwas finden, um dieses Loch zu stopfen. We must find something to plug up this hole. We need to find something to plug this hole. Wo bist du am 20. Oktober? Where will you be on October 20th? Where are you on October 20th? Ich sage oft, dass ein großartiger Arzt mehr Leute tötet als ein großartiger General. I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general. I often say that a great doctor kills more people than a great general. Ich habe nicht die Absicht, Ihnen das Ergebnis mitzuteilen. I have no intention of telling you the result. I have no intention of telling you the result. Ich will nicht wissen, wer dich geküsst hat. I don't want to know who kissed you. I don't want to know who kissed you. Der Krankenpfleger benutzte ein Blutdruckmessgerät, um meinen Blutdruck zu messen. The nurse used a sphygmomanometer to check my blood pressure. The nurse used a blood pressure monitor to measure my blood pressure. Die Vereinten Nationen schickten Truppen, um in den Konflikt einzugreifen. The United Nations sent troops to intervene in the conflict. The United Nations sent troops to intervene in the conflict. Ist Tom verheiratet? Is Tom married? Is Tom married? Vergessen Sie alles, was ich Ihnen gesagt habe! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Ich weiß, dass das ein Schock für dich sein muss. I know this must come as a shock. I know this must be a shock to you. Ich hatte noch nie zuvor von Lwiw gehört. I had never heard about Lviv before. I'd never heard of Lwiw before. Tom ist total geistesabwesend und vergisst manchmal, die Kinder von der Schule abzuholen. Tom is quite absent-minded and sometimes forgets to pick the kids up from school. Tom is totally absent from school and sometimes forgets to pick up the kids from school. Mein Lebensziel ist es, Romancier zu werden. My goal in life is to be a novelist. My goal in life is to become a novelist. Er kam um sieben Uhr am Bahnhof an. He arrived at the station at seven. He arrived at the station at seven o'clock. Meine Lateinlehrerin schaute mich immer mit strengem Blick von oben herab über den Rand ihrer Brille an, doch jetzt weiß ich, es hatte nur damit zu tun, dass sie eine Lesebrille trug, und sie es wohl lästig fand, diese ständig abzunehmen; was wie Verachtung gegenüber uns Schülern aussah, könnte also gut und gerne Wohlwollen gewesen sein. My Latin teacher used to look down sternly on me over the rim of her glasses, but now I know it only had to do with the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that she will have found it a nuisance taking them off all the time, so what looked like contempt towards us students might well and truly have been kindness. My Latin teacher always looked down at me from above with a strict look over the edge of her glasses, but now I know it had only to do with her wearing reading glasses, and she probably found it annoying to take them off all the time; what looked like contempt towards us students could have been good and gladly benevolent. Du musst nicht mit mir sprechen, wenn du nicht willst. If you don't want to talk to me, you don't have to. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. Ich liebe Gott. I love God. I love God. Die Raumstation diente nicht nur den Astronauten als Laboratorium und Wohnstätte, sondern auch der Versorgung anderer, andockbarer Raumschiffe mit Nachschub. The space station not only served as a laboratory and living space for astronauts, but also as a support base for other spacecraft which had the ability to dock with the station. The space station served not only as a laboratory and residence for astronauts, but also as a supply for other dockable spaceships. Zu der Zeit war er Student. At that time, he was a student. At that time he was a student. Ich werde nicht gerne überrascht. I don't like to be surprised. I don't like being surprised. Dein Koffer ist zu schwer. Your suitcase is too heavy. Your suitcase's too heavy. Ich lerne Japanisch. I am learning Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. Jeder bekommt eine zweite Chance. Everybody gets a second chance. Everyone gets a second chance. Sie sagte, sie wäre gleich wieder da. She said she'd be back right away. She said she'd be right back. Nur die Wahrheit interessiert mich. I'm only interested in the truth. Only the truth interests me. Tom kann die Wahrheit nicht mehr vor Mary verbergen. Tom can't hide the truth from Mary anymore. Tom can't hide the truth from Mary anymore. Mögen Sie Baseball? Are you fond of baseball? Do you like baseball? Versuchst du, mir Angst einzujagen? Are you trying to scare me? Are you trying to scare me? In deiner Muttersprache zu sprechen ist so langweilig. Speaking your native language is so boring. Speaking in your native language is so boring. Tom und Maria leben schon seit drei Jahren in Boston. Tom and Mary have lived in Boston for three years. Tom and Mary have been living in Boston for three years. Lassen Sie uns keine voreiligen Schlüsse ziehen! Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's not jump to conclusions! Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie hätten kein Glück. Tom and Mary told John that they were unlucky. Tom and Mary told John they weren't lucky. Zieh diese Schraube an! Tighten this screw. Put this screw on! Leg deine Bücher weg. Put your books away. Put your books away. Isadora Duncan tanzte mit solcher Anmut, dass sie für einen Auftritt nach Europa eingeladen wurde. Isadora Duncan danced with such grace that she was invited to dance in Europe. Isadora Duncan danced with such grace that she was invited to perform in Europe. Was habe ich mit meinen Schlüsseln gemacht‽ What have I done with my keys? What have I done with my keys Ob ich nur an den Wochenenden arbeiten würde, wenn ich könnte? Natürlich. Would I only work on weekends if I could? Of course, I would. Would I just work the weekends if I could? Du kannst mit deiner Zeit machen, was du willst. Es ist ja schließlich deine Zeit. You can spend your time in any way you want; it's your time, after all. You can do whatever you want with your time, after all, it's your time. Ich bin bloß ein klein wenig außer Atem. I'm just a little wheezy. I'm just a little out of breath. Wo hast du das Essen versteckt? Where did you hide the food? Where did you hide the food? Tom reißt eine Wand nieder. Tom is bringing down a wall. Tom tears down a wall. Wieso versteckst du dich vor mir? Why are you hiding from me? Why are you hiding from me? Ich gehe unter keinen Umständen. I won't go under any circumstances. I'm not leaving under any circumstances. Ich mag euch sehr. I really like you. I like you very much. Sie hat ungefähr zweitausend Bücher. She has about 2,000 books. She has about two thousand books. Kann einer dieses Wort aussprechen? Can anyone pronounce this word? Can anyone say that word? Maria hat nicht alles, was sie will. Mary doesn't have everything she wants. Mary doesn't have everything she wants. Tom lernt manchmal noch immer Französisch. Tom still sometimes studies French. Tom still learns French sometimes. Es hat summa summarum hundertfünfzigtausend Euro gekostet. It came to a grand total of 150,000 euros. It has cost a sum sum of one hundred and fifty thousand euros. Waren Sie das gestern Abend im Fernsehen? Was that you on TV last night? Was that you on TV last night? Maria war seit vielen Jahren mit ihr bekannt. Mary had known her for many years. Mary had been known to her for many years. Warum nimmst du dir kein anständiges Haus? Why don't you get yourself a decent house? Why don't you take a decent house? Dieser Füllfederhalter ist so gut wie jeder andere, den ich bislang benutzt habe. This fountain pen is as good as any I have ever used. This fountain pen is as good as anyone else I've used so far. Hat er sich mit Mary getroffen? Did he go to see Mary? Did he meet with Mary? Er saß mit geschlossenen Augen auf einer Bank. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He sat on a bench with his eyes closed. Tom hat kein Auto. Er benutzt nur Marias. Tom doesn't have a car. He just uses Mary's. Tom doesn't have a car. He's just using Mary's. Warum willst du nicht auf mich hören? Why won't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? Es wird dir hier keine Freunde einbringen, das eine Geschlecht dem anderen vorzuziehen. Favoring one gender over another won't win you any friends here. It won't bring you friends here, preferring one sex to another. Ich werde ihr nie verzeihen. I will never forgive her. I'll never forgive her. Ein Auto ist schneller als ein Fahrrad. A car is faster than a bicycle. A car is faster than a bicycle. Tom ist ein fähiger Anwalt. Tom is a capable lawyer. Tom is a capable lawyer. Nur weil er weise ist, muss er noch nicht ehrlich sein. Just because he's wise doesn't mean that he's honest. Just because he's wise doesn't mean he has to be honest. Warum brauchst du eine neue Leiter? Why do you need a new ladder? Why do you need a new ladder? Der Kuchen ist eine Lüge. The cake is a lie. The cake is a lie. Herr Baker ist weniger ein Lehrer als ein Gelehrter. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Mr. Baker is less a teacher than a scholar. So ein seltsamer Fall ist mir noch nie untergekommen. I've never come across such a strange case. I've never seen such a strange case before. Sie war allein in dem Haus. She was alone in the house. She was alone in the house. Wir können nicht zurück. We can't go back. We can't go back. Tom nahm neben Maria auf dem Sandstrand Platz. Tom sat down next to Mary on the sandy beach. Tom sat next to Mary on the sandy beach. Er stieg zum Gipfel des Bergs hinan. He climbed to the peak of the mountain. He ascended to the top of the mountain. Dreimal darfst du raten! You can have three guesses. You can guess three times! Sie schuldet mir viel Geld. She owes me a lot of money. She owes me a lot of money. Ich interessiere mich für's Schwimmen. I am interested in swimming. I'm interested in swimming. Ich komme vielleicht ein paar Minuten später. I might be a few minutes late. I might be a few minutes later. Hast du von dem Brand gestern gehört? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, die Tür des Sitzungszimmers zu schließen! Please, don't forget to close the door of the meeting room. Please don't forget to close the door of the meeting room! Wo ist mein Büro? Where is my office? Where's my office? Ich denke, dass du überleben wirst. I think you're going to survive. I think you'll survive. Das ist das Dämlichste, was ich je gehört habe. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Er mag Schnee. He likes snow. He likes snow. Was isst du am liebsten von der schnellen Küche? What's your favorite fast food? What do you like most about fast food? Er ist aggressiv. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Die Franzosen wurden in Waterloo geschlagen. The French were defeated at Waterloo. The French were beaten in Waterloo. Man soll nicht zu viele Gedankenstriche setzen. You shouldn't use too many dashes. You shouldn't put too many indents. Tom beteiligte sich an der Diskussion. Tom joined the discussion. Tom took part in the discussion. Zuallererst bitte ich dich, mir zu erklären, wie du dahin gekommen bist. First of all, I want you to tell me how did you get there. First of all, I'm asking you to explain to me how you got there. Sind Sie verheiratet oder alleinstehend? Are you married or single? Are you married or single? Dieser Geschäftsplan von Ihnen scheint mir sehr optimistisch. Ich hoffe nur, dass er nicht nur Wunschdenken ist. This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking. This business plan of yours seems very optimistic, I just hope it's not just wishful thinking. Du weißt, das ist falsch, richtig? You know that's wrong, right? You know that's wrong, right? Tom wurde von einer Fledermaus gebissen. Tom was bitten by a bat. Tom was bitten by a bat. Zum Mitnehmen? Oder essen Sie hier? Is this to eat here, or to go? To take away, or are you eating here? Tom tauchte plötzlich auf. Tom appeared suddenly. Tom suddenly showed up. Wir waren erfolgreich. We succeeded. We were successful. Glücklicherweise wurde die Ernte durch den Taifun nicht geschädigt. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Fortunately, the typhoon did not damage the harvest. Wir haben ihn direkt ins Krankenhaus geschickt. We sent him to the hospital immediately. We sent him directly to the hospital. Ich brauche Geld. I need money. I need money. Wie könnte ich da widerstehen? How could I resist? How could I resist? Tom wurde von Königin Maria zum Ritter geschlagen. Tom was knighted by Queen Mary. Tom was knighted by Queen Mary. Der Rechner funktioniert möglicherweise nicht. That computer might not work. The computer may not work. Welcher dieser Jungen ist Masao? Which boy is Masao? Which one of these boys is Masao? Vergiss nicht, den Brief zu versenden. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send the letter. Es ist wichtig so viele Arbeiter wie möglich zu vereinen. It's important to unite as many workers as possible. It is important to unite as many workers as possible. Zitronen sind sauer. Lemons are sour. Lemons are sour. Ich möchte mit dir über morgen reden. I want to talk to you about tomorrow. I want to talk to you about tomorrow. Der Hund schnüffelte an ihrem Gepäck. The dog sniffed her luggage. The dog sniffed at her luggage. Er spielte sehr gut Gitarre, während sein Vater dabei war. He played the guitar very well in his father's presence. He played guitar very well while his father was there. Jeder liebt Marionetten. Everyone loves puppets. Everyone loves puppets. Ich möchte ein mittelalterliches Dorf besichtigen. I want to visit a medieval village. I want to visit a medieval village. Tom lässt bei sich niemanden ins Haus. Tom doesn't let people into his house. Tom won't let anyone in his house. Allzu traurig wär's, wollte ich all das Leid und die Entbehrungen schildern, die das arme Entlein während des strengen Winters erdulden musste. It would be very sad, were I to relate all the misery and privations which the poor little duckling endured during the hard winter. All too sad, I wanted to describe all the suffering and privations that poor duckling had to endure during the harsh winter. Erzähl mir, was Tom gesagt hat! Tell me what Tom said. Tell me what Tom said. Er verspätete sich aufgrund des Schnees. He was late because of the snow. He was delayed due to the snow. Das war ein flügger Vogel dort. There was a fledgling bird there. That was a fluffy bird there. Wir kletterten auf die Hebebühne, um eine bessere Sicht zu haben. We climbed on the cherry picker to get a better view. We climbed the lift to have a better view. Der Geist der Wahrheit und der Geist der Freiheit - das sind die Pfeiler einer Gesellschaft. The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — these are the pillars of society. The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of a society. Danke, das ist alles. Thanks, that is all. Thank you, that's all. Du kannst entweder die große oder die kleine Schachtel nehmen. You may take either the big box or the small one. You can either take the big box or the small box. Sie sagte: „Ich bin sehr glücklich." She said: "I'm very happy." She said: "I am very happy. " London ist ihr zweites Zuhause. London is their second home. London is her second home. Ich sehe ihn immer, wenn er nach Madrid kommt. I always see him when he comes to Madrid. I always see him when he comes to Madrid. Ich mag was essen. I like to eat. I like to eat. Hörst du eigentlich nicht, dass sämtliche Autos hinter uns hupen? Can't you hear all the car horns honking behind us? Don't you hear that all the cars are honking behind us? Maria hat weniger Freunde als Katrin. Mary has fewer friends than Kate. Mary has fewer friends than Katrin. Tony sagte, dass er es nicht weiß. Tony said he didn't know. Tony said he didn't know. Nur neben Tom war noch ein Platz frei. The only free seat was next to Tom. There was only one place left next to Tom. Und was wollt ihr machen? And what do you do? And what do you want to do? Wenn jemand „Verschwinde!" zu dir sagt, was tust du dann? If someone says "Get lost!" to you, what will you do? If someone says "Get out!" to you, what do you do? Bisher ist noch niemand gestorben. Nobody's died so far. No one's died yet. Ich gehe um elf Uhr ins Bett. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at 11. Er wird ihr ein guter Ehemann sein. He will make her a good husband. He'll be a good husband to her. Der große Feind der Wahrheit ist oft nicht die vorsätzliche, erfundene und unehrliche Lüge, sondern die hartnäckige, überzeugende und wirklichkeitsfremde Legende. The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. The great enemy of truth is often not the deliberate, invented and dishonest lie, but the stubborn, persuasive and unrealistic legend. Versuchen Sie, dieses Thema vorzubringen, wenn Sie mit ihr sprechen! Try to raise this topic when you speak to her! Try to present this topic when you talk to her! Bitte erklären Sie es im Detail. Please explain in detail. Please explain it in detail. Wir haben vor, Boston zu besuchen. We have plans to visit Boston. We intend to visit Boston. Die Unterrichtsstunde war heute länger als sonst. Today's lesson was longer than usual. The lesson was longer today than usual. Eine Linguistikstudentin verschluckte ihre Zunge, nachdem sie sich an dem legendären glottalen Approximant versucht hatte. A linguistics student swallowed her own tongue after attempting the legendary glottal approximant. A linguistics student swallowed her tongue after trying the legendary glottal approximation. Wie kommst du darauf, dass es bei euch zu Hause spukt? What makes you think that your house is haunted? What makes you think it's haunted at home? Tom versuchte, Maria glücklich zu machen. Tom tried to make Mary happy. Tom tried to make Mary happy. Tom braucht nicht zu Hause zu bleiben, um Maria zu helfen. Tom doesn't have to stay home to help Mary. Tom doesn't need to stay home to help Mary. Wir haben ein paar Tennisbälle gekauft. We bought some tennis balls. We bought some tennis balls. Es gibt keine Distanz auf der Erde, die so weit entfernt ist wie gestern. There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. There is no distance on Earth as far away as yesterday. Er blieb eine Zeitlang in Frankreich und begab sich dann nach Italien. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. Sie war schöner als all die anderen. She was more beautiful than all the others. She was more beautiful than all the others. Was gefällt euch an Boston am meisten? What do you like most about Boston? What do you like most about Boston? Uns geht das Geld aus. We're running out of money. We're running out of money. Werde ich dich wiedersehen? Am I going to see you again? Will I see you again? In diesem Brief steht, dass er Grazia im nächsten Monat heiraten wird. This letter says he is going to marry Grace next month. This letter says that he will marry Grazia next month. Kommt und seht es euch selber an. Come and see for yourselves. Come and look at it yourself. Unsere Kinder sind große Tierfreunde. Our children really like animals. Our children are great animal lovers. Tom hat den ersten Preis gewonnen. Tom won first prize. Tom won the first prize. Von wem wurden diese Gedichte geschrieben? By whom were these poems written? Who wrote these poems? Pass auf, was er sagt! Pay attention to what he says. Watch what he says! Sie sind viel besser als die Bäder im Westen. They are much better than Western baths. They're much better than the baths in the west. Tom wusste nicht, wovon Maria sprach. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom kam aus seinem Büro. Tom came out of his office. Tom came from his office. Dies soll eins der besten Bücher sein, wenn nicht das beste überhaupt. They say this is one of the best books, if not the best. This is supposed to be one of the best books, if not the best at all. Kann man einen Reiseführer bekommen? Is there a tour guide available? Can you get a guide? Nein, ich bin müde. No, I'm tired. No, I'm tired. Die Statue wiegt etwa 140 kg. That statue weighs about 300 pounds. The statue weighs about 140 kg. Bringen die Mütter euren Kindern noch eure Sprache bei? Do mothers still teach your language to your children? Do the mothers still teach your children your language? Zutiefst dankbar versuchte er seinen Dank auszudrücken. Being deeply thankful, he tried to express his thanks. Deeply grateful, he tried to express his gratitude. War er verwundbar, so ein Sterblicher; könnten wir ihn verwunden, so auch töten. If he was vulnerable he was mortal, and if we could wound him we could kill him. If he was vulnerable, such a mortal; if we could wound him, so could we kill him. Warum machst du keine Diät? Why don't you go on a diet? Why don't you go on a diet? Die befinden sich im Gang Nummer zwei. They're in aisle two. They're in aisle number two. Tom machte keine Einwände. Tom didn't argue. Tom didn't object. Importautos sind sehr gefragt. Imported cars are in strong demand. Import cars are in great demand. Endlich fand ich meine Schlüssel. I finally found my keys. I finally found my keys. Erst als ich seine Stimme hörte, erkannte ich ihn. It was only when I heard his voice that I recognised him. Only when I heard his voice did I recognize him. Tom übernahm die volle Verantwortung. Tom assumed full responsibility. Tom took full responsibility. „ Warum schwimmen Eichhörnchen auf dem Rücken?" „ Sie tun das, um ihre Nüsse trocken zu halten." "Why do squirrels swim on their back?" "To keep their nuts dry." " Why do squirrels swim on their backs?" "They do so to keep their nuts dry." Manch einer, der vor der Versuchung flieht, hofft doch heimlich, dass sie ihn einholt. Many a person who flees temptation secretly hopes that it will catch up to him. Some who flee the temptation secretly hope that she will catch up with him. Tom ist gerade heute Morgen aus Boston zurückgekehrt. Tom just got back from Boston this morning. Tom just returned from Boston this morning. Bevor es Winter wird, fliegen die Schwalben in den Süden. Before winter starts, the swallows fly south. Before winter, the swallows fly south. Er ist ein Fanatiker. He's a fanatic. He's a fanatic. Sie machten Witze über einige seiner Filme. They told jokes about some of his movies. They joked about some of his films. Wie sehr ich dich vermisse! How I miss you. How much I miss you! Meine Frau wollte ein Kind adoptieren. My wife wanted to adopt a child. My wife wanted to adopt a child. Ich werde gegen das Urteil Berufung einlegen. I will appeal against the sentence. I'll appeal the verdict. Stellt euch einfach vor, dass wir wie Vögel fliegen können. Just imagine that we can fly like birds. Just imagine that we can fly like birds. Keiner hat für so etwas Zeit. No one has time for that sort of thing. No one has time for this. Tom hat eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit. Tom has a dual personality. Tom has a split personality. Tom und Maria wollten wissen, wer ihnen dabei helfen werde. Tom and Mary wanted to know who was going to help them do that. Tom and Mary wanted to know who would help them. Kein Wunder, dass wir Fledermäuse mit dunklen Gegenden in Verbindung bringen. No wonder we associate bats with dark places. No wonder we're connecting bats to dark areas. Ich gehe nach Kioto. I go to Kyoto. I'm going to Kyoto. Ich muss jetzt zu dieser Sitzung gehen. I need to get to this meeting now. I have to go to this meeting now. Was willst du Tom schenken? What do you want to give Tom? What do you want to give Tom? Bislang ist nichts passiert. So far nothing has happened. Nothing's happened so far. Der Kanadier Andre de Grasse gewann beim Hundertmeterlauf die Bronzemedaille. Canada's Andre de Grasse won the bronze medal in the 100m race. The Canadian Andre de Grasse won the bronze medal in the 100 metre race. Nehmen Sie sich so viel, wie Sie brauchen. Grab as much as you need. Take as much as you need. Mein Partner und ich haben heute alle Spiele gewonnen. My partner and I have been winning every game today. My partner and I won all the games today. Tom brauchte die Einwilligung seiner Eltern. Tom needed his parents' approval. Tom needed his parents' consent. Ihr wurde nicht gesagt, dass sie das tun muss. She wasn't told she should do that. She wasn't told she had to do this. Maria sollte ihrer Mutter helfen. Mary should help her mother. Mary should help her mother. Welche Höhe hat es? How high is it? What height is it? Tom und Maria hoffen, dass Johannes Elke nicht ans Steuer lässt. Tom and Mary said they hope John won't let Alice drive. Tom and Mary hope John won't let Alice drive. Wissen Sie, was aus Tom geworden ist? Do you know what's become of Tom? Do you know what happened to Tom? Tom hat Milch getrunken. Tom drank milk. Tom drank milk. Ich fuhr aufs Land. I went for a drive in the country. I went to the country. Tom lief, so schnell er konnte. Tom ran as fast as he could. Tom ran as fast as he could. Ich verlasse mich auf Sie. I'm depending on you. I'm counting on you. Er geht nicht in die Kirche. He doesn't go to church. He's not going to church. Ich spreche Französisch und Englisch. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. Ich hoffe, es hat Tom nicht zu hart getroffen. I hope Tom didn't take that too hard. I hope Tom didn't hit too hard. Verschweigen Sie uns etwas? Is there something you're not telling us? Are you hiding something from us? Tom, du musst mit Maria sprechen. Tom, you've got to talk to Mary. Tom, you need to talk to Mary. Er versuchte, die verschiedenen Gruppen zu vereinigen. He tried to unify the various groups. He tried to unite the different groups. Nur im Notfall benutzen! Use only in case of emergency. Use only in an emergency! Wer hat mich gesehen? Who saw me? Who saw me? Wir sind uns die Kirschblüte entlang des Flusses ansehen gegangen. We went to see the cherry blossoms along the river. We went to see the cherry blossom along the river. Tom fragte sich, warum viele in Amerika Baseball interessanter als Fußball finden. Tom wondered why many people in America think that baseball is more interesting to watch than soccer. Tom wondered why many in America find baseball more interesting than football. Ich weiß, was sie machen. I know what they're doing. I know what they're doing. Ziehen Sie den Gurt um den Koffer fest! Tighten the strap around the suitcase. Pull the strap around the case! Das ist genau das Buch, wonach ich gesucht habe. This is the very book I have been looking for. That's exactly the book I was looking for. Hunde, die viel bellen, sind normalerweise nicht gefährlich. Dogs that bark a lot usually aren't dangerous. Dogs that bark a lot are usually not dangerous. Können Sie mir sagen, was heute für ein Tag ist? Can you tell me what day it is today? Can you tell me what a day it is? Wie werden Schneekugeln hergestellt? How do they make snow globes? How are snowballs made? Sie sprechen Englisch und Spanisch. They speak English and Spanish. They speak English and Spanish. Tom zog die Türen zu. Tom pulled the doors shut. Tom closed the doors. Für dich würde ich durch einen Reifen springen. I'd jump through hoops for you. For you, I'd jump through a tire. Tom verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. Tom crossed his arms across his chest. Tom intertwined his arms in front of his chest. Die Kinder nahmen ihre Schlittschuhe und gingen in Richtung des gefrorenen Teiches. The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond. The children took their skates and went towards the frozen pond. Die wissen etwas, was wir nicht wissen. They know something we don't. They know something we don't know. Der mutmaßliche Dieb steht jetzt vor Gericht. The accused thief is on trial now. The alleged thief is now on trial. Ich hatte ein wenig Schwierigkeiten, ein Taxi zu bekommen. I had a little difficulty in getting a taxi. I had a little trouble getting a cab. Er hat einen perfekten Körper. He has a perfect body. He has a perfect body. Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn! Bloody hell! Jesus, ass and twine! Er starb an einem Herzanfall. He died of a heart attack. He died of a heart attack. Tom ist in der Garage und arbeitet an seinem Motorrad. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom is in the garage working on his motorcycle. Tom öffnete den Wandschrank und hängte seinen Mantel hinein. Tom opened the closet and hung up his coat. Tom opened the closet and hung his coat in it. Warum haben Sie das denn niemandem gesagt? Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell anyone? Ich bin nicht fertig. I'm not ready. I'm not done. Ich spreche nicht so gut Englisch wie er. I can't speak English as well as he can. I don't speak English as well as he does. Das Buch kostete fünf Dollar. The price of the book was $5. The book cost five dollars. Es dauerte den ganzen Abend. It took all evening. It took all night. Alpha Centauri AB trägt auch den Namen Rigil Kentaurus. Das heißt auf Arabisch „Fuß des Kentauren". Alpha Centauri AB is also named Rigil Kentaurus, which means "foot of the centaur" in Arabic. Alpha Centauri AB also bears the name Rigil Kentaurus, meaning "foot of the centaurs" in Arabic. Wie lange beobachtest du mich schon? How long have you been watching me? How long have you been watching me? Die kleine Insel sah aus der Ferne wie eine Schildkröte aus. The small island looked like a tortoise from a distance. The small island looked from a distance like a turtle. Die Regierung handelte sich Kritik ein, weil sie keine Vorsichtsmaßnahmen getroffen hatte, um die katastrophalen Folgen des Zusammenbruchs der Nationalbank für die Kunden zu verhindern. The government was criticised for not taking pre-emptive action to avoid the catastrophic consequences for customers following the collapse of the National Bank. The government was critical because it had taken no precautions to prevent the catastrophic consequences of the National Bank's collapse for its customers. Tom hat in seinem Zimmer einen Minikühlschrank. Tom has a miniature refrigerator in his room. Tom has a mini fridge in his room. Schau dir das Zeug an! Look at this stuff. Look at this stuff! Mein Hund ist schnell. My dog is fast. My dog is fast. Mein Portemonnaie ist verschwunden. My wallet's gone. My wallet is gone. Sie werden es merken. They'll know. You'll notice. Das geht dich nichts an. That doesn't concern you. It's none of your business. Ich komme mit einer sehr milden Strafe davon. I'll get off with very light punishment. I get away with a very mild punishment. Eine Fremdsprache zu lernen macht Spaß. Learning a foreign language is fun. Learning a foreign language is fun. Nennen Sie bitte ein Verwendungsbeispiel. Please give an example of usage. Please mention an example of use. Es tut mir leid, dass ich dir auf den Fuß getreten bin. I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. I'm sorry I stepped on your foot. Ich übersetze einen Artikel. I am translating an article. I'm translating an article. Warum bin ich nicht darauf gekommen? Why didn't I think of that? Why didn't I come up with that? Möchtest du dir die Stellung mit deinem Wohlstand erkaufen? Do you want to buy the position with your wealth? Would you like to buy the position with your prosperity? Ich möchte Tom bitten, unserer Gruppe beizutreten. I'd like to ask Tom to join our group. I'd like to ask Tom to join our group. Ich musste mich rechtfertigen, warum ich so viel verdiene. I needed to justify why I was earning such a large salary. I had to justify why I deserve so much. Soll ich Tom wirklich sagen, dass Sie diejenige waren, die seinen Vater umgebracht hat? Do you really want me to tell Tom that you were the one who killed his father? Should I really tell Tom that you were the one who killed his father? Es geht Tom heute schon etwas besser. Tom is feeling a little better today. Tom is feeling a little better today. Ich werde Ihnen die Telefonnummer von Dr. Shiegal geben. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's phone number. Nimm deinen Studentenausweis mit. Bring your student ID. Take your student ID. Ich würde euch sehr gerne treffen. I'd love to see you. I'd love to meet you. Toms Wohnung ist etwas zu groß für nur eine Person. Tom's apartment is way too big for just one man. Tom's apartment is a little too big for just one person. Tom betrachtet Maria als Heldin. Tom considers Mary to be a heroine. Tom sees Mary as a hero. Der Botschafter ist zurückgekehrt. The ambassador has returned. The ambassador has returned. Ich habe niemanden, dem ich trauen kann. I have no one to confide in. I don't have anyone I can trust. Sie war ein sonderbares Kind: still und nachdenklich. She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful. She was a strange child: quiet and thoughtful. So erreichst du nichts. That's not how you achieve anything. You can't do anything like that. Tiere können ohne Luft und Wasser nicht existieren. Animals cannot exist without air and water. Animals cannot exist without air and water. Dieser Film ist für Erwachsene, nicht für Kinder. This movie is for adults, not for children. This movie is for adults, not children. Ich habe keine Zeit für Spielchen. I have no time for games. I don't have time for games. Ich glaube, ich muss mich übergeben. I feel like throwing up. I think I'm gonna throw up. Er liest ein Buch in seinem Zimmer. He is reading a book in his room. He reads a book in his room. Wir müssen ihn ins Krankenhaus schaffen, bevor es zu spät ist. We have to get him to the hospital before it's too late. We have to get him to the hospital before it's too late. Wir sind keine Engel. We're no angels. We're not angels. Tom war zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Ich bin nicht intelligenter als er. I am no more intelligent than he. I'm not smarter than him. Maria kann gut zuhören. Mary is a good listener. Mary is good at listening. Er befragte den Verdächtigen heute. He interviewed the suspect today. He questioned the suspect today. Erinnerst du dich an den Tag, als wir uns zum ersten Mal getroffen haben? Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? Menschen werden kuriert, Maschinen jedoch repariert. Humans are healed, but machines are repaired. People are cured, but machines are repaired. Die Jungs legten ein Eishockeyfeld an auf dem gefrorenen Teich. The boys set up a hockey rink on the frozen pond. The boys put an ice hockey field on the frozen pond. Du wirst mich vermissen. You'll miss me. You're gonna miss me. Ich steige beim nächsten Bahnhof aus. I'm getting off at the next station. I'll get off at the next station. Tom verbringt viel Zeit am Strand. Tom spends a lot of time on the beach. Tom spends a lot of time on the beach. Ich wasche meine Socken. I wash my socks. I'll wash my socks. Der Pfirsichbaum sieht schön aus, wenn er blüht. The peach tree is beautiful when in flower. The peach tree looks beautiful when it blooms. Hier ist etwas zum Nachdenken. Here's something to think about. Here's something to think about. Sie sind nach London aufgebrochen. They set out for London. They left for London. Mein Name sollte auf jener Liste stehen. My name should be on that list. My name should be on that list. Gott segne euch! God bless you all. God bless you! Tom wird sich verbessern. Tom will improve. Tom will improve. Wie viele Paar Schuhe besitzen Sie? How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many pairs of shoes do you own? Im Dezember 1932 brach Einstein in die Vereinigten Staaten auf. Einen Monat nach seiner Abreise übernahmen die Nazis die Macht in Deutschland. Er kehrte nie mehr nach Deutschland zurück. In December of 1932, Einstein left for the United States. A month after his departure the Nazis assumed control of Germany. He never returned to Germany. In December 1932 Einstein left for the United States. One month after his departure, the Nazis took over power in Germany. He never returned to Germany. Tom nahm seine Kaffeetasse und hob an, daraus zu trinken. Tom picked up his coffee cup and started drinking out of it. Tom took his coffee cup and started drinking from it. Sie ging an ihm vorbei, ohne ihn zu bemerken. She walked past him without even noticing him. She walked past him without noticing him. Ach, leg's irgendwo hin. Oh, just put it anywhere. Oh, put it somewhere. Die einfachsten Gerichte sind oft die besten. The simplest dishes are often the best. The simplest dishes are often the best. Tom muss sich sofort entscheiden, was er tun will. Tom must decide what to do right away. Tom has to decide immediately what he wants to do. Ich arbeite hin und wieder für Tom. I do some work for Tom from time to time. I work for Tom every now and then. Ich habe keinem von euch etwas zu sagen. I have nothing to say to any of you. I don't have anything to say to any of you. Tom kann gut mit Kindern umgehen. Tom is good with kids. Tom is good with children. Wenn Sie für eine deutsche Zeitung schreiben, sollten Sie alle paar Sätze einen beliebigen Kasus durch den Dativ oder ein beliebiges Substantiv durch dessen englische Übersetzung ersetzen, um Ihren Artikel sprachlich interessanter zu machen. When writing for a German newspaper, every few sentences you should replace some grammatical case with a dative, or a noun with its English translation, to make your article linguistically more interesting. If you write for a German newspaper, you should replace all a few sentences with any case by the Dativ or any noun by its English translation in order to make your article linguistically more interesting. Diese Uhr geht am Tag zwei Minuten vor. This clock gains two minutes a day. This clock takes two minutes a day. Ich bin vierundachtzig Jahre alt. I'm eighty-four years old. I'm eighty-four years old. Ich habe gerade einen Blick auf dein Netztagebuch geworfen. Es sieht sehr interessant aus. I just had a look at your blog— it looks interesting. I just took a look at your web diary. Ich werde Tom diese Frage nicht stellen. I'm not going to ask Tom that question. I'm not going to ask Tom that question. Wann wirst du mit Tom darüber sprechen? When are you going to talk to Tom about that? When will you talk to Tom about it? Tom hat mir nichts weggenommen. Tom didn't take anything from me. Tom didn't take anything from me. Hallo! Ist Herr Freeman da? Hello, is Mr Freeman in? Hello, is Mr. Freeman here? Tom muss schwer bestraft werden. Tom must be severely punished. Tom must be severely punished. Tom hat keine Angst vor Ihnen. Tom isn't afraid of you. Tom isn't afraid of you. Traut ihr ihm nicht? Don't you trust him? Don't you trust him? Fahr schneller. Drive faster. Go faster. Deshalb wollte ich das machen. That's the reason I wanted to do that. That's why I wanted to do this. Tom heiratete ein Mädchen aus Boston. Tom married a girl from Boston. Tom married a girl from Boston. Tom sah traurig aus dem Fenster. Tom looked sadly out the window. Tom looked sad out the window. Gehen wir dort entlang! Let's go that way. Let's go this way! Wir haben schon lange nichts mehr von Tom gehört. We haven't heard from Tom in a long time. We haven't heard from Tom in a long time. Die Mutter trauerte immer noch über den Tod ihres Kindes. The mother was still grieving over her child's death. The mother still mourned the death of her child. Sie sind charmant wie immer. You're as charming as ever. You're charming as always. Redet nicht mit vollem Mund. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk with your mouth full. Tom hat keine Versicherung. Tom doesn't have insurance. Tom doesn't have insurance. Ich werde hier ein paar Tage bleiben. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Ich weiß nicht mehr, wie groß du bist. I don't remember how tall you are. I don't know how tall you are anymore. Tom hat das nicht getan. Tom didn't do that. Tom didn't do that. Ich musste mein Pferd erschießen, weil es große Schmerzen hatte. I had to shoot my horse because he was in a lot of pain. I had to shoot my horse because it was in great pain. Es wird bald bereit sein. It will be ready soon. It'll be ready soon. Hat er seine Hose gebügelt? Did he iron his pants? Did he iron his pants? Sie haben uns angelogen, oder? You lied to us, didn't you? You lied to us, didn't you? Tom erschoss Mary mit einer Armbrust. Tom shot Mary with a crossbow. Tom shot Mary with a crossbow. Ich halte dich nicht auf. I'm not stopping you. I'm not stopping you. Mein Durst ist gestillt. My thirst is quenched. My thirst is quenched. Maria näherte sich ihm. Mary moved closer to him. Mary approached him. Kranksein ist ungesund. Being sick is unhealthy. Sickness is unhealthy. Warte neben dem Auto auf mich! Wait beside the car for me! Wait for me next to the car! Was willst du mit dieser Formulierung ausdrücken? What do you want to express by this wording? What are you going to say with this phrase? Tom lädt mich zu all seinen Partys ein. Tom invites me to all his parties. Tom invites me to all his parties. Tom betreute gestern Nachmittag die Kinder. Tom looked after the children yesterday afternoon. Tom looked after the children yesterday afternoon. Briefeschreiben wird zunehmend eine Kunst vergangener Tage. Letter writing is becoming a lost art. Letter writing is increasingly becoming an art of bygone days. Ich habe Wichtigeres zu tun. I have bigger fish to fry. I have more important things to do. Tom ließ Maria wissen, dass er noch nie an einem Nacktstrand gewesen sei. Tom told Mary he'd never been to a nude beach. Tom let Mary know that he had never been to a nudist beach before. Kannst du's nicht? Can't you do it? Can't you? Er wird wahrscheinlich nicht kommen. He probably won't come. He's probably not coming. Hast du das Buch schon gelesen? Have you already read this book? Have you read the book yet? Alles was du tun musst, ist, dich für deine Verspätung zu entschuldigen. All you have to do is apologize for being late. All you have to do is apologize for your delay. Hat er Freunde? Does he have any friends? Does he have friends? Geht es ihm heute besser? Is he feeling better today? Is he better today? Drei Viertel von ihnen waren einverstanden. Three quarters of them agreed. Three quarters of them agreed. Ich werde heute Nachmittag mit Naoko spielen. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. I'm gonna play with Naoko this afternoon. Eier werden im Sommer schnell schlecht. Eggs go bad quickly in the summer. Eggs quickly get bad in the summer. Tom und Mary sind beide Schüler. Tom and Mary are both students. Tom and Mary are both students. Nimm ein Ei aus dem Kühlschrank. Get an egg from the refrigerator. Take an egg out of the fridge. Selbst ich verstehe es nicht. Even I don't understand. Even I don't understand. Tom hat einen Farbfernseher. Tom has a colour TV. Tom has a color TV. Der Präsident war sicher, dass es Krieg geben würde. The president was sure there would be war. The president was sure there would be war. Verlassen Sie Tom. Leave Tom. Leave Tom. Er hat alles versucht, um diesen Preis zu gewinnen. He tried everything to win this prize. He tried everything to win this prize. Tom ist es gewohnt, mit Kindern zu sprechen. Tom is used to talking to children. Tom is used to talking to children. Es ist kaum noch Tinte in meinem Drucker. My printer is low on ink. There's hardly any ink left in my printer. Sie drehten auf der Suche nach Flusskrebsen Steine um. They turned over rocks to look for crayfish. They turned stones looking for crayfish. Tom lächelte Mary an, aber sie lächelte nicht zurück. Tom smiled at Mary, but she didn't smile back. Tom smiled at Mary, but she didn't smile back. Tom wurde schwer zusammengeschlagen, ehe man ihn ermordete. Tom was badly beaten before being killed. Tom was severely beaten before he was murdered. Stell das Wasser ab! Shut off the water. Turn off the water! Ich werde selbst dafür bezahlen. I'll pay for it myself. I'll pay for it myself. Lass mich in Ruhe! Stop embarrassing me. Leave me alone! Sie opferte ihre Gesundheit für ihre Arbeit auf. She worked at the cost of her health. She sacrificed her health for her work. Ich will dir nur helfen. I'm only trying to help you. I'm just trying to help you. Du unterscheidest dich stark von uns. You're very different from us. You're very different from us. Ich wollte keine Milch. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. Das ist reizend von Ihnen. That's sweet of you. That's lovely of you. Tom verbrachte den ganzen Tag allein auf seinem Zimmer. Tom spent all day alone in his room. Tom spent the whole day alone in his room. Das Dach ist sehr niedrig. The roof is very low. The roof is very low. Mach keine Fisimatenten! No funny business! Don't make fisimates! Rote Beete wurde Apollo in seinem Tempel in Delphi geopfert. Beetroot was offered to Apollo in his temple at Delphi. Red beet was sacrificed to Apollo in his temple in Delphi. Ziehe eine Linie von A nach B. Draw a line from A to B. Draw a line from A to B. Ich weiß, wo du Tom finden kannst. I know where you can find Tom. I know where to find Tom. Gib mir noch einen Grund. Give me another reason. Give me another reason. Ich mache einen kleinen Spaziergang. I'm going to go for a little walk. I'm going for a walk. Ich frage mich, wo er jetzt ist. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he is now. Bitte erinnere mich daran, das Referat einzureichen. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to submit the paper. Das wird nicht über Nacht geschehen. It won't just happen overnight. This is not going to happen overnight. Ich fürchte, dass sie meine Forderung ablehnen wird. I'm afraid she will turn down my request. I'm afraid she'll reject my request. In diesem Zimmer stehen etliche urzeitliche Vasen. Several primeval vases stand in this room. There are several ancient vases in this room. Das Geheimnis kam schließlich ans Licht. The secret came to light at last. The secret finally came to light. Er rahmte das Bild ein, das er auf der Straße gekauft hatte. He framed the picture he had bought on the street. He framed the picture he had bought on the street. Das Licht ging aus. The lights went out. The light went out. Er hat einen Sohn in deinem Alter. He has a son of your age. He has a son your age. Ich weiß nicht, wie sie an meine Telefonnummer gekommen ist. I don't know how she got my phone number. I don't know how she got my phone number. Wie nennt man das? What do you call this? What do you call it? Er ist noch zu jung für diese Arbeit. He is still too young for the job. He's still too young for this work. Wissen Sie, wie hoch der Fernsehturm ist? Do you know how high the television tower is? Do you know how high the TV tower is? Du solltest besser einen Schirm mitnehmen. You had better take an umbrella. You better take an umbrella with you. Sie sind nicht allzu hungrig, oder? You're not very hungry, are you? You're not too hungry, are you? Du bist ein sehr guter Künstler. You are a very good artist. You're a very good artist. Wir können diesen Briefumschlag nicht eher öffnen, bis Tom hier ist. We can't open this envelope until Tom gets here. We can't open this envelope until Tom gets here. Boston ist eine großartige Stadt. Boston is a great city. Boston is a great city. Tom kommt fast nie zu spät. Tom is almost never late. Tom is almost never late. Ich will eine Holzblockhütte bauen. I want to build a wooden hut. I want to build a log cabin. Im Esperanto gibt es nur eine einzige Deklination. Diese kann man in weniger als 15 Minuten lernen. In Esperanto there is only a single declension. One can learn it in less than 15 minutes. There is only one declination in Esperanto, which can be learned in less than 15 minutes. Tom sagte immer, dass er lernen wolle, Mahjongg zu spielen. Tom always said he wanted to learn how to play mahjong. Tom always said he wanted to learn to play Mahjongg. Überlasst nicht alles dem Zufall! Don't leave everything to chance. Don't leave everything to chance! Hey, dein Hund hat mich gerade gebissen! Hey, your dog just bit me. Hey, your dog just bit me! Das ist, wie eine Nadel im Heuhaufen zu suchen. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Tatoeba: Satzbruchstücken ist der Zutritt verboten! Tatoeba: Sentence fragments keep out! Tatoeba: Set fractions are forbidden to enter! Tom sagte nicht viel. Tom didn't say much. Tom didn't say much. Wir sind aus Australien zurück. We're back from Australia. We're back from Australia. Wir können nicht rausgehen, denn es regnet. We can't go outside because it's raining. We can't go out because it's raining. Du hättest mit leichteren Fragen anfangen sollen. You should've started with simpler questions. You should've started with lighter questions. Hast du dieses Semester vor, einen Job zu kriegen? Are you going to get a job this semester? Are you planning on getting a job this semester? Bin ich von euch so verschieden? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Wie geht es dir, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Wo ist der Rest eurer Familie? Where's the rest of your family? Where's the rest of your family? Wir lernen nicht für das Leben, sondern für die Schule. Not for life, but for school do we learn. We're not learning for life, we're learning for school. Das ist weit hergeholt. It's far-fetched. That's far-fetched. Ihr habt meine Erlaubnis zu gehen. You have my permission to leave. You have my permission to leave. Seid ihr aufgeregt? Are you excited? Are you excited? Ich rannte so schnell, wie ich konnte, um ihn einzuholen. I ran as fast as possible to catch up with him. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him. Die Fingerabdrücke an der Waffe stimmen mit denen des Verdächtigen überein. The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect's. The fingerprints on the weapon match the suspect's. Der Kuchen ist nichts geworden, weil das Mehl verfallen war. The cake didn't turn out well because the flour was past its use-by date. The cake has become nothing, because the flour had fallen. Du kannst nicht nein sagen. You can't say no. You can't say no. Wegen des dichten Nebels wurde die Straße schwer erkennbar. Due to the thick fog, the road was difficult to see. Because of the dense fog, the road became difficult to identify. Tom hilft uns fast nie. Tom almost never helps us. Tom almost never helps us. Tom versuchte sich mit Mühe das Lachen zu verkneifen. Tom tried hard not to laugh. Tom tried hard to stop laughing. Wer wird ihre Klasse übernehmen? Who will take charge of their class? Who will take over their class? Maria und Elke sind Toms Nichten. Mary and Alice are Tom's nieces. Mary and Alice are Tom's nieces. Meine Jüngste ist noch nicht verheiratet. My youngest daughter isn't married yet. My youngest isn't married yet. Tom wurde von einem LKW überfahren. Tom was run down by a truck. Tom was hit by a truck. Haben Sie Kaugummis? Do you have any gum? Do you have gums? Mögest du nie erfahren, wer du bist! Mayst thou never learn who thou art. May you never know who you are! Tom stand schnell auf. Tom stood quickly. Tom got up quickly. Tom versuchte, ihre Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Tom tried to thwart her plans. Tom tried to cross her plans. Es ist befremdlich, dass ein Kameramann, der in ein Kriegsgebiet geschickt wird, nicht die Gefahren durch Blindgänger kennt. Der Zeitungsverlag vernachlässigt seine Schulungen. It is strange that a cameraman heading for a war-zone should not know about the danger of unexploded shells. The newspaper company is being negligent in its training. It is strange that a cameraman who is sent to a war zone does not know the dangers of blind people. The newspaper publishing house neglects its training. Du musst tun, was man dir gesagt hat. You must do as you are told. You have to do what you've been told. Wie viele Schläger haben Sie? How many rackets do you have? How many clubs do you have? Ich habe das um meiner Gesundheit willen gemacht. I did so for the sake of my health. I did this for my health's sake. Er kennt eine Menge Volkstänze. He knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of folk dances. Tom und ich haben uns seit der Uni aus den Augen verloren. Tom and I lost touch after we graduated. Tom and I have lost sight of each other since college. Ich war der Letzte, der ihn gesehen hat. I was the last one to see him. I was the last one to see him. Tom sicherte seine Daten. Tom backed up his data. Tom secured his data. Tom ist Maria dankbar für alles, was sie für ihn tat. Tom appreciates everything that Mary has done for him. Tom is grateful to Mary for everything she did for him. Du trägst dein T-Shirt verkehrt herum. You are wearing your shirt inside out. You're wearing your shirt upside down. Tom hatte am 20. Oktober ein Vorstellungsgespräch. Tom had a job interview on October 20th. Tom had an interview on October 20th. Manche betrachten Sprache als eine Art Wissen. Some consider language as a form of knowledge. Some view language as a kind of knowledge. Ich warf einen Blick auf seinen Brief. I glanced at his letter. I took a look at his letter. Wie haben Sie es geschafft, sich so schnell umzuziehen? How did you change your clothes so fast? How did you manage to change so quickly? Lass uns Tom zu Weihnachten etwas Nützliches schenken! Let's get Tom something useful for Christmas. Let's give Tom something useful for Christmas. Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus für die freundliche Zusammenarbeit und stehe Ihnen bei Bedarf gern für Fragen zur Verfügung. I thank you in advance for your kind cooperation and remain at your disposal for any information if necessary. I thank you in advance for the friendly cooperation and, if necessary, I would be happy to answer your questions. Ich denke, dass er etwas zu verbergen hat. I think that he's hiding something. I think he's got something to hide. Tun Sie das nicht. Don't you do that. Don't do this. Tom bestätigte die Gerüchte weder, noch stritt er sie ab. Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Tom neither confirmed the rumors nor denied them. Das Haus ist dreistöckig. The house has three stories. The house is three-storey. Hast du gute Nachrichten? Do you have any good news? Do you have good news? Ich dachte, er würde nicht kommen. I thought he wouldn't come. I thought he wasn't coming. Irgendwas muss schiefgelaufen sein. Something must have gone wrong. Something must have gone wrong. Warum hast du es dir anders überlegt? Why have you changed your mind? Why did you change your mind? Sie kommt vielleicht. She might come. She might be coming. Tom wird das tun. Tom will do that. Tom will do that. Eine Gesellschaft ohne Religion ist wie ein Schiff ohne Kompass. A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. A society without religion is like a ship without compass. Dieser Stoff wird nicht lange halten. This cloth will not last long. This fabric won't last long. Die Polizei sieht in Tom einen Verdächtigen. The police consider Tom a suspect. The police see Tom as a suspect. Er ist dumm und unreif. He's dumb and immature. He's stupid and immature. Tom wird dich schlagen. Tom will beat you. Tom will beat you. Deine Bemühungen werden bald Früchte tragen. Soon your efforts will be rewarded. Your efforts will soon bear fruit. Ich suche jemanden, der Französisch kann. I'm looking for someone who can speak French. I'm looking for someone who can speak French. Wer ist der Autor dieser Erzählung? Who is the author of this story? Who is the author of this story? Dieser Wagen hat Scheibenbremsen. This car has disk brakes. This car has disc brakes. Tom hat keine Angst mehr. Tom isn't scared anymore. Tom isn't afraid anymore. Der erste Eindruck von Tom war kein guter. Tom didn't make a good first impression. The first impression of Tom was not good. Sie brauchen nicht dorthin, wenn Sie nicht wollen. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. Ich habe dich doch gebeten, nicht dorthin zu gehen. I asked you not to go there. I asked you not to go there. Man hat mich geschickt, um Sie abzulösen. I've been sent to relieve you. They sent me to replace you. Wo ist das Rathaus? Where is the city hall? Where's City Hall? Unser Busfahrer machte einen müden Eindruck. The man driving our bus looked sleepy. Our bus driver made a tired impression. Sie hatte keine Ahnung, was ich sagte. She had no idea what I said. She had no idea what I was saying. Auf eine blöde Frage gibt es eine blöde Antwort. Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer. There's a stupid answer to a stupid question. Greta trank das Bier in einem Zug aus. Greta chugged the beer in one gulp. Greta drank the beer on a train. Er ist sehr kälteempfindlich. He is very sensitive to cold. He's very sensitive to cold. Weck sie. Wake her up. Wake her up. Ich wollte eigentlich frühzeitig los, aber es hat mich ständig jemand um Hilfe gebeten. I tried to leave early, but people kept asking me for help. I actually wanted to leave early, but someone has been asking me for help all the time. Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. Das ist eine feste Schnur. This string is strong. That's a solid string. Das Rad der Zeit kann man nicht zurückdrehen. You cannot turn back the wheel of time. You can't turn back the wheel of time. Ich habe bei Tom einen Hamburger gegessen. I ate a hamburger at Tom's. I ate a hamburger at Tom's. Ich habe mir die Schuhe geputzt. I polished my shoes. I cleaned my shoes. Es kann auch Lungenkrebs verursachen. It may cause lung cancer, too. It can also cause lung cancer. Bitte erzählen Sie weiter! Please continue with your story. Please tell me more! Du hättest den Kleiderstoff besser selber angesehen. You had better see the cloth with your own eyes. You'd better have looked at the clothes yourself. Tom sagte, er halte das nicht für möglich. Tom said that he didn't think it was possible. Tom said he didn't think that was possible. Ich kann nicht den ganzen Tag nur damit verbringen, deine Fragen zu beantworten. I can't spend the whole day just answering your questions. I can't spend all day answering your questions. Das da sind eure Feinde. Those are your enemies. These are your enemies. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie hätten nicht den Eindruck, dass Elke einsam sei. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was lonely. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't feel Alice was lonely. Lieben Sie Hermeline genauso wie ich? Do you love stoats as much as I love them? Do you love Hermeline as much as I do? Würden Sie bitte das Fenster schließen? Would you please shut the window? Would you please close the window? Papa, glaubst du an Geister? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Das könnt ihr morgen machen. You can do that tomorrow. You can do that tomorrow. Tom ist sehr unflexibel. Tom is very inflexible. Tom is very inflexible. Tom war angenehm überrascht, Maria zu sehen. Tom was pleasantly surprised to see Mary. Tom was pleasantly surprised to see Mary. Trinkst du in der Regel Tee zum Frühstück? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Do you usually drink tea for breakfast? Ich will nicht aufgeben. I don't want to give up. I don't want to give up. Die alte Scheune ist eingestürzt. The old barn collapsed. The old barn collapsed. Tom war gespannt, wie viele Bahnen Maria wohl laufen würde. Tom wondered how many times Mary was going to run around the track. Tom was curious how many lanes Mary would probably walk. Beethoven war ein großer Musiker. Beethoven was a great musician. Beethoven was a great musician. Räume etwas auf! Dann gehen wir ins Kino. Tidy up a bit and we'll go to the movies. Let's go to the movies. Ich kann dich nicht retten. I can't save you. I can't save you. Ich habe keine Zeit, Bücher zu lesen. I have no time to read books. I don't have time to read books. Wissen Sie irgendetwas bezüglich Ihrer Familie? Do you know anything about your family? Do you know anything about your family? Ich bin nicht hier, um Urlaub zu machen. I'm not here for a vacation. I'm not here to take a vacation. Sind Handelsbilanzdefizite gut oder schlecht? Are trade deficits good or bad? Are trade deficits good or bad? Sie hielt mich für blöd. She thought I was stupid. She thought I was stupid. Tom hat keine. Tom doesn't have one. Tom doesn't have any. Es ist mir nicht gestattet, Alkohol zu trinken. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. Ich denke an meine Kinder. I am thinking about my children. I'm thinking about my kids. Ich weiß, dass du es für eine Dummheit hältst, das zu machen, aber ich habe trotzdem vor, es zu tun. I know you think this is a stupid thing to do, but I plan to do it anyway. I know you think it's stupid to do this, but I still intend to do it. Die Eisschilde schmelzen. The ice sheets are melting. The ice sheets are melting. In manchen ärmlichen Gebieten ist die Nahrungsmittelversorgung mangelhaft. Nutrition is inadequate in some poor areas. Food supply is poor in some poor areas. Dieser Mann trug eine Tigermaske. That man was wearing a tiger mask. This man was wearing a tiger mask. Reden, so sagen manche, ist Silber, doch Schweigen ist Gold. Some say that speech is worth silver, but silence is worth gold. Speaking, some say, is silver, but silence is gold. Ich fürchte weder seine Gewaltbereitschaft noch seine Waffen. I fear neither his violence nor his weapons. I fear neither his violence nor his weapons. Trautes Heim, Glück allein! There's no place like home. Sweet home, happiness alone! Das sollten wir nicht in einer Disko diskutieren! We shouldn't discuss this in a club. We should not discuss this in a disco! Ich gehe nach unten. I'll go downstairs. I'm going downstairs. Tom war so beschäftigt. Tom was so busy. Tom was so busy. Tom ist seit dem letzten Montag in Boston. Tom has been in Boston since last Monday. Tom has been in Boston since last Monday. Ich habe den Film vor langer Zeit gesehen. I saw the movie long ago. I saw the movie a long time ago. Gehen Sie oft dahin? Do you go there often? Do you go there often? Ich bin schneller als du. I'm quicker than you. I'll be faster than you. Räume deinen Kindern nicht alle Steine aus dem Weg, sonst rennen sie einmal mit dem Kopf gegen eine Mauer. Don't completely prepare the ground for your children, otherwise they might run their head against a wall. Don't clear all the stones out of your children's way, or they'll run their heads against a wall. Es ist ein schöner Tag, um im Freien zu essen. It's a nice day to eat outside. It's a nice day to eat outdoors. Haben Sie diesen Laden ausprobiert? Have you tried that store? Have you tried this place? Iss nicht zwischen den Mahlzeiten. Don't eat between meals. Don't eat between meals. Ich bin nicht der Geschäftsführer. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. Dein Zimmer gefällt mir. I like your room. I like your room. Ich schrieb ihm und fragte nach dem Grund. I wrote him to ask why. I wrote to him and asked why. Ich möchte, dass du hier bleibst, bis ich zurückkomme. I want you to stay here until I get back. I want you to stay here until I get back. Ich warte seit einer Stunde auf einen Freund von mir. I've been waiting for a friend of mine for an hour. I've been waiting for a friend of mine for an hour. Ich finde Fernsehen sehr lehrreich. Wann immer jemand den Apparat einschaltet, gehe ich ins Nebenzimmer und lese ein Buch. I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. I find TV very instructive. Whenever someone turns on the device, I go to the next room and read a book. Denkt nicht, dass ich's nicht versucht hätte! Don't think I didn't try. Don't think I wouldn't have tried! „Sind das deine Bücher?" - „Nein, das sind nicht meine." "Are these your books?" "No, they're not mine." "Are these your books?" "No, they're not mine." Tom ist einer, den ich nie vergessen werde. Tom is one person I'll never forget. Tom is one I'll never forget. Benutze nie eine Kanone, um eine Fliege zu töten. Never use a cannon to kill a fly. Never use a gun to kill a fly. Tom und Frank sind gute Freunde. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Keiner von uns hat Brüder. None of us have brothers. None of us have brothers. Wie hast du deine Ferien verbracht? How did you spend your holiday? How did you spend your vacation? Erzähl mir nicht, wie ich meine Arbeit zu verrichten habe! Don't tell me how to do my job! Don't tell me how to do my job! Das stimmt wahrscheinlich nicht. It's unlikely to be true. That's probably not true. Tom und Maria sind gleich groß. Tom and Mary are the same height. Tom and Mary are the same size. Morgen werde ich ihr das Buch geben. I will give her the book tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll give her the book. Wir sehen uns in der Hölle wieder! I'll see you in hell. I'll see you in hell again! Dieses Foto hat er gemacht. He took this photo. He took this picture. Ich würde gerne so lange wie möglich für Sie arbeiten. I'd like to work for you as long as possible. I'd like to work for you as long as possible. Wir müssen hier warten. We have to wait here. We have to wait here. Sie stieg in den Bus und setzte sich auf einen der vorderen Plätze. She got on a bus and took a seat in the front. She got on the bus and sat down in one of the front seats. Auf den Straßen herrscht Chaos. Disorder prevails in the street. There's chaos on the streets. Er wurde aus dem Auto geschleudert. He was tumbled out of the car. He was hurled out of the car. Ist das nicht selbstverständlich? Isn't that obvious? Isn't that self-evident? Die Mathematik ist die Königin der Wissenschaften. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. Mathematics is the queen of science. Alpträume machen Angst. Nightmares are scary. Nightmares scare you. Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Englisch? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? Tom ist derjenige, der mir gesagt hat, wie ich es machen soll. Tom is the one who told me how to do it. Tom is the one who told me how to do it. Ich habe ganz Russland bereist. I've travelled through the whole of Russia. I've travelled all over Russia. Muiriel ist Indianerin. Muiriel is a Native American. Muiriel is an Indian. Ich werde das nie wieder tun! I'll never ever do that again! I'll never do this again! Mein Vater ist nach wie vor gesund. Father is well as usual. My father is still healthy. Maria hat Tom dabei erwischt, wie er in ihrem Tagebuch herumschnüffelte, um herauszufinden, ob sie sich noch mit jemand anderem traf. Mary caught Tom prying into her diary, trying to find out if she was seeing someone else. Mary caught Tom snooping around her diary to find out if she was seeing anyone else. Sie werden Tom nicht aufhalten. They're not going to stop Tom. They're not gonna stop Tom. Maria liest ihren Kindern vor dem Einschlafen oft etwas vor. Mary often reads bedtime stories to her children. Mary often reads to her children before falling asleep. Sie ist keine Amerikanerin, aber sie liebt Amerika. She is not an American, but she loves America. She's not an American, but she loves America. Ich mag kurze Haare. I like short hair. I like short hair. Er kennt Anna anscheinend. It seems he knows Ann. He seems to know Anna. Bist du gut in Französisch? Are you good at French? Are you good in French? Tom glaubte zu wissen, was Maria vorhabe. Tom said he thought that he knew what Mary planned on doing. Tom thought he knew what Mary was up to. Wie habt ihr einander kennengelernt? How did you guys meet? How did you meet each other? Ich fragte Tom, ob er erkältet sei, aber er schüttelte mit dem Kopf. I asked Tom if he had a cold, but he shook his head. I asked Tom if he had a cold, but he shook his head. Vertraust du ihr? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? Ich esse so nur, wenn ich niedergeschlagen bin. I only eat like this when I'm miserable. I only eat when I'm depressed. Herr Schmidt und ich kennen uns schon seit langer Zeit. Mr. Smith and I have been acquainted with each other for a long time. Mr Schmidt and I have known each other for a long time. Ich habe Tom eine davon gegeben. I gave Tom one of those. I gave Tom one of them. Hat schon einmal jemand ernsthaft darüber nachgedacht? Has anybody ever given serious thought to this? Has anyone ever seriously thought about this? Das kann er nicht getan haben. He can not have done that. He couldn't have done that. Das Unternehmen brachte eine neue, verbesserte Ausführung seines Produkts auf den Markt. The company released a new and improved version of their product. The company launched a new, improved version of its product. Kann ich einen Bissen haben? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Wir diskutierten das Problem die ganze Nacht. We kept discussing the problem all night. We discussed the problem all night. Tom hat sein Essen kaum angerührt. Tom has barely touched his food. Tom barely touched his food. Ich interessiere mich sehr für den Rosenkrieg. I have a great interest in the Wars of the Roses. I'm very interested in the Rosenkrieg. Wälder werden im Frühling grüner. Woods grow greener in the spring. Forests become greener in spring. Tom nahm Maria mit nach Hause. Tom took Mary home. Tom took Mary home. Warum mögen Sie mich nicht? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Ich weiß nicht viel über dich. I don't know much about you. I don't know much about you. Lesen ist für den Geist das, was die Nahrung für den Körper ist. Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. Reading is for the mind what the food is for the body. Ist eure Mutter gerade zu Hause? Is your mother at home now? Is your mother home right now? Ich wusste nichts von der Feier. I didn't know about the party. I didn't know about the party. Wie viele Taschen habt ihr? How many bags do you have? How many bags do you have? Sie denkt an nichts anderes als ans Geldverdienen. She thinks of nothing but making money. She thinks of nothing but making money. Tom hat alle unsere Fragen beantwortet. Tom answered all of our questions. Tom answered all our questions. Heute ist es tierisch kalt. It's extremely cold today. It's so cold today. Wenn du müde bist, geh schlafen! If you're tired, then go to bed! When you're tired, go to sleep! Sie ließ das Fenster offen. She left the window open. She left the window open. Findest du nicht, dass es dafür etwas zu spät ist? It's a little late for that, isn't it? Don't you think it's a little late for that? Kann ich meine Telefonnummer hinterlassen? May I leave my phone number? Can I leave my phone number? Sie rückten zum Gegner vor. They advanced on the enemy. They advanced to the enemy. Tom geht regelmäßig zur Kirche. Tom attends church regularly. Tom regularly goes to church. Nirgends wollt' ich lieber sein. I can't think of any place I'd rather be. I don't want to be anywhere. Tom trug eine Brille. Tom wore glasses. Tom wore glasses. Sie können ihn nicht aufhalten. They cannot stop him. You can't stop him. Tom hat vor drei Jahren angefangen, Rugby zu spielen. Tom started playing rugby three years ago. Tom started playing rugby three years ago. Das Leben ist kein Zuckerschlecken. Life isn't all roses and sunshine. Life isn't a sugar slug. Wir müssen hier warten. We must wait here. We have to wait here. Sie brauchten dich. They needed you. They needed you. Er wird schon sein Bestes geben. He'll do his best. He'll do his best. Ich habe gehört, dass Tom dich gebeten hat, ihm das Auto waschen zu helfen. I heard that Tom asked you to help him wash his car. I heard Tom asked you to help him wash the car. Ich war mir nicht sicher, was ich auf sein Kompliment erwidern sollte. I wasn't sure how to respond to his compliment. I wasn't sure what to say to his compliment. Tom hat seine Arbeit wirklich gut gemacht. Tom did a really nice job. Tom did his job really well. Tom kommt heute Nacht zu mir. Tom is coming to my house tonight. Tom is coming to me tonight. Er kann Wolle nicht von Baumwolle unterscheiden. He cannot tell wool from cotton. He can't distinguish wool from cotton. Die zwei jungen Mädchen lächelten fröhlich. The two young girls smiled happily. The two young girls smiled cheerfully. Ich fürchte, das ist leichter gesagt als getan. I'm afraid that's easier said than done. I'm afraid it's easier said than done. Von Süden werden bald viele Schwalben kommen. Many swallows will come soon from the south. Many swallows will soon come from the south. Alte Gewohnheiten wird man nicht so einfach los. Old habits are hard to break. Old habits are not so easy to get rid of. Tauschen wir die Plätze. Let me exchange seats with you. Let's change places. Ich würde das gerne machen. I'd like to do that. I'd like to do that. Ein Kind ist kein Gefäß, das man füllt, sondern ein Feuer, das man entfacht. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. Mein Spanisch ist schrecklich. My Spanish is terrible. My Spanish is terrible. Maria färbt sich schon seit Jahren die Haare. Mary has been dyeing her hair for years. Mary has been staining her hair for years. Sie öffnete ihre Proviantbüchse. She opened her lunch box. She opened her food box. Da lag der Hase im Pfeffer. That was the trouble. There was the rabbit in the pepper. Warum habt ihr nur zwei Würstchen gebraten? Why did you fry two sausages only? Why did you just roast two sausages? Letzten Endes fuhren Tom und Maria allein. Tom and Mary ended up going by themselves. In the end, Tom and Mary drove alone. Ich mag das Foto. I like the picture. I like the photo. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass etwas Schreckliches passieren wird. I have a feeling that something dreadful is going to happen. I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen. Das Atmen fällt ihm schwer. He is having difficulty breathing. He has a hard time breathing. Hat sich etwas geändert? Has anything changed? Has something changed? Sie kann es sich nicht leisten. She can't afford it. She can't afford it. Wir haben sie gerade gefunden. We just found her. We just found her. Legen Sie doch Ihren Mantel ab. How about you take off your coat? Why don't you put your coat down? Das ist neben der Bildung das Grundproblem. That is the principle problem next to education. This is the basic problem in addition to education. Die Patientin hat das Bewusstsein wiedererlangt. The patient has regained consciousness. The patient regained consciousness. Warum hörst du nicht zu? Why aren't you listening? Why don't you listen? Heute ist Mittwoch, der achtzehnte Oktober. Today is Wednesday, the eighteenth of October. Today is Wednesday, October 18th. Tom machte wirklich einen nervösen Eindruck. Tom seemed really nervous. Tom really seemed nervous. Bist du immer noch zufrieden mit deinem neuen Wagen? Are you still happy with your new car? Are you still happy with your new car? Das Kind ist groß. The child is big. The child is tall. Maria denkt, ich bin in sie verliebt. Mary thinks I'm in love with her. Mary thinks I'm in love with her. Ich habe sie in der Stadtbücherei ausgeliehen. I borrowed them from the town library. I borrowed it from the City Library. Er schmiedete den Stahl und fertigte ein Schwert an. He forged the steel into a sword. He forged the steel and made a sword. Ich war eine Zeitlang in Boston. I was in Boston for a time. I was in Boston for a while. Du sollst nicht lesen während des Essens! Do not read during the meal. I don't want you to read while you're eating! Es stinkt hier drin. It stinks in here. It stinks in here. Das Flugzeug überflog die Insel. The plane flew over the island. The plane flew over the island. Ich hätte gerne das billigste Zimmer, das Sie haben, für vier Nächte. I'd like the most inexpensive room you have for four nights. I'd like the cheapest room you have for four nights. Ich tat so, als hätte ich sie nicht gesehen. I pretended that I didn't see it. I pretended I hadn't seen her. In dem Gebäude lebt niemand mehr. No one lives in that building anymore. No one lives in that building anymore. Sein Plan ist es, eine Brücke über diesen Fluss zu bauen. His plan is to build a bridge over that river. His plan is to build a bridge over this river. Wir würden es begrüßen, wenn sie mit Herrn Hirose Kontakt aufnehmen könnten. We would appreciate it if you would contact Mr. Hirose. We would like them to be able to contact Mr Hirose. Sie verkaufen ihre Seele. You are selling your soul. They sell their soul. Der Mindestlohn beträgt 2,31 $ in der Stunde. The minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. The minimum wage is $2.31 an hour. Hast du deiner Ehefrau je beim Kochen geholfen? Have you ever helped your wife in cooking? Have you ever helped your wife cook? Sie wurde letztes Jahr geboren. She was born last year. She was born last year. Der alte Mann hält sich fern vom Weltgeschehen. The old man stands aloof from this world. The old man stays away from world events. Dafür werden Sie bezahlen! You will pay for this. You'll pay for that! Tom wandte sich Maria zu und stellte ihr eine Frage. Tom turned to Mary and asked her a question. Tom turned to Mary and asked her a question. Wieviel Uhr ist es? What time is it? What time is it? Mach nicht Schluss mit mir! Don't break up with me. Don't break up with me! Das ist nicht, wo ich hingehe. That's not where I'm going. That's not where I'm going. Lassen Sie Tom kaufen, was er will! Let Tom buy what he wants. Let Tom buy what he wants. Sie rennt nicht. She isn't running. She's not running. Tom hat den ganzen Tag kaum ein Wort gesprochen. Tom hardly said a word all day. Tom has barely spoken a word all day. In der Ferne sahen wir die Insel. We saw the island in the distance. In the distance we saw the island. Tom ist es egal, was die Leute über Mary sagen. Tom doesn't mind what people say about Mary. Tom doesn't care what people say about Mary. Diese Tür ist verschlossen. This door is locked. This door is locked. Es hat den ganzen Tag geschneit. It kept snowing all day. It snowed all day. Tom ist nicht mehr derselbe, der er einmal war. Tom isn't the same man he used to be. Tom isn't the same person he used to be. Bauern säen das Saatgut im Frühjahr aus. Farmers sow seeds in the spring. Farmers sow the seeds in spring. Vor zwei Jahren bin ich nach China gegangen. Two years ago I went to China. Two years ago, I went to China. Ich kann den Bahnhof von meinem Haus in fünf Minuten zu Fuß erreichen. I can walk from my house to the station in only five minutes. I can reach the station from my house in five minutes on foot. Tom verstieß gegen das Gesetz. Tom broke the law. Tom violated the law. Tom verdient nicht viel. Tom doesn't make much money. Tom doesn't deserve much. Jakob ist nicht hier. Jack isn't there. Jakob's not here. Ich habe noch nie Drogen genommen. I've never taken drugs. I've never taken drugs before. Sie fehlen uns sehr. We miss you very much. We miss them a lot. Tom entschied allein, sich zu stellen. Tom decided on his own to turn himself in. Tom decided to turn himself in alone. Die Feier fand am 22. Mai statt. The party was held on May 22nd. The celebration took place on May 22nd. Willst du in Deutschland arbeiten? Do you want to work in Germany? Do you want to work in Germany? Wo hast du dein Auto gekauft? Where did you buy your car? Where did you buy your car? Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie glaubten, Elke sei nicht wütend. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't angry. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't angry. Ich sage das immer. I always say that. I always say that. Tom hat an allem, was ich tue, etwas auszusetzen. Tom finds fault with everything I do. Tom has something to do with everything I do. Obwohl Jana keine gute Läuferin ist, kann sie sehr schnell schwimmen. Though Jane is not a good runner, she can swim very fast. Although Jana is not a good runner, she can swim very quickly. Tom hat es nur fürs Geld gemacht. Tom did it simply for the money. Tom did it only for the money. Er hat eine Katzenallergie. He's allergic to cats. He has a cat allergy. Zehntausende hatten sich am Sonntagmorgen trotz der Kälte und des Regens auf dem Petersplatz versammelt, um mit Papst Franziskus die Ostermesse zu feiern. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square on Sunday morning, despite the cold and the rain, to take part in Solemn Mass with Pope Francis in celebration of Easter. Tens of thousands gathered on St. Peter's Square on Sunday morning, despite the cold and the rain, to celebrate the Easter Mass with Pope Francis. Der Verkehrsunfall kostete ihn das Augenlicht. The traffic accident deprived him of his sight. The traffic accident cost him his eyesight. Ich kann weder schreiben noch lesen. I can't write, and I can't read either. I can't write or read. Ich kann nicht zurückkehren. I can't go back. I can't go back. Tom wusste nicht mehr, wo er seinen Wagen geparkt hatte. Tom didn't remember where he'd parked his car. Tom didn't remember where he parked his car. Tom ist noch sehr jung. Tom is still very young. Tom is still very young. Sie starb in ihren Armen. She died in their arms. She died in her arms. Ich glaube, du bist ehrlich. I believe you're honest. I think you're honest. Wir sind beide erwachsen. We are both adults. We're both adults. Tom blies die Kerze aus. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew out the candle. Ich habe bald etwas für dich. I'll have something for you soon. I'll have something for you soon. Du wirst scheitern. You will fail. You're gonna fail. Wollen Sie's oder nicht? Do you want it or not? Do you want it or not? Ich habe es mir zur Gewohnheit gemacht, nach neun Uhr kein Fernsehen mehr zu sehen. I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o'clock. I made it my habit to stop watching TV after nine o'clock. Die Zukunft ist nicht in Stein gemeißelt. The future isn't written in stone. The future is not carved in stone. Du schaust nicht hin. You aren't looking. You're not looking. Ich hätte die Klappe halten sollen. I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have shut up. Sie wollte nur Freundlichkeit beweisen. She was just trying to be friendly. She just wanted to show kindness. Das ist ein mehrstufiger Prozess. It is a multi-stage process. This is a multi-stage process. Heute Morgen hat es bei uns geschneit. We had snow this morning. It snowed on us this morning. Wann haben Sie Kyoto zuletzt besucht? When did you visit Kyoto last? When was the last time you visited Kyoto? Einige Leute halten die 13 für eine Unglückszahl. Some people believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. Some people think the 13 is a bad number. Sie wissen es schon. They already know. You already know. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, dass Johannes einsam sei. Mary told Tom that she thought John was lonely. Mary told Tom that she thought John was lonely. Ich bliebe an deiner Stelle ruhig. If I were you, I would stay quiet. I'd stay calm if I were you. Was möchtest du heute machen? What would you like to do today? What do you want to do today? Tom wollte über dieses Problem nicht mehr nachdenken. Tom didn't want to think about that problem anymore. Tom didn't want to think about this problem anymore. Du bist zu dumm für's Leben. You're too stupid to live. You're too stupid for life. Gebt mir eine zweite Chance. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Ich will den Bericht in einer Stunde auf meinem Schreibtisch haben! I want that report on my desk in one hour. I want the report on my desk in an hour! Tom wusste, dass das passieren würde. Tom knew that would happen. Tom knew that would happen. Karen ist mir böse. Karen is angry with me. Karen's mad at me. Höre ihn dir an. Listen to it. Listen to him. Sie kamen mit Kind und Kegel. They came with kith and kin. They came with child and cone. Ich werde das so schnell wie möglich fertig machen. I'll finish doing it as quickly as I can. I'll finish this as soon as I can. Kein Verlust ist bittrer denn der Verlust der Zeit. There is no graver loss than the loss of time. No loss is more bitter than the loss of time. Ich bin glücklich, wenn er da ist; traurig bin ich ohne ihn. I'm happy when he's here, and I'm sad when he's not. I am happy when he is there; sad I am without him. Tom sollte wegen Mordes angeklagt werden. Tom should be charged with murder. Tom was supposed to be charged with murder. Traust du ihm nicht? Don't you trust him? Don't you trust him? Tom nahm aus Respekt seinen Hut ab. Tom respectfully removed his hat. Tom took his hat off out of respect. Wovon spricht er? What is he saying? What's he talking about? Das Publikum klatschte fünf volle Minuten lang Beifall. The audience applauded for a full five minutes. The audience applauded for five full minutes. Anstelle von Butter habe ich Margarine genommen. I used margarine instead of butter. Instead of butter, I took margarine. Wenn das Geschäft heute geschlossen hat, versuche ich es morgen noch einmal. If the shop is closed today, I'll try again tomorrow. If the business is closed today, I'll try again tomorrow. Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. I've seen things that you humans would never believe. Tom, du sollst hören, was ich zu sagen habe! Tom, I want you to listen to what I have to say. Tom, listen to what I have to say. Ich sehe nicht ein, weshalb ich mich entschuldigen soll. I don't see any reason why I have to apologize. I don't see why I should apologize. Ist hier in der Nähe eine Tankstelle? Is there a gas station near here? Is there a gas station nearby? Tom konnte in drei Minuten die Skipiste herunterfahren. Tom was able to ski down the slope in three minutes. Tom was able to ski down the ski slope in three minutes. Tom sagte, er hatte nicht vor zu spät zu kommen. Tom said that he didn't mean to be late. Tom said he wasn't planning on being late. Tom hat Australien besucht. Tom visited Australia. Tom visited Australia. Vertraut niemandem! Don't trust anybody. Don't trust anyone! Man soll nicht mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen. Never use a cannon to kill a fly. You're not supposed to shoot sparrows with guns. Wir müssen auf unsere Gesundheit achten. We must be careful of our health. We need to take care of our health. Wann hast du nach der Arbeit frei? When are you off? When are you free after work? Tom war sichtlich nervös. Tom was visibly nervous. Tom was visibly nervous. Ich widme dieses Lied Maria. I dedicate this song to Mary. I dedicate this song to Mary. Ich brauche etwas geistige Anregung. I need some mental stimulation. I need some mental stimulation. Ich bin glücklich, Tom. I'm happy, Tom. I'm happy, Tom. Sie machte das Buch zu und schloß die Augen. She shut the book and closed her eyes. She closed the book and closed her eyes. Ich gehe immer zu Fuß zur Schule. I always walk to school. I always walk to school. Tom ist jetzt sehr beschäftigt, nicht wahr? Tom is really busy now, isn't he? Tom is very busy now, isn't he? Ich habe nichts anderes. I don't have anything else. I don't have anything else. Ich mag dich wirklich sehr gern. I really like you a lot. I really like you. Ich habe mich schon immer mit älteren Frauen zusammengetan. I've always dated older women. I've always been with older women. Er ist vor dreißig Jahren aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen und seitdem ständig auf der Flucht gewesen. He escaped from prison thirty years ago and has been on the lam ever since. He broke out of prison thirty years ago and has been on the run ever since. Tom ist Pilot. Tom is a pilot. Tom is a pilot. Der Regen hinderte uns unser Tennisspiel zu beenden. The rain prevented us from finishing our game of tennis. The rain prevented us from finishing our tennis game. Geben Sie mir bitte etwas zu trinken. Please give me something to drink. Give me something to drink, please. „Ich habe dir eine Frage gestellt." — „Ich habe dich nicht gehört." "I asked you a question." "I didn't hear you." "I asked you a question." "I didn't hear you." Tom weiß nicht, wo er suchen soll. Tom doesn't know where to look. Tom doesn't know where to look. Der alte Mann saß gemütlich an seinem warmen Ofen. Das Feuer loderte hell, und einige Äpfel brieten davor. The old man sat cosily by his warm stove. The fire was blazing brightly and some apples were roasting in front of it. The old man sat comfortably at his warm oven. The fire was blazing brightly, and some apples were brewing in front of it. Es ist der psychologisch richtige Moment, um die Katze aus dem Sack zu lassen. It is the psychological moment to let the cat out of the bag. It's the right psychological moment to let the cat out of the bag. Da ich ihn noch nie gesehen habe, kann ich ihn auch nicht wiedererkennen. Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him. Since I've never seen him before, I can't recognize him either. Kennen Sie einen guten Zahnarzt? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Über dem Klavier hing ein Schild: Bitte nicht auf den Pianisten schießen. Er tut sein Bestes. Over the piano was printed a notice: Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best. Above the piano was a sign: Please don't shoot the pianist. He does his best. Tom machte ein Fenster auf. Tom opened a window. Tom opened a window. Das sind nur Krokodilstränen. They're only crocodile tears. They're just crocodile tears. Es ist eure Pflicht. It's your duty. It's your duty. Was ist denn mit allen los? What's with everybody? What's the matter with everyone? Er ist größer als sein Vater. He is taller than his father. He's bigger than his father. Es geht nicht um mich oder Tom. This isn't about me or Tom. It's not about me or Tom. Jemand war im Haus. Somebody was in the house. Someone was in the house. Er stürzte die Treppe hinunter. He tumbled down the stairs. He fell down the stairs. Seine Geschichten unterhielten uns stundenlang. His stories entertained us for hours. His stories talked to us for hours. Er ist der Junge, über den wir letztens gesprochen haben. He's the boy we spoke about the other day. He's the boy we talked about the other day. Sagen Sie mir, was wir hier tun! Tell me what we're doing here. Tell me what we're doing here! Ich werde sie loswerden. I'll get rid of them. I'm gonna get rid of her. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass du mehr Gemüse isst. It's essential that you eat more vegetables. It's very important that you eat more vegetables. Das Mädchen sah ihn auch. The girl saw him, too. The girl saw him, too. Eine Trilogie besteht für gewöhnlich aus drei Teilen. A trilogy usually has three parts. A trilogy usually consists of three parts. Tom kaufte zwei Flugtickets nach Paris. Tom bought two airline tickets to Paris. Tom bought two tickets to Paris. Ist da jemand? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Tom erklomm mit 7½ Litern Wasser den Hügel. Tom walked up the hill with two gallons of water. Tom climbed the hill with 71⁄2 litres of water. Wie läuft es bei deiner neuen Stelle? How are you getting along with your new job? How's your new job going? Du musst dir erst etwas wünschen. Make a wish first. You have to make a wish first. Wir haben die Wette verloren. We lost the bet. We lost the bet. Spanisch ist leicht. Spanish is easy. Spanish is easy. Der Grand Canyon zählt zu den beliebtesten Orten der Vereinigten Staaten. The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular places in the USA. The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular places in the United States. Sie gab ihm einen zärtlichen Kuss. She gave him a tender kiss. She gave him a tender kiss. Komm her und schau es dir an! Come here and have a look at it. Come here and look at it! Seid ihr gerade angekommen? Did you just arrive? Did you just get here? Wem gehört dieses Paar Strümpfe? Whose is this pair of stockings? Who owns this pair of stockings? Ich war zu überrascht, um etwas zu sagen. I was too surprised to speak. I was too surprised to say anything. Tarō spricht besser Englisch als ich. Taro speaks English better than I. Tarō speaks English better than I do. Wenn Sie die Popescus sehen, grüßen Sie sie von uns. When you see the Popescus, please say hello from us. When you see the Popescus, greet them from us. Tom trägt Flip-Flops. Tom is wearing flip-flops. Tom is wearing flip flops. Tom hat den Brief noch nicht geschrieben. Tom hasn't written the letter yet. Tom hasn't written the letter yet. Zuerst war er gegen das Projekt. At first he was against the project. At first, he was against the project. Wenn ich meine Augen schließe, stelle ich mir vor, dass ich ein Vogel bin und fliegen kann. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. Das Essen stillte seinen Hunger. The meal satisfied his hunger. The food quenched his hunger. Einige Deutsche arbeiten für einen Euro in der Stunde. Some Germans work for only one euro an hour. Some Germans work for one euro per hour. Ich habe sie schon kennengelernt. I've already met her. I've met her before. Dieser Pfahl steht nicht ganz senkrecht. That pole is not quite vertical. This pole is not quite vertical. Du musst nichts sagen, was du nicht sagen willst. You don't have to say anything you don't want to say. You don't have to say anything you don't want to say. Triffst du dich mit einem Mann? Are you seeing a man? Are you seeing a man? Ich begleitete sie am Klavier. I accompanied her on the piano. I accompanied her at the piano. Tom ist ungefähr gleich alt wie Mary. Tom is about the same age as Mary. Tom is about the same age as Mary. Für den Fall, dass ich den Zug verpassen sollte, fang ruhig schon mal an. In case I miss the train, don't wait to start. In case I should miss the train, why don't you start? Er ist zierlich. He is delicate. He's petite. Tom ist ein begeisterter Wanderer und Vogelbeobachter. Tom's a keen hiker and bird watcher. Tom is an enthusiastic wanderer and bird watcher. Ich unterdrückte ein Gähnen. I suppressed a yawn. I suppressed a yawn. Wir haben Vertrauen in Tom. We have faith in Tom. We have faith in Tom. Tom hat mich heute ignoriert. Tom ignored me today. Tom ignored me today. Tom ist ein verantwortungsvoller Fahrer. Tom is a responsible driver. Tom is a responsible driver. Sie sind immer vorsichtig. They're always careful. They're always careful. Wer ist in dem Zimmer? Who is in this room? Who's in the room? Es ist nicht hoffnungslos. It's not hopeless. It's not hopeless. Das hat mir gefallen! I loved that. I liked that! Selbstmord ist eine der Haupttodesursachen in dem Land mit der höchsten Lebenserwartung. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the country with the longest life expectancy. Suicide is one of the main causes of death in the country with the highest life expectancy. Junko ist noch darauf angewiesen, dass ihre Eltern für ihre Lebenshaltungskosten aufkommen. Junko still depends on her parents for her living expenses. Junko still needs her parents to pay for her living expenses. Du musst den Fall unparteiisch beurteilen. You have to judge the case without bias. You have to judge the case impartially. Du siehst ja gar nicht hin. You're not looking. You're not looking. Die schweizerische Tastatur hat kein Eszett. The Swiss keyboard doesn't have the letter ß. The Swiss keyboard doesn't have an eszett. Wie geht es deinem Bruder? How's your brother? How's your brother? Ich werde klarkommen. I'll manage. I'll be all right. Tom konnte früher einmal recht gut Tennis spielen. Tom used to be pretty good at tennis. Tom used to play tennis quite well. Wie oft betrachtest du dich im Spiegel? How often do you look at yourself in the mirror? How often do you look at yourself in the mirror? Früher war er ein ruhiger Mann. He used to be a quiet man. He used to be a quiet man. Ich habe keinen Wagen mehr. I don't have a car anymore. I don't have a car anymore. Er schrieb drei Bücher in ebenso vielen Jahren. He wrote three books in as many years. He wrote three books in just as many years. Ich erinnere mich an nichts bei dem Unfall. I don't remember anything about the incident. I don't remember anything about the accident. Geh wieder schlafen! Go back to sleep. Go back to sleep! Dieses System strotzt vor Fehlern und Nachteilen. This system is bristling with defects and drawbacks. This system is full of errors and disadvantages. Tom schnuppert an den Blumen. Tom is smelling the flowers. Tom sniffs the flowers. Es stimmte, dass sie zweimal verheiratet war. It was true that she had got married twice. It was true that she was married twice. Sie tut ihr Bestes. She's doing her best. She's doing her best. Ich denke, dass sie nicht antworten kann. I think she can't answer. I don't think she can answer. Gestern Abend geschah etwas Seltsames. A strange thing happened last night. Something strange happened last night. Obwohl sie alleine ins Ausland reisen wollte, hat sie es sich noch einmal besser überlegt. Though she wished to travel abroad by herself, she thought better of it. Although she wanted to travel abroad alone, she thought it over again. Wie ist ihr das gelungen? How did she manage to do that? How did she do that? Hättest du Lust, mit mir an der Küste entlang spazieren zu gehen? Would you like to go for a walk with me along the shore? Would you like to go for a walk along the coast with me? Was ist mit dem Buch passiert, das ich gestern hier hingelegt habe? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? Er beobachtet uns. He's watching us. He's watching us. Das neue Automodell wurde verschiedenen Tests unterzogen. The new model car was put through several tests. The new car model has been subjected to various tests. Der Professor hat drei Mal so viele Bücher wie ich. The teacher has three times as many books as I do. The professor has three times as many books as I do. Es ist leicht, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. Ich selbst habe es Hunderte Male geschafft. It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times. It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times myself. Noch ein Krieg, dann werden wir alle tot sein. Another war, and we all will be killed. Another war, then we'll all be dead. Sie ist genauso schön wie ihre Mutter. She is as beautiful as her mother. She's as beautiful as her mother. Tom ist noch nicht an das Leben in der Stadt gewöhnt. Tom is still not accustomed to city life. Tom isn't used to life in town yet. Tom weiß, dass Maria reich ist. Tom knows Mary is rich. Tom knows Mary is rich. Tom hat einen Hut gekauft. Er ist schwarz. Tom mag ihn. Tom bought a hat. It's black. Tom likes it. Tom bought a hat. It's black. Tom likes it. Ich gehe um vier. I am leaving at four. I'm leaving at four. So einen großen Koffer brauche ich nicht. I don't need a suitcase that big. I don't need such a big suitcase. Du lügst mich immer an. You always lie to me. You always lie to me. Tom weiß nicht, was er denken soll. Tom doesn't know what to think. Tom doesn't know what to think. Du solltest deinen Prinzipien gerecht werden. You should live up to your principles. You should live up to your principles. Es war wieder ruhig. It was quiet again. It was quiet again. Eigens für Sie habe ich den Satz geändert. I've rewritten the sentence just for you. I changed the sentence for you myself. Willst du das oder nicht? Do you want this or not? Is that what you want or not? Tom ist auf dem Dach. Tom is on the roof. Tom is on the roof. Ich glaube nicht einmal ein Wort von dem, was die Menschen über sie sagten. I don't believe a word people say about her. I don't even believe a word of what people said about them. Ich wünsche mir, den Mut zu haben, meine Gefühle zu zeigen. I wish I had the courage to show my feelings. I wish I had the courage to show my feelings. Tom ist froh, dass er nicht an deiner Stelle ist. Tom is glad he isn't in your shoes. Tom is glad he's not in your place. Ich bin beschämt über Ihr Verhalten. I am ashamed of your conduct. I'm ashamed of your behavior. Wann bist du fertig mit deinen Hausaufgaben? When will you finish your homework? When are you done with your homework? Wieso nehmen sich Menschen das Leben? Why do people commit suicide? Why do people take their lives? Ich will mein Englisch verbessern. I want to improve my English. I want to improve my English. Geht und helft eurem Bruder. Go and help your brother. Go help your brother. Ich weiß es immer noch nicht. I still don't know yet. I still don't know. Tom meinte das. Tom meant that. Tom meant that. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jeden, der Englisch studiert. This book is a must for every student studying English. This book is a must for anyone studying English. Ich scherze nicht. I am not kidding. I'm not kidding. Sie ist potthässlich. She's minging. She's ugly. Ich will nicht mit Tom ausgehen. I don't want to go out with Tom. I don't want to go out with Tom. Sie sehen gesund aus. They look healthy. You look healthy. Das ist ein Scherz, richtig? That's a joke, right? This is a joke, right? Sie hat einen Anspruch auf den Nachlass ihres verstorbenen Mannes. She has a claim on her deceased husband's estate. She has a right to the estate of her deceased husband. Mein Name ist Tom. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Das ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein. It's too good to be true. It's too good to be true. Es liegt ein Gerücht in der Luft, dass die Firma bald bankrott geht. There's a rumor in the air that the firm is going into bankruptcy. There's a rumor in the air that the company will soon go bankrupt. Sie hat nur mit ihm gespielt. She was toying with him. She was just playing with him. Du gehst in die falsche Richtung. You're going in the wrong direction. You're going the wrong way. Ich will Ihnen helfen. I want to help you. I want to help you. Ich hab im Kino einen Haufen Kinder gesehen. I saw a crowd of children at the cinema. I saw a bunch of kids in the movies. Kann es sein, dass das weiße Pferd kein Pferd ist? Can it be that the white horse is not a horse? Is it possible that the white horse is not a horse? Ich glaube, es wird funktionieren. I think it's going to work. I think it's gonna work. Sein Haar bedeckte fast sein ganzes Gesicht. His hair almost covered his whole face. His hair covered almost all of his face. Das reicht nicht aus. It's not enough. That's not enough. Kommt! Come on! Come on! Sie wohnen in einem kleinen Haus. They live in a small house. They live in a small house. Wie kommt es, dass niemand sonst es gesehen hat? How was it that no one else saw it? How come nobody else saw it? Hast du gestern ferngeschaut? Did you watch TV yesterday? Did you watch TV yesterday? Ihr beobachtet mich. You're watching me. You're watching me. Ich glaube, ihr irrt euch. I believe you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. Ich weiß nicht, welche Schuhgröße Tom und Maria haben. I don't know what size shoes Tom and Mary wear. I don't know what shoe size Tom and Mary are. Ich habe Durst. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom ein Pferd hat. I didn't know Tom had a horse. I didn't know Tom had a horse. Der Erste Weltkrieg begann 1914. World War I began in the year 1914. World War I began in 1914. Der Mast brach ab, und unser Schiff ließ sich treiben. The mast broke and our ship went adrift. The mast broke down, and our ship was drifting. Ein Satz kann in einer Sprache mehrere Bedeutungen haben. One sentence may have multiple meanings in one language. A sentence can have several meanings in one language. Er hatte noch nie eine Freundin. He's never had a girlfriend. He's never had a girlfriend before. Tom überlegte, ob Maria wohl der Meinung wäre, dass es um acht Uhr morgens noch zu früh dafür wäre, eine Flasche Wein zu öffnen. Tom wondered if Mary would think that eight in the morning was too early for him to open a bottle of wine. Tom wondered if Mary thought it would be too early to open a bottle of wine at eight o'clock in the morning. Tom spielte Basketball, als er auf dem College war. Tom played basketball when he was in college. Tom played basketball when he was in college. Meine Kollegen haben mich herzlich begrüßt. My colleagues warmly welcomed me. My colleagues warmly welcomed me. Der Rechtsanwalt bot eine kostenlose Beratung an. The lawyer offered his services pro bono. The lawyer offered a free consultation. Tom fühlte sich ausgeschlossen. Tom felt excluded. Tom felt excluded. Sie kämpften für Freiheit. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. Mein Geschäft floriert. My business is prospering. My business is thriving. Er lebt getrennt von seinen Eltern. He lives apart from his parents. He lives apart from his parents. Ich habe angefangen, das Buch zu schreiben. I started writing the book. I started writing the book. Tom fand Marias Tagebuch. Tom found Mary's diary. Tom found Mary's diary. Tom ist Marias Chef. Tom is Mary's boss. Tom is Mary's boss. Wäre es nicht wichtig, bäte ich dich nie, das zu tun. I'd never ask you to do this if it weren't important. If it wasn't important, I'd never ask you to do that. Ich hätte nicht draußen im Regen spielen sollen. I shouldn't have played outside in the rain. I shouldn't have played outside in the rain. Tom sagte, er sei froh, das nicht getan zu haben. Tom said that he was glad he didn't do that. Tom said he was glad he didn't do that. Nimm einen Schirm mit, denn es ist für den Nachmittag Regen angesagt. Bring an umbrella because it is expected to rain this afternoon. Take an umbrella with you because it's raining for the afternoon. Ich fahre morgen nach Tōkyō. I am going to go to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyō tomorrow. Tom sollte sich lieber beeilen, wenn er noch im Hellen zu Hause sein will. Tom had better hurry if he wants to get home before dark. Tom should hurry if he still wants to be at home in the bright. Ich hoffe, es geht ihnen allen gut. I hope they're all OK. I hope they're all fine. Wir glauben, dass Tom Mary getötet hat. We believe that it was Tom that killed Mary. We think Tom killed Mary. Nichts konnte ihn aufhalten. Nothing could stop him. Nothing could stop him. Trinkt ihr Cola mit Rum? Do you drink rum and Coke? Are you drinking Coke with rum? Tom erinnerte Mary daran, vor 5 Uhr auf die Bank zu gehen. Tom reminded Mary to go to the bank before 5:00. Tom reminded Mary to go to the bench before 5:00. Ich bin überrascht, dass du dich nicht daran erinnern konntest. I'm surprised you couldn't remember that. I'm surprised you couldn't remember. Lasst Tom bitte in Ruhe! Leave Tom alone, please. Please leave Tom alone. Maria geht mit meiner Tochter zur Schule. Mary goes to school with my daughter. Mary is going to school with my daughter. Alle betrachteten ihn als einen Taugenichts. Everybody had looked on him as a good-for-nothing. Everyone thought of him as a good-for-nothing. Ich fand es schwierig, mit ihm auszukommen. I found it difficult to get along with him. I found it difficult to get along with him. Glaubst du, es bereitet Schwierigkeiten, das Buch in einer Woche durchzulesen? Do you think it is difficult to finish reading this book in a week? Do you think it's difficult to read the book in a week? Tom hat nichts getan, dass er es verdient hätte, so behandelt zu werden. Tom didn't do anything to deserve how he's being treated. Tom didn't do anything that he deserved to be treated like this. Mir wurde mein Fahrrad gestohlen. My bicycle was stolen. I was stolen from my bike. Er wartet dort oben auf dich. He's up there waiting for you. He's waiting for you up there. In der Stadt Washington liegt die Durchschnittsmiete für eine Einzimmerwohnung bei 1343 $. The average cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Washington, D.C. is $1,343. In Washington City, the average one-bedroom apartment rental is $1,343. Ich habe keine Familie. I do not have a family. I don't have a family. Sie sahen ihn nicht. You didn't see him. They didn't see him. Lieben Sie Tom? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? Meine Mitbewohnerin hat sich über den Lärm beschwert. My roommate complained about the noise. My roommate complained about the noise. In deinem Bett wimmelt es von Hausstaubmilben. Your bed is crawling with dust mites. Your bed is full of dust mites. Sie ist nicht das einzige hübsche Mädchen im Büro. She's not the only beautiful girl in the office. She's not the only pretty girl in the office. Ich will nicht, dass Tom seine Arbeit verliert. I don't want Tom to lose his job. I don't want Tom to lose his job. Tom heiratete mit dreißig Jahren. Tom got married when he was 30 years old. Tom married at the age of thirty. Ich werde hier nicht gebraucht. I'm unnecessary here. I'm not needed here. Ihr könnt euch ausruhen. You can rest. You can rest. Er lässt sich einmal im Monat die Haare schneiden. He gets a haircut once a month. He gets his hair cut once a month. Geheimnisse wahren liegt mir nicht. I'm bad at keeping secrets. I don't have secrets to keep. Tom macht sich fertig. Tom is getting ready. Tom is getting ready. Sie meint, sie putze sich jeden Morgen die Zähne. She says she brushes her teeth every morning. She says she brushes her teeth every morning. Wir können uns einfach nicht ausstehen. We just can't stand each other. We just can't stand each other. Wo ist das nächste Warenhaus? Where's the nearest department store? Where's the nearest warehouse? Seine einzigartige Sichtweise half, die Situation zu erhellen. His unique perspective helped shed light on the situation. His unique view helped to illuminate the situation. Blut ist ein ganz besondrer Saft. Blood is a juice of rarest quality. Blood is a very special juice. Das Meeting endete. The meeting ended. The meeting ended. Es ist völlig falsch. It's totally wrong. It's completely wrong. Es ist eine sehr schwere Frage für mich. It's a very difficult question for me. It's a very difficult question for me. Die Stewardess kann so einigermaßen Französisch sprechen. The stewardess can speak French after a fashion. The stewardess can speak so reasonably French. Mama, beeil dich! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! Ich bin unglücklich. I'm miserable. I'm unhappy. Nenn Tom nicht so. Don't call Tom that. Don't call Tom that. Worauf warten wir? What are we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Ich bin sehr enttäuscht. I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed. Dieser Junge sagt mir nicht seinen Namen. That boy won't tell me his name. This boy doesn't tell me his name. Sie versteht euch nicht. She doesn't understand you. She doesn't understand you. Tom hat sich um ein Stipendium beworben. Tom applied for a scholarship. Tom applied for a scholarship. Die Soldaten hatten schlagkräftigere Waffen. The soldiers had more powerful weapons. The soldiers had more powerful weapons. Zigarettenrauch stört mich sehr. Cigarette smoke bothers me a lot. Cigarette smoke bothers me a lot. Sie ist am Rand eines Nervenzusammenbruchs. She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Ich befolgte Toms Befehle. I followed Tom's orders. I followed Tom's orders. Ich fühlte mich allein. I felt lonely. I felt alone. Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne. You have to break an egg to make an omelet. Where they plan, there's chips falling. Ihr solltet besser eine kleine Pause einlegen. You had better take a little rest. You better take a little break. Ich liebe das Schöne. I love things that are beautiful. I love the beauty. Meine Freundin sagt oft: „Wer genug isst, isst schon zu viel." My girlfriend often says "Whoever eats enough, has already eaten too much." My girlfriend often says: "He who eats enough eats too much. " Sie ging dort zum Schwimmen hin. She went there to swim. She went there for a swim. In Ländern wie Norwegen und Finnland gibt es im Winter jede Menge Schnee. In countries such as Norway and Finland, they have lots of snow in the winter. In countries like Norway and Finland there is plenty of snow in winter. Ich glaube nicht, dass ihr das wirklich wissen wollt. I don't think you really want to know. I don't think you really want to know. Meinung ist etwas, mit dem ich versuche zu erklären, warum alle Welt so denken soll, wie ich denke. Opinion is something wherein I go about to give reason why all the world should think as I think. Opinion is something with which I try to explain why all the world should think as I think. Maria lachte und warf ein Kissen nach mir. Mary laughed and threw a pillow at me. Mary laughed and threw a pillow at me. Tom schreit. Tom is screaming. Tom screams. Folge dem Beispiel deiner Schwester. Follow your sister's example. Follow your sister's example. Ein grüner Teppich beißt sich mit diesem blauen Vorhang. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet bites with this blue curtain. Was mich betrifft, so habe ich nichts zu sagen. As for me, I have nothing to say. As far as I'm concerned, I have nothing to say. Tom sitzt an seinem Schreibtisch. Tom is sitting at his desk. Tom is sitting at his desk. Das bedeutet, es hartnäckig zu versuchen, selbst wenn wir dabei Fehler machen. It means trying hard, even if we make mistakes. That means trying hard, even if we make mistakes. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich das Buch wieder in der Bibliothek abgegeben habe. I remember returning the book to the library. I remember returning the book to the library. Ich wusste nicht, dass du eine Freundin hast. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Welche nehmen Sie? Which one do you take? Which one do you take? Tom weiß, was es braucht. Tom knows what it takes. Tom knows what it takes. Seine Dummheit ist bodenlos. His stupidity is abysmal. His stupidity is groundless. Wie viele Menschen befinden sich derzeit im Weltall? How many people are in space right now? How many people are currently in space? Ein Genie besteht aus einem Prozent Inspiration und 99 Prozent Schweiß. Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. A genius consists of one percent inspiration and 99 percent sweat. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Tom mit Maria zusammen ist. I'm pretty sure Tom is dating Mary. I'm pretty sure Tom is with Mary. Haben Sie eine Quittung? Do you have a receipt? Do you have a receipt? Meine Eltern haben mich gezwungen, dorthin zu gehen. My parents made me go there. My parents forced me to go there. Möchten Sie, dass ich es als Geschenk verpacke? Do you want me to wrap it up as a gift? Do you want me to pack it as a gift? Tom bat uns, keinen Lärm zu machen. Tom asked us not to make any noise. Tom asked us not to make any noise. Versäume es nicht, um Punkt 7 Uhr hier zu sein. Don't fail to be here at 7 o'clock sharp. Don't miss being here at 7 a.m. sharp. Fahren Sie morgen nach Noboribetsu? Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow? Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow? Möchtest du lieber eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee? Would you rather have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? Would you rather have a cup of coffee or tea? Du solltest nicht egoistisch handeln. You ought not to act selfishly. You shouldn't be selfish. Wir nannten unseren Hund Rex. We named our dog Rex. We called our dog Rex. Er arbeitet die ganze Nacht und schläft den ganzen Tag. He works all night and he sleeps all day. He works all night and sleeps all day. Tom meinte, dass ich das möglicherweise diese Wochen machen müsste. Tom said he thought that I might need to do that this week. Tom said that I might have to do that these weeks. Ich finde die französische Grammatik schwierig. I think French grammar is difficult. I find French grammar difficult. Der Klimawandel könnte den Verlust von 85 % der Korallenriffe nach sich ziehen. Climate change could cause the loss of 85% of coral reefs. Climate change could lead to the loss of 85% of coral reefs. Hast du Tom angerufen? Did you phone Tom? Did you call Tom? Ich wäre mir da nicht so sicher. I wouldn't be so sure about that. I wouldn't be so sure. Es schmeckt sehr gut. It tastes very good. It tastes very good. Ich mag es nicht, wenn ein junges Mädchen stark geschminkt ist. I don't like heavy makeup on a young girl. I don't like a young girl being heavily made up. Die Bahamas wurden im Jahre 1973 unabhängig. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. Maria nahm mir den Schwur ab, dass ich nichts ihren Eltern sage. Mary made me swear not to tell her parents. Mary swore to me that I wouldn't tell her parents. Die Löhne wurden erhöht. They've increased the salaries. Wages have been raised. Was hochwertige Weine anbetrifft, so kann sich kein Land mit Frankreich messen. When it comes to good quality wine, no country can rival France. As far as high-quality wines are concerned, no country can compete with France. Wir verfügen noch nicht über genug Informationen, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen. We don't have enough information yet to make a decision. We do not yet have enough information to make a decision. Wir werden dich alle vermissen. We'll all miss you. We're all gonna miss you. Der Baumgipfel ist mit der Umzäunung auf gleicher Höhe. The top of this tree is level with the fence. The tree top is at the same height with the fence. Das ist eine ausgezeichnete Idee. That's a splendid idea. That's an excellent idea. Die Nachricht von seinem plötzlichen Tod überraschte mich. The news of his sudden death astounded me. The news of his sudden death surprised me. Du bist ein bisschen dick. You are a bit fat. You're a little fat. Ich werde euch beweisen, dass ich recht habe. I'll show you that I am right. I'll prove to you that I'm right. Ich bin es nicht gewohnt, bis spät in die Nacht aufzubleiben. I'm not used to staying up late at night. I'm not used to staying late for the night. Ist es immer gut, die Wahrheit zu sagen? Is it always good to tell the truth? Is it always good to tell the truth? Warum ist das wichtig? Why does that make a difference? Why is this important? Um mir zu helfen, scheute er keine Mühen. He went out of his way to assist me. To help me, he spared no effort. Sie sollten jetzt schon hier sein. So they ought to have arrived here by now. You should be here by now. „Ach, wäre ich doch nur so groß wie die anderen Bäume!" seufzte das kleine Tännchen. "Oh, if I were only as great a tree as the others!" sighed the little Fir. "Oh, if only I were as big as the other trees!" sighed the little dance. Tom ist völlig ahnungslos. Tom is completely clueless. Tom is completely clueless. Seine gesamte Familie war bei ihm, als er starb. All his family was around him when he died. His entire family was with him when he died. Tom saß, umringt von einer Kinderschar, auf dem Boden. Tom sat on the floor surrounded by a bunch of children. Tom sat on the floor surrounded by a group of children. Bei niedrigem Luftdruck fällt es den Menschen schwerer, genug Sauerstoff einzuatmen. Lower air pressure makes it more difficult for humans to breathe and get enough oxygen. At low air pressure, people find it harder to breathe enough oxygen. Was hätte ich in der Lage tun sollen? What should I have done in that situation? What should I have been able to do? Heute bin ich früh aufgestanden. Today I got up early. I got up early today. Tom setzte sich. Tom sat down. Tom sat down. Ich habe deinen Vater gesehen. I saw your father. I saw your father. Tom kennt die Einzelheiten nicht. Tom doesn't know the details. Tom doesn't know the details. Wozu sind wir hier? What are we here for? What are we here for? Wir arbeiten momentan. We're working at the moment. We're working right now. Bitte mach dir um mich keine Sorgen. Please don't bother about me. Please don't worry about me. Ich bin gerade beim Reinemachen. I'm just cleaning up. I'm cleaning up right now. Der Arzt benutzte einen Zungenspatel, um den Hals des Patienten zu untersuchen. The doctor used a tongue depressor to examine the patient's throat. The doctor used a tongue spatula to examine the patient's neck. Tom kann sich nicht besonders schnell bewegen. Tom can't move very fast. Tom can't move very fast. Träume, als wenn das Leben ewig währte; lebe, als wenn es heute endete! Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. Dreams as if life lasted forever; live as if it ended today! Zeige Selbstvertrauen, aber hau nicht auf den Putz! Use your self-confidence, but never show it off! Show confidence, but don't hit the plaster! Tom hat wieder gesprochen. Tom spoke again. Tom spoke again. Der Junge klagt seit drei Tagen über Kopfschmerzen. The boy has complained of headache for three days. The boy's been complaining about headaches for three days. Schauen Sie sich nach etwas Bestimmtem um? Are you looking for anything in particular? Are you looking for something specific? Ein Model muss einen attraktiven Körper haben. A model must have an attractive body. A model must have an attractive body. Was haben diese zwei Arten gemeinsam? What do these two species have in common? What do these two species have in common? Paul ist eine nette Person. Paolo is a nice person. Paul is a nice person. Sie kann gut schwimmen. She is good at swimming. She's good at swimming. Du bist derjenige, der weiß, wie das geht. You're the one who knows how to do this. You're the one who knows how to do this. Sie konnte nicht anders, als in Tränen auszubrechen. She could not help bursting into tears. She couldn't help but burst into tears. Tom schämte sich. Tom was embarrassed. Tom was ashamed. Wann wird Tom nach Hause zurückkommen? When will Tom get back home? When will Tom come home? Ich fürchte mich vor Hunden. I'm afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Lass uns hier einen Moment sitzen und die Aussicht genießen. Let's sit here for a while and look at the view. Let's sit here for a moment and enjoy the view. Lasst eure Sachen nicht liegen. Don't leave your things behind. Don't leave your things. Ich habe nicht verstanden, was ihr gesagt habt. I didn't understand what you said. I didn't understand what you said. Ich bin vom vielen Schreien heiser. I am hoarse from yelling so much. I'm hotter than a lot of screaming. Stanisław Jerzy Lec sagte einmal: „Manchmal muss man schweigen, um sich Gehör zu verschaffen." Stanisław Jerzy Lec once said: Sometimes one must be silent to make oneself heard. Stanisław Jerzy Lec once said: "Sometimes you have to keep quiet to make yourself heard. " Die Tür schließt nach dem Rausgehen automatisch. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door closes automatically after going out. Wie lange steht ihr schon da? How long have you guys been standing there? How long have you been standing there? „Du weißt es nicht?" – „Ja was denn?" "You don't know?" "Don't know what?" "You don't know?" "Yes, what?" Das geht. That is all right. I can do that. Tom graut davor, jeden Morgen zur Arbeit zu gehen. Tom dreads going to work every morning. Tom is afraid to go to work every morning. Ich mag den mit dem weißen Gürtel. I like the one with a white belt. I like the one with the white belt. Die Olympischen Winterspiele 2014 von Sotschi sind nun vorbei. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are now over. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are now over. Tom hebt seine Werkzeuge in einem Werkzeugkasten auf. Tom keeps his tools in a toolbox. Tom picks up his tools in a toolbox. Ich hoffe, es hat euch genauso Spaß gemacht wie mir. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Du bist entschlossen. You're decisive. You're determined. Toms Lieblingszahl ist die Sieben. Tom's favorite number is seven. Tom's favorite number is the seven. Haben Sie schon gefrühstückt? Have you had breakfast yet? Have you had breakfast yet? Auch mir macht Tom viel Freude. Tom makes me happy, too. I, too, enjoy Tom. Tom stritt ab, an dem Mord beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Tom denied he was involved in the murder. Tom denied that he was involved in the murder. Ich möchte Medizin studieren. I want to study medicine. I want to study medicine. Ich kann nicht verstehen, was bei einem solchen Mensch psychisch vor sich geht. I can't understand the psychology of such a man. I can't understand what's going on in such a person's mind. Ich würde dies Buch lesen, aber ich habe nicht die Zeit dazu. I would read this book, but I don't have the time. I would read this book, but I don't have the time. Ich kann das alleine. I can do it by myself. I can do this on my own. Neptun hat ein sehr starkes Magnetfeld. Neptune has a very strong magnetic field. Neptune has a very strong magnetic field. Er hat das Buch zu Ende gelesen. He finished reading the book. He's finished reading the book. Tom ist nie gegangen. Tom never left. Tom never left. Bedienung gesucht. Waiter needed. Service wanted. Wir haben dieses Jahr einen milden Winter. We are having a mild winter. We have a mild winter this year. Wie findest du deine Waschmaschine? How do you find your washing machine? What do you think of your washing machine? Der Schatten fällt an die Wand. The shadow falls upon the wall. The shadow falls on the wall. Was ist daran so besonders? What's so special about that? What's so special about it? Ich helfe Ihnen nach der Arbeit, wenn ich nicht zu müde bin. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. Das ist der, den wir wollen. That's the one we want. That's the one we want. Tom lächelt nicht oft. Tom doesn't smile often. Tom doesn't smile often. Vielleicht ist Tom gar nicht so hungrig, wie ihr meint. Tom might not be as hungry as you think he is. Maybe Tom isn't as hungry as you think he is. Die Polizei hatte keinen hinreichenden Grund, meinen Wagen zu durchsuchen. The police had no reasonable cause to search my car. The police didn't have enough reason to search my car. Nutzen Sie die ganze Nacht nicht nur, um sich vorzubereiten. Don't spend the whole night preparing yourself. Don't just use it all night to prepare. Sie wurde ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. They admitted her to the hospital. She was admitted to the hospital. Tom wollte wissen, wo Maria war. Tom wanted to know where Mary was. Tom wanted to know where Mary was. Wo hat Tom sich die Haare schneiden lassen? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Es ist schwierig wach zu werden ohne eine starke Tasse Kaffee. It is hard to wake up without a strong cup of coffee. It is difficult to wake up without a strong cup of coffee. Ich habe ihn am Flughafen getroffen. I met him at the airport. I met him at the airport. Toms Lieblingsfernsehsendung wurde eingestellt. Tom's favorite TV show was canceled. Tom's favorite TV show was discontinued. So etwas habe ich noch nie gesehen. Never have I seen such a thing. I've never seen anything like it. Es ist schöner Tag draußen. It's a beautiful day outside. It's a nice day outside. Tom wollte es nicht. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want to. Das ist eine Tatsache. This is a fact. That's a fact. Ich spreche nicht viel Französisch. I don't speak French very much. I don't speak much French. Tom kam mich abholen. Tom came to pick me up. Tom came to pick me up. Ich sagte Tom, dass er hier nicht gern gesehen war. I told Tom he wasn't welcome here. I told Tom that he didn't like being here. Maria kann nicht mehr so gut wie früher schwimmen. Mary can't swim like she used to. Mary can't swim as well as she used to. Tom kletterte auf einen nahegelegenen Baum, weil er wissen wollte, ob er wohl das Meer sehen könnte. Tom climbed a nearby tree to see if he could see the ocean. Tom climbed onto a nearby tree because he wanted to know if he could see the sea. Meine Kreditkarte wurde vom Bancomaten abgewiesen. My credit card was rejected by the ATM. My credit card was rejected by the Bancomats. Wie hast du das getan? How did you do it? How did you do that? Junge Tiger sehen aus wie Katzen. Young tigers resemble cats. Young tigers look like cats. Keine Schneeflocke gleicht einer anderen. No two snowflakes are exactly alike. No snowflake is like another. Ich habe gute Erinnerungen an all die Zeit, die wir zusammen verbracht haben. I have fond memories of all the time we spent together. I have good memories of all the time we spent together. Tom mag Schnee. Tom likes snow. Tom likes snow. Sie war nicht erbaut. She was not pleased. She wasn't built. Kein Kommentar. No comment. No comment. Ich lese gern Bücher, die einen dazu anregen, mehr aus sich zu machen. I love reading books that inspire us to become more than who we are. I like reading books that encourage you to make more of yourself. Er hat alle Fenster offengelassen. He kept all the windows open. He left all the windows open. Zukunft braucht Vergangenheit. Future needs past. Future needs past. Er versprach mir, er würde um sechs hier sein. He promised me he would be here at six. He promised me he'd be here at six. Ich mag Schreiben. I like writing. I like writing. Die Firma ist in den roten Zahlen. The company is in the red. The company's in the red. Sie mag sehr gerne Gedichte schreiben. She is very fond of writing poems. She likes to write poems. Tom wollte etwas schreiben. Tom wanted to write something. Tom wanted to write something. Ich finde ihre Art schwer hinzunehmen. I find her manner a little hard to take. I find her kind difficult to accept. Tom sagte, er habe seine Schlüssel zu Hause gelassen. Tom said he left his keys at home. Tom said he left his keys at home. Er bedauerte es schon. He was already regretting it. He already regretted it. Niemand hat Tom geküsst. Nobody kissed Tom. Nobody kissed Tom. Elisabeth I. wurde 1558 Königin von England. Elizabeth I became the Queen of England in 1558. Elizabeth I became Queen of England in 1558. Ich will nur schlafen! I just want to sleep! I just want to sleep! Sprecht ihr Arabisch? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? Wir haben sowohl ein Haus auf dem Land als auch eine Wohnung in London. We have a house in the country as well as a flat in London. We have a house in the countryside as well as an apartment in London. Du vergisst immer, deine Hausaufgaben zu machen. You keep forgetting to do your homework. You always forget to do your homework. Tom will Boxen lernen, aber seine Mutter meint, dass es zu gefährlich ist. Tom wants to learn boxing, but his mother thinks it's too dangerous. Tom wants to learn boxing, but his mother thinks it's too dangerous. Ich stehe Ihnen zu Diensten. I'm at your service. I'm at your service. Gib anderen nicht die Schuld an deinen Fehlern! Don't blame others for your mistakes. Don't blame others for your mistakes! Wir müssen alle etwas beisteuern. We all have to contribute. We all have to contribute a little bit. Es fiel mir ein, dass ich die Nachricht für mich behalten sollte. It occurred to me that I should keep the news to myself. It occurred to me that I should keep the message to myself. Was habt ihr angehabt? What did you wear? What did you wear? Hast du einen Stadtführer? Do you have a guide map of the city? Do you have a guide? Helen Keller war taub und blind. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. Helen Keller was deaf and blind. Fragen schadet nicht. There's no harm in asking. Questions don't hurt. Ich brauche mehr. I need more. I need more. Du bist machtlos. You're powerless. You're powerless. Dieser Plan verdient es, ausprobiert zu werden. The plan is well worth trying. This plan deserves to be tried out. Ich werde darüber nachdenken. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Wo ist die nächste Apotheke? Where is the nearest drugstore? Where's the nearest pharmacy? Der Fluss wird an dieser Stelle plötzlich enger. The river suddenly narrows at this point. The river suddenly narrows at this point. Lieber sterbe ich, als mich zu ergeben! I'd rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than surrender! Als sie nach Berlin kam, um dort zu studieren, war sie noch sehr jung. When she came to Berlin to study, she was still very young. When she came to Berlin to study there, she was still very young. Tom wollte zum Essen ein paar Fische fangen. Tom wanted to catch some fish to eat. Tom wanted to catch some fish for dinner. Ich liebte sie wirklich. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Tom ist ein wahrer Gentleman. Tom is a real gentleman. Tom is a true gentleman. Detroit ist berühmt für seine Automobilindustrie. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its automotive industry. Ich fahre nicht oft. I don't drive often. I don't drive much. Erst mit dreißig Jahren erfuhr Tom, dass er adoptiert war. It wasn't until Tom was 30 years old that he found out that he was adopted. Tom only learned that he was adopted at the age of thirty. Einem Schriftsteller mangelt es nie an Kritikern. For a writer there is no dearth of detractors. A writer never lacks critics. Hat Tom blaue Augen? Does Tom have blue eyes? Does Tom have blue eyes? Sie klingt verzweifelt. She sounds desperate. She sounds desperate. Nichts ist narrensicher für einen talentierten Narren. Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool. Nothing is foolproof for a talented fool. Er ist von seinen Eltern finanziell unabhängig. He is economically independent of his parents. He is financially independent from his parents. Das ist immer eine Option. Doing that's always an option. That's always an option. Was brauchen Sie? What is it that you need? What do you need? Ich mache oft Fehler. I often make mistakes. I often make mistakes. Ich habe gehört, dass Tom, ehe man ihn schnappte, jahrelang Drogen nach Amerika geschmuggelt haben soll. I heard that Tom had been smuggling drugs into America for years before he got caught. I heard that Tom was supposed to have smuggled drugs into America for years before they caught him. Man gab dem Fahrer die Schuld an dem Unfall. They blamed the driver for the accident. The driver was blamed for the accident. Tom ist in Essensfragen sehr wählerisch. Tom is very picky about what he eats. Tom is very picky on food issues. Tom kann sich darum kümmern. Tom can take care of that. Tom can take care of it. Diese Uhr ist für dich gedacht. This watch is meant for you. This watch is for you. Tom ist krank. Tom is sick. Tom is sick. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Tom Marias Chef ist. I didn't know that Tom was Mary's boss. I didn't know Tom was Mary's boss. Tom hat sich mit Maria verlobt. Tom got engaged to Mary. Tom got engaged to Mary. Ich versuchte vergeblich ihn zu überreden, nicht mehr zu rauchen. I tried in vain to persuade him not to smoke any more. I tried in vain to persuade him not to smoke anymore. Fernsehen macht Spass. Watching TV is fun. Television is fun. Wie viel Zeit sparen wir dadurch? How much time do we save? How much time do we save? Er hat gestern wegen seiner Erkältung gefehlt. His absence yesterday was due to his cold. He was missing yesterday because of his cold. Tom und Maria haben einen Sohn. Tom and Mary have a son. Tom and Mary have a son. Stellst du dir das hier unter Spaßhaben vor? Is this your idea of a good time? Do you think this is going to be fun? Ich wüsste gerne, warum sie so besorgt ist. I wonder why she is so worried. I'd like to know why she's so worried. Auf die Frage antworte ich nicht. I'm not answering that question. I'm not answering that question. Sie ist zu wählerisch. She's too picky. She's too picky. Tom scheint bereit zu sein. Tom looks ready. Tom seems ready. Es ist nichts passiert. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Tom wollte keinen Kommentar abgeben. Tom didn't want to comment. Tom didn't want to comment. Die Einrichtung seines Arbeitszimmers konnte er von der Steuer absetzen. He could write off his work room's furnishing from his taxes. He was able to deduct the equipment of his study from the tax. Sprechen Sie denn nicht tatoebanisch? Don't you speak Tatoeban? Don't you speak tatoeban? Was schulden wir dir? What do we owe you? What do we owe you? Ich werde das nicht sagen. I'm not going to say that. I'm not gonna say that. Es ist einfach. It's simple. It's simple. Es war nichts in der Schachtel. There was nothing in the box. There was nothing in the box. Tom ist nicht gerade ein Musterschüler. Tom isn't exactly a model student. Tom isn't exactly a model student. Hast du ihn gerade erst kennengelernt? Did you just meet him? Did you just meet him? Mein Vater bot einem bekannten Handelshaus seine Dienste an. My father offered his services to a well-known trade company. My father offered his services to a well-known trading house. Tom zog seinen Mantel über und ging hinaus. Tom put on his coat and went out. Tom overlaid his coat and went out. Du solltest dich über Tom nicht lustig machen. You shouldn't make fun of Tom. You shouldn't make fun of Tom. Ich mache das jede Woche. I do that every week. I do this every week. Die Frau ist das vollkommenste aller Wesen. Sie ist ein Übergangswesen zwischen Mensch und Engel. The woman is the most perfect of creatures; she's a transitory creature between man and angel. The woman is the most perfect of all beings. She is a transitory being between man and angel. Ich ging nach Sendai und kam rechtzeitig zurück, ohne dort über Nacht zu bleiben. I went to Sendai and came right back without staying there overnight. I went to Sendai and came back in time without staying there overnight. Personal Computer sind sehr nützlich. Personal computers are of great use. Personal computers are very useful. Ich halte Tom nicht für einen besonders interessanten Gesprächspartner. I don't find Tom particularly interesting to talk to. I don't think Tom is a particularly interesting conversation partner. Noch hängt der Hecht nicht am Haken. The pike is not yet struck. The pike isn't on the hook yet. Marie hat übernatürliche Fähigkeiten. Mary has psychic abilities. Marie has supernatural abilities. Ich komme nicht nach Hause. I'm not coming home. I'm not coming home. Ich glaube an Allah. I believe in Allah. I believe in Allah. Ich kenne diesen Namen. I know that name. I know that name. Ich habe überhaupt keine Angst. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not scared at all. Ich habe gar keine Zeltausrüstung. I don't have any camping equipement. I don't have any tent equipment. Was macht Tony? What does Tony do? How's Tony? Wie kam es zu dem Verkehrsunfall? How did the traffic accident happen? How did the traffic accident come about? Mein Fuß schmerzt. I have a pain in my foot. My foot hurts. Tom hatte nie gedacht, dass er Mary wiedersehen würde. Tom never thought he'd see Mary again. Tom never thought he'd see Mary again. Er ist sehr an der Geschichte Japans interessiert. He is very much interested in Japanese history. He is very interested in the history of Japan. Tom ist nicht der, für den du ihn hältst. Tom is not who you think he is. Tom isn't who you think he is. Du musst schnell machen. You must hurry up. You have to make it quick. Tom beschloss zu warten, bis Maria Zeit zu erübrigen hätte. Tom decided to wait until Mary had some free time. Tom decided to wait until Mary needed time. Wo hat Tom dieses Buch gekauft? Where did Tom buy this book? Where did Tom buy this book? Ich werde dich bis zum Flughafen begleiten. I'll accompany you to the airport. I'll walk you to the airport. Kannst du mir deine Telefonnummer geben? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? Hörst du mir überhaupt zu? Are you even listening me? Are you even listening to me? Die vier Grundelemente sind Erde, Luft, Feuer und Wasser. The four basic elements are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The four basic elements are earth, air, fire and water. Dieser Wagen ist die letzten zehn Jahre benutzt worden. This car has been used for the past ten years. This car has been used for the last ten years. Er war blau von der Kälte. He was blue from the cold. He was blue from the cold. Sie verdiente die Strafe, die sie bekam. She deserved the punishment she got. She deserved the punishment she received. Der kleine Stern da ist der hellste. That small star is brightest. The little star there is the brightest. Stimmt es, dass Sie Lehrer an der Oberschule sind? Is it true you're a high school teacher? Is it true you're a high school teacher? Ich war dumm genug, um ihm zu glauben. I was foolish enough to believe him. I was stupid enough to believe him. Sie wandte sich ab, auf dass er nicht ihre Tränen sehe. She turned her head away, lest he should see her tears. She turned away so that he could not see her tears. Ich habe die beste Mutter auf der Welt! I have the best mother in the world! I have the best mother in the world! Wir haben lange auf diesen Tag gewartet. We've waited a long time for this day. We've been waiting a long time for this day. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Bob die Prüfung bestehen wird. I am sure that Bob will pass the examination. I'm sure Bob will pass the exam. Tom schaute sich im Wartezimmer um. Tom looked around the waiting room. Tom looked around the waiting room. Er leugnete die Fakten. He denied the facts. He denied the facts. Was soll ich tun, wenn Tom kommt? What am I supposed to do if Tom comes? What should I do when Tom comes? Ich glaube an die Freundschaft. I believe in friendship. I believe in friendship. Es war einmal ein Mann und eine Frau, die wünschten sich schon lange vergeblich ein Kind. There were once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child. Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who had long wished for a child in vain. Der Mond und die Sterne leuchteten über uns. The moon and stars were shining above us. The moon and the stars were shining above us. Sie hat sich viel Mühe gegeben. She put a lot of effort into it. She's done a lot of work. Tom stand mit dem Rücken zur Mauer. Tom stood with his back to the wall. Tom stood with his back to the wall. Die Architektur... ist mir ehrlich gesagt egal. Ich will lediglich einen Arbeitsraum und ein Schlafzimmer, und beides soll bequem sein. The architecture... I don't really care about it. I just want a comfortable study and comfortable bedroom. I don't really care about architecture. I just want a workroom and a bedroom, and both should be comfortable. Ich denke, ihr werdet einen Kredit brauchen. I think you'll need a loan. I think you're gonna need a loan. Er weiß, wie er sich den Bart zu rasieren hat. He knows how to shave his beard. He knows how to shave his beard. Er ist der letzte Mensch, den ich um Hilfe bitten würde, denn man kann sich überhaupt nicht auf ihn verlassen. He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable. He's the last person I'd ask for help, because you can't rely on him at all. Bitte sprecht so deutlich wie möglich. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak as clearly as possible. Wir müssen uns einen anderen Plan ausdenken. We'll need to come up with another plan. We need to come up with a different plan. Ich denke, wir sollten gehen. I think we should go. I think we should go. Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler nennen eine richtungsabhängige Größe vektoriell. Eine richtungsunabhängige Größe heißt skalar. Mathematicians and scientists call a quantity which depends on direction a vector quantity. A quantity which does not depend on direction is called a scalar quantity. Mathematicians and scientists call a directional size vector. A directional size is called scalar. Magst du scharfes Essen? Do you like spicy food? Do you like hot food? Hast du schon einmal jemandem das Leben gerettet? Have you ever saved someone's life? Have you ever saved someone's life? Deine Haare sind zu lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Sie ist stolz auf ihre eigene Tochter. She takes pride in her daughter. She's proud of her own daughter. Tom sprang aus dem Flugzeug. Tom jumped out of the plane. Tom jumped out of the plane. Wir trinken zu wenig Wasser. We drink too little water. We drink too little water. Sie bewunderte sich im Spiegel. She admired herself in the mirror. She admired herself in the mirror. Sie bückte sich und hob einen Kieselstein auf. She stooped to pick up a pebble. She bent down and picked up a pebble. Die Arbeit ist beinahe fertig. The job is almost finished. The work is almost done. 1835 kostete ein Fass Mehl sechs Dollar. In 1835, a barrel of flour cost six dollars. In 1835, a barrel of flour cost six dollars. Ich sah nur eine Person am Strand. I only saw one person on the beach. I only saw one person on the beach. Er weiß, wie man einen Berg besteigt. He knows how to climb a mountain. He knows how to climb a mountain. Der Mann, den ich überhaupt nicht kannte, wusste gut über mich Bescheid. The man, whom I didn't know at all, knew about me well. The man I didn't know at all knew well about me. Ich liebe diese Akkordfolge. I love that chord progression. I love this chord sequence. Das hoffe ich. That's what I hope. I hope so. Ich meinte es ernst, was ich letztens sagte. I meant what I said before. I meant what I said the other day. Ich will dir nicht weh tun. I don't want to harm you. I don't want to hurt you. Mary dankte mir mit einem Lächeln. Mary thanked me with a smile. Mary thanked me with a smile. Bohnere den Fußboden. Wax the floor. Bean the floor. Maria wurde mit vierzehn schwanger. Mary became pregnant at the age of 14. Mary became pregnant when she was fourteen. Ich mag eigentlich keine Pferde. I don't really like horses. I don't really like horses. Findet ihr das interessant? Do you think this is interesting? Do you think that's interesting? Warst du nicht diejenige, die uns empfahl, Tom einzustellen? Weren't you the one who recommended that we hire Tom? Aren't you the one who advised us to hire Tom? Tom wusste nichts davon, dass Mary krank war. Tom had no idea Mary was sick. Tom didn't know Mary was sick. Ich hoffe, es wird sich bald aufklären. I hope it will clear up soon. I hope it'll clear up soon. Wann sind Sie dorthin gegangen? When did you go there? When did you go there? Er hört nicht auf mich. He doesn't listen to me. He doesn't listen to me. Ich weiß, dass Tom dich vermisst. I know Tom misses you. I know Tom misses you. Ich möchte eigentlich nicht darüber reden. I really don't want to talk about this. I don't really want to talk about it. Du gibst mir besser etwas Geld. You better give me some money. You better give me some money. Solche Maßnahmen waren nicht nötig. Such measures were not necessary. Such measures were not necessary. Dem kann ich nichts hinzufügen. I can't add anything to that. I can't add anything to that. Ich denke, du wirst mit diesem Buch bestimmt viel Spaß haben. I think you'll really enjoy reading this book. I think you'll have a lot of fun with this book. Das ist nicht, was ich suche. That's not what I'm looking for. That's not what I'm looking for. Ich schwimme. I swim. I'm swimming. Die Bezahlung ist mager. The pay is meager. The payment is lean. "Ganz Deutschland liegt unter einer geschlossenen Schneedecke." tönte es unwissend aus dem Radio, nachdem ich gerade vom Schneeschaufeln hereingekommen war. "The whole of Germany is under a blanket of snow" blared the radio, little knowing that I'd just come in from shovelling snow. "All of Germany is under a closed snow cover." it sounded ignorantly from the radio after I had just come in from the snow shoveling. Tom wird nicht verhandeln. Tom won't deal. Tom won't negotiate. Ich habe dich nicht verstanden. I couldn't hear what you said. I didn't hear you. Ich hatte erwartet, dass er käme. I expected that he would come. I expected him to come. Man sollte keine Witze auf Kosten anderer machen. You shouldn't make jokes at the expense of others. You shouldn't make jokes at the expense of others. Wir müssen so leben, als käme am Nachmittag Christus. We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon. We must live as if Christ came in the afternoon. Ich liebe sie noch immer sehr. I still love her very much. I still love her very much. Ich habe nur Augen für dich - ehrlich. I only have eyes for you - honestly. I only have eyes for you - honestly. Sie teilte ihr Stück Kuchen mit mir. She shared her piece of cake with me. She shared her piece of cake with me. Das Schiff hatte eine große Anzahl Passagiere an Bord. The ship was carrying a lot of passengers on board. The ship had a large number of passengers on board. Ich habe viele Erzählungen geschrieben. I've written a lot of stories. I've written a lot of stories. Beim Überqueren der Straße Kurznachrichten schreiben ist gefährlich. Texting while crossing the street is dangerous. Crossing the street writing short messages is dangerous. Sie waren sehr nett zu mir. They were very kind to me. You were very kind to me. Die Erde hat einen natürlichen Satelliten: den Mond. Earth has one naturally occurring satellite, the Moon. The Earth has a natural satellite: the moon. Wie viel würdest du dafür zahlen? What's your price? How much would you pay for it? Ich bin nicht allein. I'm not alone. I'm not alone. Sie übertrifft sie im Schwimmen alle. She excels them all at swimming. She beats them all in swimming. Du sprichst mir etwas zu schnell. Könntest du langsamer sprechen? You're speaking a little too fast for me. Would you speak a little more slowly? You're talking to me a little too fast. Ich spüre nichts. I can't feel anything. I can't feel anything. Man sollte den Armen Almosen geben. One should give alms to the poor. You should give charity to the poor. Er hat mit seiner Freundin Schluss gemacht. He broke up with his girlfriend. He broke up with his girlfriend. Man darf da nicht parken. You're not allowed to park there. You can't park there. Worüber bist du denn so glücklich? What're you so happy about? What are you so happy about? Die Methode war roh, aber sehr effektiv. The method was crude, but very effective. The method was raw, but very effective. Toms Testament wird morgen um halb drei verlesen. Tom's will is going to be read tomorrow at 2:30. Tom's will will be read tomorrow at 2:30. Mein Onkel gab ihm ein Geschenk. My uncle gave him a present. My uncle gave him a present. Tom ist gefangen. Tom is trapped. Tom is trapped. Warum ging Jane zum Bahnhof? Why did Jane go to the station? Why did Jane go to the station? Du hast Tom schon immer geliebt, oder? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? Heute hier, morgen dort. Here today and gone tomorrow. Here today, there tomorrow. Die Kuriositätenschau ist in der Stadt! The freak show came to town! The show of curiosities is in the city! Oh! Wunderbar! Oh! Marvelous! Oh, wonderful! So habe ich Englisch gelernt. This is how I mastered English. That's how I learned English. Sie kann wunderbar mit Kindern umgehen. She has a wonderful hand with children. She's wonderful with children. Ich wünschte, Tom würde aufhören, mich mit Fragen zu nerven. I wish Tom wouldn't keep bothering me with questions. I wish Tom would stop bothering me with questions. Wann habt ihr das letzte Mal mit Tom geredet? When was the last time you spoke with Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Ich habe eine Orange gegessen. I ate an orange. I ate an orange. Tom sah Maria schwimmen. Tom saw Mary swimming. Tom saw Mary swimming. Mein Vater mag starken Kaffee. My father likes strong coffee. My father likes strong coffee. Muss ich alles öffnen? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? Wer macht Witze? Who's joking? Who's kidding? Soll ich links rum, rechts rum oder geradeaus gehen? Should I turn left, right, or go straight? Do you want me to go around on the left, around on the right or straight? Er ist nicht krank. He's not sick. He's not sick. Tom hat Kopfweh. Tom has a headache. Tom has a headache. Wie kann man seine Schulden reduzieren? What should you do to decrease your debt? How can you reduce your debt? Tom stieß das Tor auf. Tom pushed the gate open. Tom came across the gate. Er zeigte außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten beim Baseball. He showed great skill at baseball. He showed exceptional baseball skills. Wie konntest du nur ein vier Jahre altes Kind ganz alleine lassen? How could you leave a four-year-old child all alone? How could you leave a four-year-old child all alone? Ich bin gerade mit der Oberschule fertig geworden. I just graduated from high school. I just finished high school. Ich krümmte mich vor Lachen. I doubled over with laughter. I crouched with laughter. Tom hat Mary mit einer Schere verletzt. Tom stabbed Mary with scissors. Tom hurt Mary with scissors. Sie wollen mich umbringen. You want to kill me. They're trying to kill me. Es wird auf jeden Fall regnen. It'll rain for sure. It will definitely rain. Seine Nerven waren so strapaziert, dass bei seinem kranken Herzen das Erscheinen eines jeden Hundes eine fatale Wirkung hätte erzielen können. His nerves were so worked up that the appearance of any dog might have had a fatal effect upon his diseased heart. His nerves were so strained that the appearance of every dog could have had a fatal effect on his sick heart. Tom ist fast fertig. Tom is pretty much finished. Tom is almost done. Ein einziger Fehler, und schon sind Sie gescheitert. A single mistake, and you are a failure. A single mistake, and you've already failed. Marika wollte schon immer Japanisch lernen. Marika has always wanted to learn Japanese. Marika always wanted to learn Japanese. Ihr seid grausam. You're cruel. You're cruel. Ich bin lieber arm als reich. I prefer being poor to being rich. I'd rather be poor than rich. Er wohnt auf der anderen Seite des Flusses. He lives across the river. He lives on the other side of the river. Wozu brauchen wir das? Why do we need it? What do we need this for? Tom hat bewiesen, dass es funktioniert. Tom has proved that it works. Tom has proven that it works. Wir werden sie retten. We will rescue them. We're gonna save her. Sei nicht beunruhigt. Don't be alarmed. Don't worry. Ich werde alles tun, worum ihr mich bittet. I'll do anything you ask me to do. I'll do whatever you ask me to do. Es gab viele Verletzte, aber kaum Vermisste. There were many injured people, but hardly any people were missing. There were many injured, but hardly any missing. Ich heiße mit Nachnamen Jones. My last name is Jones. My name is Jones. Er suchte geduldig nach Fakten. He was patiently digging for facts. He patiently searched for facts. Tom hat das Konzert gefallen. Tom enjoyed himself at the concert. Tom liked the concert. Sie halfen ihm dabei, nach Kanada zu gelangen. They helped him get to Canada. They helped him get to Canada. Sagt mir die Wahrheit. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. Das Pferd ist im Stall. The horse is in the stable. The horse's in the stable. Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dafür dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen. Instead of complaining that we do not have everything we want, we should rather thank not to receive all that we deserve. Instead of complaining that we don't have everything we want, we should be grateful that we don't get everything we deserve. Sie ist schlechter Laune. She's in a bad mood. She's in a bad mood. Ich möchte Leute treffen und Spaß haben. I want to meet people and have fun. I want to meet people and have fun. Es war sehr unvorsichtig von dir! It was very careless of you! It was very careless of you! Jiro Akagawa hat über 480 Romane geschrieben. Jiro Akagawa has written over 480 novels. Jiro Akagawa has written over 480 novels. Die Uhr ist ganggenau. The watch keeps accurate time. The clock is accurate. Tom ist bereit zum Kampf. Tom is ready to fight. Tom is ready to fight. Meine Frau bereitet gerade das Abendessen zu. My wife is preparing dinner right now. My wife's preparing dinner right now. Du solltest vielleicht nicht allein dorthin gehen. You might not want to go there by yourself. Maybe you shouldn't go there alone. Angola erlangte die Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 1975. Angola became independent in 1975. Angola gained independence in 1975. Tom hat Mary gegeben, was sie brauchte. Tom gave Mary what she needed. Tom gave Mary what she needed. Lassen Sie mich bitte nicht mit Tom hingehen! Please don't make me go with Tom. Please don't let me go with Tom. Er brachte sich um, indem er aus einem hochgelegenen Fenster sprang. He committed suicide by jumping out of a high window. He killed himself by jumping out of a high window. Wann hatte sie diesen Unfall? When did the accident happen to her? When did she have this accident? Er widersprach den Meldungen. He contradicted the news. He disagreed with the reports. Die Umstände zwangen uns, das Treffen zu verschieben. Circumstances forced us to put off the meeting. The circumstances forced us to postpone the meeting. Die Farbe Fuchsia ist nach einer Blume benannt. The colour fuchsia is called after a flower. The color Fuchsia is named after a flower. Schreib die Frage. Write the question. Write the question. Die meisten Gebrauchsgegenstände, wie zum Beispiel Dosenöffner oder Scheren, sind für Rechtshänder gemacht. Most utensils, such as can openers and scissors, are made for right-handers. Most everyday items, such as can openers or scissors, are made for right-handed people. Tom macht sich nichts aus Eiscreme. Tom doesn't care for ice cream. Tom doesn't mind ice cream. Vor drei Jahren habe ich mit dem Rauchen aufgehört. I quit smoking three years ago. Three years ago, I quit smoking. Ich sah ein Kind das Tonio Evans heißt. I saw a child called Tonio Evans. I saw a child named Tonio Evans. Ich habe mich, denke ich, deutlich genug ausgedrückt. I think I've made myself clear. I think I have made myself clear enough. Regelmäßig schwimmen ist gut für die Gesundheit. Swimming regularly is good for your health. Regular swimming is good for health. Ich kann dich nicht allein da hineingehen lassen. I can't let you go in there alone. I can't let you go in there alone. Wie sagt man das in deiner Sprache? How can I say that in your language? How do you say that in your language? Ich bot ihm fünfzig Pence und er akzeptierte. I offered him fifty pence and he accepted. I offered him fifty pence and he accepted. Tom schämt sich. Tom is ashamed. Tom is ashamed. Das Problem ist eine Diskussion wert. This problem is worth discussing. The problem is worth a discussion. Du könntest sie einfach fragen. Maybe you should go ask her. You could just ask her. Ich habe viel von ihr gelernt. I learned a lot from her. I've learned a lot from her. Ich erkläre dir später alles. I'll explain everything to you later. I'll explain everything to you later. Die neue Therapie schlägt bei Tom gut an. Tom is responding well to the new treatment. The new therapy works well with Tom. Sie sind brav. They're good. You're good. Was man sich leiht, das muss man auch wieder zurückgeben! You should return what you borrow. What you borrow, you have to give it back! Der Film hat noch nicht angefangen. The movie hasn't started yet. The movie hasn't started yet. Maria wirkte überrascht, als ich es ihr sagte. Mary seemed surprised when I told her. Mary seemed surprised when I told her. Sie ist nicht versichert. She's uninsured. She's not insured. Ich nehme Urlaub vom 20. Juli bis zum 8. August. I'm taking a vacation from July 20 through August 8. I'm on vacation from July 20th to August 8th. Tom weiß noch nichts. Tom doesn't know anything yet. Tom doesn't know yet. Der Präsident weigerte sich, auf die Frage zu antworten. The President refused to answer the question. The President refused to answer the question. Ihr müsst mir verzeihen. You must forgive me. You must forgive me. Ich möchte keine Probleme bekommen. I don't want to get into trouble. I don't want to get any problems. Liebe liegt in der Luft. Love is in the air. Love is in the air. Ist Tom gestorben? Did Tom die? Did Tom die? Tom zeichnete ein Eichhörnchen auf die Torte. Tom drew a picture of a squirrel on the cake. Tom drew a squirrel on the cake. Wenn es nicht kaputt ist, dann repariere es auch nicht! If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it! Lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn noch jemand ins Theater kommt! Let us know if anyone else comes into the theater. Let us know if anyone else comes to the theater! Wenn du aus dem Gefängnis kommst, wird sie geheiratet haben. By the time you get out of prison, she'll be married. If you get out of prison, she'll have married. Ich konnte nicht aufhören, an sie zu denken. I couldn't keep my mind off of her. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Ich frühstücke jeden Morgen. I have breakfast every morning. I eat breakfast every morning. Vergiss nicht, einen Fotoapparat mitzunehmen. Don't forget to take a camera with you. Don't forget to bring a camera. Tom hatte einen Sohn, der Selbstmord verübte. Tom had a son who committed suicide. Tom had a son who committed suicide. Es gibt nur zwei Tage in deinem Leben, an denen du nichts ändern kannst. Der eine ist gestern und der andere ist morgen. There are only two days in your life when you can not change anything. One is yesterday and the other is tomorrow. There's only two days in your life you can't change anything, one is yesterday and the other is tomorrow. Muiriel ist sehr gut darin, erfundene Geschichten zu erzählen. Muiriel is very good at telling invented stories. Muiriel is very good at telling invented stories. Wir können Tom nicht sterben lassen. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. Du hast keine Ahnung, wer das ist, nicht wahr? You have no idea who that is, do you? You have no idea who that is, do you? Was ist wirklich passiert? What really happened? What really happened? Es ist sehr unhöflich von Ihnen, so etwas zu sagen. It's very rude of you to say a thing like that. It's very rude of you to say that. Der alte Mann ist über neunzig. The old man is above ninety. The old man is over ninety. Seine Denkweise ist ein bisschen extrem. His way of thinking is a bit extreme. His thinking is a bit extreme. Wie hast du dir in Tōkyō deinen Lebensunterhalt verdient? How did you make a living in Tokyo? How did you earn your living in Tokyō? Ihr Verhalten ist ein Zeichen ihres Stolzes. Her manner marks her pride. Their behavior is a sign of their pride. Er ist jung und tatkräftig. He's young and energetic. He's young and energetic. Wer kein Ziel im Leben hat, der lebt nur, um zu sterben. Those who have no goal in life, live only to die. If you have no goal in life, you only live to die. Für eine Umkreisung der Sonne benötigt Makemake 310 Erdenjahre. It takes 310 Earth years for Makemake to make one orbit around the Sun. Makemake takes 310 Earth years to orbit the sun. Es ist egal. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Ich schreibe keine Briefe. I don't write letters. I don't write letters. Tom und Maria gingen im Baumgarten spazieren. Tom and Mary walked through the arboretum. Tom and Mary went for a walk in the tree garden. Anne hatte offensichtlich den Entschluss gefasst, Gilbert Blythe bis ans Ende ihrer Tage zu hassen. Anne had evidently made up her mind to hate Gilbert Blythe to the end of life. Anne had obviously decided to hate Gilbert Blythe until the end of her days. Mein Vater hat aufgehört zu trinken. My father quit drinking. My father stopped drinking. Ich verstehe diese Anweisungen ganz und gar nicht. I can't make head or tail of those directions. I don't understand these instructions at all. Ich freue mich, dass du mein Angebot angenommen hast. I'm glad you accepted my offer. I'm glad you accepted my offer. Ich frage mich, wie es hier wohl vor drei Jahren aussah. I wonder what this place was like three years ago. I wonder what it looked like three years ago. Übrigens, haben Sie seither etwas von ihr gehört? By the way, have you heard from her since then? By the way, have you heard from her since then? Stell mich bitte zum Chef durch. Put me through to the boss, please. Put me through to the boss, please. Das ist es, was sie im Grunde sagen. That's basically what they're saying. That's what they basically say. Tom und Maria gingen zusammen Schlittschuh laufen. Tom and Mary went skating together. Tom and Mary went skating together. Ihr seid doch wohl nicht müde, oder? You're not sleepy, are you? You're not tired, are you? Das ist ausreichend Geld um die Ausgaben zu decken. That's enough money to cover the expenses. That's enough money to cover the expenses. Tom pflanzte ein kleines Pfirsichbäumchen vor seinem Haus. Tom planted a small peach tree in front of his house. Tom planted a small peach tree in front of his house. Sie verliebte sich in einen Prinzen. She fell in love with a prince. She fell in love with a prince. Ich habe Ihr Fax neulich erhalten. I got your fax the other day. I received your fax the other day. Ich besuche nicht gerne große Städte. I don't like visiting big cities. I don't like visiting big cities. Dieses Mädchen ist ganz furchtbar. This girl is very awful. This girl is awful. Immer verschwendest du dein Geld. You always throw your money away. You're always wasting your money. Der Doktor sagt, sie leidet an Rheuma. The doctor says she suffers from rheumatism. The doctor says she's suffering from rheumatism. Es kann sein, dass wir nicht in der Lage sind, es zu kaufen. We may not be able to afford it. We may not be able to buy it. Das Glück suchen wir, das Unglück sucht uns. We look for good luck, bad luck looks for us. We're looking for happiness. Unhappiness is looking for us. Sie schloss ihren Regenschirm und lief los. She closed her umbrella and started running. She closed her umbrella and ran. Habt ihr kurz Zeit? Do you have a moment? Do you have a minute? Tom senkte den Blick. Tom lowered his eyes. Tom lowered his gaze. Ich bewundere Pharamp sehr. I admire Pharamp a lot. I admire Pharamp very much. Würden Sie mich mit der jungen Dame bekannt machen, die sich mit Frau Allen unterhält? Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs. Allen? Would you introduce me to the young lady talking to Mrs. Allen? Lass deinen Arbeitseifer in Stille ergehen – dein Erfolg möge tönen! Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise. Let your zeal for work pass in silence – let your success sound! Nach dem Abendessen machte ich den Abwasch. After supper, I washed the dishes. After dinner, I did the dishes. Warum warst du dort? Why were you there? Why were you there? Er sagte, dass er sich mit ihr am Vortag getroffen hätte. He said that he had met her on the previous day. He said he met with her the day before. Tom war wirklich betrunken. Tom was really drunk. Tom was really drunk. Ich lebe sehr gern in Australien. I love living in Australia. I love living in Australia. Das ist der Mann von nebenan. That's the man who lives next door. That's the man next door. England steht kurz davor, die Ashes zu gewinnen. England are about to win the Ashes. England is about to win the Ashes. Ich bin heute Morgen früh aufgewacht. I woke up early this morning. I woke up this morning. Er sollte nie wieder in seine Heimatstadt zurückkehren. He was never to come back to his hometown. He should never return to his hometown. Tom hat Schwierigkeiten in der Schule. Tom has problems at school. Tom is having trouble at school. Wo hast du dieses Kostüm gefunden? Where did you find that dress? Where did you find this costume? Das geht nicht! That won't work! I can't do that! Meine Mutter kann nicht Fahrrad fahren. My mother can't ride a bicycle. My mother can't ride a bike. Das ist wirklich peinlich. It's really embarrassing. This is really embarrassing. Der alte Mann stand immer noch am Tor. The old man stood still at the gate. The old man was still standing at the gate. Du musst deine Schuhe nicht ausziehen. You don't need to take your shoes off. You don't have to take your shoes off. Der Fußballspieler täuschte eine Verletzung vor. The football player faked an injury. The football player faked an injury. Wachsen in diesem Walde Beeren? Do berries grow in this forest? Growing berries in this forest? Sie trugen ihn zu einem nahe gelegenen Haus. They carried him to a nearby house. They carried him to a nearby house. Sitzt da eine Katze auf dem Tisch? Is there a cat on the table? Is there a cat sitting on the table? Er ist noch nicht da. Vielleicht ist ihm etwas passiert. He has not come yet. Something may have happened to him. Maybe something happened to him. Liebst du Tom? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? Ich will deine Antwort bis zum Ende des Tages. I want your answer by the end of the day. I want your answer by the end of the day. Du hättest kommen sollen. Es war toll. You should have come. It was fantastic. You should've come. Er pflegt zu reisen. He's accustomed to traveling. He used to travel. Der Prophet gilt nichts im eigenen Land. No man is a prophet in his own land. The Prophet does not apply in his own country. Haben Sie Hunger? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Wovor fürchten Sie sich? What is it you're afraid of? What are you afraid of? Sie scheint älter als dreißig zu sein. It seems she is more than thirty years old. She seems to be over thirty. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. I don't mind Tom coming with his new girlfriend. Tom stehen bis zu dreißig Jahre Gefängnis bevor. Tom is facing up to thirty years in prison. Tom is facing up to thirty years in prison. Sie sehen europäisch aus. You look European. You look European. In dem Zimmer stand das Fenster offen, und daneben lag die ganz zusammengekauerte Leiche eines Mannes im Schlafanzug. The window of the room was open, and beside the window, all huddled up, lay the body of a man in his nightdress. In the room the window was open, and next to it was a completely chewed-up body of a man in his pajamas. Spiel es nochmal. Play it again. Play it again. Wie wäre es mit noch einer Tasse Kaffee? How about another cup of coffee? How about another cup of coffee? Niemand kann deinen Brief verstehen. No one can understand your letter. No one can understand your letter. Wenn ich das bin, was ich habe, und wenn ich alles verliere, was ich habe, was bin ich dann? If I am what I have and if I lose what I have who then am I? If that's what I have, and if I lose everything I have, what am I? Tu, was deine Mutter gesagt hat! Do what your mother said. Do what your mother said! Ich verstehe nicht, warum das nicht funktioniert. I don't understand why this isn't working. I don't understand why this isn't working. Tom hat wenige Freunde. Tom has few friends. Tom has few friends. Mein Weisheitszahn schmerzt. My wisdom tooth hurts. My wisdom tooth hurts. Ich besuche meine Schwester nie. I never visit my sister. I never visit my sister. Tom spielt drei- oder viermal im Monat Golf. Tom plays golf three or four times a month. Tom plays golf three or four times a month. Tom hat Angst vor Mary, oder? Tom is scared of Mary, isn't he? Tom is afraid of Mary, isn't he? Wer denkt: "Heute kann jeder Englisch" oder "Die ganze Welt spricht Englisch" ohne nach dem realen Anteil der Englisch-Sprecher an der Weltbevölkerung zu fragen, und nach dem Niveau ihrer sprachlichen Fähigkeiten, vermeidet es der Realität ins Auge zu schauen. Whoever thinks: "These days, everyone speaks English" or "The entire world speaks English" without asking what portion of the global population it is that speaks English, and how well they can speak it, is someone who does not want to see the reality in front of their eyes. Who thinks: "Today everyone can speak English" or "The whole world speaks English" without asking for the real proportion of English speakers in the world population, and for the level of their language skills, it avoids looking into reality. Um sein Publikum für sich zu gewinnen, griff der Redner auf die Anwendung rhetorischer Techniken zurück, die er in seinen Kommunikationskursen gelernt hatte. To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses. In order to attract his audience, the speaker drew on the use of rhetorical techniques he had learned in his communication courses. Der Minister steckte in der Klemme wegen illegaler Machenschaften. The minister was in a fix over illegal dealings. The minister was in trouble about illegal machinations. Haltet euch von meiner Freundin fern. Stay away from my girlfriend. Stay away from my girlfriend. Tom hat zu viel Schweinefleisch gegessen. Tom has been eating too much pork. Tom ate too much pork. Ich habe die erste Seite gelesen. I read the first page. I read the first page. Tom heftete seinen Einkaufszettel mit einem Magneten an den Kühlschrank. Tom stuck his grocery list to the fridge door with a magnet. Tom attached his shopping ticket to the fridge with a magnet. Sie ist mir inzwischen egal. I don't care about her anymore. I don't care about her by now. Tom kümmert sich für uns darum. Tom is taking care of it for us. Tom takes care of it for us. Es war einmal ein grausamer König. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel king. Once upon a time, there was a cruel king. Das ist, glaube ich, nicht der Grund, warum Tom nicht hier ist. I don't think that's why Tom isn't here. That's not why Tom isn't here, I think. Ich habe seit Tagen nicht geschlafen. I haven't slept for days. I haven't slept in days. Lasst uns alle zusammen beten! Let's all pray together. Let's all pray together! Ich werde Tom wissen lassen, dass Sie angerufen haben. I'll let Tom know you called. I'll let Tom know you called. Das ist unglaublich langweilig. That's incredibly boring. This is incredibly boring. Es reicht. That's enough. Enough. Sie haben schon so viel getan. You've done so much already. You've done so much already. Du musst mir sagen, was los ist. You need to tell me what's wrong. You have to tell me what's going on. Laufen Sie gern? Do you like running? Do you like to walk? Das ist das Ende meiner Geschichte. This is the end of my story. This is the end of my story. Wir haben mehr Kunden, als wir zählen können. We have more customers than we can count. We have more customers than we can count. Ich hatte mit ihm einen Streit über Geld. I had a quarrel with him over money. I had a fight with him about money. Wo hast du das erfahren? Where did you learn this? Where did you find out? Ich bin zu spät aufgewacht. I woke up too late. I woke up too late. Sie machen anscheinend Fortschritte. You seem to be making progress. You seem to be making progress. Ich habe Augen. I have eyes. I have eyes. Können wir singen? Can we sing? Can we sing? Ich schreibe Sätze hinzu. I add sentences. I'll add sentences. Versprechen Sie mir, dass Sie das nie wieder tun werden! Promise me you won't do that again. Promise me you'll never do that again! Ich habe Tom nicht darum gebeten, auf mich zu warten. I didn't ask Tom to wait for me. I didn't ask Tom to wait for me. Sie sprangen durch ein Fenster in den Fluss. They jumped through a window into the river. They jumped through a window into the river. Wer bist du, und warum bist du hier? Who are you and why are you here? Who are you, and why are you here? Tom ist dort mit Maria und Johannes. Tom is in there with Mary and John. Tom is there with Mary and John. Ich rutschte auf dem Papier aus und verletzte mich am Bein. I slipped on the paper and hurt my leg. I slipped on the paper and injured my leg. Tom und Maria griffen zum Kauf des ersten Hauses auf die Ersparnisse zurück. Tom and Mary dipped into their savings to buy their first house. Tom and Mary used the savings to buy the first house. Newton wurde in demselben Jahr geboren, in dem Galileo starb. Newton was born in the same year that Galileo died. Newton was born in the same year Galileo died. Tom ist sowohl auf seinen Sohn als auch auf seine Tochter sehr stolz. Tom is very proud of both his son and his daughter. Tom is very proud of both his son and his daughter. Er ist so groß, dass er die Decke berühren kann. He is such a tall man that he can touch the ceiling. It's so big that it can touch the ceiling. Niemand wird wissen, was in der Zukunft geschehen wird. No one knows what'll happen in the future. No one will know what will happen in the future. He! Was versteckst du da hinter deinem Rücken? Hey, what're you hiding behind your back? What are you hiding behind your back? Tom geht am nächsten Wochenende zelten. Tom is going camping next weekend. Tom goes camping next weekend. Woher kommt Tom? Where is Tom from? Where's Tom from? Wir werden die Kinder nicht zur Schule bringen. We're not going to take the children to school. We're not taking the kids to school. Er war machtlos gegenüber dem Tod. He was powerless in the face of death. He was powerless to death. Räume deinen Kindern nicht alle Steine aus dem Weg, sonst rennen sie einmal mit dem Kopf gegen eine Mauer. Do not remove all the stones out of your childrens way, otherwise they might once run their head against a wall. Don't clear all the stones out of your children's way, or they'll run their heads against a wall. Ich war erst um halb drei zu Hause. I didn't get home until 2:30. I wasn't home until 7:30. Was für einen Film möchtest du sehen? What kind of movie do you want to watch? What kind of movie do you want to see? Tom und Maria kommen ganz schön spät. Tom and Mary are kind of late. Tom and Mary are quite late. „Warum sprichst du so gut Französisch?" – „Nun, ich bin Franzose." "How did you come to speak French so well?" - "Well, I am French." "Why do you speak French so well?" "Well, I am French." Was ist nur mit mir los? What is wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Die Batterie ist leer. The battery died out. The battery's dead. Könnt ihr das sehen? Can you see that? Can you see that? Warum bist du nicht ans Telefon gegangen, als ich angerufen habe? Why didn't you answer me when I called? Why didn't you answer the phone when I called? Ich habe eine Nachricht für euch. I've got a message for you. I have a message for you. Den wird man gut gebrauchen können. It'll come in handy. You'll be able to use it. Das ist sehr teuer! That is very expensive! That's very expensive! Ich bin froh, dass ich kein Mann bin. I'm happy that I am not a man. I'm glad I'm not a man. Fleisch, bitte. Meat, please. Meat, please. Weißt du, wo Tom sein Fahrrad gekauft hat? Do you know where Tom bought his bicycle? Do you know where Tom bought his bike? Komm rüber und hilf mir. Come over here and help me. Come over and help me. Tom wird um halb drei im Empfangsbereich auf Maria warten. Tom will be waiting for Mary in the lobby at 2:30. Tom will wait for Mary at 6:30 in the lobby. Hören wir mit dem Kämpfen auf, bevor noch jemand zu Schaden kommt! Let's quit fighting before somebody gets hurt. Let's stop fighting before anyone else gets hurt! Ich möchte nicht, dass Tom glaubt, er müsse mir helfen. I don't want Tom to think he has to help me. I don't want Tom to think he has to help me. Ist das Internet alles, worüber du sprechen kannst? Is that all you can talk about - the Internet? Is the Internet all you can talk about? Morgen wird es mir schon besser gehen. I'll be better tomorrow. I'll be better tomorrow. Gieße geschmolzene Butter über den Puffmais. Pour melted butter over the popcorn. Pour melted butter over the puff maize. Betrachtest du dich selbst als gefährlichen Typen? Do you consider yourself as a dangerous guy? Do you see yourself as a dangerous guy? Er ist der Letzte, der sein Versprechen brechen würde. He is the last man to break his promise. He's the last one to break his promise. Schon gut! That's all right. It's okay! Interessierst du dich für Politik? Are you interested in politics? Are you interested in politics? Er weiß etwas, was wir nicht wissen. He knows something we don't. He knows something we don't know. „Wo ist dein Buch?" – „Auf dem Schreibtisch." "Where is your book?" "On the desk." "Where is your book?" "On the desk." Ein Flüchtlingscamp ist ein Albtraum. A refugee camp is a nightmare. A refugee camp is a nightmare. Sind deine Eltern damit einverstanden, dass du Flugbegleiter wirst? Do your parents agree to your becoming a flight attendant? Do your parents agree that you will be a flight attendant? Die Stadt schläft. The city sleeps. The city's asleep. Das war nicht meine Idee. It wasn't my idea. That wasn't my idea. Ihr habt euch nicht genug Mühe gegeben. You didn't try hard enough. You haven't bothered enough. Er fuhr Ende Mai nach Paris. He went to Paris at the end of May. He went to Paris at the end of May. Ich habe jedes Wort gehört. I heard every word. I've heard every word. Auch die Wahrheit ist eine Lüge. The truth is also a lie. The truth is also a lie. Das Heilige Römische Reich existierte bis 1806. The Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806. The Holy Roman Empire existed until 1806. Es ist besser, wenn du das nicht weißt. It's better you don't know. It's better if you don't know. Wir könnten zu spät sein. We may be too late. We could be late. Hast du deine Fahrkarte verloren? Have you lost your ticket? Have you lost your ticket? Ich trage zwar keinen Diamantring, aber ich bin glücklich. I'm not wearing a diamond ring, but I'm happy. I don't wear a diamond ring, but I'm happy. Sie sang beim Gehen. She sang as she walked. She sang while walking. Nachdem sie den Brief gelesen hatte, zerriss sie ihn in Stücke. After she had read the letter, she tore it to pieces. After reading the letter, she tore it to pieces. Tom und Maria scheinen ineinander verliebt zu sein. Tom and Mary seem to be in love with each other. Tom and Mary seem to be in love with each other. Tom sprach beim Abwasch mit sich selbst. Tom talked to himself as he washed the dishes. Tom talked to himself while washing up. Tom schaute unter den Tisch. Tom looked underneath the table. Tom looked under the table. Es ist nicht der Mühe wert. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the effort. Wir haben stundenlang telefoniert. We talked for hours on the phone. We talked on the phone for hours. Ich schäme mich für das Verhalten meines Sohnes. I am ashamed of my son's conduct. I'm ashamed of my son's behavior. Toms Enthusiasmus ist ansteckend. Tom's enthusiasm is contagious. Tom's enthusiasm is contagious. Es gelang uns, den Streit zu schlichten. We succeeded in settling the dispute. We managed to settle the dispute. Du kannst so viel essen, wie du willst. You can eat as much as you want. You can eat as much as you want. Sie wird gegen sechs Uhr von der Schule zurückkommen. She will come back from school by six o'clock. She'll be back from school around six o'clock. Für eine Frau, die die 30 überschritten hat, geht es nur noch bergab. For a girl, after 30, it's downhill all the way. For a woman who crossed the 30, it's only downhill. Ich schulde euch zehn Dollar. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten dollars. Davis wollte keinen Bürgerkrieg. Davis did not want civil war. Davis didn't want a civil war. Wegen des Geräusches konnte ich nicht einschlafen. I couldn't fall asleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the sound. Warum warst du gestern nicht da? Why were you absent yesterday? Why weren't you there yesterday? Ich kenne sie überhaupt nicht. I don't know them at all. I don't know her at all. Ich werde arrangieren, dass Sie jemand mit dem Auto von Ihrem Haus abholt. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up at your home. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up by car from your house. Ich mag dieses Wort nicht. I don't like that word. I don't like that word. Können wir das ein andermal machen? Can we do it another time? Can we do that another time? Sie wagte es, ohne Netz über das Drahtseil zu laufen. She dared to walk the tightrope without a net. She dared to run over the wire rope without a net. Du hast mich enttäuscht. You let me down. You let me down. Wo habt ihr euch kennengelernt? Where did you guys meet? Where did you meet? Tom ist Maurer. Tom is a bricklayer. Tom is a bricklayer. Mein Akku ist leer. My battery is dead. My battery's empty. Welche Sprache spricht man in Frankreich? What language is spoken in France? What language is spoken in France? Er hatte einen seiner Socken auf links an. He had one of his socks on inside out. He had one of his socks on his left. Tom wurde nicht gefeuert. Tom wasn't fired. Tom wasn't fired. Bring mir bitte das Buch mit, wenn du das nächste Mal kommst. Please bring me the book next time you come. Please bring me the book the next time you come. Es war klar, dass Tom Mary küssen wollte. It was obvious that Tom wanted to kiss Mary. It was clear that Tom wanted to kiss Mary. Toms Mobiltelefon fiel aus seiner Tasche ins Schwimmbecken, als er sich vornüberbeugte, um den Wasserstand festzustellen. Tom's mobile phone fell out of his pocket into the pool when he leant over to check the water level. Tom's mobile phone fell out of his pocket into the pool as he bent over to determine the water level. Es ist schon vorher passiert. It has happened before. It happened before. Du hast keinen Grund, hier zu sein. You have no reason to be here. You have no reason to be here. Ihre Frage überraschte ihn. Her question took him by surprise. Your question surprised him. Eine Erlösung von diesem Elend ist nicht absehbar. Salvation from this misery is inconceivable. A redemption from this misery is not foreseeable. Ich bin hier, um zu helfen. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Er spricht vier Sprachen. He speaks four languages. He speaks four languages. Wir haben ihn zu unserem Anführer erkoren. We chose him to be our leader. We chose him as our leader. Wo, meinst du, soll ich anfangen? Where do you think I should start? Where do you think I should start? Menschen auf der ganzen Welt bangen um den Frieden. People all over the world are anxious for peace. People all over the world fear for peace. Letzte Nacht habe ich kein Auge zugemacht. Last night I did not get a wink of sleep. I didn't close my eye last night. Sie war gezwungen, den alten Mann zu heiraten. She was obliged to marry the old man. She was forced to marry the old man. Lassen wir einen Drachen steigen. Let's fly a kite. Let's get a kite. Ich bin in Georgia sehr glücklich. I'm very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Willst du wirklich den Rest deines Lebens mit ihm verbringen? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with him? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with him? Unsere Kinder sind begierig auf solche Fahrräder, wie sie die Nachbarskinder haben. Our children are anxious to have bicycles like those of the children next door. Our children are eager for such bikes as the neighbouring children have. Sie war nicht schnell genug. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Tom trägt einen Harvardpullover. Tom is wearing a Harvard sweatshirt. Tom is wearing a Harvard sweater. Ich habe ihn sehr lange nicht gesehen. I haven't seen him for a very long time. I haven't seen him in a long time. Das ist unser Reisepass. This is our passport. This is our passport. Ihr Haus ist weit entfernt vom Bahnhof. Their house is far from the station. Your house is far from the train station. Bitte dreh die Klimaanlage auf. Please turn up the air conditioner. Please open the air conditioner. Lass uns zu mir gehen. Let's go to my place. Let's go to my place. Druck wirkt senkrecht zu der festen Oberfläche eines Objekts. Pressure acts perpendicular to the solid surface of an object. Pressure acts perpendicular to the solid surface of an object. Sie lügt offenbar! She's obviously lying! She's obviously lying! Manche Menschen mögen Sport. Andere nicht. Some people like sports. Others don't. Some people like sports, others don't. Du kannst nicht mit seiner Hilfe rechnen. You can't count on his help. You can't count on his help. Was weißt du über das, was passiert ist? What do you know about what happened? What do you know about what happened? Ich schaute ins Fenster. I looked in the window. I looked in the window. Tante Kelly hat uns heute auf ein Eis eingeladen. Aunty Kelly treated us to ice cream today. Aunt Kelly invited us on an ice cream today. Tom wird darüber nicht erfreut sein. Tom is not going to be happy about this. Tom won't be happy about this. Sie spielt sehr gut Tennis; Schwimmen liegt ihr aber nicht. She's very good at tennis, but she's not much of a swimmer. She plays tennis very well; but she doesn't like swimming. Öffnen Sie die Türen! Open the doors. Open the doors! Portugal ist keine Ausnahme. Portugal is not an exception. Portugal is no exception. Tom witterte Gefahr und war plötzlich besorgt. Tom sensed danger and was suddenly worried. Tom sensed danger and was suddenly worried. Er kam um sechs Uhr zurück. He got back at six. He came back at six o'clock. Sie fuhren mit der Untergrundbahn. They took the subway. They took the subway. Artige Jungen sagen immer die Wahrheit. Good boys always tell the truth. Arty boys always tell the truth. Du hast mich angelogen. You lied to me. You lied to me. Ich möchte zwei Kilo Zwiebeln. I'd like two kilos of onions. I want two kilos of onions. Hier kann man gut ein Haus bauen. This is a good place to build a house. You can build a house here. Sie hatte einen Kloß im Hals, und Tränen sammelten sich in ihren Augen. She felt a lump in the back of her throat and tears began to well in her eyes. She had a lump in her throat, and tears gathered in her eyes. Ich kann mich nicht genau erinnern, was Tom gesagt hat. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. Warum muss ich das machen? Why do I have to do that? Why do I have to do this? Ich habe Tom sogar zum Lachen gebracht. I even made Tom laugh. I even made Tom laugh. Feilschen ist in diesem Land normal. Bargaining is normal in this country. It's normal to haggle in this country. Tom macht mich irre. Tom drives me crazy. Tom is driving me crazy. Es ist bereits zu spät. It's already too late. It's already too late. Ist das nicht die Wahrheit? Isn't that the truth? Isn't that the truth? Tom stieg vor der Bibliothek aus und wartete, während Maria hinfuhr, um den Wagen zu parken. Tom got out in front of the library and waited while Mary went to park the car. Tom got out of the library and waited while Mary drove to park the car. Nimm das mit nach Hause. Take this home with you. Take this home. Die Milchstraße ist eine Spiralgalaxie. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Das Glück hat ihn verlassen. The luck has left him. Happiness has left him. Das ist nicht meine Meinung, nur meine Übersetzung! This isn't my point of view, it's only my translation! That's not my opinion, just my translation! Du verschwendest deine Zeit. You're wasting time. You're wasting your time. Das hättest du besser wissen müssen. You should've known better. You should have known better. Ich heiratete als ich neunzehn Jahre alt war. I married when I was 19 years old. I married when I was nineteen years old. Er arbeitet am härtesten in seiner Klasse. He works hardest in his class. He works the hardest in his class. Sie gab mir einen Kuss auf die Wange. She kissed my cheek. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. Wie dämlich sind Menschen in ihrer Jugend. What fools men are in their salad days. How stupid are people in their youth. Du bist nicht deprimiert, oder? You're not depressed, are you? You're not depressed, are you? Sie rief um Hilfe. She called for help. She called for help. Ich denke nicht, dass ich es schaffen werde. I don't think I'll make it. I don't think I'm gonna make it. Du wirst genau das tun, was ich sage. You'll do exactly as I say. You're gonna do exactly what I say. Ich muss heute mit dir tanzen. I have to dance with you today. I have to dance with you today. Das ist nichts, worum du dich sorgen müsstest. It's nothing you need to worry about. That's nothing to worry about. Soldaten sind Gefahr gewohnt. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to danger. Tom kannte unsere Namen. Tom knew our names. Tom knew our names. Dein Französisch ist perfekt. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. Ich mache ständig diesen Fehler. I always make this mistake. I make this mistake all the time. Tom isst nicht nur mehr, sondern auch bei weitem schneller als Maria. Tom not only eats more than Mary does, but he also eats much faster. Tom doesn't just eat more, he eats faster than Mary. Ihr müsst aufpassen, dass ihr keine Zeit vergeudet. You must be careful not to waste time. You have to make sure you don't waste time. Es ist nicht das erste Mal. It's not the first time. It's not the first time. Tom und Maria gingen am Strand spazieren. Tom and Mary went for a walk along the beach. Tom and Mary went for a walk on the beach. Tom und Maria führen nichts Gutes im Schilde. Tom and Mary are up to no good. Tom and Mary aren't up to anything good. In letzter Zeit habe ich Elisabeth überhaupt nicht gesehen. I have not seen anything of Elizabeth lately. I haven't seen Elizabeth at all lately. Die Stadt ist von Mauern umgeben. The city is surrounded by walls. The city is surrounded by walls. Die neuen Verkehrsbestimmungen treten morgen in Kraft. The new traffic regulations come into force tomorrow. The new traffic regulations will enter into force tomorrow. Richtet nicht, auf dass ihr nicht gerichtet werdet. Denn mit welcherlei Gericht ihr richtet, werdet ihr gerichtet werden; und mit welcherlei Maß ihr messet, wird euch gemessen werden. Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Do not judge that you are not judged; for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with what measure you measure, you will be measured. Meiner Meinung nach ist das keine gute Idee. That isn't a good idea in my opinion. I don't think that's a good idea. Tom hat keine Eier gekauft. Tom didn't buy any eggs. Tom didn't buy any eggs. Das haben wir Ihnen zu verdanken. We have you to thank for it. We owe it to you. Ich brauche einen Ort, an dem ich lernen kann. I need a place I can study. I need a place to learn. Die Regel betrifft uns nicht. The rule does not apply in our case. The rule doesn't concern us. Ich möchte Tom finden. I want to find Tom. I want to find Tom. Das Baby schlief den ganzen Tag lang. The baby was sleeping all day long. The baby slept all day long. Beim Geografiestudium muss man sich ständig mit Karten befassen. In studying geography, you must make constant use of maps. When studying geography, you have to deal with maps all the time. Sie wurde von ihm erniedrigt. She was humiliated by him. She was humiliated by him. Ich habe es immer noch nicht gemacht. I still haven't done it. I still haven't done it. Maria sah aus wie Belle aus „Die Schöne und das Biest". Mary looked like Belle from the Beauty and the Beast. Mary looked like Belle from "The Beauty and the Beast. " Stell dir für den Fall, dass du einschläfst, den Wecker! In case you sleep, set the alarm. Stand up in case you fall asleep, the alarm clock! Tom hat mir dieses Lied gerade beigebracht. Tom just taught me that song. Tom just taught me this song. Ich studiere gern Englisch. I like studying English. I like to study English. Ich habe einen verspannten Rücken. My back is tense. I have a tense back. Er kam nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit zurück. He came back after dark. He came back after dark. Ist das eine neue Badehose? Is that a new bathing suit? Is that a new swimsuit? Ich kann diese superbraven Typen nicht ausstehen. I can't stand those goody-goody types. I can't stand these super-brave guys. Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich es nicht. To be honest, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know. Drohst du mir etwa? Are you actually threatening me? Are you threatening me? Wir küssten uns im Dunkeln. We kissed in the dark. We kissed in the dark. Er holte etwas aus seiner Tasche. He took something out of his pocket. He took something out of his pocket. Wo ist mein Ehemann? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Das ist aber ein recht hohler Spruch. That's a really shallow thing to say. That's a pretty hollow saying, though. Wann wird ihr neuer Roman veröffentlicht? When will their new novel be published? When will her new novel be published? Ich schlafe nicht mehr. I don't sleep anymore. I don't sleep anymore. Sie ist stolz auf ihre Tochter. She is proud of her daughter. She's proud of her daughter. Hey, was weiß ich? Hey, what do I know? Hey, what do I know? Muss ich auf Englisch antworten? Do I have to answer in English? Do I have to answer in English? Statistiken zeigen, dass die Weltbevölkerung zunimmt. Statistics show that the population of the world is increasing. Statistics show that the world's population is increasing. Dieser Brief ist persönlich, ich will nicht, dass jemand anders ihn liest. This letter is personal, and I don't want anyone else to read it. This letter is personal, I don't want anyone else to read it. Der Tanker hat eine kleine Mannschaft. The tanker has a small crew. The tanker has a small crew. Tom und Maria machten sich durch unterschiedliche Türen auf den Weg. Tom and Mary left through different doors. Tom and Mary set out through different doors. Das ist mir auch passiert! This happened to me too! That's what happened to me, too! Johannes hatte einen grandiosen Einfall. A splendid idea occurred to John. John had a grandiose idea. Er hat sich mit seinem Bruder gestritten. He quarrelled with his brother. He had a fight with his brother. Tom beginnt jeden Satz mit „und". Tom starts every sentence with "and". Tom starts every sentence with "and". Ohne Ihre Hilfe habe ich keine Chance. Without your help, I don't have a chance. I don't have a chance without your help. Es ist kein Wunder, dass man ihr den Preis verliehen hat. It is no wonder that she was given the prize. It's no wonder she was awarded the prize. Tom hat seinen Spaß. Tom is enjoying himself. Tom is having fun. All diese Geschichten sind interessant. All the stories are interesting. All these stories are interesting. Sie hatte 10 Jahre lang Französisch studiert, so sollte sie begreifen, was Französisch ist. She has been studying French for ten years, so she ought to realize what French is. She had studied French for 10 years, so she should understand what French is. Tom und Maria sahen sich argwöhnisch an. Tom and Mary looked at each other suspiciously. Tom and Mary looked suspiciously at each other. Da könnten wir uns doch die Hand darauf geben! Why don't we shake on it? Why don't we give each other a hand? Wozu ist das? What's this for? What's that for? Benennt die Mitglieder des Tokugawa-Clans. Recite the names of the members of the Tokugawa clan. Name the members of the Tokugawa clan. Du hast mich gerade zum Lächeln gebracht. You just made me smile. You just made me smile. Er hat es getan, als er betrunken war. He did it while he was drunk. He did it when he was drunk. Tom fährt mit dem Bus zur Schule. Tom goes to school by bus. Tom takes the bus to school. Möchten Sie mich immer noch umarmen? Do you still want to give me a hug? Do you still want to hug me? Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, dieses Wochenende zum Onsen zu fahren. Ich bin pleite. I can't afford to go to the onsen this weekend. I'm broke. I can't afford to go to Onsen this weekend. Willst du nicht wissen, wo ich war? Don't you want to know where I was? Don't you want to know where I was? Ich habe meine Meinung geändert. I changed my mind. I've changed my mind. Sie steckte den Schlüssel in ihre Tasche. She put the key in her pocket. She put the key in her pocket. Tom wollte sich einfach nur nachbarlich verhalten. Tom just wanted to be neighborly. Tom just wanted to be neighborly. Wie haben die das hingekriegt? How did they manage that? How did they do that? Wir haben einen fairen Preis dafür bezahlt. We paid a fair price for it. We paid a fair price for it. Ich hätte das nicht ohne deine Hilfe geschafft. I couldn't have done this without your help. I couldn't have done this without your help. Denken sie nicht an die armen Kinder, die vor Hunger sterben? Don't they think about the poor children who are dying of hunger? Don't they think of the poor children who die of hunger? Viele sagen von der Alchimie, dass diese der Herstellung von Gold und Silber diene. Doch für mich liegt hierin nicht das Ziel, sondern nur darin zu untersuchen, welche Wirkung und Kraft Arzneien innewohnt. Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines. Many say of the alchemy that it serves the production of gold and silver. However, for me this is not the goal, but only to investigate the effect and power of drugs. Das ist Wegelagerei! That's highway robbery! It's laying the road! Ich habe noch nie eine Minneola gegessen. I have never eaten a tangelo. I've never eaten a minneola before. „Ich verbringe den Abend mit Tom." – „Ist Tom nicht deine Katze?" "I'm spending the evening with Tom." "Isn't Tom your cat?" "I'm spending the evening with Tom." "Isn't Tom your cat?" Bist du in Deutschland einen Mercedes gefahren? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Er verlor die Balance und fiel hin. He lost his balance and fell down. He lost his balance and fell. Japan ist ein Industrieland. Japan is an industrial nation. Japan is an industrial country. Er reichte Bücher vom Regal herunter. He handed down books from the shelf. He handed books down from the shelf. Tom hat euch sehr gern. Tom likes you very much. Tom loves you very much. Warum bekommen Sie keins? Why don't you get one? Why don't you get one? Maria meint, dass sie sich an nichts erinnern könne. Mary says she doesn't remember a thing. Mary says she can't remember anything. Sie ist führend auf ihrem Gebiet. She is a leader in her field. She's a leader in her field. David ist zu Hause. David is at home. David's home. Wie lange bist du auf der Party letzte Nacht geblieben? How late did you stay at the party last night? How long did you stay at the party last night? Du wirst gut daran tun, ihn zu verlassen. You will do well to leave him. You'll do well to leave him. Das erscheint mir nicht sehr gerecht. It doesn't seem very fair. That doesn't seem very fair to me. Tom schikaniert mich schon seit Monaten. Tom has been bullying me for months. Tom has been harassing me for months. Das war natürlich eine Lüge. This was, of course, a lie. That was a lie, of course. Tom kann das nicht allzu gut. Tom can't do that very well. Tom doesn't do that too well. Sie trägt eine Tasche unter ihrem Arm. She has a bag under her arm. She's carrying a bag under her arm. Wenn du aufhörst, den falschen Dingen nachzulaufen, gibst du den richtigen Dingen eine Chance aufzuholen. When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch up. If you stop following the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch up. Ich kühlte den Kopf des Patienten mit Eis. I cooled the patient's head with ice. I cooled the patient's head with ice. Ich will nicht mehr mit dir zusammensein. I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore. Diese Arbeit ist für ihn gemacht. This work is made for him. This work is done for him. Ich wartete auf dich. I waited for you. I was waiting for you. Raus aus meinem Zimmer, aber ganz schnell! Get the hell out of my room! Get out of my room, but quickly! Tom malte zumeist Szenen aus dem Neuen Testament. Tom mostly painted scenes from the New Testament. Tom mostly painted scenes from the New Testament. Ich kann mir das nicht mehr gefallen lassen. I can't put up with it any longer. I can't take this anymore. Tom hat sich als Baseballspieler verausgabt. Tom burned himself out as a baseball player. Tom spent himself as a baseball player. Kein Instrument ist versnobter als die Piccolotrompete. No instrument is snootier than the piccolo trumpet. No instrument is more obnoxious than the piccolotrumpete. Spanien hat Orangen in Hülle und Fülle. Spain is abundant in oranges. Spain has oranges in abundance. Zwing Tom nicht, das zu machen. Don't make Tom do that. Don't make Tom do that. Wenn Tom glücklich ist, bin ich glücklich. When Tom's happy, I'm happy. If Tom is happy, I'm happy. Es war unverantwortlich von ihm, ein Versprechen nicht zu halten. It was irresponsible of him to break a promise. It was irresponsible of him not to keep a promise. Du wirst schon noch drankommen. You'll have your turn. You'll get it. Maria brauchte Platz. Mary needed space. Mary needed space. Tom versteckt sich gerade. Tom is hiding. Tom is hiding right now. Wir sollten nie vergessen, dass die Titanic von Profis gebaut wurde und die Arche Noah von Laien... We should never forget that the Titanic was built by professionals and Noah's Ark was built by laymen... We should never forget that the Titanic was built by professionals and that Noah's Ark was built by laymen... Tom wird in einigen Tagen zurück sein. Tom will be back in a few days. Tom will be back in a few days. Dieses Mittel hat keine schädlichen Nebenwirkungen. This medicine doesn't have any harmful side effects. This medicine has no harmful side effects. Du siehst chic in dem Hemd aus. You look smart in the shirt. You look chic in that shirt. Immer wenn er einen Spaziergang macht, nimmt er seinen Hund mit. Whenever he goes out for a walk, he takes his dog with him. Every time he goes for a walk, he takes his dog with him. Ich will sofort mein Geld zurück! I want my money returned immediately. I want my money back right now! Die Möglichkeit steht mir immer offen. I always have that option. The possibility is always open to me. Ihr habt überlebt. You survived. You survived. Danke für eure Unterstützung! Thanks for your support. Thank you for your support! Tom sollte eigentlich eine Schutzbrille tragen. Tom should technically be wearing safety goggles. Tom was supposed to wear protective glasses. Es gab keine Überlebenden. There were no survivors. There were no survivors. Es lässt nicht viel zu wünschen übrig. It leaves nothing much to be desired. It doesn't leave much to be desired. Wegen des Schnees fuhr der Zug nicht. Because of the snow, the train didn't run. Because of the snow, the train didn't go. Tom und Maria lieben einander. Tom and Mary love each other. Tom and Mary love each other. Tom wollte Maria durch besonders schnelles Fahren auf der Autobahn beeindrucken, aber das klappte nicht. Tom tried to impress Mary by driving very fast on the Autobahn, but it didn't work. Tom wanted to impress Mary by driving the highway very fast, but that didn't work. Niemand möchte, dass Sie das tun. Nobody wants you to do this. No one wants you to do that. Ist dein Auto schwarz? Is your car black? Is your car black? Lasst uns jetzt endlich essen. Ich sterbe vor Hunger. Let's eat now. I'm starving. Let's eat now, I'm dying of hunger. Ich mache es nicht wie du. I don't act like you. I don't do it like you do. Ich komme durch. I'm getting by. I'll get through. Das Mädchen hat Angst vor Hunden. This girl is afraid of dogs. The girl is afraid of dogs. Ich verstehe nicht, was er gesagt hat. I don't understand what he said. I don't understand what he said. Leite das hier an jeden weiter, den du kennst! Forward this to everyone you know. Pass this on to everyone you know! Nahe dem Winterfeuer saß ein hübsches junges Mädchen. Near to the winter fire sat a beautiful young girl. Near the winter fire was a beautiful young girl. Tom hatte das Recht, sich zu verteidigen. Tom had a right to defend himself. Tom had the right to defend himself. Sie ist für Minderjährige nicht geeignet. It isn't suitable for minors. It is not suitable for minors. Glaube versetzt Berge. Faith will move mountains. Faith moves mountains. Steckt Tom schon wieder in Schwierigkeiten? Is Tom in trouble again? Is Tom in trouble again? Tom schien besorgt zu sein. Tom appeared anxious. Tom seemed worried. Sie können sich heute freinehmen. You can take today off. You can take the day off. Entschuldigt mich kurz eine Minute! Excuse me for just a minute. Excuse me for a minute. Es gehört dir, wenn du es willst. It's yours if you want it. It's yours if you want it. Sie gab keine Antwort auf meine Frage. She made no response to my question. She didn't answer my question. Die Rückreise verlief sehr bequem. The trip back was very comfortable. The return trip went very comfortably. Er tat es aus Freundlichkeit. He did it out of kindness. He did it out of kindness. Warum besorgen wir uns nicht etwas zu essen? Why don't we go get something to eat? Why don't we get something to eat? Wir können es heute Abend liefern. We can deliver it this evening. We can deliver it tonight. Wir brauchten nichts zu bezahlen. We didn't need to pay anything. We didn't have to pay anything. Überlassen Sie nicht alles dem Zufall! Don't leave everything to chance. Don't leave everything to chance! Wir sind nicht nach Boston gefahren. We didn't go to Boston. We didn't go to Boston. Tom und Maria saßen auf ihren üblichen Plätzen. Tom and Mary were sitting in their usual places. Tom and Mary sat in their usual places. Die Prinzessin war eine höchst moderne Prinzessin, und das bereitete dem König große Sorgen. The princess was a highly modern princess, causing the king much anxiety. The princess was a highly modern princess, and that caused great concern to the king. Wir wussten nicht, mit welchem Zug sie kommen würden. We didn't know on which train they'd be coming. We didn't know which train they'd come by. Sie gab vor, Studentin zu sein. She pretended to be a student. She pretended to be a student. Er tat nichts als Zeitung lesen. He did nothing but read newspapers. He did nothing but read the paper. Ich habe zwei Aspirin gegen meine Kopfschmerzen genommen. I took two aspirins for my headache. I took two aspirin for my headache. Das freut mich sehr. This makes me very happy. I'm very pleased. Wir haben eine sehr gute Mannschaft und darum allen Grund, optimistisch zu sein. We have a very good team, so we have every reason to be optimistic. We have a very good team and therefore every reason to be optimistic. Sie gab ihrer Freundin eine Ohrfeige. She slapped her friend in the face. She slapped her girlfriend. Es fällt mir schwer, mich in Esperanto zu äußern. It's difficult for me to express myself in Esperanto. It's hard for me to speak in Esperanto. Ich habe vergessen, Tom zu fragen. I forgot to ask Tom. I forgot to ask Tom. Kannst du mir sagen, warum Tom das tut? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom does this? Mary wurde mit einem Reifenheber getötet. Mary was killed with a tire iron. Mary was killed with a tire lifter. In Denver, Colorado, das sich in einer Höhe von etwa 1,5 km über dem Meeresspiegel befindet, führt der verringerte Luftdruck dazu, dass Wasser 4–5 °C unterhalb der üblichen 100 °C siedet. In Denver, Colorado, where the altitude is around 5,200 feet (just about 1 mile above sea level), reduced air pressure causes water to boil 4 to 5 degrees C below the standard 100 degrees C. In Denver, Colorado, at an altitude of about 1.5 km above sea level, the reduced air pressure causes water to boil 4–5 °C below the usual 100 °C. Du allein verstehst mich. You're the only one who understands me. You alone understand me. Ich hatte Angst davor, Fragen zu stellen, denn ich wollte nicht dumm erscheinen. I was scared to ask questions because I didn't want to look stupid. I was afraid to ask questions because I didn't want to appear stupid. Es gibt da ein ernsthaftes Problem. There's a serious problem. There's a serious problem. Tom hat starke Schmerzen, aber er halte es aus, so sagt er. Tom is in a lot of pain, but he says that he can take it. Tom is in a lot of pain, but he can handle it, he says. Sie machte Pech für ihr Versagen verantwortlich. She ascribed her failure to bad luck. She blamed bad luck for her failure. Ich dachte, ihr würdet allein sein. I thought you'd be alone. I thought you'd be alone. Du hättest Tom beim Tragen seiner Koffer helfen sollen. You should've helped Tom carry his suitcases. You should have helped Tom carry his suitcases. Er schwimmt besser als ich. He is a better swimmer than I. He swims better than I do. Der Vollmond ist schön. The full moon is beautiful. The full moon is beautiful. Zeig Tom mal, wie man das macht! Show Tom how it's done. Show Tom how to do that. Tom und Maria erzählten Johannes, dass sie Elke gebeten hätten, ihm das beizubringen. Tom and Mary told John they had asked Alice to teach him how to do that. Tom and Mary told John that they asked Alice to teach him. Wale sind keine Fische, sondern Säugetiere. The whale is not a fish but a mammal. Whales aren't fish, they're mammals. Maria ist meine Nichte. Mary's my niece. Mary is my niece. Dieses Shirt muss gewaschen werden. This shirt needs washing. This shirt needs to be washed. Sie hat Glück. She is lucky. She's lucky. Ich gab zu, dass sie recht hatte. I admitted that she was right. I admitted she was right. Er kann Klavier spielen. He can play the piano. He can play the piano. Kommen Sie aus der Zukunft? Are you from the future? Are you from the future? Begrüßt Tom, alle miteinander! Everyone, say hello to Tom. Say hello to Tom, all of you. Ja, morgen ist mein freier Tag. Yes, tomorrow is my day off. Yeah, tomorrow's my day off. Wie kann es einen Einfluss auf sie haben? How can it affect them? How can it affect her? Ich wasche meine Kleider immer am Wochenende. I always wash my clothes at the weekend. I wash my clothes every weekend. Diese Katze ist nicht zu verkaufen. This cat is not for sale. This cat is not for sale. Bitte komm in drei Tagen. Please come in three days. Please come in three days. Tom rasiert sich nicht allzu häufig. Tom doesn't shave very often. Tom doesn't shave too often. Die Weisheit verfolgt mich, aber ich bin schneller. Wisdom pursues me, but I am faster. Wisdom haunts me, but I'm faster. Es war ein Vergnügen. It's been a pleasure. It was a pleasure. Sieh nur, was Mary da tut! Look at what Mary is doing. Look what Mary's doing! Ich finde die zweite Socke nicht. I'm not finding the second sock. I can't find the second sock. Ich glaube, wir sind fast fertig. I think we're almost done. I think we're almost done. Ich gebe dir das Buch Dienstag zurück, wenn ich es bis dahin durch habe. I will return your book on Tuesday if I have finished it. I'll give you the book back Tuesday when I get through it. Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! You're the best thing that ever happened to me! Tom und Maria spielten Schach. Tom and Mary played chess. Tom and Mary played chess. Ich brauche ein großes und kein kleines Haus. I need a big and not small house. I need a big house, not a small one. In gewisser Hinsicht hast du recht. In some sense, you are right. In a sense, you're right. Ich wusste überhaupt nicht, dass es Ihnen so viele Probleme bereiten würde. I had no idea it would put you to so much trouble. I didn't know it would cause you so many problems. Wir sind uns so ähnlich und gleichzeitig so verschieden. We are so similar and so different at the same time. We are so similar and so different at the same time. Möglich, dass Tom und Maria da waren; ich habe sie aber nicht gesehen. Tom and Mary could've been there, but I didn't see them. Maybe Tom and Mary were there, but I didn't see them. Was ist, wenn sie Unrecht haben? What if they're wrong? What if they're wrong? Ich weiß zu viel. I know too much. I know too much. Das Böse ist überall. Evil is everywhere. Evil is everywhere. Du wirst den Zug erreichen, wenn du gleich losgehst. You'll be in time for the train if you start at once. You'll reach the train as soon as you get off. Was ist hier gerade passiert? What just happened here? What just happened here? Im italienischen Genua ist eine Brücke eingestürzt. 39 Menschen kamen dabei ums Leben. A bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy, killing 39. In Genoa, Italy, a bridge collapsed, killing 39 people. Wenn du den Hut haben möchtest, kaufe ich ihn dir. If you want that hat, I'll buy it for you. If you want the hat, I'll buy it for you. Tom öffnete die Tür in der Erwartung, Maria zu sehen. Tom opened the door, expecting to see Mary. Tom opened the door in anticipation of seeing Mary. Kim ist vier Jahre älter als ich. Kim is four years older than me. Kim is four years older than me. Ich sag das nur einmal. Also passt gut auf! I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I'm just saying this once, so be careful. Die Maus wurde von der Katze gefressen. The mouse was eaten by the cat. The mouse was eaten by the cat. Ich musste mich von meiner tüchtigen Sekretärin trennen. I had to part with my competent secretary. I had to break up with my good secretary. Da ist jemand an der Tür. There's someone at the door. There's someone at the door. Kaum hatte Tom sich gesetzt, als er auch schon bewusstlos zu Boden fiel. No sooner had Tom sat than he slumped over unconscious, sliding to the floor. Tom had barely sat down when he fell unconscious. Das wird ein Kinderspiel, bis Dienstag hiermit fertig zu werden. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. It'll be a breeze to finish this by Tuesday. Das wird nur die Zeit zeigen. Only time will tell. This will only show time. Mutter ist einkaufen gegangen. Mother has gone shopping. Mother went shopping. Ich mag sie nicht beide. I don't like both of them. I don't like them both. Du hast uns allen gefehlt. We all have missed you. We all missed you. Ich war arbeiten. I've been working. I was at work. Mein Hobby ist es, schöne Schmetterlinge zu sammeln. My hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies. My hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies. Die Hauptstadt von Italien ist Rom. The capital of Italy is Rome. The capital of Italy is Rome. Ich spüre nichts. I don't feel anything. I can't feel anything. Ich habe nicht für Tom gestimmt. I did not vote for Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. Das willst du doch wohl nicht anziehen, oder? You're not going to wear that, are you? You don't want to wear that, do you? Ich empfinde nichts für dich. I don't have any feelings for you. I don't feel anything for you. Das Problem ist nicht so einfach, wie es auf den ersten Blick erscheinen mag. The problem is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. The problem is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Der Professor hielt eine Vorlesung über den Mittleren Osten. The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East. The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East. Ich habe ein kleines Auto. I have a small car. I have a small car. Haben Sie Tom angelogen? Did you lie to Tom? Did you lie to Tom? Der Vater der Braut kam zu spät zur Trauung. The bride's father showed up late for the wedding ceremony. The bride's father was late for the wedding. Er ist in Schwierigkeiten. He's in trouble. He's in trouble. Dieses Wort ist lateinischen Ursprungs. This word is of Latin descent. This word is of Latin origin. Es ist weit weg von hier. It is far away from here. It's a long way from here. Ich hasse Menschen, die so reden. I hate people who talk like that. I hate people who talk like that. Nimm mich in den Arm! Give me a hug. Hold me in your arms! Als Kind habe ich viele Gedichte auswendig gelernt. As a child I learned lots of poems by heart. As a child, I memorized many poems. Es war einmal ein Händler, der hieß Mark und wurde von den Leuten „Mark der Reiche" genannt. There once lived a merchant whose name was Mark, and whom people called 'Mark the Rich.' Once upon a time, a merchant named Mark was called "Mark of the Rich " by the people. Hätte ich gewusst, dass du dich so über dieses Fahrrad freuen würdest, hätte ich dir schon viel früher eins besorgt! Had I known that you would be so happy about this bike, I would have gotten you one much earlier! If I'd known you'd be so happy about this bike, I'd have gotten you one much earlier! Großvater liegt im Sterben. The grandfather is about to die. Grandpa's dying. Ich bin leichtgläubig. I'm gullible. I'm gullible. Kinder können so gemein sein. Kids can be so mean. Children can be so mean. Gehen Sie von meinem Rasen! Get off my lawn. Get off my lawn! Du sollst die Kirche verteidigen. Thou shalt defend the Church. I want you to defend the church. Lasst sie alle kommen. Let them all come. Let them all come. Maria ist offensichtlich kein Mauerblümchen. Mary is obviously not a shrinking violet. Mary is obviously not a wallflower. Das Böse siegt immer. Evil always wins. Evil always wins. Sie können noch immer bis 2.30 Uhr damit fertig werden. You can still get that finished before 2:30. You can still handle it by 2:30. Es lief nicht so, wie ich geplant hatte. Things didn't go the way I planned. It didn't work the way I planned. Ich begann, Esperanto zu lernen. I began to learn Esperanto. I started learning Esperanto. Es ist jemand bei ihnen. There's someone with them. There's someone with them. Tom hat ein Foto, das er Maria zeigen will. Tom has a picture he wants to show Mary. Tom has a photo he wants to show Mary. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, dass Johannes wach sei. Mary told Tom that she thought John was awake. Mary told Tom that she thought John was awake. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie nicht glaubten, dass Elke beschäftigt sei. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was busy. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was busy. Tom wollte Maria gerade küssen, als seine Mutter ins Zimmer kam. Tom was just about to kiss Mary when his mother walked into the room. Tom was about to kiss Mary when his mother came into the room. Ich beneide sie. I envy her. I envy her. Tom arbeitet als Sportlehrer. Tom works as a gym teacher. Tom works as a sports teacher. Der Richter kam zu dem Schluss, dass der Gefangene unschuldig sei. The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent. The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent. Lass uns eine Reise nach New York machen. Let's take a trip to New York. Let's make a trip to New York. Ich kannte niemanden. I didn't know anyone. I didn't know anyone. Ich kann es immer wieder wiederholen. I can repeat it again and again. I can repeat it again and again. Er pfiff durch die Finger. He blew on the tip of his fingers. He whistled through his fingers. Ich muss morgen zu einer weiteren öden Sitzung gehen. I've got to go to another dreary meeting tomorrow. I have to go to another barren meeting tomorrow. Die Waschmaschine ist kaputtgegangen. The washing machine has broken down. The washing machine broke down. An deiner Stelle würde ich das Gleiche tun. Were I in your place I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd do the same. Ich habe nicht so viel Geld wie ihr. I don't have as much money as you do. I don't have as much money as you do. Tom kann das nicht besonders gut. Tom is not very good at it. Tom doesn't do very well. Tom ist arbeitsam und verlässlich. Tom is hardworking and dependable. Tom is hardworking and reliable. Mögt ihr scharfes Essen? Do you like spicy food? Do you like hot food? Es wird gleich aufhören zu regnen. It's going to stop raining soon. It's about to stop raining. Hier geht es nicht um dich, Tom. This isn't about you, Tom. This isn't about you, Tom. Wann hast du dir das letzte Mal die Haare gefärbt? When was the last time you dyed your hair? When was the last time you dyed your hair? Ich hätte gern eine Tasse Tee. I want a cup of tea. I'd like a cup of tea. Mein Französisch hat sich nach meiner Heirat verbessert, weil ich angefangen habe, mit meiner Frau Französisch zu sprechen. After I got married, my French got better since I started speaking French with my wife. My French improved after my marriage because I started to speak French with my wife. Warum wirst du es nicht akzeptieren? Why won't you accept it? Why won't you accept it? Ich hab eine Zeit lang nichts mitbekommen. Kannst du mich auf den aktuellen Stand bringen? I've been out of the loop for a while. Can you bring me up to speed? Can you get me up-to-date? Ich möchte, dass du nachschauen gehst, ob es immer noch da ist. I want you to go and see if it's still there. I want you to go see if it's still there. Ein Zeuge war anwesend. One witness was present. A witness was present. Er verbarg seinen Kummer hinter einem Lächeln. He hid his grief behind a smile. He hid his grief behind a smile. Mir kam ein interessantes Gerücht zu Ohren. I heard an interesting rumor. I heard an interesting rumor. Ich mag diese Art Getränk nicht besonders. I do not much care for this kind of drink. I don't like that kind of drink very much. Was zum Teufel versteht Tom davon? What the hell does Tom know about that? What the hell does Tom know about this? Meine Katze ist hungrig. My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. Tom spielt auch Klarinette. Tom also plays clarinet. Tom also plays the clarinet. Geld zu machen, ist nicht das einzige Ziel im Leben. Making money is not the only goal in life. Making money is not the only goal in life. Denke! Think. Think! Tom geht sehr langsam. Tom walks very slowly. Tom is walking very slowly. Auf allen Fernsehern lief Fox News. All the televisions were tuned to Fox News. Fox News was on all TVs. Tom gab keine Erklärung ab. Tom didn't give an explanation. Tom didn't make any explanation. Haben Sie mitbekommen, worüber Tom und Maria gesprochen haben? Did you happen to hear what Tom and Mary were talking about? Did you hear what Tom and Mary were talking about? Komm nicht zu spät zur Arbeit! Don't be late for work. Don't be late for work! Wir haben einen großen Supermarkt. We have a big supermarket. We have a big supermarket. Das ist kinderleicht. That's dead easy. That's easy. Tom hat eine Abkürzung genommen. Tom took a short cut. Tom took a shortcut. Ich werde dir die Wahrheit sagen. I'll tell you the truth. I'll tell you the truth. Er hatte viel Geld für seine Reise. He had plenty of money for his trip. He had a lot of money for his trip. Sag mal, wer ist dieser junge Mann? Tell me; who is this young man? Tell me, who is this young man? Der schnellste Weg zum Himmel ist ein Sprung in einen tiefen Schlund. The fastest way to heaven is a leap into a deep abyss. The fastest way to the sky is to jump into a deep mound. Können wir uns irgendwo unterhalten? Is there somewhere we can talk? Can we talk somewhere? Ich wünschte nur, ich könnte euch allen helfen. I only wish I could help all of you. I just wish I could help all of you. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass in meinem Leben etwas fehlt. I have a feeling that something is lacking in my life. I feel like something's missing in my life. Ich brauchte anderthalb Stunden um mit dem Auto dorthin zu kommen. It took me an hour and a half to get there by car. It took me an hour and a half to get there by car. Sie liebt ihren Freund. She loves her boyfriend. She loves her boyfriend. Sie hat nicht einmal versucht, das Richtige zu tun. She didn't even try to do the right thing. She didn't even try to do the right thing. Wenn Sie eine Sprache meistern wollen, müssen Sie lernen, in dieser Sprache zu denken. If you want to master a language, you need to learn to think in that language. If you want to master a language, you need to learn to think in that language. Könnte ich bitte ein dunkles Bier bekommen? Could I have a dark beer? Could I have a dark beer, please? Fahre fort mit dem, was du tust! Keep doing what you're doing. Go on with what you do! Wer weiß, warum er lernt, lernt besser. He who knows why he learns learns better. Who knows why he learns, learns better. Sie wohnt in irgendeinem Dorf in Indien. She is living in some village in India. She lives in some village in India. Sie trauten sich nicht, mir ins Gesicht zu schauen. They dared not look me in the face. They didn't dare look me in the face. Ich möchte lieber einen Spaziergang machen, als den Film zu sehen. I prefer going for a walk to seeing the movie. I'd rather take a walk than watch the movie. Tom ist Strafvollzugsbeamter. Tom is a corrections officer. Tom is a prison officer. Tom ist aufgeblasen. Tom is pompous. Tom is inflated. Warum muss ich das tun? Why do I have to do it? Why do I have to do this? Es war ein sehr heißer Abend. It was a very hot evening. It was a very hot evening. Ihr seid so mager. You're so skinny. You're so skinny. Ich hasse es, und doch zieht es mich ununterdrückbar zu sich hin. I hate it, yet I'm uncontrollably drawn to it. I hate it, and yet I am drawn to it unreservedly. Tom dachte, Maria sei im Zimmer. Tom thought Mary was in the room. Tom thought Mary was in the room. Welche von meinen Dienern hast du gesehen? Which of my servants did you see? Which of my servants did you see? Zum Hilton Hotel bitte. The Hilton Hotel, please. Hilton Hotel, please. Amerikanische Frauen hatten kein Wahlrecht. American women didn't have the right to vote. American women had no right to vote. Danach gingen wir nach Kyoto, wo wir eine Woche blieben. Then we came to Kyoto, where we stayed for a week. Then we went to Kyoto, where we stayed a week. Tom würde das bestimmt sehr gefallen. I'm sure Tom would love it. I'm sure Tom would like that a lot. Ihr habt schon gegessen. You have already eaten. You've already eaten. Warum machen Sie keine Pause? Why don't you take a break? Why don't you take a break? Man verrühre drei Eier mit 225 g Zucker. Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar. Mix three eggs with 225 g sugar. Verzeih mir! Ich habe dich wohl verwirrt. Sorry, I seem to have confused you. Forgive me, I must have confused you. Tom ist so alt wie Mary. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom is as old as Mary. Aber es besteht ein großer Unterschied zwischen erzwungener und freiwilliger Arbeit. But there's a big difference between forced and voluntary labor. But there is a big difference between forced and voluntary work. Tom wählte ein Lied von der Liste und fing an, es zu singen. Tom chose a song from the list and began singing it. Tom chose a song from the list and started singing it. Ein Plastikbecher ist besser als ein Glas. A plastic glass is better than one made of real glass. A plastic cup is better than a glass. Tom hatte gehofft, er würde in der Lotterie gewinnen. Tom had hoped that he would win the lottery. Tom was hoping he'd win the lottery. Dieses Problem kann nicht auf die übliche Weise gelöst werden. You cannot solve this problem in an ordinary way. This problem cannot be solved in the usual way. Tom sagte Maria, dass ihm ihre Schuhe sehr gefielen, obwohl er sie eigentlich hässlich fand. Tom told Mary that he loved her shoes even though he thought they were ugly. Tom told Mary that he liked her shoes very much, although he actually found them ugly. Der Direktor möchte euch in seinem Büro sprechen. The director wants to see you in his office. The warden wants to see you in his office. Ich habe zwei Augen. I have two eyes. I have two eyes. Er passte sich den Umständen an. He adapted himself to circumstances. He adapted to the circumstances. Es ist so typisch für ihn, im letzten Moment auszusteigen. It's so typical of him to bail out at the last minute. It's so typical for him to get out at the last moment. Tom glaubt nicht, dass Maria gehen will. Tom doesn't think Mary wants to go. Tom doesn't think Mary wants to go. Das wird nichts ändern. That won't change anything. That won't change anything. Ich möchte mir den Film gerne ansehen. I'd like to see that movie. I'd like to watch the movie. Das Experiment muss beginnen. The experiment has to begin. The experiment must begin. Sie waren schmutzig. They were dirty. They were dirty. Ich habe großartige Neuigkeiten für dich! I have some wonderful news for you. I have great news for you! Sei nicht traurig, bitte. Please don't be sad. Don't be sad, please. Wenn du in die Firma zurück kommst, vergiss nicht, mich zu kontaktieren. When you return to your company, don't forget to keep in touch with me. When you get back to the company, don't forget to contact me. Tom spricht Englisch mit französischem Akzent. Tom speaks English with a French accent. Tom speaks English with a French accent. Könntest du bitte damit aufhören? Would you mind not doing that? Could you please stop that? Der Arzt sagte, dass diese Krankheit unbehandelbar ist. The doctor said that this sickness is irremediable. The doctor said that this disease is untreatable. Überlasst es nicht dem Zufall. Don't leave it up to chance. Don't leave it to chance. Sie ist wählerisch, was Kleidung angeht. She is particular about her dress. She's picky about clothes. „Ich weine", stellte Anne verwirrt fest. „Ich weiß nicht, warum. Ich bin doch so glücklich, wie ich es nur sein könnte!" "I'm crying," said Anne in a tone of bewilderment. "I can't think why. I'm glad as glad can be." "I'm crying," Anne said confusedly. "I don't know why. I'm as happy as I could be!" Ich will nicht deine Sprache lernen. I don't want to learn your language. I don't want to learn your language. Dan war von Lindas Geschichte berührt. Dan was touched by Linda's story. Dan was touched by Linda's story. Ich habe große Häuser. I have big houses. I have big houses. Yōko ist jetzt in London. Sie lernt Englisch. Yoko is in London now. She's studying English. Yōko's in London now, learning English. Entzweigeschnitten. Cut in half. Cut in two. Du hast kein gutes Gedächtnis! You do not have a good memory. You don't have a good memory! Der Gleitschirmflieger landete im Baum. The paraglider landed in the tree. The paraglider landed in the tree. Tom trug abgelegte Kleidung seines Bruders. Tom wore hand-me-down clothes from his older brother. Tom wore his brother's clothes. Tom ist ein Trinker. Tom is a drunk. Tom is a drinker. Tom ist ein Partylöwe. Tom is a party animal. Tom is a party lion. Den Brief da nicht versenden! Don't send that letter. Don't send that letter! Stell den Stuhl vor den Schreibtisch. Put the chair in front of the desk. Put the chair in front of the desk. Eislaufen kann anmutig und schön sein. Ice skating can be graceful and beautiful. Ice skating can be graceful and beautiful. Sie muss aus dem Süden kommen. She must be from the South. She has to come from the south. Ich habe absolut keine künstlerische Begabung. I have absolutely no artistic skills. I have absolutely no artistic talent. Möchte Tom das? Is this what Tom wants? Does Tom want that? Ich habe einige Veränderungen vorgenommen. I made a few changes. I've made some changes. Richte Tom aus, dass ich ihn so bald als möglich sprechen muss. Tell Tom I need to talk to him as soon as possible. Tell Tom that I need to talk to him as soon as possible. Maria möchte Tierärztin werden, weil sie Tiere liebt. Mary wants to become a vet because she loves animals. Mary wants to be a veterinarian because she loves animals. Tom und Maria wohnen unter einem Dach. Tom and Mary live under the same roof. Tom and Mary live under one roof. Sprechen wir darüber, warum Sie hier sind! Let's talk about why you're here. Let's talk about why you're here! Dieses Spiel hat einen hohen Unterhaltungswert. This game is very entertaining. This game has a high entertainment value. Ein Ball traf sie am rechten Bein. A ball hit her right leg. A ball hit her on the right leg. Heute ist Freitag, und ich habe getan, was ich fast jeden Freitag tue. Today is Friday, and I've done what I do almost every Friday. Today's Friday, and I've done what I do almost every Friday. Ich werde hier warten, bis sie kommt. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait here until she comes. Tom ist vom Nachtschreck betroffen. Tom suffers from night terrors. Tom is affected by the night terror. Diese Antwort muss nicht notwendigerweise falsch sein. This answer may not necessarily be wrong. This answer does not necessarily have to be wrong. Wahre Freundschaft ist unbezahlbar. True friendship is priceless. True friendship is priceless. Gefällt dir mein neuer Hut? Do you like my new hat? Do you like my new hat? Behalte das bitte für dich! Please keep that secret. Keep this to yourself, please! Ich fürchte, ich habe keine Erfahrung. I'm afraid I have no experience. I'm afraid I have no experience. Tom hat alles für dich geopfert. Tom sacrificed everything for you. Tom sacrificed everything for you. Man fing ihn schnell wieder ein. He was quickly recaptured. He was quickly captured. Welchem dieser Jungen wirst du das Buch geben? Which one of these boys will you give the book to? Which one of these boys will you give the book to? Tollwut ist die tödlichste Krankheit auf der Erde. Rabies is the deadliest disease on earth. Rabies is the most deadly disease on earth. Ich habe deine Nachrichten empfangen. I got your messages. I received your messages. Tom ist unzuverlässig. Tom's flaky. Tom is unreliable. Sie schwankte, als sie über den Schwebebalken lief. She wobbled as she walked across the balance beam. She fluctuated as she ran over the suspended beam. Keiner hört dir zu. No one is listening to you. No one's listening to you. Tom sagte, Maria sei bereit, uns dabei zu helfen. Tom said Mary was willing to help us do that. Tom said Mary was ready to help us. Ich glaube, ich habe im Wald einen Geist gesehen. I think I saw a ghost in the woods. I think I saw a ghost in the woods. Er ist im Alter von 54 Jahren gestorben. He died at age 54. He died at the age of 54. Sie hat mir nie gesagt, dass sie eine Katze hat. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Wie schrecklich! How horrible! How terrible! Er vertrat die Arbeitergewerkschaft im Komitee. He represented the labor union on the committee. He represented the workers' union on the committee. Hat Tom gefunden, wonach er suchte? Did Tom find what he was looking for? Did Tom find what he was looking for? Die Wahrheit kennt nur Tom. Only Tom knows the truth. Only Tom knows the truth. Tom scheint ganz reizend zu sein. Tom seems sweet. Tom seems lovely. Wie vertreibst du dir in Boston am liebsten die Zeit? What's your favorite way to spend time in Boston? How do you like to spend time in Boston? Tom und Maria arbeiteten als Kinder in einer Kohlengrube. Tom and Mary worked in a coal mine as children. Tom and Mary worked as children in a coal mine. Tom hat das als erster in unserer Familie getan. Tom was the first one in our family to do that. Tom was the first to do this in our family. Eine Firewall garantiert Ihre Sicherheit im Internet. A firewall guarantees your security on the internet. A firewall guarantees your security on the Internet. Ich habe nicht erwartet, dass von dir so etwas kommt. I didn't expect that to come from you. I didn't expect anything like that to come from you. Weihnachten ist das Fest des Stresses und der Geschenke. Christmas is the festival of stress and presents. Christmas is the feast of stress and gifts. Mir war unglaublich langweilig. I was incredibly bored. I was incredibly bored. Du hättest zustimmen sollen. You should've said yes. You should have agreed. Das Boot segelte über den Pazifischen Ozean. The boat sailed across the Pacific Ocean. The boat sailed over the Pacific Ocean. Tom hat endlich den Mut aufgebracht, Maria zu sagen, dass er sie liebt. Tom finally mustered up the courage to tell Mary that he loved her. Tom finally got the courage to tell Mary that he loves her. Zehn zahme Ziegen ziehen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Züricher Zentralbahnhof. Ten tame goats pull ten hundredweights of sugar to Zurich main station. Ten tame goats move ten talents of sugar to Zurich Central Station. Es ist egal, wann ihr kommt. It doesn't matter when you come. It doesn't matter when you come. Seine Kritik zielte auf die japanische Regierung. His criticisms were aimed at the Japanese government. His criticism was directed at the Japanese government. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie hätten Elke schon jahrelang nicht mehr gesehen. Tom and Mary told John they hadn't seen Alice in years. Tom and Mary told John that they hadn't seen Alice for years. Vögel bauen im Frühling ein Nest, um darin ihre Jungen aufzuziehen. Birds make a nest in the springtime to raise their babies in. Birds build a nest in spring to raise their young in it. Es ist 16:30 Uhr. It's 4:30 in the afternoon. It's 4:30. Er übernahm das Geschäft. He took over the business. He took over the business. Wo hast du das gekauft? Where did you buy that? Where did you buy this? Unsere Liebe wird ewig währen. Our love will last forever. Our love will last forever. Ohne euch hätte ich das nicht geschafft. I couldn't have done it without you. I couldn't have done it without you. Ich bin kein Schüler. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Sie gingen Seit' an Seit' die Straße entlang. They walked along the street side by side. They've been going down the road ever since. Tom ist entschlossen, Maria zu helfen. Tom is determined to help Mary. Tom is determined to help Mary. Hören Sie auf, mich so anzustarren. Stop staring at me like that. Stop staring at me like that. Über einhundert Personen werden noch vermisst. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Für mich gibt es nichts Wichtigeres als meine Familie. There's nothing more important to me than my family. There's nothing more important to me than my family. Die Mathematik ist der Teil der Wissenschaft, den man weiter betreiben könnte, wenn man morgen aufwachen würde und entdecken würde, dass das Universum weg ist. Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone. Mathematics is the part of science that you could continue to do if you would wake up tomorrow and discover that the universe is gone. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie glaubten, Elke sei nicht oben. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't upstairs. Tom and Mary told John that they thought Alice wasn't upstairs. Haben Sie ihn rausgehen sehen? Did you see him go out? Did you see him go out? Tatoeba behält dich im Auge. Tatoeba is watching you. Tatoeba will keep an eye on you. Ich will nichts sagen. I don't want to say anything. I don't want to say anything. Wir müssen das jetzt tun. We must do this right now. We have to do this now. Es ist noch in der Testphase. It is still in the testing stage. It's still in the test phase. Sie weiß alles. She knows everything. She knows everything. Ich kann mich nicht an ihren Namen erinnern. I can't recall her name. I can't remember her name. Was hat sie dir beigebracht? What did she teach you? What did she teach you? In den Städten ist die Geschwindigkeit auf 50 km/h beschränkt. In towns, speed is limited to 50 km/h. In the cities, the speed is limited to 50 km/h. Ihr müsst ihr unbedingt helfen. It is necessary for you to help her. You have to help her. „Haben Sie Maria umgebracht?" – „Nein!" "Did you kill Mary?" "No, I did not." "Did you kill Mary?" "No!" Du darfst das Zimmer nicht verlassen. You are not to leave this room. You can't leave the room. Hör bloß nicht auf Tom. Don't pay any attention to Tom. Don't listen to Tom. Sprichst du Russisch? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Ich erkenne es, wenn du lügst. I can tell when you're lying. I can tell when you're lying. Später hat Maria ihre Meinung geändert. Mary later changed her mind. Later, Mary changed her mind. Einer Verbrennung ersten Grades wegen werde ich mich nicht in die Notaufnahme einliefern lassen. I'm not going to an emergency room for a first-degree burn. Because of a first-degree burn, I'm not going to be transferred to the ER. Ich dachte, du wärest Maria versprochen. I thought you were promised to Mary. I thought you were promised to Mary. Neuseeland ist Heimat von vielen einzigartigen Pflanzen und Tieren. New Zealand is home to many unique plants and animals. New Zealand is home to many unique plants and animals. Tom ist seit drei Stunden hier. Tom has been here for three hours. Tom has been here for three hours. Packe dieses Geschenk zuerst aus. Open this present first. Unpack this gift first. Selbst die geringste Kleinigkeit erzürnte ihn. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the slightest little thing enraged him. Mayuko biss einmal in meinen Apfel. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko bit my apple once. Ein Architekt sollte sich nicht wie ein Künstler gebärden. An architect should not pretend to be an artist. An architect should not act like an artist. Ich werde es nie jemandem erzählen. I will never tell it to anybody. I'll never tell anyone. Ist hier jemand, der Chinesisch spricht? Is there anyone who can speak Chinese here? Is there anyone here who speaks Chinese? Das ist Toms Meisterwerk. It's Tom's masterpiece. This is Tom's masterpiece. Die Bremsen funktionieren nicht. The brakes are out of order. The brakes don't work. Alle Länder haben ihre Botschaft in der Hauptstadt. All countries have their embassies in the capital. All countries have their embassies in the capital. Der Keim der Revolution ist Repression. The seed of revolution is repression. The germ of the revolution is repression. Wir haben uns so lange nicht mehr gesehen. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. We haven't seen each other in so long. Sie wurden bald Freunde. They soon became friends. They soon became friends. Du solltest die Menschen respektvoller behandeln. You should treat people with more respect. You should treat people more respectfully. Pass auf, was du tust. Be careful what you do. Watch what you're doing. Endlich habe ich ein Bild fertiggestellt. Finally, I finished a painting. Finally I finished a picture. Plötzlich fing es an zu regnen. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly it began to rain. Babys bleiben nicht immer und ewig Babys. Babies don't stay babies forever. Babies don't always stay babies forever. Tom wird wenigstens eine Woche weg sein. Tom will be gone for at least a week. Tom will be gone for at least a week. Ich trage meinen Badeanzug unter meinen Kleidern. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clothes. I'm wearing my bathing suit under my clothes. Wir müssen im Voraus reservieren. It is necessary that we make a reservation in advance. We have to make a reservation in advance. Tom hat mich dazu gebracht. Tom made me do that. Tom made me do it. Europa hat eine gemeinsame Währung; geben wir ihm eine gemeinsame Sprache: Esperanto. Europe has a common currency; let's give it a common language: Esperanto. Europe has a single currency; let us give it a common language: Esperanto. Die Augen der Welt sind auf dich gerichtet. The eyes of the world are upon you. The eyes of the world are on you. Wir wissen jetzt, dass das gelogen war. We now know that was a lie. We now know that was a lie. Meine Familie ist erst von Boston hergezogen. My family just moved here from Boston. My family just moved here from Boston. Sobald die Glocke läutete, stürmten die Schüler aus der Klasse. The students stormed out of the class as soon as the bell rang. As soon as the bell rang, the students stormed out of the class. Maria bewunderte sich im Spiegel. Mary admired herself in the mirror. Mary admired herself in the mirror. Das sind Spaghetti. This is spaghetti. It's spaghetti. Ich brauche etwas Zeit. I need some time. I need some time. Marie ist aus China zurück. Marie's back from China. Marie's back from China. Trinkst du deinen Whiskey pur, oder soll ich ihn mit Wasser mischen? Do you want your whiskey straight or should I mix it with water? Do you drink your whiskey pure, or should I mix it with water? Das gehört uns. That belongs to us. It's ours. Wo sind deine Tanten? Where are your aunts? Where are your aunts? Er kehrte in sein Heimatdorf zurück, wo er die letzten Jahre seines Lebens verbrachte. He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life. He returned to his home village where he spent the last years of his life. Tom wird es nicht wissen. Tom isn't going to know. Tom won't know. Sie antwortete mit einem Nicken. She answered with a nod. She answered with a nod. Ich will dir helfen. I want to help you. I want to help you. Kann ich dieses Buch nehmen? May I have this book? Can I take this book? Mayumi kratze ihr Kleingeld zusammen und kaufte sich einen Wasserball. Mayumi gathered her small change and bought a beach ball. Mayumi scratched her change and bought herself a water ball. Vertrauen Sie nicht darauf, was wir sagen. Don't take our word for it. Don't trust what we're saying. Tom und Maria haben Johannes gesagt, dass sie frustriert sind. Tom and Mary told John that they were frustrated. Tom and Mary told John that they were frustrated. Mit meinem neuen Wagen kann ich jederzeit überall hinfahren. My new car enables me to go anywhere, anytime. With my new car, I can go anywhere at any time. Tom ist angewidert. Tom is sickened. Tom is disgusted. Warum hat er das getan? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? Ich bin bald wieder da. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Niemand, außer dem König, verehrt den König. Nobody except the king admires the king. No one but the king worships the king. Wie lange wohnst du schon in Osaka? How long have you been living in Osaka? How long have you been living in Osaka? Ich tat etwas Ähnliches. I did something similar. I did something similar. Sie wird eifersüchtig sein. She will be jealous. She'll be jealous. Tom ist ein Hypochonder. Tom is a hypochondriac. Tom is a hypochondriac. Weißt du, wer dort geht? Do you know who goes there? Do you know who's going there? Ich muss zugeben, dass du recht hast. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit, you're right. Ich ertrage es nicht länger! I can't bear it any longer. I can't take it any longer! Tom kommt oft zu spät zur Arbeit. Tom is often late for work. Tom is often late for work. Wie schlägst du vor, dass wir weitermachen sollen? How do you suggest we proceed? How do you suggest we keep going? Ich darf nicht vergessen, sie zu besuchen. I must remember to see her. I must not forget to visit her. Wer ein Wortspiel übersetzen kann, darf sich getrost zu den besten Übersetzern zählen. Whoever is able to translate a pun may consider themselves to be among the best translators. If you can translate a pun, you can count yourself among the best translators. Nutze deine Phantasie! Use your imagination. Use your imagination! Diese CD kostet 10 Dollar. That CD costs 10 dollars. This CD costs 10 dollars. Hierher kehre ich nie zurück. I'll never come back here. I'll never come back here. Warum gibst du es nicht dran? Why don't you give it up? Why don't you give it to me? Allerdings ist das nur etwas für gutaussehende Männer. However that's only for handsome men. But that's just for good-looking men. Ich habe es zum ersten Mal zubereitet. I made it for the first time. It's the first time I've prepared it. Die Schwestern sind beides Blondinen. The sisters are both blondes. The sisters are both blondes. Maria sagte Tom, sie glaube, dass Johannes arbeitslos sei. Mary told Tom that she thought John was unemployed. Mary told Tom that she thought John was unemployed. Wir wollen die Einzigartigkeit aller Sprachen festhalten. Und auch deren Entwicklung im Lauf der Zeit festhalten. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to record the uniqueness of all languages, and also to record their development in the course of time. Ich erlangte einen akademischen Grad im letzten Jahr. I graduated from university last year. I got an academic degree last year. Das ist ein banales Problem. That is a trivial problem. That's a banal problem. Ich glaube Ihnen. I believe you. I believe you. Wir sind gerade auf dem Weg zum Strand. Möchtest du mitkommen? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We're on our way to the beach right now. Hört ihr mir überhaupt zu? Are you even listening me? Are you even listening to me? Sie beobachtet gerne Vögel. She likes to observe birds. She likes watching birds. Der Hund rannte bei meinem Anblick davon. The dog ran away at the sight of me. The dog ran away at my sight. Es kommt nicht mehr darauf an. It no longer matters. It doesn't matter anymore. Ich hatte keine Zeit. I didn't have the time. I didn't have time. Ich bin der, der Tom gezeigt hat, wie man Tomatensauce zubereitet. I'm the guy who showed Tom how to make tomato sauce. I'm the one who showed Tom how to make tomato sauce. In seinen Taschen ist keine Pfeife, kein Tabak und auch keine Tabakdose. In his pockets there is no pipe, no tobacco, and no tabacco tin either. There is no pipe, no tobacco and no tobacco can in his pockets. Ich weiß, woraus das besteht. I don't know what this is made of. I know what that's made of. Wie weit ist es von dir zu Hause bis in die Stadt? How far is it from your house to town? How far is it from your home to the city? „Mama, weißt du, wo das Fieberthermometer ist?" – „Ist es nicht da, wo es immer ist?" – „Nein, anscheinend nicht." "Mom, do you know where the thermometer is?" "It's not in the usual place?" "Yeah, I checked." "Mama, do you know where the fever thermometer is?" "Isn't it where it always is?" "No, apparently not." Tom arbeitet jeden Tag von morgens früh bis abends spät. Tom works from early in the morning until late at night every day. Tom works late every day from morning to night. Ich werde meiner Mutter ein paar Blumen schicken. I'm going to send my mother some flowers. I'll send some flowers to my mother. Tom verschwendet seine Zeit. Tom is wasting his time. Tom is wasting his time. Die Hunde machen einen zufriedenen Eindruck. The dogs seem happy. The dogs make a happy impression. Sie wurde zu einer Party eingeladen. She was invited to a party. She was invited to a party. Er arbeitet jeden Tag, außer Sonntag. He works every day except Sunday. He works every day except Sunday. Ich beglücke gerne meine Frau. I like to make my wife happy. I like to please my wife. Du kannst nicht so tun, als wäre es nicht geschehen. You can't pretend that this didn't happen. You can't pretend it didn't happen. Ich war schon früher in Sapporo gewesen. I've been in Sapporo before. I had been to Sapporo before. Versuch es noch einmal. Give it another shot. Try again. Ich sollte Tom sagen, er soll es versuchen. I should tell Tom to try it. I should tell Tom to try. Sklavenhaltung ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit. Slavery is a crime against humanity. Slave husbandry is a crime against humanity. Ich möchte zeitig genug da sein. I would like to be there in good time. I want to be there early enough. Langsam werde ich müde. I'm beginning to get tired. I'm getting tired. Ich nahm zwei Tassen Kaffee. I took two cups of coffee. I took two cups of coffee. Diesmal zahle ich. This time I'll pay. I'll pay this time. „Wie geht es Ihrer Mutter?" erkundigte sich Anne höflich, gerade so, als hätte sie Frau Barry an jenem Morgen nicht bei bester Laune und Gesundheit im Garten Äpfel pflücken gesehen. "How is your mother?" inquired Anne politely, just as if she had not seen Mrs. Barry picking apples that morning in excellent health and spirits. "How's your mother?" Anne asked politely, just as if she hadn't seen Ms. Barry that morning picking apples in the garden in the best mood and health. Achtung: Das chilenische Spanisch kann sich anderswo komisch anhören. Warning: Chilean Spanish may sound weird in any other place. Attention: Chilean Spanish can sound funny elsewhere. Er ist völlig durchgeknallt. He's completely crazy. He's out of his mind. Der Kunde hat zwei Stunden lang mit dem Verkäufer telefoniert. The customer has been on the phone with the salesman for two hours. The customer has been on the phone with the seller for two hours. Maria sagt zwar, sie liebe Tom; in Wirklichkeit ist sie aber nur hinter seinem Geld her. Mary says she loves Tom, but really she's just after his money. Mary says she loves Tom, but in reality she's just after his money. Hast du mit Thomas einen Preis ausgehandelt? Did you and Tom discuss a price? Did you negotiate a price with Thomas? Tom schaut jemandem, den ich kenne, ziemlich ähnlich. Tom looks a lot like someone I know. Tom looks pretty similar to someone I know. Hoffentlich vergessen wir niemals, dass wir Geschwister sind. Hopefully we will never forget that we're siblings. Let's hope we never forget that we're brothers and sisters. Was für ein verlogener Kerl! What a dishonest fellow! What a lying guy! Wer ist die Frau mit der braunen Jacke? Who is that woman with the brown coat? Who's the woman with the brown jacket? Kämm dich einfach. Just brush your hair. Just comb. Diese Medizin an sich ist nicht giftig. This medicine is not a poison in itself. This medicine itself is not poisonous. Tom kaufte ein Mikroskop für Maria. Tom bought a microscope for Mary. Tom bought a microscope for Mary. Regen und dichter Nebel erschwerten die Suche nach den vermissten Buschwanderern. Heavy fog and rain hindered the search for the missing bushwalkers. Rain and dense fog made it difficult to search for the missing bushwalkers. Ich bin froh zu hören, dass wir nicht ernsthaft verletzt wurden. I am glad to hear that we were not seriously hurt. I'm glad to hear we weren't seriously hurt. Geben wir Tom die Chance, das Richtige zu tun! Let's give Tom a chance to do the right thing. Let's give Tom a chance to do the right thing. Bist du sicher, dass du es tun willst? Are you sure you want to do it? Are you sure you want to do it? Er kam mit zehn Jahren nach Japan. He came to Japan when he was a boy of ten. He came to Japan at the age of ten. Sobald ich in Hokkaido ankomme, schicke ich dir ein paar Zeilen. As soon as I get to Hokkaido, I'll drop you a line. As soon as I get to Hokkaido, I'll send you a few lines. Er raucht eine Schachtel Zigaretten am Tag. He smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. He smokes a box of cigarettes a day. Tom weiß nicht, wie man einen Computer bedient. Tom doesn't understand how to use a computer. Tom doesn't know how to operate a computer. Da, wo ihr hingeht, braucht ihr das bestimmt nicht. You won't be needing that where you're going. I'm sure you don't need that where you're going. Wir legen Wert auf Pünktlichkeit. We value punctuality. We value punctuality. Tom möchte wieder nach Boston ziehen. Tom wants to move back to Boston. Tom wants to move back to Boston. Warte, bis ich meinen Hut geholt habe! Wait till I get my hat. Wait till I get my hat! Sie kann genauso gut Ski fahren wie ihr Bruder. She can ski just as well as her brother. She can ski as well as her brother. Wenn du diese Schreibmaschine in einem Monat perfekt beherrschst, darfst du sie behalten. If you can use this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it. If you master this typewriter perfectly in a month, you may keep it. Was Tom gesagt hat, ist sehr vernünftig. What Tom said is very reasonable. What Tom said is very reasonable. Michael kam nur schwer über die Runden. Michael had a hard time making ends meet. Michael had a hard time getting over it. Ich glaube, es wird ein schöner Tag. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think it's gonna be a nice day. Sie benutzt nie Papiertücher. Sie ist so ein Ökofreak, weißt du. She never uses paper towels. She is such a tree hugger, you know. She never uses paper towels, she's such an eco-freak, you know. Du hättest Tom um Rat fragen sollen. You should've asked Tom for advice. You should have asked Tom for advice. Tom ist nicht so intelligent wie Maria. Tom isn't as intelligent as Mary. Tom isn't as intelligent as Mary. Es lohnt sich, dieses Museum zu besuchen. It is worthwhile visiting that museum. It is worth visiting this museum. Sysko hängt nachts in geheimen Kneipen rum. Sysko hangs around in secret pubs at night. Sysko hangs out in secret pubs at night. Ich spreche ein wenig Französisch. I speak French a little. I speak a little French. Waschen Sie sich vor dem Essen bitte die Hände! Please wash your hands before eating. Why don't you wash your hands before dinner? Viel Lärm um nichts. Much ado about nothing. A lot of noise about nothing. Ich dachte, Tom würde nie aufhören zu reden. I thought Tom would never stop talking. I thought Tom would never stop talking. Wie durch ein Wunder überlebte er. He miraculously survived. Like a miracle, he survived. Mary ist völlig ausgerastet. Mary went berserk. Mary freaked out. Wie behandelten ihn so höflich als irgend möglich. We treated him in the politest manner possible. How did he treat him as polite as possible? Ich hätte gerne noch etwas Brot. I'd like some more bread, please. I'd like some more bread. Die Klasse besteht aus fünfzig Jungen. The class consists of 50 boys. The class consists of fifty boys. Wie hat Tom reagiert? How did Tom respond? How did Tom react? Bitte schließen Sie die Tür. Shut the door, please. Please close the door. Dieser Stuhl gehört ins Sitzungszimmer. This chair belongs in the meeting room. This chair belongs in the meeting room. Er ist vorgestern nach London abgereist. He departed for London the day before yesterday. He left for London the day before yesterday. Er zog seinen Überzieher aus. He took off his overcoat. He took off his cover. Ich habe keine Einwände. I don't have any objections. I have no objections. Diese Maschinen gehen jetzt gerade nicht. These machines aren't working now. These machines aren't working right now. Toms Stimme mag ich. I like Tom's voice. I like Tom's voice. Wir reden später. We'll talk later. I'll talk to you later. Lass Tom heute nicht nach draußen! Don't let Tom go outside today. Don't let Tom go outside today. Sein Home Run begeisterte die Menge. His home run excited the crowd. His home run delighted the crowd. Hast du schon einmal Teig geknetet? Have you ever kneaded dough? Have you ever kneaded dough? Rauchen zerstört deine Lunge. Smoking does damage your lungs. Smoking destroys your lungs. Schalten Sie bitte das Licht ein! Please turn on the light. Turn on the light, please. Kannst du das liefern? Can you deliver that? Can you deliver that? Wenn einem mitten im Test der Magen knurrt, ist das ganz schön peinlich. If your stomach growls in the middle of a test, that's pretty embarrassing. If you growl in the middle of the test, it's quite embarrassing. Tom wird sich beeilen. Tom will hurry. Tom will hurry. Sie versuchte auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, was in der Welt so vor sich geht. She tries to keep up with what is going on in the world. She tried to keep up-to-date on what's going on in the world. Brasilien ist das Land der Zukunft. Brazil is the land of the future. Brazil is the country of the future. Sie hat ein schönes Bild von ihrer Mutter gemalt. She painted a beautiful picture of her mother. She painted a beautiful picture of her mother. Heut' schweb' ich über den Wolken. Heut' möcht' ich nach dem Himmel greifen. Today I feel higher than the mountains. Today I want to touch the sky. Today I'm floating over the clouds. Today I'd like to reach for the sky. Tom war gespannt, was Maria wohl sagen würde. Tom wondered what Mary was going to say. Tom was curious what Mary would say. Ich habe nur Spaß gemacht. I was only joking. I was just kidding. Tom ist damit beschäftigt, das Frühstück für die Familie zu machen. Tom is busy making breakfast for the family. Tom is busy making breakfast for the family. Tom versteht gerade keinen Spaß. Tom isn't in a joking mood. Tom doesn't understand fun right now. Ihr müsst euch die Haare schneiden lassen. You need to get your hair cut. You have to get your hair cut. Jetzt übertreibst du. Now you're exaggerating. Now you're exaggerating. Sie hat Hängebrüste und ihr Mann hat einen Schlappschwanz. She has sagging tits and her husband has a limp noodle. She's got hanging breasts, and her husband's got a limp dick. Dieses Buch gehört Ihnen. This book belongs to you. This book is yours. Sie ist stärker als ich. She's stronger than me. She's stronger than me. Glück hängt nicht so sehr von den äußeren Umständen ab wie von der inneren Einstellung zum Leben. Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking at one's life. Happiness does not depend as much on external circumstances as on the inner attitude to life. Warum haben Sie sie mitgebracht? Why did you bring it? Why did you bring her? Tom ist vorsichtig. Tom is prudent. Tom is careful. Tom ist nicht verärgert. Tom isn't upset. Tom isn't upset. Die Polizei sucht nach der Ursache des Unfalls. The police are investigating the cause of the accident. The police are looking for the cause of the accident. Wem gehört das Essen hier? Whose is this food? Whose food is this? Er hat einen Sitz im Parlament. He has a seat in the Diet. He has a seat in Parliament. Bakterien sind mit bloßem Auge unsichtbar. Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. Tom handelte sehr töricht. Tom acted foolishly. Tom acted very foolishly. Tom setzte sich neben Maria auf den Rasen. Tom sat on the grass next to Mary. Tom sat down on the lawn next to Mary. Mein Französisch ist noch immer nicht allzu gut. My French is still not very good. My French is still not too good. Tom und Maria stellten alle beide ihren Wecker auf 2.30 Uhr. Tom and Mary both set their alarms for 2:30. Tom and Mary both set their alarm clocks at 2:30. Meine beste Freundin hat mich belogen. My best friend lied to me. My best friend lied to me. Es ist nicht ausdrücklich verboten, aber auch nicht wirklich erlaubt. Es ist eine rechtliche Grauzone. It's not explicitly prohibited, but in fact it is not allowed either. It is a legal limbo. It is not expressly prohibited, but it is not allowed. It is a legal grey area. Ich möchte, dass du dich eine Weile um Tom kümmerst. I want you to take care of Tom for a little while. I want you to take care of Tom for a while. Er saß neben ihr auf dem Bett. He sat beside her on her bed. He was sitting next to her on the bed. Die Theorie der Reinkarnation ist keine Erfindung des Spiritismus, im Gegenteil: man kann diese Idee in der Theorie der Seelenwanderung des Pythagoras finden. The theory of reincarnation is not an invention of spiritualism, on the contrary, you can find this idea in the theory of transmigration of Pythagoras. The theory of reincarnation is not an invention of spiritism, on the contrary: this idea can be found in the theory of the soul migration of the Pythagoras. Hat dein Urlaub dir Freude gemacht? Did you enjoy your holiday? Did your vacation make you happy? Tom muss vorsichtiger sein. Tom needs to be more careful. Tom needs to be more careful. Er wurde aus dem Königreich verbannt. He was banished from the kingdom. He was banished from the kingdom. Du errätst nie, was mir heute passiert ist. You'll never guess what happened to me today. You never guess what happened to me today. In ein paar Tagen ist Weihnachten. Christmas is just a few days away. It's Christmas in a few days. Zwei Leute sagen, sie hätten einen Schuss gehört. Two people say they heard a gunshot. Two people say they heard a shot. Alles ist unter Kontrolle. Everything is under control. Everything's under control. Ist das nicht Toms Hut? Isn't that Tom's hat? Isn't that Tom's hat? Dein Wort versetzt mich in Todesangst. Your words make me fear for my life. Your word scares me to death. Die Nachricht erhöhte seine Angst. The news added to his anxiety. The news increased his fear. Sie ist nicht meine Oma, sondern meine Mami. She's not my grandma; she's my mom. She's not my grandma, she's my mommy. Haben wir eins? Do we have one? Do we have one? Ich bin stolz auf euch. I'm proud of you guys. I'm proud of you. Ich will von der Schule abgehen. I want to leave school. I want to leave school. Tom sitzt beim Lesen der Morgenzeitung für gewöhnlich müsliessend am Küchentisch. Tom usually sits at the kitchen table and eats cereal while reading the morning paper. Tom usually sits at the kitchen table when reading the morning paper. Er war blind von Geburt an. He was blind from birth. He was blind from birth. Ich bin gegen Grippe geimpft worden. I was vaccinated against the flu. I've been vaccinated for flu. Hoffen wir, dass es ihm gutgeht! Let's hope he's all right. Let's hope he's okay! Mein Flug geht um sechs. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My flight leaves at six. Toms Antwort war ausweichend. Tom's reply was evasive. Tom's answer was evasive. Tom legte das Buch zur Seite. Tom put the book aside. Tom put the book aside. Wir lieben dich. We love you. We love you. Tom wird langsam aber sicher reich. Tom is getting rich. Tom is slowly but surely getting rich. Johannes zu retten, opferten sich Tom und Maria. Tom and Mary sacrificed their own lives to save John. To save John, Tom and Mary sacrificed themselves. Wir haben alles getan, was wir konnten. We've done all that we could. We did everything we could. Wer hat die Wahl gewonnen? Who won the election? Who won the election? Ich fühle mich wegen Jetlag erschöpft. I feel exhausted because of jet lag. I feel exhausted because of Jetlag. Bis jetzt liegst du richtig. You are in the right so far. So far, you're right. Lass uns wieder zusammen sein! Let's get together again! Let's get back together! Tom hat mit mir Schluss gemacht. Tom broke up with me. Tom broke up with me. Er log mir ins Gesicht. He lied to my face. He lied to my face. Tom schrieb, dass Maria im Krankenhaus sei. Tom wrote that Mary was in the hospital. Tom wrote that Mary was in the hospital. Auf der Welt werden jede Sekunde vier Kinder geboren. Four babies are born every second around the world. In the world, four children are born every second. Es würde ewig dauern, alles zu erklären. It would take forever for me to explain everything. It would take forever to explain everything. Ich will dieses Spiel nicht verlieren. I don't want to lose this match. I don't want to lose this game. Heute ist ein schöner Tag. It's a fine day today. It's a nice day. Tom zog seine Schuhe aus. Tom took off his shoes. Tom took off his shoes. Tom sagte, dass Maria das vielleicht tun würde. Tom said that Mary may do that. Tom said that Mary might do that. Dieses Haus ist so groß, dass du mit deiner Familie darin leben kannst. This house is large enough for your family to live in. This house is so big that you can live in it with your family. Du bist dabei, den größten Fehler deines Lebens zu begehen. You're making the biggest mistake of your life. You're about to make the biggest mistake of your life. Die Masse hat ein kurzes Gedächtnis. People have short memories. The mass has a short memory. Ich warte auf eine Antwort. I'm waiting for a reply. I'm waiting for an answer. Sag Tom, wohin wir fahren! Tell Tom where we're going. Tell Tom where we're going. Darf ich das hier benutzen? It is OK for me to use that? Can I use this? Sie ist eine gute Tänzerin. She is a good dancer. She's a good dancer. Es gibt einen Platz in meiner Leber nur für dich, Alkohol. I have a corner in my liver just for you, alcohol. There's a place in my liver just for you, alcohol. Ich kann nicht einfach so gehen. Ich muss dem Chef sagen, dass ich gehe. I can't just leave. I have to tell the boss I'm leaving. I can't just go, I have to tell the boss I'm going. Mich interessiert nicht, was Tom zu sagen hat. I'm not interested in anything Tom has to say. I don't care what Tom has to say. Zum millionsten Mal: Es tut mir leid! For the millionth time, I'm sorry. For the millionth time, I'm sorry! Wie heißt du mit Nachnamen? What's your last name? What's your last name? Ich verspreche, dass ich mich nie wieder verspäten werde. I promise I won't be late again. I promise I'll never be late again. Die Freundinnen unterhielten sich oft über Partnerschaftsprobleme. The friends often talked about partnership problems. The girlfriends often talked about partnership problems. Wie hast du das Problem gelöst? How did you solve the problem? How did you solve the problem? Ich muss ein paar Dinge erklären. I need to explain a few things. I need to explain a few things. Tom ist Zahnarzt. Tom is a dentist. Tom is a dentist. Du kannst alle anderen, nicht aber dich selbst belügen. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. Ich habe einige Dinge getan, auf die ich nicht stolz bin. I've done some things I'm not proud of. I've done some things I'm not proud of. Der ganze Körper ist dicht von Haaren bedeckt. The entire body is densely covered with hair. The whole body is densely covered with hair. Ich habe gestern zu viel gegessen. I ate too much yesterday. I ate too much yesterday. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Gerücht wahr war. The rumor proved true. Turns out the rumor was true. Das habe ich aus zuverlässiger Quelle gehört. I heard it from a reliable source. I heard that from a reliable source. Warum solltest du das wollen? Why should you want to do that? Why would you want that? Das gibt es doch gar nicht! Unbelievable! There's no way! Tom lernt tatsächlich viel. Tom does study a lot. Tom actually learns a lot. Ich esse zu Hause selten Pizza. I seldom eat pizza at home. I rarely eat pizza at home. Tom und Mary waren die Einzigen, die gerettet wurden. Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved. Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved. Ich war schön. I was lovely. I was beautiful. Ist Tom nach Hause gefahren? Did Tom go home? Did Tom go home? Was Tom wirklich wollte, war ein Erdnussbutterbrot. What Tom really wanted was a peanut butter sandwich. What Tom really wanted was a peanut butter sandwich. Was ist denn das für eine blöde Frage? What kind of stupid question is that? What kind of stupid question is that? Was ist da draußen los? What's going on out there? What's going on out there? Sie waren furchtlos. They were fearless. They were fearless. Sie steckt in Schwierigkeiten, weil sie etwas gesehen hat, was sie nicht hätte sehen dürfen. She's in trouble because she saw something that she shouldn't have. She's in trouble because she saw something she shouldn't have seen. Diese Fische sind hohen Druck und an die Anwesenheit von Licht gewöhnt. These fish are accustomed to high pressure and to the presence of light. These fish are used to high pressure and the presence of light. Während eurer Abwesenheit ist viel passiert. A lot has happened while you've been gone. A lot has happened during your absence. Er sah sich als Retter der Welt. He saw himself as the savior of the world. He saw himself as the savior of the world. Sie konnte wegen ihrer Krankheit nicht kommen. She could not come because she was ill. She couldn't come because of her illness. Zeig mir, wie man es macht. Show me how to do it. Show me how to do it. Ich frage mich, ob ich stolz darauf sein sollte, dass auf den ersten fünf Seiten der Suche nach meinem Namen nichts über mich steht, oder ob ich mich dafür schämen sollte. I wonder whether I should be proud or ashamed that there is no information about me on the first five pages of internet search results for my name. I wonder if I should be proud that on the first five pages of the search for my name there is nothing above me, or should I be ashamed of it. Tom hat sich nicht von Maria küssen lassen. Tom didn't let Mary kiss him. Tom didn't let Mary kiss him. Das Mädchen sagte, dass sie mit ihrer Mutter einkaufen war, ungeachtet dessen, was sie eigentlich gefragt wurde. The girl said she was going shopping with her mother, ignoring what she was told. The girl said that she was shopping with her mother, regardless of what she was actually asked. Tom dachte, er hätte eine Chance, an der Börse einen Haufen Geld zu machen. Tom thought he had a chance to make a lot of money on the stock market. Tom thought he had a chance to make a lot of money on the stock exchange. Er schien sie sehr zu lieben. He seemed to love her very much. He seemed to love her very much. Meine Schwester hat Borreliose. My sister has Lyme disease. My sister has Lyme disease. Kannst du auf Französisch zählen? Can you count in French? Can you count on French? Tom drückte sein Bedauern darüber aus, dass er Maria aufgefordert hatte, Johannes zu jener Tat zu bringen. Tom said he wished he hadn't told Mary to try to convince John to do that. Tom expressed his regret that he had asked Mary to take John to that deed. Er hat ein Buch über seine Abenteuer im Dschungel geschrieben. He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. Sie hat sich völlig von ihrer Krankheit erholt. She has completely recovered from her illness. She has completely recovered from her illness. Das ist meine eigene Angelegenheit. That is my own affair. This is my own business. Ihr seid hässlich. You're ugly. You're ugly. Kennst du Doktoren, die Japanisch sprechen? Do you know any doctors who speak Japanese? Do you know doctors who speak Japanese? Ich empfehle, Tom das zu sagen, was er wissen möchte. My advice is to tell Tom what he wants to know. I recommend that Tom say what he wants to know. Jeden Tag fahre ich entweder mit dem Fahrrad oder mit dem Bus zur Arbeit. Every day I either ride a bike or get the bus to work. Every day I go either by bike or by bus to work. Du hast den Kuchen noch nicht gegessen. You have not eaten the cake yet. You haven't eaten the cake yet. Wenn Tom nur lernen würde, allem gegenüber etwas positiver eingestellt zu sein, fänden ihn sicher alle etwas sympathischer. If Tom would learn to be a little more positive about things, people would probably like him a bit more. If Tom only learned to be a little more positive about everything, everyone would probably find him a little more likeable. Ich denke, Sie sind im Recht. I think that you're right. I think you're right. Es fing an zu regnen. It started to rain. It started to rain. Er sah aus wie ein reicher Mann. He looked like a rich man. He looked like a rich man. Man lernt, um zu leben. Man lebt nicht, um zu lernen. One learns to live. One doesn't live to learn. You learn to live, you don't live to learn. Ich möchte Tom eine Nachricht hinterlassen. I'd like to leave a message for Tom. I want to leave a message to Tom. Wollen Sie das riskieren? Do you want to risk that? Do you want to risk that? Sie haben einen guten Ruf. Their reputation is good. You have a good reputation. Liisa hatte ein Problem damit, dass Markku ständig versuchte, seine Überlegenheit auszuspielen. Liisa had a problem with the fact that Markku constantly tried to exploit his superiority. Liisa had a problem with Markku constantly trying to play out his superiority. Ich hoffe, dass Japan Artikel 9 seiner Verfassung einhalten wird. I hope that Japan will abide by Article 9 of her Constitution. I hope that Japan will comply with Article 9 of its Constitution. Ich singe nicht besonders gut. I don't sing particularly well. I don't sing very well. Das da ist meins. Ich weiß nicht, wo ihrs ist. That is mine. I don't know where hers is. That's mine, I don't know where she is. Dieses Buch wurde vor ein paar Jahren als Fälschung entlarvt. A couple of years ago, this book was exposed as a fraud. This book was exposed as a fake a few years ago. Unsere Mannschaft ist noch unbesiegt. Our team is still undefeated. Our team is still undefeated. Ich frage mich, was in seinem Kopf vorgeht. I wonder what goes on inside his head? I wonder what's going on in his head. Wo ist das Esszimmer? Where's the dining room? Where's the dining room? Ich kann das nicht ohne deine Hilfe tun. I will not be able to do this without your help. I can't do this without your help. Ich bin mir zwar nicht sicher, aber ich glaube, dass Tom sich eine Beziehung mit Maria wünscht. I can't be sure, but I think Tom wants to go out with Mary. I'm not sure, but I think Tom wants a relationship with Mary. Tom sagte, ihr wäret beschäftigt. Tom said you were busy. Tom said you were busy. Passt auf euren kleinen Bruder auf! Look after your little brother. Take care of your little brother! Dieser Planet ist implodiert. That planet has imploded. This planet is imploded. Willst du wissen, warum Tom heute nicht hier ist? Do you want to know why Tom isn't here today? Do you want to know why Tom isn't here today? Ich bin ein guter Vater. I'm a good father. I'm a good father. Hiervon werden wir später im Einzelnen sprechen. We'll talk about this in detail later. We will talk about this later in detail. Was um alles in der Welt ist in dich gefahren? What in the world got into you? What in the world has gotten into you? Zum Teufel noch mal! Damn it all! For fuck's sake! Schon einen Tag nach der Abreise seiner Freundin fühlte er sich einsam. The very next day after the departure of it's friend, it felt lonely. One day after his girlfriend left, he felt lonely. Tom ist leicht berauscht. Tom is a little high. Tom is slightly intoxicated. Mein Vater geht nicht immer zu Fuß zur Arbeit. My father does not always walk to work. My father doesn't always walk to work. Ich glaube nicht, dass das ein richtiges Wort ist. I don't think that's a real word. I don't think that's a real word. Ich habe Angst in der Nacht. I'm afraid at night. I'm scared that night. Wo kann ich einen Rasenmäher kaufen? Where can I buy a lawnmower? Where can I buy a lawnmower? Tom verdient das Doppelte meines Gehalts. Tom earns twice my salary. Tom earns twice my salary. Ich habe nicht mit Tom gesprochen. I didn't speak with Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Es liegt nur vier Minuten mit dem Zug von hier entfernt. It's only four minutes from here by train. It is only four minutes by train from here. Tom sieht nicht allzu glücklich aus. Tom doesn't look very happy. Tom doesn't look too happy. Das Lagerfeuer brennt noch immer. The campfire is still burning. The campfire's still on fire. Ich ging nach Sendai und beeilte mich, rechtzeitig zurück zu sein. I went to Sendai and hurried right back. I went to Sendai and rushed to be back in time. Er schwieg, während wir sprachen. He kept quiet while we were talking. He remained silent while we were talking. Heute ist nicht dein Tag. Today is not your day. It's not your day. Obwohl mein Auto sehr alt ist, läuft es noch sehr gut. Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. Although my car is very old, it's still going very well. Was hältst du von Schuluniformen? What do you think of school uniforms? What do you think about school uniforms? Schade, dass wir nicht bleiben können. It's a pity we can't stay. Too bad we can't stay. „Möchtest du mit mir auf den Ball gehen?" – „Es tut mir sehr leid, aber ich kann nicht." "Do you want to go to the ball with me?" "I'm really sorry, but I can't." "Would you like to go to the ball with me?" "I'm very sorry, but I can't." Hast du das überprüft? Did you check this? Did you check it out? Tom wird hier glücklich sein. Tom is going to be happy here. Tom will be happy here. Er kommt montags oft zu spät zur Schule. He is often late for school on Mondays. He's often late for school on Mondays. Du kommst gerade rechtzeitig zum Abendessen. You're just in time for dinner. You're just in time for dinner. Die Römer bauten Aquädukte, um sauberes Wasser in die Städte zu leiten. The Romans built aqueducts to bring clean water into the cities. The Romans built aqueducts to channel clean water into the cities. Sie steht um 7 Uhr auf. She gets up at seven. She gets up at 7:00. Haben Sie die gestrige Folge gesehen? Did you see yesterday's episode? Did you see yesterday's episode? Mir ist heiß. I am hot. I'm hot. Wir können nicht wirklich irgendetwas vorhersagen. We cannot really predict anything. We can't really predict anything. Seid artig, während ich weg bin! Behave yourselves while I'm gone. Be good while I'm gone! Er hat alle Hoffnung aufgegeben. He has lost all hope. He gave up all hope. Er hat zwei Söhne, die noch nicht in die Schule gehen. He has two sons that don't go to school yet. He has two sons who don't go to school yet. Es wird lange dauern. It'll take a long time. It'll take a long time. Tom gibt uns seit vier Jahren Französischunterricht. Tom has been teaching us French for the past four years. Tom has been teaching us French for four years. Du bist nicht glücklich, oder? You aren't happy, are you? You're not happy, are you? Ich kann schneller laufen als Ken. I can run faster than Ken. I can run faster than Ken. Tom hat Überstunden gemacht. Tom worked overtime. Tom worked overtime. Jim ist Kanadier. Jim is Canadian. Jim is Canadian. Der General inspizierte die Truppe. The general inspected the troops. The general inspected the force. Ich habe einen Hotdog zu Mittag gegessen. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I had a hot dog for lunch. Tom kaufte mir einen Drink. Tom bought me a drink. Tom bought me a drink. Er ist größer als alle anderen Jungen. He is taller than any other boy. He's bigger than all the other boys. Das Abendessen ist fertig. Dinner is ready. Dinner's ready. Eltern bringen ihren Kindern bei, dass es falsch ist zu lügen. Parents teach their children that it's wrong to lie. Parents teach their children that it's wrong to lie. Du bist in einigem richtiggelegen. Allerdings, ein paar Fehler hast du gemacht. You were right about several things. However, you made a few errors. You're in some right place, but you made a few mistakes. Tom machte sich eine Tasse Tee. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Ich habe Toni geholfen. I helped Tony. I helped Toni. Viele Leute mögen es, zu reisen. Many people like to travel. Many people like to travel. Dein Vater ist befördert worden. Your father got a promotion. Your father's been promoted. Ich wusste nicht, dass du hier einmal gearbeitet hast. I didn't know that you used to work here. I didn't know you worked here once. Dies ist Nahrung. This is food. This is food. Ich bin nicht schwul. I'm not gay. I'm not gay. Könntest du mir sagen, wieso du ihn liebst? Can you tell me why you like him? Could you tell me why you love him? "Bustrophedon" ist ein seltsames Wort... "Boustrophedon" is an unusual word... "Bustrophedon" is a strange word... Ich mag dich eigentlich nicht. I don't really like you. I don't really like you. Sie werden sich daran gewöhnen. You'll get used to it. You'll get used to it. Toms Mobiltelefon klingelte, und er nahm ab. Tom's cellphone rang and he answered it. Tom's cell phone rang and he took off. Ich wollte immer nur Lehrer werden. I've never wanted to be anything else but a teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher. Ich beneide ihn um sein Glück. I envy him his luck. I envy him for his luck. Du kannst nicht einfach nur dastehen und zusehen, wie Tom stirbt! You can't just stand there and watch Tom die. You can't just stand there and watch Tom die. Wir können Tausende von Sternen am Himmel sehen. We can see thousands of stars in the sky. We can see thousands of stars in the sky. Sie möchte wissen, wer die Blumen geschickt hat. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Tom ist ein gewandter Schwimmer. Tom is an accomplished swimmer. Tom is a smart swimmer. Das ist normalerweise seine Ankunftszeit. This is the time he normally arrives. This is usually his time of arrival. Ich wohne seit sechs Wochen hier. I have lived here for six weeks. I've lived here for six weeks. Wo ist das WC? Where is the restroom? Where's the toilet? Kein Taxi hielt an. No taxi stopped. No taxi stopped. Tom liebt dich. Ich weiß, dass er es tut. Tom loves you. I know he does. Tom loves you. I know he does. Sie haben sich die Fußnägel lackiert. They painted their toenails. They painted their toenails. Ich glaube dir kein Wort. I totally don't believe you. I don't believe you. Tom hat mich unterbrochen. Tom cut me off. Tom interrupted me. Wir machen es nicht. We're not doing it. We're not doing it. Diese Hunde sind groß. Those dogs are big. These dogs are big. Mit 25 Buchstaben ist "anticonstitutionnellement" das längste französische Wort. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. With 25 letters, "anticonstitutionnellement" is the longest French word. Ich wünschte, wir könnten einfach Tom fragen. I wish we could just ask Tom. I wish we could just ask Tom. Tom und Maria sahen sich zusammen einen Gruselfilm an. Tom and Mary watched a scary movie together. Tom and Mary watched a scary movie together. Tom sagte, dass er glaube, das könne auch in Boston passieren. Tom said he thought that it could happen in Boston, too. Tom said that he thought this could happen in Boston, too. Ich hoffe, ihr überlegt es euch anders. I hope you change your mind. I hope you change your mind. Was er sah, überraschte ihn. He was surprised by what he saw. What he saw surprised him. Tom trank auf seiner Russlandreise eine Menge Wodka. Tom drank a lot of vodka on his trip to Russia. Tom drank a lot of vodka on his trip to Russia. Nanu? Was hat das damit zu tun? Huh? How is that relevant? What's that got to do with it? Gebt mir bitte einen Rat, was ich tun soll! Please advise me on what to do. Please give me some advice on what to do! Du kannst nicht einfach so tun, als wäre nichts gewesen. You can't just pretend that nothing happened. You can't just pretend nothing happened. Das hättest du mir eher sagen sollen. You should have told me sooner. You should have told me earlier. Das passiert nicht wirklich, oder? That isn't really going to happen, is it? This isn't really happening, is it? Das ist nicht zum ersten Mal passiert. This isn't the first time that this has happened. This isn't the first time that's happened. Bist du Deutscher? Are you German? Are you German? Ich habe nichts gesagt, was seine Gefühle verletzen sollte. I didn't say anything to hurt his feelings. I didn't say anything to hurt his feelings. Die Frau wäscht ihr Gesicht. The woman washes her face. The woman washes her face. Erinnerst du dich an unsere Treffen? Do you remember our dates? Do you remember our meetings? Wer ist krank? Who is sick? Who's sick? Würden Sie anstelle von mir gehen? Will you go in place of me? Would you leave instead of me? Dann nahm sie Nadel und Faden und fing an, ihre Strümpfe zu flicken. Then she took out a needle and thread, and began to darn her stockings. Then she took the needle and thread and started to patch her stockings. Er hat keine Freunde, die ihn beraten könnten. He has no friends to advise him. He doesn't have any friends to advise him. Tom hält das für eine alberne Idee. Tom thinks it's a ridiculous idea. Tom thinks that's a silly idea. Ich versuchte Tom zu überzeugen. I tried to convince Tom. I tried to convince Tom. Heute war ich in der Stadt einkaufen. I went shopping in town today. I went shopping in town today. „Du bist betrunken." – „Bin ich gar nicht!" "You're drunk." "No, I'm not." "You're drunk." "I'm not at all!" Tom schafft es, mit sehr wenig Geld auszukommen. Tom manages to get along on very little money. Tom manages to get along with very little money. Tom ist stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Berliner Vereins der Bienenzüchter. Tom is acting chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Tom is deputy chairman of the Berlin Association of Beekeepers. Der Norden gewann die Schlacht von Shiloh. The North won the Battle of Shiloh. The North won the battle of Shiloh. Manches bleibt besser ungesagt. Some things are better left unsaid. Some things are better left unsaid. Du siehst nicht sehr gut aus. You don't look very good. You don't look very good. Ich muss fort von hier, ehe Tom entrifft. I need to leave before Tom arrives. I have to leave here before Tom meets. Was ist der Titel des Buchs? What is the title of the book? What is the title of the book? Ich habe dich ja gewarnt, wie gefährlich es würde. I warned you about how dangerous it would be. I warned you how dangerous it would be. Er hat beschlossen, dass er Pilot werden will. He made up his mind to become a pilot. He decided to become a pilot. Sie schob das Huhn in den Ofen. She put the chicken in the oven. She shoved the chicken into the oven. Ich muss eine große Familie unterhalten. I have to support a large family. I need to entertain a big family. Ich habe große Angst. I'm very afraid. I'm very scared. „Wem gehören diese Hunde?" — „Sie gehören meinen Nachbarn." "Whose dogs are these?" "They are my neighbor's." "To whom do these dogs belong?" "They belong to my neighbors." Wie schade, dass ich keinen Garten habe! What a pity I don't have a garden. What a pity I don't have a garden! Das Buch, das ich las, hat mir eine Menge gegeben. I got a lot out of that book I read. The book I read gave me a lot. Er ist offensichtlich krank. It seems obvious that he is sick. He's obviously sick. Tom glaubt an die Gleichberechtigung von Frau und Mann. Tom believes in equality between women and men. Tom believes in the equality of women and men. Na gut, mach's wie du willst, aber beklage dich nicht bei mir, wenn's schiefgeht. All right, do it your own way, but don't blame me if you fail. All right, do as you want, but don't complain to me if things go wrong. Das ist ja eine tolle Idee. That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Ich möchte mich bedanken. I want to say thank you. I'd like to thank you. Waren Sie eifersüchtig? Were you jealous? Were you jealous? Mein Schicksal ist in deinen Händen. My fate is in your hands. My fate is in your hands. Ich habe gerade Tom in der Mensa getroffen. I just ran into Tom in the cafeteria. I just met Tom in the canteen. Tom ist finanziell unabhängig geworden. Tom became financially independent. Tom has become financially independent. Ich bin wichtig. I'm important. I'm important. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie würden mit Elke zusammen zu Mittag essen. Tom and Mary told John that they'd eat lunch with Alice. Tom and Mary told John that they were having lunch with Alice. Er hatte Angst davor, es zu tun. He was scared to do it. He was afraid to do it. Ich fühlte mich federleicht. I felt light as a feather. I felt feathery. Ich bin neugierig, wie lange es dauern wird, bis der Fehler auffällt. I wonder how long it'll take for the mistake to be noticed. I'm curious how long it'll take to notice the mistake. Tom telefonierte gerade. Tom was talking on the phone. Tom was on the phone. Ich mache das nicht für dich. I'm not doing this for you. I'm not doing this for you. Er hat sehr kurze Haare. He has very short hair. He has very short hair. Er hatte die Angewohnheit, zeitig aufzustehen. He was in the habit of getting up early. He had the habit of getting up early. Das ist ein großer Sieg. This is a great victory. This is a great victory. Es ist meine Aufgabe, Menschen wie dir zu helfen. It's my job to help people like you. It's my job to help people like you. Als sie die schlechten Neuigkeiten hörte, brach sie in Tränen aus. On hearing the bad news, she burst into tears. When she heard the bad news, she burst into tears. Tom war unausstehlich. Tom was obnoxious. Tom was obnoxious. Was dieses Problem anbelangt, kannst du dich deiner Verantwortung nicht entziehen. As far as this problem is concerned, you cannot escape your responsibility. As far as this problem is concerned, you cannot evade your responsibility. Ich verstehe dich nicht. I do not understand you. I don't understand you. Ich habe nur getan, was nötig war. I only did what was necessary. All I did was do what was necessary. Darf ich dich etwas fragen? Do you mind if I ask you a question? Can I ask you something? Das funktioniert nicht richtig. It doesn't work correctly. This isn't working right. Wie viele Garnituren Kleider hast du eingepackt? How many changes of clothes did you pack? How many sets of clothes did you pack? Vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg lag die finnisch-sowjetische Grenze nahe Leningrad. Before the second world war, the border between Finland and the USSR was near Leningrad. Before World War II, the Finnish-Soviet border was near Leningrad. Meine Eltern sind geschieden. My parents are divorced. My parents are divorced. Ann spielt sehr gut Tennis. Ann plays tennis very well. Ann plays tennis very well. Er überquerte den Fluss. He crossed the river. He crossed the river. Feld und Wald ist der Lieblingsort von Maria. Fields and forests are Maria's favourite places Field and forest is Maria's favorite place. Sie machte sich über meine Akne lustig. She made fun of my acne. She made fun of my acne. Ich bin kein Künstler. I'm not an artist. I'm not an artist. Kinder brauchen Liebe und Zuneigung. Children need affection and love. Children need love and affection. Sie sorgt sich um eure Sicherheit. She's worrying for your safety. She's worried about your safety. Wir haben viel Alkohol getrunken. We drank a lot of alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. Tom mischt sich immer in Dinge ein, die ihn nichts angehen. Tom always meddles in affairs that do not concern him. Tom always interferes with things that don't concern him. Du kannst jenen Richter nicht bestechen. You can't buy that judge. You can't bribe that judge. Die Temperatur steigt. The temperature is rising. The temperature's rising. Tōkyō ist die größte Stadt Japans. Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. Tokyō is the largest city in Japan. Folgen Sie immer dieser Straße! Go straight along this street. Always follow this road! Er isst nichts weiter als Früchte. He eats nothing other than fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Ihm wurde bang und bänger. He was getting increasingly anxious. He got banged and banged. Das Eis taut ab. The ice is melting. The ice is thawing. Ich glaube, er sagt die Wahrheit. I think he's telling the truth. I think he's telling the truth. Tom gab seinem Hund einen Knochen. Tom gave his dog a bone. Tom gave his dog a bone. Ich sah Tom nicht an. I didn't look at Tom. I didn't look at Tom. Maria hielt und stieg aus. Mary stopped her car and got out. Mary stopped and got out. Nie wirst du auf einem Zebrastreifen ein Zebra streifen. You will never brush against a zebra crossing a zebra crossing. You'll never roam a zebra on a zebra strip. Ich übersetze nur Artikel, keine Bücher. I translate only articles, not books. I'm just translating articles, not books. Tom sagte mir, dass ich das besser könne als Maria. Tom told me that I'm better at doing that than Mary. Tom told me that I could do better than Mary. Ich lebe in einer Einöde. I live in a remote area. I live in a desert. Ich muss dieses Geschäft in einer Woche abschließen. I must close this transaction within a week. I have to close this business in a week. Mach dir nicht im Voraus Sorgen! Don't cross your bridges before you come to them. Don't worry in advance! Tom fand den Beweis, den wir brauchten, um Marias Mörder zu überführen. Tom found the evidence we needed to convict Mary's killer. Tom found the evidence we needed to convict Mary's killer. Ich kann im Gästezimmer bleiben. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. Das Haus ist bis auf den Grund abgebrannt. The house burned to the ground. The house burned down to the ground. Tom hat es auch gesehen. Tom also saw it. Tom saw it, too. Ich kann Toms Logik nicht folgen. I can't follow Tom's logic. I can't follow Tom's logic. Tom war die ganze Zeit in seinem LKW. Tom was in his truck the whole time. Tom was in his truck all the time. Tom kann keinen Schlips binden. Tom can't tie a tie. Tom can't tie a tie. Tom muss jetzt nach Hause. Tom has to go home now. Tom has to go home now. Das ist deine Schlussfolgerung, nicht meine. That's your conclusion, not mine. That's your conclusion, not mine. Tom sah durch das Fenster auf die Straße. Tom looked through the window at the street. Tom looked at the street through the window. Diese Straße ist vielleicht laut! How noisy this street is! This street may be noisy! Ich brauche etwas Wasser. I need some water. I need some water. Tom ist nikotinabhängig. Tom's hooked on cigarettes. Tom is nicotine addicted. Danke, dass du mich rechtzeitig angerufen hast! Thank you for calling me on time. Thank you for calling me in time! Sonntags ist das Museum nicht geöffnet. On Sundays, the museum is not open. The museum is not open on Sundays. Sie sprechen. You speak. You're speaking. Tom starb nur einen Tag nach seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag. Tom died just one day after his seventieth birthday. Tom died just one day after his 70th birthday. Es ist erstaunlich, wie viele unglückliche Ehen es gibt. It's surprising how many unhappy marriages there are. It's amazing how many unhappy marriages there are. Die Tasche war groß und überdies schwer. The bag was big, and moreover, it was heavy. The bag was large and heavy. Sie ist klug und arbeitsam. She's smart and hardworking. She's smart and hard-working. Danke, aber das interessiert mich nicht. Thanks, but I'm not interested. Thank you, but I don't care. Er muss aus dem Amt entfernt werden. He needs to be removed from office. He must be removed from office. Es offenbarte sich alsbald, dass Maria für zwei aß. It was revealed that Mary was pregnant. It soon revealed that Mary ate for two. Ich weiß, warum du nicht dorthin gehen willst. I see why you don't want to go there. I know why you don't want to go there. Du bist die schlechteste Lügnerin der Welt. You're the worst liar in the world. You're the worst liar in the world. Sie wachen kaum einmal so früh auf. You rarely ever wake up this early. They barely wake up this early. Das ist Toms Zimmer. That's Tom's room. This is Tom's room. Er hat sich selbst Französisch beigebracht. He taught himself French. He taught himself French. Sauerstoff ist für das Leben auf der Erde notwendig. Oxygen is necessary for life on earth. Oxygen is necessary for life on Earth. Hier ist mein Schlüssel. Here is my key. Here's my key. Sie ist Japanerin. She is Japanese. She's Japanese. Ich will dich nicht verlieren, Tom. I don't want to lose you, Tom. I don't want to lose you, Tom. Tom belog Maria, als er behauptete, er kenne Johannes nicht. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Tom lied to Mary when he said he didn't know John. Es ist fragwürdig, ob ihre Lieder populär werden. It is doubtful whether her song will become popular. It is questionable whether their songs become popular. Denken Sie, es ist meine Schuld? Do you think it's my fault? Do you think it's my fault? Wer in drei Teufels Namen ist Tom? Who the heck is Tom? Who in three devils' name is Tom? Stell es zurück. Put it back. Put it back. Tom ist Ihr Sohn, nicht meiner. Tom is your son, not mine. Tom is your son, not mine. Das kriegst du noch besser hin. You can do better than that. You can do that even better. In dem Punkte stimme ich dir zu. I agree with you on that point. I agree with you on that point. Wir können es nachschlagen. We can look it up. We can look it up. Darf ich Ihnen helfen? Can I help you? May I help you? Danke für die Übersetzung. Wähle aber bitte eine andere Flagge! Thanks for the translation. But please choose another flag! Thanks for the translation. But please choose another flag! Da kommt der Zug. Here comes the train. Here comes the train. Ist der Außenminister schon da? Has the Foreign Secretary arrived yet? Is the Foreign Minister here yet? Das ist nur meine persönliche Meinung. This is just my personal opinion. That's just my personal opinion. Es ist schon lange her, dass wir uns das letzte Mal gesehen haben. It's been ages since we last met. It's been a long time since we last saw each other. Tom will nicht in der Stadt leben. Tom doesn't want to live in the city. Tom doesn't want to live in town. Freunde sind sehr wichtig. Friends are very important. Friends are very important. Er sagte: "Lass mich in Frieden!" He said: "Leave me in peace!" He said, "Leave me alone!" Marias Eltern haben komplett durchgedreht. Mary's parents completely freaked out. Mary's parents went completely crazy. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie hätten Verständnis. Tom and Mary told John that they were sympathetic. Tom and Mary told John that they understood. Wir wollen hoffen, dass sie beide nach einem Ausweg aus dieser schwierigen Situation suchen. Let's hope they'll both be looking for a way out of this difficult situation. We hope that they will both look for a way out of this difficult situation. Tom könnte am Montag zu Hause sein. Tom may be home on Monday. Tom could be home on Monday. Warum denkst du, Dan würde dies tun? Why do you think Dan would do this? Why do you think Dan would do this? Seine Tapferkeit verdient Anerkennung. His bravery is worth respecting. His bravery deserves recognition. Hast du es in der Klasse gegessen? Do you eat it in the classroom? Did you eat it in class? In einem Wutanfall boxte ich auf die Wand und brach mir meinen Zeigefinger. In a fit of anger I punched the wall and broke my index finger. In a rage, I punched the wall and broke my index finger. Kontaktiere mich, sobald du hier ankommst. Get in touch with me as soon as you arrive here. Contact me as soon as you get here. Sie fanden Tom in der Menschenmenge. They found Tom in the crowd. They found Tom in the crowd. Es ist eine blöde Situation. It's an ugly situation. It's a stupid situation. Die Leute mögen Tom. People like Tom. People like Tom. Ob Tom mich wohl vermisst? I wonder whether Tom misses me. Do you think Tom misses me? Ich mache ihr keinen Vorwurf. I don't blame her. I don't blame her. Es ist nicht sehr sinnvoll. It doesn't make much sense. It doesn't make much sense. Tom ist im Französischen bewandert. Tom is proficient in French. Tom is knowledgeable in French. Unsere Menschen fahren nicht mit dem Taxi zum Bäcker. Our people don't take a taxi to the bakery. Our people don't take a taxi to the bakery. Sie war sich ihres Fehlers nicht bewusst. She was unconscious of her mistake. She wasn't aware of her mistake. Da er mir keine Rechtsberatung angedeihen ließ, fragte ich seinen Hund. He wouldn't give me any legal advice so I asked his dog. Since he did not give me legal advice, I asked his dog. Carlos drehte sich um. Carlos turned around. Carlos turned around. Das Geschenk freute die Indianer sehr. The gift delighted the Indians very much. The gift pleased the Indians very much. Weil mein Fahrrad einen Platten hatte, verpasste ich den 7-Uhr-Zug. My bicycle had a flat tire, so I missed the seven o'clock train. Because my bike had a plate, I missed the 7 o'clock train. Ich bin Linkshänder. I'm a lefty. I'm left-handed. Lasst uns loslegen. Let's begin. Let's get started. Das hier ist mein Lieblingslied. This is my favourite song. This is my favorite song. Das Unwort des Jahres 2011 lautet „Döner-Morde". Year 2011's most infamous expression is "Kebab murders". The unword of the year 2011 is "Döner murders". Können Sie das beweisen? Can you prove it? Can you prove that? Der Präsident gab den Reportern ein Interview. The President gave an interview for reporters. The president gave the reporters an interview. Hattest du Schwierigkeiten mit deinen Eltern? Did you get in trouble with your parents? Did you have trouble with your parents? Maria spielte gestern Fußball. Mary played football yesterday. Mary played football yesterday. Ich möchte Ihnen meine Träume nicht erzählen. I don't want to tell you my dreams. I don't want to tell you my dreams. Du bist kein Kanadier. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Spricht man trotzdem so zu seinen Eltern und besseren Ehehälften? Is that anyway to speak to your elders and betters! Is that how you talk to your parents and better marriages? Sagen Sie Tom, was los ist! Tell Tom what's wrong. Tell Tom what's going on. Mary gab vor, ihre Nägel zu lackieren. Mary pretended to polish her nails. Mary pretended to paint her nails. Der Junge bemühte sich vergeblich, die Küste zu erreichen. The boy made vain efforts to reach the shore. The boy tried in vain to reach the coast. Tom brachte Maria ein Glas Wasser. Tom brought Mary a glass of water. Tom brought Mary a glass of water. Ich denke, dass es einer von den Männern dort war, der Toms Kamera gestohlen hat. I think it was one of those men that stole Tom's camera. I think it was one of the men there who stole Tom's camera. Sein Witz grenzt an Beleidigung. His joke borders on insult. His joke is bordered by insult. Aber ich will ja lernen! I do want to learn! But I want to learn! Christiano Ronaldo ist ein Fußballspieler. Christiano Ronaldo is a soccer player. Christiano Ronaldo is a football player. Ich werde auch Französisch lernen. I'll study French, too. I will also learn French. Da der Autor geraume Zeit nicht reagierte, habe ich die Korrektur ausgeführt. Since the author hasn't responded for some considerable time, I have made the correction. Since the author did not respond for some time, I did the correction. Ich habe eine Fliegende Untertasse gesehen. I saw a UFO. I saw a flying saucer. Tom will das nicht tun. Tom doesn't want to do that. Tom doesn't want to do this. Sind Sie sicher, dass Tom Marias Freund ist? Are you sure that Tom is Mary's boyfriend? Are you sure Tom is Mary's boyfriend? Schön wär's, wenn du bleiben könntest. I wish you could stay. I wish you could stay. Ich bin der einzige in meiner Familie, der kein Französisch kann. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. I'm the only one in my family who can't speak French. Du hast Angst vor ihm. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Er hat sich nie völlig von seinen Verletzungen erholt. He never fully recovered from his injuries. He never fully recovered from his injuries. Wo gehst du hin? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Ein einfaches Holzkreuz kennzeichnete Toms Grab. A simple wooden cross marks Tom's grave. Tom's grave was marked by a simple wooden cross. Ich frage mich, warum Tennis in Miniröcken gespielt wird. I wonder why tennis is played in mini-skirts. I wonder why tennis is played in miniskirts. Hallo, Mädels! Hello, girls. Hello, girls! Wir verhafteten sie. We arrested her. We arrested her. Tom hatte seinen Fahrschein bereits gelöst, als ich ankam. Tom had already bought his ticket by the time I arrived. Tom had already cleared his ticket when I arrived. Hier draußen ist es recht heiß. It's rather hot out here. It's pretty hot out here. Er steckte den Schlüssel ins Schloss. He put the key in the lock. He put the key in the lock. Ich liebe dieses Mobiltelefon! I love this mobile phone. I love this phone! Maria hatte ihren Pullover verkehrt herum an. Mary had her sweater on inside out. Mary had her sweater upside down. Ich glaube es ja wohl nicht, dass du das isst, wovon der Arzt dir abgeraten hat! I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat. I don't think you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat! Tom isst so gut wie nie Gurken. Tom hardly ever eats cucumbers. Tom hardly ever eats cucumbers. Die Erde und die Sonne sind nur winzige Punkte unter den Milliarden Sternen der Milchstraße. The Earth and Sun are just tiny dots among the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth and the Sun are only tiny dots among the billions of stars of the Milky Way. Tom nahm auf Marias Gefühle keinerlei Rücksicht. Tom showed no consideration whatsoever for Mary's feelings. Tom took no account of Mary's feelings. Sie hat mich vor meinen Freunden in Verlegenheit gebracht. She embarrassed me in front of my friends. She embarrassed me in front of my friends. Niemand kann begreifen, wie der Unfall passiert ist. No one can understand how the accident happened. No one can understand how the accident happened. Außer Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren! Keep out of reach of children. Keep out of reach of children! Tom hatte nicht den Mut, Selbstmord zu begehen. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide. Die Knabenliebe war im antiken Griechenland gesellschaftlich akzeptiert. Paederasty was socially accepted in ancient Greece. The boy's love was socially accepted in ancient Greece. Hat Tom sie gefunden? Did Tom find it? Did Tom find her? Tom hängt wieder an der Flasche. Tom is back on the bottle. Tom is back on the bottle. So hätte ich es nicht gesagt. I wouldn't have said it that way. I wouldn't have said it like that. Ihr hättet zum Meeting gehen sollen. You should have attended the meeting. You should've gone to the meeting. Tom stieß Maria vom Klippenrand. Tom pushed Mary off the edge of the cliff. Tom pushed Mary from the edge of the cliff. Regeln sind alles oder nichts. Rules are all or nothing. Rules are everything or nothing. Seeotter sind süß. Sea otters are cute. Sea otters are cute. Wenn ich einen Sohn hätte, würde ich ihn nicht Tom nennen. If I had a son, I wouldn't name him Tom. If I had a son, I wouldn't call him Tom. Dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Status Fortgeschrittener Mitarbeiter beantragt. Du kannst uns jederzeit deine Meinung wissen lassen. Sende uns eine Nachricht über den folgenden Link! This contributor has asked for advanced contributor status. Please feel free to share your opinion with us. Send us a message using the following link. This employee has applied for the status of Advanced Staff. You can let us know your opinion at any time. Send us a message via the following link! Ich denke, dass du es schaffen wirst! I think you're going to make it. I think you're gonna make it! Tom und Maria wohnen in einem Baumhaus. Tom and Mary live in a treehouse. Tom and Mary live in a tree house. Ich will mich nicht mit dieser Gruppe identifizieren. I don't want to identify myself with that group. I don't want to identify with this group. Du musst dieses nehmen. You have to take this. You have to take this. Tom lieh sich von Maria dreißig Dollar, um Johannes ein Geburtstagsgeschenk zu kaufen. Tom borrowed thirty dollars from Mary to buy John a birthday present. Tom borrowed thirty dollars from Mary to buy John a birthday present. Sami rief mich zurück. Sami called me back. Sami called me back. Ich bin ihm durch eine enge Freundschaft verbunden. I am bound to him by a close friendship. I'm connected to him by a close friendship. Mein Freund lernt Koreanisch. My friend studies Korean. My friend is studying Korean. Es hätte wahrscheinlich nichts genützt. It probably wouldn't have helped. It probably wouldn't have worked. Mein Kopf tut nicht mehr weh. My headache has gone. My head doesn't hurt anymore. Das ist dein Hut, oder? This is your hat, isn't it? That's your hat, isn't it? Das sind die Fakten. Those are the facts. That's the facts. Hallo, ich heiße Linfeng. Hello, I'm called Linfeng. Hello, my name is Linfeng. Wie habt ihr euren Urlaub verbracht? How did you spend your holiday? How did you spend your vacation? Tom bat Maria, ihn die Hausaufgaben bei sich abschreiben zu lassen. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. Tom asked Mary to have him write off his homework. Ich fühle mich gut. I feel well. I feel good. Er hatte Interesse an mir. He was interested in me. He was interested in me. Träume sind frei. Dreaming costs nothing. Dreams are free. Der Mann ging vorbei, ohne auch nur einen Blick auf sie zu richten. The man passed by without so much as glancing at her. The man passed by without even looking at her. Weißt du etwas darüber? Do you know something about this? Do you know anything about it? Wie lange brauchst du noch? How long are you going to be? How much longer do you need? Die Blume ist rot. The flower is red. The flower is red. Wecken Sie mich morgen bitte um sechs Uhr früh! Please wake me up at 6 tomorrow morning. Wake me tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. Machen wir doch ein Foto mit der Statue im Hintergrund, oder? Let's have our picture taken with the statue in the back, shall we? Let's take a picture of the statue in the background, right? Ein Frosch in einem Brunnen kennt den Ozean nicht. A frog in a well doesn't know the ocean. A frog in a well doesn't know the ocean. Weißt du, was AMP bedeutet? Do you know what AMP means? You know what AMP means? Der Baum stand kurz vor dem Fall. The tree was ready to fall down. The tree was about to fall. Die Zeiten fliegen wie ein Pfeil, die Fruchtfliegen zur Banane. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. Times fly like an arrow, the fruit flies to the banana. Es ist schon zehn Uhr abends. It's already ten o'clock at night. It's already ten o'clock in the evening. Das Bücherlesen hörte auf, das Privileg einer Minderheit zu sein. Reading books ceased to be a privilege of a minority. Reading the book stopped being the privilege of a minority. Ihr solltet nicht mehr Geld ausgeben, als ihr verdient. You shouldn't spend more money than you earn. You shouldn't spend more money than you earn. Hast du Fieber? Do you have a fever? Do you have a fever? Ich wuchs auf dem Lande auf. I was brought up in the country. I grew up in the countryside. Ich setzte mich neben sie aufs Sofa. I sat down on the couch next to her. I sat next to her on the sofa. Ich würde gerne morgen früh ausziehen. I'd like to check out tomorrow morning. I'd like to move out in the morning. Welche Ergebnisse erwartest du? What results do you anticipate? What results do you expect? In diesem Wald leben Mensch und Eichhörnchen noch in Eintracht zusammen. In this forest, humans and squirrels still live together in harmony. In this forest, humans and squirrels still live together in harmony. Wir haben heute keine Zeit, um dir zu helfen. We won't have time to help you today. We don't have time today to help you. Es ging sehr schnell. It happened very fast. It was very fast. Das ist meine Mutter. This is my mom. That's my mother. Süßes oder Saures! Trick or treat. Trick or treat! Dieses T-Shirt ist zu klein für mich. This T-shirt is too small for me. This T-shirt is too small for me. Wegen der Reisfelder in der Nähe meines Hauses kann ich zu dieser Jahreszeit oft die ganze Nacht lang die Frösche quaken hören. Since there are rice paddies near my house, I often hear frogs croaking all night long this time of year. Because of the rice fields near my house, I can often hear frogs squat all night long at this time of year. Niemand ist durchgefallen. No one has failed. No one failed. Tom befürchtete zu verbluten. Tom was afraid he might bleed to death. Tom was afraid to bleed to death. Es ist halb vier. It's 3:30. It's 4:30. Seid ihr sicher, dass ihr kein Übersetzungsprogramm verwendet? Are you sure you don't use machine translations? Are you sure you're not using a translation program? Grüß Tom von mir. Say hello to Tom for me. Say hi to Tom for me. Wie lange hast du vor, in diesem Land zu bleiben? How long do you plan to stay in this country? How long are you planning on staying in this country? Tiere sind unsere Freunde. Animals are our friends. Animals are our friends. Der Drogenabhängige starb durch eine Überdosis. The addict died from a drug overdose. The drug addict died from an overdose. Tom hält Maria für hässlich. Tom thinks Mary is ugly. Tom thinks Mary is ugly. Ich glaube, du bist es, auf die ich all diese Jahre gewartet habe. I think you're the one that I've been waiting for for all these years. I think it's you I've been waiting for all these years. Darüber habe ich mit Tom schon ein paar Mal gesprochen. I've talked to Tom a couple of times about that already. I've talked to Tom about this a few times. Ein fremder Mann kam auf uns zu. A strange man came up to us. A strange man approached us. Tom brauchte Hilfe. Tom needed help. Tom needed help. Stelle sicher, dass du das fertig hast, wenn ich zurückkomme. Be sure to get this finished by the time I come back. Make sure you're done with this when I get back. Tom hat ein paar alte Lieder gesungen. Tom sang some old songs. Tom sang some old songs. Sie hat meinen Hintern begrapscht! She grabbed my ass! She grabbed my ass! Ich riete dringend davon ab, dorthin zu gehen. I'd strongly advise against going there. I strongly advised against going there. Wir drei verbrachten viel Zeit miteinander. The three of us spend a lot of time together. The three of us spent a lot of time together. Das müsste einfach sein. This ought to be simple. That should be easy. Tom arbeitet im Labor. Tom works in the laboratory. Tom works in the lab. Wie viel kostet es, einen Salat zuzubereiten? How much does it cost to make a salad? How much does it cost to prepare a salad? Dieser Kuchen schmeckt nach Käse. This cake tastes like it has cheese in it. This cake tastes like cheese. Sogar Kinder können dieses Buch lesen. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Schöne Reise! Enjoy your trip. Have a nice trip! Leidenschaft überkam Tom und Maria. Tom and Mary were overcome with passion. Passion overcame Tom and Mary. Wir brauchen dich. We need you. We need you. Tom benahm sich wie ein Gentleman. Tom behaved like a gentleman. Tom acted like a gentleman. Ich stimmte ihr zu. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. Man muss unbedingt jedem Kind dieselben Bildungsmöglichkeiten gewähren. It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities. It is essential to provide every child with the same educational opportunities. Keiner ist glücklich. Nobody's happy. Nobody's happy. Ich bin bereit, Ihr Angebot anzunehmen. I'm willing to accept your offer. I'm ready to accept your offer. Gilt das Ticket auch für die Schwebebahn? Is the ticket good for the floating tram as well? Does the ticket also apply to the suspended train? Tom hat erfolgreich einen Job in Boston gefunden. Tom succeeded in finding a new job in Boston. Tom successfully found a job in Boston. Sie hat mich verlassen. She's left me. She left me. Ich brauche deine Ratschläge nicht. I don't need your advice. I don't need your advice. Sie kennt sich sehr gut mit Tieren aus. She is very knowledgeable about animals. She knows very well about animals. Überleg es dir, bitte. Please think about it. Think about it, please. Herr Schmidt studierte chinesische Geschichte. Mr. Smith studied Chinese history. Mr. Schmidt studied Chinese history. In einem großen Kessel kochte Suppe. Soup was boiling in a large cauldron. Soup boiled in a large cauldron. Hast du mich wirklich für Tom gehalten? Did you really think I was Tom? Did you really think I was Tom? Ich fühle mich immerzu schläfrig. I always feel sleepy. I always feel too sleepy. Alle Schüler sind anwesend. All the students are present. All students are present. Ist das nicht ihres? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that hers? Ich lebe in einer kleinen Stadt. I'm living in a small town. I live in a small town. In diesem Punkt ist er nicht sehr streng. He's not very strict about this. On this point, it is not very strict. Wir waren in der Gegend, und da dachten wir, wir kommen mal vorbei. We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop by. We were in the area, and we thought we'd stop by. Er brachte sie zum Weinen. He made her cry. He made her cry. Möchtest du noch etwas Tee? Do you want some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Lern Uigurisch! Learn Uyghur! Learn Uyghur! Viele Amerikaner lehnten den Vertrag ab. Many Americans opposed the treaty. Many Americans rejected the treaty. Er geht an deiner statt. He will go in your place. He goes to your place. Ich mache es so, wie du mir gesagt hast. I'll do it the way you've told me to do it. I'll do it the way you told me. Ich wette, wir haben uns alle schon mehr als einmal eben diese Frage gestellt. I bet we've all asked ourselves that same question more than once. I bet we've all asked ourselves this question more than once. Ich erachte ihn als meinen Feind. I consider him my enemy. I consider him my enemy. Es grassiert eine Hungersnot. There's a famine. There is a famine. Tom hat hundert Dollar aufgebracht. Tom ponied up 100$. Tom raised a hundred dollars. Sie ging aus dem Zimmer. She left the room. She left the room. Ich halte diesen Lärm nicht mehr aus. I can't stand this noise any longer. I can't stand that noise anymore. Sie warf mir einen scheelen Blick zu. She threw a disapproving glance at me. She glanced at me. Tom muss bis halb drei ein paar sehr wichtige Dinge erledigen. Tom has some very important things he needs to do before 2:30. Tom has to do some very important things by 6:30. Sobald es dunkel wird, beginnt das Feuerwerk. As soon as it gets dark, the fireworks will start. As soon as it gets dark, the fireworks begin. Aufgrund seiner Krankheit, konnte er die Prüfung nicht ablegen. He could not take examination on account of his illness. Because of his illness, he could not take the exam. Es gibt keinen Zweifel, dass er unschuldig ist. There's no doubt that he's innocent. There's no doubt he's innocent. Das Französische ist schwerer zu schreiben als zu sprechen. Writing French is more difficult than speaking it. The French is harder to write than to speak. Tom wohnt so nah am Bahnhof, dass man zu Fuß hinkommt. Tom lives within walking distance of the train station. Tom lives so close to the station that you can walk. Die Heiligkeit dieses Ortes ist besudelt worden. The sanctity of this place has been fouled. The sanctity of this place has been defiled. Mir ist das Geld ausgegangen. I've run out of money. I ran out of money. Er ist sein Freund. He is his friend. He's his friend. Tom will wissen, wo Maria zur Oberschule gegangen ist. Tom wants to know where Mary went to high school. Tom wants to know where Mary went to high school. Tom ist kein Mädchen. Tom is not a girl. Tom isn't a girl. Ich bilde mir ein, dieses Gefühl der Erleichterung zu kennen. I imagine I know this feeling of relief. I imagine I know this feeling of relief. Das sind natürlich Faschisten. Of course they're fascists. They're fascists, of course. Ich wünschte, ich hätte in meiner Jugend härter gelernt. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I had learned harder in my youth. Weißt du noch, wie der Sanitäter hieß, der mir das Leben rettete? Do you remember the name of the paramedic that saved my life? Remember the name of the paramedic who saved my life? Ich bin meinem Freund begegnet. I met my friend. I met my friend. Wir können ihnen nicht davonlaufen. We can't outrun them. We can't run away from them. Ich will nicht, dass Tom das sieht. I don't want Tom to see this. I don't want Tom to see this. Nicht hier. Not here. Not here. Niemand hat je was davon gehört. Nobody had ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of it. Ich habe auch nichts verstanden. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand. Er weint immer, wenn er betrunken ist. He always cries when he is drunk. He always cries when he's drunk. Diese Sendung ist zu einem Klischee verkommen. This program has become stereotyped. This show has become a cliché. Dieses Wochenende werden die Uhren eine Stunde zurückgestellt. The clocks will be put back an hour this weekend. This weekend, the clocks will be parked for an hour. Sie ist erfahrener als ich. She's more experienced than me. She's more experienced than I am. Denken Sie über Vorteile und Nachteile nach, bevor Sie sich entscheiden! Reflect on advantages and disadvantages before you make up your mind. Think about advantages and disadvantages before you decide! Tom hilft seiner Frau. Tom is helping his wife. Tom helps his wife. Ken klagte über Kopfschmerzen. Ken complained of a headache. Ken complained about headaches. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Tom gelogen hat. It's obvious Tom was lying. It's obvious that Tom lied. Ich würde gerne mein Zimmer wechseln. I'd like to change my room. I'd like to change my room. Meine einzigen Freunde sind die Liebe und der Mut. My only friends are love and courage. My only friends are love and courage. Es ist schwer, sie zu sehen. It is difficult to see her. It's hard to see them. Ich verstehe, wie gut Tom ist. I understand how good Tom is. I understand how good Tom is. Was ist falsch daran, Rosa zu tragen? What's wrong with wearing pink? What's wrong with wearing pink? Wir kamen in einem günstigen Hotel unter. We stayed at an inexpensive hotel. We stayed in a cheap hotel. Ich weiß, wer in diesem Haus lebt. I know who lives in that house. I know who lives in this house. Ich hätte nie gedacht, ich würde gewinnen. I never thought I'd win. I never thought I'd win. Diane ist auch deine Halbschwester, George. Diane is your half-sister too, George. Diane's your half sister, too, George. Was hat Tom gerade zu dir gesagt? What did Tom just say to you? What did Tom just say to you? Mir taten die Muskeln weh, und ich war müde. My muscles were aching and I was tired. My muscles hurt and I was tired. Ich nehme an, Sie sind verärgert. I assume you're angry. I assume you're upset. Was glauben Sie, was ich ihm gesagt habe? What do you think I told him? What do you think I told him? Mein Plan wurde abgelehnt. My plan was rejected. My plan was rejected. Liebst du ihn auch? Do you love him too? Do you love him too? Benötigst du noch unsere Hilfe? Do you still need our help? Do you still need our help? Ich will dir nicht wehtun. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Ein Satz muss nicht lang sein, um schön zu sein. A sentence doesn't have to be long to be beautiful. A sentence doesn't have to be long to be beautiful. Tom ist Besitzer eines Theaters. Tom owns a theater. Tom owns a theater. Tom starb mit einem Messer im Rücken. Tom died with a knife in his back. Tom died with a knife in his back. Wie fällt deine Analyse aus? What's your analysis? How's your analysis? Es war Tom so kalt, dass seine Zähne klapperten. Tom was so cold his teeth were chattering. Tom was so cold that his teeth were clattering. Er studiert Tag und Nacht. He studies day and night. He's studying day and night. Tom schreit viel. Tom shouts a lot. Tom screams a lot. Das sind Freudentränen. They are tears of joy. These are tears of joy. Sagen Sie mir bitte, mit welchem Bus ich in die Stadt fahren kann. Please tell me which bus to take to go downtown. Please tell me which bus I can take to town. Wie viel von euch sind da? How many of you are there? How much of you are there? Es gilt zwar nicht mehr als Fehler, das Komma wegzulassen, aber es empfiehlt sich dennoch, es zu setzen. Though it is no longer considered a mistake to omit a comma, nevertheless it is desirable to put it in. Although it is no longer a mistake to let go of the comma, it is nevertheless advisable to put it. Er hat ohnehin nie seine Arbeit verrichtet. He never did his work anyhow. He never did his job anyway. Gleich gibt es Ärger. Here comes trouble. There'll be trouble in a minute. Ich warte auf der anderen Seite auf dich. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. I'll wait for you on the other side. Maria versuchte, sich ihre Verwirrung nicht anmerken zu lassen. Mary tried to hide her confusion. Mary tried not to let her confusion be noticed. Möchten Sie gerne, dass ich Ihnen zeige, wie man das macht? Would you like me to show you how to do that? Would you like me to show you how to do that? Du musst Französisch lernen. You must learn French. You have to learn French. Er lernt Portugiesisch in Brasilien. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. Der Verlust beläuft sich auf eine Millionen Dollar. The loss amounts to a million dollars. The loss amounts to a million dollars. Welche Zimmernummer habt ihr? What's your room number? What room number do you have? Käsekuchen scheint ein gutes Geschenk zu sein, um Ärger zu besänftigen. A gift of cheesecake is apparently good to soothe discord. Cheesecake seems to be a good gift to soothe trouble. Sie hat mir alles gesagt. She told me everything. She told me everything. Ich denke, du machst besser eine Diät. I think you'd better go on a diet. I think you better go on a diet. Die Galileischen Monde sind die vier Jupitermonde, welche im 17. Jahrhundert von Galileo Galilei entdeckt wurden. The Galilean moons are the four moons of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. The Galileo moons are the four moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. Wenn du noch einmal ganz von vorne anfangen müsstest, was würdest du anders machen? If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently? If you had to start all over again, what would you do differently? Ich kann darauf verzichten. I can do without this. I can do without it. Ich habe nichts zu tun. I've got nothing to do. I have nothing to do. Tom hat ein ausländisches Auto. Tom has a foreign car. Tom has a foreign car. Was haben Sie in der Hand? What do you have in your hand? What do you have in your hand? Wir können da nicht wieder rausgehen. We can't go back out there. We can't go out there again. Ihr irrt euch wahrscheinlich. You're probably mistaken. You're probably wrong. Ich wusste, dass ich besser daran täte, nichts zu sagen. I knew that it was better for me to say nothing. I knew I'd do better not to say anything. Die Milch schmeckte sauer. The milk tasted sour. The milk tasted sour. Sie müssen helfen! You have to help. You have to help! Ich wünsche mir, den Mut zu haben, meine Gefühle auszudrücken. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings. Computer haben keine Familie. Computers have no family. Computers don't have a family. Tom kann nicht schwimmen und Maria auch nicht. Tom can't swim and Mary can't either. Tom can't swim and Mary can't swim. Jetzt lass mal sehen, was du kannst! Now the ball is in your court! Now let's see what you can do! Bist du abends immer zu Hause? Are you always at home in the evening? Are you always home at night? Tom liebt seine Exfreundin noch immer. Tom is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. Tom still loves his ex-girlfriend. Tom riet Maria von einem Alleingang ab. Tom advised Mary not to do that by herself. Tom advised Mary not to go alone. Ich kannte das Lied nicht. I didn't know that song. I didn't know the song. Tom sieht sich gerne Baseballspiele im Fernsehen an. Tom likes to watch baseball games on TV. Tom likes watching baseball games on TV. Tom wurde bei einem Verkehrsunfall verletzt. Tom was injured in a traffic accident. Tom was injured in a traffic accident. Im Restaurant hängt ein Schild, auf dem „Rauchen verboten!" steht. There's a no-smoking sign inside the restaurant. There is a sign in the restaurant that says "No Smoking! " Mein Schweigen machte sie noch wütender. She got all the more angry for my silence. My silence made her even more angry. Macht es Tom Freude? Does Tom enjoy it? Does Tom enjoy it? Niemand kann der englischen Sprache Meister werden, so er sich nicht bemüht. No one can master English if he doesn't make effort. No one can become master of the English language if he does not strive. Ich habe heute erfahren, dass Luka mich nicht mag. Weißt du, warum? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me. Do you know why? I learned today that Luka doesn't like me. Sie wurde in Mexiko geboren. She was born in Mexico. She was born in Mexico. Das Auto dort hat eine Durchsicht nötig. It is necessary for that car to have a check. The car there needs a look. Es war für Tom eine neue Erfahrung. It was a new experience for Tom. It was a new experience for Tom. Wenn es regnet, nimmt sie den Bus. When it rains, she takes the bus. When it rains, she takes the bus. Dieses Labor ist mit den aktuellsten Rechnern ausgestattet. This laboratory is equipped with the latest computers. This laboratory is equipped with the latest computers. Er war trunken vor Freude. He was entranced with joy. He was drunk with joy. Ich denke er ist ein netter Kerl. I believe he is a nice guy. I think he's a nice guy. Die heutigen Linguae francae sind überhaupt nicht fränkisch. Today's lingua francas aren't very Frankish at all. Today's Linguae francae are not Franconian at all. Tom und ich heiraten im Mai. Tom and I are getting married in May. Tom and I are getting married in May. Wie sieht er aus? What does he look like? What does he look like? Zum Mitnehmen? Oder essen Sie hier? Will that be for here or to go? To take away, or are you eating here? Das Leben eines Schmetterlings währet nur drei Tage. The lifetime of a butterfly is three days. The life of a butterfly only lasts three days. Ich habe versucht, mit ihr zu reden. I have tried to talk to her. I tried to talk to her. Wohnt ihr hier? Do you live here? Do you live here? Das Geschäft schließt um elf Uhr. The store closes at eleven. Business closes at 11 a.m. Ich komme wirklich gern hierher. I really enjoy coming here. I really like coming here. Warum habe ich ein „befriedigend" bekommen? Why did I get a C? Why did I get a "satisfying " one? Mein Vater kämpfte mit dem Räuber. My father struggled with the robber. My father fought with the robber. Ich glaube, Tom wird gewinnen. I believe Tom will win. I think Tom will win. Sie nahmen den Vorschlag an. They adopted the proposal. They accepted the proposal. Tom küsste Maria gerade, als ich das Klassenzimmer betrat. Tom was kissing Mary when I walked into the classroom. Tom just kissed Mary when I entered the classroom. Tu das für mich! Do that for me. Do this for me! Dieses Haus ist auf meinen Namen registriert. This house is registered in my name. This house is registered in my name. Warum bist du nicht einfach gegangen? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Tom ist schon dort. Tom is there already. Tom is already there. Es war nicht, wonach es aussah. It wasn't what it looked like. It wasn't what it looked like. Du hast Tom doch nicht belogen, oder? You didn't actually lie to Tom, did you? You didn't lie to Tom, did you? Man sollte nie eine Frau fragen, wie alt sie ist. You should never ask a woman how old she is. You should never ask a woman how old she is. Letztendlich muss jeder selbst lernen. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. Ultimately, everyone has to learn themselves. Jetzt erkenne ich Sie wieder. Now I recognize you. Now I recognize you. Kriminalromane sind interessant. Detective stories are amusing. Crime novels are interesting. Ich ziehe es vor, die Vergangenheit zu vergessen. I prefer to forget the past. I prefer to forget the past. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass jemand auf uns warten wird. It's very likely that someone will be waiting for us. It is very likely that someone will wait for us. Tom kann sich nicht leisten, eine Yacht zu kaufen. Tom can't afford to buy a yacht. Tom can't afford to buy a yacht. Nur wenige Menschen wissen, wie man eine liebevolle Beziehung mit seinen Verwandten hält. Not many people know how to keep an affectionate relation with their relatives. Few people know how to maintain a loving relationship with their relatives. Ein Seemann ist die meiste Zeit auf See. A sailor is at sea much of the time. A sailor is at sea most of the time. Tom ist allein in der Küche. Tom is alone in the kitchen. Tom is alone in the kitchen. Krähen durchstöbern oft den Müll. Crows often fish through garbage. Crows often search the garbage. Tom blieb nichts anderes übrig, als zu tun, was man von ihm verlangte. Tom had no choice but to do what he had been told to do. Tom had no choice but to do what he was asked to do. Das ist Toms Stimme. It's Tom's voice. That's Tom's voice. Ich hasse es, im Flugzeug zwischen zwei Dicken zu sitzen. I hate it when I have to sit between two fat guys on a plane. I hate sitting on the plane between two fat guys. Ich liebe meine Schwester, aber ich ziehe sie gern ein wenig auf. I love my sister, but I do like winding her up a bit. I love my sister, but I like to raise her a little. Wir müssen darüber reden. We need to talk about this. We need to talk about it. Tom reichte Maria eine heiße Tasse Kaffee. Tom handed Mary a cup of hot coffee. Tom handed Mary a hot cup of coffee. Wissen Sie, wer planmäßig die nächste Vorlesung halten soll? Do you know who is scheduled to give the next lecture? Do you know who's scheduled to give the next lecture? Kann Tom schwimmen? Can Tom swim? Can Tom swim? Tom saß rauchend auf der Bank. Tom sat on the bench smoking. Tom sat smoking on the bench. Die tibetanischen Teppichknüpfer wenden traditionelle Muster und Knüpftechniken an. Darum sehen ihre Teppiche einfach und natürlich aus. Tibetan rug weavers use traditional designs and knotting. Hence their rugs have a simple, natural look. The Tibetan carpet weavers use traditional patterns and knotting techniques. That's why their carpets look simple and natural. Sie saß neben mir. She sat by my side. She was sitting next to me. Samit hatte ein blutiges Gesicht. Sami had a bloody face. Samit had a bloody face. Du bist momentan nicht fahrtüchtig. You are in no state to drive. You're not driving right now. Tom brach Marys Auto auf und stahl das, was unter dem Fahrersitz versteckt war. Tom broke into Mary's car and stole what was hidden under the driver's seat. Tom left Mary's car and stole what was hidden under the driver's seat. Wir wussten, die Hunde würden uns anbellen. We knew that the dogs would bark at us. We knew the dogs would bark at us. Ich wusch mir wie gewöhnlich die Hände. I washed my hands as usual. I washed my hands as usual. Sie arbeitet Tag und Nacht. She is working night and day. She works day and night. Ich bin wie meine Mutter. I am like my mother. I'm like my mother. Sie weiß, dass sie gut aussieht. She knows she's looking fine. She knows she looks good. Marias Freimut überraschte Tom. Tom was surprised by Mary's candor. Mary's boldness surprised Tom. Tom kann mich nicht dazu bringen. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't make me do it. Gibt es hier in der Nähe einen Bahnhof? Is there a train station near here? Is there a train station nearby? Das ist unvergesslich. It's unforgettable. That's unforgettable. Du gehst dort besser nicht hin. You'd better not go there. You better not go there. Wir wollen Tom. We want Tom. We want Tom. Wir müssen es wohl nochmal versuchen. We'll have to try again. I guess we have to try again. Im letzten Winter hatten wir viel Schnee. We had much snow last winter. Last winter we had lots of snow. Wo sind deine Hausaufgaben? Where is your homework? Where are your homework? Wer hat meine Erdnüsse aufgegessen? Who's been eating my peanuts? Who ate my peanuts? Tom traf den Entschluss, dass es nicht nottue, das Medikament einzunehmen, das der Arzt ihm gegeben hatte. Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to take the medicine the doctor had given him. Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to take the medicine that the doctor had given him. Die Party ist auf nächsten Dienstag verschoben worden. The party has been put off until next Tuesday. The party has been postponed until next Tuesday. Dieser Zug besteht aus sieben Waggons. This train is made up of seven cars. This train consists of seven wagons. Ich würde dazu raten, heute von Tom fernzubleiben. My advice would be to avoid Tom today. I would advise you to stay away from Tom today. Die Beweggründe, die Tom angab, waren keine besonders guten. The reasons Tom gave for doing that weren't very good. Tom's motives were not particularly good. Die Gesetze sind in den Vereinigten Staaten von Bundesstaat zu Bundesstaat verschieden. Laws differ from state to state in the United States. The laws vary from state to state in the United States. Fühl dich ganz wie zu Hause! My house is your house. Make yourself at home! Ich kannte Tom nicht besonders gut. I didn't know Tom very well. I didn't know Tom very well. Das ist ein Ledergürtel. That is a leather belt. It's a leather belt. Ich öffnete die Fenster. I opened the window. I opened the windows. Viele Schüler haben das Buch gekauft. Many students bought the book. Many students bought the book. Vertraust du ihr noch? Do you still trust her? Do you still trust her? Ich hätte nicht gedacht, euch so bald wiederzusehen. I didn't expect to see you again so soon. I didn't think I'd see you again so soon. Er ist etwas kleiner als ich. He's a bit shorter than me. He's a little smaller than me. Vergiss nicht die Reservierung im voraus zu bestätigen. Don't forget to confirm your reservation in advance. Don't forget to confirm the reservation in advance. Ich nehme das Buch. I'm taking the book. I'll take the book. Bitte sieh dir meinen ersten Beitrag an und lass mich wissen, was du davon hältst. Please, take a look at my first post and let me know what you think about it. Please look at my first post and let me know what you think about it. Da es keinen Zug gab, mussten wir den ganzen Weg zu Fuß laufen. There being no train, we had to walk all the way. Since there was no train, we had to walk all the way. Die traurige Nachricht raubte ihm den Appetit. The sad news took away his appetite. The sad news took away his appetite. Tom ist schon seit dreißig Jahren Lehrer. Tom has been a teacher for thirty years. Tom has been a teacher for thirty years. Es tut mir sehr leid, dass ich dich habe warten lassen. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm very sorry I kept you waiting. Möchten Sie wirklich, dass ich Tom Ihren Computer gebe? Do you really want me to give your computer to Tom? Do you really want me to give Tom your computer? Hat Tom die Kriterien zum Bestehen der Klasse erfüllt? Did Tom meet the criteria for passing this class? Did Tom meet the criteria for passing the class? Tom ist von einer Fledermaus gebissen worden. Tom was bitten by a bat. Tom was bitten by a bat. Die Krankenschwester verliebte sich in einen ihrer Patienten. The nurse fell in love with one of her patients. The nurse fell in love with one of her patients. Du siehst genau aus wie deine Mutter. You look just like your mother. You look exactly like your mother. Könnte ich einmal mit dir über etwas Persönliches reden? Can I talk to you about something personal? Could I talk to you about something personal? Diese Sache hier betrifft Sie. That is the thing that concerns you. This is about you. Ihr solltet euch nicht über ihn lustig machen. You should not make fun of him. You shouldn't make fun of him. Ich habe den Artikel überflogen. I skimmed through the article. I flew over the article. Sie ist fort, aber ich liebe sie noch. She is far away, but I still love her. She's gone, but I still love her. Er verkauft Obst. He sells fruit. He's selling fruit. Tom muss mindestens dreißig sein. Tom must be at least thirty years old. Tom must be at least thirty. Schreib seine Adresse auf! Write down his address. Write down his address! Montags arbeite ich nicht. I don't work on Mondays. I don't work on Monday. Alle Menschen sind gleich. All men are equal. All people are the same. Und was, wenn sie mir einen Korb gibt? And what if she rejects me? And what if she gives me a basket? Diesmal müssen Sie dorthin gehen. This time you must go there. This time you have to go there. Wenn du nur hier wärest! Dann könnte ich mich mit dir darüber beraten. If only you were here, I could consult you about it. If only you were here, I could discuss it with you. Tom sieht gut aus. Tom looks well. Tom looks good. Ich hoffe, Tom und Mary haben nicht getan, was John ihnen gesagt hat. I hope Tom and Mary didn't do what John told them to do. I hope Tom and Mary didn't do what John told them. Ich glaube, Tom ist dreißig. I think Tom is thirty. I think Tom is thirty. Er spricht nie Englisch, ohne Fehler zu machen. He never speaks English without making mistakes. He never speaks English without making mistakes. Ich habe nicht die Zeit, um nach Amerika zu gehen. I have no time to go to America. I don't have time to go to America. Ich habe das, was ich gesagt habe, wirklich ernst gemeint. I really meant what I said. I was really serious about what I said. Mein Haar ist noch nass. My hair is still wet. My hair's still wet. Wenn du das so sagst. Since you say so. If that's what you say. Macht euch über die Vergangenheit keine Gedanken! Don't worry about the past. Don't worry about the past! Sie sagten das. They said that. You said that. Tom räumte das Wohnzimmer auf. Tom tidied up the living room. Tom cleaned up the living room. Er machte Frau Green zu seiner Sekretärin. He made Miss Green his secretary. He made Mrs. Green his secretary. Wie viele Brüder haben Sie? How many brothers do you have? How many brothers do you have? Ich würde sehr gerne hierbleiben. I'd love to stay. I'd love to stay here. Was für ein Mensch tut so was? What sort of person does something like that? What kind of person does that? Tom ist kein Tatverdächtiger mehr. Tom is no longer a suspect. Tom is no longer a suspect. Ich habe nur einmal mit Tom gesprochen. I've only spoken to Tom once. I only talked to Tom once. Wenn das Wetter schön ist, werde ich im Fluss schwimmen. If the weather is fine, I'll go swimming in the river. If the weather is nice, I'll swim in the river. Schäme dich! Shame on you! Shame on you! Dieses Gedicht wurde ursprünglich auf Französisch verfasst. This poem was originally written in French. This poem was originally written in French. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was Tom und Maria vorhaben. I'm not sure what Tom and Mary are planning to do. I'm not sure what Tom and Mary are up to. Er zahlte das Preisgeld auf der Bank ein. He deposited the prize money in the bank. He paid the prize money in the bank. Es war als Kompliment gedacht. Deswegen wollte ich ihm nicht sagen, dass er nicht verstanden hatte, worum es ging. It was meant as a compliment, so I didn't want to tell him that he had missed the point. It was meant to be a compliment, so I didn't want to tell him that he didn't understand what it was about. Ich bin vielleicht asozial, aber das heißt nicht, dass ich nicht mit Leuten rede. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I'm not talking to people. Dieser Milliardär hat fünf Häuser in vier verschiedenen Ländern. This billionaire has 5 homes in 4 different countries. This billionaire has five houses in four different countries. Sie haben vollkommen recht. You are absolutely correct. You're absolutely right. Wo liegt Michael Jackson begraben? Where was Michael Jackson buried? Where's Michael Jackson buried? Alle Schüler waren da. All the students were there. All the students were there. So was liegt mir überhaupt nicht. I'm really bad at stuff like that. I don't care about that at all. Tom hat alles gemacht. Tom did it all. Tom did everything. Dies brennt nicht. This doesn't burn. This is not burning. Es schaut wie eine Perücke aus. It looks like a wig. It looks like a wig. Warum hast du Tom zum Gehen aufgefordet? Why did you ask Tom to leave? Why did you ask Tom to go? Das liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung. That's your responsibility. That's your responsibility. Mir ist danach, heute etwas anderes zu tun. I feel like doing something different today. I feel like doing something else today. Ich habe nie wieder etwas von ihr gehört. I never heard from her again. I've never heard of her again. Tom ist nicht photogen, im Gegensatz zu Maria. Tom isn't photogenic, but Mary is. Tom isn't photogenic, unlike Mary. Der Laden verkauft Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. That store sells newspapers and magazines. The store sells newspapers and magazines. Ihr seid ziemlich besoffen. You're quite drunk. You're pretty drunk. Können Sie mich bitte hinzufügen? Could you add me? Can you please add me? Mir ist die Nachricht ziemlich egal. I care nothing for the news. I don't care about the message. Er ist unberechenbar. He is unpredictable. He's unpredictable. Sie hat sich gegen Mittag blicken lassen. She made her appearance around noon. She showed up around noon. Wir müssen unserer Ausgaben einschränken, um Geld zu sparen. We must cut our expenses to save money. We need to limit our spending in order to save money. Auch die schwärzeste Kuh gibt nur weiße Milch. Even the blackest cow only gives white milk. Even the blackest cow gives only white milk. Tom lernte sehr jung schwimmen. Tom learned how to swim when he was very young. Tom learned to swim very young. Ich würde gerne hören, was Sie dazu meinen. I'd like to hear what your opinion is. I'd like to hear what you mean. Viele Kumpel befürchten, dass die Zeche bald geschlossen wird. Many miners are afraid that the mine will be closed down soon. A lot of buddies fear that the mine will close soon. Ich träumte, ich wäre von Außerirdischen entführt worden. I dreamed I had been abducted by aliens. I dreamt I was abducted by aliens. Beschreibt ihn. Describe him. Describe him. Tom und Maria haben sich letzte Woche getrennt. Tom and Mary broke up last week. Tom and Mary broke up last week. Du warst Toms einziger Freund. You were Tom's only friend. You were Tom's only friend. Ich weiß nicht, was ich ihnen sagen soll. I don't know what I'm going to tell them. I don't know what to tell them. Verschwinde hier, verdammt noch mal! Get the hell out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Es wird Zeit, dass du dir die Haare schneiden lässt. It's about time you got a haircut. It's time you got your hair cut. Es ist schwierig zu erklären. It's tough to explain. It's hard to explain. Tom schätzte Marys Gewicht. Tom guessed Mary's weight. Tom appreciated Mary's weight. Lebt sein Vater noch? Is his father alive? Is his father still alive? Lernt Tom Französisch in der Schule? Is Tom studying French at school? Does Tom learn French at school? Hinter den Wolken scheint die Sonne. The sun shines behind the clouds. The sun shines behind the clouds. Lieber würfe ich das Geld weg, als es ihm zu geben. I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. I'd rather throw away the money than give it to him. Ich will ihn jetzt! I want it now! I want him now! Ich habe heute keine Lust, einkaufen zu fahren. I don't feel like going shopping today. I don't feel like going shopping today. Ich habe dich nicht gehört. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Tom packte seine Siebensachen. Tom packed his bags. Tom packed his seven things. Verwechsele nicht Sünde mit Verbrechen. Do not mistake sin with crime. Do not confuse sin with crime. Sie werden Tom doch nichts sagen, oder? You aren't going to tell Tom, are you? You're not gonna tell Tom, are you? Es ist Ihnen anzuraten, die Medizin einzunehmen. It is advisable for you to take the medicine. You are advised to take the medicine. Ich hätte das Geld nehmen sollen. I should've taken the money. I should have taken the money. Wenn diese Muskeln schwach sind, können sie die Kniescheibe nicht in der richtigen Lage halten. If these muscles are weak, they cannot hold the kneecap in the correct position. If these muscles are weak, they can't keep the kneecap in the right position. Maria sagte, sie habe das als einzige gemusst. Mary said she was the only one who had to do that. Mary said she had to be the only one. Du willst einen französischen Film gucken, stimmt's? You want to watch a French film, is that right? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? Ich finde, du solltest mir zuhören. I think you should listen to me. I think you should listen to me. Am Ende der Straße gibt es ein Postamt. There is a post office at the end of the street. There's a post office at the end of the street. Du musst ihr helfen. You must help her. You have to help her. Wann ist der erste Frühlingstag? When is the first day of spring? When is the first day of spring? Ich lüge oft über mein Alter. I often lie about my age. I often lie about my age. Sollten wir ihn nicht auch einladen? Shouldn't we invite him too? Shouldn't we invite him too? Tom packte sein Brot aus und machte sich daran, es zu verzehren. Tom unwrapped his sandwich and started eating it. Tom unpacked his bread and set about eating it. Wenn ich im Lotto gewänne, würde ich dir ein Auto kaufen. If I won the lottery, I'd buy you a car. If I were in the lottery, I'd buy you a car. Was soll ich morgen für die Gäste kochen? What shall I cook for the guests tomorrow? What do you want me to cook for the guests tomorrow? Verkehrsunfälle geschehen öfter an Regentagen. Traffic accidents are likely to occur on rainy days. Traffic accidents happen more often on rainy days. Es ist mir inzwischen egal, was du denkst. I don't care what you think anymore. I don't care what you think. Das ist durchaus denkbar. This is perfectly conceivable. That is quite conceivable. Lass den Hund nicht auf unserem Bett schlafen. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep on our bed. Sie war nirgends auffindbar. She was nowhere to be found. She was nowhere to be found. Ich habe hier unten nichts kaputtgemacht. I didn't break anything down here. I didn't break anything down here. Tom ist selbstmordgefährdet. Tom is suicidal. Tom is suicidal. Die Anwendung chemischer Waffen ist ein Kriegsverbrechen. The use of chemical weapons is a war crime. The use of chemical weapons is a war crime. Er hat mir das gegeben. He gave it to me. He gave me this. Unsere Konversation wurde durch sein Niesen unterbrochen. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezes. Our conversation was interrupted by his sneezing. Ich habe im Zoo ein Nilpferd gesehen. I saw a hippopotamus at the zoo. I saw a hippopotamus at the zoo. Das Leben auf dem Land reizt mich sehr. Rural life appeals to me very much. I'm very excited about life in the countryside. Ich bin so froh, dass ich nicht im Mittelalter lebe. I'm so glad I'm not living in the Middle Ages. I'm so glad I don't live in the Middle Ages. Wenn du nicht weißt, was dein Ziel ist, wirst du es nie erreichen können. If you don't know what your goal is, you'll never be able to achieve it. If you don't know what your goal is, you'll never be able to do it. Es ist offensichtlich, dass er das Geld aus dem Tresor gestohlen hat. It's clear that he stole money from the safe. It's obvious he stole the money from the vault. Tom kann schwimmen. Tom can swim. Tom can swim. Tom singt und spielt außerdem Klavier. Tom sings as well as plays the piano. Tom also sings and plays the piano. An solche Kälte bin ich nicht gewöhnt. I'm not used to this kind of cold. I'm not used to that kind of cold. Ich habe sie gestern zufällig in einem Restaurant getroffen. I met them by chance at a restaurant yesterday. I happened to meet her at a restaurant yesterday. Er wurde hinter Gitter gebracht. He was thrown behind bars. He was put behind bars. Jederzeit. Any time. Any time. Tom küsste ihr die Hand, wodurch sie errötete. Tom kissed her hand, making her blush. Tom kissed her hand, causing her to blush. Darf ich fragen, woran Sie gerade arbeiten? May I ask what you're working on? May I ask what you're working on right now? Ich werde die Hoffnung nie verlieren. I'll never lose hope. I'll never lose hope. Sie können Ihre Miete erhöhen. They can raise your rent. You can raise your rent. Kommen Sie aus England? Are you from England? Are you from England? Am Mittag legten sie sich in einem Wald hin, um zu rasten. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest. Es ist toll hier! It's great here! It's great here! Das ist mein Problem, nicht deins. That's my problem, not yours. That's my problem, not yours. Ich bin ein bisschen nervös. I'm a little nervous. I'm a little nervous. Ihrer ist da drüben. Yours is over there. Yours is over there. Nichts ist vollkommen. Nothing's perfect. Nothing's perfect. Unter dem Baum ist eine Bank. Under the tree is a bench. There's a bench under that tree. Seine Antwort war alles andere als zufriedenstellend. His answer was far from satisfactory. His answer was far from satisfactory. Eine Reise nach Hawaii kostet um die 200 Dollar. A trip to Hawaii costs around 200 dollars. A trip to Hawaii costs about $200. Er sagte mir, er würde helfen. He told me that he'd help. He told me he'd help. Du hast ein Recht auf deine Meinung. You are entitled to your opinion. You have a right to your opinion. Goldene Gewehre schützen dich nicht vor Kugeln. Golden guns don't protect you from bullets. Golden rifles won't protect you from bullets. Sie wären besser nicht so lange aufgeblieben. You had better not sit up so late. You'd better not have stayed up that long. Die meisten der Männer waren noch nicht lange Soldaten. Most of these men had not been soldiers long. Most of the men were not long soldiers. Tom bewahrte die Ruhe. Tom kept his cool. Tom kept quiet. Tom und Maria wollten mir ihr altes Auto andrehen; ich teilte ihnen aber mit, dass ich nicht interessiert sei. Tom and Mary tried to sell me their old car, but I told them I wasn't interested. Tom and Mary wanted to turn their old car on me, but I told them I wasn't interested. Tom und Maria sind schon seit Jahren beste Freunde. Tom and Mary have been best of friends for years. Tom and Mary have been best friends for years. Du hältst es doch, nicht wahr? You're holding it, aren't you? You're holding it, aren't you? Er weinte nur. He did nothing but cry. He was just crying. Das Problem ist schlimmer, als wir dachten. The problem is worse than we thought it was. The problem is worse than we thought. Wir werden dich vermissen, wenn du weg bist. We'll miss you when you're gone. We'll miss you when you're gone. Das ist ein glücklicher Gedanke. That's a happy thought. That's a happy thought. Maria kann alles ohne Rezept kochen. Mary can cook everything without needing a recipe. Mary can cook anything without a prescription. Sie ist eher niedlich als schön. She is more pretty than beautiful. She's more cute than beautiful. Gehe nicht nach draußen, es regnet. Don't go out there, it's raining. Don't go outside, it's raining. Hey, lass mich dir mal was sagen. Hey, let me tell you something. Hey, let me tell you something. Gib nicht Tom die Schuld an dem, was Maria getan hat. Don't blame Tom for what Mary did. Don't blame Tom for what Mary did. Ich habe jahrelang keinen Tennisschläger angefasst. I haven't touched a tennis racket in years. I haven't touched a tennis racket in years. Toms Geschäftspraktiken gefallen mir nicht. I don't like the way Tom does business. I don't like Tom's business practices. Farblos ist eine Welt ohne Sprache. Colourless is a world without language. Colorless is a world without language. Ich kann nicht sagen, welches die Vorderseite von diesem Papier ist. I cannot tell which is the right side of this paper. I can't say which is the front of this paper. Der Mond beleuchtete das Zimmer. The moon lit the room. The moon illuminated the room. Tom ist eine menschliche Kanonenkugel. Tom is a human cannonball. Tom is a human cannonball. Der alte Arzt ist stolz auf seine Arbeit. The old doctor takes pride in his work. The old doctor is proud of his work. Außer seinen Eltern kennt ihn niemand richtig. Apart from his parents, no one knows him well. No one knows him except his parents. Maria sagte, in ein paar Minuten würde sie zu Ende gegessen haben. Mary said she'd be finished eating in a few minutes. Mary said she would have finished eating in a few minutes. Sie massierte ihn. She gave him a massage. She massaged him. Maria sagte, sie brauche mehr Geld. Mary said she needed more money. Mary said she needed more money. Maria ist schon siebenundachtzig Jahre alt. Mary is eighty-seven years old already. Mary is already eighty-seven years old. Ach, das Elsass ... gemeinhin berühmt für schnuckelige Fachwerkhäuser, erstklassige Küche und zauberhafte Weihnachtsmärkte - aber auch ein kultureller Kreuzpunkt im Herzen Europas, der Frankreich, Deutschland und die Schweiz miteinander verbindet und über eine abwechslungsreiche Landschaft verfügt, wo man in der freien Natur zwischen dem Rhein und den Bergen unzähligen Aktivitäten nachgehen kann. Ah, Alsace! It is usually known for the beauty of its half-timbered houses, its renowned gastronomy and its famous Christmas markets. However, it is also a cultural crossroads in the heart of Europe. It links France, Switzerland and Germany through an incredible diversity of landscapes where, flanked by mountains and the banks of the Rhine, open-air activities abound. Alas, the Alsace ... commonly famous for snug half-timbered houses, first-class cuisine and enchanting Christmas markets - but also a cultural crossroads in the heart of Europe, which connects France, Germany and Switzerland and has a varied landscape where you can pursue countless activities in the open nature between the Rhine and the mountains. Es weht ein kalter Wind aus nördlicher Richtung. There's a cold wind from the north. There's a cold wind blowing from the north. Gebt mehr Wasser dazu. Add more water. Add more water. Wie weit ist es von hier zum Bahnhof? How far is it from here to the station? How far is it from here to the station? Wir haben einige Fragen an dich. We've got some questions for you. We have some questions for you. Ich komme bald wieder zurück. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Sie verstanden sich auf die Eisenherstellung. They knew how to make iron. They got along on ironmaking. Einige seiner Bücher sind schwer lesbar. Some of his books are difficult to read. Some of his books are difficult to read. Mehr können wir für sie nicht tun. There's nothing more we can do for her. That's all we can do for her. Sie hatten Angst, belauscht zu werden. They were afraid of being overheard. They were afraid to be overheard. Was habt ihr heute vor? What're you up to today? What are you going to do today? Tom hat sich auf der Tanzabend letztes Wochenende gut amüsiert. Tom enjoyed himself at the dance last weekend. Tom had a good time on the dance night last weekend. Pass auf, dass du die Papiere da nicht wegwirfst! Be careful. Don't throw away those papers. Make sure you don't throw away those papers! Sie kann gut malen. She has a good hand for painting. She's good at painting. Tom stürmte aus dem Büro. Tom rushed out of the office. Tom stormed out of the office. Tom will alle seine Sachen wegwerfen. Tom wants to throw all this stuff away. Tom wants to throw away all his stuff. Läuft Tom jeden Tag? Does Tom run every day? Is Tom running every day? Ich will Sie nie mehr sehen! I never want to see your face again. I don't want to see you again! Im Zug wurde mir meine Kamera gestohlen. I had got my camera stolen in the train. On the train, I was stolen my camera. Tom hat das getan. Tom did do that. Tom did that. Anpassung ist das Geheimnis des Überlebens. Adaptation is the secret of survival. Adaptation is the secret of survival. Er ist sich sicher, bei dem Versuch erfolgreich zu sein. He is sure to succeed in the attempt. He's sure he'll succeed in trying. Wir haben sie verhaftet. We arrested them. We arrested her. Tom nimmt Bilder auf. Tom is taking pictures. Tom takes pictures. War das ein Eichhörnchen? Was that a squirrel? Was that a squirrel? Das widerspricht dem Vertrag. That's against the contract. That is contrary to the Treaty. Jedes der drei Kinder hat einen Preis bekommen. Each one of the three kids got a prize. Each of the three children received a prize. Was ist der Nachname deiner Mutter? What is your mother's surname? What's your mother's last name? Ich konnte das Buch zu Ende lesen. I managed to finish the book. I was able to finish reading the book. Ich hab es zwar gesagt, aber nicht so gemeint. I did say that, but I didn't mean it. I said it, but I didn't mean it. Wann kommst du zurück? When are you coming back? When are you coming back? Der Sturm setzte sich fort. The storm continued. The storm continued. Ich bin nicht besoffen. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. Wie wär's damit, wenn wir unser Mittagessen im Park essen würden? How about having our lunch in the park? How about we eat our lunch in the park? Wer kümmert sich um eure Hunde? Who's looking after your dogs? Who's taking care of your dogs? Ich heiße Roberto. My name is Roberto. My name is Roberto. Es wurde viel Zeit vergeudet. A lot of time was wasted. A lot of time has been wasted. Viele Menschen machen sich Sorgen darum, wie sie ihre Rechnungen bezahlen sollen. Many people worry about paying their bills. Many people are concerned about how to pay their bills. Bitte mich bitte nicht noch mal darum. Please don't ask me to do this again. Please don't ask me to do that again. Am Ende einer Frage muss man ein Fragezeichen setzen. You need to put a question mark at the end of a question. At the end of a question you have to put a question mark. Er ist im ersten Studienjahr. He is in his first year at college. He's in his first year of study. Die Temperatur fiel auf fünf Grad unter Null. The temperature fell to five degrees below zero. The temperature fell to five degrees below zero. Er ging zum Flughafen, um sie zu verabschieden. He went to the airport to see her off. He went to the airport to say goodbye. Was gibt es so für süße Mädchenfrisuren? What are some cute hairstyles for girls? What kind of cute girl hairstyles are there? Meine Schwester Susan steht jeden Morgen zeitig auf. My sister Susan gets up early every morning. My sister Susan gets up early every morning. Zwar weiß ich viel, doch möcht' ich alles wissen. I do indeed know quite a lot, but I'd like to know everything. I know a lot, but I want to know everything. Mit Schießpulver muss man überaus vorsichtig umgehen. Gunpowder needs to be handled very carefully. You have to be very careful with gunpowder. Musik hören ist meine liebste Art der Entspannung. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my favorite way of relaxing. Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen haben solltest, lass es mich bitte wissen. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, please let me know. Schreibt mir! Write to me. Write to me! Ich fragte Tom und Maria, was geschehen sei, doch sie wollten es mir nicht sagen. I asked Tom and Mary what happened, but they wouldn't tell me. I asked Tom and Mary what had happened, but they didn't want to tell me. Machen wir eine kurze Pause! Let's take a short pause. Let's take a short break! Jetzt bist du dran mit Lesen. It's your turn to read. Now it's your turn to read. Du bist hübscher als ich. You're prettier than me. You're prettier than me. Wie ist es so, Patient zu sein? What does it feel like to be a patient? What's it like to be a patient? Sie hat eine schöne Bräune. She has a beautiful tan. She's got a nice tan. Wo ist der Japan-Airlines-Schalter? Where is the Japan Airlines counter? Where's the Japan Airlines counter? Sie brachte die Kinder ins Bett. She put the children to bed. She put the kids to bed. Mir gefällt der Geruch des Parfums nicht, das Maria heute trägt. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary wears today. Ich kann gar nicht kochen. I can't cook at all. I can't cook. Soll ich das hier essen? Am I supposed to eat this? You want me to eat this? Tom ist unverschämt und egoistisch. Tom is rude and selfish. Tom is rude and selfish. Wo hast du den Schlüssel gefunden? Where did you find the key? Where did you find the key? Je höher die Temperatur, desto mehr Wasser benötigen Pflanzen, um kühl zu bleiben. As temperatures rise, plants need more water to keep cool. The higher the temperature, the more water plants need to stay cool. Wie viele Äpfel gibt es? How many apples are there? How many apples are there? Tom sagt, dass er das nicht tun will. Tom says that he doesn't want to do that. Tom says he doesn't want to do that. Ich habe morgen ein Fußballspiel. I've got a soccer game tomorrow. I have a football game tomorrow. Wirst du mit Tom gehen? Will you go with Tom? Will you go with Tom? Die Polizei hat eine große Menge Drogen an der Schule beschlagnahmt. The police seized a large quantity of drugs at the school. The police confiscated a lot of drugs at school. Wir würden uns über eine Antwort freuen. We'd appreciate a reply. We would appreciate an answer. Ich habe im Kaufhaus einen neuen Hut gekauft. I got a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat at the department store. Wir haben nie die Hoffnung aufgegeben. We've never lost hope. We never gave up hope. Wir sollten Tom zuhören. We should listen to Tom. We should listen to Tom. Tom ist so ein Spaßverderber! Tom is such a killjoy. Tom is such a fun spoiler. Ich mag ihn nicht. I don't like him. I don't like him. Ich habe einer guten alten Bekannten einen Brief geschickt. I sent a letter to a good old acquaintance. I sent a letter to a good old friend. Er ist ein wahrer Gelehrter. He is very much of a scholar. He's a true scholar. Tom versprach uns, dass er uns benachrichtigen würde, sobald Mary angekommen sei. Tom promised he would tell us as soon as Mary arrived. Tom promised us that he would notify us as soon as Mary arrived. Traust du mir nicht zu, dass ich es mache? Don't you trust me to do it? Don't you trust me to do it? Er lebte bei den Indianern. He was living with the Indians. He lived with the Indians. Ich habe keinerlei Pläne. I have no plans whatsoever. I don't have any plans. Das Beste an der Teamarbeit ist, dass man, wenn etwas schief geht, immer jemand anderem die Schuld zuschieben kann! The best thing about working in a team is that, when something goes wrong, you can always blame someone else. The best thing about teamwork is that if something goes wrong, you can always blame someone else! Ich frage mich, was dieser Satz bedeutet. I wonder what this phrase means. I wonder what this sentence means. Warten Sie nicht! Don't wait. Don't wait! Tom gehorcht seinen Eltern nicht. Tom doesn't obey his parents. Tom doesn't obey his parents. Wir haben diesen Sommer viel Regen. We have had much rain this summer. We have a lot of rain this summer. Ihre Eltern sind älter als unsere. Her parents are older than ours. Her parents are older than ours. Mit einem Schuhkarton kann man eine Camera obscura basteln. You can build a camera obscura with a shoe box. With a shoe box you can make a camera obscura. Gestern hat Marie das Haus sauber gemacht und Wäsche gewaschen. Yesterday, Mary cleaned the house and washed clothes. Yesterday, Marie cleaned the house and washed the laundry. Ein jeder schrie. Everyone screamed. Everyone screamed. Tom hat das getan. Tom did that. Tom did that. Er täuschte vor, Arzt zu sein. He made believe he was a doctor. He pretended to be a doctor. Du bist Student, oder? You're a college student, aren't you? You're a student, aren't you? Hier ist seine Meinung. This is his opinion. Here's his opinion. Wann immer ich dich sehe, denke ich an deine Mutter. Every time I see you, I think of your mother. Whenever I see you, I think of your mother. Dein Sohn ist ein Engel. Your son is an angel. Your son is an angel. Hoffen wir, dass die Vernunft obsiegt. Let's hope that common sense prevails. Let's hope reason wins. Was soll ich Tom jetzt sagen? What should I tell Tom now? What do you want me to say to Tom now? Ich frage mich, ob Tom engagiert ist. I wonder if Tom is dedicated. I wonder if Tom is engaged. Ich habe geheiratet. I got married. I got married. Tom ist immer allen gegenüber freundlich. Tom is always nice to everyone. Tom is always friendly to everyone. Die Schritte kamen näher. The footsteps moved closer. The steps came closer. Er ist mit einem neuen Roman beschäftigt. He is engaged upon a new novel. He's busy with a new novel. Tom und Maria taten so, als könnten sie kein Französisch. Tom and Mary pretended that they couldn't speak French. Tom and Mary pretended they couldn't speak French. Der Mond ist so hell! The moon's so bright. The moon is so bright! Ich möchte ein Auto haben, aber mir fehlt das Geld, um mir eines zu kaufen. I want a car, but I have no money to buy one. I want a car, but I don't have the money to buy one. Tom genas von seiner Erkältung. Tom got over his cold. Tom recovered from his cold. Gilt Ihre Einladung noch? Does your invitation still stand? Is your invitation still valid? Kobe ist die Stadt, die ich am liebsten mag. Kobe is the city I like most. Kobe is the city I like most. Sind sie nicht Amerikaner? Aren't they Americans? Aren't they Americans? Tom und Maria haben im „Goldenen Drachen" gegessen. Tom and Mary ate at the Golden Dragon restaurant. Tom and Mary ate in the Golden Dragon. Er ist noch am Leben. He is still alive. He's still alive. Der Zug verkehrt zwischen Tokio und Hakata. The train runs between Tokyo and Hakata. The train runs between Tokyo and Hakata. Das Gebäude wurde vor fünf Jahren errichtet, denke ich. That building was erected five years ago, I think. The building was built five years ago, I think. Der Wecker geht zehn Minuten vor. The alarm clock is ten minutes fast. The alarm clock is 10 minutes ahead. Ich möchte lieber nicht nach Hause gehen. I'd rather not go home. I'd rather not go home. Man kritisiert mich dafür, dass ich nicht mehr tue. I'm being criticized for not doing more. I'm being criticized for not doing anything anymore. Tom war davon nicht begeistert. Tom was unenthusiastic about that. Tom wasn't excited about this. Meine Aufgabe besteht darin, Tom zu schützen. It's my job to protect Tom. My job is to protect Tom. Tom hat oft einen Hut auf. Tom often wears a hat. Tom often has a hat on. Das ist immer ein gutes Zeichen. That's always a good sign. That's always a good sign. Wir können und dürfen nicht so tun, als könne dies so weitergehen. We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. We cannot and must not pretend that this can go on. Heute ist ein langweiliger Tag. Today is a boring day. It's a boring day. Sprechen Sie bitte ein bisschen langsamer. Please speak a little more slowly. Talk a little slower, please. Warum können wir jetzt nicht sprechen? Why can't we talk now? Why can't we talk now? Etwas an Ihnen gefällt mir nicht, und ich mag Ihre Gesellschaft nicht länger ertragen. I don't like your face and I can't bear your company any longer. I don't like anything about you, and I don't like your company anymore. Er tat so, als würde er nicht zuhören. He pretended not to be listening. He pretended he wasn't listening. Ich werde diesen Kuchen für mich selbst behalten. I'll keep this cake for myself. I'll keep this cake for myself. Virginia, eine Frau sollte vor ihrem Manne kein Geheimnis haben. Virginia, a wife should have no secrets from her husband. Virginia, a woman shouldn't have a secret from her husband. „Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen." – „Ganz meinerseits." "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you, too." "It's nice to meet you." "It's all mine." Sie liebt Tom mehr, als sie mich liebt. She loves Tom more than she loves me. She loves Tom more than she loves me. Das kann man über die Menschheit im Allgemeinen sagen. That can be said of mankind at large. This can be said about humanity in general. Ich habe gehört, du seiest krank. I heard you were sick. I heard you were sick. Ich habe keine Zeit zum Spielen. I don't have time to play games. I don't have time to play. Wir gingen im Schutz der Dunkelheit vor. We advanced under cover of darkness. We proceeded in the protection of the darkness. Ich dachte darüber nach, mir eine neue Kamera zu kaufen. I was thinking about buying a new camera. I was thinking about buying a new camera. Sie hat das Richtige getan. She did the right thing. She did the right thing. Sie hat ihm gesagt, dass sie traurig sei. She told him that she was sad. She told him she was sad. Das laute Bohrgeräusch machte ihrem Mann Kopfschmerzen. The loud drill gave her husband a headache. The loud drill noise caused her husband a headache. Wir essen Reis. We eat rice. We're eating rice. Ich kenne ihn seit einem Jahr. I've known him for one year. I've known him for a year. Sie vergisst immer meine Telefonnummer. She always forgets my telephone number. She always forgets my phone number. Er ist zweifellos der beste Athlet unserer Schule. He is beyond doubt the best athlete in our school. He is undoubtedly the best athlete in our school. Meine Freunde nennen mich Beth. My friends call me Beth. My friends call me Beth. Ich sage das nicht. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. Tom vergaß, Maria mitzuteilen, dass Johannes angerufen hatte. Tom forgot to tell Mary that John had called. Tom forgot to tell Mary that John had called. Sie ist sehr fotogen. She is very photogenic. She's very photogenic. Hättest du etwas dagegen, wenn ich mit Tom ausginge? Is it OK if I go out with Tom? Would you mind if I went out with Tom? Ganze Zeitalter sind vergangen, seit wir uns zuletzt von Angesicht zu Angesicht begegnet sind. It's been ages since we last met. Whole ages have passed since we last met face to face. Dieser Whiskey, wie gefällt er dir? How do you like this whisky? This whiskey, how do you like it? Tom ist ein sehr talentierter Sänger. Tom is a very talented singer. Tom is a very talented singer. Tom füllte den Ballon mit Helium. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Warum antwortet ihr nicht? Why aren't you answering? Why don't you answer? Melanie kennt die Wahrheit. Melanie knows the truth. Melanie knows the truth. Ruf mich nach zehn Uhr nicht mehr an. Don't call me up after ten o'clock. Don't call me after ten o'clock. Ich spreche ein bisschen Französisch. I can speak French a little. I speak a little French. Ich weiß, dass Nancy Musik mag. I know that Nancy likes music. I know Nancy likes music. Ich mag den Winter lieber als den Sommer. I like winter better than summer. I like winter better than summer. Ist es in Moskau sehr kalt? Is it really cold in Moscow? Is it very cold in Moscow? Ich sah ihn ins Zimmer gehen. I saw him enter the room. I saw him go into the room. Maria sagte, Tom wisse, dass sie das in seinem Beisein vielleicht dürfte. Mary said Tom knew she might be allowed to do that if he did it with her. Mary said that Tom knew that she might be able to do that in his presence. Ihre Hände in den seinen, sah Tom ihr in die Augen. Tom held her hands in his and looked into her eyes. Tom saw her hands in his eyes. Ehe man so klug sein kann, dieses ganze Geld zusammenzuraffen, muss man erst so töricht sein, es zu wollen. To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it. Before you can be so smart to collect all this money, you have to be so foolish to want it. Geh selber hin, wenn du magst, aber ich will damit nichts zu tun haben. Go there yourself if you like, but I want no part of it. Go yourself if you like, but I don't want anything to do with it. Das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren. It's not supposed to happen. That wasn't supposed to happen. Du hast einen besseren Geschmack, als ich dachte. You have better taste than I thought. You have a better taste than I thought. Als ich wach wurde, da war er verschwunden. When I woke up, he was gone. When I woke up, he was gone. Tom hätte niemals von ihm Geld leihen sollen. Tom should've never borrowed money from him. Tom should never have borrowed money from him. Tom half Maria auf. Tom helped Mary to her feet. Tom helped Mary up. Tom und Maria stellten alle beide ihren Wecker auf 2.30 Uhr. Both Tom and Mary set their alarms for 2:30. Tom and Mary both set their alarm clocks at 2:30. Tom hat mich öffentlich beleidigt. Tom insulted me in public. Tom publicly insulted me. Ich kann dir eins sagen: ich möchte seinen Job nicht haben. I'll tell you one thing: I wouldn't like to have his job. I can tell you one thing: I don't want his job. Tom und Maria scheinen sich gut zu amüsieren. Tom and Mary seem to be having fun. Tom and Mary seem to be having a good time. Der Mensch hat gegen Schachcomputer schon längst keine Chance mehr. Humans haven't had a chance against a chess computer in a long time. Man no longer has a chance against chess computers. Tom und Maria arbeiten beide Vollzeit. Both Tom and Mary work full time. Tom and Mary both work full time. Tom und Maria schritten, die Angelruten geschultert, den Pfad entlang. Tom and Mary were walking down the path with fishing poles slung over their shoulders. Tom and Mary walked along the path, the fishing rods trained. Die Zeitung brachte die Geschichte nicht. The paper didn't carry the story. The paper didn't bring the story. Sie möchte anders sein. She wants to be different. She wants to be different. Es war zum Großteil seine eigene Schuld. It was to a great extent his own fault. It was mostly his own fault. Er versteht sich gut mit seinem Cousin. He is getting on with his cousin. He gets along well with his cousin. Sie wusch sich das Blut von den Händen. She washed the blood off her hands. She washed the blood off her hands. Ich werde dir jetzt etwas über Tom erzählen, das du vielleicht nicht hören willst. I'm going to tell you something about Tom that you might not want to hear. I'm going to tell you something about Tom that you might not want to hear. Gab es irgendwelche Änderungen? Have there been any changes? Were there any changes? Sind Sie mit den Ergebnissen zufrieden? Are you pleased with the results? Are you satisfied with the results? Ich vertraue auf deine Fähigkeit, die Situation intuitiv zu verstehen. I trust your ability to know what to do instinctively. I trust in your ability to understand the situation intuitively. Es gab viele, die ihn in seiner Verkleidung nicht erkennen konnten. There were many who couldn't recognize him in that disguise. There were many who could not recognize him in his disguise. Maria sagte Tom, dass sie glaube, dass Johannes keinen Hunger habe. Mary told Tom that she thought John wasn't hungry. Mary told Tom that she thought John wasn't hungry. Du bist meine Augenweide. You are my eye candy. You're my eyewitness. In Amerika leben Menschen vieler verschiedener Rassen. There are people of many different races living in America. People of many different races live in America. Ein Bär berührt keinen Toten. A bear will not touch a dead body. A bear doesn't touch a dead man. Letztlich wird es keine Rolle spielen. This won't matter in the end. Ultimately, it won't matter. Hat mich einer vermisst? Did anyone miss me? Did someone miss me? Tom ist nie wieder gesund geworden. Tom never got better. Tom has never recovered. Wo ist der Beweis, dass er ein Verbrechen begangen hat? Where's the proof that he committed a crime? Where's the evidence that he committed a crime? Warum sind wir wieder hier? Why are we here again? Why are we back here? Lass deinen Zweifel ihm zum Vorteile gereichen! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Let your doubts benefit him! Du nimmst mich auf den Arm. You're putting me on. You're kidding me. Ihr scheint unzuverlässig zu sein. You seem unreliable. You seem unreliable. Sie haben die Kriegsopfer mit Essen versorgt. They provided food for the war victims. They fed the war victims. Machen Sie das besser nicht, solange Tom hier ist. You'd better not do that while Tom is here. You better not do this while Tom is here. Eines Tages wird Tom es begreifen. One day, Tom will understand. One day Tom will understand. Tom breitete die Decke aus. Tom unfolded the blanket. Tom spread the blanket. Wer hat dieses Gedicht verfasst? Who wrote this poem? Who wrote this poem? Sag ihr, dass ich gerade dusche! Tell her that I am taking a shower. Tell her I'm taking a shower right now! Sie wissen nicht, was er mir gesagt hat. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what he told me. Ich habe vergessen, Maria deine Frage zu stellen. I forgot to ask Mary what you asked me to ask her. I forgot to ask Maria your question. Ich werde niemals die wahre Liebe finden. I'll never find true love. I will never find true love. Sie haben angerufen. They called. You called. Seht ihr abends immer fern? Do you always watch TV in the evening? Do you watch TV every night? Darf ich auf dem Klavier spielen? May I play the piano? May I play on the piano? Tom und Mary spielen im Vorgarten Fangen. Tom and Mary are playing catch in the front yard. Tom and Mary play catch in the front yard. Ist es also wahr? Is it really true? So is it true? Es wird von Tag zu Tag wärmer. It is getting warmer day by day. It's getting warmer day by day. Warum habt ihr mich geweckt? Why did you wake me up? Why did you wake me? Alle Mädchen lachten. All the girls laughed. All the girls laughed. Tom trug eine Tüte mit Lebensmitteln in die Küche. Tom walked into the kitchen, carrying a bag of groceries. Tom carried a bag of food into the kitchen. Tom fing an, Blut zu husten. Tom began coughing up blood. Tom started coughing blood. Ich weiß, dass du nicht vorhast, für eine lange Zeit hier zu bleiben. I know you're not planning on staying here for a long time. I know you're not planning on staying here for a long time. Herr Weiß bekam alsbald ein schlechtes Gewissen. Mr. White soon began to feel guilty. Mr. Weiß soon began to feel guilty. Das Herz sagt ja, aber der Verstand sagt nein. The heart says yes but the mind says no. The heart says yes, but the mind says no. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich dieses Buch übersetzen kann oder nicht. I don't know whether I can translate this book or not. I don't know if I can translate this book or not. „Müssen Tom und ich das wirklich tun?" – „Aber ja! Daran führt kein Weg vorbei!" "Do Tom and I really have to do that?" "Yes, of course. There's no getting around it." "Do Tom and I really have to do this?" "But yes, there's no way around it!" Du bist müde, nicht wahr? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Ich muss in zehn Minuten los. I have to leave in ten minutes. I have to go in ten minutes. Entschuldigen Sie! Könnten Sie wohl ein Foto von meinen Freunden und mir machen? Excuse me, could you please take a photo of my friends and me? Excuse me, could you take a picture of my friends and me? Viviana hat wichtige Themen zu besprechen. Viviana has important issues to discuss. Viviana has important issues to discuss. Tom hat sich beim Footballspielen den Arm gebrochen. Tom broke his arm playing football. Tom broke his arm while playing football. Es war schon dunkel, als ich nach Hause kam. It was dark by the time I got home. It was dark when I came home. Ihr seid unter Freunden. You're among friends. You're among friends. Der Bürgermeister dieser Stadt wurde beschuldigt, für die Anliegen der Bürger kein offenes Ohr zu haben. The mayor of this city was blamed for turning a deaf ear to the people's requests. The mayor of this city was accused of not having an open ear for the concerns of the citizens. Er ist 100 Jahre alt. He is 100 years old. He's 100 years old. Wie lange wartet ihr schon? How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting? Tom schnallte sich ab. Tom unbuckled his seatbelt. Tom buckled off. Maria ist meine Nichte. Mary is my niece. Mary is my niece. Tom muss nicht gehen, wenn er nicht will. Tom doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to. Du kannst Tom nicht ignorieren. You can't ignore Tom. You can't ignore Tom. Wäre jemand so freundlich, den Satz Nr. 1 mit dem Satz Nr. 2 zu verknüpfen? Would someone kindly link sentence No. 1 to sentence No. 2? Would anyone be so kind as to link the No. 1 sentence to the No. 2 sentence? Ich habe einen Lastkraftwagen. I've got a lorry. I've got a truck. Ich frage mich, was es zum Abendessen gibt. I wonder what's for dinner. I wonder what's for dinner. Wir hoffen auf deine Unterstützung. We're hoping you'll support us. We hope for your support. Wohin willst du als nächstes gehen? Where would you like to go next? Where are you going next? Nein, die Polizei sucht nicht mit einem Hund nach einem Mann. Sie sucht nach einem Mann mit einem Hund. No, the police aren't using a dog to look for a man. They're looking for a man who has a dog. No, the police aren't looking for a man with a dog, they're looking for a man with a dog. Wir haben nicht viel Zeit. We don't have long. We don't have much time. Ich habe diese Nacht nichts geträumt. I didn't dream last night. I didn't dream anything this night. Ich habe den Mann noch nie zuvor in meinem Leben gesehen. I've never seen that man before in my life. I've never seen this man before in my life. Was wirst du mit der Kamera machen? What will you do with this camera? What are you gonna do with the camera? In der Schule lernen wir lesen und schreiben. We learn to read and write in school. At school, we learn to read and write. Tom hat nie einen Hut auf. Tom never wears a hat. Tom never has a hat on. Wie oft wascht ihr euch die Haare? How often do you wash your hair? How often do you wash your hair? Nein, ich bin Engländer. No, I am an Englishman. No, I'm English. Sie sind gewarnt worden. You've been warned. You've been warned. Ich wurde in der Sowjetunion geboren. I'm born in the U.S.S.R. I was born in the Soviet Union. Ist das nicht eine gute Nachricht? Isn't that good news? Isn't that good news? Er nahm am Rennen teil. He took part in the race. He took part in the race. Ich denke, der Film ist sehr herzerwärmend. I think the film is a very heart warming one. I think the movie is very heartwarming. Stimmt es, dass Tom weder lesen noch schreiben kann? Is it true Tom can't read or write? Is it true that Tom can neither read nor write? Er hat das Buch nicht gelesen. He did not read the book. He didn't read the book. Tom hat mich beleidigt. Tom insulted me. Tom insulted me. Ich werde essen. I will eat. I'll eat. Wie war sein Name nochmal? What was his name again? What was his name again? Weißt du, wann sie gekommen sind? Do you know what time they came? Do you know when they came? Studenten spielten eine führende Rolle im Kampf gegen die Verschmutzung der natürlichen Umwelt. Students took the lead in the campaign against pollution. Students played a leading role in the fight against pollution of the natural environment. Er hat es für fünf Dollar gekauft. He bought it for five dollars. He bought it for five dollars. Lass sie in Ruhe! Leave her alone. Leave her alone! Das lass ich mir nicht mehr bieten! I won't put up with this any longer. I can't afford that anymore! Tom, wir fangen mit dir an. Tom, we'll start with you. Tom, we'll start with you. Ich will die Frage nicht beantworten. I don't want to answer the question. I don't want to answer the question. Ich werde vergesslich. I'm becoming forgetful. I'm getting forgetful. Wir sind seit zehn Jahren gute Freunde. We have been good friends for ten years. We've been good friends for ten years. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann ich zum letzten Mal einen Martini trank. I can't remember the last time I had a martini. I can't remember the last time I drank a martini. Ist dieses Kind ein Junge oder ein Mädchen? Is this baby a boy or a girl? Is this kid a boy or a girl? Einige meiner Freunde waren in diesem Jahr in Japan. Several of my friends have been to Japan this year. Some of my friends were in Japan this year. Er hört seinen Eltern nicht zu. He doesn't listen to his parents. He's not listening to his parents. Ich hätte nie erwartet, ihm dort zu begegnen. Never did I expect that I would see him there. I never expected to meet him there. Tom machte schnell die Tür zu. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom quickly closed the door. Tom ist glaubwürdig. Tom is believable. Tom is credible. Wir spielten oft „Im Haus" in diesem Park. We often played house in the park. We often played "In the House" in this park. Ich werde dir helfen, ein Konzertticket zu kaufen. I will help you buy one concert ticket. I'll help you buy a concert ticket. Tom hat in einem verlassenen Lastwagen eine Brieftasche gefunden. Tom found a wallet in the abandoned truck. Tom found a wallet in an abandoned truck. Tolles Kleid! Nice dress. Great dress! Ich gab ihm meine Adresse. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Die Polizisten setzten gegen die protestierenden Schüler Tränengas ein. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. The police used tear gas against the protesting students. Du musst damit aufhören. You have to stop this. You have to stop it. Sie hörten, dass im benachbarten Königreich ein siebenköpfiger Drache sein Unwesen trieb und dass der König demjenigen, der das Land von dieser Geißel befreien würde, seine Tochter zur Frau versprochen hatte. They heard that a Seven-Headed Dragon was ravaging the neighbouring kingdom, and that the king had promised his daughter's hand to anyone that would free the land from this scourge. They heard that there was a seven-headed dragon in the neighboring kingdom, and that the king had promised his daughter to the one who would free the land from this scourge. Maria meint, es sei nicht möglich. Mary says she thinks it isn't possible. Mary says it's not possible. Maria lachte und küsste Tom auf die Wange. Mary laughed and kissed Tom on the cheek. Mary laughed and kissed Tom on the cheek. Ich freue mich darauf, deine Eltern kennenzulernen. I'm looking forward to meeting your parents. I'm looking forward to meeting your parents. Tom spricht Englisch wie ein Muttersprachler. Tom can speak English like a native. Tom speaks English like a native speaker. Tom wartet drinnen auf dich. Tom is waiting for you inside. Tom is waiting for you inside. Tom kann nicht gut Französisch sprechen. Tom can't speak French well. Tom can't speak French well. Schneide dir nicht die Haare! Don't cut your hair! Don't cut your hair! Tom antwortete auf Marias E-Mail. Tom replied to Mary's email. Tom replied to Mary's e-mail. Tom schrieb mir gestern. Tom wrote to me yesterday. Tom wrote to me yesterday. Johanna ist eine bemerkenswert schöne junge Frau. Jane is a remarkably beautiful young woman. Johanna is a remarkably beautiful young woman. Was für eine seltsame Nachricht! Es gibt weder Absender noch Empfänger. What a strange message! There is no sender and no recipients either. There's no sender or receiver. Tom parkte auf der anderen Straßenseite. Tom parked across the street. Tom parked across the street. Wenn du das Buch ausgelesen hast, bring es in die Bibliothek zurück. If you have finished reading the book, return it to the library. If you've read the book, bring it back to the library. Es ist aus Messing gefertigt. It's made of brass. It is made of brass. Ich hatte nicht lange gewartet, als ich Schritte die Treppe hinauf kommen hörte. I had not been waiting long before I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I had not waited long when I heard steps coming up the stairs. Ich dachte, Tom würde bis Mittag schlafen. I thought Tom would sleep until noon. I thought Tom was going to sleep by noon. Sie hoben ihn vorsichtig in den Rettungswagen. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. They carefully picked him up in the ambulance. Hat er wieder versagt? Has he failed again? Did he fail again? Überanstrengt euch nicht. Don't overexert yourself. Don't overdo it. Sie rächte sich an ihm, indem sie ihn übersah. She retaliated against him by ignoring him. She took revenge on him by overlooking him. Und so habe ich Englisch gelernt. This is how I learned English. And that's how I learned English. Wir haben bis in die Puppen gefeiert. We partied into the small hours. We've been celebrating all the way to the dolls. Wenn es noch etwas gibt, was du brauchst, lass es mich wissen. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. If there's anything else you need, let me know. Tom und Maria wollen sich scheiden lassen. Tom and Mary are planning to get a divorce. Tom and Mary want to get a divorce. Was brachte Bill dazu, Ingenieur zu werden? What made Bill decide to be an engineer? What made Bill become an engineer? Betty kam als Letzte. Betty came last. Betty came last. Sport ist blöd. Sports are stupid. Sport is stupid. Er hatte nicht vor, fies zu sein. Es war halt seine Natur. He doesn't mean to be mean. It's just his nature. He didn't mean to be mean, it was just his nature. Bring doch meine Seifenblase nicht zum Platzen! Don't burst my bubble. Don't make my bubble burst! Sie hat es herausgefordert. She was asking for it. She challenged it. Niemand konnte je das Rätsel lösen. No one was ever able to solve the riddle. No one could ever solve the mystery. „Ist er süß?" – „Aber so was von!" "Is he cute?" "Really cute." "Is he cute?" "But of!" Am Ende lag sie vorn. She came out on top. In the end, she was ahead. Es ist zu dunkel, um draußen zu spielen. It is too dark to play outside. It's too dark to play outside. Sie trug nichts außer ihrer Unterwäsche. She was wearing nothing but her underwear. She was wearing nothing but her underwear. Sie brachen in den Juwelierladen ein. They broke into the jewelry shop. They broke into the jewelry store. JST bedeutet japanische Standardzeit. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST means Japanese standard time. Ihm wurde ein Sonderpreis verliehen. He was awarded a special prize. He was awarded a special prize. Tom stand auf. Tom got up. Tom got up. Hat sie einen Preis dafür angegeben? Did she indicate a price for it? Did she give a price for it? Es sind viele Leute im Park. There are a lot of people in the park. There's a lot of people in the park. Ich möchte wissen, wie du das gemacht hast. I want to know how you did it. I want to know how you did this. Darf ich dir meine Schwester Maria vorstellen? I'd like you to meet my sister, Mary. May I introduce you to my sister Maria? Entschuldigen Sie: Was haben Sie gesagt? I beg your pardon. What did you say? Excuse me, what did you say? Mary wohnt noch zu Hause bei ihren Eltern. Mary is still living at home with her parents. Mary still lives at home with her parents. Du kannst sogar ein Präsident sein! You can even be a president! You can even be a president! Johns Unternehmen hat sich als kompletter Fehlschlag erwiesen. John's business has turned out to be a complete failure. John's company has proved to be a complete failure. Tom ist wieder glücklich. Tom is happy again. Tom is happy again. Der Junge stand am Ende. The boy stood on end. The boy stood at the end. Wie endet dieses Drama? How does this drama end? How does this drama end? Keine Sorge! Selbst wenn ich trinke, hat das keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Fahrtüchtigkeit. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Don't worry, even when I drink, it doesn't affect my ability to drive. Du und Brenda, ihr habt keinen Hunger. You and Brenda are not hungry. You and Brenda are not hungry. Er hat viel Geld, doch kaum Freunde. He has a lot of money, but has almost no friends. He has a lot of money, but hardly any friends. Jetzt hör gut zu. Now listen carefully. Now listen carefully. Ich will diesen Oldtimer haben, egal wie teuer er ist. I want to get that classic car no matter how expensive it is. I want this vintage car no matter how expensive it is. Die Menschen wurden erschaffen, um Dinge zu erschaffen. Human beings are created to create things. Humans were created to create things. Das wird dich in Gefahr bringen. That'll put you in danger. This will put you in danger. Überqueren Sie die Straße vorsichtig! Cross the road with care. Cross the road carefully! Tom gibt nie irgend jemandem etwas. Tom never gives anything to anybody. Tom never gives anything to anyone. Ich möchte mit euch übermorgen reden. I would like to talk to you the day after tomorrow. I want to talk to you the day after tomorrow. Ich muss deine Fragen nicht beantworten. I don't have to answer your questions. I don't have to answer your questions. Du hattest einen wirklich harten Tag, oder? You had a really rough day, didn't you? You've had a really hard day, haven't you? Ich wünschte, Maria wäre meine Schwester! I wish that Mary was my sister. I wish Mary was my sister! Je älter er wurde, desto bescheidener wurde er. The older he grew, the more modest he became. The older he got, the more modest he became. Beide Männer wurden getötet. Both men were killed. Both men were killed. Warum werden Motten von künstlichem Licht angezogen? Why are moths attracted to artificial lights? Why are moths attracted to artificial light? Ich wusste, dass etwas in dem Satz verkehrt war. I knew there was something wrong in this sentence. I knew something was wrong in that sentence. Ken ist der Größere von beiden. Ken is the taller of the two. Ken is the bigger of both. Alles lief gut ab. Everything went well. Everything went well. Das war eine rhetorische Frage. It was a rhetorical question. That was a rhetorical question. Mein Bruder ist Lehrer. My brother is a teacher. My brother is a teacher. Die Antwort ist „Nein!" The answer is no. The answer is "No! " Wir akzeptieren alle geläufigen Kreditkarten. We accept all major credit cards. We accept all common credit cards. Ich muss bei der Gruppe bleiben. I have to stay with the group. I have to stay with the group. Ich mach mir darüber keine Gedanken. I don't worry about it. I don't worry about that. Unsere Zweifel sind Verräter und häufig die Ursache für den Verlust von Dingen, die wir gewinnen könnten, scheuten wir nicht den Versuch. Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt. Our doubts are traitors and often the cause of the loss of things we could win, we did not shy away from the attempt. Das ist ein Risiko, das du eingehen musst. That's a risk you have to take. That's a risk you have to take. Tom behauptet, er habe Maria aus Notwehr erschossen. Tom claims he shot Mary in self-defense. Tom claims he shot Mary out of self-defense. Tom wusch sich das Gesicht. Tom washed his face. Tom washed his face. Entenküken sind süß. Baby ducks are cute. Duck chicks are cute. Wir haben Arbeit zu erledigen. We have work to do. We have work to do. Siehst du denn nicht, dass Tom dir zu helfen versucht? Can't you see Tom is trying to help you? Can't you see that Tom is trying to help you? Der Junge aß den Apfel. The boy ate the apple. The boy ate the apple. Tom sagte, er sei im Zweifel. Tom said that he was dubious. Tom said he was in doubt. Wissen Sie, was die Nachbarn von Ihnen sagen? Do you know what the neighbors say about you? Do you know what the neighbors say about you? Sie sind noch nicht da. They haven't arrived yet. They're not here yet. Ich gehe jetzt ins Bett. I'm going to bed now. I'm going to bed now. Tom wurde von seinem Fahrrad geschleudert und verlor das Leben; der Täter beging Fahrerflucht. Tom was knocked off his bicycle and killed in a hit and run accident. Tom was hurled off his bike and lost his life; the perpetrator committed hit-and-run. Wäre es um zwei Uhr recht? Would two o'clock be all right? Would it be okay at two o'clock? Lass mich bitte schlafen! Please let me sleep. Let me sleep, please! Glühbirnen strahlen Wärme aus. Lightbulbs emit heat. Light bulbs emit heat. Wir haben alles getan, was wir konnten. We did everything we could. We did everything we could. Tom kam genau im richtigen Moment durch die Tür. Tom walked in the door at just the right time. Tom came through the door at just the right moment. Nichts ist wichtiger als die Gesundheit. Nothing is more important than health. Nothing is more important than health. Fass mich nicht an! Don't touch me. Don't touch me! Hier ist eine kurze Liste. Here's a short list. Here's a short list. Ich ziehe einen Pullover an. I put on a sweater. I'll put on a sweater. Niemand liebt dich so sehr wie ich. No one loves you as much as I do. Nobody loves you as much as I do. Hebe bitte einhunderttausend Yen von der Bank ab. Please draw a hundred thousand yen from the bank. Please remove a hundred thousand yen from the bank. Zu Tausenden sind sie obdachlos geworden. Thousands lost their homes. Thousands of them have become homeless. Was würdest du zu einer Tasse Tee sagen? Would you like to have a cup of tea? What would you say to a cup of tea?